STHUMOUS PAPERS BEQUEATHED TO THE HONOURABLE, THE EAST INDIA COMPANY, AND PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BENGAL. —— NOTULA AD PLANTAS ASIATICAS. ee Part IVY, DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS. BY THE LATE WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Esgq., F. L. S. MEMBER OP THR IMPERIAL ACADBMY NATURE CURIOSORUM AT BONN: CORRESPON- EMBER AND FOR SOME TIME VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, Assistant Surgeon on the Madras Establishment and a short time ua tendent of the Garden, Calcut Malacca, | ipany's Botanic subsequently Civil Assistant Surgeon, ARRANGED BY BY JOHN M‘CLELLAND, F.L.S., Surgeon, Bengal Service, * Calcutta: PRINTED BY CHARLES A. SERRAO. PREFACE. Wira regard to the old opinion of spiral vessels being confined to flowering plants only, it may be re- marked that they have been found in Lycopodiacez by Mr. Valentine. Indeed, they exist in abundance, sim- ple and compound, in the gyrate portions of the rachis in many, perhaps all Filices; not that their pre- sence depends on this gyration, but on the later deve- lopment of these parts: since it is found that nothing but ducts are present in the older parts of many PEU while they occur with spiral vessels in the younger. —— "This was a mere assumption and until all and every. link € MA deber tne ie iy a eus as afc We BE od. iouslituent of the . latter to be esexual because as yet we are ec ignorant of their reproductive organs. — That the age of Ede vec dein know li PREFACE. order is dodicandrous. The stamina being arranged in 3 series of which the outermost is incomplete, the two lateral ones or those opposite the lateral sepals being alone developed, but they are still smaller than the others which form the intermediate series, and which are consequently opposite the petals. The innermost is represented by 4 glands evidently situated on the same plane, or forming a single verticel, and these are placed opposite the sepals, the two lateral ones being placed within the corresponding stamina. I attach considerable importance to the fact of the 2 stamina opposite the lateral sepals being invariably. smaller, asit points out a tendency towards the total disap- pearance of the outer series. It will be seen that this view accords much with Mr. Lindley’s : particularly as regards the incompletion of the outer series. "^ \ With regard to the composition of the pistillum, 1- ücline to Mr Lindley's opinion. I think that there are evident traces of 4 stigmata and. consequently of as many styles: and these stigmata are so placed, ees opposite the sepals, that the idea of their puce considerable strength from the consideration of the form and structure of the style, and its supply of vascular fascicles, these are 4, occupying the axis of ie 4 pen The centre is occupied by i a transverse Pn ———— ME PREFACE. lil are 4. If the placentiferous valves were portions of the sterile (right and left) valves, such would not be the case. Then taking into consideration the want of con- tinuity of structure between the two, I think there is very little doubt of the accuracy of Mr. Lindley’s theory. | In Thlaspi Y find traces, although obscure, of a qua- ternary division of the stigma, and as in the instance cited before, the divisions are opposite the sepals, a fact on which great stress is evidently to be laid. The alternation of the four larger stamens (which are op- posite the anterior and posterior sepal) is obscure, still the anticous and posticous stamina, which should be opposite the placenta are evidently wanting, the small- er are as usual opposite the lateral sepals, while the glands instead of being opposite the sepals, are op- posed to the petals. "The larger stamina still seem to belong to the petals, some allowance being made for displacement. In this case the 5th series, or the se- cond calycine one is totally wanting. Thus probably Thlaspi is 16 androus. The following numbers refer to the series as I have supposed them: 3. Two kini developed. 4. Glands. 5. Wanting. 6. Desdopot but displaced. 7. Carpellary leaves. ar ‘The style has 4 Vascular: fascicles and an = line in the centre. — In cee! Nasturtium ‘ieee collection no. 4 abt) "s iv PREFACE. a similar arrangement takes place, but a gland exists op- posite the anterior and posterior sepal, so that the outer- most series may be said to be more complete. There is no trace of a 4-nary division of the stigma, still I assume it from the transverse sulcus visible on the surface of the stigma dividing it into an anterior and posterior lobe, but I have not been ableto ascertain the number of vascular fascules of the style. The numbers refer as before, 1, Sepals. 2. Petals. : 3. 2 glands, 2 stamens. 4. Glands. 5. Wanting. 6. Stamens. 7. Carpellary leaves. 1836. Anonacee.—In the Ovulum of Artabotrys odoratissi- mus the foramine and secundine adhere, the latter has a fungous opening which projects beyond that of the primine From a perfectly developed flower during impregna- tion, the ovary is 2-ovulata, ovulis basi Joli sts collateralibus. 1835. | Magnoliacez.—ln Magnolia pumila the dpud are situ- ated transversely, that is, the raphe is not anterior or posterior, but lateral with respect only to the axis of the ovarium or the placenta. The secondine is quite | a The excavation of the Roulens is also Pagi | ditte 3 . 1835. : EEIE AT BUNTE NENNEN IR SC REPE NS DIS ERU IN E TENER Ed PREFACE. v males, and with four ovaria: the situation of the pla- cental suture, which is anticous, is however an in- superable objection. "The ovarium is never straight, nor is the incurvation of its apex gradual, but almost sudden. The spurious dessespement is a mere increase of growth of the placenta or rather of the part sustain- ing it, and it consequently does not consist of two plates. It is not a true drupe, since it is the testa which has become osseous, as is evident from the pre- sence of the micropyle on it. In addition to which I have traced its development. The albumen is copi- ous, and the radicle superior. The cotyledons are incumbent or rather they are opposite the narrow and true faces of the seed. The testa at a very early period (but after fecundation) has contracted an adhesion with the pericarp. Dipterocarpee—The saul, Shorea robusta, a gigantic Dipterocarpus exists in Upper Assam, lat. 28 N. Two species are found at Moulmein lat. 17 N. besides many other species representatives of other generi of this family. Hamamelacee.—Fothergilla has the dix truncate irregularly toothed. The filaments do not seem to be a multiple of the floral envelopes. They vary in num- ber from 18 to 23 or 24. The anthers are quadran- gular, not turned inwards and open longitudinally. The | cells of the endothecum are ovate or globose, and. the fibres well marked. In one case T found 2- filaments : antheriferous proceeding Mm a common. one; in that vi PREFACE. anthers. DeCandolle sugzests that the outer series may be transformed petals. Petals are frequently transformed into stamina in Bucklandia, which is exstipulate. The anthers are val- vular in Sedgiwickia and Fothergilla. The ovula are 12 in Bucklandia, the lower two of each cell becom- ing perfect seeds. They are indefinite in Sedgiwickia in which the lowermost only, and that not often, is perfected. Both these genera have the calyx of Fother- gilla and the wood of Conifere. Mr. Lindley is mistaken in assigning deciduous valves to the anthers ; this I think is mentioned by Mr. Brown as occur- rng only in Hammallis sinensis. The valves of Bucklandia are very unequal, both . are permanent. This genus is remarkable for having its buds which are always terminal enveloped in two scales, resembling much in form and situation stipula. Haloragee.—In Mynophyllum tetrandium Roxb., the seeds are arcuate and the embryo is necessarily curved. Circeacee.—One species occurs on the Khasyah Rhizophoree.—The stamina in Rhizophora mangle are not twice the number of the petals but varying from 9 to 12. In Rhizophora as I limit it, they do not at all spring from the same points as the petals. The — spibend in this genus are multilocellar the cuticle sepa- : valves a as s the calyx i is and perhaps in. Carallia. In Tu PER BIA EIE TOT NE UN NUS IER STREET hsdid lm AM f CE Wee Es Te PIER OE Re e IM rl throughout into anticotus and — Upper went PREFACE. vii Rhizophora and Bruguiera decandra the cotyledons are fleshy and capped by the original integument of the ovula; eight species of this genus are found on the Tenasserim coast only. Rhizophora and Bruguiera are natives of the shores of the tropics. Carallia is an inland marshy genus. The peculiarity of the anthers was first hinted at by Jacquin and subsequently remarked upon by Mr. Brown, all others seem to have neglected it. Melastomacee..—Although Mr. Brown in the ap- pendix to Captain Tuckey's Voyage, first pointed out the peculiar situation of the anthers during estiva- tion, I may remark that it was not overlooked by Dr. Roxburgh, see his account of Osbeckia tetandria Flora India, vol. 2, p. 224. The manuscript of which is of a prior date to that of the Appendix. In India this family is not limited to the tropics, Sarcopyramis of which at least 3 species exist is cer- tainly extra tropical, so are some species of Sonerila, Melastoma malabathrica is found as far as 28 N. and most probably further. Memecylee.—One species of Moser rion. M. pellucido punctatum, has as its name denotes pellucid dots. Mr. Brown's statement in Tuckey's Voyage, that this Order does not differ sufficiently from Mestoma is borne out by the existence of a Burmese genus. Ap- . terixis trinervis M. in which the leaves are ribbed, and the fruit entirely melastomaceous although of a very r structure, while the flowers exactly resemble those of Memecylon, with the exception of course of the ovary. The number 9 in | | bryo being developed outside of the nucleus, and in — vili PREFACE, in the ovula of Memecylon and at one time I thought it to be so definitely. Myrtacee.—1t is difficult to reconcile the structure of the seeds of Careya and Barringtonia, but unless a reversion of the usual direction has taken place, they certainly are not dicotyledonous. The whole section should be removed from Myrtacew and raised to the rank of a distinct order. Combretacee.—Mr. Brown's remarks upon this Order in his Prod. so it cannot be said to be without a character since a diagnosis is certainly given. Species exist in India of Pentaptera and Combre- tum as far north as 28* N. lat. The flowers of Terminalia Bellerica have a villa- nous sterco raceous odour. Eleagnee. This Order is certainly due to Mr. Brown, who first pointed out, that Jussieus Eleagne contained three very distinct Orders, Santalacee, Elce- agnee and Combretacee, and although he gives no character, yet an essential diagnosis is contained in his remarks : see Santalacew, Prod. 350-351. The fruit of Elagne is generally excessively sour — and astringent, One species is- eaten by the Bur- — mese, and one by the Assamese. — 3 — Cytinee.—Mr. Brown has himself confuted his ori- — ginal statement; spiral vessels do exist in Rafflesia. — Santalacee.—The ovula of Santalum album differs — . from all others with which I am acquainted in the em- - ii NE HE ie SPI TOR NIE TIVE RR ate IEEE AU ARENA IRI. ad ER E 3 EL sion of what I call the albuminary mem- — brane in the pomis of ib bep first — che meer ee T PREFACE, ix Olacinee.—Among two or three instances of coin- cidence of opinion with Mr. Brown, (I wish I could say there were more) without previous knowledge that such was the case, in my Mergui notule I re- - ferred Olax towards Santalacee, in which Notule a sketch of the structure of the ovarium will be found. Stilaginee.—To this Order belongs Roxburgh's Ul- mus integrifolia. In habit and stipulation it certain- ly approaches to Cupulifere. In its ovarium, which however is always binarily composed, direction of it ovula their structure, and in habit it agrees with Eu- phorbiaceze, especially in the presence of milky juice which occurs in a Nepalese and Bootan genus Gym- nobotrys. Salicinee.—A few species occur in India within the tropics, one occurs about Calcutta, and two in the Te- nasserim coast. Hippocrateacee—The trachea-like structure of the spiral vessels connecting the testa and cotyledons in Hippocratea, occurs in 2 Labiate, Salvia verbenacea, and one Hyptis a native of Madras. In both the trachez like threads are less highly developed than in Collomia and Casuarina in which last they are perhaps at the maximum. Vitacee. —Vitis and Cissus do not differ according to _ Mr. Brown, all the species of the latter are to be re- ——— ferred to Vitis. The albumen is often 1 rimose in which particular Leea agrees remarkably. This genus is t y very nearly allied to this order, far more so - than E Meliacæ with which — in e Mee seeds. it differs ae e | ture of its e - x PREFACE. Connaracee.—In Eurycoma (longifolia Jack? the ovula are erect. After flowering however the non abortive ovula is from an unequal growth of the ova- rium, carried upwards to such a degree that the seed becomes really pendulous. Anacardiacee.—In Anacardium, the funiculus is la- teral and even parietal. The ovula at a very early period is transverse with respect to the axis, neither the petals or stamens are perigynous, the stamens are hypogynous, the petals inserted into the fleshy base of the inflected portions. Dr. Sprengel wisely includes this genus in Enneandria although he says, stamina decem. - In Mangifera, the stamens are distinctly hypogynous and united at their bases into a short annulus. Into this just below the sinus of the stamens, the petals are inserted by a central spot, and not by the whole of their bases. In this genus also the ovule is fixed laterally; the funicle being adherent to the paries of the ovarium. The foramen looks towards the bottom of the ovarium. . In the Diagnosis the leaves are said to be without pel- lucid dots. Their definite stamens certainly do not distinguish them from Leguminosæ. . As the hypogynous insertion of stamina is certainly the most natural no hypogynous order should have perigynous staniina ascribed to it because one genus : man to diem an n anomaly, and which Mr. Brown CMM iud LLL M eL Lr i Lr rui E PREFACE. xi 'The order is remarkable for a tendency to coalition of the petals with the stamina, which is carried to excess, as well as that of the stamina to the stalk of the ovarium in Syndesmis. Coriaree.—The raphe occupies that side of the ovu- lum, which is next the dorsal suture of the ovary. This is the case in the youngest stage in which I have examined it, but still most likely subsequent to impreg- nation. I cannot speak positively concerning any tor- sion of the funiculus, although in one or two ins- tances a semitorsion certainly appeared to exist, I have - one from the Abor hills. N. Lat. 28, 10; E. Long. 95, 20. Balsaminee.—The best proof of M. Kunth’s views particularly regarding the spurred sepal being single, is derived from the position of the stamens, the 5th which is anticous being opposite the spur. It is the posti- cous sepal which is wanting. Jussieu in his remarks p- 270, hints at the real nature of the two exterior pe- P Fiolatte. —From a casual examination of an A sam species common in Lat. 28 N. [think that the study of the fecundation in Viola would be very in- teresting. It is difficult to imagine how the pollen gets access to the stigma, since this projects beyond the cone formed by the anthers for some time before the E dehiscence of these organs. takes place. zs JT Amarantacee. ly hy emos, ae the tube of the [de v a xil PREFACE. becomes contracted above the ovarium. The contrac- tion acts as a ligature, and actually presses into the fi- laments, though to ensure fecundation the upper fila- ments contract adhesions with the parietes of the calyx, the lower remain in the form of 5 subulate hypogynous processes, distinctly sphacelated at the apices. "These process are visible in the ripe fruit on opening the indurated base of the calyx. Chioranthacee.—To this order must be referred Houttuynia, the embryo of which is enclosed in a vi- tellus. It agrees with the order in every respect. The anatomy of the stem is decidedly dicotyledonous or rather exogenous. The small bractes underneath each flower have been overlooked, and likewise the fact that the terminal flower of each spike is sub 7-androus, and that it is surrounded by several, 2-3.androus male flowers. Thence Thunberg's uncertainty as to its real situation in the sexual system; which may either be, judging from the terminal flower Heptandria, or Polyandria, or with still greater propriety Moncecize. Piperacee.—The statement of the flowers of Pipe- racez being hermaphrodite admits of much doubt, some species are certainly unisexual. It is likewise to be doubted cime all — flowers are not uni- sexual. The structure. of the stem of Piper is certainly sd the fibro Maos and the fibrous, tia 0 ON. PREFACE. xiii curious fact that the fibres of the former are always punctate; while those of the latter, are not: it is these only which are truly fibrous, the former being elon- gated cells. "These true fibres exist in Piper either in distinct fascicles when they are contiguous to the fibro-vascular, from which they are always separated by soft cellular tissue, and they are always situated to- — wards the circumference of the stem, or they form a continuous zone close to the bark. This, in the genus under consideration is waxy, the latter formed fibro-vascular fascicles occupying the - concavities; the convexities corresponding to the | green lines so conspicuously visible in many species under the cellular integuments. Podoslemea.—From an examination of two species of Podostemon, I incline to the opinion of their be- ing monocotyledonous, and that they are especiglly related to Lemna and Pistia. I have not however ascertained the existence of a foramen in the ovula, nor have Í yet seen ripe seeds. From the invaribly lateral situation of the stamina, and from the presence of abortive filamentose ones on the column formed by the cohesion of the filaments, I incline to think that the flowers are monecious. In this genus a binary arrangement is strictly followed even in the formation of the pollen. One of the most striking features in - this genus is its evascularity and in cni axis of in- florescence being totally distinct. Dekoro, te: ‘18th -. Since sees above was written 1 o ai l , its seeds are euulbir xiv PREFACE, "Two species are found on the Khasiya Hills, both are fixed to rocks or stones and both are half immers- Epacridee.—One species is found at Singapore which can scarcely be called or placed in Polynesia. Campanulacee.—In Codonopsis and Cyclocodon a curious anomaly occurs. The parallel of which is to be looked for in Barclaya, I allude to the cohesion of the tube of the corolla to the ovarium, that such is the case I take it to be proved by the consideration of a Khasiya species Cyclocodon distans, in which the calyx is totally inferior and removed to some — distance, from the base of the ovarium. M. A. Decandolle has I believe described what I call the calyx of Codonopsis as an involucrum. but this view is not borne out by structure. Deboro, Feb. 28th, 1836. Scevolea——One species of Scevola occurs abun- dantly on the Tenasserim coast. Three species occur in British Burma, betwedil the parallels of 16,30 and 12th, Lat. Cucurlitacea.—The anthers are one-celled at least in several of the genera. They are always extrorse. There is no arillus, a genuine arillus is an extension of the funicle and never forms a perfectly closed ^ sac the seed. The “arillus” of Cucurbitacea e É quit ab the placental tissue, it arises from the TUTTI ea c ocu of the part immediately surrounding the : à i seed, as this is its origin, it is at once evident, that it — Pe Se a eee PEA AR EE EREE A EA PREFACE. XV from the apex of a celled fruit. Suddiya, Augt. 13th, 1836. Plumbaginea.—Agialities rotundifolia occurs in the Sunderbunds, and abundantly about Mergui, 12. N. Lat. Composita.—Jussieu does not define his corym- bifere so he says. ‘Flores vel flosculosi omnes, vel radiati.” See his observation upon the class page 167. Cichoracea.—Bellis and Carduus are both referred here from inadvertence, Carduus is Cynarocephlous according to the author himself. Sec. supra Carduus benedictus. Bellis is Corymbiferous. The author may however intend the three as instances of each section, in which case there is no mistake. Capripoliacee.—Hedera has the raphe internal! the cotyledons alternate with it and are hence accum- pent: They are often-however more or kean onus, July 14th, 1836. In what does it differ from Araliacee. I know of no instance in which stomata are more abundant than on the upper surface of the leaves of Hedera terebinthase ? Loranthee.—Loranthus differs from all other phze- nogamous plants in the entire absence of ovula until Secandatinn: has been effected. Viscum is a little - higher in the scale of development, but its ovula - . consist only of what I am disposed to call the albumi- - . mary coat: with this genus Pantin: has especiall: ecially in its ae and ovula a a good deal of relation E x = lensis, n of my observations on which, I sent XVI PREFACE. permanent nature to ensure the maturity of the parasite: These plants are simply imbedded but there is no interchange of structure, unless in the case which not unfrequently happens of the sucker of one passing into that of an other belonging to the same plant.. Most of the accounts of the mode in which this para- sitism occurs appear to be incorrect, at least most of the Indian species, are not confined to union by one spot. In these, roots are indefinitely thrown out, which contract unions with the stock indifinitely. - Deboro Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836, Asclepiadee.—The subject of impregnation in this order has been lately cleared up and pushed to | an extent certainly unequalled in any other branch 1 of organic Natural History. Brouginiart claims the I honour of having discovered this, but I am inclined to | give the whole credit to Dr. Brown, especially when we take into consideration one very great error into which Mr. Brougniart has fallen, I allude to his state- ment of the dehiscence of the pollinias and conse- quent fecundation occurring in the cells of the anther. Mr. Brown has published his observations in the Linn. Soc. Transactions, in which however he had traced the tubes to, but not into, the ovula of Calatropis gigan- tia—and about the same time traced them to the placenta in Hoya viridiflora. Mr. Brown was the first who traced them into the ovula. He tells me that Treviranus had likewise succeeded. Wight has also : ded in pairs gigantia. I have traced them to the same point i in Dischidia Rafllesiana and bengha- PREFACE. xvii to Mr. Brown in 1835.* With reference to this I claim the third place giving precedence to Mr. Brown and Treviranus; but no one but myself has hitherto traced them, I believe, in Asclepiadeous genera with erect pollinia. I may add that Dischidia agrees exactly with the statement or description of the ovula of Asclipeas. Deboro Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836. Gentianee.—In Sebza? the pollen is simple. The ~ testa, which is simple is made up of sinuous cells. Feb. 23rd, 1833. With Villarsia, Parnassia has many points in com- mon in the situation of its stigmata with respect to the placente, and in the want of albumen. All these discrepancies may I think be explained. Gubro, March 12th, 1836. _Myrsinee.—It is a common character of this order to have glandular, and even pellucidly dotted leaves. So much so that a shrubby plant out of flower with | such and alternate exstipulate leaves, may with toler- able safety be referred to this order. Samydee which agree in the above points are we are told by Dr. Brown distinguished by the mixture of li- - near and pellucid dots, but Dr. Wallich tells me that the same thing occurs in some Myrsinez. Deboro: Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836. a I have since seen the union of the two sorts of glan- i E The subject is illustrated in an unique and most invaluable ot of cabal constructed from his own original obser iby the author, for the instruction of his Pupils in the Medical College of. tite o o orn £o o maie xvifi PREFACE. dular dots in a species of Ardisie. Gubro, March 13th, 1836. Orobancheze,—The testa of the seeds of Kgine- tia indica is composed of fibrous cells. The fibres being spirally arranged. Merguit, Oct. 1834. Some cells of ordinary form being mixed up with them. I should add that these fibres do not exist in the ovula before fecundation has taken place. Deboro Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836. Cyrtandracee.—Mr. Brown makes this a tribe of Gesnerez, see his remarks under Aikinia. With regard to the want of albumen I find traces of it in 3 species of the order, and if as I suspect there is in Cyananthus a tendency to union between the calyx and ovary, this appears to be no objection to the union of the order with Gesneree. The embryo is certainly orthotropous. Deb. Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836. Verbenacez.—In the whole of that section to which Congea belongs, and of which the chief peculiarity con- sists in the capitate flowers and involucra, the placenta is central with 4 ovula hanging from near its apex. With respect to M. Aug. St. Hilaires assertion regarding the ovula being erect, I can only say, that Vitex has certainly pendulous ovula, Avicennez is in all respects as genuine a constituent of this order as many of the section to which I have above alluded, and with which in the structure of its ovarium it agrees entirely, — .— x Verbena has the 5th sepal posterior, the 5th petal is conse scd anterior and it is external in zstivation. o MEPMERMUMQSIUCUU PEE UP iiia ia a liam ia ) TEET i PREFACE. xix The pistil is easily separable into two portions. The ovula are attached to the bottom of the cells, the foramen is inferior. The carpella are anterior and posterior: thence 2 of the cells are spurious and owing as in several others of the family to external productions of the placenta. The style has two vascular bundles, at the back of either stigma it is prolonged into a tooth-like process. In Zapania nudiftora, the ovary is two celled. The ovula before fecundation are appense, but rather inclining to pendulous. The foramen is inferior, after fecundation the upper part of the ovulum undergoes the greater change and the ovulum hence becomes erect. Burrumpootra, April 2nd, 1836, Labiate.—The didynamy of some Labiate differs from the usual form, in the upper pair of stamens being the longer. See the Mergui species of Ocymoidea described in the appendix of this volume. Salvia verbenacea has some what, the structure of Collomia. That is immersed x water abundance of spiral fibres make their app This fact I bad pe ta in England certainly in 1831. It has since been mentioned as a new dis- covery in the Reports of the British Association. De- boro Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836. The style has two vascular fascicles, and at least: in Anisomeles nearly the whole superior surface a Um the lobes of style so that tue foramen is turned away towards the circumference, the stig: atic tissue is divided at the base of the style into | four bundles one of which pes off to each ovarium. The ; 5d PREFACE. situation of the raphe is however in Boraginez Cy- nanchum and Myosotes apparently reversed, the fora- men being turned inwards, and pointing to the base of the style. But this instead of being an exception is a remarkably strong proofin favour of the univer- sality of the law directing the situation of the raphe since in Cynanchum in which the ovaria subsequently become straight, the raphe is at length next the axis and almost, in all those in which the ovaria remain inverted; there is a similar tendency shewn by the radicle becoming superior, apex of the lobes of the style stigmatic, in Gomphostemma the raphe is next the axis. Boraginee.—In an Assamese genus nearly allied to Cynoglossum, the radicle is inferior. In another it is towards the situation of the foramen, which in all is inferior and on the inner side of the funicle, it under- goes no change. In all, the foramen communicates directly with this stigmatic tissue which forms the bulk of the style and is expanded at its base. The umbilicus of Myosotis owes its origin to the channel of this communication becoming osseous and not being filled up. In the genus referred to above this is not the case and the umbilicus is a growth of the ovulum totally unconnected with fecundation. Burrampooter, March 31st, 1836. Heliotropie.—Heliotropium peruvianum ovula. Apparently reduced. ds in PAPE: to one subs- tance. Qe - - One Ce inten M banks in the river | > which arun- ee ee aa ai aa PREFACE. xxi do arenaria and carex arenaria serve in Europe, and which might therefore be useful in binding artificial embankments Gymnospermæ.—The pitted tissue is I believe not peculiar to Coniferæ, it occurs in Bucklandiæ and Sedgewikia and probably in all other Hamamelidie. Deb. Mookh, Feb. 29th, 1836. Mr. Solly tells me that coniferous punctuation are likewise said to exist in Winteracee. June 29th, 1836. Cycadee.—The trunk is in Cycas circinalis generally dichotomously branched. The same occurs in the Gowahatty species which is probably distinct. The second integument of the ovule is united to the outer, and so is the lower half of the nucleus to the corresponding portion of this. The margins of the foramen is callous and lucid: but no change, is effected by it on the pollen, which finds its way unchanged into a canal existing in the apex of the nucleus, and within which they emit tubes. Too nih stress has been, I think, laid upon the resemblance in the vessels so much insisted on by Desine Mr. brown has remarked, that the natural state of Cycadez is to have many embryos. Judging, l suppose from the presence of the sacs existing in apex of the albumen, in this view he is as usual correct, it is a curious, fact that in Cycas circinalis and in the Assam species the alteraate tessellations caused s by the foliation and floration of distinct years is lost Meh of in the undivided base of the trunk. - Within the albuminary membrane, and in the | debis fluid that it sutipins, the origin: of cellular xxii PREFACE. tissue will perhaps by close observation be ascer- tained. This fluid abounds in active molecules, Conifere.—Mr. Brown is certainly correct in stating Gnetum to have naked ovula : but here I think excepting its punctuations, the resemblance or affinity ceases, the nucleus hasas I have shewn three coatings, but only at a certain period of its development, The use of this additional coat, the apperance of which is sudden, is evidently to ensure fecundation, still from the comparative rarity of development of the embryo this process is evidently but seldom or at least only under particular cireumstances perfected. Butomee.—Butomus pygmeus occurs abundantly in India from plains up toa height 2000ft. at least on the Khasiya hills. — Stomata exist on both sides of the leaf, the ovulum is anatropous, but the mature seeds closely resemble campulitropous. "The embryonary sac although highly developed and apparently membranous presents traces of cellularity. Burmannie,—Several Species areso to say, aphyl. lous and such are very probably parasitical. From some observations on the structure of the seeds, I am led to conclude that the nucleus consist of several grumous masses, enclosed within a proper membrane I have not been able to ascertain the existence of any determinate form of embryo. Orchidez.—The filaments are adnate to the style. With regards to the mode in which impregnation is stated to take place, I hope that certain distingui HARTE net air tiene which certainly are, —— a eT iat PREFACE. xxiii considering the thorough exposition of the true mode by Brown, unphilosophical. And according to the author's expressions how can the process be effected in those which have no gland whatever, the fact of the rare occurrence of fecundation in those genera which present great difficulties to its being effected, is at once an argument in favor of the gland, being a mere organ for favoring the removal of the pollinia. No great stress is ever to be laid on solitary charac- ters, hence both Lindley and Bauer are wrong in placing so much reliance on the perforation of the pouches of Ophrys: the existence of which Mr. Brown appears to deny, additional proofs of fecundation occurring in the usual way have presented themselves to me in two genera in which from the imperfection of the lower wall of the clinandrium the masses are absolutely in contact with the stigma. In theseas might be expected, this process was effectual and nearly universal. their views as to the origin of the gland, and its nature, in addition to the proofs adduced by Brown of its being a portion of the stigma. I ma say, that when no rostellum is formed, there is no gland. This is completely proved by the metamor- phosis or rather deformity of a haue Diei dee which there is not a trace either of a rostellum- o: a gland. But to insure fecundation a curious change of place occurred in the stigma, which instead of occupying the anticous face of the columna, had be- come posticous, occupying in fact the situation of the clinandrium. XXIV PREFACE. Juncee.—In an Assam species of Juncus agreeing remarkably well with the character of J. prismata car- pus Br. Pr. Ed. Nees, 115. The flowers are imbracteate and the pollen ternarily compound. The ovaria are unilocular. This affords the second instance I know of, in which the secondine is exserted in the nearly ripe seeds. This membrane in the ovulum after fe- cundation, adheres to the apex of the nucleus, ano- ther unusual circumstance. "The carpellary leaves al- ternate with the stamens, and as these are three, they are opposite to the inner sepals. Aroidee.—Ambrosinia of Roxb. Crytocoryne of Fischer is remarkable for the structure of its anthers and embryo, the plumula of which is excessively de- veloped. The development depending on the total separation of the cotyledon, as it were, by amputation, towards the maturity of the seed. Pistiacee.—The organisation of Pistia is by no means simple, nor are the stem and leaves confounded ; on the contrary, it has a distinct although depressed axis, highly developed leaves, but wanting stomata, and the spathes are distinctly pedunculate. In the scale of development it is far higher than Lemma: but in- ferior to it in having no stomata, superior in all other points, especially iù possessing spiral vessels. Its ca- vities with cellular puncles are highly developed. Em- bryo at the apex of the albumen obovate, solid. Equisetacee.—The affinity of this order, so far as the organs of fructification go, is with Marchantia. The four filaments are nothing but 2 elaters which adhere by their middles with the reproductive globule. — PREFACE. XXV Without having been able to trace their formation to the requisite early period, I think it will be found that the sporules are formed with the cells of the endothe- cum which have spiral fibres. It is by the separation of these with the sporule that the appearance of 4 fila- ments arises. The confervoid mass was, in the only species in which I have met with it, of considerable size, and al- ways inequilateral. The first sheath has no stomata. The others have, they occupy the fundi of depressions, and are arranged linearily on either side of the angles, which are opposite to the teeth of the sheaths. Their component cells present the peculiar appearance of transverse bars. The sheaths are not separable from the axis except the lower one, and the apices of the rest. Musci.—That the disk-like bodies produce, or are capable of producing young plants, as urged by some Botanists, is no proof that they originated from the male sacs. No one can doubt, that impregnation is effected in this family, the constantly simultaneous appearance and dehiscence of the anthers at the time when the pistilla are formed, the constant sphacelation of the style, and the subsequent evolution ot tne ':"^leus. or nucleary vesicle contained in the pistilla (or atleast in - that which produces the seta) are so much in common with the ordinary route of fecundation, that it is Scarcely possible to believe, but that an analogous me- thod is resorted. Here I may mention another fact of some importance, although occurring in Hepatice, —— xxvi PREFACE. which is, that, in Anthoceros in which the evolution of the sporules is carried on in succession, or for a considerable period, after those first formed are ma- tured, and have escaped; steps are taken to ensure a similar gradual succession of the male organs. The obvious difference is the apparent effect of the process in forming the seta analogous to the formation of pol- len in some Aroidea and theca, not being limited as in Phanerogame to the evolution alone of the repro- ductive sporules or seeds. On these points Valentine has read a paper before the Linn Society, containing new views, and pointing out abundance of facts hi- therto entirely overlooked by Cryptogamists; the an- thers have no affinity of structure whatever with gem- mz. This is particularly observable in Hepatice. Hepatice.—The common structure of the order is to have an original theca resembling much, that which is called the calyptra of mosses, and indeed differing only in never being torn up from its attachment. The only exception, I know of, to this occurs in Anthoce- ros, which appears not to have an original capsule, and consequently no calyptra. That which has been called a calyptra being nothing but a mass of tissue - dislocated by the growth of the theca, I think also that Marchantia can have no caiyptra, with regard to the secondary thecz, they certainly present great differ- ences; their place is supplied in Riccia by the origi- nal theca; are anomaly perhaps dependent on the immersion of the theca in the frond itself. I have no more doubt about the impregnation of this order, than of mosses. The anthers of Anthoceros regularly dehisce at their apices, and discharge the mi- i abe ge oi ai i al all — eene meme PREFACE. xxvii nute granular matter, they contain a structure totally irreconcileable with the idea of their being gemma. The remains of these sacs may be always found in the cavities in which they are formed, and from which they cannot escape. This is the more remarkable as in Riccia the fruit always becomes exserted. I look upon the existence of the elaters as similar with that of fibrous cells of the endothecum ; and I attach con- sequently very little importance to their existence, The direction of growth consequent on fecundation is directly opposite to that of mosses, Marchantia and Targionia are remarkable for their stomata. "The ex- istence of which evidently depends upon their being furnished with a cuticle. This in Riccia is exceeding- ly rudimentary. Characee.—Much light has been lately thrown on these obscure plants, particularly as regards their cir- culation by Varley, Solly and Slack. The nucule is really monospermous. REMARKS ON OvuLa An ovulum is, at its earliest period of existence an extension from some part of the surface of the pla- centa, it is at this time rounded sessile, entirely cellular, and without the slightest trace of any integuments. The first change that takes place is its separation to a greater or less extent from the placenta by the elonga- tion of portion of this last, forming the funiculus, the next change is the marking out of its subsequent coat or coats by one or generally two lines of construction, the uppermost of which is however first formed, when two of these lines are formed, the ovulum is di- xxviii PREFACE. vided into three parts, the uppermost which is gene- rally conical and more transparent is the nucleus, the first developed portion, that which is contained between the two lines forms afterwards the second integument, the remainder of the base forming the outer coat or testa. But while these boundaries are being marked out, secondary changes may or may not be going on when the former is the case, it consists of a sort of in- version in direction of the ovule, by which the apex of the nucleus is brought towards the point of existence of the funicle from the placenta. The next step is the production upwards of the ring marked out between the two lines of construction, or one line only is formed by the production of the part imme- diately contiguous to the line, a ring is thus formed which embraces the base of the nucleus, shortly after- wards that which becomes the outer coat is similarly extended round the base of the second coat. Both these continue to elongate, but the inner coat maintains for some time the ascendency and at length entirely encloses the nucleus, beyond which it is gene- rally continued into 2 neck variable in length, always open and generally somewhat dilated at its extremity. The outer coat by its gradual extension at length EF. ewise entirely encloses the nucleus, and the body of the inner integument, it frequently encloses the whole of this, while often before fecundation and for some time after the neck of this last projects to a consider- able distance.* * No one bas enquired, how the base of the ovula is extended downwards, or how the base of the second coat extends down- wards into the substance of the outer, does it or does it not? ee On ee D NOS, eT eee T —— €À vmm TR OEEO PREFACR. XXIX Throughout the above period the nucleus has gone on increasing in size, but at the time of fecundation, it is invariably enclosed and concealed by both coats when the two exist. But it undergoes no further change for some period. An ovulum at the time of fecundation will general- ly be found to consist of an outer coat open at its true apex, the opening varying in size, but always less than the diameter of the ovula; an inner cellular coat, ge- nerally thinner than the outer, prolonged beyond the nucleus into a hollow neck, the apex of which is open and more or less dilated, either (and perhaps ge- nerally,) about on a level with the opening of the outer coat, or projecting beyond it to a variable distance ; and a central cellular body the nucleus. generally ovate, its apex being more laxly cellular than the remainder, and occasionally projecting into the neck of the inner or when this does not exist of the outer integument and in this case very much resembling a coat itself. At this period the ovula may be entirely cellular or it may be partly supplied with vessels, but I shall refer to this more fully when I speak of the raphe. 'The nucleus will at this period almost always be found to have a central discolored nucellus, or frequently an excavated cavity of varying dimensions. The above discoloration or rather opacity is invariably the pre- cursor of the cavity that is about to be formed, and indicates the situation as well as the direction in which it will be formed. This cavity is always? form- ed from below upwards. Allthe subsequent changes at least those of any importance, are carried on within the nucleus. They XXX PREFACE. consist first of an extension of the cavity abovemen- tioned, until with the exception of some few cases hereafter to be specified, this originally cellular thick solid body, is reduced to a thin coating, or even and not unfrequently reduced to nothing. It will be seen that not one of these phenomena depend upon the completion of fecundation, nor in fact does any one, excepting the all important forma- tion of the embryo, depend upon the due performance of this function. The 4th change consists in the production of a membrane within the cavity already formed in the nucleus. To this sac, I attach very great importance, and I consequently shall be full in my details. (Composite) whatever its nature may be, it appears to be always? formed from above downwards, that it is developed from the apex of the nucleary cavity: when completely developed, it invariably communicates with both apex and base of the excavation, the dia- meter being either uniform throughout, or larger at its apex, dividing by inferiorly into a thread of commu- nication. I know of no instance of the absence of this sac, of which from the consideration of Viscum and Santa- lum, I consider the only essential part of the ovula, preexistent to the embryo. There are two curious modifications of this integu- ment, and of great importance to study, and although the origin is in both cases the same, yet the growth is materially different, in the one, the albuminary form, consisting of the simple extension of a single cell, in the other, the exalbuminary form, of the ue d — itc PO OUT DINERS F "Re RRE us EIRE EEE PET E EAN PREFACE. xxxi additional distinct cellules from the surface of the original simple one, To the existence of the first modification, I find the presence of albumen invaria- bly attached, so much so that in describing ovula, T would say with confidence whether the seeds would be albuminous or not. Even in those cases in which no opportunities have occurred of examining it aborgine, inspection of the margin of the sac will always settle the point, even although the whole of its inner surface may be occupied by cells, the rudiments of the future albumen. The only instances in which albumen exists with- out this membranous sac is in those few cases in which that substance is deposited in the body of the nucleus, and the embryo is developed within a distinct sac (vitellus) which is always of the exal- bumenary or membrano-cellular type. In the exalbumenary form which in my descrip- tions. I term membrano-cellular in contradistinction to membranous, by which I characterize the albu- minary form, the surface is even at a very early period distinctly cellular. This form- may be seen to perfection in Composite. Whatever its nature may be, as it bicis has important relations. with the embryo, and as this is invariably formed within it, I propose calling it the embryonary sac, Another important feature of this sac is its indes- tructibility, it always forms portion of the seed, al- though in the albumenary form, it occasionally be- comes so identified with the albumen of the periphery, XKXH PREFACE. that it is difficult to trace its existence. In the second modification its existence in the seed is al- ways distinct, ex Composita, and Boraginee. The last stage in the development and the ‘only one dependent upon fecundation, is the production of the embryo. This invariably consists in the ap- pearance of a cell attached by a slight cellular pedicel to the apex of the embryonary sac, it is deve- loped by the production of other additional cellules, which always contain much active molecular matter but less than the albumen. It soon becomes densely cellular in dicotyledons, the cotyledonary division is soon indicated, but the radicle is necessarily, from what . I have just mentioned, the first part formed. With regard to the direction of the cotyledons, I have not as yet ascertained any law, they are often opposite to the true faces of the seed and often alternate. Em- bryos are generally axile when albumen is present, in those cases in which they are subsequently peripherial, this is owing to an equal deposition or formation of the albumen. i The albumen is of a comparatively early develop- ment, arid when it exists is always partly formed before ihe embryo begins to appear, I find that with the excep- tion of those cases in which the embryo is lodged within a vitellus that it it is never formed within the nucleus. In its earlier stages, it contains myriads of active molecules of a regular size, these molecules form in fact the milk of the albumen. The presence of albumen is the test of an imperfect PT PREFACE. xxxiii embryonary evolution, or certainly of imperfect germi- nating powers, this though liable to some excep- tions appears true enough; it explains why* albu- men is so common among monocotyledones. [ts presence is incompatible with the existence of a high- ly developed, plumula, a remarkable fact, and one particularly evident in some Aroidea which contrary to the habit of the order, have no albumen, the defi- ciency being supplied by a high degree of develop- ment of the Plumule. The next point to be enquired into, is the relative du- ration of these coats, which are almost invariably 4 in number. The only instance, I as yet know of to the contrary occurring in Xanthium, in which there is a ‘membranous sac, of excessive tenuity which lines the embryonary sac. These four coats the existence of which is possible are, the outer and inner integuments, the nucleary membrana, and the embryonary sac; of these the Ist is always permanent, remaining in the shape of the testa, as is likewise the embryonary sac. Traces of the two others are frequenily imperceptible, and it may be expressed as a general rule;-that the in- ner integument of the ovulum has no existence in the- seed. This is well expressed by Dr. Lindley in his Introduction to Botany, p 184. The nucleary membrane frequently exists, it is known from either of the preceding by being imper- _* Note—Mr. Brown long ago remarked, that albumen was the type of Monocotyledons, bat no one has I believe remarked, that the proportions in favor of albumen among Dicot. — are nearly equal to those of Monocotyledons. . xxxiv PREFACE. forate. On this point, Dr. Lindley has the following remarks.. This third coat is formed by the proper membrane or cuticle of the nucleus from whose sub- stance in the unimpregnated ovulum, it is never, I be- lieve separable, &c. &c. There is no positive mark by which the embryonary sae may be characterised as it is likewise imperforate. But its immediate contiguity to the embryo will in all exalbumenous seeds at once decide its nature: traces of its original attachment are likewise often visible at one of its extremities. The component cells in com- posita have a grumous nucleus. I may here observe, that the seeds of this extensive family are not, at least in a great number of instances, akenia. In almost all I have exmained. The outer te- gument adheres to the cavity of the pericarpium, and in all separates with it. It is the embryonary sac that invests the embryo and separates with it. In albu- minous seeds, as I have mentioned the existence of the embryonary sac is difficult to trace, this is owing to its having become incorporate as it were with the albumen. ín others again its existence in the ripe -seed is very distinct, enveloping the albumen in the shape of a hyaline membrane. Various additions may take place on either surface of the outer intezument, hence the number of coats is frequently apparently increased. M. Mirbel was the first to point this out. With regard to the vascular supplies of the seed, I may remark that a sufficient number of observa- tions, have not been made on the exact period of — PREFACE. XXXV the first extention of the vessels of the placenta into the ovulum. It is a general law that every part of a vegetable is aborigine cellular, the exis- tence of a vascular system or of any system analo- gous to it in function being called into play ata subsequent period, and being a test in every sense of the word of complete evolution. Instances are not wanting where the seeds are certainly evascular, /n others, the absence of vessels is supplied by elong:-ed tissue. The vascular system of ovula is se'xXom, perhaps never complete until aften fecundaticz, and it is very provable that the drawings wbéch re- present in such cases a distinct raphe are errone- ous. [tis most complete in those ovula in which the inversion above mentioned has taken place, the ovules anatropes of M. Mirbel. In most instances in which a vascular system does exist a direct communication is effected between the placenta and the base of the nucleous, around which in some instances the ultimate vessels in some radiate. It - hence follows, that a raphe is not limited to the anatropous form of ovula, neither Are the vessels confined to the testa, although it is an indispu'able fact to which however I know of one exception T that the second integument (scarcely as it is not the second but probably the embryonary sac which is vas- cular) is, with the exception of that part of the base, perforated by the vessels in their course to the base of the nucleus, certainly cellular In those instances in which the base of the nuc- leous and of the integuments correspond with the XXXVI PREFACE, hilum it is often very short, its parts will of course depend on the distance between the above points. The Raphe either consists of spiral vessels and ducts, or of ducts alone, and in some cases of elon- gated tissue. In the generality of instances, it ter- ^ minates opposite the apex of the cotylidons, form- ing the chalayza, in some it becomes at this poin- artite, the divisions terminal towards either side of the true apex of the seed, as in Carya and some Borjginee. In others it is continued unbranched ter- minaing in, or towards the outer margin of the origindy conspicuous foramen, as in many Com- posita ahd Stylidium. Its situation may be regarded as universally next the ventral suture of the ovaria, or next the axis. For this important fact, we are indebted to Mr, Brown, who has likewise proved that all exceptions to this are only apparent, and originate in a torsion of the funicle subsequently to fecundation. The same distinguished author has brought this into play as a distinguishing character, and has pointed out, that true Lo- niceree may be at once distinguished from their lies by the reversion of the situation of the raphe. In this point of view it is useful, as proving that in Boraginez, the ovaria are inverted, while in Labiate they are erect. In Coriaria it is dorsal, at least in one species from the Abor hills ; but Lam at present unable to say, whether this arises from a twisting of the funi- cle or not. _ In polycarpous ovaria, however there does not seem any fixed situation for the raphe. Thus in Legumi- k ee ENNRENTEUmDeUM NF PREFACE. XXXVII nose the foramen is uppermost and the raphe conse- quently lowermost ; this was first pointed out to me by Mr. Brown, who immediately detected, that in my drawing of Humboldtia published in Dr. Wallich’s PI, Asiat. Rariores, I had reversed the situation. The same occurs in Asclepiadew and Scrophularinex, and proba- bly in most cases. In others again the foramen or raphal surface is lowermost, and in Henslovia it is indifferent/y lowermost or uppermost. 7 In some instances in which the nucleus coheres/ in- timately with the outer integument, it seems run rather between the two than in the integument, this is very evident on making a transverse section/ of the ovula of some Composite. There is no appreciable difference of any eni between the development of the ovula in the/ two great . divisions of Phænogamæ, excepting so far as the em- bryo is concerned. In both, the first steps in forma- tion of this are the same. The same may be said of the Gymnospermous division of Dicotyledons, so far as I can judge from Cycadez and Gnetaces, the only two . orders Ihave had an opportunity of exaitsininz it in. I object to M. Mirbels' names which are founded ol _ Numerical considerations ; because in the first place, me the precise number of coats is not always developed, and one cannot well call a coat the quartine when it is only the third. The names founded either on the parts from which they originate, or especially on physiological points, carry a certain amount of information with them, hence for the tercine T propose, that of nucleary membrane, and for the quartine 1 adopt M. Brong XXXVI PREFACE. nearly name, sac of the embryo, which is excellent in every respect. lam not acquainted with M. Mirbels' quartine; and I think it will be found that it is the ~ embryonary sac, as well as his quintine. It follows that the liquor amnios is never enclosed "hin the nucleus, it always exists in the early periods of Nhe development of the sac of the embryo, and is cer- Anly either the rudiments of albumen, or in exalbu- 1. Produetion of the midrib beyond the terminal sinus analogus to a mucronate leaf, it is evident that this may be carried to such an extent as to reduce the stigmatic surfaces to a mere point at the apparent base of the style. 2. Production of the stigmatic base beyond terminal p siias forming a bilobed stigma, the branches of this must be on the same place. 3. Obliteration of the terminal sinus, constituting an uniform stigma. 4. Obliteration of the inferior sinus. I am not aware of any instance in which the stigma of a simple carpellary leaf is capitate, one sinus is always existing. There is however, on the principle, that both sinuses may be confluent, no theoretical PREFACE. XXXIX objection to tbe existence of such a form, although it would be reasonable to expect, that the axis of such a stigma would not correspond with the axis of the style. Comparatively sudden reduction from a broad to a narrow surface is not uncommon in leaves, all apicu-, late or cuspidate leaves are instances, and of these, none can be more striking than that of the peepul. But though a continuation of the placenta along eiger margin to the commencement of the apex of thmi- drib, would constitute the simplest form of stigrá/, yet it is still necessary to allow either an increaseof the margins, or a spreading out of the stigmatic surface over the narrow part of the cauda or apiculus to ex- plain those stigmatic lines which occupy the whole in- ner face of the style, excepting perhaps the miğrib itself, - such for instance as Escholtzia. Stigmata are continuations upwards of ls > placente, they are consequently double, and have tid same rela- . tion to the leaf as the placente. ~~, | There is perhaps scarcely a modification m em of leaf, which may not be met with i in an extensi T examination of carpellary leaves. 2 Thus such instances of bilobed styles as occur in Iris, Meyenia etc., are representations of an emargina- ted bifid, or bilobed leaf, the true apex of the one is pointed out by the apex of the midrib, which is un- divided, in the other by a protuberance, or when this is not evident by the termination of the central vas- cular bundle. Bauhinia may be — of iplis in three” xl PREFACE. ways, it 1s a simple bilobed leaf, or it is an abruptly pinnate bifoliate leaf, the leaves cohering by their inner margins, or it is a pinnate leaf, reduced to the two basal leaftets cohering with the costa of the pinna, this last is deserving of little consideration. If it is a simple leaf, the midrib of the leaf as it exists should be the largest vascular fascicle, and all *e other veins should be more or less lateral. Yf an abruptly pinnate bifoliate leaf, cohering by the ì margin, the midrib will probably be the small- ‘ne midribs will exist for each lobe, and a macro- division or bation may be carried nearly .to ‘the apex of the petiole, and this would be analogous strictly, - for a mucro always exists,—instance Labiate and Bo- I can also cite in reference to the similarity of mo- dification between leaves and carpellary leaves, such ins- tances as Arum pertusum and Leonitice. M. Decandolles’ hypothetical explanation of the de- grees of division of leaves appears to me to rest upon very inefficient causes, one of which is easily disproved, because the degree of lobation ought to correspond with the distance between the primary veins. PREFACE. xli This is only one of many instances of an attempt to reduce effects to causes. We cannot explain every thing, in the present state of knowledge it is indispensable that effects should be referred to causes only when there is a manifest and a steady relation between two points of structure, which may be made to enter into the explanation. As To pressure for instance, many things are ascribed which are not due to it, and many things both our ignorance and knowledge are interested in ascribing to unknown causes. A confession of ignorance cannot lead to error, while a subtle hypothesis especially by an eminent Savant may not only be false, but is very apt to check enquiry, from the assumption of knowledge contained in it. | NOTULÆ AD PLANTAS ASIATICAS. PART IV. Exogenous Plants. 4 CYCADACE. | CYCAS, Tug species of this genus, with the exception of C. revoluta, are difficult to discriminate, so much so that the study of living plants at different stages is quite necessary to fix their differences. In habit and foliation, no practic: marks are to be discovered, these appearing to be limited to the shape of the carpel leaf, especially the dilated apex, and to the figure of the fruit. The anomaly of the upper part of the carpel leaf Wes d broader than the rest: what does it indicate ? were practical ones can be taken from the leaves. I would derive them from the carpel leaves, particularly the lamina and its mode of division, the shape of the anther scales, the shape of the fruit, and the line of their points described by the leaves. C. spherica; fol. carpel. spith., parte nud. 6-uncialib. 3 ovulig., apice lanceolato-acuminatis e basin subulato-den- tatis, conico-subalato dente squam. apiculo curvato equant. fruct spheerica. C. circinalis: apice squam. autem brevior subito. fol. carpel min. versus dist. ovulig. lamina subspath. a medio supra dentato-serrat, acumenato-subulat. & C. dilatata. The distinctions are very difficult, few if any E 2 CYCADEA. C. revoluta tot fol. carpel. gris toment., apice oblongis dilat. digitato-divisus, fruct. oblongo-rotund. villoso- pubescent. Cycas. External characters. The trunk is simple, subexannulate, smooth in the lower and older parts, with the exception of irregular longitudinal fissures in the cuticle. In the later formed parts it is covered with the scars of the leaves, which scars of the leaves are arranged in indistinct annuli, the intermediate spaces being occupied by the remains of former inflorescences. No stress is to be laid on the annuli, which are by no means universal, and which when present, are very obsolete. The trunk is proliferous, each year producing 2 close rows of leaves and terminal inflorescence, which necessarily becomes pushed out by the succeeding formation of leaves. "These annuli may be traced from 5 to 7 formations, all traces of the scars of\the leaves becoming lost after that time, Dimensions: Erect, trunk 4 feet high, about a foot and half from its base, the circumference is 194 inches, and the diameter 5%, inches; across the last formed annulus 204 inches : that of a trunk, 9 or 10 feet in length, (which was prostrate for about 3 of its length, the apy iene portion of the -gfostrate part had md out several strong roots,) 1 foot from the crown of leaves 16 inches, around the last distinct annu- lus 15 inches, at the base of the erect part, the diameter 5}. There is no distinction of bark, the great substance of the axis being composed of white dense cellular tissue. The axis is occupied by pith of enormous dimensions, of close white cellular tissue; adjoining this, is a broad zone of . fibrous wood of a yellowish brown colour. 'These zones vary in number from 2 to 3, and vary likewise in this, that they are close together, and are separated by white fibrous tissue. - The space between the outer zone which is small, and the cuticle is occupied by cellular tissue, white and dense, im i re RE CINE EE ES mmm STRUCTURE OF 3 which are interspersed many very irregular bundles of woody matter. The pith is altogether similar to this portion; op- posite each annulus or formation of leaves it is traversed by vessels. Each formation of wood is connected by ligneous facicles passing between each other. The inner woody formation is continuous, diminishing exceedingly at the apex of the trunk. It is obvious from the small number of concentric circles compared with the formations of leaves, that these do not correspond, or rather that more than the wood of one forma- tion of leaves enters into the composition of each circle. In the prostrate tfunk, the development of the wood was carried to excess on the decumbent side, on the opposite-ene there were three formations, the outer of which on reaching the commencement of the excentricity appeared to divide into 2. On this side 7 distinct formations may be counted, the last being exceedingly irregular from the woody matter passed freely into the roots. o great knowledge of the structure of these remarkable parts will be attainable, but by close observation of all stages intermediate between that of the lst development of the stem aud its subsequent maturity. It is obvious that the woody matter is deposited in cones. Connected with this excentricity there was no dedu AL the regularity of the corona. This is obvious if there are 3 zones in the lower, 2 in the centre, and one only at the apex. It is essentially exoge- nous, the latest fibres developed by the terminal, being always outermost: Dr. Mohls’ statement appears to me to have no- thing here to corroborate it. Mr. Brongniant’s opinion that the layers are not to be considered as analogous to the same number of layers of di- cotyledonous wood, is also incorrect. What the relations are which these have with the epochs of inflorescence and folia- tion can only be cleared up, as he observes, by the examina- 4 CYCADES, tion of numerous individuals of different ages and different species. In all probability had he examined sections nearer the base of the axis, he would have found one or more ad- ditional layers, In the fruit (Pl. CCCLXI. Fig. I.) which is of the shape and about the size of a hen’s egg, the base of the papilla is still distinct, its mouth or canal being filled with whitish tissue, the rest being obliterated but still traceable by its brown colour. The nucleus has become osseous woody, and has lost its conoid shape, its apiculus is very small and bony. The next envelope is membranous witha flocculent rough surface, it is open at the summit, towards its base it is very thick and fungous. It adheres to the immediate envelope Ceu encept at its apex. The immediate envelope is very thin, of a brownish colour, its apex is coniform and sphacelated, it corresponds to the centre of the perforation of the last envelope. "The albumen is about the size of a pullet's egg, flattened at its base, there is a transverse irregular depres- sion at its apex, it is heavy and fleshy. In the more advanced fruit the quartine is separable from the tercine which has now become entirely fungous. The depression of the albumen is marked by 5 or 6 spots, which indicate the apices of so many czca, which are either filled with mucilaginous fluid, or contain peculiar cellular bodies? With the exception of the cavities in which these sacs are lodged, the mass is entire and homogeneous. The tardy development of the embryo is very remarkable. In the fruits I have examined some of which have been larger than duck's eggs, no trace of it has been visible. Mr. Brown first noticed the spots on the depressed surface of the albumen, and their correspondence with so many cavities containing sacs, which again containa clear mucilaginous fluid, according to him they disappear, with the exception of one in which the embryo is developed, In the ovules there is some similarity with those of Gnetaces, the ‘coats are however only four, no additional one being formed. The GENUS Tee: STRUCTURE OF 5 chief difference is the adhesion of the secundine with the primine. a. Second or drupaceous coat. b. 'Third or fungous ditto. c. Fourth or Neucleary ditto, d. Outer coat. e. Sac outer coat. f. Albumen. g, h. Central body its, depressed apex. i. Transverse section of the apex of the albumen.* In Cycas circinalis the ovuliferous leaves are of conside- rable thickness, flattened above, convexed beneath, and dilated towards the apices, the immediate apex being prolonged into an acumen. The upper half of the apex is deeply äna sharply toothed, the ovules are arranged in cavities below the apex along with the margins, and more or less alternately. [t is obvious that this arrangement would, if the margins o¢ the leaves were produced inwards, produce a carpellum of nor. mal male structure. The upper surface of the apex is invariably more or less smooth, the pubescence gradually disappearing as we proceed upwards, the immediate apex of the acumen is smooth, and corresponds to the stigmata of other plants, that is, when these are usually alternate with the ptacentz. The ovula are roundish, contained in the cup-sliaped cavity, flattened obliquely above this, from right to left: They may be said to be obcordate; a papilla occupies the centre of the sinus. This papilla is short, cylindrical, truncate and open at the apex, the margins of the opening being somewhat thickened and shining, but apparently des- titute of secretion. "Their colour is polished greenish yellow and covered more or less with minute glaucido. A transverse * Cycas perhaps is the most marked instance of perfection of mere fruit with fecundation, all the parts to the albumen being perfectly formed, and in abundance, for in C. pectinatus, apparently perfect specimens occur, all without embryos, the male being according to Major. Jenkins" exceedingly rare. CM Apex 6 CYCADES. section discloses the following arrangement, a very thick coat, evidently and structurally divisible into two, the outer is thicker, having a distinct and thickish cutis, the re- mainder consisting of close parenchyma, of a green colour, and pierced with numerous irregularly disposed cavities which contain the mucilaginous matter, in which Cycadez so much abound, and which are analogous to the cavities in the outer coat of Gnetum, which are occupied by fibres of very large diameter. This coat or rather the outer part of it, is the primine. The inner portion is composed entirely of whitish dense tissue. This is the secundine, the vascular system consists of two fasciculi which occupy the inner part of the outer portion of tegument, running from base to The tissue of the secundine on a line with these fasciculi and between them, and the inner margin of the cavity in which the nucleus is contained, is arranged longitudinally. This portion of the coat is evascular, another reason for con- sidering it to be primine. The central cavity is round, of con- siderable size and is occupied by a coniform fleshy cellular body, the cells being dense externally, rather lax inter- nally, no vessels are traceable into this portion. The imme- diate centre is, if the section be made towards the apex, Occupied by an opaque body. June 8th, 1835. l. Cycas circinalis. Pl. CCCLXI. Fig. II. 1. Female flower and portion of frond. 2. Ditto separated. 3. Ditto long section. 4. Ditto outer coats partially removed, shewing the free cone of the nucleus. 5. Ditto base of the nucleus and outer coats remaining, shewing the quartine of a globuler form. 6. Quartine separated. 7. Portion of cellular pulp filling its cavity. At this stage | * STRUCTURE OF Fi the two envelopes are altogether united, the papilliform process of the primine is open; from its mouth a canal proceeds, which widens as it descends into a large cavity in which the cone of the nucleus is included, the apex of this is not exserted but terminates a little above the widening of the canal. The cone is solid, the base of the nucleus is occupied by alarge globular cavity in which the sac of the quartine is contained. This sac is perfectly shut, and has no communication with the wall of the cavity of the nucleus. It is easily detached, is of a globular form and is filled with pulp, consisting of very lax, slightly angular cellular tissue of a perfectly homogeneous nature. | 8. Ovule further advanced, the papilla of the primine hae fallen off, and the canal is obliterated. No other change has taken place except in size. It does not seem to me to come within the bounds of what we know of general structure, to reduce the male or- gans of Cycas to the type of an ordinary anther.* Either each scale is to be considered as an anther, or each polliniferous bag is to be so considered. All analogy is against the former, for no instance is known of the cells being distinct organs projecting beyond the surface. Though pluri-locular anthers are known; yet the cells are contained in the general substance of the anther, and at one period at least contained within its com- mon covering or surface of that organ. The ordinary type of an anther is 4-locular, the pollen is a Separation or modification of the cellular tissue equally on both sides of the mesial line of the leaf: no instance is known in which the whole substance of the anther is so mo- dified, except perhaps in Sarcophyte, but a part remains solid and unchanged as connectivum. Now in Cycas each pollini- erous bag is a distinct organ, and the pollen is the entire modified cellular internal substance. * No analogy between anther cells of Cycas and Phenogs. 8 CYCADE. There is no instance known in fact of an anther of 2-5 cells, each quite distinct from the other, and opening along their mutual inner surfaces. But this aggregation, relation, degree and mode of dehis- cence, together with the situation on the under side of the leaf, from which they are exclusively derived, are all points common to the reproductive (spores) of certain Cryptogams. The first stage of development of the pollen observed, when the scales were—long—broad. The pollen cells at this time are perfectly formed : those .along the centralline being the largest: they present faint traces of the line of subsequent opening. "The cavity which is undivided, is one occupied by a loose mucilagino-cellular ETC which is resolvable into angular grumous bodies, with- - gut distinct membrane, each presenting a cytoblast, or as I think, a point of commencement of the membrane. The de- velopment is, I think centripetal, i. e. the cells of the peri- iphery are the most distinct. | There are also some remarkable points in the structure of the ovulum. The nucleus of the vegetable ovulum is al- ways solid, up to the period of its being penetrated by the . pollen-tube, it is homogeneous up to the period of the appearance of the embryo-sac. But in Cycus the conical apex is not solid, nor can it be said to be homogeneous, for it contains a conical cavity with a fundus presenting a central elevation, and its apex is produced into a cellular membrane which lines the canal of the foramen, and I believe adheres to it at its apex. Then again when there is more than one appearance of embryo-sac,* their development is synchronous, but in Cycas * They are not embryo-sacs. Embryo sacs do not exist for a long time — after the enlargement of the fruit if there be no fecundation. The appearances of the funicle of the ripe embryo is analogous to Loranthus. ; What are the above sacs, which at any rate are developments of n9 - tie een UNDE : : CYCAS. 9 up to a late period, only one is to be found, containing homo- geneous solid cellular tissue. 2. Cycas Jenkinsiana, Gr. Pls, CCCLX. Figs. 1, 2. CCCLXII. Fig. 1. Trunk, often branched, sometimes 3 feet in diameter: in the specimen about 5 inches in diameter, marked externally with the persistent bases of the petioles, in some places almost annulated and nearly smooth. Here and there occur rings of smaller petiole bases, mixed with brown wool, marking the number of inflorescence. Leaves about 4 feet long : naked lower part of the petiole 14 to 16 inches long, canaliculate, convex, with teeth-like straight solitary distant prickles along the margins, Pinnze very many, 7 or 8 inches long, 34 lines broad, outline decid- edly falcate, lower margin decurrent: they are very coriace- ous, unequally and very obtusely emarginate, points almost always broken, with one stout vein prominent on both sides. Female inflorescence forming a dense terminal head, sur- rounded by several rows of abortive leaves, subulate from a dilated base entirely covered with pale rust-colored wool. Carpel leaves erect, connivent, scarcely more than 5 inches long, of which nearly } consists of a cordate acuminate lamina, deeply subulato-pectinate, the acumen stout and entire. In the upper half of the elaminar part are the ovula 1-2 in the outermost, 4-5 in the innermost. These carpel leaves are covered (except parts of the inner side of the lamina and the points of the pectinations) with dense rust-colored wool. Qvula smooth, roundish compressed bases buried in niches (marginal) of the carpel leaves, with a distinct perforated apiculus. impregnation. As these unimpregnated sacs are short confined to the . apex of the fruit ; how does the Embryo get so low down in the albu- men? by percursion of the sac? or by enlargement of a particular one. B 10 CYCADER. The crown of the immature fruit is broader, and depressed, so that the apex is rather concave. The carpel leaves are no longer erect, but the elaminate passes outwards, the lamina inwards, and this part is much broader and more concave. The ripe seeds (only seen detached) elliptical, compressed, 18 lines long, 12 across the narrow diameter, 16 across the broad diameter; the apex presents a small apiculus, the base a large hilum. The epicarpium outside is smooth, of a yellow- ish brown colour; the mesocarp rather thick spongy-woolly, consisting of white cells at right angles with the drupe, be- tween the two, there isa cellular white shining layer, sprinkled with resinous? reddish dots. The inner surface of the drupe is lined by a papery brown- ish tissue with longitudinal vessel. The albumen separates naked except at the apex, the sur- face of which is slightly furrowed, to whicha thin brown membrane with a mammilla in the centre adheres, under- neath, there is a rather deep depression in the apex of the albumen, tbe fundus of this presents 6 greyish spots, to each of these corresponds an oblong cavity lined by a membranous sac. Embryo very immature, attached by an enormously long curled up funicle, which arises from the union of 2 or more processes, passing down an equal number of the sacs. Has. Lower Assam, about Gowahatty, the specimens were obtained from Major Jenkins. 3. Cycas pectinata, Pl. CCCLX. Fig. 3. Fruits disposed in terminal depressed heads, the carpel 14 foot in diameter not as in the others becoming spreading or in any way reflexed. Carpels exceedingly numerous, allied in this respect to | C. revoluta as also in occasionally narrow leaves, stalks about .. equal to the fruit-bearing part and apex included, idu the fruit enlarged into a cordate lamina asce beyond 7 and then incurved connivent and imbrieated. Ali the parta CYCAS. il covered with dense brown tomentum, the points of the comb-teeth and the inner face of the upper ones being more or less smooth, Lamina approaches to that of C. revoluta, deeply pectinate, laciniz subulate, tapering into spinous points. Fruits 2 to 4 alternating under the lamina, roundish, ob- long, more or less angular from pressure, rich yellow, and at the apex, bearing a perforated mammilla. Cycas revoluta. Thunb. agrees with (judging from Sir J. Smith fig. Linn. Trans. VI. t. 29, 30) C. pectinata in head of fruit, but the packing is not so close as to conceal all the fruit, as in C. pectinata, Then the hairs of the carpel, and the shape of the lamina are different, the pectines are irregular in direction, and deeper, some overlapping each other, lastly the fruit is hairy and red. Cycas spberica is distinguishable in the Botanic Gardens, by a more feathery look of the crown, due to the pinna being less thick and opaque, none of the specimens have attained the size of C. circinalis, two males of which are very fine, and several times branched. _ 4, Cycas macrocarpa, Griff., Pl. CCCLXII. Fig. II. Petiolus crassus basi sub 4-angulatus, angulis lateralibus dentibus subulatis spinosis suboppositis horizontalibus vel levi- ter recurvis armat. The upper part between the pinnule of either side is dark green, nearly the colour of the pinnule, and has stomatose spots. The under } ditto is of the colour of the under half of the leaves, yellow green, and without stomata, although these organs only exist on the under surface of the pinnule. Pinnulz subopposite, rü quoad petiol margine infero subdecurrent. lineares subfalcatim curvate basi attenuate apici gradatim acuminate in subulam subpungent. costa * C. spheerica is distinct also in the shape of the male or anther scales. FZ CYCADE AE. utrinque prominula, subtus albida, ochroleuci margines re- curve, Length of the leaves altogether, some 8 feet, that of the Pinnulz l-foot 4 inches, Breadth of ditto 5-6 lines, The whole length of the fruit, leaf and all is between a span and a foot. The leaf, is covered with dense brown to- mentum. The part above the fruits which are bifarious and so crowded as to touch each other, very short, triangular cuneate divided along edges into subulate subspinous teeth, of which the centre one is much the longest. The fruits are sessile sur- rounded at the base by a sort of annulus, which is not covered, with tomentum, elliptic, and the size of a duck’s egg, viz. 24 inches long, 1l inch 10 lines broad, so that the whole is heavy ; colour green, subsequently yellow, at the centre of the sub- depressed apex there is a brown mammillate point. Insertion by a broad base, nearly the size of the annulus. 1. Outer tegument of short ochroleucous colour and dis- agreeable fleshy smell, 3 lines thick. 2. Then brown drupaceous coat of fusiform cellular fibres, in the middle it is harder both on outer and inner surface. 3. Then a thinish papery, vascular brownish coat. 4, The Embryonary coat but separating with the preceding (except at the apex whereit is very thin membranous and shining, subapiculate and sphacelate at the apex). The`albumen is furrowed, and slightly furfaraceous out- side, as also combined in 3 and 4; the inner face is of elliptic form, rather compressed, with a 4-angular depression at the apex, angles at the base presenting a foveola or slit, from each of which a shrivelled subelastica strap hangs, till they all conflux into one, no embryo fofmed, nor did I hear of any male flowers being known. Han. Crew between Ayer Punnus and Tabong: only on q one spot and that near a Kuramut or Musulman tomb, so that — it may have been introduced. For my er of this I am indebted to Mr. Wester- TORT A = a uuu 24 CYCAS. 13 hout, who tells me the trunk is 10-12 feet high, distinctly ringed and with short stout branches at the apex. The upper part of each origin of the funicle is a closed cellular bag occupying a niche immediately under the foveola or slit above mentioned ; on the apex of this are two roundish detachable brownish cells ? The funicles only occasionally adhere, they are 4 or as many as there are bags, they have a marked resemblance to those of the young embryo of Loranthius, they have no vessels, the large one contains longitudinal opaque air-bubbles. The flesh is divided by yellow tissue into two equal parts, the inner of them has the cells at right angles with the drupe, and they are longer. Malayan name Pakoo Galowe: September, 1842. Sp. cHaR. Petiola sub 4-gono in parte nuda lateraliter spi- noso. Pinnulis suboppositis linearibus in subulam gradatim attenuatis, margine recurvis, folio fructifero dense ferrugineo- tomentoso, apice breve triangularis cuneato-pinnatifida in su- bulas glabras, quarum centrale multo majore, fructibus dense conjestis basi annulatis (magnis) ellipticis subcompressis. Has. Malacca at crew between Ayer Punnus and Tabong, near the Mahomedan tomb, specimens received from Mr. Westerhout. The same Cycas macrocarpa. Trunk 10-12 feet high, with distinct rings, and with stout Short branches at the apex, (Mr. Westerhout). Leaves about 8 feet long. The upper part between the Pinnz is dark-green, like the upper surface of the pinnz, and has stomata, the under cor- responding part is yellow-green, like the under surface of the pinnz, and has no stomata, although these organs only exist on the lower surface of the pinnze. Petiole stout, sub 4-angular at the base, the lateral angles armed with subopposite thorny straight or slightly recurved teeth. Pinne very numerous subopposite, linear subfalcate, 14 CYCADEJXE. 10-16 inches long, half an inch broad, alternate at the base where the lower edge is subdecurrent, gradually acuminated towards the apex into a sub pungent subulate point, margins f recurved. 3 Cone of male flowers about 13-14 inches long; the short : stalk surrounded by subulate pungent-poiuted abortive leaves, covered with rust-colored wool-scales cuneate, excluding the apiculus about 9 lines long, 6 lines across in the broadest part, upper margin thickened cartilaginous-looking, from its centre arises a subulate acumen retrofractedly ascending, 34- 4 lines long. Pollen cells in groups of 3-5 opening longitu- dinally along inner face. Fruits crowded together into a terminal mass, intermixed with abortive leaves like those surrounding the male cone. Carpel leaves nodding 6-10 inches long, bearing the seeds about 4-5 inches from the base or abortive ovula, (these are | sometimes as many as 8) beyond these expanded into a short triangular cuneate lamina, with pectinate edges, the central pectea being much the largest : where the seeds are attached expanded into sort of smooth annulus.* Seeds yellow elliptic (very large) 2-3 lines long,17 lines across the short diameter, 183 across the longer. In the centre of the subdepressed apex is a brown mammillate point, the foramen. Hilum nearly as large as the annulus. Outer tegument 3 lines thick composed of short ochroleu- cous flesh with a disagreeable smell. Drupaceous coat brown, composed of fusiform cellular fibres. Inner tegument thinnish brown, papery, vascular. Third tegument separating with this except at the apex, where it is apiculate sphacelated, thin membranous and shining. Albumen with a quadrangular depression at the apex; angles, with a foveola or slit at the fundus. From each o . these hangs a subelastic strap which all becomes confluent sE gives attachment to the embryo. * N. B. The left hand figures (Pl. OCOLX.) not numbered or named on the original drawing perliaps refer to this species. Ed. : = = ———— TPE EI ETH Pea x: il CYCAS. 15 . 5. Cycas dilatata. Trunk about 5 inches in diameter, externally marked with persistent bases of the petioles but not equally so, for in some places it is annulated, and almost smooth, in others crowded with the bases of the petioles. Here and there a ring occurs of smaller petiole bases, mixed with brown wool, marking the periods of inflorescence. Leaves about 4 feet long, the naked part of the petiole 14- 16 inches long canaliculato-convex with teeth-like straight solitary distant prickles along the margins from abroad base. Pinnz 7-8 inches long, 33 lines broad, lower margin de- currence very coriaceous, unequally and very obtusely emar- ginate, points always appearing broken with one stout mid- vein prominent on both sides. Female inflorescence forming a dense terminal crown sur- rounded by several rows of abortive leaves subulate from a dilation of the base, entirely covered with pale and cold to- mentum, Carpel leaves erect, ovule-bearing, dense part ferruginous woolly, beyond these dilatated into a smoother fleshy sub- cordate lamina, the margins deeply incised into subulate green long subpungeut points, the apex broader entire subulately acuminate. The outermost bear no ovula: the next scarcely more than two. There are about 4 ovula, on either side, close to the limb, the lower part of the petiole being naked. Ovula attached by a broad base to a rather deep niche in the margin, about the size of a large pea, compressed, with a distinct apiculus, (the foramen). A long section presents a central gelatinous body, sur- mounted by an apiculate brown cone, the apiculus of which corresponds with the foramen, the cone is hollow. The crown of fruit (immature) is broader but so depressed at the apex as to be quite flat or almost concave. The carpel leaves are no longer erect, but curved, and the lamina is much broader and very concave. 16 CYCADEJE, 'The young seeds are oblong compressed 9 lines long by 8} wide, smooth, yellow, surmounted by a short reddish api- . culus, 6, Cycas sp. Truncus 4-5 rarius, 8 pedalis, vetustior vel basin versus ex- annulatis, apicem versus foliorum cicatribus notatus suban- nulatus, squamarum vestiguis inter annulos interjectis. Petiolis basi incrassatis subteretibus utrinque lanceolatis. Pinnulis linearibus angustis coriaceis, mucronato-acumina- tis, decurrentibus inferior in spinas dentiformes reductis; quarum infime patentes, superior ascendentes. Inflorescentia utriusque sexus terminalis. Masc. amentum stipitat. stipita e squamis Janceolat. acumi- natissimis creberremis erumpent. Ament ovato-lanceolat. pedale vel ultra, undique squamis spathulato cuneatis brupt truncato-acuminti (acumina subulato-ascendente) apice que cuneato ferrugineo velutinis, supra nudis, infra undique antheris tectis, infime difformes vacue, stipite ferrugineo velutino. Anth. 2-4 aggregate sessiles l] loculares, introrsum longitudinaliter (quoad fasciculos) dehiscentes. Pollen abun- dantissima, ovatum leve simplex, aque immersim globosum, punctis lineatis 2-3 notat. (an semper.) Fem. spadices lineari-clavate, apicibus dilatato-complana- tis, dense ferrugineo pubescent. angulatis, acuminatissimis, extimis intimisque sterilibus integris 4-dentatis, dentibus ovuliferis, apex introrse glabrato-viridis, ovula rotundatum apicibus papilla cava, fructibus ovatis glabris subsiccis dru- paceis, spadicibus fructiferis nutantibus, Has. Mergue. Ad littoram umbrose maris, prope Chedea copiose. Inflorescentia junior fem. terminalis adultior axillaris, oD folias tarde vita. Truncus cylindricus exogenus, albumen apex deprexa] 5-6 punctata. Punctz tot saccis membrana propria vestitis TESNCI TET TCWI DRESS PINUS. 17 materia mucilaginos limpida continentis, ut primo perspexit illustriss. Brunonius. Antherz fibrosis, cellule efibrosz saltem sublente 4,. November, 1834. Cycas ovula of, Pl. CCCLXXVII. Monstrosity of ovula of Cycas, two being united. Long section of part one of these. Ditto do. of normal and single ovule. Ditto transverse section taken above the middle. Nucleus laid bare, the envelope being detached except at its base. Membrane lining the cavity of the nucleus. Granules and cells, separated and viewed under pres- B SO hee "e sure. Calcutta: June, 6th-8th, 1835. CONIFERA. Pinus. 1. Pinus spinulosa, Gr. Pl. CCCLXIII. Vide Itin. Notes p. 145. No. 694. 2. Pinus Griffithii., Pl. CCCLXV. Vide Itin. Notes p. 329. No. 21? The parts of the drawing are not numbered or named. Should the species be distinct from P. excelsa to which it is allied, it may be named P. Griffithii.* The following figures are marked Pinus longifolia of Pushut, and probably belong to a different species from that represent- ed on the same plate. l. Female organ—ovula. The protruded portion of the coat is badly represented in asmuch as it belongs to the outer only coat. 2. Outer coat of one ovule partis: removed shewing the faciem. * Edit. 18 CONIFERS. 3. Female organ, at a little more advanced period, the formation of the projecting part of the scale of the cone has commenced in the shape of a keel-shaped process between the ovula. 3. Pinus ezcelsa Pl. CCCLXVI. Pinus abies Gr. Mss. Vide Itinerary Notes p. 123. No. 398. 4. Pinus Khasyanus Gr. Pls. CCCLXVII and CCCLXVIU. Vide Itinerary Notes p. 58, No. 901. Has. Khasyah mountains. 5. Pinus longifolia, Pl. CCCLXIX.—CCOCLXX. From otan. l. Female flowers with apex of branch. E 2. Spike of female flowers with the bracteze? separated. 3, 4, 4. Female flower different views. 5. Ditto upper or posticous face, 6 opposite face. 7. Ditto opposite face, coat of ovulelaid open shewing the nucleus. 3 8. Nucleus separated. 1 9. Ditto more advanced upper face. 3 10, Ditto opposite face. E 1 11. More advanced, testa laid open of one ovule, sphacela- F1 tion of nucleus as well as apex of testa evident. 3 . 12, Nucleus detached. 13. Branch with male flowers. 14. Leaves of base with the sheath. 15. Ditto sheath laid open. 16. Included base of leaves. 17. Male ament. 18, 19, 20. Anthers before dehiscence, different views. 21, 22. Ditto after dehiscence, 23. Pollen viewed as an opaque object. 24, 24. Ditto viewed in water, 25, 26. Ditto in spirits. 27, 27, 27. Ditto after maceration for an hour 4, AS AGATHIS. 19 Pi. CCCCLXX. Ripe cones and branch of the same. Itin. Notes. 6. Pinus deodar Nukhéar of the Affghans. Vide Itinerary Notes p. 331. No. 34. ABIES. l. Abies Webbiana? Pl. CCCLXXI. A. densa Gr. Mss. Itinerary Notes. p. 141. No. 662. AGATHIS. The leaves of Agathis are directed obliquely upwards, their under surface is of a glaucous tint, arising from the presence of numerous stomata on their surface. "The whitish tint of the surface on which these bodies occur, corroborates Dutrochet’s statement, that the white spots are observable on sume leaves, owing to the air cotained in the adjacent tissue. The leaves of this species are coriaceous lanceolate obtuse. They consist of a cuticle, especially dense on the upper or stomatous surface, and dense parenchyma, in which the green colouring matter is developed. "Through the centre of this several parallel vascular fascicles, which do not anastomose run. "The central ones of which alone, reach the apex, the others terminating at the margins. The stomata have generally a transverse direction, and have direct communication with the inter-parenchymatous spaces. The vascular fascicles consist of extremely elongated fibrous tissue, ducts and spiral vessels, which occur neither rarely, nor in a rudimentary state. It appears to me that none of the peculiar tissue exists in the young tissue of Agathis. — In the wood, these bodies occur generally in single rows in the tissue composing the wood, occasionally in double rows, the bodies alternating with each other. From the arrangement of certain cells of the cutis and of the outer surface of the scales, of young cones, and which 20 CONIFER. corresponds to the lower surface of the leaves, there is an evi- dent attempt at the formation of stomata: an additional argument in favour of the scales, being transformed leaves. But they likewise exist on the upper surfaces although in less numbers. Agathis loranthifolia, Pl, COCCLXXX. The ovula have when the cone is about the size of an egg 1 aa Bak NE RI E NIST SN UI RAD Sah ae oe only one tegument. They are much flattened, their largest diameter being transverse with regard to the axis, both the hilum and exostomium are obliquely situated, but still opposite to each other. The primine is of considerable thickness, cellu- lar elongated in the direction of the spire, formed by the cone into an aliform expansion. The exostome is open, the nucleus is fleshy-cellular, it is entirely enclosed in the cavity of the testa, to the foramen of which its apex as usual | corresponds. There is a very distinct central cavity, lin- ing which there exists a fine membrane, containing some granular matter, and forming a sac which adheres slightly to — — the surrounding parietes, and which seems to be closed at 7 both ends, certainly so inferiorly. It adheres very firmly to the apex of the nucleary cavity, and tears rather than sepa- rates. At a later period when the seeds are 1 of an inch long, their shape is considerably altered, the testa has become coria- ceous, the exostome is still open. The nucleus is spongy and constricted at its apex. "The membrane which I have above mentioned seems to have disappeared. 'The cavity of the nu- cleus is occupied by the nascent embryo of an oblong shape; constricted at both ends, this is pendulous, hanging from the narrow neck of the nucleus, the tissue of the lesser and lower constriction is the firmest. A.—Fig. 1. Ovule of Agathis loranthifolia, about 1 line long, it is inverted. 2. Ditto part of testa removed, a testa, 6 nucleus. THUJA. 21 3. Do. longitudinal section, a testa, b nucleus, c cavity. 4. Longit. section of nucleus, a nucleus, 4 sac lining the cavity. 5. Membrane separated partially. B.—Fig. 1. seed inverted. 2. Do. long section, a testa, b exostome, c nucleus. 3. Long section of nucleus, a embryo. 4. Nucleus more advanced. 5. Ditto long section, a embryo. 6. Embryo removed. TnuvJa. Thuja occidentalis, Pl. CCCLXXVIII. Fig. I, IT, III. The transition from the bractez clothing the peduncle of the galbulus of Thuja occidentalis, to the squame, is by no means abrupt. In this genus there is a tendency towards completion of the carpella, the sides being prolonged beyond the real apex which is indicated by a prominence, the margins of which are transversely decurrent, if I may be allowed so strange an expression; judging from this tendency, we might expect to find a coniferous plant the seeds of which are not naked, in such a case, the fruit would be compound consisting of many simple single-seeded carpella. The ovula in this genus are attached by a broad base, in a very young state they are marginal. The apex is attenuate the exostome large and irregular. The ovule is not very un- like a square flask. In all the specimens I examined, and which were all abortive, the primine was thick and osseous. The nucleus occupying the lower part of its cavity, being at- tached by a broad base. The apex is depressed and most distinctly areolate. Ata later period and indeed when the galbulus appears perfect, the ovula are of considerable size, ovate, angular and somewhat curved. The testais osseous and its exostome denticulate, the nucleus now occupies the 22 CONIFER. greater portion of its cavity, its apex is most distinctly de- pressed aud discolored, the base of this part being rather constricted : no protrusion of the nucleus takes place. The opening of the envelope or the exostome communi- cates freely by a canal of moderate size with the cavity in which the nucleus is lodged. The apex of this latter being prolonged as it were into the canal. The vesicula occupying that part which is opposite to the union of the secundine | with the primine. ! The fasciculus of vessels appears on a longitudinal section | to run up between the outer and inner parts of the envelope, | or between the primine and secundine. "The base of the nucleus is confounded with that of the secundine. This body is free only superiorly, where it is half ovate, the apex being acuminate. The upper part consists of tissue, | dense and whitish, while that towards the base is yellowish. "The apex is membranous and transparent, marking the ex- cavated termination of a canal, which runs along the centre of the nucleus, nearly throughout its upper half. The apex is distinctly perforate, the base of this is truncate and filled with air and dislocated tissue. Towards the upper part of the base of the nucleus or ite. united part, there exists a large globular cavity. This is lined by a very fine membrane which may be detached, and then presents the form of a globular membranous bag. It is fil with mucilaginous, grumous and granular matter, having distinct cells intermixed. I should say that on separation, the granules and enclosed cells form a sort of membranous body, probably by attraction, see fig. 7. Six days after fertilization. No change with the exception of swelling that had taken place in the pollen, which was adhering to the outside of the ovule, after it had been applied | for several days. The pollen is frequently seen in the exostome, and in the ' figured the membranous perforated apex of the nu- cleus contained many granules, from which no boyaux had ERT ERU YT STE ST mee THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 23 been emitted. The rim of the exostome is particularly at this period shining. No change appears to occur in the pollen while applied to the exostomium, nor does there appear to be in any instance an emission of boyaux. The exostome is frequently blocked up by pollen, in which no alteration has taken place. The nucleus in sphaceolated towards its apex and at the base of the membranous prolongation. "The excavation in the apex of the nuclens seems to be cleaner, so to speak, sometime after the application of the pollen. The boyaux are emitted as 1 suspected first from the firmness with which the grains of pollen adhere to the parie- tes of the excavation, which is absolutely crammed with granules of pollen. The boyaux are only generated towards the base of this canal. There is nothing developed at this period, within the vitel- lus the parietes of which are a perfect membrane. This sac is filled with a fluid and grumous matter, in which last occur at considerable distances, distinct sacculi or cells. The grumous matter and the contained cells cohere and appear like a mem- @ rane. The thece polliniferous are composed of tough membrane, apparently not cellular, marked with frequent lines obtuse occasionally clavate striz, which are of a light brown colour, within this membrane there appears to exista much finer membrane. "There are no traces of the fibrous cells so fre- quent in the ordinary form of anther, Eight days after fertilizatian. The excavation of the nucleus is crowded with pollen gra- nules, the great majority of which are with the exception of some tumefaction, unchanged. The parietes of the lower part of the cavity are stigmatic, that is the tissue is papillose and lax. The ovula are considerably enlarged, as is likewise the cavity of the nucleus. The vitellus is much more cellular. The majority of granules have not generated boyaux. These appear to penetrate the lax papillose tissue with 24 CONIFERJE. which indeed they may be confounded. They are however at once known by the presence of granules in their heads, the celis being entirely destitute of these bodies. I may observe, that the boyaux appear to be confined to the truncated dilated bottom of the excavation. Their course cannot be traced unless by dissection; the tissue being exceedingly soft and rendered opaque by the pressure of even the thinest mica. They are filled with granules, which are as usual of two sizes large and small, both being endowed with mobility but not in a high degree. 'The tissue of the TS also surrounding the excavation, is now of a high brown colour. I had set out with the supposition, deduced from observa- tions on Nelumbium and Crotalaria, that there would be mere application of the pollen to the nucleus, and that no pro- duction of boyaux would take place. And I argued that the . boyaux were produced in other plants in order to bring the surface of the pollen into contact with the nucleus, taking this view of the case, the granules would perform some other function, the mere nutrition of the containing membrane. It is now evident that mere contact of the pollen or of itgg tubes with the nucleus is not sufficient, as might indeed have been surmised from what takes place in Asclepiadee. But that actual penetration of the boyaux into the substance of the nucleus is absolutey essential. The determination of the precise state of the pollinia at the period of the first appear- ance of the embryo, will throw great light upon this most intricate subject. If this does appear while the boyaux are appreciable, the tardiness of the appearance of the embryo inthe Mergue Cycas, will depend upon impregnation not having taken place. Ten days after. The excavation appears to be lined towards its base with a grumous mucilaginous fluid in which the pollen granules are immersed, at least this is the appearance that à longitudinal section presents. The boyaux have no apparent determinate direction, but penetrate the tissue at the base and M EU. TOSS TAMEN TAN EEA Hag d eee ei i NEPRENTTTTY WS S YT TS THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 25 round the sides of the excavation. Then umber of granules contaiued in the visible parts of the boyaux, that is, in those parts which are not imbedded in the tissue is evidently much deminished, many of the grains of pollen which have not generated boyaux are nearly empty. Can these have excited any action on them? "The Quintine is at this period tender, and is easily detached. It appears like a whitish ball of the size of a small pea. It is now distinctly cellular, the cells being exceedingly lax and of irregular figure, and hence does not collapse on the rupture of the cuticle, asit may now be termed. Mixed with the lax tissue are granular bodies, which perhaps may be the nuclei of the cells escaped on pressure, as they frequently occupy the axis of the cells. The bodies appear like sacs with irregular superficies, and contain many small granules. The cellules of this sac are formed from without inward. Those of the periphery being in a state of cohesion, while the centre of the sac is occupied by fluid. The outlines of the lately formed and distinct cells are exceedingly faint, even under a triplet 44. These contain .many granules which are in exceedingly active motion of a vi- bratory and rotatary nature, accompanied with very irregular and quick change of situation. These cells vary much in size, and in the larger which are of irregular outline, there is an evident, though faint tendency to subdivision. It isa most extraordinary fact, that these actually undergo slow changes of form, even when detached, and are still in the field of the microscope ! The indications of subdivision are merely owing to a greater aggregation of the globules. These bodies are parti- cularly active in the new sacs, in which they are most trans- parent. There is some similarity between the appearance of these and of germinating sporules of Marchantia. At this period, the sac is tense, and when pierced by a needle the contents are propelled to a considerable distauce, D 260 CONIFER. when the chief bulk of the sac is occupied by cellular tissue, the granules are still abundant, but they are stationary. Connected with these observations, I should think that the development of the ovula of one carpellary leaf, occa- sionally varies much, the sac of the vitellus being at the pe- riod above mentioned, generally cellular, occasionally, nearly, or entirely liquid. Indeed the above observations relating to mobility and change of form occurred in an ovule, the others . of whose carpellary leaf had cellular, or nearly cellular vitelli, —June 18th, 1835. Thuja occidentalis, Pl. CCCLXXVIII. Figs. I., IT. 1, 2, 3. Ovule of Thuja occidentalis from the same gal- bulus. The two former from the axille of the outer, the last from that of the inner scales. 4. Ditto No. 3 long section. . 5. Nucleus detached. -. 6. Ovule from a full sized ? galbulus. : 7. Ditto long section. 3 June 161A, 1 | FEIN du EC iaa si Mi i I ie M ECC Le orm 0X pae fl edi m Cupressus. 1. Cupressus tortulosus Pl. CCCLXXII. Cupressus pendula, Abies Brunoniana Gr. Itinerary Notes pp. 100, 131 Nos. 27 and 529 a. micropyle, 4 wing, c ossified testa, e nucleus. JUNIPERIS, 1, Juniperis recurva, Pls. CCCLXXIII. and CCCLXXIV. Male aud Female : vide Itinerary, Notes p. 145. No. 696. 2. Juniperis ezcelsa, Pl. CCCLXXVII. Figs. 8, 8, 8a. These figures represent a portion of the tissue of juni- - perus excelsa, of the Himalaya mountains. It is ob- vious that these supposed pores are ovate round bodies Which are stuck across the cavity of the cells, or élongated JUNIPERIS. 27 tissue in which they are developed. The ring inside corres- ponds exactly to the supposed opening in the containing cell. The irregular marks seen in the lower part of the sketch, are probably the remains of cellular tissue. "This ac- cords with Lindley's idea of this structure. It is certain, that apparently large holes are left in the containing tissue when these glands have fallen out. Lindley, however, passes over the central areola visible in the body itself 8a, which uni- formly transmits light of a yellowish green colour. My friend Valentine, who is unrivalled in delicacy of dissecting, shews this areola to arise from the presence of a glandular looking body of the above colour. Pl. CCCLXXVII. Fig. 9, is an imaginary figure of this tissue, and will be at right angles with the preceding figure 8a ; it represents the membrane, which I suppose to be perfo- rated opposite the axis of each body, viz., b, b, 4, b, b, b, b, b, and is somewhat vesicular or rather raised up here ; d, d, d, d, will represent the body transversely across the tube; e, e, e, etc., will represent the glandular yellowish body occupving the axis of d, d, d. This certainly accounts for the anomaly in a better manner than has hitherto been given. This section is supposed to be carried through a portion of the tube, and through the axes of four bodies. inis to the tube. Objection: two areole should be visible, looking ub on the tissue, the areola of the containing membrane is that of the subexserted apex of the glandule. The explanation of Dr. Mohl is obviously highly un- satisfactory, and has the disadvantage of giving no miena account whatever of this peculiar structure. Section made at an angle of 45 present nothing but pa- rallelogramic reticulations, “the margias of which are fag- ged. June Sth, 1835. 28 TAXACEJE. Tagus, 2 sp. Pl. COCLXXV. One with axillary the other with terminal inflorescence. Bootan collection. - Taxus contortus? Pl. CCCLXXVI. Vide Itinerary "os p. 351, No. 116. PopocaRPus. Podocarpus, Pl. CCCLXXXVI. A. Fig. I. Frutex dioicus, fol. sparsis linearibus acutis rigidis, amentis basi squamatis, parte antherifere nudis. Per. O. stam. plu- rima in spicam amentiformum disposita, subsessilis. Anth. maximze subreniformi biloculares longit. lateraliterque dehis- cent. Pollen album leve, medio diaphanum et subcons- trictum. Mergue : January, 1835. GNETACE. GNETUM. 1. Gnetum, Pl. COCLXXXVIL.A. Fig. II. Frutex scandens. Ramis articulatis pendulis. Petiolis insertione humidis, foliis lanceolato-acuminatis, coriaceis. Inflorescentia extra axillares in axillis foliorum nempe deciduorum, floribus inconspicuis, viridescentibus. Spica vel axis florifera subcylindrica, androgyne involucris integris marginibus truncatis interruptis annulis similibus circa axim dispositis stipata, partibus floriferis velintra annu- los involucrorum pilosis, pilis articulatis. Masc. flores inferiores numerosiores, Per. l-sepalum cla- - vatum, margine incrassata integra. 'Stamen 1 hypogyna plano clavato, perianthium excedens. Anth. bilocul. didy- mæ, loculis longitudinaliter et centraliter dehiscentibus. Pol- Fem, Per. duplex texturá membranaceum decoloratum, TES * ITERUMQUE ie Cd gp NS Se ee PEERED TAE TEC ey EE UE Ow bP ae ones AAE OTRE GNETUM. 29 connivens, extus profunde bipartitis, laciniis subintegris. Inter bisepalum ? sepalis apice bifidis. Corpus centrale ovulum ? nudum carnosum, apice 3-denticulatum (an foramen) soli- um. Diandrum esse conjicio, filamento vasorum fasciculi 2 la- terales ad sunt, nec centralis ut in filamentis monandris et anthera vere didyma e loculis 2 omnino discretis. Descrip- tio generis (Sprengelii) pessima, Jussuea a Linneano exceptum valde incompleta. . I am as yet ignorant of the nature of the envelopes of the female flower. The central fleshy ovate body appears to be a naked ovule, the obsolete denticalations arising from the margin of the foramen, The nature and structure of the two envelopes indicate them to be perianthial. l. Female flower, outer perianth laid open. 2. Ditto outer perianth removed. 3. Ditto ovule? removed inner perianth open. 4. Ovule, or solid central body. Has. In sylvis. Pulo Gewen, Mergue: Nov. 1834. 2. Gnetum scandens Roxb. Pl. CCCLXXXVI. A. Fig. III. Scandens, pendensque, fol. oblongo-lanceolatis obtuse acu- minatis coriaceis repandis, supra atroviridibus nitidisque sub- tus reticulatis. Inflorescentia terminatis, spicis paniculata dispositis, oppositis 13 uncialibus, viridibus. Annuli arcte involucrantis, integri, flores pillis monili- formibus cellulosis albis immixti: fzminei superi pauciore- ue. Basis ima cujusque verticeli, pilis ejusdem formis den- sissimis occupata. Per. masc. l-phyllum, obconicum, apicem versus carnosum, virideque fissureque. Stam. 2 hypogyn. am. omnino in tubum cellulosum connat. Anth. 1-2 locu- lares, pollen Jeve. Fem. per. exter. celluloso-membranacea, connivens, apice 2-fidum. Inter. minus 2-partit. laciniis acuminatis. per. ex- terne obtectum, nucleus centralis, apice truncat. 30 GNETACEJE. Has. In sylvis inter Mergue et Kulweng etiam prope Beiktown. 1833. Dignitas partium non mihi satis clara, ob nucleo solido. | An membrane exteriores pro tegumenta ovuli habeudz ? E 3. Gnetum Brunonianum. Gr. [OVER C Frutex humilis ramosus erectus, ramulis teretibus ad articulos incrassatis, fol. breviter petiolatis lanceolato-oblongis subabrupte acuminatis subrepandis venis secondariis intra margines anastomosantibus, integris glabris spicis axillaribus terminalibusque solitariis infra flores ancipitibus, et ad medium hujus partis, bibracteatis, bracteis connatis bases versus, an- nulis involucratibus obsoletis, membranaceis, repandis, flori- - bus nudis, masculis pluriseriatis, superior primo evolutis 5 a fem. l-seriatis, viridibus, pilis floribus immixtis cellulosiS — : albis species distinctissima. Has. Mergue. Frequenter in sylvis densis prop Banlaw: February, 1835. a Gnetum Brunonianum, fruticosum erectum, foliis membra- —— naceis oblongo-lanceolatis repandis, spicis axillaribus termi- nalibusque solitariis, pedunculo medium versus 2-bracteatis; annulis obsoletis. 4. Gnetum apiculatum. Gr. Fructibus subdrupaceis succo aquoso dense spicatis, bast fructus annulus involucrantibus persistent. pilisque bruneis tico magis accretis stipatis, ovatis glabris, apiculo acufo terminatis, subaurantiaceis, l-locularibus, l-spermis, semen erectum eonformum, spermodermis extus fibrosa, intus cel lulosa! apice apiculata. Embryo solidus, superne apiculo sphacelato, carnoallill ad apicem excavat. an semper? linei longitudinali centrali basin nec attingent notat? an embryo verus, et corpus caf nosum per albumen habendum ? : Tegumenta hoc ordine sequuntur, extima membranacet glabrum, secundum fibrosum, fibris fusiformibus, aureo-br a a a Tee EPHEDRA. 31 neis nitentibus, inter bæc dua materia cellulosa succosa 4-tum, tenuissima e fibris transverse dispositis, 5-tum cum hoc separans, e cellulis brevibus transverse flexuoseque dispositis hec dua, valde elastica sensu transverse 6-tum celluloso- fibrosum, fibris fusiform aureis, longitudinaliter dispositis, 7- tum, semen involvens sed etiam 6-to adnatum, cellulosum. Cavitas apicalis sepe corpus e cellulis longissime flexuosis, continens, hoc cum basis cavitat. adnexum. Has. Mergue. 5. Gneti sp. Pl. CCCLXXXI. Fig. II. Frutex scandens. Has. In sylvis versus Colleyang Journey from Assam Ava: March 25th, 1837. EPHEDRA. Pl. CCCLXXXI. Fig. 1. 'The same organization prevails in the female flowers as in Gnetum : Mr. Brown originally affirmed the instances of truly naked ovula. This genus is a remarkable one, and has marked analogies in certain important points with Equisetum and Casuarina? With the former its cuticle seems to perform the principal aérating functions, and it abounds in silex, the particles of which appear to have no definite arrangement, but occupy the disks of the stomata! At least such is the supposition, I have for the present formed, it is easily proved by examining the surface at early periods, and the very young leaves, otherwise 1 can in the mature ramuli find no stomata.* 5. * I find that in Ephedra Asparagina Itinerary Hym 340, no. 67, thereis no deposition of silex in the cuticle, which has stomata, arranged as the disces of the silicous species, pes along. the spaces be- tween the bundles of elongated fibre So far my supposition is borne iid: This species approximates, to Conifere having generally whorled acerose leaves on its young branches. t crystalline masses which I take to be composed of silex. 32 GNETACEÆ The structure is exogenous, the wood has the usual mark- ings, and is almost destitute of vessels, it is hence compact, The pith is from an early period, the receptacle of glandular secretions, which, when solidified, separate readily from their. containing cells, whose form they almost necessarily have. | The bark is the part in which the aération of green pa- | renchyma takes place, it is thick and altogether green, ex- 1 cept the gray cuticle, and contains rather numerous bundles | 1 ; : of highly attenuated woody fibre; which bundles are ap- proximated to the cuticle. This last organ is papillose ; the papillz are irregular in size and distribution, but generally grouped in a certain order; these I take to be stomata, their disc is prominent greenish and separable in the form of subamorphous, i. e. scarcely The structure of the male flowers approaches in the peri- - anth to Gnetum, but this covering is bipartite, the lobei covering each other closely, that next the axis or posterior being outermost. The anther presents nothing peculiar. That of the female (to one extensively acquainted with ovula) is not to be mistaken. 4 The outer coat is much like that of Cycas, and as in all such epericarpeal plants, is of sufficient substance to afford | protection, and sufficiently green to perform aération, The inner membrane (like all the others) is elongated, but in excess, into a tube twisted towards the end which is more or less spathulate, In it is a nucleus, with a depressed apex, of the usual cel- lular structure and appearance, and in this is developed the embryonary sac from above downwards, which sac is cellular, - and so forms another exception to my practical rule for de- termining the future presence or absence of albumen from examination of the ovulum. Occasionally, in one instance the presence of a toothed oblique cup was observed sur- rounding the axis, terminating which were two opp bractem, and one female flower. EPHEDRA. 33 The presence of an oblique scale round the base (on oue side) of the ovule is common, but is generally if not always due to the separation of the scales above their bases on the application of force. The character of this order in Lindley's Introduction, taken from Blume is open to considerable objections: of this the term projection applied to the attachment of the male flowers is one instance. Then the female flowers are said to be sometimes shel- tered by a false calyx consisting of two scales more or less combined, each of which surround one or two flower a structure impossible, uuless the scales are lobed, which they are not. When two flowers are developed one may be axillary and the other terminal, or both axillary ; when three, the rela- tion they have to the scales and axis is obvious, when one, the axillary ones are abortive, because the plant is dicho- tomous, and in all such cases the terminal flower is deve- loped first. The style-like process is not formed from the membrane of the nucleus, in the sense here implied, or it is perfect before the nucleus is so, although probably originally formed from it. Then no evidence is given about the protruded style-like process of the fruit before maturity, which process is the apex of the secundine, or inner coat. And with regard to the hypothesis assumed, it is totally contrary to all analogy, for in all instances in phenogamous plants when a peri- carpial integument or pistillum exists, a stigma exists also. To this there is no exception.* Then the assumption of the protrusion of the outer coat of the ovule is contrary to analogy, in all cases the tendency to this protrusion is greatest in the inner coat, the embryo- nary sac half filling the nucleus perfectly long before the an- * Yet the female flower is far more precocious MALES, E thers are perfected. Then the outer coat is rarely evascular, and as rarely if ever membranous, both which contingencies exist in Ephedra, if Blume’s theory be adopted. Lastly the perianth of Ephedra is not closed up, and is not eventually ruptured. The remark of the more perfect evolution of Gnetum isa. — good one, and worthy of much attention. E It is a remarkable fact, and one that shews well the op- posite directions of the growths of the male and female or- gans, that although the terminal spike is developed in both sexes, the terminal flower of the males is invariably absent, this however is most obvious in the organs of vegetation, particularly the leaves. ]. Portion of female inflorescence. . 2. Female spike laid open. 3. Ditto at a younger period. .4, 5. Apparently abortive, the two inner scales, one of which i is removed in fig. 4, were submembranous aud . not green, surrounding their common stalk was an ob- lique cup-shaped process. 6. Ovule detached, oblique scale on one side, probably the. base of one of the decussate leaves or bractes. 7. Outer coat } taken away. 8. Apex of the styliform elongation of inner membrane. 9. Both membranes partly removed shewing the nucleus 10. Nucleus detached. 11. Oblique view of its apex, as an opaque object. : I2. Nucleus, surrounded partly about its base by the mem- branes, at a more advanced stage. ; : 13. Nucleus, long section, shewing the embryonary sac. ]4. Embryonary sac, with its free apex imbedded in th base of the nucleus. 15. Portion of cuticle, stomata choked by siliceous matter: 16. Section of a branch of one year’s growth. 17. Section of ditto of Ephedra asparagina, which has stomata of the ordinary sort. 34 GNETACEA. E i 1 35 POTALIACE.;E. PoTALia. Potalie sp., Pl. CCCLXXXIII. Fig. I. Frutex cortice seniori cinerea, juniori fusco viridi, fol. juniori brunneo-fuscescentum, flores albi ingrati odorati. Auth. brunnez fructibus juniorib. viridib. Has. Inter Nidding et Culleyang Delvi : Icon. £t. Ww. no. 28, March 23rd, 1837. LOGANIACEA, FaAGREA. Fagree obovata, P. CCCLXXXII. Itinerary Notes p. 39, No. 631. Arbor 35 pedalis elegans, foliis petiolatis oppositis, ad apices ramulorum tantum, lanceolato-obovatis, sepius obtuse acuminatis, integris glabris, petiolis basin dilatatis, partib. di- latatis subconnatis, adeo ut stipule intra petiolaris mentient. Inflorescentia axillaris cymoso-corymbosa, corymbis foliis breviorib. multifloris, cymis trichotomis. Bracteis parvis ovatis membranaceis, ad basin ramulorum. Pedicellis paulo infra medium bibracteolatis, floribus majusculis, ochroleucis, suavissime odoratis, odore jasmineo-lonicera. Cal. 5-fidus, tubo brevi, dentibus rotundatis, marginibus embranaceis. Cor, infundibuliformi-hypocraterif. tubo calycem 3-plo excedent, limbo 5-partito, laciniis ovatis obtusis pe: æstivatione contortum imbricatis. Stam. 5, fauci inserta, petalis alternant. longissime E flam. filiforme ad exsertionem deflexa, tunc ascendentia anth. subversatilis bilocule longit. dehiscens. Stylus filiformis longe exsertus. Stigma capitatum, ovarium superum, bilo- culare, loculis 00 ovulat, ovulis placentus carnosis transverse * 36 ASCLEPIADEJE. affixis foramen hilum prope. (See Pl. CCCLXXXVI. A. Fig. XI.) Pollen oblongo-ovatum l-sulcatum, aquo immers globo- sum papillosumque. Mergue: December, 1834. ASCLEPIADE/E. STAPELIA, Stapelia, P. CCCLXXXVIII. Figs. 13, and 14. Cal. 5-sepalus. Cor. rotata profunde 5-partita laciniis ovato-lanceolatis longissime ciliatis, fauce laciniarumque ba- sibus pilis sanguineo-purpureis longis, barbat. sublente 49 punctualis (motione nulla visibli. Textura corolle carnosa, colore sco mangues rugis elevatis callosis, anastomasan- P i d a x E. "Corona stamines duplex, extus 5-phylla foliolis petalis op- positis, linearibus subplanis apice 3-dentatis, Interior 5- phylla petalis alternantia et staminibus opposita, erecto pa- tentib. triangulari-subfaleatis profunde bifidis, margo supera . incrassata triangularis, canaliculata ultra sinuum in subulate productis, pars relique complanata in apice denticulato. Antherze subcarnose, simplices, lateraliter longitudinali- terque dehiscentes. Pollinia erecta, cereacea, 10-caudicule breves extrorsum quoad pollinia gibberem product. massz ovatze antice curvatæ et secus marginam anticum truncatz, ibidemque dehiscente Glandula ovata, medio sulcata nigra Stylus sub o. Stigma truncata, bifoveolata, angulis pro- minentibus, ovarium tereto-subulata. Ovula 00. funicul brevi, sulco profundo bilabiato hilum prope. Nucleus ante fecundationem apparens. Calcutta : June 14th, 1835. Mr. Brown in the generic character of Cryptos - Register fol. 435. says “Glandule 5, spathulate, 3 HOYA. 37 lorum stigmatis pollen granulosum (simplex) colligentis."? This means I suppose simple with regard to the non-aggre- gation of masses, for each individual grain of pollen has cer- tainly the ordinary periploceous structure. In this structure, this plant accedes closely to Cryptolepis. I have examined both inthe Hort. Bot. Calcut. June, 1835. Hoya. l. Hoya viridiflora, Pl. CCCLXXXVIII. 1. Flower. 2. Ditto perianth removed. 3. Ditto Perianth and one of the fissures, a pollen mass is observable. 4. Ditto all the processes of the corona removed. A gland with its pollinia is seen opposite one of the fissures, into which the tubes are descending. 5. Gland and Pollinia (front.) 6. Ditto lateral. 7. Ditto emitting tubes. 8. Portion of the interior of a pollen mass, which has. bursted. 9. The same viewed externally. 10. Detached grain with its tube. ll. Long, section of ovarium and style; gland and pollinia attached ; the brown spot at the apex of the placenta indicates the passage of the cord of tubes. Vellore: August, 1833. 2. Hoye sp. Scandens et subparasit. in arboribus. Caulibus crassis, albis. Fol. vel caulinis vel in ramis brevissimis ovato-oblongis crassissimis coriaceis, l-veniis sepe cochleato-concavis, pal- Jidis petiolis i uncial ialibus. ; Umbellis f. tih rennantibus; floribus nu- a A 88 ASCLEPIADE./RE. merosis, longiuscule pedicellatis carneo-fuscescent. Corona | rubro purpurea. Pedicellis apice incrassatis (fructiferis robustifactis). Cor. rotata, laciniis cordatis margine apiceque recurvis, secus margines celluloso-fimbriatis. Coronæ folioli carnosa depressa et supra concavum. Polli- niorum compressorum, crista (externa), much developed. Tendency inleaves to Ascidia, but the direction is reversed to Dischidia, for it is the upper surface, that is concave. 3. Hoya? Pl. CCCCX.A. Fig. 2 Epiphytica in arboribus pendens subscandensque. Caulibus teretib. fol. lanceolatis subacutis mucronatis enerviis carosis crassis ad basin foveolatis, umbellis pendentibus, eformibuss pedicillis exterioribus nempe longioribus, unifloris, floribus carneis elegantissimis parvis inodonetis, corollis rotatis densa - barbatis, laciniis revolutis apicibus nudis. Corona 5.phylla - foliolis lanciolatis sagittatis carnosis intus in dente anthere - incumbent product. extrossum sagittatim bilobis, medio in crise tam parum prominula elevato. Anth. membranacee termi- | natis fluris maximis. E Pollinia erecta oblonga compressa margine exteriore quoad glandula trancata, pellucida cartilaginea, stigma breviter apiculat, Has. In arborib. ad lilloram Maris. Ins. Modus Mergue : March, 1855. Hoya certe rudimentarum generarum includit quorum type. sunt Hoya viridiflora, distincti polliniis non margine bruneatis coroneque foliolis. This is the same as no, 5, in corone fo- liosis, but distinct in corollaque barbatis. : ie 4. Hoya? Pl. CCCLXXXVII. 1. Flower viewed in front. 2. € section of do. 3. € removed. Corona staminea exposed. corn "y psu PITT. P —— M HOYA. 39 4. Section of corona staminea, Cal. Cor. Ovaria and styli removed, stigma remaining. 5. Part of the corona staminea, the processes cut off. 6. Pollen mass in front, 7. Follicta. This is certainly not a true species of Hoya, although it is a congener of Hoya viridiflora. Has. Mergue. 5. Hoya volubilis, Pl. CCCCX. A. Fig. 3. Scandens volubilis caulibus teretibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acutis coriaceis glaucescentibus basi, 1-callosis, indistincte 3- nerviis, umbellis intrapetiolaribus longe pedunculatis, floris. Pedunculis perinnantibus, folia excedentib. apices versus cicatricibus iuflorescentia antecedentis notatis. Pedicellis fili- formibus 14 uncialibus basi minute bracteatis, masculis irregularibus purpureis, floribus magnis, albidis, cereaceis coronz foliolorum angulis intrantib. rosaceis, anth. lutes- cent. Cal. 5 partit. Cor. subrotata profunde 5-partit. laciniis late ovatis acutis intus lucidis. Corona 5-phylla, foliolis carnosis- simis, radiatis, supra planis, ovatisgue, angulo intrante den- tiforme in antheram product. incumbentemque. ^ Antherz membranum terminate. Pollinia erecta basi affixa, margine interiore quoad antheram, cartilagineam diaphanam. Stigma apiculo brevi, apice membranaceo. Epiphytica in arborib. Mergue: March, 1835, flores sub- suaviter odorat. The pollinia on being detached and especially if put in water become twisted, so that they have the same arrange- ment as those that are naturally pendulous. It is impossible to make them revert it to their natural situation, Very pro- bably the fact of their being erect depends upon some local appreciable cause, to be ascertained by examination of these in the young state. ZEstivatio subvalvata, nec Hoye 40 ASCLEPIADE.E. genuina civis ejusdem generis cum Hoya viridiflora. Partis floris interdum quaternaria. 6. Hoya. | Scandens radicansque in arboribus glabra, caulibus ramosis — — teretibus, foliis breviter petiolatis carnosis ovato-lanceolatis l 4 uncialibus acutis subtus pallidis umbellis simplicibus, sæ- pius terminalibus aliquando subintrapetiolaribus foliis longiori- bus Pedunculo perenni clavato, floribus albis dilutissim rosei tincti, corollis barbatis revolutis, ciliis intra petiola. 0. ma- | culat, radicibus infra axillaribus follicul. brunnea. Has. Mergue. In sylvis Madamacam, August, 1834. | If this is a Hoya, H. volubilis, certainly constitutes a dis- | tinct genus, which may be distinguished as follows. | Cal. parvus 5-sepalus Cor. rotata reflexa. tubo brevissimo — - limbo superne barbato, corona staminea exserta 5-phylla, foliolis depressis carnosis ovatis, parte acutis in antheram, | incumbento, tubo duplici, corolla adnata, secundo omnino | libero corollae insidenti. Anth. membranea terminata. Pollinis erecta geniculis extrorsum processum gerenti- bus. Stigma obtuse apiculat. Folliculi gracilis. Sem. car- nosa, 7. Hoya velutina, Pl. COCCX. A. Fig. 7. Scandens pendula exarboribus, totam corolle pagine inte- riora excepta, pubescens. Fol. oblongis basi subpeltato cordatis, acuminatis subobtu- sis margine recurvis coriaceo-carnosis obpendentum quasi resupinat. Umbellis inter petiolaribus, plurifloris, pedicellis uncia- - libus clavatis, floribus amplissimis diametro 14 unciali albidis. cereis, subinodoris. Sepalis erectis majusculis oblongo cordatis, . Alabast. vertice depressa, 5-angulato, valvat. Cor. rotata carnosa cerea, laciniis paullo infra medium uct. triangularibus, margine revolutis nitent. glaber. * | | D É | E É E HOYA, 41 Corona foliola carnosa vertice planiuscula vel concava le- viter subtus oblique, scooped away, angulo interior liu- guiforme centrum axeous attingens, margine membranes. Anth. depresso-horizontalis margine membranaceo undulato. landula brunneo-nitens. magna apice externo in setas le- yiter recurvatus product. Caudicule planiuscule sigmoidee curvate longe. —Pollinia obovata, margine simplice. Styli disci capiat. in conum central. subclavat. radistó-atriate: Ovula plumina, placentam superficeam omneam externam convexam occupan Has. Malacca. In sylvis littorat. Tangong Cling. An H. Velutina Wight Asclep. Lac copiosum. Flor. Febrio. Asclepiadee. Gen. nov., Pl. CCCCIII. Suffrutex volubilis, glaber. Caulis viridis compressius- culus linea pubescente alternatim notatus. Fol. petiolata elliptico-ovata, basi obsoleto-cordata, bre- viter acuminata cum mueronulo integra, marginibus re- curvis, superne atro-viridia sublucida minutissime pube- rule inferne pallida glabra, basi. 5-venia, venis lateralibus ee et glandularum conicarum seriebus duabus ima stipata, vena primaria secondariz, tertiari pauces ae B Ouid cristaque undulata membranacea insig- nita! V. secoudariz arcuate, tertiariee varize anastomosantes, quartariz incospecue. Petiolas crassus uncialis vel 14 uncialis supra planius- culus, subtus alato-carinatus, carina basin versus evanida. Pagina infera tantum stomatosa. Racemi subinter petiolares in umbellis spurias contracti. Pedunculo petiolo multoties breviore. Pedicelli basi bracteas minuti suffult. pilis brevissimis brunnescentibus adpressis puberuli, ut etiam bractez, initio involuti ! Flores inodori, mediocres, aurei, rubro-brun- nei crebre punctulati. Corona staminea atro-purpurea, pili pennicillorum purpurei. Antheræ N A9 ASCLEPIADE. Calyx ordinis, sepalis 5 lanceolatis carnosiusculis, imbri- catis. Cor. rotata, profunde 5-partita, laciniz lanceolate, car- nose mucronulo brevi viridi terminte, dorso pubescentes, et punctulis subclavatis, sublentem notatz, estivatione val- vata, alabastra pentagona. Corona staminea 5-phylla. Foliola carnosa concaviuscula cordata, extus bilamellata; lamella utraque acuminata apice pilorum rigidorum fasciculo-pennicillata, exteriore longiore, intus dente obtuso, rugoso, stigmatis apice zequante aucta, sed in antheris nullo modo incumbente intus concavo. Anthere membracez: apici simplices, in stigmatis capiti arcte incumbentes, minute. Pollinia, basi affixa subtransversa, minutissima, rotundata margini interiori quoad par quodque exteriori quoad an- theram truncata, hyalina. Glandula triangularis antice brunnea, postice pallida, caudicule semiopace breves, latis- - simz, marginem superum totum glandule oceupantes. Stigma apice depressum planissimum muticum; interdum © obsoletissime bimucronatum. Ovarium ordinis; ovula as . cendentia oblonga, foramine sulciformi. biseriata. Genus certe novum: Hoye notis quibusdam affine; distinctissimum obcorollam zstivatione valvatam, foramen | foliorum corone staminee stigma depressum, et ovula biserialia ; structure in ordine mihi plane ignota. l. Alabastrum first before expansion. 2. Section of corolla shewing its valvate zestivation. 3. Flower. 4. Ditto corolla removed, miserably out of perspectives the inner process of the back foliole not shewn. - 9. Vertical view of corona staminea and stigma. - 6. Ditto two of the foliola, bent back with their anthers Shewing the situation of the pollinia, à z BRASIL LII NER LEE aWiexccooet coru ia foU ERR Been cen NNN ERIE ITE E S AUGUE PERGULARIA. 43 7. Apex of corona lateral view, foliole removed, shewing the very small clefts, by which the pollen tubes would at a pass down to the apex of the style. 8. Pollinia pair of, viewed in situ and looking vertically down on the stigma. 9. Ditto in situ, but viewed rather laterally. 10. Same as 8, but the furrow is wrong, this is only visible on the outer angle or base of the gland. ll. Pollinia viewed laterally. 12. Pollinia, same as 8, furrow wrong; the masses dis- placed. 13. Pistillum, one of the ovaria laid open longitudinally to shew the extention of the sides of the placenta. 14. Ditto vertical view, ovula bases of, only visible. 15. Ovary transverse section, ovula nearly enclosed by the convolute placenta. 16, Ovary cut down longitudinally, parietes for the most part removed, shews the direction of the ovula of one row, and the relative situation of the groove and raphal face, no raphe exists at the time of flowering. 17. Ovulum. 18. Apex of one of the laminz of the foliole of corona sta- minea. PERGULARIA. Pergularia minor. Caulis scandens teres, pubescens, folia petiolata ovato- cordata acuminata basi 3-nervia, reticulatim venosa, nervo me- dio basi corpora 3-5 brunnea gerento; cymi pauciflori intra petiolares; pedunculo communi petiolis duplo breviore, pedi- cellisque pubescentibus, flores majusculi pallidi lutescenti- virides fere inodores. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis lanceolatis subaequalibus. Cor. tubus longitudine fere sepalorum, ovatus teres, fauce constricta, lim- bus sub erectus, laciniis 5, oblonga laciniatis, marginibus revo- lutis zstivatione contortis. Corona staminea 5-phylla, foliolis tori nive x thei impregnation of Dischidia. The author's remarks on 44 ASCLEPIADE. extrossum complanatis, apicem infra subiter in processum subulatam in super antheram incumbentem et stigma paulo superantem angustata, processis in pagine interioris folioli | prominulo (an nervo medio folii analogo.) : Anthere membrana maxima producte insuper stigma con- — - niventes, biloculares, loculis ratione membrane minimis ; Pollinia (Pl. COCLXXXVI.A. Fig. XIIL), erecta ob- f longa vix compressa, deorsum infra insertionem caudicule 1 externe breviterque product. an margo dehiscentibus. Cau- diculi breves. Stigma muticum oblongum crassum, trans- verse sulcato, apice celluloso albido quasi fungoso. Folliculi ovato-subulati. Semina valde compressa subulata ad hilum co- — mosa. E Embryo immaturus orthotropus. Cotyledoni suborbicule venose. Placenta multa alata alis tenuissimis. : Has. Bengal. Legi. in sylvam ad ripas Jellinghey prope, | 1845. This seemsto be the Pergularia minor of Andrews Repos. ; Tab. 85, and Asclepias pallida Roxb. Fl. Indica 2. p. 48. DiscuipiaA.* l. Dischidia Brunoniana, Gr. Pl. CCCCX. A. Fig. 1. Epiphytica in arborib, caulis arcte prostrata repentis et ad | articulos radicantis verrucosis, verrucis apicibus, piliferis. a Fol. breviter petiolatis suborbicularis, subpeltatis abrupt breviterque acuminatis carnosis supera infera planiuscula supera rugosa verrucosa pilosaque, umbellis intra petioli- bus paucifloris pedunculis viridiscentis verucosa pilosa, foliis breviore, floribus magnis, tubo saturato-sanguineo limbo ro- saceo: odor 0. Pedicellis brevib. calycibusque carneis. .. * Plates CCCXC, CCOXCI, CCOXCII and CCCXIII, are illus- ee in the Tran- í o pos Li ean T Vol. xX. , p. 39 DISCHIDIA, 45 Cor. urceolata 5-partita laciniis ovatis erecto-patentibus medio bases versus longitud. carnosis crassis, sinubus introsis in gibberibus productis, zestivatio valvata, fauce scabris pilosis clausis, pilis ascendentibus medio punjentibus. Corona 5-phylla, foliolis stipitatis limbo subverticalis reni- formis albis, fissuris hiantibus fusco-purpureis. Anth. conco- lores membranacez marginate terminaterque. Pollinia erecto-oblonga valde compressa citrina, glandula brunnea, geniculis glandula superant. rubro-brunneis, Stig- ma apiculo longiusculo subulato. Species distinctissime obscabritatem. Cor. lacinia erecto- patentis nec conniventissimis gibberiformis, corona foliolis marginatis reniformibus nec bilobis hippocrepidiformibus. Has. Mergue. Inter Rhizophoreis. Ins. Madamacam Palor prope. 2. Dischidia (Leptostemma) coccinea, Gr. Pl. CCCCIX. Repens radicansque in arboribus. Caulibus in parte floriferis s:epius foliis orbatis. Fol. (insignia) ramulos arcte circumvoluta ideoque subtus concava (ibidemque radiculos ramosas foventia) subpeltatum affixa reniformi-cordata, sinu in processum pyramido-denti- formem, superne elevato, verrucis conicis parce exasperat. su- pra fusco-viridescentia, subtus purpurea seniora alba ob- tecta. Umbellis paucifloris. Floribus urceolatis, tabo obtuse pentagono coccineo, limbo brevi vulvat. connivent.livide brunneo, faux annulo incom- plete clausa. Coronz foliolorum lamine cordate. Pollinia compressa, spathulato oblonga caudicula brevissima. Foliculis (juniorib.) extrorsum arcuatis, inferne convezius- culis longiuscule rostratis. Has. In arbor Terebinthae, Malacca. A remarkable Species explanatory of Dischidia Rafflesiana, so far as the as- cidia and radicles of that species are concerned. 46 ASCLEPIADES. To this genus belongs D. Rafflesiana ? All the leaves have the same direction, and are subimbri- cate ;—very irregular-looking for such organs. Spec. Char. Foliis reniformi-cordatis, supra verrucosis in ramulis cir- cumvolutio adpressis, sinu pyramidali, floribus coccineis la- ciniis brevibus rotundato-oblongis, fauce aunulo semiclausa. Caudiculis polliniis spathulato-oblongis multoties breviorib. 3. Dischidia, (Leptostemma) albidum. Gr. Radicans et repens in arboribus. Caulibus filiformibus. Foliis cordato-ovatis, mucronulatis subaveniis, breve petio- latis, utrinqne (sed supra magis) convexis ideo carnosissimis, Supra pallidis subtus quasi albo-brunosis. Pedunculis subaxillaribus, perennant. petiolorum longitu- din. Floribus umbellatis, paucis, inconspicuis albis. Cor. urceolata, limbo longiusculo valvato coniform. coni- formi-connivens. Faux villis transversis albis clausa, coronz T - lami- nz angusta spathulate carinate. Caudiculz polliniz zequantes. Polinia oblonga vix com- pressa. Folliculis secus internum faciem profunde canaliculatis$. longissime rostratis fuscescent. Semina coma tenuissim. longissim. Has. In arboribus Malacca, vulgatum. Spec. Char. Leptostemma albidum foliis cordato-ovatis, mucronat juniorib. utrinque convexis, velustior planiusculis laciinis € rolle tubum fere zquantibus fauce villis clausa, folliculis longe rostratis. Of this genus I have met with three species, all agreei in habit, shape and zstivation of corolla, and peculiar shap of coronate leaflets. DISCHIDIA. 47 4. Dischidia (Conchophyllum) albiflorum. Gr. Pl. CCCCX. A. Fig. 8. Habitus et foliatio Dischidez, Collibus foliisque przser- tim subtus punctis albis, folii paginze inferioris perforatis. The larger most conchiform leaves are purple underneath. Caulib. repentibus in arbor, ad articulos radicantibus. Umbellz lateraliter inter petiolares abbreviate apice cla- vatze, trilobze perennantes, bracteis minutis predite. Floribus breviter pedicellatis, albis, tubo corolla subglo- boso, fauce constricta, lamina oblonga, connivens, 4 the length of the tube, intus carnosa rugosa, fauce nuda nec villosa, nee annulata. Corona foliola omnium tenuis- sime, unguibus quite flat, laciniis planissimis simplicissimis, unguem superantibus apice dilatatis, Anth. in conum connivent. membranaceum marginat. Cau- dicule clavatz, longe. Pollinia oblongia, zquantia glandula minima. Has. Malacca at Tabong and Verupha. The species are difficult of discrimination, the distinguish. ing marks of this are its conchiform leaves, its white flowers, the rather elongated limb, the simple faux, and the simple foliola of the corona, which in all others have carinate or perhaps conduplicate lacineze, whereas here they are plain, and in the shape of the pollinia; in this too they are longer than in the others, and their dilated toothed ends are curved outward. Blume’s Leptostemma can searcely be adopted with pro- priety. 5. Dischidia Rafflesiana. Foliosa ascidifera, longe scandens, ascidia grouped in large irregular often pendulous bunches, filled. with ants, lange irregular and variously angular on the surface, often fal- ciform ; orifice transverse, narrow, lucid, otherwise yellow green. Lamina iuflexed simple, with a recurved margin, inside Li 48 ASCLEPIADE. black purple with numberless white dots, occupied by roots. | The internodes of the leafy portion elongated, leaves oppo- | site, orbicular with a short cuspis, considerably concave mare — — gins and apex incurved, above angularly rugose, very fleshy coriaceous. Peduncles stout, perennial subclavate flowering part with an irregular .surface generaly much longer thau the leaves. Flowers not numerous on short pedicels erect, axis of the laciniæ ochroleucous those of the sinuses of division are dark- green. Cal. puberulous, pale ciliolate. Cor. urceolate, tube glo- | bose, laciniz connivent into an obtuse oblong cone: I have not seen the corolla open ; after maturity the green co- lour disappears, the lacinie are merely teeth, not extended, throughout, cone very fleshy and tough, slighty bearded | inside, sinuses obsoletely entrant, otherwise faux naked. E Coronal leaflets with short stout stalks, armed simply in- curved deflexed expanded conduplicato-carinate. E Margins of fissures communicate, thick, subcartilaginous E l below slightly diverging. E. Anthers obloag erect, terminal membrane long flaccid | forming a white termination. 4 Pollinia very much flattened oblong somewhat curved, 34. times longer than the caudicula, which is dilated at the apex | a level with the summit of pollinia, it is articulated on the apex of the ovary and adheres firmly with staminal columns superficies below the angles of the stigmata. Follicles pendulous, subsubulate rather stout flat and channelled, above are the seeds (the youug only seen) comose at the apex. Has. Malacca not uncommon on trees and rocks at Pale Bissar also on Puddam Battoo, mount Ophir alt. 2000 feet _ Spec. Char. Foliaceo ascidif. Ascidici in bundles separi on the jeres; oblong, variously angular, margin of o o DISCH!DIA. 49 inflexed into a large simple lamina, with recurved margin, leaves orbicular, concave, flowers urceolate, laciniæ tooth- shaped, closely connivent. Coron. folioles dilated simply curv- ed, conduplicate carinate. Pollinia oblong, flat, many times longerthan the caudicula. Stigma rostrate, rostra cuspitate. Follicles flattened and channelled above, also known by the co- lour of their flowers. If not D. Rafflesiana, nominatur D. vi- ridescens. 6. Dischidia Rafflesiana. Scandens volubilis glabra, carnosa, ascidifere caulibus tere- tibus, ascidiis confertis oppositis brevissime pedicellatis ova- tis, angulatis rugosis ad pedicellam apertis, collo substran- gulato margine oris, inflexa in foramen lamine linguzformis, intus atro-purpurea maculis minutissimis albis, radiculos ramososin pedicellis axillisque ortas foventibus, fol. distant. ! orbicularibus carnosis plus minus apiculatis marginibus subre- curvis, nervo medio promicalo. Racemis axillaribus abbrevia- tis, foliis brevibus pedunculo brevissime, crasso, minute bracti- ato. Pedicellis filiformibus basi membranacea bracteatis pu- bescentibus, floribus inconspicuis luteo-viridibus. - Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis ovatis, pubescentibus, submembra- naceis, ciliatis. Cor. unceolata fauci subconstricta, limbo 5- partito, laciniis lanceolatis carnosis erectis conniventibus, intus apicem versus barbatis, pilis simplicibus. Corona staminea 5-phylla foliolis lucidis stipitibus carno- sis. 2-lobis, lobis membranaceis subconcavis infus productis : par quodque hippocrepidiforme, Sulce communicate valde prominentis. Anth. ovatze, marginibus apicibusque membranaceis, Polli- nia erecta oblonga compressa margine diaphana, caudiculis brunneis. Stigma apiculata. Has. Mergue. In arboribus ndisse parasit. praesert. in vetustioribus partibusque mortuis. - Corona and Pollinia, see Pl. dT h Fig. VI G * a * - hinc generi proximum. f 50 ASCLEPIADEA. Florifera Kulwing, Dec. 1834. “Nec vera Dischidia ob coronz foliolom difformi quamvis 7. Dischidia complez Gr. Volubilis locofoliorum, ascidiis magnis, oppositis, subreni- formibus, compressis, gaudet. These ascidia are very complete, presenting a rather small orifice near the petiole, the outer margin of this orifice being inflexed and formed into a second pitcher much smaller than the outer one, opening on each side by an oblique aper- ture, deeply lobed or furrowed on the upper carinate or lower side, a transverse section makes it very reniform. » The cavity of the outer pitcher crammed with radicles, the — | inner surfaces of both lurid purple with i inconspicuous white — ak : culis longis, 3-uncialibus apice dilatatis, verisimiliter perennant. Flor. breviter pedicellatis subumbellatis albidis, (ante anthesin tantum visi). Cor. tubo subglobosa, faux vix. coarctata, lamina estivatione valvata, depresso-inflexa car- nosa, brevia lata ovata, Faux pilis subclausa. : Corone foliol. e plicata (simplicem,) eruribus longissimis an- gustis apice dilatatis transverse conniventibus vel recurvis. Columna antherarum truncat. stigma vel styli apicem 5-go- - num excedens. Pollinia subobovata, caudiculis dilatatiss. extrorsum con- duplicato-concavis, basin massular. quasi 4 amplectent. mare gina interiore carinatis, et in mucrona ultra antherse basin producta. Pollinia appear furrowed along anterior faces. Ovaria ?. Has. In arboribus Malacca, A very distinct species, although in some others, there is Sheedency to an inner pitcher. > Char, Dischidia complex. Aphylla ascidiis subre- Ls m a SPE wee mS ASCLEPIAS. | 51 niformis, compressis, lamina inflexa, in ascidia interius evolut. floribus alabast. apice depressis, fauce pilosa. Foliolis sim- plicibus. Polliniis antica sulcatis. 8. Dischidia obovato. Scandens, caulibus teretibus, foliis breve petiolatis, obovatis, subacutis carnosis integerrimis, pallide luteo-viridescent. Pedunculis perennantibus more Hoye, intrapetiolaris cylindri- cis, crassitia penne corvinze, floribus paucis inconspicuis albis. Cal. minimus, 5-sepalus, sepalis rotundatis, cor. urceolatis 5-dentatis, dentibus couniventes fere clausis, faux pilis clausa. Corona staminea simplex 5-phylla, foliolis carnosis albis, an- gular, basin bifidis. Anth. in conum obtusum conniventes- membrana marginate et terminate. Pollinia 10 erecta, tumida. obovata, et margine exterior dehiscent. linea diaphana nulla, tubo pollinioram tenuissima. Stigma ovat. ad apicem angustatum obtusum, Has. Mergue. In arborib. December, 1834. In a flower immersed iu water, the dehisence of the polli- nia had taken place in situ, along the outer edge of each mass. The tubes emitted were short and very fine. See Pl. CCCLXXXVI. A. Fig. VII. ASCLEPIAS. Asclepias tenuissima? Roxb. Glab. caulibus volubilis, foliis carnosis ovatis basi cordatis 3-nervis. Paniculis cymosis, ramosissimus, intra petiolaribus; cymis subumbellatis, paucifloris, floribus minutas, purpurea, folli- culis acuminis supra planiusculis, Cor. notata 5-partita, tubo sub 0. Corona stam. 0. anth. membrana terminate, mass polliniis transvers. affixa, mar- go diaph. 0. Stigma planiuscul. ies Mergue in humidis: September, 1834. Mergue Herb. o. 23. 52 ASCLEPIADE/E. - MARSDENIA. 1. Marsdenie sp. Longe scandens, caulibus viridibus. Fol. oblonga, ovato- obtusiuscula acuminata, basi cordata, venis secondariis distinc- tis apice bifidis et ope arcuat. convexis, vena intro-mar- ginali obsolete, subtus valde pallida, sinus baseos paging corpusculifer. ciliz interpetiolares nulle, umbelle interpe- tiolares, alternantis, petiolis zquanti densiflore, flores ma- .jusculi, viridi lutescentes. Sepala subcordata brevissima ciliata. Cor. campanulato | tubo brevi suburceolato, limbo 5-partito, laciniis ovatis bases | . versus pilosis, ut etiam faux, estivatio imbricata vix con- torta. Corona staminea 3-phylla processubus indivisis fere corda- tis carnoso-gibbosis medio foveolatis.. Badhere obtusze, mar- * “gine rotundato membranaceo. Pollinia erecta (genicule dusitioge transversi) oblongo subangusto-obovata, introrsum curvata adeo ut apex utriusque - in super glandulam quasi incumbit. Pl. CCCCLXXXY. A. Fig. X. Stigma apiculo conico longiusculo ultra Antheras prominu- lo, apice emarginato. Has. Khasyah Mts. Scandens in aboribus in marginibus Sylve Mumbre: Nov. 114h, 1835. An Mardeniz sp. = 2. Marsdenia tinctoria, Pl. CCCLXXXIX. Suffrutex volubilis, succo vix lactesente, habitu ad mini- mum ordinis. Ciliæ interpetiolares obsolete. Petiola apice pluri-glaudu- losa, venz seconsariz regulariter apicem arcuatum nexe, con- fluentes. Thyrsi, modus florescentiz insolitus subaxillares, ex um- Belial pluribus pedunculo dispositis orte. rescentia centerpita. 21 Z TYLOPHORA. 53 Flores suave odorati, Heliotropaceo, parvi, ochroleuco-albi. Cor. unceolati, faux. pilis conniventibus clusa, tubus fasci- culis pilorum 5, laciniis oppositis, ore flexis, medium versus stipatus, sestivatio imbricata. Corona staminea 5-phylla, foliolis a medio infra carnosis " filamentis adnatis, viridibus medio foveolatis, aspectu fere bi- cruribus, sursum liberus, linearibus, leviter canaliculatis, sim- plicibus, in antheris incombentibus. Anthere membrana ampl. repand. marginate et terminatze. Pollinia erecta, spathulato-obovata, compressa, alba, areolis utrinque sub 3-seriatim dispositis, marginibus simplicibus. .. Glandula solita, caudicule longe spathulate, valde vis- cosæ, pollinia huic iufra apicem et facie antica affixa. . Stylus nullus. Stigma fere conicum muticum. Ovula 4 seriatim, vix ultra 14, placentz breviter productae, * etovüla lateralia semi-obtegentes. Coron staminee corone Dæmiæ subaffinis, quamvis sim- plex. Pollinia difficult solubilia, ob caudiculas adherentes: non torquuntur immersione ! Granula pollinis in formationem ! massarum intrantia praaliis pauca. Situs massarum albi in- solitus, in aliis nempe caudiculam terminans. Suddyah : August 16th, 1836. TYLOPHORE. Tylophore sp.—Pl. CCCLXXXVI.A. Fig. 1X. A me- Morandum of figures copied from Descaine, Paris, Feb. 1832. lower, bud, corona staminea, ovarium and section of ova- rium Stigma of a species from Timor. Pollinia erecta, SARCOLOBUS. Sarcolobus carinatus, Pl. CCCCX. Volubilis scandens fol. subcoriaceis oblongis, cuspidato- acuminatis basi subcordatis, obconduplicatis, concavis parum * 54 ASCLEPIADES. undulatis, valde reticulatis, reticulis infere paginz quasi im- mersis. Umbellis (interdum cymosim divisis) interpetiolaris vel sub axillaris, foliis multo brevior, plurifloris. Pedicellis basi minutis bracteolatis, pedunculi paullo lon- gioribus. j AEstivat. leviter contorta. Cor. rotata subreflexa tubo brevissimo fauce quasi carnosa, sinubus laciniarum opposita intus productiuscula viridescens lineolis brunneo-striatis. Corona stam. nana, simplex. Anth. rotundatz, conspicui marginate. Pollinia obovato-clavata subhorizontalia, caudiculis longissi- mis flexuosis. Stylus brevis. Stigma discoideum apice nudo albo. Ovar. 2-1-locularia. - Has. Malacca, in aquosis littoralibus; foliatio Habitus Gymnematis, a quo genera differt, preesertim seminibus car- nosis marginatis. Hab. Etiam ad Mergue. Fol. juniores oblongi carinati velutino-pubescentes apice depreso mammilla exserent. Ciliis interputiolis O. This is the Bopple Sambing, a virulent poison is produced from its seed. ; If it be found to be distinct from S. carinatus it is to be called S. virulentus. Iam not certain about the stigmatic surface, for although the whole base of the style, indeed, all below the disc is papillose especially towards the ovaria, yet appearances suggest, that the tubes, will pass into the style tissue, not along outside until they reach the ovary, although from the articulation tak- ing place on the apices of the ovaria; such a course would be - anomalous. Emission of tubes in another seen, but no fecun- dation or penetration. | SARCOLOBUS 55 Sarcolobus, Pl. CCCCV. Fig I. 1. Flower. 2. Corona staminea. Perianth removed. 3. Ditto, Anthers turned back. Pollinia in situ. 4. Pollen mass. 5. Long section of stigma. 6. Ditto, Partial shewing that it is stigmatic 0. 7. Ovule, of a bud about to expand, foramen visible with the apex of the secundine projecting beyond it. Sarcolobus, Pl. CCCCV. Fig II. l. Corolla laid open attached to the caudicule. 2. Pollen masses with the tubes issuing from their ventral margin ; gland fallen off. 9. Transverse section of the stigma towards its base, shewing the structure of an asclepiadeous stigma and that the pollen mass can only get access to the stig- matic tissue through the fissures in the column of sta- mens opposite the angles of stigma. 4. Ovule from a flower in which the pollen masses had fall- €n out and dehisced, but had not then entered the fis- Sure. ‘The apex of the nucleus is no longer visible. Sarcolobi sp. Caule, volubil. filiform. fol. subcarnosis lanceolato-subacutis marginibus revolutis, subtus purpureo notatis glabris floribus umbellatis, viridi-lutesceutibus fusco-lineatis, umbellis axillari- > (alternis nec o ositis) paucifloris, foliis multo pierioribus, Pedicellis basi bracteatis, ciliis interpetiolari- C. Cal, Usque ad basin 5-partibus, laciniis 2 exterior minor. “er. rotata, tubo brevissimo, limbo 5-partito laciniis ovulibus as faux, denticulis 10 potius monticulis. Cor. stami- |... "88D, antherze membrana marginate et terminate. Pollinia 56 GYMNEMA. basibus affixa transversa in stigmata incumbentia, margine diaphano 0. geniculis longissimis ovarium ordinis. An Sarcolobus? Fl. Ad humidis in szepibus, Mergue : July, 1834. ` GYMNEMA. 1. Gymnema malayana Gr., Pl. CCCXCIV, Suffrutex volubilis subglaber. Caulis compressiusculus. Petiole sursum canaliculata juniores per totam longitudinem, cilis inter petiolaribus nullis. Folia cordato-oblonga, subabrupte et breviuscule cuspidata, basi glandulis? pluribus sine ordine dispositis stipata, integra, margine flexuosa subrecurva subcarnosa, supra saturati-vi- ridia, subtus glauco-albida, pulchre reticulata ; subtus tantum stomatosa. Cymis composita: subintrapetiolaris . pedunculo com- muni petiolis longiore; interdum apice umbellatim ramoso, puberulis. Cymi partialis densiflori; irregulariter peduncu- lata interdum subumbelliformes. Flores parvi, (pedicellis puberulis basi bracteatis ante an- thesin incurvis, bracteis minutis) ochroleuco-albidi, subudo- rata. Calyx puberulus, alabastra obscure 5-gona, laciniis basi subfoveolatis. Corolla suburceolata, laciniis erectis; zstivatione bricatis, ciliolatis oblongis, intus flavis carnosisque ; tubo breve glabra. Corona staminea nulla. Filamenta longiuscula, levia obscure carinata, basi pro- ducta in laminam concolorem brevem, truncatam patentam margine leviter incurvam. Fissure fecundationis comp. de- orsum continuati ad basin usque filamentor. Anthere rotundatz imberbes, ipic termenate. im- compressa, E cugino a ZEE GYMNEMA. 57 margine uniform. Glandule majuscule brunnez apice trun- cate, lateribus obsolete 3-gonis, caudicula longa. medio torta, parte torsionem supra fuscescento ; infra, subhyalina. Styli nulli, stigma muticum capita papilloso, cellulose albo, conum obtusum formante, superficie basis obconicze cu- ticula orbata ideoque stigmatosa. Ovar. ordinis, Ovula pluriseriata ordinis. Vix dubito quin species sit sectiones supra citate ; nullo- modo Gymnema. Polliniaenim Gymnematis (salle in G. Syl- vestra) apice pellucido coarctato gaudent. Differt ab omnibus aliis mihi cognitis fissura fecundationis deorsum continuata, quasi completa vel aliis verbis, filamentæ Sursum discreta (partibus fissurze respondentibus) inferne in- terne tantum cohzrentia. Pollinia, ut alia in omnia, in aquam immersa inventuntur, €t quoad glandulam pendula fiunt. Ab hoc anjudicare licet, positione pendula tantem naturalea esse. um Gymnema occordat laciniis corolle intus carnosis. An affinis G. Finlaysonio, Sect. 3 Wight Contr. p. 46. l. Alabastrum just before expansion. 2. Flower : at a rather late period: I have not seen any in perfect expausion. 3. Staminal column of bud. 4. Ditto, two anthers removed to expose the situation of the pollinia. 5. Pollinia in situ (opaque and vertical view.) 6. Ditto ditto lateral. 7. Pollinia viewed in water. 8. Pollen mass and its caudicule. 9. Long section of staminal column and pistillum, base of stigma certainly has a stigmatic surface. 10. Ovulum, 1l. Staminal column of bud, corolla equal to the calyx. : =o fone of a gland and its caudicule. 115. Pollen mass. ditto corolla, twice the length of € 58 ASCLEPIADE. 12a, Gland and its two caudicule, now twisted and nearly perfect. 125. Pollen mass. 2. Gymnema, Pl. CCCXCV. Alabastra viridia, uti flores lacinie marginibus purpuras- centibus. Caulis albido fucescens folia supra saturate viridia, subtus albida, juniora fucescentia. Has. In collibus 7sa-gaiya, on the Irrawaddy above Ava: May, 1837. 3. Gymnema. Pl. CCCXCVI. 1, Bud and natural size. 1. Do. magnified, perianth removed. 2. Anther detached. 3. Gland. 4. Pollen mass. 5. Corona staminea etc., of a bud at 3 of its development. 6. Gland of the same. 7. Flower. 8. Ditto vertical section. 9. Ditto perianth removed. 10. Ditto ditto anthers removed. ll. Pollinia and gland. 12. Long section of the ovarium and stigma. Vellore: August, 1833. CALOTROPIS, Calotropis gigantea. The only a normal form of this flower, is that in which there is an increased development of the processes of the corona staminea, with a corresponding increase in the an- ther and angles of the stigma. The greatest increase that - I have seen is three, making 8 processes. In this case, between CALOTROPIS. 59 three of those opposite the sepals, three smaller ones are de- veloped opposite the petals. Opposed to these, three addi- tional anthers are formed In the highest state of monstrosity, these addition- al processes are distinct, more frequently the anomal adhere either entirely or partially to the normal ones. Inthe latter case, the base is distinct and opposite the petal. To such, there is not an additional distinct stamen, but the stamen corresponding to the normal process is increased in Size; this depends on the degree of distinctness or cohesion of the accidental process. If this is considerably developed the anther is nearly doubled in size, I have never observed impregnation in these cases. Calotropis gigantea, Pl. CCCXCVIII. Fig. II. l. Corona staminea, Pollinia and glands in situ. 2. Ovarium etc., in which impregnation has taken place, the tubes are seen passing from the pollen mass and entering the style; there is a manifest enlargement of the ovarium of the same side. 3. Pollen mass and tubes. 4. Portion of ditto as seen with Ross’s triplet, here the external membrane does not appear divided into cells. 5. Tube separated. 6. Ovarium, the styles still adhere, but from the great com- parative enlargement of the fecundated ovarium, their junction is about opposite the centre of the larger ova- rium, gs ae gigantea, Development, Pl. CCCXCVIII. ig, i. First stage. Cor. shorter than the calyx. l. Bud. 3. Long section of ditto. 3. Stamens in situ. no trace of corona staminea. 60 ASCLEPIADES. 4, Stigma, the depressions on its angles visible but no rudiment of glands. Second stage. Cor. 4 longer than the calyx. I? Bud. 2’ Corona staminea and anthers: corona slightly deve- loped, its processes are of a form totally different from that of the mature ones. 3’ Stigma. Glands visible, arms not so. Third stage, Cor. twice longer than calyx. 1” Bud. 2” Corona staminea and anthers, the fissure in the pro- cesses has closed up and the convoluted base is appar- ent, no traces of the 2 teeth at the upper part. 9" Ovarium and stigma. Glands and arms developed but as yet unattached to the pollinia. 4" Gland detached. Calotropis gigantea, Pl. CCCXCVII. Fig. I. 1. Bud. 2. Flower, 3 times natural size. 3. Ditto Pollinia : adhering and detached. 4. Corona staminea. 5. Pollen mass with its gland. Front view. 6. Ditto lateral view. 7. Gland detached. 8. Long section of Pollen masses. The same Pl, CCCXCVII. Fig. III. 1. Longitudinal section of the ovarium, the passage of the cord, down the base of the style is marked by a spha- celated appearance, at the upper end of the cavity the pollen tubes are seen, some of them are disarranged and their extremities seen. . 2. Longt. section of the placenta, the pollen tubes are . Seen ramified over the placenta passing down its base. ee TRO TOL OXYSTELMA, 61 3. Ovule, shewing the communication of the tube with the ovule at the base of the funiculus. The sume Pl. CCCXCVII. Fig. II. 1. Ovarium, style and stigma. Three pollen masses are seen with the cords running down applied to the style, only one ovarium is fecundated. 2. View of the base of the stigma, the cord is seen appli- ed to the surface destitute of cuticle, which is always Opposite to the space between the anthers. 3, 4,5, Pollen tubes at different stages of growth. 6, 7. Ovula, with the tubes communicating with them. OxyYsTELMA. Ozystelma esculentum Br. Asclepias rosea. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2 p. 40. Herba scandens volubilis inter gramines in locis humidis proveniens, glabra caulis teres. Folio brevepetiolata linearia acuminata subtus convexa, |-nervia, nervo medio infra promi- nula, basi subbiglanduso. Racemi intra petiolares foliis brevi- ores panciflori erecto patentes, flores basi nudi ? maximi dia- Metro unciali inodori, extus albi, intus carnei purpureo reticulatim venosi, segmentis margine incurvis ciliatis. o Cal. 5-partitus laciniis lineari lanceolatis. Cor. rotata com- Panulata tubo sub o, laciniis 5-ovatis, basi latioribus paten- ti-erectis ; corona staminea simplex 5-phylla, foliolis basi annulatis medio ventricosis, apicibus subulam acutam gynos- tegio longiorem et stigmatem in super incumbentem pro- duct. lateriusinque compressis et postice interiorive planis Marginatisque. Antheree membrana terminale. Pollinia pen- ula. Glandula brunnea caudicule breves: masse pollinis E apicibus affixse spathutato-obovatz compresse margine in- terior} quoad antherz loculos valde ventricosa vel magis con- Yéxam, anguli stigmatis supra prominuli, caput vel superficies 62 ASCLEPIADES. supra peripheriam plana, centro convexo transverse sulcata vel sub-emarginata. Has. Bengal. In humidis vel secus rivos intra Pubua et Shirazgunge: Sept. 11th, 1835. The annulus at the base of each process of the corona staminea may perhaps be considered as the rudiment of an outer series, although they are not mutually continuous in the spaces alternating with the processes. Its situation is in my opinion near Domia. Ozystelma esculentum, Pl, CCCC. Fig. I. ]. Placenta, chief part of ovaria cut away, front view. 2. Ovarium partly cut away lateral section at least of the ovula removed, a few remain in situ. or attached by the )oyaux. 3. Ovule viewed obliquely. 4. Ovule laterally. 5. Ovule obliquely. 6. Ditto lateral. 7. Front view. 8. Ditto ditto. 9. Ditto ditto. 10. All from the same placenta: 5 shews the termination of the boyaux. 10. Ovulum from a flower before expansion. 11. Ovaria some time after fecundation, lateral and longitu- dinal, the inflection of the septum remaining. 12. Central view of an ovule of do. 13. Ditto Dorsal. 14. The same under slight pressure. The same Fig. II. 15. Dorsal view of ovule. 16. Central of do. 17. Longitudinal section through the greatest diameter, OXYSTELMA. 63 shewing that the cavity is occupied by a cellular mass fixed to the base of the cavity. 18. Cellular body removed, from a young fruit an inch long. Coma of the seeds, ovula 5 times longer than the ovula. Oxystelma esculentum, Pl. CÓCXCIX. Fig. I. 1. Coma 8 times longer than the seed, Raphal or inner face the young seed. 2. Ditto long section through broad diameter or parallel to the faces of the seed. 3. Embryonary sac of do. 4, Raphal face in a more advanced stage. 5. Ditto Longit. section. 6. Embryo detached. 7. Embryonary sac less advanced, but from the same pla- centa. 8. Embryo of do. 9. Seed nearly mature. 10. Embryonary sac detached. ll. Embryo. 12. Embryonary sac less advanced. The same Fig. II. 1. Corona staminea etc., one leaflet removed. 2. Ditto all the leaflets removed. Two Pollen masses en- gaged in the clefts of fecundation. 3. Lateral view of Pollinia. 4. Ditto front. 5. Ditto back. 6. Corona staminea laid open, one leaflet and one anther removed, shewing the passage of the cord, the ovaries considerably enlarged. : * Stigma, styles and apex of ovary, shewing the passage of the cords and the place of their entrance. 8. Pollen mass, dehiscent. o M ASELEPIADEJ. 9. Ditto portion of, viewed internally. 10, Ends of two boyaux. Fecundation in Ozystelma esculentum is by no means uncommon, The steps being almost precisely, the same as in Asclepias. Dehiscence, of the pollinia never taking place in the cells, but in the clefts of fecundation, and occur- ring along the convex or inner edge, with regard to the an- thers. The bundles of tubes passed to the base of the head of stigma, thence being reflected in passing down its prolongation : the base and the prolongation consisting of stigmatic tissue, the outer part being almost indurated into a sort of cutis, the tubes pass into the apex of the styles or at the point where the articulation takes place, and where the styles are green and have no lax stig- matic tissue. Thence downwards to the placenta, over which they spread, proceeding most: distinct to the ovula, the groove of which they enter appear to penetrate into the substance of the ovulum to alittle distance from the fundus of the groove. They are in this state almost entirely empty. Extensive sphacelation of that portion of the styles, which are not stigmatic, and into which the tubes enter, takes iron but no signs of it are perceptible on the placenta. The ovula at the period of the attachment of the tubes have undergone no change. The nucleary excavation is ge- neraly however more evident, and occasionally appears par- tially with dislocated tissue, no raphe is visible. The excavation in its more advanced stages appears to have a communication with the fundus of the foramen. At the pe- riod when the coma is equal to the ovulum, the cavity does not bear the same proportion to the ovule that it did previously. The raphe exists, shining along an elevated line and terminating towards the centre of the ovule. The central opaque portion of the ovule is solid, but no separation of the parts appears to have taken place. * . At a somewhat later period the mele is more developed, — | VONT T OXYSTELMA. 65 and the central opaque portion is occupied by a cellular roundish mass which has the same direction as the nucleus, to the base, of whose cavity it is attached. This is the com- mencement of the embryonary sac. The next stage when the coma was about 8 times longer than the ovule, presents no important change in the coat of the ovule, the embryonary sac is increased in size, and is now free from adhesion except by its apex to the apex of the cavity! This attachment is very slight, it contains towards its apex a globular semiopaque body, attached by a filament of similar appearance to the apex of the embryonary sac. The next stage presents the young seed much increased. The embryonary sac much enlarged. The embryo attached by the apex of its radicle, by a very short thread which does not reach the apex of the sac, and the cotyledons considerably developed and alternate with the raphe, the traces of the original adhesions of the sac are visible. The next presents the raphe completely developod, ter- minating towards the centre of the seed and towards the centre of the cotyledons. The embryonary sac occupies the chief portion of the seed, and it is occupied chiefly by the embryo which has as- sumed its mature form the cotyledons, being now nearly op- posite the raphe. Finally the sac becomes attenuated to a membrane, appear- ing to contain no albumen, the embryo fills its cavity almost entirely and the cotyledons become opposed to the raphe. The remarkable parts are in this, the incompleteness of the raphe, it has in common with some others as Veronica, the late appearance of the embryonary sac, its change of attachment, and the change in the situation of the cotyledons. Bud } line long, mass not separable from the cell, I see very little analogy between the formation of the pollen in epiadez and the ordinary forms, in the earliest stage seen * mass consist of an excessively fine sac, containing much molecular matter, either scattered or aggregated in 1 66 ASCLEPIADEJ.£. - transverse bands or forming merely opaque dots in both cases of irregular outline. In next stage the membrane is scarcely demonstrable, bursting under the slightest pressure, it is now filled with the granular matter, which is not however grouped but continuous. In a flower-bud 2 lines long the mass has assumed its ma- ture form, the outer membrane is cellular, and the granular matter divided into masses, corresponding to the cells, the inner membrane now appears to exist. No other change takes place except in induration, and the more complete development of the inner membrane. The best mode of accounting for this formation is to as- sume, that the original mass, forms directly the grains of pollen and that these never lose their original connection; or we may look upon the mass as consisting of a single original cell, which subsequently becomes indefinitely di- vided. To this view, the only objection is the persistence of the original cells, but this point is not yet sufficiently de- monstrated. - CYNANCHUM. Cynanchum inconspicuum, Gr. Pl. CCCCI. Volubilis puberulum, foliis oblongo-ovatis acuminatis, basi profunde cordatis auriculis convergeutibus supra velutino- lucidis subtus albidis. Racemis umbelliformibus inter petiolaribus, pedunculo commune petioli subzquante, pedicellisque pubescentibus excedente, calycibus puberulis. Corolla patente-reflexa, laci- niis oblongo-lanceolatis, intus lutescentibus extus albidis, glabris. Ciliz inter-petiolares nulle glandulz ? aggregatia ad basin folii cujusque. Sorona stam. corolla 1 brevior, 10-fida, laciniis petalis oppositis minoribus erectis emarginatis intus carina sim- CYNANCHUM. 67 plicei auctis, alternis horizontalliter conniventibus antheras insuper integris. nthere membrana cordata alba terminate. Polliniz ventricosa oblique oblonga latus interioris quoad antheras convexiora. Caudicule breves lutiuscule aspectu cellulose margo ` Superus cum apice pollinia parallelus, Glandula ovate, sulco dorso inconspicuo. Stigmam muticum. Ovula placentatioque ordinaris. This species can scarcely be referred to any of Mr. Brown's sections, and itis intermediate evidently between his first and second. lt may be thus characterised :— Sect. II. Corona staminea tubulosa, colomnam includens, ore 10-fido, laciniis 5 exterioribus petalis oppositis intus carinatis, C. inconspicuum mihi, foliis oblongo-ovatis acuminatis basi profunde cordatis; corona st. corolla breviore, laci- nis 5 exterioribus erectis emarginatis, carneis simplicibus interioribus majoribus integris antheras insuper conniven- tes, interioribus integris os clausentibus. l. Alabastrum, 2, Flower lateral view. 3. Ditto vertical, corolla out of perspective. 4. Corona staminea laid open, it is evascular. 5. Genitalia, cor. st. removed. 6. Ditto an anther removed shewing the direction of the pollinia. 7. Pollinia. Portion of an insects antennz ? caught i in the furrow of the gland. ' Anterior view of Pollinia. 9. Posterior ditto. Pistill 68 ASCi EPIADEAR. Cynanchum viridiflorum, Pl. CCCCII. Fig. I. ]. Bud just before expansion. 2. Flower perfect. 3. Columns. staminea and stigma, magnified. 4. Longitudinal section of do. 5, 6. Pollinia. 7. Inner view of anther. 8. Outer do. 9. Ovarium and stigma. 10. Ditto the pollinia in situ. 11. Transverse section of the ovarium. Cynanchum ? Pl. CCCCII. Fig. II. l. Flower viewed vertically. 2. Corona staminea. 3. Outer view of anther. 4. Inner ditto. 5, 6. Pollinia and glands. 7. Stigma and part of ovaria, Pollinia in situ. 8. Corona staminea. Anthers dehisced transversely. Pol- linia in situ. Toxocarrvs. Toxocarpus Roxburghii, Pl. CCCLXXXVI. Figs. IV. V. Scandens. Caulibus teretibus brunneis, fol. petiolatis oppositis obovato-lanceolatis, acuminatis integris, utrinque ad venas parce brunzeo-pubescens infra reticulatis. Cymis inter petiolar. folio brevioribus, ramis divaricatissimi-flex uosis, flo- ribus citrinus subsuaviter odoratis. Pedunculis pubescent - bracteis minutis ovatis. Cal. equaliter et profunde, 5-partitus, - laciniis eodem mod pubescentibus, ciliatis. Cor. infundibul. tubo terete, calyce duplo fere longiore, limbo 5-partito, laci- niis linearibus subobtusis tubo paulo longioribus, reflexis esu oie TOXOCARPUS. 69 sibus parce barbatis, linea 2 barbatis, basin paulo supra con- fluentibus. f ; Stylus clavatus annulo prominulo paulo supra basin bifido. — Stigmata 2, simplici. ZEstivatio leviter contorta. Corona staminea 5-phylla, foliolis carnosis 3-lobis, lobo me- dio majore, intus dente anthere incumbentibus aucto. Anth. apiculate longitudinaliter aliterque dehiscentes, aunulo styli arcte adherentes. Pollinia ovata quaternatim, corpusculo oblongo stigmatis singulo affixa cereaceo. Stigma apice clavata longe producta, bifida, basin vix. 5- gonum. Glandule oblonge ramose bifide. ^ Ovarium ordi- nis. Genus distinctissimum inter Asclepiadeas veras et Pe- riploceasq ue. Asclep. longistigma Roxb. ‘Has, Ad littoram Mergue: Sept. 1834. . Toxocarpus, Pl. CCCCIV. l. Plant. . 2. Flower just before expansion. _ S. Ditto expanded. 4. Corona staminea and stigma. Cal. cor. removed. 5. Ditto, Processes removed. 6. Process of corona staminea, outer view. 7. Ditto, inner. 8. Ditto, with anther attached. Pres: of the Pollinia, these being waxy, but 20, resem. ling the latter in the gland, which is emarginate. Asclepias longistigme. Roxb. Fl. Indica. 70 ASCLEPIADEA. FINLAYSONIA. Finlaysonia obovata, Pl. CCCCVII. Fig. I. Volubitis. Scandens, caulibus teretibus, junioribus pre- sertim purpurascentibus foliis obovatis abrupte acutis mucro- natis integerrimis glabris carnosis supra pilosis subtus palli- dis et pulchre reticulatis, junioribus, cymis inter petiolaribus foliis brevioribus ascendentis dichotomis pubescentibus, brac- teis minutis, floribus parvis, cor. lutiscent purpureo tincta, barba alba. Char. Gen. Cor. rotata laciniis intus barbata, faux coronata processubus subulatis ; Antheras 5 oppositis. Stamina fauci inserte, libera. Antherz, longit dehiscent. apicibus carnosis 3-angularibus. Stigma inflexis. Masse Pollinis 20 granulosz obovate 4 an- therarum cuique loculo, lividz, egranulis quaternatim cohz- nentibus formatis. Corpuscula stigmatis apicibus dilatata lon- gissime, ab apicem hinc usque ad medium fissa. Glandula car- nosa subrotunda. Stigma 5-gonum apice coarctata sub bifida excavationibus transversis, 5 cum angulis alternantibus ! Cellule fibrose anthere adsunt: etiam numerosissime. Textura, cellulosa laxa (stigma verum). Has. Scandens insuper arbores in aquosis in Rhizophorus. 1. Base of the petals with their processes and column. 2. Stigma, Glands attached. 3. Anther and Pollinia inner view. 4. Pollen mass. 5. Ditto attached to Gland. 6. Lateral view of the Gland. 7. Front of Ditto. 8. Ditto its foot. 9. Pollen shewing the quaternary division. JO. Flower &c. Mergue Sept, 1834, "v MYRIOPTERON. 71 STREPTOCAULON. Streptocaulon sp., Pl. CCCCVI. l. Flower just before expansion (vertical). 2. Corona staminea of the same. Corolla and calyx re- moved. 3. Back view of anther. 4. Inner do. 5, 6, 7. Gland and caudicula, incumbent faces and lateral. 8. Do. Pollen attached. 9. Pollen shewing the ternary aod quaternary division. 10. Stigma vertical. ll. Do. and ovaria. Mergue : Sept. 4th, 1834. MYRIOPTERON. Myriopteron, Pl. CCCCVIII. Fig. I. l. Bud first before expansion. Flower, it becomes afterwards more twisted, the lacinece quite so, Corona staminea, sepals and base of corolla remaining. The same. Anterior foliolum cut away at its base. The same. Anthers all cut away. Two anthers, and tube of corona staminea internally to Shew the tooth in the sinus. The connective towards the base projects, and this part (if any) adheres to the Stigma, N p mie _ 7. Pistillum and pollinia, - Stigma vertically. 9. Glands etc laterally. 10. Back of Ditto. ll. Pollen grains. 12, Ovary transverse. 13. Ovula, u September lst, 1843. 72 ASCLEPIADRA. Periploca. Fruticosa longe scandens (sed vix volubilis) succo lacteo copius viscidissimo effet. Ramulis viridis, fol. lanceolata longe acuminata, fere caudata, integra, margine cartilagineo, vena intro marginali valde distincto, cilii sphacilate intro petiolaris, glandulz bases paginz versus obsolite. Cymi axillares, opposi- ti dichotomi, pauciflori, foliis multo brevioris, Bractez lanceo- late, minute, ad basin pedicillis pedunculique. Sepala apice reflexa. Cor. rotata zestivatione fere valvata, laciniis lanceolatis intus barbatis pilis albis. Processus carnosi subreniformes, sinubus corolle subjecti, Sinus introrsus, processum subulatum erectum apibus mu- tuo conniventibis pilosum gerens. Filamento basi connato. Anthere supra stigmam conni- ventes, membranacez, lanciolatz, secus centrum dorsi ciliate, apicibus pennicellatis acuminatis. Pollinia solitaria e granulis concervatis in corpusculo brunnea cujus caudicula elliptica, un- gue brevi, glandula sub hippocrepidiforme inferne concava carnosa insidentia. Stigma simplix muticumve Pl. CCCLXXXVLA. Fig. III. Has. Khasya mountains Mumbreein sylvis: Nov. 9, 1835. Impregnation in Periplocea, Pl. CCCCVII Fig. 11, 1. Transverse section of column below the anthers. The intervals between the anthers,* by which a direct communication can take place with the base of the stig- ma ; the apex of the style is green and shining, particu- lacy during the expansion of the flower, when it seems to be lubricated by muscus. The convexities correspond to the filaments. c. The groovesby which access is gained to the stigma. 2. Longitudinal section, The filament cut through. E a. Space alternating with the filaments, opposite and 1"" 4 iM DELI Lorébip rb n diede | | | E 3 3 4 PERIPLOCEA. {3 mediately beneath the glands, so that the pollinia by mere falling can get access to the stigmatic surface. 5. The part which corresponds to the stigmatic surface, it is greener than the body of the stigma. 3. In this case fig. 3 the granules appear to be held to- gether by something viscid, and are apparently not contained in a tube, this is applied to the foramen which is near the hilum, and which is indistinct. In the figure, it would appear as if the upper part of the ovulum _ were filled with these granules, the lower remaining empty : no nucleus was visible. 4. Grains of pollen, one of the component parts has burst and sent out 2 short boyaux. 5. Ovule some time after impregnation, ovarium the length of the calyx. "The nucleus is distinct, the foramen is more remote from the hilum and sphacelated. 6. In this ovule a mass of dark grumous matter was applied to the foramen, but did not appear to pass into it, since it was easily detached. The first rudiments of the nucleus are visible, this is filled with granules similar to the mobile ones. The foramen is indistinct even at a very early period; the ovula at this time appear to contain scarcely any granules. The hairs of the ovarium which are developed Post anthesin are punctuated: they contain likewise plenty of green granules; but the punctuated appear- ance is independent of their presence, continuing after the granules have been squeezed out, they appear to be elevated above the common membrane. * In Several instances, part of the base of the flow- er, and the furrows leading to the stigma, have been Covered over with what appears to be a waxy secretion ; it is of a whitest colour to the naked eye, the microscope demonstrates it to consist of an infinity of granules, held together by some denser medium, in all probabi- lity it is owing to a solution? of the pollen masses in K 74 so ASCLEPIADEM. the viscous matter dissected by the furrows, see fig. 2. It slips likewise into the furrows along, which it seems to produce the sphacelated appearance: thus it likewise produces on the surfaces over which it is applied. The tubes reach the ovula and become applied to the foramina in a firm manner. In the instance figured, three tubes have united into one, these together with the common one, particularly the latter close to its entrance, contain granules and what appear to be coagula. No change is visible in the ovule except a slight opacity towards the foramen. This opacity is not central. the granules do not appear to be mobile while in the tubes, when they have escaped into the water surrounding the object, they are very mobile. The motion con- sists chiefly of rotation on their axis, there is scarcely any locomotion. In the above, 3 tubes are not united into one as it appears from the drawing; the appear- ance is owing to another tube being doubled on itself beneath that proceeding to the ovula. The tubes do not appear to enter far, if at all into the ovulum. 10. Group of Pollen grains which have dehisced. The conclusions that I deduce from the above imperfect oss) 9 e 4. That the tubes do reach the ovula, and become RT : observations are as follows : . That impregnation takes place (generally) by the emis- sion of tubes which enter the base of the stigma, proceed down the style, and are ramified over the pla- _ centa. That the emission takes place extra antheram, and ator — about the grooves on which spaces alternate with the anthers and communicate directly with the base of the stigma. . That to aid this emission, these spaces are always filled j with viscid mucus at the time of impregnation. plied to the foramina, which are situated close to the hi — ree MES ECHITES. 75 lum and which are invariably directed upwards, and in contact with the placental tissue. That no nucleus is visble until the tubes have effected their ends, that a subcentral cavity appears some time after the tubes have become applied to the foramen, which cavity appears filled with granules of an ana- logous appearnce with those of the boyaux. That the agency of insects or of any foreign thing does not appear to be necessary, since a mere falling from the anther will be sufficient to lodge the pollinia in the de- sired place. 7. That sphacelation about the grooves is very general, but that it does not take place along the styles. Addenda: That the discoid head of the stigma is very readily separable from the base, that the passage of tubes to the ovula does not appear to be essential, as in by far the greater number of cases I have not been able to trace them in the placenta, although a section of this demonstrates it to Contain abundance of mobile granules, that these or ana- logous granules appear to abound in the ovula after impreg- Nation that they do not move while in the tubes, but are very rotatory when freed from restraint. Mergue : November 21st, 1834. y D APOCYNEJE. Ecuirss. Echites, ES Frutex scandens volubilis ramulis compressis ciliis inter- E Petiolaribus, majusculis, fol lanceolatus acuminatis subtus b albido-glaucis, et reticulatis cymis axillaribus alternis, foliis Ut plurimum brevioribus, bis dichotomis, floribus albis, suave tis; Sepala 5, ovata. Cor. hypocraterif. tubo medium Paulo infra ampliato, parte ampliata lacinus, opposite sulcata, - lacinis 5, subobovate, torte radiantes, basi ut etiam faux pu- 76 APOCYNEXE. bescentes, inequilaterales, Stam. inclusa, tubi partis amplia- tæ basi inserta. Filam sursum incrassata tubo omnino adnata. Antherz sagittate in conum stigma circa conniventes hincque adherentes, apices versus tantum polliniferze. Connectivum pubescens, margine supero introrsu libero. Pollen leve simplex. Glandule 5 hypogyne lineares carnose, truncate, 2 anti- cæ sæpe an semper supra coalite, sepalis alternantes. Stig- ma conicum basin cum antherarum cono solubile! Ovula or- dinis, sulco angustissimo. Has. Ad ripas Burrumpootur, Selonemookh: April 5th, 1836. Sp. char. Ciliæ plurimze varie coalite magne intra sepala glandulasque an vero ciliis analogze, cur non glandulis. Stig- ma medio constricta parte infere rotundatum supera conicum 5-gonum, apice bimucronatum, stigmatis partis conice basis tantum stigmatosa, cellulis laxissime dispositis. Vasc. fasc. styli 2, Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 3. 2. Echites odoratissima. Scandens, ramulis subcompressis, fol. oblongo-lanceolatis, subacuminatis integerrimis glabris, coriaceis, nitidis, ciliis intrapetiolaribus stipatis. Cymis paniculatis densiflorus pani- culis terminal. Bracteis ciliatis, floribus parviusculis albus, odore suavissimo. Pedicellis calycibusque extus breve pu- bescent. Cal. 5-sepala. Cor. hypocraterif. tubo basi subampliato, laciniis 5 ovatis obliquis leviter contortis fauce nuda, angulis 5, laciniis alternantibus in tubum decurrentib. Stam. basi corolla inserti, angulis opposit. filam brevissime, basibus san- guineo-purpurea. Anth. sagittate apiculate stigmati adhe- rent. et omnino obtegent. loculorum bases sterilis. Stylus brevissimus, stigma oblongum bifidum antheris arcte am- Ovar. 2, discreta l-locularia, placenta aedes ovulis pluribus, VALLARIS. 77 Glandule 5 hypogyne inzquales oblongee szpissime in- tegræ, ovarium basin cingent. Has. Mergue. In sylvis Beiklow: Jan. 1834. VALLARIS. Vallaris. Assameusis Gr. Scandens volubilis ? fol. breviter petiolatis elongato-lanceo- latis acuminatis subrepandis glabris. Racemis axillaribus pubescentibus, compositis, subcymosis, floribus magnis sub infundibuliformibus albis, tubo brevi, sepalis lineari-oblongis, inequalibus, 2 exterioribus majoribus, gibberribus antherarum globosis albis levibus, filamentorum sinnubus pubescente pilosis, ut etiam introrsum. Folliculi ovati, attenuati, lignosi, bivalves, valvis demum solubilibus cymbiformibus. Placenta soluta, cum valvis Separante, Semina pauca ad umbilicum carnosa coma facile Separabili, intus plana, extus convexiuscula, apice angulata pressione sublente celluloso-rugosa pallide brunnea, tegu- mentum exterius cellulosum interius tenuiss. membranaceum, albumen parcissimum. Embryo axilis albis, cotyledones magne carnose planius- cula, radicula supera, hilum versus brevissimam teres. . Plumula inconspicua. . Han. Assam, in sylvis Bishenath: March 20th, 1836. Glandule hypogyne connate in urceola, 5-crenatum, cre- nulis cum sepalis alternant. vix Echites dichotoma, Roxburghii obformum sepalorum, 2. Vallaris dichotoma. z: Frutex, ramis teretibus cinereis ad nodis articulat. Ciliis inter petiolaribus nullis : foliis breviter petiolatis oblongo-lan- “eolatis acuminatis repandis. Racemis terminalibus axillari- 4 5que. Pedicellisque velutinis. Bracteis lanceolatis foliaceis, foribus majusculis, albis, odoratis. : ~ Sepalis 5 ovatis foliaceis, velutinis, patentibus. Cor. infund. '—0-campanulata, tubo ratione limbo brevissimo, 5-partita 78 APOCYNE. laciniis rotundatis zstivatione contortis. Stam. 5 fauce in- serti omninoque obcludentia exserta, filam. brevia intus pi- losis apicibus in processum album orbiculatum gibberemve ampliatis. Connect. pubescens discreta. Anth. sagittate, loculis superne tantum polliniferis stigmato arcte coheren- tibus. Stylus filiformi-piloso pubescens, Stigma conicum vi- ride. Cupula glandulosa profunde margine breviter 5-loba pubescensque ovar. omnino ambit. obtegitque. Ovaria apice pubescens. Pollen leve and angulare. The affinities of this plant is on the limits of Apocynee and burdering on Asclepiadez, to which at first sight it is referable from the appearance of the male organs, judging from this genus, I take the processes of the corona stami- nea of Asclepiadez to be processes of the filament. They are hence essentially pentandrous. STROPHANTHUS. Alogi pentaphyllus Gr. Frutex robustus scandens, ramulis bace oder É cortice tenacei, succo sublactacent coagulabili. Folia 2-2} breve petiolata long. 34 lat. petiolus 24 3, linealis subelliptica breviter et subobtuse cuspidata basi subi- to attenuata, juniora przesertim conduplicata, maturiora pauce undulata venis secondariis distinctis et distincti arcuatim nexis utrinque sed przesertim subtus, pagine inferioris inter- venia dendroideo-reticulata, venulis anastomosantibus mi- nime prominulis. Cilia ad basin petioli in utroque latere subulata stipulas rudimentarias omnino mentiente, Inflorescentia terminatis e cymis dichotomis 2, floris con- flata aperta foliorum circiter longitudine, ramis articulatis- Bractez lanecolato-ovate membranacez aspectu brunnescen- — tes, | subtus ramulum quemque, 2 minores opposite ad medi- — um pedicellorum eztimorum (i. e. cymorum partiatum quorum - en alter semper? abortiens). Pedicelli 3-4 lineales sepala - cordato-ovata acuminata, subcarinata. - UTAG IER STROPHANTHUS, 79 Corolla ampla campanulaceo-infundibuliformis ; tubus sulcis tot quot sepala et his oppositis 8-9 linealis medium supra subito ampliatus albus, maculis striatutisve purpurceis lacinize e basi cordato- ovata acuminatissimis, caudis nempe 5-6 uncia- libus canaliculatis tortis, color laciniarum saturate brunneo- sanguineus. Squame albe, late ad medium bipartite lami- nas laciniarum subzequantes in tubum decurrentes usque ad partem constrictam, tubo intus albo-lineis purpureis 5 squamis alternantibus, tam. ad tubi constrictiorem exsert. squamis opposita : filamenta libera breviter 4 linealia, puberula, gibbere obclavato Puberulo e medio partis adnato vel carina obtusa deorsum majore. à 3 Anthere obtuse vel auriculatem sagittate, medio-stig- mati adherentes. Caudze 4-5 longiores conniventes, antheris 3-4 longior. loculorum media superiora tantum pollinifera. Stylus clavatas bisulcatus rugosus stamina subzquans basi purpureis. Stigma demidium inferius viscosum annuliforme Superioris apiculiforme ad basin bipartitum. Ovarium album subrotundum apicem versus utrinque pro- funde subsulcatum, fere bilobum, biloculare glandule dentate, Ciliiformes inter corollam et ovarium. Placentz revolute, pagina exteriore undique ovulis obsita. . Folliculi maximi divaricatissimi, immatur. succus aquosus Subviscosus copiosus demum sublactescens cito coagulans ; Semina utrinque sed presertim apice cornosa. Sp. Char, Strophanthus, scandens, foliis ellipticis breve Cuspidatis carnosis, floribus amplis, caudis longissimis, corona * Squamis 5, ad medium bipartitis, corolla infundibuliformi, folliculis maximis, divaricatissimis, obtusissimis. E Ham. Belookor J ungle, Malacca, flowers throughout the | The points of the flower buds are not much exserted be- fore the calyx has reached nearly its mature size, they are at — rst whitish 3 but become soon blackish purple, they are A RR ny mem 80 APOCYNEA. twisted from right to left; after anthesis they become more red. The glands round the ovarium represent the interpetiolar glands; if they have any disposition it is in di or sets between each sepal, but even this is not over apparent The tail of the filament has a central vascular Dau the continuation of that of the filament itself. The scales are also vascular, and apparently derive the fascicles from the parts of the corolia to which they adhere. The exterior fascicles are the largest, and the others gradual- ly diminish towards the centre which is very short. This can scarcely be Loureiro’s plant, as the corona is different, indeed it appears to differ from all in 5 leaved corona, SPIROSTEMON. Spirostemon spiralis Gr. Pl. CCCCXI. Fe: l. 1. Flower before expansion. 2. Do. opened. 3. Stamen separated inner view. 4. Hypogynous glands ovarium etc. 5. Seed natural size. 6. Do. long section. 7. Stamens, corolla circumcised just above their attach- ment. ij 8, 9. Outer and lateral view of anthers and upper part of — filament. "d 10, 11. Outer and lateral of the connectivum —an Parsonsia. CRYPTOLEPIS. Cryptolepis Buchananii. Frutex scandens, glaber: fol. breviter petiolata oblong breviter acuminata supra lucida subtus glaucescentio, vena — w CRYPTOLEPIS, 81 primaria purpurascente. Glandule basilares 0. Cilie intra petiolares breves. Cymis axillaribus dichotomis, folia exceden- tibus, alternis, nec oppositis, paucifloris. Floribus majuscu- lis, ochroleucis. Cal. 5-sepalis, sepalis ovatis, basi incrassatis post lapsum corollz conniventibus, Cor. tubo calyce duplo longiore basin versus subampliato, limbo profunde 5-partito in lacinias 5 lineares revolutas, subcontortasque zstivatio contorta, Corpora 5 glandulosa, antheriformia, fundem tubi versus inserta, antheris super imposita laciniisque alternantia in basibus tubo adnatis. Filam. totidem, laciniis alternantia, brevissime basibus corporum inserta. | Anth. subsagittatze biloculares longitud. dehiscent. loculis omnino anther polliniferis. Connectivum subulatum, subglandulosum pallide virides- cens, loculi pariet. exteriori demissius product. ~ Pollen globosum vix farinaceum, in lobulis vel massis nec digestum. Granule composite e 3 vel4 adnatis, mem- brana simplex, granulas minutas continens (raphidibus im- mixtis ?) Ovaria ordinis, Styli 2 breves. Stigma angulis 5 promi- nentibus, apice conicum corpuscula dilatata spathulata, pol- len colligeis, secus angulos stigmatis applicita spathulate clavate, dimidium superius pollinifera, inferne glandula ex- sulca albida mucosa, affixa. Genus secus Brown Asclepiadeas Apocyneasque intermedi- um. Cryptostegie ob structura et adhesione pollinis affinis. Pollen, pollen-mass, and caudicula. Pl. CCCCX. A. Fig. 4. ight Contr. to India Botany. p. 64. et Arnott. sed Streptocaulon, Cryptolepis Buchananii ad Apocyneas re- t, ut etiam Bartling, p. 204. | Calcutta: June Lih, 1835. 82 APOCYNES. WRIGHTIA. Wrightie sp., Pl. CCCLXXXVI. Arbuscula vel frutex. Ramulis compressis pubescenti-velutinis viridi-fuscescent, fere ferrugineis. Fol. saturate viridia, tactu mollia subtus presertim pubes- centia pallida, venis secondariis arcuatim nexis, vel intromar- ginali inconspicua. Cymis terminalibus plurifloris, alabastra tubo lutescente, cæterum viridib. Flores majusculi ingrati odorati, tubo luteo, lamina intus viridi lutescent. laciniis reflexis, squamis 10, 5 exter sepalis; oppositis, minor internis pet. opposit. majoribus, utrinque pro- cessum setaceo capitato stipat. aurea. Antherz conniventes in conum stig. obtegens toto, albi- do fusce, apice tantum polliniferze. AEstivatio contorta, vernatio applicit. Succas lacteas. Has. Malacca Tagoung, in sylvis. STRYCHNOS, Strychnos nuxvomica, Pl. CCCCXI. Fig. II. Flowers all bibracteolate, hence the cymes ought to be much more compound than they are: it differs a. good deal from the usual form of Apocynez, especially in its valvate corolla, and its stigma. ndia contains several species: five of which I know. Ovula as in Asclepiadez, but the groove is indistinct, the penetration of the boyaux into these, I have seen very dis- tinctly. Sphacelation only takes place at the apex of the style and stigmatic canal. The tubes are of considerable length, irregular, generally empty, and much choked with coagula. — actual continuation of these tubes from the pollen t0 sae eS oe EN Ee GRE chus duy STICHNOS. 83 the ovula is not easily shewn, but indirect proofs are very sa- tisfactory : viz., the resemblance of the part attached to the ovula to the upper part or that proceeding from the grain: 2nd the non existence of any tubes in the stigmatic canal before the application of the pollen to the stigmatic surface. The stigma in one instance was 3-lobed, and as the lobes were equal, I consider this indicating a tendency towards the formation of other carpellary leaves. Had they been un- equal they might have otherwise been accounted for. l. Alabast. 2. Ditto just expanding. 3. Flower. 4. Corolla laid open. 5. Anther back view. 6. Anther after dehiscence. 7. Pollen 41; (iterum exam). 8. Pistillum and calyx. 9. Pistillum, calyx removed. 10. Stigma (accidental) almost always bilobed. ll. Ovary transverse section. 12, Ovalum, with boyau attached. 13. Pollen with its boyau broken. 14. Pistillum laid open shewing the mode of fecundation. Bamo : April 29th, 1837. 2, Strychnos laurina. Scandens, foliis oppositis breviter petiolatis, oblongo-lan- ceolatis integris obtusis, 3 nerviis, vere 5, (2 lateral indis- tinetis) paniculis forum axillarib. terminalibusque, thyrsoi- deis dichotomis. : Cal. 4-5 partit. Cor. tubo globoso breve, limbo 4-5 partito laciniis reflexis, barbatis, faux barbata, Stam. tot quot pet. lis altern, fauci inserta. Anth. erecta biloculi longit. de- hiscentes, Stylus subulatus pilosus longitud. corollam pau- m superant. Stigma capit. Ovarium pilosum, superum 84 ASCLEPIADE. bilocul. pluri-ovulat. placentis incrassatis foramen hilum prope. Stipula interpetiolares, caducze linear. ! Vel Rubiacea ovario supero vel Apocynea stipulis interpe- tiolaribus. Rubiacearum sed ovarium superum. Has. Mergue. Ad ripas Kyouktag : Aug. 1834. EuTHoDoN. An novum Genus. Gen, char. Cor. subinfundibulif. laciniis 5-ovatis, equilateralibus erec- tis, faux esquamata. Stamina fauci inserta, sub exserta. Anth. sagittate. stigma amplectentes. Cupula hypogyna 5-fida ova- rium eingens. Stylus fusiformis. Stigma falciforme. Ov. bi- locul. ZEstivat. corollae valvata. Frutex scandens foliis cordato- ovatis, ciliis interpetiolaribus O. floribus paniculatis succus quosus. Euthodon paniculata Gr., Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 2. Frutex scandens, ramulis, petiolisque velutinis: fol. oppo- sitis petiolatis cordato-ovatis, subacuminatis, obtusis, glabris subtus pallidis. Inflorescentia paniculata paniculis termina- libus ramosis, ramis divaricatis, trichotomis, velutinis, florib. numerosis pallide, tubis saturatius carneis. Cal. parvus, 5-den- tatus, dentibus basi carnosis. Cor. gamopetalis tubo calyce multo longiore, 5-sulcato, sulcis dentibus calycinis oppositis, fauce glandulis 5 in sinus petalornm, limbo 5-fido, laciniis ovatis conniventib. Stam. 5-petalis alternantia, fauci libera facta. Filam. subulata rubescentia, intus pilosa. Anth. sagittate, apicibus inter se et cum stigmata cohzrentia poro terminali dehiscentes. ' Ovarium 2-locularia, pluri-ovulatum, placenta axili parie- E tali. Cupula 5-fida, eglandulis 5 persistentibus, antheris sub- — conformib. dentibus calycinis alternantibus format. Stylus - mL NE WILLUGHBEIA. 85 fusiformis crassus. Stigma mitreforme inlegrum. — /Estivat. coroll valvat. succus aquosus nec lactescens. Ciliæ interpe- tiolares. Bractez ad basin pedicellor. ramulorumque. Has. In sylvis, Mergui: August, 1834. WILLUGHBEIA. Willughbeia javanica. Frutex robustus scandens ope ramis unciformibus inter- dum subvolubilibus aphyilis, caule ramisque purpureo-ni- grescentibus, novellis brunneo-purpurascent. lenticellis palli- dis stomzeformibus sparsis, Succus lacteus copiosus. Folia subopposita, breve petiolata, lanceolata, ut plurimum anguste, longit. 31-4 uncialia, latit. 10-12 linealia, coria- cea, obtuse cuspidata, supra late viridia subtus glauco-albi- descentia; venis utrinque sed presertim infra pinnefor- mibus leviter arcuatis, margines versus sepius dichotomis cum contiguis concorrentibus ; interveniis supra convexius- culis. ; Cyma sub if petiolorum paullo vel vix excedentes, in una vel axillis ambabus, ramis abbreviatis inferioribus bi- tri-floris, superioribus unifloris, puberulæ. Pedicelli sublinealis, laterales basi bracteati. Calyx minu- tus 5-sepalus, sepalis oblongis. Corolla subhypocrateriformis, tubus intus piloso-pubes- tens preesertim faucem versus, calycem prope inflatus, iterum angustatus J tortus, 5-linealis, lamina e laciniis 5-linearia Spathulatis obtusis, tubus subeequantibus, ob tubi torsionem quasi obliquis. : Faux angusta pilis fere clausa. Flores majusculi, subin- State odori, tubo carneo fuscescente, lamina alba. : : Stamina ad medium tubo partis inflata, flamenta brevis- ‘ima connectivum lutescens subobconicum. et. horizontaliter affixum filamento, vel filamentum cum connectivo genicula- *'um. Anthera bilocularis acuminata, calcaris rudimentum 86 APOCYNEÆ. basin locula utriusque, loculi omnino fertiles. Pili pauci ad basin filamentorum, glandule hypogyne nulle, ova- rium brevi cylindricum ad stylum ita constrictum ut fere truncatum est. Stylus brevissimus, Stigma ovario paullo longior, dimidium inferius subovatum, superius cuspiforme, bilineatum longi- tudinaliter, emarginatum Ov. uniloculare, placentis 2 parie- talibus ovula pauciuscula. ructus maximus, pyriformis, 7-8 uncialis long. latit. sub 5-uncialis glaber, succo lacteo per scatens, demum baccatus. Semina nidulantia in tela cellulosa carnosa alba, tegumentum simplex, brunnescens, locellis fructus adhzrens. Embryo ideo tegumento proprio orbatus, magnus, ruber. Cotyle- dones basi bi-auriculate carnosissimze, sæpius oblonge. Radicula brevis, vaga, auriculis cotyledonum obtecta. Has. Malacca. It isthe Akkur Jitong of the Malays. An Wilughbeia Javanica Bl. D. C. Pr. 8, p. 321. Judging from the characters it differs from all in the sub- basilar inflation of the corolla, and size and shape of the In the specimens both branches and ramuli are cirrhose or rather the cirrhiferous (unciferous) branches bear nothing else. The hooks are generally emarginate at the ends: re- presenting the young bud state. The older leaves are dark-green above, very coriaceous, the interveins underneath obsoletely reticulate. GENTIANACEJE. l. Gentiane sp. Gr, Pl. CCCLXXXIV. Fig. I. It. Notes p. 122, No. 383. 2. Gentiane sp. Gr., Pl. CCCLXXXIV. A. Has. Bootan, 87 MiTRASACME. - Mitrasacme crystallina, Gr., P. CCCLXXXIII. Fig. II. Cal. tubo brevi angulato, paulo ultra medium 4-partitus, laciniis lanceolatis acutis subzequalibus. Cor. tubo sepalis 4 breviore angulato? limbo, 4-partita, laciniis ovatibus obtusis sepalis alternantibus zestivatione imbricatis, Stam. 4 subzequalia laciniis corollinis alterna, inclusa. Fi- lam. cellulosa fasciculo centrali vasorum pertenui. Antherze, Ovatz basi subsagittatze postice. Pollen lzve. Ovarium biloculare, placentis 2 carnosis medio septis affixis ovula 00. gerentibus. Stylus basi bifidus, apice continuis sed solubilis. Stigma subbilobum capitato-papillosum. apsula membranacea calyce incluso, apice exserto, tan- tum. Stylo stigmateque persistente coronatum, inter fissuras Stylo bases dehiscens, bilocularis, polysperma. Placente e Septis solubiles! decidua semena 00. (immatura) oblonga Vel rotunda, testa carnoso-cellulosa, corpore nuncleo opaco continens, ma/uriora pallide cinerea, testa areolata, albumi- nosa. Embryo minimus. Herba pussilla, erecta ramosa, omnibus partibus crystal- lino-cellulosa. Fol. basi connata lineari-lanceolata acuta. Fedunculi graciles solitari vel gemine in axillis foliorum (non Opposito). Flores inconspicui albi. Anthere lutez. AB. Bengala Paulo infra Jumalpore: in arenosis. Sep- tember 15th, 1835. The ovula resemble much in form those of Asclepiadeze and (all?) Apocyneze, that is, they present, when half develop- ed, no traces of distinct coats. They appear to be destitute of groove first described by Dr. Brown, as existing in As- clepiadez and most perhaps in all Apocynez, The part corres- Ponding with this groove is somewhat papillose and to its apex, Ne pollen, tube becomes applied. These tubes appear rather empty, I could not trace them down the style. In two Cases I observed them applied to the ovula, and in one or more passing over the placenta: I caa state nothing as to 83 GENTIANACE. whether they penetrate the substance of the ovulum or not; but the adhesion is sufüciently firm. "The first change that takes place in the ovula after their application, consists of the outer or peripheriate tissue becoming more distinct and cellular; and in the production of a linear sub-irregular opa- que line in the centre of the ovulum and in the direction of its longest diameter, On submitting ovula in this state to pressure, the only means by which, owing to their extreme minuteness and softness, they can be analysed, they appear like vesicles filled with gelatinous fluid. VILLARSIA. Villarsia cristata. Meryanthes cristata, Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2, p. 28. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis. Cor, subrotata, 5-partita, laciniis oblongis, margine crispato-undulatis medio crista elevato eádem consistentià crispato undulata laciniis basi barbatis stipata. Stam. 5, sinubus corollinis inserta, semi- exserta, Filam. brevia: Anth. erectae biloculares, introrse. | Stam. sterilia 5, basibus laciniarum coroll: inserta, breve sti- pitata, apice penicillata, luteo-aurea. Glandule hypogyne 5, staminibus alternantia carnoss, aurantiacez, barbato-ciliate. Stylus 0. Stigma bilobum, lobis. anticis et posticis ? cordato-ovatis. Ovarium ovatum 1-loculare, pluri-ovulat. Ovulis placentis 2 parietalibus (right and left)? affixis, foramen hilum prope anatropis. Capsula membranacea. Semena (immatura) orbicularia compressa echinulata. Herba nutans in aquis stagnant. basi humi affixa vel. nec. Fol. cordata, integra. Flores terminales aggregati solitarii in pedicellis : majusculi albi, tubo intus luteo. Pedicellis post antheram immersa ob deflexionem. Pl. CCCLXXXVIL.A. Fig. XII. . 8, a, a, a. Sepala. b, b, b, b. Petala. UNO E RESA EARE VILLARIS. 89 Ge; 6, 6, €, c. Stamina. d, d, d, d, d. ditto sterilia epipetala. €, €, e, e, e. Gland hypogyne. J; f. Stigmata 2-lobi. 9, g. Placente. The above is taking the 5th sepal as posticous of which I &m not certain. Has. Bengal prope, Jumalpore : 18th September, 1835. Villarsia glandulosa, Pl. CCCLXXXV. Cal. zstivatione imbricatus. Cor. gamopetala, tubo brevi, rotata, laciniis vasculorum fasciculis 3-donatis, sinubus evasculosis. Stam. 3-seriata, 5 extima tantum fertilia tubo apicem ver- sus inserta, filam. filiforme per totam fere longitudinem co- roll, adnata evasculosa! serie interna petalis opposita. An- theram loco pili cellulosi breves directione varii, serie intima eglandulis 5, petalis, oppositis hypogynis, apice ciliatis, Auth. biloculares basin versus affixes, longitud. dehiscent. Pollen.? ; Ovarium l-loculare. Stylus brevis erassus, apice bilobus, lobis cordatis, Stigmata leviter papillosa marginem: loborum Occupantia. Placentz 2 parietales, cum margine loborum styli continui t oppositi. Ovula plura bi-triseriata antitropa, (foramen hilum prope), tezumentes cum nucleo concretis. Ons. The only objection existing against Parnassia be- longing to this group, exists in its polypetalous corolla, and albuminous seed. In the latter not much stress is to be laid, as the albumen is scanty. | | To the former in my opinion little value is to be attached, .. 38there is an evident tendency in Villarsia to become poly- . Petalous, as indicated by the short tube, and the evascularity LX the sinuses, more stress should not be laid on its being a 3 |] M / * 90 GENTIANACEJE polypetalous form in a monopetalous order, than its being a non-adherent form in a usually adherent order. The fact of the opposition of the lobes of the stigma in Parnassia, although of less value, still is deserving of more consideration. It depends entirely on the assumption of the stigma being the denuded apex of the midrib. I say an assumption, because the idea seems to me totall wanting in some instances. Long ago the observation of a monstrous variety of Melilotus rendered it evident to me, that the stigmata form in no case a single organ, if carpellary leaves are continua- tions of the placentary margins.* The proof derived from a monstrosity is however unnecessary, for instances are not wanting, in which there are two stigmata obviously continuous with or opposite to the placental margins, some species of Phyllanthus, Nymphzea, and all filiform stigmata longitudinal- ly sulcate, shew this fact to demonstration. It follows therefore that all stigmata, atleast the dis- tinct portions, are opposed to the placente. The question then arises, from what cause does their opposition as a whole originate. This is easily answered, parts of a vege- table may cohere either with contiguous parts of the same organ, or with contiguous portions of two different though similar organs. Let us take Parnassia for instance, we have A stigmata, and 4 placente, hence the number of stigmata is 8. If the union of these take place in sucha manner, that the two stigmata of one carpellary leaf cohere mutually, then the stigma will probably appear to be a termination of the midrib. But if two stigmata of two contiguous car- pellary leaves combine, we shall obviously have one opposed to the placenta. And that such is the case there can be no doubt ; the fact of the almost universal communication be- tween the stigma and placenta cannot be explained by the f en ee ; neither need we have recourse to the destruction * Notule, Part I., p. 128, SAP SEES VILLARIS, 91 of a portion of cellular tissue, nor the formation of a fresh tissue. As the placental tissue is the most lax part of the carpellum so are the stigmata. No objection can be raised to the idea of union given above, it is not of uncommon occurrence in most parts of the flower, it is of very common occurrence in fruit, and latterly I have shewn it to exist in anthers ; Mr. Lindley alludes to this union as giving one explanation of the structure of Cru- ciferze, and it is the most probable one. I may here observe that in perhaps all cases very great assistance is obtainable in anomalous instances of union, particularly between stami- na or styles by taking into consideration the number of vas- cular fascicles. Thus the composition of the stamina of Eriodendron anfractus is at once pointed out by the number of vascular fascicles. It is of still more universal application to styles, the number of fascicles either corresponding direct- lyto the number of carpella, they being in this single, or if there be more than one to each carpella, they are grouped according to their respective carpella, I am not aware of a single instance tending to diminish the value of this test. Itis of difficult application in some in- stances, but the days are past for the minuteness of a flower ing an excuse for not accurately ascertaining its structure. I a floating Parnassia be ever found, it will probably be found to have evalvular capsules, because this is the case with Villarsia. - I therefore propose the order of Villarsiacez, which will : include Menyanthes, Villarsia, and Parnassia. Cal. 5-sepalus sstivatione imbricatus, persistens. Cor. ala, in Parnassia polypetala. Æstivatio imbricata, la- - Ciniis cristatis vel barbatis, raro nudis. Stam. fertilia 5, sepalis opposita, in polypetalis hypogyna- Stam. sterilia 5, vel 10, serie intime hypogyna, sxtepote petalis Opposita. Ovarium liberum, l-loculare. Placente parietal, 2-3-4. Orula plura, * 92 GENTIANACE/E Capsula (in aquaticis evalvis) bi-quadrivalvis loculicida, po- lysperma. Herba aquatice vel paludosze. Folia simplicia, cordata in Menyanthes trifoliata. Inflorescentia terminalis, floribus aggregatis vel paniculatis, flavis vel albis. Pladera virgata? Caulis 4-gonus, 4-alatus. Herbacea dichotoma erecta ramosa, glaucescens, Folia opposita sessilia 3-nervia cordato-ovata, acuta, in- tegerrima, inferiore lanceolata, 5-nervia acuta, repanda. Pedunculi terminalis axillaresque plerumque biflori. Pedicelli ad medium bibracteolati. Cal. tubus striatus, limbus 4-dentatus, dentibus subulatis. Cor. tubus 'calyce paululum longiore, limbus 3-lobus, lobo postico vel superiore majore bilobo e duobus connatis formato, reliquis ovatis zequalibus. Stam. 4 ad faucem inserta. Filam filiforme, 1 longius exsertum in plicam lacinie corolla superioris latens, 9 breviora vix exserta, petalis alternantia. Anth. filam. longioris, major, aurantiacea, fertilis, 3 relique pallidz sterilis ? minoresqus. Ovarium cylindricum, l.locu- — lare, placentis 2 linearibus parietalibus. Ovula 00. Stylus fili- formis, Stigma 2 fid. intus papillosum. Variat. maxime quoad statura. es In muris etc. Amherst et Molamain : December, TARDA. Crawfurdia fasciculata. Caule scandento volubil. fol. ovata vel lanceolata basi 3- nervia, floribus axillaribus breviter pedunculatis, vel axin continuis, subracemosis, oppositis, magnis, infundibuliformis — cxruleis, parte tubo æstivatione externa livida. Calyx 5- alatus carinatusve, laciniis subulatis, Cor. zstivat. conatri- - EXACUM. 93 plicata infundibulif. 5-partita, laciniis breve latique cuspi- datis crectis. Stam. 5, inequalia, his alternantia, inclusa. Styuls filiformis, stigmata 2 inclusa, cornuum more revoluta, Cupula hypogyna 5-loba, lobis cum staminibus alternantibus, ovarium l-loculare: placentis 4-parietalibus utrinque, lineze septo situm indicantis ; ovula marginata, breve funiculata, vel 3-alata, alis 2-parietibus proximis brevioribus. | Variat foliis latioribus purpureo tinctis. Has. Khasyah Mountains. In dumetis humidis, no. 40 Churra: October 12th, 1835. Exacum. = Ezacum sp. Herbacea annua erecta spithamzea 3 pedalisve, Caule 4- ; fol. oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis basin connatis quin, tuplinerviis. Paniculis axillaribus, cymosis, floriferis foliorum longitudine, pedunculis medio bibracteata, floribus erectis con- Spicuis saturato-virideque azureis. Sepalis 4 dorso carinatis. Corollis subrotatis 4-partitis, laciniis ovatis acuminatis stami- nibus fauci insertis; filamentis autheris subsagittatis, semper rectis apice poro geminato dehiscentibus aliquoties brevioribus. Stylo filiform, staminibus duplo longiore,subdeclinato stigmata oblongo viride, Ovarium biloculare, placentis 4, vel bi-solubili- US, carnosis stipitatis, ovulis indefinitis. simplicibus. Capsula chartacea ovato-rotunda. Calyce 4 corolle tubo 9mnino inclusa, limboque genitalibusque persistentibus coro- nata bilocularis bivalvis, septicida placentis nempe septo post dehiscentium parallelis. Semina 00. minuta pallide brunnea angulata minutissime rugosula Placenta virides carnose demum libere basi (utriusque uli) integræ cæterum ut etiam in ovario bipartite _ ; Tegumentum duplex utrinque membranacea externum, pal- is e brunnea e cellulis sinuosis compositis, interius tenussi- mum, albumen carnosum continens. Embryo minutus. Radi- cula conica hinc hili latus versus spectans. Cotyledones mini- = distantes, incumbenites ? T TN Has. Assam, Suddyah: in campis graminosis, 2nd Janu- » 1836, T SOLANACE.E. SOLANUM. Solanum trilobatum, Pl. CCCCXIV. Fig. 2. Longe scandens, ramis teretibus, aculeis ssepius solitariis robustis sparsis retrorsum uncinatis. Petiolis limbum sub- sequant. l, 2, 3 aculeatis, foliis carnosis senioribus deltoi- deo-ovatis profundis 5-lobis, czterum integerrimis glaber- rimis, vena primaria utrinque aculeos 2-3 gerente, secon- dariis vel l-aculeatis vel inermibus parce stellata pube, novellis exaxillis interdum oblongo-ovatis, integris, vel 3-lo- is. Racemis, (raro cymis) suboppositifoliis vel extra axillari- bus, folium excedentibus vel subequans, ebracteatis, pluri- floribus. Pedicellis uncialibus, semi-nutantibus, post anthe- sin curvati-deflexis, clavatis fructuum valde clavatis, floribus amplis, initio fusco-viridescentibus, demum pulchre pur- pureis. Alabastris oblongis viridibus, calycis parce pubegere sepa- — la sublanceolata in alabastro dense pubegere. Corolla rotata, cito reflexa dorso, pubescens, marginibus exceptis, venis re- ticulata, quarum primaria basi utrinque viridescens. Filam. breviuscula. Anth. lutea, apicem biporosa. Stylus fili- formis subdeclinatus vel rectus ad apicem tantum supra curvatus, Pollen lanceolato-ovatum glabrum 3 sulcatum. Stigma subcapitata, ovarium oblongum glabrum utrinque sulcatum bilocular. septo tenue, zstivatio valvatim inflexa. Ovula 00. foramine ad hili latus, tegminum distinctio nulla, (certainly one integument, at an early stage,) nempe unido citius nucleo omnino confluent. Baccis immaturis globosis pisi magnitudine viridibus apice — S, pedicellis armatis vel inermibus, stylo processus lapsos — HYOSCYAMUS. 95 obsolete bilobis, septis obliteratis potius indistinct ob pulpam in que semen nidulant. Sem. reniform. vertical. ! albidum, Has, Bengal, In Sunderbunds. Lycium. 1. Lycium armatum, Gr. It. Notes p. 161. No. 827. Has. Bootan. 2. Lycium canescens, Gr. 1t. Notes p. 214, No. 83. Han. Affganisthan. ENTIA G3 HYOSCYAMUS. Hyoscyamus squarrosus, Gr., Pl. CCCCXIII. Itin. Notes p. 244, No. 372. l. Plant natural size, frequently much larger with much more tomentum and all the leaves curved, 2. Bud. 3. Flower. l 7 4. Genitalia, tube of corolla hidden by the calyx. 5. Corolla laid open. 6. Anther (back) 7. Ditto Front. 8. Pollen 8a immersed. 9. Anther after dehiscence. 10. Pistillum. 1l. Apex of syle with stigma. - Long section of ovarium 13. Transverse ditto. E RA Ovulum, usual concrete structure. E. 15. Partum situs. E "a Fruit, | x Sang half calyx removed. rom last year's specimens. 96 SCROPHULARINE.£ 2. Hyoscyamus angulatus, Gr. Pl. CCCCXII. It. Notes p. 325. No. 2a. Has. Affganistan Chagur Serai. SCLEROMPHALOS, Nov. genus. Scleromphali sp., Pl. CCCCXIV. Fig. 1. Has. Bootan Panukha : April 2d, 1838. PHYSALIS. Physalis angulata. Caulibus hirsuta erecta ramosa, ad articulis tumidis, juniorib. sulcatis, foliis petiolatis cordato-ovatis acutis, grosse dentatis, floribus axillaribus solitariis cernuis, parvis, ochro- leucis. à Cal. tuto cylindrico 5-partito. Cor. infundibulif. tubo calycis laciniis longitud. plicato limbo 5-dentato, den- tibus subcucullatis sinubus inflexis, dentiformib. Stam. 5 ad basin tubi insert. inclusa. Filam. filif, anth. bilocule longit. dehiscent. Stylus apicem versus paulo incrass. Stigma capitata. Ova- rium bilocule, loculis 00. ovulatis, placentis carnosis crassis. Pericarp. calyce ampliat. inflata connivent. 5-angulata inclusa breviter stipitat. baccatum pólyspermum. Sem. pulpa nidulantia complanata albumen carnosum. Embryo curvatus centralis radicula tereta elongata hilum spectant. Plumula inconspicua, fructibus pendulis. Has. In horto meo Mergue: Sept. 1834. SCROPHULARINEX. PTEROSTIGMA. Pterostigma stricta Gr. Pl. CCCCXVII. “Fig. IIl. Herba stricta pedalis, ramosa simplexve strigosa, odore aro- matico fortis, fol. brevissime petiolata, ovata obtuse crenatài | capituli florum axillares terminalesve basi foliosi, et quasi w volucrati, dense pilosi, floribus caeruleo violaceis. ; UNES. LIMNOPHYLLA. 97 Cal. basi bibracteolatus, bracteolis linearibus 5-partitus, lacinia postica majore, glandulis depressis luteis pilisque longis strigosis articulatis insignitus. Cor. bilabiata, labiis profunde fissis, superiore ascendente rotundato emarginato, æstivatione extimo inferior 3-lobo, lobis rotundatis basi pilosiusculis, inter medio zstivatione intimo, Stam. 4 didynama inclusa, filamenta basi pilosa. Con- nectivo glandulosum gibbosum. Anth. paris superioris bre- vioris biloculares, loculis transversis obliquis inzqualibus in- fimo duplo minore, paris inferioris 1-loculares, loculo su- premo, minimo rudimentaris glanduloso. Pollen album leve hine sulcatum, Glandula hypogyna crassa, postice incompleta ad basin varii bilocularis. Placentæ substipilatæ subhæmisphæricæ. Ovula 00, tegumentis indistinctis, foramen inconspicuo hilum prope. Stylus inclusus curvatus spicem versus obliquis et valde dilatatus in stigma transversum. Capsula. ? . Obformam antherarum et connectivum etiam stigmatis certe Limnophile sp. 1, 2, propinquum. LIMNOPHYLLA. l. Limnophylla hetrophylla, Pl. CCCCXVI. Fig. 2. vix. Columnea hetrophylla Roxb. Fl. Ind. Erecta, glandulosa, fol. pluribus? verticillatis subseniis Cuneatis pinnatifidis, sessilibus, floribus oppositis subses- silibus potius breviter pedicellatis violaceis, nudis. Caly- Cibus Subangulatis, glandulosis. Corolla bilabiata ringente, CENE s, Eeduneulis fructiferis paulla elongatis deflexis. Capsulis calyce subinclusis bivalvibus bilocularis, septis N 98 SCROPHULARINES. liberis ex marginibus valvularum inflexis solutis. Placenta centrali libera. Semina 00 minuta nitidissim. atra oblonga parum angulata, obsoleti punctulata, potius levissima rugulosa, Situation of parts, see Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. II. a. Light blue. 6. Brown. c. Light green, d. Light green with the under side rather paler. e, f, g. Purplish, h. Tingy green. Has. Bengal. In limosis, secus ripas fluminis Booree Barak. 2. Limnophylla Cana. Cal. ad medium subbilabiatim 5-partitus. 5-angulatus sub- æqualis nudis. Cor. infundibuliformis subbilabiata, tubo compressiusculo, labio superiore emarginato. Stam. 4 didy- nam. Anthere didymz demum transverse. Stylus apice ob- liquis 3-gonus. Stigma transversa transversque sulcata, Capsula bilocularis bivalvis, valvis bipartitis. Placente cen- trali liber adnato. Herba natans, vel semi-immersa, contuse graveolens: fol. 3 verticillata, immerse pinnatifida, emerse lanceolata sessilia, serrata 5-nervia, flores sessiles solitariisque in axillis folior. ebracteati, dilutissime czerulei, tubo antice brunneo striato Semina suboblongo-ovata, levia. Has. Bengal prope Jumalpore in aquis stagnantib : di ber 22nd, 1835. Ogs. Hujus generis est Limnophylla? cum bracteole 2 minutissima dentiformes, sepalis 2 laterales, vix alter- nantes, antherz perparia cohzrentes, capsula (immature) calyce tubo inclusa, bilocularis, eodem modo (tanquam aba- natomia judicare licet) dehiscens. Etiam Columnea het hylla Roxb. Li phyllz s Benth. | vix. Limnophyllze Br. descsipat, bracteis ad maximum evolutis, linearibus demum patentibus. Capsula apicem versus tan- : Sra areal MIMULUS. 99 tum dehiscens, basin 2-locularis bivalvis, valvis bipartitis, dissepimentis exmarginibus valvularum inflexis, apices ver- ; sus tantum solubilibus. Placentz, apex conicus libera. Se- | minibus angulatis, atris minutissime punctulatis, an ideo generis diversa. : 3. Limnophylle sp. Pl. CCCCXVI. Fig. 1. Suffrutex prostrate szepius rosaceo-pateas. Caules virides- centes, pube grisea, folia griseo-viridia. ores campanulati, albi parvi 5-plicati. Hab. Burma Circa Pagodas. Horbat. Kiown-wa. 4. Limnophylla sessiliflora Blume, Pl. CCCCXVIIL. Fig. V. Has. Malacca. ^ STEMODIA. Stemodie sp. Pl. CCCCXXI. Ramulis compressiusculis, foliis griseo-viridibus, preser- : tim subtus floribus luteis, labio superior pallido purpureo tinct. 1 lobis lab. inferioris inferne eodem more coloratis, palato aureo, Has. Burma in Pagodis ubique, variat magnopere statura. May 8ih, 1837. MtMULUS. Mimulus assamicus. Gr. P Planta annua pusilla subglabra ramosa caulibus basin de- : cumbens radicantibus, 4 gonis, faciebus latioribus alternan- 1 tibus ; fo], oppositis, breviter petiolatis ovata in petiolum atte- nuata, serrato-dentata, dentibus apicibus mammillosis ; flores - axillares solitarii oppositi, pedicellis filiformibus demum folia excedentibus nudis, superne planiusculis. Cal. prismaticus, 9-dentatus, 5-alatus, tubulosus. Cor. ringens, tubo calycem excedent., lab, superiore 2-inferiore, 3-lobo, lobis sub- #qualibus, crenulatis excepto medio lab. inferior. Criste 2 Parum prominulae apices versus pilis clavato-capitatis his- 100 SCROPHULARINEJE pide, ad basin lobi medii lab. inferior desinentes. Color luteus, tubo intus rubro-guttato. tam. didynama inclusa, rad. 5-0. Filam. subulata sim- plici, connectivum cordatum carnosum dorso convexum. Anth. bilocul. loculis discretis didynamis, longitud. dehiscent. zequalibus, extus celluloso-papillosis praesertim basibus. ollen ovatum leve hinc sulcatum. Glandula hypogy- na Q. basin album et anticum gibbum, Ovulum, biloculare, multi ovulat. Stylus filiformis, fasc. vasc. 2 stigma bila- mellata, lamellis reflexis. Foramen hilum prope. Capsula calyce aucto inclusa, lanceolata compressiuscula, stylo stigmatibusque brunneis terminal. bilocularis utrinque antica posticeque fissa longitudinaliter valvis septiscidentis placentisque persistentibus adnatis. Placentz stipulate, subsemi lunate. Semina plurima minuta pallide brunnea ovata nec pini mpressa, imatura aspectu mucilaginoso, extus lucida, celluloso-areolata. Raphe inconspicua nec clavata linearis, Chalaza punctiforme brunneum. Tegumenta 2 cohzrentia inter se et cum albumine, exterius brunnescens celluloso areo- lat. interius membranaceum ! album. Embryo minuta orthotropus in axi albuminis densi car- . nosi. Cotyledones rotundate, faciebus venis seminis oppo“ site. Han. In arenosis Burrumputur: March 30th, 1836. Mimulus Lin. Spr. sed vix Brunonis obcorollam ringentem nec personatam: Anne igitur Uvedalia sp. ab. utroque differ capsularum dehiscentia. Oss. For a section of the seed and situation and alter- nation of the parts of the flower, see Pl. CCCCLVIII. Figs 8, 9, ÁNISANTHERA. Anisanthera. ` Herbacea pubescens, caule simplici stricto, foliis parie latis, cordato-ovatis obtusis, serratis. Inflorescencia axillaris €t MICROCARPA, 101 racemosa terminalis; floribus breviter pedicelatis, pallide ceruleis. Cal. basi bractiolis 2-linearibus, profunde et equaliter 5-partit. Cor. bilabiata, tubo calyce paulum brevior, subinflato, fauce constricto, lab. superior emarginato, infer 3-dento, tam didynama, fauci inserta. Filam. filiform; anth. paris brevioris supereorisque bilocular, loculis discretis par longioris. inferiorisve l-loculares; connectivum glandulosum Virid. Stylus clavat. Stigma breviter bilabiat. Toris parum elevatus. Ovarium capsulaque calyce con- nivente ampliato cinctum biloculare, 00-ovulat. Placentis carnosis intra loculos productis. AB. Mergue in humidis, Mergue, specium unicum vid. Gen. distinctum. Occurrit etiam: Moaton. 210 Aug. 1834. MiICROCARPJEA. Microcarpea diandra, Pl. CCCCXVII. Fig. II. Cal. campanulatus, 5-partitus, subequalis. Cor. campa- nulata, tubo inflato, fauce subconstricta, limbus 5-fidus, e Cinia antica quinta elongata. porrecta. Stam. 2, posticis minoribus. Antherz leviter cohzrentes, l-loculares ovatz, Ovarium 2-loculare. Placenta centralis. Stigma obliquum indivisum apathulat. papillosum. IC EE Herba minima muscosa. Fol. opposita sessilia lineari- Spathulata obtusa carnosa. Flores minuti in axillis folior. sessilis et solitaria. i Calycis segmenta ciliata, 2 antica paulo minori, Cor- bilabiata subcampanulata, lab. super minimo bifido, inferiore 3-lobo, lobis obtusis, plus minus ciliatis. ; Anth. NE - Ovar. septa e marginibus valvarum introflexis. Wu- . Pula cellulosa subdenticulata ovaria basin cingent. a | engal at Jumaipore et alabi, in humides, Sept. ? 102 SCROPHULARINEZL LIMOCELLA. Limocella diandra Roxb. ? Situation and alternation of parts Pl, CCCCLVIII. Fig. 12. a. Sepala. b, b. Lab. superius. c, c, c. Do. inferius, d, d. Stamina. e. Cupula ovaria basi cingens. f; Ovarium. DoPATRIUM. Dopatrium junceum, Pl. CCCCXVIII. Fig. VI. Semina oblonga obsolete nunc angulato, lævissima lucida fucescentia. Testa alba tenuissima e cellulis minimis conflata, raphe nulla, macula saturatione apicali notata. Tegument, interius quam maxime tenuissimam, fuscum e cellulis conflatum, (nucleare) apice celluloso, (nuclei apex- nempe immulatus) crasso strophiolum formanti. Albumen apice truncatum densum. Radicula orthotropa alba; cotyledones minimz plano-con- vexiuscule. Suddiyah: Sept. 2d, 1835. HERPESTES. 1. Herpestes. Herbacea, pubescens, caulibus repentibus radicant. teretib. — fol. oppositis petiolatis lanceolatis, subintegris, obtusis, flori- bus spicatis terminalibus, tubo albo, limbo rubro purpureo, 'saturatius faucem versus. Bractez 3 spathulate ad basin cujusque floris, quarum la- — terati multo minores. Cal. irregular, 5-partitis, sepalis lineari-subulatis, infimo : Lim majori oppositi majore, 2 superior internet a 2 lateralia mini nima. wv d iia HERPESTES. 103 Cor. infundibulif. tubo calyce longiore, paulo infra medi- um constricto, limbo 5-fido lacini: 2 superior paulo ma- jorib. Stam. 4, didynama filament. parte constricta tubo inserta, filiformia, connectiveque pilosa. Anth. biloculi didymz, longit. dehiscent, Rud. 5. | Stylus stam paulo longior. Stigma bilab. lab. infer longi- ore, Ovar biloculi placentis axilib. pluri-ovulatum ovulis trausversis. Has. Mergue. Mergue Herb. 183. 2, Herpestes. Caulibus repentib. radicant. pilosis, foliis sesselib. lineari- lanceolatis obtusis, serratis utrinque punctatis, subtus ad. ner- Vos pilosis, floribus solitariis axillaribus, pedicellis brevibus, ad basin florum bibracteatis. i Cal. basi bibracteat 5-partit. Sepalis 2 superior paulo ma- Jorib, : Cor. subinfundib. tubo substricto calycis longitudinem, limbo 4-lobo, lobo inferior major. emarginato. Stam 4, didymz, Filam. simplicei medio tubo inserta. Anth. bi- locul, loculis transversis, (faux pilosa). Stylus filiformis Stigmaque bilabiat? inclusis. Ovarium cupula glandulosa in- sidens biloculare, loculis 00 ovulatis, placentis carnosis in- tus productis, Cor. tubo basi lutescenti, apicem limboque purpureo. Has. In aquosis, Kyouktay: 193. Augt. 1834. Oss. Omnia Gratiole sed stam 4. The stamen deficient, would be Opposite to the emargination of the lower lip: or father lateral, the resupination not being complete. 3. Herpestes. Herba pubescens, decumbens, caulibus ramosis basin versus > Teliquus tectis, fol. lineari-lanceolatisis sessilia serratis loso-punctatis, floribus solitariis in axillis folior. superior, breviter pedecellatis conspicuis, tubo basin versus lutescent 104 x SCROPHULARINEÆ carneo lineis rubris, limbo porpureus lineis rubris, lobo emaginato lateralique basin versus alba, et intus pilosa. Cal. bibracteolatus. Omnia Herpestis, Cor. infundibulif. subbilata, lab. super 3-lobo, lobis zequalib. infer majore emar- ginato. Odor menthaceus fortis. Has. In aquosis graminosis, Kulweny: 216 Augt. 1834. 4. Herpestes pulcherima. Decumbens, radicansque, pubescens, fol. sessilib. lineari- lanceolat. medium supra serrulatis subobtusis, fovuloso-punc- tatis. Racemis terminalibus foliosis. Pedicellis solitariis axil- larib. foliis brevioribus, calycibus bibracteolatis,bracteolis seta- ceis. Corollis majusculis, tubo albido calycem fere duplo ex- cedent, hinc postice ? brunneo striato, lobis 4 purpureo-ru- usd lobo majore, emarginato, basin versus alba. B. In aquosis. Mergue: no. 837. Decr. 1834. sp. pul- = 5. Herpestes pygmea. Minima 2-3 uncialis, fol. lanceolatis serratulis favuloso- punctatis, floribus axillaribus solitariis subsessilibus caneus vel pallide" purpurascent. basi 2 bracteolatis sepalis sub aequalibus longitudeus tubo corollz. Has. Mergue in arenosis graminosisque nuper inun- datis contuso odoreum aromaticum effundit. No. 666. Nov 6. Herpestes. Caulibus prostratis, teretibus, foliis sessilibus spathulatis obtusissimis, subintegris, punctatis; floribus axillaribus soli- tariis magnis, pallide lilacinis, pedicellis, foliis duplo longi- oribus. 4 Cal. basi bracteolis:2-linearib. 5-sepalis, sepalis valde 3 inzequalib., 2 exterior maximis ovatis, 2 interior minimis 1 . 9 intermedio lanceolato. P CARDIOLOPHUS. 105 Cor. campanulata 5-partita, laciniis suberectis emarginatis. Stam. 4 didynama. Anth. cinerez. Stylus filiformis, Stigma capitata viridia. Sp. distinctissima. Has. In limosis paludibasque circa Mergue: no. 284. Sept, 1834. CARDIOLOPHUS, Cardiolophus decussata, Pl. CCCCXVII. Fig. 1. Herba erecta, vel decumbens contusa sub aromatica gra- veolens, ramosa, 6-uncialis, caules 4 goni, fol. linearia denticulata decussata, flores axillares solitarii sessilis basi bibracteolata, albo limbo purpurascente. Cal. 5 sepalus, quam maxime inzqualis, sepalo postico cordato; * 2 lateralibus minimis obtectis.” Cor. tubulosa, infundibuliforme, limbo 5 fido subzquali. Stam. 4 vix didynama inclusa, anthere didyme. Ovarium 1-loculare placentis 2 crassis carnosis parietalibus Stipitatis, stylus brevis stigma capitatum subilob. apsula (immatura) membranacea, bivalvis (valvis 2-par- litis?) subglobosa, valvis medo septiferis, placentis adnatis, hemispheericis. Semina 00. minuta oblonga angulata. Oss. The largest sepal is invariably posticous, but there does not appear to be any fixed site for the demidiate, lateral one. The situation of the placenta differs from that of most (ail ?) Scrophularinee, but it is merely a difference of de- Stee and evidently dependent upon the non junction of the placenta along with the mesian line. Has, Bengal near Jubbulpore, Sept. 1835. * o 106 SCROPHULARINEA. BONNAYA. Oss. Cal. subæqualia 5-partit. laciniis linearibus. Cor. ringens, labio superiore emarginato, inferiore 3-lobo, intus bi-cristato (cristis medium versus liberis). Stam. 2, Stigma bilabiat. Glandula hypogyna concava inter corollam ova- riumque, lab. inferiore opposita. Capsula cylindrica, vel subulata, biloculare. Semina 00. reticulata linea longitudinali l sulcata. The two crests, from their situation, represent two abortive stamina, as they are placed one on either side of the middle lobe of the lower lip, (which is the situation of the lower pair in all didynamous species of this order) the 5th generally wanting, would alternate with the segments of the upper lip. 1. Bonnaye sp. Caulibus simplicibus ramosisve quadrangularibus, foliis oppositis elliptico linearibus, basibus subamplexicaulibus acutis, acutissime serratis. Floribus racemosis albis, lab. inferiore maculis rosaceis. Cal. 5-partibus, sepalis subulatis 3 æqualib. Cor, 3 bilabiata ringens, tubo deorsum curvato labio super oblongo emarginato, inferior 3-lobo, lobo medio cordato, intus bicristato, cristis medium versus liberis factis, apicibus obtusis incurvatis, (rudim. stam ?) Stam 2 intra sinus labiorum inserta inclusa, filam. brevia, Anth. bilocul loculo superior transverso, infero perpen- dicularia. Stylus inclusus, filifor, Stigma bilabiat. Glandula hypo- gyna concava, subdentata, sepalo inferiore opposita, intra corollam ovariumque sita. Ovarium bilocul. loculis pluri-ovulat. Pericarp. filiforme seorsum curvat. bilocular polysperma. Semina ascendent. Has. Mergue. In nearly cleared ground, Ins. Madama- copiosa, No. 44. Aug. 1834. BONNAYA. 107 2. Bonnaya bracteata, Pl. CCCCXVIII. Fig. III. 1. Seed opaque dry. 2. Immersed (transparent.) 3. Do. Long section. 4. Portion of testa from an unripe seed. Suddyah: Aug. 1836. 3. Bonnaya cyanea. Gr. Caulibus prostratis, sub 4-gonis, in limo radicantibus, foliis linearibus, vel lineari-spathulatis sessilibus, pauci den- tatis, obtusis, floribus racemosis majusculis, cyaneis, racemis multifloris terminalibus. Cal. 5-partibus sepalis æqualib. obtusis. Cor. ringens, tubo calyce duplo longiore cylindrico, lab. su- perior subfornieato emarginato, inf. 3-lobo, lobis lateralibus reflexis, medio cordato majore, patente basi processus cur- vatis 2 luteis gerente. 7 Stam. 2 inclusa. Anth. didymæ, perparia cohærentis, cœruleæ, Stylus filiformis. Stigma bilabiat. cæruleum. Glan- dula hypogyna, labio infer opposit. inter corollam ovarium- Qué. Ovarium biloculare, placentis ovuliferis, incrassatis. Capsula rotata stylo apiculato, basi calyce amplexa, bilocul. "in. 00. minute bivalvis. Placenta libera facta verrucosa. . Has. In aquosis limosisque Mergui : no. 282. Sept. 1834. 4. Bonnaya pusilla Gr. ~ Caulibus prostratis basin versus radicantib. E gonis, fol. linearibus obtusis sessilibus 4, 5 dentatis. mis terminalibus paucifloris, floribus, inconspicuis pallide ceruleis. Antheris albidis, processum apicibus albidis, sepalis tubum eorollz fere zequantib. Corolla labio superior oblongo, ascendento glandula hypogyna, 3-dentato, ovarium sub- quant, ^ 5 . Has, In limosis, Mergue : no. 283. Sept. 1834, Precedente affinis, statura 3-plo minora. 108 SCROPHULARINEJE. 5. Bonnaya serrata, Cal. profunde 5-partitus. Cor. ringens vel personata, tubo angusto deorsum curvato, lab. superiore emarginato, marginibus revolutis, fornicato, infer, 3-lobo, porrecto, basi bi-cristato. Stam. 2 inclusa, antherz biloculares, loculis ob- liquis divaricatis. Stigma bilamellatum. Glandula hypo- gyna cuneato obovata. Capsula siliquiformis cylindracea subulata, semiexserta, bilocularis bivalvis, Septo parallelo, placentz lineari solubili adnati. Semina ovata subangulata, livida, muricata, muricis exoreolam orientibus albis (omnino ut in Torenia calcarata, p. 124.) Herba repens radicans, caulis 4-gona, fol. oblonga sessilia argute serrata. Racemi terminalis, flores oppositi basi or pedicello bractea breviore albi, lab. infer. rubro gutta Qu. Gratiola serrata, Roxb. Fl. Tod. Vol. 1. p. 140. Torenia calcarata proximum, di numero co- ers cristata glandulaque tantum, An Lindernia Br. cui aminum numero excepto omnino accedit. Confer Browns Prod. 1—441 (296) sub Linderniam. Partium situs omnino uti Torenia calcarata. Crista est staminum par inferum aborti- vum. Huic generi pertinet Gratiola grandiflora Lin. Roxb. Fl. Indica Vol. 1. p. 137. Decumbens basi radicans. Caules 4-goni, fol. lanceolata, sessilia serrata obtusiuscul. Racemi terminales. Calycis segmenta subpatentia. Cor. personata, fauce inflata, criste processus lutei clavati. Flores, pallide azurei. Has. Jumalpore : Sept. 24th, Obsitum glandule hypogyne, pro rudimento staminis potici quinte vix consideranda est 6. Bonnaya. Caulibus repentibus radicantibus stoloniferis; foliis obovatis. in petiolum attenuatis obtusis, serratis glabris. TREISTERIA. 109 Racemis terminalibus, paucifloris, floribus czruleis pedicel- lis oppositis basi bracteatis. Cal. basin usque 5-partit. sepalis zequalibus lineari-subu- latis. | Cor. ringens tubo calyce breviore, lab. super integro, infer 3-lobo. Stam. 2, labiis alternantia ideoque par Superum inclusis. Filam. planis brevibus. Anth. ceru- lee, loculis divaricate perparia approximatis. Labio inferi- or bicristato, cristis luteis medium versus liberis, apicibus Subuncinatis rudiment staminum gerent, Stylus filiform. Stigma bilab. lab. inferior duplo majore ambobus laciniatis. Gland. hypogyna inter coroll. et ovar. postice. Ovar. 2 loculi. Capsula cylindrica subulata, 2-loculi. Placentis incras- Satis. Semin, 00, ovatis apiculatis, testa cellulosa areo- lata cellulis transversis, linea 1 ab hilo usque ad apicem cur- rento cellulis longitudinal. Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 5. Han. Mergue. In humidis, cleared ground Begtown, Pla- toor: no. 103. July, Aug. 1834. : .. Bonnayz sp. Genus quoad Spreng. System. 0, l, p. 106 (44) ejusdem generis, semina ad huc non vidi. TREISTERIA. Gen. nov. l. Treisteria cordata Gr. Herbacea, decumbens, radicans, pubescens; caulibus 4-go- nis. Foliis oppositis inzgequalibus cordato-ovatis petiolis at- tenuatis, serratis. Racemis axillaribus paucifloris abbreviatis, fol. breviorib. bractea Setacea ad basin cujusque pedicelli ; floribus incons- Picuis, lab, super. brunneo-purpurascente, infer. albidum marginibus purpureis, lobo medio basin versus pilosa macula lutea, like a bat flying. ^al. persistens, ganio-sepalus, 3-alatus 3-dentato sepalo antico 2-dentato e 2 coalitis formato ? Cor. bilabiat. tubo calycem excedenti, fauce subampliato, L1 110 SCROPHULARINE AE. lab. superior integro- ciliato, ascendente, deflexo, 3-lobo, lobo medio majore. Stam. didynama fauci inserta, filam. pars infer. arcuata ascendentia ad exsertionem processum rectum nec ascen- dens filiform. pallide purpur. apice glanduloso luteo gerente. Anth. loculi divaricat. apicibus barbatuli paris longioris coherentis. Stylus filiformis. Stigma inclusa bilabiat. Glandula hypo- gyna hinc fissa (postice?) ovarii basi cingens. Ovar. calyce connivent. subinflato-inclusum, 2-locul. placentis carnosis intra loculos productis, ovulis 00, curvatis, foramen hi- lum prope. Capsula membranacea 2-locula, 2-valvis, dissepimentis placentis axique liberis factis. Sem. angulata plurima abortientia areolata compressione, Fig. 4. Pl. CCCCLVIIL. ovule at a very early period. The same post impregnat. and Japsule parietes e cellulis transversis angustis creberrimis ormát. T s. Merge In humidis ripis. Ins. Kully Gewen ; no. 561. Oct. OE E Apparently 3 sepals, but in reality 4, the posticous one wanting and the anticous formed of 2, as indicated by its 2-den- tate apex. It has a central vascular fascicle, but which is very small in comparison with the two lateral ones, nor does it, like these last, send off any branches. The nerves of. the lateral sepals are large, the lobe has likewise a central vascular fas- cicle which does anastomose with the two lateral ones, but only at the apex, the ciliz of the upper lip are sometimes simple, at least before expansion. In all I have examined after impregnation, these hairs are beautifully and most minutely reticulated, the cells forming the reticulations run- ning longitudinally. Pentsteriz valde affinis. En] TREISTERIA, 111 2. Treisteria lanceolata Gr. Basi suffruticosa ; caulibus pubescenti-hirsutis, teretib. ; fol. petiolatis, lanceolatis, subrepando-crenatis, subacutis, subtus albidis, sublente cellulosis et ad nervos pubescent. acemo terminate, simplice nutante glanduloso piloso; Boribus breve pedicellatis, pedicellis glanduloso-pilosis, bractea lineari-setacea glanduloso-pilosis paulo brevior, ex purpureo albi, 1 uncialis faciei Herpestis; flores ante anthesin as- cendent. Pedecilli subflore bibractiolati, bracteolis angustiss. al 5-phyllus, sepalis angustissimis, postico saltem per zes- tivat. longiore, florem super zqans, intermedium breviore, 2 antica lorem paulo brevior omnibus glandulo pilosis. Cor. infundibulif. tubo medio infra ampliato; limbo 5-lobo subbilabiat. lobis 2 posticis albis. Stam. 4, didyma, ad apicem partes tubo angustato inser- to, inclusa glanduloso piloso filiform. Anth. bilocul. locu- lis parallelis, divaricatis parce glanduloso-pilosis, apices versus dehiscent. Pollen oblongum leve. Stylus filiform. Corolla tubum subzquans. Stigma bifidum, Cupula hypogyna breviss. ovarium basin cingens. Ovar. basin solidum, 2-loculare, 00-ovulat. Ovulis transversis, pla- Centis linear affixis, 2 seriatis, foramen hilum prope. Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 6. ZEstivat. imbricato, lab. 2 postices extimis. Has. Mergue. In sylvis densis, Ins. Medamam Pator. No. 65. Dec. 1834. Hujus generis est Treisteria Kully Gyoon. Has. Burma Isabagya: May 10, 1837. 3. Treisteria assamica Gr. Pl. CCCCXX. Herbacealaxa basi decumbens, pedalis bipedalisve, sub- > Caulis tetragonus puberulus, articulis valde incrassatis, Sanguineo-purpureis. riz? SCROPHULARINER. Folia opposita longiuscula petiolata subattenuata, obtusa, irregulariter crenato-dentata, supra lete viridia, sublente punctulata tactu retrorsum scabra subtus pallida, utrinque sed presertim infra ad venas puberula, basi szpius obliqua, venz secondarie distinctz. ^ Petioli unciales supra plano- canaliculati medium infra purpurascentes. Racemi ad authesin folia vix æquantia, demum elongato ex- cedentia vero terminalis, quamvis szpe axillares videntur, tetragoni scabrelli angulis acutis marginalis. Bractez foliaceze lanceolato-lineares, pedicellis 3-plo bre- viores. Pedicelli suboppositi, ancipites sursum latiories margini fere alato, Calyx 4 sepalus, sepalo postico maximo foliaceo, ovato cor- dato subintegro, venoso, venis apicibus arcuata nexis, auri- culis baseos deorsum productis, sepalo antico foliaceo, ovato, basi subcordato, apice bifido vel emarginato, venoso; venis magis reticulatis, centrali fasciculi vasorum sinu respondenti, 2 lateralia minima linearia carinata, intima, scabrella. Corolla personata, calyce paullo longior labio superiore minimo fornicato apice erecto emarginato, fusco vel rubro- fusco, inferiore 3-lobo, albo, lobis rotundatis (intermedio mi- nimo) marginibus inflexis, bicristato, cristis pubescentibus flavis cum lobo medio utrinque alternantibus desinentibus in corpore clavato, cujus caput valde incrassatum glandulo- sum. "Tubus intus villosiusculus. Stamina 2 (superiora) inclusa. Filamenta breviuscula glabra. Anth, approximate loculis ad anthesin valde divari- catis, vix contiguis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus, albis, con- nectivum dilatata, subloculum superiorem l-dentatum. Pollen album, ovatum sulcatum, sublente „$4 immersum, obscure gra- nulosum. Glandula hypogyna magna carnosa, sublobata postice incompleta. arium conico-ovatum glabrum, biloculare ; ovula 00. as- cendentia galezeformia, foramen hilum prope, facieis raphalis demissior, tegumento nullo distincto. TREISTERIA. 113 Stylus filiformi-clavatus levis, bivasculosus; stigma bila- mellata, lamellis approximatis rotundatis, fimbriato-denti- culatis, postico vel superiore minora. Capsulata late ovata, compressa stigmatique sphacelatis stylo apiculata, marginibus undulatis, basi glandula cincta, calyce ampliato magisque foliaceo clauso obtecta parietibus venosis bilocularis, valvis submembranaceis concavis, marginibus simplicibus flexuosis subinflexis. Placenta libera, septis apice distinctis adnata, valvis parallela. Semina 00 minuta, rotundata, quadrata, apice utroque depressiusculo, pallide brunnea foveolis 6-7 lateralibus pro- fundis exsculptis areolata reticulata, papillis albis lineata dispositis scabrella: funiculo brevi atrato. Raphe inconspi- cua linearis, angustissima ; chalaza punctum apicule atratum submammillaforme. Tegumentum coriaceum, albumini denso carnoso firme ad- hærens, Embryo in axi àlbuminis orthotropus. Cotyledones minimæ plano convexiusculæ cum raphe alternantes? Plumula in- Conspicua. Radicula longa, deorsum incrassata. Oss. Treisteria. Genus distinctissimum. Bonnayæ affinis corollæ Herpestidi quo habitu Toreniz, abomnibus distinctus ob eoe sepalorum 2 anticorum. Species altera e Mergue : Gen. Cuar. Calyx 4 sepalo, sepalo postico maximo, inte- rioribus minoribus obtectis. Cor. personata, labio inferiore bicristato. Stam. fertilia 2. _ Capsula calyce ampliato cincta, bilocularis, bivalvis, valvis integris margine simplicibus. Dissepimento parallelo placen- tifero, demum libero. Semina foveolis (6-7) insculpta. Herba decumbentes. 114 SCHROPHULARINE A, 4. Corolla viewed laterally. 5. Do. laid open, between the labia. 6. Anther back view. 7. Do. Inner view. 8. Do. lateral. 9. Pollen. 10. Do. immersed in water. The clefts are too distinct. li. Pistillum with the two lateral sepals. lla. Do. Posterior sepal } removed anticous one deflexed. 12. Long section of ovarium, from right to left, 13. Do. transverse section. 14. Stigma. 15. Ovulum. 16. Fruit natural size. 17. Do. sepals removed. 18. Placenta and adnate septa, one valve removed, 19. Seed viewed on the raphal face. 20. Do. lateral. 21. Do. long section parallel to the raphe. 22. Vertical view of base of seed. 23. Transverse section of seed through the middle. 24. Embryo. 25. Capsule ripe before dehiscence. Suddyah Upper Assam: Aug. 22d, 1836. Remarks. Torenia Asiatice proxima est Torenia mollis eden- tata molliter hirsuta, magis erecta. Calycibus hirtis. Corollam calyce paullo interdum fere duplo longiore, pallidissime czeru- lea, lobis lateralibus partem saturatissime azureis, lobo medio labiis inferioris macula lutea. Filamenta longiora basin eden" tuta ! Ovarium apice obliquum. Glanduli cyathiformes. Stigma — par brevius staminam tantum sequans. 1 Flores terminales, (pseudo axillares) fasciculati, vel in- — terdum racemosi. Corollz limbus interdum czruleis. 3 Torenia edentula; erectiuscula molliter hirsuta: foliis pe 3 tiolatis cordato-ovatis, rugosulis, floribus terminalibus fasci- 3 TITTMANNIA. 115 culatis racemosisque corolla calycem vix duplo excedente, filamentis longioribus basin edentulis ! Proxim. T. asiatice, a quo distincta mollit. filamentisque omnibus simplicibus huic charactere a genere toto recedit. In his omnibus testa foveolis exsculpta est, foveolis paucis- simis in novo meo genere, plurimis in Bonnaya bracteata, Testa (tegument) quam maxime coriaceum, albuminum firme adherent, Tecta est pellicula vel cuticula tenuissima mem- branacea e cellulosa, qu in seminibus siccis contrahitur in fundum alveolor. et his aspectus cellulosus sat, in hanc factis amplificatur et bullum format. foveolum quemque in Super ; ex hoc oritur aspectus papillosus seminum humefac- torum. Hanc structuram observavim in Vandellia, Tore- nia, Bonnaya et in novo genere. Pellicula testa est, testa Vandellia scabra Bonnaya bra- chiata in quibus et presertim priore reticulata est cellulosa et laxa, in utrisque. Raphe e cellulis elongatiusculis formata precursa est. In Bonnaya brachiata membranacea est, et hispidula pilis apice cruciatim fissis. r. Benthan says, while refering to the distinctive marks between Scrophularinee and Primulacee, in allusion to the Stamina of these two orders belonging to different series, t no trace of the inner series has as yet been ob- Served in Scrophularinee, except perhaps in Bamia, Without having any knowledge of Bamia, there can be no doubt that its dis is analogous to that of Scrophularinez ; and this again, although often incom plete, obviously represents either the whole oF portion of the inner series of stamens. TiTTMANNIA. l. Tittmannia sp. Planta minima pilosa, caulib. ramosis 4-gonis, fol. opposit Subsessilis cordato-ovatis, obtusis, crenato-serratis, floribus 116 SCHROPHULARINE.JE. solitariis axillarib. pedicellis demum foliis longiorib. fruc- tiferis deflexis. Cal. subzqualiter 5-partibus. Cor. ringens, tubo calycis longitudinis, lab. superior minimo, emarginato, livido, inf. maximo, 3-lobo, albo ad basin ma- culato-lutea. Stam. 4-didynama. Filam, par. inferior longiores ad ex- sertionem dente obtuse, lab. superior utrinque exserta. Anth. perparia cohzerentes biloculare loculis divaricate. Stylus paulum longior, filiform. Stigma bilabiat. Ovar. biloculi. Placenta carnosis intra loculos producta. - Glandula hypogyna, intra corollam et ovarium labio inferior opposit, Capsula subglobosa bilocularis dissepiment tenuis- Affinis, (Pentsteria sp. 3.) no. 45 quem vide. Has. In graminosis humidis, Kyouktay copiose etiam circa Mergue: ao. 184. Aug. 1 9. Titimannia. Cal. «qualis profunde 5-partitus. Cor. ringens, lab. superior emarginato subfornicato, infer 3-lobo deflexo basi obsolete 2-cristato. Stam. 4 didynama. Filamenta apice dilatata paris in- ferioris ad exsertionem gibbosa extrorsum arcuata. Anthere perparia cohzerentes, didyme. Stigma bilamellata, Glandulo subannuliformis postice fissa. Capsula globosa, calycis longitudine bilocularis bivalvis, septo parallelo libero placentifero. Semina angulata extus reticulatum, areolata. Herba pusilla erecta, pilosiuscula, caule ramoso 4-gono; fol. cordata rotundata crenata, pedicelli nudi axillares, fo- lia excedenti. Flores pulchri, lab. superiore fusco, inferiore caruleo. Ex charactere proxima Lindernie Br. Pr. 1-441 (297) | ; TITTMANNIA. 117 anne congener. Columnea minuta Roxb. Fl. Ind. Vol. 3, Genus notandum o5 formam gibberemque. Staminum lon- gioram, seminumque testam areolatam. Situation and alternation of parts Pl. CCCCLYVIII. Fig. 13. a, Sepala. b. Lab. superius. d. Inferius. e. Stamina. f. Glandula hypogyna. 9:9. Valvule capsule. h. Placenta septifera. 3. Tittmannia. Herba annua in locis humidis argillaceis proveniens pe- dalis vel spithameea, teneri. Caulis compressus, pubescens ; fol. spathulato-obovata pe- tiole attenuata, dentata flores racemosi czeruleo-albida parva, pedicelli pubescenti basi bracteati. Calyx campanulatus, profundiuscale 5-partitus laciniis anguste lanceolatis. patulo recurvis. Cor. ringens, tubo calycis tubum excedent. lab. superior subascendenti, emarginato, inferior 3-lobo, lobo medio minor, icristato, cristis rotundatis elevatis, luteo-maculatis, pube- Stam. didynama inclusa. Filamenta filiformia. Anthere biloculares, loculis divaricatis. Pollen ovato-lanceolatum leve medio sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, stamina superans, stigma bilamellatum. . Ovaria leve, biloculare, ovula 00. Glandula hypogyna 0. ntis carnosis affixa calyce fructus ampliatus foliaceis, capsula inclusum, stylo apiculatum, membranacea bilocularis, dehiscentia loculicida ; septis huic adnatis. Placenta carnosa : Semina 00, minuta angulata, albida, apice utroque punc- 118 SCROPHULARINEX tato, atro notata, testa reticulata, longit. Embryo orthotropus albuminis carnosa sed nec ampl. Confer. characterem Columnez tomentose: Roxb. Fl. Ind. vol. 3, p. 98. Has. Upper Assam Versus Nigrigam, in humidis: Jan. 19/A, 1836. PENTSTERIA. Gr. Gen. Cuar., Cal. 5 carinatus bilabiatim 2 partit. lab. super, 3-dentato inferiore bifido. Cor. ringens, tubo deorsum curvato. lab. superiore emarginato, inf. 3-lobo. Stam. 4, didynama quorum par longius basin l-dentatum. Antherz perparia coherentes (interdum inzqualibus, connectivum pillosum ? Stigma bilabiat. Capsula angulata calyce connivente tecta bilocul. polysperma, bivalvis placentis axique liberis factis. Sem. muricata, glandula hypogyna 0. Herbe szepius pubescentes caulibus ramulisque 4-gonis calyx 5 carinatus. "Torenic sp. Bentham. 1. Pentsteira grandiflora Gr. Caulibus acute tetragonis, repentibus; fol. cordato-ovatis acuminatis serratis, floribus sepius terminalib. 2-3 conferta maximis iacu tubo aterrime caeruleo, laciniis albis mar- ginibus cyan Cal. bilab. “Tab. ambobus integris super e 3, infer e 2- sepalis. —... Cor. infundib. tubo, calycem excedent. limbo 4-lobo, lobo postico superiore maximo reniforme vel emarginato, relique rotundata antico minore. Stam. didynama, filam. atro-cyanea, par inferius paulo supra exsertionem dente subulata ejusdem coloris arcuatum* - que. Anth. loculis divaricatis, cyaneis : connectivum satura- tius. Stylus filiformes eodem modo coloratus, stigma bilobiat, ETTET PENTSTERIA. 119 pallidius. Cupula glandulif. ovarium cingens. Ovar. bilocul. Ovulis 00. Has. Mergue. In sylvis Bambusaceis. 523, Palar. Oct, 1834. 2. Pentsteira paniculatis Gr. Caulibus 4-gonis prostratis radicant. foliis cordatis, petiola- tis subobtusis, serratis, ciliatis subtus ad venas pilosis et fa- vuloso-punctatis, floribus axillaribus vel in panieulam termi- naliam pauciflorem dispositis, ceruleis, lobis labii inferior ma- cula 1, alba, lobo medio ima basin saturatiss. violaceo. Dente stamen longior elongato, apice capitata. Anthera perparia coherentis. Cal. 5-dentat. 3 cupula glandulosa ovarii basin cingens. Capsula 2-valvis, dissepimentis placentaque liberis factis, Sem. angulis obtusis verrucosa. Cor. tubo infra lutescens. AB. Vulgo in humidis, Mergue: 231. 4ugt. 1834. . 9. Pentsteira dichotoma Gr. Caulibus ramosis pubescens, dichotoma (ramis patentibus, 4-angularib. sub. A-alatis; fol. oppositis, petiolatis, cor- dato-ovalis, obtusis, in petiolum decurrentibus, serratis Serraturis serratulatis ; floribus purpurascentibus in axillis' folior. Dichotomis caulium szpuis 3-4, confertis, sub- nutantibus, ' Cal. 5-angulatus, 5-carinatus, carini supera majori- bilabiatem 5-dentato, lab. super 3, inferior 2 dentato carinis ciliatis, Cor. ringens, tubo calyce breviore deorsum curvato, la- bi super emarginato infer 3-lobo, lobo medio paulum ma- Jore, ; „Stam. 4, didynama, quorum 2, inferior intra lobum me- dium lateralesque lobum inferior inserta, 2 super inter labiorum sinus. Filam pars inferior breviss. pars superior 9 longiora, paulo supra basin l dentata, filiform. l loculis divaricata cohzrentibus. 120 SCHROPHULARIN E/E Stigma bilabiat. Stylus filiform. Ovarium calyce conni- vent inclusum biloculare, ovulis 00. placenta axili carnosa insertis. Glandula hypog. examinanda. Has. Mergue. No. 45. Augt 1834. Genus affine, Tittmanniz sp. 1. differt, (184) calyce e cari- nata, et staminum pare longiore ultra corollam arctiato. 4. Penisteire racemosis Gr. Herbacea erecta pubescens, ramis divaricatis inferior sub- decumbentibus cum caulibus 4-gonis, 4-alatis ; foliis oppositis breviter petiolatis, ovatis, inferior in petioliam attenuatis, super basin cordatis, serratis cum mucronem, floribus axil- laribus racemosisque luteis, racemis terminalibus, aliquando quaternatim subvertecillatis. al. 5-carinatus bilabiatum 2-partit. lab. super. dentib. 3 breviss. inferior 2-fido, sepalis linearibus acutis. or. calzse paulo longior tubo deorsum curvato, infundi- buliform ringens, lab. super emarginato, infer. 3-fido. Par. longius stamin. ad insertionem 1-dentat Anthere perparia cohzrentus paris superior breviorisque duplo majores. Connectivum pilosum, Rud. 5-0, Stylus filifor. Stigma bilabiatum. Capsula membranacea calyce connivente obtecta, fusi- formi-sub. 5-gona. 2.loculare loculo inferiore majore, dehi- scentia valvaris. Placenta axisque libire factze. Semina 00. muricata! Glandula hypogyna 0. Has. In arenosis humidis, Mergue, Bylou. 45. Augt, 1834. VANDELLIA. l. Vandellia pedunculata, Pl. CCCCXVIIL. Fig. II. Herba laxa decumbens, glabrata. Caules acute 4 goni soli subsessilia cordato ovata, obtusiuscula. Pedicelli tetragoni ut Torenia, foliis ipiis axillares ante anthesin deflexis, ad anthesin et postea patentissimi VANDELLIA 121 solitarii, oppositi; fructus valde elongatus uncialis vel 14 uncialis clavatus, Flores mediocres, csruleo-purpurei. Sepala 5 qualia, linearia, demum paullo ampliata. Cor. bilabiata ringens, tubo calyce longiore lab. superiore plano porrecto; emarginato, lab. inferiore 3-lobo minuti crenulato, lobis lateralibus verticalibus: rotundatis, medio porrecto flavo basin macula lutescente. Stam. didynama inclusa perparia arcte coherentia. Fi- lam, pavis superioris brevia, inferioris longa, extrorsum ar- cuata, basi paullo supra denticulo vel potius gibbere obtuso aucta, Antherarum loculi contigui divaricatissimi. Connectivum loculorum stamina longiorum, et loculorum superiore paris brevioris mucronatum ; paris brevioris loculorum inferiora in calcar productum, Pollen album, ovato, hire sulcata gla- brum. Glandula, hypogyna lutea postice incompleta, obso- lete 3-crenatum et trisulcata, crenis lobis labii inferioris op- Positis ideoque stamina sericei interioris parte. Stylus fili- formis. Stigma par longius stamin non attingens bilamellat. lamellis patentibus intus papillosis. Ovar. biloculare glabrum. Ovula ordinis. Capsula siliquosa, teretio subulata, sub semuncialis, calyce duplo excedens, bilocul. bivalvis, valvis integris margine planis, septis placentiferis, dein liberis, parallelis. Semina minutissima oblonga, albida foveolata; obsolete scabrella. Raphe linearis, inconspicue; chalaza punctiformis minima Subclavata. Has. Upper Assam. In humidis SuddyaA. ; Distinct a Vandellia habitu, inflorescentia? labio corollae Superiore non fornicato, lobis lateralibus lab. inferioris verti- calibus. Antherique loculis paris superioris calcaratis, an ideo Segreganda. " Vandellia est corolle Torenie anne non potius Toreniis ad jugenda, Q 122 SCROPHULARINE.£, Flower lateral view. Corolla vertical view. Do. upper staminiferous portion laid open between the abia. Pollen. Pistillum. Capsule dehisced, valves incurved by dryness ! Seed opaque. Do. immersed in water, viewed as a transparent object. Suddyah : Aug. 1836. 2. Vandellia scabra, Pl. CCCCXVIII. Fig. IV. Benth. Scrophl. 36. Annua, gracilis, basi decumbens, hirsuta. Caules tetragoni. Fol. subsessilis inferiore ovata, obtuse, superiore ovato cordata vel rotundata, obsolete serrata, Pedicelli fasciculati graciles folia duplo excedentes filiformes ante anthesin curvatuli, pos- tea cito geniculata a basin deflexa. Flores certe terminales, quamvis ob axillam unam ramum caulem continuantem emit- tente axillares videntur. Calyx hirsutis, 5-partitus. Cor. mediocris, tubo calyce longior intus villosiusculo labio superiorum fornicato, obsoleti- emarginato irregulariter denticulato, venoso, fusco brunneo; lab, infer. squaliter 3-lobum deflexo-patens czruleum, ad bases paris longioris aureo-velutinum. Dentis paris inferioris rotundate sessiles, rugosule, filamenta demum an semper erecta et exserta. Connectivum submuticum, dorso apices prope denticulo celluloso aucta, antherz pollenque albumen. Glandula postice incomplete. Stigmatis lamelle conniventes, antheras paris longioris attingentes. : Capsula globosa, sepalorum parum mutatorum subequans, glaber. bilocularis, dehiscente generis, bivalvis, valvis cymbi- formibus margine simplicibus. Septis his parallelis; place a eris, demum liberis. ao uon TORENIA. 123 Semina oblongo rotundata, obtuse angulata, plumbea, ex- tus sublente areolis albis conspicue reticulatis. Raphe linearis, levis, vix conspicua, Chalaza punctum api- culi atratum vix elevatum. Has. Upper Assam about Suddyah: August, 1836. l. Seed opaque dry. 2. Do. opaque immersed in water. 3. Do. long section. 4. Transverse section. 5, Portion of cuticle shewing, that it is tranversed by the raphe, hence it is testa. Suddyah: Aug. 1836. Oss. In Vandelliis veris Jab. supertus corolle certe fornicat., lobis labii inferioris deflexis. Connectivum antheram loculo- rum obsolete mucronatum. Glandula eadem trisulcata eodem more opposita. Stigmatis lamello conniventes, paris supera antheras attingentes. Connectivum etiam utrinque dente celluloso rugoso auc- TORENIA: l. Torenia asiatica, Pl, CCCCXVIII. Fig. 1. Benth. Scrophl. Indica p. 38. Basi repens glabrate, vel parce breviterque pilosa, folia cordato-ovata in petiolum attenuata, vens secondariz distinc- tiusculze, apici arcuati confluenti, et nexz. Calyx subglabratus. Cor. calyce vix 3 longior saturati- azurea, per pulchre, lobis omnibus rotundatis, tubo intus atro cæruleo striato, antheræ muticæ vel breve mucronatæ connec- tivo simpliceo, dentibus paris longioris maximis, quasi stipi- talis, atro purpureis. ium apicem versus antica gibbum, glandula completa cyathiformis. nes Assam circa Suddyam. l. Seed viewed opaquely, 2, Do. raphal face. 124 SCROPHULARINE.E Do. Long section parallel to the raphe, hence the cotyle- dons are opposite this organ, . Seed immersed in water, viewed as a transparent object shewing that the testa does not dip down into the foveola which exists in the face of the albumen, Suddyah : Aug. 1836. d > 9. Torenia calcarata Gr. Cal. profunde 5-partitus. Cor. ringens, bilabiata lab. superiore emarginato fornicato, inferiore 3-lobo Stam. 4 didyuama, inclusa, filamenta paris inferioris, bases paulo supra processum dentatum gerentia. Anth. biloculares, divaricatz difformes, loculo inferiore paris superioris calcarato. Par inferium tantum adherens. Stigma bilamellatum, Discus hypogynus cupuliformis pes tice incompletus. Ovarium Deden, placent, central. Capsula siliquæformis tereti-subulata ex maxima partem exserta, bilocularis, bivalvis, valvis revolutis, placentis*lib- eris persistentibus, dissepimentum eonan valvularum introflexis placentæ adnat. Semina ovatim, areolis depressis rotundatis notata. Herba caule radicante ramis floriferis erectis, obtuse 4-go- nis Fol. anguste ‘lanceolata, sessilia distanter crenata. Pe- dicelli filiformes axillares solitarii alternantes, foliis longiores; fructiferi patentissimi. Toreniz species discrepans loculo inferiore paris supe- rioris calcarato. Bonnayz proximum, a quo differt tantum staminibus 4. Has. Bengal at Jumalpore in humidis. Sept. 23d, 1835. Alteration and situation of parts, Pl, CCCCLVIII, Fig. 14 a, a. Sepala. b. Lab. superius. e. juferum. BUDDLEA. 125 d, d. Par superum stamin. calcaratum. e. Par. inferum, J, f. Valve capsule. g. Placenta libera et septa huic adnata. 3. Torenie varians Roxb. Fl. Ind. Vol. 3, p. 96. Herbacea basi decumbens, caule ramoso acute 4-gono, fol. oppositis cordato-ovatis acutiusculis e serratis, subsessi- libus, floribus axillaribus solitariis (in pedicellis 4-angulatis, subüliformibus, latere superiore latiore folia excedentibus) nudis majusculis. Calyx 5-sepalus exangulatus, tubum corolla subzquans. Cor. ringens lab. superiore fornicato emarginato zestivatione extimo summoque, lab. infer. 3-lobum, lobo intermedio intimo tubo pubescente extus. -. Stam. didynama. Anth. divaricatz loculis cohzerentibus paris inferioris longioris, cujus filamenta ad exsertionem dente cla- vata donata sunt, loculisque superioribus paris superioris mu- cronatis, inferioribus hujus paris calcaratis. Glandula hypo- Syna lata quasi cyathus dimidiatus. Stigma bilamellata. Ovarium biloculare, placenta centrali, septis e marginibus valvularum inflexis. Capsula in pedun- culo divaricato, cylindraceo-subulata, calycem duplo exce- ens, et quantum ex immaturis judicare licet, bivalvis, val- Vis integris revolutis, placenta centralis septis adnatis libera, Semina papuloso-muricata angulata. € Bengal Prope Hubegunge, in humidis: Oct. 2d ~ Huic proxima est Toreniæ sp. I. BuppDLea. - Buddiea sp. Pl. CCCCXXII. Itinerary Notes p. 107, no. 94a, j - Han. Bootan Dewangiri in Sylvis alt, 2300, ft. 126 SCROPHULARINEE. BucunerRa. Buchnere sp. Pl. CCCCXIX, Fig. 1. Herba, spithamzea vel infra. Caulis subtus terram squamis dentiformibus stipat. Flores carnei, tubo viridescenti pubescenti apiciem versus geniculato. Capsula loculicida vel valve medio septifer. Placenta libera: Has. Burma Isabagya : May 10, 1837. VERONICA. 1. Veronica, Pl. CCCCXIX. Fig. II. Planta annua, spithamea ramosa, ramis purpureis, inferior prostrato decumbentibus, fol. amplexicaulia opposita lineari* oblonga, grosse dentata, fusco-viridia. Racemi terminalis axil- laresque erecti bracteze lineareis pedicellos mappatis, flores minute inconspicui czruleo-albidi, Cal. 4 sepala, sepalis ovatis perparia insequi 2 anti- cis majoribus, cestivatione. Corolla, infundibuliformis calyce brevior profunde 4-partita laciniis sepalis alternantibus, irregularibus hoc nempe inter sepalis antica majora, sestivatione imbricata 2-lateralia ex- teriora, antico posticaque interioribus. Stamina 2 epipetala, ima basin corollz inserta, sepalis 2, posticis opposita, ideoque cum petalo postico alterna. Filamenta alba clavata, vel obsubulata, bases versus nempe attenuata, potius utrinque attenuata. Anth. basi afüxe didymæ, loculis infra divaricatis, ovate introrse albide, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Pollen, leve, (humidum tantum vide) ovatum hinc sulcatum oblongum globosumve. Ovarium subglobosum, hinc utrinque profundiuscule sul- — E | catum, foliis carpellaribus nempe antico deae Stylus oan vel basin versus angustatus ; stigmata 2 papillosa bcapitata, antica posticaque, VERONICA, 127 Torus hypogynus dilatatus circularis marginibus parum clavatis, ovarii basin amplectentibus ; ovarium biloculare. Pla- cente 2 carnosz septo, quod quoad axin transversum, adə nate, Ovula 00. antitropa, funiculus brevis, crassus, foramen ad hilum Jatus. Tegumentum simplex nucleus inclusus, ca- nali cylindrico a basi fere ad apicem extendente. apsula calyce ampliato, subæquali foliaceo suffulta, com- pressa, utrinque profunde sulcata, stylo stigmatibusque brun- neis apiculata, subcordata, utrinque compressa, dehiscentia loculicida, valvis demum bipartitum. Placenta demum li- bera, centralis. Semina (vix matura) ovalia compressa, levi- ter brunnea, Tegumentum exterius cellulosum albumini ad- natum, albumen dense carnosum parcum. Embryo minutus in axi albuminis locatis, orthotropus. Radicula teres obtuse, cotyledone planas? paullo excedens. Raphe linea prominula indicata ex hoc oritur faciem inter- nam seminis angulatum esse ; cotyledones faciebus latioribus et venis seminis parallelæ. Plamula inconspicua? Chalaza punctum nigricans ad apicem rapheos elevatæ. E AB. Assam. In sabulis humidis sublimosis, Diboro ~ Mockh: Fes. 13/5, 1836. 2. Veronica. 1 Herba spithameea pedalisve erecta ramosa pubescente his- 3 fol. breviter petiolata cordato-ovata, crenato-dentata, . bt €, Summis sessilibus. Racemi ercti, axillares, demum š : foliaque superant. Pedicelli breviss. Bractea li- Téari-spathulata quemque fulciens. ,'*YX profunde 4-partitus in lacininiis lineari-spathulatis Piloso-hispidig ciliatisque, erectis, inzequalibus, 2 nempe ma- ,' qualia, 2 minora. us 2 e sinubus laciniz corollae postice utrinque exserte, usa, Filam, fliformi. Anth. biloculares albide, loculis divaricatis. 128 SCROPHULARINE.E Pollen albidum leve hinc sulcatum. Ovarium globosum fol. carpellaria secus dorsum medium longitudinaliter hispid. Stylus brevis. Stigma capitatum, papillosum. Torus hypogynus aunuliformis marginibus nempe parum elevatis, ovarii basin cingit. Ovarium. biloculare ; ovula 00. transversa foramen hilum prope vix conspicum. Capsula cordata, bilocularis polysperma in loculicidia bi- valvis, valvis demum bipartitis, membranaceis, calyce am- pliato suffulto valvularum marginibus externis ciliatis, placenta adnata. Semina 00. albida, transverse vel ascendentia, compressa, funiculo brevi affixa extus minute cellulosa, ovaria. Raphe nulla saltem conspicue, chalaza puncta brunnea, medium seminis versus, cotyledone apices prope. esta subcoriacea, albumine copioso carnoso denso adnata Tegumentum interius nullum? Embryo orthotropus axilis Radicula teretiuscula hilum versus spectans. Cotyledones incumbentis faciebus latioribus, verisque obchalazam semi- nis alternantes. Plumula inconspicue. Has. Assam. In arvis, versus Gubroo- Purbut Jorhauth: March 6th, 1836. Folia carpellaria antica posticaque, ideoque lacinus iisdem corollinis opposita. Situation and alternation of parts CCCCLVIII. Fig. 7. CENTRANTHERA. Centranthera hispida Br. Digitalis stricta, Roxb, Herbacea erecta scaberrime, fol. lineari-obtusis, obsoleti- - dentatis, oppositis vel alternantibus; floribus solitariis 2 — axillis foliorum, summor, floralium parum mutatorum, breviter — pedicellatis, (pedicellis basi bracteis 2 linearib. majusculis ulis) subconspicuis. . 9 partitus, sepalis cohzrentibus antice a WULFENIA. 129 Cor. infundibuliforma, tubo deorsum curvato, fauce subam- pliata limbo subzequaliter 5-fido. Stam. didynama, filamenta pilosa. Connectiv, inter an- theras pilis moniliformi-barbatum. Anth. biloculares, loculos dissimilibus, deorsum calcaratis, altero minimo quasi abor- tivo longius calcarato. Pollen lanceolatum, medio sulcatum leve. Stylus filifor- mis, Stigma sublanceolatum, papillos. medio linea opace Superum. Ovar. biloculare, placentis 2, hzmispheerias, ovula 00, Capsula calyce connivente inclusa, bilocul. bivalvis, valvis primo medio septiferis, demum marginibus inflexis, solutis quadrivalvis placentaque centralis evadit. Semin, angulata plurima. Testa laxa reticulata albumen parcum membrana inclusum. Embryo axilis teres indivisus. Alternation and situation of parts Pl. CCCCLXIII. Fig. 15. Han. Bengal. Ad ripas graminosus, Burrumpootur, cum Torenia varians Sept. 1835. WULFENIA. Wulfenia obliqua. Pl. CCCCXIX. A. Calyx green, teeth tinged with blue. Corolla, tube blue, and underneath white. Petal on the centre with a white cordate Spot, leaves bright green, articulations swollen, tinged with uscus, Han. Mishmee Mts. March 25th, 1836. Schrophularinee sp. Herbacea erecta ramosa, fol. oblongis inciso-dentatis, floribus Spicatis subsessilibus in axillis foliorum floralium in- cisarum solitariis ochroleucis, infundibuliform. Cal. basi bibracteolatus subbilabiatim 5-fidus 3 dentibus inferior ma- Joribus. Cor, bilabiatim infundibuliform 5-fida, lobis 2 supe- rior minoribus, Stam didynama filam, pilosa, Anth, biloculares transverse R 130 SCROPHULARINEA. diseretz, loculis parum inaequalibus calcaratis, apices versus hiantes, inclusis. Stylus curvatus filiformis, stigma oblongo-spathulat. supra medio sulcatum papillosum maximum, Glandula hypogyna 0. Ovar. globosum biloculare. Placentis maximis carnosis septo subadnatis. Cor. marcescens fructus supra fissa. - Capsula globosa, bilocul. bivalvis, demum quadri-valvis septis solutis, placentze centrales, septiferze. Has. Khasyah Hills. In graminosis humidis, CAurra: Oct. 12th, 1835. Centrantherz propinquae. Testa immatura laxa arillifor- mis. * Scrophularinee sp. Herbacea nutans ramosa. Caulibus teretibus, basin . versus cellulosiss. striatis, foliis petiolatis orbiculatis, celluloso-car- nosis szpius integris, interdum emarginatis, petiolis canalicu- latis, floribus axillaribus solitariis speciosis rosaceo-carneis, lobo medio lat. inferior albo, luteis maculis. Pedicellis foliis brevioribus. Cal. campanulatus dentatus, dentibus obtusis. Cor. ringens tubo calycem excedente, lab. superior emarginato subfornicato, inf. 3-lobo, lobo medio majore prominulo. Stam. didynama, inclusa, tubo basin ver- sus inserta, filam. subulata. Anth. bilocul. Stylus fiif. Stigma bilabiat. Glandula hypog. 0. Ovar. bilocule, pla- centis incrassatis, 00 ovulatis. Capsul. bas. calyce persise tent. cinct. submersa. Ovula maturiusculo elevatis lineis € cellulis transversis formatis pulchre striata. Pedicellis fructiferis incrassatis. Has. In oryzetis et aquis stagnantibus, Mergui, rara etiam, Tavoy copiosa : 285. July, Sept. 1834. 131 OROBANCHE.E. JEGINETIA. ZEginetie indica, Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 16. Parasitica, pedunculis 6, 12 uncialib. ima basin squamigeris ochroleucis, striis tenuibus purpureis; flor. solitario terminal. nutant, extus albidis cellulosis, intus atro-sanguineis. Cal. spathaceus lateri inferior a medio usque ad apicem Cor. subinfundibulif. medium infra angustato, deorsum curvato fauce inflata ad limbum constricta, limbo 5-fido, laciniis obtusis erectis, 1 antica (inferiore) paulo majore. Stam. didynama tubo apicem versus inserta, filam. subulata, sanguinea, Antherz l-loculares inter se cohzrentes, longit. dehiscent. connectivo albo, paris superioris breviorisque, hine in processum dentiformem elongato. Stylus deorsum curvatus crassus subulatus, stigma maxi- mum peltato-capitatum luteum papillosum viscosum, medio foveolatum. ^ Ovarium 1-loculare placentis 4, parietalibus sinuatis! Ovulis numerosissimis. à Capsula calyce spathaceo obtecta stylo apiculato, Placentis _ &nuatis aureis! Semina 00 albida testa laxa e cellulis inflatis ovatis, fibro spirali notatis, nucleo central. cellulis nonnulis interjectis superpositisve efibrosis corpusculis crebris amyla- eas, Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 16. Has. Mergue. In sylvis precipue Bambusaceis. Palar Maimayve, Oct. 1834. No trace exists of the spiral fibres before impreg. See fig. a. 'aken before that operation. 132 ACANTHACEJE. THUNBERGIA. Thunbergia grandiflora. R Bracteis binis coalitis hinc later. inferior. Cor. maxima, tubo pallide cæruleo, limbo saturatius pulcherrimeque. Geni- talibus in sulez labii superioris centrali receptis, floribus solitariis axillaribus, foliis petiolatis, petiolis pedicellorum longitudinis, cordato vel hastato-ovatis, dentatis vel sinuato- dentatis, subglabris, basi 7 nervus, acuminatis. Anther basi calcaratis. Haz. Scandens in arboribus Mergui Pulo Gewen : Nov. 1834. NELSONIA, Nelsonia tomentosa, a, decumbens, pilis patentibus hispida, praser- tim apices caulium, fol. elliptico-ovatis longiuscula petiolat, subintegris penninervus subtus albido-pallidis. Spicis axillari- bus terminalibusque, glanduloso-viscosis, undique denseque imbricatis, ad basin versus bifoliatis. Bracteis ovatis foliaceis ciliatis spiraliter imbricatis, Floribus parvis purpurascenti- bus, solitariis in axiilis cujusque bractez. Bracteolis 0, Cal. 4-partit. sepalis inczequalibus postico majore antico bifido, pilis longissimis przesertim ad bases hispidis et glanduloso-pilosis. Cor. ringens tubo brevi subinflato, ad faucem constricto, lab. super oblongo emar- ginato ascendente, inferior 3-lobo, lobo medio interiori breviter stipitato, rhomboideo ascendento, zstivatio imbri- cato, lab. superior exteriore, ideoque flos rectus, lab. superus purpurasceis, super sanguinea ad apicem albi- dnm lineis saturationibus notat. lab. superior ad basin labialia, Filam. breviss. Anth. magnas 0, mutice loculis subparallelis, Torus glandulosus 0, Stylus filiformis, m ADENOSMA. 133 stigma bilamellatum. Ovarium pilis p. calycinis conformibus hypogynis stipat. biloculare, multiovulatum. capsula ovata lanceolata compressa, bilocularia, loculis ima basin seminiferis semin 6? cuique loculo, immatura rotundato-angulata, areo- lata? retinaculis, 0. AB. In ruderatis graminosis. Mefgui : no. 668, Nov. ADENOSMA. Adenosma affinis. Herbacea erecta, strigosa ramosa. Caules articulati, articulis tumidio ob fol. inferior lapsa nudiusculi, 4-goni, fol. oppo- sita breve petiolata ovata, obtuse acuminata serrata, subgrossa venis infra reticulatas prominulis. Spice terminales oblonge Subcylindrice, hispidissimze, quadrifarie. Bracteæ maximze cordatæ venosz, apices versus subrecurva, 4-fariam dispositae, Spica axis 4-gonz ; flores bibracteati majuscula tubo pallide limbo saturato czeruleo marginibus loborum albidis. Cal. basi bibracteat. tubulosus, 5-sepalum, sepalis sub- equalibus postico majore paululum uti bractee pilis capita- tis longis dense tecte. Cor. infundibuliform. subbilabiat. tubo angusto fauce ampliato 5-loba, lobis oblongis subzquali- bus postice profundius. fissa. Stam. didynama exserta par quodque insertion. approxi- mat, et corollz pariete postice adnat. tubo apicem versus ex- Serta, Filam, filiformia, Anth. oblongz bases versus affix Connectivum amplum carnosum, loculis angustis discretis longitudine dehiscent. ante dehiscent. approximatis. Pollen . Blobosum lz ve, Stylus filiformis apice curvatus supra apicem versus planius- culus et stigmatosum, stigma simplex lineare obtusiuscula. i ium oblongum, apicem versus pilosum, toro globoso, lis do, glanduloso insidens, biloculare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovu- àscendentibus, 134 ACANTHACEX. Capsula calyce inclusa obovata pilosa apicem versus, basi rotundata solida e toro orta, bilocularis bivalvis, 4-sperma, valvis medio septiferis. ^ Retinacula subulata vix uncinata, Semina orbicularia compressa atra, diametro longiore trans- verso, valvis parallelo testa coriacea simplex. Albumen 0. Cotyledones semini conformes plano convexiuscule. Radi- cula brevis hilum prope, inter cotyledones fere obtecta potius inter earum plicaturam nidulans. Han. Assam. In collibus, prope Anjelly : Nov. 7th, 1835. Certe Acanthacea, Adenosme etiam affinis, H YGROPHILA. Hygrophila obovata, N. ab. E. Herba erecta, ramosa, pilis: scabra, caulibus ramisque obtuse 4.gonis. Foliis petiolatis oblongis vel obovato- oblongis obtusis, in petiolem decurrentibus scabris, Inflo- rescentia in axillis aggregata vel subcymosa, floribus con- fertis subsessilib, albidis, lab. infra marginibus pallide cæ- ruleis in medium albido, punctis czruliis Cal. basi 3-brac- tiato, quorum antico majore, bracteis oblongis foliaceis, cilia- tis nervosis. Cal. fere admedium 5-partita, laciniis lineari-subu- latis, subequalibus pilosis. Cor. subpersonata, tubo calyce breviore, fauce ampliata, lab super subgaleato bifido, laciniis emarginatis inf. 3-lobo, lobiseemarginatis. Palato subprominulo piloso., Stam. didynama, filam. utruisque lateris basibus adnata! Anth. 2-locul. loculis parallelis, subsagit- tat. Stylus filif. stamina superans scaber, Stigma l-labiata altero superoque albortivo. Ovarium toro glanduloso insidens, bilocul. pluri-ovulat. Ovulis ascendentibus. ^ Retinaculis parvis. Capsula sub- compress. calycem persistente superans polysperma, Sem retinaculis subulatis distichis subtensa, ciliata. Has. Mergue iu aquosis : no, 688, Nov. 1834. * —— LI DIPTERACANTHUS, 135 Didynama normalis, uto dispositis stam quamvis, supe- rum inferumque utriusque lateris basibus adnata, ciliarum or- ' ganis"atro ut ZEtheilema. sed perfectior. HEMIADELPHIS. à Hemiadelphis polysperma. N. ab. E. Caulibus repentibus radicant. Ramulis ascendentib. sub 4-gonis, foliis lanceolato-obovatis obtusis, subserratis, sub- integrisve. Spicis terminalibus foliosis, floribus solitariis in axillis, foliorum floralium, ciliatorum pallide purpureis in- conspicuis, bracteolis linealib. sepalis longioris latior. Cal. bibracteolatus, 5-partit. dentibus setaceis equalib. apicibus sphacelatis, Cor. infundibulif. ringens, extus pubes- cens, tubo calycis longitud. fauce subinflata, lab. super. rec- tum nec ascendens emarginat. infer 3-lobum,. Stam. 2, rudim, 0, filam. subulat. anth bivalve loculis parallelis. Pollen globos. leve. Stylus filiform subexsertus, pubescens. Stigma l-labia- tum. Ovar, 2-locule, a basin multi ovulat. retinaculis un- cinatis subtensa. Aistivat. lab. inf. super involvens, deoque flos. resupinat. Has, In aquosis. Mergue, no. 726, Dec. 1834. - DiPTERACANTHUS. Dipteracanthus prostratus. "T repens, caulibus sub 4-gonis, foliis ovatis ob- "Uis, subcrenatis, venosis, floribus solitariis axillaribus, subsessilibus. Bractiæ 2 foliacese petal foliis conformia, ad basin cujus- que floris, Cal, profunda 5-partita, sepalis squalibus, setaceo su- aas, Cor. infundibul. tubo calycis longitudinis fauce » limbo subzequaliter 5-lobo. 136 ACANTHACEZ. Stam. didynama inclusa, filam. subulatis rectis inclusis, perparia ima basi adnatus, ^ Anth. bilocul. loculis paral- lelis longit. dehiscent. - Stylus subulatus, stamina paulum superans, stigma l-la- biata, lab. super minimo. (Ovar. toro glanduloso in- sidens, pilosum biloculare multe ovulat. Retinaculis 0. ovulis ascendentibus. Capsula bilocul. 5-6 sperma, apicem versus e sperma. Has. In umbrosis Mergue, Moulmein: mo. 204, Aug. 1834. JETHEILEMA. ZEtheilema. Decumbens, radicans hispide, caulibus 4-gonis sulcitis; fol. ovatis valde inzqualibus in petiolum attenuatis acu- minatis, obsolito-serratis, nervosis, Racemis compositis axillaribus terminalibusque foliaceis, secundis glanduloso- viscosis, floribus minutis albis, foliis floribus decussatis distichis, floribus ex axillis foliorum majorum, 3-4 fascicu- latis. Bractea foliacea late cordata fasciculum quemque fovente, pedunculo flores gerente petiola bractia basin ver- sus adnato. Cal. 5 sepalo postico maximo foliaceo cordato ovato se- palis ciliatis, glanduloso-pilosis, reliquis linear setaceis, 2 inferioribus majoribus. Cor ringens tubo calyce paulum breviore medium versus, obsolete geniculatis, limbo 5-partito, lab. super. bifido, inferior. 3-fido, lacinus majoribus. Stam. 4 didynama medio tubo (parte geniculate) insertione approximata. Anth. bilocul. inclusz, loculis parallelis. Stylus filiformis inclusus, stigma bilabiat. labio superiore; abbreviato rotundato. Ovarium toro glanduloso parum elevato insidens bilocul. lo- culis 2 ovulatis ovulis ascendent retinaculis suffultis. Capsula bilocul. loculis 2 ovulatis anticis posticisque. Semina lide brunnea, retinaculis uncinatis subtense complanata, tegu- ment duplex, exterius pilis cilialum, Cotyledones cordato-F - ATHEILEMA. 137 biculate. Radicula brevi hilum spectans. Plumula incons- picua. Fig. 17, Pl. CCCC : Has. In Pagodz antigicæ minis Mergui: no. 637, Nov. 1834. AETHEILEMA. ZEtheilema mucronata? Herbacea, decumbens radicansque. Caulibus 4 gonis, fol. lineari-lanceolatis utrinque acuminatis subintegris subscabris, Sepius inzequalibus, capitulis axillaribus terminalibusque et tunc aggregatis dense bracteatis. Bracteis secundis scario- sis 4, fauce imbricatis hispidiss. ciliatis nervosis. Bracteo- le 2, linearis, acute pungentis cinque flora. Cal. 5 sepalus, sepalis ciliatis, sepalo postico majore, Lateral intermediis, Cor, ringens, fauce sensim ampliata, lab. super breviore emarginat. inf. 3-fido, tubus albus, lab. super faux que albo brunneo guttat. lab. infer laciniz alba. Stam. didynama rud. 5 to 0, fauci inserta. Filam. subu- lata, brunneo-guttat. Anth. bilocul. locellis oblique positis, loculi superior margine supera denticulato-ciliata, inferioris margine infera, sed multo minus et versus apicem tantum con- nectiv, hispidum. Stylus filiformis lateri inferiore pilosiuscu- lus, stigma capitat. Ovar. apicem pilosum, cupula glandulosa subintegra insidens, medio foveolat. 2 loculare, ima basin fere 4-ovulat. ovulis ascendentib. retinaculis suffult. Testa, Semin. immatur. pilis densis simplicibus ciliata. ‘ x Mergue. In apricis, ins. Madam: no. 924, Jan. LEPIDAGATHIS. Lepidagathis sp. Decumbens, radicans, herbacea pilosa, foliis ovatis, sum- mis lanceolat. in petiole attenuatis, subintegris, caulibus compressis 4 gonis. Bracteis, ciliatis vix scariosis, lanceo- latis acuminatis. Cor. tubo albido limbo carneo, lab. utro- que præsertim super maculis brunneo-purpureis. Filam s 138 ACANTHACES. eodem colore maculat. Bractez 3 cuique flori, antico majore. Cal. profunde 5 partit. sepalis inzequalib. postico majore, sepala bracteoque foliáces, vix scariose pilis longis ciliate. Cor. extus pilosa, lab. infer basin versus, tuboque intus pilosis, pilis deflexis. Anth. loculis divaricat. margo altera pectinata, (i. e./ one anther has the right margin so, its fellow the left, loculis szpius basi pilosis. Ovarium apices versus pilosum. Stigma capitat. nec emar- ginat. cupula glandulifera ovarium basin cingens. Ovari- um 4, ovulat. /oculorum basibus fertilibus. Has. In sylvis. Mergue. Oct. 1824. Unicum specimen tantum ad huc vidi. no. 567. Dydynamia genuina, i. e. par superum stam. brevius; Vasculorum fasciculus centralis labio superiore de est junc- tionis linea alba parte colorata utrinque elevata. ACANTHUS. -Feunthus carduaceus Gr. Pl. CCCCXX VIL. Itinerary Notes p. 144 no. 688. tab. 57. Has. Bootan mountains at Bhoomlungtun and Oongat. DILIVARIA. Dilivaria volubilis. ? Scandens glabra, carnosa, fol. opposita ovata mucronata acuta inter” pallide viridescentia, interdum obovata. Spicis terminalibus erectis, densifloris, bractea ovata foliacea calycem excedent. floribus majusculis erectis primo intuitis omnino papilionaceis. Cal. 4-sepalus, sepalis anticis posticisque ovatis breve acuminatis, maximis, 2 lateral multo minorib. oblongis, acutis. Cor. unilabiata, labio arcte declinato antico, 3-fido lacini? ia minore. 4 subdidynama aclinata fauce pilosa, insertos OM GRAPTOPHYLLUM. 139 flam. subulata basibus incrassat. Anth. terminales con- niventes, l-loculares, loculor. marginatim presertim inferis dense sericeo-barbate (marginib. super, paris superior minus). Pollen ovatum læve hinc sulcat. Stylus subulat. aclinat. Stig- ma bilamellat. lamellis minimis, (postica majore) conunivent. stigma simplex obtusiusculum simulans. Ovar. toro glandulo- 80, insidens basi 4-ovulat. bilocularis. Retinacula ovulor. revia, Affinis Dilivarie volubilis sed bractea, Has. Mergue scandens inter Rhizophoreus. Ins. Madam: no. 982, February, 1835. GRAPTOPHYLLUM. Graptophyllum pictum N. ab. E. Fruticosa, 6-7 pedalis ramulis pallide brunneis albo-tinctis, apicibus omnino albis, compressis glabris, fol. ovato-lanceo- latis aeuminatis suberenulatis, marginibus cartilagineis coria- ceis, breve petiolatis plus minus albo notat. emis ex axillis foliorum summor. foliis brevior basi foliolosis, subsecundis, floribus szepius solitariis presertim “apices racemorum versus, bases versus 2-3 aggregatis, cons- Picuis maximis, sanguineo-purpureis. ^ Pedicellis solitarius basi 2-bracteolatis. . basin usque fere 5-partit. laciniis angustis acutis erectis, Cor. infandibulif. ringens, tubo à venil curvato, fauce sensim ampliata, marginibus demum revolutis, lab. su- Periore ascendente bifido, «genital. foveol. inf. 3-lobo, lobis blongis, lateralibus arcte reflexis, omnibus demum te sestivat. imbricata, et ante anthesin resu- pinat Bim, 2 fauci exserto. Rudim. paris alterius superioris- que minima, latere superiore paris fertilis adjecta. Filam, lab. superior breviore, filiforme. Anth bilocul, loculis paral- lelis, connectivo breve apiculat. 140 ACANTHACES. Stylus longissimis lab. superus paulo superans, filiformis stigma capitat. transverse sulcat. Ovar. toro ampliato eoque basin circumdatum accretumque insidens conicum, biloculare, loculis bases versus solidis apicibus 2-ovulatis ovulis ascendens, retinaculis subtensis. Has. In horto Mergue : no. Jan. 1 Limbus corollze rugosa, glandulisque snnm albidis glo- bosis crebris interspersus. ZEstivat. lab. superum ob resupinatione infer aliud invol- vit. Justicia puta. L. ADHATODA. Adhatoda vascica? N. ab. E. Suffrutex erectus ramosis ramulis obsoletissima 4-gonis, ad articulos tumidis, fol. lanceolatis utrinque presertim ad apicem attenuatis repandum integra glabra. Spicis axillarib. oppositis longe pedunculatis, apice tantum floriferis sub 4- gonis, floribus 3-bracteatis, bracteis foliaceis, 1 maximo ad basin cujusque, 2 lateral (not on the same plane) minorib. interiorib. spathulat. Cal. qualiter profundeque 3-5 partit. Cor. ringens, tubo. sepalor. longitudine, fauce ampliato, limbo ascendente, lab. superiore ovato fornicato emarginato secus lineam mediam plicato, plicca stylum amplectent, inf. subporrecto, 3-lobo, lab. super. later versus, loboque medio inferior venis rosaceis. Stam. 2 fauci inserta, labiis alternantum, filam subulat. ascendente, anth. bilocular. loculis dislocatis, connectiv. plus minus glandulosis, loculis infer breve calcarat. Stylus ascen- dens in succo lab. superiore recept. piloso-pubescens, stigma emarginat. Ovar. antica posticeque pubescens disco glanduloso insidens, basi sterile, supra 4 ovulat. Has. In rudiratis. Mergue Kulweng: no. 1061, March, 1835. Legi etiam in super Demtharot, 1834. ZEstivat. imbricato in lab. superior intimo, lab. medio lab. inferior extimo. ADHATODA. 141 -- Adhatode sp. Pl. CCCCXXIV. Flowers spicate. Bractez belonging to the ramifications, 4-rowed. Posticous, not producing any buds in their axille, the remaining three flori gemmiferous. Calyx subzqualis. Cor. tubo geniculato, bilabiato, lab. super. fornicato emarginat: inf. 3-lobo, lobis subzqualibus. Palato subprominulo. Stam. 2. sterilia ©. Anth. locul. divaricati obliqui. Stylus duplicatam lab. superioris obtectus, stigma parvum bilobum. Ovarium disc. glandulosum terminans, 4-ovulat. Pollen 1-2 plicat. plicis medio poriferis. Frutex, foliis lanceolatis. Spicis axillaribus bracteis te- trastichis posticis vacuis. Flores magni bibracti, Folia basi zequalia, l. Alabastrum. 2. Flower laterally. 3. Ditto front. 4. Corolla laid open. 5. Anther front. 6. Ditto back. : 7. Ditto dehisced. 8. Pollen opaque. 9. Ditto in water J, 10. Pistillum. ll. Ovary transverse. 12. Ditto longitudinally 13. Ovula, 14. Ditto long section (iterum examinandum) 15. Partium situs et alternatio. I believe the ovary to be dimerous, the fascicles of style being two, and nothing appearing to indicate the non deve- lopment, two additional parts. . The estivation of this order appears always the contrary to that of Labiate, the lower lip being external, and the middle lobe most external, There are no rudiments of. 142 ACANTHASIA. sterile stamina. The nucleus appears to cohere with the single tegument. The direction of the flowers of Peristrophe before the twisting of the tube is, reasoning from analogy reversed: is the peduncle therefore twisted? I find in Meyenia and some others, that, if the situation of the inflorescence be such, that the upper labium be inferior or nearer the earth the peduncle becomes twisted. And this seems to be the cause of the twisting because in Thunbergia grandiflora when the situation of the upper lip is superior, as it sometime remains, no twisting takes place. It would be worth while ascertaining whether the twisting might not be determined in all by deflexing the inflores- cence so as to bring its point near the earth. The presence of three bractez to the flowers is constant? Aud points out the evident tendency to dichotomy that exists throughout the order, see N. ab. E. Of thesethe anticous one does not belong to the flower developed, for this being really terminal has ao bracte but to the partial ramus of inflores- cence, the lateral ones represent the situation of two lateral flowers not developed. "That is in the present instance but if the flower be pedicelled then the lateral ones would cor- respond to two lateral pedicelli. In the former case the limits of the partial inflorescences are defined, in the latter . they are not defined. GENDARUSSA, Gendarusse sp. Frutex erectus, ramis obsolete 4-gonis, atro-purpureis, fol. angusto-lanceolatis breviter petiolatis obtusis subemarginatis repando-crenatis. Spicis terminalibus et in axillis folior. summor. floribus termatim, aggregatis in axillis bracteam linearium, acutem dimiditem verticellat. albis, rubro pune- tat. lab. inferior rugosulo. Cal. 5-partit. sepal. zqualibus ,subulat. Cor. bilabiata tubo compressa, lab. superiore lanceo- JUSTICIA. 143 lata emarginata, vix ascendentia ; infer, 3-fido, rugosulo, Stam. 2. Anther bilocular. loculis obliquis, inferior interioribus- que, basi calcarata. Stylus filiformum, stigma emarginata obtu- sum, Ovarium abasin 4-ovulat. cupula glandulos. brevi insi- dens, Has. Mergue. In hortis Ins. Madamaca, Culta: no. 1028, July, 1835, JUSTICIA. Justicie sp. Pl. CCCCXXVI. Has. Nempean in the Patkye mountains between Assam and Burma: March 20th, 1837. Justicia nasuta. Suffruticosa, floribus albis, tubo gracile elongato, viride, lab. super. cor. ringentes angustissimo, lineari-emarginat. ascendente, infer. latissimo, 3-lobo, deflexo, faux angustissimo. Stam. 2 post anthesin inter labiam extrorsum flexa. Stylus subexserta in canalem plicamve lab. superior recept. Stigma bifidum. Cal. equalis, 5-sepalus, sepalis lineari-setaceis, cu- pula glandulosa ovarium basin cingens. Ovar. a medio paulo infra 4-ovulat. . Caule angulat. fol. lanceolat. in petiolem attenuata. Cymis dichotomis axillarib. terminalibusque paucifloris. Cor. labio Superiore basin versus purpureo-fusco-punctata. Pedicellis basi 3-bracteat. bracteis minimis setaceis. Has. Mergue: no. 1059, March, 1835. Justicie sp. Suffruticosa foliis caulibus compressis magnis, 6 8 uncia- libus, ovato-lanceolatis crenato-repandis, acuminatis luteo-viri- "nt. Racemis terminalibus bracteatis, bracteis foliaceis m floribus inconspicue solitariis vel 2, 3 in pedicello ue, Cal. subzequaliter profunde 5-partit, Cor. ringens, tubo . 144 ACANTHASEJE. calycis sepalis breviore, lab. superior subcordato emarginato, inferior 3-dentato 2 elevatis in tubum decurrente (viridescent albida, maculis minimis sanguineis. Stam. 2-labiorum sinus opposita, fauci inserta, filam filiformia, rubro punctata. Anth. bilocul. loculis parallelis infra mucronulatis (calcaris rudimenta extus pilosis, nec ciliatis intus (in sinubus) glan- duloso-pilosz glandularia capitibus maximis, stylus filiformi, ad apicem glaber, bifidum, stigmata simplicia. Cupula hy- pogyna integra ovarium basin cingens. Ovarium pilosum, 2- loculare loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis retinaculis suffultis. Hans. Mergue in umbrosis, Pulo Gewen: no. 635, Nov. 1834. RuNara. Rungia parviflora N. ab. E. . Herbacea ramosiss. erecto scabra. Caulibus angulatis sul- catis ; foliis lancéolatis vel lineari-lanceolatis, utrinque atte- nuatis, bases versus petiolisque ciliatis; spicis axillaribus ter- minalibusque, solitariis vel 3-4 aggregatis, secundis. Brac- teis scariosis, ovato-lanceolatis distichis obliquis, ciliatis mar- ginibus (presertim infera) scariosis. Floribus 3-bracteolatis bracteola antica majore obovato, marginibus scariosis ciliatis, lateral. oblongis, concavis emarginatis structurze ejusdem. Cal. sepalus, subbilabiatus sepalis (2 superior) lineari-acu- minatis ciliatis. Cor. tubo cylindrica. sepalis breviore ringens, lab. superior ovato subacuminato, inferias 3-loba, lobis subzqualibus, obli- gue rugoso. Stam 2, fauci inserta inter labialia? inclusa, filam filiforme. Anth. bilocul. loculis paulo dislocatis, altero supero interioreque altero parce pilosa, basi processum lobuliformem gerente. Stylus filiformem, stigma bifidum, inclusum. Ovariam cupula brevi glandulosa insidens, 2-locU laris loculis basi effztis, supra 2-ovulatis ovulis retinaculis subtentis. Corolla extus pilosa. PHLOGACANTHUS. 145 ZEstivat. imbricata, lab. inferior superum obtegente! hoc notu resupinata sit corolla. Has, In sylvis ruderatisque umbrosis. Mergue, etiam Mol- mein qua copiosa cresent. no. 663, Nov. 1834. Capsula ovata compressa, 2 locule, loculis 2 spermis. Se- mina compressa verrucosa loculis ima basin seminiferos brun- nea, Capsule parietes membranacee, margines folior. carpello- rumque approximate, sunt ossez, supero quoad axim, infero quoad filamentum (N. ab. E.) ante semin. concentro-rugosum. Embryo Fig. 18. Pl. CCCCLVIII. Oss. The cells of the scarious parts of the bractee are beautifully sinuate a few glanduliferous short hairs are inters- persed. The ciliæ are jointed and punctuate, punctuations exceedingly ruminate. Interspersed in the foliaceous part are many oblong uncoloured cells running perpendicularly or nearly so with the surface, these are very verrucose, these ver- Tuc: are elevated considerably above the cell. They occur in the sepals but in fewer numbers. PuLOGACANTHUS. Phlogacanthus curviflorus, Pl. CCCCXXV. Frutex erectus valde ramosus, 6-8 pedalis. Caulis viridis, tumesentiz articulor. fusco-tincti, fol. superne saturato-viri- dia subtus albide et rediculata. Flores penduli albi, genitalia incluis. Corolla fere Datura infundibulif. fere regularis tubo angulato, infra an- Bustato, calyce nempe clauso, laciniis corolle erectis, vix distingueres quid sit tubum superum inferumve. . Hujus generis est Acanthacea e ripis Nammaroan. Kuttack- Boom : March 16th, 1837. 146 ACANTHACES. Acanthacee, sp. Pl. CCCCXXVIII. Itinerary Notes p. 106. Has. Bootan. In sylvis Dewangiri. Acanthacee sp. Herba prostrata radicans, pubescente pilosa, caulib. 4-gonis, foliis ovatis serratis, flores, pallide caeruleo-purpurei, lab. super albido dimideo resupinato. Cal. 2 bracteat. bracteis setaceis 5 sepalus, sepalis 3 exte- rior maximis cordatis, pilosis ciliatis, 2 intermedius lineari- setaceis. Cor. ringens, tubo calycem excedente, lab. super subascendent. album emarginatum, infer. 3-dentat. pur- pureum tubum medium infra angustat. Stam. 4 didynama, parte constricta tubo inserti, Fi- lam. filiform. Anth. paris infer longiorisque, 1-loculares, locula altero abortiento paris superior bilocular. loculis parallelis, connectivum carnosum, Stylus plano-clavatus, stigma carnosa bilabiata, labiis sub- coherentib. Torus glandulosus subcyathif. Ovarium 2-locu- lare, loculis a basin 00 ovulatis. Retinaculis 0. Has. Mergue. In humidis, apud Tharapown. no, 820. Gen. novum. Tribus Nelsonice. Cal, bibracteolatus, 5- sepalus, sepalo postico 2 inferioribusque maximis cordatis, 2 intermediis minimis lineari-setaceis, Cor. ringens, lab. st- perior emarginato, infer. 3-fido. Stam. 4 didynama, anth. par inferioris 1-loculares superior bilocular. loculis parallelis: Stylus complanato-clavat. Stigma bilabiat. labiis connivent Ovarium a basin multi-ovulat. urceolo glanduloso insidens. Inflorescentia spicata foliaceo bracteat. flores dimidio T€ supinato. CYRTANDRACE A. Thoughts on Cyrtandracee. Definition of the order inflorescence etc. which in its dichotomy and bracteation often approaches to that of Acan- T— CYRTANDRACEJE. 147 thacem. Remarks on the various organs, and appendages of the axis, the obliquity and inequality of the leaves, analogous to the same in Acanthacez. Affinities. I believe Dr. Brown does not separate these plants from Gesneracee or Gesneriez. The differences assigned by Lindley in his Introd. 2nd edition, are not defensible, since in my Cyananthus the ovary has a tendency to become inferior, neither is the absence of albumen constant. From Scrophularinez they may (when in flower) be dis- tinguished at once? by the constant presence of 5 stamens in one form or another, whereas the 5th in Indian Scrophu- larinez is as constantly absent. 1 have before observed that the bilocularity of the fruit of this last order is not constant. ls there no,difference in the :estivation of the corolla. On the whole, after Gesneriez, they approach nearest to Acanthacez especially in habit and inflorescence. "The gyrate orm is very remarkable and was first pointed out by Brown in his Aikinia; every degree of irregularity occurs in the corolla from ringent to subregularity, the tendency towards the latter form is however rare. The calyx affords but few characters, my Cyananthus however is at once known by its petaloid pentangular valvate calyx. The stamina are worthy of much attention, Cheilosandra having the anthers opening in a valvular manner, the valve Ing compound. The hypogynous disk is less developed than in Scrophu- larinez, neither has it a tendency towards assuming the form of an additional series of stamina, which it has in the order referred to. The ovarium is constantly unilocular or of bilocular form, the placentze do not cohere, it is therefore only bilocular by approximation, not cohesion of parts. Cyananthus is remark- able for its fungous placentz. : The stigma affords generic characters the general form, is Perhaps bilamellar which may be determined by the vascular fascicles of the style. 148 CYRTANDRACE;E. The habit is peculiar and is at once sufficient to distinguish them. Verbenacez are not easily distinguished by characters ex- cept perhaps that of the placentation and the definite number of ovula. But of all these orders the estivation should be carefully examined ; the 5th stamen is absent in Verbenacez. Is not my Chiliandra Wallich’s Corisanthera ? Of this order India has many representatives, ZEschynan- thus and Incarvillea being the most numerous both genera averaging (several, say) 5 A ses each, 10. Chiliandra, .. T. wee Slackia, K PA m 2 mL. Loxotis, : s 2 4 e cn * Tetris ten, RE we 210 1 * Geniculus nema, J AS sate ee Cyananthus, ... sse E nx "E irita, vx Be rs y E Stauranthera, ... P =. xis m Epithema. oe vee =+ eos m l Martynia? — ase ], 28 It may be considered tò contain 35 or 40 Ficia, t They are generally hill plants delighting in wet very shady spots, few of the species are to be found above 4000 ft. The plains possess but few and even these have probably escaped from hills. Of the Indian species the most widely distributed are some of the epiphytical ZEschynanthi or Incarvillee, and of these about 3 species are found on plains. Martynia has likewise an extensive distribution. The remaining ap- pear to be local, especially the small one from Madamacan. * Temporary names referring to undescribed genera in the collection of the author. t Species referred to generally as examples. Didymocropus oblonga, Pl. COCOXL. Fig. III. Didymocerpus aromatica, Pl. COCOXL. Fig. IV. "Eschynanthus ramosissimus, Pl. COCCXL. Fig. V. Lysionotus ternifolius, Pl. COCCXL. Fig, VI. CYRTANDRACES. 149 Structure of the leaves of Aischynanthus, Figs 1, 2, 3, 4. Pl. CCCCXLI. Both cuticles are very thick, the upper one particu- larly and are beautifully transparent, composed of angular cells placed at right angles with the axis. These cells be- come rounder and much shorter towards the surface. The part of the leaf in which the green matter is de- posited is exceedingly narrow and very opaque. The primary vascular fascicle does not occupy the exact axis, but is nearest the inferior surface. The inferipr cuticle is composed of rounded and angular cells of large dimensions, both sections give at first the idea of pores existing in the surfaces of the cells. The cells contain a few green ovate or roundish corpuscles. The intercellular spaces are extremely distinct and vary much in shape and dimensions. On examining with high Powers the apparent pores, which are of large diame- ter and very distinct, one is induced to reject the idea of their being apertures. | lst. Because the appearance of a membrane covering them is sufficiently distinct, and like the remainder of the Wall of the cell examined, green corpuscles are frequently Seen adhering to them. 2. Because on varying the light, they do not assume the exact colour of the field in which they are viewed, but have the Same appearance as the other cells. 3. Because I have seen torn portions of membrane ad- hering to their edges some of which then had every ap- pearance of being open. 4. Because on looking at the attachments of the cells one with another, we find them exactly of the same shape Clinta grandiflora, P. CCOCXL. Fig. VIL. Platystemma violoides, P. OOCOXL. Fig. VII. Stauragyne argentia, Pl, CCCCXL. Fig. I Aikinia brunonis, Pl. CCOOXL, Fig. IL 150 CYRTANDRACES. with these apparently pores, and in detaching the covering, and the cells one from another, we increase their number. 5. Analogy is against their being pores, no vegetable membrane having yet been demonstrated to be visibly porous. Dissection proves them to be not pores, they are in fact merely cm of attachments of the contiguous cells, see fig. 4 The large size ef the intercellular spaces is evidently adapt- ed to the thickness of the cutis, and to allow of a free transmission of air, to the central green part. "These spaces communicate directly with the stomata. This is scarcely to be demonstrated by transparent sections, but is by the opaque, in which we see the spaces filled with air reach- ing frequently to the outer layer of the cutis, in which sto- mata abound. It is a curious fact that no intercellular spaces exist, nor does a transverse section give any appearance of pores in the cells between the midrib and outermost layer. These cells are angular, much more so than those not im- mediately adjacent to the midrib. They contain few if any green corpuscles, see fig l. The outer layer immediate- ly opposite the midrib is destitute of stomata, the midrib does not appear to ramify, and is well supplied with spiral vessels arranged in a reniform manner. The stem presents nothing peculiar, the cells of the pith abound in transparent granules. The stomata are small as in most succulent plants, Mergue: Nov. 7th, 1834. CHILIANDRA, Chiliandra obovata, Gr. Pl. CCCCXXXVIII. Suffrutex 3 pedalis ferrugineo-villosus. Caulis crassus, sim- plex apice cum petiolis dense, Folia opposita seniora petiolata, petiola crassa, basi sub- S Sa e intent CHILIANDRA, 151 connata et annuliformantis caulem cingentem, superne plani- obovata in petiolem decurrent. magna, carnosa, fragilia brevi- ter acuminata serrata, supra saturato-viridia lucida, adpressa potius arachnoidea villosa demum glabrata, infra albida ad- pressa pallide ferrugineo-villosa arachna demum inconspicua sed persistente, longit. pedalia vel ultra paulo, latit. extreme Spithamz, juniores subtiss. vere nivei, vernatio accumbens marginibus inferne involutis. Venatio. V. primaria (costa) crassa infra quam maxime pro- minula, v. secondaria conspicuosissima simplex oblique et leniter arcuatem currentis ad margines, intra quam terminant. more evanescente, terminationes margine fere parallele et apicem folii versus spectantes. "Tertiarie quartarieque quam maxime inconspicuz. Stomata (paginz inferioris tantum). Inflorescentia axillaris, cymosa; cymis binata termatimve aggregatis pallide ferrugineo-villosis basi bracteatis cernuis pendulisve petiolatis excedentibus, fastigiatim divisis dicho- tomeque. Bractez basilares carnosz, dense ferrugineo-villosz. ractez divisionem florumque lanceolate concave pe- dunculorum colore, i. e. carnee, eodem more villose as- pectu scariosz., ores dichotomarum sessiles binaleve mediocres, læte Tosacei, tubo fundo superne vel ad basin labii superioris Sübatro-purpureo, inferne albo, inodorato. Pedicellis bre- Viuscula interdum bibracteata, flore uno nempe abortivo. Calyx profunde 5-partitus, laciniis imbricatis, lanceolato linearibus persistentibus subinzequalibus, dense ferrugineo- Villosis apicibus subglabratis intus glabris carneis patentib. Post lapsu eorolle clausis. Cor. bilabiata subrotata, tubo brevissimo labio peque atenti-reflexo superiore labio bifido, lobis rotundatis latis- simis, utroque demum inferiore 3-lobo, lobis angustioribus » Presertim supero, rotundatis, basi utrinque quasi fo- Yeolatim, infero primo porrecto. 152 CYRTANDRACE.E. "Stam. 4 fertilia, quinto rudimentario minimo dentiforme purpureo sanguineo subdidynama, par superus nempe brevius. Filamenta brevissima, cellulosa crassa, sursum curvata i. e. declinata, fere semel torta semi-tort. ^ Antherz basi affixe, rotundatz, connectivo lanceolato angusto, marginibus an- there huie contiguis sanguineo-purpureis, antice glandulose uniloculares, valva semicompleta antice transversum dehis- centes tuncque bilabiate. Pollen pallide flavescens, glabram, anguste oblongum 3- sulcatum. Glandula hypogyna cupulata lutescens integra ovarium basin cingit. Stylus declinatus, glaber, subulatus, crassiusculus, albus, fasc. vasor. 2, distantes, centro canali stigmatico conspi- cuusculo perforato. Stigma simplex obtusum obliquum. ar. glabrum ovato-rotundatum, l-loculare foliis carpel- laris anticis posticisque vix omnino superum, septis fere com- pletis, in placentis binis extrorsum revolutis continuatis. a 00, minuta placentarum facie exteriorum affixa, sim- plicia nempe tegmeni distinctz nulla foramen potiusve situs intrantia boyaui ad hilum prope. Endothecum cellule conspic. fibrose, rotundate fibris simplicib. vel rarius divisis. JEstivat. corolle imbricat. lab. super lobis lateral labii inferioris partim overlapped, lobo medio lab. inferious omni- no externo. Oss. Genus notis pluribus apte charactere præcipue- ‘que ob antheras anomalas, et prorsus insolitas. Initio bilo- cularis sunt, loculis bilocellatis, sitis etc. omnino norm nempe e thecis 2 lateraliter (parallelis) stipita, (filamento) in- sertis. Posteriorum limites quasi loculorum obsolete fiunt; locellique minores et interiores quoad filament. firme cohz- rent. Limites horum locellorum a medio infra oblateriantur. Ex his oritur dehiscent. anomalis, valvula inferior semi-co™ pleta composita est e partibus superioribus locellorum inferio- rum utriusque paris loculorum. CHILIANDRA. 153 Margo dehiscentiz idem est acin antheris normalibus quamvis per dimidian solitam longitudinem currit. The great anomaly is the intimate cohesion of the two loculi, along the margin which in all others is distinct, and in the composition of the valve. "Thisis the only instance of the kind I know, I refer to this formation in my short paper on Rhizophorez, but was then unaware of the existence of an instance, All instances of the like dehiscences that is not lateral to the filament, arises probably from such cohesion, i. e. if there is no torsion of the filament. Lindley mentions its existence in a species of Diospyros, but does not state to what it is owing. [Examine the situation of the anthers in the bud, as to what change arises from the twisting of the filament.] Anth. alabast. ante filam. torsionem introrsz, saltem quoad labia dehiscentie. The effect of the twisting seems to be to render the anthers more extrorse. l. Corolla sometime before expansion. 2. Flower: shortly after expanding, seen laterally. 3. Do. sometime after expansion. 4. Front view of no. 2. 5. Corolla laid open between the lips. 6. Outer view of young anther. ‘ 7. Front or inner of do. 8. Lateral do. 9. Front of anther of no. 1. 10. Lateral view of mature anther. ll. Outer, or back of do. 12. Inner of do. 13. Lateral view of one dehisced. 14, Front do, 15. Do. lower valve, divided, so as to shew the interior of the anther, l6, Long section of anther through the centre, this in fact corresponds to one of the original cells seen in the Young states, U 154 CYRTANDRACEZA. 17. Transverse section of mature anther at the junction of the valve or lower lip. 18. Transverse of young anther, nos. 6, 7, 8 19. Pollen dry. 20. Do. immersed (.5.) 21. Fibrous cells of the endothecum of the lower lip of no. 14. 22. Pistillum. 23. Ovar. transverse section viewed obliquely. 24. Do. of style do 25. piis section of ovary shewing that it is not bs rs erior., 26. teas of no. 22, CYANANTHUS. Cyananthus umbrosus Gr., Pl. CCCCXXXVII, Radix fibrosa, caule basi decumbente terete crasso carnoso. Fol. subopposita alternave (petiolis uncialibus,) oblongo-ovata acuminata, carnosa, basi valde oblique, seniora subintegra, juniora irregulariter serrata, fructus racemosa, racemis erec- tis terminalibus interdum axillaribus, scabrellis. Bracteæ ovatz lividz, deciduz. Pedicelli scabra. Aikiniz videtur affinis. Cal. petaloideus, 5-partitus, æ$- tivatione valvatus. Cor. subregularis, 5-partita, tam 4 fertilia zequalia. Stigma capitat. Capsula calyce aucto cincta. 1-locularis, circumscissa. Placentz 2, fungose, liberz persistent. faciebus internis sterilibus. Semina sub sessilia ex albuminosa. Alabastra azureo-cerulea, pentagono-alata. Sepala bases versus coalita, caterum 3-angularia zestivatione valvata, fructus auipliata carnosa czeterum conformia, erecta. Cor. monopetala, subhypogyna tubo brevi, laciniz. 5, ro- tundate, :estivatione imbricatz, venose, unica majorique exteriori czterz seriatim imbricatione interiores, alba c&ru- leo-tincta, basin versus intus lutescens. + DIDYMOCARPUS. 155 Stam. 4 basi corollz inserta, laciniis ejus alternantia in- trorsa. Filam crassa brevia. Anth. cordatz, introrsi pubes- centes, basi affixæ, alabastri 4 loculares, loculis bilocellatis. Rudimentum quinti dentiforme, hinc lacinize corollinz mi- noris? situm. Ovarium 5-angulare, angulis rotundatis, pilis uncinatis bre- vibus pubescens, ima basin calyci adnatum, 1-loculare. Placenta 2 parietales, vix opposite ! stipitatz, subbifide, fa- ciebus interioribus approximatis sterilibus. Ovula 00, cam- pylitropa, nucleo primario prominulo, secundineo nullo? Sty- lus brevis, filiformis crassus. Stigma capitata. Flos. partes lantum in alabastro unico juveni vidi. Capsulz, calyce ampliato-cinctz, racemosim disposite, cir- cumscissze basin prope, parte reliquà, stylo stigmatique coro- nata, calyptra more placenta apicis tegenta. Placente fungose. Semina minuta brunnea. Testa fibrosa brunnea. Tegument. interius celluloso-reticulat. Embryo orthotropus. Radicula crassa cellulosa. Cotyle- dones plano-convexiuscula. Oss. Is not the calyx adnate to the base of the capsule, if so, this is a reason for the Order not being distinct from Gesneriaces. Eu HaB. Assam. In umbrosis humidis collis humilis prope Gubroo Purbut: March, 1836. DipYMOCARPUS. Didymocarpi sp. Pl. CCCCXXXVI. Hans. Mishmee mts. The tube of the corolla is white tinged beneath with yellow, lamina purplish blue. Leaves dark-green frequently spotted with black. 156 CYRTANDRACEA. JESCHYNANTHUS. ZEschynanthi sp. Pl. CCCCXXXII. Fol. ovato-lonceolatis acuminatis coriaceis, venosis, venis secondariis subarcuatis. Cymus bipartitus terminalis brac- teis ovatis sanguineo-coccineis. ^ Pedicellis calycis sepalis lineari-lanceolatis amplis, tubo partem rectam zquantibus corollisque superne curvatis pulchre coccineis. Staminibus exsertis, subasceadent. Torus glandulosus cyathiformis, ovarium basin cingens. Ovar, lineare cylindraceum biloculare! spatho nempe inter placentas materia cellulosa, repleto cujus axis vasculosa. Placentze parum recurvz Has. Khasyah mts. Dive Oct. llih, 1835. Variat, foliis angustatus, ZEschynanthi sp. Pl. CCCCXLI. Parasitica in arbor. Caulibus scandent. articulatus, articu- lis tumidis. Fol. oppositis, breviter petiolatis carnosis lanceolat. vel lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis, subdentatis, dentibus, pur- purascent. subtus pulcherrime purpureo-pictis nervo me- dio atro-sanguineo, supra inconspicuo, floribus interdum solitariis, szepius 2 ad apices ramulorum majusculis, pedicellis 4-gonis petiolis longiora purpurascent. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis lanceolatis zequalibus acuminatis zstivatione imbricata subaperta. Cor. ringens subinfundi- bulif. deorsum curvata, tubo calycis longit. fauce ampliata compressa, limbo 5-fido, laciniis rotundatis, 2 superior mi- noribus. Stam. longissime exserta et extrorsum torta fauce in- serta. Rud. 5-ti centrale, filamenta subulata glanduloso- pilosa. Connectivum carnosum tubus intus pilosus, pilis su- bulatis articulatis, articulis basin versus majoribus, cellulis ASCHYNANTHUS. 157 terminalibus purpureis, summis, strangulatis, multa angus- tioribus mucronulif, Anth. subadnatz, (basibus affixe?) biloculari. Pollen ovat. leve hinc sulcatum apice repandis. * Discus hypogynus cyathiform. ovar. basin cingens. Stylus subclavatus glanduloso-pilosis longissime exsertus deorsum spectans. Stigma peltata integra, medio transverse foveolata rubra. Lobis coroll ciliatis, zestivat. imbricat. lobis 2 lateral exteriorib. 2 superior intermediis, inferiore intimo. Ovarium (per juvene) 4 loculare breviter stipitat. placentis . pseudo parietalibus nempe extrorsim productis parietibusque ovarii adnatis, ovulis plurimis, transversis, radicula hilum Prope. Capsula utrinque subulata (immatura) longissime spit. basi toro cyathiforme cincto, viridis maculis purpureis, loculari Has. In arborib. Mergue ubique, The structure of the fruit is evidently as follows. It is formed of 2 carpellary leaves, the placente of which meetin the centre, and are reflexed outwards, along the parietes of the ovarium, to which likewise they adhere. They Only bear ovules when free. It is 4 celled, because the axis and spaces between the plates are filled up with cellular tissue, Anth, primo perparia apicibus tantum cohærentes, demum distantes. Cor. carnosa, tubo luteo-viridi, superne rown- Pink, limbi lobis, fusco-luteis, sanguineo notatis, sepalis ` brunneo-viridescent, ericarp. immaturum didymum, vel profunde emarginat. e “atpellis 2 verrucoso.areolatis oblique ascendentibus cons- fans, ovula ascendentia angulo superior loculorum affixa, Sed ob directionem loculo nee pendula. Has. Mergue. In sylvis humidis Madamaca: Nov. 1834. 158 CYRTANDRACES, SLACKIA. Slackie sp., Pl. CCCCXXXIII. Stam. 4 cum rudimento quintus. Stigma subsimplex ! potius subcapitatum. 4 Ovar. sub 4 gonum purpureo-maculatum. * Cor. alba, stam. ochroleuca. Legi in collibus Nagensibus prope Nam tuwa, alt. 3500 ped. in ripis umbrosis. Vix occurrit infra alt, 3000 pedum. Si novum genus Slackia nominandum. Has. Delvi Nempea, journey from Assam to Ava. March 20th, 1837. Cyrthandracee, sp. (grandiflora,) Pl. CCCCXXXIV.' Planta carnosa in humidissima proveniens et vix infra alt. 4000 3500 pedum. Radices promiscue e caule, fuscescentes. Pet. et pubes- centia lete viridescens. Fol. subtus alba, venatio excepta qua læte viridis supra saturate viridia, venatio v. secondariz prominule presertim subtus tertiarie subtus conspicue, mutuo anastomosantes, v. additorie conspicue. Pedunculi pallidi. Bractez viridescentes. Calyx albidus vel sanguineo-purp. maculat. Cor. maxima 21 uncialis, extus pubescens, tubo fere albido, lamina, pulcherrime cyanea: linee lutez bine late subconfluentes ad basin lab. inferioris. ujus generis est planta Mishmeensis, e Deeling. Grandiflora. Journey from Assam to Ava. Delvi Khussee Khyoung: March 15th, 1837. Cyrthandiacea sp. Pl. CCCCXXXV. Herba spithamza pedalisve, floribus albis corolla rotata, folis rugosis hispidis, caule rubescente hispidissimo. Journey from Assam to Ava, Versus Magoung fluvium, sylvis umbrosis, 4pril, 1837. e CYRTANDRACEZ. 159 Cyrthandiacee, sp. Pl. CCCCXXIX. Fig. 2. Epiphytica in Gordonia, altitudine 3300 pedum. Caules fasciculati arcte adhzerentes. Cortex cinereo-albidus: Fol. opposita approximata: inferiora rotundata patentiore superiora ascendentia lanceolata, acuta, carnosa pennivenia utrinque punctata, subtus albida viridia, supra lutescenti- viridia. Alabastro viridescent. Inflorescentia composita, floribus super primo evolutis. racteze minutissimze subternz cuique flori, centralis tan- tum florifera, acumina brunneis setaceis. Calyx pubescens uti pedicellus. Corolla ringent infundibuliformis, extus pubescens, tubo deorsum curvato, labio superiore bifido, fornicatio, inferiore 3-lobo, lobis lateralibus porrectis vel subreflexis, medio re- flexo, color tubi lete coccineus, vel potius miniatus, lab. Superior purpureo-tinct. inferiore maculata punctis conflu- entibus fusco-sanguineis. h i: Stamina longe exserta (flam sup. breviora) fusco-pur- purea pubescentia. Anth. biloculares perparia apicibus puncte et intus geniculato-flexa. Connect. carinoso purpureo usco. Anth. atrato-purpuree. Staminum quintum mini- mum. Discus hypogynus circularis lutescens. Ovar. subcylindraceum. Stylus filiformis fusco-tinctus, i a capitati-papillosum fere semper destruct. cum stylo. Oss, Serophularinez distinguuntur alia notu, vix absentia minis quintus. Inflorescenta: partiales vero composite monente bractea- presentia, verisimilites dichotome ut in Acanthaceis Omnibus, Hac planta adest etiam in collibus Mishmeensibus. ourney from Assam to Ava, Yoomsam : Feb, 27th, 1837. * 160 BIGNONIACEA. Cyrtandracee sp., Pl. CCCCXXIX. Fig. I. Epiphytica et pendula exarboribus, fol. supra evenia sub- tus univenia et pallida, Caulis ute pubescentia ferruginea. Cor. ringens tubo mediocri, fauce constricta coccineo-miniata, lamina intus sanguinea. Anth perparia coherentes, antice livide postice atrate. Filam. albida ut stylus et stigma. Cyrtandracee sp. Pl. CCCCXXXIX. Itinerary notes p. 25, no. 388. Has. Khasyah mts. Cyrtandracee sp. Pl. CCCCXXX. Itinerary notes p. 105, no. 80a. Has. Bootan. Cyrtandracee sp.—picta, Pl. CCCCXXXI. Itinerary Notes p. 43, no. 677. Has. Khasyah mountains. BIGNONIACE. BiaNoNiIA. Bignonia adenophylla. Arbuscula cortice cinereo-spongiosa molle, ramulis obtuse 4 gonis, pedunculis petiolis foliisque ferrugineo-tomentosis, fol. impari-pinnatis 3-jugis, summis tantum 2-jugis, foliolis difformibus, pari inferiore cordatis czteris ovuto-oblongis, terminali petiolato, juniori lateralibus minore, seniore multo majore, repandis breviter acuminatis, lateralibus sessilibus. Cymis paniculatis, terminalibus multifloris dichotomis. Brac- teis ferrugineo tomentosis ovatis calycibus densissime ferru- gineo-pilosis. Cor, extus tomento ferrugineo pallido, ochro- leuca majore. BIGNONIA. 161 Cal. campanulatis bilabiatis, lab. super 2-dentat. inf. 3 fido, laciniis sequalib. Cor. campanulata subleathery, limbo bilabiatim 3 partito tubo basin supra constricta vel tubi basi ampliata. Stam. didynama, parte constricta tubo inserta, declinat, Filam. subulata. Anth. ad apicem filamenti affixe bilo- cular loculis post dehiscentes divaricatis. Rud. 5to inter lobos labii superior subulat. Stylus filiformis, stigma bilamellat. Ovarium extus, ferrugineo-pilosum in discum peltatum circulare insidens, biloculare, loculis multi ovulatis placen- tis incrassatis ad axin angustatis, foramen hilum versus. Capsula immatura siliqueformis cylindrico-subulata, le- Viter torta, extus lineis pluribus elevatis, ferrugineo-to- mentosa glandulis foveolatis interspersis basi calycis persis- tente stipatum, bilocularis, polysperma. The placentz ar right and left with respect to the axis. Semina matura non- dum vidi, Has. Mergue in sylvis et circa tecta etiam Moulmein in sylvis, Flores per totum annuum. No. 465. Bignonia suberosa. Roxb. Arborea 30 pedalis, fol. bipinnatis, piunulis oppositis in- ferior 2-jugis cum impari, superiore summo intermedio 1-jugo cum impari (an pars folia terminalis?) fol. ovata acuminata Obliqua, integra dentatave, subtus ad nervos pubescent. t glandulis interspersa. *aniculis terminalibus cymosis, cymis divaricatissimis. Pe- dunculis basi tumidis bracteatisque, floribus magnis albis un ee suavissime odoratis. ; . » dg brevi campanulata, 5-dentata, dentibus brevibus Cor, hypocrateriform subbilabiata, tubo longissimo cylin- e 3i unciali, lab. super. ascendens bipartit. inf. 3- E lobis lanceolatis, corolle laminam intus velutino-to- tosa, zestivat, subvalvat, v 162 BIGNONIACEX. ami Stam. 4, didynama fauci inserta, lab. superior approximat. Rud. quint. minimum setiforme, filam. filiformia lab. su- periore breviore. Anth. l-locularis, loculo altero minimo celluloso abortivo, lamina infera cujusque locul. basin ver- sus processum subulat. gerens, longitud. dehiscente. Stylus filiform longissimus exsertus, stigma antico postice bilabiat. Cupula glandulosa integra ovarii basin cingens. Ovar. bilocul. placentis 2, parietalib. placentis nempe la- min. vertical. nec ovulifera conjuncta. Ovula 00 placentis transversis affixis, foramen hilum prope. Has. Mergue. This is also à. common tree about Cal- cutta. MILLINGTONIA. Millingtonia simplicifolia, Pl. CCCCXLII, In this plant we have an irregular pentasepalous calyx, the outer sepal being the smaller and very similar to the bractea, a tripetalous corolla, each squamiferous in the centre, - two fertile stamina and a cleft disc. surrounding the ovary, this disk being deficient at the point alternating with the two fertile stamina. There is thus a high degree irregularly existing in the conformation of the flowers of this genus, the calyx being the only exception, at least so far as re- gards its component parts. The corolla is to be explained evidently by the coalition of four petals into two, and this is demonstrated by the size and obliquity of the single one and (to a certain degree) by its venation in the compound ones, the line corresponding to the line of union is vascular. This at once reduces the situation of the stamina t9 their proper places, viz. opposite the sepals, and this is further corroborated by the evidently lateral situation of that which is attached to the single and smaller petal, 1 and which is one-celled by abortion. oe We have however still to explain the relative site of the MILLINGTONIA. 168 parts composing the disk ; the teeth of which as particularly pointed out by the single one are opposite the sepals. "This can only be explained by the supposition, that the interme- diate series is either altogether wanting or represented by the tooth like appendages of the scales. This is most likely the true nature of these bodies, it is at once evident that such appendages are opposite to the compound petals, and further there is but one developed opposite the smaller petal. Of the nature of the bifid scales attached to the back of the fertile filaments, I am at a loss; are they analogous to the tooth-like processes, in which case they would belong to the sterile filaments, with which however they do not separate. Granting the above teeth to represent the intermediate Series, the male organs are normally situated, and ought to be 15, The ovary is two celled, the cells are anticous and posti. cous. The above view is quite distinct from that entertained by Wight and Arnott, to which a greater degree of objection t exists in the fact, that their bifid petals are opposite the mnermost sepals, while they have no analogy either of Structure or situation with the three orbicular petals. I am not sufficiently acquainted with other genera of the arder, to form an opinion of the true nature of the appen- dages of fertile stamina. The views of the authors of the Prod. Fl. Pen. Ind. Orient. were it not for the opposition of the fertile fila- Ments to the interior sepals, would square well with the alternation of the teeth of the disk, the single petal is anticous, l. Alabastrum just before expansion. la. Ditto, 2,3, Flowers, |. & Inner view of compound petal and its scale. 4a. Same to shew the venation. Ditto, simple petal, its one-celled scale and one tooth. 164 BIGNONIACE.E, 5a. Ditto ditto. 6. Stamen outer view of. 6a. Inner ditto. 65. lateral. 7. Pollen, opaque. 7a. Viewed in water. 8. Ovarium and calyx. 8a. Ditto calyx removed. 9, Ovarium. 9a. Ditto longitud. section. 95. 'Transverse. 10. Ovula with portion of the filament, the filaments pro- bably are connected with fecundation. 11. Partium situs et alternatio, this must be so modified as to make the single petal anticous; the three forming . this angle with the axis. Opss. It is not improbable that the Malyan Millingtonex are distinct from the India ones, at least from M. sim- plicifolia. Dr. Jack's explanation of the structure of M. Sumatrana appears to me perfectly correct as regards the petals and staminia, the 3 large petals, being equilateral, equally veined ; although rather unequal in size, and the two smaller being similarly central veined, and attached precisely to the bases of the fertile staminia, as the barren ones are to the larger petals. With the Malyan plant, I only hesitate about the calyx, which I find to be 3-4 sepalled imbricately, the pedicels being 1, 2, bracteate, I see no difference in the venation of the sepals. I would rest the distinction temporarily upon the fact of the estivation of the large patals being nearly valvate, it is 80 along 2 of the 3 edges on the zquilaterality of the big petals, on the entireness of the smaller ones, or the want of auricule to the base of the barren anthers, and on the dehiscence of the anthers which is curious, and of the reflexed valve. ———m MILLINGTONIA. 165 I have only examined imperfect specimens of the Malayan plant. That any linear organ may have a mesial process, I think it is pointed out by the involucre of Hibisc. surattensis, in the earlier stages of which no trace exists of the subsequent well developed liguliform internal central process. Which is in the calyx an analogus to what takes place in the corolla of certain Bytneriaceze Guazuma etc. This has the same simple development by points from a terminal discoid cellular mass. The situation of the scale or appendage of either fertile flament is the reverse of that which takes place in the Simarubacee and Zygophyllee, see Lindley Introd. Nat. Orders, p. 129, 133, hence if they represent portions of an additional series of stamina, in Millingtonia they would be- long to the lst, and in the two orders above cited to the ird and fourth series, as in these two orders there is great probability that such is their present nature. ranting their nature to be the same in Millingtonia and ing the suppression of two petals, we shall have an attempt made at the development’ of four series of stamina, we must suppose the suppression of one intermediate series Which should be opposite to the petals namely 4th. In this “ew the first series consists of two abortive stamina, the Second of two abortive do. but more developed; the third of two fertile Stamina opposite two sepals, 4th wanting, 5 op- Posite the sepals, But this vie Scales, which Who have written on this group or genus. Tam aware, that there is another mode of explaining the aructure, Which however does not take into account, the -, "ar bodies, to which from the fact, tbat it is single, at- aller petal, I attach much importance by al- the suppression of two petals, and the total suppres- the fourth series of stamina. w does not explain the nature of the denticular seem to have escaped the notice of all authors Sion of 166 PEDALIACE2. On the whole my view is liable to fewer exceptions, nor do I see any reason, why a filament should not become processiferous. If they are stamina, then the 1st series is reduced to two, the 2nd is complete and represented by the denticular bodies, and the normal number hence will be 25, the third is com- plete, the 4th wanting, the 5th complete in number but not in function. PEDALIACE.E. SESAMUM, Sesamum orientala, Cal. subæqualiter et profunde 5-partit. persistens. Cor. campanulata, tubo basi superne gibbo limbo sub- bilabiato crenulato lobo 1 tantum porrecto. Stam didynama ad partem gibbum insert. filam subulat. inclusa. Anth. basibus affixe, bilocul. longit. dehiscent, Stylus filiformis inclusus, Stigmata 3, acuta lineari-lanceo- lata. Discus hypogynus annuliformis, ovarium basin cingens. Ovarium extus glanduloso hispid. 3-loculare interdum su- perne 6-loculare, septis 9, multo magis tenuibus forsan spuriis e nervo dorsali folior. carpellorum completis incom- pletisve ortis. Ovulis plurimis 1-serialibus, si septa 6, 2; si 3, transversis vel ascendentibus, foramen hilum prope. Sem. obovata tegumento duplici. aibumine parco carnoso oleaso. ^ Radicula brevis subulata hilo versa, cotyledones planz, plumula inconspicua. Dehiscentia loculicida. Herbacea viscosa pubescens. Foliis lanceolato-linearibus subintegris, acutis floribus albis maculis rubris, aspectu Digitalis, axillaribus breviter pedicellatis, solitariis. Bracteis setaceis 2 ad basin pedi- cellorum, fructibus pubescent. erectis, obtuse 3-gonis. MARTYNIA, 167 Oss. Jussieu's explanation of the additional cells being formed from the inflexion of the middle nerve is certainly applicable to Sesamum. Has. Culta circa Mergue ob oleum. No. 474. Marrynia. Martynia diandra. Flos. suffultus bracteis 2 ovato-oblongis subpetaloideis subascendentibus. Sepal. 5, lineari-lanceolata, 2 inferiora majora, 3 superiora, quorum intermedia intima duplo fere minora. Cor, infundibuliformi-bilabiata tubo basin versus gracile, fauce ventricoso. Lamina 5-loba, lobis rotundalis 2 superiori- bus (estivatione exterior) minorib. quinto et antico majore. Stam. 5, inclusa, 3 superiora sterilia summo minimo, 2 in- feriora fertilia, Anth. loculi divaricatissimi paralleli, perparia contigue, Pollen album globosum glabrum. Stylus filiformis basi subulat. Stigma bilamellat lamella inferiore majore. var. globosum toro ipsius formam mentiente insidens biloculare, pseudo-4 loculares ob placenta contiguam loculis pariete exteriori ovarii. Placentæ separabiles omnino ut in Verbenaceis quibusdam (et Cyrtandraceis) bivolutatæ, ovulis Pendulis, foramen hilum prope. Fig. II. Pl. CCCCXLII. Fructus penduli ovato-cymbiformes, apice conico incur- vato, stylo marcesco apiculat. bilocul, pseudo 4-loculares. Drupacea endocarpio carpio osseo. Semina pendula, Testa laxa mucilaginosa cellulosa exal- i ‘nosa membrana interna tenuissima embryonem ves- ens, Embryo radicula obtuse supera. Cotyled. planiuscule basin versus 3-nervim. Plumula inconspicua. Han, Bengal Serampore : Augt. 20th, 1837. 168 VERBENACES. Oss. Inflorescentia racemosa, an subpaniculata, bracted inflorescenteze ramulum suffultiens, petiolat. petaloid. Genus, flore ovulisque Gesnereaceis. Sect Cyrthandraceis accidente. ovario, placentatione, et fructu Verbenaceis. Folia opposita, Clerodendracez. LENTIBULACE, UTRICULARIA. Utricularia albiflora, Gr. Aphylla spithameea, caulibus simplicibus filiformibus, squamigeris, floribus racemosis albis, labio inferiore ma- cula lutea. Racemis terminalibus paucifloris. Pedicellis basi 3-bracteatis calcare conigo-acuta, lab. inferiore paulum longiore. Has. In aquosis arenosis. Mergue: July, 1834. Utricularia lilacina. : Aphylla, | spithamzea radicib. ? fibrosis, caule terete apicem versus angulato squamigero. Racemo terminali paucifloro, floribus dipissitib lilacino-czeruleis, lab. infer. macula lutea, macula lineis 5 ceruleis notata, lab. sup. basin versus. lineis 4 ezeruleis, sepalis æqualibus acutis, lab. super. emar- ginato, infer medio elevato subintegro, calcare conico subu- lato dem St labii inferior. Pedunculis fructiferis erectis. Has. In aquosis Kulweng. Mergue: Aug. 1834. VERBENACEA, Verbenacee Malayane. Cor. infundibuliform, sequaliter 4-partita. Stam. 4 fauci angustati in annula inserta, vix exserta. Stylus conicus stigma bifidum non exsertum, pnm 169 CLERODENDRUM. 1. Clerodendrum viscosum. Suffruticosa 4-pedalis, pubescenti-pilosa, foliis cordatis, acuminatis, distanter serratis serraturis mucronatis. Panicu- lis amplis terminalibus cymosis, dichotomis. ^ Calycis se- palis, foliaceis, ovatis subzqualib. Cor. tubo calyce paulo brevior, pubescentia purpurea, limbo 5-partito laci- niis extus pubescent seorsum inclinatis. Stam. longissim. Anth. atro-purpurea. Floribus suaviter odoratis. In ruderatis Mergue: Mergue Herb. no. 677. Nov. 1834. In iisdem lacinis Moulmein copiosa. Ovarium typum Cyrthandraceum, evolutione sequitur car- pella antica posticaque. Fig. 20, Pl. CCCCLVIII. 2. Clerodendrum splendidum. Erectum basin suffruticosum caulibus 4-angularibus, pro- funde 4-sulcatis angulis rotundatis. Fol. longissime petiolatis palmative 5-lobis, basi profunde cordatis, lobis acutis terminali maximo subcrenato repan- dis. Petiolis ad articulos tumidis, Pilis ciliatis inter pe- 08. Inflorescentia, terminalis cymoso-paniculata, cymis in~ fernis foliis floralibus suffultis, superioris bracteis foliaceis petiolatis, spathulatis ovatis, petiolis nempe coccineis, ut tota fere inflorescentia. Cymis dichotomis, inferior longi- oribus adeoque inflorescentia pyramidalem fit. Pedunculis eae calycibus, corollarum tubis et genilatibus coc- -" aurantiaceis, limbo corolle ochroleuco-carneum, fauce oo. Staminibus sepius arcte deflexis interdum : tis ? Stylo deflexo. P*elés pulehe rima, Nomen aptum, quamvis charac- e. jus nescio. Ut Tavoy circa crescit hanc plantam *Plendidum Wall. esse haud dubito. k 48. In ruderatis circa Mergue, July, Augusi, 1834. ergue Herb, 78, w 170 VERBENACKA. 3. Clerodendrum densiflorum. Basi suffruticosa, erecta ramosa 4, 5 pedalis. Foliis longe petiolatis infernis cordatis acuminatis subintegris basi 3- neryus, nervo medio ad basin utrinque l-glanduloso (glandulo e 4 confertis callosis composito) sublente utrinque punctulat. subtus ad nervos tenuissime velutinis. Cymis axillaribus terminalibusque aggregatis corymbum densiflorem mentientibus, floribus albis. Cor. tubus rectus longissimus in laciniarum marginibus revolutis staminibus longiss. exsertis, stylum longe superant. Anth. cæruleo livide. Cal. glandulosis fructifer amplectus, ruber subcar- nosusque. : Capsula atro-czrulea, baccata 4 sperma. Sem. nigrescentia angulato. Albumine 0. Radicula brevis infera. Has. Frequent Mergui in M rii florem, July to Nov. Merge Herb. 79. ~ A. Clerodendrum affine. Frutex 8-10 pedalis, subsimplex, caulibus sub 4-gonis adpressa pubescent. Fol. cordatis acuminatis subintegris tactu mollibus. Paniculis terminalibus subpyramidatis thyr- soideis bracteatis, bracteis foliaceis, lutescent, floribus paf- vis albis fauce rubescente laciniis subascendentibus. Stam, longissime. Anth. atro-purpureæ. Has. In aquosis intra Kulweng et Mergue: Dec. 1834. C. viscoso valde affine. Typus formationes carpelli Cyrthan- draceus. 5. Clerodendri sp. Cal. tubo subcylindraceo, limbo erecto 5-dentato. Cor. hy pocraterif, tubo longo gracilis laciniz zequaliter ? patentis 5to majore et profundiore (estivatione) extimo. Stam. didynama longe exserta, estiv. introflexa, (2 inferior longior. Anth. oblong sinu affixe, biloculi, longit. debis- cent. CLERODENDRUM. 171 Stylus filiformis exsertus. Stigma bifid. acutum (that is the style) is bifid, but the stigmatic surfaces are prolonged be- yond them into 2 acute points, (Fig. IV. Pl. CCCCXLVIIL.) stigma rather the biggest. Stigmatic canal with long cells of exceeding fine tubes containing large granules, generally of the diameter of the tube. Orula 4 appensa. Ovar. l-celled (the placentz not united) in the axis, placeatation as usual. Fructus with as many lobes or furrows as pyrene basi ca- lyce varie fisso cinctis baccatus 4 pyrenaceus. Pyrene formed by endocarp. 4-locularis. ? Seeds 1, 4, often abortive appensed. Tegument cellulo- membranous. Has. Malacca. Cotyledons, plano-convexiuscule radicle inferior, 6. Clerodendri sp. Pl. CCCCXLV. Calyx 5-partitus amplus, demum carnosus ampliatus. Cor. Unilabiata hypocraterif. Stamina deorsum. curvata longe exserta. Anth. sagittato- ovate, bilocul. longit dehisc. Pollen purpurasc. Stylus arcte sursum curvatus vel declinatissimus. Stigmata 2, setacea. Ov. l-loculare, Placentis revolutis, biovulatis ovulis pen- dalis, appensis. Fractus calyce ampliato cinctus. Infloresc, dichotoma. Pedicelli clavati apicem infra articu- lati! ZEstivatio discrepans from other Verbenacez, lobo dex- tro, (dorso spectans) lab. superior omnino interiore. ‘I. Alabast, 2. Expanded flower. 3. Corolla laid open. _ 1. Corolla before expansion, lacinie cut away to shew the ` Packing of the genitalia. 173 VERBENACEE. 5. Anther back view. 6. Ditto front. 7. Ditto after dehiscence. 8. Back view of do. 9. Pollen in water. 10. Ditto after rupture which soon takes place. 11. Ovary transverse section of. Ditto long section parallel to the carpella. 13. Pistilum, sepals cut away, style generally ascending. 14. Base of style. 15. Stigmata. 16. Placenta extracted with the ovule somewhat bent back to shew their insertion. 17. Pistillum after fecundation back of a carpellum laid open, shewing the situation of the ovula. 18. Ovulum before fecundation no distinction of coats. 19. Ovule after fecund, a testa and nucleus combined; 64, embryonary sac globular above, in toto clavato, c hilum. 20. Ovule more advanced, d embryo. The embryonary sac is generally bilobed at the apex, here it is membran- . ous but not so much as at its globular base, the bilobed apex does not become filled with cellular tissue. 21, 22. Embryonary sacs shewing the bilobed apex ! and membranous and membrano-cellular nature. 23. Ovary and base of style. 23a. ovulum of do. some time after expansion of the flower, excavation of the embryonary sac already commenced. Oss. The situation of the flowers in Volkameria is certainly + reversed, neither can I yet tell what is the cause of this. The 5th petal being certainly next the axis. "That the fissure by which the corolla is rendered unilabiate is carried thro’ the 2 petals corresponding to the upper lip of other plants of the Order is proved, ist by the zstivation and 2nd by the situation of the stamina. There is certainly some difference between the sestivation [m d m— R^ CALLICARPA. 173 of this Order, and of Labiatz, one lobe of the upper lip of Volkameria being altogether interal. It must be remembered that under Vitex, Brown says that Hosta is allied to Vitex, but that is totally different from Cornutia which is very nearly allied to ZEgiphila, but both these genera are included in Verbenaces by Bartling and Lindley. CALLICARPA. Callicarpe lanata, R. Fl. Ind. 1, 391. Pl. CCCCXLVIII, Fig. II. The genus is allied in placentation to Avicenia, Vitex, and the involuerate genera. This placentation is remarkable and is analogous to that of Cyrthandracez, but differs in bearing definite ovula. The pollen appears to have only one furrow. Flowers purple, odoriferous. JEstivation involuta et alternatem conduplicata connec. tion partibus czeteus glandulosuis. l. Alabastrum. 1 2. Flower, usually tetramerous. 3. Corolla laid open. 4. Anther posteriorly. 5. Ditto anteriorly. 6. Pollen opaque. | * Ditto in water (iterum examinandum.) © $ Calyx and Pistillum. % 9. Pistillum, 10. Ovary transverse section. ll, Ovary long section between the carpella. 12. Ditto exterior of a corpellum laid open. 13a. Ovule and portion of Placenta. i : Fasciculate and ramous pubsescence, the former being a E M. contraction of the latter, .. "T Aistivation of corolla, = Bamo, April 30th, 1837. 174 VERBENACES, PREMNA. Premne sp. Cal. brevis tubo obconico, dentibus 4 rotundatis. Cor. bilabiat. (tubo cylindraceo) lacinie 3 subzquales, 4th antica (or posticous segment of 2? central vein smaller and shortest not so in others,) majore porrecta upper segment entire or bifid, outermost in estivation. Stam. didynama, fauci inserta, Anth. breviter exsert. sub- reniformes sinu affixz, rima longitudine vix complete dehis- cent. Stylus filiformis bifidus, lacinia intus stigmatos revolutis. Ovarium biloculare, the parietes produced inwards, as far as the placente. Ovula cuique loculo 2, pendula. Inflorescente terminatis corymbusi, Has. Malacca. CONGEA. Congea vestita, Gr. Pl. CCCCLVIII. Fig. 21. Scandens, fruticosa, ramis teretibus petiolis foliis utrinque paniculisque pilis pallide ferragineis hispidissimis, foliis ovato- oblongis breve petiolatis, acutis subintegris tactu scabris. Paniculis terminalibus etin axillis foliorum summorum floribus capitulato-umbellatis, umbellis longius pedunculatis, infimis ex axillis foliorum alternis conformum sed minorum, superis ex axillis folior floralium cordato-ovutis mucronatis, sericeo-niveis. Capitulor. involucris 3-phyllis, foliis ovatis, venoso-reticu- latis obtusis, subtus concavis, niveo-sericeis, umbellis 5-7 floris. Pedicellis brevibus, calycibus pilis sericeis longis hispi- dissimis. t g Cor. parviuscula ex albo-rosacea, brunneo striato preeset- tim lab. superius, DECADONTIA. 175 Cal. subinfundibulif. 5 fidus laciniis ovatis erectis, apicu- latis :estivatione valvatis, fauce inflata, cor. tubo filiforme cylindrico calyce paulo superante deorsum curvat. limbo bila- biat 5-fida porrecto, lab. super 2-fido, inferior 3-fido, laciniis reflexis faux intus pilosa. Stam. 4-didynama longissima exserta, flexuosa filam fülforme hinc inde substrangulat. ^ fusco-purpurascent. Anth. terminales bilocul. atro-brunnes, subversital. locu- lis medium versus et secus marginem superior dehiscent. Pollen pallide ochroleuco miniat. leve lanceolat. hinc sulcat. Stylus longissimus flexuosus fusco-purpurascens. Stigma | subsimplex. : _ Ovarium apice glandulosum 2-loculare, obsolete 4-loculare, placentis nempe extrorsum inter ovula productis et parietes capsulz fere attingentis, sed nec adnate, "n 2-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, dissepimento spurio disjunctis. Ovar. ideo e typo Cyrthandraceo efformat. ovulis apice membranaceis et foraminatis. i Æstivat. imbricato. lab. super. infer involvens, Char. Spren- £elii erroneus ait gemum 4-loculare. Has. Mergue. Mergue Herb. 898. DECADONTIA. Decadontia cerulescens. Frutex scaudens, ramulis 4-gonis hirtis. Fol. oppositis, ob- longo lanceolat, acuminatis cum mucrona subintegra, subtus Presertim, ad nervos pubescent. Inflorescentia capitato- Tacemosa, racemis paniculat. ^ Pedunculis 4-gonis, hirtis. Involucro 6-phylla subcapitulo quoque, foliolis lineari-spa- thulatis hirtis patentissimis capitulis danse subseptem flo- ns, floribus fusco-ochroleucis, parviusculis, odoratissimis, : ea. Cal. infundibuliform pubescens, 5-dentat., dentibus ovatis : suas sinubus in processubus subulatis extrorsum produc- Us, astivat, valvat, po * VERBENACEJE, : Cor. infundibulif. tubo calyce breviora, 5-partit. laciniis oblongis obtusis patentis zstivatione imbricatis, faux pilosa, pilis. purpurascent. Stam 5 faucei inserta libera laciniis corollinis alternant. longe exserta. Filam. subulata. Anth. versat. reniform- hippocrepidiformi biloculari, longitud. dehiscentes. Pollen albidum oblongum hinc sulcat. 00, liberum dense pilosum, stylus filiformis, pallidissime czruleus, stamina Ovarium 2-loculare loculis incompleti spurieque bilocellatis placentis nempe extrorsum et inter ovula product. et parietes capsule attingentibus sed nec accretis, ovula 2 cuique loculo; ovula pendula ab apicibus placentam foramen infera ad apicem. Has. In syl, circa Mergue: Jan. 1835. Mergue Herb. No. 903. T Stam. 2 inferior longiore, super, breviore. Congee valde affinis, ob habitu et structura placentam omnino similis, discrepans, calycis sinubus extrorsum pro- ductis. Cor. regular. Stam. 5, antheram forma et dehis- centia. Pili faucis repand. nec vere moniliformes, an Sphe- nodesma pentandra. Roscoea pentandra. Roxb. Icones. BRACHYNEMA. Brachynema ferruginea. . Frutex scandens ramis senioribus exceptis toto breve fer- rugineo tomentosa. Fol. oppositis breve petiolatis ovuli-ob- Jongis, breve acuminatis, integris subrepandis tactu submolli- bus, basi subcordatis. Inflorescentia capitultata, capitulis race- mosis 7-floris, racemis axillaribus terminalibus, folia excedent. Capitulis involucro 6-phylla cinctis, foliolus spathulato- ovatis in petiolis attenuatis, patentibus. Cal. tubolosus bilabiat. labio utroque integro. Cor. bypocraterif. tubo calycis longitudine faux pilis clausa, PERONEMA, , 177 laciniis 5 linearibus acutis pubescentibus patentibus zestiva- tione imbricatis, tubo intus villosissimo. tam, 5, medio tubo inserta, libera, laciniis corollinis alter- nant. inaequalia, 2 longiora, 2 breviora l centrali intimeo filam. brevia. Anth. ovatz bilocul. longit. dehiscentes, inclusz. Pollen oblongum leve hinc sulcatum. Stylus brevissimus, stigma bilobum, subcapitat. Ovar. ferrugineo- pilosum, biloculare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovu- lis pendulis ab apice placente, foramen ad apicem inferum. Has. In sylvis Mergue: Jan. 1835. No. 938. Decadontiz proximum, sed calyce bilabiat. Cor. hypocra- terif. fauceque villosa, Staminibus inclusis, antheris connec- tivo sub o, per totam longitud. dehiscent. Stylo sub o, valde distinct, Placentz intra ovulam nec product. Dixi ob filam. brevia, in Congez, Decadontiaque longe exserta. PERONEMA. Peronema canescens. Arbor. Fol. oppositis impari-pinnatis, foliolis lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis caudato-acuminatis, integris concavis sub- tus albidis, alternis vel suboppositis. Petiolis supra planus utrinque conspicue alatus, alis occupying whole spaces be- tween the leaves, not truly decurrent. . Panicula terminalis ampla, e cymis partialibus in corymbos Secondaria disposit. pubescens, terminalis, Tectona formis. Flores minuti albi. , yx tubus campanulat. ad medium 5-partit. laciniis patu- ; cemum immulatis, 2 infimis paullo majoribus. Cor. extus pubescens tubo subinfundibulif. calyce parum longior, bilabiata, lacinim 4 superiores calycine subzequales, quinto longior duplo porrecto petaloideo. Stam, 2, filam. robusta subulata zstivat. introflexa, x 178 VERBENACEA, Anth. magne biloculares, reniformi-oblonge, sinu afixa longitud. dehiscent. 'The two lower ones are developed. Stam. superiora 2, ad rudim. filam. reducta. Stylus filiformis basi et intus pilosus, stigma subsimplex subulata, subulo refracto. Ovarium rotundato-cordatum, apicem dense pilosum, bilocu- lare, loculis. more solito biovulatis, — enclosed in partial cells from recurved placenta, ovula p Section of Ovary. Fig. III. Pl. Dm Has. Malacca. Oss. As the ovarium increases the calyx is forced to spread out, it is now pubescent, in all the exposed part marked by 4 lines converging to the cicatrix of the style and simulating well a Boragineous fruit. The placentz have become fleshy, and the proper cells of the ovula, quite complete (except adhe- sion.) This is evidently the Peronema canescens of Jack, who describes the ovary as 4-celled, and the ovules as erect, in which case a greater degree of affinity with Teetona would be manifested; he also describes the wing of the petiole as decurrent, i. e. derived from the leaflets. The inflorescence and aspect of the young fruit, is exactly that of Tectona, so is the appearance of the under surface of the leaves, although these perhaps are not siliceous. 1t osculates directly between the Vitex section and Tectona do. Vitex. Vitex gamosepala. Arbor. mediocris. Fol. trifoliata, foliolis lanceolatis acuminatis venatio apocyneoid. ‘Cymis axillaribus foliis multo brevior. Cal. tubo brevi bilabiat, labio super majore integro inferiore bipartito extus. a GMELINA. 179 Cor. tubo anguste infundibulif. glandulosus calyce fere duplo longior. bilabiat., labio super. bifido erecto reflexo infer. 3-lobo, annulus pilorum ad medium tubi, Stam. 4 vix didynama, filam. subulatis robustis basi pubescent. Stylus longitud. stamin., stigma bifidum subzequal. Anth. biloculares narrow horse-shoe-shaped, filam. inserti in sinus. Cells not quite all along the inner margins of the curve, so that the anthers are mucronate at the base. See Fig. II. Pl. CCCCXLVIII. Cor. extus glandulosa, in zstivat. the upper lip is outer- most, lower lip middle lobe innermost. Has. Malacca at Ching Rhingull. Oss. The upper lip of the calyx which is glandular out- side, is made up of 3, it often presents faint obsolete traces of composition, sometimes decided. The venation is too irre- gular to decide the point. In this respect it differs from Vitex, but not always unless indeed the anthers and stigma or fruit present corresponding differences, GMELINA. Gmelina arborea, Pl. CCCCXLIII. _ Arbor mediocris ligno duro. Flores ante folia evoluti. Inflorescentia vero dichotoma. muli sub 4-goni maculis albis. . Upper Burmah Nulloboom. March 27th, 1837. 2. Gmeline sp. Frutex vel arbuscula, ramulis foliisque subtus cano-tomen- sis, Spinis divaricatis axillar. (pedunculis efformatis) armat. Fol. oppos. suboppositisve. ovatis vel obovatis, sub- distichis, Panieulis racemiform, interd, racemi axillaribus tenuibus, folia Subzequant, 180 VERBENACE®. Flores cernui majusculi lutei subsecundi. Bracteus folia- ceus lanceolati-deciduus. Cal. infundibuliformis, ore obseleti 4-dentato. Cor. infundibul. bilabiata (ringens) tubo calyce duplo longiore, angusto, fauce ampliata, lamina 4-loba, lobis 3 sub- sequal. latis reflexis, 4 antica multo majore porrecto. Aistiva- tion, the upper or central lobe of upper lip outermost, lower innermost. Stam. 4 didynama fauce.inserta, pari infero duplo major, Filam. deorsum curvatum, connectiv. carnos. horse-shoe- shaped. Cells linear napa the border of the flat side, attachment in the sinus. Stylus subulatus rather longer than the longer stamina, similarly curved. Stigma bifid. lacinia infera, duplo major. Style articulated on the top of the ovary. Ovarium 4-locu- lare, placenta sepalisque cruciate, ovula pendula. Ovarium ut videtur interdum biloculare, ovulis 1-cuique loculo, in this case all the cells are opposite and only one stigmatic lobe, and l vasc. fascicle to the style. Fructus, basi calyce spathacea fisso, circumcinct, subro- tundus, basi subobliquis luteis. Sarcocarp. crassum, baccatum ; odore peculiar ingrati. Pyrena 1, ossea obovata, thick ex- ceedingly hard, 4-locularis, loculis 2-3 effzetis. Sem, pendula tegument tenue brunneo, albumen 0. Coty- ledones plano-convexe, radicula infera brevissime. Has. In thickets, Malacca in flower all the year. Cal. infundibulif. 4 dentato. Cor. infundib. bilabiat. labio super, 3-lobo, (reflexo) infer integro porrecto. Stam. 4, didynama, connectiv. hippocrepidif. Ovar. 4- locul. 4-ovulat. ovula pendulis. Stigma bifidum excavata. Drupe, pyrena 1-4 loculare, 1-3 sperma, loculis 2-3 effztis. Sem. pendula, exalbuminos, It is of the same ovarial structure as Tectona. Oss, I do not like the subdivisions of Bartling as given in SPHENODESMA, 181 Lindley's Nat. Orders. Verbenee is perhaps natural, but the involucrate genera, of which at least three genera exist, will form a very distinct section. Attention must be paid to the inflorescence which in many is truly dichotomous. Gmelina cannot be associated with Vitex ete. on account of its unlobed fruit. Augst. St. Hilaire is quite wrong in his assertion as to all except Avicennia having erect ovula. Brown on the con- tray is quite right. In this order the 5th stamen never? occurs in a rudimen- tary state, althongh it often does in its perfect state. This affords a diagnosis between it, add Bignoniacea, which other- wise might (wAile in flower) be confounded, that is, if the ovary be not examined. This is highly curious ; because from the tendency towards dichotomy that exists one would have imagined that the 5th stamen would be more developed than any of the others. In all Verbenacez the foramen is very indistinct, in the Présent genus even at a very early period and when the co- rolla about equals the calyx, there is no trace of any integu- ments, and just before expansion, it has the same appearance of a simple fleshy body. SPHENODESMA. 1. Sphenodesma pentandra. Gr. Frutex scandens, oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis, supra lucidis glabris, 24 inches long. Floralibus pallidis subalbidis multo minoribus, . Capitulis axillaribus, pedunculatis, 6-bracteatis, bracteis Involueris in modo dispositis lineari-spathulatis obtusis, albidi Teticulatim venosis, es 7 cuique capitulo, 6 ex axillaribus bracteari-involu- erive, Septimo centrali, terminali nudo. Cal. Subinfundibulif, submembranacea, ore 5-dentato, sinu- ticulis totidem auctis extrorsum quasi plicatis. — 182 VERBENACE2. Cor. calyce 3 longior infundibulif. subregularis laciniis 5, patente reflexa fauce villosissima colore plumbeo-viridis, faucis barbe azurei. Stam. 5 exserta 2 exteriora (inferiore) paullo longiora, Filam. subulata alba. Anth. ambitu subtrigonz crescentiformi, medio versus affixam. Connect. carnos. cellulos. papillos., loculis divari- cantibus adnatis. Stylus stamina subzquans, teretiuscule lilacinus glaber apice bifidus ramis oblique truncatis apice stigmatosis. Ovarium dense hispidum pilis pallide ferrugineis 2-locu- lare. Placenta centralis thickened ex hujus apicem discoideo- ovula 4 nucleariform pendula, an extrant angle on either side divides the ovula of each cell from each other, and as this reaches the wall of the cell, the ovary becomes in a sense, 4-locular. Has. Malacca: June 1842. Oss. An elegant shrub hair of faux stupose and fragrance very pleasant, upper 2 lacinie of corol. are outermost, 5th innermost, that of calyx open. Each branch of the style has its own canal. It is more Verbenaceous in its pistillum than in any other art. Considerable time elapses between the expansion of all the flowers, the central one is most precocious. 2. Sphenodesma triflora. Gr. Ramuli ferrugineo-lepidoti. Folia ovato-lanceolata quasi pendula, obtusa, glabra, co- riaciuscula integra, venis 2 durus paucissimis arcuatim nexis, interveniis inconspicue areolatis. Paniculis axillaribus ef terminalibus, altogether ample, ramulis (ultimis) oppositis, floris, flora centrali nudo precociore, laterali 3-bracteatis, bracteis lineari-spathulatis, calycem excedent. centrali major inflorescentia grisea, fl. parvi sanguineo-purpur. —— (th SPHENODESMA. 183 Calyx infundibuliform leviter 10-striatus griseus, 5-den- tibus erectis. Cor. infundib. tubo calycis longitudine, 5-partita laciniis reflexo-patent. subcordatis with a slight disposition to 3 labia- tion, line of coloration abrupt along the faux. Stam. 5 alternant. fauci inserta, filam. atropurpureis, subu- latis erectis, 2 superior vel posticis paullo brevior, Anth. longe exsertæ oblong, basi bilobæ, sinu affixz, biloculari, longit. dehiscentes. Stylus albus staminibus } longior declinatus. Stigma bifi- dum acutum. Annulus pilorum tenuis ad insertion. filamentor. Ovarium oblongum glabrum apicem parce glandulosum biloculare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovula pendula, divided from each other by a process of the placenta which reaches to the wall of the cell, where it is truncate. ovules reaching quite to the fundus, Pollen ovato-oblongum glabrum, 1-3 plicatum. Ova With the base surrounded inside by a series of erect calycine hairs, Nothing can shew more clearly than these instances, that the ovarium in all is unilocular at the apex; the placenta, if its apex is alone considered, is really Santalaceous. Although the involucre is generally small, yet the lower "T of some panicles here and there are as large as ordi- marily happens, in all, the flowers are 3 only, and this is the only species in which there is no correspondence between © flowers and the involucrate leaves, those being to these all others equal plus one. inflorescence in this species is freely cymose, the lateral flowers in each of the dichotomes being wanting, we May hence expect 1-flowered pluri-involucrate inflorescences. Sphenodesma tridora. Cymis trifloris, floribus laterali tri- in “yan name Aloor Gagah. .. Has. Malacca at Verupha. 184 VERBENACE.E. HEMIGYMNIA. Tectona has rotate quite regular Cordia, or Ehretia- like flowers. 'The stamina are quite equal, and regularly exserted. The anthers are likewise equal, although of a form admitting of divarication of the cells. The calyx, looks Verbenaceous in Campanula and regular, rather deeply 5-6 partite. The style is subulate has 2 ves. sels, and each branch with two brachiate branches at the apex, each terminated by a punctiform papillose stigma. The ovary is glandular, (orange) at the base, it is really 4- celled, each cell has one anatropous ascending ovule (or sub- appended,) they appear to be nucleary, and are furnished with a very short raphal vessel. The zstivation of the calyx is imbricate, so is that of the corolla, 2 lacinee being outermost, and eee See right hand Fig. VI. Pl. CCCCXLVIII. - The calyx becomes completely enlarged nd depressed, and incurved apex inflated, and the ovarium becomes round completely spongy, presenting a St. George's Cross in the centre, the two larger arms being utrinque l-váscular, and is consequently the placental or true septa, the others are ]-vasc., so that it only differs from the others in having the dorsal septe very complete. See Fig. VI. Pl. CCCCXLVIL The young seeds are completely appense. From Tectona, Hemigymnia differs in the ribbed calyx which becomes cupuliform in fruit with a crenate or denti- culate margin, and only appears to 4 enclose the pericarp, the attenuated subulate apex of which projects long beyond it it also differs in its infundibuliform corolla, contrasted with the rotate one of Tectona, though its calyx is infundibulifor™ which is singular. It also differs abundantly in its 4-partite style, with li- near stigmata whereby it approaches nearer Cordia tha" Tectona. I propose calling it from its half enclosed pericarp Hemi” AVICENNIA. 185 gymnia in contradistinction to the inclosed pericarp of Tectona. The flowers at first sight are like those of Pemphis. Calyz infundibuliformis, striatus, 5-dentatus. Corolle tubus infundibuliformis; lacini; 5 (angustz, tubo duplo longiores.) Stamina 5 aqualia, inclusa. Ovarium, 4-locu- lare, 4 ovulatum : ovula solitaria, ascendentia. Stylus bi- fidus, rami profunde bipartiti, intus stigmatosi. Fructus (im- maturus) drupaceus, rostrato-cuspidatus, calyce cupiliformi- : semicinctus, Arbor mediocris ; partibus novellis pube ramosa tomentosis, Folia opposita, cordata, vel cordato-rotundata. Inflorescentia lerminalis, cymoso-corymbosa. Flores congesti, in apicibus pedicellorum brevium articulati, mediocres, albi Habitus quodammodo Rottlerz, aspectus florum Lythrari- cus, Pemphidis si velis. Hemigymnia Macleodii.* Habitat : Sylve Jubbulpore vicine, plerumque cum Tectona consociata, AvICENNIA. The Species of Avicennia appear to be in a very confused State in Botanical works. Avicennia tomentosa. Arbor. 20-30 pedalis. Ramis laxiusculis ramulorum in- ternodiis incrassat. Fol. oppositis exstipulatis breve petiolatis (petiolis basibus Subconnatis, bases versus superne axillisque pilosis) lanceo- - utrinque attenuatis integris glaberrimis acutis, car- nosis subtus albidis, Spicis terminalibus paniculatis, oppositis, floribus basi 3- - decussata oppositis, parvis inconspicuis luteis. * Calcutta Journ, Nat. Hist. vol. iii. p. 363. Y 186 VERBENACES. Calyx 5 sepalus, sepalis ovatis obtusis bases versus car- nosis piloso-pubescentibusque zstivatione imbricatis. Cor. gamopetala infundibulif. carnosa, tubo calycis longitu- dine, limbo 4-partito laciniis ovatis patentibus, apicibus sub- dentatis zstivatione imbricatis. Stam. 4 fauci inserta laciniis corollin. alternant. Filam. subulata. Anth. didymz longit. dehiscent. subexserte, lo- culis adnatis compressis. Pollen album ovatum leve hinc sulcatum. Ovar. liberum cylindrico-oblongum, apicem versus pilo- sum, pilis albis cellulosis. Stylus crassus breviss. Stigmata 2 simplice acuto con- niventia, ovar. l-loculare septis 2, stigmatibus alternant. in- completis. Ovula 4, pendula ab apice placentz centralis li- berze, foramen infer. ad apicem ovuli. Has. Inter Rhizophoreus secus littoram Madamaca alibi" que vulgata occurrit. — Mergue Herb. 969. An Verbenacez, cum placente ovulorum structura maxime accedit. fol. subtus lepidota, squamis szpius 4 lobis, medio pilifer. Pilis articulatis articulis superior demum decidius ? nec vere tomentosa. Cor. extus pubescens. Avicennia tomentosa, ovar. 2 loculare affinites placente cum Congea etc. maxima. I met with three forms of this genus about Malacca, of which the following are the differential characters, and de- tailed descriptions drawn upon the spot. . Avicennia resinifera foliis lanceolatis accuminatis glabris subtus albidis, corolla lacinia postica integra, fauce suban- nulari, antheris inclusis, stigmata subincluso, fructibus apice cuspidato-attenuatis, rugosis, embryonis radicula infra apicem villoso-barbata. _ A. resinifera Forster? Jack Mal. Misc. 2,58 sub Pyrrhantho. Arbor mediocris. Folia subtus vix reticulata, Flores Dene Arbor. ramulis articulatis. AVICENNIA. 187 Folia lanceolata acuminata subintigra, coriacea subtus albida, but without tomentum vix reticulata. Spice axillares et terminales, ramose ferrugineo-velu- tine. Flores parvi, several times smaller than in the other, oppo- siti inferiores distantiusculi superiores, conjesti, 3-bracteati. Calyx 5-partitus leciniis oblongis. Cor. subrotata, 4-partita extus velutina. Æstivatione fere valvata, thickened at the faux almost into an annulus. Stam. fauci inserta. Filam. breve incurva. Anth. bilocular. introrse; cells as it were folded together, mucronulate. Ovarium oblongum pubescens. Stylus brevissimis robutus. Stigma bifida vix ultra faucem exsertum. Placenta ete ut in altero sed brevior, ovula viewed as opaque bodies, present white points. Fruit with a surfacelike the under one of the leaves, transversely wrinkled, lanceolate, compressed, lengthened iuto alongish point at the apex, edges slightly furrowed, at the base of the calyx, but this is not forced to spread out as in the other, bivalvular. Placenta at the base of the seed on one side. i Seed conform, without integuments, inner cotyledon pro- Jecting beyond the apex of the outer, both cotyledons are deeply bilobed, at the base. Radicle long, inferor, just below the conical apex with a thick brush of hairs. Has. In limosis littoral Malacca. This is the species to which Jack alludes sub Pyrrhantho, Mal. Misc, 2-p. 58. : vicennia foliis lanceolatis acumianatis glabris subtus albidis, floribus (parvis) 4-partitis fauce subannulata. An- theris Subinclusis fauci insertis. Stylo brevissimo, stigmata Subinelus, Fructus apice attenuatus, rugosus. Radicula, infra apicem villoso-barbat. Villi radicis septuli, Avicennia. 188 VERBENACEXZ. Cal. 5 partitus, imbricatus. Cor. regularis vel subregularis rotata (carnosa) lacinia postice integri vel emarginata. Stam. 4, subzqualia sinubus vel fauci inserta. Ovar, 1-loculare, placenta centrali (4-gona) ovula 4, pen- dula ex apicem placentz (inter angulos). Stigma bifidum. Fructus, capsularis, bivalvis, l-spermus. Semen albuminos. (tegumento 0.!) radicula villosa infera. Cotyledon con- duplicat. Arbores; ramulis articulatis foliis oppositis integris. Flores spicati, oppositi, inconspicui certe ad oleus spec- tans. 3. Avicennia intermedia, foliis obovatis, ovato-lanceolatis vel lanceolatis, acutiusculis subtus albidis reticulatis, floribus capitellatis, sepalis ciliatis, corolla lacinia postica ssepius integra. Staminibus subexsertis, stylo conico bipartito in- clusa, fructibus amydaloideis vix compressis, albo pubescenti- bus embryonis radicule infra apicem villoso barbata, Frutex. Flores mediocres. I only met with this on Pulo Java close to Malacca, it is probably a hibrid between the two preceding species. Desc. Frutex : 4-5 pedales ramulis 4-gonis. Folia obovata vel ovato lanceolata pallida integra coriacea subtus alba, quasi brevissime tomentosa.: Exactly intermidiate between A. to- mentosa and resinifera. Pedunculi axillares et terminatis, the axillary ones soli- tary in the last axils 4-goni simplices vel divisi. Flores mediocres, incapituli pauciflori terminali dispositi with a tendency sometimes to become racemose, interme- diate in size between the two other species, 3-bracteate. Sepal pulchre ciliatis Cor. subrotata 4-partita, laciniis integris, postice paullulum latior. Stam 4 fauci inserta just below sinuses. Anth. basi afixæ subexserte, conduplicate. Stylus robustus brevis subulato conicus bipartitus laciniis approxi- matis glaber. Ovarium cylindraceum, pubescens placentata ut in aliis. I have only seen this on Pulo Java, close to Malacca: AVICINNIA, 189 all the specimens were shrubby. It may possibly be a male between the two before described species. Fruits very small amygdaloid compressed apiculate by the style, glaucous rugulose, at the base of the corolla and calyx, l-valved coriaceous. Outline of embryo or seed, cordate-ovate, inner cotyle- don projecting a little beyond outer. Radicle barbate below, subtruncate. vicennia intermedia foliis obovatis. Frutex ramulis 4-gonis ovato-lanceolat. vel lanceolatis, acutiusculis subtus albidis reticulatis ; floribus capitellatis (mediocribus) sepalis ciliatis, Cor, infundibulif. rotata, laciniis subzequalibus, postice &epius integra, zestivatione imbricata. Stam. subexsertis. Stylo coneco breve bipartito incluso. Fructus pario vix compresso; albo pubescento, radicula infra apicem villosa barbata. 4. Avicennia obovata, foliis obovatis, glabris subtus reticu- latis, corolla lacinia postica latiore emarginata, antheris exsertis, stigmata exserto bifido, fructibus amygdalinis, dense ferrugineo-tomentosis, embryonis radicula dense osa, A. tomentosa. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3 88.? Arbor. mediocris, Folia obtusissima. Flores ratione generis Majuse uli, Descr. Arbor. mediocris, ramulis articulatis. Folia oppo- sita, obovata obtusissima coriacia integra utrinque glabra, subtus us pallida Spicæ fallaces: (et implices, terminales) ramosa. - Flor, majusculi, oppositi inferiores distantes superiores COnjesti : tribracteati. Calyx profunde 5-partita lacin. oblonga apice sphacelat cili- inia postica omnino exterior. Cor, subrotata subregularis, 4-partita lacinia postica ma- ^ iin: P gnum carnosa. 4, sinubus inserta, filam. subulat. one line long, Anth, biloraler lar. subcordate introrse basi aflixe. 190 VERBENACEA. Ovar. stylo reclinato, subulato. Stigmata bifido oblongum : ferrugineo-pilosum : 1-loculare. Placenta centralis libera, 4-gona. Ovula4, clavata, pendula ex apicem placenta inter angulos apicem umbilicata, no dis- tinction of coats. Avicennia folis obovatis glabris, subtus reticulatis fl. spicatis inferior distant. superior conjestis, (magnis) 3- bracteatis, Sepalis5 5tum extima. Cor. laciniæ postica latiore emarginata, filamentis mediocribus, anther exsertis, stigma bifida exserta, fructibus amygdalus dense ferrugine tomentosis, radicula dense villosa. Although this has the leaves in shape as in A. tomentosa, Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3, 88, and though there are other marks of agreement, yet the leaves are perfectly smooth, and the flowers can not be said to be numerous. After the corolla is fallen the style becomes much more re- clinate. Frutis like an almond, but more compressed, often ineequilateral surrounded at the base by bractes and calyx, covered with a dense velvet light ferruginous down, marked at the apex with a scar of the style and along both the edges with an obscure line. 1-valved; coriaceous lined inside with a white delicate rice-papery cellular tissue. Seed without any teguments, green, filling the whole cavity. Cotyledons, conduplicate, one quite in the sinus of the other. Radicle (after germination ?) much lengthened subclavate densely villaris. AB. In limosis inundatis Malacca. Pl. CCCCXLVIII. The development of the embryo presents in Avicennià great anomalies. The ovula are nucleary. AVICINNIA. 19] The embryo sac Fig. I. when mature is curved within the point of the nucleus in the shape of a retort, or shepherd’s crook, The line of the axis corresponds rather with the longer extension backwards, the recurved points however corresponds with the axis of the ovulum, appearing as if it were going to meet the fascicle of vessels that is to be found in the up- per 3 at least of the central denser tissue of the ovulum. It is within the curve that all the changes take place, Ist inthe formation of albumenary tissue, sometimes without application of boyaux, the long extension backwards and the recurved apex remaining unchanged the boyaux appear to pass into the crook, to a considerable depth nearly to the base of the recurved unchanged apex, they here appear oós- curely to form the rudiments of a cellular mass, which is the future embryo, but is exceedingly indistinct, all these may occur within the ovulum.* e albuminous mass enlarging forwards, soon protrudes, ànd rapidly assumes a considerable size. 3 Its aspect is cellular, shape flattened roundish, then a curved line appears, an semper, on its outer surface, from which the cotyledons soon protrude. : This mass continues to increase, the lower part preserving ts thick, cellular appearance, the upper or that between the inner cotyledon and the nucleus becoming expanded, flattened, and cellular membranous. ‘he cotyledons become conduplicate at a rather early period, subsequently the whole of the embryo except the x “cle is quite naked, that remains in its cavity in the fleshy base of the albuminous mass. Correspondingly, e Posterior extension passes back into the placenta where Comes dilated, and ramified, and exceedingly large. üt far as Ihave seen the recurved apex remains unchang- P to a latish period. Yet I have thought I have seen it Xa. 2 ? I think I have seen in one instance grumous matter in the sac with. 355 attachment of boyaux. 192 VERBENACEA. become smaller as the albuminous mass increased in size ; smaller certainly just as the cotyledons are going to pro- trude; the nucleus undergoes no change. l. The anomalies are, curvature of the embryo sac. 2. Protrusion of the albuminous mass beyond the ovulum, while the sac originally was internal. 3. The protrusion of the cotyledons, nakedness of em- bryo, but above all the direction of the radicle, the funiculus of which points to, and not from the apex of the nucleus, which also appears to be its direction at a every early period. This also is well worthy of notice, as confirming the perma- nence of the direction of the radicle—that in the mature seed, its general direction is such as it would have been, had the cotyledons passed up inside the ovulum. The anomaly of direction in the embryo, if the line of first appearance, which is axile, is considered is not so great as it would, at first sight appear. Although there is no appreciable mechanical cause, why the cotyledons assume so strange a direction. Soon after evident impregnation, the fertilised ovule is twice as big as the others, is split open at its apex from which protrudes a fleshy soft roundish mass, and inside its pressure shews the presence of a roundish body. The centre of the protruded mass is more membrano- cellulous, and to it, portions of tubes may be seen adhering. During inflorescence, and even when the stigma is black- ened the ovula (some times 3) are club-shaped with an umbili- cate or lobed apex, from the centre of the umbilical cavity of one at least, an obscure small protrusion was observed ; the ovula appear solid: pressure however causes the escape the grumous fluid; at this period a single tube may often be seen running down to the apex of the ovulum. From the navel or sinus of the lobe, there appears to ne obscure channel leading to a less obscure cavity; towards AVICENNIA. 193 the centre of the ovulum, whether this has a lining mem- brane or not I cannot say, but its surface is irregular. At a later period, but before the young fruit projects be- yond the calyx, the protruded mass will be found larger (as wellas the nucleus): from it near the nucleus and on its outer surface, projects a bilamilar body, which is the em- bryo, the protruded part about the fissure is membrano-cel- lular. The two lamina are the cotyledons when detached, they are found to be even now unequal, the outer one being shorter, and arising as it were lower down the base of the placenta; opposite each end of each ovulum is con- ductile, but much more so opposite the fertilised ovule, the protruded mass of which seems to adhere to it, (i. e. to the conducting tissue.) The protruded mass is more intimately connected with the nucleus by a gut or tube, which lines its central cavity. It is Į imagine from the protruded end of this sac, that the protruded albuminous mass is formed, i£ is highly divided, 80 that it is a Santaloid tube inverted, The shorter cotyledon is now bilobed, or biauriculate at the base, The tubular portion internal to the nucleus appears to reach at least to its base; but it is difficult to ascertain its doing 80, owing to the denseness of the tissue surrounding it, which forms as it were a column reaching throughout the ovulum, The apex of the protruded mass is cellulo-pa- pillose, The tube certainly exists, and appears to be con- tinued to the centre of the protruded mass. The mass subsequently protruded, appears to be at one enclosed within the apex of the nucleus, and the inner tube which is then tortuous, appears to be outside of the co- imnar tissue; even at this time the centre of the mass is “Scolored, and presents traces of the embryo, and its lax tells are obscurely traceable to the apex of the mass. Judging from appearances, I should say, that the mass has Z * 194 VERBENACE.R. linear relations with the columnar central tissue, and that the tube is a subsequent formation being developed from the base of the mass, and running along between the column and that space of the ovulum next the placenta, that it is a lateral formation, that the mass is developed in a sac, arising from the end of the column—the embryonary sac, the communicating tube is branched at an early period. Pl. CCCCXLVIII. Fig. VII. . The cellular substance evidently encloses the apex or upper half of the sac. b. Base unchanged and I imagine from a single instance that it is thus. c. Embryo sac. d. Albuminous mass. e. Certainly part of the sack. jy. Ben. - g. Albuminous mass. h. End of boyaux entering. i. Columnar centre. j. Nucleus. k. Less changed base of embryonary sac certainly closed. i. Cellular mass just becoming protruded. m. Embryo arising from a boyau (assumed), n. Common tube. o. The membrane of the sac is here and there traced. At the time of inflorescence or very soon after, the co- lumnar tissue is very evident, appearing to be continuous similar to that of the placenta ; the situation of the sac is at this time occupied by opaque tissue. After the protrusion of the cotyledons, the nucleus and subalbumen do not undergo much if any change, the coty- ledons have commenced to be conduplicate, when twice 88 long as placenta, the nucleus when then putes m in size is very hard, m subalbumen is enlarged, the radicle i$ still enclosed in AVICENNIA. 195 The communicating process is at this time easily separa- e. There is no change of direction in the embryo, the pro- trusion being effected by the cotyledons, all that is required " isacertain degree of obliquity as regards the nucleus or else they would pass it. On a transverse section, have I seen in the placenta the dense central part with a tendency to be 4-lobed, but even atalater period, nothing like a section of the communi- cating posterior tube was observed. It follows hence that the chief anomalies are the formation of the albuminous tissue outside the sac of the embryo, the penetration of this by boyau, the protrusion of the albu- minous mass so formed, and the subsequent protrusion of the cotyledons. The unique? ones are the formation of the albumi- nous mass outside the sac of the embryo, tho’ the embryo is formed within the sac! and secondarily the protrusion of the cotyledons, the radicle remaining enclosed. Also the deposit of albuminous tissue on a sac, internal to the nu- cleus, and the laterality of the posterior extension. To be carefully examined again, particularly with reference to the early state of embryo sac, the extent of the posterior Communication, and to the embryo just before the cotyle- n8 protrude. l. Verbenacee sp. Pl. CCCCXLVI. Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus, denti postica minore persistens. Cor, infundibulif. subregularis tubo subgeniculata immulat. - inclusa sessilia, inferiora (vel his inter lobos labii Inferiofis) superiora et majora. cm capitatum, Nuces 4, extus venosz, intus verruco- Inforescentia spicata, flores 1-bracteata. 196 VERBENACES. Raphe initio externa quoad axin demum interna, ovuli de- velop. ut in compositis. Flower just expanding, Flower front view. Corolla laterally. Corolla laid open. Anther front view of. Ditto back. Laterally. Pollen in water. Ovarium front. Ditto lateral. . Longit. section. Ovulum raphal face external. Fruit. . Nux front or inner view. 15. Ditto laterally or outside. 16. Ditto longit section. 17. Ovulum. 17a. Embryonary sac, separate. 18. Ovulum, more advanced, a testa and nucleus combined, b embryonary sac, c embryo just developed. 19. Half ripe seed, same numbers have same references. Bamo. Upper Burmah May 5th, 1837. Ld SPE MN Apo tom eed LI jod jd oe P O 19 2. Verbenacee sp. Pl. CCCCLX. Itinerary notes p. 112, no. 164. Has. Bootan. Voikameria sp. Pl. CCCCXLIV. Itinerary notes p. 128, no. 504. Has. Bootan. " Premna herbacea, Pl. CCCCXLVII. Fig. I. Itinerary notes p. 96, no. 1422, RTT i 197 LABIATÆ. General remarks. It has for some time, struck me that neither Labiatæ nor Boragineæ are formed on a quarternary plan as to the carpella. I was first led to this opinion by ob- serving in a series of observations, the constant relation be- tween the number of vascular fascicles of the style, and that of the carpellary leaves entering into the formation of the Pistillum. This view appears to have been hitherto neglected. In the cases in which the number of vascular fascicles ex- ceed that of the carpellary leaves, the law remains unchang- ed, owing to the evident arrangement of the bundles of „vessels or fascicles into groups corresponding with the number of the carpellary leaves. A still more obvious circumstance is to be taken into consideration, that is the number of styles. If we Pass in review the whole of syncarpous orders, we find that the number of styles however united they may be, (and in this case only determinable by the number of vascu- lar fascicles,) it is constantly the same as that of the number of carpella, and this law is most obvious in the gynobaseous orders. Further it remains to be proved whether in one single instance the carpellary leaf is developed into an ovary T portion of one, in which the style or stigma remains un- developed, P erhaps the contrary is the fact, the style or stigma being „nce the most permanent part; of this I only know one mstance, and that is in Clypea or rather Cissampelos. "ae Structure of Boraginez and Labiatze, is to be ex- Plained either by assuming the abortion of the styles, etc. : two carpella, or of their binary coalescence. The former explanation can scareely be considered as sound, for there ^ not a Single instance that can be ‘adduced in its support. Of the latter there is no external (as indicated by furrows lobes of the stigmata,) or internal evidence. The pistils 198 LABIATA. of Boraginee and Labiate are therefore on grounds of all analogy of structure, formed on a binary plan. It only remains to explain how the anomalous structure arises. A bilocular single carpellum may arise either from extreme inflection of the dorsal suture, (to which there is in many instances a tendency,) or of extreme inflection of the com- bined placentze. But from the complete division of the two carpella that exists in the above two orders, as well as per- haps from the situation of the ovula, we are authorized in con- sidering the anomaly as arising from complete inflection of the dorsal suture. Although in Verbenacez, Ehretiacee, Cordiacez, and etc., the quadrilocularity of the ovarium arises from an opposite cause. There is likewise another cir-, cumstance to be mentioned as pointing out the correctness of that which we have above stated, this is the almost universal basilarity of the styles. "This shews that the lobed state of the carpela is more developed towards the geometrical apex, a fact in accordance with the structure of all syncarpous fruits, The only objection to this exists in Cynoglossum, in which thestyle proceeds from the geo- metrical, which, is hence the true apex. It was perhaps from the consideration of this genus, that Brown in his Prod. describes the ovula as pendulous, hence shewing his usual extreme acuteness. I find in addition, that : this is proved by taking into consideration the situation of the raphe. This in Labiate is next the axis, hence the lobes of the ovarium are not inverted, but in all Boraginee ex- cept Cynoglossum, it is external with regard to the axis, proving that the lobes are inverted. It is highly curious, thatin such, with one exception, there is an obvious tendency in the raphe to revertto its true site, viz., next the axi since the foramen in all these is at the lowest point of the cavity, while the radicle of the mature seed points tO the uppermost. The seed is hence adhering, and in its development describes a considerable portion of a circle? OCYMIUM. 199 Cordiacez in relation to what I have said above, require examination, since they have four stigmata. But this may arise from another cause, and one that has reference to the origin of the stigmata themselves. Magong: April 37th, 1837. PLECTRANTHUS. Plectranthi sp. Pl CCCCXLIX. Fig. II. Caulis et prolongationes axis virides, fol. supra saturati- viridia hinc illinc secus costa maculis albis irregularibus, subtus pallidis. Vor. carnea, vel pallide rosacea. Calyx presertim fructus viridis, Kuttack Boom: Oct. Ist, 1837. SALVIA. Salvia plectranthoides, Pl. CCCCL. Itinerary notes p. 163, no. 845. Has. Bootan. OcxM1IUM. Orymii sp, Pl. CCCCXLIX. Fig. IIT. l. Long section through 2 ovaries, shewing the situation of the raphe. 2. Ovulum, at the time of expansion. 3. Inner structure as demonstrated by pressure, nucleus and testa incorporated, no raphe. 4. Embryonary sac from an ovule, just after the fall of the corolla. This approaches to the membranous struc- ture, is developed from the base of the nucleary cavity, but is distinctly cellular at its base, its apex is attenu- into athin thread which communicates with the 200 LABIAT.E. E. apex of the nucleus, 4, lens will scarcely demonstrate any cells except at i base, itis attached by a single cell ; at the apex of the broad or dilated part is seen the embryo just forming. 5. Long section of an ovule more advaced, embryonary sac distinctly cellular. 6. Ovule viewed on its inner or raphal face, raphe evas- cular composed of fibres. 7. Long section of ovulum more advanced. Cotyledons opposite the raphe. 8. Portion of testa shewing the cellularity, of the nuclei. 9. Section longitud. of seed, thro’ short diameter or at right angles with the axis. This development is remarkable for the evolution of the'em- bryo, at.a distance from the foramen and apex of the nucleus. The seeds have two integuments, testa and embryonary sac. Has. Upper Assam Suddyah: July, 1836, MENTHA. Mentha auricularia. Herbacea, birsuta, caulibus decumbentibus foliis lanceo- latis vel lanceolaté-ovatis rugosis grosse crenatis ; floribus albis, filamentis ad apices antherisque purpurascentibus. al. tubulosus, subzequaliter 5-dentatus, exangulosus den- tibus ciliatis. Cor. infundibuliformis: calyce duplo Minori denti- bus 4, subæqualibus, vel 2 majoribus, 2 paullo minori- bus. Stam. didynama exserta, coroll duplo longiora. Filam, filiformia, medium versus stuposa. Anth. transversim dehi centes, l-loculares, connectivo carnosa. Ovariam ordinis, stylus filiformis staminibus paulo brevior, apice bifidus, stigmata 2 obtusa. - ML UEM A. iau . inserta, F V BORAGINACE.E, 201. Inflorescentia dense spicato, verticillata, centripeta ver- ticelli florum plerumque biseriates bracteis lanceolatis ciliatis suffulti. In humidis. Mergue: July, 1834. LAMIUM. i Lamii sp. Pl. CCCCXLIX. Fig. I. Itiaerary Notes p. 126, no. 459. Has. Bootan at Balfai. BORAGINACE. Ex | Myosotis. l. Myosotis sp. PI. CCCCLVI. Fig. I. and II. Annua, pubescenti-hirta, basi prostrato-decumbens, ra- mosa, Fol. alterna sessilia obovato-lanceolata subintegra mucronata. Racemi axillares terminalisque nudi, bases ver- Sus composito apice simplices juniores circinata. Pedicellis, bracteis breviores fructus deflexi. Flores parvi inconspicui albo-ceerulescentes. | Cal. profunde 5 partit. laciniis lanceolatis acutis hispidis. Cor. infundibuliformi-rotata tubo calycem paullo excedente, lis 5, rotundatis, zequalibus, estivatione imbricatis lacinia una exterior una interiore. Faux semiclausa processubus 5, petalis oppositis ex horum basibus ortis carnosis papillosis Sübemarginatis Processus carnosa papillosa 10 basin tubo aserta, 5-petalis, 5.staminib. opposita. Stam. 5 medio tubo ilam. brevissim. Antherz basi affixze quasi pellate Sübversatilos biloculares, loculis discretis introrsum dehiscent. j oblongum vel parallelogram. ; ; Ovaria 4 liberis basi latiuscule afüxis trigonis depressis, vhglabris, l-sepalis lateralibus et 2 anticis opposit. Stylus » fasc, vasc, 2, stigma capitatum emarginatum, En a2 ^ 202 BORAGINACES. Ovula solitaria apicibus loculorum medianti funiculi lon- giusculi affixa, quoad axin plantz ascendentia potius retort- shaped, tegument. discrimen 0, apex verus funiculo approxi- mato elongato cellulo. Nuces 4 distinct», basibus affixe a stylo marcesio omnino liberze, exsertze, subosseze, depress trigone, angulis obsoleti-marginatis, lineo punctatis, et pi- lis apice leviter uncinatis brevibus pubescentes, basi umbi- licatz, et obscure perforatze. Semen ovato-globosum, obliquum, liberum, inversum. Tegument exterius celluloso-membran. (viridescens, interius conforme membranaceum,) funiculo longo filiforme inter chalaza e vase. fasc. 2 simplices curvatæ umbilicum recon- dito. Cotyledones carnosz, antico utrinque convexo, pos- tico hinc concavo illinc convexiuscule. —Plumula incons- picua, Radicula supera quoad axin, quoad carpellum in- Has. Assam. Ad ripas arenosus Burrumpootur : March 9151, 1636. 2. Myosotis anchusiformis Gr. Pl. CCCCLVIL. Fig. 1. Annua valde ramosa, basi prostrata, pilis albis patulis nec ait in precedenti appressis hirta. Fol. sessilia lanceolata mucronata subrepanda, superiora ovata. Racemi axillares terminalisve elongato-foliacea, compositi-simplicesve, inter- dum dichotomi juniores circinati. Pedicelli extra axillares, foliis bracteisve propinquis breviores, demum deflexa et sem- ` per latere eens opposito. Flores ore inconspi- cui albido-czerule Cal. basin Ram fere 5-partitus, laciniis enone his- pidis ciliatisque, 5ta postica, fructus vix mutatus Cor. infundibuliformi-rotata, tubo longitudine sepalorum, . Subcylindrico limbo 5 partie, laciniis rotundatis cestivatione "imbricatis. Faux clausa processubus 5 carnosis papillosis subfornicatis emarginatis, * MYOSOTIS. 203 Stam. medio tubi inserta. Filam. breviss. Anth. basi aflixe quasi peltatæ inclusæ bilocul. introrse. Processus lücellulosi papillosi 5 petalis, 5 staminibus opposit. ima tubo basi inserti. Ovarie 4 distincta basibus in loculis totidem cruciatis immersis, loculorum parietibus e disco glanduloso repando ertum ducentibus. Ovaria basi lata affixa, ovalia, apice rotundata glabra, medio interne posticeve, umbilico maximo parum profundo notat, Ovula solitaria erecta quoad axin plante, quoad ovari- um pendula. Tegumentum cum nucleo aggutinat. foramen ? conspicuum, posticum. Stylus 1, filiformis brevis vasc. fasc. 2. Stigma capitat. emarginat. Calycis fructus basis parum ampliata, turbinata, Nuces 4, ossez erectz distinct basi lata affixe, sub- imperforate reniformes non compressz, muricatz, muricis Papillosis, brunneo-virides. Sinus annulo leviusculo ob- Solete radiati-striato circumcinctus, nivens osseus striatus, umbilicatus et profunde perforatus. Nuces parietes binato exterior e quo oritur sinus untbilicus ossea, interior e fibris ipee constrictur, et fundum umbilici format. en nuci conforme erectum. Tegumenta bina exte- rius membranacea, hilum prope micropyllum conspicuam vix mutatam - gerens, interius tenuis bati: eom vestiens. ascularum fasc, 2. Chalaza e vasc. fasciculis 2, quorum alter simplex curvata currit, alter varie ramosus apicem seminis attingit non anasto- mosant, Embryo erectus albus paullo curvat. Radicula conica hilum prope et postiz situs, Cotyledones plano, convexius- cule, umbilici perforati parallele. Plumula inconspic. Han. Assam. Ad ripas arenosos Burrumpootur : March 3lst, | 1836. Flores omnino praecedentis, ast habitu potius Anchuse 204 BORAGINACE, distinctissimus ob ovaria umbilicata, foramen structura nu- cum et embroyonis directionem. Oss. Notu dignum est umbilicum hujus ab umbilico Myo- sotidis origine discrepat. In hoc enim, pars apparatus fecun- dationis est, in illa minima. Foramina ordinis hilo approxi- mata sunt et postice sita, ex hoc oritur directionem ovularum. Omnium generum hujuscum ordinis radicula supera post fecundationem mutatur, foramine nempe gradatim supero facto. Precedens genus distinctum constituere videtur Anc- husez et Cynoglosso proximum. Nuces 4, basi affixe, reniformes papilloso-muricate. medio umbilicatz et perforate. Radicula infera. De numero normali foliorum carpellorum dubito, an bina, (quaterna tantum horum divisione) ob style faciculorum vasorum numero binato? Dubito etiam de origine rapheos, an e fasc. vasc, styli? Fecundatio scrutanda, scrutandus etiam situs foliorum flores fuleentium et bractearum typus normalis ordinis forsam nudifloues. CYNOGLOSSUM. 1. Cynoglossum racemosum, Pl. CCCCLVII. Fig. II. C. canescens, Willd. Cal. 5-6 partit. Cor. subinfundibulif., tubo brevi ovato subventricoso, apertura basis cruciata fauce squamis trans- versis bicallosis semiclausa, limbo 5-6 partito, laciniis ovatis obtusis. Stam. tot quot lacinie iis alternantes, tubo medium supra insert. Filam brevia. Anth. incluse, bilocule intrors& longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Pollen minutissim. leve. Ovaria 4 stylis conjuncta hispida, styli in unum brevem coaliti. Stigma capitat. e marginatum. Nuces 4 in axim. 4- angulata pyramidalem oblique insidentes, obovate parte angus- tiore cum stylo nunc elongato continua, supra convex y CYNOGLOSSUM. 205 setis capitatis, setulis uncinatis armatz, infra ad partem attenuat. complanatz levesque, (situs insertionis) l-locu- lares, nigro-brunnea. Semen nuci conforme et ejus cavitatem toto replens, pen- dulum embryo inversus, radicula conica partem attenua- tam nucis obversa. Cotyledones carnose ovules, incum- bentes. Plumula inconspicua. Has. Bengal. Ad ripas Jellinghey ubique. Sept. Sth, 835 ‘ Oss. The genera of this section, viz. those with the fruits attached to a central axis, shew us, that in Boragineze deprived of such axis, and perhaps in Ochnacez, the ovarium is in- verted, and that the style arises from the apex, not the base of each carpellum. 2. Cynoglossi sp. Pl. CCCCLII. l. Plant natural size. 2, Flower. 3. Corolla laid open, scales of base to be re-examined. 4. Anther, lateral and. back views. 5, Calyx spread open, shewing the curious sinuses and the pistillum. 6, Fruit, 7. Immature nut outer view. 7a. Place of attachment of oramen, 8. Ditto inner. 9. Seed. i 10. Embryo. Genus verisimiliter novum, habitio Myosotidis cui olm Structura accedit, Itinerary Notes p. 243. Abomnibus (paucis) mihi cognitis differt. calycis struc- = Sinubus, nempe bifidis, pilis uncinatis congregatis es demum ampliate bilabiate, ere plani arcteque LI 206 BORAGINE. Denique nucibus auriculiformibus complanatis et mutuo compressis. Raphe ordinis sed cito bifurcata. Re-examine the calyx to see what actual changes the sinuses undergo, a nde in a hurry, as all must be, while travelling in a new countr Has. Affghanistan dud March 27th, 1839. 1. Boraginee, sp. Pl. CCCCLIV. I have omitted to number this Boragineous Plant, which is in some respects of singular structure, two of the nuts are much more echinate than the other two, in which there also exist a tendency to become of a cup-shaped form, à tendency by no means as usual in the Boraginezm of this country and which is carried to its maximum in certain forms of Cynoglossoides, and another beautiful species. The pendulousness of the ovula points out the affinity of this plant to Cynoglossum and its associates, and I think the structure of the scales points out a greater than usual tendency to glandular and hence the staminal structure. AB. Affzanistan. 2. Boraginee sp. Pl. CCCCLV. Itinerary Notes p. 223, ao. 148, Has. Affghanistan. 3. Boraginee sp. Pl. CCCCLI. Itinerary Notes p. 231, no. 230. Has. Affghanistan. 4. Boraginee sp. Pl. CCCCLIII. Itinerary Notes p. 222, no. 147. Has, Affzhanistan. 207 PLUMBAGINACEA. ANGIATILIS. ZEgiatilis rotundifolia, Pl. CCCCLXI. Fig. II. ‘Frutex, trunco conico, basi valde ampliato, et extror- sum in processus carnosus product, more Rhizophear. Ramis cicatricibus folior. lapsis notat, Fol.alternia longe petiolata, deltoidea orbicularia, glabra subcarnose pulcre reticulata, integerrimo, nervis secondariis indistinct. Petiolis longis, amplexa caulibus, alatis, alis invo- lutis, convolutisque cunale fluido viscoso-aquosa repleta for- mant !!! canale ad apicem subobsolet. marginibus in corpus petiol. nempe ad presso. Racemis axillarib. paniculato dispositis, fol. subzqant. terminalibusque pedunculis petiolis basinque amplexis. Pedicellis erectis, bracteis lanceolatis convolutis viridibus, bracteatisque binis inclusis subconvolutis stipatis, fluida vis- cosa, pedicellum inclusum ambiens, floribus majusculis albis. al. gamosepal. marcescens 5-dentatus, tubo longiusculo, obtuse 5-carinato, dentibus submembranaceis. Cor. subhypocraterif. tubo brevissimo 1-lineatim cylindrico profunde 5 partit, laciniis linearib. obtusis subconcavis, erec- to-partiatit, _ Stam. tot quot lacinie corolle iis opposite ! ! apicem tubo inserta, filam. subulat. libera. Anth. erect; exserte sagittate, biloculi lateraliter dehiscent, Pollen magnum, lzeve punctulat. Ongit. sed vix centraliter sulcat. 3-sulcat. aqua immersa poris 1-3 dehiscens. i Styli 5-filiformes exserti, apicis varsus patenti, Stig- mata totidem spathulato-clavis. var. super. liber, angulis 5, prominent, 1-loculare, l- ovulat, ovulum érrecto-pendulum ab apice funiculi longi, apex apice locul spectans more Plumbaginiarum, foramen conspi- Cum ad apicem ovuli. -4B. Mergue. Inter Rhizophoreas uti insule Madamac. “as frequens, Feb, 1835, 208 PLUMBAGO. Plumbago Zeylanica. Herbacea caulibus laxis subprocumbent ramosis, foliis alternis breviter petiolatis ovatis acutis in petiolum attenu- atis, repandis. Petiolis, basi dilatatis biauriculatis. Spicis axillaribus terminalibusque, bracteis foliaceis lan- ceolatis floribus albis. Anthers czruleis. Pedunculis caly- cibusque extus glanduloso viscosis. Cal. tubulosus, 5 den- tatus extus glanduloso-pilosus. Cor. hypocraterif. tubo sub- cylindrico calyce duplo longiore limbo 5-partito laciniis subobovatis mucronatis patentilius. Stam. 5 hypogyna petalis alternantia, filam tenue filiform longitudinis corolle, basi glanduloso dilatat. Anth. oblong bilocule longit dehiscent. exsertz. Stylus filiform staminibus paulo brevior stig- mato 5 papillose. Ovarium loculare l-ovulat ovulo pen- dulo foramen hilum versus ! ane 5 gona, I-superma. Fig. III. Pl. CCCCLXI. Ovulum. Hab. In ruderatis Mergue, Sept. 1834. STATICE. Statice sp. Pl. CCCCLXI Eig. I. A shrubby plant, each forming a rounded dense tuft. Ramis lateral decumbenti-prostratis reliquis foliorum spi- nosorum vestitis, apice proliferis, parti prolifera distinguen- dum processubus revolutis gemmarum squamarum in loco ha- bend. Fol. dense imbricata, adeo ut ternata verticillata videntur, basi concava membranacea lamina plano-convexa rigida Spinosa, primo erecta, mutuoque applicita, patentia tunc patentissima, demum recurva, pubescentia. Spice axillaris rami unius vel solitaria binate (anpluris ‘ ) basi fragillime, flexuosulz, composite, infra foliis distanti- —"—--——— A ae . STATICE. 209 bus, subamplexicaulibus, parvis e basin lanceolata, spinoso- acuminata, Spicule secunde axillares, distantes terminales przco- ciores, constanter e ramulis 2-bracteis pubescent. carinatis, interioribus scariosis convolutis distinctis omnino tectis- unifloris, Flos terminalis precocior. Calyx infundibuliformis, tubo bractez interne longitudine, lamina plicata scariosa, alba, venis 5, saturatissima brunneis, interveniis prominentibus, zstivatione imbricata plicata. Corolle e petalis 5, patente revoluti, basi in cupulam car- nosam connatis, longe lineari-spathulatis, subretusis, ero- sulis, vena magna centrali simplicissima ! roseis. Stam. tot quot petal. his ad basin partes libere adnata. inequalia, introrsa e petelis nunquum liberifactis. Antheris Subversatilibus (centro affizis) oblongis biloculis longit. dehiscent. Pollen e globoso, filamentis gracilibus, æstiva- tione erectiusculis. Pistillum oblongum, 5-costatum, costa quaque desinente in stylum asperulum e vasculosum, calyce 4 brevior. Stigmata oblonga capitata, papillosa. Ovulum unicum pendulum e funiculo e basi loculi unici exorient. Fructus, maturus non visus; ; immaturum calycis limbo Totatum patente corollam simulanto; ovaro incluso, et tecto petalis marcescentibus inflexo-involutis cum stami- nibus, Stylisque oblongum 5-costatum, basi cupula glan- uloga cinctum ; . petalis staminibusque having been torn 9m their connection with it. l. Portion of a tuft from one stem, nat. size. 2. Spikle single. 3. Minn. 4. Corolla of ditto shewing ztivation. 5. Stamina of ditto front and back. 6. Single flower. f Do. laid open. 8. Base of Corolla shewing that the petals are united at their base into a glandular cup. A B 210 PLUMBAGINACE/E. 9. Base of one petal. 10. Another back view after dehiscence, 11. Pollen. 12. Pistillum. 12a. Stigma and portion of style iterum. 13. Long section of ovary. 13a. Ovulum 14. Ovule "T interior of ovary from a bud, corolla length of bractea shewing that the conducting tissue is formed at an early period, not à sudden appearance at the time of fecundation. 15. Young fruit, shewing the separation of petals and stamina from the glandular cup, a fact analogous to what oc- curs in Mirabilis. 15. Pistillum of do. 16. Calyx of fruit, in a young state. 36a. Same laid open, shewing the inflexion of the marces- cent petals etc. Has. Affghanistan. Barren, rocky hills. Cabul et alibi. Oss. Each flower to be looked on as terminal, owing to the presence of a bud in the axil of the last bractea. The inflorescence only differs in degree from the pani- culate or corymbose forms ; in principle it is the same. Three or four other species of similar habit have been obtained by me, but only one of the paniculate form. The conducting process is of early origin, and is at an early stage applied to the foramen, it is a formation from tbe stigmatic tissue. Lindley's explanation is not correct, the strap is never broad enough to hinder the process from enter- ing the foramen. 21I EHRETIACES. EunETIA. Ehrelia serrata, Pl. CCCCLIX. Calyx, 5-partitus, zestivatione imbricatio, Cor. 5 partita, estivatione imbricata. Stam, tot quot lacinie corollz iis alternze, tubi brevi basin prope affixa, introrsa. Anthere dorso affixe bilocule, Vena- tio corollae normalis, filamenta vasculosa. Stylus vasculis 2 donatus. Stigmata 2 subcapitate, canali infra in unum coalescenti. Ovar. 4 loculare (spuria) ovula in loculis solitaria pendula, foramen superum hilum prope. Inflorescentia paniculata, floribus nudis sessilibus in pani- cule ramis, sepe aggregatis, Ehretia serrata Roxb. Vix Ehre- tiz sp. l. Alabastrum. 2. Flower. 3. Corolla laid open. 4, Calyx and Pistillum. 9. Stamen back view of. 3a. Ditto front or inner. \ 6. Pollen viewed opaquely. 6a. Ditto in water eo. 7. Ovar. long section. 7a, Ditto shewing the conformation. 8. Ov. transverse section of the placentie etc. Sa. Ditto towards apex. 9. Ovula. Oss. The ovary is formed on a similar plan as that of some Verbenacese, the placentz being involute and closely united, and towards the base of the ovary produced so far out- wards as to divide each cell into two. There is no line to indicate the separation of the two carpellary leaves, although there is an evident one travers- 212 GENERAL REMARKS. ing the placentz in the direction of their inflexion from the centre. General remarks. The number of vascular fascicles of the styleat once points out the binary formation of the ovary : but it is worth while examining, those species of Cordia which > have twice cleft styles according to Roxburgh. And it is still further doubtful in taking the number of fascicles of the style into consideration, whether Labiate and Boraginez have not their ovaria formed on a binary, and not on a quaternary plan. Cordiacee are represented in India by several species, all are fruticose, and most, arboreous. They have but few sensible properties. See, Sebestina Myxa, and latifolia. The flowers are often odorous. One species performs the same office, although in a smaller degree as Arundo arenaria etc. do in Europe; that is, bind- ing together loose soil. (They are generally natives of Hills, eec of rather high latitudes. The leaves are remarkable for the extreme extent of the ramifications of the veins. So much so that the space occupied by these organs, perhaps exceeds that occupied by those of aération. None except Ehretia arenarium, mihi, which is found be- tween 12» and 28» N. appear to have a very wide distri- bution. Lindley characterised Cordiacee by a four cleft stigma, if this be the case, the style remaining undivided is 4 proof that the stigmata are prolongations of the placentz- No one can explain the ovary of these orders by assuming only one carpellary leaf to be abortive. As havelong observed, this origin of the stigmata and tle number of vascular fascicles of the style are worthy of great consideration, the latter in relation to the number of com- ponent parts of the ovary. The flowers are occasionally polygamous as in C. Myxa, ia T ON M DENS E COMPOSITAE. 213 which likewise there are no bractez, not even to the pri- mary divisions of inflorescence. In this species there is a tendency in the inflorescence to become unilateral and re- curved, PLANTAGINACEA, PLANTAGO. 1. Plantago sp. Pl. CCCCLXII. Itinerary Notes p. 214, no. 84. Has. Affghanistan. 2, Plantago sp. Pl. CCCCLXIII. Has, Assam Gubru Purbut : March, 6th 1836. VALERINACE./E. VALERIANA. l. Valeriane sp. Pl. CCCCLXIV. Has. Bootan at Ling-Ling. 2. Valeriana violifolia Gr. Pl. CCCCLXV. Has. Bootan at. Panukha. COMPOSIT&. General Remarks. The inflorescence, or rather each capitulum is always terminal, that is, it either terminates the axis itself, or one of its axillary branches. The terminal one is invariably "eveloped first; its origin is occasionally observed by the Continuation of the axis, owing to the development of a in the axilla of the opposite leaf, as in Eclipta. 214 COMPOSIT.E. Is any stress to be laid on the external dilatation of the apex of the peduncle? when present it gives an idea of a multi-partite, not a polyphyllous involucrum. Can the union of the ovary to the calyx be identified by the number of layers visible on a transverse section, as in those with biseriate pappus, and no. (1) 401, p. 230 in which the limb of the calyx is annular, the pappus arising internally. Link I think lays some stress upon the distinction be- tween pappus and palez of the receptacle, ——what is it? Plumose pappus is only an excess of development of the dentata. Can the difference between a tubular corolla, and that which arises from an abortion of the ligula be always dis- tinguished by the papillose oblique mouth of the latter ? What do these papille represent, are they always present — inthose in which the ligula is imperfectly developed? and which I take to be the case whenever the vascular fascicles are imperfectly developed. In such case they will represent lobes of the corolla: vice-versa are they absent in those, in which the ligula may be supposed to be perfect, what is the cause of a ligulate corolla, and what is its estivation ? Mr. Brown says that the vessels unite with the apices of each lacinia. In those which I have examined this is not the case. To what is the cohesion of the anthers to be attributed? particularly in those cases in which the substance of their cells seems to pass into each other. They can scarcely, be distinct in an early stage. The difference in the form of the stigmata in the radical and discal flowers of those in which the former are imper- fectly corolline, or perhaps in all radiate, is worthy of notice, and points out an imperfection pervading every part, but the ovula excepted. Is much dependence to be placed on the articulation of the style in Carduacez ? This occurs in all, and its distinct- ness here only dépends on the great development of the epigynous disk, GENERAL REMARKS. 215 Has the style invariably 2 vascular bundles, indicating its binary composition ? How is fecundation effected ? In several the ovula cohere, at least partially with the ovaria, this is however not of much importance, since the seeds appear to be invariably free. Prenanthes no. (2) 445, p. 251 however leads me to suppose, that the seed may appear per- fectly free, while in fact the testa adheres to the pericarp ; this is not the case in the example cited. If this be true, the immediate covering or the apparent testa will be due either to the remains of the nucleus, or to the embryonary Sac; in Prenanthes the latter is the case. Allthat I have hitherto examined agree in the single- ness of the integument and its intimate cohesion with the nucleus. They all agree in the mode of development of e embryonary sac which is attached by both its ex- tremities, but chiefly by its base, and in the first appear- ance of this as a vesicle, at the apex of the nucleus. The embryo however be formed about its middle, instead of its apex as in usually the case. With respect to the raphe, they seem to differ, in some I cannot find it at all, in others it is developed gradually, and in these it appears to be generally, if not always complete, terminat- ing in the margin of the foramen. The embryonary sac is Very large in Prenanthes, no. (2) 445. p. 251. Burrumpootur : March 23rd, 1830. i am still more inclined to doubt the fruit being an Akeni- um; in every instance the testa coheres to the pericarpium. is is at once proved by the presence of the raphe on parts of it, when detached from its cohesion. The cellular mem- branous coat enveloping the embryo, owes its origin to the embryonary sac; this is at once evident by its having at : ends, remains of its original attachment. The nucleus, Which however is never distinct, disappears altogether. Although the transition from the perfect flowers of the dise, to those of the imperfect radial ones in those cases in 216 COMPOSITAE. which all the flowers are tubular, is sudden; stillthe peri- pherial ones are more imperfect as to size at least, than the inner ones. Perhaps such should immediately follow Cardua- ce, particularly as many have appendages to the anthers, on the apical one, however I think very little stress is to be laid. Thus hiing with Carduaceæ, we should pass on the Co- rymbifere commencing with those in which the radical flowers are tubular, thence to the Radiatz through Erigeron or those genera which either have ligulate, or evidently a li- gulate tendency, but in which either no ray at all is deve- loped, or developed merely on the circumference, and thence to the true Ligulate, keeping up the chain with re- ference to the greater or less development of the radius. Mamie certainly are the most perfect, and Ligulate are the n doctae mutability resides in the involucra, and the fact of their becoming incurved when the florets are re- moved for the examination of the receptacle, shews admira- ble design. "Their contraction, for such it certainly is, al- though probably limited to one surface, is very distinct and strong Is there any thing definite in the number of the pappus ? There is an obvious relation between the development of the epigynous disk and the stamina, for the disk is only de- veloped to any degree in the hermaphrodite flowers—the only ones I have yet examined on this point. This is what one would have expected, the disk being a staminal organ. . The composition of the inflorescence has been shewn in every instance hitherto examined by me, except Sphieranthes in which it is centripetal, so far at least as the aggregate is concerned. In the others, the central and really terminal head is always first in development, so that it may be laid down as a rule, that all simple inflorescences are centripetal ; all compound centrifugal. The fact of the inflorescence of Sphzranthus being Cen- GENERAL REMARKS. 217 tripetal, both en masse and in detail, proves that it is a single capitulum, hence the generic character of Sprengel is nearly correct, although there is no true anthodium. It likewise suggests a certain affinity with Echinops. That the pale of a receptacle are merely modified scales of the involucrum, in other words, bractez, is proved by their absence in those floscules which arise from the axille of the inner scales. Here again Spheranthus is interesting, it has no involucrum, because all the axille produce capitula. With regard to inflorescence, that of Graminez is not sim- ple, but compound, the spicule of the spikes being most de- veloped towards the apex, in other words terminal locusta are the first developed. Burrumpootur: March 29th, 1836. The development of the ligulate flowers of Composit is connected with a very great enlargement of the lacinie of the corolla. The development is centripetal, that is, two of the most distant laciniz first take it up, and the central one the last. This may take place in such a degree that the central lacinia, or even those next to it may become ob- literated, and this is partly (perhaps) the case whenever the number of teeth is less than 5. The centripetal development is so strong, that the outer of a lacinia may become ligulate, and the inner not, so that any amount of irregularity as to the number and size of teeth may be expected in a ligulate corolla. À ligulate corolla can only occur in a flower with strictly Valvate estivation, and its great prevalence in the order, is à proof of the constancy of this estivation, and consequently ^" Value as a character. Why the corolla becomes unilabiate 18 another question, it may arise from the pressure which in any other direction than outwardly, may be sup- Posed to be subjected to, and this idea is somewhat corro- borated by the frequent limitation of ligulate corollas to the m erence of the flower. Then the question arises, why does it happen, that one grand division of the order is cha- e ea 218 COMPOSITAE. racterised by having all its flowers ligulate. This is a ques. ‘tion worthy of examination, for it appears to my limited experience, that in both those tribes which are characterised by having entirely regular, or entirely labiate flowers, that the amount of pressure due to the structure of the involu- crum is greater than in the third or mixed tribe. It must not be overlooked that the degree of development of ligulate flowers, is in the ratio of their distance from the centre. The maximum growth isia most cases around the cer- cumference; take for instance Centaurea, and this may also be looked upon as an evidence in favour of the gene- ral tendency to produce ligulate circumferential flowers. This tendency is very evident in Calendula vulgaris, in certain specimens of which, but very few flowers in the centre of the disc remain unchanged, and it is equally so ina vast number of others, in which, although the flowers of the circumference are less developed than those of the centre, yet there ‘is an obvious tendency to become unilabiate. The two lacinez that in Calendula take on the irregular growth are the two nearest the axis, and it appears to be a condition, and indeed one without which the lip would have a reversed directions, that while they continue entirely distinct from each other, they cohere more or less with the teeth nearest to them, Thus when- ever a lacinea is wanting, it is the 5th. The tendency to ligulation is always accompanied by à higher degree of coloration. Thus in Calendula, the first change that takes place consists in the lacinie nearest the axis, or their inner halves with respect to the axis, assuming an orange, in lieu of their original yellow colour. Granting the tendency to separation between these tw? lacinie, and a tendency to adhesion or even obliteration of all or part of the others, the corolla must necessarily become more or less unilabiate, particularly when com" bined with a certain extra development. a a a aan GENERAL REMARKS. 219: In all cases where lizulation is not the essence of the formation of a compound flower, it is accompanied by. a reduction even to total obliteration of the stamina, an argument in favour of the affinity in nature, between the stamina and petals, This is particularly evident in Calen- dula vulgaris, in which the slightest tendency to ligulation i$ accompanied by abortion or at any rate, want of power in the male organs. And hence perhaps this ligulation may almost be expected to be greater in those Plants of the order, in which the ligulate florets of the ray are entirely neuter. This is also pointed out by certain regular flowered genera such as Centaurea, in which the extra deve- lopment of the radiate flowers is associated with loss of Sexual power, but it is not only the actual over-develop- Ment that is attended with this effect, but also the slightest tendency to unilabiate flowers in a host of Corymbiferz. Von Buch’s theory is too partially supported by facts to entitle it to be adopted in so general a matter, as the pro- duction of ligulate flowers in Composite. In Cichorium* there is a singularity connected with the anthers, from the midrib of each of which, a remarkably fine membrane is produced, which contracts a firm adhesion with the similar productions of the anther of either side ; along the line of union is a dark line simulating at first sight a line due to vascularity ; these membranes are quite distinct from the other part of the anthers. They are produced only from the con- nection of the polliniferous portion of the anther. See Pl. CCCCLX VI. Fig. d. The structare of the base of the style is only in excess of _ “Sat which occurs in all truly adhering calyces, and is I cone IM evidence of a tendency to produce additional stamina, quantity of this glandular substance varies much ; in Ci- um, it is highly developed. wu, teria resembles very much in habit, certain forms of Campa- * 220 | CÓMPOSITJE. There is a tendency even in genuine Carduaceze to irregularity of the flowers of the circumference, hence the question, which is the typical form of Compositz ? Is it that in which this ten- dency is carried into full effect, as in Ligulatz, or is it tha, which possesses the greatest regularity, and consequently that in which it is least worked out, as Carduacez ete., or is it that in this which general tendency is executed, as well as another less general—namely, the tendency te regularity as we approach the centre—Corymbifere. This question can only be decided by examination of the whole order. I am almost persuaded that there are three types of formation of different value, which will be found to pass into each other at various points to a - greater or less degree. "These types are pointed out by struc- ture, as well as by sensible properties, or the waut of these, . which last occurs in Carduaceze or Cynarocephale, while Ligulate are milky, and Corymbiferz very generally aromatic and glandular. In a species of Carduus from Candehar, the florets in a very “state consist of a calyx with a rudimentary toothed limb, a valvate corolla nearly partite toits base, and 5 smaller Similar bodies, the rudiment of the anthers. Traces of a female organ are evident, in the form of a small central projection, but no ovulum, see Pl. CCCCLXVI. Fig. h. The development appears to be equal except as to pollen, which is of late formation. The subsequent changes take place with too much rapi- dity to be observed in their several stages. The stigmata of Anthemidea 638,* or rather the stigma- tic surfaces of the branches of the style are peculiar, and rather incompatible with the idea that the stigma is the denuded apex of the midrib, for it is plain, that the stigmatic surfaces are confined to the margins of each branch, these becom- ing confluent and = distinctly papillose at the apex Pl. CCCCLXVI. Fig. c em * Itinerary Notes p. 273. EE CREDI a la a z e O E GENERAL REMARKS. 231 To reconcile this with the actual idea of a stigma ; we should have to assume, that the stigmatic surface was least developed at the spot from which it is said to originate, because the pa- pilla are more developed on the sides of the apex, than on its centre, and then again to assume its decurrence down the style. Such an idea of the structure and origin of the stigma, sets out with the improbability, that from the most fibrous and the most dense portion of the structure of an ovarium, the most cel- lular and the most lax portion should originate. Considering the stigmatic surfaces as productions from the placentz, we obviate these difficulties, and more, we render every apparent- ly anomalous instance capable of easy and direct explanation. If that portion of the ovarialleaf which forms the style be Spread out, or is otherwise not involute, the stigmatic sur- face will be external, it may be either marginal as in the in- stance alluded to, or it may, by mutual adhesion, occupy the whole inner surface. If the Style be involute to that degree that its outer edges arè brought into juxta position, the stigmatic surface will occupy to a greater or less degree the centre of the canal so formed, Were the stigmatic surface to orginate from the apex of the midrib, it could not have such relations to the placentze as would insure the shortest road to the completion of fecundation, and in this point of view the theory is very faulty, i In this same plant there is an obvious attempt to form the iment of a calycine limb, while in some others (instead of Such being the case) the base of the corolla grows downwards Over the ovary. Pp]. CCCCLXVI. Fig. g. A In Carthamoides 639*, there is a tendency to abortion in the famale part of the flowers of the ray ; the stigmata being Comparatively small, Even in the disc, the branches of the Style are firmly united and papillose over all their exposed Surfaces, except towards their apices, which are smoothest, and * Itinerary Notes p. 273. " 3 COMPOSITE, 22 on which the true stigmatic surfaces are somewhat indistinct, The anthers have the peculiar fine connectival membrane, and the stuposity towards the apex of the filament. The cessation of the vessels at the commencement of the pecu- liar structure is evident, as well as the nature of this peculiar structure itself, which is built up of short quadrate cells. In Centaurea 640*, the connectival membrane exists, the structure of the stamine is very much the same, but there is no stuposity, the glandular disk is much developed while the base of the style is not bulbous, the curvature of the corolla in Carduacez is worthy of notice, for itis very common. Afghanistan, May, 1840. ELEPHANTOPUS. Elephantopus sp. Herbacea spithamza, hispida, fol. rosacea patentibus ad bases caulim confertis oblongis, subsessilibus repandis, serratis basibus dilatatis ciliatisque, summis subintegris in- termediis lyratim 2-3 divisis, floribus capitatis, capitulatis ter- minalibus, foliis 3-5 cordatis concavis involucratis. Authod. imbricat. squamis subscariosis lance olato-lineari- bus pilosis, exterioribus brevioribus acutioribusque pauciflo- rum. Flosculis tubulosis, hermaph. Cor. tubus gracilis filifor- mis, limbus profunde 5-partit. laciniis linearibus erectis mar- ginib. leviter inter se coherent. (ideoque flosculus clavatus videtur) filam. fauci inserta. Anth. membranaceze incluse. Stylus filiformis bifidus. Stigmata 2 inclusa pilosa conniventia- Ovar. pilos. Pappus plumoso-aristat. aristis 5, basibus dila- tatis interdum incisis, ovulum | erectum. Has. In arenosis Mergue: Nov. 1834. No, 710. Pollen globoso-album areolatum, Corolla limbus rosaceus Styli basis ampliatus articulatusque, aristis minimis raris à * Itinerary Notes p. 273. = ERIGEŘON: 293 aliis interjectis, venis apices lacinear. callosus attingunt sed nec reflex. secus lineas medialis. Receptaculum nu- um. An eadem cuni no. 506, ob stationem parva, incompleta- que, ERIGERON. 1, Erigeron sp. Herba erecta annua ramosa pilosa, fol. inferioribus obo- vatis in petiolum attenuatis, lobato-dentatis, ceteris oblongis eodem modo divisis, basi cordatis et semiamplexicaulibus. Capitulis subnutantibus axillaribus, solitariisque vel termina- libus paucis, terminali prius evoluto. Torus saltem externe vix evidens. Involucra e squamis pauci seriatis, imbricatis linearibus apicibus membranaceis coloratis. Flosculi radii ligulosi, feminei disci tubulosi. Radii multi-seriati, seriebus — extimis tantum radio donatis, ceteris mere tubulosis, ore obliquo papilloso. Tubi an- gusti filiformes. Radii angustissimi rosacei, obtusiusculi bivenii, venis lateralibus infra apicem evanidis. Ovaria ovata pubescentia, pilis hyalinis apice ramosis, infra apices EUM Stylus filiformis, tubo $ longior. Stigmata linearia vila, Pappus, l-seriatus setaceus, crebre alterne dentatus. Re- Ceptaculi inter flores producti in processus dentiformes brevis, disci multo majores. Flores disci tubulosi hermaphroditi, tubo femineis bre- Vlore, fauce ampliata, limbus, 5-dentata estivatione val- vata venatio Brunnonian, vena decurrente nulla, v. apicibus 4PProximatis clavatis, filamenta facile solubilia crassiuscula. : Ant ovato-oblonge, leviter coherentes, connectivo Mapiculo brevi producto. Pollen globos. hispidulum. Ovaria.? oo filiformis crassior et brevior ac in femineis, stigma- multo longiora, papillosa, 224 COMPOSITA. oa Pappus subplumosus, dentes nempe plurime majusque evolute. Ovula in utrisque eadem, in disci paulo minora, an fer- tilia? Raphe ad apicem seminis currens, saltem post evolu- tionem saccula embryoniferi. Has. Assam. In arenaceis. Burrumpootur a Suddya ad Bishenath, no. 436. Facies Erigerontis pappus radii valde conspicuis, ovula ad epochum evolutiones prime embryonis cum pericarpio firme connata, raphe demum completa. Pl. CCCCLXVI. Fig. e. 2. Erigeron sp. " Herba annua erecto-villosa, fol. alternis sessilibus panduri- formibus dentatis basi profundiusculi-cordatis. Cymis pauci- floris dichotomis divisconibus 1-3 capitulatis, centralibus prius evolutis. - Capituli subglobosi. Involucr. imbricat. squamarum mar- ginibus scarioso-membranaceis. Receptaculum centro planum dentatum, marginibus cone vexis papillosis heterogamum, Flosculi radii numerosiss. multi-seriati, feeminei radiati, radio abortivo, tubo gracili ore obliquo cellulis papilloso: vel piloso. Stylus longiuscule exsertus, stigmata approximata an- gusta minute papillosa. Disci pauci tubulosi, albidi, os versus ampliata 5-fida æsti- vatio valvata ; v. Brunoneano, v. recurrente 0. Stam. fauci vel initio ampliationes inserti, Anth. basi simplices apice apiculate. Stylus basi parum dilatatus, inser- tus cyatheforme in disco epigyno. Stigmata latiusculi lanceo- lata valide papillosa. Ovarium ovato-oblongum, apice puncta- tum pubescens constrictum, ore calycino tunc dilatato integro obsoleto. Papus l-serratus dentatus flores subzequans. Ovula vix sine laceratione solubilia, raphe normalis saltem post — orm sacculi embryoniferi chalazaque punctiform! apiculi, ^A ERIGERON, l 225 Akenia immatura, compressa albida collo valide contracto, ‘Corona annuliformi pappum gerens, pubescentia rugosuloque punctata, Tegumentum exterius ovario arcte adnat. nux sine laceratione solubile, interius embryonem orthotropum arcte vestiens (certe original e sacculo embryonifero.) Hag. Assam. In arenosis Burrumpootur: March 27, 1836. no, L - Vix differt a numeris (1) 436, et (3) 442, generice non nisi radiis omnino obsoletis, raphique normali nec completa, raphe nulle in ovulis junioribus. 5 : 9. Erigero : : zrig n sp b Herba erecta 14 pedalis basi ramosa hirsuta, ‘fol. alterna obovata saltem inferiora, superior oblongo-lanceolata sessilia, dentata, Capituli parvi inconspicui cymosi. Cymis subcorymbo- Sis terminalibus axillaribusve, capitulis interioribus primo evo- utis a peripherio ad centrum. Invol. imbricat. squamis linearibus apice coloratis et mem- branaceis. Flosculi radii saltem extime ligulati, czeterum ligula obsoleta, ovaria ovata compressiuscula, pilis uncialis pilosa. Pappus crebre dentatus, corollam excedens. Tubus gracilis fliformis, ligula angustissima rosea, oribus papuloso-cellulo- Sis. Stylus tubo duplo longior. Stigmata 2 filiformia papillosa, orolle basis annulum in capit. ovarii attenuato formans, ligula evasculosa, Disci pauci infundibuliformes, 5-fida, venatio Brunon, vena decurrenti 0, Antheree oblong, connectivo apiculate coherentes. Stig- Mata ovata, $296 COMPOSIT.E, SPJERANTHES. Speranthus. Herbacea ramosa decumbenti-prostrata, pubescenti-viscosa, fel. decurrentibus oblongo-lanceolatis dentatis serratis, serra- turis aristatis. Capitalin. sphæricis ovato-globosis rubris. Axis conica, obtusa, medio lacunosa. Capitula composita e glomerulis indefinitis discretis subsessilibus extus involu- cellatis, squamis oblongo-linearibus l-seriatis plus minus scariosis pilosis ciliatisque. Floribus heterogamis, exterioribus l-seriatis, sub 10 fæmi- neis, interioribus 3 hermaphroditis. Radii tubulosi, sub-irre- gulariter 3-fidi, ore haud obliquo. Stigmata subulata, subex- serta. Disci tubulosi multo majores, sepius 4, ore parum ampliato 5-fido, venatio Brun. vena recurrente 0. Stam. totidem alternantia. Filam. filiformia una basi corolla inserta. Anther ovato-oblongz simplicis vel nec appendicu- latæ. Stylus exsertus basi bulbosus vasc. fasc. basi etiam dis- cretis ad anthesin cito elongatus } superior pilosus. Stigmata 2 brevia ratione feeminearum approximata. Pollen globos. hispidum. Ovaria teretiuscula pilosa, ovula erecta libera, raphe 0. Has. Assam. In arenosis Burrumpootur : March 25th, 1836. no. 450. Squamis conformis unica capitulas. Inflorescentia spic? centripeta ut etiam capitulosa? vidi semel stigmat, tria vast. fascic. 3 stylo, quorum 2 approximata quamvis discreta. Canar. Capituli dense spicati, pauciflori heterogami, bractea unica suffulta ; squam:e scariose, ciliate, biseriate. Flosculi inhaled, radii feminei, disci sub 4 hermaphro- dit. Filamenta basin corolla inserta! Pappus 0. Styli her- Ls ie pilosi. . This overrules DeCand. sections, as it belongs e his iaie although the axis is hollow, see Wight * Contr. p. II, CONYZA. 297 2. The characters of Jussieu and Sprengel are both er- roneous, although J'ussieu's is far the best, as there is only one scale which does not separate with each capitulum, aud as it is inferior to each, it is certainly a bractea, and belongs to the axis of inflorescence. All the rest are referable to the capitula. There is no common involucrum, at least more. than resulting from the outermost bractea. 3. It is entirely a Corymbifera, its peculiarity being the aggregation of its capitula. Conyza Juss. l. Conyze sp. Herba annua erecta bipedalis cano-villosa, foliis alternis obovato-spathulatis sessilibus runcinatis dentatisque vel den- tatis et repandis. Cymis axillaribus terminalibusque pluri-capitulatis, sub. dichotomis capitulis nutantibus, centralibus prius evolutis Subcylindraceis medio angustatis. nvolucr. imbricat. pluriseriatum.. Receptaculum planiusculum, favulosum, heteroganum, sores radii multiseriati feminei tubulosi, interiores ma- gis evoluti ore dilatato 3-fido, laciniis papilloso-cellulosis. Stigmata linearia exserta angusta minute papillosa. Disci pauci tubulosi lutei, faucibus paululum ampliatis S-fidis, æstivat. valvati, vena excurrente nulla. Stam. infra Medium tubo inserta. Anth. basi apiceque appendiculate, *Ppendieulis basi setiformibus apicis plano-subtruncatis. Stylus basi bulbosus, stigmata 2 subexserta, valide papil- toes Ovaria cylindracea, pubescentia. Pappus dentatus sim- Plice serie, og calycis simplex obsoletusque. Raphe ad epo- chum fecundationes seminis apicem vix attingent. Akenia subimmatura oblongo-cylindracea vix compressa Pubescentia, esta pericarpio adnata et vix sine laceratione solubilis aphe normalis, 228 COMPOSITA. Tegument. interius embryonem arcte vestiens, utrinque apieulat. Embryo ordinis. Has. Assam. In arenosis. Burrumpootur : March 29th, 1836. no. 458. Capituli axin totam terminantes racemosim dispositi, Color. griseo-canus, flosculor. luteus. 2. Conyze sp. Herba erecta 3-4 pedalis, fol. alterna sessilia lanceolata, deorsum attenuata acuminata inequaliter dentato-serrata, rigida, subtus pubescentia longitudine 8 unciali, latitudine ex- tremá 2 unciali, venis secondariis sursum curvatis, apicibus gradatim attenuatis et evanidis intra marginem. Paniculee axillares terminalisque conico-pyramidales ma- ximze que composite, pubescenti-villose. Ramulis bi-tri-floris, capitulo terminale prius evoluto. Pedicellis sub $-bracteolatis. Involucrum cylindraceum basi ovatum multiplici serie im- bricatum. Receptaculum convexum, tenuissime setaceo-pilosum, he- terogamum. Flosculi radii plurimi, multiseriati, feminei tubulosi, tubo gracillimo longo, ore conformi 3-fido, laciniis dorso pilis capitato-glandulosis maximis paucis gerentibus. Stylus fili- o Stigmata angustissima linearia subexserta. Disci paucissimi sub 10, hermaphroditi tubulosi sursum gradatim sed paullulum ampliato 5-fidi, laciniæ glanduloso- piliferæ et parce piliferze, æstivatione valvatæ, venatio Bruno- niana, v. recurrenti 0. Stam. tubo basin ejus versus inserta. Antheræ utrinque appendiculate, appendicula apicali, plana truncata, basilare setiforme. Pollen globosum hispidum, pluri (3) seriatum. Ovaria teretiuscula pubescentia apice glandulosa, ovula li- bera, (ordinis) raphe ad epochum florescentia semi yel $ com- pleta apicem nempe non attingenta, BLUMIA. 229 Discus epigynus mediocris. Stylo basis vix dilatata. Pap- pus sessilis 1-seriatus, setaceus dentatus. ý Pili receptaculi tenuissimi, septato cellulo terminale lon- gissimo. Akenia oblonga vix compressa, brunnea striata, pu- bescentia, basi callósá umbilicatà perforatá, apice glandu- losa. Testa pericarpio adherens, non sine lateratione solubilis. Embryo ordinis. E Han. Assam. Seloni Mookh in umbrosis: April 5th, 1836. no. 475. Stigmata hermaphroditorum conformia fzmineis sed ma- joribus, Contusa graveolens. Secus Sprengelii enumerationem Gen. Plant, Vol. 2, p. 618, vix alii generis quam Gna- phalii, Valde affinis sp. (1) 458, p. 227, sed differt. receptaculo piloso. Conyza Juss. Gen. 180, non obstante recepta- culo piloso, BLUMIA. Blumie Sp. Fructus raminus, pedunculo unciale robusto insidens, Subspericus lignosus, areolatus, exareola quaque spina angulata echinata, 5-locularis, loculicidim 5 valvis, valvis Septisque aurantiaceis, crassis. Semina cujusque loeula 2, 4, angulo interiori basin loculi Versus affixa, ascendentia oblonga, subclavata, castanea funi- culo succulento luteo fere arilliformi insident. each making an indentation in the inner face of the valve. : Raphe 4 complete ramis e chalaza ortis dichotomis szepius, integument. ramificantibus. Tegumentum crassum, medio osseum, albumen carnosum "Opiosum, Embryo carnoso oleosum. leula infera. 230 COMPOSIT.E. Cotyledones plane foliacez ratione albuminis oblique. Sent to me from Malacca, found on Puloh Ladong. EcriPTA. 1. Eelipta. ’ Annua prostrata hispida, pilis adpressis, fol. opposita! Ti- nearia lanceolata, serrato-denticulata. Capituli bini pseudo- axillares, pedunculati, interiori caulem vero terminali prius evoluto, exteriori vero axillari, axilla folii oppositi ramum caulis prolongationem mentiente gerent. Involucr, sub 3-seriat. squame foliacez lanceolate inte- riores minores, demum radiantia initio ascendentia. Flosculi radii ligulati, disci tubulosi, utriusque fertilis, his nempe femineis illis hermaphroditis. Receptaculum con- vexum, setas plumosas gerens. Fl. disci feeminei, tubus gracilis, ore hinc piloso, cellu- loso, limbus linearis obtusus integerime bifidusve. Stylus filiformis basi non dilatat. tubo duplo brevior. fasciculis vasculosis 2. Stigma 2. Ovaria compressa apicibus viridibus subconicis truncatis. Raphe ad epocham evolutionis saccula embryoniferi brevis, ovulo triplo brevior. Disci infundibuliformes, tubo brevissimo, laciniis 4 papil- losis, zestivatione valvatis. Stam. 4 inclusa, (sed nec tubo) anthere ovate leviter co- herentes. Pollen globosum hispidum. Stigmata 2 latiora ac in feemineo. Ovarium idem, Venatio Brunonian, venula decurrenti nulla, v. apicibus clavatis, conniventib. sed nec conti- guis. Akenia compressa, alba, cellulosa, marginibus incras- satis, calycis limbo angustato denticulato coronat. apice pilosa, Pericarp. atrum duram coriaceum rugosulam hispidul&v? ECLIPTA. 931 akenio adnatum. Semen liberum testa tenuissima simplex, elevato-punctata, Embryo albus, orthotropus radicula conica, cotyledonz ob- ongs. Has. Assam. In arenosis Burrumpootur: March 23rd, 1836. no. 441. . 2. Eclipta. Involucr. imbricatum subbiseriate, foliolis lanceolatis, l-nervus, reticulatis exterioribus majoribus interiora supe- rantibus. Flosculi radii ligulati feminei, disci tubulosi hermaphroditi. los. radii tubus brevissimus, limbus lineari-spathulatus subinteger irregulariterve bifidus, faux partis tubulose extus quoad axis setas 2-3 gerens. Stylus vix exsertus fili- formis, stigma obsolete emarginatum. Ovaria angulato-clavata apices versus viridia idemque se- tigera. Pappus obsolete 4-5 dentat. dentibus breve mucro- natis, ovulum cuneato-oblongum erectum. Ovaria florum disci omnino conformia. Cor. campanu- lato-infundibuliformis tubo angustato, limbo 4-fido laciniis erectis ovatis papillosis. Stamina fauci tubi inserta, tot quot dentis corollinze et iis alternantis, filam. filiform. Antherz ob- longe leviter cohzerentes bilocul. Stylus filiformis semi-exser- tus. Stigmata 2 recurva, Clinandrium, setis aristisve ciliatis - Subpinnatis donat. Akenia cuneata compressa ad apicem setosa marginibus cellulosis albis obtuse dentatis, angustatis. Pappus obsoletus denticulatus, Pericarp. atrum rugosulum. Testa mem- branacea tenuissima vix separabilis. Radix conica, Cotyle- dones ovules obtuse. Plamula 0. A ba decumbens hirsuta, Petioli basi dilatati connati, oaa ovata vel lanceolata dentata. Capituli axillares vel in ~J0tomiis caulis sito plerumque geminati, corollz albe. ^8. Bengal on the Jellinghey river : Sept. Gth, 1835. 952 COMPOSITAE XANTHIUM, Xanthium indicum. Annua herbacea erecta ramosa pubescentia pilosa, caulibus ramisque purpureo-maculatis, fol. longe petiolatis cordatis si- nuato-lobatis, grosse dentatis, basi 3-nerviis, tactu scabris. Inflorescentia terminalis paniculatis, mascula in capitulis subconicis densifloris, superior. fem. solitariis basin versus pa- nicule abbreviate, flores inconspicui viridescenti. Mas. capituli bracteati, bracteis (infimis involucrum for- mantibus), lanceolatis pilosis. Per. tubulosum 5-dentat. dentibus erectis basi albida, parce pilosa zestivatione valvatis. Stam. 4 hypogyna, filamentis in tubum filiform. omnino coalitis, apice exsertus. Anth. erectz oblongo-lineares magne biloculari, libere, membran. longit. dehiscent. introrse, connectiv. ultra loculos paulum producte. Pollen album magnum globosum leve. Rad. fem. Stylus filiformis. Stigma papillos. intra tubum staminum recon- ditum You. involuc. 6-7 phyllum, foliolis bracteis marum con- formibus demum deciduum. Per. tubulosum, apicem cous- tricte perforat. pubescens, pilis foritibus uncinatis armatis, ovaria 2 includens, e 2 nempe format. Stylus filiformis, stigmata 2 linearum longiss. e perforationem perianth. ex- serta. Ovar. l-loculare, l-ovulat. ovulo erecto foramen hilum ope, Fructus perianth. nudum ovato-lanceolat. pubescens, pilis . uncinatis armat. apice biapiculat. quam maxima indarat. fere osseum biloculare, loculo quoque akenia unam gerente. Akenium styli basin apiculat. nigrescente. Tegument: duplex utrinque tenuissimum membranacea, semen erectum exalbuminosum. Embryo orthotropus radicula conico-sub- acuto infera. Plumuli conspicui, 2-phylla, foliolis involuto- conduplicatis ; Cotyledones carnose, plano-convexiusculi. Hag. In ruderatis humidis Mergue: March 1835. 1095. n9» | l ] | | | i BIDENS. 233 Venatio Brunoniana, odor Compositaram! antheræ den- tibus perianth. opposit. ? stipule 0. Differt. e Synantheriis, filamentis connatis, antheris liberis, akeniis liberis, perianth. fæmineis, Plura Urticearum, BIDENS. Bidens. Caulis quadrangulus oppositis petiolatis imis simplicibus reliquis 3-foliatis, foliolis ovatis basi obliquis dentato-serratis. Involucrum imbricatum, squamis sericea exterioris foliaceis, initio erectis caeteris scariosis estivatione conniventi-incum- bentibus, heteroganum. Flosculi radii pauci ligulati feminei, tubo brevissimo ligu- lata obovata inzqualiter 3-dentata, dentibus mucronatis ore nudo. Venatio Brunoniana, venis etiam axilibus valide conspicuis textura ambiente lutea, nullo modo anastomo santi- bus cum venulis lateralibus. Disci nunc basi tubulosi 5-fidi aurei, lacinia 5ta ut in aliis antica zestivatione valvatis tubo brevissimo nempe basin supra paullo ampliato, (suddenly) venatio Brunon. v. apicibus confluent, Stam. parte ampliate initio inserta. Anther. basi simpli- cis apice conspicue appendiculatz, appendicula lanceolata. tylus basi attenuatus. Stigma valide papillosa aurea. Ovaria cylindraceo-angulata ore calycino simplice denticulato hine utrinque in setam retrorso-denticulatam sete rarius 3, Corolla $ breviorem product. Ovula libera raphe incompleta. ceptaculum paleaceum. Discus florum disci valide volutas hinc fissus sub 5-dentat. dentibus filam. alternant. Pollen globosum hispidum. Akenia ? Has. Assam, In arenosis. Burrumpootur: March 30ih, 1836. no, 460, E 2 234 COMPOSITA. A Sprengelia inter Eupatorinas perfectas locatus, sed vix recta. Processus 2 an plures ad stant. ore ligulatorum, an stamin. rudimenta? Florum ovarium solidum. CoruLa. 1. Cotule sp. Prostrata ramosa piloso-pubescens, fol pinnatifida am- bitu ovata, capitula solitaria, terminalis pedunculata. Torus exterior nullus, capitula basi concavá. Invol. biseriat. squamis foliaceis, oblongis. Receptaculum . conicum, medio lacunosum nudum. * Flosculi breviter pedicellati, difformes, disci hermaphroditi tubulosi, 4-5 fidi ; radii tubulosi, feminei limbis irregulariter 4-5 fidi multo minoribus. Akenia (immatura) cellulosa compressa glanduloso-pilosa. Calycis limbo urceolato dentato, dentibus setigeris coronata. Tegument. tenuissimum, e 2 connatis, exterius masses ' grumosas continens. Embryo orthotropus, cotyledones ova- tes radiculum brevem superantes. Venatio Brunoniana v. decurrente 0. Stigmata floscu- lorum disci ovata, duplo angustiora et magis papillosa quam radialibus. Æstiv. valvata. Pollen globosum. FI. disci se- rius evoluti. Has. Assam. Burrumpootur : March 22nd, 1836. no. 437. Videtur esse Cotule species. Raphe demum tantum formatum, et circa apicem pro- ducta, forsan completa. In ovaria immatura ovula leviter coadnata sunt, 2. Cotule sp. Herba annua pussilla ramosa basi prostrata. Caule lanato dichotome diviso, fol. spathulato-dentata sessilia. Capitula inconspicui sessilis vel breviter pedunculati hemispherici. Involucrum ratione capituli minimum, e squamis oblongo- spathulatis marginibus membranaceis biseriatis, Recepta- culum nudum convexiusculum. na a or etie ai COTULA. 935 " Flores difformes, disci tantum corolla completa donato. Radii femineive plurimi, ovariis pilosis compressis, calycis limbo truncato nudo. Corolla tubulosa apice nec dilatata, minute 2-4 dentato, ovaria aliquoties (3-plo) brevior. Stylus longitudine corolle, stigmata 2 ascend. Ovulum Ll basi affizum, raphe ad epochum evolutionis embryonis vix evidens. Disci : calycis limbus 5-dentat. dentibus parvis "petalis al- ternant. "Tubus corollz brevis, limbus 4-laciniatus, laciniis patentibus, zestivatione valvatis, venatio Brunon. laciniar. vix conspicue certe irregularis. Stam. totidemjanthere leviter, . rentes basi sagittatze. Stigmata ovata brevie papillosa. Stylus filiformis basi paullo dilatatus. Tegument. seminum immaturor. e membranis 2 tenuibus quarum exterius lutescens. Embryo orthotropus. Raphe nulla, sublentem „l, non conspicue. Pl. CCCCLXVI. Fig. i. B. Assam. In arenosis, Burumapootra: March 23rd, 1836, no. 440, 3. Cotule sp. Herba annua erecta ramosa hirta, fol. alternis sessilibus obovatis duplicato-dentatis, cymis axillaribus et terminalibus, Capitulis hzmispheericis inconspicuis, centralibus primo evolutis, . Involuer. ratiune capituli parvum, subbiser at. squamis lanceolatis apice fimbriatis. ceptacul. nudum convexum. Flosculi disci tubulosi hermaphrodit. radii feminei. Radii : corolla conica cellulosa, apice 3-denticulata. Stylus hujus longitudine. Stigmata subexserta minima. Calycis lim- Aus obsoletus, obsoleto-dentatus. Disci : infundibuliformes, L a æstivatione valvati, series evolut. 0. decurrente di bem leviter cohzrentes apiculate. Stigmata lanceolata ora, 236 COMPOSITAE. Ovaria disco obovata, relique ovato-oblonga glabra, ovulis coherentia. In arenosis Burrumpootur : March 23rd, 1836. no. 443. Ejusdem generis cum precedent. no. 440. 4. Cotule sp. Planta annua, ramosissima, ramis busi decumbentibus, fol. alterna bipinnatifida, laciniis angusto-lanceolatis. Capi- tulis Zerminalibus binis solitariisve, hoc casu exterior prior evolutus, caulem terminat. interior vere axillaris est. Involucr. imbricat. £riseriatum? radiatum, serie exteriore aliquoties majori, squamis lanceolatis. Receptaculum paullo convexum, lacunosum, centro leviusculo externe tuberculat. Flosculi radii feminei, disci pauci hermaphroditi tantum corollato completi. Radii plurimi, breviter pedicellati, a petali! Calycis lim- bus bipes 3-denticulat. Stylus filiformis, stigmata 2 angusta. Disci infundibuliformes, tubo cylindrico-4-fidi laciniis zestivat. valvatis. Anthere apiculate. Stigmata lata exserta, stylo nempe hinc extrorsum quoad corollam flexo. Ovaria glandulosa, calycis limbo obsoleto. Ovula ovario adnata, Akenia oblonga compressa, calycis denticulato limbo coronata albo-cellulosa compressa mar- ginibus incrassatis, radii stylo apiculat. Testa pallide brun- nea subsimplex, membran. tenuiss. Embryo ordinis. Has Assam. In arenosis, Burrumpootur: March 23rd, 1836. no. 444. Quam maxime affinis quoad genus przcedenti an satis, differt. Flosculis radii pedicellatis apetalis, et habitu. Re- ceptaculoque extus vel ambitu versus tuberculat. (tuberculis a pedicellis ortis.) GNAPHALIUM. " Cy 5. Cotule sp. Herba 4-5 uncialis, caulibus decumbentibus radicantib. ramosis superne flocculosis, foliis sessilibus spathulato-ob- tusis, dentatis. Capitulis solitariis axillaribus, fere sessilibus hemisphzricis. Invol. polyphyllum imbricat. Flores disci pauci masculi, radii feminei. Cal. trun- catus. Cor. tubo brevi limbo 4-partit. Anth. 4 discretz vix coalite, laciniis alternis, filam. fauci inserte. Stigma capitatum bilobum. 08 radii cal. truncatus, brevissim. 4-dentatus, corolla tubulosa, Anth. O. Stigmata 2 brevia. Stylus filiformis. Ovarium extus pilosum. Ovulum 1, erectum, Akenia mar- gine calycis truncata coronata pilosa. Petalorum venatio normalis quoad ordo sed inconspicua. PN In ruderatis, Mergue: July, September, 1834. mo. GNAPHALIUM. J, Gnaphalii sp. Pl. CCCCLXVII. Planta spithamea, sericeo-canescens. Ramis subradiatis lateralibus basi decumbentibus centrali erecto. „Folia linearia vel lineari-spathulata varia torta, summa “rca inflorescentiam aggregata subverticillata. E Capitulorum aggregationes terminales, interdum ob elonga- nem rami ex axillis folii supremi unius tantum videntur la- l E * Capitulus quisque subovatus terminalis prius evo- utus, Squamis ext " lcatis, lon Re cuspidatis, subglabris. Ceptaculum ceterum nudum. Flores forminei, in axillis squamarum exteriorum cons- *X ovario subglanduloso. Corolla anguste tubu- 258 COMPOSIT.E, losa, apice obsoliti 3-loba et stylo ordinario ramis exsertis. Flores squamarum interiorum pappigeri abortivi, stylo in tubo incluso. Flores summi masculi, vere terminales? in receptaculo rugoso nudi an ob abortion. squamarum radii. Ovarium ut in floribus femin. abortionis. Pappus idem, dentatus Corolla tubulosa, apice 4-fida, venatio Brunoniana. An- there 4, basi et apice, appendiculate, medium tubi versus exsertz, Stylus clavatus apice pubescens. Fructus oblongus subcompressus, corolla in axillis squama- rum exteriorum et stylo dentius persistente, hujus ramis forsan elongatis, glandulosum. Seminis tegumenti unicum embryonarium solubile. Em- bryo ordinis. 1. Plant natural sige. . 2. Head of inflorescence. 3. One of its component parts detached, 4. Portion of do. shewing the structure of the capitulum. 5. Portion of do. shewing the nakedness of the male flowers, the suffultion by a bracte of the remainder, and the change in structure in these as we proceed upwards. 6. Female flowers and its bracte, the stigmata are anterior and posterior. 7. Female flower detached shewing the want of pappus, and the small development of the corolla. 7a. Ovarium viewed under pressure. a. Calyx, its wall glandular colored and furnished with two vascular facicles which send two branches into the corolla, and a corresponding number to the style. b. Very fine evascular pure membrane which I consider to be the ovarial wall and which is detachable by pressure, although evidently attached to the base the style, c. ovule. 8. Imaginary section of female flower not carried through the ovulum. I will not answer for the correctness of the situation of the ovule. QUEE S cw GNAPHALIUM. ' 299 9. Abortive flower from the axil of one of the inner scales. Pappus well developed. Corolla badly so, dentate at apex, and enclosing within it an obscurely emarginate style. 9a. Imaginary section of do. not carried through the ovary. 10. Male flower. 11. Section of do. not carried through ovary. Pappus chiefly removed. "The ovula of both such flowers, (9 and 10) are abortive, or rather come to nothing. ll. Anther back view of. Filaments evascular! 105. Pap- pus portion of. 12. Fruits. 12a. Same, corolla and Style lapsed, the branches of the style and their corresponding stigmatic surface appear to enlarge or elongate at least after im- pregnation, 12. Shews the structure of the coats of the akenuim, a ge- Ruine one in this instance although the inner coat is Separable, a calycine coat, 5 embryonary sacculate, so that the ovarial coat, the testa, and nucleary coat have disappeared. 13, Section of fruit, a ovarial coat, 6 that derived from the embryonary sac, c embryo. M. Portion of arachnoid threads. Candahar : May, 1839. AB. Candahar Affzanisthan, see Itin. Notes p. 272, no. 632. A tendency in Gnaphalium to have radiate ramification, - This is an interesting plant, in asmuch as it points out "à tendency in the female flowers to be external, their ten- ia to be provided with bractes, to have no pappus, and : development of the corolla, and total abortion of "us Organs, It shews, that in such instances there js of sradual change of development towards the interior ae Capitulus, those flowers which are provided with 78 and situated interiorly, being abortive and having he but still without a trace of male organs. It WS that in some cases the’ male flowers are more 240 COMPOSITAE. terminal than the female, and that the female organ is far more permanent than the male, since these are pro- vided, with rudiments of females, indeed to a consider- able amount of development. he change of structure towards the apex of the filament appears due to a condensation of structure, no fibrous cells exist in the anther, which however dehised perfectly. The filaments are evascular. The venation of the corolla is Brunonian. The structure of the ovarium is very cu- rious and merits further investigation. If the membranous separable inner coats be really the ovarium, it forms a transition to certain cases of Dipsacez and Scævoleæ, it affords a most anomalous instance of the possibility of the style being vascular, while the ovarium is evascular. Of the structure of the fruit I have little doubt; the outer tegument of the akenuim appears to me to be calycine, the in- ner belongs to the embryonary sac, which there is some rea- son for supposing to be the most permanent coat of an ovu- lum, as it is the last in formation, its structure in Composite is peculiar, consisting of a single series of cells, each of which has a grumous nucleus. There is considerable affinity, between this Gnaphalioide# and the monocotyledonous-looking plant of the same order; from Abigoon, see Itinerary Notes p. 232, no. 231. And I may here mention that this transitionary appearance exists at its maximum, in a plant, which I suspect to be Roxburgh’s ZEthulia axillaris. | l 2. Gnaphalii sp. Pl. CCCCLXVIII, Planta minima canescens radiati-ramosa. Folia ad basin caulis et subinflorescentias aggregata, linearia revoluta vel patent. Capituli compositi dense arachnoidei nivei. Partialis subrotundis, paucifloris. Squamis cymbiformibus marginibus approximatis et arachna dense quasi clausis, ore tantum e scure hiantibus, extimis minoribus 5 intimis subverticillatis radiatis, exceptis omnibus fæmineis, GNAPITALIUM. 941 Flos femineus e corolla angust tubulosa obscure 3-den- tata, ovario glabriusculo, stylo stigmatibus ordinis, extimis abortivis. Flores masculi discoidei pauci 3-4, terminalis squamis 5 intimis vacuis circumcincti; structu ordinario. Pappo pareo dentato. Antheris subinclusis. Akenia recouditi in sinubus squamarum obovati, compres- siusculi, lzevia glabra tegument bina, exterius calycinum lutes- cens, interius grumoso-areolatum (ex emDryones sacculo ortum) Embryo ordinis. l. Plant natural size. 2, Capitulus single separated, 3, Same, some squam:ze removed, the others separated, the 5 upper ones subverticillate somewhat spread out. 4. Another view the 5 upper squamæ as seen in the dry State: the arachne supposed to be removed, it shews the small development of the outermost squame and . their flowers, the want of flowers to the verticillate ones, Female flower and scale, which contains the whole of the flower, except the apex of corolla, and the stigmati- ferous branches of the style. 5a Female flower. 6. Male flower, 7. Same Spread open. 8. Portion of Pappus. 9. Anthera. 10. Portion of wall of its cell, the fibres rudimentary and quite wanting in the basilar appendages. ll. Akenuim, which is quite smooth. 12. Section of ditto. A calycine tegument. à Embyonary. € Embryo, * e * I3. Portion of tegument of akenuim. a Calycine. 0 em- “Fyonary saccular. p.979. ar: May, 1839. Vid. Itin. Notes no. 633, Ons. The chief points worthy of notice are the small de- r2 242 'GOMPOSITAE. velopment of the outer scales and their flowers; the want of female flowers to the innermost ones, their verticillation and distance from the female scales, and relations to the male flowers, and the small development of pappus of these. From no. (1) 682, it differs subgenerically at least in the above points except perhaps the first, As the scales, which appear always to be 5, around the male flowers, although similar structure to those containing the female flowérs are always empty, it is a point of enquiry whether the male flowers are developed in their axillze or not. This I have been unable to do owing to the age and withering of the single specimen I have found. But as in (1) 632 there is an evident tendency in the innermost scales to have abortive female flowers, there is no reason why that tendency should not be complete in this instance, The spicate inflorescence of the female, and the capitulate do. of the male, is well shewn in this plant, and judging from this we should not be surprised at finding a Composita with obviously spicate female Lo and more or less distant, (perhaps involucrate) capitulum of males. Is not the tendency to have the axis of inflorescence ter- minated by male flowers universal in the order. Are not the males of the really terminal capitulus more numerous than the lateral ones? The vascularity of this plant is small, the marginal veins of the lacinee of the corolla being obsolete, at least under a lens } focal distance, the vessels of the fruit are very indistinct, Mud. none? exist in the stamina. The stigmatose branches of the style are well developed in the male flowers and it would appear that in most such instances these bf&nches are more papillose than the true ones. 3. Gnaphali sp. Herba erecta ramosa lana parum conspicue vestita; 14 pê- dalis. fol. sessilia linearia, sinuato-repanda, mucrona sphace lato-acutata. GNAPHALIUM; 243. Inflorescentia vel ramos axillares vel caulem. terminans dichotome. Capitulis aggregatis axin terminantibus prius evolutis ovatis. Involucrum imbricat. squamis pluriseriatis scariosis late ovatis citrinis lucidisque, demum: radiatis patentibus. Receptaculum planiusculum, minute tuberculat. Flosculi difformes. omnes fertiles, radii plurimi tubulosi filiformes, apice conformi, denticulati, feminei. Stigmata in- clusa angusta. Disci pauciores, infundibuliformes, 5-fidi, hermaphroditi venatio Brunoniana v. lateralibus forsan incompletis. v. recurrenti 0, Antherz apiculo plano, basi sagittate. Stylus basi. bulbo- Ovaria omnia oblonga teretiuscula, cellulis papillosa. Pappus dentatus ima;basi quasi pectinatus. Tegument. semin. immatur. simplex. Embryo ordinis. AB. Assam, In arenosis Burrumpootur: March 22nd, 1836, no. 446. 1 Gnaphalii sp. Herba erecta annua glanduloso-pilosum. Caule basi simplice- fol, sessilibus, ambitu obovatis, alternis, runcinatis, lobis Inzqualiter serratis, serraturis mucronatis summis lanceolatis, indivisus. Cymis axillaribus racemosim dispositis, ceteris. Cymosim, corymbum terminale formant. Capitulis terminali- bus prius evolutis, nutantibus subcylindricis. Invol. imbricat. squamis difformibus, exteriorib. aristatis, arista simplice ramosave, glandula terminata ut etiam rami, reflex, interioribus coloratis scariosis erectis breviter acu- minatis, e Receptaculum paullo convexum, favulosum solid. . *“osculi difformes, radii fzeminei plurimum tubulosi elongati sracillimi, 4-dentati. Stylus exsertus. Stigmata papillosa à lutea, 244 COMPOSITAE. Radii hermaproditi pauci tubulosi, apices versus dila- tata ideoque subinfundibuliformes 5-fidi, laciniis marginibus cellulosis luteis, pilis cellulosis hispidis. venatio Brunon. v. recurrent 0. : Antherz semi-exserte basi sagittate apice plane. Stig- mata exserta latiora acin femineis. Stylus basi bulbosus. Ovaria omnia pilis hirsuta. Pappus setaceus dentatus, ]-seriatus. Ovula libera, linearia, ordinis, raphe 0. Akenia oblonga cylindraciuscula, striata hispida, disci coronata, disco epigyne truncato. Semen liberum, tegumen- tum simplex. AB. Assam. In arenosis. Burrumpootur: March 23rd, 24th, 1836. no. 447. Genus distinct ob formam involucri squamarum exteriorum et aristis glanduloso-capitatis, alioque certe affinis prece- denti non obstanti habitu diverso, membrana tenuis akenii parietes vestut. An testa? hoc casu fructus non akenium sed carlyopsis erit. Ovula serius certe adnatum pericarpio. 5. Gnaphalii sp. Annua spithamea, cano-lanata, fol. alternis sessilib. spathu- latis dentatis capitulis, ovatis glomerulatis, glomerulis axillari- bus terminalibusque, centralibus prius evolutis, fusco-griseis, basilana involutis plerumque ternatum aggregatis: sessili- bus ideoque spicze composite. Invol. subbiseriat. squamis scariosis fuscis, linearibus post anthesin deflexis. — Recept. minute tuberculat. - j Flosculi difformes radii plurimi faminei imperfect corollato. Corolla tubulosa ore conformi-dentato valde irregulariterque stigmata inclusa. ! Disci pauci hermaphroditi infundibuliformes 3-fidi-venatio Brunoniana v. lateral incompletis vel nullis. Antherze basi sagit tate. Stigmata capitata! Ovaria oblonga teretiuscula pubes centia, libera raphe 0. Pappus setaceus dentatus 1-seriatus * EI ENRE SAUSSURE Æ. 245 Akenia immatura teretiuscula, pilis cellulosis pubescentia subhyalina tenuissima. Tegument. unicum liberam. Embryo ordinis. Has. Assam. In arenosis Burrumpooter communis : March 24, 1836. no. 449. Stylus basi valide bulbosus vasculorum fascic. 2, basi styli coalita vel approximata. Pollen globosum, Ejusdem generis cum precedent, no. 446. SAUSSUREJE. Saussuree sp. Pedunculi apice incrassati. Involucrum ovato-conicum, imbricatum, squamis exterioribus parvis, apice processu trian- gulari cristatis, foliaceis interioribus multo longioribus colo- Tatis, nudis. Receptaculum convexiusculum, paleis setaceo-subulatis. integerrimis ! hispidum. .Floseuli hermaphroditi tubulosi. Tubo gracile sursum VIX ampliato, lacinias 5 linearibus obtusis marginibus sub- lente modice augentis celluloso-crenatis, purpureo-rosaceis, v. Tecurrenti 0, — 1 Anthere exsertze dimidium superius steril. processubus bases divisis, cellulosis. Stylus basi bulbosus. Ovaria oblonga striata, annulo apice obsoleto. Pappus plumosus decidius l-seriatus basi connatus pilis longissimis simplicissimis. Ovula libera, raphe, anti anthesin nulla, post completa. | Akenia, oblongo-obovata compressa. irregulariter costata, “unhea, Costis pallidis, coronata calycis limbo urceolata sub- mtegro discoque epigyno marcesco conico. "Has, Assam, I nosis. Bu ooter : March 23, 1836. Wan. « In arenosis, Burrump An generice differt a sequent, no, 431, p.—-involucra squa- 246 COMPOSITA. mis exterioribus processiferis, paleisque receptaculi e dentatis pappaque in hoc simplici. Pl. COCCLXVI. Fig. f. a. b. testa. c. d. raphe. e. nucleus. Oss. In this the fruit is certainly a caryopsis, theteguments are two, both separating with the paricarp, to which the outer adheres firmly. Pappus duplex exterior incompletus ? e squamulis truncatis minimis denticulatis, unilateralis an semper. An Saussurea, of De Cand. ? Cirsium. Cirsii sp. Herbacea erecta I3-2 pedalis. Caule striato superne car- noso, fol. sessilia ambita spathulato-obovata, sinuato-pinna- tifida. dentibus spinosis armata supra parce infra albo lanato- villosa, summis indivisis. Capitula solitaria, ramulos paucos terminantes. Pedunculi hinc illinc folia floralia linearia gerentis. Involucrum imbricat. pluriseriatim, squamis lanceolatis, in- timis subscariosis, omnibus apicibus coloratis plus minus reflexis, intimorum ante anthesin conniventibus subinflexis- que, exteriorum apicibus subspinescentibus. Flosculi plurimi omnes fertiles, tubulosim, tubo albo longi- tudinem involucri superanti, basi luteo exterioribus extror- sum curvatis, cylindricis, fauce tumida laciniis 5-linearibus angustissima radiantibus, carneo-purpurascentibus. Stam. 5 laciniis alternantia. Antherze basi sagittatze cohzrentes eodem colore cum laciniis, apicibus anguste cuneatis. Sty- | lus, filiformis. Pollen globosum hispidum ; stigmata 2, bre- | viter pubescentia, tubo anthereo inclusa, arcte cohaerentia. | iscus epigynus carnosus elevatus, in cujus apice stylus articulatus est. ——ÀÜÓ LACTUCA. 247 Pappus plumosus, copiosus, biseriatus. Ovaria glabra alba, apice calycis margine crenulato intra quem pappus oritur coronata compressa, ovula l basi afixa, foramen hilum prope, raphe completa. Receptaculum conicum, sursum inter flores in paleis pili- formes dentatas product. Has. Assam. In graminosis, Bishenath: March 20ih, 1836. no. 431. Oss. The nucleus is united firmly to the integuments of the ovula, which appear to be two, the raphe is nearly com- plete, and evidently runs within the outer integument, and in the substance of the nucleus itself, it contains spiral ves- sels and disappears gradually within the lip of the foramen. The structure of the palez is nearly the same with that of the pappus, with this difference that none of its periphe- rial cells are elongated into simple hairs. Venatio Brunoniana venulam apice quasi clavate conni- Ventes sed nec decurrentes, stigmata post anthesin exserta, Corollze apicem versus primo marcescens. Sacculus in quo embryonem oritur, nec membranaceus aste cellulis parvis formatur, JEstivatio valvata. Inflorescentia orthodoxa, flos- culis centralibus nempe tardius expansis, vel flosculis gra- us à peripheria ad centro evolutis. Pl. CCCCLXVI. 1g. a. LACTUCA. l. Lactuca bialata Gr. Herbacea basi suffruticosa 5-6-pedalis tota glaucescens, Succo lacteo læte, Caulis simplex crassus solidus. Folia alterna pendula indivisa lineari-ensiformia pedalia diametro trans, Subuncialia, acuminata, sessilia, basin versus parce fim- briata dentata, cæterum denticulata, denticulis mucroniformi- bus ; vena infra prominula alte carinata, quasi triangulari- Ma ; supra planiuscula, medio longitudinaliter et obsole- 248 COMPOSITAE. tiuscula cristata, v. secondariz inconspicuz oblique arcuatz, pagina caeterum minute reticulata, cuticula infera stomatosa. Folia infima, marcescent. tortilia brunnea. Axilis gemmiferis, gemmis superioribus postaram szpe elongatis floriferis. Panicula terminalis ramosissima longitudine pedalis vel ses- quipedalis ambitu pyramidata, diametro transversal. pedali, erecta ramis quam maxima divaricatis, paucifloris, basi bractea lineari-subulata, membranacea suffultis. Capituli terminales axeos primum evoluti, tuncque termi- nales ramorum, (more solito) inferiores cujusque rami race- mosi, summi solitaria, vel potius rami basi compositi apice simpliciter racemosi, erectiusculi, pedicellas 3 uncialis, brac- teolis imbricatis squamiformibus fere omnino vestitos termi- nantis. Alabastra exacti cylindiacea. Anthoideum apice excepto patente, etiam cylindraceum ; squame glauco-virides, margini- bus albis, apice sphacelatze dorso centraliter obsoleti-cari- nate obtusæ, extimze ovate intermedize sublanceolate, intime lineares apice patentes. Flosculi omnes ligulati, intus pallide straminei, extus purpureo-obsoletissima tincti, ligule patenti-reflexze, apice 5-dentatz, dente centrali, profundiore sed minus elevato, venis interne prominulis striiformibus notate, dorso preci- pue basis versus villose. Receptaculum scrobiculatum in- terstitus more conorum elevatis. Tubus elongatus gracilis clavatus. ligulam —subzquans apicem versus densiuscula villosus. Stamina fauci inserta. Antherz lineares coherentes, appendice apicali rotundato, appendicibus basilaribus binis setiformibus breviusculis, mar- ginibus a medio supra ut appendix terminalis atro-brunneis. Pollen 1 globosum flavum, majusculum hispidum. Stylus an pentahedrum filiformis, apicem versus hispidulus basi parum dilatatus, apice atro-tinctus ut stigmatum dorsa. Stigmata 2 revoluta, dorso hirta ventre dense velutino hirtella. Ovarium sessile, lageniforme, glabrum utrinque ala meni- LACTUCA. 249 branacea integra venoso-striatum, more radiato, collo crasso viridescente. Pappus copiosus sericeus, tubum longitudine vel paullo excedens, denticulatus, dentibus distantibus, Ovulum unicum ovatum, | Discus epigynus insignis rotundata, depressa integer. Has. Assam : local name Bone 4/00, or wild opium. When Kanee or opium is scarce, the natives cut the stem into pieces, and soak bits of cloth in the milk, it has the same effect as opium, though it is not used now as that drug is so cheap in Assam, but in the days of the Burmese rule in that province, it was commonly employed. _ In campis circa Suddyam ; floret July 1836. Lactucze affinis indistinct obovaria bialata. 2. Lactuce sp. Annua pusilla, fol. alternis sessilibus lanceolatis, subden- tatis. Cymis corymbosis paucifloris, floribus purpureo-rubris inflorescentia corymbi centrifuga. Capituli subcylindracei. Involuerum imbricatum monogamum. osculi omnes perfecti tubulosi, tubo sursum gradatim ampliato, 5-fida, laciniis lineari-oblongis zestivatione valvatis v. Brunonian, v. apicibus confluent. Stam. tubo apicem versus inserta. Anth. basi simplices apicem appendiculam ovatam cellulosum planam gerentes. Pollen areolatum ! hispidulum. Ovaria oblonga, vix compressa pubescentia. Pappus !- Senatus setaceus dentatus. Ovulum liberum raphe nulla etiam post fecundationem. Stylus basi paullo dilatatus in apice disco quasi articulat, apicem versus pilosus, Stigmata papillosa recurva. : ia valde immatura, subeylindracea oblonga, pubescenti- Pilosa, apice nec contracta, pappo immediate coronata. Raph G2 : 250 COMPOSITAE, completa! chalaza inconspicua. Semen liberum saltem per junius. AB. Assam. In arenosis Burrumpootur: March 30/A, 1836. no. 461. 3. Lactuce sp. Annua, lactescens, fol. alternis amplexicaulibus longissi- mis infimis, linearibus, basi sagittatis, superioribus hastato- sagittatis dentatis, dentibus angustis rectis vel et szepius in foliis infimis retrorsum spectant. summis integris. Cymis corymbosim dispositis pedicellis basi minute brac- teatis. Capitulis ad anthesin subcylindraceis, demum et presertim fructiferis e basin ovata conicis. involucrum l-seriatim imbricatum basi squamis minimis» squamis demum arcte reflexis. Receptaculum nudum planiusculum punctatum. . Flosculi omnes perfecti, hermaphroditi ligulati, tubus brevis gracilis ligula concava, nec plana, ore nudo, 5-fido. ven. Bru- non. v. recurrent. 0. Stamina ore inserta. tubum excedentia. Anthere basi bisetosz setis filamento-approximatis. Pollen globosum areolat. areolis paygis, hispidulum in loculis l-seriatum! fasciculus vasculosus filam. tenuissimus forsan nullus. Stylus filiformis basi nec dilatata, apice pilosus, stigmata Jinearia, Discus epigynus parvis subconicus, Ovaria ovalia compressa 10-costata, apice valde constricta- ore calycino tunc ampliato annuliforme pappus 1-seriata simplicem sessilem setaceum, dentatum gerente, limitis caly- ces et pericarpii valde distincti. Ovulum liberum, raphe 0. . Akenia, brunnea ovata compressa, 10-cristata, glabra cos- tata. Pappus stipitat. calycis collo nempe valde elongato. Semen fere matura liberum testa cellulosa demum pericarpio leviter adnata, laxiuscula, raphe 2-3 completa, Tegument ee Oe ee rs E ME DE PRENANTHES. 251 inter embryon. arcte applicit. Embryo ordinis. Pappus persistens. Has. Assam. In arenosis Burrumpootur : March 30th, 1836. no. 462. ' PRENANTHES. l. Prenanthes sp. Pl. CCCCLXIX, Fol. subtus glaucescentia, carinata marginibus rubris supra lete viridia, subtus albida. Bractez rubro-tinctz, anthod. viridesc. fusco-tinct. Flos- culi citrini. Anth. demum reflexum brunneum. Herba vix pedalis sepius spithamza, icone igitur nimis ampla, Has. Burmah. In campis Carmeam versus, Carmein, Journey from Assam to Ava: April 2nd, 1837. 2. Prenanthes sp. Plantalactescens annua erecta ramosa, fol. caulis basin confined to, ambitu obovata, runcinata, lobis spinuloso-den- datis, summis ramos fulcientibus, lineari-spathulatis vel Selaceis. Inflorescentia corymb. efformas, partialis cymosa ? capitulis axi proximis prius evolutis. luvoluerum per anthesin cylindraceum, ovato-conicum, Vel lageniforme sub-seriatum, imbricatum. basi squamulis auctum pauciflorum; post anthesumi reflexum., ~ Floseuli ligulati, post anthesin leviter cohzrentes et in- Voluero connivento simul expulsim. . . tubus infra mediam pubescent. lamina 5-dentata, venatio runor, v. decurrente 0. l Anthere adnatæ ut etiam tubo corolle? Pollen hispidum : "Receptac. nudum, Pappus copiosus, setaceus dentatus. " Ovula libera, .— | 252 GALIACE2, Akenia lutco brunneo-striata, secus stries hispidula. Te- gument. duplex exterius e cellulis oblongis, fragile laxum. interius membranacei (sacculus embryonifer?) embryo- nem orthotrop. arcte vestiens breviter stipitat. à Assam. In cultis Bishenath : March 21st, 1836. no ETE raphem iterum examinanda. Composite sp. Pl. CCCCLXX. Frutex carnosus, glaucescens. Flosculi brunnescentes. Has. Burmah. In collibus Tsigain. Journey from Assam to Ava: May, 1837. Cirsii sp. "Haz. Bootan. Panuka May, 2d 1838, GALIACEJE, GALIUM, Galium Khorasanensem Gr. Pl. CCCCLXXIII. Planta scabrella, 3, 4 uncialis vel spithamea. Fol. verti- cillatis quaternis rotundato-oblongis, breve petiolatis, petio- lis basi coalitis, internodiis caulis tumidis et angulis qui ‘opposit, foliis scabris. Fol. floralibus oppositis, oblique sitis! oblongis, inflores- 'centium inter petiolaris, cymoso-subumbellata, cernua, quin- que flora. Flores minuti suffulti, bractea cucullata, petioloidea venosa, viridi-alba, et fere recondita, flore centrali nudo. Calyx adhzrens, 4-partitus, laciniis rotundato-ovatis sub carnosis, zstivatione valvatis apicibus minute inflexis, persis- tent. ad anthesin patentis demum conniventes, tubo pilis clavatis aspectu hirtellis, przesertim ad apicem hirsuto, Pet. 0. GALIUM. 253 Stam. 4, laciniis calycis altern. Filam. evasculosa, ad basin anther incrassata, tunc attenuata, Anth. bilocul. basi affixze, introrsze. Pollen globosum plicis? radiantibus pluribus, czterum leve glabrumque. | Stylus cellularis apice bilobus, lobo cuique stigma capitat. e cellulis rotundis radiatis ? gerente. Discus epigynus carnosus bilobus, lobo. majore, loculo fertilo opposito. Ovar. inferum omnino biloculare. loculo interno quoad axin inflorescentiz semper experti et minore, altero obliquo uni-ovulato, Endocarp. discretum celluloso-membranaceum, evascul. ovu- lum arcte investiens, per totam latus interius placentz adnat. Ovulum ascendens, e nucleo tantum. Funiculus brevis. axin proximis et raphe brevis, apex nuclei, hilum prope. Fructus? Hasır. Affghanistan in collibus sterilioribus inter axes et in Super rupes, vulgatim per totam plagam Khorasanensem. This is a very curious plant, agreeing with Galium in ‘very thing, but its bracteate involucrated flowers, very se- paloid perianth, and the abortion of the inner cell of the Med There are many points that it presents for considera- on, Obliquity, from abortion of some of the leaves of the > producing the inflorescence. The curious bractez. The Perianth, the epigynous disk. The very curious struc- ture of the inner layer of each cell of the ovary. The constant abortion of the inner of these, and the reduction of the ovula to a nucleus. There can be no doubt in this plant, of the nature of the Perianth, which is sepaloid from its situation and natural co- ur; it therefore becomes necessary to revert to Galium, and congeners, to enquire into the true nature of their in- orescence, and structure of the layer lining the cells of the "IY: T know of no other instance. 954 GALIACEX. This performs every office of a tegument to the ovulum during its younger stages, and as the testa occasionally does, it becomes during the formation of the seed, so fine, as to be scarcely, if at all demonstrable; it may readily be mistaken for a testa or tegument, especially if carelessly dissected, but its existence in the barren cell, and its being perfectly closed, demonstrate that it does not belong to the ovulum, indepen- dently of the considerations derived from study of the deve- lopment of this, and its entire structure. Fig. I. . 1, Plant natural size, radicles reddish as madder. - 2. Florescence, one bracte and its flower removed to shew the nakedness of the central flower. . 8. Lateral flower and bracte. 4. Perianth just opening,—shewing the zestivation. 5. Flower, just before expansion. 6. Expanded flower, 6g Perianth and genetalia viewed vertically. 7. Inner view of antliers before dehiscence. 8, 8. Inner, outer, and lateral view of stamina after do. 9. Pollen too minute for 54 lens. 10. Long section of flower anthers removed. 11. Style and stigmata. 12. One of the hairs of the outer layer of ovary. 13. Long section of the ovary, shewing the closed nature of the inner membrane (not oblique as it should be.) 13a. Preparation younger state, shewing the same. 14. Ovulum, 14a its apex. a Fig. II. l. Flower just at expansion. 2. Ovary or pistillum, calyx then removed. aie -3. Nucleus probably accidental, although the cohesion ° the tube was finished, no other instance occurred. GALIUM. 255 4, Shews development of ovula, a placenta and septum, portion of, 4 b portions of the outer layer of which the calyx is a direct continuation ; inner layer d, a nucleus, d funicle, e embryonary sac, f embryo. 9. Some more advanced, the same letters have the same references ; f, a detached embryo (not enlarged enough) young to shew the nature of its pedicel. 6. Very young ovary laid open a a outer layer, 5 inner ditto, closely investing the ovula c. 6a. Ovule, c detached. 7. More advanced, the same letters, have the same re- ferences, : . 8. Inner membrane which bursts instantly towards its upper end. 9. Young fruit, a outer layer, 5 inner do., c nucleary do. cohering with it, d hyaline margin of albumen, e albu- men, f embryo (a plan) a section being impossible. . Embryonary sac—albumen and embryo, this is shewn artificially. : 9). Portion of its albumen near the margin. 10, Same, more advanced, a outer layer, 4 inner now com- posed of inner excessively fine and nucleary membrane cohering intimately, c albumen, d embryo. | Those leaves are abortive that are on the opposite side of the stem to the inflorescence, it follows hence that as the inflorescence is unilateral one side of the stem throughout its flower-bearing portion, will produce leaves, the other flowers ; of the leaves, one axil is empty ; the other bears alternately à flower bud. : The inflorescence although tending to the umbellate form, "t true compound raceme, its form is curious, in as much as Y presents none of that irregularity so prevalent in cymes, to which class it obviously belongs. We may therefore meet with one flowered species, in which case no bractes will be eloped, or we may meet with a one flowered species, with ; but these empty. 256 GALIACEA. In one instance, one of the lateral flowers had pedicels, on its inner side with a flower developed, and as this was much smaller than that in the axilla of the leaf, we may conclude that the flowers are all terminal, or rather that each lateral flower-bud may become a simple raceme. In Galium, the carpella are both developed, and both lobes of the disk are equal, in the more petaloid species of this genus, the perianth separates all round the base, of the albu- en. . From casual examination I think that the inner mem- brane is distinctly visible in the fruit. "Throughout all the stages, I have examined of the deve- lopment of the ovulum, and these include very minute buds: it would appear that the ovulum consists of a nucleus alone ; the same organisation exists in Galium, and probably some? Rubiacez. Within is developed an ——— ary § of that form which I call albuminary, and the sir becomes at last reduced to a. thin coat, cohering most inti- mately with the inner layer alluded to, and also slightly with the external or calycine? layer, so that the albumen i. e. the seed, has no demonstrable covering. The membranous nature of the embryonary sac, which I should observe is of late formation, i. e. it does not exist before impregnation, is well seen in the nearly mature albu- men, which presents a hyaline membrano-mucous-looking hr this sae, opaque grumous grains of albumen are copi- ously developed. It follows that the usual account of Galium are altogether wrong ; on this head it will be necessary to examine Decaisnes Rubia. The nucleary ovule, and the reduction of the perianth forcibly call to mind Santalacez, from which it is in the first place by the relation of the stamina to the perianth, and in a less "degree by the bilocularity of the ovary, LONICERA. 257 Organisation seem to be much lower than in Galium? the stamina and the styles being altogether cellular, this last is a very unusual circumstance. 2. Galii sp. Pl. CCCCLXXII. Itinerary Notes p. 30, no. 472 Has. Khasyah Mountains. Chura Ponjee: Sept. 28th, 1837. CAPRIFOLIACEA. LONICERA. Lonicere sp. Pl. CCCCLXXX. Fig. II. Frutex pygmeus, prostratis, ramis brevibus ascendentibus. Cortex alba szpe fibroso-lacerata. Ramula compressa. Fol. subsessilia coriacea linearia obtusa l-venia, siccitati margine recurva.. Petioli brevissimi basin dilatati et saltem . Juniores in annuli coaliti. Flores bini in pedunculo axillari, folior. 3-4 brevior. invo- lucrati, Involucri folioli 2, profunde biloba, (sinu lató) plus minus coalita interdum, venosa, sinu aliquando in lobum folior, forma simile product. - ! Cor. non visa. ' Fructus juniores sessiles, 5-alato angulato, apice sepalis 5 lineari oblongis concavis obtusis magnis (zequantibus tubum) venoso-reticulatis coronatis, discoque epigyna 3-loculares, lo- culi 4-6 spermis, Semina (juniora) anatropa pendula, per- pana subcollateralia, uno loculi cujusque tantum perfect. he extrorsum, Fruct. maturus involucro planato suffult. descreti subro- funda leeves, glabri, baccati, calycis laciniis immulatis, coronat. Mb 3-loculares, Semina pulpa immersa, fertilia laete ovata compressa, pendula, micropyle supera. "Tegug. exter. pulpa adhær, crustac. crassiuscul. Interius tenuiss. memb. Albu- = Copiosum carnoso-oleosum vestiens. Embryo axilis, n 2 258 CAPRIFOLIACE E. albumine duplo circiter brevius. Radicula crassa supera. Cotyledones foliacez, planiusculz ? lanceolato-ovate. Has. Hindoo-Koosh Shingly bouldery ground about the Torrent, Upper Kaloo, alt. 11500 ft. In fruit in Sep. 1840. Oss. The outer layer of the ovarium in the youngest state I have seen it, is separable, from the body, with which it ap- pears to have no connection, only becoming continuous with the calycine lacini at their base, The body of the ovaria then presents 10 costz, not very prominent, 5 opposite the sepals and continuous with their central veins, 5 alternate. The union of the placentz in the axis appears slight, no particular ovulum appears to be fecundated, I have not been able to ascertain positively whether the position of the raphe relative to the placenta is due to a torsion of the funiculus. - This appears to be an undescribed genus, approaching so far as the characters in Endlicher's Genera go, to Lonicera and Triosteum, As however it approaches in habit some- what to Lonicera bracteata, Royles Illust. t. 53 and agrees tolerably with the character of Lonicera, chamacerasus. End. Gen. no. 3337. I have referred itto that genus, it may be necessary to look at the bractez again, —parti- cularly the fruit. 1. Plant nat. size. 2. Fruit. 3, 4. Lateral views. 5. Front ditto. 6. Long section. 7. Cutis detached. 8. Long section. 9. Placenta with ovules. 19. Sect. long. ll. Seed. 12. Transverse of ovary. : a SAMBUCUS, 259 VIBURNUM. Viburni sp. Pl. CCCCLXXX. Fig. I. , Frutex vel arbuscula. . Pubescentia subfuscescens, flores albi, anth. ochroleucz, odor. dulcis. Has. Burmah. Ad ripas torrentis Namyoom: March 5-62, SAMBUCUS. Sambucus sp. Planta suffruticosz, 4-5 pedalis, ramis oppositis adeo den- tibus summis fastigiatis, Caulis crassus, centro cavus, lineis viridibus lenticellis par- vis verrucosis notatis, Folia opposita, imparipinnata, superiora interdum, 3-fo- liata, raro simplicia, inferiora 3} juga, foliolis oppositis bre- "Iter petiolatis, elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis basi obliquis et sepius lateri inferiore argute serratis, serraturis mucrona- tis, muerona brunnescente, supra lete viridia aspectu velu- tino, infra pallida margine uno utroque basin versus glandula l vel 2 donato, terminali aliquando binatim diviso glabra. Petiola crasso supra uti etiam petiolata canaliculata, viridi- striata, [ue V. secondarize oblique arcuatz, ope venis tertiariis mutuo nexæ, szepius alterne v. additorius distinctiusculis ut plurima arcuatis, tertiariis transversis vel cum v. primaria, angulum rec- tum efformantibus, Cuticula supera e cellulis angulatis forma Variis, infera quze tantum stomatosa e sinuoso cellulis! sinubus angulatis nec ut Szepius accedit rotundatis. tomata magna numerosissima conspicua aperta. Stipulæ? foliolis similibus sed minoribus magnitudineque valde variis, summis linearibus vel clavatis. a Corymbi terminales, hoc axin primarium terminanti longe prius evoluto, subfastigiati sed centralis rami divisionesve 260 RUBIACEJ. laterales duplo longiores, (ramuli subsecundi ascendentes,) pubescentes ramulis basin vel basin versus bracteis spathulatis viridibus suffultis. Cymorum partialium dichotomorum, flos centralis semper prius evolutus, si racemorum flos infimus. Flores numerosi, odore Jonquillino extus albi intus carnea, filamentis saturatius carneis. Antheris brunneo-rubris. Alabastra subglobosa. Cal. albus, ovario adnatus, 5-dentatus. Cor. rotata profunde 5-partita, laciniis sepalis alternis ovato-lanceolatis, zestivatione valvatis. Stam. 5-sepalis opposita, corollz basin inserta. Filamenta crassiuscula subulata, carnea purpureo-maculata. Anthere biloculares, subcordatz initio introrsz, medio dorso afixæ. fere didymæ loculis demum divaricatis et quasi transversis. Pollen lutescens ovatum hinc sulcatum, czeterum leve, immer- sum globosum. Ovar. 3-loculare, loculis, l-ovulatis, inferum, ovula pendula foramen superum hilum prope, raphe axi proxima. Styli 0. Stigmata tria rotundata sessilia. Has. Upper Assam. In humidis et presertim secus ripas fluminis Kundul. Suddyah. Floret Junio. RUBIACE X. STYLOCORYNA. Stylocoryna bispinosa. Scandens, folior. ramulor. par infime in spinas abortient. spinis subulatis deflexis quoad ramulos, foliis ovati-ellipticis subintigris, stipulis latis intigris decidius, cymis ramulos termi- nant divaricatiss. floribus albidis suaviter odoratis. Cal. tubus ovatus ultra ovarium podaci ad apicem ejus demum circumscissus breve 5-dentatu Cor. hypocraterif. tubo calycem die excedent, gracili 5- partit, GARDENIA. 261 Anth. sessiles ad faucem. Stigma exsert. clavat. sulcat. Discus epigynus compressus parum elavat. Ovar. 2 locul. placentis carnosis intraloculos product. Ovula 00, placentis immersa. Has. Mergue. Ad littoram Ins. Madam. prop. pator scandens in fruticet. no. 869, Dec. 1834. GARDENIA. Gardenia carinata. Arbuscula, fol. cuneato-obovatis, obtuse acuminatis breve petiolatis, stipulis membranaceis ochreeformib. floribus maxi- mis axillaribus solitariis aureis suavissime odoratis. Cal. tubus ultra ovarium productus, ad apicem ovarium cir- cumsciss. irregulariter 5-dentat. Cor. hypocraterif. tübo longissimo partita. Stam. fauci inserta. Anth. sessili lineari subinclusz. Stylus longissimis, a medio infra incrassat. a medio supra pubescens, Stigma exserta bilamellat. Ovar. 1-loculare! placentis 2 lunulatis parietalibus, ovula 00, foramen hilum prope. Pl. CCCCLXXIV. Fig. III. Fructus drupacea maxima, ovi magnitudinis, apice reli- quis calycis truncáte coronat. 5-costat. sub 5-angulat. . Semino 00, complanata, testa diluta brunnea dura albumen corneum semini conformi. Embryo axilis. Cotyledones planz. Radicul, longa hilum spectans. Plumula inconspicue. Has. In humidis Mergui an culta, vide etiam in sylvis Moulmein et ad littoram Manis, Kully Gyoon. Dec. 1834. no, RANDIA. Ae Randia. ? Frutex dichotome ramosus. Ramulis divaricatis spinosis Junioribus pubescent, spinis axillaribus oppositis, rectis, (ra- mulis abortivis,) foliis ovato-lanceolatis breviter petiolatis, 262 RUBIACEA. acuminatis subintegris, supra lucidis, subtus ad nervos pilosis, floribus 2-3 in pedunculo vel axillaribus vel in dichotomis ramulorum, majusculis conspicuis, albis subsuaviter odoratis in pedunculo articulatis ibidem bracteis ovatis 2 opposita. Cal. tubo cylindrico ultra ovarium producto 5-partito, laci- niis ovatis. Cor. hypocrat, tuto calycem triplo fere excedente limbo 5-partito, laciniis patens. Stam. fauci inserta, exserta, filamenta sub 0. Anth. lineares: Stylus filiformis longit. corolle. Stigmata 2 ovata con- niventia. Discus epigynus glandulosus integer. Ovarium extus brevi- ter pubescens bilocule pluri-ovulat. ovulis placentis carnosis subimmersis. Has. In sylvis, Mergue : no. 306. Sept. 1834. 9. Randia exaltata. Arbor. alata 5 opedalis, trunco gracili. Ramulis cinereis, junioribus compressis ferrugineo pubescentib. Folia ad apices ramorum confertis breviter petiolatis inzqualibus obovatis breve acuminatis subobtusis, subrepandis, penninervus subtus ad nervos et axillas eorum pubescent. Cymis ex axillis folior- Japsor. sub 3-chotomis, bracteatis ferruginea pubescent. Pe- dicellis brevibus calycibusque extus pubescent. floribus mag- nis conspicuis albis suave odóratis. Cal. tubus ovat. ultra ovarium product: limbus 5-dentat, dentibus acutis brevib. erectis. Cor. infundibulifor. extus breve pubescens tubo longissimo infra medium ampliato, fauce nuda, 5-partit. laciniis subeequa- lis ovato-lanceolatis patentib. zstivatio contortis. Stam. 5, fauce lineas 11 infra insert. laciniis alternant. Anth. longissimze sessiles lineares utrinque acutze bilocule longitud. dehiscent. inclusz. Stylus longissimis inclusus filiform stigma clavat. inclusa € labiis 2 lanceol, carnosis connivent, " — RANDIA 263 Ovar. 2 loculare, loculis pluri-ovulat. ovulis placentis carno- sis subimmersis foramen pilo subopposit. Fructibus 8-lobosis pomi parvi magnitud, coronat. calycis dentib. subobsoletis, conoque breve obtuso e disco epigyno ampliato orto, bilocularis polysperma sublignosa, matura baccata? Semen 00, compress. angulat. albumen carnoso- corneum, Embryo inversus, vix axillis. Radicula longissim. filiformis obtuse. Cotyledones foliaceæ cordatæ. Plumule in- conspicua, Has. Mergue. In humidis, cum Rhizophoreis, Pullow : no, 962, Jan. 1835. Stipuli integris basi connatis ovat. apice subulat. ferrugineo pubescent. Tubus corolla ad partem constrictam villosus. Sect. Euclinia omnia Randiz sed embryo vagus. 3. Randie sp. Ramuli ex albido virescentes, internodii breviusculi, ad artic. nodosve szepius subtumida. Rami plures in spinis breves calcariformes 3-lineales degene- tat. Petioli vix bilineales, lamina foliorum sublanceolata acutiuscule parce undulata, subcarnosa, long. 34 unciali, lat. 1k, 1}. Stipules ? ymæ florum terminales pluriflorz, foliis breviores : pedun- culis ramisque, ram. lateral. 2-3 flori, abbreviatis, tetragonis, bractez scarioso-herbacez, acuminata. Pedicelli laterales sub 3-lineales, infra medium bibracteo- lati, flor. terminali vel centrali subsessili. Flores magni, odorati initio albi, cito ochroleuci, estiv. con- torta imbracata, Calycis tubus subeylindric. 21 lineal. lacinia 5, rarius 6 e cordata subulato-acuminata, apice subreflexa. à lla hypocraterif. tubo gracile, diametro tubo calycis vel ovaria 8-linealis, laciniæ 5-6 angusto-lanceolatæ, acutiuscalæ, Patentes demum subreflexz, 5-6 lineales long. 3 lat. Stamina totidem alternantia fauci inserta paullo infra sinus 264 RUBIACE. lacinearum, filamenta brevissime. Antherz lineares, in corolla decumbent. biloculares, subacute, connectivum carnosum : insertio supra basin et infra medium. Stylus subclavatus tubo paullo longior. stigma oblongum magnum exsertum emarginatum, vel stylus apice a lobos 2 lanceolatgs erectos dorso sub 5-striatos, intus stigmatosos et apice excepto coherent. divisus. Ovarium calyce duplo brevius annulo parvo lutescente coronatum, biloculare, ovula plura placentis intrantibus sub- immersa. Fructus globosus apice initio calyce coronat. demum c. lapso areolato-umbilicatus biloculares subbaccatus, ater. Semina parva in placent. subfungosa (cum placenta baccante recedentia) fere immersa, angulati ossea, tegum. unicum, osseum, extus papilosum albumen copiosum cartilagineum. mbryo albus axilis. Cotyledones subcordatz. Radicula duplo longior. hilum versus. Has. Malacca at Nhinghull. January 30th, 1845. OPHIORIZA. Ophioriza sp. Pl. CCCCLXXV. Caulis succulentus viridis pallide, stipulz foliaceze virides. Petiol vix viridescentes. Fol. subtus albida, supra saturata viridia, et ibidem inter- venia convexa sunt. Ven: secondarie conspicue, conspicui. arcuratz, subtus intervenia reticulate sunt, venulis in centrale subconfluentibus. Bractez calycesque fusco-virides, inflorescentia dense un- tans, flores pulchre purpur. rosacei 5-alato-angulati. Has. Naga mounts, between Assam and Burma at Kuttack Boom in moist ravines. March 16th, 1837. ve — 265 KonavuriA. Kohautie sp. Pl. CCCCLXXVII. Caulis basin purpurascens, foliis subglaucis subtus carinatis. Corolla omnino fuscescens laciniis saturatius coloratis. Has. Burmah at Katha in Campis graminosis : May 9th, 1837. Hzpvoris. Hedyotis sp.? Herbacea hispida prostrata radicansque, foliis lanceolatis acutis cum mucrona integerrimis asperis ciliatis supra atro- viridibus infra pallidis, floribus glomeratis in axilliis albis, stipulis multi-setosis. : Cal. tubo brevis limbo 4-dentato dentibus acutis suberectis, Cor. infundib. tubo dentium calycinarium longitudinis. limbo. 4-partita, laciniis revolutis. Stam. 4, fanci inserta, 1-2, interdum abortient. filam. filif. exserta. Anth. biloculi longit. dehiscent. uva filiforme longitudinis filamentorum, stigma capitat. OD, Ovarium 2-loculare, loculis 00 ovulatis, ovulis placentis Carnosis affixia, Coi Mergue. In ruderatis, Madamaca ; no. 277. Sept. OLDENLANDIA. Oldenlandia linoides Gr. Herba erecta Spithamzea, ramosa hispida caulibus di- tomis, foliis sessilibus decussatis cordato-lanceolatis, "Cutis, ciliatis l.nervus, floribus erectis longe pedicella- te, lete ceruleis, 3-4 ad apices ramulorum confertis vel solitariis, ae tubus obconicum 4-dentat. dentibus acuminatis, tubo Dgitudinis, 12 266 RUBIACE&. Cor. campanulato tubo calycem excedente limbo 4-fido, la- ciniis ovatis suberectis. Stam. fauci inserta, tot quot calyces dentes et iis opposite. Anth. subexsertz, bilocul. longit. dehiscentes Stylus filiformis stamina paullo superans, stigmata 2 papil- osa recurva. Ovarium calyces dentibus subpatentibus coronata, pilis cellulosis inconspicuis sinubus interjectis 2-loculare, multi- ovulat. placentis carnosis intra loculos productis ovulis in placentis immeris. Stylus inconspicuis linearibus setaceo-pinnatifidis, folior. pagina supera lucida. Aspectu omnino linoideo. Has. Mergue. In arenosis humidis, Culweng: mo. 3/7. October, 1834. WENDLANDIA, Wendlandia secunda Gr. ` Frutex glaber, fruticosa, foliis obovato-lanceolatis glabris, P PE. ae s latin a 4 La d - 1*1 ndig k E dii ic ? foliis ternatim verticillat. in ramulis junioribus, floriferis confer- tis obovato-lanceolatis utrinque acuminatis — venosis subcoriaceis subtus pallidis. Floribus spicato-paniculatis ochroleucis. Paniculis cymi- formibus, spicis secundis. Cal. tubo brevi cylindrico 5, dentat, dentibus minimis sub- eequalibus. Corolla tubo elongato subclavato fauce ampliata limbo 5- fido laciniis acutis erectis. Stam. 5, fauci inserta, petalis alternantia inclusa. Filam binis. Anth. utrinque emarginate lineares bilocule longit dehiscent. Stylus clavatus stamina equans. Stigma bilabiat. exsertum. Ovarium biloculare, loculis multi-ovulatis placentis intra joco los productis affixis. PJEDERIA; 267 - Æstivatione corollze contorta stipulis persistent. Has. Mergue. In sylvis prope Culweng : Aug. lst, 1834. no, 212, MEPHETIDIA. l. Mephetidia. Calycis tubus ovatis, ultra ovarium parum productus, brevi- ter 4-dentat. dentiffus erectis. Cor. subhypocraterif. tubo cylindrico calycem duplo exce- dente, limbo 4-partit. laciniis ovatis patentibus, apicibus cras- sissimis coccullatisque, laciniarum bases fauxque pilosze, faux clausa, Stam. 4, sinubus corollinis inserta, Anth. ovate subses- siles, bilocul, longit. dehiscentes, parce pilosz, inclusz. Stylus filiform. tubo corollæ brevior, stigmata 2, ovata, papil- losa, conniventia bifida. Diseus epigynus clavatis rotundatusque integer. Ovar. 4- loculare, loculis l-ovulatis, ovulis erectis, foramen hilum versus. Pl. CCCCLXXIV. Fig. IV. Capsula drupacea baccata, lete azurea. calycis limb. reli- quum coronat, ovulata angulata. , AB. Mergue. In sylvis densis Madamacca prop. Paloor: Dec, 1834, Mephetidia Bl. and Lasianthus of Jack. 2. Mephetidie sp. Pl. CCCCLXXVI. Stipulz seniores brunneze, juniores virides, uti 2 annuli. Fol. subtus albida, vena secondariz anastomosant. . Pedicelli calyces virides. Cor. alba demum ochroleuca. Has, Khasyah Mounts, Myrung. PÆDERIA. l. Pederia fetida, Pl. CCCCLXXIX. Fig. III. Fructus ovatis, calyce limbo dentato toroque epigyno Persistentibus coronatus, Calycis parietes a pericarpio maturi- 268 RUBIACEA, tato secedentis tenuissimi membranacei fragiles subdiaphani utrinque venis? tribus notati. Carpella 2, secedentia pendulaque ex apicem, e basi fruc- tus ortum ducentis accumbentia, complanata, alataque, disco centrale carnoso, baccato viride odoris aterimi. Semen unicum ovale cuique carpello, medio affixum, parte baccata inclusum, parieti hujus exteriori approximatum. Tegumentum tenue subobsoletum ex albumina secedens et cavitatem loculi quasi adnat. d Albumen carnosum forsan ob immaturitatem. Embryo axilis radiculi longiuscula infera teres. Cotyledones planz cordatz foliacea. Plumula inconspicue. 2. Pederia, Pl. CCCCLXXIX. Fig. IV. Planta scandens volubilis. Fructus cymosus paniculatus brunneo-castinea globosus lucidus, apice coronata calyce breviter 5-dentata, dentibus in fructu depressis siccus, calycis parietes tenuissimi liber ! Pericarpium baccatum liberum biloculare, pulpa gelati- nosa diaphana extus virida. Semen 1 cuique loculo plano convexum, introrsum leviter curvatum potius arcuatum vix plano-convexum sed menisci- forme apicem versus affixum. Albumen corneum amplum. Embryo orthotropus axilis, directione albumis. Radicula brevis obtuse. Cotyledones plane foliacei accumbentes albæ rotundate basi profunde cordatz. Fructus indehiscens, secus septam in hzemispheros 2, demum secedens, Plumula inconspicue. Has. Assam, Odorque presertim fructus Pederiz, occurrit in sylvis ubique paulo infra Suddhya Negrigam usque : Jan. 21st, 1835. PSYCHOTRIA. Psychotria, Pl. CCCCLXXIX. Fig. II. Fructus capitata, capitulis bracteatis in cymis temi bus disposita baccata breviter stipitata, Bacca ovates, 60% PSYCHOTRIA. 269 cinez leves, apice toro concolore, medio foveolato coronate, ceterum nuda, calyces nempe limbo deciduo, biloculares, 2 sperme. Semen ] cuique loculo erectum, plano convexum faciebus planis internis approximatis. Tegumentum duplex, exterius fibrosum coriaceum fibris tenuibus irregulariter dispositis, interius cellulosum rubrum, inter alb facie externa convexa, pluries et haud profundem intrans, secus fauci planam interiorem medium seminis versus profunde et in locis duabus intrans. Raphe fibrosa chalaza- que inconspicue albumen corneum ruminatum, Embryo orthotropus basi albuminis versus locatus hujus directione, Cotyledones plans foliacez, incumbentes serie faciebus latioribus seminis parallelz. Plumula inconspicua. Radicula longa teres apice conica. Has. Frutex. In sylvis per totam regionem. Upper Assam Vulgatum occurrit. Feb. 1836. The outer integument consists of atleast 2 layers, owing to the contrary directions in which they pass and to which the irregular fibrous appearance is to be attributed ; near its sur- face vast quantities of fascicled raphides occur. - It is well worthy of examination to ascertain whether the direction of the cotyledones is in all the 2-seeded species of ubiaceæ, parallel to the broader faces of the seed, and Whether, in the many seeded it is the reverse, In these last wever the narrow borders may be the true faces. EPriTHINIA. Epithinie sp. Pl. CCCCLXXVIII. secondariis paucis distinctiusculis. Stipulis interpetiol, ore ‘ntegerrimis annuli in more coalit, basi gibbos. 270 RUBIACE2. Cymis axillaribus foliis brevioribus pluries dichotomis, florem dichotomum primaria scrotino, bracteis sub 0. Flori- bus parvis numerosis exalbo carneis. Calycis tubus compressus elongatus sub 8-lineatus ultra ovarium in limbum minuti 4-dentat. membranac. pro- duct. Cor. hypocraterif. 4-partita laciniis reflexis late ovatis, æsti- vatione leviter contort. throat very hairy, tubo calycis limbo duplo longiore. Stam. fauci inserta, reflexo-patenta exserta filam. brevia. Anth. dorso affix subsagittatz loculis pollinif. linearibus Pollen. ? Discus epigynus sub 8-lobus. Stylus rubescens exsertus, apice incrassato-bilobum, lobis sub divergentibus interne stigmatosis. Ovar. biloculare. Placenta loculi cujusque intrans centra- lis divergente bipart. ramulo supero ovulum erectum affigens, infero ovulum pendulum. ‘Tegument connata? Raphe $ completa, apex nuclei hilum prope. Fructus oblongo compresso 8-sulcato carinat, Epicarp. celluloso-spongiosum. Mesocarp. crasso in carinas product. album, indurat. Endocarp. osseum, vix separabili spontaneum in pyrenas duas, calycis limbo imulat. Semina szpe abortiva, situs et forma ovulorum, hec erect, hoc pendulum. a —— tenue, hinc rapbiger albumen carnosum, medioc Embryo orthotropus iis (radicula longiuscula hilum versus epectans) Cotyledones planiusculo. Has. In Rhizophoreis Pulo Bissar. Circa Singapore ` vulgatem. Oss. It certainly has stipules, but the usual lamina is nearly abortive. - Wight and Arnot have mistaken, at least the situation of the vae po and their description of the stigma is incor- The fruit is iti drupaceous, EPITHINIA, 271 The radicle is not superior in the upper seed, in both quoad the seed and placenta it has the same direction. | 1, Plant nat. size. | 2, Apex of a branchlet, shewing the vernation and stipula- tion. 3. Bud just before expansion. 4. Portion of inflorescence. 4a, Single flower. 5. Corol. laid open. 6, 6. Stamina. 7. Pollen dry. 8. Do. in water, 9. Pistillum. 10. Apex of style and stigmatic surfaces. 1l. Ovarium part of limb of calyx cut away to shew the lobed epigynous disk. 12. Long section of ovary shewing the peculiar placenta- tion and direction of ovula. 13. One placenta removed. 14, Fruit. 15, Transverse section do. 16. Long section do. 17. Seed long section one cotyledon cut away. 18, Embryo, IXORA. Tzora decipiens, Frutex, foliis oblongis. Inflorescentia thyrsoideo-paniculata, Paniculi trichotomi. Dentes calycinæ paullo post anthesin ” pallide rubi, | Flores albi. : Cal. tubo brevi 4-dentat. dentibus erectis, postea deciduis. Cor. tubo cylindrico calyce triplo longiore, limbo 4-fido, IS reflexis, Faux nuda. Stam. 4 laciniis alternantia. Filam. fauci inserta, reflexa. Antheræ introrsæ, reflexe, biloc. longit, dehiscent, 972. RUBIACE. Stylus filiform longitudinis tubo, a basin usque ad medium parce pilosus. Stigmata 2. Ovarium biloc. loculis 1-ovulatis, placenta axilis. Pericarp. baccat. globosum magnitudinis pisi. Semina plano-convexa, testa dura albumen carnosum. Punctum hili situm indicat. Cotyledones cordate planz foliacee. Radicula longe hilum spectans acutis coriaceis integris. Structure of the coats of the seed. External coat testa, is formed of loose cellular substance, almost horny of elon- gated cells, which have no determinate direction. Endosperm, of elongated cellular tissue resembling woody fibre and running in a longitudinal direction, it is capable of being detached with tolerable facility. Pl. CCCCLXXIV. Fig. II. longitudinal section of the seed with a plan of its inner surface and view of the cotyledon and radicle, March 31st, 1833. SPERMACOCE. Spermacoce sp. Pubescentia hispida décumibent: ramis bicanaliculatis, foliis subsessilib. lanceolato-linearib. acutis cum mucrona, integris; stipulis multi-setosis, floribus in axillis congestis, albis. al. tubo brevi dentibus 5, lanceolatis ciliatis mucronatis, demum conniventibus pilosus, sinubus acutis Cor. tubo gracili, calyces dentium longitudinis, limbo 4- partib. laciniis revolutis parce pilosa. Stam. 4, longe exserta fauci inserta. Anth, albze. , Stylus longus stamina zequans, stigma bicapitatum. arium biloculare, loculis 00 ovulatis, calyce connivente ` inclusum. Has. In umbrosis Madamaca : no. 232, August, 1834. LECANANTHUS. Suffrutex humilis vix uno pedalis. Caule basi forsan excepta 4-gona, angulis e stipulis decurrent magis acutis et elevatis LI LECANANTHUS. 273 stipule membranaceze magnæ oblongz, infra medium centro carinato-alatze. Fol. breve petiolatis ovato vel oblongo-lanceo- lata cuspidato-acuminata coriacea subtus albida 2 darie vena arcuate. Spicæ capituliform. axillares, livido-purpurez horizontales, Seu j cernuz ; surrounded by a. peltately attached, subseve- ral-lobed involucre, os calycem bilabiata et inaequaliter tube- form. Cor. bilabiata tubo infundibul. calyce paullo longior. the upper lip in depressed segments narrower, conspicuous uncinato-carinate parallel. Lower 3 diverging, reflexed carinato-uncinate at the summits or deorsum. Cal. of flower bilabiate, lab. inferior subintegro, superior 9-dentato majore often nearly entire. Stam. inserted about the centre of the tube, which is papillous, or at the back of the anthers hairy. Style pilose. Stigma of 2 recurved, stout green lobes. : uy 2-celled, cells multo-ovulate. Placenta intrant eshy, Anth. adnate sublanceolate bilocular longitud. dehiscent. Epigynous disk small entire. _ Stout brown hair-like processes in the axilla of leaves, aris- ing from the inside and edges of two liguliform axillary pro- cesses, or from axils direct ; they cohere to the stipula bases. Involucre at first, when only the peripherial flowers are eloped—is campanulate. Young fruit 2-celled, few seeded, terminated by the trump- éd-mouthed calyx, eds angular, compressed, very few compared with the mM Malacca. In sylvis densis Verrupha, called Aloor Ons. I imagine this approaches to Ophiorhiza, although according to DeCand. it would be Gardeniaceous, and Sarco- *ephalina, Flowers scarcely bracteolate, here and there setæ x2 274 RUBIACER. like the axillary ones, only one expanded flower seen; this same when put in water for preservation during the night lost its bilabiate form, and became as nearly as possible. regular, venation ordinary. Evidently Lecananthus of Jack and agreeing with his L. rubescens,- except in the regular corolla and smooth ovary, Jack's generic character is not so good as ordinary. Cal. tubulosus ore tubzformi bilabiato, Cor. valvata, bilabiata, laciniis subzequalibus, tubo infundibulif. Stam. medio tubo inserta, subsessilia inclusa. Ovarium bilocule, placentis intrantibus carnosis, (septo quasi affixis) ovula 00. Stigmata 2, crassa, oblonga, subexserta. It has nothing to do with Nauclea whatever; the ovarium is, while the tube of the calyx is beyond the limb, livid pur- ple, the last is =. inside. Calyx well developed before the corolla. Surrounding the internode base se next to in- florescence, isa ewe. the sheath of the gemma. ` Rubiacee Pl. COCCLXXIX, Fig. I. - Fructus in cymos terminales aggregatos dense congesti, baccat. Bacce obovate vel obovato-pyriformes, spongiosz albi sub- diaphane apice profunde foveolatz. Calycisque dentis brunneis lanceolatis acuminatis connovente imbricatis ceronate pseudo 4-loculares, Calycis parietis nempe a pericarpio secedentis nisi secus lineam septorum et utrinque placentis opposito. Pericarpium biloculare membranaceum tenue, septis mem- branaceis discretis. Placentz carnose stipitatze his opposit#- Semina 00, complanata irregulariter 4-angula brunnex pul- chre reticulata. Tegumenta duplex utrinque adherens exterius coriaceo" acea tenue e reticulatum brunneum, interius tenuiss. membranaceum album, albumen corneum. | hd STYLIDIUM. 275 Embryo obliquus hili latus unum oblique spectans. Radi- cula conica infera, cotyledones accumbentes seu faciebus ^ angustiorib. seminis opposit. plauo-convexe. — in- = . conspicua. ' Frutex 3.4 pedalis. . Has. In sylvis, per totam regionem. Upper Assam valga- tim occurit, SCÆVOLEÆ. Miuvols Taccada, Roxb. Suffruticosa ramulis crassus, foliis alternis sessilibus obo- vatis carnosis læte viridibus, apices versus repando-dentat. sinubus brunneis supra nitidis. Cymis florum axillaribus pauci- foribus, foliis multo breviorib. florit j albis det | brunneo-ochroleucis marginibus laciniarum basin versus et nervo medii tubique fissi, rubro-brunneis. Pet. sinuato-repanda demissius ciliato-laciniat. Anth. membrana terminat. Indusium e pilis albis. . Ovarium calycis dentibus coronat. biloculare, loculis 1-ovu-- lat. ovulis erectis pericarp. drupaceum,. AR. Mergue. In littorib. arenosis. Ins. parvae prope ostium-lumen, Palar copiosa : Oct. 1834.—Nov. 1833. lt forms patches or belts of the most beautiful green I have ever seen, Du » i * " | s E. ! STYLIDACEG. STYLIDIUM. Stylidium Brunonis Gr. Stylidium, caulibus basin versus incrassatus, foliis subrosa- ceis, spicis ramosis, floribus Cele foliis cellulosis in- conspicue 3-ne erviis, 276 SPHENOCLEACE2. Cal. bilabiat. 5-partitus 3 labiis sublateralibus nec vere pos- tico antico, lab. 2-fido sinistrorsum, 3-fido dextrorsum. Cor. tubo brevi, limbo irregulariter 5-fido, lobo postico reflexo dentiforme, lateralia intermedia subtruneata, 2-inferi- ora majora, biloba. . Stigma papillosum. Sem. ovat. testa cellulosa. Has. Mergue. SPHENOCLEACEZ. SPHENOCLEA. Sphenoclee sp. A succulent marshy aunual with alternate exstipulate leaves, venation ordinary. Flowers arranged in dense terminal capitula, sessile, tri- bracteate. - Cal. adhrent 5-lobed, imbricate quincunciate margins mem- branaceus, persistent unchanged. Corolla small, 5-partite, lacini: inflexed imbricate in esti- vation; venation simple, one central to each lacinia "ic within the apex. : Stam. 5 opposite the sepals inserted into the tube towards its base, e vascular. Filaments short. Anthers 2-locular, longitudinal, opening attached to the apex of the filament. Pollen smooth with 3 pores. Ovar. entirely adhzrent, 2-celled, ovules 00 antitropal. d Capsule crowned with sepals, which almost entirely cover its convex larger disc, style deciduous, 2-celled, seeds 00 testa shortly e coriaceous. Albumen none. Embryo orthotropous. Testa externally cellular, immersed bulging out into cones each of which is traversed from base to apex on botli sides by a fibre. LN MR w lata T CYCLOCODON. 277 f The embryo separates with its integument probably the embryonary sac, this is furnisbed with a mammilliform pro- cess at either end, that next the hilum being the largest, the other represents its base, no raphe exists. * CAMPANULACEÆ. . i CycLocopon. Cyclocodon distans Gr. Pl. CCCCLXXXI. Fig. I. Caule subscandent ramoso rubro, articulis paulo incrassa- tis, fol. opposita breve petiolata lanceolata valde acuminata, mucronata serrata, l-venia, venulis secondariis subarcuatis purpureo sepe tinctis. Ramis apice trichotomis ramulis dichotomis, flore in furca solitario, in apicibus ramulor. sæ- pius 3-natim aggregatis. ^ Pedicellis filiformibus rubris flori- bus albis carneo-tinctis. . Involuera 4-phyllum, patenti-reflexum, foliolis linearibus entatis, interdum oblique insertis, verticillis nempe non formantibus, Flos breve pedicellatus, pedicello fructifero parum elongato. Calyx? ovario omnino adnatus truncatus obsolitus. Cor. rotata epigyna 4-partita, laciniis cordatis acutiusculis "Venus venulosis, estivatione angulato valvata. Stam. 4 epigyna laciniis corollinis alternantia, filam basi plana, filiformia demum marcescentia. Anth. oblongz bases versus affixze, biloculares introrse et longitudinaliter dehiscent, Pollen globosum minute hispidum, ovarii apex l a Ec depressus concavus. i hs tylus filiformis, pilosus, stigma 4-lobum lobus papillosis ‘mum recurvis, " oom adnatum omnino inferum 4-loculare loculis cruci- liberi 'Positis, Placentis carnosis bipartitis apicis versus m. : | ü Pax 00, oblonga foramen hilum prope. Tegumenta dis- 278 CAMPANULACEX. Fructus capsularis subglobosus, apice depressus corollaque genitalibusque marcescent. coronat. 8-sulcatus, sulcis septis respondentibus, profundioribus, 4-loc. Placentz 4 carnoso- fungosz, loculos ex maxime parte replentes, apices versus liber, medio sulcate vix bipartite. Semina 00 valde compressa, subovalia, brunnea nitida. Tegument. simplex fragile, minute areolatum. Albumen carnosum farinaceum copiosum. Embryo minutiss. in axi albuminis. Radicula hilum versus spectans. Cotyledones parve, their faces corres- ponding to the greater diameter of the seed. Septis ovarii petalis alternantibus, placentis carnosis suc- cus lacteus parcus. Has. Khasyah Mountains. In sylvis Churra: Oct. 16th, 835. Oss. The above description is probably wrong, as the invo- lucrum is most likely calyx, although the fact of the tube of the corolla being adnate tothe ovarium, whilethe calyx is free, is an anomaly of extremely rare occurrence. In my Mergue species, C. adnata, Gr. the involucrum is adnate to the base of the ovary. CAMPANULA. 1. Campanule sp. Herba 4 uncialis annua in arenosis proveniens, fol. sessi- lia linearia obtusiuscula subdentata, flores pauci pid pedunculati. Calycis tubus levis obconicus. Cor. profunde 5-partita, pallide cerulea, filamenta Ad ; centia. Antherz stigmataque tria albida hzc revoluta. Has. Upper Assam, In arenosia, Deboro Mookb: Feb. 28th, 1836. Unicum specimen, tantum vidi, Inter Jorhauth et Gubro? copiosa invenitur, CODONOPSIS. i 279 2. Campanule sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXIII. Fig. 2. Planta annua in arenosis crescens. Caulis angulato sulcatus simplex vel subramosus, ramis nànis, Cor. carnez. . Oceurit etiam in cultis Chykwar Assamicz superioris. Nam Tenai and Meinkhoon : March 25th, 1837. 3. Campanule sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXIII. Fig. 1. Planta in arenis vel inter saxa fluminum crescens vulgatim occurrit, secus Brahmapoutram, Nam Tooroon et Nam Ten- ne ai. Delvi apud Meinkhoon : March 25th, 1837. Coponopsis. 1, Codonopsis albiflora. Sub scandens erectave herbacea, caulibus ramisque teretibus petiolis brevibus basi dilatatis, fol. szepissime opposita ali- quando subopposita, lanceolato-acuminata dentato-serrata, basi subcordata, tenera floribus terminalibus et ex axillis folior. 2 Summorum solitariis majusculis albis pedicellis. elongatis, foliis brevior. infra florem sed supra medium 2 bracteata, brac- teis linearibus dentatis, foliaceis sæpius oppositis. Cal. tubo sub o basi planus 4-5 partitus laciniis linearib. ongatis serratis, bracteis consimilibus, zestivatio aperta. Cor. subcampanulata. tubo brevi viridescent ovario adnato ! ` 4-5 partita, laciniis subcordatis vel late ovatis, acutis zstiva- tione valvatis marginibus prominentibus. - 4-5 epigyna libera, laciniis corollæ alternant. inclusa, lam, complanata basibus dilatat. Anth. erect subsagittat. bilocu] &longit. dehiscentes inérorse. Pollen rotundat. hispi- dulum album, Stylus | brevis; cylindricus apice versus pilifer. Stigmata onga crassa patente erecta. 280 CAMPANULACE®. Ovar. 5-6 loculare vel loculi tot quot styli, loculis 00 ovu- latis, ovulis placentis intrantibus carnosis affixis, foramen hilum prope. Fructus capsularis calyce laciniisque persistentibus sti- patis, laciniis corollinis subdeciduis ideoque quasi truncatus videtur filamenta bases persistenti inflexw, stylo apiculato 5-6 locularis. Placentz albz carnose si 5, bifide, sem. 00, minuta. Testa brunnea pulchre reticulata, albumen farinac. Embryo minu- tus axilis orthotrop. Semin. immatur. vidi. AB. Mergue. an cleared ground about Banlaw and Yengboo: no. 1013, F Oss. The limits of dos calyx are well defined in the fruit by a line passing between the permanent laciniz, hence the tube of the corolla is either adhzrent to the ovary, although this is not demonstrable, or else the corolla is epigynous. In tle bud however, the middle nervure is distinctly prolonged to the calyx, and the adherent part is so similar to the free, that I have but little doubt that such is the case. The exis- tence of two layers is not demonstrable by a transverse sec- tion, if such is the case it is a singular instance of an ovarium united both to the calyx and corolla, to the latter in a much greater degree. 2. Codonopsis sp. Scandens volubilis, foliis canis cordato-ovatis basi subre- niformibus mollibus e rugosulis, fructibus axillaribus breve pedunculatis nutantibus. Pedunculis rubris basin versus apice czeruleo-purpureis. Calyx reflexus, laciniis foliaceis lanceolato-oblongis minute venulosis purpureis, depress. basi czeruleo purpureo, fructibus cujus basi calyx adnatus globosus truncatus apice cicatri¢ corolle 5-augulatz notat. et areolata, areola 5-angularia ce saturato purpureo czruleo, casio areola cujus majore magis rubescent. nitida, cicatrices stamina angulis LOBELIA. 98] alternantibus, basis styli ex medio areole prominula conum referens. Fructus pseudo-baccatus pericarpii parietes tenues carnosi, 5-locularis. Placentæ, maximze carnose transversz, loculos fere replentes, septis axin versus distantibus nec approxima- tis, faciebus intrantibus internis basi fructus versus papillosis, . Semina 00 minuta, tota superficiei placentarum bases ver- sus interne tantum excepte, ovalia minute punctulata foveolato more, pilo brevissim. apicule filiforme, testa subcoriacea cras- siuseuli subsimplex. Albumen carnosum a tripliusculum. Embryo axiliis. Radi- cula longiuscula subulato-conica hilum spectans. Cotyle- dones carnosz minute plano-convexiuscule. Has. Khasyah Mountains Bogapanee: Nov. 5th, 1835. 3. Codonopsis sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXII. Scandens volubilisque, foliis utrinque canescentibus, floribus Pendulis magnis campanulatis viridibus, laciniis reflexso- patentibus margine sanguineis. Calycis sepalis semitortis reflexis, = Stigmata margines subconnates. Planta subfztida elegans. E In fruticetis muflong. Itinerary Notes, p. 56, no. LOBELIACEZ. LOBELIA., Lobelia. ; Caulibus 4-gonis, sub 4-alatus decumbent. ramosis tenuis, iS brevis, petiolatis cordatis serratis acutis basi 3-nervus, floribus axillaribus solitariis longe pedicellatis inconspicuis Pallide cæruleis, pedicellis foliis duplo longiorib. basi bi- bracteatis, bracteis foliaceis linearib. i l. tubus 10-striatus, 5-partitus laciniis lineari-subulatis . Metis persistentibus, tubo primum longioribus. L2 282 HYDROLEACE. Cor. calycis laciniis paulo longiore, later. superior (postice) longitudinaliter fissa, bilabiat 3-5 partit. laciniis zequalibus. Stam. 5 ascendentia per rimam corollz, filam. corollze bre- viorib. liberis. Anth. inter se et cum, stigmate coherente brunneis, introrse biloculi longit, dehiscentes, connectivo parce piloso. Stylus filiformis longit. filament. Stigma papilloso-capitat. filam, basin corollz inserta, lacin. alternantia, basib. apice- busque pilosis. Anth. apiculatz, apiculo albo. Pollen ovatum læve hinc longitudinaliter sulcatum. Capsula bilocul. placentis carnosis intra locul. product, polysperma. Sem. 3-angularia apice dehiscence, valvis medio septiferis. Semina lucidis brunnea, testa membranacea, albu- men parcum. Embryo minutus in axis albuminis. Has. Mergue. In aquosis, Oct. 1834. mo. 429. Succus aquosus, HYDROLEACEA. NAMA. Nama zelanica. Planta prostrata, floribus pulchre cyaneis læta. Calyx ad basin fere 5-partit. extus piloso-glandulosus. Se- pala demum conniventia fructum -includentie. Cor. rotata, tubo brevi laciniz 5 profunde oblong Stam. 5 basin corolle inserta cum petalis aec Filamenta subulata basi dilatata. Antherz subsagittatze magne, basin affixe, connectivo an- gusto, loculis teretibus divisum, infra insertionem antheræ longe producte biloculi introrse, longitudine dehiscentes sæpe difformes. Ovarium extus pilosum rotundatum, biloculare. Placent# binæ carnosæ magnæ. a 00 transversa funiculo brevi affixa, foramin vix evi- dent. sursum spectant. tegamentis coalitis. | | | | 1 | ERYCIBE. 983 Styli 2 filiformes crassi cyanei. Stigmata subcapitata papillosa. Septam ovarii bilamellata, mesocarpio intus inflexo, tenuis- simo, demum in placentam partem carnosum ampliatissimo. Capsula membranacea, calyce connivente incluso. Semina 00, transversa ovato-oblonga, minuta pallida brun- | nea, exalbuminosa. Tegumenta bina, exterius membranaceum, tenuissime cel- lulosum, cellulis punctatis. Interius membranaceum, apice quasi mamillatum (nucleare) videtur trabeculatum, an affixum exteriori ope punctis ? Embryo orthotropus, radicula teres, obtusiuscula. Cotyle- dones planiuscule convexo-accumbentes vel faciebus seminis alternantes? Plumula inconspicua. ` ap dmm and situation of parts, see Pl. COCCCLXXXI. ig » . Has. Assam. Jorhauth: March 4th, 1836. CONVOLVULACEÆ. ERYCIBE. l. Erycibe ferruginosa Gr. . Frutex scandens, ramis, petiolis, paniculisque, calycibus co- rollarumque nervis ferrugineo-pillosis, foliis alternis aliquando Suboppositis breviter petiolatis obovatis acutis integris, su- perne atro-viridibus infra subglaucis. Paniculis terminalibus, Tacemosis, bracteis bracteatisque villosis. Pedicellis brevib. | dense ferrugineo-villosis. j Cal. basin fere, 5-partit. sepalis rotundatis ciliatis. Cor. gamopet. tubo calycis longitudinis limbo, 5-lobo, lobis obeunea is, bifidis parte ovatis ad fissum currento in sestiva- tionem externa, dorso ferrugineo-villosa et incrassata. : Stam. 5 fauci inserta, petalis alternantia, introrsa, subsessi- lia. Anth. biloculze longit. dehiscentes, apiculate. Stylus 0, . Stigma capitat. Ovarium globosum I-loculare. Placenta basilaris libera 984 CONVOLVULACEJE. p inconspicua, ovula 4, an semper? erecta radicula hilum versus, flores odorati, pallide ochroleuci. ZEstivatio calyces quin- cancialis nempe 2 externis, 2 internis, | intermedia. Petalo- rum partes villose valvatim disposite, externae partibus membranaceis omnino alternes plicato-convolutis. Has. In sylvis Mergui: August, 1834. no. 175. 2. Erycibe citriniflora Gr. Fruticosa scandens, fol. breve petiolatis dong. obovatis subrepandis obtusis, coriaceis subglabris. Racemis corifertis abbreviatis in axillis szepius folior lapsor. densis pedunculis pedicellis bracteolis, sepalis extus corolleque parte per esti- vat. extima rufo-pubescent, floribus majusculis lete citrinis odore ingrato sinapsis nigri. Sepalis obtusiss. Cor. laciniz bilobz, lobis post anthesin conduplicat. Fila. complanata per brevia, corolle leviter adnata. Anth. sagittatze. Ovar. pilis crebris tectum. ‘Stylus brevissim. stigma magnum capitatum angulato. Ovar L-loculare, 4-ovulat. Has. Mergue. Ia sylvis Mergue. Jan. 1835. CONVOLVULUS. C. lupulifolia. Scandens, volubilis caulibus glabris parceque pilosis, foliis inferior palmatim, 7-lobis summis 5 tantum cordatis, dentatis, lobo terminali majore, — axillaribus 3-5 floris, foliis breviorib. Calycis sepalis Es SERO IRA, exteriore purpurascenti exteriore pilis longis hispido. Cor. campanulata plicata, majuscula lete luteo, Stigma bicapitat. | Ovarium 4-loculare, loculis 2-ovulat, Has. Borasso juniore scandens Mergue : Dec. 1833. | | i l 1 E 1 a 1 ^ NEUROPELTIS. 285 NEUROPELTIS. Neuropellis intermedia Gr. Cal. nitide ferrugineo-velutina. Cor. alba, parte plicatá angustissime ideoque nervo medii latissimo ferrugineo-pubescens, rotato-campanulata, tubo breviss. laciniis 5, ovatis patulis. Stam. exserta, filam. basi villosa, alba. Ovar. pilosum medium infra miniat. glandulosumque. Styli 2, stigma 2, reniformi-capitata maxime lobulata. Ovar. loculis 2-ovulatis ovulis erectis. iom In sylvis inter Mergue et Kulweng : December 1834. 28. 720. .-8 Neuropeltis bracteata. Frutex scandens, fol. alternis exstipulatis petiolatis ovatis vel lanceolato-ovatis integris mucronatis, glabris. Racemis axillaribus, foliis brevioribus ferrugineo-velutinis, floribus in- erior in medium bracteze foliacee ovate sessilibus, pedicello "iy hine adnato, superior bractea libera lanceolata sufful. x Cal. 5-sepalis, sepalis subcarinatis, ferrugineo-pilosis lanceo- atis, margine utringue producta membranacea, estivatione imbricata, - IE gamopetala, profunde 5-partito, post anthesin con- lvens, * : uot lacinia corolle et iis alterna, sinu- bus Insert: fil " . Cres " E . " "i a, filam. filiformia, basibus pilorum fasciculis sti- atis, Anth, biloculz longit. lateraliterque dehiscentes, versalitis. tum bilocul. loculis 1-ovulatis, ovulis erectis. Stylus. ? EN. In sylvis, no. 679. 3 ergue: Nov. 1834. Vid. post thesin tantum, Nec Erycibe petalis nempe integris, Habi- tug hujus generis, 286 CONVOLVULACE:. Nemopon. Gen. Nov. Volubilis hirsuta, fol. cordatis 3-lobatis integrisve. Race- mis abbreviatis axillaribus. Bracteis membranaceis hispidis, floribus ochroleucis corollis urceolatis plicatis calycibus hispi- dissimis 5-sepalis, sepalis 2 paulo minoribus. Cor. tubo inflato, calycis longitud.fauce constricta, limbo plicato obsoleto-5-lobo, lobis emarginatis. Stam. 5 corollz ima basin cohzrentia libera, filam. basibus dilatissim, parte dilatata superne in processum dentiform. in- ter convexum, pilis glandulosis purpureis hispida et ovario incumbent. producto, subulata. Anth. subsagittate. Stylus subulatus, inclusus. Pollen globosum hispidum album. Stigmata 2 capitata urceolus glandulosus ovarium ambiens. Ovarium 2-loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis erectis. Has. Mergue, In graminosis prope: Dec. 1834. no. 813. Ipoma@a. Ipomea noctiflora Glabra caule volubila, foliis longe petiolatis cordatis acu- minatis cum mucronum subrepandis, floribus racemosis ma- ximis albis suavissima odoratis pedunculis petiolis paulo breviorib. axillaribus, pedicellis uncialibus, crassis. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis 2 exterior et 1 intermedio apice mucrone erecto. m Cor. tubo longiss. limbo hypocraterif. marcescente in- voluta. Stam. 5, tubo inserta inequalia. Pollen hispid. Stigma capit. bilobum lobis e lobulis papillosis formatis. Torus in cupulam glandulosa ovarii basin cingens abiens. Ovarium 4-loculare, loculis, 1-spermis. Has. Mrs. Hutton’s garden Mergue, Floret, noctu: July; August, 1834. š ie a aaa 287 STYRACINEJE. STYRAX, Styrax floribunda. Arbuscula gracilis, pubescentia stellari brevi velutina, fol. alternis linearis exstipulatis ovatis acuminatis subcrenatis plus minus ciliatis racemis paucifloris axillaribus terminalis- que. Pedicellis basi_l-bracteatis, bractea lineari-subulata floribus nutantibus majusculis albis suave odoratis. Cal. campanulat. basi ovario adnato, limbo erecto breviter 5-6 dentato, alternantia. Cor. gamopetala, tubo calycino tubo longitud. campanulata, _ limbo profunde 5-6 partita, laciniis lanceolatis reflexis, den- tibus alternant. zstivatione imbricatis. Stam. laciniis corollinis numero duplo sub-biserialia se- tie externa petalis, inter sepalis opposit. fauci inserta, li- bera, Filam. filiforme pubescent. Anth. erect exsertze, li- neari-oblongze, connectivo carnoso magno loculis linearibus longitudinaliter introrsumque dehiscent, plus minus pubescent Velutinis. Pollen ovatum lave hinc sulcat. Stylus filiformis, stamina superans. Stigma trigonum capitat. Orar., seminiferum, 3-loculare, loculis pluri-ovulatis. Ovulis placentis axilibus affixis ascendentibus, foramen inferum hilum Ope, Has. In sylvis. Inter Kulweng et Mergue: April, 1835. Siyraz grandiflora, Pl. CCCCXXII. ta saturato.viridia, subtus pallidiora, venis subdiaphanis. . e Mali h tan ann viridescent. Flores albi AB. Naga mountains between Burmah and Assam. In *ylvis Prope Namtuzceh: March, 1837. Nempea: March 19th, 1837, 288 EBENACE. Diospy Ros. l Diospyros sp. Gemmæ (apertæ ferrugineo-sericeæ). Folia lanceolato vel oblongo-ovata obtuse et breviter cuspidata basi subatte- nuata, non coriacea reticulata, long. 4-5 unciali, lat. 13-2 un- cialia. Fructus solitarii sessiles in ramos. subhorizontales. Calyx tubus obconicus crassus magnus limbo 4-fido, mar- ginibus insigniter reflexis. Fructus ipse ovatis long. fere un- cialis, lat. 8-9 lineales, apice adpressa ferrugineo-pilosus et api- culatus breviter; epicarp. precoriaceum duriusculum, pulpa copiosiuscula fluida mucilaginosa arctu fibris percursa, 6- sperma, long. 6-7 lineal. lat. extrem. 3-4. Semina pendula compressa, tegumen. exterius gelatinosum, interius pallide brunnescens marginatum, albumen arcte adherens densum cartilagineum. Embryo in axi dimidii superioris, radicula longa, bilinealis clavata ; cotyledones folia- cee lanceolate longitudine circiter radicula. Succus subdulcis, astringens. Has. Malacca at Ching Nhinghull : January 27th, 1845. 2 Diospyros argenteus Gr. Gemme lanceolati-acuminatz argentez imbricate breve Stipitatz. Ramuli compressiusculi et tota pars novella, pagina super foliorum excepta, nitidissima argenteo-sericea, demumque ferrugineo-argentea vetusta, folia plus minus glabrata subtus et glauca. Petioli subbilineales, Folia e basi cordata lineari-oblong breviter cuspidata, long. 10-uncial.. latit. 3-uncial. integr^ bifaria, ria, supra nitentia,: scure, Ven enis secondariis Een parum conspicuis, ga SE nh OS EM RC O ED, eC ae ~ DIOSPYRUS, 289 Fructus axillares fere subsessiles, basi l-bracteata, calyce 4-sepalo, sep. maximis oblongis, concavis, obtusis (lustre really metallic) extus argentissime sericeis intus venosis, long. 17-18 lineas, lat. 10-11 metientem. `F. ipse oviformis 2 . unciali et 5 lin. long. lat. 14 uncial strigossissime pilis virides- centi-albidis breve cuspidatus stylo base (epicarpio vel cuticula viridi homogenea albo-cellulosa except immatura) 8-locu- laris, Semina 6 subcylindric. utrinque paullo attenuata, longi- tudine fere fructus tegumentum album cellulosum. Albumen cartilagineum., Embryo in superum partem albuminis. Radicula clavata crassa. Cotyledones oblonge 31 lineales, longitudine circiter radicule. D. discolori aff. foliatione. . Han. Malacca: January 27th, 1845. 2. Dispyros embryopteris. Arborea dioica, fol. oblongis obtusis coriaceis integerrimis, reticulatis, marginibus cartilaginosis. ^ Paniculis e ramis vetustioribus ortis vel terminalibus cymosis, cymis secundis, 3-chotomis, sepiusque 3-floris. floribus majusculis ochroleu- cis suaviter odoratis. —Pedunculis pedicellis calycibusque extus, bracteisque, atro-ferrugineo pubescent. : Jal, 4-5 dentata, dentibus subovatis szepius acutis. Cor. urceolato-campanulata, imbricata, 4-fido, laciniis sub- cordatis revolutis, zestivat. ? 3 tam, indefinite hypogyna. Filam. libera breviss. Anth. adnate bilocul. longit. dehiscens, apiculo papilloso emargi- mato integrove, Connectiv. utrinque praesertim intus piloso. Rud, ovarium central. | - Has. Ad littoram Insular. alibique circa Mergue, vulgate urit. Amherst ad littoram arenosam : Dec, 1834. xu 2 290 EBENACE £. SIDEROXYLUM. Sideroxylum obovatum. Arbuscula, ramulis angulatis brunreo- velutinis, fol. obovato junior subtus ferrugineo-integris, floribus capitulatis, axillari- bus, parvis albis. Pedicellis basi minute ] -bracteat. Sepal. 5, subinzequalia rotundata imbricata. Cor. rotata, 5-partita, lacinie rotundate, sinubus squami- feris, squamis subcarnosis plus minus laciniatis. Stam. 5 epipetali e laciniis corollinis oppositi, filam. subulat. Anth. subversat. bilocul. longit. lateraliterque dehiscentes. Discus hypogynus glandulosus lutescens, crenulato-repan- dus, superum pilifera, pilis pallide ferrugineis ovarium cingit. Stylus brevis subpentagonis. Stigma lineat. Ovar. 5-locu- lare, loculis 1-ovulatis, ovula medio affixa, foramen superum ? Has. Mergue. Apud Bopeem. no. 1102. l. Ebenacee. Arbuscula dioica ramis albidis cinereis, foliis alternis €x- stipulatis, breve petiolatis elliptico-ovatis integris, obtuse acuminatis, glabris penninervus, luteo viridibus. Paniculis carnosis subhemisphericis, axillaribus, breve pubescent. foliis breviorib. Bracteis minimis, floribus numerossissimis par- vis albis odoratis, in pedicellorum apices articulat. Cal. parvus, breviter 3-4 dentat. dentibus rotundatis. : Cor. urceolato tubo subgloboso 3-4 dentata, dentibus erec- tis marginibus recurvis lutis, rotundatisque estivatione imbri- catis, _ Stam. circiter 13-20, hypogyna biserialia libera, corolle imz basin leviter cohzrentia. Anth. ovate acute papillosz, apices versus bilocul. laterali- ter dehiscent. Connectivum majusculum, filam filiformia sub- plana interioris breviora, SAPOTACEA. 291 Pollen oblongo-ovatum leve hinc sulcatum, Rud. ovarii centrale, lobatum angulatum. Has. Inter arbusculos circa Mergui: no. 175. Dec. 1834. Fem. nondum vidi. 2. Ebenacee. Frutex dioicus 8-10 pedalis, ramulis flexuosis virgatis, fol. alternis exstipulatis lanceolatis, obtuse acuminatis integris subrepandis penninervus, nervis secondariis, margines versus confluent. floribus axillaribus solitariis vel 2-3 racemosis se- cundis, inconspicuis, lutescent, pedicellis brevibus basi bi- bracteatisve. Cal. ad basin usque fere 4 parta, laciniis foliaceis ovatis, mar- ginibus extrorse curvatis. Cor. hypocraterif. tubo 4-gono, conico subulato, nempe, apicem versus alternato, calycem fere duplo excedent. limbo 5-partito, laciniis ovatis reflexis zstivatione contortis! Sepa- lis alternantibus. Stam. circiter 14-16 hypogyna? basin corolle adnata cuique separabile, filam. filiform, valde inzequalia flexuosa. Anth. erecte subadnate inclusz apiculate biloculi longit. dehiscentes, incluse. Rud. fem Has. Mergue. In sylvis dis collis Pator prope basin ^o. 984, Feb. 1834. "An genus Nov. certe non Diospyrum species legitima. Interdum monstros. coadit, Corolla in verticel. foliosum 4-foliis calycines, SAPOTEA. SAPOTEA« Sapatee sp. Pl. DI. Arbuscula vel arbor. uli virides. = Fol. Subopposita subcoriacea saturato-viridia subtus pal. a, venis secondariis distinctis arcuatis suboppositis. 202 SAPOTACEJE. Petioli subteretes viridescentes. Panicule axillares virides, flores fasciculati directione varii ochroleuci, fortiter odorati. Calyx viridescens demum brunnescentis. Gemm:z squamatz terminales brunnez. Ovar, superum biloculare, ovulis solitariis ascendentibus. Habitus Sapindacearum. Has. Burmah, Namyoon: March 10th, 1837. IsONANDRA. Isonandra hexandra. Ramuli teretiusculi pallide brunnescentes. Gemme fer- ruginez. Petiole subunciales a medio circiter infra incras- sata et e sulcata; lamina oblongo-lanceolata, breviter et obtuse cuspidata patentia subundulata, long. 5-6 uncialis, lat. 2-24 uncialia: v. secondariz arcuate inferne venules trans- versis anastomosantes nexa. Flores plures in axillis aggregati, glomeruli evolutione irre- gulares, forsan subinversa nutantes vel nutante penduli, me- diocres viridescente albidi, odore subingrato. Pedicellis sub 3-uncial, basi bracteis squamiformibus ferrugineo-puberulis interspersis, subclavatis. ZEstivotio saltem sepal 3 interior leviter imbricata. Calyx tubo cupuliformis, ad medium tripartitus, pubescens sub ferruginescens, sepala 3 interiora: omnia cordato-ovata. Corolla rotata, tubo brevi obconica lamina, 6-partita laci- niis lanceolatis concavis obtusis patentibus. Stam. numero pet. duplo, fauci inserta, filamenta pilosius- cula subulata, his petalis opposita longiora. Antheræ erect? Sagittate mucronato-aristatze, extrorsz, biloc. longit. dehis- cent. i een immersum ellipticum triplicatum, plicis medio poro- D deeem Pesci subrotundum, 6-loculare. Stylus subu- bus, alabastra etiam apice exsert. paullo longior petalis. MYRSINACEZ. 293 Stigma simplex. Ovula in loculis solitaria, pendula anatropa tegument 0. Has. Malacca Nhinghull. Ison. hexandra Gr. fl. haxandris, fol. oblongo-lanceol. Oss. The diminution in size of the stamina opposite the sepals, which ought to be the largest, is in accordance with the character of the order. There is another hexandrous species here. Ison obovatis Gr. foliis obovata subtus glaucescentia punc- tatisque, alabastrus ferruginea, antheris ferrugineo-villosis, Malacca: January 30th, 1845. ` MYRSINACEE. EMBELIA. Embelie sp. Frutex erectus, 6-8 pedalis. Rami divergentis, glabris flexuosa, teretes. Fol. alterna ovato-lanceolata, acuminata Tepanda, penninervia utrinque glabra, seniora subspinoso- dentata, petiolata, Petioli 4 uncialis. Paniculi florum axil- lares, terminalesque, ramulis divaricatis. Flores parvi albi, odore prussico. Cal. basi 3 bracteatus, 5-partitus laciniis cordatis obtusis tubo brevi, Cor, rotata, 5-partita, laciniis rotundatis crenato-repandis. . Stam. 5-paullo infra faucem inserta. Filam. petalis oppo- Sita Vix exserta filiformia. Anth. ovato-rotundze, adnatæ bilo- cul. longitudinaliter dehis. Pollen ovatum leve, longitudinali- ter sulcatum. Stylus brevis, stigma 3-4 fid. inclusum. “var. l-loeulare. Placenta libera centralia. Ovula plura, complanata vix peltata ? Bractea lanceolata ad basin cujusque pedicell. æstivatio CUyds imbricata. Pl, DXLVIIL Fig. e. part of the pla- centa and ovula, B. In sylvis circa Moulmain copiosa, Dec, Jan. 1834. 294 MYRSINACEJX. AJEGICERAS, AEgiceras fragrans. Arbuscula, glabra. Ramuli teretes, Folia sparsa, petio- lata obovata, obtusissima, integerrima, coriacea, l-nervia. Flores umbellati, albi odorati, umbellz sessiles, axillares vel terminales et tunc oppositifoliz, pauciflorze. Pedicelli filiformes elongati. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis ovatis membranaceis (basibus car- nosis) oblique imbricatis, potius? arcte contortis. Cor. gamopetala, hypogyna, hypocrateriformis, tubus ca- lycis longitudinis, limbus profunde 5-partitus, laciniz ovate acute, demum reflexz! decidua, zstivatio contorta. Stam. tot quot petala et iis opposita. Filam. subulata exserta, basi in annulum corollz, basin adnatum accreta annu- lus, (potius cupula) pubescens. (Faux corolle dense pubescens tubus glanduloso pubescens, pubescentia nempe glandulis capitata. Anth. basibus emarginatis, affixæ, subversatiles, bilocul. longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Loculi parietes crassi-cellulosis, Ovarium 1-loculare, ovula 00, placenta carnosa centrali im- rsa. Stylus subulatus crassiusculus rubro-punctatus. Stigma simplex. Ovula ascendentia, inferiora, transversa. | Has. In limosis ad ripas flavum Martabanee inter Rhizo- phoras copiosa. Florens. Feb.] The ovules are not peltate, the ipods are ascending, the lower transverse, the foramen is near the hilum, it is by the greater subsequent development of the part in which the foramen is situated that the seed becomes peltate. The im- mersed glands are indistinct. Pl. DXLVIII. Fig. a. Longitudinal slice of placenta, and the ovula before the expansion of the flowers, shewing x, x, the situation of the hilum and o, o, the foramen, Moulmein: Feb. 1834. ee IH ONIS TUENTUR ee E EEEN 295 EpGEWORTHIA. Edgeworthia, Pl. CCCCXCVIII. Arbuscula vel arbor. parva, interdum inermis, ramulisque sepius in spinis fortibus abeuntibus et dense ad pressque albo- pubescent. Fol. alternis, obovatis obtusis, integerrimis co- riaceis, patentibus vel szepius deflexis, dispositione valde varius siccatione margine reflexis, v. secondariis distinctiusculis inter venius minute indistincti reticulatis. Petiolis brevibus, sub- tus glaucescent. Flores odorati. Bracteola minuta sepalis consimilis subflorem quemque vix semper. Floribus in axillis aggregatis subsessilibus. Cal. imbricat. 5-sepalum, ferruginis hirtus. Cor. monopetala, lutescens, tubo brevissimo laciniis 5 re- flexis, zestivat. imbricatis. Stam. 10 fauci inserta ; 5 sterilia interiora sepalis opposi- fa reflexa, e basi subsagittata, acuminatiss. ochroleuca lutesc. Colore corollee; 5 fertilia exteriora, petalis opposita eodem colore. Filam. subulata longa per zestivat, apicibus geniculatum in- flexis nunquam recta ficent ! Anthere basi afhxe oblonge biloculares extrorsze ! precocius dehiscentes. Sterilia fauci inserta! fertilia in basi laciniarum. Pollen oblongz glabum 1-3 plicat, © Ovar. ovatum, pilis rigidis vestit. basin solidum, apicem ver- aus uniloculare, rudimentis septis tenuissimis ? an semper ? 4 ticei si solitarium globosum, castaneo brunneum, pisi majoris magnitudine, si dua (rarissime) hemispherica secus cies adpressus, lineis elevatis 3-5 (an rapheos ramulis) notat. Tegument, exterius coriaceo-chartacea, Tegument. interius tenuissimum cellulosum, plerumque e vasculis conformatum. _ Tegument, intimum tenuissimum ? albumini adnatum. "Umen copiosum, carnosum, ruminatum, tegmentis uS exterioribus. 206 MYRSINACE.E, Embryo axilis curvatus, radicula longa micropylem (nota luteola hilum prope sine ulla elevatione) distinctam spectans. Cotyledones foliacez, raphe opposite. Raphe seminis globos in nulla exterius discernenda, vasa teste partem intimam Verdier dispositze, et sacculus embryonarius absorptus ? Stylus e basi attenuatis e medio circiter oblique ascendens vasc. fasc. 3-5. Stigma terminal. punctiforme, canal. stigmat, simplex, i.e. termin. ovula pauca, 5.7 erecta, tegmentis cum nu- cleo concretis, foramine inconspicuo prope hilum, et extus spectans, raphe raniosa. Fecundatio przecocio, stylus nempe exalbastro cito exseritur et longe ante stam. dehiscent. 'The corolla is slight monopetalous, the lines marking the separation of the sepals extending below the sinuses nearly -to the base of the tube, and there diverging from each other, -so that itis entirely bound together by the sterile stamina, which extend outside to the base of the tube. The relative situation of the sterile and barren stamina appears viewing the corolla unopened to be the reverse of what it should be, but when the corolla is laid open, there is a certain promi- * nence down the tube, along the course of the filaments, that leads me to believe that their exterior situation is due to adhesion being carried up beyond its usual limits. The sterile ‘Stamina are vascular. There would appear to be a tendency in this plant to rup” ture of the ovary. In the two instances I have seen, 4 in which the rupture, judging from the margins, an and the width of the rupture, was of considerable standing ; the you"s seed was as perfect. in its development, as in the normal state. This rupture from the appearance of the margins 35 scarcely to be attributed to insects. The embryonary sac is a large fleshy transparent curved in the direction of the seed, its surface is ie dulated,—the first steps to its rumination, so that i aeaa ia a a all ot EDGEWORTHIA. - 297 this instance the membrane inflected into the albu- men wil be partly at least nucleary. The stalk of the embryo is exceedingly large, the largest I have met with, it is worthy of remark that, at its apex it is very laxly cellu- lar, the tissue gradually becoming more condensed as it ap- proaches the embryo, still no part of the radicle is formed from it, This is obviously a transition genus, between Myrsinez and Sapotacez, with a preponderation perhaps of characters in favour of the former where it is placed by Dr. Falconer. The relative affinity it has with the two above orders may be decided in favor of Myrsinez, on account of its habit. and inflorescence, which is like that of Myrsinea. ‘It probably comes close to Jacquinia. The infexion of the filament isa curious character, the anthers however return to their usual direction, (is this the case in Melastomacez ?) The protrusion of the style, at so early a period is Unusual, it is not united with a correspondingly early dehis- cence of the anthers, but it is perhaps? associated with the late expansion of the corolla, which forms a tube round the Style, _ It would appear that fecundation is unusual, although fruit 18 produced in immense quantities, but their quantity com- Pared with that of the flowers is extremely small, and sel- dom more than 2 young fruits are to be found in an axilla. The order Myrsinez appears to me unnatural, nor can I think otherwise, viewing such genera as Ardisia united with yrsinea, but I know few of the plant it contains. calyx is entirely that of Sapotes. Cal. 5 sepalus. Cor. subrotata, laciniis reflexis, stam. ste- Tilia 5, fertilia 5, lacinia basibus insert. xstivation imbricat. filam, inflex, ovar. unilocul. placenta sub 0. Ovulis erectis, pis, Semen unicum, album, corneum ruminatum, Embryo axilis NA 298 MYRSINES. curvat. cotyled. foliaceis, radicula longa. ^ Frutex Szepius spinosus, fol. obovatis coriaceis, floribus aggregatis in axillis. BÆOBOTRYS. Baobotrys indica Roxb. Pl. D. Fig. II. .1, 2. Alabastra shewing the estivation. Flower expanded. Do. longit. section. Diagram of alternation. Anther outer view. Do. inner. Do. lateral. Do. after dehiscence. 10. Pollen dry. 1l. In water py 12. Calyx and ovarium or pistillum. 13. Do. longit. section. 14. Placenta. | 15. Ovulum, ; | Has. Naga mountains at Yoomsan : Feb. 28th, 1837. The outer series of stamina is wanting, and no trace of it to be found, is the epigynous disk a modification ? Stigmata | * 5 generally combined in two, 5 distinct vascular fascicles of style 5. OOM A HR ow CHORIPETALUM. l l. Choripetali sp. Pl. CCCCXCIX. Frutex scandens. Paniculis basi fucescent. czeterum uti flores canescenti- viridibus, flores odorati. ; Folia supra secus costam irregulariter glandulosa. Haz. Patkaye Mountains between Assam and Burma. Inter Nidding et Culleyang. Delvi: March 23rd, 1837. 2. Choripetali sp. Pl. D. Fig, 1. Mas. fl. albido-virides. Has. Mishmee mountains, 299 PRIMULACE.E. Primulacee. Affghan, Calyx campanulat, ad medium 5-partit. villosiuscul. Cor. hypocraterif. tubo calyce vix longior subcylindrac. laciniis 5 oblongo-obtusis venosis, faux annulo carnoso, semi- clausa. Stam. inclusz, medium circiter tubo insertz, filam bre- Viuscula filiformia. Anth. introrsz magnze albæ bilocul. longit. dehiscens, venze corollze 10, alternis ad sinus currentibus after forming the annulus, it then becomes Brunonian. Capsula bilocularis, inclusa calyce, valvis bipartitis vel bi- fidis, Placenta compressa, post dehiscent. lobato. Semina 2? like Oncidium, rugosa brunnea, intus cochleata: PRIMULA. l. Primulacee sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXV. Fig. 1. Itinerary Notes, p. 193, no. 396. Has. Tassyasen Bootan. Fed. 117A, 1838. 2. Primulacee sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXV. Fig. 2. Itinerary* Notes, p. 135, no. 582. Han. Bootan. Tassyasen. Feb. 11th, 1838. Young leaves and calyx farinaceous. LysIMACHEA,. Lysimachee sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXIV. Herba spithamza vel minor aspectu omnino Cruciferarum quarumdam floribus albis, corolla profunde 5-partita, antheris bidis, Has, Burmah. In campis versus Carmein, Delvi ad Car- men: April 2nd, 1837. 300 VACCINACELE.- VACCINIUM. Vaccinii sp. Pl. DXVII. Itinerary Notes, p. 23, no. 363. Has. Khasyah mountains; Churra Ponjee: Sep. 28th, 1837. GAULTHERIA. 1. Gauliherie sp. Pl. DXVII A. Itinerary Notes, p. 125, no. 430. Has. Bootan at Bailfai. 2. Gaultherie sp. Pl. DXVIII. Fig. II. Itinerary Notes, p. 98, no. 897. Has. Khasyah mountains Mujlong: Oct. 8th, 1837. GAYLUSSACIA. . 1. Gaylussacia serrata, Gr. Pl. DVII. Has. Bootan at Bhoomlungtung. 2. Gaylussacia incurvata, Gr. Pl. DVI. Has. Khasyah mountains at Amwee : Nov. 7th, 1837. Itinerary Notes, p. 84, no. 1217. THIBAUDIA. 1. Thibaudia auriculata, Gr. Pl. DVIII. Has. Bootan. Itinerary Notes, p. 124, no, 429. 2, Thibaudia retusa, Gr. Pl. DIX. l. Bud. 2. Vernation. 3. Genitalia in situ, 4, 5, 6. Stamina. 7. Stamina in a very young state. DRE TRE SESS AN STRESS MEE T eme qe eEEE———————— THIBAUDIA. 901 8, Do. more advanced. 9, Pollen. 10, Pistillum. l1. Ovary transverse section of. 12. Portion of a placenta. 13. Ovulum. The dorsal processes are growths from the connectivum, this Ithink is shewn by their similarity in structure with this, by their situation which is not on one locellus, but be- tween the two, and by both locelli being obviously prolonged into the simple membranous termination. Has. Bootan. Itinerary Notes, p. 153, no. 756. 3. Thibaudia myrtifolia, Gr. Pl. DX. Has. Bailfai in Bootan : January 28th, 1838. 4. Thibaudia gaultherifolia, Gr. Pl. DXII. m Bootan at Tasangsee. Itinerary Notes, p. 136, no. 9. Thibaudia revoluta, Gr. Pl. DXIII. Has. Bootan at Tongsa. Itinerary Notes, p. 152, no. 752. 6. EINE glabra, Gr. Pl. DXIV. cL TES. Notes, p. 84, no. a om mountains, 7. Thibaudia sp. Pl. DXIVA. Has. Khasyah mountains Muflong ; Oct. 7th, 1837. 8. Thibaudia obliqua, Gr. .Pl. DXV. Itinerary Notes, p. > o, 478. Has, Khasyah mountains ; Churra Ponjee: Sept. 30/5,1837. 9. Thibaudia camelifolia, Gr. Pl. DXVI. Itinerary Notes, P. 61, no, 928, > Khasyah mountains; Myrung : Oct, 11th, 1837. 302 VACCINACEX. CERATOSTEMA. 1. Ceratostema angulatum, Gr. Pl. DIII. Frutex. Rami angulata ramulique cinerea. Petioli pallide fuscescentes. Fol. subcoriacea, infra luteo-viridia, costa albida supra saturata viridia, ven. secondarie tantum conspicuosule. Pedicelli clavato sanguineo-rubri, calyx viridescens san- guineo-tinctus. Cor. campanulata, laciniz reflexze, carnea hyalina, sanguineo- venosa, more C. variegata. Has. Khussee Kyoung : March 16th, 1837. Patkaye moun- tains, Journey from Assam to Ava. 2. Ceratostema miniatum, Gr. Pl. DIV. Frutex epiphyticus subscandens, fol. supra atro-viridia venis secondarius conspicuis subtus pallidis. Squamz gemmarum brunnez. Racemi abbreviati fusco-rubescentes, bractez ferrugineo- brunnez. Corolla miniata acuta 5-angula, genitalia inclusa, Calyx longit. rugosus, purpureo miniat. uti pedicellus. Has. Summit of the Patkaye mountains, alt. 4500 ft, Journey from Assam, to Ava: March Gth, 1837. 3. Ceratostema variegatum. Pl. DII. Frutex epiphyticus ut omnes species. Radicula apicem versus valde incrassates subfusiformis. Fol. luteo-viridia subtus pallida. Racemi abbreviati penduli szpius e parte caulis vetusta viridis, bracteolz minute brunnez. Pedicellus basin viridis czeterum sub sanguineus. Cor. in alabastro 5-angulata, tubo demum sub rotundata, laciniis reflexis læta sed pallide viridibus. Anth, cornubus ERICACEA. 303 semi exsertis lutescent. Stigma hec superans. Discus epigy- nus albidus. Has. Naga Mountains, Journey from Assam to Ava; March, 1837. 4. Ceratostema nanum, Gr. Pl. DV, Frutex nanus, foliis lanceolatis angusti-integris margine recurvatis. Racemis elongatis, pedicelli apice fimbriato. l Has. In collibus Nagensibus prope Lainkaran: March, 183 Hujus generis nunc species plures mihi notæ sunt, quarum binæ e collibus Khasiensibus, tres e Mishmeensibus et cir- citer 6 e collibus Nagensibus proveniunt, una sola floribus solitariis et foliis suborbicularibus gaudet, C. Wightianum mihi Mss. specieum omnuim. C. vaccinaceum tantum col- lium pedes versus invenitur. Delvi Nempeum: Journey from Assam to Ava: March 20th, 1837, ERICACEA. RHODODENDRON. l. Rhododendron sp. Pl. DXVIII. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, P: 190, no. 1016. Haz, Bootan, alt. 8000 ft. 2. Rhododendron deflezum, Gr. Pl. DXIX. Itinerary Notes, P. 192, no. 1046. Private Journal, p. 290, 3. Rhododendron macranthum, Pl. DXX. Has, Tongse Bootan. 4. Rhododendron sp. DXXI. Haz. Bootan at Tongsa: March 13th, 1838. 9. Rhododendron oblongum, Gr. Pl. DXXII. Itinerary otes, p. 192, no, 1045. Private Journal, p. 290. Haz, Bootan, 304 MENISPERMACE. | MONOTROPACE. MoNoTROPA. Monotropa sp. Pl. DXXIII. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, p. 38, no. 629. MENISPERMACE. Roxburgh’s Menispermez in his unpublished Mss. draw- ings in the Library Bot. Garden. M. heteroclitum Vol. 15, t. 55. is very distinct in the male organs, the females do not seem remarkable. Stamina plurima monadelphia vel columna staminum apice multi locellata, squamze M. fenestratum Vol. 15, t. 54. exceedingly resembles Phy- tocrene, but has the wood of Menispermum, the female heads are scarcely distinguishable from those of Phytocrene, it is remarkable for ruminate albumen. Fl. fzemin. capitat. albumen /e cavum) ruminatum. M. polycarpon, Vol. 15, t. 57. Tiliacora, is also distinct in the form of the stamens, the many ovaria, and fruits, which are not curved, the embryo is not represented, it comes close fo Anonacez. Filam. gracilia subulata. Anth. terminalis, Ovaria plura. Drupa e cava. M. cordifolium 15, t. 51. ^ verrucosum | ,, t. 53. +> hirsutum... ,, t. 06. Appear genuine. — laurifolium suppt. * t. 20. — Columba .,, t. 22, M. hexagynum may en prides but it seems to differ chiefly in 3 additional Pistilla. M. tormentosum 15, t. 52, has capitate stigmata, CLYPEA. Clypea, Pl. CCCCXCVII. Fig. II. Su X dioicus scandens volubilis, minute pubescens; mucilagiue effatus, CLYPEA. 305 Fol. longe petiolata, oblonga, basi hastata, acuminata, grosse serrata, glabra, carnosa, basi 5-venia, subtus pallida; vernatione involutiva. Juniora utrinque brunneo-punctata et infra ad venas pubescenti-pilosa. Cymi plures aliquoties dichotomi, paullo supra axillares, (petiolis 3-4 uncialibus teretibus) breviores, corymbosi multi- flori, Divisiones basi bractea setacei suffultm. ^ Pedicelli breviusculi basi bracteati. Flores minuti, nutantes, viridescenti-lutescentes. Sepala 6-serie duplici, zestivatione imbricata, oblonga, apice rotundata, dorso pilosa. Petala totidem duplici serie, sepalis opposita, spathulata, carnosa, margine media supra membranacea, dentatoque, l- venia, vena mediatenus currens. Stam. monadelpha, columna clavata, apice rotundato-clava- tis, fasciculis vasorum 3 przcursa. Anthere 6 biseriatz, petales oppositz, 3 inferiores exteri- oribus, 3 superiores interioribus oppositze 4-loculares! trans- verse Subvalvatim dehiscentes, valvis siccatione quam ma- xime contractis. Pollen rotundato-angulatum album majusculum lve. Rad. fem. nullum. Han. Upper Assam, In sylvis, Suddyah, marem tantum hucusque vidi. Proxim. Cissampeli, discrepans numero ternario, petalis inctis, antherisque bilocularibus et quodammodo habitu. Cuticula e cellulis irregularibus varia angulatis infera tan- tum stomatosa, stomata inzequalia, ovata parva, disco opaco. is constat. e parenchymata, laxiusculo rotundato, 6- 80no, cellule systema vasculosum et fibrosum versus minimze, Systema vasculosum peripheria approximata, partibus sub- misphæricis - alternatim majusculis, minimisque, hisque exterioribus, nuperioribusque. 3 | Vasa fibris circumcincta irregularia pauca, extima maxi- ma, intima minima, Vasa intima spiralia et annulata, interme- o 2 306 MENISPERMACEX. dia majora, ductus solubilis fibra composita nec ne ; exteriora e cellules punctates superimposites ; Fibre punctate. Systema cellulosum laxissimum hemisphericum extrorsum adjectum. Systema fibros. peripher. prope, continuum, ex arcubus pluribus systematibus vasculosis oppositis constans, arcus convex. extrorsum spectant. Distinctio corticis parenchyma- tisque obsoleta. 2. Clypee sp. Pl. CCCCXCII. Itinerary Notes, p. 35, no. 581. Has. Bootan. CoccuLvs. 1. Cocculus convolvulaceus. Volubilis glaber. caulis teres, spiraliter lineatus. Folia cordata, aliquando cordato-rotunda, acuminata cuspi- datis integerr. basi 7-nervia, subtus glauca et reticulata, Petioli 4 pollici longi, basi latiores, et sublobati. Inflorescentia fasciculato-racemosa. Racemis axillares basi articulati foliis longiores. Flores in fasciculis 4-5 florum dispositi ad basin cujusque fasciculi bractea linearis decidua. Flores lutei, ingrati odoris. Sepala 3 ovato-lanceolata ima basi discreta. Pet. 3 sepalis, 4 duplo majora, et iis alterna, oblonga pa- tentia marginibus recurvis, Stamina 6 hypogyna, biserialia, seriei externa sepalis, interna petalis opposita. Filamenta clavata, Antheræ extrorsz, bilocul. longitudin. dehiscentes. Squama sti- pitata, limbo rotundo-obovata, filamenta cujusque externe basin suffultiens. Rudiment fem. vel nullam vel imperfectum, concave convexum latus concavum ovulum imperfectum gerens. Cuar. sPECIF. C. foliis cordatis, acuminato cuspid 7-nerviis utrinque glabris, subtus gl culis masculis axillaribus, subcompositis, folio longioribus. edull- COCCULUS. 307 Oss. It is more agreeable to the laws of organisation to refer the outer series to the calyx, the inner to the corolla, Ithink the fact of the stamens being distinctly in two series, (and consequently their corresponding squame or pet. D. C. being so) disproves the idea of the squamæ being petals. Petals are usually situated between the calyx and the sta- mina, these scales are thus arranged—3 scales, 3 stamens. Taking them for petals, we have the following anomalous arrangement. A calyx of 6 sepals situated on two distinct planes, 3 petals, with three stamens and 3 petals, 3 stamens. If they are petals the stamina do not appear to be hypogynous, but periginous, universally separating with the scales. lobservedan imperfect development of the ovarium in some male flowers. 2. Cocculus nudiflorus. Caulib. scandent. volubil. carnosis. Fol. 0. Racemis ex axillis folior. lapsor. 3-4 uncial. multifloris erectis. Pedicellis basi bracteatis, floribus majusculis fusco-viridibus. . Nepal. 3 minuti, ovati. Pet. 3 iis alternant. multo ma- Jore, patentia. — Squamz 6 hypogyna petaloidez quorum 3 exteriore majore, sepalis opposita, 2 interior minore petalis marginibus basin versus involutis. Rud. stam. 6, hypogyna, breviss. setacea, squamis opposita, apicibus obtuse conicis. Carpella 3 distincta, toro dilatato elevato insidentia, sepalis Opposita, : Stylus crassus breviss. Stigma subreniforme repan- dum, l-loeufare, l-ovulat. ovula pendulo ab apicem locule versus, foramen hilum prope super. Tegument. ovuli simplex. Han. In sepib. Mergue: March, 1835. Masem legi apud Motow sed nex exminandum : Feb. 1835. BS. The stem presents two separate systems of wood, the , Suter fibrous disposed in arches, the ends of which communicate one with the other, the fibro vascular or inner, deposited in regular bundles, near the pith ; these bundles are quite dis- finet, Interposed between the two formations, is lax uncolor- 308 A MENISPERMACE EZ. edtissue. The whole tissue abounds in amylaceous granules of large size. The vessels are very large and as they are in Plytocrena. 3, Cocculus villosus. Fruticosa dioica brunneo-pubescens. Ramis scandentibus, foliis alternis exstipulatis, petiolatis, elliptico-ovatis mucrona- tis, integris ciliatis reticulatis utrinque brunneo pubescentib. floribus in axillis aggregatis solitariis internisve in pedicellis, subnutant. inconspicuis viridibus. Cal. bibracteolat. 3-sepalus, sepalis ovatis petalisque extus brunneo-pubescent. Cor. 3 petal. pet ovalia subreflexa sepalis alternantia sub- carnosa intus pilis albis sparsis. Squamule hypog. 6 cuneato obovato subintegra, medio sulcatze. Stam. totidem hypog. squamulis opposita, biserialia, serie exter. sepalis opposita, interna petalis opposita, filam brevia subclavata connectivum carnosum. Anth. bilocul. loculis des- cretis medium versus dehiscent. Pollen ovatum leve hinc sulcatum. Æstivatio corollz valvata. Has. In sylvis. Mergue: Sept. 1834. CESSAMPELOS. In my remarks on the collection of Plants made at Sud- dyah, I pointed out under Menispermeæ, the variation in site of the placentary suture in Cissampelos from that which usually obtains. It is scarcely necessary for më to explain that it is a law to which no real exception is I believe known, that this suture is invariably next the axis. This is most evident in those ovaria, which are formed by the coalition of several carpellary leaves, but although re evident, is as strictly true in those cases, in which carpellary leaf, from whatever cause this may origins stands alone. In such a case, its situation would be thus see explanatory sketch, Pl, CCOCLXXXVI. Fig. I. CISSAMPELOS. 909 Indeed were it not soin case of additional carpella, being formed, it is at once evident, that the placente of these would have no tendency to meet in the centre, they would instead of all being directed towards the axis, be all directed towards the circumference. Upon these grounds the supposition, that in the plant referred to, the flowers produced from the axille of each bracte, form part and parcel of a single flower, is untenable, as will be at once seen by looking at the explanatory sketch, which represents the structure of Clypea. Pl. CCCCLXXXVI. Fig. II. he supposition otherwise, considering that the female flowers are generally aggregated by fours, corresponding to the quaternary structure of the males, seemed not improba- l But the true explanation has been offered to me by my va- lued friend Dr. Wight, and this is borne out by the considera- tion of the stigmata, to which I ought to have paid more at- tention. The stigmata of this genus appear to be invariably three, and we may take this asa proof that the ovary is Solitary by abortion, of the three stigmata, the central One is external with reference to the axis, it is solitary by the abortion of the two lateral ovaries. Granting these to become developed, the situation of the Placenta will be natural: see sketch, à which points out what Would be the situation of the placentz of the lateral ovaries. Corresponding to this is the suppression of 3, or generally 3 of the parts entering into the composition of the Perianth. 1. Cissampelos capitata Gr. Suffrutex volubilis pubescentia crispata presertim folia Subtus sublanata. Caulis viridescens. Fol. peltata oblique cordato-ovata ob- 48 acuminata cum mucrone, ambitu deltoidea, subcoriacea Integra, basi 9-venia, ceterum reticulata. tioluis uncialis biuncialisve teres axille gemmifere tan- 310 MENISPERMACE. tum vel gemmiferz florifereque, gemma semper externa. Um- bella petiolo brevior, simplex vel composita, radii insequales, pedunculo breviores, basi bractea lineari suffulta centrale ex- cepto. Flores capitata, plures in quolibet capitulo, quorum cen- trali majora przcocioreque, sessiles, minute inconspicui, viridescentes, exteriores prius florentes, sepissime nudi, ir- regulariter evoluti normaliter ternarium. Sepala normaliter 3, spathulato-obovata pubescentia. Petala totidem conformia sed majora. Glandulz 3 discretz rotundato-cuneate carnosz, glabre, virides sepalis oppositze. Columna staminum petala subzquans cylindracea, apice dilatato plano. Anthere 3, transverse circa caput columna site, petalis opposite? transverse dehiscentes, ad anthesin una septis obsoletis confluentes, initio 4-locellatze? Pollen album, rotundato-angulatum leve. . Has. Upper Assam. Suddyah in sylvis: May 26¢h, 1836. Oss. Marem tantum vidi. Columnz vasorum fasciculus unicus. Glandule mediatenus l-venise. De situ staminum du- bito judicare vix possible est ob septa obsoletissime sed ob analogiam conjicio petalis opposita esse, ideoque glandulis alternantum. Sepala petala, et glandule szepe numero varie. G. sepissime terna. C. capitata, foliis peltatis cordato-ovatis basi 9-venus, Cà pitulis lorum umbellatis, glandulis tribus. 2. Cissampelos sp. Pl. CCCCXCVII. Fig. III. The female flowers consist of invariably of 4 ovaries, seated somewhat obliquely on the apices of as many pedicells. Their only envelope consists of a double scale, which is always situated externall y; the inner being smaller and more round- ed, The usual explanation of this is I fancy that the flowers are quaternarily aggregate, the perianth of each being !* l | | | | | | CISSAMPELOS. 311 duced to one sepal and one petal which is from its situation most likely a transformed stamen. "There can be no doubt that both these answer to parts of the female perianth. The outer scale being obviously a sepal, the inner a part of the cup-shaped body, which from the alternation of the stamens with the sepals cannot be petals, but most probably results from a modification of the stamina, This is too perhaps the most natural way; but the occasional occurrence in the order of several carpella suggests an idea as to the composi- tion of the flowers of Cissampelos. In this case we shall have 4 sepals, and 4 scales, and 4 ovaries. „The greatest arguments against this are the invariable greater development of the 2 posticous ovaria and the sepa- ration of the pedicel, which last seems to me nearly con- clusive, the plurality of stigmata. Those in its favour are the invariable quaternary aggrega- tion of the flowers, and the situation of the scales, which Seem never to be developed next the axis. All these fine speculations are knocked on the head by the fact that the ventral suture is not next the axis. The first View is therefore the correct one. Ovaria pilosa postica gibba, convexava sutura ventrali an- tica Sita, l-locularia, biovulata an semper ovula collateralia subantitropa, foramen superum, stylus cylindraceus, brevis, stigmata subtria, simplicia. Sepalum unicum, anticum externumve pilosum, late obo- m. Squamula subreniformis, huic opposita, carnosa evascu- After fecundation the ovarium suddenly enlarges and al- ters ita Shape, becoming as it were curved on itself, the Càuse seems to be the elongation of the placenta, the Style and pedicel are at length brought close together. ltis hardened somewhat by the time the embryo has "PPeared, its sac which previously existed soon disappearing. 312 MENISPERMACE XE. The cotyledons at least in their very young state are opposite, the great transverse diameter or broader sides of the car- pellum. 3. Cissampelos convolvulacea var. Pl, CCCCXCVI. Fig. II. : Caule ligneo gracile volubili pubescente, pubescens cana. Fol. petiolata reniformi-orbicularia cordatave late emarginata, pubescente, basi palmatim 5-nervia, quorum intermedia bi- furcata medium infra. Pagine aliter venulis reticulatim anastomosantibus occupatur centralis in mucronem excurrit. Petiolis filiformibus teretibus. Paniculis terminalibus axillaribusque partialibus subcymo- sis, filiformibus, gracillimis villoso-canis, floribus herbaceis minutissimis. Alabastra subglobosa estivatione imbricata. Sepala 4 breviter unguiculata limbo, subdeltoideo cordato, integro crenulatove obtuso, dorso villoso venulis reticulata. Discus cyathiformis parum profundum ore subintegro car- nosus centrum floris occupat. Stam. monadelpha, columna brevis cylindracea apice pel- tata. Anthere 4 interdum plus minus coalitz, circa apicem columne transverse dispositze, sepalis alternantes transverse disposite, sepalis alternantes, transverse dehiscentes et per diametrum longiorem. Pollen album leve, ovatum, medio sulcatum. Rud. fem. 0. : Has. Upper Assam. Suddyah in sylvis: January 8th, Vix dubito quin apetala sit et urceolusa aboriginem ducat. ut patet ex analogia et structura carnosa cellulosa ? urceola. The structure of the stem is remarkable enough, the centre is occupied by the pith which is green and from which several wedge-shaped broad rays radiate, these are gree? and again coalesce towards the circumference forming the integument or bark ? The spaces existing between these rays are wedge-shaped and interiorly, and throughout their great LOPHOPHYLLUM. 313 er part are occupied by vascular tissue, consisting of large cells punctuated and placed end to end, and surrounded by dotted fibres. This stem is truncate on its outer edge, Im- mediately adjoining this is a mass of lax cellular tissue brown along its outer margin, which may havea different structure. There is still a small place left between this brown outwardly curved line and the mass formed by the coalescence of the rays, this is occupied by a small mass of woody fibre. I have recognised this curious structure in others of this tribe. LornHoPHvLLuM Nov. Gen. Lophophyllum bigristata Ge. Pl. CCCCXCI. Itinerary Notes, p. 165, no. 854. l. Female flowers viewed in different directions. 2. One of the sepals viewed from within. 3. Do. with the ovary; this has no regular situation com- pared with the sepals, although it usually alternates With them, and as the sepals are usually right and left, one of the edges of the ovary is usually next the axis. 4, Pedicelli, two lateral cicatrices are those of the sepals, — . the terminal, of the ovary. 3. Abortive ovary, resembling much one of the sepals. 6. Oblique transverse section. 7. Pistillum 8. Ovulum. 9. Pistillum. : 10. Pistillum after fecundation, one sepal remains. ll. Ovulum of do., this represents I think the nucleus, the Outer coat, distinct before fecundation having become intimately united to the wall of the cell; but on this Point I require more observations. 12, Pistillum more advance. 314 MEMISPERMACEZA. 13. Do. its longit. section, if the above idea be right the inner smooth subdiaphanonous portion is testa. 14. Do. more advanced, nucleus? much curved, its cavity very distinct, no embryonary sac as yet formed. Has. Bootan. Oss. Allied to Cissampelos, but distinct by the binary sepals (each with a cuculate bracte) and single ovarium. MENISPERMUM. Menispermum triandrum, Pl. CCCCXCVII. Fig. I. Pedicelli florum hirti, subclavati. Flores minuti, urceo- ati. Bractee 3 oblongz, Sepala 3-basi carnosa, slongo-ors } margine hispidul. subcarinata, Petala 3, 3-4 majora, ovato-rotundata, przecarnosa, Con- cava zstivatione valvato, dorso et margine hispidula. Squame 6, biseriate, incluse, exteriores 3 majores, Sæ- pius emarginatze, interiores petales opposite szepius truncate. Stam. 3, squamis exterioribus opposit. Filamenta clavata carnosa, supra medium interiora facie sulcata. Anthera bi- loculares longitud. dehiscent. confined to the rounded apex of the filament. Pollen globosum (in aqua saltem) minutum; 3-plicatum vel 3 poros. Rudim. stam. 0. Suffrutex scandens ut plurimum glaber. folia lanceolato- ovata repanda, acuminata, reticulata. Petioli teretes sub- unciales. Racemi vel panicule axillares, ssepius foliis bre- viores, (panicularum antheris irregularis.) Female not seen, the male flowers in October The innermost 3 stamina so usually dendugub, and which would then be opposite to the smaller scales are supp The valvate zstivation to be kept in mind, as also shape of flower and relative size of parta, m | | i | E d MENISPERUM. 315 ]. Flower. 2. Do. one petal removed. 3. Petals removed scales stamina and sepals in situ. 4. Petal inner face. ; 5. Stamen and its scale back view. 6. Smaller scale. 4. Stamen in front. 8. Do. back shews its vascularity. 9. Young stamen front. » M. ou laterally. ll. , dorsally. 12. Pollen 44 Achrom. 13, Partium situs et alternantio. 2. Menispermum dioicum. Scandens, suffrutex dioica. Caulib. teretib. velutinis. foliis alternis breviter petiolat. ovatis coriaceis glabris reticulatis. Floribus fem. racemosis, lutescent. racemis paucifloris, Supra axillarib. : Per. 4 sepalum. Cor. 4 petala, petalis reflexis. Stam. 0. sed cornuum loco corp. petaloidea 4, petalis alternantis. Carpella 2, vel ovarium didymum. Stigmata? papillosa carpella l- locularia, l-ovulat. ovulo pendulo erecto foramen ad apicem, Has. Mergue. In sylvis Begtown: August, 1834. 3. Menispermea, Pl. CCCCXCIV. Fig. II. Frutex scandens, cortice succo lacteo effet. striata. Radiis medullariis amplis. Rami novelli ferrugineo-puberuli. : Folia alterna ex stipulata ovato-oblonga cuspidato-acumi- nata integra, snpra lucida, subtus pallidiora basi 5-venia, venis lateralibus, supra indistinctis, secondariis apicem ar- Cuatum nexis sed inconspicua, pagina ceterum areolata. Stomata ? . bj 316 MENISPERMACEJE. Vasa lactifera folior. longissima tenuissima ! ! Petioli utrinque incrassati-digitatis juniores ferrugineo- puberuli, demum glabrati, striati. Fructus in racemos densos, oblongis pedalibus pendulis e caulis partibus senioribus foliis denudatis, pedicellata, in racemo articulata. Racemis solitariis vel aggregatis interdum oppositis. Pedicelli breviusculi utrinque incrassata. Fructus abortionem solitariufh, sepe et normaliter, ternim in dilatato pedicelli apicem articulati breviter stipitati, oblongim olee fructus magnitudinem, patentissime, obliquisculi, apicem versus puncto sphacelato (situm styli) notati intus longitudina- liter, sutura ventrali inconspicue lineati, virides glabres lucidi drupacei. Pars carnose postice crassior quam maxime vasculosa, vasis lactiferis folior. similibus. Endocarpio mediocri extus rugoso, extrorsum vel antice convexiusculo linea longitudinali centrali notato, introrsum vel posticum vel suturze ventrali opposito concavo et centro apicem versus protuberantia parva medio perforato gerente; compresso, intus secus cursum rapheos canaliculato. emen pendulum cavitate drupe exacte replens. Tegumentum unicum, tenuissimum, membranaceum, sub- lente modice augente granulosum. Raphe crassa ampla semi-completa quam maxima vasculosa, per perforatione pro- tuber. antez supra discripte intrans, sutura ventrali opposit Chalaza inconspicua. Albumen copiosum carnosum, drupz cavitat, conforme (igiturque sectio transverse per medium ducta reniformes.) mbryo axilis albus. Radicula supera longiuscula, teres hilum prope, apicem extremam drupz spectans, Cotyledones maximze foliacee venose lateribus internis per oblique igitut- que parte tantum mutuo applicite. Plumula inconspicua. Proximum no, 4, quz non drupaceus. * MENISPERMUM. 317 1. Fruit nat. size. - 2. One drupe viewed on its ventral face. 3. Do. transverse section. ; 4. Do. long section of fleshy portion, exposing the outer face. 5. Drupe, long section, through the smaller diameter. 6. Drupe separated inner face. 7. Do. outer. 8. Do. lateral. . 9. Long section of drupe through small diameter. 10. Seed separated viewed on its raphal face. ll. Portion of raphe and testa. 12. Portion of testa =|; granulations aften resembling sto- mata. 13, Long section of seed through the greater diameter, or opposite the raphe. 14. Embryo, raphal face of. 15. Do. dorsum. 16. Do. one cotyledon removed, shewing that they are op- posite in their extention, and that their partial corres- pondence is owing to the obliquity of their inner mar- Nat. size. Nat. size. gins, l7. Young embryo. 18. Do. viewed edge-ways. j — Upper Assam. Suddyah in sylvis: August 26th, 4. Menispermea, Pl. CCCCLXXXVI. Fig. III. Suffrutex scandens, foliis alternis, oblongo-lanceolatis, breviter cuspidatis, integris subcoriaceis supra lucidis, paulo basin supra 3-veniis, v. secondarie distincte paucs, Pagina ceterum reticulata. Inflorescentia ut patet e fructus dispositione paniculata, Ictus compositus vel abortione simplex in pedunculo $ haies utringue incrassato, ovalis vel ovali-ellipticus viridis i ovi pidgeon magnitudine, subsessilis apice depressus ad Styli basis, secus faciem interna quoad axin, longitudi- 318 MENISPERMACEJE. naliter lineatus, succus viscosus vel potius mucilaginosus, odor forte. Pericarp carnosum demum baccatum? Endocarpio albo membranaceo. l-loculare, l-spermum. Semen mag- num, cavitat. pericarpium conforme, eoque secus lacturam ventralem affixum, cochleiforme, hilo nempe profunde ex- cavato, albumen copiosum albumen carnosum superne hili apicem versus papilla obsoleta notatum. Tegumenta tenuis- simum, facile non delegendum. Embryo inversus in axi al- buminis. Radicula supera, brevissima. Cotyledones maxim plane foliacea oblonge basi profunde cordatz, stipatate. Plumula inconspicua cotyledones curvatum hippocrepidi- formem albuminis sequuntur. Cotyledones nec parallele sed mutuo oblique site secus marginem internos irregulares, tantum cordate, lateri exteri- ori vel potius auriculate. Has. Upper Assam. In sylvis Kujooque Thea indigena invenitur : Jan. 17th, 1836. Of this I have examined 2 fruits, but I should like to de- termine which cotyledon is external and indeed more of their structure. Ihave little hesitation in referring it to Menispermez from which it chiefly differs in the large size of the cotyledons, and in the position of the radicle ; but the foramen in the ovulum may be inferior. 5. Menispermee, Pl. CCCCXCIV. Fig. I. Frutex tenuis volubilis scandens, breviter pubescens. — Fol. reniformia, vel cordata obtusissime vel acuta olim acuminata etiam subemarginata mucronata obsolete peltata, basi peltata 7-venia, supra sublucida, infra albida, intervenil$ minute reticulatis. " Petiolis basi subarticulatis, teretes diametr. transvers. folit majoremque vix gequantes. ^ Cymis paniculatis axillaribus, aggregatis ideoque gummi upra axillaribus, petiolos subzquantibus ramis divaricatis ramulis paucifloris, flore terminali prius evoluto, ferrug! ee pubescentibus, MENISPERMUM. 319 Flores masculi minuti, viridescenti lutei basi l-bracteolati. Sepala 3-minutissima, irregularia linearia spathulatave. Petala (vel series interior perianth) 3-obovata unguiculata, lutescentia, parce pubescentia. Squame 6, biseriatze, seriei exteriori sepalis opposita paul- loque majora, interiori petalis ovata concava marginibus nempe involutis. Stamina 5, hypogyna squamis opposita, eodem more bi- Serata. Filamenta distincta basi connata filiformia valde crassa, apices versus extrorsum curvata. Anthere terminales erecte basi affixz, biloculares longitud. lateraliter dehis- centes brunnescentes extrorse. Pollen lanceolatum hinc sul- catum, sulco uno pluri. Rud. feminei ne minimum quidem. Cuticula e cellulis sinuosis, his paginze superioris estoma- tos:e majoribus. Anatomia. Caulis, medulla laxa, peripheria versus arctior. Radiis medullaris magnis viridescent cum cortice continuis, | Vasa spiralia medullam ambiunt. Systema vasculosa czte- | Tum e cellulis punctatis mutuo applicitis end to end, circum- datis fibris punctatis. Vasa centrum versus multo majora, ideoque fibre multo pauciores, forma systematis hujus partes plerumque obcuneiforme. Spata reliqua arcuum radiis medullaris peripherice con- Vexorum occupatur tela cellulosa laxa distinctissima e cellulis quadratis, Systema fibrosa densum e fibris impunctatis applicitur arcu cuique peripherice, hujus partes componentes minimae Sunt, Cortex interspatia arcuum radiorum medullarium non om- nino implet, Han, Assam, In sylvis Cheikwar: April 8th, 1836. 320 MENISPERMACE. PHYTOCRENE. 1, Phytocrene stylocarpa, Gr. Pl. CCCCLXXXIX. Fructus aggregatus interdum capitis humanifere magnitu- dine, breve pedunculatus et quasi sessilis in ramo. Drupez plurime oblong, subparallelogrammice sulcato- angulate, szepius compresse, 2} unc. long. 1-1} lat. apice depresso, stylum proficiente basi cincta et spe cuspidata, perigonio albido membranaceo ad medium 4-partito. Superficies, pilis deflexis acutissimis rigidis e basi oblonga pilos alios plures multo minores gerente ortum ducentibus et terminantibus. Substantia, dimidium superius solidum, firmum, fibris percursum inferius, exterior pars tenue firma, intus carnosa fibrosa, putamini adherens. Putamen quasi pendulum, ovatum vel lanceolatum, sepius compressum, pulpa gelatinosa vestitum basi excepto qua abrasum, osseum, crassum, fragile, scrobiculatum, utrinque ad apicem emarginatum, apicis quasi Aili bi-ocellatum, sepe hilum versus utrinque lineis 2 parum prominulis cito evanidis notatum, brunneum, intus albido-ochroleucum et papillis subhemisphericis rugosum. Semen solitarium (nondum licuit ovulum alterum dete- gere) pendulum conforme. Tegumentum tenuissimum mem- branaceum, raphe 1} completa lineata, sepe e maxima parte albumine obtecta. Albumen e lobulis innumeris conflatum, carnoso-oleosum ceseinum, odoris ingrate, lutescens. Embryonis cotyledones sigmoideo duplo flexz, foliacez, ochroleuce. Radicula brevis, magna, supera. he putamen might easily be taken for the seed, for the pulp, except at the base, separates apparently, evenly and smoothly; but the raphe on the membrance covering the te gument shews the real nature, setting aside observations O0? the young fruits. i Of two specimens one had the drupes more elongated à" PHYTOCRENE, 821 less compressed, the others a good deal compressed and about ovate. The albumen of these presented generally the lobes in partial state of separation, and then much more rounded, indeed they appeared as though they were stuck on the outer faces of the cotyledons in a single row, in these too, the in- tegument was often interrupted in continuity, and occasion- ally nearly floccose. The margins of the cotyledons are often not covered with albumen: the albumen adheres to the surface. In the ovate seeds, the integument seems to dip here and there under the albumen, but this is due to the form of the Seed, and only occurs along the lines of flexure. The structure of the albumen is like that of the Olacin- eous Mergue plant; but the tegument in that is highly vas- cular, and the inflexion really takes place to a great extent. l. Fruit natural size. 2. Drupe with the perianth at the base. 2a, Ditto without the perianth. 3. Long section, the outer part of the seminiferous part pulled away from the pulp, not cut. 4. Putamen detached. 5. One of the more elongated ditto. 6. Putamen, pulp rubbed off. 7. Ditto laid open to expose the seed. - Long section of seed. 9- Transverse. 10. One, often more elongate seeds. ll. Transverse section of the same. Penang. eee stylocarpa? semina, Pl. CCCCLXXXIX. ig. IT. Pyrena Putamen received in June 1843 from Dr. Cantor. m compressum versus hilum or attachment, where it a2 322 . MENISPERMACE. E. is distinctly two edged, and on the broad veiws presents 2 or 3 cost, the surface is punctulate the seed loose side. he putamen is thick and long, and very hard outside, inside irregular roundish elevations (corresponding to puncta ?) Seed of the same shape attached to the end of the putamen on which the mark of attachment is, on one side is an irregular nearly closed up foveola along one of the broad faces. The albumen is lobed, the lobes are so pressed together as to appear mere areola, and almost naked, but there are traces of a very fine integument which passes probably between the lobes. 2. Phytocrene macrocarpa Gr. Pls. CCCCLXXXVII, and Pl. CCCCLXXXVIII. Frutex scandens robustus, caule presertim in part. novel. aculeato, aculei conico sine ordine, P. novella, sicut ramuli ferrugineo-tomentosa, tomento strigis immixto. Fol. alterna, exstipulata Menispermaceo-Artocarpina. Petioli teretes, (of old leaves immersed at the base into a deep foveolain the stem) 11-3 inch. basi incrassati, foliaque presertim subtus ad venas ferrugineo-pubescentia. Lamina coriaceo-profunde cordata, apice emarginata integ- riuscula, subundulata, supra tactu asperula, venis basin palm- atis, 7 ; 2 intermediis branched on the outer side, these branch- es as well as the primary ones, inosculate by arches inter- woven, with reticulate veins prominent below. Some irregular white spots above, scattered strigose hairs above, pubescence underneath stellate. Peduncles in the specimen 3, (appearing to originate from 4 protuberance on which are the scales,) axillary base surrounded with brown linear subulate scales or bractes, very strigos¢ hairs subpungent subferruginous, otherwise greenish. Capituli of flowers, oblong or nearly spherical, from the perianth, otherwise brown from prominent Pistilla. There do not appear to be any bractes, | * PHYTOCRENE. 323 Perianths both tetramerous, the outer of 4 spathulate slight- ly concave scales, densely covered with white straight hairs outside. Inner 4-partite, herbaceo-fleshy segments, patento- reflexed at the apex, hairs like the outer ones on the back ex- cept at the base inside which is smooth, perhaps valvate in sestivation. No rudiments of stamina. Ovary strigose. Style scarcely any, or style 3-partite, segments revolute re- flexed outside hairy and inside stigmatic channelled. Stigmata 3, 1-ceteris majus, uniloculare. Ovula 2, (1 abor- tiens) anatropa pendula no distinction of teguments, solid, no embryo sac, I could make nothing out of the barren ovule. The ovula in the young fecundated state, I take to be campylotropous ; although I cannot reconcile this with the Subsequent appearance of the seed. In the specimen the ovaria are generally fecundated and hence enlarged, in the abortive ones, the pistilla is of thelength of the inner peri- anth, which is partite below the middle, and easily separates Into its constituent portions. The stigmata are often two in which case they are nearly *qual, except the hairs, all the parts of these are black. ructus (immaturus) in the specimen solitarius, (capitulis aliis abortivis) pendula maximus, capitis humanis maguitu- dine (very heavy) e carpellis plurimis, apice angulatis more Nipe vel Pandani quodammodo conflatus. Fruc. proprii ambitu cuneato-obovati, in the exposed parts Steyish-green, in the appressed pinkish, very strigose with de- flexed Sticking, but scarcely pungent hairs, deeply fur- Wed sides, apex angular analogous to Nipa. When very im- tare, cellular fleshy with many fibres, along these on a long Section mucilaginous matter is thrown out, this is the Prevalent secretion of the plant. The walls of the single cell Smooth, with small spot-like eminences here and there ; from the immature specimens, it may probably be drupaceous, Indeed the apex is already hardened. 324 MENISPERMACE®. Seed, one, pendulous, compressed, raphe 4 complete, linear simple. Tegument single lax spongy cellular, the young albumen copious. Radicle broad flattened furrowed, superior, longit. (quoad fruit) shorter than tegument, which towards apex is entirely spongy cellular, adhering here to the albumen. Cotyledons very small, suborbicular, on the same plane with the raphe, which appears simple 2 complete. Has. It was brought in from B. Brouang, nom. Malayan vere Akur Pisang Pisang, the seedg (or fruit) are eaten by natives. Oss. It is easily distinguished from the Ayer Punnus species, by the shape of the leaves, and the immense fruit and differs from Wallich's P. gigantea which has the outer perianth united at least in the male. That may be called Callicarpa, this Macrocarpa. : Its affinities are obviously near those of Menispermez, it is perhaps analogous to some Urticee, out of flower no one would know it from the former family. (N. B. Examine the Assam climber which I take to be Natsiatum.) It is abundantly distinct however in the capitulate flowers, in the binary double perianth, and concrete compound pistilla, each with 2 ovula as well as in the structure of the wood, and especially that of the pith. ; In the edible seed? it assimilates to Artocarpus, and in the inner perianth to some Utices, particularly if the st mina be opposite the segments. : In the branches on which leaves are frequent, and the peti- oles are not inserted into foveoli, which I take to be annual, the pith is large, consisting of firm closely packed roundish cells, containing a few adherent granules, its cells become smaller outwardly. Transverse section of the pith, consists of truncated cylinders short, applied end to end. | It is surrounded by true ligneous tissue, with large túbu- lar openings here and there, and distinctly striate, its outline is irregularly angular, PHYTOCRENE, 925 Between this agd the barkis occupied chiefly by cellular tissue, angular muriform towards the wood, hence roundish, but towards the bark it is irregular. Inthis in the sinuses of the angles of the wood appears the parallelogrammie plates, and between these and the bark, but all round, is a formation of young fibrous tissue, the cóm- mencement of the next true wood. Parallel plates of mémbranous impunctate tubes! each sur- rounded by highly punctuated fibres of considerable diameter occurs ; of the extent of these membranes I know nothing, and sometimes they are partly punctuate. Their presence is confirmed by the transverse section of the other species made by my friend Mr. J. W. Grant, C. S. sometimes the membra- nous tubes have here and there no interposed fibres. In the main, or larger branches, there is a distinct ring round the pith, the truncated cylinders of which are now beautifully punctuated. This ring is not visible on a thin transvere section, it is continuous with the wood, than which it is less tubular, but has no line of demacration. Then comes the former wood with 8 radiating lobes, owing to the parallelogrammic plates, which appear now nearly to Teach the pith, but the new formed part, is, I think, or will be wood, from its presenting largish perforations. The new formed outer part of each plate has a whitish cellular appear- ance very different from that of the old. The white cellular tissue,—the ground work of the struc- ture, presents between the first wood and the bark (out- Wardly less complete, 3 new ligneous formations. The first is well enough developed, generally no new distinct pa- rallel plates are to be seen, only in one case in which it was Opposite to the main one. On the circumference of each woody tubular system, Occurs mucilaginous tissue which appears to consist of de- veloping fibres generally in that round the 2nd wood, divided Into. wedge-shaped lines, the wedges having their narrow 326 MENISPERMACE, end, outwards; many of these under l-inch C. M. look like parallelog. tissue, but I think they will be fibro-vascular. It is singular that the outer limit should be marked with an opaque punctum, which looks detached, the fibrous tissue not having reached it. The outline of the 2 wood is irregu- larly lobed. Compare these observations minutely with such as have reference to previous species, Pl. CCCCLXXXVII. 1. Plant reduced nearly 3. 2. Female inflorescencé. 3. Female flower, these small ones were all abortive, but probably represent the flower as per anthesin. ` 4. Same, perianth outer removed, hairs should be carried to the top. 5, 5. Pistillum of the same. 6. Long section do. 7. Flower after fecundation magnified about 7 times. 8. The same outer perianth spread out. 9. Same inner do. laid open. 10. Long section of pistillum disclosing one growing and one abortive ovule. 11. The two ovula detached. 12. Growing ovula do. 13. Long section of same or as seen under graduated pres sure, Pl. CCCCLXXX VIII. l. Fruit immature (4 nat. size.) 2. One of the carpella detached nat. size. 3. Long section, young seed removed, at a endocarp hardened, at 4 barren ovula. 4. Long section, seed in situ, a hardened part of endo- carp, 6 barren ovula, c funicle, d micropyle, om th? front face is represented the raphe. PHYTOCRENE. 327 5. Long section of young seed, a spongy flesh solid apex of teguments white towards the albumen, 6. Young album, c embryo. 6b. Embryo. - 3. Phytocrene calicarpa Gr. feminea planta, Pl. CCCCXC. Fructus e carpidiis multis in capitato globoso sessili dis- positi obovati, infra medium nudiusculi pressione angulati, Supra setis subulisve his retrofactis hirta densessimis tecta. Ima basin sepalis 4, e basi lata triangular setaceo-acuminat. Perigoneoque membranaceo, sepalor. in modo pubescent. ad medium 4-partit. lacinis latis subcordatis. Apex imus nudiusculum centro stylo brevis robusto exserto. Ovar. (less developed, of the same shape, the apex nudiuscu- lous however is longer, 3-4 gonal ending in a short thick black hirt style and A4linear ovate recurved stigmata, these are op- posed to the divisions, of the perigon.) l-loculare, ovulis 2, 1 abortive anatropus ex apice:: loculi pendulis, an nuclearibus an €guments uno przedit, lacinis mucilaginif. in apicem Pistilli. Fructus l-locularis, Endocarpio areolato-rugosa sublente cellulosa, Mesæcarpio subosseo fibros (immatur.) vix separa- lis, superfice rugosa, apex solidus lacunis mucilag, sursum ampliorib. exceptis, Semen pendulum cavitat. implens, superfice irregulare hinc raphe conspicuscula fere } complete. Tegument. cellulosam farinaceam integram vix separabit, basin fibrosam. Albumen carnosum copiosum, forma seminis transversely Sigmoideo-carvatam, extus superfic. rugulos. papillos. intus leve nitensque. Embryo cotyled. maximis foliaceis accumbent. sigmoideo- is transverse. Radicula brevissime supera hilum prope. umula inconspicua, I have only seen the abortive ovula which are withered and Compressed, I think there are appearances of one tegument 328 ' MENISPERMACEA. and a nucleus. In the fecundated ones figured, the main bulk is loosely cellular, with a tendency to breaking up in the cen- tre. The upper half is occupied by a cellular body, which is at- tached inferiorly, this near the situation of the foramen, con- tains the embryo, the lower half is entirely cellular the upper scarcely so, I can see no defined edge to it, or other appear- ances to lead me to think it is a nucleus containing an embryo sac. In the disposition of the cotyledons this approaches an Assam Menispermea. It may not perhaps be of the same genus as the Phyto- crene figured in Walls male flower; for, in that there is a one-leaved involucre, and there appears some difference in the construction of the wood. The longitudinal undulations of the whole seed, or its trans- verse sigmoid flexure is nota little remarkable, in asmuch as it exists totally independent of any inflexion of the putamen or testa. The 4 stigmata are against its being Urticez and so is the general structure which approaches more to Menisper- imez. 1. Fruit-bearing stem. nat. size. 1, Fecundated pistillum, surrounded at the base by the perianth, and in this case 4 alternating bractes. 2. Long section of the same, the ovulum at first sight appears antitropous. 3. Same fecundated ovulum removed, on the posticous face of its cicatrix is a black minute body, the abortive ovulum, 4. The abortive ovulum, appearances of, raphe as well 25 of foramen, 5. Fecundated ovulum, a raphe, & micropyle or at ay rate situation of radicle. 6. Same, long section, a embryo-sac, containing the young 'yo in its apex, PHYTOCRENA, 329 7. Embryo sac detached, its lower } is cellular, this is the young albumen. 8, Embryo. 9, Immature fruit, perianth, and in this case several bractes. 10, Long section, complicated appearances, a lacune con- taining mucilage, à pyrena, the reniform spots are due to thesection running variously through its irregular surface, c tegmen of seed, d albumen, e cotyledon in centre, f f do. at the margins, g radicle. 10a, Armature of fruit. ll, 11. Seed detached the raphe and indentation of sur- face shewn, 12. Transverse section of albumen, and cotyledons both sigmoidly flexed. i 4. Do. of albumen cotyledons removed. 15. Embryo separated, rather oblique view. 16. Same, 4. Phytocrena gigantea, Pl. CCCCXC. Fig. II. l. Perianth. 2. Involucra or calyx laid open. 3. Corrolla removed with the stamens. 4. Do. laid open. 5, 6, 7. Stamina. 8. Pollen. 9. Rudimentary ovarium. 10. Long section of do. ll. One of the hairs. 12. Transverse view of the branch cut transversely. 13. Do. section of wood. 14, Do. of the medullary rays. 15, Vessel surrounded by prosenchyma. 16. Joint detached. V. Prosenchyma, R2 330 MENISPERMACEA. NATSIATUM. l. Natsiatum, Pl. CCCCXCVI. Fig. I. Frutex dioicus volubilis, scandens, racemis pendulis pubes- centibus, pedicellis arcuatis sursum ? bracteatis, bracteis li- nearibus pedicellis paullo brevioribus, floribus parvis incons- picuis lutescente viridibus, pubescentibus ut etiam p Sepala 5 lanceolata acuta basibus connata. Cor. urceolata 5-partita laciniis lanceolatis acutis conniven- tibus sepalis alternes. | Torus dilatatas. Glandule 5 carnosz crescenti-formes, apicibus incrassatis capitatis petalis opposita, an e 10 per- paria connat, staminibus externe sitze. Stam. 5 sepalis opposita, inclusa, filam. brevissima crassius- cula. Antherse adnate sagittatze oblong biloculares, longi- tudinaliter lateraliterque dehiscentes. Connectivum medium versus dorso glandulosum. Pollen Rud. femino centrale, e pilorum massa erectorum pilis ilis perianth. similibus. ZEstivatio valvata. Has. Assam Legi Solani Mookh : Jan. 1836. 2. Natsiatum gamosepalum. Itinerary Notes p. 114, no. 190, Has. Bootan. STAUNTONIA. l. Stauntonia trifoliata Gr. Pl. CCCCXCV. Figs. I! and III, Frutex volubilis longe scandens, glaber. Rami novelli levi- ter striati. Petioli longe, utrinque incrassati et articulati, teretiusculi supra planiusculi szepe spithamei. Petioluli, inzquales laterales breviores centrali unciali, subcanaliculati. Folia 3-foliolata. Foliola insqualia ter minali majore, ovata vel ovalia, obtusa cum mucronem ue STAUNTONIA. 331 retusa, integerrima, chartacea, supra suturati-viridia, infra glauca, basi 3 venia, marginibus subrevolutis, V. secondarize paucee irregulariter nexze, accessorize plures, pagina cæterum venulis reticulata. Stomata paginze inferioris. Flores monoici racemosi, racemis vel simplicibus aggre- gatis, vel basin divisis ideoque paniculatis petiolis brevioribus basi bracteis scariosis brunueis, suffulti. Pedicelli mediocres apicem in annulum dilatati, (interdum medio, interdum subflorem bracteolata,) basi bractea lan. ceolata brevi suffult. in racemo articulato. Flores nutantes utrinque sexus similes lutescentes nu- tantes, feminei racemi basin versus siti, pauciores, omnes in pedicelli apicem articulati ; alabastra glaucescentia ovata. Sepala tria ovato-oblonga carnosa submarcescentia, intus processubus irregularibus carnosis cellulosis obsita, sestiva- tione valvata patentia. Processus petalorum 5-seriatim, intermediis minoribus, uti cristæ describendi, sepalorum maris obsoleti, fæminæ obso- leti, petalorum fæminæ sine ordine disposito. Pet. patentia angustiora estivat. distantia subcarinataque processubus supra descriptis, totam paginam internam occu- pantibus an pauciores in florib. masculis. Glandule 6, lanceolate carnose alb: acute, vasc: fasc. tenuissimo media versus evanido, filamentis basibus ad- jecta, biseriata, seriei ex sep. inter: petal. opposit. Stam. 6 biseriata, seriebus ut e glandale alternant. Fi- lam. leviter connata, intus convexa, extus plana, breviuscula, a. Antherz biloculares extrorse, loculis discretis linearibus longit, dehiscent. connectivum maximum carnosum ovatum apiculatum rugosulum, ultra loculos longe product. Pollen ovatum, 3-sulcat. glabum. Pistilla abortiva tria Cava, vacua, Fam, tegument. maris, glandule totidem minores. Stam, abortientia, forme perfectur. sed multo minora. e LÀ 332 MENISPERMACES. Pistilla tria sepalis opposita glauca glabra angusta et irre- gulariter ovata, 1-locularia sutura ventralis interna, Placente totam faciem internam pistilli cajusque occupantes undique ovuliferi. Ovula minutissima globosa, simplice, tegumentis nul- lis. Interior locule ceterum nuncupata, filis cellulosis septatis hyalinis, e parte locula parietes interne suture ventrali exacte oppositi orientes. tyli nulli stigmata ovato-conica viscosissima aspectu lucido Fructus sessiles tres bini vel solitarii oblongi obtusissim- (like a short sausage) digitales, sutura ventral. lata sed parum profunda, extus argenteo-cinerei creberrime ferrugineo lepi- doti, parietibus coriaceis 1-loculares, loculo pulpa alba omnino repleto centro quasi fistuloso. Semina 00 in pulpum nidulantum et peripheriam versus sita, hilo minuto centrifugo, ambitu cordat. sinu extrorso, majus- . cula, immatura tantum visa. Testa levis lucida, extus aspectu striato, intus viridis carno- ‘Tegument interius liberum nullum. Albumen copiosum hinc ad hilum latus excavatione minuta. Structura ovarii, singularis, et forsan Butomeis Flacourti- eisque. | Character specificus ad Stauntoniz e Tingrei referens. Foliis 3-foliatis, petalis intus 5-cristatis, filamentis connatis. Tingrei. Fol. 7-tenatis, petalis intus levibus filament distinctis. Male flower. Fig. II. 1. Male flower bud. 2. Do. sepals removed. 3. Male flower open. 4. Do. sepals removed. 5. Gland viewed asa transparent object, aa incomplet? vascular fascicle is seen, 6. Stamens and glands, STAUNTONIA. 333 7. Do. (one too many!) laid open, to shew the slight cohesion of the filaments, and the 3 abortive ovaria, pis- tilla. 8. Pollen viewed dry. 9. Do. immersed. 10. Abortive pistill. inner or ventral face. ll. Do. laid open along the ventral inflexion. Female flower. Fig. III. l. Female flower. 2. Do. sepals removed. 2. Petal shewing the cellular pro- cesses, ` 3. Pistilla glands and abortive stamina. 4. Transverse section of ovarium. 5. Long section of a pistillum. 6. Transverse of do. shewing that the placenta occupies the „whole face of the cell, that part immediately corres- ponding to the ventral sutare producing abundance of cellular filiform articulated processes. | 4. Two Sr from the open flower. The same. Frutex scandens, foliis 3-foliatis, lanceolatis acuminatis terminali longius petiolutato, articulatis! Petiolo communi basi tumido. Racemis aggregatis, ramulos brevissimos, *quamis scariosis tectis, terminantibus. Pedicellis filiformi- bus basi bracteatis, rubescentibus floribus lutescent. Jepala 3, lanceolata acuminato-conniventia (stivatione valvata) venosa, Pet. 3 his alternantia duplo angustiora pauloque breviora, Sepalisque intus rugosula glandule hypogyne 6, oblongæ car- Dos integre, 3 vix exteriora sepalis, 9 interiora petalis op- posita, Stam, 6 filamentis basi in columna leviter coalitis bre- Vissimis, Anth. adnate, biloculares extrorse, l interdum 334 MENISPERMACE2, abortiens. Connectivum ultra antheram in processum lin- guiforme, subulatum product, loculis linearibus. Pollen lanceolata, leve medio sulcatum. . Rudim. ovarii centrali, terete subulatum 3-sulcatum, pro- cessubus subulatis 3 format, Fructus compositus e carpellis 3, an pluribus sepe aborta solitariis ovatibus ovi magnitudine, baccatis, hinc utrinque sulcatis, sed parum profunde, I-locularis cavitata. magna pulpa copiosa in qua semina nidulant. centraliter densiore gustu dulci et suaviuslula repleto. Semina horizontaliter sita, compressa angulata, atra hilo lineari excentrica quoad axin carpelli, parietibus nempe contiguo brunneo notat. Testa membranaceo-coriacea nitida atra, albumen carnoso- corneum amplum. Embryo minutus in cavitata albuminus situs et hilum prope loculos, orthotropus. ^ Radicula crassa obtusa hilum versus spectans, Cotyledones plana convexius- culz ovatz incumbentes quoad situm transversate seminum et diametrum transversam majorem. Plumula non exami- num. Han. Khasyah Mountains. In sylvis Churra: Oct. 16th, 1835, and Nungklow : Nov, 15/4, 1835. 2. Stauntonia filamentosa Gr. Pl. CCCCXCV. Fig. I. Frutex scandens, cortice cinerea suberosa. Rami virides leves. Folia alternantia. longe petiolata (petiolis teretibus ob- soleti striatis utrinque incrassatis spithameis,) septe- natim digitata, obovato-oblonga acuminata fere dii integra glabra subcoriacea, supra saturati viridia, subtus $* bido-glauca. Venæ secondaria medium ji supra arcu? P" nexz arcubus venulas etiam arcuatim nexas emittentibus interstitiis omnibus reticulatis, margines subincurvi, ip Bs axin proxima ut etiam petiolule minora, illa flores E tia aliquoties minora, inferiora 6-nata, intermedia 97 summa 4-na, STAUNTONIA, 930 Racemi axillares paniculati in axi communi brevissimi bDracteatze inserta, basi bracteate, bractea ovata, viridi con- caviuscula, rubri carneive. Bracteole florem quemque ful- cientes albidz anguste pedicellos brevis zquantes apicibus reflexis, alabastra, que tantum vidi, ovato-oblonga, ascen- dentia, fusco-viridia. Sepala estivatione valvata ovato-oblonga obtusiuscula car- nosa, apicibus crassis subinflexis*saltem faciei interiori. Petala his alternantia lanceolato-linearia, sepalis 21 angusti- ora, paullo breviora, luteo-viridia, apicibus crassis. Gland 6 hypogynz, late obovate, staminibus opposite, cum his se- parant, basibus filament. nempe adnatis, viridibus apice lutes- cent. Stamina 6 hypogyna, 3 exteriora sepalis opposita, 3 interiora petalis opposita. Filamenta ima basin leviter coalita, brevia sub 3-gona, an- gulo 3-tio interiore crassa. Connectivum crassum carnosum apice subulato ultra antheras breviter producto. Anth. ad- nate extrorss vel antice biloculares longitudinaliter dehis- centes, loculi angusti lineares. Pollen album, leve ovato-lanceolat. hinc sulcat. Rudi- menta femineorum 3 centralia teretia, apicibus obtuse conica, ibidemque lucida secus faciem internam sulcatze, vero convo- luta sunt, Has. Assam. In sylvam cum Thed consociata occurrit Tingrei: Feb, 23rd, 1836. e rudiments are convolute, they have one vascular fas- cicle (spiral vessels and ducts,) which towards their apices are much increased in number. The third sepal is posticous or next the axis. The glands are probably representatives of petals, the in- ner series of which are therefore transformed, the alternation of parts is throughout natural. 336 NYCTAGIACE. BoERHAVIA. Boerhavia repanda. Rem. et Schultes. Decumbens, caulis teres, striatus, strigosus. Folia petiolata, cordato-ovata, sinuato-repanda, pilosa præ- sertim ad venas, margine giscolor. i . Flores umbellati, plerumque 5-6, pedunculo communi axillari, folium longe superans. Invol. polyphyllum, foliolis linearibus, ciliatis. Perianthium rosaceum progenere magnum. Anth. didymze 3, vel 4. Filam. capillaria, cum stylo exserto. Stigma capitatum. Has. Madras, In Fruticetis prope vellore: Aug. 2lst, 1833, POLYGONACE. POLYGONUM. Polygoni 8p. Herbacea erecta ramosa, pubescens, caules teretes glabri (juniores pubescentes) ochreis fere omnino occultatis. Fol. lanceol. utrinque sed przsertim ad apicem acuminata, integra repanda pilosa, ochree pubescentes ciliate truncate petiolum longe excedentes. 2 i Flores paniculato-racemosi plures ex axilles bractearum ciliatarum. Pedicelli graciles bracteis longiores. Flores albi subcernii, polygami. Per. 5-fid. laciniis zequalib. Stam. 6, 4-sepalis opposita, alterna, 2 iis opposita. Filam. filiform. Anth. bilocul. longitud. dehiscentes. j Stylus 2 fid. stigmata 2 capitat. Pericarp. perianthio ob- tect. ovatum, nitide nigrum, stylo durefacto terminatum CHENOPODIUM: 337 Epicarp. et mesocarp. fere osseum. Endocarp. cellulosum, argenteo nitidum, albumen centrale farinaceum. Embryo peripher. Rud. supera. Has. In aquosis, Moulmein: Dec. 1833. CHENOPODIACE. CHENOPODIUM. Chenopodium ilecifolium Gr. Pl. DX XIV. Itinerary Notes, v. 216, no. 86a. i Alabastrum. Flos ad anthesin. Stamen interne. Stamen externe, Do. lateraliter. Pollen. P. immersum. Ovarium cui forte cellule superficiei quedam adherent. 10, Eujusdem sectio longitud. ll. Ovulum. 12, Fructus. m 13. Idem calyce aperto. 14. Utriculus. 15. Idem verticaliter pericarpio separato. 16. Utriculi sectio longitud. 17. Seminis sectio longitud. exhibens, tegmina bina, albu- men centrale et embryonem periphericum. bryo. SON oo, M Han, Affghanistan Shaikarpore. 338 CHENOPODIACER. Bera. Bete sp. Pl. DXXV. Itinerary Notes, p. 216, no. 85. Affinitas certe cum Urticeis, forit agrees in habit, in se- paration of the sexes, in the male perianth, in the anthers and their relation to the leaves of the perianth, in the aggre- gation and subcohesion of the female flowers: in the struc- ture of their perianth and its relation to the ovary, in the structure of this, as well as in the structure of and non-cor- respondence in the number of stigmata, and in the ovulum. The want of vascularity of the ovarium, and consequently of the stigmata is very remarkable. The want of bractez to the flowers of female sex, is also worthy of notice. Although the stamina have no vessels, and although the female flowers may be axillary, still the male flowes are most developed ; a fact worthy of much notice. The male inforescence is inverse; the female is simply axill over. If Beta had stipules why should it not be Urticeous? 1. Alabastrum. la. ejus estivation. 2. Flos. : 3. Filam apertus, antherz primo corrugate, demum deci- ue. è 4, Anthera dorso. 5. Pollen. 6. Pollen immersum žy. 7. Acervulus florum femin. 8. Flos segregatus. 9. Flos apertus longitudinal. 10. Ovarium. 11. Ejusdem sectio longitud. 12. Ovulum , 13. Viusdéte sectio longitudinal. - 14, Cellula pedicellata superficiei. The c curious cells of the superficies must not be passed | 339 SALSOLA. Salsola Pl. DXXIII. Fig. II. Has. Affganisthan. AMARANTACE. GoMPHORENA. Gomphorena globosa. Flores capitata unusquisque bibracteatus, bractee mem- branaces, colorate, lanceolate, carina dorsali dentata. Cal. 5-sep: sepalis linearibus. coloratis nervo medio viridi extus pilis gossypinis non articulatis stipatis. Filam. hypogyna in tubum membranaceum apicem 5- dentatum (dentis quaque bifid.) sepalorum longitudinis, ideo- que germini longiorem concreta. Anth. dorso insertz, lineares. 1-loculares, longitudinali- ter dehiscentes, Pollen areolis cellulosis notatum. varium globosum membranaceum 1-loculare, l-ovulatum. ovulo pendulo stylus 1-filiformis, stigmata 2 papillosa. Peri- , Carpium (utriculus) membranaceum. Cal. obtectum. mbryo curvatus, periphericus, albumine farinacea cen- trali, radicula hilum spectante, plumula inconspicua. Pili calycinis exceptis, articulata, articulis paullum tumidis. DEMOSCHATA. Desmocheta lappacea. Achyranthes lappacea. Roxb. Fl. Ins. 2, 500. Herba decumbens, pubescens, fol. oppositis. rhomboideo- obovatis breve petiolatis, spicis terminalibus, floribus pubes- Sentib. canis viridibus post anthesin deflexis. dores binati seu ternati, hoc casu medius nudus lateralis 3-bracteata, axillis. Bractearum lateralium setarum uncinata- facicalum gerentibus. * -bus et presertim in his ultra limbum in spinas su 340 AMARANTACEZ. Per. fere 5-sepalum, sepalis subzqualibus demum conni- ventibus. Stam. 5-sepalis opposita filamentis basi in cyathum ovario breveorem coalitis, dentibus brevibus obtusis interjectis. Anth. 2-loculi. Stylus filiformis 1, stigma papilloso-capitatum. Utriculus membranaceis monospermus. Stigmata persis- tente coronata periantheo conniventi inclusus fasciculis 2 magnis setarum colorat., uncinatarum in axillis bractearum lateralium persistent. stipatus. Semen ellipsoideum hinc ad hilum emarginatum. Cotyledones incumbent. ? Has. Bengal Jumalpore: Sept. 20th, 1835. Genus Digerz propinqueum, ovarium apicem versus pilo- sum vel glabrum. The fascicles of setze are abortive flowers, when they are 3 flowers together the lateral bractea of the intermediate one; become the anticous ones of the 2 lateral flowers; when only 2 flowers are developed, the senior flower has only one lateral bracte. ACHYRANTHES, 1. Achyranthes aspera. Annua 3-4 pedalis pubescens articulis tumidis, fol. opposi- tis breviter petiolatis c obovatis subrepandis in petiolis attenua- tis, tactu mollibus spicis terminalibus multifloris villosis, flori- bus inconspicuis, herbaceis bracteis nitidis rosaceis fructibus nutantibus axique adpressis. Pet. basi 3-bractiat. Bracteis membirauieabi ovatis inzequali- bus, | majore antico nervo medio dorsali nec prominulo, 2 posticis minoribus, nervis dorsal. mediis prominulis, in omni- ulatis rosaceas productis. Sepala 5, quorum 2 posticumque exteriora paulo majors viridia, marginibus membranaceis acutis. Stam. 5 hypogyna basin versus in capula coalitis. Filam- ET Ee AEN ETEN Fs ee ee et ee ee Sane SN " PHILOXERUS. 341 subulata, apices versus rubescentia, squamis oblongis cellulosis apicibus fimbriatis interjectis. Anth. oblonge medio affixze bilocul. long. lateraliterque dehiscent. Stylus filiformis stam. brevior. Stigma subcapitat. Ovarium turbinatum l-loculare; ovula 1, pendulo ab apice funiculi longi. AB. In muris. Moulmein : Nov. 1834. 2. Achyranthes aquatica. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2, 497, Suffruticosa erecta 3-pedalis, caule ramisque obtuse 4-gonis pubescentibus, fol. breve petiolata lanceolato-acuminata cum- mucrone repanda utrinque pubescentia. Spice subcylindrice breves 1-2 uncialis, terminalis, villosze lanatz. Bracter 2 postica spinescentis, antica inermis longe acuminata, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis spinoso-acutis. Filam. sterilia vel dentis cupuli cum staminibus alternantis, lamina exterior 3-dentata interiora trun cata, utrinque ciliata. Stigma capitat. Has. Bengal Mymunsing. In umbrosis humidis secus ripas flav. Dhumar : Oct. 1835. Centrostachi aquatice quam proxima habitu ut vera Achyranthidis spicies, axin caulis prope vasorem fascicula 2 subdistantis adsunt, fasciculi cujusque internodii decussunt. 3 Ob. bracteas spinescentes forsan vera A. aquatica Roxburgh ideoque C. aquatica Wall, diversa. PHILOXERUS. Philoxerus ferrugineus. Achyranthes ferruginea. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2, 502. Annuas decumbens prostratusve, caulibus ramosis 4-gonis, fol. Oppositis obovatis vel rotundato-obovatis acutiusculis Spicis axillaribus terminalibusque abbreviatis subconicis flori- (dull red.) Flores 3-bracteati, bracteis membranaceis antico inferiorive, Post lapsum fructus tantum persistente. Cal. Per. subzequali Profunde 9-partitum, laciniis lanceolatis coloratis subcoriaceis 342 AMARANTACE, E 3-nervis, nervis prominulis. Filam basi in cupulum inter- - media edentulam ovario multo breviorem coalita, sepalis oppo- sita. Anth. biloculares. Stylus breves. Stigma capitatum edentulum papillosum utriculus periantheo immulato colora- to persistente connivent. obtectum, idem cum bracteis laterali- bus membranaceis apice cellulosus nec circumsciss. e valvis. Semen orbiculare compressum (lenticulare) aterrimum niti- um. Has. Bengal. In arenosis inundatis Jumalpore : Sept. 20th, 1835. ALTERNANTHERA. Alternanthera sessilis. Perianth basi 3-bracteatum, 5-sepalum, sepalis sequalibus ovato-lanceolatis, acutis, denticulatis vel subintegris, l-ner- vus, 3 exterioribus, 2 interioribus lateralibusque quinto pos- tico. Urceolus staminifer. ovario brevior subdecem dentatum, dentibus alternis et sepalis exterioribus oppositis semper antheriferis alternis varie dentatis (antico sepius simplici) brevioribus. Filamenta antheriformia subulata. Anthere uniloculares ovate longitudinaliter dehiscentes, dorso medio affixg. Pollen leve. Urceola dentes fasciculis vasorum omnino orbatze. arium compresso-orbiculatum verticaliter compressum ideoque lentiforme, ratione axis spice transverse, l -loculare. Ovulum unicum campanulitropum funicule basilaris longi- usculi ope sustentum. Foramen hilo approximatum. Stylus brevis subeylindricus. Stigma papilloso-capitatam- Capsula (utriculus) obreniformis, -membranaceo-cellulosus, subulatus marginibus incrassatis, basi bracteis sepalisque immulatis stipata evalvis (Br.) 1-locularis. Semen subcompresso, orbiculatum funiculo filiformi long? um, brunnescens DIGERA. 343 Tegumenta bina? utrinque membranaceum, interius? te- nuissime micropyle hilo approximatum obsphacelatione cons- picua, albumen laterali farinaceum. Embryo arcuatus peri- phericus. Radicula teres obtusiuscula hilum spectans. Coty- ledones lineari-lanceolate acute. Plumula inconspicua. Herba inconspicua decumbens in aquaticis proveniens. Folia opposita obovata in petiolum attenuata. Petiolis basin connatis, ciliæ inter et intra-petiolares. Flores inconspicui minuti in spicam conoideam capituliformem dense aggregati. Spice axillares sessiles seepius solitarie, earum axes cellulo- pilose, antherz rarissime 4. Has. Bengal. Legi secus ripas flum. Jellinghey : Sept. 5th, 1835. DIGERA. Digera arvensis, Pl. DXXVII. Fig. II. Perianth 3-bracteat. bracteze 2 laterales cum fructu deci- ue, in axillis appendiculata, 1 antica, sepalum anticum suffultiens persistens in appendiculatum, appendicule stipi- tate, stipiti nervo medio bracteæ adnate, lunatato-bilobe, emum post anthesin ramose cornubus similes fiunt. Pe- Tianth biseriatum, seriei externa e sepalis 2, calycinis majo- ribus, concavis, anticum et posticum, interna e sepalis pe- taloideis subconniventibus planis, obtusis, 2 majorib. 1 majora. Stam. 5.sepalis opposita. Filam. ima basi in cupulam brevem coalita filiformia. Anth. didyme, connectivum par- Yum, apice glanduliform. Pollen globosum, leve. varium 1-locul. l-ovulat. ovulo pendulo foramen versus hilum. Stylus filiformis, stigma bifidum. Utriculus verrucosus, ad apicem cornua 2 brevia gerens, Parietibus crassis. Testa membranacea, albumen farinaceum. Embryo curvatus periphericus. Plumula inconspicua. Coty- ledones oblongo lanceolate. Herba decumbens, ramosa, Caulis flexusa, subteretes, 944 ARISTOLOCHIACE, striato-strigosa, Folia alterna, ovato-lanceolata, obtusa, petiolata subtus ad venas pilosa, repanda, margine discolori. Petiolis 1-uncialis superne canaliculatis ciliatis, axille omnium gemmiferz. Inflorescentia spicata, axillaris. Flores so- litarii alterni subdistantes, virido-purpurei, spice 3 pollicares basin versus nude, sepala calycina 6-7 venia, petatoidea l- venia, zstivatio imbricato, sepala calycina reliqua obtegéntus Has. In arvis cultis Vellore, rare. Perianth. post anthesin connivens. Sepalis calycinis reli- qua obtegent. Anthere medio dorsi affixze, biloculares longitud. et intror- sum dehiscentes. Pollen album. Ovar. apicem depressum quasi truncat. ovulum pendulum ab apice funiculi basilaris, utricali cornuum sinus styli basin gerit. Bengal Jellinghey : Sept. 6th, 1835. ARISTOLOCHIACE, ASIPHONIA, Asiphonia piperiformis, Gr. Pl. DXXVIII. Fig. I. Frutex subscandens. Caule ramisque articulatis ad arti- culos incrassatis. Fol. alterna vel distincti subpatentia vel subpendula, breve petiolata, e basi ovato vel subcordato ovato- acuminatissime caudata integra subtus pubescentia, basi 5- us venis 2 lateralibus evanidis cum lateral. exterior inter- te primar. cito confluentibus, hz intermedium apicem versus cum 2 secondariis costz arcuat. interveniis caeterum transverse venulosis interstitiis reticulatis. % Inflorescente cymoso corymbosa terminalis et axillam folii penultim. Fl. sursum subsecundi erecti, inconspicui inertio virides- centes demum purpurascent. bracteis linearibus setaceo 2 la- teralibus centro 0! Ovar, breviter pedicellat, rotundat, 4 gonum dense pubes- cens, ASIPHONIA. 345 Per. carnosum rotatum, sepalis 3, cordatis extus pubes- cent intus reticulatis, in alabast. depresso ambitu obsolete 9-gono, Stam. l-seriata, 8.10. Filam. 0. Antherz connectivo carnose glandulose pubesc., extus curvata marginibus curvatis adnatis, biloc. locul. distant. longit. dehiscent. Pol- len granulosum, grannula in aqua deciduis. Stigma centrum genital. disci implens lobato-sinuosum. Stylus 0. Ov. 4-loculare, loculis minutis angulis respondent. Placentz cruciatum centro coherent. Ovula in cuique loculo 00, biseriata serie una e quaque marginam inflexaam, ana- tropa minuta. Fructus siliquiformis, immatur tantum visi. Caulis 4-sulcato canalicul. e medulla centrale rotundato magnum corticeque tenui. Lign. exconcentric. radiis me- dullariis conspicuis, densiusculi vasis majusculis sine ordine Sparsis, composit. e fibris tenuibus vasisque cellularly punc- tuatis, s Ligin. Menisper. Piperac. Odor. Piperaceus, caulisque foliaque. Perianth Anonacearum. Fibres not unfrequently punctuate, bases with coniferous markings, often obscured by the enlargement of the cen- tral disc as in most woods. Has. Malacca ad marginum vie sylvatice inter Ayer Pun- nus, et ——4 way. Sp. Cuar, Per. rotatum, 3-sepalum, (tubo nullo) stam. uniseriatze, Ovar. 4-loculare, stylus 0. Stigma discoidea sinuoso- lobat Fructus siliquiformis. Frutex subscandens facie Piperis. Rachibus inflorescent. subincrassatis. The bractes can scarcely be considered as belonging to the flowers, as the insertion is alwaysa little above, and T 2 946 ARISTOLOCHIACES. often a good way, this however may depend upon partial elongation of the rachis. Under each branch of inflorescence is a conform. but larger bract. : Asiphonia Pl. DXXVIII. Fig. II. Fructus siliquosus, subtorulosus stipitatus, 4-valvis. Replis non interjectis. PEETA Placenta libera centrali, 4 gona, valvis dorso striato-costat, seeds in single series along the flat faces of the placenta, which are opposite the valves, sub 3-angular placed end to end in a moniliform manner externally rugose greyish. I have only seen abortive ones. The characters of the fruit approach closely to those of Ascoma, perhaps the only diference is the want of the alter- nating reploid lines. | * THOTTEA. Thottea grandiflora Pls. DXXX. and DXXXI. Frutex 3 pedalis, robustiusculus, apice parce ramosus. Ramulis pubescentibus. Folia alterne exstipulata sub disticha subsecunda oblonga vel obovato-oblonga superiora (ramulor.) majora coriacea cuspida brevi lataque, breve petio- lata subtus dense pubescente hirta venulis ultimis etiam sub- tus elevatis. : Racemis ex axillis foliot. lapsor. caul. pubescenti hirtis, 2.3 unciali nutantibus, bracteis distichis lineari-oblongis Su5- carinatis, : Flores amplissime penduli longitudine fere 5-unciale lati- . tudine extreme 4-41 unciale, colori luridi purpurei; intervenlis irregulariter albo-maculata (dashed.) Perianth. campanulat. membranem petaloid. zestivat. valvat. apicibus subinflexis, venis primariis conspicuosis tactu scabrit, basilaribus intermediis incompletis varie nexis, margine !* THOTTEA: 347 volutis intus filamentis floccis confervoid vel fungiform, lila- cinis dense vestitum. Fundum corolle nidificatur, columna brevis purpureo- sanguinea. The perianth is fleshy at the base and throughout, tears readily, its inner surface is irregularly undulated and has al- together a mealy appearance. Stam. biseriata seriebus suboppositis, filam. brevia car- nosa, Antherz adnatz, loculis 2, angustis. Pollen concavo-con- vexum punctulat. iu aqua, subspheric. superfice granulosa, Stigmata 13 radiantia quasi insuper serien summam stamen Superumpositim, radiis convexiusculum, radiis fund. 4, in centro in crucis formam, meeting, 4 alia interjecta as the 4 primary ones diverge, a very curious conformation. Superficies radii supera aspectu glutinoso. Stigma fungiform. Ovarium tortum spiral. oblongum, pube brunneo-hirtum- omnino inferum 4-loculare. Fructus siliquiformis siliquam Hyperanthere simulaus, 4 uncialis utrinque subattenuatis, breviter pedicellatis subtortis angulis 4, prominulis, rotundatis, asperis, pube brunneis, sub- torulosis, valvis carinatis 4-valvis, completa, placentis liberis factis in form, filament. Placenta libera carnosa, 4-angula- ris, Semina pauca oblongo-ovata, in concavit. placent, lateral. quasi nidulant. et cellulosa, tela ejus vestita, ideoque aspectus cellulosus punctis nudis? brumnescent. paucis exceptis pen- ulis, angulis affixa, huic convexa hine convex trigona. egum. exterius spongioso-cellulosum, superfice irregularia. - *egum. internum indurat. subosseum brunneum superficien undulat, intus nitidum. Albumen copios. carnosum, cavitat. tegm. inter. conforme. : mbryo minimus hilum prope in cavitat. albumen. ovatus dico ledon, materia gelatinosa circa an sacculis embryonar, hotrop, reliquis, orthotrop 348 NEPENTHACEZ. Tegum. terti. memb. cellulos. tenuis ultra album apicem in apicul. product. Ovarium angulis 4 rotundato dense pilosum, loculis totidem sectione transverse 3-angularib. angustis, placentis cruciata crassa, angulis alterna, ramis quoque extus 1-vascular. a pauca minuta pendula oblonga, prope hilum. tegu- menta bina, interius abbreviata, ore simpliciora solito, exte- rius vescculos. sed verisim. ex abortionem. Aromata, habitu, partu numero ternario, albumine sub- ruminato embryoneque Anonaceis affinis. Generic diagnosis, consists in the campanulate perianth number and double series of stam. and the stigmatic lobes having no relation to the ovarial cells, et infinis ovario 4- loculare ! upper stamens sub 16, under ditto sub 18. AÁRISTOLOCHIEX. Aristolochiee sp. Pl. DXXIX. ê Itinerary Notes, p. 7. no. 94. Has. Bengal. NEPENTHACE. NEPENTHES. 1. Nepenthes sanguinea Gr. Scandens sæpius epiphytica, caulibus (an semper) abbre- viatis. Foliis arcte imbricatis sessilibus, once or twice undu- late, e basi cordato semi-amplexicaul. oblongo-obovata vel cuneata, univenia, coriacea glabra, venze prolongationem ex- cept. quze ferruginea, dense tomentos, leaves varius sometimes spathulate. Pedicellus ampullz* spithameus, uti vena pubescens brun- neo-coccinia, apicem versus obtuse 4-gona rectus. ee — T- NEPENTHES. 349 Ampulla rigida erecta, obovato-oblonga, amplissime pedalis fere, diametro 3} unciali, venis longitudin. endoginosis dorsali apice excepto 0, cristis 2 ventralibus fimbriatis. Os antice parum producte, angustum postice latius et productum into a fold bearing the lamina, rugis most delicate, lamina subcordate ampla plana, intus glandulosa, longitud. venosa, vena dorsalis basin laminze prope, in processum rec- tiuscule, tridentiform product: process sometimes simple. Color. ampulle extus luride-sanguin. oris vivide (arterial.) vena dorsalis atro-sanguin. (pubesc.) lamina supra ejusdem coloris, intus venous red mottled with dusky. Has. Malacca at Goonong Ledang: Summit and towards summit. SP. Cuar. fol. caul. floriger rather crowded, basi cordate 3 amplexicaul. breviuscul. caulibus 3-gonis obdecurrent costze et marginem. Panicul. longiuscul. pedunculat. glabra, oppositifol. à media supra floriger, flores minute ferrugin. pubescent se- ms intus nigrescentib. pedunculis bi-tri-floris superior uni- oris, 2, Nepenthes pumila Gr. Pumila partib. novellis ferrugineo-pilosa, fol. amplixicauli- §pathulata subtus costa prominule et ferrugineo-pilosa, cirrhus Coste apicem dilatat. apertus. Ascid. oblonga, cirrho 1} uncial. supra medium slightly constricted. Cristis posticis 2, magnis fimbriatis dorsali 0. Os Oblique postice simplex, antice parum product. planum- rugis j Inconspicuis, ina cordato-oblonga ample processus obsoletus. Han. Malacca at Paddam Bhattoo. + Ons. It may be a young form, but I scarcely think so. It should be allied to the blood-red pitchered species. 350 NEPENTHACE, 3. Nepenthes sp. Caulescent. scandens, caulibus subtrigonis, fol. oblongo- lanceolatis angustis, cauli altiuscul. adherent: vena central. conspic : lateral. endogenosis indistinctis. Pedicello ampulla pedale tortila volubilis ampullum prope fauce postica plana, antica convexa. Ampullis sublageniformi- oblongis, parvis e basin ampliuscule sub-attenuatis, cristis 2 ventralibus parum coalitus simplicibus, vena dorsali apicem versus distinctior infra apicem processugeris e two crests are often produced at the apex into à filament. Os antice simple, postice product. supporting the lid buł here plane, lamina cordato-reniformi, plane with two lateral bundles of subendogenous veins, and indistinct central ones. Color viridescens lamina mottled with bloody. Has. Malacca at Ayer Punus in Marshes common. 4. Nepenthes sp. Caule scandente superfic. floccoso pruinoso. Folia longe petiolata petiolis etiam floccosis, basi dilatatis sled E EAEAN Lamina petiol. lineari elliptica, utrinque breviter attenuato 3-venia, venis lateral. obsoletis marginem revolutiusculo, inter- veniis subtus floccolosis. Pedicellus ampullze sub pedalis, sursum incrassatus tor- tilis. Ampulla magna perpulchre clavata vel oblongo-obconica e pedicello gradatim evoluto. Carina una dorsali 2-ventialis omnes simplicis indivise ventralibus paullo infra oris marginem, ramulo transverso. con- nex Os quasi bilabiatis rugis magnopere evolutis antica postice" p npn into an eminence, the posticous one bearing i Lamina oblonga ampla, interne subavenia, superne bivene?» E 3 NEPENTHES. 351 venulis ad insertionem laminz confluent, et unicum recurvam productis. Color ampullz luteo-albid. maculis brevidis rubro-sangui- neis-rugis oris vel luteolis vel atro-sanguineis. Has. Malacca at Goonom Ledang Puddam Bhattoo. 5 Nepenthes sp. Caulibus fructigeris ex ascidiis scandentibus glanduloso pubescent, pube parte novell viride ferrugin. Fol. distant. petiolo breve basi dilatato, lamina elongato- lanceolata, infra in petiol. attenuata producta (ideoque fol. sessilia) coriacea integerri.. subtus pubesc. supra l-venia, subtus costa prominula, venulis 2 endogenosis, margine versus indistinctis, costa apice product. in cirrhus dense p ubesc. apicem coniform. Panicula terminatis ferruginea, sepalis foliaceis reflexo-pa- tentis, fructibus oblongo-clavatis apicem quasi truncatis, ro- tundatis 3-4 gonis. Pedicellis fl. infra 2-3 floris, sursum l- floris. Caulibus ascidigeris terrestribus abbreviatis, foliis confer- tis, sessilibus } amplexicaul. petiol ascid. ferrug. pubesc. brevissim biuncialis. Ascid. subovuta ovi gallini magnitud. in terr. recumbent. ore constrictiuscum venulosa, more endog. dorsali Cristis 2 posticis maximis pulchre fimbriatis, os “anes, margin very deep and nearly perpendicular, utrinque simplex, Tugis well developed. Lamina angustissime spathulata sessilis recumbent. in as- Cid. ad basin anticum processugerum. Color. oris viridescens, ampulle et eti viridescent maculis sanguineis. Han. Malacca Paddam Bhatoo, montis Toondook. Paniculis fl. mascul. racemiform subcylindraceis, opposi- foliis (vero terminal) axilla fol. superum gemma parent. : 352 NEPENTHACEX. 6. Nepenthes sp. Caulibus longissimis scandentibus ramosis, ramis crowded with ascidia, supra foliosa, fol. distant. cortice vetustior sub- erosa. Fol. ramor. ascidig. conferte imbricat. sessilia e basin cor- data À amplexicaul, alter. in cirrhum brevem robustum 1j unciali. Ascidia creberrim. erecta subovata compressiuscula venu- losa (endogen.) cristis 2 posticis maximis bifimbriatis, lamina spathulata, dimid. longitud. ascid. subavenium supra, subtus bivena obsolete et basin prope processus 3 sessiles gerens. Os ad insert. laminz quasi emarginato fere horizontal. "Margo profundus obliquis, os constringens, AB. Malacca Ayer Punnus. Allied to the Puddam Bhatoo species. Nepenthes from Botanic Gardens, Pl. DXX XII. Chiefly worthy of notice on account of the difference of development between the ovula of the upper, and those of the lower portion of the panicle. Thus 5, 6, 7 represent anatropous ovula with two distinct teguments, from lower part fig. 8, from upper, part antitro- pous ovula with one coat. This is very curious, there are some reasons for believing, that the coat of the antitropous ovula is the inner mem- brane, the outer being abortive, because it resembles com- siderably the inner coats of the anatropous ovula, and be- cause the long funicle is evascular, while in the others there is a raphe. The mode of attachment of both requires to be examined, as well as the ovula towards the middle of each inflorescence The carpella alternate with the sepals, 1. Female flower. 2. Stigma of do. 3. Ovary transverse section of. *- CASSAYTHACE, 353 4. Portion of a carpellum and one of its placente, from an ovary of the lower part of the panicle. 5. Ovula from do. 6. Ovulum do. testa open longitudinally. 7. Ovulum. Testa and tegmen opened. 8. Orula from upper part of spike, the process at the foot of the long funicle requires examination, nucleus adherent to tegument. CASSYATHACEJE. CASSYTHA. Cassytha filiformis, Herba in fruticibus parasatica aphylla eisque spongiolis concavis ad nexa. Caules volubiles, glabri striati. Flores Spicati parvi albi virescentes. Spice pauciflore, basi 3- racteata. Perianthium basi squamatum tubo brevi, limbo profunde 3-partito, sepalis ovatis erectis. Bracteole 3, nane, tubo affixe, sepalis alternantes. ZEstivatio valvata. - Stamina triplico ordine disposita, nempe 3-6-3, exteriora petaloidea, introrsum bracteolis opposita. Intermedia 6, quorum, 3 basi 2-glandulosa extrorsa seriei externa opposita, 3 basi nuda, introrsa, ordini tertio opposita. Filam. horum 6 clavata, brevissima ordo tertius sterilis, e glandulis oblongis formatus. Ovarium l-loculare, l-ovulatum, ovulo pendulo, Stylus brevis subulatus, stigma obtusum. Pericarpium calyce ampliato baccato apice pervio ea ntorum exuviis coronata obtectum, l-spermum. Sem Pendulum. Testa membranacea tenuissima. Qufiléles, crassi plano-convexi. ^ Radicula supera, brevis. Plumula Po aga 2.phylla, foliolis plano-convexis ! describes the exterior iiber as introrse, the m extrorse, Nees Von Esenbeck, the 3 interior as €x- v2 * 354 LAURACEÆ. trorse, I find them alternately introrse and extrorse, thus the outer petaloid series, is introrse; those with 2 glands at the base are extrorse, the 3 remaining are again introrse. The outer series of the perianth I call bracteolæ, as they resemble entirely those at the base of the calyx and of the spike, LAURACEZ. CINNAMOMUM. Cinnamomi sp. Arbor vel arbuscula, ramulis petiolis foliisque utrinque breviter et pallida ferrugineo-tomentosis, fol. alternis ovatis vellanceolatis, obtuse acuminatisque subtus glaucis supra ,marginibuscartilagineis. Paniculis axillaribus terminalibus breviter punctat. foliis longioribus. Bractels caducis, floribus extus brevissime tomentosis (velutinis?) pallidissim. viride lutescent. : Inflorescentia nuda. Per. connivens brevissime tomentos. Stamina 3 interiores series, latere dehiscent. glandule maxime ; stam. sterilib. alternant. sagittatis, lobulo minimo interjecto. Stigma capitat. Odor. florum ingratis amylaceus, vix aromatica. Has. In sylvis. Mergue. Nov. 1834. : Cinnamomum N. ab. E. in cujus dissertatione de Laurine? Indie orientalis analysis ultra limitis nature ducentur. basin 3-nervus PERSEA. Persee sp. Abor. humilis, fol. lanceolato-elliptica coriaceis uM obtusis marginib. cartilagineis subtus glaucis inflorescen nuda paniculata paniculis terminal. et axillis folior, superior cymosis, floribus minutis viridi-lutescent. TETRANTHERA. 355 Per. biseriat. subzequali 6 partit. serie externe paulo minore (estivatione valvatum) extus intusque pubescente sericeum. Stam. perigyna 3 serialia, seriei externe sepalor. exterior intermedia, sepalis interior. interne exterior opposit. seriebus binis exterior. basi nudis, interne basin bistaminosa, Stam. 4, ordinis antheriformia, sepal. interior opposita. Anth. 4-locellatze. The same Arbuscula, ramulis, apicibus foliosis, foliis alternis, ramis suboppositis, petiolatis lanceolatis vel obovato-lanceolatis ob- tuse acuminatis integris subcoriaceis, marginibus subcarti- lagineis infra glaucis, cymis terminalibus paniculatis unico dichotomis foribus minutis citrinis pedicellis basi bracteo- atis Cal. 6. -sepalus, sepalis zestivat. imbricatis (majoribus in- terior ovatis velutinis. Pet. 0. tam. 6, perigyna, biserialia, seriei externa introrsa sepalis opposita, tardius dehiscentia, seriei interna inaquali 3 longior. fertilibus, basi 2 glandulosis, sepalis exterioribus minoribus opposita, 3 brevior sterilibus, sagittatis antheris subconniven- tibus 3 majoribus oppositis extrorsis, valvis extrorsum versus, Paulo longiora, filamentis serieis interior, exterioris glabris Pilosis, anth. quadralocular, loculis infer primo dehiscent, tam. fauci calycis inserta, Ovarium superum, rotundat, Stylus subulatus, stam. 3 fertilia seriei interior zequans. Stigma subcapitat, papillosum, 6-loculare 1-ovulat. ovulo pendulo ab apice loculi. Has. Mergue. In sylvis. Ins. Madamaca: Oct, 1834. Persea Sprengel nec. N. ab. E. TETRANTHERA. Tetranthere sp. Pl. DXXXIII. lünerary Notes, p. 144, no. 692. 956 LAURACER. CoRvzADENIA. Incerie sedis Laurinee affinis. Coryzadenia trifoliata Fruticosa longe scandens caulibus teretibus. Foliis alternis distantibus longe petiolatis palmatim 3-folio- latis petiolulis uncialibus, oblongo-ovatis brevissima cuspidatis repandis peninervus basi cordatis, 3-nervius marginib. diapha- nis subtus ad nervos pubescent. supra sublente punctulat, contusis aromaticis. Paniculis cymosis axillaribus folia pendulis foliis brevi oribus vel zequantibus, bracteolis minutiss. ad basin cujusque floris, floribus majusculis purpurasus petalis albis. Cal.superus tubo nempe fusiforme brevi ovario adnato velutino limbo 5-partito laciniis-lineari lanceolatis acutis pe- taloideis, reflexis estivatione valvatis. Pet. totidem conformia albida reflexa, sinubus basi, 1-glan- dulosis, glandula cuneata emarginata calycinis inserta. Squa- mule 10 unguiculatæ, cucullatæ deorsum curvatæ, 2 cuiqe utrinque cujusque fil tim ideoque sepalis oppositis. Stam. 5 libera, sepalis opposita fauce calycis constricta in- serti, filam, extrorsum curvato glanduloso -pubescens filifor- mia. Anth. bilocul. connectivo majusculo viridescent. bilocular. valvatim dehiscent. valva revoluta. Pollen globosum ob- longum hispidum, stylus filiformis staminib. brevior. apicem complanatum sinuatumque, stigma lineares sinuosas styli sequens. Ovarium calyce tubo adnatum in pedicello brevis? articulat. I-loculare, l-ovulatum, ovulo pendulo. ab apicem loculum foramen hilum prope. Has. Mergue. In sylvis. Ins. Madamaca: Oct. 1834. Habitu passiflorear. cum ordine etiam aspectus floris. pr?" pinquans. Pet zstivatio valvata, valva locularum extrorsum revoluta. Berberideis laurineisque ob antherum dehiscentiam < affinis ¢ -his ob aromata. 357 PROTEACEZ. HeEuicra. Helicie sp. Arborea 3 pedalis, ramis cinereis, trunco albido, demissius ramoso, ramulis angulatis, petiolis foliisque junior. pedunculis calycibusque ferrugineo-pubescent. fol. sparse obovata in petiola attenuata obtuse acuminata, repanda, coriacea, seni- ora glabra, Subintegra vel apices versus distanter serrata marginib. cartilagineis. Racemis erectis axillaribus terminalibusque solitariis vel binis, folia longiorib. pedicellis 2-floris, floribus numerosis lutescent ingrate odoratis. Bractea pedunculi commune paullo excedent. pedicellis bases vessus bracteolat. Per. ante anthesin tubulosum, demum 4-sepalum, sepalis arcte revolutis linearib. angustissimis pendulum, magnum, forma fructus; tegument. chartaceo-membrana: cum fructu secedens, hinc apicem areo- — litem (micropyle). : aple lata, generally conspicuous as also broad, chalaza t from coming way with the embryo. Te copiosum carnosum extus præsertim supra medium viridescens, apicem prope albo-areolatum (situ radi- Cia). , eigo albus leviter curvatus subaxilis in album. dimid, 382 SALICACEJE. Radicula longa clavata supera. Cotyledones ovate folia- ces venose. Sapor et odor contus piperaceus. Perhaps in most of its characters it is Daphnaceous, in- deed the leaves are not unlike those of Jenkensia. l. Plant reduced 3 except fruit. 2. Fruit back view. 3. Ditto front. 4. Long section to. expose the seed, a hilum, 4 raphe, ¢ chalaza. 5. Long section through, the body of the seed, a tegument, b albumen, c embryo. 6. Seed detached back view, æ funicle, very short, 4 ra- phe, c chalaza. 7. Same, asit generally separates with only a part of the tegument and raphe, and chalaza. 8. Ditto to shew the areola marking the site of the root. 9. Embryo. .10. Ditto one Cotyledon removed. Has. Malacca. BALSAMACEJE. BaLsAMIFLUA. Balsamiflua deltoides, Pl. DXXVI. Itinerary Notes, p-2!!, "A0. 73 . Has. Affghanistan. SALICACEJE. PoruuLus. Populus oeste Gr. Pl. DXLVI. Itinerary Note& p. 172, no. 881. E 383 PIPERACEJE. i E : SCHIZONEPHOS. E Schizonephos glaucescens Gr. | a Caules articulati, articuli incrassates, fol. lanceolato-oblon- = f petiola acuminata glaberrime. coriacea supra lucida, sub- a . tus glauca, basin sub 3-venia, intra veniis reticulatis, conca- | viusculis. ! | Spicis terminalibus pendulis compositis luteis, divisiones | ftondiformi reniformes, breviter stipitati, margine anteriori | fissze floriferz. | Flores dioici masculi tantum visi, intra fissuram recondit ~ pilisque obsiti, uniseriati. | Flos masc. e stamen 1, filamento crasso. Anthere termi- nales biloculares longitudinal, dehiscent. Aromatico pungens. Haw. Malacca at Ching. Scandens in Abor. Nhingull. Generally distinct from Piper; in the e bracteate flowers as in the inflorescence. Habitus Piperis, CHLORANTHACEZ. CHLORANTHUS. Chloranthi sp, Pl. DXLVII. The habit is that of Piperacee, the wood consists of a Continuous System with many medullary rays, the vessels are rather small, and the surrounding fibres punctuated. The pith abounds in amylaceous? granules, , ‘he external fibrous system is in juxta position with the bark And consists of several fascicles of irregular sizes, while the space between this and the ligneous system is filled up by very soft cellular tissue. 384 CHLORANTHACES. The cells of the cutes are sinuous, that of the under sur- - face being alone stomatose. The whole appendages of the axis are disposed in a regular binary manner, the flowers are regularly and decussating- ly opposite. The number of anthers I take to be 4, the two lateral ones being distinct, the intermediate lobe bearing two anthers ; all these are quadrilocular, at least in the young state the ` upper loculi being much the smallest. The ovarium is simple notwithstanding that the style can scarcely be said to be oblique, the stigmatic cannal is distinct, The ovulum is attached to the inner side with respect to the axis and towards the summit, it is antitropous. The chie enlargement of the ovary after fecundation takes place to- wards its base, hence the scar by the falling off, caused of the filament appears to be carried up, until it becomes nearly rminal? : The two coats of the ovule are distinct and the chalaza conspicuous spreading over the base of the nucleus, which adheres slightly to the inner integument. It is the inner portion of the outer which subsequently becomes the drupaceous coat, hence the micropyle should be visible on it when mature. _ The excavation formed within the nucleus is lined by an albuminary membrane excessively fine, it is in this that the albumen is formed. The embryo isof late appearance. The micropyle becomes indurated and somewhat mam- iliform ; and is at this stage, which is before the appearances of the embryo, green. Fructus: ovati utrinque obtusi, spicati, basi bractei Squa- miformi herbacei: coloris suffalti subbacati miniat. i Pericarpium crassiusculum carnoso-fungosum, intus parce venulosum, apice Migmatis arlene coronatum, et obliquuscu- ‘lum? 1-loculare. Semen unicum ines 1 forma pericarpii sed utrinque acutius, i URTICACEA. 385 Tegument. album, durum subosseum, membranes 2 qua- rum exterius tenuissime membranac, interius induratum. Corpus album carnosum, succosum, hujus cavitatem omnino replens, albumen. — - Embryo minutus, in apice albuminis locatus, albus, sub- globosus, superne bifidus. . Radicula rotundata crassa. Cotyledones minimze, sinulato. . Assam. In sylvis Myrung: Nov. 12th 1835. STILAGINACEA. GyMNOBOTRYS. Gymnobotrys sp. Pl. DXLVIII. Fig. I. Has. Bootan. URTICACEA. Urtica. * Urtica naucleiflora. Frutex scandens, fol. alternis, oblongis basi cordatis acu- minatis subrepandis, penninervus subtus reticulatis. Stipu- lis deciduis lanceolatis? rubris. : Inflorescentia ex axillis foliorum lapsorum capitulata, capi- tulis globosis primo’ læte viridibus demum luteis in cymis turies dichotomis, aromatica et suavissima odoratis dispo- itis. Pedunculis rubris. Bracteis magnis ovatis concavis, rubris , extus papillosum, er extus papillosum ad basin fere 4 partit. sepalis ovatis “arnosis cucullatis, estivatione valvatis. Stam. 4 basibus sepalor. inserti, iis opposite et iaculis sub- be - Filam ovata carnosa breva. Anth. erecte bilocul. longit," lateraliterque dehiscent. Pollen comb ovatum 386 . URTICACEA. à leve, stylus 4-gonus compressus stigma complanato truncato ilatat. Rud. ovarium parvum. ` Anth. loculi maculis sanguineis. Has. In sylvis scandens. Ins. Madamaca: April, 1835, An per 4 sepal, MAIN hypog yna? HMM Cissi. BÆHMERIA, 1. Behmeria melastomoidea, Gr. Pl. DLXIII. Fig. II. Basi decumbens et suffrutecosa, scabra, pedalis vel bi- pedalis. Caulis ruber, Ho Sag subanceps, pilis scabris lineatum dispositis asper, basi subteres. Fol. (floralibus exceptis). opposita. linearia vel lanceo- lato-linearia, acuminata acutiuscula, breviter petiolata, tri- venia, marginibus hyalinis pilis ascendentibus scabris, albo- punctata, venis secondariis transeverse anastomosantibus. F. floralia alterna, infima subopposit. Petioli rubri. Stipule f. caulinorum interpetiolares, demum decidue floral. solutze, cuneato-ovat:ze scariosze, fuscze. Flores monoici pauci in axillis aggregati, idee minutis suffulti. Masculi pedicellati, et presertim superiores fzemineis nu- merosiores, floribus fzmineis comitantibus multo magis ardiores. Cal. 4-5 sepalus, sep. æstivatione valvata navieularia apice intro fracto triangularia trianguli basi elevata carnosa pilis uncinatis parcis pilosa, marcescentia, alabastra cyathiformia. Stam. totidem his opposita :estivatione introflexa, demum elastica dessilientia. Filam. carnosa subulata antica rugos? et longitudinaliter striato-sulcata. Anthere basi affixz, bilo- culares longit. lateraliterque dehiscentes membranacex, locu- lis septo incompleto bilocellatis, Pollen album globosum leve. Rudiment fæmin centrale conicum. "— sessiles, Calyx herbaceus emarginatus sinu lato P BAHMERIA, 387 compressus, postice convexus, antice centro alatus, hirtus. Ovarium unicum ovatum acuminatum, l-loculare, ovulum l, erectum foramen apicula. Stylus brevissimus. Stigma ma- - ximum, incrassatum, pilis cellulosis simplicibus hispidissi s deciduum, fasc. vasor. unicum tenue. . Fructus calyce ampliato albo 3 rarius 4-alato inclusus, calyce postice convexiusculo, 4-sulcato, rarius hinc alato ale utrinque l-sulcato, emarginato, sinu angusto, antice medio alato, et corolla papilionacea now male referentem, glandulosus et hirtellis, ob obovatus, ater nitidus levissimus stylo apiculatus. Semen unicum erectum fructu conforme. Testa sub- coriacea, e cellulis sinuosis conflata, tegument interius tenue membranaso-cellulosum albumen carnoso-farinaceum. . Embryo axilis rectus albus inversus. Radicula conica. Cotyledones rotundatz, faciebus latioribus seminis paral- ele. Plumula inconspicua. : Has. Upper Assam. Suddyah: July 6th, 1836. The ovula have two coats, the outer of which forms the tegument of the seed, the sinuosus cells are developed from. above downwards, this always separates with the pericarp. The second integ. subsequently becomes united to the nu- cleus and finally disappears. . The albumen is developed within a very fiae membrane formed with the cavity or excavation of the nucleus. It is In an early stage attached to the base of the nucleus. The embryo appears early. a _ This forms an exception to the statement of Schlechtendal, that Opposite leaves are never disjointed, male flowers arti- culated on the apices of the pedicels. The pedicel being _ Mone species persistent. 2 Cuar, GEN. alabastra masc. cyathiformia. Sepalorum apices introfracti triangulares, basi elevata carnosa, cal. fem, integer. evalvis emarginatus, frutus 3-alatus, alis latera- libus majoribus, Fructus stylo persistente apiculatus. Vix differt a Bzhmeria. 388 URTICACE. Suffrutus, foliis caulinis oppositis, 3-veniis, stipulis inter- petiolaribus, floralibus alternis. Flores in axillis aggregate utriusqne sexus mixto. . 2, Bahmerie sp. Pl. DLXIII. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, p. i ' 216, no. L Flos, mas. 2. Idem apertus. 3. Flos. fzemineis, cum ejus bracteis. . 4. Idem apertus cum ovario aperto. 5. Fructus junior. 6. Ovulum. " 7. Fructus maturatus. 8. Semen. A Ejas sectio longitudinalis. 0. Semen testa aperta. membrana interna peripheria em- . bryonis cavitatem centro albuminis massam ostendens. 11. Embryo. | Folia carpellaria cum sepalis alternant. signum est op- positionem staminum sepalis minoris valoris esse signum est etiam that whatever the number of series of stamina may be, that the ovaria will rather have relations with its sepals than with the innermost series of stamina. Morus. Morus acidosus Gr. . Frutex ramosus virgatus 4-6 pedalis ramulis novellis bre- vibus folia fructiferis. Fol. breviter petiolata indivisa vel bi-trilobata ovata, cau- data, acutissima cum mucrona argute serrata, serraturis mU- cronatis interdum duplicatis teneriuscula, tactu retrorst Scabra, glabra, basi 3-venia, venis -secondariis arcuatum. nexis, primariis lateralibus exteme tantum sęcon . intervenis quam maxima reticulatis, cauda integerrima. Petioli sub i unciales, stipule cuduce. | Gemma. , Sepissime ad latus pedunculor. semper- que posticae vel interiores quoad ramum fulcientem. FICUS. 389 Fructus; axillaris in pedunculis, subnutantibus, linearibus pubescentibus, oblongis aggregatis rubris, sapore mori albæ sed multo magis acidiora, lobato-rugosa, stylis stigmatibusque persistentibus quasi echinata. * Calyx fructus carnosus, sepala 4, cucullata, carnosa colo- rata, Pericarpium liberum ovatum, verticaliter compressum stylo stigmatisbusque persistentibus his sphacelatis terminatum, obliquum, tenuiter baccatum. Semen unicum ovatum cU piel, pendulum pericarp. adherens. Testa ossea fragila. Tegument. interius albumen includens tenue membranacea, albumen copiosum, carnosum album. Embryo curvatus, vix axillis periphericus, approximatus . Radicula longa, supera, teres, cotyledones subaequans. Cotyledones cordate foliaceze plane, faciebus angustis se- 3 minis oppositze quoad axi plantae incumbentes. Fumula inconspicua. E Micropyle i inconspicua hilum prope. 1 E Has. Cheikwar in sylvis, communis est: April Sih, 1836. Ficus. l. Ficus sideroxylifolius, Gr. Pl. DLI Fig. 2. Arbuscula cortice grisea fol. spathulato-obovatis ascendent. ‘Medium’ supra patentibus coriaceis subtus subferrugineis 2a axillar. binis (pedicell. leer paullo excedent) ormi turbinatis. . Malacca, Tanjong cling in arenis vel terrest. vel Epi- 2. Ficus falls: Me vasta indefinite extendens ope supports e ramis mni primarii emissis, Corona densa formosa, 100 pe- 390 URTICACE/E, dalis. Rami inferni horizontali extendentes, superiores ob- lique a decendentes. Ramuli crassi compressi, Petiolis biuncialis, complanatis, obsolete canaliculatis. Folia elliptico-oblonga, breviter obtusque cuspidata sub- repanda integerrime glabra, coriacea, basi subtrivenia, venis secondariis arcuatim nexis, interstitiis reticulatis, plerumque vena additoria central. reticulationes inferne parve. Gemmz, conico, subulatz, 14 uncialis, squame velutine. Vernatio involuto-convoluto. Has. Bengal, near villages. Oss. The glory of the genus as well of the Indian pu There is absolutely no limit to this tree, which may either continue simple, or by the destruction of the part of the branches between the support and the trunk, it may become subdivided. Roxburgh calls the leaves ovato-cordate : : is this, therefore, his plant ? 3. Ficus glabrus. : Arbor magna, trunco parum sculpto, ramis patentissimis vel ascendentibus, e radiculosis. Internodiis abbreviatis. Petiolis subcomplanatis. Foliis alternis oblongo, ovatis integris coriaceis, apice rotundato obtuso, glabris levibus. ; enis secondariis distinctis lutescentibus arcuatim nex — interstitis reticulatis venis additoriis plerumque interjectis i reticulatione inferne minima. La Stipulis, uncialibus conico subulatis. Fructibus axillaribus sessilibus, binis, aurantiaces lævissi- mis, oblongo-rotundatis, umbilico minimo. . B. Assam, Gowahatti in silvjs. 4. Ficus clemiun PL DIE Fig. E Arbor. Rami annulati ramuliqui angulati. Petioli breves supra desi et complanati. FICUS. 391 Gemm:e conico subulatz 2 unciales. Fol. obovata obtusa integerrima coriacea, venis additoriis secondariis subzequalib. intro marginalibus distinctis, reti- culatii inferne minimis, stomatosa portios reticulas excedens. Fructus s:epius binati aliquando abortionem solitarii, ses- siles in axillis subzloboso apice depressa, umbilico squamis imbricatis 3, summis cum calyculicinis squamis alternant. internis ʻintroflexis, basi calyce triphyllo imbricato cincto, Saperficie verrucosula. Calyx initio receptaculum omnino obtegens. Habitus arboris Artocarpa integrifolia, quoad gemmz ifere et foliatione accedit Guttiferis quibusdam. - Ons. The consideration of the scales seen in such various Situations on the parts of fructification of Ficus, would lead us to suppose, that the receptacle is formed from the cohesion of avast quantity of bractes. In the usual acceptation ; the bractes must be supposed to be latent, otherwise the flowers will bear no relation to the usual parts. In this Species in the earlier stages the bractes exceed in bulk the Size of the receptacle and this in still earlier stages does not, I dare Say, exist. The matter will be at once. set at rest if : hy species are found the flowers of which have a deter- minafe relation to the bractes or scales. AB. Assam. 5. Ficus elastica, Pl. DLII. An immense tree, with the trank richly sculptured, and sup- Ports thrown out from the bases only of the principal es, which spread out horizontally. x young branches are angular, the scars of the leaf buds which are terminal are very oblique, scales, stipulae of ve large membranaceoys, colored. E Sp Tos the foot stalks are flattened, and ; Leara elliptical or ellipto-oblong cuspidate, acumina very 392 URTICACE. entire, very smooth coriaceous, midrib large whitish, other veins tolerably equal, parallel, the larger ones connected bya distinct intromarginal vein, towards which the parallel veins become evidently reticulate. Flowers (young fruit) compound axillary sessile in pairs, surrounded at the base by a fleshy cup, closed at the apex. 6. Ficus affinior Pl. DLIII. Arbor crescentia et habitu omnino Fici affinis. , Petiol 24 uncialis basi incrassato supra canaliculata, Fol tremule alterna ovulo-oblonga vel subelliptica plus minus repandum subito cuspidato acuminata, coriacea utrin- que glabra venatio Peepuli, reticulationes inferne minutis- sime. Gemmæ brevissime conica. Fructus in spicas nudis densuisculis disposit sessiles. Fructus; bini sessiles in axilis, sepe ob foliorum dejectu spicati, globoso-turbinati, punctis sublcavatis lutescentibus notat. basi calyculo tridentato cincte. Umbilico clausa, squa- mis extimis ternis. This description refers to the real jooree or Ficus affinis of Gowahatti. The growth is exactly that of Peepul and Jooree it is a lac tree; it differs from Peepul in the shape of the leaves and want of tail, from Jooree in the coriaceous nature of the leaves, their shape and sudden cuspis. The habit is similar to that of the Peepul, for which the tree may easily be mistaken, the shape and chartacious nature of the leaves are however obvious distinctions. This tree has the same growth and sculptured stems, the net work its roots form is often extraordinary ; and in one instance I have seen a large tree entirely surrounded with a flattened-out root. Such trees always soon die: attempts are sometimes made to throw down a continuation of the and cortical growth. BoR E c NUNC SPON Sp tae Mee ae a FICUS. 393 7. Ficus peepul. Arborea, trunco composito, interdum puro reticulato, cortice alba glabra. Ramuli teretiusculi, gemmz semuncialis subulatze. Folia longe petiolata, petioli teretiusculi apicem versus canaliculati basi interdum sub } torti. Fol. deltoidea, longe cuspidato-acuminata, fere caudata, lateribus basi rotundata undulata chartacea basi sub 5-venia venis secondariis distinctis et distincti arcuatum nexis se- condariis 4, infimis externe ramosis, minute reticulata subtus. Fructus in ramulis foliis expers, bini et sessiles in axillis, approximat. ita ut spicum mentiunt. turbinato-globosa sunt Verrucioles albis, viridibus ceterum glabris, basi calyculo ternato inconspicuo. Umbilicus omnino clausus sequamis tribus externis al- ternantibus eum calyculo, interioribus plurimis introflexis. Has. Assam. Tezpoor. The trunk varies much : generally several and all united, and really arborescent, occasionally clasping large trees, When are then reticulate. 8. Ficus sp. Pl. DXLIX. Itinerary Notes, p. 111, no 145. Has. Bootan. 9. Ficus teminaloides, Pl. DL. Itinerary Notes, p. 101, no, 33, Has. Bootan. . 10. Ficus sp. Pl. DLXI. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, p. 166, no. 857. . stat, orescence contained in one axilla (in a young 2, a longitud. section. 3. Ditto Flower. 4 Inflorescence nearly matured. + 394 URTICACEÆ. 4a. Vertical view, shewing the umbilicus. 5. Ditto longitud. section. 6. Subsessil fruit half matured. 6a. Stalked do. 7. Longitud. section of a fruit. Has. Bootan. ll. Ficus papyrifera, Gr. Pl. DLIV. Fig. 1l. Arbor mediocris, trunco albo parum sculpto, ramis nutan- tibus, novellis flexuosis. Foliis alternis elliptices longe cuspidatis obtusis chartaceo. coriaceis integerrimis, venis secondariis tenussimis arcuatim nexis quam additorus vix magis conspicuis vena intromar- ginalis distincta. Fructus axillaris, solitarius globosus, pallidus, pomi parvi magnitudinem, umbilico squamulis minutis clausa. pepe. subulatis viridibus brevibus. tenacissimus, Pus Assam. Gowahatti in sylvis collinis. 12. Ficus pellucido-punctata, Gr. Pl. DLIV. Fig. I. Arbor robusta, breviuscula, corona densa, lata. Ramuli compresso-angulati. Petiol. semuncialis, profunde canaliculat. fol. obovata, vel sub ovata, obtuse cuspidato-acuminata integerrima, pel- lucido-punctata venis indistinctis, exceptis secondariis, reti- culatione inferne magnis. Fructus, rubescentis sessilis, binati, abortu solitaria sub- rotunda basi tribracteat. umbilico, semii aperto, cerasi par- vi magnitud-gl This has the gem epiphytical growth. Has. Assam Gowahatti in sylvis. 13. Ficus aurantiaceus, Gr. Pl. DLIV. Fig. I. Ficus scandens radicans caulis compressis utrinq!? centro sulcatis, ramuli alternantes elongati, Gemm* un conspicua subulatz. NEW TELES nT ae NE FICUS. 395 Folis oblongo-ovatis brevi petiolatis obtusis integris vel obovatis basi attenuatis, coriaceis subtus pallidis sub- pilosis with couspicuous white often binary spots (stomata) tactu aspera verruculis plurimis albis petiolis pilosis. Fruits (anthodium) axillaribus from a short knob-like branch solitary pendulous obovate subpedunculate (pedun- culis about 4 inch long) at the base of its stalk with 3 sub- cordate bracteate scales, and a mamillate umbilicus at the apex; at first the colour is orange, then deep blackish purple when it is deliquescent. Flowers of both sexes long-stalked, stalks white. Anth. oblong, lilac or white and transparent. Stigma bipartite acute, style oblique seed pendulous oblong with a thick white margin especially at the micropyle. Inner tissue or membrane elastic, albumen sub. 0, radicle moderata. Has. On trees, Malacca, between Rhim and Ayer Punus. M. Ficus mangiferifolia, Gr. Pl. DLV. Fig. I. ipee corona densa, habitu mangiferz nou com- ET 2-34 unciales, graciles subcomplanato supra sul- "Fu lanceolato-oblonga, repanda, cuspidato-acuminata, acumina semi-torto, chartacea glabra venatio ordinaria reti- culationes inferne minutissime areolis punctis pellucidis 2-3 distinctissimis, sublente. Gemmz ovate, soe coriaceze brunneze. Hag, Assam. Beyllot 15. Ficus intermedius, Gr. Pl. DLVI. Fig. II. Arbor magna, Cortice ramorum cinerea. Ramuli petioli foliaque subtus Scabrelli, : Petioli teretes supra lineali a lineales. Gemma minime nie subulate petiolis breviores. 396 URTICACEJE. Fol. alterna oblonga vel obovato-oblonga basi sepe in- ‘qualia longe et obtuse cuspidata integra chartaceo-coria- cea supra levia glabraque interveniis subconvexis, venatio secondar. valde distincta arcuafim nexa additoria subnulle, tertiarie grandes, direction sepius transverse reticulationes ultimz minime. Fructus pedunculat. szpius (abortu) solitarii in axillis pedunculis petiolo paullo longiorib. basi pluri-squamati scabro- hirti, uti superficies fructiis globosi, verrucis irregularibus ochroleucis, umbilico subaperto succus fere aquosus cortex tenax 16. Ficus millingtonifolia, Gr. Pl. DLVI. Fig. I. Arbuscula. Ramuli cinereo-ferruginei compressi. Petioli concolores puberule complanati supra canalicu- lati semunciales, Gemm:e subulate, acute. Folia interdum subopposita obintermod. abbreviationem brunnez, puberulz. Fol. obovato-oblonga subrepanda cuspidato-acuminata sub- caudata, integra chartacez utrinque glabra, supra sublucida, venatio ordinaria secondarize subdistincti nex, intervenia harum supra clavata, reticulationes inferne majuscule. __ Ons. Ficus caudatz affinis, sed distincta, verruculis nullis, petiolis complanatis, foliorum forma, et acumniatione, €t glabratione, et habitu. Has. Assam. Beyttollah. 17. Ficus caudata, Pl. DLVII. Fig. I. Scandens in arboribus ramuli verruculis uti petioli € asperat. subteretes, Petioli compressi supra canaliculati semi torti. Fol. oblonga magnitudinem varii, 2-4 uncialia vel etiam fere pedalia, integra, subtus tactu aspera, subito longeque cusp RI eae ae a eS a ek te EMEN Im FICUS. 397 Venatio ordinaria, interveniis plerumque subullatis, basi subtrivenia reticulationes inferne minimze, : Gemm:e breves bilineales brunnez, uti petioli ramulique. Has. Assam. Gowahatti. Distinct, especially on account of the compressed. not flattened petioles. 1 18. Ficus longipes, Gr. Pl. DLIX. Fig. II. Frutex scandens. Ramuli compressi, folia ovata coriaceo-chartacea, integra subacuta, venatio-ordinaria, reticulation infra minima. imme conice breves, 2 lineales. Fructus, axillares, solitarize abortu in pedunculis, unciali- bus petiolos } excedentibus apicem bracteatis, ovato-globosa, cerasi parvi magnitudine, umbilico annulo cincto, clauso, aurantiaceis, glabra, pedunculi infra incrassata ascendentes. icatrix inflorescentie secundze distincti in axillis. Has. Assam. Gowahatti. 19. Ficus sclerocarpa, Gr. Pl. DLVIII. Arbor Pubescente hirta. Ramuli robusti. Venation of the corolla perfect, monopetalous. Petiolis rotundatis. Folia longe petiolata cordiformi- Orbicularia breviter et obtuse cuspidata remote et in- Conspicue serrata, utrinque hirta basin 5-venia, sub- cartacea venze secondarie distincte minute margine at- fingentes, tertiarie secondarii intermediarum arcuate, Cæ- terum transverse varie reticulate. Fructus : maximus diametro 3-4 unciali late turbinati longe Pedunculati, hirto umbilico maximo, aperto ore mo, dura inedules, Pedunculo clavato apice squamigero. - Section different, but allied to Redvoretas Ficus macro- 3 His. Anm Gowahatt in Sylris. 398 URTICACEJE. 20. Ficus bistipulatus, Gr. Pl. DLIX. Fig. I. Frutex erectus, 6-8 pedalis. Rami robusti, corpore ligneo parco, medulla ampla. Fol. alternis, petiolis rubris, uncialibus supra lineato- canaliculatis, oblonga basi subcordata acuminato-cuspidata repanda, pubescente hirta supra tactu scabra, venatio ordinaria duobus infimis secondariis basi approximatis, ideo- que, fol. trivenia, venis rubro-tinctis, vernatio conduplicata. Stipule membranaces, stipulis urticeis similis duo per- sistentis. - Fructus: bini abortive solitarii in axillis, pedunculati, pedunculis petiolo 4-plo brevioribus, medium versus arti- culates ibidemque tribracteatis, turbinata rubra, punctis irre- gularibus albidis, umbilico annulo obsolito cinct. Has. Assam Tezpore sylvis squamis clauso. This belongs to a very different section characterised by its large medulla, leaves hairy on both sides, with membranous distinct stipules, and terrestrial habit. 21. Ficus oppositifolia, Gr. Pl. DLX. Frutex arbusculoideus robustus, Ramuli teretes crassi medulla magna contracta fistulosa scabrida. Folia opposita petiolis vix uncialibus, subteretibus ob- l i cordatis novella brunneo-pubescent. obsolete dentatis cuspidato-acuminatis, tactu utrinque scaberrimis venis omnibus infere prominulis, Gemm: mediocres, conico-subulate, stipule membran. caduce, discretze binæ. Fructus in racemis axiliaribus. abreviatis, squamatis € pius binatim aggregat. pedunculis 2-3 linealibus, globos? turbinalis, subscabris interdum subcostata costis squat circum. umbilicum respondentibus basi calyculo trisep? cincti, apice squamato, squamis carnosis pluribus umbili : — an affinis F, laminosz. bo, Se TS FICUS. 399 In aquosis ad margines syl varum. Has. Assam, Gowahatti : December. This species comes very near to Ficus laminosa, especially in the stipulation and shape of the leaves, it is the only one with opposite leaves yet known ; Jenkins tells me that Ficus carica has been grafted on it. 3 I consider this genus to prove absolutely that stipule . * are mere scales of buds, and that they are not necessarily [ double organs. In this speceis if they are double orgaus, we must assume their coalescence, of which there is no trace. The fruit of Ficus is entirely analogous to those Compositz, Whose receptacle is quite naked, the outer ones being involu- cra, and as it were carried up and closed over the re- ceptacle. 22. Ficus rubifolia, Gr. Pl. DLVII. Fig. III. Scandens radicansque hirsuta scabra. Folia cordato-ovata indivisa vel tri quinque loba more Rubi vel Hederz. í Squame persistentes duz membranacez. à Fructus longe pedunculata ovato unceolato hirsuta apice Pedunculi uncialis petiolas excedentes, apice bracteati. F. heteroplylle accedens. Has. Assam Gowahatti. 23, Ficus apocyneoideus, Gr. _ Frutex repens in arboribus caule, petiolis, foliisque subtus pubescent, .. Petioli breves 4 uncialis supra plani. . Folia opposita! lanceolata, vel sepius lanceolato-ovata obtuse acuminata, integra chartacea, supra glabra. Venatio Ordinaria, secondariis distincti nexis stomatose portion in 400 URTICACE®, Cilize inter petiolares distinctz. Procul dubio igitur Apocynea vera. Has. Assam Tezpore in arboribus. 24. Fici sp. Pl. DLVII. Fig. II. Has. Bootan. 25. Fici sp. Pl. DLXI. Fig. II. Itinerary Notes, p. 137, no. 594. Has. Bootan. ARTOCARPUS. 1, Artocarpus cuspidatus. Arbor. Ramuli robusti ferrugineo-hirti, uti petioli: gemmæ, fo- liaque subtus ad venas. Petioli teretes subunciales. Fol. obovata vel sepius obovato-oblonga, obtusissimo uno tiz pi ginata, integra, minora interdum apice den- tata coriacea, dura, &cabra, v. 2 dariis obliquis rectiusculis, intra marginem arcuatum nexis v. ven. intromarginal. commun. Fructus axillaris subsessilis, globosus irregulariter hori- zontalis, covered with innumerable scabrous long points from conical angular bases, from the irregular way in which these points are disposed, not all radiating from a com- mon surface, the fruit would look outside as if it were composed of many concrete capituli, When ripe if opened or torn across, it separates into a glo- bose receptacle densely crinite; these crina are the styles of the abortive pericarpia, few of which are at all enlarged, still fewer seed-bearing. The rest is fleshy, while the concrete — perianths each presents a channel occupied previously by the style, each perianth ends in the point before mentions: Frui itlets large, oblong with an apiculus, baccate an agreeable subacid flavor, inner layer nembranous and very thin, to this the pulpy tissue is attached, uo ee es ioe ea ARTOCARPUS. : 401 Pericarp relatively small, oblong, whitish, with an ob- solete longitudinal line along both faces, a chartaceous thick- ish white covering distinct from the membranous one to which the baccate part is attached, seed pendulous oblong brown with a 4 complete raphe, beautiful and palmately branched atthe chalaza, the branches all converging over micropyle. Tegument 1, thin and membranous. Albumen 0. Cotyledons fleshy plano-ciuven, radicle very short next the hilum. Has. Malacca Verupha Aloor Gagal of the Malays, 4 echinatus Roxb. Tampooni. .2. Artocarpus, sp. - Arbor humilis, corona patento, ramulis petiolisque plum- | beo-viridibus velutinis, stipulis ovatis, parvis, fol. oblongis basi oblique cordatis repandis breve acuminatis subintegra, Supra glabris, subtus reticulatis scabrisque. Inflorescentia axillaris, spadicibus masculis. ochroleucis,. cellulosis, breve SONNIN oblongis, fæm. vel segregat vel 2 confertis vel mixtis, junioribus globosis, longius pedicillatis vi- ib . Spad. mascul, intus cellulose, mollis, indique floribus . monandris tectis. pom. 3-sepal. sepal. spathulato-concavis. . Anthera I, rarissima 2, exserta bilocularis. Filam. subulato- conicum corpora conic. capit. peltato margine glanduloso ci- liato forib. masculis immixtis. æm. spadix papillosa squamis ciliatis, crebris iriters- persum, Per. ovar. supra omnino confluent. massum continum fatnos. formant. Stylus erumpet. Stigma longe exsert. Simplex, Ov. libera l-locular. l-ovulat. ovulo pendulo a la- “fe apices loculi, foram. conspicui superum hilum prope. ; eek SIMA parvus verrucosus ovar. plurima abor- A 3 402 ' URTICACE. Succus lacteus presertim spad, fem. masculi folior, ra- mulorumque, aquo lacteus. | Has. Mergue: Feb. 1835. Fol. juniora livida. 3. Artocarpus integrifolia. Arbor altiuscula, demissius ramosa. Ramulis cicatricibus stipularum notatis viridescent. verru- cis castaneis crebris. Fol. petiolata obovata integra coriacea, penninervia supra lucida glabra infra reticulata pallida, tactu- que scabra. Stipule diphylle, fol. oblonga membranacea albido-brunnesc. apicibus convoluto-concavis spadicis folia- que juniora involvent, decidue. Spadicis utriusque sexus conformes. as. oblongo-ovata basi involucra rudimentar. pluriden- tato stipat. syperficio elevationibus frequentissimis et papil- loso-crystillina undique floribus masculis tectze. Per. tubulos. pubescens apicem plus minus bifidum. Filam. columnuve exserti crassum. — Anthera bilocularis longitud. lateraliterque dehiscent. Pollen lave. Spadix mas- culis fere exsuccus, fem. succo lacteo plena, extus muricatisi- 1 mus, | Per. cylindraceum ad medium. inter se coalit. bases tubuloso, apices angulate carnose subsolide, stylo tantum perforat. Stylus obliquis filoformis, Stigmata simplex. Ov. l-loculare l-ovulat. ovula pendulo a basin styli foramen ad apicem ovuli conspecui. ; Culta circa Mergue frequentiss : Floret Dec. Jan. Per 23 pump Stam. longitudine perianthii Descriptio fructus cur, 403 Dorstenia. Dorstenia sp. Frutex humilis, ramulis angulatis petiolisque pedunculis- que breve et fusco-pubescent. fol. breve petiolata cuneato- obovata cuspidata coriacea, integra marginibus cartilagineis, subtus ad nervos tactuque scabris, stipulis setaceis pubescent. Inflorescentia capitata, capitulis — longiusculi-pedunculatis axillaribus patentibus solitariis. Peduncula tortilo, floribus inconspicuis albis. Involucrum sub 4-partit. foliolis patentibus subacuminatis. Receptaculum carnosum auperficien albido pubescente, flores omnino recond. Flores Mas. Per. O, nisi receptaculi excavationes. Stam. 2, libera per superficien demum erumpent, filam. filiforme papillis cabrella. Anth. biloculares, membranacez, itud. dehiscent. Pollen lave angulorum, flores peri- pherices primas dehiscent. .. Capitulis declinus form. duplo longius pedunculatis, pen- dulis apices versus majus incrassatis. Involcr. 5-6 partit. laciniis angustioribus, primo in super Teceptata conniventib. Receptacula ut in marib. stylus subulatis stigmatibusque simplicibus perforat. Perforatio pilis albis cincta. —.. Ovar. in substantia receptac. recondit. nidulansque. EUM obliquus, l-spermo, ovula pendula ab apice foramen : ate compositus difformis, involuc. laciniis recurvis, E ollis, ovaria plura alba Coryli magnitudinem parieti- carnosi: Semen Pelei ovario conforme, testa celluloso mem- a hilum versus incrassata, et brunneo-lutescens. Albu- pn Cotyledones crassz, carnose; plano-convexe. on infera brevissima obtussim. Plumula subcon- Spine, Cotyledones saporis dulcis vix lactescens, fructu in- tantum excepto, - 404 , HENSLOVIACER. Hab. Mergue. In sylvis. Ins. Madamacca: January, 1835. An receptaculi flores recondiens vel perianthia capitato unius omnino accreta. * Omnia Dorstenie, habitu stigmateque simplici Mene an stigma vere simplex. Urtice sp. Pl. DLXII. Fig. III. Has. Tongsa Bootan. Batis spinosa, Pl. DLXII. Fig. I. HENSLOVIACE. HensbLovia. Cal. 5 fissus, laciniis ovatis acutis. Pet. 0. Stam. 5 laci- niis calycinis alternis. Filam. brevia incurva. Anth. bilocu- lares, (connectivo magno) longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ova- rium biloculare loculis poto de. Stylus filiformis. Stigma capitatum papillosum. Arbores foliis oppositis TE abrupti desinentibus, floribus racemosis inconspicuis. Ordo naturalis ignotus. Habitus Jasminearum R. Br. Duz species note, H. pu- bescens quam delineavi in opere Wallichiano et H. glabra. Henslovia pubescens Pl. DLXIV. Fig. II. Arbor elegans. Ramis determinato-ramosis, ramulis compressis sub 4g —— nis, glabris, fol. oppositis breve petiolatis ovatis obtusis vel obtuse acuminatis repandis anm supra lucidis glabertimis subtus pallidis penninervus. : Inflorescentia BBRA N L paniculis nempe race" mosis ad apices ramorum sepius nudorum confertis. Racemis oppositis szpius deorsum flexis (pedunculo com- Ee . mune erecto,) cylindricis, subplumosis, multifloris, floribus M dioicis parvis læte viridescentibus odore ingrato. po Bractea lanceolata primo viridia cito sphacelata ad basin corun racemi, | HENSLOVIA. 405 Pedunculis, pedicellis calycibusque extus pubescentibus. Per. basin latum subcyathiforme, 5-fidum, laciniis late ovatis acuminatis, estivatione valvatis intus ad basin pub-se cens, pilosumque. Pilis albis in cristis 10 dispositis, cristis alternis ad filam. bases laciniarum currentibus. Pet. Stam. 5 perigyna, sinubus perianth. paululum infra inserti, libera. Filam. zestivatione inflexa, filiformia, Con- .néctirum carnosum. Anth. bilocalares, basibus affixis, bi- locul. loculis linearibus marginalibus longit. lateraliterque dehiscent. ^ Pollen lanceolato-ovata leve hinc sulcatum. Rad. ovarium centrale bilocul. ovulorum rudiment. plura, mi- nima, Stylus 0. Stigma capitatum. , Zstivatio perianth primo valvato sed cito aperto fit. "^ Bud. 2. Do. more advanced. 3. Flower. 4. Do. vertical view. Filament cut across above exser- tion, shews the hairs of the perianth running in lines to the stamens and sepals. 9. Anther front view. ^ . 6. Do. extrorse. : 7. Do. burst. ~ Pollen. 9. Long section of the perianth and ovarium, rudiment glanduloso-pubescens Fructus Pl. DLXII. Fig: III, bilocularis capsularis lato- -ovatus velutinus basi calyce filamentisque persistentibus sti- . Pitat. apice bivalvis, valvis splitting along the style, but . remaining attached by the stigma! valvis medio septiferis. Semina 00, plura abortientia, transversim, placentis affixa, ovata. Testa brunnea reticulata, dorso cristata, crista in -apicula producta. Tegument. interius membranac. tenuis- simum, Albumen 0. Embryo cellulosum orthotropus. Co- Ay e _ plano-convexiusculze e; | Radicula Fats obtusissima hilum spectans, Plumulo in- 406 HENSLOVIACEA. conspic. Chalaza parva. Raphe cristiformis fibrosa, ultra apicem producta. a. Capsule. b. Capsule opened throughout. » mbryo. d. Embryo, cotyledon removed. . Seed long section. Jf- Seed, g. ditto dorsum. ; Foliatio Oleacearum (Br.). Inflorescentio Combretacea- rum cui etiam accedit. Staminibus estivatione inflexis. Anthere Euphorbiacez. Has. Mergue in sylvis : Nov. 1834. 2. Henslovie, sp. Pl. DLXIV. Fig I. á | Descr. Arbor magna; ramis teretibus griseis, nodis incrassatis; ramulis brunnescentibus abruptis, brevibus et sæpius ut videtur diphyllis. H Folia breve petiolata, oblonga, basi cordata, coriacea sæpius leviter conduplicata obtusa, long. sub. 4-unc. lat. 2-unc. ven secondariis arcuatim nexz, interveniis reticulatis, reticulatio superne valde distincta et depressa, subtus pallide virides- cente margine cartilaginea recurva. Petioli subbilineati crassi, transverse rugosi. r Racemi in paniculum brevem dispositi ortam ex axili. | fol. laps. oppositi, szpe 5 panicule unius, (aliquando pa- nicule 2-3 fasciculate) spithamez vel pedales, pendule vel nutantes brunneo-puberuli. Pedicelli subclavati, per breves basi bractea minutissime pedicello duplo breviore suffult. Flores numerosi, rubescentes, subglobosi: extus brunneo- puberuli, alabastra conica e basi hemispherica. Cal. ad medium 5-partitus ; laciniis conniventibus lari, ambitu acutis, zestiv. valvat. tubus intus albidus piens bc sub parce ares as if lined by the st SAS ESC ee ae eg SCEPACEJE. 407 Stam, 5, fauci inter sinus inserti, filamenta alba apice caruea, zstivat. introflexo-arcuata. Connectivum pallide roseum, longit. sulcatum, as though the filam were of two combined. Anthera citius an un- ' quam erectz, didyma, vel reniformis : loculi brunneo-purpurei angusti. Pollen album. Ovarium subhemisphericum, conicum pubescenti-pilosum ; triloculare! basi lata affixum, nullo modo inferum. Stylus robustus filiformis demum | staminibus paullo bre- vior, trisuleatus, viridis, medio plumbeo tinct ; precociter exserlus. Stigma truncatum, subtrigonum obtuse pervium. Ovula 00, placentis axilibus carnosis affixa anatropa, sessilia, erecta vel ascendentia. Has. Malacca. Oss. I see no reason why this genus should not range in or near Lythrarie, in which apetalous forms are not un- common, and which indeed is pointed out by the frequent minuteness of the ,petals, and the coloration of the calyx, Hug situation of the stamens may be an objection, but this 18 perhaps explainable. The structure of the seeds is the Same, and altogether the sum of the characters is Lythra- reous, SCEPACE.E. -— Scepacea. Ramuli teretes albidi novelli subangulati. Folia alterna, stipule decidue, petiolus sub 4-linealis utrinque incrassatus, lamina dependens ut plurimum leviter conduplicata oblonga vel sublanceolata mucranato-cuspi- data integra, long. 4-4 4 unc. lat. 1-7 lin. carnoso-subcoria- fea, venis secondariis arcuatim nexis, interveniis reticulatis, the reticulation is most evident underneath. 408 ANACARDIACEA. Spice axillares subbiunciales,- pubescentes in peduncu- lum abbreviatum insert. ideoque racemose, racemis inter- dum plus quam ]. Bractee lanceolate — brunneo-pube- rule subbinz ad basin spicz cujusque, initio imbricata. Bracteola pallidiora velutina minuta sub florem quemque : concava. Flores minuti undique insert. Sepala bracteolis similia, sub 4, minuta pubescentia, leviter imbricata. Stam 4, sepalisopposita; hypog. filam subulata alba sepalis - sub 3-plo longiora stricta : Anthere didymz erecta, longit. dehiscentes lunulato reniformes extrorse. Glandule 4, crassa angulati-sublobata, sepalorum longi- tudine inter posite filamentes. .Rudimentum Pistilli centrali-capitatum, sepala paullo Superans. nee stamina are geaoraly 4, but sometimes not unfrquent- ly valide and alternation of parts, Pl. DLXV, g. Fig IV. A. glands. - E Malacca: January 24th, 1845. , AN ACARDIACEJ. Anacardium occidentalis. Pl. DLXV. Fig. III. e. Ps Cal. irregulariter 5-sepalus, sepalis zstivatione imbricatis. Pet 5, lineari-acuminata, staminum annuli basin inserta, Me- dium supra reflexa, zestivatione imbricata velutina. Stam. 10 hypogyna inzqualia postico majore exserto. Filamenta filiformia basin versus in eupulam ovarii basin cingentem coalita, apicibus nigrescentib. constrictis. Anth. medium versus affixze, biloculares, longit. lateraliterque dehis- cent. Stylus subulatus longe exsertus..Stigma subcapitatu"m- Ovarium superum l-loculare, l-ovulatum, ovalo subre” ond niforme, transverse situm, funiculo laterale (nec sustento, snap hilum pope, d d p pda Gh T ML. NM Pe ll ME a eae SYNDESMIS. ; 409 . Pollen ovatum lzve hinc sulcatum lividum. f. ovarium and . ovule in situ from a bud. e. ovule separated. Has. Mergue: Nov. 1834 MELANORRILEA. Melanorrhee sp. Arbor excelsa florifero formosa, fol. ad apicem ramulor. confertis, oblongo-obovatis integris coriaceis reticulatis, Pa- nieulis terminalibas axillaribusque, thyrsoideis, floribus nu- merosis albis odoratis. Cal. calyptreformis, integer. basi ad anthesin circumscissa calyptratimque decidua reticulato-venulosis pubescens. t. 5, hypogyna patenta, ' lineari-lanceolata post anthesin ampliatissime, utriculataque et foliacea. Torus staminiferis incrassatis, subglobosusque. Stam. 00, libera. Filam. subcapillaria ad medium usque parce pilosa. Anth. subversatiles biloculares. Gynophorus ultra stamin. basin fonge productus, post anthesin etiam productior ovar. ad apicem ejus. Stylus brevis subulatus, subobliquus, quoad exsertio, nempe non omnino apiculis. Directione obliqua. Stigma, capitat, Ovar, l-loculare, l-ovulatum. Ovulum funiculo brevi la- teraliter ad basin loculi affixum, foram. hili prope. Has. Mergue. In ids Ins. Madamaca, Dec. 1834. SYNDESMIS. l. Syndesmis coarctatus, Pl. DLXVIL. Fig. I. ; Fructus; ; cernuo-penduli cymosi, cymis pseudo-lateralibus, = oppositifoliis, pedicellis robustis clavatis subfastigiatis MM basi annulo elevato undulato utrinque caules- Mi. et annulum verticale completi efformant. annulo rticali simplice, latere uno ventrale magis evoluto, at the outer ied throwing out irregular ridges. B 3 410 ANACORDIACE. Epicarp. coriaceum, papilloso-verrucosum. Mesocarp. spongioso-fibrosum album. Endocarpium chartaceum, semini adherens, Semen erectum, tegumento vix' vere solubil. when the seed is separated it appears extremely veiny, the veins aris- ing from a short 4th complete raphe, and nearly meeting on the opposite side of the seed. Albumen Embryo maximus. Cotyledones inzquales carnosz sub- hzmisphzricze, applied faces intus rosaceo-tincte. Radicula brevis, slighty curved on the commissure of the cotyledons. Radicular face of the cotyledons with a smooth rather flat difform surface. . : Plumula conspicua corresponding nearly in pe with the radicle. Succus cito nigrescit. i a, €, h. Radicle b, d, i. Plumula. =, g. Inner view of fruit or endocarp. J. Spongy fibrous mesocarp. e. Epicap. AB. Malacca. The inequality of the cotyledones, appears general, as also the curious difference in the surface, and the waved irregular line marking off the two. The vascularity of the tegument is perhaps at the maximum. 2. Syndesmis sp. Arbuscula, ramis albidis, fol. lanceolato-oblongis, breviter petiolatis ad apices ramorum confertis, coriaceis subin- tegris obtuse acuminatis glabris, penninerviis. Paniculis cymosis terminalibus solitariis vel seepius 25. A confertis, pedunculis presertim. secondariis compressis. ict — | | ranaceis deciduis, ovatis, floribus numero- sis, suaviter ‘lors, albis, calyce miniato. A aM: C St eor d poo NT EP EORR d ONE. NEE Gadea a ee | a a a a aa " EUER ee APUNTES NC TT i ASTROPETALUM. ` 41 l _ Cal. tubo subcylindrico edentato? hinc ad anthesin longi- tudinaliter fissa, sub 3-fidoque. Pet. subzqualia lineari-spathulata calyce fere 2-plo lon- giora, apicibus revolutis, hypogyna, a mediis infra tubo stamineo ? adnata, estivatione imbricato. Stam 3 usque ad medium in tubo gynophoro adnato coalito, tubo petalis cohzrente exserta. Filam, libera facta petalis alternantia subzequalia filiformia. Anth. erectze basibus affixce biloculares longit. dehiscent. Pollen ovatum leve hinc sulcat, Stylus lateralis, filiformis staminibus longior. Stigma sub- ' capitatum l-sulcatum, subbifidumve. Ovarium longe stipulat. centraliter inter filament. situm, ovato-globosum, 1-loculare, l-ovulatum, ovulo ascendente funiculo sublaterali brevi sustento, foramen ad hilum ad fan- dum loculi spectans. Has. In sylvis, Mergue: no. 675. Nov. 1384. : Pet. interdum 5. Stam. semper 4. Pet. distincto tubo sta- mineo adnata, fol. impunctata genital. interdum abortientia floribusque, igitur polygamus ; eresinosa. Anacardiacee cui habitu et structura ovaria ovulique om- Dino accedit, discrepat mere gradu; petalis. en sta- mineo adnatis, stam. in tubum longe coalitis mediante gyno- - Phor, ovario stipitato et przecipue styli insertione obliqua. nis est Terebinthacez, Mangiferze habitu. Astropetalum 8p. I. meo sensu auctores pessime descrip. vide presertim, ^0. 645, cui petala stamina perigyna et ovarium in toro a sw iusidens. - ASTROPETALUM. | i Pikot sp. DLXV. Fig. II. 6, c, d Arbor alta, foliis alternis saafin long. insculp. ection: tis, apices ramorum versus confertis, lineari-lanceolatis coria- : ceis acuminatis repandis penninerviis are cartilagineis : vid pellucide punctatis. 412 ANACORDIACE Æ. Paniculis patentibus, axillaribus, terminalibusque sulcatis, subangulatis, ramulis divaricatis cymosis. Bractea ‘minute fere obsoleta ad basin ramulis cujusque, floribus parvis viridis- cento-albidis, suaviter odoratis. Cal. tubo brevi 5-fidus laciniis Pte breve d zstivatione imbricatis. Cor. 5-petala, petalis hypogynis oblongis, patentibus, sub- reflexis, sepalis alternantib. æstivatione imbricatis, 1 Stam. 5 libera, phypogyna etalis alternantia, filament subu- > — latis petalis brevioribus basi incrassatis. Anth. oblongo- > lineares subversatiles biloculares longit. lateraliterque de-' hiscentes. Pollen oblongum leve hinc sulcatum, Glandule 5 minutissima staminibus alternantia. Stylus filiformis crassiusculis stigma peltata mes 4-- sulcatum ovarium superum l-loculare, l-ovula ovula funicu- lato ascendesite foramen hilum prope. ues vere hypogyna, toro nempe elevato cum ovario insidentia. . Torus aiai tubum zquans subpolvgama, foribus pluri- mis rudimento ovarium tantum. Fructus nondum visus, Habitus mangiferæ. In Colla alleore. no. 645, Nov. 1834. Has. Mergue. Conspicua obamssas florescentæ densas, 3 .contuse adorem resinosum piperaceum effundit. T 2. Astropetalum sp. : C Arbor excelsa, fol. szepius alternis ad apices ramorum “con: fertis, petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis, obtuse acuminatis integris | subrepandis marginibus cartilagineis, nervis secondariis dis- tinctis, nervo primario angulum valde obtusum formantibus. Paniculis terminalibus foliosis patentissimis multifloris, ! flori- bus pallide lutescent. subodoris, obmassas longe conspicuis. _ Cal. tubo brevi, limbo 5-fido, laciniis rotundatis cestivation? imbricatis, Cor, tp petalis bypagynis, liueari-lanceolatis refesis i BUCHANANIA, 413 | wnguiculatis unguibus gynophora adnatis. Petalis post | anthesin ampliatis foliaceisque ! ! ! Stam. 5 hypogyna basibus versus alatis et gynophoro ad- | matus petalis alternant. ^ Parte adnate quasi sphacelato - Fila. libera subulata basi dilatata petalis breviora. Anth. biloeulares longit, dehiscentes bases versus affix, introrse Pollen oblongum ellipticum leve albidum. Stylus brevis fili- formis subobliquis, nec vere apiculis. Stigma capitat. medio foveolat. „Ovarium gynophoro insidens ovatum l-loculare, 1-ovula- tum. Ovulo vere pendulo, lateraliter et supra basin loculi inserta, funiculo brevi tenui sustentum. Foramen hilum prope loculi fundum aspiciens. ^ De perigyne si stamina hujas ordinis auctores pessime judica verunt. In omnibus generibus, qua examinatione Subjeci, stamina evidentis et omni sensu hypogyne. Hoc _ genus intermedium est cum Syndesmis (sp. 2.) no. 675, cujus tts longius stipitatus et stylus omnino obliquus. . *- BUCHANANIA. Buchanania subobovata. du : a Polis: subobovatis, paniculis folia excedentibus albis, flori- Dus 4-5-meris, stam. basi effzetis. Rami teretiusculi, ‘ramuli virides. . Folia alterna apices internodiorum vel ramulorum. subcon- ferta, exstipulata, petioli'basi incrassati, subuncialis, lamina Subobovata, long. 4-5 unciali, lat. 1} fere 2 unc. coriacea con- caviuscula obtusa interdum emarginata, margine maturiorum Sepe undulato-crenata, v. secondarie arcuatim obliquae« con- : pw v. aliis anastomosant. paullo minoribus, subtus venatio | et minus conspicua. Vernatio conduplicata. Panicula axillares, foliis longiores obfolia conferta — yrsum terminalem formant. edunculi subspithamzei - albi compt essi rami secondarii 414 ANACORDIACE. curvatim ascendentes an semper ultime cymoidez | vel. race- mosæ pauciflore. Flores minuti albi 4, ssepius 5-meri, odore ingrato, pedi- celli breves clavati. Sepala 4-5, semi-ovata unico extimo 'minuta. Petala estiv. imbricata totidem alternant. oblonga, patente reflexa obtusa. Stamina petalorum numero dupla petalis j breviora hy- pogyna subzqualia, filamenta alba subulata, Anthere erect longitud. filamentorum magne, obtuse sagittate, pars sagittati alba effeta! Pollen aureum. | Cupula carnosa alba denticulat inter stamina et pistillum, hoc ex dimidia parti obtegens. Ovarium stipitem crassum brevem terminans subovatum. Styli 4-5 parce pilosi, stig- mate totidem subcapitata. Potius ovaria 4-5 petalis opposita, parce pilosa l tantum fertile, sterilia interne sulcata, in stylos crassos, stigmata capi- tato-terminalis attenuata: fertile ovatum 1-loculare, ovulum 1, terebinthacea, nempe pendulum e funiculo basi loculi affixo, foramen inferne spectans, stylus crassior brevior, stigma sub- simplex. It is remarkable, that the stigmata of the barren ovaria are alone developed, and alone shew the usual browning of fecundation ! Can therefore be any communication between these ovaria and the ovuliferous one. MANGIFERA. * 1. Mangifera lagenifera, Gr. PI, DLXVII. Fig. II. Fruit gourd-shaped, smooth glaucescent discharging - when wounded a black varnish, smell fetid, fleshy, entirely 7 traversed by innumerable fibres, besides which it looks JU' as if it were minutely veiny reticulated. The inner fibres are as thick as twine, and cutting. them is like cutting through twine. ; a . Drupe entirely covered with innumerable fibres, lan - : * MANGIFERA. "415 Tegmen of seed separates with it, this on one side is black, thickish and coriaceous and sticks to the seed, but still is Separable, on the other side it is fine membrano-chartace- OUS. i Seed erect, oblong lanceolate ; one side, i. e. that to which the black part of the tegument adheres, presents an irre- gular surface, the other'is smooth and traversed by the. straight commissure of the cotyledones, the other is traversed by an irregular commissure. Radicle stout short, a little above the base, each cotyledon is oblique at the base, and each has half the surface wrinkled, « and half smooth. In this, one cotyledon is longer than the other. 4 a. Auricle, white, 4 radicle ; c root. f smooth, the other marks denoting rough. Has. Malacca. This is a pentandrous Mango-flowered large tree, with a round crown, high trunk, branched above, xod spathulate obovete leaves. The Malay name is Langoot. It is equally well distinguished by its lageniform fruit, y the oy smooth tutelae calyx auricled outside be- low the radicle. In the following (Beenjai) the*auricle is confined to the ` larger cotyledon. MM Mee C NE Ee a2. Mangifera cesia, jack. Arbor excelsa, habitu foliatione quud openolia- rud Rope duo. ta, apice patenti-reflexa (ideoque corolla videtur hypo- tubo elongato) lineari-spathulata a medio infra car- nosis et conspicue carinatis intus. 416 - ANACARDIACE E. Stamen 1, sanguineum, petalis longioris, primo aspéctu, stylum mentiens, Anth. minute terminalis, bilocul. j Stylus brevissimus sanguineus. Stigma terminalis discoidea ovar. rudiment. ad.sunt staminodia circa fem. rudim. ' ] Fem. Cal. corolla maris, but the coalition of petals with the : torus or stalk of the ovary is much more evident. Stam. 2-3 abortive uno multo majore. * Ovar. obovatum apicem paullulum obliquum, stylo subulato petalorum longitudine. Stigma capitat. subreniforme. vulum l, anatropum appensum foramine fundum loculi FO RECEDUNT HRS a esa NOn airy Poe LI Y T puce This is a stately magnificent tree, panicles exceedingly — — elegant cream colored. Petals white outside, inside except the d margin, beautiful lilac. The male flowers are much more numerous than female, the latter when present are terminal on each cyme. This is a very distinct species, and does away, in some measure with one of the pecularities of Syndesmis, and is at once distin- guished by the cohesion of the base of the petals and the elongated torus, as well as by the long erect gamopetalous looking petals, ; - Has. Malacca. It has the habit of Mangifere polycar- 1 poa, Malay name Beenjai. uo RES 3. Mangifera polycarpa, Gr. or russet fruited mango P. DLXVH. Fig. I. "Branches stout, confertly leaved at the apex. Buds protected 2d by numerous brownish scales. Leaves, nearly a foot. long tapering into a short stout flattened petiole, cuneate ‘obovate undulate, more or less coriaceous, entire, obtuse. p^ Secondary veins, very distinct, well arched, not confluent ae interveniis reticulatis, above dark green, below pale. T . A large tree much like the Beenjai, both are among _ the handsome Forest trees, with a fine trunk, massive branch" — and a flattish thin crown, putting me in | mind (from the rier. of Magnolias. e MANGIFERA. : 417 E The specimen from which this last description is derived f wasa young tree. The differences in the leaves between this and the Beenjai are in the smaller size more obovate form. I have not seen the flowers of this, or the fruit of Beenjai. | Fructus oblongus basi paullo majora, sublobulata, hine in- | * fra apicem depressus, brunneus, dusky a over, of a strong f dorian or mango smell, not altogether unpleasant, with very . acid and pleasant taste. p Flesh and juice especially copious, fibres very abundant. : Drupe outline lanceolate, rather compressed, it is not even | woody; but coriaceo-fibrous, seed erect. | dem separating with the drupe, of chesnut brown or black colou Embryo erect obclavate radicle on one side above the base. On one side is a straight furrowed line, on the other an oblique irregular waved one, these are the edges of the coty- ns, which are very unequal, it is the larger one which is produced downwards, so as to make the radicle oblique. . Has. Malacca. This I find is the Camang, and I propose for it the name of Mangifera? policarpa, in allusion to its russet colored fruit, which seems to me unique in this genus. a. One side of seed. i » * 2 4. Mangifera odorata, Gr. _ Arbor magna. Folia ad apices ramulorum sparsa. (Petiolis Clalibus e medio infra incrassatis) oblongo-lanceolata a aoaoina coriacea, glabra subrepanda, venis 2-dariis distinctis, conspicue arcuatis. la terminalis, subglabra, fusco-viridescente, præsertim divisiones ultimæquæ cymosæ. F polygami carnei suave odorata alabastra oblongo- AE e hae 5, , oblong e medio refracto-reflexa, viridescente c3 418 ANACARDIACEJE. sanguineo-tincta basi ssa Ris venis infra medium sub- cristatim elevatis. Stam. 5, 2 szpius l, perfect, arising fioi a fleshy torus considerably above the plane of insertion of the petals. ilam. subulata sanguinea. Anth. purpureo-lilacinae versatili biloculares. Ovar. globosum glabrum. Stylus albus declinatus arcuatis, hine sulcatus. Stigma simplex. Ovulum anatropum, ex apice funicul. subbilariter orient. geniculat. flexi transvers. Fruit like that of the Bachang, and with as bad an edour, oblong, filled with sticky gum exuding on being cut, yellowish green with yellow spots and a central disc of a reddish colour, which under a lens presents pores or holes, not com- pressed, situation of the style obscure, oblique. Flesh yellow not unpleasantly scented, not turpentinish like that of an ordinary mango, very fibrous sweet, and plentiful, so that culture might make thjs a good fruit. Stone very much compressed, covered with torn fibres, rather thick, lined with a parchment-like substance with oblong white markings. Seed compressed very subreniform, outline with brown cellular coriaceous teguments, internally of a darker brown, much like a huge pear. Embryo of the same shape. Cotyledons flesh- colored, rather rugose with green edges, one as it were, just placed over. me other, at the apex, Ís 3 little larger, both are equal at the base. T. Radicle strongly curved and adpressed just like a curved Leguminose embryo. Plumule stalked conspicuous. Has. Malacca. Oct. 1842. Malay name Koeene, or Kahini. Proxim. M. indice et M. foetida, bachung. E Sp. Cuar. Fol petiolis e medio incrassatis in 4 ceolatis acuminato-cuspidatis subrepandis coriacels, "mE dariis conspicui arcuatis. Paniculis terminalis pyr2! | . divisionibus cymosis, floribus polygamis. Petal c medio refers calyce applicitis, staminibus e toro elevato. Stylo declinato. MANGIFERA. 419 Oss. The best marks of distinction are perhaps drawn from the fruit and the seed. 9. Mangifera fætida Gr. Fruit oval, not compressed, apex oblique, green, smooth, with a very foetid smell, that of the common mango with a suffocating, most disagreeable addition. Flesh yellow, thick, passing gradually into yellow fibres towards the drupe. Drupe covered with white fibres, com- pressed, almost two-edged, inner layer tough, parchment-like, seed erect, conformable, tegument chartaceous whitish, (brown inside) separating rather with the drupe than the embryo. 'Cotyledons equal, oblique at the base, each withan auricle incumbent on the apex of the radicle, one margin (of the two together) as it were, elevated and thickened, so close together as to appear on a transverse section almost united, radicle short, almost a right angle with the cotyledones. Plumula conspicuous, . Fructu ovali, apice obliquusculo e compresso viridi fætido ‘Has. Malacea : Malay name Bachang July. 1842. : e Mangifera longipes Gr. Arbor, Fol. alterna, petioli 2-2} unciali teres graciles, basi incras- sati. Lamina oblongo-lanceolata acuminata subrepanda coria- cea glabra; venæ 2-dariæ radiuscule conspicuæ interveniis minute reticulatis (Sapindacea.) | | Panicula terminatis, subpyramidalis tenuis, divisionibus al- pag dimos vel racemosis. Bracteis inconspicuis deci- -Plores į incon&picui polygami, vel masc. vel fzemin. Pedicelli calycesque puberuli. : basi planiusculus e 5 pet ERR patentibus. tidem angusti-lanceolat. ad medium subito-rcflexa 3) albida, centro basique lutea. Pet, 420 ANACARDIACE. Torus conicus papillosus e quo stamina oriuntur. . Stam. fertile 1, filamento longiusculo subulato glabro. Anth. versatilis transvera purpurea (sterilia, parva, 2-3,) bilocularis longitud. dehiscent. The cone is more or less 5-lobed, each opposed to a fila- ment which arises from within its upper margin. Ovar. subrotund. glabrum e cono $ exsertum. Stylus obli- quus longitud. fere filamento-subulatus glaber. Stigma ter- minali simplex. Ovulum oblique ascendens, foramen infero. Stam. quoad ovarium vero hypogyna. Tendency to cari- nation of the petals at the base. Petals with 5 elevated strize or veins to which yellow colour in confined, these confluesce below. Has. Malacca, Malay vernac name Boa Pow. It appears to approach to Roxb. Mang. sylvatica. Mangifera longipes, petiolis elongatis, fol. oblongo-lan- ceolatis subrepandis. ; Paniculi terminali tenui, pedicellis cymosis, racemosis. fasciculatis vel solitariis, petal. tertia medio refractis, basi 5-striatis. Toro 5-lobo inter stam. et petal. Stam. fertile 1. Stylo erecto, ovarioque glabro. Bovzta. : Boueia macrophylla, Gr. Pl. DLXVII. Fig. IV. Arbor mediocris aspectu Guttifero. Corona oblonga den- sissima. Ramuli teretes glaucescentes. Folia opposita, petiola } uncialis 4 torta, lamina oblongo- lanceolata obtuse acuminata vel cuspidata crassa coriacea, patentia glabra, venis secondariis crebris sub Guttiferinis a — - cuatis distinctis interveniis more Terebinth : reticulatis. Ge" — 1 BOUEIA. 421 a Panicule thyrsoidez axillares foliis breviores densiflore, | divisiones ultimi cymosz, ramulisque trichotomis. Flores polygami parvi inconspicui virides, cito fucescent. Cal. minutus subpubescens, 4-partit, P Petala erecta connivente imbricata concava, marginibus f incurvis spathulato-obovata carnosa! centro carinata, in- f X serted by the stout fleshy bases into a torus above the level of à the insertion of the calyx. Stam. totidem interdum 3-5, petalis multo breviora, filam. ima basin connatis, inserted by their stout fleshy bases into a torus above the level of the insertion of the calyx. Anth. peli lateraliter dehiscentes, connectivum in mucronulum uct, Rudiment. pistila minut. in basi cupule filamentor. connectorum, Flos femineus whenever it exists, semper e centro trichoto- mus, much less numerous than the male. Calyx pubescens, 3-partitus. Petala et Stamina ut in mare. * Ovarium paululum obliqua, pubescens vel glabrum. Stylus robustus subulatus. Stigma terminali hinc singularia, capitatum subintegerrime as if formed of two reniform lobes. Ovulum l, suberectum attached to the ventral suture near the base, foramen inferum, tegument duplex, interius inclusum. In the young fruit, the drupe is little or none, the seed large purplish, oblong reniform with a veined testa? an in- ferr curved radicle and rather unequal cotyledons. Is ‘aere a tegument ? if not, the cotyledons are veined out- Side. Fruit oblong ovate, little oblique, about the size of a hen's €88, not compressed, it is surrounded at the base by the re- mains of the perianth. | - id yellowish copious with fine fibres of a very od 422 ANACARDIACE. cut, fine fibrous externally, this is lined inside by the adher- ing brown teguments of the seed. Hence the embryo appears quite naked on opening, the drupe becoming exposed and conspicuous from its lilac colour. . Cotyledons equal plano-convex, outside reticulate rugose from the pressure of the inner surface of the drupe, inside of a deeper lilac! Embryo erect. Radicle curved, on line of the commissure of the cotyledons. Plumule conspicuous : a form of Leguminous embryo. Has. Malacca. Melay name Roomanya Bartool. This is the large leaved species, which grows to a good sized tree, with a very dense oblong crown. The smaller species, of which I have a flowering specimen from Rev. Mr. White : is the B. Peego, or from its very small leaves, B. microphylla. It also attains the size of a mo- derate tree, and has a dense crown. The genus is certainly distinct from Mangifera, in habit articularly, but scarcely in the flowers, taking Mangifera comprehensively (Langoot, M. lagenifera as the test) and in the scarcely drupaceous evalvular fruit. In the Mangifera oppositifolia of Roxburgh, Wight and Arnot say the style is composed of 3 combined, and that there are 3 stigmas, of which 2 are abortive ,and 1 fertile, and E much larger. : Now if this were the case, it would be a direct passage to Buchanania, and in that group I see nothing like sucha struc * — ture, and even if the stigma be 3-lobed as Roxburgh says, i 3 does not follow that the style is compound ; on the contrary the à ventral suture, and obliquity of the ovarium are against it, be- sides there is no dorsal sinus ; if stigma, the number of sta- mina is nothing, the erect embryo nothing, the keeled petals nothing, so that the, only distinctions are habit and evalvul nuts, which last are constant. : In this plant there is the commencement. of the structure 18, : * of Syn AMYRIDACEJE. 493 2. Boueia microphylla, Gr. Fruit roundish oval, 17-18 lines long, 14-15 in diameter, of a yellow colour, surface veiny mottled elastic fleshy. At the base is a minute subquadrate calyx, and the remains of the style a little below the geometric apex, where also the fruit is rather depressed. Pulp copious, 4 an inch in thickness of, rather firm flesh, without fibres as in the mangoes, it is of golden yellow colour and of a rather pleasant subacid taste, tainted with that of turpentine. Drupe thin, rather tough but not bony, outwardly floc- cosely fibrous, compressed, 13-14 lines long, 5 across the small diameter. + Seed conformable, the tegument is of the colour of burnt umber, thin, adhering to the inside of the drupe, partly Separable. ` Cotyledones rather unequal, firmly fleshy, lilac purple es- pecially when cut. Surface irregular and veiny. - Radicle inferior. horizontal, on a line with the lower edge 9f the cotyledons. las. Malacca. Malay name Candanghan. It is a variety of Roomanya Baitool, the Roomanya Pego, i is a bastard cinis not called so from Pegu, as some e say. AMYRIDACEÆ. SABIA. Sabie sp. Pl. DLXVIII. Fig. H. This plant is supposed to be a Sabia, if so, the chine ter does not agree with that of Amyridee in any one a essential point. . Cal. 5-sepalus estivatione imbricata. : d S-petala Pre estivation imbricata, sepalis op- 424 AMYRIDACE. Stam. fertilia 5, hypogyna, sepalis opposita ! discreta, filam. clavato-complanata viridia. Anthera terminalis bilocularis introrse, valva revoluta dehiscens, Pollen leviusculum, 1-plicat. Ovaria supera 2, connata, presertim basin versus et ima apices stylorum, unilocularia bi-ovulata ovulis pendulis for- amina ad apicem! loculi fundum ideo spectante, sursum in stylo subulato gradatim attenuata. Stigma simplex vix cons- picue e 2 connatis format. Cupula hypogyna gandulosa, evasculosa, 5-angulata, an- gulis sepalis alternis! interspatiis denticulatis ovarii pat: tem inferum cingit. Frütices scandentes, foliis alternis etutigainae indivisis, venis secondariis pagine ad medium conspicue nexis ar- cuatum, venulis ab his dentibus iterum arcuato nexis, interstitiis articulatis ramulis ultimis subclavatis evanes- centibus, Cymis dichotomis paniculatis, inflorescentia axillaris vel terminalis basi squamis gemmaceis. Bractee minutissim® inconspicuze adpresse. Flores virides minuti. "Vis aromat. nulla. ]. Alabastrum. 2. Imbrication and alternation. x Flower. . Same viewed vertically. dpud petals removed as well as most of the stamina. 6. Sepals spread out shewing the glandular cup, and its alternation. 7. Genitalia. 8. Anther laterally.: 8a. Dorsally. 9, 9a, 95. Anthers in various stages of dehiscence. 10. Pollen in water, 11. Pistillum. ee Ditto opened through the back of one carpellum. SABIA. 425 Sit ence 13, Long section, double of pistillum, shews iie the dispo- sition of the vessels. 14. Ovulum. Iam not quite certain as to its not having a second coat. Has. Pannukka Bootan. "This presents to my mind the maximum of opposition, the . three outer series being strictly opposed, and if the angles of the cup be supposed to arise from, or point out the | union of the barren stamina, tbe 4th series will likewise : be opposite. But I prefer considering the angles as indi- cating the situation which the additional stamina would occupy, if developed. This cup is evascular, and I may here remark that vascu- larity of organs depends entirely on the degree of deve- lopment, hence stamina, when barren, to have vessels, must passed a certain point in their development. The anthers are curious, they open internally along the furrow separating the loculi, by separation of the edge of the valve from the connective hence no inner valve exists, as in almost all other cases. Moisture causes the valve to return to its original direction, dryness causes its reflexion. The anther is alto- gether analogous to a single locellus of a bilocular bilocel- late anther. Are we to imagine the total suppression of the inner yalves,a tendency to which exists in some Hamamelidez, or are we to imagine the internal union of the margins of the locelli, as the cause of this curious anomaly. In the earliest stages in which I have been able to exa- "Wine it, the formation of the anthers remains the same. .. Hence even among typical anthers, two modifications "Té to be found, bilocular bilocellate anthers, resulting from the development of two leaves, and bilocular unilocellate, resulting from that of a single leaf. A distinction should p be drawn between these cases, the latter being. D 3 426 CUPULIFERA. unilocular after dehiscence, the former being in every stage bilocular. Lastly the ovary offers the anomaly of a vascular fascicle in the same line or nearly so as the placente. The normal condition of an ovary is, to have one vascular fascicle in the axis of its dorsum, this may, or not be ramified in the ovary, but in almost all cases, it is single in the style; when not so, the number of carpella seems to be indicated by the grouping of the fascicles. This occurs in Cucurbitacez which seem to be binary carpelled, and the fascicles are divided into two groups, this point, however, requires fresh examination. In this plant the fascicles are 4, and one of these is larger than the others, and it would appear to be gene- rally separable into a fifth. As no fascicle has a right to exist in the situations these do, I conceive them to indi- cate the abortion of at least two, and perhaps three other carpella ; and moreover, as vascularity is a test of perfec- tion, that the apparently two styles, are nearly formed of 2 each, or one of two, and one of three. This must be the case, if my views of the permanence of the test afforded by the number of vascular fascicles in the style as an indica- tion of the real number of: carpella, be correct ; because the styles, being more permanent than the ovary itself, must be developed considerably to enjoy such a supply of vessels. | . The true affinities of this plant are obscure, it is nearer Bur- seracez than Amyridez. . The nearest affinity is probably with Celastrinex. CUPULIFER.E. CARPINUS. Carpini sp. DLXV. Fig. I. Has. Bootan Tongsa, —— 427 CRASSULACE A. SEDUM. -Sedum sp. Pl. DLXVIII. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, p. 135, no. 581. Has. Bootan. SAXIFRAGACEJE. PaARNAssIA. l. Parnassia nana, Gr. Pl. DLXX. Fig. II. - Caulis brevis. Folia inferiora plura sparse conferta renifor- mia sub 7-nervia, petiolis longissimis basin versus amplexi- caulibus, idemque marginato-alatis, alis fimbriatis scapis unifloris, unifoliis, folio subsessili petiolo basin utrinque fim- iato, fimbriis potius ex auricula utrinque ortis, longissimis cito Sphacelatis, venatio sui generis, venis primariis septenis, arcuatis media excepta, quz ad apicem directi currit. prima- tis arcuatis ad eodem loco conniventibus currentibusque, interstitus venis tertiariis primaria oblique connectentibus ue connexis occupatis. ~ Pedunculus 3-uncialis subclavatus, angulatus, angulis subu- et e marginibus sepaloram sinu exteriorum originem ducentibus. - Sepala herbacea oblonga, 3 exteriora horumque margines ad folium decurrentes sed inferne minus distincti, 2 interiore venosa apice obtusa, brunnescente fimbriis paucis sphacelatis zestivatione quincunciali. Pet. hypogyno subsessilia sepalis alternantia, obovata, ime apice ungaeque exceptis fimbriata, zstivatione im- em (uncialis ?) staminodia 5, petalis opposita, dichotomi- » quzedam glandulis stipitatis gerente, unia in sinu magis en "oluto, lutescente apicibus lucidis. 5, sepalis alternante hypogyna, seriei stamino- dis internam formantia. 425 SAXIFRAGACE2. Filam. subulata basi dilatata. Anthere aurantiacez, ovules basin affixze, extrorsze, loculis oblongis binis lateraliter dehis- cent. connectivum viride infra emarginat. Ovarium ovato-oblongum. Stylo crasso subconico stigma- tibus 2-3 oblongis recurvatis terminat. l-loculare, placentis stigmati numero zqualibus hisque oppositis. Ovula 00, oblonga foramine conspicuo hili prope, tegumen- to I-distincto, secundinio obsolete? nucleis cellulosus. Calyx persisteus post anthesin connivento-erectus stamino- dia apice sphacelata staminaque etiam persistentia. Capsula basi 2-3 locularis, czterum l-locularis, 2-3 valvis, valvis revolutis, medio placentiferis basique medio septiferis, axi centrale brévissima. Semina ovati-oblonga, funiculo brevi aspectu celluloso-ex- albuminosa. Raphe parce elevata chalaza. Testa brunnea, extus cellulosa, simplex inconspicua. Embryo orthotropus radicula oblonga obtusa hili versus. Cotyledones minimc interdum 3, carn carnose, plano-convexiusculz, rotundata micro- pyle Tetali ad latus "is cotyledones incumbentes. See Fig. III. Pl. DCXI. a. b. à "s [ATE mountains Bogapani: Nov. 5th, 1835. Meo sensu affinitas est cum Menyanthes et Villarsia, a qui- bus vix differt nonnisi situ relativo stigmatum placentarum, et forsan ovulorum structura. Pollen hispidiusculum ? aqua immersu Onagraroid. , De stigmatibus ignora, an quodque e2 format. et tinct formatio normalis ut e lobis medio sulcatis stigmatis bast. judicare licet. Hoc casu, dehiscentia ” loculicida. Differt a Gentianeis corolla polypetala, signum forsan flocei habendum, et seminibus exalbuminosis, an omnino. 2. Parnassie sp. Pl. DXX. Fig. I. Pankaa. Notes, p. 129, no. 515, i: APO ta ERAT LT STET E RE e n E fraga adoxoiden, Gr. PI. DLXX. Fig. III. ine 2 429 HYDRANGEA. l. Hydrangee? sp. Pl. DLXIX. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, p. 184. no. 939, Has. E Bootau. r 2. Hydrangeacee Gen. Novum Pl. DLXXI. Itinerary . Notes, p. 173. no. 890. ADAMIA. Adamie sp. Pl. DLXIX. Fig. Il. Itinerary Notes, P: 175, no. 895. CUNONIACEJE. Cunoniacee ? sp. Pl. CCCCLXXXVI. Fig. I. Ramuli (foliaque subtis) ferrugineo-pubescenti, articulis in- Crassatis elongati ad articulos (stipulis et lapsis,) annulatis. Stipule inter petiolares, e basi cordates acuminate, ferrugi- neo-pubescentes, pubes stellata subtus copiosa uti in Glinulon, Supra sparsa. Glomerul. dichotom. Pede brevis lignoso persist. Vernatio folior. conduplicato bi-involutivo. .. Folia breve petiolata, oblonga, concava cuspidato acuminata vel obtusa margine glanduloso-crenulata, crenulis piliferis, enis 2-dariis distinctis, leviter arcuatis. — Flores glomerulati, in axillis breviter petiolati, petioli basi articulati (bracteolis minimis interspersis) ferrigineo-pubes- Centi majusculi inconspicui. Perianth. carnosum coriaceum. — Flores campanulato-infundibuliformes (eito areolata) val- ES æstivatione 5-dentati, dentibus reflexis, extus ferrugineo- TE ‘Stam. fauci inserta, numero i bepla, filam. brevissima basi ata subcoalita, horizontales. Anther. oblongæ biloculares 430 CUNONIACE2. lateral. dehiscentes, medio affixe, quasi nutantes ad basin tubi perianth. prope stylum basi annulus villos Ovar. inferum, stylus breviusculus Molecule! Ovula 00, minuta alba 1 funicles 3 the length of ovule, robustus. Stigma inclusum, discoideum, lobes or crenature tot quot locul. faucen subzquans. Pet. 5 minuta marginibus inciso-dentatis. subcordata, val- vata, vel conduplicato-valvata (marginibus subinflexis,) extus pubescentia peranthesin conduplicata. Bacca pedicellis elongatis nutantes cum calyce unceolata tubo fere immulato faucem filamentigera, 10 loculares, stylo stigmata terminat. Semina 00. in loculis, l-seriata, angulo interior affixa, anatropa, minuta, multa abortient. rubro-brunnia nitentia rugosula superfici minutissimeque striata, raphe 4 completa clavata albida. Tegum. exterius memb. cellulos. tenuissim. oblonge areolat. interius crassum rubro-bruneum coriaceum. Albumen copiosum carnosum. Embryo axillis virides- cens pallida, radicula teres longa. Cotyledones parve planius- culz. Plumula. ? Has. Malacca, at Verupha. Certe Cunoniacea, stigmatis extus 10, crenato-lobatus verticeo depressiusculo pubescent. 1842. ‘ The membrane covering the albumen is searcely demons- trable. . Oss. This remarkable plant, has the habit of the other Malacca Cunoniacea and the inflorescence, but otherwise is considerably different, especially in the inferior ovary,- the Santalaceous calyx becoming in the fruit obpyriform, and Me coalescent stigmata. The aspect of the flowers at first is entirely Tubiferosa. . Cal. tubulosus superus 5-dentatus. Pet.5-sinubus inen minuta conduplicata inciso-dentata. Stam. 10. cylindraceus. Stigma discoideum. margine need Ovarium inferum, 10-loculare, ovula 00, anatropa. | Stylus gbatum. — Ba E | 1 E | E 5 ; CYCNIA, 431 Bacca inclusum obpyriformis, calyce immulato coronat. Se- mina 00, Arbuscula, ferrugineo-pubescens, fol. oblongis, bifafiis, stipulis cordato-acuminatis. Flores ferrugino-viridii in axillis glomerati subsessiles. Fructu pedicelli elongati. - Malacca: 1842. Cunoniacea altera hoc charactere diagnoscenda. Cal. inferus basi planus profunde 4 partitus. Pet. 5, sinu- bus inserta, conduplicata fimbriata lacera. Stam. Ovar. 5-6 loculare basi plana calycis adnat. stylus brevis apice G-partit. Stigma 6, subreniform. Fructus superus pisiformis baccatus, calyce immulato basi cinctus, 5-6 locu- laris, Frutex foliis oppositis glabris ovatis vel lanceolatis, stipulis interpetiol. longis, flores in axillis glomerati minuti. Bacce igra. CHRYSOBALANEA. Cycnia. . Cycnia spinosa. : Frutex ramis inferioribus in spinas, abeuntibus uti etiam . ramuli pauci, fol. alterna lanceolato-linearia, acuta serrulata. Á Stipulae ovate, membranacez. Racemis terminalibus pauci is, floribus majusculis. Cal tubo brevi turbinato 5-partit. laciniis rotundatis, patente concavis. Stam. 00, disco perigyno carnoso parum elevato insert, libera, filam. brevia filiformia. .. Anth. didymæ, longit. dehiscenti connectivo dilattati. ovati. d Ovar. subturbinat. l-loculare, l-ovulat. ovule lateraliter et Juxta basin styli -— foram. hilum prope. Stylus la- rais fere b, filiform sulcat. Stigma capitat. ‘Fructus ibus obtussiss. basin versus stylum gerens, 432 CONARACE/E. longe exsertus baccat? l-locule, l-spermum. Semen erec- tum, conforme. Cotyledones foliaceo-carnose, conduplicat. ? Radicula in- fera hilum versus. Pl. DCV. Fig. V. Ex sicca Mergui: Jan. 1835. An vere apetala? 5-sepalis alternantes discernende, tunc. more ordinis, 5-petala esset. PRINSEPIA. Prinsepia utilis; Pl, DLXXX. Fig. E | Has. Bootan. CONARACEÆ. l CNESTIS. 1 l. Cnestis ramiflora Gr. Frutex humilis, foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis alternanti- bus, oblongis acutis basi cordatis, subtus pubescente, juniori- bus diücblücibuk. lutescentibus vel rubescentib. Racemis confertis, paniculatis abbreviatis in trunco raro ex axillis foliorum, floribus lutescentibus, odore forti subsuavi.- Pedunculis, pedicellis calycibusque junioribus purpureo-pu- Pedicellis brevibus paullo supra basin 3-bracteolatis. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis linearib. pubescent. piss totidem conforme sed latiore, patentis, apicibus. incur- ; aan 10 hypogyna, libera, filam. brevia filifor. Anth. bilocul. didymze extrorse transverse dehiscent. Car : 5 extus pilos hispidissime. Styli totidem breves ifm p ume 5 capitato-reniformia. | Ovar. 1-locularia. biovulata ovalis ascendentibus, f | conspicuo ad pen; Hes eh bus inflexis coalitis marginibus liberis, æstivat. petalorum valvata, Pollen ovatum lave hinc sulcatum Has. In sylvis graminosis. Mergue: Nov. 1834. | 2. Cnestis steriopetala, Gr. Pl. DCXI. Fig. II. Frutex scandens ramulis petiolisque hirsutis, fol. pinnat. 4-juga cum impari, foliol. alternant obovata, basi supera ob- lique emarginata atroviridia, subtus reticulata, et ad nervum medium parce pubescent. : Floribus axillaribus racemosis albis. Racemis abbreviatis, folis multo breviorib. Pedicellis elongatis filiformib. basi bracteatis, bracteis ovatis ferrugineo-pubescent. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis lanceolatis acutis patentiss. apicibus pubescent. zestivatione imbricata. Pet. 5 hypogyna linearia angustissime longissime, sepalis nempe 24 longiora acuta, zstivat. apicibus. Stam. 10 alterna breviora petalis opposita inflexis ima m. monadelph. filam. subulato. Anth. biloculares longit. dehiscentes subintrorse. Styli 5 filiformes subglabri, stigmata lem capitata. Carpella 5 omnino distincti extus pilosa, -locularia, 2-ovulat. Ovulis ascendentibus, foramen apicul. conspicuum, = Has. In sylvis inter Kulweng et Mergue: January, 1835, foribus subodoratis. pos CNESTIS 433 —. Calyces æstivatio valvata subaperta, sepalis nempe apici- | 3. Cuestis flaminea, Gr. Pl. DCVIII. Fig. II. ; Carpella onpas salads (abortu interdum 2-4 radiantia ut inSte iaceo-baccata, pendula, pul- Cherrime viridique coccinea, ‘velatina, secus ventrem con- Men: inferum obsitum pendulum): dehiscent. l-locularia Nadoearpium intus velutino sericeum, semen erectum. x P Grillo carnoso luteo crasso, apice lobato cinctum, E3 43T CONNARACES. Testa aterrime nitida. Albumen carnos. copiosum, Em- ' bryo inversus. Cotyledones magnz plauze foliacez. Radicle brevis obtusa supera. Plumule inconspicue. Hilum lineare supra latus convexus seminis fere ad medium currens (a 5.), arillus obliquus. Has. Mergue. Pili endorcarpii simplices. Fructus maturat. March, 1835. Cnestis platantha, Gr. Fruticosa scandens pubescens, foliolis sub 10-jugis lineari- oblongis obtusis basi inzqualiter cordatis. Paniculis race- miformibus foliis brevioribus, floribus rotatis, petalis emargi- natis, ovariis 5-6-7. Descr. Frutex scandens. Pubescens ramuli abbreviati obtuse angulati. Folia spithamza 10-juga cum impari, foliolis breve petio- lutatis lineari-oblongis basi in:squaliter cordatis, obtusis, long.l-uncial. 7ineal. latit. 6-lineal. pendula? an semper tactu molli. Paniculæ racemiformes in ut e abbreviates axillaribus (fol. lapsor) incertes, ideoque quasi fasciculatis, digit. longitu- dine nutantes cum pedicellis calycibusque extus glanduloso- puberules. Bractea minuta concava squamiformis subpedicel. quem- que et prope basin, qua articulatur, bracteole minimc Pedicelli alterne vel suboppositi clavati, subbilineales. cuique racemo rotati. Sepala sublanceolata, :estivatio leviter imbricata fere val- vula apicibus subintroflexis, utrinque pubescentia extus capi- tulis pilis rubro-glandulosis immixtis, (this is the character : of the pubescence of inflorescence). Petala alba, liaeari-oblonga ‘paullo longiora, sepius emar- 5e ginata, marginibus et apice zstivatione iles, sanin a Buca, 5 sepalis oppositis majoribus. guo - Ficus: alba, subfiliformia longiora sii ; T Te CCELI TS RETE NIRE LEA EURYCOM 4. 435 brevissim. Antherz biloculares, basi affixe, petales oppo- siti paullo majores fere didymz s:epius forsan 6. Si 6, 5 petalis subopposita, si 5 petalis opposita, plura quam 5 minora emarginata longiuscula. Pollen ihidem, 1 immers. globos. triplicat. -Ovaria 5, szpius forsan 6, minuta villosa staminibus vito breviora. Styli breves. Stigmata simplicia emarginata. Ovula 2 atropa, erecta, secundo longiusculi prominento ad anthesin etiam, . > Has. Malacca. Arnott and Wight make Jack's species to belong to Rourea, bot Jack says woog of the æstivation of the calyx, and this judging from Arnott’s character of Rourea is the only distinction between Rourea and Cnestis: Jack’s Plants are Chestes of Endlicher, who makes Rourea a synonym of Connarus. _ Robergia hirsuta, as has been well suggested, is very likely = Phlebochiton extensus, | plant seems allied to Cnestis polyphyllus. Lam. Eurycoma. _ Eurycoma longifolia. | Frutex 7-10 pedalis. Ramis szepius simplicibus apicibus 2 proliferis, foliis summis cujusque crescentiores abortivis et in e subulatorum apicibus iucurvis ferrugineo- pub op gis ferrugineo-pubescent. | a. NER ET id apices ramorum impari-pinnatis, Ee Nis 2-21 pedalibas; foliolis: »oblongo-Tanceotétie subses- nervis eren juniorib.. supra late viridib. infra argenteo-glaucis Senioribus supra atro-viridib. Petiolis basi i incrassatis hit e 436 LEGUMINO&A. Paniculis axillaribus solitariis foliis multe breviorib. fer- rugineo glanduloso pubescente. Floribus minutis solitariis, brunneo-sanguinea, cal 5-sepal. sepalis lanceolatis more pedunculi pubescent. estivatione valvatis. Pet. 5 erecto-patentia hypogyna lanceolata sepalis alter- nantia, breve pubescent. apicibus incurvis zstivatione valvata, more sepal. sed multo minus dorso ferrugineo-pubescent. Stam. tot quot petala, iis alternantia libera hypogyna filam. subulata, rubro-coccinea ut petala intus albido-pilosa. Anth. biloculares longit. lateraliterque debiscent. basibus affixe. Stam. ad basin 2-glandulosa, glandulis oblongis luteis sessilibus, stylus crassus brevis. Stigma 5, subcapitata lutescentia, carpella 5, extus pilosa, inter se vix coherentia, ovulum 1 cuique carpello, erectum, foramen conspicuum pilo oppositum, Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Mergue In sylvis. Ins. Madamaca apud Peleit: Nov. 1834. LEGUMINOSA. CROTALARIA. 1. Crotalaria bracteata. Herba 2-3 pedalis, ramosa pubescent. Rami teretes. - Fol. 3-foliolata, petiolata, (petiola superne canaliculato) foliolis lanceolatis subacuminatis cum mucrona, integris, subtus pubescentibus, terminali majore. Stipule decidue, subulate, parva fere recte. Racemi oppositifolii terminalesque. Flores cernui primo lutei demum aurantiacei. Pedicelli basi bracteati. Cal. basi 2-bracteat, bilabiatim 5-53 partibus, rec ; aes acutum reflexum. Ale nem ts obtuse odi carina falcata concreta acuni- ro J LACE ea FOR gg, enya ee N CYTISUS, 437 Stam. monadelpha tubo antica ad basin fissura. Anth. oblongz. Ovarium 1-locul. Ovulis 00. Stylus curvatus, antice pilosus. Stigma obliquum subcapitat. Legumen teres, subinflatum villoso-tomentosum, polysper- mum, pedicellatum, pedicello libero. AB. In ruderatis, Moulmein: Dec. 1824. 2, Crotalarie sp. Herbacea basi suffruticosa Fol. palmatim 5-foliolatis, foliolis inequalibus lineari-spathulatis, mucronatis, emarginatis, ci- liatis, subtus sericeis. .— Racemis terminalibus bracteatis. Bracteis lanceolatis acumi- natis deflexis. — Pedicellis subnutant. basin versus oppositis 2-bracteolatis. Calyce 3 bilabiato, dentibus subzqualibus, vexillo alisque teis, brunneo-striatis carina naviculari viridescente. Legumi- nibus inflatis, ovulis reniformibus, biseriatis, staminib. l-del- phis tubo superne demum fisso. Has. In ruderatis. Pulo Gewen : Nov. 1834. MELILOTUS. Meliloti sp. Pl. DLX XVIII. Itinerary Notes, no 1395. . Has. Assam. | CYTISUS. Cytisus Laburnum, Pl. DLXXVII. Fig. III. : mined metamorphosis are, the evidently less tendency in the Stamina to assume the form of leaves, the decided objection A z explanation in the carpellary.leaves, and in their axils be- Coming the nidus as it were, for the attempt at the formation of another flower. — Naga Hills: March 10th, 1836. -. 2. Oxalis sp. Pl. DXL. Fig. III. Itinerary Notes, p. 149, * . Has. Bootan. BALSAMINE A. Ed IMPATIENS. > ‘Impatiens malayensis, Gr. Pl. DLXXVI. Fig. II. . Herbacea, ramosa, caulibus ramisque pubescent. foliis utrinque attenuatis elongato-lanceolatis argute serratis, subtus : ad nervos pubescentib. petiolis pluri-glandulosis, floribus Piden 4-5 confertis, calcare su ubulato. mE corollàm p apum biseriatis, seriei externa minimi brac- mucranato, infera alosa in. calcar- odasi mucronata, w I. [^v exist; such is the case in the line of junction of the tw? — à the base of th the ak 458 ; BALSAMINE, Pet. 2, sepalis coloratis seriei interior alternantia, 3- oli; * lobis valde ingqualibus. - Stam. hypogyna 5, filamentis complanatis clavatis connec- tivis carnosis. Anth. cohsrentes bilocular transverse apicibus a dehiscentes.. Pollen oblongum cellulis areolatum. EU E T ds Bey id t a V rure TETTE IMS Stylus brevissimis. Stigma conicum apice 5-fidum antheris, amplexum. 1 Ovarium pilosum 5-loculare, loculis Saar ovulis pendula e funiculo brevi crasso foramen hilum versus. | Aistivatio calycis imbricato. Each petal is formed of 2, the upper lateral lobe represent- ing one, as is evident from the venation. a lower sepal, 6 upper ditto, c, d, e, and 2 smaller ditto, g, h, larger petals. Has. Mergue. : . Affinis Balsim. coccinez sed folia non pape e .Supposing the flower to consist of 9 parts, the arrange- ` ment would be thus: 5 sepals, of which the 2 smaller alter- nate with the upper and outer sepals, 2 larger with the outer and inferior largest sepal. Hence the 5th which is wanting, would, if present, alternate with the 2 upper sepals, and be opposite the lower or spur sepal. - j The venation of the upper sepal as it really exists, is how- ever opposed to this, as vascular fascicles exists in what appears to be the line of junction of two sepals, whereas it is a general rule, that in such lines of junction no vessels * petals, which appears hitherto to have been unnoticed, but © it is a distinct proof of each petal being formed of two, the venation of the upper sepal is similar to that of the lowes. spurred one, another objection. If we assume the periant! . to be quaternarily divided, it becomes strictly no normal, but then. the stamina and ovaria are quinarily divided. The „ìs covered by a cellular toothed process arising - foe i Hr Ee. o 2. Impatiens assamensis, Gr. Caulis subspithamzeus obtuse angulatus rubro-tinctus. Fol. alterna ovata vel ovato lanceolata. acuminata dentata, - dentibus magnis rotundatis sinubus processum subulatum subinflexum gerentibus, subtus saturata viridia, aspectu ve- luting’ infra rubescentia sublente pellucido-punctata, venatio insignis, primaria recta, secondarize basi transvers:e, tunc ar- cuatz, apicibus convexis, venis transversis paullo curvatis mutuo nexa, secondariis miaoribus pluribus interjectis, den- tibus eveniis ! Racemi axiliares longissimi diaphani lutescentes erecti. Bractea pedicell. quemque fulciens, ovata concava decidua pedicellis filiformibus apice clavatis multoties brevioribus. Flores progenere parvi lutei. - * Sepala lateralia extimaque minima, ovata cuspidata, mar- - gine inferiore valde obliquo postico rotundato concavo peta- viride tincto subcucullato reflexo antico e-2 connatis ‘maximo ore oblique infundibuliforme late ovato cuspidato . in calcar longissime subulatum, obtusum, pedicellum eos “pes recurvum vel incurvum product. inus," "eral biloba, lobo postico rotundato cris- pato, antico lineari longissimo exserto obliquo quoad ejus axin margine superiori subrepando, inferiore rectiusculo. | Stam. monadelpha, tubo elongato sed postice longiore in- : it iere fisso. 4 Filam, T brevissima filiformia, antica demissius - ex- : - Antherae Bavis colverentes, basi afixe, latbiliter she centes, Pollen flavum, oblongo-ellipticam renee esis areo- | lita, Stylus conicus brevis. Stigma simplex. ium teretiusculum curvata, S-loculare; septis tenuissi- - facillime "m aria placentisgne: . Ovula 0O pen- TIO] sito foramine hilum prope inferiores et interiore situm. IMPATIENS. : 459 Pet. 2, forma valde irregulari sepalum posticum sais 5 e 460 XANTHOXYLEX, Tegumentum unicum nucleo adhzrens, nuclei? apex liber, paululum exsertus. Has. Assam. Legi specimen unicum ad ripas Burrum- pootra arenosus prope Dibong Mookh: April 4th, 1836. Affinis videtur. I. urticifolie Fl. Ind. 2, 457. Sp. CHan. Foliis breviter petiolatis, ovatis acuminatis grosse dentatis sinubus piliferis utrinque glabris, venis tertiariis transversis, Racemis axillaribus longissimis multifloris. Brac- teis deciduis ovatis parvis, sepalo postico rotundato reflexo. Calcare longissimo subulato recurvo incurvove, lobis anticis petalorum linearibus longissima exsertis, ovariis 5 locularibus, Bs. Pollen non areolatum, videtur reticulat. ob granulus contentas maximas, aquze immersum sub 4-gonum ad angulo uno szepius hinc boyau exserens. Petala bilobum e 2 connatis oritur ut judicare licet e dispositione vasculorum, venula etiam distincta sinu parellelo currit, hujus ope lobi nexi iint Petioli brevi marginati, basi processubus bilobis, lobo superiore subulatis capitatis, inferiore dentiforme. Fig. i. Pl. DLXXVI. Sepalum 5 tum calcaratum anticum, ut patet e positione staminum que sepalis opposita sunt. XANTHOXYLEA, FaGARA. Fagara triphylla, Roxb. Frutex. Ramuli teretes, ad nodos incrassati novelli compressi glauco-czesii. boxer Folia opposita tryphylla, long. 3} —34 uncial. lat. 14 unc- pel" lucido-punctata petiolus fere 1-2 uncialis, teres apice et basin incrassat : foliolorum petioluli subbilineales supra canalicu- lata, lamina lanceolata vel lanceolato-obovata subacuta, leviter eonduplicata, integerrima subcarnosa, venis secondariis arcu tim nexis, interveniis minute reticulatis, lateralia basi seepe inzqualia, foliolum terminali paullo majus. s RUTACEJE. 461 Paniculz opposite axillares, foliis breviores, subcorymbi- ormes e cymis conflate, superiores interdum przecociores pedunculus glaucescens ad nodos incrassat. .glauco-czsius rami inferiores sub 14 unciales secondarii minute puberuli. ractea minute puberula subramulum quemque. Cyme irregulares, szepius videntur triflore, flore centrali preecociore, Pedicelli 13 lineales puberuli, laterales, basi 2-3 bracteolati Sepe videntur umbellulati. Flores numerosi polygami (numerus nomalis videtur 9, nempe 3, cyme triflore) parvi albi, subodori. Sepala '4, ovato-rotundata, puberula. Petala totidem punctata, oblongo-rotundata, estivatione valvata, sublineam longa, initio erecta, cito imbricati-conniventea et clausa. Stam. 4, alternantia cum petalis, filamenta subulata alba recta, ante anthesin apice introflexo, per anthesin exserta Stricta, Anthere oblonge, vel ovales medio-affix;e introrse. Pollen albidum, immers. globosum granulosum l-porosum. Ovarium lütescens depresso-rotundatum, obtuse 4-lobum, p (lobis petalis oppositis) parce pilosum petalis multo-brevius. Stylus ovario ipso paullo brevior, columnaris 4-sulcatus. Stigma subsimplex minute 4-lobum, inclusum, of two cells, ~ Dearly distinct except near the middle, where it is attached to the filament. Has. Malacca, in humidiusculis : Jan. 1845. RUTACEA. CYMINOSMA. que compressiusculi, albidi. Petioli 5-7 lineales utrin- que i Incrassati, teretes. Folia lamina long. 4-5 uncial, : d Obovata vel obovato-lanceolata, coriacea p 462 RUTACE.E. Racemi vel paniculz axillares solitarii vel subaggregati, folii excedenti, pedunculi herbacei, coloris bractea minuta squamiformis sub ramulam et florem quemque. Pedicelli 3- 31 linealis utrinque incrassatiusculi, basi articulati. Flores minuti viridescentes; toro lutescenti, tetrameri. Calyx minutus 4-partitus vel potius sepal 4 dentifor. e pedi- celli dilatato. Petala totidem reflexa apiculo inflexo oblongo-ovata zstivatione valvata. Stam. 8 hypogyna, his sepalis opposita, paullo majora filamenta e basi extrors. curvata erecta, albida, subulata. Antherz ovato-sagittatze erect mucronate, albz, biloculares basi affixe. Torus magnus conspicuus luteus ambitu subcrenulatus placentiformis ovarium extus cingit. et amplectibus. varium fere toroimmersum. Stylus 4-loculare. Stigma 4- lobum, 4-angulat. lobis petalis oppositis. Ovula bina curvis loculo anatropa pendulo appensa. Oss. The observations of Wight. and Arnott in a note re- garding the torus seem to me quite correct, the ovary is in fact seated in the shallow hollow of a large disc, but no more than the base is inclosed. Has. Malacca Ninghull. January 30th, 1845. PARAPLEXIS. Paraplezis, Pl. DLXXVII. Fig. I. upa exacte globosa, lete coccinea levissima nitida, mag- nitudine fructus Ardiseze ejusdemque coloris vertice vestigio minuto obliterato, stigmatis punctiformis. Putamen tenue subglobosum osseum, vertice hinc hili situ oppositum, crassiusculum griseo-album. Funiculus putame" hinc adnatus, lateraliter apicem loculi versus currens, infra apicem ad locum crassiorem, putaminis terminans, T Tanor, inferne AM uMioE factus, : OCHNACEA. 463 Semen pericarpia vel putaminis cavitati conforme ` pendu- lum. -Tegumentum simplex venulosum tenuissimum, pallide fuscum hine ad hilum foveolatum et secus cursum funicula longitudinaliter sulcatum. Albumen copiosum cavitatis putaminis conforme album. . Embryo dicotyledoneus inversus, axilis. Radicula teretius- cula, supera, partem superam sub attenuatam, seminis versus Spectans. Cotyledones foliacee magne cordate sub 5-nerviz, venis anastomosantibus reticulate, plane, subrepandem. Plumula inconspicua. Genus formam stigmatis Erythrochiton meo accedens, vix Ternstroemiaceum. OCHNACEX. OcuHna. : 1. Ochna crocea. Arbuscula, stipulis membranaceis, lanceolato-acuminatissi- mis decidius, fol. lanceolato-acutis, obtusisque serratis . Serraturis mucronatis. Racemis terminalibus plurifloris, calycis fructus viride Tübro-coccineis, filamentis pluribus persistent. gynobasi Ràximo rubescente ochroleuco carnoso, hemisphzrico, medio stylo apiculat. Varia, plura abortiva vel eorum cicatrices gerente, car- Pellum tantum maturato oblongo viride, foliaceo, endocarpio Coriaceo, an demum osseo ? Semen unicum erectum. Testa cellulosa fungosa exostomio maximo, fungoso. ryo inversus, radicula nempe supera brevissim. Cotyle- S carnosz plano-convexz. - Plumula inconspicua. Has. Mergue. Ad littoram maris Ius. Madamaca Pator : 464 OCHNACE. ‘2. Ochna lucida. Arbor 30-40 pedalis, foliis alternis lanceolatis, lucidis - acutis denticulatis, stipulis linearibus erectis, floribus cons- picuis, luteis, racemoso paniculatis. Paniculis terminalibus, abbreviatis. Pedunculis szpius e floris erectis. Pet. 5. An- theris linearibus, terminalibus. Stylo declinato. ^ Stigmato capitato. Carpellis 10. See Fig. VI. Pl. DCV., a style and stigma, 6 style detached. Has. Ad littoram maris prope Amherst: Fed. 1834. The stigma is not truly capitate, it is subinfundibuliform with repand margins. The styles 10 in number, are united into one column, each of which has an ovate stigma, with thickened margins. It is the aggregation of these that gives the capitate appearance. e gynobas is nothing but torus, and has nothing to do with the style. .. 3. Ochna parviflora, Gr. Arbor humilis ramis patentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis, obovato-lanceolatis, acutis glabris denticulatis. Floribus lu- teis, subumbellatis, ramulorum terminantibus. Pedicellis pe- dunculis multo longioribus infra medium articulatis. Gem- mis ovatis squamosis terminalibus, squamis imbricatis, brunneis marginibus albis. Cal. 5-sepal. sepalis ovatis obtusis, 2 interioribus paulo minoribus, reflexis, zestivatio quincuncialis. Pet. 5 subzqualia hypogyna ovata sepalis alternantia Ca- duca. Stam. 00 libera hypogyna, 3-serialia, seriei externa lon- giore. Filam, filiformia. Anth. adnatze ? lineares bilocul. d longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Torus paululum elevatus, genitalia gerens. iere 10 circa axim ded eed Kore ovulo erecto, x ES piura ù in LM connata. dic PW TREE NEM MI LP Pe WS B TAMARISCINE.£. 465 Flores ante folia evoluti. Has. In sylvis prope Moulmein : 1834. ‘Precedente differt floribus duplo minoribus, pedicellis ante anthesin cernuis. . Pedicelli pedunculis abbreviatis multo longiores basin ver- susarticulato. Racemi abbreviati conferti umbellam simu- Bractez setacez ad basin cujusque pedicelli. TAMARISCINEZE. TAMARIX. Tamarix dioica, Roxb. Pl. DLXXVII. Fig. II. Frutex vel arbor, dioica. Rami grisei annulati, annulus len- ticelligeris, novelli virides, recentiores brunnescentes, annulis Squamigeris, (foliorum exuviis). a, b, c joints, e, d leaves. olia tubulosa, ramos novellos teretes arcte vaginantiz, ob- liqua acuminata viridia; demum brunnescentia persistentia, alterna, Spice terminales nutantes cylindricze undique floribus tecti. Flores basin antica vel inferiore bracteati, bracteis scariosis ovatis acuminatis subcarinatis spiraliter disposita, spira a sinistro ad dextrum versa. Sepala 5, plus minusve ovalia subequalia, colorata peta- loidea, 2 exteriora subventricosa, quintum posticum, zestiva- tione quincuncialia. Pet. 5 hypogyna, oblonga submembranacea, sepalis duplo longiora lisque alternantia, concava, conniventia emarginata Persistentia, rosacea. | Stamina totidem hypogyna disci sinubus alternantia et ima basin ibidem coalita, sepalis opposita, exserta. Filam. fili- Bas ia, estivatione flexuosa apice subiter angustata, colorata Pirpurea, persistentia antherarum post lapsum. Anthere ersatiles dorso paulo infra medium affixze, biloculares, lo- ere didymis longitudinaliter dehiscentes, deciduz æstiva- €xtrorse. Connectivum ultra loculos in processum øb- 13 i 466 SILENACE/E. tusum planum. loculis breviora product. Pollen ovatum leve, hiuc sulcat. Torus discusve hypogynus intra stamina situs, brunneus carnosus, repanda, 5-lobus, lobis conduplicatis sinubus in- trorsum proficientibus. Rud. ovar. O0. Florum spica tri- faria, i. e. when unrolled. In the relation of the spike to the axis the angles of the triangle represent the three rows of flowers. Fem. singula postica. Has. Assam. Legi ad ripas fluminis Bherz: Sept. 11ih, 1835. Burrumpootur: Apri! 2d, Oss. In the foregoing description, the leaves are described as sheathing the stem, of this I have great doubts, and if it is the case, a longitudinal section at once shews that the vagina is intimately adherent to the substance of the branch. And yet I think that this, if the joints of the branches be taken into account, is the most rational supposition ; a transverse section presents no appreciable difference between the joints and those parts immediately abóve them, Both are provided with stomata. The examination of young plants proves, that the leaves are sheathing, and that they are united to the axis, the only difference is in their relative proportion to the points; (which in the young state are not complete,) the proportion between the limb and sheath is reversed in full grown plants, the limb being very small. SILENACEJE. Dianruus. Dianthus nudiflorus, Gr. Pl. DLXXX. Fig. II. Planta parvula erecta dichotoma vix unquam ee articulis tumidis. Fol. basi conata inferior proce superiore ascen- dentia, « omnia lineari. sed hac angustissim: | DIANTHUS. 467 Flores solitari in axillis et subsessiles, axill. altera ramul. gignent. Calyx basi induratus textura omnino coriaceus cylindraceus 3 uncialis ratione plantz longiss. dentibus 5 longis acutissi- mis, venoso-striatus. Pet. 5 cum sepalis altern. ungue longissimo longitudine calycis, lamina minima bifida, patens, post anthesin erect, marginibus arcte involutis rubro-carnea, basi pilis paucis erectis, coronze rudiment. gerent. secus centrum coloris ruber saturatior. genitalia inclusa. Pet. imo basi inter se coheren- tia, stamen basi altius cohzerent. . Stam. imo basi in annul. concret. inzequalia, Filamentis capillaribus, petalis paullo brevior. Anth. bilocul. membra- . Ovar. oblongum parietibus tenuibus ad apicem ovarii incrassatis, uniloculare. Placenta linearis flexuosa, ovula pauca anatropa, pendula et ascendentia, 2 summa semper ? pendula, Tegment. cum nucleo accretum, apex second in globos. projectum. Stylo 2, capillacei long. Stigma decurrens, e papillis secus Suleam centrali dispositis, papillis apice majus congestis. . Albumen transverse curvat. - , Habitus quodammodo Pladerze certe Silenaceus, et forsan autho propinque. - Affghanistan. Barren rocky mountains Otipore : April, Itinerary Notes, p. 354, no, 132. Oss. The relative proportion of the calyx to the corolla etc., during their earlier stages is enormous, the former being ely perfectly formed when the latter are very minute. ae whorls of the floral series are remote, the corolla and stamen arising from above the base of the calyx, and the Ovarium being stipitate. — . ihe stamina and styles are iulii thie Metals h have 3 veins, all of which are prolonged into the the lamina. Can the two gibbers on the base of each lamina from which the hairs se and which are evidently distinct from each other and * 468 ERYTHROXYLE. seated on the lateral veins, be referred to two additional series of stamina? From comparison with one species of Dianthus, it is scarcely distinct except in the want of the involucra, which is not universal in Dianthus? and the presence of the hairs on the base of each petal. ERYTHROXYLE.E. ERYTHROXYLON. Erythroxylon burmanicum, Gr. Arborea, ramulis compressis divaricatis, foliis alternis bre- viter petiolatis obovatis emarginatis integris marginib. carti- lagin. glaberrimis subtus glaucis. Stipulis lanceolato linearibus membran. deciduis, gemmatione folia iavolventibus ; florib. 2 in axillis, i iaconspicuis, albis, pedicellis folio multo TEES : clavatis angulatis basi bibracteolatis. Cal. 5-sepalus, dentibus ovatis. Pet. 5-sepalis alternanto reflexo, basin versus, appendice erecto petaloidea. Stam. 10 basin versus in cupulam truncata ovario paulo breviorem coalita. Filam paulo intra cupulam exserta, petalis longiore subulata inzequalia. Anth. biloculares long. dehis- centes. Styli 3 staminibus breviores. Stigmata 3-capitata. Ovarium 3-locülare, loculis l-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis. Pericarpium baccatum calyce persistenti tuboque stamin- demum in adelphis 3-4 fissis, stipatum. —Endocarpio 088¢% 3-loculare 1-sperma, dehiscentia septicida. Albumen carnosum. Cotyledones planz, plumula inconspicue, radicula infera? Section of the ovarium. Fig. III. Pl. DLXXXI. "oed . Mergue. Ad littoram Madamaca : dug. 1834. > 469 s MALPIGHIACEÆ. Hiraa. Hiree sp. Pl. DLXXXI. Fig. IV. Frutex scandens volubilis, floribus ante folia evolutis race- moso-paniculata inconspicua albidis. Racemis pendulis. Fol. juniora opposita ovato-repanda parce ferrugineo- pubescent. pilis adpressis medio affixis. Cal. inferus, 5-6 sepalus. Pet. totidem iis alternant. lanceolata obtusa hypogyna patentia. Stam. sepalis numero duplo libera hypogyna, alterna paulo longiore sepalis opposita, filam. sepalis brevia imis basibus connata, Anth. terminales membran. biloculares longit. introrsumque dehiscent. . Styli 3, filiformes longiuscule exserti. Stigmata 3-capitata. Ovar. e carpellis 3, dorso orbicularib. lateribus nempe in alam orbiculare expansis, medio carinatis, l-locularibus, 1-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, foramen superum hilum prope. alyx fructus deflexus, filam. olim persistent. fructus, e car- pellis 3, complanatis, dorso carinatis, orbicularib. nempe in alam maximam medio foliaceis venosis ampliatis. Stylis stig- matibusque persistent. coronatis, l-spermis. Radicula supera Cotyledones plane. Genus distinctissime. Has. Tenaserim Provinces, Ad littoram Insule Tavoy : April, 1835. . Cnan. Stipulis rudimentariis binis minimis inter petiolaribus - utrinque, ramulis compressis ferrugineo- pubescent. LJ 470 HIPPOCRATEACEJ. ^ ^ SALACIA. 1. Salacia prinoides. Fruticosa scandens, fol. oblongo-lanceolatis obtuse acumi- natis, coriaceis, lucidis subserratis floribus axillaribus den- sissime confertis. Pedicellis filiformib. petioli citciter longitudine. Pet. concava suberecta, annulo 0. Stigmata simplice filam. basibus carnosis ovario adnatis. Ovar. loculis 2-ovulat. ovulis superpositis. Has. Legi ad margines sylvar inter Kulweng et Mergue. Ordo male definitus. In quibusdam epigynosis vera accedit. ob stamina cum ovario acereta. Jan. 1835. 2. Salacia myrtifolia. | Scandens fruticosa, glabra, fol. oppositis vel suboppositis, breve petiolatis elliptico-oblongis, coriaceis integerrimis, supra atro-viridis, floribus minutis viridibus odoratis in axillis con- ferte aggregatis. Pedicellis filiformib. petiolos excedent. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis ovatis inzqualibus, zstivatione imbricat. Pet. 5-hypogyne ungue lato, suborbiculare patentia, sepalis alietentis, zstivatione imbricat. Stam. 3, interdum 4, basibus in cyathum ovarium arcte aa connatis, ideoque primo aspectu vere epigyna viden- "Fijan. libere brevia, complanata. th. biloculares transverse dehiscentes extrorsæ. Ovar. 3-loculare, loculis pluriovulatis ovulis angulis interi- oris affixis, foramen m hilum versus. Stylus gie Stigma capitatum. Bion oed epe urceolus staminifer ad basin in anni- SALACIA. 471 lum elevatus. Ovarium ad apicem trigonum angulis staminibus alternant. Pollen leve longit. sulcatum., Has. In sylvis. Ins. Madamaca: Dec. 1834. Oss. If the genus be distinct it may be called Epignandra, 3. Salacie sp. Frutex ramis laxis, subscandentibus, fol. oblongo-lanceolatis subacuminatis coriaceis glabris, obsolete obtusque serratis foribus in axillis aggregatis, plurimis inconspicuis luteis. Pedicellis filiformis petiolos subzequant. basi bracteatis. Cal. 5- partit. basi peltat. laciniis ovatis ciliatis zstivatione imbricatis. Pet. totidem suberecta nec patentia ovata concava inz- qualia, subhypogyna. ‘orus staminifer carnosus rotundatus, vix angulat. ovaria ambiens occultansque. Stam. 3, libera, filam. membranacea complanata. Anth ter- . Minales extrorse biloculares, loculis subdidymis transverse .. dehiscent. Pollen læve oblongum hinc sulcat. filam. demum et ad dehiscentia, antherarum extrorsu revolutz. - Stylus brevissimus sub 3-gonus. Stigma capitat. minutum. Ovarium 3-loculare, seminiferum ob medium inferum toro , &cretum ideoque stamen vere epigyna, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis Süperpositis, angulo interiori loculare -affixis et subascen- dentibus, foramen hili prope. Fig. 2, Pl. DLXXXII. Gen. Hippocratee pentandre accedit, toro exannulato et a Character ordineo ovario toroque semi-accretis discedit. vide Sal. tortuosa in quo ovarium cum toro i POEM, ordo forsan genera altera complectans. |. Han. In sylvis arbusculorum. Mergue vulgo: Dec. 1834. m Salacea Prinoides. Wight and Arnotts Prod. flor. Ind. -.& Salacia tortuosa, Gr. | i Fenticona | scandens, glaber ode elongatis filiformibus, compressis divaricatis, His ovato-elliptica obtuse breveque acu- " Ma subserratis supra lucidis, subtus reticulat, Cymis axil- laib, op oppositis, dichotomis, petiolis duplo ET dichoto- ei AL ase ue. 472 HIPPOCRATACE, mis plurifloris, floribus inconspicuis viride lutescent. pedi- cellis subuncialibus filiformibus. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis rotundatis plus minus ciliatis. Pet. 5 oblonga obtusissima reflexa, marginibus submem- branaceis, hypogyna, annulus elevatus integerrimus inter petala staminaque. Stam. 3 libera extrorse. Filam. brevissima apice tori i inserta. Anth. biloculares, loculis transversim sitis et trans- j versim quoad axin, vero longitudinaliter dehiscent. cellulose. Stylus brevissimus. Stigma integra subcapitat. obtusum. 1 Ovar. toro accreta ideoque infera 3-loculare, loculis 2-ovu- | latis, ovulis ascendentib. saperpositis foramen hilum prope. 1 Ramulorum basibus l-tortis scandens, an species toro in annulum elevato generis distincta omnia Salacia mystifolia, Section of ovarium &c. Pl. DLXXXI. Fig. II. Has. Mergue. In sylvis prope Kulweng: Jan. 1835. HIPPOCRATEA. | Hippocratea pentandra. Arbor 3 5 pedalis, trunco albo demissius e ramoso, ramulis compressis, foliis oppositis rarius alternis, oblongo-ovatis ob- tusis, integris repandis glabris ; floribus paniculatis albis sub- ratis. Paniculis solitariis in axillis, aggregatisve (potins ex ima basin ramosis) pubescente velutinis folia sepe excedent. Pedicelli pedunculorum ramulis multo tenuioribus, disco- loribusque basi minute bracteatis. Cal. 5-fidus, dentibus ovatis. Pet. 5, suborbicular perigyne. Torus 5-angularis compla- natus angulis calycinis laciniis oppositis. 3 t.a 5, 2-3 abort. filam. e medio angulorum libera k facta, complanata subulata. Anth. biloculares longit. lateraliter — dehiscentes intrors ] Stylus 0. Stigma capitat. Ovarium apice 3 gonum, basi toro arcte ambient. ci HIPPOCRATEA. 473 occultumgque 3-loculare, loculis 4-ovulatis, ovulis ascend. binatim collateralibus, foramen hilum prope. AB. Mergue. In sylvis densis et ad littoram Ins, Mada- : maca: Dec. 1834, etiam ad summit Collis Pator. E Oss. Stam. fertilia numero varia interdum omnia abortiva 3 _. floribus interdum 4-fidis. Petal. vere perigyna. Ovaria basis . Ofo accreta. s Omnia Hippocratez, stam. 5 exceptis, stam. ante anthesin - . introrsa per anthesin subextrorsa, filam. dien persistentia, . . alabastra complanata. 2. Hippocratea angulata, Gr. Pl. DLXXXL Fig. I. Caulis ramique viridis 4 angulato cicatricibus bruuneis, fol. Supra saturato-viridia, subtus albida. ~ Alabastra fusco tincte. Flores viridescenti alba. Has. In rupibus, Loonkaram kha, Journey from Assam to Ava, March 17th, 1837. Delvi Nempean: March 19th, 1837. 3. Hippocratea serrata, Gr. Pl. DLXXXIL. ig. I. Frutex scandens. | .— Ramis cinereo-brunneis, ramulis compressis brunneis. .. Felis suboppositis, concavis, suturato-viridibus costa : ne lutescentibus, subtus Ip s floribus sabum- . Dellatis aureis, suaveʻodoratis. per from Assam to Ava. Pi Delvi: May 8th, 1837. = pes : EUPHORBIACEJE. " Puoaona. n eee haiti ramis alternis, spinis terminatis. Folia Mierne obovato obcordata S pisperrime glabra breviter K 3 474 EUPHORBIACEJE, Flores in fasciculis axillarib. aggregati. Masculi numerosissimi, virescentes redolentes, pedicellis capillaribus floribus longiorib. Fzminei pauci, pedicellis duplo brevioribus. Fructus bac- catus, pisi magintudinis, albi. Masc. Perianth. 4-5 sepalum non verticillatum ? sepalis irregularibus, subfimbriatis. Cor 0 Stam. 4-5 sepalis opposita. Filam. exserta filiformia. Anth, biloc longitud. dehiscent. Gland.. hypogyne 5, filamenta interjectis, inter stamina et petala site. Rudimentum ovarii 0. Styli tres, et stigmata tria. Fam. Perianth, ut in mare. Rudiment stam. 0. Cupula glandulosa, glandulis nempe concretis, ovarii basin cingens. _ PHYLLANTHUS auctorum. Phyllanthi sp. Pl. DLXXXIV. Fig. I. }. Female flower front view. 9. Do. lateral. 3. Male do. front. :4. Do. posterior. . 5. Do. long 3 section. 6. Sepal with its scale detached. 7. Column of, stamens. . 8. Cells of inner membrane of anther. u^ 9. Pollen. - 10. Ovarium. 11. Do. transverse. 13. Capsula. 14. Do. upper end, shewing the excavation. 15. Do. transverse, 15a. Seed. 5 16. Do. long section. : A. Do. transverse. | Gen. novum monent. Cl. Wight. Arcot 1832. - PHYLLANTHUS. 475 2. Phyllanthi sp. Ramules flexuosi, teretes, viridi, novelli utifolia rubro- tincta. Fol. subdistantia alterna, petioli sub 3-lineales, supera . canaleculata stipulæ ovato-acuminate supera medium petioli basi coherent. inzequalia. The smaller ones are all on the same side of each branch, lamina lanceolato-oblonga acumi- nata, integra subcarnosa, glabra 34-44 long. 10-13 lineas lata ; V. secondarize utrinque conspicuz oblique, subtus V. ter- tiariis anastomosant. connexze. Flores monoici mas. et fem. aggregati in axill. inconspi- - cui. . Pedicelli mascul. graciles, sub 4 lineal. fzem. crassiores, eviores. Perianth masculum fuscescens, e sepalis 6, bise- ratis oblongis, a medio reflexis, zstivat. apice leviter im- bricatis, Columna stamina sepalis interior paullo brevior, ob- longa. Antherz sepalis opposite magne lineares, extrorsz, apex 6-lobus immersus. Pollen granulosum albidum, 3.pli- »Catum, an interdum 5-plicat. Rudim. fem. 0. Per. fzem. sepala erecta carnosa magis herbacea subovata, breviora, stam, 0. Ovarium parce pilosiuscule sabrotantalh, RUE duplo brevius stylus luteus columnaris, crassus apice paullo magis -Inerassato 6-fido, fissuris emarginatis, sepalis triplo lon- gior, textura stigmat.» propria 0? vel vix conspicienda, Ov. 6-loeulare, ovula a collateralia, fora- ame supero. Inner tissue of style very conductive of a congeries of boyau-like tubes — Fructus Swat basi sciatic cinct. ‘subplacentieformis, à o depresso e centro ‘columnam rente I2-sulca- Sub 6-lobus, lobis sepalis alternis, loculicidim 6-val- vis (valvis sepalis oppositis) centro carinatis. Endocarpi4 um osseum distinctum dorso- dehiscens, semina bina angula- ta ‘ coccinea includens. Semina appense tegument externe s x * vehi sp. loculis 2-ovulat. Stylus ad basin 4-partit. laciniis dichotomis. . nudis orta, vel fasciculata in axillis foliorum. 476 EUPHORBIACE. baccatum processu intrante magno, interne subosseum. Em- bryo albus, radicula brevissima supera. Cotyledones ovales. Oss. The seed is not equilateral, the inner side of the tegument being much thicker, so that the embryo is thrown to the other side; and as this is convex, it becomes slightly curved in consequence. See Pl. DLXXXIV. Fig, V, a hi- lum, 5 baccate tissue, c embryo. ; 3. Phyllanthi sp. | Frutex dioicus ramis subangulatis, ramulis brevibus sulcatis, | fol. parvis oblongo-ellipticis subtus glaucis, stipulis ovatis | subfoliaceis floribus parvis inconspicuis in axillis aggregatis, | ochroleucis. | Mas. Per. infundibuliforme turbinat. pedicello nempe apice dilatato limbo 6-fido, laciniis interdum emarginatis. Squame 6, laciniis oppositis, eorumque basibus inserta. Stam. mona- delpha, tubo incluso. Aath. 6 adnatz 2-loculares, longit. de- hiscentes. Pollen globosum leve. ‘Har. Inter fruticis, Mergue : Jan. 1835. Fam. nondum vidi. STAUROTHYRAX. Gen. Cuar. Mas. Per. 4-sepalum, sepalis ovat. concav. zstivatione imbricatis. Gland. hypogyne 4, sepalis alter- nant. Stam. 4 libera, hypogyna, sepalis opposita. Fem. Per. ut in mare, glanduleque. Ovarium 4-loculare! Stigmata 8 linearia. Caps. baccat. 4-locul. loculis. cruciatim dispositis. Inflorescentio vel fasciculato racemosa et tunc e ramis Stauros et thylaz Gk. ob fructus loculorum PASE cruciatam, 1835. dioica, floribus masculis capitulato-racemosis, - gatis 2-4 in apicibus ramorum, floralium peren- - racemis z age ATHROISMA. 477 nantum? l-squamatorum, floribus in pedicellis filiform. nu- merosis, fusco-rubescent minutis, Per. 4-sepala, sepalis ovatis concavis, zestivation imbricatis 2 exterior. Ee hypogyne, ovato-oblonge sessilea, sepalis alter- 2d 4 libera hypogyna, sepalis paulo breviora sepa- lis opposita. Filam. filiformia extrorse curvata. Anth. bilo- cul. membranacez, loculis lateral dehiscent subextrorse. Con- néctivum minimum, flores etiam in axillis foliorum junior. ag- 8regat. Inflorescentia nuper descripta nuda in ramis. Inflorescentia feminea ead. axis szepe producta, foliosque . Winus colorantum. Per. ut in mare patentissima, glan- due ut in mare. Styli breviss. profunde 4-partit. laciniis ad basin fere partit. Stigmata 8 linearia subsimplicea. Ovar, 4-loculare ! loculis 2-ovulatis. Capsula baccata, immatura angulis rotundis 8-4 locularis, oculis eruciatis, pluribus nudis foliis ad apices ramor. con- fert. post authesin evolut. pseudo pinnatis ovatis acutis in- tegris subtus glaucis, stipulis parvis ovulis apicibus sphace- - Ramulis flexuosis. Has, Circa Mergui : culto ob fructu, EF Gooseberry tree” - €f Madras. 1834. Ovar, 4-loculare, (Sec. Ov. Pl. DLXXXIV. Fig. VI.) et stylo 8- partito stigmatibusque 2, a pana distinct. | ATHROISMA.* T Athroisma serratis, Gr. .. Arbor 28 pedalis, monoica, ramulis junioribus floriferis, * Foliis juniorib; lanceolatis, serratis subobtusis, mucronatis, luteo albis stipulis lanceolat. membranaceis brunneis, vernatio ia Spicis masculis terminalis, densifloris, floribus fs luteo-viridescent. femin. virid. vel axillaribus et | ii in Ballin folior, summor. vel ad basin spicarum. * Athroisma Gk. acerous. LI subsessilie longit. dehiscentes, si-bilocul tunc didym@: 478 EUPHORBIACE.E, Mas. flores aggregati, in axillis bracteze ovate pilose. " Glandula oblonga carnosa viridis ere utrinque bracteæ. : Pedicelli exserto. Per. cyathiforme, sub 3-dentat. eilianimn; — subcon- nivent. | Stam. 3 hypogyna. Filam. fiif. Anth. bilocul. exsertze | loculis discretis longitud. lateraliterque dehiscent. Pollen | ovat. hinc sulcat. | æm. Per. 3-sepalum, sepalis virid. ovato-lanceolat. Styli 3. Stigmata totidem elongata apicibus racemosis. | Ov. 3-loculare, loculiis l-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, foram. conspicuum hilum prope. Pl. DLXXXV. Fig. IX Fructib. subglobosis verrucosis pendulis, foram. conspicui hilum prope. Endocarp. crassis osseum. Caps. 3-locularis, 3- 1 sperma. Sem. pendul. testa coriacea carunculo parvo. Cotyle- dones plano convexe. Rad. supera, plumula inconspicua. Has. In humidis ad ripas fi. Tenasserim etiam Mergue. 2. Athroisma dentatis, Gr. Frutex, monoicus ramulis cinereis teretibus. Foliis alternis stipulatis inequalibus lanceolatis acuminatis, repando-dentatis basi biglandulis, aliis maximis longe pedi- cellatis 1} spithamzeus ; stipulis minimis setaceis deciduis. Racemis paniculatis terminal. bracteatis, (bracteis gt bus) breviter pilosis elegantibus, floribus masculis albi in pedicellis®-articulatis elongatis tenuibus filiformibus. Cal. membranaceis cellulosus, 5-6 sepalus, sepalis inzqua- libus. Cor. rotata. Pet. 5-6 Linden sessilia, sepalis alternantia cellulosa tenerrima. Glandule hypogynz 5, subreniformes, petalis alternantes tubique staminei basin cireumdantis. Stam. 3-4 bilocul. vel 6-8 l-locul. in tubum coalita. Anth. Fam. Cal. 9-sepalus, sepalis ampliatis, inciso-ciliatis, €! m — glanduliferis, viridi ruber, glandule ciliarum sanguine® DIPLOMORPHA. 479 Pet totidem iis alternantia brevioreque inzqualia? mas- culis conformia. Glandulz obsolete 5-sepalis opposita ovarii basin stipant. Ovar. rotundatum, 3-lobum. Styli 3, patenti breves. Stig- mata 2 cuique stylo capitata. Ov. 3-loculare loculis l-ovulat. Pl. DLXXXV. Fig. IV. a, chalaza b secundine, c foramen. Has. Mergue. In sylvis, collinis densis, Madamaca : Nov. 1834. Proordine frutex elegantissima, floribus masc. nutant. tremulis, DriPLowoRPHA. Diplomorpha herbacea, Gr. . Radix videtur fusiformis. Herba glabra prostrata vel de. cumbens Caules flexuosi angulati, angulis membranaceis. Folia altern. elliptico-ovata, succulenta, l-nervia, mucro- "um subserrulata, breve pedicellata, glauca, margine disco- dori, Stipulæ 2 acuminatæ ad basin petioli et squamulæ stipuli- mesad basin cujusque ramuli. Inflorescentia axillaris, flores monoici, masc. in axillis foliorum inferior, fem. superiorum exorti, masc. plerumque bini, albo rubro leviter tincto. Pedicelli gracilis ad eorum basis bractez plures, fem. vir- *scentes, pedicellis minus gracilibus. > - Masc. Perianth l-seriatum gamosep. sepalis 6 usque ad Medium concretis, apicibus incurvis crenatis, intus 6-squamis e Oppositis paulo minoribus stipatis. Glandule 0. .. Filam. in columnam brevem concreta ad apicem antheras d bilocul. longitud. dehiscentes gerentia. Pollen angulare, -4ngulis lineis albis notatum. Rudim fem. 0. *A&M. Perianth. biseriatum, 6-sepalum, sepalis usque ad basin discretis, planis acuminatis, 3 exterioribus major. 3 in- “orib, minorib, Gland 0. Radim stam. O. — — Ovarium turbinatum, 3-angulatum 3-loculare, loculis bio- 480 EUPHORBIACEA. vulatis, Styli 2 quemque loculo. Stigmat. simplicia. Ovariis maturantis parietes loculorum seorsum ita creseunt ut stylos multo superant. Primo aspectu pericarpium ut in Resedam videtur margo cavitat. 3-angularis, ejus fundo styli visi sunt. Pericarp. 3-coccum, coccis dispermis semina testa rugosa, 3- angular hilo satis magno. Albumen carnoso-oleosum. Em- | bryo curvatus. Radicula supera, cotyledonibus planis. ss. Novum genus constituit. Phyllanthio omnino dissi- milis hoc charactere notandum. Flores monoici. Masc. Perianthium gamosepalum, 1-seriat, sepalis usque ad medium concretis. concavis squamulis oppositis suffultis. Stam. monadelpha. Anth. 3. em. Perianth 6-sepal. biseriat., sepalis 3 exteriorib. majorib. 3 interiorib. minorib. planis. Styli 6. Pericarpium ad apicem cavum, 3-coccum, coccis dispermis. The name refers to the difference of form in the flower of 1 the sexes, from duplez, et forma Gk. a BRIDELIA, 1. Bridelia rhamnoides, Gr. Cal. tubo brevissimo 5-partitus, laciniis ovatis patentibus. : Pet. 5 minima sinubus dentium calycinam inserta, ungue : brevi carnosa, limbo bifido, crenulato repandoque, annulus : glaudulosus luteis intra ‘pet. staminaque calycis faucem ob- Stam. hypogyna monadelpha sepalis opposita. Filam. libera brevia subulata, Anth bilocul. Rud. fem. 3-lobum stylo brevi terminat. tubo staminei apice insiden. : Fem. nondum vidi, arbuscula, dioica? ramulis verrucosis ferrugineo-pubescentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis lanceolatis int g isutri que p b t, subtus glaucis, floribus axillaribus itati inutis. ha int urantiaceo | itas "nae AUGE: à Pet. alba, sito anran gp iue BRIDELIA, 481 2. Bridelia alnifolia, Gr. Arbuscula monoica ramulis ferrugineo-pubescent. fol. bre. viter petiolatis oblongo-obovatis, basi subcordatis, obtusis utrinque presertim subtus pubescentib. floribus in pluribus axillis confertis subsessilib. inconspicuis. Cal. 5-partit. laciniis patentib. ovatis acutis, viridescens maculis sanguineis. Pet. minima vix unguiculata, calycis sinubus inserta repando sinuata alba maculis rubris urceolus glandulosus obsolete 5- E ; lobus, intra pet staminaque lobis sepalis oppositis ! ; Stam, 5 monadelpha, sepalis opposita. Rud. fem. ad apicem insidens, Flores masc. in centro capitulor. fem in ambitu, tardius florescentes, Fem. cal. et corolla urceolusque ut in mare sed basin ovarii, having reached supra in cupulam marginibus incisis inflectitur, Styli 2-fida connatis stigmato 4 papulosa. varium 2-locul. loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis. Has. In humidis Mergue : Oct. 1834. Ejusdem generis cum precedente. S. Bridelia urticoides- Arbuscula ramulis vetustioribus nudis verrucosis juniori- bus teretibus angulatisve verrucosis viridibus alterne foliosis. Fol. breviter ees lanceolat. acuminat, subintegra subtus .Subglauca brevissimaque pubescent. superne atro-viridia ni- tida, stipulis linearibus membranaceis brunneis, caducis. Inforescentia vel nuda vel axillaris glomerulata, floribus minutis numerosis, albido-rubescentibus, odoratis, odore Helio- - Glomeruli androgyni, floribus aper sexus sine ordine Pg es primo florescen ^ Cal. extus apris de subturbinato, 5-partit. ai ovatis, patentis su L3 v 482 EUPHORBIACES, Pet. totidem quot sepala minima squamiformia ovato-integra dentatave sinubus calycinis inserta. Discus perigynus carnosus (margine annulata elevato an- nulataque,) intus super ovarium producta, ideoque fere omnino occultans. Stylus filiformis 2-partitus. Stigmata 2 oblonga cuique lacinie, longe exserta. Ovar. ovulum glabrum 2-locu- lare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, foram. super hilum prope. Mas. Per. ut in fem. Pet discusque ut in fem Stam. 5 monadelpha, stipit. ovar. abortientes vaiosti: Anth. biloculares, longit. dehiscentes. Rud. ovar. central. inter stamina, Has. Mergue. Ad littoram Ins. Madamaca: Dec. 1834. Croton. . Croton Tiglium. - Arbuscula, fol. ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis integris glabris, stipulis viridibus apicibus patentibus floribus in axillis aggre- gatis, viridi lutescent. pedicellis basi bracteatis, petiolis bre- Mas. Pedicelli filiformes. Per. corollinum 6-sepalum biseriatum, seriei externa majori, sepalis ovatis patentibus. Stam. 6, monadelpha in tubum brevissima unita, connecti- vum ultra anther. breviter product. Anth. adnatz, bilocules longit. dehiscentes. Rud. fem 0, æstivat. valvata. Fam. Pedicelli clavato. Per. calycinum 6-sep. biseriata, seriea externi multo majore sepalis erectis. Rud. stam. 6, stylus brevis. Stigmata 5, conniventia sub triangularia lutea emarginata. j var. loculi tot quot stigmat. 2-ovulat. ovulis per ` totam longitud. placentis adnatis ideoque non vere pen . foramen hili apicem. Pl. DLXXXIV. Fig. IV. a. b. Has. In humidis sylvis, Mergue: Oct. 1834. TRUST di E- ROTTLERA. © 483 The apex of the nucleus, projects out in the shape of a clavate filament. capsula rotundata stigmatibus coronata 10, stricta, 5-cocca, coccis 2-spermum. 1 2. Croton sp. Arborea monoica, foliis longe petiolatis cuneati-obovatis Ee cordato-ovalibusve inzequaliter serratis, 5-nerviis, n prope utrinque l-glandulosa. Racemis terminalibus, eis multifloris, masculis racemorum apices versus dis- posita, tardius expansis, fæmin. basin versus, citius. Fem. Cal. 5-partit. laciniis patulis. Cor. 0, Styli 3, bi- fida, stigmata 6, elongata. Capsula obtusa 3-gonum, 6-sulcatum extus punctatum, stylorum l reliquus coronat. pubescentia stellaris adpressa, aspera, 3-loculare, loculis bogecens, semi- nib. pendulis ab apice loculorum. Mas. Cal. ut in fem. laciniis reflexis. Cor. 5- petala. Pet. Spathulatis reflexis villosis. Stam. circiter 1-4, filamentis iberis ima basin villosis. Anth. bilocul. longitudine et lateraliter dehiscentes. Foliorum juniorum serrature glandulose pergyneque runneo-rufescentis. Stigmata sestivat. convoluta. Has. In humidis Mergue, an culta, Sep. RorTTLERA. Rottlere s p. Arbuscula dioica, ramulis petiolis, pedunculisque ferrugineo- Velutinis, foliis ovato-deltoideis acuminatis longe petiolatis Subtus candidis, venis ferrugineis. . Racemis paniculatis, terminalibus vel in dichotomis ramu- ibas pendulis Fem, Cal. 3-partit. ovarium papulosum, papulis albido- ütinis demum in corporib. subulatis productis. Stylus & Bras. stigmata 3-papillosa, ovarium 3-loculare tridus © loculis 1-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis. . Mas, Inflorescentia paniculato-racemosa. 484 EUPHORBIACES. Sepalis ovatis patentibus extus breviter tomentoso velutinis. Stam. 00 libera hypogyne. Filam. subulata, Anth. ovate biloc. long. dehiscent. Rud. fam central minimum mere spatum nudum. Has. In sylvis Mergue frequentur: Sep. 1834. ALEURITES. Aleurites sp. Pl. DLXXXIV. Fig. III. Arbor mediocris, fol. alternis exstipulatis longe petiolatis e basi deltiformi-cordato bi-glandulosis, ovato-acuminatis inte- geris glabris, basi 5-venii, 2 lateral. indistinctis. Fructus pauce in racemis raminis, in pedunculis ligneis robustis, viridibus pomi magnit. without any conspicuous marks or furrows, etc. The fruit has certain indications of 4-valvular lines outside. Substance fleshy disposed to be baccate, bilocularis dis- permi seu abortu unispermi. Endocarp. fibroso-coriaceum spongiosum, tela (Testa ?) interjecta inter id. et semen. The vessels are between the fibrous and spongy parts. Semen erect lateri interior magis planum, subreniforme ossea durissima apice mammillo-ossea crassa, lined by a thin cellulo-papery layer. Albumen copiosum carnosum. Embryo radicula brevis supera. Cotyledon foliaceis planis venosis Plumula conspi- cua, Semen habitus Euphorbiaceus. te a Embryo, 5 fibrous coat, c cellulo-spongy ditto, d drupa- ceous very hard ditto, e like torn paper, f albumen, g hilum, hk. drupaceous coat, i third ditto, 7 chalaza, J hilum, m raphe, n chalaza, p mycropyle, o drupaceous coat. d Oss. I believe the fibrous coat which easily separates inf? 2 shells longitudinally, belongs to the fruit, that the seed is pendulous; the spongy coat being testa marked above by? large hilum. : i i EXCACARIA. 485 TRAGIA. Tragia, Roxb. Monoica scandens, pilis pungentibus hispida, foliis cordato- ovatis acuminatis serratis, stipulis foliaceis cordato-acuminatis. Racemis oppositifoliis bracteis infimis lanceolatis reliquis li- nearibus, floribus viridibus inferior feemineis, superior mascu- lis, femineis multo majoribus. Mas. Perianth. tubo brevi 3-partitum, laciniis latis zestiva- tione valvatis. Stam. 3 distincta, laciniis alternantia hypogyna filam tubo longitud. clavata, viridia, in apiculam inflexam, fila- menta facie introsa incumbente producta. Anth. bilocul, Connectivum viride. Fem. per 3-phylla, sepalis, cordato-ovatis acutis imbricatis ! Ovar, 3-gonum, extus pilis hispida stylus 3-fidus, laciniis viridibus carnosis intus papillos virides (stigmata) gerens, 3- loculare, loculis 1-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis. 14B. Mergue. Culweng in fruticetis scandens, succo lacteo æ Genus distinctissima. Per. fem. Preng imbricatum maris gamosepal valvatum pracipue nota dignum., Exca@caRIA. Ezcecaria, Pl. DLXXXIII. |. Y. Part of male spike. 2, Male flower, outer view bractea removed. . 3. Inner do. * .. 4. Posticous petaliform body. . 5. Right lateral do. : E Left lateral do. hA 8. Bodies seated on the glands: 7 the right, 8 left. -. 9. Pollen. 10. Female flower outer view. 1i. Do. inner. *3 486 EUPHORBIACEA. 12. One of the bodies seated on the lateral glands. 13. Fruit nearly ripe. 14. Ovulum attached, with part of the axis'and its cellula cap. 15. Cap datached composed of elongated cells. 16. Section of the testa shewing its opening, the secondine is entire. 17. Section of the secondine. 18. Nucleus. Excecaria affinis. Arbor. 40-50 pedalis, ramulis junioribus viridibus teretibus, Petiolis 2-uncialibus, canaliculatis, rubescent, basibus quasi pruriosis, stipulis caducis,ex cicatricibus angustatis. Fol. alterne ovalibus basi subcordatis mucronato-acumina- tis, penninervis, nervis secondariis distinctis infimis utrinque ad mediam l-glandulosis, supra lete viridib. subtus glaucis, floribus racemoso-paniculatis, lutescent. Paniculis divaricatis terminalibus. ^ Bractea ad basin cujus- que floris et utrinque corpus glanduliforme subreniforme areo- latum. Pedicellis pluribus in axillis bractez aggregatis, basi 1-brac- teolatis, articulatis. Perianth cyathiforme irregulariter dentatum. Pet. 0. Stam. 2 hypogyne ima basin l-delpha, exserta, filam. crassa longit. perianth cellulosa. Anth. didymz longit. later- aliterque et utrinque dehiscentes, margo dehiscent, pulchre rubra. Pollen luteum oblongum leve hinc sulcatum, ‘Fam. nondum visa. A Affinis Excæriæ. Has. Mergue. In sylvis cum Athroisma dentata. Nov. on Flores minutissimi suaviter odorato al Excecaria agallochum. Dioicea. Arborea, foliis petiolatis lanceolatis i glandulosis, acuminatis crenato-repandis. latis late marginib. diaphana coriaceis glabarrimis. ma basin 2- "Petiolis - canalica- | EPIPRINUS. 487 Inflores. mascula spicata, spicis axillaribus, solitariis petiolis longioribus odoratis fæmineis etiam spicatis, spicis petiolorum longitud. Mas. flores solitarii in axillam bractez cordate reniformi. Bractea utrinque glandulis carnosis viridibus stipata. Stam. 3, quorum inferius anticum longius monadelpha, . . tubo staminea brevo. Per. 0. sed cococsus. corpora 2 carnosa bipartita, lacinia 1 multo majore, altera, subalata. Corpora ejusdem generis inter filamentorum quorum Superum posticum minus. Filam. subulat. Anth. biloculares, Fem. bractea utin masc. Stylus breviss. Stigmato 3, Fructus 3-coccus, coccus ]-pyrenis. Fem. Cal. fere ut in mare e corporib. 2 glandulis insiden- tibus. Cor. vel Per. 3-sepalum, sepalis 2 lateralib. ł-majore antico supero. Stylus brevis, stigma 3-revoluta, capsula 3- cocca, coccis 2-spermis. Ishould observe, that these petaliform bodies vary much in shape, and that the above account as well as the figures agree with that which I have observed to be the most com- .. mon form, E Has. In aquosis Mergue: July, 1834. | 1 Caan. Generus. Inflorescentia utraque spicata, floribus . SOlitaris in axillis bractearum carnosarum utrinque basin . Versus glandulis stipatarum. _--Mas. Per. 2-sepal. sepalis, lateralibus forma irregulari glandula insidentibus, dextro plirumque basi bi-glanduloso, -Sinistro l-glanduloso. Stam. 3, basin versus in tubum con- creta, Filam. filiformia. Anth. didymæ connectivo aliquan- do ultra antheram producto, Corpora 3, petaloidea diffor- mia in sinubus filamentorum, quorum superum (anticum) Stamina longiore postico oppositum 3-lobatum. dextrum bilo- bat, Sinistrum sub integrum. Pollen leve, sulco longitudine. o Epiprinus. Nov. Gen. Epiprinus malayanus Gr. anuli (petiolisque) brunnescenti puberuli, teretes robusti. 488 EUPHORBIACE XE, Folia alterna, conferta. Petiol. 3-uncialis, teretes, utrinque incrassat. lamina ampla e basi cordata ovata, cuspidata acu- minata 8-uncial. long., lat. 4-unc., subtus puberula, scabrella basi biglandulosa sub 5-venia, integriusculum, v. secondarie arcuatim nexze, v. tertiariis transverse soaks. inter venulis reticulatis. Inflorescentia axillaris, racemi paucze ex axile fol. major. superior, plures ex axillis folior. multo minorve, fere sub- sessilium. Racemi vel panicule pedunculi robusti carneo-tincti minute puberuli vel furfuracei erecti subdigitales. Fl. infra medium femineis distantes, supra medium (vel ramulorum) masculi dense congesti. Bractea sublanceolata patens vel subreflexa, carnea vel lurida, utrinque basis glandula coccinea subf. femin. quem- que l-bracteole 2 minores concolores basin versus pedicelli clavat 2 lineales. Perianth. biseriatim, exterius e foliolis bracteolis similibus sed longioris magis carne erectz ; interius fol. per junior similes lanceolato-acuminatze, duplo majores, dorso secus cen- tram conspicue costat. griseze, dorso carneo-tinctz, interio- rum marginibus reflexis, Stam. etc. 0. Ovarium parvum subtrilobum triloculare. Ovula solitaria, pendula foramine supero, process. placentze obtecto. Stylus robustus basin supra tripartibus, ramis cito palma- tim divisis, intus stigmatosa materia badio-papillosa tect. Ovar. stylusque pilis e basi ob conica fascicul. dense velu- tinus. Fl. masculi sordidi rufescenti grisei glomerulati (sub. glomerulos bractea carnea acuta, carinata) centrales vé . terminales precociores, sessiles. Per. valvatum cupuliforme; : = medinm 4-partitum, lacin. semi ovates. Du Minis vel purpurascente, supra albidis, ad anther. . 8, filamentis longis, zstiv. a medio inflexis, infra | E: BURSERACR A, 489 capillaceis longe exsertis. Antherze magne lutea, cohzrentes, oblong, basin prope affixe, pubescenti-pilosz — bilocular. longit. lateral. dehiscentes. Pollen sub ovatum glabum tri- porosum obscure. Rudimentum ovarii trilobum. Has. Ching, Malacca Nhinghull: Jan. 1845. Oss. This is among my first collection in fruit, but it Was not examined ; it is surrounded by a foliaceous perianth. I see nothing approaching to it in Endlicher’s Genera, and the characters are so well marked, that it is not a genus like- y to have been so imperfectly characterised as not to be recognisable, p BURSERACEÆ. BoswELLIA. l. Boswellie sp. Arbor humilis ramulis verticellis plurimis stomatiformibus, petiolis par folioliorum inferiorem subtus, supra planis, foliolis inpari-pinnatis ovatis vel lanceolatis, acuminatis, lateralibus Sepius obliquis. Pauiculis terminalibus et axillis foliorum sum- morum pallide ferrugineis, floribus numerosis albis. Cal. parvus 5-sepalis. -. Cor. rotata basi fere 5-partita, laciniis lanceolatis zstivatione imbricatis. Petala 5, disco hypogyno inserta. m , disci inserta margine exterior. Filam. com- planata écbliis pilosa, alterna petalis opposita breviora, Anth. erectz biloculares longit. dehiscentes. Discus glan- dulosus pilosus ovarium basin ambiens. . Stylus piliformi-crassus. Stigma discoideo-capitat. Ovarium pilos, 1 inferum basi nempe disco coalit. bilocu- da , loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis ascendentibus foramen margine cin Section of the ovary Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. II. rore ii Ad litttoram Ins. Madamaca valgatim : fe M 3 490 BURSERACE.£. It is an exceeding long time between the Ist appearance of the buds and expansion of the flowers, about 4 months. The disk is not perigynous. 2. Boswellie sp. Arbor foliis pinnatis. Cal. sepala 5 ima basin fere distincta, ovata. Cor. 5-pet. petalis unguiculata, hypogyna, sepalis alterna, patentia. Stam. 10 subdiscum hypogyna ovarium cingens, 10- crenulatum inserta, 5 sepalis, 5 petalis opposita. Filam. subulata. Anth bilocul. longitud. dehiscentes. Stam. 5 sepalis opposita demissius, 5 petalis oppositis superne disco inserta. Ovarium 3-locul. Sem. 4-6-8 in quoque loculo, ad apicem in membranam aleformem. Cotyled. crasse carnosz punctate ; radicula bre- ` vis superam product. Has. Prope Trichinopoly. CANARIUM, Canario affine. Ramulis subteretibus, novellis ferrugineo puberulis. F olia | alterna pinnata subpedalia 2-3 juga cum impari. tiol subspathamzeus. Foliola oblongo ovato petioluto subbili- neales cuspidato-acuminata integra long. 44 5} uncial, lat. 2 uncialia. Panicule terminales foliis paullo brevior, pedunculus brun- nescens angulatis, sulcatus. Flores racemosi vel subcymost minuti viridescentes, (pedicelli breves vix lineales) extus . minute subpuberuli. : ‘mibus imbricatis, aliqoties majoribus calyptratim secede” TE Pa GP Me abusu. ENEE e M M AE LE s a. TP NER i y Ahia n pi a SU a S — . Calyx earneo tinctus subobconicus ad medium sipa Corolla e petalis totidem cordato. rotundatis vel obrenitot: — RHAMNACE, 491 a Stam. 3 sepalis opposita, paullo sepalis longiora. Fila- menta brevia, basi in annulum carnosum brevem coalita vel inserta; plerumque cum 4to. Connectivum dilatatum subovatum, intus loculiferum, loculi 2, longitud. dehiscen- tes Rodimentum. Pistilla tridentatum in centro annuli flamentorum. Fl. Hermaph—? Fructus basi calyce cinctus pedicell crassiusculum, clava- tum terminans obliquissimum, subreniformis compressum, plumbei coloris et cereus subdiaphauus infra apicem styli base breviter mucronat., basi lateri superiore gibbosus, caro firma, cellulosa tenuis pyrena subossea tenuis. Semen | lateri inferiore prope, stylum affix. conforme. .. Tegumentum simplex albidum, tenue. Cotyledones car- Nose, biplicatze, — Radicula supera, (i e hilum prope.) Has. Malacca Ching. Malacca Nhinghull: Mr. Lewis : informs me that in some of the islands of the Indian Archi- pelago a species of Canarium yields all the oil used by the Anhabitants, Jan. 27th, 1845. BS. In one instance I observed a tendency to develope all . the parts of the ovarium: i. e. fruit, in equal-trilobus. This can scarcely be a species of Canarium, and it does not Come near any other of the characters. CH The small number of stamina is not of much consequence, i but the shape of the fruit is different. RHAMNACEJE. su ZiZYPHUS. .. l. Zizyphus jujuba. ! | Arbuscula ramis flexuosis hinc ad basin petiolorum aculea- fisy aculeis rectis subdeflexis junioribus breviter pubescenti- . petiolatis ovalibus ovatisve serratis obtusis, basi ob- . 492 RHAMNACE, liquis, 3-nervus, nervis lateralibus extus conspicue penniner- vus, ceterum obscuris junioribus subtus niveo, senioribus fer- rugineo-tomentosis floribus racemoso pallide citrinis. Racemis axillaribus, abbreviatis multifloris. Cal. 5-partitus, extus rubescens, laciniis ovatis sinubus calycinis —— et. minora ante cuneata, subcucullata. Stam 5 pétalis Opposite cum iis inserta. Discus epigynus obsolete 10-Iobus. Stylus crassus brevis, Stigmata 2, Ovarium 2-locul. calyce adnatum, loculis l-ovulatis, ovulis ascendeutibus. Radicula hilum prope. Æstivatio valvata, serratis plicato-conduplicata. Culta obfructum, Moalmain Mergue: October 1834. Uti omnes plantz quie ubique cultze sunt magnopere variat. 2. Zyzyphi sp. Pl. DLXXXV. Frutex subscandens, cortice brunnea ramulorum novello- rum fusco-viridis, spinis brunneis, foliis supra saturata viri- dibus subtus subglaucescentibus, floribus a petalis viridi-lu- tescentibus. Han.'Patakaye mounts Moolumboo Delvi: March 27th, 1837 VENTILAGO. Ventilago sp. Fruticosa longe scandens. Fol. alternis bistipulatis, stipulis ovatis membranaceis minimis deciduis, petiolis brevibus rubescent. fol. ovat. oblongove ovatis emarginatis obtusissimis invert glabris reticulatis. . Racemis paniculatis, axill. et terminal. ea Calyx fractus discoideus truncatus demum marginibus fructibus, oblongis foliaceo-alatis, ala quoad cavitati ifer come ovata l-nerv, rubescent. nervo m = AE D a ng ee EIER Du. GOUANIA. 493 marginibusque lutescent. basi 2-locular. loculo | , Spe abortient. 1-ovulat. ovulis erectis, foramen hilum prope. Semina globosa vel si bina hzemisphzrica. Embryo mi- nutus in excavationem basilari. Radicula brevis infra hilum spectans, Cotyled. foliacez orbiculate. — Plumula inconspi- cue, albumen carnosa copiosum. Pl. DLXXXV. Fig. III. a, dark coloured vascular lines, b albumen, c vitellus. Has. Mergue. In sylvis collinis Palor: Feb. 1835. GovaANIA. Gouania leptostachga. Scandens, subglabra. Foliis alternis petiolatis (petiolis ¢analiculatis) cordato- ovatis, obtuse acuminatis late crenatis, supra atro-viridibus lucidisque, infra pallidis et ad nervos pubescens. Racemis subpaniculatis longissimis nutantibus pubescent, - oribus numerosis, parvis albis, 2-4 fasciculatis in. pedunculo brevissimo odoratis, odore prussico, in pedicellis brevissi- mis articulatis. al. tubo brevi, limbo 5-partiti; ovario ag oe adnato persis- tente? laciniis leviter subpat ione valvatis. . Pet. 5 minima cacal, sinubus abak inserta, stamina . Obtegentia, Stam. in annulum 10-dentatum calyci adnatum unita, dentibus 5 petalis oppositis antherif. 5 oppos. sepalis, sterili- oblongis emarginatis. Filam subulata brevia, Anth. bi- loculares subversatiles, loculis longit. dehiscens. Pollen leve. o brevia filiformia. Stigmata totidem obtuse pupil- Onia infern. nempe tubo calycina adnat 3-loculosa, locu- verse section of ovarium &c. PI. DLXXXV. Fig. II. hi longissimi ex apice ramularum pedunculi trans- eels, minimis membranaceis. Discus epigynus 494 AURANTIACEJE. ad faucem calysis in annulum denticulat. stylus subam- plectens clavatis. Has. Mergue. In Sylvis Ins. Madamaca: Oct. 1834. RHAMNUS. Rhamni sp. Pl. DLXXXVI. Frutex scandens, cortex ferruginea, fol. subtus glauces- cente supra saturati-viridia, l-venia subtus subtiliter punc- tulata. Ramuli viridescentes. Flores viridescentes fortiter sed subingrate odorata. Has. Patkaye mountains. Vix occurrit | infra alt. 3000 pedum. AURANTIACE X. Oss. In Ægle marmelos. Bel, the septa have pellucid or glan- dular dots : : the funicle arises from an irregular areola, situated near the inner angle. In Murrya exotica the stamens are not inserted into the disk. Limonia. Limonia sp. nova quoad. D. C. Arborea, foliis lanceolatis in petiolum apicem articulatis, acuminatis obtusis repandis glaberrimis pellucido-punctat. . Floribus viridescentibus odoratis paniculatis, paniculis ribus. folior. circiter longitudinis, dichotomis en - Cal. minimus, 4-partitus. Pet 4 linearia sepalis alternantia apicibus cucullatis, deci- duis. Stam. 8 libera biserialia seriea externa sepalis. opposita = D Lose longiora. Filam. petalis paulo breviora subulata ~ lana cmo Anth een shape empto e Me CITRUS, : 495 Ovarium pilosum, stylus brevis filiformis, stigma. sub- 3 capit. sub 4-lobum, 4-loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis ovulis - Superascendent. inferiore majora pendulis, foramen hilum prope. Fructu maturescent. torus € loculis amplis factis ovulis minimis. Endocarp. separatu ` Pedicelli paulo infra medium bracteat. pL DLXXXVI. Fig. II. section of ovarium with ovules. ` Has. Mergue. Ad littoram. Ins. Madam.: August, 1834. Cirrus. Citrus scandens, Gr. Pl. DLXXXVII. Frutex spinosus scandens. Spinis ramulinis vel inflores_ centibus et tunc minoribus. Ramuli petiole, et folia pubescentia. 2 es albi, uti stamina, suave odorata. Petala extus a medium Supra viridi tincta. Ham. In sylvis collinis near the Serpentine Mines versus ürmam. April 3rd, 1837. Species disctinctissima. Ord. Assamia superiore raro O9ccurrens: in vallem Mogoung frequenter, specias quatuor legi versus Serpentine mines. GrYcosMis. — Glycosmis quingifolia. — Frutex ramis laxis, fol. pinnatis pinnis alternis, (vel 3 foliatis), oblongo-lanceolatis, subacutis, irregulariter sub- -Serratis senioribus sabintegris peate punc | Paniculis » foliis breviori- rübescente slots, cymis sub 3-chotomis paucifloris, inconspicuis albis subodoratis. sepalis, sepalis ovatis rotundatis minute brunneo. nt. æstivatione imbricatis. 496 AURANTIACE£. Pet. sepalis alterne obovato, punctulata, astivatione imbri- catis. Stam. 10 libera, subbiseriatis, 5 externa paulula longiore sepalis opposita. Filam. complanata. Anth. ovatz basibus sagittatis affixis longit. dehiscent. ^ Connectiv. glandulos. glandulaque terminat. Pollen oblongo-ovatum læve hine sul- catum, | Ovar. stylusque crassiss. filiform. glandulis elevatis punc- tat. Stigma truncat. subcapitat. 5-suleat. medioque foveolat. Ovar. toro albido paulo elevat. insidens 5-loculare, loculis L- ovulat. ovulis pendulis foramen hilum prope. Has. Mergue. In sylvis. Kulweng : Dec. 1834. Character Wightianus bonus. Cook14. Cookie sp. Suffrutex ramulis viridibus, foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis alternantibus, ovatis terminali magis lanceolato-acuminatis crenato-repandis, pellucido punctatis, floribus paniculatis, in- conspicuis viridibus. Paniculis terminalibus divaricatis. Cal. 5-sepalis, sepalis minutis. Petalis 5 caducis glandulosis ovatis suberectis concavis» Stam. 10 libera, alternatim brevior, brevioribus — oppositis. Filam. sepalis breviore basibus dilatata sub 3 augularia, superne subulata, partis dilatate marginibus inter se leviter cohærentia. Anth. basi affixe bilocul. longit. lateraliterque dehiscentes. Pollen aureum oblongum hint sulcatum. Ovarium toro parum clavato-insidens, ob Stylus crassus viridis filiformis, stigma capitata obso solete 5-lobum; lete 9- : .. lobum, 5-loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis eohi ay | ibus foramen ad apicem conspicuum. —— Estivatio pet. imbricata, l exterius, l interius. - XXX : E Fig. Il, DN MEA outer-most px Ee p. ge I BERGERA, 497 tion of the ovary and style, f portion of placenta with ovules attached shewing them to be collateral, c foramen, d raphe, € chalaya. Has. In sylvis. Mergue: Nov. 1834. BERGERA. Bergera Kænigii. Arbuscula, fol. alternis impari-pinnatis ; foliolis oblique lanceolatis acuminatis crenato-serratis, secus nervum me- dium sub pubescent. Corymbo terminali multifloro, folioloso, floribus albis. Cal. brevis, 5-partitis basi incrassatus. Pet. totidem, ob- longa sepalis alternantia. Stam. 10 distincta alterno longiora sepalis, alterna breviora petalis opposita, distincta, toro dilatato carnoso inserta. Anth. bilocul. erectæ. Stylus crassus. Stigma capitatum, : transverse sulcatum, . 2-loculare, apice non ovuliferum sed receptaculum olei utrinque continens. Ovula l, interdum 2 cuivis loculo, pendula nec peritropa. Tegumenta bina, Pl. DLXXXVI. Fig. III. Has. Bengal. Prope Jumalpore: Sept. 17th, 1835. Oss, Genus Murrya vix distincta. _ Aurantiacee sp. — Arbuscula vel frütex ramis laxis, foliis opiongo ovatis, obtuse cuspidatis, integris pellucido-punctatis, li inferior mn recurva (vel pedunculo vel ramo abortivo) gerentibus. mulis petiolis, foliorum nervo medio, infra, foliisque junioribus infra, ferrugineo-paleaceis, foliis alternis obo- Yatis obtusis, subintegris coriaceis irregulariter pellucido- — d floribus axillis pne pedicellis foliis breviori. N3 498 CEDRELACE&. Cal. zstivatione imbricata 5-sepalis. Pet. 5, Stam totidem petalis opposita. Anth. bilocul. cin- gentia, Stylus brevis. Stigma capitat. Ovar. 5-loculare? loculis 1-ovulatis, ovulis ascendentibus. Fructibus longe pedicillatis ovatis stipitatis toro nempe elon- gato, apice parce pilosis, glanduloso-punctatis, baccatis, l- spermis semen pendula in materia aguosa resinosa viscosa indulans. Cotyledones carnose. Plumula polyphylla? ulteruis examinanda. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. XIV. Stipite calyce, 5-sepalo stipato (sepalis patentibus rotun- datis emarginatis), basi cicatrisata. Bacce I-spermze 1-locul. vel 3-spermze 3 locul. an plures? seminibus pendulis. Cotyledonibus carnosis, plano-convexis, apicibus bifidis! Radiculo supera brevissima. Plumula inconspicua. Pl. DLXXXVII. Fig. III. a, radicle, 5 junc- tion of cotyledon, e ditto other face, d seed externally. Vidi tantum flores longe ante anthesin, stipulis 0. Habi- tus Myrsinearum. _ Ha». Ad toram lus. parve prope. Palo Gewen: Nov. 1834, CEDRELACEE, IxoNANTHUS. | Txonanthus sp. Pl. DLXXXIX. Fig. II. Semen rarius perfectum pendulum, solitarium, funiculo uasi, maxime irregulariter monstrosum, supra in subulam apicem loculi attingent. product: infra irregulariter lobatum, lobis apicem versus punctulatis subsaceatis, ovila quodomodo mentientibus. men brunnea oblongo-lanceolatum, raphe pallide $ com- piii insignit. compressiusculum, chalaza subdepressa. e carnosa. Thay thrown out to the xtra ' of the seed, PEERS MELIACE, 499 Cotyledones foliacez. Plamula inconspicua testa coriacew, tegumento interius tenuiss, albumen arcte vestiens, tela cellulosa distineta ier regu - lariter interjecta inter tegzumenta. @ attachment of Eoo, b, c, ovule, d albumen, e testa, f embryo, g funicle, & hilum. MELIACE 2. Metra. l. Melia excelsa. . Arbor excelsa 50 pedalis, trunco gracili albo altius ramoso, Fol. ad apices ramorum confert. pinnata 2-2} pedalia, pe- tiolo tereto, basi versus incrassata, foliol. alterna vel subop- posita, oblonga acuminata, basi superne, obliquissima, et sub- auriculata, repanda, nitida lete virentia glabra, subtus reticulata penninerva. - = Paniculis axillaribus, 2-pedalibus, interdum foliolis, com- positis subthyrsoideis, floribus in cymis paucifloris dis- positis inconspicuis parviusculis albidis. Subodorat. Pedi- cellis basibus articulatis ee pedunculisque pubes . tente velutinus. - Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis velittons vakaia subæqualibus. = Pet 5. oblongo-linearia patentissima obtuse, pubescent., (livatioue imbricata, 2 exterior, l-interiora. l-intermedia. -. Tubus stamineus basi dilatat. 10-salcatus, sulcis basi subdis- tantibus, membrana interpositis, supra approximatis, ideoque filam 10. basibus dilatata inter se per totam longitudine coalita, apice »-dentat. dentibus petalis oppositis latioribus inte- ISG e, sepalis oppositis, plus minus profunde emarginat. Anth. subexsertze oblonge sessiles bilocular longitud. lateraliter dehiscentes. Pollen poe leve, m immersa apillu 2-3 emittens 1s (Onagracious). lus erass; a pillos. Stigma sub- basi annulat. 3.4 lobam iplo. be carnosus 500 MELIACE. hypogynus, ovaria basi cingens. Ovar. glab. 3-loculare, locu- lis 2-ovulatis ovulis pendulis collateral. foram. superum hilum prope. Pl. DLXXXV. Fig. V. single ovules attached to the Placenta. Gen. discedit. ovaria 3 nec 5 loculare. An Melia excelsa Jack, sed charactere DeCandollii erroneus Has. Circa Mergue, an culta: Dec. 1834 2. Melia azadarachta. Arbor. Folia pinnata, dimidiato-ovatze, acuminata, prone dentato-serrata, ad apices ramorum conferta. Inflorescentia axillaris terminalisque, racemoso-paniculata. Flores albi redolentes bracteata, bracteis caducis. Æstiv. corol. imbricat. al. 5-sep. sepalis ovatis. Cor. 5-pet. petalis lanceolatis sepalis alternis patentibus stamina hypogyna, biserialia, sepalorum numero duplex. Filam. in tubum coalita. Tubus ad apicem 10-lobus, quo- rum | cuique antherz respondit, lobis 5 exterior sepalis, 5 interior petalis oppositis. Antherz ad apicem tubi, longitud. et introrsum dehiscentes. Stylas I tubo stamineo brevior filiformis. Stigma submi- trzeformes. Ovarium 3-locul. loculis 2-ovulat. ovulis pendulis. Oss. Development. The younger the bud is, the less is the development of the tubus stamineus and style compared cri that of the anthers and stigma. In a bud, in which corolla is double the bu of the calyx, the anthers are very large, the lobes of the tube small, not reaching ha way up the back of the anthers, while the tube its ed but almost sessile. af scarcely - exceeds in length the anther. The stigma is well develop- . 501 HARTIGHSEA. Hartighsea ramiflora. Ramuli subsimplices elongati inferne floriferi, superne foliosi, novelle partes cum fol. nascent. ferrugineo-furfurac. 'olia petiolata 1-14 pedalia, petiolis angulatus foliola in petiolulis bilineal. supra canaliculatis, alterna, sub 11 ob- .. lengo-lanceolata, superiore lateri inzequalia obtuse cuspidato- &uminata supra atro-viridia, long. 43-5 uncial, lat. 14 uncial. n the lowest leaves of the Kia a short raceme sometimes occurs, Racemi florum ex axillis folior. lapsor. vix ultra unciales, (all at the same state of development) pedunculis infra medium quasi lignosus, squamis brunneis bracteatis notat. Parte florifera viridescens ferrugineo-puberula. Pedicelli sublineales versus medium articulati bractea nnea squamiformi suffult. Bracteole 2 minima con- ores, : Flores densiusculi 4-meri, majusculi, ochroleuci, cito fus- Cescentes, Calyx minimus planiuscula, 4- dentatus. : Petala 4, lineari-oblonga, ad medium tubo staminum erect. : et cum leviter adherent. tunc reflexo-patentia, 4-linealia Tubus stamineus petalis paullo brevior, pressione subangu- latus, subtetragonus, apice dentibus 8 latis brevibus sub- arginatis interdum. Anthere oblonge, parve sessiles lentiur | facie interiore, bilocul. longit. dehiscent. ; bu 3 interior triplo brevior erenulatus, etenik forsan 10, cum antheris altern. ovarium cingens et zequans. Ovarium brevissime stipitatum subglobosum lepidotum ima lus filiformis vel columnaris, prope basin articula- ngitudine circiter tubo staminei, apicem cyathulo ampliat, Stigma discoidea subexsertum e cyathulum 502 MELIACE2. supra dietum prominens. Ov. triloculares, ovula bina pendula collateralia, anatropa. Fructus. ? Has. Malacca Nhinghull : Jan. 27th, 1845. Oss. Hartighsez sp.? sed foliola non opposita, a tendency to an additional tooth in the staminal column. Column or tube very veiny, the principal axes corresponding with the anthers, along which the tube is also outwardly sulcate, the staminal fascicles appear simple. The inner tube is evascular. The structure of the apex of the style and stigma render it probable, that this latter texture may be highly exserted. MonosoMa. Monosoma littorata, Gr. Arbor. Foliis pinnatis 2-jugis, ramis l-jugis, foliolis obovatis, vel ovato-obovatis obtusissim : coriaceis integris, penninerviis, nervis secondariis suboppositis, subtus pallidior reticulatisque ; (fol. aliquando abortu solitariis). Petiolulis brevibus crassis brunnescent. Inflorescente paniculato axillaris. Paniculis pauciflora foliis brevioribus pedunculis pedicellisque clavatis rubescent, flori- bus inconspicuis viride albidis subsuaviter odoratis. rim 4-sepalus, sepalis orbicularibus minimis. or. 4-petala, petalis sepalis alternantia obovato-oblongis, Cee patentibus, zstivatione imbricatis. Stam. 8 monadelpha, hypogyna in tubum apice 8-dentat. (dentibus ovulibus apiculatis) connata. Anth in sinubus dentium sessiles, biloculares introrsz longit. dehiscent. Ovarium rotundat. miniatum apice tantum viridescente. Stylo brevi filiformii, Stigma discoideum brevissima el 4 cum, subspiraliter 4-sulcatum. Ov. 4-loculare, basin versus a solidum ; loculis pauci-ovulatus, ovulis pendulis ab asin Ce" — * tral. apicem. loculorum versus, foramen RS hilo m : : sum eo que loculi fundum versus spectans. P. DLXXXVE : III. Transverse section of the ovary i GUAREA. 503 Pl. DLXXXV. Fig. VIII. longitudinal ditto. Fructus maximus, l-locularis pericarpio crasso leathery, sub 4-valvis. Semina pauca maxima, angulata. Testa crassissima, extus coriacea intus, suberosa. Albumen Q. Cotyledones, maxime carnosa, in corpus unicum coalite. Radicula subsupera? maxima, teste cicatrici notat. facilj germinans. Ad littoram Insular. et inter Rhizophoreus circa Mergue copiosa. Florens Nov. 1834, fructu, July, August. Habitus floresque Meliacearum, a quibus cotyledonibus cavitatam tantum differt. HAR. Gen. Cal. 4-sepalus. Pet. 4 patentia, stam. in tubum monadelphum apice 8-dentatum coalita, Anth. ses- siles in sinubus dentium. Ovarium 4-loculare, loculis pauci ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, stylus 1, stigma peltatum subspiraliter “sulcatum. Fructus maximus, 4-valvis, l-locularis. Se- mina plura maxima angulata, cotyledones coalitæ. GUAREA. l. Guarea oblongifolia. - Arbor humilis, fol. 2-jugis, petiolis basin petiolulisque intrassatis rubescent. foliolis oblongis obtusis, basi obliquis Plus minus, subtus reticulatis. Durus axillarib. foliis multo breviorib. Floribus incon- Spicuis a : ‘ onos, Bike affinis. Ad littoram Ins. Madamaca: Fed. 1835. 2 Guarea disyphonia, Gr. Arb "30 pedalis, fol. pinnatis 2, 3 jugis, foliolis sæpius e i Oblongis lanceolatisve oblongis subrepandis, atros ; vonie Secondaria distinctis obtusis petiolis verrucosis m axillaribus compositis yugiius 1i pedalibus 504 MELIACEAZ. pendulis. Pedicillis articulatis brevibus basi bracteatis, flori- bus majusculis albis. Cal. 4-dentata, dentibus acutis. Cor. 4-petala, pet. lineari-oblonga, medium infra conniven- tia, corollamque gamopet. simulam, med. supra reflexam dis- tinctaque, æstivatione valata. 'ubus stamineus petalis paulo brevior, extus pubescens apice sub. 8-dentata denticulataque. Anth 8 sessilis intra tubam paulo infra apicem bilocular. longit. dehiscent. dentibus tubo oppositis. Pollen subglobosum lzve. Columna hypogyna carnosa, stamino tubo duplo brevior 8-dentato, dentibus sepalis alternant. longe pilosis ovarium intus pilosissima omnino obtegit. Stylus filiformis. Stigma, discoid. 2 annulat. aunulo interi- or minore albo, 4-sulcato. Ovar. pilosum 4-loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis ovulis ascen- dent, superpositis foram superia. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. I. a annulus exter, ġ ovula in situ with a portion of placenta. Has. In sylvis. Ins. Madamaca prope Palor: Dec. 1834. An Guarea sed character generis magnopere deficiens: ob tubos duos, quorum interius sterili. Disyphonia nomi- nanda. 3. Guaree sp. Pl. DLXXXVIII. Fig. II. Fructus pomi magnitud. stipitatus, stipite crass. - isis ; lutescens, apice cruciate, lineatus, interstitiis medio longitudinaliter obsolete foveolatis. ^ Endocarpio spongioso crasso 4-locularis, 4-spermus. Semina unica in quoque loculo jongitudinaliter affixa, arillo maximo carnoso, semen ? fere Om- nino includent. crasso albo. Semen? tegumento membranaceo tenui continent. net a subrotundam carnosam albid. radicula cotyledonibus plum conspicuis | gend bscure; Hee massa secus lineam medio lineato est sed 0 a sed. cotyledones mutuo adherent et centrum versus conu - radicula an plumula continent et cumeo adherent. 505 AGLAIA. l. Aglaia sexipetala, Gr. Ramuli brunnescentes, teretes flexuosuli. Folia trifoliata. Petiolus teres utrinque incrassatus sub-biuncialis, foliola sub- elliptica breviter et obtuse cuspidata subcarnosa 32 unc. longit. latit. biuncial : ven. secondariis conspicuis et arcuatim nexis, reticulatis etiam subtus obscure: petiolule fere 4-li- neales supra sulcatam. BUR Panicula ex axillam folii evoluta ultima vix ultra digitum longit. eum partibus nov. minute ferruginea, pilis sublente Stellatis, ramis patentissimis brevibus, ultimis racemiforme vel subcymos. Flores minuti numerosissimi clausi lutei. . Cal. eodem more pubescens 5-sepalus, minimus. Petala 6, oblonga, concava connivente in corollam apicem ressa parvia, biseriata, seria intima duplo fere minora. . Urceolus stamin, inclusum, apice 10-dentat. dentibus 5 alternis antherifer, 5 aliis obtusis, obsoletis. Antheræ ovato- Cordatze sessiles bilocul. deorsum spectantes, introrse. Pollen albidum. Ovarium stigma magno disciforme capitat. obsolete trilo- E bum coronat. fondoa urceoli nuncupans, pilosum vel lepi- um, cylindraceum, minimum Ovulum anatropum, Polan: vel subappensum, sæpe ut 7 Tidetur nullum, foramen superum. observation of the ovulum is difficult, owing to the E- of the parts, but certainly it pete single and Solitary, Han, Malacca at Ching: Jan. 27th, 1845. 2, Aglaia Dookkoo, Gr. Arbor mediocris, fol. pinnatis petiolis, petiolulis basi incras- 8, fol. alterna oblongis, interdum oblongo-obovat, lateri o 3 506 MELIACE. inferiorum inzequaliter, subundulat. coriaceis glabis venis 2-dariis obliquum arcuatis, intervenia reticulatis. Racemis abbreviatis 2-3 uncialibus fasciculatis ex axillis, vetustis, fol. orbatis robustis. Bractea min. sub floremqueve. Fl. breviter pedicel. pedi- cello robusto, alabastris cum pedicellis depresso-turbinat. Calyx minutus 5-sepalus, sepalis basin carnosis ciliatulis. Cor. connivent. urceolata, petalis 5, rotundatis concavis, apice depresso hiante, stamina apicis et stigma exponent im- bricata, 2 exteriorum, 2 intermedium, 4 intern. (one border overlapped) carnosiuscula. Columna stamina brevissime depressa et quasi incurvata carnosa, simplex. Anth. 10 intra os inserti, infra antheras tubus angustatur. Ovar. oblongo-conica. Stylus 0. Stigma a large truncate subpentagonal body, infra medium 5-loculare, loculis 1-ovulat. - ovulis pendulis anatropus. - Haz. Malacca at Malim. This is distinct from the Lanseh of the Malays, than which it is considered much finer, in the shorter spikes, and the broad depressed flowers. It appears to me closely allied to Aglaia. The spikes of the Lanseh are proliferous at the apex. The inner locelli of the anthers are the largest, the outer are, I think, the largest in the Dookkoo. 3. Aglaie sp.? Pl. DLXXXIX. Fig. l. Burseraces- Itinerary Notes, p. 176, no. 898. l. Alabastra. cee 2. Flower imbrication various. _ 4. Do. seen vertically, anthers deciduous. : a T . 5. Longit section, | Shewing the insertion of the pet — ANDERSONIA. 507 7. Petals stamens and glandular cup removed viewed ex- teriorly, the cellular portions are those to which the calyx adhered. 8. Stamen inner view, 8a. Do. outer, 84 do. after dehiscence. 9. Pollen. - 9a. do. immersed. 10. Pistilla, ovary opened longitudinally. 10a. Ovulum, 106 do. igi section, : Han. Bootan. ANDERSONIA. Andersonia Rohitoca, Pl. DLXXXIX. Fig. III. Arbuscula. Fol. impari-pinnatis, foliolis subbi-jugis oblongis . Obtuse acuminatis obliquis, terminali minora, floribus race- Moso-paniculatis (paniculis nutantibus) minutis, suaviter odoratis Cal. a 3-üdus segmentis rotundatis subæquali- bus, marginibus membranaceis. .. Corolla connivens? 3- petala, petala rotundata concava, 9tium anticum estivatione imbricata. "B Tubus staminifer urceolatus, carnosus petaloideus, apice : angustata minute denticulata, stam. 6 basi tubo inserta inclusa, P Sepalis, 3 petalis opposita. Filam sub 90. Anthere 9vato-lanceolatze erectae introrsze, longitud. lateraliterque de- hi ntes, connectivo majusculo. * Stylus 0. Stigma magnum capitat. 3-gonum, angulis sepa- dis oppositis, ovarium superum 3-loculare ovula 6, cuique lo- culo, Superimposita, placentis affixa, supremo ascendente, = pendulo foramen conspicuum bilum po Prope Jonalpore : Set, iu ne Calycis dentes. Petala, - 508 MELIACE J£. c. Staminum urceolus. d. Stamina. e. Stigmatum triangulus. Meliacee sp. Arbor demissius ramosa 35 pedalis, ramulis articulatis, ar- ticulis tumidis subteretibus viridescent, fol. altera oppositis, pinnatis 2-jugis cum impari. Petiolis basi incrassatis supra subcanaliculat. foliolis ovato-oblongis acuminatis basi inzequa- libus serratis, serraturis mucronatis glabris coriaceis juniori- bus carnosis nitidis, stipulis caducis, (nondum visis) cicatri- cula lato linearia, inter petiolari stipellis? subulatis, ad basin petioluli cujusque, 2 ad basin paginze cujusque. Inflorescente axillaris sepius ter — cymoso- -corymbosa, floribus parvis nui te suave odora- tis corymburti ramuli articulati basibusque bracteati. Cal. 5 sepal. sepalis valde inzequalib. 2 exter minorib. ovatis oblongisve pallide rubro-fuscis, æstivation 5-uncial? interdum 6, vel basin }-bracteat. Pet. totid. iis alterna, hypogyna. Stam. 5 hypogyna libera sepalis opposita, filam subulato complanata basib. valde dilatata. Anth. versat. bilocul. longit. dehiscent. Pollen ovatum leve hinc sulcat. Discus hypogynus annulat. intra stamina ovarique, crenu- latus sublobatusque albus. Stylus 1, e 3 subcoalitis, stamina subequans. Stigma capitat. subdiscoid, e 3-coalit. Ovaria 3 leviter coalita I-locular pauci ovulat. ovulis pla- centis axilibus affixa pendula biseriat. foramen hilum prope conspicuum. Has. Mergue. Insylvis. Pullow: Jan. 1835. Pollen aqua immersum Onagraoideum. Ex charactere "ipophrüeis accedit, staminib, petalorum numero ud LI Hiis. omnino Meliacearum, Zygophylleis afnis. 509 LYTHRACEA. LawsonIa. Lawsonia inermis. DXC. Fig. II. l. Bud. 3 2. Flower. . 3. Ditto magnified (4. Front view of anther. 5. Back ditto ditto. 6. Longit. section of ovarium. 7. Ovule. |... — a motion rapidly vibratory, 4 motion rotatory capable of . assuming the globular form. 1831. LAGERSTRG MIA. 1. Lagerstremia floribunda, p ANAR foliis suboppositis ovato-oblongis, glabris, flori- paniculatis, numerosa sæpius in cuique ramulo, . paniculis terminalibus ferrugineo-villosis ramosiss. — Cal. extus ferrugineo-villosus profunde, 18-sulcatus, sulcis sepalis oppositis nempe ab ejus nervo medio virginatibus majoribus, sulcis sinubus oppositis ad sinum prominentibus, 6- dentatus, dentibus reflexis apicibus in processum subulatum euntibus, Pet, 6, breviter unguiculata, limbo ovato pirato re- pando, sepalis alternantia. .. Stam. 00, inzequalia, pluriserialia, seriea externa e 6 se- palis opposita, longiore, discoloriaque, Filam. subulata 6 exterior declinatis, rubris, reliquis subascendentia, albidis. Ant - bilocul. long. dehiscentes, connectivo lato, 6 exterior -rubescent. Feliquo rn URN. Stylus declinatus stigma obtus Ovarium | dense villosum es EL cubus; loculis 6, tan- 510 LYTHRACE. tum completis, dissepim. 6, aliis parietalibus. Ovula 00 an- gulosa. Has. Insepibus mergue: August, 1834. Oss. It does not belong to the section given in DeCandolle, but properly to a distinct section. Cal longit. plicatus sulcatusque. Stam 6 exteriora majora. CBan. spec. Foliis suboppositis, oblongo-ovatis glabris. Paniculis ramosis, terminalibus ferrugineo-vilosis. Stam. 6 exterior eoque declinatis. Pet. primo pulchre rosacei, demum alba! 2. Lagerstremia parviflora, Pl. DXCII. Arbuscula, ramulis subteretibus brunneis cortice cracked, ramulis 4-gonis viridibus, angulis quoque ad margin peti- oli brevis desinent, fol. suboppositi basi minute stipulata, stipulis dentiformibus brunneis cordato-oblongis vel lance- olato-oblongis (superior.) infimis orbicular. subtus glauco- albidis minute reticulatis. Paniculis axillaribus foliis brevior vel subzequant. dichotomis. Pedicelli basi articulatis his florum 2 infimorum latera- lium bibracteolatis floribus suave odoratis. Stam. 00, breviora antheris luteis 5 longiore majoraque sepalis opposit, apice purpurascent. Anth. brunneis. Stylus albus bigeniculatus, stigma purpurascens . Has. Burmah. Bamon Sylvis: April “28th, 1837. PEMPAHIS. Pemp his acidula. oppositis subsessile fanol subobtusis, in 5 ceis, pilis adpressis subsericeis albidis, 1-nerviis, laribus solitariis pedicellatis albis, pedicellis basi brat foliis brevioribus. quA CP ERAS ETE Ee bI TIVE t e : 6. Pistillum long section. PEMPHIS, 511 Cal. subcampanulatus, tubo 12-striata, limbo 5-dentato sinubus 5 in dentibus productis ideoque 12-dentatüs vide- tur. Pet. tot quot dentes sinubus inserti subsessilia, lanceolato- sinuata repanda. Stam. inclusa medio tubo inserti, 12 ; 6 longiora sepalis, 6 breviora petalis, vel sinuum dentibus niii. Anth. bilocul, longit. lateral. dehiscent. Stylus filiformis stam. superans. Stigma capitat. Ovarium liberum breviter stipitat. l-locul. ovulis ascen- dent. placenta centrali afüxis. Capsula calyce fere tecta. Stylo stigmatisque persistent. terminata ad apicem circumscissa. Has. Mergue. In Ins. parv. flum. Palar: Oct. 1834. Lezi etiam in Ins. little cocos, et apud Amherst. LEPTOSPARTION. | Leptospartion grandiflora, Gr. Pl. DXCI. Lagerstroemia grandiflora Roxb. Itinerary Notes, p. 114, no. 193. Has. Bootan. _ Lythrariee, Pl. DXC. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes p. 296, l. Plant nat. size. la. Alabastru 2. Flower leaf « and bracteole. _ 3. Flower laid open. 4. Stamina lateral and front eges examinand.) 5. Anther posteriorly. 6a. Ovulum a. Ditto long section, ES . 512 TILIACEZ. 8a. Long section. 85. Embryo. Has. Affghanisthan. Aug. 11th, 1839. TILIACEA, CorcHorvs. Corchorus olitorius. -Herbacea decumbens pilosa, caulibus teretibus rubescenti- bus, foliis petiolatis cordato-ovatis serratis acutis, 5-nervis serraturis 1 vel 2 basilarib. aristatis, stipulis setaceis, floribus, inconspicuis luteis racemosis, racemis extra axillarib. 2-3 floris abbreviatis, bracteis setaceis binis cuique flori. Cal. 4-sepal. sepalis mucronatis, 3-1 nerviis, nervo | promi- nulis, | sinistrum quoad axis, nervis 2 prominulis lateralib. ideoque e sepalis 2 coalitis formatus. Pet. 5, unguiculata hypogyna, sepalis alternantia. Stam. 00, hypogyna basi in cupulam brevem coalita, filam. filiformia. Anth. biloculares longit. Stylus filiformis, fila- mentis duplo brevior, stigma capitat. 3 dehiscentes. Pollen. Ovatum leve ovarium 3-gonum pilosum, loculare ovulis 00, placentis axilibus affixa subpendula foramen hilum prope. Has. In ruderatis Madamaca Mergue: Sept. 1834. TRIUMPHETTA. Triumphetta NES. Gr. Herbacea tia stell mollis, foliis lanceo- lato-ovatis basi subcordatis, 5-nerviisque acuminatis duplica- to-serratis stipulis linearibus inflorescentia axillaris cymo082» cymis abbreviatis petiolis breviore floribus lutescentibus 7 teolis setaceis. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis linearibus patulis dorso pubescentibus apicibus mucronatis intus luteis apicis versus rubro-aura Ago ee CURRERE NEESIA, 513 Pet. 5 nuda, sepalis minora erecta linearia repanda unguibus pilosis. Stam. 8 hypogyna ima basi 1-delpha, filam. filiformia denta- ta (more pappi compositam.) Anth. terminat. bilocular. lon- git. dehiscent. Stylus filiformis stam. paulo brevior. Stig- mata 5 simplicia. Ovarium pilosum. Pollen ovulum leve hinc sulcatum 5-loculare, loculis 1-2 ovulatis foramen ad hilum. Has. In graminosis, Mergue: Sept. 1834 Spec. unicum adhuc tantum vidi, NEESIA. Neesie sp. . Fructus subrotundum, diametro sub 4-uncialis muricatus. (The murices or prickles are from angular areolations and are themselves angular) pedicellum crassum brevem terminans Purpureo-brunneus, loculicidem, valvis crassis lignosis aureo colore. Semina pauca angulo interiore basin loculi versus vel infra medium affixa ascendentia, oblonga, pressione irre- gulariter facialia, uncialia long. excluso arill. funic. Funieulus brevis in arilla carnosum lutescens crassum basin imam seminis more annuli cingentea ampliatus. | Tegumentum castaneum crassum coriaceo-induratum-sub- attilagineum, raphe linearis lata 3 completa ad apicem seminis (chalazam) in ramulos palmatim divisus ramulis and hilum fere eurrentibus. .. Albumen carnosum, lacteum copiosum. Embryo. Cotyled. magne accumbentes, albz foliaceze ‘long; radicula infera brevis: as broad as the seed, ‘Tempe 4-lineales 7 lines long. Haz. Ching Malacca Ninghull: Jan. 1845. BRowNLOWIA : Calyx inferus, tubo cylindrico, basi complanatus, 3-den- atus, dentibus 2 duplo majoribus e dentibus duabus con- Patis evidenter exorientibus. CENE EN d eU e HE P3 514 TILACEÆ. Petala 5, hypogyna oblonga. Stamina libera? hypogyna indefinita, 5 sterilia latiora inter fertilia et ovarium. Antheræ oblongæ biloculares, parce pilosa (pilis cellulosis). Pollen globosum. Endothec. cellulæ sed obscure discernuntur quia antheræ pagina interior mucilaginosa est. Torus ultra verticillos sepalorum petalorumque elongatus, apice ovarium e carpellis 5 concretis formatum gerens. Stylus l, Stigma 1. Carpella, triovulata, ovula horizon- talia. Aistivatio calycis valvata, petalorum imbricata. Oss. In hac planta, glandule hypogynz hujus ordinis in filamenta sterilia mutata sunt, sic natura horum glandula- rum evidenter monstratur. Diffect ab alis generebus calyce 3-dentato, excepta Chritianá, (ad quam accedis etiam carpellis pauce ovulatis, et facile separabilibus) et stigata unico. Hzc planta primum in Anglia floruit apud Sir Abraham Hume, Sept. 9th, 1831, quod celeberrimum Lindley missa fuit. VATICA. Vatica trigyna. Arbor 35 pedalis, trunco altius ramoso, cortice rugosa, ramulis subteretibus, lepidotis, squamis minimis peltatis, lace- ris subpubescentib. — Fol. alterna bistipulata petiolatis, petiolis utrinque p crassatis, oblongis breve obtuseque acuminatis basi Cor- datis coriaceis, supra glabris lucidisque subtus, ad nervum medium uti ramuli lepidoti-pubescentes, pagina ge dulis? lutescent. crebris stipata, nervis secondariis cons- picuosiss. et ad fere ad margines current. Glandulz vel peltatze dentatzque lutescentes, vel dicoloratæ integræ, subcapitate. Stipulæ caducæ cicatriculi oblique DIPTEROCARPUS. 515 Racemis paniculatis axillaribus, pendulis floribus ma- jusculis, albis odoris per ingratem. Pedunculi uti ramul pubescenti lepidoti, pedicellis calycibusque extus subveluti- nis. Cal. persist. 5-sepalus, sepalis ovatis patentib. inzequalibus, 2 exteriorib. paulo longiorib. obtusis, 3 inter acutis. Pet. 5 hypogyna, ovata, subconcava patente sepalis alterna, ‘Subacuta decidua, zestivat. convolutum imbricata. Stam. 00 hypogyna biserialia libera toro clavato inserti, flam. brevissima. Anth. basibus affixze membranacez, bilo- Culares, locellorum pagine exteriores longiores, longitud. sed praesertim apices versus dehiscent. connectivum in setam longissima anthera 4-plo excedent. product. post petalor. lapsum persist. oe crassissimus subconicus stigmata 3 simplicia sub- paten com superum liberum, 3-loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis, ovu- lis pendulis, foram. superum, tegument. ovuli 3 distinctiss. Has. Mergue. Ad summitatam Collis Pator altitudinis 600, .. 800 ped. Stylus omnino ovario conformis, stylus est nec ovarii . Prolongat. ob canali centralem inter stigmat. bases et lo- culos ovaria current. Torus pubescens. Tela stamina scabra. 1 Au genus proprium ob stigmata 3-stylumque. | | DI JIPTERACEJE : DiPTEROCARPUS. 3 _ Dipterocarpus grandiflorus, . Arbor excelsa formosa trunco 60 pedalia, apicem versus famosa, ligno duro, fluido resinosz fzeto. Ramulis compres- Sis petiolisque pubescentia brevi stellaria. Stipulis densissime Pubescent, apicibus pilis tone hispidis, cicatriculis obli- Petiolis S-uncialib. apices versus ma aiai; fol. ovato- 516 DIPTERACE. acuminatis basi subdeltoideis, coriaceis repandis glabra venis secondariis distinctiss. ad margines fere current. Inflorescentia spicato-racemosa, axillaris. Fructibus szpius solitariis (abortu) pendulis in pedunculis elongatis cicatricibus florum lapsorum notatis, maximis 5- alatis, 6 uncialibus, alis carnosis. Calyx fructus 5-partit. lobis 8, rotundatis abbreviatis 2, in aliis longissimis, foliaceis venosis rubris 5 unciales productis obtusis capsula apicem versus argenteo-sericeis l locular. l sperma. : Pedicellis incrassatis, capsulis immaturis bases versus tantum cavis apicibus crassissimis, carnosis, lata pyriformibus. Has. Mergue. In sylvis, elatioribus. Pator, arbor inter alissimos altus, oleum lignum præbet. Feb. 1835. SUNAPTEA. Sunaptea odorata, Gr. Pl. DLXXXV, A. Fig. V. Arbuscula frutexve, ramulis subcompressis petiolisque velu- tino-pubescent. Fol. altern. ovatis obtuse acuminatis integris glabris re- ticulatis, bistipulatis, stipulis, membranaceis, ovatis caducis. nflorescentia racemosa axillarisque vel paniculata ter- minatis. Pedunculis pedicellis calycibusque extus albido- velutinis. Bracteis caducis membranaceis floribus majus- culis, albis odoratissimis, in pedicellorum apices brevissimas subnullasque articulat. seepe secundis. Cal. ultra medium 5-partit. laciniis linearibus obtusis, veluti- nis reflexis inequalibus, per zestivationem valvatis. Pet. 5, lineari-spathulata uncialia medium infra 1-torta hypogyna caduce ob torsione genitalia obtigentia. Stam. 15-17, perigyna basibus dilatatis toro submonadelph biserialia. Filam, basi dilatata brevissim. Anth. membrana- ceo bilocul. longit. lateraliterque dehiscent. Connective in apiculum brevissime producto. | * ELZOCARPUS. 517 Stylus brevis filiformis apice dilatat. Stigmata 3, oblonga media sulcata in styli discum composita. Ovar. pubescens 3-loculare seminferum, loculis 2-ovulat. ovulis pendulis foramen supera, tegumenta ovuli distinctis. Has. In sylvis humidiusculis. Mergue: Jan. ` Anth. loculorum paginæ inæqualis, post dehiscent. pagin. dorso per paria arcte approximatis, 2 major. 2 minoribusque. . Pollen oblonga lve his sulcatum. Omnia Dipterocarpeo petalis, staminabusque perigynis et sstlvatione calycis valvata exceptis. Pet. æstivat. contorta dor flor suavissimus aromaticus. From Sunapto Gk. Jungo ; ob ovarium calyci adnatum. Habitus Vateria lanceæfoliæ, Roxb. Fl. Indica vol 2, p. 601. Ejusdem Icones in suppl. 4, t. 68. EL/EOCARPE/E. ELÆOCARPUS. Eleocarpe sp. Ramuli. teretes. Fol. longiuscule petioluta (petiolis utrin- que incrassatis teretibus,) ovato-lanceolatis obtuse acuminatis Brosse distanterque serratis glabris subcoriaceis, marginibus cartilagineis. ramulinis tantum. Racemis raminis exaxillis folior. lapsor. erectis 3-4 unciali- bus multifloris. Bracteis lanceolatis caducis, floribus nutantib. elegantissimis is, < Sepal. 5 lanceolata lineari decidua zstivatione valvata. ` Pet. totidem iis alternantia, apicibus profunde capillacea : incisis, parte integra hypogyna. Stam. biserialia circiter 30, toro elevato yelntiuo, pee inserti, libera serie externa fasciculata, f: Serie i Interna subdecandra, staminibus nempe,2_ utrinque fas- ce li cujusque. Filam. series externe brevia, interne 3-plo a, breve pubescent. Anth. lineari quadratz, brunneo- M apicibus bilabiat. dehiscent. bilocul. 518 ELJEOCARPEJE. Stylus subulatus, e 3 coalitis. Stigma simplex subacute. Torus staminifer repandus vel crenato-lobatus. Ovar. breve pubescens, 3-loculare loculis 2-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, foram. superum hilum prope. Fasciculis stamin. seriei exterior 3-5-andris, petalis opposi- tis in sinubus loborum tori inserta interiora, per paria sepalis oppositio! brunnescente, exterior albid. lab. exterius post de- — hiscent. apice setulas geresis. Alternation and situation of the parts of the flower, Pl. DXCII. Fig. II. a inner, 5 outer series. Has. Mergue. March, 1835. ZEstivat. pet. convoluti-valvata. Monocera. Monocero tricanthera, Gr. Arbuscula, ramulis subteretibus. : Fol. alternis stipulatis, (stipulis caducis cicatricula angusta, punctzformis) ovatis obtuse acuminatis serrato-crenatis, marginibus cartilagineis penninervis reticulatis glabris. Racemis terminalibus et axi'lis foliorum summorum sericeo- pubescent. foliis longior. Pedicellis basi 3-bracteatis? bractea anticum lanceolato- lineare laterali minimis setaceis, brunneis floribus inconspicuis viridescent nutant. Cal. 5 sepal. sepalis lanceolatis acutis extus sericeis, gestiva- tione valvatis. Ad anthesin inferne longitudinaliter fissure ad medium, carnosa. Cor. pet. 5, sericea prsesertim intus, sepalis conformia et medio clavato marginibus arcte incurvis, et concoloria, apicibus inciso-dentatis a medium supra erecta. jsti- vatione involuto-valvatis (marginibus involutis) discus glan- dulosus 10-lobus, lobis pilosis sericeis, staminaque Per paria sepalis opposita. = dep de s Stam. 00 hypogyna libera filam. brevissima sericeo-pilos?- HIBISCUS. 519 Anth. subulate longissime pilis longis subsericeis hispidissim. loculis inzqualiter connectivo in apiculo subulato apice tantum pilifero longe producto per anthesin extrorsum flexo, anth. bilocular apicibus hiantibus ob paginarum separatione, minutissim. hinc sulcat. Pollen (aqua immersa, ovat.) globosum lzve. Stylus subulatus glaber. Stigma simplex, acutum ovar. superum ovatum parce longeque pilosum, biloculare, loculis 00 ovulatis, ovula foramen conspicuum ad apicem ovuli, piloque subpropinquum ad apicem locul. spectans. tegumentum ovuli distinct. Pl. DCXIX. Fig. III. Haz. In aquosis inter fruticetes. Mergue : Dec. Jan. 1834. Anth. iterum examinandze subula an e loculo exterior? om- nino Orta vel e connectivo Monocera tricantheram. MALVACE. Hiniscus. l. Hibiscus vestitus. Arbuscula 20 pedalis formosa umbrosa. ^ Ramulis petiolis pedunculisque pilis longissimis subpungent. fasciculat. his- pidiss. fol. reniformi-orbicularia abrupte longeque acuminat. basi 7-nerv. subintegra scaberrime, stipulis maximis mem- branaceis, hispidiss. deciduis. mis terminalibus axillaribusque paucifloris, slabacte! bracteis binis oblongis membranaceis spathaceis obtect. flori- maximis nutant. luteis fundo atro-sanguineo. Invol. e foliolis 10 linearib. acuminat. intus subcarinat. Cal. profunde 5-partit. basi fere usque, sepalis acutis 3-ner- Vis, n oo convoluto-infundibulif. . Tubus stamin. a basi fere antherifer. 3n Signin 5 clavato capitat. atro-purpurea. P 5-locu- uw polyovulat. ovulis biseriatis. x Mergue. 1n sylvis Ins. Madamaca et Kullygyoon Borfera rara, Feb, 1835. 599 MALVACES. 2. Hibiscus heterophylius, Gr. Herbacea aculeis recurvis hispida, folia longe petiolatis caulinis palmatim 5-lobis, lobis lanceolatis nervis aculeatis ramulinis, cordatis vel caulinis similib. vel cordatis obsoleti 5, vel 3-lobis, multo minus acüleis asperis, stipulis magnis longe ciliatis dimidiato-cordatis. Involucri appendiculis lanceolatis e glandulosis 3-nervis, parte continua lineari-subulata breviorib. calycibus hispi- dissimis. Has. Mergue. In ruderatis Plateour : Nov. 1834. 3. Hibiscus sanguineus, Gr. Caulibus ramosis sanguineis? Parce pubescens. Fol. longe petiolat. petiolis adultioribus sanguineis, junio- rib. viridib. sanguineo colore maculatis tinctisque, fol. basi subcordato, senior palmatim 4-5 loba, junior. 3-loba per juniorem simplice, lobis lineari-lanceolatis serratis subglabris, venis primariis purpurascent. nervo medio basin versus ae uloso. Stipulis foliaceis linearib. floribus axillarib. solitariis carneo- ochroleuca, pet intra medium sanguineis pedicellis brevibus, brunneo-sanguineis. Invol. 10-phyllum foliolis lanceolatis carnosis rigidis sangui- eis. Cal. et 5-partit. extus hispidus laciniis ovato- la : . 9-nerviis, nervis sanguineis, spatiis interjectis viri- Stam per totum tubum sparse pallide sanguineum. Stylus apice palmatim ? 5-fidus, stigmato 5-capitat. ovarium. 5-locule, loculis pluriovulat. Has. Mergue. In aquosis. Ins. Kully Gewen : Oct. 1834. Sepalor. nervus medius paulo infra medium glandulam ova- tam longitud. sulcatam gerens, fol. adulta aliquando pnm H. cannabinis affinis sed caulis non aculeat. involucra foliol subglabra, et sepalis 3-nervia nec 1-nervia. ! DJ MINER VS ek REPE d HIBISCUS. 521 4. Hibiscus abelmoschus. . Hispidissima pilis pungentib. erecta foliis in petiolis longis Supra canaliculatis, palmatim 5-lobis, lobis oblongo-lineari- bus obtuse serratis, stipulis lineari-subulatis, floribus in race- mis terminalibus plurifloris, maximis conspicuis, nutantis, flavis, fundo atro purpureo. Bractez vel folia mutati sessilia multifide. Invol. 8- phyllum, fol. linearib. inzequal. Calyx spathaceus hinc fissus. Stam. numeros. per totam longit. tubi, stigmato 7-8 velu- .. tina an plura aterrima purpurea. .. Cor. campanulat, Ovar. extus piloso sericeum, 5-loculare, loculis pluriovulatis, ovulis biseriatis. Has. In humidis. Ins. Kully Gewen: Oct. 1834. Omnia Hibisci, sed cal. hinc fissus. 5. Hibiscus hispidissimis, Gr. . Caulibus erectis pilis pungentibus asperis, pilis albis, basi- .. bus tumidis rubris. | : : : e | Fol. basi cordatis 5-lobis, lobis oblongis, dentatis stipulis 1 linearibus, floribus axillaribus pedicellis apicem versus articu- avol: 10-phyllum, lamina interiora limbum oe inter se subconniventes. Cal. 5. partit. laciniis 3-nerviis, corollam expansam non vidi. Ovarium 5-loculare, loculis pluri ovulat. Han. Mergue. Ad littoram Ins. Kully Gewen, inter gra- mina: Oct. 1834. Tota planta limbo foliorum involucraque excepto pilis supra iptis, aspera pungensque. Folia diversiformia, interdum Grossularize referentia. | 6. Hibisci sp. Sect. Furcaria Herbacea erecta, 5-6 pedalis, caulibus teretibus (alter- atin linea pilosa,) parce aculeatis, folüs longe petiolatis Q3 4. 522 MALVACES. petiolis aculeatis pubescent. palmatim 5-partitis, junioribus 3-partis, lanceolatis, grosse serratis, acutis, marginibus ru- bris lobis lateralibus subbilobis, floribus axillaribus solitariis maximis formosus citrinis, tubo sanguineo, subodoratis. Stipulis linearibus. Involucr. polyphyllum, foliolis, lineari- | bus, acutis, intus ad apicem processum subulatum gerenti- bus. - Cal. 5-partitis laciniis acuminatis, 10-nerviis. Cor. campanulata, petalis ad basin fere discretis obovatis crenato-sinuatis, nervosis, "Tubus stamineus lj uncialis carnosus, ruber, glandulo- &0-pubescens, filam. libera facto breve subulata sepius -verticillata et 2 ex eadem puncto. Anth. reniformes bilo- cular. Pollen hispidum globosum. Stylus filiformis longitud. tubi stamin. Stigmata 5-capitata velvety atro-purpurea. Ovarium 5-locular, piloso-sericeum loculis polysperma. Caule herbaceo petiolisque aculeis curvatis, scabris, sti- pulis linearibus, foliis palmatis 5-lobis, junior 3-lobis, bi- locellis brevibus involucell. ` Culta circa Mergue: Sep. 1834. : URENA. Urena lobata, Herba ramosa erecta, scabriuscula, ramulis teretibus. Fo- lia longe petiolata, late cordata, 3-5 lobata, grosse dentata, B ovra sinubus latis, 7-nervia, utrinque villosa subtus l- an Pon rosacei terminalis in ramis lateralibus parvis foliosis. Cal. et involucr. foliola Wig oce ia Stam. deorsum spectant Ovarium pilis cellulosis bispid. demum muricatum. Stylus apice 10 radiatus; radio quoque stigmato capitato papilloso terminato. . Frequentur in + yl apricis et ad vias Amherst Moulmein : Dec. 1834, TEN Se ee ae ESL NAI Os 523 | zn | Sipa. Side sp. Herba erecta. 3-pedalis, caules flexuosi glabri paululum pressi. . Fol cordata profunde 3-loba, lobis acatis, centrali majore, juniora subintegra. 5-nervia subcrenata scabra petiolata. Pili breves fasciculati. Glandula cava ad basin cujusque fol. in nervum medium sita. Flores subcorymbosi conspicui lutei, intus ad bases san- guinei, Corymbi terminales, Involuc. sub 0, l-phyllum, dentibus 9-6, setaceis. Cal. campanulat. 5-dentat. sinubus latis, dentib. subula- tis, l.p ERU Cor. marcescens. Anth. reniformes l-locul. Pollen hispi- dum. Stigufa clavat. sulcat. Carpella szpius 4, glabra, polys- perma. Has. In ise et ad vias Moulmein: Dec. 1833. PaRITIUM. . Paritium tiliaceum. Frutex vel arbuscula, fol. longiuscule petiolatis cordato-re- niformibus brevissime acuminatis coriaceis, subtus pube adpresse albidis, venatione aggregatis, floribus racemosis majusculis citrinis fundo sanguineo. : Racemis paucifloris axillaribus terminalibusque. Bracteis ovatis membranaceis, pallide purpurascente. . Involuero persistente 1-phyll. 10-&idum. Cal. profunde 5- partit. Stigmata 5 hispida. Ovar. 5-loculare, loculis pluriovulatis. Cor. convoluto cam- anulata. Pollen hispidissimum. — Has. Ad littor. Ins Madam. cum Rhizophoreis, Mergue : 524 STERCULIACEA. Hereropyxis. Heteropyzis, Pl. DXCIV. Arbor parva: ramulis partibusque novellis, alabastris dense furfuraceosque armatis. ; Stipulis caducis linearibus pedicellis excedent, Fol. alterna brevi-petiolata ovata, vel oblonga, vel obovato- lanceolata obtuse et mediocriter cuspidata integra, subtus - ad venas et parce per paginam totam squamis peltatis ci- latis. - ^. Floribus solitariis in axillis foliorum lapsorum deorsum deflexa ideoque (secundi ramos.) ; Pedicelli petiolis paullo brevior angulata e bracteati. Alabastra initio involucro omnino tecta. Involuc. valva- tum diphyllum: dentus persistentes, per anthesin basi reflexa patens. — ' Cal. inito tubum obl conicum efformans apice 4-valvis, igum Į valvis demum per totám longitudine secedent. reflexo-revolutis intus pubescent. Pet. plura sepuis ut videtur tria, interdum 4, in sinubus cujusque sepala, lineari-spathulata angustissima, si 3, latera- lia minora, vena centrali predita, et quasi pellucido-glandu- losa, zstiv. erecta. Stam. 00, extima breviora castrata, intima majora com pleta subnovem seriebus intermed. grad, evolutionis com pletum cestendentibus. Filam. ima basin subcoalita subulata, ]-venia, Connectivum peltatum affixum, vasis tot quot pyxidulis evasi centali radiant. Anth. e pyxidis 1-7, sepius incompletis intimis 4-5-7, erectis e connectivo peltata, omnino discretis, apice P% centrali dehiscent, dente et minuto pubescent. im- Pollen globosum, 3-4, plicatum ? The outer coat os mersion appears to contract between the spaces or lines a% $ LÀ xe TEMPOS coa o LGEMOEO S Eres PER Ry a lk ee 772r AR ép E Mo) SR Mees D E EE LE AT ce Ge ae atthe Loc amr i uc du amare tes EIE CE 15, nh. of one placentæ in situ. HETEROPYXIS. . 525 which the inner coat is exposed, and this without any increase of size. Ovarium sessile oblongum, squamis longe pedicilat, pel. tatis pulchre fimbriatis omnino tect. 3-loculare, loculis 3-4 ovulatis; ovula si 4, per paria subcollat. si 3, par inferum ‘Impar superum ascendentia, anatropa. Stylus longitudine ` Staminum intimorum perfectiorum, sub ges ox stigma terminal. obscure 3-sulcatum. i Branch flowering, nat. size. l. Flower-bud just opening. 2. Flower-bud opened forcibly. ee 3. Flower, seen posteriorly. 4. In front, the genitalia removed to shew the petals and their common situation. 5a, Central petal. 6 6, 6, 6, 6. Various outermost effete stamens. 6a, a 1-Pyxidate stamen. 64, a 2-ditto. 6c, a 4-ditto. 6c, also back view of the same. 64, a 5-ditto. 6e,a 6-ditto. bifurcate. Gf, an 8-ditto. also composite shews the furrow and dis- position of the pyxide. 69,46 ditto. under pressure shewing its vascular fas- cicles, 7. Section, long of anther, 7a. Cells of endothecum. 8. Pollen in water. . 9. Ditto acted on by water. 10. Pistillum. .. 1l. one of the scales. . 12, Transverse section of ovary. 43. Soagitad. ditto, ditto, E M. Ovule. 526 STERCULIACE. 16, Long section of ovule, anatropous with two tegments and a À complete raphe. The fruit, like the flowers, seems to be rare at this season (October) at least; it is ob-obovate clavate, surrounded : at the base by the withered calyx corolla and stamens, . and is densely armed with conico-subulate, acute thorns, I have only seen small ones, the largest judging from . fragments would seen to be at least as large as a hen’s egg. Trilocular, by abortion of 1 cell, sometimes empty. Cells l-seeded ! Seeds oblong, cylindrical or flattened a little on the inner face, erecto-appense attached by a largish lon- gitudinal hilum to near the base of the cell, at this place the abortive ovule will be found. Arillus vascular very in- complete ; margin irregular. Raphe etc indistinct. The young albumen is so plentiful as to make me think that some will be found in the seed. Cotyledons foliaceous, (radicle inferior) broad diameter parallel to the axis of the fruit. Has. Malacca. In sylvis densis vie Ayer Punnus et Rhim; also here and there in the forests about Ching. Cua. Flores ochroleuco-albidi, aspectu elegantes, specimen desiccata cano albida, vivent. foliis supra atro-viridibus. Antherz si plura pyxidibus quam sex, e duobus stamin- coalitis conflat. testatur filament interdum apice bifurcum : the increased size of the filament, and its venation. Oss, It may appear paradoxical to associate with Bomba- cee, a plant which has a plurality of petals, not ever being always multiples of the calyx, discrete stamina, an stamens either sterile, or with from 1 to 8-pyxidal anther- cells, each opening by a pore at the apex. d But great as the dissimilarities appear to be, they — to exist upon examination. : In the last edition (2nd) of Lindley’s Introd. to Nat. Orders Bombacez are included in Sterculiacez, one of which dis- tinctions is 2-celled anthers, and in the enumeration of Uf. more prominent marks ofthe tube. — ^ 2 HETEROPYXIS. | 527 . Bombace are said to have a calyx with a ruptile de- hiscence. The first statement is an obvious error, the second will exclude Durio from the family. There is however an objection presented by the venation of the filament which may be of some weight. I allude . toits having only a single vascular fascicle when present- ing no traces of composition, such as furrow, or division. This having two fascicles, when it does present such, I con- _ Sider it to intimate that the union has been secondary, each - fascicle representing that of one phalanx. The fact of the coalition of the stamens taking place at all, ud leads me to doubt whether, whenever there is more than one . Pyxide, the anther is not composite. For the radiation of the vessel towards the pyxid is contrary to the usual ve- nation of anthers, and it would be consonant with the struc- ture of the family both as regards unilocularity of the an- s ther, and composition of certain of these. — There is nothing it appears to me in the petals, when More than one in number, beyond the deminished size of the lateral ones, to indicate, that the plurality arises from Xcessive and complete division of one lamina, but even. “us structure may be considered reducible to that of the family, the petals of which have many basilar veins, or se- Veral primary vascular fascicles. The composition of the interior stamina is further pointed by the corresponding increase in size, as we proceed vards the centre. From some appearances of part of the pollen when the Case is freed entirely from its contents, it is not improbable that its development is gradual, as has been observed by Brown in certain Aroidez, with not I believe, a very dis- ilar dehiscence of the anthers. It is to be remembered too, that the radiation of the vessels he connective is scarcely discernible in old specimens, at I find it in macerated specimens. 528 STERCULIACEA, That the petals are subjected to a process, the opposite of that which affects the stamens is probable, from the lateral ones being occasionally lobed, and from each series present- ing that gradual diminution of the size of the veins from the centre towards each side, that characterises the petals of Malvaceze and Cucurbitacee. The lateral ones also occa- sionally present oblique venation or such as 2 veins which is to a considerable degree incompatible with independent sim- ple organs, and certainly would be in this case anomalous; for all the petals being single and independent, should hare similarly organised vascular supplies, this also becomes pro- bable from their situation, for independent petals could not be so disposed without a greater anomaly than the complete divi- sion of ordinarily entire bodies. It appears to me not improbable, that this plant will lend some confirmation to the separation of Bombacine from Malvacez: the composition or enlargement of the Stamens towards the centre being remarkable, and the reverse of what might a priori be expected. - It will also turn out, perhaps, that the genera with fractuose anthers have highly compound ones, and such 4 form is very likely to arise from the cohesion of a num- ber of pyxidate anthers. Malacca, 1842. DURIO. 1. Durio zibethinus, Pl. DXCVI. Involucro diphyllo zstiv. valvato, foliol. concavis, coriaceis e basi subdeflexa: ascendentia erecta. Cal. basi insigniter depressus intus in annulam ampliat + tubo magno, breviusculo rotundato 6-gono: his sepalis dorsorum (4 down,) 5-partit. laciniis errectis, apicibus patentibus, estivat. valvata. i Cor. magna e petalis 5, late obovatis, convolute, when freed from the calyx, spreading, but still concave. Pet. 82- qe RUNE ROS" ee ee ee WERE DURIO. 529 guiculate, ungue crasso extrorsum, concavo. Phalangis tot quot pet. his opposita, eodem modo extrorsum concava, 8-10 filamentosa, filam lateral minoribus et breviorib. versus cen- trum gradatim ampliatis. Anth. externae 3-lobze, lobis subreniform basi lata confluen- tis et filamento peltatem affixa, loculis very shallow occu- pying convex edge of the lobes. Connectivum papillosum, if of 3 stamina, there is only 1 vase, fasc. to the filament which is radiately lobed above, con- nective if of more, the central ones which consist of as many as 9, have 3 vasc. fasc. to the filament and 3 empty alternate spaces, but these lacunze have no such arrangement in the un- .. guis of the phalanx. : - There, the outer ones are generally opposite the outer vasc. fasc., the others being few, or none in definite order. Gradation of vessels of phalanx 1-2-3-21-2.1. Each sepal has at its base, and its inflexed portion, a large Yellow secreting surface, occupying the whole of that part of the surface, There is great conformity between a transverse section of _ the claw of the patal and the base of the phalanx, and in the d former the central vein is obsolete, whence an argument in E. favour of the composition of the Petals. - Stam. 5-adelpha, in torum conoidem inserta, phalanx pe- 2 tal opposita 9, Pollen globosum paris 3-5? or plica 1? is Ovar, sessile in apicem tori ; conoidem oblong. 5-loculare, : p ws Squamis peltatis breve pedicillatis, his pedicellis in fruct. . *üplexicantur et murices fiunt, peltis deciduis, loculis 5, ovula Plura 5-7 sub biseriatim ascendentia, anatropa, foram. hilum ope in latus extern. ovul. Stylus crassus subcylind. Jéscens, longit. phalangium. Stigma capitat. luteum gs cat. Lacunæ mucilag. in stylum et ovarium. A voluc. with no external marks of composite alabast. Calyx apice valvata 5-sulcata, anthophore now very short. : R3 530 STERCULIACES. Petals convolute unguis distant. Its close affinity with Heteropyxis is now manifest, the points of difference are the tubular calyx, the undivided pe- tals all the filaments autheriferous, and 5-phalageal anthers with a marginal cell dehiscing longitudinally, and 5-celled ova ° The direction of development is precisely the same as indicated by the smallest lateral anthers of each phalanx, and the largest and longest towards the centre, and the concavi- ty of the base of the phalanx shews that the former are ex- ternal as regards the axis, the latter, internal. In both, the filaments only have l vasc. fasc. up to a cer- tain amount of composition, they then have two or three. The larger stature of the inner stamens which certainly is opposed to what might be expected, is characteristic also of Malvacee, but none of the plants of that family have such a tendency to composition of stamens, and it becomes worthy of enquiry whether the tubus staminifer of Malvacez is due to cohesion of the filaments below, or whether it is the basis from which they spring. Keenig’s description and figure are not altogether correct, though he gives materials for a more correct, generic defini- tion than has found its way into DeCand?s Prodromus, the differences which affect the degree of solution of the involucel, the base of the calyx, its distance from the insertion of the involucra, the size of the filaments and style, and their degree of stiffness, may originate from the extensive cultivation to which this species has been subjected. Konig has not understood the structure of the anthers, these he describes as mesenteriform. DeCand.’s definition contains two remarkable errors, Onè the calyx is naked, the other, petals smaller than the calyx. . A transverse section shews the nectaria to consist of hori- zontally attached bed of papillæ. : Has. Singapore. It is the Dorian of the Straits the odor is that of new milk, Malacca: 1842. .* DURIO. 531 The same Durio zibethinus from Mergue. Inflorescentia racemosa, racemis e ramis ortis verticaliter pendulis, furfuraceo-squamatis, squamis peltatis incisis, e cellulis radiata dispositis. Pedicelli 2 unciales basi articulati clavato-cylindrici. In- volucrum 1-phyllum integerrime, demum longitudinaliter;et ir- regulariter rumpens, deciduum, squamatum, infra calycem paulo. Calyx gamosepalus basi dilatatus ampliatus rotundatus- que, 5-6 fidus, laciniis ovatis subacutis, erectis zestivatione valvatis coriaceus argenteo-squamatus. Pet. 5-6 longe unguiculata, limbo patente obovata. albido ochroleuco, i Stam. polyadelpha, adelphis primariis 5, medium infra divi- 85, petalis oppositis partialibus inzequalibus antheras paucas in capitulis subsessilibus gerente. Connectivum maximum Carnosum, - Anth. I-loculares longit. dehiscent. marginibus ciliato-laci- niatas Pollen globosum, leve. Stylus longissimus basi in- crassatus supra basin demum deciduus, pubescens, pubescentia Composite, stigma magna aurantiaceum capitat. Ovarium densissime pulcherrimeque squamatum, squame 4-5 lobi, 5-locularis, loculis. pluriovulatis, ovulis ascenden- tibus foramen hilum prope, tegumentum distinctiss. funi- culus brevis, carnosa, crassa, foramen loculi fundum versus Spectat. Pl. DXCVI. Fig. II.a connectivum. AB. Circa Mergue cult. ob fructu. Tavoy copiosissima. Floret : Jan. 1835. Odor. florem subsuavis. 2. Durio Oxleyanus, Gr. l © Arbor habitu D. zibethini, ast inflorescentia magis e ra- mulis quam e rami. : Folia oblonga, breviter et obtuse cuspidata, coriacea, Seniora subtus pubescentia. acemi subcymiformes pauciflori. 532 STERCULIACE2. Involucr. diphyllum foliolis patente reflexis concavis. yx subspherica? urceolatus, uti involucra conspicue squamosus, 5-fidus, dentibus erectis. Petal calycem paullo superant. spathulato-obovata, erecta dorso pubescentia. Stam. irregulariter sub 4-adelpha, petalorum longitudine vix exserta, pauca. Filamenta ad medium vix coalita. Anthere simplices, consisting of a truncated columnar connectiv. round the margin of the apex and base of which is an entire rim of anther cell. Ovar. rotundum processubus compositis diversis in pedi. celis robustis, apice stellatim pilosis 5-loculare. Stylus columnaris villosus longitudine staminum. Stigma des- coid subtrigona. Fructus D. zibethina. Has. Malacca, Doorianua Dahown of the Malays. A very distinct species of Durio, cultivated by the natives. This, which I first saw in a collection presented by Dr. Oxley to Mr. Voigt, I have called D. Oxleyanus, in com- memoration of Mr. Oxley who has passed many years in the straits provinces and paid a good deal of attention to their vegetation. Malacca: Oct. 1842. 2 A. D. Zibeth. differt foliis, forma urceolata calyces, petalis parvis erectis, staminibus paucis, brevibus antheraram wem turam, ovario extus lamellosa, lamellis stellato-piligeri$» Squamuligeris, stylo brevi. HRiTIERA. Heritiera littoralis, Gr. Arbor humilis foliis obovatis obtusis, coriaceis, dee e subargenteo-lepidotis, stipulis caducis, paniculis terminalib. extra axillaribusque ferrugineo-velutinis, floribus inconspicuis parvis extus pallide ferrugineis, intus sanguineis. - Campanulatum extus ferrugineo-velutinum 4-dentat. dentibus erectis intus pilosis. ERIODENDRON. 533 Stam. monadelph in tubum? conica basi valde ampliata papillosa coalita, tubo stellati pubescente ultra antheres breve producto. Anth. 8 adnatz, 1-loculares longit. dehiscentes an 4-2 locülares. AM. Per. ut in mare. Rud. stam. 5 corpore linearia | Cariosa apicibus emarginata. 4 Style brevis. Stigmata obtuse. Carpella 4, 1-locular endo- carpio pubescente l-ovulat. ovulo ascendente, 1-2-3 demum Sepe abortientia. Carpella matura radiantia, foliacea, ventre triangularia orso convexa margine foliacio brevi repanda nervo medio infra apicem dorsi e liguliformem processum foliaceum ex- panso. Testa seminis immatura quam maxima fungosa. Semen angulo interior affixo, hilo linearis longo, exostom. super. hilum proximo Pl. DLXXXV, A. Fig. III. a exostom. icula supera! brevissim. Has. Ad littoram, Ins. Madamaca inter Rhizophoreas : March, 1834. ERIODENDRON. — Eriodendron anfractuosum. '. Arbuscula (junior) cortice viridi ramis cum trunco stricte Téctangulis, verticillat. fol.—? Floribus ante fol. vel in ramos nudos racemosa, racemis : E paucifloris. Pedicellis pedunculo 4-plo longiorib. teola Cal. Batter. subeequaliter 5-dentat. dentium marginib. | Sphacelat, erectis, intus medium infra sericio-pilosa. Pet. 5, lanceolata, basibus tubo stamineo accretis, cum is, lanceolato-gbovatis. snripeity æstivatione contorta. a anarotig filam. longe ou filiform. Anth, medio sion die. copnectiv. album, locu- p stris, 1-loculares. 534 ELATINACE, Stylus filiformibus parte tubo stamineo inclusu tenuissima, parte exsert. crassa. Stigmato 5 quarum 1-solitar. minus, 2- alis majoribus emarginatis e 2-connatis format. Ovar. 5-loculare, axis abortive, e carpellis 5 verticillatis, 00 ovulatis, ovulis angulis intrant transverse affixis, foram. hilum prope. Culta, circa Mergue: Dec. 1834. An vere adelphi exantheris 3-4 adnatis ? Kypia. Kydia jujubifolia, Gr. Pl. DXCV. Itinerary Notes, p. 108, no. 120. Has. Bootan. ELATINACE. ANISADENIA. 1, Anisadenia Khasyana, Gr. Pl. DXCIII. Fig. I. Calyx (fructus sepalus) sepalis imbricatis, lanceolatis scario- so-chartaceis venoso-strictis, 2 exterioribus inter medium et apices utrinque glandulis 3-capitatis longe pedicellatis ciliatis intermedio secus marginem externum eodem numero glandu- laris longitudinaliter stipato, 2 intimis magis membranaceis e glandulosis, subeveniis. The 3 exterior veins terminate in the glands! or at least at their origin. The intermediate sepal has only conspicuous veins on the glandular sides! the inner half resembling the two inner sepals, Corolla nulla. : Stam? monadelpha, alte connata in membranam persis- tentem capsulam amplei tentem 10-partitum, laciniis plano subulatis alternis majoribus, axi vasculosa donatis, alternis setaceis evasculosis. : . Capsula oblonga, apice stylos 3, basibus exceptis marcesentis coronata, abortione l-locularis, I-sperma, membranacea levi- POLYGALA. 535 ter sex-striata, indehiscens? 3-locularis, loculis uniovu- latis. The remains of a placenta, and two other cells each con- taining a single pendulous ovula, may be found towards | the apex of the fruit. 3 Semen unicum, pendulum, magnum, exalbuminos. Testa membranacea tenuissima, raphe in linearib. nec clavata, cha- laza inconspicua macula parva brunnea. Tegumentum interius crassum, carnosum albumen mentiens. Embryo inversus, viridis. Radicula supera brevis conica hilum prope. Cotyledones plano-convexiuscule, carnose, acumbentibus vel faciebus veris seminis opposite. Plumula inconspicua. Has. Legi fructifera tantum in rupibus calcareis inter Mam- loo et Churra Pungee Collum Khasyensium : Oct. 27/A, 1835. Itinerary Notes, p. 38. no. 623. a Seed viewed on its raphal face, b capsule, c seed, d abortive ovule, e long section of seed, f Embryo, g one cotyledon removed, A fruit, i ditto, 7 apex of a cell of the Capsule, k apex of capsula, / capsula and column of stamens, m portion of staminal column, n one of the innermost Sepals, o portion of outer coat with raphe, p intermediate Sepal, 2. Anisadenia pubescens, Gr. Pl. DXCIII. Fig. II. Itinerary Notes, p. 54, no, 833. POLYGALACEÆ. PoLyGALa. l. Polygala arrillata, Gr. Frutex 6-8 pedalis, fol. oblongo-lanceolata acuminatis . Tepandis deorsum curvatis. - Racemis nutantil Itidoris. Sepalo postico quam maxime gibbosa, quasi galeato, aurantiaceus. Ale oblongæ, dimid. su- perum, coloris sepali ,postico-inferum luteum. Carina lutea crista fusco-lutea, B 0b . POLYGALACE.E. Stam. 8, cupula hypogyna ovarii basin cingit. Capsula obcordato-reniformis, marginata carnosa, purpurea, bilo- cularis, bivalvis. Semen 1 cuique loculo, pendulum, arilla maxime cupulata superne fissa aurantiacea semen dimidio exsertum, globosum membrana duplex. Radicula brevissime supera. Cotyledones carnose plano-convexa accumbentes. Has. In humidis Cherra Poonjee : Oct. 11th, 1835. 2. Polygale sp. Pl. DXCVII. Itinerary Notes, p. 170, no. 867. (The anatomy only.) 1. Alabastrum. | 2. Flower. : 3. Do. one of the ale removed, 4 shews the insertion of .. one of the upper petals. . 4. Flower laid open longitudinally, ale and posterior sepal removed. 5. Carina and petals, or rather corolla, sepals removed. 6. Alternation of parts. 6a. Portion of the middle lobe of the carina or crest, some of the partial processes have no vessels. 7. Stamina. : 8. Pollen in the dry state. 8a. Do. in water. 9. Pistillum. 10. Ovary long section of, wall of one cell cut away- ll. Apex of style shewing the two stigmata. 12. Stigma from a young bud, 12. Some more advanced. 13. Ovulum. 14. Long section of pistilla, shewing the mode of fecunda- tion, one ovulum displaced, remains attached by the "d P d oyau. 15. Pollen with their boyaux. 16. Ovulum with a mass of boyaux. 2 l7. Long section of the ovulum shewing that the boyau reaches the nucleus, 17a. Do. 175. Apex of the nucleus, a XANTHOPHYLLUM. 537 18, 18a. Ovule more advanced. 185. Same longit. section. 19. Ovule more advanced. 19a. Longit section through E secundine and nucleus. 195. Younis embryo. 1 20. Very young ovulum. ` E 3. Polygale sp. Pl. DXCVII. Plant nat. size (not the E anatomy.) Caule basi subterete czeterum angulato virid. axes inflores- centia trigone. ` Calyx viridescens, ale rosaceze demum albidae fusco-venosa. Bractem ternze cuique alabast. fuscz caduce, flores ante anthesin cernui. Has. Burmah. In campis elevatis Carmein versus. Delvi ad Carmein : April 2nd, 1837. XANTHOPHYLLUM. Xanthophyllum eglandulosum, Gr. Pl. DXCVIII. Fig. IV. Arbor humilis, fol. exstipulatis oblongis coriaceis integris, acuminatis. Paniculis axillaribus terminalibusque. Pedicel- is basi 3-bracteatis, sepalis irregularibus, 5to postico, Pet. alba demum luteo-fuscescentia. Cor, 5-petala. Pet. 4 spathulata 2 superiore macula .. üürantiacea 5to (vexilla ?) carinzeformi. tam, 2 obtegente, villoso pubescente, late obovato marginato, stam. 8 libera, 6 petalis opposita adnataque, 4 nempe petalis, 4 superiorib. 2 petalo antico, 2 sepalis lateral 9pposit. Filam. complanato subulato pubescent. Anth. erecte - Pubescent, bilocul. longit. dehiscent. iscus perigynus sublobatus inter stamen ovariumque. ar. subglobosum, breve stipulat. stipite libero. ' E subulat. pilosus stigma capitat. l-loculare, ovulis "tib. placenta 2 lateralibus sinistrorsis dextrorsisque affixis foramen hilum prope conspicuum. Han, In sylvis Mergue: March, 1835. 83 . 538. : POLYGALACEA. 1. Salomonia parasitica, Gr. Herba pallide brunnea, 2-8 uncialis simplex ramosave. Fol. 0, sed squame lanceolate alterne pallide brunnee. Racemis densifloris spiczeformibus terminalibus floribus minu- tis albidis. Cal. inferus, 5-sepalus, sepalis subeequalibus ovato-oblongis oblongisve apicibus breviter ciliatis. Cor. 3-petala, pet. 2 lateralibus oblongis, acutis 1-nerviis ; infra medium tuboque stamineo adnatis, Pet. intermed, anti- cum naviculare cucullat. nervo l centrali genitalia fovens. Stam. 5 monadelpha hypogyna, filamenta unita in tu- bum, petalis adnata stylum amplectent. convoluta libera facta brevessima. Anth. terminales ovate 1-loculares, in- trorse, longit. dehiscent. Pollen magnum parcum ovatum. Stylus filiformis, tubo stamine paulo longior. Stigma cap- tatum. Ovarium biloculare. Glandula hypogyna brunnea hanc ovarium mies y : Ovar. bobeordat loculis l-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis calyce tecta. Capsula reniformis nuda nec cristato 9-locularis, loculis l-spermis, sem. pendula testa atra. Embryo minutus cel- lulosus, radicula brevi subobtusa, Hilo obscure, plumula in- conspicua; albumen carnosum. The radicle looks towards the apex of the ovarium, it is not turned towards the hilum. Pl. DXCVIII. Fig. V. Has. Mergue. In bambusaceis, Palar: Oct. 1834. Parasitica ad pedes Bambusarum inter decayed wood frequentius. 2. Salomonie sp. Herba erecta pubescens, 2-4 uncialis ramosa, caule racemis- que obscure angulatis foliis late ovatis mucronato-apiculatis in petiol. 4 i unciali d tih attennatic , rugosulis ciliatis. Racemis pesante floribus ntinutis lete rubris pee * ET. 539 i SALOMONIA. Sepalis ovatis unico majore emarginata. Alæ oblongo-obovatæ concavæ. Carinze lobi laterales rosacei medio aureo. E Auth. 7 an semper. — Capsula suborbicularis, compressa e EH , Has. Khasyah Mounts. Moflong Downs: Nov. 7th, 1835. 3. Salomonia sp. Erecta ramosa caule 3-alato, foliis breviter petiolatis cor- datis mucronatis repandis 5-nerviis, spicis terminalibus multi- floris capsulis cristata dentata, dentibus 2 gee a Cal. 5-sep. sepal. ascendent. i or. gamopet. irregularis seperne fissa, 3-loba, lobis 3 libu, oblongis intus pilosis, intermedio cucullato, T genitalia obtegente utrinque denticulato, dente carnosa. — Filam. dun e basin lobi medii corolle. Anth. sessiles os , 6, Lloculi. ,, Ovarium biloculare, loculis l-ovulatis, ovulis erectis. us subclavatus basin contortus. Stigma capitatum, an. In humidis arenosis Mergue. 4. Salomonia angulata, Gr. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. XVI. .. Herba pusilla, spithamea. Caulis ramosus 3-angulatis, sul- catis, Folia pauca, alterna, ovata, subsessilia, integra eum muerone glabra inferiora fere squamiformia, ces” spicati, minute purpuriæ apicæ multifloræ, terminales angulatæ. | : Sal. profunde 5-partit. sepalis linearibus acutis, ascendenti- SAN E ees 2 Cor. g gamopet, irregularis 3-loba, lobis lateralibus minorib. gis, — gd medio 'obtusissimo, caleeolariformi Jes m. creed dp 4 ovate, 1-loculares, vel 2, bilo- | Filamenta in tubum stylum amplectentem cota. iwa biloeul. margine cristato-dentatis, loculis l- pi stylus basi carvatus filiformis. e 540 ÆSCULACEÆ. Stigma subcapitat. Pericarpium margine utrinque cristato- dentatum 2-spermum 2-loculare. Semina ovata, pendula. Arillus. 0, albumen carnosum. Cotyledones plani. Plumula inconspicua. Radicula ad hilum versa. Has. In palude prope Moulmein: Dec. 1833. An nova sp. Salomonia angulata. Glabra erecta ramosa, caule ramisque angulatis sulcatis foliis ovatis, subsessilib. mucronatis, capsulis margine cristato-dentatis. JESCULACEJ. JEscuLvus. 4Esculus assamicus, Gr. Arbor humilis formosa, umbrosa, cortex ramulorum læ- viuscula grisea, tereticellis hinc illinc exasperula. * Folia opposita vel subopposita in ramis articulatim septena- tim palmatim composita. Petiolis commune spithauwei, vel ultra utrinque incrassata teretiuscula, Foliola breviter petiolulatim in apicem petioli articulata oblongo-lanceolata interdum oblongo-obovata cuspidato-acu- minata obtusa, irregulariter serrata glabra subcoriacea pulcherrime lucido rubro-punctata; v. secondarie cons- picue arcuate, sed non immediate confluentes, interveniis reticulatis. Racemi terminales paniculatum pedalis vel fere bipedales oblongo-conici, erecti inflorescente — centripet. Flores parvi. Cal. tubulos apice 5-dentatus dentibus rotundatis erectis æstivatione imbricatis erectis. Pet. 4 (antico deficiente) unguiculata, limbis rotundatis repandis albis 2 posticis ungues versus aurantiaceo-tinctis ; in corollam basi tubulosa irregularia subascendentim disposita. Stam. 7 hypogyna. Filam. subulata longe declinata. Anth. versatiles bilocul. longit. dehiscent. Connectivo lineare 427 guste, ci loculos breviter product, ` . * » i HIPPOCASTANEÆ. 541 Torus antica deficiens carnosus inter petala et stamina Situs, Ovar. pubescens, cylindracea, 4-angulata, 4-loculare, (vix semper obfructus semper 3 valvat.) stylus conicus brevis- simus, stigma simplex ovula pendula apices loculorum versus sita, in loculis solitaria ? tegmentis interioris apicem mammil- liform longiuscule exserta. Fructus oblongo-ovatus interdum obovatus, magnitude vari- us (the size of a duck’s egg) cernus, pedunculus crassus sub- Extus saturate ferrugineis verrucis caducis crebris vestito, apice mammillatis, 3-valvis coriaceis, intus celluloso-spon- giosis, szepe fili plures intus ad sunt hinc illinc, tactu saponacea . . Ovula abortive serentes. Semen maxim. fructus cavitata exacte replens, extus tactu SAponacea,. Testa cinerea, levis, (hilum oblongo-lineare ma- deg Ximum saturatum castaneo-brunneum, lucidium), crassa, intus | A brunnea, ligneo coriacea intus membrana tenuiscula castaneo- . . brunnea adherente vestita. .. . Cotyledones sem. exacte replens, in unicum connat. teg- .. Menti adnate. — Radicula omnino externa, inter canalem 1l cotyledonum recepta, curvata magna, apice hili basin angus- > tatæ respondente, tegmento non adherent. . Plumula inconspicua. Has. In regione assamica alta in humidis habitat. Vul- gatim occurrit ad ripas rivuli Monmoo Negrogam prope. = Foliolis septenalis lanceolatis oblonga irregulariter serratis, . Staminibus declinatis corolla 4-petala longioribus, fructibus Odlongis, ferrugineis verrucosis. HiPPOCASTANEZE. - Hippocastanee sp. Í Flores racemosi parvi vex conspicui. Racemi in panicula m vel ultra erectam a basi ad apicem florentum conicam vd, * lignosus, obsolete squamatus terminalis, 4 loculares, l-sperma. - kd 542 . SAPINDACE®. å Cal. tubulosus, apice 5-dentatus dentibus rotundatis æsti- vatione imbricatis erectis. Pet. 4, hypogyna sepalis alternantia, corolla basi tubulosa, irregularem subascendentem disposita, unguiculata antico deficienta, limbo rotundato repando alba, 2, postica præsertim ungues versus, aurantiaceo-tincta. Stam. 7 hypogyna, filam. subulata longa declinata alba. Antherze versatiles biloculares, longitud. dehiscentes connecti- vum lineare angustum ultra loculos in processum brevem. obtusum product. Torus postice developed crassus carnosus antice deficiens inter stamina petalaque. Ovarium pubescens aspectu cylindraceum 4- angulatum, 3-linearum longitud. | Stylus conicus brevissimis. Stigma simplexi 4-loculare in septis cruciatis. Ovula pendula, apicem loculorum versus sita, ovarii situs ovulifer decoloratus brunneo-pallidissime tinctus, l cuique loculo, unico tantum fecundato, orthotropa, apice secundinii celluloso mammillato longiuscule exsertum. Arbor mediocris formosa. Fol. pulcherrime lucida, juniora rubro-tincta, palmata obovata serrata. Panicule erecto conice. Pl. DLXXXII. Fig. 3. Has. Upper Assam. Legi primum apud. Selani Mookh: . 1885, vulgatim occurrit secus ripas rivulorum humi- dorumque. Suddyum circa presertim fluminis Manmoo. SAPINDACEA. ' , CARDIOPTERIS. Cardiopteris hamulosa, Pl. .DXCVIII. Figs. I. H. Ul. Flores polygami. Hermaph. sepala 5, basibus coalita ovata xr inciso-ciliata cestivatione imbricata. tala hypogyna rotata profunde 5-pa laciniis. S Pa sepala excedentibus venosis sub Eu sestivatione imbricatis. : rtita, - Stam. 5 libera epipetala filam. brevia sinubus laciniarum corollharum insert. Anth. erectze biloculares longitud. dehis- centes, sub introrse# cellule fibrose sub obsolete. Pollen leve. Stylus lateralis curvatus brevis, stigma capitato-peltatum in corpus oblongum papillosum emarginatum. Ovarium conicum basin ampliatum 1-loculare, 2-ovulat. (an 3 interdem.) Ovula pendula ab apicem loculi. Stigmatis basin aa tegumentum unicum exterius. . Cal. ut in hermaph. Tw) 0. Ovar. ut supra tenuissimum vasculare foramina ante anthesin inconspicuo hilum prope foraminatum. Nucle- US inversus quoad tegument. ^ Capsula bialata, alis corporibus 2' unitis (stigmata abortiva . Alterantibus, linea clavata iisdem utrinque opposita (an . loculi abortientes.) : Corpora cellulosa apicibus breve mucronatis, vasor. fasci- : -culis binfs donata. +» * i Orulo dimidium maturato, cavitasin nucleo centro ad est. . Nucleus cellulosus laxus cellula cuique Nucellus grumosus centralis, ` Flores expansos non vidì. Alabastra hermaphrodit. sub bosa fzemin. ovato-conica. E June, 1835. : e Same, B eds ovato-obcordata breve stipitata, calyce 5-sepalo Persistente stipato, emarginata valde compressa bi-alata bi- Carinata, carina nempe obtusa utrinque in alis alternante, Sicca, l-locularis margine alarum incrassata, carinisque in Mipiteg. &ecurrentibus. . Semen unicum pendulum ex apice loculi ope fovigula bre- vis, pene compressa, pluri gramineo haud ab simile, angulata p ide, Eos simplex membranaceum tenuissimum, albu- “en aricte vestiens et vix separabile, fasciculis vasorum pluri- US ad apicem usque currentibus. CARDIOPTERIS. 543. 544 SAPINDACE.R. ^ Albumen copiosum corneum per oleosum tegumento con- forma. , Embryo in axi albuminis antitropus. Radicula teres longissima subacuta. Cotyledones lanceolate foliaceze trinerves, nervis utrinque prominentibus lateralibus paulo abbreviatis faciebus interns contiguis. Plumula Stick df vix punctulum formans. Fig. I. l. Female flower of Cardiopteris hamulosa, opened arti- ficially. . 2. Do. Ovarium, Style aod Stigma. 3. Do. opened shewing ‘one pendulous ovula. | 3a. 4, Do. various views. 5. View of Stigma and the two modified styles. 1. Alabastrum of hermaph. flower. . 2. Do. opened. A 6. Introrsous view of Stamen. 7. Ovula one of which is becoming abortive. Fig. II. l. Female flower-more inat 2. Do. its ovula. 3. Ovula in a younger state. 4. Ovulum in situ. (more advanced), with put of the Ovarium and the Style and Stigma. . 5. Same ovule, a, exostome. 6. Immature fruit from which the above was taken. Fig. IH. 1. Somewhat advanced ovary (of a female ower). 2. Mature carpella. > Transverse e aeetion of fruit. 6. Ditto of CARDIOSPERMUM. 545 4. Longitudinal section of seed before it has been placed in the ground ; embryo much too distinct. 8. Seed after having been planted. 8a. 9, Embryo of ditto detached. Oss. It is remarkable, that a short time after the fall of the Corolla, the foramen or what seems very like it is opposite the hilum, the ovule presenting here a decided aperture, the mar- gins of which are truncated, while projecting beyond this is a remarkably fine membrane, which I consider to be primine, and external, although it is difficult to prove this at this stage of its development. Examined at a later stage the ovule will be found to be curved on its own axis, the integument at this period appears to adhere to the body of the nucleas in Small nipple-shaped processes which appear hs indicate the normal number of ovula to be three. ' It is most remarkable that in apparently perfectly develop- E. ed seeds, during the dry state, I have not been able to trace, Any vestige of embryo. The albumen presents a slight dif- . Terence in its tissue along the middle line ; but this is scarcely | . &ppreciable. The annexed drawings of the embryo were ade from 2 seeds that had been placed in the ground some time, = Gan there be some plants which may be truly called Cryp- tembryonez ? The testa is considerably a the cords running along ne angles or eminences, they are dr composed of ducts ich however are unrollable. There is a curious but rather strong resemblance between Tu Outside of the testa and the saute as will be Seen looking at the sketches. : affinitas, habita Caines (Sapindacearum) cujus familie exemplo unico Stigmatophyllo aristato etiam affinis est. Vidi Bot. Reg. t. 1659. Roxb. Hort. ». 94, sub nomine Banisteriæ auriculate T3 it, structura fructus et embryonis Hiree (Malpighiacea- | - * 546 SAPINDACER. 2. Cardiospermum Halicacabum. . Flower of very irregular structure, and*rendered still more difficult by dislocation. Sepals 4, in reality 5, the two lowest combined into one, as is evident by the rudimentary central veins when com- pared with its opposite single one; these are anterior and posterior, the two outside ones are very small. Petals 4, that which would be opposite to the compound Sepal being wanting, the others are normally situated, eacht being provided with a scale on the inside, two of which have a greater tendency to pass into stamens than the rest. Fertile stamens 8, disposed nearly in two phalanges, of these 5 are opposed to the, sepals, three are opposed to the compound one, two belonging to it, the middle one to the petal wanting. The remaining two are opposed to the lowest ' petals, or those between the compound sepal and the lateral ones. The two remaining to complete the series will be | found in the shape of two minute teeth opposed to the two remaining petals, Carpellary leaves three opposed to the wanting petal, and those two which have no fertile stamina. Alternation and situation of parts, Pl. DXCIX. Fig. Hr d, Abortive Stamens. E c, Sepal. | 1, Petal with its scale. a, Compound. À system of compensation is visible. The stamen opposed to tlfe wanting petal is most developed; the two petals whose scales have the most antheriform tendency have none but tooth- like stamina, And if the situation (given) of the carpella ` be correct, we have them developed opposite those parts which “are most deficient. ` 7 .. Littleis known of the nature of these and other scales, if they represent a series of stamina, then the outermost series — a EUPHORA. 547 is "obviously wanting. In this case the number of stamina will be 20 . Again if the carpella invariably alternate with the inner row of stamina, another :series is wanting, which like š the outer, would be opposed to the sepals, and will be 25. l. Sepals. P^ 2. Petals. ES. Stamina—wanting. 4* Stamina—Scales. 5. Stamina—developed 6. Stamina—3, developed, 2 eee $ Bolus arta: 8. Carpella—3 developed. A tendency or relation of analogy is presented to a Poly- Sanous formation. Puddo river.: Sept. 10th, 1837. r EUPHORA. Euphora exstipulatis, Gr. Arbuscula elegans 2, 5 pedalis. Ligno duro ramulis petio- lis petiolulis. nervis mediis subtus ferrugineo-rubiginosis, fol. alternis exstipulatis 5, 6 jugis cum impari, fol. oblongo-lanceo- is acuminatis repandis subtus ferrugineo-pubescept. pubes- cente stellar vernatio conduplicat. fructibus racemosb-panicu- latis (paniculis axillaribus) globosis cerasi magnitudinum, extus Pubescente stellarum minutissime velutinis. Capsularibus l- tocular, ]-spermis. Semen baccat. lateri fructus affixis, hilo lineari 14 lineali para baccata an testa an arillus, evasculosa gelatinosa mem- : interior tenuissime nervosa. à 'otyledon. crassissime carnosz fusco-lutescent. auticz Ostiezeque quoad exin. pu. inclusa hilo obversa barbata. * 548 SAPINDACEJE. Plumula inconspicua conica subabuluta. Sapor teste inegra- tus acidus. Has. Mergue. In sylvis colloris. Pator prope basin. Feb. 1835. flores non viridi. Ons. Testa secus. hilum langitadtnaliter sulcata tinea a radiculæ basi ad hilum cotyledones. notat. Pars baccata testa est ob cohesione cum membrana vascu- losa interna, ob cotyledones hóc membrana tectze nec mem- brana propria, ob ejus continentata fructus fructibus Lttchi certe affinibus. Dapon#a. Dodonea pentandra. Hermaphrodita viscosa. Fruticosa ramulis angulatis foliis breviter petiolatis obovato-lanceolatis obtusis, sub integris marginibus revolutis. Paniculis terminal. racemosis foliorum circiter Jongitudinis, floribus sub cernuus pups 2 in ramulis quoque panicula inconspicuis TE Cal. 5-sepalus. Stam. 5 subsessilia sepalis alterne ovaria cater. Stylus brevis stigma exsertim emarginat. utrinque longitud. 1-sulcatum. fructibus inflatis, 2-alatis 2-locul. loculis 1-spermis. Sem. rotundis pendulis. Radicula hilum prope. Cotyledo- nib. more helicis tort albumeno. Has. Mergue. In littoribus arenosis: Oct, 1834. SAPINDUS. Sapindus rubiginosus. Arbor ramulis petiolis ped li ferrugineo-p pubescent. fol. alternis pinnatis 6-jugis (foliis. terminalis | interdem abortient. ) foliolis oblongis acuminatis repandis [egeo Lt E obeunt, impunetatis petiolulis ferrugineo-pu? be - SAPINDUS. 549 < Panieulis terminalibus sub racemosis, ramis divaricatis floribus parvis, inconspicuis suaviter odoratis. Cal. 5-sepal. sepalis rotundatis valde inzequalib. 2 exterior minoribus. , ? : Pet. 4 hypogyna breviter unico unguiculata sepalis alternan- ' tia obovata concave basin versus ciliata laminata, lamina intus medium versus densissima barbat. medium supra constricta, Stam. 8, hypogyna hinc dejecta filam. sublatis villosissium, Anth. bilocular, longit. lateraliterque dehiscent. Pollen obsolete triangulare. ` ' Ovarium superum forme corporis centralis pilosi tunque Tudinem. Petalum inter sepala 2 inferior si 2 exteriore (uti videntur) recte sinistraque sunt abortiens. Torus superne vel postice in glandulos alba sub lobala pro- duct. Ovarium extus sericeo-pubescens, profunde 3-lobum. Stylus filiformis inclusus apice 3-fidus. Stiguhata 3, acuta 3-loculare loculis oblique ascendentibus, l-ovulatis, ovulis ascendentibus foramen hilum prope fundüm locul. versus Spectans. b Has. Mergue. Ancutta : Nov. 1834." Oss. The two smaller sepals*in the bud are anticous and Posticous, the petal corresponding to the two right sepals is Wanting. The shorter stamens, are anticously situated, the Whole of them with the ovary or its rudiment is pushed down - by the development of ‘the torus posticgusly, the hairs of the lamina of the petals and of the stamens resemble closely Some ‘forms of dotted ducts. The pores, or adhering granules are very minute and require a high power to define them clearly, The ciliæ of the’ petals are similarly formed, but = Pores sare less highly developed. According to Caifi- Sedes the anticous petal is wanting. Mus ee dic NsPusLiUM. Nephelium malaiense, Gr. Ramulis, pauiculis foliisque subtus ferrugin. pubescent. E * * 550 SAPINDACEE. petiolis flexuosis, foliolis 6, 7 alternis lanceolato vel ovato- oblongis, accuminatis coriaceis supra atro-viridibus venis 2-dariis distinctis ramulis transversis nexis. Floribus fasciculatis fasciculis racemosum, racemis pani- culatis dispositis terminalibus. , Pedicelli breves. Calyx basi planus sepalis erectis subæ- qual. late ovates breve ferrugin. puberul. Annulum breve evoluta pubescens inter sepala et stamin. in hoc (outer edge of petal) inseruntur. Pet. valde inzequalia utrinque sed. presertim intus villosa, barbata breviter unguiculata spathulata vel obovata sepalis paullo longior. Stam. 8-intra annulum insert. Filam stricte petalor. lon- gitudine albo-pilosa. Anth. erecte basin affixe bilocular. longit. dehisgentes. udim, fem. pubescenti-pilos. central. stigmata 2 sessili loculi 2, ovule abortive. FI. penen mari similis sed stam. quamvis antherifere, forsan effzete sunt. ,, Ovar. ferrugin. pilos subdidymz, stylus brevis pubescens apice bicrus, cruribus patentibus, interne stigmatosis, ovula l-cuique lobo vel loculo ascendens anatrope foramen in- ferne spectans latus rapheos placent. proximum arillo car- nosa. Has. Malacca at Malim [d ee. or Nepheli s sp. Malay name Matakuching. ' * + 1., Sapinadeæ sp. Pl. DXCIX. Fig. E . Arbor. ' Folia i impari pinnata. Fructus racemosi oblongi ovi magnitudine, extus processu- bus conicis angulatis, supra in stylum productis echinatissime pia crassum, intus subviscosum, , endocarpium album lucidi | chartaceum vix separabilum 1-loculares. oe a EES * SAPINDACEÆ. 551 Semen unicum cavitatem fructus implens, magnum erectum, (hilo lato) sessile. . Arilus carnoso-baccatus crassus albus, teste, apicem hujus exceptum insuper qua apertus, est, arcte adhzrens, acidus. -Tegumentum unicum, lignosum, venosum, fragile apice -8phacelatum, intus spongiosum et membrana vix separabili Sponte vestitum, albumen nullum. : j Embryo magnus, inversus, radicula supera brevissima ob- tuse. Cotyledons crassissimæ carnose. Plumula subinconspicua. i; l. Fruit natural size. . 4 2. Do. section longitudinal, @ epicarp, 6 endocarp white _ glistening, surface irregular, c fleshy baccate white aril- lus, d covering of the seed, e sphacelated micropyle, f embryo. j 3. Seed separated. i 4. Do, arillus detached, a micropyle. ' * Smoryo, i 6. Cotyledon radicle and plumula. . HaB. Burmah, In cola mont. Bamo propinq. orientem | Versus : May Ath, 1837. " Mut S Dh teas ae 2. Sapindacee sp. Pl. DXCIX. Fig. II. Itinerary Notes, . P: 02, no. 163 d Has, Bootan. A TERNSTRCOEMIACE/E. ` General Remarks on the Tea Plant. — j " The aspect of the specimens of the Tea-growing plant of nina in ny collection, is so different from that of the Assam ‘nt, that I was naturally led to enquire, (so far as my ne Would go,) whether the Assam plant is identical with ot China or not. pen e * e little Dem buds, - 552 TERNSTRÆMIACEÆ. With the view of determining this point I have examined a largë collection of the Assam plant, made by Mr. Masters, a tolerably complete series of flowering specimens of the China plants cultivated in. Assam, from the same gentleman, specimens of the Tea plant cultivated in Chusan which are only in bud, and lastly the living plant as it exists in the garden. of the estate of Pringitt near Malacca. - The following are the principal differences of each of the above :— Assam plant: : ui large, parts Stank, leaves very large, very acuminate or cuspidately acuminate, occasionally acute, in the dried state blackish, and not of a leathery appearance. Leaves of the calyx smooth, except the margins which are ciliately pubescent, veins of the petals complete, ovarium quite smooth or slightly pubescent. Branches of the style dilated at the apex. Radicle of the embryo small, and plumule large. China plant cultivated i in Assam.—Stature smaller and much more contracted. Leaves ‘much smaller, obtusely acuminate, and of pale leathery appearance, leaves of the calyx ciliately pubescent, ovarium densely silky-pubescent. The Chusan plant, is very dwarf and contracted, leaves small, obtuse or obtusely acuminate, blackish and not of a leathery appearance, leaves of the calyx ciliately pul Ovarium densely silky-pubescent. The living plants at Pringitt.—Stature continkied and Len ves very small, always obtuse, generally emarginate, light, green, of a leathery appearance. | Leaves of the calyx pu- bescent. Connectives of the anthers broad and emarginate, ovary densely sericeo-villous. Branches of the style. dudila-- ted at the apex. Cotyledons unequally auriculate at the base, one of the auricles covering the apex of the large je cle, plumule small, ll agree in the nodding direction of the fiue the: Facta of the pedicels, the three-celied ovarium with 4 ovula to each cell, the tipai style, and the ome CAMELLIA. | 553 Although, a$ I have said, the Assam indigenous plants have a very different appearance from those Chusan, to which however they approach nearer than to the others, there are perhaps sufficient gradations to explain away several of the differences. But whether this. will apply to the uniformly large, acuminated, and not unfrequently acute leaves of the Assam plant, to its smooth, or nearly smooth ovarium, is ` . more than I would venture to pronounce; and I would be equally reserved, regarding the pubescence of the calyx, the undilated ends of the branches of the style, and the con- Sequent punctiform line of spathulate stigmatic surfaces, the unequal auriculation of the cotyledons, and the i inversion Er. in size of the plumule and radicle. „There can be no doubt that if specimens of each of dis . above, (excepting perhaps the Chinese plants cultivated in . Assam, and the Pringitt plants, which are much alike), Were to find their way into an Herbarium, and were not known to belong to a genus that has been cultivated from time immemorial, they would be admitted to be distinct by es majority of Botanists. i : CAMELLIA. 3 The Genus is divisible into two Sections. PD "Tug. Calyce minus imbricato. Gemmis laxe et pauce Squamatis, - CaMELLIA. Calyce imbricato in petalis gum abiens. C Gemmis ; imbricatis. „l. Camellia (Thea) Bohea, Pl. DCI. Fig. I. A^ , Flores in axillis solitarii, pedicellis petiolis duplo fere erar ibus, deorsum; curvatis mcr Ei inter medium l. . imbricatus sub Jipii quarum 2i internis intimoque eris, 3-4 plo eae valde concava. j ; v3 554 '" TERNSTR(GMIACE.£. Pet. 5 rotundata, concava 2 exterior magis sepalina, dorso viridi-rubescente interior omnino alba. Pet. 6ta interdum intimo minore. Stam. 00, zstivatio flexuosa intima subinflexa. Filam. su- bulatis interiori breviora robustiora. Anth. subquadratz. Con- nectivum carnosum latum basi medium usque quasi fiss. filam. in fissura parte inferior affix. Anth. locul. marginatis, centro dehiscent. Stylus robustus ad medium fere ex apicem 3-sulcatus stamen longiorib. paullo brevior, apice 3-radiatus, radius centro suleatis, sulco stigmatosa et apice suócapitat. stylus infra medium pubescens. K Ovar. infra med. sulcato-angulat. sericeo-pilosum presertim apice toro glanduloso insidens, ovula 4 perparia collateralia superposita, raphe superi infera, inferi supera, foram. cons- picat axin a ede la castaneo-brunnea basi i nune e sepalis 5 inblicitis dlak: rotundatis subcoriacea, parietibus cras- siuscule 3-locularis, rounded 3-lobed. Semen } cuique lobo, subglobos. castaneum glabrum Leve, hilo magno,rotundato, hinc foveolis 3 ob pressione ovu- . lor. abortivor. supra mammilla, minute. Testa e lamellis 2 extus castan. osseum, intus albidum coriaceo-carnos. vascular layer interjected. Tegument. interius tenuiss. membranaceus. Cotyledones hamis pherici, radicula inclusa ob auricul. dtr: hilum latus inferius spectans. 1. Branch natural size, la mature cauline leaf. 2. Flower in front, 14 bud back of. 3. Do. laterally, 4. Anther back. * 5. Do. front. . 6. Do. obliquely. 7. Pistillum. 8. Apex of style and the stigmata. 9. Ovarium, 1 cell laid open. * : tea * M CAMELLIA. ; 555 10. Transverse of do. Il. Ovulum under slight pressure. 12. Disposition of two of the ovules of a cell. .44. Seed. 15. Hilum, face of do. the dots are the impressions of the barren ovula. 16. Long section of seed, a outer coat of two layers, one hard and bony, the other cellular coriaceous and vas- cular, 6 excéedingly fine envelope to the seed, c coty- ledons, d radicle. 7. Half an embryo, i. e. one cotyledon removed intended to shew the auriculation of the cotyledons. 18. Do. part of cotyledons separated, these are unequal at .. the base and one is subcucullate. This drawing was made while making a comparison be- tween the Assam and China Tea plants, and was taken from living plants in the Pringitt garden. — The disposition of the placentze and ovula are curious, the former are confined to the middle of each cell, being produced outwards into the centre of the cell, ‘and bearing. on its apex two ovules; the upper one erect, and lower pen- dulous. The raphe of both ovula is on that side of the ovulum hext the parietes of the cell. . The result when both ovula are matured, is that two ana- . opous seeds of which one is erect and pendulous, have the | .. Tadicles pointing exactly towards each other. | um BS. Tbe Chinese plants cultivated in Assam, preserve most ; | — `~ 13. Fruit, rarely so perfect as this. pe Of these characters, especially the coriaceous, scarcely acumi- = Rate leaves, and pubescent ovary, and non-dilated stigmatic : 8 They tend to pass into the Assam one in elongation, smooth ‘Sut ciliate sepals and length of style. , the Chusan specimens have the dwarf habit, but the * àre not more coriaceous than those of the Assam spe- >» * 556 TERNSTREMIACES. cimens, some also tend to be lanceolate acuminate, but still retain their bluntness, the calyx is not even ciliate. The permanent points are, curved pedicels annulate about the centre, blunt leaves, this tendency seems to disappear in the Assam plants. especially those which are caudate acuminate. The plant from which the above is taken has been in- troduced into Pringitt’s Garden, it there forms a densely branched rather ragged shrub of 3-4 ft. in height. » The leaves are very coriaceous serrated subacuminate, patent recurved convex above, margins subrecurved. The length is equal to two breadths ; flowers solitary or two axillary nodding subsecund, pedicel annulate articule about the middle, with one bractea above. Calyx shortly pubescent, and ciliate, corolla separating. with the stamina, adhering, but separable without laceration. Bud-scales sericeous, perhaps not exceeding 3, much like a leaf, vernation conduplicate margin once involute. The differences between it and the Assam plant are in habit, all the parts being here approximated not distant: small, very coriaceous scarcely acuminate leaves, a less bracteate pedicel, pubescent calyx, pubescence of ovarium. Emarginate connective, stout and shorter style, stigmata punctiform at the apex of the branches. irection of the ovula, non-auriculate cotyledons, and non-included radicle, long radicle, and small plumule. In both the pedicels are annulate, not articulate, the an- nulus arising from the scar of 2 confluent bractes which in the Tea open spathiformly. Pl. DCII. Fig. II. Assam indigenous Tea Plant. Stature large, parts distant. Leaves very large, in the dried state black and not of a leathery appearance, very acuminate or cuspidato-acuminate occasionally acute, flowers axillary nodding, pedicel of expanded flower annulate scar about the middle, leaves of the calyx smooth, except the ciliated pubes- r4 CAMELLIA. 557 cent margins. Petals with perfect veins, connective of the an- thers narro w. Ovarium very slightly pubescent or quite smooth. | Style tri- partite, lacinie generally with a recurved apex, and there dilated and stigmatose ; ovula one. 1 Cotyledons inauriculate plumule large. Assam Chinese imported plants. Stature smaller, and much more contracted than native Assam plants. Leaves much smaller, pale with a leathery ap- pearance, lanceolate obtusely acuminate. Pedicels, calyx, co- rolla and stamen as in the Assam plant. - . Ovarium densely pubescent. Ovula 4 to each cell, style _ tripartite subdilated at the apex and stigmatose there. - Fruit not seen. E, - Chusan plants in the collection. Very dwarf and contracted leaves tending to be obovate, small, of the black unleathery appearance of the Assam. plant. Pedicels and calyx as in that. Ovarium densely pubescent. Pringitt plants. Stature contracted, dense, leaves very small, light-greenish leathery lanceolate always obtuse generally emarginate. Pedicels as before, calyx pubescent. Petals veins not reaching | tothe margin. Connective dilated emarginate. — Ovarium densely sericeo-villous, style 3-partite. Branches radiating, with a punctiform stigma on the undilated apex of each, Cotyledons unequally auriculate at the base, one hooded, Tadicle large, plumula small. Assam leaves always have a thin appearance, I have not determined the absolute situation of the ovula, from dried Specimens, owing to shrinking. _ *he China plants cultivated in Assam have as complete veing of the petals as the Assam wild plants, 558 TERNSTREMIACE. Stigmata various, styles sometimes deeply bipartite, either spathulate at the apex or as in the Pringitt plants, but varies with 4 cells, to the ovary. 2. Camellia (Thea) Theifera, Gr. Pl. DCI. Figs. I. III. Pedicelli pluri bracteati, bracteis basi latis sursum in sepa- lis abeuntibus. Sepala 5-7 rotundata imbricata, petala 5-7 imbricata, ovalia vel rotundata, exteriora bracteis abeuntia, intima petaliformia pluri-venosa, intermedia marginibus membrana- ceis, basi inter se mediante filamentorum annulo adherentia, Stam. 00, hypogyna basin versus coalita inter se et cum petalis leviter cohzrentia czeterum distincta. ilam. filiformia glabra. Anth. introrsz, basi affixe bilocu- lares longit. dehiscent. connectivo latiusculo. y rmis hirsutiusculus apice tripartit. stigmata totidem reflexa, stylorum apicium facies internas occupant. Ovarium globosum sursum in stylum productum pilis rigidis brevibus hirsutiusculum, 3-loculare, loculis 4-ovulatis. Ovula biseriata 2 superiore externa ascendentia, foramen : supero, 2 inferiore interne pendula foramine intus et deorsum spectante. * Tegument utpote e siccis conspicere licet unicum, distinctum. Capsula 3-loba, coriacea, endocarpio tenuissimo membra- nacea loculicida, septis persistentibus ex axi centrali solu- tis, lobosum sinubus oppositis, 3-locularis loculis sepius l- raro 2 spermis. Sem. pendula si singula globosa si bina hzmisphzerica. 1 Hilum magnum micropyle satis conspicuum, hili latere €x- . | terioris contiguam, Testa coriaceo crustaceo crassiuscula. Tegument inter. membranacea tenuissime inter hoc et testam materies cellulosa vasis spiralibus et ductubus creberrimis interspersa. Semen exalbuminos. Cotyled. hemisphzrice, Radicula brevissima supera plumula conspicua, ? s CAMELLIA, 559 Raphe externe inconspicua lata, apice seminis geometric apud in ramulo pluries dichotome ramosos dividens, ramis interior apice dichotomis binis extimis lateri exterior ramulos dichotomos emittentibus. ' Has. Upper Assam. 3. Camellia (Thea) Mastersia Gr. Foliis lanceolatis, acuminatis vel cuspidato-acuminatis, Coriaceis, serratis, venarum reticulatione inconspicua, Floribus axillaribus vel terminalibus, solitariis vel 2-4 aggre- gatis, subsessilibus, ascendentibus, quasi e gemma ovata im- atim-squamata erumpentibus. Petalis liberis. - Staminibus subbiseriatis, basi leviter connexis. vario villosissimo, loculis 3 4-ovulatis, stylo 3-partito- stigmatis linearibus. Han. Upper Assam. Readily I think recognised bythe highly bracteate short footstalks of the Bowers, by their passing insensibly into the 4 calyx and this again into the corolla. .* Contained in a collection presented by Mr. Masters to Capt. Jenkins, by whom with his charscperintie liberality it Was placed at my disposal. ing the 4 or 5 species of Camellia, indigenous to Assam. I have called it after Mr. Masters. i It may possibly be Camellia axillaris, Wall. 4, Camellia caudata, Gr. Pl. DCI. Fig. II. - Foliis anguste lanceolatis, caudato-acuminatis, filamentis R- monadelphis villosus antheris basi insertis. ing ut in precedente abeuntia bractearum in sepala | : t sepalorum i in petala evidentissime. Filamenta interna dis- tincta hypogyna, annulo hypogyno ovarii basin cingens in- sertim : Pollen globoso-subtrigona, stylus obclavatus hirsutissima | : partit. Li LI rium sub 6-gonum hirsutum angulis alternis minus pro- 560 TERNSTREMIACES, fundis loculis triovulatis, ovulis 2 superioribus collateralibus exterioribus, directio foraminis ut in antecedeute. Septis vix evidentibus sed dehiscentia ostenditum placenta una valvula centro unius semper adherente. |, Vasa pagine interioris testaquz chartaceo-coriacea omnia spiralia cum interno tegumento-quod tenuissim. secedentibus. Capsula rotundato-trigona, l-sperma, 1-loculare, loculis 2 cum ovulis abortient. pressione, capsula exteriori pariete arcte applicitis ; semen precedentis sed minor. Has. In collibus Khasyensibus alt. 2500, 4500 ped. (espe- cially on the Bengal side). In collibus Mishmeensibus, non raro ad pedis etiam, gradu lat. 28 descendit. 5. Camellia simplicifolia, Pl. DCIlV. Fig. II. Itinerary Notes, p. 40, no. 652. Has. Khasyah Mountains. EusvNaAxis. Eusynazis Barringtonifolia, Gr. Pl. DCIII. Fig. I. Fruticosa, foliis lanceolato-obovatis, cuspidato-acuminatis serratis, maturis spitham:eis, alabastra gemmiformia sub- globosis axillaribus solitariis sessilibus, floribus cernuis. Calyx imbricatus sepalis exterioribus minorib. persistent. Sepalis coriaceis rotundatis infimis multo minor massis persistentibus, reliquis sensim ampliatis interne serie sub- quinaria concava coriacea. Sepala extima bractezeve meee mucronum. Pet. totidem alternant. concava outermost very like the sepals, e intimo minima. Stam. 00, preesertim exterior qua breviora inter se coalita. Filam subulat. apice tenue. Anth. basin affixee, connectivo ovato loculis marginal longit. dehiscent. Pollen extus stria- tulum, plicis porisve 3. Gemmatio Camellie Thez. Ovarium oblongo-conicum, subglabum 5-sulcatum. Styli subulati torti totidem quot sulci ovarii basin ^ fere linast; vel varie coaliti apice emarginati, stigma inter- * e EUSYNAXIS. 561 jecta, style split at the top to the dorsum, inside of the fis- sure and its edges stigmatiferous, loculis tot. quot stylis, an- gustis, ovulis paucis appensis. Fructus nutans, oblongo ovato, when dry hard with 5 obtuse inner angles, breviter pedicellato, pedicello crebre, annulato basin nudus apice obtuse pentagonus imo apice cicat. 5- lobo. Epicarpio carnoso oleoso coriaceo, endocarpio-coriaceo, 9 vel abortu 4-locular. Semina oblonga pauca 1-2 cuivis loculo, angulo interiori a, brunnea pressione anguli, l-seriata/ tegumentum Crassiss. osseum, Interna tenuis celluloso- membranacea. Al- n0. Embryo oleosus radicula hilum versus infera, co- tyledones plicatz, conduplicate accumbentes. Membrana externa ut videtur decidua folded several times towards the axis. Secus latus axillis hilo longo angusto notat. micropyle forme apiculi infern. Cotyledons are obovate oblong cordate in outline, and are folded transversely. L. The flower seen from above, a two apiculate bractes ; these afterwards graduate into petals, the innermost of which | alone are entirely petaloid, very unequal and the whole dense- 3 ly concave and imbricated. | 2. Side view of the flower, a edocarp, 5 testa, c` epicarp, d endocarp, e angular upper end of seed, f hilum, g micro- ; Pyle, & hilum, / micropyle, j raphe, k testa, ¿ inner very tai Bembrance occurs, m cotyledon, » radicle, o micropyle, p 9Pposite side of embryo. Has. In sylvis Assamiz superioris, cum Camellia Thea "rumque consociata. B Barringtonifolia. Fruticosa foliis (maximis) spathula- tis vel lanceolato-oboratis cuspidato-acuminatis serratis reti- “atis, floribus nutantibus axillaribus solitariis, sessilibus, “¥ce imbricato gemmie form, Petal carnosis ovario conico v3 562 TERNSTREMIACES. glabro, style basiusqudistinctis fructu calyce stipato rotun- - dato oblongo. Gemmis laxe imbricatis inconspicue. Novum genus constat Eusynazis ob conjunctionem Camel- liarum cum Gordoneis. Est etiam planta flore Camelliz. Pistillo et fructu Ma- laecodendron gaudens. Calyx imbricatus interiora in petala abeuntia. Pet. in- æ qualia, intima minima. Stam. 00, basi coalita. Ovarium 5-loculare, stylis 5 vel distinctis vel parte ME RA stigmata totidem emarginata, ovula uniseriata. Fructus 5-locularis, Semina angulata, aptera ossea. This Genus has been casually mentioned in my Tea reports, as an undescribed genus of Upper Assam, which has the imbricate peranthium and stamina of Camellia, and to a considerable extent the pistillum and fruit of Malachoden- dron, so far as I can judge from the description I have of that plant. This, as it seems to afford a direct passage between the subdivision Gordoniez and the family Camellieæ as they stand in De Candolle’s Prodromus, I have called Eusynaxis, GORDONIA. l. Gordonie sp. Pl. DC. Arbuscula. Verrucule ramorum cinereorum pallide. Flores odorati majusculi, Stamina petalaque post anthesin plus minus fus- cescentia. - Has. Burmah at Bamo in sylvis: April 28th, 1837. 2. Gordonie sp. Arbor 30, 40 pedalis, ramulis compressis, foliis alitis lanceolatis longissime acuminatis fere caudatis re is den tatis penninerviis, marginibus cartilagineis subtus subglaucis, GORDONIA. 563 floribus axillaribus solitariis conspicuis magnis albis odoratis, pedicellis petiolis 2-3 plo longioribus subclavatis, paulo sub- florem bibracteolatis, bracteolis oppositis caducis. Gemmis terminalibus foliolis lanceolatis oblongisve sericeis pilosis Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis rotundatis estivatione imbrica- Cor. gamopetala notata, ad basin fere 5-partit. laciniis ova- tis subzequalibus. Stam. 00 basibus inter se et cum basin corolle coalita, filam, filiformia, lutescentia. Anth. bilocul. basibus affixe - longit. lateraliterque dehiscent. ^ Connectivum carnosum majusculis, stylus clavatus stamina, subzquans, stigma com- planato-peltatum sub 5-lobum, 5-loculare, loculis 3-ovulatis , àn semper 3, ovulis pendulis, foramen ad apicem, hilum prope ? membfanz ovuli testa secundisque distincte axis ovarii Crassa D angularis. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. VI. Has. In sylvis collinis et humiliorib. Mergue : Nov. 1834. Altera species, Moulmein vulgata. 8. Gordonia floribunda. ; Arbor excelsa, 60 pedalis, formosa, cortice cinerea. Rami teretes, ramuli breviter pubescentes. Folia alterna, breviter petiolata, oblongo-lanceolata, acuminata, repanda integra, vel tata, glabra, subtus glauca, stipule lanceolate sericez, cito deciduæ. Flores solitarii axillares speciosi, albi, odorati. *edicelli florum inferior longiores, ideoque Rui ciemen co- Tymbiformis, . Cal. infer. 5-partitus, sepalis rotundatis, ciliatis. Cor, gamopetal. rotata, ad basin fere Myr Laciniis stun dato-obovatis. : 00, ima basin monadelpha et corolle adnata. Filam bili curvata, lutea. Anth, bilocul. longit. dehiscent. ED ovatum leve. 564 TERNSTR(EMIACEX. Stylus clavatus, sub-angulat. stigma radiatum, e stigmati- bus cuneatis 5 formatum, margine retracta. Ovarium globos. argenteo-sericeum, 5-locul. dissepimentis axique crassis, ovula 2 in quoque loculo, reuiformia pen- dula. Pl. DC. Fig. II. a longitudinal, 5 transverse section of the ovary, c ovule. Has. In sylvis collinis Moulmein copiosa: Dec. Jan. Feb, March, 1834. DiPTEROSPERMA. Dipterosperme sp. Arbor magna. Folia ad apices ramulorum conferta cuneato-spathulata vel cuneato-obovata, distanter serratule ascendentia coriacea car- nosa. Gemmarum squamz paucae oblongo-lanceolat. forming. oblong conical terminal buds. : Flores solitariis pedicelli bracti, petiole brevis, longitudine cum flora tota externe cano sericeus. Cal. imbricatus subtus sepalus, coriaceus, but there is little distinction between the sepals and uppermost bractez. Pet. 5 patentia concava rotundata coriaceo-carnos. dorso (partibus internis in zstivat. exceptis) sericeo-pubescent. ope stamina coalita. Stam. 00, cum petalis secedent. pluriseriata petalis breviora, Anth. oblongz subversat. - Super. ovato-conicum. Stylo robusto pane apicem stigmat. 5 cuneatis magis radiantib. coronat. l-locular el5 intrant angles wedge-shaped, and 5 alternating in < centre communicate with narrow cells. Seeds 3 in each cell, large, appense situated near the base, terminating above in a large whitish wing, foramen Supe" rior near the base of the wing. The wing is developed from e lower } of the raphal face, which is not next the ae pack alternate with petals. ae ae ERYTHROCHITON. 565 Ovules 4 collateral pendulous anatropous produced up- wards into a wing. Pl. DCIII. Fig. II. Terminal scale buds 2 conduplicate vernation of leaf con- duplicate-involute. Oss. Genus indescriptis except its anthers which agree tolerably with those of Godoya. Certainly distinct from any Ternstraemiaceous genus known to me, it has the flowers of Camellia and appears to differ from Eusynaxis in the complete union of the styles, and l-locular ovary and winged ovula. It is I imagine a congener of Roxb. Camellia axillaris Bot. Reg. 4 t. 349. Capsula in vol. 8 Notes, is des- cribed as woody oblong 5-celled, 5-valved, size of a filbert, with many upright top winged seeds in each cell. Axillary buds pilose. - EnvrTHROCHITON. Gen. Cnan. Flores dioici, bibracteolati, Cal. inferus profunde 5-partitus. Pet. 5 hypogyna libera, sepalis oppo- sita!! Stam. 00, hypogyna, multiplici serie. Anth. adnate, apicibus trancate. Ovarium 2-loculare, 4-ovulatum. Styli 2. Stigmata 2, reniformia foliacea. Bacca supera, 2-locula- ris, 2-4 sperma. Semina pendula arillo? punctulato car- noso inclusa, albuminosa. Embryo curvatus. CI. Linneana. Diecia. Polyandria. Ordo Naturalis. Terns- ie p Ed ue AUR Wer des aL LR SQ aai Res asit — Habitus. Arbor mediocris foliis stipulatis perennantibus a integris, pedunculis extra axillaribus. a __ Erythrochiton Wallichianum, Gr. Herb. (Mergue) prop. . "o. 866, Dec. 1834. — . In sylvis secus littoram Insulae Madamacan Mergue proxi- mie, : 3 Sr mediocris, dioica ; — teretibus. Folia alterna e ad a tim conferta, oblongo-obo- Vata ibas et breviter acuminata, integerrima coriacea, parce 566 TERNSTR(EMIACEJ£ l-venosa, supra atro-viridia, infra lutescentia. Petioli basi articulati. Stipule? minime subulate deciduz. Pedunculi extra axillares, (foliorum abortu?) solitarii 2 unciali flores paulo infra alternatim bibracteolat. Flores majusculi, albi- da odorato facie Camelliz. Calyx profunde 5-partitus, laciniis rotundatis estivatione imbricatis persistentibus. Petala 5 hypogyna sepalis opposita ovalia subzequalia paten- tia carnosa æstivatione imbricata postico reliqua obvolvens, bases versus longitudinaliter rugosa stamina plurima multi- plici serie hypogyna, sublibera. Filamenta brevissima subclavata. Antherz lineares adnate biloculares longitudinaliter dehiscentes directione varie. Con- nectivum apice truncatum et dilatatum. Pollen oblongum hine longitudinaliter sulcatum, Fu. Calyx corollaque ut in mare sed multo minus patulz. Stamina abortiva plurima hypogyna, filiformia plana truncata. Ovarium Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. VIL, subglobosum 2- loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis ovula pendula (exapicibus loculo- rum ?) campanulitropa uniformia. Tegumentum duplex fora- men hilum prope. Styli 2 brevissima. Stigmata 2 maxima foliacea reniformia, marginibus obtuse inciso-dentatis, anti- cum et posticum, Fructus. Bacca exsucca globosa, citri medice parve mag- niiae basi calyce persistenta et subampliato cincta, bilocu- » 2-4 sperma dehiscentia longitudinaliter et irregulariter bibquadrivalvis. Semina pendula ab apice placentz centralis liberz (funiculis elongatis) arcuata reniformia, arillo ? carnoso rugosulo pulcherrima coccineo tecta. Tegumentum duplex. Exterius subosseum, interius membranaceum. Albumen sê- mini conforme, carnosum, copiosissimum. Embryo in axi albuminis curvatus, hippocrepidiformis, indivisus! secus peripheriam cum albumina coalitus! Radicula teres longis- sima? hilum versus spectans. Cotyledones carnose coalite inter se et cum albumine! Plumula inconspicua. i | 1 | ANNESLEA. : 567 Genus Euryam Cleyeramque intermedium, structura fruc- tus et seminum ad Annesleam accedit, distinctum ob- formam stigmatum et embryonem indivisum cum albumine coalitum. : I believe that Hopea eglandulosa of Roxburgh, which Mr. Colebrooke in a Mss. note, appended to the description in Roxburgh’s Mss. synopsis, long ago stated not to belong to Hopea, (Sarcostigma Roxburghii Wall. Mss.) and which Mr. Brown in his Mss. formerly called Wahtenbergia, not only belongs to this order, but will found to be very nearly allied to this genus; of the genus Sarcostigma, there ap- pears to be a second species from Sylhet. Cal. Bot. Garden: July 15th, 1835. ANNESLEA. - Anneslea fragrans, Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. XVII. . Arborea, foliis alternis petiolatis lanceolatis coriaceis, inte- gerrime acutis, floribus corymbosis subumbellatisve, albis ter- minalibus in pedicello mp ad ad articulum bracteis 2 ovatis, Cal. Semi-superus profunde 5-partitus, sepalis ovatis, con- cavis (2 exterior mojorib.) persistentibus goriaceis. Cor. gamopetala, petalis 5, nempe unguibus latis accretis fauce constricto, limbo connivento 5-partito, laciniis ovatis acutis, Stam. 00, petalorum unguibus subcohzrentia (hypo- gyna). Filam. brevia complanata. Anth. adnatz, basi sub- SRagittatz bilocular longit. dehiscentis. Connectivum ultra antheram in apiculam productum. . Ovarium 2-loculare loculis pauci-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis > . Placenta axilis. Foramen versus hilum. — Has. In sylvam prope Moulmein, rara: Jan. 1834. J . Ternstremiacee sp. Pl. DCIV. Fig. I. Itinerary Notes, p. 42, no. 667. Has. Khasyah Mountains. Eurye sp. Pl. DCIV. Hur III. Han. Assam. HYPERICINEA. | ANCISTROLOBUS. Ancistrolobus sp. Pl. DCV. Fig. II. Fruticosa longe scandens, ramis junioribus valde elongatis attenuati-foliosis, ramulis? oppositifol. aphyllus, processus uncinatos comutos alternos gerentibus, senioribus ramosis abbrevatis, apices versus foliosis, uncias 1-2 lignosus gerent. trunco commune, e folioso, fol. subsessile obovata juniora emarginata coriacea integra reticulato atroviridia. Inflores- centia terminalia cymosa, cymis divaricatis, dichotomis flori- bus breviss. pedicellatus, majusculus, corolla coccineo-rubra; pedicellis basin versus 2-bracteatis bracteis minimis. . Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis oblongo-ovatis, subpatent inzqua- ' libus zestivatione imbricatis. Cor. 5-petalis, petalis hypogonis sepalis alternis zestivat. im- bricatis convolutis, ovulis, basibus carnosis marcescent. Stam. 10 hypogyna, alternat. breviora, petalis opposit. sæ- pissime cum petalis per filam basibus dilatat. carnosis su cohærent. subulatis coccineo-rubris. Anth. erectæ, bilo- culares longit. dehiscentes. Pollen sulcat. Styli 3 sanguinei, in apice ovar. reticulat. caduca, Stigmata totidem truncata Ovar. semi daban? l-loculare, l-ovulat. ovulo erecto, funiculo brevi sustento, foram. conspicuum ad apicem ovatum, ‘ ovule post anthesin apice longe product. Has. In sylvis Mergue: Dec.^1834, a A ee section of ovary, 6 abortive ovule, c secundine. Pet post anthesin convolato conniventia. ; Lo d HYPERICUM. ' 569 Eropsza. Frutex elegans, 10 pedal. fol. suboppositis oblongo-ellipti- cis acuminatis pulehra reticulatis subtus. glaucis marginibus magno-punctulatis floribus solitariis supra axillaribus majus- culis odoratis. — Pedicellis petiolorum longitudine, apices ver- sus articulat, alabastrorum nutantibus demum erectis, parte Miticulatione supra livida. al. 5-sepal, sepalis late ovatis foliaceo-membranaceis im- incus 3 exterioribus plus minus livido-tinctis, persistentibus. Pet 5 hypogyne sepalis alternant. obovata breve un- guicula erecta, vel subpatentia pallida coccinea decidua. Stam. polyadelpha hypogyna Phalanges 3 polyandre, inze- qualis l-angustior minorque petalo opposit. 2 duplo latiores, quaque petalis 2 opposit. e phalangibus 2 format. compla- ate lineari cuneate extrorsu staminifera. Filam libera subulata. ^ Anth. ‘bdilocular erectz asib.' affixz, longitud, lateraliter dehiscent iuferiores cujusque pha- langis minores. Pollen albidum oblongum leve, his sulcatum, Connectivum brunneum glandulz 3 hypogynz maximae oblon- gæ nectariferze extrorsum cucullatze cum phalange alternant. Ovarium s super liberum e carpellis 3 format. Styli 3 subpa= tehtes, filiform stigmata 3-capitat. ovar. 3-loculare septis si- nuatis loculis 00 ovulatis, ovulis erectis apicibus in mem- branem cellulosa truncat. expansis, foramen infera hili prop. asi loculor affixis. Has. Inter fruticis circa Mergue vulgo April 1835. Odor. lülioe-contusorum subaromat. Genus distinctum, praecipue obphalanges anisomeras peta- disque oppositus. Glandulæ 3-sepalis totidem opposit. 2 rtivis. Hypericum. Hyperici sp. Pl. DCV. Fig. I. Habitat, Burma at Khathung Kyawn: March, 1837. ! 2 w 3 . ^ "d . 570 PAPYACEJE. Carita. | Carica papya, Pl. DLXXXIV. Fig. II. PASSIFLOREJE. TricHopta. . Arbor foliis alternis (habitu Caseariz) oblongis late cre- nulatis. Flores axillares glomerate ; ferrugineo-viridescentes. Pedicelli basin articulati 3-bracteolati. Perianth. duplici serie 10 partitum, sepalis 3 exterioribus majoribus, calycinis, squamule indefinite simplice serie ex ima basin perianth ortz lineares villose discrete vel in pha- langes coalite. Cal. 5-sepalus, imbricatus corona e squamular. discret. vel coalit. linearium, villosar. simplice serie. Stam. 5 basi breviter monadelph. Anth. basi cordatz profunde, sinu affix. accumbentes. Pol- len round, 3-plicate, Ovaria stipulat. Placente bi-ovulat. Styli 3. Stigmata ree niform capsula chartacea, 3-valvis, seminib. 2-8 arillatis. Capsule pubescentes erectae. Aspectus etiam presertim capsular Euphorbiaceum, Habit certainly of Vareca, locus naturalis Passiflores. Oss. There is scarcely any difference between the petals and the inner sepals, From the characters as given in Don, this plant, it would appear to be an undescribed genus, allied to Paropsia, and in- termediate between the two divisions, the ovaria being stalk ed, it is also allied by some of its characters to Modecca, t9 Simethmannia, in the short corona with a tendency to union, When it would be urceolate. In the water in which some old anthers had been put, in- numerable elliptic bodies oceasionally mixed with short - niliform ones were observed, yet to the water itself Ido ge TTE RENTEN e————-€CCGBEEM MARG CS REN SUMI I CU PPAR TRICHODIA. 871 Trichodia vareciformis, Gr. _ Arbor mediocris. Ramulo elongate ferrugineo-pubescente, Pol. altern vernatione involuto-conduplicat. plus minus con- cavis oblongis, obtuse cuspidatis late crenato-serratis glabris, venis 2-dariis arcuata nexis, interveniis reticulata sublente minute’ punctulat. subdiaphan. exstipulat. linea decurrens evanida hinc basis petiole. Flores in axillis, pauce glomerati, pedicellis basi 3 bracteo- latis ibidem articulatis pedicellis petiolos breves excedent, Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis lanceolato-ovatis extus ferrugiueo pubescente inzequalibus 2 interior duplo minor, Pet. totidem alternant. sepalis intimis subsimilibus pubes- * cent. Stam. sterilia 5 filiform. sepalis opposita, arising from im- mediately under the ovarium which is stalked. Between the stamen and petals is a series s of linear very vil- lous bodies. Ovary subglobos. 3-lobed sulcate pubescent, each lobe terminated by a short subulate pubescent style, stigma 3, ong. reniform caducous. The villous bodies (corona) are either distinct or united into flat lobed phalanges. The stamina are united at the base into a membranous tube Which conceals and adheres to the stalk of the ovary. Orvar. l.celled with 3 parietal placente, ovula compressed üatropous on short stout funicles, collateral, from the base of ‘Placental lines, galeiforme. "Capsula green pubescent rounded 3-lobed terminated by Styles, at the base. Perianth and corona unchanged, but browned t celled, as it were inflated, endocarp cellular char- us, _ Seeds 2-3, about 4 way between middle and base of pla- | Sharpeegesd E covered by arillus which is entire with 372 MORINGACBA. Young testa scrobicular, internally with very many coni- cal verruce. Anth. attached by the midde? ? bilocular; I am not certain whether the flowers are polygamous, I find on one, the remains of anthers terminating the filament as long as the perianthial leaves. The calyx leaves are reflexed at the apex, petals are erect. 4$ - PASSIFLORA. * Passiflore sp. Pl. DCV. Fig. IV. :Has. Khasyah mountains at Churra Ponjee. MORINGACEZ. is HyPrRANTHERA. Hyperanthera moringa, Pl. DCIX. Figs. I. II. “Cal. tubo cyathiforme profunde 5-partit. laciniis, lanceo- lato-linearibus, parti libera petaloideis patenti-reflexis e minus concavis. 5to postico. Cor. 5-petala patalis sepalis sub conformibus spathulat. 2 superior minoribus lateralibusque intermediis ascendentibus 5to majore porrecto antico sepalis alternantia, 1 2 superior bases versus pubescentibus, tam. declinat. 10 alterna sterilia sepalis, alterna fertilia. majoraque petalis opposit filam subulatis basibus villosis. : Ovarium teres stipitatum villosum. Stylus brevis subcla- vatus. Stigma truncat. sub excavat. Ovar. 3.sulcatim l- loculare, pluri-ovulat. ovulis simplice serie placentis 3-lineari-- bus parietalibus affix. foramen hilum prope. _Arbuscula, foliis supra decompositis. Paniculis axillaribus floribus albis. Pollen’ leve, hinc sulcatum, affinitus cum Xanthoph. eglandaloso p. 537. Oss. I have no notes by me on the. kan a Xanthophyl- e lum; but if I conjecture "y vs development of the sta- - | | | | | | i HYPERANTHERA. "573 . *minais a good deal analogous to that of Moringa, in which if 10 were developed the uppermost would as in Leguminosz be the smallest. "The opposition of the two lowermost to the carina may be explained by assuming the obliteration of the proper Ist stamen, and the approximation from pressure of the two normally alternating with the carina, so that they become opposed, of this opposition by pressure other instances occur. - _ Of course this view is only reasoning on the idea, that the petals are properly developed, if not so, then the opposition. of these is at once accounted for. . X. flavescens approaches Moringa in its pluriovular ova- rium, . No stipulz exist, unless they are represented by glands. _ The great differences it has with Leguminosze exists in the uniloeular anthers, the position of the 5th petal which is an- . ticons, the compound nature of the pistillum, and the nature of the ovula, which in Leguminose are campulitrope, and in this anatropa, that is the base of the nucleus corresponds to the apparent apex of the ovulum. The great objection to the idea of DC. that Moringa is a .. Constantly tricarpellar Leguminousa, I take to be that, if this .. ally were the case, each carpellum would be distinct, since inallcases in which an additional carpella is formed in Leguminose, it is always so, hence a tricarpellar Leguminosa . -Ìt ever be found, will be apocarpo-tricarpellar, not as in : this genus, syncarpo tricarpellar. . 3 . With Samydacez it has, but little in common, although : *xternally there are no signs indicating ternary composition : t the style, yet the shape of its cavity as well as the dis- tribution of its vessels into three fascicles, point this : fat. The stigma is cup-shaped, or rather none exists, the communication with the interior of the ovary, is free and na inct, and the pollen comes in immediate contact with Mucous conducting tissue by which it is filled; such a ure is compatible with placentary stigma, but incom- 574 MORINGACES. patible with a stigma consisting of the denuded or of the midrib, see also Viola, ete. Hairs simple, those of base of stamina irregular. 1. Alabast posticous. 2. Do. anticous. 3. Flower just expanding posticous. 4. Do. anticous, 5. Flower viewed laterally. 6.. Do. sepals removed. 7. Genetalia mascula in situ, pistillum hidden by these. 8. Do. long section. 9. Stamen anther lateral. | 10. Do. front or external. 11. Do. internal or back. 12. Dehisced anther, shewing the adhesive subwaxy pollen. 13. Young anther transverse section. i 14. Two globules of pollen viewed in water with a portion of their oily secretion. 15. Apex of style and stigma. 15a. Do. transverse section, 16. Ovary transverse section. 17. Portion of placenta and ovula in situ. 18. Ovule ad anthesin. 19. Young ovule long section. 20. Ovule after fecundation. 21. Do. long section, a testa, 6 inner tegument distinct only towards its neck, ¢ nucleus, now nearly completely excavated, d chalaza, e carunculus formed by an indu- ration of the foramen. 22. Partinm situs et alternantio. ` The real affinity of this genus is certainly with Polygalez through Xanthophyllum, to this Lindley has made an ap- proximation, he refers it to Parietales, but next to Violaceæ. With Xanthophyllum, i it has striking resemblances, -«--— o susc beseulam atarnitn Mei ka ii Mr nU. It differs from it |O* : VIOLACE&. 575 perigynous corolla and stamina, tricarpellary formation of the ovary, aud in the polyspermous fruit. This genus has a greater degree of affinity to Leguminosæ than Polygalee in general have, it will form a decided tran- tition between the two orders, chiefly owing to the perigy- hous insertion of its corolla and stamina. To the latter Order an additional affinity is pointed out by the obvious tendency of the calyx to assume a petaloid form, e deciduousness of the petaloid portion of the calyx oc- curs in Roydsia to an equal degree. The stalk of the ovary subsequently assumes the appearance of the remaining Portion of ovary, but it is solid. The embryonary sac is of late appearance, I find no trace of it even when the young fruit is nearly a span long. The glandulation of the leaves is similar to that of some- ecies of Cassia, I allude to the stipitate ones found be- ^ the folivles, in this genus their presence is not cons- - . Bamo: April 29th, 1836. VIOLACE. E. Viota. . . Viole sp. Pl. DCVII. Fig. II. — Subacaulis estolonifera, fol. longe petiolata hastato-cor. ` Sata, obtusa crenato-dentato, vernatione convolute subtus | Spe purpurascentia, in petiola attenuata. — Pedunculi me- : dium versus 2-bracteolat. planu-convexi apice nutantes. Bracteæ subulatz ad presse. Flores majusculi cæruleo-pur- ce inodori, caleare obtusissimo fuscescente rubro-punctu- Sepala lanceolata declinato basin auriculata presertim 2 > Pet, venosa: oblonga, 2 postica ascendentia, antico por- to, hoc et lateralia 2, qua subascendentia et intus mar- * 576 VIOLACEA: gines superos versus barbata sunt, basibus albidis, venis atro-: purpureis lineata. : 1 7 Anthere albide, apicibus membranaceis circa stylum conum efformantibus aureis, subulis 2 qui a connectivis sta- minum 2-infimorum originem ducunt et in calcar currunt, viridescentibus. Ovarium antheris circumcinctum, conicum sub 3-gonum, stylus cono apicum inclusus clavatus, apice tiigono truncato, stigma foveolum transversum profundum in capite styli orificium ad styli angulum inferum anticumve. Ovarium 3-gonum angulo tertio postico, ovula 00 rotundato, . tegumenta 2 distincto foramen hilum prope, cuique placenta series 3-4 ovulorum ad sunt. Capsula calyce immulato persistante suffult. stylo stigmata- que sphacelato-apiculata, 1-locularis, loculicida 3-valvis, valvis patentissimis navicularibus hinc utrinque lineatis. Semina levia pallidissime brunnea, rotundato-obovata, micropyle mammillzformis hilum prope, arillata, arillo albo. Secus situm pendula transversa vel ascendentia, 4-seriata- Tegument. unicum extus cellulos. intus fibrosum chartaceum fragile, vestit. membrana tenuissime, albumen copiosum carno- sum. Embryo axillis orthotropus, viridescens simplissima. Radicula teres, obtusiuscula longitudine cotyledonum. Cotyl. plane foliacee raphe opposita. Plumula inconspl- cua, ... Ons. It is difficult to conceive how impregnation takes place, as there is evidently no access for the pollen to the stigma. That this however does take place, I have no doubt from the appearance of the stigma, after the capsule has commenced to enlarge, and after the embryo has become visible, yet 1 one instance I could not find any remains of tubes or pollen in the stigma or style, there is a membrane however that lines the cavity of the style. : ee Has. In campis, Suddyah prope communis Burrumpootur : . Wes, * S s 577 CAPARIDACE.E. — - Capparis. Capparis oligandra. Frutex scandens inermis, fol. oblangis basi cordatis sub- acuminatis emarginatis. Racemis subumbellatis densifloris axillaribus, sepalis 4 ova- tis reflexis. : Pet totidem oblongum albida. Stam. 8 filam capillarib. longis. Anth. oblongis bilocu- larib. Ovar. stipitat. stipite unciali, Stylus brevissimus stigma obtusum simplex, l-loculare placentis parietalibus, ovula 00 foramen conspicuum hilum prope. Has. Mergue. Sp. distincto ob stamina definite, Capparis versicolor. -Fruticosa scandens ramis teretibus viridibus, fol. breve pe- tiolatis lanceolatis acuminatis emarginatisque glaberrimis in- tegerrimis lucidis. Petiolis brevibus supra ferrugineo pubes- Cent, spinus geminus subulatis acutissimis patente recurvis, ribus solitariis axillaribus pedicellis foliis duplo fere brevi- orib. alabast. globos. floribus, maximis ephemeris, primo albis Cito rosaceis exceptis odoratissimis, odor nuces moschatz. pala 4 patentia 2 interiora subpetaloidea. Pet totidem subobovata emarginata repanda intus materia = floceulosa vestita. . Stam. 00 numerosiss. longissim. filam. subulata. Anth. . basibus affixe, bilocular longit. dehiscentes, connectiv. am~ - pliat. Pollen lanceolat. sulcat. læve. | : Orar. longissime stipitat. stipite albo. Stylus conicus revis stigma simplex. Ovar. l-loculare placentis 4-parieta- j ibus, ovula 00 funiculis longiusculis sustent. campulitropa ‘ramen hilum prope. Villi petalor. arti : Has, Mergue. In sylvis: January, 1835. D. ^ 7 L4 s3 578 CAPARIDACEJE. Rovpsia. l. Roydsia parviflora, Gr. Pl. DCVII. Fig. 1. Cortex cinereus maculis parvis albis. Foliorum intervenia majora subtus concava, supra luteo- viridia subtus pallida, venatione saturatius colorata. Racemi viridescentes uti bractee. Sepala fusco-viridescentia intus stamina aurea. Anthere plumbea, Ovarium rubescens. Planta scandens fruticosa. Has. In sylvis collinis versus Serpentine mines, Hookum valley between Assam and Burmah, April 3rd, 1837. Referred to Caparidez in Lindl. Nat. Orders, 2nd edit. With this order it agrees in habit and gynophore, but in es want of petals and especially in the structure of the seed, is widely different. It is the type of a distinct order. 2. Roydsia suaveolens, Pl. DCVI. Fructus racemosi, pedicelli basi articulati, stipiti proprio fructus paullo breviores, utrinque dilatati, stipites basin ver- sus obsolete annulati, annulo situs staminum ostendente, exacte ovales, interdum rotundata magnitudine Grossularize magne, virides, verrucis furfuraceis copiose tectis, apice foveo- latis, demum baccatis l-loculares. Epicarp. viride. Mesocarp- crassum albido-ochroleucum. Endocarp. levis tenuis fibrose, densa. Semen unicum maximum exalbuminosum erectam. _ Tegument ener, luteum crassius. carnosum tune mar- factum, spongioso-cellulos. Vigiocatpin arcte adnatum, potius tegument exterius endo- carpio adnat. tenug, ruptum, spongioso-céllulosum, cotyledon plicaturum opposit. vasculoso-reticulat. Tnterius ‘Semi-completam luteum crassius carnosum, mar- rin "eU , cotyledon i terum subito tenuissimum embryoni adhaerens. E Ziwok opposit no : | CAPPARIS. 579 | Embryo orthotropus, viridis. Cotyledones carno$z quam |. maxime inzquales, Wc a interior multo minor plana .. exterior-plano convexa. | Radicula breviuscula infera inter commissura cotyledones exterioris semi-recondita, obtusa, Plumula inconspicua. Fasc. vas. testze,ternze, medio subsimplice, lateralibus exte- rior. ramosis, rami semi ambientes. Ovula plura minuta abortientia descernantur dorso teste. Cotyledon interna aliquando, cotyledon externa solito pro- ductiore omnino inclusa, sepius margines ejus extern sunt. Genus pluribus notis ab omnibus aliis mihi cognit. Suddyah : August 22nd, 1836. 3. Capparis sp. Pl. DCVIII. .. Frutex scandens elegans floribus filamentis primo albis de- E Mum purpureo tinctis odoratis. ue Has. Burma at Bamo: April 26th, 1837. CRUCIFERA. General Remarks. da Crucifere, we have first the total abortion of all the æ, which as Link says, indicates a high irregularity of - cture. The sepals and petals present no anomalies, dif- fering only from the usual form in the quaternary number of the ee one is anticous, the other posticous, consequently the petals are lateral; we then have 6 stamens of which are opposite the two lateral sepals. The remaining. 4, fare the longest, may be considered as opposite the although such is scarcely the exact case. — ‘then have 4 glands, which I look upon as belonging to cries, placed opposite to each sepal, the two lateral ones laced within the corresponding filaments. It is my from the above facts, that the two stamina opposite cous and posticous eS are totally deficient, the 2 s 580 CRUCIFER.E. glands having nothing whatever to do with them. In such a case we have a deficient outer series of stamina: a com- plete intermediate one, and an abortive inner one represented by glands; all these parts having the regular alternation. The greatest anomaly is presented by the pistillum, the ovary being bilocular, the cells right and left, thé placente being parietal and anticous, and posticous, mutually connected with the interposition of a cellular plate. But the stigmata are opposite.the placenta, or anticous and posticous. I think how- ever that there are indications of the quaternary compbsition of the style and stigmata, which last are opposite ‘the sepals as they should be. Ifthis be found to be true, then Mr. Lindley’s opinion that the carpella are 4, 2 barren, 2 placentiferous anticous and posticous, and the formation will be complete. TAUSCHERIA. Tauscherie sp. Pl. DCX. Itinerary Notes, p. 247, no. 390. Planta valde varians, statura uncialis vel pedalis. Caulis flexuosus, foliis inferioribus pinnatis pinnulis alter- nis pinnatifidis secus latus inferius subintegris, Intermedius basi auriculatis, auricula apice lobata ceterum inferioribus similibus, superior ad auricula reductis ovatis concavis, basi maxima hastato-cordatis obapproximationem auriculare quasi perfoliatis, glaucis. ZEstivat. imbricat. sepalis exterior majoribus. Racemis nudis terminalibus, pedicellis gracilibus floribus minutis luteis. Calyx basi planus sepalis oblongis exterior majoribus. Petala 2.3 uno duove sepius an semper abortiente, spathu- , lata erecta emarginata lutea, longe unguiculata, basi glandula adherente stipata. Stam.. glandulis nullis interjectis sed basi subincrassat. Anth. basin affixæ biloculares, non adnata. 2 Ovarium complanatum, oblongo-obcordatum biloculare _ ovalis solitariis mer loculi stylus brevis stigma Mies EAE E MR a a a a a TAUSCHERIA. . 8l Semina (immatura) marginata testa superfice cellulosa solubilis immersionem. Embryo curvatus radicula in dorso . cotyledonis replicata. Oss. A plant very like this is figured in Royles illust. under name of Tauscheria desertorum. : The nature of the simple quasi perfoliate leaves is obvious and is analogous to what takes place in some Umbelliferz; and in a less degree to certain cases among Mimosez. The alternation of the parts is obscure, and the presence of the gland attached to the base of the petals, does not , al- low us to consider the longer stamina as belonging to the petals but that itis displaced. There is no proof of com. Position of the outer and larger sepals, or it would be of easy explanation. There is little doubt, but that several types of structure . prevail in the order independent of that of the seed; the Value of which has not been yet tested. It iscurious, that _ When three petals alone are formed no extra stamen is deve- loped. l. Plant. 2. Alabast, lateral view, 2a front view of do. _ 8. Flower, lateral and front views. 4. Flower, one outer sepal removed, shewing the opposi- tion to it of a longer pair of stamens. 4a. Same, all sepals removed. 5. Petal with its basilar gland. 6. Stamina back and front. 8, 8. Ovulum and long section. 159. Youngish fruit. .. 10. Do. long section. — ll. Transverse of young seed. . 12. Section of young seed shewing that the direction of ithe __ Cotyledons takes place very early. 13. Situation and alternation of parts, a short stamin, 5 ‘Cie, c petals and gland, d longer stamina. 582 . | CRUCIFERJE. DRABA. Drabe sp. Pl. DCXI. Itinerary Notes, p. 243, no. 364. 1. Plant largest sized specimen. 2.. Bud. 3. Flower open. : 4. Do. parts of envelopes spread out to shew the relative situation of the stamina, etc. ; 5. Same calyx removed. 6. Same petals in situ. 7. Back view of anther. 8. Front do. after dehiscence. 9. Section of pistillum through placenta. 10. Transverse do. 11. Ovulum. 12. Fruit. 13. Do. dehisced. '14. Seed. 15. Do. long section. 16. Embryo laterally. 17. Radical face of do. 18. Partium situs, a short stam., d long ditto, 5 sepals. Oss. This species, unless my memory misleads me, is very much like Draba verna. | It has all the points of genuine Cruciferz, the glands are irregular generally more or less wanting. There can be no doubt, I think but that Cruciferz are 8 or even 12-androns. Of the stamens, the outer series is com- plete, although unequal, the second series is represented by glands, and the third is half complete and represented by two of the longer stamina, which are opposed to the lateral sepals, and although in most cases it is not exactly defined, which of the two are outer or inner, yet cases abundantly occur which suggest that this may arise “from pressure, OF two of the longer, may belong to two petals, the displace- ý HOMALINEÆ. 583 .. ment depending upon causes, which are obvious in some ~ other plants. In the pistillum there is nothing singular; the opposition of the placentz to the stigmata can be as satisfactorily ac- counted for, as the loculicidal dehiscence of certain fruit. The production of the septum is curious, in as much as it points out the extreme tendency in all the most perfect fami- lies, to have bilocular fruit. The natural divisions of Crucifere will probably be point- ed out by the sensible properties, as much as by any thing else BEGONIACEJE. Begonia. . Begonie sp. Pl. DCXII. Pedicel. peduncul. sepala hispida, ramentis reflexis vel pa- tentissimis sanguineis, folia viridia. HOMALIACEJE. HonMaALINEA. — Novum genus, Pl. DCXIII. Fig. I. — Perianth. duplici serie 4- partitum, laciniis fimbHstin exter- nis minoribus, glandulz 4, sepalis externis oppositis. Stam. 4 (internis opposit.) Styli 4. Orvar. nondum extum. Arbor magna primo intuiti Henslovia pubescens referens, = l. alterna stipulata, et partes novelle pubescentia, stipule, idus, Panicule compositze racemiformes, axillares pen- > æstiv. imbricat. Flores minuti viridescenti. ingrati * odori, pedicellis medio-incrassatis et articulatis. Homalinee, Pl. DCXIII. Fig. II. *dicelli clavati, infra fructum in annulum dilatati. s inferus, calyce omnino adnat. subturbinatus car- Man, levis. . * 584 HOMALIACE. e Calyce limbo 5-dentato calyce sinubus amplis discoque magno carnoso hinc sepalis opposito cicatricibus petalorum i majusculus 5 notat. hinc cicatricibus totidem (staminum) | minoribus, sepalis alternantibus notat. medioque styli cicatrici circulari, 1-locularis. Placentz numero irregulares, potius axiles, liberz, septis incompletis albis tenuissimis affixe, septis ad basin fructus axin attingentibus an semper, semina 00, plurima abortientia, subascendentia minuta, Testa cellulosa crassiuscula, aque immersa superficia gela- tinosa materia gelatinosa fibris irregularibus precursa, au sem- per et an originantes e dislocatione parietum cellularum ? Raphe chalazaque 0! Tegument internum membranaceum brunneum vix urceolatum, areolis si conspicuis e pressione cellulorum testz ortis, igiturque e sacculo embroyonifero ortum, Albumen farinaceum? deusum album. Embryo axilis orthotropus viridis. Radicula infera lon- gissima cotyl. duplo superans, cotyledones ovate plano-con- vexiuseule approximate. Plumula inconspicua. Planta singularis iterum examinand. e collibus Abor dictis An Homalineis affinis, vix ovar. certe 4, 5 locular. Upper Assam. Suddyah: July 15th, 1836. BLACKWELLIA. Blackwellie sp. Arbuscula, inelegans, ramulis flexuosis petiolis foliisque subtus pubescente hispidis, fol. alterna bistipulata breviter , Petiolatis oblongo-ovatis basi cordatis breviter obtusque aca- minatis grosse crenato-serratis, ^ Paniculis axillaribus fola excedentibus velutinis, racemosis, racemis abbreviatis, pauci foris, pedicellis basi articulatis bracteolatis flotibus inconap: ` cuis latescente albidis, stipulis ovatis membranaceis decidious . Cal. tubo turbinat. ovario adnato limbo 8, 9 partito, laciniis : lineari-subulatis, primo reflexis cito patentibus. , BLACK WELLIA. 585 Pet totidem i iis alternantia sinubus calycinis inserta spathu- lato-obovata, pubescent longis ciliata, Glandule 10 peryginz lutescentes ramosse rotundate seg- siles ad bases sepalorum. i Stam. petalorum numero dupla perigyna intus glandular biseriata insert. seriei externe longiora, petalo cuique oppo- sita! patentia primo erecta in super stigmata. : Ovar. pilosissime, styli 5 filiform distincte, stigmato totidem simplica. Filam. subulata. Anth. reniformes didyme sinu affix. loculis longitud. dehiscent. connectivum ampliatum carnosum. Pollen oblonga leve hinc sulcata. Ovar. calyce adnat. 1-loculare pluri-ovulat. intus przcipue Placentus secus longe villosum, ovulis 00 pendulis, foram. su- perum hilum versus, placentis parietalib. tot quot stylis affixa. The placentz are confined to the roof of the ovarium, the ovula, especially the lower are longly funiculate. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. X. Stam. and ovule. Oss. Genus distinct, Ordinis Homalinear. aspectu Tiliace- um, cum ordini certe affine, estivat. calycis valvat. Petalor. in- üplicato-valvatum quodque par proprium staminum amplec- ; more Rhizophearum quarumdam. Au nove Niue. Han, Mergue 1834. CUCURBITACE Æ. General Remarks. Auniloeular fruit is the type of Cucurbitacee, as the arium is in some which have a trilocular fruit, unilocular. The attachment of the ovula is parietal in these, and the brarently anomalous result arises from the growth of the : ita inwards towards the axis where they subsequently a and outwards among the ovula, and more or less be- | 1 themselves, although traces of their original distinct se- “on continue for some time ai Pl. DCXVI. Fig. A. a, e, This being the case an unilocular ovarium ought not to ex: y3 586 CUCURBITACE.E, cite our surprise, although the pendulousness of the ovula from the apex of the ovarium, should. This therefore must be introduced into the character of Actinostemma. The lateral lobes of the placentze are alone ovuliferous, the ovula are fixed to their outer surface as regards the carpellary leaf, to the inner as regards the placenta: they are immersed. This is their normal situation, so that judging from the early state of the ovaria, there is nothing anomalous in their situa- tion. The articulation of the pedicels is not a constant character. The completion of the raphe appears a. general character, and this as in some others certainly does not appear to run in the testa or outer integument. In one instance an exceedingly fine membrane is inter- posed between the nucleus and inner integument; of the origin of this I am ignorant, not having had an opportunity of examining the ovula until sometime after fecundation. In this too, the tissue immediately surrounding each ovule, is separable with the ovulum, and might be mistaken for an additional integument. This arilliform integument completely envelopes the seeds, it is perforate alone at its base for the passage of the vessels of the funicle. In Coccinia there is no distinction of coats, nothing to in- dicate any distinction of parts in the structure of the tube of calyx, all the vessels too are on the same plane; at a very early age the cavity of the ovary will be found occupied by three wedge-shaped placenta, which even now have some- what the appearance of inverted carpellary leaves. These placenta correspond to as many stigmata, which are quite distinct from each other, and also have an appearance as if slighty folded outwards. : Yet there are grave objections to the adoption of this opinion, in the first place, it implies a simplicity of placenta in a compound ovarium, and it requires that the spaces inter- posed between the placentz, constituting the cavities a la T TETN GENERAL REMARKS 587 fruit, be considered as spaces between the carpellary leaves, dependent on the inflexion of these, and it also requires that the canals of communication between the stigmatic lines of each leaf and its placentz shall not run down between the margins of each leaf, but between the margins of contiguous eaves. The only thing in its favour is the appearance and dis- tinctness of the stigmata, but intimate union between con- tiguous stigmatic lines may exist at a very early period, we must admit also that the styles are bilobed, but this is not an E unen structure. E There is nothing perhaps more fixed in Botany than the E relation of the two surfaces of the leaf with the stem, all the inversions are satisfactorily explainable. It is difficult I think, to conceive how any inversion of an adherent scl mid leaf | €àn occur. The whole of our ideas of adherent seston perhaps require Modification. In Cactus the cavity of the ovarium is a cavity B. in the flowering branch, the structure of which is otherwise Precisely the same as that of the ordinary branches. -. Or the calyx must be considered as highly imbricated, each sepal producing the same bodies in its axille as the : leaves do, but here also there is nothing whatever to point out, that there is such adhesion, the structure is perfectly homo- . geneous ; on this point too much attention cannot be paid to Escholtzia, in which although the sepals are originally hypo- ynus, they subsequently become lifted. up into perigynism Y à growth of the torus round the lower part of the ovary. he margin of this is also produced into a calycine rim. : Coccinia is chiefy remarkable for the spurious subdivision the fruit, The original placentæ are however , recog- Sable at an advanced period, by attending to the direction 3 the seeds. Few Structures could be more disguised than this, the es between the placenta being completely filled up by pi * 588 CUCURBITACE. dense white tissue and the placente themselves being divided into as many partitions as there are seeds, The ripe fruit is red except at the base, the septa of the placentz have now a veiny appearance, they separate with the seed, which nevertheless have the peculiar membranous spurious arillus, filled with juice in immediate contact with the seed. "The seeds have the usual appearance. The original cellular placentze are still traceable, but now consists of a mass of veins, ramified on the septa surrounding each seed, Such plants as Triceras, Actinostemma and Zanonia will throw light on the true nature of the fruit. - In the Kunkree Cucurbita, the obscuring circumstances take place very early, for even when the bud of the female flower is only 34 lines long; the Placentz fill the cavity of the fruit, and have assumed their triangular shape Pl. DCXVII. Fig. 1. a true stigma, 5 separable compound lobe, c limits of the stigma. - At this period, the resemblance they bear to an inverted leaf is very striking, and the axis of the inner angle is occu- pied by a developing vascular axis. The stizmata at this period have acquired the form they are to bear, as wéllas the cohesion, they separate into 3 lobes, (each of which is dilobed along the outer face). The separable lobes correspond with the placenta, that is, a line carried up along the inner angle of these will corres- pond with their axes, impinging on the sinus of their lobes. The perfect stigmata are remarkable enough, a transverse ‘section of each lobe shews that it represents a leaf rolled outward, with its: margins curved, and placed in oppost- tion. (See the lower figure.) The. stigmatie surface occupies the whole innerface of the lobe (as respects the axis) and also the whole of the ap- parent outer surface itself, extending to the margins. Stigmatic surface, and what is remarkable, presents hairs The space formed by the incurvation is not occupied ee GENERAL REMARKS. 589 similar to those found on the back of the style sparingly and in immense numbers on the tube of the calyx. These spaces, do not communicate with the placente. The stigmatic canal has the usual structure: it is lined with stigmatic tissue and presents 3 faces, and 3 round angles, which angles correspond with the fissures between the separ- ablé lobes. The styles are very vascular possessing many fascicles, the dilated part presents two converging and diverging from the upper part of the style. I believe in fact, that the sepárable lobes of the stigma are in reality compound, that each style is bifid and each divi-' sion expanded into a lamina curved outwards, and then in- wards, These divisions mutually cohere, simulating a ae of a true stigma, For the lines of communication with the stigmatic canal alternate with these lobes, the lobes themselves have no . Central vascular axis which they would have, did they cor- .. respond with the midrib of the leaf. It is curious that if such explanation be correct, the nature of the inflexion of the style, in its expanded part will corres- pond in a considerable measure with that of the carpellary leaf, as seen in the very young states of Coccinia indica. It follows that if this be the case Dr. Wights hypothesis Cannot be correct, for that necessarily requires that the midrib ‘shall correspond with the axis of the placentze. — ]t is nota little remarkable that the apparent inversion .. 9f the carpellary leaf should be so continued in the dila -Part of the style. My ideas of the stigmata of this plant (the kunkree) are re- presented i in the annexed diagram, Pl. DCXVII. Fig. II. a, 4, a midrib, b ditto, c direction of the line of convolution, style with vessels, e stigma. ` - In Gardenia there is an evident tendency to dilatation of the Styles, which are in their upper part battledore-shaped, ley are slightly bilobed, the stigmatic tissue occupies the 590 CUCURB!TACEJ£ whole inner face, running down in a gradually widening line from the place where the convolution becomes less. This plant is worth noticing from the apparent total inco poration of the filaments with the tube of the corrola, as well as from the change in color of this, from green to yellow at the point of attachment of the anthers. Then the whole in- ner surface of tube is roughish. ie [In Alpina allughas Pl. DCXVII., Fig. situs, and transverse section of the ovarium, on the right of Fig. V.) there are some appearances as if the labellum was made up of the three stamina that ought to be opposed to the outer perianth. The two abortive stamina alternate with the anticous of the outer perianth, or in other words, are opposed to the two lower ones of the inner perianth. If this is correct the lateral inner stamina will be repre- seated by the rounded lateral lobes of the labellum, the anti- cous one will be marked out by the two dark red lines, and it will be bipartite as in the posticous perfect one. There is as much reason for supposing the carpellary leaves to be reversed as there is in Cucurbitacea. Supplementary cells exist in Funkia, the habit of which is entirely Amaryllideous Pl. DCXVII. Fig. V. (partis Of the nature of these slit-shaped cells I am not certain, but from the disposition of the central tissue as regards the, ovuliferous cells, I am almost disposed to treat them as Sup- plementary. : I must however observe that no trace of them exists in the style, which appears to entirely belong to the fertile ones. It is also obvious that they may be nothing more than the spaces between the carpellary leaves not filled up, al- though it would be more likely from analogy to find out such interstitial spaces towards the circumference, than to- wards the centre. . : ee LUFFA. 591 It is singular that by transmitted light it looks just like the tissue lining the cell, there is a tendency in the slits to pass outwards above near the base of the style, and to become more distant from the outside the further they proceed. They gradually disappear below. At the base, the venation is well Shown by the curve of the placentary vessels. Inthis, when an outer additional lacinia is developed so also is an additional locule of the ovary.] Lvrra. Luffa acutangula. Scandens scabra, caulis angulatus, fol. ambitu reniformia cordata sub 7-loba, mucronato-dentata basi 5-venia. Cirrhi ramosi hinc petiolis sub adjecta. Bractea magna carnosa a qua maxima glandulis calliformi- bus praedita, postica vel supera cuique inflorescentize adest. Inflorescentia videtur vere terminalis. Flores masculi, Tacemosi supera quoad feminea, racemo spithamza vel do- drantale. 3 Pedicelli infra medium articulati bracteoque carnosa glan- dulosa, plus minus pedicella (infra articul.) connata suf- Calyx tubus conicus, lacinjis DE A 3-veniis æs- ut tivatione valvatis. Cor, rotata laciniis profundis obovato-cuneatis 5-venosis. ZEstivatione imbricata marginibus valde inflexis, basi albo- pilosa, Stam. 5, Filament. unico singulo sepalo opposita, dua petalis opposita profunde bipartita. '. Connectivum omni dilatatissime lobatum. Anthere maxime uniloculares pre aliis sinuate, loculis | Eni. Torus glandulosus cyathiformis calycis fundum occupans. Rudim, fem, centrale conicum, * 592 CUCURBITACE A. Pollen sphzrica leve maximum sub Onagraroideum triporo- sum. Flos. femineus solitarius inter racemum et cirrhum. Pedi- cello inarticulato biunciali. Calycis tubus adnatus omnino longissima cylindricus, laci- niis lanceolatis glandulis elevatis sparsis, zestivatione valvatis. Cor. rotata 5-petala, ezeterum ut in mare. Stam. rudimenta 5 filamentis toro inserta ut in masculo sed minoribus autheris orbatis. Stylus cylindricus glaber. Stigmata tria maxima velutino- papillosa sublunulata. Ovarium solidum, placentis 3 nempe centro coalitis, parti- bus ovuliferis tantum non-coherentibus ovula immersa trans- versa. Styli vasc. fasc. 9 nempe uni 3, uno centrali rotun- _ dato, 2 laterali oblongis transverse. | Mas. Cor. rotata. Stam. 5-tria adelpha, adelphis duobus bipartitis. Antherz sinuatie. > Fas. Cal. tubus cylindricus. Cor. 5 petala, stam. abor- tiv. 5. Stigmata 3-lunulato reniformia. Oss. There is some reason for supposing the Cirrhi of this to be modified petioles in spite of.their laterality, because their divisions correspond in number to the veins of the leaves! This however does not apply to*some, as the following Tri- chosanthes, in which the leaves are 3-veined, the Cirrhi 2, or 3-partite. Look whether any Cucurbits with oue vein have divided Cirrhi. ; Lufa fetida, Pl. DCXVL. Fig. I. Development of the ollen. l. Alabast, 13 line long, cells of anther filled with a sub- coherent mass yet separable by pressure, outline of distinct, all entirely filled with grumous matter, earlier than this, the mass is not separable, nor are the cell distinct. : * 32. ass easily separable from the anther, still cohering cells | TRICHOSANTHES. 593 as to its component parts, cells distinct partially occu- pied by the grumous matter. 3. 24 lines long, cells slightly coherent, nucleus ternarily divided. 4. Same, under slight pressure, which ruptures the cells the grumous matter escapes, shewing that each portion of the original nucleus contains in a distinct cell. 5. Rather more advanced, grumous nucleus separate. 6. Pollen, as it subsequently exists, but free from gra- nules. , 7. More advanced, 4 lines long, the appearance of ternary division results from the folding of the outer membrane ; in Hie centre of each transparent line, is situated the 8. 5 is long, folds disappeared. 9. Perfect pollen. Fig. II. Alabast. without the ovary, 4 lines long. Fig. III. Alabast. 1 inch long. Fig. IV. Alabast. 21 inch long. Fig. V. Perfect. 'TRICHOSANTHES. Trichosanthes sp. = Scandens, strigosa, caule sulcato, fol. cordatis acuminatis Rücronato.dentz atis, sinu profundo, lobis erectis basi triveniis, “St Submollibus, Cirrhi lateralis bipartita. "cemi interpetioles et cirrhes terminales? folia superant, Aa nudiusculi. : Bractegs flores fulcientes spathulate dentate. Pedicellis 5 minus coherentibus. : Mas, Cal. tubus longissimus clavatus laciniis 5 lanceola- PU MS rur EY vum PP IS Cor, rotata laciniis lineari-lanceolat. 3-veniis, ima basin tis medium capillacea fimbriatis zestivat. valvata, fim- infiexis omnia inclusis. . r 594 CUCURBITACER. Stam fauci calycis inserta tria fertilia, tubo versus sita fili- formia. : Filam dua binatim composita, petalis tertio libero unico sepalo opposita brevia glabra. Anthere due biloculares, apice subpilosze filam tertia uni- loculares extrorsz, loculis angustis, biflexuosis, Connectivum apice conicum. Pollen albidum globosum leve triporosum. Corpora 2-3 filiformia vel omnino adnata tubo vel apice libera, an stylorum rudimenta. BRYONIA. Bryonie sp. Planta herbacea repens scandensque pilis longis rigidis his- pida subpungentibus. Rami sulcato-angulati, vernatione gyrata. Cirrhi hine petiolis adjecti, simplices. Folia longiuscule petiolata palmatim 5-loba. deltoideo-cordata, sinuato-dentata rugosa, hirsuta tactu scaberrima, basi sub 5-venia. Flores monoici feminei pauci in axillis aggregati breviter pedicel- lati parvi inconspicui. Calycis pars adhzrens ovatis, hispidissima supra ovar. quam maxime constricta, czeterum campanulata, laciniis 5-6 lnearibus, angustis reflexis. Flos. masculus interdum cohe- sionem binabis. Corolla lutea 5.6 eig petalis ovatis fauci insertis, laciniis calycis brevioribus sub 8-veniis utrinque breviter pilosis et dorso secus centrum pilis longioribus hispidis. Glandula magna carnosa, annuliformes, stylo basin cingit. Stamen rudimenta tria ad sunt calycis tubo medium versus petalis sub opposita, pubescentia. Stylus clavatus brevis inclusus stigma magnum celluloso- rugosum 3-lobum, lobis subcordatis compositis ideoque pla- centis opposita, varium uniloculare, placentis compositis approximatis DCXVI. Fig. VIL.b. VITATE ERR, WS RR IA ee E BRYONIA. ` 595 - Stigmata sepius una reniformia et ovar. l-locul. placentis 2 compositis. Ovula pauca transversa in placentis immersa, foramen hilum prope, et oblique introrsum spectans. Tegumenta bina discreta, nuclei apex mammilliforme. Placentz cavita- tis superficies incrassata. Fructus baccatus rubro-coccineus cerasi parvi magnitu- ine oblongo-rotundatus in pedicellis inarticulato apice ar- ticulatus subglaber, apice calycis basi ima subapiculatus 1- locularis. - Ovule sacculo embryonari-caudata. Semina O00 sed parvum numerosa transversa in pulpa aquoso lactearum nidulantia sacculo arilliform carnoso-mem- branaceo clauso inclusa ovula, lzevia albida. Raphe inconspicua, completa chalaza indistincta. " Tegument. exterius (testa) crassum coriacea induratum intus membrana cellulosa, (teg. interiore ovuli) vestit. mi- _Cropyle inconspicua. ... Tegment. interius nucleare membranacea tenue vestit. al- tero tenuissimo (e sacculo embryonare) orto albumen nul- (lum. . .. Cotyledones plano-convexiuscule carnosæ elliptice basi emarginata, Radicula conicum, hilum prope. . Plumula in- . COnspicua. - Flores masculi dispositi ut feminea sed in axillis distinc- tis, Cal. campanulatus. . . Cor, campanulata magis evoluta petala basi breviter con- . Mata. X Stam. tria tube calycis apicem versus inserta, 2 composita binatim petalis opposita, tertio (vel vero quinto) singulo se- palo opposit. | | Filam. brevia glabra, connectivo in apiculo brevi product. Medio supero affix. Anthere extrorse, lateraliter dehis- centes, singula vel discreta quoad filam. obliquum uniloculares, alie biloculares, squilatere ; connectivis apice bifidis, omni u TANG SN yee RUNE cp ee ee FER 596 CUCURBITACEE, barbatz vel hispidæ, pilis conico-subulatis infra succo flavo turgidis. Pollen flavum 3-angulatam glabrum Onagraroideum. Rudiment. Fem. carnosa globosa. Filament composit. fasciculi duo approximatis. Antherze compositze sunt, in vasorum fasciculorum centrale petiolorum cum opposita sunt! fasciculis propriis nullis ! an- thera discreta simplex. The truth is however, as I have observed in one case, that the filaments of all have distinct nutriment fascicles, but in the compound ones these are so closely united to the central one of the opposed petal, that they are not distinguishable until they reach the base of the filament. Of whatever genus this really is, it comes excessively close to Leucocodon, which differs only so far as the male flowers, and the fruits are concerned, in all the an- thers (3) being bilocular, and in the pollen, I hare pro- bably mistaken, the anthers which can scarcely be three, and all bilocular. Has. Khasyah Mounts. Ad ripas Kundul: Sep. 3rd, ZANONIA. Remarks on the Genus. Pl. DCXVII. Figs. III. VI. Neither the fruit or flower of Zanonia appears to have been described. with the requisite accuracy. In a species lately brought to me, the fruit, is oblong cla- vate with a flat truncate apex, marked by three lines pro- ceeding from the obscure angles of its margin to the centre. About two lines below the apex is an annular cicatrix, it is one-celled with three large fleshy triangular placenta tapering below, but enlarged above. The seeds are two in each of the cells formed by the meet- ing of the placenta in the axis, they are truly pendulous, attached to placenta about opposite the annulus, they se o long compressed, surrounded by a wing, narrow on the ma^ — ZANONIA . 597 gins of the body of the seed, but produced at either end into an expansion as long as the body of the seed itself. The seed otherwise has I think the ordinary characteristic struc- ture, except the commissure of the cotyledones is very indis- tinet, and only to be recognised in a very thin transverse sec- n. The dehiscence takes place along the 3 lines visible in the E flat summit: and the 3 valves so formed, which are internally thick and fleshy at first, and as it were continuous with the placenta, become by the drying of the tissues, inflexed. The remarkable points, and such as I would enter in the generic character, are the three large elongated triangular placentze, the 3-valvular dehiscence of the apex, the inflexion of the valves, binary and winged seeds. = According to Arnott's definition the wing of the seed is considered as of secondary importance, but to me it ap- pears remarkable, not only because 1 know of no tendency . to the formation of a wing in any plant of the order known . to me, but because in many, the margin in Zanonia so much developed, is channelled or grooved deeply, so that I would rather have expected two wings, one on either side of the actual margin, than such a one as exists in Z iionia. .. The seeds of cucurbitacea, so far as I know present either à blunt simple margiu, or a grooved one, the first may per- haps be taken as an argument against a tendency to be : Winged, the second would seem to indicate,the possibility of the occurrence of two wings, in either case Zanonia is re. markable, Capsula infra apicem annulata, imo apice trivalvis demum Valvis inflexis placentæ trigonæ maximæ. Semina two cuique Placentæ pendulæ, marginatæ alatæ. Fig. II. rm l. Very young flower bud. 7. Shews the stigmata and placentz, the spaces between the 598 CUCURBITACER, stigmata corresponding to the narrow slit-shaped spaces between the placenta, 3. Same laid open, shews the correspondence of the stig- mata with the placentz, a, a, a curious processes, form- ing a sort of annulus of which I am quite ignorant. Transverse section of the same, there is no peculiarity between it and other young placenta, except that the placentz are so approximated as to occupy all the ovary. Shews correspondence between stigmata and placentz, in the developed bud, the stigmatic lines are now conti- nuous, a, the line of passage inwards of the stigmatic tissue, and between the placenta. Shews the same, but in this, what I consider the true stigma is opposite us, a line of inflextion. ; | 4. Transverse section of same with reference to no. 5. June 16h, 1841. In Zanonia each stigma belongs to its own carpel, but in Coccina it belongs to different carpels, see Pl. DCXVII. Fig. VI. The margins thus stigmatic have no connection neces- sarily with the placenta. e T m Zanonia clavigera, Pl. DCXVII. Fig. IV. Flores (feminei) virides, ovarii clavata more fere Caryophil- lorum) articulato in pendicellum brevissimum suffultum brac- tea obsoleta. | Sepala 3, raro 4, 2 binatim composita, paullo majora, bive- nia, tertium univenium, semi-rotundata marcescent. Petala 5, carnosa, ochroleuca intus papillosa cordato-ovata zestiva- tione valvata acutiuscula caduca. Stam. sterilia glandiformia 5, situ parum regularia (not always present, when so, they may be taken into account for ascertaining the situation of the sepals, to which they will be opposite.) s Ovarium obsolete angulatum glaberrimum £ inferior, 1 above the attachment of the floral envelopes, trigouum, et planum, lineis tribus ex angulis ad centrum currentibus notatum. ZANONIA. 599 These lines run into styles, diverging towards their apices, -the space occupied by stigmatic tissue. Styli ad anguios siti, brevissime, stigmata totidem exactly- like short ram’s horns inflexed. Ov. triloculare, ovula cujusque locula bina, pendula ab apice, l utrinque fissura (incompletz junctionis) ordinis, memb, inter collum proficiens, the cell is opposite the flat faces not practically existing, owing to the size of the placentz, which starting from a narrow attachment at the angles, fill the whole cavity, being besides mutually closely adhering, . This triangular mass, so resulting, presents traces of compo- sition in the shape of the usual lines* «indicating placentary composition, which lines are alternate with the angles. To- wards the points of union in the axis, each presents a transverse subreniform mark of vascular fibrous tissue. At the apex of these composition lines are found the ovula, One on either side, a short distance below the base of the styles, Ee closely appressed to the mass of placenta. Now in is case it would seem that the cells of the ovariam correspond 48 usual with the styles, that the ovula are attached to the Margins of the placenta, which are produced inwards into a Confluent mass, the study of the development will alone shew Whether this is the proper explanation, or whether the pla. nta in this are continuations of the axis, united along Certain lines to the carpel leaves. Or we may take the parts between the styles as the carpel p leaves, which also appear to be indicated by the lines in the Vertex of the ovarium. . In this case, the placentz will have contracted an adhesion With the midrib or centralline of the leaf, and the stigmata of each carpellum will be completely separat * These lines correspond with the styles, and so with the stigmata, often the centre of the cells a the ovarium corresponds with thg b^ * Three lines of composition remaining instead of six, and these lines Shewing the lines of union of the placente of the same carpellum, the : — being quite deficient. 600 CUCURBITACE.£. I have no doubt, but that the styles and stigmata occupy their usual place i. e. the dorsum of the leaf, and that the furrow running along the venter of the style, which dilates above, giv- ing exit to the stigmatic tissue, is the ventral suture, and that the ovula are attached to the margins of this, at the apex of the cavity of the ovary, and that below this, the placente of the same carpel are united, but still present traces of composi- tion, and that the only anomaly, if it is one, is that there is no trace of the composition of the placentz of the contigu- ous carpels. In this case the situation of the vasc. bundles of placental mass is proper, that *is belonging to the margins, (being compound necessarily.) If the other explanation that the spaces between the styles are the carpel leaves, be assumed, then the line of inflection ceases to be margin, or ratheris not along the axis of the leaf, asi the case, and the placentze arise from the midrib, and bear the ovula, which would be all quite contrary toanalogy ; and what is still more important, the stigmatic tis- sues, in this case compound, would have no theoretical con- nection even in direction with the ovula or placentz, but a line continued downward would traverse the centre of the ovarial cell. Pl. DCXVII. Fig. IV. 1]. Female flower. 2. Same petals removed or fallen off. 3. Apex of female flower seen vertically, shews the com- position of the sepal, the sterile stamens and appearance of the apex of ovarium. The situation of the 5th, or simple sepal not ascertained properly. 4. Long section of upper part ovarium, a fissure of — ginal non-cohesion, 5 cell} c ovulum. 5. One of the cells cut away up the back of the style, shews the fissure of non-cohesion, and situation of ovula. ACTINOSTEMMA. 601 6. Transverse section of ovarium, corresponding in situa- tion with fig. 3, close to insertion of envelopes. . 4. Another of same much lower down, and below the ovula, 8. An ovulum. 9. The same outer tegument for the most part removed. ACTINOSTEMMA. Pls. DCXIV. DCXV. Planta dioica. Herbacea annua scandens. ' i Caules elongati, angulati sulcati, crassite penne corvine, _ parce puberuli, tenera succulenta plant fæminæ multo ma- gis evoluta. Folia alterna longiuscula petiolata, exstipulata, juniora cor- dato-hastata, 3-loba, lobis lateralibus, subbilobatis, grosse dentata, dentibus mucrona terminalis, dentibus basilaribus Singulis, vel binis utrinque glanduliferis, acuminata, saturato- | viridia utrinque ad venas puberulo hirta, basi palmata 3-venia, = venis lateralibus cito bifurcatis secondariis inconspicuis mutuo | . 4rcuatim anastomosantibus, pagina ceterum areolata reticu- LE lata, infera tantum stomatosa. | Petioli sesuncialis supra canaliculato-puberula. Cirrhi solitarii hinc basi petioli quasi adjecto, spiraliter torta, apice bipartita. Inflorescentia utriusqus sexus axillaris, mascula racemoso- Paniculata. Paniculis filiformibus elongatis folia fulcientia aliquoties excedentibus ab ima basin ramosis, ramo sæpe quante, sulcatis puberulis, ramis divaricatis racemosa pluri- ris, Bractea subulata minuta ad basin cujusque divisionis et cujusque pedicelli. icelli medium infra articulati, si solitarii semper hinc basin rudimenta alternis stipata, puberula parte infra articu- AA 602 CUCURBITACE Æ. Flores caduci, inconspicui, viridii lutescentes, inodori, evolu- tione centrifugi. Cal. rotatus profunde 5-partitus, laciniis basi obsolete sac- ratis, lineari-lanceolatis acuminatissimis patentissimis, acumi- nib. subrecurvis, extus puberulis, univeniis, cstivatione valva- tis. Pet. 5 sepalis alternantia, fundo calycis inserta breviter unguiculata e basi lanceolata acuminatissima patentissima, univenia, zestivatione subimbricata, ungue et limbi ima basin cum calyce cohzrente, marginibus ut etiam. sepalorum glan- duloso-denticulatis. Stam. 5 imo fundo calycis inserta, omnino discreta, sepalis opposita, inclusa. Filamenta breviuscula filiformia. Connectivum glanduloso-papulosum, viride. Anthera ad- nat uniloculares extrorse, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Pollen luteum lanceolatum plicatum, immersum globosum granulosum ; plicis expansis membrana interna apparent. Rudiment femin nullum. Flores feminei racemosi, racemis paucifloris szpius uni- floris, flora unico in omnibus tantum evoluto. Pedicelli florem prope articulata, bracteze ut in mare Calycis tubus subglobosus verrucosus, limbus corollaque ut in mare sed ciniz magis reflexe, sepius caduca interdum marcescunt et serius labuntur. Stamina ut in mare sed minora interdum castrata. Ovaria 2, 3 inferum, parte libera conica verrucosula, 1-lo- culare. Placentz punctiformes, nulla septa. .. Ovula 2, 4, sepius 4 pendula ab apicem loculi, si 4 bina ab utroque qm Foramen superum hilum prope. Tegu- menta bina distincta, interum inclusuin. Stylus crassus brevis, leviter complanatus demum am- liatus, parce puberulus, stigmata bina approximata hippo- crepidiformia, vasorum fasciculi plures, 3, 4 minores circa atus externis unici majores centrales dispositi, styli centrum omnino evasculosum. Fructus pendulus, - (pedicello infra articulam gracili, mr à ACTINOSTEMMA. 603 Incrassato, petiolo breviore) ovatus obtusissimus apicem ver- sus leviter attenuatus, apice stigmata reliquis minimas spha- celatus gerens, aculeis viridibus complanatis et præ- sertim annulum infra valde echinat. apice subglaber, tactu levi ad annulum circumscissus! unilocularis 2, 4 spermus, mesocarpium celluloso spongiosum crassum album, rugoso. Endocarpium cellulo-membranaceum tenuissimum, e cel- | lulis angustis quam maxime irregularibus forma situque con- » Superficiei intus rugosa. Placentz obsoletissimze, septa szepius nulla, rarius obsole- tissima, —.. Semina 2, 4 ssepius, 4 pendula atro-brunnea, demum brun- Réscente tactu saponacea, valde complanata, superficie valde -irregulare rugosaque hinc utrinque profunde sulcatis, margi- : nibus varie dentatis, hilum minima micropyle parum cons- "Testa fragilis, diploe alba cellulosa, margines versus crassa. Tegumentum interius celluloso-spongiosum album super- lé venoso-reticulatum et exaratum, venis e raphe fere com- : pleta utrinque ramos exserente ortis, irregulariter divisis sæ- . pius distinctos, interdum mE er. inferioribus ceteris a c longioribus. . egumenta 3tiam (nucleare) tenuissimum celluloso-mem- um leve, hinc apice longiuscula apiculato excepto, - adnatum, Albumen nullum. Embryo i inversus, quoad fructu, orthotropus quoad semen. - Cotyledons ovales carnose —plano-convexiuscule, faciebus laterioribus seminis parallele, ideoque raphi alternantes. te conica acuta breviuscula, basi utrinque breviter auriculat, bated hilum prope. ; conspicua. Adest etiam membrana tenuissime inter cotyledones, ob co- *rledoues i initio divaricatissima. tis membrane is nothing but the sri cellular - por- x the enibryouary t sac that intervenes necessarily be- PEG UTC SR DS e eue ie i m URS de Re SERS eRe Sayan SENT ed md da Sa ary SR S Cu Ia eye re ee Go B REP EU QUE ET T RD VIS EN I IRE RE NE EUER RET POTETE TTE PERUPPTETCUENIT a a UNE ERREUR cR TUR RETE TENER: eee een ees x gor es : BG, 23 s 3 He 604 CUCURBITACE£. tween the cotyledons, which are in their young stages very divarcate. Huic genus proximum constituit planta cujus mas. hucus- que tantum visa. Scandens teuer, petiolis canaliculatis margi- nibus canalicule dense ciliatis, foliis ternatis, foliolis laterali- bus binatim divisis, cirrhis hinc petiolis adnatis simplicibus vel bipartitis, floribus masculis paniculatis, paniculis compositis folia szepius longe excedentibus, calyce 5-partito, laciniis bre- vibus obtusis. Petalis lanceolatis acuminatissimis, stamini- bus monadelphis, filamentis omnino connatis, antheris unilo- cularib. Pl. DOXV. 1. Male alabastrum very young. 2. Ditto more advanced. 3. Ditto a little before expansion. 4, Ditto one sepal removed from the base of its free portion. 5, Stamen of ditto lateral view. 6. Ditto front view. 7. Ditto back view. 8. Pollen. 9. Ditto immersed. 10. Lateral view of male flower. 11. Ditto vertical view. 12. Stamina of ditto and the base of the calyx and corolla. 33. Very young fruit. 13a. ditto long section, one ovula in 135. Ovulum, 13c ditto long section, 13d ditto its em- bryonary sac with its long membranous tube, 13 ditto with apex of nucleus. 14. Young fruit, I5. Ditto nearly mature. 16. Ditto mature dehisced. 17. Ditto upper portion with the seeds in situ. 18. Seed outer view, 18a ditto inner, 18, ditto lateral. 19. Ditto long section. | 20. Embryo. ee a ee ee ee ACTINOSTEMMA, 605 2]. Ditto one cotyledon removed. 22. Radicle and plumula, removed with a portion of curious growth of one cotyledon, resembling a rudimentary convolute leaf. 23. Long section of seed, embryo removed, a testa, 5 its white diploe, c nucleary spungy membrane, lined by the embryonary sac excessively fine, the free apiculate apex of which is seen at d,c second integument, on its surface, but not ramified in it, are the vessels of the testa, d free apex of the nucleary membrane, this ; adheres in other parts slightly to the second integument. Pl. DCXIV. | l. Female flower lateral. 2, 8. Two views of the same, perianth removed. 4. Transverse seetion of style. 5. Longitudinal section of ovarium, parallel to the stigmas. _ 6. Ovulum of ditto. 7. Do. long section, 6a 4 ovula in situ, raphe alternately situated inwardly. 8. Young fruit, just after fall of perianth. 8a. Ovula of do., 85 do. long section. . 9. Young fruit, long section of. 9a. Ditto ovula removed, 95 ovulum of do. long section. 9c. Apex of nucleus of do., this has a long apiculus, and seems to be traversed by a canal, to its apex is attached no doubt portion of a pollen tube. The embryonary = sac for the most part is exposed. 10. Long section of ovula more advanced, embryo just ap- pearing, z ìl. Do. still more advanced, 11a embryonary sac of do. 114, Embryo removed. | 2a. Embryo, 6 nucleus now much reduced in dimensions, . . €testa, d inner integument, e Embryonary sac filling the cavity of the nucleus and itself, entirely with cellular 606 CUCURBITACE. Has. Chykwar in sylvis infra articulatis, Assam name Temeejoora. et, estivatione gyrata vel incurvato-involuta, loiter im- bricata. Fl. masc. Calycis laciniæ breves. Pet. lanceol. acuminatissima, æs- tiv. involuta. Stam. monadelpha. Planta scandens. Habitu Cissi vel Vites. TRICEROS. Scandens glaberrima, foliis longe petiolatis pedalis reptenis foliolis lanceolatis inciso-serratis dentibus mucronulatis cirrhis oppositifol. sæpius simplicibus apice petioli puberulo. Fl. fem. fasciculat. longe pedunculat. calycis laciniis 5 subulatis persistent. petalis 5 ovatis acutis, styli 3 apice bifidis. Fructu subtrigono-campaniformi apice, truncato plano. Stylis 3 persistentibus cornuto apice dehiscente l-loculo, ex abortivum unius seminis dispermo, seminibug® crassis ob- longis margine incrassatis rugosis nigris amarissimis. masc. racemosis, in apice ramorum sæpius difoliora- torum, quasi axillaribus sicut paniculam longissimam . for- mantibus, fl. breviter pedicilllatis pentameris sepalis petalis- que pubescentibus viridescentibus ut in fem. Stam 5 liberis. AB. Himalaya near Budrinath, M. Edgeworth. Dzscnir. Perianth. basin versus coalit. planum IO-partitum, sepala 5 lanceolata acuminata denticulata. Pet 5 alternant. pluries majora sepalis lanceolato-acuminata, margine denticu- lato fimbriata, 1-venia, venia 2 lateralibus dimidiatis abortivis. Pagina processubus cellulosis. Stam. 5 basin ima connato in discum i Aeria planam carnosam, extrorsa, sepalis opposita. Filamenta crassa bre- via, evasculosa antherz terminales vel uniloculares, fissa ex- trorsum dehiscentes vel bilocellate. Pollen glabrum. Rudiment fzm. 0. Flos. fzzmineus, 10-partitus, tubo perianth oblongo-clavat. laciniis linearibus reflexis, sepalis duplo brevioribus angustis- TRICEROS. 607 simis. Pet. longissim. acuminatis, discus styloram basin con- jungens planus carnos. Styli 3 sepalis oppositi, duobus in- curvis simplicibus. Stigmatibus 2 setaceis recurvis. .. Fructus late clavatus, apice quasi truncat. cornubus tribus (estylis induratis) recurvis, capsularis, extus venosus, in- terveniis celluloso-reticulatis. Semina 2 pendula, 3tio abortient. oblongo-quadrat. com- pressiuscule utrinque rapheos margine clavato rugoso. Raphe completa, simplex? Testa coriaceo chartaceo. Em- bryo ordinis. Sepalis evasculo-cellulosis. Pet. vasculo-centrale complete, lateral. incomplete dimidiatis. Planta volubilis cirrhifera, habitu Cis, fol. carnosiusculis pedalis, foliolis angustiuscule dentatis lanceolatis. Racemis flor. fem. nutant. Ducis: bracteis linearibus subsimplici- bus, flor. masculor. longe et anguste epp Stam rudim 0, in flora femineo. Styli 2, 1 sepalis 4 petalis .. 9pposit. 3tio petalo omnino opposito. . . Oss. On what principle is an anther like thia explainable ? - The bilocillate form is riducible to the genuine bilocular (qua- . drilocellate) by assuming the secondary septa to be deficient. And the only manner I know to reduce the genuine uni- . locular anther to the ordinary type, is to assume the anthe- . Tal leaflet margins as entirely coalescent. The true modification of anthers requires examination. It 48 at once obvious, that a quadrilocellate anther cannot be well *Xplained if we assume the lines of dehiscence as correspond- ing to the lines of inflection of the margins of the leaf. To explain them in that way, 4 leaflets are required for each and all on the same plane, which is contrary to analogy. _ The septa are the last things formed probably y having a 3 different origin and analogy. zd 608 GUTTIFERA. CALOPHYLLUM. 1. Calophylli sp. Calophyllum, glabrum gemmis ferrugeis puber except. fol. oblonga, in petioli attenuata obtusissime margine undulata, racemis sæpius 2 3 fasciculatis, foliis dupl. triplo brevior, floribus suboppositis, sepal. petal. duplo minorib. Ramuli compressi, virides. Petiola 6-7 linealis : lamina ob- longa, obtusa basi attenuata coriacea margine subundulata venatio solita 5-6 uncialia long. lat. 2 uncial. patentia venatio solita. Racemi axillares, foliis brevioris vix ultra digitum longe sepius 2, 3 fasciculat., raro solitaria albida. ^ Pedunculus tetragonus compressus major centralis supra medium ramosus, foriger subglabris erectus pgiecit 3, 4 lineali subquemque squamiformes, ; Flores parvi, albi adoratissimi szepius solitarii. Perianthium reflexum. Sepala 4 oblonga concava petaloidea. Petala 4 obovato-rotundata concaviuscula diplo minora. Stam. 00, petalis subduplo breviora filamenta filiformia basi subcoalita, Antheræ oblongo-ovatæ, bilocul. longit. dehis- centes. Ovarium globosum, viride, glabrum parietibus crassis. l- loculare. Stylus filiformis, robustus stamina longiora paullo excedent flexisosus. Stigma discoideum. Ovulum l basi loculi affixum, atropum. This appears to approach C. Bintangor in the shape of the leaves, but judging from Wights Monog. of the Indian species is not deseribed, GARCINIA. 609 2. Calophyllum Inophyllum. F Arborea. Paniculis axillaribus terminalibusque pedunculis pedicellisque albis, floribus albis, suavissime odoratis, odóra . tosacez, antheris luteis. Ovarium rubescens. ` Cal. 4-sepalus, sepalis petaloideis 2 interioribus antici- posticisque majoribus in petalis sæpe abeuntibus. Pet. totidem sepalis alternantia, æstivatio imbricata, Stam. 00, polyadelpha, adelph. ima basin coalitis. 1 vel plura et tunc angustiora staminib. aliquod nempe abortivis. Filam. libera subulata, apicibus viridescentibus. Anth ob- longe bilocul. longit. dehiscentes. Pollen ovatum leve hinc sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, stigma peltatum sub 3-an- gulare, ovarium 1-loculare l-ovulat. ovulo erecto foramen in- conspicua hilum prope — Pil. DLXXXV. A. Fig. IV. Ovula at a much later period, bud about 3 developed. At an m period the foramen is distinct as are likewise _ the coats of the ovule, the primine is very thick and gru- . mous, which renders the secundine and nucleus still more difficult to be seen. Has. Mergue an culta. ——— ; GARCINIA. : Gar "cini -Arboreà 30 pedalis, ramulis pendentibus viridibus, fol. lanceolata vel ovato-lanceolata obtusis, subrepandis coriaceis rminalib. 3-4 aggregata, in —— petioloram circiter longitudinis. Sepal 4 rotundata, 2 ssteribe, cum pedicellis rubro-san- tineis interior ochroleucis, nervo medio, rubro-sanguineo. R et. 4 subæqualia obovato-rotunda, ochroleuca T ) : B 4 610 BIXINEJE. Stam. binae alpha, ovario mediante toro adnata, 00, in corpus 4-lobatum, carnosum, unita filam. libera facta bre- vissima. Anth. bilocul. longit. dehiscentes loculor marginibus repandis, stylus crassus, stigma magnum peltato-capitatum. Ovarium, loculare, loculis l-ovulatis? ovulis pendulis. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. XII. Pars a, an styli pars an potius, pars tubo staminei lateribus ovarii stylique adnato et usque ad stigma attingentis, flores suaviter odorat. In sylvis Mergue: Oct. 1834. BIXINEA. Bixa. Bixa orellana. Frutex foliis cordato-ovatis acuminatis basi 5-nerviis, longe petiolatis pellucida reticulatis impunctatis. Paniculis subeymosis terminalibus ramulisque junioribus ferruginea velutinis, floribus magnis odoratis carneis. Brac- tea membranaceis concavis ad basin pedicellorum. Cal. basi involucellatus? involucellis 5-partitis laciniis glandulosis, sepalis oppositis 5-sepalus, sepalis membrana- ceis szestivatione imbricatis. Cor. 5-6 petalo, petal sepalis alternant. patente reflexis obovatis, integris bifidisve zestivatione imbricatis basibus lutescente apicibus carneis. Stam. 00, hypogyne libera, filam. capillacea. Anth car- nez basi affixze, biloculares apicibus poris 2 dehiscent. Pol- len lanceolato-ovatum leve hinc sulcatum Stylus complanatus subclavatus. Sügmä bilabiat. ringens. Ovarium hispidissimum 1-loculare placentis 2 parietalibus. Ovula 00, subascendentia foramen hilum prope. revise ces — viridi rubescent hispidissima — carpio Ee semina 00, placentis FLACOURTIACE.R. 611 Tegumenta subbaccat. succo miniato feta, externis apice cicatrizatum (nec micropyle) sed chalaza, funiculis albis ad basin seminum in corpore peltato expansis (arillo parvo). Albumen carnosum, embryo axillis. Cotyledones foliaceæ plane. Radicula hilum versus. Plumula inconspicua chalaza intus tumida, subcallosa, adeo ut cotyledones apices deflectantur. = Culta frequenter apud Mergue: Nov. 1834. 2. Bivinee sp. Arbuscula ramulis minute verrucosis, foliis alternis exsti- . pulatis breviter petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis, obtuse acuminatis, puente, basi 5-nervis junioribus discoloribus lividis luci- basi 2-glandulosis, coriaceis, subrepando-dentatis, S licen axillaribus, foliis multo breviorib. albido-velutinis bracteis ovatis minutis ad basin cujusque pedicell. Pedicellis ibus albido velutinis medium versus articulatis - ibidemque Breteoltis, floribus albis odoratis ob staminibus conspicuis. Cal. 5-sepalus, sepalis albidis subpetaloideis velutinis. Pet. totidem sepalis alternantia conformia, paulo minora mstivatio tegument cujusque aperta. .. Stam. 00, hypogyna libera, filamenta capillacea inzqualia. . Anth. subversatilis bilocul. longit. dehiscent. . Stylus crassus filiformis staminibus brevior. Stigma capitat. | Süblobatum medio foveolatum. varium superum, l-loculare, placentis 5, parietaliebus, un pluribus cuique placente, pendula foramen ad hilum. 4. DLXXXV. A. Fig. XIII. a wall of aisi i Han. Ad littoram. Ins. Pulo Gewen: Nov. | FLACOURTIACE. i GYNOCARDIA. Biwocerdis sp. | Arbor magna, Sones =e griseo, fol. alternis exsti: pu- latis Oblonois nies ene auis ead abit { i 5 : * LLLI 612 LORANTHACE.E. glaucescent. Petiolis articulatis in ramulis supra planius- culis, fructibus maximis in pedunculo ligneis 13 uncialib. crassis globosis aurantia magna magnitudine nudis, apice de- pressiusculis, extus suberosis grisco-brunnea, cortex 14 linea crassa lignea dura, massam carnosam. Semina 00, plura maxima in substantia cellulosa nidulante, verisimiliter sine Ordine evidenti disposit. ovato-oblonga, materia gelatinoso. solida diaphana inclusa. ~ Testa atro-coriacea dura. Tegument. interius membrana- ceum tenue, albumen copiosum carnosum album arcte vesti- ens. Embryo in axi albuminis, orthotropa quoad directionem radiculee brevis obtuse teretis hilum versus. Cotyledones planze contiguee carnosz foliacee. Plumula inconspicua, cavitus al- buminis embryonifer membrana tenuissime vestita. Cotyle- dones oblonga directione diamet. longioris, seminis parallelz. Hilum parvum. Testa extus lineata rugosula, an ideo testa baccata. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. IX. Has. Assam at Suddyah: Jan. 9th, 1836. FLACOURTIA. Flacourtia edulis. Fruit the size of a large cherry, annular at the base and with the remains of the perianth : apex depressed, umbilicate surrounded with the persistent unchanged styles and stigmata smooth, externally reddish with green streaks, baccate with as many cells as there are styles, mat filled with pulp in which, the solitary and binary pendulous seeds nestle. Seeds much compressed, testa thick indurated nearly bony, inner tegument very thin brownish membranaceus. Albumen copious fleshy. Embryo with the radicle next the hilum, and consequently superior, with flat foliaceous cotyle- dons cordate at the base. Plumula inconspicua, LORANTHUS. 613 pur 2H _ Has. Malacca, habitus foliatio armat. Flacourtiz, fl. masc. —— Getonia. —. . Evidently akin to the S. African genus Dovyalis vide Arnott — Journal Botany, Vol. III, p. 251. LORANTHACEA. General Remarks. . There can I think be very little doubt that the following Orders form a very natural group, Santalacee, Loranthacez, Olacineze. The presence or absence or the corolla cannot be admitted . 88a valid objection, because although most Loranthace:e havea highly developed corolla, there is no trace of it in Viscum, Olax, although it hasa superior fruit, and so like in ap- pearance to an inferior one, that dissection must be resorted 1o, to detect the difference. Olacinez are widely displaced by all authors except the illustrious Brown, who long ago pointed out its great affinity to Santalacez. — lts affinities with Aurantiacez and Sapotacez are purely imaginary. The Order points out the tendency that exists _ to suppression of part or the whole of the outer series of Stamina, which is so complete in some Santalacez, and all : Loranthaceæ : what is the cause of the presence of a glandu- lar disk so frequently among Epigynous Orders. . No vessels exist in the corolla of Schepfia opposite the Sinuses, The style has 3 vascular fascicles, it will be worth While to apply the test of situation of carpella relative to the Calyx, or at least supposed calyx of many plants, if these bave really calyces, the carpella will alternate with them, owing to the law, that no two organs of similar denominations can be opposed to each other. E The above Orders agree in the following remarkable parti- 614 ; LORANTHACEÆ. culars, valvular æstivation, opposition of stamina, composi- tion of ovarium, structure of placentæ and reduction of the usual parts of an ovulum ; this being carried to its maximum in Loranthaceæ, the differences of albuminous seeds are non- adhesion of calyx in one, but this may be explained away, and the development of corolla, which as it is irregular, is of less account, Santalaceæ are usually supposed very nearly akin to Elæag- nez and other Tubiferous classes, but the affinity may not perhaps be so very close to Proteaceæ. Thymelez, and Eleag- nez have simple ovaria ;a sign of much consequence. Lindley places Anthobol ee among Thymelee on account of its superior fruit, but as it agrees otherwise with Santalaceze, it will probably serve to point out, that the ideas I have above noted are very natural. Choretrum is stated by Brown to have a very minute 5-par- tite calyx, I say from analogy that its perianth is more co- lored than those in which no calycule exists. Quincha- malium has an urceolate bractea, totally distinct from the ovary, and this is rightly considered by Brown as an argu- ment in favour of the perianth of the related orders being calycine. This instance I take to be most important, for it explains away the greater part of the anomalies, for the brac- tea cuculliformis of Quinchamalium is obviously akin to the calycule of Loranthacez, the same of Schepfia, the same perhaps of Olacinez. As Brown says it is probable that the perianth is calycine not corolline, because of the valvate estivation, an uncommon occurrence among truly petalous orders. Then he notices Viscum and Loranthus. The look of the perianth of Schepfia is not at an early pe- riod continuous with the calycule, if it be strictly so, it must be calycine. A genuine calyx must be continuous with the outer struc- ture of the part of which it isa development, if it be not LORANTHUS. 615 it is corolline, belonging to the glandular system ; see Brown’s . Obs. on the analogy of the perianth of Quisqualis and Com- . bretum. LORANTHUS. Loranthus concavifolium Gr. Scurrulæ sect. Attachment simple, plant pendulous. Tota planta furfuraceo pubescent przesertim fol. subtus fur- — fura e pilis ramosis pallida. .. Fol. alterna vel subopposita, basin subtus nitentibus et seni- -oribus glabratis, fragile, brittle, cordate, ovato-oblonga sæpius , Concava, integra obtusa carnoso-coriacea, venis secondariis . inconspicuis. -. Novellis albidis, novissimis ferrugineis, vernatio concavo- . Conduplicata, racemis subcymiforme aggregatis in axillis velus- - tioribus, foliis brevior, fl. l-bracteata basin ferrugin pilis cinct. E Calyx clavatus ore truncato extus ferrug. tube of co- rolla sub oval-shaped compressed above near the calyx gibbous curved upwards) estivation of bud much greater, bud subcy- lindrie except the knobbed apex. 3 Corolla 4-fida, fissura postice profundior, laciniis erecto- Filam. complanata sursum latiora ad exsertionem angustata, woror sanguinea. Anth subovate, Stylus longitud. stam. Stigma capitat. Fructus (junior) clavata. ^AB. Malacca, in oe mangrove woods on Son- “eee Se Reggae ible to determine, it approach- a closely both | to d. rali and Ea from which it in single attachment, leaves subalternate concave, cori- ous brittle above shining, and when mature very smooth, : the flowers pale inside, laciniis inflexis. Dicatur L. eoncavifolinm, if this. be found a permanent ; for i daos la den 616 LORANTHACEX. The phenomena of fecundation are those of L. bicolor. the sacs are of great tenuity, the cavity of the ovarium ap- pears blocked up, the embryo base is on a level with the base of the cotyledons. 2. Loranthus farinosus, Pl. DOXX., or L. incarnatus, Jack, for the young shoots and leaves are covered with ferruginous pubescence, although otherwise it does not agree with his description. The embryo sacs reach up the style a good way nearly . to the stigma, often, and generally it presents the same pheno- mena as L. bicolor. The chief anomaly consists in the soft mucilaginous nature of the cells first developed, their adhe- sion to the embryonic mass, the preponderance of this body at an early period, the exceeding distinctness of the inner tubes, not only separating easily from the sacs, but from each other. The embryonic tissues appear to commence from the inner tubes at the termination of the sacs. It pre- sents the same development of cellular tissue from unfecun- dated sacs, the same engagement of 2 pollen tubes, the abor- tion of some of the sacs oecasionally, the same fundus to the ovarium, the same composition of the embryonic mass. The young fruit is hard, the fibrous or hard outer layer being produced inwards in a ruminate mann The embryo sacs become enlarged subsequently, but no albumen seems to be formed in their cells. L. oleoides, pre- sents the same phenomena as L. globosus. l. DCXX. Fig. I. i Raceme and alabastrum of Lor. farinosus or incarnatus. 2. Flower, slightly increased. 3. Upper part of perianth laid open. . 4. Base of pistillum and its bractea. 5. Stigma. 6. Long double section of ovarium during expansion. 7. Lower parts of style of ditto with two embryo sacs« 7a, Head of one of the m sacs of the same ovarium. LORANTHUS. 617 8. Long double section of ovary after the fall of perianth. 8a. The seed, developing of the same. 8b. More magnified two of the inner tubes have separated from their sacs which were torn away. 9, Embryo more developed, no longer adheres to the cellu- lar tissue, grown from the sac. The same Pl. DCXX. Fig. II. 1, 2. Heads of 2 unfecundated sacs, they are more dilated than any others, I have yet seen. 3, 4, 5. Front, back, and lateral views of the anther. 6. Young seed, even now the embryo exceeds in bulk the soft albuminous tissue, the curvature of the inner tubes is of frequent occurrence. - Ditto more advanced after the action of nitric acid. 3. Loranthus pentapetalus, Pl. DCXXIV. Foliis oppositis glabris undulatis concavis (ob conduplicat) sub lanceolatis obtuse acuminatis venis inconspicuis coriaceis, Racemis sub spicatis ambitu cylindraceis, axillis solitariis . vel 2-3 fasciculat. ascendent. (the plant is pendulous) floribus- que vivid coccineo-sanguineis. Pedicello brevissimo inferne l-bractez. Fl. 3-linealis _¢alycis tubo subcylind. ovato, ore minimo ciliatulo annulifor. _ Subintegro ambitu pentagono. Per. urceolatum tubo globoso 5-angulato laciniis totidem alternis reflexis spathulatis, (vero) 6-petalum petalis infra . medium dilatat. ad exsertion filament constant. filam. laciniis breviore alba. Anth. adnat. revolutis luteze. — Stylus stam. paullo brevior. parte in urceolo floris recon- 5 it. incrassato 5-gono ceterum constrictiuscul. cylindraceo, basi rugosa. labast, basi amplato 5-gono supra clavato, juniore axi ) adpressa. Infloresc. evoluto inverse. E Plant natural size. (Fig. L) = 2 Alabastram. sisi aaa flower. €4 618 LORANTHMACEJE. 4. Petal. and stamen detached. 5. Anther in front. 6. Ditto back. 7. Anther after dehiscence. 8. Pistillum. Has. Malacca in arborib. It belongs to L. bicolor section. Spec. cnan. Fol. oppositis vel alternis lanceolatis undula- tis. Racemis spiciformibus axill. solitariis vel aggregatis pedi- cello brevisibus deflexis apice l-bracteat. Per. basi globosa 5-gona 5-petala. Stylus infra medium angulatus. Bacca ovato-oblonga. Valde affinis L. coccineo. Ozs. In Loranthus pentapetalus the circumstances atten- dant on the development of an albumen, as well as: of the embryo are obscure, I have seen tubes entering into the head of the sac, and I have after tlie fall of the style found them in the ovarial portion of the same organ, but after they are scarcely detectable up to a period when the albumen has attained a considerable size, and then what is very remark- able, the funicle of the embryo consists for the whole of its upper part, of a simple tube, other less remarkable anomalies consist in the ease with which the albumen, even from its commencement almost separates from the sacs, and perhaps in the lateness in which the tubes, and the single funicle of the embryo become invested with a proper membrane, or is I really tubular... 4 Pl. DCXXV. Fig. I. Even at this period which is first A after the fall of the style, the cellular mass appears quite free, it is invariably terminated by a single conical cell. The sacs are now withered, adhere closely to parietes of the cell. They are attached to the apex of the mass, although from the production of the cells upwards, this is obscured, ana even becomes somewhat lateral. Subsequently the inner. 23 tubes exist in some, after which they reach to the mass, they — 3 * LORANTHUS 619 are more obscure in'this, than in any instance I have yet met with. I have not been able to trace them into the mass, although the lax smaller cellular tissue at the apex of this, obviously represents the embryo as it exists in others of same type, . and this is the more remarkable because the more developed embryo I have observed sometime back to be most distinctly flamento-funicular. a green, b red, c c sac. Fig. II. Cavity occupied by a cellular body, above with ` large simple empty cells, below with more numerous, and more close with granules. "This body is connected above With at least some of the sacs. Composed of dense red cutis, the dense green rather thick tissue, the rest white first a layer thickest below the young viscum curved and thickest above the dense central tissue. In this instance one tube was seen applied to the cellular Mass, but no tubes were seen inside it, nor were any seen in the mass itself. Fig. III. Cellular mass upper 4 laxly cellular cells large in 2 series lower, two thirds densely cellular uniform with an Opaque central line caused by the embryo. This embryo consists to the top of a long clavate irregular ‘filament containing green globules the large and short cells intervene, then the long tissue of the base of the embryo, the ‘Collatral tissue only commencing. e filament does not reach throughout the mass but ceases ‘the denser tissue, it never presents traces of composi- n. a opaque cells, b transparent, c green, d red. - The anomalies are great, upwards the production of cellular tissue, in the great size of young albumen before the embryo appears, its lateral attachment, in the late appearance of the her tubes, and in the simple filatnent of suspension. Fig. IV. In this instance a flasque lobe without tubes was | hed to one side, the mass had the usual shape. In the e 259 Shewed 2 fine tubes which projected beyond the 620 LORANTHACEAX. lower end, and of these one was swollen into a ball. The point whence these tubes originated was not seen. Their observation is very obscure, for in a structure of this sort if they run along the intercellular lines, they cam scarcely be seen. | Fig. V. The nipple is very evident, and terminates the eentral column of amylaceous tissue, its apex corresponds with the lower orifice of the stigmatic canal, its appearance is altogether nucleary. T This nipple is visible up to a period just antecedent to opening of the flower, it has the same shape but appears to be hollow. a vessels, 5 fuscous, c d reddish, e green, f opaque. If the sacs are developed first in the ovary, as I think they would be, Loranthus becomes an instance of a nucleus excert- ing several embryo sacs, unless indeed the sacs pass up into the style, round its base, and so avoid perforating the cone. Fig. VI. No cellular mass is produced before the fall of the style, and no inner tubes in the lower part or ovarial part of the sacs, no viscum. It is difficult to examine the sacs at this period, as the cen- tral columnar tissue is tough and opaque ‘amylaceous gra- nules. All the sacs at least do not reach to the fundus of the central amylaceous tissue. The unequal extent of the sacs may perhaps give rise in some measure of the lateral apex of the funicle. Even after this and before any visible enlargement, the sacs remain unchanged with the exception of shewing evi- dences of the inner tubes becoming in iodine columns of grume, without proper membrane and not extending into the dilated part of the sac. 4. Loranthus coccineus, Pl. DCXXVI. ; Ramuli papillos. fol alter. mediocre petiolatis, coriacels costa excepta aveniis, fuces viridescence e basi cordati In- quilateraliter oblongo-ovata, obtusa ima apicem rotundato ob- conduplicatior gradatim concava. LORANTHUS. 62} Racemi axillares, fol. breviora spicifor. undique. florigera, Pedicelli breves, declinati alabastror. transversi vel ascen- dent apice subflor. 1-bracteat. Alabastrum adpressum raceme axin infra medium 4 inni: upra subteretes. -. Perianth ad medium 4-partatum, laciniz patentibus, an re- curvis, corollam urceolatam tubum angulatum, apice angustat, simulans extus, brunneo-coccineum intus vividum cocci- neum, extus pilis stellatis vestit., in reality it is composed of A pieces, with a broad subtriangular concave base, then a nar- Tow part (at the faux) the margins are here rugose and folded over the filament which is inserted here. Filam cylindracea vivide coccinea perianth lacin. paullo — brevius, anth. oblong breves adnate. Calyces tubus subcylindraceous ore pallulum angustato, Sübintegro, omnino pilis ferrugineis stellatis squamato-fur- fura, Stylus coccineus clavatus, stigma capitato discoid. coc- €ineum, perianth lacin zquans. - Fruit shaped like a florence flask, nempe e basi rotun- .. data, gradatim attenuata apice subcylindraceo, extus more Calycis sed distantius furfurac. j Viscum albidum copiosum, semen erectum conico-4-gonum |. angulis bispidus in setus albidus longe product, basi indu- . Tatum, the space between the prolongations filled with vis- Cous resin in which the green radicle nidulates. — Albumen album carnosum confined to the indurated base, . €otyledon, cylindraceus albumin 3 brevior. —. Rad. maxima sphzerica exsert. Embryo altogether green. —— Opss. It is closely allied to Loranthus pentapetalus, fol. alternis e basin inzquilateraliter cordato-ovata, per ob- tusa coriacea evenia. Racemis axillaribus speciform, soli- faris vel fasculatis, floribus 1-bracteatis pedicellas de- clinatus 4-meris, stylo cylindracea. Bacca e basi ovata, in Collum attenuata, Semen 4 gonum, hirtum 4 setigera, in- durato, TOY oe ae pris 622 LORANTHACEJE, It belongs to the same group with L. oleoides, farinosus and pentapetalus, and is the same in physiology with L. bi- color, viz., sacs extended up the style, albumen developed from their anterior ends. The inner viscum is first formed, 7. e. that which conceals the naked radicle, while this is developing, the tissue on the lines of the perianth and its 4 horns becomes indurat- ed, and the outer viscum becomes developed, at first between the horns and the green tissue, then extending downwards and ultimately extending all round the pericarp and its horns. The cotyledons are 3, which is another point of afüuity with Santalacez. The part of the embryo first formed is, I think radicle, if so it becomes pushed upwards by the growth of the coty- . ledons downwards, this point is worth examining. 5. Loranthus obovatus Gr. Ramulis compressis junioribus, etiam glabris, fol. opposit. breve petiolatis cuneato-obovatis, coriaceis glabris lzte emar- ginatis, venis secondariis supra subdistinct, Racemis exaxillis velustis, foliis brevioribus solitariis vel aggregatis, pedicellis brevibus brachiatis, decussatis apice minute 3-bracteatis. Ovar. ovatum, ore calyculi contractiusculo minute 4-den- Alabast. erecta struct. tubo subcylindraceo basi angustato, medium supra angulis 5, 6 cristatis, lamina (ob estivat.) cla- vata, 9-angulata. Flos ad anthesin ad cristis 5, 6 partit. laciniis spathulato- reflexis, basi viridibus, apicem przsertim marginibus rubris, tubo color rosaceis. Anth. longiuscule R filament carneis linearibus ad- natis. Stylus longitudine stamen, stigma + capitat fere — viride rubrum. p. LORANTHUS. 623 — Has. Malacca. In sylvis littorat Tangong cling. Oss, This will belong to same section as L. globosus to. which it comes close enough, it is a pretty species. . On this plant a scurrula-looking young plant had become parasitical, I mention this as it is necessary to examine the Specimens to see whether they belong to one or two species. = Dicatur pro tempore Loranthus obovatus, probably it is Jack's Loranthus retusus. 6 Loranthus leucosiphon, Gr. Pl. DCXXIX. Fig. I. l. Plant nat. size. Pedunculis solitariis vel sepius aggregatis, sed vix duobus e puncto uno exorientibus 4-6-floris apice spicatim, sursum ascendentes, Flos unusquisque 3-bracteatis, bractea externa, (antica) oblonga obtusa concava, lateral. ovar. arcte includent, ea- dem fere longitudine compresso carinat. Ovarium obturbinatum, per. minute bracteis interior duplo brevis, ore integerrimo, e limbato. - Per. tubus subclavatus, 12 uncialis paullo supra ovarium constrict, tune gradatim ampliatum, demum ad faucem Constrietiuscule teretiusculum, angulis obsoletis limbo bipar- tito reflexo laciniis ratione tubo bieriistafis, linearia spoon- Shaped, interdum perparia apicibus coherent. -. Color albus, limbo alabastrum plumbeo per anthesin rosa- fto oc of spooned apex atratis. m. totidem filam. subulata, sanguinolenta, antherz ter- Stylus subulatus stam. superans viridis. Stigma capitat, viridia. 1 Fi ilament (adherent) primum tenuium demum ad constric- ase tubo in | gibberem — zem incrassat. fauci liberi m arbor. parasit. forming. a arges shrub with many depen- t branches. compressiuseulis ramis teretibus. 024 LORANTHACES. Foliis opposit. petiolatis e basin cordato-ovata vel ovalia ob- tusa integra concava glabra, venus venulisque utrinque ele- vatulis reticulatiuscul juniora sanguineo tincta. Pedunculis basi bibractatis, petiolos subzequant. sepissime exaxillis fol. lapsor. si 6-floris, florib. 2 termin. sæpius abor- tient. Inflorescent irregularis at cujusque peduncula centripeta. Fructus non vis. : Han. Pringitt Malacca. Allied to Elytranthe albida Bl. Glabra, fol. oppositis petiolatis e basi cordato-ovata, ovuli- bus coriaceis, pedunculis aggregatis exaxillis velustis, apice 4-6 floris, floribus spicatis bracteis 3 bus amplis sursum curvato- ascendent. tubo clavato prope ovarium constrict. vix angulare reflexam 6-partito. Shortly after the fall of the corolla which I think takes place quickly carrying with it? the style, a double long sec- tion presents the following appearances : 'The cicatrix of the style is made up of browned dislocat- ed cells, and beyond it projects to a considerable distance; slender tubes which are the boyaux. The sacs about the middle of the section gives birth to a cellular mass, the walls of the cavity surrounding which are distinctly sphacelate. elow this, there is a common somewhat obpyriform cavity» the margins of which are very opaque, this is filled by the convoluted prolongations of the tubes beyond the cellular mass, and below by the embryo, which is preponderately developed. 3 The first changes in the appearances after impregnation consist in a long section of irregular opaque lines along " course of the sacs, these-lines have brownish edges, and are irregularly flexuose, transparent along the centre, where ae y look cellularly subdivided, then, I imagine by the dis- appearance of the tissue around each, coalesce into one. ad ty, when the appearances are such as I have described above. i WT ace us IER LORANTHUS, 625 It is only through about the lower 4 of the central tissue ~ that these enlarged and irregular lines are evident, this is = easily accounted for. I believe the sacs can develope (4) oblong cells from the apex independent of fecundation. Pl. DOXXIII. Fig. III. Bud 2 lines long. The style presents in its lower part at least a slit-like cavity which extends below its base into the ovarium, the fundus is occupied by a conical-shaped process of mucilagino cellular tissue. Iodine at this period does not exert its particular amylaceous action on any part, but the nipple and the sides of the canal of style are more darkly fuscous than the rest. Bud 3} lines. The nipple is more developed. Iodine now Violets in several lines, which affect also the nipple at its base, but only partially compared with the violetting along the ~ Other tissue of interior of ovary. = Violetting also takes place at the extreme base of ovarial tissue, but in a slighter degree. . | The appearance of the violetting lines is such as. would . . Suggest the exsertion of several sacs ascending from the base | .. 6f the nipple. — ' Yet I believe that this arises merely from the contiguity of | . the lines to this body, as the lines on dissection appear to | Pass-by it, . Fiw lines long. The nipple is now very hard to free. — Iodine causes the same violetting which extends upward _ 4 little way into the style, and below has a tendency to pass beyond the base of the nipple, reaching almost if not quite but in a faint line to the basilar violetted spot. i . No sacs appear to exist at this period. _ The part which corresponds to the calyculus is not much ced by iodine, but retains a greenish appearance. r p4 .626 LORANTHACE.E, Nipple scarcely if at all detectable, central tissue whitish gorged with granules, percursed by 5-6 fuscescent lines; which now reach lower down than they did before. Iodine now violets the whole of this, most intensely how- ever along the lines of the sacs. The base is now when iodined indistinguishable from the rest. Saes exist at this period, but I am ignorant how far they extend upwards. A long section at this period, shows the slit of style not to extend to its base. A transverse section at this period iodined shows a small central space unyioletted, around which are 6 violetted spots, towards the base of the flower confluent, above more and more distinct, they are in the direction seen to be opposite the lobes of the epigynous gland. Towards the apex rather oblique, a eatycalns, b part of base of urianth, c pur of epigynous gland. 2 alternate with the lobes of the other fig. towards the dee as is shewn by the situation of the bundles of vessels, The violet dots ia a bud, 3 lines long are only visible to- wards the epigynous gland, below, the tissue is quite homo- geneous, If it really is the case idi the sacs are developed from above downwards, and that they subsequently extend below the base of the nipple, it may be considered as conclusive that the nipple is merely an elevation of the paries of the ous > and has nothing apparently in common with an ovu- um. After repeated examinations I can make nothing out of this from the time, the nipple appears to become adherent. The style separates at the point where the a canal ter- minates ; here it seems to be solid. At expansion, the ovary may I think be described as sol id - Containing 5 or 6, gut-like embryo sacs, imbedded in ue * LORANTHUS. 627 . central tissue, this is particularly the case, on a transverse Section, at this period I can find no traces of the nipple. In no stage have I seen any thing like the prolongation from the nipple of Loranthus bicolor. The appearance of the nipple ia its earlier stages are simi- lar to the placenta of Santalum Osyris so as to point out the probability of its being a similar organ. The same Loranthus leucosiphon, Gr. Pl. DCXXII. la. Lateral bractes entirely enclosing young flower. 6. Calyculus. t. Perianth. d. Stamen. . €. Pistillum. . f. Its cavity. The pistillum is at this period greenish, the stigmatiferous Portion of the style exceeds a good deal the remainder, and is . €ven now celluloso-papulose. The canal of the style extends, throughout its length, and terminates below in a triangular Small cavity with a flattish fundus, which is on a line with .. the line of attachment of the perianth and the staniina. The whole cavity of the pistillum is rendered opaque by alr, It is evident that at this period the whole pistillum is su- . Petior, even with regard to the perianth and stamina, but . much more so with regard to the calyculus, the line of whose Attachment ís to be perhaps considered a line, midway be- tween the exsertion of its inner and outer surfaces. 2. Double long section of ovarium etc. 5 lines long. : qo diner 6. Perianth segments, now inconduplicate. .. €- Canal of the style, the lower line four toits termina- tion, I think from adhesion. . d. The closed up part of the same, the lower line meks Out its termination, — EEI E dien y a Oe e Rec rere Mo a ESE E Cn Gla es E ae ey Se mE ne eee a B MFS 5 z adi * 628 LORANTHACE. e. The part now violetted by Iodine, there is perhaps a tendency to less action along the centre, as at ff. At this periud there is nothing satisfactory detectable of the nipple, although I have seen appearances as if it had become elongated, the apex of the neck, reaching to the point where the canal of the style appears to become closed. 3. Double transverse section of the same. The calyculus is distinctly marked out, underneath its cutis is a black line of opaque tissue to which succeeds a double row of rather large transversely arranged cells. a. Calyculus. b. A thick layer of dense tissue greenish in its natural state. c. Sub hexangular in outline. c, d, b. Vascular fascicles surrounded as usual by unco- lored fibrous tissue. e. Greenish tissue occupying the greater part of the inner . circle. J- Vascular fascicles of the ovarium itself. g. Six ovate opaque spots which I take to represent the si- tuation of the sacs, and which are violetted by iodine in a confluent manner as pointed out by the blue lines. À. A central cellular spot, 4. Double long section of flower bud, 4} lines long. Iodine at this period violets in several lines from up style to the base of the nipple. This body is not so purely violetted as are the lines. Appearance of a tubular neck to the nipple. a. Calyculus of two layers. b. Perianth. c. Extent of the white dense tissue of the interior of the base of flower. d. Nipple-shaped Some e. Canal of style. f. Green tissue of the base of the flower. — MM Menem o om HEREDES e c DU MM KMa--—————aó PEEL | DENIM a eg et ee DEM "pm Ea VE 7 iA XE EET ais S a ud _ the keeled appearance. LORANTHUS. 629 5. Double long section of base of flower bud 3} long. Nipple evidently belongs to the white tissue of the base. Hypothesis, that the sacs are developed from the placental tissue lining the cavity of the interior. The same figures have the same references. . Iodine at this period violets along the usual lines, which are adversely clavate, violetting not so pronounced as in 4. 6. Just before expansion of flower. In this no trace whatever of the nipple was seen, all the dark colored part is homogeneous, and crowded with granules of amylum, a. Calyculus of two layers. 6. Perianth. c. Outer boundary of central white tissue, which at e, (i, e, the space inside d, d, two vascular bundles) is opaque from being crowded with amylaceous granules. J: f, f. Three embryo sacs, having the same extensions as in L. globosus. g- Canal of the style. Twelve lines long appearance as if the bases of the styles canal was blocked up by a mammillar process, continuous "With that part of the central tissue that is violetted by iodine. 7. Double long section of base of a flower-bud 3} lines long. 8. Calyculus. b. Perianth. €. Filament, which by its adhesion to the perianth causes d. Central white tissue with its central nipple. €. Canal of style, ending below in a triangular space oc- . füpied by the nipple. - Proper sequence of the sketches to be. mpm ome: LI . aaria bel ~ 630 LORANTHACEA. The same Pl. DCXXIII. Fig. I. l. Double long section of ovarium after fall of perianth aud style from the cicatrix of which filaments are seen . to project. a. White tissue of centre. b. 3 embryo sacs. c. Young albuminous growth from one of those. d. Another ditto much less advanced. e. Convoluted funicle embryo. f. Embryo. g. Vascular supplies. 1 6. Represents no. c. of the same, but the filaments were not seen to traverse the albumen, at a is the end of the embryo sac? at which the tubes emerge, their cells are of large diameter and lax, at b another funicle adhered to this, forming with this the embryo. la. Represents d of l. The young albumen is 4-angular from pressure, each cell is crowded with grume and contains a grumous nucleus, this did not reach much more than 4 down the cavity of ovarium. There was a tendency to grumous aggregation towards the bottom of the cellular part of the sac, a is the termination of the Sac reaching to the apex of which are two tubes, which pressure dd. not shew in the albumen. 2. From another less advanced ovarium the sac was nearly kis throughout the lower 3, lowest cells being most dereloped, and the upper ones with faint walls and no’ nucleus, the tubes are enclosed throughout, but the sac ceased to be cellular. The same Pl. DCXXIII. Fig. II. Represents the united embryo of the same. The inner tubes remain two, either to the end of the irregular edged sheath or near it, where this ceases they ap- — —— — F AM WES LORANTHUS. 631 pearas three, they continue to do so till they unite and per- haps even after this. The cells of the sac are most developed, . about the middle of the cellular part, they are not formed from the inner surface of the wall itself, but between this and the inner tubes, no nuclei were visible. Above the cellular part of the perfect sac, are nucellar ag- gregations and in the same there is alike tendency below, no cells developed in the sheath. The inner tubes are articulate towards the apex of the cellular part, and probably also once or twice in this part. The same Pl. DCXXI. Fig. I. l. Double long section after the fall of the corolla and | Style, no fecundation having taken place shews that the E sacs reach to the bottom of the central dense tissue. — la. Upper part of sac of same 1-10. = 1a. Lower ditto. =b. Upper part of ditto 1-250. 2. Sac from an ovarium after fall, no fecundation, these sacs had become inflated, their lines of direction being con- Spicuous, they reach to the bottom of the central tissue. S. Is the lower portion of sac, about the same period shewing a tendency to independent cellularity. A Double: long section after the fall, fecundation has oc- curred, as is evident from the boyaux protruding from poenas of style. 4. Represents the lower part of fecundated ovulum of the same, the left hand one, at a, is the termination of the sac, : The same Pl. DCXXI. Fig. IL = Long double section of L. paces just after the fall of the corolla and style. The lower 3 of ovarium presents a large sub-irregular cavi- 632 LORANTHACEA. ty occupied by the embryos, and their contorted funicles, of the four, 2 are united into one, 2 remain separate. 2. Represents an entire (independent) sac, embryo and funicle. The sac towards the cellular part contained much grumous matter, above it was nearly empty, here and there were amylaceous granules. Each cell of thé cellular part is crowded with grume and containing one nucleus. In the upper part of the attenuated part a few cells with- out nuclei were present, but towards the terminatinn of the sheath which is at a, no cell had been developed. Beyond this the continuing tubes were increased in size, the two first joints, presented 3, the terminal one several, at its apex was the commencement of the collet. 7. Loranthus involucratus. Caule elongato lenticellato, plumbeo, fol. ovalia acuminata carnosa, subintegra venis subtus prsesertim primaria secon- darisque inferioribus rubescent, flores capitati. C. breviter- peduncuiati axillares nec ne etiam infra axillares, involucro 4- phyllo cincte. Foliola involucra lanceolata plus minus rubro-colorata pube brevissime velutina. Pedicelli brevissimi his oppositi et adnati, pubescenti. Calyx dense pubescente tomentosus 5-dentat. Corolla tubulosa, extus pubescens in laciniis 5 spathulatis reflexis partita, viridescens laciniis castaneo-rubris. Antherz erect adnate filamentis tubum corolle paullo excedentibus, coccinee. Stigma capitat. coccineum, antheras paullo superans. Ovarium ut in ordine, ante fecundat. ex ovulatum. Capitula aggregato numero vario, cujusque evolutio etiam varia. | Has. Assam, Versus Kuchabat : March 5th, 1836. certainly Mr. Brown's idea of the affinity of Loranthacez with Proteacez, an opinion which is Lad 1 i | | —-——'P— S MODECOPSIS. 633 borne out by several facts, I should consider this an dom to Lambertia. An L. involucratus Roxb. Fl. Ind. (ed. 1932,) 2,188. MoDECoPsis. Modecopsis vaga, Pl. DCXXVIII. - Frutex scandens, foliis estipulatis, ovato- oblongis basi sub- Cordatis breve acuminatis subtus glaucis integris e glan- dulosis petiolis utrinque incrassatis, basi haud articulatis, cirrhi axillates apice spiraliter torti sepius simplices raro bi- fida (pedunculi abortivi) sursum incrassati. .. Fructus solitarii vix semper in pedunculo folio breviore apice varia diviso, reliquis floribus vel fructibus nempe deces- Xu 8is, ovato in stipitem fructu, 4 breviorem attenuatis, sicca, IP Sübdrupacea, infer. apice quasi truncato ibidemque dentibus P -Calycinis brevissimis abbreviatis 5-coronat. Alveola medio toro resso obsolete 5-gono notata, angulis dentibus calycinis : alternantibus et cicatrice parva staminum? notatis medio Stigmatum 3 reliquias gerente. Calycia parietis omnino adnata pericarpio demum baccata, entis, secus lineam junctionis cum dedos rubes- pcd rage centes, .. Pericarp. vel epicarp. carnoso-corneum ambitu azurescens emm albidum. esocarpium fere osseum, pallide brunescens, intus en- “Ocarpio albo subspongioso hinc ellinc fisso vestitum. Semen unicum maximum ovatum pendulum inferne acutum supra latius, obtusumque. Tegument hinc adhzrens nullum, an fea endocarp, apongioso-cellulosum ad testam referen- dum, Semen carnosum densem distinctione partium nulla, nisi forsan radiculæ, (cui forme umbonis depressa a quo affixum semen) medio basi "uar ad media linea lutescente pilosa | notatum. - | LES 634 LORANTHACE.E. Calyx demum e pericarpio secedens, bivalvis, valvis reflexis: interdum bipartitis. Has. In sylvis Noadwar examinavi semina? tantum, Fed. 17th, 1836. Habitus omnino Modecca, calyx recessus ultimo in laci- niis lobosve 5, sepalis respondentibus fissus. Viscum. ` 1. Viscum aphyllum, Pl. DCXXX. - Caulis basi simplex, subrotundus, tunc rotundato anceps, ramis complanatis tetragono-ancipitibus, ramulis complanatis sub 5-striatis, stria media majora, -Length and proportions are very variable, „Floribus monoicis sessilibus ad articulos ssepius ternis sepiusque fzeminea, unica centrali duobus lateralibus (seroti nis) masculis. . - Bractea SEDENS ore ek ovarii tubum ovatum 4. recondit. Flos fæ: minutus tubo ovato perianthio suberecto, sepalis cordatis. , - Stylus sub 0, stigma magnum discoideo-convexum. Saculus embryon. 1, ante fecundation : imperforat. simplex. Bacca pisiformis lutescens glabra, demum albida, basin brac- tea persist. suffult. -Semen erectum visco obtectum, pericarpium obcordato- pb longam eompressam cornubus maturis obsoletis, virida basi. lineis venoideis albis (pericarp. ven.) albumen } nudum vi- rida. Embryo massi infra medium, radicle pointed out by a greener spot, on one of the compressed edges. Fl. máseuli sepius ut videtur 3, sepali-sepalis erecto- paten- tibus apice reflexis, bracteatis ut fæmine. 3s Plant of a lively yellow green. The branches become rounded by. age, but the joints am Ld s mde iie 25 sNWISCUM. nI 635 . always swollen, still the anceps edge is always traceable, the branchlets are slightly spiral twisted, the direction of. the broad and narrow faces of the joints alternates. The perfect females are much more numerous ata given time, than the males, fecundation is very common, The real state of the inflorescence isa ternary flowered spike, but often on either side of a solitary, (terminal female) there is a female and two males, or there are 3 ternary Spikes aggregated. The females are by no means always central, particularly iu the central spike of a thrice ternary one, The phenomena are as in Viscum papulosum, it is vain to attem pt to determine the eee by books, the ehaticters given entirely omitting the see — PL DCXXX. Fig. 15, Biprosinci the parasitism of the Specimen, which is a simple conical graft, without intermix- ture of any system. | The two barks adhered slightly, there is no pith in the parasite, pee: from excertion, or where does the pith be- . E DEXXX. . |. Plant natural size, joints Ee ue too broad. .9. Portion of a branch slightly magnified. - 9. A flower-bearing joint. _ +4, Double transverse section of anther. 5 Pollen (in water.) - | 6. Female flower with the two males deselopiag Ltr. 7. The same, two sepals removed. vs. Double long section of ovarium of same period, a the o the embryo sac visible in its axis. _ 8a. Embryo sac detached. - b uv nico | De: Beto sac after pce M L a pollinia visicle, 9a. Do. ,1,, the apex of the sac with a distinct interrup- ... tion of continuity. 10. Young fruit. about advanced, 636 LORANTHACE.£. 11. Ripe fruit. 12. Long section to expose the seed, 13. Seed detached, the vein-like marks are what I take to be the remains of the true pericarp, or endocarp, which in fig. 10, are seen to extend above the young seed. 14, Long section of seed, through its large diameter, the appearance of a tegument is due I think to a peculiar disposition of the superficial cells of the albumen, which is, except towards its base, naked. Has. Malacca. 2. Viscum sp. Pl. DOXXXII. 1. Male flower before expansion. 2. Do. after expansion. 3. Do. sepals partly removed. 4. Anther and its sepal. 5. Front view of stamen. 6. Back view of do. 7. Lateral do. 8. Section of anther (umintinlactacy. ) 9. Apex of branch with two female flowers. 10. Long section of female flower before expansiou, no ca- vity visible in the ova ll. Do. more advanced, ity visible and occupied by the embryonary sac. lla. Embryonary sac enlarged. 12, 12a. Similar sections, but taken at a more advanced stage, The tissue immediately around the sac is lax represents the commencement of that transparent, a which subsequently becomes the coriaceous tegument, b of the viscous tissue. 13. Female flower after the fall of the perianth. 13a. Section of do., the same letters have the same refer- ences. 136, Embryonary sac now rendered opaque by albumen. 14. Long section at a more advanced period, letters refer as ET ee ee VISCUM. 637 15. Do. more advanced. 17. Same more advanced. Embryo just commenced. 18. A good deal more advanced. Has. Tongsa iu Bootan. Viscum, monoicum Pl. DCXXXI. Bacca pisiformibus circa apicem areoli cicatricis sepalorum, imo apice reliquias styli et stigmat gerent, in pedicello brevi robusto basi I-bracteato, fere leve. Accedit. materies crassa gelatinosa dehiscens. Viscum tenuissimum hyalinum circa semen. Semen subobcordatum compressum erectum viride basi al- bum. e qua ascendent. fili (ven ?) albe incompleti, one of them hinc utrinque apicem versus in sitam product. One of the smaller sides hinc, mammilla pointing out the apex of root Dotat, Albumen copiosum carnosum viride. Embryo transversus iter curvatus, Radicula longissima peripherius. ^ Cotyle- .. dones incumbentes carnosz foliacee discreta. . The white vein-like threads are the remains of the true pericarp, which in other species is much more developed, . Complete and persistent. It is difficult to ascertain the si- . tuation of the faces of the seed as it is so easily disturbed by pressure. _ Attachment simple, plant pendulo glabra ramulis (et folia) . Oppositis flexuosis sulcato-angulatis. Da ol. opposita basi in petiola brevissima attenuata ovato vel 'olato-oblonga inzquilateral sæpe falcata e subundulata concava basi 3-venia, venis supra prominulis obtusa coriacea, brittle, Flores minuti in glomerulis axillarib. inserti, saepius e ter- his, aliquando e biuis, aggregat. . Masculi et feminei in mds seme fem. ut plurim. numerosiores. Flores basi bractee cupuliform. bidentato cinti vel solitarii e ee 1 OS Eae ME cef 638 LORANTHACE/E. (ob abortu) vel uno duove laterali scrotino szepius masculis ovarium ovato-globosum post laps. sepal. apice areolat. Sepala dentiforme zestiv. valvata. Stylus conicus, stigma capitatum. Fructus, juniores pyri- formes papulosis maturi leviusculi papulis iu carue quasi immersis punctulatis pisiformibus. The gelatinous stuff is of late development, when the seed is half developed it will be found enclosed in gelatinous vis- cum, which has much the appearance of the mature gelatine. But when almost ripe, the seed will be found slightly sur- rounded with viscum, and almost in opposition with the epi- carpium as it may be called. Fl. masc. alabastro subrotundatus, ad medium usque 4-fida, sepalis fein conformibus. Anth. 4, sepalis opposit. his insertze, oblong anterior face with a number of alveola bearing white pollen. It agrees tolerably well with character of V. falcatum, but there is no judging from mere habit and inflorescence, the fruit of this is so peculiar as to constitute bes plant à subgenus. V. monoieum ramis (foliisque) oppositis glabris sulcato- angulatis, fol. subsessilibus oblongis szepe faleatis inzequilater basi 3-junioribus 5-veniis venis subtus indistinctis, corlaceo brittle, obtusis. Glomerulis axillaribus, densifloris, floribus sessilibus basi bracteatis circumeinctis, solitariis binatis vel ternatis. The inflorescence is excessively compound, the bilobed bractea represents the bracteola of a trichotomous triflorous, peduncle, as it often is, the evolution of the flower is "IF anisochronis.. x Plant natural size. + Male flower bud. : Male flower, cut through longitudinally, l sepal HE moved. 4. Sepal and anther. 5. Transverse section of bud of male. TEE PT ae T T ARN SCH@PFIA, 639 6. Transverse do, of anther after dehiscence. . Pollen. . 9. Female flowers. 9a. Ripe fruit. 10. Same cut away to shew the seed. ll. Long section of fruit (not ripe.) 2. Do. same more advanced. 13, 13, 13. Different views of seed, and endocarp. 14. Long section of seed not quite mature. 13. Do. of mature seed. Bj — SCH(GPFIA. Schepfia sp. Pl. DCXXIX. | Arbor. mediocris, ramulis subnutantibus elongatis rubro- , tinetis sape fasciculatis vel aggregatis. Foliis alternis ex- ‘Stipulat, Petiolis brevibus dilatatis 1 tortis lamina lanceo- vel lanceolato-ovata acuminata integra tenera carnosius- cule basi subtrivenia venis secondariis distinctis arcuatis, Ceteris reticulatis. Spicis axillaribus, solitariis pendulis folia zequantibus ves EC iius plurifloris, compressis, bracteis minutissimie Squamiformib. Flores cream-colored, tinged with purple fragrant. : Perianth, superum, cylindraceum 4-5 partit. laciniis zestiva- tione valvatis demum revolutis margine minute puberulis. Stam. 5, sepalis opposita, laciniar. basibus inserta. Fila- ment, (liber) breviss. filiforma. Anth. biloculares, terminates, 'ongitud. dehiscent. Pollen album glaberrimum subtrigonum, pleat, Ovarium inferum omnino, apicem versus annulatum situ insertionis. Perianthium disco magno carnoso integro luteo- coronat, subangulata. . Stylus filiformis, stigmato ovato 3-revoluta papillosa in- clusa. Oy, apice unilocularis, inferne trilocular, loculis l- ulatis, 640 LORANTHACEA. Placenta apice libera conica ovula ferens, ovula ad nuclei redacta, extus convexa intus plana, mere cellulosa, et om- nino simplicia, fasciculus pilor. simplicium alborum, pone stamen quodque. Tubus perianth gibberibus totidem obsoletis quot laciniis et his alternantibus. ; This is I believe Schæpfia. It is a very curious genus, evidently uniting Olacineæ, San- talaceæ and Loranthaeeæ, but more akin to the former than to either of the others. Oss. The calyx is reduced to a mere ring and is. evidently the transition from that of Loranthacee. With Santalacez it agrees, in opposition of the stamina, the valvation of the perianth, the structure of the placenta and in the ovula, which are reduced to the nucleus. With Olacinez in habit, structure of the ovarium, and val- vation of corolla. With Loranthacez in the valvate periauth, opposition of stamens and in the inferior calyx. It is curious that in these orders, in which the calyx is rudimentary, the corolla is much developed, and vice versa, of which Santalacez are a notable example. l. Alabast just before expansion. 2. Flower. 3. Do. vertically. 4. Corolla longit. spread open. - 5. One of its laciniz, stamen deflexed shewing the fasci- cle of | hairs, 6. Back view of stamen, 6a inner or front do., 65 lateral O0. 7. Pollen. 7a do. immersed in water. 8. Hair from the fascicles behind the stamina. 9. Pistillum. - 10. Stigmata and upper part of style. i. oy transverse section below the midir. llado. to- EEE E ET TR GRANATE.;E, 641 12. Do. longit section. 13. Do. so as to shew the peculiarity of the placenta, and the cells in which the lower parts of the ovula are con- tained. 14. Ovulum, inner face of. 14a same viewed laterally. 15. Apex of the ovulum shewing it to be simple and hence nucleary. Han. Bootan Itinerary Notes, p. no. 876. GRANATEÆ. PUNICA. Remarks on Pl. DCXXXIV. Punica was I believe first separated from Myrtacea by Don, whose views have been adopted by D C., subsequently Mr. Lindley replaced it among Myrtacea, and has given a .. new and ingenious theory as to the structure of the fruit, Which he supposes to be formed of many carpella, placed in 3 two rows instead of one, the other irregularities being due _ to adhesion of the placente with the bark and front of the cells. It may in the first place be doubted whether the . Were fact of plurality of carpella would not be sufficient to . indicate Punica to be distinct from Myrtacee in all Indian . Species of which the ovaria is bicarpellary. There can be . AO doubt that Lindley is right in asserting that Punica has à plurality of carpella, but I am disposed to doubt the fact of their being arranged in two rows. The plurality of composition is indicated inter alia by the . Muümber of vascular fascicles of the style, as well as by the Sinuosities visible in the upper portion of the stigmatic canal, / ed Which the fascicles are always opposed, which sinuosities d to the number of stigmata, with this | _ umber, which varies from 5 os the cells of the ovarium, r4 642 GRANATE. as seen on a transverse section carried through the upper portion have a marked correspondence, and in cases where one is deficient, one of the septa is much increased in size, indicating it may be fairly inferred an obliteration of the cavity, the number agreeing with the upper tier of cells. It seems to follow, owing to the greater permanence of the style or stigma than of the ovarial cavity itself, that no other car- 'pella enter into the formation of the fruit, and hence the idea of an inner or lower series is untenable. Of the greater permanence of the styles or stigmata over the cavity of the carpellary leaf itself ample proofs exist in Composite Grami- nez Plumbaginez, and Cupuliferze ? It need not therefore be insisted on, it may be sufficient to state, that if Mr. Lindley’s view be correct, there must be the same number of stigmata as there are cells. This I do not find to be the case, my idea is this. The ovarium is formed of from 5 to 8 cells, which towards the base of the fruit be- come much distorted by various growths of the placentz, and it is possible that a sort of dislocation adds to the con- fusion, that the number of cells can only be ascertained by & transverse section carried through the upper portion of the ovarium, The placent: are various in the situation of the upper cells, they are always parietal, of the lower both axile, fundamen- tal and parietal. It is a general rule that towards its apex the pistilla when compound has a tendency to revert to its utmost possible simplicity of structure. The situation of the placentze of the upper cells is alone, a great objection to Mr. Lindley’s view, since the placental suture would, allowing it to be true, be turned away from, and not towards the axis, an anomaly quite unheard of. In my view the irregularity is due to cohesion, and is not opposed to any well known law. In very young ovaria before the appearance of the ovula, the cells are distinctly marked oat, and they are evidently PUNICA. 643 visible at a somewhat later period, when the ovula have just commenced to appear. . The affinities remain to be pointed out. These are most marked with Soneratia and with Leptospartion Lagerstree- mia grandiflora of Roxburgh. These three genera form a group uniting Lythrariee with Myrtacez, which group is at once known by its valvate calyx. They all agree in this, in the Structure of the petals, aud ovaria, and in habit. They differ from Myrtacez in almost every point, but the adhesion of the calyx with the ovarium. No pellucid dots exist in Punica, neither are there any traces of their existence, the pellucid portions which do exist are not of a glandular nature, and appear to depend on obliteration of green parenchyma taking place irregularly, I find however that in many instances, pellucid markings do exist, but they are unaccompanied with any aroma. There LE isa tendency towards an intromarginal vein, but to this I ~ attach little importance. : | .. In habit and especially in the shortness of the branchlets, there is much analogy with Pomacee, as likewise in the tendency to become spinous, Compare this with Mespilus Japonia, | | , With Lythrariea they have most points in common agree- . hg with them, especially in the valvation of the calyx, the Structure of the petals and ovula, differing essentially in the union of the calyx with the ovarium, or in the inferior fruit. ~ With Myrtacea they agree in opposite leaves without sti- E. Pulee, in the inferior fruit, differing in the valvation of the = calyx, the nature of the petals, stamina, and plura carpellisa- tion of the ovarium. . . Punica agrees with Memecylon in the convolute cotyle- E dons, and among Lythrariez above all others with Grislea, = the coloration of the flowers being in both the same, and So far as the calyx is concerned of an unusual nature. . What I have said about the greater permanence of the SMemata over the lamina of the carpellary leaf is on 644 GRANATER. reconsideration untenable, because the stigmata being in my opinion obviously continuations of the placenti- ferous margins of a carpellary leaf, it cannot subsist without the other. Besides the two fascicles of vessels of composite ovaria prove, that its formation is binary, and hence in Polygonez and Plumbaginez, there should be an equivalent number. It may fairly be stated, that the least permanent part of an ovarial leaf is the inflected margins. This subject is ill un- derstood and can only be cleared up by extensive examina- tion of very young ovaria. I think I have observed in Naias, that the ovarium is formed after the ovulum, for in a very early period, the papilla of this will be found 3 enclosed and surrounded by two scales the coalition of which forms the ovarium. ' The situation of the stamina in Punica is unusual and curious reflections. Something like it occurs in Barclaya. The usual situation of stamina is above the petals or at any rate nearly on the same plane, and in those cases in which the stamina are indefinite the inner ones are generally above the outer. In Punica the reverse is the case, the outer are indeed on the same plane as the petals, but the rest are below these, and the innermost are so in an unprecedented degree. It is curious that such au ar- rangement does not occur in those cases of perigynism in which the ovary isentirely free, and the tube of the calyx is lined with a glandular lining of which the stamina are evidently the continuation. : The obliteration of various parts of vegetable tissues 18 well worthy of study, it is the exposition of such that will settle the question whether in inferior flowers, the ovary is united to the calyx or to an excavated torus, (Rosa ete.)- The inferiority of a fruit is as capable of being explained by one supposition as by the other, but if obliteration be a rare phenom in vegetabl , we shall be authorised 1n ing the latter, since the existence of the different lay- PUNICA. 645 ers that otherwise should exist, seems to be by no means frequent. Two layers ought to exist at any rate, if the inferiority be ascribable to adhesion of the calyx with the ovary, the outer would be referrible to the calyx, the inner to the torus, from which the petals and stamina are growths. The instance Punica is precisely the reverse of that of Nelumbium, in which there is such an enormous growth of dise, without the production of any stamina above the ge- neral level. Pl. DCXXXIV. 1, Calyx before opening shewing its valvation, la do. ver- ‘tical view, . 2. Flower, 2a do. long section. 9. Stamen before maturing, inner view, 3a do. outer or back view. 4. Perfect stamen front, a back, 5 lateral, the anthers are curious, and differ from most others in the nearly glo- bular connectivum. 5. Pollen, 5a do. immersed. , 6. Stigma viewed from underneath and vertically, the lobes seen on the face of the stigmatic canal a are o Site to the carpella, each has a vascular fascicle, and each becomes astigma, although this cannot be de- monstrated in the state of maturity 7. Transverse section of style, shewing that it has several vascular fascicles, each of which Dm to a distinct carpellum. . 8. Stigma of a very young bud. 9. Ovary transverse section of, near the base, where all regularity has ceased. - _ 9a. The same towards the apex, the number of cells ge- .. .. nerally correspond to the number of stigmata. Ue 10. Ovula, 10a do. longit section. 646 LL. GRANATEZJE. Longit section of bud l4 lines long, calyx well deve- loped. Petals squamiform, evascular. Anthers nearly sessile, ovuliform. Stigmata distinct and separable. lla. Petal. 114. Stamina. llc. transverse of ovary, white e het o triangular spots represent the placentze. . Transverse of ovary a little more advanced, still no regularity, 4 placentze, b septa, c spaces afterwards oc- cupied by ovula. . From an alabastrum 21 lines long, æ placenta portion of young ovula, b stamen, c the same submitted to pressure contains notbing but the grumous formative mass which appears marked out. Alabast. 44 lines long, a stamen, 4 do. subjected to pressure, outlines of Penais mass visible and this is separable by pressure, c grumous formative mass, d ovulum much enlarged, but with no annuli. Bad 6} lines long, a long section of anther one cell empty, the other filled with the grumous mass, ó por- tion of this ṣọ cells towards the peripheris commenc- ing to be distinct, c ovule, it has already commenced to turn on its axis, the annuli are distinct, d same under pressure shewing that there is no distinction of coats as yet. Bad, 8-8} lines long, a portion of formative mass, cells now distinct and easily separable. They are curiously marked and occasionally look as if ternarily divided, but this may arise from the posu of the longi- tudinal folds, 5 two cells separated 1, c, e, c ovula, 4 same submitted to pressure, shewing that the coats have been developed by the growth ot the annuli. The actual period of separation of the cells of pollen from the parent cell remains to be proved or rather shewn. e -In conclusion the structure of the ovaria of this genus is | very curious, but is ER: on other grounds than those 1 by Dr. Lindley. - ERP ae ee ene a ee Et RP UL ee ee PUNICA. 647 1 The base of the ovarium of this genus, (from which part : ideas of true structure are alone to be deduced) is bilocular, : the cells containing an indefinite number of ovula, which are : attached both to the axis, and to the bases of the cells, as well as to the lowermost parts of their outer parietes, Thus far it does not depart from the character of the order, which is essentially completely bicarpellary. Above these two cells are arranged in a cruciate manner, four others, which are accupied by thick parietal placentze, on which the ovula are arranged, these looking outwards, The above number à however would not appear to be constant, but if the bot- * tom be always bilocular it is quite enough. The explanation I consider to be obvious and totally different from that given by Dr. Lindley. For we have first in the bottom ovary the normal dicarpellary structure, and in addition a tendency in excess? towards parietal placen- tation, and the anomalies of the ovary arise first from the continuing inwards of the parietal placente to the axis, which part is also ovuliferous at the base, and second from growths inwards to the axis from the inner face of the ovary, by whlch the spurious cells are produced. In favour of this view Apteuxis is to be adduced, a Me. lastomaceous genus in which the ovary is four celled, and the ovula attached to the outer walls of the lower half of each cell, and Careya, in which the placentz are parietal. And in addition the structure of the stigma and style, which is obviously dicarpellary. . Lindley's view is wrong, bécause in all cases there is a correspondence between the number of styles and the cells of the fruit, when such arise from different carpella. The Styles and stigmata being more permanent organs than the ovary! asin Composita. Gramineæ etc. And because ac- cording to this view the placental sutures of each carpel- lum are not situated next the axis. The instance cited by Lindley of the permanent variety of apple is decisive of 643 GRANATE, the former law, and completely destroys his idea, unless it can be proved that the style is composed of more than two. This genus is I think clearly not referrable to Myrtacez; with which order it does not at all agree in habit: in which it resembles much more certain Pomaces, as well as in the colour of its flowers, particularly if attention to its short lateral branches, with respect to the assertion that Punica has distinet traces of pellucid dots in its leaves, it must be urged that as there is no tendency towards aroma in the plant, so there is no reason why they should be supposed to exist, and in addition the apparent traces that may per- haps exist do not agree in nature with these reser- voirs, but are rather attributable to the suppression of green Parenchyma here and there, a circumstance of suffici- ently common occurrence, As to its proper station, I am by no means determined, probably it should be placed between Melastomacez, Lythra- riez, and Myrtacez, with this latter it has affinity with So- neratia, if Soneratia belongs to the order, with Lythrariez through Lagerstreemia grandiflora and Grislea, with Melasto- macez through Memecylon. With Poem in habit, venation, and anthers, and grant- ing Lindley’s views to be correct in carpellation. Examine, style its vasc. fascicles correspondence of upper cells with those of the lower, &c. MYRTACE. TRISTANEA. Tristaniee facie. Fruticosa, subglabra, 8 pedalis. Ramuli nidis com- pressi. Folia alterna oblongo-lanceolata, in petiolum at atte- ~ nuata obtusa integra coriacea subglabra, pellucido-punctata venis intromarginalibus et marginibus diaphanis. n n E TRISTANEA. 649 Flores cymosi. parvi lutescentes, cymi axillares, dichotomi velutino foliis multo breviores. Bractez lineares ad basin cujusque pedicelli. Cal. semi superus, tubo turbinato limbo 5-dentato, denti- bus ovatis obtusis sinubus latis. Pet 5 rotundata, sinuata, lucidua, sinubus calycinis in- serta. Stam. 5-delpha, adelpho quoque “petalis opposito, et ad ejus basin inserta. Filamenta libera facta, filiformia, ante an- thesin inflexa, pauca. Anth. ovate bilocul. longitud. de- hiscentis. LIP UNESCO Pit ERU Stylus brevis, stigma capitatum ovarium semi inferum, piloso sericeum, 3-loculare, loculis pluriovulatis ovula pen- dula radicula prope hilum. Odor. florum stercorarius, foliorum contusorum fragrans, charactere Tristania accedere videtur. Has. In collibus: Moulmein, Jan. 1834. XE NET SEU 2. Tristania conferta. Arbuscula, fol. ad apices ramor. conferta, lanceolata utrin- que attenuata, coriacea, subintegra pellucida punctata. |. Gemmze terminales squamis membranaceis imbricate. Cy- 3 mis subaxillarib. paucifloris, trichotomis, floribus majusculis E aibdis, 4 Cal. tubus turbinatus, limbus 5-partit. laciniis ovatis, : . . Buübulato-acuminatis demum ad apicem ovarii circumscissus. E Pet. 5 fauce inserta, rotundata. Phalanges stamen 5 poly- andrz, petalis opposite! filam capillaria [petalis subzequalia. Anth. versatilis bilocul. var, 3-loculare, multiovulat. aem filiforme staminibus brevior. Stigma capitat. Capsula vix exserta, margine calycis integra annulato, 3- valvis apicem versus, valvis medio septiferis, semina angulata. ; Mergui : Jan, 1835. G4 650 MYRTACE.E. 3. Tristanie affinis, Gr. Pl. DOXXXVI. Fig. III. Arborea, ramis pendentibus, foliis alternis suboppositis lanceolato-obovatis sessilibus obtusis, penninerviis coriaceis subrepandis subtus rubro-maculatis impunctatis floribus cymosis numerosiss. subsessilibus odore stercoracio, cy- mis densis dichotomis. Petalis albis. Cal. tubo brevi intus pilosus limbo, 5-dentato, dentum sinubus latis. et. 5 minima sinubus inserto. s Stam. polyadelpha adelphis 5-petalis oppositis! Filamentis 6-10 in quoque adelpho basibus cohærentibus pubescente su- perne libris factis glabris filiformib. inæqualib. Anther bilo- cul, ovatæ longit. dehiscent. Stylus subulat. exsertus. Stigma subcapitat. ovarium in- ferum pilosus, 3-loculare, loculis 00 ovulatis, ovulis compres- sis ab apicib. loculorum pendulis foramen hilum prope. a. Long section of ovarium. b. Ovula attached to placenta. c. Transverse of ovarium, d. Ovula seed from its attachment. Has. Mergue. Ad littoram Madamaca: Aug. 1834. A Tristania differt seminibus alatis. SONNERATIA. L Sonneratia apetala. Arbor. elegans mediocris ramulis pendentibus tumidis ar- ticulatis foliis oblongo-lanceolatis breve petiolatis obtusis in- tegris, utrinque canescentibus paginis ambibus nempe sto- matosis, margine cartilagineo, venis primariæ excepta in- distinctis, invenula intromarginal arcuatum nexis, coriaceis. Petiolis in ramuli articulat. basi superne excavatis. fe- dunculi axillares et terminatis, sæpius triflora. Pedicelli longitudine varii inter lineam et unciam teretiusculi vel nd um Flos in pedicella apice dilatato articulat. —— Ree wedi as X c x D Ae) ty eg eee ee nri sce Li c o e ES TO e esM UR SONNERATIA. 651 Alabast. turbinat. calyx, carnoso-coriaceus tubo turbinato, ultra media 4-partitus laciniis oblongis patentiusculis :zesti- ' vat. exacte valvatis. ` Pet 0. Stamen numerosiss. estivatione introflexa, e mar- gine disci tubum vestientis exserta, subtus erialia, Filamenta longiuscule subulata. Anthere oblonge basi affix biloculares longit. dehiscent. Pollen globosum. Ovaria omnino liberum torus spongiosus crasso insidens depressum. : Stylus longus inestivat. introflexis cito fructus demum e basi labens. Stigma maximum patenta fungiforme, es- tivat. staminibus supra inflexis equitans superficies superior rugosule medium infra 4, 5 loculares margine tantum stig- matico e partibus 4-sepalis oppositis uniloculare vel basi lo- culis tot quot septis apice conico ductu stigmatis tantum forato. Ovula 00 oblonga sub uendere foramine hilum ver- sus tegument bina interiis tenue. Pl. DOXXXVI. Fig. IV. Odor alabast apertor fragrant. This plant differs from the other Sonneratie in being apetalus, and in the maximum. dilatation of the. xoc and perhaps in the structure of the seed. Both it and Sonneratia vere have a peculiar aapéct de- pendent upon the stomata being present on both sides of the leaves, but in Duabanga, they are confined to the lower side. On what account the genus was placed among Myrtacez is difficult to conceive, that order being extremely well de- fined, and presenting no approach to such a structure of the calyx, and freedom of ovary. If Sonneratia belongs to any order titheHo: characterised, it is to Lythrariee, and I am at present inclined to place it there. In this case the section will come near Lagerstroemia. Fabricia can scarcely be Myrtaceous. - The continuation of the ovary with the central system, the origin of the disc. or torus and the continuation of the 652 MYRTACER. calyx with the external system is very distinct in this plant. The torus is evidently limited to the space between the in- ner vessels of the calyx and the wall of the ovarium, Fabricia Fætidia, Sonneratia, Duabanga, Rhizophore:z, Carallia, Lythrarieze etc. The group formed by the valvato-epigynous orders is al- most as defined as those of the hypogynous orders. 2. Sonneratia acida. Arbor. humilis, ramulis pedicellisque articulat. 4-gonis fol. obovato-oblongis carnosis, integris marginib. cartilag. venis secondariis subdistinct floribus terminal. solitariis bi- nisve in pedicellis articulatos, articulatis magnis conspicuis. Calyce 6-partito. Pet totiqem angustissim. lineari-lanceolat. venosa, apici- bus estivatione inflexis sinubus calycinis inserta, atro-san- inea. Filam. 00, longissima sanguinea apicibus albis, antheris zenifaemjb. connectivo carnoso ampliato loculis angustis. Stylus longissimus fusco-viridis. Stigma maxime varia foveolat, Fructibus maximis, basi calyce persistente stipat. baccat. pluri locul, polysperma, subhippocrepidiform, testa rugosa. Embryo coronat. Has. Adlittoram limosa. Ins. Madamacea: Feb. 1835. Odor. pulp subaromat. subgratus sapor acidus of sour cheese calycis lacinie persistent patentes reflexeve fructus stylis longe apiculat. | 3. Sonneratia alba. Arborea, 30-40 pedalis, ramis abrupte terminantib. di- chotomis, foliis oppositis obovatis obovato-deltoideisve, ob- tusissimis, subintegris carnosis glaucis penninervis fructibus superis terminalibus peudulis solitariis in a 3 plo articulatis, pi | utrin- a SAL, | » 8 | ren icr ri E 8 partito laciuin re- nna a” ee re -" RHODAMNIA. 653 flexis, stipulis apice style reliquis conicis induratis coronatis pluri locularib. axi cellulosa. Semina in loculo quoque plura, testa membranacea albumen 0 cotyledons carnose plane radicula supere longa plumula inconspicua. Has. Rhizophora inter quas frequenter occurrit Mer- gui Madamaca, Moulmein. The septa are boney and run in every direction consequently most are spurious, the seeds have every imaginable directio n. RHODAMNIA. Rhodamnia cinerea. Jack. Monoxera spectabilis R. W. Myrtus? spectabilis. Common in Belookar jungle Malacca, also Mergui. Frutex mediocris erectus ramulis teretibus, dense pube- rulis. Folia opposita, petioli 3-4 linealis puberuli lamina lanceola- ta vel lanceolato-ovata cuspidato-acuminata coriacea, long. 31- 8$ unc, lat. 12, 13 lineal, ramuli unius sepe inzequalia, ob Crescentiam terminalem innovantem, vens primarise 3 la- les 2 arcuatz, vena intromarginali inconspicua, inter- venius venis secondarius tenuibus oblique percursa, czte- Tum minute reticulata, obscure pellucido-punctat. Rather apparently dotted owing to ends of venules. . . Subtus ad venus ferrugineo-pubescenta, alioque minutissima |. puberula. . Flores glomerulati in axillis in nodos insert. paucis raro plura septem pedicelli 1, 13 lineal subtus florem bibracteolat. cum calyce puberuli. Calyx tubus semi ovatus limbus minute 4-dentatus. Pe- T tala 4 alba subobovata vel oblonga extus minuto puberula, Pátentia caduca, zxstivat. imbricata. Stamina circiter 40, fauce calycis inserta, filamenta gracilia fliformia ia petalis zestivatione erecta paullo breviora alba. An- 654 MYRTACE.E. thera cordato-ovatz basi affixe, bilocul. stylus subulatus pe- tala excedens glaber in alabastro uncinatus. Stigma terminalis capilatus. Vertex ovaria planus glandu- loso aspectu. Ovar. l-loculare; placentis 2 parietalibus. Ovula 00, anatropa raphe vix plus quam } dimidiata. Aspectus laurineus, ute etiam foliatio vel potius Memecy- lens mediante Ewyckia. TRYZYGIUM. Tryzygium. Arborea, ramulis laxis spe pendentib. fol. breviter pe- tiolat. elongato-lanceolat. acuminato, pellucido-punctat. in- tegerrimo glaber, juniora repanda a semper, floribus race- . mosis albis suaviter odoratis racemis e ramis vetustioribus ortis, abbreviatis densifloris. Cal. tabo elongato clavato, brevissim. 5-dentat. Pet. 5 caduca? ovat. stam. 00, filam capillare alba pa- Stylus subulat. Stigma simplex, subacute (petalo convoluto receptum ?) Ovaria ad medium clavi circiter, bilocul. aliquan do 3-pluri ovulat. ovula pendula foramen apicule. Has. In sylvis presertim ad littora Ins. Madamaca: Dec. EvcEN1IA. Eugenia purpurea. Arbor 30 pedalis, formosa, ramulis compressis foliis bre- viter petiolatis 8 uncialibus, oblongo ovatis subrepandis, sen tis, penninerviis venis intromarginal. conspicuis pellucido- punctatis marginibus diaphanis lucidis petiolis senioribus cinereis squamosis. — s Racemis abbrevatis paucifloris, subcymiformibus floribus > La ke S o ume ee BARRINGTONIA. 655 Cal. tubo turbinato 4-partit. laciniis rotundatis 2 interior majoribus. Pet. 4, rotundata, concava sepalis alternantis fauci calycina inserta, punctata rosacea. Stam. numerosiss. estivat. inflexa ibidem inserta, libera, filament. subulata, .Tosacea. Anth. parvze, bilocul. longit. dehiscent. connectivo rosaceo, Stam. interior omnia vestita, margo faucis calyci- nee elevate glandulose crenulata pallide rosacea. TH SE Stylus rosaceus subulatus staminibus, exterior vix equans, stigma simplex ovarium 2-loculare multo ovulatum, ovula as- cendentia et transverse. Placente carnose foramen hilum prope. /Estivat. petal imbricata. Oct. | BARRINGTONIA. ‘ Barringtonia cylindrostachya. . Ramuli crassis apice foliosi. . . Petioli basi valde incrassata. | . . Folia in petiolum decurrentia, lanceolata obovata caudato- . acuminat. serrato-crenulato sub-repando. venis 2-dariis cons- Picuis simpliciter arcuata nexis, nexuris venam intro margin efformat ceterum reticulatis interveniis supra elevatis cum. pe- -tiolo pedalibus vel ultra. Spica exaxilla fol. lapsu spithamza cylindracea, soldid- - covered with many white scars of fallen flowers, basi ENEA linearibus transverse. .. Flores conjesti sessilis, cal. tubo 4-gono dentibus 4 rotun- & datis concavis. Pet. 4 oblongo-rotundata concava. Stam. numeross. filam. capillaceis carnes 2 uncialia. Anth. basi affix. Annulus cupuliform elevatus extus pallidis striatus (ob Pression filamens) inters coccineis circa styli basin. longissimus 3 uncialis sanguineo coccineis torus in- tion stamen quadratus. Ovar. 4-loculare septis perfectis : i . Han. Mergue. Kulweng, culta florem obsaporem acidum : | : 656 MYRTACEA, tenuibus ovula 4, 5 angulo interior apice affixa anatropa superiora subascendent. inferiori subpendula obvenas tegum. exterior angulato-sulcat. foramine infero spectant. Has. Malacca at Verupha Aloor Gagal, a very distinct species. | B. foliis longe petiolatis lanceolato-obovatis caudato-acu- | minatis, spica cylindracea, robusta, ascendens (purpurea), floribus conjestis calycis 4-fida tubo 4-gono, ovario 4-locu- lare, ovulis 4-5 apicalibus fructibus. | This makes the 4th Malacca species. B. racemosa. | B. conoidea. \ . alata. B. cylindrostachya. Barringtonia conoidea, Gr. Pl. DOXXXV. Frutex vel arbuscula, ramulis subsulcatis. Folia apices versus ramulor. confertis alternis exstipulatis e basi cuneato-cordatà obovato-oblonga breviter petiolatis subcoriaceis acutiusculis crenato-serratis. V. secondar arcuatum nexis, interveniis reticulatis. Racemis axillaribus vel rarius terminal. szpius exaxillis vetustioribus, foliis brevioribus erectis, paucifloris. Pedicellis in urceolum carnosum articulatis bracteis cadu- cis, subclavatis fere uncialibus. Cal. tubus subcylindraceus, of largish diameter basi pro- cessubus gibbosis 8, limbo bipartito laciniis ovato-oblongo reflexo patent. concavis post anth. erectis persistent. Cor. ampliuscula, e petalis 4, mediante filament leviter gamopetalis ovato-lanceolatis carnoso-coriaceis, margine re- volutis vel etiam convolutis. Stam. 00, basi altiuscula connata, filam capillacea 80- alata longissimus. E rs j T Anth oe £e Kao WOO tale eee US bilocul. Pol- * Pasay oe See 8-7 19 ae ee ee soe iS Ce terete N ane BARRINGTONIA. 657 Ovarium omnino inferum, 4-loculare, oyulat. cuique loculo, ex apicem fere pendent. foramine hilum prope supero, stylus circiter longit. stamine sanguineo. Stigma terminal Mar majusculum. Fructus vide contra. Fructus subbaccatus conoideus penduli pauci in racemo quoque basi alis suboctonis medium versus evanidis, apice calyce immulato connivent urceolo stylique basi coronat. viridis unilocularis endocarpio fibroso semini satis forme adherent. Semen unicum subovat. ovi (pullet) magnitud. Tegument l-submembranacea tenue basis pluribus latis, € chalaza subradiant apicem geometri seminis fere attingent in concavitat. embryonis superfice quasi receptis. Embryo conferrumin. superficei sulcis parum profundis €xarat. squamulis ut videtur nullis. The original axis of ovarium is in B. racemos, pushed to one side, laying close to the inner wall of endocorp, and is to be easily mistaken for a linear raphe-like placenta from the apex of which the seed hangs, about the apex of the seed, a$ in that species the abortive ovula are to be found. Systema centrale subovutum indistinct. | The seed of Barringtonia is sufficiently remarkable, I ima- Bine the central part represents above, the radicle ; below, the Plumule, and I also imagine that all the parts between the lowest scales of the superficies and the radicle is adherent cotyledon, or is it an instance of an immense radicle, and two or several minute cotyledons (represented by scales ànd an inconspicuous plumula.) ' To this, which is suggested by the radicular central -sys- tem being internal, not reaching the superficies, there is a great ólinetico i in the irregularity in number and situation of the scales, The internality may arise from the cotyledons a being produced into basilar auricula es and enclosing the root, as occasionally happens. The development only will clear up the point, for even if R4 658 MYRTACEE. the scales become enlarged foliaceous during germina- tion, they will not, I think necessarily become plumularily, some cotyledons during germination becoming decidedly leafy. On the whole, this peculiar embryo appears to me dis- tinctly analogous to that of Dracontium and in a less degree to that of Cryptocoryne. The leaves are distinguished from those of B. racemosa by the cordate or even bi-auriculare base, and by the con- sequent less spathulation. Can this be B. alata Wall. Cat. e Moulmein. Species distinct, fruticosa, racemis erectis paucifloris, lo- culis ovarium uniovulatis, ealyce basi gibberibus. Fructibus conoideis, basi alis carinisve amplis (gibberibus amplia- tis.) Has. In limosis ripis rivuli Malacca consociata cum Tylophora, Cerbera, Barring. racemosa. Pandano, Po- lt is here, that we have a direct passage Ternstramiacee and Guttiferze, Lindley says no characters have as yet been assigned to these plants by which they may be known from Myrtaceæ except their alternate dotless leaves, yet under Lecythidacez, he says that though combined by D C. and others with Myrtacez they differ most essentially in their alternata often serrated leaves without pelluced dots. A ætidią cannot t belong here. 1. Plant reduced about $. 2. Flower bud. E BARRINGTONIA, 659 8. Back do. 9, 9. Pollen in water J). 10, Pistillum. ll. Apex of style, shewing the stigma. 12. Transverse double section of style shewiug its vascu- arity. 13. Long section of ovarium. 14. Transverse double do. of do. near apex of cells and where they are not complete to each placenta are at- tached two ovula, one of these however is not seen al- E ways. E 15. Do. lower down, where the septa are complete. 16. Ovulum. i 17. Do. long section, I am not sure whether the inner bottle-shaped thing is nucleus alone or nucleus and D. second tegumen closely cohering, but think the latter. | . 48. Gemma, to shew the vernation and exstipulation. SEIT > S E E EN n er pres TRES EA =i Pl. DOXXXVI. Fig. I. 1. Fruit of B. conoidea. 2. Long section of same. 3. Pericarp for the most part cut away, intended to shew the rapbe-like axis of the ovarium at a,a, a. An abortive ovulum is seen near the apex. 4. Seed. 5. Base of do. shewing the ramifications of the raphe. 6. Do. long section, a plumula end of ceutral system, 5, b end of peripherical system, where two notches are seen, _ B. racemosa, PL. DCXXXVI. Fig. IT. l. Fruit of B. racemosa. | - 2. Do, half pericarp. cut away. — — II — . 9. Seed detached with raphe-like original axis, ovarium — . barren ovula also represented. 660 MYRTACEE. . Plumular end of seed shewing the minute scales. . Transverse section of seed shewing the indentations or furrows of the embryo corresponding to branches of raphe. . Long section, a apex of plumular end, 4, b primary or first formed scales, c, c secondary formed do. e ou o CAREYA. ]. Careya herbacea, Pl. DCXXXIV. A. Fig. I. Sepala 5 basibus coalita persistentia. Pet. 5 estiva- tione imbricata hypogyne demum aucta. Stam. 5 petalis alternant toro paulo elevato inserta. Ovarium unicum 1l-loculare, sessile in toro staminifaro- MUR Plon és. Stigma peltato-capitat. Els) petalis ampliatis foliaceis odoratis patentissimis suffaltus. Semen unicum Cl. Linnea. Pentand monog. Ordorat. Cassuviez. Has. Arbo polygama, alta magna facie mangiferz resi- nosa folia lanceolata coriacea irregulariter pellucido-punctato. Paniculz florum axillares terminalisque. Dioica bracteole 2-subflora, cal. profund and partit. in lacinias 4 persistentis imbricatos. Pet. 5 hypogyna sepalis opposita !! zstivat. imbricat. Stam. 00, hypogyna subrubra. Anthere adnate li- neares, apice truncate. Fm. cal. corollaque ut in mar. Stam. 00 hypogyne abortiva. Ovar. 2-loculare super locu- lis 2-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis styli 2 breviss. stigmato 2, re- niforme maxime inciso-dentato. ; Baccæ supera globosa, exsucca, calyce persistente subam- pliata stipat. 2-locularis, irregulariter valvata rumpens. | subglobosus pomi magnitudine, calycis la- Aces epi apicibus sphacelatis, rectis tubum ef- | cm. cem styli basi persistente api- — CAREYA. 661 culatus (caro copiosa spongiosa aquose, 4-locularis indehis- cens, loculis distincte formz varie pluris permi. Semina ovula compressa angulis interioribus affixa, carne quasi nidulantia glabra, cinereo-brunnea. Tegumentum simplex e membranes 2 coalitis, quorum in- terius tenuissimum album in externis brunneum. Hilum parvum. E Albumen carnosum album. j Embryo axillis indivisus albumine coalitus radicula conica ad hili latus versus. Plumula indivisa ad extremitata oppositis seminis, The tegument adheres to the seed, so I do not yet know if scales exist on the surface of the embryo. At first the long section shews only two notches, then it Shews 4, the 2 lastly nearly enclosing the plumula, the whole periphery except where the teeth are, is densely cellular, the inner part and the teeth are much less opaque. a. Arilla. b. Inner tegum and nucleary combined. €. Embryonary, thick below like young albumen, above very thin. d. Testa, e. Raphe. J. Free, so not nucleary. g. Embryo. A. Cotyledon. l. Apex of plumula. m. Belongs in appearance to the outer system. J, k. White spongy. 2. Careya pendula. = Arbuscula, humilis fol. alternis apices ramulorum versus Confertis, lanceolato-oblongis, utrinque attenuatis pedalibus et ultra, subserrulatis impunctat. penninerviis, veniis intra Marginalit, indistinctis. Spicis e ramis adultioribus ortis, CHEN EN LIC EcL UM Wt en 662 RHIZOPHORACER. longissimis, 2} pedalibus sulcatis, densifloris, floribus mag- nis, e bracteatis calyce viridescent fusco. Pet. sanguineis stam albis. Cal. subobovat. tubo ultra ovar. parum producto, 4-fidus laciniis rotundis erectis, persistent. Pet. 4 calyce inserte. Stam. 00, longissima basi monadelpha externis longior in- terioribusque breviorib. sterilibus. Anth. subulat. Anth. bilocul. longit. dehiscent. Discus epigynus luteus glan- dulosus annuliformis, styli basi cingens. Stylus longissima, 3-uncialis rosaceus stigma obtusum subcapitat. ^ Pollen ovata lzve hinc sulcat. Ovar. 4-loculare, loculis pluri-ovulat. ovulis placentis axillibus transverse affixis subbiseriatis, ventricosis exostomia constricto septis tenuibus placentis apices versus ovuliferis. Pl. DCXXXIV. Fig. A Has. Mergue. In sylvis collinis Patoor unica specimen, et spica una adhere tantum vidi. Careya pendula, arbuscula, foliis oblongo lanceolat. peda- libus utrinque attenuatis, floribus spicato racemosis, racemis pendulis longissimus. Odor. florum ingratus. Careya macrostachya Jack, Mal. Misc. RHIZOPHORACEA. RnuizoPHoRA. General Remarks. In this tribe the radicle is developed before it reaches the ground, it passes out at the apex of the ovarium. The edges of the opening becoming brown and ragged. The exserted part of the radicle is green, it is at first. subulated ten enced eres ieee, o xt diameter. i$ amita emi i dae: Jn bs A WORT EIU es NOT PIU VE RHIZOPHORA, 663 at about $ from the apex. Towards the point the radicle be- comes indurated and at the very apex, there is a brown cal- lous spot. The induration increases. in extent as the root increases in length. The anatomy is simple, from the col- let to the commencement of the induration, it is entirely cellular. It consists of a rather thick outer tunic or bark, and of a central cellular part. The cells of the central part are rather larger, but otherwise do not differ from those of the bark, they are lax and of a rounded form, and contain many amylaceous globules. In the roots which have reached an inconsiderable length, the cells are chiefly of a brown color, but this color disappears in a great measure after- wards. Among the brown cells, larger and more prominent Ones are visible. The central part is thickest towards the collet. The bark is thickest at the thickest part of the root. _ The woody fibre is very dense and coheres very strongly to- _ gether. It has no connexion with the collet, and reaches in à radicle of 5 or 6 inches in length to an inconsiderable dis- _ tance, say 1 or 1} inches. The fibres do not occupy the . Whole of the substance except at the very apex. At a dis- . fance of 14 line from this part, the original cellular centre .— ls still visible. Queries, are there stomata? 2. Is the fibrous tissue origi- nally connected with the collet, or is it formed in an ascend- ing direction? 3. At what period is the whole of the radicle (s pied by this tissue ? Has. Mergue. l. R. decandra, Roxb. = Cuar, Frutex, — ccce obtasisaimis. calycibus 5-6 6 partit. staminibas 10-12, ` Pet. concavis apicibus aristato erectis conniventib. laci- niatis, flam. longiusculis. Anth. bilocular longit. intror- 664 RHIZOPHORACE X. sumque dehiscent. Pedunculis interdim 2-3 floris, foribus inconspicuis viridescent. Pet. albidis apices versus demum brunnescent stigmat. subsimplice obtuso, fructibus clavatis 5-6 uncial. sulcatis calycis laeiniis patentibus nec reflexis. The radicle consists chiefly of cellular tissue, the proportion of woody fibre being very small and confined to the cir- cumference of the central part. 2. Rhizophora macrohiya, Gr. Arborea, foliis ovato-ellipticis, mucrona sphacelato-ter- minatis coriaceo-carnosis, subtus brunneo-punctulatis, venis secondariis indistinctis cymis supra axillaribus, subnutanti- bus, paucifloris floribus 8 andris petalorum marginib. dense villosis, fructibus maximis pendulis verrucosis.* 3. R. pauciflora. Arbuscula fol. lanceolat. obtusiusculis. Pedunculis axil- larib. petiolor. longitud. dichotoma 3-floris, calycis tubo elongato fusiformi limbo 8 fido. Pet. apicibus aristato laci- niatis petalis subcucullatis, Anth. bilocul. longit. dehis- cent filament longiusculis. Discus epigynous carno- sus. ; Fructibus cylindraceo-subulatis dentibus levibus obtusis apicibusque foveolatis calycis fructus dentis erecte radicule basin amplectent, floris subodorata contuse aromatica. 4. R. parviflora. Cotyledons ovatze carnose plano-convex® plumula conspicua intra cotyledons obcondit. materia lucida mucilaginos. nidulans. In R. candilaria and R. macrorhiza, They are fleshy, coria- ceous and consolidated, the plumula is very conspicuous and large received into the prolongation of the cotyledon, which _.* Besa paperin the Transactions of the Med. and Phys. Society of Calcutta, 1835, —— | : | * . RHIZOPHORA. 665 _ is of the same appearance as the radicle and articulation with it at the base of the plumule. The cotyledons are more or less conical from the middle upwards. .... Tn R. decandra they are broadest at the bane or upwards, The fungous substance which surrounds the base of the co- tyledons of these 3 species appears to originate from the coats of the ovulum, which at a subsequent period become detached and pushed towards the bottom of the pericarpial cavity. In these three species the apex of the ripe ovary, ls exserted, in other words, it is-only 4 inferior, coupled with this, we have cotyledons of a peculiar form and consolidated, . and the bases of which are naked. . 5. Rhizophora stylosa, Gr. Pl. DOXXXX. Arbuscula, gemmis 3 uncial. subulat. fol. longiuscule pe- - fiolatis lanceolato-obovatis vel oblongis, coriaceis, subtus in- ‘Signiter punctat. cuspidato-mucronatis, margine sepe recur- vo superne indistineti peuniveniis. Pedunculi axillares. di- chotomi, dichotomis sæpius, dichotome 4 flori. Bractea . Cupuliformis subbiloba subflorem quemque et quamque ra- . Wificatur, P Cal. tubus obconicus laciniæ 4 triangular ovata. . Pet. reflexa margine leviter recurv. villosiss. per æstiv. anth. anteposit. 14 amplecteis. . Stam. 8 sessilia, his petala ante positis mucronatis aliis Obtusiusculis, stylus longus. Anth. subequans apice bi- fid, Stigmata simplicia indistincta. Ovar. biloculare loculis diovulatis ovulis pendulis tegmine crasso unico. .. Ons, The walls of the cellslaxly cellular, almost filamen- tous, particularly in the fandus where this lax substance is of _ Considerable amount. : Fructus | pendulis collatio exserto. Radiens ae subu- 666 RHIZOPHORACEX. lato-clavata leviter verrucos. calycis tubus obovato obpyri- form, laciniis immulatis reflexis. Has. Malacca. In littoribus limosis, Pulo Bissar. Differs from R. conjugata in its smaller stature, length of style, and smaller radicles, more villous petals, more elon- gated base of flower, etc. The species are very difficult of discrimination, no charac- ters can be drawn from the leaves. 1. Portion of a plant nat. size, except the fruit, which is not fully developed. . 2. Bud, the sinuses have subprocesses, wherein another approach to Lythrariz. 3,4,5. Views of expanded flowers. 6. Partium situs et alternation. 7. Lateral of anthers, alternate with petals. 8. Oblique of anther opposed to petal, 1 am not sure whether the one is mucronate, the other is emucronate alwa 9. Transverse of anther. 10. Calyx and pistillum, one lacinia of calyx removed. 1l. Long section of pistillum, below the ovula is much lax filamento-cellular substance, a provision for the rapid growth of the embryo. 13. Ovulum. .14. Long section of do., I am not sure whether they have a second tegmen or not, if so, it is united to nucleus the cavity of which at this period is very distinct. The ovarium of Rhizophorez, is at an early period alto- gether superior, consisting of two fleshy scales with their margins rolled in; if mature it would be described as ovaria e folliculis 2 compositum. The calyx then consists of 4 triangular thick coriaceous Sepals, entirely enclosed in the connate bractes, the inner angle cedi in the axis; except at the base, it is at a later | paepe inferior, Rig SR RHIZOPHORA. 667 - The stamina appear as of the innermost ledalins was much the smaller. lf the above sections be compared, it will be seen that the line of attachment of the ovula remains throughout nearly the same, and that the principal changes consist in the elongation of the so called tube of the calyx which is obvi- ously nothing but pedicel. In R. conjugata the slight inferiority of the cells, if at all is perhaps more evident. In both what is sufficiently re- markable the epigynous or rather hypogynous disk is an evident extension of the ovaria tissues. In both the appearances of inferiority are heightened by the disappearance of the lax tissue of the apex of the pe- dicel, by which a cavity for the most part inferiur may be obviously formed. Another circumstance, to be borne in mind, is the pre- Cise line of discretion of the sepals, for the two do not cor- E Tespond, if this be taken from the outer edge, the cells are not inferior at all, if from the inner they are slightly. - The phenomena are included in an elongation of the pe- dicel, by which the calyx appears furnished with a tube, and by the development of a glandular disc from around the base of the ovary, by which the petals and stamens are elevated above the original common line of attachment. In this instance there is nothing to warrant the adhesion Of the calyx to the ovarium, the parts always maintaining their original correspondence. - (Candelaria.) Rhizophora. Arbuscula foliis ovatis mucrona sphacelato terminatis, co- .Tlaceo carnosis subtus brunneo punctulatis, venis. second, distinctioribus. ^ Pedunculis axillaribus bifloris, petiolis 3 plo brevioribus, floribus 12 andris, fructibus subulato clavatis, ‘Sublevibus nutantibus. These two species are with respect to foliage very similar. 668 RHIZOPHORACES, The trunks of both are supra terraneous. The first is a low tree, the second has scarcely any trunk, being a mere crown, the base of which reaches the high water mark, In R. odorata, the petals only embrace during estivation their respective stamens, they are white fleshy and sweet smelling. The structure of the anthers is very remarkable the connective is fleshy and large, the pollen is lodged in cavities arranged closely along its flattened sides and right and left with regard to the axis, these cavities or sacs have no mutual communication, the cuticle of the connection at any early period entirely continues with the substance, a short time before expansion separates along the flattened sides into unequal valves, the inner of which becomes en- tirely free from its original connection, except at its base, the outer by far the larger remaining attached by its apex and base. The connection is thus exposed, it presents a locular appearance, the areoli corresponding to the originally closed sacs. The inner valves ata more advanced period incline inwards over the style and stigma. The same organisation occurs in R. Mangle. The direction of future separation of the valves is indicated by a faint linear depression. Both these species have the same structure of roots, i. e. soft and exceedingly fine woody - fibre, imbedded in lax amylaceous cellular tissue. The bark contains in abundance hard roundish bodies, lodged in ca- vities of the nature of which I am quite ignorant. 6. Carallia densiflora. Arbor. humilis ramulis compressis fol. breve petiolat. ova- tis oblongo-ovatisve crenulatis coriaceis, longitud. latitu- dinem duplo superante. Cymis axillaribus oppositis dichotomis folio brevior capi- tellatis, densifloris foribas inconspicuis viridi, albis, odora forte i ingrato. Cal, tube: brevi ad medium usque bipartit. laciniis lan- : estivat. valvatis, 4 3 | 1 BRUIGUIBRA, 669 Pet 6-7 ovata, inciso-sinuata, sinubus calycinis inserta, quoque stamen oppositum estivat. fovens. Stam. petalor. numero duplo,libera perigyna filam. crassa subulata, tubo calycina ad medium fere ejusdem parietibus accreta papil- loa, Anth. bilocul. longit. dehiscent. versatilis. Pollen ob- longa discus perigynus elevatus crenulatus crassus ovaria isin cingens. Stylus filiformis, stigma capitat. 4-lobum, lobis rotundis cruciatis. Ovar. semi inferne nempe basi disco perigyno ace- ret, 4 locul., 2 ovulatis, ovulis pendulis, dispositione intror- sum obliquis, foramen superne hilum prope ovul. integu- ment. ovula per distincte, stipulis uncialib. caducis. lan. In aquosis circa Mergui : Dec. 1834. BnviGUIERA. Bruiguiera. 10-angulata, Gr. Foliis ad apices ramor. confertis petiolis uncialibus lami- - mis lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis, one side with a longitudinal flattish depression, vena centrale distinct, se- . condariis arcuatis, subtus etiam indistinctis. Gemmar. squamis 2-uncialibus subfoliaceis. Alabastrum decurvatis. Floribus axillaribus solitariis oppositis, ascendent vel j nutant. Pet. 6-7 linea albus amplis [4 uncial pedicello tubo calyce duplo brevior. Cal. tubus obconicus, lÜ-angulatus, angulis cum ochro- leucus rubro tinctis laciniis trigono-subulatis, duplo longi- oribus, apice incurvis, alternis, Petala castanea conduplicato, elastica semi aperient la- Ciniis calycis paullo breviore margine breve villosa ad medi- um fere biloba, sinu longe setigero lobis infra apicem o l.setigeris, Stam. 2 in sinu cujusque petalo. Filament filiform alba ab ! contorta. Anth. linear connect. basi breve. 670 RHIZOPHORACE.E, Stylus subulatus. Stigma radiis 4-bicalcaret minutis, pe- tala equante. Ovar. 9, 10 angulata. Ovaria l-loculare, placentis 4 ad centrum productis sed non unitis, intimo margine incrassato utrinque l-ovuligero, ovula, 8 pendula. The ovary is distinctly 1-celled at the base, all the ovula coming out together even from the pressure in cutting a transverse section, underneath the mass of ovula is a cru- ciately divided white cellulo filamentous looking substance. This is the contrary of what usually happens with regard to septa of compound fruit, which are very commonly in- complete towards the apex, but never, so far as I know com- plete in the middle and incomplete at the base. Evidently an undescribed species unless it is Loureirois sex angula. - 2. Bruiguiera parietosa, Gr. Pl. DCXXXXI. B. eriopetala. Fructus patentes vel pendula, calycis tubus ampliatus, obconico-pyriform angulis obsoletis tot quot sepalis, usque alternant. Sepal. immulatis patente ascendentibus incur- vat. Tigellus exsertus 21 uncialis, sursum leviter curvatus, inzequilateral. apice constrictiusculo, viridis obsolete sub gonus. Collet. much constricted, cotyledones hzemisph:zerieze spongioso cellulosa, contained in a thick coriaceous leathery tegument, attached above round the base are the remains dark brown of the abortive ovula. Number of parts of flower uncertain 8 to 12, of ovary sometimes 3. Plumula conspicua viridis. 1. Plant natural size. _ 2. Petal laterally from a bud. = Same after dehiscence. — atai iai BRUIGUIERA. 671 4, 5. Same after dehiscence, the bimucronate base of con- nective shewn in 5. 6. Front and back view of do. after dehiscence. 7. Pollen. 8. Long section of ovarium. . 9. Cross do. of style. 10. Upper part of style. 1]. Long double section of upper part of ovary, shewing that the placente form a pendulous mass with the ovula, that does not reach to the fundus of the cavity. 12, Upper ovula. 13. Lower do. 13, Transverse of ovarium near the fundus of the cavity. 14. Do. about the centre, the part where the placental in- trant angles reach the axis nearly. 15. Lower down, do. near the lower free end of the pla- centa. ‘ 16. Long section of fruit, a testa, b cotyledons, c plumula, 17. Placenta, ovula and base of style, the rest of ovary cut away, ovules in pairs in this nearly collateral, pairs di- vided from each other by a cellular floccous substance. : Circumcision of ovary of Bruguiera another generic dis- ion. 4 3. Bruiguiera Rheedii, PI. DCXXXV. Fig. IV. .. €. Circums. capsule. . 6. Radicle. e. Barren ovule. f- Plumule. g- Cotyledon. ^. Line of rupture. i. Ovula nicer J. Radicle " Collet. 1. Cotyledon. 672 MEMYCYLEA. Apreuxis, . Apteuzis trinervis. Fruticosa glabra foliis oppositis breviter petiolatis ovatis acuminatis obtusis, subcoriaceis, 5-nerviis, nervis 2 lateral te- nuibus, floribus cymoso-paniculatis, czeruleis, paniculis axil- Jarib. trichot. foliis multoties breviorib. Pedunculis pedicel- lisque angulatis articulatis, bracteis minutis ad articulum quemque. Cal. tubo globosa extus areolato limbo truncato brevissima 4-dentato. Pet. 4. Stam. 8 zestivation inflexa, con- nectivum e glandulosum basi l-denticulat. margine calycis insidentia cerulea, stylus filiformis, ceruleis longe exsertus. Stigma obtuse 4-gonum ovarium calyce adnatum, 4-loculare, placentis carnosis 4, parietalibus ond 00, ascendentibus, foramen hilum versus. Has. In sylvis, Mergui: Kwlwing, Aug. 1834. The same. Cal. intus plicis nullis, tubo globoso limbo subtruncato brevissima 4-dentato. Pet. 4, stam. 8, connectivum e glan- dulosum basi l-denticulatum, Stylus longe exsertus, stigma obtusa 4-gonum, ovarium 4-loculare, ovula 00, placentis, 4 carnosis parietalibus affixa. rutex x glaber. foliis oppositis, acuminatis 3-nervus inflores- -axillari-cymoso-paniculata. Nomen dedit apteuxis quoniam. calyx plicis eget. : . Memycylon emendandus, nempe. Sua. in specie una, (M. buxifolium mihi.) 4-connectivum 1-glandulosum, .. ovariu re 9-ovulatum, ovulis placenta "iba bre- E riss, afixa, 8 demum abortient ibus, Semen erectum, ; iB Coo MEMYCYLON. Memycylon cordatum Gr. Foliis subsessilibus, ovato-cordatis obtusis, glaberrime in- tegerrima carnosis marginib. diaphanis revolutis, sparsum pellucida punctatis, floribus umbellat. saturati cyaneis, tubo extus rubescente umbellis abbreviatis, axillaribus alternis nec Oppositis. — Pedicellis brevibus medium versus articulatis ibique bibractealatis, colora infra articulo virida supra ro- Sàceo. Š Cal. truncatus mucronatis 4 loco dentium. Pet. 4 - (æstivatione convoluto,) intus bases versus intense cæru- . leis. Stam. 8 calyce parum longiora, 4 sepalis, 4 petalis al. ternantia, Filam. breviss. cerulee connectiv. maximum, antica l-zlandulosum. Anth. infera quoad connectiv. bilo- cul, longit. dehiscent. Stylus filiform cæruleis stigma fusiform cæruleum, ova- rium inferrum sed liberum, carpella plura 9, circa axim 0, disposita, 1 ovulata, demum, 1l spermum reliquis pushed to 9ne side and abortive. Radicula hilum versus. Has. Ad littora ins. Madamacca: Aug. 1834. 2. Memycylon ramiflorum. Arborea ramulis sub 4-gonis, foliis breviter petiolatis ovu- libus ovatisve, oblique emarginatis subintegrisve, juniorib. marginibus et nervo primario purpurascent seniorib. margi- nibus cartilagineis, Inflorescentia umbellato-corymbosa ra- mulis 4-gonis, floribus in umbellis, terminalibus, parvis. : yx carneis, limbo fere integro. Corolla pallide purpurea. Staminib. saturatius. Stylo stigmatique rosaccis, exsertis, Bracteola minima ad basin pedicellorum. Has. In aquosis, Bagtow, Mergui medula accedit. Orarium ut in aliis, 1 loculare, 9 ovulatum. K 4 674 MELASTOMACE. GEN. NOVUM. Frutex scandens, caulibus teretibus glabris fol. distantia, petiolis superne papillus subulata hispidulis gerent, oblongo- ovat. basi cordata acuminat. 5-nervia, glabra. Paniculis ter- minalibus et in axillis foliorum summor. ramulis sub 3-flores. Pedicellis basi articulatis, lateralibus bibracteolat. bracteolis caducis, medio nudo, floribus inconspicuis parviusculis. Pet, extus albida intus carnea. Cal. tubus ovatus ultra ovar. longiusculi product limbo truncato integerrimo, exappendiculato fauce annulo, petala Btamenque gerente subclausa. Pet, 4-5 sessile ovulia subpatentia. Stam 8-10 ibidem inserte alterna petalis alternantia sterilia complanato corpus erecta dilatat. viridescens, lo- bata denticulatumque dorso planum, lateribus basi vel sim- plicibus vel in calcarib. dorsum productis calcare utrinque filamento approximato, intus e medio limbo processus cal- cariformis subulatus longissimus filam excedens oritur ferti- lia filam. conforme sed latiora. Pl. DLXXXV. Fig. VIII.a, inner, b outer. Anthere per estivat. inflexa longissinz poris terminal dehiscent connectivo loculis- que basi plus minus in loculis, viridulis denticulat. product. Stylus subulato filiformis exsertis stigma truncat. papillosum . ovarium 3-loculare poly-ovulat. ovulis placentis carnosis intus productis affixis. Ovarium calycemque in his loculis. — Anthere per dura- tion? saltem per anthesin nidulant, Or. calyce superficie omne nec adnat. sed calycis paries interior 4-5 ties in ovarium inflectitur cumque accrescit. wai loculi 4-5 ad sunt inter. PL DL LXXXV. A. 675 MELASTOMA. Melastoma glauca, Pl. DOXXXVII. Oseckia. Oleckia sp. PILDCXXXIX. Fig. I. SONERILA. Sonerila bullata Gr. __. Ramulis compressis, the broadest side sulcate, fol. longe petiolat. petiolis apicem versus, planis Supra et marginat. fol. subcordato, vel elliptica basi subcordata acuminata in- tegra glabra supra nitentissima, interrenusque bullato-clava- tis, subtus pallidus supra atro viridib. 5-tupli veniis, ^ Pani- culis terminal et ex axillis folior. paris ultima ramis tetra- gonis, plus minus ferrugineo-furfuracea divisionibus utimis subumbellatum florigeris basi bracte folior. conduplicate de- |. Curva, : —— . FL numerosiss. inconspicui viridescent minute 3.lineales, Cal. media infra ovatus sursum ampliatus, ore lato 4 den- b. tato, extus farinoso furfurac. Pet, convol. imbricata demum patentia calyce duplo bre. vior lata ovata. | Stam. 8 uniforme alterna minora omnia fertila filam. calyce fere duplo longiorib. Anth. adnate arcuate apice poro | dehiscent, Connectivo basi centralia in subu- lam apice trisetosam product, discus 4 gonus carnosus, epi- Byna Stylus robustus declinatus calyce paullo longior. Stigma .. Simplex punctiform. Ovaria in basi ovata calycis hinc adnat. the longer stamen . alone in zstivat. between it and the calyx, to any depth, -. €-loeulare, ovula 00, placentis carnosis, exangulis central pro- duct LJ 676 MELASTOMACE. Has. Malacca. A remarkable species, certainly allied to the cordate, Sonnerila from Ayer Punnus. The species is re- markable for its bullate very shining leaves. 2. Sonerila picta. Caulibus ramosis simplicibusve 4-gonis, rubescent cum petolis, fol. lanceolat. utrinque acuminat. serratis penniner- vus linea alba, marginibus irregularibus vel maculis albis confertis utrinque nervi medio. Racemis terminal. axillaribus- que 4-gonis, secundis, apices versus rosaceis diaphanisque, floribus conspicuis pulchra rosaceis. Stam. 3 filam. sursum, curvat. rosaceis. Anth. subsagittat. . flave longius. acuminate apicibus poro l dehiscent. Stylo longiusculo rosaceo subulato declinato, stigma capi- tat. albidum. 3 Cal. albidus. Pet. extus parea pilosa. Has. Mergue. In rupibus ad margines nervi prope Palar, Oct. 1834. 3. Sonerile sp. Fol. cordato-oblongis obliquis strigosis subtus sanguineo- purpurascentibus. Pet. 3 oblonga rosacea in dorso subhis- pida. Stamen anth. lutea medium supra purpurascent, variat: foliis supra atro viridibus pilisque purpureis Has. In rupibus umbrosis, Churra, Oct. la, 1835. 4. Sonerile sp. . Caulibus pedalibus, fol. oblongo ovatis, rugosus basi in- zequalibus supra maculis crebris rotundatis albis medio pili- feris, subtus secus venas purpureis. Racemis secundis apice dense floriferis. Has. Churra, Oct. 11th, 1835. 5. Sonerile sp. - Herba minima variabilis, uncialis simplex vel 3-4, un- cialis ramonare, caulibus ramisque scabris rubescentibus foliis e W SONERILA. 677 ovatis novem pilosis, pilis magnis in petiola attenuatis, flori- bus breve pedunculatis. : .. Pet. suborbicularib. rosaceis. Stam. 3 antherz ovate basi Cordatz ibidem affixe, erostrate! declinati ut stylus ruber antheras excedens. AB. Khasyah mounts, Inter gramineas, in collis Nung- klow: Nov. 17th, 1835. TREMBLEYA. Trembleya Rhynanthera. Suffruticosa, erecta, ramosa. Rami scabri, subtetragona juniores squamosa. Fol. petiolat. lanceolat. acuta, subin- . tegra, 5-venia, supra glabra, subtus glauca et squamis minu- tissimis pilisque scabra. Petioli semiteretes. Flores cons- picui rosacei terminales 4-5 congesti quorum centralis e bracteatus, ante alios florens. ^ Bractez inzquales infera major. ... Cal. superus, tubo cylindrico undique squamis imbricato 5-partit. laciniis lanceolato-linearibus, acutis, sinubus latis, Ad sinum quemque squama major. setigera. : . Pet 5 ovata fauce inserta sessilia, laciniis calycinis alter- nantia, Stam 10, fauce paullo infra petala inserta, 5 fertilia, ma- Xima, sepalis, 5 minor. sterilia decolorata petalis opposita, Filam. filiformia connectivum coloratum, maximum, curvat. Ad basin bilob. anth. adnate, membranacezm, apiculate, l- locul, apice poro dehiscentes, steriles connectiva processu basilari 0, decolorata, sinuato repandæ. Ovarium 5-loculare ov. ovulat. placentis in loculis produc- tis, ovula numerosa, stylus filiformis exsertus, stigma subca- Pitat. virida, . Has. Ad vias et in graminosis circa Amherst et Moul- Main, copiosa, Déc. 1833, Jan. 1934. Melastoma malaba- thrica inn, a 678 MELASTOMACE. 3 | q SARCOPYRAMIS. Sarcopyramis grandiflora, Pl. DCXXXIX. Fig. II. Pet. carnea. Cal. obversa pyramidatis, 4-angulat. dentibus compressis, 3-angularibus marginal supero utrinque alato, ciliato filam. subulato complanata, apices versus et externe dentes 2 erec- tus gerentia. Auth. biloculares, loculis oblongis obtusissimis rectis, intus et infra apicem (ad apicem connectiva) poros 2 dehiscent ovaria apice libero membranaceo colorato 4-angulari sub 4- aluto, margine repanda circulari. Stylus crassus semi exsertus ex apicem ovarii. Stigma capitat. papillos. Ovar. 4-loculare placentis cruciatis in- trantibus. | Pet. æstivatio convoluta. Anthere per estivatione inflexa inter ovaria apicem liberum parietesque calycis, dentes inter apicem ovario stylumque. AB. Khasya mounts. In rupibus umbrosis humidis, Moosmai, Oct. 13/A, 1835. PoGONANTHERA, P. pulverulentum. Frutex 3-4 pedales, ramulis petiolisque, brunneo furfurac. Fol. opposita oblongo vel lanceolato-ovata carnosa, sub- integra obtusa acuminata margine recurvo basi biauriculata, sepius subobliqua, trivenia venulis transversis (primariis) subdistinctis. Panicula terminatis, rubro-ferrugine ramis, 9-3 chotomis, Flores minute, rubro-ferrugin. extus furfarac. farinos. Cal. urceolatus (tubo subgloboso obtusa 4-gono ore COn- stricto limbo amplifacto 4-fido laciniis erectis. . Hinc infra media processum carnoso subdentiform pilo- siusculo. Anth. adnate apice porosze. : - Pet. 4 æstivat. leviter convoluta lanceolata, reflexa mar- gine - pieta gprinkled with yellow farina. MARLEA. 679 Stam. 8 æqualia, fertilia, connectivo rubro basi pilis albis paucis deflexis. Stylus leviter declinat. Stigma subcapitat. Ovar. inferum omnino 4-loculare placentis profunde reflexis, angulis intrant apice ovuliferis. a Ovula 00. -— Has. Malacca, In sylvis littoralibus, Taugoung cling in Arenos, E ALANGIACES, MARLEA. Marlea unilocularis. Ramuli petioli foliaque subtus icri cuento en toas, - the - leaves much less and only at the veins. Fol. alterna exstipulata ovalia vel obovato-ovalia breviter 3 cuspidata, patentia undique, supra atroviridia lucida subtus Teticulata venatio quodammodo Artocarpea, generally oblique S-veined at bases. — Spicim abbreviate petiolis breviores axillares, pauciflora Subermiformes, (flores tribracteat), præ fragrant ferrugineo- pubescent. Cal. superus obconicns tubo 6-suleato, sulci oppositi sinu- . 88, ad medium 6-partit. laciniis dentiform. Pet. totidem alternantia valvata coriacea extus pubes- Centum e basi latiori lineares a medio reflexo patent. Stam totidem calyeinis dentibus opposit. flam. dilatate brevia ad medium versus dense barbato-villosa. Anth. ad- Rat. linear bilocular. Discus epigynus well developed crassus 5-lobus, lobis pe- opposit. Stylu clavato columnaris pubescens four-striatus, apice- » united with stigmatic lines confluent at apex in ba bifid, branches intus stigmatos agglutinata). Ovar. infera l-loculare. Ovule 1, ovalum pendulum ana- n raphe completa! exactly as in M. begonifolia. Nus 680 CORNACEA. The filaments adhere slightly to the petals, they are arched, broadest at middle, the upper hairs ascend the lower $ des- cend. Fragrance delicious like Perg gularia, the stigmatic canal has four angles, stylus basi alternatus. Evidently Marlea or Stylidium or something very much like it. The petals and stamina except in situation, put one in mind Loranthacea. No difference between it and Marlea except the l-celled ovarium, but as M. begonifolia ought to have 4 cells instead of two, this perhaps is not of much weight, minor differences exist in sulcate calyx, its more pronounced lobes, and the lobed epigynous disk, the habit is very distinct. CORNACE E. Cora Cornus, Pl. DCXXXIV. A. Fig II. I doubt whether this order ought not to be placed in the neighbourhood of Loranthacez, Olacinez and Santalacee, particularly as the nature of the perianth is nearly as obs- cure as it is the above mentioned orders. It is almost con- tinuous with the structures from which the calyx is derived, its zestivation is valvular. However the lobes of the stigmata are opposed to them, and this is a strong objection, because two organs in double series of the same denominations never are opposed. This at least holds good with regard to the calyx. The hairs on the back of the petals are attached by the middle. The ovary is certainly Piden thé normal num- beris pointed out irt the lobes of the wy which are four, HAMAMELIDE.E. 681 and by the number of vascular fascicles of the style which are four on the .axis of each lobe of the stigmatic canal. The ovula are solitary, and curiously situated, they are transverse with regard to the ovary, although their con- formation is entirely similar, the ordinary ovula having or- dinary direction. The nucleary ends of both ovula point to the same direction. HAMAMELIDE. HAMAELIS. Hamamelis sp. Pl. DCXXXIII. Bootan collection Tassangsee: Feb. 12th, 1838. l. Branch natural size. 2. The alabastrum 4 developed: 3. Flower. 4. Do. laid open pistillum removed. E Petal. 7. Section of do. shewing its conduplication. 8. Calyx and genitalia petals removed. 9. Stamen 10. Do. bem. 11. Do. anther just opened. 12. Do. anther more opened. 13. Do. fully opened. 14. Do. after dehiscence - A Gt ry haart, SR Rr Dam AS E do i ESSA z EA QUT A E ee WE 15. Do. do. 16. Do. do. FOR view. 17. Pollen. 18. Germin. 19. Do. ovarium laid open Mee AE ea . 20. Very young ovula. ~ 2l. Ovulum from a flower full brown. 22. Longitudinal section. . : L 682 COMBRETACEL.E. CoMBRETUM. 1. Combretum formosum, Gr. Frutex longe scandens, fol. oppositis, elliptico-ovalibus, subintegris, glabris obtusis. Racemis axillaribus termina- libusve, simplicibus paniculatisve ovato-cylindricis, diame- tre 1} uncianum, pedicellisque brevibus filiformibus cal yci- busque extus breviter velutinis. Bracteis minutiss. mem- branaceis, decidius floribus numerosiss. majusculis, petalis interdim staminibusque sanguineo tinctis. Cal. infundibulif. 4-partit. laciniis ovatis acuminat. re- flexis zestivatione valvatis. Pet. 4ad sinu calycinos. inserta ovalia minute reflexa. Stam. 8 fauci calycinz inserta, filam. subulata inzqualia, per zstivatione introflexa. Anth. bilocula longitudinaliter ehiscente versatile exserta longe. Pollen oblonga leve, di- lute brunneum lineis 3 longitudinal (an pluribus?) notat. Discus calyce adnatus ad insertionem stamina terminans ibidemque crenulatus pilosusque. Stylus subulat. longe exsertus. Stigma simplex ovaria calycis tubi parti inferze adnat. 1-loculare, 2-ovulat. a pluri ovulis funiculis longis ab apice loculi pendentib. foramine hilum prope Has. Mopar, In sylvis Kulweng: Dec. 1834. 2, Combretum. Arbor. magna. Folia subconferta ad apices ramulorum cuneato-obovatis vel obovata, alterna exstipulata concava obtusissim. emar- ginata ven. 2-dariis arcuatum nexis interveniis reticulatis» Petiolis ad apicem fere incrassatis. Gemmis conico subu- latis squamis inconspicuis. Pedunculis basi incrassatis foliis subæquant, uL x Toc A nv acte equ c car IS C MUTA COMBRETUM. 683. Fructus, subsessiles, subovata vel subrotunda compressa. 2$ inch long 13-2 broad, glabri apice cicatris perianth lapsa, basi interdum oblique, mesocarp. crasso succulente granu- loso, on a transverse section radiating. Endocarpio ligneo, with large angles or wings, radiating obscurely through me- Socarp 1-celled, 1-seeded. Seed relatively small, pendulous from a longish apical fu- nicle oblong cylindrical attenuata at. both ends, tegument membrano-cellular, cotyledons concentric folds convolute radicle superior long subclavata. Plumula inconspicua, Han. Malacca, Aloor Gollah, Verrupha: July 1st, 1842. ‘3. Combretum. Frutex scandens, fol. opposit. Pet. filamentique lacteis Antheris luteis longe exsertis, capsules ovatis alis 5 maxi- mis membranaceis, glanduloso pilosis, junioribus, rosaceo tinctis. Mergui scandens in fruticetis, Feb. 1835. Legi etia Moulmein, 1834, qua copiosa. QUISQUALIS. Quisqualis. Cal. ovario adhærens ultra cum in tubum longe productis, apex 6-dentatis post anthesin ad ovario apicem circumscissus. Pet. 5 perigyna, sepalis alterna ses- silia, Stam. 10, alterna longiora, exserta petalis, alterna breviora inclusa sepalis opposita. Filam. perigyna subulato. Anth. biloc. longit. dehiscentes. Stylus filiformis exsertus stigma obtusum. Ovarium 1-locul. 5-angulat., 3-ovulatum, ovulis pendulis funiculo crasso longo foramine ad hilum sit e Mtis scandens ramulis velutinis teretibus. Fol. oppos. ovat. basi subcordata subcuspidata, breviter mucronata, in- ferne villosiuscula, spica terminales bractea lanceolata utrin- 684 COMBRETACE.f. que attenuatz villosce. Calyx extus velutinus, petala per- mum albi, demum varie rubri. In hortis circa Madras: e Burma introducta, Oct. 29th, 1832. LUMNITZIERA. L. Pentandre. Arbor. humilis ramulis fuscis apices versus tantum folio- sis, foliis sparsis, cuneato- pee subsessilibus sub- emarginatis carnoso-coriaceis integri Racemis terminalibus vhurifiecjndi pedicellis brevibus. Petalis pulcherrima coccineis. Cal. basi bibracteolat. bracteolis minimis suboppositis tubo cylindrico ovario omnino adnato limbo 5-dentato dentibus erectis rotundis. Pet. tot quot dentes lanceolata iis alternantia fauci caly- cino. Stam. 5 petalis alternantia, ibidemque inserta inseria filamentis longis exsertis subulatis coccineis. Anther ter- minal bilocul. longit. dehiscent. Pollen oblongum leve, sulcis 3-4? corporibus apicis stillatis pollen abortive mix- um. Stylus filiformis longus coccineus. Stigma papillosum subcapitat. Ovarium parietalibus carnosis 1-locul. ovulis 3-4 pendulis foramen hilum prope stylus hinc altius calyce adna- tus, ideoque lateralis videtur. Alangeis et intermedia Combretaceum flores aspectus. Fuchsiz folia vernatione convolutive calycis limbus persis- ns, Fructus calycinis dentibus subconnivent coronatus dru- paceus, l-spermus testa membranacea simplex cotyledons subconvolute cornosa radicula supera plumula inconspicua. Has. Mergue. Inter Rhizophora, Madamacca: Sept. uc Aistivation corollz imbricata stamina tune apicibus a. w EEA T T N gu uet Ute ic RS ON P 685 TERMINALIA. l. Terminalia fetidissima, Gr. Ramulis cicatricibus fol. notat. sericzis apicibus tantum foliosis, fol. sparse longe petiolata obovata integra brevis- sima abruptique acuminat. subtus reticulat. glaucescentia- que, marginibus cartilagineis. ^ Racemis axillarib. multi- floris, nutantibus petiolos excedent. floribus per anthesin “ dense congestis breviter, pedicellatis, bracteatis (bractea de- cidua membran. ad basin pedicelli ferrugineo-piloso,) pal- lide fusco lutescentibus villosis, pessima odoratis, odora Stercoraceo. Flores polygami, Per. tubo brevissimo basi planum, 5- partit, laciniis ovatis, reflexis, astivatione valvatis, extus pubescens intus dense longeque villosum. Stam. 10 exserta, quorum 5 longior sepalis, 5 breviora pe- talis opposita, ferrugine. Filam. subulata. Anth. per zestivat. inflexa, versatilis bilocule longitudinal dehiscent. Discus epi- gynus parum elevat. aurantia repandus, tube faucem circum- dat. Pollen oblonga utrinque subtruncat. 1-3-sulcat. Has. Mergui : March, 1835. Stam. tubus longior, ovatus. Stylus subulat. exsertus, stigma subsimplex ovar. per tubo adnat. 1-loculare 2-3 ovu- lat. ovulis pendulis ab apice locula foramen conspicuum su- perum, 2. Terminalia lancifolia, Gr. Arbor. 20 pedalis ramis laxis. Ramuli teretis velutini. Fol. opposita vel ternatim aggregata fere sessilia, oblongo- lanceolata apice emarginata integra subrepanda e glandulosa coriacea penninervia utrinque ad venas pilosa, marginibus .. discolorib, spice hermaphrodite, terminalis saepius ag- = Bregati 11 unciales erectz, velutini bracteate 2. Pedi- = celli crassi, Cal. 5-fid. pilosus. Pet. 5-linearia subsessilia - inter sinus calycinos insert. serieca. — € 686 HALORAGE. Stam. 10-petalis demissius inserta 5-sepalis 5- petalis oppo- sita exserta. Filam, filiformia. Anth. terminalis oblonge bilocul.longita dehiscentis. Ovarium calycis tubo adnatum I-loculi 2-ovulat. Ovula pendula. Fig. IV. Pl. DOXXXXIV. Foramen apicem versus. Stylus filiformia exertus, stigma simplex 1-filam. ante anthesin intus curvata 2-bractea -linearis pilosus ad basin cujusque floris. Has. Moulmein. Ad margines humidas sylvarum, flores; Dec. Jan. Feb. 1834. Char. spec. Fol. opposit. ternateve, oblongo lanceol. ob- tusa subrepanda, ad venas pilosa, integra marginib. discolor. ` spica hermaphrod. 2-3, conferta termipalis. erecta, "Patin velutini, brevis. HALORAGELE. MyRioPHYLLUM. Myriophyllum tetrandrum. Herba aquatica ex maxima parti immersa caulis subsim- plex cellulosus teres, fol. verticell. sessilia immersa multo majora pectinato-pinnata infima (exserta) minima pectinat. pinnatifid. superiora linearia arguta serrata, 6 verticillata, flores hermaphroditi solitarium subsessilisque in exillis folio- rum minuti, pulchri. Petala caduca alba an interdum calyp- tratum cohzrentia, . Cal ovario-adnatus acuti 4-gonus limbo 4-fida laciniis erectis, pedicello brevissimo basi lateraliter utrinque bractia capillacea pinnatifida alba suffult. Petala tot. quot. dentis calycinze sinubus inserta patentia caduca zestivatione imbricata. Stamina 4 epigyna ad bases dentium calycinam inserta. Filam. capillaria exserta, petala subaquantia æstivatione recta. Anth. erectz lineares, fere longitudine filamentora, biloculares, longit, Modem dehiscentes, Pollen glo- bosum simplex iii SE MYRIOPHYLLUM. 687 Ovarium inferum e carpellis 4 compressis monosporis for- matum. Ovula pendulastyli 0. Stigmata 4, papillosa an- gulis calycis ideoque petalis opposita, patente recurva. Fructus inferis, e nucibus 4 vel paucifloribus, abortu angu- los lzevibus compressis conflatus. Semen arcuatum pendu- lum. Embryo axilis arcuatus, radicula inversa. (Semina fructus- que maturus nondum visus.) Has. Bengal. In aquas stagnantib. prope, Jumalpore: Sept. 17th, 1835. Habitu Hipperidi affinis. Partum situs et alternantio quam maxima regularis. Fig, V. Pl. DCXXXXIV. a, a. Bractez lateralis pinnatifidz. b, b,b, b. Sepala. €, C, €, c. Petala. d, d, d, d. Stamina. €; €, €, e. Carpella stigmataque papillosa. Myriophyllum indicum, Gr. Caulibus cellulosis, foliis immersis tenuissima capillaceum partitis, emersis lineari spathulatis, apice serratis, vix ver- ticellatis, floribus bibracteat. bracteis ovatis subrhombeis denticulatis, carpellis tuberculatis spinis demum muricatis ? solubilibus, embryone rectiusculo. Epicarp cito fungosum solubile, endocarp. osseum, tuberculisque abeo ortum du- centibus tunc spiniformibus. Has. Bengal. In aquis profundis fere stagnant. Sept. 38th, 1835. Species a M. tetrandro distinctiss. ob formam bractearum, Carpellisque tuburculatis, et epicarpio lapsó muricatis. * Anatomia caulis. Medulla obsoleta corpore centrale e ligneis fibrosis, interne laxiorib, externe densiorib. vasisquibus dam spiralibus ductisque | 3 intermedis, Peripheria cellulosa aeris cavitatis numerosiss, radiantes, 688 ONAGRARIA. CERCODIA. Cercodia, Ovarium aspectu Rumieis 4 angulatum e calycis sepalis post eorum separationem adhuc ovario adherentibus ex- ortum polyloculare, ovulis pendulis carpellorum parietes dura, carpella pomacearum aliquarum mentients, stigmata 4, apicibus pennicellata cruciata et sepalis alterna zestivatio calycis imbricata. Folia sepalia opposita reliqua alterna arguta serrata. Pedicelli 1-flora basi bisetacea. Flores uni vel multo-axillares. GONIOCARPUS. Goniocarpus rudricaulis, Gr. Prostrata radicans caulis sanguinea,fol. ovata levia mu- cronato-serrata, ^ Paniculis spiciformibus erectis floribus breviter pedicellatis pendulis, ovario 8-suicato osseo, locu- lari styli 4 subulato apice papuloso. Stam. 8 anth. san- guinez. Pet. unguiculata pantentia limbo carinato-con- cav ineo-brunnea, filamenta longitudine, sepaloram quæ herbacea. ovarium rubescens. Han. Ad vias: Churra, Khasyah Hills, 17th, 1835. ONAGRARLE. JussrEUIA. Jussieuia floribunda, Gr. Caulibus repentibus radicantibus teretibus radicula cor- poribus fusiformibus maxima cellulosis immixtis juniori- bus rubescent floriferis erectis foliis obovato-lanceolatis, in petiola attenuatis subacutis, subintegris ciliatis subtus punc- tatis floribus solitariis magnis albis. pedicello folior. duplo fere demum excedentis breviora. Calyce basi bracteis 2 suboppositis, tubo pubescente, laci- niis 5, tubum æquantib. apicibus revolutis patalisve. Pe- talorum ungues luteo 4, OLAX. 689 Stam. 10 alternat. minora discus epigynus pilosus stamini- fer. Stylus stamina paulo superans, stigma peltato capillaria 5-sulcatum, ovarium 5-loculare, ovulis l-serialib. pendulis, foramen hilum prope. ‘Has. In aquis stagnant, Mergui: Sep. 1834. 2. Jussieuia longipes, Gr. Herbacea erecta ramosiss. pubescens ramis ascendent. caulibusque sulcatis angulatisque, foliis breviter petiolatis lineari-lanceolatis, acuminatis, obtusis scabris nervosis, flori- Solitariis axillaribus brevissime pedicellatis. Cal. 4 partito, laciniis 3-nerviis ovatis acutis patentibus, Pet. 4 luteis stam. 8 alternis paulo brevior petalis oppositis _. &ylo brevissimo stigmata capitato. Capsula 4-gona elongata, 8-nervia, nervis 4 angularibus Sepalis alternis breviter pubescens 4-locularis. Placentis Carnosis in loculos productis seminib. 00 serialib. ovulis pendulis foramen hilum prope. Pollen ovata ternatim qua- ternulimve aggregat. filis mixtum. Has. In aquosis, Mergui: Aug. 1834. OLACINEA. Ouax. ~ Olax spherocarpa. Caulis erectis angulato sulcat. fol. subdistincta eblongo-- lanceolatis margine revolutis. Floribus solitariis in axillis, albis pedicellis foliis multo brevioribus calyx annulus sub 3-denticulat, demum urceola- sA 3 in toro annuli more ovarium apice emarginat. ba- sin cingens insert, } erect, $ saper patent, more crucifer. zsti- M4 690 OLACINE.E, vation viridescent valvate apicib. subintroflexis cum denti- culis calyces alternant. Stam. 3 petalis oppos. corum una in apices versus inserta introrsa bilocular. longit. dehiscent. filam. dilatat. brevia. Utrinque stipata sub staminodiis albis cellulosis, bipartitis extrorsus concavis stylus breviusculis. Stigma capitat. 3 lob. Ovar. superum, ovula e placentz centralis apice conico pen- dula in loculis totidem receptis. It is difficult to ascertain the venation exactly, but if the filaments are scraped off, each petal will be found to have two large vascular bundles, the intervenia being supplied by backward anastomosis. Hence it is probable that each is com- posed of 3 pieces, and this would explain well the situation of the staminoid and stamina or as the petals are simple emarginate it is also obvious that they may be composed of two, the fertile stamen alternating with them. The stamina do not derive their vessels from those of the petals which is against the last hypothesis, on the contrary these petaline vessels exactly alternate with stamens. There is something analogous to an articulat. in the stami- noidia, and the vessels of these are more distinct than those of the central part. The ovula are certainly nucleary, at the time of flowering, one is fertilised, and this presents a curious membraneous appearance along the side or edge next the placenta. Stamina appear equally developed from aa early period. The ovula are worth examining, it would seem as if in the fertilised but abortive ones, the only ones I have seen thereis a tube along the inner edge, and perhaps pro- truded from the apex. Fig. II. Pl. DOXXXXIV. Although Mr. Brown plainly shews, that the common mode of adhesion is in pairs, the want of correspondence of the petals, vascular fascicle (3 its excentricity) with the ves- sels of the sterile stamens must be borne in mind. s hing is easily settled by early observations or by examining the venation of those Olacinez with the 5th petal free. ii OLAX. 691 Olaz loranthiformis, Gr. Frutex long is i iis alt ise longe scandens, ramulis compressis foliis alterniis, xstipulatis breve petiolatis, lanceolato oblongis, obtusis, re LJ LI LJ a * * J E E. pandis coriaceis. * Inflorescentia axillaris "racemose, racemis = ius vel paniculatis nempe racemis sæpius 3 in pe- uncul ii lori i iferi a u Fh foliis multo brevioribus, gemmis floriferis brac- " iš undique imbricatis floribus brevius pedicellatis pedicel- l8 basi 1 bracteat. luteis odoratis. Cal. b” 7 - aye LPS; . tubo brevi truncato margine ciliato-obsolitissima den- + tato. Cor. gamo-petala, tubo calycem longiore, limbo 5-par- tit. reflexo demum irregulariter fisso. Stam. 10 coroll, apices usque fere adnata distincto 5 fertilia petalis alternantia, 5 sterilia opposito. Filament. complanato, antherifera latiora crassiore breviorque. Anth. bilocul. longit. lateraliterque dehiscent. Pollen læve sub 3- angulare. Filam. sterilia, laminis membranacea petaloides convolutes ferentia antherum loculis nempe transformatis. tylus exsertus filiformis, stigmato 3 capitata. Ovarium, rotundat. basin versus 3-loculare ovulatum ovulis pendulis ab apice placente centralis foramen inconspicue. Fig. V. PI. XXXX Placentatio santalacearum estivat. corollze valvat. Han. Ad littoram Madam. Pelut, Nov. 1833. Foramen etiansi ovula perjuvenia examinavi nondum vidi apex ovule in cellular laxiori. XIMENIA, Ximenia subscandens, Gr. Ramis viridibus, verruculis brunneis crebris. Ramulis sepe in spinis subulatis axillaribus, rectiusculis _ Fol alter. breve petiolata exstipulat. (petiolis arti- : Culatis basi) ovatis. obtuse acumi .. iis secondariis arcuatis distinctis, .. ginatis interdum cum vel aliqua mucronulo. natis coriaceis glabris ve- senioribus undulatis, emar- 692 OLACINEA. Racemis cymiformi, axillaribus vel subterminal. foliis bre- viorib. solitariis, apice pauci florigeris. Pedicelli ancipat. pedicellis, tot solicis quot dent. calyculi, calyculus basi planiusculus, 3$ dentat. sinubus lobis. Pet. tot. quot. dent. calyculi iis alternant erecta, apices versus reflexis, zestivat. valvat. intus apicibus tantum excep- tis dense barbatis barba erecta alba. Stam. 8 vel petalis numero duplo subaqual. 4 pet. 4 sepal, opposit. Filam. filiform tortis apice versus. Anth. magne adnate. Ovarium oblongo-conicum stylus breviusculus stigma subcapit (terminal) sub 4-lob. fere complete 4-loculare. Placenta centralis. Ovula 4 pendula ex apicem and below received into cells, so that the ovary is incompletely 4 locular. Ovula oblongo-subulata apicibus subdilatat. simplicia. Ovaria at base blackish, as if surrounded by a ring. Has. Malacca Tanjong Cling. A true Olacinea. Ximenia subscandens, fol. ovatis obtuse acuminatis, in- terdum emarginat. undulatis, racemis 3-5 floris, level topped, post anthesin racemiform pedunculis compressis pedicellis 3-4 sulcatis calyce 3-4 dentato (fructus immutat.) Alternation normal not as Arnott says, two stam. opposed to each petal, although no dependence on number 4 or 5 in this species a tendency to it. Fig. III. Pl. PE 5. Carpellary. ‘Hairs of corolla under the micros. rigid. very minutely striate thickened undulated borders, at apex distinctly and broadly moniliform with traces of septa hence old undule- tions remains of monilus, septa disappearing entirely. 693 AMPELIDEO. ‘Cissus. è Cissus spicifera, Gr. Scandens cirrhifer. Cirrhi oppositifolia. Folia petiolat. (petioli utrinque incrassat.) lete ovalia vel ovato-cuspidata, basin versus excepta distanter serrata as- pectu Menispermeo. Racemi spiciformis, oppositifol. - terminalis, solitaria, vel dichotoma pendula pedules, like tails, sulcate thickened at the base and looking like the ends of the petioles. Flores subsessiles, 3-5 aggregati, alabast ovalia. Cal. minutissimus a mere rim irregularly toothed round apex of pedicel. Petala 4 margine valvate, margine apices versus quasi in duplica oblonga concava patente reflexa. Stam. totidem petal opposita. Filam. longa, petiolis paullo brevior apice constricta. Anth, subcordate bilocular sinu affixa longit. dehiscent. Ovaria magnum, apice areolat. lateribus exaratis lineis 4 profundis in quibus filament nidulant bilocul. stylus sub 0. Stigma obtusum locul. biovulat. 'The apex of the ovarium marked with 8 ovate or lanceolate impressions, ovula ascendentia anatropa (with two integu- ment.) Fructus disposed as the flowers, ovuli elliptic green, Size of a small gooseberry baccate containing 2 oblong, plano convex erect seeds with a castaneous tegument, curi- ously intrant into fleshy albumen. Embryo in the axis of the base of the albumen. Radicle longish subcompressed, inferior cotyledons, ovato-cordate With broad base, white flat foliaceous veined. Fruit marked especially towards apex with black longit. 694 AMPELIDEO. lines converging to summit. Pollen in water globular with inconspicuis pores, granular aspect. So far as I can see although the difference in inflorescence is so remarkable, this scarcely differs from Cissus. It has no torus whatever. It is to be considered as a cymose spicate orm, EMBAMMA. 1. Embamma heteranthum, Gr. : Scandens. Cirrhi gracilis setacea oppositifol. folis longe petiolat. ternata, foliole anguste lanceolat. mucronato acuminat. dis- tanter serrait, subtus pilis basi elevatis hirta, subtus albo tomentosa. Petiolis caulisque novellium ferrugineo-tomen- tos. lateral leaflets 3 cordate at base outwardly. Peduncles of frondose inflorescence cirrhigerous near the base, with the frond pinkish. The piicteabetice i is the same as that of Embamma similarly caudigerous, but flatter less lobed, along margins project, a few distant stout spoke-like stalks tomentose. Immersed flowers, surrounded by an irregular edge (of the frond), 3-4 petals. Petals triangular cordate concave with subinflexed margins insertion narrow, twice as many, opposite anthers large cordate inserted in sinus, bilocul. longit. open- N o style, stigma inconspicum, ovary 2-celled, ovules 2 erect, collateral transversely broadest. Apex of stalks of marginals dilated, into a cup-bearing . petals and stamens as in those of disc. Ovary same as in discoid but immersed, } inferior, 2 . ovules in each of the two cells ascending, style more promi- nent than in those of disc. Hairs tomentum long. —— spiraly twisted. Ra- phides very numerous, Frond reticulately veined, veins I- SARS? Se) VPE SOUS. EMBAMMA. 695 appearing to be anastomosing into a circle round each flower, the ovary supplied by branches from this ring. The chances are against Pterisanthes, being really dis- tinct. . The marginal flowers are exactly like the others, even to the rim from which the petals and stamens arise. Embamma heteranthum, fol. ternatis, anguste lanceolatis subtus tomentosis floribus marginal pedicellatis. Has. Malacca. Verupha Aloor Golah. An approach to Pterisanthes. 2. Embamma caudigerum, Gr. Pl. DCXLVI. Habitus omnino Cissi vel Vitis. Partes novellae arachnoi- dez lanata cirrhis oppositifol. fol. ternatis, ovato-lanceolatis distantes dentatis dentibus mucronigeris, subrepandis late- ral lateri exterior obliquis basi subcordatis. Each serraturs and point ends in a fleshy mucro. Cirrhis florigeris oppositifoliis infra medium pedunculum Sanguineo-rubra incrassat. pendulum exserent spadix alato- lobata, vel potius ex axi et alis 3 oblongo-triangularibus alternant tunc nudificatur. iterum apicem versus loba alii minores ambitu rotundato apice imo clavato incrass. Flores imbedded in the dilated portions, generally on its Surfaces, a few are marginal. The amorphous end of the cauda, also bears 2 or 3, they are arranged in oblique lines, those of the two surfaces do not correspond, they are ar- ranged in oblique lines, which at the truncate end of each Wing (or base of angle) follow its curvature. Each flower is surrounded by a roundish brownish cicatrix, then comes the rim of the calyx, thickened very obscurely, 4-toothed, then the petals, flat and valvate in zstivation, expanded, they are recurved, reflexed. Pet. triangulari-cordata viridescent. tam. 4 cum petalis secernent iis opposite filam. reflexa. Anth. magnz biloculares introrsz. Pollen triporat. 696 AMPELIDEO. Ovar. e fundo cavitatis conicum, not projecting beyond the level of spadix. Stylus sub 0. Stigma terminal simplex inconspicuum, bilocul. loculis 2 ovulat. ovulis «erectis anatropis. Has. Malacca. In sylvis ad majora, Ayer Punnus. This is a remarkable form, apparently allied to Pterisan- thes of Blume, itis interesting as shewing a spadicose in- florescence, and venation analogous to that of Kaulfusia, each flower being surrounded by a net work and a ring of vessels, given off from the main branches. This also is inter- esting as shewing the nature of the cirrhi, I have a "Vitis in which a passage to this inflores- cence takes place, the flowers being arranged on panicled spikes, the confluence of these would produce a spadix. But what is the venation in these? what is the cicatrix ‘round each flower ? what is the Perigone of Pterisanthes ? Fruit not seen. Ogs. Differs from Pterisanthes in hermaph. all immersed flowers want of involucra. 1. Plant natural size. 2. Portion of spadix, the flower to the right before ex- pansion, one during expansion, and one after fall o petals to left. 3. Petal and stamen, petal veinous shewn. 4. Stamen enlarged, 1 vasc. fasc. to filament. 5. Pollen. 6. Section double long of part of spadix through 1 flower, a cicatrix, b rim of calyx, in direction of length of 4. Transverse section of an ovaria, and part of spadix. 8. Ovulum as seen under pressure. 4 eighty sae come eee teis minimis caducis. 697 Lera. l. Leea gigantia, Gr. ° Fruticosa trunco simplicia, foliis maximis 4 pedibus latis, - 91 longis, supra decomposito pinnis oppositis foliolis lanceo- lato-oblongis 8 uncialibus obtuse acuminatis, grosse den- tatis basi 3-nerviis czeterum penninervo subtus pallidis, folio- lis lateralibus 2 inferior, terminalisque 3-foliolatis petiola- tis, insertione tumidis, rubrisque, cymo terminali maximo subcirculari diameter 13 pedum. Articuli rubescentibus, foribus numerosissimis calyce basi rubescente, petalis Viridibus extus basi versus rubescent. Anth. biloculares, à medio supra tantum dehiscent. conniventibus, connectivo atro-purpureo et simul deciduis, ut in omnibus aliis specie- us, corona ochroleuca staminif. 5-déntat. dentibus su- bulato-conicis, ovarium 6-loculare. Fructibus baccatis cerasi nigri magnitud. basi calyce per- sistent suffult, 6-locularibus, 3-4 loculis l-spermis, sem. 3-4 abortient. circa axin radiate disposit. angulata, dorso Tugosa, lineaque elevata longitudinal. notat. "Testa pallide brunnea, ossea albumen carnosum 5-lobum, testa inter lobos Product. ideoque album ruminat; Fig. III. Pl. DOXXXXV. Shewing transverse section of the ovarium and angular face of the albumen, a prolonga- tion from the longitudinal dorsal line, & lateral prolongation. Oss. Affinis L. sambucinz. Has. In sylvis Madamaca, Moulmein: Oct. 1834. 2. Leea simplicifolia. Fig. I. Pl DOXXXXV. ` Herbacea, caule obtuse angulato ad articulos tumido, fol. Maxime petiolat. basi vaginante anguloso, cordato-ovata acuta repanda dentataque subtus pubescentia brevissima al- bidis penninervus pedalibus diametoro 8 uncialibus. Cymis terminalibus dichotomis pedunculis sulcatis, brac- N 4 698 AMPELIDE. Cal. breviter 5-dentatus dentibus apice sphacelatis. Cor. 5 petal. pet. sessilia sepalis alternantia revoluto fauce inserta carnosa apicibus cucullatis et incrassatis, squamule 5 fauci inserta carnosz albe, petalis alternant. Stam. fauce inserta, 5, petalis opposita libera subconniven- tia filam. filiform. intus inflexa nempe ad basin anthere geni- culata, purpurascens brevibus, connectivum carnosum oblon- gum, Anth. oblonge adnatæ biloc. longe dehiscent. albe. Stylus filiformis brevis stigma subcapitat. Ovar. semeni ferum, 6 loculare, loculis 1-ovulatis ovulis ascendentibus for- amen versus. Pollen ovatum leve hinc sulcatum aqua im- mersu, subrotundum papulis 3-fit, ` ZEstivation calycis corolle valvata. Has. In sylvis prop. Mergui: Sept. 1834. Spec. unicum tantum vidi. Habitu cissi anthera Melas- tomacearum. Florum aspectu meliacearum. 3, Leea sambucina. Fig. I. Pl. DCXXXXIV. Fruticosa ramis flexuosis verrucosis, foliis 2 decompositis, foliolis oppositis 2 infimis, l-vel 2 jugis cum impari reliquis oblongo-lanceolatis breviter petiolatis, grosse et duplicat. serratis acuminatis nervosis, junioribus lucidis, petiolis pro- priis et petiola ad articulos. rubescentib. stipulis petiolo ad- natis et serrat. dimidio-ovatis, decidius. Inflorescentia cy- moso-paniculata, cymis terminalibus, fructibus baccatis, nigris basi calyce persistent tecta, 3-6 spermis semen binc planis, illinc convexis, testa coriacea albumine carnoso cor- neo lobato! Embryo minutus ad basin albuminis. Plumula inconspicua. Radicula teres, elongata acuta hilum versus. JEstivatio corolle valvata. Cal. tubo brevi 5-dentat. Cor. monopetal hypogyna, 5-partita laciniis reflexis, tubo calyce paulo longior. : Cor. penta loba, epipetala lobis apicibus recurvis; petalis alternantibus. : Stam. 5 sinubus loborum inserta ideoque petalis opposita. T Sai L e ARTE KE LEEA, 699 Filam. longitud. loborum incurva. Anth. bilocul, longit. dehiscentes extrorse, interse cohcerentes decidue. Con- nectiva atro purpurea subsagittatum. Stylus filif. inclusus. Stigma simplex obtusum. Ovari- um superum biloculare loculis l-ovulatis, ovulis erectis fora- men hilum versus. Fig. VI. Pl. DCXXXXYV. a transverse, b long half section and Fig. VIII. Has. In*sylvis Mergui: Sept. 1834. Oss. Ordinis distincta. Ampelideas habitu differens. Pluribus notis Meliaceis accedit. sed. staminibus epipetalis : l-locularibus? petalis, oppositis differt. stipulisque. In L. simplicifolia corona e squamis 5 in altus, 5-partita, ab omnibus necedit. albumina 5 lobo. 1. Flower. 2. Do. long section. 3. Anther cohering in an inverted cone, 4. Anther and filament ; lateral. 5. Do. front. 6. Do. before dehiscence. 7. Pollen. 8, 9. Do. immersed in water. 10. Ovarium style and stigma. 11. Ovarium transverse section. I2. Ovulum, with the foramen near the hilum. Vitis. Vitis, PI. DOXXXXV. Fig. II. Fructus cymosi in cymum latum divaricatum disposit, ovates, basi calyce minimo 4-dentato suffulte in toro luteo parum elevato sessiles apice styli? basi notata baccato, l Spermi. Semen erectum ovatum hilo punctiforme basi notat, apice marginatum, later. interiori paulo minus con- 700 AMPELIDE, vexum et hinc raphe simplicia lineari-angusta brunnea, in sinu emarginationis desinente notat. Chalaza inconspicua. Tegument duplex utrinque adhzerens, extus carnosum vi- ride faux entrans internis brunnea induratum inflexum in albuminis substantiam, Albumen corneum semin. conform. ruminatum secus faciem utramque lineis duabus, in facie exterior magis ap- proximatis notat. in quz line mutuo junguntur ope vena- rum simplicia rarius bifurcatarum, his fauce interioris tan- tum profunde inflexis et superficia externa versus propeque terminant szepe extrorsum curvate. Embryo parvus oblique situs in cavitato albuminis hilum prope. Radicula teres hilum spectans. Cotyledones cor- dato-ovatz planze foliaceze incumbentes, vel faciebus latiori- bus seminis parallele. Plumula inconspicua. Has. Assam s in sylvis, Cheikwar: Feb, Sth, 1896. Species Cissi vel vitis, CLEMATIS. Clematis inversa. Scandens, caulibus fistulosis teretibus lineatis. Petiolis elongatis, teretibus, tortilibus paginze longitudine, fol. oppo- sitis subpetalis, ovatis, basi deltoidea, carnosis subdentatis, dentibus callosis obtusis basi 5-nerviis, nervis 2 lateralib. indistinct. racemis fructiferis valde elongatis, folia duplo su- erant, floribus oppositis distantibus, oo. compressis pilosis, caudatis, caude 24 unciali plumosa, stipitibus sub o. albumen copios carnosum. Embryo minutus in excavatione albu- minis ejus ad apicem sita pulpaque repleta nidulans. Radi cula supera. Pl. DOXXXXV. Fig. VII. In sylvis humidis, Pullo: Jan. 1834, Clematis inversa. 701 BERBERIDEZE. BERBERIS. Frutex rigidus erectus subsımplex ligno pulchra luteo, fol. pinnata, petiola ad foliolorum insertionem articulata, ar- ticulis tumidis, fol. ovata basi obliqua spinoso-dentata. Ra- cemis (interdum paniculis) fasciculatis terminalibus, multi- floris, floribus majusculis pulchre luteis. Perianth in serie- bus 5 terminalis disposit. Stam. irratabilia. Has. Khasyah mountains. Ovar. 1 loculare basi biovulata ovulis erectis foramen hilum prope. LEONTICE. Leontice secunda Gr. Pl. DCXLVII. Planta pedalis. Radix tuberoso bulboso profunde in hu- mum sita, areolis 5-6-gonis conspicua notata, radicule ex areolarum interstius, an semper, axis brevis e parte supera non areolata, squamis paucis munite parum exteriori brun- nez, interiores membranaces albe stipulas quodammodo mentientes intereorum bases et pedunculi circumdantes. Folia pinnata longe petiolata, petiolis ute pedunculus sur- sum (usque ad pinnulus) subincrassato et ad exsertionem (humi) rubro. Pinnule 3 vel 2 verticillat. spathulata glau- cee, apice sepius trilobe concavo-conduplicatze secundæ pinnularum mediarum foliola numerosivia, sed sepius 4. — Panicula cymiformis amplicia composita patentissima, flexuosa pluries dichotoma* bractea squamiformis membra- nacez ad basin cujusque ramificationis, semi-amplectens, ad- pressa concava. ! * Notinthetrue dichotomous manner, but approaching to it be- cause the terminal flower is most developed. It may be considered as dichotomous, one of the forks suppressed. 702 BERBERIDEX. Pedicell szpius elongati ad apicem subincrassati. Calyx 3 sepalus, sepalis caducis oblongis concavis subpe- taloideis rubro-fusco-tincti, imbricatis subvenosis. Petal 6 biseriata zestivat. imbricata oblonga vel oblongo- obovata, patentia apice rotundata irregulariter dentata vel denticulata lutea decidua. Stam. totidem opposita, hypogyna. Filamenta ad an- there extrorÉze adnatz biloculares valvatæ, valvis inzequalibus interior angusta non secedens, reflexa cito, exterior magna secedens ab omnibus adhesionibus apicali tantum excepta incurva revoluta, persistens. Pollen oblongum, glabrum immersum primo effundit massam mucilaginoso aspectu tunc cito rumpitur. Is the outer coat soluble in water, I think not, because after bursting, the pollen retains its color, and the inner coat is always colorless. Ovarium ovatum uniloculare, carnisve subirregularibus alis pluribus szpius ad ejus apicem bifurcatis munitus, Su- tura placentato distinctissimo crasso, stylus subnullus, stigma repando undulatum in massam capitatum dispositum. Ovula pauca 5-7 placentz parve basilari e sutura placental distinctur affixa erecta, interiora longius pedicellata, tegmine bina, foramine hilum prope. Fructus non vissus. l. Plant nat. size. 2. Bud. 3. Flower. 4. Pistillum surrounded by stamina. 5. Inner view of stamen, before dehiscence. 6. Outer do. of one dehiscing. 7, 8,9. Anthers after dehiscence. 10. Pollen. < .11. Do. immersed in water. 12. Pistillum outer face of. 13. Do. inner, shewing distinct placental suture. incedo nnb it EA it at i te ee c Br i AMDIMEPTN joo OE SDE eas v Sep MAI UR DILLENIACE&. 703 14. Pistillum laid open along outer face. 15. Placenta and ovula, at a base of placental suture. 16. Long section of ovulum. A curious plant, two species occur about this place, the leaves generally emerge from the ground at some distance from the inflorescence. The other species is very like this in in- florescence, but the leaves are simply pinnate. The inner valve of the anther i. e. the one not reflexed as valve, is the smaller, this is, I think always the case; but why the pecu- liarity of dehiscence depends upon this inzequallity is another thing. Gen. Canar. Calyx 3 sepalus, cuducus. Pet. 6 biseriata. Stam. totidem antheris valvatis. Pollen mucilaginosum, ovarium alato-carinatum, ovula plura, stigma undulato-capi- tatum. Herbe pereniis cauli subterraneo-radiciformi tu- berosa foliis pinnatis, glaucis ramulis secundis oppositis vel semiverticillatis. Panicula cymosa aphylla, flores majusculi utei. Species prima. Caulis areolis indistinctis pinnulis oppositis, late oblongis apice trilobis pinnula szepius brunneo trausverse fasciatze. Sp. secunda. Caule areolata pinnulis 4-6 semiverticillatis Spathulatis apice 2-3 lobis conduplicatis. Przcedente paullo major. Pinnule fasciate. Has. Khasyah mountains. DILLENIACE. DiLLENIA. l. Dillenia spiciosa. Fig. III. Pl. DCXLIX. Arborea, cortice cinerea ramis patentibus. Folia post flores evoluta, lato-obovata, crenato-repanda emarginata coriacea, glabra, juniora lucida, argute serrata serraturis mu- cronatis, utrinque et presertim subtus ad venas adpresse 704 DILLENIA. pubescentia. Vernatio conduplicata, Petioli marginato, pubescentes ciliatii Gemmz squamis foliaceis velutinis, cincte. Flores terminales solitariis maximi, conspicui, lutei, diametro 4-uncialis, pedicellati. Pedicelli cum ramo articu- lati. Calyx inzqualiter 5-sepalus, sepalis 2 exterior et lin- termedio majoribus 2 interior minoribus, ovalibus obtusis, vom adpresse pubescentibus. t 5 sepalis alternantia, hypogyna sessilia cuneato- d repanda, decidua. Stam. 00, hypogyna pluriserialia, libera, seriebus exterior minoribus luteis, duabus interioribus 3-plo majoribus deorsum curvatis, citrinis, Filam. filiformia. Anth. adnate ad apices poris 2 dehiscentes. Torus ampliatus carpella 10, lineario- coalita, circa axim disposita, 1-locularia, ovula plura, biseria- lia, placentis axillibus affixa. Foramen hilum versus et ad latus inferius ovuli quoad placentam. Stylus sub 0, stigmata tot quot carpella radiatim disposita, linearia acuta, D. retusæ proxima sed distincta super collis. In sylvis Molafnyain Zinzaik, etc. : Feb., March, 1834. 2. Dillenia parviflora. Arbor. humilis, petiolis basi dilatat. foliis ovato-obovatis repando-serratis coriaceis subacutis subtus ferrugineo-pubes- cens venis secondariis conspicuis, floribus e ramulis ortis et ante folia juniorem explicitis, 2-4 aggregatis in pedicellis bre- vibus. Calycis sepalis 3 exterior tomentoso-sericeis coria- ceis, viridescent, 2 interior, glabriorib. subpetaloidis. Pet. obovato spathulatis subunguiculat. Stam. inzequalib. seriei intima maxima, stigmata primo as- | pectu simulant, Stigmata 5-6 an plura, angustissima. . Has. Mergue. In sylvis prope Tukeek: Feb. 1835. «* t etiam iisdem sylvis copiosa species altera an D. or- -nata Wall. arbor. magna petalis obovatis, floribus magnis. Reape hy (ithe Cie Te eS See 705 DILEMA, Dilema. Arbor. formosa umbrosa aspectu Castanae verse foliis confertis, oblongo-ellipticis subcuspidatis nervosis, serratis, Serratuus rigidis, ciliatis supra nitidis leto-viridibus, infra pallidiorib. et ad nervos adpresse pubescent. Petiolis cana- liculata basibus ampliatis semiamplexicaul. floribus terminali- bus, solitariis maximis diametri 3-uncialis, odore rose canice, sed minus grate. Pedicellis, 2-3 uncialibus, medium su- pra bracteat. Bractea foliacea, lineari-lanceolata decidua. Cal. irregulariter 5 sepal, sepalis maximis ciliatis 3 interior major. fructiferis arcte connivente. Pet. maxima subzqualia obovato repanda decidua. Stam. numerosiss. inzqualia, seriebus 2? internis (an 1) duplo fere majoribus. Filam filiformia complanata. Anth. -lineares adnate stam. brevior breve apiculat. longior emar- ginat. et szepius in apiculat. poro cernio apice dehiscent car- pella plurima. Styli breves, stigmata tot quot carpelia radiántia lineari-lan- ceolat. plana longit. centraliterque sulcat. ovules 00 duplice nana, placenta cellulosa maxima. Fructus magni pomi magnitud. sepalis ampliatis carno- Sis conniventibus obtecte pseudo multi-locularis stigmati- bus radiantib. marcescent. coronat. carpella plumum radiate disposita peripheria versus libera, axin versus mutuo cohz- rentia, intus materia gelatinosa feta, in quem semina nidu- lant Semen angulo intrante affixa complanata. plume abortient, dorso pilis brevibus cellulosis cristato, testa Subcoriacea, album copiosum, carnosum subcurvatum. Em- bryo minutissimis in regione umbilico. Radicule hilum ob- versa. Endospermum cum albuminum separans e membranis cellulosis duabus quorum interior e cellulis fibrosis longitu- dinaliter dispositis, fibris incompletis. o 4 706 WormIA. Wormia suffruticosa, Pl. DCXLIX, Fig. I. ANONACE. PzrTICALYx Gen. Nov. Pelticalyz argentea. Gr. Arbusculi ramulis flexuosis foliis lanceolato-oblongis basi cordatis obtusis breviter petiolatis subtus pulcherrima glaucis, floribus axillaribus terminalibusque pendulis longe pedicella- tis cream-colored. Pedicellis foliis breviorib. pubescent. sursum incrassatis. : Cal. extus bractea peltata, suffultus, 3-sepal, sepalis ovatis. Pet 3 exterior maximis ovato-oblongis clausis, carnoso (leathery) subrepandis, arcte clausis fere cohzrentibus. there, connectivo rubro ultra loculos. in capit rubro brevi producto. Ovaria extus pilosa sericea, stylus breviss. stigma subca- pitat, pilosum pauce ovulata ovulis 1-serialib. ascendentibus. Has. In umbrosis prope littoram Madamacca : Sept. 1834. An bractea pro calyce habenda? tunc cor, 6 petal, 3 ex- terior minorib. calycinis. FissisTIGMA. Gen. Nov. Fissistigma scandens, Gr. Frutex scandens, fol. lanceolato-oblongis integris, emar- ginat. subtus glauces et parce ferrugineo-pilosis. Racemis axillaribus abbreviatis foliis multo breviorib. pe- dunculis pedicellis bracteisque, ovatis floribusque extus fer- rugineo-pubescent. Cal. profunde 3-partit. sepalis ovatis obtusis. Pet. 6 in- teriora minora rubescentia? glabra apicibus 3-angularib. CAO TT Ne ere IPTE D I UE EON E a A E NET ENN iti CYATHOTEMMA. 707 Stam. 00. Filam. sub 0. Connectiva roseo-coccinea ultra anther product. Anth. ednate, subsessiles loculis longit. dehiscent. Ovario 00, pilosissimz, stylus sub O stigma bi- fidum. Ovula plura biserialia. Has. Mergue. In sylvis prope Thurapown, Dec. 1834. Gen. distinct stigmata bifido, petalisque interior, colo- ratis, flores expandos nondum vidi. Cal. profunde 3-partit. sepalis ovatis obtusis. Pet. 6, in- teriora minora colorataque? Anth. subsessiles. Connecti- vum ultra antheram in processum obtusum product. Ovaria pilosiss. 1-locular. ovula plura biserialia, styli sub 0. Stigma bifidum, Frutex scandens, inflorescentia racemosa axillaris. CYATHOTEMMA. Cyathostemma viridiflora, Pl. DCL. Cymis caulinis ex axilla veluste dichotomis patente nütantibus, dense ferrugineo-pubescent. Bractea oblonga concava dense ferugin. pubes ad ramum singulum, unoque paullo supra medium pedicellorum clavatorum. | Floris basis planiuscul. sub 3-gona ambitu sepalis 3 late cordatis patentissimis e basi subreflexa, ferrugin. pubesc. PetalG duplici serie incurvato connivent and in corolla depresso urceolat. disposit. Pet. basi gibba vel subreflexa, convex disc angulato-ferrugin. pubescent. loculis introrsis li- nearib. completis longit. dehisc. Pollen leve ? e porosum ova- to-rotundat. a Pistilla plura centralia, apices on a level nearly, with the Upper edge of the corolla, angulate cylindraceze dense pubesc. ferrugin, stylus sub 0, stigma magua oblonga glabrum emar- 708 ANONACEX. ginat. ovula plura biseriata anatropa. Placente processus membrana distinctus inter series ovulor. interject. This appears intermediate between Anonacez and Schi- zandracez, but I have not seen the fruit. The wood is remarkable, the pith is very small. Ligneous system white subcruciately 4-lobed, sinuses of lobes con- cave, 2nd brown very thin opposite to angles of the white, but much developed and filling up the concave sinuses be- tween the white lobes. The vessels of the white lobes are large and frequently, the medullary rays are pronounced, complete and white in both systems, very large towards the circumference, and generally containing one or two linear facie both of white wood. Medullary rays distinct continuous with back and medulla, the spaces between each i. e. the wood composed of fine dense fibres, and a subsingle row of vessels, (scalarif.), the brown part consists of transverse subundulated lines of woody fibre, and transverse oblong spaces filled with brown matter! These brown spaces are divided by septa, and probably the chief difference between the brown and white, is, that in the brown ; the vessels predominate so much as to subdivide or break up the continuity of the fibrous part. I know no anonaceous plant with a corolla like that of this one, although Artabotrys would resemble it, and severa others if the lamina of the petals were absolutely abortive. The flowers have no odour, but the usual aroma exists in the plant. I only know the male flowers of kadsura or Sphzerostem- ma, but this plant agrees with it in form of perianth corolla, in the bracteate padicel and in the valvate zstivation. It is not however moncecious, and its ovaria, and anthers are decidedly (particularly the former) anonaceous, and so i$ the number of the parts of the perianth. The wood, certainly tends to the menispermaceous struc- ture, “UVARIA. 709 Coniferous markings round or transversely oblong, exist on the larger vessels, while the cells are from end to end, and I see, appearances as if the markings were confined to oblong cells lining the scalariform ones, certainly so, that there would seem to be two forms of these cells, one simple membrane with a lining of coniferous marked cells, the others simply punctate, UVARIA. Uvaria mabiformis. Gr. Scandens ? Ramuli flexuosi folia obconduplicata concava, oblongo- lanceolata vel ovata integra, obtusis emarginata, glabra exacte ut in Maba vel Diospyros subtus glaucescentia et mi- nutissima reticulata. Pedunculi axillares solitarii, petiolor. longitud. deorsum curvati parce bracteati. . Cal. basi planiusculus profunde 3-partitus, the outline is nearly triangular from a very broad sinuses. Pet. abbreviate valvate, exteriora cordata, crassissime præ- sertim apicem versus (sessilia) basi concav. centrzque cari- nulata. 3 interiores multo minores oblonge conniventes apices versus coherent unguibus approxinatis. Anth. 00. sessiles cuneatz extrorse truncato-capitule, the chief part of torus occupied by the petals. Pistilla pauca sub o seriata ovaria glanduloso punctata Ovula 2 basi solida superposita, stigmata are longish viscid Subulz 4 less the ovaria, at first sight altogether Diospyra- ceous. Aloor Gagah, Verupha, July, 1842. The branches are greenish inner petals quite hide the geni- talia, and form together an oblong 3-furrowed body, outer pe- tals scarcely opening, exceedingly thick and tough obtusely triangular, taken together. 710 ANONACES. Uvarie sp. Ramuli albidi fol. distant. breve petiolat, oblongo-lanceolat. longe et obtuse cuspidata, atro-viridia coriacea integra glabris (v. 2 dariis exceptis) indistincte venosa. Pedunculi axillares, ferruginei bractes pluribus, distichis, ferrugineis basin versus, deorsum curvate. Fl. solitaria penduli magna, viridescent extus ferruginei. Cal. basi planus areola obsolete 3-gona notat. (angles al- ternating with sepals) profunde 3-partitus laciniis 3 angular. et. 6 carnosa biseriate, 3 exterior triplo major sublanceo- lata, basi late glabrata vix concava, utrinque presertim extus pubescent ferrug. 3 interiora sericeo-pubescent unguibus dis- tantibus in conum super genitalia connivent cohzrente. Anth. sessiles cuneat truncat. extrorse bilocul. connect. occupying whole breadth of apex, numerous in several se- ries, ovaria in conum disposita series, styles filiform clavate very long, twisted, cellular scarcely stigmatose. Space between their bases occupied by a large mass of light brown viscum, which is probably the stigma. In the young state the styles are merely incurved, dilated and compressed, truncate at apex, furrowed longitudinally the margins of truncate apex along the end of sulcus looking rather stigmatic. Stamina disposed in a subdepressed libns mass. Pistilla when torn up from base, shew there 5 distinct veins, ] middle, 2 lateral. Ovula 4-6 plura uniseriata. Has. Malacca. Aloor Gagah, Verupha: July. Oss. This is like the Usesquipedalis. It belongs to same sqad as the lutea, but passing off, the limiting of the stigmatic, secretion to the lower part of the style, and its congregation into a central viscous mass is curious, so are the long styles, twisted inwards almost involute, at the apex the fecundating sphacelation is intense at base of the styles. PT i A a a ET NAMEN re LET Er ERR d = PT 5 Ey eae : West 3 UVARIA. rast Uvaria heteroclita. Pl. DCXLIX. Fig. II. Rami flexuosi, hinc illinc crebre verrucis (lenticellis) as- perato. Folia alterna breviter petiolata (petiolis basi haud articulatis supra planiusculis), ovula acuminata, distanter obsoleteque dentata carnosa glabra. Fructus dense capitu- los globosos axillares nutantes dispositis sublente pedunculo Crasso squamato. Carpella (immatura) plurima dense congesta globosa, vel obcompressione majorem ovalia, angulata pressione, apice areolo sub 4-angulo plano quasi truncato notata, hinc et postice linea membrana brunnea sphacelata arcte adhzrente cujus apex stylum brevem simulat. orta stipata, sessilia, uni- locularia disperma. Semina transverse sita, pendula reniformia hilo termina- tionem linez brunnes versus directo. Pulpa futura baccar. arcte semin. adherent. Tegument. exterius unicumque crassum extus brunnescens subcoria- ceum, intus cellulos. an e secoidinio adnato. Albumen arcuatum, molle niveum membrana cellulosa Secondinia pallidissima brunnea inclusumczque adherens, apice excepto prolongatione intus tegumenta externe secus curvatura maxima profunda, quasi dimidiatum. Membrana nuclei apicem versus tantum distincto, imo apice sphacelata ceterum cum albumine secondiniaque adhz- rens, Embryonis rudimentem subobcordatum ex apicem nucleum pendens. Ejusdem generis cum Uvaria heteroclita Roxburgh, Fi. 3 Ind. ed 1832, 2,663. quæ forsan eadem. Suddyah: Fed. 2, 1836. Leviter aromatice omnia Ano- nacearum albumine integro excepto, L4 7/12 ANONACE. Uvaria (Aichmanthera) odorata. Arbor. humilis cortice albescent. Ramis, ramulisque flexuosis subsimplicibus laxis, fol. alternis, in petiolis bre- vibus canalieulat. ovato-oblongis basi ssepius cordatis, ali- quando obliquis cordatis, repandis integris supra atro-virid. infra fusco-viridibus maculis nigrescentibus pallidis floribus axillaribus racemosis, pendulis, primo viridibus demum lu- teis, magnis odoratissimis. Racemis paucifloris, interdum 1-floris aliis abortientibus pedicellis velutinis articulatis basi bracteatis. Cal. 3-partit. basi plana sepalis coriaceis lati-ovatis reflexis ! Cor. 6-petal. biseriatis seriei extima majora, lanceolato-li- nearia longissima venosa. demum subrepanda marginibus re- volutis. Stam. 00, hypogyna, filam. sub 0, connectivum ultra an- theram in apicula spinescente breve product. Anth. adnate introrse, stam demum brunnee. Stigmata turbinata capitulum aggregata: styli breves, ovaria plura l-locularia, pluri-ovulata, ovulis 2 serialibus, carpella immature stipitata pyriformia, torulosa vel nec, bac- cata nempe pulpa repleta, seminibus 1-2 vel plura, trans- versis. Pet. interior demum basibus conniventia! Genus distinc- tum Uvaria proxima distinguend. Calycis sepala reflexa. Pet. interiore paulo minore. Anth. spinecente. Stigmata turbinata in capitulum ultra anth. productum, aggregata, ovula glabra, l-locul. ovulis pluribus biseriatis, carpella glabra v imn torulosa vel levia; 1-2 sperma. Has. Mergui, culta: Oct. 1834. The carpella in all apocarpous Anonacee? appear to be torulose if more than one seeded. “ha Sig cA ME Lore VOU E MS RE DL C MEE qoc IIo PIE OMS 2783 ARTABOTRYS. Artabotrys malayane. Ramuli, bright brick dust ferruginous. Folia oblonga basi oblique cordata, cuspidato acuminata coriacea, subtus glaucescentia et advenas ferrugineo-pubescent (uto petioli et inflorescentia). Pedunculi axillares, j -2 flores, foliis multo breviores, brac- teolis pluribus caducis fl. penduli lutei fragrantes. Cal. ultra medium 3-partitus, laciniis ovario triangular patente ascendent. Pet. 6 longissima basi concava in glo- bum conniventa, vix constricta linearia very gradually alter- nate to apex, extus pubescente biseriata, valvata. Inner three shorter much narrower, scarcely dilated at base, leaving between the claws open genitalia, a transverse section would be sub 4 gona of the base 3 gona. Anthers sessile, outer series ones effete, inner extrorse with purple mucros, cells looking as if they only contained two rows of pollen, grains connivent. Pistilla several disposed in a cone, the apex of which projects beyond the globe of stamina distinct, ovaria densely ferrugina villous surmounted by a longish stigmatic subulus ovula few 1 seriate. Peduncles of fruit much thickened subnutant, carpella sessile on a 1 spherical torus, cylindical with a tendency to be torulosz, 2-23 inches long, vertically mullilocular, each cell with 1 seed, immature only seen, albumen ruminate. Has. Malacca Aloor Gagah, Verupha. This belongs to the Artabotrys squad, known by the elongate valvate biseriate petals arched over the genitalia, and general- E ly? torulose fruits. A sharp angle elevated line always? decurrent from the base of the petiole, leaves above very nitent. Fruit cell red sometimes somewhat angular fibrous, bac- P4 714 ANQNACEZR. cate flesh sanguineous colours, seeds oblong ovate, greyish raphe complete obscure. Embryo basilar minute plates ruminating stout. SPHJEROSTEMMA. Spherostemma Blumiana, Pl. DCLI. Fig. I. II. DCLIV. Frutex ramis sublevibus compressiusculis flexuosis brun- neis. Fol. altera exstipulata in ramis articulata, ovato-lan- ceolata acuminata cuspidata integra glabra carnosa, se- mina pellucida contusa aromatica v. secondarie irregulariter arcuata nexa, pagina czeterum reticulata. Flores solitaria axillares in pedicellis petiolos subzquanti- bus sursum incrassatis bracteate squamatis ! Bracteis imis in tegmentus exeuntibus. Alabastra globosa basi 5 bracteata bracteis inaequalibus 2 interioribus majoribus quorum una maxima, 3 exterioribus minutis ute hz pedicellorum basi carnosus. Bractea maxima ut videtur postica. Perianth imbricata distinctio corolla nulla, sepalis. rotun- datis, 10 sepal, sepalis inzpualibus exterioribus majoribus interioribus nanis, vel sepala 5. Petala his alternantia interiora nana, estivat. imbricata, 2 exterior, 3 interior. Stam. 00, in disco conoideo elevato inserta, atrobilium Pini nun male referentia. | Filamenta brevissima distincta coiii præ alius di- latatum transversum, maximum carnosum. Antheræ parve albæ biloculares adnatæ sed non per omnes longitudinem connectivum insertæ longit. dehiscentis, adeo dispositæ ut antheræ externa visibiles compositæ sunt. Stamina spiraliter disposita alternatum opposita. Of this I have only seen young buds, the anthers are very curious, at least as regards their disposition, the cells of mamy course owing to the great size of the connecti- Tane very Dig. but as if some approximation was ne- E Mari Mo I T REEL eg EAM OEP AR Ee PX 3g ee Lect : ey MICHELIA, 715 cessary, they are disposed so that the cells of one anther are closely applied to the near cells of the two contiguous stamina. The pith of this plant is remarkable for being traversed longitudinally by bundles of exceedingly dense irregular oc- casionally branched fibres. These fibres are semi-opaque containing either inside or out, amylaceous granules and consisting of a superposition of at least two fibrous tubes. Between the wood and bark occur, Ist dense, but small cellular tissue, then a viscid matter, containing the rudi- ments of fibres, the cambium. The bark is perforated here and there with irregular inter cellular passages. Aromatico-piperaceous smell, very like that of Sedgewickia hence Í was led to look for coniferous markings. These markings are less developed than in Conifer, the disk being larger and always opaque. The vascular system is very little developed, and consists of unrollable ducts of a great size, the fibres of which are occasionally mutually united along the middle. The fibrous tissue is excessively dense, and external to the vascular, the fibres are of small diameter, and are of punc- tuated tissue the punctuations being in one or two series, in addition coniferous glandular punctuations are frequent, but apparently always in one row. The fibrous system imme- diately surround the vessels has occasionally, the limits of the fibres so incomplete, that the vessels appear as if con- tained in a tube, apparently very frequently perforated, and interspersed here and there with coniferous markings. HyALOsTEMMA, Hyalostemme sp. Pl. DCLIII. MICHELIA. Michelia champaca. Arbor. elegans 40 pedalis trunco albescent ad altitudi- nem 30 pedalem non ramosa. 716 ANONACE. Folia petiolata lanceolata subacuminata integra, subtus ad nervos sparsum pilosa. Petiolis basi vaginantibus, (nempe marginib. canalicule circa ramum productis,) a basin usque ad medium canaliculato superne sulcato, tantum canaliculo abrupt terminant. Floribus axillaribus solitariis, pedicellatis (pedicellis arti- cularis,) primo pallide lutescentes demum, castaneo-macu- latis postremanse, omnino brunnea ; odoratiss. Flores bractea spathacea involuta. Per. polysepalum, sepalis exteriorib. majora lineari spa- thulatis interior, breviorib. angustioribusque. Stam. 00, libera hypog. Filam. breviss. connectivum ul- tra anther in lobule acuto producto. Anth. lineares biloc. adnate longit. dehiscentes introrse. Torus ovulifer elonga- tus. Ovaria undique spicatim imbricato extus seriea. Stylo subulato stigmata recurvo, later, superiora tantum styli decurrente pluriovulato, ovulis biseriatis. foramen hilum versus, i Has. Platoor. Ins. Madamacca: August, 1834. RoPALOPETALUM, Gen. Nov. Ropalopetalum. Frutex longe scandens, ramulis viridescentibus pubescent. foliis alternis breviter petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis, obtuse acuminatis in petiolum coriaceis decurrent. integris, cymis op- positifoliis foliis multoties breviorib. pedunculis compressus modo cornu curvatis ramulis arborum amplectentibus pedi- cellis rectis subclavatis, floribus ochroleucis. Cal. 3-partit. se- palis cordato-ovatis. Pet. 6 biserialia serie externe sepalis alternante cordata, nervo medio infra apicem in processu Clavato, 23 lineari longa abeunt 3 interior clausa? Stam, hypogyna sessilia. Anth. cuneata connectivo carnoso ultra loculos producto, Anth, adnato extrorse, Ovula 4-6 in BULLET aL ee Bé d REAN NEPHROSTIGMA. TTF toro apice piloso insidentia l-loculare, 2-ovulata, ovulis erectis styli brevis stigmata complanata. Has. In sylvis intra Mergui Kulweng : Oct. 1834. Ropalopetalum uniflorum. Scandens per pedunculos abortivos. ramulosum uncinatos, ramis flexuosis. petiolis foliisque subtus ad nervos fer- rugineo pubescent. foliis lanceolat. acuminat. repandis supra atro-viridib. subtus subglaucis floribus solitariis oppositifo- lis, in pedunculo deorsum producto articulatis ibique bracteatis pedicellis pubescent (nec ferrugineo pubes- cent), sepalis cordatis acuminat. apicibus reflexis. Pet. pu- bescent 6 exteriora majora, connectiv. apiculis sanguineis. Stigmatibus circiter 10 albidis longit. sulcatis. Ovaria parce Sericeo pilosa? gynophora pilosa insidentio 1 loculare ovulis ad basin loculor. situs. Has, In sylvis prope Kulweng: Dec. 1834. . NEPHROSTIGMA. Gen. Nov. Nephrostigme sp. Frutex ramis flexuosis ramulis ferrugineo-pubescentibus, foliis lanceolatis acuminatis integris, reticulatis, senioribus glabris atro-viridibus, junior lete viridibus. Inflorescentia axillare opposita, racemosa, racemis 2-floris, bracteatis, brac- teis cordatis majusculis pedicellis crassis perianthus que extus ferrugineo-velutinis. Cal. 3 sepala, sepalis cordatis zqualib. Pet. 6, 3 exterior majora sepalis conformia. Stam. 00 sub- sessilia omnia connectivo punctis rubris oleosis. Anth. ad- natz ovarium iisdem punctis, stylo stigmatie reniforme con- cavum, ovuli pluribus l-serialib, Stam. glauco-rubra, ovaria rubra videntur. Genus ob cal. petalisque conformibus subæqualibus, peta- lis semper ? clausis, stigmatibus reniformibus facile recog- Doscendum. In sylvis Mergui : Sept, 1834. 718 NYMPHASACE AE. NMPHEA. Nymphea sp. Pedunculi uniflori, spithamzi ; sepalis 4, lanceolato-oblon- gis obtusis extus viridibus intus apicem versus czruleo-tinc- tis. Petalis pluribus, anguste lanceolato-oblongis, interioribus minoribus exterioribus dorso plus minus viridi tinctis; odor of primroses. Staminib. subbiseriatis intimis effetis? multo minoribus; 17, filamentis complanatis. Anth. lividescent. mucrone ob- tuso purpurascent. Stigmatibus comubus 10 obtusis incurvis, infra medium di- atat. stigmatosa, puactum rotundum in centro stigmatis com- Imunis. Ovar. semi superum quoad petal et presertim stamina. Foliis suborbicularibus, sinus acuti-lobi subdivaricatis, re- panda, latissimeque crenatis, vena centrali, e superne visa li- neari recta diaphana: subtus saturato-csrulea purpur. venis prominulis viridibus utrinque glabris. Akin to N. stellate, but has scarcely any appendages to the antheres. BaARcrAYA. — Barclaya. Sepala 5 patentia linearia hypogyna, subzqualia dorso, subcarinata acuta 3 exteriora. Cor. tubo subcylindrico limbo 7-partito, laciniis subin- flexis, oblongis imbricatis exterioribus multo majoribus. . Stam. tubo corollz ab apice usque ad medium inserta, in- clusa filam. filiformia. Anth. connectivo majusculo, apicula : gue pe adnatz bilocul, longit. lateraliterque dehis- Jue CUI TN SE ES rely A MNT UNES E ae EURYALE. 719 Ovarium corollæ adnatum, styli 0. Stigma plura subulata erecta, subconniventa apertura in stigma verum obovatum, ovarii parietes attingentia ducens. Ovarium basi calyce persistente stipitat. apice corolla limbo connivent. corro- nat. 9-10 loculare loculis materia glutinosa septitis ovulis 00, dissepimentis affixis, funiculo brevi, foramen ab apicem, conspicuum, angustus subbaccatus, corolla calyceque de- mum erecto obtectus loculis materia glutinosiss. decolori, semina rotundata hispida pilis conices hispidulis albumen farinaceum e lobulis majusculis ovatis discretis lobuli cellu- losi materia grumosa copiosa con-tinentes ! Embryo minut us ad basin albuminis hilum prope. Herba aquatica axi brevissima, aspectu omino monocoty- ledonea. Aspectu omnino monocotyled. Has. In rivulum ad umbrosiss. Pular : Oct. 1834. EURYALE. Euryale feroz, Pl. DCLVII. Has. Bootan: Dec. 23rd, 1837. FUMARIACE.E. FUMARIA. Fumaria affinis, Pl. DCLVIII. Fig. I. The flowers of Fumaria are highly irregular, in the first place, the calyx is very indistinct. The envelopes consist of tivo exterior scales, and four irregular leaves, all of which are carinate, the portion forming the carina being green, all more or less cucullate, and the uppermost one calcarato- Saccate at the base. They are each provided with three veins, of which the central one corresponds to the carina, . and in its direction the tissue is, in a marked degree longi- tudinal, 720 FUMARIACEE, The male organs consist of two flat membranous com- pound filaments, three-toothed at the apex, each tooth bear- ing an anther, its veins are three in number of which the central one is most distinct. The lateral anthers are uni- locular, the central truly bilocular all are extrorse. The pollen presents 4, and perhaps more grooves or pores, The pistillum consists of a unilocular uniovulate ovarium ; an articulated declinate style, with 4 vessels, and a large stigma, consisting of two lateral subcornute processes, and between these, two rudimentary ones will be found. The vessels belonging to these are close together, so that at first sight, there would appear to be only three bundles, but pres- sure particularly at the apex of the style demonstrates the existence of 4. The four stigmata are opposed to the 4 leaves of the flower. This structure is difficult of explanation. The two scales may be bractez approximated, closely to the flower, in which case the inflorescence if more developed, . would—be dichotomous, and in this supposition, the two outer larger leaves will be calyx, and the two inner corolla, these being opposite to the two scales as they should be. Here however the alternation is interrupted the bilocular centralanthers are evidently opposed to the outer leaves, but the lateral ones have no evident relation, although they may be traced to the sides of each lateral inner leaf or petal. The four carpellary leaves return as is very common to their proper relations, and are opposed to the leaves of the perianth. The scales have so decided a relation to the bractee in structure that I believe this view to be correct. There seems to me, to be only one mode of explaining the anthers, these are bilocular, the lateral anthers being completely divided into two, in which case each anther would be opposed to the constituent parts of the envelopes. 4 FUMARIA. 721 This, I fnd is Lindley’s view, who however shews that the alternation is quite correct, a circumstance which I had overlooked. 3. Stamina. 4. Ditto. The only objection to this binary arrangement is in the Structure of the ovarium, this however may be of little im- portance if Papaveracez be taken into consideration. But if Lindley is correct in saying that all the 6 stamina are sometimes distinct, no explanation of the sort will suffice. The opposition however resulting from this is so universal, that it is probable there are two series of stamina, it is be- Sides more consonant with the situation of the bilocular anther to attribute it to pressure, rather than the simplicity of the lateral ones to dislocation. Examined at a very early stage, when the lateral stamina are very nearly distinct and free, their situation is evidently in pairs opposite to each petal, there is at this period no appearance whatever of the simplicity of the bilocular anther. The situation of the locnli is such as would result from the complete division of a bilocular anther. I see nothing in Fumaria officinalis corroborative of Lin- dley’s notions as to impregnation, the horns of the stigma are opposite to the sepals, and cause the bulging out as it were of the bilocular antherz. I can ascertain no twisting of the lateral filaments, all the anthers being without excep- tion extrorse. The fact is, that the cavity in which the ge- nitalia are confined is so limited that no peculiar means are necessary to counteract the defect in situation of the an- thers, and impregnation is nearly universal. The anthers after dehiscence contract much in size, and shortly after this operation, they beeome removed from the stigma, which is then surrounded by the pollen. a4 722 FUMARIACE. Bocconia is said to be apetalous, if so, so may be Fumaria- cez, the development and origin of the envelopes is perhaps rather calycine than petaline, but the subject is so difficult as to require extensive examination, Papaveraceze cannot be well understood, the two-leaved calyx and 4-leaved corolla requiring satisfactory explanation. We might combine Fu- mariacee with Papaveracee because of Hypecoum which is another instance of incongruous inconsistency. If it ought to be done, then we ought to treat similarly all intermediate forms. Hyprecoum. Hypecoui sp. Pl. DOLIX. Herba annua, tenera glaucescens, statura valde variabilis. Radix fusiformis. Petiolis canaliculatis basi dilatatis. Foliorum limbis pinnatis, pinnis saepius alternantibus sub capillaceis pinnatifidis lobis bi-trilobis. Inflorescentia pluries dichotoma initio cernua. Pedunculi crassiusculi spithamzei interdum pedalis dichotomis ramis foliis 2 capillacei- pinnati- fidis oppositis suffultus, ramulo centrale florigero nudo, this continues 2 or 3 times, one of the branches being more or less completely dichotomous. Flos. expansus bilabiat. labiis rectis sinistrisque sepalis in- terior patentis deltoides cuspidatis concavis marginibus de- mum involutis. Petalis erectiusculis labiis biniis utrinque. ores laterales ultima foliolis eodem more divisis, stipata. Pedicelli subclavato fructuum cernui. Bractee bine ovate, (sepala auctor. sepala sunt) sepalinze glauca ad basin cujusque floris. Sepala 2 estivatione incurvato-valvata, lato-oblonga apicem versus subcarinata, lutea initio viridia sepaloidea de- mum omnino petaloid decidua. Pet totidem bracteis opposita ultra medium (structura sin- gulari) sepalis paullo minora lobis lateralibus oblongis ob- tusis, centrale (pars antheriform vasc. uno lobis lateral ve- * HYPECOUM. 723 nulosis. Potius, pedicelli partis antheriformis, alato lobat. lobis postea evolutis,) antheriformem brevi pedicellat. concava lamina pulehra fimbriata, demum recurva, carina obsoleta in centro lutea maculis parvis atro-purpur. Bractez or sepals of terminal or central flower anticous and posticous of the lateral ones, right and left only. Stam 4 anisomera, his petalis oppositis compositis, illis sepalis oppositis simplicibus. Filamenta carnosa complanata, rugosula, his (sepalinis) paullo brevioribus et 1 angustiori- bus vasc. centrali unico illis petalis amplexis latioribus et lon- gioribus (bis) vasibus binis, quorum quoque ad marginem interna loculi cujusque currit. Anthere adnate oblongz loculis lateralibus omnes bilo- culares, et statura excepta nulli modo different. the septa of larger ones are more complete. Pollen ovatum medio plicatum glabrum. Ovarium 4 gonum, oblongum sursum in stylum curvatum centro Sulcatum attenuat. Stigma bilobum et secus sulcum stylo decurrens, fol. carpellam bina (right and left,) uniloculare, placentis binis anticis posticisque indistinctis ovulis biseria- tis alternant pendulis, structure ordinarie, foram. subcons- picua ad apicem ovuli deorsumque spectantes. Fructus si- liquiformis, deorsum curvatis, vel nutant subteres utrinque attenuat. This is a singular plant evidently belonging to Fumaria- cem. The outer scales or sepals of.some authors are perhaps better viewed as bractee, to which in some plants of the order, they are extremely akin in structure and form. They may perhaps be considered as bractez from viewing the strictly dichotomous nature of the inflorescence in some, _ and in this case Famariacez may be expected with ternarily Subageregate flowers, and without these outer scales. The sepals have a curious estivation, incurvato-valvato, itis only at an advanced stage of development, that they puton the petaloid appearance, The petals presents the 724 FUMARIACEX. most curious appearance, and one which shews obviously a tendency to pass into anthers, indeed being the expansion of the flowers, casual observation might easily suppose that they were a bona fide part of the male apparatus, which at any rate they certainly aid, for the fimbriated lobe embraces the anther, and thus prevents the dispersion of the pollen in the wrong direction. Its appearance or resemblance to an an- ther is likewise pointed out by the carina, which may be seen on its centre of its inner surface, and is analogous to the septum of a locellus of bilocular anther, The structure of the anthers is curious in as much as it points out, that there is a strong tendency to the existence of bilocular and unilocular anthers in the family, and tends to disprove the idea that all are unilocular, some becoming bilocular by adhesion, for there is no proof whatever that those opposite the sepals are compound. The alternation of the parts remains to be explained. We have two outer scales, with which 2 sepals alternate, opposite the scales a trilobed body of petaloid nature, and opposite these two compound stamina and the sepals 2 simple stamina, my idea is this, that the outer scales form part of the calyx, which is hence biseriate. The petals are represented by the lobes attached to the antheriferous body, from which their venation is distinct botb in nature and origin. Stamina. Corroborated by development, the antheriform part formed first and cæteris paribus the soonest developed, the sta- mina opposed to the large sepals open first. ii. HYPECOUM. 795 The stamina are 8, of these four are opposite the sepals so understood, and 4 to the petals, the two outermost of the outer series are opposite the scales, and are barren, the two next are simply bilocular, according to the tendency shewn this way by the antheriform body, testa ejus carina. The four inner ones, are united two and two are obviously op- posed to the lobes of the antheriform body or petals. Thus viewed, the only deviation from the due alternation exists in the carpellary leaves, which ought to be opposed to the scales or outer sepals, but the subject of the relation of these leaves to those of the calyx demands rigid investiga- tion. Fumariacee are thus quaternary and the Hypothesis of Dr. Lindley, so far as Fumaria is concerned is corroborated. If the above view is correct the outer scales most form portion of the calyx, because as these in the case of their being bractez have nothing whatever to do with the flower, there would be no reason for the opposition of the outermost sta- mina with them. What might be the case in a plant with genuine opposite leaves is another thing, there is nothing discordant with the assumption of a flower of two opposite bractes, and two Sepals, with two stamina opposite these bractes. Char. generis. Sepala 4 biserialia, exteriora minora, Pe- tala 2, triloba lobo medio antheriformi-fimbriato. Stam. 4,2 sepalis majoribus-2 petalis opposita, antheris biloculari- us, Fructus seliquiformis. Herba tenera fragilis, foliis pinnatis pinnis pinnatisectis, inflorescent dichotoma, floribus bilabiatis luteis. l. Plant. 2. Alabastrum. 3. Flower, inner petaloid sepals removed. 4. Bud, sepals removed, the two lateral lobes represent the petals, the inner, the outer squamiform sepal. 5. Bud larger sepals removed, one of the petaliform com- 726 RANUNCULACES. pound bodies slightly displaced the other in situ, and enclosing one of the compound anther. 6. Petaliform compound body viewed in front shewing the distinct venation of the parts, and the carina represent- ing the septum of a locellus. 7. Flower after expansion, outer sepals, and one of the petaliform compound bodies removed, the other in situ, anthers withered as well as the apex of the filaments. 8. Do. viewed in front. 9. Petaliform compound body, veins not shewn except on pressure. 10. Antheriform lobe in front. 10. Do. laterally. ll. One of the simply bilocular anthers, opposed to the larger sepals. 12. Larger anthers, each composed of two simply unilocu- larones opposed to petalisform compound body, the difference in their venation shewn. 13. Dehisced anther laterally. 14. Pollen. 14a. immersed in water. 15. Transverse of ovary. 16. Upper part of pistillum (young) laid open. 17. Portion of a long section of a do. of expanded flower. 17a. Style and stigmata. 18. Orulum. 18a. Do. long section, second coat not distinct.) RANUNCULACEJE. General Remarks. In this order, there is a great tendency towards the trans- formation of petals into stamina, the tendency is at its mi- nimum in those genera which have petals of the ordinary form, atits maximum in those in which the petals are cucullate, the intermediate form existing in those species in which a * ES LY GENERAL REMARKS, Tee. scale is present fixed near the base of the petal, or when the base, itself as glandular. It is to this excessive tendency, that the want of petals in Clematidez is to be ascribed, and hence we may be led to eXpect the existence of species belonging to this section in which the transformation is not altogether complete, and this will be proof furnished by induction. The ovula have only one tegument, which is testa. The closeness of the affinity of Umbellifere to this order doeg not appear to me very satisfactory. It is true, that there is a remarkable coincidence in habit, but not much more than there exists with certain Compo- site, such as Bidens, and Coreopsis. It is with this great family, that it seems to have very striking affinities, it ap- proaches to it beyond all doubt in the nature of its inflores- cence, in the frequent separation of sexes and above all in the difference, in formation between the flowers of the ray and the centre of the umbel, in the adhesion of the calyx with the ovary, in the reduction often even to obliteration of the former organ, in the number of styles and of stigmata. It certainly has marked differences of which the separation of petals is the most important, for monopetalism may regarded as at its maximum in Composite. In the bicar- pellary nature of its ovary it also differs, but such should be the structure of Composite. The different direction of the ovule is not much to be depended on, since in Opercularinez—a tribe acknowledged by all to be closely allied to Compositze, the seeds are pendulous. The same remark applies to the presence of albumen, with this difference that in Opercularinee, the embryo is axile, in Umbellifere basilar. That this minute point is not of much value, as indeed might be argued a priori, is indicated by the structure of the seed of Lardizabalee as compared with Menispermez. The first tendency towards suppression seems to take place in Vaterianeæ, in which the abortive cells are not quite 723 RANUNCULACE.£. obliterated, and in some of which the ovary would appear to be really simple. The same may be said of Dipsaceze, but this statement of simple ovary is opposed to an observation of Mr. Brown, viz., there is no instance known of a simple inferior ovarium. I think, it can scarcely be doubted that the real rela- tions of Umbelliferz are in this direction, the only strong objection being its polypetalism. It must not be forgotten that if there be a law of representation in the vegetable kingdom such as there is in the animal, that the re lations of Apiacez with Ranunculacee are quite in order. The presence of a minute embryo, at one extremity of the albumen is only important as indicating a lower degree of organisation, the formation of albumen being such as to impede the cotyledonary growth of the embryo. It follows as a consequence of this, that the situation of such an em- bryo must be at the apex of the nucleus. 'The idea entertained by some botanists of albumen al- ways pre-existing, which has led Mr. Lindley to suppose, that in those cases in which it is slight in quantity ‘it is merely a residium, is erroneous. If it were true, albumen should be distinctly traceable in all the stages of the evolution of an exalbuminous seed, this however is not the case, and the distinction between an albuminous and exalbuminous form- ation is easy enough. The dilatation of the base of the petioles is not a mark of a valve, it éxists for instance in Rosacee, and in Composite ete. Evenin the opposition of the leaves certain species Spananthe for instance agree with Compositz. If my views be correct, we may expect to find Umbelli- ferze with tendencies to the formation of pappus. I may remark, that the value of the minute basilar em- bryo is completely destroyed by Araliacez, in which D C affirms it is nearly equal in length to the albumen, Lindley notices this, but not the discrepancy of his own account in which it is given as in Ranunculacee. It is through this es GENERAL REMARKS. ` 729 erder that Umbelliferæ are related to Sambuceæ, curious en- quiries suggest themselves concerning pappus. Vateriana would lead as to suppose, that this organ is more developed according as the flowers are submitted to more or less mutual pressure, This subject can however only be cleared up by am- ple examination, many exceptions would appear to exist to the idea in Composite. The abortion of the ovaria ought to be examined, parti- cularly as to its constancy with relation to the parts of the flower, because this may suggest other affinities with Com- posita. I am inclined to doubt the affinity of Vites with Umbel- liferæ, it is an instance rather of analogy. The inferior calyx, valvate corolla, and particularly the position of the stamina relatively to this, the plurality of seeds and their direction are all important marks of difference. ! I could shew with equal reason affinities with an order, usually, supposed to be far removed, Cucurbitacee, in habit articulation, tendrils, (although these fulcra perhaps have not the same origin in the two organs,) in polypetalism, and opposition of stamina. Through Sambucez they pass into Caprifoliaceze, in some of which a degradation of calyx occurs, and to Saxifragee through Hydrangea. In the inflexion of the stamina during estivation Vateri- ana agrees additionally with Umbelliferze. In this genus there is tendency towards Dipsacee, which have connate filaments, indicated by the union of the filaments towards the base where they are adnate to the corolla. The effect of this is the formation of a sort of septum, which with the gibbosity gives somewhat the appearance of a tendency to calcaration. The zestivation is imbricate, the venation is curious, the primary veins being luminary and axile, mutually giving off . . Cross branches which run across the sinuses, before arriving . Opposite to each, they give off a branch which however does R4 * 790 i RANUNCULACEÆ. not" reach to the termination of the axile one, which is clavate, (I have badly explained this.) The ovary has 6 nerves, three of which occupy one side, two the margins, and one the opposite side, the inter- venia are shortly hairy. The ovula except in situation much resembles those of Composite, and like them they are reduced to a single tegu- ment eog uniformly and as it were identified with the nucleu The jirih coat formed is the embryonary sac, in its earlier stages it is very apparent, but in the perfect seed adheres with the outer coat, with which it is likely to be confounded, it is developed from the base of the nucleus. It has precisely the same structure as the corresponding coat of Composite, which is at once known by the areola being occupied with masses of grumous tissue. . The endocarp? subsequently becomes soluble and sea parates with the seed, it is coriaceous inclining to bony- It might at first sight be mistaken for the testa, but its being evascular, and the presence of the raphe or the inner lining or envelope are sufficient proofs of its nature. In this Vateriana is the reverse of many and perhaps most Composit, in which the immediate envelope of the seed is derived from the embryonary sac, the testa generally separat- ing with the fruit, to the inner paries of which it indeed adheres. The cotyledons are alternate to tbe raphe.— The style has three vascular fascicles. Is not the double pappus analogous to the involucel of certain Dipsacez. he assertion, that Gentianee have hypogynous disk is not correct, I find in a species of Gentiana common in Bootan, that it is a good deal developed, and distinctly divided into 5 1obes, which lobes as might be expected alter- mate with the fertile stamina or in other words are opposite to the segments of the corolla, we may hence expect to oy, find decandrana Gentianeg. 1 "CETERI SORS LOU TER TRUE (ed ous a P ET ES we GENERAL REMARKS. 731 The additional lobes of the corolla: alternating. with the true lacineze are mere processes of the sinuses or rather each petal may be esteemed as being 3-lobed, the lateral lobes of two distinct petals being frequently completely connate. This latter view is pointed out by their occasional emar- gination, the former by the fact that they are completly evascular. I once had an idea, that in all truly monopetalous corollas, the veins would run both in the axes of the component lacinez, and in the axes of the sinuses, but Gentiane at least the species alluded to, is an exception to the contrary, to such a degree that no vascular fascicle is even furnished to the stamina, while the lacineze are provided with three distinct fascicles, which have in the lamina, the ordinary distribution. In this respect it agrees with Villarsia. The locule of the anthers are after dehiscence completely opened out and placed back to back, they are in this state much contracted. They recover their original dimensions and form by immer- sion, and what is curious, lose immediately their red colour. The last point is, that the whole surface of the ovaria may bear ovula, of this the species alluded to affords an example of baccate fruit. One Cucurbitaceous plant is indeed so like a Vitis (Cissus) that it is impossible to perceive any difference until after a close examination. To return to Ranunculacez, the tendency of the order to produce petals passing into stamina is borne out by the study of the other nearly allied orders, such as Magnoliaceze Nymphezacez, etc. but the transformation may be assumed in these to be retrograde. It will be a curious corroboration if retrograde metamorphosis be found to be more complete than progressive. 732 BANUNCULACES. ACONITUM. Aconitum lethale, Gr. Pl. DCLX. Fig. III. Radix fusiformis exambitu radiculas fibrosas proferens, colore (saltem sicca) albido vel chocolate coloured. Caulis subteres nunc fere sesquipedalis minute puberulis, sursum ramosus, Gemme nude foliis junioribns imbricatim conduplicativis. Folia alterna interiora ambitu rotundata su- periora cordata, ternatim secta, lobis lateralibus bilobatis, terminata cuneata, czeterum medium supra pinnatifida den- tata infra integra, dentibus rotundatis, obtuse mucronatis, utrinque subglabra lucida subtus late viridia infra albida. Petiole presertim inferiores, lamina excedentes basi versus paullo dilatato, canaliculato-subglabra. Flos (unico tantum viso) pedunculum axillarem filiformem. subgracilem puberu- lum, folia vix æquans terminans florem paullo infra gerens bracteas vel folia floralia subsessilea trilobula, lobo terminali integriora subopposita, singulus juniorem tantum vidi. Sepala 5 imbricata 4 subæqualia herbacea subrotundata, quinto difforme longitudinaliter et inzequaliter bisaccato et prealia extus minute pubescens. Pet 3, 2 in gremia sulcorum sepala recondita sigmoidea flexa, calcarata calcare recurvo obtuso bilabiata, labio superi- ore bilobo reflexo, inferiore carnosiore integro 3tio inter hec situ minuta subsaccata. Stam. subtriginta, exteriorum 1-2 abortiva. Filam subu- lata basi conspicua dilatata et utrinque denticulata. Anth. introrsu! suborbiculares livide, biloculares loculorum linea apice fere confluenta, Carpella 4 styli filiformes breves, stigmata subcapitata, longitudinaliter et directione suture placentarie! ovula in- definite, transversa pluriseriate. Aconiti verisimiliter species, sed certe distinct e specie COPTIS. 733 . Alabastri wm view, Do. front vie Front view " "third petal. Lateral ditto. Lateral view of saccate petal. Front view of do. Outer view of stamen. 8. Inner ditto. 9. Pollen, the polliniferous masses most distinct and very easily separable. 10. Flower irregular sepals removed. 11. Ovary. 12, Do. long section. . 13. Ovula. I3a. Shewing the direction of its foramen. An genus novum, Áconito proximo abeo discrepans. Pe- talis tribus, difformibus sepalaque quinto bicarinato, et a tribu antheris introrsis, anne ideo inter Helleboreas. Pæo- niaceasque osculans. E charactere affine videtur A. bifloro, Fisch. D. C. Pr. 1-64. A. lethale mihi, pedunculis —— apicem versus bibrac- teatis galea navicularia bicarinata, pet sacco angusto calare brevi recurvo, labio reflexo. Has. In montibus allioribus Mishmeensia e quibus radi- ces vivas procuravo. Florunt in horta apud Suddyah: Feb. 1837. \ bractea removed, NA Oe whe This is the plant producing the celebrated Bis, or poison of the Mishmees. CoptTis. Coptis tecta, Wall.* Pl. DCLX. Fig. II. Caulis e maxima parte subterraneus repens. Radicule plurime fibrose. "1 * Transac. Med. and Phys. Soc. Cal. nomen certe non retinendum mere a Jjectivum assamicam amarum. 734 RANUNCULACE.£. Petioli basi dilatati carnosi, cauli approximati, summi in squamis bracteiformibus imbricatis scariosis fuscis mutato, squamze an potius gemmaceze. Folium junius in gremio fissure. basilaris petiola recon- dita. Petioliis junior. apice cygnoideus nempe deorsum arcuatus, venatio conduplicativa. Squama terminalis fere axin circa inserta, gremis scapum petiolumque gerens, scapus viridis sulcatus petiolo penultimi 4 plo brevior, apice biflorus. Bractea linearis apice inciso pinnatifida subflores. Flores nutantes superius fere pendulus, parvi inconspicue albidis. Pedicellis eodem more 2-sulcata, sulco quoque sepals op- posito, Sepala ovata venosa petaloidea tenuia postico estivatione imbricativa aperta. Petala 10 lanceolata subunguiculata vel spathulato-lan- ceolata, sepalis aliquoties minora czeterum structura similia. Stam. 00 hypogyna extrorsa sub 4-5 in axam petalis alterna. Filamenta filiformia brevia, anthere adnatz subextrorse bilo- culares lateraliter et longitudinaliter dehiscentia flavescentia- bina petalo quoque opposita bina alterna. n 40 quadriseriati, serie externa et tertia petalis alterna secunda et intima his opposita. Connectivum ultra anther non product. Pollen albidum opacum rotundatum aspectu reticulato gra- nulosum, plicis vel poris sub lente w non aspiciendis. Carpella petalis alterna? an biseriata, axeos summitata nuda subulata introrsum leviter curvata, l-locularia, ad imi- dio supero sursum interdum vacua. Stylus filiformis postica longitud. sulcatus. Stigma simplex obtusiusculum ovula sub 6, biseriata trans- verse affixa anatropa tegumento singulo? foramen hilum versus centrum @rpella spectans. l. Alabastri sulci of pedicel correspond with sepal. 2. Do. sepals removed. Petals somewhat spread out. MEE TR RT MEE Mm ER E n SET ae NT d ee "à Perm Tree One MEE ee 1 SE M PPE T Jose E 1105. S e EAR LO cds Su ANEMONE. 735 3. Posticous view of stamen. 4. Anticous do, 5. Lateral do. 6. Pollen opaque. 7. Moistened, rather in water. 8. Ovaria in situ. 9, One do. lateral. 10, Do. inner or posticous or sutural face. 11. Do. laid open, along suture, ovula back of seen. 12. Ovulum front view. 13. Do. lateral. It is at once obvious, that this is no Coptis, it does not even belong to Helleboreze, the section in which Coptis is arranged. It differs only from Anemonez in having several ovula to each carpellum, it may probably rank between Auemone and Hellibore, agreeing with the former in its plane petals, with the latter in its pluri-spermous carpella. I am ignorant of most of the genera, and have taken D C as a guide. It may be a new genus and be thus characterised. Sepala 5 petaloidea. Pet. 10 subunguiculata nuda. Stam. 00. Ovaria 10 receptaculo centro nudo imposita, pluriovulata subsessilia. Herba perennis amara, (caulis intus aurea.) Folia triter- nata secta. Scapas terminalis biflorus. Habitus ut videtur Coptidis, Anne Knowltonez affinis anne Adonidem et Hamadryadea inter locandus. Vis forte febrifuga. » ANEMONE. Anemone cynosurus, Gr. Pl. DCLX. Fig. I. 1. Plant. . 2. Flower just expanding. 3. Expanded flower. 796 RANUNCULACEA. 4, Petal. 5. Oblique view of base and its scale, which is not always. present. 6. Outer inner and lateral view of anther. 7. Pistillum inner and lateral, 8. Do. Long section of ovary. 9. Ovulum long section I am not certain about its single tegument. Has. Affghanistan Cabul pn no. 270. NARAVELIA. Naravelia zeylanica. Scandens caulibus purpurescent, fol. 1-jugis petiolo longe producto, apice uncinato. fol. ovata subacuminata integra ceriacea venosa, utrinque glabra. Paniculis divaricatis race- mosis, folia excedent. floribus viridib. suave odoratis. Cal. 4-sepalus, sepalis ovatis caducis zestivatione involuto valvatis marginibus tomentoso-velutinis, Pet. 12, si pauciora in stamina converta, clavata viri- ia. Stamina circiter 24, an semper biserialia, 1 cujusque seriei cuique petalo opposito. Anth. subsessilis, adnate lineares, introrsz longit. dehiscent, connectiv. carnosu luteum. | Ovaria 10, 12, 18 seriea stipitata, stylus filiformis brevis stigma ovata obliquum. Ovar. 1-loculare, I-ovulat. ovulo pendulo ab apice loculi, foramen hilum prope tegumenta ovuli distincta. Has. Mergue. In sylvis Ins Madamaca: Dec. 1834. E B NX T E RARE RE i wont Tu e erro ipa icc ia, ia ge * * > i MEN See APPENDIX. THE FOLLOWING NOTES HAVE BEEN ACCIDENTALLY OMITTED UNDER THEIR PROPER HEADS 1, Ocimum. Floribus albis, odor. suaviss. Cal. tubo brevi inzequaliter 5-dentat. sepala postice reniforme margines nempe utrinque producte, dentibus 2 inferior longioribus angustioribus- que. Cor. infundibulif. bilabiat. lab. super. maximo 4-dentato. inferior lineare oblongum, apice denticulat. Stam. didynama deorsum flexa paris superior longiorisque, basi versus dente retrorsu spectanti pilosa. Filam. exserta subulata. Anth. reniform. ovatz, 1-locularis, stylus filiformis basi purpu- rescens apice bifidus, stigmata simplicia. Ovaria ordinis nempe e carpellis 4 inm versus cohwrentibus, carpellis 1-locularibus, 1-ovulatis, ovulis erectis. Didynamia anomalis pare supera nempe majore longiore- que, alternatio stamina ut sequenter par inferum edentatum, utrinque labii inferioris oblonge, par superum, inter dentes laterales, et 2 centrales, lab. super 4-fidi, quinte si ad esset, inter dentes duos centralis. Credi pilosa caulibus tetragonis. fol. ovatis, serratis pellu- cido-punctat. Inflorescentia verticelat. racemosa bracteata, floribus ternis in axillis cujusque bractee, pedicellis nutant Has. Mergue. In ruderatis Madamaca: Oct, 1834. 2, Decastrophia inconspicua. Pl. DCXIII. Fig. IV. Frutex scandens, foliis longiuscul. petiolat. petiolis utrin- que attenuatis, exstipulat. alternis oblongo-ovatis, basi sub- cordatis palmatisque 5-nervus acuminatis repandis subtus glaucis, paniculis racemosis, racemisve axillarib. petiolis | s 4 738 APPENDIX. brevior, floribus minutiss. lutescentibus viridi, Bractea minima ovata ad basin pedicello cujusque. Cal. in tubo subturbinato ovario adnat. limbo brevissim. 5-dentat. Pet. tot quot dentis calycinz iis alternant. disco epigyno inserta acuta venta reflexis patentia, zestivatione val- vata, marginibus dorsisque ad apices glandulosa. Stam. totidem petalis opposita cum iis inserta, Filam. brevissima petalis basibus leviter ad nexis utrinque glandula viridescent apice pilifera petalis adnata stipata. Potius pe- tala basibus 2 glandulosa glandulis sessilibus apice piliferis, stamina cilie pari interjecto. Anth. bilocul. adnatæ, lon- git. dohiscent. Discus epigynus lutius integer cicatricib. petalor albidis, stylus breviss. Stigma 3 capitata papilosa, Ovar. 1-locu- lare, 3-ovulat. Ovulis pendulis, foramen hilum prope. Olacineis affinis ob petalorum valvationem appendiculari- que, ob ovarium ovulaque pendula distinct ob ovaria inferum, Has. In sylvis intra Mergui et Beiktown : Dec. 1834. Cirrhis oppositifolia, Omnia fere Rhzemnearum et przesertim Gouaniz affinis : Discrepant ovar. 1-loculare, 8-ovulat. ovuli- que pendulis, anne potius Santalaceis affinis sed placenta centralis.* 3. Pierardie, sp. Pl. DLXXXV. A. Fig. XV. ' . Arbuseula dioica inflorescentia frequentius e trunco ortis, paniculata, paniculis racemosis floribus parvis lutescent sæ- pius 3 in pedunculo quoque. Pedicellis brevibus, peduncu- lus excedentib. adjunctionem articulatis, bracteolis minutis ad siere cujusque floris bracteis (ad basi pedunculoso) lan- pee (lataque panicula velutina) 4-sepalum, sepalis * An Mackaya, Arnoth. modecopsis Gr, VW E CE ESE O A DA CRYPTOCARYA. 3 739 subæqualibus æstivatione imbricatis, dorso præcipue ad apices cellulis albidis barbatulis, concavis, intus cellulis ob- longis inflatis bullatis. Stam. 4-6 interdum plura hypogyne, alternatione nulla, aliquis nempe sepalis oppositis, aliquis alternant in 6 sepa- losis, fere omnia, alternantib. filam. brevib. subincurvis, Anth. bilocul. longit. lateraliterque dehiscent. Stylus breviss. crassus. Stigma peltata plana, cellulis iisdem barbatulat- Ovar. solidem abortiens. Fructus edulis e£ fructus Burmannos inter fere optimus in cellula bullatze materia grumosi replete glanduliformes. Has. In sylvis densis montanis Madamacca : Nov. 1834. Folia abnormalis. 4. Cryptocarya rubiginosa. Arbuscula, trunco gracili altius ramoso ramulis crassis compressis, petiolis foliorum nervis mediis bases versus pe- dunculis pedicellisque plus. minus ferrugineo-velutinis, fol. breve petiolatis alternis, ad apices ramulorum confertis ma- ximis, longitud. 8-10 uncialib. diametro 3-4 oblongo lanceo- lat. acuminat. subintegris coriaceis subtus glaucescent et re- ticulatis, petiolo interdim ad apicem inferne glanduloso. Racemis axillaribus paniculatis, nempe ramulis inferior, 2-3 floris, petiolis duplo longiorib. floribus inconspicuis lutescente viridescentib. odoratis. Per. connivens, 6-sepala, sepalis ovatis dorso plus minus ferrugineo-pubescent-exterior estivatione valvat. interior imbricat. Stam. 3 serialia, seriebus duabus exterior intror- sis, staminodia 2 serialia 9, omnino libera nec filam. stipan- tia, carnosiss. angulat. sifbantheriform lutescente omnia breve stipitat. filam. pilos. Anth. bilocellat. Ovar. ovat. 1-locul. l-ovulat. ovulo pendulo ab apice loculi, foram. superum hilum versus, stylus subulat. stigma subsimplex. Stam. 6 exterior, per paria utrinque filamentor 3 interme- 740 APPENDIX. dior vel sepalis interior opposit. adjecta sed libera 3 interior saminib. exterior oppositis et interioribus alternantia. Has. Mergue. Ad summitat. collis Palor. Jan. 1835. 5. Vitex elegans. Arbor. humilis, ramulis ad apices foliosis, petiolis pedun- culisque ferrugineo-pubescent, fol. longe petiolat. quinate digitat. foliolis juniorib. ovato-ellipticis subintegris, subtus reticulat. petiolis petiolulisque supra canaliculat. Cymis axil- laribus divaricat. petiolos. excedent. pluries dichotomis, ra. mis ramulisque quadrati-compressis. ^ Bracteis parvis membranaceis deciduis. Floribus numerosiss. elegantibus, suave odoratis. Cal. tubulosus brevis, breviter 5 dentat. persistens. Cor. bilabiat. tubo calyce excedent subinflat. lab. superior bifido lateralibusque albidis oblongis reflexis, 9 5 medio, lab infer. porrecto, obovato spathulato pallide cceruleo basi lutescente pulchra barbata, barba purpurasc. Filam. didynam. pallide corulia, glanduloso-pubescent parceque pilosa. Anth. atro purpurez transverse dehiscent. Pollen alba stylus ejusdem coloris in filam. Stigma bifidis. Ovar. biloculare, placentis nempe accretis loculis 2 ovulatis, ovulis pendulis ab apicib. loculor. foramen inconspicua interior. Has. In horto meo, beato Mergui: March, 1835. ZEstivat. imbricato, lobo medio lab. inferioris intimo! labi super extimo. Pet lab, inferior articulat, sublente i; minute punctulat. 6. Chionanthus terniflorus. : Arbor. mediocris, ramulis alternantia compressis simpli- cibus fol. ovata obovatave, acuminata integra subrepanda, vix coriacea, subtus pallida, venis secondariis distinctis et distinct intra marginem arcuata nexis. "de * LIGUSTRUM. 741 Inflorescentia axillaris spicato-glomorata, szpius e capi- tulis, 2 lateralibus, 3-floris, spica terminata 5-floro, floribus 3 summis capitulatis, vel terminatis tantum adest. Pedunculus pubescens petiolis 3 linearibus duplo longior florem parvi inconspicua ino-dora, omnes terminalis excepta bractea parva suffulta, alba calyx brevis, admedium 4 partit. persistens. Cor. dipetala, petala ultra media bipartita, laci- nez lineares, obtusz involuto-concavze, linea junctionis evi- dens, ideoque e 4 conflata, petalis in platangibus duabus lateralibus accretis. Stam. basi utriusque plalangis inserta, fissura opposita. Filam brevissima, connectivum carnosum. Anthera adnata ovata, extrorsa bilocularis feculis longitud. dehiscent medio longitudinaliter septa flores demum planis. Pollen album . ovata sulcat. Ovar. subglobosum biloculare, ovula bina cuique loculo collateralia pendula e axillia sublageniformia ob collum exos- tom. stylus ovaria longitudine subulatus, ovarium pubescens stigma bifidum, demum connivens divisiones anticz postice- que ideoque his sepalis nec petalis opposit. Fructus no isus.v Has. Assam. Sudiya prope ripam Burrumpootur: April 15th, 8836. Chionanthi species dichotoma Roxb. fl. Ind. 1. 107, Li- nociera est, Intermedias inter Chionanthem et Linocieram, Structura irregularis ob oppositione stigmata cum sepalis. 7. Ligustrum punctatum, Arbor. majuscula, 20 30 pedalis. Folia opposita, oblongo lanceolata acuminata obtusa, integra coriacea, pellucido- punctata, venis subintra marginalibus, juniora sparsim pu- bescentia. Flores paniculati inconspicui lutescentes sub- sessiles, plerumque ternatim aggregati. Panicule termina- les pubescentes, ramulis divaricatis. Bractea lanceolato-fo- liacea pubescens ad basin cujusque ramulis. Bracteola linearis cinque flori. 743 — APPENDIX. Cal. tubulos. pubescens 4-dentat. dentibus rotundatis, 2 lateralib. paulo majoribus. Cor. infundibulif. tubo obtuse quadrangulari, limbo 4-dentato, dentibus erectis obtusis, subcucullatis. Stam. 2 epipetala. Filam. breviss. basi co- rolla affixa petalis 2 alternantia. Anth bilocul. longitud. dehiscent. Ovar. ovat. 2-loculare, loculis 2-ovulatis ovulis pendulis foramen ad hilum. Stylus sub 0. Stigma capitat. transverse sulcat. ZEstivatio corollae valvat. corolla exserta. Has. In sylvis circa Molamyain : Dec., Jan. 1834. 8. Osyris rotundata, Pl. DCXXVII. Fig. 11. Frutex volubilis, ramis ramulosó-flexuois viridibus. Foliis alternis obovatis in petiolum attenuatis junioribus spathu- lato-obovatis carnosis integerimis glaberia obtusis basi 5- veniis. Floribus TRÀ parvis viridibus aggregatis pedicellis bracteolatis szepius unifloris interdum racemiformibus. Filam. breviss. Anth. composed of two subreniform loculi placed obliquely. Calycis tubus subglobosus, laciniis lata ovatis erectis vel etiam conniventibus stylus per brevis. Stigmata 5 parvis, radiantia: Ovarium subbaecat. Discus epigynus parum elevatus concavus sub 5 gonus. Placenta infra centrum mammilliforme ovulis 5 circa basi radiatum affixis deorsum spectant nuclearum apice sacculi embryonis globoso } exserto. ca drupa initio rubra demum atro-perp. urceolata, tubo globoso, calyce immulato et coronata. - Pyrena apice mammillata 5-6 sulcata angulata, angulis ro- tundatis. Semen 1 albumen pyrene profunde intrante 4-5 divisum, lobes of albumen on a transverse section obcordate. Has. Malacca. In sylvis secus litora Daris: Tangong a | | | | | 4 b STROPHANTHUS. 743 Vegetation peculiar chiefly of Eugenia trees, with one or two Guttiferze as Calophyllum, Garcinia. A Thibaudia very common as a shrub, Dalbergia, Premna, Dodonza rare, Hoya grandifiora alia. The above Santalaceous plant i is very much like one, from mount Ophir, Pudhan Bhattoo. This is distinguished from the other Malacca, species by its fleshy, scarcely coriaceous leaves, by the aggregation of the female flowers in the axills, and by the shape of the calyx, especially in its young stages. Osyris foliis carnosis vix coriaceous, floribus fæmin. ag- gregatis, alabastis turbinatis, calycis tubo cito globoso. There also appear to be no hairs at the back of the sta- mina. 9. Strophanthus scandens ? Frutex scandens ciliis interpet. 00, fol. opposit. breve pe- tiolatis oblongo-obovatis leviter repandes, cuspidato-obtuse acuminatis subtus albidis venis secondariis conspicue arcua- ti nexsim, venis czeterum parum elevatis vel cymis terminali- bus multifloris gradatum. Pedicellis bi robustis sepalis e basi gibbo convexo, longe acumin Cor. lapsi. niasdiuda tubo media constricto fere uin- ciali. Fauce aperta coronata squamis petaloideis bipartitis cum laciniis alternant. Filam. libera vix Oo. Anth, subsagittatz Nope g longe in setis productes, conniventibus subtortes, filamentes in adhering parts above the middle suddenly thickened lower 3 of outer cells empty. Inner cells of another very unequal. Stylus robustus infra facies stigmatos annulatus supra in conum product. Ovarium biloculare cyrthandiform placentis revoluto involuto, i in pagina extrorsa ovuliferis. maxime like horns, oblique Pronak me obtuse exeisi, EN Malacca, Ayer Punus in thickets sp. Gace. E f ze] X: $ os - £e P ha ^ 5 pa ar "F , * fs i , g i i i a es EP orbe ok. ku. Wendy coss | P "Lx aco uo te Ms TW INDEX TO NOTULA AD PLANTAS ASIATICAS. PART IV. DICOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS. Abies Brunoniana, Abies Webbiana,.. ` Acanthacez 8p., +.» Acanthus carduaceus Gr., . Achyranthes aquatica, nthes aspera, Aconitum lethale, Gr., Actinostemma, .. Adamia Gen. Nov., Adenosma affinis, Adhatoda vascica, Adhatoda sp., -- Agiatilis rotundifolia, Ægiceras fragrans, Æginetia indica, . . AEschynanthi sp., ZEsculus assamicus Gr., AEtheilema, ete AEtheilema mucronata, Agathis loranthifolia, Agati Nias Aglaiz sp., Aglaia a Pane Ge - Aglaia Dookker G - T4 | 746 INDEX. Page Aleurites sp) os ede m . 484 Alternanthera sessilis, ees os ooo 342 Anacardium occidentalis, — ... -— e. 406 Ancistrolobus sp., A" eee .. 568 Andersonia Rhohitoca, e P c DOE Anemone cynosurus, Gr., ... ^ 23. 200 Anesadenia Khasyana Gr., .. a! .. 534 Anisanthera, 2s = " .. 100 Anneslea fragrans, -— me os 567 Anthroisma serratis, Gr., .. as a 447 Anthroisma dentatis, Gr. E2 es << | ee Apteuxis trinervis, x P. i. T Aristolochiz sp., ... ese "- s.. 348 Aquilarie agullocha, - S e QUO Artabotrys malayanus, vee ove e. 713 Artocorpi Sp. — ... b» e w^ "T Artocarpus cuspidatus, ee e. .. 400 Artocorpus integrifolia, eee e .. 402 Asclepiadez, Gen. Nov., ey ye 2. T Asclepias tenuissima, - " : 51 Asiphoria piperiformis, Gr., .. x .. 344 Astropetali sp., ... ove IM 411, 412 Aurantiacez, ... M n d Ta i: Averrhoa corambola, wee Hp es 459 Avicennia intermedia, ^ oe a 108 Avicennia tomentosa, Sah ose Gr AND Behmeria melastomodes, Gr., «dy 386 Bzobotrys indica, "ue i I1 2 Balsamiflua deltoides, "i 15 .. 382 Barringtonia cylindrostochya,. . "^ se. “GOS Barringtonia conoidea, Gr., .. e .. 656 Barringtonia racemosa, me ove ^x. 659 Barclaya, de i" EE - 718 Bauhinie sp, .. eos -— .. 451 Begoniæ Spes . ove bs. ai ai se 583 ¥ * £ Boswellie sp, .. Boueia macrophylla, " Bridelia alnifolia, Gr., z» Buchanania suboborath, Buchner sp. .- Buddlea sp., Calophylli sp., Callicarpa lanata,. . ux Calotropus gigantea, at Calophyllum inophillum, — .. Camellia (Thea) Bohea, — .. + | Bridelia urticoides, 2i | Bridelia rhamnoides, Gr., : Brachynema ferruginea, - E Brownlowia, +» ne : Bruiguiera 10 angulata, Gr., .. | Bruiguiera Rhedii, ess | Bryonie sp, - - INDEX. Beh meriæ Sp.) .« Berberis, ^ ik Bergera bas eee Beta,... eee T Bideus sp., ove Bignonia E x» Bignonia suberosa, T Bixa orellana, .. b Bixineæ sp., - = Blackwelliz sp., ... oe Blumia sp., coe : Boerhavia repanda, T Bonnayz Sp., — «ss ee Bonnaya pusila, Gr., e Bonnaya bracteata, oe | Bonnaya serrata,. . oe ; Bonnaya cyanea, Gr., ‘ /48 INDEX. Camellia (Thea) Theifera, Gr., Camellia (Thea) oS Gr., Campanulz sp., ... Canarium, és Candelaria Bhisophon, - Canisera zizyphifolia, Gr., .. Capparis sp., -> - Capparis oligandra, - Cardiolophus decussata, eee Cardiopteris hamulosa, ° Cardiospermum Halicacabum, Careya herbacea, .. ese Careya pendula, ... T Carica papyaà, — .-. - Carpini sp., es *« Cassia alata, see ooo Cassytha filiformis, js Centranthera hispida, e Ceratostemma nana, = Cerodia, Chenopodium ilecifolium, Gs - Chiliandra obovata, Gr., "T. Chloranthi sp., «+ s Champereya Sp.p os = Chionanthus terniflorus, ove Choripetali sp., sss - Cinnamomi sp., .. ove Cirsii sp., vé ooo Cissampelas sp., . . m Cissampelos capitata, Gr., .. Cissampelos convalvulacea, ... Cissus spicifera, Gr., ; Citrus scandens, .. m Clematis inversa,... ese Clerodendrum splendidum, .. Clerodendron viscosum, Clerodendri sp., .. Clerodendrum affine, Clerodendrum densiflorum, Clypea sp., Cnestis sat Gr. T Cnestis steriopetala, Gr., Cnestis flaminez, Gr., Cnestis platantha Gr., Cocculus convolvolaceus, Cocculus nudiflorus, Cocculus villosus,... Codonopsis sp. -++ Codonopsis albiflor, Combretum formosum, Gr., . Composite, a Congea vestita, Gr., Convolvulus lupulifolia, Conyza Sp., ove Cookiz sp., ose Coptis teeta, — «»» Corchorus olitorus, Coriaria nepalensis, Cornus, Ex Coryzadenia, Cotulz sp., Crategi sp., Crawfurdia faicdenbites Crotalaria bracteata, Crotalaria sp., Croton liglium, Croton sp., A Cruciferæ, m Cryptocarya rubiginosa, Cryptolepis Buchananii, INDEX. 750 INDEX. Page Cucurbitaceg, .. aye sae "EE. Cunoniacez, ; eos on .. 429 Cupressus SE R eee ds x o Cupressus tortulosus, EM € e 05 | Cyananthus umbrosus, Gr., .. w «s» 194 | Cyathostemma viridiflora, ... - PEN | | Cycas Jenkinsiana, Gr., "à es ‘ 9 Cycas pectinata, ... oon - e, | Cycas macrocarpa, Gr., - S 11, 13 | Cycas sp., ee is . 16 | Cycas dilatata, Gr., — eee — | Cycas ovula of, .. ^ eco EE Y. Cyclocodon distans, Gr, — .. - m rp Cycus circinalis, .. eos 2^ - 6 Cyminosma sp., .. coe — 46l | Cynanchum inconspicuum, Gr. - on E es anchum viridilorum, — .. ess «s uii Cycnia spinosa, .. . 288 Erycibe citriniflora, Gr., — .. ot .. 284 Erythrina bisetosa, e. BER .. 4l Erythrochiton Nov. Gen, . eee .. 565 Erythroxylon Burmanicum, Gr., .. 468 Eugenia purpurea, sd x .. 654 Euphora exstipulatis, Gr., oU 547 Euryale ferox, «+ - me reas E Eurycoma longifolia, DA 435 Eusynaxis SP ea Gr. " e: 2.7. ow Euthodon Gen. Nov., oa ee Euthodon paniculata, Gr., .. E A 84 Exacum, x es 2 vos DE Excecaria, ae a i .. 485 Excecaria affinis, Pp p e. 486 Fagara triphylla,. . F ove .. 460 Fagrea obovata, ... "e T4 2 88 Ficus indica, eke a e e. 989 Ficus sideroxylifolius, Gr., ... iy .. 989 Ficus obovatus, .. d RE .. 390 | Ficus glabrus, .. = ES «ai 890 | Ficus elastica, oe oon ae oe 391 | INDEX. 753 ! Page Ficus affünior, .. Pa oie: pe ^ Ficuspeepul .. eee ee -. 898 Ficus terminaloides, m i* és) ae Ficus aurantiaceus, Gr., — vd » 394 Ficus papyrifera, Gr., = io eee 994 Ficus pellucido punctata, Gr., eve .. 3994 Ficus intermedius, Gr., a wae We 099 Ficus mangiferifolius, Gr., ... s4 e. 395 Ficus caudata, ... "i . .. e 086 Glycosmis quinquifolia, ove e .. 495 Gmelinz sp., è - - S 179 Gmelina arborea, . oe z . 179 Gnaphalii sp., sse e. e . 287 Gneti sp., - e . + 3l Gnetum, - i ove ove .. 28 v4 754 Gnetum scandens, Gnetum apiculatum, Gr., Gnetum Drunonianum, Gonania leptostachya, INDEX. Goniocarpus rubricaulis, Gr.,.. Gordoniz Sp., es Gordoniz floribunda, Gratiole serrata, .. Hamamelis, rs Hartighsea ramiflora, Hedyotis sp., — «« Heliciz sp., see Hemiadelphis polysperma, Hemigymnia, es. Henslovia pubescens, Hensloviz, x Herpestes, -> Herpestes pygmea, Herpestes pulcherima, Heritiera littoralis, Gr., Hernandia ovigera, Heteropyxis, e» Hibisci sp., Mie Hibiscus vestitus,. . Hibiscus heterophyllus Gr., .. Hibiscus abel mosehus, Hibiscus hispidissimis, Gr., . Hibiscus sanguineus, Gr., Hippocratea angulata Gr., Hippocratea pentandra, Hippocratea serrata Gr., Hipyocastaneæ sp.,... Hirzz, po | pea Nov. Gen., INDEX. 795 Page Hoya volubilis, .. A eee ire Hoya velutina, .. see os je oh) Hoyz sp., edo - P 38, 40 Hyalostemma, +» oes ove x MB Hydrangez, vee e. <. 429 Hygrophila Sharks, eee ene cut oM Hymenia courbaril, Ae E eee 449 Hymenia verrucosa, £5 c ABE Hyoscyamus squarrosus, ar pe si ET T Hyoscyamus angulatus, Gr, see ie hac oi Hypecouisp, -+ HS ses 2098 Hyperanthera Dies fw d von 072 Hyperici sp., z ve ies * EG Impatiens ud dS. rs. HA ec A30 Impatiens malayensis Gr., — -. ap oe S67 Indigoferz Sp., «+. + ere ou: 448 Ingz sp., oa 4 T ce ae Tpomea nóctiflora, BE E» ER n Isonandra Were 2h he eee 292 Ixonanthus, gs eee .. 498 Jenkinsia assamica, = E CO =. 970 Juniperis recurva, - RS 200588 .Juniperis excelsa, on x: Re Justicia nasuta,... eh ms vis eh Justicic sp., s.. sss ape MS Jussieuia adis. E s adi A Jussieuia longipes, Gr., a ES eo 689 Kohautim sp. «+» ce Es .. 1400 Kydia paar Gr., viru - .. 534 Labiatæ, eee E «es .197 Lactuca bialata, Gr. o e. js vv cee Lactucæ sp., e^ ds .. 249 Lagerstroemia flofibunds, ove eee 2| MO Lagerstroemia parviflora, e» oe 2 910 Lamii sp., one ane > >, .. MUI 190 INDEX. Page Laurus persea, .. T - 475854 Lawsonia inermis, x3 3 .. 509 Lecananthus,... .. d its 2220073 Leea gigantia, Gr., = - ove) 697 Leea simplicifolia, ss x eve 697 Leea sambucina, yt we .. 698 Leontice secunda, Gr., eS bis PL Lepidagathis sp., .- ese oe es 407 Leptonium oblongifolium, .. we e. 368 Ligustrum punctatum, A e .. 741 Limnophylla heterophylla, .. = s OZ Limnophylla cana, x 7. L2 00098 Limnophylle sp., E eee 2. 099 Limnophylla sessiliflora, : i es 96 Limocella diandra, F d eo ae Limonia sp, .. ie 5 ess ^ 404 Linostoma decandra, x. sie 7972 Lobelia, T ag ai .. ^81 Lonicere sp, + iuc n ses BOF Lophophyllum bicristata, ee ote we 918 Loranthacee, . .. on «n 613 Loranthus concavifolluum, — .. ese oe 615 Loranthus farinosus, E oe en S16 Loranthus pentapetalis, M" ve 7 617 Loranthus coccineus, ks eo .. 620 ‘Loranthus obovatus, Gr, .. k s 0d Loranthus leucosiphon, Gr., ... dee .. 623 Loranthus involucratus, un so .. 632 Luffa acutangula,.. "S d i.c DUE Luffa fætida, 2 BUE ee i. DUE pem pentandra, um m y 084 Lycimachee sp., .. = .. 299 Lycium armatum, Gr., E Js sri ps Lycium canescens, Gr., = d von 95 Mangifera Cia... A .- ore 615 INDEX. Mangifera lagenifera, Gr, ess Mangifera polycarpa, Gr, ov Mangifera odorata. Gr., - Mangifera foetida, Gr., ese J Mangifera longipes, Gr., ove Marlea uniloculares, ite Marsdeniz Sp., -- js Marsdenia tinctoria, Martynia diandra, - Megalotropis buteiformis, — .« Melanorrhea sp.;**« E Melastoma glauca, v. Melastoma Gen. Nov., at Melia excelsa, -- oes Melia azadaracta, Es Melia sp., Ts ese Meliloti sp., E v. Memycylon cordatum, Gr., ++ Menispermum triandrum, — ++ Menispermaceze, Sen Mentha auricularis, : Mephitidia, - ne Michelia champaca, 2 Microcarpa diandra, vos Millingtonia simplicifolia, e» Mimulus assamecas, Gr., es» Mitrasacme crystallina, Gr., -. Modecopsis vaga,- . "a Monocera trianthera, Gr., «+» Monosoma littorata, Gre, «« Monotrope sp., -- a Morus acidosus, Gr., R Myosotis anchusiformis, Gr.,.-. Myosotis Sp, . *- m Myriopteron — +» oe 758 INDEX. Page Myriophyllum tetrandrum, |... ji .. 6869 Myriophyllum indicum, Gr., is é.. 687 Nama zeylanica,... . tee .. 282 Naravelia, ene xd e s 406 Natsiatum, a 2 = AT n Neesiz, sp., eos ose E eva Nelsonia tomentosa, "Es nie cece Nemodon, Gen., Nov., e» eós «o 288 Nepenthes sanguinea, Gr., ... eco xx AS Nepenthes, pumila, Gr., ones o: oo 349 Nepenthes, sp., .. . -. 3DO Nephelium, malaiense, G. ase ee 549 Nephrostigma, .. - bs ove JAF Neuropeltis, intermedia, Gr.,... 622 e. 285 Neurpeltis, bracteata, - ve .. 285 Nymphza, -— si sas eco ES Ochna crocea, .. -- oa . 463 Ochna lucida, .. Pie aes .. 464 Ochna parviflora, Gr., eo eve ... 464 Ocimii sp., z see = +- 199, 018 Olax sphærocarpa, e.s nas e. 689 Olax loranthifolia, Gr., sin one woe’ 091 Oldenlandia linoides., Gr. .., « ow 260 Ophioriza sp., ... :» a e. 264 Osbeckis sp, .. = m e 675 Osyrus nepalensis, 2 e S 376 Osyris rotundata, d SE P rd Oxalis, ev s .. 456 Oxystelma exul. poe " . 61 Parapexis, sx - = e. 462 Parnassie sp, .. s4 » e. 428 Parnassia nana, Gr., ah es e 427 Paritium tiliaceum, eT r 4898 ue .. 465 Saeta dianthronoides ai m . 3 m ir . TN Gr., soo eee ean 367 INDEX. Passiflore sp, >» eee Pelticalyx argentea, Gr, — -- Pemphis acidula, . . - Pentsteria grandiflora, Gr., Pentsteria Gen. Nov., xs Pentsteria paniculata, Gr. «+ Pentsteria dichotoma, Ge., os Pentsteria pepe ae Gt. Periploca, : ee Peronema vxccicéte, ove Pergularia minor, ve Petrophila pulchela, ove Philoxerus ferruginea, -— Phlogocanthus curviflorus, ++ Phyllanthi, sp, -- Y Phyllanthi sp, -- vee Phytocrene macrocarpa, Giy- Phytocrene stylocarpa, ve Phytocrene colicarpa, Ct, 5s Phytocrene gigantea, see Pierardia, vee wes Pinus spinulosa, Gr., e Pinus Griffithii, iie Pinus excelsa, .»» s Pinus longifolia, .-. ES Pinus khasyanus, Gr., x Pladera virgata,..- e Plantago Sp. -- de Plectranthi, sp. -- E» Plumbago zeylanica, v Podocarpus, Podostemon Wallichiana, Gr; 2 Podostemon Griffithii, e. Pogonanthera pulverulenta, .. Polygoni, sp-, | x 760 INDEX. Page Polygala arillata, Gr., ore T .. 535 Polygale, sp., vee as «v 590 Pomaceze, sp., vee vee e. 454 Pongamia, sp., a ese .. 444 Pongamia glandulosa, - eee e. 443 Populus rotundifolius, Gr., .. T sc 882 Potaliz, ES E idi 2. c Premne sp., S oes x 174, 196 Prenanthes sp. .. eee én -» 251 Primule, S. ses EM .. 299 Prinsepia utilis, .. sé -— e. 432 Psychotria, oe vs aci veo 208 Pterostigma stricta, Gr., esi ese e. 96 Punica granata, .. ove : 641 Quisqualis, a = .. 683 Randia, ia «x coe << 20 Randia exaltata, ... -— ‘a e. 262 Ranunculacez, .. we tes oa 798 Rhamne sp., -— ose pet e. 494 Rhizophora, T n ove .. 662 Rhizophora decandra, = ad ag: t DNE Rhizophora parciflora, ds = 664 Rhizophora pauciflora, A x . 664 Rhizophora stylosa, Gr., "m ose .. 665 Rhododendron deflexum, Gr., i4 e. 303 Rhododendron oblongum, Gr., P .. 303 Rhodamia cinerea, = =: ‘s 653 Ropalopetalum, ... ex eve e 716 Ropalopetalum uniflorum, ... E ke ME Rottlerz sp., E e A ee Rosa heterostyla, Gr., a d» . 454 Roydsia suaveolens, E ji 578 Rungia parviflora, _ = x . 144 Sabie SP., . se one ess 423 INDEX. 761 Page Salacize sp., se ove e es 4/1 Salacia tortuosa, Gr., eee LT e 471 Salomonia parasitica, Gr., s». ^ e. D38 Salomonie Sp. «++ ose - oo 538 Salsola, eee - e. OS Salvia Sloctssithioididós aa zs wa ae Sambucus Sp., «+. eee bas .. Se Santalum myrtifolium, PS E 2 87D Sapindus rubiginosus, d S .. 5648 Sapindacez Sp., «+ RE ves MU IE Sapotece Sp.» "P oo “SBI Sarcodiscus biora as » ae .. 380 Sarcolobi sp. -.. 2 ae faa Sarcolobus carinatus, is SS a OS Sarcopyramis grandiflora, .. owe He OR Saxifraga adoxoidea, Gr., ... "t o ADS Saussuree Sp., -.. ese "m 2. 2B Sczevola taccada,. . s cx PR Schizonephos glaucescens. Ge. a $e cha: ME Scheepfia sp, — .. - e 639 Scleromphali sp.,. . v ou e. 8 Serophularinez sp., pas is c. 5 ND Sedum sp., 2 o F Septospartion enda, ür » f 2. OLE Sesamum orientalia, de o NN Sidz sp., xs ‘ies ds ae Sideroxylum aioe, MS $i» sic UO Slackiz sp., T os zs M s Solanum trilobatum, PRIN e ME Sonerila bullata. . . — — e 070 Sonerila picta, ... we - -. 676 Sonerilasp., .. ove a 676, 677 Sonneratia apetala, ee S. 650 Sonneratia acida, ... 25 ee 652 Sonneratia alba, ... eve oe .. 652 762 INDEX. Spzranthus, ne Spermacoce Sp., «se Sphærostemma Blumiana, Sphenodesma pentandra, Gr., Sphenoclez sp., ... Sphenodesma triflora, Gr., ... Spirostemon spiralis Gr, — ... Statice sp., e - Stapelia, Stauntonia Stic Stauntonia trifoliata, Gr., Staurothyrax Gen. Nov., — ... Stemodiz sp., .. eee Streptocaulon sp., Strophanthus pentaphyllus, Gr. is Strophanthus scandens, ott Strychnos nux vomica, oes Strychnos laurina, Ms Stylidium Brononis, Gr., : Stylocoryna, bispinosa, Styrax grandiflora, seo -Styrax floribunda, Sunaptea odorata, Gr., Syndesmis coarctatus, m Syndesmis sp. ~. ow. Tamarix dioica, .. oun Tauscheriz sp., us, xi = Tusah. s Terminalia fzetidissima, 6. ror Terminalia lancifolia, Gr., .. Tetranthere, — .. we Thibaudia auriculata, Gr., — ... Thibaudia retusa, Gr., - Thibaudia camelifolia, Gr., Page . 226 272 714 181 . 276 -— 392 2 80 ». 208 —À— 394 — wwe 476 99 71 oe 49 e. 743 "EE. 275 . 260 287 qe SBF 516 on» 409 — 410 465 .. 580 551, 556 e. 685 at 689 eee 90D 300 .. 901 INDEX. Thibaudia gaultherifolia, Gr., Thibaudia myrtifolia, Gr., Thibaudia revoluta, Gr., Thuja occidentalis, T Thottea grandiflora, ix Thunbergia grandiflora, Tittmanniz Sp., .. Torenia asiatica, . Torenia calcarata, Gr., m Torenia varians, .- - Toxocarpus Roxburghii, oes ring - oe Tragi iv iess cordata ie. "1 Treisteria Gen. Nov., -— Treisteria assamica, Gr.. Treisteria lanceolata, Gr., Trembleya Rhynanthera, Triceros, m Trichodia — (€ Gis o Trichosanthes sp., E Tristania, ed: Tristania affinis, .- 3 Triumpheta octandra, Gr, © st Tylophorz sp-, Tryzygium, Urena lobata, Urtica naucleiflora, es Utricularia albiflora, Gr., — .-. Utricularia lilacina, ost Uvaria mabiformis. Gr., Paa Uvaria sp., eee Uvaria Eioroclitéi sv Uvaria odorata, .. E Vaccinii sp., 764 INDEX. Valeriane sp., .. Valeriana violifolia, Gr., Vallaris assameusis, Gr., Vallaris dichotoma, Vandellia pedunculata, Vandellia scabra, Vatica trigyna, .. Ventilago sp., Verbenacee sp., .. . Villarsia cristata, Viscum monoicum, Viscum aphyllum, Vitex gamosepala, Vitex elegans, | .., itis, 2. iac Wendlandia secunda, BE én Willughbeia javanica, Wormia suffruticosa, Wrightie sp., .. Wulfenia obliqua, . Xanthium indicum, "A _ Xanthophyllum eglandulosum, Gr., Ximenia subscandens, Gr., Zanonia clavigera, ` onia, Zizyphus jujuba, ... eee eee oe FINIS,