i a 7 Icones Farlow1anae ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LARGER FUNGI | OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA BY WILLIAM GILSON-FARLOW With Descriptive Text by | EDWARD ANGUS BURT qi THE FARLOW LIBRARY AND HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 1929 COPYRIGHT, 1929, BY THE FARLOW HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY FA ke pe See PD ee en a a cee pt 0k Seb b ye eae ore Cate e eeel Be hee The Preface BY W. G. FARLOW NE of the aims of the author in preparing the present work has been to furnish to those who are not in the possession of large libraries and collections the means of identifying the more striking and character- istic of our larger fungi. During the pursuit of his studies which have oc- cupied a considerable number of years, he has himself met with many difficul- ties and he has often felt that, if there were only in existence a work giving good illustrations and full descriptions of our principal species, his progress in the study would have been greatly helped. A good many persons, attracted by the numerous and striking forms of fungi which abound in this country, have been deterred from attempting to study them by the difficulty of finding de- scriptions of them in the scattered literature on the subject which is not read- ily obtained and not always easily understood. For such persons the quickest and most practical way would be, by a comparison of living specimens with good plates and adequate descriptions, to obtain a definite knowledge of a certain number of forms which they could refer to as types and, with these as a start- ing point, proceed in their study. The author has also had in mind another object which concerns more strictly specialists than beginners. At present the scientific knowledge of our fungal flora is derived almost wholly from descriptions of species some of which are peculiar to this country while others are supposed to be identical with European species. In the case of fungi like Hlymenomycetes, which include what are popularly called toadstools and the like, it is unfortunately true that, in many cases, neither descriptions nor dried material suffice to give a clear idea of the general appearance. While fully recognizing the value of descriptions and dried material the writer is convinced that the nomenclature of our species cannot be said to be ultimately settled until the botanists of different parts of Ess The Preface this country and of Europe have been able by means of colored habit-pictures to compare the described species of this country with those of other countries. Although the species here represented form but a small part of the whole num- ber of species which belong in our flora, it is hoped that they will prove of value to experts in mycology as well as to the less advanced student. In offering to the public a work which professes to appeal not only to the learned but to the unlearned, the writer is aware that his position may appear to some to be venturesome; but the very great expense incurred in producing the plates has made it necessary to adapt the work to as large a circle of readers as possible. Both classes of readers naturally desire plates which shall combine accuracy with artistic excellence but, as far as the printed matter is concerned, the minute and technical details which are intended for specialists are likely to be rather dreary reading for the amateur while, on the other hand, diffuse pop- ular accounts are superfluous for the expert. It being out of the question to strike a happy mean between the two extremes, it was thought best to give in an Introduction a short historical account of some of the principal illustrated works on fungi, followed by a brief popular account of the structure and classi- fication of the fungi to be treated. The main portion of the work consists of plates of 100 characteristic species with descriptions so arranged that, by the use of different kinds of type, the reader will be able to distinguish at a glance between the general and popular account of the species represented which is intended for the general reader and the more scientific and technical notes and comments intended for special botanists. In the preparation of the plates the writer has been fortunate in securing the coédperation of Mr. Joseph Bridgham, whose previous training in a field of natural science allied to botany had given him an accuracy as an observer which, combined with his talent as an artist, admirably fitted him for the work although not himself a student of fungi. While it may be left to the reader to pass judg- Es Ve eR eR Py MN eae Gy ae rt | ey ee epee Se The Preface ment on the result, the author desires to express his keen appreciation of the zeal and enthusiasm which Mr. Bridgham has throughout manifested in the work. The drawings were made under the direct supervision of the author, from fresh material collected in numerous expeditions made in company with Mr. Bridgham to different parts of the country for the purpose or, in some cases, from fresh material sent to Cambridge. As preparation of the plates has required several years, the original drawings have been revised or entirely redrawn when new material afforded an opportunity for improvement. Microscopic details of the different species are not given on the same sheet as the colored habit-plates, for the reason that an artistic effect is better secured by grouping the microscopic figures on a separate page than by interpolating them among colored figures. An attempt was made to use an optical scale of colors but there were practical difficulties in the way, since there is no general scale in use to which the combinations of colors used by lithographers in dif- ferent countries can be referred. Were it practicable to use such a scale the de- scriptions of the colors in the text would be more accurate than is possible at the present day. The execution of the drawings, after a consultation with Mr. Donald Ramsay, was intrusted to the Boston Heliotype Printing Company. Mr. Ramsay mani- fested great interest in the work and, although the company of which he was the head had not previously attempted the reproduction of colored drawings of fungi, he expressed a willingness to undertake the work. The sudden death of Mr. Ramsay during the progress of the work makes it only possible for the writer to express his thanks to his successors for their care and skill in continu- ing the work so well begun under Mr. Ramsay’s direction, and it seems that, judging by the result, one is warranted in congratulating the Heliotype Com- pany on their success in producing lithographs which preserve a high degree of the softness and artistic finish of the originals. [ vu | The Preface In the selection of the species to be illustrated the writer has, of course, to some extent, been dependent on circumstances, for it is hardly possible to count on securing fresh material of any desired species at any particular time; since the appearance of fungi depends very much on the prevailing moisture. It was not thought best to confine the illustrations to species found only in this coun- try for, of the species which may very properly be said to be characteristic of this country, there are a good many found also in Europe. The aim has been to give a fair representation of the different genera which are commonly found here, selecting such species as are noteworthy on account of their frequency, their structural peculiarities or their known edible or poisonous qualities and, in the case of dangerous species, the related forms which might be mistaken for them. Of course, a list of 100 species cannot be supposed to include all even of our common forms and it is to be desired that, sooner or later, we may have illustrations of all of our species. The great cost, however, is a serious if not an insuperable obstacle. The writer feels that he has undertaken quite enough in venturing to include as many as 100 species, for the chances of his being repaid for his outlay are not sufficiently flattering to warrant his promising or, at pres- ent, even contemplating a continuation. [ viii ] Introduction to the Text BY E. A. BURT URING the years 1889-1911, Dr. Farlow collected the larger fungi in various parts of New England, New Brunswick and the Adirondack Mountains of New York in accordance with the plan outlined in his preface, which seems to have been written before 1902, and had drawings made under his direction of the freshly collected fungi in the earlier years by Mr. Joseph Bridgham and from 1go2 to 1911 by Mr. L. C. C. Krieger. A memoran- dum of November 1, 1892, lists drawings of 43 of the species brought out in this volume as already completed or nearing completion. Printing of the plates in an edition of 500 copies was begun in September, 1891, and completed in 1908. Drawings of several hundred more species of fungi, collected and studied between 1889 and 1911, are arranged for reference in the Farlow Library and Herbarium. On the collecting expeditions no attempt was made to prepare a complete and exact description for publication of each species drawn. Instead of this, more or less complete descriptive field notes were made, a spore fall taken, and the specimen dried for future reference or, less frequently, preserved in alcohol. These studies were a work of research in identification both of foreign species which occur in eastern North America and of our indigenous American species, and also in completing the record by paintings of the very best quality from the standpoint of scientific and artistic excellence. The ample resources of his library and herbarium could not be carried about by Dr. Farlow on these exploratory trips, and the determinations of the species were necessarily more or less tenta- tive—in a few instances no determination was made. There was some corre- spondence with European mycologists and with Peck about certain species. In fact, several perplexing species seem to have been printed and made available for this volume primarily to afford colored plates for such correspondence. iol? Introduction to the Text Each year brought its new set of gatherings to be described while fresh, drawn and cared for, and large demands on Dr. Farlow’s time by other botanical work, correspondence throughout the world, and also by his large and growing my- cological library. In this continuous accumulation of his later years, he seems never to have been able to take time to review the determinations of the hun- dred and three plates already printed and to prepare the text which should appeal both to the learned and the unlearned. It is a great loss to mycology that he did not do this, because he had a world of memories about each gathering and could always deeply interest those who were so fortunate as to hear him. Since Dr. Farlow did not prepare his own text for his great work, it has seemed best to intrude into it no more of the work of another than absolutely necessary for the accurate description of the species. For those who would read more of a popular nature about any species, there has been given under the head of Illustrations, all the references possible to figures of Atkinson, Hard, Kauffman, MclIlvane and Peck where a great deal of such matter may be found — sufficient probably to meet the need which Dr. Farlow recognized. With regard to identity of the species, more definite knowledge is available now of both European and American species than there was at the time when Dr. Farlow and the writer were carrying on their researches, independently but in touch with each other, in different parts of New England. Some of the con- clusions of those earlier years have been modified by the present writer to whom criticism should be directed for all shortcomings or errors which exist in the descriptive text, but it is his hope that none such may be found, for he would contribute these pages, as would his fellow students of those former days, as a wreath to the memory of our revered and inspired teacher and friend who taught us to aim always for the utmost in accuracy and excellence. St. Louis, Missouri. February 22, 1928. Lai i ae eae pea Sen ICONES FARLOWIANAE \6ko) PLATE 1 Amanita solitaria [ Bull.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 17. 1821. Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/ 48; Boudier, Icones p/. 3; Bresadola, Icones Myc. p/. 11; Hard, Mushrooms // 2. 7 Edible Fructifications large, with pileus 8-15 cm. in diameter, convex, becoming expanded-plane, white or whitish, with the surface covered when young with pyramidal, appressed warts which are erect, cottony and white at the center and somewhat buff towards the entire, even margin when pileus is fully expanded ; gills free, crowded, white or a little cream color ; spores white, even, I 1-14. x 6-7% p; stem bulbous at first, as in the plate, and with the volva in the form of several series of blunt, more or less colored scales, finally becoming more radicated below, equal above the bulb, solid, 1-2 cm. thick, whitish ; annulus pendant, white, more flocculent on the under side, soon disappearing ; no odor ; flesh white. Solitary. On the ground in gravelly soil of thin woods of maple, etc. Massachusetts and widely distributed in United States. August. Infrequent. PLATE 2 Top Omphalia Gerardiana Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 26: 54. 1874; 45: 37. 1893. A small, sphagnum-loving species about 5 cm. high, with pileus thin, funnel form, fragile, hy- grophanous, sorghum brown to Natal brown, rough with blackish points, the margin striatulate when moist ; gills decurrent, close, some of them forked, a little paler than the pileus ; spores white, even, 7-10x4-5 w; stem 3-4 cm. long, 1-2 mm. thick, cartilaginous, hollow, equal, a little darker than the pileus, glabrous or somewhat silky striate. Solitary. On sphagnum moss in peat bogs and among white cedars. Massachusetts to Michigan. May to October. Local. BoTTroM Amanita porphyria Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 14. 1821. Illustrations: Albertini & Schweinitz, Consp. Fung. pf it. f. 1; Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. p/ 3. f. 5-6; Bresadola, Icon. Myc. p/ 6; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p4 117; Gillet, Champ. Hym. p/ 2 (17); Patouillard, Tab, Anal. f. 304. Fructification small, about 10 cm. high, with pileus 4-6 cm. in diameter, convex, fawn color to wood brown, glabrous, moist or slightly viscid, the margin even ; gills white, slightly adnexed, close, thin ; spores globose, 714-814 yw in diameter ; stem slender, up to 8 cm. long, 5-6 mm. thick, cylindric, bulbous at the base, stuffed, soon hollow, glabrous, whitish to pale brown ; annulus superior, membranous, becoming tinged with pale brown, pendant; volva in the form of a thin cup, buried in the ground with the bulbous base. On swampy ground among alders and willows and other frondose species, as in Purgatory swamp, Dedham, Massachusetts, where the specimens for the plate were collected. July. Rare. I Se LS NT CE ees SEE neem pea? tek aee at Seas Wire eee ee CIE aan ey Senay Coe. See geass [eee STZ Sh PLATE 3 Amanita verna { Bull.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 13. 1821. Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 108; Boudier, Icones p/. 2; Bresadola, Icon. Myc. p/. 4; Barla, Champ. Alp. Mar. p/. 1. S- 7-93 pl. 4. f. 1-4; Cooke, Illus. p/. 3 (3); Dufour, Atlas p/ 1. f. 1; Atkinson, Mushrooms sex? J: 59-60; Hard, Mushrooms ¢ext f. 16; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/. 116; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48 p/. 41. Poisonous Fructifications medium to large, 7-20 cm. high, with pileus 6-12 cm. broad, ovate at first, then convex and expanded, white, viscid when moist, soon dry and often shining, glabrous, the margin even ; flesh white, odor strong and nauseous ; gills white, free, close, very numerous ; spores white, even, subglobose, g-12 x 8-9 mw; stem 7-20 cm. long, 6-15 mm. thick, white, cylindric above the bulbous base, glabrous or somewhat floccose scaly, becoming hollow, bearing an ample white pendant annulus, closely sheathed at the base by the remains of the membranaccous volva. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground in both coniferous and frondose woods, borders of woods, thickets, and rarely on lawns, July to October. Widely distributed and common. Amanita verna is our most dangerous toadstool, both because it contains amanita-toxin which causes death in more than half the cases where this species is eaten and also because its tuberous, volva-covered base is so deeply and firmly imbedded in the ground that the stem is likely to be broken off and the base left behind in the ground when growing among edible fungi of somewhat similar aspect should the latter be gathered hurriedly in considerable quantity for cating. Without its bulbous base and volva, the upper portion of 4. verna resembles specimens with the gills still white of the common mushroom Agaricus campestris and the still more abundant and also edible Lepiota naucina. One who gathers mushrooms should learn to recognize A. verna at sight and also by its highly dis- tinctive and slightly nauseous odor when brought close to the nose. Dr. Farlow noted this odor as like that of earth in which turnips or carrots have been growing. The writer would not advise to attempt to distinguish from 4. verna any possible white form of Amanita phalloides unless the specimen was growing in unmistakable association with colored speci- mens of A. phalloides. Es] PLATE 4 Amanitopsis volvata Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24: 59. 1872. Illustrations: Murrill, Mycologia 5: p/. 86, 87. 7. 2. Poisonous Fructification small, 5-10 cm. high, with pileus 5—6 cm. in diameter, convex, then expanded, whitish, tilleul buff and vinaceous buff towards the center, with small floccose appressed scales, the margin striate; gills free, white, numerous ; spores white, even, g—11 x 4%-6 »; stem 5-10 cm. long, s-1o mm. thick, whitish, equal or slightly tapering upward, stuffed, sometimes becoming hollow in New England gatherings, minutely floccose-scaly ; no annulus ; volva 2-3 cm. in diameter, large, firm, loose, brownish, sheathing the base of. the stem. Solitary. On the ground in mixed woods. Cambridge, Magnolia, Pride’s Crossing and Sharon, Massachusetts, and westward. July to October. Rather rare. The genus Amanitopsis is distinguished from Amanita by the absence of an annulus although rudiments of the annulus may be seen in very young specimens. Amanitopsis vaginata is the common species of the genus and is readily distinguished from 4. vo/vata by glabrous pileus and globose spores 8-10 p in diameter. Ee 3 | i 2 + pee netaplanER a i eel ee as en ee ee PLATE 5 Lepiota procera | Scop. | Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 20. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p4 3; Atkinson, Mushrooms p/, 25; Farlow, Yearb. U. S. Agr. 1897: 463. p/. 26; Hard, Mushrooms p/. 6; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. f/. 132; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48: p/ 18. Edible Fructification very large, up to I 5-25 cm. high, with pileus 7-15 cm. broad, ovate at first, be- coming campanulate-convex and expanded, umbonate, fleshy, soft, with the cuticle avellaneous to cinnamon, torn into separable brownish scales or patches by the expansion of the pileus and exposing the floccose, white flesh under and between the scales, the margin fimbriate, fibrillose ; gills free, remote from the stem, broad, crowded, white or whitish; spores white, 15-16x 10 pw; stem very long and slender, bulbous below, 6-12 mm. in diameter above, cylindric or tapering upward, colored like the pileus, with the surface broken up or variegated with small brownish scales, hollow or stuffed with some delicate, long fibrils; annulus rather thick, movable, rather persistent. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground in meadows, pastures and open, grassy woods. August to October. Widely distributed. This mushroom, often called “The parasol mushroom,” is highly regarded as an edible species but has not been found in such abundance by the writer as to afford more than herbarium specimens. Lz] PLATE 6 Lepiota brunnea Farlow & Burt, n. sp. Type: in Farlow Herb. and Burt Herb. -Fructifications large, 5-15 cm. high, with pileus 8-18 cm. broad, hemispherical to convex, be- coming plane or slightly depressed at the center, with the persistent cuticle wood brown to fawn color, intact on the disk but elsewhere torn with the underlying flesh into large scales somewhat concentrically arranged and with their tips slightly rolled upward, the flesh between the scales floc- cose-fibrillose and lighter colored ; flesh soft, whitish, changing to reddish or slightly brownish upon exposure to the air—especially in the stem—of agreeable taste, no especial odor ; gills free, not remote from the stem, crowded, up to 12 mm. broad, whitish to brownish, becoming browner in drying ; spores white, even, 10-12 x6%-7% uy, often slightly truncate at one end; stem 5-15 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, hollow, bulbous at the base, with the bulb up to 4 cm. in diameter, above the bulb cylindric or somewhat tapering upward, striate and cinnamon brown below tthe annulus, paler and silky above it; annulus prominent, thick, at first fixed, finally free and movable. Solitary or in cluster of 2 or 3 fructifications. In greenhouses and fertile soil. Allston, Cambridge, Jamaica Plain, Peabody, and Lynn, Massachusetts. October and November. This species has been heretofore locally referred to Lepiota rhacodes and L. excoriata, from both of which it differs in the much browner color of pileus and stem, striate stem, less remote gills, and smaller spores truncate at one end. L. rhacodes is excellently illustrated by Boudier, Icones p/. 10 and exactly described by him and by Rea. The writer believes that the European concept of L. rhacodes should not be modified to fit these American specimens. Ee PLATE 7 Lepiota americana Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 23: 71. 1873; 49. pl 44. f. 6-10. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms ¢ex¢ J: 82; Hard, Mushrooms ¢exr f. 34; Mur- rill, Mycologia 3: p/ 49. J 6; Mcllvane, Mushrooms //. 15. Edible Fructifications 8-12 cm. high, with pileus 4-12 cm. broad, ovate, becoming campanulate to con- vex, umbonate or subumbonate, cuticle at first reddish brown (russet vinaceous) and continuous, splitting up into rather large, scattered scales of the same color, elsewhere whitish when young, drying fawn color to russet vinaceous, the margin obscurely striate ; gills free, close, white ; spores white, even, 8-11 x 6-8 yw; stem 7-12 cm. long, 5-10 mm. thick at apex, usually enlarged below into a ventricose or clavate base, stuffed at first, then hollow, white at upper end, below becoming colored like the pileus by handling or in drying ; annulus fixed, sometimes evanescent ; odor and taste mild . all parts become dull vinaceous red in drying. On the ground, on sawdust, and near stumps. New England to Missouri. Widely distributed but not abundant. July to October. Leptota Badhamii of Europe reddens also in drying but is of somewhat different aspect, not striate on margin of the pileus and has spores only 6-7 x 3-4 p. PLATE 8 Lepiota acutesquamosa | Weinm. | Fries, Epicr. 14. 1836-1838. Illustrations: Cooke, Illus. p/ 14 (24); Hard, Mushrooms ¢exz f. 38. Edible Fructification of medium size, 6-10 cm. high, with pileus 5-12 cm. broad, hemispherical, then convex-expanded, obtuse or broadly umbonate, soft, fleshy, cinnamon to tawny, covered with small, pointed, erect, deciduous, wart-like squamules which leave areolate scars: ; gills white, free, rarely branched, very crowded ; ; spores white, even, 6-7 x 21%4-3 »; stem 6-10 cm. long, 6-15 mm. thick, cylindric or tapering upward somewhat from the bulbous base, hollow or with some cottony strands, covered below the annulus with brownish fibrils and floccose scales ; annulus floccose-membranaceous, fixed, soon pendant, sprinkled with brownish scales on the under side ; flesh white, odor rather strong and disagreeable. Gregarious. On the ground in grass, near buried wood, and in forests. Allston and near Boston, Massachusetts. September to November. Of wide range but infrequent. L. Friesii differs only in more numerously branched gills but there are so numerous intergrada- tions in this respect that one might well follow Bresadola, Icones Myce. p/. 27, and include L. acute- squamosa under L. Friesii which has priority. 10 | PLATE 9 Lepiota felina Persoon, Syn. Fung. 261. 1801. Illustrations: Quelet, Champ. Jura, Suppl. 11: p4 11. f£. 1; Cooke, Illus. pt. 943A (1108); Patouillard, Tab, Anal. fo 505. Fructification small, 3-6 cm. high, with pileus 2- 5 cm. broad, conical to convex, somewhat umbo- nate, thin, whitish under the numerous blackish to dark brown floccose scales ; gills free, close, white ; spores white, even, 7%4-8 x 314-4 p; stem 3-6 cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, usually rather slender, cylindric or slightly tapering upward from the somewhat bulbous base, hollow, brown, floccose scaly up to the evanescent floccose annulus. On the ground and in moss in coniferous woods. New Hampshire, Vermont and westward. August and September. Widely distributed but infrequent. The stem of the specimen used for the central figure of this plate was unusually thick for L. fe/ina, and suggests the closely related L. JSuscosquamea Pk. Dr. Robert Fries approved the reference to L. felina for Dr. Farlow. Li J PLATE, 16 Lepiota granulosa [ Batsch] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 24. 1821. Illustrations: Batsch, Elench. Fung. p/ 6. f. 243; Cooke, Illus. p/ 18. (39). upper fo : Edible : Fructifications 2-5 cm. high, with pileus 3-5 cm. broad, thin, convex, becoming expanded, some- times somewhat umbonate, rough with numerous granular or branny scales, often radiately wrinkled, rusty yellow or tinged with brick red ; gills emarginate or rounded behind and slightly adnexed, white ; spores minute, even, 4—5 x 214-3 »; stem short, 2-5 cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, stuffed or hollow, cylindric or slightly tapering upward, whitish above the annulus, below it colored like the pileus and covered also with rusty brown granules ; flesh white or reddish tinged, of pleasant taste. Abundant on decaying pine leaves in pine woods in Vermont and westward. August to October. L. amianthina, as understood by the writer, occurs in the same localities as L. granulosa and dif- fers from it only by having the gills adnate; the spores are small also—4-5 x 2%4—3 »—in these specimens having adnate gills. At present there is disagreement between European mycologists con- cerning the dimensions of spores L. granulosa and L. amianthina; Boudier gives the spores of L. amianthina as 8-9 x 4-4% p and Rea and Bresadola as 4-5 x3 p. p32) PLAT. 43 Lepiota naucina Fries, Epicr. 16. 1836-1838. Lepiota naucinoides Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 29: 66. 1878; 48: 162. p/ 19. 1896. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms #/. 24; Bresadola, Icones Myc. pf. 25; Hard, Mushrooms ext f. 33; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. pf. 135, 136; Krombholz, Ab- bild. p/ 24. f. 20-23; Ricken, Blatterpilze pl. 84. fi 2. Edible Fructification 5-10 cm. high, with pileus 3-9 cm. broad, subglobose at first, then convex to somewhat expanded, fleshy, soft, glabrous, only rarely broken into scales and granules on the surface, white ‘or smoky white, the flesh white ; gills free, close, rather broad, white at first, slowly changing to pinkish and then smoky brown with age; spores white, even, 8-11 x 5-7 4; stem 5-10 cm. long, 6-10 mm. thick, cylindric or slightly thickened at the base, stuffed, then hollow, white or smoky white ; annulus membranaceous, thick, persistent, white. Gregarious. On the ground in lawns, pastures, meadows, and cultivated fields. From New Eng- land westward. September and October. Common. L. naucina is of excellent flavor ; it occurs in such great abundance throughout the region which has been under the writer’s observation—from Massachusetts to Kansas—that he ranks it among our first half dozen mushrooms. In Vermont it is sometimes present in corn fields so that it might be gathered by bushels after the corn has been cut. One gathering this mushroom for food ought to know positively Amanita verna, A. virosa and A. phalloides so as not to gather any specimens of these by mistake. The presence of the volva at the base of the stem of an Amanita is the most obvious character to look for in avoiding these Amanitas. If one does not care to take away with him the base of each L. naucina gathered, he should nevertheless be sure that no volva is present on the part of the stem not taken. sd PLATE 12 Armillaria robusta [ Alb. & Schw.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 26. 1821. Illustrations: Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. p/. 17. f. 5-7; Boudier, Icones p/. 22; Bresadola, Icones Myc. p/. 44. Edible Fructifications 5-8 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, firm, convex, becoming expanded and somewhat depressed, cinnamon rufous to mahogany red, darker at the center, fibrillose, squamu- lose at the center, the margin at first incurved and having remnants of the veil attached ; flesh white, firm, rather bitter, with no odor; gills white, sinuate-adnate, finally with a slight decurrent tooth, crowded, broad ; spores white, even, 7-84 x 4-5% mp; stem 4-6 cm. long, 114-2% cm. thick, cylin- dric or tapering downward, solid, white and with small floccose scales above the annulus, below the annulus colored like the pileus and with appressed brownish scales ; annulus membranaceous, per- Usually solitary. On the ground in mixed woods. Milton, Massachusetts, and also at Shelburne, New Hampshire. October. Rare. Ee tae? piorry is af s v4 ¥ WCATL EDO DAYAL NIA A)5)) eA Pe PLATE 13 Armillaria ponderosa Peck, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sc. Bul. 1: 42. 1873; N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 26: 50. 1874 43: 41. 1890. Fructification very large, 10-15 cm. high, with pileus 10-15 cm. broad, thick, compact, con- vex, sometimes broadly umbonate, white or pinkish buff, glabrous, shining when dry, the naked margin inrolled under the slightly viscid, persistent veil; flesh white, with no disagreeable taste, no odor ; gills somewhat emarginate, crowded, 8 mm. broad, white inclining to cream color; spores white, even, 6~7x 4-5 3 stem 10-15 cm. long, 2%4-4 cm. thick, cylindric, firm, solid, coated by the veil, colored like the pileus, white and furfuraceous above the membranaceous annulus. Solitary or scattered. On the ground under spruce trees. St. Stephens, New Brunswick, Grand View Mt., Vermont, and in New York. September and October. Rare. Peck published the spores as globose, 4.» in diameter, but they are more elongated, as given above, in the Vermont specimens, determination of which was confirmed by Peck, and also in the New Brunswick gathering illustrated by the plate. ce PLATE 14 Armillaria imperialis Fries in Lund, Consp. Hym. Holm. 5. 1845; Hym. Eur. 43. 1874. Armillaria nobilis Murrill, N. Am. Flora 10: 38. 1914. Illustrations: Fries, Icones Hym. p/. 17; Barla, Champ. Alp. Marit. /. 20. f. 1-3; Bresadola, Icon. Myc. p/. 51; Gillet, Champ. Fr. Hym. p/. 55 (35). Fructifications very large, 10-15 cm. high, with pileus 10-20 cm. broad, convex, becoming ex- panded, obtuse, glabrous, slightly viscid at first, smoke gray, streaked with innate fibrils towards the margin, the cuticle sometimes cracked on the disk, the margin turned down, inrolled at first ; flesh thick, white, odorless, taste a little strong; gills long decurrent, white, becoming a little yellowish white ; spores white, even, 11-144; stem 5-10 cm. long, 12-20 mm. thick, solid, cylindric, contracted at the base, rather yellower than the pileus, streaked and floccose or even a little scaly ; annulus double, the outer membranaceous, concolorous with the pileus, the inner filamentous-mem- branaceous, nearly white and rather evanescent. Solitary. On the ground. St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Castine and Georgetown, Maine. August and September. Rare. a Free a ee ee ee = —— SY PLATE 15 Tricholoma rutilans [ Schaeff.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 41. 1821. Illustrations: Schaeffer, Fung. Bavar. p/. 219 (120); Bresadola, Icon. Myc. p/ 69; Cooke, Illus. 64 89 (74.); Richon & Roze, Atlas Champ. p/. 27. f 9-12; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ gt. f. 1. Fructifications 4-10 cm. high, with pileus 4-10 cm. broad, fleshy, campanulate, then flattened, dry, at first covered with a Morocco red to burnt sienna tomentum, then somewhat squamulose on the yellow surface beneath, the margin thin, at first involute ; flesh yellow ; gills crowded, rounded adnate or sinuate, yellow, with the edge flocculose ; spores white, even, 6-7 x 4-5 » ; stem 4-10 cm. long, 6-14 mm. thick, curved, equal, stuffed, becoming hollow, pale yellow, variegated with reddish squamules. Solitary or caespitose. On decaying, coniferous wood. Newton, Massachusetts and throughout New England and westward. July to October. Widely distributed but infrequent. T. rutilans is listed as inedible by Richon & Roze, but edible by Bresadola. EF PLATE 16 Tricholoma oliveum Farlow & Burt, n. sp. Type: in Farlow Herb. Fructifications 6-g cm. high, with pileus 8-14 cm. broad, convex, with margin turned inward but not inrolled, not viscid, with the disk Saccardo’s olive and slightly floccose spotted, olive buff towards the margin and innately floccose under a lens, the margin even; flesh white, with strong, pungent and disagreeable taste and strong, slightly radish-like odor ; gills broad, subdistant, emarginate, with a slight decurrent tooth, pale sea foam yellow, the edge entire ; spores white, even, 614-7 x 4 p, tapering to the base; stem 4-8 cm. long, 1%4-2 cm. thick at the upper end, bulbous below and 2%4-3¥% cm. in diameter, concolorous with margin of pileus, more or less silky streaked, solid, white within. Solitary. On the ground under fir trees by wood roads. Campobello, New Brunswick. July. Only the type collection known. T. oltveum is a species related to T. saponaceum and T. pallidum but with much larger fructi- fications than either of these, with bulbous stem, and with flesh not noted as becoming reddish ; it grew under fir trees. Se - ae a ee ee ee en eee re Bs PiATS. 17 Tricholoma decorosum Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 25: 73. p4 1. f. 1-4. 1873; 44: 157. 1891. Fructifications 5-10 cm. high, with pileus 2%-5 cm. broad, firm, at first hemispherical, then convex or nearly plane, coated with numerous brownish subsquarrose tomentose scales, dull ochra- ceous or tawny ; gills close, rounded and slightly emarginate behind, the edge subcrenulate ; spores broadly ellipsoidal, even, white, 5-7 x 334-4 »; no cystidia; stem 5-10 cm. long, 3-8 mm. thick, equal or slightly tapering upward, solid, white and smooth at the top, elsewhere tomentose-squamu- lose and colored like the pileus. Often caespitose. On fallen trunks in woods. Shelburne, New Hampshire, and Catskill Mts. and Allegany Co., New York. September and October. Rare. Determination of the specimens was confirmed for Dr. Farlow by Peck. [ 19 | PLATE 18 — Tricholoma brevipes [ Bull.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 53. 1821. Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 521. f. 2; Cooke, Illus. £/. 68 (120); Ricken, Blatterpilze p/. 96. f 4. Edible Fructifications 24-4 cm. high, with pileus 3-10 cm. broad, fleshy, convex, then plane, moist, shining, drab or gray brown, the flesh dirty white or yellow-white, thin ; gills emarginate, crowded, slightly ventricose, dirty white, becoming yellow-brown towards the edge; spores white, punctate, 7-8 x 5-5% p ; stem 274-3 cm. long, 4-7 mm. thick at the upper end, gradually enlarging down- ward to a diameter of 12 mm. at the base, colored like the pileus, fibrillose, solid, within reddish brown or snuff brown towards the base and paler above. Gregarious, rarely with two fructifications coherent. On rubbish heaps, Cambridge, Massachusetts. In fields and gardens, Albany, New York. October and November. Rare. I. brevipes is characterized by its very short and thick, solid stem, colored nearly fuscous within, and by colored flesh and punctate spores. 7 [20 J PLATE 19 Top Clitocybe morbifera Peck, Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 25: 321. 1893; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. 745. p/ 159. 1918. Potsonous Fructifications 2-5 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, thin, convex, becoming plane or cen- trally depressed, glabrous, slightly hygrophanous, drab gray when moist, whitish or cinereous when dry, sometimes slightly umbonate ; flesh white, with a persistent, disagreeable taste ; gills adnate or slightly decurrent, narrow, close, whitish or pallid ; spores white, even, broadly ellipsoidal, 4 p long, almost as broad; stem about 21% cm. long, 4-6 mm. thick, equal, hollow, colored like the pileus or a little paler. Gregarious or caespitose. On the ground in lawns. Ottawa, Canada ; the type collection was made at Washington, D. C. October and November. C. morbifera closely resembles in aspect the edible C. dea/bata but is drab gray when moist while the latter is white. The occurrence on lawns renders it more likely to be gathered for eating. Dr. Kauffman records that several families in various parts of the country have been made ill through eating this species. Nausea was caused in these cases, not death, BoTTOM Tricholoma sordidum Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 51. 1821; Hym. Eur. 77. 1874, Chitopilus tardus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 54: 167. 1901; Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 24: 140. 1897 (as Clitocybe). Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/. 45. f. 1; Cooke, Illus. p/. 100 (125); Hard, Mush- rooms fext f. 445 Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 131. p/ 115; Quelet, Champ. Jura 1. p/ 3. f. 1; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ 95. f. 5. Edible Fructifications 244-5 cm. high, with pileus 2—5 cm. broad, convex, becoming expanded and de- pressed, slightly umbonate, glabrous, hygrophanous, when moist drab to ecru-drab with a slight violaceous tinge, becoming paler and avellaneous on parting with moisture ; flesh of pileus and stem pallid vinaceous drab, no especial taste ; gills adnate to sinuate-decurrent, rather close, pallid vina- Ee ceous drab ; spores pale ochraceous or pale salmon, slightly uneven, 5~7 x 3-4 »; stem 2%-4 cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, equal, solid, rarely with a narrow cavity, fibrillose, colored like the pileus. Solitary or caespitose. On the ground in greenhouses and on lawns and near buildings. Massa- chusetts, Vermont and westward. September to February. Infrequent. These figures are confidently referred to C. tardus because of agreement with specimens from the type locality received from the collector of the type of the species. PLATE 20 Clitocybe illudens Schweinitz, Syn. Car. 81. 1822. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms #/. 29. f. 91; Hard, Mushrooms #/. 10; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3. p/ 68; Mcllvane, Am. Fungi /. 29; White, Hym. Conn., Conn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 3. p/ 18. Potsonous Fructifications large, 7-20 cm. high, with pileus 5-15 cm. broad, convex to expanded, plane or depressed, often umbonate, glabrous, bright orange, the margin elevated with age, often decurved ; flesh white or yellowish, with disagreeable odor and taste ; gills close, decurrent, bright orange ; spores white, globose, 4~5 mw in diameter ; stem 6-20 cm. long, 1-1% cm. thick, firm, solid, glabrous, equal, flexuous, often curved or twisted. Caespitose, sometimes in large clusters with as many as 50 fructifications to the clump. On and around stumps or buried wood. August to October. Widely distributed throughout eastern United States. C. idludens is so conspicuous and attractive a fungus that it has been eaten by many people. It Causes severe nausea and vomiting until finally thrown up. | 35] PLATE 21 Clitocybe multiceps Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 43: 65. 1890. Illustrations: Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 139. 6/117. (7-9; Atkinson, Mush- rooms p/. 30; Hard, Mushrooms sexz f. 68; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/. 157. Edible Clusters up to 10 cm. high, with pilei 3-10 cm. broad, fleshy, firm, convex, glabrous, moist, whitish to pinkish buff, sometimes somewhat irregular by crowding together, the flesh white, mild to taste usually but sometimes somewhat disagreeable ; gills close, adnate or slightly decurrent or with a few somewhat sinuate, whitish ; spores white, even, globose, 6-7 p in diameter ; stems 4-10 cm. long, 6-15 mm. thick, equal or slightly thickened at base, solid, glabrous or slightly pruinose at apex, white or whitish. Constantly caespitose in clumps of 2 or 3 to many individuals. On the ground in shaded lawns, pastures, by roadsides and in groves of frondose trees. Of wide range from Massachusetts westward. June to October. Frequent. C. multiceps is edible but is not regarded by most people as of the best quality. Est es il = - ee a a ee ee ae a ee “ — a ee ae ee ee es a ee ees eee Saat ate oa os Ni Oi eS Te a Te PLATE 22 Pleurotus petaloides [Bull.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 183. 1821. Not Pleurotus petaloides as understood by Peck and by Kauffman. Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 226; Cooke, Illus. p/ 258 (284). f 4; Nees, Syst. pf 22. f. 178; Persoon, Obs. Myc. 1: 4 4. f.1. Edible Cluster of fructifications 21%-10 cm. high, with pilei 2%-10 cm. broad, dimidiate, somewhat spathulate, tapering below into the stem, glabrous, light mouse gray to tawny olive, the margin involute ; flesh of the pileus with a gelatinous layer under the cuticle ; gills decurrent, crowded, narrow, white or yellowish; cystidia abundant in the hymenium, 45-87 x 12-15 mw, very sharp pointed at both ends; spores white, even, 5—7 x 3%4-4 mp; stem 1-3 cm. long, %-1 cm. thick, compressed, channelled, solid, downy, colored like the pileus or a little darker. Caespitose. On ground and tan bark at Peabody, Massachusetts, and on the ground on golf links, Forest Park, St. Louis, Missouri. October. Rare. The St. Louis specimens have dimensions only about half as large as those of the Massachusetts gathering which was used for the illustration and agree in this respect better with European speci- mens. The ellipsoidal spores are a distinguishing character of the species. It is probable that P. peta/- cides as understood by Peck should be compared with Panus angustatus Berk. pas PLATES 23, 48 (Adiddle Figs.) Pleurotus serotinus | Schrad.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 187. 1821. Illustrations: Cooke, Illus. p/. 258 (284). £ B; Hard, Mushrooms zexz Jo Adds Patouillard, Tab. Anal. £ 629; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ 112. f. 3. Edible Pilei sometimes solitary or usually caespitose and imbricated, dimidiate-reniform or somewhat orbicular, 3-10 cm. broad, up to 1 cm. thick, convex, fleshy, firm, viscid when young and moist, citrine drab to dark olive buff, somewhat tomentose towards the base ; flesh white, thick, firm ; gills close, thin, whitish yellow to somewhat ochraceous ; spores white, allantoid, 5-6x1 p; cystidia fusiform, 25-30 x11 m, more abundant on edges of the gills ; stem very short, lateral, hardly visible when seen from above but defined on the under side by termination of the gills and tomentose with tawny tomentum, solid. On decaying logs and fallen trunks of beech, maple and other frondose species. In mountain woods of New England, New York, and westward. September to November. Very common. [ 26 ] PLATE 24 oe OP -Omphalia umbellifera [L.| Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 22. 1828. Illustrations: Boudier, Icones pf. 69; Cooke, Illus. p/ 271 (260); Holmskiold, Beata Ruris Otia Fung. Dan. p/ 34; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. Fung. f. 222; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/, 105. f. 16. Fructification 2-34 cm. high, with pileus 1-214 cm. broad, becoming broadly concave, hygroph- anous, pale ochraceous buff to vinaceous buff, paler on parting with moisture, with innate flocci, the margin lobed and crisped ; flesh yellowish ; gills adnate, few, distant, dichotomous, connected by veins, wax yellow; spores white, even, 8-12 x 4-5 @; stem 1-2 cm. long, 2 mm. thick, cylindric, hollow, colored like the pileus, with the base villose or flocculent. In a small cluster on mossy logs. King’s Ravine, New Hampshire, September. Rare. MIDDLE Cantharellus minor Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rept. 23: 122. 1873; N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 1: 40. 1887; 131: 41. p/. 116. f. 12-17. 1909. Edible Fructifications 2%-4 cm. high, with pileus 1%-21% cm. broad, fleshy, thin, convex, then ex- panded, often umbilicate or centrally depressed, glabrous, orange buff, the flesh pale yellow ; gills decurrent, narrow, distant, branched, orange buff; spores white, even, 8-9 x 4-414 #3 stem 1-3 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick, somewhat flexuous, nearly equal or somewhat tapering downward, smooth, stuffed or hollow, concolorous with the pileus, with a whitish mycelium at the base. Gregarious or somewhat caespitose. On the ground in thin woods and open places. Widely dis- tributed in eastern United States from Massachusetts to South Carolina. June and July. Infrequent. C. minor is of the same color as the chanterelle, C. cibarius, and is probably often collected for the latter but is much smaller, with longer and slenderer, stuffed or hollow stem, with thinner pileus, and with slightly smaller spores, BoTToM Omphalia campanella | Batsch] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 166. 1821. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms #/. 33; Cooke, Illus. pt. 273 (263). f. A; Hard, La Mushrooms p/. 17; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/ 172; Nees, Syst. p/. 23. f 191; Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. p/. 230 (131); White, Hym. Conn., Conn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 3. 44 16. Fructifications small, 114-3 cm. high, with pileus 1-2 cm. broad, thin, convex, umbilicate, gla- brous, hygrophanous, striatulate, ochraceous orange to ochraceous buff, the flesh very thin, yel- low ; gills deeply decurrent, crowded, prominently connected by veins, yellow ; spores white, even, 6-7 x 244-3 pm; stem 1-3 cm. long, 1 mm. thick, equal, curved, firm, horny, minutely hollow, date-brown below, colored like the pileus above, somewhat hairy at the base. Gregarious and in gregarious clusters. On humus of coniferous logs and stumps in woods. June to November. Very common where coniferous substratum is available, rare where it can occur only on frondose humus, as about St. Louis. Omphalia Gerardiana Peck. See Plate 2. E ae | ee ae eee ae hides PLALE 36 Cantharellus cibarius Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 318. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/.7; Atkinson, Mushrooms sex f- 126; Cooke, Illus. £4 1103 (1055); Dufour, Atlas p/ 20. J. 46; Farlow, Yearb. U. S. Agr. 1897. p/.27. f. 1; Hard, Mushrooms p/, 22; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. pl. 3; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. / 32; Ricken, Blatterpilze p4A1. f. 2; White, Hym. Conn., Conn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 3. p/ 14. Edible Fructifications 3-10 cm. high, with pileus 3-10 cm. broad, convex, then expanded, soon depressed and concave by elevation of the margin which is often lobed, orange buff or egg yellow, glabrous ; flesh compact, white within, with fragrant odor and agreeable taste ; gills rather distant, decurrent, thick, more or less branched or anastomosing, egg yellow ; spores white, even, 8-12 x 4-5; stem 2-5 cm. long, 5-12 mm. thick, solid, equal or slightly tapering downward, glabrous. Gregarious. On the ground in woods and open places. June to October. Common. This is the highly regarded Chanterelle of mushroom lovers. | 29 | PLATE 26 Cantharellus floccosus Schweinitz, Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. 4: 153. 1832. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms p/. 23; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3." p/. 55. f. 9-13; White, Hym. Conn., Conn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 15. p/. 19. Edible Fructifications large, 5-1 5 cm. high, with pileus 5-12 cm. broad, at first slender trumpet shaped, then deeply funnel form, fleshy, firm, floccose scaly, ochraceous buff, the flesh rather thick, white, with mild taste and pleasant odor ; gills narrow, close, long decurrent, dichotomous, abundantly anastomosing, ochraceous buff; spores slightly ochraceous, 12-1 § x 644-9»; stem very short, 1-3 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, solid, sometimes with a flexuous, root-like prolongation. Solitary and gregarious. On the ground in moist coniferous forests and their borders, especially in mountains. New England and Pennsylvania to Michigan. June to September. Common. This species is conspicuous by its large size, orange color, and deeply trumpet shaped pileus which is scaly on the upper surface. L384 PLATE 27 Top Hygrophorus Cantharellus Schweinitz, Naturf. Gesell. Leipzig Schrift. 1: 88. 1822; Fries, Epicr. Fung. 329. 1838. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms ext f. 165; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 54. p/. 76. f. 8-20. Edible Fructifications small, 2%-6 cm. high, with pileus 1-214 cm. broad, thin, convex, sometimes umbilicate, glabrous or minutely squamulose, usually coral red or peach red, sometimes orange or yellow, not viscid ; gills waxy, rather broad, distant, arcuate, decurrent, ivory yellow to cream color ; spores white, even, 7-8% x 4-414 @; stem 2-6 cm. long, 2-3 mm. thick, nearly cylindric, solid at first, becoming hollow, brittle, shining, colored like the pileus or more yellow. Gregarious. On humus of pine logs and stumps and on the ground among mosses in swampy woods. New Hampshire to New York and in North Carolina. July and August. Infrequent. BoTTomM Cantharellus cinnabarinus Schweinitz, Naturf. Gessell. Leipzig Schrift. 1: 83. 1822 (Syn. Car.); Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. 4: 153. 1832. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms ext f. 161; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. / 2; Murrill, Mycologia 5: p/. 92. 3; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3:' p/. 56. f. 1-8. Edible Fructifications 2%-6 cm. high, with pileus 11%4—5 cm. broad, fleshy, rather thin, firm, convex, then somewhat depressed, glabrous, coral red to peach red, fading on drying, the margin inflexed ; flesh white, reddish tinged at the surface, with taste slightly peppery after a time; gills somewhat distant, decurrent, narrow, forked, venosely connected, colored like the pileus or more yellowish, spores white or nearly so, even, 8-gx4~5 ; stem 2-4 cm. long, 4-7 mm. thick, equal, solid, glabrous, concolorous with the pileus or more yellowish below. Gregarious. On the ground in thin frondose woods and groves. Widely distributed in the United States. July to September. Frequent. The cinnabar red color and slightly peppery taste aid in distinguishing this Chanterelle from C. cibarius and C. minor. Es i PLATE 28 Hygrophorus speciosus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 29: 43. p/. 2. f. 1-5. 1878. An Hygrophorus aureus Arrhenius in Fries, Mon, Hym, 2: 127. 1863? Illustrations: Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3.‘ p/. 51. f. 21-28; Hard, Mushrooms text f. 168; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/. 24. Compare Fries, Icones p/ 166. f.2; Bresadola, Fungi Trid. p/ 9; Cooke, Illus. / 896 (879). f Bs Kalchbrenner, Hym. Hung. pf 26. f. 2. Edible Fructification 4-10 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, convex, becoming nearly plane, often with a small umbo, very viscid or glutinous, bright red or red orange when young or red on the center and yellow on the margin, fading and more largely yellow with age ; flesh white, red or yellow under the separable pellicle, of mild odor and taste ; gills distant, decurrent, white or becoming pale yellow ; spores white, even, 8-10 x 4%-5 mp; stem 4-8 cm. long, 4-10 mm. thick, nearly equal, solid, spongy within, viscid, sometimes slightly fibrillose, whitish or yellowish streaked. Solitary or gregarious. On swampy ground, usually under or near tamarack trees. Maine, Massa- chusetts, New York and Michigan. September and October. Local. [325 . : ; PLATE 29 Hyerophorus fuligineus Frost in Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 35: 134. 1884. Illustrations: Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 49. p/ 45. f: 8-14; N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3." p/ 50. f. 7-12; Atkinson, Mushrooms ¢ext f. 117; Hard, Mushrooms text f. 169. | Edible Fructification 5-10 cm. high, with pileus 3-10 cm. broad, convex, becoming expanded and nearly plane or depressed, glabrous, very viscid or glutinous, light brownish olive to brownish olive of Ridgway, darker at the center ; flesh white, soft, with no especial odor nor taste ; gills somewhat distant, somewhat decurrent, thin, waxy, white ; spores white, even, 8-10 x 4-5 p; stem 214-8 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, equal or somewhat tapering downward, solid, viscid, white or whitish. On the ground in pine woods. Massachusetts, Vermont and New York. September to November. Infrequent. H. fuligineus is related to H. o/tvaceo-albus of Europe but is larger and has smaller spores. Poe | PLATE 30 Top Lactarius sordidus Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rept. 23: 119. p/. 2. f. 10-12; N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 38: 120. 1885. An Lactarius atroviridis Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 42: 117. 1889? Fructifications 3-6 cm. high, with pileus 4-12 cm. broad, fleshy, firm, convex and centrally de- pressed, viscid, soon dry, sometimes Saccardo’s olive, sometimes dusky olive green, scabrous on the margin ; flesh whitish, thick and compact; gills narrow, close, white or yellowish, slightly decurrent ; milk white, unchangeable, acrid; spores white, echinulate, 7-8 x 5-6 p; cystidia 55-gox 8-9 p; stem short, 2-3 cm. long, 1%4-2% cm. thick, equal, hollow, colored like the pileus, spotted. On the ground in mixed woods. New Brunswick to Pennsylvania and westward. July to September. Frequent. The drawing for this plate was approved by Peck as L. sordidus. Specimens in the herbarium of the writer seem to show that if L. atroviridis differs from L. sordidus as finally understood by Peck, it is by the complete lack of viscidity at all times. BoTTOM Clavaria vernalis Schweinitz, Naturf. Gesell. Leipzig Schrift. 1: 112. 1822. Illustrations : Burt, Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. 9. p/. 9. £88; Coker, Clavarias p/, 82. /. 1, pl. 92. f: 3-73 Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 25. 6/4 1. f. 9 (as C. clavata ). Clubs very small, 1-114 cm. high, 1-144 mm. thick, simple, clavate, obtuse, glabrous, pinkish cin- namon, white at the base ; flesh without noteworthy taste or odor ; spores white, even, 7-9 x 214-3 % p. Gregarious in numerous troops on moist earth and springing from a gelatinous, dark green stratum composed of aggregated green spherical cells like those which form the gonidia of many lichens. Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina and South Carolina. Late May and early June in the north, March in North Carolina. Infrequent. The clubs are usually clavate and simple but individuals have been found forked near the tip or with one or more lateral prongs. [ 34 | Pia i ky 34 Lactarius turpis Fries, Epicr. 335. 1838. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. #/. 60; Cooke, Illus. pL 987 (925); Dufour, Atlas pf. 26. f. 59a; Krombholz, Abbild. pA 69. f. 1-6; Ricken, Blatterpilze pt 9. fe 4. | | Edible Fructifications very large, 6-12 cm. high, with pileus 6-30 cm. broad, convex and umbilicate, then expanded and depressed, raw umber color, somewhat glutinous when moist, somewhat roughish floccose, the margin inrolled at first, with an olivaceous-yellow villosity ; flesh dirty white, thick ; gills very numerous, close, adnate or a little decurrent in large specimens, yellowish white, dark spotted where wounded ; milk white, not changing color, acrid; spores echinulate, 7-8 x 6-7 p and cystidia 60-75 x 6-8 pw according to Ricken; stem 4-5 cm. long, 11%4-4 cm. thick, firm, equal or attenu- ated downward, glabrous, colored like the pileus or paler, sometimes olivaceous, sometimes spotted, stuffed or hollow. Solitary. On the ground in mountain woods. Chocorua, New Hampshire. August. Rare. 2 | PLATE 32 Lactarius deliciosus [ L.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: O67. 1921. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 6; Atkinson, Mushrooms #/. 39. f. 1; Cooke, Illus. p/. 982 (947); Dufour, Atlas p/ 24. 7. 56; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/ 11; Krombholz, Abbild. p/ 11; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/ 29. Edible Fructification 5-8 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, convex, then expanded and depressed, glabrous, slightly viscid when moist, ochraceous orange, fading in age, concentrically zonate ; flesh whitish, tinged with orange but more especially along line of attachment with the gills, slightly acrid to the taste; gills somewhat decurrent, crowded, ochraceous orange, becoming somewhat greenish with age or where bruised ; milk orange colored, mild ; spores yellowish, echinulate, 8-10 x 7-8 p ; cystidia not found; stem 3-8 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, equal, glabrous, often orange spotted and finally greenish stained, stuffed and finally hollow. Gregarious. On the ground in woods and damp mossy places under or near conifers. Throughout New England and westward. July to October. Common. This is one of the most highly regarded and safest of mushrooms. It is readily recognized in our region by the bright orange color of pileus, gills and stem of young specimens and the orange milk which exudes copiously where wounded. oe FLAT, 3% Lactarius Chelidonium Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24: 74. 1872; 38: 116. 188s. Illustrations: Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3.! p+ 53- f- 1-6; Atkinson, Mush- rooms p/. 39. f. 2. : Edible Fructification 4-8 cm. high, with pileus 48 cm. broad, fleshy, at first convex, then nearly plane and umbilicate or centrally depressed, dark olive buff to citrine, often with some narrow zones, slimy when moist ; flesh dingy white, changing finally to grayish blue green under the somewhat separable pellicle, odorless, taste a little acrid; gills narrow, close together, sometimes forked, colored like the pileus, somewhat decurrent ; spores yellowish in the mass, rough or minutely echinulate and with reticulated and pitted surface, 8-10 x 7-74 p; milk scanty, saffron (like juice of Celandine), mild; stem 2%4—6 cm. long, 1-1% cm. thick, nearly equal, hollow, colored like the pileus. Solitary. On sandy soil under or near pines. New Hampshire to New York and North Carolina. July to October. Occasional. In Dr. Farlow’s notes on the specimens illustrated he states, “Section of gills gives off a scanty fluid of watery consistency tinged with dirty orange brown.” It is probable that specimens of L. Chelidonium are sometimes mistaken for old greenish ones of L. de/iciosus. E 37) PLATE 34 Lactarius indigo Schweinitz, Naturf. Gesell. Leipzig. Schrift. 1: 87. 1822. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms #/ 39. /. 3; Mcllvane, Fungi p/ 41. f. 2. Edible Fructification 4-8 cm. high, with pileus 5-12 cm. broad, convex and somewhat umbilicate with margin inrolled, then expanded and depressed or somewhat infundibuliform, indigo blue to pale glaucous green of Ridgway, zonate, glabrous; flesh blue, with somewhat acrid taste ; gills adnate- decurrent, close, colored like the pileus ; milk dark blue, mild ; spores yellowish, rough, with reticu- late and pitted surface, 8-10x 7-8 »; stem 3-5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, equal, hollow, colored like the pileus, sometimes spotted. Gregarious. On the ground under or near pine trees. New England to North Carolina and west- ward. Widely distributed. July to September. Common. L. indigo is conspicuous when growing by its blue color which is often as intense as that of the flesh in these figures. This color and the blue milk render the species easily recognized. | 38 | Sr) ee | PLATE, 45 Top Lactarius fuliginosus Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 73. 1821. | Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 567. J+ 33 Cooke, Illus. £4 996 (959); Krombholz, Abbild. p/. 14. j: 10-12; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. J: 3223 Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ 12. f. 5; Atkinson, Mushrooms ¢ext Jn 420, Fructification 3-10 cm. high, with pileus 4-10 cm. broad, convex, then expanded and some- what depressed, dry, even, smoke gray to drab, sometimes snuff brown, finely velvety or pruinose, somewhat rugulose, the margin crenate wavy; flesh whitish, becoming pinkish or salmon when broken ; gills subdistant, adnate or subdecurrent, whitish, then chamois, stained pinkish or salmon where wounded ; milk white, or white changing slowly to saffron, slowly acrid ; spores yellow- ish, globose, echinulate, 8-9 w in diameter ; stem 2—8 cm. long, 4-8 mm. thick, equal, stuffed then hollow, minutely velvety or glabrous, colored like the pileus. Gregarious. On the ground in mixed woods. New England and westward, August to October. Infrequent. Bortom Lactarius lignyotus Fries, Mon. Hym. 2: 177. 1863. Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/ 171. jf: 1; Atkinson, Mushrooms /ex¢ jf: 119; Hard, Mushrooms /. 21; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 150. pl. 123. Fructifications 4-8 cm. high, with pileus 3-12 cm. broad, convex, then plane, umbonate or slightly depressed, dry, generally rugose-wrinkled, fuscous to deep mouse gray, pruinose velvety ; flesh white, slowly becoming pinkish or salmon when broken ; gills somewhat distant, adnate or subde- current, white at first, then chamois, slowly changing to pinkish or salmon where wounded; milk white, slowly changing to reddish where in contact with flesh, mild or slightly acrid ; spores yellowish, echinulate, globose, 8-10 y in diameter; stem 3-7 cm. long, 4-12 mm. thick, colored like the pileus and with similar surface, paler at the base, equal, sometimes plicate at the apex, stuffed. Gregarious. On wet or mossy ground in woods and swamps. New England to North Carolina and westward. August and September. Occasional. L. lgnyotus is closely related to L. fuliginosus but is darker and more sooty colored, with pileus more strongly rugose-wrinkled and often umbonate, with thicker, stouter stem and more likely to [ 39 ] be found in swampy woods. PLATE 36 Top Crepidotus dorsalis Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24: 69. 1873. Pileus sessile, dimidiate or somewhat reniform, 1-3 cm. broad, convex, fleshy, cream color to cream buff, nearly covered with honey yellow or tawny, small, fibrillose scales which are closer at the scarcely striate, decurved margin, the flesh white, thin, pliant; gills close, rather broad, rounded behind, yellow at first, becoming tawny olive, radiating from the white, villose place of attachment of the pileus; spores clay color or tawny olive in the mass, even, globose, 6-7 » in diameter. On frondose logs in open woods. New England and westward. July to September. Infrequent. BoTTroM Lactarius griseus Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rept. 23: 120. 1873. Illustrations: Burlingham, Torr. Bot. Club Mem. 14. £14; Hard, Mushrooms zexz /. 138. Fructifications small, 2-4 cm. high, with pileus 1-4 cm. broad, convex, soon depressed to in- fundibuliform, sometimes with a papilla at the center, dry, minutely tomentose, rarely tomentose- scaly, pale olive buff; flesh white, thin ; gills narrow, close, adnate-decurrent, white, then yellowish ; milk white, unchangeable, slightly acrid ; spores pale cream colored, echinulate, 8-9 x 6-8 »; stem 2-4 cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, equal or tapering upward, dry, glabrous, hollow, whitish or grayish, villose at the base. Gregarious. On rotten wood, sometimes on the ground, in wet woods. Throughout New England and westward. July to September. Common. [ 4° ] PLATE 47 Russula chloroides [ Krombh. ] Bresadola, Fungi Trid. 2: 89. p/ 202. 1900. Illustrations: Krombholz, Abbild. p/ 56. £. 8, 9; Cooke, Illus. 4 981 (946) as Lactarius exsuccus. Fructifications rise but little above the ground; pileus 6-13 cm. broad, convex and umbilicate, with margin inrolled, becoming centrally depressed and somewhat infundibuliform, slightly pubescent, white, often spotted with yellowish or rusty stains; flesh white, mild to taste or tardily acrid ; gills rather close, adnate or somewhat decurrent, whitish with tinge of pale pea green or water green which is more noticeable when viewed obliquely by reflected light, with a more distinct green ring around the stem where gills are attached ; spores white, echinulate, g—11 x 8 p ; cystidia fusiform, 70-80 x 8-9 p; stem 2-4 cm. long, 1-3 cm. thick, equal, solid, white, glabrous. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground in mixed woods and by roadsides in woods. Massachusetts and Vermont. July to September. Infrequent. R. delica and R. brevipes, if the latter is a distinct species, are more frequently found than R. ch/o- roides in the same region and same season and are doubtfully distinguishable from R. ch/oroides except by absence of the greenish color of the gills. The writer has not watched specimens of R. ch/oroides throughout their whole existence to make sure that the greenish color is always present. | 41 | PLATE 38 Russula atropurpurea [Krombh.] Mairé, Soc. Myc. Fr. Bull. 26: 167. r910. Russula rubra as understood by Peck. Illustrations: Krombholz, Abbild. p/ 64. £5, 6; Cooke, Illus. 6/ 1025 (996), 1087 (997) as R. rubra. Fructifications large, 5-12 cm. high, with pileus usually 5-10 or rarely up to 14 cm. broad, con- vex, becoming expanded and plane, then depressed, rather firm, viscid, deep blood red (dragon’s blood red) and rather darker at the center, slightly tubercular striate and the cuticle separable at the margin in old specimens only ; flesh reddish under the cuticle, white elsewhere, acrid to taste ; gills forked near the stem and somewhat close there, white at first, then slightly yellowish, interspaces venose ; spores white, echinulate, g—-10 x 7-8 p; cystidia numerous, 40-70 x g-1 1 #3; stem 5-12 cm. long, 1-4.cm. thick, stout, firm, equal or somewhat swollen below, white, sometimes rosy at the middle, solid or somewhat spongy within. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground under pine trees in woods. Massachusetts and westward. July to October. Infrequent. rors rs, rv th wy. ES St ih ea ak - PLATE 39 Russula compacta Frost in Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 32: 32. 1879; N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 116: 42, 71. p/ 109. 1907. Edible Fructifications 5-10 cm. high, with pileus 5-12 cm. broad, fleshy, firm, broadly convex, then depressed to somewhat infundibuliform by elevation of the margin, even, dry, unpolished, ochraceous buff to cinnamon buff, darker at the center ; flesh firm, white, reddening or discoloring slightly upon exposure to the air, of mild taste, drying with a disagreeable odor ; gills close, adnate, forked near the base, with some short ones present, white, discoloring to brownish where handled ; spores white, globose, minutely echinulate, 8—g » in diameter; stem short, 3-6 cm. long, 1%-3% cm. thick, equal, firm, solid, white, becoming brownish where bruised. Gregarious. On the ground in coniferous and mixed woods, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Michigan. July to September. Frequent. R. compacta retains well the rusty ochraceous color of the pileus in drying but the gills become distinctly smoke gray to light grayish olive when dried and the herbarium specimens have a permanent disagreeable odor suggestive of dried salt fish—all good characters for recognition of the species. as. | PLATE 40 Marasmius oreades [ Bolt.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 127. 1821. Illustrations: Bolton, Hist. Fung. p/. 151; Berkeley, Outl. 4/4 14. 4 5; Cooke, Illus. pf. 1118 (1072); Dufour, Atlas p/. 31. £71; Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 31; Patouil- lard, Tab. Anal. £328; Atkinson, Mushrooms ¢exz f. 129; Farlow, Yearb. U.S. Dept. Agr. 1897. p/. 27. f.2; Hard. Mushrooms zexz f. 101, 102; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/ 14. f. 12-21. Edible Fructifications 3-7 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, fleshy, pliant, convex or nearly plane, often umbonate, glabrous, hygrophanous, dull brick red or tawny red when young and moist, be- coming paler—pinkish buff—upon drying or when old, the margin even or somewhat striate when moist ; flesh pale buff, with pleasant taste and odor; gills rounded behind or free, rather distant, in- terspaces venose, whitish or yellowish ; spores white, even, 7-8 x 5 », with an oblique basal apiculus ; stem 3-7 mm. long, 2-3 mm. thick, equal, solid, tough, whitish, clothed with a fine, dense, inter- woven villosity. In groups in fairy rings and not quickly putrescent. On the ground in grass on lawns, pastures and roadsides during a wet season. May to October. Widely distributed and sometimes abundant. This is the Fairy Ring Mushroom, one of the best known and most highly regarded of the edible species. The arrangement of the fructifications in arcs or rings is due to the radial growth of the perennial mycelium outward in the lawn from year to year. Marasmius siccus Schw. See Plate 92, bottom. L 44 | PLATE 41 Lentinus lepideus Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 176. 1821. Illustrations: Cooke, Illus. p/, 1140 (1091), 1141 (1092); Kauffman, Agar. Mich. pé. 6; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 41: 1. cexz /: 1; Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. /. 29, 30. : Edible Fructifications 4-10 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad—rarely larger, compact, firm, convex, then plane or somewhat depressed, whitish to ochraceous buff, more or less covered with appressed scales which become tawny or rufescent ; flesh white, pliant, taste not marked ; gills decurrent by a tooth, irregularly serrate, transversely striate, covered when young with a membranous veil ; spores white, even, 10-12 x 4 mw; stem 2-6 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, usually eccentric, solid, hard, scaly, sometimes with a dark, prolonged, radicated base where issuing from a cavity. Solitary or caespitose. On pine railway ties, timbers and other wood in contact with the ground, and on stumps. Occurs on other conifers also and on oak, etc., more rarely. Widely distributed. May to October. Common. The pilei are edible when young. L. /epideus is a species of great economic importance because of the decay it produces in pine cross ties and other timber in contact with the ground. L. tigrinus, a related species, occurs on coniferous timber also but has pilei under 5 cm. in diameter and spores only 6-8 x 3 p. a PLATE. 43 Panus rudis Fries, Epicr. 398. 1838. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms zexz f. 179; Kauftman, Agar. Mich. p/. 5; Patouil- lard, Tab. Anal. £ 637; Quelet, Champ. Jura 1. p/ 14. 1; Ricken, Blatter- pilze p/. 26. f. 4; Romell, Hym. Aus. Am. 1. p/ 1. /. to. Edible Fructifications 2-5 cm. high, with pileus 2-6 cm. broad, somewhat lateral at first, soon margined behind and excentric, depressed, coriaceous, tawny olive to cinnamon brown, strigose-hirsute ; gills crowded, decurrent, entire, narrow, yellowish or colored like the pileus, the edge minutely setulose under a lens with cystidia and adhering hairs ; such marginal cystidia 40-50 x 12 gp, not found else- where ; spores white, even, 5—6 x 2-3 »; stem short, excentric, sometimes almost lacking, 1%4-2 cm. long, 2-10 mm. thick, solid, strigose-hirsute, concolorous with the pileus. Caespitose. On logs, stumps and fallen branches of Fagus, Sa/ix and other frondose species. Very abundant throughout North America and rare in Europe, Africa and South America. June to De- cember, and in March in the southern states. The edible value of this species is chiefly as a flavoring for gravies. It dries easily to afford a supply for such use. It is very common in herbaria under the name Lentinus Lecomtet and has been dis- tributed under this name in exsiccati. Objection to such reference is that the edges of the lamellae are not serrate as required by the original description, unless the earlier mycologists saw with their magnifying glasses little marginal groups of cystidia and adhering hairs and regarded them as teeth. Lentinus strigosus Schw. is a still earlier, probable name for this species, but the writer failed to find in the Schweinitz Herbarium specimens of either of these types for proof. Fries stated in E/enchus Fungorum that he had seen original specimens of both Lentinus strigosus and L. Lecomtei (Agaricus crinitus Schw.) and it is hoped that these specimens from Schweinitz may yet be found. [ 46 | | ee eae ee ee ay eh Paes yee le nly s ge ma OR tes Le Sy 1 2 cers cet Lt PLATE 43 Panus levis Berkeley & Curtis, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 12: 427. 1853. Fructifications 10 cm. high, with pileus 10-25 cm. broad, eccentric, sometimes lateral, marginate behind, coriaceous, convex, then plane and depressed, villose, white, becoming somewhat Marguerite yellow, the flesh yellowish ; gills decurrent, distant, broad, entire, white, clothed below on the edge with the same coat as the top of the stem; spores white, even, g-10x 4-4% pw; stem 5-8 cm. long, 14-3 cm. thick, generally eccentric, sometimes lateral, not rooting, solid, strigose below, closely villose above like the margin of the pileus and this coating continued a short distance upward be- tween the decurrent gills, concolorous with the pileus. Solitary. On logs and trunks of Sa/ix and other frondose species. Widely distributed as far south as Alabama and westward to Missouri. September and October. Infrequent. [ 47 | PLATE 44 Pluteus umbrosus [ Pers.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 200. 1821. Illustrations: Persoon, Icones et Descr. p/. 2. f 5,63; Boudier, Icones p/, 88; Bresa- dola, Fungi Trid. 6/4 116; Cooke, Illus. 67. 304 (306). f A; Ricken, Blatterpilze pl. 70. fe 4. Fructifications 5-10 cm. high, with pileus s-10-cm. broad, fleshy, convex to expanded, sometimes umbonate, more or less rugose, burnt umber color, floccose scaly on the disk, even and fibrillose on the margin; flesh white, with slightly disagreeable odor and taste; gills free, close, broad, white at first, then flesh color, with the edge fimbriate and blackish brown from colored cystidia which are clavate, 35-50 x 15-22 , with yellowish brown contents ; cystidia of the hymenium fusiform, hya- line, 66 x 22 y, with horns at apex; spores flesh color, even, 7-8 x 5-5% ww; stem 4-10 cm. long, 4-12 mm. thick, equal, solid, firm, pale or brownish, fibrillose or villose-squamulose. Solitary. On decaying pine wood in forests. From Maine westward. August to October. Rare. Pluteus umbrosus has some resemblance in aspect to the common P. cervinus but occurs on conif- erous logs and stumps, has an umber colored pileus and distinctly dark edged lamellae which show well under the microscope the clavate organs with yellowish brown contents to which the colored edge is due. [ 48 ] ah see GS ae SY ees ee Pee ee I | f VEL Vif, PLATE 45 Top Pholiota limonella Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 31: 33. 1879. Fructifications 5~7 cm. high, with pileus 2%4-5 cm. broad, thin, convex or expanded, somewhat umbonate, viscid, rough with scattered erect reddish brown scales, amber yellow, the margin even ; flesh yellowish, thin; gills sinuate, close, becoming ferruginous with the spores ; spores cinnamon, even, 8-10x 5 »; stem 2-6 cm. long, 4—5 mm. thick, equal, squamose with recurved scales, colored like or a little paler than the pileus. Lynn Woods, Massachusetts. October. P. limonella was described by Peck as growing on beech logs and having a solid stem. The speci- mens upon which this illustration was based have the stem slightly hollow and show no fragments of wood at base of stem. The dark brown mass about the base of each of the three specimens of the gathering is composed of small mosses densely crowded together and of such humus as supports a moss cushion in a dry location. Descriptive notes did not accompany these specimens, BoTTOM Pluteus leoninus | Schaeff.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 199. 1821. Illustrations: Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. p/. 48; Berkeley, Outl. p/ 7. £4; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. £ 639; Persoon, Icones et Descr. pf. 7. f. 3, 4. Fructifications 4—7 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, campanulate, then convex or expanded, somewhat umbonate, even, glabrous, moist, amber yellow, striate on the margin; gills free, rather broad, becoming buff pink ; spores buff pink, even, subglobose, 6-8 x 5—6 ; cystidia fusiform, 73 x 8 p, not abundant, without prongs ; stem 4~7 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick, equal or somewhat tapering up- ward, slightly striate, usually solid, white or yellowish. Solitary. On decaying wood in forests. From New England westward. July and August. Infrequent. [ 49 | PLATE 46 Entoloma cuspidatum Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24: 64. p/. 2. f. 14-18. 1872, Illustrations: Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/. 110. Fructifications 5-12 cm. high, with pileus 2-4 cm. broad, conical or campanulate, usually with a papilla at the apex, moist, shining, glabrous, amber yellow, drying walnut brown to burnt umber in the herbarium ; gills broad, somewhat distant, narrowly adnate with a small tooth, colored like the pileus at first, becoming salmon color with the spores, the edge denticulate or crenate ; spores buff pink (flesh color), cubical with edge slightly rounded, about 8 p square ; stem 5-12 cm. long, 2-3, rarely 4, mm. thick, equal, hollow, glabrous, concolorous with the pileus, sometimes com- pressed or twisted. . | _ Gregarious. In swamps and on sphagnum in peat bogs. Northern New England and New York. August. Infrequent. ae Pneaae Bate: rile, eoiiedemane SSS ne ena iene Ne 3 i fi ; | ¢ : { q i ) \ ee ae pat a | PLATE 47 | Top Leptonia placida Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 202. ere Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/ 97. f. 1; Cooke, Illus. p/ 330 (352); Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/ 114. Fructifications 5—8 cm. high, with pileus 3-5 cm. broad, campanulate, then convex, obtuse, benzo- | brown with a purplish tinge, shining between the blackish fibrils which are more abundant on the disk, not striate, the flesh white ; gills whitish, broad behind but abruptly narrowed and adnexed ; | spores angular, 11 x 7—8 mw, with oblique apiculus at the base; no cystidia ; stem 7 cm. long, 4 mm. thick, cartilaginous, hollow, nearly equal, shining, more bluish than the pileus, clothed with fibrils Solitary. On very rotten wood and stumps. St. Hubert’s Inn, Adirondack Mts., New York. Septem- | ber. Rare. This was determined for Dr. Farlow as L. placida by Dr. Robert Fries. The figures differ from | nearly to the apex. the description of European specimens of L. p/acida by the more purple color of pileus and stem, white instead of brownish flesh and more umbonate pileus. When found again, specimens should perhaps be compared with Entoloma jubatum, noting also whether the stem is cartilaginous. BoTTOM Leptonia asprella Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 208, 1821 (in Ecci/ia). Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms sext f. 142; Quelet, Champ. Jura 1. p/ 6./ 4. Fructifications 3-5 cm. high, with pileus 2-4 cm. broad, convex, then expanded and umbilicate, rarely mammillate, somewhat membranaceous, drab, hygrophanous, striatulate when moist, the um- bilicus villose and at length squamulose ; gills adnate, separating free, somewhat distant, flesh color with the spores, edge of the same color ; spores flesh color, angular, 11-12 x 8 »; no cystidia ; stem - 3-5 cm. long, 1-2 mm. thick, equal, cartilaginous, fragile, becoming hollow, green or blue or colored like the pileus, with white mycelium at the base. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground in woods, swamps and sphagnum bogs. Widely distributed but infrequent. July to September. bat PLATE 48 Tor anp Bottom Claudopus nidulans [Pers.] Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 39: 67. 1886. Illustrations: Persoon, Icones et Descr. p/ 6. f. 4; Atkinson, Mushrooms pl 45; Fries, Icones p/. 86. f. 3; Hard, Mushrooms ext f. 208; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. pl 115. Pileus 1-9 cm. broad, sessile, often narrowed behind, sometimes imbricated, at times somewhat orbicular, dimidiate or reniform, tomentose, light orange yellow, drying paler ; flesh whitish or yellow- ish, rather mild ; gills adnate, moderately close, colored like the pileus ; spores faint rose or salmon in the mass, even, 6-7x2%-3%4 p. Gregarious or imbricate. On decaying logs of beech, poplar and other frondose species and also on pine. In New England and elsewhere, widely distributed. July to December. Infrequent. MIDDLE Pleurotus serotinus [Schrad.| Fries. Description with Plate 23. 2 Ni PLATE 49 Pholiota caperata | Pers.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 241. 1821. Illustrations: Dufour, Atlas p/. 35. J. 80; Hard, Mushrooms /. 31; Harper, Wis. Acad. Sc. Trans. 17." 6/, 24; Krombholz, Abbild. pl. 73. f. 10-12; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 54. p/. 73. f. 1-5. Edible Fructification 6-12 cm. high, with pileus 5—ro cm. broad, campanulate or expanded, obtuse, glabrous, dry, chamois color to buff yellow, sometimes with whitish flocci at the center, generally more or less radially wrinkled ; flesh white, with pleasant taste and odor ; gills moderately close, adnate, then emarginate, whitish becoming somewhat ochraceous or clay color, often uneven on the edge ; spores ferruginous (cinnamon brown), rough, inequilateral, 12-14 x 8-g yw; stem 5-12 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, cylindric, firm, solid, glabrous, white, with a persistent, reflexed annulus rather distant from the pileus towards the middle of stem. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground in mixed or coniferous woods. New England and westward. August to October. Frequent. Pholiota angustipes Peck. See Plate 69, bottom, with description. Pholiota limonella Peck. See Plate 45, top, with description. | 53 PLATE 50 Pholiota erebia Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 246. 1821. Illustrations: Cooke, Illus. 6/358 (377); Harper, Wis. Acad. Sc. 17. p/. 30; Patouil- lard, Tab. Anal. f 644; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/. 56. f 1. Fructifications 4~8 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, convex, viscid, hygrophanous, fuscous black at first, cinnamon brown when mature and dry, rather uneven with irregular depressions, the margin irregularly grooved ; flesh pale brownish, with strong and disagreeable taste, odorless ; gills somewhat distant, adnate, often with a small decurrent tooth, dirty brownish white at first, becom- ing cinnamon ; spores pale ferruginous, even, 14-15 x 7-7% ; stem 4-8 cm. long, 6-12 mm. thick, equal or slightly tapering upward, becoming hollow, often cohering at the base, brownish, fibrillose, striate, with a superior, persistent, membranaceous annulus which becomes reflexed. Solitary and caespitose. In grass and lawns on sandy ground, Cambridge, Massachusetts. September and October. Local and infrequent. : ert eeiiaiteieaicini in Wena PUA LE 51 Pholiota spectabilis Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 28. 1828. Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/, 102; Cooke, Illus. p4 352 (394); Harper, Wis. Acad. Sc. Trans. 17.' p/, 44; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/, 61. | Fructification 6-10 cm. high, with pileus 4-12 cm. broad, fleshy, compact, convex, expanded, deep chrome, the surface finally broken into minute, appressed, fibrillose scales ; flesh pale yellow (Marguerite yellow), with bitter taste ; gills adnate, with a small decurrent tooth, crowded, yellow becoming ferruginous ; spores yellow ocher under the microscope, rough, 8-9 x 5-6 w; stem 5-10 cm. long, 6-20 mm. thick, slightly thickened downward and more or less ventricose, normally solid, peronate ; annulus near apex of stem, membranaceous, persistent, yellow. Solitary or caespitose. On stumps and decaying wood. Waltham, Massachusetts, and westward. September and October. Widely distributed but rare. Distinguishing characters are the rough spores and bitter taste. E Sh] PLA PE 3. Top Inocybe asterospora Quelet, Soc. Bot. Fr. Bull. 1879: 50. 1879. Illustrations: Cooke, Illus. p/ 385 (430); Patouillard, Tab. Anal. f 546; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/. 29. f. 1. Fructification 4-8 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, convex, then expanded and umbonate, cinnamon rufous, fibrillose, becoming rimose, the flesh white ; gills close, narrowly adnate, emargi- nate, ventricose, dull cinnamon ; cystidia abundant on sides and edges of lamellae, 40-50 x 13 ys, ven- tricose, apex crystallate ; spores ochraceous brown, nearly spherical, stellately nodulose, 8-10 x 7-8 p; stem 4-8 cm. long, 3-7 mm. thick, reddish, equal, usually somewhat bulbous, solid, streaked with brown fibrils. Gregarious. On sandy ground in woods. New England and westward. July to September. Rare. MIDDLE Row at LEFT Inocybe nodulospora Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 32: 28. 1879. Inocybe leptophylla Atkinson, Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 212. 1918.—Not Inocybe lanugi- nosa | Bull.| Karst. Fructification 2-4 cm. high, with pileus 1-3 cm. broad, thin, convex, expanded, obtuse, tawny to hazel, dry, floccosely squamose, with the scales of the disk more erect ; gills close, broad, ventricose, rounded at the stem, becoming ferruginous-cinnamon, the edge white-crenulate ; cystidia (sterile cells) on edge of lamellae 40-55 x 15 w, not present elsewhere ; spores ferruginous brown, somewhat rec- tangular, nodulose with scattered tubercules, gQ—11 x 7-8 ; stem 2-4 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick, equal, solid, floccose-fibrillose to tomentose-squamulose, colored like the pileus. On the ground under spruce trees and on wood humus—especially about sphagnum marshes. New England and westward. July and August. Infrequent. The squamulose pileus, white-crenulate edge of gills, absence of cystida except on edge of gills, and small, nodulose spores not exceeding the dimensions given, are distinguishing characters of I. no- dulospora. 3 MIDDLE Row at RIGHT Inocybe amarescens Farlow & Burt, n. sp. Type: in Burt Herbarium. Fructifications 2-3 cm. high, with pileus 134-3 cm. broad, convex, sometimes somewhat de- pressed, umbonate, rimosely floccose-scaly with the scales adpressed, Saccardo’s umber with the disk somewhat the more intensely colored ; flesh thin, pale straw colored, after a time becoming very bitter to the taste; gills crowded, somewhat adnate, rather broad, yellowish at first, finally Saccardo’s umber, the edge whitish and slightly denticulate ; cystidia abundant on sides of gills, lanceolate, obtuse, 28-40 x 12-14 p, not different on edge of gills ; spores tawny olive, even, 7-9 x 414-5 p; stem 2-3 cm. long, about 2 mm. thick, equal, solid, minutely velvety under a lens, paler than the pileus, drying to fuscous in the herbarium. Gregarious. On bare ground in a hickory grove, Middlebury, Vermont. July. Probably rare. I. amarescens is related to I. dulcamara and I. carpta by its bitter taste but is distinct from the former by its smaller and abundant cystidia, which are not confined to the edge of the gills, and by the solid, velvety stem and from I. carpta by the smaller cystidia and even spores. Inocybe calamistrata Fries. See Plate 54, top. BoTTOM Inocybe radiata Peck, Torr. Bot. Club Bull. 22: 488. 1895. Fructification 3~7 cm. high, with pileus 2-5 cm. broad, campanulate, becoming expanded, umbonate, fibrillose with brown fibrils, becoming rimose ; flesh white, thickish on the disk ; gills adnate or sinuate with a small tooth, broad, ventricose, becoming ochraceous cinnamon, the edge whitish ; cystidia scattered on sides and edges of gills, 40-60 x 15 2, ventricose, with apex somewhat crystallate ; spores angular or with some nodules, 10-12 x7-8 »; stem 3-7 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick, equal, solid or stuffed, fibrillose, colored somewhat like the pileus but paler. Gregarious. On poor soils by roadsides under trees. Massachusetts and New Hampshire and west- ward. June to October. The stem is solid, as published in the original description, in specimens referred to this species by the writer, collected on Middlebury College Campus, Vermont. par PLATIC 53 Naucoria Christinae Fries, Epicr. 192. 1836-1838. Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/. 121. f. 2. Fructification 2-6 cm. high, with pileus 2-4 cm. broad, conical, acute, becoming expanded, sharply umbonate, viscid, glabrous, light ochraceous salmon to salmon color when moist, liver brown with a tinge of brick red in drying, the flesh slightly reddish ; gills free or adnexed, or varying adnate, crowded, ventricose, becoming clay color to tawny olive ; spores cinnamon in the mass, slightly rough, g-11x4-4% p in American specimens, 4-8 x 3-414 mp in Swedish ; stem 6-15 cm. long, 3-6 mm. thick, with the long rooting portion up to 10 cm. long or about two thirds the whole length of the stem, hollow, colored like the pileus above, with the radicated portion darker red and blackening, cartilaginous, fragile when fresh, drying tough. Gregarious. On sandy hillsides under oak trees. Lynn, Melrose and Worcester, Massachusetts. Octo- ber. Abundant locally. This species has the aspect of Hygrophorus conicus and the specimens blacken more or less also in drying. The very long rooting portion of the stem is noteworthy. [ 58 ] ea Se ee PLATE .54 Top Inocybe calamistrata Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 256. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/. 106. 7. 2; Cooke, Illus. p/. 369 (407); Gillet, Champ. Fr. Hym. pf. 343 (358). Fructification 4-10 cm. high, with pileus 2-6 cm. broad, fleshy, thin, campanulate or convex, obtuse, covered with squarrose scales, cinnamon brown to sudan brown; flesh whitish, reddish where wounded ; gills adnexed, crowded, broad, whitish, soon cinnamon-ferruginous, the edge whitish ; no cystidia on sides of gills ; spores ferruginous brown, even, ellipsoidal, 10-12 x 5—6 w; stem 4-10 cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, firm, equal, solid, clothed with recurved fibrillose scales, colored like the pileus, often somewhat dark blue at the base. On the ground in the shade in damp places. East Providence, Rhode Island, and westward. July to September. Infrequent. BoTToM Cortinarius (Inoloma) squamulosus Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rept. 23: 108. p/. 3. J. 1-3. 1873. Fructification large, 10-15 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, thick, fleshy, convex, some- what broadly umbonate, densely fibrillose scaly, chestnut to chocolate brown ; flesh pale avellaneous with a slight pinkish or violet tinge, with no especial taste ; gills adnate then deeply emarginate, broad, not crowded, pale pinkish brown at first, then colored like the pileus ; spores russet to auburn in the mass, rough, 7-9 x 6-7 »; no cystidia ; stem 6-15 cm. long, 12-20 mm. in diameter near pileus, swollen at the base into a large ventricose or somewhat fusiform bulb 3-6 cm. thick, solid, shreddy, somewhat squamulose, colored like the pileus, annulate above by a definite band-like collar ; cortina pallid to brownish, closely woven. Gregarious. On the ground in mixed frondose woods. Vermont and westward. August and Sep- tember. Infrequent. E59] FUALER. && Cortinarius (Inoloma ) pholideus Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 219. 1821. Illustrations: Albertini & Schweinitz, Consp. Fung. p/. 12. Jf: 1, as Agaricus Lepi- domyces ; Cooke, Illus. p/. 761 (760); Phillips, Grevillea 7. £2 117. f- 1; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ 46. f. 4; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24. pl. i. f. 1-3, as Cor- tinarius asper. Fructification 4-8 cm. high, with puleus usually about 3-5 cm. broad, fleshy, firm, somewhat ochraceous tawny, finally more cinnamon, hemispherical-campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, rough with erect, brown, hairy scales ; flesh dirty white usually, slightly violaceous at first ; gills some- what emarginate, crowded, violaceous, then pale cinnamon, the edge entire ; spores tawny in the mass, rough, 7-8 x 5-6 uw; no cystidia ; stem 4-7% cm. long, 6-10 mm. thick, nearly equal, solid, slightly narrowed upward, fibrillose scaly and colored like the pileus below but violaceous and even above the cortinate arachnoid ring ; cortina sparse, fibrillose. Gregarious or caespitose. On very rotten logs and on ground in moist coniferous or, more rarely, mixed woods. Northern New England and westward. September and October. Not uncommon. In confirming for the writer a Vermont collection of this species, Peck wrote, “My C. asper, in my opinion, is not sufficiently distinct from Cortinarius pholideus.” | $05 ee ns (er ESOS eee See se eal frie eo ee OS ce a en ’ Pa Se ee | E PLATE 56 Cortinarius (Telamonia) armillatus [Alb. & Schw.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 214. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/. 158. J. 1; Cooke, Illus. £/ 802 (800); Hard, Mush- rooms zext /. 243; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/. 85, 86; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/. 48. SJ: 5- Edible Fructification 6-12 cm. high, with pileus 4-15 cm. broad, campanulate, then expanded, fleshy, not viscid, tawny to hazel, innately scaly or fibrillose ; flesh dingy pallid or slightly brownish, with mild taste ; gills adnate, sometimes with a decurrent tooth, broad, distant, pale cinnamon at first, becoming Brussels brown ; spores cinnamon, rough, 10-12 x 5—6 4; stem 6-12 cm. long, 10-15 mm. thick above, bulbous below and 2-4 cm. thick there, solid, marked above the bulb with prominent, floccose, cinnabar red or English red zones or bands formed from the red universal veil ;cortina whitish at first, fibrillose. Solitary or gregarious. On leaf humus in mountain forests. Vermont and westward. August and September. Frequent. The bright red bands about the stem are a conspicuous and distinctive character. [ or is ty eB Oey, Cortinarius (Myxacium) mucifluus Fries, Epicr. 274. 1836-1838. Illustrations: Fries, Icones p/. 148. / 1; Cooke, Illus. p/. 740 (735); Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/. 63; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/. 13. f 1-6 (as C\ col- linitus); Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ 34. f. 1 (as C. collinitus), Edible Fructification 6-15 cm. high, with pileus 4-8 cm. broad, campanulate-convex, then expanded and margin incurved, obtuse, glutinous when moist, shining when dry, varying from chamois to ochraceous tawny and tawny ; flesh yellowish, with no noteworthy taste ; gills grayish white at first, then deep olive buff to clay color, adnate to somewhat emarginate, rather broad, close ; spores cin- namon, minutely tuberculate, 10-1214 x 6-7 yw ; no cystidia ; stem 6-15 cm. long, 6-20 mm. thick, cylindric, solid, viscid or glutinous when moist, with the glutinous covering (universal veil) cracking transversely in drying and forming thick, scaly bands of the dried gluten, usually paler than the pileus. Gregarious. Under coniferous trees in mixed woods. Vermont and westward. August and Septem- ber. Frequent. The writer has followed Kauffman in regarding this species as C. mucifiuus rather than C. co/- linitus Fr. [ 62 ] Ps RS 2... cee ea ae — | PLATE 58 Tor Row at Ricut Cortinarius (Inoloma) violaceus [ Linn.] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 217. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 58; Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 250 (649); Hard, Mushrooms sexz f. 238; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. f 127; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/ 12; Richon & Roze, Atlas p/. 34. f. 19-21; Ricken, Bliatter- pilze pf. 44. f. 4. Edible Fructification 6-12 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, convex, obtuse, becoming nearly plane, dry, dark violet (dark vinaceous gray), floccose scaly ; flesh more or less tinged with violet, of mild taste; gills adnate, notched near the stem and sometimes with a small decurrent tooth, thick, broad, somewhat distant, dark violet, becoming ashy cinnamon with the spores ; spores cinnamon brown, minutely verrucose, 1 1-16 x 7-10 .; in preparations petassium hydrate becomes vinaceous with a pig- ment dissolved from the lamella ; stem 6-12 cm. long, 7-12 mm. thick near the pileus, 1%4-2% cm. thick through the clavate, bulbous base, solid, colored like the pileus, fibrillose ; universal veil lacking or obsolete. Solitary or scattered. On leaf humus in mountain forests. Vermont and westward. August and September. Frequent in Vermont. Tor Row at LEFr Clavaria cinerea Bulliard, Champ. Fr. / 354 (204). 1787. Illustrations: Bulliard, /oc. cit.; Burt, Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. 9. pe. 8. f. 60 (after Bul- liard); Dufour, Atlas £/ 68. £ 149; Greville, Scot. Crypt. Fl. p/. 64; Patouil- lard. Tab. Anal. f. 154. ° Edible Fructification 3-5 cm. high, branched, very variable in habit, grayish or with a faint tinge of purple, rather brittle; branching irregular, repeated, uneven, axils usually acute; branches thick or slender, cylindric or compressed, short, stuffed, erect, wrinkled, apices often toothed ; flesh white, no odor, taste mild ; stem more or less distinct, thick, short ; basidia with 2 sterigmata ; spores copious, hyaline, even, 7-10 x 6-8 p. Solitary or gregarious. On ground in woods. South Hingham, Massachusetts. August. Rare. L 93 J BoTTtoM Lycoperdon cyathiforme Bosc, Mag. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 5: 87. pl. 6. f. 2%; SOLE. Bovista lilacina Berk. & Mont., Hooker’s London Jour. Bot. 4: 66. 1845, Illustrations: Bosc, oc. cit.; Atkinson, Mushrooms p4 81; Farlow, U.S. Agr. Yearb. 1897. p/. 30; Hollos, Gastero. Hung. p/ 13; Lloyd, Myc. Notes 1. pL. 35; Mur- rill, Mycologia 1. p/. 15. f. 1; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/ 2. Edible Fructification 7-15 cm. in diameter, globose or depressed, glabrous or minutely floccose or scaly, whitish to pinkish buff, soon becoming marked and cracking into tessellated or polygonal areas in the upper part, contracted below, commonly with a short stem-like base ; interior of fructification white and fleshy when young and edible, maturing the capillitium and spores and becoming purple drab to vinaceous drab, falling away or blowing away together with upper part of the fructification and leaving a vinaceous, cup-shaped base such as shown in lowest figure on the right ; spores vina- ceous drab, spherical, echinulate, 7 » in diameter. Solitary. On the ground in pastures and cultivated fields. Widely distributed. August and September. Frequent. Select for food, specimens of this puff ball which are so immature that the interior is still white. [ 64 | PLATE <9 Paxillus atrotomentosus | Batsch] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 272. 1821. Illustrations: Batsch, Elenchus p/ 8 f. 32; Cooke, Illus. p/. 876 (869); Dufour, Atlas p/ 42. f. 100; Hard, Mushrooms zexz f. 233; Quélet, Champ. Jura 1. p/. 10. f. 1; Richon & Roze, Atlas p/. 45. f 13-16; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/. 28. Te hs Edible Fructification up to 10 cm. high, with pileus 5-15 cm. broad, firm, fleshy, excentric, convex, then plane or somewhat infundibuliform sometimes more or less lateral and ascending, dry, some- times slightly tomentose, cinnamon or ochraceous tawny, the margin thin, involute ; flesh whitish ; gills easily separable from the pileus, somewhat decurrent, yellow, close, branching at the base ; spores clay color to buckthorn brown in the mass, even, 5-6 x 314-4 ; no cystidia; stem 3-10 cm. long, 1-3 cm. thick, solid, tough, straight or curved, often excentric or lateral, rooting, covered with dense, soft, cinnamon brown or blackish brown tomentum. Solitary or caespitose. On pine stumps and decaying pine wood. August and September. From New England westward. Rather frequent in mountain forests. This species is distinguished by the ready peeling away of the gills from the pileus, by ochraceous spores and by dense, tomentose covering of the stem. ESS PLATE 60 Agaricus arvensis Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. p/ 310 (172), 311 (173). 1774. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 4; Berkeley, Outl. 64. 10. f. 4; Cooke, Illus. p+. 523 (540); Dufour, Atlas p/. 42 f. 101; Farlow, U.S. Agr. Yearb. 1897. p/. 243; Hard, Mushrooms ¢ext f. 252, 253; Kauffman, Agar. Mich. p/ 46; Peck N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/ 8. Edible > Fructification 6-13 cm. high, with pileus 5—1 5 cm. broad, somewhat hemispherical at first, then convex and expanded, obtuse, firm, even, glabrous or with appressed, floccose scales, dry, white or yellowish ; flesh thick, white, at length somewhat yellowish ; taste mild; gills free, crowded, broad, whitish at first, soon dull pink, finally army brown or Rood’s brown, the edge entire ; spores purplish brown to seal brown or fuscous in the mass, even, 7-8 x 4-5 “; stem 5-12 cm. long, 1%-2% cm. thick, somewhat thickened or bulbous at the base, white, becoming slightly yellow, stuffed, finally hollow ; annulus thick, superior, double—that is, a double membrane as of two layers more or less grown together, the upper layer white, the lower layer more or less stellately split and often yellowish. Solitary, gregarious, sometimes two in a cluster. On the ground in cultivated fields, lawns, pas- tures and borders of groves. Widely distributed. July to October. Frequent. The so-called double ring is distinctive of this species, which is commonly called the field mush- room or horse mushroom. In the upper figures of the plate the two layers of the ring are grown together rather closely although the figure on the left shows the lower layer split stellately and the upper layer showing still unbroken through fissures of the lower. These upper figures were made from specimens collected on a lawn in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The lower figures show the double annu- lus very distinctly ; these figures were from specimens grown at Columbia, Missouri, by Dr. B. M. Duggar in his work on the production of mushroom spawn by tissue cultures. The large, common mushrooms of the market are very likely to be 4. arvensis. E65.) » oa | oh PRR a ee SONY ig hae ate a ee ee ae eee PLATE 61 Agaricus abruptibulbus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 94: 36. 1904. Agaricus abruptus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3:* 163. pf. 59. f. 8-14. 1900. — A. arvensis var.abruptus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48: 141. 1896. Com- pare upper figures with Praze//a flavescens Gillet, Champ. Fr. Hym. 564. p/. 384 (574) and lower figures with Agaricus flavescens of Richon & Roze, Atlas p/. 17. f. 17-21. Illustrations: Peck, /oc. cit.; Atkinson, Mushrooms ¢ex¢ fi 19-20; Hard, Mush- rooms zext f. 254; Kaufman, Agar. Mich. p/ 47. Edible Fructification 8-12 cm. high, with pileus 8-12 cm. broad, convex, then expanded and becoming plane, rather thin, fragile, dry, glabrous or innately floccose or sometimes obscurely appressed scaly, white or creamy white, usually tinged with yellow in drying—especially at the center ; flesh white, usually turning yellowish where cut or bruised ; gills free, remote, crowded, narrow, soon pinkish, becoming deep brownish drab or fuscous ; spores purple brown, even, 7-8 x 4-5 ; stem 7-12 cm. long, 8-13 mm. thick, hollow, equal or slightly tapering upward, bulbous at the base, the bulb small, usually abruptly bulbous and flattened or becoming so in drying; annulus large, pendant, usually double, even above, cracking on the under side and sometimes separating into flakes or radiating yellowish patches. Scattered or somewhat caespitose. In mixed woods and more frequently near pine trees. New Eng- land to Missouri. July to October. Frequent. The name Agaricus flavescens has priority over 4. abruptibulbus if it refers to the same species. This the writer regards as very doubtful, for none of the European figures of 4. flavescens have base of the stem abruptly bulbous, and furthermore the type figures of Gillet do not have a double ring, and in the description the flesh is stated as white and the stem stuffed. The upper figures of the present plate are based on specimens collected at Lake Dunmore, Vermont, which in drying brought out well the distinctive abruptly bulbous base of the stem. Cr PLATE 63 Agaricus brunnescens Peck, Torrey Bot. Club. Bull. 27: 16. 1g00. Edible Fructification 4-10 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, thick, firm, hemispherical, becoming convex or nearly plane, fibrillose, sometimes slightly squamose, somewhat silvery white when very young, becoming avellaneous to somewhat russet and bay brown, the margin extending beyond the gills and appendiculate by a narrow membranaceous fragment of the veil ; flesh whitish or grayish, un- changing, with agreeable taste ; gills close, rounded behind, free but reaching the stem, at first whit- ish ; then reddish pink, finally Rood’s brown to Van Dyke brown ; spores subglobose, 6-8 x 5-6 y ; stem 2%4-9 cm. long, 1-214 cm. thick, at first solid or stuffed, becoming hollow, silky, concolorous with the pileus ; annulus single, ample, thick, persistent, often striated on the upper surface by impres- sions of the edges of the gills. . Solitary. On dump ground, on manure and street scrapings and in a blacksmith shop. East Cam- bridge and Charlestown, Massachusetts. June to October. Local and probably rare. This species is likely to be confused with the more common 4. Rodmani but differs from the latter by browner color, longer and hollow stem, single ring and more globose spores. The drawing was made eight years before the publication of the description of 4. brunnescens. Lae mi i iii AR: Cae i ee EE re Tame aR WE em etn eats ale en el a Ue = Be a Te PLATE 63 Agaricus campestris Linnzus, Fl. Suec. no. 1205. 1755. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 5; Atkinson, Mushrooms zext f- 1-8; Cooke, Illus. p/. 526 (544); Dufour, Atlas p/ 43 7. 103; Farlow. U. S. Agr. Yearb. 1897. p/. 21; Hard, Mushrooms ¢ext f. 248, 249; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/. 6; Ricken, Blatterpilze p/ 61. f. 6; and many others. Edible Fructification 3-7 cm. high, with pileus 4-7 cm. broad—occasionally larger when cultivated, convex, then expanded and nearly plane, firm, even, dirty white or yellow white, occasionally glabrous but usually covered with flat, brownish, floccose scales, the margin extending beyond the gills and the edge often fringed when young with portions of the veil ; flesh thick, white, not changing color when bruised, of pleasant taste and odor; gills free, not remote, crowded, ventricose, at first a deli- cate pink, finally burnt umber to blackish brown, the edge entire ; spores blackish brown in the mass, even, 8x4-4% yw; stem 2%-7 cm. long, 8-1o mm. thick or up to 15 mm. thick when culti- vated, nearly equal, almost solid or stuffed, firm, white or whitish, glabrous ; annulus single, white, membranaceous, midway up the stem or above, the edge torn, sometimes very narrow as in Plate 63, often more ample. Scattered or caespitose. On the ground in lawns, pastures, manured grounds and mushroom beds. July to October, rest of the year in mushroom cellars. Widely distributed but uncommon except locally. Plate 63 illustrates the wild or common mushroom of pastures ; there is also a whiter form. Plate 64 shows the common form under cultivation through spawn in mushroom beds; there is under cultivation a browner, more scaly form also. The common mushroom is characterized by the dark brown or seal brown color of the gills when mature and by the absence of a volva at or near the base of the stem. Lepsota naucina, illustrated in Plate 11, has white spores and gills which are white at first and become merely pink or brownish. This Lepiota is a very valuable edible species which is so abundant that one who knows the com- mon mushroom can hardly fail to find and recognize the Lepiota. In gathering mushrooms in the young or button stage, great care must be taken to be sure that no specimen has a volva, in order to avoid the deadly Amanita verna shown in Plate 3. [ 69 | PLATE 64 _ Agaricus campestris Linnzus, cultivated form. For description see page 69. [ 9° ] Nm RE PLATE 84 Boletus eximius Peck, Jour. Myc. 3: 54. 1887. Boletus robustus Frost, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sc. Bull. 2: 104. 1874, but not of Fries. Illustrations: Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 54. / 80. f 6-12; Hard, Mushrooms text f. 292. Edible Fructification large, 7-12 cm. high, with pileus 6-20 cm. broad, at first hemispherical, becoming convex, dry, glabrous or somewhat pruinose, dark vinaceous drab to vinaceous brown with a tinge of lilac, retaining color well in drying ; flesh thick, grayish or reddish white, varied with chocolate colored dots, no especial taste ; tubes adnate, nearly plane, stuffed, colored like the pileus, cylindric, about 3 to a mm.; spores cinnamon brown in the mass, even, 13-17 4-5 p; stem 5-10 cm. high, 114%4-2% cm. thick, nearly equal, sometimes slightly tapering upward, minutely furfuraceous, colored like the pileus, solid. Solitary. On the ground in thin frondose woods. Throughout New England and westward. July to September. Infrequent. B. eximius may be recognized by its large size, uniform vinaceous drab color of pileus, stem, tubes and flesh with usually a little more lilac tinge than shown in the plate, by tubes stuffed when young, and by rather large spores. The color is retained so well in drying that the dried specimens are readily recognizable by color. [ 91 | PLATE 85 Boletus luridus Schaeffer var. erythropus | Pers. | Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 391. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 12; Richon & Roze, Atlas p/. 60. / 14-60. Poisonous Fructification large, 7-15 cm. high, with pileus 5-12 cm. broad, convex, minutely pubescent, brown, between pecan brown and burnt umber ; flesh yellow, changing to blue where wounded, no especial taste nor odor ; tubes free, yellow, becoming greenish, about 2 to a mm. in dried specimen, the mouths closed at first and Indian red; spores wood brown to buffy brown in the mass, even, 15-18 x 5~7 yw; stem 5-12 cm. long, 1-2% cm. thick, nearly equal or slightly tapering upward, yel- low tomentose at base, granulated and streaked with blood red above and dotted with red squamules, solid, within yellow changing to blue in upper part of stem, blood red below and at the base. Solitary. On the ground in thin woods and groves, more frequent near conifers. New Brunswick and New England and westward. July to September. Widely distributed but infrequent. This variety is characterized by free, yellow tubes with red mouths, yellow flesh changing to blue where wounded, and by red stem not reticulated but clothed with minute red squamules. Typical B. luridus has the stem reticulate with blood red veins. [ 92 | es ee eS ae = a ale PLATE 86 Boletus Frostii Russell in Frost, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sc. Bull. 2: 102. 1874. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms ¢ext f. 308; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 116. p/. 108. Edible Fructification 6-12 cm. high, with pileus 6-10 cm. broad, convex, firm when young, becoming softer with age, glabrous, viscid, ox-blood red; flesh nearly white, tinged with yellow next the tubes, scarcely turning blue where wounded, slightly acrid ; tubes nearly free, greenish yellow with mouths blood red or cinnabar, tubes becoming yellowish brown in age, changing to blue where wounded ; spores snuff brown in the mass, even, 15-16 x 4-5 m; stem 5-10 cm. long, 1-2% cm. thick, equal or swollen at the base and attenuated upward, solid, strongly reticulate, colored like the pileus, yel- low within, often mottled with red towards the base. Solitary. On light sandy or gravelly soils in groves of both deciduous and evergreen trees. Through- out New England and westward. July and August. Infrequent. This beautiful Boletus may be recognized by its viscidity, dark blood-red color of pileus, tube mouths and reticulate stem, the large spores, and nearly white flesh scarcely changing to blue where wounded. The red color is usually lost in drying. [ 93 ] PLATE 87 Boletus chromapes Frost, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sc. Bull. 2: 105. 1874. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms #/. 59; White, Conn. Nat. Hist. Bull. 3. 2.31. Fructification 6-11 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, convex, soon plane, slightly and some- times fasciculately tomentose, between rose pink and rhodonite pink ; flesh white, not changing, with no especial taste ; tubes somewhat adnate, depressed around the stem, convex, white at first, becoming brown, about 2 to a mm. in dried specimen ; spores chamois color in the mass, even, 11-13 x 4-5 p; stem 5-10 cm. long, 8-15 mm. thick, equal or slightly attenuated upward and sometimes at the base, solid, scabrous punctate, chrome yellow (aniline yellow) at the base without and within, some- times paler or whitish towards the apex, rarely reddish at the apex. Solitary. On the ground in frondose woods. From New Hampshire to North Carolina. July to September. Frequent. The yellow base of stem, the pink pileus, and the tubes white at first, are characters which render B. chromapes easy to recognize. [ 94 ] Oe eae ? Jotm oy ce veg «dl AT Sp 2 rane rad PLATE 88 Boletus cyanescens Bulliard Champ. Fr. p/. 369 (329). 1787. Illustrations: Bulliard, /oc. cit.; Fries, Sverig. Svamp. #/ 80; Hard, Mushrooms ext /f- 288; Krombholz, Abbild. p/ 35. / 7-9; Richon & Roze, Atlas p/. 59. f. 10-145 Rostkovius in Sturm, Deutsch. Fl. 3.° p/ 44 (79). Fructification 5-10 cm. high, with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, convex, or nearly plane, covered with an appressed tomentum or with brownish flocculent scales, deep olive buff to clay color or somewhat brown, drying Isabella color in the herbarium ; flesh white or dirty white, quickly changing to blue where wounded, with no especial taste ; tubes free, depressed around the stem, convex, white, be- coming yellowish, changing to blue where wounded, 2-3 to a mm. in the dried specimen ; spores pale, even, variable in size, 9-11 x 5—7 w; stem 5-9 cm. long, 1%4-3% cm. thick, ventricose, vil- lose-pruinose, stuffed, becoming cavernous and with diaphragms inside, contracted and even at the top, colored like the pileus. Solitary. On rocky soil in frondose woods. Widely distributed from New Brunswick south and west. August and September. Frequent. Mcllvane reports this species as edible and excellent, but Richon & Roze, assuspected or poisonous. B. cyanescens of Europe is described with spores 8-9 x 4-5 p and as yielding an azure blue juice when compressed. [ 95 ] PLATE 89 Boletus castaneus Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 328 (324). 1786. Illustrations: Bulliard, /oc. cit.; Hard, Mushrooms ¢ext f. 310, 311; Krombholz, Abbild. p4 4. 4 28-30; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. £356; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. £/. 36. 4 1-7; Richon & Roze, Atlas p/ 56. f. 11-13. Edible Fructification usually small, 4-8 cm. high, with pileus 4-10 cm. broad, convex, becoming nearly plane or depressed, firm, even, dry, minutely velvety-tomentose, cinnamon or vinaceous tawny ; flesh white, not changing, pleasant to taste ; tubes free, short, white, becoming pale greenish yellow, small, about 3 to a mm. in dried specimen ; spores olive buff in the mass, even, 8—g x 5—6 ; stem 3-7 cm. long, 6-15 mm. thick, equal or tapering upward slightly, stuffed, then hollow, clothed and colored like the pileus. Solitary. On ground in thin woods and groves. From New England westward. Widely distributed. July to October. Rather common. B. castaneus may be recognized by its small fructifications with pileus and stem of chestnut or cinnamon color and minutely velvety-tomentose, by hollow stem and white, unchangeable flesh of pleasant, nutty taste. [ 96 | fh wile al PLATE go Boletinus pictus Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rept. 23: 128. 1873. Illustrations: Peck, N. Y.State Mus. Mem. 3.* p/. 61. f. 1-5; Atkinson, Mushrooms text f. 175; Hard, Mushrooms zexz f. 313. Edible Fructification 5-10 cm. high with pileus 5-10 cm. broad, campanulate, then convex or nearly plane, dry, at first covered with a dense red to ox-blood red tomentum which covers the whole fructi- fication as a veil but soon divides on the pileus into floccose scales revealing the yellow color of the pileus beneath and between the scales ; flesh firm, thick, yellow, sometimes slowly changing to red- dish where wounded ; tubes not readily separable from the flesh above, decurrent, angular, arranged radially as though formed of broader radiating gills connected by numerous narrower, anastomosing partitions, at first pale yellow, becoming browner when old ; spores clay color to tawny olive in the mass, even, 914-11 x4 p43 stem central, 3-8 cm. long, 6-12 mm. thick, equal or nearly so, colored and clothed like the pileus below the ring, which soon collapses, yellowish above the ring, solid. Solitary or gregarious. On the ground in pine woods and borders of sphagnum swamps. From New England to North Carolina and westward. July to September. Common. B. pictus may be recognized by the veil of red tomentum which covers the whole fructification in the young stage, soon separates into scales and is torn across between pileus and stem so that some portions are appendiculate to the margin of the pileus while another portion forms a somewhat evanes- cent ring near the apex of the stem. The tubes do not peel away clean from the pileus, as in Boletus, and they have a radial arrangement with the radial walls the thicker, best shown near the stem. E92 PLATE 91 Boletinus porosus (Berk.) Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 8: 79. 1889. Paxillus porosus Berkeley, Hooker’s London Jour. Bot. 6: 314. 1847. Illustrations: White, Conn. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 3. p/. 28. Fructification lateral-stemmed, with pileus 5-12 cm. broad, 1-2 cm. thick, viscid when moist, shining, bister or chestnut brown, the margin thin and even; flesh yellowish ; tubes not readily sepa- rable from the flesh above, decurrent, resembling numerous broad radiating gills, branching and con- nected by numerous irregular veins of less prominence and forming large angular pores more or less decompound, about 1 to a mm. for the ultimate divisions in the dried specimen, yellow ; spores ochra- ceous, even, 8—g x 6-7 p; stem lateral, 2-3 cm. long, 8-12 mm. thick, reticulated above by the de- current walls of the tubes, colored like the pileus, solid. Solitary. On the ground in moist woods and groves, From New England to Louisiana and westward. July to September. Infrequent. The variety opacus Peck differs from the typical form as originally described from a gathering at Waynesville, Ohio, in not being viscid nor shining but having pileus dry and glabrous or some- what tomentose. L 98 | PLATE 92 Top Boletinus cavipes (Klotzsch) Kalchbrenner, Bot. Zeitung 25: 181-182. 1867; Magyar Tudomanyos Akad. Math. Termesz. K6zl. 5: 287. p/. 3, f. 1. 1868 [A szepesi Gombak Jegyzeke 2] Boletus cavipes Klotzsch in Fries, Boleti fung. gen. illus. 7. 1835. Illustrations: Kalchbrenner, Icones Hung. p/. 31; Gillet, Champ. Fr. Hym. p/ 448; Hard, Mushrooms ¢ext /f. 314. Fructification 5-8 cm. high, with pileus 4-10 cm. broad, convex, sometimes broadly umbonate, fibrillose scaly, ochraceous tawny, sometimes tinged with reddish ; flesh pale yellow, slightly red under the cuticle; tubes not readily separable from flesh above, decurrent, at first pale yellow, then darker and tinged with green, finally becoming olive or olive brown, radially arranged, about 4-1 to a mm. in the dried specimen ; spores pale honey yellow in the mass, even, about g x 4 » ; stem 4-7 cm. long, 6-12 mm. thick, hollow, equal or slightly tapering upward, bearing a slight ring near the top, reticu- late above the ring with dissepiments of the tubes, floccose scaly below the ring, a little more vinaceous than the pileus ; veil whitish, floccose, partly adhering to the margin of the pileus, soon disappearing. Solitary. In sphagnum swamps under or near tamarack trees. From New Brunswick westward. Sep- tember and October. Rare. This species resembles B. pictus in being annulate but is not as red, has a hollow stem and somewhat smaller spores. BoTToM Marasmius siccus (Schw.) Fries, Epicr. 382. 1836-1838. Marasmius campanulatus Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rept. 23: 126. 1873; N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 105: 34. 1906. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms p/. 17, ext f. 111. Fructification tough, shrivelling in dry weather, reviving again in wet weather, 4-8 cm. high, with pileus 1-2 cm. broad, membranaceous, campanulate, dry, glabrous, distantly radiate-sulcate to the disk, ochraceous tawny to burnt sienna with a tinge of rose, the disk a little darker ; flesh mem- branaceous; gills free or slightly attached, ventricose, distant, whitish or tinged by color of pileus ; spores white, even, broader at one end, 11-15 x 4-4% p; stem 4-8 cm. long, about 1 mm. thick, horny, glabrous, shining, blackish brown, hollow. Gregarious. On fallen leaves, etc., in woods. From New Brunswick south and westward. July to September. Widely distributed and common. 9 PLATE 93 Fistulina hepatica [ Huds. ] Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 396. 1821. Illustrations: Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 25; Atkinson, Mushrooms pl. 65. f. 1; Ber- keley, Outl. £/ 17. f. 1; Boudier, Icones p/. 164; Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 74, 464,497, (314); Cooke, Brit. Ed. Fungi p/. 11. £38; Dufour, Atlas p/, 64. f: 1403 Hard, Mushrooms f/. 43; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. £7. 37. 7. 5-9. Edible Fructification 5—15 cm. and more broad, 2-3 cm. thick, usually with a short lateral stem but sometimes sessile, fleshy, firm, juicy, dark red to liver color, roundish, dimidiate or somewhat spathu- late, rough, viscid ; flesh red, variegated with reddish streaks, juice reddish, of pleasant, acid flavor ; stem when present, lateral, 3-5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick, colored like the pileus, punctate ; tubes yellowish or slightly tinged with pink, becoming dingy, not grown together ; spores slightly colored, even, 4.x 3 w, only a few found. Solitary. On stumps and dead branches of oak and chestnut trees in woods in wet weather. July and August. Widely distributed but not abundant. Fistulina hepatica, often called the beefsteak fungus on account of the dark red flesh as shown in the figure on the left, is one of the best of our edible species. It imparts a characteristic appetizing flavor to the other ingredients with which it is cooked. Chopped up into small pieces and cooked with a little bacon in scrambled eggs, it is a treat for camping parties, [| 100 | eee ee PLATE 94 Top Fomes pinicola [ Swartz | Cooke, Grevillea 14: 17. 1885. Polyporus pinicola { Swartz | Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 372. 1821.— Boletus ungulatus Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. 4: 89. p/. 137 (212). 1774. | Illustrations: Schaeffer, /oc. ciz.; Gillet, Champ. Fr. Hym. £4 (290); Overholts, Washington Univ. Studies 3.' p/. 5. f 27; Schrenk, U. S. Dept. Ag., Div. Veg. Phys. & Path. Bull. 25. p/. 3-5, 9. f. 4-8, 10. f. 1, 4-5. Fructification perennial, sessile, with pileus 4-10 cm. long, 6-1 5 cm. wide, 3-10 cm. thick, plane to convex, sometimes ungulate, dimidiate, woody and rigid, at first with a reddish resinous crust which » blackens or becomes somewhat gray with age or in later years, glabrous, more or less concentrically sulcate ; substance pallid or wood colored, corky to woody ; tubes stratose, 3-5 mm. long, with cir- cular mouths, 3-5 to a mm.; spores slightly colored, 6 x 4 p. Solitary. On pine logs. Widely distributed. Common. This bracket fungus may be recognized by its occurrence on pine logs and stumps, pale substance with stratose tubes of the same color, and reddish resinous crust on the upper surface of the young portion of the pileus. BoTTOoM Polystictus conchifer Schweinitz, Naturf. Ges. Leipzig. Schrift. 1: 98. 1822 (under Boletus). Boletus virgineus Schweinitz, /oc. cit. and pi. 2. f. 4-5. Illustrations: Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 3. Myc. Notes Polyporoid Issue 3: 41. zext /. 365, 366; Moffatt, Chicago Acad. Sc. Bull. 7." p/ 16. f. 25 Overholts, Washington Univ. Studies IV. 3." p/. 3. f 10 a-e. Fructifications of this species occur at first in the form of sterile cups which are shown magni- fied 2-3 diameters in Plate 94 at the bottom. From such a cup-shaped base there grows out a poly- poroid pileus, not illustrated in the plate, described as follows :— Fructifications sometimes centrally attached but usually grown out laterally from whitish sterile cups 3~7 mm. in diameter which often persist at the base of the mature fructification and are con- centrically zoned with 2 to several narrow dark zones; pileus 1% -2¥% cm. long, 2-5 cm. wide, Exot 1-2 mm. thick, coriaceous, dimidiate to flabelliform, conchate, white or whitish, glabrous, azonate or with pale zones; tubes short, about 1 mm. long, thin walled, white, the mouths irregular but usually angular, about 3 to a mm., often becoming lacerate ; spores hyaline, even, 6-7 x 2%4-3 p. On dead or fallen branches of U/mus by roadsides and on Sa/ix in swamps. July to November. Common in eastern United States. | 102 | eka) oat ee eee ee vee: Cie. ee ER ee eg ee eee Pee, te a PLATE: os Cyclomyces Greeneii Berkeley, Hooker’s London Jour. Bot. 4: 306. p/. 11. 1845. Illustrations: Berkeley, /oc. ciz.: Hard, Mushrooms zext f. 360, 361; Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 3. Myc. Notes f. 360. Fructification central stemmed, 2%4-8 cm. high, with pileus 214-15 cm. broad, orbicular, spongy corky, drying rigid, more or less lobed, usually somewhat depressed, tobacco colored, ferruginous cinnamon, clothed with a short, velvety down which vanishes in parts towards the margin, where it is radiately arranged in little linear grooves and raised lines, the margin acute ; substance soft, colored like the pileus ; tubes 5-8 mm. long, soon breaking up to form concentric lamellae brownish but paler than the pileus ; basidia with 2 sterigmata ; spores brownish clay-color, even, 10-12 x 6-8 p; stem central, 2-7 cm. long, 1-2% cm. thick, expanding above and sulcate there, colored like the pileus, velvety, spongy-solid. Solitary. On the ground in woods. Widely distributed in eastern United States and Canada but rare. The concentric lamellae are the remarkable and distinguishing character of this species. The type locality is Massachusetts. [ 103 | PLATE 96 Hydnum auriscalpium [ Linn. | Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 406. 1821. Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/ 481 (303). / 35 Dufour, Atlas p/ 67. f 146; Krombholz, Abbild. p/. 50. f. 15-17; Nees, Syst. p/ 32. / 243; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. f. 146; Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. p/. 143 (231). Fructification 3-8 cm. high, lateral stemmed, with pileus 1-2 cm. in diameter, thin, dimidiate, reniform, coriaceous, hirsute, paler at first, then date brown and blackening, the margin sometimes lobed ; teeth 1-3 mm. long, about 3 to a mm., colored like the pileus, becoming cinereous with the spores ; spores white, becoming minutely echinulate, subglobose, 4 » in diameter ; stem 3-8 cm. long, 1-3 mm. thick, lateral, usually inserted in the sinus of the pileus, rarely central, swollen at the base and rooting, colored like the pileus, clothed throughout with stiff hairs like those of the pileus. On fallen cones of Pinus resinosus and other conifers from Maine to Minnesota and on cones of fir in Oregon. Common in Europe but rather rare in North America. This fungus is readily recognized by its dark, hairy, reniform or somewhat cordate pileus attached by the sinus at right angles to the slender, erect stem. co. PLATE 97 Craterellus lutescens | Pers. | Fries, Epicr. 532. 1838; Hym. Eur. 630. 1874. Cantharellus lutescens (Pers.) Fries, Syst. Myc, 1: 320. 1821. Illustrations: Persoon, Myc. Eur. 2. p/. 13. /- 1; Bolton, Hist. Fung. p/ 105. f 2; Burt, Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. 1: 6/17. 20; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 3.‘ p/, 56. jf: 1-8; Schaeffer, Fung. Bav. p/. 157 (249). Edible Fructification 234-8 cm. high, with pileus 2-6 cm. broad, thin, varying from convex and umbili- cate to tubiform or funnel-shaped, often pervius, ochraceous salmon like the hymenium and stem or sometimes darker and drying smoke gray, drab or pale fuscous, the margin undulate, sometimes lobed or irregular ; when fresh with the lamellae narrow, distant, forked or branched, decurrent, ochraceous salmon, drying with hymenium greatly contracted, remotely ribbed, rugosely wrinkled or nearly even between the ribs, cadmium yellow to ochraceous buff; spores even, 10-12 x 6-8 y.; stem 1%4-6 cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, flexuous, cylindric, hollow, ochraceous salmon, drying ochraceous buff. Solitary or rarely in small clusters. On moist ground, among mosses, and about stumps in woods and shaded places. Newfoundland to North Carolina and westward to Michigan. August to October. Frequent. C. lutescens is a connecting species between the genera Canthare/lus and Cratere/lus and is included in the former genus by some authors and in the latter by others. Fries transferred it to Cratere//us in his latest works. Fresh specimens such as were drawn in this plate are likely to be referred to Cantharellus because of the gills but such great changes occur through contraction of the hyme- nium when these specimens dry that they are likely to ultimately find place in herbaria in Crasere//us or be sent to a specialist on the Thelephoracez for identification. The upper surface of the pileus is often ochraceous orange like the hymenium and stem in American specimens, as in this plate, but we have gatherings also with the upper surface fuscous or nearly so and quite comparable with European specimens. P05 | PLATE 98 Clavaria pistillaris Linn. Fl. Suec. 456. No. 1266. 1755; Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 477. 1821. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms zexz /. 203; Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/ 244 (211); Batsch, Elenchus Fung. p/ 11 f. 46; Coker, Clavarias p/ 22, 23; Dufour, Atlas. pl. 70. f. 156; Hard, Mushrooms texz f. 396; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 94. pl. 93. f- 1-4, and Mem. 4.” p/ 66. f. 15-17. Edible _ Fructifications 5-15 cm. high, 1-5 cm. thick in the upper part, clavate or obovate, obtuse, whit- ish, then dingy ochraceous buff to orange cinnamon, even or nearly so, solid or somewhat spongy within, frequently cracked at the apex in large specimens revealing the white flesh ; spores white or slightly yellowish, even, g-12 x 4%4-6% p. Solitary or in tufts of two or three. On the ground in frondose woods and in mountain forests. Widely distributed in the northern states. August and September. Infrequent. Clavaria cinerea. See Piate 58. Clavaria vernalis. See Piate 30. [ 106 | PLATE 99 Top Clavaria fusiformis Sowerby, British Fungi p/ 234, 235.1797; Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 480. 1821. Illustrations: Sowerby, /oc. ciz.; Bolton, Hist. Fung. p/.110; Burt. Mo, Bot. Gard.Ann. . 9. p/.8. 7.66; Coker, Clavarias p/. 11, 12, 82. £14; Cotton, Brit. Myc. Soc. Trans. 3. pl. 11. f. A; Hussey, Ill. Brit. Myc. 1. p/ 18; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. f 565. Fructifications 5-10 cm. high, simple, densely fascicled, connate at the base, amber yellow or clear canary yellow, of bitter taste when fresh ; clubs elongated, acute, hollow, sometimes compressed, the tips often becoming watersoaked and brownish; basidia with 4 sterigmata; spores globose, even, minutely apiculate, 5-8 » in diameter, at first yellow, then colorless. Fasciculate-connate. On ground in woods. Widely distributed. August. Frequent. This species is distinguished by the densely tufted habit, canary yellow color and bitter taste. Species of somewhat similar aspect have been described under the names C. aurantio-cinnabarina, C.. compressa, and C. platyclada but without complete and exact record of their distinctive characters when fresh. BoTTOM Clavaria pulchra Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 28: 53. p/. 1. f 10. 1876. An C. persimilis Cotton, Brit. Myc. Soc. Trans. 3: 182. 1909? Illustrations: Peck, /oc. cit.; Burt. Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. 9. p/. 10. f. 93; Coker, Clavarias, p/. 1. f. 6, 7. pl. 13, 82. f. 16-18. Fructifications simple, small, 2-6 cm. high, primuline yellow to orange, becoming darker on drying, the clubs elongate-clavate, obtuse or sometimes acute, 14-6 mm. thick near the top, sometimes com- pressed and grooved, becoming hollow, tapering downward gradually into the paler or whitish stem- like base; taste sweetish ; spores hyaline, even, subglobose to oblong ovoid, slightly flattened on one side, 5-8 x 4-6 p, with a lateral, oblique apiculus. Gregarious or in small clusters. On ground or on humus of wood in mixed woods. Maine to North Carolina and in Ohio. August and September. Common. Fine large specimens of C. pu/chra, such as those shown by this plate, are likely to be confused with CG. inaequalis unless the spores are examined. C. inaequalis has echinulate spores, while those of C. pulchra are even and of very characteristic form with oblique, lateral apiculus as accurately shown by Coker, doc. cit., pi. 82, f. 16-18. | pio, i PLATE 100 Upper Fic. aT LEFT Calocera viscosa (Pers.) Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 486. 1821. Illustrations: Persoon, Comment. Clav. p/ 1. f. 5; Dufour, Atlas p/. 75. f. 174; Gillet, Champ. Fr. Hym. p/ 500 (85); Quelet, Champ. Jura 1. p/ 21. f. 5; Schaeffer, Fungi Bav. p/ 174 (284). Fructifications 3-10 cm. high, branched, tough and not easily cut, gelatinous-coriaceous, viscid, ochraceous orange, even, linear; branches cylindric or compressed, concolorous, straight, repeatedly dichotomous, solid, the apex usually forked ; flesh yellow, gelatinous at first ; basidia forked, 2-spored ; spores ochraceous, even, 8-10 x 4 pw, simple, becoming septate in germination. On coniferous wood decaying on the ground and on the ground in coniferous woods. Widely dis- tributed in the United States. July to September. Infrequent. This Calocera is distinguished from species of Clavaria by bifurcate basidia of Dacryomyces type and more gelatinous fructifications, which are repeatedly branched in C. viscosa but caespitose in the more common C. cornea. Upper Fic. aT RIGHT Dacryomyces deliquescens (Bull.) Duby, Bot. Gall. 2: 729. 1829. Illustrations: Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/ 455 (218). f. 3. Fructification 1-5 mm. long, 1-3 mm. broad, usually small, gregarious, pulvinate, gelatinous, some- what wrinkled, avellaneo-ochraceous, tawny or antique brown, becoming resin colored and more flattened in drying ; basidia 2-spored ; spores hyaline, even, curved, simple at first, becoming 1-3-sep- tate, 12-18 x 3%-5 p. Usually on decorticated, partially decayed pine or other coniferous wood but sometimes on wood of frondose species. Vermont to Alabama, westward to Missouri, and in Alaska. March to November. Common. D. deliquescens is characterized by its small, tremelloid, smoky, ochraceous or pale greenish fructi- fications with somewhat wrinkled surface and spores about 15 » long and not more than 3-septate. BorTromMm Dacryomyces palmatus (Schw.) Burt, Mo. Bot.Gard. Ann.8: 379. p/.3. f. 2.1921: Dacryomyces chrysosperma Berkeley & Curtis, Grevillea 2: 20. 1873. L308) EE ee a Illustrations: Burt, /oc. cit.; Coker, Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour. 35. p/. 23. f. 105 p+. 48; pl. 63. f. 6,7; Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 6. Myc. Notes 64: 989. p/. 159. f. 17623 Gilbert, Wis. Acad. Trans. 16. p/. 83. f. 25, 26. -Fructifications up to 3 cm. high, 1-2 cm. broad, and 1-5 cm. long, gregarious or caespitose and forming erect, gelatinous, rounded, brain-like, complicated masses with surface lobed and folded, slimy when wet, cadmium yellow to ochraceous orange and drying the same color, penetrating the bark by a whitish radicated base; basidia forked, 2-spored ; spores colored like the fructification, curved, becoming 5-7-septate, 18-28 x 6-7 y. | On coniferous logs, stumps and brushpiles—collected once on Betu/a /utea. Canada to Louisiana and westward to British Columbia and Washington. July to March. Common in New England. Dacryomyces palmatus is distinguished by its large size, bright orange-yellow color, and large 8- celled spores. Comparison with a specimen of this species in Curtis Herb., bearing the name Treme//a aurantia, led Dr. Farlow to list the species for New England under the name Dacryomyces aurantius in Appalachia 3: 248. 1883. [ 109 | PLATE: 101 Dictyophora duplicata (Bosc) Ed. Fisch. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 7: 6. 1888; Burt, Bot. Gaz. 22: 387. 1896. Phallus duplicatus Bosc, Gesellsch. Naturf. Freunde zu Berlin Mag. 5: 86. p/ 6. je} I8it. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms p/. 83; Bosc, /oc. cit. Hard, Mushrooms p/. 55; Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 2. p/. 118, 119. Poisonous Fructification 1 5-24 cm. high, with pileus 4-5 cm. broad, 4—5 cm. high, campanulate, with upper surface a dark green hymenial spore mass of fetid odor termed the gleba, and with the surface be- neath the gleba sculptured with strong reticulated ridges and crests, at the apex joined with apex of stem into a white somewhat recurved portion perforate into the cavity of the stem ; veil white, at- tached to the stem near its apex, pendant from underneath the pileus, variable in length but usually about half the length of the stem, reticulate, with the perforations smaller towards the lower border and the bars wider so as to become nearly membranaceous there; stem 10-20 cm. long, 2-3 cm. in diameter, cylindric, contracted into the truncate apical collar, fleshy, white, hollow, with the wall 4-10 mm. thick, pseudoparenchymatous, composed of several layers of small chambers ; volva at- tached to the stem at the base, with wall up to 5 mm. thick which consists mostly of a thick gelat- inous middle layer, irregularly ruptured at maturity by elongation and emergence of the stem and pileus, white or earth stained. Solitary. On the ground about buildings, in shrubbery and about stumps in fields and thickets in wet weather. June to November. Frequent in eastern United States and the Mississippi Valley. This phalloid or stinkhorn is distinguished from other species by its conspicuous membranaceous, perforate veil and reticulately sculptured surface of the pileus after loss of the gleba. In the develop- mental stages the gleba is composed of an intricately folded hymenium whose hyphal tissue and basidia deliquesce at maturity of the spores into a sirupy mass which is greedily eaten by flies. The offen- sive odor is usually enough to prevent all thought of human edibility of stinkhorns ; they are regarded as poisonous. 280] ~ oe ae a ae — pO AD oe ee oS == 650557 > 4 v4 an ses — — ee > ADE wo Oy oe et a Oe Be SS ZOOS Se ELSE AS sees]: KAR, Spaces 5 a6 EAH OA a SOI ASS i — a re ee ~ ge She oe ADAEERO TARR seen eae sipped ite SteT ila ta ae ee eS ee PLATE 102 Upper LEFT Fics. Helvella infula Schaeffer, F ung. Bav. p/. 159 (251). 1762-1774; Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 17, 1823. : Illustrations: Boudier, Icones p/. 223; Cooke, Mycographia f. 334; Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/ 83; Kauffman, Michigan Acad. Sc. 1. p/ 31; Krombholz, Abbild. pl. 21. f. 13-17; Schaeffer, oc. cit. Edible Fructification 7-18 cm. high, with pileus lobate, deflexed, even, somewhat wrinkled at the center, amber brown or reddish cinnamon, the margin adhering closely to the stem; spores hyaline, even, biguttulate, 18-22 x 7-8 y; stem 4-12 cm. long, 1-3 cm. in diameter, equal or sometimes enlarged near the base or apex, whitish or pallid, slightly villose, stuffed, then hollow. Scattered and usually solitary. On rotting pine logs and on ground in wood roads in coniferous woods on mountains throughout the United States. August. Rare. Upper RIGHT Fics. Morchella esculenta (Linn.) Persoon, Syn. Fung. 618. 1801; Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 6. 1823. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms /. 85; Berkeley, Outl. p/ 21. f. 5; Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/ 218 (274); Cooke, Mycographia f. 312; Dufour, Atlas p/. 78. f: 183; Farlow, U.S. Agr. Yearb. 1897. p/ 29. f. 2; Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 54; Hard, Mushrooms zexr f. 409; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/. 3. f. 1-3. Edible Fructification 6-12 cm. high, with pileus 3-414 cm. broad, inflated, globose or sometimes narrowed towards the apex, with base adnate to the stem, surface honeycombed with firm anastomosing ribs bounding broad pits which are irregularly arranged, not in longitudinal rows, and with diameters of the same pit nearly equal in all directions ; asci cylindric, 8-spored ; spores even, 20-24. 12-15 p; paraphyses filiform, slightly thickened above ; stem 3-5 cm. long, about 1-1% cm. thick, cylindric, white, fleshy. | Solitary or two together. On the ground under trees in spring and early summer — often in orchards PRE) and where ground has been burnt over. Widely distributed in United States. April and May. Common locally. Species of Morchella, the morels, are ascomycetous fungi which differ from kinds illustrated in all the preceding plates by having their spores contained in sack-like asci which are arranged side by side, or with alternating paraphyses, in the hymenium lining the pits of the pileus. Other common and equally edible morels related to M. esculenta are M. deliciosa of form very like the small figure on the right and M. conica which has a conical pileus with the pits arranged in longitudinal rows. The form of pileus and arrangement of pits is often rather variable among specimens of the same gathering and presumably of but one species. MIDDLE OF Bottom Row Helvella albipes Fuckel, Symbolae 334. p/ 5. f. 2. 1869. Illustrations: Fuckel, oc. cit.; Boudier, Icones p/. 234. as Leptopodia albella ; Cooke, Mycographia f 336; Gillet, Champ. Fr. Discom. /.80(72); Kauffman, Michigan Acad. Sc. 1. £/. 30; Quelet, Champ. Jura Suppl. 20. 6/6. 4. 16.as E/ve//a albella. Fructification 2%4—5 cm. high, with pileus 2 cm. broad, lobed, with lobes deflexed, even, hair brown to fuscous, emarginate, the under side whitish or pallid gray ; spores hyaline, even, 18-22 x 11-12 p, uniguttulate, borne 8 to an ascus; stem 2-3 cm. long, 2-3 mm. thick, cylindric, white, somewhat puberulent. Solitary. On moss and under alders and conifers. Williamstown, Massachusetts, and Tolland, Colo- rado. September. Local. Specimens from the Massachusetts gathering were referred by Boudier to H. a/be//a and they agree well with Boudier’s plate of that species, but they agree closely also with an authentic specimen of H. albipes in Farlow Herbarium. H. a/bipes has priority. The American specimens have the pileus bilobed but it is not always 2-lobed in Europe. Botrom Row EXTREME LEFT AND RIcHT Fics. Gyromitra esculenta (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 346. 1840. Illustrations: Persoon, Champ. Com. p/. 4; Fries, Sverig. Svamp. p/. 82; Boudier, Icones p/ 224; Burt, Rhodora 1. p/. 4. £2; Cooke, Mycographia (7-328; Dufour, Atlas p/. 78. f. 185; Kauffman, Michigan Acad. Sc. 1. p/. 32; Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48. p/. 5. f. 1-3. [| x12 | Edible Fructification 4-8 cm. high, with pileus inflated, rounded, lobed, gyrose-convolute, bay brown or hazel, glabrous, supported on the stem by attachment here and there of the margin ; spores hyaline, even, obtuse at the ends, ellipsoidal, 20-26 x 10-12 p, borne 8 to an ascus ; stem 3-4 cm. long, stout, sometimes swollen and furrowed towards the base and sometimes towards the apex, whitish, stuffed or hollow. . Solitary or in clusters of two to four. On sandy ground during wet weather and in wet ravines near pines. Widely distributed. May and June. Infrequent. Gyromitra esculenta may be recognized by the brain-like convolutions of its hazel or bay brown pileus and by the ellipsoidal spores. Old specimens and those kept rather a long time have been reported poisonous ; freshly gathered specimens which are not too old may be eaten in moderation. — ae ats | PLATE 103 Top Microglossum rufum. (Schw.) Underwood, Minnesota Bot. Studies 1: 496. 1896; Durand, Ann. Myc. 6; 406. p45. /. 9-14. 1908. Form Geoglossum luteum Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24: 94. p43. f. 20-24. 1872. Illustrations: Peck, /oc. cit.; Burt, Rhodora 1. p/ 4. f. 10; Cooke, Mycographia jf: 12; Hard, Mushrooms ext f. 423. Fructification 3-5 cm. high, clavate, rather slender, with ascigerous portion 14-21% cm. long, 3-6 mm. thick, stipitate, mustard yellow, sometimes more dingy, usually somewhat compressed or longitudinally furrowed, obtuse, glabrous ; spores hyaline, even, slightly curved, at first multiguttulate, finally 5-septate, 26-35 x5», 8 to an ascus, biseriate; stem 2-2% cm. long, 11%4-2 mm. thick, nearly cylindric, paler than the ascigerous part, squamulose. Solitary, gregarious or subcaespitose. On mossy banks and on humus of wood in woods. July to September. Frequent in eastern United States. This species has the aspect of a small yellow Clavaria but is distinct by showing its spores con- tained in asci if a portion of the hymenium is examined with the compound microscope. Fics. aT LEFT IN MippLE Row Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Persoon, Rémer’s N. Mag. Bot. 1: 97. 1794. Illustrations: Atkinson, Mushrooms ¢ext f.221; Berkeley, Outl. p/.22. f-t; Bulliard, Champ. Fr. p/. 473 (296). f. 2; Burt, Rhodora 1. p/ 4. f. 12; Cooke, Myco- graphia f 171; Dufour, Atlas p/. 80, #188; Durand, Ann. Myc. 6. p/ 11. fr 106, p4 20. f. 213; Hard, Mushrooms ‘ext f. 425. Edible Fructifications 2-6 cm. high, stipitate, tremelloid, more or less viscid, cream color, often with a greenish or olive tinge ; the ascigerous portion pileate, 1-114 cm. broad, convex, with the surface often irregularly furrowed, the margin recurved, often slightly lobed, supported on the apex of the stem ; spores hyaline, even, finally 5~7-septate, straight or curved, 20-24 x 5-6 p, borne 8 to an ascus ; paraphyses branched, filiform, with the tips enlarged and agglutinated by amorphous matter ; stem 1%-5 cm. long, 5-10 mm. thick, cylindric or somewhat compressed, often slightly tapering upward, hollow. Ee be ae a ae eae Ae cee ? =; Oss. Usually densely caespitose. On damp ground in woods or on wood humus. Canada and eastern United States and westward to Missouri. July to September. Very common. This fungus is regarded as edible but not choice. Fics. AT RIGHT IN MIDDLE Row Mitrula vitellina Bres. var. irregularis Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 48: 130. p/. 5, f. 8-14. 1896. | Geoglossum irregulare Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 32: 45. 1879. Illustrations: Peck, /oc. cit. and N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 1.2 44 1. f. 5-7; Durand, Ann. Myc. 6. p@. 5. 7-7, 8; Massee, Ann. Bot. 11. £4 12. f. 23-242. Edible Fructification 2-5 cm. high, with the ascigerous portion clavate, of irregular form, twisted or con- torted, compressed, sometimes lobed, obtuse, cadmium yellow or egg yellow, tapering below into the short, rather distinct, yellowish or whitish stem ; spores hyaline, even, simple, 8-10 x 4-5 », 8 to an ascus, uniseriate. Caespitose or solitary. On bare soil, mossy damp places, and in paths in woods—most frequently in pine woods. New Brunswick and Ontario to District of Columbia and in Colorado. September to November. Infrequent, sometimes abundant locally. BorToM Cudonia lutea (Peck) Saccardo, Atti Real. Ist. Venet. VI. 3: 725. 188 Vibrissea lutea Peck, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sc. Bull. 1: 70. 1873; N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 25: 97. pl. 1. f. 19-23. 1873. Illustrations: Burt, Rhodora 1. p/. 1. f. 8, 8a; Durand, Ann. Myc. 6. p/. 11. 7. 105, pl. 21. f. 216-219; Massee, Ann. Bot. 11. p/4 12. f. 5-7. Fructification 11%4-3 cm. high, yellow, drying vinaceous buff, coriaceous-fleshy, with the pileus 5-15 mm. broad, convex, covered when young by a membrane which cracks and falls away later leaving remnants attached to the reflexed margin, the under side of the pileus somewhat ridged or striate with the ridges running down the stem ; spores hyaline, even, multiseptate, 50-72 x 2 », borne 8 to an ascus in a fascicle in the upper part of the ascus ; stem 1-2% cm. long, 2-5 mm. thick, cylin- dric or somewhat tapering upward, sometimes slightly compressed, solid. Lary Gregarious or rarely clustered. On ground and rotting leaves in pine and beech woods. Ontario, New England, New York and Tennessee. August and September. Common. This American species is distinguished by its large spores, yellow color and the veil-like covering of the young pileus. Bee as oe syd aaeeenn, i eee HyMENOMYCETES Agaricus Amanita Amanitopsis Armillaria Bolbitius Boletinus Boletus Calocera Cantharellus Claudopus Clavaria Clitocybe Coprinus Cortinarius Craterellus . Crepidotus Cyclomyces Dacryomyces Entoloma Fistulina Fomes Gomphidius Hydnum Hygrophorus Hypholoma Inocybe Lactarius Lentinus Lepiota Indices INDEX TO GENERA Plates 60-64 1-3 4 12-14 68 go-92 71-89 100 24-27; 97 48 30, 58, 98, 99 1g-21I Hymenomycetes (continued ) Plates Leptonia 47 Marasmius 40, 92 Naucoria 53 Omphalia 224 Panus 42, 43 Paxillus 59 Pholiota 45, 49-51, 69 Pleurotus 22,23; 45 Pluteus 44,45 Polyporus 94 Polystictus 94. Russula 37-39 Stropharia 65, 66 Tricholoma 15-19 GASTEROMYCETES Dictyophora 101 Lycoperdon 58 Phallus 101 DiscomycEeTEs Cudonia 103 Geog lossum 103 Gyromitra 102 Helvella 102 Leotia 103 Microglossum 103 Mitrula 103 Morchella 102 Vibrissea 103 Plate abruptibulbus (Agaricus) 61 acutesquamosa (Lepiota) 8 albipes (Helvella) 102 amarescens (Inocybe) 52 americana (Lepiota) 7 americanus (Boletus) a9 angustipes (Pholiota) 69 appendiculatum (Hypholoma) 67 armillatus (Cortinarius) 56 arvensis (Agaricus) 60 asprella (Leptonia) 47 asterospora (Inocybe) 52 atropurpurea (Russula) 38 atrotomentosus (Paxillus) 59 auriporus (Boletus) a9 auriscalpium (Hydnum) 96 badius (Boletus) 76 brevipes (Tricholoma) 18 ' brunnea (Lepiota) 6 brunnescens (Agaricus) 62 calamistrata (Inocybe) 54 campanella (Omphalia) 24 campestris (Agaricus) 63, 64 Cantharellus (Hygrophorus) 27 caperata (Pholiota) 49 castaneus (Boletus) 89 cavipes (Boletinus) 92 chelidonium (Lactarius) 33 chloroides (Russula) 37 Christinae (Naucoria) 53 chromapes (Boletus) 87 cibarius (Cantharellus) 25 cinerea (Clavaria) 58 cinnabarinus (Cantharellus) 27 compacta (Russula) 39 conchifer (Polyporus) 94 conchifer (Polystictus) 94 cuspidatum (Entoloma) 46 cyanescens (Boletus) 88 cyathiforme (Lycoperdon) 58 decorosum (Tricholoma) 17 deliciosus (Lactarius) 32 deliquescens (Dacryomyces) 100 dichrous (Boletus) 76 dorsalis (Crepidotus) 36 duplicata (Dictyophora) 101 duplicatus (Phallus) IOI INDEX TO SPECIES elegans (Boletus) erebia (Pholiota) esculenta (Gyromitra) esculenta (Morchella) eximius (Boletus) felina (Lepiota) floccosus (Cantharellus) Frostii (Boletus) fuligineus (Hygrophorus) fuliginosus (Lactarius) fusiformis (Clavaria) Gerardiana (Omphalia) granulatus (Boletus) granulosa (Lepiota) Greeneii (Cyclomyces) griseus (Lactarius) hepatica (Fistulina) illudens (Clitocybe) imperialis (Armillaria) indigo (Lactarius) infula (Helvella) irregulare (Geoglossum) leoninus (Pluteus) lepideus (Lentinus) levis (Panus) lignyotus (Lactarius) limonella (Pholiota) lubrica (Leotia) luridus v. erythropus (Boletus) lutea (Cudonia) lutea (Vibrissea) lutescens (Cantharellus) lutescens (Craterellus) luteum (Geoglossum) minor (Cantharellus) morbifera (Clitocybe) mucifluus (Cortinarius) multiceps (Clitocybe) naucina (Lepiota) naucinoides (Lepiota) nidulans (Claudopus) nodulospora (Inocybe) oliveum (Tricholoma) oreades (Marasmius) ornatipes (Boletus) palmatus (Dacryomyces)’ persimilis (Clavaria) [ 120 | Plate Plate petaloides (Pleurotus) 22 pholideus (Cortinarius) 55 pictus (Boletinus) go pinicola (Fomes) 94 pinicola (Polyporus) 94 piperatus (Boletus) Pa pistillaris (Clavaria) 98 placida (Leptonia) 47 ponderosa (Armillaria) 13 porosus (Boletinus) gI porphyria (Amanita) 2 procera (Lepiota) 5 pulchra (Clavaria) 99 punctipes (Boletus) 74 radiata (Inocybe) 52 Ravenelii (Boletus) 78 robusta (Armillaria) + rubinellus (Boletus) 77 rudis (Panus) 42 rufum (Microglossum) 103 rugoso-annulata (Stropharia) 65 Russelli (Boletus) 80 rutilans (Tricholoma) 15 serotinus (Pleurotus) 23,48 siccus (Marasmius) g2 soboliferus (Coprinus) 69 solitaria (Amanita) I sordidum (Tricholoma) 19 sordidus (Lactarius) 30 speciosus (Boletus) 81, 82 speciosus (Hygrophorus) 28 spectabilis (Pholiota) 51 squamulosus (Cortinarius) 54 subcaperata (Stropharia) 66 subluteus (Boletus) 71 subtomentosus (Boletus) 79 turpis (Lactarius) 31 umbellifera (Omphalia) 24 umbrosus (Pluteus) 44 verna (Amanita) 3 vernalis (Clavaria) 30 violaceus (Cortinarius) 58 viscidus v. testaceus (Gomphidius) 70 viscosa (Calocera) 100 vitellina v. irregularis (Mitrula) 103 vitellinus (Bolbitius) 68 volvata (Amanitopsis) 4