‘Hevertuofe bolt Ok Diſtyllatpon of the waters ofall manet of Hetbes / with the kygütes of the ſtyllatoꝛyes / made and compyled vy the thyꝛte veres ſtudy and lauour of the notte conpnge and famous maitet of opens Maſtet Iherom 5 5 And now newly ige out of uche into ngiyſſe Nat only to the yn gulet helpe and pꝛolyte of the Sie d Whilycyens, andssotyecarpes Bit allo of all manet of people / Parlytely and in dewe tyme and oꝛdꝛe to lerne to dy ſtyll all miner ot Herbes / To the Pꝛolpte / cute / c Remedy ot ali maner dylle ales and nrmytees Appacant and nat appatant. And pe ſhaul vndecſtãde pa waters be better than the ecbes “as Mucenns ceftelperh in his fourth anon fapnge that all manet medicynes vled with theyz lubuantce / febleth and age Ds and wetze . (Cum gcatta et pꝛiuilegio regali. The dyſtyllacpon theugh the Hellycan elan e — — — , „ —— 2 — A Oy) W777 : LE BS, 9 9 0 2 Q: — 2: qT Y U — ~ = — = > > — > 8 D S = 3 = = — ES — = > lS 2 2 — et oe = = = = = = uf I > N as 141. * ä lin The Pꝛologte of Lautence adzeew the Tranſlatcut. 8 2 Ftet druets ⁊ ſondry ſnall volumes æ tt ylles of path a pal ee bade, Dom neu compoied / ton tramiated and or late init Relay Se bed. Mowwmypnded to excettiſe my pene in mater to tie redet e * ſomwohat moze ꝓtytabie / haus cholen amonge ail other the r Wal vooke of ttt tlacpon of watets / wzytten by the thyzty rere RY: PSY 1 about ofinatice zherom bzuntcorhe / to Ttanſſate into Ene 2 2S} gintinc, Rot thynbpnge (though paraduentuce tome in that eue ty day at out hande / bie the eſtectes with reuerence / and gyue thantes to thy maber celeſtyall. Betolde how moche it ercetedeth to ble medicyme of encacye na turall by god oꝛdeyned then wycted wor des oz chatines of ekycacie vnnatutall by the Deupil enuented. whiche yt tbou Botte wen marke, thou thait haue occafy on to geue the more louynges a pꝛayle to out ſauyeuc/by redynge this booze and znowlegynge his benykites able / To whole pꝛayſs / and heithe ol all my cryſten bꝛetherne / Ihaue taken vpon me this ſympie Trãllacyon / with all zum: ble reuerence cue redy to luvmyt me to the coꝛrectyon of the lerned Neher: . 6 U ¶ Robertus Huetus ad Lertoꝛem. „ Qpicanda onmipace pandit me Hature: Lochum hoc en uh kene pus 3 0 2 * * — — — — . K — — romper = or ee ee — . ͤ Pe —— Se ee * ‘ 8 ‘ é 1 * ſtillatio per ignem. Hele be the chapyttes of the le conde parte ofthe fprite bose in the wpcychapptres ve ſhaul tynde the in iner and icpece of dyſtillacyõs. ¶ Tod iit chappere of the kyꝛſt bas he locweth What dyſtyllynge is, ¶ Ty ſeconde chapytte is wher tote doltyllyn ze is founde, ¶ Th thyrde in hoo manp manets : may dyſtylle. | ¶ Toe fourth what inſtrum ntys be ongeth to t his woꝛze. @ The fpit chapitte elhsweth/ bodo the made belongyng to this woꝛze. ¶ The. vu. how the inſtrumẽtis {hall 1 and the water bebte, att ET ve. bt bee hall dydtlle pee um / . Seer nem / tha Kehr bose bitple in the Cre. te dpitelle. in biede in the Kha te dyſtylle i in hoꝛſe doũge. The. xii.ts dyſtylle in an antehyll amonge antes oꝛ pyſmets. ¶ The. riit.to dyſtylle in warme wa tet e diſtillateo per balneum RS civ. fit. to dyſtylle in water myr ekeed with hoꝛſe dounge / named itu: latio per venttem equinum a che rb. to dpitpttin aſtyes/named diſtillacioper cinerem. ¶ The. rvi to dyſtylle in ſande. ¶ The. roi. to dyſtylle frely in the | Sess. Ye A Altea/hye malowes ee dyſtylle in the comon pes, . in general eche accoꝛdyng to his nature. ¶ Cue. xx / to dyityil at al ſeaſõs Dave her bes / flowers / rote oz lede/ i ige grene can nat be gotcen. The. xxi. ſhe wech / how the waters — be tectytped attet theyc druxila Ki xxii.hom the waters ſhal be epte pt ¶ The. xxiii. how longe they abpde good and may be bopte, ¶ Here after ſoloweth the table ol the names ot the het bes. Cetola ſozell da .iu Agcrunonig/egtimony a, u Syoutlcia/ coloinbpre ca. bin Jaton/coocæowpyntell cask, Angelica/angelyze ca. xu. Atthemeſia /moderwozte ta. xi bun Anetũ / dytie ca.ix biu Aſtronu / wylde leze ca. xx vin. Apiũ / matthe / ſmalache ca. ixxxi Alnus / alder tree ca. cxxxui. wWhyte of an egge Cd. Aru. Auticula muris/gagell ra, cu. Auticula muris-mouteate „ clxxxun albakengvaikakenge ta · cxxxvin ca. cxi. Holowe worte càp.cxxix. Ariſtologia iõga /ſner worte ca. cci. Abꝛotanum / ſother wood ca. cti vn. Actaſia / wylde floes ta. cclxi Abſinthiũ / wormewode ca. cclxx v. Aſſara alba / federfewe ta. ccc.i. mata dulcis ca. cctũ. Aniſum anys cd. Ixxx,. Allium garletze clxxxvi. ¶ Botago / boꝛage ca. xvi Baliluon / baſyipbe ca. xxx bi Bulſue balyll cũ.xxxvii Betonita / betavne ca cit, Batba hircina/bozes Worte ca.xliui. Bleta alba/whyte betes ca. Ixiui. Barba au/ howllctze wpe Baͤtcata / lorels baye ca.cxx Blata vel bleta/vetes of Rome ian Jeneperbeties 5 Bꝛunella / brunelle ca. vi. Wilmalua vel alteaholy hocke ca. c.xli. Bicw ap floutes ca. xxxviii Beche leues ca. xlii. Berberis / barbety ca. cclxii Buglolla ¢ buglolie ca. cciu. ¶ Cardo benedirtus⸗ſowothyſtyl Alix. camonilla/camompll ca. l viii Cẽtaurea/centorye ca. lxuii. Centũ morbia/grene wede itera, Cardo Marie / our lady thyũtyl ca. xcu. Conſolida me dia / mapten cã.c. iii. Coniolida mator / comtery cd.ciui. Coiniecp totes cà.cc.lxxvi Cõmiida mino / Bayly ca.cc.liui Cõtolida tegaus woodraue ca.cc.xxxu. Cheiti / heyrele ca.cix. Cornu cet hartes horne ca. c.xxxu. Chpnos batos / Dogars beryescà.c.xxxvi Ceetiſoliũ / cheruell ca.c.xlv. Cucurbita goꝛde. ca. c. l. Cauda cquina Cancer a creuyſſh. Capo a capoenn Craftula A de tna. cixri. Capul: veneris /maydẽ here ca cicxxi Caulis tonanoꝛum / co t ot come cap. cc.cxviii. Caulis tubea/teed cles ca. cexxix. Culcuta dodyꝛ ca. celxcui. Cetaſa / reed chetys. ca.ccxli, Cerala nigra / blacut chetys ca.cctlit ciconea bet Ibis /a ſtoꝛbe ca. cxiis Coꝛona tegia/Honpſocte ca, ccxibiu, Celidonta,celendpne, ca.ccix Cathapucia/ſpoutge, cit Cicuta Henloctze c. ccixxix The rotes ot whyte lilles ca, cextut The whyt lilles a rote. ca. cexciui. Capilli veris/ſmali ſtonefetne cones Crocus oʒtulan : id ſaſtra / cert viii Cicozea cpcozep ca celx rü ¶ Diptan dytteyn ta. Ixxt Densleorus : dandelvõ ta.ccx Diollilia ca. lxxxiui Ebulus waltwozt ca, tute Enula cãpana/ſcabwoꝛt/ ca. b. Elula / eſlell ca. cet Enule cãpane totes ca. bt. Cileborus niger pelethes ca. cexcix. Ellebori nigti herba a. ccc. Endiuia / endyue Euttagia entratie Epatica lyuet woꝛte Epaticaà lyuet woꝛte Faba / bene Fimus huãnus / mãnys toꝛde ca. clix {igus boletus / wolſe tyutys ca. cc viu Funus bouinus / ore tozde ca c. iu tel tauri ove galt ca.c xxu Fenicuius tenell ca. cci iulamus t d. cc ix vin folia lalitis/wyllowo leues ca. ct/irvu fo wꝛes ofthe wyiiem cg. cc lxx vin. nodes ol woodoynde ca cc lire nowꝛes of bozag: c. a. xvu nowzes of wylde petuyntze ca. xx vu. nozes tabaru / dene flowzes ta. cert fiozes trumẽti ble coꝛẽ floutes / rive Herba pataliſis cow (op 1 cu. cxxiit Herba loꝛtis ca. c. Ab. Herba cancti / calſewede ca. cc.iciu Herbe of comon Wadys ca ct. co The herbe of benes ca. xxo. Hempe / canapus cd. IIc. Jatea nigra / natſeion CAL. Zulſquiauuis/henquale cũ.xbiu. Hers floutes Deluce pucpic cd. xic. Jute oꝛ lape ot byꝛtehe tren ca. xxiu Jetur oꝛ epat vituii caites huet: c lui 1 3 Batamos marpgowoldes⸗ nowꝛes of planteyn ta. li. tũ.cc xxiii Floꝛes malue / malowe floures ca. lv : floures of wylde tanley cat vu Lilium conualiuu ca. c lxit ol ta. tt rui Ligua auis byꝛdes tongue ca.xcviu⸗/ dures of —_ 02 geneſte ca. cc run Lunatia het va vꝛauis iynatyca c cui 8 ca. cc lxii Lingua cams / honoyitongue/ca.cxvui nll ta. c lb Tupul! oz puinuins-yoppes ca.c xxxut ode wrllowe ta. tc irrvum Lactuca döeſtica/ etui cu. c lt Floutes ołcoslwoꝛt tac lxxu L euuſtuum / iouache ca. c uu Tloures oz bloſſom of the lide tree clru. Lauendula lanendze ca. c ixvu panes of ofapples ta. ccvi ‘Lenttcula aque ductes meter ca.c xxo e ee eldꝛe cait xvii Lapaciũ acutũ reedoca / oꝛ ihaue gras ot quynces da · c xlir/ 02 grcate burres ca. c iim. tines capitis monachi ca .cc xi ‘WLeabgut oꝛ pleut gtoũdwoꝛins / ccrici Folia oꝛ leues ot petthes ta tt ru L appa acuta mau vut tes ca. cc lui Flozes becmobactt gate nir Limar a inayie ca. ct iuui fe ‘Lanceolata tybwort 23 iw ca. lii yun lylie cc xcu cg. lrxxir L iquoꝛ vince lape of the W x. da. c tu Lat capꝛiniu / gotes inxiae ra. c da c xxxi⸗ | wilde ciatexca t it Mat ubium hoꝛe hounde ca. i ses a dꝛagoza madzabe cu. Heder atbozca/ alba ca. lxxxii ibenta rubea.bezic mente ta. xxx e Hie SR Puy, 02 75 10 Saatabacct blache betzes. ca. xiuu. eae ca. ini. ca. lun · ae * * _— — ee r 8 1 eldze ttee ca. c xv. Cac xxi. . oꝛ bzulſſe ca. c xxvui. Melilla bauomecmeamobelepn caste llum Aae lr mayorapn. ca 2 lxxu Senta Ne 5 2 ca.r.lxxiu Muſta a tire ca. c. ixxxv. Moꝛa celu / molbetres. ca.c.ixxxvi Shelandzi be wormes ca. c.lxxxix sputum lolis gromell ca.c.xc. supala maciana / woodctabbe cac.c.uu. eee woodopnte ca. cc xcuvu Hallurciuun/ cteſſes e a. c.xiii Nux auellaua baſelnute ca. c. xxu. Iepita / nepte,. catte monte / ca.c.xcu Nur vlualis/a walnutie ca. c. xcuiu. Gꝛene hul zes of walnuttes, ca.c.rcv Nutis folia/nutte leues ca. c.xcvi. 1 venetis. saint : po anc pte egges. ca. recbt, Drdeunybatip | — Olus / woes, ca.c. li. Olmunda. woodlerne / hetbe ctyllolte p2 . ca.cc.xuix. Pica a pre. Hoꝛtulaca/pozcelene. Pipinella / vurnet / iſhele Pulegium. goldwoꝛt. Plãtago maiot/grete plãtayn / ca. xlix domeſtica / patieneps ca.liu Polipodium/ozeferne. 1 ca, xxvi ca.xlv 3 ta.¢ ca. c. lb. Poma/appies/ ca. cc.v Pett OL perlely be: SW ic. Werlwcaria, atimert/cultage ca.cc.ab Palma ctiſti.ct des palma.ca.cc.ivu City Ptãtalcõis/pes lebts /pt delyõ.ca.tt iv. Pitola.peter wtot cd. ct.Ixxx vit. Pica ſuuelitis.wild petes.ca.cc.lxxxix Ptumula vẽris / herbe dayij esca. ccculi Palacum,/ bare caũleil/ ca.t.x Petuica “eRe wyld ꝑuynbeſxxvu. Quettcus / an obe / ta, Ixxv Quigztoliũ/cynkekopll ca. icv. Quercuta minor. medracle ca. c. v. e , e ca · cc ux Notes of flout deluſe. A. K xx. Kuba vel tubea/maddyt ca. lx Rana/ a ftogge cũ.xcii elta bouis / hate btetde ta.c.xxxuu Raffant maiot / great tape.ca.cixxi ut Raflaninvor/come tadys/ ca. cc.xxuu Kuta / tem or hetba grace. cd. cc.xxx. Rola agteſtis/wylde toles.ca .cc. Rapa Capes at nepes 8 Rola tubea / tede roles ca. cc xxx v Rola alba / whꝛte toes ta. cc.xxxvi Kol a ‘bedagar-egictyns — 3 ony tors ca. rtr KRolmatmus/toiemacp cd.ctxxvi Nos maij/maꝝ dewe ca.clxxvi 2 ee nettel ta. cxcbui ANGUS anetis duckys ta. xv Se des ol floute deluie putpie ca. xxi | Set griiouce eigen. Senacionum / weeceeecihe Sãgius hirer, the diode of @ bork, 1 — S pia amba ta. xl Sedes ol great planteyn ca. l. Sanamũ da /ſyuriwort⸗ cd. lu. cells, gt ell Ai: ie Ocatiola/ſcarrolt tũ. Ixxii. Saͤguis daroms/grayes blode ca.lxx. The vlodc ot an alle ca. lxxxui. Daͤmbucus vel fol cius ca.c xbi Dealopendria/ hartes tongue ca.c.xx. Hennes mawes ca.c.xxvii Sanguis vituu /calfes blode ca. c.luiu Saponatia / her ba fullonũ cowſop/oꝛ plage /oꝛ ſaponatie ca c. lxc vu. Saͤguis human / mãnis blode clxcvui SDerpetina / biſtoꝛta / ſetpentine / oꝛ ad der tongue / 0 dragos OL oan . Solatrum⸗ vua sulbts,npghtibabe og 0 petymozell ca.c.xciu. Semen vꝛtite / nettel (ede ca. c. rcvui. Salauia vel ſalgea/ſage cc.ii. Stabiola temina / (cabpoute the female —— is with the grete leues aoe — Sunne bylde tyme / 02 out lap cc. Sen poꝛcinus⸗ boggps or Bale ode * Dcopia tegia / peticõ fuga —.— erba pettoꝛata / hecba lancti Johãnis aptit Johns Wozte cc. xl v. Datyrion maw wozt ca. cc xl bi Sauna 3 lage ca. cc liii ca. cel i chte lit Ma a os, Oe Tanatetum tanky Toꝛmentilla tozmentpll Tamatileus Dotti? thamarys.celxxun Ta puis bar batꝭ bray taper ca ccixccun Tut ioẽs vinee / croppes ot the byne / . uw Vilcus holme / Viber cu toius / byztche cd.xxu Ungula caballina / lytell clote/ca.xxrci Viola ble we vyoltes/ ca. xl vu. Valctiana valeryan ca. lxvi Vitellũ oui / yoltze dt an egge / xxx bin Uirga paſtoꝛis/wylde taipil, ca.c pitt Vrtica / nettell/ cũ.c xcit Vitis a bynes ca. cc xxi Vitriola cn ee cm. cc lx Woodbynde. volubilis ca. cx xxx. Vuicella / Vitis alba /abꝛron tote / oz wylde neppe⸗ cd .ecc.v Geronica cu. ixxix Urtica — nettels ca.ixu Valerpan totes cã . lx vu — moꝛtua atchangell vetuayn ca. c xxxvu Verbe * ofthe water ſtãdyng in the car 3 Ca.C ER, n e ee xc iui i ca.c xxx pinpla minoꝛ / meton vlopus / plope wann baten da . cxxxix. . pete fonvdheth the table aioe — here aiter ſolo weth the fyꝛſte parte of the lame volume 4 § + ra. ui ca. lr ee eee ct. ct xxbit ca. cc. ILK i. 2 f PEP ˙˙mnn. oe %⅛ Ü—ov˙ J Bis € Here begynneth the kyꝛſt parte of this boke / wher in is compꝛehendyd the nos ble fepence & the treme dyſtyllacons of pate other dyuers thynges arty kycyally ee erate choptte ſheweth we dyl⸗ FN the kyzſt it is nedefull 5 to be expꝛeſſyd and thes mat, Wed what Oritylipng is ei 7 it belõgeth to all ma cae of that thynge that they tegpnne oz entetpꝛyſe to woꝛke vpon / to the ens tente that he maye haue a perfyt knows: lege of luche woꝛtzes as he begynneth / tow he mare bꝛynge it to a good ende. ¶ wderloꝛe it is to be vnderſtande that dyſtyllyng is none othet thynge / but one ly a putykxeng of the gtoſſe from the ſub tyll / a the ſubtyll frome the groſſe / eche {cperatip from other / to the entent that the cozruptyble (Gall be made intoꝛtup· tyble/and to make the matetyall inma · tetyall / tte quycke ſpyꝛrte tobe made moꝛe qurczet / brtaule it {holde the loner perce tẽ᷑ paſſe thaugh by the vertue of his great goodnes and Grengthe that there: in is fonke.and hy dde fo2 the concepupng: of his beithfult opetacxon in the body of man / for dyſtyllacron is an eicmentall thyng / for thꝛugh the mouynge of the na . it heuyns /euetyone muſte de natu⸗ tutally gonerned by the kodyes aboue ly be toile fhe body ofman —— exper te mayſtet in and theugh the waters that there ben —— groſſenes of the her bes ehe in his ſubſtã te /a that to be tonuered to the place mo nedefull foꝛ helth a cõſoꝛt/lyze as hete a tet moze dylygently (all be declared, (wobeteſoze dyſtyllynge is ſounde and ozdepned, Ca. ut. yſtyllynge is neceſſatyly founde and oꝛdemed for many maner ol necellytees / and {pecpailp foꝛ the lone of man hym foz to kepe in helthe & ſt tength and to baynge the (eke and wetze kody. agayne to helthe / and to the entent that the groſſe and coꝛtuptyble body may be agaynt clenſedand pur ytyed / foꝛ wi o fo euer taketh het bes / totes / oꝛ other tubs ſtauntes and ſtampe them / the luce ther of ſtrayned and mynpf red ts not fightip whiche many one therfore Doth them abs hozte / bytawſe of the inconuenyent fraht.Secondarply with waters dyſtyl Iyd / all maner of conſectyons/ſytopys/ povdets & electuatyes be myxced to the enttẽt that they ſholde be the moꝛe un t doulcet to be miniſt ted tetexued & vled Allo this dyſtyllyng is onclp founde ſoz the tomõ people that dwelle farte frome lynge is ordeyned / ony e iS nee fubftaunce in of toꝛpus 02 the man tuaryes “eonfectpons tid oan 0 ume in what mane fer Se dus in the body / byraule Of het ſubſtaũce of the whiche Bupcenna wꝛyteth in the tegynnynge ofthe fourth Canon / where as le thtughe the leruynge ol ppoctas layt / that euetyinedyryne that is bled with ber ſubſtaũte / febleth and maketh aged and wok / for the whiche ypoctas Oeſue Arnoldus de ile noua and ma ny othet more haue founde the noble tcp ente to ſeperate the gtoſſe and erthy lub ſtaunce from the ſubtyli thrugh this ope tracron / that is named the handwottze ol dyſtyllacyon / or bornynge thrugh the Alembyctz or helme / and other inſtrumẽ tes /as bere after ſuloweth a to pou ſhall be ſhewed. * e map be dyſtyi led. Kaul. — Te neden with ſtotte to {yon to ſhewe the moſte errettsß tomon ot wept way of dyſtrürnge / to the entẽt that the tedet ot a Bis de vnderũande me muratron or longe lynge⸗ 2 te J haue taken e . wax es 1 7 is tompꝛel ẽdꝛd in brefe the thoz ie way ol dyſtxllacr on. ¶ The fyꝛu is Wee Ch ere pes without any coſte. The ſeconde was e with coſte oncly of kyze / and that al · join 8 — ope ¶ Tle fete wihoute (ti 1 gla wath the ſtoppyd / let oꝛ fo hangyd in the fonne/ts named pet ſolis diſtillacieonem. The thyʒ de of the kyzſt waye is. A glas fyllyd and well ſtoppyd wꝛought in dovog he and fo let in the ouen whan the bꝛede is bas kynge / is named tha per pants diſtula· cionem. The fourthe mance of the fratte mare is a glas the thpzde parte fylled well ſtopped / and buryed in hoꝛſe down ge / named / per ſuni equi diſtulacionem The fit manet okthelirſt way is. a glas kyllyd wel ſtoppyd butyed in an antehyll named pet foꝛmite diſtillacionem. ¶ The kyꝛſt mance of the letonde way is ol the dyſtyllynge with fyꝛe / as thus . A glas realonably fyllyd let in water / vnder it a fyʒe made / and there vron an heime / oz alembycke ſet/ named diltillacio pet bale neum marie / oz diſt illacio in duplo bale, The ſeconde inaner of the tecond way is pe ſhall put to the fame water that the gias abet) in / hozſe dowonge/than {hall it be named / diſtiulatio pet bentrem equi num . The thyꝛde mance of the ſeconde wap is. Set your glas in a capell whete a8 oon alſhes be ui / named sori de in / is called diſtillacio ꝑ atenam. The joe inancr of the ſtron de ware is / ye let boldelp the glas bon the kyte / and eee bytweyne the tyre E it / — it many moꝛe maners there be to dyſtylle / waxes out of num altzemyl tes apatte can teſtytxe a is to them well be Brower 4 pendynge in the theſe fornamed ten mas ners of tile whiche as now 4 wyll ceſſe lot thortenpnge of the tyme / and bytcaw te as now it is na necefhite here toreherſe (what inſtrumentys be neceſlarye oz nedefull vnto this woꝛke. Fter the rehertals of the. ir ma: ners of the dritpliacyons afore faydD now it is bebouefuli to knowe the inftrumentis therto belongyng / the woht che as nyghe as god wyll gyue me gra⸗ te / in ſyoꝛte tontluſyon J wyll to you de clare them / as farte as it is poſſyble / to the entent that the operatron of dyſtyle lation may be accompliſſe/and openly che wed in kygures as here after loloweth. How be it that the lerned and experte mayſters of the ſcyente of Alkemye here of haue a knowlege / yet it is not open to all manet of people wherkoze J wall ina tze here okas thus, the kyꝛſte rebetlall. Cee mutt haue 175 toꝛnerde whyte frls tes lytze kyltes of hattes / clayc / oꝛ lome⸗ bꝛyke / baken and onbatzen . After that pron gratys a ſquare fynget chycke / ma de taunde oz en as sere aire der 4 F 7 8 uF — 3 whyte clare, ſuche as the goldeſnytbes croufybies is made of / ſome ieded and fome not le ded / comonly halſe a erde wyde and depe / oꝛ more oz leſſe as beho · weth atcoꝛdynge to the pꝛopoꝛcion of the foznaple, And the caprellys te made alt Kare manet in frgures 2 — —— 1 1 — etl — N — (After Barre Pe mlt pa cop cope vials or coper cappellys e in quantyte halfe a perde of wopdenefit and pee with a pype of coper ed tet ct halfe a 2 ok lengthe / and it ſhall ſtan de within two fynger bꝛede of the bo2z= det oꝛ cage ofthe kettell as tuis fygute ſteweth / lor tu dyſtille in balnco matie/ oz in bentre equmo / as here attr Albat — erpredeele Dee nen € Than mul ye haue leden platys thru: abe pꝛeſſyd in the myddys / with foure rounde tynges about it /gteat and final lyght and heuy . The myddelbatc ol. x. pounde weyght. The {mall of, viui.poum de. The greteſt of all. xi.oꝛ.xii.pounde/ as this fegure folowynge ſheweth. Allo pe mutt haue boꝛ dys as bꝛode and longe as the cappell oꝛ foznays is / in ſuche mas net that the glafle may fade in the myd del mooſt hole / to the entẽt that the glas do not fall one waye 02 other thragh the heuyneſſe ofthe anhangynge of the ledys in the bendpnge therto whan pou hall dyſtylle in balneo marie, they mutt be leded within a without / oz clips they muſt be copper / tynne / oꝛ le of the ka ſcyon here after folowyng. ¶ Under that re mutt haue pannys acoꝛ dynge to the quantyte / made of ct wilybie erth glaſed oꝛ leded without and within oꝛ elles made of copper / tyn / oz lede / acoz dynge to pout power. Aſtet that ye muſt haue glaſſys / oꝛ frolys named Cytcubyt of luche faſcyon as this fygure ſheweth And they mult ke made of benys glaſſe breaule they ſholde the better withſtande the hete of the fyze ¶ Aldo ve mult haue glaſſis oꝛ frolis that ve may whelme eche vpon othet / ol luche faltron as here is ſhewed / loꝛ to d thet within the lonne as moze exprefiely in the, it chapytte {hall apere, = € pe mutt hare alfo croked -glafte Ls Tas med retoꝛte / and alſo glafles with two atmes named pellytane / fatcyoned as tyis figure lheweth 8 ve mutt haue glaſſes named Frolts With longe nectzis and natowe mouthyss to reteyue the water that cometh frome the pype of the alembyck of the on of the lame iolowenge. nike that ve inult haue blynde helmet tes of glalſ⸗ lytze a goꝛde toutned in to an other glas without any pype / so alembicũ cecum. And glaſſys that be w de a boue and beneth and narowe in the npbielt named circulatoꝛiũ ag here is fi guted / foꝛ to putrytre a dygeſte therin⸗ be after more mre 18 Aeg. ve mutt halle allo ſtone cannxs/ot ctu ys to 8 „ dyſtyllyd Lare de enen i be with longe pypes / called alembyrz or Leit, 2 Che mo t ie * a rs goat Fm luch maner that he do not ryue nos the foune mult be thꝛeſt in watet oꝛ ina de wet ⁊ layd in ſande vpon a boꝛde / and thetin ye ſhall put of yout foꝛ ſayd clape, Af there be to mo: he pe {hall ſ ryke it ol vpon it on an other boꝛde / than the fos nc (hall fall out. And the inſtrumẽt Bas. the precedent pyctute ſheweth. And in this maner ye nape matze as many t as ment to the P and Amid n i eleut2 / not ontely pout fo2nayle but allo the inſtrumentys of cop her / yton / glas⸗ oꝛ erthen / to be ſtrybẽ oz lute tiem ther with at all tymes requyſyte. € Fyrſt ye mut haue a toughe puryiped ciaye at the Potters well beznowen / kowhere / flockes / 02 ie toꝛdes beten with a lytyll wãde tril euet y he te be tof le froine another / then yall they be chop pyd ſmall and tempered with the clay ⸗ ſo moche that it bere the thyꝛde parte of the claye / and it is beſt that ye tempere it With (alt water / to the entent that the dtlaye dothe not tyue with the lyꝛe . Noꝛ no maner cappellys/pannys/oꝛ glalipsy, that be lutyd therwith thre oꝛ foure! ty · mes ouer / and lo let it dꝛye by hym fclfe. 3 vt pou Wyl make a lone oꝛ clay to cnoyn te Pott glaſſes oꝛ fpales/pe inuft tate pu re clave oꝛ loine / and put it in a tobbe oꝛ payle 02 other clofe veſſell / and caſt wy⸗ ne vpon it and myrtce it with hoꝛſe tos dys / and with ſmall ſhyuys oꝛ herdys o flarce / lytze thycke pagpe/and there with enoynte and ouer ſtryae your glaſſes oꝛ rae and let them fo dꝛye by them lelfe n the ſhadowe . pf yc wyll that no mas viet of ſtones ſhall tyue / rente noꝛ breſte aſonder thrugh the hete of the fyꝛe / than tempere vour lome with ſtylled water of uettels and enoynte oꝛ waſſhe there with your ones. allo that no manet of lynen clouthe burne with the fyze / that pour glaſſes (hall be luted with whan the one is whelmed on the other / take yout lynen clouthe and depe it well in lalte water and than let it drye by hym felf. After that wet it in the whpte ofan egge well beten / r let it Deve agayn by opm lett dehan ae lute any then n e ie 7 Oe r ge what f euer it be /enoynt it wel with tone clay tempered as is before ſpecytyed Mota & lutynge for a glaſſe that ryueth bron the kyꝛe / take rede lede and halfe as inoche vnſlebed lyme beten to pow; ber and a lytell duſte mele of the myllps tempere all this togyder with the why; te ofan egge / and make a lynen cloute wette thetin / than holde u a lytell by the {pre tyl it be warm / and © oꝛdted laxe it to the rpue of the glaſſe ſtandynge vpon the fyꝛe / ye mult be wate that no manet of colde thynge towche pour glaſſe the whyle that it is hote / fo2 that wyll make it to rente and kꝛeke afonder, ¶ Thus (hail vou make lutum fapientie as Atrnoldus de villa noua ſayth votere with ye ſhall lute all manet of glaſſes / to the entente that the tyze (hail not pes trite oz hurte it. Cake two partes of well pucpfyred lone oꝛ claye / and ont pac te of hoꝛſe toꝛde/clent gadered as before s lapd. Ind to the entente that the dare ſhall be to ſttonget / and not tente noz tlene, Chan put therto the powder of ty le ſtones / oz ellys powder of vnſleked lxine / all this fame with ſalt water / wel mxxted togyder with your handys in a > of thynne dowghe / and lo ocrus % ¶ Thus haue J ſhewed you dytiers ma net and wares of lutynge and how to 9 —— re deſyꝛe any ye Kiel eto /e nape inqupꝛe that of the al hem ſtes. e ¶ how ye ſball make the common ferrays that belongeth to this woꝛze. Ca. vi. 1 J. — Hh U { i J Q druets manets a formes then fornapits be made / therfote by the belpe of almygbty god J (hall ſhewe row the molle comon tedy Mares het to ne delull a moſt neceflaryer à leue the other vntebetſyd / brcaule I wyil exctewe the te dyoulnes ofthe tedets and the let rets ofthe lerencecto the arsbpiyfibnge of ont foznamed woꝛzys iny purpole is to fhe: we you two manet of waves/and euery ware in dyuers mater of foꝛmes / as he: te after playnly to you ſhall be expꝛeſ yd. The kyrſt waxe of theſe lornayles oz ſtyllatoꝛyes that be comonly vſed / ben named rote gariandes oꝛ helmettys. An other maner there is to be wade foꝛnay⸗ {eS oꝛ ſtyllatoꝛres hauyng many mater ol alcyons. The fyꝛſte is to be lbewed ok the lor naples that ben well betznowen amonge the potters made of etthe leded ot glaled / ol falcyon lytze the fygute here be foꝛe / and it ay be temeued frome te one place to another, ¶ How ye thal dyſtylle in ſande / named Diſtillacio pet arenain, vee Dis chapytet is oꝛdꝛed in eucey . condycron ipke as the chapytre ſpekynge of the dyſtillynge in the allies, laue onely the glaſſes nede to be better / as venys glaſſe is there to beſt/and alio the glaſſes muſt be ſtronglyer luted / and for the aſſhes / ye muſt take pute lyſted ſã de / and as ye telle oue two tie by the eche tloctze / lo loktely mult rout droßpys ll and thus ve mutt order your (eile piye porll haue the trew way of dy ſtrllac, ost for it is the hyeſt degre in heet of all ſtyllacrons / whetfote take bede that re anake nat to ſhatpe a lyte / for pf ye do youre waters wyll brenne and ſtynke / and pour glaſſes w bay maids e e re ſhal * ve may e ee pla eqn, Foz in balneo ingtie oz in ven: 4 tre equino they tan neuet be out ſtylled lo dꝛye that they tan bꝛen / ſtyntze oz take hatine. But in aes / and ſpecyally in ſande / fot therin at the ende comõly they brenne / therlore tabe hede to the entent that 5 e dan mn pur pole. alter the faſcyon of the great fygu te with two thre or four helmys / that be all hete with one ſyte / and in euer bel, me a londry water dyſtyllyng / but that fornayic may not be remenpdy mbertos, te pe inuft take hede in what place ye fet it in that ther come no ſcathe thetol / and that ſhall pe make in this mauer yrſte matze the herthe as longe brode as ye Wyll which (hall be the fote or londamẽt of the for nayſe wher as the aſſhes (hall fali on / a than laye two layrs of ſtones in hyght aboue it that it may be hol owe im the myddelt avoue the holo we place ye hall lare rounde or Hare yron batrys euery barre a gteat uche of thrrkcnefle and sett mut be layde an ynche frome other as belote is kygured / and aboute the gyrde pron ot pron bartes re hall make vp your ſorners aware the ionger the wyder wum ora kote hre/and wichin it hal be enoynted with the lome or clay tẽpeted with ſalt watet therto preparedas :s before ſayd. On the vppermooſt patte ve ſhali laxe two ſtronge pton barres vu, ynches krome J Mother pnts ye mare mabe cs a 8 x r vn det the plate ſhall be made foute wyn de holes / loꝛ to let the ſmoze out / and the pla te ſhall be enoynted as the bartys be foze ſpetyfyed well thyctze / and aboue the plate the foꝛnays (hall be teyſed all moſte halfe a ſtone thyckneſſe and in the myddeſt of the foznapsa hole {hail be Icfte euen iuſt aboue the hole of the plate where the coles be caſt thrugh. Upon the ſayd plate {hall be lefte ſoute brode prt: tys acrot dynge to the quantyte of your helmps In the Whiche ptytys ve thall 8 SA \ \ _ V — 8 = put oꝛ ſtrewe fyne ſyfted aſſtes oꝛ ſande of two ynches hye / in the whiche ve ſhall {ette rour pannys of erth / topet / ot lede but the leden pannys may not well a bp de by the frre without meltyng / excepte re make very ſinall fpre vndet it / vpon luche pãnis be ſet the ſtyllatoꝛres nained helmettys oꝛ toſe gatlandys bere before teherſed and fyguted. And to euery imo be hole ve thal matze a plogge oꝛ tappe to gouerne your frre with / great oꝛ alas it is nedefull. AW 3 NI 8 — ©) — \ = AON N e. F \\ / N \ we SS ee ‘ ‘ \ V Ase SAN \ W a N I Y . } iP * * —.— 2 a ¶ Here aſtet ſoloweth of another manet of wats fo dyſtyllacyons as here is aN a, yyy Ws 7 J Han you toptl make a Grits n L Le are tte, the {prt ſtone f ꝛeyſe abps · vi.ſtones/ cowehed maſon wyſe / than anopte it without ſuche gtate oꝛ v ye hetthe. v. ſtones Teng on ee eee to opto nh sbi nexte laye pron batrys e Wan bones bp it / & bpon that / lay thte or agayſt.bi.ſtones / bps theſe.vi.layagar ne fyue and a halle / and than abydet the hole open to put coles in / ſe that i. be alwaye well luted oꝛ enoynted as u before ſapd / than lay agayn. bt. ſtones to clole the mouth aboue / than haue ye two holes / one foꝛ to dꝛawe out the aſſhes/ the othet to put in the coles / than laye agayne.vi.ſt ones wel lutyd al way / tha la pe vpon it a tounde rynge lyke a tzy· uet / and that muſt be very well lutyd with the claye befoꝛe ſayde. Upon the tꝛpuet oꝛ yꝛon ye ſyall ſet an erthen caps pell as before is fapdvand that well lut· tyd / than ye Chall hyghen your foznaple ſo longe tril he be as bye as the cappelſ in ſuche maner that he haue four e wynd holys or finoke holys aboue / made Juſte to the Capell with foure erthyn tap⸗ pes to gouerne the fyꝛe / re ſhall tre: we ſyfted aſſhes/oꝛ ſande in the capell⸗ and pepe let your glaſſes / and the af ſhes oꝛ ſande ſhall be foure vnches thycke —5 ~~ © xf pou deſyze to make a 1 oꝛ ſtyllatoꝛve named Balneum Matie e cappell a copet Cappeil oꝛ kettyll with acopere pype as vith fue eappets about/ AnD ebett is a gtate of p26 vnderneth the longe pype pe ſtandynge in the myddeſt (hall be kyl⸗ abouc the hole whet as the alles be dꝛa led with coles / and it {hall be well cloſyd wen / a bath holes ſcuerally vnder euery aboue / tlat none ayte come out / than the tappel hauyng a ſondꝛy ſoꝛnayſe pendyn fyꝛe brenneth onely vpon the yton gra⸗ ge to the fayd longe pype. And euety cap te / ve may make this pype as hye and as pel bath a ſmoke oꝛ wynde hole / foꝛ to gy lowe as it ſhal pleaſe pou, and kepe the uethrugh it a ſeuetall hete to cuety tape lyꝛe with ſt oppynge of the wynde holys pell / and that to dꝛawe to his tegyſtre aboue and benethe as nede tequyreth And thus ve maye hete pour t appellys / with. xiit.oꝛ.xiiii.tappis/and this koꝛnap tcugcally 02 11 in general. the longe py ſe is made as here is kyguted. | ee A = oF SEE N SS lemmas!) — —— — CL ne ttt a mn, e ( How ye (hall ordre oꝛ prepare rout in ſtti mentys where as pour waters (hall be dried alto kepte Ca, vn, Ftet the pꝛepatatron of out for naiſes / it is nede fully to ou ar d expedxent to matze and prepare rout me ſtrumentys and pour vellellys to kepe rout water in aftet that they be dyſtylled and fo may re wel accomplyſſe this noble pꝛactyſe and lot mer enterpꝛyſe. F yꝛſt whan ye wyll dyſtylle in glafks {et in aſches oz ſãde/it is neteſlaty foz rou to ouerlute then moze than balfe the pat te of the glaſſe with the foꝛnamed lome oz clape / dut they that be occupyed in bal neo matte nede not to be luted / and {uch glaſſes be named cucurbite the beſtglas therto belõgyng be made of bohemy glas oz of the gteat tounde ſyyues of Uenys glas. And uche curbytus ben not onely made of n but alſo of cruſyble erthe well glaſyd within / ſame be made of co⸗ pet / lede / oꝛ tynne. The tynnen be occu pred in balnco marte / and copperen ben oltentymes luted and fo ſet in the free, The copetẽ be ſomtyme occupred in bal: neo macic alſo.Somtyine they be fet in aſſhes o2 lande / and they muſt be luted moze than the tivo other partes. Whan re wyll put any N in glaſſe o2 in any other inſttumẽtis/of what nature lo cuerthe fubttaune be / wet pour clouthe inyour lutum oꝛ clape / and daynde yout with route forfapde lutum two ynches thycke / yet it wyll lcantiy holde. Foz the oyle wyll often tymes perfe thrugty out / therfore ye muſt tatze be de to youre lutum oꝛclape/yt yu wyl kepe out wa tets well after the dyllillacrons ye mutt tate a ſtone Crube / But yt ve can not gette luche as pe delyze / Than ta- he an erthen cane and ſette it in an ouen whan the bꝛede is dꝛawen / whan it is thʒzugh warme / than put in it mol: ten waxe / and ſtere that rounde aboute that the ware maye cleue to euery place than tourne it with the bottom bproard and pute out ofthe ware / than enoynte the canne without with a wollen clothe full of molten talowe / than let it agape ne lytyll within the ouen than the ware and the talowe fokcth in to thecanne. And whan it is colde than putte thy wa ter therin and ſtoppe the mouthe thers of with a woden tappe and with was xe / and hange on the crutze in a finall byll the name ol your water / and what tyme it is dyſtylled — 2 * * i a — om A 5 aes —, % ee ee ee AS b — Ka cae et 27 Pe = * * : fag ee Wo eS 7 —— 2 — Sa 4 3 — 9 5 N a € How ye ſhall dyſtylle thꝛugh a ſute ra med per filtrum diltillacio. Ca / vin. Oꝛ to dyſtylle all uanet of ſapou re o2 other watery moyſturs tu ghe a ſylte/as water / wyn / oz othet ly · quoꝛ 02 ſape / which ye wyl put yfye from all ttowblous and vnclete ſubſtaũces / foꝛ pe can dyſtylle no mance of herde thi ges thrughe a fylte / as herbes / totes /o: 3 bytauſe of ber hatdnes. wherlo⸗ ye muſt haue. x.oʒ.xii.fyltes pute and . —— threlguate /a fote of length and. viui.ynches of bꝛede / and the ſarcur oz lyquoꝛ {yall be done in an erthen pan ne well leded within / and the panne ſhal be fet vpon a bye ſteyte oꝛ gtyſes / which panne {hall be lomwhat lenyng wherin ſhall laye the bꝛodeſt ende of the kylte / a the ſinalleſt ende {hall hange in a glas / oz in another panne that ſtande bron the nerte ſteppe of the ſteyet down war dys / i in the layd vndermoſte pane ſhalbe a fyite layd as it was in the fyrſte alway the panc heluynge downwardys and the fylte with the ſmalyſte ende han gyng downwards in an other pãne / a lo forth doynge with as many fyltes and as often as pe wyll. han yout fyltes be ouctladen a᷑ ſtopped with the vnclenes that there in is ſowzed by the dyſtyllacy on eye ſhall walle them in fayꝛe waters they by putyfyed K ee than pe halt Dave them aga yn / and la them in the pane this maner pe mape dyſtylle. r. oꝛ . xii.ty· mes in a ee. one labour /tyl the ſub — And thts iS pricppalipy good fore the waters that be be dyſtplled with irely clacefped frome all dn: foꝛ to tettyfye them bere witz ot in the bõ scars this is the fpr mance to dran d le Without itis “si “sige 774 7 MMM YE: NaN Saw At — 7 35 = a a ae (Bodo ye (hall dyſtylle intl e ſonue na med pet ſolis diſtillacionem. Ca. To | He (ecdte manet to dyſtylle witz out fyꝛe which may be Tone ae | ‘pute coſte as thus- ye ſhall take that ſhall be al mooſt as wyde aboucas benethe named an vrynalle / oꝛ lyke this kygute aboue. The two partrs of this glas {hall be fylleth with bloſſom of flon res / as roles brolettes/oꝛ othet bloſſo: mes / oꝛ ſuche lytze / than ſhall pe mabe 3 {inall croſſe of woden ſtyctzys and laßt that vpon the mouth ol the glaſſe tha mã ke another croſſe of {mall N yczys ſom z what longer than the other that may be bent ctoſſe wyle ouer the other ſtteyght ye De 18 a weve belcze In chan tourne the mouth of the glas dom te them weil to gyder bre ne reo, ange e bes ofthe lonne / the glas both the floures bp ward. Thus dyſtyileth pour ſubſtaunce _-thrugh the hete of the ſonne out of the bp permoſt glas in to the vndet moſt. ¶ How ye hal diſtyll i in hote bꝛede with in an ouch named per panis diſtilla⸗ tionem. Degel drürl in an ouen. Take a flatte tlaccon oꝛ botell 4 glas / à put it ful of roles oꝛ other OL 1 eggys / oꝛ ou other blotiom? than ſtoppe the glas faſte with a woden foppel / and couet the glas ouet all / as pfit wete a lofe and put it in the ouen / Lohan e put other dzede therin and dꝛa we it ante agayne with that fame bꝛede whan it is baten / and let it cole by hym ſelfe / and whan the bꝛede is colde tha bre 3 it foftely ot / ſauynge the glaſſe frome ty good to dyctule of floutes waters Krupnge fo the iyen. € how ye ſhall dyſtylle in hoꝛſe downge named per funum E aer. ; Capitulum. t., ake 5 ot ; 3 1 is mall © & Ia tatze à glas that in the myddel / and great benethe and al RCC fo aboue / named in latyn eg Wera debe bere be fygueed, EF pil the thyade parte of this glas with What maner offloures that ye wyll and ſtop that glas well with a wodẽ ſtoppell and ouer lute it well / than put the glas in watme bozle Dotonge / wnicte hozſe dovong mull lay in a woden veſſell cyyſt wyle well ſtopped and coucred / and ther 5 2 allo this boz{e downge muſt be ees euety foꝛthenyght / altet that dꝛawe out the tape ſoftely / than puryfye the cletyſt of in another glas nameda pellycan tolt che be loꝛe is ſyguted oꝛ in another / wher of tore be tweyne as here Sate tye one in the other. 11 AK This glas oz the pellytan ſhall be well lutyd and alto ſette in the bozle downge baie as beloꝛe is ſayde / Than this lycoute oꝛ water wyll ronne vp and downe from the one glas in the other Than becometh it fapꝛe / and olgreat opetacron. Thus te allo other coſiciy waters tectytyed / as aurum potabile / aqua bite / and other waters / loꝛ with the great ronnynge vp and down in the relly cane it is rectytye d and amendyd⸗Cbus je haue the fourthe mance of deſtyllacron 1 ye. wi pe {yall drllyllei in a pyltemet yl named ꝓ foʒmxte diſtulationem. Ca. xu. Oo Hefpit inance is thus. Fyl a as full of floures / of what manet of floures pe wyll/ and ſtoppyd in the ma; ner afore ſayde / than but ye it in a pyſſe mer hyll / that ſome tall an antehrl whe te as many of them be kourtet dayes and more as ye thynte that nede requyteth. Than take out the glaſl e agayne. an pou te out the clereſt a boue therofin to ano ther glaſſe and hange it in the ſonne / o2 put it in a pellycane in hoꝛſe down geto tectytyed it as beloze is ſayd / cha it (yall be pute and fayze In this mance is wy ne put in to a glas / and fet in a pyſemer hyil as beloꝛe is ſayd a moncth cõtynuyn ge than it ſhall be pure and fayꝛe / as vf it were dyſtilled by Alembyck / and hath a Goodly tae and is well ſmellynge. In this manet is dyſtylled the dero of may . — haue 1 manet of diſtylla cxon withoꝛit fyꝛ Cowpea bun balneo matie ( Than named pet balne! um matie⸗ 02 in duplo 8 Ca. uin He rete manet of dyſtrllacron is C onꝛdꝛed in this mance. The gie ſie {hall be lette in warme water A whiche water hall be in a Copper ket: tell oz coppet cappell with a pype of cop per / as 4 haue heme rou before that the foꝛnaile be not wet yf it toꝛtuned to ferke and ronne ouet, And the dyſtyllaty on is oꝛdꝛed thus. Tabe a glas named curcts byte /tyll the two partes of thelame glas with wee her bes / floures / lcues / ſruytes oꝛ what lo euet it be chopped ſmall/ and fette the glas vpõa rynge of lede lyte as before is fſygured in the fourth chaprtrez, make a bonde ot clothe thre ſyngers bꝛo de aboute the vpper parte of the glaſſe⸗ Aboute the ſame bande matze foure mall tynges of cloth hauyng foure bandys cox mynge downe to the foure kynges that be faſt on the leden rynge and bende che kaſt eche tothe other as here is fpgueed., {et the glas with the lede in the Water and ſtanded vpeyght / and is ſute neee, though the weght of the lede / than (et the Bicinbicke oz glaſle and lute it well as beloꝛe is {pecptyed, in the fylte chapptre/ Than make fre in your foꝛnays to hete four water with / and let it be no hotet than ye may luffer your linger in it/and haue all tyme — — watet to 15 yout . agayn / wha the water by length ol tyme is 7 caatieh — the hete ac fp te / foꝛ pfa dꝛoppe of colde water touche the glas it wyll ryue and bꝛete a fonder ꝓe ſhall vndetſtande that whan it dꝛop peth no moꝛe it is clene dyſtyllyd / Than ye muſte let the glas ſtande ſtyll in it foꝛ to cole / foꝛ pt ye Dre we the glas bote out ot it / it wolde bꝛetze aſonder. ¶ It is ne defall for you alſo to haue a toumde bors de with a tounde hole in the myddeſte a ticfte alondet / for to lay al way about the glas to the entent that it maye be the lõ get watme. ¶ pe (hall alſo vnderſtande 7 all maner of waters that be dyſtyl· ters of the berbes & floutes that be puti Nee 3 ol that that is buryed in hot ſe doũge . v. 02, vi. dockes to be puttyfyed / keen oe with the other dyſtyllyd in Balneo Marie as I ſhewed xou before. 5 in tte hor ſe be: diſtillatio per venttem equi in Ca. titi. uy ee e ee he hot ſe bely /e thal (et the glas point fornamed maner in Balnco Marie / as before is ſayd / but in the wa⸗ ter ve hall put hoꝛie toʒdes/tazynge go de hede that there be no ſttawe noꝛ hare therin / and that the water be fo thicke of the hoꝛſe toꝛdes as yf it were woꝛtys. pe mufte alſo take hede that ye put often ty⸗ mes warme watet in tt: loꝛit is lone con ſumyd a waſtyd away / and this is half à degte hotet than in balnco marie /ther fore je may dy ſtylle harder ſubſtaunces in it than in balnco Mare, ¶ How ye ſhall dyſtylle in aſches/ramed Diſtulatio per Smeres Ca. xv. Pe. viii: maner is ye (hal ſttewe fyne ſyfted alſhes in a caprell.uu yntes of thyck enes / than kyll a glas the thyꝛde parte {nil with ſuche ſubitance as ye wyll / and ſet it in the aſſu es /than hil the carpeile full ol allt es tyll the thyꝛde parte of the glas be toueted / and the tap rell ꝓhet as the althes be in hall be of ex the / ſot ‘4 it were of topret / thrughe the force and hete of the fyte it wolde melte. After that {et the alembyck bps the ¢ net / lot yl it fall fatter or quicker the is to grtat / theriore ſtoppe e be lys aboue and benethe / tha it (hal fal fofttr and brenne the lelſe / and fo ür ſanell the leſſe of the kyte / Whan it drop · eth no mote than let the glaſſe ſtande a role nyght a colpnge ot cuet pe moue ot tyte it ot ellys it Moldeb gen acute a The glaſſes be alſo lutyd to the thyꝛde x te / as it is ſhewed to you befoꝛe in the. b chap. by cauſe they ſholde bꝛebe the iefle. ¶ Hots pe ſhall dyſtrlle in the lande /na ined diſtillacio per arenam ca. xvi. His chaptte is oꝛdꝛed in cuetytõ drexo n as the chaptte is oꝛdꝛed of the aſſhes. 4 as before 18 ae i the Do HADES ¶ How ye ihall frely dyſtyll on the bone with a wynde ouyn / named diſtillacio p nem, Cap.xvij. He tenth imaner is this to dyſtyll To 1770 mye benorhrng betwene the glaſſe and the fpre / lytze as ae qua an and othet ſtronge waters be dyſtylled. To thys dyſtyllacyon is ne? ceſſaty fo fog Bot fo ue enen Deft of the foꝛnys with the. iii. fete maſo: eee be made of venys glas. That glas (hall be on the out (yde well ase a gre vnche of thyckenelle. and after that re Than ſhall ye enoynte youre foznays the ſame maner/.Andafter that pe tball &t the alembicz on pour glas and ſe that it be well luted / than pe thall fet a recep: tacle oꝛ bt brol 2 e ſothat tt tye pype of the alem Peke hange within it / and than it multe be mel ird ther ¶ At the fate to begunine with / the ſpa ce of. iii. hotoꝛes ye muſte matze lofte fyꝛe and after that the longer the greter / and at the begynnynge ye all ftoppe youre wynde holys / whrche fhall be foure in nõbze aboue the grate o2 treuet egaynſt the toles / whet with ye may myn (he oꝛ encteſſe your fpze as ye lyſt to gy uc it aꝝ te / loꝛ it is ro chyldes playe noz came to dyſtylie ſttonge waters / oꝛ c qu foꝛtis/ Wherkoꝛ re ought the bett to tate hede / but the molle patte of all the glaſſes bees ke alõdet wher as aqua fortis is diſtilled 2 in the ende the helme becomethas teedof the grete hete as any rubey 3 cy uet the ſpyryte ftom hym departeth And let rour glas ſtande colynge by hym ſelle o2 it be taken out, ¶ How ye ſhall dyſi ylle in comon ſtylla toꝛyes / named Roſegarlãdys o2 helmets een Ca. xviij. — = — 2 — — — — — = 1 5 Wy «4 3 NN . es =" 1 “a 2 das the Potter mech Dy ellys ofcopper / Kounde aboute the panne re Mal lay fandes belttxtze that atouc with claxe / to the intent that it be not ipahtes ly wuh handis remeued o2 lektyd vp. Than lay thet in ſuch thynges as ye worl dyltyll / and let the helme vron it. Than make a longe ſmall lynen cloth wette in thynne claxe tempercDas before is ſaxd / with the tame clothe ye thal ſtoxpe youre ſtyllatoꝛie betwere the helmete and the panne / than {et a glas beloꝛe it that the pype therof marc bange in the glas / and tute it well that none ayte tome oute of the glas / thus dyſtyll and martze thtugh the glas how the dropes fall thet in / acoꝛ dyng to theſame temper pour kyre / gteat oꝛ ſmall as it dehorgtt t wha ye le that it dꝛoppeth no moꝛe / than it is tyme to beeke it vp egayn / and put other hecbrs therin. han ye wyll haue moche wa: tet oute of iptcll hetbrs. Than laxe the berbrsthre ynches thycke vpon ecke o2 ther in the pane, flowres ‘halte layd. vi. ynches thycke / fruptes . ii. ynches thyc / ke / foꝛ pf it lay thyttzet bron eche other / than is the moyſtoute of the vndermooſt herhes dyſſolued oz euet it tan be lubly⸗ med thrugh the vppermolt / wherfoꝛe / whi 3 wyll dyltylle coltely herbes wych ben not calp to gette / as matotan / roe ſemate floures / oz other ſuche ipke . Cha I thynte nat my latour ich noꝛ tedx⸗ ous to lay but a lytyll in at ones / foꝛ the labout and coſte is double retompenſiyd ye hall vnderltar de that all manet of waters vohych be dyſtylled in glaſũs be the helte erte vnto them thofe whith be dyltylled in erthen vellels æ be well le dyd worth ettkẽ panes pnver helmet ak oue as tte rotters full well can mae ke. Alter tyre teimets atoue and leden panes vndet / Alter that leden helmets andfräms / as 3 hare tere occupye in towirsofrelygré at Straeſborowe in hyc. Alma n / uber as they made there lrre wuh wode / but it was very lmal foꝛ ſcate of meltyng of theyt leden pane whrche Rode vps lyfted aſſhes an hand full hye and nat in ſande / Alter that cop per heimets ouettynne wythin / Alter that braſon beimets but al way the cop⸗ peren helmets be to fcate/and ſpecyally the beaten helmets / ſoꝛ two mance of ca wſcs / the fyꝛſte is the water that in them is diſtylled comonly boꝛneth e ſmel leth of the ſyꝛe / and hath a reed tolout ly ke wyne that is dede in hym ſelle. The leconde ca wle is. for the copper and braſ ſe hath alwaya maner of a goute ⁊᷑ pals {ey pendynge vnto hyn moze than any other metal whiche gyueth orralyon that euery one ſholde ther ol beware / as C ae ſtophotus de honeltis teſtifyethſupet an tydota rio metue. € How ror thal dyſtylle in general eche atoꝛdynge to his nature. Ca. xix. © Oall manet ol people that writ occupre and bie the arte ot ſcgen ce of dyltpilacyon it is ryght nedetull ſoꝛ them to znowe whan they wyll dyltylle ought what maner of way is molt cõuc· nit therfore tothe entẽt that it lele not isttregthe goodnes of copiero cron. ght i to the water / as larte a it is poſſy ble a couenrét lor it is nat poltyblethaty anp rat lyuynge ſholde bꝛynge all this to pour pole aſtet his mynde a wyll: But onely Got that hath created beupn tt (rtheanD all thynges that is there in There fore it is to be regatdyd that all manet of floutys and bloſſoms where of is but lytell to gette / and is very ſcatte / u moſte conuenyent to be dyuylied in Alembyck oz Alembicum of glas in bale neo Matic / and in none other veſſell. ¶ A iſo your floures oꝛ bloſſomes that ye wyll dyſtylle / muſte be plucked whanne they be fully type /but pet ot they fall / ot fade her colour or than they marde and decteſle/ and they (hall be layd lolte and ipght in the glas / as I tehetſe to you be fore in the xui. chaptre in Balnco 2 tie / or inthe cu .chaptre in Uẽtte equi no / And whan that water is clene dyl⸗ tylled / it is tectyfyed aftet warde in the lonne / as to you more playnly rang ike wed here after in the. xxi. chaptre. But whan ye wyll haue the mater moze ittõ ger and better tha ye mutt tabe the flou res that the watet is dyſtylled of / and put them in a glas named Citrulatoꝛiũ/ = before is ſhewed in the. ri. chapytte. nd calt vpon them the fame water dy ſtylledof the ſame and felfe floures / than ſtoppe the glas agayn ſutelx / and ſet it in pure hoꝛſe donge a. cui. daes Engh tes oꝛ moꝛe / ot in Balneo Matic. u.or. in. dayes and npghtes, and iet it ſo dyl . geſte in bpm elke / Than put it agayn in th fyꝛſt glas and 5 it ones agayn m Bainco and the oftence that ye ſo do the putet — more noblet and Su it wylle be in ſtrengthe and ks Df you wp drürllebetbes thep tall . be gadered in ſeaſon conuenyent oꝛ euet the leues fade 02 chaunge tleyt natural colour. Alſo they ihail not be gade ted whan they be wet wich tayne / but whã they be Deve in fayte weddet aud clere as ppocras and Auytenna teſtyfheth ¶ In the thyꝛde parteof this dose J wyl ſhe we to you the tyme and ea ſon whan all the het bes ſholde be dyſtyiled that in this bose (hail be ſpecytred. jac (hall ſtto pe the her bes and leues trome theyt ſte⸗ ips and ſtalkys/ and chope them unall/ and than pe thal chope the ſtelys and tal bes by them (elie allo / a than pe (hall put thein agayne togyder with thers herbys oꝛ leuys / and ye ſhal put it thã in a glas oꝛ helinet / and lo diſtylle it in Lette equi · no/oꝛ ĩũnete / what is ſo dil ylled thru ghe helm t or glas / than it {yall ve rectp fred as 4 (halt ſhewe you bere afterin the. xxi.chapytte. ¶ ve ſhall vnderſtand that to dyſtylle her bes oz floutes wyllyn ge therof to haue the lente and odout of the herbes or floutes that it is dyſtyllyd ol / tie diſtyllaciõ thetofſhal be ot dred in two ot thre manets of wayes / The tyrlt is ordred and dyltylled in bentre equi no / ot in balneo marie / fo that the was, ter be no hoter but that you mare liier out tynget ther in. Another manet / pou te the water alredy dyltylled vpon the ſayde herbys agayn / oꝛ clips putt ylye it ot it be dyityllyd as belore is ſhewed you of the flourrsin this prefent chapytte/ ip lufter itronger fpre than the Whe eech be anp totes they muſt be gadzed in the hoũ des dapes / oz in diebus canitulatibus / that is in the canitzelet dayes Whan the leues begynne to fall. The totes nuiſt be walſhed ciene / and the water dꝛyed of agayn / and fo choppyd ſmall and broken than put in a panne / ot in a glas / and lo dyſtille it thꝛughan helme or glas /as before is teherſed. ¶ The fourthe ma⸗ net whan ye wyll dxütylle any ſuper fluy tees of fowles oʒ beſtes /as egges / blode / lyuet / long ues / cowotor de / oz any A of ſubſtaunce / xe ſhall ch the water becomethſtynz yng / vut yritdo becoine ſtyntzyng/ ve hall it dyſtylle agap ö — in balnea matic / for fowle / oz cllys worowe it that no biode ſſue rome hym / after that and pfit ha⸗ ue any fatte oꝛ greſe take it away / than take the flefie and choppe it inal ⁊ diltil it it in ventre equino with ſotte frre, to the intente that the water do not ſtynbe oz ſmelle of the fyꝛe / loꝛ ſodeniy therol co meth a gtet itenche / wherloꝛe all ſuche waters may be. u. dyſtylled for ther with it is grestip amẽdyd. ¶ Alſo whã ye wyl dyltylle any ſtuytes as plommnes / peres apples / ſione/medlets / nuttys and ſuche wih ¶ Ther thal be gadeted whanthep be fully cppe,oz euer they ſall a w ate fof te / and they (hall be chopped ſmall and nen Water it do not boꝛne / and than it (hail be ree tykyed as 80 a ſhe we to rou in the nett chaprtre folowynge. ¶ Item jc hall vn derſtande thet ct maner of her bes / flow tes / ſtuytes/oꝛ totes / that pe wyll dyityi moolt conbenpently ought to be gadeted in the crellynge ol the mone / whanit is fayꝛe weder / acoꝛdynge as the tyme re; quyꝛeth / than they (hail be tayꝛe walled and well pycked ftome all vncleneſſe / and than (hall they laye a dꝛrenge a ho le day / and than it ſhall be ſcopped and dyltyllyd as befoꝛe is ſpecyſyed. | How pe thal le à mate waters of dꝛre her bes / lloures/ and totes / whã the grene tan not be gotten, T fortuneth fomtpme that ye haue no dyſtylted water / noz none can gette in no plate whan ye behoue it thru Fhe forgetfulnes of the trme that is paft whan they ſholde be dyſtyllyd / or ales thrughe whiche Ca. xx. — — — TS ———— — ET — . OF ST ET — — 8 and wytherd / ot thtugh great rayne or fuperflupte of e which the hetbes and floures be marde and totten / and alto the water therot dyſtyl⸗ led hall haue lytel ſtrength or none. Cherfore it is neteſſaty to pou for to kno we how ye fhall dyſtylle waters ol dye herbys / lioutes / ot totes / ſuch as pe ſhal behoue / how be it. it wete more proſyta ble and etter of Wm 1 were polſpble to gete them. But pf it tuned that pe ‘ealbe brite the bene tii hail 2 in the mo nethe of ma yt before canoe thanthall it be ſtylled in an hel ae ee e e ee a een BEE Se . ee a a ee a lynen clothe ſpꝛede a bꝛode / z trayled oꝛ dꝛa wen over the gras in a fate leſe ot gar dyn poker as many kayꝛe het bes and flout es ſtande growynge / Thelaine leſe oz gat dyn whete as pe do this in / ought nat to lande on a moꝛyſſhe oꝛ watety grounde / noꝛ in depe valleyes / but vpon bre groũdes as nye as it is pollyble /and than (hall thys clothe be wꝛounge out in a glas / and than do fo agayn as ofté tyl ve haue ynough This dewe mutt be thꝛy fe dyſtyllyd in balneo Matie / and recty⸗ fred as it here after (hail be declared in the nette chaptte folowynge. and fo kere that water fromm vere to pere / than yf xe lyſte to dyſtylle within the yete any dꝛye herbes / than take ſuche her bes as is diy ed in the ſhadowe as moch as pe wyll ha uynge his naturall ſente and odour / and caft vpon it thee tymes of the foꝛnamede water of dewe fo moche that at euety ty me the herbes be coucryd Cha put it in a glas and ſtoppe it well / and ſo put it in hoꝛſe . and nyghts. After that dyſtylle it i balneo matie thze tymes ſteped / and at cuery tyme agayne dyſtylled / but A lbucaſis wꝛytyth in libꝛo Seruitoꝛ that vpon euery poũ de of Dave floures oz herbes ſhall be powꝛed. x. poũ de of comon water and fo diſtyllyd in an helmet / the whyche is not ſo good as the the watet beloꝛe layde / For 4 haue rede 8 expette phyloſopher a doctor ĩ Tate as moche of thot hetbes as re wyl and caſt theron thre ty mes as moche as the foz named mape dewe / ir. tymes dyſ⸗ tyliyd / dy ſtylle that thre tymes ouer/as before is lpeciixed / and that water is bet tet than the water dyſtylled of grene herbes / bycaule that onely the flegma of the Qrenc herbes is dyſtylled, And layd that the may dewe that hath ben. ir. tymes dyſtylled dꝛaweth the mrght and ſttengthe to hymwardys iytze wyle as aqua vite / or other dyſtylled wyne doth. Therloꝛe it ware good that enery water {bold be caſt von his owne feces / that is vpõ his owne herbes wher as it had ben ſtylled ol / and is putryfyed and agavne dyſtylled / but yet it wate moche better / that ye {hold powꝛe that water of ſuch Ip ke herbes befoze dꝛycd / and that fo diſtyl lyd / and than as J haue wr ten before it to be putrykxed in a circulatorium/oʒ in a blynde helmet / named in latyn alẽ⸗ bitus cetus / whyche is before fygured in the. ix. cia pytte / and fo dyſtylled / it gets: teth great goodnes and ſtrength. ¶ How re ſhall tectyfre rout waters at ter they haue ben dyſtyllydd Ca . xxi: Mr after the dyſtyllynge of the waters it is nedefull that they be Stet the intente that the kyꝛe be dzawen oute ol them / and a glas / the thoo partes therof thndi and well ſtoppyd with ledder and that well ſutely bounde / The thyꝛde parte of the glafſe ſhall be fet in fyne lande and ſo in the lonne the {pace of ive wekes in the ca niculate dayes / oz after aS the weder is tempetate / foz the lande becometh very hote foꝛ to tectyfye the waters froin the ſupet fiuytees of theyꝛ moyſtutes / lytze wyſe the waters ol fyty nature that be dyſtylled of ſpyces fyꝛſte ſteped in aqua bite acertapn whyle / theyz ſuper fluytes ok coleta is nedetul to be tempered of the ſyty complexyõ. Foz thꝛugh the great he te and dꝛowagt / the compleryon of man is often marted and deſtroyed / by pen⸗ therto of ſome manet of gowtes. a lyke waters be rectpfped thus. C glas {hall be faſte ſtoppyd as before is fayd and the two partes therof {hall be {ct in wet oz moyſt lande in a cellar the {pace ol a monethj oz moꝛe / oꝛ leſſe as the watet tequytyth. Oz elles dygge a hole a in the grounde of a moyſt easing and — it moꝛe than the two pa 8 lette it ſtande as —— fayb’ for fo2 ther the frrp tompleriõ is expꝛeſſely my⸗ racked Alſo it foʒtuneth often tymes whan two manet of waters be myxed to gyder / that they become troblous incon· trnent and vohyte lytze myltze/ as whan ye put olde wate ts in to new /therſoꝛe ye {hail mpre in two oꝛ thee pounde of wa nes es one of good twhyte Than the troubleſomne ſtewe ot tbe boaters Deatocrh tatty hott and ie Coot and ete dyſtylled waters odogh to be bepte Ca. xxi. 1 Cs neteſſatye and pzofytadle to tz nowe how and in what maner the dyſtylled waters ſhall be kept / to the intent that they map the longer abide in —— goodnes and be preferucd frome the yz hynde rauntes. Fyꝛſt whan the dx ſtylled waters be bettet dyſtylled as be foze is ſpecifyed / tha it is nedeful for pou to haue ſtonen pottes with ſmall neckys oꝛ pute fyoles with ſmall mouthes well waſſhed / ſpecyally with the powder of tbe herbe named parytaria well myred with the water oz aſſhes of theſame her be ¢ fo clẽſed as vt they were newe / thoſe veſſels alway well topped with a wo⸗ den ſtoppell oꝛ elles ſtoppels made of the two partes of waxe / one parte of toſell/ The toꝛpentyn / and fyne powdet ok tyle ſto⸗ nes of eche one parte and a halle /all tho le mpred togyder and molten on the fp: te but they mape not ſethe / and whan it is colde make therof theyꝛ ſtoppels / and aboue that ve (hal bynde ledder very ius ſte and — the intent that the watet and kepe his nature and n {hal ca 2 wheat f — dy 1 0 v Than ſhall yout veſſell be it pot oꝛ glaſ le be ſette in a cellet / to the intent that it do not freſe / for whan on dyſtylled wa ram nya ere it becometh tede / and po engthe is . therfore it (hall be let in a conuemẽt ce that is nother to hote / to colde // noꝛ 10 moyſt / to the entent that it abyde the lon ger in vettue € ſttength withouten hyn — F wÄ . —⁰ͤü ! Ä: — u —J p ̃²ꝛu — *ůͥmu.A ̃ - P ' ẽůͥue ̃ĩͥ •⁰; *ůùm̃ -- FF, m ⁵ͤn;pnnn ¶x bees ee oz peryſſhynge. te alter folometh bow loge ye map 1 12 2 youre Di plicth waters and whan T they mutt be pouted oꝛ cat away. Capitulum xxiii. 0 Pan the watets be dyſtylled / W rectyſped / ſtoopped and bepte in à cẽuenxent place /yet it is good and conuenyent to knowe and vnder⸗ ſtande how longe thole waters map ton tynue in goodnes / and whan ye thal caſt thein aware / lowbe it that the booke. of Mitolao de Itomatibus ideweth that co monly euety watet ought to be tenewed ones ĩ a per? wher with he meneth that they cã abyde but one pete in theyꝛ good nes / whiche can not be trewe / foz it may not be noꝛ is not of necelſite for thele cau ſes lolowynge. ¶ Fyꝛſte that the her bes / floutes / totes / oꝛ frutes ben not retely — be dyſtylled / as J haue (hewed to you in the. ir. chapytre befoze /⁊ in the begyns nynge —— Che ſeconde whan they be well rectykyed in the lon⸗ ne. The thyꝛde whan they be well Pop: ped and kepte in a conuenyẽt place / The whan they ben euety yete ones let in the fonne the (pace of loutty daes op more. The fyfte pf nede requyre eues SP vere ones ve ſhall ſtreyne ae pater thꝛughe a wollen lacke that lo the feces be deuyded frome the pure water. The (rete that the water be renewed t warde the ende of the pere / as J (hal tt we you moꝛe expreſſely. The ſeuent the waters that be diſtylled tontynue lõ ger than the watetu that be bꝛẽned/ foꝛ che clete and fuptyll partes be deuyded frome the groffe ſuper fluytes / ſoꝛ the dy ference betwene dyſtylled watets and N bꝛẽned waters is this / the one is oꝛdꝛed with fyꝛe / and the other in other maners The. viu.al maner ot watets that be dy ſtylled of Daye and hote herbes contynue longer than the waters that be deſtylled of colde / moyſt / oz ſlymy herbes oꝛ totes. The. ix.ſome waters beynge a per? ol de oꝛ aboue / do altet oꝛ chaunge oe = plexyon with mpny ſſhynge of theyꝛ mous colde oꝛ hete. Cherfore in jie Me tence J (hal ſhewe to you how longe the dyſtylled waters mare be kepte as nere as god therto wyll gyue me grace / for it is tyght dyſtytyll foz any crthly creature to haue thecof vnderſtandyng/ wherfore J call to god foz . the pat kxt no welege therot is onely in hym / and in no ne other without hem / wherfoꝛe it is ve⸗ ty neteſſaty to pou foz to wryte the tyme ol the pz bꝛennynges oꝛ drſtrilacrons. co longe the waters maye be bepte niubftaunce. E prt euety nance of watet is to be sped eet whan it is bꝛen nyd / dyſtyliyd / and kepte as before is the wed. But whan the — ben not clo ſe a truely ſtopped / than {hal they be caſt out befoze the pete / lpzewyſe all maner of water dyſtylled of beſtes / of towles og other wormes that beteth lyſe may fran tely oe a pere, Secddarely all ma net of water diltilicd of floutes / as ina= low floutes / botage ſlowtes / ble w flow te delute / bene flowres / ble we violcttes maye flowtes named lilium conuallium i latyn/whyte lylle flowtes watet / wkã ee 1 toes frome the ane fo ebeorger/Aehatehey inthe blade re be kectytyed in the ſonne o2 dyltvled tes/yelobo byolettis / wylde ta (ep flows pet ee o2 poured thrughe the wul⸗ lenfack as J haucthevwed you before / they fee good vnto the ende of the fe: conde pere / but than they ſhal be caſt out Rede roe water dureth vnto the ende ofthe thyꝛde yere / yf it be wel kepte / and euety pete rettytxed but in the thyꝛde ye te it is moꝛe comfoztatyſe than colynge or ſtyptyte / whyte role water may endu re two yere pitt be well kepte and tecty fred / wylde role water endureth two pere in great operacyon and vertue foꝛ to cole pfit be well kepte / but in the thy, - 3 this colynge is ſoze mynꝝ ſſhed / good foꝛ comfoatatrues therfore — be kept auer the thyrde rere pen it mult be euery pere rectyfredy as before is ſpecytyed. Alte the water of Pe nufar a flowꝛe which isgrowyng in the tyuets hauynge a great tounde grene le fe / whiche flowꝛes be ſomtyme yelowe / fomtyme whyte / and whan the flowres fall the lede ol them is cloled in a rouns de botton lytze a ſmall goꝛde /oꝛ an bey: let nall / may endure in his colde operacrxon to the fourth pete / the lytſt pere to be lay de withoute vpon the dyſſeales / foz it is halfe poyſon oꝛ venymthrughe his great coldnes oꝛ ſtupelactyfe / the leconde rere it may te bled vithin the body fo2 to cole In the thyrde yere his colynge is tempe tate /and in the ende ofthe thyrde rere it {hall be caſt out / but it mutt be well kept and tectytyed as before is ſpetyfyed. Of the lame nature be rede roles Sent in the coꝛne / ⁊ ſo is popy flowore wat ( Sccödatylpall flowres water an herbes / as camomnypll 8/ centory flores: Archangell — loo l kes / lauẽdet klowres / rolmatp tlowotes/ mayozapn flovores, faye flowtes/ laynt Johfis woꝛzte llowtes / all theſe waters maye be kept vnto the ende ol the thyrde yere / yt they be duly tẽdyd a rectylyed as befozcis {ecified / hut the waters that be not lo hote in theyꝛ operacron /they may be kepte vnto the ende of the ſetonde vere as wylde peruynbe flowtes / quices flow tes / flozes tilu/peche flowres / oen flow res / vohyt lylle flowres / al thele waters ſhall be caſt out in the ende of the (econde pere, ‘Of the water of leues. ¶ The thyrde / all luche waters that be dyſtylled of leues of trees / as of byꝛche le ues / wyld puyntze leues / bechẽ leues / okẽ leues / yuy leues / aſſhen leues / leucs of al nus / vyne leues / lcues of fuſamus / leues of thamaritus / ſauen leues / euery wa⸗ ter of leues may be kepte vnto the begyn nyng of the thyꝛde pete / yl they be truely dyſtylled rectytyed/ and well derben a . 1 * : ter of fruptcs o2 betyes. € Che fourth al ma ner ol waters dyſtyl led / as of holme beryes in latyn wan wylde beable beties/grene benes / ben ſhales / gteat plũtayn ſede/ſtraw berxes plõmes oz damlens / goꝛdes / blacke and rede chetyes / duckes meate named lenti cula aque vel lẽtigo in latyn / grene Wal nutte helles /cãpet noyies that ſome men callyth tode ſtoles / wylde oz tame apples wylde peres. And camonly all manet of watets dyſtylled of fruptes maye be keps te à yereo2 — yk they be well orden as befoze is moatee an comon fete, F ²˙ ü — WM. ee ee ee ——— ¶ The. v.ol the hetbes that be not to ho te noꝛ to moyſte/not very hote/noꝛ berp drye / as Sorell water. Endrue water / beneſtele water / Boꝛage watet / Cee le Water / water of Ptunella / water of bar ba hyzcyna / water of Arthemelia water of ruba 02 tubea / water of Centum moꝛ: bia, watet of Scatũ celle oꝛ penp wort, water of thꝛeylels / water olapunn dome ſticum / water of cok ov pyntell o2 aaton / water of pacea oꝛ herba clauellata / was tet ot out lady thyſtel / watet okcynbefoyl fenel watet / water of hetbe robert oꝛ her bo tobettp in latyn / patow waters wa: tet ofgrounde pup, water of ſumxytotyc / Water of Confolida media / lruet wozte water / Theruell / water ofcatdes / loua· ge water leuiſticum in latyn / watet of cauda equina / water ok lattis / lrxuet woꝛ te water / water of may dewe / ny de water / petſely waters parſeneps wa · tet / watet of Dundelyon / Dandelyõ al hoppes/ tze watet / tanſey water / watet of hetba Patalyſys / water of Saxyltage / was tet of Scabrous / Celandy water / water of Centum nodia / water of Watry goldes. Thele waters endure in vertue and ſttengthꝛ frome the begynnynge of the fyrſt yere to the ende ofthe ſetonde ye en they be kepte as beloꝛe is ipecy € Okcolynge waters. > Cy wm r n ge very colde / as Mandꝛake hen quaie / pꝛetelayne /houſtetze / ducaes meat Ppp becbe/C ratfula nner hemiobe vel ende of the thyꝛde pere / yr they be oꝛ⸗ F is (pecpfped but for the outwarde partyes they ben in theyꝛ colde operacton of grett vertue and ſtrengthe / foꝛ in the fyꝛſt yere they be fo colde à ſtupetactyf that they tabe amape the lelynge of man / Inthe ſeconde pere they be metely temperate in theyt colyn · therloꝛe they {hall not in the lyꝛſt and le conde rere be vled within the body and ſome ſhall neuer be died in the body alo: ne / but onely to be layd withaut . @ ofthe 2 and dtye herbes of natute He ſeuẽth / the waters of herbes T that be hote and drye of nature / as horehounde or mar ubium in latyn / Stabwort or enula campana in latyn / Horſe mynte or mentaſtrum in la tyn Agrimonie / pulegium / balilicon / cat do bene dicta. Centorye/camomell/arthã gell / Dylle / brennyg nettels / herba bes ronica /gamandte / Tanatetumagteſte⸗/ 8/hettes tonguc / mit ica / verbena⸗ —ͤ ee ee um / melyſſa / dayſyot conlolida minor in latyn / pyro⸗ la / waters of thole herbes and ſuche Ips ke mape be kepte to the ende of the thrrde perce. Boban they be ordted and tzepte as before playnly is ſhewed. ¶ Ot waters of moyſty nature. 85 ¶ The. viu. Waters ot totes whiche be grolſſe / moyſty and ſlymy of nature / as boꝛage totes / pet ſeneps totes / rotes of cat do benedictus / fenell totes/ 3 tu tes / totes of hetmodactulus/ pes / wal wort totes / totes of tobyte ipl les / rotes of ligillum een ters of thele totes {uth like may be kept fro the one pere brite the othet / whan it is oꝛdꝛed as before is ſpecytyed. Ol totes waters that be hote of natute ¶ The waters dyſtylled of rotes of hote and Dave nature /be/as totes of emila ca pana / rotes of angelica/ rotes ot ppnpts neil / rotes of blewe flowꝛe delule / rotes ol valetiaen / totes of netties/ rotes of ye low lylles/rotes of ſpargus rotes ot ala ga alba /oꝛ aſſa dulcis /ot tuche lyke/ they mapye be kepte frome the begynnynge of the kyzſt yere vnto the ende of the ſecõde pere _— they beduly tendyd as befoze is Of allſuche waters that be dyſtylled/ ol beſtes / kowles / vermyn oz! ¶ The. x.ſuche waters as water of pres Ducks greys blode / gute bockis blode. blo de ol an aſſe / yolkes of egges / whyte ol egges / antes oꝛ pyimet egges /frogges/ hennes / hennys mawes / capons/cowe creme /cowe dounge/calfes blode / flyes⸗ manns daunge/oxe blode / ſwynes blo⸗ de / ſtoꝛkys / inayis / Theſe waters and ſuche lytze may be kepte / rome the one ye te to the other pere-pfit be oꝛdꝛed a kep te as before is layd / but that may not be hony water may be kepte. v. oꝛ ſyx. yeres ytit be euety ycte ones tectiſied in nne. A Wyll 3s 1 8 to you . am fe, ſenttee of all maner of wa ingenerall/as others: rots fants teherſed. Bom longe be Well kepte to the ente — tne, that reded —— bol may haue the better thynge as beloꝛe is not c Therclore ye (hall vnder ſtalide that all manet ol herbes that be tolde oz moyſt / oꝛ ſiymp / oꝛ fat thycke tiv ftatice may dure from the one pete to the other / except thet᷑ that᷑ be colde in the uu. degre they may be kept longer as 4 thal fhe we moze playnly to rou in the ende of this chapytre / iytze wylc all flowres that be fatte / inoyſt / and thycke ol lubllaunce be kepte inthe lame maner. allo ali bloi fons that be thynne / leibtyll / dꝛye / oz ho te of lubſtaunce map be hepte ly om the be gynnynge of the one pere to the ende of the other rece. But all waters of betbes that be hote of complexyon the inclynyng to bytternes with dꝛye thynne lubtyll ite les ; leues a dꝛre fiowꝛes / thele may be kepte from the {pot ere /in to a patie of the thyꝛde yere. Al fatte/ſlymy / mort to tes that be of a grolſe colde ſubllaũce may be kepte froin the begynnyng of the vere almoit to the ende of that fame pere. ali maner pf watets of rotes that be hote / drye / ſubtyll/a thyune ol ſubſtaũte/maꝝy be kepte frome the fyꝛſt rere in to the bes gynnyng of the tyyꝛde pore. All waters of beſtes and luch lyte / as before is lpokẽ of-colde and moyſt ol nature / or groſſe € fatte of ſubſtaunte / may be kepte well ny ghe from the begynnynge ofthe pere vn to the ende / but waters of biode may ton tynue a perc full All waters of fruptes colde / moyſte / and ſlymx / of ſubſtaunce myxed with ſoꝛenes oꝛ ſweteneſſe/maye be kepte frome the one rere in to the o . ther. But all waters of hote ſruytes of ſinal thynne ſubſtaũce / inclynyng tye vnto a drye and bitter comnlexyon/map be bepte from the begynnynge ol the one yete vnto the ende of the other. But all maner of herbes / flowtes / rotes / ſedys⸗ —: . c . r ot ktuytes that be deped ot wette in wpe ne and cherwith dyſtylied / rectyfyed / clo ſe ſtoppyd / and kept in a conuenyent pla cC mapcontynue.u. or thre tymes as lon ge ot lõget. whan ye kepte your waters lo lõge that ye thyntze that theyt ſtrẽgtie Wyll peryſſhe than ye may renewe them in this maner. In the nerte yere or they petilſhe tale ofkeueryeche water of what nature fo euer it be / the thyrde pte ofas moch herbes /totes / flowtes / or fruytes/ that be freſſthe ⁊ grene / ſtamped ſleped r werted in balnco marie. ni. or.iiii.tymes well ſtopped in a blynde helme that bath no pype ot ellys in à glas named citcula toriũ as here is ſyguted/or in hor e doã ge. ut.ot foure dayes A Act that Bpttyiied z wel recevfred in the ſonne as J haue ſhewed to rou betore than may it contynue his hole tyme as it yght do at his fyrſte dyſtyllacyon / and this map be twyes done and no mote In the whiche J haue fornde great vet tue But euyll tis to knowe the fadynge of che waters and to knowe the Deve tyne b. drdete manets. € Firſt by the fine! as thele waters lolowyng / tole water / was tet otmyntes/meliſſe water / may ſiowte Water named lilium cõuallum in latyn camoimnell tlowre water / yſope water /a uender water ¢ rolemary water / maro: layn water / enel water /a luche lyke Wa ters, At they be diſtylled in balnco marie ot witha lolte cole tyre ethan well ſtop pyd / io they bepte theyr ent / whan re marke erpecticiy mynyſſhed ladeth or is Lolly gone / than ye cught to caſt the oute ¶ Sccondarely / Il the herbes haue nor lente not iauot that the water is dyſtyl· ipd of, than ye ſhall tatze the water and holde pour fyole or glas of a great brabe t poute out a pee of that water /yf it pin ne tha ibe a deeth / it ought not to be oc tupyed / but caſt away / foꝛ tha it bath no vertue. ¶ The thyꝛde maner / re hall let a dꝛoppe of pour dyſtrlied water vpõ the naxles ot vour thombe / yt it ronne not guyctzlyot᷑ tha caſt it away ¶ The fourth manetr / whan ther dꝛyue feces in che wor tõ of roure glas lyłe clowdes 4 deuyded lytze flockes of ſnowe caſte it out foz it is nought. ¶ The. v.maner is wha the wae ter is ot̃a reed colour ¢ lmelleth vll / than caſt it out incontynẽt / oꝛ it were able ta do moze harme than good ¶ Thus endeth the fyele boke of the dv; tyllacyon. Here aftet feloweth the tegyſtte of the table of the ſeconde boke ol the her bes /ã to fynde the waters agaynſte all maner of ſekeneſſes and infyrmytees. & Fton this pietent ta: Hie is dyuyded in. xxxi. ps tes wherin ye (hail fyn= de remedyes agaynſte all mance of dyſſeales or inkyrmytees comyng or fallynge vnto manzyn de froine the hede vnto the fete. He fpette pte fhe: weth with what manet of wa: ters the helth of man is to be pteſetuyd. Ind in this Eprit preſẽt parte be xt. foucrapne chapytt es of the whiche pe naxe ot cupye the beſte and that tS moſt ne detull to pour eon neg ſhall ye | chapytre in the lettte 2 E ccxxvi J and T et, N E Sand I. err a Fot the remembraũce @ Thele chapytres fhe weth with what maner of waters mãbzynde get teth good remembraũte ie the lyrſt chapttre D Rave Baavewat For to ſtrẽgthe the hart ¶ Theke chapitres ſhew with what manet of wa ters mays bart is to be r= nahh ecomfozted . a cy | C cexrvi : and 8 Agaynſt heuy dtemes @ Theie chapytres {hee Werth with what maner € Two ounces drontzẽ ci betonap water prefer. tictha mã that lame day from dronzenes. Agapnſte ferfulnes in the nyght. cxc ui O Agaynſt heuynes a fos vowfulnes af the harte. rout 5 a 1 or T oe ſetonde pats reberteth of all dulkentes of the hede and theſe chapytresſhe⸗ weth with what was ters the hede and bꝛay⸗ ne ſhall be comiazted & ſtrengtted. ry 4 a 5 2 2 8 8 fi E 2 5 — 1 1 Agapnt payne in the fo „ B te hede aboue the es / xviii B which oi in bs ribu Go henucranc tri A ltt clviit 23 * clxriiii D Agent ſwellynge oꝛ cxtiui B a ine of ngs vu Agarntt payne ok the be kli D * lo cuet it com of cect G é A int 890 Io E terxr Pandy p lir A ccciii Ixxxii A Agaynſt the kallynge 1 trbit u kenes named Cpileria, cxruii A Hott 3 cxxrvu A xli BB croft 0 rt — clxxii A Uric 8 ccrvi 2 and clxiu i cexxvi C abit pixie 1 a * mle E C 34175 E Agarnt à longe endu · 0 Pe an cckxR• PPB rly C cerlv 2 u a cxlrru cc oaint oꝛ duſines inthe beds, Agapnſt the palſey na⸗ lir D med patalyſys. chit ae : cxli D retbi —— 2 1 a — | ah eS! S clxvii 2 os; B cept Fi CEE . DP cecbee E it n ttu B centr M | cere’ 2 cclxiui A chit B pclae Ig ainſt ſtał ing ok ite hede comynge of the pal {cp oz paralilis oʒ ot o: ther dyſſeales. ip) 1 5 a kl 2 2gaynde the palley to bepꝛel erred, GARE . arly : Agaynſt melancolye ips ke as one wete abſttat te o2 out ot his wyt and sad ve pꝛeletued of the la In the fyyt cbaprree 6 thw To w ithoꝛyũe melaca ly i the hede oꝛ madnes ynge of an impoſtume before oz after named frenelis, 2 ¶ Igaynſt deleaks ofthe hede whan all the hede is kull of payne that the tethe grynde for payne. xli. T 8 y the mopfturz mourte of the hede oe ¶ Agaynſt the moyſtut z . — in the hede. ccxvii 2 ¶ for to tauſe natural Me had. beuge vnſte the ſlepynge fexencs named utargitia x whan ã bodye flepyth to harde. f xci G — the ſcaldnes cclrxbii C ¶ Agaynſt the hote blay nes on the hede. a CAgaint the ſhelles on the bede, bit. ¶ Fot the hetes. 5 Sp begineth the thyt de pte of this regyſttewhych ſheweth to make all mance ot co louts of heres. © (for to mate the here ytlowe | cri cclxx vii Sonne other thynges 2 xi. R AJ tbe ~ 85 cccii = ¶ To withdtawe Ri whan a perfon bath he: re on a plate where he wolde haue none. ccix rlbiii CAgaynt gray here ele viii * ctliii T cler mae sberdero grome, * — ——Ü—ä— — E ¶ Agaynſt wormes in the here. | f — . 4 g ) i i Foz to ſtrengthe and cõ Foz the flode of the iyen Igaynſt the rede a {wol fogte the pen, comynge of colde, len int / that is come of he aie hete oꝛ mode, ap E klo D abt N legit Cihan thet iren and the cbi ¢ WEEE To i mẽbꝛes be waſched with cxti B Agaynſt tetynge iren. poley water tatzeth awa ert viii a pe the rednes 02 fuine of cxcii Q xtrü A the iyen. cc C klvu E clebt D te C ibtt A ccxcii cri A cklxtix 6 cexvii J ccrri 1 Agavpnſt firmp pen bat atch S cexrr L ken togyder in the mozs corey L npnge /o; at any tyme ¶ Agaynſt vohyte a blac — 5 after ſlepeß, eee Agaynſt the tede hete => ; 1 ſtytches in the men exxüi N Sew A ii L Againſt itche in the tren — x — Hse } 2 lig K 1 tx vu i 2 textii 4 civui Q Agaxnſte blapnes in the cext vi 2 cexttit 18 en-. ng ccxtt ectttv © 2 r ge oO a. 2 tlxit H 1 Sgavnee rede res P reel e 15 N * a ea N Agaynſt blyndnes⸗ xtiiii C Againſt the pynne in the sists = cht 3 ien. sages cxiiii 2 RD cir Br oe crerbi C cerrrit ad i R — ccirrrui mB Agaynſt ſchalde andbie . Igainſt rayne in the irẽ rei ynſte ſtytchynge in Againſt darm in ehr ye te ipes, ie wen compnge of the bi Q rtrit D heres okthe wen lyddes. tiviu Q erevit A cut * texrti D cle * * d. i 8 Ca the cares, Hitt F Ds beguineththe rect O lylth parte which teu 93 ſheweth all maner of dil cexu C eales or the eares / and temedyes to the fame, ¶ Fo; the face, Agaynſt defnes, H Ere begynncth 1 149815 the ſyrt parte ſhe it M sopng the dyſſea les of the Ixtvi A fate g te comedpes {0 xi D the lame cxcb * B tri 8 slit be Foz to make the fare fav Sigapnt (onginigos pr te and mee, pꝛuge in the cares, 1 222 dex 8 roi C rt G xxxit 5 Gui O ib B urrvi A rrvit 25 ing a Pp , ait 22. ar nber clit 11 arb 8 The e E cerr K m.. „ cri 3 alte Dh cept B. Agaynſt fores oe imp For palenes of the late fines in the eates, i thel | it xxxii 9 it Y irrt ide BY ong rei 0 cker vt we E 8 ktxxrxvu *. Agaynſt ſwellynge in cebu > the eates ctlrx 1 ccxciii Agaynſt the tede pm | cclxxxbi C 0 the frounces of . 8 he ate, rcxcii ples in the face. xxiii ASws & We 4 Bex Cave water of great bute rotes taken an o ce and q halte / and wa tet ot rede roles halle an — — ounce /and quycke bm; ſtone a dꝛagma myxed to gyder z lo let a monete in the lonne / and the fas ce ther with enoynted it. tymes in a day and ſo let dere by hym ſelfe is vety good foꝛ 1 roſe qʒ reed: nes of the face A gaynſt ſpottys in the kate. me — — — i Seinen tie Agapnſte reed ipottys in face, the tut D clriit J and & clxxiui esr cixxvi B cccb E Agaynſte relowe {pottys cliii E tcxxu T telruii | — Agayntt the cof in the fa te. ; CC c B cit. a tere D and e cclxxxvi 225 textu Q cxxr f ¶ Foz tye noſe. h Exe beginneth the vu. parte whiche treateth of the opficates of ol the noſe. The waters that ſhal opẽ the ſtoppynge ofthe nole / pc {hall fynde it in the cha pytte of the hede before. Saapnit ble dynge at the nole. Ib SDA GAA Agaynſt fowle ſtyntzyng ag growyng in the no cri cxt vi ccxxx 24 T Agaynſt the impoſtuma⸗ cron ol the noſe, 2 Q 4 ¶ Ol the mauthe. H Ere begynneth the viii. parte agaynſt the dyſſeales of the mouth xix We cxc vi and with what water it erx may be teme dꝛed. J ; Igaynſt an inward etyn ge for¢ inthe mouthe. OreQeerenasaay cixciii Sage water is good foz thelame ctyng in the mou the whan it is walſhed. ii oz thre tymes a day with the lame. foz the coꝛtuptyng and etynge ol the gonunes. by 4 C a E for ſoꝛes in the mouth og in the throte oꝛ necke. xrviii xiun rite ore Sead dui, clntié 5 anaynt Magnes br: by: les in the mouth / g * 02 Recke Within —— ancia xluu Lut Great plantyn Water i lethal maner of bladders dz unpoſtumes within ye put it therin and fo let it remapn a good whple. xlutit 2 Wi ¢ lrxüt G tt F tit vit S rn C ccxxnit N ccxciit G Agaynſte cancee andelef tis of the gõmes / mau and lyppes ; xlix * cixu 2 cn * ecxx vi V tcltxvt * Agaynſt the mouth and thꝛote/and of the gommes that be wol ful of coꝛtupexon 2 1 ( Df the tongue. han the tonam fel cerkrittt 6 chu * cclx G ct lt C and rit 4 Foꝛ ts maße harde gom⸗ rb med. and hat ynnge tethe cut — ka ſtande HB Burtelepne clvuii water alten vled a longe Ol the deere mat zepte in the monthe / mn and — zeth the teehe Kade fast, E C coreg +F Ixxuii F cine c lrir a clxuiit 1 Agaxuſte the ſpene in the clxxxi © thote named vnala -. cut L st 1. ccxrxiuit F ttlxx B ccxxxu E scitre er 8 cexxxu C Otthe ſpere. Hpanit is loſt whether ¶ Ol the noche it come of . noh the lsqueshettwals other ſezenes / with mbar len or begyn te groe n mate eS ote bolpen. the thꝛotẽ. 3 i op circ cclx xv BBV cclxxxui (Ot = Sten — | What mance of. watet᷑ is Zynnachthe goad fox the payne of ti. —— beraten ee dyſſeales camyn 3 . . eben | eres * and af che wle elch clxvii hꝛeſte / and toz ta make cirbus DH cere vapc. 2 * r cxxrir 4 cexxiiii * Agaynſt hoerneſſe. Mbit Ec cru x elett E tlrrxbü B 3 C Agapnſt ſhozt bꝛethynge⸗ 5 xbi E cxlvi C treix S Agayntte tylyke 02 Dave towghe comynge of colde rrbiit 1 lviu A xxx vii 6 exxxix 3 E of clbti 2 ether - A Againk the tke comyn ge of hete. rot E ub “ cecit C Agaynſt the bycke 02 pet kyng named in latyn lin gültiis. Jet the bape ſtreytnes of the bzeſt. 5 Fon the lub weng ertiiii B te and ſttengthe clxxu S 0 di) In the frat chaprtre WM 6 Lit 21125 | xl viii Q Agapnſt inwoſtiunacyõs trevii N of the bꝛeſt. at chr 4 | 1220 ; Bꝛode plantapne water Foz to tlẽſe the bꝛeſt and yt it be Droneatehe moꝛ to pucvipe thelame. nynge z at nyght at eche pee tyme anounceand an hal ut R — a fog the lam bit cit W f clxv 2 5 Se tlxxxviii & rit i cxcu D clrrrii oe celu d cri * * ctivi B eeu 9 — celvu Cc. Agapnſt ſitaptnes ofthe ectclxu 2 harte and the bꝛeſt. : FPoꝛ to mabe fotte and In the kyꝛſt chaprtte D large the bꝛeſte. Be bi a tx 2 ix 1 At R li B lxtvi 2 B cxvu # tervi D fcxtxic 2 xti eter H t D kei * cxxxbii 2 cxxxi T Sees. the fipinyres of tig B cri Poe 12 cexvi A kxxxix 2 Agaynſt ſwellynge ol the bꝛeſte a payne vnder the tybbes. xciiii C cxcii 2 cerry 5 Okthe dyeſlales of wo · mens bꝛeſtes pe (hall fpn be bere after. me dye the lame Foz to ſttengthe and ton fozte the hatte, ri 2 xxvi a xx vii B rivu — li C lxxiii 1. cxr : x crxxix S tlh E crlir 8 cixvin EC clxxii @ ctiu C ccxxvi * colt C cclxxxii 2 etrtii C Agaynſt fayntencs, vi 5 clxxiui 7 ctxbii S cexxxuii E and R texxxv D ccrcu D 3 at the hat clrrviii MO ccxvi KEK Agaynſte leblenes of the hatte, ; ‘ lir 3 cxxxi A clr B c N me tcomblyng ofthe hat Re ret vat cixui C cciiii E —.— kale and apoltumacxon of the hart ri D ret B cel vii 29 roti xlvii ccui fo2 the ſtonake. Ert beginneth the xi. part foz to ſttẽg che the ſtomakke an the lytſt chapptre. L 2 = E Fe N ade narf nm (ertches ſtomatze alte hatt ir itt tcetv cece Bas De Bo aaronveuyven hee „ P ² A A Igaynſt the ſtomatz whi — ceciiif A the ftomake, ce to moche hote · Ane 2 0 i Jes #4 For the tomake whiche Irvili * waters be hynderfuit on os pcg mug | O to the ſtomate and what j ay ccxxtiiii L waters do cauſe to pars ate C fort C brake, elxrui D cl prri 3 yy r cexriiit N Agaynſt the colde ſtoma cclxix B Agayntt ſpettyng oꝛ pat be 3 bꝛabynge of blode, Agaxnſt ondylreſled tx B meat in the ſtomatze In the kyꝛſt chaprtre N rlviii A lx zx Itt „ lt B kli. wii DD elxviii II ul G lxiui J clxxxviii G alt K tlii X cclxrv tea. FEE C cixbiii C and 2 clxxxiiit E telxxv B Agavynſt erde and cerxi B Parbzab ner a Igaynſt the mate oz ſto kt QD Agapnit the temp aud matze whiche can not dpe Hb E moptty flomate, gelte noz bath no appe⸗ te | 2 ub * abi ‘elit a li E tcxvi ii rit 2 cexxx D lItiii 22 li 3 Cle levis a lxuii a and! celxii A lxrviu fi cdi 8 cvui — ur 8 Agaynſt them that can xci Eck elrbit A not kepe theyꝛ meat ĩ the clxviii ZB clxviii DD ſtoinaze / with what wa cirrrvui QD tirxiu A and D ter it ſhall de temedyeth crrrui 1. tir — 2 cclrir + tt bil C chit 5 ccixxiii — iii ae 3 5 enen ttlith 8 4 5 vpbꝛedynge of ke whiche es (topped, ccl hall be cõlozteth 2 outa dene m n : theth fre the lx ibtt S Fo. ſtoppyng olthe lyuer ix — cxxxvii e and to opene the fame, sri 5 cxxrit 5 Alvü “EY ct 2 uli L ut 4 kclxbiii B vi O ii ee JES bin Y cli ae Agaynſt three, cxvu L ci ae! it : A cxr Cv 2 it A crrbü n ge 9 vu N creep AU cru 53 Ixxiu B debi. . © exrpi B gett ©. cheer viii N rer 2 si © ctrptt. I. ‘pig 8 3 ccxxxv SB yi 2 (fo the luer. cclxvi A dept Ge Cre begrnneth ee D dlxtri We e the. xi. pte ſhewin tcixxiii Ccdu € ge 5 and ac ath G ccxrriiü 3 exydẽtes ofthe lyuer with ccixxri S ctrli Cc. what waters the Ipuer 2 2 | nee et a tir TC -Agarnt ſwellyng as i C krix l xuet oꝛ apoſtume aun | wil A Api A the lyuer. 4 Atty : B rel i Mil B cv D sli 1 * ix B _ ‘derebite 1. . C Agapnt a deſtroxed ips cece x xxx bit X mex. —9 9 ett 4 Agaynſt the colde Auer Arb © kv 5 pidge : clxxxviu L clxxxi B Lr 80 tcexvii J cw snus = tcxxc A ctxcpũ © dee menge tcxxxv 9 cl. 4 ttlxtri S Agayntt the hote and in vii € cclxxiit A flanuncd lxuer vin Zang the gee a the fyrſt ii Igaynſt dꝛopſy comyn: ge of tolde. Seeger vceguegrggggsgegr ine clxviũ * ur 2 CFoꝛ the longues. cxrrvü 1 Ere begineth the cel xui.patte. celxxiuii E Foz to ſtrengthe and tõ · ¶ Igaynſte the apoſtume fozte the longues. on the longues Jin the att chapytte x viii . cxvü G E Pe reit E Agaynt the longue whi crlv che is tomopup,. ełxxir C ccc E ir G cect cc G ktrev B i Agaynſt toppinge ol the Agaynſte the (chenes of longues and tog to opene the iongue them. =" . rite cxxxix B ki crrxir ä clxvui pf 1 be 1 clit cyons on the longues / 3 how it ought to be holpẽ. fat gue the cog Ibtit 2 vu i S rivitt rete D irrbi cxrxvii 2 chee cxxxix C J ccc 3 2 5 Agaynſt hete € dzoroght sa af the longues i Igayntt the devecogy, BEabodphadetenatppn lik 8 ae — he ſhall be ols tcb C ¶ Foꝛ the mxlte⸗ xivti * Ss Cre begineth the xlix B calvin B cult pee chewing cl 2B all dpikats ofthe mylte clxi * f t with what waters i cerxrb his chapytte ſheweth {yall be holpen. tcl G whan a body is imporſoꝛ: Co ee and c confog cecii B ned ol umneliynge ol any te the mylte. | metal oꝛ beasvotthe wht I K AgayNite the co de cob: che the membꝛes within cei E gk, begynne to rotte lite as cxr often is ſene on the body cxxrir xli N es that be enoynted wuh cerbu A cxxrit B vnguentum Merculiale cette C cxc vii B oxthat ofthe unellyng of cclxxti 7 argentum binn / the gõ arnt ſtoppynge of the Agaynſt cobogh comyng mes and the mouthe rot: mite. ot colde. teth / and the tethe falle lbiui ey) : out / then pe wene that it rei T excix F cometh of hete / but it is chut 8 not ſo / bycauſt the Her: xx 5 : ~~ is colde and mops cxxxvii k Agarnſt incn iy in thefourth degte. cer vi 1. pt to ony body were gp: And whan ur is ſubiuned celrvi a wen anp incantatyon in than it is hote and dare / ctlxvij B bis meat and had eaten for all that it Deftrored celrruii 8 it / how a with what wa neuerthelelte the body of celtrv 6 tet it hal be w . cexxxrii 2 it agapne. to a fliny tleſſhe / named Agaynſt hardnes of the in Eftimonium / mute. aS with what mater he ſhal & xlir T pen · cxx 5 Agapnſt huctyng oꝛ ben C Decfuil medyernes, cilerb CC San en of the mil Hi 22 Agaynſt senyin, = perritit 4A xlit : —— ann ee RNR 2 W Ete beginneth the and at nygbt euety tyme 5 2 rb. parte whiche an ounce and an halle 3 et 85 ſhebreth all dyſſeaſes of good 5 the gow te O the bely it the inguttes. inthe bowelles Agamnt the apoſtume of with what waters the the mylte. bely and guttes hall be Water et wylde tanſey 3 S u tentheth aà cõloꝛtijctg. oꝛ Tanacetum agreſte/ cexriũi Q ͤxlvu CC dꝛõbẽ thꝛe times in a day ccl Q cee euer tyme a ounte and a Agaynſte ſtytches in the halfe / 02 two ounces / it lyde. Agaynſt the wynde and is good agaynſt che gov, uli E coꝛlynge in the bely. te in the bowelles, tr 2 lxxx 8 22 ett C cere D crt 6 chit A certs Gand Eck cieenitt 2 luu 23 clxxxviu 7 lpr A Againk payn in the bely cree A ite 6 ctxxxi G xcii A rlbit FF cclivit G xcbiit D iniii A tclxrv L tui G lxvui 2 cxrrit O rei 2 8 the ſhꝛynkynge cxl v 1 cxxx vi U in the Lely, cet B ccixcui + i clxviii ad 1 K cti F Agaynſt the har deſwol: rot B celui Y len bely⸗ tr F celui 5 li tad celui E rbt C lo + Tie water of totes ol va I vii C letyane is good for the Agaynſte the gowothe in lruu 8 payne in the (de whan bowelles c. 25 the lyde is tubbed thers ? n C with / and cio wtes layde rip E crrxrii RDB 6 viii 5 clui * Inuit L clxvui au bor Sytchesin the | | ccun 4 ſyde of yonge ahrldere Water olthe totes of enu cclvii 2 cu la camrana oꝛ ſcabwoꝛt cclrxi I Cfo thebely. dꝛonken in che moznyng tcixvu * cuil. Agaynſt the imroltumes Foz them that bꝛaſt oꝛ t 9 in the bowelles. te named ruptuta / that the bowelles all downe arbut Bk in the coddes, SCLC die PEE C v é ‘6B a | 3 vi B xxx EE Aeayntiwormes i in the rip 29565 ina we 02 tomate / bely / Ixvi G ce in the bowelles in ode ev B betlons/o; apa clxxui L derten. enn N vit 5 cexlix C blip Cu ctv C itt D cctv 0 lxini B celtxvi 4 lb it 2 agarnt eurem x rit 42 C bel „3 cext vu DQ = crxxir E rlis ce chit E kivi K cictui lun sas cixcruit Sp lee as clin N 8 1 72 25 ccłxiui 20 crt. = * tek bu D crlbt BD celpr vg, ene — ccibli A citxuii 8 cclix B cxcxui $B ccixxb E ccxxix at 0 E cert 5 ati 203 x — 0 555 K ie. be spr „ teen — 4 Water of bozege floutes Foz ontlene and Artped dꝛontze thre iy mes in 3 8 Daye at tuety ti ne an of to tient $s) ceanda halle is in te te | i been cru ¶ Coſtyfnes. Igaynſt ſcoppyng in the bely and to cau’ laxvnge ttt * ity G crv A cexcu 24 cecv Agaynſt to great alaſſe. cv B kli 6 lviu N ag 2 ined — lxvui E Ixxxiiu B cxxu 0 cxlvꝛit & clt a cir E cexrr £F crib N ctxi B cctlu D ctrri B ctlxxũi 2 cctxxv 4 cetrxv = ——. 2 ccitebit 1 Agaynſt the body fie named dillentei ia in las “igs e 1b a rib i aha ae * ‘ clxi C rir rs ccxxiv C clxi O ccxxx vii a cclxi J Agapynſt coldenes in the cexli B teynes whete with they cclxri D maye be brought agayne cclxxu J to theyꝛ naturall dete, etic 3 N ek cktii Y A gaynſte the inkoꝛced in. crew D traples àttet a lalke. er | gapnit apoltumynge o piv QD tte reynes. cexbii di 8 cxxxviii D Foz one that thyneth ccixviu A and B bpm ieite laratpic q yet can do nothynge, liiii 8 Agaynſt ſorownes inthe lyinmes ot in iombis. ¶ Foz the bladder. kli TF liui Q Ete beginneth the li N cvi.parte and ſie: cvi G ech al the tremedyes foꝛ ci vii D the dyſſea ſes ol the blad . cclxvü G der kz ones and lymmes. Thele chapytets lerne Agaynſte onclenes in the boty whiche waters the teynes or bladder. bladder / the kydnes ct the sme tal be confozte v ‘ “ and ſtrengthe. irbt : tl vu DD In the lyrltchaprtre P init C Ixxxui E Igaynſt the hete of the ret 1 Ulaudet and the reynes. cxi B erxx vit cxxxvui. cr ci clxb = clerrbitt cc „ cru ccxxuu ccli cclit celrvi 9 avavaeaasisweacea & — Agaynſt the grauell in the rapnes ⁊ lymmes. i cxxiiii cxxvui REGARVGVEUFREHEABERET RETR elit, fo2a body that can not 1 without payne ui 8 8. G G Igaynſt ſtrangurp. eel bit Soren ovary, e HA BaD wSBabtua Agaynſt pritpnge of blo 110 the lectete places ran IEte begynneth the Xgapnſt clyſtes in the s vit. cha pytte. dament. Agaynſt wꝛattes in the loun dament. i rxuu A rou 3 xl vu w : lxu 2 i Ixvi C This chaprtrethewethte xc vii J medre koꝛ the londament xcir C thatrfacth wu out cx iii J the body. cxxrvũ E . terv 4 vi J ccxvui B IAgaynſt the impoſtumes Againſt the ſoꝛes oꝛ pp of the ſectete places. les in the ſeundament. ret : Agaynſt terien in the bat a ſectete places. Ixvt ccni 8 . D rrbit A Agaynſt the ronnynge clvu $B loꝛes and pyles in the on clxix T dament. Agaynſt the ſwellynge of xlix : RE the ballockes. lxxvi E tl B Agapnſt the fycze / and Agayntt ytche on the bais Loan is growen in the lockces kondament rede fleſſhe ly ccliui ig be a lytyll ſponge. Agarn& itchrng oꝛ foie R holes in the rat de ot man 8. cclłxv 2 : tlvui eva e n hotenes of the ri 40.5 Agaynſte the ſcabbeg of the lectete membꝛe. lui N ere after in the. xxx. parte ſhall pe fſynde of the suthats of woe, J 95 the outwatde mem 4 Ere beginneth the xviu.patte ſicwyn ge the temedyes fo, the dyſck ales of the membꝛes out war de. Fo2 to ſttengthe and to cõ koꝛche the outwarde mem zes. = 8 celiii BB, heppes. Fot to mabe Wit and kr at faptcbandys. ri F, Ixxxvu . sais clxtun 2 8 | 7 cxc vut A Fgapnk the lwellynge of Agaynſt the whytiov or bite in the lengers. the knees or there aboue. clxri B cerrvi G ccxtii B ceclun G ccxxr DD celxiui 8 Agapnſt che conſunmnge Agaynſt the wrãge nayle membres and wrattes. 172 ss cxliu Band C citi x clxvui W ͤclv E cetxv x elxv Lh cot F clirviii 4 cel viii ccxxvi iy cexti A ccxxrrui x celyv B 1 handis 8 red DP Igainſt werynes and he cxvu G urxnes in the membtes. cexrit E tivi it cerxx N lui ccxlv C cui Sect. ccltit F cout ie clint B Igaynſte ſcabbes on the cxiui 2 r or vnder the ats cclui S T Agaynſt the gtauel in the nd the payne in the raynes c in the Wiis, ccxrb cerrxu ccli cclxvii cclxxuii ccixxvii ccixxt vi te xcvi Foꝛ to withdarue and cõ lume the ſtone / but leldõ it is (ene that a full bare de Kone (hold be withdꝛy ut but oreipy with cuttyn ge / but pt he be not fully ſeſtened with this wate⸗ tes he map be withdzyuẽ and conſumed. EE „ tits sie clxxx viii cre clit cxtix cciiii cexuu ccxvii ccxxi. ccxxuii cerrvi v ed ta be N e te N Agaynſte the grauell oz dynge ſtonc ircb 72 — 4 E 0 the ſtonc in ron ge chy deten. ri cxxxvi ii 4 cixrxviu 2 Igaynſt the Cone whan ye can not pyſſe foz papn it. ccxxvii C celxxim K ik ee to pyſſe and aga kangut x. 11 xl viti Foꝛ a petſon tobiche not wei pyſſe / oꝛ with pa 190 lgut _ SD Gat 92 KES ameVUaKAsenavErxsaatauleateury 3 3 ai 1 — 3 * Igaynſt payne in the mẽ bres. rbitt E lx bi S ccxxx QQ telxxb KR Agaynſt the flode a moy liure in the membres, rit * J tte E I gaynſt lame lymmxs. lit pay x cleb mare 1+ cixvii G ofit on the fete With wel lynge. credit 9 Agaynſte the podagta in the fete comynge ol hete. rT 3 os * ges 533 & D cc viii D A Fo ot the {pre Wes. H Ere beginneth the tir.parte ſſewyng the teme dyes for all tbe Agapnſt lamenes comyn dꝛ lea tes in the itnywes ge of the palſe. 255 : trrvi A4 Fer to ſtteroth andtan? tluu 4 te the lrnewes. tixtii F text vi ae ccc ci BE cixxxbi te E 3 Tgaynſt golite in the fete ccxvu. 0 named podagta in latyn cextr J 3 eres xli 3a 15 ee * Y Agavnttſtopprnge ofthe cru i C vaynes, chit B xbii 1. ri > 1 Agapnſt podagta with crepes 2 | Irbitt tclitt 28 cclixiu 2 Agaynſte payne in the ſy neues, ccxxr 2 LL Igaynſt the ctampe. E : cxxix clxvu ect ct ii cexxiꝭ ccc Igaynſt the bätabrte HSS 2 — i g 3 ay ey 8 es e A E 2 — Igaynſt the hote gowte dynge all the onclenes of 5 the blode. ret E Foz the onclene a deſtro c xciii C ped bloode to make clene Gite 4) and to comfoꝛte it. vii E Agaynſte the gowt in rvit A the tepntes with iwtiypn ch C lynge. cic 2 cr E rib AA cirv ~p citbuit 3 Agaynſt the gowte. cciu 5 text vi * iii B clu 4 xxvi G cclxxiti R ccltxv Agaynſt the hote gotote, =. Agaynite to moche blede celxxvi D ola body chat wolde nat telxxxuiu D let blede / oz not be cut in cccv E his bapne. Agaynſte the go wte of rv * chylderen / a whiche had cir O beloze the gowte how he cc. xii B ſhali be pꝛelerued after, 3 blede. txxx D 705 them that wyll ma · Agaynſt the hote palley. be there ſoynne yt rbitt G D cclxxir E 8 the lpottys bea the lo ynne which cometh aon the onclenes of ok onclene blede. the blede. xxtii + H Ete begineth the xxxi B xx. patte compꝛetẽ lt B Mis A cexxbi Eck cclxii D Agaynſt the {pottys on the ſynne comyng of he te / that a body loketh pf he were lepꝛous. rrri cl vui tcl Eis Agaynſte the maſons in the fapine. lii elxv ccrlir cclxxxvi Agaynſt (cabbpdnes. AGBAG v = me ewe Bat Cu clin cclxxxuu Igaynſt dꝛye ſcabbyd⸗ nes 02 impetigines. . re B bo ꝛtek of poppe hetbes is chop V good foz the laynne that erat P isbn ned of the bonne cixxxui Bea clothe wet therin and cx © lapyd on it two tymes in texxuii 3 a dape it pullety oute the cciu O ee cclric 1 Soaynt ytche of the la yn o2 woundes. and whan he hath tetyn 5 er begumeth the ge lozes. xxi. parte ſiewyn 88 sa ge of the temedyes of all clrxxviii D and E woundes and his accydẽ Foz to mabe the ſtzyn loft tes. ; a, F 02 to hele fteſſhe woun 15 Jute huge gate n ¢ Agaynſte lepꝛouſneſſe & rie 1 for them that frarc to be elt 8 comme lepꝛous, ui Ba pote D bi — bu © las 8 Lit xis e eu f land 7 civiu J tv ¢ tirb cu 2 crit A cui D ett R chi — ll D tere O cxviii 5 r — 9. 5 cx c the fon crrrv i tri 2 Water of biollome of — cli D dẽ is good foꝛ a body that clixiiit 2 bꝛenned of the fonne clxv ae et with enoynted. ceci « texxbiü : 2 Ve e N H N HH Asgn tclxxxviii 5 cc iii f 02 woundes . Whã thele alter folowyn seis be dꝛonken of wounded bodre / than 1 55 tonne to the woun des and hele them. Basser mens medyes foꝛ all open fos * N Foꝛ to ſtoppe the glyttyn Agaynſt vnclene Wenn ge water ot the ioyntes. des and foꝛ tbem to pury tes / whiche be not kre⸗ texxxi A éfxe and to pzelerue that the woundes. cele E thetin growe no pil liel⸗ fhe. Agaynſt blacke blaynes Foz emake tuttynge of lui E rounde aboute rede gps the vaynes Ip B uynge grete hete. cert * cxxi 2 * celeb 89 Flir S Foz to pꝛeletue all ma — D rrp OG ner of woundes / lrom im cre R cli S8 roſtumacion and cupl ac cari N dltxũ 171 exdẽces that to themrgtt N crcuii C be fall. Agaynſt deſttoyed woũ? cee a ct ER ͤ des and olde ſozes whee ccixxxii E cxciiii A in be growyng maggot cclxxxv 4 es D tes or other woꝛzmes. cercuit A vu J Agapnſt blapnes. . shed VR meet crett N ixvui D Agaynſt tie ſwellyng of celxxv D xxxit G the woundes. ig SD clit ¢ Agaynſt inward bledyn clxxxvüi 4 ge ot the woundes. Agaynſt morſty weun⸗ itxv N Agavntte etynge ſoꝛes des and full ol water. cclxxrvũ B whana body gettyth gre xlix * te cuyll blapnes whiche os 7 ae 3 ſtxt : fallout ais named Ang cclxxb Ba. che trat in latyn / as it e neth in the tyme of the pe ¶ foꝛ woundes. cextri E = Eplence and with what Whan a perlone is woũ waters it {hall be holpen ded andthe wounde is Igayntt the ſcatte ol the depe oꝛ is with an olde olde woundes. xlir LI. and K hole wherin thatiacker tri 4 flellhe / with what wa: Mitt E cxcuii + ters ve ſhall caule to gro cexxvi 12 woe flelihe therin. Foz open ſozes. erie 27 a — 4 a crri e 9 Ste begineth the terrviu C ri. patte ihetmyng bere 4 pnile impotunes b ga — ———öT—— Hnclene fores, * ee cixxx viii C In the lyꝛſte chapytte J cecbii 6 an E ct * LUCIE a i N tte Y ccxlix x 125 © caer 3 celrxvii citbitt CC 8 clxrix D Agaynt the canbe, errrv 2 i clit J tic 6 cxcix E lw Q clxv N crx 4 crviit C dry B ccxc vi C 485 H ¶ ⁊gaynſte euyll (ores of aprt 14 What mance that they be cle a xxiii B Agaynſt the wolfe on ony tir H patte ol the body. irrb 4 | cree L chi + texrbi r clexrbiit n cexx bit C Aga ynſt Si and Agaynſt the blaynes on impoſtumacpons the leggys and on other membzes. Ete begynneth the i xxui.patte/and {he xxviii B wed all impoſtumaryons icc B and ſwellyng that is ope trrix . — — waters they | n. ddr end pn, | : C Foz the impotumacyons te 2 ee ones litt 9 lit E ity E Irvi 9 cxxxit J clxviii clit Cand wv cexcii 5 cclxx v * cclxxr t vi F. ¶ For to bꝛeke the impo · ſtumes @ to ope wher they be inward oz outwarde. li N clx viii pst Foꝛ to catofe any impoſtu me to vanyſſhe away voht che wolde growe within. ctlu 1 Agaynſt impoſtumacron and ſwellynge / comynge of colde oꝛ of hete without ur D Ir 22 * Litt G cim 9 crit B cxvii B ctr E i A cb . 9 clrvitt 1. durrrui 3 crrruii T cerxiii % 5 cexl ttt x Celitez B cclix G celx vi 5 ccixviu C cc bi K ccc v & Foꝛto tauſe one to ſwete w u nedech to a body. xxxi D kis A 5 i 2 xxix n. — cicii txcili 2 Foz cupli ſwete. This chapptres lerne yt a bodye that bath with in it cuyl & benpmous lu ete with what waters it (hal be witchdzyuen. cxxxix ‘6 Agayntte to moche lwete that a body become keble. ecrtbt D cctxxv D Agapntt enyll moyſtout. hadde loſt his ſpeche / with crbitt clxxtvui O what waters he thold get cclxtiu X his ſpeche agayne Foz to withdꝛrue euyll xl vü Hh mopſture comynge of col clxix * de oꝛ hete / oꝛ ol melancos e. Igaynſte blewe brics K 8 Foz to withdꝛyue the for res on the bodye / named lctotule. cir cx vi itt et clxviu AL Agaynſt ouerimoche mop floure and ſtenche af the body ö clxbii Q Ok huttyng and betynge He xxiiii.patte the weth of hurtynge and betynge / and hes ape ben ¶ Foꝛ fallynge. Theſe chapytets ſheweth medyes ſoꝛ it / ytit happes neth that a body were len down from bye, oꝛ be ten that his bꝛayn panne were bow ed in warde d blode layth congeled vnz der the ſaynne. ib 1 lxxviu! a rely 3B. cclxxc vi * Againſt congeled blode co mynge ol truſtynge / fals lynge / and caſtynge with what maner of waters they ſhall be holpen and heled. . git 1 ixxv C xx viii * Lorne “ xcii C cui E cxx D cb a clxxx vi C ccxiti 1 crixxxvii 5 thtulled / oz fallẽ / that the fal Foꝛ huttyng as whã a bo pyncheth / oꝛ nyped / with what waters be (hall be reir J ccrpul Foꝛ a bꝛokẽ legge oꝛ xyb · be / with what waters it (hall be holpen. lx vi ctxxri cclxxvi cecuu SA Agaynſt the ſozes. Ere begynneth the rrv. parte theming ofall mater ok hote ſoꝛes Wich be not lpecyally at atone membꝛe / bycaule J haue lerned beloꝛc / howe the hete ſhold be withd ꝛx uen oute of cuety membꝛe {pecpalip, with what mae net of water the hete {yal be boreljdzpuen. 85 „ viii uf Foꝛ to cole hote blode, lIxxu cite Pi) Foz to coic and to fake al eupil bete outwarde and inwarde the body. it * vc b cxix cer cxxu cxxvi clxxv clłxuu crcin eres ccvui ccllixb Agaynſte the dyſſeaſe na⸗ mcd the coyne on his bo⸗ dy d is an onnatur all bes te with greate teednes a A an 5 e ee ‘We Wu RE AS wat ‘far mene veal and to with E ceri Zz cxlu DD clert A cxcili D de all hote ünrollumes. Agaynſt ſmall an 5 hote n ctiſiula in latyn. crit cin ci vin ccxx 3 a * i} Agarnt faite Anttonres kyꝛe / that is whe na yoynt oꝛ à meinbꝛe is inflãmed with the plage of laprte Anthonys / named ignis Perũcus oz ignis facer / with what water it (all 5 laketh. : din x xlir N clvuit ia cexxrui B ccixxvi E cclxx vu D cele * eclrxru Fi cclxxx u B cccv 2 ( ITgaynſt biennyyge As a petſon is bꝛenned on his body oꝛ memoies with hote water / a2 oyle or with fire or wier with it is done / bow it . be bolpen. ie he ee od ie „Sed AE Ae ap BAe, Agaynſt bꝛennynge of the tone wher as be (rot. ts and ſcares abyde of, li 1 CaAgaynk the ſtoſte, Ete begineth the xtvi. part iewyn ge all dyſkales in gene netall comynge of duer⸗ moche kroſte and colde⸗ melt, Chis chapytre ſheweth bow a p erion ſhal be pre ſerued / that he gette ne · uer tolde on handes and tes in the wynter. Ut % Igaynſt mary that is be tome toi de how it (hal be warmed agayne. lviii Ee ccxxvi F cel rv C Agaynſte frofen mem bees vohiche be ope with What waters the (hal be cloled and heled.. 228 Agaynſt colde membꝛes li and yf a body be cole ol natures with what boas ters he ſhall be holpen. iri * at . cerxvi cerrr = eclité Aes Acapntt the told bꝛen⸗ nynge / yf a bodye is gre⸗ ued ther with with what water he fhall be holpen cell A cel ccb : ¶ Igaynſt venym. H Ere beginneth the xxvu.part the wht ſheweth a maner of bee nym and the temedyes agaynſt them. yfa pet ſon wete impox⸗ loned with venym oꝛ had caten oz dꝛonke venpm⸗/ hym ſelte / with what wa ters the venĩ is to with: dꝛyue. u cxxxvii clxix 12 clxxx bug clxxuii elec : Wes SAN KatwanvUbuavarwaueraa lowed a gnatte, Foꝛ them that haue wa cclxrix § Japnſt benemons beſtes rl O Ete begynneth the bytynge. AIviii 3 vii. parte ſhe win 3 lit , N ge au maner ot axces. Er A ri 2 kit D ccrciii G Foz to withdꝛyue in gene lilli K ccxcuii E rall ali maner of axces. ix vit B53 „ exxiui E Agaynſte bytynge ok a ris 2 cer bi B madde and furpous dog: kr 1 cexxvi AA ge. rlir DD clit ae ibis H cclir 4 dt. Ek Lu C celrrrii D klir 244 dept C cextu BB criti F rb 9 clus C cxtvi E clrvut AIX. ¶ han any woꝛme oz Agaynge ſtyngynge of a creu E vermyn is crert in a mã ſpynner. cci 19 Wau ben e Hall te ccrbii 6 = rite K ccxvi 4 xrtvii A ly: N at * lx S crv. 2 | —, Cerpiut, D Cagayntevytynge ofa Sea gayn ot Fist su eee t. dogge oz other beſte how Agaynſte ſtyngynge of : he hall be holpen. es. celrriui Q 1 „ ttt 5 trrii F dlxix 2 Agqayntt the hote arces ap M ; named febꝛes acute in las Agaynſt the ſtyngyng ol tyn, a Scorpio vf a body be byten of a 22766 6 woꝛzme o2 vette that he cã lt G not ſpetze / wher with he arb GG xvu G {bali be holpen. cerxiiti BBB kxlpii 3 W. . E and g eccltt, | & Againk thearcesopague cl vi , Hoarnt the theft in the tz me ol the axces / whan a body lyeth in an bote arce 02 peſtylence 2 hath arcact thyttt with what waters the tty ttt * withdꝛy une o, ſlatze clri . 32 celtrv | a Agaynſt the water Cole · ta / and colde mopunes co mynge of the axces of the thpꝛ de oz fourthe day clxxx viii olde perfon bath an onna tutali hete & loꝛe / named Agaxuſt the arte of the Crifipila with what wa: harte with what waters ters ie ſhall be bolpen. it (hall be withdꝛyuen. | tot 1. iut fF Tht & chilt 1 raiv 4 cciu J ext B a. E Agaynſt the daply atce na cli i medfebzis quotidiana. ‘clvilt — ni D ccrxxuii * irrit D N lx vii ¢ | ccrui A Agaynſt the artes comyn · ex vu ge on che thyzde days na: celxir is — kebꝛis tertiana. Agayntt the artes compe Ii Pp ge on the fout the day na: ixxii med lebꝛis quattana ctbti vii crrxvii lir t cu ircit F crut 4 crx E cclxxi K crrrvũ F celery EC cru 1 Agaynſt the euyll axze of tetxiiũ CC the peſtyience. tclir C ith A cclxxi & irxxit 4 O . gy VBhan a ronge chylde oz Harve the peſtylene with what waters a bo⸗ dy ſhall be prewrucd of the lame named prelcruatius it H c 1 Lit 4 xx b G Lin 2 xx vi D loi 1 lip irbt 2 Ixxi ö inns 7 xcui Zz c z cxti A cexxbi E ccłũkr * COREE ¢ ryt ccixrv 1 Agapnk the peſlylence⸗ whan a todpe bath theia⸗ me on hun lell / with what waters he ſhall be holpen ri xl rite lic lxir clxt bii cm clit trrb ccxliiii ctixxi ee Se Foꝛ to flake the euetmoch dete of the peſtylence. xl bi a creat C cel Fo; the ſectete thynges of the man. re begynneth the xxix.partt of this tegy ttre conpzehendpnge — * parurtres ofa Foz to make a man moꝛe manix and cozagrous. Adgenerandum ſperma. Thechapitte ſhewe with 8 A ovus what waters (hal enctelſe the ſperma : tebiit crrir Citcr ccxivi N Foꝛ to mynyſſhe the leche Fot to matze a wanan cy. mety xci e Ixviii HB Wig: cxxrvii BBB cxlilit 2 cliv 5 * B g cel 99 Foꝛ to mate a womã fruy CC trful thatis baren æ to col de of natute Ad (per han a bop 505 holden i his nature that the ſperma cir D is come betwene the ſzyn ciruit B and the fleſſhe / ⁊ that it be clrvi O bꝛennyth and become cab ccxxvi B 27 * what mater he cxliiu = J (water of Brunella is Whan a man o2 a womã batl to moche orcupied the a ton reracyon ters they {hail be holpen. Ge Socio f cirbt iD pe C b 2 “Saami dyſleales of women. 9 Cre begpaneth the weth all dxlieales of woe men. good for a women that is rente 02 drſo:dred int le byrthe of het chyide that ſhe can not bepe her wa; tet or bryne ſuch a wont hall drynze cuety mors nig and at nyght at ethe trie an ounce and a halic tie water of brunn wa ter ofroies / water of iyi les / watet of Cainompil / water of plope all tobe. In the lyꝛſt chapytte. C 3 B cxciii Agaynſt noꝛdynate deſty tkynge oꝛ luſte ok women that be With FUELS crx which waters be ſcathlul to the child iii the modets wöbe to the womã being with chylde. xlv Ixxxii clix With what waters a wo man {hal be holpen berin ge chylde and luctze ano; ther that it do no harme to the beryng womũ noz to the chylde. AAS cxlitii Foꝛ women that ben labo ee of chyld/ with — tet they myght haue ae 5 from the An Tire oꝛ fore ounces of betony water dꝛontzenok parte from the chylde. C ttre Thele chapyttes ſheweth cli D clxit A ith what manet of wa ters {hall be brought oute ofa woman the dede chil de named Abozſis. S. GSDas de ¢ cclxrvii elem With what waters it is to withdzrue of women the after byꝛth named {cs cundyna eto putyixe the rb Nn 05 G cxl a cclix J Uae How a womã ſhalbe puri fred ol the birth of the chu de whiche is not ynowgh purytxed in her departyn of the chylde. cei 7 Whan a woman is ſoꝛe enfozced and broken in het laboutynge a bytthe : * of the chylde with what E water ſhe ſhall be holpen clxiiii . How a woman hall be holpen with water hath no miltze or lytyll in het bteſtes icbitt clxi tlxir N With what water a wo man (hall be holpen whã the multze is tõne togyder in her breſtes / ot the bres ſtes be (wollen. greate of the mylte of hag {upets fluyte of bio xcix ag whan a mapbe he th to bigge breſtes with what + | water {he ſhall mate te Cc tt E | mall and proper ¶ Fot harde breites. f Whan a woman er may den bath to lofte bteſtes B. B 4 5 a E Arb t Fe Agaynſt great bteſtes / jester r r | with what Water they ſhall be made harde. ccxb B cclri cclxxxir cra Foꝛ to pꝛouoke the fous tes of à woman that is ſtopped fro them named Meultriuun, vi Suma Babe Sen . e flode of the women with Foꝛ to putyfye a woman Whã fhe bath her floure + 4 B B Li ittt W incur 2 tcxuui 2 clxix 1 ccxxł 8 celui K cclvii E cexcu Eck Againſt the floute of wo men / whan it endureth to longe than a woman become feble o 2 ſeke ot it with whatwaters it ſhal be ſtopped. n. se de: eee (pe {hall vnderſtande whan re wyll ſtopre the any of this waters than ye ſhall begynne Kalona ccirxiii bly / to the intent that it Agaynſt be not lone ſtopped / noꝛ let of his natural l cout ie and =) fo2 two mance ol taules The kyꝛſt bytau le it is natu rail for cure ty woman to haue / loꝛ it is apurpire nge of them in generall. à nother it dꝛa⸗ Wed in to her hede and inthe lymmes and tour tyne ber bels ſwell of it / therfore it {hal neue t be ſtopped / excepte it ve thrughe cauſc of lezenes and feb leneſſe of the wo: men / th an it mult be op ped quyckely. Agaynſt that album of the women / oꝛ the whyte flowre / tie wo iche duns great harme. Tee Foꝛ to conforte a fireng the the modet a 7 SF, elxtii K cctut 10 * 2 Zoarrk the coltencs of the moder in womẽ with what water (yal be wat med agayne. a 1xvi F rib ¥ clxu & crebit pe water fhe Agayntte the fores of the doth * moldenes a: a x N iit the lecrete membre / with brede clx xi G what waters it ihall be 5 4 cel vi i S holpen. This aden : with what maner of was IAgapnſte the tyſynge of xrvii C ter the dowgh ſhaul be t! ⸗ the moder and compnge xlvui E xered / whan ye wyll ba- to the nauyll with what xxvni E be that the bꝛede ſhal not watets it ſhall be amen: lvin n wolde. i 3 dyd. rein A 5 2 A B cirbu 1 Tx N crx vii ui L duit L To make ton hatde. vil 2 This chapytte ſheweth clrui B Agaynſt the great belp witih what water ze hal th E ſandcz of the women / or heup tkempete ron and mabe cxcii 4 pores whiche hath trol it as harde as unte. c xcic C de matter in the body or cet E tx Dgꝑapyne aboute the nauyll. cclvui C ctlvit O cle D chiii I To mate trowblous top cclx vnn G clxviii O ne alete / what water ye ccxcii E Chall occupye therto. ee Agaynſt werynge of the py Ere begynneth the irui 2 moder / ot whan fhe ts txxi.patte and he eleputt a with matter ot rottyd / weth fom vertues ol wa with what water it (hal ters but not belongynge Agaynſt fives ſhytynge. be dꝛyuen aware to the body of man. This chapytre wheweth 85 3 x Lott what water je mai kl vii 6 delende / that no tiye or {ot QA (To ptepate pnke, other woorine thai not ſhy te vpõ g; lige nor fleſſhe « Againſt ſwellyng on the This chapytte ſheweth nor other maner of meat lecrete place of women / si What water the pn ot of the moder, tze ſhall be made ol / that clrbiu the paper thet with wry⸗ vi C js that oat be caten of To matze bniteand pars klin betwene man and wyte cti G cess. CT that be at the batãs ſityie R ¥ — — with bohar water they hall be apa led. oie : ee Ey Ss : : i ANY * * 8 8 To kepe a cole glowynge reed bore? 1806 * and with what watet it ſhall be do N es 725 ne ard kepte io longe. J aN Opt : 7 To bendell fpꝛe withoute fe / and uit what water it hall be done, | ckrir „ werte endeth the table z the tegru te ot the la ud bone, “Oe N.. e SN 2 D e SANS 33 ; : 8 | ¥, Ny . 9 ‘pail : yy * 2 egg ee did gg ES nothet heuy ( Ttte pꝛalo gie ur this pꝛelent boze ol dyſtpllacron es cyons/ 18785 the vertue / ſtrength / € goodnes of the dyſtylled watets/ oꝛ deyned agaynſt al manet of ſekeneſ ſes and dyſſeaſes compyled and ga⸗ dered to gydet ſoꝛ the comon people that haue no phylycrons noꝛ can get te no medycynall ſubſta ũces / foꝛ lat ke of money / that they be not able to pare fog it. All ſuche to tonſoꝛte and ſuppoꝛtacyon of theyꝛ intyꝛmytees / tyll that they maye gette an experte and lerned phylycyon / oꝛ mapſter in medycyn / to whom the ſekenes 02 dyſſeaſes be well be knowen / t allo dyſſeaſed bo by 1 7 of the waters / Whiche is dyng gowtes of laratyfe medycynes oꝛ receptes /lytze wyſe the ſubſtaun · tes of they corpus be not mrnyſtred in the sap) er but onely thrugha loue iy faye mance well pleaipng to the noꝛ ſhadetull to be im: tel nyſtred/ for they haue not the appen 8 F hae ſhewed before i in the. li. chapitte of the fyꝛſt botze / biit mache bettet it were and moze pita ble to lolowe the lerned medycynes on phyſycyõs wha they may be gottẽ O good loꝛde how oftẽ haue 4 ene an onlet ned philycyon myniſtet his medvycyns that knewe nog dyſſeales noz pet the complerps tees hete to hete / thrugh the which the na tutali moyſtout was ſpent / and the body dꝛyed away cõlumed / oz mop ſtout to moyſtute / thrugh the which the body rotted away / oz cold to cold the which the naturall pete that (hol de pꝛeſerue the lyfe of mã is hole my nyſched and bꝛowght to nought loꝛ the holy pꝛohphet Job ſayth that the lyfe of man is plãted foz to dye a na turall dethe without any payne / pf he 155 attapne his naturallipte vn to the deth / the which may fo well co me to purpole / by an expert and let ned mayſter oꝛ phyſytyõ. Mherloʒe 7 1 fox api EAE TP PE BE can Ww sar ogc ieiowiet ly ouet in to the handys of an ſuche onlerned mayſter / that knoweth no had gyuen pour ther with to be pte · lerue d, . * A. i. ¶ The fret chapytte thetocth of the pan Warublun. The fret chapx Arubiumoꝛ patted i in latyn. This herbe is of li. maners both male and female / therſoꝛe whã it is wzrtẽ mat ubiũ alone without moꝛe / ther by ye ſhal matte the feina le/yet they be bothe good / foꝛ the ma le is mynyſtred vnto the men / and the lemale vnto the women. And it mutt be dyſtylled with his hole ſub⸗ ſtaũce / as tote /ſtele and herbe / chop ee to gydet and dyſtylled in the en ofthe may. A The lame water dꝛonzen. u. oz. iu.dayes at moznpns ge ⁊ at nyght / at eche tyine an dun; ce / Op an ounce and a halte / belpet them that haue the tuwghe. B Thelame water helpeth tl that be ſiterth bꝛeſted. C Theſame wa tet is fointpine good fo2 wre with chylde to dꝛyntze at eche tyme an oũ be / lo it tõtoꝛteth the woind a ſttẽg · theth the chtite. D The lame wa tet. vul.oʒ.t.dares at moꝛnyng tat Nyght at eche tyme dꝛontkẽ an cane t the hede be enoynted ther with cau ſeth good vnderſtädeng. C Allo the tame water made luke warm z put in the cares / oꝛ a lynẽ owt wet in thelame / a oltẽ tymes ſo layd pre the care / wichdzrueth ide payne of the. F VUrbewyſe tleſame water dꝛõtzẽ in the mor nyng e at nyght at eche time an oũce / or an oũce ⁊ a hal le / lumtyme amõge is good for then that lpette blode. G For the that be heuy or hath ie fantatres/ting water is good for themto be dronkẽ at mor nig at nyght / at eche tyne an oũce a a halle. H Lrkewye u heleth freſſhe woũdes / whan they te wallhed ther with luke warme / and dryed agayne / z thã a grene woite — platter layd vrõ it. 1 It heleth allo open imroftuincs rf it be Lube warme an d waſſhed therwith i the mornyng tat nyght /a lynẽ cloutes wetted therin a layde vpõ it. & Theſame water is good to be drütze at mor nig tat nyght / at eche tyne. ii: oũces is Good for them that haue the dropſy / f they can reſtayne thẽ of moche drynze / moyſt meat / ot cupre thela me water at tyme cõty· nung. LdAt eche tyme ol thelame waters broke an güte / or an oũce & à halle ſtrengtheneth the ſtomabze ⸗ yk it be tabẽ at mornyng a at nxght Y Allow ſttégthencth the bꝛeſte vled in the lame maner. The longues ⁊ the lyxuer. O The brd nes or tàaynes ⁊ the mute. and allo the bladder this all be ſtrẽgthe neth by the tame water. (Sotell water. Ca. i. ¶ The water of the her be Sorell. Cetola in latyn Soꝛell in Engliſſhe 1 Sorell wa tet is good to be Daonke often of thé that be ĩ hote ſetzeneſſcs /a his dꝛyn ke myrted with thelame is very go⸗ de / loꝛ it llaketh the thyttt B pt it be drontze as before is ſayde it is good {oz the hote agueozfebses C Sorell water is good loꝛ the yelow Jandys yf it be dꝛontz e. vi.oꝛ . vii. Dayes D Soꝛell water withdꝛy ueth the hete from the lyuer yl it be Dronke as befoze is ſayd. And with a foute dowoble clowote oꝛ with hem pen towe ſteped in the ſame / and alytell wronge out lade without on the traht lyde on the lyuer / and whan it ware th Daye do as ye dyde befoze twyle oꝛ thꝛyſe a dare & Sorell water dꝛonke thre oꝛ faute tymes a daye at eche tyme an ounce tawleth good appetyt to meat. F Sorell water ſlaketh laynt Antho ns fyꝛe of plage whan there is a clGute o2 tow of hempe ſteped in the fame and layd bp tt. u.oꝛ laime tps’ mesa daxe two ox thre daxes con tynuynge G Soxell water dra be. iui.oꝛ.liii.tymes in a Dare at eche t me an ounte and a halſe / is good agaynſt unporlonynge comynge of hete, ) Sozell watet is good loꝛ all manet of hote thynges fo2 it toleth an d ſtaketh all hote thynges tothe wittyn the body and without pk it be dꝛontze at moꝛnynge / at no ne / and at nyghte / at eche tyme an ounce and out wat de layd vron it ZB Sorell water drontze / and the bede wette with thelame / and let it dꝛre agayne by hy in leite / withdꝛy ueth the hete of the hede that cometh of payne Sozell water is good aga ynſt the ſcoyne that is an onatutal hete on the body with great teednel fe wette tlow tes therin and lay thé tbetta two oꝛ thre t mes in a Dare R Che lame water withdzruety unpetigines / whan there wet cio te s 02 towe layd to it/oꝛ yt it bewat ſhed tietwuh L you walſhe pour ixen thet with ones a dare an howꝛe befoze i ght /i puxilyeth the hen / it Maketh the hete and withdꝛy ueth the teednes of the iren compre ge of hete Qs Altopfitbe luke Warme / and lo dꝛopred in the cares it cauſcth hem to here N Dos tell water is alway good to be dꝛõ be gt cel t ti me an oũte and an hal fe ngarrũ tte pe lente O So tel watet ee inthe an dat nygkt at eche tyme an of forth ẽ that becmpty ſtomatzed then Au, ghe duermoche hete of the Momake/ and cauſeth luſte a appetyte thʒugh his ſharpneſte ¢ ſtyptyte / it ſtreng theth and tontoꝛte the ſtomake / the he tte and atio coꝛage. Ol vikkus water. Ca. iii. z cus in latyn. This herbe bath à longe ſlender leſc no ther uu grene / noꝛ null yelowe / and beteth a unal whyte betye. And the Water 2 be dyitylled of the lame bet yes * a This water yet it be Dronke in the moꝛnynge / at none / and at nyght / at eche tyme halſe an punce ſtrengtheth the longues wha they be diſſealed with ouer moche mopſtoute. B The lame water dꝛontze in the foꝛlayd manet is good foz the cawogh comyng of the lõgues Of Ebul! oz walwort water; ca, itt Bulus in tatpry The beſt parte oꝛ tyne ot his dyctpilacyon is the herbes oꝛ leues pen e whan it begyn wal walt. * neth to bloſſome who ſo dꝛyn ke the lame watet atecte trie, u. oũces / oꝛ two oũces and a halſe cau leth laratyte B The tame water is good to be dꝛontze at moznynge & at ny ght /at eche tyme an cunce and a halle/oʒ two ounces / is good agas ynſte ſwellynges in warde and out ward / and ſpecyally agapult dꝛoply ww! a cloutes be wet in the lame and lard pronit D Thelame water dꝛontze lontyme amonge an ounte⸗/ oꝛ an ounte and a halle / is good foz the dayly axtes oꝛ febtes. E Mal woꝛt water is good / fit be stom in the moꝛnynge and at npght at es che tyme an ounce and a halle / oz ely ips two ounces fo2 the payne in the ſydes / and layd vpon it whan ther come ſtytches o2 othet payne in the {ydes compng of blode oꝛ other mops oute, Abend ae watcriens, E 5 the mooſt co mon parte and trine of his dy ſtyllaciõ is /the tote ⁊ the herbe chop ped with eche other and diſtylled in the ende ot maxe / but mocke better it were oncip the water of the rotes. 4 The water of the herbe andro te ot Enula campana drontze in the moꝛnyug and at nyght at eche tyme as moch as wyll go in an eggys {el le gueoꝛ Pr dares cõ with dtrueth the grauell, B SGktheln me watet dꝛontze in the ſoꝛſayd ma net / and xout dꝛynke myrt with the E ea bigeye © : — 9 ö f . within the body C Dꝛẽobe ok the fa me in the lame inaner before ſaid/ & the hede wet with the lame / and let dye agayn by hyn ſelſe ſtrengtheth it well D In the moꝛnyng and at nyght / and ſomtyme amonge bes ſpde Daynke of the fame waters ates che tyme an ounce-o2 an ounce and a halfe cõloꝛteth the ſtomatze. E In the moꝛnig/at none /a ſomtyme bel de dꝛontze oftheſame water and the lymmes itrytzed a rubbed ther · with ſtrengtheth them ſoꝛe. k Al fo the fame watet of the herbe a rote dꝛötze in the moꝛnyng and at nyght therok an ounce after all maner of dꝛynkes wha pe go to bedde is good koꝛ the ſtone in the taynes x in the bladder. G tze wyſe the fame water vſyd in the fame maner pury fred the zydncs and the bladder. The lame watet ottẽ tymes dꝛõ ke / and at eche tyne halhe an ounce tauleth one well to prfic, ( OfEnula Campana tote. ca. bi. N Ote waterok E nua cãpana is dyſtylled in this manet Fyꝛlt it is ſtamped / and than dyityl led / Whiche dyltyllacyon is belt per Alemhycũ. A Che water ot this rote dꝛontze in the moꝛnyng and at nyght/ at eche tyme anotice and you te dꝛyntze myxced with the lame tof theneth and mabeth a large bꝛeſte. B An dũce and a halte of tye fame dꝛonze in the moꝛnynge tat nyght à cettayn ſcaſon / healeth the dyſlea⸗ {es namedruptura interioꝛ. C An ouute / oꝛ an ouute a a halfe of the fame water dꝛonke / andcloutes wet therm and layd vpon the won len moder / caulethit foꝛ to lwage. Clowtes o2 tom wette in the ſa me water is good to be layd warme 5 an euyt twollen yat de of man f daye. E An oũtce and a belt oꝛ two OUNCES / is good to be Danke in the saint eat nyght for them that haue the tone. Ff The tame water an oũte therot drẽ⸗ ke at nyght caulety women to hauẽ her flowres named menſttuum. G6 Thelame watet an cunte and a halfe therof drontze at none and at nyght is good for the grauell in taynes / andconducteth the vryne. A wonnan that dryntzeth two of thre ty mes of thefame water at ce che tyme.i.oũces dryuech frome her the dede chud J This water droke ſõtyme a mõg at eche teme an oũte a à half is good for the lectet gut be * The lame wat pt it be oltẽ dtotze at eche tyme an ounce and a halte is good loꝛ che comah. enen water. Ca. vii. — — J SGtimonia in latyn / Egruno nye. The beſt tyme and part nye water yt it be dꝛõbe at moznyn ge and at nyght at ecbe trme an otf The none / and at night / at eche tpine an ate celle full is good for the veice iandys D pf pe dryntze thee 1555 watet a good 0 dtyn⸗ water is good for the tottynge and N ee be oltẽ ty over mes walſhed therwith. G This water cauleth all manet of wormes in the bodye to dye / whan a chylde drynbeth therok halle an ounce fale tyng / a myddell age / an ounce / an aged body / an ounce & a halfe It is alſo good for them that haue wormes in woũdes / whan they be warme wall ed therwith twyſe a 1 alſo othet ſores with wor nes J This watet is good to be Geile in the mornyng & at nyght for the ances Thelame water lube warme drontze a gargoled in the thrott / in the mornynge / with · dtyueth the payne of the throte 7 yl it be r in a day tot columbyne water cA, viii a mega in latyn C ohunbyp ne other wyle. The parte a ty me ok his dyſtillacyon is the hetbe t ſtele chopt to gyder whã it doth blol ſome / A Colũmbyne watet at eche tyme dtõtee an ofice a a balf ol u. oũcee is good for impoyſyning 25 Pps. ĩ ˙· d! el Thekme water is good to be Drake in the mot nig tat nyght/at eche ty ie an ofice is good for the relow FA des in the Fomake, C An once of thetame water is good to be Dron be in the mornig/at none cat night for unpoftumacyes with i the body DT wo ofiecs of chelame drontze now ⁊᷑ thã is good tothe that be to pf. E An ounte g a halſe ol theſam water Broke cuerp day now and than / is good for ihryntzyng in the body. k 5 oR 18 Jod to be dronkẽ for them tha very fapnte and haue no my at fe! _ bnowe not hym felfe what thepare le he (hal dryntze of this water in the motnyng / at none / and at nyght / at eche trine an ounce ot an ounce and à halle /a myxted with theyr wyne than the gette agayne there mxght and ſtrengthe. Ca ux. é lende water. SL latyn. Endyueother ene beſt parte and {ea his dyſtyllacpon i is the leues ve d frown the ũellys / x chopped z fo dy ylled in the ende ok the mape. A Endxue water drake in the mar nynge⸗/ Tat nyght at ꝭche tyme an oũce is good for thé that hatha naro we bꝛelte. B Endyue water ofte drõze of a woman beryng chylde at eche tyme an oůce / cõforteth ⁊ ſtrẽg · theth her C watet otendyue des Ke in the forlaid mamer cauleth a go de brayne. B water ot endpue drs is for Di that haue the peltxlẽce at eche tymie an ounce oꝛ an oũce c a ¢ halte. E Endyue water drötze in the mornyng tat the nyght / at eche tyme an ourice ⁊ a halte / is good for the pelewe tandys. F Dronke ot thelame water / st eche tyme. ii. oũc 02, ul. oũces ᷑ a halfe / is good for the inordynate thyr it wha it happeneth in the tyme of the peitplence / and in the ſhatpe e hote axces or febres, G à plauet made of hempẽ toma quarter of brede/ & well wet in the water of endyue / z a lytell wrongẽ oute agayne / and lo layd wet on the ryqht ſpde / ſlaketh all the hete ofthe luer / pfit be in hote arces/ot of he dt ſetzenes / whan the plaſter is often wet in thelam water. 8 At eche tyme drontzen of thelame water an oũce ⁊ à halſe / is very good agaynſt F ip ee of the hart / wher it be of ſu nes or pfa don is the rote avecbe chopt tog and dyſtylled in the ende ofthe map A. The water of Aaron drontze in the mot and at nyght / at eche tyme an oũce and an halte / is good for them that is tente. B Walſhed the great vnclene wormdes in the motnynge and at nyghte with the ies NE very good andholfo- C Whelame water dron- 2 thee hodotes before bean ut the mornyng / al inooſt an ounce and an cuttith and deuideth olde and barde Apmy matters plays vng in the Gomake, ot Mandrake water, Ca. ci pe. B Che hede / the fore hede / ao the temples enopnted with thefame water / in the mernpnge eat arghe the tyme ol two or. iu. daz es is good agaynſt the payne in the bede comin ge ol hete. C Water of Mandratze llaueth all hete / win clowtes be wet therin and layd vpon the body ofa per lon two or there dapes at eche tyme wet agapn two or thre tymes in a Baye. D A two or thre dow vic clowtes wet in the ſame water and wronge oute agaync a reel, & layd vpon a papnefuli place / it tia keth thetwith bycaule it is ſtupelfat tyle /that is it taketh away the felyn ge of the meinbres / and ther fore out ol his one and proper nature and 2 it lab eth all wolull pap: nes. ¶ Of Angelica water. Cari, He beſte tyme and parte ot his dyutyllacron / is ti rote in the ende or the fecende yete in the hetuelt / chopped / {tamped and dyſ· tylled. A uatet ot Angelica is the mooit Worthyeit water that may be kounde agay nt che peltylece. vtther of be drontzen halte an ounce cuery mocnynge faitynge. and whan any body is taten witꝶj the peltyiencę/ye (hadi take ol the ame Water two o ces / Tit iaca gencui one dragma / powder oi the tote of àAngeuca halle {hai de myxted eche amd : — gre the feke body / 92 euer he flere / but kyꝛſte he ſhall be well lette blode in the place that is moche neceſſarxe. And whan he bath dꝛontze that loꝛ named dꝛynke / than he hai be layd downe / & well touetred that he may ſwete / loꝛ that is to hym a grete hel pe. B That laine water is good foz 25 that haue payn in the bꝛeſt whether it be of ltcaytene oꝛ ſſrme / t openeth it / yt thetok be D268 an oũ ce in the moꝛnynge a at nyght. C Thelaine water pſed in thelame ie NCL. xii.oꝛ.rui.dayes / is very good foz an ouetloden ftomake that bath no dygeſtyon D The ſame wa tet euety moꝛnynge vled an ounce ticrof ſtrengtheneth all the partes of the body / and is good allo foz the goute, ¶ Df the deuyls byte water. ca. ri. P . ne enna neon 3 oe nigta vel moꝛſus diabo in latyn. The beſt patt and tyme of his dyſtyllatxon is the het; be / the floures / the ſtalkes / and the totes / chopped al togyder and fam ped, and than dyſtylled in the tyme Whan it bereth floures J Dꝛon ke ol thelame thee tymes in a dave / at eche tyme two ountes / is good foz them that be ſhotten / caſt / oꝛ fallen that theyꝛ blode wyll oꝛ is tonne to gyder B This water dꝛontze in the moꝛnyn ge and at nyght/at eche tyme two ounces/ is vecy good aga pnt impoſtinnacrons within tte bo dy. C The lame water dꝛonke foure tymes ina daye / at eche thine two oũces / is good agaynſt ſtytches within the bodye / and in the lyde. D The lame water dronke thre tymes ina dayc / at eche tyme an of - ceanda halte is geod agaynſt impo ftumacronsabout the har te / the ly⸗ let / and aboute the bꝛeſt E Eue ty moꝛnynge dꝛontze ol this water at oũce faſtyng / is good foz the peſti nee. ¶ Of pres water, Ca. xiui. 1 Ita in latyn. Che beſt parte t tyme ot theyꝛ dyſtyll acyẽs is / Whan they be bathed oꝛ they can fire out a there neſte / and Woꝛowe them a choppe them with all ther: lubſi aunte a dyſtylle them in clene glaſſes. A Watet ol pres is good foz hym that is dyſſealed of laynte Antkony and teceyued the bothe a temedye/cloutes wet therin and. u. oꝛ thie txmes layde theron in a day eat eche tyine let it Daye B. ole tine o2 thee da yes cõtynuyng tyll it ſlabyd. B Water okxonge ppes is very good foz the Webbe, a ln ne ol the ij ẽ. And is allo very good foz the yen whan the water be put in the tren an howze befoze nyght. The winche an olde mayſter at Straelboꝛowe had pꝛoued by etpes riéce on many plons & ipecyaily aga pnit the reednes of the en, ¶ Duckys blode water. Ca. xb. Anguis anetis ĩ latyn. Ind the blode of the wylde duc⸗ dys is the bell. The belt pte c tyme is the blode ol the wylde duch ys in the laſt moneth of the herueſt / dyl tylled in kalneo matie 2 Water of blode ol duc ys is good agaynſte the lone / wh it is dꝛotze . xx. oz. xl. daies cõtinuyng at eche tyme an og ce B The lame water drötze. x. oꝛ. xu. daꝝ es ithe manet befoꝛc ſaid 18 good mes and bladder foꝛ it puryfyed the rapnes / the lyimnes the bladder of all theyt vnclenes. agaynſt the ſtone in the lym (Otbozege water Ca. cui. Oꝛago in latyn The beſt pte « and ſealon of the diſtyilacʒ on the totes / the herbe chopped with all her ſubſtaui ce /ã ſtamped ¢ fo dyſtyl led. & Water ot bozage is very good whan a perlon is ſtynged ol a pynner / oꝛ of bees /a dowoble ciowite wette in the lame watet and ype the ſtynged place loyd / withdꝛyucth the payne heleth the woũde B wa tet ot boꝛage dꝛonze in the moꝛt ing ſt at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce / oz an ounce and a halte / withdꝛyueth the ſht ynk ig in the bely C This watet dꝛontze among a certayne da ves at eche tyme an ounce o2 an oũce t d halfe withdꝛꝛueth the ſcadefull lwellyng in the bely D Dꝛontze of the fame water in the moꝛnynge / at none / at nyqht/eche tyme an of ce oꝛ an oũce q a halſe / is very good loꝛ the blody flyre named diſſente⸗ tla E An ouncc / oꝛ an oũce ⁊ a halle dꝛontze amonge in the moꝛnyn ge and at nyght / is good foz the that be ſtregtt on the bach and natowe named alina in latyn A reed cloute of (Pike wet in the fame water & A lytell wꝛonge out agayne and fo layd vpõ the darke iyẽ a bole nyght dutyng / contynuyng fom dayes/thã the ie become clere agaynce. J 4 cloute wet in the fame water ⁊ layd on the cares 8 on the necke / is good foz them that haue the pypyng in the cares’ and taketh awaye the payn olit. Y Dꝛontze in the mornyn and at nyght ofthe fame water tobt che is Dpltpiied with all bis lubſtaũ ce conloꝛteth the hatte matuaylouſſiy The lame water dꝛontze in tie mance beſoꝛe ſaid cõfoꝛteth the bꝛay nes / and maketh good memoꝛye and remeinbꝛaumce / and wytte. The lame water dꝛontze in the ma⸗ ner beloꝛe ſayd is good againſt mad nes oꝛ vnwytyng and melancolpe / named mama in latyn 1 In the forxfarde maner dꝛonke / it is good for the tremblynge ofthe harte x2 This water dꝛöze in the lame anc maketh che hart merp € Of the water of bouage floutes, =m itulum rout, Los boꝛaginis in latyn. The boꝛa ge floures ether wyle. The belt parte and tyme of his dyl⸗ tyllacronis whan the herbe beteth floutes / ⁊ the fyꝛſt lyteli ſtaltze Wher as the floutes hangeth on {hal be to Spyder plucsyd ol / chopped and diſtyl lyd in balneo marie. The water of the flowres is not lo ſtronge / as the water that is dyſtzlled and bꝛen⸗ ned ol the herbes but it is moze gen tyiyet / and therfore ſeruech to the ſuotyli perlones whiche be gentyll a nobel ot complexxon. J An dun ce dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge and at nyght at eche tyme . rtr. oꝛ. xl. dayes dutynge cauteth good and clene blo⸗ de. B Pk the water dꝛontze. iu. o foure wetzes cauſeth a merp hart and great reyoylynge and withdꝛy Leth the heuynes and french, Ther forc it is one of the moot woꝛthyeſt waters agaynſt the melancolfe C The la me watet dꝛõtze two oũ· tes oꝛ two duntes and a balfe in the moꝛnynge /at none and at nyght. u. oꝛ. ln. daes duryng is goodagaynit ſtytches a bout the harte D The lame water dꝛontze an ounce at cue ty daye pꝛeſetueth the body frome le pꝛoulnes E Dꝛonde of the lame at npabt tu. oꝛ toute tymes in a we ke/is good agaynſt patalyſis 1 The ſame water dꝛontze an ounce at euery ny ght / is good agaynſt all fio des comig ofthe hede G Agapnit Hote àxces oꝛ hote ſebenes is good ta be dꝛontze of the fame water. iu. ty mes in a day at eche time an cũce/oꝛʒ an ounte and a halfe 9 Tce ſame water dꝛontze. r. oꝛ . xi. Dares conty. nuyng / in the moꝛnynge / at none /⁊ at nyght/ at eche tyme an oũce 02 an ounce and a halle / is good agaynſte the Pelow Jandys named zctericia in latyn. J Thre daxes contys nuyng dꝛonte of the lame watet. ui tymes in a daye / at eche tyme an on te and a haile / ſlaketh all ised of the ipuct, The fame water don ke is good for . that neuet be pied to let blode / bycaule it puryfyed and clenſeth the body of the naghty and deſtroyed biode. 1 Dꝛontze ok the tame water openeth the bape nes and all the membzes. The water ol Henquale. ca, vii B. ü. 0 J Uſquiamus in latyn/Henqua le other wyle. THiS herbe 19 of two maners. The one bereth whyte ſedes / and the other blactze ledes / & the blactze icdes be vled in medicynes The beſt pat te and tyme ot his dyſtil lacyon is / the hetbe / rotes and flow res / ali to grder chopped ſtãped and dyſtylled aboute laynte Johns Baye mydde tommer 2 The lame wa⸗ tet is good foz thein that haue onnae turallp teſte inwardely 02 outwat⸗ delyok het bedre / o hede / amon ge of ten the tenples therwith enoynte d a clowtes wet in tie water and layde vpon the temples / than cometh the perlon to his natutalland cõuenxent tee. B The lame water with ; dꝛrurth all payne ot the hede comyng ot hete the hede ther with rubbed and vled as before is laypde C Type a ; me water cauleth well to ſlepe/ wha tue loꝛe hede and the — — barre is enoynted ther with. D The ſa mẽ water withdꝛyueth all hete / whã thꝛe oꝛ fourc Dowdle clowtes be wet in thelame water and iayd ther vpõ E Thelame water toftcth al pay nes of the membꝛes / clowtes wet in t / and often tymes layd ther vpon. The lame watt occuitety ⁊ hydeth the pymples and reedneſſe of the lepꝛe in the face / and the face beco methciere / whan it is often waſſh .d therwith G It is alſo good againſt an hote meindbꝛe / the membꝛe efter rubbed with the lame water / & tha it loſteneth and ſlatzeth all onnatucail ete. Ok watet of floute deluce purpure, Capitulum KIL, Bis in latyn / flowze deluce othetwyle. The veſte parte c tyme of his dyſtyllacxon is in the en; de of the may / whan the flowtes be par fytely type / but tary not ſo longe that they be inclyned to falle ol / the ſlouꝛes onely dyſtylled in balnco ma trie I Water offloure deluce put pute drontze in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce is good agapnit all axces o2 febꝛes / how they be. B The fa me water two oꝛ thre wekes dꝛonte in the moꝛmyn ge and at night / at eche tyme an oun ce and a halie / oꝛ two ounces is good agaynſte the rede dropſy. C Dyr oꝛ· viii. dayes contynuynge Dronke of the lame in the moꝛnynge zat nyght at eche tyme an ounce anda baile, is Good foz him whole lyuet is dſſee ſed D It is good donké faſtyng and: ge ůgaynſte lwellynge / at eche tyme an oũte and a halte. D2 foꝛ hy m that is wollen / a lynen tlowte wet thete in and wꝛongẽ out Agape lomwhat and layd on the ſwellynge E Lu tze warme dꝛonke ol the lame in the moznynge / at none / and at nyght. iu oꝛ faute DAVES contynuynge / at eche tyine an ounce ⁊ à halle / oꝛ two ours tes is good agaynſt thrynkyng in the bely aud the gowote in the guttes. Thelame water heleth all weun des whan they be wall. ed therwith in the moꝛnynge and at nyght and tlowtes wet in the fame water and layd thet vpon. G The lame wae ter heleti the canker in the ſame mas net waſſhed ⁊ wet cloutes layd ther on. ) Allo the fame water he leth that euyll looꝛe / named noly me tãgere waſſhed therwith in the moꝛ nyng and at nyght / and cloutes wet in the lame and layd vpon it. 3 It is good Dzonke in the moꝛnynge⸗ and at nyght/at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe agaxnſt the hote fiode in in the iymmes whiche be ſcabby K The lame water is good agaynſte all etyng and bytyng ſoꝛes / ſpetyally on the women bꝛeſtes /euery day in the moꝛznyng and at night wallhed ther with and ipné clowtes wet in the ig: me layd ther vpon. @ Ofthe water ol the rote ol foure deluce purrure, Ca.rx. Adices Itis in latyn / The belt parte and trie of his dy ſtillacron is / the rotes {mall chopped & Dyſtylled in the marche atoute the day ot ſaynt Setttudis J Cicutes wet in th: fame water in the moꝛnĩg and at nrghteis good agaynſte all lwellyng that is gone away/and va nyſihed layd ther bpon B In the moꝛnyng/at rone a at night dꝛonze the ſame water at eche tyme halle an ounce and a quattet of an ounces warineth / dꝛreth / weketh / and caus {eth the bꝛeſt to be temperate, C It putyfyeth the longues whan it is Dongen in the manec before layde. D it is allo good dꝛonte foz to con fume the vll and groffe humours E It clẽſeth the vnclene foxes and ime roſtumes in the moꝛnyng a at nyght waſſted thetwith Ol the lame watet dꝛõtze in the moꝛnig / at none mat nyght is good foꝛ the ſbz ꝛvnkyng i the bely & Theſain laſzeth the wa be dꝛõte at erhe tyne. ui. oꝛ. uu, oũce. H Thelame toatet dronke thee ty mes in a daye/at eche tyme an oun · ce and a halfe is good agapnite tie droply/ and cauſeth to lole theyeio · we water, It is good foz by- tynge of beſtes / walled ther woith in the moꝛnyng and at nygtt / and al ſo dꝛonze. Kk The tame water dꝛontze in this maner / is good for the mylte. L It is good io dꝛon: ke agaynſt axces oꝛ febzes. 9 Thre tymes dꝛontze of thelame wa⸗ tet in a dapat eche tyme an ounce ct à halfe pꝛouotzeth the floutes in wo men N The lame water dronbe as before is ſayde & ſte wed cuer the brethe of thelame water / is geod d gaynſte the payne of the moter ez matryce / and agaynſt the Ropprnge ol her mouth, O The fame wae tet is good agaynſt the payne 4impe tigms / pott ys and vnclenes ol the ſaynne waſſhed therwith thee ty: mes in a day 39 This water put in the wen taketh away the ſpottis a ſcelles ol the iu Q The hede wal ſhed with the lame watet cauleth to gtowe the hete R The lame wa tet a longe tyine holdẽ in the mouth is good foz impoſtumyng and payne inthe gommes S Alco the lame water pulleth out bꝛokẽ bones and otter thynges hyded in tie bodye of a pet ſon han cloutes be wet in the lame ⁊ be lad thet bps T It is allo good cloutes wet ⁊ layd on the ſyde for payne in the ſyde A The water lavd in thelame manet befoze is good foꝛ payne in the hyppes na · med Stiatica in latyn me water dꝛonze. ini. times in a day rx The ſa is good for the ſtangutyot droppell xu named ſtranguria. ¶ Water of the ſedes of floute delu cc purpure, Ca. xxi Emẽ Itis. The ledes ol flou · te delure purple ali ve dyl⸗ tyliyd one ly in paitico matic. Theſame water is good D:onke ofté tymes for hxm that bath ioſt his ſpe· ce / koꝛ it cawleth it to come agayne. Ok water of byrtche leues. ca. xxi:. 13 J ber in latyn. The beſt pat te and tyme of his dyſtyllacy on is the pongeſt leues chopped ſtam ped and dyſtylle. A Ok the fame watet drontze in the mornyyge ⁊ at nyght at euery tyme two ounces is good agaynſt gtauell in the lymines and tapnes. B The lame wa ter is good agaynſte all hete places and dpileaics in the membꝛes And ipecpally for the yerde of the inany vopan clowtes be made vr in the lame and layd bpon it two oz thre tymes in a Daye, 4 byttche Jute Watet. tulum xxui. N the mare (hall be perched J anboietabprtetx tree, and let there vndet a glas ot an othet veſlell / ther out wyll come lo me water / and that water ye ſhall dyſtylle per Alembicum 1 The water of byttche Jute / is good to ail woundes walſhed thet wit a/ clots tes wet thetwith and io layde vpon the woundes B Thelame water dryed all open forces waſſhed thers with / and cloutes wet ther in a layd ther vpon. ¶ Che watet ol Sctotularia. Capitulum nut Crotulatia in latyn. The S bette patte and tyme of his dyſtyllacyon is / the rote wal ched / and the leues ſtroped from the ſtalbes and ſo togydet dyſtylled. A Sores epyics on the fondamẽt ytze wrattes noaftyen with the laine water and in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme drontze an ounce e —— . — — loke mere iprous be waſſhed withthe fame water: gun ee Portelayn. ED) a ‘ree BI | Bee Ottulata inlatyn. The beſt parte and tine ol his dyſtyl⸗ acyõ / is the hetbes / and the ſtalkes chopped togyder and dyſtyl · led in tle ende of may 1 water of poꝛtelayn dtonke in the nornyng and at nyght thre or foure Bayes ron tynuynge/at eche spine an ounce / or an once and a balfe is good for a per fon that ſettech bled or bath the ble dy flyre B Thelame water ved in the for layd mance ſtoppedall ma net of ee J and to Aisi » goyng The lame watet of to the ſtole C ten tymes dronke an ounce / ot an ounce and 1 hote ⁊ drye tough D Oftẽ drõtze of the fame boaters the tẽples enoyn ted thernoith caulerh well to Neve, E Thelame water ts good agaynſt the hete of the lyuer / whan it be Dros ke in the mornynge / at none and at nyght/and kempen towe wet there in and voithout layde on the lyuer It is good to be dronze to the ronge chyldeten / in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce lor the hete and kor the wotmes. G Poꝛcelayn water dronke in the mornyng/at none / andat nyght/ at eche tyme an oũce llatzeth the thycit And in the (me maner it is goodal lo agaynſt the peſtrllence. h In an ounte of porcclayne watet wette a nyght longe ten graunes of batley weght the ſedes ol pille / and than a wet therin / and ther with tou ched and ſtryke vpon the tongue. ui. or foure tymes ina Daye / helpeth the Well / whiche by tongue is become blacke in hote ſebeneſſe 1 T lame water is good for to cole hots blode / whan it be drontze / and myr ced in the drynkt. And withdtyueth alſo the payne in the bladder. & It drontze among withdeyueth the Deve cowgh comyng of hoͤte letzenes. ¶ Ot the water ofbucnet, ca. xrbi. ltone it D JIpinella in latyn is oftwo manets. The one le th a ſmail fais be aboute a cubyte of length with a (mall whyte flourcs and a rote thar pe ol taſte. The other is named the be greate Pympinella o2 burnet. The beſt tyme ⁊ patte of the dyſtyllacyon is the {mal burnet or pipinella who ſe rote is ſharp of taſt / the herbe aud the tote with her lubltaunce chopped togyder and ſtamped and fo dyſtyl⸗ led and ſpecyally they that grobe in Dape places / oꝛ on hylles and mon tapns 4 Thelame watet is good to be dꝛõtze agaynit the motnynge and at nyght / at eche tys, We an 8 and a baifecor two oũ tes B usdhan it is drontze in the forſaid maner it is good agaynlt the —— —— * grauel in the lymmes / ot in the bladder and e a in the backe a lymmes late often 8 hãdys lomtyme allo in the mornyng and at nyght / and let it dꝛye agayne by bpm lelle/cauſeth the face and han des to be fapze. D Dꝛonze ofthe ſame cuccy moꝛnynge and at nyght is good foz the peſtyléce E Water dyſtylled of the gẽtylneſt pimpinella oʒ but neth / and dꝛontze of tt, ru. dayes contynuynge ones in a Daye at eche tyme thee oꝛ ſoure ounces / is very good to be pꝛeletued of the peſti lence /and the moze the ayꝛe be inle⸗ cte the oftenct ze (hall dꝛynze Ff Che water ol burnet oz punpinella totes is good to be dꝛõze for womẽ whiche baue to colde a moder in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / at eche tps me an ounce oꝛ an ounce and a halfe G Theſame water ſoden with Caſtozeum / and fo dꝛonke.ix.dapes tontynuynge / euety daye an ounce withdꝛyueth the gowte H It is good to be dꝛontze foz women / foꝛ it pꝛouotzeth they: flowze. 7 lo dꝛynketh two ounces faſtynge of the lame water is pꝛeſetued thelame Daye irom all vnnaturall ſebeneſſe/ bytauſe it taketh away al pis and im poſtumacxons fromthe harte R Ot this water dꝛontze among / with dꝛyueth all euyll moyſtout out of the body / and cauleth weil to pyſſe / and withdꝛyueth ali the moyitoute oute vorth the vꝛyne. L Watet of th lame onely dyſtylled of the totes / is 200d to be dꝛontze lo benym and im + é 5 11 DE e petuyn: a. xv. pS ee agtenis in latyn. The beſie parte and tyme ol his dy ityllacyon is / the leues Kroped from the bꝛaunches which be growẽ in the lame pete in theende of the ma re. A Watet ofthe lame is good for the ſwellyng ofa mannys perde whan the fame is made warme and clowtes wet therin and ſo wrappd aboute the yerde / oꝛ ſpoboted ther in tyll it be hoe B Thelame water heleth holes r ytchynge of the parde wha it is dꝛõtze in the moꝛnig / at no ne at nyght be waſſhed therwith C The fame water heleth the holes & fozes on the ſectete of women whan they be oftẽ tymes waflhed ther with D The lame water is good agaiſt etynge ſoꝛes / and all other ſoꝛes in the mouthe / walſted therwith E Petuyntze water heleth the kyſtule whã he is kylled beloze / two oꝛ thre who tymes in a day waſſhed ther with. ¶ Okthe watet of the floutes of wil de peruynke. Ca. xxviu. the ter i good to be dꝛonke agaynſt the and for helth of the lan Deve conogheri — — at nyght ml It heleth alfo the cankte. whan it is walſhed ther with / and 9 4 cloutes toct in the ſame and layde bpon it. den 25 6 Ft ig good fo2 all Woꝛme⸗ And whan ther be put in a pounde in the body whan it is dꝛontze faltpn ok the fame water halfe an ounce of ge in the moꝛnyng tos ountes and powder of allume refolucd than it heleth euyll blaynes whan they wyl totte E It is alſo good agaynitc the etynge lozes in the mouthe and on the ſecrete of women. F It is allo good againſt the ſowle gommes walthed often thetwith. (Okthe water ol water creſſe. Capitulum ix. A ticum in latyn. The bette pte and tyme of his dyltyllacyõ is the bp permsooſte partes of the ſtalkes a nd the leues aboue Aboute a ipanne of 1 * and fo dyſtylled in the ende of the Wave A In the maznynge and at det e 8 ty. ot the lame water ate mie tho oagces is go0d fo? the gras E racionum / naſtuttiũ aqua ahalfcozthre ounes. C It is good to be Donte for thein that haue an yll longue / in the moꝛnynge and at nyght at eche tyme two oun ces oꝛ thee ounces and a halle. B The hede wet with theſame water pꝛeler ueth the beare fo2 fallynge out E Dꝛöbe of the fame water in the moꝛ nynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ouncc / is good for ſetzenes of the ly: uer / but ye hal not dꝛynke to moche at ones / bycawſe it ſyolde do greate harme to the fomabe. ‘3 5. ar of cede mpnie/ 02 hoꝛle Ca. xxx. i | Enta rubea vel metalttum led in the myddeſt ol the may A In the moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛon tze of the ſame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe oꝛ two ounces is good foꝛ the yelowe Jandys. B It dꝛontze wermeth allo the colde tomabe C Oktẽ the mouth wal · {ied with thefame water is good foꝛ the ſtyntzynge tethe D The la⸗ me water put in the nole clenſeth the hede ol the yll hunouts E Dꝛyn ke of the fame water after the bas tynge is good foz them that be rente named tuptura. € Ok vngula cabaltina water. Capitulum xn. Nsgula Caballina in latyn. A In the moꝛnynge and at nyght wet cloutes in the fame wa tet vpon a moze oꝛ other place that is bꝛennpdd fame toate dꝛonke in the moꝛnynge tat nygyt is good fo2 the inwarde payne with in the body C Maſſhedtherwith the pyles is good / and dꝛonke in the foꝛlayd maner. D Thre ounces dꝛontze of the lame cawleth to ſwete E water ofthe fame whiche is dy: ſtylled of the rotes Dronke thre oun · ces after that a bodye is let blode is good agaynſt the „ F tater of vngula caball na is good agaynſt all ril ſpottys on the bodye / fez it matzeth the lz yn wohyte / as it often tymes is walſhed ther with / a let dꝛye agayne by hym felfe, Ol water or bene flowtes. ca . xi. ot 7 —ͤ—— — Loꝛes fabatũ in latyn. The belle tyme & parte of his dyſ⸗ tyliacyon is / whã they be fully type and oz they beginne to rotte / oꝛ beco ine blacze and lo dyſtylled in balneo matie A The ſame water dꝛyeth the tonnyng and teryng iren / whã it is put in the euenyng an houre be toꝛe the nygbt in the iven B The fkynne waſſhed a rubbed with the ſame water withdꝛyueth all the ſpot tys / cawſeth the ſaynne to become fofte C Thre ountces oꝛ thre oun ces and a halſe is good agaynſt the venym that lyeth hyden in the bodxe oka man D The fame water is alfo goodf oꝛ the ytche and moche te de lyddes within the iyen thee oꝛ fou te dayes at euety euenynge an how te betoꝛe the nyght the fame watet put in the iren. E Aclowte wer in the ſame watet and layde in the moꝛnyng and at nyght bpen a woũ de / pulleth out of it thoꝛnes / ſplyn⸗ tes & bꝛoʒen bones a oat thynges deynge thetin F It ss alſo good lapd in the moꝛnynge and at nyght vpon the euyli blapnes G Floutes of Benes ſteped in ſttonge wyne/ than wꝛongen out a lyteli agayn / ⁊ fo dyſtylled. The face enoynted ther with cauleda or colour and a fay: teface. 5 It Hopped the flode d flure in women / whan in the moꝛ; nyng and at nyght it be dꝛontze / at cucry tying an ounce and a halte. vi. oꝛ. iu. dayes tontynuynge 3 The ſame water ſlatzech the Wylde free ¢, whan clonotes wet be lapd theron, Ol watet ol benes. Ca xrxii. Aba in latyn The beſt tyme and parte of bis dyſtyllacyon is whan they be grene a than put in à glas and Dpttplied in bentre equi do A Walſhed well with this wa tet the rottpng of fowle legges / and pouder the frees of the benes where the water is dyſtylled vbr ders ſttawe the rowdet in the cuyll ſoꝛes and ho foz good put ytyeng clenlyng and helyng to euyll legges Ol watet of benehuſtzes. ca. Crxiiii Enes hultzes be the couetyng where as the benes gtowe in Che veſt patte ⁊᷑ tyme of his dyſtylla cyon is whan the ſonne is in leone And the mone in Ariete J This is the moſt woꝛthyeſt r beſte water n n a thy ddet / whã it is dꝛontze in the moꝛ wane Ee 0 a oũ ce oz an oũce ⁊ a Okthe herbe of denes Ca. xxxv. Grba fabatum in latyn. The beſte parte and tyme of his dyſtyllacron is / the leues & ſtaltzes dyſtylled in the ende of the mare B Thelame water dꝛoke. xxx. oꝛ.xl.da· es cõtynuynge withdꝛrueth the fo ne of the yonge chyldetẽ B Dꝛötze of theſame water a moneth cõtynuig euety day in the moꝛning t at nyght at eche tyme an ounce oꝛ an ounce a a halſe cauſeth good bloode C whã the handes and the face be waſſhed with thelame watet than they beco⸗ me lofte, Water of ꝗteat baſilicõ Ca. txxvii. 1 B Allicõ in latyn. The belt pat te ᷑ tyme of his Dptrpllacyo s the leues —. whã it beteth flow res / the berbe is of à cubyte length 1 Water ofthe ſame dꝛonke in the moꝛnyng 2 at night is good againſt pataliſis, Andoftẽ rubbed the 9 lymmes 2 membꝛes in the 3 at none sat nyght / doththẽ bec quycke agayne, . (Water of Lahticon ere 4 seat rvu. 2 ſilicen Gatiofilata in la · tin. The beſte tyme of his dyſtillacyon is/tte ſtalte a tye icues chopped togyder ⁊ dyſtylled per bal nea matie in the moneth of June. A Water ol thelame dꝛonke. u. oz ui. oũces is good agaynſt the woꝛ mes which be Growe o2 cloled ĩ the body of a man / thã tbey mutt depar te from the body without barine oꝛ lcathe B Thelaine water is a pri cypall confoꝛtyng and teioyſyng of the harte / y thetof be dꝛõtze an oũce in a day/ the dꝛynke mpreed ther with / x cloutes weet 1 it a lapd vpõ the place ol the hatte ¶ water of blewe (Pape e Capitulum. e in han ter is good agaynſt any payn / whã the place is often rubbed ther with x (ater ot bockes blede. ca . xxxi Angus hitti in latyn. 15 che is not gelded taken in the canicu ler dayes c dyſtylled 4 Theſame water is very goodfoz the ſtone dꝛõ Be in the moznyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce, It is alſo good foz — grauel in the lymmes and in the bladder. Water of bottys of the bꝛamel. ca. xl S Via amba in latyn / the belt tyme of the her dis dyn illaciõ is / Whã it is motte ltongeſt in the taſte /lyke in the ende of the Maye, the leues ſitoped of a fo dyſtylled A This water dꝛonbe is good foz tem that haue the peſtylence / and it wyll helpe well. € ECtonye water. Ca. xli. 3 S tonica in a pe The beſte patte and tyme of his dyſtyl· lacron is / the leues and ſteles of them that betethbꝛowne flowtes / dyſtylled in 2 of the axe. A Thelame water is good gered the payne in the Nds ene de / take a fout folde clowte wette therin and a lytel wꝛonge out agay ne and ſo layd touude about the he de ſo olten tyll it be gone. 8 7 body dꝛyntz yngan ounce r a half in themoꝛn ynge Wall get = no thyꝛſt he ſame bares C Wate ne, ai. of thefame is Good fo be dꝛõke loꝛ the that haue the hote arxces/⁊ a cloute wet therin d layd ouer the bꝛeſt whan the hete is comyng / foz it coleth all the quar tapnearcees D Dꝛoht ofthelame two tymes ina day / at eche tymt an dũce a halfe migra eb the payn in the hede E Olthelame put in the wean houre before the night cau ſeth thẽ to be clete 4 It is a very toſtely water foz to hele cuyll ſoꝛes wha they {hed ther with i moꝛnyng & at nyght / cloutes wet in it z lapd ther vpon G It ſtop peth the teates conpnig of the 9 Ger er Win LOY ame vo in the ipen 8 Luzewarme dꝛop pedot the ſame in ihe cares lofteth the payne of the In the moꝛ· 1 7 at none a at nyght dzötze of thelame watet at eche tyme an of: e W it whã it is 1 vce t at good npnge / at none rt 18 agaynſt dropſy N Whã it ee i en € at nyght goyng to bedde / heleth woũ des out wardly a in wardly/ to yõge x olde ꝑſoncs / ⁊ it tõneth out thrughe the woundes O Broke of the lame. ift.oz. titi. wekes euery Dati the moꝛ nynge / at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce ⁊ a halle /oꝛ.ii.ounces cauſeth to get a fart colour mprecd with lo int reednes which was pale before, P It is alſo good droRc in the ma er before “for thẽ that haue moche moiſt nes i their body / x withdzyueh many papns fro the ſtomake.bytau le it cõloꝛteth the ſtomatze x cauſeth go od dygeſtrxon Q Dyke of the - fame in the moꝛnyng / a at nyght ta keth away the walmyng a ſpettyng t vnclenes in the mouth K In the forfayd mance dꝛõtze of thelame wa the tet lofteneth e clẽleth the back x the logues S Diontke of theſame in the maner aloꝛe ſayd / is good fo2 a moyſty multe / for it ciẽleth the mylt In the morning & at nyght drõ a of thelam at eche tyme an ounce a halfe / is goodlot thé chat wehte a ctiſſeleth with the tethe U In the forfaid manet dtõtze theſam is good for the olde cowgh/ narowe breite t cowghing x In ſuch manet drõ tze * — is good fot the yelowe Jandis named ictericia in latyn. 2 coke ol the lame inthe mornig at nyght at eche tyme . ii. oũces cit fet a ptauotzeth the floure ĩ the too mé 3 . vün or. x.dayes Broke of the fame in the motnynge faſtyng / ⁊ at nyght goig to bedde cauleth a good dygeſt ig ſtomaze JA In the mot faſting drötze olthelame at no ne / at night / at eche tyne, i. bũces or. ii.oũtes a a halſe /is good for the that bath take euyl medicynes / by caule it pulleth theſame away from the body BV Theſame dꝛöbe. xl. t ayes eee in the mornig Kat nyght at eche tyme an ounce a hal e is good for the fallyng ſetzenes na ned Epylẽcia CC Thelame ved in the maner afore ſayd is good for benyinzdrynuethitout DD It is alſo good for the venemoꝰ byting of beſtes or of other Ipke whã it i Dronbe in the mornpng ⁊ at nyght at eche tyme an ounte and a halte / andtloutes wet thee in ⁊ layd vpon the bytynge. EE The lame drõ ke in the mornynge faſtyng / at eche tune two ounces loſteneth the bret SF in the motnyng and at nyght Dronke of the ame at eche tyme an ounce / is good for the payne in the fy hyppes / raynes / and in the bladdet 6G Mronbeof theſame in the mor nynge and at nyght / at euety tyme an ounce and a halſe is good for fee tynge blode and water / comyng of ign the bꝛeſt and lögues J Kept th Nor ſe the em im te mone tt dee ok and eee 1 ped is good for the goute 5 in the fete — de whan it is ofté tubbed ther with and clow tes wet thetin / and layd ther vpon KK Drone of the fame watet twoyſe in a day at eche tyme an sun 3 halle / is good agaynſt by: tyng of a madde dogge and clowtes wet in the fame and layd theron / alſo it pulleth out broken bones. ¶ water of echen leurs. Ca. xlii. Ona alni in latyn. Che beſt tyne ofbis dyſtillacron is in tte ende ofmare 1 Thelame wa ter is good agaynſte the pareenes⸗ whan the bere be chauen and ther with be waſſhed and let drye agay ne by hm eile / than they dre and falle dt. ¶ Watet of braba hirtin a.. Capitulum Bie hitcina in latyn. oe belt tyne of his Dyſtyllacyõ is / the hetbe with the ſtaltzos and totes chopped togyder and dyſtyl⸗ led whan it bereth flouts / and that is in the moneth of June 1 The lame water Dronke in the motnyn· ge and at nyght at cche tyme two ounces / is good lot the edc in rde, wu 1 103 3900 noater stint ters, at a N Ota bacci ui daten nyng and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynſte the ſtone in voge chrlderne B The ame a allo is good agaynſt the ſtone in the lym mes and in the bladder / in the for ſayde manet 5 C. Itisalo ood to be gorgeled agaynite bua ja that is the ſpene in the ſtrote D Che fame is good alto foute ot fyue trmes in a day agaynſt the Pye mynge / and other in the throte ¶ watet of poleye. Ca. xl b. 1 beſt 2 tune of his drſtyllaexon is Wolde der, „ the lame two oꝛ thte apes/ ines ina day it pꝛ the tours in women / yr it be in the Wie con be provoked the floutes but in the a oꝛdꝛed a tyme that they ol eee al wa aue e te tre ſiallbe d deöde weneth that the (bell baud bee har whan ‘OR it be gynneth ſomwhat to apere C It e it hero at nthat hae tt blode / oz 0 blode Theſame is és good par m the ie aoe tering were is agaiſt al dyſſcaſes of the ixẽ/a ‘on ounces wi wet in the faine a layd vpõ ttẽ & This water purptyeth the Gen toe forteth the lyght / r taketh away the hete & the payne / whã it is put ther in an howre before or pe go to bed foꝛ to treit / ⁊ in the mormng droͤtze an ofice 4a halfe a therwoith the we enoited roũde about & cloutes wet in thelam i laid ther ppd F Thre * dũces drõze of the tame is good for women whiche be mylcacyed of the mydwyke in the byrthe of her chylde & the aftet byrth that is the ſecundi na is ynough Departed from her as it therto belõgeth G. u. oũces Ord ke in the morning æ at night heleth the réte whiche hortlyis come / na med ruptura i Okthelame wa mM ter drötze ed or moch / is binderkul to the womã t hat bereth chyld for it cauleth the chude to be borne befere the tyme ordred / a this haue J wep te that cucrp good a honeſt woman ſhal tatze bees lot n of the me wate ‘ lame 1 D thela faſtyng c at — goynge to bedde cauleth to be thine the thycke fipmy watet in the breſt KR Chelame wa tet dꝛötze in the mance before laid is wꝛõgẽ out agayn & layd vpõ the ite matze L. Dꝛötze of the fame in the lame inanet withdꝛyueth the black colera / that is melãcolye à takynge thought / a heuynes at the harte not U toberof M Dꝛöke of the lame in the moꝛnyug a at nyght at eche tyme an oũce ⁊ a halfe / oꝛ two — hE RB a the lame water euery Daye. ii. oꝛ.iũ . oũces ⁊᷑ ſhall be layde theron alto at euery day twyſe tha it {hall be heled Two oiices dꝛõtze at eche tyme ol the ſame taftynge in the mozupnge t at nyght is good for ſtrũguty <2 Cwyſe in a daxe waſſted with che lame tabeth awaye the ytche K Ol the ſame water ſhall be gruen to womã labouryng of chylde foz it is good fo2 the woes ol her / a cawleth the byꝛth ta be ſonet c lyghter S It is allo good fo: the coide floode in the hede or inthe nole dꝛontze in the moꝛnyng and at nyght at eche t pine an ounce a a halfe /⁊ t wyſe in a day the hede enoynted thetwuh T It vſed in the lam mance withdziueth the olde ſeenes in the hede N Foz the tolde mopftoure in the eat es / the watet is good to be put therm + It ſo agra in the ſe te / ther with tubbed and layd theron A A cloute wet in tzeſame ⁊ layde vpõ the nole ſtoppeth the bledyng at the noſe Aa à wohyt cloute wet in the lame is good foꝛ the inwatd gou te oꝛ paralitis, whã the membꝛes a lwellynge be wꝛapreth abcut with the fame clowte ⁊ whã it is Daye tha. it muſt agayn be wet BB The la te wachen often ther with tauleth to be fayze CC Che lame water ta beth amare the frounces in the faces han it is tubbed thetwith. 5 Ol the blew tye floures Ca. xl bi. Lozes frumenti vel floures tr liginis in latyn. The belt tyme of theyꝛ dyſtyllacyon is in the ende of of zune A Bede ive with the un — | poſtumynge tholde be waſſhen with the water of thelame / than they beto me hole tfayzeagayne B Ok the lame water put in the iren at nyght an howte oꝛ ye go to bedde bꝛetzeth the ſpottys ot iz ynne vpon the wen r matzeth them clene C It is good for to walſhe the kyſtules with chela me watet twyſe in a day/ clowtes wet thetin a layd vpõ the iy ſtule D The cantzte waſſhed with the ſame twyſe in a daye/and clowtes wet in the ſame water and ther vpon layde cauleth to hele. Water of blewe vyoltetys. Ca.xlbii (1 Zola in latyn. The beſt trys me ol her byſtyllacyõ is / the floures onely 4 nat the herbe dyſtyl led p alembicũ hut in the matte. yt ye delyte to dyſtylle the hetbe thrus ghe an helme in the Mare. & water ofthe lam blew vyolettys is geod to be dꝛöke € the Dike myr ted ther with agaynſte the hete of the peſtyiente B Cloutes wet in the lame and mxappeth abeut the podas gta whã they be dzye tha wet agaps ne e layd counde about fo often tyll at none a᷑ at nyght / at eche tyme an olice c᷑ à halfe ſokteneth the bodye / & tauſeththe belyta be weke D in the 8 dꝛõze coleth the hart E fame water put in the ixẽ / and thet the water brĩgeth agayn the de che was lolt before S Broke thela comyng ot hete ⁊cloutes wet in the fame a layd cut G net befoze laid clẽleth⁊ puryfyeth the moder / c withdꝛyueth the impoſtu⸗ myng of her ) Okthelame water dꝛõtze twyſe in a day cõtynuyng the tyme of, u. moneths a the hede enoyn ted therwith let dꝛye vy hym ſelle agayn is good foz thé that haue loft theyꝛ wyt thtugh ouer moch ſtyntz ĩg tc fume J It heleth the pyles i the londamẽt wha they be waſlhed ther with twyle ina dap cloutes wet in thelame a layd ther bpo % Dꝛoͤtze of thefame in the moꝛnig zat nyght at eche tyne. ii oũces is good for the hote dꝛye towgh 1 Theſame wa ter walieth ſone the pyles on the fon damẽt / whã cloutes wet ther i be lay de vpõ theſame M In the moꝛnig & at nyght dꝛõtze of the lame at eche tyme an ounce is god for the payn of the mylte A Chelame water dꝛõ ke flaketh the thyꝛſt a is good foꝛ the te ſtomake. O Cloutes wet in theſame watet a layd bpd the cares withdꝛyueththe pypyng in the eates P The hede oltẽ enointed with the : fame ꝭ let dꝛye agayn by bpm ſelfe / withdꝛyueth the ſhelles from the he: de Q Dyꝛöke thefame water in the moꝛnig/at none zat nyght / at eche tyme. u. oũces is good fo2 the itches on the bart / foꝛ it colet h a᷑ cõforteth the body N In the ive put theſame light / whi me water in the mornyng at none c at nyght at eche tyme an oũct at a hal fe is very good for hote artes ot fe: bres i lot al pli hete C Broke the ſame water faſtyng in the motnyng . oũces weght / killeth the wormes in the body U with the fame wal waſſhed the tethe a gõmes / & the fas me water loge tune holdẽ in the mou caleth the impoſtumig a payn in the tethe a gõmes x robe of lame. iu.tymes ia day heleth the pty lytze ecthpke y Cloutes wet in the lam water ſtoppeth the bleding ithe woũde whan they be layd ther vpõ · SOLS eee. * — — 3 Inthe möꝛtiyng Tat vo dꝛõ bee ol the lame at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that haue the fallyn ge letzeneſſe and pꝛyntypally foz the Longe chyldeten. BA Dꝛontze of the lame in the forfayd manet tempe reth the oucrinoch hete and dꝛougit ofthe in warde membꝛes / and layde theron outwarde. B Pk the (ame watet is good to be dꝛontze foz chẽ that often ſogeth heuy in the moꝛ nung and at nygut / at eche tyme. u. dunces CC The lame dꝛonke as eee the vely and the in es DD It dꝛonte in the fa 5 maner rlenſeth the raynes CE In the mo: nynge / at none / and at nyght / dꝛonke of the lame at eche ty⸗ me two ounces / is good foꝛ the that be full ofhete / and ſpecyaliy foꝛ yon · ge perſones FF In the ſame ma: ner dꝛontze of it lꝛaleth the payne in t G The hede enoynted with the fame water a dꝛyed agayn by hyin (cife contynuyng tome dapes withdꝛyueth the payne and (hotte in che hede comynge ol hete. PH Wan aper lone is beten on his hee de that the bꝛayne panne boweth in warde and therwith bath locke his ae ſpeche and hath no mygbt in his ton gue he ſhall dꝛyntze of the ime wa ter in the moꝛnynge and at nyght⸗ at eche tyme an ounce / than he ſhall tecouete his ſpeche 11 The far me Water dꝛontze in the fame mance ‘before / andt cloutes lard heron out war dely wetzeth all thynges that be bote. BR A fayꝛe clowte wet in the fame water and laid on the blay nes and wꝛattes of the foundament in the moꝛnynge and at nyghte re freſſhed / is good fo2 it. And it is to be knowen that the blaynes and the wꝛattes be conlumed in foure dayes pf they be not to olde / but pf they be Within the kouudament that they cã not become by / than the water muſt be lpowted thecin / and the pacyent ſhall be layde two oꝛ thre dayes in luche oz dꝛe that the water may aby⸗ de within. And he that hath thelame —.— 3 {hall dꝛyntze the fas D woꝛt water, ca. xl biu. 4 Kthemeſia mater herbatum in inten. Cl beſt parte and ino2n 1 i 5 tices on ouzes i womẽ It t helueth hae bed Sno ther with from the nauell Dotoninar de B In the lame maner dꝛontze purpfped and clenteth the moder C wWyan a woman laboutynge of chyl de / dryntzeth an otice ol this tye {hal the ſoner be delyuered. D A woe man hauynge a dede chylde by ber dꝛynkynge an ounce and a halfe / oz two ounces of the fame water {hall anone be delyuered of the lame Dede chylde E Thelame water heleth and with dꝛyueth all the dyſſeales of the ſeccetes of women / pf it be wel lige oꝛ ol other dyſleales wha they be waived therwith. & Dꝛonke of the lame at eche tyme an onnce and a halte ſeaſeth the cowghe It is good to he dꝛonbe foz them which with payne At euety day dꝛonze / thryle in a Daye at euety ty · me an ounce and a halfe.xxx.oꝛ four · ty dayes cõtinuyng / is good agaynſt the ſtone. Che water dꝛontze in thelame manet ſoꝛlayd. vii. oꝛ. x. nyng and at eee — an ounce and a halle /o: tive offices war meth the moder in the women / wwã ſhe hath tab en colde L Foure ty mes in a Dape dꝛontze of the lame at euery tyme an ounte and a halte / oꝛ two ounces / foure ot ſyx dayes con tynuynge is good agaynſt venym M pa body can not ſlepe and had loite his reſt than be thall be rubbe d with the lame water onthe vapneg of the temples / thet with he ſhal beco m ſlepynge N Drone of th ſa me in the motnyng and at 51 eche tpine an ounce and a halfe/og two ounces is good agaynſt dropſy. O The here often walſted with the fame water is good for the wor; mes in the heates 7B whan the fa ce is walſied with the lane water it raukty the berde to growe Q An ounce and a halfe / ec two cunces of theſame water Broke in the mornig and at nyght confortcth the breſte⸗ and the colde ſtomake BR Two or thre tymes rubbed the wery mẽdbres and let drye agayne by hym ſelle / is good for hym that is wery of goyn ge. € Great plantapn water. Ca. rlix. B Lãtago maioꝛ in latyn. The beſt tyme and parte of his dy ſtyllatyon /is the tote and the hetbe with all itunes choppe b dyſtylled in the ende of the Dare, A Great plantapn water dꝛontze in the moꝛnyng & at nyght / at eche tyme two oñtes.xi.dayes cõtinuyn⸗ ge is good egaynſt dꝛopſy. B Dꝛone of theſame water foure ipa nes full at nxght / is good agapntte the hote couogh C Clowtes wet in tie lame x layd on lwellynge coz mynge ot hete / is very good D In the moꝛnyng / and et nyght dꝛõ ke of the lane water heleth the blay nes a ok hete / oz where hete is aboute E It hela th the bꝛen · inynge on the body / whan clowtes wet therin be lay de vpon it. F Dꝛondc of the ame in che moꝛnyng and at nyght /at eche tyme two oun ces / is good foz the blody flyxe and foz other ſhytynge oꝛ dyſlenteria / but pꝛyncypally foꝛ the teede flyxe / \ Dhan an ounce of the fame water is myrced with Lolo Atmeno and with lapide ematitis ol eche a dꝛag ma/and dꝛontze in the maner beto ; te ſpecyly ed. G Theiaine water dꝛontze in the foꝛlayde maner ſtop⸗ beth the whyte laſz ys / named L es ‘teria / and ſoppeth alſo groſſe aud ouetmoche humours and moyſtou⸗ res in the body 9 Thelame wa tet heleth all naner of impoſtu ma cyõs / tobere they be beten / oz Come other wyle / whan there be layde on clowtes wette in thelame water / oꝛ the water be ſpowted tierin The water taken and kepte in the — heleth all woundes and ſo⸗ inte 3 heleth allothe * Thru in a daye dꝛõ ke ok the fame water / at euety time two ounces.xvi oꝛ.xvu. dax es cons tynuynge / waſteth E til / tlat is & bꝛethe compnge of the longues And cuerp dape the Hule wats (hed with thelame water and putte thetin / cawleth to be hole. 9 The lame water lutze warme putte in the cares waſteth the payn of he N The lame water flakerl the wylde kyre / whan clowtes be lay de theton wet in the lame O The fame water often put in the iyẽ with dꝛyueth the ſwellynge of che ien. P Oban thelame water is bepte à longe tyme in the mouth /it with dꝛrueth all lwellyng and othet dyſ ſeales of the gommes Q Often goꝛgoleth with theſame water and taken in / heleth ali dyſſeales in the thꝛote N Twyſe iu a dare wal ſhed the ſtyngynge ofa ſyy nner op of an woꝛme / and cloutes layd ther on feped in the fame heleth it with ont barine . Therfoze Dronke of the faint at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / oꝛ two ofices is good agaꝝnſt pinyin = D Daonde of thelame water in the moꝛnynge ⁊ at nyght / at cche tyme an ounce, xvi.oꝛ.x vu. dayes contynuynge / ſealeth beng the fallynge ſchencſle. T good dꝛontze foz them that bath 58 oꝛ hath in his body any incãtacyõ / ther ſyal dꝛyntze thre tymes in a da ye of the ſame water / at eche tyme 2 dunte and a halfe foute oꝛ fue dayes contprupnge after that they {hall tate a ſtronge 3 It 8 alio good agaynſt lcathl : — 5 — Two os thee ounces drönte of ty e ſame/cauſeth to ſwete r wet moyſty woundes waſſhed with the lame water / in the moznynge rat nyght/ and cloutes layd theron wet in thelamc / heleth the woũdes = A gaynit the payne in the invite is good in the moꝛnyng and at nyght at eche tyme to be dꝛonbe an ouuce ot the ame watet 3 Cotton wet in the faine and layd vpon a bledyn ge woũde ſtoppeth the biode AF Whan a body is byten ot a madde dogge thã it is good the wounde to be walſſhed with the ame water / cloutes wet in the lame a layd ther on / in the moꝛnynge and at nyght 5 Agaynite the dyſleales of the bladdet and taines / is the fame wa ter good ta be Dronke at moꝛnynge and at npght at eche tyme an oũce eche tyme an ounce and a balfe / is good foꝛ the wozme in the body na · med the (pole woꝛme D It is good to be dꝛõse for the acces in the moꝛnynge faſtynge two ounces/oꝛ the axces be comynge / bycaule it ea pies e eng an fe · contpnupnge g EE An ounte of the ſame water myrced with os Armend and las dri wehe modes 85 ® of the fame water two our ces oꝛ . ii. ounces aud a halſe dꝛyueth oute the after byte named lecundina. Hh Theiam water is good agayn tie omatutrall tonnyng hete clou⸗ tes Wet therin and laid vpoit 14 Great plantayne water dronke / c cloutes wet in the lame /layde bon the lyuer on the tight ſyde/and it of ten tymes vſed / cauſeth to vanyſůe the peftrience RH Tuo oꝛ.iu.ſol de ok clowite wet in the lame water and layde on the plaſt te of a woun de / bꝛodet two oꝛ thee ſynget ttan the platter is / and it vled two o2. ut tymes ina dape / two oꝛ thre daycs contpnupnge pꝛeſerueth the woũde frome ſwellynge / impoſtumacrons and of all other euyll acepdentes L Whan with the fame be wal (ped any ſoꝛes in the moꝛninge and at nyght taketh — oe roũde about the ſoꝛes lame water ceaſeth the wolfe comm ge in the thygh of the legges. And is alio agaynſt the N & gnawing oz coꝛrodynge of the fame / whan it is waſſhen / cloutes wet in thelam watet there vpõ with the tiyghtlul oꝛdꝛe / wha ther in is loden Balaſt e nucis cipʒeſſe / Pſilic / xioballami / Carpobalſami /A liunẽ zuccarinũ of cche a quarter ot an ounce / Cãſet a dꝛagma / and of the water a pounde Nn The ame water —.— agaynſt all tie eatyng 4 gnawy lozes. & cauſeth to growe klebe m in the kyſtules and other 22 as im: poſtumes ⁊ other corofrue fores be wherin as nedeth to growe lleſſhe nha the fores in the moꝛnynge a at nyght te Wahkdthermith DD Waſſhed the fyitule in the fondawet with the i me cauleth hym to hele PE Mite tymes tabẽ the laine ⁊ zepte in the mouthe heleth all the impoſtumacxons à᷑ blaynes in the mouthe Q Che lame water dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge & at nyght at eche tyme an ofice ta alte oꝛ .. düces / with a {pout oz clytire ſpou ted 1 ealcth the con gutte RAR Thelame is good agapnu the flods a te dynge of the golden vayne / and the pli wꝛattes in the tõdamẽt / wh ã tiey be bledyn ge than nau be layd theron cotton wet in the wa tet. u.oꝛ.iui.tymes in adaye SS Tue in a day lay de the faune water on the euyll blay Res/caleth them T T zmpoſtuma trons waffyen in the Inosnpng eat nyght with the lame water / x om heleth the impoltumacxons. Steat plãtayn ſedes water. Ca. l. E ginis maiozis in latyn. The belt tyme of his dyulllacron is /in the tyme as the fe des be type a dyſtyled with the al kes J The lame water ſtoppeth the blode in woundes / andat the no le vat eche tyme dꝛontze two oz thre dũcesa cloutes wet in thelame 4 lay de on tte woũdes Anda witze eꝛ téẽ n te ofcottõ wet thecin put in the no /a cloutes we lame c layde vpon the fo Watet of sea Nude 1 9 Capitu lum H kon plãtaginis imaioꝛis in latyn. The beſt parte ⁊ tyne of his dyſtillacyõ is / whã on the thal ke 3 2 bloffeme, & than ſhall the Mele with the blollome be dyſtylled in fe fame tyme. nya 1 vyne bloſlometh 1 Thelame ter is good put (Pao hag 1 be ſote and onholſome 6 of the lame water in the 5 95 * at nyghte at cele tyme two ounces is goad agayntt tmpoftunacyo C Che lame water dꝛontze in the for~ {apd manet is good agaynſt benym neater of gatiofilata Ca. li. S Anamäda o2 gatiofilata in latyn. The beſte tyme a pas te of ins Dyityilacyon is“ the herbe d tynuyng is good loꝛ the flrmy moy ſtenes of the huer B Che water dꝛontze in thelame tyme and maner cõſumed the vndygeſted meat layng in the foinake . And it is allo good F The lame water heleth the liſtu le / whã it is DzGke in the moꝛnige nd at nyght / at eche tyme an oun: ce and a halte / and the tyſtule wal. Thed therwith / and clowtes wet in thelame /a lapd theton G Thela me water withdꝛiueth afore callid the n it is walled ther with. ee Water of fattnnped, alu Altmata domeſtita in latyn che bette parte i oe 5 ok Marche 4 Drozt i the lame water in the inoznpng and at png to teſt pouo ste | a litt, is the rote and the ftatke whã it bee reth cheſes & floutes / wallhen / chop peda dyſtylled & Watet of mal ue is colde r moyſte/thertoꝛe it voce keth a matzeth lofte all harde thyn⸗ ges which be hote / for it cauſeth gre te moyſtout wan it is drode in the moꝛnyng a after louppet at nxght at eche ty me an oũte ⁊ a halte oz .ſi. ees B The temples ok the hede tubbed with thelame wat / cauleth to llepe C The legges wafiied & rubbed with the fame water is good fo2 the hote axces ⁊ dryeng out or cõlumpnge D Four tymes 026 be of the lame betwene the day and nyght / at eche tyine two onnees / is d koz the ickenes named Pleute fis E It puryfyeth the woũdes 1 it is dꝛoze in the moznynge x F It withdꝛrueth the wel of the eares / whã luke wat me the fame boater be put tet in/⁊ layd ther on J The fame waſteth alſo other manet of finelipngs whi che be tolde of natute / whan it is e. noynted therwith / a layd ther bpd dꝛötze a lytel ofthe ſame / ſpecial Iy fo the armes a legges H The Taine watet is good foz payne of the gutte of the fondamẽt named tenal⸗ mus / that is whan a mã thynbeth don he wolde go to ſtole / but he can dꝛotze of the lame a clou do nothyng tes wet in it / x layd on the bely J Dude of the lane. ttt. ofices 02 ff. i ————— — ——— wet ther in a lapd ain cauſeth it to hele L Thryle in a da ye drötze of the la ne at eche tyme an ounces a halfe eaſeth the payn of the moder It is allo good foꝛ ſcabbes a heleth them / Whãn they be Waſſded mith the ſame / a cloutes layd pps it wet in the lame / twyle in a Baye N Thre tymes in a dap dzötze of the ſame watet / at eche tyme an oũ ce a à halte heleth ĩpoſtumes inwatr de O Thelame dgonke in the foz hard manet / withdꝛyueth the blody flyre. 3 Dꝛonze of the lame an oũce oy halle withdꝛrueth the ſto⸗ ne loꝛlayd maner tabeth away the pay ne in the bladder N The lame wa tet withdꝛyueth ſpottis on the boddꝰ ~ tet that he eateth lo moche of them that he tan not dygeſte them in his nature than he falleth lomtyme in ſwome and fapntnes. Than he cas teth ot the herbe Veronica / a thers ol he getteth the laſtzeand therot he becomethagayn hole It is rede that the garxre water ſnakes egedzeth them with the eale / a ſyſſhe called Angutita in latyn. And whan the calc hath cõceyued tha the becometh focolde of the venymous nature of the ſnayle that ſhe can not lutte the Water no longet and than lie tres peth often oute of the watet and (cs beth thelame herbe / and eateth va than the yonges muſte nedys Depar te rome het / and dye beloꝛe oꝛ they be warped. And yl it be that the cas le cã not fynde thelame herbe / than the vonges kylie het oꝛ they be war Ad Déthefame water dꝛon ze (hoo oũnces at ones cawieth a bo dy to lwete whã that nedeth BS Dhelame water dyſtylledin the loꝛ ſayde manet with wyne / maye be kepte ten vet es in his vertue And the powder of the lame (hall be mas: de thus. Gade the herbe in the bes: gynnynge of June and hange it in . and than pow et it. | ¶ Di the water ofAnrs, _ Capitulum. Uk, x 9 — —ü— 1 Pihun in latyn. Che bette parte and tyme of his dyſt yl latron is / the toppe whan it hath flowtes / and the ledes rotting Be to type the crownewith the at plu . O ked of and dyttylled the lame dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge / at none / and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce / oꝛ an cunte and a halle / taketh aware the heuy bolkyng out of the ſtomaze / and warmech the ffomake B Chee tymes dion⸗ te in a Dare of the lame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / oꝛ two ounces is good fo; the wyndes Ips Co the watet of pion? Capitulum 5 * i J Pium domefticum vel Xp iũ oꝛtiuum in latyn. The bet tyme of his dyſtyllacronis the tote / an the herbe with all bis fubttaun ce chopped and dyſtylled in the ende ok the ¢ Cloutes wet in thelame watet and layd bron hote thynges heleth them B The be de and the temple enoynted with the fame water and let dꝛre agayn by hym {elle cawleth teſte and flepe C In the moꝛnynge / at none / and at night dꝛontze ofthelame wa tet / at eche tyme an eunte and a halfe/cauſeth well to pyſſe and ma⸗ ke moche vryne. vu. oꝛ. x. Dares cõ tynuynge / it withdꝛyueth the gra uell oute of the membꝛes and blad⸗ der D Woundes wafloed the ts with tn the mognpng and at nyght and clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon is very good. € Watet of pre Ca Ixxxii. Dern arborea in latyn. The beſt tyme and parte of his dy ſtyulacyon is the lame whiche gro: weth on the oken trees’ with the ice ues and beryes 2 in the myd delt ol A prylli A The tame wa- ter is good againſt the payne in the he de / the he de often enoynted there with and let drxe by hym ſelte Dronke ol the lame water an oun⸗ ce / ot an oũte æa halte in the mor · ͤnd at nyght goyn ge to be dde. vi. ot. but. Days conty nuynge C The lame water dro tze in the motnynge / and at nyght at ecke tyme an ounce and a halle / contynuynge ſome dayes / is good agaynſte the ſtone in the bladdet / a Eunmes and dtyueth them out D the fame maner drontze of thela ne water cawleth well to pyſſe E In the mor nyng and at nyght dronte of the fame watet at eche ty me an ounce and myrted in the dri ke clẽſeth the bladder / but it is nat good for women. ¶ atet ot the blode ofan alle Capitulum Ixxriii. S Anguis alini in latyn. The dyſtyllacxon of the lame blo de is/as is letned before 1 In the mornyng faſtyng dronte of tte lame water drontze at eche ty me an ounce and a halfe rr. ot. xl. daxes cõtynuyng is good agaynſt the ſto· ne B In the mornynge and at nyght drontze of the fame water at eche tyine an oũce . x.or Ltt. Dares cõ tynuynge is good agaynſte the gra uell in the lymmes / allo it cauletha fayre face. ¶ Watet ol Centum morbia. Capitulum lxxxuu. Entum morbia in latyn. The belt tyme of his dyſtyl⸗ 8 is in the ende of the Maye 1 Thryle dronke ofthe ſame in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynſt congeled blo de / yf it be come of betynge / pulſhyn ge ot fallynge B Che laine was tet 85 5 in the for ſayde manet 18 good agaynſt the great laſſe C abe faine water beleth woundes whan they be waſſhed thetwith. ¶ Watet ol pyſemet ot 1 eg ges, Ca, Ixxxv. A Ormita inlatyn. The be ſte patte and tyme orttheyt dyſtillacron is / the lytell pylnet in the tyme whan they haue cages Than let a pot in thꝛ erthe / whete as they dwelle / in ſuche manet that in the pot con / no vntlenes / but to uet bpm well with leues of trees / than they ſhall bete theyt egges in the holowe pot / and whan ye thyn; ke that ye haue pnotoghy than putte them in abagge togyder and late ipke as mele is boultyd / than they be daſyd a ſtere no moꝛe asyf they were ſtartze Dede / than put them in à glaſſe and dyſtylle them per Alem buum = B Thre dꝛoppes of the la me water put in the wen goynge to bedde tatzeth away the lz ynne and the {pottys frome the wen Che pyl mer be lomtyme tatzen in this ma net / ye {hall thꝛuſte a ſiycke in the erthe than they tonne vpwarde on the ſtycke / and than ye (hall pulle out the ſtyctze and ſtrybe of the pyl · met ina bacyn / and tha dyſtyll as before is ſaid and it bath the vertue i is ſayd. ¶ Ol pylmet egges. Ca. lxxxvi o Va lot mite in latyn. The be Ge maner to gadꝛe the egges is / ye (hal ſette dxſſes of ttees in thre ot fouse hepes wher as the primers dwelieth / and the dx ſſhes irall be wel comered with leues of trees. tha they bere there cages in the dy Mlbes And whan pe wyſl take the cages a wape/ than vncouere the Dyhycs cc take à lytell ſtycke and knocke vpõ the dyſſhes / than the mer pyſſes ‘hail tonne oute for feare and leue theyr egges behynde them. Chole egges dyſtylle per Alembicum in valnes dle, 4 Thre of foure dt eppes of thelame watet pat in defe eates and ther le fre / intaw ; eth heryng agayne. Indis good al lo for the pypynge in the cares, cae Whyte ok an cage, 2 Capitulu Axxx vii. Lbumen dui in latyn. Roſt egges of hennes harde / and put away the pole / and dyſtylled the whyte ok thelame as J haue ler ned in the. xu. chapytte in the lyrſt bo&ke / in the chapytze ol balncũ ma tie. In theſame maner that the wa tet be no hoter than pe maye luſtre rout fynger in theme water. And a the deſtyllynge thall the heimeth t giaile well be ſtoped or othet wy ſe the water (belde ſtyntze / and pf betome ſtyntzynge for his longe dy⸗ ſtyllynge than (hall it be dyſtylled agayne in a newe glaſſe / It mare alſo be dyſtilled in a comon helmet or Alembyck / where as toles be dy ſtylled in Che fame wa ter putte in the iyen ſome dayes / is good foꝛ them that haut or grote fhelles or a ſaynne vpon the iyen / iat haue had plityen longe tyme. The laine water cawleth a 975 ct a clete ip whanit is wal ſhed ther with. C The fame wa tet cauſeth whyte handes and with dryueth the mattzes oꝛ tokens aby dynge of woundes or fores whan they be often waſſhed thet with and let Deve by him lelle. gw of the volles of gars. apitulum UEC Blt V ͤItellium oui in latpn The belt ꝑte ⁊ tyme of theyꝛ diſtyl lacyon is / the egges and hennes to fred and not loden / and the whyte putte frome the polkes and the pol= kes dyſtylled in an helmet okerthe not all ſtopped / tpl the pil ſauout 62 taſte/oꝛ ſnellynge be to leſler. And ye muſte take hede that pe bꝛenne noꝛ dyſtylle that to moche / loꝛ ther ſholde come oute oyle . But J deſy red in yetes paſte to bꝛenne oleum vitelloꝛum after the lettte and way tyng of Meſue and auycẽna / but it became fo moche ſtynbzynge that it neuet myght be occupyed koꝛ his ſtynkyng / ko al that this vertue is very ſtrõge a great A With the ſame water waſſhed vnder the we whan a body is goyng out ofthe ba thynge and is dꝛye yet hein ueth the ſpottys and maſſes oute of 3 face, ¶ Water of Gencyan. Ca. lxxrix. Entiana in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme ok his dyſtyl lacyon is / the tote with the herbe chopped and diſtylled in the ende ol in the 2 of the caniculet dayes Of the lame water dꝛontze amonge in the moꝛnynge 1 at eche tyme an ounce and a halle lẽgtheth a body his lyfe. And Getia na is as the herbe Uerbena / and Pympinella teſoluynge and conſu mynge 8 matter in the fos make B In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛontze of the lame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe / 02 two ounces in the tyme whã the women (holde haue her flowtres oꝛ menſtruũ pꝛouoketh it and cawſeth it to come C Twyſe oꝛ chryſe dꝛõ ke ol the fame watet at eche tyme. ii oũtes withdꝛyueth the venym that is come of the flowres ol women D In the moꝛnyng / at none / and at nyght dꝛonke ol the ſame at eche tyme an ounce / oꝛ an ounce and a halte / is good ſoꝛ them that haue no | appetyte to eat meat / and foꝛ them that haue an pilcolde and vnclene ſtomake / and pꝛincypallly whan in an ounce of theſame watet is myrs ted a dragma of calamus well pow dꝛed /a a bꝛagma of ſugte / It ſhall ſo be dꝛontze faſtynge thꝛe oꝛ foute dayes contyn nge / and at eche tys me after the denke e mult faſte.u. oz thre howtes and io ve (hall get good appetyt {oz to eat. ( The leues ok the Alchen tree Raxinus in latyn. The beſt arte and tyme of his his dy Hyllacyon is t he buddes of the tre ſteped in vynegre kyue oꝛ fr dayes longe in the myddeſt of the Obe e and ſo dyſtylled me water withdꝛyueth the . K vnclene ſpottys named Moꝛphea / clowtes wet ther in and layde bpon the ſpots in the moꝛnyng a at night thꝛe oꝛ foute dayes contynuynge / oꝛ asitnedrth B Che ſame wa ter heleth Daye lcaldes / in the moz= nynge and at nyght often wafiged and rubbed therwith C In the moꝛnynge and at nyght waked with the lame water loꝛe legges / clowtes wet in theiame water and layd ther vpon heleth them D clowtes wet in the fame water and layde bron the blaynes whiche be oe through cawleth them to be 25 ¶ Ol Fenell herbe water Ca. xc. F Exniculus in latyn. There is founde many maner / but J wyll wꝛyte of the tame fenell aud of none other. The bee parte and featon of the Fenell herbe / is in the ende of the Maxye / but the totes in the ende of the Cantuler dayes. A The lame water clarytyeth the date nen / and is good agaynſt all dyſſeaſes of the iyen / be it otcolde oꝛ ol hete / whan u is dropped i the ixẽ and ther with rubbed the vaynes of the tẽples / than it pulieth out the col de and the hete of the inen B The fame water put in the iyen in the moꝛnyng / and an howꝛe beloze goyng to bedde. ix. or. x.dayes conty nuynge / ſherpeth the lyght x with nynge a at nyght whã gothe to bedde /at eche tyme sta or the lame water an ounce 81 a halle ify denfeththebatte B Anounee dꝛontze of the iame watet / and the hede enoynted therwith a let Daye Y by hym lelle / it confoꝛteth the bray: nes C At maght and in the moz iy. nynge dꝛontze of thelame water at eche tyme an ounte / oꝛ an ofice and a halle cauſeth a large bꝛeſte F The fame water Dronke in the foꝛ · layde manet cawicth ne voyte in a man 6 The lame water dꝛontze in the moꝛnyng & at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / oꝛ two ounces.vi.oꝛ. vii. dapes con tynuynge / puryfyech and clenleth the rhe tens And is good agaynſte ter elenGth the nomaze andſhbeth the hete | It clenſeth alſo tte lyuet whan it is dꝛontze in the = fayde mance gn nynge and at nyght dꝛontze of theta me water at eche tyme an ounce / oꝛ an ounce and Ke ves contynuynge/ is good agaynſte e in the bladder / and fo2 them dyſſeaſed in the blad : withdꝛrueth and taketh away the lechety Dꝛonzke of the fas me water / and the face thetwith enoynted / cawſeth Sa toloute / and it tlateſyeth the face Diontze an cane an ounte and abalfe of the ſaine water oh iS good agaynſt benym ped in the eares / beet the wor; mes that be therin Some pares dronze of the fa me water 3 the 00 — The lame wa tet W wh} wyne / and fo d ze / at eche trine an ounte oz an oũ ce and a halte withdꝛyueth the drop fy KR Clowtes wet in theſa me watet and lapde on the 2 place heleth it. S the moꝛnynge and at nyght N of the lame watet at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe / oz two ountes. vili.oꝛ.x. dayes tcontynuynge with dꝛyueth the yelowe Jandys T At nyght and in the mors nige at eche tyme drõtze of thefame water an r /openeth the Reps pynge of the N Aclow te wet in the — water andlarde on the place of the inet tabeth a: yuer x Duꝛontze of the lame wa tet at eche tyme an ounce cavotcth them well co pyſſe that cowde not pyſſe/oꝛ that pyſſe not but with pay ne / lot it ciẽſeth the vryne / the blad det and tte raynes. And it is good wae th ftarnes, Matet of the — 7 in the mot nyn⸗ ge layde bron the ſtynges of the (na rai . Cbelame water is good to be Dron ke agaynſte all manet dyſleales of the hede / and the hede wette ther with and lette agayne Deve by hem The fame water dꝛop ſelfe. = F 4X Fenell water dzonke in the Mmoznpnge faſtynge at nyght / thre oꝛ foute dayes contynuyng dryueth out the flowres of women 5 In the moꝛnyng zat nyght dꝛontze of the fame Fenel watet at eche ty + ine an ounce and a halte. x.oꝛ.xii. da yes contynuynge cauſeth moche mil tze to the noꝛſes and womẽ in they bꝛeſtes CC In the monpng and at nyght dꝛontze ol the lame fee nell water / an ounce and a halle ot two ounces myxced with wyne two 02 thre dayes contynuynge / withdꝛrueth the wamelyng that is whana bodye thyntzeth alwaye to perbzaaͤhe D Fenel water put in the tren whiche wyll become ſtyll blynde / and dꝛonke dayly / hel peth them Eck Water offenell dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge & at bund bely become lubt manet ik a the fleppng ssi named Lytatgia. chyl lady thyſtell. ¶ The water ol out lady thyſte Hee Capitulum * ( Atdo Matie / vel labꝛum ve netis in latyn. The beſt pat te and tyme of his dyſtyllatyon is / the leues bꝛoken of frome the ſtalke and 1 oe in the ende of nave Out lady thyſtyll water ‘sont in the moꝛnynge / at none⸗ and at nyght/at eche tyme two of tesoꝛ two ountes and a halſe / is ve ty good agaynſt the in the e Mun pal fo2z the yong good fo: myxced with the * foz the rpnge woꝛme / oꝛ hete named ſhyngles on C oie Fs dꝛõ tt, naturall the tze in the moꝛnyng et none and alle at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / is good agaynſt the conned | oz congeled blode in a patlon / whe re it be of fallynge oꝛ betyn ge D In the moznyng and at nyght at eche tyme donk of the ſame was tet an ounce myxced with the Bryn be cawileth a body to be large abou te the bꝛelle and the harte E The lanie water dꝛonke in the ma; ner aloꝛſayde is very good for the longues and the myite F Ot the lame water dꝛontze in the moꝛ nynge / at none / and at nygyt / ar eche tyme thre onnces / is good foꝛ the intlammed lyuer / and fo2 other hete a thee dowble lynẽ cloute wet in thelaine water and lord ther vrõ 6 Out lady thyſtell water dꝛõ ze in the lame maner afozlayde fla = ther, . rt CL caſcii. Flipendula in latyn. The i parte and tyne of his dy tepliacyon is / the herbe and tote e got the ende of the Ware A Bnthe moꝛnyng and at nygbt dꝛonbe of the fame water at eche tyme an gunte and a haife is good agarnſt the peſtylence B Two or thze ounces dꝛontze of the lame water / is good agayntte 5 a body had eaten oꝛ don ebe water of pacca: Capitulum Tri p Acta vel herba clauellata in latyn. The bette tyme and parte of his dyſtyllacyõ is the herbe With the ſtalnes whiche growe in gardyns dyltylled whan u percth nowres A The ſame water is good to the yonge thyideren / whan them euercometh the onnaturall hete / and maketh them letze / than ſhall to them be gruen foz to dꝛyn⸗ ke at eche tyme and once and n hale le / and theyꝛe dꝛynbe myrtced with thefame water. B In the moznyng andat nrght drontze of thelame vat eche tyme an ounce o2 an ounce and a halle / 13 good foz them that be ſhorte on the harte. C The lame water dꝛontze fern dayes in the moznynge and at nyght / at eche tyme an ouns ce / is good foz them that bath impo ſtumynge or ſwellyng on the brett or on the harte D Drone of the lame water in the maner atoriayde is god for them that bath unpollumynge on the lon gues. : yan of cynic fople, Capit tulum oft, Ong ina ‘The beſte parte and tyme of his dyſtillacron isthe herbe / the ſtalke and the tote with all bis ſubſtaunce at nyght / at eche tyme an oũte and a halfe.xii.oꝛ.xvi.dayes alco ge / is 8 the ſtone 22 7 —— ‘ol water and a fourfolde clowte wet in the ſame watet and layde on the fore hede ſtoppeth the bledynge of the noſfe D The fame water is Good agaynſt the tremblynge of the membꝛes and handes / whan they be often rubbed and enoyntyd ther rete and let dꝛye agayne by hym {elie . And is pꝛoued bya goltimyt at Sttaeſboꝛowe. . and layd bpon thet E It heletholde and freſſhe won des whan they be in the moꝛnynge andat nyght waſihed ther with z clowtes wet in the lame and layde thet bpon = F Ok the ſame wa: ter dꝛonzze / and clowtes wet thetin impoſtumes and pot cauſeth them to banpfige and withdꝛyueth all twellynges G The ſame water cauſeth ve · cy good laſze and compellyth all me — — to be telolued / whan it is dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge a at nyght and with eee Wet cat there vpon. C Watet of 1 1 Ana in latyn. There be ma⸗ ny manet ol frogges / but J mapte here of the ftogges which be be lounde vpon the kyldes / And the fame belt parte and tyme of theyꝛ dyſtyl · lacyon / is on ſaynt Jobiis baptyſte dape / and dynrned as a ict ned beloze ol the and pfthe water of the balla lacyon become nat dere ynoughe⸗ than {hall it be dyſtylled agayne in the Alembyche The lame wa tet is the mooſt wWoꝛthyeſt and the beſt watet whiche maye be . — agaynſt the gowte paralilis where oe teuer the gowte paralifis be and in what place ot membꝛe / rubbe the place therwith / and let dꝛye agayne by hym delle / and cloutes wet in the fame watet and layde thet vron⸗ than vanylſheth the payne. S. iii. ¶ Watet of teſticulus later dotis. Capitulun t dere Nl ö 477 e a | . ge * Eſticulus ſacerdotis in la n tyn. The beſt parte and ty me oi his dyltyllacxon is / the teres the rote with all his ludſtaunte ops ſtylled in tLe mydden of tye axe. a Thelame water. Sede water agapuſte the fyctze wora witlyin the foundament oꝛ —— Whan it is dꝛontze in the moꝛnyng AND at nyght / at eche tyme two ots ces / and clowtes wet there in and layde ther vpon two 0 thee tymes ma Dare. an HARGIS eee L ſtyllacyon is in the ende of Mave: A Dyponbe of the fame water twy ſe in a Daye, at eche tyme an ounce r B In the fozfayde maner and metre dꝛötze thelame multppipety tperma, C. OF th fame dꝛonze as is belo it 5. ss good agape a feactul “uae of poe | gy sate Roberti vel acus mul rata i latyn. The bette tyme and pat te of his dyſtyllacyon 18/ the leues the ſtaltze with all his ſubſtan te chopped tagydet and dyſtylled in the ende of tie Maye / oꝛ in the be⸗ gynnynge of the monethe of June. Type lame water is vety good agaynſte the eatynge lozes on the pꝛyuxtees of wonẽ B The laine water is good loz thein that bath be tẽ oꝛ fallen blewe byles / thre oꝛ fou re tymes layde ther bpon / than it vanyſſbed the led blode vn. der the ſzynne in wardely, and it becometh wohyte and hole Thelame water is good agayntte kyctzwꝛattes inthe found ment / in the moꝛnynge and at nyght waſſhẽ ther with / and cloutes wette ther in Diapde ther vponn D The lame water is good againſt pa ralilis in the batbze oz inthe legges 9 in other places / rubbed with the 28 E Itis alſo good tobe lapde twylesr thrrlet in a Daye vpon the bꝛeſtes of a woman / wha they be ſwollen and tede and haue payne in the bꝛeſtes. CR + The lame water is good for them that hath clammꝛd hym ſelfe oꝛ an other / twyle oꝛ tit yſe in a day tlow 1 there 1. f dy⸗ — 7 and with clowtes layde thee | Kroner algntrs mye, Capttuluin 7 ra gp pray in tf ae bef patre and e Ga Denia run is / the myltzt ok gotes dwellynge on bye montaynes / af: tet that mpike of gotes goynge in good as and feldes wher as many maners of flowres gtowe, 1 heine n myltze whiche is moltzen in the moꝛnynge in the ee ſt of the rk (hall be ef pe a 26 n the moznynge and at nyght Br of thelaune watet / at eche tyme. tt ounces / is * agaynſte the peſty lence. the ſame watet 45607 berbe ker the face — and let dꝛye agay pet’ ne by hym ſelſe is good 72 the roſome in the faces Ok theſame watet Dante in the moꝛnynge / at none / and at nyght / at eche tyme thre ounces loute oꝛ . v dayes tontynuyng / is good agaynſt the n in the bely. D i Dyſtilled watet dꝛontze in nts moꝛnynge and at nyght cat oy tyme an ounce and a halte / oz ties ounces / is good for the whyte flode in women named mentttuum album in latn. (water ofbartey “Cat, QO Kdeum in on he belt ape n 18 the ende ol the Maye 1 Che watet dyſtylled ol the herbe bat ley is good ta be put in the ien againit all euyll dyſſeales of the wen / fo2 it Ma Went and e them. sox tncinta hure ‘nahi geil, K C. cu. git mlt tate A The berbe bereth rede mall 7071175 The beſte parte and tyme of his dyſtyllation is whan it beteth ane sap 3 dyſtylled togyder Thre ouns ces drontze of the ſune and than laß oe eC Cube ot Canola medi, re Capitulum tL C MNfolida media vel penſeda bod mum / vel Amatuſca in latyn The — parte and tyme of his dy ltyllatyon is/the herbe / the flowꝛes and 4 Kalte 5 all his ſubſtaun te dyſtylledin the myddeſt of the ma ve 4 Thelame water is good agaynſte payne and ſherpe hote oꝛ bennynge guttes/dꝛontzen of theſa me in the mor nynge / at none and at nygizt goynge to bedde / at i tyme an ounce and a halſfe The lame water is good foꝛ ats membꝛes and ſynewes / lomtyme tubbed ya and let Daye agay ne by hym ſelfe C Ok the mewater dzontze euety daxe in the moꝛnynge fattynge / and at nyght ete at ve gopnge to ä O drorſze two buntes . eed at nyght “GS the mornyng at none / and a baden ot the ſame water / at eche tyme two oun · ces / ⁊ the drynke myxced thetwith is goad agapnft the rtches in the v dꝛontze in the mance aloꝛſayde is good agaynſt ſwellynge whan out warde it is lad theton J A pat ſone that falicth with the palley / 6 5 e ot ze / hym ſhall be gyuen of the ſame water to dꝛynle and 1 {peke gayne by and vy & Tatzen of Plylxye ledes / as tite ag. x. barly graynes be heux / ſteped a nyght in an ounce of thelame watet / and ta ken a bel 3 the fame water and th ſtrytzen on the tongue 8 5 oꝛ Tae tymes 822 la in a dare / is good foꝛ them that of any hote letzeneſſe theyt tongue is become blacke. ¶ Water of walwort ot Cointrep: The ſame watet Onſolida mator in latyn. The beſt patte and tyme ol bis dpitplacyon is the hole herbe in Junio dyſtylled 4 The lame Water is good to be dronke agaynſt umpoſtumynge within the body / or without / lapde with clowtes ther vpon The lame water is good agaynſte catynge ſotes on the lectete of women / often waſched ther with Of Medꝛacle or Samundte. Cupitultiun Ca. cv ane’ 5 minor in latyn. he beſte patte and tyme ok his e in the myddeſt ol the Maxe / with all his ſubſtaun te chopped and bꝛenned or dyllylled 1 Two ounces dronke of thei me water withdꝛyueth the dede bir the frome the moder B Okten drontzen ol the fame water at eche tyme two ountes / helpeth themthat be tẽte in the body C The lame drontze amonge / in the mornynge and at nyght / at eche tyme an oun · pe F te and a halfe/clenteth / ruryfyeth/a maketh good blode / and reioyſeth the harte D Ok tbe fame drõ ke in the mor nyngꝛ at none and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce/ rette l ſheth the lyuer / yryncipally whã the hetbe with the flowres is dyſtylled The lame water Dronke at daxes / in the motnynge / at e t nyght / at eche tyme an oũ Lot an cunce and a halfe with dryueth many paynes F Thre tymes ina day the mouthe waſſhed thet with / is good agaynſt ca tynge or gnawyngt lores in the mouthe ¶ i wWatet ol the wylde 8 Cap itulum i Oortentilla ot Weuacctuh agteſte in latyn . The beute parte and tyme of his dyſtyllacyon is / the tote and the herbe chopped togydet and dyſtylled betwene bo the out lady dayes J Thelame water putte in the ixen is good for the rednes and the klode of the iyen. B The ſame water is good for the hetis of the tye lyddes that come in the iyen / olten waſſhed therwith than it goth awaxe C he fame water put in the iyen is good agapnite dattzeneſſe and ſpottes or ſtbynne in the wen / the whiche is co me to a pat ſon within the tyme ofa pete. D Otten put iu the wen of the fame water withdryueth the blaynes ot tie iſen E Thelame water heleth woundes / whan they be waſſhed ther with twyle in a da⸗ Twypic in a dap dronbe of the ſa mne watet / and clowtes wette therin and lay don the wolfe heleth it G Thelame water is good for the backe bone tot tiẽ that oltẽ yo great payne in the backe bone, oftẽ tymes tubbed therwith = In the mor nynge an d at nyght drontze of the fame water / at eche tyme an oũte / ot an ounce & a halle /is good g gaynſt that album ot vhrte in we men. ¶ Water of toplde tanſey floures. Capitulun : chit, Los Inaceti agteſtis in las tpn, pe (ball dyſtylle the flou res pet Alembicum whã they be ful ly type A The ſame water drõ tze in the mor nynge faltyng at eche tym? an ounce.xii.ot.xvi. dayes cõ tynuynge conforteth the man in all his membres The fame water pulled vp or put in the nole / is very good for hym that — the hede / for than it ton the C The lame watet is good to be putte in the iyen an howre before the n 2B fa 8 agapnt the das lynge in the hede and brapnes whan it is drontze in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an oun · te / ele eee 3 membres at eche tymẽ dron hatte tze an ounce in the mornyng and at nyght / and the membres rubbed ther with / and lette drye agayne by hym elfe F The lame water is à pryncypall water for them that hath a moyſty ſote / the moyſtout dryntzeth theughe tye lwete holes than wet in thelame water clothes and lay theren twyſe in a day than it chall be ſtopped and heled. water ofthe gtounde ue. Capitulum, cut. E dera tetteſttis in latyn. The beſte parte and tyme ol — dyſtyllatyon is / the herbe with the ſtaltzes chopped and dyſtylled in the begynnynge of June The fame watet is good to be dꝛon ke in the mornpnge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce / is good for them = haue the artes about the B The fame water dron⸗ ke in the mot g and at nyght goynge to bedde / 5 ohn ty: tobe dDroke in the bathe. . oũces for them that bath flegma in the blad= det / in the lõgues / and in the lyuer byxycawſe the fame water conüumetg E Tiwoorchkre ounces dronke of the fame water is Goodagarnke the venym ol the peltvicnce F Euety day dronke ol the lame was ter / at eche tyme an ounce / ot an oũ te and a halte pur or ſyx dayes con: f tynupuge is good for the payne in the he de G lame water / at eche trine an ounte and a halfe/ tome Dayes contynuyn ge cawſeth well to pyſie H In tye lot ſayd maner drontze ofthe las me walct openeth the lyuet and the mylte * be ſtopped n the motnynge and alſo at nyght dronke of the ſame watet at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe⸗ con tynuynge two or thre Dares caw — in women the yteflowtes iſlu. ynge 2 It is good to be dronke agaynſt the gowte / and the membres tubbed thetwith V Thelame water Dronke in the mor nyng / at none / a at nyght / at eche tyme two ounces is good for womẽ that haue heuy membres / or great uy bodyes / and foure tymes in a ta the membres therkpith cube The water of pelowe vpolettes. Capituum tir. In the mornynge at none / and at night drontze of te aboute the ende of the Maye Ok the lame watet deonke in the motnynge and at nyght at eche ty: me an ounce / is for that haue loſte theyt wyttes / for it cons e ee agayne itive watee teonke A ano nt nyght / at d e e lorteth the lyue It con fo ct alo inh mane alae ſayde the raynes. n the tee et be conty: nued {pr ot, but F In the mornynge zat nyght Drone of theſame water at eche ty me an ouuie æ a halte / contynupng xu.or.xuu. dayes is good tor men or women whiche euer be bely in the worse ot generacyon 6 Tie ſamewatet dronze in the manet atortayde / is good for hym that is ieee of colde tot t warmeth the harte agayne 9 An the lam manet akotlapde and meluce vled / the fame water (harpeneth the wittes and vnderſtandyng 1 In the mornyng and at nyght dro be ot the ſame water / at eche tyme an oũce ano a halke. ru. or. uit. da eth to be mety the harte and myn⸗ de of a man K Tyhyetame water dronze in them mer alot (apd clei yeth the delttoyed blo de / and it waͤrmeth the macy in the t. { the tongue and can not them that be tatzen in the lode tt ther · with. Suche ſhall dryntze in the mot nynge and at nyght / at eche ty⸗ me an ouate thre or ſoure webes cõ tynupuge and myrte theyt dryntze ther with / and the mẽbres ther with rubbeD M The fame water is gane by hym leite and dronze at eche tyme an dũce tak et awa the tremblyng of the handes and mem at palſey that they become Lolly in good far a perſon whome the hãdes tremble / therwith rubbed in the 1 mornynge and at nyght a let dre i bles N OE the ſame witer drõze in the mornyng and at nygit at eche tyme an oũte cauſeth the har te to be temperate / whan it is lo ho te ot colde O The lame water drontze as belore is layde teioyſeth the blode 43 The lame water is good agaynſte ail ſpottys in the fae ce / whether they be of here ot of cols de and it caulech a fayre whyte face Q Alpnen cloute wet in thelame water and bounde rounde aboute the hede tas eth awaye all the payne in the hede / and alſo the flode of the hede and cavsictl well to ſlepe. ¶ water or patcowe. Ca. ct. Ille folium in latyn. The 4 bette parte and tyme ol his Le ee ee ee So oe his dy Naeyõ is the herbe and the Un. 03 c. uy ye big der/ ct dyſtylled Wi ly? ende of ma A Otte me water dy onke tn re emoznyg faitige at eche tyme tis ountes / and in the pytte ov the hatt woher as the mouth ol the ſtoniatze is cubbed wih / war meth it well B The lame water of à chride dꝛonke in the m oznynge a at nyght an oũc. iu oz. iuij. dayes tynuynge / x ol a myddle aged perid two eunces.za bale oꝛ thre ounces is ve ty good {oz the wormes in the bely C In the moꝛnige ⁊ at nygbt dionke of theſame water at eche ty⸗ me an ounce/and the drynke mixced thet with is vety good fo2 a perſone that bath loft his colour of to moche biedynge D It is alſo good foꝛ a tiſihe wounde waſſhed ther with in the moꝛnyng a at nyght E In the moꝛnynge andat nyght dꝛõke of the lame water at eche tyme an oũce oꝛ an aunte and a halte / clenſeth gz pu tifpeth the blode. He beſt Patte and Tyne of his dict yllacyon is/the leues chopped 2 diſtylled in the myddeſt ol maye à Thelame water dꝛontze in che moꝛnynge and at nyght / at eche tyme an BUNCE ot an ounte ⁊ a halfe — 3 agarnt the grauel ĩ the um nes B It dronde in the for ſayde : > clẽleth the raynes /a cawleth well to pyſſe C Theſame water dtonze in the mor nynge ⁊ at npgbt an ounte/or an ounte and a half: cõ lorteth 4 ſtrengtheneth the lxuer. ¶ Of relowe L plies. Ca. G ») cxũ. 4 I 1 N 0 1 * . | um ea in 0 7 — — Ladiolus in latyn / The tet tyme of theit diſtyllac: ons is whan eas te 9 type / but nat to nygh he fallynge ol theit leurs 4 In the mornynge ¢ at nyght drõtze of thefame water, at eche trine two ofices contynuynge a fertapn ſeſon ſtoppeth in women the lowres wha they come to moche. water of Cteſſes. Ca. ort ANuecidi in latyn⸗ Cre bet on is the herbe with the telys led in the ende ol may A Thelame water withdtrueth the parn in the tethe whan the * walht thet with and tubbed B In the moznynge eat nyght dronze of the lame / is geod agaynſt ſwellynge / the lweliyng rubbed ther wu C Tuwoounces drontze of the lame wa ter in the mornyng kauyng / is good lor the wor mes in tye body. Von myxced with the lame water ea clothe wet ther in and foure fold of tiyckenes layd vpon kreſſhe blay. nes / a whan the clothe is drye than wet bym agapne / it pulleth the cede lpottys thet out. And yt ther be blay nes on the legges / than let biode on the ancle / and dryntze in mor nynge and at nyght ol the water / with wa ter dyſtylled of ra wberyes/ and ta ke hede of all hete meate cawſyng he te in we body of a nan. ¶ Mater of Linacia Cap c.xiiii 22 latyn Linaria. The beſte te and tyme of his dyſtylla cyon wethe herbe and Leics chopped enen ofthe mape. The lame water is the Foe pure foz cede tye whan it in the motnpng it at noght is put in the iyen. And ther can nat better water be konde agaynſt tede wen tian the kame. B to a man whyche is drllealed with the dr aplz / and eatẽ ofthe myddeſte rynde of the rote of bul! ſo moche asthe quantyte of an hateinutte / it ae 5 two meſutes of hys Pte the one after the other / and do it lo often tyll the body be hole. ¶ Water of the myddeſte tynde of eldre. Capitulum.c.xv. T He beſte tyme and parte of ms dyſtyllacyon is / ye (hall cut ofthe grote and vppermoſte tin de / than take the other grene rynde and diſtylled i palnco Marie / in the begynnynnyg ofinaye 4 The ſa me water twyle oz thryle drõtze in a daye / at eche time an otice €a halle. is good agaynlt the dtopſy Thre oũc.drõtze of theſame faſtynge tauleth laſtze incontynent withoute harme well fauerdly. ¶ Water of elder Ca. c,. xbi. Ambutꝰ in latyn. The beſte parte and tyme ol his dyſtyl⸗ lacron is / the vppet molte toppes be bottes and leues chopped and diltyl led in the myddeſte ot mare 4 The lame water is good for euyll he leth bones or legges that haue bene broken / often oa liked with the wa ter and let dtye agayn by hym beit, water of floures of eldet Ca cui, for the bptonnyng pymples of the la ce KR With thelame rubbed the necke behinde / a cloutes wet therin ſt layd vpõ it / is good {oz the payne in the hede L In the moznyng x at nyght dꝛõtze of thelame / at eche ti me an oũce / oꝛ an oũte ᷑ a halte ope neth the ſtoppyng of the lyuet / mpl te / c raynes cõtynuynge fom Dares M The lame dꝛökc in the foꝛtayd mance withdꝛyueth the arces of the thyꝛde Dapenamed febꝛis terciana / ar ct putyfyeth all blode compng of me | — lãcolye N Two oꝛ thre ofices dꝛõ HE ke Sã buti in latin. The be ofthe lame pur yfyeth the bely ftõ —L belt tyme of thepr dxſtyllacyx benethe without payne O In the on is the flowres ſtroped frome the moꝛnyng 2 at nyght put in the wen ſtaltzes / wha they be fully ripe Etta cauſeth the departyng of the (z ynne Aylled 4 In the moznyng eat frome the ren. Hh nyght dꝛõtze of the ſame / at eche ty ¶ Watet oldogges tõgue Ca. xviii. me an oũce wetzeth the bꝛeit B t R N is good in the fame mance vled fo: Ne, wellig /tubbed thetwith C The . Ee water put in the ij ẽ ſlatzeth the ACT YE Ly beteoftie D Anthemornprg rat [ASRS ( AMINE nyght Dzdke of ttelame at ecbe tine N , . oũces is good loꝛ dꝛorſy E The Dee is good foz olde holes 4 foxes XK nthe gas 5 be colde / ther with wafied, LAWNS) iT 7 F Theiame dzdue is goodfor epee | NN, cw 5 Thefame is good foz trévlpng of 9 ~ (i) the hãdes wet thet with in the noꝛ | Q 8 | hpnge @ atnyght e ett Dave alone 2 i 9 In the moꝛnyng eat | = — Might dꝛõze ofthelame at eche tyme 1 f Ingua canis mn lati Chyno an ofice ea halle. vui.oꝛ.r.dayes cõ . gloſſa in gtecs. The belt pte trnupng/coforreth the ftomake J ok his dyſtyllatron/ is the herbe le: In the moꝛnyng ⁊ at nyght the fa: ucs / ſtaltes a totes / with al his ſub te walſhed ther with r let dꝛye agay ſtaunce / chopped and drſtylled in ne by him (elk with thelame is good the ende ol June, Dali The fame is good for fyckwrat tes on the fonDamet/ whether they be inward or outwarde. vr they be in warde tha hall be Drowe of the la me in the motnyng / at eche trine an oũtce a à halte tyli they be vanyiſhed And t they be outwar de / tha wal {ye thé with the lame water + clou⸗ tes wette thetin a layd theron / tyll they de walked B It is good ſor al wo des in tie mor nyng zat nyght waͤlſhed therwuth G Theſame is good for olbe lores a holes wha they de waligcd ther with / ẽ clowtes wet in the lame a layd theron, is in tyme of his youhgt wha he is grene chopped a diſtylled A The dame is pryncppally good for payne in the he de / the hede / the forehedey the tẽples ol the hede enoynted and rubbed thetwith B Water of heimpe is good foʒ all hete where fo euet it be / cioutes wet ther in & lard ther vpõ fouretymes in a day in the mer / a two tymes in the wynter P ok hattes tongue. Ca.c.xx J olopẽ dꝛia / oꝛ lingua ccrut in latyn. The beſt pte of tis gd 8 / the lefe in Waye By; An oũtce /oꝛ an dũte Fa Valfe De. of thefaniey is good for farpynge of dhe harte / loꝛ it cõtoꝛteth the harte B In the woꝛmyng e at maeht dꝛõ te okthe fant at eche trite an fice is good for the milte. Tic mite tee tometh ſomti me harde a agayrſte l R W zy ir. tt kl. bapes totymupnoe a it (ball be ſt holpẽ ſuetly. And it is alſo good foꝛ 5 ſtoppyng ol the mylte C In the moꝛnyng a at nyght dꝛötze ofthe ſa eche tyme an oũce t a halfe is good foꝛ ſtoppynge ot the lrurr O The lame dꝛoke in the maner afore — is good foz the nee named ——— in latyn. E In tle png & at nyght dꝛöke ofthe fas — — — tyme two oũces / is good foz the axces on the foutthe day na; med kebꝛis quartana F In the moꝛnyng /a at nyght drõtze of thela 1 dt a halſe / is good fez the ſtone in the lymmes € in the — it bꝛeketh the fus tly G The ſame is good foꝛ the hete in al mẽbꝛes/clowtes wet ther in t; layd theton /a dꝛõke ol theſame Y The ſame myrced with water ol toſes is very good foz the hote irs uer / wa it is lad theron with hem pen tow / the fame bled thre oz att tymes in a da xe tyll the lyuer is flag - ted J The Cancte Walſhed with otince Ta halle is good for the peloz thela me a clowtes wet thet in layde we Jandis thet von / cawleth tiẽ to hele K Two oũces of the laine dꝛõte in the moznynge tat myght / is very good agapnſt twellipnge 1 The taine Water goꝛgoled is good againſt the fore trate. oppapn in the throte / oꝛ wia the rene cometh in the thtote / for ui walleth it anone M Pltẽ drötze ol the ſame an oũce c a halfe / is goad agaynſt heup a horrible dre mes / G hiche happe often of the euyll mplte O Jess allo good agaynſt heuynes in the harte whiche cometh alid treme dhe mylte 4 {tome the me lãcolye /h it is dtõtze in the mets nyng a at ny ght at eche tyme an on te qt a halle /t ncꝝypally when it is well myrced with the water of Tha mat ilcus / for they be pepneygalip - goad i for ali byſitales of the mite O Doe ofthe lame in the mor · nyng & at nyght / at eche tyme. u. oũ fri the harte trat laxd —_ thee aboiit / comyng from fallyng iuſtyn ge ct puſchyng / The hole moneth of May dre at euery naht an oũce ſt a halſt putyfreth the pil frome the 900d /a the geod abydeth within the rod a che yil is cõſiuned & witydry en dut 1D Diöbe ot the ſame .. ot. iti.times /at eche tyme an oũce ⁊ a halte is gcod fer the droppynge of the breynes Q Dt dröze or the lame is vety good for heuy a horti⸗ bie Tremescanig ofthe pines ot the mite Prone ofthe laine in the hotnig a at urg / at eche tye * ¶ Ok hony water Cap: t. xi. | M. 155 in latin. The beſt hony ol vees is that is vohyt a that ot the bees dwellige farre tot the ite a ktõ vnclene plates / whã pe wyl di ſtyll the hony/myrre it with lene x whyt waſſhed ſande whichis dryed agayne in the mance as pfit werte pall the fyte muſt be very ſolte in the begynnig A The hede oltẽ wal : {i ped a rubbed eee cawieth to Stowe fayte ⁊ lõge heres B Che fe eee C Theſam clẽleth all vnclene woũdes / all ol de forest holes / ones or twyle f met ne we wet laid ces 7 withdryueth the cõgeled dlode het vpõ. * 800 Wyll let ne be another ma to dyſtylle wat. Put ey hony as ye — in a ctozed glas named retortũ / € ſtoppe it well fall /r et it a tyme ot ane hers doũge / but the doũ euety lenyght be tenewed. Chaput he aes isffiesia wynde dyſtyil tp alembicũ / mer zaloepatied cubes tictorũ / tre Otientſaſſtõ / of eche.re.barly coz nes ol weyght / a a let ot fyne beten golde / bꝛaße all the le togydet well tempered / than gpue it the letze body to diyntze / lo it is tpecyalip go. d toʒ that a fox many other drſleaes. COfboutleke water, Ca . c. ri. 7 .-. . ‘oem ix lyddes be halle opened ã enoyn; w 4 foater is good for the lyuet whan it is myrced with a lyteli waiet oi te les / and hempen towe wet with the ſame and lapd vron the place of the huer C Thelame is good agayn lie the hete of the peſtylẽce in tie ot layde maner lay de ther vpon / a the membres tubbed therwug B Thelame water ſoden with epic oli ue and put in the cares tawieth he⸗ tynge E tis very good agayn ſte the govote pryncppally for men / à thre oꝛ foure folde cloute wet ther in / and a lytell wronge out agayne and wrapped theren F Thelan water is good for them whole wen be haken to gydet of matter / or of other vnciene humoures that they opene them / than the th the lame water G tlomte wet in the ſame water and wronge out a gayne ſomwhat / with dryueth the lwellynge / layde there vpon in the mornyng and at nyget It ſlatzeth the vrennpnge and all hote dyſſealeg/clowtes wet ther i and lad ther vron. And whan a body hath feare tor hete or ſwellyn ge / than cioutes wet in the lame lay The lame water layd vron the hote podagta l! Abeth them ie At hetetht the brẽuyng of fre whan t myxced withe ople of toſes/and layd theron. sb The hede enorn ted with the Water ⁊ let dtye agayn by bun ſelfe / is good agayn t the pay ne coming of bere A Clothes wet in thewater / ont layd vpõ the hede t Wrapped the rin / is good agapnite the fiode ol the btaynes. O nop ne myxced with the lame water and drontze therof thryle in a daye / at e. che tyme an ounc. ot an ounce and a halbe / ſtoppeth a great laſtze. ( watet ol Alnus. Cap . xrii. Ln in latrn. The bette par te ttpine of his dyſtyllacron — 80 roge leues in tie beginnynge oftoe maße. The fame water t eatyn totes inthe mouthe. in the mornyng at none / and at nygit waſched ther wit), B It is allo good to a mã nis pat de/therwith N alpou ted ther in. Cusgter of Cowſlop Cap · c. xxiiii. tba pataliſis in latyn. The in the lame and wtarped about the hede / cawietk to llabe the betynge 4 payne in the hede tomyng of colde B Tuo tymes dronke in a dap of the lame watery at eche tyme an bounce us geod lor the colde lo matze / and wat weth the cole lyuer. C The lame watet drontze in the farelayd manet / s good for women that bereth chylde N In the mornyng and at nyght drontze of the lame watet / at eche ty me an oũce.purytyeth the women in the letzenes of theyꝛ floures. E In the moꝛnynge and at nyght wafite the venuncuis tytes of betes ot other wormes / aud clothes wet in the fame and laꝛde ther vron / bee leth them. The lame water vled in the forelay de maner / heleth the bytynge ofa mad dogge The lame water droͤtze tire or feut dayes tontynuyng / at eche tyme an ounce. withdryueth the payne in the hede. H Che fate often walſhed tter with / withdrrueth the ſpottys & s ĩ the face /g cauſeth the lů yñ to be faxrte J Dfthe ſame water drontze in the motnynge at nyght at eche tyme an dunce. ot an ounce and a halte. vui.ot.x.dayes contynu ynge / is good for the grauell in tee lymmes a 2 gayult the payne in the hede comyng of cold /a clothe wet — 15 do0d * N ur auelana ĩ latyn The belt parte & tyme of theit diſtilla cions is in the tyme whan they haue à pyth / ⁊ that the ſhellys bz weke d fofte about laynt Johns day at inpd lomet / ſtamped æ diſtylled A The handes and armes enoyn ted or wal thed with thelame waters is good for them that be ſcabbed. ¶ water of wylde Nat dus. unn Natdis agteſtis in latin Toe beſt parte and tyme of his diſtyllacyon is / the rote t tie herbe with all his tubitances chopptd and diſtylied togeder betwe ne bothe out lady Bayes A The fa me water ſlaketh the hete in all més bꝛes han cloutes be wet therin & lade vpon them B Thelame wa ber is verygood agaynſt a hote liuer hempen towe wet in the lame layd theron C A lptell clout wet in the fame water and lad po the ſyoyne in the moꝛnynge at none zat npghe it heleth them well. D women be rynge chylde ſhall nat dꝛynzte of the lame water / becani le it wyll dꝛxue the chylde froin the wieder quycke og dede / Ufa woman wich chyide forty ned to dꝛyntze olthe lame water tha ſholde nat only the chylde dye / vnt alſo the moder in contynent / wtiche were great pyttße E In the ime, nynge and at nyght dꝛonbe ol the: lame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle /oz two ounces is geod agaynſt the febꝛes oꝛ axces. The fame water dꝛonbe in the fore lade manet / is good for to prouotze the flowres in women a In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ ke at eche tyme. u. oũc.cawleth well to pyſſe i In the moꝛnyng and nyght dꝛontze ok the lame watet / at tyne two ounces.contynuynge thee oꝛ four wetzes / is vet y good fog the dꝛopſp. ¶ Water of mawes of Polell Caput. c. xxvu. N inwarde yelowe lzynne of mawes ol the polel thalte ſtroped of named Pellitula intet tot in latyn / And it iball be dy ſziled in baince Matie. 1 The ſamc wa tet is maruelouliy goed agaynſt tha teed iyd des of the we ther with the lyddes enoynted inwarde ã allo out ward in the mornyng and at n gt | (Uatecohety — Cap.errviii, Itira in latin. The beſt pat „L te and tyme of his dyltylla⸗ tion / is the leues / the herbe / and the flowꝛes ſtroped krome the ſtaltzes in the moꝛnynge beloze the tylynge ol the fonne chopped and dyſtilled in the tyme whã it bereth fully bis flou tes 1 Theſame water is metuayloully good foꝛ {che and fe bie Wen / whan in the moꝛnyng and at nyght / two o2 thre dꝛoppes of the fame be put therin / and enoynted ther with rounde about. And in the ſomet toloke vpon the grene feldes and places confoꝛteth alſo the iyen. C matet oflnet wotte. Ca. cxtir Ria) Wa Riftologtata longa in latin The bet parte and tyme of bs dyſtyllacyon is / the tote /the her be with all her ſubſtaunce chopped and dyltylled in the mpddett of the gare. The handes in the moꝛnynge and at nyght often wal {ted with the lame watet / and lette dave agayne by hym ſelle / is good agapnit trembiynge of the handes / The ſame water is good foz all woundes and cawleth them to be quyckely hole / whan they be waſſhed in tie moꝛnynge / and at nyght with the ſame wartet C In the moꝛnynge / and at nyght dꝛonke of the ame water withdꝛy⸗ ueth the hat dnes of the mpite Thelame water dꝛontze in the moz nynge and at nygyt / at eche tyme two ounces e the payne in the lydes the la 4 water malle the membꝛes / in the moꝛnge and at nyght / is good againt the crampe / whan it iin agayne bybpmicife. F the moznynge and at nyght monte of the lame water / at eche tyme an oũtce ſlaseth the thurſt in a body G The (ame water dꝛontze in the moꝛ nynge and at nyght / at eche tyme two ounces cawſeth moche of ſper⸗ ma 99 Ot the taine water Dionke tn the moꝛnynge ⁊ at nyght and the membꝛes rubbed ther with calethpodagra- 1 Dꝛonke of the ſame watet in the moꝛnynge / and at nyght/at eche tyme an ounce oz an ounce and a balfeoz two oun tes is vety ee falipns ily ge ſezenes named cprlétia ux The fame water dꝛonze in the loꝛlayde manet is good foz the payne in the b. iy, ¶ water of Meron v Mpia mino; in latyn. The belt tyme and par te of his dy ſtyllacyon is/all the herbe dyſtylled in the ende ok the May A The fame water is good agaynſte the he te ol the lyuet / twyſe in a Daye layd ther vpon with towe of bempe wet therin good agaynſt hote ſwellynges: wet thecin a lynen clout ⁊ a lyteil won ge oute agayne/ and layd theton /Z it olten vied C Thelame water is good fo2z woundes in the moꝛnyn ge walſhed ther with / and clowtes wet therin and layd ther bpon D Whã a body is (eke it is good to gp: ue hyin to dꝛynze of the lame water by cawie that no gowte come vpon hym / rf he bath the gowte and dꝛyn keth of the lame water tha the gous te ſhall leue hym and come not s hym agayne E Of the lame wa tet dꝛontze thryſe in a dare / at eche tyine an ounce and a halle / is very good for them that longe tyme haue Cap.c.xxx. ben ſebe / ther with they thail become quycke agapne, _ (hater of hennes. Cap. c. xxri. Allma in latin. And hail be 2 dyſtylled in theiame marec woꝛoue a gocd blacwe henne / WEI che is two o the yete of ge / and 3 The lame water is plucke the fame well clene withoute wettyng ol warme water. Tha put ol all here greſe and intrapics and choppe that in mall peces / dyſtyl the lame in an helmeth. Aſtet that put the water in a glas and dyſtyli it pet balneum marie J Water ot hennes {hail be gyuen to dꝛyntze ta thein whiche haue ben fo longe fe ke / that he hole is conſnmed and is ole feble and faynte / it is good abo ue me ſure for ſuch one / fo2 it grueth hym fo moche bertuc and ſtrẽgtheth bpm to moche / that all the medycye nes haue met ale ot the lame. Ae ok hattes hoꝛne Ca. c xxxii. Oꝛnu Cerui in latyn. The beſt tyinc of his dyſtyllacxon is / Whan a my ddell aged harte had calt of his hoꝛnes / and ther be other newe hoꝛnes growynge vrõ a quat tet and a halfe ofa parde longe / d in the tyme that they be fofte r ten der tyke cartylago that is a gyt⸗ fle / than they ſhall be chopped and dyſtilled B Thelame water dꝛõ ke an ounce /oꝛ an ounre and a halle floppeth the flode of the flowꝛes in aria whiche is {ure and truely de. ¶ Water of tke herbe ol hoppes. Capitulum c. xxx iu. ee a ee pe er me ee eer RET ee . Ltt, \ 5 | : 8, 22 Vpulus vel humulus in la · tyn. The beſt parte t tyme of his dyltyllacyon is / the fy2 ſt tors pes / named in latyn Cunatum lu. puli / whan they begynne to grote about two ſpannes of length / than they bruzen ol and chopped and dy · ſtylled in the ende of the moneth of Ampel 4 T heſame water tõtze in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a balfe ¢ the dryntze myrced with the fame water. xxii.or.xxx.dayes contynuyn ge puryfyeth the vnclene blode / and Drpucth out the melancoly / whetot à body betometh ſcalde / lrabby / and leprous / and taketh aware all that Inaye become of vnclene blode / for it tectytyeth the pines of the mylte⸗ = da oute is tomynge all the vn lenes. In the mor nynge and at as t nyght of the lame water lutze wat: me put in the eares clenleth / tonſu⸗ meth and withdrrueth the matter. ¶ water of teſta bouts, Ca. c. xxxiiii 5 Eſta bouis in latyn. The bes te tyme and parte of his dy⸗ A xllacron is / the flowtes whan it | berethfloures’ A Thelame wa tet is very good foz the rede ſpottys re de pympels and lytel rede blaines in the face trop in a daxe waſſhed therwith B yk ye wyll recouete oꝛ gyue to a man his nature agayn whiche had loſt his nature / than gp ue hym a ſpoune full euety tyme of the lame water / and it {hall cawſie his nature to come agapne, ¶ Water of herba ſoꝛtis. Capitulum „r? Etba ſoꝛtis in latyn. The be {te parte and tyme of his dy · ſtyllacyen is /the leues ſtroped from the ſtalzes / and the tote chopped to gyder and dyſtylled in the ende of Mapye / oz betwene bothe our. lady dayes A Theſame watet is good foz the woundes / in the moꝛnynge and at npght waſſyed therwith. B The ſame ** is good u. agaynſtall loꝛes/thetwith waited and dꝛyed agayne / and dꝛontke ol tye lame watet twyle in a Daye, in tye moꝛnyng and at nyght / at eche tyme two ounces/than it heleth the ſoner C It is very good for the loꝛes in the mouthe / vhan they be walſhed therwith twyle oꝛ theyſe in a dare D The lame is that be ſte and gentylyeſt water fo2 woun · des / Wan the herbe is lleped and than dyſtylled / dꝛontze / and than with clowtes layd theron E The lame water is vety good foꝛ the mã nis yar de / and ſoꝛ the fecrete of wo men / waſſhed ther with in the moꝛ e nyng and at nyght / and lynen clou tes wet and layd ther bron / twyle in a dape layde in the ſõmer / and there in the wyntet / at eche tyme dꝛonte an ounce / oꝛ myxced in the dꝛyntze / it heleth very well / and tas beth a waye the payne and iwellyn ge / whan it is ſo vſed fome Daves contynuge· Sawan aue dondes beryes 9 Cy: Inos batos in latyn. The beſt pat te and tre of his dy Nyllacyon is / the betyes whan ve be fully type and ſo dyſtylled ¥ Ok the fame water dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / at eche ty me two ounces / bꝛetzeth and clens pe ey ci oz the grauell. 6 Ot the fame water dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge / at none) at nyght nt eche tyme twoountes / cawſeth to matze moche bapne, Cvoater of Uetbeue Ca. cxtrbii. 15 Etbena 02 berba facta in latyn. The bette parte and tꝛyme of his dyſtyllacyon ts, the bers be with the blewe flowꝛes chopped all his ſubſtaunte and dyſtyl⸗ with c. xxxvi. led about laynt Johñ baptyſt Dare The ſame water is the belle water agapnit payne and ſhotte in the hede / often the hede ther with enoynted / and clowtes wet in the ſame water and layd vpon the ſtot tynge of de. And fone lay that clowtes wet in the lame thal de lay de and bound on the foꝛhede / and ſo often as it is dꝛyed / it hall agayn be wet / bycauſe there can not be foũ de better water foz the fame, VB Anthe moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛonge ofthe ſame water / at eche ty me an ounce withdꝛyueth the pelos we Jandis named Icteticia C Te lame water is good agaynſte Darkenes and impoſtumynge of the iver and is good foz them that hath no good ſyght / for it ſrengtheth the and bꝛyngeth them agayne the ſhy⸗ nyng / euery day ones ot twyle put in the iyen / and enoynted rounde aboute and allo ſome drontze ol the ſame D The lame water is good dtonke for venym / than he ſhall be holc / whan it is Dronke in the ſtede of metridatum / at eche tyme two ounces and a halfe/or thre ounces / E The ſame water is good agaynſt the kyck wrattes in the fon dament / in the mornynge and at nyght waſllhed with theſame water tyli they be vanyſſhed f T fame water is good to be drontze in the mornyng and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce and a halte or two oũces agaynſt the arces on the thyt de daye and the fourthe dane G- The lame water vled in the forlayd manet/ is good againſt the narowe breſte / and for them that with paps ne and heuynes do coghe PH The ſame water in the mornynge and at nyght dronke / at eche tyme an ounte and a halfe / and myrced with his wyne whiche he drynzeth is good agaynſt the i ge of the longues / and with clowtes layde outwarde on the lyde contoꝛ⸗ teth the longue J Theſame dro tze in the for ſayde maner / is good he the lymmes and bladder agaynſte the conſumpnge dyſſeaſes ok the longue / named ptilis in latyn * The ame water drontze in the mornyr ge and at nyght / and and layde there vpon lybe it {tans deth before / ſtrengtheth the lyuer. The lame water drontze and ther with enoynted / and lecte drye agayne by hym elle / cauſeth a good colout for a body M Ok thelame water drontze in the mornyng and at nyght / at eche tyme two ounces/ is good agaynſt the payne in the {to matze / and the ſtomatze enoynted ther with outwarde Holden theſame water longe tyme in the mouthe / is good agaynſte the payne in the tethe O In'the mor nynge and at nyght drontze of the lame ateche tyme two ounces is good agaynſt the as in In tie fot ſayd manet it dronbe / is good agapnite the ſtoppynge of the lyuet and myite. © Dtonbe of the fame water of a chyl de an ounce in the mornynge faityn ge kyne ot {pr dayes contynuynge is good agaynſt the wormes in ned be : the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce and a balfe / is good agaynſte the ſtoppin of: the intrayles / of the tomabe⸗ In the mot nyng and at nyght dro ke of thelame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / putyfyeth the taynes frome the grauell andtaw: th Ee Come to Beebe tn ty bas ut, S The lame ater be at bas wünn they be wallhed therwith in the moꝛnynge / and at nyght and clowtes wet therin and layd there vpon N In the moꝛ⸗ nynge and at nyght dꝛontze ol thela me water / at eche tyme an ounce ⁊ a halle is good agaynſt umpoſtumyn ge in the bꝛeſte x In the koꝛ ſayde manet dꝛonke of theſame mas net Drdke ol thelame is good agayn lle the blaynes in the body An ounce and a halfe/oꝛ two outte tes dꝛontze in a Dave of the ſame / is good fos them that pyſſeth blode 3 The enoynted with the fame Weadde let dꝛye agayne by hym felfe / and clowtes wet therin and layd vpon the hede / is good a gaynſt longe abydynge letzenes / whic ye is not to be knowen wherol it may be 14 In the mornynge and at nyght drontze of the lame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe⸗ 02 two ounces / is good agaynſt the in warde / and outwarde impoftus inpnge BB Twyle oz thꝛyſe in a dave dꝛontze of theſame water at eche tyme an ounce / or an oũte and a balfe withdꝛyueth very moche the lethety CC An dunce / oꝛ an oũ? ce and a halfe dꝛõtze of the lame wa tet / in the moznynge / at none and at nyght is geod garn neh pynge ol the elias an the moznpng and at hats dꝛõ ke of theſame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe oz two ounces is good agaynſte the ſytyntzynge in the belyv. EE The ſame Water is goodagapntt eatyng and toꝛtolynge and holes on the ſetrete places of women / wohã it is waſſhed with the ſame water / in the mozs nynge and at nxght / and clowtes wet therin layde tler vron F The fame warer dꝛonke in the moz nynge and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / is good agayn ſte the ſtone, ¶ watet of A lbabẽgi Ca. c.xxxbii⸗ de moneth of hetueſt / whan they be fully type J In the moꝛnynge at none / and at nyght Dionke of the ſame water at eche tine foꝛ an olde man / an ounce and a halle / oꝛ two unces / and foꝛ a ronge chylde hals e an ounce / is one elthe beſte wa ters agaynſte the ſtone that can be gotten. B The ſame water nied in the fozfarde maner is good agapuſte the gtauell in the lyinmes and in the bladder / byca wle it bath a wonderfull bertuc and nature in tlenſynge ol the raynes and bladder C Thelame water is good fo2 them that tan not pyſſe to be dꝛontze twyſe in a daye / ſoz it conueyeth the vꝛyne to his natutall conduytes / and cawleth well to pyſſe / andit is treme D The lame water vied in the koꝛlayde maner / is very good agaynſt impoſtumynge in the cays nes and inthe bladder / foz it pury= lreth them E In the moꝛnynge at none / and at nyght dꝛonke of the = water / is vety good foz then that pyſleth blode. The hetbe of the maye be dyſtylled in June 2 it is 35 lo good / noz fo myghty as ter dyſt ylled frome thebet yes 1 In the moꝛnynge and at nyght 1 7 of _ water is good foz patalilis ¶ Water of pope Ca c. xxxir. Sopus in latyn. The beſt ty me and parte of his dyſtylla· tyon is / onely the leues ſtroped fro: me the ſtaltzes dyſtylled in the tyme de Whan it bereth 2 flowtes / that is in Auguſto 4 In the mornin Ve and atnyght dꝛontze ol the lame is good lor them that haue a hoor le royte to make it clete B In the mor nynge and at nyght at eche ty me Droke two ounces / is very good for them that haue great cow gyco⸗ mynge ol moyſtnes / and cã not boy de it ealeth tye fame cowgh⸗/ and all the dyſſeales of the longues / and ſu⸗ cheipke C Theſame drontze in the kot layd maner is good agaynuie all dyſſea ſes of the longue comynge of the ſlymy and the llegmatyte ma tet brrawie it watmeth and drxeth the longues / and is ſpecyally good agaynſt the impoſt umynge of the lõ gues / or other dyſleales of the lon⸗ gues. 2 The tame wa tet dtonke in the fot layde maner⸗/ wekeneth the towgh ſlymy eam: tyke mater ofthe brett In the mornynge fatynget dronkc ofthe fame water / two ounces and à halfe / or thte ounces is becp good 1 Si wotime called the ſroyt wor Dronzke in chemornynge; and at nyght ot the ame water / a — an ounce hig ae es . — water Dronke tint the manet afore ſayde / withdry co ype the yll ſwete of tze / and the fac waſſhed thet with ca wleth a 5 fate. 1 —. heleth thei 0 . tec holden in the mouthe is for them vety good that haue payne in tethe⸗ for it cawſeth the papuc to vanyſihe In the mornynge a at nyght nentiie of the fame/at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / oz two oũces.ui. oꝛ foure wekes contynuyng is good for the droply compng ofa colde ma ter. M It is very good tot hym whole ſtomactze is greued with uns poltumyng/and itcontorteth the {to matze and caufeth the meat to dygel te N The lame put in the eates taketij a way the pypynge in the ea · tes. O In the mornyge and at nyght drontze ol the lame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / is good for them that haue payn in the oe andin the 17 5 and is alſo the ſtytehes in the ah the lozſayd manet 17 5 ok the lame watet is good foꝛ the yelowe Jandis Q It is also good fo the wyſle and b ha ae men 35 to abyde in good helthe. be of the fame water. vi. oꝛ . but. da · ves contynuynge / at eche tyme an 9 à halfe/oꝛ 1 oumces / is women to moche ol theyꝛ floutes. S The ſame water dꝛontze in the maner afoꝛlay de / conloꝛteth the harte / the ſtoma⸗ tze / and the mylte T The fame watet Dzonke in the moznpns, ge and at nyght / at eche tyme an off te Ente halke / cawleth a large bꝛelt In the moznynge / at no: ne / and at nyght dꝛontze of the fas me / at eche tyme an ounce / oꝛ an ounte and a halfe is geod agaynſte the ſtopppuge of the uc r. Cudatet of the hetbe Malue. Capitulum c. xl. WW) SEAN } 1 1 Er Aka in latyn. The belt pat te of his dyſtyllacyon is / the rote ſtampe dyſtylled betwe⸗ ne — out lady dayes 4 Water of the fame is good foz ſwel⸗ lynge whan clowtes be wet therin and layde ther bpon B In the moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛontze of thelame / at eche tyme an ounce and à halle / is good agaynſt the onnatu rall hete —— C Clotetes oꝛ cotton wet in the fame water and layde on woundes ſtop nyght Dionke of the ſame water / at echt tyme two oũces / is good foz the ſtone / and a in the lymmes vnſte 88 Ege hede walſhed with thelame ha tex is good agaynſt lyce and cauleth them to fall ot F It is allo good to all freſſhe woundes / in the moꝛ⸗ nynge and at nyaht waſſhed there with G It is good againſt (wel lynge of the woun des / whan a clou te is wette therin and layde on the wounde 9 Ot the lame water dꝛontze an ounce anda halle mixced with as moch wyne ſtoppeth the blo dy flyre named Dyllenteria J Dꝛonte of the lame thee oꝛ foure ty mes in the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛyueth out the after byꝛthe named Secundina An ounte anda halle / oz two ounces myrced with wyne is god to be dꝛonke foꝛ them that pyſſe blode L Theſame dꝛõ ke in tke foꝛſaid maner is good and clenſth the bladder M In the mornynge and at nyght dtõ ke of thelame water at eche tune an ounce / is good for them that haue a de ſtomatze N Two or thre tymes in a day dron be of the lame water / at eche tyme an cunce is good for them that haue a ſhorte heuy brethe byca wle it ta: keth awaye the hrcke O The lame water mabeth impoſtu · mes and other harde thynges wee be / and tauieth warme thynges to chaunge / lor it is colde and moy· ty. D Twyſe in a day dronte of thefame watet/at eche ty mee an ounces or an eunce and a hal le prouoketh the foures in women. Q Thelame water is colde and moyſty of nature / therlo te it wetzeth in the bely / whan it is dronze thre tymes in a day / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / or twoo ounces, ¶ Watet of the herbe Peruintze. Capitulum c · li. } Etuinca in latyn. The beſt e acronis / be Pnge by hym felfe dyſtylled in the May A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the fame water / at eche tyne an ounce and a halſe / is good for women whiche haue a col de mode t. for them that haue a colde ſtomaze⸗ and a clwote wet in the fame and layd theron cawſeth it naturally to warme. 5 ¶ water of Catdes. Ca .t.lii. A Berga paſtoris in latyn. The befte patte and tyme of his N : me dyſtyllacyon is the leues ſtroped fra the ſtaltzes and dyſtylled in the myd ol the maype A Thelame wa ter is good agaynſt coꝛroſynge and edtynge loꝛes in the mouth / it often walſhed therwuh B The ſame watet is good qgaynſt the fore mas med the ſhoyne / whan a man layth double / oꝛ threfolde cloutes wet the re in / and ſomwhat wzonge oute Capt oi lo vpõ the ſozes often renewed C The lame water is good foꝛ the pataliſis often therwith rubbed and let dye agapne by hym lelte D The lame water is verytolde inclynyng to a dꝛawght and ship tica /thettoꝛe it is good agaynſt all hote impolumes/criſipila/and fieg ma pꝛyntypaliy whã in the begyns nynge clowtes be wet in theſame a ard theron E Thelam is good foz the hete tio2 the bꝛenning of the ſto make and lyuet /cloutes wet thetin ct layd outward theron / a alſo iom what dꝛõte therof F An the foꝛſay de maner vled the lame is good foz the bꝛenyng Thelame Watet is good foz unpoltumes whiche ronne of matterp humours, & mopftoures wha it is layd theron with cloutes It heleth r cureth alio woũdes Thyelame water is good againſt pàyn in the cares / whan it is put in the eares K Okthe lame dꝛose at eche tyine an oute is good foz impo⸗ uüumynge in the guttes , 4t is allo good foz ouermocbe flode of the flou tes in womẽ ⁊ foꝛ other flodes / whe re ſu cuet they come ot L Wh in the lame olten clowtes wet a tows layd vpon the foꝛhede / lytze wyle an Epitqima / it pᷣſerueth the bꝛaynes ma dnes & kreneſi / that they can not get place in the bꝛaynes M The lame is fo2 woundes whiche begyn kee, with the lame it leth the. @ Olthe water whiche is dyſtylled of the water ſtãdynge in the cardes tulum c. xliu. Qua car donũ in latin The belt tyine fog to gader this water is in the maye whã it cã not be gattẽ / thã put it in a glas a let it rl, daxes in the ſonne / Etha dylylle it per fyltrüũ à The lame is bett for tie eating ⁊ coʒroiyng ithe meu the / tha the wat dyſtylled a bꝛẽned ot the leues ol cardes B Thelame 1S good loʒ the wꝛattes in the fõda · mẽt C The lame is good for piays nes on handes / fete a toes whã they be fyr ſte ſomwhat with a nedle let out / pom der brẽned of yuory ſtte wed therin /a at eche tyme withthe lame mater waſlhed of, E D The faure Water is very good agaynſt the yelowe ſpottys in the fa te / Whiche become of lezenes whan the face is waſſhed ther with / and at cuety thre dares goynge in the hote howſe E The lame water is a very good connyng {02 to make the face clere and fayre / and heleth all dyſſea ſes ol the face / whã it is in the moꝛnynge and at nyght enoynted ther with. ¶ watet of palatum and nat of Ce tifolunn ledes. Cap.c.xuiu. Ilacum in latrn 1 The lame water is good foz them that baue an indꝛyed nature c dy⸗ ſtroyed / twyſe oꝛ thtyſe dꝛontze o thelame in a daxe than the perfone {hall amende and the nature {hall be recouered and come agayn. And yr a pet lon weneth that his nature wyl fall betwenethe fleſſhe and the lb ynne / wherol he myght become vnclene and icabby / than be (hall dꝛynbe of the lame as before is ſaxde and it ſhall not be ſo. B Water oltheſame dꝛonte in the loꝛſayd ma net / ptouozeth the floures in womẽ The lame water is good for a woman berynge chylde / and ſuc⸗ Beth another chylde / whan fhe dꝛyn tzeth an ounce and a halſe / ot two dunces of the ſame water / than it {hall not be ſcathefull to tte chylde that (he bereth / tog to the fame that ſhe luczeth D An oünte and a halfe / or two oũtes Dronke in a day treioyleth the womans hartes / and cawſeth them to be mety in thepec myndes. ¶ Water of Chetuell Ca. c.xlv. C Etiſolium in latyn / The belt patte and tyme of his dyſtyl lacxon is / the herbe / the ſtalbe / the tote / with all his ſubſtaunte chops ped and dyſtylled in the myddeſt of the May A Thelane dꝛonbe in the mor nynge und at nyght at eche tyme two ounces’ is good for them that be tente / and foz them that ha ue had a fore fall / that the blode ton neth not togydet / and yl it were cõ geled it ca wſeth to depatte agayne B Theſame myxced with other co mo watet / and ſo dronke at eche ty me two ounces/is good agaynſt the ſlone in the taynes / C Thte or foute ounces dronke of theſame wa tet at ones Cabolety the laltze. D Ja the moꝛnpug andat nyght Dꝛontze of the fame water at eche ty me an ounce and a halte / cawſeth a good ſtonabe E BWronke of toctame in the foz lard maner ſtreng theth and confoꝛteththe harte F n the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ ze of the fame water at eche tyme u ounces withdꝛyueth the arces oz le · bes 6 The hede enoynted with the lame water / and let dꝛyc agayne by hym lelſe is good loz the hede and conaꝛteth the wyttes H In the moꝛnynge/at none / and at nyght dꝛontze of thelame water / at eche tyme an oũce and a halle / with dryueth the great ſtytches et pap- nes in the lydes fas me watet Dronke in the — — ma net / at eche tyme an ounce / or an ounce and a halfe / is very good for — ede and kot all theyr dyl⸗ tates, . ‘Chanter ofGarleke — Cap.c.rlbi, J Hlamninlatpn, The belt pac te and tyme offs dyſtilacyẽ is the rote ſtamped and bpitplicd i the caniculer dayes 1 ; lame water dronkce at eche tyme an ounce 13 good for the that be lwol⸗ len in the nectze / and a clowte wet in the lame water 4 Vapped about the necke and to oftcn done it ſhall hole. 6 Tv ot tire ounces drontze of theſame water 1s good agaynſt the grauell/ and caw leth well to pyſſe. C n mornynge and at nyght drontze / at ethe tyme an ounce and a halfe / is good agaynſte the cowghe/and hel: peth them that be ofan heuy brethe, D The lame dron ke in the for lay de manet / is good for them that can not go to ſtole / and wolde fayne / it helpeth to the lame very well E MO the fame water dronke in the mor nynge faſtynge / an ounce ofa chylde / ofan olde perlone an ounce ct a halfe is good agaynſte the en worme in the bodre 7 the mornynge / at none / & at san dtontze at eche tyme an ounce and A halle /s good agaynſte the Droppe pyſſe named ſttaugutia G Che lame water drontze in tie motnpn: ge and at nyght at eche tyme an oũ te / or a ounte and a halfe / or two duncesn ¶ watet ofttayſles , Cap,c.rlbit, CEC ES a eee ee eet eee ee eS eee ee ee eS ee Ne SA Se a ar eee eee ear ee 1 * GN 8 os Rifolium in latyn. Che belt parte and tyme of his dyſtyl latyon is / the leues and the flowzes bꝛened/oꝛ dyſtylled in the es ofthe Maye a moꝛnynge and at nyght . ol thelame water / at eche tyme an oũ⸗ te and a halſe / is good loꝛ the pil ito make = B In the koꝛlavd manet dꝛontze of the ſame water / is ‘Sood —2 euyll and ſtynkynge bꝛeth Dꝛonke of the lame water i in the loꝛſayd manet / at eche tyme an ounce / oz an ounce and a halle / ſtoppeth the whyte in women named menſtruum album. Oma pacar in latyn. The helt parte and tyme theyꝛ dyſtyllacyon is / whan they be fully type /oꝛ they begynne to be lol te / loꝛ the harder the beter / chopped ſtamped/ dyſtylled A Two ounces of the fame water myr ted with an oũce of rede wyne whi che is ſtipticum / and in the moꝛnyn ge / at none / and at nyght / dꝛonke ſo moche is very good koꝛ the euyll wetze ſtomake bycawſe it ſttengteth and cõtoꝛteth the ſtomake/ and cava leth her te kepe the meate / and is good agaynſt wallowynge and per bꝛakynge / named Naulea in latyn It ſtopped allo all maner of lates, it be rede oR wbptes ¶ water of flowzes of Duences, Capitu tulum c lit. Lozes 8 in latyn⸗ beſt tyme ot theyꝛ dyſtil lacyons is / whan they be fully type 1 In the moꝛnpuge andat nyght dronke of the lame watet at eche tyme an ounce / mynyſcheth in women they: flowꝛes / whan they haue to moche of them 8 The fame water dꝛontze in the loz ſayde matiet confoꝛteth the harte C Dꝛon se of theſame in the moꝛnyng at none / at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / is good agaynſte pecbzabyng. (water of gomordes, of Capitulum GES R. i, | An oũte &a halfe of theſame mir ced with a quartet of an ounce oflu: gte twyſe dꝛõbe in a day / at eche ty⸗ es good foꝛ the cowgh tomynge of hete 1 Thre oũces of the Sane lame inpreed With balfe an oũce of ſugte / tin in the moꝛnyng kaſtynge tau laltze, ¶ Watet of hozſe tarle, Ca . c. li. Vz N 6 7 J 2 ee Ai N dere lat, The ee | INA S i krupte wohan {he . l dane ee: NY with ber bernelles /a N 9 thynges that there is within 4 N N Ke Trople dꝛonkke of the fame watet in 2 5 xxr.oꝛ. con 5 is good lo the tone, B J 2 | the end manet dtötze of the lame 4 x.ot.xii.dayes cawſeth a 5 4 well to pyſſe / a clẽſeth the bladder a C Anda equina in latin Che be the capnes C Clovotes wet in the ſte tyme of his dyſtyllacyon is lame 2 layd to the hedes of chylderẽ peep day yee map J The coleth the hote ĩpoſtumes a blaynes fame is good fog the Huyꝛt / a cloute D Cloutes wet in thelame ⁊ layd 1 — n of the fete / compng fondament op laphther 2 5 of hete / llaketh the lame E Role A lynẽ clowte wer in the fame well ovle myrted with thelame / and thet warme / 5 —— with enoited the 8 ſwollẽ balloctzes ofa mã/as hote as bon / is good ſoꝛ the hote F be ca ſuttte it/a it oftẽ fo done eaſeth Ok the lame dꝛötze Recke th ae un theſame / dedit expetiẽtia mõſttũ C oũce / is good toz the h. te of the axces ee ee G Ot helame dꝛõke an oũce oꝛ an that ſpettyth blode / in the moꝛnyng eee nnn eT ae sy . eae moPeare hive: zn date DB with theſame water fteſſhe woũdes wallhed heleth them dycawe it is colde in the firtt degre / with moch li yptibnestherlore it he leth kteſſhe woũ des naturally / ope holes or ſores E Ok the lame wa tet drontze in the motnynge and at nyght heleth the lorled and impoltu med gutte in the fundament £ In the forſayd manet drontze of the lame water ſtoppeth the lode of — woinens flowres. 5 In the ſayde manet a meſute Dronke of 195 lame neater conforteth che umpoſtu · lynge of the dropſy withdryueth the i 15 two ounces at eche tyme / is good and cloutes wet in the lame or towe lytze a plaſtet layde vyon the dyleas named Etilipila / æ they be brẽnynge blayns lytzs the ſhoy ne. L Clothes ot towe wet in thelame e alptell wtong agayne / and vpon the lor of fame is good a3 Sapnite the flode in the noſe tobant itis {nuffzd vp inte the noſe In 3 at nyght dꝛonke of the fame Water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynſte the Fone, ¶ Watet of nir toꝛde Capitulo. t. lu. mus bouinus in latin. The at accept ap latron is in the myddeſt of Maye of tzowes goynge in the feldes and paf tures where as many flowꝛes ſtan de / ga det there the kon etoꝛdes and let theym dꝛyt a “sae in 11 ſonne / and than they ina beté bans deled/ and therof 15 water / and whan it is diſtylled than it ſmelleth ve ſomwhat rãmyſſhe / than put almon des thetin / oz ellys the ketnellys of ynces / than 9 dei Dubay apayee pec Alem ee 9 U: Clothes wet in theſame watet lapd vpon the lhoyne/and ae phat fhed therwith / is very good foz the ſhoyne voice cometh with hote bꝛẽ nynge blaynes / yt cloutes be wette therin and layde theron B In the moꝛnynge / at none and alſo at none ⁊ nyght / dꝛontze of thelame water at eche tyme an ounce and a balferts good boy the lhryntz nge in Clowes wet in the is therfore vety 3 D alſo good agaynſt euyll . thes wet thetin and layd there bps twyle on a day in the wyntet⸗ and thꝛyle in a dayin the ſomet E The lame wat is good agapnite the the Chelame water is good agaynſte a gapnite a fore named the Dave and nyght ſhotte / . layde there vppon. fame watet is good al b2ens pi Aorta dng ther with and clothes wette in theſa ne layde there vpon / than becõmeti the body hole 9 Thelame water is good whan any body cõmeth out ol che hote 755 is well dꝛye / than but a ſponge ware better / and thys many inaketh a vety whyte ſa ynne / But he muſt tatze hede or the ſonne J It is good fo2 the euyll holes on the leggesin the moꝛnyng and allo at f and 995 waſlhed therwith / and lynen clothes wet therin / and layd theron than it heleth euyll holes / and open fores, Thelame water whiche is brẽned ot diſtylled ol the kowe toꝛde is good agaynſt the pel: tylence. Ut cepertuin elt. ¶ water of zowes creme. Ca.c.liii. yin’ Alu in the moznynge at his vp tylyng / feldes - — water of Calfes blode. Ca. c.liiii. Anguis vituli i latin. The belt parte and tyme of his chaten is / the blode of a black calfe.⁊ hom blacker how better bre ned or dyitylled in the myddeit of the Ware, 1 The lame water is good for the cõſumyng membres in the mot nyng eat nyght rubbed ther with zt wat meth a contorteth the membres greued with the Pals the mornyng a at nyght well ware me and clothes wet therin and war ine layd ther vron BB The lame watet conforteth the membres a fe nywes / and bryngeth the wery mẽ bree to thep, kytit ſttengthe whan they be rubbed ones oz troyſe ia 2 ve ty the fi en — ¶ Water ofcaltes blode and lon 8 hat is bien nteyfrxe helethit, Aeg! to gydet Kaen ss is a pulmo vituli in la D 2 8 85 . drt tyllacyon is. the blode & — Ques of a blacke calie chopped to de r dyſtelled pet . res che Water muſte be dꝛontze / & the Deyn me of theyꝛ diltyl Hater of Calfes lruer. Cap c. lvi. Etur vel Spar vituli in lati no. The beſte lyuet fo2 to dyſ telle t is ofa blacte calfe whã it can be get 4 The fame watet is good foʒ à membꝛe that conſumeth / often walked the membꝛes therwith tubbed with the fame water in Aneer in latin / The beſt pat . drſtyilacron ne Sat ull amped and Dutplled # Conſumynge membꝛes rubs bei inch thebatne tohner Dov — lleſſhe to grow agayn B Twyſe & Bape vled of the fame wat᷑ at eche pal alſo / ⁊ layd twyſe a day ona fore Canned fopne toles Capitulo, C: Lotti tt, F L ozes papaueris tubei in la tyn / Che beſt patte and ty3 lacrons / is the le „ beg gyvnnynge ol June 4 lame 5 — and at nyght dꝛontze of thelame water at eche tyme an oũce bodye is vety good agaynſte all manet of merced ther with / and the tubbed allo with the lame water. in wat de ſeuenes cõmynge ofhetes * he beſte pte ⁊ tyme of the ovtisianeo is the leues and floures ol June. 4 dꝛontze ol the lame water / at eche ti me an oũce / is good agaynſt all in Warde lege nes ee ol hete. B The lame water is ſpecyally good faz thelyuet⸗ 7 nab (bets full of vnnaturall hete / ⁊ the water Dzone ke in the fozelayde manet / and clo. thes wet in it and layd on the lyuer out warde C the mornynge at none / and at nyght / drõze of the ‘fre B Inthe mornyng and at nyght Dronbe ol the fame water/at em an ü an ene red for ſaynt Anthonis plage the dryntze be — Dott mecheaty: the kernelles / ſctappe the tougne 7 i vin tubei ĩ lat. With a ſmall knyle of wode of a vy⸗ ne / ot of a quenche tre / it wyll hele the tõgue which was blactze thrugh ſezenes. 1 The fame water is ght good agayntt al ſpottis of lepꝛe wal ſhed ther with / d clothes wet thert vpõ it k The fame way med the rede flyſſhe / wet thetin a it nen clothe and layd ther voon It is allo good foz eatynge and cor colpng — ppl moznpnge ut side Wallhedt ther with / and clothes wet therin a lay de vpon it BP The lame water is good agaynit the wollen mãnys varde / and holes / clothes wet there in tc wrapped cound about the rar de twyſe in a daye. It is good foz ſores and holes in 4 mannns yatde /clotes wet therin az often wrapped theton Iris allo good agaynſte the vnn turall hete/as the ſhoyne / clowtes wet therin and layd theron rehede / the ci ang 12 necke enoin ted is therwith Q A clothe wet in the ſame watet and layd aboute the ipen dryueti away the payne of pce phate pulleth out the hete of The lame water is good te be dronke agaynſt feules nes and fapntencs of the hatte. ga i = 5 T ² J ĩ¾˙ ee Lee - rr — Oe in . parte is the Nas end and 5 tznowen fo the 75 ſchathe that cale 18 myght come / and that euety seg agp take ede fo2 the i me D A lowte wet in the fame and holden beloze the note of a wos man labourpnge of chylde / catoteth to het a lyghter byꝛthe. Et docuit ex peciencia EIn the moz nyng / at none / and at nyght — ke of the fame at eche tyme an ounce and a halle ſtoppeth the laſtzynge. (unter of Capones : Ca. ol: C Apo in latyn. The beſt pacte and tyme of his 3 is. pe {hall take a blacke capon ſout ot fpue pete olde / and wotrowe and plucke bpm without wettyng tet / thet after cut hym in — ters and put away 1 n pet helmet ipke other waters. But it is v . dyſtyl i ughe the hel met be putte in a and yſtylled agapne pet Ale bicum The lame water 1 51 in the mornynge / at none t nyght/at eche tyme an ounce 82 tye an — ; 5 — his drynkynge top ne mypreed with the ſame water / is very good for aman that hath ben 5 ſetze that the hunidum tadi all mooſt gone / and is lene and hole conſumed / lot it confotteth and ſtrengtethttze nature of the box dy / and the humidum dum tadicale and reiop (th the ſpytyte. Cwyle in a daye Dione ol 1 — Watet cawieth appetyte to cate wate / and conloꝛteth the nas ture and the body and 3 aii dylſeales frome the harte ſtrẽg theth a perlone io moch that it is le· ne on his body. B Int moꝛ nyng and at nyght the face wa ed with the fame W aud lette Dive agayn by hym ſelfe cauleth the face to be fayze and cleue. ¶ Matet of Lettys. Cap. cri. — 2 2 Attura bomeſtica in latyn. The beſt parte and tyne of drürllaryon is / onely Ae herbe dyſtylled in the myodeſt of the A In the mornynge zat nyght drontze of the fame water at eche ty me an ounte coleth and confortcth natuvally the lyuet. B The ſame Watet dronte in the for’ ſayde mefure and maner coleth the hot e and inflammed blode C Otten dronbze of the fame water at eche tyme an oũce or more ſoppeth the blody flyre named Diſlenter ia / the and other laſtzes - whan ol them is to moche Okten vith the lame water the hede enoynted / and let drye agayne by hym kife /is 5 agaynſte che lwyndelynge in hede E The membres eubiet with the fame water deten; dyth them from 75 palſep/and fto⸗ me the fall of the ſame nthe mornyng and at nyght deo e of the fame water / at eche tyme Ian dunce is good agaynſt the trom blynge ol the membres G In the melure and manet Oronke of the fame wacet / the temples of the hede / the betynge vaynes / and the handes ther with enoynted ta wlet⸗ well to ſlepe / and to take reſte. 9 IJn the forlapd mance drontze of the fame water / is good for hym that hath loſt his wyt / and the hede enoyte d ther with Women luczynge a chylde and hauynge ips tell 44767 in het breites ſhall dryn· ke of the fame water / a myrce there dryntze ther wit / than grow eth the mylke / and the blode where the myl ke comet oak kx In the met nyng and nyght dronke ol the lame Water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / is good agaynſte the cowghe and pryncypally agaynſt 8 12. ft drye cow lame watet drontze and ut gweleb , teth the ttothe / @largeth the bꝛeſte d In the moꝛnynge a at nyght Dronke / at eche tyme an ounce and a half openeth the vaynes of the lõ gue N Thee oꝛ fout tymes d26- ze of the lame watet / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / withſtandeth 7 0 85 and tempereth the hete me in the foꝛeſayd manet and melu te tempeteth the hete of the ſtomatze 8 the raynes / and of the bladder. water / a clothes wyt ther ct layd 550 the bely cawſeth late a bene ol cose Cap. c. lit Euiſticum in latyn. Fer the moꝛnynge andat 1 dꝛontze at eche tyme an dance / oꝛ an ounce &a halle / is good dort the are ea rae oa te Gonte geal f lymmes / & inthe bladder, E She fame wa Fend Good agapns hozſenes. lyuet. O Dronzkc ofthe fa Thꝛe oũces dꝛonbe of fey fame. the | oe is good R the lwellynge of the hede In F The ame water goꝛguled⸗ {g good agaynſt the impoſtumyng i the throte. G The lame water is good lo them that haue blaynes on the leg ges /and the legges be teed and hote than clothes wet in the lame watere and laxd ee hete. The fame water heleth allo the aire on the mouth / and it be wal. {hed ther with / and at eche tyme ſtre wed therin of the Rote named Erb fall oz Uetſych. 2 fame watet heleth all fozes and pay ne on the ſectete of women / oF thayſe wallycd thet with ia day and clothes wet therin & layd ther vpon. Capitulo, circuits “Lozes Tili in eats The be e patte ⁊ tyme of his diſtylla cyõ/is oncipthe blotion whã it is ful ly type. A In the moꝛ nyng and at nyght dꝛöze of the ſame water /at eche tyme an ounce. is good foz them that dath the fallyng lezenes B He that hact the modet oꝛ the payne in the guttes / thall drynte an ounce H of the lame water’ and be hym (elie ſhall not dnowe what it is / æ he {hal be hole C In the motnyng tac nyght dronte of the lame water at e che tyme W tremblin ge ok the herte. The ſame wa ter is good aud he tone bet gen tyleſt water for the eyen / for to bas ue clete and ſtronge lyght / whan pt in tge nyght is put in the iven. E Droke of the ſame Mee nyng and at nyght/ at eche tyme ouc.⁊ rhe halle. is good a ne wet in the (ante water twyle ma Daye layd vpõ the membres whithe be ftolen / and breſted or woũded of the krolt / than it pulleth out the kot The fame wa and heleth them H T tet drõze in the rr at eche tyme an ounce and a halle. is good for women dohiche haue a colde mode / kor it warmeth the fame, 1 | The lame water is good againt the sb eis wate thee - ow | gaynſt the he face walſhed wait the | 5 in the face, whan the facets © | tes wet layd theton In the mor nyng/ at none / and at nyght drontze of the fame water at eche tyme an oũ te c a e women to haue moche myltze M It is good foz al mane r of brẽnyng / clothes wet thee in and layd ther vpon / for it pulleth out the brennyng / and heleth them. Drontze of the fame in the mor nynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce. is good for the paraliſys SG It drontze in the korelayd maner / is good agaynſt ſwellyng Thry ie Dronke in a day of the fame water at eche tyme an ounce. withdryueth all euyll hete out ol the body => A body that can not ſpeke of leknes/ an mornynge and at nyght / warmeth e de {tomabe, e Cute alu Bes. Ca. c. lxiii. W Oꝛtum in latyn. The bette pa tte and tyme ok his diſtyl la cron / is one ly the tote diſt ylled i zu ne A At nyght cin the moꝛnyng drontze ol the lame watery at eche tp me an ounce.is good foz them whi fyptetycolte blode 8 In the moꝛ nyug and at nyght dꝛontze of the ia. me watet / at eche tyme an ounce, is good foz women that ben baren CCocton wet in the fame water and putte in the note ſtoppeth . ble dynge at the nole mornyng and at nyght Dobe of the lame water in the fozelayd maner a melute / is good agaynſte the harde nes in the 8 agaynſte payne in the lymmes E Woundes wal. ſhed wich the the ſame water in the moz nynge and at nyght / cawſeth them quyckly to be hole f The fame water is good foꝛ women whom the ſettete mẽbres be forced and bꝛozen after the byꝛthe ofchpide ͤand taw· = it to hele / whã it in the moꝛning and at nyght is waſſhed thet with. Water of Capꝛifolium/oʒ wood bynde Cap. c. lxu Apꝛitolium in latyn. Che belt Sirene ynnyng ot Zune The fame water dꝛontze in the mot nyng and at nyght / at eche tyme an dunte and a halfe ? oz two dunces/is à longe brethe and E NN 8 On | N [Se Meo oar 5 ASE — — te bang of the hat Itis good dꝛontze in she toad jnaner pene ſtreytnes In the moꝛnonge and at tie dꝛontze of the lame water at eche tune an of te and a halte / thʒe oꝛ foug webes cõ tynuyuge / is good of 1 Dꝛopſp⸗ named in latyn In the moznyng laltyng/ t at night geynge to bedde / Bronke of the ſame watet / at eche thrme two es ot. xiiii.dayts contynuynge / is agarnite the een it cat telt In the — or of the fame water in the fore ſayde ma. ners geodagaynſt the {tone in the : 1 clenleth the raynes. In the mornynge/at none / a at nyght drontze ol the lame boaters, at eche tyme an one agaynſt Le chery typ. be fame Wa ⸗ ter is good e e N: — and pumples in the face / toban it is twi ie or threle ĩ a day waſſhed ther a With. 9 In the mornynge and at nyght dronke ot the tame wa tet / at eche tyme an oute. or an oũce and a halte. is good for them whyche hath thought and fare to become Ice ptouſe. In the mornyng and at nyght the face waſſhed with the lame water & let drye agayne by bpin lelfe/cawleth a fayre ᷑ clete fas te. M At all tymes dꝛöke of the the lame water / in the mornyng and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / and the membꝛes rubs bed with thelame water / is good ſoꝛ them that be fallen efthe palley 1 Whame the membꝛes ben lame / and dꝛee out and conſume he thall hym waſſhe altyme twyſe in a daye and r let it dure agay ne by brn ſelle The ſame water is god foz olde woundes whan then be wattved thervoith in the moꝛnynge / and at the legges ee 5 cõpꝛo - 5 moꝛ⸗ — ean at gh 8 ofthe la at eche tyme an ounce and a abate, - is good foz all ſwollyn pla · In the mornyn· Rrandat nygdt dꝛontze of the fame / at eche tyme an ounce / and the dꝛyn tze mprced ther with thre oz foure we zes tontynuynge clenieth and purps lyeth the blode Q The lame wa ter heleth all mauet of bꝛennynge⸗ yk it be ok the kyꝛe / oꝛ of watet / whan it is walſhed thetrwith twoyſe oꝛ thy ſe in a day and clowtes wet tberin / layd vpon it K zt caweth to hes le the cankre / waſlhed with thelame water / and cloutes wet thérin layde ther vdõ S The lame water url leth the kyſtule / and cawſeth hym to hele / in the moꝛnynge and at nyght waſſhed thetwith / and clowtes wet in thelame and layd ther vßpon T The lame water withdꝛxueth the fo te named the moder oꝛ ammale / wal {hed therwith / and clowtes wet in the ſame layd ther vron M The fame water withdzyueth Serpigis nes/that is dꝛre and ſmall ſcabbes ⁊ ſpottys / walſhed with the ſame / and clowtes wet thet in / layd ther vron x Theſaine water withdꝛyueth the ſpottys and males in the face / in the . and at nyght cheface wal ed therwuh » Thelame water ——— in tye mouthe / wal d often ther with and cloutes wee in the lame and layd ther vpon 3 It heleth all woundes welled thee with / and clo wtes wet layd theron, BS The lame heleth the gane | often waſſhed ther wi ih B B clatefyeth the ixen / whan it is = therin an howte befeze nyght CC The fame heleth the eatyng in the. gõ mes / ſpecyally whaͤ thee is put in a lytel alume / waſſhed ther with in the moꝛnynge andat nyght. A comd cute ofall herbes & ficurts. € pe „ les out wardly / the flowtes w berbe ſhall be bent a dyſtylled⸗ beck the water becometh the ſttonget /a whan the herbe oꝛ the llowres / eche alone be dyſtylled / they be vled with tii the body. a Custer of lxuer wort, Cap. c ibi. Gen aie eh pet ; te and tyme of bis dyſtyllacyõ gadered and nynge and at night / at eche tyme an 5 4 „ Drenise ofthe Game watet in the ſoꝛ fad maner. ru. oꝛ. ri. dayes contys nuynge / is good agaynſte the hote dꝛopſy r: C In the moznynge / at none / and at nyght / dꝛontze of the ſame watet at eche ty⸗ me an ounce / oꝛ AT ounce and a hal le / is berp good toz the lyuer /toꝛ it cõ loꝛteth and ſrengtheththe huet / it ſlaketh away the onnatutall hete of the lyuet / Whan clowtes oꝛ tee be wet ther in / and laz de outwatde on the lyuer 8 a In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ be ol the ſame watet / at eche tine an dunte and a halle / oꝛ two ounces 4 xx 02. vii. daxes tontynuynge / is good foꝛ them that occuppe to moche the woꝛke of loue oꝛ of genetatron / = his lyuer dyſtzopeth and dꝛreth A ot edits — Cnoater of L aũendie. Capitulum TI Juendula in in latyn. The et parte and tyne ot his dyſtyllai pon is / the llowꝛes and the herbes chopped to gydet and lo dy⸗ ſtylled in the ende ot June a Tie lame water is good agaynſte the daſynge in the hede / the hede enoynted with the fas me / and let dꝛye agayne by hyn fel fe / and at euety nyght dꝛonke an oũ ce. xiui.oꝛ.xuii.dapes contynuynge B he lame watet vſed in the mance aloꝛe ſayde 6 very good Yaa bee the crampe The — wa de ter Died allo i — the forfapde maner / is good agaynſte the oy 5 At me water is good agaynſte euyll ſe⸗ 8 (holde be done * the (34 me wate The ſame wa tet is — for the that be faliẽ with the palley / dꝛonke of the fame an off ce and a halte / than he getteth agay ne his ſpeche. The fame watet is good agayn ite the eatyng tozrolynge in the mou the whan it is — — wallhed there with. A nutte Chelle full ofthe fame water myrced with other water whetol i made dovogh / lo what bꝛede ts babe of thelaine dowagh thal nat ware mol The lame water is good fo them that haue great pays ne in the hede compnge ol tolde / tye hede well tubbed with the lame and let dꝛee agayne by brin lelte / it wyll zenelſes/agayntt the palley / and for helpe lutely the Acppnge membzes / twyle oꝛ txv ſe in a daye dzontze of the laine was tet / at eche tyme an ounce / two ore — wetzes cõtynupnge and euety C ye the 8 rubbed 3 ft — drye by hym ſelle Thelame water dronze and sted i itt the foꝛelayd manet is good agaynſt the tremblynge ol the membres and handes ¥ An ounce oranounce and a halle drontze ol ana water is good ſoz them whole tongue is become blacke andcan —— 6 theſame wa ter / is good foꝛ membtes whiche be lame euety tyme ther with rubbed / and let Dare by byin ſel e agayne / by ö thynge ſholde bz tawſe yl any bꝛynge aga pn the lame wiembyes to theyze ¶ watet ol moder woꝛte. apitulum c. lx bil —— N Sy WZ e et Ittaria bel Meliſla in latyn The beſte parte and tyme of 7 they dyſtyllacyon is / all the herbe chopped and bꝛenned og dyl⸗ tyllcd in the ende sk the Maxe A The ſame watet put in wyne that becometh trouble and onclere after the quantyte of the vel⸗ {ell / cawſeth them to come agayne in his fyꝛſte myght 3 3 0 herbe of Moder worte a lytell ham ped all nyght in wyne well ſteped / and after that dyſtylled. Ok thelame water dꝛontze a {pone full faſtynge / tauſeth in a man to haue ſherpe Wyt had there membtes / where (6 euer it bee in the hede / or in the handes / ot in the lete / than he lhali dryntze euery Dare of the ſame mater’ balfe an of ce myxced withthre ounces of wyne and the meinbres tubbed ther with / cand lette deve agayne by hym (clic / than be lhall be hole f G The fame water is very good for hym whoſe tongue ts greued with ſuche ſetzenes and nat of nature / that he can not ſpeke / he ſhall take à blen e wollen cloth wet in the lame water / and the tongue often waſſhed ther wich and than it {hall become hole agayne / and the , 9 good vnderſtandynge / and good me ſpeche alto moꝛy and remembꝛauncc / foz to ke pe and temeinbre cuery thynge that iS poſſyble for a man to remembre c kepe in his nei 3 : 3 he ſa me water is good foꝛ thẽ whole ſto⸗ ee is gteued with colde and vn: of es. D The lame water dꝛontze an ounce and a halfe / tawleth theinte be mety and relteſſht agayne / whi⸗ the were afore fore greued with an: len Ore / it maketh alfo lofte and good myndes / and an ampable coloute. — The ſame watet pꝛeſetueth a man from grays betes / twyle Dronke of the fame wa tet in a dape / at eche tyme an ounce and the heres wet with theſame wa tet / and let dꝛye agarne by hym ſel · fe. The lame is good for hem that be fallé of the palley / that they haue gotten the trembiynge in An ounce of the tame water mprecd with a dragma of ttyacle / and gyuẽ to them lor to drynke that haue the fallynge ſckenes / and they {hail be holpen with all very well / and they (hall become lully hole thee The tethe a geimmes often waſſhed with the fame with dryueth the ſtenche of the euyl brethe & the yl tethe. K A perlone that is dyſſea led i thel õgues / or ſtoꝛnatze / ais wol of great lekenes / he ſhall dryntze of thelame at eche tyme an oũce myx ced with wyne / than he (hall become hole 4 get appetyt for to eat meat WL Twyſe in a Daye drontze ol the lame at eche tyme an oꝛmce / a layd vpon ſwellynges heleth then, it is allo good foꝛ dyſſeaſes in the guttes M Theſame is good ſot ſcabbes puyſtes and other impoſtiunyng on the body ther with waſſhed ecloutes wet ther in lard theron cauleth thé to btetze. The lame torter is god agaynſte vnwytnes / and madnes ol the hede / dꝛonke in the moꝛnyng and at nyght / at eche tyme an oun: te / and the hede enoynted therwith and lette it dꝛye agayne by hym (els le. O An the moznynge and at nyght dꝛonze of the fame at eche ty⸗ me an ounce / lxx oꝛ · viui.wetzes con tynuyngs 1S good fo women while che wolde fullapne concepuca chyl⸗ de, And it is ailo very good agayn⸗ ſte all cupil mopity 7 in the bo The lame water is good agaynſte the unpetigines / and the Coffoine in the face / therwith enoynted / oꝛ npr ced thet with fome ſpetell / and with tie fame rnbbed topic oz theyle in a dape / than it {hall cawle the fame to vanyſſhe It is good agapnite the euyll ſmellynge / and ſupet flurte of the bo dye / whanthe bodys is rubbed and Fiche oz othet thynges ſpꝛaxed with the fame water abydeth longe tyme good / and the fipes and other WORMS wyll nat come theron . 4 : The fame water is very good agaynſte the un poſtumpuge in the mouthe / twyle dꝛonte of the {ame ina dare / at eche tyme an ounte / and often holden in mouthe. T . Trople in a Daye dꝛontze of of the lame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a balfe is/ good agaynſte Dzoplp comynge of tolde and moyſty {wellpnge, 3 In the forlayde maner beanti of the lame water is good agaynſte ſhryn ; kynge in the belx / and koꝛ the dyſſea⸗ ſes in the blad vt. x Aiſo dꝛonze in the loꝛſay de maner ol the lame water / with dꝛyueth all — papnes in the belp | An oun te and a halfe d dꝛonke oftbe Sanit wa | ter kaſtynge / lyx oz. vii. Dapes conty= nuynge clenſeth and purytyeth all cuyll moyſt nes out of the body / and withdꝛyueth allo ali euyll impoltu: mes out of the — The ſame water dꝛonke = the manet before layde / putytyeth / clenſeth / walteth and conſumeth all vnclene blode in the bodye / within the (pace of thre oß foure wetzes we 3 Che lame watet with dꝛyueth all buyles / [wellynge / woo and payne in the ſydes / in the mor nuynge drone kaſtynge of the ſame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halte and clowtes wette thet in and layde there von V5 A petſon whiche hath eatẽ a ſpynnet / vonꝝzm / oꝛ other euzl and vnclene ſtynges let hym dꝛynbe of thelame Water two oũces bycauſe thelame water lettith nat abyde any —.— not venym in the bodye ol CC Civyic et thecleina deve the Wout des / or lores walſhed with theſame watet and a cloute wet in the fame and layd fet them / and pteſerueth them from pil kleſſhe BD In the moznynge and at nyght dronzze of the lame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / is Good for the colde and moyſty tena be / and helpeth to the dygellion CE In the mornynge zat night dꝛonke of the ſame watet an ounce / and iy dꝛyntze myxced ther with / re ioyleth the ſpyryte conlozteth the bar te and the bꝛaynes / and tatzeth awa be the thought and fare comynge of the bzenned melautolye and fiegina It is alſo good agaynſt bytyns i of inadde dogges / thet with wal ther vpon GG It is allo good for the ſtynges ot Scoꝛpyons / ciowtes wet therin 9 layd ae vpõ in 41 mor nynge and at n be At is alſo good keped in the mouthe for the payne in the tethe The fame water drontze hte tymes in a Baye at eche tyine an ounce and a a / is good agapnite the cuil ot lmellynge / as whan a bo · dr mt eaten of theſe pil camperne- les or todeſtoles / bpcawle they can neuet fo well be Drelled / they 5 on Come for to be eaten ot a bod B Che tin watet Dronke in the manet before W The fame water is alſo good with tlowtes iayde on 3 Wag Chte tymes dronke of the lame water / at eche tyme an dunce / and the dtyntze myrce n who ſe hatte is dy ſlea ed of colde / for it bed and clowtes wette therin layde Ca war meth the hatte natutally dgayn NN Twple or tyr dtenke of the ſame in a daye / at eche tyme an ounce and à halſe / is good for them 7755 be dilſcaſed of the 9555 O n the forfapde maner and melute dronge ol the lame water is good agaynſte the fourthe daye axces / named Kaus quattana. S of Max ot parke floutes. pitulum Cole Ilium conuatlium in latyn. The belie parte and tyme of bis dyſtyllacron is onely the floutes dyſt ylled in the myddeſt of the May A Ot the lame water drontze two d with dunces and a halfe / or thte oumtes is good foz them that haue catẽ benym and they hele therof incantynt, B TChuhelame is bery good foz any maner of body that is hurte 02 hat med by ſtyngynge of any veuy⸗ mous beſte oʒ woꝛme / as a ſpynnet oꝛ lucie lytze / clothes wette in thelas me watet and layde to the grele / is very louetayne foʒ theſame and allo heleth it / C Allo theſame Water dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge and cke at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce and a halte is good for the bytynge ofa madde dogge / yf clothes be wet in thela me / and layd theton / and allo thet with waſſhedęꝰ d wat mance of parton that is ſtyn ged with a bee o2 a walpe oꝛ with o; ther ſtynges / he ſhall iaye a clowte rette in theſame water there vpon in the mornynge and at nyght. E Tvoountes and a halle or thee oũces dronze of theſame bel: pet a woman labourynge of chylde whan (he is in nede and mofte gree uous trauayle F me water ſocouteth and helpeth all ma net of vnclene ſoꝛes and dyſcaſes/ a {pecially foꝛ the iyen / koꝛ it clarityeth them and withdraweth the flere kr them whan it is put in them at theit goynge to reſt that haue nede therof In the mornyge and at nygbt dtonze of the ſame water at ecke tyme An our te / and thetete tice te with e noynted/cõfoꝛteth the bꝛay nes / and Urengtheth the mynde oz the vay tres 9 In the foxhyde mas net dꝛontze of the lame water / con a and ſtrengtheth the bears nes. ms 8 ‘4 E | Dronkein themol⸗ nynge and at nyght of the lame wa tet / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle. xxx. ot.xl.dayes contynuynge is very good for them that haue the kallynge ſetzenes. 2 Ineuerp mornynge drontze of theſame water faltynge is good for them that haue thought and feare to become leptouſe. 1 In the moꝛnynge / at none / and nyght / dt onke of the ſa me water at eche tyme two ounces anda halle / thre or foure dayes con tynuynge / is good fot woinen that haue to moche ef het flores 5 W With thelame water often enoynted the tongue / cawleth agay⸗ ne to come the ſpethe wich was lolk ) N At euety day dronzke of thelame water /at eche t / me an ounte and a half ot two oun ces. vi.or.viii.dayes contynuyng /s good fot women that haue lofte the mylke of het breſtes for it cauelth the mylte to come agayne O An ounce anda balfe drontze of theſame Water at cuerp day/contynuyng m. or toute wetzes / and the handes tub bed thetwith bit ouer the elbowe / is good agayntte trembiyuge of the handes 9 Wjhan a bodye bath ttemblyng in his hede oz other mem bres / ſhall be bolpen in this maner⸗ wha luttz one wyll goo to bedde tha {ail he ware well clene his hades with comon water / a tha he ſhall na be his hades well wet in the ſame t Goto teſt without dꝛxẽge the bãdes and in the ſame manet do alfo in the moꝛnynge / and be that bathe trem⸗ blynge in the hede ſhell de enoynted in the moznige and at nyght on the faute yt it be done dayly thelame wat / twyſe oꝛ thꝛyſe dꝛontze at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two oũces is good agaynſt dyſſurye. R In the mot nynge / at none and at nyght dꝛonke ol theſame wa tet at eche tyme an oũce and a halle ts good for the ſtiches about the hart Tyyle 02 thꝛyſe ona day drontze of the fame water at eche ty⸗ me an ounce o2 an ounte and a halft is good agaynſt the hete of the ipuce TTheſame water is good fozꝛ à mannes yar de 02 toddes / whether they be ſwollẽ oz that they wyll tott a clothe be wet in theſame water and wrapped about them UW Of the lame dꝛonke twyle a — eche tyme an ounces is good for tuo: men Whole flowzes bene harde / it tawleth them to become ſofte. x A body that — foze that be ther with bathe loft his ſpeche / let 8 9 theſame water and he (yall his gaynſt the ſtone the dꝛynke myrced moore and clo thes wet in the lame and lapde thee on 3 oſtendet quidnam crit. Thefame water is good a gane the fore named the ſhoyne / rf & clothe be wet therin unn twyyſe oz thryſe a dare. ho ¶ watet 3 t. Ixt. Ammer The beli pact : tyme of his dyſtyllacron is tobant tbe — is fully growen and well type aboute the moneth ol Auguſt / and the hole frupte ſhallbe chopped and ſo diſtylled ? 4 Dꝛonke of thefame watet cucep moznynge / at eche tyme an ounce # a balfe oꝛ two ounces / thee or feure wetzes vled 5 is good * 4 inoznpnge / at none / and at nyght dꝛonze of thelame watet at eche tps me two ounces cawſeth one well to prie, G In thelame ſoꝛſayd manet dꝛontze of theſame water / at ethe tyme two oũces clenteth the rap nes matueloully well Water of Dept Cac xi. CG Ballula mino; / vel bermitu latis in latyn. The beſt par te and tyme of his diſtyllacion is on * berte dyſtylled in the Maye. Thelame watet coleth merue An n ol hote unpoſtumes whether they be within the bsdy⸗ 02 without / but it {hall nat be droge But there ſhall clothes be wet ther · in and layde theron B Thela me water bylleth the woꝛmes on hã 1 ⁊ othet places / yt clou tes be wet therin and layd theton / the ot foure tymes a dae / C Thelame watet is a tepettuciũ / oꝛ a withdzawet of all hote thynges 4 penne 25 therin d ap 8 dee eee tlrrüi. Sea oꝛ Sambucus in la The be tyme and part of his dul pilacr on / is the leues tres ped tom the ſtelys / and diſtylled in the ende of the spare. In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dronke of theſame water ac eche tyme an oi te and a balfe is good agaynſt greie in io hede cõmynge of colde / whan the hede is ther with enoynted / and let drye agayn by hym ſelſe B In the mornyge and at nyght / at eche tyme dꝛonke of thelame water an uũte and a halfe / and tubbe ther with the feble mẽbꝛes / is very good kot them C In the euenynge an bovore before nyght / put theſame water i the pen, & ſtreke oꝛ enoynt them ther with conde aboute. vii. 02. x.dayes tontynuynge is good for the colde wo in the iyßen D The lame water drontze in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe is good agaynſt the ſtrã guty and dyſſurx E In the forlayd maner drõtze of theſame wa ter ui. 02 foure wetzes contynuynge . e the bꝛekynge ſtone in £ Twyſe a daye —.— — water an ounces a halle / the mébzes rubbed thet with ct let dꝛye agayne 3 8 — et aac it longe in the mouth. in n the mot wenge #at am Bunte of theſame 0 eche tyme an ounte / oz an ofice and a halle / and the hede ettorn ted ther with / cauleth a good 3 bꝛaunce and memoꝛy forfapd manet it dꝛontze and pied cõ fozteth the bꝛayne and the hede In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ⸗ Be of the lame at eche tyme an ounce 02 an ounce and a halte / warmeth the colde moder T In the loꝛlay de maner vled the tame water / caw ſeth the flowts in women / and with dꝛyueth the whyte in womẽ / named menſtruum album Y The ame Water dꝛouze in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / at eche tyme an ounce o2 an ounce and a halfe / dꝛrueth oute frome the body all cuyl matters and imoutes / and ca wleth the ptyſrke and narowe bꝛeſted perlons to beco me latge aboute tie bꝛeſte / that the bꝛeſte is to lyghtet and clene / and it ſtꝛengtheth and conloꝛteth the harte It is good alſo agaynt the flo de of the hede / a agaynſt the mutre ⸗ Lohan a lytell of the ſame is pulleth vp in the noſe O In tie moꝛnyn ge and at npght dꝛontze of thclame, atcche tyme an ounce oꝛ an ounce c A halfe / cõtoꝛteth and ſttẽgtheth the moder in women. ¶ woater ot mynte. Cap t. lxxii. M Enta in latyn. The beſt ty: me of his dyſtyllacyon is the herbe chopped and dyſtylled in the imyddeſt of the Maye A Theſam water is warme and dꝛyc / dyſloluin ge dygeuynge ¢ conſumynge / z con loꝛtynge the bigout of the ſomatze⸗ thꝛugh his well ſwellynge ver tue / in tze moꝛnyng and at ny gut dꝛõtze of the fame, at eche tyme an onnce & - à halfe / cawleth good dygeſtron B Theſame dꝛonke in the loꝛlayde me ſute / and the ſtomake enoynted out wardely ther with / and let Daye vy hymſelte / heleth them that can not bepe theyꝛ meat in the ſtomabe C The lame ved in the foꝛlayd manec is allo good agaynſt the ſtoppynge of the lxuet / the mylte / and ot the bays nes and conduxtes ot the vtyne D Thre tymes in a Daye dꝛonke of the fame water / at cche ty me an ounces ſtrẽgtheth the ſtomahe / and tawitth luſt and appetyt to cat meat fo it de fendeth the ſtomake from perbꝛatzyn ge G Diontze cfthe tame watet / and the mouthe often walt ed thers with / is good foz the ie of the mouthe 7 The fame water 1s very good agaynũ fayntnes and da ſyng named Simtopis / whan bꝛede of ba tly is wet in tie lame watet x vynegre / oꝛ in wyne / and that ſo hol den before the nole thrylles / than a body iball amende ot the fayntnes G Thtyle dꝛontze of the fame wa tet in a daye / at eche tyme an ounce, oꝛ an ounce a a halfe / and outwarde layd on the moder clẽſeth the moter in women H Thre tymes in a day Dronke of the fame / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe /a a clovote wet in the fame layd vrona womãs bꝛeſt cauleth the tõned ⁊ cõgeled myltze to be well a dyſſolued frome the tõnyn ge togydet J It is uae for be ; at nym / and other Dpficates, K Ok the lame watet droge in the mor nyng and at nyght / at eche tyne an ounce / or an ounce ⁊ a haite / is good ⁊gaynu the ſpoulworme in the body I. In the mornyng c at nyght / vcontze of the lame / at eche ty mn an ounce and a halle /heleth them that be tente bothe pong? a: olde 5 Inthe mornyng / at no ne and at nyght / dt ontze of theſame / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / myxted with thre oũces of good wůzy te wyne coforteth the colde ſtomase⸗ ſt Wat mech it agapne. ¶ uoatet of the herbe of popye. a Capitulum t. Ixxliii. a G \ 1 te Grape popye ledes/chopped and dyltylled ot bren 2 nedin the begynnynge of June B The ſame watet is god for there de ſpottys in the face / twyſe in a day the iace waſched therwith 2 The handes often waſſhed with the lame and let drye by hrm ſelle / cams {et whyte handes C Two ounces dꝛõse of the fame goyn ge to bedde and the temples and the betynge vaynes rubbed therwith⸗ tauleth wel to ſlepe and to bepe good reſt. DM The hede enoyn ted with the lame water twyle in a daye / and let dꝛye agayne by hrm ih fe / ſolteneth the payne in the hede. E The lame water ſlaketh all hete/clowtes wet in thelame and lapde ther vron thre tymes in a day The fame is good fo2 tijẽ that be bꝛenned of the forte, iu. ty mes in a day ciowtes wet thetin and lay de ther vpon. ¶ water ol L yntyldewe / o2 dickes meate. Cap.c.lxxv. Enticula aque vel lentigo in latyn · The beſt parte and ty me of his dyſtyllatyon is⸗ they (hall. dene be walſhed anda lytell dꝛxed agayne / and dyſtylled in June A In the moꝛnynge / at none / and at nyght / dꝛontze of thelame water / at eche tyme an ounte/helpetha pet ſon all wete he bꝛenned and inſlammed inwarde in 1 body / and y it be out warde / than {hall hempe tow be wet in the lame / and PAL il tps Me ELA en at nyght. ¶ Watet of t > Deine, en 0 be Ware we alle Baz Os Mail in latyn. The beſte ~ AD gte a tyme ofbis 116 45 che mone is enctellyng and all molt go in a fapꝛe clełe moꝛnynge / befoze the tylynge of the fonne / and that whan in the euenyng noꝛ in the nyght before it had not tayned/ than za we a great lynen clothe duet à pa j flute o2 felde whereas growe many flowzes/ and ure fat fro water y plates / and the nxer it be to the montaynes / the bettet it is. At Theſame is good whan a body hath an vnclene hede / a ſpottes in the face than thall it be waſſyed in the moz= nynge and at nyght with the lame watet / and let it dꝛye agarn by * ſelfe / than it wyll goo aw The lame water e Pi tam toſeam / wWhiche cometh from he e / oz frome hote blode / and from the pucty which becometh ſo hote in the ace / that therof become and appete rede {pottys in the face / Ipke as yl a body wert lepꝛouſe / in the moꝛnyng andat nyght wafihed with the lame ee let Daye agapne by hym EF b N the with the lame / withdzrueth the ſtoũ tes ok the faces and cadoletha tayze ⁊ clene face, (mant tp. Cap. c. lxxvi. tet that wꝛynge the dew oute of the the peſtylente r ten tyll ye haue ynowghol the ſame dewe / than ſttayne the deo thrughe a fayze lynen clomte / and put it in a glas and dyſtyll it per alembitum in balneo matie / after tyat let hym.· xxx. dapes in the fonne, a woster of mannis blode. S. u, nara | lr kerbiit Anguis hümanis in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme of his dyſtyllacion is the blode of a ind ot. xxx. yeres languyne ol complexxon warme and moyſty of uature ceioy. lunge of munde / fayze/tlene / and hol foine from all ſetzenes / whiche be let blode thꝛughe the moche tuperfinyte of blode bꝛenned oꝛ dyſtylled in the impddeit of the Maye / oz aboute the te Wape AJ Cheiame water is! agaynſt a conſumed membꝛe / the me bꝛe well and ſoze rubded ther with / thꝛe oꝛ foure tymes in a daye/thã co meth the mẽbꝛe n to his tyght n In the moꝛnynge andat night / thelaine water is good nay dꝛontze / at eche tyme an ounte for the Ptilicis and etiſis / and foꝛ the conſumynge ſebze neſſe of the lon: heleth all nd allo agaynſt the contin gues / and allo aga ge of 53 je conti > of the With 2S walſhed the lame wa and are catoleth the te oa C pater ame tobe cac hrt E eb in latyn. 40 As dyſtylled in this maner. Dyltrlled mannys toꝛde in an Alem byte / and take hede that ther come no water iu i / and that he be a lytel dꝛxe / Whan ye dyſtylle it and take he de fo2z his ſmellynge / and dyſtylle them ſecondarely in a newe glaſſe in baineo marie / in lytze wyſe do with the blode. 1 The lame mater is coftiver than golde to many maner ol dyſſeaſes / and [pecyally fez the bꝛẽ nynge / Pia bodye were bꝛenned / he ſhall be enoynted with the lame wa ter in the ineznpng and at npght / e pach be bole B The lame wa⸗ it in the iyen / withdzyueth the D lobe of the ixẽ / and bꝛetzeth the lan ne of the iyen and putteth awaxe the ſpottis ofthe iyen. It is alſo good fo3 many dyſſea les of the body / and loz anden bee derne he bꝛenned wyne C Euery day tub bed and waſſhed the balde place. tle atrnupnge ca the 0 D tae wate Fg fears 5 ani the Dpfeale named coated wil che lame water and af tet the wall there (hall be lite n this maner ye may proue yt theſame was tet be good rid ryght wel dyſtylled Mate an yꝛon glowynge hote and putte it in the lame and flabe it with the lame / it wyll become as harde as any ſtele / But pf the water be nat tyght well dyſtylled than ed oar hall not become sid nape? than it was before, ’ Pe ee ß ß „ ee ee ae eee The ſame water rubbed on the tem? ples of the hede wuhdꝛyueth all fear full and hortyble dreames G body that hath a teed late lybe as x were lepꝛouſe / Hall wate his ace with the fame water / than it {pall become fayze and whyte Set the lane wa tet in any place i in the lonne / and ther oute (hall gtowe woꝛmes. And toban the wozmes be Great than tas ke them out of the feces / and put the in a imal croked glas /ot inan other {inal dyſtxliyng gias/ and d a it pet Aleinbicun / with theſame wa tet waſſhe pour face clene and fapre and well dyſpoled of colour vt cata inuentum cit / & veritati conſonum but the face muſt be fyett wallhed well with comon watens 3 Tabe water of mannys tot. Walter lyze moche / et pga them to gyder vpon the feces ol the ny blode / and bt en e Thelame water is fer thein that is fallen of rs at 1 not ipetze / than (hall ye put them to gydet pron the Kagel Ey ipteil of tbeſame Water vpon his tos gue / and the temples of the hede tub . therwith than be {hal betome ho le. ¶ In the fame water put a glo· wyng tole in a glas and leſt a wyn de hole as great as a ſttawe Pree . the cole abrdeth gluwynge tote as longe as there is any water in the glaſſe. ¶ Cotton wet in the la me wa 8 and let dare by hym ſelte / and do it thee tymes / whan the totton is che bole in fye fone and become war mein the ſonne/ than che totton bofo meth brennynge and kyndeleth of the hete ol the lonne / And whan ye wyll dyltylle thole tyre for layd was ters / than take hede of — 7 unel⸗ lynge and ltynkynge bycawle it dhl de do vou great harme. Cuoatreotsoestroree, 8 Caruulun c. lxxx. SOUR * oe en nis ea ta latin. The beſt parte of his dy ſtyllatyon is /onely the tote chopped. and wann ende 4 25 Map and not d Diohke in the mot nynge and at nygbt at eche tyme an onnte ot an ounec and a halle is beg ty good agaynſt the dre pid named Strangut ia The fame water is good — plyeth the ſperma and moueth and ptouotzeth the wor tze ol venus ot le chery, Millia — av Q LEAN Abdi Genecis e oꝛ Copied putei/oꝛ latyn / The beſt parte and tyme 1 is / che herbe with all —— 7 the myd · n eg ae 3 5 water is good agaynſte n a in the maner aforlapde in the foꝛ ade nance Dror of the ame watet is very good foꝛ thé that haue to moche o the playenge of vemus / or the worke of gencracyo e ws: dyſtroze. Capituuun F. ici A, capillus poꝛeinus in of} tae * ves He beſt parte and time of his dyſtyllacyõ is/ onely the flou tes whan they be well rppe dyſtyl⸗ led. J The lame watec is geo” . foz the impoſtumynge of the iyxen / the euenpnge put an howze before nyght in thezand rounde about ther with enoynted. viu. oz. r. Bayes cons tiuyng ones ĩ a daye. It is allogood vled fo2 all dyſſea es of the wen at | Cater of cand bore Ca. c. lxxxii. bis Or ry igus wl % eat . wwpll dpitylic oly te herbe / tal be dyſtplled in ende of the May / an ee ales 8. 4 Gort e atk a ga f watet is 1017 good agaynſt unpeti · gines / euety daye therwith tubbed and lette dꝛxe agayne by them {elfe/ ſpecpally whan cher is putte to Sal gemme / or comon {it with a iptell vynegte. ¶ watet of moh leare, Ca.c.lxxriii: — 128 yloeſe lla bel auticula nuitis ĩ latyn the vet parte and tyne of his dyſtyllacron is / tie leues and Haikes with all his ſubſtaunte bꝛen ned and dyũ ylled in the ende of may . 4 In the moꝛnynge andat nyght dꝛonke of theſame wa: tet / at ecge tyme an ounce oꝛ AN oun te and a halfe / is good againſt conlu mnge of the body B Tine tymes in a dare dꝛontze luke warme of the lame water / is good d gaynſt the paine inthe bely and bo i mee eche tyme 75 eunce and a Dꝛonbe of the fame watet in the foꝛ ſayd maner is good agaynſt the gou te in the bowelles. D 1 In the moꝛnynge and at nyght⸗ dꝛontze of the lame water / at eche ty me an ote and a halte /and the hede wete with the ſame water / ⁊ let dips agayne by them lelle / is very good ugaynſte the dalynge in the hede. E In the moꝛnynge / at none / and at u ght dꝛontze orthe ſame water / at eche ty me an ounte/oꝛ an ounce and a hal · le is very good for them that lpyttyth blode / foꝛ it 5 them. Twyſle oꝛ thꝛyſe in a daye the face waſſted with the fame watet / and lette drye agapne by them lelfe / is good agayn ſte the ſpottys in che face, 8 hꝛe og T foure tines dꝛontze of the ſame wa · tet lutze warme in a daye / at eche ts modet dooth tonne vpwarde to the harte / aud for them alſo that haue ſhernbynge aboute the nauxil. n the moꝛnyng faſtyng drenke of the fame at che tyme two oũces / two or thre dayes contynuyng / aylleth the pout v oʒme in the tody J In the meg nyng e at nyght dꝛontze ol the fame at eche tyme an ounce and a halle ii. 02 thꝛe wetzes contynuynge / is good agaynſt ſwellynge & The lame water is good agaynſt the patalius whan it with a cloute is wet therĩ ⁊ layde theton / than it ealeth the ſtyt ches. it is allo good foz the euyll hete tlowtes wet in the ſame water and layde ther vyon. * An ounce and a halſe dꝛon ke ol the ame water twyſe in a day is good tor the euyll dye hote lee ms in the bony lo; it iareth the bos Ve ¶ Water of flyes. Cap. c. lxxxv. M Uſaea in latyn. The fame voa ter thali be dyltylled ot the co mon fives / and it wyll become loi; what blewe a The la · me water put in the cuenyng an hou te before nyght in the wen withdꝛy ueth all ſpottys and ſtzynne from the nen / contynuynge thre or foure wea tzes at euety nyght. Che fame water cawſeth to growe fapre and longe heres, whan tie he tes be wet with the fame euery daye two ot thre tymes / thre or feure we kes contynuynge. And it (hall be dyſ ¶ Watet of molberyes. Ca t. lxxcbi. 99 Da seat in latyn The bel patte and tyme of his dyſtyl⸗ lacyon is / whan the betxes be fully type / and nat nye ws ah falipnge tylled in this maner / dꝛawe a clothe downe. ollet à panne or a bacyn / ot ouet an other holow dyſſhe ot erthe⸗ and lape the fives tna finall bagge vpon the clothe’ and than take an o ; thee batyn with kyre / and fet it vpon the bagge with the flyes / and than tonneth the water thrughe the bag: ge and clothe in the panne or batyn⸗ Bytauſe yt ye ſholde dyſtylle it in an helmet it (holde ſtyntze lo fore / that the helmet ſholde be dyſtrored / and nothynge worth / And in this mae net is deſtroꝛed but an erthe panne Thre ort foure tymes in a daye dꝛon ke of the ſame watet / at eche time an ounce and a halfe / and oftẽ goꝛgwo⸗ led withdryueth the impollumynge of the — named Squnanaa In the moznpna/at edi tine nyght / dꝛontze of the la me waͤtet / at eche tyme two ounces {pr oꝛ ſeuen dayes contynuyng with dꝛyueth the impoctumyng in the bꝛe ſte and in the bodye In the for ſayd manee dtonte ok the fame water / is good for them that be fallen / and haue congeled blode in the body for it withdꝛyueth abaya cawſeth to departe frome them In the fame loꝛ ſayde maner dꝛontze ol theſame watet is good againt the cowogh / and cawleth a large bꝛeſt The ſame ſofteneth the lenewes / often rubbed ther with and let dꝛye agayne vy hym elfe Vater dyſtyiled of the vnty pe molberres / is good fo the wens whan the tye be enoynted therwith koũde about 6 The water of the vnt ype mol beries is one of the hyncipalleſt ſoꝛ the ſpene in the thre te named Uuala / ſpecyally wan it is goꝛgwoled twyle oꝛ thꝛyſe in a daye / e dꝛontze at eche tyme an ofice anda halle / ſoz it tatzeth aware all ſcabbes / ſoꝛenes / and hete of the thꝛo te / as J often haue pꝛoued 5 In the moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛon be of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe oꝛ two ounces’ and nx ted in the dꝛyntze is good loꝛ impoltu mes ol the lyuet. 18991 ¶ water ol betes. Capi c. lxxxbii⸗ Dar vel bleta in latyn. The ‘ beſt tyme of his dyſtyllacyon is / the hetbe and tote chopped to gy⸗ det and dyſtylled in the ende of the Baye J In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛontze of the lame watet⸗ at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynſt the hote paynes in the hede /and a lynen tlobote bet in the D ſame ⁊ bounde to the foꝛe hede / a on B the temples of the hede Dꝛonze of the fame water in the foꝛ ſayde maner / withdꝛyueth the hoꝛſle nes in the thtote. C 5 In the moꝛnynge faſtynge ſnulled vpwarde in the nole often of the fas me watet / pulleth out ofthe hede teu ma and the flode ofthe hede. woatet of Rattanus Ca c ixtrbii, Alfanus maioꝛ in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme of his dps ſtyllacyon is /the rote onely chopped bꝛenned oz dyſtylled in Jule whan the fonne is in Leone and the mos ne in Atiete / than is his woꝛkynge merunrlousloutdrrur abr the luper 5 N. i. @chefaine water is good agapnſt the browne blapnes /in the mornynge t at nyght cloates wet therin and lay de ther vpon. B Che lame water is good agaynſt the tante / in the mornynge a at nyght the walſbed ther with / and clowtes wet in the lame layd thet vpon C Che fame water vied in the kor ſayde manet is good agapnit we. lyſtule D Thelame watet is good agaynſt lores/whiche cawleth great utchynge and be not open / as inwetigines tuple wallhed with ſame in a dape. E Che la me is good for ſotes catofpng ytche and teares / as megeta twyle wallhed with the ſame in a daye and wrapped in a cloute wet thetin In the mornynge a at nyght Bronke or the lame / at eche tyme an dunte ot AN oũce and a halfe is good 3 the gowte in the guttes G Whan a bodye hath venym ot other vnclene meat in the ſtoma⸗ than he ſhal be hole . be had it eaten and ſame in the . 5 — at nyght / tire or foure wekes contynuynge / at eche ty ine fot an olde pꝛrſone two ounces fora ronge perſone an ounce / lor a chylde halt an ounce / is good for the Ss oAnoaase Mg 252 e in * ma: 5 E * 1 In the fe . r dronze ol the h; wel to pyſſe/and ene sass W g Capuulum. In the moꝛnynge and at robe bus, ze ol the ſame / at eche tyme an ounce t u halfe /clenſeth the back & is good koꝛ the cowgh. L Di ontze in the fozfayd maner of thelame / is good for the impoſtumes on the lyuer / x cõloʒ teth the lyuer M Ok thelame wa tet put in the eares withdryueth the impoſtumynge otthe eates 2} In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ ke ol the lame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / — the ſtop· pynge ofthe lyuer la Di the the me water kannt taltedand made lutze warme / all mooſt two ounces tes dzontze faſtynge / and halſe an bowꝛe altet that / ve (hall tate a feds det wet in orle and put in the 4 — tuuſeth to avor de the olde colde ſtouts / and the watery Coleta 4 of cometh the tettiana 4 quattana kebꝛis the 8 theſame water with dꝛyuethaway 39 In the moꝛnyn ge and at dt dꝛontze of the kame: at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe / is ~~ a gaynſte dyflury and ſttangus Q Too ounces dꝛontze of Febe faine faſtynge / purgeth the pil ſtomatze / and withdꝛyneth all euxll out of the ftomake and the bodye n The fame water withdꝛrueth the wolfe in the legges whan it 1s wallhed therwith and clowtes wet in thelaine and layd ther vpon. ¶ water of Melander woꝛmes. ote lxxxit. 7 ͤ MPU ð ᷣ ge Pe se Seer T He belt parte and tyme or ſealon of thepr dyſtyllacrõ is Chey hall be gadeted in the Dave befote the fone ryſynge. 1 = The fame water is good agaynſt the toſſome in the late / twy fe ot thtyle in a day the face waſſhed thet with Custer ol Stomell Ca. c. xt. Flium ſolis. vel @rana folis W bel Cauda poreima in latyn. tpllacyon is / the leues ſtroped frome the ſtaltzes / and dyſtylled in the ende 8 x ronke of the fame wa tet 5 — an ounce anda halfe. viii. or.. dayes tontinuvng. is good the grauell. for the ſtone / a agaynſt the Slr a ey 1 oʒ add tonge. Ca c. Ici. Erpentina vel biſtorta in la⸗ tyn / The tote of theiame is ot rede colout. and croked lyke a ſnatze ot a ferpent The belt part and ty me of his diſtyllatyon / is the tote chop: ped and ſtãped/and diſtxlled betwe⸗ ne bothe the ſaynt mary Dares 4 An ounce olf the ſame wa tet dro tze in the mornynge faſtinge is 5 agaynſt the ente. g woundes often walſhed with theſame / and lyren cio thes wet in theſame and put depe in them and in the mornynge andat nyght drontze ofthelame at eche tyme an ounce ann,, RB In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ be of the lame water at eche tyme an dounce.vi.or.viu.dayes contynuyng is good agaynſt the coogh E Dronke in the tor lapd mance of the ſame water withdꝛyueth the 8 ou mouts oute oł the bꝛeſte F ounces dꝛõae of the ſameis 5051 them that pyſſeth with payne G hom the fete be full of froſt o2 ben krolen / he ſhall waſlhe his ſete with the lame pater in the moꝛnyng and at nyght / and he hall be hole © Nova a body is ſtynged / ol an Adder than {ball the wounde be waſlhed thet with t clouts wet layd ther vpõ Cotton wet in the ſame water d put in the nole holes is good againſt Polippus⸗ oe is ſtynbynge kleſſhe in the noie The faine water is good apa the cantzre which vice reth nat / and that ſame is an pil apo ſtumyng growyng on the back with many hales / and at lait becometh al one hole / with this water twyle oꝛ thryle in a day / and a iynẽ claute wet thetin layd ther vron — it becometh hole L Thelame vo . them that be es ten / caſt / fallen / or ſtycked / and that he bledeth / oꝛ had blede inwat de / or that he haue congeled or tonne blo⸗ de vndet the ſaynne/than ſal be ta ben a pounde Of theſame water / hem pe ſede ſtamped two oũces acherucil thrugh ike the mpi n of it / gp drynze ta the patent / in the mot npnge at none andat mabt at sche tome an ice i n hall mptved wid a quattet of an ounce of ſugre. cas of Nepte oz tattes mis tes apitulum c. At. Epita vel mẽta nõ odotifeta in latyn. The beſt tune of his dyſtyllacron is/the leues Groped fre me the falkes / r dyſtylled in ee de ok zune 1 Two ounces ke of thelame cawſeth one to ae B In the moznynge / at none / and at nyght dꝛontze of the fame, at eche tyme an etice and a halſe / pꝛouobeth the flottes in women. C Ofthe lame dꝛontze myxced with wyne / at none and at nyght / is good agarnſt the vll luſt that cometh ol the melas colre D In the moꝛnynge at no ne andat nyght / dꝛonke of the ſame at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is Good foꝛ them that haue payn in the — comyng from bere oꝛ from col Q E The lame water is Gosd ioꝛ the acces wha a body is rubbed ther with oꝛ the arces be comynge F It is good whan a bodye is ynged ofa woꝛme/ones in a day dꝛontze of the lame water an ounce and a halfe and clowtes wet therin layde there vpon Thelame watet withdꝛy ueth all benny loꝛ al that yt a body had it tatzen a hole Bape and nyght / he ſhal dꝛynke of thelame in the moꝛ nyng faſtyng/ at eche tyme an ounce t a halfe.x.dayes In the ma: ner foꝛſavd dꝛonke of the fame wa · ter is good agaynſt the patalilis J Thelame ved as aloꝛc is ſaiꝭ / with dꝛvueth the arces and the fourth day — tomynge ol melancolye & Eucty moꝛnynge a at nyght dꝛontze ol the lame at eche time an oũce and a halle is good agaynſt lemp 1. Che fame is good foz women which haue ſpottys in the fate / abydyng of let dꝛye agayne by them ſelfe M The lame twyſe in a Daye put in cares kylleth the woꝛmes in the cas res N Thelame bvylleth the woꝛ mes without ſcathe / twoyſe in a — C the moꝛnynge and at nyght drontze of thefame at eche tyme an dũce and a halfe war meth the colde taynes Put thelame water in the ven an howꝛe beloꝛe nyght / ſtrengtheth the lyght R In the moꝛnynge x at nyght deonke of the ſame / at eche tyme an ounce ea halte ſtrengtheti the ſtomatze / and the membꝛes belõ⸗ gyng to the ſtomaze D Dꝛontze of the ſame in the loꝛſayd mance / is good agaynſt the febꝛes on the thyꝛ· de day T In the foꝛſayd maner is good to be Dzonke of the lame foz the dyſſeales in the lyuer U In the mornynge and at nyght dꝛontze of the fame water / at eche tyme an ounte and a halfe / is good agayniie a dyſſealed longue / with cloutes wet ther in and layd ther vpon out ward x fame water caweeth a body to be fayꝛe of the fate /twyſe in a day it enoyntedand tubbed with the ſa · me watet ᷑ let dꝛye agayne by bpm dap d. on * pie in a day doi be of the fame water at eche tyme an ounce and a balfe is good fez the that ple haue papne in the lxüet. ftroped frome the falkes it dyſtylled The lame is good agaynſte the bynder parte ofthe necke / dowtes wet in the ſame and layd on the nec tze / in the moꝛnynge at none and at enoyn with / and let it dꝛye — — by bee (clfe C Clowotes wet in the water en layd vpon the es pataliſis / m the moꝛnynge / at none and at nyght / two o2 thee dayes con tynuynge ceaſeththe payne D Wed in the foꝛſayde ma ner is good gi the ſoꝛe named the lboyne Theſame water coleth and las a all pil hete and loꝛes / It with dꝛyueth alſo all hete of the bodye / in · warde and outwar de / danke of the fame in the foꝛſayd maner and clou tes wet therm / and thte oꝛ feute ty mes ar theron betwene Dare and It is alſo Good agaynſt 1 hapne in the eates / twyle oꝛ thꝛyle in a daye clowtes wet therin a layd theron G It is pꝛyncipally good foz the hote impoſtumes / cloutes wet ther in a layd ther bpon H It is allo good agaynſte the payne in the bzeſt / clevotes wet therin / and luke warme layd vpon the bꝛeſt The lame is good agaynſt the payne in the hyppes / clowtes wet thetin &. layd ther vpon in the moznynge / at none and at nyght K It is good for the throte / in the moꝛnyng eat nyght gorguled ther with / and clow tes wet therin layd ther vpõ / helcth the throte L The fame water is Good agaynſte all hote ſwellynges / Dꝛonde of the ſame / in the moꝛnyng at none / and at nyght / at e he tyme an ounce and a halte / and clowtes n et ther in layde ther vpon / Aabeth the hete and ſwellynge M The fame water coleth and ſlatzeth the he thet e ol the lyuer very wel / whan clow tes oꝛ hempe tow is wet therin and lapde theton / in the moꝛnynge at no ne and at nyght Itisal⸗ fo good for them that be tent / dow: tes wet therin and laid theron, twy le oꝛ thtyſe in a dare O Thre ty mes in a day drontze of the lame / at eche time an oũte is good for thé that do ſtett by nxght ĩ tgeyt ſiepe it doth not butt not hynder 30 mor nyng e at night drontze of of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce ⁊ a halfe Lut Bayes tõtinuyng is good fo2z the ſtone Q A body whiche can not lwete tal dꝛyntze ofthe fame water t of watet of wormwode / of eche ly tze / mixced togyder almooſt thee oun tes / tha he thall lwete M Wha 2 the breſtes of wont be lwollen / thã cloutes wet in the fame layd warme ther bpd, ii ot thre Daves cõtinuyng zitfhallamcnde S Thelame is good tepercuſſiuum / for it withdꝛy⸗ ueth all hote inaters ⁊ flodes whiche ſholde become to an impoſtume / clou tes wet ther in / and layd cher vpon twyſe in a daye. ¶ Watet ol grene walnüttes Capitulum c. xtuii. good agaynſte the peſtylence Clowtes wet in the ſame wa tet and layde vpon the blacke blay⸗ nes / or vpon anttax / wher euet they be on the body / withdtyueth the hett and the eatynge tounde about / it fof teneth the payne and heleth them. ose of the grene ſhales of wal Cap.c.creb. Itidis copter nutis exterior 1)>2 Vr blualis 9 aoa in latin. The ee parte and tyme of brs dyſtyl . lacyon is/about fapnt Johñ baptyſt war de ſhelles of the walnuttes / but day / lo grene ſtamped it dyſtylled yr they be blacke it is no hatme / as B The lame watet is good fot a farce as they be not tottynge / and woũded pect wt ot thryſe dꝛõ fo brenned and — gg in thetyats e in a day or tyeſame / whã a woũde moneth of the hetueſt is inflamed / and cloutes wet thetin layd thet vpon it helpeth vety well B Two or thre tymes in a daye drontze of the fame / at eche tyme an ounte /oꝛ an ounce and a halle / is ve ry good agaynſt all hete / and clow tes wet in the lame and layd ther on It is alſo good for the blactze blay⸗ nes / and for the blaynes named an ttax / and they be the blaynes of the peſtylence / lynen clowtes oz towe wet in thelame water and lapd ther vpon / two or thre tymes in a dare C Dronbe ofthe ſame water two oũces ot two ounces and a halfe/ is 1 Dronke of the fame watet with the thyrde parte of vynegte is princi pally good for them whonꝛe the hete tometh on / and had let biode before the. xxuu. howires / cepertumel vert tati conſinum eile /is trewe be foun de agaynſt the peftilence B ro fame watet is good agaynſt the pynge and lyngynge in the oom And a body w {pall be clenſeth with a lytell (pone the eares / and put at eche tyme ther in of the fame water than he beco· ¶ water of Halnut leues. Capitulum c. xcbi. N e e latin. The beſt parte and tyme of his dyayl⸗ lacpon isthe leues ſtroped froin the fꝛyſt bꝛaunches of the nut tree / chop an oe whee in the ende of the 18a pꝛyn s and ho thrugh the le vnne for it cawleth ſe ynne grow theton / in the mornyn ge and at nyght waffoed there — wet therin lard r clowtes ¶ watt of totes ol nettelles bereth nat / them Capitulun A dices Uttice in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme of theyte dyſtyllacron is / the totes gadered of the great nettelles in the ende ol 8 dayes / clene waſſhed z dyltylled A Pll ag! the mornynge é at nyght dronbe of the fame water’ 9 rade ounce or an ounce & a halle / is good agaynſt the olde cols Ane in the bel / and it cau B In the for ie OE —— Dronke of the ſame wa es good agaynſt * olde cowgh d withdryueth it The fame water dtonke in the 5 manet bretzeth the ome of the logues, E In the mornynge i at nyght dꝛontze of the lame / at echt tunc an ounte and a halle pr tom teste te Earn raller. The lame heleth the benymous dyſſeales of the cantzte / twyſe in a da t waſlhed tlet with / and clowtes wet ther in and layd thet vp on G It heleth alſo the fyſtule walſhed thetwith and cloutes wet thetin lay de ther vpon 9 The lame water beleth the podagta and the impoſtu: mes / clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon ] Theſame water he lleth Polipiũ nalts, that is faule Ryn bynge fleſſhe growynge in the nole / in the moꝛnynge and at npght wal ſhed thetwith K Clowtes wet in the fame water and larde vpon the fore hede ſtoppeth the bledynge at the noſe L In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõke ol the fame water at eche tyme an ounte za halfe is good for the moder in womẽ GP Two ounces Dponke of the lame water in the moꝛnynge faſtynge / cawleth fale kynge in the bely N In the woz nynge and at nxght dꝛonke of the fa me water / at eche tyme an ounce/oʒ An ounte and a halfe / is good agayn ſte the nee of the longues / a helpeth the bꝛeſt O In the mor nynge and 1 rie dꝛonbze of the 5 mor nyn at eche tyme halſe an oũte ae eth the payne in the fomake 24 1 at eche tyme an ounce 4a halfe pro: uokt ti the flowres in women,. gas — 1 ¶ Watte of nettel ſedes Ca c. vil. me vrtice in latin. The bet tyme ol his l is / in Auguſt 1 The lame cauleth the handes to be whyte / in the mornyng andat nyght oftẽ walked therwuh and let drye agapne by hym ſelle. ¶ Water of netteles ca c xcix. ox Ktita in latyn. The beſt ty= ine of his dyſtyllacyõ is The netles / the leues and flowtes 25 from the ſtalkes / a dyſtylled about the peck tare offaynt Mar gatete 1 In the motnynge / at none and at nygbt / Bronke of the ſa me at ette tyme an oũce and a halſe is good agaynſt the gowte in tte gut tes B It dronze in the kor layde manet is good againſt tte ſbtynbyn ge in tte bely. C In the fottayde maner broke of the ſame is c ood for the betmoder whan ſhe puſſheth vp warde D Anounce and a baife drontze of the fame watet in the mor nynge faſtynge / and at nygh: goyn ge to bedde / withdryueth the {tone at the diffeates of the raynes comyng of colde E An ounce ofthclame wa ter dtontze faltynge is good 115 the wormes in the beiy F. ne and at e is good agaynſt the tolde cowgh. — ® In the mance alſozſap de dal we of lame is good for them that haue a be uy bꝛethe d is taynte of colde In the forlayd manet dꝛonte oi the lainc / is good foꝛ a colde longue J The lame is good dꝛõtze in the fox la de manet for tyſynge vp and sis wynge in the bely ſame water is good foꝛ great depe vnclene wou des and unpoſtumes / in the moꝛnynge and at nyght wal: ſhed ther with / and clowtes wette thecin and lard ther vpon L The lame water is good ſoꝛ them that haue ĩpoſtuming which floweth and tonneth / in the monynge and at nyght ther with wallhed / and clo: thes wet in the lame and ſoinwhat wWꝛonge oute agayne / ee ther vpon Water waſſhe the dogges byte and clowtes wet and a lytell wronge out a layde ther vpõ tauleth them to hel · eee ok rede neteles is very hollo⸗ 308 in the ¶ Water ol ſmet woꝛt thet with waſſhed in karlapde ame & The res ( Watet ok Culraſpe / oꝛ tren tõſat Capitulum at, Ufragia in latyn. The beſt ti me of his dyſtyllacyo is / the le ues ſtalkes a floures with all his lub ſtaũte dyſtylled whan it bereth flow A Thelame water put in the iyen / and enopntcd rounde about the iyen / clereth and clẽſeth the lyght B It died in the lame ma net daun en the wo of the ven whe ſame was ter is bety ge bycawſe it confor teth / and ſtrengtetn / and heleth the ſyght / and is a tepetculliuum ef the fame dyſſeaſes / & pꝛyncypally in the olde flegmatytze copicryons/an how te before nyght put in the ipen/ and enoynted ther vpõ and at ecge tyme dꝛontze an eunte and a halfe. C à.ct.i. Aa Uiſtologia longa in latyn. Tie veſt parte and tyme of his byltyllacyon is/thelenesthe roe te/and the ttalue chopped to gpder & dyſtylled in the ende of the Daye, Che lame water heleth the pace de oła man / in the moꝛnyng andat nyght therwith waſſihed B The ſame water withdꝛiuelh the crampe with the podagra the membzes ther with waſſhed and let Deve agayn by them ſelte C It is good foꝛ yll leg ges / waſſhed with the ſame water d clothes wet ther in and layde on the legges / it cawſeth them to dye D In the moznynge and at nyght dꝛõ ke ofthe lame water / at eche time an ounce and a halfe / ceaſeth the payne in the bely E In the foꝛſayde ma net Boke ot the lame water / is good agaynſt tye tallynge ſezenes. f Dꝛontze ol the lame water in the manet afoꝛe ſayde and clowtes wet thetin and layd vpon the lyde with dꝛyueth the ſtytches in the lyde G_ In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ ze ol the lame watet / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / tabeth awaye the lwellynge and gretnes of the zie The water is good for the olde flowynge lad thet vpõ 1 Thre ſponcs ful dꝛontze of the lame in the moꝛnynge and at night amendeth Reume / that is the murre ⁊ flode in the hede. M It is allo good dꝛontze in the maner pst pie sie sap natowe on ae neye moznynge € at nyght Dronke of the lame / at ethe tyme an ounce o2 an ounce and a hal fe / thꝛe o2 foute dayes contʒ nuynge putytyeth the woman after the byꝛth of a chylde In the mop ning and at npght Dobe ol the ſame at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe he leth the dyſſeales of the mylte 3 It dꝛöte in the foꝛ ſayd maner. x. oꝛ⸗ ru ares 1 Nga Tye dꝛrueth the arces oꝛ febꝛes Thelame wat heleth the (mall holes / the lytell blap nes / and ſcabbes on the womans {ce crete mẽbꝛes oftẽ walſhed thet with and clowtes wette therin and layde ther vpon. ¶ watet of Sage Cap . ct.ii. — S Zluiainlatpn. The beſt par te and tyme ot his dyſtillaciõ is / the leues of the noble {age ſtroped frome the ſtaltzes / ane ſhe bereth flo woes / and dyſtylled 4 Che lame water dꝛontze in the moꝛ nynge and at nyght/ at eche tyme, ounces / and the wyne mprced ther With / is foz them et haue a colde ly uct, The membꝛes bübden with thefame water and let dꝛye agayne by hym ſelle / and oltẽ dꝛonbe / s good agayn palſep. The lame water dꝛontze in the moz nynge and at nyght/at eche tyme. u. dunces / oz two ountes and a halte / is good agaynſt the crampe/ whã the nee be rubbed ther with. It vled in the ma net aloꝛſayd / is herp good agaynſte the colde pataliſi bat E The fame watet is good for the llepynge membꝛes / often the mẽ ni tubbed ther with / and dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge and at nyght of the Fa seeing tyme an ounce c In the moꝛnynge / oꝛ rai nyght dꝛon ke of the lame Water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / or two ounces forty dayes contynuynge / is good Perun the fallynge lebenes. In the mor nynge and at feats dronke of the lame water / at eche tyme an ounce anda halfe/is be M4 es agaynſte the daſynge in the Capitulum — B Uglolla vel lingua bouis in latyn / & is of many manets Is bugloſle with one ſtalbe and put ple coloured flowres / and is called of many perfons ſhepes tongue / and it is nat ttewe / for that is named in latyn lingua agm /ot lingua at ietis and groweth on har de ſtony waxyes and it is very comon / And there is an herbe called (mall orce tongue ck groweth on the gardyns and on o⸗ ther laboured feldes with many fina le flowres and his ſtaltze groweth ſel dome aboue a cubyte of hyght. Thee te is yet an other bugloſſa and with t braunches with tughe leues & with ble we flowres lytze borage. The fee me Bugloſſa is with rede flowres 4 Whettore {he is called of many pats fones boꝛage / and in latyn bugloffa ſilueſtris oꝛ agteſtis / in ſome places and ſomtymes they haue rede rotes. Che belt parte and tyme oftheyꝛ Dp: ſtyllacyon is / the Buglolla with the cughe leues & ble we flowtes oz rede flouts / the tote /the herbe / the ſteles and the flowres chopped togyder, a dyſtylled in the begynnyng of Fue ne / whan ſhe hath ouet moche flow; tes. After that the {mall bugloſſa is the beſt / and alter that the fyꝛſt Bue gloffa, And they ſhall all the be dyl tylled in the fo ſayd manet JB In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛõ ke of the lame mater at eche tyme an onuce and a halfe / 02 two ounces is good agaynſt the mucre in the hede B The ſame water dꝛonke in. theloꝛſayd manet cõfoꝛteth the bꝛay nes whiche ben greued with the bꝛẽ nynge colera / and moyſtout . Thee fore it is good foz them that be out of cheyt wyttes and muſt be bonde / c theſame agaynſt the madnes Mania / foꝛ the lame water is takynge away the me lantolye / whan it is dꝛontze in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / at echt ty me an ounce and a halfe/and the dꝛĩ nes ke ther withmyrced. In lytze wyſe J imp (cl& haue lene in the town of Co uelence in Almapne a lcole mayſtet which had ſudyed (o moche / that he had loſt his wyttes and muſt be bon de. Than came there an onletned Empyricus and dyde gyue hym to dꝛyntze of the ſame water / and chop bed the herbe for his meate / and the herbe ſtamped he dyde laye vnto his beds plaſtetwyſe thee oꝛ oute we · kes contynuynge / wher with he beta me fully hole /and well amended, & gat his wittes agayne / and he ſtu: Dyed moche moze than he dyde belo⸗ te C Dꝛòtze twyſe oꝛ thryſe in a davol theſame / at eche tyme an oũce and a balfe oz two ounces / is good foz the menſtruum in women D In the moꝛnyng at none & at nyght broke at eche tyme an ounce anda halte and his wyne mixced thetwith cawſeth good vndetſtandynge and memoꝛye E The lame water dꝛõ tze in the foꝛſayde manet / ſtrengteth and teioyſeth the hatte very well / It is alſo good agaynſt the betynge tremblynge / wos / and fapntnes / of the hatte. It is fapde allo pfa great company wete ſyttynge at dynet oꝛ foupper / and were lpꝛyntzeled with the lame watet / it ſyolde caule them all to be mety F In the mornyn ge at none and at nyght / dꝛonke of watet at eche tyme an oun ce and a halle. xii.oꝛ.xiiii.dayes cõty⸗ nuynge / is good {og the yelowe Jan dis. G It dronke in the fockipde mance withdꝛyueth all euyll moyſte frome the longues. 8 The fant water is metuaylouſſiy good to be dꝛontze a the dꝛynke myrced ther with / againſt the payne and ſtytches good agaynſt the tremblynge of the hatte Kk Dꝛonte two ounces fal tynge of theſaue water with the mo ſte beſt wyne that tan be gottẽ ſtrẽg theth all the membꝛes. L no Dronke of the lame water in the for ſayd mance and the mouth therwith n waſſhed / is good agaynſte the {tpn kynge of the mouth M Tote a daye dronzz of thelame water at eche ˖ an ownte and a halfe/ is good agaynſt ali manet of ſcabbes and le pope? for it clenleth the blode. ( watet of ctabbes, Ca. ct, lil. oS) Ala maciang in latyn / The beſt part and tyme ol his de te is / in ib ende of the fecdde | of hatuelt / ſtamped and d tylled 4 In the mornynge faſtynge / at none and at nyght dtõ pei * 1 — à halfe / is vet y good agay 8 petimus, hetame betbe Ditpled aboute laynt Johñ baptyſte daye at mydlomer is good agaynſte the rede lates / whan they be enoynted with the fa F by thẽ (water of apples 8 watet of E Duontke in the korlaydẽ ma ex ol thelame watet / is good nts le the 5 — for it dente the blad der and the rapnes, Ca cc .b 1 3 beſt pas te ol yſtyllacion is /the apples opel a tede and the te deſt be the beſt. n the Theſame water is good agarnt the moꝛnynge / at none / and at nygbt⸗ dꝛöke of the lame water ſtopretů the laltze with his ſtyptycite D They le ma daye — the lame wa · ter / at eche tyme an ounce anda hal fe / oz thre ounces / thꝛe oꝛ foure Das yes cantynuynge / melteth the fone colde brennyng / and for a tore catin ge rounde aboute / and fallynge out with peces / oꝛ in what manet it is⸗ waſſted with the fame water and clomtes wet ther in and layde there vpon in the motnynge and at night on it is hole B Thelame is good oz blac’ e blaynes /a agaynſte In? trax in the peſtilẽtce /a ſmall l ole pape zedttetin / and tlowtes wet alio in the fame ⁊ layd ther vpon.ui.oꝛ.iui. cunes in a day / it ſlatzeth/coleth / and Defedyth fro the catyng roũde about t withdꝛyueth the payne 2 the ſtyn · kynge C vye map allo bꝛenne w tet of tame apples whiche be nat res de / a they ſhall be bꝛenned vba they be fully type / but oꝛ they become lof: te ⁊ oꝛ they fall of. The ſame water contoꝛteth and coleth the bodye and the harte naturally, water of flowtes of apples Capitulum ct. bt. Loꝛts pomoꝛũ in latyn. The beſt flowꝛes be ol the tede ap pies afozlayd / whan the botthes bee gynne 55 bloſſome and to go open Than thall be layd a layꝛe ipnéctou te vndernethe the appell tree & bete vpõ the biaunches of the tte witha {nail trebe and the leues of the fou tes whiche as than fall downe gate 5 and dyſtylled in balneo Matie A Theſame water is good agaynſt the teednes of em face athe pil dyſpo 6 of the late / whã the face is wal therwith and we dꝛre agayn by bpm ſelfe / and that (call be done thre oz foute wekes oz ellis tyll it be hole Anguis bouinus in latyn: Thie bet parts and iy me is of a black? arte which goth in a good paſtute where as nas llowres ats we / that dyftylicd in the axe. A Thelame water is goed agaynũ the pataliſis and woes / whether it com ofcolde or hete / thet with e noynted / and ſoftely rubbed / in the moꝛnyng at none and at nyght. ir. dayes cone tynuynge / and pf the water gt. ue hym/than it helpeth hym/probatum et mmuentum rerum veritas. B The podagta wafli.cd with thelame Water / d tclowtes wet therin a layde ther vpon eit ſlatzeth the payne. ¶ watet of mulchetous. Ca. cc. viii. + bra boietus in latyn. his dyltrllar nuicte growynge vron clene places dyul⸗ led whan they be fully rype. J Thee watet is good agaynſt the pataliſis/ in the mot nynge / and at nyght thet wich enoynted / a let dtye W a me loater brénedor Doftplicdin the Spas the bel wa blaynes.and pp The tame water is colde of nature in the thyꝛde degte / therloꝛe it is wel dꝛyenge / but outwarde layd theron withdꝛyueth al hete of the body, whe te euet it is V It is good allo agapnit podagta and paraitits clou tes wet thetin and layde ther vpon And it is alſo good foꝛ the membꝛes and ioyntes E At is alſo good foz the ſhoyne / clowtes wet thetin a layde thet vpon / two oz thee tymes ma Bare, ¶ watet ot petcelpe. Ca. cc.ir. Y Ettoſilinum in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme of his dy Gyllacton isthe totes and the herbe with all his ſubſtaunce chopped and dyſtylled BX Dꝛontze in the moꝛ nynge and at nyght dꝛon ze of the fa me water / at eche tyme an ounce oꝛ — ounce and a oo xl. Das contynuyng i agavnſt the bꝛekynge ſtone. 8 4 In this manet dꝛonte ol theme two or thre wetzes contynuynge is good agaynſte the grauell and clen⸗ ſeth the bladder and the taynes. C Two oz thee tymes dꝛontze of the la me at eche tune an ounce and a halfe 02 two ounces /cawſcth well to prſle Dꝛontze in the fo ſayde maner ofthe lame / clenſeth the lyuet and cawleth well to cate meat / and to dygeſte. E Any place that is enoynted with the fame (hall ware balde and it tae beth away the hetes of thelame place F In the mornynge and at nyght drontze of the lame / at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynſt dyſſury and Gury. ¶ watet of the pypes of dandelyon, Capitulum cc. Se LEZ NN. ZN RR N Ens leonis / or toſttumrot⸗ einum in latyn : Ok the lame Ad — Is 5 herbe (hall onely be dyſtylled the pys pes in the myddeſt ofthe Maye A Tela me is pryncipally good for the blactze blaynes / cloutes wet thet in layde ther vpon / and alſo waſſhed Ma and twyſe dronze of the lame in day nt eche tyme an ouncgtde B T ſame water is geod agaynſt the gre te euyll blaynes on the legges / clou: tes wet ther in and layd thee bron C It is good for the inẽ put thet in Two oũces bronke faſtyng eue ty day in the mor nynge/ is good for the moter E Tuo ot thte tymes in a Daye drontze of the ſame/at eche tyme an ounce anda halle / is good t gaynſt the flode in the membtes / a in the ioyntes / and clowtes wet ther in and layd thet vpon F It drontze in the for layde maner / is good agaynſt the ſtytches in the ſyde Crater of the flowres |-apitis mos cbt, ; Captturcc.rt, „— Bt F Lotes capitis monachi in lad tn. The beſt parte and tyne ok his dyſtyllacrõ is /the flow tes one ip dyſtylled in the begynnyng of the v A The fame water is verp good for the iyen / whan it is put the he tem B With the ſame water wal {hed the face and let dtye agayne ly brin lelte cauieth afapre and clere fa ce. C Inthe mornynge and at nyght drontze of the fame water / at eche tyme an onute and a halfe fas keth all cuyll hete. ¶ Watet of petche leues Cap. cc. xii. F Olia pet ſicotum in latyn. The belt parte and tyme of theyr dyſtyllacxon is / the leurs fires ped of in the cteſſynge ol the mone / whan ihe is ali mooſt full / dyſtylled in the ende of the Maße A An oũ ce and a balfe or two ountes drontze of the lame in the mornynge faltyns ge / is good forthe gta uel! B Chee tymes in a daye dronke of the fame at eche tyme an oũtce ⁊ a halſe / tauleth well to pyſſe and clenleth the bladder C An ounce dronke of fe. xtr. ot. xl. daxes contynuynge / is good agaynſt the brebzynge Stones E wWbanitisputin the eates it auler the wormes therin F At is good for the payn in the hede noha it is ttet with enoynted a let drye by bpm (el fe. ¶ Watet ot petches flowtes. Capitulum cc. ili. F ores perficorun in latyn. : The belt and tyme ol theyt dyſtyllacron 187 the fiowres whan they begynne to bloſſome and begynne kyrſt to become all moſt ful ly out / and gadre taem lyke as J ha ue ſayd before of the appie flovores, F Lotes gereſte inlatyn. Che beſt tyme of there dyttyllaciõ is wWhan the flo wres be fully open /a nete bytheyt fallpnge ot / tyke as 25 baue layd of the apple floutes The fame water drontze in d mot nyng and at nyght/at eche tyme an ounce and a halte. rrx.or rl. Bayes cõ nuynge is good agaynſte the ſtone B At euerp dape dronke of the lame / thre tymes in a daxe at ethe ty me an ounce and a halfe.ru.or.xuui. i ai ap is good for the ye lowe Jandis C It is very good for the hede / whan it is enoyn · ted ther with / & = ag ne by hym x An ounte anda halle dꝛontze icife of thelame a faſte ther vron is good agaynſt the axces on the thyrde day. ¶ Watet of Btame flowtes. Capitulum tc. Kutt. with the ſame watet rubbed the mẽ bres and ioyntes / and let drye agay ne by the lelle / withdt yueth the we · rynes out ol the membtes E Thre tymes in a Daye Dronke of the fame water at eche ty me thre ountes / prouoketh vryne Two iy mes in a day Deon ke rok thefame at eche tyme an ounce, 9 & Pore Sow wey oo ¶ watet of periicaria, Capttulum +> *)setaria inter, Che belt parte and tyme of his dyltrl· latron is / the herbe the ſtalbe / and the tote chopped be rg & dpisyllsd in the monethe of uns, 4 Itisa good Watet for the kr wrattes in the tundamente / clowtes be therin a twyle me layde there 1 — cn Cnet of S: abyote female Cap. ct.xvi. Cabiola femina in latyn. And * it is the Scabyolſe withoute ſtaltzes à with the bꝛode leues The ‘bet tyme and parte of his dyſtyllacy yon / is the flowꝛes and the rote chop ped to gydet and bꝛenned oꝛ ap led in the ende of the Maye Thre o2 foure tymes in a day eau of the fame water / at eche tyme two oũces. is good agaynſt unpaltunpug in the bette and cauleth to Neeb a wet the b bꝛeſte. ¶ watet of otic lady bedſtrawe Cap.cc.xxii. . eee Errpillum in latyn. The belt p T te and tyme of his dy ſtyllacyõ is the herbe / the ſtalbe / the tote with all the ſubſtaunte chopped and dyſtylled in the ende of June * The lame is warme and dye / and whã it is dꝛontze two oz thee tymes in à dape/at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / à the hede rubbed therwith it confozteth the hede and the prays nes B It is good agaynſt brtyn ge of beſtes in the moꝛnynge and at Hight waſſhed ther with and cloutes wet ther in lad ther vron C In the moꝛnynge and at nyght / dꝛontze of the ſame / at eche tyme an ounce and the dꝛyntze mitced thet with cau feth appetyte / foꝛ it 191 0 and ſtrengtheth the ſtomaze. D It fo ied in the forlarde maner / with dꝛyueth the rõmelynge in the bely E Two oꝛ thee tymes in a day broke of the lame / at eche tyme two ounces / and the dꝛyntze mpreed ther with weytzeth the harde ſtomatze F In the ped 8 mance drontze of the fame is good agaynſt ſtrangury 6 Zar bbe of the fame myrced with wor me wode watet is good agaynſte the daylyaxces / probatum becd per eru ditum quendã doctote H In the mot ning /at none and at nyght drõ tze of the fame at eche 9 — an oũte ft a halfe / the hede waſſhed ther with withdriueth the colde 5 and other euyl moyſturs of the hede. And conlumeth the flode of the hede / na . med Reuma The lame h in the ferlayd maz net contozteth the N x It is very good fot them that haue clamed themon a membres cic: thes wet chetin a layde ther enn, u. or thryle on a dap 1. ot thre tymes in a day dronke of the ſame water thre or foure wetzes con tynuynge / is good for the colde lyuet t openeth the ſtoppynge of theſame the mylt M ronke of theſame in the kot ſayd manet heleth the guts tes in warde / after the mattecy laltze namec lientetcia M Okthelame watet drontze a day at eche time an oũce or an ofice 1 5 5 e At At feeerngtheneth the uses 5 tubbed therwith 3 Thre ot four tymes a Dape Dronke of theſame toater at eche tyme a ad is good tet / at eche time an ounte/ oz an oũ two of thre tymes in ces te and ã halle ſttengtheth the mylte. x In the moꝛnynge and at nyght Dzonke ofthe lame watet at wo eche tyme an ounce and 8 halte ri. ounces is good agapnſt the 2 ge and tylynge in the bely. In the moꝛnynge and nyght diane ol thelame watet / at eche tyme an oũ te “se a halfe ſtrengthethz the lyuet Trople o2 ina Dap 5 of the ens mater as ett ts me an ounce and a halſe⸗ ot two oun 5 dronke of the fame water ⸗ at eche tp: me two ounces prouoketh the brpne. the C Watet of fadices Hetmodactili. Capitulum acc. x bit. Ermodatty lũs in latyn. Cte thetin laxd ther bro. vel parte and trine ol his dx baren is / the tote chopred in — hetueſt / whan it beteth lautes / and and the herbe is for t othynge 4 Two oz thze tymes Ca in a day waſſred with the lame with dꝛyueth the pattenets/yt * bere be fpꝛſt ſhauen of Che ſame is good 3 the fret blapnes in the foundament / at euer Baye ther with waſſhed and clowtes wet * lapd thet vpon Thelame watet is te * Se ble we vnder the pen agaynſt other ſpottis in the face te 22 often wallhed ther with 1 Watet of the llodottz ol hetmodut Captor, B 2 Los her modattili in latyn. Tre be parte and tyme of his dyſtyllacyon is in the pꝛyme tye me / for on other tymes it bath no flowtes / the flowtes gadered whan they be fully type / but not inclynyng nuynge and ate and than dyſtylled The fa lame is the belt von kace ter to the holes ofa’ mannys varde⸗ walſhed ther with in the moꝛnynge : and at anne, te hele It is allo good aga · nde hy in the founda · ment tn the mapripng and at nygbt thetwith and clototes wet ~ walled cant ot Suto te Ert ; a glas ſeilled per balneum Dparie. And tha {et in. xl. longe / and rectrfped / and it ſhall be gadeted of the moſt gẽtplelt {the lame water dꝛontt and dꝛyntze myrced with the lame / cauſetij good ö m. It catokth a fapꝛe tlete face/ wal; n pet by Encty Daye waſſhed with the lame water / thre oꝛ foure wetzes conty⸗ n {ei / is good for the catynge ae et ab ee ame — m the wrängenayle in the toes and agapn the wrattes / often rubbed ther doith and cloutes of cotta wet thetin and lard teren 6 Che Hm watet is good agarnſt impetigine: ot Serpigo oz Derpigenes / twyſe or tyryſe in a daye rubved thet with and waſſhed / and at eche tyme lette dꝛye agayne by hym ſeife 9 2 he lame water is good agaynſt ho te impoſtumes namẽ d Criſpia in las tyn / clowtes oʒ towe wet therin / two oꝛ the tymes in a day lard ther line Anno nan uy 0 0 * ey 1 12 nd good frenſihe or 1D in places wobec as the ſonne wel i ete fry N Fe ¶ watet of the gall ofan orte. 5 Capituliun cc. xx Thelame water put in che moyſty ten is good foz it dꝛyeth and cleleth the iygyht B Two or the tynes in a day dꝛontze ot the lame at eche ti me an sunte and a halle / is good for ſpyttynge of blode C Two or thre tymes in a Daye Dzonke of thelame at eche tyme an ounce ot an ounce ⁊ a halfe is good agaynſt the impoſtu ; mynge in the guttes O watet of vyne leues drontze two oz thre tps mes in a daye / at eche tyme an ouuce or an ounce and a halſe Mopper the hote flode in the bely E f Dronke of the fame water thre ty mes in a day / at eche tyme an ounce, and a halfe/ dtyueth out the tone in pPeces. Two ot thre tymes in a daye dꝛon⸗ ke ofthe fame vyne leues water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is ve J. god lor wonen that be betynge chylde agaynſt the onnaturall lutte t6hat ſuche lud do no ſcathe noꝛ hurte to the chylde / nor lytze wyle to the ische le- He tauti in latyn. The bel gal is ola blacke orce/ whan they map be gotten / and the ſhall be dyſtylle p in dyles ſes in the wen / where of fo cuet it come / whether it be ol ete oꝛ of col de / it clenſeth and clarifpeth theym / wWuhan it is put therin an houte befoz nyght in the iren / lo contynuynge. vi oꝛ. bul, dayes cawſeth the wen to be tlere and fayꝛe Two oꝛ thꝛe tymes a — dronke of theſame water / ⁊ at eche ty me an ounce and ahalfe / the hede enoynted thetwith is good agaynſt all manet of diſcaſes of the hede. Chster ol Radrre, Ca . cc. xcilii A Ok thelame Watet en boũte be; 757 fore nyght in te tren dothwwithdapue x 22 the fletes and ſpottes in the en ei \ o fi E Thelame watet is good agaynſt the W e woꝛme in the kynger / cowtes wette A IY thecin x layd theron twyle oꝛ thꝛvle fins Wy tontynuynge and at eche tyme wette g agayne / Whan the clothes ben deep and layd cherupon agayne / than the | wozme dyeth. € water of matygoldes Capitulo. cc.xxiu. J Alfanus minoꝛ in Latyn The Faun vel Balẽdula in La belt parte and tyme of his dyl I tyne. The vel parte a tyme tyllacxon / is the totes in the begrns ok his diſtyllacron is the vpper molte nynge of the tral monthe ot hatuelt⸗ with the flo wres in the tyme whan (mail chopped and dyitylled. they be fully rype / chopped togedet «= 4 In the moꝛnynge and at diſtylled in balneo marie nyght drontze of che lame water at e · Thelame watet is good agaynſt all che tyme an OUUCE ot an ounce and a balſe.xxx.or xi.dayes contynuynge / is good agaynſt the fone. B In the mornynge and at nyght dꝛorke of the lame water / at eche tyme two ounces and a halfe / ot thee ounces. foure ot frue dayes contynuynge/ is good loꝛ them that had eaten oꝛ D205 ze venym / foꝛe it withdzyueth it out fron the pericne The lame water dꝛonze in the fore ſayd manet / cauleth to piſſe / and put _ gcth the place where as the ſtone lay 2 The ſame water E Pk thelamẽ oftẽ holden inthe mouthe / is Joo? io payne in the tee the F In the moꝛnynge kaſtynge G and at nyght goynge to bedde Dzone: ke of the lame water / at eche tyme. ii. olinces / thre oꝛ foure wetzes contynu vnge /is good agayndte the d. opiy/⁊ Cawirth the water to departe thꝛugh tue vtyne come the body, yl a bodye kepeth hyn frome dꝛynze / for the lel e a bodye dꝛynkẽth the lelle he pris F the loner he (bal become ho In the moꝛnynge & at nck dtonze of cheiaine water / at eche tym: an ounte and a half / is good agaynſt the pelowe Jandys Two or thre tymes in a da pe and euery mot nyng dronke of the lame water / at eche tyine an ounce & a halle / or. li. oũces zᷣylleth the ſpoul wor me in the bely 3 thre tymes in a day dronke of the fame water cawleth good dy · in the tomate geſtynge in & The ſame water coleth the hore ſwel Longe / or it refolucth and tonſumeth it /a lynen clowte wet therin / and luze warme lapde thet ron L Tope in a dape dronke of thelame water at eche tyme an oun · ce and a halle/or two ountes f uc ot tye dayes contynuynge / clenleth the ſtomase ofall lymy mopſtenes/ and derlull to the ſtoma Oft the lame watet Dronke in the for prt manet / openeth the ſtoppynge the inttayles / and of the inwarde bare and of the bapnes, Ddeonke in the manct aſorſayde con§ lumeth the pli meat in the tomaze In the mornynge fattyn ge Dronke ot thelame water / at eche tyine an ounce and a halſe / or two ounces is good for them that haue ea ten euyl muste tons for it conſumeth tyem. Tw yle in a day dtõke of thelame water / at eche tyine an ounce a ad a halle / cawicti the groſſe ſlymy humoutes in the lon gues to be ſubtyll Q Theryſe in a dape drontze of thelame water / at eche tune an ounce is good for the lwellynge in the mylte. The lame water melteth ã S the moyſtenes which is in cornea of the iyen / whetof a bodye be cometh bipnde S T face often walſhed thetwith and let ee agayne by hym iclfe / wahety the ipottys in the face. T It withdꝛyueth the pelowe . — in euety membꝛe whan the memb is often rubbed & wallhed 23 and let Daye agayne by bymitife Otten goꝛgoled conlumrth and teſolueth the imo: ſtumacꝭ on ot tte tytote / named ique nancia. 7 Dionke of thelame watet tw ſe oꝛ they in a daye / at eche tyne an dunce /oʒ an ounte ai ee cle reth the voyce An ounce anda balfe bese of the fame water er pyr ty mes ina day tienleth the breit / and tawieth to be —— the groſſe Army, mete Che lane woatee b marine and dyrt C ec aa a ——ͥͥ̃ÜÜeA¹i K ⁰ wꝛi eR ˙ ⁰ỗ ũůãĩm̃ ̃ ²¼ḿ́̃··ꝰ — ~ of tattire/thetfoze it abo ſeth the gte te moyſtoure ſubtyll / and is openyns ge andclenlynge/therkore it is good agaynite Impetigo and Serpigo / whan it is waſſyed in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / and let dꝛye agapne by hym ielfe. ag Thee tymes in a Dave donke of the lame water at eche tyme an ounte ⁊ ahalfe is good agaynſt dedely and venymous medycynes / and dꝛyueth thelame oute. BB oe is good agaynſt the ſtyngynge of Scoꝛpron / waſſhedther with in the moꝛnyng and at nyght with the fame water and clowwtes wet therin and layde at eche tyine ther vpon / a it kplleth allo the Scorpion © CC Twyle in a Daye Dronke ok the fame water / at eche tyme an dune /oꝛ an ounce = a halfe / is be ty good againſt the axces on the four the daye / and N the great ſha· ‘Benge of the artes DD In the forfayde mas net and inefure dꝛontze of the lame water / — and pꝛouobeth lechetye Eck Cwo tymee in à daye dꝛontze ol the fame water / at eche tyme an ounc⸗ oꝛ an dunte and a halle / pꝛouoketh the llowres in women In the moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛonze of the fame wa tet / at eche tyme tyme an ounce / 02 an ounce and a halſe / is bety good agaynſte the bꝛezynge ſtone in the bladder. ¶ water olleues of Raftani Capitulim te itb. Olia Re ftan i in latyn. The beſt parte and ty me of tie z dyſtyllacz on is in the begynnynge of Zune. 4 Inn tie moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛontze of the fame wat: r/ at eche tyme an oun ce oꝛ àn ounte ànd a valle / is good agaynſte the graucll in the kmmes and in the bladder. C watet ot oſematy Ca. cc. ti. Os matinus in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme or his dy ſtyllacron is / th e leues and the bud dys with the flowꝛes / ſtroped rome the ſtalkes in tye tune 3 flowy l ge dyſtylled / and that may be two ty mes ina ycte / but the beſt tyme is in the Mare 4 The lame was tet is good a gaynſt all colde dyſſea⸗ ſes / it tectytyeth and conforteth the ipitpt and the natural hete with bis good odour’ where in the ſpytyte is teioyſed thtugh his ſtiptylite / whete fore the lubſtaũte of the membꝛes ga det togyder / whan in the moꝛnynge and at nyght is dꝛontze therol an oũ ce myxted with as moche wyne. 3 n the koꝛſayd maner dꝛontze of the watet / confozteth and strenge teth the bzaynes/and al othet inwat de lymmes / the face and the hole bo · dye wallhed ther with / and the out: wat de membꝛes rubbed ther with / ſtrengtheth the body / and reneweth it and cawleth a man to ſeme xong /a luſty ot his cotrage C In the moꝛ nynge and at nyght dꝛonte oftheſa · me watet / at eche tune an ounce and a halle / and the hede ther with enoyn ted ther with / and let dꝛye agayn by hym ſelte / warmeth the hede / it ſttẽg thet) and confozteth the wyttes / it caultth good memoꝛve and vnderſtã dynge / brrawſe it conſumeth flegma and melantolye. D The lame water is goed loꝛ them that lwete ia moche that they become feble and ſaynt / they ſhall in the mor nynge and at nyght waſſie the bede and the bꝛeſt / than they thall be tyd⸗ de ol the fawle cupil lwete and fayn kenes / and come agayne to theyꝛe my got. E a He the whiche bathe let bis appetyte / and bat) na luſt noꝛ de ſyꝛynge foz te * tate meate / he ſhall dꝛyntze in the moznynge faſtynge / and at nyght goynge to bedde / at eche tyme an of ce / Op an ounce and a halte of che fae me water / and waſche his mouthe therwith / than be (hall gette agays ne his appetyte / but be mutt vie u. vui.oꝛ.x.dayes contynuynge Two or thꝛe tymes in a daye the legges rubs bed with the lame water - oute oꝛ fyue wezes contynuynge / and lette dꝛye agayn bp hym ſelle / than it mul typlyeth and warmeth the ve 0 id euer that is ſwolleu on the hyppe bo ne / oꝛ on the kne ſhrue with betyn· ge oꝛ impoſtumynge / he ſball weite a ſmall lynen clothe in the lame was ter / and laye it whete as the ſwel⸗ lynge is / thre oꝛ foure wekes cont? nuyng / and it {hall become hole agay ne. 8 Tyꝛc oꝛ fours tymes in a day dꝛontze of the fame water / at eche tyme an ounce ot an ounce and a halle/two oz thte wetzes contynuynge / teioyſeth the {mall vaynes named arteries fo2 it openeth the ſprryte of the ſtoppynge 4 An ounce of the ſame water / in the moꝛnynge faſtynge / is good ag aynſt the peſtylente. ix In two dayes dꝛon be ol thelame water / halle an outer, oꝛ an ountce / dutyng the tyme of two oꝛ thꝛe monethes/ptryfeti and ma keth clene the blode. LL In the ſotſayde mas net dꝛonke ol he fame watet / fours 02 fyue wetzes contynuynge / is good for them that be Racoive bectted 7 and haue the cowgh. In the moꝛnynge dꝛonze of the lame water / at eche tyme two oũ ces / tawleth a man to be cotagrous foz it conforteth the ſubſta unce of the harte / and it is allo good agaynſte the wolall payne ol the hatte In the mornpnge and at nyght 1 of the lame wa tet / at eche tyme an ounce and a hal: fe / is good for hym that hath the con ſumunge lekenes / than he wyll beca me holc agayne In the delapde ma ner Dronke ol the fame water / ſherpeneth the tongue and cawſeth well to ſpetze, And no bodye can teil the myght and vertue oftheſame water . In the mornynge and at nyght the face wallhed with the fame water? tawſcth a fapze and clere fate. Q de waſched with the fame water / and lette dryer agapne by hym ſelfe / preſerueth the falipnge out ol the beres / and caw: leth more fer to growe R Ok the ſame water dron ze and ther with walked. defen deth a bodye frome Anttar / that be the great pli fauouted blaynes of the peſtylente. S In the mornynge and at aun the tydules waſſhed with the lame wa tet / wyll ta wit them ts hele. Thelame wa tet cawleth a bodye to appete longe tyme kayte and yonge / wbã it is day ip vled myrced with his dryntze a ly tell / and outwarde therwith rubbed A With the fome atten waſſhed 4 tectyfyeth the tethe and gonmes / r heleth the fyſtule and gem mes thete on x Thelame tectylxeth the cuyt wo des and impoſtumes / lor it dr eth them / in the mornyng a at got waſſhed thermith » 4nthe mot⸗ nynge and at nyght dtonke of tie fa me /at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynſt the flode in the beiy 3 In the fot lay de mance dronke ol the las me / and in the mornyng zat npgit the membres enoynted and ruoved thetwith / let dꝛye agayne by tym lelle / is good for the pataliticõ ot pas talilis/and againg the ſhatzyng and tremblyng of the membꝛes / x it tecty kreth the ſenewes AX Two oũces drõtze of thefame drrueth venym out of the body ly cwyle as Doth the trꝛ a cle BB Tuo or thre tymes dröse olthelame / at eche tune halte an eũce tectyſyeth the moder / It cauleth the womẽ to be frutiul wha they mate a bath cf his decoccrõ / thelame bathe is allo à bathe ct ipfe-a teſttaynynge & a withdrawyng ok age /a a tenewig of a body / ot it bath many ſectet ver tues / for wha a glas is full of the feu tes and butyed in ſande inore than halle a ſo let ſtande therin a moneth the tonne all mofte, xl. dayes / than it wyll become clere / and of the vetre the weenes ol the vaynes EE It clẽ leth the ſpottys of the face 1 It kepeth a body in yodothe / and hath tye vertus of the bawme EGS Thrlame water woz teeth maruaplenfip in the ien / wal · tynge and ruttynge away the loyn; ne and ipottys out of the erty whan à dꝛoppe o2 tho of the ſame is put at nyght in the ren 99 The lame water tectylyeth allo the liepynge membres / in the moꝛnynge and at npght tubbed 3 and Dzonke at eche tyme an ou Za It peleth alto the fale te flegma / the fitulc/the cankee wht che can none othet wle be heled / It me dyth alls aqua bite / whan the to ſematyis ſteped and wette ther in ⸗ but bettet were it dyſtylled RK Water of toſematy taken and vᷣſed thie tymes in a Dare at eche tyme an ounte / and the Deynbe myxced there with / and a clowte of ſyltze wet ther in / and outwar de layd Leon the har te / wWhiche is dyſlealed of colde / caw : ſeth it to be hole ¶ Here alter foloweth a fare addye the tron / Of the wyne of Roſemary with the vertues and propꝛyetes of the 2 5 wꝛrten by the moſte ler and expette may ſter named Fre poe de villa nova / fayenge that be gate of an auntren phyfreren the pꝛopꝛyetees and vertues of Rol ma · ty / tte whicht he b epte for his ſectete And ſayde that one of his chyeſe vet tues is in the wyne / another in a ba the / the thyr de inelectuaty / And yt oyle wete made ofit / it olde haue E the effecte and opetatyon of bawme. And ok wyne and the iute of this het the hatte be is made aqua bite The Wyne ther of made tontycte of other wyncs / as is alorlayd hath many maruaplous good ptopryetees / for it profpreth moche for all colde ſekeneſks / it tec tyfyeth allo and ſharpeth the appety te. it confoꝛteth / coꝛ fyꝛmeth / iuſty kyeth / all the membres: the vaynes / and the lynewes. The mouthe wal⸗ ſhed therwith maketh it lwete and to ſmeil well / and maketh the face fayte that is waſlhed thet with. The bere waſſhed ther with zepeth the be tes ftome fallynge / and to growe at eche walſyynge . Item bie therot in meat pteſerueth greatly agaynſt the hete of the ſonne / and agaynſt other ſores and pymples. And alto it conſu meth the flene and melancolye / and properly conſotteth the ſubſtaunce of the harte. And it cauleth allo the age to gette yowthe and ſtrengthe. Allo yl one be in helthe and vleth cuſtoma bly, his bodye ſhall not totte / and it wyll preferue hym in helthe. And yt tethe and gomes be rubbed ther With it tabeth a waye the ache It he leth tte tantzre and fyſtula. And yt ony be weted of ſekeneneſee the dryn zynge therof teſtozeth his ſtrengtte Allo pf ye dic to eate toſted bꝛede wet in thelame water it iuſtytyeth the ap petyte / it conforterh the weytze mem bꝛes / and letteth tlem in vygoute. Alto yt wyne be tempered with wae ter of the decorcyon of the lowtes thetol / it oꝛdꝛeth the Ethytzes and patpkes / whiche is a great ſectete 210 it Lelpeth agarnſte paſd ons of / dyſſentetre / and fixre. Aldo the water therol auapleth agaynit all dayly ſebꝛes / quattayns and lytatgies. Alioit is taten in the ſtede of tryacle and helpethagaynſte ben mous meres / and agaynue ve⸗ nym / and it hath great vertue as welt in meates as in dꝛyntzes / foꝛ it contoꝛtetij greatly the bectuc tegxty fe / and in dꝛynze it helpeth grrately to the paralitytzes/and foꝛ them that trembie foꝛ it teleſeth theyre meme bꝛes. Alo it helpeth the podagte am bulant. allo it helpeth all women of moyſte complexcron in eaſynge theyꝛ mattis / and cauleth them to concep. ue / vt pꝛobatum cit. ¶ Electuaty ma de of the flowꝛes of Rolematy with mel eſcane /as mel tolatum is made / whiche hath a matuaylous vertuc / foꝛ it helpeth all thvnges aboue layd Alſo e ſcume made of this herbe vled in vapet ous bathes dyſt royeth age a maketh a man to tenewe as the egle in youth and this is certaynly appꝛo ued, (Allo pf oxle be made of the fame flowres it bathe the olkyce of ba wme and vrtegetence ok his ver · tues / whiche is a maruaylous thyn· ge / and great lettete / of the whiche the chyek is this. Tate a veſſel ol glaſ le and fyll it with flowꝛes of roſema ty and ſtoppe it clole with a clene ly and burp theſa · nen natty me in ſande to the myddell and lette it abyde a monethe oꝛ more / tyll all the flowtes be conſumed to water an wyll the foꝛſayde water cle · nely Departe frome the hulges / and it e x pure ag ut inte Brother beficll of glaſſe/ than purp: fre it in the fofe thre ot foure Tarcs and the for ſayde watet wyll Lt tyyc lie in the mance ol bau me. This ops le ot bawme colerteth the harte / the brapney and the other mem bes ot the bodye / It tonlorteth allo ali wes genes and lynewes / and walteth the webbe / and all other paynes of 2 en, And it tatzeth awaye allo the lpottys and pj mpies fro the face And lyze wyſe vſed in the meat and Drpnke it kepeth the body in z outhe / And after the fayde maner it beteth the ptofe of berp bawme/ for a dtop⸗ pe of the ſayd oyle put in col e water goth to the bothom and abydeth thes te hole / Alſo a droppe put in fore tye laſtyng in the mornynge it heleth the tante / and alto (pottys and webbes It teſttayncth the eates ⁊ all other dyſſcales that hurteth the ght. It heleth ttuely yt it be put ture ot fous te dayes in thelame. a lo pt water of wyne dyſtilled chrugh Alembme cal led water of wyne be tempeted with this herbe / it heleth ſalt fleme / cab be / fysxla / the motmall / the which: fores without doubte maye neuer be ueled other wyſe. And yk the herbe t flowtes be putte in the brennynge of aqua Lite / and ther with in the heie the tot waſſhe the handes / and othec membres ol hym that bath the le of the palley / and 1 tyme he (ball become bole. — ? ¶ Batet ot tanſeꝛ Ca.tt.trbii, Anacetum inlatyn. The beſt parte and tyme of his Dpitpls lacpon is /thc icuzs and flowꝛes ſtro ped frome the ſteles / whan it betech tlowres / that is in th camculet da · yrs and than du plied x The lame water late h al euyll hete/clou tes wet therin two or thee tyynes in à dape layd thet voon B In the mornyng and at night drontze ol the fame water at eche tyme an ountce oꝛ an oũte and a halfe. xc. oꝛ . xl daycs contynuyng / is good agaynſt the te ne Che that hath the ſtone and can not pyſſe thrugb the payne of the Gone he (yall dꝛynke in the moꝛnyn ge and at nyght an ounce and a bal feof the ſamẽ water myxced with a iptcil be B pre In the mornynge kaſtynge and at 7 dꝛontze of the ſame water at ethe tyme an ounce oꝛ an ounce and ee e Croaeet ofcoole wozte Ca. ct. xxbiũ Hulls ronanoꝛum in latyn. Souk pact and tyme of bis pllacyon is/the leues ũtoped tro rag the ſtalzes chopped and dyſtylled in June. 1 Che lame water is Good and bolloin to freſiqe woundes in the mornynge and at nyght clow bes wet thet in and layde ther vpon B Clototes Wet in thelame Water and iapde vpon the canker’ and alfo waſched ther with wos ty ot thryſe on a daye heleth them C The lame water is good agaynſt all olde fores tue oꝛ thee tymes ina Daye waſtacd tbet with / and clomtes wet in the la me and layd ther vpon. water ol tede Cooles. Capitulum cc. xxix. C Aulis rubea in latin f beſt parte and tyme of his dy ſtyllacyan is the leues bꝛoben from? the ſteles / chopped and brenned or dyſtylled in the ende of the May In the mornynge faſtynge thee or foüre eunces dronke of the lame wa⸗ The tet llatzeth the belp B. In the mornynge z at nyght dtontze of thelame water at eche tyme an oũ ce and a halte / two or thre dayes con tynuynge is 12178 a gaynlt the daſyn ge ot ths hede An ounce / or an oun te and a halle drontze of theiame wa tet 18 good . the 7 7 C ae dꝛonke is good agaynite the pe / the membꝛes rubbed there uta aud let Dape agarne by them Ct Che membꝛes and iopntes oltẽ rubs yD with the fame water alee dꝛye ne by hym ſelfe / is good agaynſt 5 ren ung and trembiyng of the membꝛes and ſtrengtheth and cons lozteth the sh gaa baynes The lame watet is good to be layd vpon all ho te places and impoltumes 6 The lame was tet beleth woundes inward and out war de in the moꝛnyng andat nyght drontze of the lamt at eche tyyne two ountes and a halte / oꝛ thre ountes/ and clowtes wet thetin / and twyle in a bare ther vpon⸗ aut 115 4 Nu ai el 4 é 3 ; 1 . 1. * ar- oy gi Poa: k ger „I 1 = * 5 * 4 * : 2 Kt . as l 3 ie oe ray 9 7 an 7 ¢ ttt . 2. iG BETS) ‘ des cc. xxx 72 . 33 08 . Fs 4d Gibb dade 5-254 * Uta in latyn. The belt par te and tune ot his dyſtpllacyõ is / the leues ſtroped froine the ſteles and brenned or we ie in the we deit ofthe maye In the mornynge and at — — Deas ke of the tame water at cche tpincan ounccand a halſe. btit,or.c. Daves cõ n is good faz the pil lpuer In the mot nynge at bets dꝛonze of —— at ethe ty me an oũce and a 2 dtxuet⸗ the lecherye Two tyines in a be Dronke ofthe fame / at eche tyme an ounce anda halte / is geod for the vll lyuer / mylte ot ſtomate D Thre thy mee ina dape dꝛontze of theſame wa tet / at eche tyme two ounces / and the dꝛynke allo morced ther with / is a 3% Geng et ver? good agapnit parbrabyng, and wamblynge of the ltomatze, E In the loꝛſayd matter dꝛẽ we of the tame helpeth the longues f In the koꝛſayde maner dꝛonkt of the iame waiteth che {wel ipng on the bꝛeſt / and vnder the cyb bes / and 2 the bꝛelt Two or in a ay drontze ofthelamesat eche ti me an ounce / oz an ounce and a bale ce wynde in the bes at is It heleth the 22 5 2 tomyng of he te / in the mornynge and at nyght walſhed ther with / . anne es dere of thelame at eche time an of e 3 e — Drpucth the webbe / and ſpottys out ot the yen / and maketh them — and fayte / whan it is put in the /toũ de about enoynted ther with /a euety tha map befene linden nyght. Siet fame water put inch we Dep eth and tlenleth the iyen of all ſlymy Two tymes in a Baye dꝛonke ol the fame water / at eche tyme an ounce to 999 and a halſe. xxx. ot. xl. darts conty: nuynge / helpeth the phoptys O At alſo good fo; the ctampe / in the inolnpnge and at nyght 14 5 ther with and ict drys agayne by icife C loutes wet in the fame and pewwnde to the hede / two ot thre ty’ mes in a daxt / wa ſteth the be weilen bre tymes ol the hede ae van iia of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce Wet ounce or an ounte and a hall with tes wet thetin layde ther vpon C CThelame water he leth Polipum nalis/that is the pil « fowle fleiſhe in the nofe A sakes nynge Eat night wallied the nn nofe v the membꝛes tubbe 210 itt orpe n by dne kae lnuſted bp in noſe un ce 3 N bt or cot 1 ol cheſame water / at eche ty: . ee anda hal⸗ le / is good agaynſt the ſrouworme inthe bely An ounce Dronke of the fame water is good fot women laboutynge of chylde / for it withdtxucth oute tie byꝛthe therfore it ts ſcathefull fo2 wo men that lereth chylde / ſoꝛ they ſhol de labour of chyld beloze they 11 7 time. B marnynge dꝛontze an ounce of ths ia me watet foure o2 fyue dayes conty= nuyng / N tie flowres in wo men. Thꝛe tymes in a day n of theſame water an ounce and a halte / thee oꝛ foute Dae pes contynuynge / is good agaynſte the cowgy DD The fae me water ſlaketh the payn before on the kynger / named the vyte / pfclow: tes be wet therin and wꝛapped abou te the kynger / ſpecyally whã the woꝛ me is in the kynget CE An ounce and a halle of the lame wa tet dꝛontze in the mornynge fauyng is good agaynſt the commelpnge in the bely gs Theſame water drontze in the motnynge fals tynge is good agaynſt the tomelyng in the belpv. Ff The ſame water dronze in the kot ſayde mance ſtoppeth the flode in the bely / that is the firee oꝛ great connynge laſze. 5 In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dzontze of thelame water àt eche tyme an ounte and a halfe/oꝛ ellys two oũces. x. oꝛ · xu dayes con: txt ually / is good for the febres ot ar ces 99 In the mornynge faitynge Dronke of thelame water / tite ounces/two or thre mornynges and dares contynuynge is geod a: a venym ot einpoylonynge. The eſame watet ſtteng theth the lynewes and barnes often tudbed ther with bi. or but, dapes tontynuynge. EK Twyle in a daye the mouth we hed with thelame water is good fez them that haue rotten tethe / or home the gommes wyll tote 1 The lame water is good agaputt the payne in the lene wes / ther with tub bed / and clowtes wet therin and lay de thet vpon twyle in a Daye In the moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛontze ofthe fame water / at eche tyme an oũte and a halle heleth the bytynge of a madde dogge and whan it is allo waſſhed with the la me water and clowtes wet there in and layd theron, NN It is allo good agaynſt ali venymou le bytynge of venymous beſtes / wha it is layde ther vpon twyle in a day. It map be alſo in the ſtede of ttyacie OO fo bath the tame water in his howle can not be hurte of the deuyll by the gtace of god 4949 Two oũces dꝛonte of the fame euety Day. d daz es contynuyng / is good for the ſallynge ſezenes QQ Thelame water is good agaynſt we and payne in the memotes / clowtes wet therin / and in the moꝛnyng and at nyght layd ther bpon K In the mornynge and at nyght dꝛontze ofthe fame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle prouoketh the flou resin wonnen. ( Water of Grounde — ‘ a: Capitulum L MDinbrici terre bel iu in * tyn. The maner to gadte the le weꝛmes is put Cede onyõs a night ſtepynge in water than pote out the bs Peart Water voõ a g: o) a faterth tha they trepe ous ofthe erth. Tha (hal they be layd in molle of trees or ot cethe tha they bi clenſed frome the erthe by cre pyng out in the mofic/ a than they thal le dyſt illed / but the belt be / whit che be founde vpõ the chyꝛch yar de / ot amonge graues A The ſame water with cottõ warme la d in the woñũ des / t oppeth tre gipttynge wa tet bet wene tit ioyntes B Clow tes wet in the ſame and layde in the woũ des in the mornyng t at nyght heleth the vaynes cut in the woũdes C It do vſed cauleth to grow fleflye in the woudes D Alptell cãtet incited in theſame & put in the int an houre befor night / is good foz all pay nes in the ix? E It dꝛöte thꝛe ty mes in a day / at eche tyme an oũte he leth hym that is ſtycked thrughe the them that haue bꝛobẽ à bone foꝛ it tawſethj it to hele tugp: der agayne. Cuoatee of Conſolida tegalis. Capitulum ct. xxxii Onlolida regalis in lati. The beſt pte ot ius dyſtyllaciõ is / * * the herbe r floures chopped tog d bꝛẽned of diſtylled in the begynn of June A It dzöae chee tymes in 3 [as | a dap /at eche time an oute and a hal fe / ot two ounces / and the dꝛyntze myrced therwith / is good agaynſte the onnaturall hete 8 It vled in tie lot laid manet is good forthecomgh C In the moꝛmyn ge faſtyng dronke ol the lame water at eche tyme an ounce and a halle is good agaynſt the peſtylencte Tu o oꝛ thec tymes in a Baye Drake: of the fame water / at eche tyme two ounces is Good toꝛ venym in the ba dy / whether it be impoſtumynge oꝛ wellyng & Clowtes wet in the fame water and layd bys the wen pulleti out al manet of reed nes out of the iyen / and cauleth them to be fayte aud clere / and detendeth them freine tecdres, 5 the moꝛnynge faſtynge dꝛonke ol the fame thre ounces’ or thre ounces 42 balfe / cawfeth the lake G It drõ ing ke cuery moꝛnynge anyght / at eche tʒme an oũce æ a halfe is good fo: the the cotote inthe guttes QD Dion tze of ti ela me in the foꝛ ſayd manet is good o hym that can not bepe his meat in the omabe 4 In the mornynge aud at nyght Did ke of the ſame/ at eche tine two oun⸗ tes and a halfc/oꝛ thie ouuces / conty nuyng two oꝛ thꝛe day Ne good fo, ſtrangury and dyſlury & In the moꝛnynge laſtyuge and at nyght goynge to bedde dꝛontze ol the lame water / at eche tym an ounce and a halfe/oꝝ two duntes.xxx oꝛ.i.dayes tontynuynge / is good fo2z the tone 1 The trues ina dare dꝛontze of the ſame / at eche tyme an ounce and a balfe / fruco2 (pr Dares - cõtynuyng / is good agaynſt the gra uell in the lyhmmes Whana bodyget an onnatntal hete than he thall take of the lame water an ounces water ol Roles / water ot bugloſſa / water of C icoꝛca a quarter ofan ounce / all myrced togyder / and he (hall it fo dꝛynke in the marnenge and at nyghts 9 8 sisania Cap. ct. cxriii. 3 Lan inland ad groweth in the rxe/ v hete and in other fetes and bath ſmall purple flowres The belt parte and tyme of his dyſtil lacron is / the het be with all his ſun · ſtaunce chopped and dydylled in the myddeſt of the Mare. A In the moꝛnynge and at nygut the memoꝛes tubb d wiry the lane water is gogdagarniic the conſumynge of the membres f Ol the tame water put in the tyen an houre before iught thꝛe oꝛ koure weses contynuynge is good agapnit 7 payne in the wen In the moꝛ nynge and at * the kyſtule wats {hed with the lame water’ and clom tes wette thetin lade ther vpon he —5 hym / vti dedit experiencia mon trum. Conte mer toſes. Ca. ce revitit 3 Ola ſnlueſtris bel tola agreſ tis in latyn. The beit parte = tyme of ber dyſtyllacron is Whan it is in rygit ſealon and begyn to ope ne / the leues plucked of and dpitilich 4 In the moropag a at nygtt dꝛonke of thefaine water / is good tor all onnaturall hete / at eche tyme an ounte / and cloutes wet therin a layd outwarde theron wher as the hete a peteth C Theſame cõloꝛteth the he de / whan the handys and the fere be enoynted ther with and nat the hede than it heleth and flaketh D In the moꝛnyng and at night Dronke of theſame / at eche tyme an ounce / ſtop pech the flode of the eat Won u. whan it is come ofhete E The la me water is good io. letze petlones / whiche be la pute of onnaturali heres two oꝛ tire (pines in à Day tiet with enoynted outwardely 7 In the moꝛnynge / at nove / and at nyght / dꝛonze of the lame water / at eche ty me an oũce / and the mouthe waſſhed tyet with / wird rueth the lyntzyng ot the mouthe T Thelame water is good agaynſt rede æ unpoiiumpn ge ien / an howte befoꝛe the nyght put in the wen lome dayes continuyn ge 9 Foute ounces dꝛontze of the lame water in the moꝛnyng fatiyng wan the water is newe and freflye larceth the bely whiche is to har de of hett 1 In the moꝛnynge / at no ne / and at nyght dꝛonke of thelame water whiche is metely olde / at eche tyme an ounte / and cloutes wet ther in and layde vpon the bely / ſtoppeth the dade of the bely / which cometh to motie byca u ſe ot betet. x The ſa ine water is good agapnite the hote lyuet / and contoꝛteth thelame/clow tes wet in the lame water oꝛ hempe tome and layd theron twpie or tizy le in a dayre 1 In the moznyng at none / and at nyght / dꝛoltze orthe ſame water /at eche tyme an ounce / withdꝛyuetn the hete of the ſtomatze and confoꝛteti tue ſtomatze / and con korteti the ſtomaze h The tem: ples/the betyng vaynes / and the no le holes enoynted witu the lame wa tet wiihd:ueth the mutre in the he de / and cam eth good relt and well to pe Te fame water dene ſeth the ya pnge moundes / whan they in the moꝛnynge and at nxaht be waſſhed ther with O In the moꝛnyng at none ⁊ at nyght dꝛontze of thelame at eche tine an oũ ce /cloutes wet d layd theron out wat dely / is good againſt the in warde he te / whiche ronneth outwarde comyn ge of Coleta DF thelame a longe tyme holden in the mouthe / withd : yueth the payn in the tethe comynge of hete. Q zan the moꝛnynge at none /a at nygtt dꝛon ke of the lame at eche tyme an ounce 02 an dunte and a halte ſtoppetij the whyte flyrce named lyenteria in tas tyn R he that is in da ſynge and fapntnes / hym ſwall be gyuen ot the ſame water / and his hede thal be tub bed thet with. With the lame rubbed the fore hede / the vaynes of the temples / the hetyn ge vaynes on the handes and fete / the nofe thꝛylles / canfoꝛteth the bar nes / and the hede / and ſlatzeth the he te. In foz ſayde ma net bled the ſame water teioyleti and cawleth a bodye to be mery A Done of the ſame water an ounce faltynge is good agaynit the onnaturali hete named the vꝛeſame compnge on the fepnne with rede pymples and ipteil {mall blavnes A dꝛagma of pouder ſhaued Gf huoty / named Raluta ebozis in latyn / putte an ounce of the fame water in it is vety good to be dꝛonze agaynſt any mance of ſwellynge. et a werter of the rede yokes, cc.xxxb. Capaullun R Oli tubea in latyn. The wa; tev ofthe rede roles / cõtoꝛteth and ſtrengtet / and coleth the bꝛay · nes / tie hatte / the ſtomatze / and te pꝛyncypell membzes and defendeth them lot dyſſoluynge / and yt the mẽ · bꝛes were dyſſolued / the lame water bꝛyngeth tht agayne in theyr mygyt with his ſnellyng and odoꝛylere ver tue and ſtyptylyte / wan it is Dons ke in the mornynge and at nygt / at che tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halſe. B Ok the lame water dꝛontze an ounce tonforteth the natural hete of a bo dye / and the ſpyryte allo / and preleg * ueth them krone deſttorrge : C In the mornpnge and at nyght dronke of the ame wa tet / at ecne tyme an ounce ano a hal fe / ot two ountes / is good agaynite Dy llentetia and Wienteria / that is the blody flyrce / ot otber wyie tye Uhnte lalue. The fame water vled in the manet aioviapde / is good agaynſte fapntenes comynge of lwete / whan a bodye becometh taynte ol to moche ſwete. In the mornynge and at nygbt ti b bed and waſſhed with the ame was tet the tethe and gommes / Eteng · toth and conforteth the tethe / and ca wieth tie mouthe to haue a good odoure. F The mouthe waſſhed with the fame water / urengtheneth and fats teneth the fleſſhe / and mabeth tie ia ct Well colot ed. S The lame water myrced with à lytell yopncsclenteth ⁊ dryeth the iyen / pꝛyncypally wha the is taten halfe an otice of thelamne watet witch halte an ounce ot wyne / and ther in incited or reiolued Thucia ptepata⸗ ta adragina a loꝛpaticum and ſugte candy / of thelame twenty batly gray nea of wegit. An lyke manet dot e allo the role watet onciy hym elle an ounce with whyte lugre a drag · ma / and ſpecpally ſugre candys / pulleth and clenſeth the ſubſtaunte of the iyen with his yptycyte / and in the lame manet it Erengtheth als fo the fpgit, 9 (Nota. weter of roles is 906d for ali dyſſeaſes of fayntenes/lyat as J haue wz ten ot the wyide roles / but ‘wher nedyth to ſlake hete / and c6 loꝛtynge the rto / (hal be vled the wa ter ot the wylde toles J Itisal fo good for fore Wen comynge of hete Whã it is putin the ien than it with dryueth al gtele of the iyen / a yk it be fo that the blode tometh down from the hede in the iyen that the lyddes of the iyen ve lwollen / a tebe allo than a tlowte wet in the ſame a layd vpõ the iyen / withdriueth al grete and re denes frome the wen N Drontze of the fame water kaſtynge an ounte and a halle, cotot teth the hede Thelame water is ‘olde and dꝛye/ and letteth neuet humouts nog moyſtenes come to the iyen / whan it is put in the irẽ an howꝛe before the nyght / and the err rounde — chopntct with tielame Thre ounces Dronke of the lame water and wyne inpreed to gyder / taketh awaye the dalynge of the he de / and ſtrengtheth the lyuet / whan it is ful of hete and ſtröge top pyng In the mornyng at none / and at nyght drontze of the lame water at eche tyme an ounce & à halle / is good agaynſt se rede and Whyte flyree. ee en bn tet and layd vpon the woundes / 02 on the note ſtoppeth the bledynge of the woundes and et the forlayD ma In | net dtontze of the faine water / ig 5 dtyueth the cowahe / comynge of ho te humours / and it is allo bei good agaynſte the hete of the artes ot de 2 2 2 Thelame water is good agayn ſte the hete or the unpoliumacrons / Whiche be bote of nature / tot it is a repercuſuuum ⸗ clowtes ot tote wet in the fame and layde there vpon. ui. ot foure tyines in a ape / and it is good allo agaxnſte all (ores comyng {rome hete. K The fame water myrced with wyne / and lo drontze of it two oun ces / is vety good agaynſte the fas mabe / lot it conlorteth the 4 The lame water conforteth the harte / whan it is enoynted ther with. A e Capitulum ct. xxxbi. Ola alba in latin. Thole why te deuble roles iball be dyſtyl w0inbalncomatic 1 Tw ſe oꝛ thꝛyle in à Daye drontze of the ſa me / at eche tyme an ounce ſttẽgtheth and conlozteth and is good agapnite the layntnes ok the hatte B It ſttengtheth the lyne wes à membꝛes rubbed with the lame. C ith the ſame watet tubbed the foꝛe hede the temples / the wen ij ddes / and bee hynde on the necke / ealeth and cotoz teth them that be laynt / and it ealeth the mouynge ol the blode. D The fame water is good for tiẽ that llepe nat caſely / whan they be tubs bed with tie loꝛlayd water on the fo re ſayd places / for it tauleth caſely to ſiepe or onely the ſlepyng bayne tub bed ther with helpeth well allo E The fame water luke watme put in the wen with a fayte lynen clowte / or the ixen enoynted therwith aftet 5 18 75 /pulleth out the hete of the Lene of the t ofthe Eglentpne toles. were RS 84 N i N 3 A,. ax N ſedes within Capitulum cc. cxbii. B MOfa bedagar vel tofa vini in latyn. A At none andat nyght drose of theſame/at eche trie | an ounce ſom Dapes contynuyng/ is good for thein that be calde ol nature ſt whom the ſlomatze is become colde and is good for all ſebeneſu comynge of colde / wher as a bodye becometi laynte of / be {hall be enoynted there with in the foꝛſayde manet / and dꝛõ tze therof / it wyll ſttengthe and con foꝛte hym agayne B Euety Daye of the ſame water put in the cares. vin. or. x.dayes . ge is good agaxut de 8 of the buddes of the tofes Capit Coober DUihe Pele! water may be tril led of what toſes that rou ple ſe / but of the tede toles it is beſt. And there after the wylde toſes / ther al tet the whyte roles / and there alter the Eggletyne roles. The leues plut ked from tie buddes and the — whan they become open andthan the buddes 1 ſcylled, ¥ Foure tymesin a dave dꝛontze of the lame water / at eche ty: me an ounce and a halfe /ſtoppetb ve de latke comynge of bete named op {enterta in latyn / and the whyte lak we lientetia. ¶ Water otpronye cofes Ca.ccxrxir | | ae — Conta in latyn. The belt par te and tyme of his * is / the roles whan they be type and pr well in tbeyꝛ (calon / the leues of the Suntec witi fo moche weyght of they: rotes . dyſtylled oꝛ bꝛenned lone that hath atthe palin chacbe bath loſt his ie che / he (hall dꝛyntze ol thelame water an ounce / and it ſhall cave le im to ſpetze agayne/ and be fhall beceme bo le B In the moꝛnyng / and at nyght d:ontze ol the lame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / ia good foz yonge chylderen agaynſie the fone, C Twrle in a daye dꝛontze ol the fame water / at eche tyme an ounce is good agayn ſte — papne in the lpmmes In the moꝛnynge and at oa dꝛontze of the fame mater / at eche tyme an ounte / ot an ounce and a halfe. xxx.ot. rl. dayes cont · nuyng / is good agaynſte the falipn ge ſekenelle. R Apa in latyn. Che beſt tyme and pacte of the comen naues dyſtyllacyon is in the ende of June the rote or naues chopped and bren 4 The d ned ot dyſtylled fame water is good fot membres the whiche fore be frefen / therwith wal ſhed and rubbed and cloutes wet the te in and layde ther vpon twyſe oꝛ 8 T thryle in a Dare, ſame is good agaynſt brennyng we te fo euet it be,of hote water / of frre ae hote yron / or of what maner of C brennynge it be / with the lame mals {hed thete (ball come vpon a ſcurle ct the ſcurfe ſhall be waſſhed with che fame water tril it is hole. (W atet of hetyts Ca ct. cli, 8 ( Etalia oꝛ grana regis in la- tyn. The cheryles that J top le ol be the come great cheryſes with the ſhoꝛte ſteles. The beſt time ofthey re dyſtillacron is whan they be fuilp type /oꝛ they begynne to rotte oꝛ del troxe / than they {hall be layd vpon a fayte lynen clothe the {pace of a daye 02 two / byta wſe that the watety feg matytze moyſtenes may ſomwhat be pulled oute and conſumed / and ther after 1 and dyſtylled. Twyle oꝛ thꝛyſe dꝛõ ke ofthe § fame watet in a Daye prous keth ms floures in women. In the foꝛſayde ma ner . oktheſame water / ca ſeth the whyte laltze and the rede la to be ſtopped Euery ape in the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛontze of the fame / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / is good agaynſte the hete of the lyuer / and of the ſtoma ke / ⁊ confozteth the hartc. ¶ watet o blacke Cherries. Caputulum CC, Litt, C Etala nigta in latyn. Chole Cheryles be great a blacte but in ee be ſmall blacke cheryſes / x fone hole pale / and ſome be whyte on the one lyde / & rede on 11 other ſyde but of thote | is 1 yten in medycynes / but onely of pees rede a the great blacke che tyſes. The belt part of the great blac be cherples dyſtyllacyon is / the moſt blackeſt that may be gotten a dyſtyl⸗ R · i: led in thefame maner as it is done of the great tede cherple. 1 CEuety D Dap twyſe dꝛontze ot thelame water at eche tyme an ounte / thre oꝛ foure wetzys cõtynuynge / is good agaynſt the dꝛopſßy. 5 CTwyle a day dꝛonke of theſame water / at eche ty: me an ounce and a halfe / is good ae gaynſte the fallpnge of the membꝛes and lamenes sompnge ofthe pallaye l yr they be rubbed and waſſhed ther⸗ with / and let dꝛye agane by hymlelle And he that is enclyned ol nature to 5 — 1 e agapn Wellpnge aes the moznynge faſtyng / and at nygbt goynge to bedde dzonke of the n halte / ſtoppeth well the laſke. 8 Ca. cæ cli. . C Junia bel Ibis in tatyne7 The vonage forbes (hall be wotowed / and plucked out of their fedcrs, ⁊ cut and chopped in ſmall pe tes / and than bꝛẽned and Aut a with theſame wat the plate {hall be rubbed and enoynted the goute oꝛ pataliſis is in where as the membꝛes / and fo it (ball be done twyſe oꝛ thꝛyſe in a day / and clothes wet thetin and layd thetupon / than a par ſon heleth quyckely & lutely. ¶ water of hogges blode. Ta. cexlliii ö N poꝛcinus in latyne Che beſt parte and tynne of his diltyllacron is the blode ola gel⸗ dyd hogge/ and as fone as it is gelt / 995 the blode quyckelp into the itylla a Two offces and bait dꝛontze okthe lame water / is n theym that haue the pettys C water of ſaynt Johñs worte Capitulo, cerlv 2 Caopis tegia/vpetycon/rel becba fancti Jobãnis / vel hetba perforata in iatn. The belt parte and tyme of his diſtyllacron 1S the leues a flourcs ſtroped frome the ſteles / diſtylled in the ende of zune 9A The ſame watet myrced with the tote and ledes / oꝛ with the tote of pronye / dꝛonke of the fame 3 in the moꝛnynge eat 7 7 t eche tyme an ounce and a halle ⸗ isgood agaynſt the kallvng letzenes. 8 B ECuety mornynge and nyght dronke of thelame water / at eche ty me an ounce agaynſte the fall of the lley C It is allo good for the ttemblynge membres / twyle oꝛ thryle in a day rubbed therwithand let dꝛye agayn by hym eile D Thelameoater myxced with rede wyne / and twyle in a day dronke of thelame / at eche tyme an ounte and ma. a halle / is good agaynſt alt ma ner of laſges and flode ol the bely / oz clouts wet in thelame and layde bppon the bely foute tymes betwene daxe and nyght ty domus con ſperſi cũ aqua iſta / valet contra dya bolicam illuſionem. Th fame water heleth all manet of wot des outwardlyand iwardiy/ſtyetzed oꝛ hewen / in the moꝛnige a at noght Didke of thelame Water at eche ty me two onnces / and the woundes cut: ward waſſbed ther with/ and clothes wette in thelame a layde thetupon. — * ¶ water of Satyrion, S Atxꝛid vel teſticulus vulpis vel lepozina in latyne / And is of two maners / the male and the fe male / The rote ol the male hath two tootes hangynge togeder ipsc two nutmeges⸗ Tootes laynge ouert eche other / lyse two ſmale handes / and is named in latyn Palma chꝛiſti / Che beſt parte and tyme of the diſtyllacyõ ol the ma le/ is the tote bzenne d oz diſtylled in tyme week dar 4 nor as rde belo of te nae, u Ware 4 2 Ca. te 7 rlbi. The female bathe tuo moꝛnyng and at nyght dꝛonde of the lame water at eche tyme an ounce & a halfe l rẽgtheth and conloꝛteth the ſtomacbe. B In the moꝛ nynge and at nrght dꝛonde of thela me watet at eche tyine an cunte and a halle / cawleth great hete / therfore it geueth luſt vnto the woꝛtzes of ges netacxon and multiplxcacron oli C Dꝛontze of thes lame water in the forfayde maner withdꝛyueth the relow iaundys nae med Icteticia. In the loꝛſayd mance dꝛonte of theſame ma tet of palma chꝛiſty. C water of Palma Chꝛiſti. Capitulo. ccrivu. M Anus chziſti vel bam chꝛi· ſti in latyn / and it is the fee male of Satycion / The beſt parte ⁊ ol her diſtyllacyon is in all mas 41 Thelame water is good a: gaynſt ſwellynge out wardly and in war diy /euety moꝛnynge dꝛõ ze two olices of theſame water / and clothes wette ther in / and layde there vpon In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛontze ol theſlame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two onnces / cauieth apetyte and luſt to the woꝛtze ol generacyõ / a multy⸗ piyeth the nature and (perma C nthe mognpng ⁊ at nyght drontzt ofthefaine water at cche ty⸗ m an ounte and a halte / confozteth and ſtrengtheth the body D It heleth olde a newe woun des in war dly and out wardly in the mornynge ⁊ at nygkte drontze of the fame water / at eche tpine an ounce ⁊ et tlothes wet therin and layd * water of coꝛona regia. ca. cerlbiti | 2 Drona regia in latyn / The ſttoped from the ſteles / and bꝛenned de in the ende of June Thelame water is good Am euyl haſty moucd eee outes wet ther in and bog de vpon the hede. ¶ Theſame water {yall be drontze of prynces / loꝛdes⸗ and wyſe vnderitandynge perlones whiche haue moche to putte in there myndes and temembeauncs / and the fame water is better for the teme m braũce à memotye than all the other is the leues and flowres Waters. Creates: a sal Chriftokis wotte⸗ Feen cc. xlix. S mundi in latyn. The belt ti me of his dyltyllacyon is in the ende ol the Maye chopped and dyſtyl led 4 The fame heleth the cantzze walhed ther with / and clowtes wet ther in layd ther vpon / It heleth al⸗ fo the fyſtle / waſſhed thetwith = lou tes wet therin a layd theron B At withdꝛyueth the dyſſeas named the modermale / twyſe ot thrple walſhed web. in a daye ⁊᷑ let drye by hym ſelfe C Whã a man is tente / than he (hall dryntze of theſame an oũce . ir . cõtynuyng à he ſhal become ho le without doubte. water of Henufaris Ca. cc. l. Enilatis / vel cacabus bene tis / bel papauet paluſttis in lative they be ot. ii. manets /one with whyte floures the other with yelo ws Routes, The belt tyme of his W cid is /the Whyte flottes toba they be ful ĩ text ſea ſon ot they become blac keatede /a thã dyltylled 1 The fame ſlab et all hete on the body ol a mã / whã it is Droke in the mornyng fat nyght / at eche tyme an oũce it a halfe/⁊ a wet thetin layd ther vpon B The bede often enoynted with theſame / r let bare by bpm a agayne/coleth the bete ofthe hede C It myxted with other dryntze / c dtõ he / ſt cloutes wet thetin layde on the harte out war de /coleth the hete ofthe hete hatte. D It led in the forlapde maner is good fot a dyſſeaſe named Ethica E An ounce ta halle drõ ke ofthe fame / in the mot nynge and at nyght. x.or.xii.dayes contynuyng is good for the yelowe Jandys f Towe ot lynen clothe wet in thelam ct layde two or thre tymes in a Dape eee on theipner / coleth the ly r & Tyte tymes in a dave dro ke ofthe ſame/at eche tyme an ounce is good 4 — the hote a dꝛre cough H {nthe moꝛnynge ⁊ at nyght dꝛontze of the fame water / at eche ty me two ouncts is good agaynſt pleu reſis / that is an impoſtumynge in the brett with ſtytches in the ſyde ZF In the moꝛnynge & at nyght dꝛontze ofthe lame / at eche tyme an ounce / is geod foꝛ unpoſtumyng in the guttes % Ofte dꝛontze of the fame, at eche tyme an ounte /is good againſt the ol de flode in the bely. L The is good agaynſte all (pottps r males agapne bp hem fel An oun te Dionke of theſeme / and the dtpnke myxced thet v ith / z dꝛonte / is good agaynſt the hete ol the peſtylenee An the mozmng z at nyght dꝛonke ok thelame /st eche tune an off and a halle ſlab eth the thyꝛſt O Of thelame water dꝛõtze in the moꝛ⸗ nynge r at nyght / and at eche tz me wallhed thet with a let dere agayne by hym ſelſe / is good agatnit the why te mot phea / but mote bettet it is for the te de morphea / whuche cometh of D Ditonbe ol the tay me watet in the morning eat night at eche tyme an ounce æ a halfe / cõſu meth ſperma / and it febleth the mem bre ot gentratvon/and —— away the due rmoche lechery Two oꝛ thre tymes in a — drõtze ofthefame water at eche tyme an of ce and a halfe is good agaynſt the im e er ol “Se wiv Capitulum cc. li. Y Arifrace in latyn / Ind is ot thre manet / as Saxiftaga tubea / Saxifraga matot-Daritras fame ga minot / and therof 1 wyil wry⸗ te. The belt parte and tyme of his dy ſtyllacxon of the Satiftaga minor is / the lt gtene herbe dyſtylled in the ene Jane ee tee parte And tyme of Saxifraga maior ts / the herbe with all his lubſtaunce Dpityiled inthe mxddeſt ol tie Way a In the mornpn ge and at nrghe Droike of tie fame water / at eche tyme aN ounte and a halle. rix.ot . xl. daves contyt uyngt/ 15 vety good agaynlt the itene B n the tot ſayd ma net Drombe of the — water / two ot thre wetzes contynuynge / is good agapntt the a inthe ipmunes ? C and in the bl te dayes contynupn: ge dronbe ol theſame water, at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / cawieti well to pyſle / and it clenleth 587 cars bo nes and the bladde r. ees HD (Gate ot Stäbrole Ca tt, ll, : 1 Fy F * ; A W EE : . > SEP A S — 14 e oo D r 28 — 5 BY bod ad ba nad : } 17 eee | 2 * 7 oF N iy “, J P eee wit ; \ ; 14 ' /\| 2 ‘ i i 1 1 Ca bioſa in latyn / che belt parte ⁊ tyme of his dyſtillacio (a the i lame with the final leues chop Jo am dyltylled in che ende oi tye Thelame water uu to all thynges / where as the wa tet of conlouda tegalis is good, ; It is good lor the 3 bouce put in che wen before the urght B Twyle or thryle drontze ofthe ſame water in adapzat echetpme an bounce and a halte / is goad ces tbe fiptcies in the iyxde C In the toꝛlayd manet deonke ol tirlame Water. viu.oꝛ.x.dapes contyiuunge good agaynt impoftuminge of the Euety mor ninge diontze fatteng ol the lame wa tet an ounte and a halle is good for the pel niente E > Cwple ma day dꝛontze of the fame water / at erlhe ty⸗ me two dunces/oꝛ two cunces and a halle / is good agaynſt venym. F It is good foꝛ holes in a mãnys vat de wba it is walſded therwuhã ic ou ted / in the moꝛnynge a at nygbt / the it ſhal hele without tonite G TwP ſe in a daye dꝛõke of the fainc water / eche tyme two dunces. ee contpnurng is good agapn cow ghe In the foꝛiuyd manet Dronke of the fame water / is es agarntt all vnclẽnes in tie bos 1 Cwuyte in a day bo — Water / at eche tyme an ounte / whan any impoll umyng wrt tome within the body / and or the im poſtumyng growe / ta wſeth to vaniſ the the imroſtumyng / It is alio good agaynſt ſaaldenes & pil blode. In the kor ſayd naner S dröbe of the lame water / heleth wet: des in warde or outwatde / ⁊ ronetz out of the woundes / and clothes wet in thelame and layd theruron 1. A body that bathe an im pottune outhoarde oꝛ inwaatde / or that is ĩcalde o: tabby, he lball dꝛyn il ke faſtyng / at eche tyme two oũces ix. Dares contynuynge than be thall become hole M In tbe lame ma net dꝛonze ol it citſeth the bꝛeſt / pre letueth tie longue / and withdtiueth the unpoſtumacxons in the de N It is alſo good agaiſt the fycke Hay nes in the fondament/cloutes wette ther in and layd ther vpon O me watet is good agaynſt ſer pigo and Impe tigo / in the moꝛnyng and at nyght walſhed therwuh/ and let drye agapne by hym elle / at eche tyme Itontze an ounce / bytawſe it is warme and drye in the ſeconde de gre/therlote it is conſumyng & dty ; vnge. P Euerp day dröte in the mornynge and at nyght at eche time an ounce and a halle ofthe lame wa tet is good agaynſt the leptre Q It is cod agaynſt the blàynes of the peſtylence / named Inttar / cio v tes wet in the lame water and layde ther vpou puilety out all the venym ¶ Watet of the great Sage. Chaptre .tc.im, S Aluiainiatyneehe beſt par te and tyme ok his dyltyllacron is /the herbe dyſtilled whan it beteth llowtes / and the lame is the great c Ras Y Cer. M N x - gtolle ſage with the brode leues * Euery day dronke of thelame anon te ta halſe. xxx. oꝛ.ti.dayes cout 54 ynge / is good for the lruer which wil rotte. B In the foꝛſa de maner drontze of the lame. vi or. bat. daxes tontynuyng / wailetlthecowch C Two ot tice tymes in a bay dtontze of the lame / at eche tyme two dunces dryueth the deve chylde out of the mo dets body Thte or loute tye mes in a day Dronke of the unc / at eche tyme an ouncc / or an ounce and a halſe / thre ot foure bockes contynn ynge / a the membres often rudbed thet with / is good for them that haue loft theyt ſgeche tyrugh the kallynge of the palley / of whom the membres be ſhton ze d lame & Tuo tymes in a day drontze of thelame / at ecke ti me an ofice ⁊ a halfe/is good for the payne in the hte F Two tymes in a daye the hãdes rubbed with tee lame /⁊ let dtye by hym leite / is good agaynſt the tremblynge of the ha des S Sage Waker brenned oz diſt ylled with tbe flowres is good = ſpecyall to all the memes ot them Whiche can nat helpe them eite / in the mornynge and at nyght / at eche tyme Dronke an aunce / and the mem vres rubbed and wallhed there with and than the nẽbtes become quycke agayne 9 Tbelame water heleth woundes waſched ther with a clothes wet thetin and layde on the dyleas / and in the mornynge and at nyght drontze of thelame water at e · che time an ounce / or an ounce and a halbe Cwo or thre tymes à daye the vavnes rubbed thetwith⸗ be neth the te. tae of 5 75 Jn the mocneng garn an ounce and a balfe — 2 ol theſa clẽ contynuyngc / taketh a way the mad e Det beat me water. vi. da nm M growynge on ttees wet in thelame watet ⁊ bewnde vpon fore bledyng woundes O n the mor nynge and at nyght dronte of theſa me water / at eche tyme an ounte / or an ounce ta halfe/ vi. or vni.dayes tontynuyunge / bretzeth the inwarde nes n the for {apd maner dronke of war ter/conforterh tie braynes and the vaynes of the bꝛaynes / andit is alſo at agapnte the floode of the hede⸗ In the mornynge and — at nyght dronke of thelame water / at eche tyme an ounce/twentyoz. xxx dayes contynuynge / is Good foꝛ all ſuche pat iones as bathe to moche oc cupped the woꝛkes of generacyon / x that theit lyuet be waited and hurte it conloꝛteth a ſtrengtheth it agayne and cavoleth tt to come agayne inte his former mght as it was before » Q Dꝛonze of thelame in the koꝛſayd maner x. oz. ru. Dapes contynuynge cõfoꝛteth the ſtomnatze. K 9 — watet is good Allo agapate the itche ofa mannys coddes / 3 they be walſhed there with / and wg dꝛxe agarne by them lele Cwyſe in a dave Dronke of vet water, at eche tps me an ounce/twenty oꝛ thyꝛty dayes nes of the bꝛaynes / and the hede oltẽ Tubbed thetwith ith the lame water / the rede oꝛ gray hetes 1 them to be blaze. lame watet is good ö . of the colde membꝛes / as patalilis/tremblynge/crampe/oꝛ Epilencia and ſuche othet lyke dylea les / In the mornynge and at nyght drontze of thelame an ofice and a hal fe / and his wyne lomvohate myrced ther with / and thole greuous and dylcaſed colde membꝛes rubbed ther with / and than lette drre agayne bp them ſelte is geod. T It is good agaynſt the tottynge of the gũmes / and allo agaynſt the greuous payne of the tethe / and allo agaynſt the ha kynge of the tethe / whan it is often taken in a day t kepte in the mouthe B Thre tymes in a dare dꝛonlẽ ok the lame watet / at eche tyme an oune te / is good in cawſes belongynge to the ſtomake / and to the moder in wo men. At mare be layde alſo outwat de thete vpon with towe / oz clowtes wette there vpon in lytze wyle as an Epithima / that is a moyſty platter. 3 In the moꝛhynge and at nyght dzonke of the ſame water at eche tps me an oũce and a halfe / is vety good agaynſt the dylleaſes of t he bꝛapnes and theyꝛ ſenewes againſt the fallin ge ſetze nes of paralifis and agaynſle the tremblynge membꝛes / dꝛontze as it is layde before / and often rubbed thet with and lette dꝛye by hym ſelſe agayne 24 Theſame water is warme and drxe dee neben vertue attractyfe and dyſlo · ther foꝛe it cõforteth the ſtoma rs very well / whiche is full of cuyil moyſtenes / and it cawieth appetyte in this manet / ye (hall tage of the ſa me water /and a lytell venegte / and A Iytell of out lady bedſtrawe / and make therofa ſawee / and cate it with rout meate BW ſaine water ſtrengtheth and tontoꝛ · test) the menibꝛes / in the moꝛnynge and at nyght rubbed and enoynted ther with. Onſolida minoꝛ /fertatia ma ioꝛ / Samicula in latyn. The belt pte a tyme of his diſtyllaciõ is the hetbe / the rote with all his ſubſtaun ce / hꝛenned oꝛ dyſtylled in the myd · 6 Deft ofthe Daye 4 A woünded body dꝛynkynge of theſame water in the mor nynge eat nyght / at eche ty ⸗ me two oũces helpeth lo the woũdes inwarde / that they become fully be le outwarde. B he ſame watet is good agaynſt all { 8 clomtes wet ther in / and two oz thre tymes in a day layde ther vpon. C Thelame heleth all woũdes / and all that is op on a mãnys body and on The the ſory ⁊ (tabby body / waſſhed ther with and clouts wet ther in and lay de ther vpon. ¶ Watet of Srndawe Ca. cc. lb. V d ee eee tyn / The beſt patte and ty meof bist dyſtyllacyon is / the rote the herbe / with all his ſubſtaũce chopped and bꝛenned or dyſtilled in the ende of the Maye / ot betwene bothe our lady daxes * — 2 Thelaine water is goed foꝛ all woundes and flageth the euyl hete of the woundes rf they be twyle or thryle walſhed thet with / andclos thes wette iu thelame layd therupon B In the mocnyng andat nyght dronke of thelame water at es che tyme an outice ta halle / is good for them that be rente / named cuptu ta: whiche is a great dyſcas. ¶ watet ol Lappa minot tobiche be tharpe burres. Ca. ccl vi. = 22 i 8 Bes. “Basa ‘ : : II Appa minor vel lappa acuta ‘ in latyn / The beſt parte and tyme of his diſtyllacyon is / the frurte ol the ſhatpe Burtes / whan they be fully rype / with as mothe weyght of the rote and of the herbe / Chopped a btenned ot diſtyiled 1 J longe tyme Prose of ti came water / thepic ina daxc/at eche tyme an ounce and a baliz, is good a gaynſt the bꝛebyng Gone in the limes / tarnes & bladder ¶ watet ot Abꝛetarum. Cael dit 41 Byotanum in latyne / a thete be found tothe wo lde and tame / but the wylde J bnowe nat / The belt patte and txme ot the tames diſtylla cron is / The leues ſtroped frome the ſteles / and fo ditt plied in the begyn⸗ nynge of June. Jun the moꝛnige / at none t at night dꝛonke of thelame water / a ſertayne dayes tontynuynge / at eche tyme an ounce ot an oũce ⁊ a halte /is good agaynſt athortetrethe B In the lot fayde maner dronke of the fame wa ter latgeth the breſt C Thre tmnes in a day dronk of the lame wa tet at eche tyme an oũte and a halle is good agaynſt the cougg D Thelame water dronke in the for “apd maner is good agaynſt the dyl edles in tie iymmes ck t is good fot the womens ſecrete / whã they be waſſtze d therwith / for it clen ſeth theit dyſeas Thre or loute tymes in a Daye dronze ol the lame water / is good lor them that can nat pſſe/lot it cawſeth one wel to pille G Thelame water is good agaynſte the dyteas named Stiacis that is a (wolleu thyghe / it {hall be often rubbed ther wu / and let it dtre by hem ſelle 3 Ok the lame water drortze in the mornyng laſtynge at eche tyme an ounce and a halke/is god agaynſt venſm Agaynſt colde axces it is gcod wã any lody is rubbed with the lame lot the cõmyng of the afces & water in the moꝛnynge fafipnge at eche tyme two ounces / is good foz the wozmes tn the bely. i A body that is ſtynged of a ſpynnet / be (hal be waſſhed with the fame wa tet / and clowtes wet therin layde there vpon / twyſe in a Dare and he ſhpyall be hole W An te faſtynge dꝛontze of the lame watet is good to chylderẽ foz the ſpannyng of the harte n the mor nynge and at nyght / dꝛontze of te fame water / at eche tyme two of ces/ 1 3 agaynſte ſyꝛʒyvnkynge in the be O In the foz aah cl dꝛontze of the laine wa; tet / is good panes 885 in the belp named the bermod Thee tymes in a 15 dꝛonke of thee ſame water / and the he de enoynte d — is 9 7 foz a ithe of the be oz thee 15 ina day ate 1 wa the Dare ; tet at eche tyme att ounce / Roppeth the flode of the floures in women na med menſttuum. So what patlone dꝛyntzeth an ounce of the lame / in the lame maner he ſhall be preletued froin all onnatutal ſcke S Zronke of the fame water in the forlaid maner ope neth the modet in womem. T In the forfayde mance drontze of the fame water withdrructh tte impollu mes In the more nynge faſtynge / and at nyght Dien C ke of the fame watet / at eche tyme an tynurnge withdryueth the fone Often dꝛontke ofthe fame: b Cwo dt thre bares bronze of the fame water in the lor layde ina net / isgood agaynſt itrangucy and dylluty zp In the mor nynge 15 at nyght dronke ol the ia me water at eche tyme an ounce / is good for ſttangury / two or thre das yes tontynuynge 3 In oun · the mornynge / and at nyght dronue ok the lame water / at eche tyme two ounces / is good agaynſt ſtranguty ¶ water ol etthẽ (naples. Ca cr. biũ Amar in latyn / The beſt par te and tyme of his dyſtillaciõ is / the rede erthe ſnayles whiche be founde on the watety wares whan. it 3 the leconde 3 of. The wrã genaple ſomwhat cutte and rut in of: the fame watet / withdryueth cy m whan it is often done It doth vanyſſbe the moattes © on the handes / whan they be olten — therwu C A glow pron put in theſame water krauktd as hat de as ſtele. nnen watet of inal plantuyne. . c ix 774 1% A) eh * AX 210 N Oral 2 . 8 e. re ee ary (5 SAG, — W 75 - 70 — 1 Ze G = 1 8 NN if I LD 2 \ . A) A val AY 7 Au \ D : 4 Ronse * 1 L antago mino / vel lances: Der The beſt parte and ty: ä withall bis ſubſtauntce chopped / bꝛẽ een The dame via ene sgn agar —.— oꝛ ſmall vlcetes on the noſe oz on ces / withdꝛrueth the ſpoulwozme in the bely. C Thetame water is good agaynſte the fourth axces / og ngaynſt fc bꝛis quattana / dꝛontze two howtes before his compnge on. D Thte ountes or thre ounces and a halfe dzontze of the fa: me watet withdrxuͤeth the alter byz the / ot Secundma E In the mornynge and at nyght Dronke of the fame wa ter / at eche tyme an ounce and a hal fe / is good agaynſte the venymous and euxll hete / and bytes of vnclene wormes ot beſtes / clowtes wet ther N and layde there vron / topic in a ye, Che fame watet is good fo; all woundes / whan they be waſſhed the te with / and clowtes wette thetin / and layd ther vpon / in the mornyn ge / and at nyght / for it clenſeth the olde ſores and heleth them alſo. It alſo frcfige woundes/ whan the lynte is wet in the ſame and lay de in the myddeſt ol the woũde with oute — the cages and bozs ders of the woundes. a The ſame water i is Good agaynſt lwellynge / whan clou tes be wet ther in and layde ther vpõ 0 In moꝛnynge and 1 npabe Drone of the fame water / tyme an ounce anda halfe / Gente et the taynes and the bladder, It heleth all wene⸗ mous beſtes byttes / in the moꝛnyng and at nyght walſhed ther with / and clothes wet i the la me and lard ther vpon. Water of Celendrn. € f. cc. Its Elidonia in latyn / Che belt is ſubſtaunte chopped / blenned o2 dyſtylled in the myddeſt of the mape 11 CT yheſamce water is metue · louſſy good agaynſte all dyſeaſes of the iyen / and ſpecyally agaynſte the webbe a ſpottes in the iyen / for it clẽ {eth then from all euyll moyſtouts/ pꝛyncipally whan the watet is dy. tilled of the flowtes ¢ put in the iyen it cauleth a vety good tharpe ſyght / beta be it taketh a waye the z ynne or webve from the ier without pay ne and matzeth the ien clere 3 Of theſame watet put in the ixen is good for the rede iren / and foꝛ ted iyelyddes. Toyſe a day drontze of theſame watet / at eche ty⸗ n 3 5 Meth withdryue pelowe taundys D In the iia none / a at He dron ke of theſame watet / at eche tyme it. ountes is good a gay tie n oder EIn the toꝛſard manet dron ke of thefame water is good whan a bodp 13 wounded pf he be in feat that the glyttynge watet wpli voyde and be gone / than the woũ de {halve wal (hed thꝛe oꝛ foure tymes with the ſa me water / and tha it is ſute that be is preſetued frome that dyſſeaſe F TChelame water withdty⸗ ueth Antracem / that be the blaynes of the peſtylente / is good yfa cloth be wet thre ot four tymes a Daya layd — G pykit be longe kepe in the mouthe is good for the tothe a · che 8 CT wyſe a day dronbe oktheſame water x. oꝛ rit, dayes cõ tynuynge / at eche tyme an dũte and . — Lot twaync withdꝛyueth the The ſame wat dꝛx· pe and heleth the canker and fyſtule tœyſe ot thy a daye waſſhed there with / x clothes wette in theſame and lapd thetupon. 1 Tuoor thre ty mes dꝛonke of theſame water at eche tyme an ounce / and the (cabs whiche be come of colde waved ther with heleth the lame Tuo ot thre tymes in a day Dron ke of the lame water at — tyme an dunte is good a gaynſt the ol the lvuet 1 npnge faſtyng dtentze of cheſame wa tet /an oũte 1 — agaynſt the wynge of the ſtomake. ¶ watet of on cype ſlooſe.Ca.cc.lxi. 2 i, A Ccalum oꝛ pꝛunella ſilue ſttis in latyne The bent tymne oi his dyityllacpõ is in the ende of leptẽber amped and diſtylles 4 wae ter ol ſloolc whiche be nat rype / thee tymes a Daye drontze of thelame wa tet / at eche tyme an oũce and a alte 02 two ountces / is good agaynite the blody flyre / that is named dillente; ria / anù allo is good agaynſt t bor te flyrere. B Clothes wet in thelame water / and otten layde on wolnens breües / cawicth the loltt hzeites ta become hatde. 9 : F Gi 1 = 2223 wol Fu J ek: tin tat u ni ( watet of the flobozes of look Capuulo. cc. ku. 7 * es SH 0 Sy Atitstia in latyn, The beſt parte and tyme of his dyſtyl : lacyon is /the leues the ſteles choppi d togydet and dyſtylled in the ende ol the Pape 4 Two tymes in à Dape drontze of the fame. vii. or. x. dapes contynuynge / openeth che top prnge ofthe ftomake and the iyuer a the mrite B The fame water is good agaynſt the ſwellyng comyn ge on with payne / for it laketh the payne of the ſwellynge/clowtes wet therin and layd theron two tunes in C Thre tymes in a day dꝛõ ke ol the ſame/at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe / cienſeth the raynes and the bladder D It drontze in the mance atotſard. iii. or. iui. tymes is good for the moder à fofteneth the payne of her E Dronke of theſame thre tymes in a day. iii.or.uui. Daxes contynuynge / at eche tyme an ountce c à halfe/cawleth the floœtes of wo men to come named menutuum F In the mornynge and at nyght dros ke of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe. vi. at. bit. Dapes tontps nuyng / is good for the ſyrynkyng in the beiy G In the mornynge and at nyght Dronke of the tame water / At eche tyme an ounce and a halte /ot tn ounces is good fot the payne in : oder. Later ol Spargus Ca. cc. lxvii· N N e ee Baraus in latyn / The bell x | te and tyme or his dyſtyllacid is / the tott / the ſtaltze / and the her be chopped togyder and dyſtylled in the Pare / and alſo in the herueſt whan it beretiz tede betyes A In the mornynge / and at nyght Bronke of theſame water / at eche tyme two off ces / dryueth the brine out fo quychly that the vtyne lmelleth lybe the wa tet B zn the forſayd maner drontze of the fame water conlumeth and withdryueth the grauell of the ipmmesandthebiaddes « Co There of foute tymes in a day Drone tze of thelame water / at eche tyme an vunce is good agaynſte the gowte in the guttes. D In the for tayd ina net Drenke of the laine / openeth the ſtoppyng in the lyuet and myite E Two ot tlre tymes ina dap drontze ol tie lame / at eche tyme an ounte & à halle is good agaynſt dyſſury. F In the mor nyng at none e at nyght goynge to bedde Dronke of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce / or an ounce a . balfe / is good agapnite a7 ſhryn: ynge in the belp. Thre or foure tymes in en dton ke of the fame watet / at eche tyme an ounce or an oũte and a half / is good agaynſte the payne in the lymmes a tapnes comynge of wyndes and fleg n the motnyng and ina 0 at nyght drontze of the lame / at eche tyme an eunce and a halte ot too oũ ce sſome Dares tontynuyng / clenleth the raynes and the bladder. twyſe in a day of the lame watet / at eche 95 me an ounce and a halfe / is * the payne in the hede Thre tymes in a daye ink of the lame water / at eche tyme an ounte / oꝛ an ounce and a halte / is good agapnſle the pelo de Jandrs. Cvater of Fulamus Ca. celrxviii F Ulamus in latyn. The beſt ps te a tyme of yis dyuillacyon is / the ic ues & ftuyte chopped togydet ? whan they be type and tede 4 In the moꝛnyng ⁊ at nyght dꝛontze of the i la tumes in the bladder 8 In foꝛſayde maner dꝛontze of the fame watet clenieth the 1 which pas ue hote impoſtumes C In the fog larde manet Monte of the ſame was the vꝛyne / whan a bodye is bathed in a bathe of water and dꝛynzeth of the fopfayde water. water oꝭ C athapucia Ca. cc. lrix. Athapucia in latyn / The beſt \_A_pacte and tyine of his oyitylla cion is / the itcics ⁊ leues dyſtyiled in his fully growynge a The lame Water cle uieth / melteth / & puryfyeth the coleta / tie water y legma / the oder moche blody moyuenes / heleth Impetigo and Serpigo / often wal⸗ ſyed therwitg B In ounte and a ae dronwe of the ſame / ca wleth laſ C Thelame is good foz moyſty Idnes / ſcabbes / and impoltumyng f fra ol tye hede / otten wallhed therwith. 2 Tuye water ot Fulamus with dꝛyueth vnclene ſpottis. E An ounce and a halte drontze of the fame is good agaynſt the woꝛnes F molar de liedes foure dayes ſteped in vencgre is good for lame membꝛes in — and at nyght waſlhed r 2 Erwater of Oꝛiganum cat RNIN S ** 989 WASY Ay \, ue a O Riganum in latyit. The bet parte and tyme of his Oplépls latvon is / the herbe and izcic iu tye ſeaſon whan it beteth flowres chop ped and dyſtylied 1 Tie lame Watet dꝛontze in the noꝛznynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halle / is good agaynſie che ſtteght · nes or the bzeite B Two ot tyre tymes goꝛgwoled theſame in a dare withdꝛyueth the ſpene in the thꝛote C Otten holden in the mouth of thefame water /heleth and dye ih the wolen gommes 2 Otten holdẽ in the mouth of theſame withdueth the payne in the teche. the moꝛnyng at none and at nygit, 020 ke of the lame water / at eche tyme an ounce. and a halfe/heipeth the hoie be dy inwarde. ( Matet ol Cotmentyla: Capituum ce. ri. C Onſolida tubea in tin de bel parte and tyme ot his Dp: ftyllacpon is / the herbe and the rote with all his fubltaunce dyſtylled be twene bothe out lady dayxes 4 In the moꝛnyng fattynge Dronke of the fame is good foꝛ ail maner of ve · nym B It dronte in the moꝛnig laſtyng is good for the peſtylẽte / 41S a preſetuatiuum / that is a defending of the ſayd ſekenes the for peſtylence that {he can not come on a bodre. And vfa body hath the lame ſetzenes than he ſhalt jete blode on the lame membꝛze / as it is ryghtfull / and after the lettynge blode / hym ſhall be gy⸗ Het two ountes of the lame water / myrced with a dꝛagma of Nenys tey acle /and halfe an ounce and a quat s tet of an ounce ot bynegre. Than he {hall be layde downe / and tubbed his handes and fete / with vynegte⸗ herde ol grace / woꝛmwode / r with lalte / and than let hym well lwete / and the other day doynge it t allo/ th eee hole agayne. In the moꝛnynge and at bat d. onde of the lane Water / at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe / is good agaynite sang of unpoſtu⸗· mynge In mornyngs and at nysht / drontze of the lame watet / at eche tyme an oun te and a halte / or two ounees / (top. peth the flyre / fpecpally the tede⸗ named dyſſentetia. E ‘Tio or thee tye mes in daye / walſſied the woundes the fame water / and euery moꝛ With nynge donke of the fame water / an me water / at eche tyme an ounce / te ioyleth and teſteſſcheth the debe ora man frome many mancrs ot tcacuct WvS,fotit conforteth the brapnes/ite ſtomabe/ the mylte the lyuet / and the hole brett The fame water heleth the fyſtule whan it is often waſſhed and tubs bed with the lame. 1 The lame water bes leth alſo the cankre / olten walli ed ther with / and clow tes wet in the la ennd lap de ther vpon. K n the and at nyght dꝛonzke of the — Wa tet / at eche tyme two ounces / is bes ty good agaynſt the axces oꝛ lebꝛes⸗ ſpecyally agaynſte the dayly arces 4 the bila Tertiane / = Aua In the moꝛnynge and at N nygbt dꝛonse of the fame water / at eche tyme Gnouncte anda halte / ot two ounces / zepeth the bodye frome dylleaſes. In the mornyng and at nyght dꝛontze of thelame watet / is good toꝛ the bꝛeſte / for it ahne & ſtteng ounce and a halfe / heleth the woun · theth the bzelle. pty withoute ony 1 falue ot pla: T lame water is alſo good agapnite all the Dpicates of the wen / an howte before the nyght put in the iyen / and than they ſyall become bole inthe ſpa te ol ten dayes / for it clatefpeth / ſhar peneth / and clenſeth the (ght whi: che * aboue all 1 ee In the henge anid at naht dran ofthe a C uoatet ofthepeberders puck. Capitulum ce lett seme (/ 9 Erba cancri / bur ſa paſtoꝛis Säãguinatia in iatyn / Caflewede / oꝛ ſhepher des put le in englillle. The beu ple ⁊ ty me of bis Dpitpiiacyo is/ the herbe / the rotes /the ſtalzes / with all his ſubſ aũce chopped togydet & dyſtylled in the ende of the May / oꝛ ĩ tte begynnynge of zunt à In the Mognpng tat npght dꝛõtze olthelam at eche tyme. i. oũces / is pꝛyncj pally , Good againit ali flodes of biove of the bely / where it is the blody fipree nas med dyſlenteria / oꝛ the whyte flyrce named lienteria / 02 faz blode to pyſ B Thelame is good ioꝛ al woũ des in the moꝛnyng zat nyght waſched thetwuh C Thꝛe oꝛ foure ounces broke of the ſame / a cottõ wet therin ⁊ lapd vpon the fore hede ſtopped tie bledynge of the wounde E Two oꝛ thꝛe tymes in a day dꝛõtze ol the fa meat eche thine an ounce 02 an oũte and a halle / ſtoppeth the lode & fob tes in womẽ named menſttuum F Chꝛe tymes in à dae dꝛontze of the ſame / at eche tyme an ofice and a halle. v. oꝛ . vi. wetzesa contynuyng is good foz the ſtone. Watet of ody, Ca. cc. iti. Va Ne a N 75 6 <2 C wiftuta in latyn / The belt pte & tyme of his dyſtyllatron 13 whan the bꝛaunches and het bes be te botthes ot ſedes / foz it bath not le ues as othet herbe / in the Gane tyme chopped and dyitylled : In the moznpnge and at nyght dꝛonke of the lame war tet /a t ecbe tyme two ountes / is good agavnd all dyſſeaſes in the luer B In the forlayde mance dꝛonbze of the tame water contoꝛteti and clenſeth the longues C In the moꝛnyng/at none / and at nyght dꝛontze ofthelame water / at eche ty me two ountes / dryueth the exreſſyt nes ot humouts ⁊ moyſtnes from the hole body of a man D In the mor nynge at none and at nyght dꝛontze of thelame water / at eche tyme an oũ ce ⁊ à halte / withdzyueth the velome iaundys / named in latyn Ictericia E Dꝛonzte ok theſame wat in tie ſoꝛſayde mance / drrueth out the {tone with the vtyne In the foꝛſayd maner dronk of the fine water / is good agaynſt the thei kynge in the beiy G Itkit be put in the iyen clatifyeth them In the moꝛnyng / ar none & at nyght drontze of thelame water at eche tyme an oũce and a halfe is good agayne To tymes ins day dronk of thelame water / at eche tyme an ounce a a halfe / confoztety the ſtomabe / O The tymes a Dave Deonke of theſame water at e che tyme two ounces bꝛyngeth the v tyne to his paſſages 75 The fame water clenieth the ſupetfluytes of the vaynes / foꝛ his Nature is dry · uynge out the on clene ſuper fluytees ok the vaynes / and it clenſethallo the ſubtyll and eke grole vaynes / for it is of nature openynge and clenſonge Water of Dodyt whiche groweth in the flatce / is good ayenſt the arces oꝛ febres of the yonge chris Dre that yet be ſuczynge thic moders breſtys / and to them {hall be gyuen to de yntz almaſt a quaztet of an otics anda lytell myrced in their pappe 7 lot it purgeth tolera. i 1 agapnit the moder / that hathe taden tolde 1 It is good loꝛ wo men / drontze in the forfapd manet pf ſhe haue nat the flode ol het flowres at her dewe tyme / Ind that (he be ſwollen about the nauyll In the moꝛnynge at none and at nyght / drontze ol thelame water / at eche tyme an ounce ⁊ a halſe / oꝛ two oũtes is good foz them that hathe the ſtone / z tawſeth them well to pyſſe. LA body that were cabed thꝛugh on clene blode / fo pil that he mere dyſpoled to lepꝛy / he thall dꝛyn ke of thelame wat / in the moꝛnynge at none and at nyghte / at eche tyme an ounce i a halte / puritreth the blo; de a bꝛyngeth it to good dylpolpcion Kanter ol tamatiſcus Ca.cc.lxxiii. Aumtilus dome ſticus in las tin. The belt pte ⁊ tyme ot his dyltyllacyon is the tynde chaued fro me the wode a the leues itroped tet of chopped tugyder ⁊ dyltylled in the myddeit ol the Way 1 In mornynge at none / Tat nyght Broke of the (ame at eche tyme an ounce Ea 22 2 lymmes ⁊ in the bladder n the fot ſayd manet drontze a the ame / is vety good e, the top pyng ol the mylte C Thelame voa ter drontze in the worker de mance, 18 fo ud igh ante t it is aprpncppa water aga all dylſeales of the invite bycaaole it tlenſeti the blode ol the mylte D Thelame water is good agaynſt the fearfull mynde / pii heuy dreames ⁊ fantaipe melantol E | { pe. In the mornyng and at nyght Dron Re ol thelame is good agaynſt the dyl T ee — ge ot and aga teppei ie cee mx wo tymes in Wbt 33 Water /at eche ne an ounce / or an ounce and a i 1 2 the ſtomactze⸗ it fect and conforteth che L water of wotmewode. oe Kaen cc. lxxv halle / s good agapntt the rauen in ORES... eee be aA Blinthium in latyn The bolt parte and tyme of his dil yl⸗ lacpon is / The leues and the toppes ſttoped from the ſteles and dyſtylled in the ende of the May Theſame water hathe tight merue · louſe great vertues / foꝛ it is layde of dyuers perlones / that the iuce oꝛ wa tet of theſame herbe bathe be geuen foꝛ a token in maner ot incantacyon vnto gret captapnes oꝛ conductouts ofan 62 atme / beleuynge cijat nie the thaugh ſuche a tozen / they ſholde ha · ne bictorre agaynſt theyre. ennemyes but how it ſholde be orcupꝛed / J can nat telili 5 Ignthe mornyng and at nyght dronze of theiame wa: ter / at etic time an oũce is good ioc them that haue a cold ttomase-ptclo thes be wette thetin and layde out war des there vpon⸗ſtrengtheneth it meruelouſiy well / and ailo it dothe marine the ſtoinatze / and cawſeth hit to haue good dilgeſtyon ol meat / and kebeih the loũde / æin good proipertte TC. Thelame water dronke in the ſoꝛlayd maner / the pede enoyn · ted ther wich / cõfoꝛ teth the bꝛaynes & is good agaynſt the payne in the bed cõmynge ot colde / whan the h be enoynted therwith An howre before nyght / put of theſame were in Hee maketh. ee moznynge faũyn ge dronze of che ſame water / an dũte tot a yonge cholde / lor an olde body two oũces withoriueth the lpoul woz mme inthe Hommage and the bely⸗ nthe moꝛnynge and allo at nyght / drontze oktheſame water / at eche tyne an oũce and a halle / fer that cawſeth apetyte and delyre vn to meat /and it is alſo good agaynit. the walomyng ol the ſtomae G well It openath the Hoppynge of the lyuet / and of the mite compng of col de m In the moꝛnynge and at nyght dꝛonzze of thelame watet at ae tyme an ounce, the 02 apt 505 Too ounces anda halle or foure oũces dꝛonze oftheſame wa 338 ratyffe R Two oũces and a halte oʒ thre ounces drontze of thes fame water cawſeth women to haue their flowores at a dewe connenyent tyme T wyle in a daye drontze of thelame water / at che tyme me an ountce anda balfe 4 is good as gaynſt the goute and ſhrpnbynge in the bely gp helame wat cawſeth well to pylle à voydeth all cullp tiunouts out of the body⸗ It is good that a plon bepag lweti ig t faſtyng/cauleth the bely for to be che in a bathe / and enoynted withthe: me water as nede tequyteth O In theiame water a clothe wet and lade vpon the bely or on the guttes 1 them very well that ve rente Two oꝛ thre ounces of the fame water Monk withdryueth the venum This water is good agaynſte a ſpongye fiehiye / the whiche groweth only vpon men in their fundament / and vpon wo⸗ men / in theit ſectete membꝛe / clothes wette therin and layd there vpoeonn K It is good alſo fo krelhe woundes in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / walſhed withtheſame water and clothes wette therin and layde ther: n heleth theym metueloully The lame water v= A ed the mocmes in olde ſoꝛes and great holes T Put ot theſame water in yntze that ye wyll wꝛyte with / and the boozes that be eee i ene the my BV Dronse ot . water in the moꝛnynge and at nyght / at c tymne two oũtes / is good agaynſt the axces on the ſourthe daye / named the foutthe day axces oꝛ febꝛes quars tana / x Intbe mornynge z at nyght / dronbẽ of thelame water, tyme an dunce and a halle / of gr * N — 1 ——— nyght dtontze ol thelame water / at eche ty N me an ounce is good agaynſt ſcabbes n 1 ci, Ok thelame watet is good to be dꝛonde agapnd Bpleatestompn ge ot yll dtynse and ravoe metes In the moznynge and at nyght dꝛontze ol the lame water at eche tyme an ounce / cawlettz a good 8 to a pet lone BB * Chelame water cawieth a good and fayꝛe ſpeche / and it heleth tye mopits nes of the tonge / and eke it cawleth 2 to lpeke with aconuenyent voyce In the moꝛnyng / at none ⁊ 5 1 dꝛonte ol thelame water at eche tyne an ounce and a halte /i good foz tottynge ofthe medecynes / layeng hydde in the ſectete places in the dody / foz it conmlumeth 4 waſteth with his ſtyptxcyte / therfore it is clẽ {pnge / and conferteth the meinbꝛes wher as the tottynge was D Thꝛe tymes in a daxe dꝛontze of the faine water / at eche tyme an ounce cõ ſoꝛteth the ſlomatze with clenſynge a wallhyng of with his dypticyte ther fore it confoꝛteth with clenſonge EE Thelame water . the foziapde manet / is goo water / is good agapnſte the byles x peiplence & To ountces oꝛ two ounces and a halſe * of es lame water withſtandeth a — — oie wat sg for hering 1 The woundes Walſhed with cyelame water / plerueth theym krome fpituies / therfore in them can growe none yli fleſſhe Thclame water watteth the iwellyn ge and payne in the meores waſſhed thet with / anc it os paralttcs in the membres Theſame water 00 is aval agapniie the lellynge of the tonge⸗ named vuula / Two or thre tymes in a day dronke oktheſame watet / and at eche tyme an ounte and a halle is good agent the colde luer. ¶ water of waltworte tote celxxvi. Capitule, C Mnlolida maioꝛ in latyn. In the. c.and.uu.chapytte 4 haue wꝛyten of the hote ſubltaunce of the watwoꝛte / here J wyll wryte of the tote ot wal wozt. The beſt parte and tyme of his dyſtyllacyon is/ onely the tote wallhed & chopped æ bꝛẽnedor dyſtylled in the myddeſt of the Daye & L xnte wet in theſame / a lapd in trelſhe woundes / heleth them The lame is good for clytes in the lyppes of the mouthe / often wallhed tet with C Thelame water is nat good to be drontze for a bodye onely Without myrcyng / for it is to ſttonge in the helyng. A body which is tente wall oꝛyntze it myreed with wyne/at eche tyme au ountce ta halie D It drontze in the mor nyng at none ⁊̃ at nyght at eche tyme an ounce e a halte & the inẽbtes ofté cubbed therwith x cloutes wet thetin layd the ton with drpueth the hott goute E It vled in the foriayd inanet ſlaketh the wyl de ſyte, E Tyelame faketh wel ipnge wher fo euer it is/cloutes wet in thelame / twyſe or thtyſe ina day a lapdthcron G Cotton wet in the lame ⁊ layd vpõ freſſhe woũ des op peth the biedyng of them In lytze top le it dote whan it is drontze two oꝛ thie tymes in a dap / at eche tyme an dunce myrced with other drynze OB In the mornyng at none a at nyght drontze of the lame / at eche tyme an ounce and a halle helpeth them vety weil that haue bꝛotzen a bone or leg⸗ ge / and it be agapne {ct togrer for to hele it 2 In the lorlayde maner dronb col the ¶ watett ofw 23 Capitulum dag fame water / isa ptyneyrall me dyeß ne whan a man is tente named a tuta in latyn/and that he ve Louie witg a bande therto veiongynge. — ‘ toe leues. ccylxxvii, — D \ 65 uin. 5 3 7 1 8 9 \ 0 UN — 1 0 \ MMA * uu N a Wld 9 2 2 shi Gan f Miia ſalitis in latyn. The belt parte and tyme of bis dyſtyllacxon is the leues roped of the whrte wyllo⸗ wes / of the newe growen brat which be of that lame pere a fel gto wen / btẽned or dyſtylled in the myd deſt of the May A In the mornyng t at nyght dtontze ol theſame / at eche tyme two onnces / 13 good agayntte the franc, 8 often dꝛontze⸗ and at eche tyme two vunces / ot two ounces and a halſe/ dryueth oute moche grauell / that is tnc lapenge on the 8 the fr pot lybe landes, with the fame watet enoyn⸗ Ok theſame water 1 the fame water often putte in the inthis ood, $8 water ot te de Wyllowe leues dꝛontze two er. ui ounces / dzyueth out the dede d om the c. i ted the wen 5 the redes nes of the wen lpboe N gt 00 watet bꝛẽned ol the leues of rede wyllowes / is bez ty good agapnite the wylde fpze. wart ol wyllowe esd 0 Capitulum 8 the celeb, Dronke of the 6: ſame rede wyllowes water / two oũ tes / ot two ounnces and a halfe / in the mornynge kaſtynge / is good a= gaynſte the wormes in the bodye. 4 Some tyme the fete waſſhed with the lame rede and whyte wyllowe leues watet in a daye / and at eche tyme an ounce agaynſt and a halfe / than lofteneth the belp and cawleth it to be laxatyue G The watet of wyllowe leues / lpecyallp of the yonge braun ches ok a pere olde, thrple dDronke on a Daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynſte the grauelye or bret ynge ſtone. 8 The fame water / yfit be drontze of thre ty mes on a dape/at eche tyme two dun tes cawleth one well to pyſſe Rede wyllowe and whrte wyl⸗ lowe water is very good. for the he · lyng of the fyſtule / whan a lytell wy ne is myted with the waters /atdet with the lyſtula walſhed ? Ok the lame Water diontze an ounce 2 8 5 water of henlocke. Ca. 1 Arcs falicis i latyn The be ä parte and tyme of his dyuyl⸗ latyon is/ipue as 4 haue wryten of the flowres of apples and of the pes che flowres. NP 3 4 Thelame watet is good the gotote, clothes wet ther in / and lo layde there vpon / in the mornyng / at none and ese at nyght thee ot toute dayes contynuptig/tyll the payne be waſted 8 The lame water heleth the ſcaldnes of the hede / olten waſſhed ther with and let dꝛye agayne by it Rife, and thus hit mutt be done fo often tyll it de hole ö Thelame water cawſetzß fayte heres to growe/ y they be often wallhed ther wich / and a layz combe 02 a bruſſie wet in thelamt / and the heres combed tzerwith / and let dtye agayne by themielic. te. lxxix — 2 © Jeuta in latyn / the bet parte and tymc of his dyſtyllacron is / the herbes ſtroped from the ſteles & dyltxlled in the myddelt of the map A Thefatuets one of the toldeſt wa ters that may be foũde / ther foꝛe it is good agaynſte the holy ſyꝛe /a clowte wet therin and layd vpon the ſote/it wyli ſlake it B The lame is good foꝛ a mayden whole bꝛeltes wyll en creſſe to great / (he ſhall enoynte her becites with the lame / ga cloute wet therin made luke warme c wꝛapped tounde aboute the bꝛeltes / than they {hal nat become lo great D The fame is good fo the hote dꝛoply/clou tes Wet therin and layd there vpon⸗ in the moꝛnynge and at nyght E Thelame is good agaynſt the hote pa Talis o2 palicy . uu. dowble clothes wet thetin and layde vpon the mem bes / but tatze hede that ye tate nat of the lame within the body / for it is one oi the mance of colde vemm F Halle anounce dꝛontze of the la; me fa ſtynge luste warme / is good foz bpm that path (waioweda gnat tor it dꝛyueth the tame out, bg Olubilis in latyu. The belt batte and tyne of his dyſtyl⸗ lacron is / the herbe with the win te belles 02 flowres / whiche wyndeth phym tounde about the hegges / dyltyl led in the myddelt ofthe Way & In the moznyng / and at nyght dꝛon Be ot the lane / at eche tyme an ounce and a halſe / ot two ounces / is good agarnit dꝛ lux ot the droppe pyle (Water of wood wyne flowtes. Capitulum tt . lxxxi. Ais volubilis in latin. The belt parte a tyme of theyrdyl⸗ tyllacyon is / the whyte velies ot flou tes onely dyltylled / whan they be ful iy type. 4 Thelame is good for many a dyuets dylſea ſes in war de in the body / thet with enoynted/⁊ clow tes wet thetin / and outwarde layde theron. B In the mornyge and at npabt drontze ofthe lame /at eche ti me an ounce ov an ounce anda halle is good agaynit the dꝛoppyng pylle. water of the hetbe of gowles ot ruddes. Cap.cc.ixxxu. C ageing folis Solel in latyn. The bet ahd tome or bis Wen ta te herbe c tote chopped togyder / and dy aes in the myddelſt or the Maye A In the moꝛnyng at none and at nyght / dꝛontze of the Game water at eche tyme an ounce / and the dryntze withdepneth myxced f the he te oc the ltomache (35 layde maner dꝛonke of the lame wa⸗ tet / and cloutes wet thet in and layd aut warde on the harte / cenforteth the harte and itomaze C Itisal ye ſo good agaynſt the hete of the lyuer⸗ towe ot hempe wet in thefame water and lapde outwarde theron / thre ty mes in a dare D Dronke ol the e is good for the pettylence for it defẽ dyth and prefer ueth a body ol thelame C Chetan In the lar halle is good agaynſte the lytell hall bist ke blapnes / dzonbe of the lame in the foztayd maner / as 4 haue lerned ot the pelt ylece / and his drynke imprecd therwith / and a clowte of hempe oꝛ tome wet therin and layd on the ma le blacke blaynes / at euety {pr hows res ones in the day and at nygyht. F It pled in the forlayd manet ſla keth the wylde fyze E The lame is good loꝛ the longues / Whã (he wyl Qrowe oꝛ is growen in the throte / of ien dꝛontze of the ſame / at eche tyme an ountce and a halfe. B In the moꝛnyng / at none / and at nyght dio ke of the lame water at eche tyme an ‘ounce and a halle gcontotteth the har te ota man. J In the moz⸗ nyng / at none and at night / ſl oppeth the blody flyrce / diſſenteria / whan of the lame is drontze at eche tyme two ounces x The lame water gorgwoled and drontze / is good for che lpene in the ttothe L. The la⸗ watet is good fer the longues which wyll / oz is growen in the throte oltẽ drontze / at cibe tyme an ounce and a * In the mornynge at none / and at npght dꝛontzt of the lame watet / at eche tyme an ounce. a 5 theſtoppyng ot the iy N. Whe lame wa tet 7 good agaynſte the conuumynge membres / in the e and at nyght walled ther with / and lette Drpe agayne vy hym leite / thre or leu te wetzes contynuynge ot longer. B The ſame water is tolde and nisi and is good “a the bytynge of venymous beſtes/ dꝛã ke therofagapntt their byttes and in the moꝛnyng and at nyght unig ad clotheslapd theron p In the nynge at none and at npght bone 7 of theſame / at eche tyme an oũte and a halte /is good agaynſt ſtoppynge of j the mylte. Sener flowres⸗ Capitulum en Orange. abe beſt ty 8 me of his dyſtyllacyon is / as lone as tbey be open dyſtylle them A P' the lame water an howꝛe be fore night put in the wen / is good foz the impoltumyng in the wen 5 In the lozlayd manet put in the iyen his dyſtyllacron cawleththe yen to be fa ze and clece G Thelame water is good agatuit the webbe ispnne and lpottys D The lame water is good in the iyen and agaynſt more other di ſſeaſes of the ipen / whan it is put often in the ien an howte before the night / and enoynted therwith rounde aboute. Olten dꝛonze ofthelame wa ter/at sche tyme an ounce / withdry⸗ ueth the hete of the luer / aud cloutes doet thee in layde theton outwarde, water of Tapſus barbatus, Apſus barbatus in latyn. And they be of two manet / tame and wylde ? but 1 wl werte idr . — 9 28 — — 28 / of the male ofthe tame with the yelo⸗ we flowres. The beit pre ⁊ tyme of is / the leues a flows res litoped from the ſteles / wi be fully type / and than d ſtylled The lane watet is the mote genty⸗ Wee water foꝛ al ſwellynges inwar de c outwarde / in the moꝛnyng / at nyght dꝛöte of theſame / at eche tyme an ounce ⁊ a halfe/oꝛ two ounces / € a dowble clowte wet thetin a layde ther vpon / whan the lwellyng is out warde B The lame is good wha a body bath a fate lyse wyle as yr he were leptous but he is nat/a whyte lynen ciowte wet —— = layd thee vpon / a whan the cloute Deve wet it 825 n / than the e face Bi meth fapte C In the mornxug at none at tut Dzone of the ſame / at eche tyme an ounce and a balfe, ts good for hym whome the longue is gtowen oz wyll growe in the totote 7 bers 2 nyaht dꝛonse otthetame water / ate: cue tyme an ounce and a halte / is ve ty good to: the bote gate E It is a well proucd water agaynſte 6 tye euyll bꝛennynge / as whan a bo- By hath bzennyd hym / than quyckelp he (hail tase a cloth two Douvic, and lapd there vpon wet in the lame / and as fone as the lynnen clothe begyn = neth to Deve than wete it agayne / & ple it ſo often tyll it be hole F Thelame water is good Wang lcabbes / clothes u et ther bytyng in and layde there vpon in the mots nynge / at none and at nyght. G It is eee med the ſhoyne / were by accidet tom to the ſcabbednes / a clothe wet ther in and layd there vpon / but wha the phe at oy bi Wet ae rynge ipen /a wen / t wo 02 thee wezes tontynuyng than they becom hole 3 Thee tymes in a day Donk of thelame wa tet / at eche tyme an ounce and a hal⸗ fe / is good agaynſt all diſeales com ; mynge of fledes / how fo euet they be 8 Theꝛyſe dronke of theſa me water betwene the daye and the mige agapnſt all ſhayntzing ¶ water of toons graſſe oꝛ bret ‘Capitulo, ccelxctv — Inthe mornyge andat C °° Ents nodia in latyne / The beſt parte and tyme ol hys diſtyllacyon is / the herbe and toote e With all his lubſtante / chopped and = in the myddeſt of the mare. n the moꝛnynge / at no ne — at nyght / Dronke or thelame watet / ſtoppeth the ouer great laſze 8 Clothes wet in thelas me watet / and lard vpon 2 a fyte / helethit. ; Waͤtet is fot them ther: ae the artes with hete / drontze for thela agaynſt all papnes in the woundes / and other accidentes cõmyng therto The woũdes waſſhed with thelame with clothes wet therin / and ſo layd there vpon / it is very goꝛd and caw ſeth helynge E Thelame watet lutze warme put in the cates⸗ is good ayẽſt the dylcates in the etys The ſame water clenteth the tapnes of the grauell ⁊ cõdutteth the vryne / ſt openech the ſtoppyng of the ſame membꝛes / caulethj the maters to go thʒughe the wayes of the vryne lo the tote is diutetita / that is moche bettet ia: the fame dyſſeaſes / than o⸗ the waters G Olf the lame dꝛon⸗ tze of a chylde an ounce / of a myddell aged bodye / an ounte ⁊ a halfe / ofan aged body. u. ounces / is good agarn te the woꝛmes in the beiy h The lame toons agaynſt the pil gonnnes walihed ther with 1 Tuwple ot see ina day dꝛontze of the ſame at eche tpine an ounre & a halfe7s ve ry good agaynſt the blacke blaynes/ and clothes wet . and outwar: de layd ther vpõ. & It is a pꝛyn cypall water for to flake all hete / a clowte ot towe wet thetin / and two F ther vpon tpi it be b. Cboatet of Salomons (ale. a Capitulum cclxxxbi Igilliun Salomonis in latin The beit parte and tyme of bis Dyftyliacyé is /onely the tote chop cated 5 ende ol the Maye. The lame watet is —— the congeled blode wht fo — — vndet the layn clothes wet therm and 1 ther vpon — — ke allo. In the nynge and at nyght dꝛontze ol che — me watet / at eche time an ounce and a halte /and the dtynbe mytced ther with / is good agapnt the graueil in thedymines C It cans ſtth a laxte fate / often walſſed ther woth and let dꝛre agayne by hy m ſel fe. And it wubdꝛxteth alſo the (pots ts and malxs in the lace / and on os thet plates of the body / wallhed with the lame water thre or foure wees tontynuyng / at leſie two tymes in adap D Te lame wa tet — the tolome of the fa ce / often waſſhed ther with and lette dtye agayn by hzm ſelſfe & Olten cubbed and enoynted with thelame water ste she the mo⸗ Thre ot foure tymes in a day dꝛontze of thelame water /at eche tyme an ounce / 1 — agaynit inwarde unpott ¶ water of wilde lage Ca. cc. lxxxxvii S Aluia agreſtis in latyn. The beſt parte and tyme of his dy ſtyllacyon is /the leues roped frome the ſteles chopped and diltuled in the myddeſt ot the Maxe A Tyte ty mes in a day drontzze of thelame was ter /at eche tyme two ounces / is good agaynſt the ſtytches about the harte en blode. B It is good him that ts fallẽ / woñũded ot departyng of the one biode frome an other a dryueth it out 3 Au: C — to be dronbe for them that haue had the paliey / whan they drynke of it / an ounce/ ot an ounce = a halſe / hte ot fours times ina wetze than they be lure that they ſhall haut no more the fall of the palley. ¶ water of Picola Ca. lxxvii. A In the mornyng at none ⁊ at nygbt töte ol the ſame / at eche ty me an ounce / is good for freſſhe woũ des at eche tune the woũ des waſlhed ther with ⁊ cloutes wet therin a layd ther bpd B Thelame is good for ol: de ſores / in the mormyng / at none z at nxght waſſhed therwith. ¶ Watet ol petes Ca. cclxxxix. Y Ita ſilueſtris in latyn. Che belt tyme of theyt dyuillatyo id in the kyrſt moneth of the heruelt / or they begynne to be ſolte / ſtãped z dyl wlled A In the mornig a at night drontze * the fame / at eche tyme. u. oũces / ot. li.oũces & a halſe / toppeti all manet of laſaea B Thelame is good whan a maydens or womans breſtes become to — groweto great. Than cloutes ihall be wet in thelame / a layd theron twyſle or thrp le a day / than they abyde the ſmaller and become har de. ¶ water of Clatey acl xt. I the wil tzth the hede / therwith enoynted 6 Cheſame flaseth the payn of the bely ofthe fomake ⁊ ofthe ſydes / dtõtze of thelame ¢ and outwarde cloutes wet in thelame water z layd thet vpon. C Thetame water ſlak eth maruay loufly the payn of tie moder / and pre pateth foz to reteyue theſame / dꝛontz of thelamé twyſe in a daye / at eche ty anoune D Too dꝛ thre ty mes in a daye dꝛontze of thefame wa ter / at eche tyme an aunte and a bale e / and out wat de layd on the modet tontoꝛteth and tertityeth the moder’ a the membꝛes of the modet ben dolealed with colde maters. cwatet of etula.ca, 3 te. mi. ZB) Sula in latyn / the beſt parte of his diſtyllacrõ /is the her be the ſteles a the rote with all his tub: ſtance / Ofthe great E ſula named in latyn E lula matoz diſtylled in the be wrangnaples / whan they what cut the oz fourc tymes a bare Waltbed thet with / and clothes wette thetin / and wrapped theton / vut tie water (hail nat oiuy be dlouns without other thynges / ner putte in tte pen. ¶ watet of whyte L ylles.Ca.ccxtu. IL Iluum in latyn / The beſt cos uenpent parte and tyme o1 tueit Nils llacx ons / is whan tiyey vs in theit full lealon / only the why te ie ucs plucked tom the flowres and 1 diſtyled in the ende ot zune ⸗ BS An toute betore the nyght put in the wen / and romnde ab oute enoynted thet with anet that a cody hathe bene in the batte / fuueth out the tednes and hete of the wen / tyat they become clene and gete none wis pouunpnge B with (is water the handes and the fare wails ined twyſe on a daye/tawieih ther in to be ore ant whyte and tayze / In the mot nyng ano at nyght nun of theiame water at cs che tyme an ounce ta halte / is Good agapnitiapninesotatodbp 2 In the totlaydmanet oꝛdi ed is geod whan a body hathe bete aboute tie hatte E Dtonuc ol ut in te oz layd manet / is good agaynue tie hete ol the yuer Ff In tze mornynge & at nyght drontze or the: fame watet / at eche thine an ounce & a halle / ot two ounces contynuynge viu. 02 eee haue cuyll moyſtouts within tyenv enen e Au, a bade about the bꝛeſtã aboũt che hat te G Itdzöze twile in a day at eche tyme an oũce a à halle. vi.oꝛ. viii. da yes cötynuig / is good foz womẽ who the moder cauteth wo / Whetokit may tome h In the fkoꝛlayd maner dꝛõ ke of the ſame / is good foꝛ ĩpoſtu myn ge of the lögues J In the moznyng at none tat nyght dꝛötze of the ‘ate 18 good foꝛ hym that bath lott his (be che / bo: it recoacteth agayn K It dꝛöbe in the mornyng t at nyght / at eche tyme an once a a halſe.xxx.oꝛ.xl dayes contynuyng / a dꝛyntze as lyte as is pollyble / is 275 l Dꝛopſy 1 Gyuẽ to Dayne ol the fame to a Cond ke a feble womã an oũce ⁊ a halfe/⁊ u. oũces ¢ à half or. iu. oũces to a ttre ge woꝛnã / is good for womẽ laboutin ge okchilde fo to be the ſonet delyue red / bytauſe it openeth the woman a helpeth her foftly without bacine M In the mot nyng ⁊ at nyght drotze of thelame / at eche time an oũte ⁊ a hal fe / a the hede enoynted ther with. v. ot. pi. daes contynunge / is good for that hath a great flode in the he de A Tyte a day drötze of thela me / at eche tyme an oũce a halle / is good agaynſt impoſtumyng ⁊ all vn clenes ot the bodo O Ofthelame dꝛötze a loge tine duryng euery day an oũce a the body outward waſſhed therwith is good for the flode of the Y A@Mquarter of a mefurc of thelame put in a velbell / of. vi. batles of troubled wyne/cawoſeth it to be cle ne rclete Q Two or thre tynes in a Dare wallhed the tomſom in the face q let dtye agayn by hym ſelfe. tit R ot konte Wetzes cõtynuyng / withdꝛr⸗ the lame dyllcas & Towylſe a dar drötze ol the lame / at eche tyme an on ce. xxx.ot.xl. daes cõtynupng / is tus rely good agaync the ſtone > & {mall clothe wet in the lame d t wyle in a dap put in the ſecrete of womẽ c at eche tyme drontze an ounce/caw {ety the hat de moder to become tépes rate T In the mornyng faſtyng Dronbe ol the lame an ounce a a vale ot two ounces myxced with a lytell role water / is good for woinẽ of who me the moder is dyſteaſed / with luche an impoſtumynge / that the mater rõ neth out thrugh her lecrete /e it with dryueth all vncleneſſe of the moder 4 whiche is in warde in her. U It drontze myxced with role water / is good to be drontze ol a woman that hath payne about the nauyll / it wal⸗ tech the payne x In the mornynge eat nyght drontze of the lame at eche tyme.u.oũtes / dryueth me the dede chylde frome the moder The lame water wutpörpueth the ſpottys in the face / whan it is often walſhed and tubbed thet wich / and let drye agarne by hym felfe The lame watet is warme 5 natute / and deve alſo/ and temperate and clenſynge / therfore it is good agaynſt Jimpetigines / whan it is nurted with hom / and ther with it enoynted / in the mornynge / at no: ne / and at nyght. 43 Thelame wat heleth the bꝛẽnyng of the fyre / in the mornyng ct at nyght walht thet with / cloutes wet therin z lardtheton B * Theta Water is good agaynſt the venymous byts of beſtes / in the mor nynge e at nygyt waſſhed tyerwith as beloʒe is layxd CC A womã that is enclyned to moche to lechery⸗ {yall dꝛyntze an ounce of this wat / ã it wyli mynyſſhe it BO Twypie a dap dtonꝭe of theſame water ates che tyme an oũte / pꝛouozeth flowres in women Ec Awonanthat hath tomoche oꝛ to fone her lo wres ſhpall tate a final lynen cloth wet in tt⸗zhelame watet / & put in her ſerrete/ than it wyll come ine dyatly at dewe feafon F Te face often wal feed with thelame water geueth it a good colour 0 warte the ltoũ: ces, Coantetabrs tyros Capitnls. crete oF TAS ey Say Cle liliorũ albata in latyne⸗ 4 This wat is good wet as a woũde is hote and pli dyiposcb⸗ wallhed ther with / a clothes wet tyet in and layde thete vpon / in the mors unge and at nꝛght / it coleti then and it heleth them / and is more perry cvous than golde B Th lace often walſhed with thelame water / and let it drye agayne vy hyin lelie⸗ wichemteth the tt ounces in the face Thelame water yeiciy all Rack of blapnes in the moutije 4 pithepbe. ten wallyed ther with⸗ Hony myxced with thelam bac anc ie noutty wat Eat sine ws 5 fowle gomes ne water be offen 2 — mouthe 7 Thrs water heleth the bytte ol the (nake / In the moznyng and at nygbt drontẽ of the fame at eche tyme an oũce / clothes wet therin a larde thetupon 3 t putifyeth a clenleth the iyen an houce beloꝛe nyght put thetin. 2 2. — ¶ watꝛt of the leues and the toote ot whyte Lylies. Ca. cc.xcuu Olia ⁊ tadex liliorũ albotum The leues and the tote of the moche / chop thelame watet / z let dere agapns bp bymielfe cleniety the wept i the facg B Thelanie belety the bꝛẽnyng twy 1b a day wallhed ther with / a at eche tyme a Clout wet thet in layd theron C Thelame helpeth the dyſleaſed me bꝛes / oltẽ rubbed ther with let Deve agayn vy bym ſelfe 2 Thelame he leth frefibe woũdes / twyle in a daye walſhed thet with a cloutes wet i the fame ⁊ layd ther vpõ E It heleth the byte ot a lerpẽt / therwith walſhed t a cloute wet thetin layd theton F Cottõ wet in thelame slapd wel ee bledynge of a c lapd ther vpon C watec of nate hete. Ca.criteb, . — paren a e lytel dꝛynes a is temperat /it betpeth loꝛe in Biopta-thac is a ſaalones of the hede / that the heres fal out / it can {eth the heres to holde / ã is good to, the kyrnelles of the hede / whã therol is Dzonbe two oz thꝛe tymes in a day at eche tyme an ounte and a B In the foꝛſayd maner dꝛonae of it / clẽleth the brett ¢ a u om the grolſe ſlymy moyſtenes C Döke ol the ſame twyle in a day at eche ty me an otice a a halſe.pxx.oꝛ.cl.dayes nuyng / date — — —— Junipeti. The ben tome ot otis botyllapa isthe beginynge of the fyꝛſt moneth of hat uelt / the blacke bet yes whiche be wel type / bꝛotzen and ſtylled a In the moꝛnynge / at none a nyght / dꝛontz of thelame water at eche tyme an oũce / is good agaynſt tye grauell in the lymmes and in the dladder/ c caboſeth the vryne to come out ⁊ wel to p 5 It is good fo all dyleaſes in the inembꝛes cõ nynge ol colde / in the moꝛnynge / at none and at nyght cubbed ther with / a 55 it Coes cuit ina daye sexy of thelame water / at eche tyme an ounce and an balfe / tawſeth well to pyſſe / and pro ke dryueth out allo the venym It is good agaynſt the venym? byttis ot the beſtys. ¶ watet of mattililua. Ca. cexc bit. Oattililua/ bel herba ſtellatis The bet parte ⁊ tyme ot his diſtillacion is the herbe / the ſtele / tte rote with all hislubſt hiche sinks chopped & dyſtylled in the ofthe Maße J Mithelame watet dꝛontze a longe tyme / in the moꝛnyng and at nyght/at eche tin e an ote and a halte / is good agapnit a rottige body oꝛ wiche wyll totte / tauſyng of ouecnꝛoche wo ze ol leche tyoʒ other wyſe 3 faffcan, tc warb C Kocus eꝛtulanus in latyn. The belt parte and tyme of pe dyſtyllacyon is / tte leues ſttoped froine re teles / and dyſtylled in the ende of the Maye. Theſame water llatzeth the wylde fp te named ignis per ſieus clowites.iii. oꝛ foure folde thycue wet in the fame mater — — theron thze o2 foure tymes in Su err Capitulum R Adir Clebonitiignis’ Che onthe and tyme of his only ripe tote chopped the in therupon tyll it ve ix. ur the clocke it tlenſeth the melantolye and cawleth to be laxatyfe. ( watet of the None of pelethet Capitulo. ccc. Erba heleboꝛi nigti / The beſt N ok his diſtylla · cyon is the herbe chopped and diſtpl· led in the myddeſt otfmaxe 4 Thelame water ſtoppeth the laltze pt it be dronzze/and it is good agayn Ge many dyſeſes / and fo; to kepe the body in helthe / euety day a halle an ounce dꝛontze of thelame / Foꝛ J haue J ene a man at Straſboꝛowe Whiche was a hondzed and threty vere olde his tobiche had euer y day without vpon bande the powdet of thelame her be / the quantyte of an haſell nutte / ⁊ lycked tyerof / and be abode in good helthe vnto the tyme ol his natural endpnge oflyte, t Cunter of Xara alba. Ca. Sara alba / vel Alla dulcis in latyn / The beit parte and ctti. nine of his diſtyllacyon is onely the rotes ſtamped in petces and dutyiled betwene bothe the fapnt macy days In the moznynge at nos ne / and at nyghr / drontze of thelame water at eche tyme an ounce and an halfe / oꝛ two ounces / is very good a= gaynſt al dilea ies oł the alt it lat⸗ d geth the beit and color teth it In the mornyng a at nyght Drone of theſame water / at eche tys me an ounce and a halte / is good a= gaynſt the — 8 7 it contortett the longues In the fozlapd mance dröke of Chetan water / cam (ety agaynſte horines the voyce to be lulty and clete (water of A mata dulcis. ca, etcit, 4 Mata dulcisbel arbor dul cis in latyn / Che parte and tyme ol his dutyllacyon is the mydel moſt tynde / and the vttermoſt grole Cynde oz barke ſhall be ſcraped clene d Wa ᷑ that in the myddeſt diſtylled Bothe euyn ct morne Drove of thelame watet / at eche tyme an ofce t a halte / is good agayntt the ſtonc. 3 : complig oli te. B In the fotſayde ma net drake ol duntt / oꝛ an ounce and a halle / witiz the ſame is good vor the drye cowghe dꝛyueth the lpoulwo me out ol the vo it largeth the breit / z cökorteth a ope dre. neththe ö gues Cat drõbe.li.ot.ui tymes ia day is good agaynſt a watt ol Daheshetbe? and was tet of pʒyme roles. Ca, cee, ult, uatet ofconis onvss, Carecestii, Mi 10 10 as C Epainiatyn. The beſt tyme tsi vetis in len The of his dyſtillacyõ is / in the kyrſt mone belt pte a tyme of his dyſtylla the of the hetueſt chopped = dyſtylled cyon is / the herbe the tote / with all A Foure or. v tymes drike of the la his ſubſtaunce / . 2 diſtylled t ine / is good for them that haue gottẽ the ende ofthe May A At none ck the hot ſenes that they can ſtante ſpe at nyght dꝛontze of the lame water be of brtyng ofa beſte or worme B at eche tyme an ounce r a halfe/oz. it Thelame ſnuffed vpwarde in to the ounces ta halte / two ounces cauleth noſe / withdriueth the payne in the he appetyt fot to eat meat B In the de D with thelame euery day wal mornyng zat nyght Dose of the la lhed the balde hede / cawſeth therto me water eche tyme two ounces / is growe heres agayn E In the moꝛ e ede bout 8 tbs nyng laſtynge dꝛontze or the famean be og bone in his Thelame water heleth woundes hee ry well / whan thetor is drons in the moꝛnyng and at nyght/at eche tyme an ounce and a halte / and the woun des waſſhed therwyth In the moꝛnynge a at nyght Dron or thelame water / at eche tyme thre ountes/laxeth the bely. E Thelame water is good agaynſt the lame 3 the moꝛnyng and at nyght wallhed ther with F Cwyfſe in a daye dtonke of theſame water / at eche tyme an ounce and a 3 / heleth the ai the whiche is water of wiiticelta. a. ctc. v. the t chopped / and andbzenned diſtylled in che ende of the mare " — The fete tubbed with theſame wat is good agayn t the goute in tie lete named podagra B zu tie moꝛnynge faut ynge dꝛonke of thela⸗ me water / at eche tyme an ounce is Jood to: the yll ſtomase and cienietj theſame & n the moznynge kaſtynge dꝛonke ol tyelame water at foute of the cloctze / and tate vpon that tyl it be ix. of the clocae is oe and cawleth to be laxatyie Theſame water flabeth the bs ly fyte / named ignis perucus/thte og 5 oan of clothe wet ee and rupon with . — water often thet face toattben withdꝛyueth the rede pymples « mat les and ſpottes in the face F It is good agaynſt the toſom in the face or in other places / walſhed with thelame water and let drye as gayne by hymſelſe G The isine watet is good agaynſt the rede leprous face /often wa ſihed dach and tet drye agayne by hym ſette. 2 Thre ot toute tymnes drontze of theſame water / at eche ty me two ounces/cauſeth wel to digeit the meat / and waſteth the llegma in the threte / whan the thtote is out war diy cubbed ther o ith. = | The lame water is geod as gaynſt ſwellynge / and agaynlt para lilis / clothes wet thers and layde there vpon. A fanre addicyon ofan other inaptter of the vertue of qu; vite which is made or wy nero ok teces ot ene. the cae a del and than ter bꝛennethol the lynen clothe / tian it is good / but yl it bꝛenneth nat ok / than it is nat good no, rpgheinil / Wis it is oklytell vertue. IF leſſhe oz fyſſhe ſoden in the fame watet can longe endure without ſtyndyng and deſtroynge. (Any thynge that is wette and layd lonwhat in thela⸗ me 110 wpe AS weber cs nat 0 me in it. * 4 3 begynneth the vettues of vite, nes. ear’ Qua bite is comonly cak af led the maſt i eſle of al me dxepnes / for it ea ieth the i dates tomyrge of cols be. It gyueth alto ronge 7 foxageina ferlon and cawleth heim to haue a good memoꝛre and remems biaunce . It putyfyeth the fyue wort · tes of melancoiye and ot ail vnclẽnes whan it is dꝛontze by teaſon and mes lute. That is to bnderiiande kyue oz fpr dꝛoppes in the moꝛnynge faſtyng with a ſponetuli of wyne / vſynge the lame in the manet aloꝛſayde the euyl humnouts tan not hurte the body / foꝛ it withdzyueth them oute of the bays It contoꝛteth the harte and cauſetij a body to be mety. (It helethall olde and newe ſoꝛes on the h de comynge of colde / whan the hes de is enoynted thet with and a lytell of the fame water holden in the mou⸗ the / and dꝛonte or theſame (At ta wleth a good colour . A _— , ¶ han it is dꝛonze and che pane: ez moped tt witij the (pace oł.xx. da pcs / it heiler à lopiciã/oꝛ whan it 18 dong ladtyug with a lytell cepacte, It caulech tie here well to growe / bylletij the lyce and flees. @ It cus reti tye Reuma ofthe ede / Whan the temples and the toze hede ther with be rubbed / and a {pone full taken in the mouthe. It cuteth Litar- glam / and all pli humours of the bes de. It heleth the rofome in the fate / a all mauet ofpyinples, It hꝛieth the lyltule mayan it is put thete Wall in wich the Zuce of Celendyne, @ Cotton Wet in thelame / Ta Iptell wꝛonge out agayn / ã fo put in the ea tes at nyght goynge to bedde / and a iptell dꝛoſtze cherol / is good agaynſt all deines. (At caleth the payn in tie tethe / whan it is a ionge tyme holden in the mouthe / i cauleth a ſwe te bꝛethe / & huicth the rottyng tethe. ¶ it heleth the canker in the inouthe in the tethee / in the lyppes / and in the tes whan they be (wollen / heleth al dylleales in the bladder / and bzetzeth oe fone, ¶ It wichdꝛyteth venym that bath be tazẽ in meat o2 in dꝛyns wba a lytell tixacle is put therto, | @ At heieth the Hancaes and au opty ſeales comig of colde. ¶ at heleth the bzennyng ot the body / & of ai mebzes Whan it is rubbed ther with by the ty re. viui.dapes contynupnge. ¶ At is good to be dꝛontze agaynit the tovepn de de. ¶ At helethall icabbes of the bo —— ail colde lweilyng / enoynted oz bed ther with a alto ipteii therot eer ¶ it beictyatityronse ipne wes c cauleth them to become ſotte F right. ¶ It heleth tye ſebzes tectiana and quactanar whan it is dꝛontze an howte before por the febꝛes becometh on a boop, ¶ At heleth the venymous bytes / and allo ofa mad dogge / whã Be be = ae oe 28100 all ſtyugbzyng wou des w be be walled thet wich. tongne / whã it is longe time holde in the W (It caloleth the heuy be loden in / a banyſſheth ai fievmes It cauſetygoodò dygellynge and ap petyte foz to tat / & taaeth aware tie bolzynge. ¶ At dryuech the wyndes gut of the body / and is good agayn the euyl ſtomabe ¶ It ealech the kayn tenes of the harte / the payn of the mil te/the yelowe Jandis / the dꝛoply/the vll lunes / the goute in the handys and in the bete / the payne in the bꝛel: * ¶ Iqua vite compolita. He ſame water is made ſome time of wyne with ſpytes ous i ous with wyne / and totes of the herbes / lomtyme with the her⸗ ſt bes / ſumtyme with the rotes and her bes togydet / for at all tymes theres = mult be ſtronge Wene sovout le bd ; > M SF 2 2 — 8 2 17 1525 U 2 SSS pee indi n — D — 72 She — ALL Pies A r NSS ass eee ory] Mahl tt} Rn SASS Han ye wyll mab e Aqua bis te compolita with lpyces / tha ſhal pe take nutmeggis clowes / gray nes / gynget / of eche lye moche pow dꝛed. This lhail be put all in wyne and abyde therin a day and a nyght than pe ſhall pore the wyne out / and dyſtyll it with an helmet / as the was tet of toſes muſt be dyitylled. ¶ The faite Water vied is good toꝛ the bꝛay nes. ¶ Theſame water is good top litargia/that is an impoſtume ĩ war: de vehynde in the hede / and a bodye that is ſo foꝛgettull that he bnoweth nat what he dothe / and bath loſte lo; me tyme his wyttes/ and ſome tyne fallynge a ſlepeth moche / it ſhall be bolpẽ whan the fame water with ve negre and rue is layd behynde on the hede. t heleth the paraliſis of dhe tongue. 31 kes in the facedohã it is myrted with quycke ſyluer and ſwynes geeſe . (At heieth ſwaldnes of the bede / otſẽ walſhed thet with. (Tb lame water mprced with venegte is Good agaynũ the pymples in the tacce. The lame watet myrced with ive Fos ny / and flo wzes ot batly / purpiperp all vnclennes ol the lo ynne ot a patio ne ota patſane. (At teieth the impoſtumes ot the longues / whan is myxced with icabyoie, q The fame water oppeth the latkevandis good agaynſt ttrangury, and agarn dte al hete ol the blabder. The ame water mprced with plantayne 4 pꝛouotzeth the flowtes in women. ¶ The ſame water myrced with cep {ons and poudec of comyn / heleth the dy tea les and ſu ellynges of the cod · des. (The lame water myrced with the iuce of poꝛt inn 02 letze heleth the vytes of lnaßes. (It heleth the gowte or patalilis in tic legges @ At heleth all colde woundes / x all maner of arces oꝛ ſeb .es comynge ol colde / and it cawoltta the wyne to de good. Thelame water iball nat be died alone / but with other meat and zynue, x. i ¶ It heleth tee poc⸗ QA pꝛecrous watet fox Leper. {ob fylynge of pré/of copper of tynne / of lede / ol latton / ol golde / ij ok ſyluet/of eche lyse moche: all thele thynges (hall be layda daye and at nyght / in warme vtyne ofa chylde that is pet a mayde / thã a day and a nyght in whyte wyne / thů la ye it à day za nyght in the iuce of Fenel than a day and a nyght in the whyte ofan egge / than layit a day a night in Womans mylke / that lucketh a mã chylde / than a day ea nyght in rede wyne. Tha a dap and a nyght inthe da wobpte ol. vii.egges / Than myrce all theſe ſubſtauntes that the {avd folyn gys haue lade in togyder / and put it in to the veſiell that re wyll dyſtylle in/and do that with fofte fe. And me that cometh out of rour Eyl: latoꝛy pe {yall kepe ina ſyluet veſlell Fo. this water clenſeth and heleth al maner ol lepꝛy/natutal ¢ onnatutal and it puryfyeth all vnclẽnes of the body bath bẽ well pꝛoued / but J (hey we nat all the vertues of this water fo, he that knee al his vertues wol de be to proiwde, Brome Motoze water, + ¶ Damaſse water and orle. T Atze Lauender with the flow re / toſematry / tyme / cypres / op lauender totton bap leues / browne holy /matgerom / our lady bedu ram with the flowtes / and walnut leues Fe | | 4 1 N wwift U 4 * 147 OA r My i * 2 77 ae — N WV pe “4s ONO ee: — okeche anhandfull. Thee herbes ſhal be ſtamped all togyder in a moꝛtet ct than putte it in a clene veſlell and do hetto a pynte of Role water / and a quatte ottomneꝝ / and than loppe it clole c let it tande ſo.iii.ot . ui. daxyes whan pe haue lo done put ail this to gyder in a ſtyllatory and dyũyli wa; tet ot the lame / than take pout dyſtyl led water and pore tt bps the herbes agayne in to the ſtyllatoty t ſtrewe vpon it thele powders folowynge. EF prt cloues /a cynamom / ol eche an halte ounce/ Oryous an ounce/a & few mates / nutmeggrs baile an ot te / a lytell ſaſftan / mulcus / ſpicanat · di / ambte / and ſome put camphet in it / byca wle the matervals be ſo hote / Stere all the fame well togyder and dyſtylle it clene ortyll it come fat lyde oyle / than let awaye your water and let it be wel kepte. After that make a ſtronge fyre and dyſtyll oyle of it and teceyue it ina fyole/this oyle imelieth aboũe all orles / and he that letteth one Dioppe fall on his hande, it wyll perce thrugh it is wondertull good, excellynge many other wouetayne ops les to Dyucts Dy ſſeales, ¶ water of plita leonis/oꝛ pedelyor | — SET RE Lucke oꝛ gadet planta leoſuis deloze the ionne vpryſynge / c ſtampe that and dyſtylle it / who lo dꝛyntzeth of the fame water intonty ? nent he thal haue luſt to the woꝛbe of generacyon / It is vety good for the that confine / 02 waxe dtye within the brelle ot lacketh nature / loo that they waſte it nat in vayne. It is allo good for the iyen / the ſtomake / the Ips uer / the mylte/ the raynes a the blads det . And it is good for olde foike and for them that haue taten colde, , € The coꝛtectyon of ſuche fautys as ¶ water of the leues of aſſhe tte / ſhal be in tits pꝛelent volume of the nom bꝛes and pyctoures oi the chapyttes. In the kyꝛſt parte of this boke, 8 ca. xc. (water of fenel herbe / ſhal be ca. rei ¶ watet ot wylde natdus / ſhal be ca. Ul. ¶ The chapvice whole tyiie is/ what xxx inſtrumentis de necellacy o nedciuil vnto tits wos xe / HALL ve the. uu. cha pyttce. 8 ¶ The chapytte how pe Mall dyſtylle in Hote bꝛede / chall be ca. x. ¶ In the thytde pte ol this boxe, ¶ uoatet of byꝛtchẽ leues / hal be ca. Exil. 3 22 ¶ Water of benes / {hall be ca. xxxiii. ¶ watet of great baſilicon / (hall be capi. xxx bi. i ; ¶ watet of bockys plode {yall be ca. 2 ö * ¶ This figure of polipodinm ſhall ſtã de for the other fygute in ca. rxvi. The fygute of Anis ſtàdyng ĩ ca. lxxr holde ſtãde in ca. lxxxi/eche in others 9 Bes e * 151 (Tis ſygute of cbetuell (hall ſtade foz the other in ca. c. xlb. ¶ water of woꝛtes / (hal be ta. lir . ¶ water of grene nuttis ſhellys / hal be cũ.c.xcv : T This picture ofmayde hete ſhal ſtan ¶ Hete endeth this pteſente volume de lor the other picture ca. c. lxxci. o the noble 4 worthy ſcyence ol the⸗ dyſtyllacyon of wattes / practpicd vp ¶ water of out lady bedſttaw (hall maſter Jerome of orunploetze wu be. ca CC. rou, Iteat labour. , 3 a 3 of hie tapets/oꝛ boi bars tus / ſhall be. ca. cc. ixxxuii. C3mprynted at London inthe flete cote op ine Laurens Andꝛe we /in toe iygne of tie golden Ccoſſe. In the Ah of our 5 ote WFT ben fe Ogu an = ſtande C r fygute / ols 3 =e Age es a kur. gallo tyys tytie/ water of dai? EGodbps grace ſyall euer endures wort /a this name à riſtologia rotiis 0 in latin. * f WI . * ot * a ots et } a ö d 5 ¥ r n 8 ö So Ak) S N ' Lys alis ' * r | 3 j 1 N —— 2 —— ee :