fete 1 K soy 7 Je) \ AE LD dS VeAd eve L, COCA CWE Fee I s 0 Geoee! ) oi s ae lend, E. LEWIS STURTEVANT. Sect end , el. Afe : “re L2G ZS. pcos eee <2 wen ee LAS a Containin Hort PERUVIANUS Medicinala: O R; The SOUTH-SEA Herbal. King of France's Herbalifts. g the Names, Figures, Ufe, &c. of divers Medici. nal Plants, lately difcovered by Pere L, Feuille, one of the To which are ADDED, The Figures, &c. of divers American Gum-Trees, Dying Woods, Drugs, as the Jefuits Bark- Tree and others, much defired and very neceffary to be known by all fuch as now Traffick to the South-Seas, or refide in thofe Parts. TAB. I. Medicinal PERU Plants. 1G. 1. Peru Chilca or Long Fleabane. Conyza frut. fol. anguft, nervofis L. Feuillée p.. 750. Conyza Afric. humilis, fol. anguftioribus nervofis,Flo~ ribus umbellatis In/t. Rei Herb. 455. It has a pleafant Smell, the Indians make a Tea of it, to ftrengthen their Stomach. a 2. Manga Paki or Round Peru Fleabane Conyza fol. fubrotundo utringue acuto F. p. 749. his is a fweetning Herb, Aftringent and Vulnerary, the Natives drink a Tea of it in Cholick Pains, Diffenteries, and other Fluxes. Grows 4 Feet high with blewifh Flowers, in the Valleys about Lima the Capital City of Peru. 3+ Paica Jullo. Bidens Mercurialis folio, fl. radiato F.744. Its Flower-rim white. Grows about Lima and Callao. 4. Cuiez-bane, Bidens fol. trinervilanceato, fl. fingulari & radiato F. 766. : The Flower-rim compofed of 6 yellow Petals, Grows in the ftoney Valleys of Lima. It’s a purging Plant, but rarely ufed by reafon of its Violence, they alfo think it a Poifon, becaufe it kills a Houle Animal call’d Cuiez in Peru and Chili. 5. White, Mugwort Bident. Bidens Arthemifia folio, fl. albo radiato F, 745: Found in the Plains about Lima. 6. Heart-leaved Maracoc. Granadilla pomiiera, Tilia folio F.720. Its Rays crimfon with a white Circle in the middle. Grows in the Vallies about Lima in divers Places, it’s alfo nurfed in their Gardens, « 7. Trifid, {potted Maracoc. Granadilla fol, tricupidi, obtufo & oculato F. 718. Obferved ina Garden at Malambo, in the Suburbs North of Lima, ‘8. Caigua or ftriped Melon. Momordica fructu ftriato levi. The Natives eat its Fruit in their Broths which much re- frefhes and cools them, the Heats there being very exceflive. A. and B, aie 2 fmall Beetles which feed on the Leaves of this Plant. 9. Lima Pumkin, Melongena Laurifolia, fr. turbinato variegato F. 735. Its Flower white with a purple Star, the Fruit much eaten at Lima but apt to caufe Fevers, which are there difficult to eure. C. its Fy. Slit. : 10. Purple Bladder Nightfhade Alkakengi amplo fore violaceo F 724. : They boil 3 or 4 of thefe Berries in White-wine or Water, and drink it with wonderful Succefs in Stoppage of Urine or Gravel. 11, Ancoacha or yellow Mallow, Malva lutea, calyce fimplici, obtufo Carpini folio, pediculis florum prelongis F.750. Its Flower yellow with a purple fringed bottom and corda~ ted Petals. A Tea of this is wonderful in Ails of the Stomach, ‘the Indians pick and make a Poultifs of it, which they apply to ripen Swellings and ufe it as an Univerfal Remedy. Grows in moift Ground and by River-fides North of Lima. 12. Lima Tea. Capraria Peruviana Agerati foliis, abfque pediculis F. 764. Pee Feuillée fays, the Vivines of this Herb (which aie the fame with the China Tea) was not known in Perw till 1709. we N.B. This feems to be the fame or little different from Dr. Sloan’s Weft-India Tea, which he has defcribed in his Nat. Hift. of Jamaica p.209. pl. 25. who fays it’s call’d in Curaffow Cabritta and Capraria becaufe the Goats there feed on it, which laft Name our Author here calls it by. J Petiver. TAB. I. Medicinal Peru and Chili Plants, Ima Tobacco. Nicotiana minor, fol. cordiformi, tubo Floris pre- ich ‘oF. 717. Its Flower of a greenifh yellow. Grows in alleys. Batays leaved Bignon. Bignonia fi, luteo, foliis radiatis, & elegantiffimé diffetis F.731. Found in a very dry Place at the Foot of high Mountains about rica. 3- Broad Clove-ftrife. Onagra Laurifolia fl. amplo pentapetalo, F. 716, * Small Female Clove-ftrife. magra minor, fi. luteo pentapetalo, The Flower yellow and L. like the laft, but both fmaller. The Indians highly efteem thefe z Shrubs, making a Poultife of the L. pickt, which fweetens, mollifies and diffolves, fit therefore to diffipate inveterate Zumors and Buboes which are very common in thofe Parts. Thele grow by River fides, 4. Log-rooted yellow Wood-forrel. Oxys luteo flore, rad. craffiffima F.734. Grows on the Mountains of Peu, &c. 5. Spotted Mountain Pelegrina. Le Ilis fl. purp ibus maculatis F. 714. The Beauty of this Flower is, in having 3 of its Petals {pot- ted, the reft plain, and therefore the Spaniards call’d it Pele- gvina or Curious. 6. Ylo Hounds-tongue. Cynogloffum fol. nervofis acutiffimis F. 765. Grows in the Valley of Ilo near Avica about a Foot. and an half high, with blewi/b Flowers. 7. Malla or Peru Crefs-Violet. Cardamindum quinquifido folio F.7 56. This elegant Plant the Spaniards call Paxarito becaufe its Flower is compofed of 2 particular large yellow L. extended like the Wings of a Bird. Grows about Lima. - Lima Flower fence or Tara. Poinciana {pinofa Feuillée. 572. The Dyers ufe the Hufks of this Fruit to dye black, they foke fome of the Pods all Night in Watet, mix a little Allum with it, and boil it toa due Thicknefs, which makes a very fine Black and ftrong Ink. Medicinal Chili Plants. 9. Dafie Ragwort or Nillque. Jacobea Leucanthemi vulg. folio F. 759. Its Flowers yellow. They drink a Tea of this after the cold: Fit, which abates the hot in intermitting Fevers. Grows on the ragged Sea Banks of Chili, &c. to. Chili Dutyoa or Floripondio. Stramonoides arboreum oblongo & integro folio, fiudu levi F761. Grows in Chili about a Yard high, with a white Flower fo very {weet, that a fingle Plant is enough to perfume a whole Gaden, They apply the L. to haften the Suppuration of Tu- mors which it does effettually. N.B. This Plant bears the Flower of a Stramonium or Thorn apple, but differs in its Fruit being {mooth, there is a fort of this in the Hort. AMalabaricus Vol. 2. Tab, 29. Fig. 1. iL A tr. Chili ~ Solanum t1V Chili Nightfade tan ° ; Chenopodoides, acinis albefcentibus F. 724. ' ai fatives were ignorant of the Virtue of this Plant unti the Negroes came ‘amongft ‘them who were fubjett to a certain Difeafe which kill’d them in thcir Prime, it was an extraor-! dinary’ Extenfion of ‘the Anus attended with a: Fever, which was 6 mortal, that many of them dy’d before they difcover’d: this Remedy. They,juice ‘the’ tops of this Plant,: mixing it with Rofe-waterand a little Alum, which taken cures their Ail, {tops the Fever, and they become very well. ‘With this Juice they alfo bathe their Eyes, which’ takes away all Pains and Dimnefs in them. This. Sovereign. Plant’ grows about a Yard high, on the’ Mountains of Valparaifo,: &c. “ 12. Oak-leaved Bitterfweet.y 1 cee) Tet Solanum foliis Quercinis.:F, 722. Its! Flower purple, found with the laft, and grows near 2 Yards high.) < 15 { zid (oT A BellL: Medicinal Chili: Plants. %> Fig. 1. (\Carlet:Avens or! Quellgou.. tye Caryophylata fol. alatis, fl. amplo coccineo F. 726. Its an Aperitive Herb, which the Natives make a Tea of :to keep their Badiesvin order Grows about half a Yard high ons the: fidessof Mountains, 2. Purple Septfoil..:. ‘ Pentaphylloides» d/cee: minori folio, f. purp. F. 763. (Grows aboutia Foot’ high, with a purple Flower, on the Banks. ofthe River, Plata. 7 asits 3. Panama Centaury. Centauriiem minus, purp. patulum F.:747.' 2 i ~Whis Plant. is: very bitter.» ‘Phey’ make,a Tea. of. it which is Aperitive and Sudoriick; it fortifies the: Stomach, kills Worms, cures intermitting Fevers and) thé. Jaundice, it’s alo given with very,,good Succetscin Rheumatifinsy &c. i They:-take it as hot as-may be in. Bed,»covering!/themfelves clofe, to! provake, Sweat. N.B. The Hiftory of the Academy Royal des Sciences A.D. 1707. p. 65. 8°. gives great. Encomiums..to this. Plant, which they fay Has a fragrant Smell like Natural Balfam, \ and! is fo. great_a Sweetner of sthe Bloud, that it’s a. {pecifick..in Pleurvifies,-andtin-Fevers.they, ule it inftead of the Fefuits Barks Its found, plentifully about Panama and divers’ other Places, that| which growsion the Mountains is efteem’d the beff. 7 Ps: 4.Upright.Purple Wood-forrel, Oxys.roleo flore erectior F..73360 0; y o/Dhey make, a Tifan-or Broath of this Herb, which is opening its, are tart, and; refrefhing, ; they abate Choler and cool the Heatof the Blood, : Grows on} the\ vaft Plains along the Rix rer Platansinrooros od -b'uodt 2 t ior gens ¢ 264 Light or Purple ftriped Day-Lilly, Henierocallis flor. purpuratcentibus ftriatis F. 716... Grows, by River fides, 17, Salfilla or Purple climing Lilly. . vd Hemerocallis {cancens, flor. purpuseis F. 713s The Natives ule the Root of this and attribute the fame Vir- tues to it as Sarfaparilla, they infufe ic all Night in cold Water, and drink it for Pains.in the Stomach allo, and find great Relief by it. «58. Tew or Chili Spiderworts yi v ft Bevmudiana cervlea; Phalangii samofi facie F..715. Giows on Mountains. 1 ti y 9) ‘Yellow Star-leaved’ Salfa, Salfasfol ps) Yeditegih Rapuntii facie, fol. finuatis, flore ampliffimo fanguineo & ftriato Fig.t.9 » 920. sacah yey *0} ; +1924 Grows near Rivers and in moift places z Foot high. Jin) Water and. drank in the'Morning ‘proves:a ftron 2 | 3° Tupa or Chili Cardinal Flower. i t Refediene fpicatum foliis acutis F. 739. iY vi i } Its Flower sed.» Grows on Mountains The’ Root and Bark Yields a venemous Afilk, which will endanger the Eyesilike Spurge, the very Smell of the Flower caufes Vomiting, and the \ whole Plant is reckoned a violeiit:Poifon. t a 40 Tall Chili Violet. i Viola arborefcens, Origani acuto folio F.738: : ¢a of this is opening, its Flower blew.and. without Scent; Grows by River fides a Foot and an halfdighzius is Die 3. Blew Chili Milkwort: -<.> >> 5.908 ik i Polygala’ cetulea, anguttis S:dettfioribus Foliis F: ares he Natives make a-cold Infufion of this “Herb ail Night + and eafes Pleuritick Pains. Grows on Mountains, 5 uke 6. Chili Panke. sit ot ASR i Panke Anapodophylli folio F.-74rsisi: fa ee They eat the raw. Stalks peeled,» which’are of a fweetifh agreeable Tafte, they» alfo drink a Teaoftits Leaves,’ which very much refrefhes them in violent Heats. The Tannels boil tn Roots atte Bai ripe peas which very much thickens them, it alfo yields a blac ‘es Grows in ‘moi ay ces and by Rios fides. : ‘ rate) Cone 7+ Chili Llau-panke. sf Luntato Llau-panke ampliffimo Sonchi folio Fy 74. i : They apply-the Juice of this Plant to eafe'the Pain and ftop the immoderate Flux of the Piles,they ufe alfo the Grounds of it Poultife-wile. The Dyers mix it in: their Compofitions to tain Black. Grows about 4. Yard highs! siolo By 8. Pichua with Purflain. Leaves. A Le Tithymalus peretinis Portulaca folio: F. joel. The Inhabitants of Chili 8c. mix fome Drops: of the Milk of this Spuge in a large Glafs: of Water: or Broth, which moderately and kindly purges them, for which Caufe they call it the weak or Female. Pichia. Grows commonly on the Sea Coafts! in floney and dry Places. yet y 9»: Veiny. ‘beart-leaved Spurge.> > is Tithymalus fol. trinerviis 8& cotdatis' F: 709, Grows with: the laft and-purgesJike it, to. Male Pichua Spurge: gate So caibd becaufe it, works’ more>violently béth upwards ard Pane wanste Ie difers from'the others, but) grows in the fame laces. wa Sth: if . 11, Chili Oitiga. pitiont E Ortiga urens, Acanthii folio Fs 573 Ls asrt scares in Valleys abouta Cubit high. NB. OF this Species is the Frutex pungens & utens iDfaregh. Fig. ot ingt Palma Chrifit of Water 27. pe aan teh 5 the inging ) at. Dyers Itin. 1 1 vill Beis . Peryclymenum fol. acutis, flor. profundé. diffe@is F, 760. Grows about 4 Yards high, with Scarlet\Flowers on the {ides of Moun tains, They ule the Chips of this Wood with the Roots of Panke at Fig..é. mixt with a black Earth call’d Robbo, thefe they boil in Water to a juft height;--with- which they dye" their Stuffs of a fine Black, which fades not like thofe of Europe. L 22> Pillabileum or Chill obpody. % ‘olypodium sad. {quamofa F755. Filix Dadyloides pere Muf, Petiver sii Ray Vol: J n Jai ta “ legays A Tea. of this opens Obfrudions and the Natives drink of it; when their Stomachs are overcharged: - Found on the fide of2 Mountain néar Pincho in Chili... It alfo glows abotit Mount Se- yvado on the Coaft of Africa, . 13. Chili Guilno or Purging Oat-grafs: Gramen Bromoides Catharticum F.705. Tio! 3ns They make a Zea of its Roots which they drink hot’ in a Ragetts which: purges them 3 its Tafte like its eration little different from Sena, Grows in marfoy and wet Places: AB. V.. American Gum-trees and others very defirable: Fig. 12 Dellium. 1s faid to flow from the Trink of 2 q Thorney Tree, caid Bdellia growing in Arabia and India, its Leaves are liketh¢ Oak, tlie Fivit-refembles a. Fig and of a pretty gogd Relih. The Gum of 4 bitterith Tafte and turns yellow upon the Tongue, the beft’comes in oval: Drops, is fragrant, xreddith and tran{parent; its ufed both externally and internally, being: aperitive , fudorifick, di- eftive and difcufive, it haftens Birth; provokes Yerms and tee hits Poifon. b 2. Cancamum.. Refembles feveral forts of Gums or Roffis of different Colours clotted or fticking together, ‘it’s {aid to come from Arabia; Pomet fays it was brought him" from Ame- rica, 4: D..1686. by Dr. Brifot ‘of 4 different Colours clingin together, iffuing froma Yee of a moderate: height, Lemery fays it ftrengthens the Stomach and Bowels, kills Worms and opens Obftructions of the Spleen, &'c, , 3+ Balfam Copaiba, by fomeColocai and by the Portuguefé Gamemolo. Marcgrave {ays the Wood is very Yed) which they ‘aw, into Boards for divers Ufes, its L. 491 5 Inches *lohg ang ? Shas0 3 oval oval, bears a midling 5 leaved Flower, its Pods roundish, thin fhell’d, with a Filbert-kernel,’ which bruifed: {mel] like Peafe, Pifo.adds that the Fruit ripens in April which the Brafilians eat, Ly fucking the Juice and {pitting out the Skin ; the Monkeys alfo are very greedy of them. This Balm is yellower than Turpentine, and of a-different Smell and Tafte. It comforts the Stomach and /Bowels, {wee- tens the whole Mafs of Blood and is an adinirablee Vulnera- ry, provokes Urine powerfully and ftops' Fluxes of all kinds, iv’s fudorifick and cures moft Difeafes where Sweating ‘is proper and equal, if not excells all other Natural Balfains. It’s faid the Natives learnt the vulnermy Virtue of this Balm by obferving the ‘Hogs to repair to it»when wounded.: 3 4: Caranna.. Flows fiom the Trunk of which grows plentifull a Tvee like'a Palm| i Fruit like our Cucumbers but of a dark giey, in which is a| ., This Gum, fays Pomet} flows from the Cut Trunk ! and Branches of, a midling Tyee with iong»and narrow filvery | L..and red, Flowers; the Fruit’ of the Colour and Shape of | Olives, and therefore by. fome nanied: wild Olives.’ It’s of fin- | gular Ufe in all Wounds and Fra@ures in’ the Head and Scull. | 7. New Balfam. In. Colour and Shape like Tolu, but ‘of ay lefs agreeable Smell; its boil’d from {mall red ‘clufter’d Fruit, whole L. are very large and broad.”) Grows in St. Domingo and the other Ifes. 29% 8. Balfam. Peru or Natural. Balfam. This Pomet afferts, is made by boiling its Bak, Branches and Leaves in Water, | {cumming off the Fat which is this black. Balm... It’s ufed as’a great Pedoral, particularly’ in: Afima’s. ~ 9. Sarcocol or Flefo-glue. Isa granulated Gum faid to flow froma little prickly Shrub growing in Arabia, Perfia, &c. It agglutinates Fle/b, Heals. {pongey: Wounds, and ftops Hemor- rhages, it’s alfo.a very. good Ophthalmick, taking away Spots, Specks, 8c. hindring Defluxions into thofe Parts. ; to. Liquid Amber. Comes by Incifion from: the Bark’ of’a Jarge Tree with Joy Leaves: growing in Virginia and Mexico, ‘ where it’s call’d cofolt.or Ocotal: At’s. very, fragrant, con- folides and mollifies thie Hardnefs.of: the Womb, is good in Sciatica, Rheumatifm and Weaknels of-the Nerves. ) "11, Tacamahac. "Flows trom the Bodies of large thick Trees Alderfgate-ftreet, London. : May 21. 171. " pours. It’s fo famou i Jt eo lly in New Spainand Madagafear The Lf like our Poplars,growing plentifu 2 x qa - {mall and dented, the where they are’ call ‘arame, Fruit red of the Size of a large “Wut, witha Reach-like Stone, odoriferous and Refinofe. It’s faid to eafe all manner of Pains in the Head, Nerves, Foynts or Womb and very: good in Va-~ t is amongft ‘the Indians, that they ufe it in» all Pains whatever. ; ‘ 12. Balfam Tolu. New Spain feated bet of ia igrateful fragrant Smell, a great Pedoral, particulafly, in’ Helyicks; Catarrhs and Defluxions. Outwardly it alfa eafes-old Aches and: Pains in the Head and foynts. Campechy, Logwood or Brafiletto. Bay of-Campechy it grows plentifully and thither our Go to cut it, it’s alfo found in other Parts of New . Spain as at Sanda Cruce where there are whole Forrefts of -it, Pomet and Lemeiy are both miftaken in making: this Tree'the ame with our Jamaica Pepper,’ or All Spice., which we much better know than the Logwood, whofe Flowers and Fruit we are as yet Strangers to. , : 15. Nephritick Wood. By reafon it’s a Sovereign Remedy? for the Stone,Gravel,and Difficulty of Urine, it’s alfo good in Ob- Siru€ions of the Liver and. Spleen: Grows in New Spain and chiefly about Mexico. Hernandez fays it’s a large Shrub with little roundifh Leaves, its Flower yellow, long and little, grow- ing in Spikes. The Mexicans call this Tree Coatli and Tia- alz patli, 16. Jefuits Bark or Quinguina, This Figure is coppied from Pomet, w Mountains near the City Loxa in the Province of Quito ia ere 5 its Size about that of a Cheny-tree; ‘the L. round and indented, its Flower reddifh,'with a Pod including an’ Alitiond= like Kernel, covered with a thin Skin.® Its Bark“is much’ beét-? ter known to us than either its Leaves,9 Flowers or Frizit. W.B. It is therefore highly to be with’d, that the Pyficiaris or other curious Peifons who corre{pond ‘to; ‘or tefide in thofe Parts where this Tyee or any of’ the aforegoing® grow, would: be pleafed to procure Branches of their Leaves with its Flowers. and Fruit on them, which Favour fhou’d be acknowledged and more accurate Figures given of each, if commiinicated to your t ie Tate ho fays it grows onthe humble Seryant, James Petiver, F.R.S.° Lond. Rep Books, Traéts, &c. Publithed by the Author: ; E Pifcibus Fluviatilihus Anglicanis! An Account of our Frefo-water Fithes, viz, fuch as are found in Lakes, Meres, Pools, Ponds, Brooks or Rivers, Price 6a. " Cochlearum && Gruftaceorum Animalium Britannicorum Ca- talogus. Price 84. ; f le Scarabeeis Anglicanis, In which are named and deferibed near 250 different forts of Engtifh Beetles ina Clafical Method Price rs. 64. z De Bombyliis Angiicanis. OF Englifpb Humble Bees. Pr. 2 a. Mr. Ray’s Method of Englifo Plants illuftrated. Price vs. Englifh Plants, with ftamineous, thready or. Blink Flowers, No. t20. whofe Figures are already Engraven. Price 2 Mr. Ray’s, Britith Plants, Illuftrated with 600 Figures, in Folio Copper Plates, On which are Engraven their Names \td. each, with References to his Hiffory and Synopfis of Britifh Plants, as allo the Places were growing, Colour of their Flowers, and Time of Flourifaing, if Annual or Perennial, Commnion or Rare, Medicinal or otherwife.. The Flower, Seed, Veffel, Gc. A Voyage to the Levant, viz. Sardinia, Sicily, Cyprus, Scanie» oon, Rhodes, Stanchio or Coos, Samos, Scio and Smyrna, Giving an Account of each Place, their Inhabitants, Language, Coins, Weights and Meafures, their Provifions and Prices, Animals, Vege- tables, 8c. to which are added fome Plants lately difcovered oft the I/lands of Chio and Samos: Price 8d. t An Account of feveral Collefors of natural Rarities in Ita: ty. Price 64. 33 De Animalibus Cruffaceis’ Caudatis. | Of divers Crufkaceons Aninials, as Lohfters, Crawfifi, Pawns, Shrimps, 8c. extracted from P. Bellonius and G, Rondeletius with Remarksonthem. Pr. 6d. A Catalogue’ of the-more Rare Plants, now and lately growing in the Phyfick Garden at Leyden. Price 8d. Catalogus Plantarum Indigenarum Hifpania & Italia, quorum Icones a Facobo Bavvelier nuper incife funt. Price 44. Plants obferved on the famous Mountains’ and other Places about Geneva by the Celebrated Mr. Ray and other Botanifts, Price 15. Mada eet ian’s Hiftory of Surinam Infeds, abbreviated and im Mer’ d, with fome Remarki‘on them. Figured from the Life, and added to each different kind. Price ne Guinea and an half. The Exglifs ‘or Latin En 6co Plants» 15s. 6a. each. Labels for Specimens of graven Catalogues of the abovelaid the Science of Botany or : nowled: Catalogues of Sheppy, Kentifo ly se The Virtues of feveral Sovereign Plants found wild in Mary- land with Remarks on them. Price 64. Pterigraphia ‘Americana.’ In which are the complete Figures of near 200 different forts o f rare American Ferms, with divers ~| Mufbrooms, Corals, Sponges, Shells, &c. Price 105, *Gazophylacium Natura. Containing the Figures of above 1200 different Animals, Plants, Fofils, 8c. from all Parts of the World, with their Namés,'8&c. in 100 Folio Copper Plates. Price 11, 10 s. The Catalogues and Defcriptions feparate 25. 64. Mulei Petiveriani Centurie X. Figuris. Price 25. 6d. NB. Divers of thefe Tvafs are now fo very Searce, that of ‘ome of them, ‘there are not 20 left, cPER U.. | Medicinall PERU Plants. TAB. I, ; ve ee, \ ty a] ce ey eat | Plante Medic \ i inales ¢ CHILI. Medicinall- Curt Plants - oft im 4 h 4 \ 2 {) » ") = OSI SVU LS ie rk Os OAV RA AMERICAN GUM Trees & others ve be bg. SAV : & wee aN WA, (ey . 3 desirable TARY, a : 3 Ob i q f ) 6GuM Ribyy ELEMI 24-6