VOL. XLV, NO. 541 : JANUARY, 1912 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences with Special Reference to the Factors of Evolution : CONTENTS Page I, The Inheritance ef Color in Short-horn Cattle, H.H.Lavemzi~n - - - b IL. Supplementary Observations on the Development of the Canadian Oyster. De. J.Starrorp 29 I. The Effects of Alcohol not Inherited in Hydatina senta. Dr. D. D, WHITNEY 41 yr THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editer of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. Articles containing tien are especially we One hundrea reprints of contri Further miee will be supplied at Subscriptions and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. dollars a year. subscription price is four Canadian g -five thirty-five cents. 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Back or Current Numbers of any American or Foreign technical or trade journal and magazine fur- nished on short notice at moderate rates; all kinds of Government and State Reports in stock. Clippings on special subjects furnished promptly. Large stock of American Naturalist, Science and Popular Science on hand. Magazines, Books and Papers _ | awe THE TE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE FACTORS OF EVOLUTION VOLUME XLVI wo Lot. Garden 1913 NEW YORK THE SCIENCE PRESS 1912 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou RIN January, 1912 No. 541 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN SHORT HORN CATTLE H. H. H. LAUGHLIN CARNEGIE STATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION, ‘OLD SPRING HARBOR, N. J. In order to adduce further evidence bearing upon the problem of the inheritance of color in cattle the follow- ing observations on the occurrence of dominant and reces- sive whites in other animals are reported. Many species of animals have some strains with solid white coats and others with coats made up of both white and pigmented areas. The white in such latter coats is always possessed in a somewhat definitely arranged and progressive system of areas characteristic of each species, spreading from the first of these areas until the entire body is covered. Thus in the guinea pig the whitening process begins with the underline and large ‘‘centripetal’’ body blotches and spreads until the hair, skin and body pigments are entirely removed, the eye and the ‘‘centrifugal’’ coat pig- ments persisting the longest. In the domestice cat the process begins with the anterior underline and collar, from which areas it spreads in large blotches. The rabbit’s pigment areas behave similarly. With the parti- colored dog of any or no breed, the whitening process begins with a white line down the middle of the face, a 5 6 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLVI white chest, a white collar and generally a white tail tip. With cattle of all breeds and crosses possessing broken color patterns the process begins with a white belt at the rear flank, continues with another at the fore flank, a white underline and a white forehead. With horses of the English breeds it begins with a blaze face and white feet, continuing with large body blotches. With the French and the desert breeds it seems to begin witha ‘‘dappling’’ of the body hair—dark pigment persisting longest on the legs—and continues through a lighter ‘‘dappling’’ to white, the skin remaining black, while the sharper whiten- ing process seems to follow the sequence observed in Eng- lish breeds. In the case of the piebald negro the median face line is quite noticeable. Thus, while there is for each species a characteristic pattern, there is in reality a some- what common pattern in all species of mammals possessing particolored individuals. This common pattern is de- seribed as follows: White line down the face, white under- line, white anterior belt or collar, white rear flank belt and white feet and switch. These white areas may, in animals possessing but little white, be represented by several smaller areas, but always near the median line of the areas white in the larger pattern, which smaller areas may fuse as the pattern becomes coarser. Thus the white nose and forehead in some cattle may in others make a continuous white line down the face. The white spreads from the areas just defined with much the same sequence as a fire would spread over a ‘‘hide- shaped’’ meadow, starting at the centers homologous to the first white areas of the coat. In all cases the pigments seem to persist the longest in and about the eyes and ears and at the buttock—the ‘‘centrifugal areas’’ mentioned by Castle. The coat of a white Shorthorn may consist of: (1) Solid dominant white covering red (quite rare); (2) some definite coat areas dominant white covering red, others albinic white (very common); (3) some areas albinic white, others dominant white not covering red No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 7 (quite common). In eye color the white Shorthorn is either blue or brown; the roan and red Shorthorns are always brown eyed. The characteristic pigment areas may, in domestic animals, become subjected to rigid selec- tion, resulting in modified forms—as the white belt of the Dutch belted cattle and the white head, neck and under- line of the Hereford. Approximations to the former and to the reciprocal of the latter modifications (not of the species pattern) are commonly observed among Short- horns. In general, however, color patterns are quite characteristic of the species and are quite persistent. Greatly modified patterns are seldom seen and, moreover, the reciprocal coloration is never seen. Not only does the whitening process begin at definite centers quite specific for each species, but it also seems to be definitely progressive in tissues carrying pigment. Thus, the whitening process begins in man with the skin, extending to the hair, the iris, and finally the choroid. Partial albinos often have blue eyes—the absence of the iris pigment but the presence of the choroid. In the guinea pig the hair and skin pigments generally seem to disappear before those of the eye. Castle’® reports a guinea pig with an area of red hair underlaid by a patch of black skin, and observes that a white dog may have a patch of pigmented skin somewhere under the hair coat. Similar phenomena are found in all species having parti- colored strains. It is a matter of common observation that a white patch of skin or hair unsymmetrically cover- ing but one eye of a dog or horse sometimes gives this animal a ‘‘glass eye,” i. e., unsymmetrical eye color, the blue eye being surrounded by white hair and skin while the dark eye is surrounded by dark tissues; this, however, is not always the case, for many times both eyes are dark. In horses and cattle the hair is first whitened, then the skin, the iris and the choroid follow in the order named. A black horse or cow may have a spot of white hair on some portion of the body; it may be entirely underlaid by # í Heredity of Coat Characters in Guinea-pigs and Rabbits,’’ p. 46. 8 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI black skin—this is especially apt to be the case with small spots, or under the center of such an area there may be a pigmentless skin—generally characteristic of the larger areas, while its margin is underlaid by black skin, but never the reverse. In some instances, however, the pig- mentless skin and hair areas exactly coincide. The hoof of the white foot of a horse or cow is generally white, that of the dark foot always black; however, quite often a white patch or streak will extend to the hoof and then come to an abrupt end, the hoof continuing in a vertical line the same pigment possessed by the skin immediately underneath the lighter hair patch giving rise to the hoof ; thus the hoof is as dark or darker, but never lighter, than the hair patch immediately above. In spotted horses it is observed that a white coat spot crossing the mane will sometimes whiten it, while in other instances it will not. Mr. Chas. E. Burns, the pony breeder of Peoria, Ill., writes: We naturally expect spotted Shetlands from spotted ancestors but ean say that very frequently I have bred a spot to a spot and the off- spring has been a solid color. On the other hand, I have very fre- quently had spotted colts from solid-colored parents. The fact that there is spotted blood in the ancestors of the solid colored ponies ac- counts perhaps for the spots, and vice versa. There seems to be no sure rule in governing the color of a Shetland. The mane and tail are not always the same color as the adjacent color patches of the coat. Very frequently I have seen a white mane come right out of a black patch, although as a general rule the color of a mane is the same color as the adjacent coat of the pony. This is general also as regards the tail, but very frequently, as I say. a black tail comes out of a white spot, or a white tail out of a black spot, and often the tail is both blaek and white. Mr. C. R. Clemmons, of Coffeyville, Kans., writes: I have been breeding spotted Shetlands for twenty-five years. I find that many mares of a solid color will bring spotted colts quite regu- jarly when bred to a spotted stallion having considerable blood from these colors but every now and then there will be a foal of perfectly plain color as the result of this same mating. I am of the opinion, however, that a spotted color breed could be obtained by breeding in these colors and perhaps inbreeding. No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 9 The mane and tail of a spotted Shetland are not always of the same color as the adjoining patches of the coat, there is sometimes a dis- tinct color line between the mane and tail and the coat.” Mr. W. A. Long, of Greeley, Ia., offers the following evidence : We have no recollection of seeing any roan Belgian stallions with white manes and tails. Our experience with the roan stallions has been that the colts are principally roan Je have in mind one roan stallion that we imported that sired 68 elke one year and they were all roans out of all colors of mares. We handle many chestnut horses with white manes and tails, and they sire principally all chestnut colts, but there will be some bays and other colors, as all colors are represented in the Belgian breed. They do not all sire the white mane and tail but many of the colts are so marked. Mr. A. W. Hawley, of Pioneer, Ia., says: I had a beautiful light mane and tail chestnut from a black Belgian mare and a black Percheron stallion. The roan stallion above referred to doubtless corre- sponds exactly to either type No. 7 or No. 8 of Shorthorn cattle, the dominant duplex white always persisting and the hairs of the second network remain either red or black, making the familiar ‘‘red-roan’’ or ‘‘blue-roan,’’ depending upon the gametiec composition of the dam, epistacy and the laws of chance. Belgian horses resemble Shorthorn cattle in that they are a breed of many colors, including the interesting roan. Indeed, the roan, silvered, barred, ‘‘agouti,’’ mottled, piebald, flea-bitten and other variegated types of animals of all species so charac- terized seem to behave in inheritance in a manner typified by the roan Shorthorn. While the mane and tail are generally of the same color as the adjacent body coat, there is often. a pigment differentiation—the coarser hair whitening first. This phenomenon is also exemplified in the case of black or — : spotted eats, which often have white ‘‘mustaches’’ grow- ing from black or dark skins and coats, but never the — reverse. Among wild animals the silver fox and the 10 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLVI silver-tipped bear present instances of the whitening process beginning with the hair tips. Recall, in this con- nection, the lighter colors sometimes present on the hair tips of the cattle crosses reported by Professor Went- worth, and the ‘‘albinic’’ superficial tissues of the Silkie fowl with its pigmented deeper tissues. Thus it seems that with mammals and with some birds the whitening process begins with the more superficial tissues and con- tinues to the deeper ones; with mammals, coarse hair, fine hair, skin, nail, sclerotic, iris, choroid, being the order followed. Permit a short digression into the plant kingdom. Of the two or three hundred varieties of the dent corn, all of the yellow and red varieties have red cobs and all of the white varieties have white cobs, with the exception of St. Charles County white, which has a red cob. Jack-stock breeders in America are making an effort to establish a ‘race of black animals with white points, and the following evidence, while primarily bearing on this problem, is typical of the behavior when not involving the whitening process of pigments of domestic animals. In the Breeders’ Gazette, May 10, 1911, a breeder states this problem: A jack is of good size, well made in every way but he is of maltese color. He is exactly the color of his sire and his sire was a popular jack in his locality and a first-class mule-getter. Is this color a real objection? What is the prevailing color of mules sired by the mal- tese-colored jacks? To which L. M. Monsees, of Sedalia, Mo., the jack-stock breeder and authority, responds: I have seen some extra good mule jacks of the maltese color. A maltese or blue jack, if from a good, large family of good blood, and himself a good individual, will no doubt prove a good breeder. He should be expected to get good solid colors—bays, blacks, browns, blues and chestnuts. Thus it seems probable that, when different parental pigments, but not the whitening process, are involved, the No.541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 11 pigments of the offspring are due to either a simple Men- delian mixture of various dilutions of parental pigments with their resultant hypostatic effect, or to minor reaction between the determiners presented by the two parents resulting in modified pigment bodies. Barrington, Lee and Pearson’s study of color in the eray-hound—Biometrika, 1904—presents evidence that might well be given such an interpretation. Their elabo- rate tables measure accurately the correlation of the color of ancestry and offspring in this animal, but they do not explain what takes place in the zygote upon its creation by the union of two somewhat differently organized and differently descended gametes ; nor do they clarify the conception of gametic organization. It is, however, primarily a study in the mathematics, not the chemistry, mechanism nor biology of inheritance. The black mane, tail and feet of the bay and of some blue roan horses, and the white mane, tail and feet of the chestnut Belgian seem to indicate that in horses the whitening process may proceed somewhat out of synchro- nism in its tissue and area sequences. The white mane and tail seem to be causatively correlated with the chest- nut coat of the Belgian, which white seems to be recessive to the heavier pigments. Moreover, when the destroying process attacks highly organized pigment bodies, is the destruction always complete? May there not be resting stages in this destruction and may not the series—blacks, browns, bays, chestnuts, sorrels, duns and creams—be- sides being different dilutions and hypostatic effects of different pigments, represent these stages? Further- more, may there not be a pigment sequence as well as an area, tissue and ontogenetic sequence involved in the whitening process? And are the chestnut, sorrel, dun and cream pigments the ones most readily destroyed by the antibody? Note in this connection that in dogs and other mammals having some individuals with black, tan and white areas, _ the black areas are quite often bordered by a zone of tan, 12 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von. XLVI and often small tan but rarely small white spots are found within the larger black areas. These are the con- ditions expected if the tan were an intermediate product resulting from the attack of the destroying antibody upon the determiner for the heavier pigmentation. The sequence of color bands along the hairs of the wild and agouti cavies, viz., heavily pigmented brown tip, yellow band and leaden base, is also suggestive of the same derivation of the yellow. Besides an area progression and a tissue progression involved in the whitening process in animals, there is also an ontogenetic progression of the same process. In man and in many pigmented animals a progressive grayness, called ‘‘senile white,” comes with old age, in some strains earlier than in others. White horses— dominant white—are always born pigmented, but soon change to white—juvenile white, it might well be called. White Leghorn fowls are hatched white and, save for a senile deposit of pigment, remain so. The observed facts seem to demand intra-zygotie in- hibition and reaction quite closely approximating the following hypothetical processes: In a germ cell of some heavily pigmented animal, say, of a black Angus bull, let there be a specific chemical determiner (N) for black pigment in the entire skin and hair coat and in the sclerotic, choroid and iris. This determiner reacts like and indeed may be a body closely related to the enzymes, in that both may be weakened, exhausted, or totally in- hibited without being impaired or destroyed by the pres- ence of varying amounts of an antibody of some sort, still greater amounts of which set up chemical reaction resulting in partial or total destruction, depending upon the relative quantity and intimacy of the two bodies in much the same manner as trypsin is totally inhibited but not destroyed by .05 per cent. of lactic acid, but is totally destroyed by .1 per cent. of hydrochloric acid." _ In the germ cell of a white mate of the aforementioned 1 Green, ‘The Soluble Ferments and Fermentation,’’ p. 198. a No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 13 animal let there be an antibody (W) (analogous to the acids in the above illustration) substituted for and placed homologously to the determiner (N) for black pigment, which antibody is capable of weakening, in- hibiting and finally of totally destroying the deter- miner according to the relative quantity and intimacy of the two bodies. Let this antibody (W) exist in a quantity large enough to totally inhibit the ontogenesis of N, but not to effect its destruction. Now let fertiliza- tion take place; the F, generation is white. A white so behaving is said to be dominant. Because there was only inhibition of N with no chemical reaction between N and W, and segregation may take place in later gen- erations according to the familiar formula, F, is said to be simplex in reference to this unit character. If, how- ever, the antibody in quantity sufficient for inhibition makes its intrusion de novo into a gamete possessing a determiner for N and this mutant germ cell meets another of similar origin or descent, and the total amount of the antibody is still sufficient to cause reac- tion, a duplex dominant white offspring results, which, mated with one of its own kind, will establish a race of white animals, inhibiting somatically in heredity until further disturbance by extraneous intrusion or by hy- bridizing the determiner N. Animals of this sort upon hybridizing—as Davenport has shown in his white Leg- | horn crosses—may be made to yield the ancestral colora- tion. If the antibody exists in quantity sufficiently great to inhibit absolutely all of the determiner, with an excess sufficient to cause chemical reaction destroying a por- tion of N, then partial albinism results and the off- spring, although entirely white, will possess some definite areas of dominant white covering pigment, and others of albinie white, breeding exactly like the white Short- horns designated in this study as type No. 6. If, how- ever, in the germ-cell of the white mate a still larger quantity of W be present (exactly large enough to ef- fect the total destruction of N) upon fertilization N and a 14 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI W react and are destroyed, the F, generation is white— this time albinic white, mutants. W and N both being destroyed, these animals are nulliplex and breed accord- ing to the familiar formula. As still another alternative, let W exist in still larger quantities and the mating take place; not only is all of N destroyed but there is an excess of W which gives some areas of duplex dominant white not holding the pigmented color as a recessive trait—in quite the same manner as the Shorthorns designated in this study as type No. 9 possess a coat solid white, some areas of which are dominant white not covering the red and the remainder of the areas are albinic white. A still greater amount of W will apparently effect the total destruc- tion of N, making the offspring in the entire coat duplex dominant white, not holding N latent in the gametes and not capable of ‘‘reversion.’’ Let the antibody exist in very small quantity, insuff- ciently large to inhibit the ontogenesis of N, and let fer- tilization take place. It is conceivable that the antibody in such small quantity might have the same effect upon N as alcohol has upon an enzyme, in which case N would play its usual part in ontogenesis, but, being constantly harassed by W, would finally be inhibited or destroyed. The F, generation would then show senile grayness, as in man; here again the most superficial tissues are first attacked. If the antibody (W) is a trifle more concen- trated the F generation will be born pigmented, but will develop juvenile white, as with the white horse, which as previously described is born with pigmented hair and skin—the skin remaining black and the hair turning white. Thus the process seems to be progressive, de- pending upon different intrusions de novo—‘‘muta- tions’’—and different inheritance lines for the pre- sentation of various quantities of the antibody effecting the destruction of N in a definitely progressive onto- genetic, area and tissue sequence. This is the hypothetical picture of intra-zygotic reaction No.541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 15 demanded by the somatic behavior in inheritance of coat pigments and patterns in Shorthorn cattle and in the other instances above cited. Now, let some further observations be reported and then fitted to this conception for its support or rejection. In the Breeders’ Gazette (April 12, 1911) in response to an inquiry concerning the behavior in inheritance, with special reference to the possibility of spotted off- spring of a white stallion, described as follows: He is white with pink skin and would be albino but for a very few small specks in the skin and his dark eyes. Dr. W. E. Castle answers: The dark-eyed white condition is closely related to the piebald con- dition. It may indeed be regarded as an extreme variation of the piebald state in which the white spots cover the entire body except the eye. Most black-eyed white animals produce a certain number of piebald offspring, even when bred to animals exactly like themselves. In reply to a request, W. P. Newell, of Washburn, Ill., the owner of the white stallion, supplies the following data: The albino offspring of my stallion do not have pink eyes, but have “ glass” or “ watch ” eyes. Their hoofs are white or flesh color; there are no spots in the skin and not a colored hair on them. Not all of his white colts are albinos, some of them have a few colored hairs in mane or ears; these I do not refer to as albinos. As a two-year-old this stallion was bred to six mares. Each one of these six produced a white colt.. As a three-year-old he had thirty-nine mares; got thirty-three in foal. About half of these were white, the others solid colors. These mares were very ordinary and of all colors, every size, shape and age. Fol- lowing are a few of the instances: Bay mare got white colt; bay got black colt; two blacks got white colts; black got black colt; white and buckskin spot got pure albino; dapple gray got white colt; flea-bitten gray got white colt; three or more brown mares got white colts; two or more brown mares got brown colts; brown mare got pure albino; one sorrel got pure albino; one sorrel got brown colt. This will give you an idea of how his colts are colored. Nothing is given and not much can be deduced con- 16 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI cerning the gametic make-up of these brood mares, but this interesting stallion seems to be barely on the domi- nant white side of the critical border between dominant white and albinic white. Had the whitening factor been a little more concentrated in the zygote giving rise to him, doubtless the ontogenesis of his choroid would have been inhibited or destroyed, the determiner for much of his more superficial pigmentation would have been destroyed and he would have been a true albino. Some of his germ cells seem to contain the antibody W in quantity and distribution adequate to inhibiting the quantitatively definite determiner for pigmentation found in some of the gametes of many pigmented mares ; others of his gametes seem to lack this specific anti- body, having in its place a determiner for dark pigmen- tation, hence, he is apparently simplex with reference to his dominant white determiners. If one of his gametes possessing W unites with a mare’s gamete pos- sessing pigmentation determiners greater than the quantitatively definite determiner above referred to, the inhibition will either not take place or it will take place incompletely—in the latter case resulting in some modification of the solid-color coat and skin condition. If the mare’s gamete possessing less of the pigmenta- tion determiners than the optimum quantity above re- ferred to meets one of the stallion’s gametes possessing W, the offspring will be white—dominant if the relative concentration of the determiner and the antibody is such as to cause only inhibition; recessive, i. e., ‘‘albinie” if reaction occurs. Let us consider the criteria of albinism. The general conception among investigators and writers on the sub- ject seems to be that all strains of albinos have origi- nated through dropping from the germ-plasm deter- miners for pigmentation previously possessed, rather than to have descended from ancestral types never pos- sessing such pigmentation. Generally an animal is designated as ‘‘albino’’? when inhibition and reaction No.541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 17 have covered the entire skin, hair, nail and eye pig- ments. Castle'® in his ‘‘Heredity of Coat Characters in Guinea-Pigs and Rabbits,” excepts ‘‘centrifugal’’ areas. There is, moreover, no reason to believe that the pink eye of an animal may not result from the inhibition of the pigment determiner as well as from its destruc- tion. In the progressive development of whiteness from senile white, juvenile white, dominant white covering pigment, albinie white, to dominant white not covering pigment, there seems to be, as we have seen, a species of tissue resistance as well as of area progression to this inhibition and reaction; the pigment of the deeper tissues being more generally resistant, or at least slower or later in succumbing to the attacks of the antibody. These deeper tissues, when dark and covered by the pigmentless tissues, give rise to a condition that is proved by experimental breeding generally to be domi- nant white. This is quite consistent with the present conception, for if the skin below is still pigmented it is quite probable that the hair pigments are only inhibited and not destroyed, and by the time the inhibiting proc- ess reaches the choroid, the destroying process is prob- ably quite complete in the hair, and the animal is quite ‘properly designated as an ‘‘albino’’—recessive white. It must be borne in mind, however, that albinism may be either partial or complete; it may affect, the entire coat color or it may affect only a limited area or a specific tissue. In partial albinism the eye is often blue—the ab- sence of superficial pigments but presence of the deeper. Thus albinos become of great interest, and the study of their behavior very complicated, on account of this nascency of mutation. The intricate organization of the _ gamete can be determined only by the study of its onto- genetic sequence and end which, however, strongly sug- gest that chemical bodies within the germ cell behave exactly as such bodies within the test tubes of the lab- oratory. The disturbance of a single determiner may * << Heredity of Coat Characters in Guinea-pigs and Rabbits,’’ p. 9. 18 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI cause an accompanying correlation in something like the following manner: Consider the determiner for some definite somatic structure in a germ cell of one parent to be destroyed by an antibody analogously placed in the germ cell of the other parent; this chemical reaction must leave a product, which product it is conceivable may cause considerable havoe in so intricate a mechan- ism. There is no reason to believe that this product would of necessity confine itself to reactions with de- terminers first attacked; it might indeed be conceived to disturb or to destroy certain determiners for other tissues and forms. The Silkie fowl seems to have received a very severe and peculiar upset in its determiners for pigmentation—note its black eyes and black deeply seated body pigments, together with its ‘‘albinic’’ plumage. Neither is there any probability, except by chance, of parallelism or similarity between the mechanical or chemical cause of such reaction and the resulting determiners—a notion savoring some- what of the earlier conceptions prevalent in some quarters, of ante-natal influence—for Weismann?’ ex- perimenting with Vanessa appears to have effected color changes by means of temperature and Tower” to have permanently upset that portion of the germ plasm of Leptinotarsa determining pigmentation by means of humidity and temperature. Thus, units may be made and unmade, and thus a foreign body or force entering a germ cell may conceivably cause a long series of reac- tions, each product becoming a new reagent affecting the determiners of many forms and tissues, if by chance lethal damage is not done before equilibrium is reached. Moore in his paper ‘‘A Biochemical Conception of Dominance,” says: When fertilization occurs, the germ cells bring into contact certain substanees which are set free to react upon each other. Some of these 1 cí Germ Plasm,’’ p. 379. %<í An Investigation in Chrysomelid Beetles of the Genus Leptinotarsa.’ ’ No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 19 substances may react simply with cther substances and obey the Guld- berg-Waage law of mass action, while others are of the nature of enzymes (ferments) and accelerate reactions which are already going forward at a very slow rate. It has been many times demonstrated that a positive determiner in a gamete of a simplex individual is not as ‘‘pure”’ as one from a duplex individual; furthermore, a soma developed from a zygote made up of a gamete containing a positive determiner, and another char- acterized by its absence, is not as strong in the char- acter in question as one produced by two duplex parents. Thus, Davenport”? has shown that in mating dominant white fowls with pigmented fowls there is often an ‘‘im- perfection of dominance,’’ giving rise to some more or less scattered pigmentation in F,; this he demonstrated experimentally and, among other things, finds that Two white Leghorns crossed by a black Minorea produced only white hybrids, but the female hybrids at least had some black feathers. .. . No barring resulted from crossing white Leghorn with . . . black Minorca. . . . Of 26 hybrids between black Cochin and white P NE 8 were barred black and white. And he concludes that— alongside of dominance we must place an important modifying fac- tor—the factor of the strength or potency of the representative of the given character in the germ plasm. This is clearly a variable quantity. If it is very potent we get a typically Mendelian result but if it is weak, we will have imperfect dominance or failure to develop alto- gether. Thus the determiner for pigmentation in the black Cochin seems to be more concentrated than the same determiner in the black Minorca. Or is it possible that the antibody, although present in quantities theoretically in excess of the amount necessary for complete inhibition, fails to effect such inhibition completely for the same reason that the analogous phenomenon, due to some aA Biochemical Conception of E University of California Publications in Physiology, Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 11. =‘<*The Imperfection of be reg American Breeders’ Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 42. BO THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI mechanical necessity, is commonly observed in chemical experiments? Obviously, the mass of the determiner for pigmenta- tion is as potent a factor in determining the end result as the mass of the destroying antibody. The kind or quality of the pigment seems also to be a factor; the yellow or sorrel pigments seem to be destroyed more readily than the black or brown. It is also apparent that, due-to a difference in the relative mass of the determiner and the antibody in the zygote, one cross may affect total destruc- tion of the pigment while another parallel or reciprocal one may not. Thus, as above mentioned, Davenport’s white Leghorn on black Minorea cross gave only white or nearly white offspring, while his parallel cross, viz., white Leghorn on black Cochin, gave considerable black pigment in the offspring. It has also been observed that the barred Plymouth Rock male, which is much less heavily pigmented than the female, when mated with a white Leghorn female gives only white offspring, but - the reciprocal cross, viz., the white Leghorn male on the barred Plymouth Rock female gives barred, mottled, gray, creamy and white offspring regardless of sex. In this latter mating the two gametic elements, viz., the de- terminer for pigmentation and the destroying antibody, seem to be present in quite closely chemically balanced masses and it would be interesting to know whether in this cross the fluctuations across the color line are due to accidental variations in the strength of the individual gametic elements in question or to the Mendelian phe- nomenon. There is still another white possessed by birds and mammals known as ‘‘structural white,’’ characterizing some arctic animals such as the arctic fox, which is white the year around, and the arctic hare and the ptarmigan, which are pigmented at one season and white at the other. It would be interesting to know whether the fur and feathers of these animals in their unpigmented phases possess oxidized pigments. There are, more- No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 21 over white pea fowls. The gorgeous hues of the common pea fowl are due both to pigments and to defraction and it would be interesting to know whether the white pea fowl has lost its pigments or defraction surfaces, or both. Animals of heavy pigmentation—as the blackbird, the crow and the negro—are said to be more subject to pre-senile and albinic white than others less heavily pig- mented. Enzymes may be inhibited or destroyed by an excess of their own products. May it be indeed that the antibody (W) is itself a product of the determiner (N)? To throw further light upon the whole problem, among other things, a careful study should be made of the be- havior in inheritance of the age of graying of the hair and beard in man. If the conclusion of this paper pre- sents a true picture, early graying of the hair and beard will be found to be dominant over the later manifestation of the same phenomenon. It is further anticipated that a chemical analysis of senile white and juvenile white tissues will show the same absence of somatic pigment as Gortner2* has shown in his study of albinic and dominant whites. In this study of Shorthorn cattle nine theoretical game- tic coat-color types are defined. As previously stated, the striking fact is this: The roan of type No. 3 (which is reciprocally colored as compared with the ordinary color pattern of cattle) is never observed, and quite probably the red of type 2 is also missing. The reason is appar- ently as follows: The antibody inhibiting and destroying the determiner R (for red pigment) first attacks through mechanical and chemical necessities the determiner for coat pigment in the somatic areas of Set 1 (roughly— flank, heart girth, forehead) and progresses systemat- ically through the areas of Set 2 (roughly—underline, barrel, legs and quarters, head and neck) according to the following scheme: = íí Spiegler’s ‘White Me’anin’ as related to Dominant or Recessive White,’? THE AMERICAN Naturatist, Vol. XLIV, p. 501. ; 22 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI TABLE VIII | Gameti e |. Ga ametic | Number of, Examples of Some Class | Formula for| che ses ar ‘Inheritance Breeds of Cattle ve | Ament of Antibody | Areas of Unitsin | Representative of tage | resent | First At- | pe At lEntire Coat the Respective Rest- ieee ack. | ack, | Pigmenta- | ing Stagee of od | (Set 1) (Set 2 J tion Whiten ng Proces —| —— ——— | -- 1. (None or too little to w,P, w,P, | One. Angus and solid | start inhibition. black breeds | | enerally. 2. | Enough to inhibit the W,P, | wP, | |Two or |Holstein and determiner for pig- | two spotted breeds mentation of the areas groups. | generally. of Set 1. 3. | Enough o Wi WLP, | WPi | One. White park hibit the | rete bod | | cattle of Bri- | tain. 4. nough more to start| w.p, | W,P, | Two or |Not fe neat reaction and to de- two b i breed stroy the determiner | | groups. | nor ever ob- for pigmentation of the areas of Set 1. 5. nough more to con-| Wp served in mon- One. Casita albi- WP2 Two or|White Short- horns of Type 9 | W2P2 | | tw ody in place of deter- | | | groups. | of this paper. e j | 6. | Enough more to de- | WP: it anti- | 7. |Enough more to de- W,p, W.p, | One. Remotely pos- sible that some y in place of deter- | | strains of British miner for pigmenta- | | white park ss tion of areas of Set 2. | are of this type. W = presence of antibody. P = presence of determiner for pigmentation. w = absence of antibody. p = absence of determiner for pigmentation. In Shorthorn cattle, classes 4, 5 and 7 of this table are not met with, neither are conditions parallel to class 4 ever observed in any other mammals. The further expla- nation may be as follows: Reaction between W and R does not begin until an excess of W is present (a condition not hard to parallel in the chemical laboratory) but when reaction does begin it is quite rapid, destroying all of R and most likely leaving an excess of W at the point of first attack. This would eliminate Class 4 (type 3 of the series previously described) and Class 5 (pure albinos) of this table. There may be ‘‘albino’’ cattle; No.541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 23 Pearson** reported a rumor of a herd of such but he was unable to locate it. Wilcox and Smith” describe a race of white cattle—Polled Albino—made by crossing a white Shorthorn cow with a polled bull of unknown breeding. The Swedish cattle were thought to possess ‘‘ pink eyes’”’ and if so were probably albinic in their entire coat; the Polled Albinos are doubtless ‘‘partial albinos.” White Shorthorn cattle are generally blue-eyed, however, a con- siderable percentage are brown eyed. The following chart of the ancestry and offspring of ‘White Rose,” the first cow purchased by Mr. J. F Hagaman, of Leonard, Mich., is prepared from data sup- plied by him: Far ass set Koan a Cot toet Banes re Spring wood Rr, = Ue Whitt Roars. Cuart No. 3 ý He aiso writes: I purchased another cow, Daisy Dean, red and white. All her an- cestors were red, red and white, or roans. She was bred to Park Farm Prince (roan) and produced twin bull calves both white. They were exactly alike and were made into steers. A drover took them to Bos- ton where they sold for $500. ... All the white calves had blue eyes, flesh-colored noses and light skins. Dr. D. M. Kipps, of Fort Royal, Va., writes: I feel sure I never had a white Shorthorn with a black nose; I had one or two that had slightly cloudy noses. I think every one had pink “(On the Inheritance of Coat-Colour in Cattle,’’ Biometrika, 1905-06, p. 436. É 21‘ Farmers’ Cyclopedia of Live Stock,’’ p. 369. 24 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor, XLVI skin underlaying the white coat and nearly every one had slightly reddish hair on the inside and around the outer rim or auricle of the ear. Mr. J. H. Hawkins, of Xenia, O., writes: Will say I have never seen a white Shorthorn with pink eyes. My white Shorthorns have pure white coats, pink skins and brown eyes. As to black noses, they are not a rare thing to see . . . now and then. Shorthorn cattle were made from the Anglo-Saxon reds —Class 1 of the above table No. VIII; the Flecking— Class 6; the Romano-British—Class 3, and probably some other primitive types. Evidently none of the breeds of domestic cattle has yet reached stage 7, i. e., solid domi- nant white not capable of reversion. The Shorthorns of to-day present all the possible combinations of Classes 1, 2, 3 and 6. In reference to the fact that the race of duplex yellow mice has never been produced and in view of what Castle® says,—viz., that the union between germ cells carrying only yellow pigment is doubtless affected, still all such germ cells from some cause are doomed to destruction, may it not be that in so delicately adjusted a mechanism two of these specific determiners present a lethal dose? May this not be one of the causes of the limits of hybridi- zation and of the sterility of hybrids? The germ cells are doubtless distinguished by both a specifie architectural and a specific chemical organization of the greatest nicety of adjustment and balance. The closest approach in the chemical world to their behavior is that of the enzymes, which, though not entering into reactions, may bring them about; while in the course of its own continuity the germ plasm gives rise to cells of its own kind, supplying them with bodies behaving in an enzyme-like manner sufficient for their own continuity and for a long series of onto- zenetic processes. It is obvious that a disturbance of some consequence would follow the advent of a foreign body or of unusual æ ‘í Modified Mendelian Ratio amorg Yellow Mice,’’ Science, December 16, 1910, Vol. XXXIT, p. 868. No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 25 quantities of a normal body presented either by hybrid- izing or by osmotic intrusion; perhaps it may clarify the conception to make analogy to the degree and sequence of reactions in test-tubes or other containers of more complicated design holding the same chemical in varying quantities, places and degrees of nascency, wrought by the addition of varying quantities of the same reagent. The inhibitions and reactions expected from such condi- tions would begin at definite places, would continue in a more or less definite suecession characteristic of each set of conditions, would complete a reaction first in definite parts and would proceed with varying degrees of speed, might effect a reaction and deposit an excess of reagent in some parts before even reaching other parts. Let there be an equilibrium following reaction; then add more of the reagent or of the chemical acted upon and it is easy to picture subsequent reactions all of which are closely analogous to the processes which the study of Shorthorn cattle leads us to believe have taken place within their gametes and zygotes. The behavior of their coat color and that of many other animals demand such behavior within the zygote. Thus such processes seem to account for the coarse mosaic or the spotted, and the fine mosaic or the roan color coat, the imperfection of dominance, reversion, the origin of the mottling and barring of fowls, the progressive dappling of horses, the peculiar behavior of ‘‘albino’’ guinea pigs, the characteristic behavior of coat pigment and patterns in Shorthorn cattle, and other similar phenomena. The stag, but not the doe, caribou possesses a beautiful white collar, and it may be that sex- limited characters are wrought by a sort of ‘‘havoec’’ or series of progressive reactions, preceding chemical equi- librium caused by the introduction of the essential sex- determiners. : A human family is recorded? in which a pre-senile gray spot oceurs in the beard of the left cheek of many of its male members. In possible explanation, it is sug- = Files Eugenies Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. 26 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI gested that a small quantity of some antibody somehow inhibited or destroyed a portion of the determiner for pigmentation in the germ cell from which this family sprung. This indeed points toward a possibility that unit characters may arise from a partial destruction of larger units; that a determiner for a unit character behaving precisely in unit fashion may be a complex capable of being shattered into a large number of independently be- having ch ters. Small as the germ cell is and quanti- tatively insignificant as the determiner for the skin and hair pigment must be, the facts demand that this body consist of many molecules arranged in definite structure, each one destined for a somewhat definite ontogenetic process leading to a definite somatic end. Thus the often inherited specific color mark seems to indicate that a color pattern once produced—no matter how intricate or complex—will reproduce itself exactly until its deter- miners are disturbed by unbalanced bodies or forces pre- sented by fertilization or otherwise. The Shorthorns are a race of white cattle caught in the making and preserved in the nascent state by a rigid selec- tion. It is thus conceivable that mutations may arise constantly, and that they may be progressive in char- acter. Complications resulting in somatic effect are legion, but nothing occurs in the germ cell giving rise to new ch ters, splitting up and combining others and dropping out still others, that can not be analogously pictured with the simple operations of the chemical _ laboratory, and as Shull ’s?s illuminating ‘‘Simple Chem- ical Device to Illustrate Mendelian Inheritance’’ seems to indicate, the analogy is too constant and too far-reach- ing to be cast aside as a mere pedagogical device. It may indeed be a simple statement of facts of intra-gametic and zygotic behavior and the analogy may no longer be needed to picture the actual conditions. *The Plant World, Vol. 12, pp. 145-153, July, 1909, and companion paper, ‘‘The ‘Presence and Absence’ Hypothesis,’’ THE AMERICAN NAT- URALIST, Vol. XLIII, No. 511, pp. 410-419, July, 1909. No. 541] INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN CATTLE 2 The evidence of this study of Shorthorn cattle is to support that theory of unit segregation incompatible with a somatic blend in the ultimate unit, and that theory of heredity permitting intra-zygotic inhibition and reaction in response to specific set conditions. The mutually corroborative evidence of the authentic history of this breed of cattle, the behavior of their coat pigments and patterns as recorded in the most extended authentic records of pedigree breeding of domestic ani- mals, analogy to the occurrence and behavior of pigments in other animals, and the close fitting of the final work- ing hypothesis, amply justify the following conclusions: 1. Shorthorn cattle as a race possess two kinds of white hair. (A) White, dominant to all pigments (analogous to the white of the Leghorn fowl) in a series of areas varying somewhat: in size and shape but in a given indi- vidual always definite and genetically independent—a few at the front flank belt, a larger number or larger areas about the rear flank belt, a few along the underline and a fine network covering the remainder of the body. A few animals from their Romano-British ancestry have the entire coat of dominant white. An area of dominant white may be duplex or it may be simplex. In the former case its possessor will throw only gametes with deter- miners for dominant white; in the latter alternately ga- metes with determiners for dominant white and for red. (B) White, recessive to all pigments (analogous to the white of the Silkie fowl) in a series of definite areas gen- erally smaller than those of the dominant white, forming a fine network about the neck and head, the sides and back, and the hind quarters and legs—quite precisely excluding the areas of the dominant white network. From their Dutch ancestry, this mosaic may in some strains be quite coarse. It is doubtful if a strain albinic white in its entire coat exists within the Shorthorn breed. 2. The color effect of an indiviđual Shorthorn is deter- mined by the registering of fortuitously one of the alter- nate color phases of each of the genetically independent 28 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST | Vou. XLVI color areas gametically possessed by each of the two par- ents, together with such intra-zygotic inhibitions and re- actions between the determiner for pigmentation (R) and the antibody (W) as may result from definite concentra- tions and intimacy of these two bodies presented by the two parents upon the formation of the zygote. SUPPLEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CANADIAN OYSTER J. STAFFORD, M.A., Pu.D. BIOLOGICAL STATION, DEPARTURE Bay, B. C. In the Amertcan Narurauist of January, 1905, Janu- ary, 1909, June, 1910, I have given some account of obser- vations (in 1904) on the development of the oyster at Malpeque, Richmond Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Opportunity to verify, continue, and extend these ob- servations was again afforded in 1909, when I studied the oyster in the most important centers along the east coast of New Brunswick. In the present summer, 1911, being occupied at the Pacific Biological Station of Canada, in Departure Bay, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, I have the privilege of observing some of the Prince Edward Island oysters transplanted to this vicinity in 1905, as well as adding to my acquaintance the little British Columbia oyster, so different in size, appearance, habits and reproduction. In the intermediate years, not being located in oyster regions, I devoted a good deal of time to other bivalve- larve, largely with a view to making my studies of the oyster more secure, the main results of which have been given in a paper ‘‘On the Recognition of Bivalve Larve in Plankton Collections,’’? unreasonably delayed in publi- cation at Ottawa. Tn all this work I have kept sample preservations with dates and ‘localities, which have often proved of great service in judging of questions that subsequently arose. My first work began where that of Brooks left off, and showed for the first time that later stages of the oyster- larva undoubtedly exist, and when, where and how they 30 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI may be procured, as well as the length of the period of their free-swimming life. The larve obtained by Brooks, Rice, Ryder, Winslow, and others were obtained by cul- ture from fertilized eggs, and were at most six days old, and in the young straight-hinge stage. In Europe larve of a similar age, size and structure had been taken from the infra-branchial cavity of the parent oyster by Da- vaine, Lacaze-Duthiers, Costé, De la Blanchére, Gwyn Jeffries, Saunders, Salensky, Mobius, Horst and Huxley, but the older, later or larger stages were quite unknown. This left room for some speculation as to the exact time, place and manner in which the succeeding stages should be found, as well as occasioned the prevalent mistake that the free larva settles down at this period to become a fixed spat. Brooks wrote. ‘‘All my attempts to get later stages than these failed . . . and I am therefore unable to describe the manner in which the swimming embryo becomes converted into the adult, but I hope that this gap will be filled, either by future observations of my own or by those of some other embryologist.’’ In a similar way Jackson, at a later period, speaks of ‘‘a blank in the knowledge of the development of the oyster.” This ‘‘gap” or ‘“‘blank’’ is now completely filled. My studies prove that the larva continues to live as a larva in the sea-water about oyster-beds for two or three weeks longer, where it swims about, feeds, grows and changes in structure, and that it first settles down to become a sedentary spat, fixed to shells or other objects, at an age of three to four weeks from fertilization—the length of time depending to some extent on temperature, food, individuality or such causes. This information has been gained through the method of procuring oyster-larve from the waters of oyster-areas by means of a plankton- net, and connecting them in series with younger stages obtained by fertilization and culture and with older stages obtained by catching spat on glass, shells, ete., so as to make out the complete life-history. The discovery that the hitherto unknown stages of the No. 541] THE CANADIAN OYSTER $1 oyster-larva can be conveniently obtained by a plankton- net carries with it the possibility of a practical applica- tion of inestimable value in the culture of oysters. From the time of the early Roman Empire it has been known that oyster-spat can sometimes be obtained on ropes, anchors, piles of wharves, stones, shells or other natural or artificial objects in the sea, and some sort of method of culture has long been in use in many countries. At times men have risen to exalted conceptions of the possi- bility of finding a practicable, safe and sure method of catching, retaining, and rearing the young spat. I quote Winslow to the effect that ‘‘Thousands of dollars would be annually saved by the Connecticut oystermen if they could determine, with even approximate accuracy, the date when the attachment of the young oyster would occur. Hundreds of thousands would be saved if they had any reliable method of determining the probabilities of the season.” This is now possible. It is well known that oyster or other shells dried and whitened in the sun form the very best oyster-collectors or cultch. To put these back into the water haphazard has often resulted solely in the loss of all the labor of preparation. In even a few days they may become cov- ered with a slimy coating which reduces or largely destroys their efficiency. The point is to be able to deter- mine with accuracy, for each season and for every local- ity, when oyster-larve are present in the water full- grown and ready to settle as spat, so as not to run the risk of losing adequate value for the laboriously pre- pared cultch.. A man instructed and qualified in the method of taking plankton and in identifying oyster- larve can tell almost to a day when is the proper time to put out cultch so as to obtain an abundant and copious set of spat. It is not enough to know about the time, or to know the time for certain previous years, or to know the average time. Three methods are open to the expert: (1) Examina- tion of the genital organs of adult oysters to determine 32 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI when the eggs are ripe, (2) examination of the sea-water to learn if oyster-larve are present and in what stage, (3) examination of natural or improvised objects in the water to discover if young spat are already formed. The first is not immediately determinative because of the long period of development separating spawning and spat- ting. The last is not very practicable because of the diffi- culty of finding and recognizing the youngest spat before the period is gone by for putting out cultch. The second is the only practicable and conclusive method and its efficiency is proportionate to the number, care and ac- curacy of the observations. Its success will increase with experience. This method makes use of the colossal number of larvæ lavishly provided by nature to offset the exigencies and accidents of life and insure a reasonable chance of keep- ing up the stock. I believe that all the larve an army of men could raise up and turn into the sea would not ma- terially alter the number of successful individuals in the set of spat. But on the other hand a few culturists could enormously increase the chances for a successful catch by spreading an abundance of suitably prepared cultch at the proper time and place. In the paper of 1909 I have described the method of obtaining plankton, the appearances and measurements of the oyster-larve to be recognized, the time of the year to begin making observations. In the paper on ‘‘Bivalve Larve’’ I distinguish in sizes, shapes, colors, the com- monly occurring associates of the oyster-larve which might be taken for the latter. In the present paper, after long reflection, I suggest a practical application of the knowledge acquired. I should not omit to mention that the paper of 1910 connects the larva, through the youngest microscopic spat, with the macroscopic spat of fishermen and finally ` with the adult. Similarly in 1909 I performed extensive artificial-fertilization experiments, while at Shediac, Caraquette and Malpeque, in order to connect the small- No. 541] THE CANADIAN OYSTER i est plankton stages of oyster-larve with culture-stages and through these back to the egg. Larve by the million were reared in beakers of sea-water at a temperature little above 20° C. and with a specific gravity (salinity) varying somewhat under 1020. I also carried Caraquette oysters to Malpeque and raised up larve from eggs cross- fertilized between two such obviously different varieties as the small, narrow, curved, thick, hard and heavy Cara- quette oyster and the fine, large, broad, straight, clean, smooth specimens from the Curtain Island beds. In 1896 and again in 1905 the Canadian Government had Atlantic oysters transshiped to the Pacific and put out at selected places. In the latter year some of the places were chosen by Captain Kemp, expert in oyster culture. Being occupied this summer at our Pacific Biological Station, I have taken advantage (although not requested to do so) of my proximity to three of these places to search for the transplanted Prince Edward Island oysters, and to examine plankton taken in the vicinity. At the first place, Hammond Bay, being a small bay and close to hand, I could easily over-run all the beach at low water, and soon discovered the dead shells that had been deposited too far above low-water mark. At Nanoose Bay, some twelve miles away, perhaps five miles long and a mile and a half wide, with extensive flats at low tides, this was not so easily done. Having spent three summers with Captain Kemp, I thought now to test my judgment of where he would select to deposit the oysters. As the tide was unfavorable at my first visit I used the dredge, and was afterwards surprised to learn that I had actually calculated to within a few rods of the place. At the second visit I went to look at other parts of the bay, but on the third returned and, with a favorable tide, could wade and pick up some of the oysters. This was at 3 P. M., July 17, and I took 16 fine living specimens of the Malpeque oyster for examination—two or three of them with pieces of Prince Edward Island red-sandstone still 34 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI attached to them. They varied from two and three fourths to five inches in length, some of them showing considerable growth. This proves that Atlantic oysters can be transplanted to the Pacific and remain healthy and grow. Upon reaching home I proceeded to examine some of the oysters and it turned out that only one had already spawned while the other fifteen were ripe and generally somewhat distended with eggs or sperm. This proves that the transplanted oysters can come to maturity and ripen the reproductive elements. At 7.10 P. M. of the same day I put together eggs and “sperm in a tumbler of sea-water and at 7 A. M. next morning there was an abundance of segmentation stages and free-swimming larve. This proves that the oysters can spawn and that the eggs can develop into young. I make these statements because of a prevailing opinion that the transplanted oysters have all died, and the few people who think there are still some living are dogmatic in their assertion that they do not breed. Plankton taken at intervals at Hammond and Nanoose Bays had not yielded any oyster larve, which became ex- plainable upon finding the condition of the reproductive organs. A further observation on this was afforded on the 26th of July, when I examined a second lot (obtained at a very low tide the day before) from Nanoose Bay. The forty-seventh oyster examined was the first to yield good ripe eggs—all previous ones were spawned with the exception of four or five which were ripe males. The interval between these two visits had been the hottest of the summer and the oysters had nearly all spawned in this period—slightly later than is usual on the Atlantic. On the 27th I made a trip to Oyster Harbor (Ladysmith), about fifteen miles from here, where I had better luck in getting track of the few transplanted oysters. In a- similar way I examined several individuals and took plankton which for the first time contained larve of the Atlantic oyster—recognizable by their shape and meas- urements but not presenting such a deep pink or brown No. 541] THE CANADIAN OYSTER 35 coloration as in their native home. For comparison with my former papers I will give the measurements of a single specimen with the characteristic postero-dorsal high umbos, the large convex left valve, and the smaller and flatter right valve, velum, foot, pigment spot and the rest. Ocular V, objective 4, 42 long by 37 high (—.289 x .255 mm.). This proves that larve grow up. There is only one other bit of evidence possible and that is to find spat. This I have not done as yet. It is too early for this year’s spat and I have not seen any un- doubted specimens of a former year’s spat. One can judge that the comparatively few descendants of two and a-half barrels deposited at Hammond Bay, five barrels at Nanoose Bay, and one barrel at Oyster Harbor, when dispersed over the broad areas at their command, would not prove very conspicuous objects, which is again complicated by the presence of millions of British Columbian oysters of varying sizes, shapes, and complexions. I regard my findings as conclusive and would urge the transplanting of Atlantic oysters (Ostrea virginica Gmel.) to the Pacific in greater quantities. The At- lantic clam (Mya arenaria L.) has propagated enor- mously here notwithstanding the fact that it has more competitors in its particular habit than in its original home. Ostrea lurida Carp.—Even before making any head- way in the foregoing researches, I had begun to gather information on the occurrence, size, shape, color, struc- ture, breeding, etc., of the British Columbia oyster. This species is not common in Departure Bay, or in Hammond Bay, but a few specimens may be found under stones exposed at about one hour from low water in front of the C. P. R. cable house in the former, and just inside the far point of the latter, and are usually so broadly and solidly attached (with the left valve against the under side of the stone and hence uppermost) that it is scarcely possible to separate them without destroying 36 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI the attached surface. But on the extensive flats at the upper ends of Nanoose Bay and of Oyster Harbor they occur free on the surface by thousands and more or less covered with barnacles. Good specimens reach two inches in length by an inch and a half in breadth, with a straight dorsal margin and a semicircular ventral curvature. The right, upper or smaller valve is nearly flat or but little convex and fits into the margins of the larger, convex, lower or left valve, the greater part of the lower and posterior margin being scalloped, while the left valve has corresponding ridges and points. The color is usually dark (those under stones lighter) with the older parts weathered grayish and the umbonal region of the left valve is often attached to a small stone or another oyster or bears a scar. Imn- ternally the shell is extensively pigmented, dark, with smaller bands or blotches of lighter pearl, while the muscle sear is rather lighter and banded. The mantle is broadly margined with dark, which may also creep up on to the abdomen. The most interesting feature in connection with the Pacific oyster of Canada is its divergence in some re- spects from the mode of breeding of our Atlantic species. In the British Columbia form there is no primary sepa- ration of individuals into males and females—the sexes are united in each individual. In other words each in- dividual is bisexual, monecious or hermaphrodite. In this respect it is identical with the English or common European species (Ostrea edulis L.). My first observations were made on July 12, on specimens procured under stones near the Biological Station. Nearly all appeared to be males, and, as they were of small size, I took it that, as commonly occurs, the males had ripened earliest. But one was of medium size and contained eggs that at once attracted my atten- tion on account of their large size, opacity and rare ex- hibition of nucleus. Measured exactly as all my former measurements, these gave: Oc. V, obj. 2—6.5; Oc. V, No. 541] THE CANADIAN OYSTER 37 obj. 415; Oc. V, obj. 772. Another individual, ob- tained since, with an abundance of eggs oozing from the oviduct, pure and ripe, gave the almost unvarying meas- urement of the egg as: Oc. V, obj. 775. This when calculated is 75 X 1.45»—108.75» = slightly over .1 mm. = slightly over 450 inch — fully twice the diameter of the egg of the Atlantic oyster, and perhaps identical in size with the egg of the English oyster. In making measurements it is important to use only ripe eggs, as in this case, and to select those that are spherical or nearly so and not flattened by the weigth of the coverslip, as well as to extend the measurements to many individuals in order to exclude all possibility of a slip. The nucleus is between one half and two thirds . the diameter of the egg. Upon turning particularly to spermatozoa I found them in every individual—even between the eggs of those containing eggs in the gonad. The younger individuals had no ova, but all sperms. Some of the older ones had a few big, soft, opaque, irregular, elliptical, oval or nearly spherical eggs, scattered among irregular masses of less than half their size, which are balls of spermatids on the way to development into spermetozoa. One of these measured 46» 40», and each one is kept in a dancing or rolling movement, somewhat like that of many infusoria, by the flapping of the tails of the ripening sperms on the surface. Between these masses are mil- lions of mature, free, dancing spermatozoa, of which the tails are rarely visible until one searches for them with a high power. I have not yet made extensive measure- ments of the sperm on account of the difficulty of measur- ing such exceedingly small objects with certainty, but I believe the sperm of the British Columbia oyster is smaller than that of the Prince Edward Island oyster, which may have some relation to the particular mode of fertilization, such as being introduced by the respiratory current. In some parts of the gonad ova may be plenti- ful, while at other parts there are only sperm-balls. 38 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou. XLVI Later, in the warmer weather, the sperm may be pretty well run off and the reproductive organ contain mostly eggs. In this way the younger oysters, and the older oysters at the beginning of the season, may be physio- logically males, while older oysters at the height of the breeding season may be physiologically females. Oysters from Hammond Bay showed the same phe- nomena. Upon finding an abundance of larger oysters on the surface at Nanoose Bay, I brought home a pail-full of picked specimens to serve as a convenient stock for ob- servation and experiment. On July 16 I found a speci- men with perhaps half a teaspoonful of eggs in various stages of segmentation, lying free in the lower valve—a mass of white granules. The ripe eggs ooze into the infra-branchial cavity and lie on and between the gills, i. e., between the two folds of the mantle, where they are retained apparently without any retaining, sticky matrix. I suppose that it is here they first meet with ripe sperms from other individuals, for I do not believe that at this time the sperms of the same individual are physio- logically capable. The whole oyster appears exhausted, the gills rent, the flesh collapsed, soft and parts of it almost rotten. On July 24 I opened one hundred of the stock supply and found six with eggs, embryos or conchiferous young, in the infra-branchial cavity. All the others were in process of spermogenesis and oogenesis. An experiment that has often seemed possible to me is | to do the same with the European oyster, by way of artificial fertilization, as Brooks did with the American oyster. Now that I had an oyster essentially the same as the European I tried it, and with seeming success, but of course it is difficult to be sure that sperm from another had not already had access to the eggs. Unripe eggs are no good; eggs already freed from the gonad may have come in contact with sperm. This restricts one to finding a specimen just before but just on the point of No. 541] THE CANADIAN OYSTER 39 extruding its eggs. I also tried Atlantic oyster eggs with Pacific oyster sperms, as well as Atlantic oyster sperms with Pacific oyster eggs, but without success, as one might suppose. I put eggs, embryos and larve of both species together under the same coverslip for com- parison—those of the small British Columbia oyster looking like giants beside those of the large Prince Ed- ward Island oyster. This is a curious phenomenon which I have several times observed on other species, e. g., the very large eggs of Astarte compared with the small eggs of large species like Mactra. For the study of segmentation, ete., the Atlantic species is of advantage on account of smaller size and greater transparency. The order of segmentation appears to be the same in both—both subject to variations such that it would require a great number of painstaking observa- tions to decide exactly what is the normal mode in good healthy eggs. I have, on both sides of this continent, spent considerable time in trying to determine the order of segmentation, the cell-lineage, the planes of cleavage, the succession of nuclei, the effect of gravitation, the constant and continuous orientation of successive stages, the origin of the shell-gland and the mode of formation of the shell, etc., but can not discuss such subjects here. I may briefly state, however, that I believe Brooks failed to observe the shell-gland, in his original work, and at one particular stage mistook the relation of the shell- valves to the blastopore which made it necessary to re- verse his orientation of the embryo—hence his use of the terms dorsal and ventral are misleading. The polar bodies are dorsal at first—later, if they persist, they may become displaced anteriorly. The blastopore is ventral, the velum anterior, the shell-gland dorsal, the mouth ventral. There is no foot, nor rudiment of it, in pre- conchiferous stages. I have found conchiferous young of the British Colum- bia oyster retained within the parent’s shell until their own minute shells were .138 mm. in length. I believe 40 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLVI they remain longer, for, according to Möbius, the young of the European oyster leaves the parent at a size of .15 to .18 mm. (Horst gives .16 mm.; Huxley 459 inch). I have taken larve of O. lurida in plankton (identified by comparison with those from a parent, and also by the structure, shape and size) of a length of .165 mm. as well as different larger sizes. They still had a straight-hinge line of half the length of the shell—unlike the O. virginica which at this size is already passing into the umbo-stage and with a much shorter hinge-line. The larve of O. lurida are not pink or brown but have five or six dark blotches in the region of the liver and in the velum, in contrast to the general light shade.of the rest of the animal. THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL NOT INHERITED IN HYDATINA SENTA DR. D. D. WHITNEY WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Many experiments have been performed and much published concerning the effects of alcohol upon living organisms. Hodge, Calkins, Lieb, Woodruff, Estabrook, Matheny, and others, have observed its influence on the rate of growth and reproduction in certain unicelluar organisms. Abbott, Hodge and others have carried on some experiments with mammals by which they have demonstrated that the resistance to certain bacterial in- fections is lowered by the influence of alcohol. Hunt and Woodruff found an increase of susceptibility to certain poisons in the animals subjected to alcohol. Abel and Welch have summarized in general the pharmacological action and the pathological effects of aleohol upon man and some of the other mammals.’ Stockard has produced abnormal fish embryos and Féré has produced abnormal chick embryos by the use of aleohol, while Hodge, Newman, Sullivan and others have demonstrated the harmful influence of aleohol upon the embryos of mammals and man during pregnancy. The evidence taken altogether with a few exceptions shows that when living organisms in any stage of their life are subjected to alcohol in appreciable quantities eaer are as a whole or in part unfavorably affected by it. In nearly all of the previous work observations have been made especially upon the organisms themselves which have been directly subjected to the influence of alcohol at some stage of their life. As the harmful effects 1I am greatly indebted to Dr. F. E. Chidester for placing at my dis- posal his bibliography and notes of his forthcoming paper, ‘‘Cyelopia in Mammals, 41 42 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI of alcohol on the organisms subjected to its influence have been so conclusively demonstrated, it seems desirable to determine whether the offspring of alcoholic individuals in the subsequent generations are normal or show any of the weaknessess of their alcoholic ancestors. In other words the problem is to find out whether the descendants of alcoholic parents are in any way inferior to the normal individuals of the species and, if so, for how many genera- tions the weakness continues. That the parental use of aleohol in human beings affects some of the offspring in the first filial generation is un- doubted by many observers, yet Pearson and Elderton have recently shown that the school children of alcoholic parents are as normal as the children of sober parents in physique and intelligence. However, the results set forth in this paper do not purport to have any relation- ship with the effects of alcohol upon man and his descend- ants. While working with the rotifer, Hydatina senta, obser- vations have been made which show that while alcohol decreases the rate of reproduction and increases the sus- ceptibility to copper sulphate, still these harmful effects of alcohol disappear in the second generation after the alcohol has been removed from the culture water. The grandchildren show none of the alcoholic weaknessess of the grandparent, but are as normal as the individuals whose grandparents never were subjected to alcohol. Hydatina senta can be readily reared and controlled in the laboratory in the manner described in a former paper. Alcohol can be added directly to the liquid medium in which the animals live. A large amount of the liquid is drawn through the mouth, indirectly by means of the pul- sating bladder, into the alimentary canal, and the dialyz- able parts pass through its walls into the body cavity and then finally out through the excretory ducts to the exterior of the body. In this way the animal is bathed both on the outside and on the inside of the body by the solution in which it is living. Consequently all internal parts and all No. 541] EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA 43 organs of the animal are subjected to whatever dialyzable chemical substance there may be in the solution. The young females grow to maturity very rapidly and lay eggs which develop and hatch within a few hours. This extremely short life-cycle, from egg to egg in forty- eight hours, more or less, makes this animal a very favor- able form with which to work. Many generations can be reared in a short time and as much information gained in a few weeks as it would require years to obtain from some of the other forms. Experiments were first carried out to determine what influence a } per cent., 4 per cent. and 1 per cent. alcoholic solution had upon the race when it was subjected to it continuously for many successive generations. Precau- tions were taken to have all conditions, excluding the alco- holic conditions, in each generation exactly identical. The experiments were conducted in the same room so that the temperature was always uniform for each genera- tion. The same amount of food culture from the same jar was always mixed with the same amount of water or with the same amounts of the various alcoholic solutions thus making the proportion of food culture to the mixture always alike. This mixture was then poured out into watch glasses and one young female rotifer put into each glass. At the end of forty-eight hours the young female had matured, layed eggs some of which had hatched, and young daughter-females would be found swimming in the dish. One of these daughter-females was isolated to start the next generation in the same manner as the mother was originally isolated. This was continued for twenty-eight consecutive generations. The twenty young females which were isolated to form the first generation were the grandchildren of the same grandmother, thus making the control, and the other three strains or groups all start originally from one female of one race. This was a very vigorous race hatched from a winter egg which was taken from a general mixed culture jar in the early spring. Table I shows the detailed and summarized data of the (Vou. XLVI THE AMERICAN NATURALIST 44 uo;yes9Uay gst erg s ee co ees z9 1 =e ror A pa bi fee ee Sa cia} re. pala L og el ae Ge wiria se Jaje ie Pees 8 oF ed fe ee ee ae ove | st | » ot | op | + get | s | s H | tL e ee tisi n aes o | | 9 g oz ees re Be: eg | or | zo «| te | ¢ ot | ols | exer | s 7s ove | st | » se | or | g sy | wi ¢ sor | e C En a cs | I ee | 6t | 9 F+ | zz | s ¥6 Le s; : Ri 9 an a O ta S ls l siai) rz zI e e Ra An a pea ea | g zz ir] ¢ t ii na zor 1g St oe 0 ;} 8 | 8 vy | ew | ¢ c9 | g | >» 9 r oe ee rites | ovo | ge | * co. Ali eg zz eee ae a VF Ee 3 ial? S | o | ¢ 9: | ge Al ne he Bey ee | SO te} ot dee | eee os Po ee eee A Bapadeyo von. ato Supsdsyo vey on Suradeyo eeg ptt Satadsyo paonporg page Jo ON ‘Ay — Pe JOON ‘AV — SR Jo ON “AY Bop na J0 ON 'AV | Bapids90 | unor owr, uopnjog opoqoarv FT | uopnjogopoyoay go | uopmog onoyoory # ozo | l01}u09 | dasn 'JTOHOO'IY dO LNOOWY AHL OL NOMMOAOU NI NOLLONGOUdAY 40 ALVY FHL SUVILA SNOMLVYANA) FDAISSHOONG NO 'IOHOOTY dO TONAATANI SQOONILNO) WHL LYHL DNIMOHS I WTavi 45 EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA. No. 541] Fi | 281, ii| We | ver) Bet +009 | 99 Sit] eS | ot] Ter | **"**"***Areurmng IIAXX rel 6.4 62) pote 1 tee £ er oe a nax | 60 Jos f? se Elsi yor | z e e ae ia Sat TARY} eee Ee oe ee ee jaja sa | e E cre ae Ay AXX Ha 4A Es ia FL mie get | 89 a EN a AIXX reS re als geia 69 69 w pee a ay IIXX morj? st |e Ja lwr ela o | o ee ee ay XX ils js | Jela si | aus est | 16 "EE Pp Bs Goa aa IX ojo Jy ¢ Joris | ee lola | oy in gt XE Oo ee ee ne: eiela z9 Tf ot eae as XIX so le l3 I g 1.9 z'I T 9z > e E lane ea IIAX oge Ile oran t gni | u A BE Beeps, bares Spy mx | ot |e }a l stale l= | | e e a IAX oe | et | i | 99'e eee p io ia i o eh et ee ae AX cet. | 8 | soe i5 3 w ala 9 og eo AE n ae sniega | Ce RE nino | HE T a, | eae a Sido ee paierai EEE a. JOON ‘AV ae Pia L jo ON AV a seni J0 ON “AV pg ap 10 "ON “AY | 3updsyo Zunox ti TOL NOS IOOF % T | aor NOS oTLOyOoTY % e'o ~ dor ntog IFoo y % 80 | 101}u09 (panuyuog) I ATAVAL 46 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI observations made upon the twenty-eight generations while they were subjected to the influence of the alcohol. One can not compare strictly the number of individuals in the different generations because of the changed condi- tions, especially of the temperature, and in some instances the length of time between the generations. However, the ratios between the strains or groups in all the genera- tions may be compared and will show general uniformity. The first few generations of the + per cent., and the 4 per cent. alcoholic strains show a fluctuation in the rate of reproduction above and below that of the control; but this rate of reproduction in the 4 per cent. alcoholic strain never rises to that of the control after the sixth genera- tion. In the 4 per cent. alcoholic strain the rate of repro- duction never rises to that of the control after the third generation. In the 1 per cent. alcoholic strain the rate of reproduction even in the first generation does not equal that of the control. The summary shows in the average number of offspring for each female that the alcoholic strains differ in the rate of reproduction according to the amount of alcohol used. The more alcohol used the lower the rate of reproduction. Another test to show the influence of the 1 per cent. alcohol in this same series was made by removing some of the individuals from the alcoholic solution and placing them in a 1/14,000 G. M. copper sulphate solution? and — comparing the resisting power, or the ability to live, of this strain with that of the control when both were sub- jected to the copper sulphate solution. Table II shows the detailed data and Table III shows the summary. In the control 96.8 per cent. of the individuals lived forty- eight hours and produced young, while only 15 per cent. of the individuals taken from the 1 per cent. aleoholic strain in the XIII-XV generations lived forty-eight hours and produced young. This shows that the susceptibility to copper sulphate is greatly increased by the alcohol. * Various solutions of copper sulphate were tried and the one employed was selected because it appeared to be of the maximum strength which the control could withstand. No. 541] TABLE II EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA 47 SHOWING THE LOWER RESISTING POWER TO COPPER SULPHATE OF FEMALES R | EARED THIRTEEN . TO FIFTEEN GENERATIONS IN A 1 PER CENT . ALCO- HOLIC SOLUTION, AND ALSO SHOWING THAT THE RESISTING POWER HAS BEEN REESTABLISHED IN THE SECOND GENERATION AFTER REMOVED THE ALCOHOL HAS BEEN (See Table III for Summary) © g os yahoo G. M. Copper Sulphate Solution E PE = = pe 2 Ree 24 Hours 36 Hours 48 Hours | E 1 | Control 5| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young Second water generation 5| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young 1 v alcohol 5| Aliv All dead 2 | Control 5| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young Second Faroes generation 5| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young Sine 5| 2 dead ll dea 3 10| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young Second water generation | 10 ive Alive + young Alive + young 4 ontr 5| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young a water generation 5| Alive e + yo Alive + young 5 | Control 10| Alive Alive + young ve + young tear Habeo generation | 10) Alive e + young | Alive + young 6 5| Alive ive live + young Second by gl generation 5| Alive 2 dead 3 alive + young 1%a 5| Alive 4 dead 1 dea 7 | Contr so 5| Aliv Alive Alive + young Second water generation 5| Alive Alive Ae F zomg 1 % alcohol 5| Alive 4 dead 8 | Control 5| Alive Alive + young | Alive g ges me ng Araind generation 5| Alive Alive + ss Alive + y A Jaj | 5| 3 dead 9 5| Alive | Alive ry young | Alive + young ial water generation 5| Alive | Alive + young | Alive + young 1 % alcohol 5| Alive Alive but in | 1 dead ers poorer condi- nearly ion. Fe Fewer young aÁ 10 | Control 10/ Alive Alive + young | Alive + young Second water generation | 10| Alive ive + young | Alive + young 1 % alcohol 10| 5dead | 5 dead, fewer 6 dead +fewer 5 young young 11 | Control 10; Alive Alive + young | Alive + young Second water generation | 10| Alive Alive + young Alive + young 12 | Control 10| Alive Alive + young Alive + young — Second water generation | 10| Aliv Alive + young | Alive + young 1 % alcohol 10) Alive 6 +young 13 | Control 10) Alive | Alive + young | Alive + young © Second water generation | 10| Alive Alive + young | Alive + young 1 % alcohol 10! 3 dead 5 dead Ty 14 | Control 20. 4 dead 4 dead 4 dead + young Second water generation | 20) 3 dead 3 dead - 3 dead + young 1 % alcohol 20 19 dead All dead 15 ntro! 10| Alive Alive Alive + young Second water generation | 10| 6 dead 6 dead 6 dead, young 1 % aleohol 10) All dead 48 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI On July 1, these four strains of rotifers were carried to Woods Hole, Mass. Owing to the high temperature diffi- culty was experienced in growing proper food cultures and consequently by July 4 many of the animals had died and those that had survived were in a very bad condition and had very few offspring. It is interesting to note that more of the animals in the alcoholic strains died at this time in the twenty-eighth generation than in the control strain. The experiments were discontinued on account of these unfavorable conditions. TABLE III SHOWING SUMMARY OF TABLE IT Copper Sulphate Solution | No. of | r Cen Young No, p Disa in No. Died in| No. Died in St End of Living ar Females | Hours | 36 Hours | 48 hours Dr pwa Isolated | | : ts Toate Control ....... H |. 4 4 96.8 Second water | generation ... 125 | 9 11 He 91.2 1% aleohol.... 1900 -1 52 78 The data in these three tables seem to show that alcohol from 4 per cent. to 1 per cent. has a decided influence in lowering the rate of reproduction ‘and also in lowering the power of resisting copper sulphate in the individuals of the 1 per cent. alcoholic strains. Presumably the resisting power to copper sulphate of the 4 per cent. and the 4 per cent. aleoholic strains was similarly lowered, but this was not determined. This decrease of the reproduction rate and the in- creased susceptibility to copper sulphate can be consid- ered as an indication that the ‘‘general vitality’’ of the race had been lowered in that the individuals were much inferior to the control individuals in their ability to cope with adverse conditions and to leave offspring with which to continue the race. Since it is shown that alcohol decreases the ‘‘general vitality’’ of these animals the condition of their offspring now remains to be considered. Table IV gives the de- No. 541] EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA 49 tailed and summarized data of experiments showing the comparative reproduction rates of the offspring from the three alcoholic strains between generations XI and gen- eration XXIII, special emphasis being laid upon the off- spring from the parents in the 1 per cent. alcoholic strain, and the reproduction rate of the control or normal strain. Young females were isolated from the three alcoholic strains placed in media containing no aleohol and reared two generations parallel to the alcoholic strains. In this way they were under exactly the same conditions as the control strain. The isolations of young females from the ł per cent. and the $ per cent. aleoholic strains were dis- continued after a few experiments and the time devoted to experiments with the 1 per cent. strain. As this strain in Table I showed the lowest reproduction rate and was decidedly susceptible to the influence of copper sulphate, it was assumed to have suffered the most of any of the three strains subjected to aleohol and therefore was con- sidered to be the most favorable to show the effects of alcohol upon the offspring. For the sake of clearness all the data are so arranged in Table IV as to show the three rates of reproduction in the same generation, of the con- trol, alcoholic strains, and the aleoholie strain with the alcohol removed. In the first water generation the young females were isolated from the preceding alcoholic gen- eration soon after hatching and reared in media contain- ing no alcohol. Thus the formation of the egg from which each young female hatched and all the embryonic develop- ment occurred in the alcoholic solution. After being transferred to culture water lacking alcohol they grew to maturity and reproduced. This generation is called Water Generation I. Some of the young daughter-fe- males from Water Generation I were isolated to form Water Generation II. In comparing the rates of reproduction in the Water Generation I with the rate of reproduction in the same generation of the alcoholic strains it is seen that in all eases the rate of reproduction is higher in the Water THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI 50 II | XIX 1] IIAX II IIAX I IAX I AX E] AIX II | ne I | IIX | Li IX | = | 5 5 2 suor 5 | -gaouan opoqoory z F A | z9 (S3 AEE e 9 i L4 I e Gi == amre 2 | Pg IZT ¢|r01'2|9¢9)| Fe i A er e Ee B iE | | ' | 8'8 [PF 919118) 9488 « g rA Be hast E e TR | 9 2 | | 9S | SI ge 9 Br | E [99'S IT | $ | GE PIF 0 0 9 sz F Sot |} ¢ | P979 os P| FIZ |S | 9 GE] S| 9S {EI GLP let Pi SS sea Se GiS ee x G 9L'g SI | FP | Se 196 ee |S Lee et os Pr i gS 6 OLS LiSé | S| HS et 9'9 ££ | bay es 6e ie ey SS et G |$3°9 SZ | ¥ Sah LI GL PS | G GZ’ | SI] ¥ | PZO | g 8 o g nie ¥ | 9E1/89 | | et Be ee dee Beem > z = ca | Biel = S “los | Bel 2/§ | of aE A S se etga] 3 |e |_s/ Ba esgar] 8| | S| Ss ef Se) § |e TR SS Bt] ata S jas Ye |9 5]® r af = aE gs SD Bx) 2 ® > By ARETES R ER] Bz BEST gS E BS] oe REET ES |a BS AE] Bz Brae | eb Sz En Es 5| 2z |% : 3| Ela? gigs 6 | 3] SEST Bar: “EFE = A 3g TE a 5 E LFS or’ A AE A | g 2. z TOA ` ‘paaou) o | & $row 'poaom) oO 6 F| iam pasow) o § suono | A | & yoqoy | R |Ê oy oqoy | RJA 104091 “3499 dod T 10409] V *}090 19d 9'0 [OOTY “4000 19d €7"0 : | TIGI ‘gT oun ‘aA 2 | 99 (82 17 { TT6T ‘TT oung “oa TIGI ‘IT oung ‘aa . : TIGI ‘6 əunpf ‘aA | 6d 8/3 { II6T ‘4 oung ‘oa II6T ‘4 unf ‘aa 1/98 &F ¢ { ars Seat ara & ITIGI ‘p oung ‘aA o} 9 (08/9 {| irere ome “oa ; TIGI ‘g oun ‘oA s| z9 he |s | 116 ‘Te AUN ‘oat € L161 ‘Te AB ‘aa Se Trac ee ae oa | TIGI ‘6g ABI “0A IP Sere { TOT ‘26 AUI OAH Z TT6T ‘23 AEN “IW” g | vaiet |a {] Ter se ow vag 1 > wd ʻA © a SiE AERAR: 5| F 85) Ba lg] Tn = Am ge » eel a ia] E : 3 Srno E e 3 SE al? g g E g g 101}u09 CTAONGY NATA SVH TOHOOTYV AHL AV NOILVYANTO ANODU AHL NI AAAOLSAY SI NOILONAOYAJAY JO ALVY IVNWYON AHL LVHL PNIMOHY AI ATAV LE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA 51 No. 541] lam] Laa) SUOPJBIIUJE) 194V AA S XXN | ITXX IXX XIX 0L RUL- 26; L ‘ITAX ‘AX OIX | XXS UX | ‘XX ‘IIIAX ‘TAX čte 981-90 29°T “AIX TIX TX he oe AIXX __|68°8 [892 6z I mxx |i9z e] er FT IIXX sijoi L| #1 | MIXE 0106 |6| — | | IIxx L 7 k} I Ixx met pr e o | Xx let K a g'o EEE wl of | BE 4 28 RHES 28 Tz fog ae pole pS -a5 24 suore REN Ae R -19095 O1[OYooTy AT x Tg A 19438 M PIou © -9Y [OOO V R 104094V ‘4099 Jad T | | T PPL PEI ST mas 6¢°9 ie g P = j= = 7 ° m A- L S s Pe Ge |i f a Gru tas | | ie. Ce Geet aoc | 0 ? ae a fe | — ae T ae pl ol < © = aS (æ) Z% = MEFR: A ESR |Z | = Bp |2@5| 40 3 ope ro a (Sel oz ARISE eena | mae slas a| 3| F & fd = $|101BA\ “peaowu £ -ƏH 10Q0]y 96'I N <+ peonporg Burdsyo | = Eh S Sutids -HO JO ‘ON o3¥s0ay 68T {Oqoo[V “3Ua) 13d £0 g8 po BOs] soyeme.y Sunox 4 1901| ST Z icīTT 91I TEE: < © 28 | Fine Pe (Faj sn fa RR a4 |e R’ F àE CAL U g aj M 'pəsom -34 [04001 V | Suads -PO J0 ‘ON o3t190ay £01 66 peenpoig Zuladsyo 66/062 (She | Areuruing 8z 88°01 SOF sf S1euumg we TT6T ‘93 ounf “Wy s | 6° leo |ot{ | ther ‘ve omn "IEY T16I ‘FZ OUNL WY a aa N TIGI ‘Pz OUNE “Wy yo s C a nr AY Lly TIGI ‘gg əunf ‘9AN gorte |2 {| Tret ee ounp "w'y a TIGI ‘Ig ounf “oa ¢ | Z'STi16 |S { a a, . TIGI ‘ST oung “oA ¢ | oF ite |¢ { ETGT “OT sung on . TIGI ‘OT ƏUNf ‘9A e| eo je js { TI6T ‘FI oune aag) 9 id Be ee <4 c © R =] S aS EE =z TR ES) py an| Z. a e 52 în es Bo) * 2 s aS 3 zz] e| i F ou d 8 5 101}u00 104091 Y "309 19q £70 (panwiquog) AT T'IAYL 52 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI Generation I than it is in any of the corresponding aleoholic strains. However, it never reaches that of the control. In the Water Generation II the rate of repro- duction is much higher than it is in Water Generation I and equals the reproductive rate of the control. This demonstrates that one of the ill effects of alcohol is par- tially eliminated in the first generation and is entirely eliminated in the second generation after the alcohol has been removed. Very probably the rate of reproduction of Water Gen- eration I, which is lower than that of the control, is due to the fact that the females in their embryonic develop- ment were subjected to the influence of alcohol from which they never fully recovered after they were transferred to water solutions containing no alcohol. They were thus perhaps influenced while in the growth and maturation stages of the egg inside the body of the mother or, after the egg was laid in the alcoholic solution, in the embry- onic stages which occurred inside the egg membrane be- fore hatching. Soon after hatching the females were put into the solutions free from alcohol. This transmission of a low reproduction rate to Water Generation I is in reality not a hereditary transmission of a characteristic, but is probably the result of the direct influence of the aleohol upon the mother during her em- `- bryonic development. — Tables II and III show the effect of copper sulphate upon Water Generation II. Of the individuals tested 91.2 per cent. lived forty-eight hours and produced young in the copper solution. This is only about 5 per cent. less than the number of individuals of the control living and producing young for the same length of time in the cop- per solution. It can be concluded from these observa- tions that the resisting power to copper sulphate has been restored practically to normal and that these indi- viduals are no more susceptible to its influence than the individuals of the control. Billings states to the Committee of Fifty in his report, No.541] EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA 53 which is based on over five thousand reports of cases of insanity, that : ‘‘ Inherited tendency to insanity, due to the use of liquor by parents, is reported in one hundred and twenty-two cases ... while six cases were ascribed to the intemperance of the grandparents. These statistics must be received with caution as showing possibilities rather than as definite evidence. To prove that the insanity of one generation is due to alcoholic excess of a previous generation, and is not merely a coincidence, requires that other causes of degeneration shall be care- fully studied, and duly allowed for.’’ It is, however, evident from the six cases reported that some, at least, of the medical examiners believe in the transmission of alcoholic weaknessess from grandparents to grandchildren. Bunge, from an investigation extending over two thou- sand families, found that chronic alcoholic poisoning in the father was the chief cause of the daughter’s inability to suckle and that this inability was not usually recovered from in subsequent generations. These results have been severely criticized by Bluhm and their validity ques- tioned. Mariet and Cambemale gave considerable quantities of alcohol to a female dog during the last week of her preg- nancy. She gave birth to a litter of seven puppies, of which four were dead, two apparently healthy but men- tally backward, and one, No. 7, both physically and men- tally backward. No.7 was a female and grew to maturity free from the influence of alcohol and mated with an apparently healthy dog. All of the puppies of her first litter were abnormal to such a degree that they were con- sidered worthless. One had club feet and a clefted palate, another had a eonspicuous ductus Botalli, and another developed muscular atrophy in its hind legs. If these observations and interpretations are correct they may demonstrate either the same fact that is shown in Water Generation I of Table IV, namely, that when a mother is subjected to the influence of alcohol during her 54 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI own embryonic development she shows some sign of weakness at her period of reproduction, or, that the grandchildren are affected by the influence of alcohol upon their grandparents. However, only one experi- ment alone like the above is not sufficient to prove any- thing, and furthermore, Hodge in speaking of dogs says: ‘We do not attach much importance to the greater per- centage of deformity, since this is of somewhat common occurrence in kennels.”’ If the transmission of an alcoholic weakness to subse- quent generations is possible in any living organism, it ought to be actually demonstrated in some manner, but if it is a delusion, the sooner it is dispelled the better. These experiments with Hydatina senta are an attempt to determine, in one race of animals only, whether cer- tain aleoholic weaknesses are truly hereditary and the evidence found is negative. It by no means follows that these results would be found to be true in man. Alcohol primarily affects the nervous system and may have a very different action on the highly organized nervous system of man than it does on the lowly organized Hydatina, whose nervous system is extremely simple. Furthermore, the germ substance in man is probably very different from the germ substance in the rotifer and alcohol might have a very different effect upon it. SuMMARY 1. Four strains of parthenogenetic rotifers originally descended from the same female were observed throughout twenty-eight successive generations. One strain was kept as a control and the other three strains were kept in a + per cent., a 4 per cent. and a 1 per cent. solution of alcohol. The rate of reproduction was lower in the alco- holic strains than in the control and it was proportion- ally lowered according to the amount of aleohol used. 2. The individuals of the 1 per cent. alcoholic strain in the XI-XV generations showed a decidedly increased susceptibility to copper sulphate. No. 541] EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL IN HYDATINA 55 3. When the alcohol was removed in generations XI- XXII, the rate of reproduction increased noticeably in the first generation and in the second generation the reproduction rate equaled that of the control. 4. Individuals of the second generation after the alco- hol had been removed were no more susceptible to copper sulphate than individuals which had never been sub- hres to alcohol. . The general conclusion is that alcohol in 4 per cent., 4 per cent., and 1 per cent. solutions is danaa to this race of rotifers when it is subjected to it continuously for many generations. The weaknesses developed by the parental use of alcohol are partially eliminated in the first generation after the alcohol has been removed, and practically completely eliminated at the end of the second generation after the alcohol has been removed. In other words, the grandchildren possess none of the defects caused by alcohol in the grandparents. 6. These results in general show that alcohol in the percentages used affects only the somatic tissues of the animal, and if they are subjected to its influences indefi- nitely, generation after generation, the race would prob- ably become extinct because of its ‘‘lowered resistance power’’ to unfavorable conditions. However, if the alco- hol is removed it is possible for the race to recover and to regain its normal condition in two generations, thus showing that the germ substance is not permanently affected by the aleohol. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott, A. C. 1896. The Influence of Acute Alcoholism upon the Vital EED of Rabbits to Infection. Jeur. Exp. d., Vol. Abel, J. J. 1903. A Critical Review of the Pharmacon Aetion of Ethyl Alcohol, with a Statement of the Relative Toxicity of the Con- stituents of Alcoholic arenge Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem, Vol. 2. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York. Ballantyne, J. W. 1902. pen e Pathology and Hygiene. William Green and Sons, Edinburgh. Billings, J. S. 1903. Relations of Drink Habits to Insanity. Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem, Vol. 1. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York. 56 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI Bluhm, Agnes. 1908. Die Stillungsnott. Zeitschrift fiir Sojiale Medizin. 1909. Sexual Probleme. Bunge. 1907. Die Zunehmende Unfähigkeit der Frauen ihre Kinder zu Calkins, G. N., sa Lieb, C. C. 1902. Studies on the Life-history of Pro- tozoa—II. e Effects of Stimuli on the Life-cycle of Paramecium caudatum. pos fiir Protistenkunde, Vol. I. Estabrook, A. H. 1910. Effects of Chemicals on Growth in Paramecium. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 8. Féré, Ch. 1899. Cinquantenaire de la Société de Biologie. Vol. Jubilaire. Hodge, C. F. 1903. The Influence of Alcohol on Growth and Development. Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem, Vol. 1. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York. Hunt, R. 1907. Studies on Experimental Alcoholism. Bull. No. 33, Hyg. lá b., U. S. Pub. Health and Mar.-Hosp. Serv., Washington Mairet, Ac et Combemale. 1888. Influence PRLR de Vileohol « sur la descen iihi, C. R. de Se. de L’ Acad. des Se. Paris. Vol. 106, pp. 667- Matheny, W. A. 1910. Effects of Alcohol on the Life-cycle of Paramecium. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 8. Newman, G. 1906. Infant Mortality, pp. 72-77. Piati. K., and Elderton, E. . A First Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism on the Saiga and Ability of the Offspring. London, Dulau and Co., 37 Soho Square, W. 1910. A Second Study of the tease of Parental Alcoholism on the Physique and Ability of the Offspring. London, Dulau and Co., 37 Soho Square, W. Pearson, K. 1911. Questions on the Sy and of the Fray. No. III. Lon- don, Dulau ay Co., 37 Soho Squar Stockard, C. R. 1910. The Influence a Aleohol and other Anesthetics on Embryonie Development. Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. 10. Sullivan, W. C. . A Note on the Influence of Maternal Inebriety on the spr " Jour. cf Mental 8c., Vol. 45, pp. 489-503. 1906. Aleoholis Welch, W. H. n06e: The Pathological Effects of Alcohol. pego Aspects of the Liquor Problem, Vol. 2. Boston and New Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Whitney, D. D. 1910. bd to (a e Indice = oa Conditions upon the Life ol. 1911. The Poisonous Effee ects,of acini Beverages not Proportional to their Puree Contents. Science, Vol. 3 Woodruff, L. 1908. Effects of Alcohol on ie Life-eyele of Infusoria. Biol. Bull., ‘Vol. 15. ARY, 1912 FEBRU. of y XLVI, NO. 542 VoL. THE AMERICAN The American MSS Naturalist intended for publication and books, etc., intended for ctr should be sent to a Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Huds n, New York. icles containing research work _bearing on the problems = ‘organi evolu- tion are er wa welcome, and will be given preference in publica rea reprints of contributions are supplied to authors hes of charge. One hund Further reprints will be supplied at c ion Subscription: ao price h four an postage thirty-five cents, dollars a s and advertisements should be sent - the yepe year. Foreign pos twenty-five cents additional. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a page. The age is fifty cents and The ort for single prer is THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as second-class matter, April 2, 1908, at t Lancaster, Pa., under the Act ot Congress of March 8, 1879. THE BULLETIN —For bargains in Ethnolograph- ical and Pre-historic Specimens. Books on Natural = History, Science, Travel, Voyages, etc. See THE _ BULLETIN post free for 3 cent stamp. 4 Duke St., Adeiphi—London—England TENTH EDITION. THE MI CROSC COPE; an introduction to by OTOR TARE GAGE, OF Cornell U apts Over ; dys miea pa e and above 250 a T ape pared edition. Price $2.00, postpaid. ; COMSTOCK PUBLISHING CO., Ithaca, N. Y. = ergs EGGS w if: H ROSENBERG, } G : uates. ‘Daily Field excursions. | Botany, A U n E E, De ae 3 University of Colorado Mountain Laboratory Fourth summer session June 24 to Au- 1912, Courses in Field Biology (animal a Biology of Pind and Streams. i | r d građ- o. ee OER UE The laboratory is at Tolland, Colo- ii t | | the Rocky Mountains at an altitude of | | 8889 feet. Climate cool and healthful. pee | and plant), Ecology, Systematic l THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou. XLVI February, 1912 No. 542 SOME ASPECTS OF CYTOLOGY IN RELATION TO THE STUDY OF GENETICS! PROFESSOR EDMUND B. WILSON CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY THe consideration of genetic problems from the stand- point of cytological research sometimes encounters a certain opposition or prejudice which seems to me to be due to a misunderstanding of the position that is actu- ally held by many cytologists. It probably grows pri- marily out of a conviction that the heredity of particular traits is not to be explained by referring them to the operation of particular cell-elements or ‘‘determiners,”’ but results from an activity of the whole cell-system, or of the whole organism, regarded as a unit. With this view, as will appear, I am essentially in agreement. In the second place, the opposition is a kind of reaction or protest against the theory of pangens or biophores and the too elaborate logical constructions that have been built upon it, especially by Weismann. I also consider this theory untenable, or at least unnecessary. I will therefore attempt to outline a point of view from which I think genetic problems may reasonably be regarded from the standpoint of the cytologist. The most essential result of modern genetic inquiry I take to be the proof of the independence of the so-called 1A paper read before the American Society of Naturalists at the Princeton meeting, December 28, 1911. 57 58 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI ‘ 1, 457-464. 88 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI there may be a thousand species, are here the chief agents in the pollination of flowers, whereas in America and a large part of Europe they occupy the second place and in the Alps the third place. Neither honey-bees nor bumble- bees were found in New Zealand at the time of its dis- covery. The phylogenetic history of green flowers likewise strongly supports the view that they are not well adapted to pollination by insects. In the opinion of many emi- nent botanists all greenish, inconspicuous flowers have been derived by retrogression from larger entomophilous ancestors. This theory has been very ably developed by Professor C. E. Bessey in his taxonomy of the Angio- sperms, for which he suggests the restoration of the more appropriate name of Anthophyta. The buttercups (Ranales), the water plantains (Alismales) and roses (Rosales) are regarded as primitive and are placed at the beginning of the Anthophyta. The typical flower was entomophilous, of large size, and its organs were sepa- rate and spirally arranged. Engler’s spiral series of Monocotyledons, which is composed of orders mostly devoid of a perianth, is derived from a liliaceous type; while the Apetale are treated as reduced forms and dis- tributed among the petalous Dicotyledons.” A similar view is adopted by Arber and Parkin in their discussion of the origin of Angiosperms. They reach the conclusion ‘‘that the Apetalous orders without perianth, such as the Piperales, Amentiferous families and Pan- danales, can not be regarded as primitive Angiosperms, _ but have been derived from ancestors with a well-de- veloped perianth. Entomophily . . . has supplied the ‘motive force,’ which not only called the Angiosperms into existence, but laid the foundation of their future prosperity.’’> Even if Engler’s system of classification "Bessey, Charles E., ‘‘The Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Angiosperms,’’ Bot. Gaz., 24, 145-178, 1897; “A Synopsis of Plant Phyla,’’ University Studies, 7, 275-373, 1907; ‘‘The Phy 29, 91-100, 1909, ete. -Arber B. A: Newell, and Parkin, John, ‘‘On the Origin of Angio- sperms,’’ Journal of Linnean Society (Botany), 38, 29-80, 1907. letie Idea in Taxonomy,’’ Science, No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 89 is accepted and the apetalous orders be regarded as primi- tive it does not support the thesis that small, green flowers are at no disadvantage in attracting insects be- cause of their inconspicuousness. That reduction and change from entomophily and conspicuousness to ane- mophily and inconspicuousness has occurred repeatedly in widely separated families is not questioned by any eco- logist or taxonomist. This is illustrated by the genera Artemisia, Ambrosia, etc., among the Composite; in Ricinus of the Euphorbiacex ; probably also in the family Juncacex, and in species of Thalictrum, Fraxinus, San- guisorba and Poterium. The evidence supplied by the phylogeny of green flowers is wholly in favor of the value of color contrast for gaining the attention of insects. Approaching the problem from another direction, the Rev. George Henslow in his work on the self-fertiliza- tion of plants finds that ‘‘inconspicuous flowers sees gi most invariably self-fertilizing, or else inconspicuous.’ There are several reasons why inconspicuous flowers are not likely to be intererossed by insects: (1) Their unattractiveness; (2) the absence of hohey-secreting organs; (3) the want of scent; (4) they frequently do not expand, or at most remain half open, especially in cold or inclem- ent weather, while perfectly cleistogamic flowers are, of course, never open; (5) their structure sometimes would seem absolutely to prevent the ingress of insects (such appears to be the case with Polygonum Convolvulus and-P. hydropiper, the flowers of which seem to be always closed, and with many others. He regards existing inconspicuous forms not as primi- tive, but as derived from conspicuous progenitors, which in turn owed their origin to the selective influence of insects.° ; It has been shown that Plateau’s conclusion is not sus- tained either by the phylogeny and distribution or by the ecology and manner of fertilization of inconspicuous flowers, which have almost universally been compelled to adopt anemophily or autogamy. In the few exceptional cases there are present other allurements, as odor and nosar, which sooner or later attract insects; but this Henslow, George, ‘‘On the Self-fertilization of Plants,’’ Trans. -Pe Soc. (Botany), Ser. 21, 317-398, 1880. 90 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI does not prove that ceteris paribus color contrast is not an advantage. No assertion is made that bees have an antipathy to green, only that flowers of this hue are not as readily seen amidst the foliage. Very likely a green flower opposed to red or yellow leaves would attract the attention of insects as readily as the reverse contrast. Following the example of Plateau, I have included the species of Tilia among greenish flowers, but it is doubtful whether the inflorescence of the American basswood should be considered as inconspicuous. The flowers are of medium size, sweet scented, produced in vast quanti- ties, and are described by a disinterested observer as ‘‘vellow and rather pretty.’’ The nectar is so copious that a single hive of bees has obtained 66 pounds in three days, and its odor is so strongly aromatic that it can be perceived throughout an entire apiary.° It may, how- ever, serve as an example of an exceptional species. The importance of scent as an attractive factor was, of course, recognized by Miiller, but green flowers are usually odor- less, as pointed out by both Hooker and Henslow."! As additional evidence that insects will visit green. flowers Plateau describes how he placed honey on seven- teen anemophilous flowers, as grasses, sedges, rushes and on species of Rumex and Chenopodium, and observed visits of honey-bees, flies and a few other insects.12 He also fashioned crude imitations of flowers from the liv- ing leaves of the red currant (Ribes rubrum) and the sycamore (Acer Pseudo-Plantanus), in which he put * Root, A. I., ‘‘The A B C of Bee Culture,’’ p. 397, 1903. A single colony of bees belonging to the late Dr. Gallup, of Orleans, Iowa, once gathered 600 pounds of basswood honey in thirty days. Doolittle, G. M., ‘‘ Honey from Basswood,’’ Gleanings in Bee Culture, 36, 23, 1908. “A nectariferous flower may be both green and scentless and yet be found by bees. According to Fritz Miiller the flowers of a species of Trianosperma in South Brazil are visited very abundantly all day long by Apis mellifica and species of Melipona, although they are scentless, greenish, he quite inconspicuous, and to a great extent hidden by the leaves. ‘‘ Fertilization of Flowers,’’ p. 270. “Plateau, F., ‘‘Comment les fleurs attirent les insectes,’’? Bull. Acad. roy. Belgique, ins partie, 3me série, 34, 602-612, 1897. No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 91 honey, and they attracted bees and flies.1* Attention is also called to the secretion of nectar by extra-floral nec- taries upon the petioles of Prunus, the stipules of Vicia and the leaves of various trees. These sources of sweet secretions are frequently visited by Hymenoptera and other insects, as well as over-ripe or partially decayed frut. A more interesting example than any given by Plateau of the secretion of nectar by extra-floral nectaries is furnished by the American cotton plant. Besides the nectar glands within the flowers there is a small gland on the center rib on the under side of each leaf, which at — times secretes nectar very freely. When the atmospheric conditions are right, says Mr. J. D. Yancey. in a recent number of Gleanings in Bee Culture, drops of nectar will collect on these leaf glands so large that they may be readily tasted; and a bee has to visit only a very few to obtain a load. At such times they neglect the blossoms entirely, and the honey comes in with a considerable rush. I could not tell that this honey was any different in either color or flavor from that gathered from the blossoms. No other plant in this country besides cotton is known to me which has extra-floral nectaries, which are of value as a source of honey; but in favorable years there occurs on a scale of enormous magnitude an illustration that honey-bees will readily learn to gather sweet liquids from green leaves. In many parts of Europe and Ameriċa Aphididæ, or plant-lice, and scale insects (Lecanium)'* excrete a sweet substance called honey-dew in such large quantities that not only the leaves of the trees, but even the grass and the sidewalks, are coated with it as with a varnish. Honey-dew is attractive to many insects, as bees, ants, wasps and flies. In California it is sometimes In Hawaii enormous quantities of honey-dew are produced by a leaf- hopper. Phillips, E. F., ‘‘The Souree of Honey-dew,’’ Gleanings in Bee Culture, 38, 177, 1910. * Loe. cit., 5me partie, p. 868. * Loc. cit., 4me partie, p. 604. 92 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI so abundant that bees gather large stores of it, and Pro- fessor Cook says that he has sold it by the barrel.'® From Sevensville, Montana, a correspondent of Glean- ings in Bee Culture wrote a few years ago that the honey- dew had been in a continuous flow throughout the whole season, and dripped on the sidewalk every night in large quantities. Another bee-keeper at Dupont, Indiana, states that, in 1884, his bees gathered about two tons of honey-dew from the leaves of the oak, hickory, beech and wild grape. But the year, 1909, was in the opinion of well-informed apiarists the greatest year for honey-dew ever known in America. Bee-keepers everywhere re- ported a scarcity of white clover and basswood honey and that the bees were storing honey-dew. Professor Surface says: I have never known a year in all my studies of entomology, and in a correspondence of thousands of persons each month, during which plant-lice, or aphids, have been so abundant as they have this year (1909), and consequently the honey-dew was likewise unusually abun- dant.” Many tons of this sweet excretion were consumed by the bees during the following winter. I have dwelt at some length on the collection of honey- dew in order to establish beyond any question, not only — that domestic bees would, but that they do gather large supplies of sweet substances from green leaves. If addi- tional evidence could strengthen this statement it is fur- nished by every apiary, where bees frequently may be seen feeding on materials of every hue, or entering dark supers, hive-bodies, or boxes, through narrow crevices or small apertures no larger than a bee’s body in search of honey. Honey-bees require a great amount of stores and it would be greatly to their disadvantage, if their actions were dominated by bright coloration to such an extent that they were prevented from obtaining food supplies 1 Root, A. I., and Root, E. R., ‘‘The A BC and X Y Z of Bee Culture,’ ’? p. 273, 1910. * Surface, H. A., ‘‘Sources of Honey-dew,’’ Gleanings in Bee Culture, 37, 623, 1909. l No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 93 from every available source. It is, then, freely admitted that bees will collect sweet liquids, after they have once been found, from green or dull-colored surfaces; but this is very far from proving that bright coloring is not an advantage to flowers, and it is astonishing that such a claim based on the above facts should ever have been made. . Knuth in reviewing the observations of Plateau on greenish and brownish flowers very properly raises the objection that ‘‘Plateau has not compared the frequency of insect visits to inconspicuous and conspicuous flowers of the same size, and it is only experiments of this kind which can help to settle the point at issue.’”!* This omis- sion is fatal to Plateau’s argument, and it is difficult to understand why control experiments were not employed. It is the object of the present paper to present the results of a long series of experiments, in which honey-bees under similar conditions were given the choice between a conspicuous and an inconspicuous object. s a preliminary inquiry it is of interest to determine whether plants with diccious inflorescence afford any assistance in deciding this question. As is generally known, the staminate flowers of entomophilous and some- times of anemophilous diclinic species are more con- spicuous than the pistillate. This is well shown by the genus Salix. Willow branches bearing staminate aments are offered for sale in New England cities in early spring, and are used for decorative purposes in the churches of England on Palm Sunday. Careful observation and col- lection of the visitors of Salix discolor (the glaucous or pussy willow), the earliest species of Salix to bloom in this locality, shows that the number of insects attracted by the staminate aments is much greater than by the pistillate. The difference is, indeed, so marked as to be readily apparent to any one who will keep an individual shrub of each form under observation for a few hours. 13 Knuth, Paul, ‘‘Handbuch der Bliitenbiologie,’’ 1, 394, 1898; ‘‘ Hand- book of Flower Pollination,’’ translated by J. R. Ainsworth Davis, 1, 207, — 1906. a as 94 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI Another common dicecious plant is Rhus typhina L. (Rhus hirta (L.) Sudw.).1° The staminate flowers are in large white panicles. The thyrsoid, pistillate flower- clusters are dark green; but as they are terminal and borne well above the foliage they are visible at a long distance, i. e., they have conspicuousness of position. Two large groups of this shrub, or small tree, one of which was pistillate and the other staminate, growing in an open woodland only a short distance apart, were selected for observation. During two collecting trips in July, 1909, I secured on the staminate blossoms 77 visitors, but only 6 on the pistillate. Of the visitors to the staminate flowers 63 were bees, 2 wasps, 2 flies, 8 beetles and 2 Hemiptera. Of the visitors to the pistillate flowers 4 were bees and 2 wasps. Even a brief inspection is suff- cient to show that the staminate flowers are more attract- ive to insects than the pistillate. The staminate inflorescence of Salix discolor and Rhus typhina is, then, undoubtedly more conspicuous and attractive to insects than the pistillate; but is this larger company of visitors due wholly to its brighter coloration? Evidently not. Great numbers of honey-bees and many species of Andrena frequent the staminate aments of Salix to procure pollen for brood-rearing. At least five species of Andrena are oligotropic visitors of this genus. Examination of the polleniferous scopa of the bees taken on the staminate flowers of Rhus typhina showed that they all contained pollen except nine specimens of Proso- pis (P. modesta Say and P. zizie Rob.), a primitive genus, the species of which possess only feebly developed brushes on the posterior legs, which are not used for carrying pollen. Of the eight species of beetles taken on the staminate flowers microscopic examination showed an abundance of pollen on the mouth-parts of four. The other four beetles were of small size, and it was not definitely determined whether they or the other insects — mentioned above were feeding on pollen or not. But this 2 The flowers of Rhus typhina are given as polygamous in most plant manuals, but they are certainly diccious, as is also stated by Müller. No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 95 was of little consequence, since the proof is ample that in the case of the staminate plants of Rhus typhina, as in Salix, the pollen is an important factor in attracting visitors. It is commonly believed that insects are attracted first to the staminate flowers of entomophilous diccious plants by their greater conspicuousness, from which subse- quently they carry pollen to the pistillate flowers. For in- stance, Müller says of the dicecious flowers of Asparagus officinalis: ‘‘This instance confirms Sprengel’s oft-re- peated rule that the male flowers of diclinic plants are more conspicuous than the female, whence insects are likely to visit the two kinds of flowers in their proper sequence.’’2? But it is clear that many insects never fly to the pistillate flowers, since if they did the number of visitors to the two kinds of flowers would be equal. This is especially true of female bees, which, having obtained their load of pollen, often return directly to the hive or nest. Of the four bees taken on the pistillate flowers of Rhus typhina only two had pollen on the scopa of the hind legs. After collecting the pollinators of this species for several seasons I think it probable that some of the species of bees taken on the staminate flowers are never, or very rarely, found on the pistillate blossoms.” Spren- gel’s rule must, therefore, be accepted with considerable reservation. The observations on diccious flowers not proving well adapted for the purpose intended, owing to the presence of pollen as an attractive factor, the following experi- ment was tried. The flowers of Gerardia purpurea have a rose-colored, campanulate corolla and a short bell- shaped calyx. The species is common in this locality and is sparingly visited by bumblebees. When a large bou- — quet of the flowers was placed in front of a hive of black bees, it received very little attention. Apparently they contained no nectar. I now placed in the throat of a ” Müller, H., ‘‘The Fertilization of Flowers,’’ p. 549. | 2 This is also true of dichogamous flowers. Robertson, C., ‘‘ Flowers and Insects,’’ Bot. Gaz., 27, 41, 1899. 96 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI large number of flowers a small drop of honey. From a number of other stems I removed all the corollas and all conspicuous buds, and between the green calyx teeth I also put a drop of honey. So abundant was the honey on the green calyces that it could be seen at a distance of four feet. I could detect no scent in the complete flowers; certainly they seem to possess none comparable with that of honey. The two clusters of plants, the one decorallated and the other with its flowers complete, were placed on opposite sides of a glass of water, which was set near the entrance of a hive of black bees. The bees immediately showed a decided preference for the flowers retaining their corollas, as many as five visiting them at one time; while there were no bees on the denuded flowers though they were on the side of the glass nearer the hive. Later the bees discovered, as was to be expected, the honey on the green calyces and removed it. It is evident that to place honey on small green flowers, as in the experiments of Plateau with grasses and sedges, and when it is finally found by insects to conclude that conspicuousness is not an advantage is unjustifiable. The bees gave a decided preference to the brighter-colored flowers, and the fact that they subsequently discovered and removed the honey from the green calyces furnishes no evidence whatever against the benefit of color contrast. But a method of experimenting was wanted, which would permit of varying the conditions under which the conspicuous and inconspicuous objects were exposed, and of counting the number of visits to each. This was ob- tained in the following manner: A small number of honey-bees were trained to visit for honey an unpainted, dull-gray board raised upon a support two feet high. A short time before the honey, which was placed directly on the board, was wholly removed, a conspicuous and an inconspicuous object were placed at equal distances from the board and at a known distance from each other. As soon as the bees had consumed the honey they began describing a series of ever widening circles in search of a new supply until one or both of the above-mentioned No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 97 objects were discovered. The number of visits made to each in a given time was then counted, and served as a basis for estimating numerically the value of conspicu- ousness. On October 1, 1909, a small number of bees were accus- tomed to visit the dull-gray board, on which there was a small quantity of honey. For convenience this board will be called the feeder. While the bees were busily at work, I put a blue slide (prepared by placing the floral leaves of the bee larkspur (Delphinium elatum) between two glass object slides, 3 X 1 in.), on the center of which there were a few drops of honey, on the grass of the lawn about three feet from the base of the feeder; and on a dandelion leaf three feet from the base of the feeder and five feet from the blue slide honey was also placed. As soon as the supply of honey on the feeder was exhausted the bees began circling in the air. In a few minutes one bee had found the blue slide, in ten minutes two bees, and in twenty-five minutes five bees; but none had found the honey on the dandelion leaf. I now placed beside the dandelion leaf an apple leaf with a comparatively large quantity of honey on it, and at the end of forty minutes one bee found it and a little later a second bee. I doubt if they would have found it then had they not for some time previously been flying low searching for honey in the grass, having from their previous experience with the blue slide learned to look for it there. In this experi- ment the advantage was clearly on the side of the con- spicuous object. It would appear that if two flowers were blooming at some distance apart, the one bright colored and the other green, the former would be the more likely to be pollinated. On October 3, at 12:33 r.m., I repeated this experiment. The blue slide, a dandelion leaf, both on the grass, and the base of the feeder formed the angles of an equilateral triangle, each side of which was three feet. Honey was placed on all three as before. Two minutes after the last drop of honey on the feeder had disappeared three Italian 98 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI bees found the blue slide. At 12:40 there were eight bees on the blue slide, but not one had found the honey on the dandelion leaf. Five minutes later there was one bee on the leaf. If bees are guided by odor exclusively in their search for nectar, and contrast in color with green foliage is no advantage to flowers, then it would seem as though they should find a quantity of free honey as readily as when it is associated with bright coloration. About thirty Italian bees were accustomed to visit the gray-colored board, or feeder, which, as previously stated, rested upon a support two feet high. Six feet from this support and six feet apart, the three forming an equilateral triangle, were placed two poles each 43 feet high. On top of one of the poles was placed a quantity of honey so large that it ran down on the side, and was visible at a distance of twenty feet. To the top of the other pole was attached a cluster of yellow ‘‘immortelles’’ (Helichrysum bracteatum) gathered many years ago, and which appeared to be absolutely devoid of scent. Each of the flowers was about 14 inches in diameter and the cluster was 3 inches long by three inches wide. At 11:10 a.m., the bees were per- mitted to consume all the honey on the feeding board. In three minutes there were three bees and one fly on the flowers, but no insects had found the free honey. In five minutes there were four bees and one fly on the flowers, and one bee on the free honey. At 11:20 the latter bee left for the hive and five minutes later returned; a second bee also alighted on the side of the pole and began suck- ing the honey which had run down from above; two flies, apparently house flies, also came. At the same time there were six Italian bees on the flowers. At 11:30 a. m., there were six Italian bees and one fly on the flowers, but only one bee on the free honey. The flowers not only attracted the bees earlier than the free honey, but three times as many of them. I now transposed the poles. But to the top of the pole on which there had previously been the supply of free pee AE No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 99 honey I fastened a single yellow ‘‘immortelle’’ one inch across. The individual flower enjoyed the advantage of position since it stood where the cluster had been before. Honey was placed on all the flowers. At 11:50 a.m., there were nine Italian bees and a Syrphid fly on the cluster of flowers and three Italian bees and one fly on the single flower. The larger and more conspicuous object notwithstanding its changed position received the greater number of visitors.?? The following experiments were made in 1910, and only black bees were employed. As in the experiments of the preceding year, the bees were trained to visit the same dull gray board placed upon a support two feet high. On September 14, 1910, at 12:40 r.m., the bees were carrying away syrup of sugar from the feeder. Nine feet from its base I put out on the grass of the lawn a dried yellow flower of Helichrysum bracteatum 14 inches in diameter, containing a small quantity of honey. On the opposite side of the feeder at a distance of nine feet from its base I laid a Red Astrachan apple leaf, 2 inches long by 14 wide, on the center of which there was an ample supply of honey. There were at least twenty-five bees on the board and later the number increased. At 12:55 they had wholly consumed the sugar syrup. At 1:07 a bee came to the flower, but left almost immediately. At 1:10 a second bee came to the flower, but soon left, and a few moments later a third visit was made in the same way. No bees had found the leaf. As the honey was excellent I could account for the brief stop made by the bees only on the ground that they were looking for sugar syrup. In the next experiment this was offered to them. At 1:20 r.m., I again put sugar syrup on the feeder, and removed the flower and leaf from the grass. Another ‘‘immortelle’’ 14 ins. in diameter and another Red As- trachan apple leaf, 2 inches long by 14 inches wide, were laid on the grass on directly opposite sides of the feeder, Cf. Miiller’s remarks on Geranium, Epilobium, Polygonum and the Alsiner. 100 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI but six feet instead of nine feet away from its base. The leaf was on the same side as before, as was also the flower. Sugar syrup, which is odorless, was placed on each. At 1:30 the bees finished the syrup on the feeder. One bee flew almost immediately to the flower, but made a brief stay. At 1:34 a second bee came and sucked, and three minutes later a third bee came. No bees had found the leaf. Sugar syrup was again put on the feeder, and the flower and leaf were moved three feet nearer its base, each now being distant three feet. At 1:47 the syrup on the feeder was all consumed, but even previously one bee had come to the flower. At 1:47 a bee flew over the leaf, but did not alight. At 1:50 three bees came to the flower, and a moment later a fourth, and afterwards two more. At 2 r.m., there were three bees on the flower, a fourth came a little later and then a fifth. No bees had visited the leaf. Syrup of sugar was again placed on the feeder. At 2:5 P.M., I put out the yellow flower and apple leaf used in the irst experiment. On these, it will be remembered, honey had been placed. They were laid on the grass on opposite sides of the feeder, each three feet distant from its base. At 2:10 the sugar syrup on the feeder was all removed. A bee soon came to the flower, but did not stop, a second bee came and sucked, a third bee came, but did not stop, several bees came but did not stop; but at 2:13 there were three bees sucking honey on the flower. A bee flew slowly over the leaf I thought it would cer- tainly be attracted by the scent of the honey, but this was not the case. The experiment was continued a little longer and one or two more visits were made to the flower, but none to the leaf. The results obtained in the four preceding experiments are deserving of careful attention. While the yellow flower containing honey and the one containing scentless sugar syrup were visited many times by bees, the leaves remained wholly unvisited, though the supply of syrup No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 101 or honey on them was plainly visible at a considerable distance. According to the reiterated statement of Plateau all flowers might be as green as their leaves without their pollination being compromised, and color and form are of little consequence in comparison with odor. But the experiments showed that color contrast is of great value, and in these particular experiments indis- pensable. If the leaves provided with an ample supply of honey or syrup could not obtain a single visit under the conditions described, where a large number of bees were brought into their immediate vicinity, how little chance there would be for an isolated plant with small green flowers growing in a secluded location attracting visitors! But a bright-colored flower in the same locality would be much more likely to gain the attention of pollin- ating insects. On September 20, 1910, at 2:15 r.m., numerous black bees were coming to the feeder for honey. At a distance of three feet away I laid on the grass a bright yellow flower of golden glow (Rudbeckia laciniata) two inches in diameter. On the opposite side of the feeder three feet from its base, I laid the end of a spike of Amarantus retroflexus about three inches long. The small, pale green flowers are thickly crowded in panicled spikes. An ample supply of honey was placed on both. In the course of fifteen minutes there were 18 visits to the flower of golden glow and only 8 to the Amarantus cluster. If a bee flew to either object, but did not alight because of the large number of bees already there, this was counted as a Visit. The bees were again accustomed to visit the feeder. In the preceding experiment one of the objects had been placed on the east side of the feeder and the other on the west. Both the flower of the golden glow and the spike of Amarantus were now laid side by side on the grass in the sunshine three feet to the north of the feeder. There was honey on both. In less than ten minutes there were fifteen visits to the golden glow and only three to the 102 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLVI spike of. Amarantus. At one time there were five bees on the golden glow and only two on the spike of Amarantus. At 2:45 p.m., I repeated the preceding experiment, but I placed the flower of the golden glow and the spike of Amarantus on the south side of the feeder three feet from its base, but only three inches apart. Honey was put on both at the beginning of the experiment. In ten minutes there were 18 visits to the golden glow and 5 to the green spike of Amarantus. At one time there were four bees on the flower of golden glow, but only one on the spike of Amarantus. It often happens when a bee comes to a flower on which one or more bees are already at work that they will all fly up in the air and then all or in part settle down again. Such flights were not counted. Frequently a bee flew directly to the golden glow as though it had been seen from a distance. It will be remembered that Plateau put honey on the green inflorescence of several species of Chenopodium, besides other anemophilous flowers, and when it was found by insects reasserted his oft-repeated conclusion that winged pollinators are guided to flowers almost ex- clusively by odor and that color contrast is of little value. Plateau employed no control experiments, but it appears from the experiments just described that though the odor of the honey drew insects to the green inflorescence, nevertheless it was at a disadvantage because of the absence of bright coloration. In several of the experiments of 1909 a blue slide was used, prepared by placing the leaves of the perianth of the bee larkspur (Delphinium elatum) between two glass object slides tied firmly together with black silk. It might perhaps be objected that the scent of these floral leaves would escape through the narrow crack between the two glass slides. While I think this improbable, and that in any event it would be so slight as to bear no com- parison with that of the honey placed upon the upper glass slip and, therefore, would exert no influence on the No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 103 behavior of the bees, still it seemed desirable to test the matter. For this purpose the following experiment, clos- ing the series of 1910, was performed on September 23. A blue slide was prepared as described and the edges were sealed with several applications of gold size, the odor of which is no doubt unpleasant to bees. The blue slide, a dandelion leaf, and the base of the feeder formed the angles of an equilateral triangle, each side being three feet in length. As the weather was becoming colder the bees were not flying freely. An ample supply of honey was put on the blue slide and the leaf, which were laid on the grass of the lawn at 9 r.m. At 9:20 the honey on the feeder was entirely consumed. Presently a bee hovered over the blue slide, but did not alight. Another bee hovered over the blue slide for a long time and finally alighted. A second, third and fourth visit was made by bees at intervals. At 9:40 I discontinued the experiment. No attention had been paid to the honey on the leaf, though in the sunlight it could be seen for a long distance. The hesitation of the bees at first may have been caused by the repellent odor of the gold size. Bee- keepers never paint their hives inside, as the scent of paint is believed to be disliked by bees. The blue slide and the leaf were left in position and when twenty minutes later I examined them again all of the honey had been removed from the slide, but that on the leaf appeared to be untouched. Evidently the only factors which had in- fluenced the bees in the previous experiments were the honey and the color. Of the series of experiments performed in 1911 only three will bedescribed. A few observations were thought desirable in which one or two bees were employed instead of a larger number, in order that the behavior of an indi- vidual bee might be followed when given the choice be- tween a conspicuous and an inconspicuous object. A few bees were accustomed to visit a glass slide for honey. | While they were absent at the hive, the slide was re- moved and a large rhubarb leaf was laid in its place. © 104 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI About two inches from the base of the leaf there was put a quantity of amber-colored honey sufficiently large to form an oval mass, which could be seen in the shade at a distance of twenty feet. Twelve inches from the honey and a few inches from the apex of the rhubarb leaf there was placed a bright red flower of the Zanzibar balsam (Impatiens sultani), an inch in diameter, on which there was a small amount of honey. A bee returning from the hive went directly to the red flower, where it took up its load and flew away. A bee came to the red flower. Two more bees came and were impounded. The first bee left for the hive. A bee returned to the flower. A second bee came, both flew up in the air, and one of them went to the mass of honey but soon returned to the flower. The first bee left for the hive. I attempted to impound the second, but it escaped. A bee came to the flower, and after five minutes re- turned to the hive. The bee returned to the flower. A second bee came, and hovered in the air for some time, but finally settled by the bee on the flower. Both bees left for the hive. Both bees returned to the flower, and when they again left I discontinued the experiment. The rhubarb leaf was re- moved and the bees were given honey on a glass slide. It seems impossible to explain the behavior of the bees in this experiment on the supposition that they were guided chiefly by odor. In view of the large quantity of honey and its easy accessibility there would have been no occa- sion for surprise had the bees given it much greater attention. After carefully removing the honey from the rhubarb leaf I placed near its apical end four flowers of the Zanzi- bar balsam, forming a bright red square. On one petal of each flower there was a small drop of honey. Ten inches away near the base of the rhubarb leaf I put a single petal of a balsam flower on which there was a large drop of honey. While both bees were away I removed the No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 105 . glass slide and substituted the rhubarb leaf, reversing its position, however, so that the small object was where the larger had been before. Both bees returned to the cluster of four balsam flowers. One of them presently flew over to the single petal, but soon returned to the cluster; later it again went to the petal and again returned. Both bees left for the hive. : A bee returned to the cluster, did not alight, but flew over to the petal and sucked. When the second bee re- turned it disturbed the bee on the red petal, and both went to the cluster. One of the bees left for the hive. A bee came from the hive to the cluster. One of the bees then flew over to the petal but did not alight, re- turned to the cluster. Both bees left for the hive. Both bees returned to the cluster. One of them left for the hive and on its return went to the petal. The bee on the cluster left for the hive. While the cluster of four red flowers received the greater number of visits, as would be expected, more attention was given to the drop of honey associated with a red petal than was received by the larger oval mass of honey alone in the preceding experiment. In a series of interesting experiments with cotton flowers where the visitors were chiefly a species of Melis- sodes (M. bimaculata), recently described by Allard, it was observed that when a flower was partially screened by leaves the attention it received decreased ; and when the petals were masked on both sides with sections of green leaves the flower was ignored entirely.” This re- sult was confirmed by the following experiment. On a cloudy, windy day while a number of black bees were visiting the feeder for honey, I placed on the grass two red flowers of the Zanzibar balsam; each was five feet from the base of the feeder and their distance apart was 3 Allard, H. A., ‘Some Experimental Observations concerning the behav- ior of Various Bees in their Visits to Cotton Blossoms,’’ AMER. NAT., 45, : 615 and 672, 1911. - 106 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI two feet. There was a small quantity of honey on both. One of these blossoms I screened with dandelion leaves on the side toward the feeder, but it was visible in every other direction. Some time after the honey was all con- sumed on the feeder two bees flew over the unconcealed flower but did not alight. A wasp (Vespula victua Sauss.)24 found it and at the end of half an hour it was visited by a bee. The partially concealed flower received no attention. During this experiment the bees seldom in- spected objects on the lawn though they frequently flew to where I was sitting, ten feet away. The conclusion derived from a study of the phylogeny, ecology, distribution and fertilization of green flowers that they are at a disadvantage in attracting insects be cause of their color was fully sustained by a long series of experiments, in which honey-bees were given the choice between a green and a bright colored object placed on a green background, or between a conspicuous and an in- conspicuous object. In the experiments described both black and Italian bees were employed, the number of which varied from one to fifty. The observations ex- tended over portions of three seasons. Conspicuous and inconspicuous objects were in some instances placed dia- metrically opposite to each other at varying distances, in other cases side by side or a few feet apart. In six experiments there were no visits to the inconspicuous object; while in the other experiments the number of visits to the conspicuous object was much larger than to the inconspicuous object, usually twice or three times as large. The theory that bees in gathering nectar are in- fluenced only by the olfactory sense and not by color or form does not afford a satisfactory explanation of the facts presented. If, however, bees are guided by the sense of vision as well as by that of smell, then their rela- tions both past and present to green flowers are not difficult to understand. To reject a natural and wholly “For the determination of this species I am indebted to Mr. S. A. Rohwer. No. 542] COLOR SENSE OF THE HONEY-BEE 107 satisfactory explanation of their behavior in favor of an improbable hypothesis has the appearance of shunning the truth in a vain search for novelty. CoNCLUSIONS Green flowers are not well adapted to entomophily, and many species, possibly all, have been derived by retro- gression and degeneration from larger more highly de- veloped entomophilous forms. They are usually small, or even minute, and are often incomplete, while ane- mophily and autogamy prevail. Entomophilous green flowers are as a whole sparingly visited by insects belong- ing to the less specialized families, and as a rule retain the power of self-fertilization. The fact that insects have been observed feeding on over-ripe or decaying fruit, or the glandular secretions of the vegetative organs of plants, or the excretions of Aphidide on foliage, or greenish or brownish flowers, or dull-colored receptacles which have contained sugar or sweet liquids, affords no evidence that conspicuousness is not an advantage to entomophilous flowers. Any sur- face, whether it is bright or dull-colored, on which there is nectar or honey, will be freely visited by bees for stores after these liquids have once been discovered ; but they will not be discovered as quickly on a surface which does not contrast in hue with its surroundings as on one which does so contrast. The experiments and observations of Plateau on green or greenish flowers in the absence of control or compara- tive observations are fallacious, as pointed out by Knuth, and do not prove that ‘‘all flowers might be as green as their leaves without their pollination being compro- mised.’’ When honey-bees are given the choice between a con- spicuous and an inconspicuous object under similar con- ditions, they exhibit a preference for the former. This preference is sufficiently marked to account for the de- velopment of color contrast in flowers. oo SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION IS THE CHANGE IN THE SEX-RATIO OF THE FROG, THAT IS AFFECTED BY EXTERNAL AGENTS, DUE TO PARTIAL FERTILIZATION? In a review in this journal (XLV, 1911) of certain experi- ments by Kuschakewitsch!? on frogs’ eggs in which by delaying fertilization for 89 hours he obtained 100 per cent. of males, I pointed out that unless more than half of the eggs were fèr- tilized the interpretation of the 100 per cent. ratio might be mis- leading. For should the delay act more injuriously on one kind of egg than on the other, assuming two kinds to exist, the result might mean only selective destruction by an external agent rather than a change in sex of the eggs. I found no explicit statement in the section of Kuschakewitsch’s paper dealing with these results to show whether or not all of the eggs had been fertilized, but in a recent rejoinder? to my review Kuschake- witsch points out that he had stated that practically all of the eggs (‘‘so gut wie alle Eier’’) were fertilized and developed. This information is given in an appendix which I had overlooked. His statement completely sets aside the possibility of the sug- gestions that I made, but leaves the explanation of his results as obscure as before. The details of the principal experiment and of some of the others are of interest. A pair of copulating frogs were caught at 12:00, midday, May 31. The female began to lay at once. At 6:00 p.m. the male was removed. On the 4th of June at 8:00 p.m. the eggs that had remained in the uterus of the female were artificially fertilized. They are recorded as 89 hours old at this time. Practically all segmented, and only 5 died at the gastrulation stage. From this lot, 434 eggs hatched. Only 12 deaths occurred later. Three hundred of the tad-poles were examined at the time of or after metamorphosis. Of these, 299 were males, and one was a bilateral hermaphrodite. There can be little doubt, therefore, that, in some way, delay in fertilization has caused practically all the eggs to produce males; and the evidence is the clearer since the eggs fresh laid, fertil- ized by the same male, produced 55 males and 53 females. It may seem futile, therefore, to attempt to explain this result in any other way than as the result of the action of the environ- ment on the sex of the egg. But how has the environment * Festschrift, R. Hertwig, Bd. II, 1910. * Anatom. Anzeiger, 1911. 108 No. 542] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 109 acted? The evidence that sex is regulated by an internal mech- anism has become so strong in recent years that until the action of the environment is made clear one may well hesitate to accept the case as showing that sex is actually changed or produced by an external agent. Curiously enough, every one seems to have overlooked still another possibility that may solve the difficulty. The delay in the fertilization may cause the polar spindle to stick to the surface of the egg so that it fails later to take part in the development, in which case the sperm nucleus alone would pro- duce the nuclei of the embryo. Or, on the other hand, the delay may cause the early stages in the formation of the female pro- nucleus to progress so far that after fertilization the sperm nu- cleus may be excluded in part or entirely from the development. In either case the presence of a single nucleus would be expected to give rise to a male. It is significant in this connection that the changes described by King that affect the sex-ratio of the frogs’ eggs produce a higher percentage of males. There is another curious fact in relation to sex-determination in the frog. Pfliiger described a high percentage of hermaph- rodites amongst the tadpoles. Kuschakewitsch has given a de- tailed account of the development of the hermaphroditic glands. Most or all of these organs are later transformed into testis. In general it may be said that eggs from a pair give either equal numbers of males and females; or a mixture of males, females, and hermaphrodites; or all hermaphrodites (potentially males). It is possible that the pseudo-hermaphroditic condition may be connected with the failure of one of the two pronuclei to take part in the development. If the explanation that I have suggested is correct we might expect to find evidence in its support from the number of chro- mosomes in the tadpoles that develop from these late fertilized eggs. This would be expected if it is the male pronucleus that gives rise to the nuclei of the embryo. But if it is the female pronucleus that is responsible for the result, the number of chro- — mosomes in the cells of the embryo might be haploid or diploid — depending on whether the second polar body was, or was not — given off. At any rate, this suggestion should be put to the test of observation before we conclude that sex may be deter- mined by external agents. If the view here suggested prove true, sex is still determined by an internal factor in the same sense that the sex of the bee’s egg is determined by the presence of ane or of two promot o a NOTES AND LITERATURE HEREDITY A SUBJECT of vital importance to the theory of heredity is the behavior of the chromosomes during the life history of the cell, and especially during the process of cell division. This subject has received an enormous amount of attention from investigators but there is far from unanimity amongst cytologists as to the actual phenomena of cell division, not to mention the signifi- cance of these phenomena. Realizing that the heterotypic di- vision in gametogenesis is the critical point in the life history of the organism, so far as the theory of heredity is concerned, at- tention has been concentrated very largely on this division. This is in some respects unfortunate. A good many investigators who have studied this division have attempted to interpret the phenomena observed without full knowledge of the behavior of the chromatic elements in ordinary somatic divisions, and have attributed to phenomena observed in the heterotypic division very special meaning for inheritance, when these same phenom- ena are regular occurrences in all divisions, and hence are to be interpreted in their relation to growth rather than to reproduc- tion. : The writer is not a cytologist, and realizes fully that his opinions on cytological questions will not be regarded seriously, especially by those who have worked at problems of this char- acter until they have gotten fixed in mind certain theories as to - the meaning of the phenomena observed. Nevertheless, he has given careful attention to published results of investigations of this character, and has been driven by study of these results to a particular interpretation of the principal phenomena reported. It has seemed to me for some years that the double spireme so often reported in the heterotypie division, and so often inter- preted as a conjugation of homologous chromatin elements, al- though this double spireme occurs in somatie divisions, appar- ently quite as generally as in the heterotypic, is nothing more than the expression of a division of chromosomes which really occurs at least as early as the resting stage following the previous nuclear division. It appears that this division may begin at an even earlier period. 110 No. 542] NOTES AND LITERATURE iit Fraser and Snell, in their paper on ‘‘The Vegetative Divisions in Vicia faba,” present important evidence on this point. They show very clearly that the division begins in the teleophase of the previous division. This beginning of chromosome division in teleophase had earlier been noticed by Gregoire, and by Stromp, as pointed out by Fraser and Snell, but these earlier investiga- tors had not perceived the meaning of this phenomenon. Fraser and Snell were able to follow the life history of the chromosomes through their complete history from one teleophase to the next (in root tips and in other somatie parts, as well as in the game- tophyte stages), and they show clearly that the double nature of the spireme is due to splitting which begins as the daughter chromosomes congregate at the poles in the teleophase of the previous nuclear division. That this double spireme is not due to the approximation of two elements, one representing maternal and the other paternal chromatin, is further shown by the fact that in the pollen cell, where the chromosome number is haploid, and hence where there can be no question of union of elements from the two parents, exactly the same phenomena occur. Another very interesting fact shown by these investigations (of Fraser and Snell) is that some of the elements which be- have as single chromosomes, so far as their distribution on the spindle and to the poles is concerned, are made up of segments united end to end, as if two or more small chromosomes were united more or less closely into a larger one. The authors point out the possible significance of this fact for Mendelian coupling, and suggest that it may also be of significance in connection with the fact that in some species more Mendelian factors have been observed than there appear to be chromosomes. East and Hayes have recently published the results of ex- tended investigations on inheritance in maize.” After discuss- ing the taxonomy of the group and pointing out the adaptability of maize to genetic investigations (or the lack of such adapta- bility), the authors give an excellent résumé of former investiga- tions with this interesting group of plants. A brief account of their results follows. Amongst endosperm characters they found that starchiness (S) is dominant to its *Ann. of Bot., 1911 845-856. 7B. M. ong pe Hayes: Bul. No. 167, Conn. Exp. Sta.—“ Inher- itance in Maize.’’ 112 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI absence, non-starchiness (s). When S came from the ¢ parent zenia appeared in all cases. All F, seeds showing zenia proved to be heterozygous. No extracted recessives of the F, generation ever proved to be heterozygous. ‘‘From this one may conclude that the second male nucleus that fertilizes the endosperm nu- cleus always bears the same characters as the first male nucleus - that fertilizes the embryo nucleus, or egg.’’ A few seeds, all heterozygous, were part starchy and part not; 7. e., one side was starchy. The authors consider that this confirms Correns’s view that, in such cases, the second male nucleus did not fuse with the endosperm nucleus but that each developed separately. One semi-starchy ear occurred, grown from a non-starchy seed. The authors suggest two possible causes for this phenomenon. Hither there is an incomplete segregation, resulting in contamin- ation of a gene by its allelomorph, this contamination, by selec- tion, being capable of accumulative effects, or the semi-starchy ear arose as the result of a progressive variation. They point out that the infrequency of this phenomenon is an argument against the theory of partial or incomplete segregation, and incline to the idea that it is a case of progressive variation. The data presented certainly favor this interpretation of the case. YELLOW AND Non-YELLOW ENDOSPERM Two independent factors for yellow were found, each capable of producing yellow endosperm. The colors produced by these two factors appear to be the same. The pigments occur in rhombic plates, and are insoluble in water, but soluble in ether, chloroform, ete. They appear to be related to the anthochlorins. Some crosses between yellow and white gave the ratio 3:1, due to the presence of only one of the factors for yellow. Others. gave the dihybrid ratio, Yellow appeared as xenia in the hybrid seeds (seeds which produced the F, plants). Yellow was dominant, but imperfectly so under certain con- ditions, so that, in certain crosses in which the grains had soft starch at the tip the heterozygotes could be distinguished from the homozygotes. In other crosses yellow was completely dominant. The same original ear of some of the parent stocks had some seeds containing both factors for yellow, while other seeds on the same ear had only one of these factors. The two yellow factors together generally gave darker yellow seed than one factor alone. ag gates oa an No. 542] NOTES AND LITERATURE 113 PURPLE AND NON-PURPLE ALEURONE CELLS The experimental data relating to crosses between purple and non-purple races indicate two factors, P and C, which, when to- gether, produce purple color in the aleurone layer. In some of the non-purples used one of these factors was missing, in others. both. In certain combinations one of these factors alone pro- duced faintly colored purple. In most of the crosses splashed purple occurred, part, but not all, of the heterozygotes having this peculiarity. It was not hereditary, but behaved in subse- quent generations as pure purple. In one family red aleurone occurred in F,. It appeared to be due to the interaction of two factors R and C. In one family of this cross (purple non-purple) the F, gen- eration gave purples, reds, and non-purples in the ratio 12:1: 3. The actual numbers were 1,843:188:545. The ratio 12:1:3 did not occur in F,, but instead one fifth of the ears bearing F, grains gave the ratio 9:3:4. Several possible hypotheses to explain these anomalous results are discussed and discarded, amongst them Bateson and Punnet’s hypothesis of the formation of gametes in the ratio TAB : 1aB:1Ab: Tab. The data from F, agree best with the assumption that the constitution of the two parent types was pcR and PCR respectively, but the F, ratio is not explained by this hypothesis. The authors leave the ques- tion as to the real explanation an open one. The reds in this family were different in color from the reds of the family pre- viously mentioned. Not only that, but all the F, reds found in this family proved to be homozygous, indicating that both par- ents possessed the factor F. Other families of this cross gave results that indicated the presence in the non-purple parent of a factor which more or less completely inhibited the development of purple. Some non- conformable results were found, due probably to the presence of other factors, one at least of which appeared to modify purple by making it lighter. In the above crosses xenia was found as follows: when non- starchy races were fertilized by pollen from starchy races (no xenia appeared in the reciprocal cross) ; when non-yellow endo- sperm is crossed with yellow endosperm. In this case xenia al- ways appeared when yellow was used as the male parent. It also appeared in the reciprocal cross when the grains of the fe- male parent had extensive development of soft starchy endo- — sperm at the end of the grain, as in these cases the he 114 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI yellow was lighter in color than the homozygous, and hence dis- tinguishable from it. In crosses between yellow and non-yellow endosperm, when the non-yellow endosperm was entirely soft (not corneous), as in the so-called flour corns, xenia appeared in all cases, for reasons just stated. When the endosperm of the non-yellow parent was entirely corneous, as in the popcorns, xenia usually occurred only when yellow was used as the male parent, though in a few instances it was perceptible when the cross was made the other way. Xenia also occurred when purple or red aleurone was crossed with non-purple, or non-red, when the pur- ple or red was used as the male. The only other case in which xenia was observed was in crosses between white and red (or purple) when the white (male) parent carried an inhibiting factor for purple and red. Sometimes the reciprocal cross shows xenia, since the inhibition of red or purple is not always com- plete. The following law regarding xenia is formulated by the authors: when two races differ in a single visible endosperm character in which dominance is complete, xenia occurs only. when the dominant character is the male; when they differ in a single visible endosperm character in which dominance is in- complete or in two characters both of which are necessary for the development of the visible difference, xenia occurs when either parent is used as the male. Correns’s conclusion that where xenia occurs the seeds showing it are always hybrid is confirmed. This shows that Mendelian segregation must occur previous to the division of the pollen nu- cleus. The authors found no case in which a seed showing no xenia where it is to be expected proved to be a hybrid; i. e., the hybrid in which xenia is to be expected always showed xenia though like Webber and Correns they found seeds showing xenia on only one side. This is interpreted as the result of the inde- pendent development of the endosperm nucleus and the second male nucleus. In crosses between podded maize (maize having each grain covered by husks) with common maize, the pod character proved to be a dominant Mendelian factor, which segregated perfectly in Red sap colors appear in maize in the pericarp, the cob, the husks, the silks, the glumes, and in the anthers. Red pericarp (R) without red on the cob or in the silk, crossed with white pericarp gave three reds to one white in F,, the segre- pakn being perfect. No. 542] NOTES AND LITERATURE 115 ‘An ear of corn was found where only white corn had been planted, one side of which produced grains with red pericarp, the other white or striped with red. The red here seemed to be due to the same factor as in the case just noticed (R). Red grains from this ear gave red and white ears in equal numbers. The white and striped grains gave white ears and ears with a few striped red seeds in equal numbers. A selfed red ear in this generation gave three reds to one’ white in the next. The orig- inal red and white (or striped) ear is accounted for as a somatic variation, part of the ear varying from white to red, the remain- der from white to striped. In this family red cob is perfectly correlated with red pericarp. Two other red pericarp colors, apparently independent of the above, were found. One is a dark red occurring in stripes which radiate from the point of the attachment of the silk to the grain. The other is a dirty red, more abundant at the base of the grain, and nearly wanting at the tip. It occurs in Palmer’s Red Nosed Yellow variety. It is completely coupled with red silks. Two other red pericarp factors were found. They are very similar, but not allelomorphiec to each other. They give a rose red pericarp, but do not develop except in sunlight. They are barely perceptible on ears covered by heavy husks. Red cob color proved to be dominant to white and the cross segregated in a 3:1 ratio. Red cob appears not to be correlated with any of the red pericarp colors.’ Red silk color presented some difficulties, and the data are not analyzed. In some instances a 3:1 F, ratio was obtained, in others a third type with red hairs on a greenish-white silk oc- curred, the F, numbers being 198 reds, 29 greenish-whites with red hairs, and 94 greenish-whites. Red silks may occur with no other red on the plant. Red glumes were always accompanied by red in other parts of the plant, though in one race the only other red was in the silks. The question whetherall these reds are due to one or to dif- ferent genes is discussed most interestingly (pp. 109-10), but the discussion is too long to quote here. It is gratifying to note that these authors are not afraid to mention the chromosomes in connection with Mendelian factors. For several years an inexplicable obsession seems to have pos- sessed biologists in this matter. Apparently every one regards ? But see reference to Emerson’s results below. 3 ae 116 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI it as highly probable that these cell organs are in some way responsible for Mendelian phenomena, yet a large number of biologists seem to be afraid to refer to them in this connection. Crosses between flint and dent varieties indicated that the dif- ference between these two classes relates to two factors in some ease, especially when the dent parent has considerable corneous endosperm, and to two or more factors, especially when the dent parent has little corneous starch. This seems to be another case where several similar factors exist, as found in earlier inves- tigations by East, by Nilsson-Ehle, and by Shull. Crosses between races having different modal numbers of rows of grain on the cob indicate clearly that several similar factors are here concerned. The evidence that segregation occurs is, the authors believe, conclusive. The data could not be definitely - analyzed because of the fluctuating variation of the various bio- types, and the small differences between adjacent biotypes. Height of stalk and length of ear behave similarly. Apparently size of grain does the same. Irregular rows of grain occur both as fluctuations not inherited and as a hereditary characteristic. Should the percentage of irregular rows be higher than about 4 per cent. the authors think the irregularity is probably hereditary. This paper closes with a discussion of the inheritance of var- ious abnormalities found during the progress of the work. The Journal of Genetics for August, 1911, contains some arti- cles of unusual interest. R. N. Salaman presénts the results of an investigation on the inheritance of the peculiar physiognomy known as the Jewish face. He shows that this is a simple Men- delian character. It is distinctly recessive to the ordinary Eu- ropean (Gentile) physiognomy, though the hybrids sometimes show traces of the Jewish face, especially late in life. On the other hand, this peculiarity is dominant over the Pseudo-Gentile face sometimes seen amongst the Jews; also to the Gentile phy- siognomy of the Moors and certain ithe Mediterranean peoples. We may explain this in terms of the presence-absence hypothesis by saying that the distinctive type of face seen amongst the Hebrews is due to the presence of a gene, while in the peoples of northern Europe there is a gene which inhibits the Jew face char- acter. The data presented, while not extensive, seem to be quite conclusive that the character segregates as a so-called unit char- acter. Salaman’s paper is an exceedingly clear presentation of data, and is written in a style that is attractive and readable. | No. 542] NOTES AND LITERATURE 117 Bateson and Punnett* give the results of their study of the inheritance of the peculiar black pigmentation in the skin, perios- tium, and other tissues of the silky fowl. While some excep- tions occur, the results on the whole are in agreement with the assumption of a pigment factor, P, and an inhibiting factor J, the latter exhibiting the phenomenon of spurious allelomorphism with the female sex factor. The authors suggest that the excep- tions found may be due to failure of the repulsion supposed to exist normally between the female sex factor and the inhibiting factor, While a large part of the work on which Mendel’s principles of heredity depend has been done with pigments, very few in- vestigations have been undertaken in order to determine the connection between the phenomena of inheritance of these pig- ments and the chemical reactions which underlie these phenom- ena. This is quite natural, since few of those who have con- ducted the investigations relating to Mendelian inheritance have had the training, and hence the opportunity, to study the chem- ical side of the question. Likewise, those relatively few individ- uals who have become well versed in the highly complex and difficult subject of physiological chemistry have seldom had any direct interest in the phenomena of inheritance. The wisdom of an endowment for an all-sided research of heredity such as the Carnegie Institution of Washington has provided at Cold Spring Harbor is manifest in the fact that Dr. Davenport has been able to institute research on both sides of the question. The results secured by Mr. Gortner in his study of the origin of melanin, and its relation to the phenomena of Mendelian inheritance will be eagerly read by students of Mendelism. In the May number of the Journal of Biological Chemistry Mr. Gortner gives some exceedingly interesting results of his work. He shows that the body filling of the meal worm (Tenebrio moliter) contains two oxidases, a laccase-like enzyme, and a powerful tyrosinase. Also that there is a chromogen present in the larva which, when acted upon by the tyrosinase, gives a series of colors ending in a black melanin-like body. Larve killed by ether developed pigment when left exposed to air, but when the air was excluded by car- bonic acid or nitrogen no pigment developed. When the larvæ were heated (in water) sufficiently to destroy the activity of the tyrosinase but not that of the laccase, no pigment formed. The oxidase was evidently present in relatively large amounts, oe * Jour. of Gen., Aug., 1911, pp. 185-203. 118 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI but the chromogen only in small quantities. The results indi- cate that the chromogen is formed slowly and used as formed. In the September number of the same journal® the same author deals with the nature of dominant and recessive white. He shows that, in so far as the presence or absence of pigment is concerned, these two types of white, in certain mammals, are as indistinguishable to the chemist as they are to the breeder. He accepts the view that pigment is formed by the action of an oxidase on a chromogen, and points out that dominant white arises from the presence of a third body which prevents the reac- tion between the oxidase and the chromogen. This might occur in three ways: (1) the third substance, such as orcin, resorcin, phloroglucin, or other substances of similar nature, may act on the chromogen and thus prevent its oxidation; (2) it may itself be oxidized by the tyrosinase, thus preventing action on the chromogen; (3) it may act as a true anti-oxidase, and in some manner inhibit the action of tyrosinase. The author gives abundant data to show that alternatives 1 and 2 are excluded in the cases with which he worked. Hence the action must be of the third type—an inhibitory action. He shows that dominant whites contain no pigment lacking in re- cessives. He also shows that ‘‘ aromatic compounds which carry two hydroxyl groups in the meta position to each other are capable of inhibiting the action of tyrosinase on tyrosin.” If, then, such a substance should occur in the animal body a domi- nant white would result. Recessive white is presumably due to the absence of either the chromogen or the oxidase, while at the same time no inhibiting factor is present. From this it would appear that an albino might be dominant to color if it carried the inhibiting factor, yet it would require considerable work to dis- tinguish between such an albino and a true dominant white, i. e., by its genetic behavior. To explain the occurrence of recessive whites which are not albinic, and which are dominant in some crosses, we have the following considerations. Orcin inhibits the action of tyrosinase on tyrosine, but is itself oxidized by a specific enzyme. If we represent tyrosine by C, tyrosinase by T, orcin by O, and the specifie enzyme which oxidizes orcin by P, then an individual containing only C and T would be colored, CTO would be white, R. A. Gortner: ‘Studies on Melanin: IIT. The Inhibitory Action of Certain Phenolie Substances upon Tyrosinase.’’ Jour. of Biol. Chem., Vol. X, No. 2, Sept., 1911. No. 542] NOTES AND LITERATURE 119 the cross CTO X CT would be white (i. e., white would be dom- inant), the cross CTO X CTP would be colored (white reces- sive), while the cross CTO TP (both white) would be colored. It appears, therefore, that Gortner has been able to construct a theory that renders intelligible the behavior of all kinds of white color in inheritance, and to give what seems to be a very plaus- ible chemical explanation of all these cases. We, of course, already understand why the cross of two whites of types Ct and cT should give color and why both of the latter types of white are recessive to color. Readers of the Narurauist are familiar with my contention that in order to show that the chromosomes, as a whole, are not responsible for Mendelian characters, it must be shown that more independent dominant characters can be put into a single indi- vidual than there are pairs of chromosomes. The fact has been repeatedly cited that more Mendelian characters have been found in Pisum than there are pairs of chromosomes, and the claim is made that this disproves the chromosome theory of Mendelism. I have repeatedly shown that this is not the case. There might be a thousand Mendelian characters demonstrated for Pisum, but until it is shown that more than six of them are genetically independent, the chromosome theory is not affected thereby. It has heretofore been assumed that two factors, each of which when crossed with its absence behaves as a so-called unit char- acter, are genetically independent of each other. This assump- tion appears to be involved in the ‘‘presence-absence’’ hypo- thesis. This hypothesis, as usually applied, seems to imply the presence or absence of a particular body in the cell, which body, when present once, passes into only one gamete, and that there are as many such genetically independent bodies as these are Mendelian factors. When correlation of Mendelian factors occurs, it is assumed to be due to the adhering together of twe of these bodies; likewise when the so-called spurious allelomor- phism occurs, it is because two of these bodies repel each other. I wish here to repeat what I have often said before, that the fact that two factors each behaves as an allelomorph to its ab- sence does not prove them to be genetically distinct. The occa- sion for this repetition is some pertinent evidence which has just been presented by some exceedingly interesting work of Profes- sor Ronse ’s.° He found that red cob (with white pericarp) R. A. Emerson: ‘‘Genetie Correlation and Spurious Allelomorphism in States 24th An, Soha ik er et Ma, p 120 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI X absence of red gives the usual Mendelian phenomena of 3 red cob: 1 white in F,. Likewise, the cross red pericarp (with white cob) X absence of red gives 3 red pericarp: 1 white. Thus each of these types (factors) behaves as an allelomorph to its absence. Hence they should be due to genetically independent genes. But such is not the case; they are allelomorphic to each other. Some students would say that this is because they repel each other. But this explanation does not satisfy in this case, for it can hardly be doubted that red cob in the one case and red peri- carp in the other are due to the same cause, acting differently in the two cases. I am of opinion that many similar cases of factors behaving as allelomorphs to their absence will be found to be also allelomorphie to each other. Such cases have usually not been looked for. Quite a number of them have been reported, and I hope some time to be able to bring them all together for reference. Emerson’ gives a case in beans, in which a variety with green leaves and green pods was crossed with another hav- ing green leaves and yellow pods. F, consisted of three of the former to one of the latter. Here green was allelomorphic to absence of green. Later he crossed two varieties, one with green leaves and green pods, the other yellow leaves and pods. F, com sisted of three of the former and one of the latter. Here green was again allelomorphic to its absence. These two crosses ap- parently show that yellow pods with green leaves and yellow pods with yellow leaves are not genetically distinct. Yet if yel- low had been dominant in both these cases, it would have been the usual custom to consider that the two different yellows were independent genetically, because each was allelomorphic to its absence. It would be interesting to know how the two yellows would behave if crossed. It would not be at all surprising to find these two ‘‘absences’’ exhibiting the phenomenon of spur- ious allelomorphism. The case would be still more interesting if a variety could be found with yellow leaves and green pods. W. J. SPILLMAN © (To be continued) Th a | VOL. XLVI, NO. 543” The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., perseae for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. Articles containing research work bearing on the problems of a evolu- tion = a welcome, and will be given in publicatio hundrea reprints of contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Fistor rs reprints will be vidide at cost. advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The subscription price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for =~ copies is thirty-five cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a page THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. _ NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as! tter, April 2, 1908, at the Post Office at L ster, Pa., under the Act of Congress of Mareh 3, 1879. THE BULLETIN—For bargains in Ethnol | TENTH EDITION. = {eal and Prehistoric Specimens, Books on Matoral | THE MICROSCOPE, ane a — ve eto. See THE rang eae a "H swied GAGE, of Cornell Tuiversity. Over : vO lanj antayo pripe Sat above 250 figures in this new 4 Duke St, Adelphi —London—England EEE COMSTOCK PUBLISHING CO., Ithaca, N. Y- BI RDS’ EGGS | | University of Colorado as Mountain Laboratory — W.F- OBENBERE, oo | Fourth summer session June 24 to At l Hil, LE Song ie e Courses in Au THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou. XLVI March, 1912 o ge eae PROBLEMS OF EVOLUTION AND PRESENT METHODS OF ATTACKING THEM? PROFESSOR EDWIN G. CONKLIN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Tue problems of evolution have been much the same from Darwin’s day to this, but the present methods of attacking them are in many respects different from those which prevailed a generation ago. One great problem with which the earlier naturalists were concerned, viz., the fact of evolution, is by common consent, no longer a problem; if it has not been demonstrated that the living world arose through evolution, it has at least been ren- dered so probable that demonstration could add little to our certainty. And yet we should all like to see the demonstration of evolution on a large scale, such as must have been operative in the past history of living things, but we have little reason to hope that such a demonstra- tion will soon be made. . The enduring problems of evolution concern the means or factors of transmutation. Here also the old method of attack, viz., observation and induction, led to no certainty but only to probabilities of a lower order than those which speak for the truth of evolution. For the past twenty years the futility of the old theories and discus- sions has been generally recognized, and the desire for more exact knowledge has been keenly felt. Consequently 1 Introductory address in the annual discussion before the American Society’ of Naturalists, Princeton, N. J., December 28, 1911. 121 122 s THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI analytical and experimental work on the problem of the factors of evolution was begun some twenty years ago and has been continued with ever-increasing interest to the present time. In*the first enthusiasm over the experimental method of attack it seemed to many students of this problem that at last a path had been found which would lead straight to the goal, that the causes of all evolution were about to be revealed, and that the practical control of evolution, with all that this implies, was almost within reach. About that time a young physiologist said to the Director of the Zoological Station at Naples, ‘‘Why do you spend so much money publishing these beautiful monographs on the Fauna and Flora of the Gulf of Naples?’’ Dr. Dohrn replied, ‘‘ You are the first person who has ever asked me such a question; many have asked how and where I got the money, but no one has asked why. What do you mean?” ‘‘Only this,’’ said the physiologist, ‘‘that within twenty-five years we shall be making experiment- ally an indefinite number of faunas and floras, and the present one will then be only one of many.’’ In the opinion of many investigators at that time, experimental evolution was soon to give us a new world of living things, and it was about to reveal conclusively the causes of evolution. We have now had one or two decades of this experimental evolution, and it may be worth while to inquire, What has been the net result? If the answer should seem to be somewhat discouraging I would beg to remind you that is so chiefly because the problems have been found to be much greater than was at first supposed. The experimental method as applied to the evolution problem has justified itself; it has set the problem in a clear light and it has brought forth facts of the greatest significance, but it has not enabled man to do in twenty- five years what it took nature twenty-five million years to do. I The most significant work on geneties since the time of Darwin is that which is identified with the name of No. 543] PROBLEMS OF~EVOLUTION ` 123 Mendel. According to the doctrine of Mendel and his followers each organism is composed of a multitude of unit characters, which do not blend nor lose their identity when mixed with others as a result of sexual reproduc- tion, but which may be expected to come out in the end, practically as they went in at the beginning. This con- clusion has modified in a striking manner the entire con- ception of evolution and heredity. We no longer discuss the origin of species, but rather the origin of characters; we no longer rely upon chance to bring out certain hered- itary characters, but are enabled at will to make many analyses and syntheses of these characters. These dis- coveries probably mark the greatest advance ever made in the study of heredity; they have made it probable that evolution proceeds by the evolution of individual charac- ters; but have they shed any light on the method and manner of this evolution? Permutations of Mendelian characters we may have without number, of new combina- tions of these there may be no end, but, so far as known, no new characters are formed by such temporary com- binations, there is no ‘‘creative synthesis,’’ no lasting change. Evolution depends upon the appearance of new characters; the discoveries of Mendel show us how to fol- low old characters through many combinations and through many generations, but they do not show us how new characters arise. These discoveries have given us an invaluable method of sorting and combining hered- itary qualities, but Mendelian inheritance, as commonly expounded, does not furnish the materials for evolution. Many modifications of Mendelian inheritance have been described, many alterations of dominance, or blending of characters, the causes of which are not yet well under- Stood. Perhaps in these ‘‘unexplored remainders’’ may be found the causes of new characters. It is not yet cer- tain that the unit characters, or rather their determiners in the germ, are beyond the reach of environmental in- fluence ; it is not certain that in their mixture with others they never combine or influence each other in such man- ner as to form new unit characters. Indeed, it is difficult 124 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI. to understand how new characters could ever appear except under one or the other of these conditions. We particularly need at this time more knowledge of the mechanism underlying the gross phenomena of Men- delian inheritance, and then perhaps we may learn under what conditions this mechanism may be altered. As a result of the work of Mendel and his followers we know much more about heredity than was known before, we have learned how to separate and to combine hered- itary characters, we have learned to look for evolution in the appearance of new characters, but we have not learned how to produce new characters. Il Practically all who have ever thought or written on evolution have found the principal causes of the trans- mutation of old characters into new ones in the action of extrinsic, or environmental, forces on the organism. As the result of years of labor on this subject Darwin con- cluded that ‘‘variability of every sort is due to changed conditions of life.” It is well known that environmental changes produce many kinds of modifications in organ- isms, and in general these modifications are the more pro- found the earlier they occur in ontogeny; it is known that slight alterations of the germ cells may produce great modifications of adult structure, and it seems reasonable to suppose that environmental changes of the right sort applied to the germ cells at the right stage would lead to a permanent modification of the substance of heredity and hence to the appearance of new characters of evolu- tionary value. And yet one of the most striking results of recent work is to show the small effect of environ- mental changes of all sorts on racial characters. Marked individual modifications may be produced which do not become racial. Usually not one of thousands of varia- tions which oceur have any evolutionary value. These variations come with changing environment and with changing environment they disappear. Just as in the individual, so also in the race there seems to be a power No. 543] PROBLEMS OF EVOLUTION 125 of regulation which causes a return to the type, when once this has been departed from. In several instances recent investigators have found, or have thought they have found, experimental evidence of the inheritance of characters acquired through environ- mental changes. But these evidences are by no means conclusive. In a few cases it is known that the effects of changed environment last through two or three genera- tions and then disappear. In such cases racial, or speci- fic, regulation is slow; in most cases this regulation takes place in the first generation after the environmental change disappears. Perhaps in this lingering effect of a changed environment we have the first indication of the appearance and fixation of a new character. Here, un- doubtedly, much work of value remains to be done. Very rarely a sudden variation, or mutation, arises which is perpetuated by heredity and which forms the basis of a new race. In most cases which have been care- fully studied such mutations consist in the dropping out of some old character rather than in the addition of a new one, but at least they represent modifications of the hered- itary characters, and as such they furnish material for evolution. Whence and how they appear we do not know, for like the kingdom of heaven, they come without obser- vation. Their infrequency, amidst the multitude of somatic variations, indicates the wonderful stability of racial types and teaches respect for Weismann’s doċtrine of a germplasm, relatively stable, independent and con- tinuous. : This distinction between somatic and germinal varia- tions, between those which concern only the individual and those which are inherited and furnish material for evolution, marks the greatest advance in the study of evolution since the work of Darwin. And just as these germinal variations are the only ones of importance An the process of evolution, so the question of their origin 1s the greatest evolutionary problem of the present day. How are such germinal variations produced? Do they occur as the result of extrinsic or of intrinsic causes? By 126 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI instinct we are all Lamarckians and are inclined to fol- low Darwin in ascribing variability of every sort, germi- nal as well as somatic, to changed conditions of life. But this is by no means a necessary conclusion. It is con- ceivable that germinal variations result from combina- tions of different germplasms, as Weismann supposed, that the determiners of Mendelian characters do not always preserve their individuality, but sometimes unite in such way as to modify the unit characters; but as yet we have no evidence that new characters are formed in this way, and the study of Mendelian inheritance has made this possibility less probable than it once was. Again it is possible that germinal variations, and new hereditary characters, may result from intrinsic changes in the germplasm, comparable to the spontaneous changes which occur in radium, for instance; such a view of transmutation through intrinsic, spontaneous, changes has points of resemblance to the doctrine of orthogenesis, but of its truth or falsity we have no sufficient evidence. If changes in the germplasm may be induced by ex- trinsic conditions, then a real experimental evolution will be possible; if they can not be so induced we can only look on while the evolutionary processes proceed, selecting here and there a product which nature gives us, but unable to initiate or control these processes. IMI Darwin’s theory that selection is the most important factor in preserving and building up evolutionary char- acters remains to this day a theory. The brilliant re- searches of our distinguished guest, Professor Johann- sen, and of our President, Professor Jennings, have shown that the selection of fluctuations, or somatic varia- tions, have no permanent effect in modifying a race; but selection or elimination of germinal variations may be an important factor in evolution, though it has little or nothing to do with the formation of new characters, and serves merely as a sieve, as De Vries has expressed it, to sort the characters which are supplied to it. No. 543] PROBLEMS OF EVOLUTION 127 On the other hand, selection of favored races and elimi- nation of the unfit is still the only natural explanation of fitness, of adaptation, in organisms. As a species-form- ing factor selection is probably of less importance than Darwin supposed; as a possible explanation of the won- derful adaptations which allliving things exhibit it seems to be all important; but extensive experimental investi- gations of the causes of adaptation are greatly needed. IV The microscopic study of the germ cells during the past twenty-five years—their growth, maturation, union in fertilization, and their subsequent development—has fur- nished material of the greatest importance for the com- prehension of the mechanism of heredity and evolution, and yet almost everything in this field remains to be done. The parts played by the different constituents of the cell in assimilation, regulation and heredity are still in doubt, and in spite of many alluring hypotheses we know prac- tically nothing about the way in which hereditary char- acteristics arise from the germ. The study of the cellu- lar basis of heredity has to a large extent been guided and influenced by our knowledge of the gross phenomena of heredity, and this must always be the case; but the brilliant discoveries of the last few years as to the cellu- lar basis of sex show the great assistance which the study of cytology may render to the science of genetics. Many interesting experiments have been made upon the germ cells in the attempt to shift dominance, to modify inher- itance, to create new characters; in a few instances it has been shown that certain modifications of the embryo or adult organism follow certain modifications of the germ, but in no instance has it been shown that such modifica- tions are inherited and are consequently of evolutionary value. Not merely the constitution of the germ and the ways in which this may be modified, but also the precise man- ner in which the structures of the germ become trans- 128 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI muted into the structures of the adult are evolutionary problems of the greatest importance. It is an amazing fact that the great problems of ontogeny—viz. the under- lying causes and mechanism of differentiation—are to-day, after more than a century of scientific observa- tion and experiment, almost as complete a mystery as ever. If we are as yet unable to determine the precise manner in which the structure of the germ evolves into the structure of the adult in the common, ever-present phenomena of reproduction, it is small wonder that we have been unable to determine in detail the way in which one race is transmuted into another. In conclusion I think it must be admitted that the ex- perimental study of genetics has been a little disappoint- ing. We had supposed that organisms would be more tractable, more willing to evolve, than we find them. The older view that organisms were plastic and could be moulded ‘‘while you wait’’ now reminds one of the view of certain childless theorists, that children are plastic clay in the hands of parents or teachers; both of these views neglect the fact that the living organism, delicate and responsive beyond compare, is still wonderfully strong, stable and stubborn. So far as the factors of evo- lution are concerned experimental study has thus far been a weeding-out process, and at times it seems that nothing will be left. The problems of evolution are as much problems to- day as they ever were, and though some of these prob- lems may soon be solved, we may rest assured that there will always be the evolution problem. The path which we thought led straight to the goal has had to be retraced with much labor; the hilltop from which we confidently expected to see the spires of Eldorado has only served to show us how great are the difficulties before us. But this is the order of nature, the common experience of all search for truth, and we would not have it otherwise. ‘‘For to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor.” LIGHT THROWN BY THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HEREDITY UPON THE FAC- TORS AND METHODS OF EVOLUTION’ DR. C. B. DAVENPORT COLD Spring HARBOR, N. Y. THe most important contribution of modern studies in heredity to the topic of evolution has been a new formu- lation of the problem. Until a decade ago the problem of organic evolution was regarded as synonymous with that of the origin of species. We were, however, not agreed as to the definition of species; on the contrary, we realized that our notion of the term was exceedingly hazy. And, doubtless, the reason why we made so little progress in getting at the methods of evolution was be- cause of this bad formulation. To-day all this is changed. We think less of the origin of species and more of characteristics; of their nature, their origin and their distribution. The concrete ques- tion of the origin of a given species has become broken up into the questions of the origin of its differential characters. Thus, the problem of the origin of man has been broken up into the problems of loss of the tail, of the hairy coat, of skin pigmentation, of melanic iris pig- mentation, the acquisition of a more complicated brain structure, the reduction of the lower part of the face, the acquisition of the ability to learn to count and talk, to wear clothes, to be honest, truthful, regardful of the property rights of others, and to exercise self-control in the sex sphere. So long as we formulated our problem as the explanation of the ‘‘origin of the human species,” as though the human species were an indivisible unit, so of Natu- Read (with slight alterations) before the American Society ralists at Princeton, December 28, 1911. 129 130 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI long we floundered helplessly in the quicksand of un- clearness and complexity; now that we recognize our study to be the history of any inheritable trait we move on surer ground. And so, in general, progress is to be made in the future by careful attention to the evolution of characters. The second change in the formulation of the problem that is due to the modern study of heredity is that we no longer consider even the character as the ultimate unit of evolution, but regard it rather as a product of such a unit. For the character is, in some way or another, de- termined by the conditions in or the constitution of the germ-plasm and these conditions and this constitution, though very different from the adult characters, are their germinal representatives; and these germinal rep- resentatives are the real units to be studied. Thus we do not to-day formulate our problem as the evolution of man, or of a blue-eyed man, but ask how the determiner for brown-eye became lost from the germ-plasm. So, in general, the problem of evolution is formulated as that of the history of the germinal determiners of characters. Besides formulating more precisely the problem of evolution, modern studies have discovered certain methods of evolution which were not appreciated a decade ago. First, we have come to realize that, though not uniformly, yet to a surprising degree, characteristics are independent of one another and, hence, that their determiners in the germ-plasm are commonly not bound together. The evidence for this is found in the breeding experiments that have been performed on scores of species of animals and plants, both feral and domesti- cated. Breeders have taken advantage of this independ- ence to create almost any desired combination of known characters. Thus, in poultry the single pea or rose comb may be combined with a black, white or game plumage, with or without unfeathered shanks. The shepherd’s purse that grows by the roadside may be made with either of two forms of capsules combined with No. 543] FACTORS AND METHODS OF EVOLUTION 131 four forms of leaf in the rosette stage; fruit-flies (Droso- phila) may have any one of several colors of eye com- bined with either short or long wings, and so on. The characteristics that are associated in an individual are, for the most part, not necessarily associated. The group of characteristics that distinguishes individuals of one ‘‘ species”? from those of another is largely an accidental one; and it is, therefore, not surprising that we so often find individuals which in one, two or several characters differ from the conventional description of their species, and these have in the past caused great difficulty to the species maker. The fact that most characteristics are not necessarily associated—that they may occur in various combinations —certainly accounts for the multiplicity of ‘‘varieties’’ in domesticated species; and for much of the variation in feral species. Moreover, it probably accounts for the presence of many ‘‘species’’ in a genus. I may repeat here what I wrote in 1909. Dr. Ezra Brainerd has shown how many wild “species” of Viola have arisen by hybridization, as may be proved by extracting from them combinations of characters that are found in the species that are undoubtedly ancestral to them. In such highly variable animals as Helix nemoralis and Helix hortensis it is very probable that individuals with dissimilar characters regularly mate in nature and transmit diverse combinations of characters to their progeny. Indeed, if one examines a table of species of a genus or of varieties of a species one is struck by the paucity of distinctive characters. The way in which species, as found in nature, are made up of different combinations of the same characters is illustrated by the following example, taken almost at random. Among the earwigs is the genus Opisthocosmia, of whieh the five species known from Sumatra alone may be considered. They differ, among other qualities, chiefly in the following characters (Bormans and Kraus, 1900) : Size: A, large; a, small Wing-seale: B, brown; b, yellow. Antennal joints: C, unlike in color; c, uniform. Forceps at base: D, separated; d, not separated. — Edge of forceps: E, toothed; e, not toothed. 3 Fourth and fifth abdominal segments: F, granular; f, not granular. 132 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI The combinations of these characters that are found are as follows: Opisthocosmia ornata: AbcDEF. insignis: ABcDEf. longipes: AbCDEf. tenella: AbCdef. minuscula: aBCDEf. Other species occur, in other countries, showing a different combina- tion of characters, and there are characters not contained in this list, which is purposely reduced to a simple form; but the same principles apply generally. The bearing upon evolution of the fact that species are varying com- binations of relatively few characters is most important. Combined with the fact of hybridization it indicates that the main problem of evolution is that of the origin of specific characteristics. A character, once arisen in an individual, may become a part of any species with which that individual can hybridize. Given the successive origin of the characters A, B, C, D, E, F, in various individuals capable of inter- generating with the mass of the species, it is clear that such characters would in time become similarly combined on many individuals; and the similar individuals, taken together, would constitute a new species. The adjustment of the species would be perfected by the elimination of such combinations as were disadvantageous. Second, modern studies have taught us that we have regarded the steps of progress in evolution in too crude a way. One school adhered to the view that characters, as we know them in the adult, arose gradually in phy- logeny as in ontogeny, i. e., that the germ-plasm under- goes a development as the child does. Another school proclaimed for discontinuity in phylogeny; i. e., that the conditions in or the constitution of the germ-plasm un- dergoes from time to time more or less abrupt changes. Such abrupt changes are not altogether unknown in ontogeny ; for the sundering of a chromosome or the per- foration of a membrane involves essentially abrupt or discontinuous processes. The new era of experimental breeding is leading us to a position that is in some respects intermediate between the views of these two schools. We have discovered a hitherto unsuspected multiplicity of inheritable units, indicating a vaster com- » plexity of the system of determiners in the germ-plasm No. 543] FACTORS AND METHODS OF EVOLUTION 133 than we had dreamed. Sometimes a prominent charac- ter is represented by a single determiner like (perhaps) roseness of the comb of the fowl; but in most cases there is a multiplicity of factors, as in human hair and skin pigments, in the yellow of mice, in shank feathering of fowls and in seed coat-color of oats. In consequence of the fact of this multiplicity of factors and of the fact that a variable number may be present in different cases the adult character appears in numerous grades of de- velopment. Indeed, the gradation of characters is, in these cases, such that one has to recognize that discontinuous varia- tion passes over into continuous variation, in the sense that 40, 41, 42 form a continuous series, if not in the sense that x, x + dx, «+ 2dz, etc., do. If a desire for uniformity leads us to conclude that all variations in the germ-plasm are discontinuous at least we see in many of these variations sufficient justification for the continuity hypothesis of the old-fashioned selectionist. The new light that has been thrown on the subject is the certainty of discontinuity in most cases and apparent continuity only in the limiting case. The reason why the old con- tinuity hypothesis was for so long a time accepted was that we had underestimated the fineness and the multi- plicity of the units of inheritance. Third, experimental work has thrown a new light on the process of selection. It is clear that Darwin confused under this term two ideas that we now sharply separate ; namely, the selection of the most favorable individuals and the selection of the most favorable blood, race, strain or pure line (biotype, Johannsen). In so far as not the soma but the germ-plasm is the proper basis of selection it is clear that the favorable biotype is what we should seek for to make most rapid advance. By this means Pearl has increased the fecundity of his poultry; thus, probably Castle has extended step by step the color pattern of rats; this poultry fanciers have improved the color pattern of Barred Plymouth Rocks; thus I have gained a syndactyl race of fowl. 134 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI The method of personal selection has been widely used by the less philosophical breeders. I do not think it fair to Darwin to designate it as the exclusively Darwinian selection. Whether advance can be made by personal selection seems to me still an open question. Granting our inability to reason about genotypical constitution from the phenotypical, still, other things being equal, and in the long run and with great numbers of individuals an extremely high variant is more apt to belong to a genotype with a high mean than to one with a low or intermediate mean. Thus a breeder who selects merely the very best somas of a large number will be apt to select any superior biotype that may occur in his mate- rial. This is doubtless the reason why breeders who con- sider only the somas of their breeding stock nevertheless sometimes make progress; for they are occasionally for- tunate enough to stumble upon a new biotype. Fourth, the results of experiments have thrown light on the long-discussed question of the discontinuity be- tween species, of the swamping effects of intercrossing new varieties with the parent species and the necessity for isolation to permit new varieties to become established as distinct species. We now realize that the danger of swamping which formerly seemed so logically necessary is, from our new point of view, not really to be seriously considered. Characters are rarely, if ever, swamped. Apparent swamping by intercrossing occurs when the | new character depends on many determiners. But it is not, even in this case, really swamped; for no true blend occurs but, on the contrary, a segregation of the original extreme conditions takes place. This is well illustrated by the case of human skin color. When the germ cell that carries white skin color unites with the germ cell that carries black skin color the ‘‘white’’ character seems swamped in the offspring; but the swamping is only apparent. Two mulatto parents have children of various tints and, occasionally, one with a cleat white skin, as well as one with a black skin like the original negro ancestor. No. 543] FACTORS AND METHODS OF EVOLUTION 186 Neither white nor black is truly swamped. The extreme white or black conditions are rather rare, as is to be ex- pected where a multiplicity of factors is involved. Thus, if there were two (2) factors P’, P” involved in the negro skin then in F, one in sixteen should be negro-black, one in sixteen pure white, and half of the remainder should be light mulatto and half dark mulatto. Although studies on this subject are not sufficient to warrant exact quanti- tative conclusions, it is certain that more than two and probably more than three factors are involved in the pigmentation of the negro. If a number of mulattoes inhabited (as sole occupants) an oceanic island, and bred there, in the course of generations both the white and the black types of skin color would be found again—the two extreme types are not swamped. Consequently from our present point of view, isolation is much less essential than was formerly thought to be the case. Practically important as it may be to keep races pure and ensure the absence of intergrades or hybrids, it is not essential to the survival of new traits that have arisen in the midst of the old stock. Fifth, the experimental study of heredity has thrown light upon the question of the origin of new determiners. Every critical experiment that has been tried demon- strates again that the somatic condition exercises little or no influence upon the determiners in the germ-plasm. The first crucial experiment on this subject of which I know was that of Francis Galton, who infused into tt gil- ver-gray” does the blood of either yellow, black and white, or common agouti rabbits. In one case an angora buck and yellow doe had their carotid arteries So con nected that for over half an hour the blood of each flowed into the body of the other; so that about one half of the blood of each was alienized. Yet, when the rab- bits that had been operated upon were used as parents, the offspring indicated that their germ-cells had under- gone no modification ìn consequence of the foreign blood. Recently the question has been revived by Guthrie, who 136 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI made the experiment of engrafting foreign ovaries into foster mothers very unlike the original females whence they were taken. He concluded that the offspring were modified in such a way as to prove that the transplanted germ-plasm had received something from the foster mother. Unfortunately Guthrie erred here, as my repeti- tion of his experiments showed. For unquestionably, the hens that were operated upon regenerated their proper- ovaries and produced no eggs from the engrafted ovaries. Dr. Phillips, working with Castle, engrafted black-bear- ing eggs from one female guinea pig into albino guinea pigs and then mated the females that had been operated upon with an albino male. All offspring were entirely black, proving, first, that the engrafted ovaries were functional and, second, that the determiners of the en- grafted germ-plasm were not modified by the soma of the albino mother. On the other hand, the experiments of Standfuss, Tower and Kammerer on animals and Mac- Dougal on plants apparently indicate that under the influence of various conditions of moisture, temperature and chemical action the germ-plasm may be changed. These results, probable as they are, await confirmation. If fully confirmed they will afford a picture of one way in which new determiners may originate. Finally, some light has been thrown by modern experi- mental studies on the subject of adaptation—for Darwin the corner stone of organic evolution. But here, it must be confessed, the contribution has not been great. That there is such a thing as selective elimination is plainer than ever. That some characteristics are compatible with the environment and some incompatible is incon- testibly true. Two cases in poultry illustrate this. I have a lot of rumpless fowl; the cocks are sexually active and the hens lay numerous eggs; but every egg is sterile, for the reason that the erection of the tail feathers in the hen is essential to the clean exposure of the cloacal open- ing for the transfer of the sperm. Hence, since in the rumpless hens the cloacal opening is not accessible to the No. 543] FACTORS AND METHODS OF EVOLUTION 137 sperm, such a sport must, in nature, be eliminated. Under domestication it is continued by trimming away the feathers that cover the vent. Similarly, winglessness in male fowl renders copulation difficult because the wings serve the cock as balancers while treading the hen. These then are examples of characteristics that must be eliminated in nature. In the case of certain striking colors in poultry there is evidence that they are selected against; their possession gives their owner a handicap. On the other hand certain new characteristics of fowl may be preserved because apparently they offer no handi- cap. Thus in the rumpless fowl the oil gland is absent and the birds seem to be none the worse on that account; their plumage’is bright and quite as resistant to a wet- ting as that of birds with an oil gland at the base of the tail. The striking fact that our experimental work yields is the great number of new characters that seem to bear « no relation to fitness or unfitness, but are truly neutral. Thus I can not find that polydactylism, shank-feathering or its absence, and the lower grades of single, pea and rose comb have any adaptive significance for poultry. One can invent adaptive explanations for them or their absence in birds, but there is no reason for thinking that the explanations are significant. On the other hand, there is accumulating considerable experimental support for Darwin’s theory of sexual selection; but of this it is early to speak. On the whole, I think it may be fairly said that experimental work supports the principle of selective elimination but finds many characters that are wholly neutral. i To sum up, modern experimental study of heredity has given-a new formulation to the problem of evolution and has given definite data on the method of evolution. It formulates the problem of evolution as the problem of the nature and origin of the germinal determiners of char- acters. It has shown that, for the most part, the new determiners arise one at a time and are independent ef one another, may occur in any combination and may be 138 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI transferred from one strain or species to another. It has been shown that the unit characters are much more numerous and finer things than we had thought and, therefore, that the steps of evolution are frequently very small ones and are taking place in many directions. It has shown the relative unimportance of the isolation fac- tor, since true blends of characters rarely, if ever, occur. It has demonstrated the lack of influence by soma upon germ-plasm; but has rendered it probable that external conditions may directly modify the determiners of the germ-plasm. It brings support for the view of selective elimination of undesirable traits but finds that many, if not most, characters that arise are neutral in respect to any adaptive significance. Finally, it looks forward with a justifiable expectancy to the completer experimental test of the factors of evolution and their eventual com- plete elucidation. LITERATURE CITED MEE A. de, and EE H. 1900. Forficulidæ and Hemimeridæ. Das eich, 11 Lief. Berlin. dastia W. E., and Pe J. ©. 1911. On Germinal Transplantation in Vertebrates. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 144. Davenport, ©. B. 1909. Inheritance of Characteristics in Domestic: Fowl. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. Davenport, C. 1911. The Transplantation of Cvaries in Chickens. Jeurnal of iirohotoas, 22: 111-122. BIOTYPES AND PHYLOGENY Dr. HUBERT LYMAN CLARK MUSEUM or Comparative ZOOLOGY, CAMBRIDGE, Mass. [Tue substance of this paper was presented to the American Society of Naturalists at the Princeton meet- ing under the title ‘‘Pure Lines and Phylogeny.” Dr. Johannsen entered an emphatic protest against the use of ‘‘pure line’’ in the sense of a group of individuals characterized by an identical combination of the same determinants. Subsequent conversation with Dr. Jo- hannsen, and the recent clear exposition by Shull (Sci- ence, Jan. 5, 1912, pp. 27-29) satisfied me that what I had considered ‘‘pure lines’’ (such as those distinguished by Jennings in Paramecium) are the pure strains called biotypes by Johannsen. I have modified my paper ac- cordingly and have avoided using the term ‘‘pure line.’’ I have also abandoned the very convenient term ‘‘pheno- type’’ because my use of it as a contrast to biotype is not strictly in accord with Johannsen’s usage of it as a contrast to ‘‘genotype.’’ At Princeton, I protested against Johannsen’s use of the word genotype, because the word is preémpted for a totally different usage. _I suggested a substitute, but this failed to meet with Dr. Johannsen’s approval. Since I have seen Shull’s definition of ‘genotype’? (to which Dr. Johann- sen himself referred me), I think the objection to the word is greater than before because ‘‘type’’ implies a single definite thing or model and Johannsen’s ‘*gen- otype’’ is not that but is ‘‘the fundamental hereditary . combination of genes of an organism.” In other words it is not a concrete thing but the intangible char- acter of that thing. It seems to me the termination “‘plast?? (mAaords, moulded, formed, i. e., formed from 139 140 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI the genes) expresses the idea better than “type”? (TÚTOS, a figure, impression, model) and ‘‘oenoplast’’ is quite as euphonious as ‘‘genotype.’’ The adjective form is equally satisfactory, while the use of this term will not require the abandonment of ‘‘gene.’’ In the following pages therefore I have used ‘‘genoplast’’ and ‘‘geno- plastic’’ in place of genotype and genotypical and I do not believe any misunderstanding will be possible. I have no desire to insist on these words, however. The whole matter is a very trivial one and I would very much prefer that Dr. Johannsen should himself choose a substi- tute for ‘‘genotype.’’ I can not, however, agree with him that genetics and systematic SERE are so far apart that no confusion can result from using identical terms in totally different senses. I believe that so far as pos- sible workers in any branch of biology ought to keep in touch with as much of the whole field as may be possible, and that we should all endeavor to avoid ambiguity and unintelligibility in the use of such technical terms as are necessary.—H. L. C.] Systematic zoology and botany deal primarily with species and varieties, and can not therefore be expected to throw light upon the existence of genoplastic groups. Indeed, only those systematists who deal with organisms which reproduce asexually or parthenogenetically are likely to have any personal contact with them or even to meet with direct evidence for or against their occurrence. Since, however, the existence of such pure strains (bio- types) seems to have been definitely proved! the question of their relationship to the phylogenetic problems with which the systematist has to deal becomes one of some interest. ‘The problems of phylogeny are those of complicated polygenoplastic groups—so complicated indeed that the most complex of chemical compounds is simple in com- parison. The study of these problems makes for caution * JENNINGS, H. 8., 1911, AMERICAN NATURALIST, Vol. 45, pp. 79-89. No. 543] BIOTYPES AND PHYLOGENY ' 141 in affirming that any one theory or hypothesis contains all the truth. Thus we are coming to realize that neither the Darwinian nor the De Vriesian theory of the nature of the material upon which selection works is altogether complete in itself and that neither when properly under- stood wholly debars the other. If we accept the current Mendelian and genoplast theories of heredity, must we not admit that all variation is fundamentally discontin- uous and that what has been called continuity is not really such? It may be convenient to use such terms as ‘‘continuity’’ and ‘‘discontinuity’’ but are they not sub- jective ideas rather than objective realities of impor- tance? So, too, is it necessary to claim that the geno- plast theory of heredity contains all the truth and that the transmission or ‘‘phenotype’’ theory is wholly false? It is easy to see how in pure line breeding ‘‘ancestral in- fluence’’ is, as Johannsen says, ‘‘a mystical expression for a fiction” but in the complicated polygenoplastic groups of the higher Metazoa it is hard to see why the history of the formation of a gamete may not be of im- portance. Is this not virtually admitted by Johannsen when. he grants the existence of ‘‘perturbations by in- fection or contamination’’? And if this be granted, why is there any necessary antagonism between the genoplast theory of heredity and the belief that ‘‘discrete particles of the chromosomes’’ may be ‘‘bearers of special parts of the whole inheritance ’’? However this may be, none of us has any doubt that the discovery of biotypes has been a real stimulus to experi-* mental work, and there is no reason why it may not also be a stimulus to the investigation of phylogenetic prob- lems even though it does not assist greatly in their im- mediate solution. Among the difficulties of the system- atist perhaps none is better known than that which we may call the problem of large genera—genera made up of dozens, in some cases indeed of hundreds, of species, many of which are poorly defined and more or less inter- grading. Some of these genera, as Crategus, Unio and 142 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Salmo, have become notorious and are not infrequently referred to as proof of the futility of systematic work. Does the discovery of biotypes afford any help in explain- ing the existence of such genera? I think that it does, particularly when considered in connection with the broadest interpretation of Mendel’s law. If we compare one of these inclusive genera with one which contains few and well-defined species, we see that the essential difference lies in the latter having the characters sharply defined, with little diversity and no blending, while in the former the same or similar char- acters show so much diversity and such a tendency to blend that the resulting recombinations are most perplex- ing. It has occurred to me that we have here a condi- tion of affairs analogous to what we find in the develop- ment of the individual. Certain individuals with unlike parents show what seems to be a blending of the parental characters, while in numerous other cases the characters of the individual can be referred unhesitatingly to one or the other parent. Thus, as the well-known investigations of Castle have shown, if lop-eared rabbits are crossed with rabbits having ordinary ears, the character of the ears in the offspring can not be referred to one parent rather than to the other, while if pigmented and albino rabbits are crossed, the color-character of the offspring in succeeding generations can be so referred without difficulty. This difference has been interpreted by Dav- enport and others as due to the potencies of the deter- minants, the apparent blending being associated with equipotency or an approach thereto, while the distinct characters result from allelopotency. Now may it not be that a similar inequality of potency occurs among the biotypes which go to make up a species? And so when reproduction takes place we find some species in which well-defined characters are dominant and the re- sulting individuals form easily recognized groups, while in other species there is a lack of definiteness and a blend- No. 543] BIOTYPES AND PHYLOGENY 143 ing of characters which make the resulting forms most confusing. Jennings has shown that there are inherent difficulties, which have so far been prohibitive, in securing crosses between biotypes of Paramecium under experimental conditions, yet it is obvious that such crossing must occur constantly in nature; otherwise the whole geno- plast theory becomes reduced to an absurdity. Granting then the natural crossing of biotypes, let us consider the case of a species, which for simplicity’s sake we will suppose is made up of three biotypes (1, 2 and 3), each of which is distinguished by certain character-combina- tions, designated a, b and c, respectively. If the union of 1 and 2 is readily effected, while that of 1 and 3 or that of 2 and 3 rarely occurs, it is evident that ab will far more commonly characterize the species than ac or be which will indeed seldom appear. The species will therefore approach identity with one of its biotypes, which may thus be considered the dominant strain. The inequipotency of the biotypes and the resulting definite- ness of character in the species are obvious. If, however, the union of 1 and 3, and of 2 and 3 are as readily effected as that of 1 and 2, ac and be will occur as frequently in . the species as ab. In such a case the biotypes are equi- potent and the resulting species may be correspondingly ill-defined. The hypothesis here suggested of the ‘‘inequipotency of biotypes’’ may thus be the explanation of the existence of the well-defined species so generally known, while the occurrence of large heterogeneous assemblages of either Species or varieties may be interpreted as due to an un- usual equipotency. The experimental determination of the existence of this hypothetical difference in the po- tency of the biotypes within a species would well be worth while, if it should ever prove to be possible. The study of large heterogeneous groups may suggest some other lines of investigation into the nature and even the origin of biotypes. For example, such groups occur chiefly, if 144 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI not wholly, in the more specialized portion of any stock and in some cases at least appear to be associated with the fading-out or senescence of that particular branch. This suggests the possibility that the potency of a biotype ultimately alters, even though there is no visible or tan- gible evidence of change. A second problem which puzzles the systematist is the variability in the value of a character for distinguishing species, genera and even higher groups. Color is a fa- miliar example of this. It is of real value among birds and in numerous other cases, but is almost worthless among many invertebrates. Does the knowledge of the existence of biotypes help us to understand why this is? At first thought one might say that here again the inequi- potency of the biotypes was the explanation of the phe- nomenon, but further consideration will show that this is not the case, for of course the potency of a biotype will involve all of its characteristic determinants and not merely that or those associated with the character in question. It is clear then that the value of any char- acter for distinguishing species from each other—in other words, its value for systematic work—depends on the actual determinants in the genoplastic groups com- posing those species. The variability in systematic value shown by a given character is due then, not to the potency, but to the composition of the biotypes involved. Thus if all the biotypes contain identical color determi- nants, then color will be an absolutely constant char- acter in that species, but the greater the diversity in the color determinants of the biotypes the more variable will the color of the species be and the less useful the color be as a distinguishing character. Conversely, we may say that the value of color in systematic work will depend on the degree of identity in color-determinants among the biotypes composing the species concerned. If this is so, the study of systematic characters and the measur- ing of their diversity may suggest some characteristics of biotypes as yet unsuspected. Thus biometrical work No. 543] BIOTYPES AND PHYLOGENY 145 even in a polygenoplastic population receives an added indorsement. A third problem of the systematist (and for this occa- sion the last) is found in the fact that diversity of mor- phological characters in any given species is not hap- hazard or indiscriminate, but is generally restricted to such definite lines as to indicate more or less distinct stages in the phylogenesis of that species. The belief that diversity is significant and that its meaning may be dis- covered has received extraordinary confirmation in Jack- son’s just published, magnificent monograph on Echini? in which the subject is very fully discussed. An illustra- tion taken from his work will help to make clear the de- sired point. In any regular sea-urchin, such as Arbacia or Strongylocentrotus, a group of ten plates surrounds the periproct, five of which are radial in position and are called oculars while the other five are interradial and are called genitals. Now in some echini all of these ten plates are in contact with the periproct and thus form a simple continuous ring but in most of the Recent species, the oculars are much smaller than the genitals and some or all of them are separated from the periproct by the meet- ing of adjoining genitals. In other words, some of the oculars may be excluded from the periproct and such are said to be exsert, while those which separate adjoining genitals and reach the periproct are called insert. Now Jackson has demonstrated conclusively, contrary to the widely held belief that the insertness of oculars is a mat- ter of age and size, that for each species of sea-urchin there is a characteristic arrangement of the genito-ocular ring and that this arrangement is oftentimes a very con- Stant character. Thus in 2,100 Arbacias from Woods Hole, 87 per cent. have all the oculars exsert and in more than 20,000 Strongylocentroti from Maine 95 per cent. have the two posterior oculars insert. | Having demonstrated the constancy of this character, Jackson has gone on to an analysis of the variations from * Jackson, R. T., 1912. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII. 146 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI the normal arrangement, occurring in large series of adult specimens. And he has clearly shown that these variations are nearly always significant. There are 32 possible arrangements of the plates of the genito-ocular ring and there is no mechanical or structural reason why any one of them should not occur. If variation were perfectly haphazard every one would occur and there is no obvious reason why they might not occur, with equal frequency. Yet in fifty thousand specimens examined by Jackson, representing 137 different species of Mesozoic. and Recent Echini, ten of these possible arrangements never occurred, and of the remaining 22 fourteen are so rare that altogether they aggregated less than 14 per cent. of the specimens. As a very large proportion of these were individuals abnormal in some other particular, it is fair to say that of 32 possible arrangements of the genital and ocular plates only eight (or at most ten) occur normally. Even more striking are the following facts: When only a single ocular plate is insert, it is one of the posterior pair; this is the case in 994 per cent. of the specimens having one ocular insert. When two oculars are insert, they are the posterior pair in more than 99 per cent. of the cases and in every case one of them belongs to that pair. When three oculars are insert, they are the two poste- rior and usually the left, but sometimes the right ante- rior; this is demonstrated by almost 99 per cent. of the cases. When four oculars are insert, the one exsert is invar- iably either the mid-anterior or right anterior. These figures show how surprisingly definite variation is in a character which, so far as we can see, might vary with equal ease in any one of 32 ways. Yet it is only when we examine a particular case that the significance of this definiteness appears. Jackson’s work is full of such cases, but as most of us are familiar with Strongylocentrotus, we will consider an illustration from that genus, which, in the old, broad No. 543] BIOTYPES AND PHYLOGENY 147 sense, accepted by Jackson, includes more than twenty species. Of these some have the ambulacra relatively simple, the compound plates being made up of only four or five elements each, while in the more specialized spe- cies there may be as many as ten elements in each com- pound plate. The various species can be arranged roughly in a series beginning with the simplest and end- ing with the most specialized? and Jackson shows that the species with the simplest ambulacra (S. lividus) has ‘‘no oculars insert’’ as the species character, with ‘‘right posterior ocular insert’? as a common variant, while those with the most complex ambulacra (S. fran- ciscanus and purpuratus) have two and often three oculars insert. Now in our common Strongylocentro- tus from Maine, while practically 95 per cent. have two oculars insert, nearly 3 per cent. have only one insert, as in the common variant of S. lividus, while about 2 per cent. have three insert as in the usual variants of S. pur- puratus. Jackson calls these arrested and progressive variants, respectively, according to whether they resem- ble a more simple or a more complex allied species. Whether the terminology be accepted or not, the signifi- cance of such facts can not be ignored. Are we any better prepared, with our present knowledge of the ex- istence of biotypes, to understand the reason for this significance of variation? If we compare a polygenoplastic group with a highly complex chemical compound, an analogy is suggested which warrants our answering this question affirma- tively. In building up such a compound synthetically, the specific properties of the constituents result in the formation of certain definite compounds. These sub- Stances are necessary for the further combinations without which the ultimate compound could not be formed. In other words, the formation of the desired product is possible only because the chemical reactions *There are some interesting exceptions, but as they do not affect the subsequent argument, they need not be d here. 148 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI will take place in an orderly sequence, in consequence of the fixed specific properties of the elements involved. Now any existing species of plant or animal is a similar union of diverse elements and the possibilities of its development would seem to be limited by the same conditions which limit the formation of the chemical compound, namely, the nature of the elements and the orderly sequence of the reactions. (In either case external conditions, the environment, would make a profound difference, but for simplicity’s sake we may omit reference to that influence.) As long as one be- lieves that the elements composing a species are poten- tially variable in all directions, it is evident that only the pressure of external conditions can prevent an indefinite and unmeaning variety in the product. Such a belief results in making natural selection through the environ- ment the supreme directive agent in evolutionary prog- ress, and really puts more responsibility upon that im- portant factor than it can reasonably be expected to bear. But as soon as it is shown that the elements in- volved are persistently unchanging to a remarkable de- gree, it becomes clear that an orderly sequence in their successive interactigns will follow just as in the forma- tion of a chemical compound. Now biotypes are the biological elements which enter into the formation of a species, and the discovery of their existence and apparent persistency makes the existence of an orderly sequence in development quite comprehensible and indicates clearly why diversity is so rarely haphazard. As in the chemical synthesis, used as an illustration, the final re- action follows necessary antecedent reactions, so in the development of the species the last step necessarily de- pends on the preceding, and the evolution of a group is therefore bound to be strictly linear and in definite direc- tions. Now just as in a chemical synthesis without add- ing to or subtracting from its original constituent ele- ments the process may be stopped, altered or accelerated, either by addition or removal of some substance or by No. 543] BIOTYPES AND PHYLOGENY 149 change in the external conditions, so the process of de- velopment of a species or of any of its component indi- viduals may be arrested, altered or accelerated by similar means. Thus variants arise, individual or racial, some- times slight, sometimes marked, but necessarily within the limits laid down by the specific properties of the biotypes involved. This may be well illustrated by one of Jack- son’s discoveries about variation in the genito-ocular | ring of the common tropical sea-urchin, T'ripneustes. In specimens from Florida and the West Indies, 36 per cent. have only the two posterior oculars insert, 38 per cent. have three (the left anterior plus the posterior) and 18 per cent. have four (right and left anterior plus the posterior). Evidently then individual variants both ar- rested and progressive are common but within very re- stricted limits. Further than this it appears that in Bermuda a racial variant can be distinguished, for in specimens from that locality 61 per cent. have only two oculars insert, 35 per cent. have three and only 2 per cent. have four. Now it matters not at all whether the Ber- muda race is considered an arrested variant or the West Indian form a progressive variant; the important fact is the evidently marked but definitely limited racial diver- sity. The study of such variants, however little light it may throw on the immediate cause of their appearance, is bound to help make clear the normal line of develop- ment of the species to which they belong, and emphasizes the definiteness and the significance of their diversity. But if biotypes are really the fixed and unchanging ele- ments which compose a species, the problem as to why this diversity is so commonly definite and significant is apparently simplified not a little by our knowledge of their existence. It is unnecessary to suggest any other phylogenetic problems and the bearing of the study of genetics on them, for if in these which I have suggested it has not been shown that such study is helping us to understand these problems better and is even indicating solutions, 150 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI multiplication of such cases will not help the matter. Personally, I believe that the experimental work now so extensively carried on in the study of genetics is throw- ing a flood of light on all biological questions and that systematists not only may but must make use of the demonstrated results of such study, in attacking their own special problems, if they are really in earnest in the _ purpose to solve them. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION A LITERARY NOTE ON MENDEL’S LAW THE ever-increasing extension of the doctrine of Mendelism brings it year by year to the attention of a widening circle of general readers. Its application in the field of eugenics has aroused a popular desire for a further knowledge of the now famous principles of Mendel. Owing to the relative inacces- sibility of Mendel’s original publication the exact terms in which he formulated his conclusions have not been readily available. To meet in some measure this lack of ready reference the fol- lowing brief, synoptic statement of the fundamental principles of Mendel is here presented in his own words, together with certain collateral notes that may be of value to students of this important law. The general term ‘‘Mendel’s Law”? is usually applied to sev- eral complex principles discovered by Gregor Mendel while studying inheritance in certain plant hybrids. Various other designations, however, appear in the literature, e. g., Mendel’s “Law of Heredity,’ ‘‘Law of Inheritance,’ ‘‘Laws of Alter- native Inheritance,” and ‘‘Law of Varietal Hybrids.’’* These principles were enunciated by Mendel in a paper entitled, “‘ Ver- suche über Pflanzenhybriden’’ (‘‘Researches on Plant Hy- brids’’), which appeared in the Verhandlungen der naturfor- schenden Vereines in Briinn, Vol. 4, 1865, Abhandlungen, pp. 3-47,5 but escaped the attention of biologists until the year 1900, when by De Vries, Correns” and von Tschermak,* they *Castle, W. E., Proceedings American Academy - of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 38, 1903, p. 535. 7 Biffin, R. n. Journal Agricultural Science, Vol. 1, 1905, p. 1. x Weldon, W. F, R., Biometrika, Vol. 1, 1901, p. 228. “De Vries, H., ‘‘ Species and Varieties,’’? Chicago, 1905, p. 716. * Reprinted in Fora: Vol. 89, 1901, pp. 364-403. *De Vries, H., ‘‘Das Spaltungsgesetz der Bastarde,’’ Berichte der deutschen Sitaki Gesellschaft, Vol. 18, 1900, pp. 83-90. "Correns, C., ‘‘@. Mendels Regel über das Verhalten der Nachkom- menschaft der Kaaa, ? Berichte der deutschen botanischen Gesell- schaft, Vol. 18, 1900, pp. 158-168. 151- 152 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI were independently and almost simultaneously rediscovered.? Mendel’s principles have been rephrased by later writers, and they are now usually referred to as the Law of Dominance, the Law of Segregation, and the Law of Recombination, respectively. I. THe Law or DOMINANCE! This so-called law is derived from the following principle of Mendel (‘‘ Versuche,’’ etc., pp. 10-11 In der weiteren Besprechung werden jene Merkmale, welche ganz oder fast unverändert in die Hybride-Verbindung übergehen, somit selbst die Hybriden-Merkmale repriisentiren, als dominierende, und jene, welche in der Verbindung latent werden, als recessive bezeichnet. Translated this principle reads: Those characters which pass entirely or almost entirely unchanged into the hybrid combination and consequently in themselves represent the characters of the hybrid, are designated as dominant, and those which become latent in the combination are termed recessive. Since dominance is rarely absolute this principle is not general and should not be termed a law; indeed Mendel did not claim it as a law. Recent statements of the ‘‘Law of Dominance’’ may be thus summarized: When the two parents differ in respect of two contrasted characters, only one, the dominant character, will appear in the hybrid. Domi- nance, however, is seldom perfect, so that the dominant character in a hybrid seldom reaches as full expression as in the dominant parent. II. THE Law or SEGREGATION. Mendel’s second principle (‘‘Versuche,’’ ete., p. 17) is thus stated : * Von Tschermak, E., ‘‘ Ueber künstliche Kreuzung bei Pisum sativum,’’ Zeitschrift fiir z landutetashutdions Versuchswesen in Oesterreich, Vol. 3, 1900, pp. 465- *De Vries’s Bas was received for publication on March 14, 1900, and that of Correns on April 24, 1900. Tschermak, in a postseript to his com- T, says: ‘‘Die giciehucitios Entdeckung Mendels durch Correns, de Vries (Berichte der deutschen piange Gesellschaft, 1900) und mich sila mir besonders erfreulich,’ w<‘ Man hat dieses die pare aa! genannt,’’ Correns, C., ‘‘ Uber Vererbungsgesetze,’’ Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte, 77 Versammlung, 1905, Part I, Leipzig 1906, p. 207 No. 543] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 153 Da die Glieder der ersten Generation unmittelbar aus den Samen der _ Hybriden hervorgehen, wird es nun ersichtlich, dass die Hybriden je zweier differirender Merkmale Samen bilden, von denen die eine Hälfte wieder die Hybridform entwickelt, während die andere Pflanzen gibt, welche constant bleiben, und zu gleichen Theilen den dominirenden und recessiven Character erhalten. This may be translated as follows: Since the members of the first generation” arise directly from the seeds of the hybrids, it is now evident that hybrids, for each pair of differentiating characters, form seeds, one half of which develops again the hybrid form, while the other half produces plants which remain constant and in equal proportions receive the dominant and recessive characters. Various terms have been applied to this law by different authors, e. g., ‘‘Law of Disjunction,’’!* ‘‘Law of Purity of Germ Cells,” “Law of Separation of Characters in Crosses,’’* and “Law of Dichotomy.’ Generalized, the law may be stated in- the following form: In self-fertilized species an individual which is a hybrid with refer- ence to a particular pair of characters tends to produce progeny one fourth of which is of pure race like one of the parents of the hybrid, another fourth of pure race like the other parent, while the remaining half is hybrid, like the original hybrid itself,”™ that is, “ from the inbred heterozygote come dominants and recessives in the proportion of 3:1, and only one dominant in three is pure, the other two being hetero- zygote.” ee The above statement is purely objective ;** it states the results * This is He F, generation of current literature. “De Vries, H., Comptes rendus de l’académie des sciences, Paris, Vol. 130, 1900, ny 845-847, * Castle, W. E., Proceedings American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 38, 1903, p. 5 537. “De Vries, H., Journal Royal Horticultural Society, Vol. 25, 1901, p. 243. “ Davenport, C. B., Biological Bulletin, Vol. 2, 1901, p. 307. * Spillman, W. J., " $6 Application of Some of ‘te Principles of Heredity to Plant Breeding,’ ? eya No. 165, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. 8. Dept. Agriculture, 1909, p. -. * Punnett, R. C., eee 1 Cambridge, 1907, p. 23. "Por this paragraph. and the one immediately iy eee the writer is indebted to Professor W. J. Spillman. 154 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI of a cause, but gives no hint of that cause. It is not strange, therefore, that the modern statement of this law should have gravitated backward toward the fundamental cause underlying the law. The more usual statement of it at the present time is an inference from the facts observed, and may be stated as follows: When an individual is heterozygous for a given character it produces two kinds of gametes with reference to that character, one like those of one of its parents and the other like those of the other parent. Mendel himself gives the corresponding statement of the law of recombination ; that is, he states the inference about the kinds of gametes a hybrid must produce, as inferred by the types of the resulting progeny. The principle of segregation, closely approximated long prior to Mendel both by Goss? and by Sageret, was clearly enun- ciated by Naudin,”* but these writers did not formulate their *< intermingled with these new characters he cited * Cf. Poulton, E. B., ‘‘ Darwin and the ‘Origin,’ ’’ 1909, pp. 49-50. — observation and study of Nature led him to the conviction that large varia- tions, although abundant, were rarely selected, but that evolution proceeded gradually and by small steps,—that it was ‘continuous’ and not ‘discon- tinuous.’ °? In answer to this opinion of the most eminent British exponent of pure Darwinism it may be said that small steps are discontinuities. (H. F. O. : *Osborn, H. F., ‘‘Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by the Selection of Minor Saltations,’’ AMER. NATURALIST, Vol. XLVI, No. 542, 1912, pp- 1e * In 1909 L. Plate showed clearly that the ‘‘mutations’’ of De Vries are practically identical with the ‘‘individual differences’’ of Darwin. See ‘*Darwinismus und Landwirthschaft,’’ Berlin, 1909. No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 189 others which are obviously reversional. That he be- lieved in the adding up of minor saltations there can be no question; but on the admirable ground that no evi- dence had been adduced in nature of evolution by major saltations, he rejected St. Hilaire’s hypothesis of the natural appearance of entirely new types of animals and plants, or of new or profoundly modified organs; there was no evidence in 1872 and there is none to-day of the sudden appearance in nature of such a breed as the short-legged Ancon sheep. Morgan remarks,’ ‘‘Dar- win undoubtedly supposed that by the continuous selec- tion of minor saltations a character could be slowly shifted in the direction of Selection. This also appears to be the opinion of the conservative mutationists of the present day.’’ Aside from his chief emphasis in the selection of ‘‘in- dividual differences’? Darwin also undoubtedly believed in the selection of heritable fluctuations of proportion as illustrated in his classic rebuttal of Lamarck in re- spect to the long neck of the giraffe: So under nature with the nascent giraffe, the individuals which were the highest browsers, and were able during dearths to reach even an inch or two above the others will often have been preserved; for they will have roamed over the whole country in search of food. slight proportional differences will favor survival and will be trans- mitted to offspring. If unusual length of neck in the giraffe, as in man, is a saltatory and heritable character, there is no reason why this classic case also may not strengthen the opinion that Darwin was essentially a mutationist. Fluctuations of proportion, the transmission of which is now in dis- pute, however, formed a small part of Darwin’s scheme, nor was fluctuating variability especially connected by him with the process of evolution. A very critical reexamination of Darwin’s works leads us, therefore, to largely dissent from the influen- tial opinion of De Vries’ that there was always a doubt * Morgan, T. H., letter, January 11, a ’? Leipzig, 1901 24. * De Vries, Hugo, ‘‘Die Mutationstheorie,’’ Leipzig, s 190 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI in Darwin’s mind as to whether ‘‘the selection of muta- tions” or ‘‘the selection of extreme variants” played the greater part in the origin of species. As above noted, the actual cases which Darwin cited and his repeated emphasis shows that minor saltations of the De Vries type were chiefly in his mind. It is obvious that Darwin could not draw such sharp distinctions either in language or in definition as we may to-day, profiting by forty years of experiment and of analysis. Let us therefore closely examine the kinds of saltation or discontinuity in mammals which have been recorded during the last fifty years by Darwin, Bateson and others and see what they signify. 1. Major and Minor Saltations in Mammals as Supposed Material for Selection’ The above exposition of Darwin has a very direct bear- ing on the problem of continuity and discontinuity be- cause the saltations which he believed to be among the possible materials of natural selection and of evolution were chiefly drawn from the very same sources of evi- dence, namely, hybridization and artificial conditions of environment, which are now drawn upon by the ad- herents of discontinuity; the only difference is one of degree, not of kind. The great saltatory characters of Darwin cited below (Table I) in mammals are no more profound than those cited by De Vries as composing the supposed ‘‘elementary’’ species of (nothera. It is therefore interesting to compare twenty distinct types or forms of major and minor saltation in eleven different types of mammals. Our authorities are Allen, Azara, Bateson, Brinkerhoff, Castle, Darwin, Davenport, Haecker, Percival, Poulton, Ridgeway, Root, Seton, Sut- ton, Twining. The accompanying table presents at once the very impressive result obtained by this comparison. *The writer is greatly indebted to Dr. Charles B. Davenport, of the Carnegie Institution Station for Experimental Evolution, and to Professor T. H. Morgan, of Columbia University, for criticism and suggestion on this section. No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 191 TABLE I COMPARATIVE TABLE OF SALTATIONS 1 8| 4/5) 6] 7/8) 9/10\11 a |e o|2|& n 2a g/£/3(8|3/8| 2/2 /2\3/2 alal Sajag £ = © 1. Proopic brachycephaly, abbreviation of face.. x x 2. Sudden development of horns on hornless races} |X x 3. Absence of horns on horned races........... XIX 4. Supernumerary horns on horned races....... x 5. Absence of 1 horn on horned races.........- xX B Jaw appendages. leo aa eee x x Kii 7. Taillessness, absence of caudals............- XIX x |X x 8. Earlessness, absence of the external ear...... | 9. Single ears, loss of one ear............+--:- | x 10. Short-leggedness, or limb abbreviation ...... XX 11. Consolidation of paired hoofs, syndactylism. . X x 12. Polydactylam -er os eee ee KIXKI XIXIX A x 13. Epidermal thickenings. ............0+---0% x | x 14...Mottled skin markings. ...°006.05 6423152 XIXI X i 15. Excessive hairiness, or length of hair........ XIXI XIX XXIX X 16. Hairlessness, entire absence of hair......... R x x 17. Excessively fine or silky hair...........---- x| |X| x | x 19. Reversed halts 3 re oh ia he eee x x 19. ito hair loGKSs | 4k ee ee ea | | 20. rirletl-RAIr 655s kainic Reed ee XIX TA x 3a. Duplication of horns (tramsverse)........--- ay. eis fe Nom Geel ate The very uniformity of the result makes us suspicious as to the significance of saltations, major or minor, in evolution. In eleven different kinds of mammals, namely, man, horses, cattle, sheep, deer, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, we observe that. saltations exactly or closely similar repeatedly occur. These saltations are of the same kind, in fact, they partly include those which were regarded by Darwin as possibly part of the evolu- tion process through selection, namely, as stable in in- heritance and as under certain circumstances favoring the animals which possessed them. We evidently have to do with abnormal disturbances of the germinal factors or determiners. Some of these saltations are very stable in heredity and certain of them become widespread; some are prepotent and dominant, others are recessive (e. g., angora, Or ‘long coat”? in rabbits, Castle); some (e. g., bent tail in certain mice, 192 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Plate) follow neither the Mendelian law nor the prin- ciple of blended inheritance. On the unit-character doctrine we know that one of three things is happening in the germ plasm. First, a ‘‘determiner’’ may drop out and we see a race of mammals springing up without tails, or color, or hair. In cattle the determiner for horns is dominant, therefore something is added. Second, a ‘‘determiner’’ may be suddenly lost or modi- fied, and we see excessive hair, curly hair, silky hair, dwarfed or short limbs, brachydactylism. , Third, and even more inexplicable, there occurs the appearance of a new ‘‘determiner’’ or the removal of an ‘‘inhibitor’’ and we observe horns suddenly arising on hornless races like horses and rabbits. That fancy breeds can be established through the ab- normal behavior and selection of these ‘‘determiners”’ there is no question. That nature works through the sudden appearance of new and favorable ‘‘determiners’’ is as yet unproved; it is absolutely disproved in the case of horns, for through paleontology we know that horns arise in a continuous manner. The only mammal known to us at present in which it would appear that a duplicate horn may have sprung into existence through saltation is T'etraceros, the four-horned antelope of India. Salta- tion is possibly of significance in the case of the sudden alteration of hair character because we know of a very considerable number of curly-haired horses in Mexico and South America, which are, however, eliminated by breeders for the reason that correlated with curliness of the hair are apt to arise certain other characters in the hoofs and limbs which are unfavorable. Under wild or natural conditions in mammals we have as yet secured no direct evidence of such origins or estab- lishment of saltations either major or minor. There is reason to believe that peculiar or anomalous mammals if they do arise are driven away from the herds. It would appear that the obvious abnormality of the No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 193 majority of these characters throws the remainder as well as saltatory new characters in general under sus- picion of abnormality. Paleontology, however, furnishes the most direct evi- dence of the abnormality of saltations in some of the hard parts shown in Table I by presenting counter evi- dence that such profound changes as abbreviation of the face (proopie brachycephaly), development or loss of horns, reduction or absence of caudal vertebra, abbrevia- tion or elongation of the limbs, syndactylism or consoli- dation of separate metapodials have all been established, wherever we know their history, through continuity and not through discontinuity. 2. Bateson’s Evidence (1894) of Discontinuity Bateson in 1894° was the first to clearly advance the discontinuity hypothesis as a mode of origin of species in its modern form. At the time this work appeared it suffered a searching review from Scott.1° Mutationists,"! however, still refer to it as laying the foundations for the discontinuity hypothesis. In order to test the ‘‘ Materials for the Study of Variation” critically in the light of the subsequent advance in paleontology, Dr. W. D. Matthew, who is without bias in the question, was requested to examine all the cases of discontinuity in mammals cited by the author with reference to the question whether or not these cases have any real significance in evolution. He reports: Of the 320 cases of discontinuity cited in mammals the greater part are obviously teratological and have no direct significance in relation to paleontologie evolution except for a very few instances such as the supernumerary or fourth molar teeth of Otocyon. While not signifi- cant [in evolution] these teratological cases are interesting because they show the prevalence of homeosis, and indicate that many of the ? Bateson, Wm., ‘‘Materials for the Study of Variation Treated with Especial ogari to Discontinuity in the Origin of Species,’’ Maemillan & Co., London, 1894. ” Scott, W. B., ‘‘On Variations and Mutations,’’ Amer. Jour. Science (3), Vol. XLVIII, 1894, pp. 355-374 E “Darbishire, A. D., ‘‘ Breeding end the Mendelian Discovery, 8vo, gd Cassell & Co., London, 1911. 194 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI remaining eases which might [otherwise] be considered normal salta- tions or reversions may actually be teratologic, but disguised by homeeosis; all of the possibly significant cases (such as the supernu- merary molars) are thereby placed under suspicion. Setting aside this suspicion the minority of the “ significant ” cases in teeth and feet may be said to afford evidence of the meristic variability of vestigial and rudimentary structures. Bateson’s statement that such variability is related not to non-functionalism but to terminal position in a series appears to me directly in conflict with his [Bateson’s] own evidence, as it certainly is with all my experience. This accords with commonly observed data in paleontology, for no paleontologist would question that vestigial teeth or bones are apt to [finally] disappear by “ discon- tinuous” evolution. As to the appearance by saltatory evolution of new and primarily functional parts in teeth or feet, I know of no ade- quate paleontologic evidence in its favor. It is either demonstrably false or decidedly improbable. In the cases of supernumerary teeth (Otocyon myrmecobius, Cetacea, etc.) saltatory evolution may be re- garded as reasonable in default of any paleontologic evidence to the contrary. Meristic or numerical evolution in fully functional verte- bre is intrinsically probable as the only method of evolutionary change. The fact that so many cases of supernumerary teeth are associated with asymmetry throws doubt on the significance of all such cases; asymmetrie variations and those occurring only in upper or only in lower teeth have no analogy in paleontology; such cases as occur ab- normally are recognized as of a different and non-significant class than normal evolutionary changes. A summary of Matthew’s report is as follows: Bateson cites 323 cases of discontinuity in vertebre, teeth and skull. Of these 286 are abnormal, or teratolog- ical, or reversional, and have absolutely no significance in evolution; ten cases of supernumerary (or fourth molar) teeth are possibly significant because among the mammals there are a few genera with fourth molars which may possibly have arisen by saltation. There re- main only thirty-seven cases which may be ranked as ‘probably significant,” and these are the meristic addi- tions or reductions of vertebre in the spinal column, significant because of the well-known variations in the vertebral formule of different mammals, and secondly because vertebre can be added or subtracted only dis- continuously. — ce on No. 544] ' ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS SUMMARY OF BATESON’s 323 CASES E E 2 oa $9 S & A 3 3 55 [r9] = = Z £ S E Svoo a a 17 27” (asymmetry) L Toh.. A 83 107 67 E OBE Gun ou, Gao yale py cea eee « 110 210 37 67 * Numerical variations of cervical, dorsal and lumbar vertebra. Additional molars, ef. Octocyon, Myrmecobius, Cetacea. Six cases insuf- ficiently described. The fact that the vast majority of germinal anomalies examined in the above review of Darwin and of Bateson have no significance in evolution in a state of nature, throws all germinal anomalies under suspicion as natural processes, important as they may be in artificial breed- ing and hybridizing. Yet some of these anomalies in mammals are less profoundly discontinuous than those which De Vries has cited in plants under the designation of ‘‘mutations.’? The most important of these De Vries’ mutations may now be considered. 3. Evidence for De Vries’s Mutation Theory In 1901 the biological world was aroused as it had not been since 1859 by the publication of De Vries’s hypoth- esis.2 Here was a new and apparently sure foundation for discontinuity in the supposed sudden appearance of elementary species or ‘‘mutants’’ arising with the acqui- sition of entirely new characters, new forms of plants or animals quite free from their ancestors and not linked to them by intermediates. The influence and vitality of this great work is shown in a citation from Darbishire (1911, op. cit., p. 5): The view that species have originated by mutation is based on Prof. de Vries’ observations on the Evening Primrose (nothera Lamarck- iana) (Fig. 1). Working with this form, he was able to witness, for the first time, the actual process of the origin of new species. — “De Vries, Hugo, ‘‘Die Mutationstheorie,’’ Leipzig, 1901, p. 24. 196 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI - Critical analysis during the past two years by Davis and by Gates'® of the very species Œnothera Lamarck- iana on which De Vries chiefly based his monumental work, tends to show that O. Lamarckiana is possibly a hybrid of O. biennis and.O. grandiflora and not a natural species. Thus the ‘‘elementary species’? which are springing from it in various gardens may prove to be comparable to the familiar results of hybridization in mammals and birds. Davis, on the basis of his prolonged experimental researches, says: Indeed, the theory of De Vries may fairly be said to rest chiefly upon the behavior of this interesting plant, the account of which forms so large a part of his work “ Die Mutationstheorie ” (2 vols., Leipzig, (1901). ... In a brief perusal of the work one is struck by the opti- mism of its author and the brilliancy and breadth of his exposition of the views set forth. . . . The analysis of the data amassed by Darwin, in which it is shown that Darwin’s “ single variations ” are the same as De Vries’s mutations seems to the reviewer particularly effective. .. . Probably the time will soon come when nearly all biologists will be ready to admit that mutation or the sudden appearance of new forms has been an important factor at least in species formation of plants and animals. Admitting this it remains to be discovered what rela- tion these sudden appearances bear to the general trends of evolution which are apparent in so many phylogenies [italics our own] . for granting the facts of mutation we have only accounted for a miero- evolution, and it is still to be shown that the larger tendencies can be sufficiently accounted for by the same means without the intervention of other factors. . . . The skepticism of both these botanists is striking. Their opinions as to the existence of larger evolutionary trends are exactly in accord with those of paleontologists. 4. Evidence for Discontinuity from Mendelian Heredity and Experimental Selection The newest bulwark of the discontinuity hypothesis is that erected since 1903 by the revival of the great dis- * Davis, Bradley Moore, ‘‘Genetical Studies on CEnothera. II. Some Hybrids of Gnothera biennis and O. grandiflora that resemble O. Lamarck- iana,’’? AMER. NATURALIST, Vol. XLV, April, 1911, pp. 193-233. Gates, R. R., ‘‘ Mutation in (Enothera,’’ AMER. NaTuRALIST, Vol. XLV, No. 538, October, 1911, pp. 577-606. No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 197 covery of Mendel (1865) and by the negative results of experiments on fluctuating or quantitative variation. From the prevalence of discontinuity in heredity, the separateness of ‘‘unit characters’’ as they appear in the body and the equally sharp separableness of their com- plex of ‘‘factors,’’ ‘determiners’? or ‘‘genes’’ in the germ has arisen the theoretical assumption of the dis- continuity of origin of all characters in the germ. We shall now show that this assumption is a non-sequitur. First, however, the truly marvelous and epoch-making Mendelian discoveries require our especial examination in their bearing on the problem of continuity and discon- tinuity. We have reviewed" the contributions of Allen, Bateson, Castle, Cannon, Cuénot, Darbishire, Davenport, Durham, Farrabee, v. Guita, Haacke, Hagedoorn, Har- mon, Hurst, Laughlin, Morgan, Pearson, Plate, Punnett, and Rosenoff. This review covers unit characters only as observed in mammals, to which none the less the prin- ciples discovered by Mendel in the common garden pea (Pisum sativum) apply with striking uniformity. The prevailing field of the researches of these talented investigators in mammals has been in color characters, chemical in essence, in various species of rodents, chiefly mice and guinea pigs, also in Ungulates, such as horses and cattle, the latter studied less by experiment than from stud books. Hair form in rodents and in man and skin pigment have also been exactly investigated. The most striking general result is the principle of antithesis of characters which mutually exclude each other, as typified by the antithesis of Mendel’s ‘‘tallness’’ and ‘‘short- ness’’ in peas. The second great feature is that when these antithetic characters meet in the germ cells, one dominates over the other; this dominance is a sort of perpetual prepotency. ‘‘Prepotency,’? observes Darbishire, ‘‘is an attribute of individuals and capricious in its appearance... . What- ever be the nature of this power . . . it is clear that it “ With the aid of Miss Mary M. Sturgess, now attached to the Carnegie Institution Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. 198 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI has nothing to do with dominance . . . dominance is an invariable attribute of particular characteristics. ”’!5 Plate (1910), on the contrary, observes, ‘‘ But a variety of facts seem to indicate that a reversal of dominance may occur under certain circumstances and a dominant character may become recessive, and vice versa.’"® Such reversal of dominance would appear to be the case in a compari- son of the mule (cross between ass ¢ and horse 2) and the hinny (cross between the horse ¢ and the ass 9). When antithetic characters or functions meet in hered- ity, there is either ‘‘prepotency,’’ or ‘‘dominance,’’ or ‘‘recession’’ (i. e., latency), or ‘‘inhibition,’’ a something which indirectly prevents the appearance of characters, or ‘‘imperfect dominance,’’ or ‘‘blending.’’ In brief, there are degrees of separableness and antithesis. Dominance, Conservative or Progressive.—It will be seen at once that progressive evolution through discon- tinuity would depend on the dominance of racially new characters and types. The experimental evidence is con- flicting, it does not show that new characters are neces- sarily dominant. There are many instances of dominance of wild species (older type) over domesticated species (newer type); thus De Vries suggested (1902) that the dominant char- acters are those which are racially older. One case among the mammals is that the wild gray color in mice domi- nates over grades below it, black, brown, and white (Plate, 1910). Examples of dominance in single characters are that more intense dominate over less intense colors (Plate, 1910, Davenport, 1907); in the eyes, brown over gray, gray over blue; in the skin, brunettes over blondes (Dav- enport, 1909), piebalds over pure albinos (Plate, 1910). In the hair, wavy or spiral forms dominate over straight (Davenport, 1908). This would have some bearing onthe discontinuous fading out of color in desert races like the quagga, which lost all the stripes of its relative the zebra. * Darbishire, op. cit., p. 96. 1 Plate No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 199 The idea that the positive or present character domi- nates over the negative, latent or absent character has become the prevailing one. It seems highly probable, observes Davenport (1910), that the fu- ture will show that many more advanced or progressive conditions are really due to one or more unit-characters not present in the less ad- vanced condition. In that case it will appear that there is a perfect accord in the two statements that the progressive and the “ present ” factor are dominant (pp. 89-90) . . . the specific characteristics are mostly those that appear late in ontogeny (p. 86) .. . the potency of a character may be defined as the capacity of its germinal deter- miner to complete its entire ontogeny. If we think of every character as being represented in the germ by a determiner, then we must recog- nize the fact that this determiner may sometimes develop fully, some- times imperfectly and sometimes not at all [italics our own]... When such a failure occurs in such a normal strain a sport reaillte. Potency is variable. Even in a pure strain a determiner does not always develop fully and this is an important cause of individual variability (Davenport, 1910, p. ; Plate similarly favors the hypothesis of dominance of newer or progressive characters. He observes (1910): The [Mendelian] laws of inheritance favor progressive evolution in two ways, for .. . higher, more complicated characters are generally dominant to the tower, and . . . qualitative characters usually follow the Mendelian principle in the ease of closely related forms (races, varieties) while in the crossing of species they follow intermediate [or blended] inheritance as a rule. In the latter case there is the possibility that the crossing may have a swamping effect, but this can play no large rôle on account of the infrequeney of hybrids between species (Plate, 1910, p. 606). The same author is of the opinion that phyletic evolu- tion is discontinuous as regards the transformations of the determinants [determiners], but in most cases is con- tinuous in their visible outward workings. He thus main- tains that while germinal transformations are discon- tinuous there may be no real antithesis between con- tinuous and discontinuous somatic variation. Thus Mendelians appear to agree, first, that there are grades of continuity and discontinuity, that there are — antithetic characters which are sharply discontinuous, others which are ihe continuous, blended or intermedi- 200 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI ate. Second, it would appear that complete discontinuity or entire dominance or recession are qualities in heredity which may gradually evolve. Many characters show im- perfect dominance (Castle, 1905) ; gametic purity is not absolute (Castle, 1906) ; selection is of importance in the improvement of races (Castle, 1907). . There are a num- ber of truly blending characters, such as lop-earedness in rabbits (Castle, 1909), cross blends of long and short hairs (Castle, 1906), cross blends between short- and lop- eared rabbits which are permanent (Castle, 1909), blends in weight inheritance and in skeletal proportion (Castle, More recent work has tended to show (Hatai, 1911)** that blended inheritance may be considered to be a lim- ited case of alternative inheritance where dominance is imperfect. Thus Mendel’s law of alternative inheritance may be considered as the standard in all the cases re- ferred to it (Hatai, 1911, p. 106). Certain characters which were considered formerly to blend are now re- garded as showing a certain kind of segregation or unit inheritance. Thus Davenport (1909) observes: Skin pigment does not show thorough blending inheritance, but segre- gation (sometimes imperfect), a more pigmented being imperfectly dominant over a less... . The reason, the same author observes (1909, for the blending of hair and skin color in man is the non-development of distinct color unit-determiners owing to the fact that in man for a long period there has been no selection for intensity of color, whereas in the lower mammals definite color determiners have long been main- tained by selection. Thus the prevalent recent opinion among Mendelian observers is that there is a real discontinuity between the germinal or blastic characters and what the paleontol- ogist or morphologist generally observes, is only an ap- parent continuity between somatic characters. polices Shinkishi, ‘‘The Mendelian Ratio and Blended Inheritance,’’ MER. NATURALIST, Vol. XLV, No. 530, February, ii pp. 99- * Aaa of the skin seems to depend in man on a series of color intensity units, possibly one or a few large units, more probably a number of small units so close together as to be almost continuous (Davenport, 1910). No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 201 Since, however, the behavior of somatic characters forms our only means of knowing whether the deter- miners are continuous or discontinuous, it is obvious that this opinion requires further examination in the con- ceptions of Johannsen. 5. Johannsen’s Pure Line Theory’? The theoretic contrast between the real discontinuity of the blastic determiners and the delusive continuity of visible or somatic form is pushed to its extreme in the ‘‘pure-line’’ conception which marks the latest de- velopment in heredity, an advance upon Weismann’s germ-plasm theory and Mendel’s unit-character law. Through experiments on successive generations of self- fertilizing plants (the garden bean), Johannsen has reached a standpoint which may be briefly stated as follows: A “pure line” is composed of the descendants of one pure strain ‘or homozygotie organism exclusively propagated by self fertilization; such pure lines demonstrate the stability of hereditary constitution in successive generations where undisturbed by cross breeding or ming- ling with other strains, showing that the only real changes in organ- isms are those due to the sudden appearance of new determiners in the germ. To replace the word determiner the term gene is proposed. The genotype represents the sum total of all the genes in the fertilized germ cell, gamete or zygote: we do not know a genotype but we are ` able in experiment to demonstrate “ genotypical differences.” The biotype is a group of similar genotypes or pure strain individuals. Gene, genotype, and biotype are not seen; they are the smaller and larger units of heredity. . The phenotype is what we see; it is the developing organism. Morphology supported by the huge collections of the museums has ‘operated with “phenotypes” in phylogenetic speculation. It is thus a science of phenotypes and is not of value in genetics because pheno- type description is inadequate as the starting point for genetic in- quiries. The adaptation of phenotypes through the direct influence of environment [Buffon’s factor] or of use and disuse [Lamarck’s fac- tor] is not of genetic importance. Ontogenesis is a function of the 12 Johannsen, W., ‘‘The Genotype Conception of Heredity,’’ AMER. Naruratist, Vol. XLV, No. 531, March, 1911, pp. 129-159. 202 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI genotype, but the genotype is not a function of ontogenesis. The idea of evolution by continuous transitions from one type to another has imposed itself upon zoologists and botanists, who are examining chiefly shifting phenotypes in very fine gradations. There is such a continu- ity in phenotypes but not in the genotypes from which they spring. All degrees of continuity between phenotypes may be found, but real genetic transitions must be distinguished from the transitions which we find in museums. Genotypes, it is true, can only be examined by the qualities and re- actions of the phenotypes. Such examination shows that within pure lines—if no new muta- tions or other disturbances have been at work—there are no geno- typical differences in the characters under examination. The only real discontinuity is that between different genotypes. The mutations ob- served in nature have shown themselves as considerable discontinuous saltations. There is no evidence for the view that mutations are prac- tically identical with continuous evolution. In pure lines no influence of special ancestry can be traced; all series of progeny keep the geno- type unchanged through long generations. Discontinuity between genotypes and constant differences between the genes show a beautiful harmony between Mendelism and pure line work. Selection will have no hereditary influence in changing genotypes. Even the selection of fluctuations in pure lines is ineffective to produce a new genotype Heredity may thus be defined as the presence of identical genes in ancestors and descendants, or heredity stands for those properties of the germ cells that find expression in the developing and developed phenotype. Similarly Jennings observes:” What distinguishes the different genotypes, then, is a different method of responding to the environ- ment. And this is a type of what heredity is; an organism’s heredity - is its method of responding to the environmental conditions [p. 84]. . It appeared clear, and still appears clear, that a very large share of the apparent progressive action of Selection has really consisted in the sorting over of preexisting types, so that it has by no means the theoretical significance that had been given to it [p. 88]... . I had hoped to accomplish this myself, but after strenuous, long-continued and hopeful efforts, I have not yet succeeded in seeing Selection effective in producing a new genotype. This failure to discover Selection re- sulting in progress came to me as a painful surprise, for like Pearson I find it impossible to construct for myself a “ philosophical scheme of evolution,” without the results of Selection and I would like to see what I believe must occur [pp. 88-89]. . . . It would seem that the diverse genotypes must have arisen from one, in some way, and when we find out how this happens, then such Selection between m No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 203 will be all the Selection that we require for our evolutionary progress [p. 89] Thus Johannsen’s general conception of the origin of progressive or retrogressive new characters is that SIS is sufficient to state that the essential point in evolution is the alteration, loss or gain of the genes or constit- uents of the genotype . . . all evidences as to ‘muta- tions’ point to the discontinuity of the changes in ques- tion.’ 6. Negative Results of Experiments on Quantitative Variation We agree with Johannsen that a delusive appearance of continuity might arise through selection of degrees of hereditary fluctuation in structure or function, for ex- ample, of tallness or shortness of stature, of intensity or faintness of color. Some Mendelians discard fluctua- tions altogether as non-hereditary; thus Punnett (1911, p. 138) observes: ‘‘At the present time we have no valid reason for supposing that they [fluctuations] are ever inherited.’’ The question, however, is not as to quantitative onto- genic variations caused by favorable or unfavorable en- ‘vironment or by changes of habit, but as to heritable fluctuations springing from the germ plasm. Experi- ments have been directed to the point whether variations in size, in proportion, etc., of unit characters as distin- guished from the unit characters themselves are trans- mitted. Davenport has reached negative results; he observes (1910) : In the last few decades the view has been widespread that char- acters can be built up from perhaps nothing at all by selecting in each generation the merely quantitative variation that goes farthest in the desired direction. The conclusion upon which De Vries laid the great- est stress, that quantitative and qualitative characters differ funda- mentally in their heritability, is supported by our experiments (p. 96). I have made two tests of this view using the plumage color of poultry » Punnett, R. C., ‘‘Mendelism,’’ Macmillan Co., 1911 (3d edition). 204 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI (p. 94). ... After three years of selection of the reddest offspring no appreciable increase of the red was observed except in one case, which looks like a sport (p. 96). These fluctuating quantitative conditions depend on variations in the point at which the ontogeny of the char- acter is stopped; and the stopping point is in turn often if not usually determined by external conditions which favor or restrict the ontogeny. Thus the selection of redness of comb, of polydactylism, of syndactyl- ism, have not proved the inheritance of quantitative variations. Ap- parently, within limits, these quantitative variations have so exclusively an ontogenie signification that they are not reproduced so long, at least, as environmental conditions are not allowed to vary widely. Similarly Love?! from experiments on the yielding power of plants remarks: Unless further studies produce different results we can say from the facts at hand that there is no evidence to show that a basis exists for cumulative selection. Similar conclusions have been reached by Pearl (1909)?? in the breeding of fowls for laying purposes. All the above results are negative. Even the positive or affirmative results obtained by Cuénot and later by Castle, wherein quantitative char- acters may be shifted in one direction or the other by selection are now given a new interpretation by certain Mendelians. For example, Cuénot showed by continued selection of lighter colored mice that the coat became paler; and Castle has shown that in rats the coat through selection may be made darker. Castle remarks (1911) :** _I prefer to think with Darwin that selection . . . ean heap up quantitative variations until they reach a sum total otherwise unattain- able, and that it thus becomes creative. He cites cumulative results in the development of a fourth toe in the hind foot of guinea-pigs and in the modification of the dorsal striping of hooded rats. 2 Love, Harry H., ‘‘Are Fluctuations Inherited?’’ Contr. VI, Lab. Experim.. Plant-Breeding, Cornell Univ., AMER. NATURALIST, You XLI IV, No. 523, Tuy, 1910, pp. 412—423.. ™” Pea ond, ‘‘Is there a ee Effect of Selection?’ é foes ad ERARE 2, 1909, H, 4. *% Castle, W. E., ‘‘The Nature of Unit aui The Harvey Lec- tures, delivered andes the Auspices of the Harvey Society of New York, 8vo, J. B. Lippincott Co., pp. 90-101. No. 544] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 205 Morgan’s remarks (1912) on these positive experi- ments are as follows: Castle has been very guarded in regard to the interpretation of: the results of selection in this case. It is probable that extreme selection is necessary to maintain the higher stage reached. It does not breed true and slips back easily. If this is correct it suggests: first, that nothing permanent has been effected in the germ-cells; and second, that the result is due to the discovery of more extreme eases of fluctu- ating variations than ordinarily occur. The general import of these experiments and opin- ions is that fluctuations in the determiners, or genes, can not be utilized to establish a new quantitative mean. It is obvious that what have been measured by biometri- cians as hereditary ‘‘fluctuations’’ might be regarded as ‘‘saltations’’ of all degrees, but such saltations do not represent new determiners in the Mendelian or Johannsen sense; they are mere fluctuations in existing determiners. Pure Mendelians would allege that tall- ness in man or other mammals can only be accumulated through the saltatory origin of ‘‘tall’’ determiners which are not connected continuously through intermediate forms with the antithetic ‘‘short’’ determiners. As to Stature Brownlee observes (1911, p. 255) :** I think that I have shown that there is nothing necessarily antagon- istie between the evidence advanced by the biometricians and the Men- delian theory. . . . (1) If the inheritance of stature depends upon a Mendelian mechanism, then the distribution of the population as regards height will be that which is actually found, namely, a distri- bution closely represented by the normal curve. 6. Summary as to Discontinuity and Mendelism Genetics is the most positive, permanent and trium- phant branch of modern biology. Its contributions to heredity are epoch-making. But heredity is the conserv- ative aspect of biology, and experimental genetics thus far reveals the laws of conservation. * Brownlee, J., ‘. P H M Fig. 3. ue AND ALLOMETRONS IN TITANOTHERES, Continuity in pa Se oe a seous horns in titanotheres. P =ł2d lower gapen H= of na and — (shaded) showing osseous horn; S = S; M= ae i a i bon nope lay a oo (dolichocephalic) titanothere. , a Il. Paleosyops, a broad-headed (brachycephalic) titanothere. | I. Eotitanops, an ancestral (mesaticephalic) titanothere. II-V belong A four eperen phyla which Reon in their allometric evolution of head (8) d foot si een on (M) but give rise to independe: pans ae e pong the o us horn usps on Pt premolar teeth (P) and of rudiments (H) on the seat No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 259 cephaly are congenitally altered by environment in the first generation are modified by his statement that this action in bringing diverse head forms together would not go so far as to establish a uniform general type. No anthropologist has offered any satisfactory expla- nation as to the adaptive significance of dolichocephaly or brachycephaly. It is well known that these differences of head form are not associated with intellectual ability or mental aptitude. Boas writes (April 8, 1911): So far the matter is very perplexing to me. I feel, however, very strongly with you that changes in type are very liable to be progres- sive in definite directions. . . . To my mind it seems no more diffieult to assume that this predetermined direction should continue from generation to generation than to make the much more difficult assump- tion that notwithstanding. all internal changes the egg-cell of one generation should be absolutely identical with that of the preceding generation. Apart from the disputed question of the direct influence of environment and of human selection there is absolute unanimity of evidence and of opinion on the one point essential to the present discussion, namely, as to the con- tinuity of allometric variation which establishes different extremes of head form under conditions of geographic isolation. ; Granted that these extremes evolve continuously, do they become discontinuous in heredity? | One of the general results of crossing long-headed and narrow-faced types with broad-headed and broad-faced types is what is known as disharmonic heredity, namely, that condition in which the face and cranium do not hold together, but broad faces may couple with long skulls, or vice versa (Boas, 1903).*° Boas concludes that there can be no question that the mixture of a long-headed and of a short-headed race may lead to disharmonism, one race contributing head form, the other facial expression. As to stability or segregation in heredity the latest 3 Boas, Franz, ‘‘ Heredity in Head Form,’’ Amer. Anthropologist, Vol. 5, No. 3, July-September, 1903, pp. 530-538. 260 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI opinions of Boas, Elliot Smith and Hrdlicka have been sought. Boas is one of the most positive as to the hered- itary stability of head form. He observes (1911, pp. 7-9): Among European peoples head proportions are considered among the most stable and permanent of all characteristics. In intermarriage of “ dolichocephalice ” and “ brachyeephalic ” individuals the children do not form a blend between their parents but inherit either the dolichocephalie or brachyeephalie head form. Head form thus con- ` stitutes a case of almost typical alternating heredity (p. 55). No evi- dence has been obtained, however, to show that either brachyeephaly or dolichoecephaly is dominant. Children exhibit one head form or the other, and the cephalie index or ratio of breadth to length undergoes only slight alteration during growth, or ontogeny. Elliot Smith (letter of August 12, 1911) is ‘‘firmly convinced that the form of cranium, orbits, nose, jaws, limb bones, etc., in the ‘Armenoid’ and ‘Proto-Egyptian’ series are very stable or even fixed ‘unit characters’ which do not really blend, but that certain elements of mosaic assemblage of characters pe be grafted on to others belonging to the other race.’ Opinions as to Blending.—It will be noted that Boas (1895) admits a certain blending of head form in crosses. Hrdlička (letter, November 1, 1911) speaks even more guardedly as to the hereditary stability of head form. He says: As to the head form constituting a “ unit character ” which does not blend in intermixture, I am not able to give a conelusive opinion, but my experience and other considerations lead me to be very skeptical that such is the case to any great extent. The subject is a very com- plex one and requires considerable direct investigation in different lo- calities and with different peoples before the exact truth can be known. . As to the statement that long or broad head form is a stable or unit character not blending in intermixture, I think that only the first part of the proposition may be held as fairly settled. But even then I should change the word “stable” to “ persistent,’ and qualify the phrase by adding “under no greatly differing and lasting environ- mental conditions.” That prolonged interbreeding or intermixture tends to break down the stability of hereditary head form is No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 261 indicated by Boas, Elliot Smith, and Ripley, as well as by Hrdlicka, as quoted above. Thus Ripley (1899), p. 55) observes: — The plotting of cephalic indices on a map of Europe shows that there is a uniform gradation of head form from several specifie centers of distribution outward. In Italy over 300,000 individuals taken from every little hamlet have been measured. In the extreme south we find the dolichocephalic head form of the typical — Mediterranean race; the type changes gradually as we go north until in Piedmont we find an extreme of brachy- Brontother.™ a Eohippus Fig. 4. CONTINUOUS ORIGIN or ALLOMETRIC “ UNIT CHARACTERS ” IN THE SKULL OF VARIOUS UNGULATES. © Cytocephaly, Bubalis Rangifer. D Dolichocephaly, Opisthopic : Pr (Titanotheres) (Equines). In the ancestral Eotitanops and Eohippus the facio-cranial index is very similar. In the descendants of these Is, as i ed by the dotted lines, the facio-cranial indices are widely divergent; in the Titanotheres (Bronto- — therium) the cranium is elongated; in the horses (Equus) the face is elongated. 262 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI ‘cephaly of the Alpine type, recalling the broad-headed Asiatic type of skull. Thus (Ripley, p. 56) ‘‘pure phys- ical types come in contact and this means ultimately the extinction of extremes.” Applying these principles to the present case, it implies the ultimate blending of the long and the narrow heads and the substitution of one of medium breadth. Elliot Smith also (letter, August 12, 1911) implies a gradual modification or blending of head form through prolonged intermixture. He observes: Egypt does not give a clear answer to your queries because her ex- ceedingly dolichocephalie brown race [related to the Mediterranean race of southern Europe] underwent a double admixture (cirea 3,000 3.c.) with moderately brachyeephalie “ Armenoids” from Asia and dolichocephalie Negroes from Africa. The Mediterranean Egyp- tians are on the whole a little broader-headed than they were 6,000 years ago, and this may be due in part to a slow development toward mesaticephaly; but it is mainly the result of an admixture with alien bracephalies and mesaticephalics. There is an unquestionable tendency toward the elimination of the extremes of narrowheadedness and broadheadedness. Hrdlička (letter, December 5, 1911) observes: As to the effect of the mixture of brachycephalic and dolichocephalic individuals or peoples, I am led to believe that there is in the results of such mixtures a large percentage of more or less intimate “blend ” of the two forms, for such a condition is indicated by the curves of distribution of the cephalic index among such national conglomerates as the French, Germans, different tribes of the American Indians, ete. These curves, if sufficiently large numbers of individuals have been ex- amined, all approach more or less the ideal camel-back curve. If no “blend” existed, we should be bound to get the double or dromedary- back eurve. Of course the effects of mixture and the effects of environ- ment are with our present means often impossible of separation, they often obseure each other. Yet the indications are that there is gener- ally a considerable amount of more or less mixture of the many ele- mentary constituents of the hereditary characters [known collectively as] dolichocephaly and brachycephaly.. With this there coexists doubt- less some tendency toward a differentiation into the two opposite forms of the head. Thus in human head form we have proofs of continuous No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 263 allometric change strictly comparable to that which oc- curs in the crania of lower mammals, especially as ob- served in the horses and titanotheres; the extremes are produced in so-called pure human races under geographic isolation; when these pure races are brought together there arises disharmonism or alternating heredity or both. Neither the dolichocephalic nor brachycephalic type is as yet known to be dominant; opinion is divided as to whether in the first cross the heredity is pure or whether there may be a tendency to produce an inter- mediate form; opinion is nearly unanimous that pro- longed interbreeding produces blends.’ 4. Skull of Titanotheres. The continuity of allometric evolution in the skull of the titanotheres (Fig. 4) has been the subject of pro- longed investigation by the writer, assisted by Dr. W.E Gregory, involving thousands of measurements, many of which belong in strictly successive phyletic series. Allometry (i. e., the measurement of allometrons) here applies to the skull as a whole. We secure the cephalic index by dividing the breadth across the cheek arches by the total basilar length of the skull. There are also other indices, such as the facio-cranial, in which we measure continuous trends of allometric change; brachycephaly and dolichocephaly arise independently in four different phyla or lines of descent. The adaptive significance is sometimes apparent, sometimes obscure. As shown in Fig. 1 the titanotheres, like man, exhibit facial abbrevia- tion and cranial elongation (postopic dolichocephaly) in contrast with the facial elongation (proopice dolicho- cephaly) of the horses. These phenomena are similar to those of cytocephaly, or the bending down of the face upon the base of the cranium as observed in the reindeer T. H. Morgan observes that a blend may occur in the first generation, F,, even where perfect segregation occurs in F.. The results of crossing the equine skull as described below indicate a tendency to blend in the first cross. 264 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vowu. XLVI (Rangifer) and the hartebeest (Bubalis). Cytocephaly is an ontogenetic and phylogenetic new character, aris- ing or developing continuously. As in the case of the human skull; the causes of these profound changes in head form are entirely unknown; the mechanically adaptive significance is sometimes ap- parent, sometimes obscure. The evidence is strengthened by the examination of the titanotheres that human selec- tion has little or no influence on human cranial form. The great point to emphasize is that this allometric evo- lution in the skull and all parts of the skeleton is the pre- vailing phenomenon of change in the skeleton of mammals. It is constantly in progress and is universally, so far as we can observe, a continuous process. As displayed in the four phyla of titanotheres (Fig. 3), the elongation or broadening of the foot bones proceed independently and are divergent, while in the same mammals the rectigra- dations exhibited in the rise of similar cusplets on the teeth and similar horn rudiments on the face are parallel; in the former ease no ancestral predisposition seems to be operating, in the latter case ancestral predisposition certainly seems to operate; this is why the internal laws controlling the origin of new allometrons and of new rectigradations and allometrons are regarded as essen- tially dissimilar. Paleontological analysis of these rectigradations and allometrons even unaided by experimental heredity re- veals the essential feature of the ‘‘unit character’’ prin- ciple, namely, that what we are observing is. an incredibly large number of unit elements each of which enjoys a certain independence of evolution at the same time that each unit is adaptively correlated with all the others. For example, in the upper and lower grinding teeth of horses alone there are 504 cusp units, each of which has an inde- pendent origin and development; at the same time each cusp is more or less distinctly correlated in form with the all-pervading dolichocephaly or brachycephaly of the skull; in fact, from certain single cusps of the teeth we No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 265 can often determine whether the animal is brachycephalic or dolichocephalic N:P, Monophyletic -= _ opera MULE arta wes trne NAg Polyphyletic RSE IMPERFECT BLENDING OF CROSS-BREEDING AND HE FacraAL BONES IN ASS (MALE), 5. ALLOMETRIC “ UNIT CHARACTERS ” OF TH Horse (FEMALE) AND MULE. Bones of the side of the face, Ass. Bones of the side of the face, Mule. Bones of the-side of the face, Horse. The horse is oo polyphyletic, arrow points to C, a distinct bum ass, “ihe the ass is probably sonm e ho k point at ‘wich feast De of F.P oO. The rse and mule, not observed in the the nasals is i L =la 266 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI The question arises as a result of the somewhat con- flicting evidence as to the crossing of brachycephals and dolichocephals in man, what happens when we cross two phyla of lower mammals which have been diverging along separate allometric lines and in the meantime have ac- quired a greater or less number of new characters which when sufficiently developed attain specific rank. The answer is given very distinctly in the cross between the dolichocephalic horse (E. caballus).and the meso- cephalic ass (E. asinus). Here we learn again that pro- found differences have been established through con- tinuity and that we are enabled to split up these differ- ences into distinct or partially blending units through cross breeding. 5. Blended or Alternating Heredity in Horses.** So high an authority as J. Cossar Ewart (1903) has sustained the prevailing view that in the mule there is generally an imperfect blending of the characters of the immediate parents; the same author, however, notes that mules occasionally serve as examples of unit or exclusive inheritance. He cites two cases: (1) a mule out of a well-bred, flea-bitten New Forest pony closely resembles her sire, the ass; (2) a ‘‘calico’’ mule, on the other hand, is surprisingly like his dam, an Indian ‘‘painted’’ pony. This painted mule demonstrates that the ass is not always more prepotent than the horse. From this author’s very extensive breeding experiments the following conclusions are reached: the less fixed or racially valuable characters * The writer is indebted to Mr. S. H. Chubb, Mrs. Johanna Kroeber Mosenthal and to ee W. F Gregory for many of the observations and all of the measurem ich this comparison is based. The materials studied are three pe of fe ass (¢ E. asinus), ten of the horse (9 E. caballus), and four of the mule, all adult with teeth in approximately the same stage of we 3 The most resent (1912) opinion of Ewart is much more gues as to- the operation of Mendel’s law in pure breeding strains of horses. See ‘t Eugenics and the Breeding of Light Horses,’’ The Field, kia 10. 1912, pp. 288, 289. No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 267 of zebras either blend with or are dominated by the cor- responding characters in their horse and ass mates, Thus, as influencing dominance or prepotency, the value which a character has attained in the past struggle for existence seems to count for something. In zebras and in horses certain physical and mental traits are more highly heritable than others. Among the characteristics which are often handed down unblended in zebra-horse hybrids and to a less extent in zebra-ass hybrids are the size of the ears, the form of the hoofs, the massiveness of the jaws; while among psychic characters are transmitted the extreme caution, the wonderful alertness and quickness. The new results brought forward in this Harvey lecture from the comparison of the skull and teeth of the horse, ass and mule on the whole strengthen the theory of unit in- heritance both in rectigradations and inallometrons. The measure of unit character inheritance as contrasted with blended inheritance is very precisely brought out in the detailed study of the twenty-two characters which are examined below. Before discussing these characters in detail it is interesting to point out that the ancestors of the horse and the ass have probably been separated for at least 500,000 years. In the meantime the horse has become extremely dolichocephalic, the ass has remained comparatively mesocephalic; the horse has a relatively long, the ass a relatively short face; the horse has highly complex, the ass has somewhat simpler grinding teeth; the horse exhibits advanced adaptation to grazing habits and has become habituated to a forest and plains life in comparatively fertile countries, while the wild ass is by preference a browsing animal, finding its food in exces- sively arid countries where there is a marked dearth of water and water courses. The physical and psychical divergences in these two animals have developed over an enormously long period of time. Every single tooth and bone of the horse and ass show differences both in recti- gradation and in allometric evolution. 268 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI One feature which tends to make the results of the cross less clear and distinctive than they are is that while the ass is monophyletic (being descended with S ASS S MULE S HORSE | Fic, 6. CROSS-BREEDING AND IMPERFECT BLENDING OF SUB-ALLOMETRIC “ UNIT CHARACTERS ” OF THE NASAL BONES IN ASS (MALE) AND HORSE (FEMALE). view of nasals and naso-frontal suture, Ass. Top view of nasals and naso-frontal suture, Mule. Top view of nasals and naso-frontal suture, Horse. 8 = point of section shown in Figs. 3 and 5 No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 269 modification from the wild E. asinus of northern Africa), the domestic horse is not a pure strain and is certainly polyphyletic, having in its blood that of several races, such as the Arab and the Forest or Norse horse, animals which have specific distinctness although they still inter- breed.®® To this mixed strain or polyphyletic heredity of the horse, are probably attributable many of the allometric variations in the bones of the skull and in the enamel pattern of the teeth of the mule in some of which we observe a nearer approach to the ass type than in others. If we could cross the ass with a pure horse race like the Steppe or Prjevalsky horse we should probably obtain more precise results. Another disturbing feature in the comparisons and indices given below is that we do not know the exact structure of the skull of either of the parents from which the mule skulls examined were derived. Despite these sources of fluctuation and of error, the general results obtained are fairly positive and definite. The first point of interest in the segregation of unit characters in the mule is that connected with the three germinal layers, namely, the epiblast, mesoblast and hypo- blast. All the characters of epiblastic origin appear to be derived from the sire, namely, the epidermal derivatives, the distribution of the hair, especially in the mane and tail, the hoofs, ete., are those of the ass, although the color pattern, as in the ‘‘calico’’? mules described by Ewart, may be derived from the mare. The nervous system and psychie tendencies, all of epiblastic origin are also derived from the ass, including minor psychic character- isties, such as aversion to water. Still more striking, perhaps, is the fact that the enamel pattern of the grind- ing teeth, again of epiblastic origin, is mainly that of the ass, although, as shown below, there are some inter- mediate and some distinctive horse-like characters in the * There are many absolute charactérs which separate the Arab from the _ Norse horse, among them the invariable presence of one less vertebra in the ee ae lumbar region of the back. ee 270 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow XLVI teeth of the mule; this may be partly connected with the mesoblastic derivation of the dentine of the teeth. Monophyletic MULE Polyphyletic CROSS-BREEDING AND raglan SEPARATION OF ALLOMETRIC “ SUB- Fig. 7. — Cnanscrres ” OF THE NASAL BONES IN ASS (MALE), HorSE (FEMALE) Mid-section of nasal bones, Ass. Mid-section of nasal bones, Mule. Mid-section of nasal bones; Horse. Y1, Y? = variations in the depth of pa — in the mule. V1, V? = varia- tions ta the depth of the nasals in the ho Mesoblastic derivatives, on the other hand, are divided between the sire and dam, the skeleton and limbs of the mule being mainly proportioned as in the ass, while the skull of the mule, as we shall see, is almost purely that of the horse. Blended and Pure Inheritance in the Bones of the Face Blending—A comparison of the bones of the side of No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS Zil the facial or preorbital region shows intermediate or partly blended form and proportions both of the nasals, premazxillaries, frontals, and lachrymals, in which, how- ever, the mule approaches E. caballus rather than E. asinus. Attention may be called to some of the details of the comparison: (1) Suture between the nasals and premaxillaries: in E. asinus short and elevated, in the mule intermediate but more like the horse; in the horse elongated and depressed (see Fig. 5). (2) Naso-frontal suture on the top of the skull: in the ass straight or trans- verse; in the mule incurved, more like the horse than the ass; in the horse arched or incurved (see Fig. 6). (3) Depth and convexity of the nasals: in the ass shallow and flattened; in the mule deeper, more like the horse; in the horse highly arched. (4) Bump or convexity on posterior third nasals: in the ass very slight; in the mule moderate, more like the horse than the ass; in the horse strong (see Fi. y). The same tendency in the mule to exhibit a slight de- parture from the horse toward the ass type is shown in the outlines of the bones of the face (Figs. 3, 4, 5). Com- paring step by step the premaxillaries, maxillaries, nasals, and lachrymals, while the proportions and the sutural outlines are mainly those of the horse, there is a more or less distinct blending, or intermediate character in the direction of the ass; see especially the naso-pre- maxillary suture, the degree to which the nasals extend downward on the sides of the face to join the maxillaries, and the degree to which the nasals extend on the sides of the face to join the maxillaries. In this naso-maxillary junction certain horses approach the ass type. The char- acteristic bump on top of the nasals of the horse is trans- mitted to the mule, and the highly characteristic trans- verse suture between the frontals and the nasals, as seen from the top (Fig. 4), is rather that of the horse than of the mule. Non-blending.—More definite results are shown in the heredity of the indices or ratios between the various por- 1. Cephalic Index: 272 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vowu. XLVI tions of the skull and of the teeth; these indices are ex- tremely constant allometric specific characters, they are independent of size. For example, the indices of a diminutive pony and of a giant percheron would be the same. Similarly the indices of a diminutive donkey and of a very large ass would be the same. The index is the best and most exact form of express- ing mathematically the profound differences between the skull of the horse and that of the ass. Indices have the value of specific characters; they are of especial signifi- cance in the present discussion in comparison with those in the face, cranium and palate of man and of the titano- theres above considered. Chief among the allometric differences are the follow- ing: (1) Inits proportions the ass has a relatively shorter space between its grinding and its cutting teeth, the bit-opening; this is correlated with the fact (2) that the ass has a relatively broader and shorter skull than the horse; also with (3) the fact that the ass has a relatively longer cranium (postorbital space) and shorter face (preorbital space) than the horse; (5) the ass also has relatively broader grinding teeth correlated with the broader skull; (6) correlated also with its less elongate skull the ass has a relatively rounder orbit than the horse, 7. e., the vertical and horizontal diameters are more nearly equal. (7) A very distinctive feature is the angle which the occiput makes with the skull; this is one of the marked specific features of the ass. NoN-BLENDING OR PURE INHERITANCE INDICES IN THE SKULL Width of skull X 100 Ass 46,9-49.9 Basilar len gth Diast 2. Diastema Index: echoed i at ee Basilar length of skull Length i 3. Cranio-facial Index: mgri of crantem X 190 Length of face Mule 40.8—43.6 Horse 40.4—44.1 Ass 15.6-17.6 Mule 18.6-21.9 Horse 18.2—23.0 Ass 56.3—61.0 Mule 48.9-51.8 Horse 45.3—49.9 4, 5. 6. f No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 273 Vertical diameter of orbit X 100 Ass 96.0-104.2 > Mule 78.7— 99.1 Horse 84.2— 93.5 Orbital Index : : Ass 15.2-16.0 Transverse diameter of M? X 100 Molar Index: iia ee ~ sage Mule 14.2-14.9 otal length of entire molar series Horse 13.9-15.7 Angle between vertex of skull and line Ass 52.5-60.0 connecting most posterior points of Mule 61.0-66.5 Occiput-vertex occipital crest with condyles, Horse 64.0-76.5 angle Index: i. e., nearly all horse skulls will stand when set up on end, some mule skulls (one out of four), no ass skulls =, Distance from palate to posterior end of Ass 93.8-111.7 Vomer Index: vomer X 100 Mule 95.5-110.3 Distance from vomer to foramen magnum Horse 72.8- 86.5 The above indices prove that the mule has not a primi- tive skull like that of the ass on a larger scale, but has essentially the skull of the horse, namely : 1. A long, narrow skull, as a whole. 2. A long diastema, or space for the bit. 3. A short cranium and a long face. 4. A long, oval orbit. 5. A relatively elongate and narrow set of grinding teeth. 6. A vertically placed occiput. The one character in which the mule resembles the ass is the elongation of the vomer behind the bony palate. It should, however, be distinctly stated that while the indices given above are those which probably prevail in mules, there are overlaps in the (4) orbital index and (6) occi- put-vertex angle. Thus in one mule the orbital index agrees with that of one of the asses. Enamel Pattern of Grinding Teeth.—In the marvel- ously complex pattern of the grinding teeth the ‘‘unit character” transmission is quite sharply defined in the majority of characters, while intermediate or slightly blended in the minority. In general in the grinding teeth of the ass the main enamel folds are less complicated 274 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI than in the horse and there are fewer secondary or sub- sidiary folds; the ass especially lacks the ‘‘pli caballin’’ (fold 5) which is usually a very pronounced specific character of the horse. The mule shows a very slight indication of this fold and thus resembles the ass. The folds: (1,3,4) ASS folds: (1,2,3,4) MULE folds: (1,2,3; 4,556) HORSE ROSS- PRORDING AND SEPARATION OF espadana aes DISTINCT N THE ENAMEL FOLDINGS AND PATTERN OF THE GRINDING A o OF Section through the crown a the third eau ainia (p* or 4th premolar) ass (male), horse (female) and mule. No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS 275 subsidiary folds in the grinders of the mule are simpler than those in either the horse or the ass. The grinder of the mule would be pronounced by any systematist not knowing its mixed parentage to belong to the ass rather than to the horse, especially in the absence of the ‘‘pli eaballin’’ (fold 5), in the form of the hypostyle (hs, fold 6), in the smaller size of the protocone (pr), the large size of which is very distinctive of the horse. A very detailed study and comparison of the grinding teeth in the horse, ass and mule made by an independent ob- server, Dr. W. K. Gregory, gives the following result: Secondary folds: protocone, pr. paracone, pa metacone, me hypocone hy. protoconule pl. metaconule ml. Secondary elements : parastyle, ps. ostyle, ms hypostyle, hs Primary elements: fold (ie es Horeca. <2 Male . 3.55% Ass Told 2 Ue ees Se cea Mule. fold: 3 i428; Horse =: Males. Ass Tod é eo oe Horie 3005), jo hd eres ASS Tod Oo es Hor UNIT CHARACTERS IN GRINDING TOOTH OF THE MULE Distinctly ass-like: 5 character say ‘ tal peculiar to ass. Less distinctly ass-like: 6 characters Common to horse and ass: 5 characters 5 common to horse and ass. Distinctly horse-like: 2 characters a samdir to horse. Less distinctly horse-like: 4 characters } r It would be especially desirable to compare the same enamel characters in the hinny, which is a cross be- tween the male horse and the female ass, in which it is well known that the E. caballus and E. asinus char- acters are differently distributed. Summary.—Out of the 28 characters examined in the skull and teeth of the mule, 18 are distinctly derived either from one parent or the other with very slight, if any, tendency to blend, 10 characters show a distinct tendency to blend. 276 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI This evidence, in the opinion of T. H. Morgan, is in entire accord with the modern views of hybridizing; parallels for each instance can be given; without the evidence of the F, generation no conclusions adverse to Mendelism are possible. Even the differences in re- ciprocal crosses, i. e., horse ĝ, ass 9, can be understood if sex-limited inheritance prevails in some characters. To confirm the results suggested by this F, genera- tion of the horse and ass, it would be necessary to inter- breed races of mammals to F, or F, to ascertain whether these characters of the skull and teeth really mendelize. It is doubtful whether such specific types of mammals can be found, and whether sufficient stability of character exists in artificially produced races. Sufficient evidence has been adduced, however, to show that a very large number of characters which are to the best of our knowledge of continuous origin, present all the appearance of ‘‘unit characters?’ in the first genera- tion of hybrids. II. Conciuston Is it not demonstrated by this comparison of results obtained in such widely different families as the Bovide, Hominide, Titanotheriide and Equide that discontinu- ity in heredity affords no evidence whatever of pages tinuity of origin? As to origin, it is demonstrated in paleontology that certain new characters arise by excessively fine grada- tions which appear to be continuous. If discontinuities or steps exist they are so minute in these characters as to be indistinguishable from those fluctuations around a mean which seem to accompany vey stage in the evolu- tion and ontogeny of unit ch IV. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS After having attempted to confine our discourse to facts it is a pleasure to relax into the more genial at- mosphere of opinion and hypothesis. No. 545] ORIGIN OF UNIT CHARACTERS Zit The principle of pre-determination, which results in | the appearance of rectigradations, involves us in radical opposition to the opinions of the Bateson-DeVries- Johannsen school. There is an unknown law operating in the genesis of many new characters and entirely dis- tinct from any form of indirect law which would spring out of the selection of the lawful from the lawless. This great wedge between the ‘‘law’’ and the ‘‘chance’’ con- ception, which since the time of Aristotle has divided biologists into two schools of opinion, is driven home by modern paleontology. Paleontology, in the origin of certain new characters at least, compels us to support the truly marvelous phil- osophie opinion of Aristotle, namely: Nature produces those things which, being continu- ously moved by a certain principle contained in them- selves arrive at a certain end. While recent biology has tended to sharply distin- guish bodily from germinal processes and to place chief emphasis upon evolution appearing to originate in the germ cells, we must not forget that for a hundred million years or more,,or from the beginning of life, the germ plasm has had both its immediate somatic and its more remote environmental influences. Because the grosser form of Lamarckian interpretation of transmission of acquired characters has apparently been disproved, we | must not exclude the possibility of the discovery of finer, more subtle relations between the germ plasm and the soma, as well as the external environment. There are several phenomena, which have been observed only in paleontology, that afford evidence for the existence of such a nexus; because it appears that certain germinal predispositions to the formation of new characters, con- nected, as Darwin conjectured, in some way with com- munity of descent, are only evoked under certain so- matic and environmental conditions, without which they appear to lie in a latent, potential or unexpressed form. All that we may be able to observe are the modes of 278 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI operation in the genesis of new characters and in the adaptive trends of allometric evolution without gaining any intimate knowledge of what the causes are. This thought may be made clear through the following anal- ogy. Naturalists observed and measured the rise and fall of the tides long before Newton discovered the law of gravitation; we biologists are simply observing and measuring the rise and fall of the greater currents of life. It is possible that a second Darwin may discover a law underlying these phenomena bearing the same re- lation to biology that the law of gravity has to physics, or it is possible that such law may remain forever un- discovered. Another analogy may make our meaning still clearer. Ontogenesis is inconceivable, for example, the transformation of an infinitesimal speck of fertilized matter into a gigantic whale or dinosaur; we may watch every step in the process of embryogeny and ontogeny without becoming any wiser; in a similar sense phylo- genesis may be inconceivable or beyond the power of human discovery. Not that we accept Driesch’s idea of an entelechy or Bergson’s metaphysical projection of the organic world as an individual, because we must be- lieve that the entire secret of evolution and adaptation -is wrapped up in the interactions of the four relations that we know of, namely, the germinal, the bodily, the environmental, with selection operating incessantly as the arbiter of fitness in the results produced. In the meantime*” we paleontologists have made what appears to be a substantial advance in finding ever more con- vineing evidence of the operation of law rather than of chance in the origin and development of new characters, something which Darwin had clearly in mind.*! * Osborn, Hick. “Ths peta Mechanism and the Search for the Unknown Factors of Evolution,’’ Biol. Lect. Marine Biol. Lab., 1894, AMER. N ON Vol. XXXIX, No. 341, May, 1895, pp. 418—439. “1 Darw. has.: ‘‘I have spoken of vyarlations sometimes as if they were due i dha This is a wholly incorrect expression; it merely serves to acknowledge plainly our ignorance of the cause of each particular variation. ’’ THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH F. E. CHIDESTER RUTGERS COLLEGE INTRODUCTION Tue first reference to the crayfish in scientific litera- ture is in Aristotle’s ‘‘History of Animals,’’? where he speaks of the ‘‘small Astaci which breed in the rivers.’’ Aristotle and the older naturalists used the term Astaci to include both the crayfish and the lobster. Faxon divides the crayfish into two great groups (24): One, restricted to the northern hemisphere, is found in Europe, Asia and North America. The other is found in the southern hemisphere, in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Madagascar and South America. The islands now inhabited by crayfish, such as Eng- land, Japan and Cuba, were probably once connected with the mainland. In speaking of the distribution of the crayfishes, Faxon Says: The northern family of crayfishes contains two genera, Astacus and Cambarus. These groups occupy distinct geographical areas. The genus Astacus is found in the old world in Europe and western Asia as far as the Aral and Caspian Seas, and in America in the region west of the Rocky Mountains, draining into the Great Salt Lake and the Pacifie Ocean. It is thus seen to occupy the western sides of the two northern continents. Cambarus is found in North America east of the Rocky Mountains, in the region which is bounded on the north by Lake Winnipeg and New Brunswick, and on the south by Guatemala and Cuba. Crayfish thus are discontinuous genera, that is, genera which now occupy widely separated areas, such as Astacus in Europe and Pacifie North America, but which once ranged over the intervening ranges as well. It is comparatively easy to distinguish the common Cambarus from the Astacus of Europe and western America. Members of the genus Astacus have eighteen 279 280 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLVI gills, while those of the genus Cambarus have but seven- teen. The female of the genus Cambarus has a false pouch, the annulus ventralis, which serves as a sperm re- ceptable, while in Astacus the sperm is deposited on the posterior part of the thorax in spermatophores. Dr. A. E. Ortmann has made most careful studies of the distribution of the crayfish. References to his papers will be found in my bibliography. Dr. Ortmann writes me that there are in the United States and Central Amer- ica, 74 species of Cambarus and 5 of Potambius (Asta- cus). Inthe United States excluding Mexico, Guatemala and Cuba, there are 64 species of Cambarus and 5 of Potambius. The European word ‘‘crayfish’’ is used by teachers of zoology, probably because of Huxley’s classic, ‘‘The Crayfish. ”’ Ortmann found (38) that not only was ‘‘crawfish”’ used by Say, 1817, earlier than ‘‘crayfish’’ by Huxley, 1880, but that in this country ‘‘crawfish’”’ is the popular name. ‘‘Crayfish,’’ ‘‘crawfish,’’ or, as it is sometimes incor- rectly called, ‘‘erab,’’ come from the same root, Old Ger- man, ‘‘ Krebis,’’ from which are derived, on the one hand, the modern German ‘‘ Krebs ”’ and the English ‘‘ crab ’’; on the other hand the French ‘‘ ecrevisse,’’ the English and the American ‘‘ crayfish.’’ The crayfish on which my own observations have been centered belong to the species Cambarus bartonius bar- toni, the only species which has migrated into New Eng- land. My work was carried on in the field and in the labora- tory continuously for nine months. In the field I have watched the activities of the crayfish in the small ponds with which Worcester, Mass., is so well supplied. At night I used a powerful acetylene gas lamp. In the lab- oratory I made use of two large aquaria, one of them an ordinary running water aquarium with a pile of sand at No. 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 281 one end, and the other a still water aquarium arranged to furnish a more nearly natural habitat. In this paper I have not touched upon the anatomy or the work on regeneration, but have confined myself to what is generally known as ecology or biology. In the attempt to make the paper fairly complete I have referred in the text to the numbers in the bibliography. It is a pleasure to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. C. F. Hodge, Dr. Newton Miller and Dr. J. P. Porter, of Clark University, Dr. A. E. Ortmann, of the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh, and Dr. E. A. Andrews, of Johns Hopkins University. SENSES Touch.—Touch is probably the sense of greatest value to the crayfish. It is sensitive to touch over the whole surface of the body (16), especially on the chelae and chelipeds, mouth parts, the ventral surface of the abdomen and the edge of the telson. Vision.—The crayfish, in common with the insects, has a compound eye. It is believed by many that the com- pound eye is a visual apparatus which is almost worthless for detecting the forms of objects, especially if these objects are stationary; but that it may furnish a very defi- nite response to stimuli of moving objects. Bell’s experiments with the crayfish (16) showed that there was no response to stationary objects. The case was entirely different with large, moving objects. The response was not due to any change in the intensity of light such as that caused by a shadow falling on the ani- mals, for they would react to a movement made on the opposite side of them from the window. Reaction to smaller moving objects was not so marked. Crayfish are sensitive to strong light and hide during the day under stones, among roots of plants near the bank, and in burrows in the bank. It is a noteworthy fact that, in France, the people catch crayfish by building huge fires on the bank at night to attract them. 282 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI My own experiments indicate that in nature the cray- fish will retreat from a strong light, but will approach a dim one. In the spring I found that it was extremely diffi- cult to frighten a crayfish from its food by means of my acetylene light. In collecting at night it is very easy to attract crayfish from some distance by setting a light on the bank so that it dimly illuminates some little space of water. Smell and Taste.—Very little experimental work to. determine the senses of smell and taste in any of the crus- tacea was done until Bell, in 1906, tested the reactions of the crayfish (15) to chemical stimuli, applying meat juice by means of a fine pointed pipette to various parts of the body. He found that the antenne, antennules, mouth _ parts and chelipeds were especially sensitive. Recently (1910) Holmes and Homuth published the results of an extended series of experiments on crayfish in which the outer or inner rami of the antennules were removed; the antennules were removed entirely; the antenne were removed; the chelipeds removed; and in some specimens the brains were destroyed. (33). They found that the outer rami of the antennules bear- ing the olfactory sete were especially sensitive to olfactory stimuli, that the inner rami of the antennules, the antennz, the mouth parts and the tips of the chelipeds were all sensitive to some extent to olfactory stimuli. It is probable that in the crayfish we have a very highly developed topochemical sense, or contact-odor sense. Forel uses this term (25) in speaking of the fact that in ants, odors are apparently detected by the contact of the antenne. Bell found that the crayfish was sensitive to food when not in contact with it. I experimented with freshly cut meat and with meat which had been exposed to the air for some time so that the cut surfaces had dried, and found that the crayfish would go toward and seize the fresh meat first. Evidently the diffusion of the meat juices was readily detected. No. 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 283 Hearing.—It has been pretty clearly demonstrated by Bell that the crayfish has no sound reactions. He tried experiments (16) such as rapping on a board floating in the water, snapping a metal snapper in and out of the water, and setting tuning forks in vibration in the water, but got no response. It is possible that the crayfish is sensitive to the sound made by the movement of the mouth parts of another crayfish. This has not been proved. Equilibrium.—Bunting found that young crayfish with the statocysts removed would swim upside down as readily as right side up (18). It is also pretty certain that the older crayfish have a sense of equilibrium, although the response to rotation in their case is not definite, but purely individual. MATING, SPAWNING AND DEVELOPMENT. The process of mating in Astacus differs from the process in Cambarus. In the case of Astacus, the males approach the females in October, November and January. The male seizes the female with his pincers, throws her on her back and deposits the spermatic matter, firstly on the external plates of the caudal fin, secondly on the thoracic sterna around the external open- ings of the oviducts. During this operation the appendages of the first two abdominal somites are carried backwards, the extremities of the posterior pair are enclosed in the groove of the anterior pair; and the end of the vas deferens becoming everted and prominent, the semi- nal matter is poured out and runs slowly along the groove of the an- terior appendage to its destination, where it hardens and assumes a vermicular aspect (20 After an interval of from ten to forty-five days, oviposition takes place. The female rests on her back and bends the abdomen forward, forming a chamber into which the oviduets open. The eggs are passed into the chamber by one operation, usually during the night, and are plunged into a viscid, gray mucus with which it is filled. The sperma- tozoa pass out of the spermatophores and mix with this fluid, fertiliz- ing the ova, but just how, and what becomes of them, are unknown (20). The female of Cambarus differs from the female of Astacus in having a false pouch, the annulus ventralis. Andrews found that this pouch does not appear in Cam- 284 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI barus affinis until the individual has reached a third stage after leaving the egg. The method of sperm transfer in C. affinis, and that of C. b. b. as well, is as follows: The male everts the bent, nozzle-like papille at the mouth of the vasa deferentia and through them discharges sperm into an actual tube that passes down each of the first two abdominal appendages or stylets. Both first and second pairs of stylets are locked together by a peg and groove contrivance. The sperm thus passes through a closed tube from the vasa deferentia into the annulus ventralis without com- ing into contact with the water. Copulation lasts from two to ten hours and may be repeated by either animal with some other (3, 4). In a previous paper, I pointed out (21) that the males do not distinguish the females and that males ‘‘ repeat- edly grasp other males, and sometimes, in spite of their frantic struggles turn them over and attempt to copulate with them.’’ The crayfish is at such a state of nervous tension during the period of sexual activity, that the female will curl her abdomen at the slightest touch and the male will at first grasp any rounded object presented to him and attempt to overturn it. A stimulus so slight as the slow lowering of the water when I siphoned it from the closed tank, was sufficient to cause violent activity among the males, with the result that all the females were soon held by males. Pearse, in a study of crayfish made in the laboratory with no attempt to reproduce natural conditions (40), has made many interesting observations and experiments, verifying my statements (21) and adding the discovery that a male will copulate with a dead female. He dis- covered that the male of one species had succeeded in ad- justing his stylets to the annulus of a dead female of another species. Andrews has just published a paper (13) in which he mentions seeing males attempt to copulate with dead and bound or paralyzed males and to actually go through all the activities of mating with dead females except the in- jection of the spermatophores and plugging of the annu- lus. He agrees with my previous statement that the males No. 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 285 do not recognize the females, and suggests that the differ- ence from the standpoint of the crayfish between the sexes is a difference of behavior, which difference is perceived by muscle and touch sense. The passivity of the female when seized is marked in the crayfish, but as I shall show in another paper, in the marine crabs the female is not passive but aids in the movements preliminary to conjugation. It is possible, though I have not at present enough observations to support the theory, that in the crayfish and the lobster, deposition of sperm is most effective when the female has just moulted and the annulus ventralis or the ventral surface, as the case may be, is clean. In crabs where fertilization is internal, it is necessary that the shell be soft; softness is of course of no use where the fertiliza- tion is external, in fact it might be injurious; but the cleanness of a new coat may facilitate the deposition of the spermatophores, and the retention of the plug. Anatomically there should be no difficulty in crossing the different species of Cambarus. It would be interesting to see if spermatophores deposited by a male Astacus on the shell of a female Cambarus would fertilize the eggs. It is quite probable, however, that the female would not leave the spermatophores on her thorax and abdomen until the time of egg extrusion. Andrews (13) transplanted sperm receptacles of several females to females of another species and the mutilated females lived to lay eggs but the eggs did not develop. Males would not fill the transplanted receptacles. Andrews found that conjugation between species may take place to some extent, but did not succeed in any case in securing sperm transfer and actual crossing of species. There seems to be no well-marked mating season in the cold-water species, including the species on which my observations were made. In the ponds, mating crayfish were not found later than November 1, but in the labora- tory copulation occurred at intervals during the fall, 286 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vowu. XLVI winter and spring. It is probable that in its native haunts the crayfish behaves differently. In the spring the males die off in great numbers. This is a phenomenon which is noted in many arthropods, and seems to be a wise provision of nature to prevent the now useless males from using up the food required for the spawning females and the young crayfish. Some of the males, however, live to a good old age. I have found several that were over 90 mm. long. In the case of C. bartonius bartoni there are two more or less well-marked spawning seasons, fall and spring. The fall laying, as indicated by females brought into the laboratory, is during the latter part of September and all through October and November. The spring laying extends from about March 15 to about May 15. Andrews observed the process of laying in Cambarus affinis. For four or five days previous to laying, the female cleans her abdomen diligently and is exceedingly sensitive to disturbances during that time. The actual laying is done in deep water at night. It takes from ten to thirty minutes to extrude the two hundred to four hundred eggs. Each egg is attached by a tiny filament to the abdominal hairs (9). The time of fertilization is supposed to be when the eggs are laid, as they pass over the annulus ventralis. Andrews found that on the removal of the annulus before the eggs were extruded, the eggs were unfertilized and did not develop. When first extruded the eggs are almost black, but as development goes on they become reddish in color and at the end of about four weeks, when the young crayfish are hatched, they are nearly transparent. The time of devel- opment, from the extrusion of the eggs till the crayfish are detached from the parent, is about E weeks in the species which I studied. Even after the young are detached Front the swimmerets of the mother, for several days they do not venture far from her, and taking warning at any apparent danger, No. 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 287 scuttle under her abdomen. It is probable that here the visual sensitivity to moving objects is more highly developed than in the adult in comparison with other senses. The young crayfish moults very frequently during the first year. I found that two or three days before moulting the adult crayfish come up into the shallows exposing their cara- paces and drying them out thoroughly. The first time that I saw this prolonged drying-out process I did not think it significant, for I have seen crayfish in ponds where the water was pure and fresh, elevating their carapaces for a few minutes at a time. It is a habit which is not neces- sarily caused by impure water, for the same thing was noted by me in the laboratory with animals in the run- ning-water tank. When I noted by the number (in oil paint) on its back that the same individual was continually remaining only partly submerged, I made a note and watched develop- ments. Later, in three other crayfish I noted this pre- liminary drying out, and predicted the approximate time of the moults. This was convenient knowledge, for a crayfish in difficulty with his half removed os coat falls easy prey to his brethren. It is possible that the aeration of the attached young by the mother is for the purpose of enabling the young cray- fish to moult more readily. Observations like these have not been reported for other crayfish or for marine crusta- ceans, but it seems possible that in the crayfish we have such a drying out of the old exo-skeleton as we find taking Place i in insects, like the dragon fly, which live for a time in the water. Andrews made a thorough study of the young of both Astacus and Cambarus and found that in Cambarus the young four months old averaged about 41 mm. in length. During the winter of the first year there is no increase in size, but the second summer of life marks an increase of thirty per cent. in length (12). 288 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI I have found females but one year old with eggs, and the development went on in the laboratory just as in the more mature females. The largest female that I captured was 102 mm. in length. The largest male was 90.5 mm. long. Foon. Crayfish are omnivorous. I have previously shown that C. bartonius bartoni prefers fresh animal food to stale animal food or either fresh or stale vegetable food (21). Some crayfish eat a great deal of vegetable matter, one species, the chimney builder, Cambarus diogenes, seeming to prefer it. The vegetable matter eaten con- sists of dead leaves, potato, onion, young corn and buckwheat, The animal food consumed by the crayfish consists of worms, insects, insect larve, a few fish, frog, toad and salamander eggs, and occasionally a dead fish or frog. I have seen crayfish devour a hapless relative who was endeavoring to rid himself of his old shell. Sometimes females eat eggs from their own abdomens and even devour their own freed offspring. Enemies.—The crayfish suffers from internal and external enemies. Among the plants which live symbiot- ically with the crayfish are diatoms, bacteria and sapro- legnia. Internally, Distoma cerrigerum and Branchiob- della have been noted. But these are not all the enemies of the crayfish. Besides man, who uses thousands of dollars worth of crayfish for food and as a garnish, many small animals find them palatable. Many fish, including the black bass, Micropterus, which fishermen find very partial to crayfish, eat them. Professor Surface reported (38) that the salamanders Cryptobranchus allegheniensis and Necturus maculosus, are among the chief enemies of the crayfish. Ortmann mentions seeing the water snakes, Natris sipedon and N. lebens, when captured, disgorge crayfish No. 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 289 and has also found garter snakes, Eutenia sirtalis, in the holes of Cambarus monongalensis. In the laboratory and in the field I have found that the common box turtle catches many crayfish. Many birds, including the eagle, king-fisher, wild ibis and turkey, have been observed with crayfish in their claws; or the remains have been seen at the nests. CRAYFISH as [INJURIOUS CREATURES. The river species do not especially injure human in- terests except in occasionally capturing a few toads, fish and frogs, but the burrowing species are cited by Ort- mann (38) as being very injurious, especially in the low- lands of Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia. They make mud piles which clog harvesting machines, and are considered by the farmers in Maryland as such pests that it is common to throw unslacked lime over the fields in order to kill the unwelcome tenants. West Virginia farmers claim that the crayfish de- stroy crops of buckwheat, corn and beans by eating the young sprouts. Great damage is done by the burrowing species Cam- barus diogenes, in burrowing into dams on ponds and reservoirs, one notable instance being the levees of the Mississippi (38). To destroy crayfish it is customary to throw Uae, slacked lime over the fields, or to pour carbon bisulphide into the holes, or to drain the infested area. None of these measures is efficacious, the first two methods being impracticable on account of the difficulty in reaching the bottom of the burrow and the second, simply lowering the water level, only delays matters a little. VALUE OF THE CRAYFISH. è? At the present time, with the lobster fishery in a state of decline, it seems as if the crayfish could be profitably substituted for its larger cousin. 290 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI In a carefully written paper (11) Andrews sets forth the possibilities of crayfish propagation. | He states that, from the small region on the Potomac between Washington and Fort Washington, it was esti- mated that there were half a million crayfish sent annually to New York. New York, New Orleans, Chicago, Milwaukee and San Francisco, and many other large cities consume large quantities as food. In 1902, the U. S. Fish Commission reports state the crayfish catch of Monroe Co., Florida, was 55,664 pounds, worth $3,382. In Oregon, 116,400 pounds, worth $7,760, were caught in one year. With crayfish maturing in one season and growing to a length of from four to five inches in three years; and con- sidering the large number of eggs (100-600) laid by one female, there should be but little difficulty in supplying a large demand for these animals. When we consider that the large Astacus readily adapts itself to the slight difference in environment in the east, we see that the crayfish is a very practicable substitute for the lobster. There should be no difficulty in disposing of the smaller Cambarus, either as fresh food or canned, as we get the abdomens of shrimps. In the school and college laboratories, the anatomy of the crayfish has been studied ever since Huxley wrote ‘‘The Crayfish.’’ The habits and activities of the young and adult crayfish are of great interest and profit for study. The animal is suited for many kinds of experi- ments, and the large ganglia and nerve cells are readily removed and are excellent for neurological work. The psychologists should find a profitable subject for study in the relations of mother and offspring for the few days just after the young are detached from the mother’s swimmerets. Daily Life—From a lengthy series of observations, No. 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 291 including the continuous study of several specimens for twenty-four hours, I have concluded (21) that the cray- fish shows his greatest activity at nightfall and at day- break. In nature the crayfish is less active during the day than he is in captivity, since, as a rule, he has more hiding places in his natural habitat. Pearse has stated (40) that the number of matings occurring in two boxes, one being painted black and closed entirely, and the other being exposed to light, did not vary to any extent. It is obvious from the work of Andrews and myself that the fact that crayfish in a state of sexual tension, stimulated by transference to different receptacles, copulate as well in the light as in the dark, does not bear on the question of normal activity. The difference between night and day must not be assumed to be entirely that of light, in experiments on higher invertebrates. _ It is possible that the tendency of the crayfish to re- main in hiding during the day is to some extent lessened when sexual feeling is strong, but this seems rather im- probable under natural conditions. In my specimens hibernation was well marked. I was careful to change the water daily in my still-water aquarium, thus keeping it fairly cool. Several of my crayfish hibernated as long as six weeks at a time, in closed burrows in the bank of this miniature pond. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Abbott, ©. C. 73. Notes on the Habits of Certain Crayfish. AM. Nart., Vol. 7, pp. 30-34. 2. Abbott, C. ©. ’85. How the Burrowing Crayfish works. Inland Monthly. Columbus, Ohio, Vol. 1, pp. 31-32. 3. Andrews, E. A. ’95. Conjugation in an American Crayfish. Am. NAT., Vol. 29, pp. 867-873. L 4. Andrews, E. A. ’04. Breeding Habits of Crayfish. AM. Nat., Vo 38, pp. 165—206. 04. Crayfish Spermatozoa. Anat. Anz., Vol. 25, pp- on 3 Qu @ i ©] D> 705. nee Sperm Receptacle of Cambarus. J. H. U. A. Circ., No. 178, pp. . Andrews, E. A. 06. pasa of the Annulus Ventralis. Biol. Bull., Vol. 10, pp. 122—137. a > B Q | á A ie] ~q 292 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI 8. Andrews, E. A. ’06. Partial Regeneration of the Sperm Receptacle in Crayfish. J. Exp. Zool., Vol. 3, pp. 121-128. 9. Andrews, E. A. ’06. Egg laying of Crayfish. AM. NAT., Vol. 40, pp. 343—356. 10. Andrews, E. A. ’06. The Annulus Ventralis. Boston Soc. of Nat. 11. Andrews, E. A. ’06. The Futuri of the Crayfish Industry. Science, N. 8., Vol. 23, pp. 983-986. 12. Andrews, E. A. ’07. The -o of the Crayfishes Astacus and Cam- arus. Smithsonian Cont., 5, 79 p 13. Andrews, E. A. 710. Co ae in the Crayfish Cambarus affinis. J. Exp, rete Vol. 9, pp. 235—264. 14. Bateson, W. 87, Notes on re Senses eey o of some Crustacea. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. Un. King., Vol. 15. Bell, J. C, 706. The fe of the faa to Chemical Stimuli. J. Comp. Neurol. and Ps., Vol. » pp. 299-326. 16. ae J.C. 706. The Reactions of re Crayfish. Harvard Ps. Studies, . 2, 5. P- 17. Broce, P. PR de Zoologie Agricole. (Ecrevisse.) Pp. 702—720. 18. Bunting, M. ’93. Ueber die Bedeutung der Otolithen- -organe fur d. geotropischen Funktionen von Astacus fluviatilis. Pfliigers Archiv, Bd.. 54, 8. 531. 19. Chantran, S. ’70. Observations sur l’histoire naturelle des ecrevisses. ompt. Rendu, t. 71, pp. 43—45. - 20. Chantran, S. - Sur la fecondation des ecrevisses. Compt. Rendu, t. 4 01-202. bartonius bartoni. AM. NAT., Vol. 42, pp. 710-716. 24. Faxon, W. ’85. A Revision of the hannah. Pt. 1: The Genera Cambarus and Astacus. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. 10, pp. 1-186. 25. Forel, A. (Tr. by Yeardley, M, ’07. ) The Senses of Insects. Lon- is 26. Garman, ’89. Cave Animals from Southwestern Missouri. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. 17, pp. 225-259 The 27. Gulland, F. 06, Sense of Touch in Astacus. Proc. Royal Soe. Edinburgh, Vol. 9, pp. 151-179. 28. Hay, W. P. ’05. Instances of Hermaphroditism in Crayfishes. Smith- ` sonian Mise. Coll., Vol. 48, pp. 222-228. 29. Herrick, F. H. 295. The Ameda Lobster. Bull. U. S. F. C., pp- 1 25 30. Holmes, S. J. 03. Death Feigning in Terrestrial Amphipods. Biol. Bull., Vol. 4, pp. 191-196. 32. Holmes, S. J. 03. Sex Recognition Among Amphipods. Biol. Bull., Vol. 5, pp. 288_292. Ha © A a A ~q a Cc . 545] THE BIOLOGY OF THE CRAYFISH 293 . Holmes, S. J., and Homuth, E. S. ’10. The Seat of Smell in the Crayfish. Biol. Bull., Vol. 18, pp. 155-160. Huxley, T. H. ’78. Ön the Classtfiestion and Distribution of the Cray- fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 752-788. » duxley, THE ’80. An PRP to the Study of Zoology, Illus- trated by the Crayfish. Pp. 1 D. Appleton & Co., New Yor 1895. . Jennings, H. S. ’06. Behavior of Lower Organisms. Macmillan, 1906. y E. P on, . 799. Contribution to the Comp. sig of Compensatory ` Movements. Am. J. Physiol., Vol. 3, pp. 86-1 . Ortmann, A. E. The Ga. of the State of We Memoirs 43-52 of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa., Vol. 2, pp. . Ortmann, A. 705. The Mutual Affinities of the asain of the E. Genus Cambarus and their Dispersal over the United States. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. 44 6. , pp. 91- . Pearse, A. S. ’09. Observations of. Copulation among Crawfishes with pen Reference to Sex Recognition. Am. Nart., Vol. 43, pp. 746— 5 Pe C. W. ’01. The Otoeyst of re a Crustacea. Bull. Mus. 6 Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ., - Souberain, Leone. 65. fas. l’histoire Sonar et l’education des ecrevisses. Comptes Rendus, t. 60, pp. 1249-1250. - Tarr, R. S. ?84. Habits of a Crayfishes in the United States. 128. Nature, Vol. 30, pp. 127— - Washburn, M. F. ’08. The Animal Mind. Macmillan, N. Y., 1908. - Weed, H. E. Carbon Bisulphide for Crayfish. Proc. Seventh Annual Meeting of Assoc. be Ec. Entom. U. S. Dept. of Ag., Div. of Entomol., Bull. 2, N. S., p. 100. - Wheeler, W. M. ’10. Ants, their Structure, pae and Behavior. Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1910. (Pp. 509-5 15.) . pera E. B. ’07. A Collecting Trip North of Sault Ste. Marie, Ohio Nat., Vol. 7, pp. 129— . S R. M., an ad Huggins, G. E. ’03. Habit Formation in the Crawfish Cenir affinis. Harvard Ps. Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 565- 577 ; PRESENT PROBLEMS IN SOIL PHYSICS AS RE- LATED TO PLANT ACTIVITIES? PROFESSOR BURTON E. LIVINGSTON THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Tr is from the point of view of the physiologist and not from that of the analytical physicist that I propose here to consider some of the most obvious and insistent of the non-chemical problems of the soil. We shall thus be interested not in the physics of the soil, but in the rela- tion of some of its physical properties to certain plant activities. This is a somewhat unusual point of view, for most soil investigators have studied the soil largely to the exclusion of the plant, bringing refined chemistry and physics to the statement of one member of the equa- tion and stating the other member largely from the standpoint of the unscientific man. This generalization applies to studies upon both the physics and the chem- istry of the soil, but, owing to the majesty of the great chemist Liebig? and to the multitude of his followers, soil physics has nowhere received the attention which it deserves, and the relation of the physical condition of the substratum to plant activities remains perhaps the most fundamental and at the same time most neglected of all the various environmental relations. Since we are certain that the water relation is of ex- ceedingly great importance in the control of plant proc- esses, and since so many other physical soil conditions depend largely upon soil moisture, I shall consider here primarily only the water relation of terrestrial plants Par in the Symposium on Problems of the Soil, before Section G, . A. A. S., at the Washington meeting. Speke te in regard to the present contention, the title of Leibig’s monu- mental work, ‘‘Die Chemie und ihrer Anwendung auf Agrikultur und Phys- iologie,’’ 1846. 294 cae soe eon fs No. 545] PRESENT PROBLEMS IN SOIL PHYSICS 295 below the soil surface. But, as will shortly appear in some detail, to appreciate the problems before us it will be necessary, not only to deal with the internal condi- tions of the root system together with the external ones of the soil, but also to bear constantly in mind certain relations which obtain above the soil. I shall begin with a brief treatment of the water relations of the plant, with special reference to the physical conditions of its- subterranean environment. In order that the water content requisite for the various physiological processes may be maintained, the condition must obviously be fulfilled, that the ratio of the rate of water income to that of water removal must never fall below unity. Now, the removal of free water from the physiological system of the plant occurs in three general ways: (1) the fixation of water by growth, etc., (2) the excretion of liquid water at the periphery and (3) the loss of water vapor by transpiration. The first two of these are usually negligible, and the prime aerial con- dition of plant activity—as far as the water relation is concerned—is the rate of loss of water vapor. This loss is to a variable extent controlled by conditions within and without the plant, but we do not need to give these attention now. The main point for us to bear in mind is that, for the activities of the majority of terrestrial plants, it is requisite that the entrance of water through the roots must equal its rate of exit through the leaves and other aerial parts. Of course water will not, in general, enter through the roots faster than it is removed from the plant body or fixed therein by growth and metabolism, and the critical consideration in respect to the soil water relation is not the actual rate at which water is entering (this depend- ing upon the internal conditions of the plant as well as upon the soil), but the maximum possible rate at which it May enter if the prerequisite internal conditions arise. In this respect, then, that soil is best suited to continued physiological activity, which possesses the highest power 296 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLVI of supplying moisture to the absorbing regions of the plant. It would seem, a priori, that a flooded soil should offer the least possible resistance to water movement, but such a soil appears indirectly to reduce water entrance in many forms by influencing (probably directly or indi- rectly in a chemical way) the internal conditions of the plant, and it is only with a soil in a considerably drier condition than the flooded one, that we find the optimum subterranean environment for ordinary plant processes. As the soil becomes drier, its direct resistance to water intake by the roots increases, slowly at first, then rapidly, and at a certain stage (for any given complex of aerial conditions, and hence for any given transpiration rate) the combined resultant of the movement of soil moisture to the root surfaces and that of these surfaces through the soil (by growth) falls to a magnitude so low that the processes of transpiration and of growth, etc., remove water from the tissues more rapidly than it enters below. This condition of the substratum is approximately what is usually termed the wilting point, and the remaining water in the soil is said to be unavailable for plants. In researches which have yet to be published, my asse- ciates and I have shown that this wilting point is not the constant which it has been supposed to be, for either soil or plant. It is possible to cause the lower limit of ‘‘avaul- able’’ water in the soil to assume almost any magnitude, within a broad range, for any given plant, merely by altering the rate of transpiration,—through proper changes in the evaporating power of the air and the intensity of the impinging solar radiation. The wilting point thus ceases to have any meaning at all, unless the corresponding rate of transpiration is known, or unless, indeed, the aerial environment is known to be the same throughout any series of cultures the data from which are to be compared. The primary problem, then, which must be quantita- tively solved if we are to place the soil water relation in No. 545] PRESENT PROBLEMS IN SOIL PHYSICS 297 a way that may lead to a scientific foundation, is con- cerned with the maximum rates at which various soils may furnish moisture to the root systems of whatever plant forms with which we may be dealing. To such an end, our knowledge of the physiology and ecology of roots must be enormously increased, but with this phase of the matter we need not here concern ourselves. It is obvious, however, that the really crucial question with regard to any soil, the properties of which we wish to study with reference to plant behavior, is this: at what rate, and for how long a time, can it deliver water to unit area of a water-absorbing surface? This is a purely physical question and one for which it ought not to be very difficult to find adequate methods of attack. Indeed, the method of studying evaporation from soil surfaces already offers approximate results in this direction. This maximum rate of delivery per unit of cross sec- tion must be related in some manner to the soil charac- ters which are now often measured; the power of water delivery will vary with the percentage of water content for any particular soil, and its graph will most likely ex- hibit a critical point under about the same conditions as those which accompany the critical points for evapora- tion from the soil, the apparent specific gravity of the latter, its penetrability (as recently brought out by Cam- eron and Gallagher), its critical moisture content and its moisture equivalent (as brought out by the centrif- ugal method of Briggs and McLane). That the critical point in maximum rate of delivery of moisture will be found to correspond to the ordinarily observed optimum water content for many plants is also to be expected, but the physiologist will not make the mistake of supposing that this optimum water content will not vary largely with the nature and condition of the plant and also with its rate of transpiration. That this critical point, with soils of varying water content, will be found to be related to the size, nature and arrangement of the soil particles is likewise fairly certain, and it may confidently be ex- 298 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI pected that this point will exhibit some definite relation to the heat of wetting (as this property has been devel- oped by Mitscherlich), and perhaps also to the commonly determined water capacity or water-retaining power of the soil. The last named is a property which, as I have previously pointed out, seems especially worthy of inves- tigation by ecologists who are seeking some easily de- termined soil characteristic for use in studies on plant distribution. In this connection it is well to call attention to the apparent futility of the method of mechanical analysis, which is resorted to so extensively—and so expensively —in attempts physically to describe the solid portion of the soil. I think I do not exaggerate when I say that the physical analysis has shown itself to be practically worth- less for any physiological purpose. It assuredly does furnish a means of describing a given soil sample with considerable accuracy, and if two samples could ever be found to exhibit exactly the same proportions of the different sized particles, it might plausibly be supposed that, ceteris paribus, these should possess the same rela- tions toward water and toward plant roots, but the con- verse of this statement is not at all true. This method furnishes a mass of data from which no one has yet been able to derive any single comprehensive summation that will express anything definitely as to the possibilities of the given soil as a substratum for plants. Undoubtedly the size of the component soil particles plays a large part in determining how the water conductivity varies with different conditions of soil moisture, etc., but we need to seek some feature which may be much more readily meas- ured for the soil as a whole than merely the proportions of various-sized particles. Should we be able to find out the relations which obtain between the maximum rate of water delivery and the other soil characters that I have mentioned, it might at length become possible physically to assay a given soil by the determination of one or more of the latter, sub- No. 545] PRESENT PROBLEMS IN SOIL PHYSICS 299 sequently passing to the real point of interest by means of an interpretation, but such a possibility is at present so far removed from actuality that it seems highly desir- able to begin with attempts to measure the soil property which directly influences plants. In any event, it can not be too strongly emphasized that such soil studies as I am suggesting must always be carried on simultaneously with studies on the behavior of plants, and also with ade- quate determinations of the water-extracting power of the aerial environment. It seems quite likely that we shall be able empirically to determine some highly im- portant principles bearing upon the water relations which exist between plants and soils, without having yet suc- ceeded in analyzing the mode of manifestation of these into its elementary physical propositions—just as it has recently been possible to work out exceedingly valuable principles with reference to the relation of plants to evaporation, without any one’s having yet succeeded in determining the quantitative dependence of this climatic factor upon its components, water and air temperature, air humidity and air movement. When a little headway has been gained in the dynamic study of the soil in relation to plant processes, we shall probably begin to be able to interpret and correct, and place upon a proper quantitative basis, some of the eco- logical classifications of plants and the physical classi- fications of soils, which already occupy so much of our literature. Another aspect of this whole question of the water relations of the subterranean parts of the terrestrial plant may be worthy of attention. The majority of the physical soil studies which have so far been made depend upon the removal of the soil sample from its natural position, with consequent and usually profound altera- tions in the arrangement of its component grains, upon which arrangement assuredly depend some of the most fundamental of the soil qualities which we need to know about. Various methods have been devised aiming to 300 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI avoid this difficulty, but all are exceedingly cumbersome in the operation and are at best of somewhat doubtful efficiency. Here is suggested a line of work which has already been attempted by a number of enthusiastic students, many of whom have afterward given up in despair without even publishing their experience. The director of one of the great European experiment sta- tions told me of a somewhat elaborate apparatus which he once constructed for determining soil moisture in situ. He concluded with the remark, ‘‘the principle was cor- rect enough, but the method proved useless.’’ Jam sure that he is not alone in his experience. But the problem of soil instrumentation will not be dropped; I am confi- dent that the future will develop methods in soil physics which will not necessitate any alteration in the soil at the time a determination is made. Studies upon the soil properties in the light of their rôle in plant environment and accompanying studies on the physics of plant activi- ties will do much toward furthering our science in this direction. The actual accomplishment of this end may not be very far off; we may take heart from such facts as this, that a single decade has sufficed to bring aerial navigation from the limbo of scoffed-at impossibility (in the minds of all but a very few scientists) into the cate- gory of accomplished fact. And the importance of ade- quate methods for the study of problems of the soil is far greater, and probably will ever remain far greater, than that of any problem of transportation. To summarize my suggestions: 1. The soil water relation is of fundamental impor- tance if we are some time to know about and be able to predict and control plant processes. 2. The moisture of the soil, as well as its other fea- tures, is most profitably to be studied as plant environ- ment, the relations which obtain between plant activity and soil phenomena comprising a fundamental and primary requirement for the scientific advance of our knowledge. No. 545] PRESENT PROBLEMS IN SOIL PHYSICS 301 3. The physical nature of the subterranean environ- ment of terrestrial plants is effective in controlling plant activities, mainly with regard to the possible rate of de- livery of water by the soil to unit area of absorbing roots. 4, It is highly desirable to study this power of water delivery with reference not only to the growth of plants but also to other soil characteristics, some of which are already commonly measured. 5. The whole problem of the physics of the subter- ranean surroundings of rooted plants awaits the develop- ment of an instrumentation which will not necessitate the preliminary destruction of some of the most important soil properties before the soil can really be studied. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION FURTHER NOTES REGARDING SELECTION INDEX NUMB RS! THE purpose of the present communication is to correct and extend a former paper from this laboratory? dealing with the use of index numbers in mass selection operations. In the cor- respondence which the writer has had with various workers re- garding that paper it would appear that a point which it was intended should be emphasized has been rather overlooked. This is that the examples of index numbers therein given for sweet corn and for poultry were intended merely to illustrate the principles involved. They were not put forward as the best formule which could be devised, even for the organisms dis- cussed. It was pointed out that the particular formula to be used should be devised by each worker to fit his particular needs. Apparently a number of workers have adopted without change the formule given in our first paper. I wish again to empha- size that unless these happen to meet exactly the particular needs of the breeder, it is highly desirable that he develop formule of his own, involving the same general principle, but adapted to his special conditions. I. CORRECTION OF AN ERROR IN THE FORMULA OF A SELECTION INDEX NUMBER FOR CORN a In our first paper there is an error in one of the equations for the selection index for sweet corn (loc. cit., pp. 397-399). This error has given trouble to some workers desiring to use this index number in breeding work with corn, and may cause confusion in the future. Doubtless some of those who have used the index in their work have, like the writer, made for them- ‘selves the somewhat obvious correction. Nevertheless, to insure that there may be no further confusion it seems desirable to pub- lish a formal correction. *Papers from the Biological Laboratory of the Maine Experiment Station, No. 35. ? Pearl, R., and Surface, F. M., ‘‘Selection Index Numbers and Their Use in Breeding.’’ AMERICAN NATURALIST, Vol. XLIII, pp. 385-400, 1909. 302 No. 545] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 303 The corn index number has the following formula fa A-+3B 4.20 ~ D+ ue The definition of the variable C given on p. 393, by an un- fortunate slip of the pen, which escaped detection in the proof, as such things will, gives precisely the inverse effect from what it should. The equation should read as follows: 100 times the circumference of the cob at middle Circumference of ear at middle C= 100 — The example on p. 399, which was worked out after the text . Was written, followed the erroneous text with scrupulous exacti- tude in theory, but with a slip in the arithmetic. The correct value of J, for the ear used as an example is 190.0 + 70.5 477.6 338.1 he sake S Experience in the use of this index suggests that in the equa- tion for C given above it may be advantageous to substitute ‘‘diameter”’ for ‘‘cireumference’’ in each case. The diameters can be much more easily and accurately measured and they probably give a better appreciation of the relative kernel depth than do the circumferences. II. A SELECTION INDEX NuMBER FOR BEANS The writer has under way at the present time some breeding experiments with a very interesting variety of beans, known locally as the ‘‘Old-fashioned Yellow Eye.” It is a variety ap- parently scarcely known now outside of northern New England. Owing to certain defects it has been replaced in most of the bean- growing sections of the country where formerly grown by the Improved Yellow Eye, a perfectly distinct and in many respects inferior type. From the standpoint of experimental genetics the old-fashioned yellow eye bean promises to furnish material of great interest and value in the unraveling of such problems as pattern inheritance, the effect of selection in pure lines, ete. Aside from the technically biological considerations, however, 304 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI this bean possesses much economic significance in Maine. It is esteemed above all other sorts for baking purposes, and if a strain could be developed which would possess (a) high yielding qualities, (b) reasonable disease resistance and (c) earliness and uniformity of maturing it would be of great value to the bean growers of the state. In connection with the purely bio- logical studies an attempt is being made to see whether a pure line possessing these desirable qualities may not be found. In this specific breeding problem we obviously have the con- ditions which demand the aid of selection index numbers. Sev- eral characters (not one only) must be concurrently selected. An estimate must be formed in each case of the net worth of an individual plant (or of a biotype), taking into account at least all of the three factors named. In order to do this impartially and accurately a selection index number has been devised. In deriving this bean selection index a general equation of a slightly different type than that discussed in our former paper has been employed. In that paper (loc. cit., p. 389) the general formula suggested is fa” + by ce es Ee : reer Ge ee et lb: In the case of beans (and very likely this may prove true for other plants and animals as well) it has seemed desirable to form an index number on the plan of the following type of equation: axy + bwz + --- + nuv apronda TAI In this equation, as before, a, b, c,...n, and a’, b, n’ are constants, given arbitrary values in accordance ae the scheme of weighing adopted, and z, y, z, w, u, v, are variables which measure characters increasing in desirability (from the breeders’ standpoint) as their absolute magnitudes increase, while p, q, r, s and t are variables measuring characters which decrease in desirability as their absolute magnitudes increase. The variables specifically taken account of in the bean selection work are: Y = Absolute yield. The weight in grams of dried shelled beans per plant. No. 545] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 305 V = Relative yield. The percentage which Y is of the weight in grams of the whole plant. This factor measures the degree to which the plant transforms its food materials into seeds rather than into foliage parts. P = Number of pods per plant. B = Mean number of beans per pod. D = Disease-maturity index. The percentage which the number of perfectly matured beans free of disease (anthrac- nose) is of the total number of beans originally set in the pods. This measures the degree to which the per- formance of the plant in seed production approaches its promise in that regard. It does not separate disease resistance from earliness and completeness of maturity, but from a purely practical standpoint this is not essen- tial. By making separate counts of diseased and imma- ture beans it would be possible to take account of each of these factors by itself. It must be understood further that the separation of diseased beans is not absolutely complete. Only those are counted as diseased which show to the unaided eye evidence of anthracnose infec- tion. It has not been found feasible as yet to get a simple and satisfactory measure of the degree of attack of other bean diseases. Hence, for the present, only anthracnose is being taken account of specifically in the selection index number. ` These variables are combined in the following bean selection index number: The values taken by this index number for a particular strain of Old-fashioned Yellow Eyes are shown in Table I. From the table it is clear that the index may take a rather wide range of values, depending upon the character of the plant. Further, the value of the index is obviously not unduly influ- enced by any particular variable. The high index values seem clearly to indicate the plants wick e te best, taking all things into account. This, of course, is the goal sought. It is of interest to note the values taken by the index in the ease of a bean of quite different type, namely, a White | field oe 306 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI TABLE I VALUES OF THE SELECTION INDEX NUMBER FOR A SERIES OF PLANTS OF MORSE’S OLD-FASHIONED YELLOW EYE BEAN, TOGETHER WITH THE VARIABLES ON WHICH THE INDEX DEPENDS Plan lection| Absolute | riala ‘| MeamNo.| Mean | Total no, | Disease No. | Ta Yield Index EERDE prr Weight of Pods | a 873 OO. Shen: ma 55 eas 5 60. 85 79 2 36.36 3.90 AT 0 33.33 86 1.24 | 10 41.67 3.43 .50 7 62.50 61 ist | 15 00 3.77 .39 13 | 41.45 98 1.37 41.67 3.20 58 75.00 95 £5) 1:21 56.40 2.73 33 15 57.77 59 1.56 | 13 54.17 3.78 55 58.82 76 173 |12 46.15 3.42 43 12 54 62 00 | 16.1 49.53 4.33 50 9 64.10 84 2.08 50.97 3.58 43 12 67.44 71 2.58 | 24.5 64 3.47 56 15 55.98 2.92 8 59.99 2.87 49 15 69.77 89 3.26 | 20.5 52.58 3.71 50 14 70.37 55 3.43 59.38 3.69 42 16 69.49 69 3.73 1 59.99 3.73 57 11 75.61 92 3.73 | 12 59.99 3.57 57 90 3.83 | 19.5 59.10 3.33 53 12 77.50 56 3.97 | 30.9 59.42 4.33 47 18 58.97 63 447 |23 51.10 4.53 41 17 70.13 75 5.35 | 39 59.99 4.07 47 27 81 5.51 | 27 64.27 3.18 51 17 75.93 7.32 | 27 59.99 3.42 46 19 80.38 70 7.37 | 26 61.16 3.59 46 i See 60 7.56 | 19 55.07 3.38 36 16 87.04 78 8.47 | 29 61.70 3.19 46 21 80.97 8.79 | 30 63.17 4.14 56 14 84.48 67 9.42 | 23 52.88 3.68 34 19 86.59 83 9.50 | 26 59.10 3.14 43 22 84 g2 | 10.09 | 3 61.24 3.67 46 18 98.48 97 | 10.38 | 50.5 44.11 5.42 29 41 57.21 79 15.30 | 3 62.50 3.48 43 31 88.93 73 | 17.04 | 38 60.31 3.89 42 26 86.1 pea bean. Table II gives the index and component aaa: for a series of plants of such a variety. The range of values here is large. The extremely high values are probably much larger than will ever be obtained for a bean of the yellow eye type, though it is rather risky to make such a prophecy. Two factors help in reaching such high index values in the case of this variety. One is the tendency to prolifi- cacy, there being relatively many pods per plant and beans per pod. The other is the rather high disease resistance of the 3 Plant injured by cut worms. * Plant injured by cut worms, but subsequently grew. x No. 545] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 307 plants. They mature, apparently free from disease, a large proportion of their seeds TABLE II VALUES OF THE SELECTION INDEX NUMBERS FOR A SERIES OF PLANTS OF SNow FLAKE FIELD BEANS ; Mean Plant lecti Absol Yield otal N: i No. Sever Yield ader Pen por Weight pe a yp a gd 1864 7 31.82 4.13 21 8 87.88 1924 4.42 23 46.95 5.30 16 33 54.42 187 6.5 44.82 5.86 17 7 191 12.25 38 56.72 6.06 24 34 73.30 183 12.86 9 56 4.10 22 10 95.12 190 25.44 55 48.24 5.10 30 42 79.91 188 30.72 6 7.80 5,35 32 40 82.71 84 71.98 50.5 57.14 5.64 19 52 91.81 185 101.12 40 57.14 5.35 22 34 96.71 Of course, the index numbers may, strictly speaking, be com- pared only among plants of the same variety. The absolute de- sirability of a variety for a particular purpose depends upon many other factors not taken account of in the index number. These numbers can not be used directly and solely as measures of the relative worth of varieties. It is hoped that this bean selection index number or some mod- ification of it may be found useful by other workers. It will, at any rate, serve to illustrate further the adaptability of the gen- eral idea of such numbers to a wide range of practical selection work. In the present instance a selection index number is applied to the measurement of the relative worth of different distinct biotypes, rather than in the mass selection of fluctuat- ing variations, in which latter type of work such numbers were shown in our former communication to be useful. RAYMOND PEARL UNIVERSITY OF MAINE NOTES AND LITERATURE PROTOZOA: THAT so expensive and highly specialized a text-book as this of Doflein’s should run through a whole edition in less than a year is a tribute to the excellence of the work and an index to the scientific activity in this field of biological research. An indication of the rapid progress now in the making in protozo- ology may be derived from the fact that every chapter in this elaborate work has been rewritten or substantially emended and the number of pages and illustrations increased by fifteen per cent. in this third edition, the second having been issued less than two years ago. The main changes include the insertion of a chapter on the origin of the Protozoa, the conception of species within the group, and the phenomena of variation and heredity as revealed by methods of culture and experiment, especially by the study of pure lines and the results of selec- tion. Doflein calls attention to the appearance of direct adapta- tions in parasitic organisms in response to definite environ- mental factors in the form of chemical substances such as atoxyl and various compounds of arsenic and of antimony, unknown in the normal environment of the protozoan organism. These adaptations result in so-called resistant races and may be heritable. The possibility of control, the large numbers avail- able and the rapidity of multiplication of these pathogenic organisms unite to open an inviting field, thus far too much neglected by the investigator in experimental evolution. Considerable additions are made to the discussion of repro- duction, especially to the maturation of the gametes, in which homologies to maturation in the Metazoa are becoming increas- ingly definite. The detailed discussion of the various groups of protozoa is noticeably extended in the case of the Spiro- chætes, the Hemosporidia and the Sarcosporidia. ***Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde. Eine Darstellung der Naturgeschichte der Protozoen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der parasitischen und patho- en Formen.’’ Dritte stark vermehrte Auflage. Von Dr. F. Doflein. xii + 1043 pp., mit 951 Abbildungen im Text. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1911. M. 26, gb. M. 28.50. 308 No. 545] NOTES AND LITERATURE 309 Doflein is inclined to accept the evidence that Schaudinn’s account of Entameba histolytica is based in part upon phe- nomena attendant upon processes of degeneration and suggests that Viereck’s E. tetragena is probably the most widespread form causing ameebic dysentery, and that the two are possibly identical, but that the organism according to the rigid laws of priority should be called Entamaba dysenteriae (Councilman and Lafleur). The doubtful group Chlamydozoa established by Prowazek for that group of immunizing organisms with a filterable virus, the supposed etiological factors in such diseases as vaccinia, variola, trachoma, molluscum contagiosum and epithelioma con- tagiosum, is still denied admittance by the author to the Pro- tozoa on the ground that the minute structures described by Prowazek are not themselves with certainty proved to be living organisms. Doflein admits, however, that the evidence is con- Stantly increasing that we have to do in the case of these dis- eases with parasitic organisms, but thinks they may be more closely related to the bacteria than to the protozoa. It is a matter of regret that the non-parasitic groups, such, for example, as the pelagic Foraminifera and Radiolaria, and non- parasitic flagellates can not receive in a work of this sort com- mensurate treatment with pathogenic forms of confessedly great biological, as well as medical and hygienic interest. The author expresses the hope that medical research may in the near future so clear up contested points that less space will be required for the discussion of pathogenic forms. The present output is, however, not very promising for a reduction in extent in this field. The fact is that a six-volume edition of the Protozoa in Bronn’s ‘‘Thiereich’’ is needed to give anything like an ade- quate review of the results now achieved in the fields of Pro- tozoology. CHARLES ATWOOD KOFOID UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HEREDITY H. M. Leake’ gives additional results of his studies of inheri- tance in cotton. The flower color factors found were yellow, Pale yellow and red, the latter being due to red sap color which showed not only in the flowers but in stems and leaves as well. “<< Studies in Indian Cotton,’’ Jour. of Gen., Aug., 1911. 310 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Yellow was completely dominant to its absence and to pale yel- low. Red was incompletely dominant. The very interesting fact developed that although yellow behaved as an allelomorph to its absence in crosses with white, it was also allelomorphic to pale yellow in crosses with the latter. This indicates that pale yellow is simply a modified form of yellow, a fact in entire accord with my teleone theory of Mendelian inheritance, and opposed to the de Vriesian idea of the immutability of the so-called unit charac- ters. An interesting case of correlation was found. White (ab- sence of yellow) is hardier than yellow. In shape of leaf Leake uses as an empirical means of describ- ing leaf shape a formula which is essentially the ratio between the length and breadth of the central lobe. The pure races (and the author took the pains to work with pure races) may be di- vided into two groups with reference to this ‘‘leaf factor,” namely those in which it is less than 2, and those in which it is greater than 3. No cases were found in pure races in which the value of this factor was between 2 and 3. F, between these groups gave intermediate leaf factors. F, apparently behaved as if the cross involved a single gene, but fluctuating variation obscured the results considerably. Crosses between F, and either parent form gave only the intermediate and the one par- ent form, the same difficulty appearing from fluctuation in the character. This strongly confirms the conclusion that a single gene is responsible for the difference between these two groups. Earliness of flowering late flowering proved to be a very in- teresting study. The author had previously discovered that types with sympodial secondary branches flower early, while those having monopodial secondaries are late flowering. This re- lation had also been noticed by others, the early or late flowering being a result of the manner of branching. Length of vegetative period (time between planting and first flower) proved to be highly fluctuating, varying widely as between different seasons. F, between the monopodial and the sympodial types was inter- mediate between the parents, but nearer the sympodial (early) parent. F, gave a continuous series extending from the early parent nearly to the late parent, the frequency curve for the earliness in the F, population being monomodal. While the author does not pursue the subject further, it may easily be shown that this is exactly what Mendelian theory calls for on the assumption that several factors, each alike in effect, their No. 545] NOTES AND LITERATURE 211 effects being additive, are responsible for the parental differences, especially when the character in question fluctuates widely as compared with the differences between the several genotypes occurring in F,. Thus, suppose three factors, A, B and C, each alike in effect, and each producing the same average increase in length of vegetative period. The F, generation of the cross abc X ABC will consist of the genotypes aabbcc, aabbCC, aaBBcc, AAbbcc, aaBBCC, AAbbCC, AABBcc and AABBCC and their crosses. The genotype aabbcc would be similar to the early parent. Genotypes AAbbcc, aaBBcc and aabbCC would con- stitute a group one stage later in flowering. AABBcc, AAbbCC and aaBBCC constitute a third stage, while AABBCC would be equivalent to the late parent. Thus the four stages resulting from these three factors tend to be present in the ratio 1:3: 3:1, which ratio is merely one way of stating the properties of an ordinary frequency curve. LEarliness being nearly completely dominant, the norm of this curve would be shifted toward the early parent, as Leake found was the case. Even if this progeny were selfed to the tenth generation, by which time heterozygosis would have largely disappeared, the mixture of the four geno- types would still give a monomodal curve. The only exception to this would be cases in which fluctuating variation is not trans- gressive between the genotypes. It is possible that more than three genes were involved in Leake’s crosses. Crosses between pure lines having no leaf glands and those having leaf glands gave intermediate F,. F, gave evidence of segregation, but the intermediate and apparently highly fiuctu- ating character of the heterozygotes rendered positive conclu- sions difficult or impracticable. Complete correlation occurred between flower color and length of petals. White petals were little if any longer than the brac- teoles, while yellow petals were about twice as long. Interme- diates did not occur, and no exceptions were found in over 100,- 000 plants. Red sap color was independent of the size of the petal but when present it lengthened the vegetative period. This paper is exceedingly clear and lucid in treatment, and we may expect much valuable work from the author in future. Dr. Shull has resumed his interesting studies of Bursa. He *Dr. G. H. Shull, ‘‘ Defective Inheritance-Ratios in Bursa Hybrids,’’ Verh. d. Naturforsch. Ver. in Brünn., Bd. XLIX. 312 . THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI had previously shown that four genotypes of Bursa bursa-pas- toris are the four Mendelian types corresponding to two inde- pendent factors (AABB, AAbb, aaBB, aabb). In his paper above cited he deals with a cross between one of these types (aabb) with a genotype of Bursa Heegeri corresponding to the type AABB. The factors A and B in this cross behave in the usual Mendelian fashion, departures from expected ratios being explained by variation in dominance in one of the families. But the factor or factors governing differences in the seed pod of these two species present departures from expected ratios that are not fully understood. There is evidence that at least two genes are concerned in this difference. If only one gene were concerned the ratio between the two types of seed capsule in F, should be 3:1; if there are two genes, the ratio should be 15:1, three genes, 63:1.. The ratios observed in F, were 4.67:1 (in- stead of 3:1), 15.6:1, 24:1 and 63.5:1. The latter ratio, ob- tained in a rather large family (129 individuals), suggests three genes. The first and fourth of the above ratios are rather wide departures from expected ratios, and their meaning is not yet clear. The matter is still under investigation. There seems to be little doubt that Dr. Shull has added another case to the in- teresting class of Mendelian characters that may be represented by more than one independent gene, such as those found by Nill- son-Ehle, in oats and wheat and by East in corn. A very interesting paper by Gortner,7® giving further results of his studies on melanin formation, appeared in the December (1911) number of this journal. He was able to show the color pattern in the Colorado potato beetle is due to the fact that the chromogen z secreted only in certain spots, while the oxidizing enzyme, which is of the tyrosinase type, is present generally in the elytron. W. J. SPILLMAN * Dr. R. A. Gortner, ‘‘Studies on Melanin,’’ AMER. i V, No. 540, pp. 743 et seq. ee VOL. XLVI, NO. 546 “ JUNE, 1912 The American Naturalist MSS intended for publication and books, etc., intended a review should ns eget toe of THE AMERICAN Dagas Garrison-o containing researc bearing on the Mansell of organic "ae tion are cao welcome, and will be given padedami in publication One hundrea reprints of contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Further reprints will be amiei at cost. Su be sent to the publishers. The subscription price i yie ote F osta fifty ts and | price is four a year. oreign postage is cents a Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. The charge for single copies is forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a page. THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 - Entered as se , April 2, 1908, at the Post Offi t Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of “ Congress of Mareh 3, 1879. THE BULLETIN—For bargains in Ethnolograph- TENTH EDITION. ~ ical and Pre-historic Specimens. Books on Natural | THE MICROSCOPE, History, Science, Travel, Voyages, etc. See Tug | 22introduction bo M erencuphe: Methods sat and to Histology, , S BUELERTS post tree tor 3 cont = Ba large octavo pages an GAGE, and above 200 ia ieee oe ee ee See COMSTOCK pone Ithaca, N. Y. University of Colorado Mountain Laboratory Fourth summer session June 24 to An- gust 2, 1912. Courses in Field | B ae and pr Ecology, § THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLVI June, 1912 No. 546 A FIRST STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE STARVATION OF THE ASCENDANTS UPON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DESCENDANTS—I Dr. J. ARTHUR HARRIS CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON I. [INTRODUCTORY REMARKS One need not search widely in biological or agricultural literature to encounter discussions of the influence of the conditions to which the ancestors are exposed upon the characteristies of the offspring which they produce. To review here the mass of more or less pertinent literature would lead us too far afield from our present main pur- pose, which is simply to present the data and state the apparent conclusions from an experimental and statis- tical study of the influence of starvation and feeding upon the characteristics of garden beans. It is sufficient for the moment to point out that some biologists have attrib- uted a very important rôle to the environment of the mother in determining the characteristics of the off- spring. It is perhaps superfluous to say that others of equal authority have expressed diametrically opposite opinions. The problem is, therefore, a real and an important one. Unfortunately the serious investigator who publishes in this field is sure to be between two large and several 313 314 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI smaller fires. If after cultures of a few generations he finds that the offspring of starved parents do not differ from those which have been well fed, he will be railed at for having wasted his time in demonstrating what was obvious in advance. At the same time he will be criti- cized by others for not having carried out his experiments ‘for a sufficient number of generations to allow the accu- mulation of small effects of the environment’’ on the ascendants before deciding against the possibility of some influence upon the descendants of ancestral environ- mental conditions. If he finds that there are measurable differences between series of individuals whose ancestry has been subjected to opposed conditions, the results are sure to be dismissed in many quarters as of little impor- tance because of purely physiological and not hereditary significance. The very fact of the inevitability of criticism—what- ever the results obtained—seems to render it even more highly desirable to appeal to the facts afforded by a large and detailed experimental investigation. Naturally such an experiment can never be so large and so refined as to be beyond all criticism. The problem is not merely of wide interest from the purely biological viewpoint, but it is of first rate impor- tance from the practical side as well. The biggest pump- kin, the heaviest bull, and the finest ear of corn are the resultant of germ plasm and environment—of nature and nurture, to use Galton’s apt words. But in paying fabu- lous prices for the seed of prize winners little thought is given to the question of the proportionate importance of breeding and feeding in producing this excellence. From the practical standpoint it seems desirable to know — whether parents—animals or plants—of as nearly as possible the same hereditary endowment differ at all in their capacity for producing high-grade offspring because of the superior care and feeding which admits them to the show bench. If it be found that the well-fed mother produces finer, or poorer, offspring than the starved one, the practical significance of the result is obvious and the No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 315 further biological problems of the nature and permanence of this influence will be open for investigation. Finally it may be said in passing that the work on these beans was so carried out that data for many other prob- lems besides those discussed here were secured. That of the pure line, that of the relationship between the size of the seed planted and the characteristics of the plant produced, that of the relationship between the size of the plant and the fertility of its pod and the size of the seeds which it produces, that of the relationship between. the ovule characters of the pod and its fertility, may be mentioned. These will shortly be made ready for publi- cation; hence if the reader encounters these series of beans in several different places he must not assume du- plicate publication. The mass of data in hand is so great that it is either necessary to scatter the material in this. way or to withhold it all for several months or years until it can be presented in one volume. The former scheme for several reasons seems the most expedient. Il. STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS AND DESCRIPTION or MATE- RIALS AND METHODS A. Limitation of the Problem The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a series of experiments to determine whether plants whose ancestors have been starved differ from those whose an- cestors have been well fed. It might seem to the reader that the first step in such a problem would be to define starvation and feeding, to list the factors underlying these conditions, and to ascertain the weight of each of these factors in determining the characteristics of a series of plants subjected to them. This seemed to me in undertaking these particular ex- periments precisely the course which one should not fol- low. Physiologists, especially those concerned with plant nutrition in the agricultural stations, have devoted a quarter of a century or more to these very problems. 316 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLVI But concerning the influence of the feeding or starving of the parent upon the characteristics of the offspring, we have little direct experimental knowledge. It seemed expedient therefore to neglect for the mo- ment the problem of the various edaphic and metereolog- ical factors which determine the characteristics of the individual and to ascertain whether the subjecting of parent plants (or parents and earlier ascendants) to dif- fering environmental conditions has any influence upon the characteristics of the offspring. It was therefore only necessary to find fields in which the soil barely sus- tained a given variety and others which produced a luxu- riant growth. The first would represent for the species in question starvation fields. The judgment of the relative richness of the plots by their actual productiveness is justified by our ignorance of the nature of soil fertility. The reader who is inclined to criticize this method of approaching the problem as very coarse may be reminded of the following points: (a) The complexity of the problem of soil fertility is such as to preclude a trustworthy evaluation of the par- ticular factors determining the productiveness of any parcel of ground. For this reason I have purposely omitted all but the barest descriptions concerning the ex- perimental plots employed. (b) Artificial soils or water culture media of known chemical composition were carefully considered and ruled ont. In the first place, the technical difficulties seemed almost unsurmountable. Again, it seemed desirable to earry on the experiments under conditions as nearly as possible identical with those to be met with in practical agriculture. Chemically prepared nutrient solutions are useful in the physiological laboratory, but they do not occur in practical farming, while soils which are ‘‘sterile”’ *Soil experts now agree that chemical analyses of soils furnish no sure criterion of their productiveness. No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 317 and those which are ‘‘productive’’—for what reason we do not know—do.? The solution of our problem is to be sought by means of a series of comparisons which fall into two classes. The first is designed to test the influence of the environ- ment upon the characteristics of the individual; the sec- ond is intended to show what influence, if any, the treat- ment of the ancestors has had upon the offspring. The first series of comparisons is essential in that it brings out clearly the extent to which the ancestors were modified by the environment to which they were sub- jected. It affords no evidence whatever as to the factors to which these effects are due. The second set of com- parisons is the important one. Our problem, the reader must distinctly understand, is not to determine why some individuals are depauperate and others luxuriant, but whether the rendering of individuals depauperate through the environment to which they are subjected has any influence upon the measurable characteristics of their offspring. B. Material The materials upon which this study was based were furnished by five series of garden beans, Phaseolus vul- garis. Two of these were the common white Navy. The third was a strain of Burpee’s Stringless first grown from commercial seed at the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1905. The other two were from the seed of the White Flageolet and Ne Plus Ultra which Dr. Shull had used in his hybridization experiments.* 2Our great ignorance of the problem of soil fertility is attested by the words of Professor Hall in a chairman’s address before the Sheffield meet- ing of the British Association (Science, N. S., Vol. 32, p. 364, 1911). He said: d: ‘‘The fertility of the soil is perhaps a vague title, but by it I intend f to signify the greater or less power which a piece of land ° in, the causes which make one small ones, differences which are so real that a farmer will pay three or even four pounds an acre rent for some land, where he will regard the other as dear at ten shillings an acre.’’ * Shull, G. H., Science, N, S., Vol. 25, pp. 792-794, 828-832, 1907; AMER. Nat., Vol. 42, pp. 433-451, 1908. 318 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI The two Navy series first came to my attention on the farms of George A. Harris and Elmer Dille at Mount Hermon, near Plantsville, Athens Co., Ohio, in the fall of 1907. From the Harris farm 160 plants were taken, giving rise to 160 ‘‘pure lines.’ These are the Navy H, or NH series. From the Dille field 550 plants were taken ND STARVED WELL FED COMPARISON FIELD 1910 Diagram I. Cultural history of the Navy D series. The history of the Navy the same, and can be expressed by substituting H for D as the first habitat letter in the formule. and yielded 550 ‘‘pure lines,’’ designated as the Navy D series. These two fields furnished, as explained in detail in a subsequent section, the starvation and feeding tracts of the experiment. Dr. Shull’s seeds saved for individual plants of a crop of 1907 yielded 80 lines of Ne Plus Ultra and 100 of White Flageolet. The history of these strains during the course of the No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 319 experiment is shown by the diagrams. The seriations of number of pods per plant appear in the Data Tables 4, B and C. TABLE A PODS PER PLANT Series 1| 2 3 | 4 s|6 171819 | 10| 11 | 12/18 | 14| 15 | 16 | Total | | | | | | | | | Plants D 55 (229/165, 63| 24| 8| 4| 1 | i a SA a E p 550 DD 46 |107|141| 89| 57, 36/16 |11| 3| 4| 2|—|—| 1/—|—| 513 DDD |10 61| 93 107| 67 55/31 | 24 5 | 4|—| 1} 1|—|—;—|_ 459 HD '235|333 282/192 Wy 8)-7 1 Pt a ee HDD |49 |172)234'208 204 var ede 34/22| 9| 9f 3| 3! 2| 1) 1,204 USD = |53 |111| 95| 30) 8} 3| —|—|— |—|—|— ||} |-| 312 USDD |25| 64| 42| 34| 33| 19/12) 3| 1) 2} 1/—|—|— | 1| 287 39 100/118 76| 43 26/12 13 —| 1;—|—|—|— -|—| 428 FSDD |13| 52| 98| 91! 64 43\/15| 4 RRE | 1: —+|—| - 387 For convenience of reference I designate the 1907, 1908 and 1909 cultures the ancestral series and the 1910 crops. the comparison series. The fitness of these terms will be apparent. C. Experimental Methods and Collection of Data Experimental methods may conveniently be explained under three heads: Selection and Care of Seed, Cultural Conditions, and Collection of Data. ` 1. Selection and Care of Seed The necessary requirements are two. First, it is essen- tial that the material subjected to the various environ- mental factors shall be identical in its hereditary tenden- cies. Second, it is essential that in the routine of grow- ing, harvesting and planting no purely physiological (as contrasted with hereditary, germinal or genetic) sources of differentiation shall be introduced. Consider the first requirement. We have learned from both biometric and Mendelian researches that it is impossible to know from the simple inspection of an apparently uniform group of individuals whether or not they are really identical as to germinal constitution. It is therefore idle to plant seeds of some individuals under starvation and seeds of other individ- 320 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLVI TABLE B ~ NUMBER or PODS PER PLANT Series H | HH | HHH | DH \ DHH|\ USS | USH| USHH | FSS | FSH | FSHH 1 — ti 4 4&4 | = | [= — 4 | — — 2 — 8 10 10 GN hes 1 3 5 1 6 3 1 10 20 16 9 2 2 6 12 4 5 4 4 TI 36 21 | 12 2 5 Lt 21 4 H 5 3 25 52 20 | 10 3 5 15 24 9 9 6 + 34 62 20 | 26 6 6 24 6 20 7 6 41 78 29 | 39 | 16 | 15 27 25 | 14 26 8 T 55 91 26 | 42 | 17 | 20 38 38 | 12 34 9 10 58 82 36 | 43 | 3 17 28 43 | 22 32 10 12 | 97 43 | 52 | 48 | 40 | 23 | 67 31 11 76 91 | 35 | 51 | 4 17 15 24 33 12 12 78 96 39 | 37 | 54 | 22 12 43 | 22. 42 13 12 94 115 | 34 | 47 | 48 | 28 ri 65 | 22 14 9 74 34 | 40 | 49 | 25 3 47 | 24 34 15 7 2 60 28 | 35 | 52 | 23 3 50 | 25 25 16 T 83 72 35 | 19 | 37 | Z6 3 42 | 23 16 u 9 69 52 35 | 22 | 49 | 18 X 27 | 19 10 18 8 66 39 30: 12 3] B 4 46 | 27 13 19 5 56 29 24°) 17 | 32 | 20 — 31 | 19 20 1 25 | 21 | 11 3i | — | 36 | 17 10 21 i 51 25 16 5118 | 12 — 42 | 19 7 22 3 41 12 9 T 1.22 6 — 99 i 12 2 23 5 | 46 8 | 13 4 | 20 3 2 14 | 23 3 24 3 37 fi il 3 | 12 5 — 12 8 2 25 2 | 28 6 5 6 | 16 4| — ; 11} ll 1 26 2 27 6 8 4 | 10 2 — 16 | 12 1 27 2 19 1 9 2 T 3 — 9 | 12 2 28 4 12 2 Ti e A 5 4 | 13 = 29 1 14 1 10 am 2 1 — yi 7 seeing 30 2 23 2 5|—-{|— 1 8 2 a 31 1 20 = 2 D ire — 5 6 = 32 — 12 3 nA ag 1} — a 2 2 — 33 — 10 — 5i 3 | — -— 2 + == 34 1 10 2 3 | — TA — 4 3 1 35 — 11 — es BE cae — 2 4 m 36 1 4 = 220 aa ee — 1 1 oe 37 1 7 — 4| — 2 | = — 4 3 Zer 38 no 6 — 3|ļ— | — — |— 1 — 39 = 5 — LC = 1 1 — Le = 40 i 5 -| — U care 1 — — 1 = 41 — 3 — — | — | — |— — — 2 oa 42 = 2 1| — | — = Ile ee 43 — 3 = |t 2 1 — 44 1 — fo pe a 1 -— 45 = 2 == 1 |— — — Iie 46 1 5 — EN Ra Ge nei — | — — 47 — 1 ae ee ee ee See lire = 48 — — Tie 2) — Lop = SEE 49 — 1 ne fee pe Gas MEE f pois 50 — ous een ee ee eg ae os La ean pie 51 — 1 Ga Gees A ome oe Wee aoe 52 — 2 a Kan EA ha E See — 54 — 2 L aad a aa Ea a T pie 55 = 1 a E E AT Baie ei set 56 — t oo ech ae f coe eh ek oe aes ae 67 1 se ER a, Cee a Pe gs. == Totalplants| 160 |1,484 |1271 |670 | 565 | 680 |361 | 224 |868 |475 | 429 No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 321 uals of apparently the same uniform variety under feed- ing conditions. The only certain method of securing the TABLE C NUMBER OF PODS PER PLANT | | Series Hea kE | ee beste | | ME stale mi HHC 8! 816 26 35 30 25/31/30 46 25/23 23 21 28 14|18| 5| 9| 8|12/12|11| 4| 4 23 HHHC 8 13 20'34 41/48 38 35 43 37 2636|25 24/19 17/10/14/15| 810| 8| 5| 3| 4 2| 3 HDC 6/10 2526|29 30/26 28 25 14/12|11/16 23 16] 9/10/11) 5| 5| 7| 5| 4| 4 31. 3\— HDDC (11115/233536 3532/43 28/34/19|29/32/17,17|1019|13,15) 6| 5| 4| 4| 4) 1| 3| 2 DDC 616 12 12/20 22/26 14 6 8j16|15/15| 8| 7| 4| 5| 6| 1| 2) 1| 1—| 1) 1|— DDDC 6/10/14 23/30, 27/21 22 21 161 si : me 7| 2| 1| 2| 4| 2| 1— C 921/193 41,94132185i20.30, p3 18 1513 16 1 1113| 7| 5| 1| 7| 2| 2| 1}— DHHC 7 17|30 38 45 4052 40 27 271911 1719 a n 9110| 6| 1| 4i 4| 4| 2| 4 SC 3| 5/15 22/2 25 31 a2 609 60 a7 28 28 31 30 29 15/10] 6| 6| 5| 3| 2| 1| 2) 1 1 2 USSC 1—| 5 $10 212931233143 24 2 19| 6| 8| 8| 6| 3| 3| 11/—| 3| 1 SHC 1) 1) zii 19 28/31/38 18 39 22/22/25 1 8| si 71 7| 3| 4| 1| 2) 1-H USHHC |2|7 7 13 31 3131|36 3541 soe pel 12) 6/11] 9| 5| 7| 2| 1—| 1-1 SDC 510) 921 42/43 43 44 19 2 13115111| 8! 5! 2, —! 1— Em USDDC |4| 117 10114222728 36136137 28/23/15|13/11| 9| 7| 1| 2| 1⁄1—| 1 —|—|—i— SC 1| 6| 9 14/17/29 0 29 26 30 45 3831 21 31 29 27/13 1715181912 14/10| 7 6 FSSC 2| 6| 810/132 | 21308 35 26 25 25 = 3/17|10|10| 8| 4| 3| 2| 4 FSHC |—| 2| 9 18/20 33 302834 21 35/31|19/24/17|14 14| 91114) 7| 7| 8 6 5| 3 — FSHHC |—| 7/15 20 36 3531 pae 7 41/39/30 21,19 aclauing 17/11) 8|10/12)10 7 FSDC ola es 6 9 14 24 17 21 23 20 26 2818) 9 16| 6| 7| 8| 9111] 4| 4| 1| 3| 3| 2 FSDDC |1| 2| 8110 14|23|25 3132/3024140 ae aolaaiasiis\isiolasiiel 9|13|15|10| 9 5 i LA e ehoketa at Total Series itd ee |35] 42|43|44|46|47 49|51|52|55/79| piants | i | | ENE cere ERTA Meron Scam HHC agli 24 Li yg fe AT auae | 1a hili HHA H HH HH 5 DC -4a 111132 Hi likre 376 HDD |——}2 i1 2 4-2 eee 498 DC 11 —— ———— —| 255 DDDC 3\—|—| 2 | 3 i—i i—mar 331 HC —|3 |1 |1 |2 | ——|—i 1 |2 |---|! —|—| 452 DHHC əl—| 1 |3 |1 1 i i k 598 USC al N EA LEI 580 USSC | ah saint: BSD SHC | —|————— =l S21 USHHC |—|1 | 1 —i—|——— 399 SDC ik Fle TS ie Hon SS IE a ES = $50 USDDC | Fs es E Vat SI en A =| 938 FSC 2al3 6l3l6l1l1l2l1 2—1 H+ 586 FSSC iilh in at ee 50 FSHC 3/3 — 2 |2 |1 |2 |——————— iced’ a FSHHC holle sls lalalala =s —|12-—--+ +I eS FSDC 2\— 3 —|—|—-}1 | 1 |---| 1 = 307 FSDDC 2i3i3i6l2i-ti3eiie eee 538 desired result is to divide the seeds of individual plants. If this be done and if all the lines* be represented — ‘Line or pure line is used merely in the genealogical sense. San THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI throughout the experiment by approximately the same number of individuals, we shall not only be sure that like hereditary tendencies went into all branches of the ex- periment at the beginning, but can feel confident that no material source of error is introduced by a change in the mean hereditary tendencies in either branch of the ex- periment through the selective elimination (by reason of relative unfitness for the chosen habitats) of certain (dif- ferentiated) lines. These are ideal conditions, quite unattainable among the innumerable difficulties of practical experimentation. Omitting all particulars, I believe we may with reason- able security consider the seeds which went into the orig- inal starvation and into the original feeding series ran- dom samples from the same individual plants. These lines were maintained with moderate success throughout the experiment. The following details concerning the methods of ma- nipulating the material may not be irrelevant. Every seed was, so far as could be determined by in- spection, perfectly formed and developed.” No seeds in which the coats were sensibly wrinkled were included, since this might indicate either a premature drying of the seed in the pod, or a subsequent wetting.’ In harvesting, the plants were left in the field as long as possible to allow the pods to ripen. They were then gathered, and wrapped intact in newspaper to permit any possible translocation of remaining plastic materials from the stems or the pod walls to the seeds." * Every seed was examined at least once. Unfortunately this can not preclude the possibility of a seed containing a weevil which had not emerged up to the time of planting. A large proportion of the seeds planted in these experiments was also weighed individually for use in pure line and other D, US, FS and BG individuals— “I have carried out no experiments to determine what the real causes are of this wrinkling. * This precaution applies to only two of the original series, to NH and ND, but not to FS, US and BG. No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 323 2. Cultural Conditions Having prefaced that the purpose of this study is not to determine what chemical and physical factors produce in the individual the effects which we designate as star- vation, we are free to choose for the ancestral series any plots which present reasonably extreme conditions of starvation and feeding. The two fields in southeastern Ohio seemed perfectly adapted to the purposes of the experiment. Their crops of the common Navy beans presented the most diverse appearance. The H field—that grown by Mr. Geo. A. Harris bore a moderately heavy crop. The D field— grown by Mr. Elmer Dille—seemed to have almost if not quite as good a stand, but the plants were exceedingly small. The differences were apparently not due to variety, for both were, in so far as could be seen, identical. They were obviously not referable to cultivation, for both had been equally well tended. The differences seemed en- tirely attributable to the exceedingly poor soil of the D field. Minute description of these two fields is quite unneces- sary. They were about a mile apart, and hence under the same general conditions of climate. Neither was level. Field H was much longer than wide and sloped from the ends towards the middle, where the ground was apt to be a little too damp. Plot D was situated on an exposed ridge where practically all the surface soil had washed away. The plants originally growing upon these fields formed the starting point for the starvation-feeding comparison. This was in the fall of 1907. In 1908 transfers were made, in order that we might be sure that genotypically, as the pure linist would have it, the plants cultivated on both fields were the same. Other varieties were also added in 1908. These points are made quite clear by the diagrams. The comparison furnishing the test of the influence of 324 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI the D and H conditions upon the offspring should not be made on either of these fields.® Three fields? under control of the Station for Experi- mental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor were chosen for the comparison. All the Navy series were tested USH T FED USS WELL FED TA ao FED COPPA FIELD Diagram 2. Cultural history of the Ne Plus Ultra ee series. The White Flageolet (F) series was subjected to an identical treatmen on one field and all the Ne Plus Ultra and White Flageo- let on another. The third field was devoted to the *A number of breeders hold that among plants there is a gradual adap- tation to the substratum; when plants are transferred from one locus to another there is a ‘‘new place effect.’? Tf, now, the series grown OP the starvation field for two years should from some such process of adap- tation be better able to thrive under these conditions than a series newly transferred there from a rich soil, or vice versa, the comparison would be an 6 oan unfair one. The facts bearing T this point derivable from our material will probably be discussed lat Three were selected Pae accidents of season and culture do occur and it is as unwise to plant all one’s experimental seed on a single field as to carry all one’s pedigreed eggs in one basket. No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 325 fourth variety, BG, which must be reserved for a later paper. . The following method was adopted for counteracting the possible hetereogeneity!® of the fields upon which the plants were grown. The different strains must be subjected to as nearly as possible a random sample of the conditions afforded by any plot. This end is secured by labeling each seed individually and then scattering those of a particular series quite at random over the field. If, then, certain spots are somewhat more fertile or slightly moister than others, all lines will have equal chances of being represented there. If this were not done an undetected differentiation in the substratum might induce quite de- ceptive differences in the crops. In these experiments I did not, unfortunately, work to quite this degree of refinement. For technical reasons, it was desirable to have each of the varieties planted in separate rows. Each seed was placed in an individually labeled envelope and the envelopes of a series thor- oughly shuffled. The series were then planted in rows, which were scattered as nearly as possible at random across the field. By this means an almost but probably not quite random distribution was secured. 3. Collection of Data The recording of the data from the mature plants was an onerous but relatively simple process. As noted above, the plants were wrapped individually at harvest time when as nearly dry as they could be * Conditions were sp worse than those under which much of the experi- mental evolution work has been done. At the same time I must frankly confess that to the biometrician the comparison fields left much to be d available. In stating that conditions are in defect of those desired by the biometrician, we may perhaps remember that they have the advantage K presenting no experimental artificiality, but of being precisely the so which would be met in ordinary agriċultural practise. Entirely too little attention has been paid to these matters by experi- mentalists. Compare,‘for instance, some suggestions in AMER. NAT., Vol. 6. wan. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI allowed to become in the field, and after thoroughly dry- ing stored until they could be studied. They were then placed in a saturated atmosphere for a few hours until the pods could be handled without snapping open, and records made of the number of pods per plant and num- ber of ovules and seeds per pod. The seeds were then stored until thoroughly dried at laboratory temperature and humidity, when they were looked over for weighing. Particulars concerning the various characters will be given in the special sections. } D. Methods of Analysis of Data 1. Pertinent Comparisons The possibility of an influence of ascendant starvation upon descendant characters is to be tested by a series of comparisons. The number which might be made, and with profit, is so great that space requirements impose a stringent limitation. A first restriction is effected by basing the compar- isons upon the simplest of the statistical constants. A second limitation is effected by the exclusion of all comparisons showing the relative influence of environ- mental conditions on different varieties. Possibly this question will be considered in another place. Such inter- racial and inter-varietal comparisons are in this paper quite incidental to those which are strictly intra-racial and intra-varietal. Finally the comparisons within the varieties must be limited"! to those which seem absolutely essential to our purposes. The constants for the 40 series are given so that the reader may make any comparison he deems desirable. In the dichotomous system adopted for these experi- ments, one branch of the stem material was subjected to “In all we have three distinct varieties represented by 40 series of material—18 of Navy and 11 each of White Flageolet and Ne Plus Ultra. If all the 4n(m—1) comparisons within each variety were made for the three constants, A, e, and CV, 789 differences and their probable errors would have to be calculated for each character observed. No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 327 starvation and the other to feeding. Both ancestral and comparison series allow of two kinds of comparisons, intra-ramal and inter-ramal. In the first case the comparisons will be made within the same branch of the dichotomous system, i. e., the off- spring of the starved parents and starved grandparents will be compared with plants whose parents only were starved, both parents and grandparents being in the direct line of descent.?? In these tests the individuals grown on the comparison field bear to each other the relationship of ‘‘aunts’’ and “nieces.” Such comparisons are possible where the seed retains its vitality for a number of years. They are open to criticism unless it be known that the age of the seed has no influence upon the characteristics of the plants developing from them.*® In the second class, the inter-ramal, are those compar- isons between points on different branches of the dichoto- mous scheme. Here two subclasses may be recognized. In the one the comparisons are between strictly homolo- gous points on the starved branch and on the well-fed branch. The effect of one generation’s starvation will be compared with the effect of one generation’s feeding. In this case comparisons will be made between ‘‘first’’ and ‘‘first’? cousins. Or Mendelianwise, all individuals compared will be F,, F, or Fx. Such comparisons will- be called direct inter-ramal comparisons. In the second subclass, the comparisons will be made between different points on the two branches; all com- ” 32Tn the same manner any one who desires may compare plants whose parents and grandparents were well fed with those whose parents only were well fed. This is not done here for the simple reason that I do not know that the well fed series were grown at an extreme of feeding at all com- parable with the extreme of starvation which was possible in these experi- ments. If they were not, one would expect to find a smaller influence, if any, upon the offspring. 18 It may have occurred to the reader that a valuable comparison for our purpose could be made within the starvation series by determining, e. g., whether USDD whose parents USD had been starved, had a lower value for any character than USD whose parents US were not grown under starva- tion conditions. Such tests are, however, useless because both edaphic and meteorological conditions may differ from year to year. — ® 328 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI parisons will be between ancestral individuals or their offspring belonging to different generations. Such will be called cross inter-ramal comparisons. The most crucial test is that afforded by the direct inter-ramal comparisons. Both the intra-ramal and the cross inter-ramal comparisons have the disadvantage that the (possible) seed age factor is not excluded. Again, atmospheric (meteorological) factors play a much larger part where different seasons instead of a single . season are involved. Turning to our own available data, we note the fol- lowing points concerning the comparisons: Only such comparisons as can be made on the basis of both ancestral and comparison series are discussed, al- though data for some others, e. g., NH, ND, US, FS, USC, FSC are given. In all cases the differences are taken Starvation less feeding so that when starvation tends to reduce a character the difference bears the negative sign. If we continue our attention strictly to those within the strain, we have the following inter-ramal compar- isons: Direct Cross HD-HH HD-HHH HDD-HHH . HDD-HH DD-DH DD-DHH DDD-DHH DDD-DH USD-USS USD-USHH USD-USH USDD-USS USDD-USHH USDD-USH FSD-FSS FSDD-FSS FSD-FSH FSDD-FSH FSDD-FSHH FSDD-FSH If we go beyond the limits of the populations formed by splitting the seeds of the same individual into two No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 329 lots, and consider the Navy D and Navy H comparable, we get: Direct ross DD-HH DD-HHH DDD-HHH DDD-HH HD-DH HD-DHH HDD-DHH HDD-DH 2. Statistical Formule Employed Methods ample for all the needs of this study are fur- nished by the simplest of the Pearsonian statistical for- mule. The comparisons in the main are restricted to those based on the mean, standard deviation and coeffi- cient of variation. These do not fully describe a population, but they fur- nish more information concerning it than do any other three simple constants, and are sufficient for our pur- poses. The methods of calculation are now familiar or readily accessible to all biologists. The original data are available for any other comparison, e. g., that based on skewness. The chief possibility of untrustworthiness in the sta- tistical constants seems to me to lie in a possible biolog- ical source of error introduced by growing the compar- ison series in rows instead of mixing all the individually labeled seeds together and scattering them quite at ran- dom over the entire field.'* If because of the irregular- ity of the fields, some of the rows were subjected to slightly better and some to slightly poorer conditions than the average, and if the rows of an individual series were not distributed over the field in a perfectly random manner, a slight source of differentiation quite undetect- ible by the statistician’s simple probable error would be introduced. I suspect this to be the case, and conse- quently our probable errors are perhaps too low as cri- teria of the existence of differentiation due to the treat- ment of the ancestry. i Fortunately we are not limited to a single comparison, “ As an extra precaution half rows were frequently used. 330 THE AMERICAN: NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI but- have- several . pairs. Any one of these might be wrong in its indication of the influence of ancestral en- vironment because of uncontrollable factors making for heterogeneity on the comparison tract, but as long as these factors differ from series to series in a purely ran- dom manner, we shall expect to get trustworthy values by averaging the results for the several comparisons. This averaging may be done in one or both of two ways. Most easily one'may simply note the number of alterna- tive cases, above zero and below zero, and calculate the probable error of either class by the formula 67449 VN X OX 5 since, unless. there be an influence of the treatment of the ancestors, the probabilities of differences lying above and below zero are equal. In the second case, the true mean and standard deviation of the series of differences may be obtained and the probable error of the mean difference calculated by the familiar formula E = 67449 — Hue OV It only remains to say that, except when specified, Sheppard’s modification was not applied in the calcula- tion of the moments. HE PRESENTATION oF DATA AND COMPARISON OF CONSTANTS i Number of Pods per Plant in Navy, White Flageolet and Ne Plus Ultra Beans The purpose of this section is to present the data for number of pods per plant in three varieties, represented by 40 series and over 21,000 individuals, and to draw the comparisons which may profitably be based upon them. The other characters for these varieties and all of the data for still another variety are reserved for later treat- ment. This character, which is the most easily deter- No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 331 mined of any, is also subject to considerable possibility of error. It is impossible to know from an inspection of the matured plants that some of the pods have not been lost by accident. Another difficulty is introduced by the fact that some varieties of beans have a tendency to make a ‘“‘ second growth’’ when they are allowed to stand in the field after they are completely ripe. Unless frosts are very late these second growth pods rarely mature. If the plants be allowed to stand in the hope that they will ripen these second growth pods, the normal crop of | re i 90 g ee a8 Ga ft -----0--—-0m | NDD f ae ck 80 j 7 Lad i a L ji : ——e——o =| NH jt To oi Ai HAA ode i / ite ( 6 WA U Mo S H WD 35 w 6S Diagram 3. Number of pods per plant in NDD, ND D, NHH series. All series are reduced to a pércentage basis and the relative frequencies | summed from the ing. The influenc ce a starvation in the reduction ‘ot the number of pods is very conspicuous. ‘ara at eee a ee ee) ee ee j 4 er may either lose their seeds, if the weather be E or decay if the weather be wet. All that can be done is to watch the plants carefully, to harvest as soon as prac- tically-all the pods that are ripe, and to pull off any sec- ond growth sprouts. This apparently introdùces a con- siderable personal equation into the work, but even if true it is unavoidable. I do not believe that a palpable source of error was introduced since (a) a large proportion of the plants do not show the second growth at all; (b) when 332 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI they do, a person with a little practise will make very few mistakes; (c) even if errors are made, the treatment is the same for all series. All the pods counted had at least one matured seed. This specification is necessary since, especially in the autumn, some plants produce quite a number of half de- veloped and completely sterile pods. If these were in- eluded there would be no point where a line could be WHITE FLAGEOLET F NE PLUS ULTRA FSD AND FSH USD AND USH STARVED, 1908 STARVED, 1908 | : FED, 1908 FED, 1908 L L n p aa 0 410 20. Jo 40 50 0 10 20 ag 40 ams 4 and 5. Percentage frequency of number of pods per plant under sta and feeding conditions for White’ Flageolet and Ne Plus Ultra series, drawn between the number of flowers and the number of pods produced by an individual. The record forms do not interest the general reader. The original data are given in Tables 4A—-C. The phys- ical constants appear in Tables I-III. : The extreme sensitiveness of the number of pods per plant to environmental conditions is seen at once from an No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 333 inspection of the tables of raw data, and better still from the three graphs, diagrams 3-5, for the number of pods per plant in the 1908 series.1® We may now summarize as briefly as possible, and largely by diagrams, the results which may be gathered TABLE I Series Mean and Probable Standard Deviation (Coefficient of Variation Error and Probable Error and Probable Error NH 15.2375 = .4042 7.5800 + .2858 49.746 = 2.294 NHH 16.9919 + .1518 8.6696 = .1073 51.022 = 0.781 NHHH 11.9308 = .0977 5.1652 + .069 43.293 + 0.679 HD 3.9682 -0348 1.9433 + .0246 48.972 = 0.755. NHDD 5822 .046: 2.3756 + .0327 51.844 + 0.884 D 2.6782 + .0335 1.1662 + .0237 43.545 + 1.040: DD 3.5926 = .0563 1.8917 + .0398 52.657 1.384. NDDD 74 1.9329 = .043 43.855 1.149 DH 14.6179 = .2148 8.2422 = .1519 56.385 = 1.330 NDHH 11.8265 = .1408 4.9595 = .0995 41.935 = 0.978 NHHC 11.9597 = .2212 7.3010 = .1564 1.047 + 1. NHHHC 10.6498 = .1788 6.2390 = .1264 58.583 = 1.541 DC 10.9362 = ‘2747 7.8970 = .1943 72.210 = 2.539 NHDDC 10.2851 + .1 6.1042 = .1305 350 = NDDC 9.3098 = .2259 5.3470 = .1597 57.434 = 2.210 NDDDC 9.9819 + .2360 6.3673 = .166 63.789 = 2.252 DHC 9.9801 + .2079 6.5532 = .1470 662 d NDHHC 9.9851 + .1827 6.2839 = .1292 62.933 = 1.732 TABLE II Series Mean and Probable Standard Deviation (Coefficient of Variation Error and Probable Error. and Probable Error USS 15.7382 = .1562 6.0379 = .1104 38.365 = 0.798 USH 14.0416 + .1972 5.5542 + 94 39.555 = 1.138 USHH 8.4375 = .1462 3.2439 = .1034 38.446 = 1.250 SD 2.5929 04 1.2265 =. 1 47.300 = 1.536 USDD 3.6203 .0919 2.0986 =. 57.970 + 2.322 USC 10.1434 = .1285 4.3846 =. 43.226 + 1.050 USSC 11.7068 + .1594 4.6188 = .1127 39.454 + 1.102 USHC 9.9844 + .1541 4.0936 = .1090 41.000 1.262 USHHC 10.1 .1564 4.6299 = .1106 45.794 1. USDC 8.4474 = .1331 3.8477 = .0942 45.549 + 1.326 USDDC 10.1231 + .1426 3.8579 + .1008 38.110 + 1.132 3 The 1908 instead of the 1907 series was chosen for these graphical comparisons, since the number of available series is cnr HR as com- pared with two—and since the num giving much epe results. eader may care to make. quite comparable, they have been reduced to a percentage In the first where data for four series are laid side by poal the per- mn t ber of individuals is The data are available for any ep A com- nder. the results for all series To re uch greater, basis. centages have been summed from the beginning for each pod class. In the ney of each cae of second tage freque pods per plant is represented by the height of a line. and third the percen 334 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI TABLE III Serica Mean and Probable Standard Deviation | Coefficient of Variation Error and Probable Error and Probable Error FSS 15.0265 + .1697 7.4134 = .1200 49.335 = 0.974 SH 17.2947 + .2456 7.93 = .1736 45.889 = 1.197 FSHH 11.8415 + .1562 4.7959 = .1104 40.501 = 1.075 SD 3.4252 + .0552 1.6929 + .0390 49.424 + 1.390 FSDD 4.0362 + .0593 1.7294 = .0419 42.848 + 1.215 C 14.2218 = .2056 Ta = 1454 51.895 = 1.268 FSSC 12.9562 + .1856 6.1678 = .1313 47.605 + 1.222 FSHC 12.2431 += .2068 6.3729 = .14 52.053 = 1.483 FSHHC 14.1505 + .2115 7.9996 += .1495 56.532 = 1.353 DC 9055 = .2616 6.7949 + .1850 52.652 = 1.787 FSDDC 14.4981 += .2090 7.1885 = .1478 49.583 = 1.245 from the tables of constants. As already emphasized the comparisons between the ancestral series are of in- terest for our present purposes only in so far as they furnish proof that the parents of the comparison series were conspicuously differentiated in type and variability because of the environmental conditions to which they were subjected. The reader must always keep in the foreground the fact that our problem is not to determine in detail what the causes of this differentiation are, but merely to show that a conspicuous differentiation exists and to ascertain whether it has any weight in determining the characteristics of the offspring. he differences between the starved and well-fed an- cestral series are so well marked that constants are best represented by graphs for all the series. In diagrams 6 and 7, which embody data for all possible comparisons for A and v, roughly made, the key number of the va- riety is given along the left-hand margin. The value of the constant for the ancestral series is indicated by the position of a solid dot when the series is a starved one, and by the position of a circle when it is a well-fed one. The value of the constant for the offspring of each of these ancestral series grown upon the comparison field is shown by the position of a solid square under a sep- arate scale. Thus the key to the comparison series is given by adding C to the formula for the ancestral series. The graphs for the mean number of pods per plant and for the standard deviation of number of pods per plant No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 335 brings out with great force and clearness the following facts: (a) The difference between the ancestral series sub- jected to the S and H conditions and those subjected to the D environment is very great. In all cases means and SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR ANCESTRAL SERIES 13 04 15 86 17 SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR COMPARISON SERIES 9 0 | arn een ER. reo ae ee 412 68 as BER RO. etek: | STRAIN AND SERIES OF PLANTS 6 ----4 ---" Diagram 6. Mea Subjected to various n number of pods conditions of sta per plant in ancestral, or as cendatit, seri . the oi to environmental conditions. The comparison series, however, show much smaller ow > ny differences, and no clear indications of -an influence of the ancestral conditions. standard deviations are conspicuously higher when the plants are well fed than when they are starved. _ (b) There are considerable differences ‘between a strain grown on the same field in different years. 336 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Season is evidently a large factor in determining number of pods per plant. This is most striking in the means but it is also detectible in the standard deviations. For the means we note that in each of the four strains the average was conspicuously lower in 1909 than in 1908 on the H field and slightly higher in 1909 than in 1908 on the SCALE OF MAGNITUDE F SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR ANCESTRAL is COMPARISON SERIES o e428 E k o 2s hee ee NAVY 4 NHH = NHHH E | NHD tr a NAVY w s a NDD a z L z NDDD -4-- a = P E arcane Oe le ade sa E] n “ULTRA faal m uS =] USS O m a = < USH Pe zZ < USHH a x i Ps UsD z FLAG. FS | FSS x a FSH t= a FSHH a FSD 4 =e Diagram 7. Standard deviation of number of pods per plant in ancestral and comparison series. Compare the explanation of diagram 6. D field. The standard deviations show precisely the same results for the H field, but the differences between 1908 and 1909 for the D crops are relatively small. (c) The differences between the comparison series are considerable, but it is impossible to be certain of any in- fluence of the treatment of the ancestors. No. 546] ` INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 337 (a) and (b) are facts to be expected from the common experience of all those who have occupied themselves ex- tensively with the growing of plants; they are sum- marized here merely because it is idle to discuss (c) unless the results for (a) are clean cut.'® Turn now from diagrams to physical constants. Con- sider first the intra-ramal comparisons, those cases in which individuals whose ancestors have been starved for a longer period are contrasted with individuals in the same line of descent whose ancestors have been starved fora shorter period of time. The necessary constants appear in Table IV. TABLE IV i R Ancestors Starved _ Ancestors Starved 1r Description of Material irs Goneri on hree pa ack Ancestors starved for one generation: USDC series: Standard deviation............. + 0.0102 + 0.1378 aise of papain epee acres — 7.439 = 1.743 FSD FSDDC series: i E AE Mune eel e bo Wine es alee + 1.5926 + 0.3348 rrp Vee Covina. 2. cis Corah 0.3936 + 0.2369 ə _ Coefficient of variation.......... — 3.069 + 1.178 NHDDC series: PE EA Bho rb 6 views 0.6511 0.3309 Standard deviation............. — 1.7928 = 0.2341 Coefficient of variation.......... —12.960 = 3.031 Ancestors starved for two generations o : se CANE ARE E ee + 0.6721 = 0.3266 andard deviation............. + 0.9203 + 0.2311 Coefficient of variation.......... + 6.355 = 3.155 Two of these means seem to be significant in compar- ison with their probable errors, and both of these indicate that starvation of the ancestry for two as compared with one generation, increases the number of pods on the off- spring plant. But, it must be remembered that the seed is necessarily a year older for a single generation of starvation only. Furthermore, the series are too few and the differences are entirely too small—only 1.6 pods —to lay particular stress upon it. The second set of comparisons, the inter-ramal, those * Those noted under (b) may be treated more fully later. 338 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI between individuals whose ancestors had been subjected to distinctly unlike treatment is made in Tables V-VIII. Consider first the means. Altogether there are 28 inter-ramal comparisons, direct and cross. The number of pods is smaller in the plants whose ancestors had been starved in 16 out of 28 cases. If there were no relation- ship between the conditions to which the ancestors were subjected and the number of pods which their offspring produced, one would expect 14 to be negative, providing the errors of random sampling had not to be allowed for. But the probable error is 6145V 28 «5x 5179. Clearly a difference of 2+ 1.79 has no significance. If now we restrict the comparison to differences signifi- cant with regard to their probable errors, and consider Diff./Eairr. > 3 to be significant, we note that only 11 out of the 28 differences may be regarded as statistically trustworthy. Of these, 9 have the negative and only 2 the positive sign. Certainly this looks as though there were a very slight effect of the starvation of the ances- tors, but nevertheless an effect quite detectible by the statistical methods. This point may be tested further by takin ‘the aver- ages, regarding sign, of the pertinent differences for the series of the three varieties. To make sure that slight racial differences between ND and NH do not obscure the results we recognize two classes of comparisons, within the strain and between strains. The results are: Navy, Within Strains, A == — .515 etween Strains, A = —. .515 General Average, A =— .515 Ne Plus Ultra, A= — 1.315 White Flageolet, A= + .585 In all cases except the White Flageolet aie! the number of pods is s slightly lower when ihe ancestors have ‘been starved. | * Note also that the two cases of significantly positive differences occur in the White Flageolet variety. No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION TABLE V Description of Material | Ancestors Starved for One Generation NHDC 339 Ansira Stirred foi Two Generations NHDDC Ancestors well fed for one generation: NDHC series: Ancestors well rg for two generations: | NH s = serie Cat Eels. EE A E MOS n aa eres ERS Standard Pa aE a s A See ent of variation ine well fed for three generations: NHHHC series Standard oii : Coefficient of variation.......... Lak 0.9561 + 0.3445 | + 1.3438 + 0.2437 | + 6.548 + 3.238 | | — 1.0235. =-0.3527 | + 0.5960 = 0.2494 | +11.163 = 3.071 | + 0.9511. + 0.3298 + 1.6131 + 0.2332 | 49.277 = 3.073 .2864 = 0.3277 | + 1.6580 + 0.2319 + 13.627 = 2.970 `: + 0.3050 + 0.2780 + 0.4490 + 0.1965 — 6.312 + 2.604 — 1.6746 + 0.2881 — 1.1968 = 0.203° — 1.697 + 2.393 - + 0:3000 + 0.2596 — 0.1797 + 0.1836 — 3.583 = 2.396 — 0.3647 = 0.2569 — 0.1348 = 0.1817 + 0.767 + 2.262 TABLE VI Description of Material | Ancestors Starved for | Two pene Ws ations Ancestors Starved for Three pen rege NDD Ancestors well fed for one generation: NDHC series: MGatis i046 hia eee vis oefficient of variation Ancestors well fed for two generations: NHHC series: Standard deviation.............) = NDHHC series Oo He oe E TET E a Se ee a oc ie ‘Coefficient as Variation....54% ini. Ancestors well fed for Tee generations: C series en soe sae ATE moe N CoeMeient of Saini Pepe PRI | — 0.6703 = 0.3071 — 1.2062 = 0.2170 — 8.228 = 2.98 S z pose + -on 2236 > 3. ory + ae 805 — 0.6753 + 0 .2905 0.2054 — 0.9369 + — 5.499 = 2.807 ‘— 1.3400 + 0.2881 — 0.8920 + 0.2037 + 0.0018 + 0.3145 — 0.1859 + 0.2225 — 1.873 + 3.019 — 1.9778 = 0.3234 — 0.9337 = + 2.742 + 2,838 — 0.0032 = + 0.0834 = O10 -+ 0. ps .841 — 0. .2961 + 0.1283 + 0.2093 + 5.206 = 2.729 = 1149 + 2.694 Consider now only the ten direct inter-ramal ‘ind the ten cross inter-ramal, forming the twenty possible intra- varietal comparisons. comparisons which are availabl seven have the negative and three the positive sign. | Of the ten direct intra-ramal e from the four series, Tn two cases only is Diff. /Baice > 3, and in one case i 340 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI TABLE VII Ancestors Starved for | Ancestors Starved tor Description of Material One Generation Two Generations USDC USDDC Ancestors bal fed for one generation: — rie E E oo E re ee — 3.2594 = 0.2076 | — 1.5837 = 0.2138 Standard GOVIRLION pe. E a — 0.7711 = 0.1470 | — 0.7609 = 0.1513 pba of VOR, oo E. + 6.095 = 1.724 | — 1.344 = 1.579 wahe Ste ae ey cn E eee — 1.5370 + 0.2037 | + 0.1387 = 0.2100 Standard dorato a cae eo, — 0.2459 = 0.1442 | — 0.2357 = 0.1483 Coefficient of injec Bogie acs + 4.549 = 1.830 | — 2.890 = 1.695 Ancestors well ee rations: USHHC se Maer a yp a i eee es — 1.6629 + 0.2054 | + 0.0128 = 0.2117 Standard deviation............. — 0.7822 + 0.1453 | — 0.7720 + 0.1497 Coefficient of veins E T E — 0.245 = 1.859 | — 7.684 = 1.726 TABLE VIII Description of Material Ancestors Starved for ne Generation FSDC Ancestors Starved for wo Generations FSDDC Ancestors well fed for one generation: ries: ee ee eee reer eset ete eee tees ee ee R ee AS FSHC wane oe déviation. o r.a Coefficient of ane PEE es Ancestors rane fed for two generations: FSHHC series I sires Bare ier ae mew i All these are negative. — 0.0507 + 0.3208 + 0.6271 + 0.2269 + 5.047 = 2.165 + 0.6624 + 0.3335 + 0.4220 + 0.2358 + 0.599 = 2.322 — 1.2450 + 0.3365 — 1.2047 + 0.2379 — 3.880 + 2.241 + 1.5419 + 0.2795 + 1.0207 + 0.1977 +1.978 + 1.744 + 2.2550 + 0.2939 + 0.8156 = 0.2078 — 2.470 + 1.936 + 0.3476 + 0.2973 — 0.8111 + 0.2102 Bae 83 There are no statistically signifi- cant positive differences, the actual values being .013 + .212, .348 + .297, and .662+ .334. The two larger of these occur in the White Flageolet series. the ten direct comparisons is — .589 pods. The mean for Of the ten cross inter-ramal comparisons, five are neg- ative and five are positive; six are significant with regard _ to their probable error, four with the negative and two with the positive sign. In both cases of positive differ- ences (i. e., where the seeds from starved ancestors pro- duced more pods than those from fed ancestors) the seed from the fed plants was a year older than that from the starved plants. The average*for the cross comparisons is —.262 pods. No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 341 Consider the standard deviations. As already noted, and as is clearly to be seen from the graph, the standard deviations for the starved and fed ancestral series show differences agreeing in general with those seen in the means. This is to be expected, since A and e are generally closely correlated. For this rea- son it is idle to discuss the influence of starvation or feeding upon variability on the basis of the standard deviation alone. Turning to the comparison series, we note that of the 28 differences, taken altogether, 17 are negative and 11 positive. The deviation from expectation is therefore 3+ 1.79, and can not be asserted to be significant. Again taking Diff./Hair. > 3 as indicating differences significant with regard to the errors of sampling, we note that 17 cases out of 28 are statistically significant. Of these 17 cases, 12 are negative and 5 are positive. Con- sider averages as before: Navy, Within Strains, A = — .165 Between Strains, A = — .053 General Average, A = — .109 Ne Plus Ultra, A= — 595 White Flageolet, A= + .145 Again limiting comparisons to the strictly intra- varietal, and segregating into direct and cross inter- ramal comparisons, we find that of the ten direct com- parisons possible in the four lots, six are negative and four positive in the sign of the difference. Only four are statistically significant, i. e., Diff./Eart:. > 3, and all are negative. The average is —.221. Of the ten cross inter- ramal comparisons, seven are negative and three are positive in sign; with regard to their probable error, eight are significant; of these five are negative and three are positive. The mean for the series is —- - 181. Note the following points elative varia- bilities as expressed by the coefficients. of variation. Taken altogether, fifteen differences are negative and thirteen are positive in sign. Accepting a difference of 342: THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI three times its probable error as statistically significant, we note that altogether only six out of the twenty-eight differences may be regarded as trustworthy. Of these four are positive and two are negative in sign. Taking means as for the two preceding constants, we find: Navy, Within Strains, 4 = -+ .912 Between Strains, A = -+ .912 General Average, A = + .912 Ne Plus Ultra, A = —.,253 White Flageolet, A= — 946 With mean differences as slight as these, one certainly can not argue that the starvation of the parents has had any pronounced influence upon the relative variability of the offspring. j PROVISIONAL SUMMARY 1. The foregoing pages are devoted to a statement of problems, description of methods and the presentation of a first part of the data secured in a biometric investiga- tion of the influence of the starvation of the ascendants upon the characteristics of the descendants in garden beans. Since several months will necessarily elapse be- fore all of the materials can be worked up, it has seemed undesirable to withhold the constants already calculated and checked, viz., those for number of pods per plant in three varieties represented by forty series comprising altogether about 21,000 individuals. The publication is therefore partial but in no sense preliminary. Several questions that might be discussed on the basis of the data presented are passed over until more series of material can be lined up. The conclusions drawn—even for num- ber of pods per plant—are provisional merely. = 2. The purpose of this research was not to ascertain the physico-chemical factors to which starvation is due, but to determine whether such artificial depauperization of the ancestors has any influence upon the characters of the offspring. Such ordinary ‘‘fertile’’ and ‘‘sterile’’ or ‘‘good’’ and ‘‘poor’’ agricultural land was therefore No. 546] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 343 taken for the ancestral series as would produce moder- ately extreme conditions of depauperization and luxu- riance in the crops. 3. The influence of from one to three generations star- vation of the ascendants upon the characteristics of the adult descendants is not conspicuous, in fact hardly to be detected by the eye in the field. Statistical constants seem, however, to show a slight yet unmistakable influ- ence of the treatment of the ancestors in the form of a slight decrease in the number of pods per plant. 4. The published data are as yet insufficient to justify any discussion of the question of the cumulative influence of the starvation conditions, or of the mechanism through which the characters of the offspring plants are modified. Evidence on these and various other pertinent questions are being gathered as rapidly as possible. MENDELIAN PROPORTIONS AND THE IN- CREASE OF RECESSIVES PROFESSOR FRANCIS RAMALEY UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO REcENTLY in working over some data! on the inherit- ance of lefthandedness, certain questions came up, which seem of considerable interest, as: Does the pro- portion of lefthanded people remain the same from cen- tury to century or does it diminish or increase? In any case, how does the result come about? Although well aware of the present-day aversion to arm-chair biology, it yet seems that these problems can hardly be attacked from the experimental side, and that a theoretical dis- cussion may be of some value. It may be stated at the outset that I consider left- handedness to be a true Mendelian recessive,? and also that there is no selective mating with reference to the character. There seems also no reason to suspect that lefthanded people exhibit less fertility? than normal in- dividuals. If these suppositions are correct, the con- dition offers a happy opportunity for study, since most human characters thus far examined are such as might be likely to be affected by selection. Concerning the first question asked above, no positive answer can be given, for there are no statistics. It is probable that the affection is a very old one, and not of recent origin. If it tends to increase it might be expected that a very considerable part of the population would now show the condition, while if it is decreasing, we *As yet unpublished. * Evidence for this view is shown by Professor H. E. Jordan in the Breeders’ Magazine, Vol. II, pp. 19-29 and 113-124. My own observations confirm this belief. * My own records even suggest the opposite condition, but this is prob- ably merely chance due to the small numbers studied. 344 No. 546] MENDELIAN PROPORTIONS 345 should, after all the long period of its existence, find only a few persons with the condition. _ On the ‘‘presence and absence’’ theory lefthandedness is due to the loss or ‘‘dropping out’’ of the factor or de- terminer for righthandedness. If such loss could occur in the past, why not from time to time now? If so, why would not the proportion of lefthanded people continu- ally increase? In a population where the dominant, the heterozygote and the recessive have a certain proportion, slight changes in the relative numbers seem to have no perma- nent effect. There is a tendency to stability and unless a certain point is passed because of the appearance of an unusual number of recessives, there will be a return to the usual ratio. The mathematical features of the case have been discussed by Dr. W. J. Spillman,‘ and by Mr. G. H. Hardy. The earliest clear statement of the case which I have seen is by Dr. George H. Shull*® in his dis- cussion of elementary species in Bursa bursa-pastoris. The fact of the stability of certain ratios and instabil- ity of others can be readily comprehended froni the fol- lowing tables (I, II, III). We may let RR represent a pure righthanded individual, Rr, a heterozygous right- handed individual, and rr, a lefthanded individual. As a first example it may be supposed that a large popula- tion exists in which the various types occur in the fol- lowing proportions, viz. : 1 pure righthanded:2 heterozygous righthanded: 1 lefthanded, or, RR:2Rr: rr. Random matings would occur in such fashion that mem- bers of each group would mate with those of their own group or with members of other groups. The various possibilities are represented in Table I. The filial gen- * Science, x S, Vol. XXVIII, pp. 252-254, 1908. * Ibid., pp. 50. « olenos, x a. Vol. XXV, pp. 590, 591, 1907. 346 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI eration derived in Table I is composed of the three types in the same ratio as in the parental generation.‘ TABLE I MATINGS AND OFFSPRING IN A LARGE POPULATION HAVING THE COMPOSITION 1 RIGHTHANDED: 2 HeETEROZYGOUS RIGHTHANDED: 1 LEFTHANDED E . - Offspring . Matings eee ed RR Rr rr HR SR eee ee 1 Pile Ct eo ei Ce ks ae eet cers 1 1 More See N ree 1 IRT X RR. osa es ee 1 1 OUr A Rr oa bas ook E 1 2 1 Bier KR PR ee ee 1 1 0 RR oe ae ek ee eee 1 i ARF ee ee 1 1 a OE es E ek ay 1 prem E ee a ean 4 8 4 a ye a a 1 2 1 As a second example, the ratio 2:2:2 may be taken. This will give the results shown in Table II. The ratio 2:2:2 is not constant, but stability is reached in Fj, which is found to show the same ratio as our previous ease, Viz, 152+ 1, TABLE II MATINGS AND OFFSPRING IN A LARGE POPULATION HAVING THE PROPORTION 2 RIGHTHANDED: 2 HETEROZYGOUS RIGHTHANDED: 2 LEFTHANDED (2BR : 2Rr : 2rr) ffs SO Offspring pee ee RR Rr Tr E IRR x IRR yc, baa 4 SRR x2r 2 2 3RR x ar 4 R IRR a a 2 2 Gy x SB is a ae 1 2 1 Be Me. ea 2 2 Oy MSR. oe 4 Ber SCOR a a 2 2 MP ee a 4 Toa a ee cere OG Ie ae tad 9 18 9 OP ee 1 2 1 TI am indebted to my colleague, Professor Saul Epsteen, of the Depart- ment of Mathematics, for checking my method of analysis. No. 546] MENDELIAN PROPORTIONS 347 In Table III a few possible matings are shown with the percentage of recessives and the constant ratios which appear in the next generation. It is apparent from examination of the figures that if a disturbance takes place there is often a partial return in the next generation to the original condition. Sometimes this return is complete, as would occur if, beginning with the ratio of 1:2:1, some disturbance should make it 1:1:1. In the next generation there would be a return to the 1:2:1 condition. There were 25 per cent. of recessives at the beginning. This became changed to 33.3 per cent. by mutation but returned in the next generation to 25 per cent. TABLE III EXAMPLES OF RATIOS. OF DOMINANTS, HETEROZYGOTES AND RECESSIVES, iy TOGETHER WITH THE CONSTANT RATIOS DERIVED IN THE FILIAL GENERATION. THE CONSTANT RATIOS ALL HAVE THE FORM + BP A? + 2AB Original Ratio Per Cent. Recessives | Constant Ratio in F, | Per Cent. Recessives Ba 5 We i 33.3 25.0 Eh 2 50.0 o: Fa a 39.0 Gn Se 66.6 6: 9 56.2 L235 25.0 Constant Constant £3331 20.0 25.0 L supplied at cos bscriptions d advertise eren price is yadi E a year ts additional. ork bearing on the problems of _— evolu- welcome, and will “i given preference in publicatio of epee gigs are supplied to authors a of charge. should be sent to the dgio The Foreign postage The charge for single portia is a page. e forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a THE SCIENCE PRESS NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Lancaster, Pa. Entered d-class matter, April 2, 1908, at the Post Offi Garrison, N. Y. at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THE BULLETIN—For bargains in Ethnolograph- ical and Pre-historic Specimens. Books on Natural History, Science, Travel, Voyages, etc. See THE BULLETIN post free for 3 cent stamp. 4 Duke St., Adelphi—London—England TENTH EDITION. THE Memesi COMSTOCK PUBLISHING p praen N. Y. a a ah, - Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes- z WF Paia University of Colorado Mountain Laboratory Fourth summer session June 24 to Au- gust 2, 1912. Courses in Field Biology (animal and plant), Ecology, Systematic ‘Botany, Biology of Ponds and- Streams. i Suitable work for undergraduates and grad- a uates. Daily Field excursions. Pe T The laboratory is at Tolland, olo., in hia | the sedi Mountains at an altitude T T and expenses moderate. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vout. XLVI August, 1912 No. 548 A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM IN ASPLANCHNA SIMULATING A MUTATION PROFESSOR J. H. POWERS, Px.D. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Durtne the fall of 1909 the writer accidentally dis covered a case of heterogenesis in the genus Asplanchna which bore all the earmarks of a bona fide mutation. The two forms concerned were quite sufficiently different to be classed as distinct species, and even as strongly marked species. The transition was sudden and com- plete, without apparent intergradation. The transition was also in one direction only, and it could not be con- sidered as in any sense due to an immediate cross, be- cause the reproduction of the Asplanchna, aside from resting eggs, is wholly parthenogenetic. Subsequent study of the same species, during the fol- lowing spring, as it appeared in several different loca- tions, supplemented by extensive experiments, showed that the phenomena in question were not those of typical mutation, but are rather to be classed as striking in- stances of polymorphism. As, however, their interest depends in large measure, for the writer at least, upon the ease with which they may be mistaken for mutation, I i will first describe the facts as they appeared in the original collection of material. This collection was made about October 1, in the remnant of a vile pool on the alkali flat west of the city 441 442 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI of Lincoln, Nebraska. This portion of the flat has for years been used as a dump, having been filled in several feet in depth mainly with compost. Two years previ- ously a heavy summer flood had excavated a cavity, the size of a village lot, to the original alkali bottom, and in this cavity the pool remnant, to the depth of about one foot, remained. The water was dark brown with alkali and the essence of compost, but it suited Asplanchna exactly, for while almost no other plankton was present the Asplanchnas were so abundant as to almost touch one another; the sweep of a yard with a 20-inch dip-net brought up a double handful of the strained animals. My original study was confined to material from this single collection because, a day or two later, a heavy rain flooded the pool, killing the Asplanchna to the last individual, The collection in question contained two distinct types of Asplanchna. The dominant form, outnumbering the other several hundred to one, was of a large humped type, closely akin to Asplanchna amphora. I shall, how- ever, postpone a detailed discussion of the species, as it is intricate, and unfortunately involves some controversy, while the interest in the phenomena which I wish to describe is not specially dependent upon it. Reference to Fig. 1 will show fairly well its general appearance, and I need but add at present that it was of very large size, frequently measuring 1,500» in length. Sparsely distributed among the mass of these animals was a mammoth rotifer of related yet very different type. It was saccate, or, more truly, campanulate, in form. Its robust body, without humps, somewhat exceeded in length that of its more slender companion, while its enormous ciliated wreath or corona was extended beyond all limits that the writer ever expected to see in a rotifer. Its transverse diameter frequently equaled the entire length - of the animal, This massive giant swam about with a typical though rather slow Asplanchna movement, vibrat- ing or flapping first one portion and then another of the No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 443 ciliated corona in a very conspicuous fashion. When it met one of the other rotifers in a head-on collision it was much less inclined to contract or turn a quick somersault than was the companion type. As to the specific, varietal, or other classification of this large campanulate Asplanchna I could find nothing. I concluded that it must be an as yet undescribed species. Its distinctness was further borne out by the results of detailed study. The characters hitherto most extensively used for specific definition in the genus Asplanchna are size, body form, type and development of nephridium, and the form of the trophi. As to the nephridia of the two forms in question, they -proved, indeed, sufficiently different. Although built upon the same general type, their size and the number of flame cells bespoke wide separation. Rousselet, who is the first authority upon the classifica- tion of rotifers, in his last article! discussing the species of Asplanchna expresses his belief that the number of flame cells is constant in each species, although he admits that it is very difficult to make strictly accurate counts of these delicate organs. He assigns to Asplanchna amphora about 40 flame cells, and this is a much higher number than has hitherto been found in any other species. My preparations permitted much better counts than may be made on the living animal, but still I am not certain of exactness. I found, however, that even the humped rotifers frequently bore about 50 flame cells on a side, and in many instances I found 55. In the campanulate type the number was astonishingly greater. Not only was the nephridial tube bearing the tags longer, stretch- ing from the knotted portion near the bladder in a wide diagonal curved line to the lateral edge of the corona, but it was very thickly studded throughout the greater por- tion of its length with the flame-bearing tags. The number was certainly variable in larger and smaller Specimens, but it was frequently about 100, and in a _ "On the Specific Characters of Asplanchna intermedia,’’ Hudson, Jour. Queck. Mic. Club, Second Series, Vol. VIII, pp. 7-12. 444 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI number of instances, by thoroughly conservative counts, I reached the surprising number of 115. The nephridial development in this giant rotifer is therefore in propor- tion to its large size and massive tissues. The trophi also proved sufficiently different and of a size hitherto quite unknown in the genus. A glance at Figs. 3 and 4, showing the trophi of the two types drawn to the same scale, will show at once their great difference. A detailed discussion of their minor features will show them to be still further apart. In general, then, to judge by the structure of the females, the two types seemed very distinct, and several weeks of painstaking study, including the examination of several thousand individuals, left me with very little doubt that I was dealing with what we ordinarily class as distinct species. It was while examining some of my first mounted slides of the large Asplanchna that I came suddenly on the evi- dence of apparent mutation. As is well known, the young of Asplanchna are highly developed before birth, and in the material which I was studying this chanced to be true to an unusual degree. My mounted slides, too, were perfectly transparent, giving views not only of all the organs of the adult, but of every organ and almost every histological detail in the structure of the unborn young. Examining these young, I noticed at first noth- ing peculiar; the young within the humped rotifers bore humps even more marked than those of the adult, it being one of the recognized characters of A. amphora that these body extensions reach a maximum development in the young at about the time of birth. The first young noted in the campanulate type were also, in all respects, essen- tially like the parents. I was, therefore, astonished to suddenly hit upon 4 large campanulate rotifer containing an unborn rotifer, not of its own, but of the other, the humped type, Fig. 2. The word mutation was the first thing that framed itself in the midst of my inarticulate consciousness. But of No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 445 course I neither accepted at once the suggestion nor the apparent facts before me. Mutation, although among things proven, is among the things proven to be rare, and is therefore to be accepted in any given case only after fullest verification. Moreover, facts themselves are fre- quently deceiving. Perhaps the young humped As- planchna did not belong within the body of its seeming parent. Perhaps it was some accidental inclusion forced through some invisible aperture in the side of the larger organism. In short, was it really in the uterus? Per- haps it had been swallowed by the adult campanulate and had managed afterward to tear its way through the digestive tract, which latter organ had then healed and allowed the prey to continue development in the body cavity. | While I was asking myself these questions and others, I was also assiduously seeking for more examples, for if the phenomena were regular more examples would cer- tainly be found. A number were indeed discovered, and every possible explanation was eliminated except that they were, as they appeared to be, young humped rotifers which were pro- duced by normal parthenogenetic development within the giant campanulate type. I was able to discern, for some of them, that they were within the uterus, and in every way in normal position. The only slight sign of ab- normality was that they usually seemed to be a little small for the parental organism producing them; they filled less of the body cavity than did corresponding young that were developed true to type. But upon second thought this was but one more sign of the com- pleteness of the heterogenesis. These humped young were developing of exactly the size that they would have developed within the body of a humped parent; within the body of a campanulate they naturally left room, so to Speak, to spare. The internal organs, too, of these heterogenetic young bore out, in detail, the conclusion Suggested by the external appearance. The lighter 446 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI musculature, the narrower ovary- or shell-gland, were obviously characteristic of the smaller humped type. Most definite of all, however, was the evidence of the trophi. These are universally recognized as yielding characters of specific rank. They are wholly developed before birth, and they were very different in the two types in question. I used, therefore, the utmost pains to ascertain the nature of the trophi in these heterotypic young. The result was without question; the trophi in every case indicated a complete and sudden transition from the campanulate to the smaller humped type. This was true both in regard to size and in details of structure. I concluded, then, after the study of every organ which I could make out with clearness in the material at my disposal, that these atypic young in the large campanu- late Asplanchna represented, not an ordinary variation, but the sudden production of one type by another and quite distinct one. But a number of questions suggested themselves at this point. In what number were these mutants, if such they really were, being produced? Was the production of one type by the other occurring in both directions, or only in the one in which I had chanced to find it? And, again, could transition specimens or any signs of grada- tion between the two types be found among the adults, or individuals of any age, in the material at hand? As to the first question, I examined carefully 270 mounted adults of the giant campanulate type. Nearly all were in reproduction, but only 90 of them contained young sufficiently advanced in development and suffi- ciently well placed to allow a certain judgment as to their type. Of the 90 unborn young nearly one fourth (22) were indisputably of the humped type, while 68 were just as certainly of the parental or campanulate type. Noth- ing should be made here of the ratio of one fourth and three fourths. The phenomena in question are not the result of a cross, and, moreover, the determination hinges upon several factors; for one thing, upon my caution, No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 447 when dealing with the earlier embryos, in rejecting any case which was not quite certain. In other words, had I been working with live material and rearing the animals to a proper stage, a considerably larger proportion than one fourth would probably have turned out heterotypic. To answer the second question—i. e., whether this atypical reproduction were occurring in both directions or in one direction only—I first made a preliminary examination of several thousand individuals of the humped form, a high percentage of which contained well- developed embryos. I found no indication of any de- parture from normal reproduction. I then examined critically one thousand individuals, recording results in each case. Of this one thousand individuals, 419 con- tained young sufficiently developed and well placed to admit of safe determination. All were plainly of the parental type; nor did I find a single case in all this material that even suggested strong variation toward the larger humpless rotifer. Transitional specimens, however, could, if present, be more certainly found among adults, or at least among in- dividuals after birth. This was my third query. Did such exist? Throughout my entire examination I sought for them, but with little success. At certain stages in development each species approaches a little nearer to the other species. Thus the young of the larger, cam- panulate type are not only smaller, but have slightly bulging sides, suggesting the possibility of humps. Their corona, too, although very heavy and broad, is less disproportionately so than in the fully grown adult. But in no case was it difficult to determine the relationship of such specimens; other characters placed them at once, especially the enormous and differently formed trophi, which are fully developed before birth. Very old adults of the smaller humped type might possibly, at first glance, be taken for variants toward the larger form, in that their humps become smaller and less sharply marked off from the general body wall. In no other character, how- 448 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI ever, do they approach the campanulate type. Putting aside such stages, which, with a little practise, fall naturally into place, the amount of further variation did not prove to be great. The humps, both lateral and ventral, on the smaller. type, did show a considerable amount of variation in relative size. And in numerous cases it was of interest to note that such variations were plainly hereditary; i. e., an extra large female with, say, relatively small humps, would contain a large young in- dividual that was obviously of the same type. But these minor variations were to be expected; as well as their tendency toward transmission, but they had no evident connection with the type of change of which I was in search. Of true transitional types I discovered but two possible instances. These two individuals were quite alike, but differed notably from any others of the thousands studied. Each was, all in all, indisputably a humped rotifer, but decidedly beyond the ordinary maximum size and with disproportionately small humps. The corona of each was much broader and its cells much heavier than in any other humped individuals observed; the body walls and musculature also were much heavier, taking the deep stain shown otherwise only by the campanulate. All of these characters approached more or less the campanulate type. Most striking, however, were the so- called ovaries. In each case they were of the heavy type shown by the larger rotifer. The nephridia did not admit of careful observation. The most crucial organ of all, however, the trophi, agreed wholly with the humped type in form, and, though large, did not exceed the maximum size found in the ordinary type. Studying these two individuals with care, I came at last to the con- clusion that, although in a sense they might be called transitional, they were after all only variants of the humped type—variants pointing toward, but not actually leading to, the production of the campanulate type. All in all, then,.my search for signs of genetic rela- No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 449 tionship between the two types seemed to leave the evi- dence for mutation sharp and clear: the transition from the giant humpless Asplanchna to the smaller humped type was sudden and complete; it involved many char- acters; it was being effected in many individuals simul- taneously; it was a transition in one direction only; in- termediate types and fluctuating varieties seemed, in all the material studied, no more in evidence than was to be expected in any two species of one genus. At the close of this part of my study it seemed that I had found an ideal case of mutation, agreeing in every particular with the definitions of the concept put forward by its origi- nator, DeVries. However, just as I was finishing the study of the pre- served material at hand, and deeming that I had reached the above conclusions with full certainty, I was suddenly. halted by coming into possession of more living material, and material so surprising that my well-worked-out re- sults again assumed the character of problems, and I resolved, if possible, to subject the whole to the test of experimental method and further observation. It was about the middle of March, 1910, that the Asplanchna began hatching in a large covered aquarium jar in which I had placed some of the resting eggs the fall before. Between the last of March and the 10th of April the species also began to appear gradually in two ponds, in which, fortunately, the available food organisms for many weeks were wholly different. Observations were thus begun upon the species under diverse condi- tions, even from the start. And, as they were continued with but few and short interruptions through the spring, summer, and well into the succeeding fall,? the variety of conditions under which the development of the species was followed included very wide extremes. Thus, during a cold period in early April the species multiplied in Shallow ponds upon which ice was forming nearly every *Since the above was written nearly all of the eo recorded have again been observed during a second season. 450 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI night, while heavy prevailing north winds kept the water in continual turmoil. On the other hand, in July and August, I was able to study the species in both permanent and temporary ponds during periods of the hottest summer weather. Side by side with these observations, and correlated with them as far as possible, a large number of culture experiments were carried out. The general method was as follows: The ponds were visited several times a week, and such observations as possible made on the spot. Then large quantities of the animals, together with their food organisms, were brought to a basement laboratory and placed in large aquarium jars. These mass collections were sometimes obtained by merely dipping up the water and the organ- isms it contained in their natural degree of dispersion; at other times the organisms were much concentrated by the addition of large numbers taken with suitable nets. Flew results were more interesting than the observation of the resulting phenomena in parallel aquaria in which the animals had been placed, now in small numbers, and again in various degrees of concentration bus to almost actual contact. The material in these mass cultures was critically ex- amined and followed from day to day. Then, when- ever interesting phenomena seemed to be occurring, either in the ponds or the mass cultures, or in both, iso- lation experiments were begun with single individuals, or with a definite number carefully selected and exam- ined one by one. To my satisfaction, the animals proved remarkably adapted to experimental treatment. They withstand a great variety of environmental influences, providing only that two conditions are rigidly met. In the first place, a copious food supply must be furnished; and second, the fluid medium (it may be saturated with such ingredi- ents that one hardly speaks of it as.water) in which the animals have developed must be left practically un- " No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 451 changed. This latter condition limits the range of pos- sible experiment, but I could not once succeed in getting Asplanchna to live and reproduce in any other than its native fluid ;? even dilution of one fourth with water from some other source seemed in every case to preclude a suc- ` cessful culture. In nature, too, every rain which diluted to an appreciable extent the vile ponds in which this Asplanchna flourishes results in the death of the entire stock, which is only replaced by the hatching of new in- dividuals from resting eggs. As to food, many organisms were tried, and a number proved available. Best of all, for the smaller forms of the Asplanchna, Paramecium proves an ideal food. Other rotifers come next, of which I used especially Hy- datina and Brachionus; while, surprising as it would appear, the crustacean, Moina paradoxa, although a large-sized member of its group, provides, under certain circumstances, an available food supply for this over- grown and voracious rotifer. The adult Moinas are not eaten, but young and even half-grown individuals may be regularly eaten by the mammoth campanulate form I have described. The humped rotifers ingest the crusta- cea with difficulty, but succeed in doing so at times to a considerable extent. j Omitting further reference to methods, and refraining from any attempt to describe the course of experiments, I will briefly give their results, prefacing only that I make no general statement which is not based on the outcome of at least ten separate experiments or as ample observa- tions in nature, or on both. The first of these results which I will state, although nearly the last that I demonstrated, is the error of my original conclusion in regard to the relationship betwen the two types already described. The campanulate and humped types do reproduce each other reciprocally, al- though with very different frequency in the two direc- * This does not apply to cultures started from sepen eggs. These may be hatched and the young developed in varied m 452 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST ~~ [Vou. XLVI tions. Moreover, transition forms (in every feature ex- cept the trophi) do oceur between them under given though unusual conditions. The phenomena thus fall more naturally under the rubric of dimorphism than under that of mutation; although, as will be apparent later, the phenomena with this rotifer bring the two con- cepts into closer relation than they have perhaps ever been brought before. The second general result of work with the living ani- mals was the surprising discovery that the species is not only markedly dimorphic, but trimorphic, possessing a third form—a smaller saccate type which differs from both the humped and the campanulate types quite as much as these differ from each other, and which, curi- ously enough, differs far more, in external appearance at least, from these other forms of its own species, than it does from an allied but distinct species, Asplanchna brightwellt, I shall return to this latter point of specific distinctness again. But by way of description I will here state that this sacecate type, as I shall call it, although showing a considerable range of fluctuating variability, is a rather primitive but typical Asplanchna. In size it averages much smaller than either of the other types dealt with, reproductive individuals ranging from about 500. to 1,200 in length. In outward form it resembles closely, now A. brightwelli, now A. priodonta. The corona, when the animal is seen from the end, is always circular, as 1s typical for the genus, never showing the strong dorso- ventral flattening which is the invariable condition in the humped and campanulate types. Correlated with this cireular corona is the general cylindrical shape of the animal. When placed on a slide in a shallow drop of water these saccates characteristically rest on their sides instead of their dorsal or ventral surfaces as do both of the larger types. The trophi are of the same type as are those of the humped Asplanchna, except that they are a little smaller and proportionally a little more robust. No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 453 The internal organs are of the same general character, although more compact and filling more of the body space than in the two larger forms, two of them, however, be- ing notably different in development. First, the nephridia. I have not studied these in stained preparations as I have in the other types, but, using living material, I make out a decidedly variable number of flame cells; they range from as low as twenty to nearly forty. It is at least plain that the number averages much less than in the humped form, and but a fraction of that in the: campanulate. The difference would seem to be plainly correlated with the general dif- ferences in the size of the organisms. Singularly in contrast to the smaller sis pitidte is the development of the contractile vesicle or bladder. This is a small organ in both the humped and campanulate types, but in the much’ more diminutive saccates it be- comes very much larger, filling, when expanded, a large part of the body cavity. I have examined considerable numbers from diverse sources and reared under different conditions, to make sure that this contrast was not acci- dental. I find no exceptions to it. Like the number of flame cells, this matter of size of the contractile organ, relative to that of the body, has been hitherto considered a specific difference. A final peculiarity of the saceate type, although a var- iable one, is its tendency toward an excessively rapid rate of parthenogenetic reproduction; it is usually crowded with embryos. Four, five and six are frequent ; sometimes I have counted nine; while in many individuals they are so closely packed that counting is out of the question. These numerous young are also frequently born at a disproportionately small size, even compared with the diminutive parent, thus still farther increasing the extremes of size which the species presents. It seems probable that this smaller and less developed type is itself, to some extent, a product of this rapid rate of multiplication. I have found it multiplying at a slower 454 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI rate—i. e., producing but one or two embryos; but such instances were always due to degeneration or growth un- der unfavorable conditions. I may add by way of con- trast that the humped form most typically produces but one young at atime. Thus, in the material of my orig- inal study, among one thousand individuals I found but sixteen showing the more or less simultaneous develop- ment of two embryos, and none showed more than two. The campanulates regularly develop several embryos at once, four and five being common numbers; but in their capacious bodies there is no overcrowding, and certainly no curtailment of nutrition. As to the occurrence, the definite relationship, and the causes of the production of the three types of the species, I have ascertained most of the facts, though not all. The saccate form is, I think, unquestionably the only form that emerges from the resting egg. In all cases— seven in number—in which I have examined temporary ponds within a few days after formation and found this rotifer just appearing, or in which I have caught the spe- cies evidently close to its first appearance, I have found either nothing but the saccate type, or numerous saccates, together with transitional and humped types. In the majority of these cases the saccates have been rapidly displaced by the humped type, which, in nature at least, very rarely reverts to the production of the smaller form. As soon as the species is in full swing, so to speak, count- less numbers may be examined for weeks without a sac- cate occurring. All of these phenomena have been par- alleled in my aquaria, and I have also repeatedly observed the birth of the humped type from the saccate parent. This is usually in instances where the high numbers of de- veloping embryos in the saccate parent have given place to few or to but one. Usually, too, the parent is a rather large saccate and the humped young a rather small ex- ample of its type. But occasional instances have been noted where the humped young, a moment after birth or No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 455 as soon as it had assumed complete expansion, appeared fully a third larger than its saccate parent. The act of giving birth to such heterogenetic issue is a decidedly prolonged and painful process for a rotifer, very differ- ent from the ordinary, sudden expulsion, well known in Asplanchna. . Turning to the consideration of the actual cause of the transition from the saccate to the larger humped form, I have not discovered it definitely. The cessation of the rapid rate of reproduction, already spoken of, seems a partial proximate cause, though it itself I can not ex- plain. It seems in part a mere matter of the number of generations following hatching from the resting egg. But a copious food supply and generally favorable con- ditions probably favor the change. In early spring the saccate form maintained itself for several weeks in a pond where, in July, after drying up and being refilled by rain, the saccate form began to produce the humped form sparingly within four days, and was very soon sup- planted by it. In another pond of purer water and seem- ingly less well adapted to the species, the saccate form appeared scantily in early May, and struggled on spar- ingly for three weeks, feeding mainly upon the flocculent masses of blue-green alga, but somewhat upon Brach- ionus; it then disappeared entirely, having produced no form but its own so far as I could discover. Yet in isola- tion cultures from this same stock, when fed on Para- mecium, I raised, after several generations, a number of rather small humped Asplanchna. While I have seen little evidence, thus far, that either of the larger types give rise to the saccate form in nature, yet in two small cultures I have produced a population of from one hundred to several hundred small saccates by the degeneration of the humped stock. In one case the colony was a very old one and the degeneration possibly due to this fact; in the other it was plainly the result of diluting the culture medium with tap water. The small saccates, even when they had dwindled to a half dozen, 456 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI before total lapse, still bore developing embryos in their diminutive bodies. The typical case of relationship, however, is, plainly, for a few generations of rapidly developing saccates to be succeeded, after a few transitional forms, by a con- tinuous and ever-increasing population of the humped type. As to the occurrence of the humped type, this is, prac- tically, as just stated. Although never hatching from the resting egg, it soon supplants the smaller and earlier form and then continues to multiply, in favorable local- ities, until put an end to by drought, rain, or the exhaus- tion of the food supply. I do not believe that it can mul- tiply indefinitely, however, for in even my largest aquar- ium jars, the species invariably seems to die out after several crescendos and decrescendos of development. The largest cultures have lasted about five months. That their death is not due to the accumulation of metabolic products in the unchanged water seems probable, because in one case a new generation hatched from resting eggs soon after the death of the first, and showed no signs of weakness, although growing in the same long-used medium. | The occurrence of the giant campanulate form is a to- tally different matter from that of the other two types. It never occurs alone. It never occurs in newly hatched cultures or young stocks. It rarely occurs in great numbers, and never does it do so, so far as I have ascer- tained, in nature when feeding upon what may be called a normal food. On the other hand, in old stocks that have * This holds good under all ordinary conditions. Since the above was written, the experiment has been made of hatching out hundreds or thousands of resting eggs in a very small space—e. g., a three-oz. bottle, i in almost pure tap water. The results of this experiment are very striking. aced thus from the start almost without nutrition, a few of the more vigorous animals begin cannibalism at once, with the result of a an early appearance of both the humped and the campanulate types. In just what generation they thus appear is not known, but very probably in sa second and thir respectively, The development and saltation oceur with but few individuals, the majority starving to death or serving for food only. No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 457 become numerous, I find this giant type invariably pres- ent. The original collection which I studied was about typical in this respect. I have not ascertained the exact proportion which the campanulates bear to the humped form in any given case, for experiment shows that it is capable of variation within wide limits; but I think that in nature they would rarely equal one to one hundred.® What was the relation of these two types? Weeks of all but continuous work were necessary to decipher it. The fact that the two types were so frequently associated indicated probable connection, but did not demonstrate it; the fact that the campanulate always appeared only long after the development of the humped form was again suspicious, but proved nothing. Isolation cultures of the campanulates soon showed, as my mounted material had done, that they regularly produced not only their own type, but a considerable proportion of the humped type as well. But the reverse process is at least so rare that I have been as unable to find it among my living material, as I was among that which I had mounted. Scores of isola- tion cultures, begun with few or single individuals, fed on diverse types of food, and nearly all very successful, remained negative in result, with the exception of one of my very first attempts. I was trying out the rotifer, Hydatina, as a possible food for the humped Asplanchna, and placed half a dozen of the ordinary type in a watch- glass with many of the smaller rotifers. Soon, among the young produced, there appeared one that rapidly developed into the giant type; but subsequent trials, car- ried on as long as this special food supply lasted, were negative in results. Over against these failures, however, a large number of my mass cultures yielded at once all but conclusive evidence that the larger type was somehow derived from the smaller. These cultures were started as follows: *During the recent summer one pond in which the species developed copiously from spring to August showed at the latter period a much higher number—about one campanulate to 20 humped. 458 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI From the surface of a pond several feet in depth, and at a point several feet from the shore, a large quantity of the humped type were collected with a small net. This material and the entire pond, so far as my investigations had gone at this time, had shown none of the larger form, and the care with which the material was taken from the surface rendered it improbable that a resting egg of the larger form should contaminate it, the resting eggs of all these rotifers being heavy and sinking at once.° This material was placed in clean transparent jars of several liters, although beside each larger culture was usually placed a smaller one in a tall thin vessel which permitted careful scrutiny of the entire contents with a low-power lens. It was almost impossible to crowd the animals to the point of injury, though perhaps every other visible organism would die. Now in all of these crowded mass- cultures, whether large or small, whether fed, half-fed, or starved, the campanulate form made its appearance within at most a week. Sometimes a single individual, either young or fully developed, would first be discov- ered; more frequently a number would be present before noticed. But in every instance the sudden appearance of the large form was followed by its very rapid multiplica- tion, coincident with a still more rapid diminution in numbers of the humped form. The latter were eaten up by the former, even adults of the humped type falling victims to the prodigious ingesting power of the campan- ulates. This all but complete displacement, in the course, say, of three weeks, of one form by the other, was a striking and almost astonishing spectacle. I have not observed it in nature, however crowded the species becomes in its natural situation. But in my culture — dishes it was the regular occurrence in case the individ- uals became sufficiently numerous. *It has later been ascertained that, F certain circumstances, some of the resting ova may again rise and fl at; in a windy pool, however, they would very soon be blown to the esate and age Yet the foree of the experiments cited is reduced. . No. 548] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 459 The suggestion of cannibalism as the cause was thus all but conclusive; but I was able to press the proof one step farther. My isolation cultures, started with one or a few individuals, invariably failing, I decided to try cultures started with a larger number of individuals, each one of which was first subjected to examination un- der the microscope. 240 individuals were thus isolated and placed in a single stender dish, care being taken to reject any that deviated never so little from the normal humped type, especially as to extra size. In the rapidly multiplying culture thus started there appeared within a week several typical campanulates, and the whole sub- sequent course of the culture duplicated the develop- ments which had taken place in the mass cultures already described. This is as near as I have come to actually observing the production, by the humped Asplanchna, of its larger humpless congener. I have not witnessed the birth of the one from the other or seen it in uteri. The demonstration of fact is, however, sufficiently com- plete, and the farther conclusion is sufficiently plain, viz., that the transition in this direction between the two types is a relatively rare one. Not every humped Asplanchna possesses the power, whether this depends upon size, ingestive reaction or digestive capacity, to produce the larger form. Indeed, this power would seem to reside in but very few individuals. As soon as I had reached even the tentative conclu- sion that cannibalism must be the cause of this marked heterogenesis, I set about to determine, if possible, why this should be the case. Was there some magic in the cannibalistic diet as such? Was it merely a case of rich nutrition? Or was the result perhaps due to the mere size of the ingested food organisms? Excessive feeding with most of the usual food organ- isms of the species was plainly without result. So long as the Asplanchnas were relatively few or greatly out- numbered by their food organisms they glutted them- selves to repletion without unusual consequences in re- 460 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI production. Thus in the case of one pond, an algal- feeding Brachionus developed until it exceeded in num- bers anything that I had ever before observed under sim- ilar conditions. The surface water was so filled with them that one observer pronounced it as thick as good tomato soup. In this medium the humped Asplanchna gorged itself during days of rapid multiplication. Every stomach was packed with the smaller rotifers; yet no change in type resulted. Finally the Asplanchnas liter- ally ate up the Brachionus, but themselves disappeared a short time after this was accomplished without having produced any of the giants. Yet condensed material taken from this same source and placed in large culture dishes did produce the cannibals some time after the Brachionus had been devoured. It follows from this in- stance, as well as from a number of others equally con- clusive, that mere feeding on the flesh of rotifers, so to speak, is not sufficient to cause the change. The same proved true of over-feeding on Paramecium and several other protozoa that were greedily eaten. I was the more surprised, therefore, to discover one other food organism, and one only, so far as my observa- tions extend, which is fully competent to bring about the same result. It is the Daphnid-like crustacean, Moina paradoxa. It seems almost incredible that a rotifer should feed upon this robust entimostracan, even the young of which are born of a size which would seem be- yond the utmost stretch of a rotiferean stomach. More- over, this Asplanchna does not by any means invariably attack Moina. It may disappear, seemingly from starva- tion, in a pond where Moina is present and rapidly mul- tiplying. This has also happened repeatedly in my cul- tures, and I have placed numbers of the young Moinas in watch-glasses together with the Asplanchna without hav- ing them eaten. Yet in other very similar cases the young Moinas are ingested by the Asplanchnas—by the humped form, and rarely by the larger saceates. The very youngest Moinas may even at times be ingested by No. 548 | A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 461 the smaller saccates. It seems probable that the vigor of the Asplanchna stock, and, I think, the period in the reproductive cycle (number of generations since the rest- ing egg), have much to do with the refusal or attack of this oversized food organism. Be this as it may, how- ever, the habit of eating the young Moinas, once started, seems to rapidly become fixed in not only the individual, but its progeny and the whole subsequent stock; although, weeks later, perhaps, this feeding reaction may again be lost, and the last rotifers starve to death in the presence of abundance of young Moinas. Such starving stocks may be again revived, when almost perished, by the sup- ply of a smaller food organism. Now the feeding upon this crustacean has, to all ap- pearance, the same effect in bringing about the produc- tion of the large campanulate type as has cannibalism. I have not proven it with the same precision, but I have observed the transformation of mass cultures from the smaller to the larger type under circumstances that sug- gested the all but certain conclusion that Moina-feeding was the initial cause. I have also reared large numbers of the campanulates, for weeks at a time, by using the young Moinas as food. Under these circumstances the humped rotifers all but disappear from the cultures. A few always remain, because they are continually being produced, in minor numbers, by the campanulate type. But as very few of the humped young are able to acquire the habit of Moina-feeding, they starve to death without reproduction or fall victims to their mammoth progen- itors. In one instance, and one instance only, I have followed the transformation of the Asplanchna to its largest type, through Moina-feeding, in nature. The case interested me much, being very different from any other instance that I have followed, and showing to an astonishing de- gree the protean possibilities of the species. As usual, the first appearance of the species was in this instance by scattered individuals of the saccate form. Their food 462 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI consisted chiefly of Brachionus and Hydatina. These organisms were not numerous, however, and were ex- hausted just as the countless hordes of the young Moinas appeared. Under these circumstances a wholesale tran- sition to Moina-feeding occurred, even while the As- planchna was in its earlier phases of development. The smaller humped forms had just begun to appear when the Moina-feeding began, both by these humped individ- uals and by not a few of the larger saccates. The species became for a few days indescribably chaotic. So far as body form was concerned, transition stages could be found between every possible type and variation. This is the only instance in which I have found the saccate form giving rise to the campanulate without the humped intermediate, but it certainly did so to a considerable ~ extent in this case. The outcome of Moina-feeding in this pond was the establishment, after about nine days, of a new equilibrium for the species. The giant campan- ulates had become in this instance, and this instance only, among my observations in nature, the preponderant type, reproducing their own form in the main, but also a few slender, long-humped individuals. Of these latter a very few managed to ingest the Moinas and to reproduce, while the majority showed empty, shrunken stomachs and no developing embryos. All traces of saccate and transi- tional forms had disappeared. I will note, in passing, that the campanulate form which is produced by the Moina-feeding is not quite identical with that procured by cannibalism. The size reached is even a little larger, and the animals have the appearance of being even more powerful in general musculature; but the flaring corona never becomes quite so extreme; the animals never assume quite the bell-like form which the most majestic cannibals present. (To be concluded) HARDINESS IN SUCCESSIVE ALFALFA GENERATIONS L. R. WALDRON DICKINSON, NortH DAKOTA In 1908 Mr. Charles J. Brand, of the Department of Agriculture, inaugurated an experiment in alfalfa to de- termine, among other things, the relations that different strains of alfalfa have to the cold of severe winters. The writer aided in this investigation.. For this purpose 68 regional strains of alfalfa were assembled from the various alfalfa regions of the world, many of them being foreign in immediate origin. The alfalfas were planted in hill and drill rows, and during the season of 1908 the rows were thinned so that accurate countings could be made. There were in the neighbor- hood of 80 plants to each strain. The winter of 1908-09 was particularly severe to alfalfa, and as a consequence most of the strains were sadly deleted. : Twelve of the 68 strains were entirely killed, no living plants remaining. Twenty-eight of the strains killed out over 90 per cent., and over 60 per cent. of the strains killed out over-80 per cent. There were but 3 of the 68 strains that killed out less than 10 per cent. The killing of the American alfalfas was severe as indicated by the fact that the 9 strains from Utah killed over 90 per cent., while the 3 Montana strains killed over 65 per cent. The hardier strains were those of more recent foreign origin. Two strains of the Grimm alfalfa had an aver- age killing of less than 5 per cent., thus being the hardiest im the nursery, N eglecting the 12 strains that killed out entirely, the average killing of the nursery amounted to 17.51 per cent., using each strain as a unit. ' Charles J. Brand and L, R. Waldron, ‘‘Cold Resistance of Alfalfa and Some Factors Influencing It,’’ Bulletin. 185, Bureau of Plant Industry, - S. Department of Agriculture. 463 464 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI During the summer of 1909 the seed produced by the living plants was saved from each strain separately. In the spring of 1910 a sowing was made of the original seed that had sown the first nursery, which had been desig- nated as nursery A. This sowing was known as series 201. In addition another sowing was made in 1910, known as series 202, from the seed collected from nursery 4 in 1909. This sowing was from seed se- cured from plants that had survived the severe winter of 1908-09. In addition a number of rows were sown with seed from nursery A plants, selfed during the summer of 1909. This second experiment, carried on by the writer, con- sisted of a number of duplicate rows seeded (a) with seed from original geographical sources, and (b) rows seeded with daughter seed obtained from the plants surviving the winter of 1908-09. These two seedings comprised 112 150-foot rows, each row containing up to 150 plants. During the summer of 1910 the rows were thinned and accurate countings were made. In the spring of 1911, after growth was well started, a determination was made of the number of dead plants, and in addition the living plants were gauged as to their vigor, on a basis of 1 to 10, the best plants receiving the highest markings. The data obtained indicated the apparent increase of hardiness among the different strains. A possible source of error was the effect of vicinism in nursery 4 in producing hardiness in the progeny plants constitut- ing series 202. Limited space prevents presenting the evidence which would lead one to think that this error was slight in effect and probably nearly negligible. Only a brief summary of the results can be presented in this article, a detailed account of which must be left to a future publication. In the first place, let us regard the comparative results of the winters of 1908-09 and 1910-11 upon the strains in nursery A, and upon those of series 201. These two sowings were from the same lot of seed, and had they been representative samples one 2 — No. 548] HARDINESS IN ALFALFA 465 would have expected that they would have fared rela- tively the same in the two winters. Deviations that might appear could be charged to the differences of the two winters, as we may suppose that alfalfa becomes ac- climated in different ways to different types of cold. The relation of the killing of the plants in nursery A and in series 201 is presented in the correlation table of x Means of Duplicate Strains, 1910—11 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Means of Original Strains, 1908—09. i -= (S) bo _ j p= — 2 a 1 Lt or p ou pi _ OOrRONWD RN ENR RE RR ORF CONF O45 0° 8h SAS 2 Ss 2 a Be Fig. 1. Correlation of the means of various strains of alfalfa. Original nursery A seeding subject, duplicate of thes strains in 201 series relative. Coefficient of correlation, + 0.62 +0.06. Standard deviation ‘of Y, 24.85 + 1.57. Standard deviation of X, 19.62 + 1.24. Fig. 1. The means of nursery A are the average per cents. of killing for the different strains, and the means of the duplicate seeding, series 201, are the correspond- ing per cents. for that nursery. In the table, the nursery A means appear as subject, and the means of series 201 appear as relative. The table shows good correlation amounting to + 0.62 + 0.06, thus indicating that the two series of alfalfa were affected relatively the same by the two winters. This fact is perhaps more strikingly shown when the two series of means are platted on coordinate 466 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI paper. The ups and downs of one series correspond very closely with the ups and downs of the other series. The mean killing of series 201 was 27.43 + 1.75 per cent. as against 77.51 + 2.21 per cent. in nursery A, indicating that the second winter was the milder one. The relation between the killing experienced by series 201 and series 202, during the 1910-11 winter, is ex- pressed by the correlation table of Fig. 2. In this case the 201 series is subject and the 202 series is relative. The mean of the 202 series amounts to 6.43 + 0.66. The correlation in the table amounts to + 0.46 += 0.07. As x Means of 202 Series ELCIO (230-96 0 31 5 10 15 20 25 30 365 O° S16 ¢ 7 9 6 1018 1 4 1558.6 9 $16 20| 2 1- i 4 B21 25| 2 13 5 226 30| 2 3 Sal 35|3 J 4 > S 36 40 1 1-1 3 © 41 45/1 1 2 646 50|1 1 1 114 è 51 55 1: í 1 3 = 56 60 1 1 2 61 Gi i 1 3 66 70 0 71 75 1 1 24 7 1 1 56 Fig. 2. Correlation of the means of various strains of alfalfa. Duplicate seeding of nursery A (series 201) subject, progeny of the hardy plants of nur- sery A (series 202) relative. Coefficient of correlation, + 0.46 = 0:07. Standard deviation of Y, 19.62+1.24. Standard deviation of X, 7.35 = 0.46. indicated by the means of the two series, 27.43 and 6.43, there was a remarkable apparent increase in hardiness. This is partially expressed in the correlation table, but in the table the most pronounced changes do not work for a strong correlation. For instance, one Utah strain killed out 59.6 per cent. in the 201 series, while its offspring killed but 6.2 per cent. in the 202 series. This indicates a weak correlation but a great increase in hardiness. There were but 3 instances of the 202 series killing more severely than the No. 548] HARDINESS IN ALFALFA 467 901 series. Two of these instances were Turkestan al- falfas. The third one was due to the fact that the 202 row was an outer row, thus not afforded protection by an adjacent row. In our theoretical discussion of the data we can scarcely more than present the problem. Within the limits of the pure Medicago sativa, as pure as it exists to-day, the fact is patent that there is a wide range of diversity in hardiness among the different strains of alfalfa, dependent in greatest measure upon their geo- graphical origin. Strains of Medicago sativa that have been grown for long periods in cold climates, e. g., Mon- golian alfalfas, are found to be hardy during the severe winters of this country. Upon the other hand the strains of this species which have been grown for long periods in hot countries, e. g., Arabia and Peru, were found to be exceedingly tender in cold districts. Thus at Dickinson, North Dakota, it has never been possible to bring alive through the winter a single plant of the Arabian alfalfas, and only under exceptionally favorable conditions has it been possible to winter any of the Peruvian alfalfa plants. The diversity is so great between the Arabian and the Mongolian alfalfas that we must consider that hardiness has actually been added to the alfalfas which have become * hardy, or that hardiness has been lost to alfalfas that have become tender.2 It is not unlikely that changes have been brought about in both directions. The simple problem is, has this change come about through the “law of ancestral inheritance,” or must the change be accounted for by distinct mutations occurring within any particular strain of alfalfa? Or is it possible that changes have come about through conformity to both methods? *The fact is not lost sight of that an increase of hardiness may possibly be brought about by a recombination of certain (at present unknown) morphological characters physically responsible in different ways for the ‘Presumably complex character of hardiness. See Nilsson-Ehle, ‘*Kreuzungs- untersuchungen,’? Lunds Univ. Ars., Bd. 5, Nr. 2, p. 114. Also a forth- coming article by the writer in the American Breeders’ Magazine. 468 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI The belief that any strain of alfalfa is made up of many substrains with various steps of hardiness has been arrived at largely by a priori methods. We find that there are distinct morphological types of alfalfa within a strain which breed true, and that with other plants there are physiological types within any strain or variety likewise breeding true. It is reasonable to sup- pose that the same is true in regard to hardiness in al- falfa. One of the Utah strains of the 201 series killed 42.8 per cent. from a total of 76 plants, and at the same time this strain of the 202 series sown from seed secured from three mother plants killed but 3.5 per cent. from a total of 131 plants. We have established at once a compara- tively hardy alfalfa from one quite tender. With this Utah alfalfa, as with several others, it is difficult to avoid the conclusions that the strain is made up of many bio- types, relative to hardiness, which show their indepen- dent character even when no precaution is taken against interbreeding We have also experimental evidence upon this point. Alfalfas that were selfed in 1909 were from both hardy and tender strains of alfalfa. A selfed Mexican plant had progeny that showed absolute hardiness during the winter of 1910-11, while the mother strain killed 24.5 per cent. Others of the selfed alfalfas acted in the same manner, producing offspring behaving radically differ- ent from the behavior of the parent strain. In some cases progenitors of non-hardy strains were selected from hardy strains. It seems likely then that any regional strain of alfalfa as far as hardiness is concerned, is made up of biotypes with different cold resistant qualities. An alfalfa of this nature when moved to a colder region loses the rep- resentatives of the tender biotypes leaving the hardy ones for propagation. But this explanation accounts in no measure for the absolute changes of hardiness which some alfalfas must have undergone to have allowed the No. 548] HARDINESS IN ALFALFA 469 species to accommodate itself to extreme climatic con- ditions. While it is evident that there are alfalfas in existence to-day which do not contain elements of hardiness suffi- cient to allow them to live through the severer winters of the United States, this statement apparently does not hold for the alfalfas that are grown in the New World, with the exception perhaps of the alfalfa known as the Peruvian.’ Inasmuch as the South American alfalfas grown in hot regions contain elements capable of surviving very severe winters, it is apparently not necessary to assume recent mutative periods in the species. Inasmuch as the alfalfa plant grown in the New World contains ele- ments of hardiness allowing it to persist through periods of severe cold, it is reasonable to assume that this ele- ment of extreme hardiness may be dissociated from the elements of lesser hardiness, even in the tenderest strains, in such a manner that it can be carried from generation to generation. This practical result has not yet been attained, not because such a result is theoret- ically impossible, but because no systematic attempt has been made. It is evidently a saner thing to commence practical breeding with those forms nearest to the one desired. * Charles J. Brand, ‘‘ Peruvian Alfalfa,’’ Bulletin 118, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The Peruvian alfalfa is con- sidered varietally distinct. This and the Arabian alfalfa have not as yet been found to possess elements capable of amelioration to the»severe con- ditions of the north. Whether these two forms are retrograde mutants derived from the old alfalfa stock is pasillo to determine at this time. One would be inclined to believe that such is the case. The historically and long-continued growth of. alfalfa in hot régions almost precludes the hypothesis of the loss of cold-resisting biotypes, which would obtain were the alfalfa strain transferred to a hotter region. SOME FEATURES OF ORNAMENTATION IN FRESH-WATER FISHES HENRY W. FOWLER THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Tue fishes known as the minnows (Cyprinide) and suckers (Catostomide) are familiar types to almost everybody. Certain of them during the spawning-season exhibit peculiar dermal excrescences or tubercles, these often rendering their appearance quite striking if con- trasted with that of other seasons. These tubercles have long been known in many forms, though they do not seem to have been elaborately studied in connection with the relationships of the various groups in which they appear. Considerable difficulty may be encountered by those wish- ing to make studies of them, not only as they are seasonal and the fishes often difficult to secure at the required time, but also as they crumble and rub or drop off in al- coholic preparations, sometimes not even leaving the usual scars. It is hardly possible to arrange the dis- tribution of the tubercles into distinctive groups of sig- nificance. Perhaps when enlarged and few in number on the head they contrast strongly with other cases, such as when very numerous and universally distributed. It may also be added that in a great many of the fishes be- longing to the families under consideration no tubercles appear at any season, and this is often generic as well as specific. As now understood the minnows embrace the largest family in ichthyology, having about 210 genera and 1,500 species in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. They are mostly fishes of great similarity, small in size, weak, and among the most difficult in which to distinguish species. In this respect our local forms are very fre- quently no exception. Passing over the different genera 470 No. 548 | ORNAMENTATION IN FISHES EXPLANATION OF PLATE The figures are merely outlines, showin All are drawn with the accompaning a Campostoma anomalum g Chrosomus erythrogaster. - Pim es promelas . Not: io otropis whipplii ponpe E RE, ma Notropis cornutus. Notropis chalybæus. H Oycleptus pin, beg . Moxostoma macro g the ac aon of the tubercles. line representing agra ce Rhinichthys atronasus. ybopsis kentuckiensis 472 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI and species from the Middle States region it has been “my opportunity to study in the present connection, the following conditions are found. The stone roller (Campostoma anomalum) occurs in the Mississippi Valley. In spring or early summer the adult males sometimes have the entire upper surface of the head and body covered with small tubercles, though on the fins I have only found them extending on the rudi- mentary dorsal rays.. Though mostly attended with higk coloration, red being more or less conspicuous at most of the bases of the fins, this is not always the case. Others were found full of spawn, without tubercles, but in high color. The red-bellied dace (Chrosomus erythrogaster) is one of the most brilliant of all our common freshwater fishes, occurring mostly west of the Alleghanies. The adult spawning male has the entire head and body almost everywhere covered with minute tubercles in the greatest profusion. No females with tubercles have been secured. The fat-heads (Pimephales promelas and P. notatus) are remarkable for their black heads, in the case of spring males, besides having only a few large conspicuous tubercles on the muzzle. The former species occurs only west of the Alleghanies while the latter is found in all the river-basins of Pennsylvania. The tuberculate males seem to be the exception, or of short duration in that condition, as among hundreds of examples of the latter but few were found. The fall fish (Semotilus bullaris) and creek chub (5S. atromaculatus) are two well-known fishes. The former occurs only east of the Alleghanies, and the fully adult male is with brilliant rosy sides and mostly rosy fins. Though reaching a length of nearly two feet, examples three inches long have been taken with fully developed eggs. The only tuberculated examples were all over a foot in length, and had only their muzzles densely covered with small tubercles. No nests were ever found made by the small fish of three or four inches in length. No. 548] ORNAMENTATION IN FISHES 473 The nests discovered were attended only by large fish. The creek chub occurs in most all our mountain brooks, and reaches a maximum length of ten inches, though males five inches long have tubercles. These tubercles are féw, but quite conspicuous, and occur usually as a pair over each eye and one in front of the latter. Large examples have the scales on the hind part of the back thickened, or but slightly tubereulated. No tuberculated females of either species were secured. The true dace (Leuciscus elongatus and L. vandoi- sulus) are represented by the former in streams west of the Alleghanies and by the latter in streams east of the Alleghanies. In both species the spring males have crimson sides and the top of the head minutely, but incon- spicuously, tuberculate. In the eastern species occasion. ally a female will be found with tubercles on its head above, and also similar brilliant coloration to that of the male. A few species of shiners (Notropis) present cases of tuberculated males. The silver fin (N. whipplii analo- stanus) of our eastern streams has the body and basal Portions of the fin-rays largely covered with small tubercles in the adult male. The adult female is occa- sionally tuberculate. . The red fin (N. cornutus), found in almost all of our streams, has the adult male very gaudy in spring, its tubercles appearing very conspicu- ously on the muzzle, front and predorsal region. Occa- sionally a tuberculatefemaleisfound. Intheiron-colored: shiner (N. chalybeus), often brilliant in the spring, the males sometimes have the muzzle, front and predorsal with many rather large tubercles. No females with tubercles were found. The male of the long-nosed dace (Rhinichthys cata- racte) when fully adult has its snout, top of head, entire back and rudimentary dorsal rays minutely tuberculate in the spring, The adult male of the black-nosed dace (R. atronasus), one of our most abundant fishes, has the front and predorsal region minutely tuberculate in spring 474 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vov. XLVI and early summer. No tuberculate females of either species have been found. The crested chub (Hybopsis kentuckiensis) is remark- able for the adipose-like frontal crest of the adult male in the spring, somewhat suggestive of the hooded seal. This species reaches ten inches in length, and examples half that size were taken with tuberculate muzzles, though without the crest. The suckers are represented by 14 genera and about 77 species, mostly in North America, though several occur in eastern Asia. The following notes will show the con- ditions in those I have examined. The carp-suckers (Carpiodes) occur in our waters mostly west of the Alleghanies. In several species (C. difformis, C. velifer and C. cutisanserinus) all have tuberculated muzzles or snouts in the spring males. In fact the last of these was so named by Cope for the fanciful resemblance of this very character to ‘‘goose- flesh.’’ The black horse (Cycleptus elongatus) has the body finely tuberculated over its entire upper surface in the spring. The upper surfaces of the paired fins are also tuberculated. Only large or old examples were examined. Our common fine-scaled sucker (Catostomus commer- sonnii) is the only one of its genus east of the Alleghanies I have found tuberculate. It occurs all over our Middle Atlantic States. The tubercles appear within a very great range of age. Examples three inches long were found with well developed milt and roe, like those nearly two feet in length. The smallest examples with tubercles, which were only on the lower caudal peduncle surface, lower caudal lobe and anal fin, were four inches long. Others, nearly of the maximum size attained by the species, were found with exactly the same arrange- ment of the tubercles. Examples with the entire upper surface of the body and head, besides the dorsal and paired fins tuberculated, were always over a foot in No. 548] ORNAMENTATION IN FISHES 475 length, though seldom more. Further, I have every rea- son to believe these small fish were also spawning with the large ones, as I captured specimens of similar dis- parity in the same waters in the spawning-season. That many males spawn without ornamentation also appears likely. No tuberculated females were found. The chub sucker (EHrimyzon sucetta oblongus) has quite pronounced sexual differences, the spring males showing usually three large tubercles on each side of the snout, the anal rays tuberculated, and usually the last rays more or less incised. These characters only appear in males over five inches, and until the maximum size (eleven inches) is obtained. The red horse (Moxostoma), with its numerous species, often exhibits the anal fin tuberculated (M. macrolepi- dotum). I have not obtained recent material, however, for these studies. In conclusion the following may be stated. First. The disposition of the tubercles in the orna- mentation of breeding males is not always complete in the known design sometimes attained by certain in- dividuals. Second. The development of the tubercles may obtain in comparatively small or young individuals provided they are sexually mature. Tubercles occur, so far as I have observed, in the very young, especially in those species which undergo considerable transformation in certain apparent generalized characters, such as the development of the lateral line, change in coloration from ii or spotted color-pattern to a more uniform tint, ete, Third. The tubercles are subject to individual char- acteristics in being retained or lost for a greater or shorter period after the spawning season. Fourth. The adult male alone in most species exhibits the tubercles, and though occasionally also present in the female of some species the latter seldom assumes equal evelopment in other respects, such as bright pigment, c. 476 "THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Fifth. Sexually mature fishes spawn without the tubercles appearing, and in some cases frequently. Sixth. The effect of different waters, like those of the sluggish warm lowland cedar-swamps where dark and blackish, as contrasted with clear cold rapid upland streams, does not seem to materially change the degree of development. Seventh. Many species have the inner pectoral rays furnished with tubercles, and these no doubt are of assistance to the males in clasping the females during the spawning operations.! t For the spawning in detail of some species see Reighard, in Science, XVII, April 3, 1903, p. 531, and Bull. Bur. Fisheries, XXVIII, 1908, pp. 1111-1136, Pls. 94-120. THE FORMATION OF CONDENSED CORRELA- TION TABLES WHEN THE NUMBER OF COMBINATIONS IS LARGE DR. J. ARTHUR HARRIS CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON AFTER the principles of any method of research are laid down by those who have the genius or the good for- tune to make fundamentally new contributions, there always remains much to be done in the refinement, simpli- fication, or adaptation of methods to render them most practically applicable in the routine of investigation. This is especially. true in the modern higher statistics, where, at the very best, the labor is excessive. One of the most onerous of the statistical processes is the determination of correlation in cases in which each individual measurement must be weighted by comparison with a series of others. In an earlier number of this journal! a method was described for the rapid formation of the heavy intra-class and inter-class? correlation and contingency surfaces by the use of a machine permitting simultaneous multiplication and summation. Methods of dealing with such correlations without the formation of tables will be published later. But abstract formule in the hands of inexperienced calculators are apt to lead to erroneous constants, which in the absence of the orig- inal data can never be corrected. Again, the validity of the correlation coefficient as a measure of interdepend- ence depends largely upon linearity of regression. Hence, tables should be given whenever possible. The purpose of this note is to show how, in the case of relationships ***On the Formation of Correlation and Contingency Tables when the aa of Combinations is Large,’ AMER. Nat., Vol. 45, pp. 566-571, * These terms will be clear from their context in this note; they will be more precisely defined later. 477 478 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI involving a very large number of combinations, the chief advantages of the correlation (but not the contingency) surface may be even more easily realized than in the method already described. By condensed correlation tables are to be understood those giving the (weighted) frequencies for a first char- acter x and the first (and where necessary also the sec- ond) rough moment about 0 as origin of the associated array of the y character.? From such a tablet r may be quickly obtained® and the means of arrays calculated for linearity of regression tests. In principle, the formation of these reduced tables is very simple. Let x, y, 2, ---, be measures on the indi- viduals of the same or associated classes. Let there be n, P, q, ***, of these individuals. Then if n, p, q, =, I(x), =(y’), =(2), ee z(a"), 3(y”*), 3(2°), ae (where 3 indi- cates a summation within the class and the dashes indi- cate that the measures are to be regarded as deviations from 0) be again summed for each of the component measures, seriated by grades, the four columns—grade of ‘‘first individual,” weighted frequency, and the two rough moments about 0 for associated individuals—thus secured for each character either constitute the desired - table or one from which it may be easily derived. The arithmetical routine will be determined largely by the nature of the records. Roughly, two cases are possi- ble: n, p, q, ---, are small, m is small or large; n, p, q,°*") are large, m is small, m being the number of classes or groups of classes. Suppose n, p, q, ---, small, say 4-20. The best method *In direct intra-elass correlations z and y are measures of the same kind; in ¢ross intra-class correlations de are different; in inter-class relation- ships they may be the same or differ *For example, Table X of Bonne, Vol. 8, p. 61, gx or Table II nec ales Table I of the Amer. Nart., Vol. 44, p. 695, 1 The Arithmetie of the Product Moment we pater fot the Coeff- desk a Correlation,’?” AMER. NAT., Vol. 44, pp. 699, 0. € Cases where both the numbers within n clea ae the number of classes are large are very rare because of the great labor required in making the observations. No.548] CONDENSED CORRELATION TABLES 479 is to write the values of the first character under consid- eration—designated for convenience as the subject— down the side of a separate sheet for each class. Oppo- site each entry is then written n, 3(a’) and 3(2”*), p, 3(y’) and 3(4”), q, 3(2’) and 3(z2’") and so on, according to the relationships desired. Thus, the measure used as the _ subject and the number and summed first and second powers of deviation of the individuals of the relative array may be for the same or different characters or classes, depending on whether direct or cross, intra-class or inter-class correlation is to be computed. In any case, the number and moments are only once determined for each class—their repeated entry on the sheet is merely rapid clerical work. This done, the sheets are clipped into strips by subject entries, the strips seriated according to the subject, and the class numbers and moments summed for éach grade on the machine. For inter-class correlations, the resulting table is cor- rect, embracing as it does, say, S(pq) entries. For intra- class relationships, say for x, the entries are too high by S(n), S(x) and S(x?) since it comprises S(n*) entries when only Sn(n—1) are desired. Hence, the actual fre- quency for each subject grade must be subtracted from the weighted frequency, and the products of the actual frequency by the grade and by the square of the grade must be deducted from the first and second summed moment column, respectively. When the number of individuals per class, n, p, q, 18 large (e. g., 25 or over) another procedure is desirable. The classes of the subject character are seriated (in transverse rows) in a table of vertical columns captioned © by the grades. Opposite each row is entered n, =(«’) and 3(a"), p, 3(y') and 3(y”), q, 3(2) and 3(2”), +, for all characters to be correlated. The associated (weighted) values for each subject grade are quickly gathered by multiplying up and summing simultaneously the fre- 480 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI quencies in each column of the subject seriations by the opposed entries in the relative (number and summation) columns. Again, the result is the desired table or one from which it may be derived. Illustrations will make the methods most clear. Table I shows the frequencies for the different grades of radial asymmetry’ of quinquilocular fruits gathered from 34 individuals of Hibiscus Syriacus in the Missouri Botan- ical Garden in the fall of 1907. Table II gives the seria- tions for the locular composition’ of the same fruits. The last two columns of Table I and the next to the last two of Table II give the first two summations for each individual.® radial asymmetry is at standard deviation of the number of ovules per a. about the mean number ee ovules per fruit. See Biometrika, Vol. 7, pp. 476-479, 1910, an “fall dise At the head of this table the soctislaata z asymmetry are for condensa- tion en to only two places. In all the calculations, however, they have used to six places. Their values and their true squares as ‘ased in the eee e are: Asymmetry a a? 00 .00 400000 .16 489897 .24 632455 .40 748331 56 800000 64 427 .80 979795 .96 1.019803 1.04 1.095445 1.20 1.166190 1.36 000 1.44 1.264911 1.60 1.356466 1.84 1.600000 2.56 * Expressed here simply as the number of locules per i an ‘‘odd” number of ovules. Cf. Biometrika, Vol. 7, pp. 483-487, ae °” The last two columns of Table II give the peal Pe of Table I for. convenience in determining the cross intra-class tables. When the cross — intra-class tables are to be formed with asymmetry as the subject the =(c’) and Z(e”) column may be added to Table I. Here it is omitted for convenience in publication. 481 CONDENSED CORRELATION TABLES FSS 9ZS9EF'ZS | ZOT — — ma Ort O — _ mto snl A = <1 14 14 ro mi ot A eae ee a, A DNNN = 87'S |£0£928' PF! TOT sie sei 0SE919" 6€| 66 EE ar te ho ie E 8 v1 BO) OP OF kami TOT o oa a a a at dit, tly tee LOST6LFE | OOT esi TR ZOOTPE'LZ| 66 = a PYESE |ETSHSS OS | 86 on Z $99 |EPOZ6L'ST| 46 po te OF'0Z SLPILY FE} 46 Bi Eis ELE ta tl dit ER bene ae a a SN OCN pnn Dh iin te e] N U m T Oe u SS 3 ay ae a ae ee cae | re CON st OO NN mrt Z6'LZ senior 10r | — — FCFSOT'OS | ZOT a0 = 9E8TZ9'SF| 66 sae =o ye 012089" SZz| OOT 5 oe re Lan 4 St OJ ON Y rt OO OD HN Ht nse i oe eo ee el Fo bt pee Sue ee E A len] [[ [aan | lalarl|alalaanad| | |anranan “apeta EL iar a pee bil bai al] loan[anataalfal | | || | laslalaan lade wa Ebb TEAR ea EET lll leet [tare] | ANANHINAMOOHAD Tos 4 MUANMDMMOMTOHHOHOORAN A nN 6 es N N R O m m i e HA PT8 |TS60FS' FF | 66 a a No. 548] e | oe | w | eo | se | o | SIPMA ENPFAFpUT Jo suopepaoq pavparjg—AyomuLdsy perpe | | 09°T | oe'T | 93'T | oz'T | 9t'T | 60°T | TOT | 16° s (mz | (ox | w STVAGIAIGN] A4 AUWLAWWASY ‘IVIGVY JO SNOMVNWAg ANV SNOLLVINAS I WIdvVib TABLE II SERIATIONS AND SUMMATIONS FOR LOCULAR COMPOSITION BY INDIVIDUALS m Locular Composition—Number of È “ Odd” Locules per Fruit N Le) | 2°) S(a') 3(a’) 0 I 2 3 4 5 Pree | oe tos ee OE 99 | 168 | 466 44.540951 | 28.24 2 196 (25 £184 GS 99 | 131 | 351 91.411571 | 17.28 3 | 46| 361i ii 99 77 F Mi 24.561697 | 12.16 4 | 67 | 30 D e ak 87 42 60 15.792043 7.38 oO 10 | 241-83 124-2 1 224 | 654 50.586565 | 31.76 6-1 98-18) 48 | 24 11-13 | 106: {220° | 612 51.819299 | 32.00 T Vth St o 1i 2) 200. 1.7102. | 250 25.580710 | 12.80 e 130191 Sh 22 37 124 9 225 | 691 45.621836 | 26.32 O i a (811 47) 29 1 3.402 | 191 | 533 50.105424 | 31.04 O era e elor 7 = 4 10s 131. | Bt 40.556715 | 24.64 Horer ar 7r a 101 | 104 40 46.631638 | 27.92 12 EINI 2s) oot 0 99 | 199 | 521 51.558133 | 31.44 13° Sn r24] 971 0l 3.9 97 118 84 34.471473 | 20.40 14 | 59| 33 ta ee 97 44 58 15.792043 6.64 15 9) l9 r242: 8| å 98 | 211 | 599 50.254513 | 33.44 ie HAS Sab Te fed od | 99 96 02 27.941002 | 14.64 1 St eo on ie Fa | 100 168 | 427 34.791567 | 19.28 18 50 b-26 ta eB oe 99 TI 15148 24.159111 3.04 Io 266 Ist oR TI le 99 55 | 113 17.750439 9.36 W 72 | 21 |B 1 bee te oo 38 66 12.719177 6.24 I Ae 87 to &} 45 4-100 4106 |= 250 30.618961 | 17.76 22 Al | 38} 907 16 | 4i 3 | 100 | 132 | 368 29.498695 | 16.00 B34 Sa 355) 641 12 Sr e 100. | DO 988 33.917659 | 19.04 m 1 32 1 10-) 28 | a7 6 | 8 99 | 150 | 410 39.675350 A4 D EAT 136) 28 bd | 5b - 101} 160 + 8798 44.876305 | 25.28 26 | 26 231 14'|°10 | 3 98 | 165 | 475 37.794451 | 22.16 2 be | 31 1. 10 | Be ik = 00 57 89 20.164872 9.76 28. |38 1 30| i i 100 97 42 287 29.402270 | 14.80 29 & | 27 |31 20| 16 96 | 189 | 491 52.288755 | 32.56 30 | 44 | 975-4 O12 98 96 | 216 31.425564 | 18.72 st U1 IA | SF) 44 19] 5 | 100 | 231 | 717 49.34444 30.16 oe | 28 | 33 | 24 Ie 4] 3 | T10 | 138 | 32 41.749890 | 26.24 ss 80 1-26) 17 1-441 5T 157 | 475 42.901029 | 29.04 34 tI 251 2 t2119: 1 1 10 | 227 | 6590 52.456526 | 31.84 TABLE III LOCULAR COMPOSITION 0 1 2 3 4 5 i ios — ae a S 49 .400000 - — 30 ee = 187 — .489897 2i ai 420 | 306 — -= D .632455 neo ion we l i a 3 748331 —— — 179 Gi — z] .800000 45| 101 e an 12 4 E .894427 — se es es 1| — 2 .979795 14 12 = 5 2 Be 1.019803 ae ak 6 1i —— a = 1.09544. —— — T 1 — — E 1.166190 a 8 ioe a m 1.2 = eto oal 1.264911 o 1 a a e rae 1.356466 — how 1 1 ae pai 1 + nes ies pee ae a Totals, 1,098 | 886 | 688 | 461 | 205 55 483 CONDENSED CORRELATION TABLES No. 548] FS°C69' TL 8Z6S°SE6'TZT 9se'ose CL'¥SL | L092°ZES'T €68'€ 96°9TF'SL cece TLT eal 6IL'8EE T 96° FZF'T CSO8s See's cers SYP 96ST'S ce Pr'6ZP'T LOPP OPES O06F'S ppo 9 96'9FF'S OZ8F' 86'S 9TE‘0% 0G EP PE6L'06 e07 9T'06F‘S FEL9'EL0'6 1ZS‘0Z ppo F G1 609'TT 89FG6'SSS'6I FIO'SP SF 0ST 696° L196 TOF 09°6EL‘TT OSPE OSF'6T cL0'Or ppo £ ZS’ LOL‘9T FITE'SES'LS 620°89 OF 09% SLLL' SOP 889 G6'L96'9T 6880'6E7'83 292'89 ppo g 8Z°6LT'ST TILES SST'TE 69S‘ L8 9S TES’ E916 PEP 988 $9 OTF'ST FES LESTE 8PhPF'S8 ppo T OF PZE'ST OSE0'6EF'SE 0ZE‘SOT OSPF TAISI 860'T 02 69¢'8T TSSE'06F'ZE SLF'60L ppo 0 oL D [B10], u p? 0L M [810 u 3? 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PIPL M IOL u | gz? T80L 9 ROL | u | gz? [BIOL 7? OL u | Lnewusey IQR SuryIoM | peynpeqd oq 0} sƏNJBA | Sen[BA 8501) AMLIAWWASY ANV AULANWASY AI WTavil 484 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST class tables.?° The columns under ‘‘ (Vot XLVI From I and II, the machine quickly compiles four work- ing tables—a direct intra-class for asymmetry, a and another for locular composition, c, and two cross intra- gross values’’ in TABLE VI ASYMMETRY AND LOCULAR COMPOSITION Gross Values Values to be Deducted | Working Table A n | Total ¢ | Total c’2 [Total o|Totale® n | Total c’ | Total of .00 | 108,324 | 117,335 288,699 | 1,087 245 | 1,225 | 107,237 | 117,090 | 287,474 Al 91,608 | 127,391 332,887 1 141/8 | 3,122 90,691 | 125,913 329,1 .48 72,52 117,550 318,254 726 | 1,758 | 4,434 1,8 ,792 13,820 .63 18,427 | 30,358 81,952 1 7 1,291 18,243 | 29,879 ,661 .74 20,879 36,577 100,993 209 | 448 9 20,67 36,129 100,007 .80 16,162 26,180 70,5 162 169 393 16,000 26,011 70,167 .8 nri 54 18,09 38|: 4 53 3:10 ,508 18,040 .97 3,2 5,014 13,422 833 42 142 8,252 4,972 13,280 1.01 1,707 3,040 8,460 ITA 45 123 1,690 2,995 337 1.09 19 379 1,06 2 | 5 13 195 37 1,052 1.16 910 ,600 A 9 19 41 901 1,581 4,365 1.20 503 | 1,024 2,954 H s 5 98| 1,019 2,949 1.26 102 191 523 $ | 1 1 101 190 522 1.35 196 422 1,198 2 | 5 13 194 417 1,185 1.60 | 103 131 5 1 | 0 0 102 131 311 | | 338, 719 | 473,741 | 1,243,777 | 3,393 4, 740 | 12, 442| 335,326 | 469,001 ti, 231,335 fal 990,949 | FUTVA o TABLE VII LOCULAR COMPOSITION AND LOCULAR COMPOSITION ‘Los. | Gross Values Values to be Deducted Working Table Comp. | n | Total c’ Total «°? n | Total c’ Total e? n Total c’ Total r: | | ewer 0 109,418 | 117,758 288,576 | 1,098 | 0,000 | 0,000 | 108,320 117,758 288,576 1 448 | 118,815 305,713 886 886| 87,562 | 117, 929 304,827 2 TOTA 111,775 302,47 688 | 1,376 | 2,752| 68,079 110,399 , a 46,075 78,15 213,853 461 | 1,383 | 4,149) 45,614 76,768 209,704 4 20,521 37,538 105,540 205 0 | 3,280} 20,316 36,718 102,260 5 | 5490| 9704|) 27620) 55| 275| 1375| 5435| 9,429| 26,245 ee 338,719 | 473,741 | 1,243,777 | 3,393 | 4,740 (12,442 | 335,326 | 469,001 | 1,231,385. Tables IV-VII give the results. p=q, a total S(p?) =S(q?) =S(pq) entries, whereas in S{p(p—1)1 = S{q(q—1)], and in the cross intra-class Sipit the direct intra-class relationships ee are desired. r the relationship between radial asymmetry and locular compe These contain, S sition, ay other for the correlation between locular composition and asymmetry. he same end result, and Beas one need be found unless the linearity of both regressions is to be t : Of course, both give since * No.548] CONDENSED CORRELATION TABLES 485 From these gross values must be deducted, therefore, the actual frequency for each grade of the subject and the product of the frequency by the first and second power of the grade in the case of direct intra-class correlation, or the frequency of the grade and the sum of the first and second powers of the values of the relative character in the same fruit in the cross intra-class correlation. Data for these are given in the table showing the correlation -for asymmetry and locular composition of the same fruit, Table III. The second set of three columns in Tables IV-VII gives the quantities so calculated from Table ILI to be deducted. The final three columns are in each case the working tables. The first and second moments for the (weighted) popu- lation A and o are given by the totals of the two final columns. Or those for the subject character may be cal- culated (and a check for the accuracy of the totals secured) from the grade of the subject and the weighted frequency column." From our working tables, indicating by S a summation from our final tables, we determine by the methods of Amer. Nar., Vol. 45, pp. 693-699, 1910, these values: | For Asymmetry S(a’) =121,938.5928, Aa= .363642, S(a’?) = 71,692.2400, ==.285093. For Locular Composition S(c’) = 469,001, Ac==1.398642, S(e”) == 1,231,335, Oc = 1.309906. For Asymmetry and Locular Composition Table IV, S(a,/a.’)—= 48,818.9505, r= .1637, Table VI, S(a,/c.’) =192,072.3309,'* r= .1716, Table V, S(c,’a9’) =192,072.3308,” r= .1716, * Of course in pfactise, the second population moment may be calculated by S[(n—1)2(2")], S[(p—1) 29], S{(q—1)2(2")],.-., thus obviating the labor of forming the third columns, which are included here for completeness of illustration merely. "The difference of .0001 is due to the necessity of lopping off the last two places of the six decimals in the asymmetry coefficient in the one case while they can be retained in the other. Of course, it is of no practical Significance. 486 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI Table VII, S(c,’co’) =763,048.0000, r—.1861. While primarily illustrations of method, these results, if they are substantiated by further work, seem to me of considerable biological interest. They show not only that individuals of H. Syriacus differ in the radial asymmetry and in the locular composition of their fruits, but that when an individual bears fruits above the average asymmetry, it also produces fruits above the average in number of ‘‘odd’’ locules. Apparently, this cross corre- lation is as high as either of the direct correlations. Two biological interpretations are possible. (a) The production of radially symmetrical ovaries and those with a high number of odd locules depends upon the same morphogenetic tendencies of the primordia,!* which give rise to the fruit. (b) There is in Hibiscus an intra-indi- vidual selective elimination similar to that demonstrated in Staphylea, the intensity of which differs from indi- vidual to individual in such a way as to bring about (statistical) correlation for characters originally uncor- related. The discussion of these points falls outside the scope of the present note where the data serve merely as a random illustration of a very rapid method of carrying out the routine of a widely applicable statistical pronti COLD SPRING HARBOR, April 25, 1912 3 In the individual fruit radial asymmetry and locular composition are necessarily associated (cf. Biometrika, Vol. 7, pp. 491-493, 1910). In Staphylea, correlations of r==.22 to r==.33 have been noted. Table III be gives r= .527 for asymmetry and locular composition of the same coer in all these relationships Re is not linear, and the corre- lations abe be interpreted with cautio “ Biometrika, Vol. 7, pp. 452-504, 1910; Science, N. S., Vol. 32, pp. 519- 528, 1910; gje Na f. Ind. Abst. u. Vererbung, Vol. 5, Pn. 273-288, 1911; Pop. Sci. Mo. Vol. 78, pp. 534-537, SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION PRODUCTION OF PURE HOMOZYGOTIC ORGANISMS FROM HETEROZYGOTES BY SELF-FERTILIZATION Has any one worked out formule for determining the rate at which organisms become homozygotie through continued self- fertilization? The problem is of interest in various connections, but principally perhaps with relation to the ‘‘pure line’’ work. Johannsen worked, for example, with self-fertilizing beans that are held to be homozygotie in all respects. I have often heard the questions raised: How probable is it that such plants really are homozygotic? Is it indeed possible that they have reached a purely homozygotice condition? I have not come across a working out of this matter, and finding it necessary to deal with the problem in connection with studies of inheritance in Paramecium, it will perhaps be useful if I put on record the results. The principles which underlie the matter are the following: (1) In self-fertilized organisms, all characteristics that become once homozygotic, remain homozygotic forever after, since there is no method in self-fertilization of introducing a gamete that is diverse in this respect; (2) characteristics heterozygotically represented become homozygotie in a certain proportion of the offspring. - The problem becomes essentially this: in what pro- portion do the heterozygotie characters become homozygotic, and how great a proportion of all the organisms will therefore have become thus homozygotic after a given number of self-fertiliza- tions ? Suppose that we begin with an organism in which all separable characters are heterozygotically represented. 1. Consider first a single pair of such alternative characters, which we may call { = The gametes produced will be A, a, *At the moment of receiving the proof of this note I receive also the masterly paper of East and Hayes (‘‘Heterozygosis in Evolution, and in Plant Breeding,’’ Bulletin 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, June 5, 1912), in which this matter is dealt with and a general formula given. ‘‘The 487 488 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLVI A, and a, and when these combine in all possible ways, they give zygotes AA + Aa 4- aA + aa; that is, two homozygotes and two heterozygotes. Thus, the self-fertilization of such an organism gives 14 the progeny homozygotic (with respect to this charac- teristic); 14 heterozygotic. If we let x= =the proportion of homozygotes, y the proportion of heterozygotes (with respect to one character), then after the first self-fertilization x= Y¥, of all. y =l% of all. Now, after the next self-fertilization, of course the homozy- gotes x remain pure, so that half of all the progeny are still ho- mozygotes on this account. The heterozygotes y of course again break up, in the way already set forth, one half into x, the other half remaining y. Since y included half of all, this will give 4 of 4% (= of all) as x, % of % (= of all) as y. So the total proportion for the homozygotes x becomes after the second fertilization s= y% + (%)’?=%, while | y= (14)? =, : This process is repeated after each fertilization, so that if there are n fertilizations in succession, the total number of homo- zygotes x, becomes a= + (%)?+ (%)*.. . up to (%4)*. i ; 2 1 i This expression reduces to % = ye? where n is the number of fertilizations. l g _For the heterozygotes, y, on the other hand the formula is simply y= (14). These then are the formule in case we deal with but one pair of characters. They express (1) the proportion of all the organ- isms that will be homozygotic (or heterozygotic as the case may — be), after a given number n of fertilizations; (2) also they of course express the relative probability for a given case, as to whether it shall be homozygotie or heterozygotic. 2. When we are to deal with two or more pairs of characters, the problem may be attacked in two ways. One is by the gen- eral principles of probabilities; the other is by analyzing the case of two or more characters in the way exemplified above. The two methods give the same results. . oa The first method is far the simpler. It is merely an appli- cation of the principle that when we know the probability for i No.548] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 489 each of two or more things separately, the probability that all of them shall happen is the product of the separate probabil- ities for each. Now, we know that the probability æ for the homozygotic condition with respect to one character is 2” —1 po oe o& For two characters it is then 2” — 1 2"—1 iv p) x (= > or ( Qn y ae 2"—1)\° For three characters it is of course uae and in general, for any number m of characters, the probability æ for pure ho- mozygotes (or the proportional number of pure homozygotes) is (EFE) By similar reasoning, the proportion of all the organisms that will be heterozygotie with respect to all the m characters is y = (1%). With two or more characters, there will be of course a consid- erable number of the organisms that are homozygotie with re- spect to some characters, heterozygotic with respect to others. If we call the proportion of these z, then e=1—(x+y). And if we let v be the total proportion that contains any heterozygotic characters (so that v=y + 2), then J 2n pen 1 m gas u (2" — 1)" v=1- (4) =— p. E- z These formulæ may readily be deduced algebraically, or veri- fied, by a detailed analysis of a case of two or more characters. It may be worth while to indicate the method followed, by taking up the simpler case of two pairs of characters. Call these { x nd s - The gametes formed are AB, Ab, aB, and ab. When these combine in all possible ways (as indicated in the diagrams given in Bateson’s Mendelism), these give the following results: 14BAB +. 14AbAb + 1aBaB + labab + 24Bab + 2AbaB + 24BAb + 24 BaB + 2Abab + 2aBab = 16. It will be observed that of the entire 16, the first four are pure homozygotes, the second four are pure heterozygotes (heterozy- 490 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI gotic with respect to both characters) ; while the last 8 are mixed (homozygotic with respect to one character, heterozygotie with respect to the other). Letting z= pure homozygotes, y = pure heterozygotes, z==mixed,:we find thus that = 4, y=, e-= ¥f, of all. Now, by an analysis of the sort already given, it will be found that at the next self-fertilization, remains x; y breaks up, 14 of these ‘becoming z, 14 becoming z, and 14 remaining y; z breaks: up, 14 of these becoming x, 14 remaining z. Now, when we recall that before the second fertilization æ was 1; Y, 14, and z, 14 of all, we see from the above that after the second fertilization 2 — 1y 2=4 + (%X%) + UXW =A= (=H), y=(%4 X uU) =Yo= (%2)”, z= (V2 X Y2) + (12 X U) == (%)* + (4). These are the same formule for x and y that were obtained by the other method (since here n and m are each 2). This method however gives in addition a direct formula for z. It is easy to verify the formulæ for three pairs of characters, though of course the conditions become here somewhat more complex. We may now summarize our formulæ, and show the results they give in certain examples. Let =the proportional number of organisms that are pure homozygotes (with respect to all the characters con- sidered), y =the proportion that are heterozygotiec with respect to all the characters considered, z=—the proportion that are mixed, v= the proportion that have any heterozygotic characters. Then, if nthe number of successive self fertilizations and m = the number of pairs of characters, we ( ae y, (1) y= (14), (2) z=1— (z +y), (3) Y= a ie (4) Examples—(1) Suppose that there have been eight self-fer- tilizations, and that we are dealing with 10 pairs of characters. What proportion x of the organisms will be homozygotie with No. 548] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 491 respect to all the 10 characters? What proportion will be homozygotic with respect to any given one character? To any two or three? Taking first the case for the entire 10 characters, by formula (1) 8 10 “= (- z) = (a 3 = log. 9.9830020 = .961617. Thus, out of 100 individuals, somewhat above 96 would be pure homozygotes; or by formula (4), but one in 26 would be heterozygotic in any respect (v= .038383). With respect to any one character formula (1) gives pa 1 Bao C= (=)= aT a .9960937 5, so that all but 4 in 1,000 would be homozygotes with respect to that character. In the same way we find that with respect to any two char- acters the proportion of homozygotes would be .9922; with re- spect to three, .9883; with respect to four, .9845, ete. (2) Suppose that there are 20 pairs of characters, and that ‘there have been 20 self-fertilizations, Then oP TN / 1048 SIO t= (=>) = (x oas576) = log. 9.9999957 = .999998. That is, of a million individuals, all but two would be pure homozygotes. It thus appears that if the number of separably heritable characters is not very great (say not above 100), while the or- ganism has been self-fertilized for many generations, it is to be expected that practically all of the organisms will be homozygotic with popet to all their characters, they will be ‘‘pure homo- zygotes H. S. JENNINGS YELLOW AND AGOUTI FACTORS IN MICE NOT ‘‘ ASSOCIATED” In a recent number of the AmerIcaN Naruraist Mr. Sturte- vant! suggests that these two color factors may bear to each other the relation which Bateson has called ‘‘repulsion’’ or ‘‘spurious allelomorphism’’ and which Morgan now includes with ‘‘coup- ling’’ in a more general category, ‘‘association.’? The supposed * Sturtevant, A. H., ‘‘Is there Association Between the nye and — Factors in Mice??? Am. Nar, Vol. XLVI, No. 546, p. 368, 1 492 “OTHE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI relation is such that the characters involved fail to pass into the same gamete even though they may be present together in the parent zygote. That yellow and agouti in mice are not in gen- eral so related is shown conclusively by experiments which will be more fully described elsewhere, but which may be briefly summarized in the following table: Parents Offspring Mating Both Yellow Yellow Agouti Black or Brown 185 894 X895 1 1 5 10 502.24 X502.5A 10 2 1 397 3,908 X875 4 2 2 273 2,049 X875 5 1 1 159 786 X784 5 3 ul 446 Unmarked 4,054 8 6 2 500 Unmarked 4,152 2 3 1 545 — x4,1 4 2 1 467 chins 9 i Pa 1 519 Cuniacked sn oo 6 2 1 543 2 1 3 397 3,908 y pia 4 2 2 240 1,828 X 1,829 10 1 6 113 562X 563 6 3 2 173 1,074X 563 2 1 2 Total 78 31 31 In these experiments yellow animals bred inter se have produced non-yellow young half of which are agouti and half of which are non-agouti. It seems therefore to be wholly a matter of chance whether a yellow animal heterozygous in agouti trans- mits that character with yellow or apart from it. Sturtevant’s contrary conclusion is due in part .to his reliance on the insuffi- cient numbers observed by Morgan and in part to his overo a certain of the results reported by Miss Durham. For, in a tion to the category of matings of yellow mice cited by Sturte- vant, she reports matings of sable (yellow) mice inter se which produced 17 sable (yellow), 8 yellow, 5 agouti, 4 black, and 2 brown young, a result in harmony with that which I have de- scribed. In the matings reported by Miss Durham in which yellow parents produced only yellow young and agouti young, it seems ~ probable that one or both of the yellow parents was homozygous in agouti. The same was probably true in the similar experi- ments of Morgan. This would explain why all the noae young were agouti marked. As further evidence that yellow and agouti are wholly independent characters may be cited experiments of my ow? in which yellow animals evidently heterozygous in agouti were | is No. 548] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 493 mated with brown animals which invariably lack agouti. There were produced 15 young, of which 7 were yellow, 5 agouti and 3 black or brown. Evidently the yellow parent transmitted non-yellow (black or brown) in 5 cases associated with agouti, and in 3 cases not so associated. On Sturtevant’s hypothesis all non-yellow young should have been agouti. C. C. LITTLE LABORATORY OF GENETICS, BUSSEY INSTITUTION, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, June 17, 1912 PHYSICAL ANALOGIES OF BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES Two schools or methods of thinking of heredity and other general problems are recognized among biologists. Some hold that all biological phenomena are to be explained in terms of physical and chemical properties of unorganized matter. Others are inclined to believe that the activities of living matter repre- sent agencies or relations not shown in the inorganic world. The first view has been called materialism, the second vitalism. These distinctions are not as important as sometimes supposed, because of our inadequate knowledge of the properties of matter, whether organic or inorganic. The materialistice view may be said to have a practical advantage in encouraging the investiga- tion of the physical and chemical phenomena of the organic world, but vitalism may claim at least an equal advantage in permitting the recognition of facts that lie on the other side of the biological field, where the analogies of physics and chemistry find little or no application. Thus the specific constitution or speciety of living matter, the fact that organisms maintain their existence and make evolutionary progress only in groups of individuals united into specific networks of descent, involves the recognition of a condition or property quite foreign to the usual conceptions of the physicist or the chemist. Yet this universal condition of speciety must be considered as a general basis or background for any strictly biological study of the organic world. We may count, weigh, measure or analyze the bodies and activities of organisms from as many other standpoints as we please, but it is idle to draw general biological conclusions | from any merely mathematical or physical data. The true biological significance of statistical and physical facts has to be determined by biological analysis. es, 494 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI desirable and legitimate. Even an incomplete and inadequate analogy may be very useful for descriptive purposes. But when the elaboration of an analogy interferes with perception of the fact it is supposed to elucidate the limitations of the method become apparent. This danger may be illustrated by a recent attempt to define biological evolution in physical terms. In the minds of most of us the term ‘‘evolution’”’ is associated probably more closely with the biological than with the physical sciences. Yet the concept is essentially physical in character, and is definable in exact terms probably only in the language of physics. For in its last analysis we may define evolution as the history of a material system undergoing irreversible trans- formation. To the physicist, therefore, the study of evolution is essentially the study of irreversible changes, and the law of evolution is the law of increasing entropy, or, more generally, of the increasing probability of the successive states of any rea material system. j Whether such definitions have any practical advantage as aids to further investigation may be questioned. Exact terms are of little use in biology unless they are also concrete, that is, unless they convey an idea of something that can be seen, Or at least imagined. Physicists are much more tolerant of mathe- matical and metaphysical abstractions. The habit of using ab- stract conceptions often leads to the announcement of wonderful discoveries that resolve themselves, ón closer inspection, into purely metaphysical manipulations of terms. Thus it is con- sidered one of the notable services of a ‘‘supreme biologist” that he should have identified chemical reactions with organic tropisms, tropisms with instincts, instincts with morals, and then predicted a chemical analysis of morality.? : Such inferences only show that the vocabulary has been thrown into solution, not that any concrete insight has been gained. Physical terms can be set into formule as mystical as a wizard’s incantations. Sleight of hand is discredited, but verbal miracles are still performed with ‘‘scientifie principles.’ When 80- ealled physical science runs to seed in antinomies it becomes plain that we are back again in the vicious circles of meta- physical deduction. To describe biological evolution as a process of irreversible transformation seems especially inappropriate because it is of 1 Lokta, Alfred J., ‘‘ Evolution in Discontinuous Systems,’’ Journ. Wash. Acad, Sciences, Vol. II, No. 1, 1912, pp. 2-4. 21t The Chemistry of Morals,’’ Current Literature, 52: 180, February, 1912. No. 548] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 495 the very nature of biological changes to be reversible, or recur- rent in each generation. Only by limiting the idea of evolution to changes in the underlying mechanism of transmission could the specification of irreversibility be made to apply. Nor is there justification for considering biological evolution under the caption of discontinuous systems. Variations, in the sense of changes of expression of characters, are often discon- tinuous, but this does not mean that evolution is discontinuous. Some biologists have supposed that new characters constitute new species, but in reality we have to think of the old species as developing the new characters instead of the characters originating the species. As long as species are considered only in a statistical or biometrical sense, the existence of different species will appear to rest on evidence of mathematical discon- tinuity. But for any truly biological purposes such discon- tinuity must be considered as a result of evolution, rather than as a condition or cause of evolution. All characters, in the evolutionary sense of the word, are first presented as differences among the members of species. Such differences are always variable, or alternative in expression, which is another way of saying that they are reversible; that is, they appear and dis- appear, or are expressed in various degrees, in the different in- dividuals belonging to the same specific group. The phenomena of mutation represent discontinuity among members of the same species, rather than differences between Species. Natural species seldom have the same kinds of differ- ences as mutative variations. The theory that species originate by mutative changes of characters is well calculated to deceive physicists and biometricians who are not familiar with the facts of diversity in natural species. Ortmann diagnosed the diffi- culty with the mutation theory by saying that DeVries does not know what a species is. Familiarity with species is seldom con- sidered as a necessary qualification for the study of evolution and heredity. Indeed, most of our physiological and mathe- matical biologists have dismissed species as something too 1m- definite for their purposes. They prefer to begin with i definition that can be stated in exact terms and turned into figures or formule. The casual choice of words like irreversible or discontinuous becomes fraught with a vast importance, seldom mitigated by any appreciation of the fact that most of one anguage of biology is merely descriptive and comparative, and hence to be understood only in relative senses. If we cut through a tree top it will appear that the branches ee are discontinuous, but if we follow individual branches oa, le 496 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI effect of discontinuity is lost. For some purposes the process of growth might be described as continuous or gradual, and for other purposes as discontinuous, for there are daily inter- ruptions or variations in the rate of growth. Darwin compared the evolution of species to the growth of branches on a tree. Theories that would supplant Darwin’s conception of continuity in the evolution of species are not based on equal familiarity with the facts. Constructive evolutionary progress comes by gradual changes in the characters of species, not by saltatory transformations of one species into another. That albinism and other defects appear as mutations and show Mendelian in- heritance does not destroy or even conflict with the evidences of continuity in the evolution of species. The many different applications that can be made of such terms as continuity or discontinuity show how little is gained by the choice of any particular statement of biological facts as a basis for deduction or mathematical elaboration. That new facts can be learned by syllogizing is no longer believed. Is more to be gained by turning syllogisms into mathematical formule? Even when physical analogies can be more definitely drawn the biological relations of the facts seldom permit any complete application of mathematical methods of thought. Taking evolutionary deviations into account, the recurrent life cycles of organisms could be considered as spirals and this might appear to bring them within the range of mathematical treat- ment. Yet no regularity of form could be ascribed to such spirals, for evolutionary intercalations of new characters are not merely additions at the ends of definite series, but are likely to intervene in any part of the life cycle. Moreover, such inter- calations are made without throwing the remainder of the cycle out of adjustment. From the historical standpoint evolution may be presented as a series of transformations, but from the standpoint of heredity the results must be treated as permanent and coexistent, not merely as successive reactions. Each member or part of the eycle must be supposed to carry the determinants or potentiali- ties, the powers of reproducing every other part. And we know further that these potentialities continue to be carried in latent or recapitulated form, even after they have ceased to come into normal expression. In other words, the piological system retains latent possibilities of reversion, the maps, as it were, of courses of development long since abandoned. Even — though the characters be considered as irreversible in the sense of having permanent transmission they are subject vever 3 No.548] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 497 to endless vicissitudes of internal and external relations that influence the expression of characters. Thus the life-cycle spiral is not a single line, but is resolved into a vast multiplicity of lines, tracing back to all the different ancestors. The expression relations of the characters can be analyzed, in a measure, by breeding experiments and by compar- ing behavior under different conditions, but the nature of the system is such that its most permanent and stable adjustments are those that are farthest removed from the influences of the environment. Hence the futility of mathematical treatments that attempt to combine environmental vicissitudes with the entirely inconsistent facts of biological evolution. Instead of evolution representing a law of increasing probability of suc- cessive states, the contrary would be more nearly true. The more specialized the organization the less the probability of passing to another state. Thousands of species are extinguished to one that develops a higher type of organization. Instead of evolution representing a summarized result of environmental influences, it is rather to be considered as a history of ways of avoiding such influences. There are no facts to show that evolu- tionary progress is caused by environmental agencies or by in- ternal mechanisms. The causes of evolution lie in the structure of the species. The crowning complexity of the biological system is that the life-cycle spirals do not remain separate and distinct from each other, but are thoroughly interwoven to form a continuous net- work of descent for each species or group of interbreeding indi- viduals. It may be that a mathematical formula could be made for a spiral wire mattress or a Turkish rug, but this would afford only a faint analogy for the complications that attend the evolu- tion of a species. To describe a species as a network of descent may be only a figure of speech, lacking altogether in mathe- matical exactness, but it is a way of pointing out a concrete biological fact. When the facts are essentially complex any statement that conceals or disregards the complexity is to that extent specious and misleading. : Many of the results of evolution can be described in simple terms of quantity or sequence, but to consider such statements as definitions, or to suppose that they confer any special license for mathematical elaboration, is to disregard the true nature of the facts and problems of biology. For purposes of physics or chemistry individual plants or animals may be considered as- machines, but for purposes of evolution the whole species repre- sents the machine in which the patterns of new characters are 498 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST ~ [Vou XLVI woven. If mathematical elaboration is to serve any useful purpose in showing how evolutionary progress is made the nature of the machine, the specific organization or speciety of the organic world, must be recognized. O. F. Cook WASHINGTON, D. C., March 15, 1912 ON FAIRNESS AND ACCURACY IN SCIENTIFIC REVIEWING TO THE EDITOR OF THE AMERICAN NATURALIST: Aal one who takes a turn at the critical hoe with the object of ridding the biological field of some of the noxious products of fertile imagina- tions untrammeled by quantitative facts must expect just the sort of attack which appears in your recent issue (AMER. NAT., March, 1912, p. 165). 1. Dr. Spillman has not felt the purpose, methods or results of my paper worth statement. Instead he illustrates by it the ‘“‘noticeable degree of correlation between positiveness of state- ment and inaccuracy of statement.’? And for the reason: ‘‘in Dr. Harris’s paper he represents me as having cited the fact [sic] that these genotype norms [sic] form a frequency curve [sic] as proof of the genotype hypothesis [sic].’’ One excuses the minor inaccuracies and would be glad to pass over the whole assertion with the simple comment that it seems ToJo but to protect himself against further accusations of ‘‘inaccuracy of statement’’ he must add, it is not true.’ What I did do was to cite Dr. Spillman among three others in substantiation of the opening sentence, ‘‘Several times recently we have been told that the means of a character in a series of pure lines form a ‘Quetelet’s curve.’ °? I based this on his state- ment concerning pure lines, ‘‘They not only do not differ in their characters as the @nothera mutants do, but their norms present a regular series coming under ‘Quetelet’s Law’ ’’ (AMER. Nar., Vol. 44, p. 760). Surely no injustice has been done so far. Later in the paper I did make a statement (which still holds true) remotely similar to the one quoted above, and said specific- ally ‘‘A case in point is a paper by Roemer.’’ There was no reference whatever to Dr. Spillman—expressed, suggested, in- sinuated, intimated, implied, . . . or intended. 2. Although it is clearly without any justification, the fore- going criticism would, it seems to me, have gained in strength by — specificity and moderation of statement. But Dr. Spillman con- — No. 548] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 499 tinues: ‘‘I have not been able to find time to look up other similar citations to see whether the same inaccuracy applies to them.”’ There are four ‘‘similar citations’’: one to a paper Dr. Spillman has already read, or at least reviewed for the AMERICAN NAT- uRALIST (Vol. 44, p. 761), one to a few lines in the German Zeit- schrift for genetics, one to thirteen lines in the AMERICAN NAT- URALIST (Vol. 45, p. 423) reviewing the fourth, which has again been considered in these pages (AMER. Nart., Vol. 45, pp. 686- 700) 3. Dr. Spillman reiterates: ‘‘It is now fairly well established that the norms of a group of related genotypes can, in some cases at least, be arranged in a frequency curve.’’ Thus, he tells us, genotypic differences fall under de Vries’s category of fluctu- ating variation, while in discontinuous variation ‘‘the norms can not be thus arranged.”’ Personally, I have not the slightest prejudice against these conclusions, but I can not accept them without proof. Dr. Spill- man cites none. So far as I have been able to ascertain there is not a single series of trustworthy quantitative data in support of these pregnant generalizations. 4. I acknowledge my fault in omitting homozygous. This was a serious blunder on my part! By including it, one can always reason in a circle and to prove his preconceptions assume that the original ancestors of a line were or were not homozygous, according to the outcome of his experiments. This is the loop- hole through which the supple genotypist can always crawl when the evidence on the other side gets a little too strong. Again, in the genotypic ritual, ‘‘I wish to publicly repent.’’ 5. But is not the reviewer a little over-zealous when he con- tinues, “the definition is further inaccurate in including clonal varieties under the definition of genotype’’? In doing this I merely followed the example of the best specialists. My paper ein correct in terminology, as I believe it still is in facts, when "4 Toni to press. Several months after the paper Dr. Spillman n criticizing appeared, changes in terminology were forced by the dictator of the whilom orthodox”? genotypic ‘‘school’’! J. ARTHUR NOTES AND LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION AND ORIGIN OF LIFE IN AMERICA! -The aim and scope of Scharff’s very welcome book is well stated in his own closing words (p. 435): ‘‘I have endeavored in this work to show how the gradual evolution of our continents and the former changes of land and water can be demonstrated by a study of the geographical distribution of living animals and plants. Whenever possible I have taken advantage of our paleontological and geological knowledge in furtherance of this object, and I venture to think that I have succeeded in unravel- ing some intricate problems of the paleogeography of America. Indirectly I have thus been able to indicate the manner in which North and South America became populated and the ex- tent to which these continents took part in supplying animals and plants to other regions of the world.’’ Scharff has certainly done all this and much more besides. Never before has a book upon zoogeography appeared culling and collating the thoughts and observations of such a host of investigators. The fact that his evidence comes not only from practically every group of the animal kingdom, but very often from plants as well, make the deductions far more convincing, radical as they often are, than they would ever be otherwise. Extensive as is the bibliography, there are still a few unfortunate omissions, and some typograph- ical errors mar an otherwise excellent piece off press-work. In the second edition, which can not but appear, the use of bee would wisely be omitted. The words ‘‘Professor,’’ ‘‘Dr.’ and ‘‘Mr.’’ are used in a rather promiscuous manner. They are not always judiciously bestowed. The fifteen chapters take up the study of the fauna of the hemisphere, beginning af the north with Greenland and proceed- ing southward. In Chapter I the relation of the hoii of Greenland to both Europe and America is convincingly dealt with and Scharft’s first excellent map shows the Pliocene bridge which extended from Great Britain through the Orkneys and Iceland to Green- land and on across to Arctic America. In this chapter the ee *«*Distribution and Origin of Life in America.’’ By R. F. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1912. Pp. viii + 497, 21 maps. 500 No. 548] NOTES AND LITERATURE 501 tion ‘“Did animals survive the ice age?” is first mooted and Scharff prepares us for what is perhaps the most welcome and far-reaching opinion which he, we think successfully, endeavors to prove. His belief is that we have been accustomed to en- tirely misjudge the extent and importance of the glacial epoch and to exaggerate excessively the part which it has played in influencing the distribution of our present flora and fauna, In this the, reviewer heartily agrees and recalls that in Percival Lowell’s ‘‘ Evolution of Worlds’’ the question is attacked from an entirely different standpoint and a similar conclusion reached. Scharff concludes that ‘‘The prevalent geological opinions as to the nature of the Ice Age thus dominate all biological thought in reference to problems of distribution.’? If we emancipate ourselves from these preconceived notions in our speculations on the origin (for example) of the existing fresh-water mussel fauna, we must arrive at different conclusions. In Chapter II, then, we have discussed the general features of the fauna of northeastern North America with special refer- ence to this theory of a comparatively insignificant Ice Age. The third chapter deals with the animals of the Canadian northwest. Ptarmigans, lemmings and gophers, the bison, wapiti deer, our tree porcupine, ete., are discussed and their origin pointed out. There is, however, no reason for conelud- ing, as Scharff does, that the American magpie is more similar to the European form than the Asiatic. All these palæarctic races of magpies are so closely related and the differences be- tween them are so slight as not to permit of any such conclu- sions as Scharff draws from them. The other chapters on North America deal with the fauna of the Rocky Mountains, the ani- mals of the eastern states, the fauna of the Continental basin and of the southeastern states and Bermuda. In this chapter We meet again with an opinion which, while it can not but gain ground as time goes on, now seems radical in the extreme. Ber- muda has always been considered a most typical ‘‘oceanic is- land,’’ yet here we have the view advanced, and well defended, that Bermuda is the remnant of an ancient belt of land which joined it to a southern land mass extending across the Atlantic Ocean. This would account for the presence of both European and American elements in the indigenous fauna, ik which, as Scharff shows, is composed wholly of types bearing ‘‘the im- Press of vast antiquity.’’ Tn the following chapter (No. IX) we have more detailed oa 502 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI cussion of this bridge between the old and new worlds. In spite of the fact that there are still a considerable number of natur- alists who adhere to the old dicta regarding the permanence of land forms and ocean basins, there can be but little doubt that the open-minded student will be convinced by what Scharff has to say regarding the absolute necessity of postulating extensive changes in the forms of the continents to account for the present distribution of animals and plants. : Next follows a discussion of Central America and the West Indies (Chapters X and XI). The fauna of both these regions is carefully analyzed and the very many seeming anomalies of discontinuous distribution are explained, often for the first time, by postulating a series of geographical changes far too elaborate to attempt to summarize in a short review. Suffice it only to say that the treatment of the Lesser Antilles is disappointing and the important part which they have played in joining Antillea (sometimes also spelled Antillia), if perhaps only for a very short time, with that region which is now northeastern South America, is overlooked or receives but scant consideration. The existence of Onycophoran types on many of the Lesser An- tilles should have suggested further investigation. The twelfth chapter deals wholly with the origin and relation- ship of the fauna of the Galapagos Islands. These islands are also considered to be the remnant of a former considerable ex- tent of land which for a time was connected with a land mass extending from north to south along what is now the west coast of both Americas, but at some distance out in the Pacific Ocean. This connection of North with South America is certainly nec- essary to explain a host of otherwise inexplicable distributions. Parts of the present territory of Central America are known to have been submerged up to comparatively recent geologic times. Baur’s pioneer theories regarding the Galapagos Islands here receive the appreciation which they have always so richly de- served. They are corroborated by evidence recently accumu- lated, all of which is used by Scharff to fine advantage. After some discussion favoring Scharff’s theory, which presumes that. there has been an extensive land mass occupying a considerable part of what is now the Pacific Ocean west of the present land areas, the author passes to a discussion of the South American fauna, which fills the rest of the book. (Chapters XI-XV; pp. 336-435.) In this the views of von Ihering and Ameghino carry special weight, and to this they are certainly fully entitled. No. 548] -= NOTES AND LITERATURE 503 Every one has previously been inclined to belittle the splendid energy and self-sacrificing zeal which have stood back of Ame- ghino’s sensational accounts of his discoveries. To any one who has known Ameghino and who has heard him give his own reasons for his conclusions and describe his own treasures, this kindly appreciation by Scharff will seem well merited. This does not, of course, mean that we must accept all of Ameghino’s theories, especially those regarding the origin of man. review, in the true sense, of Scharff’s book is impossible! Each page is replete with valuable data, well digested, and is pregnant with suggestion. All of the critics of Scharff’s previ- ous works will agree that they are certainly suggestive in the extreme, even if their postulates may not be accepted. . It seems caviling indeed to conclude this notice with a list of little faults, yet they are very evident, some of them, and may be corrected easily in subsequent editions. Thus on page 20 we should have Carabus nemoralis, instead of memoralis, a species which is not confined to Nova Scotia, but which for years has been the com- monest large Carabid about Boston and Cambridge. On page 141, dealing with the pine-barren flora and its northward pro- longation, we find no mention of the most important contributions which have ever appeared regarding the relationship of the flora of Newfoundland with the coast regions further south, those of Merritt L. Fernald, while, besides, no mention is made of the writings of Witmer Stone or Harshberger, both well known in connection with their work on the pine barrens. Again on page 151 we are surprised to learn that raccoons breed well in con- finement and also to find no mention of the species of Procyon described by Miller from the French West Indian Island of Guadeloupe. The knowledge of this fact would have been of great interest in connection with the occurrence of Procyon may- nardi on New Providence, which Scharff admits is an enigma, and the other remarks on the dispersal of raccoons. On page 173 we read north Carolina, elsewhere correctly North Carolina. On page 180 we find Crocodilus americanus spoken of as the only West Indian species in the genus, the important Crocodilus rhombifer being passed by. On page 204 no mention is made of Boulenger’s discovery of Bombina maxima from Yunnan, a fact which is most important, fulfilling the prediction made by Stejneger that a discoglossoid toad would be found in this area, the center of dispersal of the group. On page 266 we find Por- torico, one word; on the map it is given correctly as Puerto 504 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Rico. On page 281 Saurecia and Panolopus are mentioned; the former is hardly entitled to generic rank, a fact important in this connection, while the genus Panolopus Cope has been shown by Garman to have been based upon a specimen artificially muti- lated. On page 282, in speaking of Capromys no mention is made of C. ingrahami, a peculiar species long known from one of the Plana Cays in the southern Bahamas. On page 289 Todite should read Todide, while on page 291 it would have been worth while mentioning the fact that de la Torre, of Havana, has published the account of finding fossil ammonites of Jurassi¢ age in the Sierra de Vinales, western Cuba. Such trifling errors and omissions do little to mar the book! Its general excellence carries it.far beyond petty criticisms. While the views which Scharff expresses will doubtless meet with opposition from many naturalists of the ‘‘old school,’’ nevertheless they represent those which have been gaining ground fast and which will in time be held by all zoogeographers. As James Bryce’s ‘‘ American Com- monwealth’’ came from England, so indeed does Scharff’s Amer- ican Animals coming from Ireland stand as by far the most im- portant contribution to a knowledge of the subject it discusses. Indeed, it is likely to remain so for many a long day. T. BARBOUR The American Naturalist . MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson , New York. = Articles containing research work bearing on the problems of organic evolu- tion are especially TIAR and will be given preference in publication. z One hundred reprints of contributions are supplied to thers free of charge. Further reprints will be supplied at cost. se and advertisements should be sent to the Ba gota The subscription Moon tomey ie Oe a year. Foreign postage s fifty cents and = postage cents additional. The Sharan. for single n ia is ; forty cents. Tr aakri ec Tone Dollars for a page. -... THE SCIENCE PRESS = Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. pe oe ea NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Apri F2, 1908, , Pa., under the Act of (of March 3, 1879. TENTH EDITION. THE MICROSCOPE, an introduction ethods and to Histol by Sox Haney GAGE, of A aaa University. Gre aa vo pagis on on ahd o auren a this new ‘Comstock PUBLISHING C Sa, a meee N. Y. Archives of Psychology RECENT NUMBERS “19s An Empirical tye of Certain Tests for gf appears WHIT- LEY. Pp. 146. $1.25 cloth, $1.50 Fi tests of memory, association i ee dae pw ‘nih indications 20. Visual Acuity with Lights of Different =... | or Davip Epear RICE. = ©- =P oe: 50 cents ; ath, » 75 cents. a = te oe ‘ ‘uncolored illumination and of the de- sensory sensori motor experiences m gm ie et and material, and nce of Caffein on Mental and H. L. Honnivewours. P ste THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vout. XLVI September, 1912 No. 549 ASYMMETRIC COLOR RESEMBLANCE IN THE GUINEA PIG! PROFESSOR JOSEPH H. KASTLE AND G. D. BUCKNER As is well known, the guinea pig shows the greatest diversity of color, and a great diversity in distribution of : color over the body of the animal. In the course of our experience with these animals in physiological and toxi- ecological work we have seen pigs that were entirely black, others that were entirely brown, others of a pure albino variety, and more commonly than any of these pure color strains, those showing apparently every possible varia- tion in the arrangement and distribution of these funda- mental colors over the body. To what extent the color of the guinea pig and its variations as the result of the cross breeding of several strains of different colors have been the subject of exact scientific observation, we are unable to say, and the subject is so far removed from those ordi- narily engaging our attention that it would take us too long to familiarize ourselves with this knowledge, partic- ularly should it prove in any way extensive. Inthe course of some of our recent investigations, however, we have observed what seems to us to be a rather remarkable case of asymmetric color resemblance and distribution of color on the part of the daughter for the mother in the guinea pig, which is perhaps worthy of note to those more deeply interested in matters of this kind. One of our female guinea pigs which has been under observation and experimentation for some time, No. 68, was aborted by means of calcium lactate? on March 29, 1 From the Laboratory of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. ? Kastle and Healy, ‘‘Caleium Salts and the Onset of Labor,’’ Jour. of Infectious Diseases, Vol. X, 1912, 378-382. 505 506 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI 1912. No bad effects resulted from the abortion and the pig soon regained her normal condition and was returned to the piggery on April 9, 1912. Shortly after this she again became pregnant and during the greater part of her pregnancy she was kept in a small cage with another female pig as one of a set of pigs employed in the study of the calcium metabolism of the guinea pig.® At the con- clusion of these observations she was again returned to the piggery on June 13, 1912, and on June 24, 1912, she was again brought back to the laboratory. During the day she gave normal birth to three pigs, weighing respect- ively 40, 40.5 and 43.5 grams. One of these young pigs was dead when examined a few hours after birth, the other two were alive. Of the latter, one was paralyzed in its hind quarters and died, probably of inanition, a few days after birth. The remaining pig, a female, was normal in every respect and is alive and well to-day (August 5, 1912), and now weighs 157 grams. It was observed by Dr. Buckner that the color markings on the young pig are like those on the mother, except that these markings are on exactly opposite positions on the body. In other words, these two pigs, mother and daughter, show an asymmetric color resemblance. That such is the case is evident from the photographs, Figs, 1, 2, 3 and 4, although these fail to show this as well as the originals for the reason that the actual colors are wanting. Fur- thermore, this remarkable resemblance is a little obscured and marred by the fact that the young pig has consider- ably longer hair than the mother, probably as the result of an Angora strain. Unfortunately, too, nothing is known regarding the parentage of this pig on the male side. The following is an exact description of the two pigs, which in order to render comparisons more easy, is printed in double columns and given for opposite por- tions of the body, in order to bring out the asymmetric character of the resemblance. : MOTHER Pig Youne Pig (FEMALE) The mother pig is 9 inches long The young pig is 6 inches long, and from tip of tail to tip of nose and 24 inches wide ecross widest part *Kastle, Healy and Shedd, ‘‘Caleium in its Relation to Anaphylaxis’’ (in press), No. 549] : 8% inches in width across widest part of body, Weight 570 grams. (August 5, 1912.) Right cheek and area surrounding right eye, light tan. Mouth, nose and middle of forehead white, the white area on forehead hak has narrowing somewhat ju ehin the middle ears then broadenin ut over shoulders back. Right ear an intimate mixture of ` black and tan, giving the impres- sion at first glance of black. The greater part of the right side is almost pure light tan, darkening shoulder to a point where the front leg joins the body The right front leg is light tan with the exception of the upper part of the foot which is white. The inside of right ankle and foot is nearly hairless and shows a well-defined black spot in the skin. Left fore foot, left fore leg and left middle and rear portion of back. Under part of mouth and under jaw, a down over left fore leg ite. Th right side = the chest which is very light ta Left ear is nearly hairless and white, ASYMMETRIC COLOR RESEMBLANCE 507 of body. Weight (August 5, 1912.) 157 grams. Left cheek and area surrounding left eye, light ta Mouth, nose and middle of forehead hi he over shoulders, eia aaraa somewhat over upper part of back. Left ear is covered especially to- with S amount of white hair PT in front and under - The greater part of the left side of this pig from a point about the like a white collar on the left side of the pig near the raei and which is broader and m developed than in the si The left front leg is light tan ex- tending ay to foot, the top of which is The inside of the left ankle and foot is nearly hairless and shows a well- defined black spot in the skin. Right fore foot, right fore i and right side, ‘incinding right hind leg entirely white, with the a tion of a small area of light tan, over the middle and rear portion of back Under part of mouth and under jaw, side of the chest which is light tan . Right ear is nearly hairless and 508 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI with a small area of tan extend- white, with a small area of tan ing over the front of ear. extending over the front of ear. Rump entirely white. Rump entirely white. Eyes black. Eyes black. Left cheek and area surrounding left Right cheek and area surrounding eye is tan, extending to left ear. right eye is tan, extending back to ear. It will be observed — a careful examination of the photographs, Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4, that these pigs show certain minor differences in color distribution over the body. These are due in part at least to the fact that the Fie. L hair of the young pig is considerably longer than that of the mother—the latter being a smooth haired pig, whereas the former shows an Angora strain. Thus it will be seen from Fig. 1, that the small patch of white hair over the left eye of the young pig is larger than the corresponding patch of white over the right eye of the mother, other- wise the asymmetrie resemblances shown in the front view of the two pigs is essentially perfect, barring the somewhat longer hair of the young pig. In Fig. 2, the white band extending around the left fore shoulder of the young pig is decidedly wider and more evenly distributed than the white marking over the right shoulder of the mother. This is doubtless due in part to the fact that the hair of the young pig is longer and consequently overlaps No. 549] ASYMMETRIC COLOR RESEMBLANCE 509 the tan-colored hair immediately back of the white area. It will also be observed that in the young pig there is a narrow strip of white hair surrounding the lower margin of the left ear, whereas in the mother such a marking is not shown in the corresponding area of the right ear. Fig. 2. Here again this difference in the photograph, Fig. 2, is accentuated by reason of the longer hair of the young animal. In Fig. 3 we certainly have a beautiful illustration of the asymmetric distribution of color in these two guinea pigs, the only points of difference being a very small area of white hair immediately under the left ear of the mother that is not apparent under the right ear of the young pig; and also a carrying forward of the tan area nearer to the mouth on the right cheek of the young pig than on the left cheek of the mother. ‘ig. 4 also serves to show the asymmetric color resem- blance in these pigs, somewhat imperfectly, however, on account of the partial disarrangement of a portion of the long tan-colored hair of the small pig. Hence we note, in Fig. 4, a slight extension of the white area into the darker area on the back of the small pig. As a matter of fact, however, a careful examination of the animals showed a perfect asymmetric resemblance so far as distribution of color is concerned, when looked at from the back. This could doubtless be brought out by other photographs, but 510 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI it is difficult to obtain good photographs of guinea pigs in all positions on account of their nervousness. Despite these minor differences in color distribution over the bodies of the young pig and its mother, there can be no question that we have here a remarkable case of asymmetric color resemblance between this female guinea pig and one of her offspring. It would seem further that this asymmetric resemblance and distribution of color in the young pig as compared with the mother is a char- Unfortunately, as has already been pointed out, nothing is known as to the No. 549] ASYMMETRIC COLOR RESEMBLANCE 511 parentage of the young pig on the male side, and no record was kept of the color of the other two pigs of this litter, for the reason that this peculiar resemblance be- tween this pig and the mother had not been observed at the time that the other two pigs of the same litter died. Our recollection is, however, that the pig of this litter that was born dead was pure tan, whereas the one whose hind quarters were paralyzed and that died a few days after birth was white with tan and black markings. So far as we can recall, however, these markings were al- together different in arrangement and distribution from those of the mother. To the chemist the matter of asymmetry as affecting the physical and chemical properties of certain chemical compounds, especially those containing carbon, and as applied to the constitution of such compounds, has since the memorable researches of Pasteur on the tartaric acids and the later work of Le Bel and Van’t Hoff, been a particularly fruitful field for observation and research. It is also a matter of interest to observe in this connection that the character of the asymmetry shown by certain compounds of carbon greatly influences their assimi- lability by the lower plants. To what extent asymmetric conditions hold in the ovum and germ-cell we have no means of determining at present, and as already indi- cated in the foregoing, it is a subject which takes us too far afield from matters ordinarily engaging our attention. We have reason to believe, however, that asymmetric color resemblance in animals such as has been described in the foregoing, is rare and from the point of view of the chemist, extremely interesting and suggestive, and affords a subject which, in our opinion, would probably repay a more extended study on the part of those inter- ested in animal breeding and the study of inherited char- acteristics. In conclusion, we desire to express our thanks to Mr. T. R. Bryant, of the Station Staff, for his kindness in making the photographs used in the illustration of this article. ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY WITH RESPECT TO SEED WEIGHT OCCURRING IN FIELD CULTURES OF PHASEOLUS VULGARIS DR. J. ARTHUR HARRIS - CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON INTRODUCTORY REMARKS In the rather voluminous literature of seed testing, comparatively little attention has been given to the pos- sible relationship between the characteristics of the seed (or of the plant from which it was gathered) and its viability. This is of course attributable to the fact that such work has been done chiefly for immediately prac- tical ends, the object being in most cases to determine, by germination tests of a small sample, the suitability of a given bulk of seed for commercial planting. To the student of natural selection, however, the car- dinal problem of viability is to determine whether the capacity for development of a seed is a function of its patent or potential (i. e., of its own measurable or of its inherent but as yet undeveloped) characteristics. A satisfactory solution of this very complicated problem would, I believe, be of rather wide interest. At the out- set, however, one must fix clearly in mind that if a selec-. tive mortality be demonstrated, it has no necessary bear- ing upon the question of the origin of species. Natural selection may maintain a type already differentiated as well as mould new forms but in order to do either the variations upon which it acts must be heritable. But in any case the results would be of interest to the physiol- ogist concerned with the problems of the relationship between form and function. Finally, exact information on the relationship between structural characteristics and viability—if they exist—may be of some practical importance in agriculture and plant breeding. 512 No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY 513 The purpose of this paper is to present the first results of a series of studies on the relationship between the structural characteristics of the parent plant or of the seed itself and its viability. The data here recorded relate only to seed weight and are drawn from an exten- sive series of field plantings of carefully selected and individually weighed seeds of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. They are properly described as a by-product, for the experiments were not carried out especially nor in the most satisfactory manner to test the existence of a selective mortality. The conditions in field cultures of individually labelled seeds are such that many factors besides the weight of the seed are concerned in determining whether or not a seed shall develop into a mature plant. Some are lost by dashing rains separating seeds and labels, after which all questionable cases have to be thrown away. Some are destroyed by rodents and some by the unavoidable acci- dents of cultivation. In natural selection terminology, the non-selective death rate—the death rate which is no function of the characteristics of the individual—is very high. This tends to obseure the selective death rate, if such exists. For just these reasons, I have never taken account of the characteristics of the seeds which failed to develop into mature plants, although the desirability of testing for the existence of a selective mortality for seed weight has been in mind almost from the beginning of the breed- ing experiments with garden beans in 1907. The records of those which developed to maturity were available for studies of heredity, influence of size of seed planted on characteristics of the plants produced, and so on. Data for the entire parental population from which the seeds planted were drawn were at hand for the study of the influences of season and environment. Under these cir- cumstances, the only need for a record of the seeds which failed to develop to maturity would be for testing the hypothesis of the existence of a selective death rate. As 514 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI suggested above, it seemed a priori improbable that a selective mortality could be detected in the large non- selective death rate of field cultures. But from an exam- ination of the data which have accumulated during the last several years, it appears that the a priori scepticism which led to omitting records of the characteristics of the seeds failing to develop was unjustified. There appears to be, in fact, a selective mortality detectible by proper methods, even in field cultures. The evidence upon which this statement is based is of the following kind. We know (a) the weight of all the seeds weighed in any year and (b) the weights of the sub-sample of seeds which developed into mature fertile plants in any subsequent year. Now the sample or samples which were planted were purely random draw- ings from the grand population forming the entire mass of seeds weighed for any culture. The physical con- stants for the distribution of weights of these sub-samples planted are, therefore, identical with those of the grand population, plus or minus the errors of random sampling. Ideally, to determine whether there be a differential mor- tality, we should compare the physical constants (means, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation) of the seeds which produced mature plants either with the con- stants of those of the same sub-samples which failed to do so or with the constants for the entire sub-sample planted. Practically, our end can be attained with rea- sonable exactness by comparing the constants of seeds which develop to maturity with those of the general popu- lation from which the plantings were drawn. The only objections to this procedure are two: (a) the results will be vitiated if the series of seeds planted are in any Way selected, i. e., not a purely random drawing from the general population, (b) the probable errors of random sampling in the drawing of the sample for planting are added to the probable errors of sampling due to the non- selective (purely random) death rate. The first objection does not hold in the series discussed No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY 515 here, for I am confident that the plantings were true random samples of the general population of seeds weighed. With regard to the second, we note merely that its influence will make the detection of a selective mor- tality more difficult. If we find indications that the chances for development of a seed are conditioned by its weight we must therefore consider that the influence of weight is probably even stronger than is indicated by our evidence. Indeed, there might be a selective death rate scarcely detectible by the methods necessarily used in this study, but if these methods do indicate a selective elimination, we may have considerable confidence in its reality. Studies of viability are generally limited to the capa- city for forming a growing seedling, but there is no rea- son why tests should not be made more stringent by extending them to the capacity of the embryo for devel- oping into a fertile plant. This has been done in these experiments. PRESENTATION OF DATA The seriations of weights of seeds for the general populations are given in Table I; those for the sub-series of seeds which actually developed into fertile plants in Table II. The seriations for the grand populations are designated by the key letters of the crops of plants which produced them, those for the viable sub-samples by the key letters of the crops into which they developed.'' The weights are recorded in units of .025 gram range; class 1 being 0-025 gram, class 2, .025-.050 gram, ete. The constants are also expressed in terms of these units, but any one desiring to do so may easily transmute them into fractions of grams. The biometric constants for the grand populations are given in Table III. Those for the sub-samples which actually produced fertile plants appear in Table IV. * These key letters are the same as those used in other papers published or in preparation. Hence, further information can be obtained by tho: who desire. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou. XLVI 516 t9sz |—|—|—_|—_|—_|—|—|T |t j6 [et lsz: J69 |eatizez poe soe TOF GEE 9EE 216 FFT 96 18 fot ge ts a Iti- p ole ~ma g A je og go ite \22t +61 \Pezisoeizzesezizetisz joe jet a ie it ft |—|—I'::aoo 8286 ——— |e | |€ | OT) TL) 98 |49 |PIT/TOZ/Z08|Fzslezh/ TOF joge ezziezits tr [FT |T |e | —|—|— it }|—|—|—|'*"HDD. yogs —|—\—|I je |9 | #1] 88/08 TOT 097 068 Z19782 £26 9TOT CLOT 616 689 £9 ESE OZZ LET TL 0G ee le ee 466 1 2/2/61) 1%| 9% | ZS) 19| $8 62 ZOT6at SIT eZ A l e 6 ig SI FI 9 Te i a ao bees age ore ers O Ð 6861 ————]——i—i—|—|—|—|—— — miim e e e Ue es Og ert ST | + ‘ASA eee iert e l ea a | — |-—|—| |e Jort 110 92e 860 Shs Coz ce ISI | 1 | t | "Hed D008 ee es ee ee ee Sa cool |---| —| —|—|—|—I—|—|—|—|-1-\s. i oe ot foo te ara ven Gor ae ge mee an COLL Emas = mT Pe BL er or eo - ee EOT TOT Z1Z 617 S91 06 s ge i~r Tio a 1688 imie il 8 a aT SS ee eA os Fer SST TPE) TE¥ 877 £78691 WO T |e met BY YG AG Ge Nah, ps oe! Sa —|T JOT 0G |b [29 |946 |E88 [cee Z4 |8 |I |1| HAN oes i—mar ee ost ieee ees eon ize aines (611 ~] GaN z9gez ————] — | — \—|—-}—|—|—} —}-—] —i— —|—|—|—|—|—|$ |e jeer ATE Ra jeez BELEGO sz} T aN el TE HG Pal BR ts S ie se ae ere ene tag oan ozo E — | E 8 28 BIT LTH |966 \ZELT/992T)Z601 80F/Z6 | ET) € |” CHN reeL | — | — [ef em ee ee a e a — J€ [8 |F% |69 SLT 6b SZ1/120G/E961|\686 |193 |28 |S —| HHN 8429 BARE — =] —|—|—|}—|—|— = —|—| — | — |— ITI leg itor G96 628 G9ET/ZOST|6FOT T98 |48 [FT Z zp HN aao oz |3 za |07 oe va | ez | zz | tē | oz | 6t | st | it lor er vr er ar) tr | or | 6 | 8 | i ofelr is sonog S190. Gi NOILV'INJOJŢ IVYANTH AOA SATAS AO LAHVITM I TIaAVL 517 No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY IO fe ll a “| [9 oB ek 98 BOT|SET/ZET/S6 |99 |LE |SE [OT on ta oS 3 o TT we oma aad tesla ame ee RAE bo ac te It jig +e jar jag ito ler ise jor ig je ie i t [—]—]—i ie aao e [— —|— —|——|—iz |—|¥ |9 | tos los jos 94 les jeg zz jet let |—|—|t |—|—|—|—| —|—|— |" "HOD ev |— —|—|—|— —|—|/z |t |s | or] 2t/t¢ ise lso jes |9 |t} les isg ire lat 8 fe (i |—|—|—}—|— qD rig |— —|—|—|—|—|1 leje |z |6 | else i» o [eg pa Jeo e fee ire jot fe ie jf n Ti a99 66 _— —|— —|— 1 |1 |z |z |¢ |s | 61 (te jos los jos joz jog les [ze let 8 le læ j9 je |—|—|—\—j—| HDD eso |—|—|—|—a—|—|1 £ g |6 |zz|eslor oz jos ler jeż |s9 lor ise jeg jez js jo je jt |—|t |- =i] HDD 6oL | 1 | ¥| & |ST|9T| ST! eb| ¥9| ¥9| £9) 18/96 zs [zo [ze + loe zt FL le je t [ft fr |—|— eee DD 288 =s a ede ees eet ews Se Gs ig log jes jogtiezjor) z |t|- aasa er =i Peel (pel Gee (aaa ees ae Gosliee ae inci eet eae ee ee ; ot lo9 \Tetlggtier (etje |t| HHSA əs — —|— -| —— -| Baars ees nae et ) lte j2z |pgtisotise |or| ot} 1 | 1 poet Osu seh — IJ |—|—|—|—Iz loz ler [zorisetisz oz) or) ejg | asa GLY — — —|—|—)/—|—,—|—|—|-|-|-— —|-—|-|-|-|-|-) f (Fe Po |TETIOITIOS erie | 2)|—j\ HS4 a a a a ae bee =i ee eee JI IT/POT|THZIOAT| ZL) 1s} 9 |—| ssa Be | —|—|— ||| = |— \—| = ll il —|t_ |e [ot jee [ve fto ler jte jetje |z |—|—|—\-"---aasa e iiel o ee ee ere ee E HHSA oss |— — —|—'— — | —|—|—|—|2 |z |s jor|ertl|tz isz joo loz jeorize izo izg jo + je |—jt itti- osn ze |—|— | —|— |—|—|—}— i—|@ |t |* £ 8 |zt\6 (FI jet jeg jo9 lsg (sp e [= = =l ete asa 8 ie '—i/t lt |t lttlg ‘trier let jez lto 99 lez jem izg jor it ft tt |—|—j|—!—l HSA o9 |—|— —|— —|— — —|— z |e |9 let! or|ezlet jpe ler loz jzttlpetisitize jst ls |—|—|—|—|—|—| sa | a a a ee ee —|—|—|—Ie le lz» lostirotootzr |et|t |—| 1 °° HHAN ese |—|—)—|— | —|—|—|-—|-—|—-|-—|-|-|-|-|- —|—|/—|—le lo laz |as \zetipetisy stl? | 2 |— | aaan BIG ee fe ee ee ee e p |28 |tSt\ept| es og) e |—j aaN og |—|— —— — — -i—i — llnl 7 e toreoziset 92/96; 8 | T ee HAN post |—|— | —| — —|— -l-l -| -|-—| - —' — -|- — — —J |9 [ez jos \zct\sszjeteiogz| 08 | #1 | £ |g] adHN et ee ee —lt |e |p |g lte |tet\soglgzeisoezi¢s | ot| —|—| —|°* * -HHHN srt |—|— — — —|— — —|—)|— | — | -|-— -|- | —|—i¢ le lsz +6 otzoseltor 18296 |egzje | t —i HHN wt tam tap ben ces ee sd ee ee —|—le |g lsz se |trzlgeziose|ozzies | st|¢ |—| t |: AHN STRIOL | E8 | ZE te 08 | 62 8% | 28/98 /9s| FS S| Vz} 1S 0Z| 6I| ST] 2} 9T| ST] HL) ET | ST TT or eļs]|2 o|e|+|sg| seueg SINVId WIM ONIONGONG SAMAS dO LHXIAM II 44V L 518 TABLE III BIOMETRIC CONSTANTS FOR GENERAL POPULATION OF SEEDS WEIGHED THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Mean wo het pene Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation ; ES eerie and Probable Error esa and Probable Error MES ec oe | 9.474 =.013 1.490+.009 | 15.727 +.101 Iaa Ea Ss E 9.774 =.011 1.421+.008 | 14.537+.082 13 A eG E 8.529 = 012 1.458+.009 | 17.099+.103 Bee aoe 7.496 +.0 1.310.013 | 17.470 +.182 jhe 5 ee A eae 8.487 +.019 | 1.377 +.014 16.218 +.163 NOR e 8.852+.015 | 1.555 +.011 | 14.089 +.121 We cl ere nee | 2.605+.025 | 18.218+.184 ten... 04 +.04 2.413 =.034 | 16.987+.244 ee 10.690 =.041 | 1.921+.029 | 972 +.279 et 8.229+.018 | 1.434+.013 | 17.427+.156 DAE 8.516+.016 | 1.092 +.011 12.826 +.135 PD- Se 56+.016 | 1.034 +.011 14.858 +.161 Sea gg hae Ren een 22.272+.081 | 3.796+.057 17.044 + OG. Go ae | 17.601 +.024 | 3.264 = .017 18.542 + GCR eoo | 18.919+.034 | 2.674 =.024 14.131 +. 177 GGD. os 14.972.036 | 2.498 + .026 16.681 +.193 ee ae coe 15.667 + .04 | 3.137 + .028 20.023 +.186 TABLE IV BIOMETRIC CONSTANTS FOR SEEDS WHICH PRODUCED FERTILE PLANTS Series Mean and Probable Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Error and Probable Error and Probable Error NED oo 9.458 = .027 1.507 = .019 15.932 +.207 NEG be 9.445 + .026 1.508 + .019 15.962 + .203 NHS ooo 9.275 + .025 1.332 + .018 14.356 + .196 NAD 2 5 459 = .0 1.409 = .019 16.657 + .235 NDA ges 7.624 + .033 1.283 + .024 16.833 +.319 NDD n 7.733 =.039 1.318 + .028 17.049 +. NÐDD -n 756 = 1.304 + .029 14.892 +.339 NOBH o 8.929 = .035 1.244 + .025 13.930 +.285 ti]. > POO Sete 14.143 = .070 2.713 + .050 19.180 + .364 AS E Soe Rea TET 14.330 = .094 650 =. 18.495 +.480 Wee ete 14.394 =.101 632 +. 18.283 +.510 pt) SSR Se doer rs 14.496 = .076 2.583 = .054 17.819 +.381 USHR oes 13.942 = .087 1.927 + .061 13.820 +.449 Usp 6 ee 10.852 = .078 TTT =. 16.371 +.521 iao Ee A 8.204 = .033 1.434 = .023 17.478 + PH o o. 8.326 + .045 1.438 = .032 17.276 + .389 PSD a oe 8.224 + 047 1.430 = .033 17.383 +.413 PO oe ee 8.312 + .039 1.397 + .028 809 =. Pane 2 8.483 + .035 1.075 = .025 668 =. DE -o 7.194 = .036 1.045 =.025 14.520 +.359 GO es 22.324 = .091 3.727 = .065 16.695 = .297 GOR oe 17.659 + .094 3.359 + .066 19.020 +.389 GOM on. 17.305 = .093 3.079 = .066 17.792 +.392 GGD.. = og 17.545 =.095 3.188 = .067 18.168 =.395 COne R E 17.448 = .096 3.023 = .068 17.327 + 402 GONE... o 18.038 = .083 2.445 = .059 13.555 +.331 DIE oe 15.515 =.088 2.410 + .062 15.536 + .410 Beate ee as 15.524 + .059 +, 19.121 +.280_ hase 4) No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY 519 in all cases. Only the deviations of the sub-samples from the general population, i. e., the differences obtained by Sheppard’s correction was appked to the second moment subtracting constants for the general population from those for the sub-samples producing fertile plants, as given in Table V, require our attention. Consider first the differences in mean seed weight. They are equally divided between positive and nega- tive, the average weight of the seeds which produced fer- tile plants being in 14 cases higher and in 14 cases lower than that of the general population of seeds from which the plantings were made. The average value of the posi- TABLE V aena OF ee FOR SEEDS PRODUCING gms PLANTS WITH OSE FOR THE GENERAL POPULATIONS WEIGH s Mean and Probable | s andard Deviation | Coefficient of Variation Series Compared Error | a and Probable Error | and Probable Error NBD-NH....... —.016 =.030 | +.017+.021 | + .205+.230 NHH-NG......: —.030 = .030 +.018 +.021 ob 2a : NHHH-NHH#.... — .500 = .028 — .089 + .020 | 181 =.212 NHDD-NHD.... — .070 +.030 — .049 + .021 — 442 +.257 NDH-ND....... +.128 + .038 .026 + .027 — + 3 8 A +.237 = .043 +.009 = .031 — 421+.412 NDDD-NDD + .269 + .045 — .073 + .032 — 1.326 +.376 NDHH-NDH +.078 =.038 —.312 +.027 — .159+.310 (SOUR TA —.154=+.025 +.108 + .056 962 + .408 UBH-US8.: o. +.033 =.101 +.046 +.071 277 + .514 Ms Pie eco +.098 = .107 +.027 +.076 + 542 cy A +.200 = .084 —.021 +.0. USHI USH eine .262 + .099 — 486 + .070 3.167 + .511 USDD-USD..... +.163 =.088 —.145 + .062 — 1.601 =.591 FSS Pn.. EG — .025 +.037 .000 + .026 + .051 +.331 PSH-fS oe _ + .048 +.004 + .034 151 +.419 FSD-FS. 5 ee; 004 + .050 —.004 = .035 — .044 + 442 PSC FE o +.084 = .043 —.037 = .030 — .618 +.374 FSHH-FSH...... — .033 = .039 —.018 = .027 158 + .325 FSD Doon +.238 + .039 +.011 =.028 Bn CO +.052 +.122 -. .086 ~ GH-GG........ +.057 = .097 +.095 = .068 + .478 +.402 GGH:-GG....... — .297 = .096 —.185 + .068 ~ GD-GG........ —.057 = .098 —.076 + .069 374 GGD:-GG....... 154 = .099 — .240 + .070 —1.215 + .414 GGHH-GGH.. 2+.089 228 + — 576 +.375 GGDD-GGD + .542 +.095 —.087 + .067 — 1.145 + .453 ce eas +0 —.168 + 36 tive differences is +.163 units; of the negative differences —.188 units; of the entire series of 28 comparisons 520 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI —.012 units. Considering the differences individually in comparison with their probable errors? we note that if we regard a difference at least 2.50 times its probable error as statistically significant, 10 of the differences may T -=== se mm m OO -----0 -------0 kh-------0 —— a L e. a Peed DIAGRAM I Differences in Means. be looked upon as trustworthy. Of these 5 are positive and 5 are negative. If we require Diff./E arr. — 4.00, we find only 7 trustworthy cases, 4 positive and 3 negative m sign. Diagram I shows graphically the amount and the sign *It is somewhat difficult to decide just what ratio of the difference to its probable error should be used to indicate trustworthiness. As already emphasized, we have in reality two instead of one random sampling to take into consideration in the comparisons which we are drawing. The ratios Dif'./Eaifs. are available to the reader who may assign to them any signifi- acting he sees fit. The general trend of the series furnishes much stronge? evidence for a selective mortality than does the apparent statistical trust- worthiness of any individual comparison. No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY 521 of the differences between the general and the viable samples. Here the different comparisons are shown from left to right in the order in which they are given from top to bottom in Table V. The distances of the solid dots below the zero bar indicate the amount of the negative deviations, the circles above the positive deviations. From all of these considerations, we conclude that seeds which produce fertile plants are on the average neither lighter nor heavier than random samples of the population. While the results for the means furnish no evidence for a selective mortality, the standard deviations are very suggestive of its existence. In 19 cases, the S.D. of the seeds which produce fertile plants is lower than that of the series from which they were drawn, while in 9 cases it is larger. The deviation from the equality to be ex- pected if the differences were due purely to an infinite number of random sampling is therefore 5 +. 67449 v.5 X.5 X 28=—5+1.79, which is perhaps statistically significant. The chances against the result being due to the errors of sampling are roughly the same as those against 19 heads and 9 tails, or vice versa, in coin tossing. Not only the inequality of the divisions of the signs into positive and negative, but the magnitude of the deviations themselves evidence for a selective mortality which reduces variability without sensibly affecting the average. The 9 positive deviations average -++.037; the 19 negative — .122; the whole 28, —.071. The far greater magnitude of the negative deviations is made clear by the generally greater lengths of the bars below the zero line in diagram 2. Considering the individual differences in their relation to their probable errors, we note that in 7 cases the difference is over 2.5 times its probable error. All of these are negative in sign. - The coefficient of variation, that is, 100¢/m, should show most clearly whether both larger and smaller seeds fail 522 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI to develop, thus bringing about a reduction in variability which is independent of any change in the mean. The results given in the final column of the comparison table V, evidence even more strongly than the standard devia- tions in favor of such a selective elimination. They are -—-- == www ee ey yap a Di Differences in Standard Deviations. lower for the seeds which develop into mature plants in 21 out of the 28 cases. Thisisa deviation from equality of T + 67449 V.5X.5X28—7 + 1.79. The averages are: For positive deviations, + .325 For negative deviations, —.712 For all deviations, — .453 Diagram 3 makes the reason for these differences clear to the eye. With regard to their probable errors, the sx No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY 523 cases which are perhaps statistically significant, are all negative in sign. SUMMARY AND Discussion Taken altogether the data seem to me to indicate a real differential mortality in seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris in o TI eet a Be I z | Differences in Coefficients of Variation. field cultures. This selective death rate is of such a nature that the mean of the viable seeds remains prac- tically the same as that of the original populations while their variability is reduced. In short, both large and small seeds are less capable of developing into fertile 524 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI plants than are those which do not deviate so widely above or below the type. While the evidences in support of these conclusions are fairly strong, it must not be forgotten that we are dealing with a problem of great delicacy upon materials grown under conditions such that the accidental (purely non- selective) death rate must be quite high, and with records not especially collected for our present purpose. Posi- tiveness of assertion must therefore be reserved until more critical evidence collected ad hoc is available. The reader will note, however, that the conclusions here recorded are based on many thousands of observations. Although experiments are already under way, the gather- ing of the data necessary for a more thorough investiga- tion of the problem will be a long task, and it seems only right that the results obtained incidentally should be placed on record for the benefit of those who may have opportunities for like observations. To me personally, the results were surprising. First, I had doubted whether a selective mortality could be detected by the methods used. Second, I had supposed that if a differential viability were found, it would be limited to a weeding out of the lighter seeds. This latter presupposition was based on the fact that a positive cor- relation had already been demonstrated? between the weight of the seed planted and the number of pods pro- - duced, and a priori it seemed reasonable to suppose that viability and capacity for forming plants with large num- bers of pods would bear the same relationship to the weight of the seed. Both questions deserve much more detailed and refined study. Two questions concerning these results will be fore- most in the mind of the biologist: (a) What is the signifi- cance of the selective elimination for evolution? (b) What are the underlying causes of the differential mor- tality? ae * Harris, J. Arthur, ‘‘On the Relationship between the Weight of the Seed Planted and the Characteristics of the Plant Produced,’’ Biometrika, Vol. 9, No, 1, 1912. No. 549] ON DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY 525 The answer to (a) depends, as has been pointed out above, upon the inheritance or non-inheritance of the variations in seed weight. This question can not be dis- cussed as yet, but from the data in hand, it seems to me likely that this selective elimination has little or no evo- lutionary significance. Certainly it is, as far as our evi- dence goes, not a cause of progressive change but only a factor tending to preserve an established type. It would then be an illustration of the ‘‘periodic selection’’ of Pearson. The answer to (b) must be sought in the physiological, and of course ultimately, in the chemical and physical properties of the seeds of different weights. Experi- ments directed to its solution are under way. COLD SPRING HARBOR, L. I., July 15, 1902 A CASE OF POLYMORPLISM IN ASPLANCHNA, SIMULATING MUTATION. II PROFESSOR J. H. POWERS, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA I may next state some further observations which I was able to verify again and again in regard to the trans- ition of one form of the species to another. As I have said, forms intermediate between the saccate and the humped, between the humped and the campanulate, and even between the saccate and the campanulate, occur. This statement applies to external body form, and to some-extent to the nephridia and other internal organs, with the exception, however, so far as I have yet observed, of the size of the contractile bladder. This latter seems to have its large size only in the small saceate type, and I have observed no indications of gradual transitions to the form possessed by the larger rotifers. More sig- nificant, however, is the case of the trophi. I have ex- amined these in a great many individuals that in body form were more or less intermediate between the dif- ferent types; but in nearly every instance the variations of this organ seem to be abrupt and discontinuous; the trophi are either of one type or the other. The only instances found that in any sense transgress this state- ment were the trophi of a few saccates produced as the result of the slow degeneration of the larger form, in the culture which I have before mentioned. These animals showed trophi that had plainly lost a number of the more delicate characters which I had otherwise found universal through such a wide range of material, and, simultane- ously with this, they had become in a degree transitional between the two types; the angle of the inner tooth and a slight crossing of the tips plainly related them to the ` cannibalistic type, while in size and general form they 526 No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 527 belonged to the other. I will record here also two in- stances in which I have found the cannibalistic trophi in the humped rotifer. The two specimens were almost the last humped individuals found in a culture on the verge of extinction, through cannibalism; they were prob- ably the progeny of campanulates. Both were large specimens of the humped type, one showing a rather heavy corona and rather small humps, and being, therefore, in some sense, of a transitional character. It bore campan- ulate trophi 2574 long—rather undersized—in which, however, the large lamellate teeth of this type were even unusually developed. The other bore typical campanu- late trophi 270% long, These animals contained large unborn humped rotifers of normal type, with normal trophi of 154» and 170», respectively. In these two in- stances, therefore, the transition from the campanulate to the smaller type occurred one generation sooner in general body form than it did with the trophi, thus em- phasizing the partial separateness and non-correlation between the variations in these differently formed struc- tures. Next as to duration of transition periods and the num- ber of transitional individuals. If conditions are favor- able the periods are very brief and the number of transi- tional types so few that they are readily overlooked un- less careful search is made at just the right time. The entire population of a teeming Asplanchna pond readily changes from the saccate to the humped type in one week. As before said, the saccates give birth directly to forms with well-developed humps, and these humped young may be at birth as large or even larger than the parent type. One more generation of growth and reproduction may then give large-sized, fully typical humped individuals. Along with these abrupt transitions there usually occur, however, a lesser number that are a little more gradual. Individuals occur like saccates in all respects save that they possess the inconspicuous dorsal hump; others are small with the lateral and ventral (posterior) humps 528 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI scarcely showing at birth, but developing to a moderate ` extent rapidly afterward. With less favorable conditions the transition is pro- longed and the number of intermediate individuals is greatly increased. I have observed no instance, how- ever, in which the species remained for longer than two weeks in a chaotic condition. Either the transition is soon effected or the numbers rapidly decrease and the species disappears Nearly similar statements may be made with regard to the transition from the humped to the campanulate type. As already stated, its advent usually occurs by the ap- pearance of a very few individuals with the utmost abruptness. Aside from the fact that the ontogeny is here somewhat more extended—they, the young, being considerably smaller than the adults, with much less ex- panded corona—there is apparently little, if any, sense of transition. I think it probable that the humped indi- viduals which actually give rise to the very first campan- ulates are individuals of somewhat extra size and vigor. Such individuals have been found at different times as well as in the case of the two mentioned in my first inves- tigation, but their actual production of the young canni- bals has not been observed. In any case their deviation from the ordinary humped type is not great and the usual transition has all the abruptness that the most pro- nounced mutationist could anticipate. Moreover, as long as the species is thriving and reproduction copious, the two forms remain separated from each other as sharply as do the most distinct species. This is the most fre- quent condition by far in which one finds them. When, however, conditions become less favorable, which fact usually means that the food supply of the - humped form is failing, a change intervenes. The humped individuals usually remain quite as they were, without reduction in size or loss of other characteristics, save a much slower rate of reproduction. But this re- duces numbers, and especially the number of young. No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 529 The cannibals can and do ingest their full-sized con- geners, but they are by no means successful in every at- tack. One may observe them, with empty stomachs, making scores of furious but futile attempts at capturing their adult neighbors. It is largely the young hump- bearers which, though nearly full grown, fall ready vic- tims to the all-embracing coronex of the cannibals. Thus it follows that any reduction of the food supply of the lesser type immediately impoverishes the larger one as well. The consequences of this are curiously dissimilar in different cases, although always one of two results in- tervenes. The cannibals may become even more canni- balistic, destroying the entire humped population of all ages, and their own young as well, until the culture is finally obliterated by the death, from old age, of a few veterans which are without further food supply. This has happened again and again in my large culture dishes.” In a few cases it has happened that a culture, when at the point of extinction, would again revive by the multiplication of the humped form. This is due to the fact that the last starving cannibals, reproducing, as they always do, both their own type and the humped type as well, fail to eat up perhaps a single member of their humped progeny, which then survives to start a new cycle under less strenuous surroundings. I have carefully fol- lowed this decline and survival as thus stated. In about half of the cases, however, a very different effect is registered upon the campanulate form by the lessening food supply and the falling numbers of the other type. It undergoes a considerable degeneration, which may perhaps reduce it to the form from which it arose, although I have not been able to fully demonstrate this. But forms more or less intermediate are produced by the starving cannibals. The trophi remain typical, but the enormous coronas, as well as the breadth of the entire animal, are much reduced. In the single instance already mentioned in which degeneration gradually re- duced the humped type to a small size, and finally to the "I have recently observed one very similar instance in nature. 530 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI most diminutive saccate form, I was surprised to find that the campanulates present in the culture degenerated, pari passu, with the other type. They became much smaller, lost their flaring coronas, and nearly every sign of their outward specialization. Yet, generation after generation, they maintained their cannibalistic habits, their heavy musculature, and above all the campanulate type of trophi, the only change in these latter organs being a reduction in size. In the main, then, transitional periods are brief ; transi- tional forms few. Unfavorable conditions prolong some- what the existence of both. But the species always is soon eliminated or sets up a new equilibrium under the new conditions. A few words further may be added at this point upon the matter of fluctuating variation shown by the different forms of this species. Without recording such varia- tions mathematically, I have endeavored to ascertain as fully as possible the answers to three questions: First, how great is the amount of such variation? Second, is fluctuating variation especially correlated with one or other of the types of heterogenesis above described? And third, what causes are operative in producing it? As to the amount of fluctuating variation, certain facts have already been mentioned that come under this head- ing. I will but add here the general statement that each of the three types is, in itself, highly variable—quite suffi- ciently so to be regarded as a decidedly variable species were it really an independent form. | As to the second point, the question of the correlation between fluctuating variation and the mutation-like transitions, this has also been partially discussed. under the heading of transitional types. But it is necessary to add the unqualified statement that no evidence has been discovered for such correlation. Variation is one thing; heterogenesis another. The two phenomena contrast, rather than are related. Thus the transition from the saccate to the humped rotifer is often made when the No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM - 531 saccate type is in its most typical condition, at least so far as form is concerned. Of all the minor fluctuating forms found among the saccates the one that most suggests the humped type is that which I have character- ized above as urn-shaped. The bulging sides of such a form might readily be thought to be the forerunners of- at least the lateral humps; but during the entire study I have been unable to observe the humped form originating from this urn-like variety. Furthermore, the saltations from type to type do not necessarily occur, and I think do not usually occur, when the amount of fluctuating variability is greatest. This is especially true of the formation of the campanulates from the hump-bearers. This transition occurs when the latter are at a culmination of development and vigor, and in this condition the species is, until saltation occurs, relatively uniform. Under the third question, as to causes of fluctuating variability, I will record at present but two points, one general and one special. The greatest amount of general fluctuation seems always to occur under relatively unfavorable conditions. Favorable conditions, on the other hand, tend to produce full development with relative uniformity among the individuals of any given type. One special instance of variation interested me so much that I followed it whenever found, in the effort to get at its exact cause. This is the variation in the length of the three conspicuous humps which characterize the commoner form. The amount of this variation is, although I have not measured it, very great. The humps may be but angular projections upon the body’s outline, or they may elongate until they might be appropriately described as finger-shaped. The type represented in the illustration, Fig. 1, may be taken as typical. This type is repeated in countless numbers, with but moderate varia- tion, so long as conditions are normal, which means chiefly, so long as the food supply is uniform and ade- 532 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Fie. 2. papieeonne amphora, OF THE HuMPED FORM (FORM B), Teor PIC YOUNG VELOPING Pasonssoonsericaziy WITHIN THE Bopy OF THE PARENT. Magnification ee 8 diame sit Fic. 2. Asplanchna amphora, campanulate form (form C), showing hetero- typic young developing ‘parthenogenetic within the body of the parent. This figure is dra from ecim n because it exhibited well the hetero typic teprotüstiok in| ther ei idee k Ta not represent the true form of the nd contracted the cor na, obliterating thus pa bell-like form ring the anterior portion highly convex instead of concave as in life. The convex end of Fig. 1 is, on the contra ary, quite ia pos oT Bigs being much more paged killed in perfect form. Ma gnification about 8 d eters. -$ ed, ophi of humped and campanulate SSS respectively. The ydh in size is Teeter shown by these figures. Had average speci- mens been chosen, Fig. 4 would have been twice the length of Fig. 3. Im figures the “a y jaws” are omitted, they being so weakly to be quite destroyed in process of extraction. I e : pieces, the outriggers, are omitted for the same reason. 210 diameters. No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 533 quate. The individuals with smaller humps are always transitional or degenerative in origin. But what could be the cause of the hypertrophy of the humps to fully double their usual prominence, and this in individuals that always gave evidence of starva- tion? Such individuals occurred in certain cultures in considerable numbers, and constituted a very extreme type; the animals were always much more transparent ‘than any others, the body wall being thin and the internal organs usually pale, shrunken, and undeveloped, the stomach empty, and embryos lacking. The general body form was extremely slender, with corona but two thirds average width, while the ventral, or rather posterior, hump was not only long, but developed a secondary pro- longation, as it were, from the end of the original one. Such animals swim, all but habitually, with the lateral humps retracted, and in this condition are so slender as hardly to suggest the genus Asplanchna, the form being apparently more nearly that of Hydatina. But with the thrusting out of the lateral humps a singular transforma- tion occurs; these structures are so long that their ex- panse equals or exceeds the animal’s length, and so slender that the animal’s forward motion bends them backward. In my notes I designated these extreme animals as the ‘‘cross-bow type.’’ As already mentioned, they occurred in considerable numbers in several of my mass cultures. I also obtained them several times under controlled conditions in isola- tion experiments, but I found no clew to the cause of their production until I discovered that they were fre- quently produced by the gaint campanulates, and espe- cially by the campanulates that were Moina-feeders. It seemed very striking that this variant, which carried the development of the humped form to its utmost extreme, should be thus produced by the robust companulates in which there are no humps, and in which, indeed, all the characteristics are at the farthest possible remove from the type in question. Yet these cross-bow hump-bearers 534 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou, XLVI formed a regular part of the progeny of the massive crustacean-feeders. All but invisible, they swam rest- lessly about seeking for available food, which was not present, until many of them fell victims to the greedy members of the parental stock. This combination of overfed parent and foodless progeny offered the suggestion of the cause I was seek- ing, which was then readily confirmed by experiment. Maximum nutritive conditions before birth and the entire absence of available food for at least 24 hours after birth produces the slender transparent type with the hyper- trophied humps. Under these conditions the body wall, and its projections, which are highly developed even at birth, continue to develop for a considerable time after- wards, undoubtedly withdrawing nutrition from the in- ternal organs—stomach, digestive glands, ovary, ete.— these thereby undergoing a partial atrophy. A certain interest attaches to this explanation, because it not only furnishes the rationale of an extreme type of fluctuating variation in this rotifer, but because the facts closely parallel the incidents in the development of the male of the same species. The males at birth lack, of course, the chief internal organs of the female, and can not draw upon them as sources of nutrition, but they do draw upon the rudimentary digestive tract until, before death, it has frequently quite disappeared. More- over, the males undergo a progressive development of the body wall and to some extent of the humps during the two to four days of their active life. The male thus becomes more differentiated in the active portion of its organization, absorbing meanwhile what little inactive tissue there is to absorb. The same thing happens to the young foodless female, save that there is more tissue to absorb, and the process is not carried so far. Sufficient investigation would doubtless unravel each of the other minor fluctuations which the three forms of the species undergo, and most of them will all but cer- tainly resolve themselves into factors of nutrition. Few No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 535 species of animals are capable of so numerous and varied nutritive transitions and respond to them in so funda- mental and varied manners as does this Asplanchna. Before closing this paper it becomes a disagreeable necessity to attempt some more definite systematic place- ment of the forms of Asplanchna here discussed. The task is a difficult one for several reasons. In the first place, it is obvious that the facts here recorded tend to disturb our very conception of what constitutes a species in this genus. If we accept the interpretation of poly- morphism as, on the whole, a little more applicable to the facts of heterogenesis here cited than would be the in- terpretation of mutation, the question is obviously raised whether several of the other Asplanchna types hitherto described as distinct species may not likewise be closely related genetic forms, connected, as are those here de- scribed, either with each other or possibly with these very types. Thus a relationship is readily thinkable between A. ebbesbornii and A. intermedia or A. sieboldi, or possibly of one or the other with A. brightwelli; although the disparity of the males in this last type renders relationship less probable. Moreover, in the literature of the subject the claim has been made at least once that such a relationship exists between European forms, as the following quotations from Wesenberg-Lund’ in which he cites Daday to this effect, will show: Uber die Fortpflanzungsverhiltnisse der Asplanchnen kann ich Fol- gendes mittheilen—v. Daday (“Ein Fall von Heterogenesis bei den Riiderthieren.” Mathem. und Naturw. Berichte aus Ungarn, 7. Bd., 1888-1889, p. 140) hat fiir Asplanchna sieboldi einige ganz merkwürdige und bisher exceptionelle Fortpflanzungsverhiiltnisse geschildert. Seiner Meinung nach findet man hier zwei verschieden geformte Weibchen, theils solche, die den gewöhnlichen schlauchförmigen Asplanchna-Typus haben, theils solche, die den eigenthümlich geformten Männchen dieser Art gleichen; diese sind durch 4 conische Erhöhungen characterisiert, und sind diese Erhöhungen derartig vertheilt, “dass je eine auf die Mittellinie des Bauches und der Rückseite, eine auf die rechte und eine * Wesenberg-Lund, C., ‘‘Ueber danische Rotiferen und über die Fort- pflanzungsverhiiltnisse er Rotiferen,’’ Zool. Anz., 1898, Bd. 21, pp. 200-211. 536 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI auf die linke Seite fällt, wodurch, von vorn betrachtet, die Form eines gleichschenkeligen Kreuzes sichtbar wird” (Daday, p. 153). Jedes dieser zwei verschieden gebauten Weibchen vermag sowohl Weibchen ihrer eigenen Gestalt parthenogenetisch hervorzubringen, als auch Weib- chen der anderen Art; ferner auch Männchen und, nach der mit diesen erfolgten Begattung Dauereier (pp. 206-207). Daday’s work on the rotifers has in general been fre- quently criticized and all but discredited, and this ob- servation on his part of a reciprocal relationship between A. sieboldi and a saccate Asplanchna fares no better at the hand of Wesenberg-Lund. He replies that he has himself reared A. sieboldi in an aquarium for a month, that he has studied them thoroughly and has found no such reproductive phenomena. He continues, that Daday has simply been mistaken in his observations, having failed to distinguish the humped A. sieboldi from the saccate rotifer, because the humps of the former species are often retracted, giving it for the moment a saccate form. This criticism of Daday’s reported observations may of course be correct, but it seems as naive as it is severe. It is of course true that the humped rotifers retract the lateral humps; but the position of these protuberances always remains marked by folds of the body wall, while the ventral hump is not retracted at all. Daday must indeed have been a poor observer to be thus deceived, the more so, in that the moment these animals are placed under the pressure of a cover glass or even in a very shallow drop of water on a slide, the pressure of the cover glass or their own weight forces them to expand the humps and instantly reveal their type of structure. In the light of my own study it seems far more probable that Daday was correct in his reported observations than that Wesenberg-Lund is correct in his criticism of them. The fact that Wesenberg-Lund reared the humped Asplanchna for a month without the occurrence of hetero- genesis is of no especial significance. The writer has reared the humped form discussed in the present paper for longer periods than this with the same result. No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 537 Heterogenesis is confined to special periods or caused by special conditions as above set forth. However, not only is the question of species confused by the presence of heterogenesis in the genus, but another difficulty which I had not anticipated manifests itself; viz., the discovery that the descriptive work which has already been done upon the genus has not, even the best of it, been sufficiently accurate to be trustworthy. I make this statement with the utmost reluctance, and only after I have spent weeks of effort to bring my observa- tions upon single points into accord with the statements of Rousselet, who is not only the highest authority on the group in question, but who has, as already stated, made the last and most detailed pronouncement upon the species of the genus. I have failed, however, in my efforts. Nor are the discrepancies such as may, with probability, be explained by the assumption of differ- ences in the material which we have examined. ‘Thus, to take an example from Rousselet’s description of the jaws. He says: At the tip there is really but a single point . .. ; on crushing the jaws a “ah a ridge seen in side view is oe over and simulates a second t SRRA in his supplement, has also spoken a similar effect, viz.: When the ramus is subjected to pressure from above the deep plate is bent by the glass (to which it stands at right angles), and its free lower corner is twisted, so as to look sometimes like a second tooth, just below the extreme apex, sometimes like a small plate. Now in spite of these statements I seemed to see the thin lamellate plate-like second tooth near the apex of every jaw in case the conditions for its vision were at all adequate, and in the giant campanulate this structure, so delicate in the ordinary type, becomes greatly de- veloped, forming a large cutting tooth, which, when the jaws are closed, meets with its fellow of the opposite side, in the middle line. That this thin triangular tooth in the ordinary form was a false appearance produced by the 538 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI bending over of the corner of a ridge by the pressure of a cover glass seemed improbable, and I immediately put it to test in various ways. For one, I extracted a large number of the trophi by means of potassic hydrate in deep watch-glasses. Here there was obviously no pres- sure, yet the structures in question were quite visible, even before the trophi had been transferred to a slide, or touched by any instrument. Moreover, these thin lamellate teeth are never quite symmetrical on the two rami, and this delicate discrepancy is always on the same side of the animal, as I ascertained later in stained and mounted preparations. I carried my study of the trophi farther by mounting many which I had extracted in deep hollow-ground slides, including with them a small bubble of air. By giving the slide a quick tilt the air bubble could be made to strike and overturn the trophi in dif- ferent ways. By then replacing the slide quickly under the microscope, views could be had of the trophi before they had settled to the ordinary horizontal position. A half hour of such attempts readily furnished views of every part of the trophi, seen from almost every possible angle. Portions so thin as to be invisible in one view become visible in another; optical sections at all points make possible the arrival at the correct form. I regret that in my drawing I have been able to show so little of the delicate complexity of these structures; but Rous- selet’s view of their structure—that ‘‘the chitinous ma terial is bent at right angles throughout the length of the rami, forming an inverted L in cross section’ ’—is certainly very far from correct. The structure varies at different points; ridges thicken and fade out in complex and sinuous fashion, quite as we should find them in the complex chitinous jaw of an insect, or, for that matter, in the jaw-bone of a mammal. The tips of the jaws are interesting, and I find no description of the jaws of any species of Asplanchna, by any author, which coincides with my observations. Nevertheless, this may be due to the inadequate study of No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 539 these difficult structures by systematists who can devote but little time to a given point. I find the two rami are never alike at the very tips. I am not speaking now of the delicate lamellate teeth already mentioned which are a little distance removed from the tips, but of the very extremities. Of these latter, one is bifid, or ends in two delicate tips; even these again are never quite sym- metrical, but the one which is toward the animal or posterior is a little smaller and shorter. Furthermore, the split in the tip of this jaw is not a simple cleft such as one might produce by splitting the end of a stick with a knife, but is a triangular groove, the base or open side of which is toward the inside or concave aspect of the ramus, the apex toward the outside. As aforesaid, this cleft divides the tip of the ramus, but it is also continued on the inner aspect of it considerably farther than it extends on the outer, becoming thus shallower and shallower as it extends farther from the divided tip. The opposite ramus is not bifid, but tapers to a point, and the tapering is of such a nature that the jaw near the tip is more or less triangular in cross section, so as to fit, not only into the cleft between the tips of its fellow ramus, but farther into the triangular groove on its inner side as well. Thus these delicate chitinous jaws, when closed, lock together in double manner. The study of hundreds of examples of the trophi of the humped rotifer as it occurred in the material first _ examined left upon the mind of the writer a very distinct impression of the minute delicacy of detail and very great uniformity which prevails in these structures. Varia- bility seemed almost wholly confined to the matter of size, Turning briefly to the trophi of the ecampanulate type, I will say that they differ regularly from those just described, not only in the features shown in the figure, such as general size, breadth of rami, more acute angle of the lower inner tooth, ete., but in other marked features besides. The inner tooth, smaller in proportion as well 540 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI as set at a different angle from the corresponding struc- ture in the humped type, is here fused with the ramus instead of being merely bent over inward from its outer margin. But the tips differ most; the secondary lamel- late teeth, as before mentioned, become very large, though variable, structures. -They always meet in the middle line when the jaws are closed; they have wavy or corrugated surfaces, and thin down to a sharp cutting edge. The tips of the rami are modified most of all. They are slender and greatly extended in length, meeting and passing at an acute angle. Neither tip is bifid, and the asymmetry between the two rami is much less marked. The jaws do not interlock, when closed, in the sense in which they do in the humped type; instead, the tips invariably cross, like the mandibles of a crossbill, the farther closing being prevented by the meeting in the middle of the lamellate teeth. Occasionally I have noticed a campanulate whose jaws had sheared past in the wrong way; the lamellate teeth then did not meet to prevent farther closing, and the animal had apparently lost control of the organs, as the two halves remained crossed well down to near their bases. ; Returning to Rousselet’s description of the trophi of A. amphora, which must, of course, be compared only to the trophi of the humped type, I will say that despite the discrepancies in detail which I deem due to inaccuracy of observation, it remains true, nevertheless, that his gen- eral figure of the trophi of this species coincides essen- , tially with the general appearance of the trophi as I find them in the humped and saccate types, and this con- ` stitutes a fair reason for assigning, provisionally, the material which I have studied to the species Asplanchna amphora. However, I can not leave this matter of the trophi with- out instancing a surprising observation which I have made the past summer on the trophi of the related species, Asplanchna brightwelli—an observation which : again complicates, in an entirely new way, the question r of species in the genus Asplanchna. a No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 541 As soon as I had discovered the fact that the humped Asplanchna which I was studying was represented by a saccate type which in many characters approached closely to Asplanchna brightwelli, I began an extended search for this latter species, in order to study closely the ques- tion of relationship or non-relationship. At different times, throughout a period of one year, I succeeded in finding A. brightwelli in five different ponds in my own vicinity. The species tenants ponds of a different char- acter from those in which the larger Asplanchna flourishes, and is associated with a somewhat different micro-fauna. In but one instance have I found the two species developing together, and in this case the larger Asplanchna did not pass beyond the saccate condition, in which it was also present but sparingly. The resem- blance of its occasional representatives to the more numerous and likewise saccate individuals of A. bright- welli was so great as to almost prevent its detection. Only my constant work with the larger species could have sharpened my attention to the point of noticing any especial lack of homogeneity in the material. Yet the saccates of the larger species were regularly a little longer and about one fourth broader than the adult A. brightwelli. They differed also in a number of minor constant characters. But none of these have hitherto found place in any specifie descriptions, with the excep- tion of the difference in the trophi. The trophi of the larger saceates agreed with the description and figure which I have given in everything save that they were a little undersized. The trophi of A. brightwelli agreed in their general outline with the figure given for this species by Rousselet; they possessed the more delicate, perfectly oval contour, and invariably lacked the large inner tooth, just as Rousselet asserts that he has always found them to do. Into the question of the form of their tips and the presence or absence of the all but invisible lamellate teeth I do not go. Such study as I have given them led me to think that they were constructed in these respects 542 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow.XLVl essentially, but not exactly, as were those of the type which I had already studied. I was much pleased to thus substantiate, at least in a general way, on this American material, Rousselet’s judgment on the distinction between the trophi of these two species. I will add that a score of culture experiments started with single individuals of the two types fully confirmed their distinctness. De- spite their very close resemblance, I reared from one set of the delicate saccates the humped amphora type with which I was so familiar; while parallel cultures, with identical conditions as to food and temperature, pro duced no modification in the A. brightwelli other than a slight increase in size. I therefore reached the conclusion that, delicate as are the differences which separate the saccate form of 4. amphora from the invariably saceate A. brightwelli, they were none the less sharply demarcated. Ignoring other features, it seemed perfectly safe to trust the one char- acter of the absence or presence of the larger inner tooth on the trophi. Imagine my surprise, then, when, upon visiting an entirely different locality—Custer County, South Dakota —I discovered an Asplanchna in countless numbers which completely upset this distinction and introduced me to a seemingly new type of variation within the genus. It was in the charming little mountain lake (or rather reservoir, for the original site contained a mere pool which has now been increased to a depth of 80 feet by an artificial dam) called Sylvan Lake, that I came upon the rotifer in question. The lake was indeed swarming with rotifers of different species, which constituted the majority of its plankton. Monarch of them all, and profiting greatly by its superior size and ingesting power, was a superb Asplanchna. Aside from a slight excess in size every outward character indicated A. brightwelli. Moreover, I had found the species in the very nick of time, for both males and resting eggs were copiously present. Among very large numbers of these which I No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 543 immediately examined not one differed outwardly from the brightwelli type. But examination of the trophi yielded the astonishing result that in every instance they bore a strong inner tooth in the exact position in which this is found in A. amphora. I examined large numbers of them and found that in all the features which I could study with the facilities I had in the field, there was no obvious variation whatever.. It should be mentioned that in outline these trophi presented the close approach to a perfect oval which is characteristic of the brightwelli type. The strong inner tooth alone gave them decidedly the aspect of the jaws of Asplanchna amphora. This discovery is plainly again confusing, as to specific distinctions between the types. Fortunately, however, it serves at least to clear up certain contradictions in the literature of the subject. Rousselet, in the article above mentioned, dealt especially with this point. He figures the jaws of A. brightwelli, to use his own expression, as he has ‘‘invariably found them’’—i. e., with an oval out- line and without the inner teeth. He concludes that the earlier writers on the genus—Dalrymple, Brightwell, Hudson—had certainly confused two different species of Asplanchna, describing the trophi of A. amphora as be- longing to A. brightwelli. My examination of the Sylvan Lake material shows that no such error need be ascribed to them. A. bright- welli simply exists in two distinct races (genotypes?) ; Rousselet has invariably found but one of these, just as I myself have done in my own vicinity; while Brightwell very probably found and described the other, which I have found so abundant in the South Dakota lake. The finding of A. brightwelli with two distinct types of trophi may seem but a trivial matter, but taken in its full connection it is not without interest. A. brightwelli seems, in general, an all but constant species. Yet, judg- ing by morphological test, it should be closely related to A. amphora, a species which experiment shows to be phenomenally variable. 544 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI What, then, is the relationship—the physiological and genetic relationship—between these two types? Jen- nings in his recent work on the ‘‘Characteristics of the Diverse Races of Paramecium’’ has prophesied that the more exact study of the life history of rotifers will demonstrate that much of their apparent variability is really due to the presence, within specific limits, of numerous fixed: races. Now the study, as here outlined, of the variation of A. amphora, brings to light a condition-which in no wise substantiates this prophecy. No fixed races are present; but strongly demarcated yet temporary types, on the one hand, and fluctuating variations, on the other, which are all or nearly all the result of nutritive stimuli. Is it possible that, in spite of this, the closely related A. brightwelli will present the fixed races which Jennings suggests? I have aleady indicated that a series of about twenty culture experiments with the type of A. brightwelli first found by me yielded no significant modification. At the present writing I am again following this species in copious natural development and again conducting a few mass cultures without finding anything but farther proofs of constancy. I am also succeeding in rearing very large numbers of A. brightwelli of the type whose trophi present the inner tooth. . The resting eggs, which were brought from Sylvan Lake the preceding August, were kept over winter in a small amount of the lake water and hatched out in March by adding tap water and raising the temperature by placing the dish in the sunlight. The culture medium has slowly been quite changed to the somewhat alkaline and saline water of the writer’s locality. The cultures have also been heavily fed upon organisms to which they are certainly unaccustomed in nature. Some cannibal- ism has been induced. But the trophi remain obstinately true to their own type, and the general morphological changes have been confined to a considerable increase in No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 545 size of a few individuals, with perhaps.a somewhat dis- proportionate expansion in breadth of corona. Yet the results of a preliminary six weeks’ culture of this type of _ A. brightwelli are essentially similar to those which fol- lowed my attempts to modify the first type: they are negative. Much more extended and varied experiments must be made before reaching final conclusions upon the con- staney of these two races of A. brightwelli. Yet they certainly promise to bear out in the main Jennings’s pre- diction of relatively fixed races within the species. Yet the foregoing does not entirely complete the pic- ture of variation as I have found it in A. brightwelli. While the rearing of thousands of individuals and the examination of a very large amount of material in nature give the appearance of two stable genetic types, yet in the rarest instances mutation-like changes of the most marked character probably do occur, just as they do in A. amphora. While at Sylvan Lake it occurred to me that the very favorable conditions under which A. brightwelli was there developing, including the preying upon a number of dif- ferent organisms, were as well adapted as possible to bring about mutational changes such as I had found to occur in A. amphora. Day after day I examined large amounts of material with wholly negative results. But a favorable morning at the very close of my stay at the lake enabled me to collect several liters of plankton as thick as cream in consistency, with perhaps four fifths of its bulk living Asplanchna. Pouring this in the thinnest possible layers, into broad dishes, and placing these above a black surface, I proceeded, by means of a powerful reading lens, to search for any individual Asplanchna showing marked deviation from type. Minor deviation could not, of course, be thus detected. To my great sur- prise, my search was finally rewarded by the finding of three individual rotifers, and three only, of quite aston- ishing proportions. They were certainly Asplanchna; 546 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI that they were derived from the brightwelli I of course have no proof, but in the light of my study of A. amphora it seems probable. They were campanulate forms, dif- fering from the slender saccate A. brightwelli even more | than the campanulate A. amphora differs from the smaller types of its species. Seen in dorsal view, when freely swimming in a drop of water without cover glass, they presented almost the form of an equilateral triangle with one rounded corner; this was the posterior end; the entire opposite side being taken up by the loose flapping corona. I regret that, in my haste, I was unable to study these forms precisely, and much less to prove their re- lationship. But I hope that the isolated observation may perhaps induce others to seek among crowded stocks of Asplanchna of different species for rare and much mod- ified forms. If, as I believe will be the case, they are found to occur occasionally in A. brightwelli and perhaps other species, it will throw an added light upon the changes which so readily take place in A. amphora. The rarity of their occurrence will render clearer the relationship of the phenomena to the recognized instances of mutation. Before closing the discussion of facts relative to the specific determination, statements must be made with re- gard to the males and to the resting eggs. Similar males are produced by all three of the forms which the am- phora-like Asplanchna assumes. The humped and cam- panulate types produce them copiously; the saccate type but rarely and at periods when it is about to pass over into the humped form. These males are always of the well-known type bearing two lateral humps. They quite agree with Rousselet’s determination, except that he evi- dently assumes the size to be uniform, whereas I find it to be extremely variable, the limits being as three to one. The largest males, often present in abundance, reach fully the size of the humped females; i. e., a length of 1500». The cause for the wide divergence in size is the varying degree of development at birth. This affects them as it affects the young females, except that the young males, — No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 547 being unable to feed and thus continue their development, are obliged to remain at approximately the same diver- gent sizes at which they are born. In regard to the resting eggs, they are, of course, as are the males, produced by all three types, and but rarely by the smaller saccate form. The number produced by one individual varies greatly with the degree of nutrition. But one to three are matured if the females are poorly fed after fertilization; whereas as many as six are fre- quently present at one time in the body when nutrition is high, and very rarely as many as nine may be seen. The large campanulates usually show a high number, but it does not exceed the maximum produced by the humped form. The color of the egg, which Rousselet uses as a specific character, is variable in this species. In in- dividuals fed on Paramecia the eggs are quite white; in individuals reared on Brachionus they are light yellow to orange; while in Moina-feeders they are dirty white to brown. Again, the volume of yolk, i. e., the filling or not filling of the egg cavity, which Rousselet also regards as important, I find to be highly variable in the eggs of both this species and of A. brightwelli. It is par- tially a matter of the age of the egg; but eggs are fre- quently deposited in the most different conditions with regard to this character. There remains the size of the egg and the appearance of the egg coats, both of which are highly characteristic and relatively uniform. The size of the egg is much less, relative to the size of the animal, than is the case in A. brightwelli; but the actual size is larger and exceeds the dimensions given by Rousselet for A. amphora, viz., from about 200» to 225», as con- trasted with his figure, 170». This is surprising, in that, in the case of A. brightwelli, my measurements of the resting egg—170» to 190»—is less than the figure—205p —given by Rousselet. The egg envelopes, which I have studied in an almost indefinite amount of material, grown under very diverse conditions, are the most uniform and at the same time the 548 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI most peculiar feature which I have found in the species. They plainly do not agree with Rousselet’s characteriza- tion of the egg of A. amphora: ‘‘The outer shell en- velope consists of numerous much smaller globular trans- parent cells’’ (smaller than the cells in egg coat of A. brightwelli) ‘‘through which a finely dotted inner mem- brane can be seen.’’ I find that at a certain intermediate stage of development a dotted inner membrane can be seen, the dots being the ends of either tubes or rods making up a thick inner coat; the rapidly devel- oping outer shell, however, soon obscures these dots and the coat assumes at first a wrinkled, then a heavily cor- rugated, surface. The corrugations are so disposed that many of them converge at two opposite poles of the egg. I deem it quite impossible that this characteristic and beautiful structure should have been overlooked by any one studying this species in detail and with the full char- acters which it possesses in the writer’s vicinity. It therefore seems very probable that the type of A. am- phora studied by Rousselet was not identical with that studied by the writer, and it may accordingly prove necessary to eventually separate the form I have studied from the original type of the species, ascribing it varietal rank, based on at least this one character of the egg coats. The systematic predicament in which this would place these beautiful rotifers would indeed be pathetic or intolerable or humorous, according to our attitude toward things systematic. We should have two varieties, separated from each other by a single fixed character only, and one of these varieties would comprise within itself, besides a host of minor variations, three dis- tinct types, each of which differs from its fellow, not only more than do the varieties differ from each other, but more than the whole species, at its nearest point of ap- proach, differs from its closest congeners. | There is not the least known reason why actual facts of genetic relationship should not be as complicated as this, and if they are so we must deal with them systemat- — No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 549 ically in some fashion. It is evident, however, that the species in question and other allied forms should be more intensively studied by workers in other localities before we venture upon the final solution of so intricate a ques- tion. For the present all that needs be said is that the material studied by the writer and designated by the phrases, the saccate, the humped, and the campanulate forms, belongs to the species Asplanchna amphora, as at present constituted; and it seems no less certain that this material is sharply segregated from A. brightwelli, de- spite the exceeding closeness of this latter species to the above mentioned saccate form of A. amphora. A brief résumé of the chief characters of Asplanchna amphora, as here studied, will be of use to rapid workers. It is as follows: Species trimorphie, each of the three forms showing fluctuating vari- ation and occasionally intergradations. Form A, saceate type, produced from resting egg and multiplying by rapid parthenogenesis, through several generations; corona about equal- ing diameter of body or less, nearly cireular in outline, agreeing with the cylindrical body, which rests on side when water is withdrawn; body without humps or with small dorsal hump only; flame cells vary- ing in number from approximately 20 to 40; contractile vesicle large; trophi as in next form, oe smaller—about 95 p to 135 p long. Length of entire sar 500 p to 1,200 p Form B, humped type, PREBE E known as Asplanchna amphora, PEARS from form A by rapid saltation and reproducing chiefly its own type; body conical, strongly flattened dorso-ventrally, with one posterior, one dorsal, and two lateral humps of varying size and habit of carriage; corona oval, agreeing with the flattened body, which causes animal to rest on dorsal or ventral surface when water is withdrawn; flame cells 40 to nearly 60; contractile vesicle small; trophi strong, typically from 150 p to 170 p in length, though varying from 130 » to 200 p, enclosing when closed an area which is not oval but widest in its distal third, with prominent tooth projecting inward seemingly from the inner though really folded over from the outer margin of each ramus, delicate lamellate teeth near the tips and the two rami interlocking when closed by means of one bifid and one pointed tip; accessory jaws, as also in forms A and C, very pid developed. Length of entire animal approximately 1,000 » to 1,800 Form C, campanulate type, originating usually from gums Basa result of cannibalism, and reproducing both its own form and form B; 550 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI body very broadly saceate to broadly campanulate in form, with very heavy walls and musculature, strongly flattened dorso-ventrally, never with humps; corona oval and very broad, its breadth frequently equal- ing the length of the animal; anterior end of animal, within corona, concave instead of convex; flame cells approximately 80, to 115 p; contractile vesicle small. Animal resting when water is withdrawn on dorsal or ventral surface ; trophi very large, typically from 300 p to 340 p in length, enclosing a narrowly oval area; inner teeth relatively less prominent than in preceding types, set at an acute angle with the ramus and more firmly fused with it than in the preceding types; lamellate teeth near tips of rami much developed and meeting, with cutting edges, in middle line; tips of rami not interlocking but shearing past each other when closed. Length of entire animal approximately 1,800 u to 2,500 p. In conclusion, it may be pointed out that the type of variation shown by the rotifer here discussed seems somewhat peculiar, in that it lies seemingly on the line between germinal variation and variation which is com- monly supposed to be somatic. To use recent phraseol- ogy, it is difficult to say whether the types which this spe- cies of Asplanchna produces should be called genotypes or phenotypes.!° They are like genotypes in that when once produced they manifest a marked tendency toward stability, each type reproducing itself through a number or even a multitude of generations after the special con- ditions which favored their origin have ceased to be present. They are to some extent like phenotypes in that this stability is less than that of true species, yielding, though rarely, to degenerating or other modifying con- ditions. * As the proof of this article passes through my hands, one of the above terms—‘ phenotype’ ’—is already a matter of ancient history; while to the study of other rotifers and protozoa—are already known to the writer which harmonize even less than the facts of the present paper vin the rigid conceptions which some set forth with show of finality. No. 549] A CASE OF POLYMORPHISM 551 It is worth noting—though this is in part but restating the last thought in different language—that the varia- tions here described differ from the majority of those re- cently recorded for minor invertebrates ;'' for example, the modifications in Daphnia, Bosmina, and Asplanchna, so carefully observed by Wesenberg-Lund. These latter variations are in the main variations in external form only, and seemed to be pure reactions to external con- ditions, taking place, for example, when the surrounding medium has reached a certain temperature, and again lapsing very soon after the temperature has dropped. Such variations fall naturally under the rubrics of sea- sonal polymorphism, temporal variation, or eyclomorpho- sis. The variations which we have studied in Asplanchna refuse to be thus classified. It is true that the stability of these variants is mark- edly different, being greatest for the humped type and least for the minor saccate form, but a stability that tends strongly to resist external influences is none the less obvious for each. And this seems to the writer to render it highly probable that each of these variations is of germinal origin. If this is the case it is the more striking that this germinal variation 1s itself a variable and elastic quantity, originally initiated by nutritive causes, In one sense only may it be said that these mutational variations do occur in a rhythmic or cyclical fashion, in that, namely, each form may produce a fertilized or rest- ing egg that tends to return to the common starting point. The variations are therefore obviously not transmitted through the resting egg as they are through partheno- genetic ova. It is, however, by no means certain that there is complete community of kind in all the young hatched from resting eggs. Such observations as have already been made seem to show that the progeny of the resting eggs of this species are by no means uniform, 1 Some of the variations recorded in the recent work of Woltereck ap- proach more closely to those here recorded for Asplanchna, 552 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI physiologically or morphologically. Some stocks seem larger than others from the start, and apparently gave rise more readily to the second and third types. It will require much careful experiment to ascertain the cause of . these diversities, and whether a tendency toward the transmission of variations actually lies in the resting egg. If such proves to be the case, light will be immediately thrown upon the farther problem, namely, whether the saltations here described are intimately related to a true species-making process. All in all, it seems that they probably are thus related, especially as the forms pro- duced parallel so closely other types of the genus which are now universally regarded as definite and circum- scribed species. | But are these other types of the genus definite and cir- ‘ cumscribed species, or are they (some of them at least) 7 but semi-independent types, occasionally brought into existence by unusual nutritive conditions and then main- taining for a time only their partial or complete auton- omy? Unfortunately these remaining forms of the genus are not accessible in the writer’s vicinity. But a they would seem well worthy of careful study, both ob- | servational and experimental, where they may be found, and it seems to the writer that such study, sufficiently prolonged, will bring to light a species-making process in rotifers which is somewhat different from any as, yet : demonstrated in the animal kingdom. 3 i It is just possible that these saltational phenomena may be purely local, or at least greatly exaggerated in the genus Asplanchna. The food reactions of this genus are undoubtedly extreme, and the development of their par- thenogenetic ova in close proximity to this spasmodic and very variable nutritive supply may possibly make this genus exceptional. But no fundamental organic phe- _ nomenon is wholly isolated and unlike the phenomena of other species. If nutrition can modify the germ cells in the genus Asplanchna and thus bring into existence new types, nutrition surely must be a factor on a wider scale. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION AN UNUSUAL SYMBIOTIC RELATION BETWEEN A WATER BUG AND A CRAYFISH WRITERS on animal ecology and popular entomology have made us familiar with a remarkable habit of various species of water bugs belonging to the genera Zaitha and Serphus. In these forms it has been established that the female seizes a male and by superior strength and apparently against his will, cov- ers his back with her eggs. These adhere together and to his tegmina to form a dense mass as thick as his own body. Con- verted thus into ‘‘an animated baby carriage” as Howard puts it, the male carries the whole brood about with him until they hatch, providing them with protection and, possibly, improved aeration. It is worthy of note that the habit has been observed in widely separated parts of the world, viz., both coasts of America, Europe, and Japan. The writer has observed a somewhat analogous adaptation in another group of aquatic Hemiptera, the Corixide—a habit that appears to be so extraordinary that he has refrained from de- scribing it until it should have been found to be other than a local instance. Quite by accident he discovered that a similar observation had been made previously by S. A. Forbes" so that it seems rather improbable that the circumstances should be accidental. During the summer of 1910 it was observed that numbers of the crayfish taken from a pond near Columbia, Mo., were covered with the eggs of some insect. When hatched out in aquaria these were found to be a species of waterboatman.? The crayfish were those of a common species of the neighborhood, Cambarus immunis Hagen and both young and old were in- vested with the eggs. In well covered specimens the telson, the legs, the sides of the abdomen, and nearly the whole of the cephalothorax, including the eye stalks, and basal parts of the 1 Forbes, Bull. IU. Mus. of Nat. Hist., I, pp. 4-5, 1876; ibid., AMER. NAT., XII, p. 820, 1878. 2 The species has been described elsewhere (Canad. Entom., XXXI, pp. 113-121, 1912) as Ramphocoriza balanodis n. gen. et sp. and a full account of its metamorphoses given. 553 554 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI antenne, were clothed with a felt-like cloak of tiny eggs each a little less than a millimeter long and imbedded in a small cup which is affixed to the carapace. The cup has been described for other species of Corixide which attach their eggs to stems of water plants and is not to be considered as a special adapta- tion in the present instance. It was found, however, that the carapace was slightly impressed for the reception of each egg cup, as if the affixing of the egg had either softened the chitin somewhat, or had taken place before the hardening subsequent to ecdysis had been completed. In a ‘List of Illinois Crustacea,” under Cambarus immunis, Forbes (l. c.) states that: About one fourth or one half the specimens taken from stagnant ponds in midsummer [in Central Illinois] are more or less completely covered above by the eggs of a species of Corixa, probably C. alternata Say, since this is much the commoner of the two species found in such situations, the other being as yet undescribed. : As the present writer has taken Ramphocoriza in Illinois it is highly probable that it was the ‘‘yet undeseribed’’ species men- tioned by Forbes. The same species of water bug is also found in Texas, so that it is more than likely that the distribution of the insect is coincident with that of the crayfish Cambarus im- munis. Forbes states also that a ‘“‘careful search of the weeds and other submerged objects in the ponds discovered no other place of deposit of these eggs.’’ The writer also can testify to the same point. The waterbug in question is abundant where found, but its distribution is not general and it is not improb- able that it is conditioned by the presence of the crustacean species with which it has undertaken this unusual partnership. All the Corixide are strong flyers and ‘‘swarm’’ at maturity, so that with the general similarity of habitat which exists throughout the Mississippi Valley there is no other reason why Ramphocorica should not be equally as well distributed as some other species of Corixids (e. g., Arctocorisa interrupta Say) found there. nae The insect when mature, measures but 5-54 mm. in length and a very large number of females must simultaneously par- ticipate in the egg laying so to cover an individual crayfish. o count was attempted of the eggs on any one crayfish but the number must often run well up into the hundreds. ; The investiture of eggs commingled with debris certainly — No. 549] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 555 556 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI renders the crayfish less conspicuous and it probably profits by the arrangement in much the same was as do various shore- crabs which are decorated with sponges, alge or ccelenterates. Whether the water bug improves its chances against racial ex- termination by the adoption of such a pugnacious protector it may be too much to assume, but at any rate whatever the util- itarian value of the habit it must be of the same nature as that which obtains in the widely distributed genus, Zaitha. An ob- servation of the manner of egg laying on the crayfish would be of much interest. JAMES F. ABBOTT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY DOUBLE EGGS! UNDER some such caption as the above there have appeared from time to time in zoological literature various accounts of anomalous eggs, chiefly of the common hen. These have nat- urally elicited more or less popular interest, and various expla- nations have been proposed concerning them. While it is no part of the present purpose to review the history of these phe- nomena it may not be amiss to merely call attention to a few of the more striking titles under which they have been described. For example, Barnes (63, ’85) has described cases under the title “Ovum in Ovo”; and Schumacher (96), “Ein Ei im Ei”; Parker (06), ‘Double Hens’ Eggs”; and quite recently Pat- terson (711), “A Double Hen’s Egg,” are typical of numerous titles appearing in the literature. The chief purpose of the notes which follow is to call attention to an earlier paper by the writer (’99) and to describe subsequent facts which have come to his knowledge. The only reason for specially referring to the earlier paper (’99) is that it seems to have been wholly overlooked by later observers of these phenomena, and this is the more strange in that both Parker (706) and Patterson (711), to whom the journal (Zool. Bull. ) was quite familiar and access- ible, make no mention of it. In Fig. 1, which is reproduced from the article just cited, are Shown the essential features of the first case which came to my direct knowledge some time prior to the date of the paper in question. As will be noted this presents a very clear illustra- * Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Syracuse University. No. 549] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 557 tion of that class of egg anomalies known as ‘‘ovum in ovo,” and its simplest interpretation appears to be that originally given to it by Schumacher (’96), namely, that it is the result of a return of the egg up the course of the oviduct by an anti- Fig. L peristalsis of that organ, and then later a descent during which the egg would receive a second deposition of albumen, shell membrane and finally a second shell, giving it just the consti- tution shown in the figure, and described in my paper (p. 228). In Fig. 2 is shown a case which differs in essential respects from the preceding. The egg came to my knowledge through the kindness of my colleague, Dr. C. G. Rogers, in whose father’s. poultry yard it was produced. This egg, as will be observed, was double in a rather unusual way. Here we have as shown from the outside an egg of rather larger size than usual, but other- wise apparently perfectly normal. When broken to be used in the kitchen the anomalous internal condition was revealed. The sketch will make clear in just what this anomaly consisted, 558 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI namely, the inclusion of a miniature egg within the larger and in about the position and relation shown in the figure. A double egg of similar character has been recently described by Patterson (Am. Nar., Jan., ’11), though differing in that the anomaly comprised two fairly large eggs, as shown in his sketch (Fig. 4), while in my own specimen the inner egg was quite minute though otherwise normal. Some further discussion of these cases will appear in a later section of the paper. Fic. 3. Abnormal hen’s egg x io. In Fig. 3 is shown a third anomaly differing from either of the preceeding in a very marked way. The photograph of the specimen, about one half natural size, gives a better impression of the specimen than any verbal account could do. The most striking feature is that of shape, which is rather gourd-like, and was sent to me by the father of Dr. Rogers with the rather facetious suggestion that the contiguity of the poultry lot to the garden, over whose fence hung a squash vine, might afford a clue to an explanation! The egg was laid aside for a time awaiting photography, and when later I opened it for a critical study it was found to have lost so largely by evaporation that an exact account of all its details could not be made. This may be stated, however, that in the larger end of the egg was an ap- parently normal yolk and normal albumen. The smaller end seemed to have had only albumen, though it was yellowish, as if there might have been yolk matter distributed through it. this one can not be certain, and I must leave the matter as doubt- ful. However, I am disposed to submit the general statement given above, namely, that the egg was comprised of about nor- No. 549] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 559 mal parts in the larger end, and the smaller probably having only albumen, its yellowish tint having resulted perhaps from the evaporating process which had taken place. In the matter of explanation or interpretation of these facts I have little to add to what has been presented in the earlier paper or by other observers. Of the literature at my command the paper of Parker (op. cit.) seems to me to present upon the whole the best discussion. And I may add in this connection that Parker’s paper is further valuable in its rather full bibliog- raphy of the subject. As already mentioned in connection with the account of Fig. 1, the true interpretation seems almost cer- tainly that there cited. One has but to apprehend the essential physiological operations involved in the process of the so-called antiperistalsis to perceive just how there would result the strue- tures present in the egg. If it should be queried why such depo- sition might not have taken place on the ascent of the egg by antiperistalsis as well as during the later descent, it may suffice to admit that perhaps it did occur. However, in case the re- turn of the egg up the oviduct took place soon after its original descent the glandular structures would be in a state of exhaus- tion and hence capable of only slight discharge; but in either case, save only the action of the shell gland whose only effect would be to add to the thickness of the original shell, the effect would prove the same, namely, a second layer of albumen, a second shell membrane and finally a second shell just as was the case. Parker’s contention as to the fact of antiperistalsis seems to me conclusive. The facts of normal eggs in the body cavity of hens, cases of which I have known, seem impossible of ex- planation by any other view. The case involved in Fig. 2 is rather more complex, though not so difficult of correlation with known processes as might seem. First, let us direct attention to the minute inner egg. Such miniature eggs are fairly familiar to any one who has much to do with poultry culture or care. They are oftenest found with the first ovulation of young hens, and the writer has known of them from boyhood as pullets’ eggs. They probably represent an early or premature ovulation at the beginning of sexual ac- tivity. The discharge of such minute yolk would involve only comparatively slight stimulus of the uterine glands and hence a meager discharge of albumen, ete., hence the minute size. Ex- cept in matter of size such eggs are usually normal and call for 560 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI small account in themselves. Now in the second place, let us consider what might happen at any time with the discharge of such premature eggs from the ovary. If followed soon by the discharge of a mature egg from the ovary and its normal descent it might well overtake the smaller specimen at some portion of the oviduct and easily include it within the larger mass of al- bumen. This, it seems to me, is probably just what happens in the majority of such eases, possibly in all. I do not overlook the still more anomalous case cited by Herrick (’99), in which the smaller included egg is in the yolk instead of the surrounding albumen. Of this Herrick offers no definite explanation ; indeed, there may be some doubt as to exact facts in this case, the inclu- sion having been found in a cooked egg and details being un- certain. Concerning the specimen of Fig. 3 there is little to be said. Its bizarre shape is remarkable, but here again the element of doubt as to the definite composition of the contents of the smaller end—handle of the squash—render unprofitable any at- tempt to discuss or speculate as to its real significance. Whether there may have been some rupture of the original yolk and the segregation of a portion in one end with the extruded part in the other may be a possible explanation; or whether some mal- formation of the oviduct may have been a disposing cause must remain open questions. Various egg shapes are familiar to those handling large numbers of eggs. I have myself seen many such, though none resembling the one here under consideration. That conditions of confinement, close inbreeding, or other fea- tures of habit or environment may have an influence in such matters are altogether possible. Association with unusual shapes, colors, ete., at certain times may affect domestic animals variously; e. g., witness the very interesting story of Jacob’s spotted cattle (!), still the contiguity of garden and poultry yard referred to above can hardly be considered as a vera causa in this instance! Cuas. W. HARGITT SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LITERATURE CITED Hargitt, Chas. W. Some Interesting Egg Monstrosities. Zool. Bull., Vol. TI, 1899. Herrick, F. H. 1899a. A Case of Egg within Egg. Science, Vol. IX, P- 364; ibid., b. Ovum in Ovo. Am. Nat., Vol. 33, p. 409. Parker, G. E Double Hens’ Eggs. Am ie: Vol. 40, p. 13, 1906. Patterson, J. T. 1911. Aw. Nart., Vol. 45, p. 54. NOTES AND LITERATURE AMERICAN PERMIAN VERTEBRATES! Tus work might have been entitled Some American Permian Vertebrates. It is not a general treatise on the vertebrates found in the Permian of America, but one on a few amphibians and a number of reptiles to which the author has recently been giving his attention. The book is, however, not less valuable because of its limitations. For a number of years Dr. Williston has been making col- lections from the Permian deposits of Texas. He has been studying these collections, as well as the materials secured by Cope and now in the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the collections, now in Yale University, brought together by Marsh. Dr. Williston has found some remarkably well preserved remains and these have been most skillfully pre- pared by his assistant, Mr. Paul Miller; and in this book we have some of the results of their labor. Thanks to Williston, Broili, and Case, our knowledge of the interesting animals of the Permian has been greatly increased. We seem to be justified in believing that during the Permian the principal orders of reptiles took their origin, or at most had not yet diverged far from the parent stem. It is therefore of the highest importance that every scrap of materials be studied that is likely to throw light on these reptiles and their relationships. As it seems necessary for.a reviewer to discover some errors and deficiencies, some fly in the ointment, let this duty be first accomplished. The text is well printed and the text-figures well made and effective. Most of the plates are excellent, especially these made after drawings. Those reproduced from photographs, as Plates XXVI-XXVIII, are useful mainly in showing that the author had a sufficient basis for his line drawings. These Permian fossils are very refractory subjects for photography, being vari- ously mottled and stained. There are, however, methods for 1:1 American Permian Vertebrates,’’ by Samuel W. Williston, professor of paleontology in the University of Chicago. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Pp. 145; 38 plates and 32 text-figures. Price $2.50 net, 2.68 postpaid. $2.68 561 562 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI hiding such stains and giving the objects a uniform color, so that light and shade produced by the varying surfaces need not be interfered with; and it might be well to test these methods on such fossils. he reader, at least this one, can not always determine the exact size of the animals described; for example, that of Seymouria baylorensis. On page 140 we are told that the figures of the plates are of the natural size, unless otherwise stated, wherefore we might conclude that the figure on Plate X XVI is of the size of nature. However, on pages 51 and 52 the figures of the same skull are explained as being one half the natural size, and they are somewhat more than two thirds the size of the skull of Plate XXVI. As the author seems not to state the size of the animal we are left in doubt. The present writer would suggest that the important Plate y ought to have had its figures lettered so as to indicate what names the author intended to apply to the various elements. By digging in the text with sufficient assiduity the unfamiliar stu- dent may, after struggling perhaps with such expressions as ‘‘the real, so-called coracoid”? (p. 57) and ‘‘the so-called true coracoid” (pp. 97, 100), determine to what parts the various terms are to be applied. Inasmuch as Dr. Williston argues that the exact content of the terms Theromorpha and Pelycosauria and the exact relation- ships of the groups can not yet be determined, it would appear better to have retained Pelycosauria for the order which he calls Theromorpha, especially since Case has employed Pelycosauria in his monograph on the group. It is still more difficult to follow Dr. Williston in displacing the well-founded family name — Clepsydropide in favor of Sphenacodontide ; when, according tO is own researches, the genus Sphenacodon, with great prob- ability, does not belong in the same family as Clepsydrops. Having uttered these mild complaints, it is a pleasure to recognize the value of the services rendered to science by Dr. Williston in his descriptions of Limnoscelis paludis, Seymour@ baylorensis, Varanosaurus brevirostris and Casea broilii. These descriptions are based on materials so complete and so abundant that practically the whole osteology of each is known. The re- mains form a marked contrast with those on which Cope was — compelled to found most of his work on the Permian reptiles — and amphibians. No. 549] NOTES AND LITERATURE 563 The genera Limnoscelis and Seymouria belong to the Coty- losauria; Varanosaurus and Casea to the Theromorpha. The types of Limnoscelis paludis are in Yale University, and were collected many years ago in New Mexico for Marsh. One speci- men is a skeleton lacking only the skull, the front feet and a part of one hind foot; the other lacks only parts of the hinder feet. And all these parts are in their natural positions! What more can the paleontologist desire? Doubtless he will regret that the animal had not fallen into some pool of asphalt that had the property of preserving the flesh and internal organs. The prin- es skeleton described by Williston had a length of about 7 fee a genus Seymouria was originally iaa by Broili on two skulls obtained in Texas. Williston secured in 1910 a speci- men of another species of the genus and this specimen had missing only a part of the tail; and he expects yet to secure even this. The bones are all in the closest natural articulation and are neither distorted nor compressed. This reptile was about 2 feet long. Varanosaurus was described by Broili on a skull and part of a skeleton. Williston has secured of another species 25 skeletons, of which 6 or 8 have been recovered in greater or less perfection from the matrix. He figures a mounted skeleton and states that it measures just 44 inches in length. The head is long, narrow and pointed in front. Casea broilii was a reptile about 3 feet in length. Its head is small, short, broad and deep. Williston presents a figure of a restoration composed of three individuals; but he thinks that in his collection there remain other skeletons. Among the pecu- liarities of the reptile are a large parietal foramen and a large infratemporal vacuity. r. Williston presents at length the structural features that belong to the two orders Cotylosauria and Theromorpha. These are very instructive; but when we compare the two sets of characters we find that nearly all of them are either common to the two orders or of no great value. The Cotylosauria, how- ever, possess no temporal vacuities, while the Theromorpha have one on each side. The former are said to have the lachrymal prolonged to the anterior nares; the latter not so. However, the figure, 25, of Varanosaurus represents this bone as reaching the nost 564 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Williston evidently regards the presence of a temporal vacuity as sufficient to justify the separation of Varanosaurus and Casea from the Cotylosauria; and he may be right. His position could not be questioned if it could-be shown that the presence or the absence of this feature indicated the divergence of two phyla; that the one group gave origin to descendants that retained the temporal roof intact, while the other started a line that developed one or two vacuities on each side. However, that proposition can hardly be proved as yet. In Varanosaurus the temporal roof is mostly lacking and there is no lower temporal arch, differing in the latter respect greatly from Casea. Dr. Williston is led to discuss the value of the vacuities and arches in the classification of the reptiles. He recognizes three chief types, perhaps three chief phyla: (1) the Cotylosauria, with unbroken temporal roof; (2) the type in which there are two vacuities and two arches; (3) the single- arched type, in which there is a single vacuity bounded below by the jugal and quadratojugal. He thinks that there may be a fourth type, that in which a vacuity is bounded below by the postorbital and the squamosal. He is, however, unable to see the distinction between the two types with a single vacuity, and is inclined to believe that all single-arched reptiles have arisen from asingle type. The present writer is unable to understand clearly the position taken. . l Inasmuch as the temporal roof is primitively, as in the Coty- losauria, complete and composed of two series of bones, it is ae vacuities which developed in them that are the important matters to consider. It seems to the writer that a single vacuity may have originated in five different ways: 1l. By the development of the upper vacuity alone. 2. By the development of the lower one alone. 3. By the appearance and extension of a vacuity in the postorbito-squamosal arch. 4. By the gradual reduction of the postorbito-squamosal bar, allowing the upper and the lower vacuities to unite. 5. By the reduction of the lower arch, leaving only the upper vacuity. The matter may be further complicated by changes in ee temporal roof such as are found in some of the turtles: (1) Its lower border may be eaten away, resulting finally in a condition such as appears to exist in Varanosaurus ; (2) the hinder border | No. 549] NOTES AND LITERATURE 565 and upper part of the roof may by degrees disappear until there is left only a narrow lower arch; and even this may waste away. Among the turtles the modifications in the temporal roof, numer- ous and extreme as they are, are not regarded as of great im- portance. It may be different, however, among the other reptiles. If so, then, as it appears to the writer, there might be five phyla of reptiles possessing in the temporal roof a single vacuity. It is to be hoped that Dr. Williston’s researches will lead to a solution of the difficult problem involved in the higher classification of the reptiles. O: P: Hay U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM FEDERLEY’S BREEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH THE MOTH PYGÆRA INTERESTING results have recently been obtained by Federley* by breeding moths of the Notodontid genus Pygæra. Three common European species furnished the material—P. curtula, P. pigra and P. anachoreta. The hybrids were not all equally easy to obtain. Numerous matings involving P. anastomosis were made, but no offspring were obtained. Anachoreta males show little inclination to pair with curtula females, but when such pairing occurs nearly all the eggs start developing, yet only a few reach the adult stage. On the other hand, the reciprocal mating (curtula male to anachoreta female) is easily accomplished, but produces only about 30 per cent. fertilized eggs. Of these most of the males and some of the females reach the adult stage. Thus it appears that ‘‘Paarungsaffinität”’ (tendency to mate), ‘‘sexuelle Affini- tät” (tendency toward fertilization) and ‘‘physiologische Affin- ität (tendency to produce fertile offspring) are independent. One great difficulty met with was that the adult F, hybrids were very sterile. Only a single F, moth was raised, and only a few from the various back crosses (F, by P,). One of the characteristics of the species anachoreta is the presence of a white spot on the first abdominal segment of the caterpillar. In one of Federley’s races of pure anachoreta there appeared, in the same brood, two caterpillars lacking the *Arch. Rass.- u. Gesellsch.-Biol., 8, 281, 1911. Reviewed also by M. Daiber, Zts. ind. Abstamm.- u. Vererb.-Lehre., 6, 90, 1911. 566 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI spot. The mutation proved to be an ordinary Mendelian reées- sive. This spot is absent normally in curtula, and in crosses between anachoreta and curtula it does not appear in F,, or at least is never of the full size. Its behavior in this hybrid is somewhat complicated, and more data will probably be re- quired in order to explain it. But Federley’s assumption of imperfect dominance of the same gene which behaves as a com- plete dominant in the anachoreta mutant seems hardly. justifi- able. The fact that the character behaves in the mutant as though due to a single factor does not mean that it must. al- ways so behave. It may depend upon the simultaneous pres- ence or absence of several genes. If in the ‘‘spotless’’ mutant one of the required genes has dropped out, then the addition of that one to the complex will give the spot, and a case of Men- delian monohybridism will result. But curtula may be ‘‘spot- less’’ because it lacks some other part of the required combina- tion, in which case the behavior might be quite different from that in the case of the mutant. When curtula and pigra were crossed, some of the F, imagos emerged after a pupal stage of about two weeks, while the. rest hibernated as pupe. The moths resulting from the two lots were quite different, the first (summer generation) being more similar to curtula, the second (spring generation) more like pigra. That this difference is not due to the effects of temper- ature is indicated by an F, moth reared from eggs laid by an individual of the summer generation. This moth hibernated in the pupal stage, yet resembled the summer generation. Fur- thermore, low temperature experiments on these curtula-pigra hybrids and upon curtula-anachoreta hybrids gave entirely neg- ative results. Several facts bearing on this problem are given. Seasonal dimorphism is never a well-marked phenomenon in- Pygera, and does not seem to occur at all in the three species — dealt with by Federley. From pigra he was unable to rear a summer generation. In the case of curtula, the Finnish races — father. From the reciprocal cross only males were reared. These also resembled anachoreta. However, Standfuss reared both — No. 549] NOTES AND LITERATURE ` 567. sexes but does not mention any dimorphism. Federley seems un- decided as to whether this is a case of ‘‘spurious allelomor- phism’’ (i. e., sex-linkage) or a reversal of dominance due to a difference in sex (similar to the case of horns in sheep). But if, as he is inclined to suppose, Standfuss really got no dimor- phism in his reciprocal cross, then this can not be a case of re- versal of dominance, since if it were, reciprocal crosses would give the same results. It seems more probable that there is here a case of true sex-linked inheritance, the female being heterozygous for sex, as in Abraxas. Just what character is caused by the sex-linked gene is difficult to discover from Fed- erley’s account, but since this gene must be carried by anacho- reta, let it be represented by A. The following formule, “which I would suggest, in which MM denotes a male, Mm a female,* will then explain Federley’s results: curtula g — aM aM anachoreta g AM am aM Pr per similar to anachoreta. M am — Ẹ similar to curtula. anachoreta ĝ— AM AM curtula r aM am AM oM — —d similar to anachoreta. AM am — Q similar to anachoreta. The following back crosses were made: curtula 9 — aM am AM aM —o similar to anachoreta. aM aM — ¢ similar to curtula. AM am — Q similar to anachoreta. aM am — 9 similar to curtula. This last mating produced only three males, which were very like the F, males. The next cross, and the expectation on the hypothesis of sex-linkage, is: anachoreta 9— AM am AM AM) _ dé similar to anachoreta. aM AM AM am — Q similar to anachoreta. aM am — Q similar to curtula. I have given my reasons for adopting this sex formula for birds and estan in another paper (Jour. Exp. Zool., 12, 499, 1912). 568 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XU All the males from this cross were again similar to anachoreta, and there was apparently a fair number of them raised. All the females belonged to the anachoreta type, but they are said _ to have been few in number. Thus, although the classes are not all filled, because of the small numbers obtained, the results of the back crosses are in agreement with the hypothesis that we have here a case of sex- linkage of the Abraras type. One interesting point is that in the cross of curtula male by anachoreta female, from which ‘‘hundreds’’ of females were raised, there occurred a single female resembling the males. This furnishes another case of partial sex-linkage, in addition to the one reported by Bateson and Punnett? and the others which I have analyzed in another paper.* In practically all of Federley’s cases the offspring of back crosses strongly resembled the hybrid parents, but he explains this as probably due largely to the great mortality of the caterpillars. In only a few cases were more than three or four. offspring reared from such crosses. In two such back crosses : there appeared caterpillars which had entirely new colors, pre- sumably due to recombination, but unfortunately none of these — survived until the imaginal stage. A. H. STURTEVANT — * Jour, Genet., 1, 293, 1911. * Jour. Exp. Zool, 12, 499, 1912. VOL. XLVI, NO. 550 OCTOBER, 1912 THE .MERICA NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL 7 Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences with Special Reference to the Factors of Evolution = en ER ee ES cea pike The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison- on-Hudson, New York. Articles containing research work bearing on the problems of organic evolu- tion ma AaS welcome, and will be given sroteeeaee in publication. rea reprints of contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Fo ants will be supplied at cost Subscriptions and a dvertisements should be sent to the lp ye The subscription price is raii Pov ae ear. Foreign pantser ay s fifty e cents additional. The c = for single copies is forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. S _ NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 : E ter, April 2, 1908, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. 5 Anor . FOR SA TENTH EDITION. : IC, ICELAND d GREENLAND | BIRDS" SKINS, THE MICROSCOPE, an introduction to Microscopic Methods and to Histologn, Weil Prepared Low Prices by Son Haney GAGE, 2E, of Cornell f r e in bhis new : Particulars of ry tally evel oicion. aoe se oo a G DINESEN, Bird Col CO., Ithaes, N Y = Husavik, North Icelana, Via Leidie, England COMSTOCK PF UBLISHING CO.» : oohives of Psychology RECENT NUMBERS © 19. An Empirical Study of € or Gortain Tests s e T ; and Intens; : Pp. 39. Scents oloti pason ai gi = BrE on ga si s THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLVI October, 1912 No. 550 GAMETIC COUPLING AS A CAUSE OF CORRELATIONS G. N. COLLINS Bureau or Puant Inpustry, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE \ Waen two distinct characters consistently occur to- gether in the offspring of a hybrid, the phenomenon is termed in Mendelian parlance ‘‘gametic coupling.’’ If the characters sometimes occur independently, but appear together more frequently than they should by chance, the term ‘‘partial gametic coupling’’ is applied. If the char- acters occur together less frequently than is to be ex- pected, the condition is termed ‘‘repulsion,”’ while if they never occur together in the same individual it is called ‘‘spurious allelomorphism.”’ . In mathematical language, characters that show par- tial gametie coupling are said to be ‘‘positively corre- lated,’ those that show repulsion, ‘‘ negatively corre- lated.” If they always occur together in the same indi- vidual, the correlation is said to be ‘‘perfect’’ or ‘‘com- plete,’’ while if they never occur together the negative correlation is perfect. When characters that show a positive correlation or partial gametic coupling are derived from the same parent, they are termed ‘‘coherent’’ by Cook (1909, p. 16). Many of the examples of partial gametic coupling formerly reported in Mendelian literature were probably of this nature, but with the attention foeused on the idea that all cl ters were independent units, the possibility of such coherence was not considered, and it is sometimes 569 570 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI not to be determined from the data presented whether the correlated characters were derived from the same or different parents. This phenomenon of coherence, which appears to most field naturalists and practical breeders as a well-known fact, strikes the followers of Mendel as a novel idea, to judge from the following (Bateson & Pun- nett, 1911, p. 6): The fact, however, that the mode in which factors are combined in the original parents ean influence the distribution of the factors among gametes of F, introduces a new conception into genetic phys- iology. The difficulty of ‘‘breaking up” combinations of char- acters has so long been a stumbling block to breeders that to them the conception can hardly be considered new. The suggestion that the number of individuals in which two characters are combined bears a definite relation to the number in which they occur singly is without doubt a direct outgrowth of Mendelian investigations and meth- ods of thought. Perhaps this latest application of mechanical conceptions to biology may stimulate research as did Mendel’s original discovery. On the other hand, — there are many who think that the application of Mende- lian formule has already been pursued to an absurd point by the factoring and subfactoring of characters and the assumption of intensifying and inhibiting determ1- nants. Those not already abreast of Mendelian literature ~ are not likely to be impressed with the further refinement that aims to devise formule for expressing gametie relations between two of these already complicated Men- delian systems. a In considering the relation between two Mendelian characters four possible combinations are involv hus, if A and B be taken to represent the appearance 0! the two characters, and a and b their non-appearance, these four combinations would be expressed as follows: AB, Ab, aB, and ab. The theory of gametic coupling assumes that an attraction or other unknown relation exists between the determinants of the two characters, No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 571 which results in their occurring together in gametes more frequently than they occur separately. `` There appears to have been a preconceived idea that the ratio between the number of gametes in which the determinants for two characters occurred together and the number in which they were separated would be either as 3:1, or 7:1, or 15:1, ratios that are common in Mende- lian inheritance of single characters. The reason for this expectation is not apparent. The persistence with which it is sought to utilize the numbers 4, 8, 16, etc., representing powers of 2, in the interpretation of correlations reminds one of the argu- ments used at the dawn of science to bring all natural phenomena into some relation with the numbers 4 and a Galileo’s suggestion that there were more than seven planets was answered by Lizzi: There are seven windows in the head, two nostrils, two eyes, two ears, and a mouth, so in the heavens are there two favorable stars, two unpropitious, two luminaries, and Mereury alone undecided and in- different. From which and many other similar phenomena of nature, such as the seven metals, ete., which it were tedious to enumerate, we gather that the number of planets is necessarily seven. (Snyder, 1907, p. 203.) The levity of the comparison disappears when one seeks a reason for assuming that the number of gametes in which *the characters occur together will be to the number of gametes in which they occur apart as 7:1 or 15:1 or 31:1, etc., and not some intermediate proportion. ~ In the following pages an attempt is made to review briefly the experiments: which have been advanced as proof that the various degrees of correlation fall into this definite series. The first attempt to refer the correlation of characters to definite differences in the gametes was made by Bate- son, Saunders, and Punnett (1906, p. 9) in explaining observed correlations between purple flower color and long pollen grains in hybrid sweet peas. . A close approach to the Observed F, numbers would be given 572 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI by a system in which each 16 gametes were composed, thus: TAB + laB + 14b + Tab, where A is long pollen and a round pollen. Purple Red | White Long | Round | Long | Round | Long | Round Observed ...... tee 18 | 7 381 | 1,199 | 394 Calculated ..... 1,448.5 | 122.7 | 122.7 | 401.5 | 1,220.5 | 407.4 The numbers under ‘‘White’’ may be disregarded in this connection since the distribution of long and round pollen grains in this group shows a close approach to the normal 3:1 ratio. Some of the numbers in the ‘‘observed’’ series are above and some below the corresponding numbers of the ‘“ caleulated’’ series. That the calculated series approx- imates the observed series is obvious, but there is no way of determining the degree of this approximation. No method has been proposed for making definite compari- sons between such series of numbers. Without some standard of comparison it is difficult to see that anything is gained by resorting to gametic formule to represent the degrees of association between characters. A customary and direct method of comparing the de- grees of relationsbip that exists between any two charac- oie is to compute the coefficient of correlation or Yule’s ‘‘coefficient of association.’’ In the following discussion Yule’s ‘‘coefficient of asso- ciation”? (1900) is used. By this method the complete — independence of two character pairs is represented by 0, complete association by 1. Intermediate degrees of re- lationship are expressed by the intermediate decimals. — If the four classes of individuals are represented g a; b, c and d, the coefficient of association is (a xX d)—(bXc) (axd t Oxo) Since this coefficient can be computed directly from the observed numbers the predication of gametic formule af a means of expressing degrees of association of charac: : ters becomes unnecessary. No. 550] . GAMETIC COUPLING 573 With relationships expressed as coefficients of asso- ciation, probable errors can be calculated. Thus it be- comes possible to determine whether the approximations between observed ratios and those calculated from the different gametic formule are closer than would result from chance.' The difficulty of securing a 7:1 distribution by dichot- omous cell division was appreciated by Bateson and his collaborators in the example first cited. The possibility that the coupling was in an 8:1 ratio was also suggested and kept in mind for a time until a grouping that approx- imated that resulting from a gametic coupling of a 15:1 ratio was obtained. Regarding the choice between the 7:1 and 8:1 ratios to explain the numbers observed in the first experiment, the authors remarked (Bateson, Saunders and Punnett, 1908, p. 3): . we are still unable to decide finally between them. But this indecision was apparently overcome in a subse- quent paragraph on the same page. After citing two examples that were referred to a 15:1 ratio, the theory that the couplings follow a definite series was launched in the following statement: The undoubted existence of these two grades of gametie coupling in the Sweet Pea suggests that each may find its place in a scheme of increasing intensity of gametie coupling, such as is shown in the accompanying table, where the two allelomorphie pairs are represented by Aa and Bb: 1 Heron has pointed out (1911, p. 109) that the results secured by Yule’s formula for the ‘coefficient of association’? do not approximate the true coefficient of correlation, except where the two divisions are near the mean of the entire population. This condition is not met, of course, by characters that oceur in one fourth and three fourths of all the individuals. But since the present discussion is confined to examples that approximate the form 3n? — (2n — 1) :2n —1:2n— 1:n?— (2n— 1), where 2n = the number in the gametie series, they afford a regular sequence and, though the actual values are somewhat arbitrary, they should not be misleading as a means of comparing the degrees of relationship represented by the different gametic formule. Thus if the classes observed in an experiment show the same coefficient of association as the classes calculated from some particular gametic ratio, the two series will also give the same coefficient of correla- tion, though the actual values may differ. 574 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI pameni oo Zygotes yrs mag | peee AB ab Aand B ADA. B oT A nor 1: 7. cy i 4 9 3 3 hy z> | ariel: = B 41 : 7 To s 9 = Tii- T16 177 eb ip : 49 == S ei si: D-3 737 See S 3 Si 22 024 m—1:1:1:n—l=2n 3n?—(2n—1) : ma. 2n—1 : n?—(2n—1)=—4n? The first term in the series is a simple case of dihybridism in nied no coupling exists. The second term we have not yet encountered. But we have an ample series of experimental data which satisfy the third term; and the experimental evidence for the existence of the fourth term rests upon two independent cases. To facilitate the use of the coefficient of association as a means of determining what gametic ratio most closely approximates observed ratios, Table I has been pre- pared. This table shows a series of gametic ratios in which the less frequent combinations are taken as 1, and the resulting zygotic series, with the number of indi- viduals that would occur in each of the four classes, fol- — lowed by the coefficient of association, calculated from the numbers in the zygotic series. The ratios in heavy type are those representing the powers of two to which correlations have been referred under the theory of — gametic coupling. TABLE I RATIOS OF GAMETIC COUPLING Coefficient of : nes Series Zygotic Berkes Association 123.449 0:3 :8:4 0 oiii oe Eo 558 auS i154 +3 41:7:7: “ 766 “a a 66:9:9:1 858 O45 145 97 oe 905 Gt st G 134 : 13 : 13 : 36 .932 7 1 i:? 177 : 15 : 15 : 49 -949 S-1 11.8 226 : 17:17: 64 961 9- 1:1:9 281 : 19 : 19 : 81 969 12s 10 342 : 21 : 21 : 100 975 coe re ee 409 : 23 : 23 : 121 979 B:1i:1i- p 482 : 25 : 25 : 144 982 13:1:1: 13 561 : 27 : 27 : 169 .985 M:i: 1: i 646 : 29 : 29 : 196 .987 w:1:1i: B Tal * S1 : 931 : 95 . 16 :1:1: 16 834 : 33 : 33 : 256 990 pS eee ry : 68 : 68 : 961 : S:1:1:6 12,161 : 127 : 127 : 3,969 -9993 197: i:i- : 255 : 255 : 16,129 9998 No.550] GAMETIC COUPLING 575 Returning to the consideration of the original example of gametic coupling in the sweet peas, the coefficient of association, .958 + .004, is seen to be intermediate be- tween that resulting from a 7:1 and an 8:1 ratio. Notwithstanding the fact that the figures correspond somewhat more closely with an 8:1 than they do with a 7:1 ratio, an evident preference for numbers that are powers of 2 is shown when the possibility of an 8:1 ratio is discussed. Instead of saying that 18 gametes are con- cerned, the number is spoken of as 16+ 2, and the fact that a ratio of 15:2 would give almost exactly the ob- served association is not even considered. The next example of gametic coupling to be reported was in the same series of crosses (Bateson, Saunders and Punnett, 1908, p. 11), where the progeny of four individuals showed the following grouping: 296:19:27: 85. This is referred by the authors to the theoretical 7: 1 ratio, though it shows almost the same association as an 8:1 ratio, that is, .960. The probable error, .008, would indicate, however, that with this number of indi- viduals such a deviation might easily be due to chance. The numbers are, therefore, too small to afford evidence affecting the choice between a 7:1 and an 8:1 formula. From the progeny of one of these four individuals consisting of 111 plants and showing an association of .914, 10 individuals showing both dominant characters were selected and propagated. The progeny of the 10 plants taken together gave the following grouping: 493: 25:25:138. This grouping is considered only in con- nection with the 7:1 and 15:1 distribution, though the association .982+ .004 would indicate that a gametic series of 12:1 would most closely fit the numbers. The deviation from the 7:1 ratio is 9 times the probable error, and from the 15:1 ratio, about twice the probable error. With respect to the characters considered separately, the classes secured from each of the 10 individuals showed a remarkable conformity to the expected 3:1 576 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI ratio. In the degree of association between the char- acters, however, no such uniformity was exhibited. Leaving out of consideration two families represented by only a few individuals, the coefficient of association varies from .910 to .990. In terms of gametic coupling this shows a range from 6:1 to 16:1, and since the series as a whole accords with a 12:1 ratio it is not apparent why only 7:1 and 15:1 ratios are considered. : Individuals were again selected from two of the fam- ilies which showed the highest correlation, and grown the following season. The progeny from the first family behaved irregularly and the presence of some disturb- ing process was suspected, though the deviations with respect to the individual character pairs were less than the probable error. The second family gave individuals with the follow- ing grouping (Bateson, Saunders and Punnett, p. 12): 983:26:24:170 (association .987 + .0026). Of this it is said: It is obvious that the numbers in this group of families accord very closely with the figures expected on a 15 : 1 : 1 : 15 basis, and the view that this is the system actually followed receives confirmation from the distribution of the pollen and color characters in F, families from the Bush X Cupid crosses where the following figures were ob- tained: 131:6:5:42. (Association .989 = .005.) Here again when it is said that the figures ‘‘ accord very closely,’’ it can only be meant that they accord closely with one of the formule in the hypothetical series as compared with other members of the series. The numbers are, of course, inadequate to afford evidence as to whether the observed figures accord more closely to those resulting from a 15:1 combination than they do, for example, to a 16:1 or a 14:1, yet the results are taken to support the original assumption that the group- Ings are in powers of two. The examples of gametic coupling thus far reported — are summarized by Bateson and Punnett as follows (1911, p. 5): No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 577 . No ease yet known. Sweet Pea. Blue factor and long pollen. Primula sinensis. Magenta color and short style. Sweet Pea. Fertile anthers and dark axils. No ease yet known. . Pisum. Development of tendrils and round seed. . Sweet Pea. Blue factor and erect standard. Oo Ge m Go + Or sy =) GO Tea Sep E n bo As we have seen, the first example is closer to an 8:1 ratio. The second example is apparently based on an experiment comprising 47 individuals (Gregory, 1911, p. 12). The classes were 33:3:1:10, and the author states, .. the partial coupling observed is almost entirely certainly of the for T 1:1 The reason for this assurance is not apparent since the grouping is really nearer to that resulting from a 15:1 ratio. The probable error, .015, is so large, however, that it would be impossible to determine the grade of coupling closer than to say that it probably falls some- where between 8:1 and 31:1. The third example referred to the 15:1 ratio appears to be based on 885 individuals showing an association of .993 + .0017, indicating a coupling of about 20:1, the deviation from the 15:1 association being 2.9 times the probable error. With respect to the examples where the association is closer, none of the reported experiments have been con- ducted on a sufficient scale to determine whether the gametic ratios that are multiples of two are approxi- mated more closely than other ratios. One of the most exact approximations thus far reported is that of Vil- morin and Bateson (1911, p. 10) where the numbers 319: 4:3:123 (association .9994+.0003) were obtained. This is certainly a close approximation to the figures that would result from a gametic coupling of 63: 1:1: 63, which for this number of individuals would be 333.27: 3.48:3.48:108.77. Yet the observed numbers can be still more closely approximated by assuming that the coup- 578 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI ling was in the proportion of 75:1, which would give the figures 334.57 : 2.98 : 2.98 : 109.47. The observed numbers are somewhat closer to the 63:1 than to the 127:1, the proportion next above in the proposed series. But why avoid the intermediates? It should be kept in mind that the series was built up- in the first place, not because the observed numbers agreed with some member of this series more closely than was to be expected by the laws of chance, but ap- parently for a priori reasons, because the numbers in this series were in accord with the Mendelian ratios for the appearance of single characters which represent = | powers of 2. oe When the correlation is as high as in the above ex- — ample it would require, not hundreds of individuals, but J tens of thousands to prove that the observed numbers a9 were in accord with those resulting from any particular gametic ratio. In the experiment referred to the 61:1 ratio, there are two classes represented by 4 and 2 in- dividuals, respectively. A change of two or three in- dividuals in each of these classes would cause the array to correspond as closely with a 31:1 or 127:1 ratio as it now does with the 63:1. In the very nature of things any observed association must fall nearer to some one of the calculated ratios than to any other, yet in the discussion of these experi- ments this seems not to have been appreciated. The data would have supported in the same way any other choice of preferred ratios. | COHERENT CHARACTERS In Hysrips or CurnesE MAIZE Beginning in 1908, experiments have been conducted with a variety of maize secured from China. The endo- sperm of this Chinese variety is of a peculiar waxy tex- ture, a character thus far not reported in any other variety. There are two strains of the Chinese variety, Onè white, the other with colored aleurone. In a series of No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 579 hybrids between Chinese and American varieties made by Mr. J. H. Kempton and the author, the waxy char- acter was found to be definitely recessive in the first gen- eration. In the second generation the character reap- pears apparently unchanged in slightly less than 25 per cent. of the individual seeds. Crosses between white Chinese and colored American, and colored Chinese and white American showed a pro- nounced coherence between the texture of the endosperm and the color of the aleurone layer. Results of the first season’s work in this field were reported at the International Conference of Genetics in Paris, 1911. At that time no attempt was made to de- termine the gametic ratios necessary to account for the observed correlations. In these crosses the characters segregate with defi- nitely alternative expression, but the classes seldom show simple Mendelian ratios. In only one cross were two of the four classes even approximately equal. In the results of the next season’s work there were five additional ears sufficiently near the 3:1 ratio in both characters to be considered from the standpoint of gam- etic coupling. The data derived from these five ears, and from the one of the previous season, are shown in Table IT. TABLE IT 7 re armena manaa panan Shs SAART ig ve v e Ear | No. |Colored|Colored| White | White| Coefficient of | Deviation from|_ Deviation 1 No. gai Ros Waxy Horny kasd Association Tenn k iiia 152 | 183| 112| 20 | 22 | .761 =.049 w t ow 301 | 579| 372| 62 | 63 | 82 | .773«.020 .007 0.24 302 | 536 343 | 52 | 53 | 88| .833+.024 067 2.79 627, 409| 57 | 62 | 99 | .839+.021 073 3.48 325 | 650, 434| 55 | 61 |100 | .856+.019 .090 4.74 380 | 161| 104| 17 | 18 22 | .764+.058 .002 0.03 “Total 2736) 1774 | 263 | 279 |420| 8215011 | 055 | 500 The ratios obtained in these six cases might be hailed as a prediction fulfilled, since in every case the numbers approximated those that would result from a 3:1:1:3 ratio, which has remained a gap in the theoretical series. 580 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou.XLVE In three of the six ears the deviation from the cor- relation resulting from a 3:1 ratio is less than the prob- able error. The deviation for the total is less than three times the probable error, and might readily be only a chance deviation. In two of the ears, however (Nos. 303 and 325), the deviations are rather large to be ascribed to chance. In view of the fact that previously reported experi- ments fail to show an equally close approximation to other members of the proposed series, there is no ade- quate reason for assuming that the present approxima- tion to the numbers of a 3:1 ratio belongs to a series of © formule represented by the powers of 2. That no such regularity exists in the interrelation of different char- acter pairs is more definitely demonstrated by the ex- periments described below. These results indicate that the association of characters may be determined after the conjugation of the gametes. . COHERENCE oF CHARACTERS NOT ALWAYS THE RESULT OF Gametic DIFFERENCES a If correlations are in all cases due to gametic differ- ences, there should be no correlations exhibited in a cross with a Mendelian formula Aabb XaabB. In our- experiments with corn this would be represented by a cross between colored-waxy and white-horny, where the first is heterozygous in aleurone color and the second | heterozygous in endosperm texture. The colored aleu- of the gametes should bear the white character, and those of the male parent the waxy character. The = No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 581 nificance of crosses of this nature was not realized at the time pollinations were being made, and but 5 ears of this kind were secured. In two of these ears there is a significant correlation. The classes exhibited in the five ears are shown in Table III. TABLE III Ear No. Gant Pha White | White Colored Colored | Coefficient of No. Seed | White Waxy Waxy | Horny Waxy Horny Association 472 | 505 | 30.1 | 464 | 91 | 61 143 210 | .873+.057 471 | 368 | 48. | 480 | 109 | 68 70 121 | 47 *.056 314 | 283 | 44.5 | 52.7| 65 | 61 84 73 | —.038+.081 272 | 395 | 61.2 | 47.1 | 122 | 120 64 89 | .171+.068 256 | 141 | 468 | 489 | 27 | 39 42 33 | —.295 =.105 The two ears in which the correlation appears sig- nificant (Nos. 471 and 472) have a common ancestry, different from that of the other ears. The history of these ears is as follows: In 1908 a plant of a white Mex- ican variety was pollinated by a Hopi variety with col- ored aleurone, producing a pure white ear, Mh19. In 1909 a plant from Mh19 was pollinated by white Chinese, the variety possessing the waxy endosperm. The result- ing ear Dh14 had white and colored seed inthe proportion of 2 white to 1 colored, with no trace of the waxy endo- sperm. In 1910 a plant from a colored seed of Dh14 was self-pollinated, producing an ear Dh142L2 with the fol- lowing classes: white-waxy 99, white-horny 89, colored waxy 51, colored horny 348. This represents an associa- tion between colored and horny of .767, almost exactly that expected on a coupling ratio of 3:1, but it will be 582 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLVI noticed that the two middle classes are not equal. In 1911 two plants grown from white horny seeds of Dh142L2 were pollinated by a plant from a colored waxy seed of the same ear, producing the two ears, Nos. 471 and 472. The pedigree of these two ears is graphically shown in Diagram 1. The plants which bore ear 472 bore also a second ear which was self-pollinated. Contrary to expectation, this ear showed slight traces of aleurone color. That there was a tendency to produce aleurone color in this extracted recessive is also indicated by the low percen- tage of the total white seeds in ear 472, which is 30 in- stead of 50. With ear 471 there is every indication that one of the parents was homozygous with respect to the recessive color character and the other with respect to the texture of the endosperm. A self-pollinated second ear from the plant that produced ear 471 had 24 horny seeds and 5 waxy, all of them white. A self-pollinated ear was also secured from the plant which was the male parent of both 471 and 472. This ear had 31 white seeds and 128 colored, all of them waxy. The total percentage of white seeds in ear No. 471 was 48, a close approximation to the expected 50. , The nature of this experiment seems to preclude the application of the theory of gametie coupling which — would explain correlations by assuming attractions Or — repulsions between the character determinants in the gametes. While attractions which might cause some combinations to be represented by larger numbers of gametes would disturb the Mendelian ratios, they could not produce the effect of correlation or coherence of characters. o Thus the female parent might produce more gametes bearing white and waxy than it did colored and waxy, m there might be a greater fatality among the colored waxy gametes. Any such disparity in the classes of the gametes would result in more than 50 per cent. of No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 583. the zygotes showing the recessive characters, but even so, there would be no correlation. On the presence and absence hypothesis, a positive correlation between two dominant characters like aleu- rone color and horny texture must be considered a dif- ferent phenomenon from a positive correlation between color and waxy texture (Bateson, 1909, pp. 151, 158). The first case has to be looked upon as an example of at- traction, the second of repulsion. This appears an un- necessary complication, as Emerson (1911, p. 79) has pointed out. The significant fact would seem to be that both cases may be considered as examples of coherence. Appreciation of the fact that many of the cases of gametic coupling are examples of coherence makes any assumed regularity in the degree of correlation still more absurd. But in spite of cases of coherence that result in reversal of correlation, the idea that the char- acters are represented by material particles that remain unchanged by association in the zygote continues to be held. To preserve the conception of pure unit charac- ters, theories of positional relations of unit characters- are now being proposed. Simple Mendelian ratios can also be explained by positional relations of character de- terminants as well as by theories of alternative trans- mission (Swingle, 1898; Cook, 1907, p. 353), and this view has the advantage that it can accommodate facts which indicate a complete transmission of characters. A theory to explain how positional relations of de- terminants in the chromosomes may be responsible for the phenomenon of coherence has been proposed by Morgan (1911). The suggestion is that coupled or pos- itively correlated characters may lie close together in the chromosome and that in the conjugate generation pairs of chromosomes are twisted around each other. If, as claimed, the chromosome pairs split in a single plane, characters which lie close together in the original chromosomes would seldom be separated, while char- acters remote from each other in the chromosome would stand an even chance of being separated. 584 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLVI If the position of the various determinants in the chromosomes is definite, only slight variations in the de- gree of association among hybrids between the same parental strains would be expected, but there would be no reason to expect that the different degrees of correla- tion should fall into a definite series. SELECTIVE PoLLINATION From the standpoint of complete segregation or alter- native inheritance of characters there remains the pos- sibility of correlations being the result of selective pol- lination. It is conceivable that the ovules which bear one of the segregating characters are more readily fer- tilized by pollen bearing another character with which it was associated in the parent. As applied to our own experiments, ovules which are potentially waxy might be more readily fertilized by pollen which is potentially white. If correlations are the result of selective pollination, no correlation should be shown as the result of crossing an individual that is heterozygous with respect to both of the character pairs with an individual showing both of the recessive characters, for in such a cross the gam- etes of one parent would be all of one kind. In our own experiments, crosses between plants from hybrid seed showing horny endosperm and colored aleurone (both dominant characters) with plants from white waxy seeds (both recessive characters) should throw light on this point. If the correlations result from numerical inequalities - in the classes of the gametes, the seed classes resulting from such a cross as that described above should be the © Same as the gametic classes produced by the heteroZy— gous parent. Thus, if the seed classes in a self-pollin- ated ear correspond to those expected from a 3:1 ratio, : the same plant when crossed with a plant showing both ; recessive characters should show classes in the ratio, — 3 white-waxy, 1 white-horny, 1 colored-waxy, and 3 col No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 585 ored-horny. On the other hand, if the correlations re- sult from selective pollination, no correlation should ap- pear in such a cross since the pollen is all of one kind. Ears that represent crosses of this kind are described in Table IV. It will be seen that in all of the seven ears there is a significant correlation. TABLE IV Colored | Colored White Whit Coefficient of Ear No. No. Beeds H nt Waxy Horny Waxy Association 144 600 125 40 232 203 464 + .054 250 245 19 74 104 48 —.788 + .04 251 377 52 29 138 158 B45 + .077 390 458 115 35 94 214 764+. 391 231 65 10 49 107 868 = .032 392 316 84 16 68 148 840 = .051 401 518 3 29 263 223 —.839 +.061 It is interesting to note that in two ears, Nos. 250 and 401, while the correlation is relatively high, it is reversed; i. e., the positive correlation is between colored aleurone and waxy endosperm instead of between colored aleurone and horny endosperm as was the case in the original F, ears. Whether the correlation is positive or negative does not affect. its use as evidence in eliminating the pos- sibility of selective pollination, so long as the correlation is significant. From the standpoint of the presence and absence hypothesis, the coupling or attraction has given place to a repulsion. The results shown in Tables III and IV indicate that the association of different characters may be deter- mined at different stages in the ontogeny of the indi- vidual, much as the appearance or non-appearance of a simple character may occur at different times in the life history. Thus in ears 471 and 472, Table III, the corre- lated characters must have become associated after the formation of the gametes, while the absence of positive correlation in ears 314 and 317 of the same table shows that in these ears where associations in the gametes were excluded no correlations were subsequently produced. The results in Table IV further show that excluding the 586 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI possibility of selective pollination did not prevent the appearance of significant correlations. It appears no more reasonable to assume that the number of individuals that are to show a particular combination of characters © is always determined at the time the gametes are formed, than it would be to argue that the number of nodes des- tined to bear a juvenile type of foliage are definitely de- termined at this time. The theory of gametic coupling advanced by Bateson and Punnett leads them (1911, p. 6) to entertain the idea that, while segregation is definite and complete, the ap- parently significant cytological processes of maturation may have nothing to do with the phenomenon. These authors would have the association of characters deter- mined before the maturation divisions. Now that we know of a series involving as many as 256 terms (127 +1+1-+127) it is most difficult to conceive that such a se tem can be produced in the maturation-divisions of the ovarian tissue of such a plant as a sweet pea. We may well be tempted to look much earlier in the developmental processes for the establishment of these differentiations, and it is not impossible that they may be estab- lished as early as the embryonic constitution of the sub-epidermal layer itself. The suggestion that segregation occurs early 1m be ontogeny of the individual was apparently occasioned by the belief in the definiteness of the mathematical rela- tions between different character pairs. As We have seen, there is little evidence for this belief. The correla- tion shown in ear 471, Table III, affords a definite indica- tion that such associations of characters may be form after the production of the gametes. Even though the definite and material segregation of characters be maintained, all grades of correlation could still be determined during the two nuclear divisions that 7 follow synapsis. The process might be looked at aS follows: When two character pairs are involved in a hybrid, the ss tetrads resulting from the different mother cells WOU No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 587 all be of three types with respect to the two characters involved: (I) AB, AB, ab, ab; (IL) AB, Ab, ab, aB; (III) Ab, Ab, aB, aB. Each of these fulfills the condition deemed necessary from a Mendelian standpoint, that two daughter cells of each tetrad receive the dominant and two the recessive determinants. Where A and B are correlated, it may be assumed that tetrads represented by (III) are not formed. If the two remaining kinds were produced in equal numbers, a gametic ratio of 3:1:1:3 would result. By the formation of two mother cells of type I for every one of type II, a ratio of 5:1:1:5 would result. The formation of these two types of mother cells in different proportion would provide for all de- grees of correlation. Additional examples of gametic coupling, some of which, at least, are in the nature of coherences, are re- ported by Gregory (1911, B, p. 128). Asin our experiments with hybrids of Chinese maize, examples of gametic coupling were encountered of a lower order than 3:1:1:3, the lowest ratio in the theoretical series. Even this dis- covery did not result in his questioning the validity of the hypothesis. A further refinement was devised to accommodate the results. Advantage was taken of the possibility that the gametic coupling may exist in only one sex: For the time being it may be pointed out that a very close approx- imation to the observed numbers is given by the assumption that a coupling of the form 7 : 1 : 1 :7 is present in gametes of one sex only, gametes of the opposite sex being produced in equal numbers of all four kinds. In such a case, a gametic coupling of the 7:1 in one sex, with all classes equally represented in the other sex, would result in an association of .542, slightly lower than that resulting from the ordinary 3:1 ratio. By a similar fractioning of the 3:1 ratio, the series can be provided with a still lower member, with an association of .390. In all recently reported experiments the reality of the 588 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI proposed series of ratios seems to be taken for granted and results are viewed only from this standpoint. It is hoped that the previous discussion may operate to check this practise of referring examples of coherence to preconceived gametic ratios without considering the possibility that an apparent agreement may be only a chance approximation. So long as the preconceived series is taken for granted and intermediates are not considered, the results of all experiments will seem to give additional evidence in sup- port of the series. We have seen that the results of previously reported experiments do not correspond to the ratio in the ex- pected series more closely than they do to others that are intermediate, and furthermore that in some cases, at least, the associations are not due to relations of the determinants inside the gametes at all, but occur after the stage of karyapsis, or nuclear fusion, has been reached (Cook and Swingle, 1905). SUMMARY The theory of gametic coupling assumes that correla- tions between two Mendelian character pairs are caused by attractions or, repulsions between character-units K determinants, previous to the formation of the germ cells. _ These attractions or repulsions are supposed to increase the number of gametes bearing certain combinations of determinants. o The further assumption that the various degrees of : association observed between different character-palts will fall into a regular series represented by powers of 2, as in simple Mendelian hybrids, appears to have been accepted without adequate analysis of the data on which it was based. a An examination of the early examples shows that it was only by neglecting the possibility of intermediate ratios, and thus begging the question, that the observed No. 550] GAMETIC COUPLING 589 numbers could be said to agree with those of the proposed series. ‘The lack of any standard or method for making quanti- tive comparisons between observed and expected series has made it impossible to determine the degree of the supposed approximations. Yule’s coefficient of associa- tion is proposed as a criterion of comparison, and to make possible the determination of probable erors. In several cases correlations have been found to be reversible, depending on the way the characters were combined in the parents. This fact has further compli- cated the theory of gametic coupling, making it necessary to assume that characters which at one time attract each other, at others exhibit repulsion. In hybrids between Chinese and American varieties of maize coherence has been found between the texture of the endosperm and the color of the aleurone layer. Ina few cases, the degree of the correlation approached very closely to that expected from a gametic coupling ina 3:1 ratio (Table II). Correlations were found in crosses of the Mendelian form Aabb X aabB (Table III). Such correlations are held to indicate that in some cases at least, the correla- tion between the characters must be determined after the formation of the gametes. On the other hand, correlations resulting from crosses of the form AaBb X aabb eliminate the possibility of selective pollination as a general cause of correlations (Table IV). The general conclusion is reached that associations between characters, like the appearance of single charac- ters, may rise at different stages in the ontogeny of the individual. WASHINGTON, D. C., March, 1912 590 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI LITERATURE CITED Bateson, W. Mendel’s Principles of Heredity. Cambridge. Bateson, W., and Punnett, R. 1911. On the Inter- AE EA of Genetic Factors. Proc. Roy. Soc., B, Vol. 84, ar C pp. 3-8. Bateson, W., Saunder and Punnett, R. C. 1 Sasser N peas in a cea ere of Heredity. Report III, Evolution Committee of Roy. Soc., pp. 1-53. 1908. Experimental Studies in the Eilear of ere Report IV, Evolution Committee of Roy. Soc. 1—60. Cook, O. F. 1907. Aspects of Kinetic Evolution. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., Vol. é 7-403. 1909. Suppressed and Intensified Characters in Cotton Hybrids. U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bulletin 147. Cook, O. F., and Swingle, W. T. 1905. Evolution of Cellular Structures. U. S. Department of Agri- ulture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bulletin 81. Emerson, R. A. 1911. Genetic Correlation and Spurious Allelomorphism in Mai wenty-fourth Annual Report of the Nebraska avin Experiment Station, pp. 58-90 Gregory, R. P. 1911. A. Experiments with Primula — Jour. Genetics, Vol. y No. 2, pp. 73-132, Mar B. On Ganette Coupling and ee in Primula Sinensis. Proc. Roy. Soc., B, Vol. 84, No. 568, pp. 12-15. Heron, D. 1911. The Danger of Certain Formule Suggested as Substitutes for the Correlation Coefficient. Biometrika, Vol. 8, pp. 109-12 Morgan, T. H. 1911. Random Segregation versus rie in Mendelian Inheritance. Science, N. S., Vol. XXXIV, p. 384 Snyder, C. 7. The World Machine. Swingle, W. T. 1898. Some Theories of Heredity and of the Origin of Spá cies Con- sidered in Relation to -e Phenomena of Hybridization. Bot. Gazette, Vol. 25, pp. 113. Vilmorin, P. de, and Bateson 1911. A Cis of Gametic Coupling in Pisum. Proc. Roy. Soc. B, ol, 84, No. 568, pp. 9-11 Yule, G. U. 1900. On the Association of Attributes in Statistics. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A, Vol. 194, pp. 257-319 MICE: THEIR BREEDING AND REARING FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES! DR. J. FRANK DANIEL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA I. INTRODUCTION NotTWITHSTANDING many shortcomings mice have con- tributed much to the advancement of science and the serv- ice of mankind. To realize this we have but to recall that it was by crossing the white with the gray mouse that Mendel’s Law of Inheritance was first found to apply to the animal kingdom (1); that from a study on mice some of the earliest concepts of immunity were ob- tained (2); and that from experiments now in progress on them an insight is being gained into the nature of cancer (3). These and similar experiments indicate something of the scope to which these animals have been put. The ease with which white mice can be handled poe them, in many ways, preferable for experi n to vihor and larger rodents. But, owing to a dasni notion that they are difficult to rear under laboratory conditions, their usefulness has been greatly curtailed. The method usually employed in the breeding of mice has been what we may term extensive. By this I mean that many animals are kept from which to obtain off- spring. I have set myself the task of breeding mice in- tensively, that is, of keeping relatively few, but of keep- ing these under dantition: which will insure their pro- ductivity. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the way in which this was done. Il. Tue Iytenstve Breeprne or MICE A. Detrimental Factors l. Marked Fluctuations in Temperature.—Probably no single factor is more likely to be overlooked than that Mice, to produce to the best advantage, require an - equable temperature. While they can withstand extremes “From the Zoological Laboratory, University of California. | 591 592 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI of heat or cold, such extremes are not conducive to their productivity. At 35° C. I have found breeding to be greatly impeded, and at a temperature as low as 2° C. the young born are subject to a number of mortal ills which practically prevent their reaching maturity. But a constant temperature of either of the above extremes is not so detrimental as is great fluctuation in tempera- ture. A mouse taken from favorable conditions and sub- jected to daily fluctuations of from 30° C. to 2° C. soon becomes a different animal physiologically. The fur which was sleek and glossy roughens, the exposed veins in the ears and tail darken, and the animal is readily re- duced to a condition which, if prolonged, not infrequently terminates in death. If after having reached this con- dition, however, the animal be promptly restored to equable conditions of temperature, its fur becomes sleek, signs of anemia disappear and the mouse regains its normal health and vigor often with surprising rapidity. 2. Parasitism.—lf mice, even under the most favor- able conditions of temperature, become badly parasitized breeding ceases and unless they are ridded of the para- sites the adult mice as well the young fall victims to this pest. To test the effects of parasitism, I have taken mice from fresh stock, kept under excellent conditions, and have placed them in infested nests, with the result that in a few days the mice became sluggish, and many sooner or later died. When the two factors—parasitism and wide fluctua- tions in temperature—are combined, the animals, espe- cially the young, die in great numbers. B. Factors Essential to Intensive Breeding 1. Construction and Equipment of Cases.—In general, where a number of mice are to be kept together, the wire and wood cases described by Yerkes (4) has been much used. But for intensive breeding I have found it better to keep few mice in a case, and to keep these under better conditions of sanitation than is possible in the above ease. I know of no better plan to insure sanitation than to construct cases which will offer little surface upon which No. 550] BREEDING MICE 593 dirt may collect, and which at the same time will make evident that which has accumulated. Such a case should be made with a perforated bottom and should be pro- (A j E E. g CA g L sH 1 ; () E ' yf O Q | O p O SF FRONT VIEW or CASE. W.R., water receptacle; M.R., milk recep- dicts: ri PEE to nest; F, opening to food. Na a a a i 9 oe 6-3 Wes View co Caan. FF, food funnel; M.R., milk receptacle; N. B., nest box: Gb, galvanized iron back (near its bend) ; F, entrance to food cup BO. vided with sides of glass. Briefly described,’ the case that I have constructed consists of a framework of light . Wood, a back of galvanized iron and sides, front and par- *For detail see description accompanying drawings 5h ses nae ji 594 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI tition of 10 X 12 glass. The top is made of screen wire; the bottom of + inch wire mesh (hardware cloth). WR MR ee) OE) CO. Ooa Screen Wire Lii W \ L Fic. 3. ToP oF CASE, WITH A PART REMOVED TO SHOW How THE GLASS PARTITIONS AND ENDS (X) ARE FIXED INTO THE FRAME. WR., water recep- tacles; T, a bent piece of tin covering the upper end of the glass to increase the height of the partition and at the same time to cover the sharp edge of the s. AA E a SERS SSK x SRE SS IAF i Sc SS een: Oe x S SE RR BSS SS BOERS res 2? 0, Xx oO are <> Fic. 4. Borrom Virw or THB Case. The wire mesh is partly drawn in tò Show its relation to the end (End. gl.) and front glass (Fr, gl.), and to the galvanized iron back (Gb). Fr., frame. From a sanitary point of view too much emphasis can hardly be placed upon the construction of the bottom. By using 4 inch wire mesh through which waste material will readily fall, I have succeeded in providing a case which in a large measure is self cleaning. The cases thus constructed are placed on a long trough-like table, cov- No. 550] BREEDING MICE 595 ered with galvanized iron, which drains into a sink, By flushing off the top at intervals, the waste is easily dis- posed of. While the use of glass in case building may imply an increase in the cost of construction, yet in the above plan it is believed that this cost has been reduced to a mini- mum, and that a case has been provided which in addi- tion to its quality for observation assures unusual con- ditions of sanitation. A point of great importance in the construction of such a case is that the galvanized iron back and the side and front glasses rest on the mesh-bottom so that waste material in falling through does not strike the frame- work of the case. It will be seen from a view of the bot- tom (Fig. 4) that the back of the case is bent inward an inch from its base so as to come well out on the mesh bottom, and that the sides and front are placed well over the line of the framework of the bottom. 2. Nest Boxes and Nesting Materials.—I have followed with satisfactory results the largely used plan of hav- ing a winter and a summer nest box. The winter nest box is made by cutting a chalk box to three-fourths size. This is filled two-thirds full of nesting material. The summer nest is a small sized box similarly furnished. Various materials have been tested for nesting, to many of which objections can be made. Cotton although warm, retains odor and at the same time offers a more serious objection in that the young often become en- tangled in it, and are thus permanently injured or even killed. Excelsior I have found to make a good nest if lined with some sort of soft material, as, for example, crude floss. One of the most satisfactory materials which I have tried for nesting is the shredded paper used in the packing of china. If this can not be procured at the china store it may be prepared by cutting up any kind of soft paper. ; 3. Food Receptacles and Food.—1 have tried various kinds of food receptacles, most of which have given little or no satisfaction. The difficulty of keeping the food reasonably clean in open food cans is so great that some 596 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI sort of device for its protection is essential. The plan that I have found most successful has been te place bird cups in the nest box so that the mouse can procure the food through an opening in the front of the box. The cups are further provided with an apperture in the top through which, without opening the case, food may be added. This method of feeding, by preventing the mouse from running over the food, holds in abeyance the spread of disease. The most satisfactory food that I have used for mice is wheat, added to which is a small amount of stale bread. These, together with milk—which is given by a modifica- tion of the method below described for water—constitute the daily and constant diet. Occasionally sunflower seed and a few leaves of lettuce may well be given for a change. 4. Water Receptacles—tThe inverted bottle which is now in general use for supplying water has done much to eradicate ills resulting from a bad water supply. By this device a large quantity of water can be provided which is a great advantage in general cultures. In many kinds of experiments, however, it is desirable to keep water in greater purity than is possible even by this method. To do this I have found a device which is strikingly simple and at the same time singularly effective in that it keeps the water in contact only with glass. My plan consists in closing the end of a specimen-tube (or test-tube) in a frame so that the opening is just large enough to retain the water drop when the tube is filled and inverted in the case.” These inverted tubes are inserted through holes made in the top of the case and are prevented from fall- ing through by means of small rubber bands placed around the closed ends of the tubes. The tube may then be removed and refilled without opening the case, the refilling being done from a siphon bottle. The addition of these devices for food and water to a mesh-bottom case I have found to aid much in the inten- *The tube for milk, instead o in the test-tube, has the en this being the ease with w per can be cleaned. f having one end closed permanently as d closed with a rubber stopper, the advantage of hich such an open tube upon removal of the stop- No. 550] BREEDING MICE 597 sive breeding of mice. But to rear mice successfully further requires a practical knowledge of their breeding habits. III. Breeprne Hasrrs or Mice Copulation in mice is a well-defined act which usually follows only upon the persistent efforts of the male. It is marked by a period of union which lasts for several seconds (ten to twenty-five) and is followed by an interval of more or less complete rest. : Practical questions for the breeder are: 1. When will copulation oeccur—that is, when is the period of heat? 2 What is the duration of this period? 3. How often does the period of heat recur? To the last of these questions my experience can offer no answer; and to the second my observations add little. In one case, however, after a double copulation had been observed in the evening copu- lation again took place on the following morning. The fact that the beginning of heat is shown in some as early as five hours after parturition and is delayed in others as long as thirty-six hours thereafter makes it difficult to determine with exactness the duration of this period. As to the first question—When may copulation be secured?—two periods can be determined with consider- able accuracy. One of these closely succeeds parturition, the other follows upon a period of rest. In the first case, if the female has given birth to young, copulation will usually take place, if she is put with the male, within from five to twenty-four hours.* In my own experience I have found that the greater number of births take place in the early morning, and that copulation will, in such a case, occur from seven to eight o’clock in the evening. The female is not invariably in heat at this time, however, as has been shown by a considerable number of cases which I have observed. The second period in which copulation may be expected is after a mother has gone through an interval of rest, * This is seen to correspond roughly to the time of ovulation in mice, as shown by Long (5), the period given being from 144 to 28} hours after parturition. 598 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI either after having suckled her young or after having lost them. She will then ordinarily copulate within a few days after having been put with the male. The following representative table of ten eee cases emphasizes this point. TABLE I Example | Put with Male | Young Born Interval Elapsing, Days. 1 April 2 April 25 23 2 April 5 April 26 21 3 April 12 May 22 a April 19 May 11 22 5 April 29 May 21 22 6 May 14 June 6 23 7 May 18 June 11 24 8 May 26 June 24 29 9 May 27 | June 18 22 10 June 11 | July 3 22 Out of the above ten cases in which the females had not suckled young for some time, and then were put with males, nine cases of copulation evidently resulted early, since the young were born within an interval only a little greater than the normal period of gestation following a rest (that is, 20 days) (6). The eighth case, although unusual, has been further accentuated by more recent data which show that the female may remain with the male for long periods with- out becoming pregnant. This is not conclusive evidence, however, that an unsuccessful copulation may not have taken place within that time. In fact, I have found that in a surprising number of cases copulation does not result in fertility. As an example of this may be cited 25 con- secutive cases which I observed, 10, or 36 per cent., of which resulted in infertilty. In interpreting this sterility I was at first inclined to believe that it was due entirely to the females, but since then I have found males in many cases unproductive- Some of these were useless for breeding because they — were practically unresponsive, rarely if ever copulating 5 others, although among the most active males, proved un- fertile. The following example may be given to show such a case. 29 No. 550] BREEDING MICE 599 TABLE Ila RECORD OF ¢ No. 6 No. of Q Palos ts | s | epa] Eo 14 | 10 12/14 12/23 12/27 12/30 1/6 | 4/3 | 4/19 Fert. Infer. Fert. |Infer. Infer. Infer. Infer. 12/3 | 12/7 | 12/8 A E A |Fert. |Infer.|Fert. In the above table is given the record of one of the most active males that I have yet had. The record, however, shows that, although mated with vigorous females, only 40 per cent. of the copulations resulted in offspring. The table further shows that after a rest from January to April infertility is still shown. At this later period the male had become inactive, so that it was difficult to secure a copulation. A relatively high index of fertility is shown in the record of a male designated as No. 5. TABLE IIb RECORD OF ¢ No. 5 No. of Q sjaje eas Pee 8. Date of copulation. | | | | | | | 12/3 | 12/7 | 12/28) 1/3 | 1/17 | 1/21 | 3/8 | 3/13 | 3/13 | 4/6 Result | Fert.| Fert.| Fert. Infer. Infer.| Fert.| Fert. Fert.| Fert.| Fert. Number 5 when mated with females equally as active as those with which No. 6 was mated gave 80 per cent. of fertility. Within this series were also two other copula- tions by the same mouse, but since these were with female No. 4, which always proved fertile, they were eliminated and only those counted which were entirely comparable with those of No. 6. It may be said that both males and females are found which have a low index of fertility. Intensive breeding requires that these be eliminated and that those be Selected the copulations of which result in a high per- centage of fertility. When fertility does result from a copulation, the en- suing period is of singular interest to the investigator. This I have discussed in a former paper® in which I have * Seriously ill after the birth of her young. * Loe. cit. 600 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI shown that the period of gestation depends upon the state of the female. If the pregnant female is not suckling young, parturition with but rare exceptions takes place on the twentieth day after copulation. If she is suckling on the other hand, the period varies with the number of young suckled. Thus, for example, if the mother be suckling five during gestation she may be expected to go about twenty-five days; if ten thirty days. : Parturition, which terminates the period of gestation is normally of brief duration, even in case a large litter is born. But this is not invariable, for I have observed eases in which labor was prolonged, and some in which unaided birth was impossible. We are inclined to believe that in mankind the difficulty of giving birth, which not infrequently results in the death of the mother, is due to the artificialities of civilized life. But here we find the same stern fact emphasized in a type remotely removed from any such influence. IV. REARING or THE YOUNG The most hazardous time in the life of a mouse is the first few days of its existence. Born helpless and naked it is dependent upon the mother not alone for nourish- ment but for warmth as well. Some mothers at this time are most solicitous for their young, building elaborate nests for them and giving such care to the young as to tide them over this early period. Others there are that not only withhold the requisite care, but which at this time prove the most serious menace. Some of these bundle their young away in the nesting to die; while others in bad conditions openly destroy them. This sin- gular and, so far as I am aware, unexplained phenomenon of destroying the offspring, is carried to a high pitch in the case of mice. Under unfavorable conditions of tem- perature, nesting and the like, I have seen three or four litters destroyed in succession. Miller (7) in a study of the brown rat shows that this destructiveness in the rat 1s carried to even a greater extent than in the case of the mouse, No. 550] BREEDING MICE 601 If the young escape the perils of the first few days they usually grow rapidly and, at the end of a few months, reach maturity. There is a disease, however, which at the ` end of the second week may attack the young, leaving them emaciated or, when more severe, killing them in great numbers. Between birth and maturity four well-defined stages occur. To know these is often of practical service to the breeder for the determination of age, sex and the like. The first stage is that in which the newly-born young have a peculiarly red and transparent skin through which is seen the stomach white with milk. Following this at the end of the sixth or seventh day a second stage is evi- dent in which the body is covered with flaky scales of dandruff—the forerunners of a coat of silky fur. A third important stage, which I have designated as the early Stage for distinguishing sex’ is usually shown on the ninth or tenth day, at which time the mamme in the young females appear. These can be observed for an interval up to the thirteenth or fourteenth day, at which time the fur usually obscures them. Determination of sex after the body is covered with fur, for example at the time of weaning, is often difficult. Be- cause of this I have found it advantageous at the end of the third period to mark the young females by clipping a tuft of fur at the root of the tail, so that later, when they are to be mated, no difficulty is found in distinguishing with certainty males from females. The fourth period, on the fourteenth day, is character- ized by the advent of sight. This like all other periods Shows slight variation. While in a few cases I have found the eyes to open as early as the thirteenth day, in others, equally normal in other respects, I have found them to be delayed until the fifteenth and even the sixteenth day. The regularity with which this period occurs, however, 1S a sufficiently exact criterion to make it an index of age. From the fourteenth day to the twenty-first, the date “This does not mean that sex can not be determined earlier than this Period. As a matter of fact, sex can be determined at birth, this, however, 18 difficult and less certain than to determine it at the third period. 602 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI at which the young should be weaned, no definite change, except increase in size, is shown. With the period of sexual maturity we may count the cycle of development complete. This does not imply, how- ever, that growth ceases at this time. The time at which mice reach sexual maturity varies greatly. While I have had some mice to pair at six weeks, this is rather unusual. It has been my experience that under ordinary cireum- stances both the males and females reach sexual maturity in the second or third month. From this time on for the next few months the mice are in the prime of the repro- ductive period, beyond which, at the end of ten to twelve months of age, activity diminishes and, for purposes of breeding, the mouse is of little further service. V. PRACTICAL SUMMARY The ease with which white mice can be handled makes: them in many cases preferable for experimentation to other and larger rodents, but their usefulness has been greatly curtailed because of a wide-spread notion that: they are difficult to rear under the conditions of the laboratory. The purpose of this paper is to give an intensive method by which I have been able to rear then in abun- dance. By ‘‘intensive’’ I mean that relatively few mice are kept from which to breed, and that these are kept under conditions which insure productivity. Especially detrimental to intensive breeding are parasitism and marked fluctuations in temperature. Hot. air heat, the temperature ranging from 20° to 25° C., has proved most satisfactory. Heat from an oil stove whem continued for a considerable length of time proved un- satisfactory. Mice which are badly parasitized are useless for breed- ing purposes. Various kinds of sprays and powders are used to rid them of the parasites. Some of these, how- ever, I have used with disastrous results. Parasitism may be best prevented by using a case that is readily cleaned. My cases are washed weekly with hot water to ae No. 550] BREEDING MICE 603 which is added ‘‘gold-dust’’ and a small amount of petro- leum; the nest-boxes, into which the mice are put at the time of cleaning, are partly closed and then removed from the case. Essential to intensive breeding is an adequately equipped case. A most essential requisite is a wire mesh bottom through which waste material readily falls. If such a case be placed on a table with a trough-top lined with galvanized iron, waste matter can easily be drained into a sink. For nests the case is provided with three- fourth sized chalk boxes filled two-thirds full of shredded paper. Food (wheat) is procured by the mice through an opening in the front of the nest box from bird cups placed inside of the box. These are filled from the out- side without opening the case. Water may be kept in excellent condition in test-tubes which are closed suffi- ciently to retain the water drop when the tube is inverted in the case; these are filled from a siphon bottle. A knowledge of breeding habits is of great importance in intensive breeeding. Copulation in mice is a well- defined act, which lasts from ten to twenty-five seconds and is followed by a more or less complete rest. It nor- mally takes place on the day that a litter is born. In females that have gone through a period of rest it will usually occur a few days after the female has been put with the male. Copulation may or may not result in fer- tility. By a selection of males and females with a high index of fertility the number of offspring may be greatly Increased. The period which a non-suckling mother carries her young is a few hours short of twenty days. A mother suckling young, on the other hand, carries her litter twenty plus the number that she is suckling. Thus a mother suckling five will go practically (20 +5) twenty- five days, while one suckling ten may be expected to run (20+10) thirty days. | In rearing the young it is well to remember that the Sreatest mortality results within the first two or three days of life. At this time the young must be kept warm. Under bad conditions the mother may destroy them. 7” 604. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI From birth to maturity mice pass through several well- defined stages which to the breeder are of importance for the determination of age, sex and the like. These are 1 an early stage in which the skin is peculiarly red so that through it may be seen the stomach white with milk; 2 a second stage at six to seven days in which the body is covered with flakes of dandruff; 3 a stage at nine or ten days in which the mamme appear in the females. This I have designated as the stage for the early determination of sex; 4 on the fourteenth day a stage at which the eyes open. : At twenty-one days the young should be weaned. From this time on slight change 1 is shown except increase in size until sexual maturity is reached. This usually occurs in the second or third month. From this time up to the end of ten months or a year of age the mouse is in the height of the breeding period; beyond this time, for purposes of breeding, the mouse is usually of little further service. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Cuénot, L. 1902. La loi de Mendel et L’hérédité de la pigmentation chez les souris. Arch. de Zool. Exp. et Gén., 3°-série, Tome X (Notes et Revue, p. xxviii). 2. Ehrlich, P. 1891. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über Immunität. Deutsche med. Wochenschrift, p. 976. i 3. Bashford, E. F. 1909. Cancer in Man and Animals. Lancet, clxxxvii, p. 691 4. Yerkes, oberi M. 1907. The dancing mouse; a study in animal be- havior. The Macmillan Company. . 5. Long, J. A. and Mark, E. L. 1911. The pein of the Egg of the Mouse. Pub. on Inst. (Washington, D. C.), No. 1 6. Daniel, J. Frank. 0. Observations on ee Pelt of Gestation in White Mice. ey ‘be Zool., 5. 7. Miller, Newton. 1911. Repeodiuctiaal: in the Brown Rat. Am. Nat. XLV, p. 623, THE DISTRIBUTION OF HYLA ARENICOLOR COPE, WITH NOTES ON ITS HABITS AND VARIATION C. H. RICHARDSON, JR. STANFORD UNIVERSITY ` _ Srupents of zoogeographical distribution are fre- quently hindered by the scarcity and inexactness of the published data in the particular group which they are studying. Especially is this true of students of western North American amphibians, for they must rely largely upon the publications of the early exploring expeditions in which localities were often stated in a most general way and at times with doubtful accuracy. Our present knowledge of the distribution of the tree toad, Hyla arenicolor Cope, is very incomplete. Many of the references to its occurrence are extremely indefi- nite and unreliable and in no case has enough material been gathered to give the limits of its range in any one region. It was first discovered and named Hyla affinis _ by Baird! in 1854, the description being based upon one specimen from the state of Sonora, Mexico. Later Cope* found this name to be preoccupied and replaced it with arenicolor. At the present writing this tree toad is known to inhabit parts of southern California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. , Southern California is included in its range on the strength of two specimens collected in 1875 by H. W. Henshaw,’ and no additional records of its occurrence within the state have been made by the herpetologists who have explored this region. Within the last few years, however, the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology has acquired a number of specimens of Hyla arenicolor from various *Proe, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 61. *Jowrnal Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., 1866, p. 84. * Yarrow, Bull. U. 3. Nat. Mus., No. 24, 1882, pp. 24, 175. 605 606 ` THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor XLVI localities in southern California. Through the kindness of the director, Professor J. Grinnell, the writer has been extended the privilege of examining these specimens and the results are incorporated in the present article. Specimens from the following localities have been studied, all of which are in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology unless otherwise stated. TABLE A No. of Speci- Locality Altitude Date ‘Collector mens 8 |Mountain Spring, San Diego Co., Cal. About 1909 4,500 ft.| Mar. 25 |F. Stephens 1 |La Puerta, San Diego Co., Cal. About 4,500 ft.| June 5 |F. Stephens 1 |Warner’s Pass, San iy Co., Cal. 4,000 ft.| June 22 |F. Stephens 1 |Julian, San Diego Co., Cal 3,750 ft.| July 29 |F. Stephens 1906 3 |Pine Mt., near Escondido, Cal. 2,750 ft.| Sept. 4 |J. Dixon 1908 1 |Carrizo Creek, Santa Rosa Mts., Cal. 3,000 ft.| June 22 |J. Grinnell 2 |Dos Palmos Springs, Santa Rosa Mts., 3,500 ft.| May 26 J. Grinnell 9 |Deep Canyon, Santa Rosa Mts., Cal 3,000 ft.| June 21 J. Grinnell 1 (Lower Palm Canyon, San Jacas Mts., Cal. 800 ft.| June 15 |J. Grinnell 2 |Oak Springs, upper Palm Canyon, San Jacinto Mts., Cal. 4,750 ft.| June 11 |J. Grinnell 4 |Base of San Jacinto Mts. near Cabazon, May 5 |W. P. Taylor Riverside Co. a Cal 1,700 ft. and 7 and C. H. Richardson r. 4 |Sierra Madre, Los Angeles Co., Cal. 1,500 ft.| May, 1904/J. Grinnell 1903 20 Arroyo Seco Canyon near Pasadena, Cal.| 1,500 to Aug. 3 i 2,000 ft. and 23 |J. Grinnell 1 |Tejunga Valley, Los Angeles Co., Cal. About 1910 1,500 ft.| Apr.1 |J. Grinnell 1 renee: University coll.) Upper Santa C. H: Rich- Anita Canyon, Los Angeles Co., Cal. | 3,500 ft.| Aug. 7 ardson, Jr. In California, Hyla arenicolor is now known to range northward along the coast mountains from near the Mex- ican boundary to the Tejunga Valley, Los Angeles County. In San Diego County it occurs on both the coast and desert slopes of the mountains; in Riverside County, on the desert slope, and in Los Angeles County, so far as known, only on the coast slope. No records of its eke Nt E ae =: 4 TEs No. 550] HYLA ARENICOLOR COPE < BOT occurrence in San Bernardino County are at hand, but a careful search will undoubtedly reveal its presence there. Throughout this region, its habitat appears to be confined to streams and mountain springs between 1,000 and 5,000 feet elevation. Here the writer has found it associated with such trees as Alnus rhombifolia, Platanus racemosa, and Acer macrophyllum and in this state at least it may be regarded as an inhabitant of canyons within the upper sonoran zone. It is apparently more strictly aquatic than the smaller Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, whose range in southern California is, in part, coextensive with it. The former species has never been found far away from the vicinity of water, while the latter has often been seen under vegetation a considerable distance from it. The following meager notes indicate that the breeding season of Hyla arenicolor extends from late spring until fall: Two females from Sierra Madre, Los Angeles County, May, 1904, one from Warner’s Pass, San Diego County, June 22, 1909, and one from Pine Mountain, near Escondido, San Diego County, Sept. 4, 1906, contain large eggs. There is also a young specimen from La Puerta, San Diego County, collected on June 5, 1909, in which the tail has not been entirely absorbed. Miss Dickerson‘ has described the rapid color changes that take place in this species. The writer noted that a light-colored individual which was captured on a granite rock changed to a dark gray mottled with lighter mark- ings when placed for a short time in a covered tin pail. The widely scattered record stations given below, some of which are too inexact to be of great value, suggest that Hyla arenicolor lives in suitable places over practically the entire southwestern part of the United States and a considerable portion of the Mexican tableland as well. Little has been written concerning its habitat preferences within this region. Stejneger® has found it in the Grand * The Frog Book, Doubleday, Page and Company, 1906, p. 122. "N. A. Fauna, No. 3, 1890, p. 117. 608 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona, at an elevation of 1,000 feet above the river and in the bottom of the cai von. Ruthven’s* specimens from Sabino Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, were ‘‘found among bushes on the floor of the canyon’’ in the ‘‘ willow-poplar association.’’ TABLE B No. of Speci- Leoality Date Authority mens 1 MPEG POON, PACKING jer ccs’ S wives oe eos Cope; Baird Guana juato, Mexico eae are esas Gee PESIN 4 E RIWROUIRIOTG, E S vo or es ee, S Duges grt Sg City of Masta: and Chihuahua, AE E T Win Bad ec ely Lara ir OH an P a Oe eee Valley eal a OF TOMA MeRIOO: 2 Fle. Secs. Cop 1 |Del Rio, hin idee a es Obie pee a ea A Witmer aay a O P E AA e T Se eee oe ee ee he Boulen 1 Santa Fe, sow MOR CG eee ees June, 1873 pt a (ort Winmeate, New: Mexico... J. - 32.0. oo os oo ee, ope BPO ein cis ea Owls ies A e 1872 arrow IT Me aO a eaa ae aa a aa a e Miss Dickerson Lepper Colorado Hive 2 fico S a o Cope White River Can S Soe A E AN PEE ae ope 6 [Grand Snara of paa dolorido. Arizona | Sept. 3, 1889| Stejneger Fort Whipe Arons osana ee Cope 2 abino iosal Santa Catalina Mts., E E E E TEE E EAT May 23,1903) Ruthven 2 Southern CRABS oe ae 1875 Yarrow Specimens of Hyla arenicolor from southern Cali- fornia agree quite closely with the published descrip- tions. Cope’ states that the diameter of the tympanum is equal to two thirds that of the eye fissure, but in ten specimens measured (see following table) this ratio is shown to be 47.7 per cent., or not quite one half. Boulen- ger’s Hyla copiis described from two specimens obtained at El Paso, Texas, and now considered synonymous with Hyla arenicolor, has the diameter of the tympanum one half that of the eye fissure, a fact which suggests that this character is subject to considerable variation throughout the range of the species. The ratio between the length of the body and that of the hind limb is also subject to * Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1907, p. 509. "Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus. , 1889 , No. 34, pp. 369-370. * Annals and Magasiné Nat. Hist., 1887, p. 53. 609 HYLA ARENICOLOR COPE No. 550] ‘TSO “OD OBI UBK ‘ssBq S IOUIGM| CZF" LY K SS ‘OL “3G ST T'o é 1801 TSO “OD OdeIq ULG ‘oprpuoosy reed le ha ould; PPF o'p 3 G'IZ "29 G'g 8'SI "Le é 666 ‘TRO “OD sepsuy SO ‘JIPEN Big og a 4 KA “IZ "g9 “8S “ST "88 é 16 [8D “OD sejesuy SOT ‘IPEN BLII 09° 9 'g SS ‘L9 "93 "OT “OF é 626 ‘TEO “OD O33 uBg ‘SulIdg urezunoNW| = FHP" oy KA Si ‘ag G'IZ 9ST 88s 2 816 "T8D “OD OBA ULg ‘Burıdg urezuno w OF’ '} o'I “LI ‘og T'SI Ti ‘OS ad 946 ‘TEO “OD o3arq uvg ‘Suridg urwgzunoWw| 607 FP S'I cot £09 ost ET £8 2 086 T8O “OD o3ərq ULg ‘Fundg ureguno W gg "7 Tg "SI "E9 £61 “ST OPE 2 646 ‘TEO “OO o3ərq ULg ‘Sundg uleyunoyy; GLE a4 G'I ST S'ES 0G "OI "Se 2 116 "T8D “OD sejesuy so ‘srpen vog) 939° '} g'g ‘0G GLa SS SSL o'oe Ye 026 ə : of jo "wet a[4ys0rQ Jo jo q3uy | snuy £ d 94y Jo mnueduis], d quyrt nou . £ A TT Saiz jo | Wea jooma] “OE | ee Ok | wom | a) S ON “WET Oey YIPIM (SUMLAWITUW, NI) SINAWTANSVAN JO TIAVL ‘610 THE AMERICAN.NATURALIST — [Vou. XLVI pronounced variation in southern California specimens. The heel of the limb when extended forward usually reaches to the anterior border of the orbit,® but in young individuals it often extends to the tip of the snout. he = THE DISTRIBUTION OF Hyla arenicolor COPE IN CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO THE LOCALITY RECORDS. j Ei || | | l The table also shows that there is a well-marked dif- ference in the size of the sexes, the female being larger, especially in the length of the body and hind limbs. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baird, 8. F., 1854. DER of New Genera and Species of North American Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 61. 1859. United States and Mexican Boundary Survey: Batrachia, p. 29, 4-7. pl. -Boulenger, G. A. Catalogue Bratrach. Salient., p. 373. 1887. Descriptions of New Reptiles and Batrachians in the British useum. Annals and Magazine Nat. Hist., p. 53. 1888. Description of New Brazilian Batrachians, Hyla copii. Annals and Magazine Nat. Hist., p. 189. * Cope, loc. cit. No. 550] HYLA ARENICOLOR COPE 611 Cope, E. D, 1866. Journal Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 84. 1866. On the Reptilia and Batrachia of the apera a of the Nearctic Region. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 1875. Check-list of North American Patraihii and a gee Uz. . Nat. Mus., No. 1, pp. 31, 90. 1880. On the dadana Position of Texas. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 17, p. 47. 1885. The Riverside Natural History, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, III, p. 338. 1887. Batrachia and ea anes of Central America and Mexico. Bull. . S. Nat. Mus, No. 32, 1888. AMERICAN CEH p. '80. 1889. The Batrachia of S America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 34, p. 369, figs. 1-7. 1896. The Geographical Dber of Batrachia and Reptilia in North America. AMERICAN NATURALIST, 30, pp. 1014, 1021, 1022. ‘Coues, E. 1875. U. S. Geological Survey West of the 100th Meridian, Zoology 5, p. 630. Dickerson, Miss M. 106. The Pog Book. ‘Doubleday, Page and Company, p. 122. ` Plates XLVII and XLVIII. Ruthven, A. G. 1907. A Collection of Reptiles and Amphibians from Southern New Mexico and Arizona. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., p. Stejneger, L; 1890. Annotated List of Reptiles and Sni, Collected by C. Hart Merriam and Vernon Bailey on San Francisco Plateau and Desert of the Little sae Arizona, with Descriptions of New Species. N. A. Fauna, No. 3, p. 117. Stone, W. 1903. A Collection of Reptiles and nga ond from Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Western Texas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 539. Yarrow, HC 1875. U. S. Geological Survey West of the 100th Meridian, Zoology > P- 1882. Check- list of North American Reptiles and Batrachians. Bull. . S. Nat. Mus., No. 24, pp. 24, 175. THE UNEXPECTED OCCURRENCE OF ALEU- RONE COLORS IN F, OF A CROSS BE- TWEEN NON-COLORED VARIETIES F MAIZE PROFESSOR R. A. EMERSON UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Brrore the Mendelian methods of analysis became available, considerable wonder would doubtless have been excited by the ‘‘mysterious’’ appearance in F, of one colored grain—purple or red—to every five or six white ones in case of a maize cross, both parents and F, of which had only white grains. An occurrence of this sort has recently been noted in one of my maize cultures and the F, numbers are explained here as a trihybrid or tetrahybrid ratio. The crosses in question were made primarily for a study of size inheritance and fairly large numbers have been grown. The varieties concerned are two dwarfs of distinctly different types, Tom Thumb pop and California Rice pop, and a tall type Missouri dent. The facts with reference to aleurone color are these: Tom Thumb pop, a ‘‘white’’ corn (i. e., having non-colored aleurone), was crossed with Missouri dent, also a white corn. Three generations of hybrid plants—four gener- ations for aleurone and other endosperm characters— have been grown without the appearance of any but white grains. The same white-seeded Missouri dent was also crossed with the white-seeded California pop. The three hybrid generations grown to date have shown no aleurone color. Furthermore, when the same white Tom Thumb pop was crossed with the same white California pop, only white grains appeared in F,. But both of the two ears containing F, seeds—the only ones that have been produced as yet—had a sprinkling of both purple and red grains, too many to be explained as due to care- 612 No. 550] ALEURONE COLORS 613 less guarding against foreign pollen and too few to be ac- counted for by any simple monohybrid or dihybrid for- mula. The actual numbers of grains of the various sorts were as follows: a anes 43 purple, 10 red, 308 white. ee SS rer 32 purple, 11 red, 222 white. BNE soe esas 75 purple, 21 red, 530 white. The fact is familiar that in crosses of purple with white varieties of corn, there often appear in addition to the monohybrid ratio of three purple grains to one white one, purple, red and white grains in the dihybrid ratios of 9:3:4 (Hast and Hayes! and Emerson?). It is also well known that in similar crosses purple and white grains may appear in F, in the reversed monohybrid ratio of 1:3 or the dihybrid ratio of 9:7 (Hast and Hayes’). East? has recently shown that for the produc- tion of purple aleurone there must be present three Men- delian factors, C, R, and P, and has demonstrated for purple, red, and white grains the trihybrid ratio of 27:9: 28. C is a general color factor, that must be present ordinarily in order that any color may develop, R a fac- tor that has to do with the production of red aleurone when C is present, and P a factor for purple that is ef- fective only in the presence of both C and R. Thus CRP gives purple and CRp red, while all the other possible combinations give white. All this is on the as- sumption that a fourth factor J, an inhibitor of color de- velopment, is absent. Purple color of the aleurone may, therefore, be said to depend upon the presence of three factors and the absence of one, CRPi, red color upon the presence of two factors and the absence of the two others, CRpi, and whites upon the absence of either one of the two factors C or R or upon the presence of a third factor, I, cRP, CrP, or CRPI, ete. *E. M. East and H. K. Hayes, Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bul. 167 . 57- 100, 1911. yes, . Agr. Expt, l , » PP — A. Emerson, Amer. Breeders’ Assoc., vol. 6, pp. 233-237, 1911. E. M. East, AMER. Nar., vol, 46, pp. 363-365, 1912. 614 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI If the numbers obtained in F, of the cross of Tom Thumb pop with California pop are to be regarded as constituting a tetrahybrid ratio, all four aleurone factors. must be heterozygous in F, the formula being CcRrPpli. The F, generation would then be constituted as follows: ye ae ee ee ae eS 27 purple earra a n a E i oe a cs 9 red 27 CRpl Pe ee gen ee Bee at ae 220 white scorpi | If either C or R is homozygous in F,, the resulting F, ratio should approximate 9 purple: 3 red: 52 white. The actual numbers fell between these two theoretical. ratios, as is seen from the following comparison: Purple Red White Total Tetrahybrid ratio ........ 22 538 626 Observed numbers ........ 75 21 530 626 Inod Patio 2. 88 29 509 626 From the ratio alone it is plainly impossible to say whether the cross in question is a tetrahybrid or a tri- hybrid. Of course behavior of the reds and purples in F, will settle the matter. If, for instance, either C or R is. homozygous, one third of the F, red grains should breed true and two thirds produce reds and whites in the ratio of 3:1, while if both are heterozygous, only one ninth of No. 550] ALEURONE COLORS 615- them should breed true, four ninths produce a 3:1 ratio,. and four ninths produce a 9:7 ratio. Similarly, if either one of these two factors is homozygous, of the F, purples. one ninth should breed true, two ninths give purple and red 3:1, two ninths purple and white 3:1, and four ninths. purple, red, and white 9:3:4. But if both factors are heterozygous, out of the twenty-seven F, purples only one- should breed true; two yield purple and red 3:1; four, purple and white 3:1; four, purple and white 9:7; eight, purple, red and white 9:3:4; and eight, purple, red and’ white 27:9: 28. The results of intercrossing Tom Thumb pop, Missouri dent and California pop, so far as they are known at present, might be obtained if the three varieties had either of the following sets of formule, or any of the- modifications of them suggested below: Tom Thumb pop ICRP ICrP Missouri dent IcohP or twrf California pop icrp icRp Among the allowable modifications of the above for-- mulæ are these: The formulæ for Tom Thumb pop and California pop may be interchanged. Substitutions of C for R and R for C may be made if carried throughout the set. P may be present in any one or two varieties and absent from any one or two. Where J is present im Missouri dent and also in one of the other varieties, R may be present in all three varieties, absent in any one variety, or absent in Missouri dent and either one of the- other varieties. A NEW SUBSPECIES OF ZEA MAYS L. DR. WALTER B. GERNERT UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Waite harvesting a plot of yellow dent corn, a strain of the Leaming variety grown on the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station fields in 1909, one of the workmen found a peculiarly shaped ear which was laid aside in the drying-room as a cu- riosity. The corn in which this ear was found came from a strain that had been subjected for several generations to an ear-row selection for high protein content by a mechanical in- spection of the endosperm.: This new type of ear which reproduces faithfully in its prog- eny is cone-shaped in outline and gives the appearance ex- ternally of being composed of a mass of kernels borne on num- erous irregular branches (see ‘‘a’’ in the figure). A longitu- dinal section (at ‘‘b’’) displayed kernels throughout the ear. The ‘‘branched’’ form is a prolification of the fleshy type of 4 to 30 or more-rowed cob common to all varieties that to the writer’s knowledge have béen described to date. For this new type the writer proposes the name Zea ramosa, from the Latin “‘ramosus—having many branches.’’ This name is proposed in conformity with the bi-nomial classification of Sturtevant? which is now generally recognized. We will not here discuss the precedence nor the desirability of Sturtevant’s nomencla- ture for the subspecies of corn which were all grouped at first by Linneus under the general head Zea mays. The new type Z. ramosa (branched) is as much deserving of a specific name as are any of the six groups recognized by Stur- tevant, namely: tunicata (pod), everta (pop), indurata (flint), indentata (dent), amylacea (soft), saccharata (sweet). The first of these six groups has a more or less monstrous develop- ment of glumes into pods which inclose each kernel on the ear with leafy bracts known as the husks. The classification of the other five groups is based on differences in characters situated in the endosperm of the kernel. * Representative samples of the ears thus obtained for planting in the next year were also analyzed chemically to determine the efficiency of the method of mechanical selection. ` * Sturtevant, E. L., Bul. Torr. Bot. Club, 21: 319-343, 1894; Off. Exp. Sta, U. S. D. A., Bul. 57: 7-108, 1899, 616 No. 550] ZEA MAYS 617 The ear of Z. ramosa, which is always of a definite form, is borne at the usual place near the middle of the culm and is not to be confused with sparsely branched ears sometimes found on the culm nor with ears frequently found in the tassels on ordi- ). a, external . 619). c, tassel ( . 620). linois Agricultural Experi- : iD TASSEL IN CoRN (Zea ramosa view of parent ear. b, longitudinal section of same (p Photographs by Flora Sims and by courtesy of the Il ment Station. THE NeW TYPE or EAR AN nary corn plants. Such abnormalities which are fluctuating in their inheritance have thick pasal branches of fleshy cob— which may be as long or longer than the primary cob itselfi— and may bear from two to a dozen or more rows of kernels on each branch. Furthermore, no male florets have as yet been found in any of the ears of Z. ramosa and they are always covered with normal husks. 618 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI A feature of especial interest in the new type is the fact that the tassels of such plants are also invariably much branched and cone-shaped. (A reduced photograph of the tassel is shown at **e.’’) No instance has yet appeared in which this correlation did not exist. No. 550] ZEA MAYS 619 During the last three years the writer has had under obser- vation a large number of varieties and their hybrids. He has been able to isolate more than a dozen tassel types which are strikingly different in shape and which are distinct from each other in inheritance. Some of the characters of these types are plainly correlated with certain characters of the ear. Advantage can un- doubtedly be taken of this fact in analyzing the be- havior of such fluctuating phenomena as size, shape, and number of parts. This correlation between tassel and ear permits the selection of individuals in the field before the silks pollenated at will. In an investigation not yet pub- lished, the writer has found that the tassels in a large number of varieties. are usually out and fully ex- panded one or more days before ` any pollen is shed from the anthers, while the tassels produce pollen at an average of from one to three T days before the silks appear on the same plants. , During the first season (1910) in which the branched ear was -tested to see if it would reproduce the character only two out of fifty kernels planted produced individuals bearing the branched ears. It was at this time that the correlation between the tassel and ear type was discovered. The fact that only two Plants of- the Z. ramosa type were obtained this first year indi- cated that either the character was reproduced only occasionally or that it was a recessive character and that the parent was Pollenated largely by neighboring plants bearing normal ears which must be dominant to the branched form. It was pre- c 620 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI dicted? that the latter explanation was the true one, and the results from another generation (grown in 1911 from hand pollenated ears) have substantiated the prediction. Our data for this year show that the branched form of ear and its ac- companying tassel type are recessive to the fasciated, cylindri- eal form of ear from which they originated. Perhaps no one is ready to draw the limits upon that inde- finable term ‘‘species,’’ but Mendelian studies have thrown a bright light upon this mooted question. It is now very evident that sterility in hybrids is not a safe guide for determining what shall be a species. Darwin reported a number of cases to show the fallacy of this theory which was at one time advanced by Kölreuter, Gartner and others. Mendelian studies have disclosed a number of cases of sterility (I have found several in corn) which are not due to hybridization nor to species’ dif- ferences. Systematic classification should be founded upon either the genotype or upon the Mendelian basis. The genotype basis would be feasible for self-bred and apogamous, including par- thenogenetic, types of reproduction; while the Mendelian basis would undoubtedly be the most satisfactory for types of plants and animals that are continually mix-fecundated. We are learning that there are an almost inestimable number of char- acters in corn and that they may be quickly distributed to all the representatives of the six species-groups by hybridization. As an example: the kernel colors; red, yellow, blue and their absence (white) are found in all of the groups. If we were to give each distinct character, wherever we find it, a specific clas- sification we should have many more species than we now recog- nize. This is especially true with regard to economic plants. Such classification is desirable, however, and will soon be needed from a Mendelian standpoint if from no other. As an instance: we have evidence that there are more than twenty reds or phases of red color in corn alone, and a system for their classification is desirable. As was mentioned above, we have isolated a dozen distinct tassel types, each possessing a number of characters that may be easily redistributed by hybridization. The inheritance of detail in both plants and animals is various: l ***The Analysis of Characters in Corn and Their Behavior on Transmis- sion,” a paper submitted May 13, 1911, to the graduate school of the University of Illinois as a detects thais. No. 550] ZEA MAYS 621 when true dwarfs and true giants are hybridized, size segre- gates distinctly in their progeny; but when fluctuating shorts and talls are hybridized, size exhibits a so-called ‘‘ blending’ behavior that is generally complex. Thus it is evident that for recording such characters and their method of segregation we already need for the sake of conformity, brevity and ease in reference a definite, simple, systematic classification of charac- ters irrespective of species, varieties or individuals. Bateson, by grouping characters of similarity under one head; Tscher- mak and others, by distinguishing ‘‘types’’ of segregation, have already taken a step toward this end. The newly discovered type of corn is so radically different from all others yet reported, and since we are at present recog- nizing six species-groups of Zea, it seems very appropriate to add Z. ramosa as a seventh. And yet the writer will not be dis- appointed if the proposed addition is not recognized. That Z. tunicata and Z. ramosa both originated as mutations we have no doubt; but as to the causes which led to the pro- duction of these two peculiar types, we have no definite knowl- edge. It has been proposed that new forms, aside from those developed by hybridization, are due to accidents in mytotie di- vision; and yet those same writers are perhaps not ready to admit that even the greater proportion of the myriads of diverse forms of plant and animal life that exist on the earth to-day are accidents! This, of course, has nothing to do with the fact of chance meeting of gametes in reproduction. The writer has evidence (not yet published) upon various Strains of pod varieties and their hybrids with other podless varieties to show that the pod character, in that form, never was the normal or original pod or glume in Z ea; and it is also evi- dent that the new branched ear, as it is, is not a reversion to a former one. As may be seen at “‘b’’ in the illustration, the pithy core of the cob is not affected by the branching in the outer zone. The branches are somewhat fleshy and contorted as well as being very numerous. As stated above, no male florets have yet been found in the ears of the branched corn. Such evidence points to the conclusion that this is not a case of at least total reversion. As is generally the case in such instances, it is only a matter of conjecture as to the causes that led to the production of this individual which, in so far as is known, was different from all 622 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI others in the history of the strain. Mr. W. T. Craig, who has been connected with the corn-breeding work at the University of Illinois for a number of years, states that to his knowledge no ear similar to this has ever been harvested on any of the breeding plots at this station. The selection in the particular strain in which the branched ear was found has since been discontinued and thus we do not know whether the type would ever have occurred again in the same strain. Hybrid progeny from this parent strain are, how- ever, yet being grown at this station; but no other individuals like the one here described have been found. Several more generations of the branched corn should be grown before we can make any reliable statements as to its economic value. It is hoped that the new type may be devel- oped by hybridization and subsequent selection among the seg- regates (which work is in progress now). As yet it does not bear as much grain as the unbranched ear in the strain in which it was found. The parent ear of Z. ramosa measured approx- imately 5.5” in length and 9” in circumference. Very little dif- ference was found in the size of the other parts of the plants except that of the tassel, which is also slightly smaller on the new type. The branched ear is apparently an ideal form to feed whole to livestock. The cob is of such nature that it may be readily masticated with the kernels and without the necessity of grind- ing or chopping before it is fed. It may also prove to be an ideal type for ensilage. Whether it will yield well enough to justify its production for any of these, or other purposes, re- mains to be investigated. 3 NOTES AND LITERATURE PATTEN ON THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES, AND THE GENERAL QUESTION OF THE VALUE OF SPECULATIONS ON THE PHYLOG-— ENY OF ORGANIC BEINGS?! From the standpoint of range of topics covered, amount of work performed, and time devoted to its execution, this work by Patten may without exaggeration be spoken of as monumental. Many of the facts set forth are original observations by the au- thor and his students, and of those not original a large propor- tion have seemingly been personally studied by him. Further- more, nearly all the large number of figures are either original or bear the stamp, by way of modification of borrowed figures, of Patten’s well-known skill as an illustrator. A list is appended comprising 26 titles of papers and ad- dresses by the author or the author in collaboration with his students; but unfortunately references to the works of other investigators drawn upon are rather few, often somewhat in- definite, and not well set out in the text. In a book so abound- ing as is this one in argumentation, many of the main conten- tions of which are open to debate, sources due to authority ought to be given exactly and without stint. Frequent as is the occasion in scientific books to estimate worth from the two viewpoints of facts presented and theories defended, rarely is the importance of keeping the two distinct So great as in this case. Many of the chapters, notably V to XII and XVI to XX, are veritable magazines of recorded ob- servation to which workers in the field will, it would seem, find it profitable to turn for years to come. This remark applies par- ticularly to the sections dealing with the central nervous sys- tem of Limulus; with the cutaneous, olfactory, and optical or- gans of ‘‘Cerachnids’’ and Anthropods; with the dermal skeleton of Limulus; with the endoskeleton of Arachnids; with the nerve . ***The Evolution of the Vertebrates and their Kin,’’? by Wm. 486 pp. and 309 figures, P: Blakiston’s Son & Co., 1912. 623 624 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI supply to the heart of Limulus; and with the general structure of the Ostracoderms. The experiments on functions of the brain recorded in Chapter XI should be a valuable contribution to the interesting prob- lem of metamerism as expressed through the activities of the central nervous mechanism. Two defects in the descriptive matter are likely to interfere with as extensive a utilization of the book by biologists as it merits. The first to be mentioned is a want of directness and definiteness in many of the descriptions that renders their com- prehension extremely difficult, in some cases almost impossible. This is due partly to the way references are made to the illus- trations. Not infrequently a text description of a structure is given, not very fully, in the course of which one or several figures are referred to but without specifying the letterings for the particular parts described. The reader, being in doubt, may turn to the ‘‘Explanation of lettering’’ at the end of the vol- ume, only to find that the illustrations in question either have no letterings for the particular parts, or if sufficient patience in digging is exercised, to find that the part is labeled with a dif- ferent name from that used in the description. The account of the ‘‘middle cord, the lemmatochord and the notochord’’ (Chap. XVIII) is an example of the difficulty here indicated. Although I have spent much time on this chapter, I have not been able to get a clear understanding of what is dealt with. How many distinct structures are in hand? ‘‘The beginning of the notochord may be recognized in practically all segmented invertebrates, as the so-called middle cord, or median nerve, and in its derivative, the lemmatochord,’’ p. 324. This statement is general, i. e., is not made as applying to any particular animal. It seems definite to the effect that ‘‘median nerve’’ and ‘‘middle cord”? are synonymous, and that the structure indicated gives rise to the lemmatochord. But Fig. 224A, p. 327, representing the ‘‘nerve cords and lemmatochord of Cecropia,’’ presents to us the “late pupal stage showing the fully formed lemmatochord, derived from the condensed sheaths of the median and later Per ds; also remnants of the median nerve.’’ (Italics by the re- deto In Limulus the ‘‘middle cord” is said, p. 334, to be _ arranged in two main lateral cords,” and Fig. 55, l.l.ch., p. 67, ìs referred to as illustrating this statement. Turning to this fig- ure and the explanation of letterings, we find that L.l.ch. stands No. 550] NOTES AND LITERATURE 625. for ‘‘lateral bands of the lemmatochord.’’ This same figure- shows a “‘median portion of the lemmatochord”’ distinctly and’ widely separated from the lateral portions. The inference is: that these lateral and median structures unite somewhere; but no direct statement to this effect is given, at least in the section on the middle cord of Limulus. Again, Fig. 225, p. 328, presents five cross sections of the: nerve cord of an adult scorpion. Section 5 is said to show the- “‘merochord.’’ Neither in the description of this figure nor in the text do we find a direct letter reference to the merochord. A structure labeled m appears in the figure, but on turning to the explanation of lettering ‘‘m’’ we find may stand for- *‘mouth’’ or ‘‘muscle.’? But it is unfair to criticize illustra- tions and their letterings and labels alone. They must be taken in connection with the text. By reading a subsection headed “The Bothroidal Cord or Lemmatochord’’ we find that the- merochord in section 5 of Fig. 225 is marked l.ch., which stands for lemmatochord. A sufficiently careful reading of the text clears up the merely expositive difficulties contained in the figure : The merochord is the lemmatochord of the ‘‘ posterior thoracic neuromeres,’’? p. 328. This interpretation is compelled when Fig. 5 is taken in connection with the text statement indicated. But then the difficulty becomes substantial and not merely ex- positive, for on page 328 we read: ‘‘In the scorpion, the median herve itself is hardly recognizable. .. . The neurilemmas of the: median and lateral cords form the bothroidal cord of the ab- domen and the merochord of the posterior thoracic neuromeres.’” But we have seen above that according to section 5 of Fig. 225 the merochord is a particular part of the lemmatochord. Hence this part at least of the lemmatochord is formed from the neuro- lemmas of the median and lateral cords. Under the topic ‘‘De- velopment of the Lemmatochord’’ we read ‘‘The lemmatochoré arises, in part, as an axial cord of cells extending forward from. the primitive streak’’; and nothing under this heading or else- where so far as I have been able to find, iarmonizes this state- ment with the indirect assertion above pointed out that the- lemmatochord is formed from the neurilemmas of the median and lateral cords. The nearest approach to:such harmonization is the statement, p. 330, that at the time of hatching, the lem-. matochord at certain places ‘‘remains permanently attached to: neurilemma of the middle cord.” As:one-of the many stu-- 626 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI dents who have expended considerable time and ‘‘gray matter’’ on the problem of the forerunner of the vertebrate notochord the reviewer would heartily welcome a demonstration that the organ ‘‘may be recognized in practically all segmented inverte- brates’’; but until a clearer, more convincing description is fur- nished us of some structure in ‘‘ practically all segmented inver- tebrates’’ with which the vertebrate notochord is to be com- pared, the question of homology in the strict sense would not even be raised were the best interests of comparative anatomy duly considered. The other defect in the presentation of matters-of-fact which a well-wisher for the book may justly fear will tend to prevent as wide use of it as it deserves, is the circumstance that several modes of statement occurring over and over again are bound to give even the fairest-minded reader the impression that many of the facts were prejudged; that is, were collected and recorded not primarily on their merits, but in behalf of a theory. The nomenclature employed in several important connections is likely to have this effect. The use of the substantive cephalon with various prefixes in purely descriptive matter dealing with the thoracic region of arthropods is an example. In the chapter ‘‘ Minute rig of the Brain and Cord of Arachnids” we read (p. 8 The more posterior thoracic commissures, and those in the hindbrain, are shorter, and the neural and hemal fascicles are widely separated, leaving a space between them, which represents the beginning of the fourth ventricle (italies by the reviewer). Such dogmatic and unealled-for statements inserted into purely descriptive matter are very unfortunate, for they can but militate against the factual value of the work in the mind of every candid reader. The feeling of uneasiness engendered in the reader by these gratuitous dogmatizings, as to the extent to which facts dealt with have been unconsciously colored by theory, is not allayed by the author’s avowed attitude toward the facts of organic structure. On page 469 we find this: Comparative morphology has no value except in so far as it points out the historie sequence of organie forms and functions, and reveals to us the trend of evolution and the causes that direct and control it. This statement I insist is not true. It may be partly true, but in the unqualified form given it by the author is not only untrue, but is provokingly and harmfully untrue. If for Dr. Patten No. 550] NOTES AND LITERATURE 627 comparative morphology has no value except in the ways indi- cated, well and good. I neither question nor quarrel with the assertion. For me, however, comparative morphology has great value in numerous other ways; and there is much evidence, both historical and contemporaneous, that it has other values for many biologists. It is, I submit, a real even though uninten- tional harm, not only to individuals, but to biological science, for an able morphologist to make an assertion which carries the clear implication that the interest in and the valuations placed upon comparative morphology by the men who devoted them- selves to it long before anybody knew there was such a thing as a “‘trend of evolution,’’ were an illusory or spurious interest and valuation. And I would express my firm conviction that biologists of this present childhood period of the evolution theory, as the era from Darwin to the present day may well be called, must come to see that great as is the value of morphology as a record of evolution, this is still only one of its values; and further, that until such perception is attained, just estimation of the facts of morphology as a record of evolution will be impossible. The in- terest of the future morphologist in his raw material ought to be, according to my understanding, that of the pre-evolutionary morphologist plus that growing out of the later discovery that the facts of structure mark the ‘historic sequence of organic forms and functions.’’ It is just because many, indeed all of the facts dealt with in this work have values for me over and above those attaching to them as a record of evolution that I re- gret that they could not have been presented in a fashion less caleulated to raise doubts in so many instances as to whether they would appear exactly as they do but for the circumstance of having been interpreted by the author in the light of his par- ticular theory of historic sequence. This consideration will, I trust, give real weight to my words When I say that the criticisms I am passing on Patten’s mode of presenting facts is an apology for a work of truly great fac- tual worth, and not at all an attempt to discredit it. Nor would I have any one understand me to be an advocate of ‘‘mere facts”? of morphology; facts, that is, without any reference to their wider bearings. My point is that all facts of morphology, as of all other departments of biology, have so many ‘‘wider bear- ings” that to write down as without value all except some one set of these bearings, even so important a set as that of evolution, . 18 to narrow the horizon of biological science. Against tenden- 628 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI z cies of this sort, wherever occurring, and unfortunately they occur in many sections of the vast realm, I am ready at all times to do battle. o far this review and commentary has been made entirely from the standpoint of observed and observable facts dealt with in the volume. Now the point of view must be shifted to the theoretical side. Patten’s central thesis, as is well known, is that vertebrates have descended from arachnids. The ‘‘arachnid theory of origin of vertebrates,’’ or, for short, the ‘‘arachnid theory,’ the phraseology used by the author. The theory was first a nitely set forth in 1889, the title of the original publication being **On the Origin of Vertebrates from Arachnids.” A somewhat abbreviated quotation of the author’s outline of the theory will be justifiable. He writes: This theory has formed the basis of all my subsequent work, and as far as it went, is practically the same as the one presented here. In that paper it was maintained that the vertebrates are descended from the arachnid division of the arthropods, in which were included the typical arachnids, the trilobites, and merostomes. The ostracoderms were re- garded as a separate class, uniting the arachnids with the true verte- brates. Limulus and the scorpion were the types most carefully studied, because they were the nearest and most available living representatives of the now extinct merostomes, or giant sea scorpions, Z were re- garded as the arachnids standing nearest to the ostracoderm Other evidence and conclusions were as follows: (1) In die arachnids a forebrain vesicle is formed by the same process of marginal over- growth as in the vertebrates. . . . (2)The kidney-shaped compound eye of arachnids has been transferred to the walls of the cerebral vesicle in vertebrates, giving rise to the retina, which still shows traces of omma- tidia in the arrangement of the rod-and-cone cells. . (3) The arach- nids have a cartilaginous endocranium similar in laine and location to the primordial cranium of vertebrates. (4) They have an axial, sub- neural rod comparable with the notochord. (5) In arachnids the brain contains approximately the same number of neuromeres as in verte- brates. . . . (6) The segmental sense organs (median and lateral eyes, olfactory and auditory organs) are comparable with those in vertebrates- The coxal sense organs are associated with special sensory nerves and ganglia, comparable with the cranial dorsal-root nerves and ganglia (suprabranchial sense organs) of verterates. (7) The basal arches of appendages are comparable with the oral and branchial visceral arches in vertebrates, (8) The tendency toward concentration of neuromeres has narrowed the passage way for the stomodeum and modified the mode of life in the arachnids. This ultimately led to its No. 550] NOTES AND LITERATURE 629 permanent closure, the infundibulum and adjacent nerve tissues in vertebrates representing the remnants of the old stomodeum with its nerves and ganglia. . . .° (12) The process of gastrulation in verte- brates and arachnids is confined to the procephalie lobes, in the place where at a later period the primitive stomodeum appears. The so- ealled “ gastrulation” of vertebrates. and arachnids is an entirely different and independent process, that is, the process of adding by apical or teloblastiec growth a segmented, bilaterally symmetrical body to a primitive radially symmetrical head. (13) The arachnids resemble the vertebrates in more general ways, as in the minute structure of cartilage, muscle, nerves, digestive, and sexual organs. (Pp. xvii and xviii of the Introduction.) None of the statements in this list, either those quoted or those not quoted, bring out clearly one of the most striking features of the theory, namely, the supposition that the ventral surface of the arachnid became the dorsal surface of the vertebrate. This is well shown by several series of figures, as, for instance, that on page eight, of imaginary arthropods and vertebrates with creatures intermediate between them. During the twenty years and more that the theory has been before zoologists it seems to have won very few adherents; in- deed, to have had little influence on biological thinking of any sort. Nor does it seem probable that this final marshaling of the evidence will accomplish much more as regards the main contention. So far are we still from certainty as to exactly how and when the back-boned animals originated that even the prob- able evidence toward such knowledge is not great. Indeed, if one will consider fully the nature and difficulties of the prob- lem he will see that the chance of ever reaching certainty is almost nil. What would constitute a demonstration of the parenthood of vertebrates ? Obviously the most indubitable proof, that of direct observation, is out of the question. The ‘‘supreme canon of historical evidence that only the statement of contemporaries can be admitted,” must, in the nature of the case, be completely ignored here. The best chance of reaching a demonstration is m finding a series of fossil animals intermediate between some unmistakably primitive vertebrate and the assumed ancestor, containing no gaps great enough to raise serious doubt in the mind of any competent authority as to the genetic relationship __ “Number nine in this list is absent in the text. Numbers 10 and 11 are Purposely omitted in the quotation. 630 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLVI of the two forms separated by the gap. The greatness of our lack of a series connecting any vertebrate with any invertebrate whatever, must impress one more and more the more he knows and thinks about the problem. The only other conceivable mode of demonstration would be to induce, experimentally, the trans- formation of some living invertebrate into an undoubted verte- brate. The possibility of accomplishing such a fact is so slight that no biologist is likely to try it. This brings us to a point where the transcendent importance comes to view, of the logic of the interpretation of evolution, understanding by evolution the transformation of one kind, or species, of organism into another kind, or species. Except in the relatively simple and rare cases of proof through direct ob- servation, experimental or other, the fact that all evidence rests back absolutely on resemblance—on similarity in form and com- position of the parts of organisms—is of the utmost importance. No evolutionist hesitates in either word or intention to accept this tenet; yet when it comes to the actual ascertainment of like- nesses and differences, and to speculating on their phylogenetic significance, the danger of shifting from the inductive to the deductive mode of reasoning, and of going down before the fal- lacy known in the logic books as petitio principi, or surreptitious assumption, is so imminent and subtle that very few of us, even those most wide awake for pitfalls, avoid it wholly. Almost if not quite all the numberless hypothetical ancestral organisms that have been summoned to the aid of speculation on descent during the last half century and more, are, I am convinced, vic- tims of this evil, some in greater, some in less degree. The fal- lacious reasoning usually runs something like this: Assuming such-or-such an animal once existed, it is easy to see how a par- ticular organ or part of the animal actually before us may have arisen from that ancestry. Says Patten: We have merely to strip off the superficial disguise of our hypothetical arachnid ancestors and see whether either their underlying structure, their mode of growth, . . . does or does not harmonize with the assump- tion that they are the ancestors of the vertebrates (p. 3). Before this ‘‘mere’’ stripping off begins, would it not be well to consider ‘our hypothetical arachnid ancestors’’ rather closely? If such an animal actually once existed, let it be granted for the moment that it might have undergone such a transformation as 1s conjectured. Surely the first point to be pressed is as to the No. 550] NOTES AND LITERATURE 631 evidence that the supposed creature did exist. And what is the evidence? Why, the observed facts of arachnid structure, ex- actly these and no others, else the ancestor would not be held as hypothetical. No hypothesis can, of itself, add any new facts. The hypothetical ancestor has, consequently, done nothing for the case except to disguise the obvious difficulty there is in seeing how an actual arachnid can be transformed into an actual verte- brate. The only really safe rule for using hypotheses in biology is that no hypothesis shall be made except to help toward answer- ing a question by formulating a clear. provisional answer to that question. The making of hypotheses and using them before they are themselves proved for the solution of other problems than those to which they immediately pertain, is perilous busi- ness. I may without danger, even with profit, construct an imaginary enteropneust to aid my efforts to answer the question of how the enteropneustic branchial apparatus or the organ in this group called a notochord, arose phylogenetically. But be- fore this imaginary creature can do me real service I must es- tablish at least a strong probability that such an imaginary ani- mal once actually existed. Nor must I fail to notice that such probability can be established only by bringing new evidence into the case. The facts on which I based the hypothetical ani- mal can not be used over again to prove the reality of that ani- mal. But if I must be thus cautious in resorting to an hypothet- ical enteropneust for the interpretation of actual enteropneusts, how much more need would there be for caution should I venture to invoke an hypothetical enteropneust for interpreting actual vertebrates ! Reflections of this nature opened my eyes several years ago when I was struggling with the enteropneust hypothesis of verte- brate descent, to the very slight chance there is of ever solving the problem of vertebral origin. Do I then regard all hypotheses on the problem as equal in value because all alike are equally futile? By no means. I con- sider each one of them to be of real worth, particularly those that have been worked out as have Patten’s arachnid hypothesis, Gaskell’s crustacean hypothesis, the annelid hypothesis and the enteropneust hypothesis. They are of worth because each shows quite clearly certain possible developmental courses that may have been followed in the origin and progress of the great verte- bral stock. To be explicit, it seems to me that Patten has shown 632 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI that in certain structural details there is a similarity between ‘the exoskeletons of Limulus and some of the Ostrachoderms ‘which makes quite possible, not somewhat probable, genetic relationship between these animals. Similarly the remarkable likeness between the gills of the enteropneust and amphioxus, if considered by itself, would make genetic kinship between these ‘animals highly probable; however, when considered along with ‘the whole organization and mode of life of each group, the probability is much reduced, to such an extent, indeed, as to become hardly more than a strong possibility. If we take due cognizance of the extent to which our faith in the general theory of organic evolution rests on similarities of form and function among individual organisms which come under our observation, we are in position to feel the weight of ‘the purely inductive evidence furnished by the many resemb- lances between vertebrates and invertebrates brought to light by the investigators in support of the various hypotheses of verte- brate ancestry, that not only is the theory of evolution true as applied to the back-boned animals, but that the ancestors of ‘these animals must have been in many respects like certain in- -vertebrated animals with which we are familiar. The inductive proof ef the truth of organie evolution, even of the general ‘course of evolution within large provinces of the living world, approaches much closer to certainty when taken en masse than ‘does, of necessity, that pertaining to any single instance or small group of instances. So the moral drawn from examining the theoretical side of ‘the volume before us has this in common with that drawn from ‘examining the factual side: It has real worth, but that worth would stand forth much more sharply, and probably would be ‘received by biologists with far greater sympathy, had it been always and clearly distinguished in presentation from pure ‘matters of fact. And the worth would have been greater still ‘had the main and numerous subsidiary and corollary hypotheses been frankly treated as far from demonstrated or even demon- ‘strable, but as varying in degree of reasonableness from very possibly true to rather probably true. Wm. E. RITTER La JOLLA, CALIF., July 26, 1912 . XLVI, NO. 551 VOL NOVEMBER, 1912 The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the Editor of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hu dson, New Y Articles containing research work bearing on the problems of oome evolu- tion are ne welcome, and will be given preference in publica One hundrea reprints of cee aes are supplied to authors as of charge. Further osare will > supplied at cos Subscriptions Dukea should be sent to the Pi on The subscription price is att dollars a year. Fore Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. forty cents. The advertising rates are Fou Tha saree tie seas seg e . sn or single s r Dollars for a page. ‘op THE SCIENCE PRESS _ NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Lancaster, Pa. Entered , April 2, 1 + tha Dace MAM Garrison, N. Y. , Pa., under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. 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XLVI November, 1912 No, 551 THE MENDELIAN NOTATION AS A DESCRIP- TION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTS PROFESSOR E. M. EAST Bussey INSTITUTION, HARVARD UNIVERSITY As I understand Mendelism! it is a concept pure and simple. One crosses various animals or plants and re- cords the results. With the duplication of experiments under comparatively constant environments these re- sults recur with sufficient definiteness to justify the use of a notation in which theoretical genes located in the germ cells replace actual somatic characters found by experiment. This is done wholly to simplify the descrip- tion of the experimental results. If one finds that the expression DR X DR—1DD+2DR+1RR# adequately represents the facts in numerous breeding experiments, he is then able to use the knowledge and the expression in predicting the results of other similar experiments. Mendelism is therefore just such a conceptual notation as is used in algebra or in chemistry. No one objects to expressing a circle as 2?-+-y?—r*. No one objects to *I do not speak ES of the new biological facts discovered by Mendel or by his followers. Facts are always facts. Alternative inheritance and character recombinations were important facts, but I think no one will deny that the greatest value of Mendel’s facts arose from the mathematical treat- ment he gave them. This mathematical notation remains conceptual just as does the chemical formula, but it must have as much basis of fact as there are pertinent facts extant. 633 634 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI saying that BaCl, + H,SO,—BaSO,+2HCl. No one should object to saying that DR + RR—1DR-+1RR. We push things into the germ cells as we place the dollars in the magician’s hat. Hocuspocus! They dis- appear! Presto! Out they come again! If we have marked our money we may find that that which appears from the magician’s false-bottomed hat is not the same as that which we put in. But it looks the same and is good coin of the realm. We have a good right there- fore to poke our characters into the germ cell and to pull them out again if by so doing we can develop—not a true conception of the mechanism of heredity—but a scheme that aids in describing an inheritance. We may do this even as we may use algebraical and chemical no- tations, if we remember that x? + y? does not give us a circle, that a chemical equation does not represent a true reaction or prove the atomic theory, that we have not pulled something new and astonishing out of the germ cell, that a unit factor represents an idea and not a real- ity, though it must have a broad basis of reality if it is to describe a series of genetic facts. The facts of heredity that one describes in the higher organisms are the actual somatic characters, variable things indeed, but still things concrete. Their potential- ities are transmitted to a new generation by the germ cells. We know nothing of this germ cell beyond a few superficial facts, but since a short description of the breeding facts demands a unit of description, the term unit factor has been coined. As I hope to show, a factor,” not being a biological reality but a descriptive term, must be fixed and unchangeable. If it were otherwise it would present no points of advantage in describing varying characters. The only obvious reason for poking it into the germ cell is to distinguish thus the actual parent (the cell) from the putative parent (the carrier). ° I hope this statement is not confusing. The term factor represents in & way a biological reality of whose nature we are ignorant just as a structural molecular formula represents fundamentally a reality, yet both as they are used mathematically are concepts. No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 635 If we forget ourselves and begin to speak of unit factors as particles, only a confusion follows similar to that caused by Nägeli, Spencer and Weismann. Nothing is gained and even facts are obscured. THE Score or MENDELISM How far may we carry this conceptual notation? My answer is: just as far as the notation interprets the facts of breeding and is helpful. Interest in the scope of Men- delism is now focused on two phases, complete and par- tial coupling and the interpretation of so-called size char- acters. Complete coupling in the transmission of char- acters apparently non-related has been shown in a large number of cases. Perhaps those best worked out in ani- mals are the sex-coupled or sex-limited characters ob- served by Morgan in Drosophila. In plants, cases ob- served by Emerson and by Bateson and his coworkers are equally clear. Emerson has shown beyond a rea- sonable doubt that the characters he describes are inde- pendent of each other, and can not be represented by one factor. Bateson has recently corroborated the observa- tion on other characters. Besides this phenomenon, Bateson has discovered partially coupled characters. All three of these writers, have subsidiary hypotheses to account for their facts. Bateson, when discussing per- fect couplings, merely says that the characters come out in F, coupled in the way they went in in the grandpa- rents, which naturally is only a restatement of the facts. Morgan and Emerson deal in pictures of carrying bod- ies. Both of their theories fit their own facts as they necessarily would. Emerson and, I may say, myself be- lieve Morgan’s theory incompatible with that of Emer- Son. Morgan believes his theory adequate for both cases. Without discussing the merits of these particular hypotheses I think it is agreed that some characters do 0 into the F, generation and come out from it together that are in other cases independent. The importance of the phenomenon is greater than the theory at present. 636 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI It has been questioned whether one has the right to con- tinue to couple characters in large numbers to interpret facts, because by proper coupling one may interpret almost any fact, and place himself in a logically unassail- able position. But this is no reason for not coupling factors as much as one pleases if it is helpful and if all of the facts fit. A propos of this statement I might say that I have recently remade the historical old cross first made by Kölreuter in 1760, Nicotiana rustica X N icotiana paniculata. These species differ in many details—habit of growth, size, shape and hairiness of leaf, inflorescence, and size and shape of flower and fruit. Both of the pa- rent species have been reproduced exactly from a par- tially fertile F, in a total number of less than 200 F, plants. One may formulate an hypothesis of selective elimination of gametes combined with selective fertiliza- tion that helps to describe the facts, but unless large numbers of factors are coupled together I believe it to be impossible to account for all the facts by the usual Mendelian notation. Before leaving this subject it might be mentioned that Bateson’s theory, originated to account for partial coup- ling, keeps the idea of factors segregating from their absence, but instead of A and a being formed in equal quantities as in ‘‘regular’’ Mendelian notation, they are to be formed in series represented by the scheme n—14B: 14B:1aB:n—1ab. I do not believe one should hasten to accept this description, although Bateson’s F, gen- eration facts certainly fit and have been recently sup- ported by Baur. My reason for making this statement is that as yet Bateson’s F, facts do not fit the theory. Some of them would even make necessary two or more different kinds of factorial distribution in the same plant varieties. On this score the helpfulness of our notation? *Here is a good illustration of the Mendelian notation as a concept. Supposing the gametic distribution n —14B:14b:1aB:n—1ab were to fit all the facts in the case, then no one could object to its use. If it were to be demonstrated that segregation occurred at the reduction division, how- ever, the scheme no longer fits the facts and must be abandoned. No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 637 is impaired and this is the only excuse for its existence. Furthermore, while it has not been proved that the phe- nomenon we call segregation occurs at the reduction division, the presumption is in favor of that view. The work of Webber, Correns, Lock, Emerson and myself on Xenia in maize indicates that segregation does not take place immediately after reduction, while the work of the Marchals on regeneration in mosses indicates that it does not take place before reduction. Now to turn to the kinds of variation that may be de- scribed by the Mendelian notation. Owing to its youth, we can all remember how we wondered, as each new case came up, whether Mendelian phraseology would fit. Since qualitative characters were the ones that could be divided into definite categories they were the ones at- tacked. One by one they were analyzed. The phraseol- ogy did fit. Qualitative characters however form a very small proportion of the characters in animals and plants. The numerous characters are the quantitative, the size characters. If Mendel’s law is to be worth anything as a generality, therefore, it must describe the inheritance of these characters. : To some of us Mendel’s law from the first seemed destined to be a notation generally useful in describing inheritance in sexual reproduction. This conclusion was indicated by the simple fact that Mendel’s law described many cases in both the animal and the vegetable king- dom. It was inconceivable that this should be the re- sult of coincidence. It was therefore still more mecon- ceivable that only a small portion of the facts in each kingdom should come under the scope of Mendelism. A basis for the inclusion of quantitative characters was obtained when Nilsson-Ehle and the writer showed that certain qualitative characters gave ratios of 15:1, 63:1, etc., in the F, generation, and in other ways be- haved so that they might be described only by assuming more than one independent gametic factor as the germ cell representative of the character, if the orthodox idea of segregation were retained. From these phenomena 638 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI it was immediately seen that where dominance is ab- sent and such multiple factors are assumed, size char- acters can be interpreted as coming under the Mendelian law. When dominance is complete the mathematical representation of an F, generation is (3/4+ 1/4)" where n represents the number of factorial differences involved; as the manifestation of dominance becomes less this formula approaches the type (1/2 + 1/2)”. The difference between the heredity of qualitative char- acters and quantitative characters is therefore only one of degree, for there is absence of dominance in cases of simple monohybrid qualitative characters and there is presence of multiple factors in cases of qualitative char- acters showing dominance. But it is manifestly absurd to expect size characters to appear in natural groups as do. many qualitative characters. The marked effect of environment and our ignorance of the exact effect to attribute to each factor precludes it. One can determine whether size inheritance compares with the inheritance of qualitative characters only by the use of arbitrary bio- metrical methods. In theory, homozygotes with size dif- ferences when crossed should give an intermediate F, of low variability and an F, of high variability. Vari- ous F, populations should differ in their mean and in their variability. The difference in the variability of F, over F, should decrease as the heterozygosity of the parents increases. Sometimes parents of the same size should differ in the factors they contain and the F, gen- eration should contain individuals smaller and individ- uals larger than either of the parents. Each of these re- quirements has been satisfied by experiment. East and East and Hayes have tested it for number of rows per cob, height of plant, length of ear and size of seed in maize, Shull for number of rows in maize, Emerson for fruit sizes in maize, beans and gourds, Tammes for various characters in flax species, Tschermak for time of blooming in beans, Hayes for number of leaves in to- bacco, Belling for certain characters in beans, Phillips for body size in ducks, MacDowell for body size in rab- No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 639 bits. In these investigations every test possible for the theory has been satisfied. No criticism could be made ex- cept that certain of the characters used varied consider- ably in the mother varieties and therefore were pre- sumably not homozygous for all character factors. This criticism is apparently answered by a recent investiga- tion of the writer’s, as yet unpublished, where two species, Nicotiana forgetiana and Nicotiana alata grandi- flora were crossed. As seen by the table, the corolla length is very slightly variable in either species, nor is it affected to any extent by environment, yet each species was absolutely reproduced by recombination in the F, generation. TABLE I FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR LENGTH OF COROLLA IN A CROSS BETWEEN Nicotiana forgetiana (314) anv N. alata grandiflora (321). : Class Centers in Millimeters Designation < EEE E SI ; i ; j 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 45 | 50 | 55 | 6o | 65 | 70 | 75 | 80 | 85 | 90 | meen rt aan ook 314 9 |133| 28 | | | 1/19/50 | 56|32| 9 (314 X321) Fi 3 | 30| 58| 20 | | — (314 X321) F 5| 27 |79 |136]125|132/ 1021105! 64 |30 15! 6) 2) Coefficients of variation are: 314 = 8.86 + .33 per cent.; 321 = 6.82 + .25 per cent.; (314 X 321) F, = 8.28 + .38 per cent.; (314 X 321) F, = 22.57 + 39 per cent. H I do not believe that biologists have sufficient facts as yet to warrant any concrete meaning being given to their notation as regards germ-cell structure, but I do main- tain that the Mendelian notation satisfies the facts of size inheritance as well as it satisfies the facts of quali- tative inheritance. As a description, it goes the whole way. If qualitative inheritance is Mendelian, quantita- tive inheritance is Mendelian; if quantitative inheritance is not thus described, qualitative inheritance is described not a whit better. All writers do not agree with this statement; never- theless, speaking for myself only, I believe it to be be- yond question. Castle (Amer. Nart., 46: p. 361) says: It is quite possible that we are stretching Mendelism too far in 640 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI making it cover such cases. Dominance is clearly absent and the only fact suggesting segregation is the increased variability of the second as compared with the first hybrid generation. This fact however may be accounted for on other grounds than the existence of multiple units of unvarying power. If size differences are due to quantitative variations in special materials within the cell, it is not necessary to suppose that these materials are localized in chunks of uniform and unvarying size, or that they occur in any particular number of chunks, yet the genotype hypothesis involves one or both of these assumptions. oth are un- necessary. Variability would result whether the growth-inducing sub- stances were localized or not, provided only that they were not homo- geneous in distribution throughout the cell. Crossing would increase variability beyond the first generation of offspring because it would inerease the heterogeneity of the zygote in special substances (though not its total content of such substances) and this heterogeneity of struc- ture would lead to greater quantitative variation in such materials among the gametes arising from the heterozygote. Thus greater varia- bility would appear in the second hybrid generation. I can not agree with this statement as I understand it, though this disagreement may be due to my own limita- tions. We do not stretch Mendelism and we do not make it cover such cases. The facts of breeding have been ob- tained and the Mendelian notation expresses them. That is all that it is necessary to claim. It is not precisely true, however, to say that increased variability in the second hybrid generation is the only fact to be expressed. It is of paramount importance that various F, individ- uals giving F, populations differing in mean and in variability, should be included in the Mendelian descrip- tion. They are included. Again, Castle states that the genotype conception as- sumes the localization of the hypothetical factors either in chunks of uniform and unvarying size, or that they are carried by a particular number of chunks. I am unaware of any such assumptions. It is true that some such pic- ture has been suggested as a diagram helpful to the imagination in its conception of the scheme as a me- chanical process, but this is purely and simply a dia- gram. The real matter under discussion is that the breeding facts are adequately described in a notation ` essentially Mendelian. No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 641 Of course Castle’s scheme of expressing the facts by heterogeneity in the germ cell might serve. He pro- duces increased variability in the second hybrid genera- tion by greater differentiation among the gametes aris- ing from the heterozygote. But one can also describe inheritance of qualitative characters in the same way, and one gains no system by it. It is a return to the type of expression used by Nägeli, Naudin and De Lage in pre-Mendelian days. It is simply a trans-nomination possessing no advantages. Before leaving this phase of the subject, I must speak of Davis’s recent fine paper (Amer. Nart., 46: p. 415) on his crosses between (Enothera biennis and Cnothera grandiflora. As I have had the advantage of seeing his cultures many times in the past two years, I am in a fair position to draw my own conclusions as to the meaning of his data. In regard to his F, generation from the hybrid plant marked 10.30 L b he says: 1. In the immensely greater diversity exhibited by the F, generation over that of the F, is clearly shown a differentiation of the germ plasm expressed by the appearance in the F, plants of definite tendencies in directions toward the two parents of the cross. This seems to the writer the essential principle of Mendelism and does not necessarily involve the acceptance of the doctrine of unit characters and their segregation in either modified or unmodified form. 2. Certain characters of the parent species have appeared in the F, segregates in apparently pure condition, but the very large range of intermediate conditions indicates that factors governing the form and Measurements of organs (if present at all) must in some cases be con- cerned with characters so numerous and so small that they can not be Separated from the possible range of fluctuating variations. If this is true such characters seem beyond the possibility of isolation and analysis and the unit character hypothesis for these cases has little more than a theoretical interest. 3. Both cultures certainly showed marked progressive advance in the range of flower size, the largest flowers having petals somewhat more than 1 em. longer than those of the grandiflora parent. There 7e similar advance in the size of the leaves and the extent of their erinkling. These progressive advances would seem to demand on the unit charaeter Se either the modification of the old or the creation of new rs, 4. The absence of classes among the F, hybrids (except for the 642 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vot XLVI dwarfs) further works against the unit character hypothesis as of practical value in the analysis of a hybrid generation of this character, It should be remembered, however, that there were in this cross no sharply contrasted distinctions of color, anthocyan (stem) coloration proving most unsatisfactory for the purpose of a genetical study. These four paragraphs are practically a résumé of Davis’s genetic facts: I take exception only to some of the implied conclusions. It is quite evident that Dr. Davis believes that many breeding facts are expressed in shorthand by the Mendelian notation. His statements, however, imply a feeling of loss of caste or something of the kind if he makes definite use of Mendelian phraseol- ogy. His F, generation was exactly what would be ex- pected when several Mendelian units without dominance segregate and recombine. The advance in size of corolla was predicted by me in 1910 (Amer. Nar., 44: p. 81) as a direct consequence of size inheritance. It has since been demonstrated by Tschermak for time of blossom- ing of beans and clearly analyzed by Hayes for number of tobacco leaves. It demands neither modification of old nor the creation of new factors. It occurs when- ever AABB (size factors) is crossed with CCDD, and each factor is allelomorphic to its own absence, to use the ordinary phraseology. As to the difficulty of precise analysis into factors, I agree with Dr. Davis, but that there is no advantage in showing that this behavior is described in typical Men- delian terms I can not admit. One holds the same prac- tical advantage here—though the case is complex—that one holds in all Mendelian inheritance. He knows that somatic appearance is not the criterion of breeding ca- pacity, but that it is determined in some way by gametic constitution, although no germ cell architecture is pre- supposed. He knows that recombination of some kind of factors occurs and has some idea of the number of progeny to be grown to obtain the desired combination. In other words, the blend in F, does not indicate com- plete loss of extremes. No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 643 Menvew’s Law anp Gatton’s Law The above statement leads into a discussion of Men- del’s law of heredity as compared with Galton’s law, for in itself it is almost a statement of the difference. As Bateson was the first to emphasize, organisms inherit from parental germ cells only, therefore a law of an- cestral heredity is a fallacy and a misnomer. The simple illustration that of two individuals alike in ap- pearance one is homozygous for a character and the other heterozygous for the same character, shows the superficial reasoning that leads to the correlation coeff- cient as a measure of heredity. Parental and filial pop- ulations may show correlation, but that is only a matter of averages and not a measure of the inheritance. Professor Castle has recently disclosed the probable Mendelian basis for Galton’s data on coat color of Bassett hounds by showing the inheritance of tricolor coat in guinea-pigs, yet he makes the surprising state- ment that ‘‘as regards height, however, and other size characters, Galton’s law is quite as good a basis for pre- dicting the result of particular matings as is Mendel’s.’’ The arch priest of biometry, Karl Pearson, does not claim that Galton’s law can predict the result of individ- ual matings. Similarly, Mendel’s law predicts only by averages. It says that where DR meets DR, there will be on the average 1DD:2DR:1RR produced. Where the classes are larger the prediction in increasingly compli- cated. But the prediction is as good for size characters as for qualitative characters of the same complication. And there are such qualitative complications, as is manifest by Castle’s formula of AACCUUIIYYBBBrBrEE for a wild rabbit’s coat color. The difference between Gal- ton’s law and Mendel’s law is that the true criterion of the germ plasm of any individual is its breeding power and not the somatic appearance of its back ancestry. This is as true of size characters as of any other char- acters. 644 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI THE GENOTYPE CONCEPTION or HEREDITY Expressed in Johannsen’s words, the basis of the modern conception of heredity is: ‘‘Personal qualities are the reactions of the gametes joining to form a zygote; but the nature of the gametes is not determined by the personal qualities of the parents or ancestors in ques- tion.” The quotation expresses well the idea that I have just tried to convey, and from it one sees plainly that it is the correlation that necessarily appears to a greater or less extent between the somatic qualities of two generations when they exist in large numbers that gave the basis for Galton’s superficial law. This quotation is Johannsen’s slogan for the geno- type conception of heredity. As there stated, it is merely a generalized expression of the essential fea- tures of the Mendelian notation. Johannsen, therefore, was the first to admit the broadness of its scope. In his exposition of his position, however, he adds two sub- sidiary propositions that we will now discuss; the first is the perennial question of the possibility of the inherit- ance of acquired characters, the second is a question which from its illusivenesg is likely to take on a peren- nial habit—that of the relative constancy of unit char- acters, : In regard to the first question I must be content here with a mere general statement. Like Osborn I would emphasize the possibly delusively static condition of organisms when tested during the infinitesimal time usually devoted to experiment. The inheritance of ac- quirements in some subtle way unknown to us may have been of immense importance in evolution. On the other hand, some sort of an orthogenesis may account for all the facts without the inheritance of acquired characters. It scarcely seems possible that everything is mere chance, though one who has studied plant teratology is as- tounded at the almost infinite number of characters that have appeared that were absolutely dangerous to the individual in its contest for survival. Be that as it may, I simply wish to acknowledge unbelief in any so-called No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 645 proof that the inheritance of acquired characters is im- possible. At the same time one must admit that no un- questionable proof of such inheritance has ever been submitted. Experimental evidence is woefully negative. It seems only reasonable, therefore, considering the available corroborative evidence, to relegate the expres- sion of new characters to variations that have affected the potentialities of the germ cells. We can simply di- vide variations into the classes inherited and non-in- herited without any admission as to their cause. We can call the inherited variations mutations if we will, or we can give them any other name. We must simply re- member that they are both large and small. One can hardly agree with Osborn that large varia- tions which are not in an orthogenetic line have had little value in evolution, or that teratological phenom- ena are of little consequence. The production of iden- tical quadruplets in the armadillo can scarcely be a grad- ually perfected character. Zygomorphism in flowers is lost as a unit and although this does not prove its birth as a unit, still that is to be presumed. One could fill pages with such data, but this is hardly the place for it. We will therefore consider the relative constancy of what we know as a unit character. THe Constancy or Unit FACTORS The first thing one does if he wishes to oppose the idea of a unit character is to ask for a definition. A per- fect definition of a unit character is as difficult to formu- late as for a flower, yet one can obtain an idea of a flower by proper application. If one describes a unit character as the somatic expression of a single gametic - factor or heredity unit, he at once gets into trouble. As the factor and not the character is the descriptive unit, a unit factor may affect a character but that character may never be expressed except when several units co- operate in ontogeny. I should prefer to disregard the word character therefore in formulating the problem. The real problem is: Are the facts of. heredity ade- 646 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI quately described by unvarying hypothetical factors? It is my thesis that if they can not be so described, the Mendelian notation fails. Johannsen was the first to show the relative constancy of characters by his beautiful experiments on beans. Since that time, experiments designed to show change, if present, have yielded negative results on bisexual animals such as poultry (Pearl), on plants such as peas (Love), beans (Johannsen’s later work), maize (Shull, East, Emerson), on asexual animals such as hydra (Hanel), paramecium (Jennings) and on asexual plants such as bacteria (Barber and others), and potatoes (East). Three critics have appeared. Karl Pearson took up the gage of battle because Johannsen’s work shows the utter untenability of the correlation coefficient as a measure of heredity. He has produced no evidence to uphold his view. Harris, following Pearson for a like reason, has concluded against Johannsen, but has not yet presented his data for public criticism. There re- mains the work of Castle, which he believes is supported by the work of Woltereck. The question to consider then is whether the work of these two investigators justifies the contention. Castle states that by selection he has modified a unit character. No one questions that under certain condi- tions changes in characters are made manifest by selec- tion. It has been done again and again. The question as I see it is the following: Are not the facts presented by Castle and the facts of the pure-line workers described most concisely and in a way most helpful to investiga- tion, by the reactions of fixed and unchanging units? If they can not be thus described the use of units is an ab- surdity, for one can not measure or describe by changing standards. Castle’s principal work on selection is with a fluctua- ting black and white coat pattern—the so-called hooded es, writing of these experiments, Castle says (l. c., p. de ¢ No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 647 I shall speak first of the case least open to objection from the geno- type point of view, which requires: 1. That no cross breeding shall attend or shortly precede the selection experiment, lest modifying units may unconsciously have been intro- duced, an 2. That only a single unit-character shall be involved i in the experiment. These requirements are met by a variety of hooded rat which shows a particular black and white coat pattern. This pattern has been found to behave as a simple Mendelian unit-character alternative to the self- condition of all black or of wild gray rats, by the independent investi- gations of Doncaster, MacCurdy and myself. The pigmentation how- ever in the most carefully selected race fluctuates in extent precisely as it does in Holstein or in Dutch Belted cattle. Selection has now been made by Dr. John C. Phillips and myself through 12 successive genera- tions without a single out-cross. In one series selection has been made for an increase in the extent of the pigmented areas; in the other series the attempt has been made to decrease the pigmented areas. The result is that the average pigmentation in one series has steadily increased, in the other it has steadily decreased. The details of the experiment can not be here presented, but it may be pointed out (1) that with each selection the amount of regression has grown less, 2. e., the effects of selection have become more permanent; (2) that advance in the upper limit of variation has been attended by a like recession of the lower limit; the total range of variation has therefore not been materially affected, but a progressive change has been made in the mode about which variation takes place. . The plus and minus series have from time to time been crossed with the same wild race. Each behaves as a simple recessive unit giving a 3:1 ratio among the grandchildren. But the extracted plus and the extracted minus individuals are different; the former are the more extensively pigmented. e series of animals studied is large enough to have significance. It ineludes more than 10,000 individuals. The conclusion seems to me unavoidable that in this ease selection has modified steadily and permanently a character unmistakably behaving as a simple Mendelian unit. This conclusion, from the writer’s standpoint, is not only avoidable, but unnecessary. No direct or implied denial of these facts is made, but a shift is made in the Point of view. It seems to me a logical necessity that hypothetical units used as measurement or descriptive Standards be fixed. The problem to be solved is the simplest means of thus expressing the facts. If the most 648 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vot. XLVI definite characters—i. e., certain pure-line homozygotes are sufficiently constant in successive generations to be expressed by a fixed standard, well and good. The whole heredity shorthand is then simple. If such is not the case, the character must still be described by some fixed standard, but in that case recourse must be had to complex mathematical expressions and not to a single unit to describe the most constant somatic expressions. Furthermore, if these mathematical expressions served any practical purpose, it would be necessary to prove that all somatic variability of homozygotes under uni- form conditions (if there is any) may be expressed by very few formulas. Such an attitude does not seem to be in harmony with the progressive spirit of the times. I believe that we may describe our results simply and accurately by hold- ing that unit factors produce identical ontogenetic ex- pressions under identical or similar conditions. If under identical conditions the expression is different, then a new standard, a new unit, must be assumed; that is, fac- tor A by any change becomes factor B. The results of the pure-line investigations are the warrant for this in- terpretation, for they are the investigations of success- sive generations of somatic expressions with the least attendant complication. From them one may assume that a succession of individuals homozygous in all char- acters and kept under identical conditions will be alike.’ To be sure there are numerous changes in the expression of characters when external and internal conditions are not so uniform as the above, but I believe that these changes can all be described adequately and simply by ascribing them to modifying conditions both external and internal. When external we recognize their usual effect in what we called non-inherited fluctuations, when internal we recognize their cause in other gametic fac- tors inherited independently of the primary factor but * Possibly even under these conditions rare variations that are exceptions to this rule might occur. In other words, mutations might occur having 20 external cause and therefore to be left for vitalistic interpretation, but this would not affect the general situation. No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 649 modifying its reaction during development. This is a physiological conception of heredity, as it recognizes the great coöperation between factors during development. It is a very simple conception of heredity, moreover, for it allows a multitude of individual transmissible differ- ences with the assumption of a very few factors. Some illustrations will be given later that will show the idea underlying this theory. Let us now see whether Castle’s work can be described properly by it. Castle started with a peculiar character. It fluctuates continually and has never been bred to as small a varia- bility as have many other characters. I have worked with a somewhat similar character in maize. It is a variegated pericarp color. In experimenting with it I have raised over a thousand progeny in one generation, a thing manifestly impossible with rats. Both solid colored ears and white ears have been obtained, and while at present it would be unwise to draw definite con- clusions, it appears that both solid red ears and white ears of this kind give again variegated progeny. In other words, neither the red ear nor the white can be- have like a normal red or white ear, but as if the pattern had fluctuated so widely that it can not appear on the ear (this explanation was suggested by Emerson). At any rate, we may conclude that the rat pattern fluctuates widely and is therefore markedly affected by some con- dition either internal or external. Castle began therefore with a character in a fluctua- ting condition, possessed by a race which had not re- cently been crossed with a different race. This does not mean, however, that the various individuals forming his original stock did not differ in several factors that in their different combinations might have an effect upon the developing pattern. Suppose for the moment that this were actually the case. If he had been able to pro- duce a fraternity by a single mating numbering several thousands, he would have produced individuals with all of these combinations of other genes. It is probable that he would then have obtained his progressive ex- 650 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI tremes in one generation, extremes that were never seen when but few individuals were produced. This sort of a thing is not hypothetical. It is mathematically demon- strable that with the same variability (a + b)” expanded gives an increase in the number of classes as the total number of individuals increases. It is, moreover, sup- ported by the experimental evidence of De Vries on se- lecting for higher number of rows in maize. I, myself, by using greater numbers obtained an increase in protein in maize in one generation comparable to that obtained by the Illinois Agricultural Station in three generations. Castle further argues that decrease in regression toward the original mean supports his view. On the other hand, this is exactly what should take place on as- suming the truth of the fixed factor conception, as has been shown by Jennings. Again, the selected races when crossed with wild races both act as simple recessives, but the extracted plus in- dividuals are more pigmented. This is what I should expect. The extracted plus individuals would be more pigmented when existing in small numbers, because the modifying factors are several. If several thousand progeny were grown, however, recombinations would show a more varied result. And as a matter of fact, ex- tracted recessives from the plus race are not precisely comparable in their fluctuation to the selected race with which the wild was crossed. They are more variable than the progeny of an inbred hooded individual of the same grade as the parent used in the cross with the wild. I do not think that one has a right to say, therefore, that there were no modifying genes present in various com- binations in the extracted recessives. When the selected lines were crossed together, more- over, the resulting progeny were somewhat intermediate and variable. The grandchildren were more variable. This is what should result from our assumptions. The animals are homozygous as far as having a pattern is concerned, but they differ in several genes that affect the development of the pattern. No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 651 Taking into consideration all the facts, no one can deny that they are well described by terminology which requires hypothetical descriptive segregating units as represented by the term factors. What then is the object of having the units vary at will? There is then no value to the unit, the unit itself being only an assumption. It is the expressed character that is seen to vary; and if one can describe these facts by the use of hypothetical units theoretically fixed but influenced by environment and by other units, simplicity of description is gained. If, however, one creates a hypothetical unit by which to describe phenomena and this unit varies, he really has no basis for description. The facts obtained when working with pied types are complex. They are evidently not thoroughly understood as is evidenced by a different interpretation made by every worker who has investigated them. Doncaster and Mudge see two types of Irish rat. Why not three or four? Crampe obtained hooded rats from cross of self- colored and albino, the hooded coming only from hetero- zygotes having some white. No adequate explanation has been given. Cuénot concluded regarding pied mice with several degrees of piedness that each was recessive to the other of next higher grade. In fact the behavior of self colors and spotted colors among mammals as among plants is pretty well ‘‘confused,”’ as in several species spotted types dominant to self color are known. Castle’s other experiments in selection—the forma- tion of a four-toed race of guinea-pigs starting with one animal with a rudimentary fourth toe, and the perfec- tion of a silvered race of guinea-pigs from an animal in which the character was feebly expressed—need not be considered here. Both were necessarily crossed with normals at the start, and gradual isolation of races hav- ing the proper gene complex for complete expression of the characters is to be expected. There have been nu- merous selection experiments of this type—such as those of De Vries, the Vilmorins, the Illinois Agricultural Ex- “periment Station, ete.—that have yielded results. 652 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI But these results, with one possible exception, were open to the criticism that they probably had to do with mixed lines and could therefore be described by the no- tation we have used. The experiments on pure lines have given no such results. One should not be asked to accept the results of the unguarded experiments and disregard the results of the guarded investigations. The one possible exception alluded to above refers to the experiments of Woltereck (Deut. Zool. Gesell., 19: 110-173, 1909) on parthenogenetic strains of Hyalo- daphnia and Daphnia where there can be no question of gametic recombination. This experiment is not beyond criticism as will be seen later, but if it were our position would not be affected. The results would still have to be described by some fixed standard but the description would be complicated. Since it is not beyond criticism, there is yet no reason for such a complication. Woltereck’s work was primarily to show whether or not acquired characters are inherited. It was a second- ary object to find out whether small variations or distinct sports occurred in the species. Those who use the work as an argument for unit factor modification, therefore, should also accept his inheritance of characters acquired. Woltereck tested the effect of selection on seven char- acters. Selection gave no results in five cases. The first supposedly successful case is for difference in head height. In different pure lines he found an enormous effect of environment. He therefore endeavored to plot curves for different kinds of environment, food, tempera- ture, generation number, etc. By comparing these curves he makes an argument for the inheritance of small acquired variations. In the absence of control cul- tures, and from the fact that culture conditions very uniform to Dr. Woltereck may have been somewhat ex- treme to Mr. A. Daphnia, the argument has only the value of the other numerous scholastic defences of in- herited acquirements. It is criticized by Tower in a re- cent publication. Woltereck did obtain one inherited No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 653 head variation. It apparently arose suddenly. He calls it a mutation. The only result that can be considered seriously from the standpoint taken in this paper is the result when se- lecting for a rudimentary eye. Daphnia has been dis- tinguished from Hyalodaphnia by the presence of a rudi- mentary eye. The distinction does not seem to be valid, for Woltereck noticed rudimentary eyes several times in pure line cultures of Hyalodaphnia and they have also been seen by others in wild cultures. He regards the phenomenon as a reversion to a preexisting condition. He found that the presence of the rudimentary eye is periodic. In the spring it appears, in the summer it again disappears. Wither kind can produce progeny of the other kind. From this fact it seems reasonable to believe that environment or generation number has much to do with the expression of the character, although Woltereck in one place inclines to the opinion that ex- ternal factors affect it but little. He performed several experiments on the effect of light and temperature, how- ever, and says that provisionally they gave no result free from objection—‘‘ . . . gegaben einstweilen kein einwandfreies Resultat.’? Almost any interpretation can be given this statement. : From a pure line in which this variable eye spot ap- peared, he isolated a mother and grandmother with the character well developed. Ninety per cent. of the progeny had the eye well developed. The rapidity of his results and the fact of periodicity in the expression of the character makes any cumulative effect of selection exceedingly questionable. One is not justified therefore in accepting it as proof without corroboration. CONCLUSION Tn conclusion, it may be asked if it is not reasonable to accept simply as a nomenclature the description of the whole facts of inheritance in sexual reproduction given by the Mendelian system? Is it wise to turn back- ward and to give up this handy and helpful notation 654 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor XLVI right in the midst of a useful career? The experiments least open to objection (the pure-line experiments) have shown the wisdom of assuming a stable unit factor, this factor being representative of the stability manifested by a character complex when no interfering conditions intervene. Let us accept this simple interpretation pro- visionally, appreciating the fact that the stability of the characters that have been represented by fixed units may be only a static appearance due to limited experiments; but that this appearance justifies our neglecting any infinitesimal fluency of our factor standards in experi- ments of like duration, since taking them into account would necessitate a change of standard, a new fabric of hypotheses and a more complicated system. Let us take a physiological view of heredity. Factors are assumed to be stable. Characters are somewhat unstable owing to the effect that other factors have upon their expres- sion. Factor A, for example, is potentially able to pro- duce a typical expression in ontogeny under certain defi- nite conditions of environment, but the presence or ab- sence of B or C or D or B, C, and D are responsible for slight changes in the expression of A. This conception gives us a picture of heredity in real accordance with physiological facts, in contradistinction to the non-bio- logical and fixed physical conception—the mosaic organ- ism conception—that critics often say is held by some geneticists. One may answer that this conception is all right for quantitative characters, but do the facts uphold it for qualitative characters? They do. I will give examples from my own experiments on the inheritance of the purple aleurone cells in maize. Here one obtains prog- eny by the thousands and sees phenomena that are ob- secured by lesser numbers. Crosses of the purple variety with three different whites have given three different results. One shows that the purple may be represented by the schematic de- scription PPRRCC. Crossed with pp rr ce it gives purples, reds and whites in the F, generation, as all three No. 551] THE MENDELIAN NOTATION 655 factors are necessary for the production of the purple color. How many other factors (present also in the whites) may be necessary one can not say. In another white, the R factor is present and purples and whites in the ratio of 9:7 result. In another white, both P and R are present. In another white, both P and C are present. Both give monohybrid ratios when crossed with the purple. This is not the sum total of whites, however; several others have been found. One has an intensifying factor. We get darker purples together with the normal purples, but no one can doubt that the purple is still the same pig- ment modified in its expression. Another white has a dominant inhibiting factor. In the heterozygous condi- tion it does not always inhibit the color entirely, but in the homozygous condition color never develops. The dominance of this factor is proved by the fact that ex- tracted colored recessives are still heterozygous for pres- ence of color. In still other whites I have. demonstrated the presence of at least three modifying genes M,M,M,. They are independent of each other, yet each and all affect the purple color. One is dominant, as if it were a partial inhibitor, the others are recessive, as if they were the loss of intensifying factors. Purples of all different degrees can be isolated and breed true. The lightest is such that the color can be distinguished only with a lens. But they are all strictly alternative in their transmission and Somewhere near the expected ratios of darks, lights, very lights, ete., appear. It is too much to ask that exact ra- tios be obtained for with this kind of modification all Shades appear, yet conclusive evidence has been ob- tained by F, and F, generations. ee : The qualitative characters do act the same as quanti- tative characters, therefore, and one can not make a real distinction between them. A FIRST STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE STARVATION OF THE ASCENDANTS UPON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DE- SCENDANTS—IP? DR. J. ARTHUR HARRIS CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON III. Presentation oF Data AND COMPARISON OF CoN- STANTS FoR Navy, WHITE FLAGEOLET AND Ne PLus LTRA Brans.—Continued B. Number of Ovules per Pod. The nature of this and the following character has been discussed elsewhere.? There the data from which all the physical constants necessary in this study may be de- duced, but not the constants themselves, are set forth. Tables IX-XI give these constants based on countings of ovules formed and seeds matured in 130,074 pods. That the starvation of the individual affects not merely the number of pods which it produces but the character- istics of these pods as well is evident from a study of these tables, but is best brought out by a special kind of graph, _ Reducing absolute to relative frequencies, we take the difference Starved less fed for each ovule grade. Such differences are shown in Diagram 8 for NDD-NDH, NDDC-NDHC, NHD-NHH, NHDC-NHHC, USD-USH, USDC-USHC, FSD-FSH and FSDC-FSHC. The differences for the ancestral series, which for the moment alone interest us, are shown *The first part of this paper appeared in this journal, Vol. 46, pp. 313- 343, 1912. The reader must consult it for all questions of purpose, ma- terials, methods, ete. * Harris, J. Arthur, ‘‘On the Relationship between Bilateral Asymmetry and Fertility and Feeundity,’’ Roux’s Archiv. In press. 656 No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 657 by the positions of the circles while those for their off- spring grown upon the comparison field are represented TABLE IX Š “Mas pad Probable Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Series and Probable Error and Probable Error NH 5.7170 = .0106 .7762 = .0075 13.5763 = .1335 NHH 5.4126 = .0049 8569 + .0035 15.8323 + .0653 NHHH 5.3706 = .004 7669 = 0035 14.2803 = .0656 4.7192 + .0080 890 = .0057 18.8383 + .1245 NHDD 4.9985 + .0074 8064 + .0052 16.1313 = .1069 .0034 + .0120 6829 = .0085 17.0587 = .2181 D 4.3503 = .0138 .7695 = .0098 20.1638 + .2340 NDDD 4.7161 + .0163 7083 + .0080 15.0181 + .1630 H 5.1375 = .0070 7957 + .0049 15.4881 = .0980 NDHH 5.1692 + .0067 7057 = .0048 13.6517 = .0936 C 5.6607 + .0109 7852 = .0077 13.8708 = .1389 NHHHC 5.5853 + .0107 8099 = .0076 14.4999 81 Cc 5.6295 + .0137 8466 + .0097 15.0390 + .1762 NHDDC 5.6573 = .0104 .7371 = .0073 13.0289 = .1315 C 5.3701 = .0147 .7409 = .0104 13.7965 + .1969 NDDDC 5.5337 = .0127 .7397 = .0090 13.3674 = .1652 NDHC 5.4800 + .0 .7016 = .0073 12.8031 + .1362 NDHHC 5.4046 = .0096 .7133 = .0068 13.1973 = .1282 TABLE X i ficient of Variation Series | Mean ape Probablo | Siar otabieHerot_| ‘and Probable Error USS 5.5279 = .0072 8694 + .0051 15.7280 + .0945 5. as 8196 + .0067 15.9178 = .1333 USHH 5.2392 + .0116 .7151 = .0082 6483 + = .020 8705 = .0147 18.2481 + 3174 USDD 4.7991 + .0174 .7531 = .0123 15.6925 = 8 USC 5.5866 = .0093 .6 12.4908 + .1194 USSC 5.6992 = .0109 .6992 + .0077 12.2692 + .1367 USHC 5.5548 + .0125 oy ms 3.2290 =. USHHC 5.5713 = .0117 .7622 + .0083 13.6816 = .1511 USDC 5.5287 = .0117 .7377 = .0083 13.3431 =+ .15 USDDC 5.5244 + .012 .7236 = .0086 3. = .1579 TABLE XI of Variation Beries Mean y Aeg paar sai edges ager yooh ee Pi oe aridmemesroanesivd sorae E Lt PEATE LRTI FSS 5 0080 1.0530 = .0057 18.5181 + .1033 5.5580 + .0077 .7639 = .0054 13.7443 + .099 FSHH 5.5150 = .0075 .6873 = .0053 12.4619 + .0974 4.9579 = .0142 8022 = .0101 16.1798 + .2080 FSDD 5.0193 = .0116 .6799 = .008 Sane 60 = .0097 7728 12.6768 + .1145 FSSC 6.1840 + .0106 7816.+ .0075 6390 +. FSHC 6.0761 = .0121 '8273 = .0086 13.6149 = .1437 FSHHC 6.0245 = . 8173 = .0069 13.5660 + .1168 FSDC 6.0525 = 0137. | .7853 = .00 _ 12.9756 = 1621 —FSDDC | 6.0616 + .0107 18144 = 0076 | 184355 = 1208 __ 658 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLVI +20 HOP ojro as TCRA os —10}- L NDD—NDH NHD—NHH AND AND —29- NDDC—NDHC | NHDC—NHHC +nob : +10 : —l0 i USD -USH FSD -FSH —2ol USDC — USHC | FSDC—FSHC L 1 L L i L L La L L L | i 1 ae FOO DIAGRAM 8. Differences in the percentage frequencies of various numbers of ovules per pod in luxuriant and depauperate cultures and in their offspring. by solid dots. A profound influence of the starvation conditions is evident from these graphs. Relatively, the lower grades are much in excess, the higher grades much in defect in the starvation series. The same fact is quite patent when one deals with the means of the series instead of comparing individual classes in the same lot. Clearly from Diagram 9: No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 659 SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR ANCESTRAL SERIES COMPARISON SERIES so 475 3.00 525 3.50 3.75 - S = - K a ~ = d = = oO? s STRAIN AND SERIES OF PLANTS USDD FLAGEOLET FSD ie FSDD Diacram 9. Mean number of ovules per pod. „Compare explanation of diagram 6. (a) The means are in every case conspicuously lower for the starved than for the fed ancestral series. (b) The means for the comparison series are closely Similar: there is no striking superiority of fed over Starved ancestry. Here, accordingly, as for number of pods per plant, we must have recourse to numerical differences and their Probable errors. The intra-ramal comparisons are made in Table XII. In three of the four cases, the starved seeds produce pods with more ovules, but in all ae Seed was a year older for one generation of ascendan 660 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST TABLE XII [Vou. XLVI Description of Material Ancestors Starved for Two Generations Ancestors Starved for Three Generations Ancestors starved for one generation: USDC series: SRE OB e be Oe Eee A E Ole ee ak ee USDDC series: —2'0101 + 2198 NDDDC series: = 4291 æ .2571 starvation than for two. Compare the results for num- ber of pods per plant, and for seeds per pod. The inter-ramal differences appear in Tables XII- XVI. Of the 28 comparisons, direct and cross, of mean number of ovules, 18 are negative and 10 positive; that is, in 18 cases, the plants with starved ancestry have a lower number of ovules per pod. Thus the deviation TABLE XIII Description of Material . Ancestors Starved for One ‘oan Ancestors Starved for Two Generations NHDDC TSE E ee Ancestors well fed for one generation: N. ey ries eS 8 Se EN a E A ee ga E E E gti ROW ORR 8 6 6s oy eh oe te ee ee ee EE ORES EO aia MA g CR rer Ge WE Te HON E D Coefficient = ea aS NDHHC seri M 2 SOS a NE EO Oe ee E ick OS th we a eta We) ae ee ae oe 06 heh 8-8 88 E S Cee ee ae CS ee eg Rw i gs E eg a Ty "eee eee eees + .1495 = .0172 1450 = .0121 42.2359 + .2297 — .0312 +, H © o ns + .2249 =, 2 = .0174 0 + .1773 = .0147 4 5 = .0103 + .2258 = .1892 — .0034 = .0151 — .0481 + .0106 — .8419 + .1913 + .2527 + .0141 + .0238 = .0100 — .1684 = + .0720 = .0149 28 = Ol = 1.4710 = -1908 No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 661 from the equality of division, if there were no influence of the environment of ascendants, is 4+1.79. Of the 28 differences, 16 are thrice their probable errors; 9 are significantly negative and 7 significantly positive. Taking averages, regarding signs, we have: — .0819 Navy, Within Strains, A = + .0150 A Ne Plus Ultra, White Flageolet, A = — .0378 TABLE XIV Ancestors Starved for | Ancestors Starved for Description of Material nerations Three Generations DDO NDDDC Ancestors well fed for one generation: NDHC series: “a AEE ARER cee re eS — .1099 = .0180 + .0. .0164 tandard deviat 7 on oak Puen + .0393 = .0127 + .0381 + .0116 rae Of variston... os. + .9934 = .2394 + .5643 = .2140 ees leh vg for es petals es ISO Rap Rea geome WE Er ee ott as — .2906 = .0183 — .1270 = .0167 Piandard OES e WA of — .0443 = .0129 — ,0455 = .0118 aent = ais a ee a — .0743 + .2410 — .5034 = .2159 NDHHC se ick A Ey IE ge cre NR et a oN — .0345 = .0175 + .1291 = .0159 Standard deviation.............. + .0276 = .0124 + .0264 = .0113 Coefficient of moar signee E + .5992 + .2349 -+ A701 = 2000 | Ancestors well fed for three generations NHH. Bo A ec es — .2152 = .0182 — .0516 + .0166 andard deviation.............. — .0690 + .0129 = 0702 © 011s Coefficient of variation.......... — .7034 = .2404 | —1.1325 + .2154 _ TABLE XV x ES ved Ancestors Starved Description of Material D oy Pictish for Two Generations USDC USDDC LOE i ate ae Ancestors well fed for one generation: USSC series: WHS iii ivy ee — .1705 = .0160 | — .1748 = .0163 Standard deviation.............. + .0385 = .0113 0244 + .0115 oleae of nena a ia +1.0739 = .2047 | + .8297 = .2088 a we ee ee wl Be were — 0261 + .0171 + .0029 + .0121 + 1141 = .2223 — 0112 + .0123 — 1301 = USHHC se MM ee — .0426 = .0166 | — .0469 = .0168 Btandard duviation 222.22. — [9245 = 0117 | — .0386 = .0120 2. Cosficient of ¢ annie ee ae — 3385 = .2145 | — 5827 + .2186 662 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI TABLE XVI Ancestors Starved Ancestors Starved Description of Material for One Generation for Two Generations FSDC FSDDC Ancestors well fed for one generation: C series: Ch EN P ee ae ae — .1315 = .0173 — .1224 + .0151 Standard deviation..........3.... + .0037 + .0122 + .0328 + .0107 nr acral of soot un penn + .3366 + .2037 + .7965 1769 aes oe POG so nee — .0236 = .0183 — .0145 + .0162 Standard deviation eroana eaS — .0420 0130 — .0129 = .0115 Coefficient of variation.......... — .6393 + .2166 — .1794 + .1916 Ancestors at fed for two ‘anata: parte series: bE RSE loegepsi eure lye a ee ON ie + .0280 + .0169 + -0371 = .0145 AEE déviation; 04.54.44 a — .0320 = .0119 0029 = .0102 Coefficient of variation.......... 5904 7 1305 = .1723 SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR : SCALE OF MAGNITUDE F ANCESTRAL SERIES COMPARISON pase 250 200 350 400 ino noo 3.50 350 wo NAVY ee N NHH b NHD' bera NHDD' Hien NAVY ND E] NDD. D oe eet a = NDH T a NDHH Ò © un ULTRA oy æ us A uss Q a mt ve USH > J fi z USHH -=O = usD el a usDD ao th FLAGEOLET So pe L - FSS oo fice ei a eel UH remna p= TO Dap S FSD eoe. F ----} 8 FSDD Ei a EA Re DIAGRAM 10. Mean number of seeds per pod. Compare explanation of diagram 6. No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 663 The results for Navy are slightly positive, for the other two varieties more conspicuously negative. The mean of the four varieties is — .0291. Regarding only the 10 direct inter-ramal comparisons, we note that 7 are negative and 3 positive; 3 significantly negative and none significantly positive. The mean of the negative differences is —.0771, of the positive + .0794, of all — .0316. The data are available for any one caring to work out the relationships for variabilities. The discussion of this point is reserved until further series are gotten. C. Number of Seeds per Pod Tables XVII-XIX give the essential biometric con- stants for number of seeds per pod. Diagram 10 justi- fies the same general conclusions for the mean number of seeds as were drawn from Diagram 9 for mean num- ber of ovules per pod. In one case, however, the average for seeds is lower on a feeding plot than on the starva- tion fields.® Appealing again to constants and their probable errors, we have the results set forth in the tables of fun- damental differences, XX—XXIV. The intra-ramal comparisons, Table XX, show three positive and one negative difference. Two of the positive differences are probably and the third possibly statis- tically significant. Note, however, that the age of the seed may be a disturbing factor. Compare the results for number of pods and number of ovules. Of the 28 inter-ramal comparisons, Tables XXLXXIV, 15 are negative and 13 positive. In the usual manner, we get for the means: Navy, Within Strains, A = + .0078 Ne Plus Ultra, A= 0711 White Flageolet, = — .0383 * Why FSS plants did not mature their seeds well I have never been able to make out. The fact was noticed at harvest time. 664 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI For Navy the positive difference is trivial; the negative difference for Ne Plus Ultra and for White Flageolet is much larger. Considering statistical significance to be indicated by a difference thrice its probable error, we find that 8 are significantly negative and 4 significantly positive. These 4, and 2 of the 8 significantly negative differences, fall in the comparisons between the two strains of Navy and hence can not be given much weight. Of the 20 inter- ramal comparisons, direct and cross, within the same strain, 11 are negative and 9 are positive in sign. Of the 10 direct comparisons 5 are positive and 5 negative in TABLE XVII Berlen Mean and Probable Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Error and Probable Error and Probable Error NH 4.2555 = .0193 1.4113 = .0136 33.1634 = .3538 NHH 4.2672 = .0073 1.2893 = .0052 30.2134 = .1323 NHHH 4.277 0082 1.2802 + .0058 29.9268 = .1463 D 3.1269 = .0117 1.2964 + 41.4611 = .306 NHDD 3.7493 = .0116 1.2672 + .0082 33.7974 = .2420 D 3. = .0196 1.1143 + .0139 35.9804 + .5017 DD 3.1872 + .0189 1.1984 = .0134 37.6013 = .4752 NDDD 3.5823 = .0176 1.1709 = .0124 32.6870 = .3823 DH 4.17 0108 1.2363 = .0076 29.5786 = .1982 NDHH 4.2512 = .0112 1.1774 = .0079 27.6963 + .2003 4.0115 + .0194 1.3959 = .0137 34.7973 + .3812 NHHHC 3.8979 + .0181 1.3683 = .0128 35.1028 + .3656 3.9417 + .0221 1.3616 + .0156 34. + NHDDC 3.9333 = .0191 1.3585 = .0135 34.5397 = .3816 DC 3.7550 + .0254 1.2798 = .0179 34.0838 + .5301 NDDDC 3.8191 = .0227 1.3215 = .0161 34.6033 + .4679 .7333 = .0192 1.2989 + .0136 34.7927 + .4058 NDHHC |_ 3.7751 + .0173 1.2835 + .0123 34.0005 = TABLE XVIII Series Mean and Probable Standard Deviation ew ye of Variation Error and Probable Error d Probable Error USS 3.8781 = .0114 1.3760 = .0081 35.4817 + .2330 4.0097 = .0146 1.2599 = .0103 31.4219 + .2810 USHH 3.8698 = .0214 1.3253 + .0151 34.2475 + .4347 2.6322 + .0291 2235 = 6 46.4812 = .9367 USDD 3.2268 + .0297 1.2823 = .0210 39.7382 = .7453 4.1269 = .0175 1.3177 = .0124 31.9296 + .3297 USSC 4.2113 = .0204 1.3126 + .0144 31.1673 + .3739 USHC 4.1045 = .0226 1.3280 + .0160 2.3553 + .4283 USHHC 4.0832 =. 1.3333 + .0145 32.6536 = .3899 3.9718 = .0213 1.3403 = .0150 33.7456 + .4192 __USDDC | 4.1619 + .0214 1.2752 = .0151 30.7127 + .3969 __ No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 665 TABLE XIX Mean and Probable Standard Deviation Coefficient of td scree Series Error and Probable Error and Probable Err. FSS 3.2918 = .0113 1.4772 = .0080 44.8741 + .2868 H 4.3907. = .0 1.3078 = .0093 29.7865 = .2288 FSHH 4.4563 = .0143 1.3095 = .0101 29.3856 = .2450 D 3.4624 = .0230 1.2993 = .0163 37.5263 + 5323 FSDD 3.8548 = .0021 1.1991 = .0145 31.1063 = .4109 C 4.2865 = .0172 1.3677 = .0122 31.9072 = .3113 FSSC 4.3643 = .0198 1.4532 = .0140 33.2987 = .3541 HC 4.1941 + .0200 1.3610 = .0141 2.4494 + 3701 FSHHC 4.1997 + .0167 1.3941 = .0118 .1948 + .3102 4.1574 + .0236 1.3596 = .0167 32.7024 + «4428 FSDDC 4.2710 = .0178 1.3537. = 0126 31.6950 = .3220 TABLE XxX SS ` Ancestors Starved for | Ancestors atric ok ag) Description of Material Generations Three Generatio Ancestors a for one generation: E USDC serie: USDD6 series: ORs ee A Gt Care es oe OS + .1801 + .0302 Standard deviation.............. — .0651 + .0213 anpassa of aeei EE E —3.0329 = .5773 FSDC ser FSDDC series: DN a a a + .1136 + .0296 Standard deviation.............. — .0059 = .0209 Sop ee of meini, Re a —1.0074 = .5475 HDC se .HDDGE series: We a os — .0084 = .0292 Biandari d deviation... oc u — .0031 = .0206 fficient of variation.......... — .0047 = .5828 Ancestors era for two generations: : DDDC series: i Be ee e a eee + .0641 + .0341 Standard deviation.............. + .0417 + .0241 Coefficient of variation.......... | +.5195 + .7070 _ sign, but none of the positive differences are statistically Significant, while 3 of the negative differences are from 4 to 8 times their probable errors. The mean of the 5 negative differences is — .1371, of the 5 positive Mier. ences + .0482, of the whole series — .0445. D. Weight of Seed hort the experiments partially described in this Paper, attention has been given to the weight of the indi- Vidual seed. From the practical standpoint, the total weight of the seeds produced by the plant would have n a more desirable determination, but for several reasons this was not feasible. 666 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI For all the ancestral series, the seeds were weighed individually in units of .025 gram, but the excessive labor involved precluded this for the twenty comparison crops. Instead, the seeds of each series were mixed thoroughly among themselves and random drawings TABLE XXI neestors Starved Ancestors Starved Description of Material for One Generation or Two Generations ` NHDC NHDDC Ancestors well Reg for one generation: a ie : RUE iaey he Oa ewe kee + .2084 + .0293 .2000 + .0270 Standard deviation. E eee a + .0627 = .0207 + .0596 = .0192 ont or VATIBUION «sci ccs sis — .2483 = .5989 — .2530 + .5570 isolate well fed for tea pR E E O rs tie — .0698 = .0294 — .0782 = .0272 Standard deviation 5.2 o1 — .0343 = .0208 — .0374 + .0192 one a i Warintion: 622... — .2529 + .5826 — .2594 + .5394 gr hy Coy Gime eres aa as + .1666 + .0281 + .1582 0258 Standard aena Rees eee yA + .0781 = .0199 + .0750 + .0183 ib Of Variation «063555 o. + .5439 = .5691 + .5392 + .5248 ies ee fed for si generations HC series: BANG. reat se ck Ot -+ .0438 = .0286 + .0354 = .0263 tandard déviation... ..<:.. — .0067 = .0202 — .0098 = .0186 Coefficient of A r E eg — .5584 = .5725 5631 + .5285 TABLE XXII Ancestors Starved for | Ancestors Starved for Description of Material Two Generations Three Generations NDDC NDDDC Ancestors well fed for one generation: ND saps ies ë E T a oak + .0217 = .0318 + .0858 = .0297 Sta aba MSVIALION coo — .0191 + .0225 ti .0226 = .0211 Coefficient of variation.......... -7089 76 1894 + .6194 Ancestors = Sn for ie a generations: e Mo o — .0256 = .0320 — .1924 + .0299 Standard GOT Cs 1161 = .0225 — .0744 = .0211 cone sa ai BE eee — .7135 = .6529 — .1940 = .6035 ND tami C se a R a — .0201 = . +. = or Govindan., ae ae — .0037 + .0217 | + .0380 + .0203 Coefficient of variation.......... + .0833 = + .6028 = .5905 Ancestors well f fed fo or ‘hres generations: NHHH Mit a = i =, = = .0290 Standard deviation.............. =+ pobre — .0468 + .0206 Coefficient of variation.......... — .0190 + .6440 4995 = .5938 No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 667 TABLE XXIII Ancestors Starved for | Ancestors Starved for Description of Material One Ber ages Two 0 Geasrations Ancestors tie fed for one generation: U 2” rie Peder ei E E ew yi — .2395 + .0295 — .0594 + .0296 kadad Geviation 2. E + .0277 = .0208 — .0374 + .0209 Spa o yaristion: i sarr o -+2.5783 + .5617 — 4546 + .5453 tesla Pa Bites E ene ee ee — .1327 + .0310 +. 0474 + .0311 Standard GeViauon. 62.5035 2a + .0123 + .0219 — .0528 = .0220 Coefficient of variation.......... +1.3903 = .5993 —1.6426 + .5840 Ancestors wel agg or two EA DES US. Sen: er i es ee ee ee — .1114 = .0295 + .0687 + .0296 tandard deviation.............. + .0070 = .0209 — .0581 + .0209 Coefficient of variation.......... +1.0920 + .5725 +1.9409 + .5564 TABLE XXIV Ancestors Starved for | Ancestors Starved for Description of Material One ph ag Two A Ancestors well fed for one generation: FSSC series: ‘ : RR Bae ek eee un ee — .2069 + .0308 — .0933 = .0266 Standard deviation.............. — .0936 + .0218 — 0995 = .0188 “Symone of variation: : fo i... — .5963 + .5670 — 1.6037 + .4786 FSHC se nin r a a — .0367 = .0309 | + .0769 = ppan Standard deviation.............. — .0014 = .0219 — .0073 = .0189 Coefficient of variation.......... + .2530 = .5771 7544 + 4906 Ancestors well fed for two generations: HHC series: Reo i hore oh Gh ees ware — .0423 + .0289 + .0713 + .0244 Standard deviation.............. — .0345 + .0204 | — .0404 = .0173 Coefficient of vacation ee eae — A924 + .5406 —1.4998 + .4471 made for mass weighings.t It is on these samples of 2,000 or more seeds (weighed after drying for several months)* that the averages are based. Seed weight will be touched rather lightly in this paper. This is in part due to the fact that the seeds for the com- Parison series could not be weighed individually, thus * This was the plan for all but USC and FSC, where 100 seeds, or as many as were available, were weighed en masse for each line. From these, the general population mean was calculated. Li *The plants were harvested and dried in an empty greenhouse in $ early autumn of 1910; stored in an unheated building for the early zak 9 the winter; counted rs uring a period extending from January to April; and left in the laboratory till weighing, some time in June. 668 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI affording data from which the variabilities and probable errors might be calculated. It is in part due to the fact that (as will be clear later) the starvation conditions available seem not to have affected seed weight as they did the other characters with which we deal. SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR SCALE OF MAGNITUDE FOR 100 aso 200 250 3300 35o _.100 JA75 223 27S es NAVY NH Q. NHH -> NHHH J NHD a NHDD o NAVY D a n NDD ---}--@ P A NDAD < WUDU < a NDH + S NDHH 2 ee ee ee oe Seen eer es lh a A ULTRA n USS Ly EN ae 3 a a z USH -----+-;- z USHH EE FSHH Ł - A FSD F- e r D Fspp a Ww ee ee eee a DiacramM 11. Mean weight of seeds. Compare diagrams 6, 9 and 10. The mean weight for both ancestral and comparison series are shown in decimals of grams in Table XXV. That seed weight is a character influenced by environ- mental conditions is apparent from the scatter of the means in the ancestral field of Diagram 11 as compared with their closeness to line in the comparison panel. But No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 669 the diagram also shows at once that* seed weight has not been influenced by the starvation conditions as other characters have. Whereas, with a single exception, num- ber of pods per plant, number of ovules per pod and num- ber of seeds per pod were all conspicuously reduced, seed weight is sometimes higher, sometimes lower, on the starvation plots. Of the 28 differences, 21 are negative in sign, as compared with 28 for pods per plant and ovules per pod and 27 for seeds per pod. Expressing numerically the same differences for the ancestral series as are usually taken for the comparison series, we find for comparisons within the strains: TABLE XXV Ancestral Series Comparison Series Series N Mean Series N Mean F 3,000 19322 FS 7,562 18587 FSS 3,740 15636 FSSC 2,000 18026 2,122 20039 FS ,000 17893 FSHH 1,788 16813 FSHHC 2,000 18145 1,989 16140 FSD 2,000 17816 FSDD 1,643 16783 FSDDC ,000 19027 U 2,391 34491 US 9,879 28450 USS 3,271 35349 USSC 2,000 29933 1,165 34261 USHC 2,000 314 USHH 31642 USHHC 2,000 30147 1,002 25474 USDC 2,000 29170 USDD 29948 USDDC 2,000 29284 7,334 23186 H 2,000 25430 NHHH 5,601 20274 NHHHC 2; 244 6,630 20073 NH. 2,000 26616 NHDD 5,029 22293 NHDDC 2,000 24669 2,362 NDDC 2,000 25849 NDDD 1,946 .20374 NDDDC 2,000 (25207 NDH 3,227 ‘20879 NDHC 2,000 "26248 NDHH 2,433 .20261 NDHHC 2,000 24815 Navy, A = — .0047 Ne Plus Ultra, A= — .0604 White Flageolet, A= — -0103 General Average, A =— 0231 Thus there appears to be a distinct influence of the de- Ppauperization of the individual upon the weight of the seeds which it produces. But modification of weight is very slight indeed as compared with that of the other characters. : 670 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Considering now the weight of the seeds produced by the comparison plants, we note that of the 28 differences which may be taken (within and between strains) be- tween plants of luxuriant and those of depauperate an- cestry, 15 are negative and 13 are positive in sign, a devi- ation of only 1+ 1.79 from the expected 14:14 ratio. Of the individual differences, the largest is .023 gram, while most of them fall, towards zero. Averaging we get: Positive Differences, + .00915 gr. Negative Differences, — .00831 gr. All Differences, — .00020 gr. Surely values as low as this can not give much weight to the assertion that depauperization of the parents has had any influence upon the weight of the seed of the off- spring plants. Looked at in a preliminary and superficial way (and it hardly seems worth while to go into the matter more minutely until other data are tabled and reduced), the data seem to indicate that the weight of the seed is a character much less directly dependent upon cultural conditions than are the vegetative characters of the plant. Conditions which reduce these latter may not materially affect seed weight. Possibly, the environmental complexes available were such as to affect certain characteristics of the ancestral plants, while leaving others, i. e., seed weight, unmodi- fied. Possibly, seed weight is a character little affected by external conditions of any kind. These are questions which can only be solved by further experiments de- signed to determine whether some environmental com- plexes regularly affect seed weight while others do not, and to ascertain what influence, if any, such reduction has upon the characteristics of offspring seeds. E. Combination Characters : Some characteristics are combinations of two or more individual measurements. Such are, for example, the No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 671 correlation between two dimensions, or the ratio of the one to the other. The only case of this kind to be considered here is the. coefficient of fecundity, which is simply the ratio of the total seeds matured by a population of pods to the total ovules formed. The values are given in Table XXVI. For the ancestral series all but 2 of the 20 compari- sons within strains show lower fecundity in the starved series. Taking averages: Navy, Within Strains, A —— .0790 Ne Plus Ultra, A=—.1178 White Flageolet, A= + .0075 Thus Navy and Ne Plus Ultra mature about 7-11 per cent. more of their ovules on feeding than on starvation fields. Apparently, White Flageolet is not affected. TABLE XXVI Ancestral Series Comparison Series Series Pods C.F. Series Pods C.F. FS — osha FSC 2,876 7387 FSS 7,809 5789 FSSC 2,457 7057 4,541 7899 FSH 2,117 6903 FSHH 3,837 8080 FSHHC 3,180 6971 FSD ; 984 FSD 1,506 86 FSDD 1,556 7680 FSDDC 2,646 .7046 U. —— Sc 2.569 "7032 USS 7015 USSC 1,888 7389 3,406 7787 ‘SH 1,570 7389 USHH 1,743 7386 USHHC 1,936 7329 USD 802 5518 US 1,810 7184 USDD 851 6724 USDDC 1,619 7516 ; 78 NHHC 355 7087 NHHH | 11,230 7965 NHHHC 2,614 6979 5,581 6625 1,733 7002 NHDD 5,449 7501 NHDDC 2,308 6953 1,827 .7326 1,159 .6992 NDDD 2,018 7596 NDDDC 1,542 6901 5,955 8136 2,077 6813 NDHH 5,019 (8224 NDHHC 2,494 .6985 For the comparison series grown from these seeds, we find that of the 20 comparisons, direct and cross, within the strains, 12 show lower and 8 show higher fecundity in the offspring of starved plants. The means are: 672 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Navy, A = —- .00036 Ne. Plus Ultra, A= — .00615 White Flageolet, A = — .00196 Discussion of such differences is obviously superfluous. IV. Recaprrunation, Discussion anD TENTATIVE Con- CLUSIONS The purpose of the series of investigations, described in part, is to ascertain whether the depauperization of the individual through the environmental com- plexes constituting ‘‘poor’’ agricultural conditions, in- fluences the characteristics of its offspring, and if so, how much. The problem of the chemical and physical ‘‘causes”’ of the depauperization has received the most intensive experimental consideration. The question of the influence of the surroundings of the ascendants upon the characteristics of the descendants has been much more a matter of speculation. Yet the second of these problems is of obvious importance to the agriculturist and of interest to the evolutionist concerned with en- vironmental factors. The time seems ripe, therefore, for its consideration on the basis of extensive quantitative experimental data. Notwithstanding the great progress which has been made in the investigation of the relationship of the chemical and physical properties of the substratum to the characteristics of the plant, the diversity of results and the clash of theories show that we have only entered the edge of this field of research. In consideration of these facts, and especially in view of the all but unsur- mountable difficulties of controlling in large experiments the conditions of growth of flowering plants, it has Seemed necessary in first studies to choose merely good and bad growing conditions as indicated by yields in actual cultures. Thus the methods are avowedly and in- tentionally of the rough and ready sort. If in such ex- periments an unquestionable influence of the conditions No. 551] INFLUENCE OF STARVATION 673 of growth of the ascendants upon the characteristics of the descendants be demonstrated, it will be worth while to determine the weight to be given to individual physical and chemical factors in the ascendant environment. If, on the other hand, there be no detectable effect of ances- tral depauperization, then the cost of elaborate batter- ies of experiments had better be devoted to some other problem. This first study is based upon three varieties of one species, Phaseolus vulgaris. The conclusions should not, therefore, be extended to other forms with different de- mands upon the soil, habits of growth or type of seed. This is true not merely on general principles, but is espe- cially important because of the well-known capacity of this species for growth under adverse conditions. The characters considered are number of pods per _plant, number of ovules formed and number of seeds ma- _ tured per pod, ratio of total seeds ripened to total ovules daid down—the coefficient of fecundity—and weight of eds, ‘astants are based upon the countings of number of ies and seeds in about 130,000 pods and weighings of er 110,000 carefully selected seeds. But these obser- lions were drawn from only 21,000 individual plants. he results in the body of the paper show, these num- rs are too small rather than unnecessarily large for roblem of this delicacy. I believe, however, that they e sufficiently large to bring the probable errors of ‘random sampling low enough that dangers of erroneous ‘onclusions lie rather in the inevitable experimental and to a less extent observational) errors. _ Bearing in mind the difficulties to be surmounted and the consequent possibilities of error, we draw the fol- lowing tentative conclusions. Environmental conditions which greatly reduce num- ber of pods per plant, number of ovules formed per pod and number of seeds matured per pod, affect to a less degree the relative number of seeds matured, i. e., the 674 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI coefficient of fecundity, and have but little effect upon seed weight. _ The influence of the modification of the ascendants upon the characteristics of the descendants is extremely slight. There seems, nevertheless, to be a definite reduc- tion in the number of pods per plant and number of ovules per pod. There is also a possible lowering of the absolute and relative number of seeds per pod. Ap- parently, there is no modification of seed weight. Cop SPRING HARBOR, N. Y. STRUCTURAL RELATIONS IN XENOPARASITISM W. A. CANNON DESERT BOTANICAL LABORATORY Ar various times normally independent plants have been experimentally caused to grow and develop within the tissues of other independent plants, deriving from this arrangement food and food-materials and organizing tissues and organs.! Although in themselves short-lived, the artificial parasites offer interesting suggestions as to the possible conditions under which true parasitism may arise in nature.? Itis clear, for instance, that the mutual relation of parasite and host is extremely complex, both from a purely physiological point of view and from a structural one. On the one hand, it presupposes suitable osmotic relations and not unfavorable chemical reactions, and on the other, among other things, the fitting and exact adjustment of the tissues of the parasite, and it signifies atrophies as well. hen we observe the leading structural changes which normally occur in the growth of a haustorium of a habi- tual parasite, such, for example, as the mistletoe,’ we find a course of development which is full of suggestions. A — young haustorium is composed mainly of undifferentiated ground tissue, but there are the beginnings of conductive tissue within, and a protective epidermis without. Upon the commencement of the parasitic relation the most marked changes occur. In the first place epithelial cells *“* Artificial Parasitism, ete.,’’? G. J. Peirce, Bot. Gaz., 38: 214, 1904. ‘‘The Condition of Parasitism in Plants,’’ D. T. MacDougal and W. A. Cannon, Publ. No. 129 Carnegie Inst. of Wash., 1910. ‘‘An Attempted Analysis of Parasitism,’’ D. T. MacDougal, Bot. Gaz., 52: 249, 1911. ***An Attempted Analysis of Parasitism,’’ D. T. MacDougal, Bot. Gaz., 52: 249, 1911. ‘The Anatomy of Phoradendron villosum,’’? W. A. Cannon, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 1901. 675 676 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI are formed directly from parenchyma, and then after penetrating the host, such of the periphery of the haus- torium as touches non-living cortical host cells, organizes cork. Finally, upon the attainment by the haustorium of the woody cylinder the conductive tissue of the hausto- rium opposes cell for cell the conductive tissue of the host, and in such parasites as possess sieve-tubes, the sieve- tubes hold a similar relation to the sieve-tubes of the host. It happens therefore in habitual parasites that a portion of the development of the haustoria occurs after the parasitic relation has been entered into, so that the direction of the development of much of the tissue of the haustorium is fortuitous, depending in part on the posi- tion occupied by the tissues of the host. DURATION oF THE XENOPARASITIC RELATION Although induced parasitism means naturally a limited period during which the artificial relation can be con- tinued, this period varies greatly with the different nutri- tive couples. A review of this phase of the subject will not be given here, as it is completely presented in the papers referred to above, but two or three of the most pertinent parasitic relations will be cited. Peirce grew Pisum sativum on Vicia Faba to maturity (Peirce, ‘‘ Arti- ficial Parasitism,” l. c.). MacDougal (see above) records many experiments of which the following may be given: Cissus laciniata was grown on Opuntia blakeana from February 1, 1908, until April 19, 1909, and another cul- ture, which is especially treated in this paper, lasted from early autumn, 1911, to June 10, 1912. In the instances where Cissus was employed roots were freely formed, the stem attained considerable length and organized tendrils and leaves. From these facts a large capacity for adjust- ment on the part of the induced parasites is exhibited, and also a degree of physiological adaptability is shown which reveals something of the plasticity of such plants and argues a fair suitability for the dependent relation. : “On the Structure of the Haustoria of Some Phaneorgamic Parasites, ’’ G. J. Peirce, Ann. Bot., 7: 324, 1893. No. 551] RELATIONS IN XENOPARASITISM 677 XENOPARASITISM OF Cissus LACINIATA The induced parasite Cissus laciniata exhibits in the structure and form of its roots (the shoot was not studied) certain deviations from the normal which are of signifi- cance andinterest. A history of the experiments in which this species was used as a parasite is given in another place, suffice it to state here that a cutting of the Mexican grape (Cissus laciniata) was introduced into the tissues of Opuntia blakeana and allowed to remain several months. A shoot with leaves and tendrils was formed. After the culture had been running some time a root of the grape was seen to emerge from the surface of the cactus, to grow downwards, and to penetrate the soil. It was sev- ered so that the Cissus had connections with the cactus only. On June 10, 1912, the newly organized leaves were ‘seen to be relatively small and the tendrils not to develop. The culture was thereupon taken down and the roots of the parasite dissected out so that their relations to the host tissue might be learned. All of the roots of Cissus which were situated within the tissues of the cactus were found to be fleshy. A main root was traced from the base of the cutting through the tissues of the cactus for a distance of 3 em. when, as above mentioned, it issued from the cactus and found its way into the soil. This root gave off one branch about 1 cm. from its point of origin, which extended for a dis- tance of 3 cm. into the tissues of the cactus. The root last mentioned gave rise in turn to a branch which attained a length of 1.5 cm. In addition to these roots there were several short ones which reached little belond the surface of the parent root. All roots except the one especially mentioned as not behaving in this manner were wholly enclosed within tissues of the host. STRUCTURE or FREE-LIVING Roots : The portion of the roots which are free-living offer useful points of comparison, for which purpose. the anat- omy will be briefly reviewed. 678 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI A root 2.0 mm. in diameter shows the usual divisions into central cylinder and cortex. The endodermis is well marked. The epidermis is discolored and bears the remains of root-hairs. Cork has not begun to form, how- ever. The cortex is composed of cubical parenchyma; the parenchyma of the central cylinder offers no un- usual features. Little starch or crystals are to be seen. xin ui ih Nab ANATOMICAL RELATION OF THE Cissus- Opuntia COUPLE. On the left appears the extra-cortical portion of the root with the limit indicated by the arrow. On the right is the wound tissue of the cactus, and between this and the root lies disorganized cactus cells. STRUCTURE OF THE Parasitic Roots The roots of Cissus, which developed within the tissues of the cactus, varied in diameter from 2 to 5 mm. and showed characteristics which were in certain regards quite different from those of the free- living roots ex- amined. If a cross-section of a root 2 mm. in diameter is studied the usual differentiation into cortex and central cylinder will be noted. The cortex is composed of relatively large cells a few of which contain stellate crystal aggregates and raphides. A layer of cork, over half dozen cells in thickness, bounded by the dead remains of the epidermis, No. 551] RELATIONS IN XENOPARASITISM 679 lies on its periphery. The remains of root-hairs were looked for but were not found. A well defined endo- dermis with granular contents, a portion of which is starch, limits the cortex on its inner surface. The cen- tral cylinder has relatively wide medullary rays and a large pith containing much starch. Opposite each CROSS-SECTION oF Parasitic Root or Cissus laciniata SHOWING THE FORMATION CORK AND THE DISORGANIZED EPIDERMIS. bundle, and about 2 cells inside the endodermis, there is a plate which may be composed of leptome, and which in some favorable material appears to be thickened wall only. A root 5 mm. in diameter has essentially the same structure as the smaller one above described. The main differences lie in the heavier cork and the thicker cor- tex. The plate which lies opposite each fibro-vascular bundle, also, is heavier. The endodermis is noticeably poorer in starch. 680 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI TISSUES oF THE Host The structure of the flat stems of Opuntia, broadly speaking, consists of thin-walled, large parenchyma, through which there course strands of conductive tissue. Protection of the stem is afforded by a heavy cuticular- ized epidermis. When the parasitic relation is entered into, wound tissue, with heavy outer walls in certain cells similar to those of the cork, is formed about the injury caused by the introduction of the cutting. The cutting sends out adventitious roots which penetrate the parenchymatous tissue of the host, and sooner or later these roots are surrounded by wound tissue which the host promptly organizes as a result of the unusual stimulation. By this formation the water-storing ground tissue of the host is separated from the living cells of the parasite. Tissuz RELATIONS or ParastrE anp Host In rapidly growing roots, contact is made with the living parenchyma of the cactus, and the parasite is in physical position to absorb foods and food materials. In instances, however, where root growth is slow, wound tissue is formed by the cactus, and the parasitic relation is not favorable for absorption. Following the forma- tion of wound tissue cork is organized by the parasite, so that the cushion of non-living material separating host and parasite in the older portions of the culture, comes to be derived from both species. When one compares the structural relations of a haus- torium of a habitual parasite with the analogous absorb- ing organ of such a xenoparasite as Cissus, several sug- gestive inferences may be derived. The relation may be presented briefly in the following parallel: Xenoparasite Parasite No special digestive cells, Epithelium - developed. Root-hairs suppressed. No root-hairs formed. No. 551] Foods and food materials enter haustorial root through epidermis. Cork formed after establishment, following organization of wound tissue by host. Tissues articulate with the corre- sponding host tissues. Meristematic tissue localized. RELATIONS IN XENOPARASITISM | 681 Foods and food materials enter haustorium through parenchyma, sieve-tubes, and vessels. Terminal portions at least of all permanent tissues formed after establishment. The same. Meristematic tissue not localized. The parallel given above suggests, as intimated in an- other paragraph, that any species which is to become dependent on another species possesses to a large degree the power of adaptability and morphological plasticity, so that the direction of the development of its tissues or organs can to a degree be modified. Atrophies result, and the assumption of unaccustomed functions, and tissues are organized in harmony with tissue formation, or other physiological activity on the part of the host. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION ON TRICOLOR COAT IN DOGS AND GUINEA-PIGS | AFTER reading Dr. Castle’s short article on this subject I want to make a few remarks. His explanation of the peculiar inheritance of the lemon and white and tricolor colors in Gal- ton’s Bassett hounds will have to be somewhat modified. For it is impossible to compare tricolor dogs and tricolor guinea-pigs. Tricolor dogs are never irregularly spotted with black and yel- low, as tricolor guinea-pigs, cats or rabbits, but they are in . reality either black and tan, or else sable, spotted with white. My attention being drawn to the subject of tricolor dogs by Galton’s paper, I have never neglected an opportunity to ob- serve dogs of this color, in dog-shows and from illustrations. Some tricolor breeds, as the fox terrier, are black and tan, spotted with white, others, as nearly all the hounds, are sable, still others, such as collies, may be either black and tan or sable, spotted with white. I have never seen an exception, such as a dog with a yellow spot on the back and a black foot. For the rest, I think Dr. Castle’s explanation is quite correct ; it all depends upon the place of the spots upon a sable dog, whether these will be yellow or black. A spot on a dog of sable color, e. g., a fox hound, will always be black if it is on the animal’s back. If on the muzzle, or on a foot, or far down on the side, it will always be yellow, a spot, e. g., on the shoulder may be partially black, partially yellow, shading off from one color into the other. It is of course possible that some of the Bassett hounds in the pack recorded by Galton were real yellow and whites, and we know from the evidence of breeders of dachshunds that yel- low can be dominant over black and tan or sable in dogs. So it may be possible that in that pack two real lemon-and-whites (e. g., such as had a yellow spot on the back) have sometimes given tricolor young, but in those cases in which two tricolor parents gave lemon and white offspring, I feel sure, such young were of that color only because they happened not to be pig- mented in a spot where sable dogs show black color. 682 : No.551] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 683 It would certainly be interesting to try and find illustrations of Galton’s hounds, especially of the lemon and white ones of tricolor parentage. In rabbits, there exist three wholly different classes of tricolor animals. In the first place there are the real tricolors, those animals which, if they were not partially albinistic, would be irregularly spotted with black, agouti, blue or chocolate on a yellow ground. They are comparable to the tricolor black- yellow-white, blue-cream-white, ete., guinea-pigs and to the tri- color cats. Secondly, there are those animals which are black and tans, or blue (or chocolate) and tans, spotted with white. ‘These are comparable to the tricolor fox terriers, tricolor goats and the so-called tricolor mice, which are sable, spotted with white.t Thirdly, there are those rabbits which, if not partially albin- istice, would be ‘‘tortoise-shell,’? and which are comparable to the spotted ‘‘tortoise’’ mice. I think Galton’s hounds may have all been alike except for the distribution of the pigmented patches on the coat. Those hounds with the less white would then be called black and tan, or sable; those with much white would be called tricolor, or lemon and white, or even black and white, according as to where the colored patches fell. I am not so sure Galton’s black and tan hounds must neces- sarily have been partially albinistic, as in dogs the partially albinistic ones are generally so because of the presence of a factor (or factors) absent from wholly colored ones. (In other words, spotting with white is dominant in some dogs.) The distribution of the colored area over partially albinistic animals assuredly depends upon the cooperation of so many factors (amongst which there are very probably some non- genetic ones) that on our hypothesis the production of tricolor young from yellow and white parents, and vice versa, becomes very well possible. AREND. L. HAGEDOORN VERRIÈRES LE BUISSON ae *“¢The Genetic Factors in the Development of the Housemouse,’’ A. L. pei Zeitschr. f. indukt. Abst. und Vererbungslehre, 1911, Bd. VI, e. á NOTES AND LITERATURE THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE LIVERWORTS Boranists have long felt that the classification of the liver- worts was very much in need of revision, and any serious attempt to establish a classification that will better express the real inter- relationship of the Hepatice is very welcome. The valuable series of papers recently published by Dr. Cavers, on the classi- fication of the Bryophytes, is a distinct contribution to the sub- ject, and is a decided advance over any classification that has been proposed hitherto. Dr. Cavers is well known to students of the liverworts through a series of papers of exceptional merit, published at intervals during the past few years. The present publication presents at length the conclusions he has reached as a result of his studies on these important plants. It is still too early to expect a definitive classification of the liverworts, as there are still a good many important types whose development is incompletely known, and it is also highly prob- able that there are still forms awaiting discovery which we may reasonably expect will throw light upon some relationships which are still obscure. Dr. Cavers has made a careful study of the work of the most recent investigators, as well as of the older standard works, and while one may take exception to a few of his deductions, still, as a whole, one will agree with his main conclusions, and will welcome this contribution of his as a decided advance in our knowledge of the inter-relationships of the Bryophytes. The Bryophytes (or “mosses,’’ using this term in its widest sense) are forms of peculiar interest to students of plant-morphology, especially to those engaged in the problems of the origin of the higher types of plants; since the Bryophytes occupy an inter- mediate place between the aquatic algæ and the ferns which are typically land plants. While there is decided difference of opinion as to how the ferns originated, the weight of evidence 1‘‘The Inter-relationships of the Bryophyta,’’ by Frank Cavers, D.Sc., sh mi (New Phytologist, Reprint No. 4), Cambridge; at the Botany School, 684 No. 551] NOTES AND LITERATURE 685 is strongly on the side of their direct derivation from some liver- wort-like ancestor. It is this question that makes a thorough study of the liverworts of such great importance in seeking for an explanation of the origin of the vascular plants. Aside from this, however, the Bryophytes, especially the liver- worts or Hepatice, are exceptionally interesting, as they show in a remarkably clear way many adaptations to special environ- mental influences. The Bryophytes are divided, usually, into two main groups— the Liverworts (Hepatice), and the True Mosses (Musci). One peculiar order, Anthocerotales, the ‘‘Horned Liverworts,’’ is sometimes considered to represent a third class, coordinate with the Musci and Hepatic. Cavers does not accept this view, but considers them to represent an order only of the Hepatice. Aside from the Anthocerotales, the liverworts usually are divided thus into two orders, Marchantiales and Jungerman- niales. There are, however, several genera that to a certain extent combine characters of both of these orders and sometimes have been assigned to one, sometimes to the other. Of these genera Spherocarpus may be cited. This is, on the whole, prob- ably the simplest known liverwort, and is represented in the United States by several species in the warmer parts of the country. Much like Spherocarpus is a peculiar liverwort, Geothallus, known as yet only from San Diego in Southern Cali- fornia. A third genus, Riella, evidently related to these, is an aquatic type, only recently found in America. All of these are very simple liverworts and probably stand near the base of the liverwort series. They may, perhaps, be regarded as synthetic types connected with both of the main series of liverworts. Cavers proposes to unite them into a special order, Spherocar- pales, and this conclusion will probably be accepted as repre- senting best their position in the system. In the Spherocar- pales, as interpreted by Cavers, the sporophyte or neutral gen- eration is of simple structure, and the elaters which in the typical liverworts accompany the spores are represented by undiffer- entiated sterile cells. From some form probably not very unlike Sphwrocarpus, but with perhaps a still simpler sporophyte, it is probable that the two lines of development, the Marchantiales and the Jungerman- niales have diverged. Within these two orders the course of development can be easily traced, as nearly all the stages in the 686 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vov. XLVI evolution of the two groups are represented by existing genera. It is hard to say which of the two orders should be considered the more primitive, as the lower members of each are of about equal complexity, and can be derived equally well from some form allied to Sphwrocarpus. Spherocarpus has been associated most commonly with the Ricciaceæ, the lowest of the Marchantiales, but there are certain genera of the Jungermanniales that in many ways show a close resemblance to the Spherocarpacex, and make it almost certain that there is a real relationship existing between them. These similarities are found both in the character of the thallus and reproductive organs, as well as in the early history of the embryo. They may be only cases of parallel development, but it is quite as likely that they are true homologies. Two genera, Petalo- phyllum and Fossombronia, which have always been placed in the Jungermanniales, are especially suggestive of a possible con- nection with the Spherocarpales, and it is by no means impos- sible that it may turn out that these genera, and possibly some others, should be removed from their association with the J unger- manniales and transferred to the Spheerocarpales. THE MARCHANTIALES The Marchantiales constitute a very natural order, whose simplest members, the Ricciacer, are sometimes separated as a distinct order. There does not seem to be any valid reason for this, however, as the Ricciacee are connected with the more n specialized Marchantiaceæ by a number of intermediate orms. _ The Marchantiales are comparatively few in number, probably nee more than three hundred species being known; but their relatively large size and characteristic appearance make them the most conspicuous of the liverworts, the common and wide- spread Marchantia polymorpha being the most familiar liver- Wort to most students of botany. The dichotomously branched thallus, with its elaborate systems of tissues, probably may be said to represent the highest type of a strictly thallose plant. Within the Marchantiales are many interesting cases of adaptation, and a very complete series of forms exists showing the evolution of the elaborate and highly specialized thallus of Marchantia and similar genera, from the much simpler type No. 551] NOTES AND LITERATURE 687 found in Riccia. The elaboration of the sporophyte can also be followed. Riccia, as is well known, has the simplest known sporo- phyte, in this respect being in a much lower plane than Sphero- carpus, although the thallus in the latter is much less specialized than in Riccia. The evolution of the sporophyte, as every botanist knows, is associated with a reduction in the amount of tissue devoted to spore-production, and a corresponding increase in the purely vegetative or sterile tissue of the sporophyte. The latter, how- ever, in the Marchantiales always remains relatively simple in structure. In the lower Marchantiales the sexual organs are borne upon the dorsal surface of the unmodified thallus, but in the more highly specialized types like Fimbriaria or Marchantia, charac- teristic receptacles are developed, usually composed of a number of very short branches resulting from the repeated dichotomy of the original thallus apex. The classification of the Marchan- tiales has been based largely on the character of the receptacle and the sporogonium. Cavers recognizes five families of very unequal size, viz., Ric- ciacew, Corsiniacex, Targioniacee, Monocleacee and Marchan- tiacee. The latter, which aside from the Ricciacee, comprises the greater part of the Marchantiales, was divided by Leitgeb into three subfamilies, Astropore, Operculate and Composite, but it is very doubtful whether these can be maintained. The Ricciaceæ, the great majority of which belong to the genus Riccia, are undoubtedly the simplest, and probably the most primitive, members of the order. The extremely simple sporophyte is almost entirely devoted to spore production, there being no sterile tissue beyond a very imperfect single outer layer of cells. No other liverworts approach the Ricciacee in the sim- plicity of the sporophyte. The second family, Corsiniacex, is intermediate in the struc- ture of the sporophyte, between the Ricciacee and the higher Marchantiales, The third order, Targioniacex, includes the two small genera, Targionia and Cyathodium. These are very characteristic liver- worts represented in the United States by a single species Tar- gionia hypophylla, common in the coast region of California, but absent from the eastern states. This species occurs also m southern and western Europe. Cyathodium includes a few 688 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI species of delicate liverworts inhabiting dark crevices in rocks, or shallow caves. All the species show evidences of marked structural modifications due to their unusual habitat. C. fæti- dissimum is a characteristic species of the Indo-Malayan region. The simple genus Monoclea with two species represents very distinct the family Monocleacee. In his great work on the Hepat- ice, Leitgeb referred Monoclea to the J ungermanniales, and this view was adopted by Schiffner in his treatment of the Hepatice in Engler & Prantl’s ‘‘ Natiirliche Pflanzenfamilien.’’ This asso- ciation with the Jungermanniales was mainly on account of the structure of the thallus, which is quite destitute of the air- chambers which distinguish most of the Marchantiales. There is also in Monoclea no definite archegonial receptacle, and the soli- tary sporogonium has a long seta like that of many Jungerman- niales, All the more recent students of Monoclea, however, are agreed that the plant really belongs to the Marchantiales, this being shown both by the structure of the thallus, and that of the repro- ductive organs. The absence of air-chambers is with little ques- tion to be looked upon as a secondary condition, due to the semi- aquatic habit of the plant. A similar disappearance of the air- chambers is known in the unmistakable marchantiaceous genus Dumortiera. Leitgeb, in his important memoirs on the Hepatice, recognized three types of archegonial receptacle. Only in one of these was the receptacle compound in its structure. More recent studies, including those of Cavers, indicate that this compound or ‘‘com- posite’’ type is much more general than Leitgeb supposed. Cavers states that probably all of the genera of the Marchan- tiaceæ, except Clevea and Plagiochasma, will be found to have receptacles of the composite type. In tracing the phylogeny of the Marchantiales, Cavers distin- guishes two main divergent groups which are connected with the Ricciaceæ by Corsinia and Boschia, respectively. The first series includes, among other genera, Clevea, Plagiochasma, Reboulia = Fimbriaria, the latter representing the culmination of this series. The second series, starting with Boschia, shows two main branches, one including the Targioniacer and Monoclea, the other the most highly developed genera, like Fegatella, Dumor- No. 551] NOTES AND LITERATURE 689 tiera and Marchantia. The latter genus is the most highly spe- cialized of all the Marchantiales. THE JUNGERMANNIALES Much the greater number of liverworts belong to the Junger- manniales. The classification of this large order is very much in need of revision, as it is at present in a very unsatisfactory condition. They are generally divided into two series of very unequal size, this division being based upon the position of the archegonium —and are denominated the Anacrogyne and Acrogyne. In the former the growing point of the shoot persists indefinitely, while in the latter, in the fertile shoots, it is sooner or later trans- formed into an archegonium, and the sporogonium is therefore terminal. The name Metzgeriacee was later proposed by Underwood, as a substitute for Leitgeb’s Anacrogyne, the Acrogyne being alone called Jungermanniacee. Cavers thinks these two divisions are largely artificial, and it must be admitted that there is much to be said for his view. Comparing the Jungermanniales, as a whole, with the Mar- chantiales, it is seen that in the former specialization has been in the direction of external differentiation, i. e., in most of them a more or less definite axis, bearing leaves, is present, but the tis- sues remain quite uniform. In the Marchantiales, on the other hand, the plant is a thallus, but the tissues are of various kinds. The simplest of the Jungermanniales, e. g., Aneura, Pellia, ete., have a very simple thallus, either composed of quite similar cells, or with a midrib which may possess a strand of special conductive tissue. The simplest type of thallus is quite like that of Spherocarpus, and may very well have originated from some similar type. In these thallose Jungermanniales there is frequently a tend- ency toward the development of marginal lobes, which may bear a quite definite relation to the primary divisions of the single apical cell of the thallus. Such marginal lobes are undoubtedly homologues of the leaves found in the more highly specialized leafy liverworts—the “ Acrogyne,’’ of Leitgeb. Sometimes these leaf-like organs of the anacrogynous liverworts are very distinct, as in Treubia, and the transition to the typical leafy liverworts 690 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou. XLVI like Porella or Frullania, is a very gradual one. It is very clear that this tendency towards leaf-development has arisen in a number of quite disconnected genera, and this of course suggests a multiple origin for the Acrogyne. Cavers proposes four families of the lower, or anacrogynous, Jungermanniales, viz., Aneuraceæ, Blyttiaceæ, Codoniacee, Calo- bryaceæ. He thinks that the first three are more or less arti- ficial, and it is very certain that it will be necessary when some of the less known genera are more fully investigated, to make a radical revision of these families. The Calobryaceæ, on the other hand, forms a sharply defined and natural family, comprising two genera, Haplomitrium and Calobryum. Cavers concludes that there are two main lines of development within the Anacro- gynæ, one including the Codoniaceæ and Calobryaceæ, the other the Blyttiaceæ and Aneuraceæ, suggesting that the two latter families might perhaps be better united into a single one. There seems to be little question that the two families are closely related through such forms as Umbraculum and Podomitrium. There is much uncertainty as to the limits of certain genera. This is especially the case with the genus Calycularia, to which have beèn assigned species which further investigation has shown to belong to quite different families. The writer has had occa- sion recently to examine carefully the structure of Calycularia radiculosa, a rare species from Java. Schiffner concluded that this species should be removed from the genus Calycularia, of the family Codoniaceæ, and united with Mérkia, a member o the Blyttiacee. While it is certainly distinct from the true species of Calycularia, it is equally ‘certain that it can not be assigned to Mérkia. It will probably have to be separated into a distinct genus with characters intermediate between those of the Codoniaceæ and the Blyttiaceew. In short, it is very clear that at present a satisfactory classification of the group is not feasible. The Aneuracee and Blyttiacee show an interesting type of specialization of the thallus which is wanting in the Codoniacer and Calobryacexw, where the tendency is toward the development of leaf-like lobes foreshadowing the leaves of the leafy liver- worts. In Podomitrium and Umbraculwm, assigned respectively to the Blyttiacee and Aneuraceæ, the thallus is differentiated into a prostrate cylindrical rhizome and erect dichotomously branched fan-shaped shoots, which resemble very closely the deli- No. 551] NOTES AND LITERATURE 691 cate leaves of certain filmy. ferns, for which these liverworts might easily be mistaken. In the development of the sporophyte the Anacrogyne show a decided advance over the Marchantiales. There may be devel- oped a considerable amount of sterile tissue in the capsule, aside from the ordinary elaters, and this sterile tissue sometimes assumes the form of a sort of columella or ‘‘elaterophore,’’ sug- gesting the columella found in the Anthocerotacex, and possibly homologous with it. This elaterophore may be either apical (Aneura) or basal (Pellia). While recognizing the entirely independent origin of leaves in several lines of the Anacrogyne, nevertheless Cavers is inclined to believe that all of the true leafy liverworts (Acrogyne) can be traced back to a single type which he thinks is best repre- sented by Fossombronia, which genus he places at the top of the series Codoniacew. It may be said, however, that there are some strong arguments in favor of a polyphyletie origin for the Acro- gyne—a view which has been defended by several students of the group. There are, as we have already stated, good reasons for believing that Fossombronia should not be associated with Pellia and the other Codoniacex, but associated with the Spherocarpales, as the highest member of a series of which Sphwrocarpus and Geothal- lus are lower members. This interpretation would not interfere with the acceptance of Cavers’s view that some at least of the leafy liverworts have been derived from forms like Fossombronia. The acrogynous Jungermanniales, or leafy liverworts, include much the larger part of existing liverworts. Of about 250 genera and 4,500 species of known liverworts, all but 60 genera and 700 species belong to the acrogynous Jungermanniales. They are nevertheless comparatively uniform in type, and Cavers believes that they may all be traced back to a common ancestral type allied to Fossombronia. ; With very few exceptions they show a single tetrahedral apical cell and usually three series of leaves corresponding to the three lateral faces of the apical cell. The ventral leaves (amphigas- tria) are not infrequently absent, and both dorsal and ventral leaves often show various modifications, among the most striking of which are hollow sacs presumably developed for water storage. The tissues are very simple, and only very rarely is there any specialization of cells for conduction or other purposes. In size 692 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI they range from almost microscopic forms like some of the minute epiphyllous Lejeuniacex, to stout species like some of the tropical Frullanias, which form pendant masses several feet in length. In all the Acrogyne the archegonia are in groups terminating the fertile branch, whose further growth is arrested by the trans- formation of the apical cell into an archegonium. The sporogonium is always well developed, usually showing a well-marked foot and seta. Perfect elaters are always present. A small number only of the Acrogyne have been studied crit- ically with reference to the development of the sporophyte, and much more work must be done before the real affinities of some of the genera can be determined satisfactorily. On the basis of our present knowledge of the group, Cavers proposes a classification based largely upon the work of Spruce. He recognizes two main divisions, the first including a single very large family, Lejeuniaceæ, with nearly 2,000 species; the second contains seven families, of which three, viz., Porellaceæ, Pleuroziacee and Radulacex, are regarded as natural families, the other four as more or less artificial, the limits between them being difficult to define. The inter-relationships of the Acrogyne are extremely difficult to follow. A number of students of the liverworts, notably Spruce and Schiffner, believe that the group is of polyphyletie origin, the Lejeuniacew representing a quite distinct line derived from forms allied to the Aneuracee. There are striking resem- blances both of gametophyte and sporophyte, the former in some cases having a protonemal stage of long duration, and very much resembling one of the simpler thallose liverworts. Cavers be- lieves, however, that these resemblances are simply parallel devel- opments, and not true homologies; and, as already stated, that the Acrogyne represent a single line of development. Of these forms he states that Lophozia probably comes nearer to the as- sumed ancestral type. From the Lophozia type, three branches are traced, one through Plagiochila developing a large number of genera, among which Cephalozia, again, is the starting-point for the develop- ment of a number of specialized genera like Z oopsis, Lepidozia, and Trichocolea. The second line leads through Marsupiella and Nardia to a number of genera, of which the highest are Stephaniella, Gyrothyra and Symphyomitra. The third line, No. 551] NOTES AND LITERATURE 693 beginning with Lophozia, leads through Sphenolobus to the great family Lejeuniaceæ, and to the characteristic genera Porella and Frullania, which may be considered to represent the most per- fectly developed characters of the whole order. THE ANTHOCEROTALES The Anthocerotales, Cavers’s fifth order of Hepatic, com- prise a comparatively small number of liverworts of very peculiar structure, and very readily distinguished from all other plants. The differences between them and the other liverworts are so marked that they are sometimes considered a class—Antho- cerotes—coordinate, on the one hand, with all the other liver- worts, on the other with the true mosses. | : The structures of the four genera which are comprised in the order are so much alike that they can all be assigned without question to a single family, Anthocerotacee. The gametophyte is of simple structure, and all the cells much alike, each as a rule containing a single large chromatophore resembling that of many green alge. The reproductive organs, both archegonia and antheridia, show certain peculiarities, which in some ways have their nearest approximation among the lower ferns, and in connection with the characters of the sporophyte suggest a real connection between the ferns and the Antho- cerotalea. The sporophyte differs much from that of the other liverworts. In all of thé Anthocerotacea, except possibly some species of Notothylas, the spore-producing tissue all arises from the outer region (amphithecium) formed by the first periclinal divisions in the capsule, and much the greater part of the tissue of the sporophyte remains sterile. In all cases a large foot is present, and above it a zone of actively dividing cells is present, which may retain its activity for several months, so that the sporophyte may attain a length of 10 centimeters or more. As the outer tissues are in most cases well provided with chlorophyll, and sometimes with stomata, a complete photosynthetic apparatus is established much in advance of anything found in the other Hepatice. This long-continued growth of the sporophyte is associated with a central strand of conducting tissue (columella), which is reminiscent of the axial vascular bundle of the young sporo- 694 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLVI phyte of some of the lower ferns to which the sporophyte of Anthoceros shows the closest resemblance known in the Bryo- phyta. Within the Anthocerotacer is an interesting series connecting the small sporophyte of Notothylas with its relatively large development of sporogenous tissue, and the large sporophyte of Anthoceros with a small amount of sporogenous tissue and a highly developed photosynthetic system. It is, at present, impossible to say whether or not the type of Notothylas is a reduced one. Cavers believes it is a primitive type from which the more highly developed genera, culminating in Anthoceros, have been derived. He is inclined to minimize the importance of certain striking features, e. g., the peculiar chloroplasts and the endogenous antheridia, and thinks the dif- ferences between the Anthocerotales and the other liverworts are not sufficient to warrant their separation into distinct classes. He considers the columella of the Anthocerotacee may be con- nected with the true liverworts through the Spherocarpales, which they resemble in a number of particulars. It may be noted, in passing, that there is a possibility of a connection of the Anthocerotacee with some of the lower Mar- chantiales. The Targioniacex, especially Cyathodium, for ex- ample, show some interesting analogies in the sporogonium with Notothylas, and the gametophytes also agree in the presence of large lacunæ, and the chromatophores of Cyathodium are also of unusual size. Cavers’s conclusions may be summarized as follows: From some common ancestral form, ‘‘Sphxro-Riccia,’’ two lines of development diverged, one leading to the Marchantiales, the other to the Spherocarpales, which in turn gave rise to the lower Jungermanniales. From some member of the latter, perhaps Fossombronia, all of the leafy liverworts arose. Somewhere near the Spherocarpales it is assumed that the Anthocerotales branched off. | We are inclined to believe that some modifications of this arrangement are likely to be made. It is quite possible that Fossombronia should be removed from the J ungermanniales, and associated with the Spherocarpales; and if Cavers’s assumption 1s correct, that the leafy liverworts (Acrogyne) have arisen from a prototype resembling Fossombronia, this would entirely divorce the two great divisions of the Jungermanniales. No. 551] NOTES AND LITERATURE 695 It is doubtful whether the derivation of the Anthocerotacese from the Spherocarpales will be generally accepted. For the present, at least, the order must be regarded as a very isolated . one, and perhaps best considered to represent a distinct class, DovueLtas HOUGHTON CAMPBELL STANFORD UNIVERSITY INVERTEBRATES Unper the able leadership of Professors Zeigler and Woltereck there is appearing from Klinkhardt’s press in Leipzig a series of excellent small monographs of familiar animals designed for the student, teacher, investigator and amateur who desires to secure a brief but authentic account of the results of systematic, histological, morphological, anatomical and embryological investi- gations on representative types of animals. Two volumes have already appeared, the frog by Dr. Hempelmann, and the rabbit by Dr. Gerhardt, and the series of invertebrates has been introduced by two volumes, volume 3 of the series on ‘‘Hydra und die Hydroiden’”’ by Dr. Steche, of Leipzig, and volume 4 by Professor Meisenheimer, of Jena, on ‘‘Die Weinbergschnecke.”’ Dr. Steche’s volume is designed not merely as a monograph on Hydra along the lines on which the series is planned, but adds to these the features of an introduction to the experimental treatment of biological problems as offered by the lower ani- mals. Hydra is an exceptionally favorable subject for this treatment by virtue of its hardiness, ease of obtaining and of maintenance, and simplicity of structure. Few invertebrates have served as a basis of so many and so varied experimental tests and have been the object of so many investigations as Hydra. With this wealth of results before him it is not to be wondered at that this modest volume is open to the charge of Some sins of omission. The choice of topics treated is, however, most catholic and this author has wisely avoided controversial difficulties. The histological and embryological sections are less 1 ‘í Monographien einheimischer Tiere,’’? Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. H. E. Ziegler, Stuttgart, und Professor Dr. R. Woltereck, Leipzig, Bd. 3; ‘‘ Hydra und die Hydroiden. Zugleich eine Einführung in die experimentelle Behandlung biologischer Probleme an niederen Tieren,’’ von Dr. Otto Steche, vi + 162 pp., 65 figs. in text and 2 pls., M. 4, geb. M. 4.80; Bd. 4, “Die Weibergschnecke, Helix pomatia,’? von Professor Johannes Meisenheimer, 140 pp., 1 pl. and 72 figs. in text, M. 4, geb M. 4.80. 696 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI developed than seems desirable, but in compensation the sec- tions on biology and experimental subjects such as regenera- tion, regulation, grafting, graft hybrids, effects of external fac- tors on growth and regeneration, polarity and heteromorphosis are well, though concisely, developed. Several pages of prac- tical suggestions as to collection, rearing, feeding and preparing Hydra will be found very useful as will also the key to the species. ‘The author conservatively clings to the widely current names viridis, grisea and fusca and rejects the older names of Pallas which strictly have priority. Half of the book is given to the hydroids. Noteworthy in this are several superb figures of hydroid colonies from the Hel- | goland Nordsee Museum. A brief list of titles closes the volume from which we note the omission of Nutting’s and Mayer’s monographs. The volume by Professor Meisenheimer upon the garden snail follows closely the program of the series, with perhaps less of emphasis upon the experimental and physiological aspects and more space taken for the presentation of the static phases which are greatly increased necessarily over those of a simple animal such as Hydra. But there appears still to be call for more expansion on the dynamic aspects of the subject in the case of this volume. The chapter upon the relation of the snail to the environment and to man is a concession in the right direction, and the prevalence of the biological standpoint throughout the anatomical chapters in some measure supplies the physiological data pertinent to the structural phases. These are very clearly and methodically set forth with abundant illustrations, many of which are new. A chapter on other land pulmonate mollusks affords an all too brief basis for comparison of the snail with other mollusks, ; Both of these volumes will be exceedingly useful to zoologists in all countries, for the objects with which they deal are cos- mopolitan. A similar series of monographic booklets on labo- ratory types based on American material would be of great value for American students and investigators. CHARLES ATwoop Kororp DECEMBER, 1912 . XLVI, NO. 552 VOL THE AMERIC AN JOURN A M0 The American Naturalist MSS. intended for publication and books, etc., intended for Sai should be sent to the Editor of THE posa ICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hud n, New York les containing research work bearing on the panu of ‘organi evolu- tion are especially welcome, sce will be given preference in publica One hun nts of ener ect are supplied to authors Res of charge. Further Crease will be supplied at co > ead ge and pi cainin should be sent to the poetais The n price is four dollars a year. Foreign postage is and elt an cents additional. The charge for single peiri is forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a page. THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: _Sub-Station 84 eats 4 tter, April 2, 1908 ter, Pa., under the Act ot Congress of March 8, 1879. FOR SALE TENTH EDITION. ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND BIRDS’ SKINS, TH E MICROSCOPE, Well Prepared Low Prices Seed —_ GAGE, A n io on chan, a : e figures in GD ESEN. acc, OD beri revised edition. Price $2.00, postpaid. Husavik, North Iceland, Via prea England | COMSTOCK PUBLISHING CO., Ithaca, N. Y. RECENT NUMBERS Reptiles, Amphibians B res 19. An Empirical Study of Certain Tests tor tos Fishes À sprit as aes pegs ie $1.50. THEODORA W An Alark get Sh of various “tests of memory, association, ception, pia Sibe ete., with indications of the nepe Lag value of different forms ‘of test. Archives of Psychology fasg | i ts of Different W. F.H. ROSENBERG, _ | Colors and te ne Dayıp EpGAR RICE. An etermination of visual acuity under 57, , Haverstock Hill, London, N. ee red, green, blue, and uncolored illumination, and of the de ‘dence of this acuii on intensi fe ondoan na oe bon drene Pirima ah cents. — pies ores ol freeing on ey and material, an THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vout. XLVI December, 1912 No. 552 THE MENDELIAN INHERITANCE OF FECUND- ITY IN THE DOMESTIC FOWL? DR. RAYMOND PEARL MAINE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tue investigation here reported was concerned with the detailed analysis and interpretation of a rather ex- tensive series of data regarding the inheritance of fe- cundity in the domestic fowl. The basic data are derived from trap-nest records extending over a period of years. They include records from (a) pure Barred Plymouth Rocks; (b) Cornish Indian Games; (c) the F, individ- uals obtained by reciprocally crossing these two breeds; and (d) the F, individuals obtained by matjng the F,’s inter se and back upon the parent forms in all possible combinations. The fully-pedigreed material made use of in the present connection includes something over a thousand adult females, each of which was trap-nested for at least one year, and many for a longer period. This material covers four generations. The birds of the fifth generation have just completed their winter records at the time of writing. Besides this fully pedigreed ma- terial, the collection and study of which has occupied 1 At the request of the editor of the AMERICAN NATURALIST the following summarized account of the principal results of an investigation carried out _ by the writer has been prepared. A detailed account has been published in the Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 153-268, August, 1912. 697 698 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI five years, there was available as a foundation, without which the results here discussed could not have been reached, nine years of continuous trap-nest records for Barred Plymouth Rocks, involving thousands of birds, which had been subjected during this long period to mass selection for increased egg production. Altogether it may fairly be said that the material on which this work is based is (a) large in amount, (b) ex- tensive in character, and (c) in quality as accurate as it is humanly possible to get records of the egg production of fowls.2 On these accounts the facts presented seem worthy of careful consideration, and to have a perma- nent value quite apart from any interpretation which may be put upon them. The essential facts brought out in this study of fe- cundity appear to be the following: ‘ 1. The record of fecundity of a hen, taken by and o itself alone, gives no definite, reliable indication from which the probable egg production of her daughters may be predicted. Furthermore mass selection on the basis _ of the fecundity records of females alone, even though long continued and stringent in character, failed com- pletely to produce any steady change in type in the di- rection of selection. 2 2. Fecundity must, however, be inherited since (a) there are. widely distinct and permanent (under ordi- nary breeding) differences in respect of degree of fe- cundity between different standard breeds of fowls com- monly kept by poultrymen, and (b) a study of pedigree records of poultry at once discovers pedigree lines (in some measure inbred of course) in each of which a defi- nite, particular degree of fecundity constantly reappears generation after generation, the ‘‘line’’ thus ‘‘breeding true’’ in this particular. With all birds (in which such a phenomenon as that noted under b occurs) kept under the same general environmental conditions such a result * Pearl, R., ‘‘On the Accuracy of Trap-nest Records,’’ Me. Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rept. for 1911, pp. 186-193. No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 699 can only mean that the character is in some manner in- herited. The facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 have been presented, and, I believe, fully substantiated by exten- sive evidence, in previous papers from this laboratory. It is now further shown that: 3. The basis for observed variations in fecundity is not anatomical. The number of visible oocytes on the ovary bears no definite or constant relation to the actu- ally realized egg production. This is shown by the fig- ures presented in Table I. These give the counts of the number of ọocytes on the ovary visible to the unaided eye in the case of a number of individuals. It will be under- stood that it is not contended that such counts give an accurate measure of the total oocyte content of the ovary. The figures, however, are so greatly in excess of what a hen actually ever lays that it may be quite safely concluded that in normal cases (where no accident or operation has induced regenerative processes in the ovary) all the eggs which will ever be laid (and usually more) are included among those visible to the eye, on an adult fowl’s ovary. From this table it is evident that when one bird has a winter record of twice what another bird has it is not because the first has twice as many oocytes in the ovary. On the contrary it appears that all birds have an ana- tomical endowment entirely sufficient for a very high de- gree of fecundity, and in point of fact quite equal to that possessed by birds which actually accomplish a high record of fecundity. Whether or not such high fecund- ity is actually realized evidently depends then upon the influence of additional factors beyond the anatomical basis. 4. This can only mean that observed differences (vari- ations) in actual egg productions depend upon differ- ences in the complex physiological mechanism concerned with the maturation of oocytes and ovulation. ; THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI 700 "POT WOYM uorprpuos Surer ur 40u SPIE q ‘uorgonpord ye}0} oy} ATTeatjowrd yuosordos somSy oy, 'OTGT ‘T 19qWəAOoN 0} dn sprooer ony qmq ‘Ər 10f sp10əə1 OY} JOU ere səseə əsəqy ur Spode ZZə oy, ‘Apnys Juosord oy} ur əsn 107 sjenprarpur pəzsou-deig osey} ow aavs Aypury A19A OM ‘ÅPSIOATUN [[OULOH JO PNY “HT SIWLf IOSSOFOIg 0} po}qopUl We I Spalq Furmooy 9914} oy} PUL sy} 107, ‘norjdiosqe Jo ssovord ut SJO g SOPNPOUT SIIL s 98G CES ge g tt; hae Arenue (* : Poe? ey ee eM a tae ee oe uəy gaum g . nri G94 LIL 9g € 6 pi IT, ‘°° Annur ‘‘uey voummy | t 000‘Z G18'T OL g og 90T TI, ‘03 YPN OL 1 Yorn reee wG ose'T EZET L9T 9 i24 gI Ol et Ane 60, ‘13 mdy ‘owen UBIPUy ystu | g9 GPI‘ ZZ0‘Z 08 a EF 0 OT, ‘Zs tequieda(T 60. 3i oune "sees * sq10yseyT OI M | Sess TOL‘T 929'T cL ¢ II 0 OL, ‘E1 10qW999q 60. ‘IZ APIA rettet UIB OTM | ers 09g 6L7'£ 80T T LIZ oe OT, ‘ST tequie09q7 60, ‘86 SOW [°° " "Tr uroq3oT OA | 2190'S Zorg OFS 1&3 ¢ GL ¥¢ OT, ‘OZ Joquieveqy 60. ‘ST ABI **,usL0ysa'T ONM | OFG'e IZSIT OFT raat ol 13 0 OLL Amp 60. ‘08 GAP |' 0 : Minoti 01IVE | CSP 9LS'T ccr't Z6 g VG g TI. ‘21 nyw OT, ‘61 ABN | YoY Youd potueg | O10'S TOTZ 620° 6? 9 LI 0 Il. ‘FZ PERN OI.‘ unf | poy ymos poeg | 600'8 FOl'T SSI'T GP 9 gz 0 IL‘ PN or ‘gz ounf | poy ymouwsjq poeg | 810'8 908'S ietz 6z L 6f g Tle? judy OT, ‘8% mdy |*‘yo0y yynoursyg poeg | 198'T PLT 960'T 89 8 ZI g Il. ‘FI YN OT, ‘6 oun yoy ynours[g poeg | ¢o0's ¥16 ‘688 Z9 G 8 0 TI: ‘Ol YPWN OL‘T unf | poy ymowsq poaeg | Og0's 999'T 96¢'T 19 L ZI 0 II, ‘08 Your Ol.‘ ong |** yoy yynoursyg poeg | 410'8 8Z2'T 6FL'T eg 6 LI g Il, ‘8G Your Ol. ‘IT unf |P oy yynours[g poeg | 20'S | iI9,ouUse UT A9JIMBICT Ul sz PRIA 10d | THT 190p GOA LOM 3940 10 °W? paiolo -un £9}Á900| [ 8944900 | 1 89474000 pains tery § POEM 9A Suryoyey] Jo ov pooig ‘ON PAIL yunog UBBO Saug NIVLYID dO AYVAQ FHL NI SHLAOQO AIAISIA, A0 YIJWAN THL ONIMOHY I TIY No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 701 5. A study of winter egg production (taken for prac- tical purposes as that from the beginning of the laying year in the early fall to March 1) proves that this is the best available measure of innate capacity in respect to fecundity, primarily because it represents the laying cycle in which the widest difference exists between birds of high fecundity and those of low fecundity. 6. It is found to be the case that birds fall into three well-defined classes in respect to winter egg production. These include (a) birds with high winter records, (b) birds with low winter records, and (c) birds which do not lay at all in the winter period (as defined above). The division point between a and b for the Barred Plymouth Rock stock used in these experiments falls at a production of about 30 eggs. 7. There is a definite segregation in the Mendelian sense of the female offspring in respect to these three fecundity divisions. This is demonstrated by extensive statistics in the complete report of this work. Here a single table only may be given by way of illustration, the ` one chosen being taken because all three classes are rep- resented among the progeny of the particular type of mating with which it deals. TABLE II SHOWING THE RESULTS OF ALL Mares or Crass 4 B.P.R. fd X CLASS 1 B.P.R. 99. GAMETIC CONSTITUTION: fL,L, - ful. X (LL, - Ful, Numb {ndividual kavalsi in Matings a Winter Egg Production of Daughters of this Type Total Adult do | vy Class Over 30 | Under 30 Zero | Q Progeny 4 | 17 Observed 21 30 8 59 Expected 22.1 29.5 74 Mean winter egg production of all os ERS A en eas C O in indicated class... 0.0.5. 3 48.85 eggs 16.34 eggs) 0 eggs 8. High fecundity may be inherited by daughters from their sire, independent of the dam. This is proved by the numerous cases presented in the detailed evidence where the same proportion of daughters of high fecundity are 702 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLVI produced by the same sire, whether he is mated with dams of low or of high fecundity. 9. High fecundity is not inherited by daughters from their dam. This is proved by a number of distinct and independent lines of evidence, of which the most im- portant are: (a) continued selection of highly fecund dams does not alter in any way the mean egg production of the daughters; (b) the proportion of highly fecund daughters is the same whether the dam is of high or of low fecundity, provided both are mated to the same male; (c) the daughters of a fecund dam may show either high fecundity or low fecundity, depending upon their sire; (d) the proportion of daughters of low fe- cundity is the same whether the dam is of high or of low fecundity, provided both are mated to the same male. 10. A low degree of fecundity may be inherited by the daughters from either sire or dam or both. 11. The results respecting fecundity and its inherit- ance stated in paragraphs 3 to 10 inclusive are equally ° Pearl, R., ‘‘The Relation of the Results Obtained in Breeding Poultry for Increased Egg Production to the Problem of Selection,’’ Rpt. 30th Meeting Soc. Proc. Agr. Sci., pp. (of reprint) 1-8, 1910; ‘‘Inheritance in ‘Blood Lines’ in Breeding Animals for Perf. ormance, with Special Refer- ence to the ‘200-egg’ Hen,’’ Ann. Rpt. Amer. Breeders’ Assoc., Vol. 6, pp. 317-326, 1911; ‘‘Inheritance of Fecundity in the Domestic Fowl,’’ AMER. Nar., Vol. 45, pp. 321-345, 1911; ‘‘Breeding Poultry for Egg Production,’’? Me. Agr, Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. for 1911, pp. 118-176. Pearl, .„ and Surface, F. M., ‘‘Data on the Inheritance of Fecundity Obtained from the Records of Egg Production in the Daughters of ‘200-egg’ Hens,’’ Me. Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. for 1909, pp. 49-84 (Bulletin 166), 1909; **Studies on the Physiology of Reproduction in the Domestic Fowl. Data on Certain Factors Influencing the Fertility and Hatching of Eggs,’’ Me. Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. for 1909, pp. 105-164, 1909; ‘ʻA Biometrical Study of Egg Production in the Domestic Fowl. I. Taraka in Ann Egg Production,’’ U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Animal Ind. Bulletin 110, Part I, pp. apse 1909; ‘‘A Biometrical Study of Egg Production in the Domestic Fowl. ensonad Distribution of Egg Production,’’ Ibid., Part II, PP. 81-170, Da ‘This is true, of course, only for certain gametic types of low fecundity females, as will be clear to any one who has studied the detailed evidence. This limitation, however, in nowise diminishes the force of this particular evidence in titer of the conclusion standing at the beginning of paragraph 9. a No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 703 true for Barred Plymouth Rocks, Cornish Indian Games, and all cross-bred combinations of these breeds in F, and Fs The above statements are of definite facts, supported by a mass of evidence. Their truth is objective and de- pends in no way upon any theory of inheritance whatso- ever. With this clearly in mind we may undertake their interpretation. It is believed that these general facts, and the detailed results on which they are based, are completely accounted for and find their correct interpretation in a simple Men- delian hypothesis respecting the inheritance of fecund- ity in the fowl. This hypothesis involves the following points, each of which is supported by direct and perti- nent evidence derived either from physiological and statistical studies of fecundity, or from the detailed data respecting the mode of inheritance of this character. It is assumed in this hypothesis that: 1. There are three distinct and separately inherited factors upon which fecundity in the female fowl depends. 2. The first of these factors (which may be called the anatomical) determines the presence of an ovary, the primary organ of the female sex. The letter F is used throughout to denote the presence of this factor. 3. There are two physiological factors. The first of these (denoted by L,) is the basic physiological factor, - which when present alone in a zygote with F brings about a low degree of fecundity (winter record under 30 eggs). This factor is under no limitations in gametogenesis, but may be carried in any gamete, regardless of what other factors may be also present. 4. The second physiological factor (denoted by L,) when present in a zygote together with F and L,, leads to a high degree of fecundity (winter record over 30 eggs). $ And F,. It was thought wise to delay publication any longer in order to include the data for F, It may be said, however, that they are in full accord with those which have been obtained from earlier cross-bred genera- tions and the parent forms. 704 ‚THE AMERICAN NATURALIST __[Vou. XLVI When L, is absent, however, and L, is present the zygote exhibits the same general degree of fecundity (under 30) which it would if L, were present alone. These two inde- pendent factors L, and L, must be present together to cause high fecundity, either of them alone, whether present in one or two ‘‘ doses,’’ causing the same degree of low fecundity. 5. The second physiological factor L, behaves as a sex-limited (sex-correlated or sex-linked) character, in gametogenesis, according to the following rule: The factor L, is never borne in any gamete which also carries F. That is to say, all females which bear L, are hetero- zygous with reference to it. Any female may be either homozygous or heterozygous with respect to L, Any male may be either homozygous or heterozygous with reference to either L,, L, or both. TABLE III CONSTITUTION OF BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK MALES IN RESPECT TO FECUNDITY Class Zygote Gametes Produced ee | LiL , flrla iL 2 fink: . flalz fInLe2, fInle 3 ibe . file JLiLa, flLe 4 JLiz2 . fle fInLe, fLil, f LL, f hl 5 fLi . flale Tals 6 JLi . fhie fLil, fLl rA ShLle . f hla lIa 8 fhLz . fli fle, fhl 9 fh .fhk fhh TABLE IV CONSTITUTION OF BARRED PLYMOUTH Rock FEMALES IN RESPECT TO FECUNDITY T ` T Probable Winter Egg Class Zygote PS irk a ( G Produckag) Pennin ote And Gametes Gametes Constitution 1 fInLe . Fhie LiLo, f hL? Fle, FLil 2 JLiLl . Flik 5 4 ala m fe 43 eggs 3 Jaiz . Fhe | fLil, fla Fhl, FLil Under 30 eggs 4 flak . Flat || flak FLilə Under 30 eggs 5 Shie . Fuh | Shh Fhill Zero eggs 6 Shi: . Fhe | Sule Fhlz Under 30 eggs ° The reason that gametes of the type fL,l, and fil, are not formed here will be evident on consideration, Since no gametes of type FL, can, by No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 705 The different gametic constitutions in respect to fe- cundity which are to be expected in Barred Plymouth Rock males and females are shown in Tables III and IV. Of these expected types six (1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8) were found and used in the experiments in the case of the males. In the case of the female class 5 birds were the only ones not actually tested out in the breeding experi- ments. Birds undoubtedly belonging to each of the omitted classes have been reared in the course of the ex- periments, but not yet submitted tô continued breeding test. The gametic constitutions of pure Cornish Indian Games in respect to fecundity are given in Tables V and VI. TABLE V CONSTITUTION OF CORNISH INDIAN GAME MALES IN RESPECT TO FECUNDITY Class Zygote Gametes Produced i fLil . fIale flile 2 fLi . fh flak, fll 3 fl . fll fhk TABLE VI CONSTITUTION OF CORNISH INDIAN GAME FEMALES IN RESPECT “to FECUNDITY i Probable Winter Egg f-bearing F-bearing Production of Q Class Zygote (ð Producing) | (Q Producing) Indicated Zygotic ` Gametes Gametes Constitution 1 JLi . Flak flail Flilk Under 30 eggs 2 Shh . Flak Shia, fLl | Flalz, Flies Under 30 eggs 3 Flak . Fhe flak, f hlk Fh, F Lil Under 30 eggs 4 fhlk . Fhe fli Flilz Zero It will be noted that C.I.G. 9 classes 2 and 3 are gametically identical. Both are left in the table, however, since the whole table is so short that no confusion can be caused, and this example may make clear to some readers the nature of the compression (by omission of duplicate classes) which was practised in Tables III and IV. How well this Mendelian hypothesis agrees with the facts has been shown in detail in the complete paper. By hypothesis, be formed this implies that an interchange of the factors E, and between F and f gametes can not occur. The experimental proof of the truth of this conviction has been furnished in the case of the inheritance of the barred color pattern. 706 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI way of summary the following table shows the accord between observation and expectation for all matings of each general type taken together. For reasons set forth below, the lumped figures do not give an altogether fair estimate of the matter, but some sort of a summary is necessary. TABLE VII SHOWING THE OBSERVED AND EXPECTED DISTRIBUTIONS OF WINTER EGG PRODUCTION FOR ALL MATINGS TAKEN TOGETHER A PENETRAN ROEN PERTRA ENA Pe Winter Production of Daughters Mating Class Over 30 | Under 30 | Zero r A AT A A ee a l a AN OLG. X O10... 14... FO Oe cicero = io h a J 1 Gerad 25 | sers | 0.75 All F: and back-crosses.......... { eae a as sn nn Considering the nature of the material and the char- acter dealt with it can only be concluded that the agree- ment between observation and hypothesis is as. close as could reasonably be expected. The chief point in regard to which there is a discrepancy is in the tendency, particularly noticeable in the B. P. R. X B. P. R. and the F, matings, for the observations to be in defect in the ‘* Over 30 ”’ class and in excess inthe ‘‘ Zero. ”’ class. The explanation of this is undoubtedly, as has been pointed out in the detailed paper, to be found in disturbing physiological factors. The high producing hen, some- what like the race horse, is a rather finely strung, delicate — mechanism, which can be easily upset, and prevented from giving full normal expression to its inherited capacity in respect to fecundity. The writer has no desire to generalize more widely from the facts set forth in this paper than the actual material experimentally studied warrants. It must be recognized as possible, if not indeed probable, that other ” With exception of one set of matings discussed in full in the complete paper. No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 707 races or breeds of poultry than those used in the present experiments may show a somewhat different scheme of inheritance of fecundity. The directions in which devia- tions from the plan here found to obtain may, at least a priori, most probably be expected are two. These are: (a) differences in different breeds in respect to the abso- lute fecundity value of the factors which determine the expression of this character, and (b) gametic schemes which differ from those here found either in the direction of more or fewer distinct factors being concerned in the ° determination of fecundity, or in following a totally different type of germinal reactions. Regarding the first point, it seems probable from the evidence in hand that the absolute fecundity value (i. e., the degree of actual fecundity determined by the presence of the gametic factor) may differ for the factor L, in the case of the Barred Rock as compared with the Cornish Indian Game breed. It is hoped later to take up a detailed study of this point, on the basis of the material here pre- sented, and additional data now in process of collection. Whenever there is a difference in the absolute fecundity value of the L, factor, it means that the division point for the classification of winter productions should be taken at a point to correspond with the physiological facts. Similarly, the absolute fecundity value of the excess production factor L, may be different in different breeds. In applying the results of this paper to the pro- duction statistics of other breeds of poultry the possi- bility of differences of the kind here suggested must always be kept in mind. The second point (the possibility of gametic schemes for fecundity differing qualitatively from that found in the present study) is one on which it is idle to speculate in advance of definite investigations. I wish only to emphasize that nothing is further from my desire or in- tention than to assert before such investigations have been made that the results of the present study apply unmodified to all races of domestic poultry. 708 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI It can not justly be urged against the conclusions of this study that the Mendelian hypothesis advanced to account for the results is so complicated, and involves the assumption of so many factors or such complex inter- actions and limitations of factors, as to lose all signifi- cance. As a matter of fact the whole Mendelian inter- pretation here set forth is an extremely simple one, involving essentially but two factors. This surely does not indicate excessive complication. To speak in mathe- matical terms, by way of illustration merely, it may fairly be said that the formula here used to ‘‘fit’’ the data has essentially the character of a true graduation formula. The number of constants (here factors) in the formula is certainly much less than the number of ordi- nates to be graduated. There is no assumption made in the present Mendelian interpretation which has not been fully demonstrated by experimental work to hold in other cases. That the ex- pression of a character may be caused by the coincident presence of two (or more) separate factors, either of which alone is unable to bring it about, has been shown for both plants!! and animals by a whole series of studies in this field of biology during the last decade. To find examples one has only to turn to the standard hand- books summarizing Mendelian work, as for example those of Bateson and Baur. Again sex-linkage or correlation of characters in inheritance has been conclusively demon- strated for several characters in fowls by the careful and thorough experiments of a number of independent inves- tigators. Finally it is to be noted that Bateson and Punnett! have recently shown that the inheritance of the peculiar pigmentation characteristic of the silky fowl follows a scheme which in its essentials is very similar to that here worked out for fecundity. “ Particularly important here are the brilliant researches of Nilsson-Ehle on cereals, and of Baur on Antirrhinum. _ "Bateson, W., and Punnett, R. C., ‘‘The Inheritance of the Peculiar Pigmentation of the Silky Fowl,’’ Journal of Genetics, Vol. 1, pp. 185-203. No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 709 THE SELECTION PROBLEM The results of the present investigation have an inter- esting and significant bearing on the earlier selection ex- periments on fecundity at this station. It is now quite plain that continued selection of highly fecund females alone could not even be expected to produce a definite and steady increase in average flock production. The gametic constitution of the male (in respect especially to the L, factor) plays so important a part in determining the fecundity of the daughters that any scheme of selec- tion which left this out of account was really not ‘‘ sys- tematic ’’ at all, but rather almost altogether haphazard. It is repeatedly shown in the detailed account of these experiments that the same proportion of daughters of high fecundity may be obtained from certain mothers of low fecundity as can be obtained from those of high fe- cundity provided that both sets of mothers are mated to males of the same gametic constitution. What gain is to be expected to accrue from selecting high laying mothers under such circumstances, at least so far as concerns the daughters? ‘ Selection ”’ to the breeder means really a system of breeding. ‘‘ Like produces like,’’ and “‘ breed the best to get the best ’’; these epitomize the selection doctrine of breeding. It is the simplest system conceivable. But its success as a system depends upon the existence of an equal simplicity of the phenomena of inheritance. If the mating of two animals somatically a little larger than the average always got offspring somatically a little larger than the average, breeding would certainly offer the royal road to riches. But if, as a matter of fact, as 1m the present case, a character is not inherited in accord- ance with this beautiful and childishly simple scheme, but instead is inherited in accordance with an absolutely different plan, which is of such a nature that the appli- cation of the simple selection system of breeding could not possibly have any direct effect, it would seem idle to 710 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI continue to insist that the prolonged application of that system is bound to result in improvement. It seems to me that it must be recognized frankly that whether or not continued selection of somatic variations can be expected to produce an effect on the race depends entirely on the mode of inheritance of the character selected, In other words, any systematic plan for the improvement of a race by breeding must be based and operated on a knowledge of the gametic condition and be- havior of the character in which improvement is sought, rather than the somatic. Continued mass selection of somatic variations as a system of breeding, in contrast to an intelligent plan based on a knowledge of the gametic basis of a character and how it is inherited, seems to me to be very much in the same case as a man who, finding himself imprisoned in a dungeon with a securely locked and very heavy and strong door with the key on the inside, proceeded to attempt to get out by beating and kicking against the door in blind fury, rather than to take the trouble to find the location of the key and unlock the door. There is just a possibility that he could finally get out in a very few instances by the first method, but even in those cases he would be regarded by sensible men as rather a fool for his pains. Of course what has been said is not meant to imply that selection, on the basis of somatic conditions may not have a part in a well considered system of breeding for a par- ticular end. In many cases it certainly will have. Thus in the case of fecundity in the fowls, selection of mothers on the basis of fecundity records is essential in getting male birds homozygous with respect tò L, and L,. But the point which seems particularly clear in the light of the present results is that blind mass selection, on the basis of somatic characters only, is essentially a hap- hazard system of breeding which may or may not be successful in changing the type in a particular case. There is'‘nothing in the method per se which insures such success, though that there is inherent potency in the No. 552] INHERITANCE OF FECUNDITY 711 method per se is precisely the burden of a very great proportion of the teaching of breeding (in whatever form that teaching is done) at the present time. It seems to me that it has never been demonstrated, up to the present time, that continued selection can do any- thing more than: 1. Isolate pure biotypes from a mixed population, which contains individuals of different heredity constitu- tion in respect to the character or characters considered. 2. Bring about and perpetuate as a part of a logical system of breeding for a particular end, certain combina- tions of hereditary factors which would never (or very rarely) have occurred and would have been lost in the absence of such systematic selection; which combinations give rise to somatic types which may be quite different from the original types. In this way a real evolutionary change (i. e., the formation of a race of qualitatively different hereditary constitution from anything existing before) may be brought about. This can unquestionably be done for fecundity in the domestic fowl. But here “ selection ” is simply one part of a system of breeding, which to be successful must be based on a definite knowl- edge of gametic as well as somatic conditions. It is very far removed from a blind “ breeding of the best to the best to get the best.’? The latter plan alone may, as in the case of fecundity, fail absolutely to bring about any progressive change whatever. It has never yet been demonstrated, so far as I know, that the absolute somatic value of a particular hereditary factor or determinant (i. e., its power to cause a quanti- tatively definite degree of somatic development of a char- acter) can be changed by selection on a somatic basis, however long continued. To determine, by critical ex- periments which shall exclude beyond doubt or question such effects of selection as those noted under 1 and 2 above, whether the absolute somatic value of factors may be changed by selection, or in any other way, 1s one of the fundamental problems of genetics. REFLECTIONS ON THE AUTONOMY OF BIOLOG- ICAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR OTTO GLASER UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN INTRODUCTORY Ir the knowledge of facts and comprehension of prin- ciples by certain writers had been adequate, and others had. freed their minds from the survivals of animism, the taxonomic position of biology in the scheme of knowl- edge would appear uncertain to no one. Prolonged and extensive inkshed however have surrounded this ques- tion with much unnecessary difficulty and confusion. Some claim that biology can not properly find a place among the sciences at all; others, that if our science is nothing more than physics and chemistry, it can have no right to independent existence; and finally, the vitalists postulate an absolute autonomy based on a specific prin- ciple. BIoLoGICAL PREDICTION Merz, Enriques,’ and other present-day writers on the systematics of biology dwell at length on the fact that within the realm of the living, very strange and unex- pected events take place. From the protozoans, human beings can hardly be inferred: the chromosomal com- plex, on account of the variations and surprising simi- larities of its constituent elements, fails to tell us whether we are dealing with sister species or with forms as re- mote as snails, frogs, ferns and mice. Because one crustacean is positively heliotropic, it does not follow that the next one, even if the species be identical, will re- spond in like manner, nor because one child in a family has blue eyes can we conclude that its parents or broth- ers and sisters have eyes of the same color. A dog or a * Merz, John Theodore, ‘‘A History of European Thought in the Nine- teenth Century’’; Enriques, Federigo, ‘‘ Probleme der Wissenschaft.’ 712 ; No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Tic man may be friendly to-day and vicious to-morrow under similar external circumstances. Irregularities such as these, our informants tell us, should quench the ardor of the dullest, and to convince us still further of the inade- quacy of our materials for science they point to rational mechanics, a domain free from ambush, and pervaded by an order in which only the foreseen and predictable find a place. The juxtaposition of these two disciplines is not only unparliamentary, but unfortunate. Inasmuch as ra- tional mechanics deals with abstractions and has only the slightest objective basis, it can have no materials comparable with the contents of any natural science. On the contrary, it is a method of thinking. Thinking is a phenomenon of consciousness; and consciousness, a biological event. If, therefore, the mechanic produces an orderly and coherent system in which one thing follows with certainty from another, this shows nothing else shan that certain biological events, to wit, mental proc- esses, are among the most reliable phenomena in nature. The biologist readily concedes that he is not as weather- wise as the rational mechanic, but he does not concede that this is due either to the fundamental disorderliness of his section of nature, or because his colleague’s oracu- lar powers differ in origin from his own where he happens to possess them. As a whole man can not as yet be in- - ferred from the protozoa, yet from the study of oxida- tion, secretion and digestion in unicellular organisms we could readily foresee the existence of these processes in higher forms. The conditions of the heliotropic re- sponse are such that an organism must be neither neu- tral nor alkaline to react positively, and one at variance with expectation can be made to do the expected by acidulation. Although half the children of brown-eyed parents may have blue eyes, this, instead of being a symptom of disorder, is in strict conformity with a law which enables us to say that two grandparents, one ma- ternal, the other paternal, had this eye-color. The same 714 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI law makes it possible to predict the proportion and sex of color-blind persons in a family in which this defect is present. The change from friendliness to viciousness in dogs and men has been traced to definite chemical and structural changes so often that it could undoubtedly be foreseen if these were known. The ‘embryologist fore- tells the hour of ovulation, the obstetrician the birth of a child, the entomologist the reappearance of a brood of locusts, the ornithologist of a flock of birds, and the ichthy- ologist of a school of fish, with the same reasonable cer- tainty with which the celestial mechanic predicts the re- turn of a comet. By the behavior of Convoluta roscoff en- sis, even though far from its native haunts, it is possible -= to tell the state of the tides. It should never be forgot- ten that Weismann predicted the phenomena of matura- tion in the germ cells. Because the chromosomes have at present no taxo- nomic importance, Merz concludes that they never can have, and that biological events are therefore disorderly. It so happens that the particular facts which Merz would like to predict from these bodies are not related to what we know about them in a manner so intimate that in the present state of science prediction here would be any more reasonable than in the absence of wind to judge the weather from a bonfire. There are no reasons to doubt that if we knew accurately the chemical structure of the chromosomes, instead of merely their general composi- sition, number, size and shape, we could tell the species, and perhaps predict their composition in related spe- cies, much as the organic chemist predicts the make-up of one compound from another. Even now, the physio- - logical state of the cell, and in numerous instances its kind, as well as the sex of the individual from which it was taken, can be determined from the chromosomal complex. How the rational mechanic acquired his prophetic powers can be answered by considering the development of geometry. Are we expected to believe that from the No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 715 qualities of a line, the geometrician could predict the properties of the angle between two lines, if he had yet to discover the possibility of angles? Knowing angles, he could probably tell in advance not a few of the proper- ties of triangles, but can any one imagine, on the basis of this information alone, the relations which enable us to measure the heights of trees we have never climbed, or the distances of sun and moon? On the contrary, the history of the subject shows that the mechanist is now able to predict the motions of bodies, and the properties of configurations, not because he deals exclusively with prediction, but because he has made certain valid as- sumptions concerning space, and by deduction has dis- covered their consequences. He deals with controlled materials, but the trick of augury has no other secret than knowledge. THE SPECIFICALLY BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM If we reject the classification of biology necessitated by a belief in the fundamental disorderliness of its phe- nomena, two mutually exclusive views remain to be con- sidered. Fortunately for the biologist the discord be- tween them is quite unnecessary, for biology may be physics and chemistry and autonomous at the same time. Some of the most fruitful and illuminating discussions in recent years have emanated from biological chemists and physicists, and it is hard to follow the literature on these subjects without sensing the enormous possibili- ties with which it is freighted. It must not be supposed, - however, that proof of the purely physical-chemical na- ture of vital processes will show that living things are in any way different than they really are. Whether analy- sis can subtract qualities from things certainly seems an idle question, yet we are constantly being told that the reduction of the phenomena of life to a chemical-physical basis will demonstrate that living things are, after all, not alive! ee Anatomical and histological analysis of a horse is 1m- 716 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLVI capable of showing that this animal is a cow. Even if we reduce its tissues to their constituent chemical elements, and, not content with this, continue until we have shown that a horse is entirely composed of electrons, and their activities, how could this show that a horse is not a horse? If therefore resolution can detract nothing from the things analyzed, it is clear that if these are in any way unique, they will be no less so after this proeess than be- fore. The only question which can be at issue is whether living things are, or are not, unique. To this only an affirmative answer is possible. To reason with defectives is unprofitable for they have no organ with which to perceive the qualities by which we differentiate between the organic and the inorganic. If we ask ourselves how we make this distinction we naturally think of the fact that living things are ma- chines with the power, as Loeb puts it, of automatic self- preservation and reproduction. All the wonderful proc- esses for which in the aggregate this simple formula stands divide animals and plants sharply from matter not alive and constitute the specific basis for the auton- omy of our science. This autonomy is nothing meta- physical, or absolute, but practical, like the autonomy of physics, chemistry, astronomy and geology. HistorrcaL BACKGROUND OF THE POSTULATED ABSOLUTE AUTONOMY In their analyses of living things, modern biologists make use of only one practical method, but they apply it from two distinct points of view, and since the signifi- cance of phenomena in general depends on the point of view, the whole meaning of the science hangs in the bal- ance. The validity of these theoretical standpoints, therefore, should be tested as carefully as the proposed site of an observatory. Unfortunately the issues at stake can not be properly apprehended without some knowledge of their history. To begin with Aristotle, and the few Ionians and Eleat- No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE {LT ics who preceded him, however, does not give us the needed historical background, for the impression that Aristotle was a primitive man, or that science was born in Greece, is surely wrong. Scientific knowledge began with the human race. Although the thoughts of early men are for the most part unrecorded, study of the primitive men living to-day shows conclusively that the problem of the origin and nature of life is realized by the savage. In the lore of medicine men, magicians and seers, scientific knowledge, theories and beliefs, fuse into an alloy which, despite the varied conditions of its genesis and growth, presents remarkable homogeneity. In this cultural amalgam the attempt is made to explain the difference between a dead man and a live one, by means of ‘‘a thin unsubstantial human image, in its nature a sort of vapor, film or shadow; the cause of life and thought in the individual it animates; independently possessing the personal con- sciousness and volition of its corporeal owner, past or present; capable of leaving the body far behind to flash swiftly from place to place; mostly impalpable and in- visible, yet also manifesting physical power, and espe- cially appearing to men waking or asleep as a phantom separate from the body of which it bears the likeness; continuing to exist and appear to men after the death of that body; able to enter into, possess and act in the bodies of other men, of animals and even of things.’’ * These conclusions, drawn from the experience of dreaming, are not much more primitive than the opin- ions prevalent during the middle ages and surviving in the shadows of church spires to-day. Now and again, however, revolutionary teachings arose, and the most significant of these for our immediate purposes are the doctrines of René Descartes. In his splendid history of biological theories, Rádl? has traced with considerable detail the fortunes of the 2 Tylor, Edward B., ‘Primitive Culture.’’ ? Rádl, Emil, ‘‘Geschichte der Biologischen Theorien.’’ 718 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI controversy set going in 1644 by the ‘‘Principes de la Philosophie ’’ at a time when practically all men were vitalists. During the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies this contest engaged the ablest minds, yet mechan- ism achieved no decisive victory, but only an increase in the number of its followers, and the substitution of the original soul in vitalism by the life force of Müller, itself destined to elimination in the nineteenth century by supersession, largely by neglect, and by direct experi- ments on vital energetics. Emil du Bois Reymond stands out as the champion of mechanism during this period, although the limitations of his materialism led him to classify the problem of life with six other insoluble riddles. Lotze overthrew the life force with arguments, substituted a purposeful pre- formation in the germ, and protected it from further harm by asserting that to inquire into its origin was un- scientific. Fechner and Preyer attempted to clear the at- mosphere by insisting that life is fundamental and the real problem the origin of the inorganic. Virchow con- tributed the idea of a mechanism superimposed upon that already known, and this in the hands of his successor Rindfleisch became a theory of atomic consciousness. In the seventies, however, ghostly voices fell upon deaf ears, for under the leadership of Darwin a seemingly satisfactory natural explanation of adaptation forced the mechanistic pendulum to its highest point. While this period of scientific development proved fatal to naturalistic vitalism, metaphysical not only sur- vived, but during the latter-day Darwinian decadence and reconstruction has again emerged, leaving behind some of the erudities of its forerunners, and apparently purged of ghosts. A change of names, however, does not constitute a change of nature. The ghosts, more rarefied than ever, are with us still, only to-day we call them Entelechies, Dominants, Psychoids and Elan Vital. No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 719 Awnatysts oF Nro-VITALISM Plate* finds in neo-vitalism four fundamental postu- lates about which discussion must necessarily center. These propositions are as follows: I. Neither now nor in the future can the organism be explained by chemistry and physics without a remainder. II. There is an absolute distinction between dead and living matter; in the inorganic world the law of causa- tion holds, but in the organic causation holds together with a unique law. III. The uniqueness expresses itself in this, that every organic process is final (teleological), that is, governed by immanent purposefulness. | IV. The cause of this finality, in so far as the vitalists are not agnostic, is (a) a psychical factor; (b) a meta- physical factor. PosTULATE I | Neither now nor in the future can the organism be explained by chemistry and physics without a remainder. Nothing could be more physical and chemical than the analysis of the whole universe into a system of electrons. When such resolution has been accomplished and every known chemical element has been shown to be a special case of corpuscular movement, the organic world and all that characterizes it will be expressible in terms of elec- trons if this mode of expression should appear service- able. Would it not remain true, however, that hydrogen is hydrogen, and oxygen, oxygen? Even if these gases were proved to be configurations of essentially similar corpuscles, they would nevertheless continue to be indi- vidually different, and those so inclined would find it possible to found separate sciences of hydrogenology and of oxygenology, and these subjects would be auton- omous. Does any one conclude from this that the me- chanist is not fit to deal with these matters? Or that his methods are fundamentally inadequate? Yet the argu- *Plate, Ludwig, tt Darwinsches Selektionsprincip,’’ 3d ed. 720 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI ment of those who would cast mechanism out of biology is identical. Resolution leaves intact uniqueness wher- ever found, and the declaration that this is true of the organism is a platitude. PostūLATE IT There is an absolute distinction between dead and liv- ing matter; in the inorganic world, the law of causation holds, but in the organic, causation holds together with a unique law. The second part of this proposition will be considered in connection with postulate III. To the first part the mechanist subscribes heartily, but adds that in his ex- perience the distinction between hydrogen and oxygen is equally absolute. Postunate IIT The uniqueness expresses itself in this, that every or- ganic process is final (teleological) ; that is, governed by immanent purposefulness. In discussing postulate ITI, all that is needed is (a) to sound its logical consequences; (b) to inquire how it agrees with observations on individual and racial final- ity; and lastly, (c) to expose the psychology of the teleo- logical idea itself. (a) From the harmony between the organic and the inorganic, Driesch concludes that ‘‘nature is nature for a purpose.’’ If the whole universe, however, is governed by immanent purposefulness what becomes of the dis- tinction between the organic and the inorganic? Ina purposive system the teleological nature of any particu- lar event or group of events can not be inferred, for pur- posefulness can only be recognized by comparison with purposelessness. Thus general teleology denies the ex- istence of half the materials for the inference of the very thing on which it bases itself, and with the best inten- tions in the world, and without in any way seeming to sense it, vitalists themselves have not only disarmed No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 121 teleology in the realm of the living, but have made the principle scientifically impossible. (b) Were every organic event final or purposeful, functional adjustment, training and education would be unnecessary and impossible. Jennings? tells us: How the relations that impress us as teleological were brought about, constitutes undoubtedly a set of most difficult problems. But to keep us from despairing, we find this process taking place in the lives of individuals in a manner that can readily be studied. This is in the for- mation of habits. In the formation of habits, we see that the organism at first does not react in a way that impresses us as teleological, while later it does, and we can watch the process change from one condition to the other, and discover how it is causally determined. Since then a method of action that appears to us teleological is produced in an intelligible way under our very eyes, in the lifetime of the individual, there is no reason why we may not expect to find out how teleological relations have been brought about in the life of the race when we have actually made a start in the study of the physiology of racial processes. past ” reappears again in the future. The ability to make functional adjustments of this character is only a special case of automatic self-preser- vation, and is found in all organisms because those de- void of it are for this very reason eliminated and conse- quently remain largely unknown. Paleontology 1s the science that deals chiefly with these failures. How many organisms have been unable to make the necessary ad- justments is attested by the great number of extinct ani- mals and plants; how many are failing to-day is shown by every rapidly vanishing species, as well as by many experiments and special observations. Several of the mutants of de Vries have for one reason or another ‘c Diverse Ideals and Divergent Conclusions in i : Jennings, Herbert S., 1» American Journal Psychol- the Study of Behavior in Lower Organisms, ogy, Vol. XXI. : € Loeb, Jacques, ‘‘The Mechanistic Conception of Life, Vol. LXXX. ”? Pop. Sci. Mo., 722 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI proved indurable, whereas Loeb* has pointed out that faulty organisms must frequently arise, although we only become aware of them under exceptional conditions. Moenkhaus found ten years ago that it is possible to fertilize the egg of each marine bony fish with sperm of practically any other marine bony fish. His embtyos apparently lived only a very short time. This year I succeeded in keeping such hybrid embryos between distantly related bony fish alive for over a month. It is therefore clear that it is possible to cross practically any marine teleost with any other. The number of teleosts at present in existence is about 10,000. If we accomplish all possible hybridization 100,000,000 different crosses will result. Of these teleosts only a very small proportion, namely, about one one-hundredth of one per cent., can live. It turned out in my experiments that the heterogeneous hybrids between bony fishes formed eyes, brains, ears, fins and pulsating hearts, blood and blood vessels, but could live only a limited time because no blood circulation was established at all—in spite of the fact that the heart beat for weeks—or that the circulation, if it was established at all, did not last long. The possibility of hybridization goes much further than we have thus far assumed. We can cause the eggs of echinoderms to develop with the sperm of very distant forms, even mollusks and worms (Kupelwieser) : but such hybridizations never lead to the formation of durable organisms. It is therefore no exaggeration to state that the number of species existing to-day is only an infinitely small fraction of those which can and possibly occasionally do originate, but which escape our notice because they can not live and reproduce. Only that limited fraction of species can exist which possesses no coarse disharmonies in its auto- matie mechanism of preservation and reproduction. Disharmonies and faulty attempts in nature are the rule, the harmonically developed systems the rare exception. But since we only perceive the latter we gain the erroneous impression that the “ adaptation of the parts to the plan of the whole” is a general and specifie characteristic of animate nature, whereby the latter differs from inanimate nature. the structure and the meclianism of the atoms were known to us we should probably also get an insight into a world of wonderful j harmonies and apparent adaptations of the parts to the whole. But in this case we should quickly understand that the chemical elements are only the few durable systems among a large number of possible but not durable combinations. (c) Overlooking for the moment the obvious difficul- ties of the assumption, we can be certain that the idea of No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 123 teleology would never have entered the biologist’s head ` were he not himself a living thing. Since this is the case, however, his interest in life exceeds all others, and he attends to the processes that make life possible only be- cause of their resultant. Inasmuch as the latter occu- pies the focus of his mind, he wrongfully reasons back- ward from results to processes, and finding in these none that might have rendered the cherished product im- possible, concludes that the processes were all along aiming at what, from his standpoint, is the end. Clearly the conclusion has only an anthropocentric basis. PostuLaTE IV The cause of this finality, in so far as the vitalists are not agnostic, is (a) a psychical factor; (b) a metaphys- ical factor. Since biological finality is an anthropomorphism, a discussion of the supposed teleological factors is futile. Inasmuch, however, as psycho-vitalism has its counter- part in psycho-mechanism, the fallacy common to both may be pointed out. (a) To reflect mind oi the cell, and so reflected to use it as an explanation of what the cell does, is the method of primitive animism. Quite apart from the fact that the existence of mind, so far, at least, has been dem- onstrated only in the case of certain higher animals, but not at all for the lower, or the developmental stages of _ the higher, as an explanation it can have no title to serious consideration since it is itself one of the elements of the automatic self-preservation which it is the aim of biology to analyze. To interpret something we do not understand in terms of something else which at present we understand even less, may give temporary comfort to some minds, but the ideals of scientific explanation call for the reverse process. (b) The difficulties of Driesch’s style are > such that many biologists refuse to read his books. For this rea- kd d ii. Slee THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI son I have made from one of them’ a series of extracts to serve as illustrative material. The italics are not mine. DriescH’s ENTELECHY Entelechy or the psychoid has nothing of a “ psychical” nature. We indeed are in a rather desperate condition with regard to the real analysis of the fundamental properties of morphogenetic, adaptive, and instinctive entelechies: for there must be a something in them that has an analogy, not to knowing and willing in general, as it may be supposed to exist in the primary faculties of psychoids, but to the willing of specific unexperienced realities, and to knowing the specific means of attaining them. (P. 142. To build up the organism as a combined body of a typical style is the task of entelechy; entelechy means the faculty of achieving a “ forma essentialis ”; being and becoming are here united in a most remarkable manner; time enters into the Timeless, i. e., into the “idea” in the sense of Plato. (P. 149.) _ There is first the entelechia morphogenetica, and after that the entelechia psychoidea and the latter may be discriminated as governing instinets and actions separately. Furthermore the different parts of the brain, such as the hemispheres and the cerebellum in vertebrates, may be said to possess their different kinds of entelechy. In fact we may speak of an order concerning the rank or dignity of entelechies, comparable with the order of ranks or dignities in an army or administration. But all entelechies have originated from the pri- mordial one and in this respect may be said to be one altogether. Now the primordial entelechy of the egg not only creates derived entelechies, but also builds up all sorts of arrangements of a truly mechanical character; the eye, in a great part of its functioning is nothing but a camera obscura, and the skeleton obeys the laws of inor- ganie statics. Every part of these organie systems has been placed by entelechy where it must be placed to act well in the service of the whole, but the part itself acts like a part of a machine. So we see finally that the different forms of harmony in the origin and function of parts that are not immediately dependent on one another, are in the last resort the consequence of entelechian acts. The entelechy that created them all was harmonious in its intensive mani- oldness; the extensive structures which are produced by it are therefore hiornoniits too. In other words there are many processes in the organism which are of the statical- teleological type, which go on ee or purposefully on a fixed machine-like basis, but entelechy esch, Hans, ‘‘The Science and Philosophy of the Organism,’’ Gif- ford Teia, 1908. No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 725 has created this basis, and so statieal teleology has its source in dynam- ical teleology. e now see the full meaning of the statement that entelechy is an “intensive manifoldness” realizing itself extensively; in other words, we know what it means to say that a body in nature is a living organ- ism; we have given a full descriptive definition of this concept. (Pp. 150-151.) Any single spatial occurrence induced or modified by entelechy has its previous single correlate in a certain single feature of entelechy as far as it is an intensive manifoldness. (P. 154 Entelechy may be aroused to sipnifeckation by a change in bodily nature, such as is effected by fertilization, or by some operation, or by some motor stimulus; on the other hand, entelechy may on its own part lead to changes in bodily nature. (P. 156.) It is the essence of an entelechy to manifest itself in an extensive mani- foldness: all the details of this extensive manifoldness depend upon the intensive manifoldness of the entelechy, but not upon different spatial “ causes.” 15 Entelechy lacks all the characteristics of quantity; entelechy is order of relation and absolutely nothing else; all the quantities concerned in its manifestations in every case being due to means which are used by entelechy, or to conditions which ean not be avoided. (P. 169.) Entelechy, as far as we know, at least, is limited in its acting by many specificities of inorganie nature, among which are the specificities included under the phrase “ chemical element.” (P. 179 Entelechy is also unable to cause reactions between chemical compounds which never are known to react in the inorganic world. In short entelechy is altogether unable to create differences of intensity of any kind. But entelechy is able, so far as we know from the facts concerned in restitution and adaptation, to suspend for as long a period as it wants any one of all the reactions which are possible with such compounds as are present, and which would happen without entelechy. (P. 180.) Entelechy though not capable of enlarging the amount of diversity of composition of a given system, is capable of augmenting its diversity of distribution in a regulatory manner, and it does so by transforming a system of equally distributed ener into a system of actualities which are unequally distributed. (P. 1 Entelechy . . . is a factor in nature ia acts teleologically. It is an intensive manifoldness and on account of its inherent diversities it is able to augment the amount of diversity in the inorganie world as far as distribution is concerned. It acts by suspending and setting free reactions based upon potential differences asi There is noth- ing like it in inorganic nature. (P. 205 726 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Entelechy is an elemental factor of nature conceived to explain a certain class of natural phenomena. (P. 206. You may say if you like that entelechy, when turning a mass particle, acts upon it at right angles to its path—this kind of action requiring no energy, but even thus there would be only a pseudo-obedience to the laws of real mechanics, since entelechy must be regarded here as non- energetical and as interfering with inertia at the same time. (P. 223.) Entelechy is affected by the accomplishment of its own performance, in acting as well as in morphogenesis. (P. 228. In order that adaptation may happen, the fundamental state of the organism must be disturbed in its normality; this fact affects or calls forth entelechy. (P. 229.) Entelechy is affected and thus called into activity by changes of any normality governed by it which are due to external causes and these changes do not affect entelechy as a mere sum of changed singularities, but as changes of normality as a whole. (P. 232.) Entelechy is affected by and acts upon spatial causality as if it came out of an Br dimension; it does not act in space, but it acts into space. (P. 235.) Entelechy is an agent acting manifoldly without being itself manifold in space or extensity. Entelechy then is only an agent that arranges, but not an agent that possesses quantity. (P. 250.) Entelechy is something different from matter and altogether opposed to the causality of matter. (P. 255.) May not entelechy be called a “substance” in the most general philo- sophical sense of the word, that is, in the sense of a something irredu- cible, which remains the always unchangeable bearer of its changeable qualities. (P. 256.) Entelechy has the power of preserving its specifie intensive manifold- ness in spite of being divided into two or more parts. (P. 257.) Entelechy therefore can not possess a “ seat.” At present the question whether entelechy is a “ substance ” must remain as open as the previous question about the relation of entelechy to causality. . . . Entelechy was a kind of “ quasi” causality, and now may be said to be an enduring “ quasi-substance.” (P. 260. Entelechies, though transcending the realm of the Imaginable, do not by reason of their logical character as such form constituents of meta- physies in the sense of something absolute and independent of a sub- ject. (P. 320.) Entelechy is alien not only to matter but also to its own material purposes. (P. 336.) Mir wird vor alle Dem so dumm Als ging mir ein Mithlrad im Kopf herum! No. 552] AUTONOMY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 727 CONCLUSION I have tried to show that biological events are orderly; that a distinct problem guarantees the autonomy of the science; that the application of physical and chemical methods has no shortcomings specifically different from those met with when applied to the inorganic, and finally that vitalism in addition to being unnecessary is absurd. The question whether the modern outburst of metaphys- ical biology, a movement which finds favor among phi- losophers and psychologists, and has no small following among zoologists and botanists, is not, despite its obvious faults, sound in motive, remains to be answered. Me- chanical methods, even if applicable to vital events no less than to any others, might nevertheless possess an inherent weakness discoverable only when enlisted in biological service. The only reply possible to this ques- tion is that they are the best methods which human beings can devise, for their excellencies are grounded in our structure, their deficiencies in that of the world out- side. It has been pointed out over and over again that the explanations of science never amount to more than the enumeration of the conditions under which the events in nature take place. With ultimate explanation science does not deal, not because men of science do not want to, but because in their experience nature contains nothing ultimate. The failure, therefore, of science to give us more than it does can be held up as a fault only by those who are dissatisfied with the structure of the universe. For this feeling intellectual hygiene is the only cure. If the limitations of scientific methods are to be found in the limitations of a limitless universe, their excellen- cies, as instruments for the automatic preservation of life, are to be found in ourselves, for the mechanical symbols by the aid of which natural phenomena are in- terpreted are the easiest for us to use. The value of these symbols depends on our power to visualize, and 728 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI visualization depends on sight. Is it without signifi- cance in this connection that the eye begins in the embryo earlier than any other receptor of special sense, or that sight, except perhaps by a few poets and musicians, is acclaimed the most priceless of all our senses? If we lived in a world of phantasms, the value of sight would largely disappear, for, as Berkeley® has pointed out, it is an organ of anticipatory touch upon which de- pends our ability to avoid harmful collisions, and to bring about desirable ones. From the very beginning of our lives we see and deal with visible objects. Is it strange then that we should attempt to express all our experience in terms of the language which by our very structure and history is the most used and hence the most efficient medium of interpretation we possess? Modern energetics has indeed discarded solid mole- cules and atoms, and has replaced these by constellations of electrons, yet even if the electrons are nothing more than electrical charges, they are believed to possess mass, and to have certain properties in common with visible things. Does not the physicist still draw pictures on the wall to make clear what he means? Is nota picture a vis- ual symbol by the aid of which we understand a less fa- miliar one? Escape is impossible, for mechanistic sym- bolism is grounded in our very nature, and for this rea- son its employment rises to the dignity of amoral act, for it involves neither more nor less than the application of our best capabilities to the best of all purposes—the in- terpretation of nature. * Berkeley, George, ‘‘An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision.’’ THE SPAWNING HABITS OF THE SEA LAMPREY, PETROMYZON MARINUS! DR. L. HUSSAKOF AMERICAN Museum or NATURAL HISTORY THE spawning habits of several species of lamprey are known from observations which have been made in both Europe and America.?_ Those of the sea lamprey, Petro- myzon marinus, however, have not been studied, not- withstanding that this is the largest of the lampreys and is common to both sides of the Atlantic. It is merely known that this species ascends rivers for the purpose of spawning; and that the ‘‘fish’’ transport stones in build- ing their nest much like other lampreys (Burroughs, ’83; Holder, ’85). In 1883 a French observer, L. Ferry (83), noted the development of sea lamprey eggs taken directly from a female specimen. He concluded that the eggs must already have been fertilized, and hence that fertilization in the lampreys is internal. This conclusion, in the light of the careful observations on the spawning of various lampreys, especially Petromyzon planeri and Lampetra wilderi, is undoubtedly erroneous. Moreover, the discovery that lamprey eggs can develop partheno- genetically (Bataillon, ’03), affords a simple explana- tion of the facts recorded by Ferry. None the less the observation of the breeding habits of the sea lamprey © was very desirable. The observations recorded in this paper were made by the writer on Long Island, June 1 and 2, 1911, while col- lecting material for a group to represent the nesting habits of the sea lamprey in the American Museum of Natural History. The locality, Smithtown, on the Nis- sequogue River, Long Island, was suggested to me by *Read before the American Society of Zoologists, at Princeton, N. J., Dee. 27, 1911. 3 See annotated bibliography at end of paper. - 129 730 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Professor Bashford Dean, who had learnt of it through Dr. Tarleton H. Bean. Locality and Date of Observation.—At the date of these observations, June 1 and 2, 1911, lampreys had been seen in the Nissequogue River for several days. A num- ber of abandoned, partly scattered nests were also to be found; hence June 1, appears to be toward the end of the spawning season, which for Long Island must be put down as the latter half of May. Fic. 1. SEA LAMPREYS, Petromyzon marinus, on Nest. An exhibition group, 4 by 5 feet, in the American Museum of Natural itary: prepared under the piip of the writer. The Nissequogue is a small stream which empties into Long Island Sound. At the village of Smithtown, three and a half miles from its mouth, it is shallow (a foot or two deep), perfectly clear, and flows over a bed of large, water-stained pebbles. Here and there are patches of ‘‘river grass.’? The water is perfectly fresh here, although still affected by the tide. A quarter of a mile above and below the village bridge, the river grows No. 552] THE SEA LAMPREY 731 deeper and muddier; my observations were therefore confined to the pebbly portion, a stretch of about half a mile. Here a dozen nests were found, four with lam- preys on them, the others deserted and partly scattered by the tide. Nests——The nest of the sea lamprey is similar to that of other species, but much larger. It is a circu- lar depression in the river bed, two to three feet in diameter. One that was measured was two feet three inches across, and six inches deep in the center. The Fie THREE SPECIMENS OF Petromyzon marinus ON A Nest. Instantaneous photograph taken without special apparatus A bright sunlight, at low tide; with y three or four inches of water above the “fish.” One male and two females. (Net EE nests are easily recognized, eyen at a distance of several feet, by the large number of whitish quartz peb- bles which have been uprooted and turned with their clean faces up. They are built at random anywhere in the river: near the bank, in the shade of overhanging trees; in the middle of the stream, exposed to the glare of the sun; or even, as with the nest shown in the figures 732 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI (Figs. 1 and 4), partly under a log. Occasionally two nests adjoin so that their peripheries overlap. Standing in the water close to a nest, one may observe minutely every movement the lampreys make. One may even stroke them or lift them by the tail without disturb- ing them. A ‘‘fish’’? must be raised to a considerable angle before it will loosen its hold on the stone to which it clings, and dart away; and then it will go only a short distance, fifty or a hundred feet, and seek refuge under the ‘‘river grass.” The manner of building the nest is quite like that of the brook lamprey (Lampetra wilderi), as de- scribed by Gage (’93), and by Dean and Sumner (’97). But owing to the large size of the species all the processes are writ large, as it were, so that one can see the purpose of every movement. Build- ing the nest consists in carrying the pebbles and stones out of a circular area until a basin-like depression is formed. As the work proceeds the finer material in the interstices between the pebbles gradually accumulates, so that the bottom of the nest becomes covered with sand and fine gravel. The stones are seized with the circular mouth to which they cling en- tirely by suction. The ‘‘teeth’’? play no Fic. 3. Freshly part in this work, as may be proved by ex- He amprey cdas perimenting with the freshly dead ‘‘fish.’’ the vacuum pro- By pressing the mouth of such a ‘‘fish’’ a agian against a stone, it may be made to hold on pated i "so tenaciously, that by lifting the stone one lifts the fish (Fig. 3). A vacuum is produced inside the buccal funnel, and this is the imme- diate cause of the hold. In carrying stones out of the nest, the procedure varies with the size of the stone. Small stones, an inch or two across, are picked up in the p. et ° f a S =] ®© > “ No. 552] THE SEA LAMPREY 733 mouth and carried out. Larger stones, firmly rooted in the bottom, require considerable effort to be dislodged; the stone is tugged upward, the lamprey receding back- ward in a straight line. Sometimes instead of pulling backward, the lamprey charges head-on and pushes the stone in front of it up the incline, the body remaining rigid and acting as a lever, while the tail is lashed vio- Fie, 4. Sa THREE SPECIMENS AS SHOWN IN FIG. 2, PHOTOGRAPHED SHORTLY AFTER THEY WERE TAKEN FROM THE Nest. Upper two, females; lowest one, a male. The stones in lower half of photograph were picked up just as they were carried by the lampreys out of the nest. The half brick shown in the picture weighs 840 grams. lently to gain a firmer support. Some of the larger stones carried by the lampreys out of the nest (Fig. 4), were picked up just as they were released from the mouth; they were found to weigh (in air) from 145 to 840 grams. ` The building and improving of the nest go on continu- ously between intervals of mating. Both the male and the female take part in this work. On one nest there were observed a male and a female; they were joined now and then, for some minutes, by a second female which 734 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI had been for some time by herself on an adjoining nest. During the time the three ‘‘fish’’ were on the one nest (Figs. 2 and 5) they all took part in repairing it, in the intervals between mating—the male apparently not distinguishing between the female of his own nest and the intruder. In two other cases there was one indi- vidual to a nest. After carrying a stone out the lamprey immediately returns for another. This is repeated a number of times and then the lamprey clings to a stone apparently exhausted (Fig. 4). Now and then the tail is lashed against the sides of the nest to pad it down. When on a nest by itself, a lamprey occasionally wanders a distance of some feet—even several hundred feet—but invariably returns to continue its nest-building. These wanderings are perhaps for the purpose of finding a mate. Mating.—The method of copulation is similar to that of the brook lamprey, Lampetra wilderi, as described by Dean and Summer (’97); and it is unnecessary to re- describe it here. I will merely comment on a few de- tails. The female must cling to a large stone in the nest in order that copulation take place. The male seizes her by the top of the head. In copulo, the two are arranged so as to form an ellipse. The caudal portion of the male is applied immediately back of the first dor- sal of the female, and curved in a loop around her body. Several authors have referred, in the case of both Amer- ican and European lampreys, to the vibration of the posterior portions of the ‘‘fish,’’ in copulo. In the sea lamprey this vibration may be observed very closely. It lasts two or three seconds. It begins slowly, gradually increases in frequency until it reaches an exceeding ra- pidity of vibration, then subsides by a few slow beats. The motion strongly suggests the vibration of a rattle- snake’s tail in the warning pose. Indeed while watching the lampreys one can hardly keep from imagining the sound which ought to accompany the lampreys’ vibra- No. 552] THE SEA LAMPREY 735 tions, so similar is the movement to that of the rattle- snake’s tail. As to the length of time ‘‘fish’’ on a nest continue to spawn, I was able to make some observations. The nest shown in Figs. 1 and 4 was observed continuously for over four hours, from 10 a.m. until after 2 p.m.; and during that time copulation took place at intervals of from a few to ten minutes; and in all probability would have continued several hours longer had the THE SAME NEST AS IN FIG. 2, SHOWING TWO OF THE SPECIMENS in y the female. The second female is seen clinging to a stone. (Not r AE EERE ‘“‘fish”’ been left on the nest. Both became gradually more and more scarred from seizing each other with their mouths: round pale wounds stood out clearly against the blue-black of the head of the female where the male had repeatedly seized her; and large whitish wounds could be seen on her back, especially posterior to the first dorsal fin. The male likewise was scarred in several places on the head and back. These scars are 736 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI greatly augmented through continual rubbing against stones, padding down the nest, ete. Fate of Sea Lampreys After Spawning—From the facts at hand, it appears that lampreys that go up the river to spawn do not again return to the sea, but die shortly after spawning. I found two dead, badly scarred, spent lampreys in the river not far from de- serted nests. One was in the shade of tall grass near the bank, the other tangled in weeds and twigs in the middle of the river. Both had been rasped, apparently for food, by other lampreys. Burroughs (’83), also re- cords that it is not unusual to find dead lampreys in June. The causes of the death of these lampreys—and in- deed of all anadromous fishes—are still rather obscure. Death is probably chiefly due to the cycle of katabolic processes initiated on the maturing of the gonadial products. Besides this at least two other causes must be regarded as contributary: first the greatly lessened vitality due to the constant exertion in uprooting and transporting stones. Lampreys thus weakened become the prey of other lampreys. Secondly, the numerous sears or wounds which they inflict on one another in mating allow ‘‘fungus’’ to invade, and ultimately to de- stroy, their tissues. All three of these causes, probably, play a part in causing the death of the sea lampreys after spawning. Remarks on the Senses and Mentality of the Sea Lam- prey.—The behavior of the lampreys was carefully noted to see in how far their senses come into play in building the nest and in other activities. The general impres- sion was that the sea lamprey is guided by touch more than by any other sense. Sound does not disturb them while on the nest: one may carry on a conversation right over a nest without in the least affecting them. Indeed one lamprey that was building a nest under a wooden bridge was not disturbed by the clattering of automo- biles over it. This insensitiveness to sound may mean, No. 552] THE SEA LAMPREY Tal however, merely absorption in the work of nest-build- ing, and not that the lampreys are insensible to this stimulus. The eyes of lampreys in the water shine like black beads; but they are not very sensitive. If one meets a lamprey swimming toward him in the river, it will come almost right up before it will discover the person and turn aside. Many of the movements of the sea lamprey on the nest are purposeless—as was noted also for the brook lamprey by Dean and Summer (’97). Thus a lamprey will sometimes pick up a stone outside the nest, carry and drop it into the nest; or while carrying out a stone, will drop it half way up the side of the nest. It will tug at a large stone which it cannot possibly dislodge, or at a log, in an effort to drag it out of the nest, and will repeat this again and again, without profiting in the least by previous failures. On the whole one has a feeling that the lamprey possesses a very low mentality even as compared with fishes. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY The following list includes all the papers I have been able to find that deal with the spawning habits of lampreys. Those having to do with the cytology of fertilization are listed in Ziegler’s text-book referred to below. Bataillon, E. 1903. La segmentation parthénogénétique expérimentale chez les œufs de Petromyzon planeri. Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci., Vol. 137, pp. 79-80. Carried embryos as far as the blastula stage—‘‘en plongeant et maintenant les œufs dans des solutions de saccharose à 5 ou 6 pour 100 ou dans des solutions isotoniques de NaCl.’’ Burroughs, John. 1888. A lamprey’s nest. The Century Magazine, XXV, p. 457. Observed Petromyzon marinus spawning in a creek. Describes their mode of transporting stones; their indifference to an ob- server at close range; but does not describe the nest, nor appar- ently recognizes the purpose for which the stones are transported. The female is the larger of the two. ‘‘In June it is not unusual to find their dead bodies in the streams they inhabit.’’ 738 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLVI Dean, Bashford, and Sumner, Francis B. 1897. otes on the Meroe habits: of the brook lamprey (Petro- n wilderi).. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., XVI, pp. 321-324, PL VII. Detailed observations on manner of building nest, on copula- ion, and general behavior. Contains the best figure extant o lampreys on nest. Ferry, L. 1883. Sur la lamproie marine. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., pp. 721-723. Translated, in part, in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5), II, p. 388 (May, 1883 A female sea lamprey, taken by a fisherman while i to his boat, was opened, and its ova put into a large bas It rained at the time and the basin became partly filled with eae After twenty days the eggs hatched into perfect larve. Ferry era ‘‘Il resort de ce fait que les œufs pris dans le ventre a Lamproie étaient déja ng ndés et avaient dû l’étre dans ‘Sateen de l’animal’’ (p. 722). Gage, Simon H., and Meek, Seth E. 1886. The lampreys of Cayuga Lake (abstract). Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci, XXXV, p. 269. Brief tafermnes to nests and to length of breeding season, which is said to last ally eae months (May and June). Gage, Simon H. 1893. The lake and brook lampreys of New York, especially those of Cayuga and Seneca: Lakes. The Wilder Quarter-Century Book. Ithaca. Pp. 421-493, Pls. I-VII. Gives extended account of nest building and spawning of the brook lamprey renee wilderi) and of the lake lamprey (Petromyzon natar a color); discusses fate of lampreys after spawning (pp. 4 Man). Figures two lake ATESA on a nest, carrying aie vii, Fig. 39. Herfort, Karl. 01. Die Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von Petromyzon fluvia- tilis. Arch. ae mikrosk. Anat. u. Entwickl., Vol. 57, pp. 54- 95, Pis. ape review ca some European papers on spawning habits p. 55-57). For his own studies he fertilized the eggs arti- fici aiy = 57-58). Holder, Charles Frederick. 1885. The Abi aie eel and nest. In Marvels of Animal Life; 8°; New York; pp. 5-8 Describes how Petromyzon marinus transports stones, but mis- takes the mass of stones accumulated outside the nest, for the nest itself. Quotes from an account of over fifty lampreys build- ing near a dam in the Saco River, Maine. They dropped the stones on the dam until it became covered over. This was errone- ously interpreted to mean that the lampreys had built the dam. A stone is sometimes carried by two lampreys. No. 552] THE SEA LAMPREY 739 Kupper, Carl v., and Benecke, B. 1878, Der Vorgang der Befruchtung am Ei der Neunaugen. Fest- schrift fiir Theodor Schwann. Kénigsberg. Loman, J. C. 1910. De copulatie van Petromyzon planeri. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. ereen, (2), XII, p. vii. A careful puniki of the spawning of Petromyzon planeri, observed in a brook near Königsberg. McClure, Charles F. 1893. Notes on the mad stages of segmentation in Petromyzon marinus L. (americanus Le S.). Zool. Anz., XVI, pp. 367- 368; 373-376. Collected thirty specimens from a river near Princeton, New Jersey, between May 20 and June 1. Müller, August. 1856. Ueber die Entwickelung der Neunaugen. Ein vorläufiger ericht. Arch. f. Anatomie, Physiol. u. wissen. Medicin, Jahrg. 1856, pp. 323-339. This is the earliest account of the breeding habits of the lam- prey. The observations were made on the brook lamprey; some- times ten or more were seen together tugging at, and transporting stones. The object for which the stones were carried was, how- ever, not made out. He made the discovery, by rearing Ammo- cœtes, that they are the larve of lampreys. F, Jaco 1903. An experimental study of the spawning behavior of Lampetra Science, N. S., XVII, p. 529 (abstract). “a constant relation between individual fish and indivdual is determined not by character of ir natural ee iat : S. Bureau Fisheries, XXVII, pp. 43-68, Pls. iii-v. Photograph of four Lampetra wilderi on a nest—P1. iii, Fig. 2. Vejdovsky, F. 1893. O trenf mihule (Petromyzon planeri) [Die äussere Befruchtung des Neunauges]. Sitzber. & königl. bohm. Gesell. Wiss. in Prag. Math.-naturw., 1893, article XLIX, PL xviii. Observed spawning process In an aquarium containing four males and one female. Figures two specimens (Pl. xviii) in ade but this figure does not represent them in their charac- teristic attitudes. ay Vieira, Lopes = 1831. Remarks on the eggs and spawning-season of Petromyzon | fluviatilis Linn. Ann. de Sciencias Natures, I, pp. ag ! Sea lamprey enters rivers of Portugal at end of December an beginning of January. 740 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLVI Yarrell, W. 1831. PRE on the Eggs and Spawning-season of Petromyzon fluvia and P. marinus. Proc. agp ay of Sct. and Cor- a Zon Soc. London, Part I, pp. Examined ee es eto aac from March to middle a ay. U April 19, there were more females than males; thereafter aa cnbatinionsa females, two to one. Specimens taken April 26, appeared ready to spawn. By May 10, nearly all examined had spawned. Seven specimens of P. marinus were taken in the Severn on May 3—‘‘ about Pah time they ascended that river for the purpose of spawning.’ Young, Robert T., and Cole, Leon J. 1900. On the nesting habits of the eae lamprey (Lampetra wilderi). Amer, Naturalist, XXXIV, pp. —620. Notes on nesting observed in pa small tributaries of the Huron River near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Males precede females pa beginning the nest. Nests are 74 inches in diameter and uated anywhere in river. sae nea Ernst 1902. Lehrbuch dee on Entwickelungsgeschichte der niederen Wirbelti Résumé (pp. 14-78) , and bibliography (pp. 74, 89-91). SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION A SIMPLE TEST OF THE GOODNESS OF FIT OF MENDELIAN RATIOS In actual experimentation the so-called Mendelian ratios, 2k, 9:3:3, 9:3:4, 9:7, 15:1, 37:9: 9:9:3:3:3:1, otd, are never exactly realized because of the errors of sampling TASER in all statistical work. Notwithstanding this fact, the best the- oretical formulæ must be selected on the basis of these mislead- ing experimental results. Now the test of the validity of any Mendelian formula is two- fold: the number of individuals found should agree with the number expected within the limits of experimental error,’ the assumed germinal composition of the several groups of individ- uals should be capable of substantiation from a study of the soma of their offspring. For the most part, Mondaini have been satisfied to judge the goodness of fit of the theoretical frequency to the empirical by inspection merely. More recently, however, attempts have been made to apply scientific tests to this problem. The first was that of Weldon,? but Professor Johannsen doubtless de- serves the credit of having interested the few Mendelian workers who have taken the pains to calculate probable errors in this indispensable part of their work. The test used by Professor Weldon and recommended in a much extended form by Professor Johannsen? is essentially the determination of the probable error of the number of individ- uals in one of the subgroups by the formula =Va XP X4, where p is the chance of occurrence of an individual of any class, g= 1 — p, and n is the number of individuals. Thus the 1 In some cases, valid reasons for discrepancy between calculated and observed frequencies may be shown. These factors should then be taken aF account in calculating the theoretical numbers. n, W. F. R., ‘‘ Mendel’s Laws of Alternative Inheritance in Peas,’? Sabet J: 228-254, 1902, especially pp. 233-234. 3 Johannsen, W., ‘‘Elemente der Exakten Erblichkeitslehre,’’ pp. 402- 410, 1909. 741 742 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI ‘probable error’’ of the number of individuals of any class, say p, is Ep = .67449 \/npgq. Now while Professor Weldon’s use of this formula for the simple 3:1 ratios seems quite proper, the same can not be said for Professor Johannsen’s generalization. This is true for three reasons: (a) The formula is valid only when neither n, p nor q is small. In polyhybrid ratios p or q may be relatively small.* It is then quite idle to use the probable error suggested, unless n be large, which unfortunately is generally not the case. (b) Even when p is not so low as to render the use of the conventional formula for the probable error open to question, it is very laborious to calculate the probable errors for the fre- quency of each class.’ (c) It is not only cumbersome and laborious, but theoretically unjustified to test the validity of a given ratio by the determina- tion of the probable error of one or of all of its individual com- ponent groups. The random deviations of the class frequencies are not independent, but correlated. We must have a usable criterion of the goodness of fit of the theory to the data as a whole. Such a criterion was furnished several years ago by Pearson.’ Its applicability to the problem of testing the goodness of fit of Mendelian ratios seems obvious, but since, as far as I can ascer- tain, it has nowhere been applied to this problem, it seems worth while to call the attention of students of genetics to its usefulness. xX = S{(0—c)?/c}, where o is observed frequency of any class, c is calculated fre- quency on the basis of Mendelian theory and S indicates a _ Summation for the several classes distinguishable in the ratio under consideration. P, a measure on the scale of 0 to 1 of the probability that ‘For example, Pap (loc. cit., p. 405) tables values for p = 3/4, q= 1/4 to p = 63/64, q= 1/6 5 See, for instance, Ka pió given by Johannsen, loc. cit., p. 396 “Pearson, K., ‘On the Criterion that a Given System of Deviations from the Probable in the Case of a Correlated System of Variables is Such that it Can be Reasonably Supposed to have Arisen from Random Sampling,’’ Phil. Mag., 50: 157-175, 1900. No. 552] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 743 ° the deviations from the theoretical frequencies may be reason- ably supposed to be due to the errors of sampling, may be cal- culated from x? by formule which need not concern us here, since its values for systems of frequency of 3-30 classes have been tabled.” Hence the Mendelian has only the simple task of calculating x? and looking up the value of P in Elderton’s tables. Illustrations will make method of computation and usefulness most clear. ILLUSTRATION I, DOUBLENESS AND PLASTID COLOR IN STOCKS Saunders, Journ. Gen., 1: 349-350, 1911 Obs. Cale. | o-c | (o-c)? (0-c)2/¢ | Singles; White .4c...'. 1,666 1,615 51 2,601 1.611 Doubles, White......... 773 807 —34 1,156 1.433 Singles, Cream......... 790 807 = SOE 289 .358 3,229 | 3,229 | rE =3.402 Whence, from the tables in Biometrika, and by interpolation, m= A P= eee W238, Cam Pee ig5eso Diff. = .087795 P = .223130 — .087795 X .402 —.1878. Thus only in about one case in five would the errors of sampling lead to divergences from theory as bad as this. The theory is, as far as this evidence goes, possible, but certainly not demon- strated. ILLUSTRATION IJ. SEED FORM AND COLOR IN Pisum Bateson and Killby, Report Evol. Com., 2: 77, 1905 Obs. | Calc.8 o-¢ | (0-¢)2/e Round: Yalow- ei eee 4,926 4,883 +43 3787 Tinkled, Yellow. -e 1,656 1,628 +28 4816 Round, Gron: Pare ee 1,621 1,628 —7 .0301 Wimkled, Green.. ... 3.3503. 478 542 —64 7.5572 x? = 8.4476, P= .0384. Thus taking the data as they stand, it is impossible to regard the 9:3:3:1 ratio as satisfactorily * Pearson, loc. cit., gives a small table. A much more comprehensive one is given by W. Palin Elderton, Bogie for Testing the Goodness of Fit of Theory to Observation,’’ Biometrika, 1: 155-163, 1901. 3 These are not the calculated as given by Bateson and Killby, but have been recalculated as closely as possible on the 9:3:3:1 ratio. Theirs are nine seeds short. 744 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI describing the facts. But the great factor in the magnitude of x’ is the deficiency in the wrinkled green seeds, and the authors have suggested a reasonable biological explanation for this deficiency. ILLUSTRATION III. COLOR IN OATS Nillson-Ehle, fide Baur. Einf. Exp. Vererbungsl., pp. 66-67 | Obs. | Cale. | 0-c! | (o-c)?2/e Schwarsspelsig.................. 418 wo | 0095 Deepa a a 106 ee | 0095 Vepa, o an La 36 Sob ek | 0286 Thus x?=.0476 only. P is not tabled for x? < 1, since the probabilities of such deviations being due simply to errors of sampling are so enormously high. Theory and observation could hardly agree more perfectly. ILLUSTRATION IV. Bopy COLOR IN Drosophila Morgan, Journ. Exp. Zool., 13: 35, 1912 obs. Cale. o-c (o-c)2/e Me E gia a 525 529 —4 .030 Oe oe re 340 265 +75 21.226 - MN Be a 194 265 -7i 19.023 x? =40.279 Here x? is over 40, the odds against the deviations, being due to errors of sampling, are so enormously great that it is idle to express them in figures. In short, the facts do not substantiate the hypothesis, and Professor Morgan has himself suggested possible reasons for the disagreement. ILLUSTRATION V. PARTIAL GAMETIC COUPLING IN SwEET PEAS Bateson, Saunders and Punnett, Rep. Evol. Com., 4: 11 Observed Calculated on | Calculated on Number of (OG Bd Ot g ye Be ie d Cases Basis Bas Fore boae. o a 493 471 490 Furla, romad a 25 40 20 Red ee 25 40 Red. romid.. a 138 130 151 For the 7:1:1:7 basis, x’ = 12.7699, P=.0053. For the 15:1:1:15 hypothesis, x = 3.6375, P=.3086. Thus the - No. 552] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 745 chances are about 995:5 or 199:1 against the validity of the first hypothesis and only 69:31, or about 2:1, against the second. ILLUSTRATION VI. COLOR INHERITANCE IN Antirrhinum Wheldale, Marryat and Sollas, Rep. Evol. Com., 15: 15 | Obs. | Cale. | o-¢ (0-¢)2/e a CPCS ren ae E E R | 399 361 +38 4.000 E Maisa Genk: oe 122 120 + 2 .033 L RN iG ee ree 131 120 +1 .008 i Cri cola: a a 38 — 2 .100 Toa a cee ee a 88 120 —32 9,075 T ivory DE aa 35 40 — 5 .625 ELS ARES AE a rag 33 40 — 7 1.255 T. aopla aa T rE A us O T 19 14 +5 1.786 | 855 855 x? =16.852 Hence, P==.0185 or the chances are about 980 :20 against such discrepancies being chance deviations from the theory. Thus either the theory must be discarded or reasons for the discrep- ancies found. A conspicuous advantage of this method of Pearson is that in its application the deviation of observation from theory for each class and the amount which this discrepancy contributes to x’ are under the worker’s eye. If used with the caution that should be exercised in the draw- ing of any conclusion from probable errors,® I believe that this well-known criterion of pen of fit will prove most useful to Mendelians. i J. ARTHUR HARRIS Some biologists apparently seem to feel that the calculation of a statis- tical ‘‘probable error’’ covers all the biological sins which may be com- mitted in the collection or manipulation of their data. NOTES AND LITERATURE NOTES ON ICHTHYOLOGY In the Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Vol. VII, 1911, Pro- fessor Edwin C. Starks gives the result of the survey of San Juan Island in Puget Sound. Professor Starks regards Hez- anchus corinus from this region as identical with Hexanchus griseus, a view already suggested by Mr. Regan. He regards Raja stellulata as a valid species. Raja.kincaidi is identical with F. stellulata. New species as follows are described and figured: Sebastodes deani, S. clavilatus, X. empheus. Xystes axinophrys is the young of Averruncus emmelane. Xiphistes ulve is identical with X. chirus. One hundred and fifty-eight species of fishes are enumerated as known to occur in Puget ` und. In the Publications of the University of California, Vol. VIII, 1911, Edwin C. Starks and William M. Mann discuss a collec- tion of fishes from San Diego. A new genus, Orthonopias, based on O. triacis, a new species of sculpin with a scaly back allied to Astrolytes, is described.. Another new genus is Rusulus, related to Clinocottus and based on a new species, R. saburre. Maynea californica Gilbert is a new species described from Gil- bert’s manuscript. Valuable notes are given on other rare species. In Science, Vol. XXXI, p. 346, Mr. Henry W. Fowler notes that Coccogenia Cockerell and Callaway (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1902, p. 1, 90) is a synonym of Coccotis Jordan (Rept. Geol. Surv. Ohio, IV, 1882, p. 852) both being based on Hypsilepis coccogenis Cope. In the Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1910, Mr. Henry W. Fowler gives a list of little known fishes of New J ersey. He has also notes on Chimæroid and Ganoid fishes. He recognizes a number of Gar pikes, instead of the three usually recorded as valid. The number is certainly greater than three, but such studies as we have been able to make would not indicate that all of those noted and figured by Mr. Fowler are really distinct species. Mr. Fowler describes as new, Cylindrosteus scabriceps from Leavenworth, Kansas, and C. megalops from Bay Port, Florida. In the same proceedings for 1910, Mr. Fowler describes 746 No. 552] NOTES AND LITERATURE 747 Dixonina nemoptera, a remarkable new fish of the family of Albulide from Santo Domingo. In the same proceedings Mr. Fowler gives notes on Salmonoid fishes, describing as new, Stomias bonapartei from Bonaparte’s collection from Sicily, Synodus dominicensis from Santo Domingo, and Synodus dermatogenys from Hawaii. In the same proceedings Mr. Fowler lists the fishes of Delaware. In the same proceedings Mr. Fowler describes a new flat fish from New Jersey under the name Citharichthys micros. In the same proceedings Mr. Fowler gives notes on the Clupe- oid fishes. The new genus Heringia is established for Clupea amazonica Steindachner. Ilisha narrangansette is described from Narragansett Bay. The subgenus Anchoviella is proposed for Engraulis perfasciatus. This group includes nearly all the species of Anchovia, and it is perhaps of generic value as dis- tinct from Anchovia and from Engraulis. Anchovia scitula is described from San Diego, Anchovia lepidentostole from Suri- nam, and Anchovia platyargyrea from St. Martins. In the same proceedings for 1911, Mr. Fowler describes new species from Venezuela and Ecuador. In the Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Dr. Jordan and W. F. Thompson discuss the gold-eye of the northwest, Amphiodon alosoides. In the Proc. Biol. Soc. of Washington Barton A. Bean and Alfred C. Weed discuss recent additions to the fish fauna of the District of Columbia. In the Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Xoc., Vol. IX, 1911, George Wagner describes a new species of cisco from Green Lake, Wis- consin, under the name of Leucichthys birgei. In Sctence, Vol. XXXIV, No. 879, Mr. T. D. A. Cockerell describes a new minnow from Julesburg, Colorado, under the name of Notropis horatii. In the Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. Mr. T. D. A. Cockerell discusses the scales of various fishes, concluding that the soles are not degraded flounders but degenerate descendants from some flat fish from which both have been derived. This conclusion has also been reached by Professor G. H. Parker from a study of the optic nerves of the two types. : In the Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXX, 1911, John Treadwell Nichols has notes on Teleostean fishes. He describes as new Moxostoma alleghaniense from Marshall, North Carolina. Menidia audens Hay from Moon Lake, Mississippi, he thinks 748 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLVI identical with Menidia gracilis from Long Island. Blennius fabbri Nichols, lately described as new from Florida, is the young of Chasmodes bosquianus. In this paper the curious fish called Stathmonotus teckla Nichols is figured. In Science, December 3, 1905, p. 815, the Smooth Hound, Mustelus mustelus, is recorded from New J ersey. This Euro- pean species has not been previously known from our coast. In the Ann. of Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII, 1911, Mr. C. Tate Regan publishes a detailed classification of the Siluroidea or cat hes. Tn the same annals, Vol. IX, 1912, Mr. Regan gives a classifi- cation of the Pediculate fishes. In the same annals Mr. Regan describes the structure of the Symbranchoid eels. In the same annals, Vol. XI, 1912, Mr. Regan gives a study of the Opisthomi. In the same annals, Vol. VIII, 1911, Mr. Regan gives an analysis and classification of the Gobioid fishes. In the same annals, Vol. VIII, 1911, Mr. Regan gives a classi- fication of the Cyprinoid fishes and their allies. In the Sitz. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 1911, Dr. Franz Steindachner describes a number of new fishes from South America. In the Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. Dr. R. W. Shufeldt gives a valuable and interesting account of the rare pelagic fish Ptery- combus brama. The singular Caristius lately described from Japan by Dr. Smith, is an ally of Pterycombus, and belongs to the same family. n the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard Samuel Garman gives a classification of the Chis- mopnea or Chimeroid fishes. He describes Chimera gilberti from Hawaii, with valuable notes on all the known species. In the Mus. Nat. Hist. of Paris Dr. Pellegrin describes nu- merous fishes from Ecuador, South America. In the Ann. Carn. Mus., Vol. VII, 1911, John D. Haseman gives an elaborate catalogue of the Cichlid fishes collected by the Carnegie Expedition to South America. In the same annals Mr. Haseman describes and figures numer- ous new species from South America. In the same annals; Vol. VII, 1911, Mr. Haseman describes new species from the Rio Iguassu, an isolated tributary of the Rio Trabernath, with its peculiar fauna. In the Sitz. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 1911, Dr. Steindachner dis- No. 552] NOTES AND LITERATURE 749 cusses the fish fauna of Lake Tanganyika with several new species and excellent plates. In the Bull. Soc. Zool. of France Dr. Pellégrin describes a new Barbus from South Africa, and in the Bull. Soc. Philom., Paris, he describes a new Tilapia. In Arch. Zool. Exper. of Paris Louis Fage discusses the small codfish of the Mediterranean, showing that capelanus is distinct from luscus and from minutus. In the Publ. Dept. Agric. E. W. L. Holt and L. W. Byrne describe the fishes of the genus Scopelus (earlier and therefore preferably known as Myctophum). In the Publ. Zool. Inst. of Lund University Nils Rosen gives an account of the reptiles and fishes of the Bahamas, an excel- lent piece of work. New species as follows are described: Nannocampus nanus from Andros; Garmannia rubra from An- dros; Gobiesox androsiensis from Andros; Anchenopterus gran- dicomis from Andros. Mr. Rosen regards Holocentrus siccifer Cope and Holocentrus puncticulatus Barbour as identical with H. coruscus. He also suggests the possible identity of the genus Gymneleotris and Pycnomma with Garmannia. The supposi- tion is that in the first named genus the ventrals being described as separated have been simply split apart, the membrane being very thin. In the Proc. Roy Soc. of Queensland J. Douglas Ogilby de- scribes an interesting series of new species. David G. Stead in the Publications of the Department of Fisheries of New South Wales gives a valuable account of the fisheries of that region. In the Kongl. Sven. Vet. Handl., XLVII, 1911, Professor Einar Lönnberg gives an account of the reptiles and fishes of British East Africa. In a considerable volume published by E. J. Brill, of Leyden, 1911, Dr. Max Weber, of the University of Amsterdam, and Dr. L. F. de Beaufort give a complete index to the genera or species described and mentioned by Dr. Pieter Bleeker, the most voluminous of all writers of ichthyology. In view of the exceedingly great difficulty in getting exact references to Dr. Bleeker’s works, this volume of 410 pages of names and refer- ences is exceedingly useful. In the Proc. of the New Zealand Institute, 1910, Mr. Edgar R. Waite gives a record of additions to the fish fauna of that country with several new genera and species. 750 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI In the Report of the Scientific Investigations of Shackleton’s British Antarctic Expedition, Edgar R. Waite describes the new species obtained. In the Records of the Canterbury Museum Edgar R. Waite gives the scientific results of the trawling expedition of the New Zealand government. Numerous interesting discoveries are recorded. In the Publications of the Department of Trade and Com- merce of Australia, 1911, are given the results of the investiga- tions of the steamer Endeavour by Mr. Allan R. McCulloch. Many interesting discoveries are recorded. In the Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. for 1912 Mr. Radcliffe gives a most interesting account of new Pediculate fishes taken by the Albatross in the Philippines. In the same proceedings Dr. Hugh M. Smith describes the three Chimeroid fishes taken in the Philippines. In the same proceedings Dr. Smith describes a new family of Notidanoid sharks. The genus Pentanchus differs from the others in having five branchial openings only, like the ordinary shark. In a note in Science, July 19, 1912, p. 81, Mr. Regan claims that this shark is merely a Scylliorhinus which has been deprived of a dorsal fin. é In the same proceedings Dr. Smith describes numerous Squal- oid sharks from the Philippines. As to these, Mr. Regan claims that Nasisqualus is identical with Acanthidium and with Deania. Squaliolus is a valid genus. In the same proceedings Mr. Radcliffe describes 15 new species of Amia (Apogon) and related genera from the Philip- pines. In the Abhandl. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. XXXIV, 1911, Professor Max Weber gives an account of the fishes taken in the Aru and Kei Islands with a series of excellent figures. In Science, May 12, 1911, Dr. Theodore Gill gives a valuable review of Professor Thompson’s translation of Aristotle’s ‘‘ His- tory of Animals.’’ In a volume entitled ‘‘The Freshwater Fishes of the British Isles” Mr. C. Tate Regan gives a most valuable popular account of the different river fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. This is written in such a way that no person of intelligence need have any difficulty in recognizing the different species found in the British streams. No. 552] NOTES AND LITERATURE 751 In the Abhandl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munich, Dr. Victor Franz publishes a most valuable paper on the bony fishes collected in Japan by Haberer and Déflein. Many new species are described, particularly from that richest of all collecting grounds, Sagami Bay, and contains many notes of value in our study of the Japanese fauna. In the Publ. Imp. Univ. Tokyo Mr. Shigeho Tanaka, lecturer in the Science College, has begun a series of figures and descrip- tions of the fishes of Japan. This work is extremely well done and each species is illustrated by excellent plates. There is no attempt at classification, each of the five parts now issued from April 15, 1911, to March 10, 1912, containing species valuable for his purpose, without attempt at orderly arrangement. In the Sitz. Acad. at Vienna, 1909, Dr. Victor Pietsechmann describes a new species, Hemilepidotus megapterygius from Japan. In the Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Professor J. O. Sardor describes many new species and genera from Japan and from the Riu Kiu Islands. In the Ann. Nat. Mus. Wien. Dr. Victor Pietschmann de- scribes the variations of a frog fish in Japan, and also describes two species of fishes from Formosa. In the Journal of the College of Agriculture Dr. K. Kish- inouye describes new herring from the Bonin Islands, and also gives an account of prehistoric fishing in Japan. In the Publ. Roy. Mus. Belgium at Brussels Professor Louis Dollo has a very interesting discussion of what he calls Ethologie Paleontology. In the American Journal of Science Dr. Charles R. Eastman describes several new sharks from Solenhofen, in the Carnegie Museum. In the Bull. Soc. Geol. France Dr. Maurice Leriche describes eretaceous fishes from the basin of Paris. In another publication at Lille M. Leriche describes Stampian fishes of the basin of Paris. In the Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 1911, Dr. Eastman gives a catalogue of the fossil fishes contained in that museum, with a description and figure of many species. In the Mem. Mus. Roy. Belgique Professor Ramsey Traquair gives an elaborate and valuable account of the fossil fishes of the Weald from the Bernissart. In the Proc. Acad. Sci. of Naples Francesco Bassani gives an 752 : THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI elaborate account of the fossil Berycoid fishes (Myripristis melitensis) from the Miocene at Malta. In the Annals de Paleontologie M. F. Prien gives a valuable study of the fossil fishes of the basin of Paris. In the Conn. Geol. Surv., 1911, Dr. Eastman gives a descrip- tion of the Triassic fishes known from Connecticut. In the Geol. Mag. Dr. Louis Hussakof describes several Arthrodira from Ohio. In the Publ. Carn. Inst. Wash. Mr. Hussakof describes the amphibian fishes known from Permian rocks from North America. In the Publications of the Fish Commission of Pennsylvania Dr. David Marine and Dr. C. H. Lenhart describe their observa- tions on the thyroid carcinoma or goitre of the brook trout, and the possibility of the relation of this disease to cancer. These studies are continued in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. XIII, 1911. It is concluded that there is no evidence that goitre is either infectious or contagious, its cause probably depending on lack of or a disproportion of elements necessary for proper nutrition. This is also discussed by the authors in the Johns Hopkins Medical Bulletin, Vol. XXI, 1910. In the Science Bulletin of the University of Kansas, Professor Ida H. Hyde gives experiments on the effects of salt injections on the blood pressure of the skate. In the Amer. Jour. Anat. William F. Allen describes the lymphaties in the tail of a large sculpin in California. In the Trans. Canad. Inst. Professor J. P. MeMurrich gives an interesting account of the life history of the Pacifice salmon. In the Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada Professor MeMurrich has an elaborate study of the marks on the scales of fishes by which the age of salmon may be known. In the Publications of Stanford University, 1911, Professor E. C. Starks gives a detailed account of the osteology of the mackerel-like fishes. He shows that Leiognathus is a true Scombroid, and not in any way related to the Percoid family, Gerride, with which Regan has placed it. In general the rela- tions of the families on the Scombroid group are fairly deter- minable by their external appearance. In the Journal of Comparative N eurology Dr. R. E. Sheldon discusses the relation of the dogfish to chemical stimuli, and also the sense of smell among sharks. He shows that the dogfish No. 552] NOTES AND LITERATURE 753 obtains its food chiefly through the sense of smell, which is com- parable to that of the higher vertebrates. In the Internat. Revue Hydrobiol. Leipzig, 1909, Dr. Victor Franz discusses the effect of light on the movements of Indian fishes. In the Journal of Morphology, Dr. J. F. Gudernatsch de- scribes the thyroid glands of fishes. In the University of California publications Mr. Asa C. Chandler describes the lymphoid structure on the brain of the gar pike. In the Bull. Bur. Fish. Profesor G. H. Parker describes the influence of sense organs on the movements of the dogfish. In the Zool. Jahrb. Wiss. Mr. J. C. Loman describes the nat- ural history of the European lampreys. In the Arkiv. fér Zool. Stockholm Nils Rosen describes the blood-vascular system of the Plectognath fishes. In the American Journal of Physiology Professor Parker describes the integumentary nerves of fishes, their reception of light and their significance in relation to the origin of eyes of vertebrates. In the Bull. Bur. Fish. Professor Parker describes the rela- tion of fishes to sound. In the Amer. NATUR., 1908, he discusses the origin of the lat- eral eyes of vertebrates. In the same bulletin, 1908, he discusses the structure and function of the ear of the squeteague. In the Century Magazine, 1910, Mr. Charles H. Townsend discusses under the head of ‘‘Chameleons of the Sea,’’ the changes of color among fishes. In the Bur. of Fish. documents Professor Parker discusses ths effect of explosive sounds on fishes. These noises are faint under water and may startle Taia for the moment, but they have no . permanent effect. In the Journ. Exper. Zool. Dr. Francis B. Sumner discusses the color changes of flat fishes with respect to their adaptation to various backgrounds. In the Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo Mr. H. Ohshima gives an interesting and valuable study of the luminous organs of different species of fishes. In the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Mr. John P. Babcock describes his experiments in burying the eggs of salmon and trout in gravel, the result of this being that a 754 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI much larger number of eggs hatch, and the young are more vigorous than when hatched in the ordinary way. If the eggs of salmon are buried beneath five or six inches of sand and gravel, such eggs will hatch and the young will work their way up through the sand and gravel to the surface, and by the time they emerge they have absorbed their sacs and are then exempt from the attacks of vegetable moulds. Mr. Babcock thinks that to follow more closely the method of nature will give more value to artificial fishery hatching. In the Report of the Fishery Board of Scotland, 1910, Dr. H. C. Williamson gives a valuable report of the reproductive organs of different species of Scottish fishes. In the Bull. Zool. Soc. New York Dr. F. B. Sumner continues his study on the changes of color of fishes on different bottoms. The purpose of these changes seems to be simply concealment from their enemies as well as from those fishes on which they prey. In Knowledge, Vol. XXXIII, 1910, Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing discusses genders in zoology, sharply criticizing the carelessness with which scientific men have made what he calls ‘“‘ Homeric blunders,’’ Homer being accustomed to nod when questions of classical refinement were brought before him. Mr. Stebbing proposes that in zoology every generic name, whatever its ter- ‘mination, should be recorded as masculine. In the Philippine Journal of Science Alvin Seale gives a val- uable account of the fishery resources of the Philippine Islands. In the Biological Bulletin Victor E. Shelford gives an inter- esting account of experiments on stream fishes and pond fishes. In the Bureaus of Fisheries Document 733 William C. Ken- dall discusses the American fishes, their habits and value. In Science, October 11, 1911, Professor E. C. Starks discusses the structure of the air bladder in Ophicephalus. In Science, Vol. XXXIII, 1911, Mr. Starks discusses the origin of the gobies. He regards them as somewhat allied to the sculpins. In the First Annual Report of the Laguna Marine Laboratory of Pomona College, Claremont, California, are numerous excel- lent papers on the local fauna of Laguna Beach in southern California. Among these papers is an elaborate and well- planned study of the fishes of the tide pools, by Charles W. Metz. The report is accompanied by excellent plates. INDEX NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS ARE PRINTED IN SMALL CAPITALS ABBOTT, JAMES An Unusual F. iter tue Relation Wat and T 5 peters a Seon, Factors in Mice, A. STURTEVANT, 368; C. C: LITTLE, 491 Alcohol, Effects not Inherited in Hydatina senta, D. D. WHITNEY, fas sit Colors in F, of a Cross betw n Non-colored Varieties of . EMERSON, 612; Cells ize, E. AST, 363 sao in cage rations, L. R. WALDRON, 463 Allelomorphist, Spurious, and ’Gen- e Cor p E, nae Distribution and Origin of Le fe in, R. F. Scharff, T. Bar- BOUR, ‘500 American Per vere Samuel W. Williston, O. P Hay Asplanchna, Case of ion E simulating a Mutation, J. H. Poses 441, 526 Asymmetric Color Resemblance in the Guinea-pig, JOSEPH H. mash and G. D. BUCKNER, 505 P eT = Tone Science, OTTO GLASER, 712 Banta, A. M., The Influence i Cave Conditions upon Development in Larvæ of Tabiy stoma tigrinum, 244 , T., Distribution and Or- igin of Life in America, R. F. Scharff, 500 ergs ‘and Punnett ; paise ir eatin xt W. J. SPIL Biological, Processes, Physical Anal- F. CooK, 493; Sci- ence, Reflections on pp es of, TO GLASER, — of the Crayfish, F. E. CHI- ESTER, 279 sae La and Bie baad HUBERT LyM. s 139 Bos indic Ev idence of Alterna- tive Tihotitasen in the F, Genera- tion cage Crosses = Bos taurus, wE. r ns of Paleobotany oa °F. H. KNOWLTON, 207; Phylogeny and Taxonomy, JOHN M. COULTER, 215; Morphol- ogy, EDWAR : Ecology, ARTHUR Breeding of Mice, J. FRANK DANIEL, Bryophyta, — nk Cav ON Taon, 684 oleg G. D., Asymmetrie Color Resemblance in the Guinea- -pig, eat -relationships of, D s Hoveu- 5 Bursa dela Defective Inherit- ance-Rati , G. H. Shull, wW. J. EALES, "309 CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS HOUGHTON, Distribution of Plants ; The Classifi- 84 ruct tions in Xenojarasitim, 6 CasTLE, W. E., The Inconstancy of Uni ohne. Ta On the In- horitaneo of the Tricolor Coat in ea-pigs, and its Relation to Galton s Law of Ancestral Hered- , 437 Cattle, a -horn, prenien of LAUG Col Cave Conditions and Pigment Devel- opment in Larve of Amblystoma . S. JENNINGS, 366 STER, F. E., The Biology of the Crayfish, 279 Chromosomes, and Particular Char- acters in Hybrid Echinoid Larve, NNENT, 68; Sex, E avp H. E. B. Wilson, W. J. SPILLMAN, 164 755 Do o CLARK, HUBERT LYMAN, Biotypes and Phylogeny, 139 perm of the Liverworts, AS HOUGHTON ,CAMPBELL, N., Gametie Coupling a Cause of Correlations, 569 Color, Celettaate | in Short-horn Cat- CoLLINS, G. VELL, 83; Inheritance in the Meatere Cells of Maize, E. M. East, 363; mblance, Asymmetric, in the Guinea-pig, JosepH H. Kast UCKNER, 505 Colors, Aleurone, in F, of a Cross between Non- colored Varieties of Maize, R. A. EMERSON, 612 Characters, HENRY FAIRFIELD vag 185, 249 C . F., Physical Analogies of Bi olo ogi cal Processes, 493 ahr genes between piakup osomes and Particular Speen in Hy- brid Echinoid Larv Dives H. TENN paie. 68; Tables, Condensed, R HARRIS Correlations, Gametic Coupling as a of N. COLLINS, 569 DESTER, 279; and Waterbug, Da usual Symbiotic epen between, JAMES F. ABBOTT, 5 Cytology, Some kavera of, in rela- tion to the Study of ‘Genetics, EpMuND B. Witson, 57 DANIEL, J. FRANK, Mice: Breeding for § Scientific p aispa , 591 Darwin’s Theory of uh by the Bolari of Minor Saltations, AIRFIELD OSBORN, 76 Davenport, C. B., Heredit ity and Fac ha and Method s of Evolution, 129 a RE, Genetic. ties o s E daat thera efective Teheritance- Kation, 0. B Shull, W. J. Spr 309 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST G., Problems of : [Vou. XLVI Descendants, Starvation of the As- cendants an Aiono a TIA of, RTHUR HARRIS, 313, 6 Monee oo Canadian Oyster, J. Sta x Differential Mortality with Respect eed Weight, J. ARTHUR HAR- of Plants in North LAS HOUGHTON and Origin of in America, R. F. Scharff, T. BARBOUR, 500 TER r akie, CHARLES OFOID, 308 ral aud Guinea- -pigs, ilk r ey in, AREND L. HAGEDOORN, 512 Distr ihotion, B @ Ps a 2 J Dominance, Law of, W. W. STOCK- ER, ris ng Begs CHARLES W. HARGITT, Daali PN F. E. Lutz, W. J. SPILLMAN East, E. M., Inheritance of Color x the Aleurone Cells of Maize, 363; The Mendelian Notation and Physiological ne 633 East, E. M., and H. K. Hayes, In- heritaneo | in Maize, Wed, DP y it Echinold ot Hybrid, Correla- tion bet Chromosomes and Particular Characters in, Davip TENNENT, 68 Eggs, Double, CHARLES W. HAR- GITT, 556 Em MERSON, R. A., Aleurone Colors in Maize , 61 2 Senses ; enetic al bana and Spurious Allelomorphism Maize, J. W. LMAN, 119 Evolution, yede Theory o the Selection of Minor oM ipd ENRY Pa OSBORN, 76; Trion Epwin G. CONKLIN, en Study of erimental Heredity, C. B. DAVENPORT, 129; xperiments with Drosophila Am- pelophila concerning, F. utz, W. J. SPILLMAN, 163; of the Ver- tebrates, William Patten, Wo. E. RITTER, 623 Fairness in sesh Reviewing, J. ART 49 Tean in the Domestic Fowl, OND s 697 Fodevtay's Breeding Experiments No. 552] with stig a Pygerd, A. H. STURTEV Fertilization, Partial Is the ae e Sex HENRY W. 470 Pow, ——, Mendelian coxa of Fecundity, Ray Paa ge das Hra Henry W., Ornamentation in Fr esh- ici Fishes , 470 Frog, Sex-Ratio and Partial Fertil- ization? T. H. Morean, 108 Galton’s Law of Ancestral Hered- ity and Tricolor Coat in Guinea- pigs, W. E. Gametic Coupling as a Cause Correlations, . CoLLINS, 569 Genetic Correlation “and Spurious PIRE on WS in Maize, A. J. © Fh Em daa ” Studies el rial As er of us Study of, Ep- ‘ ; oT app, Relations of Paleobotany F n papeki a 207 Paaka WALTER B., species of rii pi ays LASER, OTTO, The Autonomy of Biological Science, 712 Gortner, R. A., Studies in Melanin, . J. SP PILLMAN, 1 Growth, Nuclear, during Persil De- S. JEN A New Sub- L., 616 velop! oe Nes, 366 Guinea-pigs, Inheritance of the Tri- 1 e STLE, 437; AREND RN, 682; Pom a oe EEE p A in, JOSEPH and G. D. BUCKNER, oa HAGEDOORN, AREND. On Tricolor Coat in Dogs and Guinea-pigs, Hardi Suce lfalfa er ae L R N, 463 HARLES W., Double Eggs, J. A , A First Study Influence of Starvation of ) a 656; The Correlation Tables when the Num- ber of Combinations is large, 477; On Fairness and Accuracy in Sei- INDEX 757 entific Reviewing, 498; On Differ- ; Mendelian Ratios, Harshberger, John Wo, a graphic Survey of North America, aE HOUGHTON pa oiea 166 O. merican Permian Ver- tebaa, “Samuel W. Williston, 561 Hayes, H. K., and E. M. East, In- heritance in Maize, W. J. SPILL- MAN, HENN, ARTHUR W., e Range of Size in the aie 157 Heredity, W. J. SPILLMAN, 110, stay 309; and Evolution, ; _ DAVE PORT 29; An cestral, dika’ s Law, ' W. E. Cas , 437 Heterozygotes, PR of Pure Homozygotie Organisms by Self- Ee con, H. S. JENNINGS, 487 HOLLICK, ARTHUR, The Relations of Paleobotany to ' Botany—Ecology, 23 Poea porie Organisms, Pure, Pro- duction from Heterozygotes Self- Ea aak, H. S. JENNINGS, 487 Honey-bee, Color Sense of, JoHN H. LOVELL, 83 HUSSAKOF, L., e Spawning Hab- its of the a Lamprey, 729 Hybrid Echinoid Larve, Chromo- somes and Partic ular Characters in, aren H. TENNENT, 68 Hybrids, rnp Defective Inherit- , G. H. Shull, W. J. ny 309 Hydra und die Hydroiden, Otto ar CHARLES Atwoop KOFOID, Tan pipet Cope, Distribution, Habits and Variation, C. H. Ric pe p 5 Ichthyology, Notes on, DAVID STARR ORDAN, Inconstancy of betas Characters, W. E. Cas gee at og Selection, RAY- D PEARL, nina — Studies in, H. M. ke, W. J. SPILLMAN, 309 nia nla of Color in Shorthorn AU ttle, H GHLIN, Maize, E. an ayes, W. PILLMAN, 1113; of Physiognomy, R. N. Sala Ww SPILLMAN, 116; of Pigmenta- 758 tion, Bateson and Punnett, W. J. SPILLMAN, 117; Ratios, Defective, in Bursa Hybrids, G. H. Shull, . J. SPILLMAN, 311; of ces in the Aleurone Cells of Mai E. M. East, 363; re arg om R ’ NABOURS, grat bed the Coat in a-pigs, E. CASTLF, 437; Mansauan, RAYMOND PEARL, 697 Invertebrates, CHARLES ATWooD , Korom, 695 JEFFREY, EDWARD C., The Relations of Paicobotany to Botany—Mor- pholo 225 JENNINGS, H. S., Nuclear Growth during "Barly Developmen nt, 366; Production of Pure Homozygo otie Organisms fro wi ao aas by Self- fertilisation, 487 JOHNSON, RoswELL H., The Mal- thusian Prineiple and Natural bass 372 AVID STARR, Notes on Tonor, 756 KASTLE, , Asymmetrie Color J. ii i ra "in the Guinea-pig, Know ton, F. H., The Relations of Paleobotany Ba Geolo ogy, 20 OFOID, CHAR ATW Proto- zoa, 308; Tavertebeatie. 695 Lamprey, Sea, Petromyzon marinus Spawning Habits, L. Husssaxor, 72 H., The Inheritance of Color in Short-horn Cattle, 5 ke, 3 : tu Cotton, W. J. SPILLMAN, 309 Literary Note on Mendel’s ’ Law, W. a TOCKBERGER, 15 G: G, Yellow and Agouti Pate in Mice, Liverworts Classification of, Doug- N CAMPBELL, 684 LIVINGSTON Pook E., "Pr t Problems in Soi Physics as re- lated to Plant Activities, 294 j e Color Sense of the Honey-bee, 83 Lutz, E., riments with Dro sophila Po Sr concerning Evolution, W. J. SPILLM AN, 163 Maize, Inheritance m, E. M. East and H, hk. Hayes, W. J. Senz- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLVI MAN, 111; Genetic S and ’ Spurious Allelomorphism in R. A. Emerson, W ILLMAN, 119; Aleurone = of, E East, 363; R. EMERSON, 612 Malthusian ee and Natural Selection, ROSWELL H. JOHNSON, 372 Meisenheimer, J poset Die Wein- bergse hnecke, CHARL ATWOOD Koro, 695 Melanin, Studies in, R. A. Gortner, W. J. MAN, 1 Mendel’s Taw, Literary Note on, W. CKBERGER, 151 Mendelian, Proportions and the In- siv FRANCIS L, 697; Ratios, a ARTHUR Higa 741 Mice, the Yellow and Agouti Fac- tors in, A. H. STURTEVANT, 36 C E. LITTLE, 491; their Poolt and Rearing for Scientific Pur- pos J. FRANK x Daxter, Morean, T. H., Is Change the Sox. Ratio of tn Fog that is is affected by External Agents due 8 pary Relations of Paleobot- o Botany, EDWARD C. JEF- oi ly Mortality, Differential, with Re- svect to Seed Weig ht, J. ARTHUR Har 12 IS Mutation, Case of Polymorphism in Asplanchna fe a B Powers, 441, 526 Nasours, Ropert K., Evidence of Alternative Inheritance in the F, i from reg sian seen North America, Phytogeographie Survey of, John Ha patina — E HOUGHTON CAMPBEL Nota and Literature, 110, 163, 308, 500, 561, 623, 684, 756 Nuclear Size and Cen Size, E. G. Conklin, H. S, JENNINGS, 366 No. 552] @nothera, Genetical Studies, BRAD- LE ORE S, 377 Fresh-water 470 W. ihe HENRY FAIRFIE "Tar Baia of Minor Saltationsy 76; 5, 249 Supplementary Oyster, Canadian, Observations on Development, J. STAFFORD, 29 Paleobotany, Modern Aspects t% elations to G F. KNOWLTON, 207; AN apie logeny and Taxonomy, JOH COULTER, 15; rphology, WA K, Paleontologist, Continuous Orii of Certain Uni aracters as ob- serv re by x HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, 185 Patten, William, The Evolution of she ‘Vertebrates and their Kin . E. RITTE Du. ba Selection Index Numbers, 302; The endelian itance of a ay in the mestie Fowl, 697 Phenolic Substances, Inhibitory ae tion upon Tyrosinase, . Gort , W. J. SPILLMAN 117 Phylogeny, and Biotypes, HUBERT LYMAN CLARK ; and Taxon- 3 ganie Beings, mee paaie of Biological es, O. F. CooK, 493 _Physiognomy, Inheritance = R. A. Salaman, W. PILL 116 Physiological ce and " Mendelian E Pigment Development in Larvæ o Amblystoma tigrinum, Influence of Cave Conditions upon, A. BANTA, 244 Pigmentation, Inheritance of, Bate- son and Punnett, W. J. Seri ILL- 117 Plant Activities, Present Problems hysies as gob to, veal E. LIVINGSTO , 294 INDEX 759 Pollination of Green Flowers, JOHN Powers, J. H., A Case of Poly- F ArwooD Ko- 308 Soca, eara Federley’ s sp saat Experim with, A. H. STUR VANT, ae RAMALEY, FRANCIS, Mendelian Pro- portions and the Increase of Re- cessives, 34 Recombination, Law of, W. W. RICHARDSON, H., J2, The Dis- tribution of Hyla 'arenicolor Cope, with Notes on its Habits and Vinnkios, 605 RITTER, ; Patten on the Origin of Vertebrates, 623 alaman, R. M., Inheritance of Physiognomy, W. J. SPILLMAN, Saltations, Minor, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by the Selection of, Origin of Life in America, T. BARBO 00 sore ine Reviewing, o_o in, ARTHUR HARRI Sed Weight, Differential Mortality occurring in Field Cultures of Phaseolus vulgaris, J. HARRIS Segregation, Law of, W. W. poo BERGER, 152 — Index Numbers, RAYMOND PEARL, 302 Self- fertilization, Production of ure Homozygotic — from ee by, S. JENN 487 = Ratio a the Frog, T. H. Mor- 08; Chromosomes, E. B Wilo , W. J. SPILLMAN 4. Shave hora Cattle, Sapien may of Color, H. H. Lau , 9 Short rter Articles ana gg ee 108, 151, 244, 302, 363, 437, 487, 6 2, 741 . H., Defective Inheritance- Ratios in Bursa Hybrids, W. J. AN, 311 Range in De Vertebrates, ARTHUR W. HENN, 157 760 Soil Physics, ea Problems, as diman ted to Plant Activities, BUR- N E. Liv VINGSTON, 294 A ao Habits of the Sea Lam- etromyzon marinus, L. om aeth J. ARTHUR HAR- 656 Shakes Otto, Hydra und die H roiden, CHARLES Atwoop Ko- . FOID, STOCKBERGER, W., A Literary ote on M endel ’s Law, 151 Structural Relations in Xenopara- sitism, W. A. CANNON, nA cHe The Yellow and Factors in 368 ; eeding Wivethnent, oth Pygera, 565 i between ater and a Crayfish, JAMES F. pi a 553 Tables, Condensed Correlation, For- mation when the number of Com- es is large, J. ARTHUR Harris, 47 Pieni and elas ae argv of Paleobotany to, M. COULTER, 215 TENNENT, Pary tion betwee Chromosom Particular Characters in Hybrid Echinoid 68 Tricolor Coat in n Guinea: e pigs, W. E. ASTLE, A L. HAGE- DCORN, 682 H. The peirat and THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLVI Unit Characters, Continuous Origin of Certain, as 'obse rved by a Pale- adi 13 HENRY yp pineal Os- 9: Ponnan W. E. as 352” Variation, Habits and Distribution Cope, U. B. ON, JR., 6 Vertebrates, Range of Size, ARTHUR NN, 157; Evolution, Will- iam Patten, Wu. E. RITTER, 623 oN, L. R., Hardiness in Suc- 63 , Unusual between, Weinbergschnecke, y ies Meis- enheimer, CHARLES ATWoop Ko- por, WHITNEY . D., The Effects of Al- ste not pea in Hydatina Witiston, Perm Samuel W., American n Vertebrates, O. P. Hay Witson, EDMUND B., Some Aspects of Cytology in relation to the Stu tedy of Genetics, 57 Wilson, E. B., Sex Chromo- somes, W. J. ’ SPILLMAN, 164 Seer hep Structural Rela- , W. A. Cannon, 675 Yellow and sin. ot Factors in Mice, A R RTEVANT, 368; C. C. LITTLE, 491 Zea mays L., New A of, WALTER B. ’ GERNERT, 616 The American Journal of Science Established by Benjamin Silliman in 1818 The Leading Scientific Journal in the United States Devoted to the Physical and Natural Sciences, with special reference to Physics, and Chemistry on the one hand, and to Geology and Mineralogy on the other. Editor: EDWARD 8. DANA. Associate Editors: Professor GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, W. G. FARLOW and WM. M. DAVIS ambridge; Professors A. E. VERRILL, HENRY S. WILLIAMS and L. V. PIRSSON, of New Haven; Professor JOSEPH S. AIMES, of Baltimore ; MR. J. S. DILLER, of Washin, Two volumes annually, in monthly numbers of about 80 pages each. This Journal ended its first series of 50 volumes as a quarterly in 1845; its second series of 50 volumes as a two-monthly in 1870; its third series as a monthly ended Dec- ember, 1895. A Fourth Series commenced in 1896. 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Arthur Harris, and the Increase of Recess- les and Dis : Inheritance of Color in the Aleurone Cells of Maize: Professor E. M. East, Nuclear Gro Early De- nt: Professor H. 8. Jennings. Is tors in Mice? A. H. Sturtevant, The Malthusian Principle and Natural Selection. Dr. Roswell H. SOENT OF JULY NUMBE tuđi thers, HI. te Bradley Bridence of nee R F Genera- from Crosses of = hana ig on Tiao eog Robert K. Nabo Shorter Articles and SORE : On the Inheritance Consens: Correlation Tabl yten tho Sumber af Combinations pe Dr. __J, Arthur Harris, CONTENTS S SEPTEMBER NUMBER Mortality th Bes t to Seed woe r Dr.J. Art Field A Culfures of Phaseolus between Frofemor James E. Abbott. bonb e Eggs. Pro- "Grate, De, Or E- Hayy sa Federley s Ere D ae fe a a o miaa a Se e ee CONTENTS OF NOVEMBER NUMBER E “The Mendelian Notation Description “"Physiolo naan ark ti