THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE FACTORS OF EVOLUTION VOLUME XLIX NEW YORK THE SCIENCE PRESS 1915 1915 ARY, 7 , 577 NO x VOL “4 fik a a me wit The American Naturalist MSS intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the wep = THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. es containing summaries of research work bearing on the problems of Fabien evolution are especially oleae and will be given preference One hundrea Sy aips of contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Further rrun will agpi oe at cost Subse rtisements should be sent to the publishers. The erah price “8 Soe a dolare a year. Foreign postage is fifty cents and Canadian 'y-five cents additional. The cha ape for sane copies is forty cents. The E moveri A rates are Four Dollars for a THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. _ NEW et _Sub-Station 84 Entered : , April 2 ster, Pa., under the Act of ria sai of March 3, 1879. FOR SALE JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND __ Perfeot Condition and Lowest Prices. ae BIRDS’ SKINS, Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, Entomology, nen © Well Prepared Low Prices | AMimals and others. Catalogue free. Correspond- = Particulars of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou. ALIX January, 1915 No. 577 . SOME FUNDAMENTAL a aaaa OBJECTIONS TO THE MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES PROFESSOR EDWARD C. JEFFREY HARVARD UNIVERSITY Tuer hypothesis of the saltatory origin of species has received a new impetus from the investigations of De Vries,* published in his ‘‘Mutationstheorie’’ and subse- 1To an address delivered in Brussels before the outbreak of the war and published in Science (Vol. 40, No. 1020, July 17th. ), Professor de Vries appends a criticism of the eitri ‘rolinliney article on mutation, likewise published in Science (Vol 39, No. 1005, April 3d.). The gist of his objection to the writer’s tae that Œnothera and other members of the Ona are in a position of hybrid contamination, as evidenced by the frequent rility or en sterility of their pollen, is the contention that polle sterility and gametic sterility in general is not sufficient evidence of hybrid contamination. To this statement two replies may be made. In the first Place prominent geneticists for many years have recognized pollen sterility as important evidence of edema Secondly investigations, which have now become very extensive, on the iosperms as a whole, show very inter- esting conditions in many natural Faaite While the monotypie species and those which are isolated geographically or phenologically (that is by a time of flowering later or earlier than that of the mass of species belongin to the genus) have invariably good pollen, those species, which me in their geographical range and in their times of flowering in many ¢ characterized by abortion of the reproductive cells. In other words speia infertility is only found where the possibility of crossing is present. This PT has been illustrated in the body of the present article by reference the Rosaceæ. ing a further illustration from the large family Barne Ranunculus acris and R. repens, which overlap both in range and time of flowering have pollen, which is ithe largely imperfect, particu- larly in the first mentioned species. R. rhomboideus on the other hand, flowering in the very early spring has perfect pollen development. _ 5 6 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX quent works. The chief foundation for his views, in re- gard to the instantaneous origin of species, is furnished by the conduct of Enothera lamarckiana in cultures. It has been somewhat generally recognized that O. lamarck- iana, and more recently, other species of the genus as well, constitute crucial evidence in regard to the validity of the mutation hypothesis on the botanical side. A great many investigations on the genetics and cytology of O. lamarck- iana and other species, as well as crosses between species and ‘‘mutants’’ of Enothera, have been carried on during the past decade by De Vries, and his followers and oppo- nents. As a result a huge and highly technical literature has grown up. @Œnothera is obviously regarded, on the botanical side at any rate, as the touchstone of the muta- tion hypothesis as formulated by De Vries. Obviously if this genus does not stand the test of critical investiga- tion, the mutation hypothesis, so far as its validity de- pends upon De Vries’s chosen illustration, is discredited. Since @nothera and by obvious implication the Ona- grace, to which it belongs, have become authority for the mutation hypothesis, in its latest revival, they must like Cæsar’s wife be beyond suspicion. Like Cæsar, (Enothera has become a name of authority and its family affairs accordingly, should be beyond suspicion, when sub- jected to the most searching investigation. It is appar- ently just in this direction that the weak spot of the muta- tion hypothesis lies. Too much attention has apparently been given to ringing the changes on the so-called mutants of Gnothera and not enough to the investigation of the general morphological situation in the Onagracee, to which this much-discussed genus belongs. Unusual variability in plants is ordinarily regarded as prima facie evidence of hybridism and the suggestion has in fact frequently been made by professional geneticists (e. g., Bateson, Davis, East, Gates and others) that (nothera lamarckiana is a hybrid. It is perhaps of inter- est in this connection to recall that one of the commonest expedients adopted by the practical breeder, for breaking No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 7 up the continuity of the germ plasm, is hybridization. Apposite in this connection is the wholesale hybridizing practised by Burbank, for the purpose of bringing about the necessary genetic plasticity in his cultures and thus obtaining by resultant mutation or variation, new and desirable varieties of useful plants. The morphological peculiarities of hybrids have been clearly recognized for nearly a hundred years. They are for example clearly set down in Gaertner’s rare and classic prize essay, en- titled ‘‘ Versuche und Beobacthungen ueber die Bastarder- zeugung im Pflanzenreich’’ (Stuttgart, 1849). Curiously enough these important criteria have been largely ignored by the adherents of the mutation hypothesis of De Vries. A very important and generally observed difference be- tween hybrids and genetically pure species, is the very easily detected one of pollen sterility, partial or complete. Of course when the hybridizing forms show a considerable degree of compatibility, this character may be inconspicu- ous or even absent. Further even in cases where it is originally present, it may be subsequently largely elimi- nated by selection. De Vries himself has noted that about one third of the pollen of O. lamarckiana is abortive. The English geneticist Bateson was struck with this peculiarity of the species, so much discussed in recent years, in rela- tion to its variable offspring in cultures and promptly and first called attention to the obvious significance of this feature, suggesting that O. lamarckiana was a hybrid and that its remarkable conduct was the result of hybridiza- tion. This objection has in reality never been met. It is the purpose of the present article to show on grounds commonly accepted by geneticists and morphologists, that not only is genus Œnothera in general characterized by genetically impure or hybrid species, but that the condition of genetical impurity is extremely common in the nma graceæ as a whole. It will be convenient to begin with the examination of our common and very variable garden Fuchsias, which belong to the family Onagraceæ. The common Fuchsia, 8 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX sometimes known to gardeners as Fuchsia speciosa, is recognized as a hybrid derivative of Fuchsia magellanica, a native of southern South America. Fig. 1 illustrates bic. 1 photomicrographically, the condition of the pollen in one of the garden varieties of Fuchsia. The sound pollen grains appear as dark bodies with two or more germina- tion pores projecting from their surfaces. The dark color of the grains is due to the deeply staining character of their protoplasmic contents. More than a third of the pollen present in the anther cavity is abortive and is represented in the photograph by shrivelled light-colored objects, which are in fact empty and collapsed pollen grains. In other varieties of the garden Fuchsia, the grains may either be entirely abortive and empty (as is the case for example in the so-called mutant of Ginothera lamarckiana, known as O. lata) or they may all be more or less well developed so far as their protoplasmic contents are concerned, but extremely varying in size. In the pres- ent description, perfection or imperfection of pollen is judged only from the morphological aspect, because this is the significant point of view from the standpoint of the No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 9 detection of hybridization. Physiological sterility is fre- quently due to entirely different causes than genetical lack of harmony, as for example in the horseradish “or the potato (Solanum). In the former it has been found pos- sible to bring about the formation of fertile seed by simply girdling the top of the subterranean storage region of the plant, so as to prevent the undue descent of assimilates. The common white lily, Lilium candidum, presents a similar condition, for here the setting of seed takes place only when the leafy flowering axis is severed from its bulb and kept in water. So far as I am aware, there have been no experiments as to the result of severing the con- tinuity of the phloem (girdling), in relation to the restora- tion of seed production in the potato. The common yellow day lily (Hemerocallis) possibly presents a case similar to that of Lilium candidum, for it does not ordinarily set seed, although in all the examples I have examined the pollen was morphologically perfect. I have not yet been able to secure flowers of any pure species of Fuchsia, a genus which flourishes mostly in the remoter parts of South America and in the New Zealand islands. The cultivation of Fuchsias, although once very popular, has now gone out of vogue and it is consequently difficult to secure specimens of the species. As has been pointed out the commonly cultivated Fuchsias are of hybrid origin. We may now turn our attention to a very puzzling genus of the Onagracex, namely Epilobium. This genus has been a great systematists and the determination - of species has been extremely difficult on account of their extreme variability. In European systematic works, this high degree of variability is recognized clearly to be largely due to hybridization and in such a standard work as the ‘‘Naturliche Pflanzenfamilien’’ of Engler and Prantl, the statement is definitely made that the various species of Epilobium frequently and commonly hybridize with one another in nature. Let us consider in this con- nection the northern hemisphere cosmopolitan species, known as Epilobium angustifolium, the willow herb or 10 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX fire weed, which by contrast to many of the other Epilo- biums, is so constant and distinct that it is frequently referred to a separate genus, Chamenerion. This species shows its most marked distinction from other species of Epilobium (Epilobium proper) in the fact that its pollen grains are separate and not in tetrads, as is the case in other common species. Fig. 2 reproduces photograph- ically a transverse section of a mature flower bud of E. (Chamenerion) angustifolium. On the outside are seen the floral envelopes, two in number, composed, as is the rule in the Onagracex, of four parts each. Within lie four stamens represented by their anther sacks and inter- nal to these are four stigmas representing the carpellary or ovarial portion of the flower. The photograph is on a sufficient scale of magnification to show the pollen grains in the loculaments or cavities of the anthers. Obviously the pollen is very uniform and perfect in its development. Fig. 3, likewise photographic, illustrates the organization of the pollen as viewed with a much higher magnification of the microscope. Although some of the grains are only No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 11 partially included in the plane of section, it is quite clear, that like those of Fuchsia, figured above, they have pro- jecting germination pores, but unlike the Fuchsia of our illustration, all the pollen grains of Epilobium (Chame- nerion) angustifolium are perfectly developed. I have examined the pollen of the species under discussion from widely separate geographical regions and under different conditions of growth and season, with the uniform result, E n As p 7 a AR “en pa Fie. 3 that the pollen is perfect and invariable in any important respect. E. angustifolium is a species which apparently is not known to hybridize with other species and indeed it is not easy to see how it could cross with those having their pollen grains in tetrads. The perfection of the pollen in view of this condition appears particularly sig- nificant. The failure of E. angustifolium to hybridize in - nature with other species of the genus is doubtless due to the fact that it is morphologically very distinct from these and would in all probability produce, if artificially crossed, only sterile hybrids. We may now turn by way of comparison to a species of Epilobium of the ordinary type. Fig. 4 illustrates 12 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX photographically the floral organization of Epilobium hirsutum, as seen in transverse section of the bud just about to open. The illustration shows the floral envelopes and the stamens, together with the pistillary portion of the flower, the latter being somewhat displaced in the figure and cut through the region of the style. The long hairs ] teristic of the calyx of this species have been trimmed off, for the purpose of facilitating photo- mechanical reproduction. As in the two illustrations above, the anther sacks are the most significant feature. Even with the low magnification employed for the purpose of illustrating the whole flower, the pollen grains in the loculaments of the anthers are easily discernible and pre- sent a striking contrast to those of E. angustifolium, in the respect that they are in groups of tetrads. Some of the groups are partially or wholly made up of individual grains without protoplasmic contents, which are smaller in size than the normal grains. Fig. 5 shows one of the anthers much more highly magnified. The anther walls, cavities and the pollen grains are now clearly distinguish- No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 13 able. Some of the grains are full size and present dark contents. Others are considerably smaller and are devoid of protoplasm. The latter are abortive or sterile grains. We have in fact before us a hybrid derivative of E. hir- sutum, commonly found near ballast in New England and not unfrequently cultivated in gardens. Other species of Epilobium in the stricter sense of the generic appellation, show similarly abortive pollen development and the con- clusion reached by old world systematists on the external Fie. 5 characters, that hybridization is common among the spe- cies of Epilobium proper, is entirely confirmed by the study of the pollen. It need hardly be emphasized in this connection, that imperfect pollen development has been recognized for nearly a century by scientific plant breed- ers, as a criterion of hybrids. The genus Œnothera may now be profitably considered. Fig. 6 presents a magnified view of a transverse section of a mature flower bud of one of the commonest of eastern species of (nothera, namely Œnothera biennis. The floral envelopes are more voluminous than in the two genera illustrated above. Within are the stamens and in the center of the figure the style appears as a large rounded structure. Even with the low magnification em- ployed, it is easy to discern that the contents of the anther sacks present a very different appearance from those of 14 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX Epilobium angustifolium. Many of the grains of pollen are light colored and devoid of the protoplasm which gives a dark appearance to the sound grains. Fig. 7 illus- r ia PERRE 2 mx Pere Passio =D. Fig. G trates a single stamen under a high degree of magnifica- tion. The characteristic layers of the wall of the anther sack, described comparatively and in detail in the classic memoir of Chatin, can readily be distinguished. Within lie the pollen grains. Clearly only a few of these are fully developed and possess normal protoplasmic contents. The greater number are shrivelled and empty. Judged from the generally accepted canon of the abnormalities of hybrids, O. biennis is of hybrid origin. This view of its nature is in harmony with its wide degree of inconstancy throughout its very extended range. This feature is doubtless responsible for the fact that the genus Œnothera is at the present time undergoing considerable elaboration, on the part of systematists. I have satisfied myself that the pollen peculiarities of O. biennis are uniformly pres- ent in specimens collected hundreds of miles apart, from the Province of Ontario, the shores of the Gulf of St. No.577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 16 Lawrence and the New England States. I have further examined a large number of species of Œnothera from various parts of the continent and in every instance have found a greater or smaller amount of abortive pollen as a characteristic feature of the anther contents. De Vries in his ‘‘Mutationstheorie’’ describes the abortive condi- tion of about one third of the grains in O. lamarckiana: This feature has been seized upon with insight by Bate- son, as indicating the hybrid origin of O. lamarckiana. It is extremely curious that its significance should have Fig. T escaped De Vries and his numerous disciples on this con- tinent. Not only is O. lamarckiana itself characterized by a large proportion of abortive pollen but its so-called mutants are similarly characterized. In the feebler ‘‘ele- mentary species’? the pollen is often almost entirely abortive (O. nanella) and this is also generally the situa- tion in O. lata. It should be further noted in this connec- tion that if O. lamarckiana is of hybrid origin, the: same statement must hold of the other species of @nothera, since like this much-disputed one, they are similarly char- acterized, so far as they have been studied, by two corre- lated features, namely more or less abortive pollen and the peculiarity of throwing so-called mutants or ‘‘elementary species’’ in cultures. As a consequence of this condition, 16 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX it becomes more or less a superfluity to study any partic- ular species of Œnothera from the genetical and morpho- logical standpoint, since it is the genus as a whole which manifests the peculiar features, which have brought it so much into the foreground of biological controversy during the past decade. This is on the whole a satisfactory situa- tion as it enables us to cut the perplexing gordian knot involving the controverted origin of O. lamarckiana. The mutation hypothesis of De Vries accordingly turns not upon the finding of new herbarium specimens which may throw light upon the origin of a particular species but upon the much larger question of the genetical status of the genus Ginothera as a whole. This question can be settled only by consideration of the Onagracee as a whole and of other families of the Angiosperms, which present similar reproductive peculiarities. _ Before proceeding however to the discussion of the facts recorded above in their relation to the mutation hypothesis of De Vries, based on the conduct of O. lamarck- iana in cultures, it will be necessary to make some brief _ reference to other studies carried on in the laboratories of plant morphology of Harvard University, which will be published elsewhere, either at the present time or at a later period. Obviously of great importance in the pres- ent connection is a comparison of the conditions of spo- rogeny found among the lower plants, the Bryophyta, the Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms, which are not character- ized by enormous multiplication of species, with the sporogenic features of the Angiosperms in which the multiplication of species has run riot. Further compari- son of liverworts, belonging to the Marchantiales, Antho- sperms, manifesting similar sporogenic and specific pecu- liarities, is both pertinent and necessary, in the present connection. It will be convenient to deal first summarily with the sporogenic conditions found in the lower forms of the Embryophyta from the Bryophyta to the Gymnosperms. In the present connection a considerable number of spe- No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 17 cies of liverworts, belonging to the Marchantiales, Antho- cerotales and Jungermanniales, both acrogynous and anacrogynous have been examined with the general result that the only sterile cells present in the capsule cavities were the elaters. Infertile spores and hybridism both were conspicuous by their absence in the forms studied. The same statement mutatis mutandis holds for the true mosses. Some indication of spore abortion was detected in the extremely variable genus Sphagnum. It would seem that natural hybrids exist to some extent in this genus. Among the Pteridophyta both the Lycopsida and Pteropsida were studied. None of the numerous Lycopsid forms investigated showed signs of spore abortion or hybridism. Among the Pteropsida, the only well-known hybrids are found among what is probably the highest family, the Polypodiacew. There is a considerable litera- ture upon hybrid ferns, in which references to spore abor- tion as an accompanying feature are common. No evi- dence of hybridism in the form of abortive spores was found in examples of the Marattiacee, Ophioglossacex, Osmundacee, Gleicheniacex, etc., were found, although a’ large amount of material was examined. Among the Gymnosperms, the Cycadales, Ginkgoales, Coniferales and Gnetales were examined. The Coniferales yielded only a single species of Abies, which showed evidence by the presence of abortive pollen grains of hybrid origin. The genus Pinus is very old and its species accordingly very distinct. Not the slightest evidence of hybridization was found here or in other numerous and widely distrib- uted species of conifers, other than Abies mentioned above. This does not of course preclude the discovery of such conditions later. The writer has had the opportunity of examining the spores of a number of fossil forms from the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, still contained within the sporangia, and in no case were abortive spores recognized. The general conclusion can be drawn from the forms just considered that hybridism is rare among them and that 18 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX where it occurs it is accompanied by the phenomenon of spore abortion. If we turn to the Angiosperms with their nearly one hundred and fifty thousand recognized species, we find that hybridism is very commonly recognized. It would take us much too far to discuss the situation here at any length. The consideration of a single important family must suffice. The one chosen, as being of particular sig- nificance in the present connection, is the Rosacee. We have had a recognition for many years past on the part of systematic botanists in this country and in Europe that hybridism is extremely common as a natural condition in certain genera of the Rosaceæ. The inference in such cases is generally based on the blended character of the hybrids themselves, which show to a large extent a com- bination of the characters of their parent species. Pro- fessor Brainerd has recently made some very interesting investigations in this direction in the case of American rep- resentatives of the Rosaceæ. The recognized hybrid forms in the Rosaceæ are usually characterized by a considerable degree of pollen sterility, unless the parents happen to be species not very remote in relationship. In addition to the recognized hybrids of the rosaceous species, the work carried on in the Harvard laboratories has revealed a large number of hidden hybrids or erypthybrids, which are quite constant in their characters and are recognized by systematists as good species, but differ from normal species in the fact that their reproductive cells are to a greater or less degree abortive. Species of this kind are extremely common among those rosaceous genera, which have become of economic importance, such as Rubus, Rosa, Pyrus, Malus, Sorbus, Crategus, ete. Taking Rosa as an illustration, in addition to numerous recognized hybrids, there are many types recognized as good species, e. g., Rosa blanda, in which the pollen is normally largely abortive, in still other species, frequently those which are isolated geographically, the pollen is quite sound, ʻe. g., Rosa rugosa of Japan. The latter type of species must be No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 19 regarded as a species in the strict sense, while those of the type of Rosa blanda, in which abortive pollen similar to that characteristic of forms clearly recognized as hy- brids, is present, are hidden hybrids. It follows that in Rosa (or practically any of the other rosaceous genera cited above), there are three types of individuals, namely good species, hidden hybrids and open hybrids. The middle condition is extremely common among the Angio- sperms and is of the greatest importance in connection with clear views in regard to the origin of species. Obvi- ously constant or relatively constant hybrids can not rank with pure species, such as are characteristic for example of the Gymnosperms, in discussions in regard to the origin of species by mutation or otherwise. The conduct of such forms is conditioned to a greater or less extent by their mixed blood. We may appropriately designate obvi- ous hybrids as phenhybrids and those hybrids which are recognizable as such by their internal morphological char- acters as crypthybrids. Crypthybrids will probably when studied more extensively in cultures by the geneticist, give evidence of their hybrid origin in cultures. There can be no doubt that many of the recognized species of the Angiosperms are in reality erypthybrids. The enormous multiplication of species in this great group of plants is in all probability largely related to hybrid crossing. It is of the utmost importance however to keep clearly in mind that such hybrid species or erypthybrids are not at all in the position of true species from the evolutionary standpoint and that conclusions derived from their study can not be applied without large reserves, to the question of the origin of species in the strict sense. The species of Pinus, so far as we have any evidence, since the main types are known to have existed well back into the Meso- zoic, in all probability illustrate the origin of species some- what along the lines of the Darwinian hypothesis. On the other hand the species of Rosa present obviously an entirely different problem in evolution and the necessity of making distinctions if we are to reach any definite bio- 20 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX logical goal is very clear. A great deal of the pessimism which at the present time is sending too many biologists after strange gods in other scientific shrines is doubtless to be traced to the failure to make this distinction. It may not be possible to make the distinction in all cases even among the higher plants; but it certainly will be necessary to realize its significance. Probably plants will in regard to this possibility enjoy in this respect, as in so many others, an advantage over animals in the studies of the experimental evolutionist. .We may now consider with advantage the status of the species of the genus @Œnothera. The pollen sterility which characterized them all to a greater or less degree is indisputable evidence of their probable hybrid origin. The general situation in regard to the criteria of hybrid- ism in plants has been recognized for nearly a hundred years. It has been made clear by Bateson in regard to (Enothera lamarckiana. The observations chronicled here appear to make it obvious that all the species of (nothera are in the same boat genetically, that is that they are all of hybrid origin. They likewise probably will all be found to ‘‘mutate’’ just as O. lamarckiana, O. bien- nis, etc., are already known to do. It may appear later that there are certain species which have escaped, through geographical isolation or other causes, the mingling of blood, which is certainly characteristic of the Ginotheras of the Eastern United States. So far as we know them at present, the species of @nothera are obviously in the same position as such species as Rosa blanda, that is they are crypthybrids. Doubtless the peculiarities of O. la- marckiana, O. biennis, etc., can be more clearly explained in the present condition of our knowledge as the result of hybrid origin than in any other way. It follows that the doctrine of mutation so far as it depends for its support upon the @notheras is in a discredited condition, as an explanation, in any proper sense of the term, of the origin of species. No. 577] MUTATION THEORY OF DE VRIES 21 CONCLUSIONS 1. The Onagraceæ are largely characterized by hybrid contamination in nature, 2. This statement holds with particular force for (nothera lamarckiana and other species of the genus (nothera, which have served as the most important basis of the mutation hypothesis of De Vries. 3. Constant hybrids or erypthybrids are of very com- mon occurrence among the Angiosperms and have been illustrated in the present article by reference to the gene- tical conditions occurring in certain Rosacee. 4. The species of Œnothera are to a large extent, if not wholly, erypthybrids. 5. The objection raised by Bateson to the genetical purity of @nothera lamarckiana is confirmed and is ex- tended to the Onagracee in a general way, as well as to other species of @nothera. 6. Hybridism is the best explanation yet put forward of the peculiar conduct of @nothera lamarckiana, as well as other species of the genus in cultures. 7. The mutation hypothesis of De Vries, so far as it is supported by the case of (nothera lamarckiana, is invalidated. Ics. 1 AND 2 at Tor; Fics. 3 AND 4 IN THE MIDDLE; Fics. 5 AND 6 AT 1-4 ~4, in terms of hia all the rabbits described in these experiments have been classified. Fig. Rabbit 4214, Fat of the Serles I Young. Fig. 6, Rabbit 40A, Father of the Series II Youn THE ENGLISH RABBIT AND THE QUESTION OF MENDELIAN UNIT-CHARACTER CONSTANCY W. E. CASTLE AND PHILIP B. HADLEY + Wuatever the theoretical importance of Mendel’s law, its practical utility depends largely upon the purity of the gametes. If Mendelian unit-characters can through hybridization be recombined in desirable ways without essential modification during the process, Mendel’s law is evidently a distinct acquisition to the practical breeder. ` Nevertheless, if crossing is likely to produce considerable changes in the characters which it is desired to combine in a new race, it is evident that Mendelian crosses must be used judiciously and with caution by the practical breeder. Considerations such as these have led the senior author for several years to concentrate his studies of genetic problems upon the question of gametic purity. As a crucial experiment he conceived the plan of deriving an entire race of animals, not from a single pair of ancestors, but from a single gamete, so far as concerns a particular unit-character. It was thought that in a race so derived, if the principle of gametic purity holds, there should be no variation whatever in the particular unit-character concerned. Color patterns of mammals seemed especially well adapted for such studies, since they are early differen- tiated and clearly Mendelize in crosses. The so-called “English” piebald rabbit presents an especially fine example of such a color pattern. The figures give a good idea of this striking pattern in which white and colored areas are interspersed much as in the ‘‘coach- 1 Joint publication of the Laboratory of Genetics of the Bussey Insti- tution, Harvard University, and of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Rhode Island State College (Contribution 211). 23 24 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX dog.” It would be a distinct gain to breeders if they could reduce the variation in details of the English pat- tern so that ‘‘prize-winners’’ could be bred without the production of so many ‘‘wasters,’’ which depart in essen- tial points from the standard pattern adopted for the | breed. This was an additional reason for undertaking work with the English rabbit. The first standard-bred English rabbits which the senior author had under observation, when mated inter se, produced young of three sorts. About half the young were fairly good ‘‘standard’’ English extensively marked with colored spots (see Fig. 3). About one fourth were much whiter than the standard demands, their spots being fewer and smaller (see Fig. 1). And the remaining fourth were without spots, that is, were self colored. This last class was found to be recessive and not to pro- duce English offspring, if mated inter se. The whiter-than-standard English proved to be homo- zygous for the pattern, the ‘‘standard’’ English being heterozygous and breeding like their parents. From these observations it was clear (1) that the Eng- lish pattern is a Mendelian dominant and. (2) that the breeding of English rabbits resembles that of blue Andalusian fowls. For the standard-bred animal is a heterozygote in the production of which there is bound to be a constant production of ‘‘wasters’’ unless either the standard is changed or the homozygote can be changed to conform with the standard, producing an animal with more color. In the latter case homozygotes could be bred with each other and wasters eliminated. The ques- tion whether the pattern can be changed becomes there- fore one of practical as well as theoretical interest. In making crosses of English with other breeds of rabbits, there was found to be considerable variation ' among the heterozygous English produced, some being much whiter than others, i. e., having less extensive colored spots. Plus (dark) and minus (light) selections were made to see to what extent the pattern was capable No. 577] UNIT-CHARACTER CONSTANCY 25 of modification. These selection experiments are still in progress, but will be reported upon at another time. The single-gamete experiment, with which this report will deal, was placed in the hands of the junior author, who has carried it out at the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station. As foundation stock for the experiment a single hetero- zygous English rabbit of standard character (grade 2, Fig. 5) was selected. To mate with him, it was desired to obtain a distinct breed of rabbits, free from the Eng- lish pattern, and as pure (uniform) in all respects as possible. For this purpose the ‘‘Belgian hare’’ was. chosen. A buck and two does obtained from Mr. G. W. Felton, Cliftondale, Mass., were found to breed very true. From them was bred a stock of does very uniform in character, twelve of which, together with one of the par- ents (24), were mated with the selected English buck which we may henceforth call by his record number §214. The young thus produced will be called ‘‘Series I’’ off- spring. About half of them were self (non-English), the remainder (187 in number) were English.? The latter, although all undoubtedly heterozygous, varied in white- ness from grade 1 to grade 4 (Figs. 1-4), the modal or commonest condition being about the same as that of the : father (grade 2). The distribution of the young in rela- tion to our grades is shown in Table I. Statistical treat- ment of the table gives the average grade of the young as 2.43, that is somewhat darker than the father. Inspec- tion of the table shows that more than half of the young are darker than the father, which supports in a general way the statistical average grade. If we consider sepa- rately the average grade of the young produced by each 2 The total number of young obtained from 421A, when mated with Bel- gian hare does, has been to the time of writing 436. The English young now number 210, the non-English (self) number 226. For Series II mat- ings presently to be described the corresponding numbers of young are: English, 219, non-English 196, total 415. For Series I and II combined the numbers are: English 429, non-English 422, total 851. This is un- mistakably a 1: 1 Mendelian ratio. - = 26 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX mother, we find that it ranges from 2.15 in the case of ?18F, which had 5 English young, to 2.79 in the case of 916D, which had 14 English young. The average number of English young to a mother is 14.4. After this series of matings had been completed, a second series was begun in which the same 13 females were mated with one of the darkest bucks produced in the Series I matings (a son of 2916H#). The selected buck was 340A (Fig. 6), grade 3.75, considerably darker than his father (Fig. 5). This series of matings produced 189 English young, together with a like number of self (non- English) young. The grade distribution of the English young is shown in Table I, Series II. All of the 13 mothers except one (9916F) produced darker offspring in the Series II than in the Series I matings. The lowest average grade was shown by the young of 917G, viz., 2.44. For Series I matings the lowest average was 2.15. The highest average grade in the Series II matings was given by the young of ?162#, viz., 3.50. For Series I matings the highest average was 2.78. Consequently, both maxi- mum and minimum averages were higher in the Series IT than in the Series I matings. The grand average of all the 189 Series II offspring was 2.92 as compared with 2.43, the average grade of the Series I young. Their modal grade is 3.25. The modal grade for Series I was 2.00. Since the mothers were identical in both series, the differ- ence in the young can be attributed only to the difference in the fathers. The male used in the Series II matings differed genetically as well as somatically from his father, who sired the Series I young. Not only was he darker, but he also produced darker English young. Yet the father contained only a single dose (one gamete) of Eng- lish pattern and the son derived his English pattern ex- clusively from this same source. Hence the English unit-character had changed quantitatively in transmission from father to son. This seems to us conclusive evidence against the idea of unit-character constancy, or ‘‘gametic purity.’’ If unit-characters are not constant, selection No. 577] UNIT-CHARACTER CONSTANCY 27 reacquires much of the importance which it was regarded as possessing in Darwin’s scheme of evolution, an impor- tance which many have recently denied to it. TABLE I SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES OF OFFSPRING IN THE First AND SECOND SERIES OF MATINGS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL MOTHER | Grades of Young Totals | yess Mother Series! > | | PEA, 5 = | age ewes R E EOR E E 5 4.00 Ser. I Ser.II iča Di EEK Oo Ro ihe aed a 2S Lk ERR ga ear 2.30 II | Sie Ses Bee oh hae ee ee 21 | 3.03 MB rc a a Be a eT eo 1 Fi Seen 2.39 Bas ed a ie ES a hs as 12 | 2.67 16D | I epee 2] 5].../...] 1) 2) 8) 1 ita 2.79 U ikea e e a E Bno.: 12 | 3.19 IOR A Tee akat GR barle A cle i ea 2.29 of: Spgs PA ees ess TER Gi Nae Sey BR oper 5 | 3.50 16F | I |1 Caeo ads bA OE Bares WES 2.62 II | Ee Bae St 2 Se wie i gd Roe aes a 11 2.48 16651 Bed r E Be Bet ah. Wi 2.35 II et ak eA be e p 13 3.06 16H | I dio ee 81 1) Ss) Bt 2 Bt a 8 1 2.76 II rq eeeGn 2 oy Cane kes ge HOM Eini 20 | 3.06 yd ag ke Le a Otay See) 2 2 PD ot BS ig SRR 2 2.36 II 9) 87 G Sy Se a be: 27 | 2.97 17G i í POT Ot 81 St. Sik St aer AE 2.27 be pie ecm ip a ee 2 a oe Et ee ee We et ke ge Been 9 | 2.44 isp | I Pitot aseen TI Rie Iio 2.58 II ie Re ee Sie Bie 8 Sr. ee Da 16 | 2.91 sf | I ao Po e oes clos eee OP a eee OK: 2.15 II ree ie Se Ge ee ae) Oe Oe ie e 16 | 2.97 18H | I Blac are Bi ie al 10 a. 2.43 H Pete ey Bieta ice e aoe 19 | 2.87 RA ay De ee ee OT Bt 2d ors ie chs O Recess | 2.22 II UALS i gan ter es ey a Bfe 8 | 2.78 Totals] I | 1 | 5 |10|18|33/31/24/16/18/11/13| 6| 1 | Tg | 2.43 II 1 5117 13/10912% 18 | 37/27/14} 7 |..... 189 | 2.92 The question whether an imaginary ‘‘unit-factor’’ for English pattern has or has not changed in correlation with the visibly changed English unit-character is not here discussed. We recognize that it has an academic interest, which, however, scarcely affects the practical question whether the visible Mendelizing characters of animals are subject to change through crossing or through selection or both. ™ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE, NO. 256. ON THE NUMBER OF RAYS IN ASTERIAS TENUISPINA LAMK. AT BERMUDA! BY W. J. CROZIER HARVARD UNIVERSITY I. It was suggested by Clark (1901) that the average number of rays borne by Asterias tenuispina was different for separate localities in Bermuda. He examined forty specimens of this species—eleven from Coney Island and twenty-nine from Harrington Sound; in the first set the average number of rays was 5.91 (I find the mode to be 6), in the second set 6.93 (with a mode of 7). If this condi- tion really obtains, it would be an exceedingly interesting matter to determine the factors responsible for this sort of difference. I have therefore examined a number of Asterias (312 in all) from several localities in the Bermu- das, namely: Agar’s Island, Spanish Point, Hawkins Island, Ely’s Harbor, Hungry Bay, Harrington Sound and Coney Island; the first four are situated on the periphery of Great Sound, the others at widely removed ` points on the north and south shores. For the identifica- tion of these places, references may be made to the maps published by Mark (1905). These observations were made at the Bermuda Biolog- ical Station, mostly during the summer of 1914. II. The first lot of starfishes was collected in the imme- diate vicinity of Agar’s Island in 1913. The number of rays varied from 2 to 9; the frequency distribution is given in Fig. 1. The modal number of rays is clearly 7. In 1914 a collection of Asterias from this place gave the ray frequency distribution shown in Fig. 2, where the modal number of rays is again 7. Collections, during 1914, at the other stations named gave the following ray frequency counts: 1 Contributions from the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, No. 35. 28 No. 577] NUMBER OF RAYS IN ASTERIAS ° 29 Station and Year Pheer, By aol See Figure Agar’s Isl., 1913 43 7 1 Agar’s s Isl., 1914... 62 7 2 Spanish Point, 1914 33 7 3 w sl., 1914 39 7 4 y's Harbor, 1914 36 7 5 Hungry Bay, 41 7 6 Coney Island, 1914... eien oes 20 7 1 Harrington od 1914 38 7 8 The modal number of rays is in each case 7. This is true for the same locality in two successive years, for near-by localities and for places widely enough separated ole queney Island - I914. to yield oiii data relative to the suggestion which prompted this inquiry. For the total population ex- amined the ray frequency distribution, which of course gives a mode of 7 rays, is plotted in Fig. 3. It is to be noted further that according to Ludwig (1897, p. 345) the most common number of rays in A. tenuispina from the Mediterranean is also 7. III. It has been observed by every one who has studied A, tenwispina that in most of the individuals the rays oc- cur in two groups, those of one group being longer than those in the other, though within each group the rays are of about the same length. This condition is evident in 259 (83.6 per m of my specimens. There is ee a 30 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX agreement (cf. Ludwig, 1897, and Ritter and Crocker, 1900), that in some cases, if not in all, ‘‘this disparity in size is due to the regeneration of halves of automatically bisected animals.” My observations fully confirm this. I have witnessed, as did Ludwig, several cases of spon- Fre quency taneous self-division in the laboratory. The casting off of one or more rays may at any time be induced by holding or injuring one or several rays, or by the stimulation of a ray with dilute acid applied with a pipette. The autotomy of a single ray takes place very much as described by King (1898) for Asterias vulgaris ; the existence of a ss Jo in the region of the ae ae No. 577] NUMBER OF RAYS IN ASTERIAS 31 ossicle is shown by the fact that even in preserved ma- terial the rays part very easily in that region. The relative abundance of cases in which there are evi- dent two groups of rays of different length indicates that, as in Linckia (Clark, 1913), autotomous division is a normal method of asexual reproduction. FIG. I istribution ofray Ser ok a bey H individuals with all fe Jor nearly equał len gts BSE Distribvtion of rey frequencies* in the total population. i Relatien of long to shert IV. The numerical relations of the old rays to the re- generating ones, and the topographical arrangement of the latter, yield evidence relative to certain questions in the physiology of regeneration. (a) It is to be observed that the regeneration in ques- tion has taken place apart from experimental control; therefore information as to the number of rays usually present just before Asterias undergoes self-division must deduced from the data at hand. The modal-ray fre- quency for specimens with rays of very nearly equal — length is 7 (Fig. 10), but it is a question whether this ap- pearance of equality in ray length may not be due to a — . 32 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX variety of conditions, especially the rapid growth of re- generated rays. The regenerating rays of Linckia (Clark, 1913; Monks, 1904) and the newly formed rays of multi- radiate types (Ritter and Crocker, 1900) grow more rap- idly than the old ones and soon reach the dimensions of the latter; this is also indicated in my series. But the cor- relation of the number of long with the number of short rays (using only those cases in which the two groups were clearly distinct) makes it evident (Fig. 11) that the condi- tion in which there are 3 or 4 long rays and 4 short ones is by far the most common; and further, that the cases in which there are either 3 or 4 long rays are almost equally abundant. It seems not unlikely, then, that A. tenuispina usually has 7 rays before it divides, and that it divides into two parts having, respectively, 3 and 4 rays, the divi- sion-surface then giving rise, in the greater number of cases, to 4 new rays, but sometimes to 5, 3 or even 2. If all the individuals observed had undergone autotomy and regeneration according to this scheme, then those with 7 and those with 8 rays would be expected to occur in equal abundance; 8 is next in frequency to 7, but the latter preponderates because some starfishes have prob- ably not autotomized at all, and because all the animals which have divided do not adhere to this paradigm (see Fig. 11). Yet, in the majority of cases, 4 rays are regen- erated whether there are 2, 3 or 4 long (old) rays in evidence. It would seem that self-division may occur at any time in the life history of A. tenuispina, or at least in animals of all sizes, though it is my impression, gained from hand- ling many live individuals, that the smaller (younger ?) ones autotomize more readily than larger ones. Those showing two distinct ray groups ranged in longer ray length from 11 mm. to 65 mm. There is no evidence that autotomous divisions follow one another rapidly, or in- deed that they occur more than once in any given indi- vidual. One case was observed in which there was one long ray only, and 6 shorter ones. This may mean that a single ray can regenerate the whole body, as suggested by v. No. 577] NUMBER OF RAYS IN ASTERIAS 33 Martens (1866, quoted by King, 1898) for this species. I have not been able to substantiate this idea by laboratory experiments, for, in my tests, single isolated rays did not live more than a few weeks. (b) Newly forming rays have a tendency to appear in symmetrically disposed pairs (see Fig. 12), which gives to Se FIG, 12. Ase Wat DIAGRAMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE RAYS OF Four ASTERIAS, SHOWING TEND- Y OF RAYS TO APPEAR IN Parrs. Measured from the mouth along the ventral side. X e X FIG,.13. RB Raia THE RELATIONS OF New Rays. many individuals a strikingly bilateral aspect. This is accentuated by their behavior, for, in the absence of directive stimuli, they commonly move with the longest rays in advance. In moving away from the light, the loco- motor movement of the group of longer rays also tends, in many cases, to produce a spurious ‘‘orientation.’’ When placed oral side up, the larger rays exert a de- termining influence on the direction and manner of right- ing. These effects are due to the greater pedicel and muscle development of the longer, thicker, rays. e formation of two rays at a radial cut on the disc was found by King (1900) in Asterias vulgaris. V. I have suggested, above, that Asterias with 7 sub- equal rays have probably arrived at that condition by different routes. One method of ray multiplication ap- pears to be the spontaneous addition of new rays at any point on the disc. Twelve starfish were found which showed but one ray markedly shorter than the others. 34 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLIX Of these, 4 had 5 long rays, 4 had 6, 2 had 7, 1 had 3 and 1 had 4 (see Fig. 11). The addition of new rays during adult life is, so far as known, unusual among starfish, ex- cepting in the multiradiate forms (cf. Ritter and Crocker, 1900; Clark, 1907; M’Intosh, 1907). The twelve cases found in A. tenuispina may mean merely that a single ray has been cast off and is being regenerated, for there is found about the same percentage of naturally occurring regenerating examples of A. vulgaris (King, 1898; 1900). Yet I am inclined to interpret this condition as indicating the way in which the modal hepta-radiate form is derived from the fundamental penta-radiate one, or from a hexa- radiate plan, if the young of A. tenuispina be like the post- larve of Pycnopodia (Ritter and Crocker, 1900) previous to self-division.* The three smallest Asterias seen had 6 rays. These were subequal and 8+ mm. long. Other specimens, slightly larger, had either 7 or 8 rays. Cases such as those illustrated in Fig. 13 may further prove that addition of new rays occurs independently of the reformation of rays subséquent to self-division. : VI. The number of madreporites in A. tenuispina is also variable, as noted by Ludwig (1897, p. 358) and others. The number of madreporic bodies is certainly not correlated with the size of the starfish. One of the small- est ones seen had 8 rays and 5 madreporites, its mean ray length being 10 mm.; while the largest animal collected had 5 rays, with a mean ray length of 70 mm., and but one madreporite. The table in Fig. 14, which includes all cases in which the madreporites were counted, shows that, while the distribution of these bodies is irregular, their number is to some extent correlated with the number of rays. Ludwig gave it as his opinion that there was no correlation of this sort. The relation stands out more clearly if only those individuals having equal rays (and therefore presumably ‘‘full grown’’) are included (Fig. 15). Unfortunately, the number of animals is small. Multiple madreporites were noted in 5 out of 101 ex- 3 According to Clark’s (1907) studies, the young Heliaster has five rays only; his results throw considerable doubt upon the correctness of the conclusions of Ritter and Crocker. No. 577] NUMBER OF RAYS IN ASTERIAS 35 amples. Three of these showed a condition which might have arisen either by the fusion of two plates or by the division of a single one. The other two cases were simi- lar, but of trefoil form. Dissection showed, in each in- stance, that a single stone canal was present. Therefore these multiple plates had probably arisen by the division of an originally single one. (For a similar condition in A. vulgaris, see Davenport [1901].) Only one multiple madreporite was found in any one individual. SUMMARY 1. The modal number of rays in Asterias tenuispina is 7. The range in ray number is from 2 to 9. 2. The 7-ray condition is uniformly the most frequent, even in widely separated localities. 3. The modal ray number is the same for animals with subequal rays as for those with a group of regenerating rays, 43 | 4. The evidence indicates that, most commonly, A. 36 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX tenuispina has 7 rays before it undergoes autotomy, that it divides into 3-ray and 4-ray portions, and that each of these parts regenerates 4 rays. 5. Regenerating rays tend to appear in bilaterally dis- posed pairs, as regards size. 6. There is no evidence that self-division occurs often in the life of individuals, though possibly it does. 7. New rays may be added at any point on the disc. 8. The number of madreporites varies from 1 to 5, and is to some extent correlated with the number of rays; it is not correlated with the size of the animal. 9. Double or triple madreporites occur in about 5 per cent. of the individuals. REFERENCES Clark, H. L. 1901. Bermudan Echinoderms. A Report on Observations and Collections Made in 1899. Proc, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 29, No. 16, pp. 339-3. 1907. gs kojen of the Genus Hetioster. Bull. Mus, Comp. Zodl., 1, pp. 23-76, 8 pls. 1913. cate in Linckia. Zool. Anz., Bd, 42, No. 4, pp. 156-159. Davenport, G. C. 1901. Variation in the Madreporic Body and Stone Canal of Asterias vulgaris. Science, N. S., Vol. 13, pp. 374- 375 King, Helen D. 1898. Regeneration in Asterias vulgaris. Arch. f. Entw.- mech., Bd. 7, Heft 2-3, pp. 351- 1900. Further Studies on Regeneration in . ateriat vulgaris. Arch. f. Entw.-mech., Bd. 9, Heft 4, pp. 737. Ludwig, H. 1897. Die Saciigins des Mittelmeeres. Fauna u. Flora d. Golfes v. Neapel, Monogr. 24 x + 491 p., 12 Fig. and 12 Taf. M’Intosh, D. C. 1907. Meristic Variation in the Common Sun-Star (So- laster papposus). - Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. 17, pp. 75-78. Mark, E. L. 1905. The Bermuda Islands and the Bermuda Biological Station for Research. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. 54, pp. 471-501, 16 Martens, E.von. : 1866. ela ostasiatische Echinodermen. Arch. f. Naturg., Jahrg. 32, Bd. 1, pp. 57-88. Monks, Sarah P. 1904. Variability and Autotomy of Phataria1 [Linckia]. Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. 56, pp. 596-600. Ritter, W. E., and Crocker, G. R: 1900. Multiplication of Rays and Bi- Jateral Symmetry in the 20-rayed Star-fish, Pyonopodia heli- anthoides (Stimpson). (Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition, III.) Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., ‘Vol. 2, pp. 247-274, pl. 13, 14. _ 1‘*Phataria’’ is an error, as pointed out by Clark (1913). SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION MR. MULLER ON THE CONSTANCY OF MENDELIAN FACTORS In discussing the selection experiments of Phillips and myself with hooded rats,1 Mr. Muller? accepts the explanation of ‘‘ modi- fying factors ’’ which we offered to account for certain peculiar results obtained, but rejects the idea which we also suggested, that the chief genetic factor concerned may be undergoing quan- titative variation. He rejects it on the ground that this ex- planation is not ‘‘ in harmony with the results of Johannsen and other investigators.’’ The work of Johannsen with seed-size in beans and the work of others with Drosophila is cited in support of this statement. It is difficult to understand how the experiments of Johannsen have any direct bearing on the case since no single Mendelizing unit-factor was demonstrated in that connection; but in the hooded pattern of rats a Mendelizing unit-factor is unmistakably present and it is the quantitative variation of this which is under discussion, not the presence of many or few additional factors, concerning which Muller adopts our explanation. Appeal to the work of Johannsen with bean-size to show that our conclusions concerning color pattern in rats are incorrect is illogical because the cases are not parallel. The citation by Muller of the work on rabbit-size by MacDowell and myself? is equally non-germane, because no demonstrable Mendelizing unit-factor is involved in that case either. He might with propriety cite the bean work as bearing on the interpretation of the inheritance of body size in animals, or vice versa, since both involve blending inheritance. But. neither of these cases has any direct bearing on the question of unit-character constancy, since in neither case has a unit- character, either constant or inconstant, been shown to exist. The citation of work with Drosophila is more to the point, since the ‘‘ mutations’’ of Drosophila Mendelize. But is it certain that they do not vary? Muller admits that they do occasionally vary, stating that ‘‘ in one case (possibly in two or three cases) 1 Castle and Phillips, ‘‘Piebald Rats and Selection,’’ Publ. No. 195, Car- negie Institution of Washington. 2 AMER. NAT., Vol. 48, p. 567. 8 Publ. No. 196, Carnegie Institution of Washington. 37 38 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX a locus has mutated three times, each time in a different way.’’ He does not think that smaller changes than these have occurred, since ‘‘ much smaller could easily have been detected.’’ From this statement I infer that the opinion rests on casual inspection rather than measurement, for which reason I do not attach much importance to it. The hooded pattern of rats was not supposed to vary quantitatively until its quantitative study was under- taken. Two types of hooded rats were recognized, one more ex- tensively pigmented than the other, and these were supposed to be discontinuous like the several ‘‘ mutations of a locus’’ in Drosophila. Quantitative study has completely dispelled this idea as regards the hooded pattern of rats, and I have no doubt the same would be true of Drosophila. How easy it is to be sure of a thing which has not yet been investigated, so sure that in- vestigation of it is considered a waste of time. Muller is con- fident that such variation as occurs in Drosophila ‘‘ can not even remotely be compared to fluctuating variability,’? and he gen- eralizes thus: “Tn no known case do the variations of a gene among, let us say, several thousand immediate descendants of the individual possessing it, form a probability curve.” The use of the word ‘‘ gene ’’ in this sweeping statement safe- guards the author, since no one, so far as I know, claims ever to have seen a ‘‘ gene’’ or to have measured it. How could the ‘* variations of a gene’’ be expected to ‘‘ form a probability eurve’’ if the gene is not measurable? But if the author will allow the substitution of visible character for ‘‘ gene’’ in his challenge, I will gladly accept it and I will add this generalization for his consideration—No one has by actual observation and measurement shown the existence of any visible character in any animal which is not quantitatively variable. As regards the mutations of Drosophila which Muller is con- fident (apparently without having studied the matter himself) do not vary so as to form a probability curve, I had sufficient curiosity some months ago to suggest a quantitative study by one of my pupils, Mr. D. H. Wenrich. Mr. Wenrich:studied the wing-length of flies from a culture kindly supplied me by Pro- fessor Morgan under the name “‘ vestigial.” In advance of a more detailed publication, Mr. Wenrich kindly permits me to state the following facts. The wing length measured in ocular micrometer units was found to vary as follows: No.577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 39 eee 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Tensy Seay ee rs 6 34 67 43 3 Dep nhl R E E N Sawa S 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 Hume OS honey eae 1 1 0 1 The wing-length manifestly varies so as to form a pretty good probability curve; what the ‘‘ gene’’ is doing, I do not under- take to say. It is, of course, conceivable that the variation here observed in actual wing length might be due to variation in general body size, larger flies having longer wings. To determine this point measurements of tibia-length were made on the same flies, and in the case of each individual the ratio was computed between wing-length and tibia-length. These ratios are distributed as follows: : HAVIOR ssi. .70—.79 .80-.89 .90-99 1.00-1.09 eta 1.20-1.29 Frequencies 2 7 26 49 23 e SVU wks saute 1.30-1.39 1.40-1.49 1.50-1.59 1. wa 69 1.70-1.79 Frequencies ........ 7 3 0 0 2 It is evident that there is no constant relation between wing- length and tibia-length, and so between wing-length and general size, with which tibia-length is closely correlated. "App we ob- tain a good probability curve. Does the ‘‘ gene’’ vary or are we dealing also with additional modifying ‘‘ genes’’? We are confronted here with the same problem as in the case of the rats. But it is possible to assume that the considerable variation shown by vestigial wings in Drosophila is purely somatic, ‘‘ phe- notypic,’’ not due to genetic causes, and so would not show any effects if subjected to selection. So it was thought in the case of the plus and minus variations in the hooded pattern of rats, before the experiment was made, but experiment has shown, even to Mr. Muller’s satisfaction, that the variations are in part due to genetic causes and that selection slowly and surely changes the range of variability. Is it safe to assume the contrary for Drosophila in the absence of all experiment? Mr. Wenrich has also studied the wing-length of ‘‘ extracted ”’ vestigial flies obtained in the second generation from a cross between pure vestigials and normal flies, and he finds that the variability is regularly increased as compared with that of the uncrossed vestigial race. This again is parallel with what occurs when hooded rats are crossed with wild or with Irish rats, and indicates that similar causes are at work in the two cases. Such 40 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX cases present to the genotype theory the following dilemma. Hither one gene is concerned in the case or many genes. If one only is concerned, it is variable. If many genes are concerned, they are so numerous (whether or not constant) that they present to the observer of the visible character affected a continuous variation series, one capable of indefinite displacement up or down the quantitative scale. The supposed distinction between continuous and discontinuous variation then vanishes. Selec- tion in that case meets with no “‘ fixed limit ” beyond which it cannot go. Mr. Muiler is seriously disturbed (p. 573) because we are will- ing to consider it possible that the ‘‘ factor for hooded ”’ may be contaminated by ‘‘ its allelomorph (the factor for self) ’’ while associated with it in the zygote represented by the F; rats. (The evidence of modification is unmistakable, however one at- tempts to explain it.) He says this is ‘‘ violating one of the most fundamental principles of genetics—the ‘non-mixing of factors— _in order to support a violation of another fundamental prin- ciple—the constancy of factors.” Now, when, I should like to inquire, did these principles become ‘‘ fundamental ”?; by whom were they established and on what evidence do they rest? I should suppose that Bateson, president of the British Association, might be considered fairly well posted on the ‘‘ principles of genetics,’’ but neither in his earliest papers nor in his latest do we find any mention of these sacred principles. In his recent presidential address* he frankly states his belief that segregation is often imperfect and that ‘‘ fractionation ” of factors fre- quently occurs as a result of crossing. We shall look in vain, I think, for those ‘‘ principles ’’ outside of the ‘‘Exakten Erblichkeitslehre’’ (or its imitations), and when we inquire as to the experimental basis of the principles in ques- tion we are met with the satisfied reply, ‘‘Johannsen’s beans.’ What a slender basis and what and absurd one from which to derive the ‘‘ fundamental principle ’’ that Mendelian factors are constant! Yet to date this case, which admittedly involves no clear Mendelian factor, is the only evidence worth mentioning in favor of the constancy of Mendelian factors! Do biologists take themselves seriously when they reason thus? Certainly no one else will long take them seriously. Finally, I may be permitted to correct two misapprehensions 4 Science, August 28, 1914, No.577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 41 into which Muller in common with the Hagedoorns® has fallen, viz., (1) that individual pedigrees were not recorded in the course of our selection experiments and (2) that no considerable amount of inbreeding occurred in our work. It has been our invariable practise, upon recording the birth of an animal and its grade, to record on the same line of the ledger the record number of its mother and father. This enables one in any particular case to trace back the pedigree to the very begin- ning of our experiments. We have spent much time writing out and studying individual pedigrees, but without discovering any evidence of pure or prepotent lines or individuals, except in a single case, that of our ‘‘mutant ’’ series, the origin and complete history of which we have described in detail. The pedigrees, however, of our rats are on record available for study at any time; their full publication would be a quite impossible under- takin That extensive and intensive inbreeding has occurred in our experiments will be obvious when I state that all our animals were descended from a very small initial stock, less than a dozen individuals, that from the beginning we have made the most extreme selections possible, mating like with like, never hesi- tating to mate brother with sister, and putting aside for strict brother-sister matings any litter of young which seemed espe- cially promising. I may say that in no single case (except that of the ‘‘ mutant ”’ series) have these ‘‘ special’’ pens given us advancement obviously greater or less than that of the general selection series of which they formed a part. Nevertheless, we are still continuing to follow them up and will later publish a detailed account of them. Finally I would call attention to pp. 20 and 21 with Tables 48—49 of our full publication, in which ` are described the hooded offspring of a single selected hooded and a single wild rat. The hooded and the wild rat produced several young resembling the latter, that is, not hooded; these ` were mated inter se, brother with sister. Among the grand- children (F,) occurred the usual 25 per cent. of recessives, hooded. Two males were selected from these and mated with females of as nearly the same grade as were available. This process was repeated through seven generations in succession. Seven times animals of like grade were mated together, brother 5 Zeit. f. ind. Abst. u. Vererbungslehre, 11, p. 145. See also my reply in the same journal, 12, p. 42 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX with sister when possible, less often brother with half-sister, rarely cousin with cousin. In this way were obtained 804 young from rigidly selected, closely inbred descendants of a single pair of rats, the series extending into generation F,. We have shown (l. c., p. 21) that the progress of selection within this inbred family follows a remarkably close parallel, generation by gen- eration, to the progress of selection in our plus series as a whole. Muller’s anticipation that a different result would follow close inbreeding is not justified by our observations. In discussing this experiment (p. 21) we have italicized the statement that (so far as the hooded character is concerned) the entire series is derived from a single hooded individual! When the Hagedoorns made the statement that our stock had not been sufficiently inbred, they had apparently not seen our full pub- lication and so had no means of knowing to what extent it had been inbred, but Muller, with our full publication before him, apparently repeats the statement without taking the trouble to verify it. . W. E. CASTLE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, October 23, 1914 NO CROSSING OVER IN THE FEMALE OF THE SILKWORM MOTH IN a recent review’ of a paper by Y. Tanaka? on linkage in the silkworm moth, I pointed out that some of his data suggested that crossing over was occurring in only one sex. While the data were not sufficient to establish this conclusion, there was at this time another paper by the same author*® which I had not seen. In this paper are presented data which clear up the matter. Tanaka has now made back-cross tests of both sexes. That crossing over does occur in the males was shown by the mating sysy 2 X SYsy 3 which gave a total of 865 cross-overs among 2,907 offspring. The cross sysy 2 X SysY g gave 151/488 as the proportion of cross-overs. But when females were tested, SYsy 2 X sysy ¢ gave no cross-overs in 1,183 offspring. Tanaka refers to another paper, apparently in press, in which he has shown the same relations (i. e., crossing over in males, none in 1 AMER. NAT., XLVIII, 1914. 2 Jour. Coll. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. Sapporo, V, 1913. 8 Jour. Coll. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. Sapporo, VI, 1914. No. 577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 43 females) for the combinations NynY and MYmy. As stated in my former review, there was in the earlier paper a record of the mating sysy 2 < SysY 4, giving no cross-overs in 128 offspring. Tanaka now says, referring to this case: ‘‘ Whether there may exist, in certain occasion, a complete reduplication [linkage] in male, or whether the above result is due to any mistake by which sex-signs have been reversed, is at present uncertain. No similar case has as yet been found in other families.”’ The evidence seems to make it highly probable that crossing over in the silkworm moth occurs only in the male; a surprising result when we remember that in Drosophila it occurs only in the female. One is immediately reminded that in Drosophila the male is heterozygous for the sex-differentiator, while in Abrazas and probably all moths the female is the heterozygous sex. These facts are highly suggestive, and lead one to wonder what will be found with regard to crossing over in the two sexes in birds and mammals, where similar differences in sex-determination occur. Another point worth noting in this connection is that in the hermaphroditic sweet pea and Primula crossing over occurs in the formation both of pollen and of ovules. Tanaka reports two cases of aberrant results which, as he says, -may be explained as due to mutation (‘‘dropping out’’) of S in one case, and of both S and Y in the other. He adds that such an assumption is premature. To the writer it seems more prob- able that the females involved were not virgin. The results are easily explained on the assumption that they had paired with brothers before isolation, since brothers of the necessary composi- tion are shown by the pedigrees to have been present in each case. Another interesting point brought out by Tanaka’s more re- cent paper is the relation between the larval patterns known as striped, moricaud, normal, and plain. In my earlier review I followed Tanaka in treating these patterns as affected by three pairs of genes: S (striped) and s, M (moricaud) and m, and N (normal) and n, plain being the triple recessive. The same scheme has been followed in the early part of this paper. On this assumption, as Tanaka points out, it is necessary to suppose that complete linkage occurs between these three pairs of genes. The evidence need not be gone over in detail here, but there are over 10,000 larve recorded from various tests of this relation, without a single cross-over among them. Although Tanaka does not mention the point, this at once brings up the possibility that 44 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX we may be dealing with a system of multiple allelomorphs, No two of the types when mated together give a third in F,; and, unless one or both carry a recessive in heterozygous form, any two types give a 3:1 ratio in F,, or 1:1 on back-crossing to a recessive. The four patterns involved seem, from the descrip- tions, to fall roughly into a series in the order striped, moricaud, normal, and plain, That is to say, the second two are rather intermediate in appearance between striped and plain. Al- though I believe any arguments as to the nature of genes which are based on the appearance of characters are open to very seri- ous objections, it must still be admitted that the different char- acters involved in a case of multiple allelomorphism are gener- ally of the same sort.* On the chromosome view, if the genes just discussed are allelo- morphs they occupy identical loci in homologous chromosomes. If they are not allelomorphic but closely linked, they occupy different but closely opposed loci in homologous chromosomes. In either case, any combination of them should give approxi- mately the same linkage to the Y-y pair of genes, which occupy a locus in the same chromosome, but some distance away. The linkage of the striped-normal, striped-plain, and moricaud-plain combinations with the Y—y locus appear from Tanaka’s data to be in fact about the same, though the data on the first (striped- normal) are the only ones sufficiently large to be very significant. A. H. STURTEVANT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, October, 1914 THE INFLUENCE OF POSITION IN THE POD UPON THE WEIGHT OF THE BEAN SEED IN a note on the pure line problem Belling’ has emphasized the significance of position in the pod as a factor in determining the weight of the bean seed. Since this point in his paper seems to have attracted some attention among those interested in genetics, it may not be out of place to call attention to a series of quanti- tative determinations of the intensity of the relationship? and to illustrate the results secured. If one numbers the successive ovules of the pod from 1 up, 4I have discussed this aspect of the matter briefly in another paper (Amer. Nar., XLVII, 1913, p. 237) 1 Belling, J., ‘‘Selection in Pure Lines,’’ Amer. Breed. Mag., 3: 311-312, 912. 2 Harris, J. Arthur, ‘‘A Quantitative Study of the Factors Influencing the No.577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 45 he may regard the numbers as measures (in units of intervals between adjacent ovules) of the distance of ovules from the Scale of Mean Weight. LOTTIE TTT TTT TT TTT TTT Tr oe p ces Bes eo pe + A it sss Alad A 4 OVULES 5 OVULES 6 OVULES 7 OVULES FIG. 1. N v o Position in Pod. > > ~ proximal end of the pod, and may then express in terms of corre- lation the prenan i between the T of the seed and its position in the p Scale of Mean Weight. O Ly Oh N > ee S N Ñ \ n \ aN \ X ÍI a ANE X \ \ \ Position in Pod. > Ea | ~ 4 OVULES | 5 OVULES | 6 OVULES | 7 OVULES 8 OVULES Fia. 2. In doing this, the pods should of course be sorted into classes according to the number of ovules which they produce and the relationship computed for each group of pods separately, for there is no reason for believing that the fourth in a pod with 4 ovules is comparable with the fourth seed in a pod with six. This Weight of the Bean Seed. I. Intra-Ovarial Correlations,’’ Beih. Bot. Cen- tralbl. Abt., I, 31: 1-12, Pl, 1-4, 1913, 46 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou. XLIX has now been done for twenty series of pods, drawn from five cultures belonging to three distinct varieties (Navy, Golden Wax and Burpee’s Stringless) and embracing altogether about 23,000 individually weighed seeds. In every one of these cases a positive correlation has been found, i.e., the weight of the seed increases as its distance from the base of the pod becomes greater. The intensity of this interdependence is, however, not very great, at least in the varieties so far studied. The correlations range from 014 + .046 to .238 + .068, with an average value of about .132, or about 13 per cent. of perfect correlation. The rate of change has been expressed by the slope of a straight line for four different classes of pods studied for a culture of Navy beans made at Sharpsburg, Ohio, in 1907 (Diagram 1°) and for five classes from a culture of Burpee’s Stringless beans grown at the Missouri Botanical Garden in the same year. In the first of these, the ? Navy series, it appears that P- ANS | | the observed mean weights at PA ASAS ae first increase rather rapidly, E A ei Se | then the rate of increase falls HEDE SNS | off and finally the seeds near- - TA _ est the tip (distal or ‘‘blos- ef’ af Pais - som” end of the pod) become Ai aot ‘aoe somewhat lighter than those a fe E a little lower down. Here a ei a Ao curve would fit the observed R: E ee means better than a straight AA ies line. In the Burpee’s String- rA r Se oe less culture (Fig. 2) however, i7 12 FA aaa the change in seed weight can oe Sten maa k < for all practical purposes be | ify represented by a straight line ify on ES as well as by any curve. ita The percentage of ovules Jil which develop into seeds also he Ba Tome increases from the base to- ig es = ward the stigmatic end of the Ke pod. In small pods the rate Fic. 3. of increase may be fairly regular, but in larger pods s Ta the diagram for this series published in the original paper there is a slip in the representation of the slope of the line for pods with 4 ovules. No.577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 47 it falls off toward the stigmatic end, where the fecundity may be even lower than it is a little farther down in the pod. This is admirably shown in Diagram 3, in which GG stands for a series of Burpee’s Stringless grown at the Missouri Botanical Garden, NH for a series of Navy beans grown at Sharpsburg, Ohio, and LL for a series of Golden Wax beans grown at Lawrence, Kansas. All were grown in 1907. Here the percentage of development of ovules at different positions in the pod is shown for the different classes of pods by the scales to the left of the figures. The reader may ascertain the class of pods represented by any particular curve by noting the number of circles representing percentage development in the various posi- tions. These correspond to the number of ovules per pod. In the diagrams the positions (abscisse) from left to right represent the positions from the base to the tip of the pod. J. ARTHUR Harris ANOTHER GENE IN THE FOURTH CHROMOSOME OF DROSOPHILA UNTIL the appearance of bent wings, only three groups of linked genes had been Drosophila amelophila, although four pairs of chromosomes had been identified in the diploid group. Since the character bent wings, worked out by Mr. H. J. Muller, was found to be unassociated with any of the three groups, the gene producing this character was said to be located in the fourth chromosome. Recently a new character, designated as eyeless, appeared. Flies having this character either lacked eye pigment and om- matidia or had one or both eyes reduced in size. All of the pure stock showed some loss of eye structures. Eyeless is recessive to the normal eye. In order to determine the linkage, eyeless males were crossed in turn to females of the stocks at Columbia Uni- versity. These stocks representing the three groups were (1) miniature wings, (2) black body and vestigial wings, and (3) spread wings. The genes producing these characters are in the first, second and third chromosomes, respectively. The F, from all three crosses had normal eyes. They were inbred in each case and gave the following.. The equation should be w==9.987 + .021 p. The line as it appears here is _ correctly drawn. 48 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Cross 1. Miniature 9 by Eyeless g F; Normal Long Normal Miniature Eyeless Long Eyeless Miniature 1142 0 245 193 Since the eyeless flies were females as well as males, the character eyeless is shown not to be a sex-linked character; for, if it were, it would be inherited only by the grandsons of the eyeless male. Since the eyeless flies are not nearly as viable as the wild stock, the eyeless classes fall below the expectation. Cross 2. Black Vestigial 2 by Eyeless g F.» Normal Long Normal Vestigial Eyeless Long LEyeless Vestigial 1303 417 $ 278 97 The same count, when grouped according to the body color, was as follows: F, Normal Gray Normal Black Eyeless Grey Eyeless Black 1289 431 - 293 82 Cross 3. Spread ? by Eyeless ¢ F.. Normal not Spread Normal Spread Eyeless not Spread Eyeless Spread 1349 373 300 76 Allowing for the decreased viability of eyeless, both of the pre- ceding crosses may be regarded as 9:3:3:1 ratios. Hence they show that there is no linkage of eyeless with the characters whose genes are in the second and third chromosomes. Eyeless females were then crossed to bent-winged males (Cross 4). No bent eyeless flies were produced in the F,. As the count was small, the F, bent flies were crossed to the F, eyeless, and then the F, normal, which had the same germinal constitution as the F,, were inbred to give F,, which should give the same re- sults as the F.. Cross 4. Bent g by Eyeless ? Normal not Bent Normal Bent- Eyeless not Bent Eyeless Bent 596 193 195 0 a F. 741 172 131 0 Total 1337 365 326 0 Since an approximate 2:1:1:0 ratio, instead of a 9:3:3:1 ratio, was realized, the conclusion that eyeless and bent belong No.577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 49 to the same group and in this sense may be said to be in the same chromosome pair is evident. Until a bent eyeless fly—a cross over—is obtained, the amount of crossing over between these two characters in the fourth chromosome can not be directly determined. MILDRED A. HOGE AN ABNORMAL HEN’S EGG In a frequently quoted paper, Parker (’06) has classified double eggs on the basis of the factors supposedly concerned in their formation. Considering the ovarian and oviducal factors as independent, Parker says: ` As a result of these two factors, three classes of double eggs can be distinguished; first, those whose yolks have come from an abnormal ovary but have passed through a normal oviduct; secondly, those whose yolks have come from a normal ovary but have passed through an ab- normal oviduct; and finally those produced by an ovary and oviduct both of which have been abnormal in their action. Fig. 1. PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SPECIMEN X 1. Cases of ovum in ovo have been attributed by Parker and others to antiperistalsis. Patterson (’11) mentions a case of an inclosed double egg in which there were two distinct peristaltic actions. Féré (’98) has called attention to the fact that hens fre- quently lay several double eggs in succession. Féré claims that he succeeded in producing double eggs in a hen which normally laid single eggs, by drugging her with atropine sulphate. Glaser (713) has described the ovary of a hen which habitually laid double eggs and coneludes that fusion of the follicles is the expla- nation of some double eggs. 50 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX The case which I wish to record is very similar to that figured by Hargitt (’12) and termed by him a ‘‘gourd-shaped’’ egg. Un- fortunately, the egg which Professor Hargitt studied was not preserved carefully and on account of evaporation, the condition was such that he could not be certain of the presence of yolk in the smaller end. He assumed that the egg was comprised of Fig. 2. DIAGRAMMATIC MESIAL VIEW OF THE ABNORMAL EGG, SHOWING THB ELATION OF THE YOLK TO THE ALBUMEN, about normal parts in the larger end, and that the smaller con- sisted of only albumen, ‘‘its yellowish tint having resulted from the evaporating process which had taken place.”’ The egg shown (Fig. 1) was presented to Professor Julius Nel- son, of Rutgers College, several years ago and was carefully pre- served in a jar of alcohol. The result was that although the ac- tion of the alcohol had partially decolorized the yolk, it was pos- sible to trace it throughout the entire extent with no difficulty. As can be readily seen from the photograph, that part of the egg which might be termed the ‘‘neck’’ presented a much roughened appearance from the excessive accretion of lime. A nodule of lime at the smaller end of the shell would seem to indicate that the last deposit of the shell glands was there received. For convenience in examination of the irregular shaped egg, it was separated at the circling line seen in Fig. 1, and then the two parts were halved with a sharp scalpel, after the penetration of the shell by means of scissors. When the first separation was made at the line indicated, one could readily discern the presence of a constricted yolk sur- rounded by apparently normal albumen. Examination of the halved portions showed that the yolk extended from the larger end through the constricted region to occupy a position approxi- mately normal in the smaller end. It seems possible that this particular abnormality may have been caused by a constricted No.577] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 51 oviduct rather than from the fusion of two eggs during ap- position, induced by anti-peristalsis.? F. E. CHIDESTER RUTGERS COLLEGE. LITERATURE CITED Féré, C. ’98. Deuxième note sur le devellopment et sur la position de 1’embryon de poulet dans les oeufs a deux jaunes. C. R. de Soc. de Biol., 1898, p. 922. Glaser, O. 713. a the Origin of Double Yolked Eggs. Biol. Bull., Vol. 24, pp. 175- 186. Hargitt, C. W. 99. Some Interesting Egg Monstrosities. Zool. Bull., Vol. 2, pp. 225-229. 712. Double Eggs. AM. NAT., Vol. 46, pp. 556-560. Parker, G. H. 706. Double Hen’s Eggs. Am. Nart., Vol. 40, pp. 13-25. Patterson, J. TLA Double Hen’s Egg. Am. Nart., Vol. 45, pp. 54-59. 1Since the above was written, but before the proof came to hand, an authoritative paper has been published (Maynie R. Curtis, Studies on the Physiology of err kaeee in the Domestic Fowl, Vi. Double- and Triple- Yolked Eggs. Biol. Bull. Vol. 26, pp. 55-83.) in which no mention has been made of the possibility of incomplete separation of both yolk and albumen of a single egg. Evidence of such separation is not wanting in other verte- brates, however scant it may be in the fowl. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE GENETIC DEFINITIONS IN THE NEW STANDARD DICTIONARY THE widely advertised aim of the Funk & Wagnalls Company to include in their ‘‘New Standard Dictionary of the English Language ’’ all of the new additions to scientific terminology natu- rally invites the specialist in each branch of science to examine the definitions of the new words in his own field. Professor Miller’ has called attention to the fact that the mathematical definitions are not reliable. The same criticism must be made regarding the definitions of many terms now familiar in the liter- ature of genetics. For some of the errors in these definitions the editorial staff can not be blamed, because the errors were passing current among genetic writers themselves, at a time when further changes in the dictionary probably became impossible; other errors are less easily explained. While such a monumental work as the Standard Dictionary tends to fix the usage of language, the shortcomings of the genetic definitions may not be expected to seriously affect the terminology actually used by the specialists in this field; but for those who are engaged in other scientific fields, who hive only a casual interest in genetics, and who must, therefore, depend upon the dictionary for the meaning of any genetic terms they may happen to meet, the erroneous definitions are unfortunate. While very few of the genetic definitions are free from defects, either of omission or of commission, only those which seem most obviously defective will be considered here. In the following list of words the definition of the New Standard Dictionary is stated first, and then follows, in italic type, a defi- nition which I believe will meet with the approval of most geneticists. Acquired. Transmitted by inheritance to subsequent generations ; as, acquired characters. Acquired character. A modification of bodily structure or habit which is impressed on the organism in the course of individual life. Both of these definitions occur in the New Standard Dictionary, the first under ‘‘acquired,’’ the second under ‘‘character.’’ Al- though ‘‘impressed on’’ may not be the best figure of speech to use in this connection, the second definition represents fairly well the correct usage of this phrase. It is difficult to understand east 1 Science, N. S., 38: 772, November 28, 1913. 52 No. 577] NOTES AND LITERATURE 53 essentially the same definition should not have been given at both places. Allelomorph. ‘‘In Mendelian inheritance a pair of contrasted ariaa which become segregated in the formation of reproductive cells.’ elomorph. One of a pair o contrasted characters which are alternative to each other in Mendelian inheritan Often used with doubtful pro- priety as a synonym for gene, factor or r aiia The defects in the dictionary definition in this case are two: (a) The definition is plural, while ‘‘ allelomorph ’’ is singular; the ‘‘allelomorph’’ is not a pair of characters, but a single char- acter. (b) No segregation of allelomorphs takes place in the formation of asexual reproductive cells. elomorphism. ‘‘The presence of ae pairs of characters. ’’ Allelomorphism. A relation between two characters, suc t the de- terminers et both do not enter the same juin. but are separated into mer gamet terna See inheritance. ‘‘The transmission to alternating generations of descendants of the characteristics of either parent, as that of the father to the odd, and of the mother to the ois generations. ’’? Alternative inheritance. A distribution of contrasting parental or an- cestral characters among offspring or descendants, such that the individuals exhibit one or other of the characters in question, combinations or blends of these characters being absent or exceptional. Biotype. ‘‘In Mendelian inheritance a race or strain that breeds true or almost true; a term introduced by Johannsen.’’ Biotype. A group cf individuals all of which have the same genotype. The word ‘‘biotype’’ was introduced into English by Dr. Johannsen? in 1906 with the definition ‘‘one single ‘sort’ of organisms.’’ It is a term of general applicability and not limited to Mendelian races, as stated in the New Standard Dictionary. Although homozygous biotypes generally do breed true, this is not an essential feature and therefore should not be included in the definition. Ever-sporting varieties are now well known which do not breed true, but which, so far as present evidence goes, do constitute single homozygous biotypes. Heterozygous biotypes genen do not breed true. Clon. ‘‘A plant-group the members of eja have been grown from an original stock, but which do not come true from seed. yore _A group of individuals produced Wok a single original individual by some process of asexual reproduction, such as division, budding, slipping, grep, parthenogenesis (when unaccompanied by a reduction of the hromosomes), There are me defects in the dictionary definition of this word, even if restricted to a plant-group in accord with the original meaning given to it by Webber, who introduced the word. 2 Report of the third International Conference of Geneties, p. 98. 54 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX The defects consist, first, in the ambiguity of the word **stock,’’ because we may grow plants ‘‘from an original stock’’ of seeds, quite as well as from cuttings, while a clone is derived from a single individual; second, the statement that clones do not come true from seed is incorrect, for a clone formed by cuttings, ete., from a homozygous individual does ‘‘breed true,’’ å. e., it pro- duces seedling offspring of its own type. The word is now being generally applied to animals as well as to plants. Coupling. (‘‘ Genetic coupling’’ is not defined in the dictionary.) Such over. (Not given a genetic definition in the dictionary.) A sepa- ration into different gametes, of determiners that are usually coupled, and the association of determiners in the same gamete, which are generally alleto- morphic. Cryptomere. ‘‘A plant a which may exist in the germ-cells with- out making its presence visible mere. A factor or gene whose presence can not be inferred from an inspection of the individual, but whose existence can be demonstrated by means of suitable crosses. The chief defect in the dictionary definition is the restriction of this term to plant characters. ‘‘Cryptomere’’ is a general genetic term which may be applied as well to animals as to plants. Determiner. ‘‘The same as determinant 3.’ Determiner. An element or condition in a germ-cell which is essential to the development of a particular feature, quality or manner of reaction of the organism which arises from that germ-cell; a gene or factor. The word ‘‘determiner,’’ as used in recent years, is not the equivalent of ‘‘determinant 3,’’ which latter is correctly defined in the dictionary in terms of Weismann’s complicated hypothesis. “*Determiner,’’ ‘‘factor’’ and ‘‘gene’’ are now quite generally used interchangeably without implication as to their fundamental nature, ites i in the generic sense, as ‘‘that which determines.”’ Dominance. ‘‘In the cross-bred offspring of parents with marked mu- tually antagonistic characteristics, the exhibition by such peste or its descendants of one of these characteristics to the exclusion of the eh Dominance. In Mendelian hybrids the capacity of a aada which is derived from only one of the two generating gametes to develop to`an extent nearly or quite equal to that exhibited by an individual which. has derived the same character from both of the generating gametes. In the absence of dominance the given character of the hybrid usually presents a ‘‘blend’’ or intermediate conldition between the two parents, but may present new features not found in either parent. There are several defects in the dictionary definition. In the first place, the parents used in a given cross may not themselves. No. 577] NOTES. AND LITERATURE 55 be homozygous, in which case some of their offspring will resemble one parent and some the other; in such a case, according to the dictionary, both of the contrasted characters would exhibit domi- nance. The phrase ‘‘or its descendants’? would make it pos- sible, in any case, to include both recessives and dominants, since among the descendants of such cross-bred individuals there will also be recessive individuals which ‘‘exhibit one of the character- istics to the exclusion of the other.’’ Dominant. ‘‘(1) A marked parental character exhibited by a cross-bred organism and its descendants. (2) The parent, cross-bred organism, or descendant exhibiting such character. Parental characters latent in a cross- bred organism, but actively evidenced by its dengensanie; are called reces- sives, as are the descendants which exhibit them Domin: (1) A character which exhibits Joi inance, i. e., that one of two contrasted parental characters which appears in the individuals af the first hybrid PEHE to the exclusion of the alternative, ‘‘recessive,’’ char- ter. (2) individual possessing a dominant character, in contrast to those ads which lack that character, which are called ‘‘ recessives,’’ An ‘‘extracted dominant,’’ as defined in the dictionary, is not distinguishable from the pure homozygous dominant used in the cross from which the dominant in question was ‘‘extracted,’’ as no mention is made of the essential historical fact that it is of hybrid origin and that its parent or other known ancestor did not breed true to the same dominant character. Factors. ‘‘ Latent rks unite which upon crossing give rise to the new characters found in the h Factor. An independently gubarstabts element of the genotype whose pre. e makes possible any specific reaction or the development of any par- ia unit-character of the organism which possesses that genotype; a gene or determiner. The limitation of the term ‘‘factor’’ to those cases in which new characters appear in hybrids, is not in accord with present usage. All the various characters of organisms are to an important degree dependent upon the existence of genotypic factors, regardless of the behavior of these organisms in crosses. “¿ in Fə Bottle | Red | Pink | Se st: | Goito te | Pink | ger gietgl | | | | Pee A ae eect a... 541 | 124 bast B.....| 140 | 34 | 4.1:1 Bi 190 1 68 | Bed C....] 375 | wW | 5.3: 1 PE 582 | 136 | -43:1 The above are records of mass cultures. When pairs were used, the fluctuations in ratio were much more marked. The records of 40 pairs gave an almost un- broken series running from 1.8:1 up to 6:1. In seven cases out of the 40 (18 per cent.) the pink flies exceeded the expectation; 3 pairs (7.5 per cent.) gave a 3:1 ratio, while in the remaining 30 pairs (75 per cent.) the pink fell behind. The total number produced by these 40 pairs was 4,056, of which 891 were pink—an average ratio of 3.98: 1, about the same as that shown in Table IT In a second experiment the F, hybrids were back- crossed to the pink. The expectation was 1:1. But the records of 15 bottles of mass culture showed fluctuations running from 1:1 up to 2.3:1. The total number counted in these back crosses was 5,527, of which 2,391 were pink, giving an average ratio of 2.31:1. The pink flies fell behind again, and in about the same proportion as in the normal cross.® These remarkable fluctuations were observed at the time the experiments were in progress, and it was sug- gested that some environmental condition was responsible for the results by either accelerating or retarding‘ the development of the one or of the other variety. The fact that all these experiments were performed at the same time, and the bottles kept side by side in a room in which a nearly constant temperature was maintained through- out the winter, precludes the chance of a factor outside the culture bottles operating here. Attention was there- 8 For a detailed account of these experiments see Morgan, 1912. 4It should be noted here that owing to the danger of overlapping of generations, the bottles were discarded on the tenth day (counting from the day the first F, emerged) regardless of the number of unhatched pupe No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 99 fore directed to the condition of the food inside the bottles, An examination seemed to indicate that those in which the food was dry yielded the higher pink ratios. To test this, two of the bottles in which conditions were normal, and in which the F, had just begun to emerge, were made ‘‘wet’’ by the addition of a considerable amount of banana juice. But they still showed a similar tendency to yield a relatively higher proportion of pink. To ascertain more definitely whether or not moisture or dryness affected in any way the development of these flies, a special experiment was arranged in which some flies were bred in ‘‘dry’’ bottles, and some in ‘‘wet’’ bottles. In the first case, the banana was thoroughly dried by means of filter paper which was discarded after it had absorbed all the available moisture, and the banana wrapped in fresh paper; in the second, banana juice was added every second or third day, so that there was throughout the experiment an abundant amount of wet food in the bottles. The effect of this treatment is shown in Tables III and IV: . TABLE III RECORD oF F, or A Cross RED BY PINK IN WHICH THE FLIES DEVELOPED IN BOTTLES IN WHICH THE Foop was ‘‘Dry’’ Pink 9 x Red # Red 9 X Pink 7 Er: | Í j Red Pink | P $ Red Piok | P ti Bottle roportion Bottle | ote pee on y ayle | Red: Pink | a | ole | Red : Pink A....| o] 86| 25|18| 42:1 |a....| 91/109] 28| 32] 33:1 Boiss 73| 78| 20 4 s:r fig 76) 05] | 35) 26:1 Cau 182|164| 39 | 44| 43:1 |e..... 42| 14 | 15 | 3.0:1 D -Iola ptei S- he ‘| yet 117| 55 |46 | 2.7:1 TABLE IV RECORD oF F, oP a Cross RED BY PINK IN WHICH THE FLIES DEVELOPED IN BOTTLES IN WHICH THE Foop Was ‘‘WET’’ FROM THE BEGINNING Pink 9 x Red # Red 9 X Pink ð Red Pink Red | Pink | Bottle |-——— ee Lae | eee pe hy e|e|ele ; gia el? A.. -dorioa w) 28:1 |a....|82|89|17/17| 50:1 B.. J2 964-46) aed Bold [b -Jiel 8 | 8 6| 20:1 e S41 93 2213] 37:13 le.. 2} 90} 32 6| 60:1 [Vou. XLIX THE AMERICAN NATURALIST 100 92 |29 |89|\ 92 99 | 18 |°°°)***|"**"T e1990q yonpeg ZFT | SFT |89| 94| E£ | 43 | 9S | £8 | 68) G6) EST | LOT; O | S | T8| 9! ST) FI Z4 |901| $8) 98| SOT! LST! LOT | Z6| 06) Z2/°** “T8301, . s.sejesoeoje o eae ao. eee ele ee elewes I 0 Z 0 . BE Eco led & 0 I 0 Z Z I 0 eee eleae ode Il m + lo lolze dg lods lo detet do lolala izle lo le -d-t ot + ile ielea lect lets lerlo lp tcletoteloe lolz lo le lo ler ler fect dela d Let jole reye eoa oraa ee n 1g tk p a a a 16 12 TES p OS | HT Gerjo a eI to lo Jore re Ot 16 o Bt inde oe (oe 19 it 7 R RE BI [Sl JSI ee eee Tr oo o o ee ee er 2 ie n e e ro Sl |6 19 Jar eie e Oe OS |B Or | 018 168 0 18 16 16 e rn A Ss. ett 8 S t.Je PSR e g ge e ee ee San a ie t 40 18 eo L 18 18 1016S Y © |S Je pee e egia Teo 10D eee 104016 18 16 |e ai 19 1s 19) SN O 10 1810 os “Sy poms -9 10 10 14 1 018 er a T eo 0 181 et 10.16 S E | o S sesejososs|jsse fe ES sesjsssosjesos .. esfessoejooso pee Nae Sn A kS Ge RA A 0 0 Z|essjossjoeso 9 [=e] ar far elaeodes tsr e leebeks dzz ls le zlizirls 6 -3 olele Itio lo 9 laisti o ee ee ee E eee ioe r na a a 8 TSI 19 1S | OIE ee re ee Te et erie ter. OF Tt et ier 2 > $ 19 [bg] OL] 8 | SE] Ot 10-78 1 8t 16. [eee ee ati et ie ie ie ie et Stier ag e a T Jao he oia Oog Ol 6 e eee A ee e g kee ee an o jo TVS g8 FLIET T e eee 9 a ik 8 ie ee ee Te 818 fT LO 0 47 9 RTT ztia orior een e i E F 18 ee ee X 6 JTT e 10.) 8-1 ete 1018 Z ioo ee 16 eek 018 8 a O10 ee O [Ft UG) oO re IZ 90 0 | Or or olore o 6 18S 10 108: 818. Oiri a N e) 8 es © é 2 o A © ò Pidin s irio IS 1 P16) © é © 1/6} 16 yurd pou yurd pou yud pou yud pe yud ped yurd pou yud pew oun b ayog SITIO 9 IPOT p Io 2 940g q ƏmMog v Əyog ALIAILONGOUG AALLVINY WAHT, SMOHS TIVL IHL 'WIVNIE | uae CIZA ANIA INO NV QAY ANO GANIVLNOD HOIHM AO HOVA STILLOQ 4 NI aaug ‘ANIA 4 ANV aay 4 ‘8,5 PI HO GuOOmYy A Wav yi No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 101 It is evident that neither dryness nor moisture has any effect in rendering more favorable the conditions needed for the emergence of either the red or the pink variety. The results show that under unfavorable conditions, large numbers of larve and pupe fail to develop, since the total yield of each and every bottle is far below the normal output; and those which do emerge are but chance sur- vivals. It was suggested that the reason the pink flies fell be- hind the expected ratio, was the fact that the mutant was weaker than the wild stock and therefore less likely to come through the. larval and pupal stages. If this were the case, they should always fall behind. In many cases, however, they actually exceeded the expectation. Furthermore, they always seemed to be just as vigorous, and to live as long as the wild fly. The hypothesis which was formed at this stage, and which determined to a large extent the experiments which followed was, that another factor not related to eye-color was at work. Such a factor, if one is assumed to be pres- ent, by its independent action might be responsible for the disturbance in ratio. It might, moreover, be present in the wild stock which originally gave rise to the pink, since the wild fly is similarly, though less frequently, affected. It is with the search for such factors that the subsequent experiments will chiefly deal. Before presenting the data, it will be well to point out some of the possible sources of error which were to a great extent eliminated. I. The method usually employed in these experiments is as follows: The flies, which are to be cross-bred, are taken out of the culture bottles as soon as they hatch and before they have time to mate. They are then put into a clean, sterilized bottle in mass cultures of about five or more pairs. There they remain till their offspring (F,) are ready to emerge: 9-10 days in summer and 11-12 or 13 days in winter when the temperature is low. The F, flies are placed in fresh bottles for a similar length of 102 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX time, and then removed. During the succeeding ten days the F, are counted each day as they hatch. The bottle is then discarded for fear of overlapping of generations; for, the F, might mate and deposit eggs before removal. It has, however, been observed that each time a bottle is discarded a considerable number of pupe and even larve remain behind. This being the case, it is possible that the ratio we get does not always represent what actually happens. In order to count the total output, it was decided to transfer the flies to a second bottle on the fifth day. All eggs deposited, during the five days that the parent remained there, would thus have at least fifteen days to develop. ‘It was hoped that, in this way, a more representative ratio would be obtained. II. It was shown (Tables III and IV) that large num- bers of larvee fail to develop when a bottle becomes too ‘“dry’’ or too ‘‘wet.’’? Considerable care was taken to avoid either of these conditions. If a bottle showed a tendency to dry up, fresh food was immediately added; when it was too wet, the moisture was absorbed by filter paper. III. The yield of a mass-culture bottle is always rela- tively small as compared with that of the same number of flies mated in pairs. This would indicate probably greater mortality due to overcrowding. For this reason only pairs were used in the later experiments. In the first of these experiments pure stocks, both pink and red, were used; for it was believed that if differences existed other than the red-pink distribution, between the two varieties, they would be more emphasized if hybridi- zation had not been effected. The chief purpose, how- ever, was to become familiar with the modes of behavior of the races. The experiment follows: A number of flies, both pink and red, were isolated within one to six hours after hatching and the sexes kept apart for 3-4 days, after which time they were mated, red to red, pink to pink. Immediately after mating, which took place within five minutes to two hours, the males No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 103 were removed. One red and one pink of these females were put into each of seven bottles. In this way the same environmental conditions were secured for the eggs of both. Five days later they were allowed to mate again (not by the same males) and placed in a second set of bottles. The same two females that were together in the first set were also together in the second. There they remained five more days. Counts of the flies that hatched were made from day to day, and the bottles were emptied as long as they continued to yield. The results are given in Table V. The records of these flies show several interesting and suggestive facts. It will be noted, in the first place, that the length of larval life varies through wide limits. Eacli bottle contained eggs which were deposited during a period of no more than five days. The hatching periods, however, extended through eleven days in the first set of bottles (April 25-May 6) and twelve days in the second set (April 30-May 12). The flies which emerged first consumed but ten days for development; those which emerged last took at least sixteen days. This phenom- enon was more marked where the number produced was larger, suggesting that crowding may retard the devel- opment of some individuals. Of equal interest is the fact that the pink flies invariably began to hatch from 24 to 48 hours later than the red. This was true in the second set of bottles as well as in the first, which proves that it was not due to late maturity of the parents, for, at the time of transfer, they were in the midst of their productive period. Another point of interest is to be found in the fact that the pink stock was, on the whole, less fertile than the red. In the two bottles n and ‘g’ where the productivity of the two was about equal the red, like the pink, were also low- producers. This is significant, and will be referred to later. In order to test the above-mentioned facts, the follow- ing periment: was performed. F, hybrids were mated 104 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX in pairs, and transferred during a period of twenty days (May 16—June 4) 13 times, remaining in each bottle from one to two days. Care was taken to count every fly of the F, that hatched. The result follows: ABLE VI RECORD OF F, FLIES WHICH HATCHED FROM EGGS DEPOSITED DURING A PERIOD OF 20 Days; DURING WHICH TIME THE PARENTS WERE TRANSFERRED THIRTEEN TIMES Pink 9 X Red g — in F2 Red ọ X Pink ð > in F? ree Red Pink Proportion ae Red Pink *| 5. ortion 9 S 9 g Red; Pin 9 E g 3 Red : Pin A. 235 | 209 95 2.3 :1 a 134 | 118 | 42 | 37 3.231 Bosch 220 | 213 | 84 | 75 WL A | b 105 | 108 | 67 | 64 16:1 Cas 162 | 168 | 65 | 58 rA aes | Cee 189 | 153 | 52 | 53 3.2:1 D....|202|119| 14 | 19 O72 5 ds 58| 11 8 6.5 :1 Here we have a group in which the pink ran sometimes relatively ahead of the red. But the other extreme is also: represented in pairs D and d. The numbers obtained are in each case large enough to be significant. This experiment was repeated on a larger scale in the fall of 1912. Ten pairs were used for. each of these crosses and they were continually transferred as long as they lived. The records follow: TABLE VII F, RECORD FROM RED-EYED FLIES CROSSED TO PINK-EYED FLIES MATED IN PAIRS. SHOWING THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF EACH F, PAIR DURING ITS LIFETIME PINK 9 X RED f > IN F, DSe a reier e PoR Total | Total mye Lh tag Proportion 1 u Pair | “Lived® |Transferred g | S | g| Red | Pink | Each Pair Red: Pink A..| 45 27 |604578| 89| 81| 1,282 | 170 1,452 7.5:1 Bist 8# 15 169145) 30| 41| 314| 71 385 44:1 Cin ME 22 |320/305/116| 94| 625 | 210 | - 835 3.0 :1 Di Of 32 |658 681/203 221| 1,339 | 424 1,763 3.2:1 E.. 16 {218 218) 79 436 | 152 2.9 :1 ri p 28 |476435/153|144| 911 | 297 1,208 3.0 :1 a. m 17 [259248 83) 89] 507 | 172 679 |29+:1 E T 22 392,396 152/125] 788| 277 f 28+: 1 I G 32 [864805 258'281| 1,669 | 539 2,208 3.1:1 Juj 8 19 |357 358130124) 715 | 254 969 2.831 5 Lived only eight days. i i 6 The length of time a fly liveđ should not be taken as a criterion for measuring its vigor. In most cases death is accidental. No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 105 TABLE VIII F, RECORD FROM RED-EYED FLIES CROSSED TO PINK-EYED FLIES MATED IN PAIRS. SHOWING THE TOTAL OUTPUT oF EACH F, PAR DURING ITS LIFETIME RED 9 X PINK fd > IN F, No.of | Red | | Py A FHE | Total | Total Total No. Proportion E rR Days Each Mee DR e| Be | eja] Hed | Pink | Produced (Red; Pink ps | 28 20 30 2041 p 660 | 236 896 | 28%) b. Si 13 11 1631 70, 58| 49| 333| 107 440 S45) c. 7 5 74 90; 22| 28) 164 50 214 | 3a: i a... 14 12 213/195) 58} 57| 408) 115 523 3.5+:1 é: 22 15 101 106) 33| 26; 207 59 266 g0: i ie 21 16 215266 95| 78) 481| 173 654 2.8: 1 g. 37 24 erami 13,139 646 | 252 898 260:1 X 45 2 (433 444/179 169| $877 | 348 1,225 | 2.2+:1 i. 43 26 1546 533187 185) 1,079 | 372 1,451 2.0.21 L > 30 21 298 306 90| 83, 604 173 777 | Bs Fs ae | A comparison of Tables VI, VII and VIII suggests the possible presence of high and low pink-producing ‘*strains’’ in these stocks. To test this, some of the off- spring of pair A (Table VII) in which the ratio was 7.5 of red to 1 of pink, were inbred for the F, in order to see if the same ratio would persist. As there were among the red both homozygous and heterozygous forms, they were each mated to their pink sisters or brothers. This com- bination would give with the former all red (since red is . dominant) and with the latter a ratio of 1:1. Pair F (Table VII) in which the ratio was ideal, 3:1, was chosen for the control, and treated in like manner. In this as in the preceding experiment the flies were mated in pairs and transferred to fresh bottles every second or third day. A peculiar thing happened. Out of 25 pairs taken from ‘‘A’”’ only two gave offspring; the remaining 23 pairs were apparently sterile. It could not have been due to bad banana or any other unfavorable condition, for the flies had already been transferred five times and no pupæ were found in any of the other bottles. Furthermore, the 16 pairs of the control which ran paral- lel to them, and were fed with the same food, did well. 106 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow XLIX To find out whether these flies were actually sterile, each of the 14 remaining pairs—9 having meanwhile died—were separated and every individual mated to wild red-eyed stock. The sterility of the pink flies, both male and female, was found to be absolute, while all red of both sexes were fertile. As an additional test, some of the offspring of the last cross were inbred en masse in order to extract the pink flies which they would produce, since some of them were heterozygous for eye color. A small number of pink flies were obtained and mated to their red brother and sisters: each pink female was put in a bottle with 3 or 4 red males, and each pink male with 3 or 4 red females. Out of 19 individuals thus tested, only three were found to be fertile; the remaining 16 were sterile. These facts seem to indicate that some factor or group of factors which make for sterility were present in the ‘*pink’’-containing gamete. The results are the more significant since the hybrid fly, in which this condition prevailed, produced a very low pink ratio. Of the control in which 10 pairs were found to be heterozygous for eye- color with an expectation of 1:1, the following results were obtained: TABLE IX RECORD OF THE OFFSPRING OF F, FLIES OF A Cross oF PINK 9 By RED ĝ IN WHICH A Ratio Was 3:1, as EXPECTED. (See pair F of Table VIII) Red Heterozygous 2 by (Brother) Pink g Red Pink Total No. i Pair [Faek Liv Rod | Pink | Produced | Ror Pine 9 g 9 a ch 1 50 352 348 236 244 700 480 1,180 Leet 2 27 150 130 170 161 280 231 511 E21 3 18 51 85 59 50 136 109 245 12+:1 4 29 251 245 240 258 496 498 994 10:3 5 10 147 132 133 112 279 245 524 gS Fa | The reciprocal cross gave the following: No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 107 Pink Heterozygous Q by (Brother) Red ¢ | Red Pink | ._ |No. of Days! : Total | Total Pro — Pair g | Produce Each Lived Pe o 9 3 ed Pink by Eac Re I 20 82 8 69 9 171 128 299 13+:1 | 123 124 94 107 247 201 448 L2: i III 32 | 223 240 213 247 463 460 920 sR i aah S IV 29 | 215 176 184 163 391 347 738 | Fs Gee | y 40 216 178 101 136 394 237 631 | i he aoe | It will be seen that all the red flies of the last cross were heterozygous, and should give, on further inbreeding, a ratio of 3:1. Four pairs out of five (one being sterile), taken from Pair III of Table IX, gave the following: TABLE X RED 9 X Rep ¢ or Pair III, TABLE IX No. of Red Pink Total No, Pair Days Each ——— Total | Total | produced | Pro rtion Dea g E 9 gi | Rel i, Pink | FIMA | : Pink a 40 312 | 348 43 45 | 660 88 748 Cf BE b 23 282 | 316 80 103 | 598 183 781 8.321 c 40 194 | 214 60 70 | 408 130 538 | 3.1:1 d 14 175 | 163 47 59 | 338 | 106 444 | 32:1 Pair ‘‘a’’ above gave the same result as pair “A” (Table VII)—the ratio in each case being 7.5: 1. The off- spring of the latter were found to contain a high percent- age of sterile pink flies, owing to which the attempt then made to test that ratio failed. It was therefore decided to repeat the same experiment with the offspring of this ‘a’ pair. As in the former case, the heterozygous red flies were picked out by crossing them to their pink brothers and sisters. The expectation was again 1:1. The records follow. TABLE XI REcorpD oF E1eut Pas, HETEROZYGOUS RED X TO ngs TAKEN FROM THE OFFSPRING OF Pair ‘‘a,’’ TABLE Pink 9 x Heterozygous Red $ shag — Pink Total | Total San No. | Proportion Days Each roduced Poe e iivet | ol @ | 6 Lo | Bet| Fmt |, by Meck | Bod t Fisk r 27 179 176 79 88 | 355 | 167 522 21+:1 A. 12 155 153 83 66 | 308 | 149 457 204+ :1 g... 28 163 | 205 | 126 | 159 | 368 | 285 653 1.3 ii Di s 243 | 222 | 206 | 219 | 465 | 425 | 890 | r1:1 108 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX The reciprocal cross gave: Red Heterozygous 2 X Pink g | i | No, of Red Pink | Total No .| n Total | Total | Proportion eine g FOO eae ` FEF a | Red | Pink | b tucht | Red: Pink a 28 282 236 210 260 518 470 988 | be Nees | b 28 296 290 5 5 586 10 596 | 59.0: 1 e 12 144 158 136 152 302 288 590 1.0+:ł d 25 Ta 113 63 98 185 161 346 }11i+:1 The pair with which we started (F, Table VII) gave the ideal 3:1 ratio; but in each of the three generations which were bred from its offspring (Tables IX, X, XI) there appeared again the same fluctuations which were observed in the preceding experiments, and with even more striking emphasis. Among the offspring of the same pair are found some that give a 3:1 ratio and some that give a 7.5:1; in a second pair we have some giving 1:1, and one giving 59:1. The latter especially suggests: the presence of a factor that actually inhibits the devel- opment of the pink flies, and, moreover, that it is being segregated in a mixed stock. If the presence of such factor is assumed, we should be able by inbreeding to select stocks in which it is present and in which it is absent. For this reason the experi- ment recorded above (Table V) was here repeated with some modifications. It will be rémembered that in the former, a fertilized red female and a fertilized pink male were placed in each bottle and their offspring, the F,, counted. In the following experiment, in order to secure segregation, the F, were counted. Four virgin pairs, two red and two pink, were taken out of the culture bottles and mated separately. . Of the F, of each of the four, six pairs were taken out, 24 pairs in all, and bred for the F, Unlike the first experiment, the males in this case were allowed to remain with the females throughout the ex- periment. This insured sufficient sperms for the eggs. Every second day the food was removed, together with the No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 109 eggs deposited upon it, and fresh banana supplied. Each two batches of eggs—one deposited by a red female, one by a pink female—were placed together in one bottle so that they might develop side by side and under the same environmental conditions. The result of this experiment is shown in Table XII. TABLE XII F, oF Two PINK Pairs A, B, AND Two RED PAIRS a, b, SHOWING SEGREGA- TION OF PRODUCTIVITY. Eces or Al-al, BI-bI, ETC., WERE DEVELOPED IN THE SAME BOTTLE Pink Red No, of No. of | Days Total | Ave. F; Days | | pe | E gong ym 7 s E Das er ieee’ ks duced | Day AI | 44 |450 a0 896 | 20.40 aI | 20 233219 452 | 22.60 ~ |All 169/224; 393 | 16.36 | 5 H o o S MO „|I| 28 | 61) 67| 128 | 457| |a] 25 |63| 64) 127 sao S| AIV| 30 |221|233 15.13 a aIV | 31 (272232) 504 | 1 MAV | 36 /331\345| 676 | 18.77 aV | 30 (179/171 350 “1166 AVI} 21 | 37) 33) 70 | 3.33 aVI | 22 152/138 390 | 17.73 BI | 29 {199/217 416 | 14.34 bI | 44 122104 226 | 5.10 m |B | 24 93| 1 7.75 |_,| bI | 28 |103| 77) 180 Bl} 35 | 31 a7 78 | 28g b TII | 302256 558 | 12.70 2@|BIV| 30 |15|13| 28 | 093| &|bIV | 35 | 22/34 56 MTBN | 283 |11 10 21 | 0.75 bV | 302298 595 1920 BVI! 18 8 1.00 BVI | 44 154139 293 —— | Segregation with respect to productivity is here evi- dent. Whether the low fertility? seen in so large a pro- portion of these flies was due to an actually low egg- production, or whether it was due to something which prohibited development or to some defect in the germ cell owing to which fertilization could not be effected, is not known. That one of the latter possibilities is likely to be realized here can be inferred from the work of Dr. R. R. Hyde in this laboratory. He counted the eggs of hundreds of individuals, and compared them with the number of flies which emerged from them. According to T The term ‘‘fertility’’ is used here, as defined by Hyde, to indicate the number of eggs that complete development and give rise to ma (See Hyde, Jour. Exp. Zcol., August, 1914, p. 185.) 110 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX his observations, only about 75 per cent. of the eggs of the wild fly ever reach maturity, and in some of the muta- tions no more than 25 per cent. of the eggs develop. Another point of interest brought out in the last experi- ment is the fact that the wild, red-eyed fly behaves in exactly the same manner as the mutant pink fly. This may be the reason for the observed shifting of the ratio sometimes in favor of the one variety, sometimes in favor of the other. It shows furthermore that it was not the pink as such that caused the disturbance. The red also might be similarly disturbed and perhaps by the same agent or by another agent that affected the productivity in the same way. If the abnormally low number produced by some of the pairs of Table XII be due to the inability of a large num- ber of their eggs to develop, and if we assume this char- acter to be transmissible, it must reappear in the F, of a cross in which one of the parents possessed this factor, i. e., a large number of individuals, one quarter of the output, should fail to develop. This would be in accord- ance with Mendelian principles. A number of crosses were therefore made in various combinations with the individuals taken from Table XII. The results follow: TABLE XIII F, or 16 PAIRS oF A Cross RED BY PINK IN WHICH THE PARENTS CAME FROM AT, aI, TABLE XII, THE AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTIVITY OF WHIcH WAS 22 AND 20, RESPECTIVELY A. Pink Q (Productivity 20 Per Day) X Red g (Prod. 22 Per Day) No. of Days Red Pink Total | Total | Total No. | proportion ch à Pair = ‘ P ý r Red | Pink p Red : Pink 1 17 301 110 04 595 214 2.00e2 1 2 32 4 457 60 | 147 941 1,248 | 301:1 3 32 570 181 189 | 1,074 370 1,444 2.90: 1 4 32 559 548 20. „l 405 1,512 PATA a i 5 8 125 126 251 5 326 8,89: 1 6 18 261 243 98 89 504 187 691 27071 7 21 391 | 449 | 155 | 142 | 840| 297| 1,137 | 2.86:1 8 32 673 700 203 | 236 | 1,373 439 1,812 3.10: 1 Total number produced by 8 pairs....... 6,685 | 2,294 | 8,979 Average proportion, 2.91 : 1 No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 111 B. Red Q (Productivity 22 Per Day) X Pink g (Prod. 20 Per Day) Red | Pink | | | i No.of. odes vines 2 Total | Total | Total No. | proportion Pair elspamey m | z | Eor Red | Pink | o oe | Red: Pink I 30 415 | 395 | 135 | 127 | 810] 252| 1,062 | 3.21:1 II 14 132 121 41 73 253 | 114 207 4 2.22: 1 III 24 317 337 97 94 654 191 | 845 | 3.42:1 Vv 30 484 | 378 | 119 20 | 862) 239) 1,101 | 3.60:1 24 392 418 96 140 810 | 2 1,046 | 3.42:1 y 30 656 592 198 20 248 | | 646 | 3.14:1 VII 30 566 647 182 09 | 1,213 391 | 1,504 | 2.10: I VIII 24 438 451 132 153 889 1286] 1,174 | 3.10:1_ Total produced by 8 pairs................. | 6,739 | 2,106 | 8,845 | Average proportion, 3.24 : 1 If the proportion of red to pink, realized in the F,, depends upon the relative fertility of the two parents which form the cross, we should get in this case, where the parents were supposedly equally fertile, the ideal 3:1 ratio. The records, however, show considerable fluctua- tions. Nevertheless, these results are perfectly in accord with our hypothesis. Looking back to Table XII, which furnished the parents of this cross, the explanation is obvious. The averages per day for AI—AVI were 20, 16, 4, 15, 18 and 3, respectively. Similarly, al-aVI gave 22, 0.7, 5, 10, 16, 11 and 17, respectively. It is therefore reasonable to assume that among the offspring of AI (productivity 20) and al (productivity 22) individuals should be found which would repeat the series. Fluctua- tion is, therefore, to be expected. The average of many such pairs, however, should be 3:1. The proportion ob- tained was 2.91:1 in one case; 3.24:1 in the other, or a general average of 3.08: 1. It should also be noted here that in this as well as in the subsequent experiments, wherever eight pairs are recorded, they are not the offspring of one, but of two distinct crossings of one pair each which were made at the same time; that pairs 1-4, 5-8; I-IV, V-VIII, respec- tively, were brothers and sisters. More than one line is thus represented in each case. With these facts in mind, we may pass on to the remaining experiments, 112 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow XLIX TABLE XIV F, of 12 PAIRS OF a Cross RED BY PINK IN WHICH THE PARENTS WERE AI AND bII (TABLE XII) THE AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTIVITY OF WHIcH WAS 20 AND 6, RESPECTIVELY A, Pink 2 (Productwity 20 Per Day) X Red g (Productivity 6) No. of Da Red Pink Total No, Pair | Each Was. Total | Total | Produeed | Proportion ie ee ci eae 1 32 355 331 117 95 686 212 898 Sze f1 2 28 340 373 126 132 713 258 971 2.761 3 19 330 288 120 124 618 244 862 2.52: 1 4 32 544 562 188 188 | 1,106 376 1,482 2.94 :1 5 23 574 578 203 214° | 1,152 417 1,569 Trd o e D 6 14 196 194 66 59 390 125 515 3.12: 1 7 32 648 603 222 246 | 1,251 468 1,719 2.6754 8 32 429 374 141 144 803 285 1,088 ASL Sy Total number produced by 8 pairs.......-. | 6,719 | 2,385 | 9,104 Average proportion, 2.84 : 1 B. Red 2 (Productivity 6 Per Day) X Pink g (Productivity 20) ' |No. of Days ya Fisk | Total | Total | Total No. | proportion Pair | Each W | : Produced N sir yg we d as 9 3 9 | Red | Pink fey wie Red ; Pink I 28 488 482 176 IF 970 | 353 1,323 2.74: 1 II 6 83 78 21 30 161 51 212 3.15 <1 HE 28 463 465 164 153, 928 | 317 1,245 2.93: 1 IV 21 375 383 114 116 758 | 230 988 8.20 ri Total number produced by 4 years....... 2,817 | 951 3,768 Average proportion, 2.96 : 1 In most of these pairs the pink slightly exceeded the 3:1 expectation. In the few in which they fell behind, the red (if we assume fertility to be the cause) might have been of a higher fertility than the pink, as has been explained. As a group, however, they give a proportion somewhat below 3:1. _ In the next cross, the red fly was the more fertile. The results are given in the following table: No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 113 TABLE XV F, of A Cross RED BY PINK IN WHICH THE RARENTS WERE BIV AND al (TABLE XII) THE AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTIVITY OF WHICH AND 22, RESPECTIVELY A. Pink 9 (Productivity 1 Per Day) X Red g (Productivity 22) of Red | Pink Total | Total Pair | D. 'E h ; a ota zo a Si Proportion Days OB vod 9 | P | 9 p Red | Pink ts 0 iue È : Pink 1 22 398 | 405 | 120 | 105 225 | 1,028 | 3.52 :1 2 28 512 | 477 | 107 | 125 | 989| 282] 1,221 | 4.26:1 3 22 420 | 389 | 104 | 135 | 809| 239| 1,048 | 3.34:1 4 18 340 | 06 192 3.33 :1 5 19 420 | 428 | 129 | 134 | 852] 262] 1,115 | 3.24:1 6 19 372 | 396 | 100 04 | 768 72 | 3.76:1 7 17 198 | 220 | 418| 141| 559 | 3.00:1 8 174 | 212 62 62 | 386 510 | 3.10:1 Total number produced by 8 pairs......... 5,665 | 1,620 | 7,285 Average proportion, 3.50 : 1 B. Red Q (Productivity 22 Per Day) X Pink 3 (Productivity 1) No. of Days Red Pink | Total | Total | Total No. | proportion Pair eo Was Produced red 9 a g e Red Pink by Eact : Pink I 31 264 | 262 | 101 | 87 | 526| 188| 714 | 2.80:1 II 27 353 | 350 703| 165 4.26: 1 Ill 31 430 | 403 112 1,042 1 IV 31 420 | 111 | 128 9| 1,086 | 3.54:1 vV 28 471 | 122 | 147 | 957| 269 3.60 : 1 VI 573 | 568 39 | 154 | 1,1 1,434 | 3.90:1 VII 28 116 | 127 |1,010| 243| 1,253 | 4.15:1 VII 24 | 502 | 501 | 134`| 140 |1,003| 274| 1,277 Total produced by 8 paits.........-,., 20%- 7,020 | 1,880 8,900 Average proportion, 3.73 : 1 Of the 16 pairs of this cross only one gave less than 3: 1. the remaining 15, the proportion was, in each case, considerably higher than 3:1. It will be noted that of all 16 pairs that one was the least fertile. This would indicate, on the hypothesis suggested, that the gamete containing the ‘‘red’’ factor did not have relatively as high a potential of tortility as did the parent which pro- duced it. A comparison of Tables XIV and XV shows that we have two distinct groups: one in which the extracted pink exceed the expectation, and one in which they fall behind 114 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLIX the expectation. Yet the method employed in each case was the same; the history of each is the same. The only difference is to be found in the fact that in the one case the pink came from a more fertile parent; in the other, the red. The offspring of pairs ‘‘7’’ (Table XIV) and ‘‘2’’ (Table XV) in which the ratios were 2.67: 1 and 4.26: 1, respectively, were inbred for the F,. Fifteen pairs were taken from each, but as there were among the red both homozygous and heterozygous flies, only eight gave pink in each case. The results follow: TABLE XVI RECORD OF 8 PAIRS HETEROZYGOUS RED-EYED F, OF PAIR ‘‘7’’? (TABLE XIV) IN WHICH THE Ratio Was 2.67: 1 Red Pink Total No. No. of Total | Total | produced b Proportion Pair ae a 2 z | Red | Pink Each | Red: Pink 1 14 270 279 80 78 158 707 3.47 :1 2 14 159 167 58 42 326 1 426 3.26: 1 3 14 7 2 1 12 99g: 1 4 14 135 143 46 49 278 95 373 2.93 : 1 5 14 1 157 49 50 340 99 439 3.23: 1 6 14 172 54 45 42 326 87 413 3.74 :1 7 1 142 137 43 49 279 92 371 3.00: 1 8 14 12 16 103 28 131 2:67 : 1 TABLE XVII RECORD OF 8 PAIRS HETEROZYGOUS RED-EYED F, OF PAIR ‘‘2’’ (TABLE XV) IN WHICH THE RATIO OF RED TO PINK Was 4.26: 1 Red Pink Total No. pais | Be Teta | Tote | rete | apron Q g Q a 1 14 295 308 100 603 197 800 3.06 :1 2 14 392 326 97 105 718 2 920 55:1 3 14 281 95 9 181 750 3.14: 1 4 14 110 32 214 279 3.31: 1 5 14 167 170 70 59 337 129 4 1 6 14 314 277 82 86 591 168 759 3.52: 1 ri 14 160 32 41 329 7 402 50 8 14 133 146 49 Al 90 369 3.10: 1 These results are inital, in that they show that the original ratios, which their parents gave, were lost. No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 115 The fact that it has been found possible by proper manipulation to get a group in which the ratio fluctuated in one direction only, even if it was not as marked as was hoped it would be, indicates that the disturbance is due to an internal, and not to an external, cause. This was further emphasized by the distinct tendency for segrega- tion, as was to be expected if there were some hetero- zygous individuals. It was also suggested in another way. No matter how short-lived or how long-lived a pair was; whether it was transferred once, twice, or even twenty times, the ratio of red to pink did not vary throughout its life when the yields of the several bottles were compared with one another. TABLE XVIII TABLE XIX F, or Four Pars (A, B, C AND F, or Pams A, B, C anD D or D) Rep? X PINK ĝ IN WHICH TABLE XVIII THE MALES WERE CROSSED Expectation 3: 1 EACH TO SEVERAL oF His OWN DAUGHTERS Expectation 1:1 Pi F,of No.of | Total | Total | Proportio > $ 7 Tea Pak ko oon Phir Pair Red Pink Red: Pink 1 45 | 2.15:1 8.) G 3ni 2 105 71 | 146:1 A 2 158 | 55 | 3.00:1 ax 3 231 161 | 1.43:1 96 21 | 4.60:1 4 171 | 123 40:1 5 Sit ti 1.10 :1 1 110 80 | 1.38:1 1 140 | 43 | 3.27:1 2 263 | 251 | 1.00:1 B 2 215 | 72 | 3.00:1 BX 3 242 | 198 | 128:1 3 | 1% | 7 | 109:1 4 183 | 143 | 1.28:1 5 231 | i89 | 122:1 6 162 |: 102 | 1.62:1 1 %1 | 113 78:1 1 50 | 21 2.38: 1 2 257 | 116 | 2.22:1 c 2 125 | 43 | 290:1 “Cx 3 255 1. 1 3 122 | 49 | 2.49:1 4 206 | 153 | 1. 1 4 07 | 288:1 5 943 | 107: | 1.28:1 6 125 1.27:1 5 — 179 1.30 :1 26 | 6 | 433:1 DX 2 | 997: | 191 |-220:1 D 2 112 | 34 p ago: 107 44: 3 194 | 74 | 2.62:1 116 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX The proportion of red to pink was found to bear a direct relation to the relative ‘‘fertility’’ of the parents which produced the hybrid. This suggests a causal rela- tion between the two. In dealing with ‘‘fertility’’ the difficulty that one en- counters is, that the offspring of any pair may, with respect to this character, differ from either parent, and also differ amongst themselves, forming a graded series running from the most to the least fertile. An individual taken from such a population is an indefinite quantity and will often defeat the purpose of the experiment. In order to simplify this as far as possible, the following experi- ment was planned: Four red-eyed, virgin females were each mated to a pink male. Each male was again crossed to several of his own daughters. The records are given in Table XVIII. As a control a number of F, pairs were bred in each case. The records are given in Table XIX. A graphic representation of all pairs recorded in Tables VI-XIX, except for the several very unusual ratios, is given in Figs. 1 and 2. — ‘ l UES | 3.0:1 Ee, j | 35:1 4.6:1 ie n oc hind B 3 3 oi + Fig.1 m Leil Fig. 1 contains 99 pairs in each of which the expected ratio was 3:1, with a total population of 82,607. They are distributed as follows: No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 117 No. of Ratios of Pairs Red : Pink : eee Rn Se ee eee ge $] <4 @ w =i pæd Total.. a] 1.0:1 L Fig.2 Fig. 2 contains 37 pairs of back-crosses; expected ratio 1:1; total population 17,008. They are distributed as follows: : 118 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX No. of Ratios of Pairs Red : Pink® LOSI gave 1.1: gave 1.2: gave 1.3: gave 1.4: gave 1.5: A E = [e] D H Om wM a OON O 09 ($) 4 © n D pi pa pn d ped pad, had pad d pd. l pat Total. .37 To these should be added: 1 pair which gave 9.7: 1, Table V 1 pair which gave 6.5: 1, Table VI 1 pair which gave 7.5: 1, Table VII 1 pair which gave 7.5: 1, Table X 1 pair which gave 59.0: 1, Table XI Except for the several detached pairs at the extreme limits, Fig. 1 shows a normal curve. A disturbance of 0.5 in either direction (less than 10 per cent.) is quite within the limits of experimental accuracy. The larger disturbances, ratios of 6 or 7:1, and also the first results reported by Morgan (711 and ’12) are yet to be explained. These are too large to be attributed to experimental error. The data presented in the foregoing pages show that there has been a marked improvement in the ratio of pink to red since 1911. In one ease only (1913) was the dis- turbance greater than those of Morgan (59:1). The remaining very marked disturbances were between 6 and 10:1. And these appeared so infrequently that in mass- cultures their presence would hardly have been felt. A corresponding improvement has also been observed in the fertility of the pink-eyed race between 1912 and 1913. This is seen on comparing Tables V and XII. In the first, the fertility of the pink was much lower than that of the red; in the second (about one year later), it was as high. Hyde (’14) showed that in some races of Drosophila 8 None gave a ratio of less than one red to one pink. No. 578] DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA 119 ampelophila, the number of eggs failing to reach matu- rity is between 25 per cent. and 75 per cent. of the total output; and concluded that this peculiarity probably be- haves as a Mendelian recessive factor. More recently, Morgan (’14) describes recessive lethal factors in Droso- phila, which he defines, ‘‘as any factor that brings about the death of the individual in which it occurs, provided that its effect is not counteracted by the action of its normal allelomorph.’’ In the light of this evidence, the following conclusions suggest themselves: ie 1. The original pink-eye mutant was heterozygous for some non-sex-linked factor which, in the homozygous state, acts like Morgan’s lethal. This factor was, in the course of time, to a large extent eliminated, as is to be expected if the individuals homozygous for it are more likely to die. The chance of such homozygous forms appearing again, has thereby been much reduced. This is borne out by, and also explains, the improvement in the pink race. 2. A similar recessive, though not necessarily the same factor, might also be present in some individuals of the wild, red-eyed stock. Hyde’s work mentioned above gives weight to this assumption—which is not at all an unreasonable assumption in a species as unstable as this, judging by the vast number of mutations reported. For this reason, the red sometimes fall behind the expected ratio. 7 3. The mode of action of these lethals shows that they are linked to the ‘‘pink’’ factor or to its normal ‘‘red’’ allelomorph. This will be clear from the following analysis: Of the flies recorded in Fig. 2, one parent was RP (with gametes R and P); the other was PP (with gametes P and P). The zygotes resulting from these gametes almost invariably give fewer PP’s than RP’s. In other words, the homozygous forms run behind the heterozygous forms. The relation between these two classes may also be sup- posed to hold in the F, cross (Fig. 1). Here, however, the reds (RR and RP) run relatively less often ahead of a 120 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow. XLIX PP. This must be due to a deficiency in the homozygous RR flies. In other words, the results taken all together (Figs. 1 and 2) show that the disturbance is brought about by factors (in the third chromosome) which in the homozygous state act as lethals or perhaps as semi- lethals. Random introduction of one or two or no lethals may be assumed, as follows: (A) If the lethal is introduced by the ‘‘pink-bearing”’ tna the homozygous pink will be depressed in the on ‘Te introduced by the ‘‘red-bearing’’ chromosome, the homozygous red will be depressed in the F,. (C) If two lethals, both of which are identical, are in- troduced at the same time, one by the red and one by the pink, all classes will be equally depressed,’ and the re- sults as far as concerns the F, ratio will be the same as if there were no lethals present, i. e., the 3:1 ratio will be realized. (D) If two lethals that are different are introduced at the same time, one by the red and one by the pink, both the homozygous classes (RR and PP) will be depressed, but not the RP. There would be somewhat fewer pinks than expected in the F,. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor T. H. Morgan, whose kind attention and suggestions both throughout the foregoing experiments and in the prep- aration of the present report, were invaluable. I also wish to express my appreciation to Mr. H. J. Muller to whom I owe some suggestions concerning the ph pb tion of the results. “LITERATURE CITED Hyde, R. R. Fertility and Sterility in Drosophila ampelophila. Jour. . Zool., Vol. 17, No. 2, August, 1914, Morgan, T. H. An Attempt to Analyze the Constitution of the Chromo- somes on the Basis of Sex-Limited Inheritance in Drosophila. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 11, No. 4. . Two Sex-Linked Lethal Factors in Drosophila and their Influence on the Sex-Ratio. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 17, No. 1, July, 1914. 9 ‘í Crossing-over”’ is ignored as the character of the results is not changed thereby. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION SELECTION, SUGAR-BEETS AND THRIPS A DISCOVERY of great importance to students of genetics has recently been made by one of the plant-breeders' of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, viz., that beets are regularly cross- pollinated and that an important agent in the process is a minute inconspicuous insect, so small that it readily passes ‘‘through the meshes of fine silk chiffon.’’ To understand fully the theoretical importance of this dis- covery one need only recall the large attention given to the sugar-beet in recent adverse criticisms of the selection-theory. De Vries in his ‘‘Mutationstheorie,’’ p. 72, cites the case of the sugar-beet as showing the most systematic, refined and elaborate selection known for any cultivated plant, and yet as being with- out any permanent effect in raising the sugar content of the beet. For, although the average sugar content of the beet has by syste- matic selection been practically doubled in the last 60 years, De Vries holds the improved racial condition to be unstable and thinks that the improved race would within a few generations revert to its old level of sugar-content if the selection were dis- continued. His reason for thinking so is the familiar fact that the offspring of the best selected beets are on the average not quite so good as their selected mother-beets, but show a tendency to regress downward toward the old level of sugar content. It should be pointed out, however, that in reality regression is not toward the original average of 7 or 8 per cent. sugar-content, but toward an average twice as high as this. For De Vries’s varia- tion polygon (l. c., Fig. 22) for the sugar content of 40,000 beets shows a nearly kyara probability curve about a mode at 15.5 per cent. It is to be supposed therefore that regression would occur toward this condition from both the upper and the lower halves of the frequency polygon, rather than toward the old average condition of 7-8 per cent., which, according to the data of DeVries, is now rarely if ever seen in the improved race. To have doubled the average sugar-content of the beet is cer- tainly something of an achievement for selection; the form of 1 Shaw, Harry B., ‘‘Thrips as Pollinators of Beet Flowers,’’ Bull. No. 104, U. S. Dept. Agr., July 10, 1914. 121 122 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX the variation polygon indicates that the change is permanent, so far as ordinary racial characters have permanency. But why, it may be asked, has selection not achieved more in this case? Why should the descendants of, say, a 25 per cent. beet not score better than this? There are probably several reasons why. (1) Physiological reasons probably offer obstacles. A beet can not be formed which is all sugar. There has to be present in the beet a machinery for manufacturing the sugar. Perhaps 25 per cent. is an impossibly high average for a race of beets. (2) Perhaps the exceptional 25-per-cent. beet owes its extra sweetness in part to environmental causes which are not per- manent. In that case the extra sweetness is ‘‘ somatic rather than germinal,’’ as we should say in the case of an animal. (3) Finally the discovery that beets are never self-fertilized, but in every generation are cross fertilized, explains why im- provement of the beet through selection is so slow and tedious a process. What progress could the animal breeder expect to make if he were able to select only the dams, but never the sires, for his flocks? This is the condition which confronts the plant breeder in attempting to improve the sugar beet. The animal breeder is often chided with the small numbers which his experiments yield as compared with the enormous numbers which an ex- periment with plants may produce, but the animal breeder has at least this satisfaction that when the animals are securely penned there need be no uncertainty about pedigrees. The careful observations of Shaw show that thrips, so common in the blossoms of plants and yet so minute as easily to escape notice and to penetrate within silk nets and under paper bags, may be a cause of unsuspected cross-pollination and unaccount- able ‘‘ mutation ’’ in the breeding of cereals and other plants. W. E. CASTLE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, October 24, 1914 A NOTE ON MULTIPLE ALLELOMORPHS IN MICE Proressor T. H. Morean has recently published in this jour- nal the results of some of his experiments on color inheritance in mice. In this paper he offers material which he considers ‘‘evi- dence establishing”’ a series of multiple allelomorphs. His series consist at present of four forms, ‘‘yellow, gray white-belly, gray No. 578] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 123 gray-belly and black.’’ The essential point of his conclusion is that no more than two of these conditions can be transmitted by any one animal. The fact that Cuénot in his series of classic papers on color inheritance in mice (1902-1911) recognizes these same four types as forming a group of allelomorphs is not mentioned by Morgan, whose paper, without knowledge of Cuénot’s work, might well be taken to contain ‘‘the evidence establishing this series of allelo- morphs’’ as he himself considers that it does. Since Morgan appears to have overlooked Cuénot’s work with these forms, it may be interesting to give a brief statement of Cuénot’s results. As early as 1903 Cuénot recognized that albinos, potentially yellows, when crossed with black gave besides yellow offspring either black or agouti young, but not both. This is, of course, evidence that yellow, agouti and black are all allelomorphic to one another. In 1904 he gives formule (p. 46) showing that he considers this to be the case. At the same time he gives the. ratios produced by crossing an albino potentially a heterozygous gray (agouti) with a yellow carrying black, but no agouti, and albinism. For present purposes the albinism in the cross is negligible. Cuénot recognized that the ratio expected from this cross was 2 yellow, 1 black and d agouti (gray). He obtained 34 yellow, 20 black and 16 agouti; the calculated numbers being 38:19:19. Sturtevant (1912) in discussing the allelomorphism or coupling of black, agouti and yellow in mice has also over- looked Cuénot’s results, for in mentioning the cross of a hetero- zygous agouti with a yellow carrying black, he states “‘appar- ently Morgan is the only one who has reported such a cross. He obtained 4 yellows, 5 agoutis and 1 black.’’ To return to Cuénot’s work; in 1907 he made a report on the hereditary behavior of the white bellied agouti variety (gris à ventre blanc) which he considers allelomorphic to yellow, agouti and black. On page 10 in speaking of determinants he says: “Il y en a le même nombre dans les races unicolores et dans la race grise; ces races diffèrent, non pas par la quantité de leurs déterminants mais par la qualité.’’ This is essentially the idea underlying multiple allelomorphism. Later in the same paper he says of G, the agouti determinant ‘‘. . . il présent un grand nombre de mutations: G’, N et J.” (@' = white bellied gray; N =black and J=yellow.) On page 13 he tabulates the vari- eties, in order of their dominance, yellow, white-bellied agouti, 124 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX agouti and black. Morgan reached the same order of dominance in 1911 and has récently (1914) recorded them, beginning with black, as follows: b= black, BS&=eray gray-belly, BY = gray white-belly, BY = yellow. In 1908 Morgan published certain facts concerning the inher- itance of the white-bellied gray pattern. Cuénot at once (1908) publicly called Morgan’s attention to the similarity of their material and added facts which showed that he had already investigated the inheritance of this same pattern in 1907. Morgan later acknowledged its similarity. In 1911 Cuénot states plainly (p. 47) : ‘‘Les souris jaunes sont characterisées par un déterminant J, allélomorphe a G, G’ et N, at qui les domine tous dans les croisements... il n’y à que les ` zygotes renfermant J dominant un autre déterminant allélo- morphe (G, G’ ou N) qui peuvent évolouer.’’ Morgan’s 1914 paper adds several detailed matings and records the testing of yellows of both sexes. However, in most respects, his work corroborates the pioneer experiments of Cuénot and does so in such detail that he falls into the same error as did Cuénot in considering ‘‘black’’ as a necessary member of the allelo- morphie series. This is obviously incorrect for the whole series of allelomorphs exists equally well in forms utterly lacking the ability to produce black pigment as some of Morgan’s experi- ments showed. The true series of allelomorphs is yellow, white bellied agouti, gray-bellied agouti and non agouti (not black). BUSSEY INSTITUTION, October 19, 1914 LITERATURE CITED Cuénot, L. 1902. La loi de Mendel et 1’héredité de la pigmentation chez les souris. Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gén. (3), Vol. 10, Notes et revue, p. xxvii 1903. 2me note. Arch. Zool, Rap. et Gén. (4), Vol. 1, Notes et revue, p. xxxiii. 1904. 3me note. Ibid., Notes et revue (4), Vol. 2, pp. xlx-lvi. (1905. 4me note. Ibid., Notes et revue (4), Vol. 3, pp. exxiii—cxxxii. 1907. 5me note. Ibid., Notes et revue (4), Vol. 5, p. 1. 1908. 6me note. Sur quelque anomalies apparentes de proportions incised Ibid. (4), Vol. 6, Notes et revue, pp. vii—xv. No. 578] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 125 1911. 7me note. Les déterminants de la couleur chez les souris, étude comparative. Ibid., Notes et revue (4), Vol. 8, pp. xl-Ivi. Morgan, T. H. 1908. Some Experiments in Heredity in Mice. Sei, N. S., Vol. 27, p. 493. 1911. The Influence of Heredity and of Environment in Determining the Coat Color in Mice. Annals N. Y. Acad. of Sct., Vol. 21, pp. 87-117. 1914. Multiple Allelomorphs in Mice. Am. Nat., Vol. 48, pp. 449—458. Sturtevant, A. H 912. Is There Association Between the Yellow and Agouti Factors in Mice? AM. Nat., Vol. 46, pp. 368-371, ON THE TIME OF SEGREGATION OF GENETIC FACTORS IN PLANTS In @nothera lamarckiana, Geerts (3) has observed that two mi- crospores of each tetrad abort. From the results of reciprocal crosses, De Vries (9) concluded that there was a segregation of genetic factors between the aborted and unaborted pollen-grains. In my crosses of Stizolobium species (2), half of the pollen-grains abort in a random manner in the anthers of the F, hybrids; and I can only explain the results of the breeding work on the hypoth- esis that there is a segregation between the four microspores of each tetrad. Hence I conclude that the segregation does not take place before the cell-divisions which form the pollen-mother-cells, but takes place in the divisions which form the microspores. In other words, segregation occurs here, not among the cells of the diploid generation, but at the moment of formation of the indi- viduals of the haploid generation. In the ovules of Stizolobium crosses I have shown that there is a random segregation of aborted and normal embryo-saes; and this agrees with the observations of Geerts on the functional mega- sporesof O.lamarckiana. If somatic segregation occurred, there would be a segregation of whole ovaries or parts of ovaries with ovules all aborted or all normal, causing a distribution which would differ markedly from the binomial distribution demanded by a random segregation according to the law of chance. I have shown that with lots of ovules each, the distribution of the aborted and normal ovules corresponds to the binomial (1 + 1)”. Hence segregation can not have taken place before the formation of the nucellus of the ovule. In many species and varieties of Citrus, as Strasburger (7) . 125 126 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX and Osawa (4) have proved (and as I can confirm), embryos are formed from the tissue of the nucellus adjacent to the em- bryo-sac. I have also shown (1), as Strasburger suspected, that a similar mode of formation prevails in certain varieties of Man- gifera indica. In F, hybrids between certain Citrus species (8), these adventive embryos do not show segregation; and the ad- ventive embryos of a mango variety give plants nearly constant to that variety. Hence segregation had not taken place when the cells surrounding the megaspore-mother-cell were formed.* The same conclusion follows on the work of Ostenfeld (5) and Rosenberg (6) with certain Hieracia. JOHN BELLING FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION REFERENCES 1. Belling, J. Report of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station for 1908. Pp. ex—cexxv, Plates VII-X, 1909. - Belling, J. The Mode of Inheritance of Semi-sterility in Certain Hybrid P Eie Zeitschrift für induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre, Bd. XII, S. 303-342, 1914. bo 3. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cytologie und der partiellen Sterilität von Gnothera Lamarckiana. Récueil des Trav. Bot. Néerl., Vol. 5, pp. 93 ff., 1909. 4. Osawa, I. Gridlogies! and Experimental Studies in Citrus. Jour. Coll. Agr. Imp. Univ, eed Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 83-116, 1912. . Ostenfeld, C. H. Further Studies on the Apogamy and Hybridization of the Hieracia. piesa ind. Abst. u. Vererbungslehre, Bd. III, S. 241-285, 1910. - Rosenberg, O. Cytological Studies on the Apogamy in Hieracium. Bot. Tidskrift, Vol. 28, 1907. 7. Strasburger, E. Veber Polyembryonie. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Naturwiss., Ba. 12, S. 647, 1878. Swingle, W. T. New Types of Citrus Fruits. Proc. Florida State Hortieultural Soe. for 1910, pp. 36-42. Plates I-VIII, 1910. 9. De Vries, H. Gruppenweise Artbildung, 1913. oO a oO + 1 Somatic segregation is not the only available hypothesis in the eases of the double Matthiola and Petunia. For the double stock may have one half or less of its pollen-grains ineffective for fertilization (compare Correns on the pollination of Mirabilis jalapa, in Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., Bd. 18, S. 422-435); and in the ev doubleness may be incompletely dominant, as in the greenhouse earnatio NOTES AND LITERATURE REPULSION IN WHEAT? THE evidence was furnished by the (F,) of the cross: Smooth Black X Rough White. ‘‘Smooth Black” is a wheat obtained from the (F,) of the Rivet X Fife cross and it breeds quite true. Its glumes are absolutely glabrous and of a burnished black color. “Rough White’’ is the well-known Essex Rough Chaff Wheat. The glumes are very hairy and of the ordinary white color. The (F,) sorted into the following classes: Rough Rough Smooth Smooth Black White Black White 120 43 47 3 The expectation for the 1:3:3:1 repulsion is: 109.8 49.9 49.3 3.3 ‘“‘Blackness’’ is probably not a simple character for in the (F,) various degrees of it occur—the patches of it on the glumes being of various sizes and intensities of color. There is evidence that it is closely connected with the ‘‘gray’’ color of Rivet glumes. F. L. ENGLEDOw THE DETERMINATION OF THE BEST VALUE OF THE COUPLING-RATIO FROM A GIVEN SET OF DATA! Mr. G. N. Couns has suggested in this journal? a general method for determining the value to assign to the coupling-ratio — for a given set of data. He has worked out the value of a coeffi- cient of association for the whole series of possible integral ratios 1:1:1:1, 2:1:1:2, etc., and then used the observed value of the same coefficient to decide which ratio gives the best agreement with the facts. The method is very simple, but does not lead to the value which is the most advantageous in a certain sense. If F,, F,, F,, F,, are the set of theoretical frequencies for a given value of the ratio and if F,’, F, F,’, F,’, are the observed fre- 1‘*A Case of Repulsion in Wheat,’’ by F. L. Engledow, St. John’s Col- lege, Cambridge (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soe., Vol. 18). 1F, L. Engledow and G. Udny Yule (Prog. Cambridge Phil. Soc., XVII, 6). 127 128 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX quencies, and if x =X (F' — F )?/F, then the probability p that in random sampling deviations of equal or greater improba- bility will arise is a function of x? which decreases continu- ally as x? increases. The best value of the ratio will then be that value which makes p a maximum or x? a minimum. The problem taken in the note is to determine this value. Un- fortunately the solution is not a simple one, depending on an | equation of the fourth degree. A few cases are, however, taken as illustrations and the question of probable error is discussed. The recognized fact that, especially when the coupling-ratio is high, its value may receive considerable alteration without greatly altering the closeness of agreement between theory and fact, receives additional emphasis from some of the results given and makes it clear that considerable caution must be used before attaching importance to the precise values of high ratios. F. L. E ann G. U. Y. 2 AM. Nat., XLVI. i ve THE | | AMERICAN | NATURALIS Sciences with p $ Re Mis on ge ET E ate oei AUR AN ee Sor The American Naturalist MSS intended for erences and books, etc., intended for tisay should be sent to the Editor of THE AMI ac NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hud a re ho summaries of research work n the blems of idea evelaton oe especially welcome, and will be pote pope in i publication ne hundrea reprints of Spe iag are supplied to authors free of charge. Further reprints will be supplied bscriptions and sivertis arte should be sent to the gee The subscription price is four dollars a year oreign postage is s and papaia poeter robert She cents additional. The e for single pei is forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. Sse _ NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as seco ter, April 2, 1908, at th t Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of ane Congress of stephen Sec eee FOR SALE | JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS ARCTIC. ICELAND an EENLA Perfect Condition and Lowest Prices foie jem og anos cai se ‘Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, Paiol, Marine A E d Animals and others. Catalogue free. Correspond- ence Se ; T. FUKAI, Naturalist, T i _ Konosu, Saitama, Japan THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLIX March, 1915 No. 579 MUTATION EN MASSE HARLEY HARRIS BARTLETT * Dure the writer’s experiments with @nothera two different species have been discovered of which certain strains give rise by mutation to large numbers of dwarfs. In both cases the dwarfs occur in far greater numbers than experience would lead one to expect, even in the most actively mutant strain. Similar, although not exactly parallel, phenomena have been observed by both de Vries and Davis in certain hybrid @notheras, but not, as far as the writer knows, in any unhybridized species. Since the cultures have now been continued long enough so that there can be no doubt as to the accuracy of the observa- tions, the least complicated of the two cases is here placed on record. It concerns @nothera Reynoldsii sp.nov. (A technical diagnosis of this species will be published else- where.) The seeds from which the cultivated strain arose were collected at Knoxville, Tennessee, in the fall of 1910, by Dr. E. S. Reynolds, then connected with the botanical department of the University of Tennessee. Fig. 1 is a diagram showing the size and relationship of the cultures of @nothera Reynoldsii which have thus far been grown. No diversity was found in the small F, and F, cultures, of only ten and five plants, respec- tively, which were grown in 1911 and 1912. The F, generation of twenty-six plants, grown in 1913, exhibited ‘1 From the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Offce of Plant Physiological and Fermentation Investigations. Published by the permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. 129 130 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX a most unexpected segregation into three marked types, forma typica, reproducing the parental form, and two dwarf types, mut. semialta and mut. debilis, so named because of their resemblance to the two classes of dwarfs which de Vries? obtained from Œ. nanella X Œ. biennis. Mut. semialta is about half as tall as f. typica and has a P LHO MLD E; IROI WILD SEED 491, lO PLANTS ALL F TxPICA L ARONI NO. 89, E IVCA aiie 0.05, F A PA 105 PLANTS kh PLANT: 004 F: TYPICA LITUTATTON SF rman 89-3, F TIPICA A 1973, lod 33} 79 PLANTS, CLASSIFIED AD 29 EIVA | 2 rer semua | 18 UT CERES J l 4g PROT 89-3 9-3743, £F EKPA i og 1914, 28 PLANTS iy ea aoe EE [VOT SLUTS Fy PROM 89-93-25, UT. DEBILIS sr LUF, AP PLANTS E gram showing the size and relationship of the cultures of @no- Wet oe 1911-1914, very dense and showy inflorescence in which the fruits and flowers are very little smaller than in the parent form. The leaves, however, are decidedly reduced. Mut. debilis is more variable in size than mut. semialta, but averages about half as high as the latter. Its fruits and flowers are somewhat reduced, but by no means propor- tionately to the size of the plant. The leaves, on the contrary, are much more reduced than those of mut. semialta. The inflorescence is not as dense, but often longer. The unlooked-for occurrence of these types in the F; of 1913 led to the duplication in 1914 of both the F, and F, generations from seeds which had been left over from former years. In 100 additional F, plants of the mutant 2‘‘Gruppenweise Artbildung,’? pp. 241-244. No. 579] MUTATION EN MASSE 131 strain there were 99 plants of f. typica and one mutation of a quite different type from either mut. semialta or mut. debilis. The original F, culture had consisted of 26 plants, including two of f. typica, 16 of mut. semialta Fig. 2. A random sample ae six plants from the Fs culture of 1913. No. 4 is f. typica; the rest are all mut. semialta. and eight of mut. debilis. In the supplementary culture of 53 sister-plants, grown in 1914, there were 27 plants of f. typica, 16 of mut. semialta and ten of mut. debilis. 132 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX Fic. 3. Adjacent plants of mut. ogc se the left No. 89-3-25, chosen as parent of one of the F, progenies) and mut. semialta (on the right; No, 89-3-24, chosen as parent of st of the F, pando dich The small labels on the plants are 10 cm. long. (Reduction same as in Fig. 4.) There can therefore be no doubt that the F, was an essen- tially uniform generation and that the F, was the first generation to throw the two dwarf types, except perhaps as rare mutations, which were not detected on account of the small size of the cultures. In this connection it may be remarked that the mutations of Gnothera Rey- noldsii can not be detected in very young cultures with any degree of precision. Up to the time the rosettes are set out in the garden, after they have been started in the greenhouse in pots, they show no consistent differences among themselves. It happens that six seedlings of the 1913 F, were photographed before any diversity what- ever had been detected in the culture. They must there- fore be considered a random sample from the 26 plants. All turned out to be mut. semialta except one, which was f. typica. The photograph is reproduced as Fig. 2. At maturity the contrast between the classes is very No. 579] MUTATION EN MASSE 133 striking, and leaves no room for doubt as to the proper classification of any individual. Fig. 3 shows adjacent plants of mut. debilis and mut. semialta; Fig. 4 mut. debilis and f. typica. Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show branches of the three forms, on the same scale of reduction. The F, generation, grown in 1914, consisted of the progenies of two plants of each of the three types. The two externally identical parent plants of f. typica (there EN ae | Adjacent plants of mut. debilis (in front) and f. typica (behind ; IG. 4. j No. 89-3-13, chosen as parent of one of the F, progenies ). The small labels on the plants are 10 em. long. (Reduction same as in Fig. 3. 134 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX were only two in the F, of 1913) proved to be of very different genetic constitution. The progeny of one, num- bering 100 plants, were all strictly like the parent, show- ing not the slightest deviation from f. typica. The other progeny, however, repeated the diversity of the F, gen- eration, containing five plants of f. typica, 13 of mut. semialta and five of mut. debilis in a culture of 24 plants. This progeny, also, included one plant of a third dwarf 5. Mnothera Reynoldsii f. typica. Branch from F, plant No. 89-38-18, chosen as parent of one of the F, cultures. The entire plant is shown in Fig. 4. mutation, which will be referred to below as mut. bilonga. The two F, plants of mut. semialta which were used as parents gave very similar progenies, consisting of mut. semialia and mut. debilis. In one case the numbers were 41 of mut. semialta and five of mut. debilis in a total of 46; in the other case, 83 of semialta and four of mut. debilis in a total of 87. No. 579] MUTATION EN MASSE 135 The two progenies from mut. debilis parents, contain- ing 85 and 43 plants, respectively, were all mut. debilis like the parents, except that each progeny contained one individual of mut. bilonga. Before discussing the latter mutation it may be well to capitulate. 1. The individuals of f. typica are of two kinds, (a) those which do not throw dwarfs, and (b) those which throw from 60 per cent. to 80 per cent. of dwarfs. Fic, 6. Mut. semialta. Branches of Fs plant No. 89-3-23. 2. The dwarfs are of two kinds, one of which, mut. semialta, is intermediate between f. typica and the ex- treme dwarf, mut. debilis. 3. Mut. semialta reproduces itself in the greater part of its progeny, but throws a small number (seemingly about 7 per cent.) of mut. debilis. 4. Mut. debilis does not throw either f. typica or £ semialta. It comes true, except for the fact that it rarely throws mut. bilonga. . Mut. bilonga is by far the most interesting of the vari- ants of Gnothera Reynoldsii. Tt has occurred once as a 136 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX primary mutation from f. typica, and twice as a secondary mutation from mut. debilis. Although mut. debilis seems to be an extreme recessive, derived from f. typica either by the simultaneous or by the successive loss of two factors for height, it throws mut. bilonga, which shows a return to the stature of mut. semialta. In fact, mut. bilonga would be identical with mut. semialta if it were not for the difference in the length of the fruits. It has already been stated that in both mut. semialta and mut. debilis the fruits are by no means as reduced in size as the foliage and stems. It seems almost as though the IIG. 7. Mut. debilis. Branches of Fs plant No. 89-3-12. The entire plant is shown in Fig. 4. process of mutation, which results in the formation of either of these dwarfs, does not involve the factors deter- mining fruit size. In other words, the slight reduction in size seems not to be due to a modification of the hereditary qualities of the plant, but rather to diminished nutrition. If this explanation is the true one, the fruits of mut. No. 579] MUTATION EN MASSE 137 e, ~ y D | a à # eet fs \> i e shown in Figs. 4 debilis are small for the same reason that the late autumn fruits on weak lateral branches of f. typica are smat. When, by mutation to mut. bilonga, mut. debilis reassumes the stature and foliage size of mut. semialta, there 1s a modification of the characters which determine the length of the fruit. Not only is the stature doubled, and the length of the leaves doubled, but the length of the fruit is also doubled. Mut. bilonga is to all outward appear- ance the same as mut. semialta, except that the fruits are twice as long. Thus, we have the anomalous situation that mut. bilonga, a dwarf type, is characterized by the 138 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Branches of mut. debilis (left; No. 89-3-21-1) and mut. bilonga (right; No. 89-3-21-85) ee ce ng in both foliage and fruits. The two forms were sisters in the progeny of one of the original examples of mut. debilis which appeared in the Pe of 1913. longest fruits in the subgenus Onagra. Txeptionai fruits are 70 mm. long; the average length of six hand-pollinated _ fruits was 62 mm. By way of comparison, it may be stated that the length of the average fruit of f. typica is about 33 mm., and that the longest is 38 mm. None of the immediate allies of @nothera biennis have longer fruits than those of O. Reynoldsii f. typica, although there are allies of O. muricata in which the fruits average as long or longer. There is no species, however, in which the fruit length of mut. bilonga is even approached. Here we have an apparent case of progressive mutation, which will be tested out as soon as possible. Mut. bilonga has not thus far been carried into a second generation. Both it and the two other dwarfs are completely self-fertile, No. 579] MUTATION EN MASSE 139 and furnish an abundance of good seed. It is planned to make a biometrical study of fruit length next year, when the second generation of mut. bilonga will be available. In Fig. 8 the two branches on the left are mut. semialta; the two on the right mut. bilonga. The plants which fur- nished the material belonged to an F, culture from f. typica, containing five plants of f. typica, 13 of mut. semtalta, five of mut. debilis and one of mut. bilonga. In Fig. 9, on the contrary, the contrast is between sister- plants of mut. debilis and mut. bilonga in the progeny of mut. debilis. A comparison of the figures will show the identity of mut. bilonga from the two sources. The phenomenon presented by @nothera Reynoldsii, called mutation en masse for want of a better name, seems of sufficient interest to justify this preliminary paper. The fact that it appears in one of the short-styled, self- pollinating species makes it of especial interest. An ex- planation can hardly be attempted until the interrelation- ships of the various derivations have been worked out by a series of crosses. Nevertheless, it seems clear that mutation en masse bears a certain degree of resemblance to Mendelian segregation. The fundamental mutation which causes the diversity possibly occurs in only one of the two gametes in a generation preceding the one in which diversity becomes manifest. It is masked by the dominance of the parental characters transmitted through the other gamete. Segregation then occurs in the follow- ing generation. No explanation suggests itself for the enormous surplus of dwarfs in the progenies exhibiting diversity, unless perhaps it is that the results are com- ` plicated by selective germination or selective mortality. At any rate, the ratios thus far obtained do not conform to any Mendelian expectation. Larger cultures, to be grown next year, may prove more enlightening. To the mutationist, the most interesting problem pre- sented by Gnothera Reynoldsii is the origin of mut. bilonga from mut. debilis, involving, as now seems prob- able, the omin of a new character. > THE ALBINO SERIES OF ALLELOMORPHS IN GUINEA-PIGS SEWALL WRIGHT BUSSEY INSTITUTION Aupinism is one of the most familiar color conditions found in mammals. In all cases it has proved to be a simple Mendelian recessive to the pigmented condition. This was demonstrated for guinea-pigs by Castle and Allen in 1903. In the present paper evidence will be pre- sented showing that in guinea-pigs there are two grades of pigmentation, intermediate between full intensity and albinism, which form with these a series of four allelo- morphs with dominance in the order of increasing pig- mentation. The most highly pigmented condition is also the most familiar. To this condition, which we may call intensity, belong those types of guinea-pigs which show in the fur intense black pigmentation or the intense orange-yellow known as ‘‘red,’’ or both. Examples are the blacks, the reds, the golden agoutis and the black-and-red tortoise- shells of the fanciers. All of these have black eyes. The second condition in intensity and order of domi- nance contains color varieties which have long been known. In these black is reduced to a sepia-brown color much like human brown hair, known very inappropriately as ‘‘blue.’’ Red is reduced to yellow or cream. The eye color remains black. Thus we have blues, creams, silver agoutis and blue-and-cream tortoise-shells in place of the four types mentioned as of the intense condition. That these four so-called dilute types, as well as others- not mentioned, differ from the intense types by the same factor or factors has long been known. It is shown by the fact that one can start with any of these and by crosses with the appropriate intense variety produce any other 140 ; No. 579] ALBINO SERIES OF ALLELOMORPHS 141 dilute variety in the second generation at latest. The writer has done this for all of the types mentioned by starting with the cream variety. The third condition is not so familiar as the others. It has appeared at the Bussey Institution only in the de- scendants of three guinea-pigs brought from Peru by Pro- fessor Castle in 1911. Among these black is reduced to sepia (or ‘‘blue’’), indistinguishable from the ‘‘blue’’ of the dilutes. Red is reduced to white. Nota trace of yel- low pigment has been found in guinea-pigs with this al- lelomorph. One of the most striking features of this condition is the glowing red color of the eyes, easily dis- tinguishable from the black eyes of the intense and dilute guinea-pigs as well as from the pink eyes of the albinos. There is a deficiency of pigment in both retina and iris. Because of this feature this condition will be known as red-eye. It was announced as an allelomorph of albinism by Castle (1914). Permission has very kindly been given the writer to present in this paper data on the red-eye condition, in the work on which he has been associated. With the red-eye factor, the blacks, reds, golden agoutis and black-and-red tortoise-shells become red-eyed blues, red-eyed whites, red-eyed silver agoutis and red-eyed blue- and-white tortoise-shells, respectively. These four varie- ties have all been obtained by crossing one of them, the red-eyed silver agouti, with various stock guinea-pigs and extracting the different combinations in F,. The red-eyed white is an interesting variety thus derived. Red-eyed whites have been tested by crosses with reds and = creams and have been shown conclusively to be the red- eyed representative of these varieties, such crosses having given 9 reds, 3 creams, 6 red-eyed whites and 6 albinos only. This red-eyed white demonstrates most forcibly the complete inhibition of yellow in the presence of the red-eye factor. In the albino condition black disappears from the coat except in patches on the nose, ears and feet, and occa- sionally some sootiness on the back. In this connection it is interesting to note that nose, ears and feet are gener- 142 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX ally the most highly pigmented regions in the dilute and red-eye conditions. In the albinos, yellow disappears en- tirely, just as in the red-eyes. The eyes are pink, due to the loss of all pigment from the iris and retina. The blacks and golden agoutis are replaced by sooty albinos; the reds, by clear albinos; and the black-and-red tortoise- shells, by albinos in which nose, feet and ears are sooty or white, depending on the location of the spots. The effects of the four allelomorphs on the appearance of eye and fur may be tabulated as follows: Effects of On Eye Color On Black Fur | On Yellow Fur Intensity Black Black | Red iluti Black Sepia | Cream Red-eye Red Sepia _ White binism White White (sepia points) It should be added that dilution of pigmentation may be produced by other factors than members of the albino series of allelomorphs. In the foregoing discussion such factors have been assumed to be absent. It may be said, however, that by starting with variations which owe their dilutions to factors which are independent of the albino series, doubly dilute varieties have been produced on in- troducing the dilution or red-eye allelomorphs of albi- nism. The effects of dilution, red-eye and albinism on brown pigment are parallel in all cases to their effects on black. It should be said that the sepia (or ‘‘blue’’) due to the dilution factor, or to the red-eye factor, varies through a wide range which intergrades with black. Thus Castle . (1905) and Sollas (1909) recognized that both intense and dilute forms of pigmentation occur commonly in guinea- pigs, but did not suggest any factorial explanation be- cause of this intergrading. The inheritance of these fluc- tuations is at present under investigation. If intensity, dilution, red-eye and albinism are allelo- morphs, gametes should always carry one, but only one, of the four. Zygotes must always have two representa- No.579] ALBINO SERIES OF ALLELOMORPHS 143 tives from the series, never more or less, which two may, of course, be alike. Thus with dominance in the order of increasing pigmentation intense guinea-pigs should be - homozygous, or else carry recessive dilution, recessive ` red-eye or recessive albinism, but never more than one of these; dilute guinea-pigs should be homozygous, or carry recessive red-eye or recessive albinism, but never both; red-eyes should be either homozygous or carry recessive albinism; and finally albinos should always be homozy- gous and never have the power of transmitting intensity, dilution, or red-eye to their descendants. All of these types have been obtained and tested with results in har- mony with expectation. In this paper only a few of the most critical crosses will be given, reserving a more de- tailed discussion for a later paper. Red-eye, as mentioned before, has occurred only in the descendants of certain pigs brought from Peru. No al- binos appeared in the pure stock. In the pure races, red- eye behaved as a simple recessive. Thus intense by in- tense gave 63 intense and 19 red-eye young, while red-eye by red-eye gave only red-eyes, 28 in number. As red-eyes had never appeared in our stock guinea- pigs, it was natural to expect that any stock pig crossed with red-eye, an apparently recessive condition, would give only intense young. As a matter of fact, however, numerous red-eye young appeared in F,. The next ques- tion was whether one kind of stock differed from another in its power of bringing about this apparent reversal of dominance. A study of the records soon showed that albinism had something to do with the matter, as the fol- lowing tabulation indicates: Intense Red-eye Albino Red-eye X intense ...........- 48 22 20 Modave < Alino... cs cis 0 80 32 The difference in result of the two sorts of matings is obviously significant. With an intense parent there were more than 50 per cent. intense young and comparatively few red-eye young. With an albino parent there were no 144 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX intense but numerous red-eye young. The intense ani- mals and the albinos used were of the same stock and hence could differ consistently only as regards albinism. Clearly red-eye is not inherited independently of albinism. That the apparent reversal of dominance is not due merely to the presence of recessive albinism is shown by the fact that F, red-eyes crossed inter se produced 89 red- eyes, 36 albinos, but no intense young. Among these F, red-eyes, some were demonstrated to be free from re- cessive albinism. This complete inability of albinos to transmit the intense allelomorph of red-eye in crosses with the latter can only be interpreted in one way, aside from linkage hypotheses. The intense allelomorph of red-eye must also be an allelomorph of albinism. Thus red-eye must either be an allelomorph of albinism or be albinism itself, genetically, plus a modifying factor. The latter rather improbable hypothesis has been definitely eliminated. The pure South American stock under this hypothesis must be homozygous for all such modifying factors, since no albinos have appeared among them. The hypothetical modifying factor must be a dominant unit factor to account for the results given for F, and F,. Some pure South American intense animals were crossed with stock albinos. They produced F, intense young, which must (under the hypothesis) be heterozygous for albinism and for the modifying factor. These F, in- tense young were back-crossed with stock albinos. There should be both red-eyes and albinos among the young, 25 per cent. of each, if red-eye is albinism associated with a modifier. But no red-eyes actually appeared. There were 14 intense and 25 albinos. The chance that no red- eyes would appear in 39 young is (3/4), or .000,001. Thus the hypothesis that red-eye is albinism plus a modi- fier may be dismissed. On the view that red-eye is a dominant allelomorph of albinism, the results above are easily explained. Red- eye by albino or by red-eye should give only red-eyes and albinos. The F, intense, which must carry recessive al- No. 579] ALBINO SERIES OF ALLELOMORPHS 145 binism because of the stock albino parent, should not be able to transmit red-eye. As for hypotheses of linkage, it need only be said that no results have been obtained which require them. The critical crosses have all been made reciprocally as regards sex. The fact that dilutes are more or less intermediate be- tween intense and red-eye varieties suggested the fol- lowing experiments which were designed to demon- strate at once whether there was any relation in inheri- tance between albinism and dilution. Dilutes were crossed with albinos from certain stocks which for years had given only intense and albino young, but no dilutes. Second, intense pigs from these same stocks, which had given only intense and albino young, were crossed with albinos from dilute stock. If intensity and dilution form a pair of allelomorphs which segregate independently of the pair, color and albinism (as is the case in mice and rabbits), these two crosses must give identical results. In each case color is introduced by one parent, albinism by the other; the intensity of certain stocks by one parent, the dilution of certain stocks by the other parent. In fact identical results should be obtained regardless of whether dilution is due to a unit factor or multiple fac- tors, or even whether its inheritance is Mendelian or not, povided only that it is inherited ind i yofalbinism. As it happened, these two crosses gave strikingly differ- ent results. The first cross, viz., dilute by albino from intense stock, gave only dilutes, 37 in number, aside from albinos. The second cross, intense from intense stock by albino from dilute stock, gave only intense young, 49 in number, aside from albinos. These different results can only be explained by assuming that a member of the albino series of allelomorphs, recessive to intensity, is essential to dilute animals. Thus genetically, dilution may be albinism plus a modifying factor, or it may be red-eye plus a modifying factor, or it may be a new allelo- morph. The last has proved to be the case. A large number of intense animals, at least half of which under 146 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the first hypothesis would be expected to be heterozygous both for albinism and the modifying factor, have been crossed with albinos. None of them have given both albinos and dilutes. It is of course expected under the hypothesis of allelomorphism that no intense animal should transmit both albinism and dilution. The view that dilution is red-eye plus a modifying factor has also been eliminated. Red-eye has never appeared in our stock guinea-pigs, which must therefore be pure for any modifying factor which might changea red-eye to a dilute. But red-eyes of any generation crossed with stock albinos have never given dilutes in 105 young. Therefore dilu- tion can not be red-eye plus a modifying factor. The only remaining hypothesis is that dilution is an allelomorph of red-eye and albinism. It is dominant to both since dilute by dilute has often given red-eyes and albinos, while the latter varieties crossed inter se have never given dilutes. Thus we have four allelomorphs corresponding to four grades of pigmentation. The existence of such series has a bearing on the nature of unit factors. The results could be explained by perfect coupling, but such an explanation seems highly arbitrary where the characters fall into a natural physiological series. The series seems to suggest that we have four variations in some one entity. Fur- thermore, while we have only four such variations at the Bussey Institution, it may well be that others exist else- where, forming perhaps a continuous series. Such varia- tions in this factor probably do not occur frequently. When they do occur they probably take place by distinct steps. The rather frequent occurrence of albinos in wild species, without intermediates, indicates that variation from one extreme to the other in the condition of the factor may take place. A point which has a bearing on the physiology of pig- ment is the fact that members of the albino series of allelo- morphs do not cause diminution in quantity of pigment, merely as pigment, but affect yellow pigment differently from black. This is seen most clearly in the red-eyes, in No.579] ALBINO SERIES OF ALLELOMORPHS 147 which yellow is completely inhibited, while black is only slightly affected. Finally the question is raised whether anything similar to this can be found among other mammals. Albinos are found in many mammals as well as in lower animals. Asto multiple allelomorphs, the case of the Himalayan rabbit is well known and compares well with the guinea-pig series. The Himalayan rabbit with its pink eyes and white fur with dark patches on nose, ears and feet is com- parable to the guinea-pig albino. The complete albino rabbit recessive to the Himalayan is lower in the series than anything known in guinea-pigs. The dilution of the blue rabbit as well as that of the blue mouse and maltese cat is of a different type from the guinea-pig dilution. As Miss Sollas has shown, the pigment is clumped in- stead of uniformly decreased in quantity. The effect is slate-blue instead of sepia-brown. Mr. H. D. Fish has made crosses (unpublished data, to which I refer with his permission) which show as expected that rabbit dilution is inherited wholly independently of albinism. In man, we have albinos which are probably comparable to guinea-pig and rabbit albinos. A study of the enor- mous collection of data in the Monograph of Pearson, Net- tleship and Usher convinces one that albinism in man is recessive. But as Pearson points out, there are many grades of albinism and each grade tends to maintain its identity in inheritance. Among negroes there are albinos with blue irises, red pupils, white skin and nearly white hair. There are also darker grades, as with brown skin, eyes and hair. There is no sharp line anywhere between the complete albinos and the so-called xanthous types. In the white races albinos pass into the extreme blonds in a continuous series. In fact, study of records convinces one that in some cases the same factor may produce well- marked albinism, with red eyes, nystagmus and photo- phobia in one member of a family, but merely extreme blondism in another. It is worthy of note that human light hair resembles closely the sepia of dilute guinea- 148 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX pigs, and not at all the slate blue of dilute rabbits, mice and cats. Thus, while I have not been able to find any critical evidence, the suggestion seems worth making that a series of allelomorphs of albinism may be in part re- sponsible for differences in intensity of human pigmen- tation. Summing up: the results in guinea-pigs and rabbits sug- gest that there is a hereditary factor in mammals, which may exist with stability at different stages of divergence from the normal; that divergence from the normal in the factor tends to produce in the animal a corresponding re- duction in the quantity of melanin pigment throughout the body, conspicuously in fur, skin and eyes, of which re- duction the limit is complete albinism; that in this reduc- tion the qualitative differentiation of the pigment is a factor, in that yellow pigment is affected more strongly than black and its threshold of complete inhibition is reached with less divergence of the factor; that in the re- duction the location of the pigment is a factor, in that there is less tendency toward reduction at the extremities—feet, ears and nose—than elsewhere in skin and fur; that, finally, any stage of divergence is dominant to any stage ‘more remote from the normal. In conclusion, I wish to thank Professor Castle for the opportunity to carry on this work and for numerous suggestions during its progress. December 24, 1914 LITERATURE CITED. Castle, W. E. 1905. Heredity of Coat Characters in Guinea-Pigs and Rabbits. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication No. 23. 1914. Some New Varieties of Rats and Guinea-Pigs and their Rela- tion to Problems of Color Inheritance. AMER, NAT., Vol. 48, 65 p. 65. Castle, W. E. and G. M. Allen. 1903. The Heredity of Albinism. Proc. Am. Ac. Arts and Sci., Vol. 38, No. 21, p. 603. Pearson, K., E. Nettleship, and C. H. Usher. 1913. A Monograph on Albinism in Man. Parts I and IV. Dulau & Co., London. Sollas, I. B. J. 1909. Inheritance of Color and of Supernumerary Mam- mae in Guinea-Pigs, with a Note on the Occurrence of a Dwarf Form. Reports to the Evol. Com. of the Roy. Soc., No. 5. PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION AND THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES? PROFESSOR ARTHUR DENDY THE opening years of the present century have wit- nessed a remarkable development of biology as an ex- perimental science, a development which, however full of promise it may be for the future, for the time being appears to have resulted in a widespread disturbance of ideas which have themselves only recently succeeded in gaining general acceptance. The theory of organic evolution, plainly enough enunciated at the close of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century by Buffon, Lamarck, and Erasmus Darwin, remained un- convincing to the great majority of thinking men until the genius of Charles Darwin ‘not only brought together and presented the evidence in such a manner that it could no longer be ignored, but elaborated a logical explana- tion of the way in which organic evolution might be sup- posed to have taken place. Thanks to his labors and those of Alfred Russel Wallace, supported by the power- ful influence of such men as Huxley and Hooker, the theory was placed upon a firm foundation, in a position which can never again be assailed with any prospect of success. This statement is, I believe, entirely justified with re- gard to the theory of organic evolution itself, but the case is very different when we come to investigate the position of the various subsidiary theories which have been put forward from time to time with regard to what may perhaps be termed the modus operandi, the means by which organic evolution has been effected. It is in this field that controversy rages more keenly than ever before. Lamarck told us that evolution was due to the 1 Address of the president of the section of zoology, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Australia, 1914. 149 Do THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLIX accumulated results of individual effort in response to a changing environment, and also to the direct action of the environment upon the organism. Darwin and Wal- lace taught us that species originated by the natural se- lection of favorable variations, and under the influence of Weismann’s doctrine of the non-inheritance of ac- quired characters the theory of natural selection is in danger of becoming crystallized into an inflexible dogma. In recent years de Vries has told us that species arise by sudden mutations, and not by slow successive changes, while one of the most extreme exponents of ‘‘Mendel- ism,’’ Professor Lotsy, lately informed us that all species arise by crossing, and seriously suggested that the ver- tebrate type arose by the crossing of two invertebrates! This curious and many-sided divergence of opinion amongst expert biologists is undoubtedly largely due to the introduction of experimental methods into biological science. Such methods have proved very fruitful in results which at first sight seem to be mutually contra- dictory, and each group of workers has built up its own theory mainly on the basis of observations in its own restricted field. Professor Bateson has said in his recently published ‘‘ Problems of Genetics’’: When ... we contemplate the problem of evolution at large the hope at the present time of constructing even a mental picture of that process grows weak almost to the point of vanishing. We are left wondering that so lately men in general, whether scientific or lay, were so easily satisfied. Our satisfaction, as we now see, was chiefly founded on ignorance.” In view of this striking pronouncement on the part of one who has devoted his life with signal success to the experimental investigation of evolutionary problems, the remarks which I propose to lay before you for your consideration to-day may well appear rash and ill-ad- vised. I cannot believe, however, that the position is really quite so black as it is painted. We must perforce admit that the divers theories with regard to the work- 2** Problems of Genetic,’’ p. 97. No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 151 ing of organic evolution cannot all be correct in all their details, but it may be that each contains its own elements of truth, and that if these elements can but be recognized and sorted out, they may perhaps be recombined in such a form as to afford at any rate a plausible working hypothesis. We must bear in mind from the outset that in dealing with such a complex problem many factors have to be taken into account, and that widely different views on the question may be merely one-sided and not necessarily mutually exclusive. I take it there are three principal facts, or groups of facts, that have to be accounted for by any theory of organic evolution: 1. The fact that, on the whole, evolution has taken _ place in a progressive manner along definite and di- vergent lines. 2. The fact that individual animals and plants are more or less precisely adapted in their organization and in their behavior to the conditions under which they have to live. 3. The fact that evolution has resulted in the existence on the earth to-day of a vast number of more or less well-defined groups of animals and plants which we call species. The first of these facts appears to me to be the most fundamental, and at the same time the one to which least attention is usually paid. The great question, after all, is, Why do organisms progress at all instead of re- maining stationary from generation to generation? To answer this question it is not necessary to go back to the beginning and consider the case of the first terres- trial organisms, whatever they may have been, nor are we obliged to take as illustrations the lowest organisms known to us as existing at the present day. We may consider the problem at any stage of evolution, for at each stage progress is, or may be, still taking place. We may even begin by considering what is usually re- garded as the highest stage of all, man himself; and indeed this seems the most natural thing to do, for we 152 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vov. XLIX certainly know more about the conditions of progress in man than in any other organism. I refer, of course, at the moment, not to progress in bodily organization, but to progress in the ordinary sense of the word, the prog- ress, say, of a family which rises in the course of a few generations from a position of obscure poverty to one of wealth and influence. You may perhaps say that such a case has no bearing upon the problem of organic evo- lution in a state of nature, and that we ought to confine our attention to the evolution of bodily structure and function. If so, I must reply that you have no right to limit the meaning of the term evolution in this man- ner; the contrast between man and nature is purely ar- bitrary; man is himself a living organism, and all the improvements that he effects in his own condition are part of the progress of evolution in his particular case. At any rate I must ask you to accept this case as our first illustration of a principle that may be applied to organisms in general. If we inquire into the cause of the progress of our human family I think there can be only one answer— it is due to the accumulation of capital, or, as I should prefer to put it, to the accumulation of potential energy, - either in the form of material wealth or of education. ` What one generation saves is available: for the next, and thus each succeeding generation gets a better start in life, and is able to rise a little higher than the pre- ceding one. Every biologist knows, of course, that there are many analogous cases amongst the lower animals, and also amongst plants. The accumulation of food-yolk in the egg has undoubtedly been one of the chief factors in the progressive evolution of animals, although it has been replaced in the highest forms by a more effective method of supplying potential energy to the developing off- spring. It may indeed be laid down as a general law that each generation, whether of animals or of plants, accumulates more energy than it requires for its own maintenance, and uses the surplus to give the next gen- No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 153 eration a start in life. There is every reason to believe that this has been a progressive process throughout the whole course of evolution, for the higher the degree or organization the more perfect do we find the arrange- ments for securing the welfare of the offspring. We cannot, of course, trace this process back to its commencement, because we know nothing of the nature of the earliest living things, but we may pause for a moment to inquire whether any phenomena occur amongst simple unicellular organisms that throw any light upon the subject. What we want to know is—How did the habit of accumulating surplus energy and hand- ing it on to the next generation first arise? Students of Professor H. S. Jennings’s admirable work on the ‘‘Behavior of the Lower Organisms’’ will remember that his experiments have led him to the con- clusion that certain Protozoa, such as Stentor, are able to learn by experience how to make prompt and effective responses to certain stimuli; that after they have been stimulated in the same way a number of times they make the appropriate response at once without having to go through the whole process of trial and error by which it was first attained. In other words, they are able by practise to perform a given action with less expenditure of energy. Some modification of the protoplasm must take place which renders the performance of an act the easier the oftener it has been repeated. The same is, of course, true in the case of the higher animals, and we express the fact most simply by saying that the animal establishes habits. From the mechanistic point of view we might say that the use of the machine renders it more perfect and better adapted for its purpose. In the present state of our knowledge I think we cannot go be- yond this, but must content ourselves with recognizing the power of profiting by experience as a fundamental property of living protoplasm. It appears to me that this power of profiting by ex- perience lies at the root of our problem, and that in it 154 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX we find a chief cause of progressive evolution. Jennings speaks of the principle involved here as the ‘‘ Law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repeti- tion,’’ and, similarly, I think we must recognize a ‘‘Law of the accumulation of surplus energy’’ as resulting therefrom. Let us look at the case of the accumulation of food-yolk by the egg-cell a little more closely from this point of view. Every cell takes in a certain amount of potential energy in the form of food for its own use. If it leads an active life either as an independent or- ganism or as a constituent part of an organism, it may expend by far the greater part, possibly even the whole, of that energy upon its own requirements, but usually something is left over to be handed down to its imme- diate descendants. If, on the other hand, the cell ex- hibits very little activity and expends very little energy, while placed in an environment in which food is abun- dant, it will tend to accumulate surplus energy in excess of its own needs. Such is the case with the egg-cells of the multicellular animals and plants. Moreover, the oftener the process of absorbing food-material is re- peated the easier does it become; in fact, the egg-cell es- tablishes a habit of storing up reserve material or food- . yolk. Inasmuch as it is a blastogenic character, there can be no objection to the supposition that this habit will be inherited by future generations of egg-cells. In- deed we are obliged to assume that this will be the case, for we know that the protoplasm of each succeeding gen- eration of egg-cells is directly continuous with that of the preceding generation. We thus get at any rate a possibility of the progressive accumulation of potential energy in the germ-cells of successive generations of multicellular organisms, and, of course, the same argu- ment holds good with regard to successive generations of Protista. It would seem that progressive evolution must follow as a necessary result of the law of the accumulation of surplus energy in all cases where there is nothing to No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 155 counteract that law, for each generation gets a better start than its predecessor, and is able to carry on a little further its struggle for existence with the en- vironment. It may be said that this argument proves too mueh, that if it were correct all organisms would by this time have attained to a high degree of organization, and that at any rate we should not expect to find such simple organisms as bacteria and Amebe still surviving. This objection, which, of course, applies equally to other theories of organic evolution, falls to the ground when we consider that there must be many factors of which we know nothing which may prevent the establishment of progressive habits and render impossible the accumula- tion of surplus energy. Many of the lower organisms, like many human beings, appear to have an inherent in- eapacity for progress, though it may be quite impossible for us to say to what that incapacity is due. It will be observed that in the foregoing remarks I have concentrated attention upon the storing up of re- serve material by the egg-cells, and in so doing have avoided the troublesome question of the inheritance of so-called acquired characters. I do not wish it to be supposed, however, that I regard this as the only direc- tion in which the law of the accumulation of surplus energy can manifest itself, for I believe that the accu- mulation of surplus energy by the body may be quite as important as a factor in progressive evolution as the corresponding process in the germ-cells themselves. The parents, in the case of the higher animals, may sup- ply surplus energy, in the form of nutriment or other- wise, to the offspring at all stages of its development, and the more capital the young animal receives the better will be its chances in life, and the better those of its own offspring. In all these processes, no doubt, natural selection plays an important part, but, in dealing with the accumulation of food material by the egg-cells, one of my objects has been to show that progressive evolution would take place 156 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST _[Vou. XLIX even if there were no such thing as natural selection, that the slow successive variations in this case are not chance variations, but due to a fundamental property of living protoplasm and necessarily cumulative. Moreover, the accumulation of surplus energy in the form of food-yolk is only one of many habits which the protoplasm of the germ-cells may acquire in a cumu- lative manner. It may learn by practise to respond with increased promptitude and precision to other stimuli besides that of the presence of nutrient material in its environment. It may learn to secrete a protective mem- brane, to respond in a particular manner to the presence of a germ-cell of the opposite sex, and to divide in a particular manner after fertilization has taken place. Having thus endeavored to account for the fact that progressive evolution actually occurs by attributing it primarily to the power possessed by living protoplasm of learning by experience and thus establishing habits by which it is able to respond more quickly to environ- mental stimuli, we have next to inquire what it is that determines the definite lines along which progress mani- fests itself. Let us select one of these lines and investigate it as fully as the time at our disposal will permit, with the view of seeing whether it is possible to formulate a reasonable hypothesis as to how evolution may have taken place. Let us take the line which we believe has led up to the evolution of air-breathing vertebrates. ‘The only direct evidence at our disposal in such a case is, of course, the evidence of paleontology, but I am going to ask you to allow me to set this evidence, which, as you know, is of an extremely fragmentary character, aside, and base my remarks upon the ontogenetic evidence, which, although indirect, will, I think, be found sufficient for our purpose. One reason for concentrating our at- tention upon this aspect of the problem is that I wish to show that the recapitulation of phylogenetic history in individual development is a logical necessity if evolu- tion has really taken place. No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 157 We may legitimately take the nucleated Protozoon cell as our starting point,.for, whatever may have been the course of evolution that led up to the cell, there can be no question that all the higher organisms actually start life in this condition. We suppose, then, that our ancestral Protozoon ac- quired the habit of taking in food material in excess of its own requirements, and of dividing into two parts whenever it reached a certain maximum size. Here again we must, for the sake of simplicity, ignore the facts that even a Protozoon is by no means a simple organism, and that its division, usually at any rate, is a very complicated process. Each of the daughter-cells presently separates from its sister-cell and goes its own way as a complete individual, still a Protozoon. It Seems not improbable that the separation may be due to the renewed stimulus of hunger, impelling each cell to wander actively in search of food. In some cases, however, the daughter-cells remain together and form a colony, and probably this habit has been rendered pos- sible by a sufficient accumulation of surplus energy in the form of food-yolk on the part of the parent render- ing it unnecessary for the daughter-cells to separate in search of food at such an early date. One of the forms of colony met with amongst existing Protozoa is the hollow sphere, as we see it, for example, in Spherozoum and Volvox, and it is highly probable that the assump- tion of this form is due largely, if not entirely, to what are commonly called mathematical causes, though we are not in a position to say exactly what these causes may be. The widespread occurrence of the blastosphere or blastula stage in ontogeny is a sufficiently clear indi- cation that the hollow, spherical Protozoon colony formed a stage in the evolution of the higher animals. By the time our ancestral organism has reached this stage, and possibly even before, a new complication has arisen. The cells of which the colony is composed no longer remain all alike, but become differentiated, pri- 158 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX marily into two groups, which we distinguish as somatic- cells and germ-cells respectively. From this point onwards evolution ceases to be a really continuous process, but is broken up into a series of ontogenies, at the close of each of which the organism has to go back and make a fresh start in the unicellular condition, for the somatic cells sooner or later become exhausted in their conflict with the environment and perish, leaving the germ-cells behind to take up the run- ning. That the germ-cells do not share the fate of the somatic cells must be attributed to the fact that they take no part in the struggle for existence to which the body is exposed. They simply multiply and absorb nutriment under the protection of the body, and therefore retain their potential energy unimpaired. They are in actual fact, as is so often said, equivalent to so many protozoa, and, like the protozoa, are endowed with a potential immortality. We know that, if placed eee suitable conditions, or in other words, if exposed to the proper environmental stimuli, these germ-cells will give rise to new organisms, like that in the body of which they were formerly en- closed. One of the necessary conditions is, with rare exceptions, the union of the germ-cells in pairs to form zygotes or fertilized ova; but I propose, in the first in- stance, for the sake of simplicity, to leave out of account the existence of the sexual process and the results that follow therefrom, postponing the consideration of these to a later stage of our inquiry. I wish, moreover, to make it quite clear that organic evolution must have taken place if no such event as amphimixis had ever occurred. What, then, may the germ-cells be expected to do? How are they going to begin their development? In endeavoring to answer this question we must remember that the behavior of an organism at any moment de- pends upon two sets of factors—the nature of its own constitution on one hand, and the nature of its environ- No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 159 ment on the other. If these factors are identical for any two individual organisms, then the behavior of these two individuals must be the same. If the germ-cells of any generation are identical with those of the preceding generation, and if they develop under identical condi- tions, then the soma of the one generation must also be identical with that of the other. Inasmuch as they are parts of the same continuous germ-plasm—leaving out of account the complications introduced by amphimixis —we may assume that the germ-cells of the two genera- tions are indeed identical in nearly every respect; but there will be a slight difference, due to the fact that those of the later generation will have inherited a rather larger supply of initial energy and a slightly greater facility for responding to stimuli of various kinds, for the gradual accumulation of these properties will have gone a stage further. The environment also will „be very nearly identical in the two cases, for we know from ex- periment that if it were not the organism could not de- velop at all. Throughout the whole course of its ontogeny the or- ganism must repeat with approximate accuracy the stages passed through by its ancestors, because at every stage there will be an almost identical organism exposed to almost identical stimuli. We may, however, expect an acceleration of development and a slight additional progress at the end of ontogeny as the result of the operation of the law of the accumulation of surplus energy and of the slightly increased facility in respond- ing to stimuli. The additional progress, of course, will probably be so slight that from one generation to the next we should be quite unable to detect it, and doubtless there will be frequent backslidings due to various causes. We can thus formulate a perfectly reasonable explana- tion of how it is that the egg first undergoes segmenta- tion and then gives rise to a blastula resembling a hol- 3 This is, of course, a familiar idea. Compare Driesch, ‘‘ Gifford Lec- tures,’’ 1907, p. 214. 160 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX low protozoon colony; it does so simply because at every stage it must do what its ancestors did under like condi- tions. We can also see that progressive evolution must follow from the gradual accumulation of additions at the end of each ontogeny, these additions being rendered possible by the better start which each individual gets at the commencement of its career. Let us now glance for a moment at the next stage in phylogeny, the conversion of the hollow spherical proto- zoon colony into the cclenterate type of organization, represented in ontogeny by the process of gastrulation. Here again it is probable that this process is explicable to a large extent upon mechanical principles. Accord- ing to Rhumbler,* the migration of endoderm cells into the interior of the blastula is partly due to chemotaxis and partly to changes of surface tension, which decreases on the inner side of the vegetative cells owing to chem- ical changes set up in the blastoceel fluid. We may, at this point, profitably ask the question, Is the endoderm thus formed an inherited feature of the organism? The material of which it is composed is, of course, derived from the egg-cell continuously by re- peated cell-division, but the way in which that material is used by the organism depends upon the environment, and we know from experiment that modifications of the environment actually do produce corresponding modifi- cations in the arrangement of the material. We know, for example, that the addition of salts of lithium to the water in which certain embryos are developing causes the endoderm to be protruded instead of invaginated, so that we get a kind of inside-out gastrula, the well- known lithium larva. It appears, then, than an organism really inherits from its parents two things: (1) a certain amount of proto- plasm loaded with potential energy, with which to begin operations, and (2) an appropriate environment. Ob- 4 Quoted by Przibram, ‘‘ Experimental Zoology,’’ English Trans., Part I, p. 47. No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 161 viously the one is useless without the other. An egg can not develop unless it is provided with the proper en- vironment at every stage. Therefore, when we say that an organism inherits a particular character from its parents, all we mean is that it inherits the power to pro- duce that character under the influence of certain en- vironmental stimuli.© The inheritance of the environ- ment is of at least as much importance as the inheritance of the material of which the organism is composed. The latter, indeed, is only inherited to a very small extent, for the amount of material in the egg-cell may be almost infinitesimal in comparison with the amount present in the adult, nearly the whole of which is captured from the environment and assimilated during ontogeny. From this point of view the distinction between soma- togenic and blastogenic characters really disappears, for all the characters of the adult organism are acquired afresh in each generation as a result ‘of response. to en- vironmental stimuli during development. This is clearly indicated by the fact that you cannot change the stimuli without changing the result. Time forbids us to discuss the phylogenetic stages through which the ecelenterate passed into the cœælomate type, the cœlomate into the chordate, and the chordate into the primitive vertebrate. We must admit that as yet we know nothing of the particular causes that de- termined the actual course of evolution at each succes- sive stage. What we do know, however, about the in- fluence of the environment, both upon the developing embryo and upon the adult, is sufficient to justify us in believing that every successive modification must have been due to a response on the part of the organism to some environmental change. Even if the external con- ditions remained practically identical throughout long periods of time, we must remember that the internal conditions would be different in each generation, because 5 Compare Dr. Archdall Reid’s suggestive essay on ‘‘ Biological Terms as (Bedrock, January, 1914). 162 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLIX each generation starts with a slightly increased capital and carries on its development a little further under in- ternal conditions modified accordingly. At this point it may be asked, Is the response to en- vironmental stimuli a purely mechanical one, and, if so, how can we account for the fact that at every stage in its evolution the organism is adapted to its environment? We shall have to return to this question later on, but it may be useful to point out once more that there is good reason to believe—especially from the experimental work of Jennings—that the response of even a unicellu- lar organism to stimuli is to a large extent purposive; that the organism learns by experience, by a kind of process of trial and error, how to make the response most favorable to itself under any given change of conditions; in other words, that the organism selects those modes of response that are most conducive to its own well- being. Under the term response to stimuli we must, of course, include those responses of the living protoplasm which result in modifications of bodily structure, and hence the evolution of bodily structure will, on the whole, be of an adaptive character and will follow definite lines. There is good reason for believing, however, that many minor modifications in structure may arise and persist, incidentally as it were, that have no seen as adap- tations. One of the most remarkable and distinctive features of the lower vertebrates is the presence of gill-slits as accessory organs of ‘respiration. These gill-slits are clearly an adaptation to aquatic life. When the ances- tors of the higher vertebrates left the water and took to life on land the gills disappeared and were replaced by lungs, adapted for air-breathing. The change must, of course, have been an extremely gradual one, and we get a very clear indication of how it took place in the sur- viving dipnoids, which have remained in this respect in an intermediate condition between the fishes and the amphibia, possessing and using both gills and lungs. No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 163 We also know that even the most highly specialized air-breathing vertebrates, which never live in water and never require gills or gill-slits at all, nevertheless pos- sess very distinct gill-slits during a certain period of their development. This is one of the most familiar il- lustrations of the law of recapitulation, and my only excuse for bringing it forward now is that I wish, before going further, to consider a difficulty—perhaps more ap- parent than real—that arises in connection with such cases. It might be argued that if gill-slits arose in response to the stimuli of aquatic life, and if these stimuli are no longer operative in the case of air-breathing vertebrates, then gill-slits ought not to be developed at any stage of their existence. This argument is, I think, fully met by the following considerations. At any given moment of ontogenetic development the condition of any organ is merely the last term of a series of morphogenetic stages, while its environment at the same moment—which, of course, includes its relation to all the other organs of the body—is likewise merely the last term of a series of environmental stages. We have thus two parallel series of events to take into considera- tion in endeavoring to account for the condition of any part of an organism—or of the organism as a whole—at any period of its existence: E, E, E, ... En environmental stages, M,M.,M, ... Mn morphogenetic stages. Ontogeny is absolutely conditioned by the proper cor- relation of the stages of these two series at every point, and hence it is that any sudden change of environment is usually attended by disastrous consequences. Thus, after the fish-like ancestors of air-breathing vertebrates had left the water and become amphibians, they doubt- less still had to go back to the water to lay their eggs, in order that the eggs might have the proper conditions for their development. 164 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX Obviously the environment can only be altered with extreme slowness, and one of the first duties of the parent is to provide for the developing offspring con- ditions as nearly as possible identical with those under which its own development took place. It is, however, inevitable that, as phylogenetic evolution progresses, the conditions under which the young organism develops should change. In the first place, the mere tendency to acceleration of development, to which we have already referred, must.tend to dislocate the correlation between the ontogenetic series and the environmental series. Something of this kind seems to have taken place in the life-cycle of many hydrozoa, resulting in the suppression of the free medusoid generation and the gradual degen- eration of the gonophore. But it is probably in most cases change in the environment of the adult that is re- sponsible for such dislocation. To return to the case of the amphibians. At the present day some amphibians, such as the newts and frogs, still lay their eggs in water, while the closely re- lated salamanders retain them in the oviducts until they have developed into highly organized aquatic larve, or even what is practically the adult condition. Kammerer has shown that the period at which the young are born can be varied by changing the environment of the parent. In the absence of water the normally aquatic larve of the spotted salamander may be retained in the oviduct until they have lost their gills, and they are then born in the fully-developed condition, while, conversely, the alpine salamander, of which the young are normally born in the fully-developed state, without gills, may be made to deposit them prematurely in water in the larval, gill- bearing condition. : There can be no doubt that the ancestral amphibians laid their eggs in water in a completely undeveloped con- dition. The habit of retaining them in the body during their development must have arisen very gradually in the phylogenetic history of the salamanders, the period No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 165 for which the young were retained growing gradually longer and longer. It is obvious that this change of habit involves a corresponding change in the environ- mental conditions under which the young develop, and in cases in which the young are not born until they have reached practically the adult condition this change di- rectly affects practically the whole ontogeny. We may say that the series E, E, E ... En has become Bi Big Mie css duns and as the change of environment must produce its ef- fect upon the developing organism the series M, M, M; ...° Mn will have become Ag. Pe Cade Fe We must remember that throughout the whole course of phylogenetic evolution this series is constantly length- ening, so that what was the adult condition at one time becomes an embryonic stage in future generations, and the series thus represents not only the ontogeny, but also, though in a more or less imperfect manner, the phylogeny of the organism. The character of each stage in ontogeny must depend upon (1) the morphological and physiological constitu- tion of the preceding stage, and (2) the nature of the environment in which development is taking place. We can not, however, distinguish sharply between those two sets of factors, for, in a certain sense, the environment gradually becomes incorporated in the organism itself as development proceeds, each part contributing to the environment of all the remainder, and the influence of this internal portion of the environment ever becoming more and more important. The whole process of evolution depends upon changes of environment taking place so gradually that the neces- sary self-adjustment of the organism at every stage is possible. In the case of our amphibia the eggs could 166 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX possibly undergo the first stages of development, the preliminary segmentation, within the oviduct of the parent just as well as in the water, for in both cases they would be enclosed in their envelopes, and the morphological differences between the early stages in the two cases might be expected to be quite insignificant. But it must be the same at each term of the series, for each term is built upon the foundation of the preceding one, and the whole process takes place by slow and im- perceptible degrees. It is true that by the time we reach the formation of the vestigial gill-slits in the embryo of one of the higher vertebrates the environmental conditions are very dif- ferent from those under which gill-slits were developed in their aquatic ancestors. But what then? Are not the gill-slits also very different? The changed environ- ment has had its effect. The gills themselves are never developed, and the gill-slits never become functional; moreover, they disappear completely at later stages of development, when the conditions of life become still more different and their presence would be actually det- rimental to their possessor. The embryo with the ves- tigial gill-slits is, as a whole, perfectly well adapted to its environment, though the gill-slits themselves have ceased to be adaptive characters. They still appear be- cause the environmental conditions, and especially the internal conditions, which have now become far more important than the external ones, are still such as to cause them to do so. I think the chief difficulty in forming a mental picture of the manner in which evolution has taken place, and especially in accounting for the phenomenon of recapitu- lation in ontogeny, which is merely another aspect of the same problem, arises from attempting to take in too much at once. There is no difficulty in understanding how any particular stage is related to the corresponding stage in the previous generation, and the whole series of stages, whether looked at from the ontogenetic or from No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 167 the phylogenetic point of view, can be nothing else but the sum of its successive terms. It will be convenient, before going further, to sum up the results at which we have so far arrived from the point of view of the theory of heredity. We have as yet seen no reason to distinguish between somatogenic and blastogenic characters. All the characters of the adult animal are acquired during ontogeny as the result of the reaction of the organism to environmental stimuli, both internal and ‘external. All that the organism ac- tually inherits is a certain amount of protoplasm—en- dowed with a certain amount of energy—and a certain sequence of environmental conditions. In so far as these are identical in any two successive generations the final result must be identical also, the child must re- semble the parent; in so far as they are different the child will differ from the parent, but the differences in environment can not be very great without preventing development altogether. So far, it is clear, there has been no need to think of the germ-cells as the bearers of material factors or de- terminants that are responsible for the appearance of particular characters in the adult organism; nor yet to suppose that they are, to use the phraseology of the mnemic theory of heredity, charged with the memories of past generations. They have been regarded as simple protoplasmic units, and the entire ontogeny has appeared as the necessary result of the reaction between the or- ganism and its environment at each successive stage of development. This can not, however, be a complete ex- planation of ontogeny, for if it were we should expect all eggs, when allowed to develop under the same conditions from start to finish, to give rise to the same adult form, and this we know is not the case. We know also, from observation and experiment, that the egg is in reality by no means a simple thing but an extremely complex one, and that different parts of the egg may be definitely cor- related with corresponding parts of the adult body. It 168 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX has been demonstrated in certain cases that the egg con- tains special organ-forming substances definitely located in the cytoplasm, and that if these are removed definite parts of the organism into which the egg develops will be missing. We know, also, that the nucleus of the germ- cell of either sex contains—at any rate, at certain periods—a number of perfectly well-defined bodies, the chromosomes, and these also have been definitely cor- related in certain cases with special features of the adult organization. Before we can hope to complete our mental picture of the manner in which organic evolution has taken place, if only in outline, it is evident that we must be able to account for the great complexity of structure which the germ-cells themselves have managed to acquire, and also to form some idea of the effect. of this complication upon the development of both the individual and the race. We must consider the origin of cytoplasmic and nuclear complications of the egg separately, for they appear to be due fundamentally to two totally distinct sets of fac- tors. In the first place we have to remember that during oogenesis the egg-cell grows to a relatively large size by absorbing nutrient material from the body in which it is enclosed. It is this nutrient material that is used for building up the deutoplasm or food-yolk. There is good reason for believing that the character of this nutrient material will change, during the course of evo- lution, pari passu with the changing character of the or- ganism by which it is supplied. Doubtless the changeis of a chemical nature, for we know from precipitin experiments that the body fluids of closely allied species, or even of the two sexes of the same species, do exhibit distinctly recognizable differences in chemical composition. It also appears highly probable, if not certain, from such experiments as those of Agar upon Simocephalus, that substances taken in with the food, which bring about conspicuous modifications of bodily structure, may at the same time be absorbed and stored up by the egg-cells No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 169 so as to bring about corresponding changes in the adults into which the eggs develop. There seems therefore to be no great difficulty in com- prehending, at any rate in a general way, how the egg may become the repository of definite chemical sub- stances, organ-forming substances if we like to call them so, possibly to be classed with the hormones and en- zymes, which will influence the development in a particu- lar manner as soon as the appropriate conditions arise. Unfortunately, time will not allow of our following up | this line of thought on the present occasion, but we may notice, before passing on, that with the accumulation of organ-forming substances in the egg we have introduced the possibility of changes in bodily structure, to what- ever cause they may be due, being represented by cor- related modifications in the germ-cells, and this is doubt- less one of the reasons why the germ-cells of different animals are not all alike with regard to their potentiali- ties of development.® We now come to the question of how the nucleus of the germ-cell acquired its great complexity of structure. f We are not concerned here with the origin of the dif- ferentiation into nucleus and cytoplasm and the respec- tive parts played by the two in the life of the cell. The problem which we have to consider is the complication introduced by the sexual process, by the periodically re- curring union of the germ-cells in pairs, or, as Weis- mann has termed it, amphimixis. This is well known to be essentially a nuclear phenomenon, in which the so- called chromatin substance is especially concerned, and it is a phenomenon which must have made its appear- ance at a very early stage of evolution, for it is exhibited in essentially the same manner alike in the higher plants and animals and in unicellular organisms. Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that when amphimixis first took place the chromatin of each germ- 6 Compare Cunningham’s ‘‘ Hormone Theory of Heredity ’’ (Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, Bd. XXVI, Heft 3). 170 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX cell was homogeneous, but that it differed slightly in dif- ferent germ cells of the same species as a result of ex- posure to slightly different conditions during its past history. What would be likely to happen when two dif- ferent samples of chromatin came together in the zygote? The result would surely depend upon the interaction of the complex colloidal multimolecules of which the chro- atin is composed. Various possibilities would arise. (1) The two samples might differ in such a way as to act as poisons to one another, disturbing each other’s molecular equilibrium to such an extent that neither could survive. This is possibly what happens when an ovum is fertilized by a spermatozoon of a distinct species, though there are, of course, exceptions. (2) They might be so alike as to be able to amalgamate more or less completely, so that there would simply be an increase of chromatin of possibly more or less modi- fied constitution. (3) They might continue to exist side by side, each maintaining its own individual character. In the third case the union of the two different samples would give rise to a mass of chromatin of twofold na- ture, and repetition of the process from generation to generation would, as Weismann has shown, result in ever-increasing heterogeneity, until the chromatin came to consist of a great number of different concrete par- ticles, each of which might conceivably differ from all the others. But when two heterogeneous masses of chromatin meet in the zygote there may be all sorts of mutual attractions and repulsions between the different colloidal multimolecules, for all three of our supposed cases may arise simultaneously, and thus the results may become extremely complicated. The chromatin of the germ-cells in all existing or- ganisms is undoubtedly heterogeneous, and this hetero- geneity may be to some extent visibly expressed in its arrangement in more or less multiform chr omes during mitosis. We may provisionally accept Weis- — mann’s view that these chromosomes are themselves No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION : 171 heterogeneous, being composed of chromomeres or ids, which in their turn are composed of determinants. All this complexity of structure may be attributed to the effects of oft-repeated amphimixis, a view which is supported in the most striking manner by the fact that the nucleus in all ordinary somatic cells (in animals and in the diploid generation of plants) has a double set of chromosomes, one derived from the male and the. other from the female parent, and by the well-known phe- nomenon of chromatin reduction which always precedes amphimixis. When we approach the problem of heredity from the experimental side we get very strong evidence of the existence in the germ-plasm of definite material sub- stances associated with the inheritance of special char- acters. Mendelian workers generally speak of these substances as factors, but the conception of factors is evidently closely akin to that of Weismann’s hypothetical determinants. The cytological evidence fits in very well with the view that the factors in question may be definite material particles and it is quite possible that such par- ticles may have a specific chemical constitution to which their effects upon the developing organism are due. From our point of view the interesting thing is the possibility that arises through the sexual process of the permutation and combination of different factors de- rived from different lines of descent. A germ-cell may receive additions to its collection of factors or be subject to subtractions therefrom, and in either case the result- ing organism may be more or less conspicuously modified. By applying the method of experimental hybridization a most fruitful and apparently inexhaustible field of re- search has been opened up in this direction, in the de- velopment of which no one has taken a more active part than the present President of the British Association. There can not be the slightest doubt that a vast number of characters are inherited in what is called the Mende- 172 ` THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX jan manner, and, as they are capable of being separately inherited and interchanged with others by hybridization, we are justified in believing that they are separately represented in the germ-cells by special factors. Im- portant as this result is, I believe that at the present time there exists a distinct danger of exaggerating its significance. The fact that many new and apparently permanent combinations of characters may arise through hybridization, and that the organisms thus produced have all the attributes of what we call distinct species, does not justify us in accepting the grotesque view—as it appears to me—that all species have arisen by crossing, or even the view that the organism is entirely built up of separately transmissible ‘‘unit characters.’’ Bateson tells us that Baur has for example crossed species so unlike as Antirrhinum majus and molle, forms differing from each other in almost every feature of organization, Surely the latter part of this statement can not be correct, for after all Antirrhinum majus and molle are both snapdragons, and exhibit all the essential charac- ters of snapdragons. I think it is a most significant fact that the only char- acters which appear to be inherited in Mendelian fashion are comparatively trivial features of the organism which must have arisen during the last stages of phylogeny. This is necessarily the case, for any two organisms suffi- ciently nearly related to be capable of crossing are iden- tical as regards the vast majority of their characters. It is only those few points in which they differ that re- main to be experimented on. Moreover, the characters in question appear to be all non-adaptive, having no ob- vious relation to the environment and no particular value in the struggle for existence. They are clearly what Weismann calls blastogenic characters, originating in the germ-plasm, and are probably identical with the mu- tations of de Vries. These latter are apparently chro- No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 173 matin-determined characters, for, as Dr. Gates has re- cently shown in the case of nothera, mutation may result from abnormal distribution of the chromosomes in the reduction division." We have next to inquire whether or not the Mendelian results are really in any way inconsistent with the gen- eral theory of evolution outlined in the earlier part of this address. Here we are obviously face to face with the old dispute between epigenesis and preformation. The theory of ontogeny which I first put forward is clearly epigenetic in character, while the theory of unit gis aeaie represented in the germ-cells by separate ‘“factors,’’ is scarcely less clearly a theory of preforma- tion, and of course the conception of definite organ-form- ing substances in the cytoplasm falls under the same category. The point which I now wish to emphasize is that the ideas of epigenesis and preformation are not not inconsistent with one another, and that, as a matter of fact, ontogenetic development is of a dual nature, an epigenesis modified by what is essentially preformation. We have already dealt briefly with the question of organ-forming substances in the cytoplasm, and it must, I think, be clear that the existence of these is in no way incompatible with a fundamental epigenesis. We shall find directly that the same is true of Mendelian ‘‘fac- tors’? or Weismannian ‘‘determinants.’’ We have seen that it is possible to conceive of even a complex organism as inheriting nothing from its parent but a minute speck of protoplasm, endowed with poten- tial energy, and a sequence of suitable environments, the interaction between the two bringing about a similar result in each suceeding generation, with a slow progres- sive evolution due to the operation of the law of accu- mulation of surplus energy. If any of the conditions of development are changed the result, as manifested in the organization of the adult, must undergo a corre- sponding modification. Suppose that the chromatin sub- 7 Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. LIX, p. 557. 174 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX stance of the zygote is partially modified in molecular constitution, perhaps by the direct action of the environ- ment, as appears to happen in the case of Tower’s ex- periments on mutation in the potato beetle, or by the in- troduction of a different sample of chromatin from an- other individual by hybridization. What is the germ- plasm now going to do? When and how may the changes that have taken place in its constitution be ex- pected to manifest themselves in the developing or- -ganism? ! Let us consider what would be likely to happen in the first stages of ontogeny. If the germ-plasm had re- mained unaltered the zygote would have divided into blastomeres under the stimuli of the same conditions, both internal and external, as those under which the corresponding divisions took place in preceding genera- tions. Is the presence of a number of new colloidal mul- timolecules in the germ-plasm going to prevent this? The answer to this question probably depends partly upon the proportion that the new multimolecules bear to the whole mass, and partly upon the nature of the modification that has taken place. If the existence of the new multimolecules is incompatible with the proper functional activity of the germ-plasm as a whole there is an end of the matter. The organism does not. de- velop. If it is not incompatible we must suppose that the zygote begins its development as before, but that sooner or later the modification of the germ-plasm will manifest itself in the developing organism, in the first instance as a mutation. In cases of hybridization we may get a mixture in varying degrees of the distinguish- ing characters of the two parent forms, or we may get complete dominance of one form over the other in the hybrid generation, or we may even get some new form, the result depending on the mutual reactions of the dif- ferent constituents of the germ-plasm. The organism into which any zygote develops must be No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 175 a composite body deriving its blastogenic characters from different sources; but this cannot affect its funda- mental structure, for the two parents must have been alike in all essential respects or they could not have in- terbred, and any important differences in the germ- plasm must be confined to the ‘‘factors’’ for the differen- tiating characters. The fundamental structure still de- velops epigenetically on the basis of an essentially simi- lar germ-plasm and under essentially similar conditions as in the case of each of the two parents, and there is no reason to suppose that special ‘‘factors’’ have anything to do with it. We thus see how new unit characters may be added by mutation and interchanged by hybridization while the fundamental constitution of the organism remains the same and the epigenetic course of development is not seriously affected. All characters that arise in this way must be regarded, from the point of view of the or- ganism, as chance characters due to chance modifications of the germ-plasm, and they appear to have compara- tively little influence upon the course of evolution. One of the most remarkable features of organic evo- lution is that it results in the adaptation of the organism to its environment, and for this adaptation mutation and hybridization utterly fail to account. Of course the ar- gument of natural selection is called in to get over this difficulty. Those organisms which happen to exhibit favorable mutations will survive and hand on their ad- vantages to the next generation, and so on. It has fre- quently been pointed out that this is not sufficient. Mu- tations occur in all directions, and the chances of a favor- able one arising are extremely remote. Something more is wanted, and this something, it appears to me, is to be found in the direct response of the organism to environ- mental stimuli at all stages of development, whereby in- dividual adaptation is secured, and this individual adap- tation must arise again and again in each succeeding 176 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou. XLIX generation. Moreover, the adaptation must, as I pointed out before, tend to be progressive, for each successive generation builds upon a foundation of accumulated ex- perience and has a better start than its predecessors. Of course natural selection plays its part, as it must in all cases, even in the organic world, and I believe that in many cases—as, for example, in protective re- semblance and mimicry—that part has been an extremely important one. But much more important than natural selection appears to me what Baldwin® has termed ‘‘ Functional Selection,” selection by the organism itself, out of a number of possible reactions, of just those that are required to meet any emergency. As Baldwin puts it, ‘‘It is the organism which secures from all its over- produced movements those which are adaptive and bene- ficial.’ Natural selection is here replaced by intelligent selection, for I think we must agree with Jennings® that we can not make a distinction between the higher and the lower organisms in this respect, and that all purposive reactions, or adjustments, are essentially intelligent. Surely that much-abused philosopher, Lamarck, was not far from the truth when he said, ‘‘The production of a new organ in an animal body results from a new requirement which continues to make itself felt, and from a new movement which this requirement begets ` and maintains.’ Is not this merely another way of saying that the individual makes adaptive responses to environmental stimuli? Where so many people fall foul of Lamarck is with regard to his belief in the inheri- tance of acquired characters. But in speaking of ac- quired characters Lamarck did not refer to such modifi- cations as mutilations; he was obviously talking of the gradual self-adjustment of the organism to its environ- ment, 8** Development and Evolution °’? (New York, 1902), p. 87. 9‘* Behavior of the Lower Organisms °? (New York, 1906), pp. 334, 335. 10‘* Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Vertébres,’’ Tom. I, 1815, P. 185. No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 177 We are told, of course, that such adjustments will only be preserved so long as the environmental stimuli by which they were originally called for continue to exer- cise their influence. Those who raise this objection are apt to forget that this is exactly what happens in evolu- tion, and that the sine qua non of development is the proper maintenance of the appropriate environment, both internal and external. Natural selection sees to it that the proper conditions are maintained within very narrow limits. A great deal of the confusion that has arisen with re- gard to the question of the inheritance of acquired char- acters is undoubtedly due to the quite unjustifiable limi- tation of the idea of ‘‘inheritance’’ to which we have ac- customed ourselves. The inheritance of the environ- ment is, as I have already said, just as important as the inheritance of the material foundation of the body, and whether or not a newly acquired character will be in- herited must depend, usually at any rate, upon whether or not the conditions under which it arose are inherited. It is the fashion nowadays to attach very little impor- ance to somatogenic characters in discussing the problem of evolution. The whole fundamental structure of the body must, however, according to the epigenetic view, be due to the gradual accumulation of characters that arise as the result of the reactions of the organism to its environment, and are therefore somatogenic, at any rate in the first instance, though there is reason to believe that some of them may find expression in the germ-cells in the formation of organ-forming substances, and pos- sibly in other ways. Blastogenic characters which ac- tually originate in the germ-cells appear to be of quite Secondary importance. We still have to consider the question, How is it that organic evolution has led to the formation of those more or less well-marked groups of organisms which we call species? We have to note in the first place that there 178 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX is no unanimity of opinion amongst biologists as to what a species is. Lamarck insisted that nature recognizes no such things as species, and a great many people at the present day are, I think, still of the same opinion. In practise, however, every naturalist knows that there are natural groups to which the vast majority of indi- viduals can be assigned without any serious difficulty. Charles Darwin maintained that such groups arose, under the influence of natural selection, through gradual divergent evolution and the extinction of intermediate forms. To-day we are told by de Vries that species originate as mutations which propagate themselves with- out alteration for a longer or shorter period, and by Lotsy that species originate by crossing of more or less distinct forms, though this latter theory leaves quite un- solved the problem of where the original forms that crossed with one another came from. I think a little reflection will convince us that the origin of species is a different problem from that of the cause of progressive evolution. We can scarcely doubt, how- ever, that Darwin was right in attributing prime im- portance to divergent evolution and the disappearance of connecting links. It is obvious that this process must give rise to more or less sharply separated groups of in- dividuals to which the term species may be applied, and that the differences between these species must be at- tributed ultimately to differences in the response of the organism to differing conditions of the environment. It may be urged that inasmuch as different species are often found living side by side under identical conditions the differences between them can not have arisen in this way, but we may be quite certain that if we knew enough of their past history we should find that their ancestors had not always lived under identical conditions. The case of flightless birds on oceanic islands is par- ticularly instructive in this connection. The only satis- factory way of explaining the existence of such birds is No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 179 by supposing that their ancestors had well-developed wings, by the aid of which they made their way to the islands from some continental area. The conditions of the new environment led to the gradual disuse and con- sequent degeneration of the wings until they either be- came useless for flight or, in the case of the moas, com- pletely disappeared. It would be absurd to maintain that any of the existing flightless birds are specifically identical with the ancestral flying forms from which they are descended, and it would, it appears to me, be equally absurd to suppose that the flightless species arose by mutation or by crossing, the same result being pro- duced over and over again on different islands and in different groups of birds. This is clearly a case where the environment has determined the direction of evo- lution. In such cases there is not the slightest ground for be- . lieving that crossing has had anything whatever to do with the origin of the different groups to which the term species is applied; indeed, the study of island faunas in general indicates very clearly that the prevention of crossing, by isolation, has been one of the chief factors in the divergence of lines of descent and the consequent multiplication of species, and Romanes clearly showed that even within the same geographical area an identical result may be produced by mutual sterility, which is the cause, rather than the result, of specific distinction. Species, then, may clearly arise by divergent evolu- tion under changing conditions of the environment, and may become separated from one another by the extinc- tion of intermediate forms. The environmental stimuli (including, of course, the body as part of its own en- vironment) may, however, act in two different ways: (1) Upon the body itself, at any stage of its development, tending to cause adaptation by individual selection of the most appropriate response; and (2) upon the germ- plasm, causing mutations or sudden changes, sports, in 180 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX fact, which appear to have no direct relation whatever to the well-being of the organism in which they appear, but to be purely accidental. Such mutations are, of course, inherited, and, inasmuch as the great majority of specific characters appear to have no adaptive signifi- cance, it seems likely that mutation has had a great deal to do with the origin of species, though it may have had very little to do with progressive evolution. Similarly with regard to hybridization, we know that vast numbers of distinct forms, that breed true, may be produced in this way, but they are simply due to recom- binations of mutational characters in the process of am- phimixis, and have very little bearing upon the problem of evolution. If we like to call the new groups of indi- viduals that originate thus ‘‘species,’’ well and good, but it only means that we give that name, as a matter of convenience, to any group of closely related individuals which are distinguished by recognizable characters from the individuals of all other groups, and which hand on those characters to their descendants so long as the con- ditions remain the same. This, perhaps, is what we should do, and just as we have learned to regard indi- viduals as the temporary offspring of a continuous stream of germ-plasm, so we must regard species as the somewhat more permanent but nevertheless temporary offshoots of a continuous line of progressive evolution. Individuals are to species what the germ-plasm is to in- dividuals. One species does not arise from another species, but from certain individuals in that species, and when all the individuals become so specialized as to lose their power of adaptation, then changes in the en- vironment may result in the extinction of that line of descent. It is scarcely necessary to point out that no explana- tion that we are able to give regarding the causes of either phylogenetic or ontogenetic evolution can be com- plete and exhaustive. Science can never hope to get to No. 579] PROGRESSIVE EVOLUTION 181 the bottom of things in any department of knowledge; there is always something remaining beyond our reach. If we are asked why an organism chooses the most ap- propriate response to any particular stimulus, we may suggest that this is the response that relieves it from further stimulation, but we cannot say how it learns to choose that response at once in preference to all others. If we are asked to account for some particular muta- tion, we may say that it is due to some modification in the constitution or distribution of the chromosomes in the germ-cells, but even if we knew exactly what that modification was, and could express it in chemical terms, we could not really say why it produces its particular result and no other, any more than the chemist can say why the combination of two gases that he calls oxygen and hydrogen gives rise to a liquid that he calls water. There is one group of ontogenetic phenomena in par- ticular that seems to defy all attempts at mechanistic interpretation. I refer to the phenomena of restitution, the power which an organism possesses of restoring the normal condition of the body after it has been vio- lently disturbed by some external agent. The fact that a newt is able to regenerate its limbs over and over again after they have been removed, or that an echino- derm blastula may be cut in half and each half give rise to a perfect larva, is one of the most surprising things in the domain of biological science. We can not, at present, at any rate, give any satisfactory mechanistic explanation of these facts, and to attribute them to the action of some hypothetical entelechy, after the manner of Professor Hans Driesch, is simply an admission of our inability to do so. We can only say that in the course of its evolution each organism acquires an indi- viduality or wholeness of its own, and that one of the fundamental properties of living organisms is to main- tain that individuality. They are able to do this in a variety of ways, and can sometimes even replace a lost 182 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX organ out of material quite different from that from which the organ in question is normally developed, as in the case of the regeneration of the lens of the eye from the iris in the newt. That there must be some mechanism involved in such cases is, of course, self-evi- dent, and we know that that mechanism may sometimes go wrong and produce monstrous and unworkable re- sults; but it is, I think, equally evident that the organism must possess some power of directing the course of events, so as generally to secure the appropriate result; and it is just this power of directing chemical and phys- ical processes, and thus employing them in its own inter- ests, that distinguishes a living organism from an inani- mate object. In conclusion I ought, perhaps, to apologize for the somewhat dogmatic tone of my remarks. I must ask you to believe, however, that this does not arise from any desire on my part to dogmatize, but merely from the necessity of compressing what I wished to say into a totally inadequate space. Many years of patient work are still needed before we can hope to solve, even ap- proximately, the problem of organic evolution, but it seemed to me permissible, on the present occasion, to indulge in a general survey of the situation, and see how far it might be possible to reconcile conflicting views and bring together a number of ideas derived from many sources in one consistent theory. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION THE ORIGIN. OF A NEW EYE-COLOR IN DROSOPHILA REPLETA AND ITS BEHAVIOR IN HEREDITY ‘ In September, 1913, a new eye-color ‘‘scarlet,’’ appeared in one of my cultures of Drosophila repleta Wollaston. The new eye color is a bright scarlet when first hatched and darkens but little with age. The eyes of the wild flies, on the other hand, are a deep mahogany which darken soon after hatching until they are almost black. This last statement is true of the stocks I have found in New York City, Woods Hole, Mass., North Manchester, Ind., Brazil, Ind., and Terre Haute, Indiana. The eye-color of the newly emerged mutant corresponds to the color chart in Ridgeway’s Color Guide, Plate VII, No. 11 (Boston, 1886). The large scarlet eye in contrast to the dark body of the fly makes the new repleta an object of great beauty as contrasted with the wild species. The new fly in all probability came from heterozygous stock, as is shown by the following facts. The original stock was obtained by exposing a fruit jar with banana in a fruit store in North Manchester, Indiana, September 10, 1913. From this bottle! there hatched 777 92 and 206 ¢¢ of Drosophila ampelophila. On November 5 appeared repletas. November 15, I found one scarlet female among 35 repletas. November 16, one scarlet male among 20 flies. November 17, one scarlet female among 25 flies. Some of the virgin flies were isolated and four scarlets appeared on January 24. My assistant, Mr. Powell, also isolated some of the original stock and later found three scarlets. This would seem to show that the stock had mutated some time before ‘being taken into captivity. During September, 1915, I set a great many traps in the region where the above stock was taken, 1I should call attention to the aberrant sex ratio found here in Droso- phila ampelophila. Culture from this stock later gave 491 99 and 45 gg. I have data on the sex-ratio in this species for over three years and in many different stocks. With this exception I have found it approaching equality. I mated 25 pairs of virgin flies from this stock with the expecta- tion of finding a sex-linked lethal but in each of the twenty-five bottles the sex-ratio was practically one of equality. The subsequent history of the stock was not followed, owing to an accident. 183 184 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX with the hope of finding whether or not scarlet was common in this region. I have bred many of the stocks since that time, but so far no scarlets have appeared.? BEHAVIOR OF SCARLET IN HEREDITY One of the original virgin scarlet females was mated to a scarlet male. The union was fruitful and a pure scarlet race was produced which has bred true since that time. The sexes are easily distinguished, the life cycle is about thirty days, and after long experience I have found it comparatively easy to breed this fly in captivity. Scarlet was crossed to a wild stock which had been taken about four months previously in Terre Haute. This stock bred true to black eyes. The flies were studied in mass culture and virgin flies were used in crossing (the sexes were separated every 18 hours). The offspring, which had eyes like the wild stock, were mated in mass culture for the F, generation. The apse tables give the results from the crosses. TABLE I SHOWING THE RESULT IN THE F, GENERATION OF CROSSING SCARLET ox Wop g N Scarlet | Scarlet Black Black Total Total Total Total -~ Cea 29 ad 99 ad 99 Scarlet | Black 1 57 64 139 159 196 223 121 298 2 42 27 126 85 168 112 69 211 3 73 31 148 132 221 163 104 4 61 61 210 166 271 122 376 5 72 73 263 193 266 145 6 ss RE ai nee _ — 175 530 7 pts coe sis ase le —_ 52 182 Total, 305 256 886 735 1,191 991 788 2,333 These tables bring out the fact that the new eye color is a simple Mendelian recessive character since it approximates the 2 It is only fair to state that I had made earlier attempts to find muta- tions in this species. In the fall of 1911 a female of D. repleta was taken in the Zoological laboratory at Columbia University and from this a stock was obtained which was kept going on well-ripened bananas with more or less difficulty for more than a year. It was comparatively easy to keep the colony going in the same bottle by adding food from time to time but difficulty was experienced in founding new colonies. During the period of observation I examined many hundreds of repletas without finding a single mutation. ms ; No.579] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 185 TABLE II SHOWING THE RESULT IN THE F, GENERATION OF CROSSING SCARLET XxX WILD 2 N Scarlet Scarlet Black Black Total Total Total | Total 2 ad 29 ley ge PF ge Scarlet | Black 8 34 37 111 118 145 155 71 | 229 9 31 56 134 165 165 221 87 299 10 38 46 121 137 159 183 | 258 11 ai aon are S 102 300 12 69 91 216 257 285 348 160 473 13 22 19 39 61 61 80 41 141 14 — — — — — — 80 264 15 oe bas wad ee 25 — 74 230 Totall 194 | 249 | 621 | 738 | 815 987 | 699 | 2,194 expected ratio of three to one. There appeared in the F, gen- eration from the scarlet male a total of 699 scarlets and 2,194 blacks,—a ratio of 3.14 black to one scarlet. From the scarlet female there appeared in the F, generation 788 scarlets and 2,333 blacks,—a ratio of 2.96 black to one scarlet. It is to be noted that the sex ratio is practically one of equality. Roscoe R. HYDE A WING MUTATION IN A NEW SPECIES OF DROSOPHILA A NEW wing mutation which appeared in my cultures of Drosophila confusa Auct. (not Staeg.) is characterized by the fact that the wings curve upward at an angle of about 45 degrees from the region of the tip of the abdomen. The new wing re- sembles somewhat the shape of a petal of the rose and is easily distinguished from the wild species since the wings of the wild fly project horizontally over and beyond the abdomen, as is characteristic of the diptera. I shall refer to the new fly as : jaunty C.2 The wild stock from which jaunty C arose was taken in an orchard on the Coss farm about seven miles south of North Manchester, Indiana, in September, 1913. The original stock was bred in a glass vial to which fresh banana was added from time to time. Several stock bottles were made up from this 1 The wing is like that of jaunty in D. ampelophila and is here designated jaunty C( = confusa) to call attention to this resemblance. 186 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX bottle. All the offspring were examined with a hand lens but no unusual forms appeared until the fourth or fifth generation when jaunty C was discovered. Subsequently three or four similar mutants were found in the cultures, which would seem to indi- cate that they arose from heterozygous stock. Pure stock was obtained by crossing to the wild flies and ‘‘extracting.”’ When jaunty C is crossed to the wild type all of the flies of the F, generation have long wings. No exact record was kept but this statement is true of several hundred that were observed. The sex ratio was practically one of equality. In the F, genera- tion jaunty C reappeared, as shown in the following tables. F, GENERATION FROM JAUNTY C Jf F, GENERATION FROM JAUNTY C 9 TABLE I . TABLE II No. Jaunty C Long No. Jaunty C Long 1 40 176 3 37 124 2 38 150 4 24 145 5 66 308 Totalc?. 78 326 127 577 Among the grandchildren from the jaunty C male the ratio is one jaunty C to 4.18 long, while among the grandchildren of the reciprocal cross the ratio is one jaunty C to 4.54 long. The sex ratios were near equality. These ratios do not conform very closely to Mendelian ex- pectations, but I have found this species very hard to breed, and since the flies were bred in mass cultures it may be that jaunty C was repped affected by crowding of the larve. to carry out more elaborate experiments during the summer of 1914 and had about twenty bottles of the new stock in pure culture and also some wild stocks, when the flies commenced to die during the hot days in the latter part of May and June. Finally the last individual disappeared despite all the care that I could exercise, and no larve were left in the bottles to take their place. As the June temperature increased other stocks failed to reproduce and died out. That the warm weather was in all probability responsible is shown by the results which were obtained by placing the stocks in a refrigerator. All those stocks placed in the refrigerator remained very active and continued to reproduce while all the stocks left on the outside died out with the exception of the wild stocks of D. ampelophila. No.579] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 187 But even ampelophila does not thrive when the temperature reaches 100°. During September, 1914, I took several wild stocks of confusa from the same region, and have examined many of the offspring with the hopes of again finding this form but so far no unusual forms have appeared. Roscoe R. HYDE MUTATIONS IN TWO SPECIES OF DROSOPHILA In our cultures of Drosophila, mutations have appeared re- cently in two species other than Drosophila ampelophila. Both mutants are characterized by abnormalities in wing venation. One of them has irregular extra veins in the axillary cell, and hence may be called axillary. The other is distinguished most clearly by the fusion of the distal end of the second vein to the costa, producing a double vein for a considerable distance, for which reason it is called confluent. In each of these cases other abnormal characters are associated with those mentioned, but they are relatively inconspicuous. The mutant called axillary arose in normal stock of D. tri- punctata Loew, which has been bred in the laboratory for about six generations. This stock was kept in milk bottles and fed on banana, but received no artificial treatment except anesthesia with ether once per generation. Axillary behaves as a simple Mendelian recessive when crossed with normal, and breeds true in pure cultures. The mutant called confluent appeared in a culture of an un- described species of Drosophila, referred to as ‘‘species B” by one of us in a paper describing its chromosomes.’ Confluent is a dominant character (i. e., it appears in the heterozygous fly), and so far as we have been able to ascertain it never occurs in the homozygous condition. At least no flies homozygous for it have as yet been found, although numerous matings have been made which should have produced them. The original fly show- ing the confluent character (a male) appeared in a stock culture, all of his brothers and sisters being normal. He was hetero- zygous, as shown by matings with normal females, which gave 15 normal and 13 confluent offspring. Seven of the latter, bred 1¢Chromosome Studies in the Diptera,’’ I, Jour. Exp. Zool, XVII. p. 45, 1914. 188 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX to normals in pairs, gave 778 normals and 691 confluents, show- ing that they too were heterozygous.? The remaining six were bred together in pairs and gave 261 normal and 431. confluent progeny, or a ratio of approximately 1:2 instead of the expected 1:3. According to expectation one third of the 431 confluent offspring in this generation should be homozygous, and random matings in pairs (confluent by confluent), should give in five cases out of nine only confluent progeny. Sixteen such matings have been made, none of which gave this result; instead each gave approximately one normal to two confluent, just as did the F, heterozygotes. Normal brothers and sisters of confluent in both generations bred en masse gave only normals, showing that none of them was heterozygous for confluent. From these data we conclude that the homozygous confluent flies are not viable, and that the 1:2 ratio is due to the total absence of this class. To our knowledge such a condition as this has been previously re- corded in only three cases: the ‘‘aurea’’ Antirrhinum of Baur, the yellow mouse of Cuenot, Castle, ete., and the dwarf wheat of Vilmorin. Baur’s case differs somewhat from the others and from ours in that the homozygous mutant class appears, but soon dies (due to the absence of chlorophyll). With regard to the origin of mutations the present cases are instructive in showing that they may appear without the use of artificial chemical or physical agents, and without hybridiza- tion. No radium, X-rays or any chemicals whatever have been applied to these cultures, except ether, and that only for anes- thesia of the adult flies in each generation. The stock of D. tripunctata from which axillary arose was obtained wild, and had been inbred for six or seven generations; that of the other species, from which confluent arose, is all descended from one pair of wild flies, almost certainly brother and sister, and had — been inbred for about twelve generations when the mutant ap- peared. In neither case had flies from two localities been crossed ; both stocks were pure and inbred. The only agent that could possibly fall under suspicion as a causative one, then, is ether, but this was used uniformly throughout the experiments, and since only two mutations appeared among many thousands 0 flies, there is no reason for attributing them to the specific -~ 2The offspring per pair were respectively: 242 : 194, 93 : 73, 97 : 106, 42 : 47, 133 : 125, 76 : 65, 110: 94. No.579] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 189 effect of ether ;? a conclusion made even more certain by the fact that other species were bred during the same time, under iden- - tical conditions, and with the same treatment, but without the production of mutations. There is every reason to believe, therefore, that the cause of the mutation in each case was piiely fortuitous. One of the aims of our work on the Drosophilas is to apply the chromosome hypothesis to species having chromosomes dif- ferent from those of D. ampelophila. The experimental work of Morgan and others on D. ampelophila has pointed directly to the conclusion that the four groups of linked factors which they have studied are located, respectively, in the four pairs of chromo- somes of this species. One of us has recently shown in the paper above cited that several other species of Drosophila have chromo- some groups differing from that of ampelophila in the number and relative sizes of the chromosomes. Of the two species con- sidered in the present paper, one, ‘‘species B,’’ has six pairs of chromosomes, and should therefore, on the chromosome hypothesis, give six series of linked characters. The other, D. tripunctata, has four pairs of chromosomes, but of a type essentially different from that of ampelophila, and consequently should also give essentially different linkage series. It is significant that both of the mutations which we have found (axillary and confluent), are represented by similar muta- tions in D. ampelophila. Judging from these it is not too much to expect that among other mutations which may subsequently arise in our species, some will likewise correspond to some of those in ampelophila, and that upon this basis it may be possible to homologize linkage groups, and thus more definitely homolo- gize chromosomes in different species. C. W. Merz anv B. S. Merz CARNEGIE INSTITUTION, STATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION A SEX-LINKED CHARACTER IN DROSOPHILA REPLETA ` Drosophila repleta Wollaston (D. punctulata Loew) is a cosmopolitan species, though only recently introduced into the 3 Professor grae 1c arrived at the same conclusion with regard to the appearance of m in Drosophila ampelophila, Cf, AMER, NAT., 1914, ‘‘The Failure of F his to Produce Mutations in Drosophila. ”? 190 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX greater part of this country. The color of the thorax (dorsal side), in most specimens, is light gray, each hair having a dark blackish brown spot at its, base. These spots are somewhat irregular, and coalesce in certain regions, In October, 1914, I collected a number of specimens of D. repleta in the zoological laboratory at Columbia University. About one sixth of these had a lighter color on the thorax than that found in normal flies. The dark spots, while of about the same number and color as usual, were much smaller and only coalesced in a few small regions. Several females of both kinds were isolated and their offspring observed. These females were, in each case, mated with males of their own kind: but they were of unknown age when captured, and several of them had prob- ably already mated with other males. In the tables given here ‘*dark’’ refers to the normal type; ‘‘light,’’ to the new character. TABLE I WILD FEMALES Offspring Culture Mother Dark 9 Dark g Light 9 Light # PA Light 5 0 91 86 Q Light 12 0 50 53 ig Dark 62 76 0 U Dark 71 52 11 41 y Dark 96 50 0 41 wW Dark 36 30 0 0 X Dark 32 47 0 0 Light offspring from J and from Q, when mated together, gave 166 lights in the next generation—no darks. Darks from T, mated together, gave 180 darks—no lights. On the basis of these results it is probable that the light char- acter is a sex-linked recessive. The two light females, J and Q, had paired with dark males before being captured, since they pro- duced a total of 17 dark offspring: but these darks were all females, showing either that the male-producing sperm of the father carried no dark factor (i. e., that the factor is sex-linked), or that the light character is dominant in the males and recessive in the females, Female V, since she produced light sons but no light daughters, must, on either of the above views, have been mated only by a dark male, and she must have been heterozygous for the light No.579] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 191 character. Female U must have had the same constitution, but had probably mated with both kinds of males. The crucial test between the two views was furnished by mating a dark female from culture T to a light male from J. The result was 25 dark females and 26 dark males. This is the expectation if the character is sex-linked; but if light is recessive in the females and dominant in the males, the mating should have given only dark females and light males. The light char- acter is, therefore, sex-linked and recessive. A further test was made by mating heterozygous females (one from Q and one from U) by their light brothers. Table II shows that the result approximates to the expected 1:1:1:1 ratio. TABLE II Culture Dark 9 Dark of Light 9 Light #7 Q2 12 12 19 15 U1 15 17 17 13 27 29 36 28 In all the cultures it has been observed that the heterozygous females average a little lighter in color than do the homozygous darks. This difference, however, is not sufficient to allow an accurate separation of the two classes. Dark males are of the same color as the homozygous dark females. In October, 1914, I received some banana collected by Mr. B. Schwartz at Fayetteville, Ark. From it there hatched one repleta male, which was of the light type. Bred to light females from culture J, this male produced 133 offspring, all of which were light. An examination of the pinned material in my own collection and that of the American Museum of Natural History has shown the existence of a number of specimens which seem to belong to the light type. The following table shows the distribution of the specimens examined. Those marked ‘‘not workable,’’ are not in good enough condition to be classified with certainty. The table shows the light form to oceur in New York, Alabama, Arkansas, California, and Cuba. The Cuban record is of in- terest because the date, 1904, is the earliest of the seven cases. 192 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX TABLE III Locality Date Dark Light Not Workable Woods Hole, Mass........ June, 1913 3 0 New: York; N: Ya cctv: Feb., 1913 2 1 eee June, 1913 3 1 fe eeu EA ct., 19 83% 17% Washington, D. C........ ct., 1912 3 0 N. Manchester, Ind....... Sept., 1913 2 0 LIRGLOBR, Fk. cs ap oe ees Mar., 1914 1 0 Gene. Als o Oi ewe ie June, 1914 3 1 Pavestevilie, FP Oct., 1914 0 1 Claremont, Calif......... May, 1914 4 0 ewport, Califs,:. 6.0062: Sept., 1913 2 6 1 Berkeley, Calif........... 191 2 0 ear ana, Cuba...... Nov., 1904 3 3 3 Guantanamo, Cuba....... Dec., 1913 5 0 1 u, Dominica........ June, 1911 5 0 1 At that time D. repleta seems to have been rather rare in the United States. A. H. STURTEVANT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, January 1915 % VOL. XLIX, NO. 580 | The American Naturalist intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be MSS sent to the beatae of THE AM Short icles containin MERICAN NATURALIST, Ga summaries of ew York, roblems of organi evolution are especially welcome, and will be given preference in publication One hun reprints of contributions are supplied to authors free of charge. Further reprints will be supplied at cost. Subscri and eghtncmcagesce a beste be oer to the — The rodeo eg price is oe dollars en F n postage is fifty cents and five cents ees nal. The charge for single eri is n postage forty sents. The vorili rates are pas Dollars for a page. THE SCIENCE PRESS Garrison, N. Y. Lancaster, Pa. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered d-class matter, April 2, 1908, at the Post ee. at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 18 : R SALE ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND RDS’ SKINS, Well Prepared Low Prices rs of _ DINESEN, Bird Collector ence solicited. JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS . Perfect Condition and Lowest Prices. Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, Entomology, Marine Animals and others. Catalogue free. Correspond- T. FUKAI, Naturalist, ; Konosu, Saitama, Japan a : Husavik, North iceland, Via Leidle, Eapiang Marine Biological Laboratory 7 | Woods Hole, Mass. . "INVESTIGATION pnas aa Entire Year tae rete . THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vor. XLIX April, 1915 No. 580 ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS AS OBSERVED IN FOSSIL AND LIVING ANIMALS AND PLANTS! HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AMERICAN Museum or NATURAL HISTORY In the last thirty years two biologies have been develop- ing. The first is the biology of the garden, the seed pan, the incubator, and the breeding pen. The second is the biol- ogy of the field zoologist, of the field botanist, of the pale- ontologist. Inasmuch as one regards unnatural processes and the other regards natural processes it is small wonder that these biologies have become as far apart as two re- ligions and have developed their sects and their dog- matists. Yet the actual facts assembled in these two biologies as distinguished from the opinions based there- upon can not be in the least discordant, for certainly there is only one system of law operating in the living world and there can be only one ultimate and final biology. In my Harvey lecture of 1912? the search for some unity between the observations in these two great fields of ` natural and experimental research met with some failure 1 Presidential address before The Paleontological Society of America, delivered in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Wednesday, December 31, 1914. 2 The present address, as a comparison of zoological, paleontological, and experimental results, is a sequel to the author’s Harvey Lecture of 1912, entitled ‘‘The Continuous Origin of Certain Unit Characters as Observed by a Paleontologist.’’ Harvey Soc. Vol, 7th ser., Nov., 1912, pp. 153-204. It employs in part the same materials and illustrations. 193 194 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX and some success, and in the present address I am push- ing inquiry along the same line, choosing the ‘‘single character’’ as the point of investigation and comparison. THE ORIGIN oF CHARACTERS The old and ever vague problem of the origin of species is being resolved into the newer and more definite prob- lem of the origin of characters; in the dim future when we know how and why new characters originate, and how and why they transform and disappear, the problem of natural and experimental research met with some failure and some success, and in the present address I am push- ing inquiry along the same line, choosing the ‘‘single character’’ as the point of investigation and comparison. THe ORIGIN OF CHARACTERS The old and ever vague problem of the origin of species is being resolved into the newer and more definite prob- lem of the origin of characters; in the dim future when we know how and why new characters originate, and how and why they transform and disappear, the problem of „Species will have long been solved and well-nigh for- gotten. This is because a species is an assemblage or colony of similar individuals, each individual is composed of a vast number of somewhat similar new or old charac- ters, each character has its independent and separate history, each character is in a certain stage of evolution, each character is correlated with the other characters of the individual. Thus in a sense the species, the subspecies, the variety, even the individual is not a zoological unit, whereas the ‘‘character’’ when narrowed down to the last point of divisibility seems to be a unit both among plants and ani- mals, and a very stable one, with certain distinctive powers, properties, and qualities of its own. We have been approaching this new conception from many dif- ferent lines of observation among fossil and living ani- mals and plants, and a preliminary survey of results is _ opportune. No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 195 My chief purpose in this address is to show what one of these ‘‘single’’ or ‘‘least characters’’? is and what pe- culiar powers and properties it possesses which distin- guish it from other ‘‘least characters’’ and give it a cer- tain individuality and separateness. If you read your Lamarck, your Darwin, your Cope afresh with this general conception in mind you will find that throughout biological literature the problem of species has always been an incidental one, a sort of by-problem and relic of the very ancient controversy as to whether species were created suddenly or evolved gradually. The real problem has always been, that of the origin and development of characters. Since the ‘‘Origin of Species’? appeared the terms variation and variability have always referred to single characters; if a species is said to be variable we mean that a acne. able number of the single characters or groups of char- acters of which it is composed are variable. In botany the long overlooked discovery of Gregor Mendel in 1865 had as its most essential feature the separability of characters. in heredity. In paleontology as long ago as 1869 Waagen sharply focused our attention on single phyletic charac- ters as of far greater significance and importance than the matter of local races, varieties, and subspecies. The modern observers in experimental zoology and heredity are far less concerned with ‘‘species’’ than with the sep- arate characters of which the individuals within a species are composed : Some naturalists incline to regard the ‘‘character’’ as observable only by certain methods of their own, but it is obvious that since all hereditary ‘‘characters’’ are germi- nal there can be no royal or exclusive road by which we may observe their origin and transformation, for the ger- minal and somatic laws controlling the characters of 83 T. H. Morgan has pointed out that the term ‘‘unit character’’ was im- properly used in my Harvey address. ‘‘Unit character’’ is a germinal rather than a bodily term. I am treating here of single bodily or mew characters which may be represented by one or more ‘‘unit characters’? i Tm. i 196 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the bean,* the fly, the molluse,® the titanothere,” and man’ are doubtless identical. Accordingly my second purpose in this address is to show that there is a certain harmony in the results obtained in widely different fields of research although some of these results may appear at first to be entirely unrelated and even discordant. In this attempt to discover an underlying harmony let us first glance at the ‘‘character’’ conception in the older natural sciences of animals and plants. CHARACTER is the most frequently used term in the vocabulary of zool- ogy and botany. It occurs far more often than any other word. It has been used millions of times in systematic definition since Linneus. Yet I do not know of any attempt to clearly define or analyze the meaning of the word character in its biologic sense while hundreds of attempts have been made to define the word species. Here again the greater is involved in the less and when- ever we shall succeed in clearly defining ‘‘character’’ the definition of species will follow as an incidental result. The derivation of the word is from the Greek yapaxryp properly an instrument for marking or graving; as ap- plied to a person, an engraver; as commonly used, any mark engraved or impressed, the impress or stamp on coins and seals. It passes into the word characteristic, which means a distinguishing feature. The use of the word is not only universal among sys- - tematists and experimentalists of our day, but it has be- come one of the most elastic words in our language; the “character”? may be as comprehensive as the general habit of an entire organism, as where we speak of the lethargic character of the sloth, or as restricted as a single minute cuspule on a fossil tooth, or the barely visible outgrowth on the surface of a fossil shell. The speed of the race horse is a character, its tractability or viciousness are characters, the position of the horse’s tail in running 4 Johannsen, 7 Osborn. 5 Morgan. 8 Galton. 6 Waagen, Neumayr, Hyatt, Jackson. No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 197 is a character, the color of the horse’s hair is a character, the most minute cellular structure of the tissue of the hoof is a character. There is an underlying reason why this very elastic use of the term is absolutely scientific: it is, that every one of the above diverse applications of the term to animal or plant life refers to some structure or some quality which is heritable; heredity is the unifying principle. The word is again elastic and often confusing in being used both for germinal characters which are always herit- able and for bodily modifications of character acquired through habit or environment which may not be heritable. When we speak of characters which are not known to be hereditary we should qualify them as acquired, as modi- fied, as due to nurture, to habit or ontogeny, to environ- ment, as somatic rather than as germinal. Thus it is per- fectly proper to speak of ‘‘ ontogenetic species’’ as Jordan does, species the bodily characters of which are due to certain habits; or of ‘‘environmental species’’ the bodily characters of which are due to peculiarities of environ- ment. While such modifications by habit and by en- vironment make up a considerable part of the characters which distinguish geographic species, subspecies and races, it is not the origin and the transformation of these characters which we are now considering, for that prob- lem is comparatively simple, but rather of those under- lying germinal and heritable characters the origin and transformation of which is absolutely an impenetrable mystery at the present time. How do we know through zoology, botany, and paleon- tology as well as through experiment that ‘‘characters’’ are real units of structure with some individual and dis- tinct qualities and properties of their own which separate them from all their fellows and at the same time with certain properties of correlation which unite them with all their fellows? i First, we may observe in these living and extinct forms evidences of two such antithetic principles, a principle 198 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLIX of hereditary separability whereby the body is a colony, a mosaic of single individual and separable characters, which is combined with a principle of hereditary correla- tion whereby the body is a complex of minutely related and interacting units so that functionally and structur- ally many of these units are linked with others. Neither principle is simple; on the contrary, both principles are extraordinarily complex and go back to the very begin- ning of things. Comparing more closely the observa- tions on fossil vertebrates and invertebrates, we develop laws of separability as well as laws of correlation, and note that certain of these laws are far more clearly per- ‘ceived in some fields of observation than in others. The biologic value of the field to which our Paleonto- logical Society is especially devoted lies in the revelation of certain of these laws and causes of the separability of characters which are not revealed at all to the zoologist or to the experimentalist. The paleontologist is in a position to understand why certain characters fall apart and become separable in cross breeding, the cause being connected with their origin and antecedent history. Of far broader biologic significance is the fact that all principles which may be discovered through paleontology — regarding the ‘‘origin of characters’’ in the hard parts, govern alike characters of the soft parts as well as of other structures and functions. For there can not be one principle governing the ‘‘characters’’ of bones, an- other those of the muscles, another those of nerves; one principle for structures, another for functions. But while these principles are unlimited, our comparisons with zoology, for example, are limited to the origins of characters which may be observed both in living and fossil forms, namely, in the skeleton and in the teeth; and at the outset a convenient and readily understood distinction may be made between the origins of numerical and of proportional characters, as follows: No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 199 Numerical Proportional Presence and absence characters, Changes of form in the length, e. g., numbers of teeth, of cusps breadth and height of parts. on the teeth, of vertebra, of Quantitative changes in the hard toes, of pads on the feet, of parts. Such characters as may mamme. Meristic or segmental partly be expressed in indices characters, such as may be and ratios. partly expressed in formule. Proportional characters may through prolonged reduc- tion lead into numerical characters. Thus the reduction in length of one of the toes may precede the loss of the toe, which is a numerical change. Yet we shall see that somewhat different principles prevail in the origins of certain numerical characters as contrasted with the origins of proportional characters. 1. Use of Numerical and Proportional ‘‘Characters’’ in Classification of Mammals In our attempt to analyze ‘‘characters’’ as they are re- vealed to the systematic and field zoologist let us take as two examples, first, ‘‘ The Catalogue of the Mammals of Western Europe” by Gerrit S. Miller,’ and, second, the ‘Revision of the Mice of the genus Peromyscus,” by Wilfred H. Osgood. It is of the utmost importance that mammalogists, whether working among living or fossil forms, should use similar methods of description and defi- nition of characters, and we especially welcome in the monumental work of Miller the fact that the definitions and the keys are chiefly upon the hard parts which are also available to the paleontologist. We select as typical his treatment of the Order Carnivora and of the Family and Genera of the wolves and foxes, which he distin- guishes by the following enumeration of characters: Miller’s Our Analysis of _ Kinds of Charac Diagnoses and Definitions ORDER Carnivora. Characters. Chief habits, oie adaptations —Terrestrial (rarely aquatic or of the teeth and limbs; chief char- 9 Miller, Gerrit S., ‘‘Catalogue of the Mammals of Western nhs (Europe exclusive of Russia) in the Collection of the British Museum London, 1912, 1019 pp. 200 semi-aquatic), non-volant, placen- tal mammals with rather high de- velopment of brain. The cerebral hemispheres with distinct convolu- unguiculate, never tion of a modified tubereulo-sec- torial type, the posterior upper premolar and anterior lower molar usually developed as special car- nassial or flesh-eutting teeth amily CANID#. Characters.— Larger cheek-teeth of a combined trenchant and crushing type, the last upper premolar and first lower molar strongly differentiated as carnassials, the former 3-rooted, its inner lobe in front of middle of crown, its position, somewhat posterior to level of anteorbital foramen, at point of greatest me- chanical efficiency; auditory bulla moderately or considerably in- flated, without septum; form rather light, the legs long; size moderate; feet digitigrade; toes, 5-4 or ; Genus Canis. Characters.— Skull heavy and deep (depth of brain-ease more than one-third condylobasal length); interorbital region thickened and elevated, the frontal sinuses rather large, the postorbital processes thick, convex above, their edges rounded off; dorsal profile of forehead rising rather abruptly and noticeably above level of rostrum; dental for- ; j 83 1-1 4-4 2-2 Sa Sa Pa ae teeth heavy and large, the length of carnassial and upper molars together contained about 214 times THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX acters of the brain. Inherited from “ least characters ” which ac- cumulated and evolved in Mesozoie and early Tertiary time. Characters of proportion and changes of form; characters of funetion or adaptation; presence or absence of certain numerical characters. i the ancestors of the verged as terrestrial and cursorial Carnivora from other Carnivora. Chiefly characters of propor- tion; also numerical characters of the teeth. Characters clearly mani- fested in lower and middle Eocene time and taking on their modern aspect in early Oligocene time. No. 580] in palatal length; canines robust scarcely beyond middle of mandi- bular ramus when jaws are closed (Fig. 65 [Species] CANIS LUPUS. Diag- nosis.—Condylobasal £ 225 mm.) ; cheek-teeth larger than in the largest races of domestic ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 201 Chiefly characters of propor- tion; certain minor numerical characters. Characters distinguish- ing Canis lupus from Vulpes, first apparent in Miocene and E hosie dogs, the upper carnassial 25 to time. 27 mm. in length, but structure not peculiar, the upper molars with narrow, inconspicuous cingu- lum on outer side (Fig. 61). [Subspecies] CANIS LUPUS LU- PUS. Characters.—Size maximum for the species; general colour not markedly tawny; white of throat not extending to cheeks. The few skulls examined agree with Asiat- ic specimens in having the outer cusps of m! moderately large, the paracone with transverse diameter of base about equal to width of large flattened portion of crown. Size characters ; color charac- veloped in early Pleistocene time, perhaps 500,000 years ago. In the ascending order of Miller’s definitions we note that ‘‘subspeciesare mainly distinguished hy characters of proportion and of form and by the degrees and intensities of color, but rarely if ever by numerical characters. ‘‘Spe- cies’’ are mainly distinguished by the proportions of the various hard parts and to a less extent by the presence and absence of minor ‘‘numerical ’’ characters. ‘‘Genera’’ are distinguished by the proportions, by the presence or absence of several numerical characters, also by fune- tional characters such as dental succession. ‘‘Families’’ are distinguished by changes of proportion and of form, by many numerical characters, such as the presence or absence of certain parts, by structural adaptations in the teeth and feet. ‘‘Orders’’ are distinguished by the funda- 202 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX mental and very ancient chief habits, chief adaptations in the hard parts, chief brain features. Thus we see that two kinds of characters are employed by Miller throughout, namely: first, characters of pro- portion of form and of degree; second, numerical or Fic. 1, Skulls and cheek teeth of the wolf (Lupus), arctic fox (Alopex), and red fox (Vulpes), illustrating the differences in proportional characters of the skulls and teeth and the resemblances in the numerical characters, or rectigra- dations (R). presence and absence characters. We are struck by the fact that changes in proportion embrace by far the larger part, perhaps nine tenths, of the ‘‘characters’’ enumer- ated by Miller in his systematic descriptions; this is þe- cause change of proportion is the chief and most universal phenomenon in the adaptation of mammals to different habits and habitats. Numerical change is hardly less im- portant, but is less universal and less frequent. Similar weight upon the value of characters of propor- tion is seen in the contrast between Miller’s definitions of the three genera of dogs, namely: Canis, Alopex, and Vulpes. Here again the vast majority are characters of proportion and of form. No. 580] I. Genus CANIS Characters. — Skull heavy and deep (depth of brain-case more than one-third ™ condylobasal length) ; interorbital re- gion thickened and ele- vated, the frontal si- nuses rather large, the postorbital processes ick, convex above, their edges rounded off; above level of rostrum; dental formula: gk 1 4-4 3-37 So m 4-4’ es teeth heavy and large, the length of earnas- sial and upper mo- lars together contained about 2% times in pal- atal length; canines ro- bust and not specially elongated, the point of upper tooth extending scarcely beyond middle of mandibular ramus when jaws are closed (Fig. 65). The fact that changes of proportion ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS II. Genus ALOPEX Characters. — Skull intermediate in general form between that of Canis and Vulpes; oecip- ital depth about one- third eondylobasal length; interorbital re- gion more elevated than in Vulpes owing to greater inflation of the frontal sinuses; postor- bital processes thin, flat or slightly concave above, with bead-like, overhanging edges; dor- sal profile of forehead rising abruptly above rostrum as in Canis; teeth moderately heavy and large, the length of earnassial and upper molars together con- tained about 234 times in palatal length; ca- nines and incisors inter- mediate between those of Canis and Vulpes (see Fig. 65); external form fox-like, but ear short and rounded, not conspicuously overtop- the surrounding ga fur. 203 III. Genus VULPES Characters. — Skull slender and low (depth of brain-case less than one third a ee A interorbital regio nearly flat, the Sotal sinuses scarcely in- flated, the postorbi- tal processes thin, slightly concave above, their edges overhanging and bead-like; dorsal pro- file of forehead ris- ing very slightly and gradually above level of rostrum; dental formula as in Canis; teeth relatively light and small, the length of upper carnassial and molars together contained about 234 to 3 times in palatal teeth somewhat more trenchant than Canis, the canines slender an e ed, point margin of mandibu- lar ramus when jaws are closed (Fig. 65). include the most frequent characters while numerical changes include the least frequent characters is again very strikingly brought out in Miller’s remarks on the origin of the domestic dogs from the wolf (Canis lupus): 204 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX The only known characters by which the skull of Canis lupus can be distinguished from that of the larger domestic dogs is the greater average general size and the relatively larger teeth. In a dog’s skull with condylobasal length of 230 mm. the length of upper and lower carnassials is, respectively, 21.6 and 25.0 mm. In ten skulls with con- dylobasal length of more than 200 mm. the average and extremes for these teeth are: upper, 20.5 (19-22); lower, 24.0 (22.8-26.0). In all the dog skulls which I have examined, representing such different breeds as the pug, fox-terrier, bloodhound, mastiff, ancient Egyptian, ancient Peruvian, Eskimo (Greenland and Alaska) and American In- dian, the teeth are strictly of the wolf type, never showing any ap- proach to that of the jackal (Fig. 62). This indicates that the profound differences of osteolog- ical character which separate the larger breeds of domes- tic dogs are chiefly in the proportions. No numerical, or presence and absence characters are used in Miller’s definition of the wolf, arctic fox, and red fox although a number of minor numerical characters are clearly described and figured in his text, especially the cuspules on the incisor and premolar teeth, as shown in Fig. 1. These numerical cusp characters would have re- ceived more attention from a paleontologist partly be- cause of the paucity of material which comes into his hands, partly because he is in a position to observe the de- velopment of these cuspules. This contrast between proportional and numerical char- acters brings out a fundamental law in the evolution of the hard parts of mammals which is of great importance. First, characters of form and proportion, without numer- ical change, are constantly originating as a universal prin- ciple and forming the chief distinctions between divisions from the high rank of orders down to those of subspecies, races, and even individuals. Second, numerical loss or fusion of old characters of teeth, digits, or vertebre is next in frequency, the loss always following diminution in form and proportion. Third, numerical gain of new characters is the least frequent process; it is relatively rare in the endoskeleton, that is, in added teeth, added vertebre and other segmental parts, added cranial bones, added phalanges; it is more frequent in added cusps on No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 205 the teeth or added horns and appendages of the skull; it is still more frequent in added exoskeletal characters, such as dermal ossicles and armatures. The contrast between the wolf (Canis lupus), the arctic GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION AT PRESENT TIME True Fox Arctic Fox Species or Worf Zoological VuLpes ALopex ANIS Observation LUPUS l } ae 7 —..o ee + © ose oo g 285 joS2 = o> | ay <5 Se aoe dt E ee ee l i PESTER | <— GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION ——> IN PAST TIM Lines and dots represent the pyle also the pot and existing distribution of. geograp ic (onto netic and environmental) sub- species, races, and intergrades A= ancestral type zontal lines). fox (Alopex lagopus), and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) may, moreover, be adduced for four purposes: first, to direct attention to the nature of the numerical characters which separate these three genera; second, to direct at- tention to the fact that these numerical characters are very inconspicuous and unimportant in contrast with characters of proportion; third; to illustrate the extremely slow development in time of new numerical characters; fourth, to illustrate the difference between paleontological and zoological observation, a difference which is graphic- ally represented in the diagram (Fig. 2y. As to time Vulpes has been separated from Canis for an 206 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX enormous period.’ It is clearly distinguishable in the European Pliocene where three species of canids are referred to the genus Vulpes by Schlosser and others. Again, in the Upper Pliocene of India there occurs a spe- cies of fox as well as in the Pliocene of Chine. In North America the fox is first recorded from the Pleistocene definitely, although an Upper Miocene species (Canis vafer Leidy) is regarded by some as the forerunner of Vulpes and by others as a pro-Vulpes genus. It is there- fore probable that the phylum of the fox diverged from that of the wolf as early as Miocene times, perhaps a million years ago, although the generic distinctions of proportion-characters were not fully acquired until Plio- cene times. The ancient geologic separation of Canis and ` Vulpes is further indicated by the fact that they do not interbreed. The marked divergence in proportions—the fox small, slender, narrow-headed, a small-mammal and bird catcher, the wolf: relatively large, massive, broad- headed, a large-mammal catcher—is accompanied by the gain or loss of several relatively obscure numerical char- acters, such as the cuspules on the incisors and premolars (Fig. 1. r,r, r), which are strong in the wolf, intermediate in the arctic fox, and absent in the red fox. It would appear that the wolf had developed these numerical cusp characters more rapidly than its congeners. In a fossil series the development of such cusp characters may be followed stage by stage. 2. Observations by a Field Zoologist on the Modes of Origin of Numerical and Proportional Characters The special features of the field work developed under C. Hart Merriam’s direction in the U. S. Biological Sur- vey are: (1) the vast quantity of comparative material brought under examination, (2) the exact geographic, cli- matic and environmental records, (3) the assemblage o numerous intergradations between species and sub-spe- cies, (4) the precision of the measurements and observa- 10 I am indebted to the authority of Dr. W. D. Matthew for these remarks. No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 207 tions, but above all (5) that the facts are recorded entirely without the influence of any biological theory, the mind of the observer being absolutely fresh and unprejudiced. The observations published in 1909 by Wilfred H. Os- good on the mice of the genus Peromyscus therefore constitute a notable and wholly unbiased research on bodily ‘‘characters’’ as they appear to a zoologist col- lecting and observing in the field, but examining and re- viewing his material in the museum. The following ab- stract is mainly in the author’s own language and has been verified by him, although the order of treatment is rear- ranged entirely and italics are added for emphasis in its bearing upon the modes of origin of single characters in living mammals. As recorded there have been examined more than 27,000 specimens of the American rodent genus Peromyscus (Gloger, 1841), ineluding the so-called wood mice, deer mice, vesper mice, or white-footed mice, having a total range from the Mexican province of Oaxaca on the south to the Yukon, Alaska, on the north, and from Labrador to Florida on the east to Alaska and southern California on the west. The “genus” Peromyscus is for convenience divided into five “ sub- genera,” which are distinguished mainly by the presence or ie of three numerical characters, namely, tubercles on the soles of the feet five or six, presence or absence of accessory tubercles on the first and second molar teeth, presence. or absence of two or three pairs of mammæ. The remaining subgenerie characters lie in differences of proportion and in color relations. The “subgenera,” which are usually defined by a combination of characters, may merely represent opposite ends of an almost continuous series (e. g., oe E Megadontomys). Intergradation is- observed also ‘cert. of the numerical characters, as in the six to vestigial we. lake peo of the P. maniculatus group. The species of Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner), alone including forty-four subspecies, ranges from Vera Cruz to Labrador and has a wider distribution and a larger number of intergrading forms than any similar group of mammals known. From the typical P. manicu- latus development may be traced step by step absolutely without break through all the numerous subspecies. Perfect integradation, in proportion and color intensity and dis- tribution characters, is observed between the related forms e sub- 11 Osgood, Wilfred H., ‘‘Revision of the Mice of the American Genus Peromyscus,’’ U. 8. Sask: t. of Agric., Bureau of Biol. Surv. No. Amer. Fauna, No. 28. Apr. 17, 1909, 285 pp. 208 THE- AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX rey SUBSPEC IESO OF mowed YSCUS es Bae MCPS m 1 petari 2 pE by coolidgel ie a z paes A S —* 6 Jj 3 zi sonoriensis “ 7 y ie | ee rufinus ag We rubidus ee qi g * nebrascens. 10 AR nubiterrae t A Penre bairdi wi) Å i 3 i 1s j mY j 2 S artemisiae “14 & = gracilis "Is 2 = -g s3 oreas “7 Aint hy! “18 nf maniculatus “ 19 re macrorhinus “ bes me: hylacus ea la pecies are represented by continuous or omplete intergradation or continuity be- ted a r. eniai shading. Where there is no spys uity which, as indicated in the diagram t , is not real; this dia shows the various con- tinuous chains of s subspecies kúk intergradations the terminal members of which appear to be disconti species”) of the many different faunal areas. Hundreds and even thousands of specimens are intergrades almost equally resembling two or more adjacent forms. Many specimens fall so near an imaginary line between two or more “ ERS ” that it is practically a No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 2C9 to classify them other than as intergrades. Particularly difficult cases are those in which the intergrades approximate the color of one “ sub- species ” and the cranial characters of another, thus reducing the ques- tion of definition to one of the relative importance of characters. Classification becomes like the division of a spectrum and depends largely upon the standards set, for theoretically at least the possibili- ties of subdivisions are unlimite Some of the principles of variation [and perhaps of hybridization, H. F. O.] are as follows: (1) Fortuitous individual variation is greatest in specimens from localities lying just between the ranges of two well-established forms. Where two genuine “subspecies” inhabit the same area and maintain themselves distinct, each may in certain cases be traced by a definite geographic route through every degree of intergradation to one parent form. For example, P. arcticus lives side by side with P. algidus in the upper Yukon, but both intergrade toward the south with P. oreas (see Fig. 3). If from sudden or gradual natural causes these intergrades between P. arcticus, P. oreas, and P. algidus were to become extinct three entirely separate and distinct subspecies would apparently be created. (3) Sexual variation in proportional characters is so ‘slight as to be practically unmeasurable. 4) The “species” are fairly well characterized in eranial propor- tions, but the cranial proportions in “ subspecies” are seldom constant throughout a series although they often afford average proportional characters of considerable value. For example, among “ species” that are normally brachycephalie a greater or less tendency to dolicho- cephaly is sometimes found, and vice versa. The teeth vary chiefly in ‘proportions but seldom to great extent. Some subspecies are dichromatie. (5) In color there is a range of seasonal, polychromatie, and local or geographic variation. A complete intergradation between two color extremes may often be found in localities lying just between the ranges of two well-established forms. Color intensities are often extremely local and doubtless are produced immediately upon contact with cer- tain environments. Thus if the range of a given subspecies includes a few square miles of lava beds, specimens from that area show ap- preciably darker color than the normal members of the subspecies oc- cupying the surrounding region. Again, specimens from the bottom of a dark, wooded cañon may be noticeably darker than those inhabit- ing an open hillside only a few hundred yards away. One can hardly avoid the suspicion, observes Osgood, that if the progeny of paler individuals were transferred at an early age to the habitat of the darker ones they would quite regardless of heredity develop darker color. Such local “ geographie variations” are so great that most of the species have developed- gece apie a by means of which 210 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vowu. XLIX they have been subdivided into -numerous “ geographic races” and “subspecies.” Thus P. maniculatus, which ranges from the Arctic Cirele to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, remains constant only where the environment is identical, hence it is represented by definable subspecies” in almost every faunal area which it enters (see Fig. 3). These observations of Osgood may be compared with the taxonomic results of Miller on the one hand and with the observations of paleontologists on the other: First: we note that in the ‘‘species’’ of the subgenus Peromyscus and in the ‘‘subspecies’’ of Peromyscus man- iculatus among the vast number of characters enumer- ated there is not a single distinction recorded in numerical or presence and absence characters; every single charac- ter recorded is either in the proportions of the skull, ears, feet, and tail, or in the intensities and distribution of the color areas—all characters of degree. The field and museum work of Osgood thus independently accords with the taxonomic work. of Miller, namely, ‘‘proportional characters’’ are universal and abundant, ‘‘numerical characters’’ are less frequent and of a higher or different taxonomic order because much more gradual in evolution. Second: the evidence for continuity in the origin of pro- portional characters is absolute. Third: in a broad way continuity is also the mode of origin of the so-called numerical characters for it is posi- tively observed except in the case of the mamma, and there is no apparent reason, remarks Osgood, why the mamme also may not have developed in the same way as the more trivial characters. In other words, there is almost complete continuity between groups which many taxonomists would regard as different ‘‘genera.’’ The numerical differences in the plantar tubercles on the soles of the feet have not been sufficiently studied, but it is clear that the change from 5 to 6, or vice versa, has come through the gradual. reduction or growth of one tubercle and not through any sudden change. Most interesting also is the fact that the 5-tubercled Peromyscus shows decided simi- larity to the genus Onychomys, which is 4-tubercled and -closely allied to a No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 211 Fourth: while the numerical characters are solely ger- minal, it is difficult or impossible to distinguish both in re- spect to color intensities and to proportions, what is ger- minal, permanent and hereditary from what is somatic or due to environmental and ontogenetic influences. These four chief conclusions drawn from the observa- tions of Osgood may now be compared with those inde- pendently obtained by paleontologists. i 3. Likeness and Unlikeness Between Paleontologic and Zoologic Observation The mammalian paleontologist observes exactly the same kinds and degrees of characters as the zoologist, namely, very numerous changes of proportion and form, and relatively infrequent numerical changes. In both respects, however, the paleontologist has the very great advantage of observing the extremes and also many of the intermediate stages. The chief distinction between these observers is that as the zoologist sees characters they are stationary, he can only infer their separability in movement through his inferences from the comparison of forms like Canis, Alo- pex, and Vulpes, while the paleontologist observes several new evolution properties in these same ‘‘characters,”’ namely their actual movement and their relative rate of movement in various lines of descent, as well as their origin and subsequent progression or retrogression, in brief, their phyletic history. Thus the paleontologist is in a position to observe more of the evolution properties in characters of exactly the same kind. Whereas in a series of living forms each character appears to the zool- ogist-observer as dead or static, in a fossil series each character appears to the paleontologist-observer as living or dynamic, the life being displayed in what may be called its two movements in a phyletic series. ; The first property of the ontogenetic movement of char- acters in fossils constituted the life work of our great observer Alpheus Hyatt, who proposed the significant and easily recalled terms acceleration and retardation for the 212 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vor XLIX two directions of movement seen in ontogeny and phy- logeny. Accelerated characters are those which hurry forward and appear in successive generations at earlier and earlier stages in the development of the individual; while retarded characters are those which hold back or slow down and appear in later and still later stages in the development of the individual of succeeding gener- ations. We know that such ontogenetic movement is shown both in embryonic and phylogenic development of the individual; it causes characters to appear in ontogeny out of the order in which they arise in phylogeny; it gives rise to the heterochrony of Gegenbaur; its rate is meas- ured by comparing one character with all the other char- acters of an individual. Psi 5 Eotitanops ~ Pa a A d `, 4 “Ny F Fic. 4. Evolution = jane different proportional “ion a (B, C) from stors (A) having similar proportio Quite distinct is what we may call the phyletic move- ment of a character; its rate is measured by comparing a character in individuals of one phylum with the same character in individuals of other phyla. It is illustrated in the comparison of the secondary cusps of the incisor and premolar teeth in Canis, Alopex and Vulpes; in each phylum the same cusp has its distinctive rate of evolution and thus may appear early in geologic time or late in geologic time. Thus comparison of the phyletic move- ment of the same ‘‘character’’ in various lines of descent, No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 213 which is a matter of phylogeny, is quite different from comparison of the relative movement of a number of different characters in single lines of descent, which is the basis of Hyatt’s law. To illustrate the distinction between ontogenetic and phyletic movement: a rudiment of a horn may appear upon the skull in one phylum of titanotheres during the period of deposit of the base of the Bridger beds (Fig. 5), which are 1,500 feet in thickness, and in another phylum (Fig. 5) at the summit of these beds, many thousands of years later; this is its relative phyletic movement. Second, after the same horn-character has appeared long subsequent to the birth of the individuals, in both phyla it begins to be thrust forward in the ontogeny of individ- uals, so that in Lower Oligocene time it begins to appear long before birth; this is its acceleration or ontogenetic movement, Paleontology has also revealed the marked distinction in the mode of origin of the two kinds of characters ob- served in zoology, namely, between the almost universal changes of proportion and the comparatively rare new ‘‘numerical characters. ’’!? To the former I have applied the term allometrons, > which signifies that differences of measurement express all changes of proportion. From these differences indices and ratios may be calculated. Such differences arising in the head and in the feet are indicated in the familiar terms dolichocephaly, brachycephaly, dolichopody, brachy- pody, and many other convenient combinations of Greek terms. That these changes of proportion become distinct hereditary ‘‘characters’’ is proved in certain hybrids of Mammals where they appear to be partly or completely separable. Thus the cross of human broad-heads with long-heads does not produce a blend between the two but produces, for some generations at least, either pure doli- 12 Osborn, H. F., ‘‘Coincident Evolution Through Rectigradations (Third Paper),’’ Science, N. S., Vol. XXVII, No. 697, May 8, 1908, pp. 749-752 (p. 752). 18 ‘í Biological Conclusions Drawn from the Study of the Titanotheres,’’ Science, N. S., No. 856, May 26, 1911, pp. 825-828 (p. 826). 214 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX chocephals or pure brachycephals. Characters of pro- portion are thus ‘‘single characters’’ in the hereditary sense. In the comparison, for example, of certain broad-heads with other broad-heads such characters are termed analogous because due to similarity of structure arising from similarity of function. Thus brachypody (abbrevia- tion of the digits) is analogous in the rhinoceroses and the titanotheres. The broadening of the shell of one mol- luse is analogous to the broadening of the shell of another molluse. The broadening is none the less the heritable characteristic of the skull or of the shell. Quite different are certain of the new numerical charac- ters to which I have applied the term rectigradations, such as new cuspules on the teeth and new rudiments of horns, for these give rise to characters which are regarded as homologous although not directly descended from each other. Thus the horns in all the titanotheres are consid- ered homologous, although they arise independently at different times in different phyla. The larger number of cusps in the teeth of mammals are termed homologous, although they also have arisen quite independently of each other. Itis obvious that unless all similar new char- acters have originated in the offspring of a single pair, which we know is not the case, that the vast majority of similar new numerical characters both in vertebrates and invertebrates are related through similarity of ancestry, through the similarity of the tissues from which they arise, and through the similarity of their relations, form- ing a special kind of homology which Firbringer has termed homomorphy. While different in these respects of analogy and homology there are many properties which allometrons and rectigradations as heritable characters have in com- mon, such as the laws of growth, correlation with sex, mechanical correlation, differential ontogenetic move- ment, differential phyletic movement, or differential rates of evolution, continuity of origin, increasing intensity of No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 215 5 rd “ihe v atA mest vs ý ah mcesd asd Il vy i 3 Palæosyops > P: d ‘Op l 5 I Eotitanops J te $ I A B D A cti igradatio Allom lew characters, ailt but ; New piperis iirin si alee tly arising of S26 P hylum. Different every phy sy Lerma Le all other phy la Fig. 5. hiaai origin and evolution of similar numerical charac- ters (A, P Garh of ns roportional characters. (0, D) all arising in pendently ig same ancestors. Each of the five phyla (I-V) exhibits Mati praes a (pad, mes, H) and dissimilar proportions both in ">e. skulls and metapodials. 216 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX development in successive generations. For example, rectigradation like the hypocone may become more dis- tinct, a change of proportion like brachyecephaly may be- come more pronounced in successive generations. Yet there are a number of additional contrasts between the proportional and certain numerical characters, a few of which may be enumerated: Proportional characters = Allo- etrons Allometrons give rise to analo- gies, never to homologies; they are quantitative and intensive and not numerical; _ closely related forms give rise to different al- lometrons even within SAP ; they may be induced experim tally in pe ae they pena afford indices and ratios; even spe- cific affinity may not predispose to the same allometrons; Sue —both harmonic and rmonie —frequently accompany eas of environment; they give rise both to convergence and to di- Orthogenie numerical characters = Rectigradations Rectigradations give rise to homologies, strictly speaking ho- momorphie structures; they are neomorphs, new outgrowths, nu- merically new characters; similar rectigradations may parallelism or convergence be- tween the members of related phyla; they are comparatively in- frequent phenomena; they are not known to be produced experimen- tally in ontogeny; they arise from vergence. minute beginnings at different points in the tissues; they adopt the characters of proportion in surrounding parts; no true recti- merous the similar rectigradations. 4. Differences of Opinion as to the Origin of New Numerical and Proportional Characters In my opinion, which is not shared by all my co-workers, rectigradations and allometrons are qualitatively differ- ent characters and are attributable to different combina- tions of causes. For example, the additional cuspules on the teeth of Canis, Alopex and Vulpes are typical recti- gradations; they are ‘‘characters’’ qualitatively different from the dolichocephaly of Vulpes or the relative brachy- No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 217 cephaly of Canis. This opinion was formed in 1905 and has in my mind been established by further research. It is, moreover, my theoretical view that rectigrada- tions arise from some kind of germinal predisposition or perinad or potential homology. While the‘‘homology’’ r ‘‘homomorphy’’ uniting these new characters seem 2 be due to some internal hereditary kinship between the descendants of similar ancestors, their appearance is not Fic. 6. Distinction between sport or mutational characters (s), which have no significance in the evolution of the teeth, and rectigradations (r), which are very important. spontaneous, but is invoked in some way connected with similar bodily and environmental reactions which also we do not at all comprehend. For certainly there is no evi- dence that such ‘‘homologues’’ or ‘‘homomorphs’’ arise from similar internal perfecting tendencies or teleologic causes which operate independently of the reactions of en- vironment and habit. The fact that certain rectigradations appear to corre- spond with antecedent mechanical reactions in certain cases, such as in the cuspules of the teeth, has led to the opinion of Cope that these bodily mechanical reactions are causative, but this opinion is completely offset by the fact 218 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX that many rectigradations occur in both vertebrates and invertebrates which are not preceded by mechanical reac- tions in the bodily tissues, the ornamental characteristics of the shells of molluses, for example. In brief, the mechanical reaction hypothesis of Lamarck and Cope fails both as to the origin of certain new recti- gradations and of certain new allometrons. For example, the extremely elongated limbs of certain young quad- rupeds, such as young horses and young guanocos, are proportional characters which are certainly not due to the inheritance of mechanical reactions in the adults because they are entirely different from the adult proportions. For these various reasons I have reached the opinion that, whatever the respective causes of rectigradations and allometrons may be, they are different; that is, the occasional origin of new numerical characters and the .constant changes of proportion which are going on in all organisms are due to a different series of direct causes. This divergence into matters of opinion is, however, parenthetical. Let us now return to the observation of facts which throw light upon the properties and qualities of these least characters. 5. Observed Differences in the Origin and Inheritance of Proportional and Numerical Characters Origin. Thefundamental distinction between the origin of rectigradations and of allometrons is well illustrated in the six phyla, I-V, of Eocene titanotheres (Fig. 5). It is seen that similar horn rudiments and similar cusp rudiments arise independently at different geologic times in every phylum, giving rise to a great number of new homomorphie characters. On the other hand, each phylum has its peculiar and distinctive allometrons both in the bones of the skull and of the feet. These changes of pro- portion are so universal and so profound that by a vast system of comparative measurements it has been ascer- tained that every bone of the skull, of the limbs and of the feet has its differential rate of increase and decrease. Since these characters of form and proportion are real No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 219 characters and since they affect every bone in the skele- ton we discover that characters of taxonomic import may be found in every one of the small bones of the wrist and ankle joints, which while less readily measurable are of exactly the same kind of value in classification as the more conspicuous changes of proportion in the skull and in the KIANG <5 : MERYCHIPPUS MULE ZEBRA m8 gypave ORSE Fig. 7. The pli eee (5) a ee pepanen in the grinding teeth of different members of the family of horses. Present in the Miocene Mery- chippus, in the jaren he kiang, zebra, owdi horse, common horse; absent in the ass and the mule. feet which Miller has used throughout in his definitions of the Carnivora. In other words a ‘‘species’’ may as consistently be defined by the proportion-characters of one of its carpal bones as of one of its cranial bones; such a definition would be strange and inconvenient, but it would be quite as scientific. The rectigradations are also used in systematic defini- tion only as soon as they become sufficiently large and con- spicuous to be computed numerically. Looking up the ancient definitions of the Eocene horses by Marsh and 220 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Cope we note in every instance that as soon as a cusp passes beyond the rudimentary stage it is apt to be ob- served and used in definition. So far as we know both rectigradations and allometrons arise continuously, definitely or determinately, and so far as we have observed they arise adaptively or in an adaptive direction from the very beginning. Inheritance. The germinal separability of the ‘‘least- characters’’ known as rectigradations is well illustrated in the case of the ‘‘ pli caballin,’’ a delicate fold of enamel A = Thag E.frateynus E Aelius m pt E. sepli at E: complicatus i pe ~-5 E.lauwrentous pt = KSN E. paci icus E.niobravensis pt 7 a ~--5 pee heed "> eee E. giganteus Fie. 8. The pli caballin (5) more or less distinctly developed in the superior grinding teeth of twelve species of the Pleistocene horses of North America. it is observed that these grinding teeth differ profoundly in the proportions of all their parts. The pli caballin (5) is worn off in the aged grinding tooth. which the French systematic writers a century ago selected as a specific ‘‘character’’ by which the horse (E. cabal- lus) could invariably be distinguished from the ass (L. asinus). They little knew how very ancient and. stable this minute character is. We see it strongly developed in the Miocene Merychippus. We do not know whether it No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 221 developed gradually or suddenly within the highly varied horses of this genus. It appears (Fig. 5) more or less fully developed in all of the many known species of Pleis- tocene horses of America as described by Leidy, Gidley and Hay. It lies near the surface of the crown, and in much-worn teeth it disappears because the fold is seldom continued down into the lower half of the crown. It is entirely absent in the grinding teeth of the domesticated ass (E. asinus), yet it is present in the kiang (E. kiang). The complete germinal separability of the ‘‘ pli cabal- lin’’ as a hereditary character is demonstrated by its absence in the grinders of the mule, the cross between E. caballus Ẹ and E. asinus g; these grinders of the mule hybrid also prove that rectigradations are distinct from allometrons, because the rectigradations of the maternal horse molar are not inherited in the hybrid while the allometrons are inherited, namely, the elongated propor- tions of the maternal horse molar. I am preparing to investigate the grinding teeth of the hinny, the cross between the male horse and the female ass, to ascertain whether the same contrast in heredity prevails here. I suspect not because the hinny appears to have the shorter head of the ass rather than the very long horse-like head of the mule. The germinal separability of allometrons or propor- tional characters of mammals is also observed, but it appears to be less complete than that of rectigradations. This is demonstrated not only in the grinding teeth but in the skull of the mule hybrid, in which the majority of the head proportions present the same indices as in the horse, while the minority of the head proportions present a blend between the indices of the horse and ass. Again in Homo sapiens the allometrons are in the first genera- tion completely separated; in intermarriage of dolicho- cephalic and brachycephalic individuals the children do not form a blend of their parents but inherit either the pure dolichocephalic or pure brachycephalic head form. Prolonged interbreeding and intermixture þe- tween long-headed and broad-headed human races ap- 222 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX pears to break down these separable allometrons and ul- timately results in blending. This may be partly due to the fact that changes of cranial proportion occur not only within the species, but within the races and sub-races of Homo sapiens, as witnessed in the mongoloid Indiam races of North and South America. In other words, the allometrons in man are of more recent origin than in the horse and ass, which probably separated from each other as far back as the Lower Miocene. Further experiments and observations are greatly needed as to the separable- ness or blending of allometrons in hybrids. As to the rapidity of evolution of proportional and numerical characters it appears that in certain lines al- lometrons may evolve more rapidly than rectigradations. This is seen in the titanotheres (Figs. 4, 5, 10), in which changes of proportion develop very rapidly, while the rectigradations on the grinding teeth and the rudiments of horns develop very slowly. On the other hand, in the contemporary Eocene horses the rectigradations seen in the addition of cusps develop very much more rapidly than the changes of proportion in the skull. This con- trast between horses and titanotheres, however, confirms the universal law that every ‘‘character’’ has its differen- tial phyletic movement as well as its differential onto- genetic movement. That these movements are not identical is further shown by a familiar illustration. The median toes of the feet of the desert-living Hipparion have a much more rapid phyletic movement than the median toes in the forest-living Hypohippus, yet we may be sure that the limbs of the newly born foals of Hipparion and of Hypohippus were alike relatively elongated to enable these foals to accompany the mares in flight, this adapta- tion being secured through ontogenetic movement, or ac- celeration. These differentials in the velocity of characters in their phyletic and in ontogenetic movements may afford one of several reasons why allometrons, or proportional Sharhehirs are separable in hybrids, why some ‘‘unit No. 580] ORIGIN OF SINGLE CHARACTERS 223 characters’’ are dominant and others recessive. This raises the general problem of the various causes of sep- arability of characters in the body and in the germ. First, it will appear that continuity or discontinuity of origin has little to do with separability in the germ. 6. Waagen’s Observations on the Continuous and Ortho- genic Origin of New Characters The first paleontologist to point out the separate origin and phyletic movement of single new numerical charac- ters as distinguished from contemporary proportional changes was Waagen in his observations on Ammonites subradiatus, published in 1869 (p. 23). His two great PEIEE announced as follows: I. [The Variety.] The characters observed in space by botanists and zoologists to a “local varieties,” “ geographic varieties,” “varieties in space” are of variable value and of small systematic importance. They appear to be temporary. They do not reappear in the next higher geologic stratum. For these characters the long-used name “ variety ” will suffice. II. [The Mutation.] In contrast to the variety I venture to pro- pose a new term, “mutation,” for the early and later phases (formen) of a species observed in time. These mutations are characters which are highly constant, although minute they surely are recognizable again, on which account far greater weight must be put on mutations. They ought to be very precisely pointed out, for mutation characters even when displayed in the most minute features are certain to re- show a somewhat different appearance. Ordinarily the gradations between the mutations are the more minute as the stratum from whieh specimens come are the more closely connected. An ascending series of mutations in successive geologic horizons taken together constitute Waagen’s Collectivart, ‘which is equivalent to the Formenreihe of Beyrich; it is also equivalent to the phylum of more modern termi- nology. Each mutation stage includes a number of geo- graphic ‘‘varieties.’’ In any given geologic stratum a 14 Waagen, W., ‘‘Die Formenreihe des Ammonites subradiatus. Versuch einer Palkonitologivehsn Monographie,’’ Geognostisch-Paldontologische pei padi a II, Heft II, Nov. 1869, pp. 179-256 ae pp. 1-78), 224 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX ‘‘mutation of Waagen’’ would appear as a Linnean ‘C-+D and let the temperature remain constant throughout the action. The speed (S) of the forward ac- tion expressed in gram molecules of A and B transformed in unit time is defined by the relation c, X¢sXF=S where F is the affinity constant. As the reaction pro- ceeds, c, and cs and, hence S, steadily decrease, since A and B are being continually used up. S may therefore be taken at any time as the quantity of A and B which would be transformed in the unit of time if the concentration Ca and cp were maintained at a constant value by the con- tinual addition of new substance. F is the measure of the intrinsic activity (affinity) which is the driving force in the reaction, and is independent of the concentration. If unit concentrations are taken, c, = Cs =1 and F =S. The activity, F, is thus represented numerically by the number of gram molecules transformed in unit of time when each reacting substance is present in unit concentra- 348 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von, XLIX tion. Since c4, cz and S may be measured at any time, F may be calculated for any action.*® The law of molecular concentration or law of mass ac- tion is: In every chemical experiment, the speed of the action at any moment is proportional to the first, or some higher, power of the molecular concentration, at that time, of each interacting substance and to the intrinsic activity (affinity) of the substances. 2. Van’t Hoff’s Law But the speed of any reaction at any concentration varies with the temperature. In general, the increase in speed is about ten per cent. for each increase of one de- gree Centigrade, or, as it is sometimes expressed, the speed of the reaction is doubled when the temperature is increased ten degrees Centigrade. This is known as Van’t Hoff’s law. The actual change in the speed of the re- action may be greater or less than ten per cent. for each change of one degree Centigrade, and is usually expressed by a coefficient. When the coefficient is 1.2 or less, that is, when the change in speed is two per cent. or less for each change of one degree Centigrade, the action is usually considered to be a physical and not a chemical action. When the temperature coefficient is greater than 1.2, the action is commonly considered to be a chemical action. No theoretical explanation of Van’t Hoff’s law of change in speed with change in temperature has so far been advanced. These laws apply to reactions which go on at a measur- able speed and which have been called ‘‘slow’’ reactions by the physical chemists. These ‘‘slow’’ reactions are to be distinguished from those reactions which proceed so rapidly that no measurement of their speed at different intervals is possible, or reactions of the explosive type. 38 Smith, ‘‘ Gereral Inorganie Chemistry,’’ 1st ed., New York, 1906, p. 251. No. 582] SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL CONDITIONS 349 3. The Phase Rule One other principle of physical chemistry finds frequent application in biology, and that is the phase rule devel- oped by Gibbs. The phase rule defines the condition of equilibrium existing in a system by the relation between the number of coexisting phases and components. ‘‘Ac- cording to it a system made up of n components in n + 2 phases can only exist when pressure, temperature and composition have definite fixed values; a system of n components in »+1 phases can exist so long as only one of the factors varies and a system of n components in n phases can exist while two of the factors vary. In other words, the degree of freedom is expressed by the equation PPaCtoor P= C+3—2 where P designates the number of phases, C the number of components, and F the degree of freedom.’’*® In other words, F' represents the number of conditions which may be varied without causing one of the phases to disappear. An example of the phase rule, based upon the proper- ties of a familiar substance, is that of ice, liquid water and water vapor existing together in a closed vessel from which the air has been exhausted. Ice, liquid water and water vapor each constitute a phase of the system, and there is but one component or substance—water—present. Here, one component exists in three different phases. We have, then, n components and n +2 phases. The es- sential conditions for the existence of the system are temperature and pressure of the water vapor. In the notation quoted above, P=3, C=1. Hence, F=1+2 —3=0. Neither of the conditions—temperature or pressure—of the system can be changed without causing one of the phases to disappear. There is no degree of freedom, or, as it is sometimes expressed, the system is a non-variant system. The exact conditions for stability 39 Morgan, ‘‘ Physical Chemistry,’’ New York, 1911, p. 119. 350 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Voi XLIX of such a system are a pressure of water vapor equal to 4 mm. of mercury and a temperature of .007° C. above 0° C.—the freezing point at atmospheric pressure. Many applications of the phase rule to living matter have been made. We will cite but one. The globulins— typical proteins found in the blood of animals—are in- soluble in distilled water, but are soluble in dilute solu- tions of the inorganic salts, such as sodium chloride. The globulin may exist in a system of water, sodium chloride and globulin, as globulin in solution or as precipitated globulin. The globulin is the only component existing in more than one phase under the conditions of the ex- periment.*** Addition of water to the system to such a degree that the concentration of the inorganic salts falls below a certain minimum leads to a precipitation of part of the globulin in solution. The removal of the mineral salts, keeping the volume of the solution constant, will also lead to precipitation wholly or in part, of the globulin in solution. But whether water be added or salt removed, the essential condition which undergoes changes is the concentration of the salt.. Pressure does not enter in as one of the conditions of the system. And if the tem- perature of the system be raised above a certain point, depending upon the globulin present in the system, the globulin will be precipitated. In this system, the number of components is one (globulin) and the number of phases is also one, dissolved globulin. We have, therefore, a system of n components with n phases, and two of the conditions may vary, within certain limits, at the same time, viz., the concentration of the sodium chloride and the temperature. In the terminology of the quotation above, P=1, C=1 and F=1+2~—1, or 2. This 16 also expressed by saying that the system is divariant. This system is of interest because of the fact that it also illustrates the phenomena of maximum points. 39a While globulin is not the only component entering into the system, we have restricted the discussion to the department of the globulin for reasons of space and simplicity. No. 582] SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL CONDITIONS 351 Further details should be sought in the text-books of physical chemistry, and especially those by Bancroft and Findlay on the phase rule.*° IV. THE INTERPRETATION OF THE REGULATORY MECHAN- ISMS IN TERMS OF CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM But what evidence is there that the laws of mass action or of chemical equilibrium apply to living matter? Is there any evidence that the reactions occurring in the cell are ‘‘slow’’ reactions similar to those of the physico- chemical laboratory? The answer to these questions is decidedly in the affirmative. Much evidence in favor of such a view was presented by Blackman. Hofmeister, Bredig and others regard the cell as a congeries of en- zymes, each one, according to Hofmeister,“ acting in its own compartment upon its own peculiar substrate. 1. Applications of Van’t Hoff’s Law As further evidence of the nature of the reactions in living matter, we may cite the work of Shelford‘? on tiger beetles, in which the length of the combined quiescent periods of the pupal and the prepupal stages was in- creased from four or six weeks at a temperature of 28° to 30° C. to ten or twelve weeks at a temperature of 15° to 17° ©. Riddle! found that the temperature coeffi- cients for digestion in Amia, Rana, Necturus and the common turtle (Emydoidea) ranged from 0.93 in Nec- turus to 7.81 in the turtle. Rogers and Lewis* have re- cently shown that the temperature coefficient of the rate of contraction of the dorsal blood vessel of the earthworm is of the order of magnitude to be expected if the processes 40 Bancroft, ‘‘ The Phase Rule,’’ Ithaca, New York; Findlay, ‘‘ The Phase Rule and Its Applications,’’ 3d ed., 1911, London and New York. 41 Hofmeister, loc. cit. 42 Shelford, Linnean Society’s Journal, 1908, XXX, p. 176. 43 Riddle, American Journal of Physiology, 1909, XXIV, pp. 447-458. 44 Rogers and Lewis, Biological Bulletin, 1914, XXVII, p. 269. See also Lehenbauer, ‘‘ Physiological Researches,’’ 1914, I, pp. 247-288, 352 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL XLIX concerned are of the nature of slow chemical reactions. The application of Van’t Hoff’s law in these instances is sufficiently plain. Considering the processes in living matter, from this point of view, we may gain some insight into the reason why so many of the factors or conditions entering into the reactions occurring in the body of a higher organism should be kept as nearly constant as possible. 2. The General Conditions of the Reactions in the Cells _ In determining the velocity of a reaction, we may deter- mine (1) what quantity of the reacting substances com- bine or react in unit time, the usual method of the labora- tory, as has been shown above, or (2) we may determine what quantities of material must be added in unit time to keep the reaction going at a constant rate. Recalling now the nearly constant factors in the higher mammalian organism, the oxygen content, the temperature, and the hydrogen ion concentration all varying within relatively narrow limits, and the variations usually being in such a direction as to get more material to an active or working structure in unit time, we can see that there are certain very effective devices for maintaining a reaction at a constant speed, which are the counterparts of the appara- tus employed in the chemical laboratory. But the mech- anisms in the living organism are capable of reguiating, with a great degree of exactness, more conditions than any artificial mechanisms so far devised in the laboratory can control. In the evolution of the organism the development of the various regulating mechanisms which we have de- scribed has brought about a set of conditions which tend to keep the environment surrounding the cells relatively constant. The analogy beween the reactions in the cells and the slow reactions of the physical chemist becomes clear. The temperature of the body being constant, the reactions in the cells, dependent as they are, upon a con- stant supply of material, go on at a relatively constant rate, or at such a rate as is determined by the needs of No. 582] SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL CONDITIONS 358 the organism, and a rate which is provided for by the changing distribution of the blood. Not all the physico-chemical conditions of cell activity are as constant as those discussed in the second division of this paper. Nor does the experimental interference with certain body structures leading to known departures from the usual conditions always entail serious results. As an instance of this we may cite the experiments of Ogata, who investigated the rate of absorption of pro- tein when fed by the mouth as compared with its rate of absorption when introduced directly into the intestine through a fistula. Taking the nitrogen output in the urine as the expression of the rate of absorption, the nitrogen output rose much more rapidly after direct in- troduction of the meat into the intestine than it did when the meat was fed by mouth. Although the absorption of the food was apparently more rapid than usual, the capac- ity for adjustment on the part of the organism was not exceeded. We may mention in passing that one function of the stomach may be to act as a storehouse and provide for a more gradual absorption of food than would other- wise occur. In the terminology of this paper, there is a less sudden entrance of constituents tending toward a disturbance of the equilibrium when the stomach is present than when it is absent. If food is administered in small portions and in a finely divided state after com- plete removal of the stomach, life goes on as usual (Czerny). But one is hardly justified in saying that, be- cause great and profound changes do not occur in the organism after extirpation of the stomach, the stomach has no important function. A detailed consideration of the inconstant or variable conditions and of the manner and extent to which changes in the environment can influence all internal conditions, must be deferred for another communication. Enough has been said in these pages to show, in outline at least, the essential uniformity of some important internal con- 45 Ogata, Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1883, p. 89. 354 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX ditions of the higher organism and to indicate their rôle, on the assumption that the internal mechanisms of the organism are physico-chemical mechanisms. In the response of the respiratory mechanism to the increased concentration of carbon dioxide or to lack of oxygen in the blood, we have an instance of adaptation which is not at once seen to be an obviously automatic and inevitable result of the physico-chemical properties of the environment. A striking characteristic of the re- spiratory center is at once its sensitiveness to slight changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide and its tolerance to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. The respiratory cells react to an extremely slight increase of carbon dioxide which is insufficient to affect the other cells, and remain sensitive to this increase after the concentration has risen so high that the visible re- sponses of certain other cells have ceased. The common excitability of the respiratory and other motor nerve cells to carbon dioxide may ‘be supposed to result from the disturbance or change produced in a complex system by the accumulation of one end product of the reaction, and to this extent to be an automatic result of the physico- chemical constitution of the cell. The question raised by Mathison*® as to whether car- bon dioxide is a stimulant for all nerve cells is of interest in this connection. Carbon dioxide is certainly a stimu- lant for the central nerve cells of the respiratory mech- anism, but it is not necessarily a stimulant to the same degree for all nerve cells. It is probable that all living matter is more or less sensitive to the accumulation of carbon dioxide since it is one of the waste products of all destructive metabolism. The cell bodies of the respira- tory neurones, by reason of the development of this common property of excitability to carbon dioxide, have become especially adapted to respond to slight variations in carbon dioxide. The adaptation undoubtedly depends upon a physico-chemical change in the respiratory neu- 46 Journal of Physiology, 1910, XLI, p. 448. No. 582] SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL CONDITIONS 3855 rones. The persistence of the common property accounts for the asphyxial convulsions of the spinal animals and for the movements which are sometimes considered to be respiratory movements and commonly attributed to so- called respiratory centers. But whether we consider that the cells of the respiratory group have gradually acquired a lower threshold value for stimulation by carbon dioxide than the other cells of the nervous system, or that the cells of the respiratory group have simply retained the the common excitability of protoplasm in general to car- bon dioxide, and the remaining cells have undergone modi- fications which have raised their threshold value, makes little difference from the theoretical point of view. In an environment which is, so far as one can determine, uniform, certain quantitative variations have occurred which have resulted in a differential sensitiveness to car- bon dioxide or to lack of oxygen. The changes have not been qualitative, since asphyxial convulsions involving muscles innervated from other parts of the central nerv- ous system, may be brought on by a reduction of the oxygen supply. The usefulness of the lower threshold value for lack of oxygen in a particular group of cells is at once ap- parent. Oxygen generation of the blood and elimination of carbon dioxide proceed without attention, and without noticeable excitation of any other group of nerve cells. There is no disturbance of the precision of movement of any group of muscles aside from those actually engaged in the respiratory act, nor the slightest effect upon the neurones involved in mental processes, resulting from the decreased oxygen or increased carbon dioxide tension in the blood sufficient to provoke a respiratory response. 3. Stimulation in Terms of Chemical Equilibrium This brings us to a consideration of the nature of stimu- lation in general. Lack of space precludes all but the briefest mention at this time. We may here simply in- dicate the consideration in terms of the laws of mass 356 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLIX action and of the phase rule. That changes in the speed of reaction depend upon the concentration of the reacting substances or of the end products of the reaction has been shown in the discussion of the laws of mass action. It is not difficult to see that the respiratory movements owe their origin largely to changes in concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and, since these changes result in a slight change in the concentration of the hydrogen ions it is not difficult to imagine that the law of mass action may be involved in the stimulation of the respira- tory cells in the medulla oblongata. We have given in the third section of this paper two illustrations of conditions coming under the operation of the phase rule. It is true that living matter undoubtedly comprises vastly more complex systems than those described, but that the general principles underlying the reactions are similar in most important respects to the systems employed in labora- tory experiments is scarcely to be doubted. The with- drawal of water from a cell or nerve fiber by osmosis or drying, entailing a quantitative change in the amount of water in the cell, is followed by other changes in the cell which tend to bring about a reestablishment of conditions in accordance with the laws of chemicalequilibrium. That a change of phase of some of the components occurs in the process is probable. Such influences as drying, applications of heat or me- chanical pressure, whether occurring in the laboratory or in nature, are known as stimuli, and the changes asso- ciated with their operation in the organism are responses to stimulation. As Jost? has pointed out, the formal conditions of existence may act as stimuli to organisms. Although we must admit that a wide gap still exists, it seems to us that the discussion of stimuli and the proc- esses of stimulation in terms of the law of mass action and the phase rule will enable us to meet in some degree, however small, Haldane’s objection*® that no causal con- 47 Jost, ‘‘ Pflanzenphysiologie,’’ zweite Aufl., p. 618, Jena, 1908. 48 Haldane, loc. cit., p. 37. No. 582] SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL CONDITIONS 357 nection has been shown between stimulus and response. And we may hope that here as elsewhere in biology the limits to our knowledge of nature will gradually be broken own. The accumulation of waste products in the blood or body fluids through increase of their concentration in these fluids, leads to modified activity of the excretory and other organs. We cite a few examples. The kidney, in addition to the elimination of water, fol- lows the law of mass action in other ways. The volume of urinary secretion, other things being equal, is propor- tional to the volume of blood flow through the kidneys in unit time. The greater volume of blood carries with it a greater volume of waste products in unit time, and hence a greater volume of secretion is the result to be expected if urinary secretion is a physico-chemical process following the general provision of the mass law. The accumulation of waste products arising from the slow reactions in the cells gives rise to the phenomena of fatigue, and the general slowing down of the cell proc- esses, just as the accumulation of the end products of any slow reversible reaction decreases the amount of chemical transformation in unit time, in accordance with the mass law. Excess of carbon dioxide, a typical waste product, even of the activity in nerves,*® decreases or abolishes the con- ductivity of a nerve fiber. A stimulus (geotropic) may be applied to a plant in an oxygen-free atmosphere, but the responses will not occur until the plant is moved to an atmosphere containing oxygen.*° But even waste products in a certain concentration may be necessary for the optimum conditions of activity of an organ. Baglioni®! points out that the selachian heart maintains its activity better in a solution of the inorganic salts containing two per cent. urea—the normal 49 Tashiro, American Journal of Physiology, 1913, xxxii, p. 107. 50 Jost, ‘‘ Pflanzenphysiologie,’’ zweite Aufl., p. 524, Jena, 1908. 51 Baglioni, Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Physiologie, 1906, VI, p. 71. 358 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX concentration of this substance in selachian blood—than in similar solutions without the urea. V. QENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND SUMMARY The higher organisms have, therefore, developed a sys- tem of regulation by means of which internal conditions are kept relatively constant. This mechanism consists essentially of a physical means of distribution of material and heat—the circulatory organs and fluids—whose com- position varies within narrow limits, a muscular, a glandu- lar and a nervous mechanism for regulating the tempera- ture, and a system of excretory organs for removing the waste products from the circulating fluids. Both chemical and nervous mechanisms of coordination are involved. The variations in the composition of the circulating fluids are such as will provide greater quantities of easily utiliz- able material at a time when it is needed. The internal secretions are important agents in maintaining the organ- ism at a high pitch of efficiency through their influence upon the neuro-muscular apparatus and the general me- tabolism of all the tissues and organs. Regardless of the variations in external conditions, so long as these do not transcend the limits within which life is possible, and barring physical accidents or disease, the internal mech- anisms keep it always fit, whether for work or rest, for battle or for play. We have heard much about the survival of the fittest, and about the rôle of the strong jaw and powerful teeth and other physical characteristics in the struggle for existence. The doctrine of evolution, so far as its morpho- logical side is concerned, may be regarded as fairly well founded. A little reflection, however, will show that the morphological aspect is only one phase of the problem. What profits it an animal to possess strong muscles and sharp teeth unless these muscles shall be at all times ready to contract quickly and surely? What if it become en- gaged in combat with an adversary and its muscles be No.582] SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNAL CONDITIONS 359 sluggish from cold? Or, supposing the temperature to be favorable, it be not able to control those muscles accu- rately and sink its teeth into the vital spot of the enemy? The answer is simple; another skeleton will soon lie bleaching. Somewhere or other evolution must have been concerned with the functional side. One protective mech- anism has been suggested by the slow action of muscles in the cold and their more rapid action at higher tempera- ture. The combat. between a dog and a snake may be a fairly even one when the weather is warm, and very much in favor of the dog when the weather is cold. There is a strong presumption that the elaborate and compli- cated nervous vascular and glandular mechanisms, some or all of which are developed in birds and mammals, have some bearing on the general problem of evolution. It has rendered them far more independent of the environment than poikilothermal animals are. There is not so much necessity of hibernation during the winter, and a frosty morning is as good as any for hunting. And if we consider that the changes of energy and material underlie all the other changes in the organism, regardless of the source from which they arise, it will be apparent that at least one part of the final discussion of evolution will be in terms of the changes of matter and energy within the organism. The problems of the general processes of evolution— the adjustment of the animal to its environment or re- sponses to changes in it, variation, adaptation, heredity and geographical distribution, and even the biochronic equation (De Vries) may all be approached from the point of view of the experimental physiologist. The considera- tion of these subjects will be taken up in subsequent papers. CORRELATION BETWEEN EGG-LAYING ACTIV- ITY AND YELLOW PIGMENT IN THE ` DOMESTIC FOWL! Dr. A. F. BLAKESLEE anp D. E. WARNER CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE So far as the presence of visible yellow pigment is con- cerned, there are two groups of domestic fowls. In the first group, represented by the Orpington breed, yellow is constantly absent from legs, beak and body fat. In the second group, represented by the Leghorns and the so- called American breeds, such as the Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes and Rhode Island Reds, yellow, in the form of yellow fat,? is present in varying amounts in the parts mentioned. In this latter group, individual birds may undergo considerable change in the amount of the yellow pigment visible. The standard of the show-room, how- ever, demands yellow in the legs and beak in these breeds and, in consequence, birds that have become pale in these parts are liable to be scored down by the professional poultry judge. The paling or yellowing of the legs in the breeds mentioned has been attributed by poultrymen to various environmental factors. Thus, good health and vitality, abundance of range and exercise, proper food such as meat, corn, gluten meal and ‘‘ green food ’’ are said to increase the amount of yellow pigment, while poor health, moulting, confinement with insufficient exercise, running on sandy soil and in mud, as well as climate and the mere aging of the bird, are held to be responsible for the paling of the legs in these varieties. Of recent years, some individual poultrymen have claimed that paling of the legs is due to heavy laying. This view has been maintained by J. E. Rice.” Mr. Tom Barron,‘ one of the most successful of the English poul- trymen, in an address before the Connecticut Poultry 1 Paper presented in tiga se the American Society of Naturalists, Philadelphia, December 31, 2 Barrows, H R., oe st Basis of Shank Colors in Domestie Fowl,’ Bull. 232, akak Agric. Exper. Station, 1914. 3 Circular 54, N. Y. State Dept. of Agriculture, 1912. 4 Connecticut Farmer, September 12, 1914. 360 No. 582] EGG-LAYING ACTIVITY IN DOMESTIC FOWL 361 Convention, July, 1914, described his use of the color of the legs in selecting high egg-producers. Moreover, the Maine Experiment Station, in a cireular® which has come to our notice since the data in the present paper were ob- tained, advocates a similar use of the leg color in selecting hens for breeding. The requirements of the ‘‘standard of perfection,” which controls judging in the show room, as well as the common practice of poultry breeders, are opposed to a belief in any connection between laying and leg color. -= Woods, under the title, ‘‘Has Leg Color Value Indi- cating Layers?’’, discusses the subject and concludes: Personally we believe that, as a practical guide in the selection of heavy layers or birds from which to breed heavy layers, the leg color, of itself, has no real value. He further supports this conclusion by quotations from answers received from several prominent breeders to whom he had addressed a questionnaire on the subject. So far as the writers are aware, no published data are available which show in how far the leg color may be of any value in selecting the laying hen, and such suggestions as have been made in this connection have confined them- selves to a consideration of the legs alone. The results tabulated in the present paper show conclusively, it is believed, that a close connection does in fact exist between the yellow pigmentation in a hen and her previous egg- laying activity. They indicate further that the color of the beak is at least as distinctive as that of the legs here- tofore alone considered in this connection, and that, in the Leghorns, the color of the ear-lobes is perhaps a better criterion of laying activity than either legs or beak and is more readily recorded. The hens investigated were in the egg-laying contest located at Storrs, Conn. Pullets enter the contest Novem- ber 1 and remain for one year. They are housed in pens of 10 birds each, are fed the same ration and so far as 5 Circular 499, Maine Agrie. Exper. Station. This is listed as an abstract of Bulletin 232. ® Woods, P. T., Amer. Poultry Jour., p. 35, January, 1915. 362 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou XLIX possible are handled exactly alike.” The influence of different environmental factors, therefore, can be largely neglected. A preliminary test was made the middle of last Septem- ber by taking from each of a number of different pens a pair of birds representing the extremes of yellow pig- mentation and comparing their egg records. This test indicated that the extremely pale birds were laying and the extremely yellow ones were not. It indicated also that the ear-lobes were much more easily graded as to color and in addition were apparently more indicative of egg- laying activity than the beaks and legs. The ear-lobes of the American breeds are red like the comb and wattles and do not show yellow pigment. The ear-lobes of certain other breeds, like the Blue Andalusians, are white but apparently remain without any appearance of yellow ever taking place. The Leghorns, including Browns, Blacks, Buffs and Whites, show marked changes in the amount of yellow in their ear-lobes. White Leghorns, of which there were over 300 in the contest, were accordingly chosen for closer study. Ear-lobe Color in White Leghorns.—Color can be con- veniently measured quantitatively by means of the Milton Bradley color top, which, when spinning, acts as a color mixer. In matching ear-lobes, only yellow and white sectors have been used. The matching is not perfect. especially in the lower grades, since a certain amount of bluish tinge is often present. The amount of yellow, how- ever, has probably been more accurately measured than if the other color components were considered. By the method used, it appears possible under proper illumina- tion for one to repeat readings with a change of seldom. more than 5 per cent. yellow above or below the mean observation. : Top readings were taken of the White Leghorns listed 7 Four pens of White Leghorns and four of White Rocks, belonging to the Experiment Station, had sour milk substituted for different ingredients of the normal ration, but, since they showed no apparent differences in color that could be attributed to the change in the feed, they were included in the tabulations. No. 582] EGG-LAYING ACTIVITY IN DOMESTIC FOWL 368 TABLE I AVERAGE EGG RECORDS FOR DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF YELLOW IN EAR-LOBES OF 312 WHITE LEGHORNS Per Cent, Son | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | I Sept. |II Sept.| I Oct. | II Oct. Year | l 5-10 | 7 | 23.1 | 21.3 | 19.7 | 15.3 | 9.9 | 9.9 | 9.29 | 6.00 | 197.1 11-15 | 36 | 21.8 | 22.1 | 182 | 142] 94 | 88 | 814 | 6.03 | 187.9 16-20 | 40 | 22.2 | 20.7 | 169 | 11.7} 88 | 82 | 7.50 | 4.17 | 184.3 21-25 | 19.8 | 214 | 164 | 81 | 81 | 8&3 | 5.56 | 2.50 | 164.3 26-30 | 20 | 195 | 189 | 103 | 3.2 | 55 | 4.8 | 2.75 | 0.45 148.5 31-35 | 180. 17.7 |} $ 0.5 | 3.5 | 2.1 | 0.45 | 0.00 | 139.1 338° | 197 |173 | 61.) 0232p 42 | 19 | O16 F 0.00 11906 41-45 | 41 | 182 | 16.2 | 4. 0.2 | 34 | 1.6 | 0.22 | 0.00 | 134.2 46-50 | 39 |. 180 | 15.6 | 4. 0.2 | 26 | 1.4. | 0.18 | 0.05 | 138.2 51-55 | 30 | 184 / 161] 3.6 | 0.1 | 29 | 0.7 | 0.00 | 0.07 | 137.8 56-60 | 13 | 148 | 10.7 | 24] 0.0 | 22 | 0.2 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 124.7 61-65; 4 |145)| 88| 13) 03] 03 0 | 0.25 | 0.00 8 66-70 | 1 | 30 00) 00] 0.0) 00 | 0.0 | 0.00 0.00 70.0 71-75 | 1.| 00! 00] 0.0] 00] 0.0 F 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 83.0 TABLE IT. coe. OF HENS LAYING AND AVERAGE NUMBER OF pine SINCE LAYING R DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF YELLOW IN EAR-LOBES White Se aaa: total number of records, 932; total number of birds, 317 eS S48 Pa ae 3 A meat chet ee Per Cent. Yellow Zial Ki | Ai J 4 i | ap es Ge oe $i 3 | j | No. records. .... 41 | 125; 80 | 67 | 62 92| 94| 94/108 84| 44| 28; 9 | 4 Av. days since ] TS oe 0.4 1.6 7.3/17.1 26.2 37.9 41.5 44.0 45.1 51.3 55.9 61.4 50.3 71.0 No. records = | He eee) 86| 98/ 44| 17/3 0|1}012]0/0]0]0]0 Per cent. records i =laying. .. . .|87.8/78.4 55.0/25.4|04.8! 0 101.0! 0 019 0/01/0100 in Tables I and II at three different periods. The first recording took from October 7 to October 14, the second from October 19 to 21 and the last was completed in one day, October 28. The top records were all made by the same one of us (B), except for 197 records on October 28. The men who took these records had already acquired familiarity with the method, and while their readings are not absolutely comparable with the others, they probably are sufficiently so to be included in Table II. The three top readings were taken on separate sheets and the egg records were investigated after the readings were all taken and the birds had left the contest. Personal bias that might have influenced the readings was thereby avoide Table I shows the percentage of yellow in the ear-lobes 364 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX of 312 birds according to the records of October 19-21, together with monthly and yearly egg records for the different color groups. The months of October and Sep- tember are each divided into halves. It will be seen that in general as the percentage of yellow increases, the egg production falls off, and that the correlation is most marked during the periods nearest the time when the records were taken. A distinct though slight correlation seems to show as far back even as July and is strikingly evident in the yearly averages. For months before Sep- tember and October, the correlation with color is probably an indirect one. Itis generally only the best birds—those that make the large yearly records—that are laying in October. Therefore, any method that selects the laying birds at this season will select, at the same time, the birds laying above average throughout the year and conse- quently give high yearly totals. It will be observed that 30 per cent. seems to be a critical amount of yellow. Above this amount comes the sudden drop in egg produc- tion for the months of September and October and also above 30 per cent. yellow the yearly totals fall to between 130 and 140, with but slight change thereafter. In Table II, the records at the three different readings have been used. A bird laying on the day of record or on a later day within the month is considered to be laying and credited with a zero. If she laid on the day before the record but not later, she is credited with one ‘‘day since laying,” and in a similar way a longer period of inactivity in laying is indicated by a larger number of days since laying. With the exception of a few cases where this was not possible, three records were taken of each bird. Since October is the season of decreasing egg production, the majority of the birds increased their quantum of yellow and consequently most birds are listed in more than a single color grade. Beginning with the 41 records in the 5-10 per cent. color grade which show an average of only 0.4 day since laying, the number of days increases con- sistently with the amount of yellow in the ear-lobes, the irregularity at 70 per cent. being probably due to the No. 582] EGG-LAYING ACTIVITY IN DOMESTIC FOWL 365 smallness of the numbers in this group. The percentage of records that indicate actual laying drops rapidly from 87.8 per cent. for 5-10 per cent. yellow to zero for grades of yellow above 30 per cent.’ The table shows that it is practically certain that a bird with an ear-lobe showing more than 30 per cent. yellow at the time of the records, is not in a laying condition. TABLE III AVERAGE EGG RECORDS FOR DIFFERENT GRADES OF YELLOW IN BEAKS AND LEGs OF 256 WHITE LEGHORNS (P, M and Y are abbreviations for Pale, Medium and Yellow) Phe Beak Legs Suly | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. 1 Sept. Pl ‘Toet Oct.| Year 51 P P 22.0 | 20.9 | 18.6 | 14.3 | 9.6 | 9.0 | 8.0 | 6.3 |186.4 17 | M M 18.5 | 17.8 | 11.4 4.8 | 6.5 | 4.9 | 3.4 | 1.4 | 146.4 ik X 16.6 |142| 29) 04| 2.2 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.1 |1293 P 51 | S i P M2 $| 22.1 | 21.0 18.3 | 14.0 | 9.4 | 88 | 7.9 | 6.1 | 185.3 ; Y 0 P 25 | 43| M M17 + 20.1 | 20.6 | 13.7| 67| 7.4 | 6.3 | 4.2 | 1.5 | 164.6 Yi | P14 | 160 | Y M49 } | 17.7 | 16.1 | 4.8 | 0.8 | 3.2 | 1.7 | 0.6 | 0.2 |135.0 Y 97 | P51 | 90 | M25 P 21.6 [213 117.0 | 10.4 | 8.9 | 8.2 | 6.3 | 4.1 | 179.9 Y14 | | | P 2 | | | | | 68 |{M17}| M | 19.2 | 18.3 | 7.7 | 2.1 | 4.7 | 3.0 | 1.5 | 0.6 | 142.0 Y49 | | | | | | P O | | | | | 98 |M 1 7 16.6 | 14.3 | 2.9 | 04) 2.1 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 129.2 lyo7 oe oe bel 256 |Averages of totals | 19.0 | 17.8 | 9.1 | 4.3 5.2! 3.9 | 2.7 | 1.6 1504 Beak and Leg Color—The beak and legs are more dificult to grade quantitatively than the ear-lobes. The color is less uniform in its distribution and has more of an orange hue, requiring the manipulation of at least one 8 The three cases of laying, among the 557 records in the grades above 30 per cent. yellow were for sporadic layers. The one in the 40 per cent. group laid October 18, but at no other time in October or September. This case and 19th and had no eggs to her credit in the second half of September. 366 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST EVou. XLIX extra color disk in taking the records. A rough grouping by inspection into the three grades, pale, medium and yellow, however, gives a striking corroboration of the re- sults obtained by the more accurate records on the ear- lobes and is applicable to breeds in which ear-lobe yellow is not present. The grading was always done by the same one of us (W.) who has had some familiarity in handling poultry. Probably no two observers would entirely agree in recording the colors but the difficulty comes in delimit- ing the grade medium,and not in deciding between the extremes, pale and yellow. The color records were taken on October 31 and November 1 to 4, as the birds were being packed for shipment and their egg records were looked up for tabulation after they had left the contest. Table III corresponds to Table I. In the first three rows are listed the birds that agree in beak and leg color. In the second three rows the birds are grouped according to their beak colors without regard to their leg colors, while in the last three rows they are grouped according to leg color alone. Table IV corresponds to Table II. Since egg records for these birds stopped on October 31, a bird laying on October 29 is counted among the layers even if she failed to lay on the 31st—the day she left the contest. It will be noted from Table III that, in the Leghorns at least, where the numbers are large enough to make com- parisons significant, the beaks, considered alone, seem to form a slightly better criterion for picking out the hens with high records, while the legs alone are better in select- ing the poorest layers. In the great majority of cases in all the breeds considered, if the beak and the legs fail to agree in color it is the beak that is listed the yellower. In October the hens are falling off in laying and in conse- quence increasing in yellow pigment. Apparently the ear- lobes and beak are more quickly responsive to this change. In only 97 out of 160 Leghorns for which the beak was listed as yellow had the legs reached a similar grading in color. : Of the 51 White Leghorns listed in Table III as pale in No. 582] EGG-LAYING ACTIVITY IN DOMESTIC FOWL 367 both legs and beak, 31 had ear-lobe records of 20 per cent. or less yellow on October 28. These averaged a yearly total of 191.9 eggs. The 40 birds of those in Table III that on this date had 20 per cent. or less yellow in ear- lobes, irrespective of the color of other parts, averaged a yearly total of 189.4 eggs. It appears therefore that hens with a higher yearly average may be obtained by selecting those that are pale in all parts—ear-lobes and beak as we'l as in legs—than if only one of these parts is considered. TABLE IV PERCENTAGE OF BIRDS LAYING, AVERAGE NUMBER OF Days SINCE LAYING AND YEARLY TOTALS FOR DIFFERENT COLOR GRADES OF BEAKS AND LEGS (P, M and Y are guint for Pale, Medium and Yellow; the color of beak is written first, followed by color of legs White beakers (256 birds with yearly average of 150.4 eggs) P.P."| M.M.| Y.Y.| P.M. | #.Y. | M. P Er Y.P. | Y.M. Ro bies 60 5 17° ior Gos lil ila Av. days since laying.. a 30.4 | 57.8! 30.5} — | 20.8 64.0 | 28.6 | 45.9 No. birds laying. :...... 2 1 a Per cent. birds laying... . rt Si 18.8) 10 0 | 12.0 0.0 | 7.2 .0 Yearly averages........ 186.4 146.4 129.3 |150.5 | — 178.7 (122.0 158.4 139.9 White, Buff and Columbian Wyandottes (79 birds with yearly average of 144.8 eggs) | p.p. | Mm. | Y.Y. | P.M. | P.Y. | M.P. | M.¥.| Y.P. | YM. No. bras 7 los |13 ai rilo ee ooro. Av. days sincs laying...| 6.5| 17.5| 48.9| 0 | — | 7 | | | 287 No. bi L agile ae | 16 5 0 1 — 2 — — 1 Per cent. birds laying 57.2| 38.5) 0.0/100.0} — | 50.0 — | — |111 Yearly averages........ 178.3 1130.7 1C8.4 1194.0! — 161.51 — | — 1145.6 P.P; | M.M. | Y.Y: P.M. M.P. | MY. No. irds cent. birds slaying. Yeuty av 15 | 22 25.9 | 51.6 0 27 11.3 | wo b] 55.5 20.0) 0.0 : 1153.7 149.7 123.0 3 1.0 2 66.6 163.7 | 100. 204.0 | 5 33.8 0.0 138.8 117.5 2 6.0 (114 birds with yearly average of 128.8 eggs) P.P. | M.M. | y.y.| P.M. | P.Y. | M.P. | M.Y.| Y.P. | Y.M. To Ma E Ss 3 Tis +6 1 0o03 4-19 Av. days since rame.. 14.5. 155 50.4|.— | — | 19.0| 38.0] 183) 41.2 No. birds laying ........ 2 — — 0 1 Per cent. birds ig 53.9 46.7) 36,5 — — 00i 6.0! 96) 11 Yearly averages........ - 146.3 142.5 109.8! — | — 159.0 178.0 162.0 139.2 368 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX The method of grading beak and leg color may appear crude, but that it is capable of giving valuable evidence of previous laying activity is further shown by data kindly turned over to us by Professor C. A. Wheeler. On Octo- ber 26, 1912, under his direction a series of measurements of 132 White Leghorns from the contest was taken by Mr. R. E. Jones. Among other records, the ear-lobes were graded as white, cream or yellow and the legs as pale or yellow, but no connection was worked out between the color and the egg records. These 132 birds we find to have a yearly average of 155.1 eggs. The 34 birds with pale legs averaged 188.9 eggs; the 98 with yellow legs, 143.5 eggs. The 33 birds with white lobes averaged 190.1, while the 99 with cream or yellow lobes averaged 143.5. The 21 birds that had both white ear-lobes and pale legs averaged exactly 200 eggs. The data presented in the foregoing pages indicate a connection between the amount of yellow pigment showing in a hen and her previous laying activity. The most nat- ural assumption is that laying removes yellow pigment with the yolks more rapidly than it can be replaced by the normal metabolism, and in consequence the ear- lobes, the beak and the legs become pale by this subtrac- tion of pigment. Environmental factors, other than laying, may be of more or less influence on yellow pigmentation. In fact, birds obviously sick have been observed to be pale al- though not in a laying condition. In the material investi- gated, however, variation in the laying activity seems to be the prime cause of the changes in yellow pigmentation in the domestic fowl. The data of the present paper have been summarized in a preliminary report in Science, March 19, 1915. Pho- tographs showing differences in yellow pigmentation in fowls are given in an article in the Journal of Heredity, April, 1915. The change in yellow pigmentation is being further studied by a twice weekly top record of a flock of birds throughout the year. SOME RECENT STUDIES ON FOSSIL AMPHIBIA Dr. ROY L. MOODIE DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO THe anatomy and relationships of the earliest air- breathing vertebrates have interested students of fossil animals so greatly since Georg Jaeger described the first Labyrinthodont in 1828, that the result to-day is a biblio- graphic list of over 600 titles, varying in importance from the magnificent work of Fritsch (‘‘ Fauna der Gaskohle’’) issued in four folio volumes with scores of lithographic plates, to short notices of a few lines. Many of the mem- oirs are handsomely illustrated and beautifully printed. The material so far described has been extremely frag- mentary and the greater number of the contributions is- sued have been dedicated to the description of species based on incomplete material. The fauna was exceed- ingly diverse like the plesiosaurs of a later period, and new discoveries tend to confuse rather than to unify our ideas of amphibian morphology. The few papers re- viewed below form no exception to the statement made above. Many new and importants facts are brought forth in the contributions made during the past few months and these are well worthy of consideration. Attention in these reviews will be paid especially to new facts of struc- tural importance. Broili (1) in a short paper has added to our knowledge of the Permian fauna of Texas by the description of two new species of Amphibia based on incomplete skulls. One of the species is very small, the skull measuring scarcely half an inch in length. The same writer (2) ina more extensive paper has given a popular review of the chief work done during the past ten years on the early air- breathing vertebrates and has listed the important papers from which he has used illustrations to elucidate his re- marks. This paper should be consulted by any one who wishes a convenient and accurate survey of the earliest land vertebrates. Doctor Broili refers to Micrerpeton, the first branchiosaur known from the western hemi- 369 370 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX sphere, as a microsaur. The distinction between these two groups is clear, the former undoubtedly being .ances- tral to the modern Caudata and the latter having reptilian affinities. Likewise the author refers to Lysorophus' as a reptile, while the majority of paleontologists regard the form as Amphibian; Williston! even going so far as to locate it in the suborder Ichthyoidea of the Caudata. In conclusion Doctor Broili says: Im übrigen haben wir im Laufe der letzten 10 Jahre über die ältesten Tetrapoden so viel neues und wichtiges kennen gelernt, wie wohl in relativ keinem anderen Zweige der Wirbeltierpaliontologie. .. . Broom (3) has given the results of his studies on Per- mian vertebrates in the American Museum. His reason for again describing and studying this much described and much studied material is that structural characters are difficult to determine in these forms on account of the very closely adherent matrix which has in many cases ob- secured all sutures in the skull. His discussion is accom- panied by restorations of the skulls of the chief Permian - genera, indicating most of the sutures, something which Cope was unable to do. He discusses some elements in the mandible not previously observed among Amphibia and suggests homologies between them and elements of the reptilian mandible. Unfortunately, Broom has paid no attention to the occurrence of lateral line canals on the skulls of these forms. It is highly important that this system of sense organs be distinctly understood. In view of Herrick’s studies? on this structure in the catfish it is certain that this system of sensory organs has a distinct influence on the location of the peripheral osseous ele- ments of the skull and mandible. I do not recall that Herrick’s result have been noted by any paleontologist, but they should be taken into consideration. Broom says in regard to Eryops, the large Permian stegocephalian: . Every detail of the cranial structure can be clearly made out. He criticizes Huene’s (1913 b) work on the brain-case, however, and makes no statement concerning the lateral Aegae Bull., Vol. XV, No. 5, p. 229, 1908. 2 Jou ri. Comp: Neurol., Vol. 11, p. 224, 1901. No.582] RECENT STUDIES ON FOSSIL AMPHIBIA 371 line organs which were imperfectly studied some years ago? by the reviewer; so it is yet too soon to say that every detail of structure is known. The palate is very completely known and is figured by Broom. He has fig- ured also very imperfectly, but for the first time, sections through the ear and brain-case showing the probable size of the dural cavity. He says that the portion of the par- occipital which lodges the labyrinth was cartilaginous, but does not give his reasons for this statement. In view of the almost perfect preservation of the semicircular canals in fishes, cotylosaurs and pterodactyls we should expect a favorably preserved specimen of an amphibian to show this structure also. He describes a pit in the basisphe- noid for the reception of the hypophysis. He also figures for the first time the complete osteology of the mandible of Eryops. The author likewise describes and briefly figures two new species of stegocephalians. The same author (4) has given considerable attention to the study of the osteology of the mandible in Trimeorohachis, the discussion being very similar to that given in the above paper. The discussion has especially in view the problem of the derivation of the Amphibia from the Crossopte- rygia, and he figures the mandible, shoulder girdle and pectoral fin of Sauripteris taylori on account: ` . of (the) extreme interest from having the pectoral fin more closely resembling the tetrapod limb than in any other known form Case (5) reviewed before the American Paleontological Society the recent trend of studies on the air-breathing vertebrates of the Paleozoic. He states there are two general conclusions which have been reached by students of these early vertebrates. First, Baur initiated the idea of the crossopterygian ancestry of the Amphibia, and later workers have so far confirmed his suggestion as to make it extremely probably that the land vertebrates arose from these fishes. The intermediate stages are unknown. The second conelusion is that the primitive reptiles—the Cotylosauria—were derived directly from the Stegocephalia. So we are thus in possession of partial proof at least of 3 Journ. Morphol., 1908, Vol. XIX, p. 511. 372 . THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLIX the origin of reptiles from fishes through the Amphibia. We owe to Doctor Fraas of Stuttgart many important contributions to the knowledge of the early air-breathing vertebrates and he has recently (6) issued another memoir on the labyrinthodonts of the Trias, the first study of these animals since the appearance of his large memoir in 1889.4 The present contribution is devoted to discussions of new species and new facts concerning previously de- scribed species. The Plagiosternum granulosum is found to be the most peculiar labyrinthodont yet described, in that it is extremely frog-like in appearance, especially in the huge size of the orbits and the expanded occiput. It is interesting, furthermore, in the apparent absence or indistinct preservation of the lateral line canals. The photograph (Plate XVI, Fig. 1) of the dorsum shows portions of the supra- and infraorbital canals. The re- mainder of the cephalic system of sense organs was prob- ably contained in pits, which, in the fossilized skull, are not to be distinguished from the ornamental scrobicula- tions of the membrane bones of the face. The auditory meatus is on the posterior edge of the skull and is quite large for the size of the skull. Doctor Fraas has given in a drawing (Plate XVI, Fig. 3) the complete osteology of the occiput of this unusual labyrinthodont. The re- mainder of the memoir is devoted to a discussion of new or disputed points in the osteology of various genera and species of Triassic labyrinthodonts. Gregory (7) has reviewed the studies which have thrown light on the crossopterygian ancestry of the Amphibia, dealing especially with Watson’s (11) recent paper on the Larger Coal Measures Amphibia, and giving a list of thir- teen contributions which deal directly with this derivation of the Amphibia. Huene (8) has again described the mandible of the pe- culiar Permian genus Diplocaulus although it has been many times studied, described and figured. He states, in his introductory paragraph: Gattungen, wie Diceratosaurus, Eoserpeton, Stegops, Amphibamus, vieleicht auch Tuditanus zeigen Verwandtschaft mit Diplocaulus. 4‘‘Paleontographica,’’ Bd. XXXVI. No.582] RECENT STUDIES ON FOSSIL AMPHIBIA ore Just what the basis of this relationship is he does not state. The reviewer® has previously stated that these above-mentioned microsaurian genera exhibit no struc- tural features which would ally them, except remotely, with Diplocaulus. This Permian genus has no relatives among the Coal Measures Microsauria, the reasons for this statement being given in the above-mentioned essay® and need not be repeated here. The material on which von Huene bases his paper was collected in Baylor County, Texas, and formed a part of a collection purchased by Doctor von Huene from Charles Sternberg at Lawrence, Kansas. The same writer (9) has again studied the Per- mian Lysorophus, which is regarded by Williston as closely akin to the salamanders.’ Huene bases his dis- cussion on twenty-four skulls in the collection of the Uni- versity of Tübingen. He describes and figures some mi- nute limb bones, thus partially confirming Miss Finney’s results.” He agrees with Williston that Lysorophus is related to the Urodeles though suggesting : 4 Mit den Temnospondylia hat der permische Urodele Lysorophus: noch grössere Ahnlichkeit als die jetzigen Urodelen. Sie liegen in der: Schiidelbasis und der grosseren Anzahl der hinteren Schiideldeckknochen. The same author (10) gives the results of his studies of Permian vertebrates at the American Museum. The paper is illustrated by sketches of various skulls and parts. of skulls made by the author and showing his interpreta-. tion of the elements composing the cranium of American Permian amphibians and reptiles. He describes and fig- ures a stapes in a skull of Eryops and gives the results of his study of the brain-case of this genus. The stapes has a length of 4 em. and in shape is not unlike a human clavicle. His studies of Lysorophus, Gymnarthrus, Di- plocaulus and other genera confirm the results of pre- vious students of these forms. He concludes his paper with a discussion of morphological results, and appends a bibliography of twenty papers. 5 Journ. Morphol., Vol. 23, p. 31, 1912. < 229, € Biol. Bull., XV, 1908, 7 Journ. Morphol., 23, p. 664, 1912. 374 THE AMERICAN. NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Watson (11) has restudied the skulls of some of the European Carboniferous labyrinthodonts, Loxomma, Pter- oplax, and Anthracosaurus, and compared them with the Coal Measures fish, Megalichthys. His results have already been reviewed by Gregory (7), so that it will only be necessary here to say that these genera approach the crossopterygian type of structure in various features. The same author (12) has redescribed an interesting mi- crosaur in which he is able to give a very complete account of the structure of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the skull and pectoral girdle. He compares the newly recon- strueted microsaurian with Diplocaulus and Ceraterpeton. It is very important that these little-known species from Europe be restudied and redescribed, so that former ob- servations may be corrected, corroborated and extended. The status of The classification of the smaller stegocephalian Amphibia, so abun- dant in the Coal Measures and Permian Rocks of Europe and North America, is in such confusion, to which some recent work has added, that it is at present only possible to proceed by reference to individual specimens which have been well described. The reviewer finds himself in hearty accord with these statements, although he must plead guilty of having thrown some confusion into the classification of these ani- mals in the hope that thereby order might ensue. Doctor Williston (14) has determined the complete os- teology of the mandible in the early reptiles and amphib- ians, working especially with the material from the Per- mian of America. He says: In the structure of the mandible the amphibians are remarkably in- termediate between the early reptiles and the contemporary cross- opterygian fishes, differing from the latter chiefly in the reduced num- ber of coronoids, and from the former chiefly in the possession of two additional coronoids and a splenial. These results are corroborated by the studies of Doctor Broom on similar material, so that any doubts as to the real structure of the stegocephalian mandible are placed at rest by the results arrived at by these ee investi- gations. No. 582] RECENT STUDIES ON FOSSIL AMPHIBIA 375 The mandible of the primitive amphibians differs chiefly from that of the early reptiles in the division of the coronoid into three elements, or possibly four, and in the division of the splenial into two. Wiman (15) within the past three years has become much interested in the amphibian fauna of the Trias of Spitzbergen. In the present paper he reviews the work which has been done on the structures of the occiput of seven genera of Permian and Triassic stegocephalians, figuring the anatomy of this region of a new laby- rinthodont from Spitzbergen. He describes this new genus in a later contribution. In this latter paper (16) Wiman discusses the occurrence of amphibian remains in the deposits of Spitzbergen, accompanying his remarks by photographs of the bone-bearing horizons. His paper deals largely with new forms from Spitzbergen, which are illustrated in four text figures and nine photographic plates. One is at once struck, in the examination of Wiman’s plates, by the clearness of preservation of the cephalic lateral line canals. The author refers to these structures as ‘‘ Schleimkaniile ’’ and gives a very careful description of their occurrence; the only writer of recent date who has done so. The term Lyrocephalus euri is proposed for the new genus and species. Der Gattungsname bezieht sich auf die ausserordentlich kräftig entwickelten Schleimkanile des Kopfes. .. . He refers to the various canals as ‘‘ Tremalkanile,’’ ‘‘ Na- sofrontalkaniile,’’? ‘‘Temporalkanal’’ and ‘‘Maxillarka- nal,’’ but makes no attempt to homologize them on the þa- sis of the work of Allis’ (1889) and the reviewer (1908). The lateral line canals are so unusually well preserved in Lyrocephalus that it is thought worth while to give an outline figure in another place of their occurrence and to homologize them on the basis of previous work. The columella auris is described and figured (Plate II, Figs. 4-5) in this species. It is unusually large. Other new forms are described from these interesting deposits, many of the specimens showing much of interest in a structural way. The material described is chiefly cranial, although a few thoracic plates (interclavicles), of the typical laby- 8 Journ. Morphol., II, 1889, p. 463; 1908, p. 511. 376 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLIX rinthodont form, are described and figured. Doctor Wi- man is to be congratulated on his contributions to our knowledge of these early vertebrates. His future papers will be looked for with much interest. Po = oan On S ~] | _ Oo = ar a = BIBLIOGRAPHY Broili, F. 1913 a. Uber zwei Stegocephalenreste aus dem texanischen Perm. Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineral., Bd. I, Jahrgang 1913, pp. 96-1 Taf. IX. 1913. Unser Wissen ia die ältesten Tetrapoden. Fortschr. d. Naturwissenschaftl. Forschung, herausgegeben v. Prof. Dr. E. Abder- halden-Hall. ae Bd. VIII, pp. 51-93, figs. 14-62. room, R. 1913. a. Studies on the Permian Temnospondylous Stego- cephalians of Ra th America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXII, II, pp. 563-595, with 21 ia On the Structure of the Mandible in the Stegocephalia. Anat. Anz., Bd. 45, No. 2/3, pp. 73-78, with 4 figs Case, E. C. 1912. Paleozoic apaiia and gh, Bull. Geol. Soc. aige a 23, pp. 200- raa 913. Neue Labyrinthodonted aus der schwibischen Trias. Sai ran Bd. LX, pp. 275-294, pls. XVI-XXII, with text- 1-5 . Gregory, wm. K. 1913. Crossopterygian Ancestry of the Amphibia. VII, No. 960, pp. 806-808. Science, N.S., Vol. XX Huene, Fr. von. 1912. Die Unterkiefer von Diplocaulus. Anat. Anz., Bd. “a No. È p- 472-475, Figs. 1-3. 13 a. Über Lysorophus aus dem Perm von Texas. Anat. Anz., Ba. a No. 14/15, pp. 389-396, Figs. 1-5, with bibliography. . —— 1913 b. The Skull Elements of the Permian pagite in the . Mus. American Museum of Natural History, New York. Bull. Am Nat. Hist., XXXII, Fork XVIII, pp. 315-386, Figs. 1-57. . Watson, D. M. 8, The Larger Coal Measure ee Mem. and Proc. loa ii and Philos. Soc., Vol. 57, ; Dee. 1913. Batrachiderpeton lineolatum, a Coal Measure Btegocóplia- figures in th See als : tion of the ae Rept. 83 Meet. British Assoc. Advance. Se. Bir- mingham, 1913, p. 532. 1914. The Cheirotherium. Geol. Mag., Dec. VI, Vol. I, No. 603, pp. 395-398. . Williston, S. W. 1913. The Primitive Structure of the Mandible in Amphibians and Reptiles. Journ. Geol., Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 625-627, 1 See also same EE further notes: eit: Geol., Vol. XXII, No. Wiman, Carl. 1913. ier das Hinterhaupt der Labyiinthodonten, Bull. of the Geol. Instit. of Upsala, Vol, XII, pp. 1-7, Figs. 1 Uber die Stegocephalen aus der Trias Spitzbergens. ‘Bull, of the Geol. Instit. of Upsala, Vol. XIII, pp. 1-30, Pls. I-IX, Figs. 1- e Villines aphy. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION THE RESEMBLANCE OF YOUNG TWINS IN HANDWRITING By each of 144 children 7 to 15 years old, forming 72 twin pairs, the first name (and usually also a word or so like ‘‘years old’? or March or grade) was written. These were pasted on cards identified by chance numbering. Twelve men and women of good general education, but of no special experience in identi- fying handwritings, were shown the 72 specimens belonging to 72 first members of twin pairs and asked to match each by the specimen of the remaining 72 which most resembled it. There was thus one chance in 72 of a correct match by chance, or 12 chances for all judges combined. There were in fact 6, 4, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 1, 3, 6, 3 and 4 correct pairings made by the twelve judges, respectively, or 58 in all. It would be possible by the same method to derive a scale for unintentional resemblance in specimens of handwriting as shown roughly below. Such a scale might indirectly be of use in the study of questioned documents, since the resemblance of one speci- men of an individual’s writing to another specimen by himself may be regarded as the limiting case of the unintentional re- semblance found amongst different individuals. A scale for re- semblances produced intentionally would presumably form a Series in which the resemblances would, upon analysis, be found characteristically different from the unintentional or natural re- semblances, The genuineness of a questioned specimen of writing might thus be determined in part by measuring its resemblance to the unquestioned specimen in the different elements character- istic of the two scales. Resemblances of certain sorts might thus be used as actual evidence of forgery, and differences of certain sorts as evidences of genuineness, more systematically and ob- jectively than is now the ease. Specimens 145 and 147 have a curious interest as a result of possessing nearly as close resemblance between two ‘‘natural’’ writings by two different persons as is likely ever to be found. It is probable that if the individuals in question had each written 378 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLIX ts Fic. 1. Rough Scale of Resemblances in Handwriting. 145 and 147 were regarded as matches by 11 of the 12 judges; 19 and 65 were so regarded by 5 judges; 38 and 90, by 2 judges; 4 and 96 by none. a hundred natural specimens of the same two words, and if judges of the training of tellers in banks had been given the task of sepa- rating the two hundred specimens into the hundred by individual A and the hundred by individual B, the percentage of failures would have been considerable. These specimens, that is, may illustrate the possibility of successful forgery without artifice. In general, of course, the experiment shows how very, very rare the case of substantially perfect resemblance of two natural signatures by different individuals will be. One case amongst 72 pairs of twins probably signifies less than one-case in a thousand amongst the general population of as close resemblance as 145 No. 582]. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 319 and 147. Twins are probably distinguishable by their hand- writing oftener than by their physical appearance; for I am con- fident that the bodies of at least five and probably more of these - 72 twins would have been as hard to tell apart from a minute’s visual inspection as specimens 145 and 147. Of people in general this would probably not hold true, but the distinguishing value of a specimen of natural writing is very high even for them. EDWARD L. THORNDIKE TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ALLELOMORPHS AND MICE In the February number of this journal, C. C. Little points out that Cuénot (1903) recognized certain factors in mice as allelo- morphic,* and that in my paper of 1914 I not only failed to men- tion that Cuénot had treated these factors in this way, but that I claimed to have brought forward for the first time a demonstra- tion of the allelomorphism in question. In fact, I did overlook or had forgotten that Cuénot interpreted these types in this way; and curiously enough, my work was undertaken because Little on the alleged results of some of his own earlier experiments denied that the factors for yellow and gray are completely linked, despite Cuénot’s evidence, then published, which Little now says established from the ratios obtained that the factors in question are allelomorphic.? Little wrote as late as 1913: “Yellow” in mice is no more alehenirniee to gray than is gray allelomorphie to black. If this is the conclusion at which he arrived after his elaborate series of experiments and after Cuénot’s work had been done, the need of further work would seem to be obvious. The failure of several of us to fully appreciate the significance of Cuénot’s statements and evidence in regard to allelomorphism may in part be due to the fact that in his second paper Cuénot had used the symbols G (gray) and N (black) as allelomorphs, and had besides used the symbols A (albino) and G (gray) as allelomorphs without, however, intending to mean that there was here a set of 1 Note 1903, Archiv. Zool. Exp. et Gen. (4), I. 2 The numerical results are the same for complete linkage and for multiple allelomorphs. The evidence that would ites the one would also disprove the other. 380 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX three allelomorphs, but using G in each of the two cases to rep- resent a different factor of the gray mouse.’ This method is in itself quite legitimate, but as a result when Cuénot later spoke of the factor for gray, gray white belly, yellow, and black, all as allelomorphic, some of us, it appears, failed to appreciate that in doing so Cuénot was treating this set of terms in an entirely differ- ent way from the way in which he treated the other cases, where he had represented factors as allelomorphiec to each other. In the second place, the full significance of multiple allelomorphs in mice was not, I think, fully appreciated until its relation to complete linkage became apparent, and in fact even now this relation is not sufficiently understood by many geneticists themselves. Even, however, had I taken fully into account all that Cuénot had done, the somewhat extensive experiments that I undertook in order to prove that the factors in question are allelomorphie would have seemed to me necessary, as they still do, to establish that this series of factors bears this relation to each other. Let us ex- amine, therefore, the evidence, which, according to Mr. Little, rendered my experiments a work of supererogation. 1. Little says: As early as 1903 Cuénot recognized that albinos, potentially yellows, when crossed with black gave besides yellow offspring either black or agouti young but not both. This is, of course, evidence that yellow, agouti and black‘ are all allelomorphiec to one another. But the evidence proves nothing of the sort, unless Cuénot had shown that his albinos should have been expected from their history to contain all three factors in question. However likely it may seem, to one so inclined, that such triple forms must sooner or later have been met with by chance, the fact remains that Cuénot had, as the offspring showed, used only double types, and such a fact in the absence of explicit evidence as to the history of the forms used can not be said to demonstrate anything in particular. 2. Little continues: At the same time he gives the ratios produced by crossing an albino 3 The ‘‘examples’’ given on page vii of the second memoir are also in- structive in the present case. 4 Probably Little means here by ‘‘black’’ what he later calls the non- f so he refers to a different AE from that which he agouti factor. . is, moreover, clearly called black, when, in 1913, he wrote:—‘ Blac a positive character which is dominant over its pecans No. 582] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 3X1 potentially a heterozygous gray (agouti) with a yellow carrying black but no agouti and albinism. . . . Cuénot recognized that the ratio ex- pected from the cross was 2 valine: 1 black and 1 agouti (gray). If one turns to Cuénot’s experiment® he finds that Cuénot crossed an albino carrying black (AN) to an albino carrying gray (AG) in order to obtain a ‘‘dozen’’ white mice with the formula AGAN, and similarly he crossed a black mouse (CN) to a white mouse carrying yellow (AJ) in order to obtain another ‘‘dozen’’ mice with the formula CNAJ. We are not told whether each dozen came from the same parents, or from several similar com- binations. It will be observed that the yellow (J) and black (N) were brought together to make one F,, and that gray and black were brought together to make the other F,, hence since gray was in one F, and yellow in the other F, it is not possible to tell whether they behave as allelomorphs to each other. There is no reason, then, for making gray and yellow both allelomorphie to the same factor (N), black; for, in the first cross the gametes (omitting A and C) might have been Gj (gray) and gj (black) and in the other cross gJ (yellow) and gj (black). The numerical results would then be those obtained by Cuénot, which would prove noth- ing in regard to the allelomorphism of gray, yellow and black. In other words, the letter N stands in this cross simply as a sym- bol for anything in the black mouse that could be treated as allelomorphie to G in the one ease, and to J in the other; just as at first when rose comb in fowls was found to give a 3 to 1 ratio with single comb it was treated as an allelomorph to single; and likewise when pea was found to give 3 to 1 with single it too was regarded as allelomorphie to single. Later it was found that S (single) stood for two factors (‘‘absences’’), small r and small p. 3. Little thinks that both Cuénot and I have fallen into the Same error in regard to black; but he fails to see that from our points of view in regard to the other colors it was inevitable that we should come independently to the same conclusion. Little says that the ‘‘true’’ series of allelomorphs is yellow, white- bellied gray, gray-bellied gray, and non-agouti (not ‘‘black’’). The factor that Little prefers to call non-agouti, I call the black factor. He regards a non-factor as a member of an allelomorphie series, while I regard the black mouse as the result of the action of a factor for black. By the same criterion as that by which Little speaks of a non-agouti factor, he might equally well claim 5 Third note, p. xlix. 382 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLIX that the ‘‘true’’ series is black, gray gray belly, gray white belly and non-agouti (instead of yellow). The race of white-bellied mice that I have kept for several years does not correspond in all respects to Cuénot’s description of those that he has studied. His account of them in 1908? is as follows: La Souris reste grise sur le dos, mais le ventre prend une teinte blane roussatre, avec un bouquet de poils plus roux entre les deux pattes de devant, et une bordure un peu plus rousse sur les flanes; elle resemble ` d’une façon frappante ‘4 Mus sylvaticus, L. Again in 19117 Cuénot says: La première diffère de la Souris grise sauvage par la teinte du ventre, qui, au lieu d’étre gris-clair, est blane roussâtre, avec un bouquet de poils roux entre les deux pattes de devant et une bordure un peu plus rousse sur les flanes; cette Souris a souvent de gros yeux saillants, de sorte qu’elle ressemble d’une façon frappante au Mulot (Mus sylvat- icus, L In my race of white-bellied mice there is not a bouquet of rus- set hairs between the front legs, and I have not observed that the eyes are large and protruding more than occurs at times in other mice. At present, however, I have two old mice that were re- cently found that have a tuft of faint russet hairs between the forelegs. Whether we have‘here still another allelomorph, or whether a particular genetic constitution makes apparent the bouquet in conjunction with the white-bellied factor, remains to be worked out. While it seems probable that Cuénot’s type of white-bellied mouse and that which I have studied are the same, it is not certain that such is the case until further work has been done. Cuénot has not published as yet any conclusive evidence to show that the gray mice with white belly belong to the series of allelomorphs, although it is true he states that this type is allelo- morphic to the three other types. Finally, I should like to add that I am far from wishing to appear to minimize the importance of Cuénot’s work, and it is now evident that he should have received full credit for his recognition of the allelomorphic nature of the four factors in question.. I still think, nevertheless, 6 Sixth note, II, p. xv. 7 Seventh note, p. xlvii. No.582] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 383 that there was room, as matters stood, for the analysis that Stur- tevant published and for the work that I carried out. T. H. MORGAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY A METHOD OF CALCULATING THE PERCENTAGE OF RECESSIVES FROM INCOMPLETE DATA In the very interesting article on ‘‘The Inheritance of Left- handedness’’ by Professor Ramaley in the December number of the NATURALIST, a table is given on page 736 showing the propor- tion of right- and left-handed children in families where both parents are presumably heterozygous for right- and left-handed- ness, including only families with left-handed children. In 93 such families there are 282 right-handed and 116 left-handed children. This gives 29.13 per cent. of left-handedness in these families. It is clear, however, that this does not represent the TOTAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN FROM PARENTS HETEROZYGOUS FOR RIGHT- AND LEFT-HANDEDNESS, BASED ON THE NUMBER OF FAMILIES OMITTED BECAUSE OF ABSENCE OF LEFT-HANDED CHILDREN IN PROF RAMALEY’S TABLE 4 Children per Actual Number Actual Number} Corrected Number | Corrected ee Family of Families of Children of Families’ | of Childre 1 4 4 16 16 2 14 28 32 64 3 if 51 294 4 23 92 33.63 134.5 5 18 90 23.6 118.0 6 5 30 .08 36.45 7 1 7 1.154 8. 8 6 48 6.666 53.35 9 4 36 4.325 38. 12 1 12 1.032 12.39 Total 569.87 true Mendelian proportions if right-handedness is a simple Men- delian dominant over left-handedness. For instance, in families where both parents are heterozygous and in which there is only one offspring, the probabilities are that only one family in four will show the recessive character. From the total population re- 8 Archiv. de Zool. Exp. et Gen. (4), IX; (5), VIIL 1 By oversight in Professor Ramaley’s additions one column of right- handed children was omitted, so that the numbers given in the table are incorrect, 384 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX sulting from such matings, we therefore leave out three fourths of the families when we include only those showing the recessive character in the offspring. In families of two children nine sixteenths of the families are omitted. In general, the number of families omitted in such a study is 3"/4", where n is the number of children per family. In order to get the true Mendelian pro- portions we must take account of these omitted families. The accompanying table shows the most probable results in Professor Ramaley’s study had he been able to include the proper propor- tions of families in which left-handed children might have oc- curred. Thus if Professor Ramaley had had at his disposal the full number of families of this character there should have been about 570 children in them, 116 of which were left-handed, or 20.37 per cent. This is somewhat lower than the theoretical 25 per cent., and I would suggest as a possible cause of this the fact that so many children who are naturally left-handed are from early infancy trained to be right-handed. Hence the number of left-handed children reported is probably less than the true number of recessives in these families. W. J. SPILLMAN U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VOL. XLIX, NO. 583 JULY, 1915 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences with Special Reference to the Factors of Evolution CONTENTS Page I. The Role of the Environment in the Realization ns a Sex-linked Mendelian aracter in Drosophila. Professor T. H. M -3 Ii. On a Criterion of Substratum Homogeneity (or ee in Field Ex- eriments. Dr. J. ARTHUR HARRIS 430 Ill. Shorter Articles and Discussions: A Note on a Gonads of ETEEN of Drosophila ampelophila. F.N. DUNC 455 THE SCIENCE PRESS GANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Ë. NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 84 The American Naturalist intended for peepee and books, etc., intended for review should be MSS. sent to eye Editor of THE A S ERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on- Hudson, N cles containing summaries of ork. research work bearing on “the problems of Freie evolution are especially welcome, and will be given preference in publication ndrea Ay es of = pe bos pet are supplied to authors free of charge, One hu F chee reprints will be ions ane gd santei should be sent to the publishers. ear. Foreign postage is Canadian postage twenty-five cents additional. jubéorigtion price is four dollars a forty cents. The cents and The —— for single copies is The advertising rates are Four Dollars for THE SCIENCE PRESS NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as second-class matter, are 2, 1908, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of ngress of March 8, 1879. Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. FOR SALE ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND BIRDS’ SKINS Well Cig’ aes Prices ula G. DINESEN. bial per Husavik, North Iceland, Via Leidle, Enana JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS Perfect Condition and Lowest Prices. Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, Entomology, Marine Animals and others. Catalogue free. Correspond- ence solicited. T. FUKAI, emia et osu, Saitama, Japan BIRDS OF AMERICA by J. J. Audubon, 7 volumes, please report cash price, stating condition, binding and dates of volumes. F. C. HARRIS, Box 2244 Boston, Massachusetts The ot of Chicago | Arts, Lite stare, » Li vie ure, Commerce Administra- ss HS ong Sly = Mitchell Tower Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. RSTO Teas poe in eee. le beginners in Sete <6 work comer the nengen $50.00. INSTRUCTION July—August Physiology logical and B aen on g pea Stato, whioh . pasa. or pi rot ienen THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou. XLIX. July, 1915 No. 583 THE ROLE OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE REALIZATION OF A SEX-LINKED ME DELIAN CHARACTER IN DROSOPHILA Proressor T. H. MORGAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONTENTS i The Influence of the Environm The Linkage of the Factor for Abnormal ar ole Sex-Linked Factors. (a) The Linkage of Abnormal and White. lack, Red, Abnormal by Gray, White, Normal. Gray, Red, Abnormal by Black, White, Normal. (6) The Linkage of Abnormal, Yellow, and White. ray, Red, Abnormal by Yellow, White, Normal. Gray, White, Abnormal by Yellow, White, Normal. a White, Abnormal by Gray, Red, Normal. low, S Abnormal by Gray, White, Normal. 2. Change ay aa as the Culture Grows Older. ests of Changed over Classes . Influence of the Factor for Black on the Realization of the Abnormal P 2 aracter. - Influence of the Factor for Yellow on the Realization of the Abnormal haracter. - The Relative Influence of the Egg and of the Sperm on the Condition of the Heterozygote. 7. Presence and Absence. 8. Other Types of Abnormal Abdomen. 9. The Non-Inheritance of an Acquired Character. 10. The Non-Contamination of Genes. Oo a INTRODUCTION THE mutant, from which the stock with ‘‘abnormal ab- domen” was derived, appeared in 1910. It is charac- terized by a peculiar condition of the pigment bands and segments of the abdomen as shown in Fig. 1. The range of variation of the character is very great; in its most 385 386 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Fig. 1. extreme condition not only do the pigment bands totally disappear, but even the lines between the metameres are broken up, and the location of the external genitalia may be shifted to a more terminal position. All stages exist between this extreme modification and a condition that can not be distinguished from the normal. Owing to this wide range of variability the study of the inher- itance was very difficult until it was found that the reali- zation of the type is a function of the environment. the more extreme types the abdomen is deformed to such an extent that copulation is difficult or impossible. The sterility caused in this way helped also to make the work burdensome, especially when breeding was made with pairs. Instead of pairs, cultures of ten to twenty individuals of the more extreme type were resorted to, as a rule insuring the successful mating of some indi- viduals. Aside from this mechanical difficulty in mating, the mutant race is quite vigorous and of good size. No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 387 Two principal obstacles delayed the formation of a pure strain. The new character is a sex-linked domi- nant,’ but both the heterozygous and the homozygous condition overlap the normal type which makes the selec- tion of pure females difficult. Any male, however, that shows abnormal abdomen at all is pure, for the charac- ter is borne by the X chromosomes of which he has but one. The other obstacle was what at first appeared to be a perpetual reversion of stock, seemingly pure, to the nor- mal. So constantly did this occur, that, for some time, I thought that I had an ‘‘ever-sporting’’ variety—one that reverted to the normal without apparent provoca- tion. I found, however, that the first flies that hatched in the best-fed cultures were entirely abnormal, while those that emerged later were less abnormal, until finally those that emerged when the cultures were nearly at an end were invariably normal flies. It seemed at first pos- sible that such stock might be impure, and that the ab- normal flies hatched sooner than the normal, but this view was negatived by the fact that normals hatch as soon as do the abnormal flies. The one remaining possibility seemed to be that de- velopment of the abnormal abdomen depended on some definite condition of the culture—one that was present when the food was fresh and the bottle wet, but which disappeared as the food was used up and the bottle got dry. I tested this hypothesis in many ways. Stock was used that had been pure for nine generations. As a bottle dried up an ever increasing proportion of normal flies appeared. At intervals lots of flies were taken out and put into new bottles where they were abundantly fed. Their first progeny, as recorded below, shows that under the new conditions the offspring were sometimes ex- tremely abnormal irrespective of the general condition of the original stock when used. 1 Morgan, T. H., ‘‘A Dominant Sex-Linked Character,’’ Proceed. Soe. Ezp. Biol. and Medicine, IX, October 18, 1911. 388 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Condition of Parents Next Generation Feb. 26. Most flies abnormal—a few were normal.. Very abnormal. Feb. 27. More than half were normal........... Flies fairly normal. Feb. 28. About half were normal............:.. Nearly all abnormal. Feb. 29. Practically normal <2... 0.06. eee tse os Very abnormal Mohd. Nanri Orai o is i. 8 se oo 88 Abnormal, a few normal. Mok A DORA ss fale ee lig a eee ee ee Very abnormal. Men. De OPI ep eck de bse ece ee Very abnormal. The preceding case shows that there is no necessary relation between the development of the abnormality in the parent and that in the offspring. This is only a sample of a large amount of similar data. But this evi- dence does not show what special conditions make for ab- normality. In order to study this problem I generally used heterozygous females which were obtained either by mating an abnormal male to a wild (virgin) female (in which case the daughters will be abnormal under suit- able conditions and the sons normal), or reciprocally by mating a normal male to an abnormal female (when all the daughters will be abnormal (heterozygous) and all the sons pure abnormal). Many experiments had shown that the heterozygous female changes over more promptly to the normal character than does the homozygous male and the latter sooner than the homozygous female. The one outstanding fact for some time was that as a bottle crowded with flies gets old there is always a change from day to day from abnormal towards normal, but it remained to be shown whether the change was due to the drying out of the culture, or to any one of a dozen other parallel changes that obviously are going on at the same time. The more significant results of a prolonged set of experiments may be summed up as follows: _ 1. Starvation.—Lack of food does not bring about the change from abnormal to normal. Flies that are so starved as to be extremely small may be very abnormal. : 2. Acid, Alkali or Neutral Condition of Food Stuff. — Most cultures change in the course of the ten to twelve days from an acid through a neutral to an alkaline con- dition. Fresh fermenting banana (in the old and acid No. 583] . ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 389 medium) was made more acid (and liquid) by adding an equal amount of a 5 per cent. solution of acetic acid. Other food was made alkaline by adding dry sodium bicarbonate, or a 1 per cent. solution of sodium hy- droxide. The acid food gave very abnormal flies; the alkaline food was difficult to control as the flies refused in most cases to lay eggs on it, if it remained alkaline, and the food often dried up, or putrified, or grew mouldy. Moreover, the highly alkaline food often became acid over night owing to fermentation changes taking place within the pieces of fruit used for food. But several times good results were obtained with cultures that had been strictly neutral and often alkaline throughout the time of the experiment and from these the flies were ab- normal, Omitting all details it may be stated that an acid or alkaline (neutral) condition as such is not the cause that conditions the character. 3. Food of Parents.—At one time it seemed possible that the kind of food that the female was supplied with might for a time continue to affect her eggs, even al- though the parent was transferred to a medium that acted in the opposite direction. Careful tests showed conclusively that such was not the case. Some of the evidence for this statement will be given later. 4. Egg versus Sperm.—Heterozygous females may be produced either by using a normal female and abnormal male, or conversely an abnormal female and a normal male. Certain cultures seemed, at one time, to show that when the egg parent was abnormal the offspring were more abnormal than when the egg parent was normal, but careful tests disproved this view. The difference in the cultures, that led to the suspicion mentioned, was due to the large number of eggs laid by the normal females, hence greater crowding and more rapid disappearance of the moist food. 5. Influence of Genetic Factors.—Certain mutant stocks, notably black, seemed at times to show the abnormality less strongly than other stocks, but here, as in the last 390 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX ease, the results were found to be due, when carefully tested, to the number of eggs laid and the promptitude with which they are laid when the food is fresh. The question will again come up in certain of the crosses. 6. Amount of Water in Food.—Normal cultures lose much of their water as the brood of flies develops. It was a fact noticed at the start that in ‘‘wet’’ bottles the abnormal characters appeared to best advantage, and in most of the work on linkage that knowledge was utilized. But whether the wetness was only incidental to other changes, or in itself the normal condition was not pre- cisely determined. Under all conditions the air in the bottles must be completely saturated with moisture so that we must be dealing with the water taken in with the food and not with the amount of water in the inspired air. In three ways the effect of water was studied. (1) Food that had been fermenting for two or three days in the old acid medium was squeezed until freed of much of its water. The solid part was then further dried su- perficially by pressing between pieces of filter paper, and finally put into a bottle with more dry filter paper. The fluid squeezed out was diluted with an equal amount of water, and put into another bottle. Virgin normal flies and abnormal males of pure stock were set free in these two bottles. The results at the end of nine days were most striking. In the dry bottles the F, females were all normal; in the wet bottles the F, females were ex- tremely abnormal. 7. Changing the Adult from Wet to Dry and Vice Versa.—In this same series the old (P,) flies that had been in the wet bottle were transferred to dry food, and conversely the ‘‘dry’’ flies to wet food. Their progeny showed the influence of the food that they were reared upon, and no effect of the feeding in the previous bottle. Once more they were changed, the wet to dry, the dry to wet, and the results were the same as before, i. e., the actual conditions, not the preceding ones, ba acnounted for the results that were obtained. No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 391 8. A culture that was giving F, normal females (that were heterozygous for abnormal) was made extremely wet; into a sort of swamp. The flies that emerged dur- ing the next six days were normal, on the seventh day the flies were slightly to fairly abnormal, on the eighth and ninth days the flies that emerged were slightly to quite abnormal. It is evident that the influence of the wet conditions does not appear unless the flies are sub- jected to it throughout most of the larval life, or else that the first few days of larval life is the critical period. 9. Larve that were about ready to pupate were trans- ferred to very wet new food, where they pupated, in from 12 to 24 hours. The pupe remained in the same bottles until the flies emerged. These flies were entirely normal in appearance; the stock from which the larve came were also giving rise to normal flies. The sojourn of one or two or even three days in a wet environment at the end of the larval life does not suffice to alter the effects that have already been induced in an earlier stage. Conclusions.—The preceding evidence makes clear that the amount of water in the food, determines the realization of the ‘‘abnormal’’ type. The water may produce its effect either by being taken in with the food, or by being directly absorbed; or it may determine the nature of the bacterial or yeast flora that in turn deter- mines the nature of the fermentative changes that take place within or without the larve. It would be a very difficult matter to find out in which one of these ways the effects are brought about. However this may be, it is possible for the experimenter to determine at will the nature of the flies that will be produced in his cultures by controlling the food supply. THE LINKAGE OF THE FACTOR FOR ABNORMAL ABDOMEN WITH OTHER SEX-LINKED FACTORS Owing to the overlapping of the abnormal and normal types, the study of the linkage has presented unusual difficulties. The following experiments were made for the most part during the second year when the influence 392 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST ~— [Vou. XLIX of the environment was not fully under control. The conditions under which the experiments were made were, however, favorable for the appearance of the abnormal condition, at least in the first counts of each brood, for the bottles were supplied with an abundance of wet fer- mented food. The linkage of abnormal abdomen with white eyes and yellow body color was studied in different combinations; and since the factor for abnormal abdomen proved to be quite near the other two factors the choice was a favor- able one in certain respects. A special method by means of which the error, due to the variability of the charac- ter, can be largely eliminated will be given after the evi- dence has been presented. THE LINKAGE OF ABNORMAL AND WHITE When red-eyed (R) abnormal (Ab) females were mated to white-eyed (W) normal (N) males, red abnormal males and females were produced.? When these were mated the results recorded in the next table were ob- tained By means of the following diagram, I have tried to WE PE wW N DIAGRAM I. show what the expectation is for this combination. The two parallel lines are intended to represent the two sex chromosomes of the F, female. From her mother she 2 Throughout this paper I have used the letters R for red eyes, W for white-eyes, N for normal abdomen, Ab for abnormal abdomen, Y for yellow, B for black instead of using the allelomorphic system; because for present purposes, where analyses are unnecessary, these letters suffice most simply to indicate the operations that are involved. For comparison with other papers the allelomorphie symbols for the same neti would be: w= the factor for white. W =its normal allelomorph = red. A'b = the factor for abn. abd. a’b—Zits normal oo = normal abd. y= the factor for yellow. Y=~its normal allelomorph = gray. b= the factor for black, B=its normal enara gray. No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 393 got the sex chromosome bearing the factors for red and ab- normal (RAb), from her father the homologous sex chromosome that carries the factors for white and nor- mal (WN). TABLE I ParRENTS: RAD? BY WN g F,: RAb9—RAb ¢ RAb WN | RN WAb | seas | POV EREE] TEESE E RR gli EETA RIT EAR No. of Culture A9 F | toe | 9 J | g Fs deat ae.” ie or ee Ha 2 ee tea Ih 148) ee | ee AS | 6 1 eh eee Ils 106 | 3 is ee or. 3 ea, Ils ee Gece R - ae peed vee MS sss aa a Il;s B | Ob A081 EP E e Iza a a eee a eee eer 4 Tiss GO 6 BOs ieee 1 “hee pet Ti» 647 i 17 el o. kæde han n If these chromosomes unite at synapsis without ex- change of materials, half of the eggs that result (one chromosome being eliminated in the polar bodies) will contain the red normal combination, the other half the white normal. These represent the ‘‘non-cross-over’’ gametes. If, however, these chromosomes should cross and reunite, as in the diagram (the crossed lines indi- cate where the crossing over may occur, not how it oc- curs), the two resulting chromosomes will be red-normal RN, and white abnormal, WAb, which represent the other (the cross-over) kinds of gametes of the F, female. The ratio in which they are produced is the gametic ratio and is a measure of the linkage. In the F, males there is but one X chromosome, hence there is no opportunity for interchange here between the X chromosomes. The mate of the X chromosome is, in the male, the Y chromosome. Other experiments have shown that the Y chromosome carries no factors; hence interchange seems precluded; and, so far, no loss of X chromosome factors to the Y chromosome has ever been observed. The X chromosome passes into the female- 3 An unexpected individual that can be accounted for by equational non- disjunction. 394 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX producing spermatozoon, which carries therefore an X chromosome received from the mother of the F, males and bears her character. In the present case the male carries the chromosome bearing red abnormal. Since red and abnormal dominate, all the F, females should be red abnormal, except in so far as the conditions suppress the abnormal and induce the normal type. The experiment, Table I, shows that very few normal females were present. Four classes of males are expected—the large class of non-cross-overs RAb and WN, and two small classes of cross-overs RN and WAb. It will be observed (Table I) that the linkage between R and Ab is very strong, since nearly all of the males are either RAb (647) or NW (664). Only a few crossovers RN (25) and WAb (13) males were present. The percentage of crossing over is 1.97 per cent. when the abnormal males alone are used for calculation. In the reciprocal cross the RAb male was mated to WN female, and gave in F, RAb females and WN males. The F, record is given in Table IT. — TABLE II PARENTS: RAb g By WN? F,: RAb9—WN ¢ RAb WN RN WAb By 9 J 9 a g Ty 68 62 59 47 1 0 2 1 Il: 38 69 68 0 3 0 1 II20 115 170 130 147 2 2 2 2 IIa 03 103 97 103 3 7 4 2 II 75 96 94 49 2 1 5 0 Tis 399 486 449 194 8 13 i ro Gt Since the same two pairs of factors enter as before, the same chromosome diagram will suffice for the gametes of the F, female. The F, male is, however, a double re- cessive (WN); in consequence four classes of females are expected as well as of males. The gametes of the F, female are as before the following: No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 395 Non-cross-over RAb Crossover RN gametes WN gametes WAb The percentage of crossing over as calculated from the abnormal classes (males and females) is 2.1. In order to obtain further data for linkage the pre- ceding experiment was repeated in the winter of 1914, but the linked factors entered differently combined. The experiment was begun by crossing white abnormal fe- males to wild males which gave red abnormal females and white abnormal males. These were inbred and gave the following results in five different cultures (kept with abundance of moist food). TABLE III PaRENTS: WAb? By RNG F,: RAb 9—WAb g RAb | WN RN | WAb No. | RESCUERS US ARLENE reas a | 9 Pee ce fhe ee ee ee 1 0 44 0 2 33 0 52 55 2 4 66 0 0 Sl s 57 50 3 1 38 0 0 62 0 37 48 4 1 lil 7 1 95 0 77 100 5 1 65 2 0 65 0 | 34 Total | 7 | 324 oe 312 4 | 251 | 287 The sum of the two non-cross-over males (251 + 312 = 563) plus the cross-overs (16) divided into the sum of the cross-over males (7 +9—16) gives 2.7 as the percent- age of crossing over. Since the white normal males may receive contributions from the changed white ab- normal, the result may be freer from error if the two correlative abnormal male classes, viz., red abnormal (7) and white abnormal (251), be utilized to calculate cross- ing over. Dividing the former by the total (251 +7) — gives 2.7 per cent. of crossing over which is the same as the preceding estimate. The reciprocal cross, RN 2 by WAb ¢, was also made once and the results in F, combined with other similar results are as follows: WAb RAb WN a ọ g g g g 1,220 (withRAb) 854 20 1,323 89 396 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou. XLIX The other results were obtained in the following way: The abnormal red eyed F, females obtained from the first experiment are heterozygous for abnormal (AbN) and white (RW), except in so far as this class may contain cross-over flies that are heterozygous in white but homozygous in abnormal AbWAbR. Except for these flies, these F, females are like the F, females, and if mated to abnormal white males will continue in each successive generation to give the same linkage data as do the F, classes above. If bred in pairs exceptional females homozygous for abnormal will be at once de- tected, and can be thrown out; but even if bred in small batches of four or five females the chance is small of in- cluding homozygous abnormal females. In these counts no separation of the normal red fe- males (when they occurred) from the abnormal red females was made but the red females were put into the latter class. Since the females were not intended to be used for comparison this grouping does not affect the prob- lem involved. If we divide the cross-over red abnormal males (20) by the abnormal white males (854) plus 20 abnormal red males, we get the per cent. of cross-overs which is here 2.3. This is slightly lower than that ob- tained for the preceding data. Black, Red, Abnormal by Gray, White, Normal Another series of experiments, carried on for a some- what different purpose, may be utilized here for further data. Gray, white, normal females were mated to black, red, abnormal males. The daughters were gray, red, normal (or slightly abnormal), and the sons gray, white, normal. Inbred they give the results shown in Table IV. Since the factor for black is not sex-linked, the gray and the black classes may be added together as shown in Table V. The results differ from those of Table II in the follow- ing points: There are relatively more red normals which may be assumed to be due to the external condition pre- No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 397 TABLE IV PARENTS: BRAb g By GWN 9? F,: GRN or SLIGHTLY Ab9—GWN g GRAb | BRAb | GWN | BWN GRN | BRN ama ll SP Sat aes PPL A] Ph Pe ta pigaa e|elelale| 35| 63) 7| 8| 160| 170] 48| 58|126 |146| 54| 43|...]...| IIs 50| 78} 6| 16| 111| 104| 34| 18| 48| 30| 34| 28 efes III29 65 | QO} 1] 221) 187| 13| 7/181}159| 11] 16; 1: Hi 187 |152| 27| 36| 254) 268| 58| 72|,102| 99| 45| 65 4/1) UR 33| 56| 12| 12| 37| 63| 15| 10 0] 0] o|...|...} Ie 103 |140| 34| 34| 146| 191) 52) 42| 54| 52| 21| 14| 6| 1| IIIs 50| 33| 14| 10] 93| 69| 22| 24| 30| 24| 7| 6j 1|...| Ils 8} 71| 0 2) 76 123) 20 40| 80| 66| 27| 61]...|...| IIs 91| 74| 17|- 16| 89| 89|-30| 45| 75 | 66| 79| 59| 1|...| Ie 92| 88|:27| 24| 135| 153| 33| 59| 62| 76| 19| 20|...| i | Tse 2 8 3 7] | 4 0) 0; 0)...)...) Ex. _82| 95| 32| 23| 195) 191| 47| 65| 66 66 | 94| 34 29}... 1 | ihe | | | 798 899 182 |185 1,524 1,625 375. PEE vailing at the time, or else the black factor may have had some influence that is favorable to the normal condition in the heterozygous abnormal flies. If the latter were the true explanation we can understand the large num- ber (here) of the GRN class (for two thirds are hetero- - zygous in black and intermediate in color) and the com- plete absence of the BW Ab class which should be one third as frequent as the GWAb class. was made to test this possibility and will be described TABLE V PaRENTS: BRAb BY A special examination GWN? F,: GRN or sLIGHTLY Ab9—GWN ¢ RAb WN RN WAb | F Q F ọ F Q oo] 42 60 208 237 179 1960 E (oT 56 94 145 122 82 PE ean Saliva! Iie 65 53 234 194 142 175 ii Dhi 214 188 312 340 148 64 4 1 | Ile 45 68 52 } GE rr i ae II Tio 137 192 198 233 75 66 6 i | die 64 43 115 93 37 30 Looe Wa 8 73 96 163 107 iT peo | Ils 108 90 119 134 154 125 io) Die 119 112 168 212 81 E Í IIIso 8 11 10 cy Oe RE E © POC cee A Cana, Extra 105 118 242 256 100 cj to B S41 | 1,102 {| 1,809 | 2065 { 1,105 | 1,168 | 13 | & | 398 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX later, but it may be stated beforehand that no certain evidence could be found in favor of this view. The num- ber of larvæ in a culture brings about a rapid alteration in the condition of the food, so that it changes more quicky from an acid to a neutral or alkaline condition. If the black flies used gave vigorous F, offspring the effect in question could be explained as due to numbers, and not as connected with the black factor. Gray, Red, Abnormal by Black, White, Normal The results of this cross and of its reciprocal are given in Tables VI and VII. The RN class (cross-over) is relatively too large, but the increase is due to the transi- tion from abnormal to normal. TABLE. VI PaRENTS: GRAb@? By BWN GC F,: GRAb 9—GRAb J Grab | BWN | GwN | BRAb | GRN | BWAb| GWAb | BRN _ glelalelalelalelalelalele|e lal 2 95 |194| 49 | 2 |163| 1 | 20| 32 | 56] 71 |...1...| 4 |..... | 24 | 45 PARENTS: BWN 9 By GRAb¢ F,: GRAb d—GWN 9° 215 |143| 91 | 91 |314 |276| 56 | 11 | 28 [azol...[...)9 | 2] a | 50 _ THE LINKAGE oF ABNORMAL, YELLOW, AND WHITE , 2 In the following crosses three pairs of sex-linked fac- tors characters are involved, viz., yellow, white, abnor- mal and their normal allelomorphs whose location at one end of the X chromosome is shown in Diagram II. DIAGRAM II. Gray, Red, Abnormal by Yellow, White, Normal When a YWN @ is crossed to a GRAD ĝ the daughters are GRAb and the sons YWN. The F, male is a triple re- No.583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 399 cessive, hence, neither his female-producing nor his male- producing sperm affect the dominant characters that the eggs carry, and in consequence the entire F, count, fe- males as well as males, are indicators of the gametic composition of the eggs of the F, female. The F, results are given in Table VII. TABLE VII Parents: GRAb g By YWN 2? F,: GRAb 9—YWN ¢} YWN GRAb |YRAb| GWN | YWAb| GEN | YRN | GWAb | gleleleleleleleleleleleleleiele!| 1; 45| 59| 44| 51 | Be ee ae a ee Se ae Iı 21 831 OO) a BB. T W iss diesters Is 3| 115| 107| 132) 150 1} 2|-..]...1 @| 6] 4} T I; 4| 174| 177| 152| 205 2| 5| 2] 4...) 6 9...) 1)...)... Iio 5| 100| 128| 108| 150 TiS Sra a o oa In G| 42| -52| 58| 4 SR Ge Bee ie cee ne ee 3 7| 92| 94| 105| 114 WI r A r. 6 8| 105) 180| 123| 97 B41 die AB oe es) Basle s 9| 83 78| 92 eit Sore a> S ak bone 9 10; 83) 81) 90| 107 Lt Bt A e 10 11| 375| 374| 441| 443| 1| 6| 4| 3| 5| 7| 22| 14)...)...|...)... u 12| 103| 127] 125| 136| 1|...|...|...| 2]...] 7 81|- 12 13) 135) 116| 119| 169/ 1] 1}...) T T 9) Bo 13 14/ W01; 92] 116] 105) 1| Irop e 4} WA a 15 15| 29) 56 Pic th wie Sa 18 16; 45; 58, 50| 77 $d AB linet ales sie o 19 ee Se me a | ae aD pee Ge ees A | as A A a a t8; 31) 45; 30 1 Pia ifi cae 1 | Iss 19| 236; 231| 283| 276| 6| 2| 4| 3| 9} 1) 6 6...) 1)...|... 27 20, 47) 31 eres ee ren ee eo 30 21; 66; 79; 101| 64/...|...) 2] Apin 17) 52)...).-.)--.)--- a 22| 325; 307| 209| 250| 1| 1| 3| 2| 1)|.../139/251) 2 | 1 |. | IVs 23| 286| 184| 233| 321| 6| 2| 5| 3| 2| 2j197/191| 1 | 1 |...| 1 |IVs 2,734 2,744 2,773 3,008 | 22 | 45 | 30 | 33 | 43 | 21 |478/644, 4 | 8/0 2 a | Ba khob a {oOo The relation of the classes to each other is evident from the following diagram (III) which represents (as before) G Ab EMD EE nas DracRaM III. the sex chromosomes of the F, female. The classes of gametes of the F, females are the following: 400 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX Non-Crossovers Single Crossovers Double C YWN YRAb YRN RGAb GWN GWAb YWN GRN In this and in the following tables the order of the cross- over gametes is always given the same, viz.: the first factor to the left above (Y) joins the two following below, R and Ab, (taking the switch as it were at the first cross- over). Then follows the cross-over that is the converse of the preceding (the first factor to the left below switch- ing over to join W and N). The second crossing is taken in the same way, thus Y and W switch over to Ab, and conversely G and R switch over to N. The double cross- over takes the switch twice; thus Y to R and then to N; and conversely G to W and then to Ab. The F, flies should correspond to these gametic classes (since the F, male was a triple recessive) except in so far as the ab- normal classes change to phenotypic normal types. Thus the non-cross-over class GRAb will, in this sense, con- tribute to the single cross-over class GRN; and the single cross-over class YRAb to the double cross-over class YRN. The last-named class can not, therefore, be used as a measure of the double crossing over, since it is more probable that any flies of this kind that appear will be only phenotypic YRN, than that they should belong to the YRN class genetically. Only the GWAb class may be used as a measure of double crossing over, and, as will be shown below, much caution must be used even in this case. It will be seen in the table that only relatively few of the GRAb type have changed to the normal type, because the conditions were favorable for abnormal although the cultures ran in most cases for ten days, but during this ~ time they still contained plenty of wet food. It will be noticed that the changed class GRN corresponds to one of the single cross-over classes, consequently GRN is a mixed class, and can not be used to base any calculation on. It is true, one may roughly determine how many No.583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 401 cross-overs are expected in this mixed class by compari- son with the other single cross-over class (YWAb). these are subtracted, the remainder shows how many of this GRN class are due to a change from the abnormal to normal. Another point to note is that one of the double cross-over classes, viz., YRN, is likewise subject to addi- tion from the single cross-over class, YRAb, and can not itself be taken as a measure of double crossing over, while, on the contrary, all cases in the other double cross-over class, viz., GWAb, count for their full value. Only two such double cross-overs occurred. On the basis of the amount of single crossing over it is possible to calculate, as Sturtevant has shown, the ex- pected number of double cross-overs. The number of the double cross-overs (two) in Table VIII is larger than expected. I repeated (December, 1913) the last experi- ment to test the question because abnormal arrangement of the rings of the abdomen is not a very rare occurrence and may sometimes be the result of injury to the larva or to the pups, or in still other cases may be due to other mutations, some of which will be described later. The abnormal mutation itself occurs not infrequently under conditions precluding contamination. In repeating the experiment extreme care was taken not to classify any fly TABLE VIIT ParENtTs: GRAb g BY YWNQ F,: GRAb 9—YWN ¢ | YWN GRAb YRAb GWN YWAb GRN YRN | GWAb lelelelelalelale|elele|elielelale A 58| 64| 57 6L O06 1067 8 1-oy i D 60) O71 461 O81 oi 45 1 OT OTe rf i E 79) l 601 7601-86 OB 1) 8 8 F O7| 921 SB) 7111] 91119] eo 3f 1] $ H Sti 40) 47) ilr oroo 0r eT a J O71 SO) Set BOT it 72 te Or 1i eS K 65 Bist OF11o} 21 OF: 1] 2 L 83 901116 [126° 9 6-04 1 Oa Liù 4i 3 M 74 765101 9100] 3| $| 6] 3 N 40; 51| 3881 6710] 01010] 0} 1} 3) 8 Totals .| 605 |675 |625 |683| 9 | 10| 5 |5 | 16 | 12 | 24/| 24,/0/0/0) 0 402 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX in the double cross-over class as abnormal unless there could be no reasonable doubt as to the nature of the char- acter. In case of doubt the flies were tested by crossing again. As before, yellow white normal (abdomen) females were crossed to gray red abnormal males. These gave in F, YWN ¢ and GRAb 2 which inbred gave the results shown in Table VIII. The double cross-over class is GWAb. The combina- tion did not appear once amongst the 2,690 flies that are recorded in F,. The percentage of crossing over between Y and W is 1.0; that between W and Ab was 2.1. The expectation of double crossing over on this basis (without interference) would be .02 per cent., or about 1 in 5,000. But the expectation would be far smaller than this be- cause of a principle that we call interference. We mean by this term that should a cross-over occur at one point the chance of another occurring near it is greatly dimin- ished, because if crossing over is due to twists of the chromosome the length of a twist would usually preclude the occurrence of two cross-overs near one another. In other words, if the loop that makes the twist is more likely to be of a certain length then the likelihood of the occur- rence of a small loop necessary for a double cross-over is very small. In two cases, B and C, the F, counts (from pairs of F, flies) gave no YWN males as shown in the next counts. | -YWN GRAb YRAb GWN YWAb sires le@[efele|e| Ps ee pei a o| | | at |i pee fed due 49 | 47 | 47 | 0 t2 be 1S. The absence of the YWN males, when the other classes showed that no error in the experiment had been made, was not understood until the occurrence of lethal factors was worked out. Here clearly a lethal factor in the YWN grandmother has been carried over into her GRAD daughter. The lethal factor must have been closely eo; oo] +70 oe No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 403 linked with yellow and with white. The F, YWN son of the original YWN female must have come from the other sex chromosome of the YWN female—the one that did not carry the lethal. The count of the males in the F, gives both in B and in C a 2:1 ratio which is the charac- teristic ratio for a sex-linked lethal. The reciprocal cross was also made, but only twice; the F, counts are given in Table IX. TABLE IX PARENTS: GRAb? By YWN g F,: GRN@ (or suicHtLy Ab)—GRAb ¢ YWN | GRAb | YRAb | awn | ywab | GRN YRN | GWAb gigialelalelale|alel a] jalelale 141 |---| 165 | 339 | we CA eee k 59 [10 AR 202 Joo: O86 1:86) [8s |. e be Fao Ie ME Se es Boe The expected gametes of the F, female are the same, of course, as before, but the male contains all three sex- linked dominant factors, GRAb. Consequently in F, half of the GRAb female class is pure and half is heterozygous for abnormality. The GRAb F, males, on the other hand, are all pure, in the sense that they have only one factor for abnormal and no factor for normal. It is probable that most of them here are phenotypically abnormal. The relation of the non-cross-over and the cross-over gametes is the same as in the reciprocal cross, since only sex-linked factors are involved, but the cross-over classes - given in Table IX are different in the female classes in so far as the female producing sperms, that carry GRAb, contain three dominants. In one of the two counts given in the table the cross-over class that has changed to phenotypic normal is relatively large; in the other count it is small. Gray, White, Abnormal by Yellow, Red, Normal The next largest series of experiments involves the same three pairs of characters but combined in a different way. The results are shown in Table X. Diagram, IV shows the relative positions of the factors in this combination. 404 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST — [Vou XLIX Y R N Pe (eS G:. W Ab DIAGRAM IV. The gametes produced by the F, female are the following. Non-Crossover Single Crossover Double Crossover Gametes Gametes Gametes R YWA WN GWAb GRN GRAb YRAb GWN The classes of special interest are non-cross-over GW Ab males which change as the culture gets old into GWN (which is a single cross-over class), and GRN which is the corresponding female class (but heterozygous). TABLE X PARENTS: GWAb ¢ By YRNQ F,: GRAb? (to N)—YRN ¢ YRN GWAb YWADb GRN YRAbDS; GWN YWN GRAb Cre CPI eit Se Ss Se eee reer ee Yee” 7g Dg ei thy ete 2145/1 Bh ea Oe ae 410) 404) 3201.. Tt. J101 185i Pie et Tr. Aa] 90i G2) OTE WWE er e e Eeo e l 124 | IIIa 327) 123) 50 St p 1 56 T. 130 | IIIs 196| 181 1i eae) 8 Saol 239 | Iles 234| 286! 168 Te 166. bk 69 Ad 151 | IIs 108! 149 1k ae. 49 in er 79| III; 321| 381| 218 Lit St 90i 3) 208) ie 259 | IIIsz 158; 167 Pt Oe ee eee ie 96| III 178| 169 1-81 m6 3i 10 Pe 62) IIL 185| 181| 107 ele Ciera: igs ee 119 III 109 H ai oor a4 I 28 t 114 | IIIs 189} 185| 141 ie Tt 4a 27 De 172 | IIIs7 332| 322) 233 SiO) mi3 i 27l. a 309 | IITs 279| 19 .| 6| 324]. 1s FOS Fees: 14| IIe 147| 144) 98 .| 6} 169). 661... a Is7 236| 221| 244 Sl Iba: 56). Lia, 241 | Illes 30} 25) 19 ees ti. GSE Gee Be 19 IIIz7 230| 227| 97 bie | 16i... V6 3h 86 | III79 106} 80| 74 ip aii 43 $i; 30 | IIIo 130| 115 Ta iL: ERL 64 IIl» 111| 128| 82 2 e 42i ti 2 61 | III»s 83 Hai g ooo Peg 47 225| 202! 100 SoTa IB a: 94 4,205/4,409/2,677 |. ..| 13 |. . .| 85 (2,521 |61 | 8 |1,552| 5 |20|...| 2 |2,817 No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 405 An examination of Table VI shows how extensively changing took place in almost every one of the experi- ments. The contrast with the result of Table V is very striking. w Ab A G R | N Yellow, White, Abnormal by Gray, Red, Normal The experiment was made once one way (Table XI) and seven times reciprocally (Table XII). In the first case TABLE XI ParENTS: YWAb? By GRN J F,: GRN 9—YWN ¢ _GRab | ywn | GwN |YRab| GRN | ywab | GWAb| YRN | glelalelalelalele|ele|eialelale| 3 |105| 58 | 25 {11/1 |...1 2 |167/145| 741 47 |...131 5110 | Tes nearly all of the GRAb females are of the normal type. The only GR males that are abnormal are single cross- overs (Diagram V). This means that the heterozygous females are affected more easily than are the pure males; TABLE XII PARENTS: YWAb anisat R A Se iO, in with the egg the heterozygous female is more likely to show abnormality than when the abnormality comes in with the sperm. Conversely the result may be stated in this way—when normality comes in from the egg the daughters are more likely to be normal than when the normality comes in from the sperm. In other words, we might extend this conclusion and state that the cytoplasm of the egg has an influence on the soma of the individual which arises from it, or the cytoplasm plus the nucleus of the egg has more influence on the next generation than the nucleus of the sperm. When this possibility was realized it was evident that some of the experiments must be repeated under condi- No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 417 tions where a more exact comparison between a cross and its reciprocal could be made. In the autumn of 1913 I went over the ground again with this object in view. It was found that the F, females heterozygous for abnor- mality are just as likely to be abnormal when their ab- normal factor comes from the father as when it comes from the mother. The extent to which the abnormality is realized depends on the condition of the food. This in turn will depend in part not only on its amount but to what extent it is worked over by the larva which again depends, in large part, on the number of eggs laid by the female. To this extent and only in this sense does the condition of the mother affect the condition of her daugh- ters. If the females lay too many eggs for the amount of food thatis present, crowding results and the daughters show abnormality to a less degree than when fewer eggs are laid (that hatch) and little competition takes place. Now the normal female is more likely to lay more fertile eggs than the abnormal female. Hence other things be- ing equal the heterozygous daughter of a normal mother is more likely to be normal than the heterozygous daugh- ters of an abnormal female (which are therefore again more like their mother—very abnormal in this case, be- cause the former mother is more likely to lay more eggs than the latter). The relation between the two cases is therefore not owing to the egg transmitting abnormality to the daughters better than the sperm, but to the number of eggs likely to be laid by the mother in question. In order to examine further whether when abnormality comes in with the egg it is more likely to be shown in the F, heterozygote, a number of parallel experiments were made, of which the following are samples: Gray Rep ABN. ? py Wip g. Gray Rep ABN. ji By Wi 9. (1) Very abn. g and 9. (1) Fairly abn. 9. (2) eons (a few slightly ab- (2) Most fairly, a few very abn. rmal). (3) Most fairly, a few very abn. (3) Mohini (a few slightly ab- (4) Slightly abn normal), (5) Slightly abn. (4) Normal (a few slightly ab- (6) NỌ (40) 1 slight abn. 9. normal). (7) NQ. 418 : THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX While it is true in the first count above that when ab- normality entered through the egg there was greater ab- normality in the offspring, yet this is offset by the counter evidence in this set that the change to the usual pheno- type took place sooner in this set than in the others. This point will be taken up again in connection with other data. In order to compare, under changing conditions, hetero- zygous and homozygous females, some white abnormal females were mated to red abnormal males, and, inde- pendently, some other white abnormal females were mated to red normal males. After several days both kinds of females were separated from their respective males and put together into a single new bottle. All of the daughters had red eyes. In the first count two types of females could readily be distinguished. Some were quite abnormal, others were slightly abnormal or normal. In the second count (next day) again two types appeared, one quite abnormal and the other slightly abnormal fe- males. In the third count some females were fairly ab- normal, the rest normal and this held for the fourth count. The result leaves little doubt that under these con- ditions, the homozygous were abnormal and the hetero- zygous less abnormal or quite normal. In order to see if the factors for red and for white affect the condition of the zygote, homozygous for ab- normal; white abnormal females were mated to red ab- normal males, and, separately, other white abnormal fe- males to white abnormal males. After several days the females were put together in a new bottle and the males removed. Through five consecutive counts the red and the white daughters were alike, at first quite abnormal, later nearly normal. Red and white abnormal females therefore behave alike. PRESENCE AND ABSENCE It is not without interest to examine the bearing of these results from the point of view of the ‘‘presence No.583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 419 and absence’’ hypothesis, even although I myself prefer a more non-committal form of factorial interpretation than that offered by the ‘‘presence and absence” theory. The abnormal male (Ab) has one dose of abnormality and the degree of his abnormality is the same as that of the female (Ab, Ab) with two doses. But the hetero- zygous female, AbN, has only one dose (or factor) for abnormality. The degree of abnormality that she shows is very variable ; she is less abnormal on an average, than the abnormal male. Which condition is to be interpreted as absence—the real absence of one Ab in the male, or the absence of one Ab in the other (normal) chromosome of the female? A moment’s thought will show, however, that nothing of any value can come from a discussion of this question, be- cause the heterozygous female (AbN) differs from the male not simply by the factor N, but by a whole chromo- some including amongst other factors a factor which in duplex produces a female. Moreover, an advocate of presence and absence might maintain that the relation of a dominant to the normal allelomorph is not the same as the relation of a normal allelomorph to a recessive for it is the latter that is ‘‘absent.’’ In other words, he might conceivably accept the hypothesis of absence for a reces- „sive, but reject it for a dominant mutation. I have pointed out elsewhere that it seems to me un- warrantable to interpret the absence of a character to mean necessarily an absence of a factor in the germ plasm.” Yet this literal interpretation of the presence and absence hypothesis has often been made. If the linear arrangement of factors in the chromosomes be ad- mitted as a plausible hypothesis the absence of a factor in this literal sense would mean a hole in the chromosome, and a corresponding displacement of the linear sequence of factors. The evidence does not support this hypothe- sis. On the other hand, if the locus of a factor be con- 5 Although of course a changed factor might cause the failure of some substance to develop that is necessary for a given reaction. 420 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX ceived as a particular chemical body at a given level in the chromosome then any change in this body would be expected to affect one, or more, or even, at times, all characters of the complex that gives rise to the body character or characters. The particular change might involve no more than a rearrangement of the materials of the locus or the addition of a chemical element (or com- pound) or the loss of a chemical element (or compound) —any one of these changes might lead to the loss of a character in the soma. As to what happens in the locus we can form no idea, and so far as the mechanism of heredity is concerned it is a matter of no immediate im- portance. If, however, any one finds a greater satisfac- tion in the view that a loss of something from the locus (an atom or a molecule) leads to a recessive character, there is not the slightest objection to his doing so, unless by loss he means the loss of the entire locus. He may do this if he rejects the linear arrangement of different material in the chromosomes, but if he accepts the latter view the assumption of a literal absence involves him in unnecessary difficulties. It is not as generally under- stood as it should be that the facts which the presence and absence theory was constructed to account for do not require the assumption that the absence of a char- acter means the absence of a factor in the germ-plasm. ° It is entirely gratuitous to involve the theory of Mende- lian heredity in such an interpretation which adds noth- ing to the theory and by bringing in a new hypothesis may involve the Mendelian theory in further difficulties. An example may make this clear. It is known that when a chocolate mouse is bred to gray and the F, grays that result are bred together there appear in F, grays (9), cinnamons (3), blacks (3) and chocolate (1). Gray was written GBCh and chocolate gbC, which gave in F, @BCh (9) GbCh (3) gBCh (3) and gbCh (1). The occurrence of the black class of gBCh is accounted for through re- combination. But the same end is accomplished if we No.583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 421 suppose that a factor in the wild or agouti mouse mu- tated so that the recessive black was produced as a result of the activity of the new gene. Then bl—black, and Bl = gray with respect to black. Likewise cinnamon agouti may be represented by ci, and gray, with respect to cin- namon, by Ci. Chocolate is then the double recessive blei and the symbol Ch for ‘‘chocolate’’ becomes super- fluous. All the experimental results may be explained on this basis. It is not necessary to try to state what kind of a change in the germ-plasm led to these two mutations. The fac- torial hypothesis should be entirely non-committal as to the kind of change that took place, for we can know noth- ing about the nature of the change, yet the results are predictable as well on one view as on the other. There is another way to interpret a dominant factor like this one that gives abnormality, namely, that there is present in the normal fly a factor that restricts the yellow of the abdomen to the bands. When this restrictor, ab, changes (Ab) the yellow is dispersed over the abdomen and the black bands fail in part or entirely to appear. The new factor, acting with the rest of the cell, gives ab- normality, just as the normal restrictor or inhibitor (ab) acting with the rest of the cell gives normality or band- ing. The interpretation is non-committal in regard to the nature of the change, which is an advantage in the direction of simplification. In contrast to this view, a different interpretation of the meaning of a restrictor might be entertained on the presence and absence view. It might be said that a restrictor factor has been ‘‘lost’’ from the normal fly, which failing to restrict the color has given rise to abnormality. The first objection to this hypothesis is that it postulates (as above) the nature of the change in the germ plasm, because it says something has been lost. The second objection is that the facts show that a restrictor has not been lost sensu strictu because there is a wide range of variation in regard to 422 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the loss of banding and in certain environments there ts a return to the normal banding to the extent that the fly can not be distinguished somatically from a normal banded fly. My contention is that since we know noth- ing of the nature of the change in the germ-plasm that leads to the appearance of a new or the loss of an old character, any assumption that is based on the nature of that change involves the Mendelian interpretation in un- necessary implications. We need only assume that some change has occurred, as the result indicates; my formulas give the same results as do those of presence and ab- sence and serve the purpose of briefly indicating a change, the machinery involved, and the necessary consequences. OTHER TYPES OF ABNORMAL ABDOMEN Irregularities in the arrangement of the rings of the abdomen are not uncommon in Drosophila. Sometimes they appear to have been caused by injury to the larve or pups, but still other abnormalities are inherited in the sense that they occur in certain stocks in more or less definite percentages. Several times I have bred ab- normal types: some of them have failed to reappear; others have reappeared in a certain percentage of cases. Two stocks of the latter kind may be referred to here. My main purpose in describing them is to anticipate the possible confusion that might arise if some one finding these or similar ones should suppose them to be the same types as those described as abnormal abdomen in this paper. The six drawings in Fig. 2, a-f, represent some of the characteristic types of a certain stock. The failure of the third abdominal ring to extend across the middle line, as e It is not an objection to this hypothesis that an absence (loss of re- strictor) appears to dominate presence. This interpretation rests on a com- plete misunderstanding of the nature of the factorial hypothesis; for, ab- sence here means only that the rest of the cell fails to produce banding when a certain factor is lost, or, when as in the female, one of the inhibitors is lost. No.583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 423 Fig, 2. seen in the first two figures, is the more usual form of abnormality in this stock; but modifications of other rings shown in the other figures are probably due to the Same cause or causes. Two consecutive rings may form a spiral as shown in c or half of a ring may be absent as in e, or an entire ring may be lacking as in f. Indi- viduals with abnormalities like those shown in the figures were bred to each other usually three or four together. Their progeny was examined and the normal and the ab- normal types recorded. The latter were again used to breed from for three or four generations. As no increase in the proportion of abnormal offspring appeared, the breeding was abandoned. The results given below are in the order in which they were obtained without regard to the generation in which they appeared. 424 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX In these counts there were normal to abnormal flies both of whose parents were abnormal. Since the normals also throw some abnormals it is probable that there is here a case of multiple factors like that of beaded and truncate. Special tests will therefore be necessary to work out the case. N a a ae N Ab N Ab 85 E ee oa et 40 0 73 0 6 1 Woe B p il 28 5 33 2 52 7 32 5 32 10 20 2 15 5 105 3 15 3 13 4 w l i 37 10 40). [8 ee G eee yin ey | | | | The abnormal abdomens shown in Fig. 3, a-f, are from another stock, discovered by Mr. Bridges. While some of the types are not unlike those of the last series, they are more extreme and there can be no doubt but that the two stocks have a different composition. In the last drawing the entire fly is figured (the one wing present has been cut off at the base), the upper half of the thorax is absent. This same condition appears in rather high proportions in certain other stocks, notably in vestigial stocks. Even both sides of the thorax may be absent so that the head rests above on the abdomen. Although I have tried a number of times to obtain pure stocks of this thoracic abnormality, I have never suc- ceeded in getting a stock that did not throw a high per- centage of normal individuals. This type of abnormal abdomen appeared in a cross between a cream male and an eosin female as a single female, Fig. 1, a, which had only three instead of five bands in the abdomen. She was mated to one of her brothers, and produced offspring all of which as far as known had normal bands. A pair of these offspring gave in the next generation abnormal bands in about half of the flies. The abnormal band acted as a recessive. In subsequent generations the character behaved in an irreg- No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 425 Fie. 3. ular manner though no serious attempt was made to dis- cover the cause of the irregularity. A stock of cream eye color was made up from this strain and selection against the abnormal was carried out in a rough way for several generations, but this selection failed to eliminate the ab- normal condition, and a recent examination of the stock showed that for a year the abnormal abdomen had main- tained itself and was still present in about half of the ies. A male was again crossed to a wild type female and gave normal F, flies. In F, there were 128 red normal females, 29 red normal males, and 28 eosin normal males. No abnormals appeared. Crossed to eosin the F, were 426. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX PARENTS: AbE By NE F,: NE EN ọ EN ¢ | EAb ọ | EAb ¢ 78 56 1 1 13 14 0 2 46 40 0 2 6 pi 0 0 35 32 0 1 39 46 7 1 217 195 | 8 | 7 all normal; these inbred gave in F, the classes given above: Two eosin females heterozygous for white were crossed each to an abnormal male. The normal F, daughters were bred to those sons that had white eyes, and gave the following kinds of offspring: PARENTS: E-WNQ By EAb ĝ F,: EN? (By WN ĝg) ENọ | ENa | wabo | BAbo | WN 9 WNg | wabe | wabe 18 26 1 1 20 15 1 1 34 28 1 $s 25 2 1 52 | 54 2 2 | 8 woa 2 Abnormal males were bred to eosin females and gave, as before, normal F, sons and daughters. Some of the daughters were backcrossed to eosin cream abnormal males and gave the following results: PARENTS: AbE BY NE F,: NE (BY AbE ĝ) EN 9 ENG EAb ọ | EAbg 35 32 0 1 21 4 1 2 48 40 0 1 72 72 8 6 176 149 9 10 These tables show that the abnormal condition rarely ap- pears in F,. Its realization must be due therefore either No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA . 427 to multiple factors or to environmental effects. That the former rather than the latter is the main explanation is shown in the frequency with which the abnormal flies appear in the inbred stock (where the conditions are the Same as in the experiments) and the rarity with which the character appears when the stock is outcrossed. THE NON_INHERITANCE OF AN ACQUIRED CHARACTER The acquirement of a new character by a pure stock implies by definition the capacity of this stock to respond to the imposed conditions. Conversely if an animal does not acquire a new character in a changed environment it does not come within the scope of the definition of an acquired character, and even should its offspring show new characters as a result of the new environment in which the parents have been placed the result is still excluded by definition from being a case of the inheri- tance of an acquired character. At least this is my un- derstanding of the use of the term and the way in which I shall use it in the following statement. The mutant stock of abnormal abdomen offers an ex- ceptional opportunity to examine the possible influence of an acquired character on the offspring. As the experi- ments have shown this stock is very susceptible to en- vironmental influence, and the effects produced pro- foundly affect the structure of the organism. Moreover it is possible to carry the stock through several genera- tions in either of the phenotypic conditions, and then, at will, to cause the other type to appear at once in its com- pletest form, by regulating the external conditions in which the young are reared. No better material could be found for studying the possible influence of the environment through its effects on the soma of the individual. The evidence shows in the clearest manner that the condition of the parent, whether normal or abnormal in type, has no effect on the charac- ter of the offspring. The evidence is so clear and so positive that it seems unnecessary to elaborate the point. 428 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX THE NON-CONTAMINATION OF GENES Recently the question of the possible contamination of genes (or factors) has been under discussion. Were such contamination possible one might expect to find some evidence of it in a case like this one of abnormal abdomen, if one is justified, at all, in drawing infer- ences from the nature of the character to the nature of the gene that stands for that character. I do not myself think that there is the slightest justification in drawing such conclusions, but let us assume for the moment that such an inference is justifiable in order to examine the bearing of the evidence furnished by this mutant type. The heterozygous female carries a factor for normal and one for abnormal. She herself may be either normal or abnormal according to the environment in which she was reared. It might be supposed, since she is abnor- mal, that her normal gene might be more predisposed to contamination by the abnormal gene. The evidence shows that this does not occur; for, by means of the link- age we can identify the normal flies that should carry the normal, or the abnormal genes, and we find that the re- sults conform completely to expectation; 7. e., they are in full accord with all other linkage results where there is no reason to suppose that contamination takes place. Conversely it might be supposed that if the hetero- zygous female were normal in type her abnormal gene might be predisposed to contamination by the normal gene, but again the evidence contradicts the assumption. If, on the other hand, it is not supposed that the pheno- typic condition of the female has any part in bringing about contamination (or in serving as an indicator, that conditions are favorable for contamination) but that con- tamination is due merely to juxtaposition of genes in the same cell, then in refutation of the contamination of genes I may cite the evidence cited above, where in several suc- cessive generations the breeding took place from hetero- zygous females bred to recessive males and the gametic No. 583] ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT IN DROSOPHILA 429 ratios were the same in the late as in the earlier gen- erations. Lastly the tests made of individuals that were pheno- typically normal, but genetically abnormal, showed in all eases the validity of the genetic evidence, which would not have been the case if the apparent exceptions had been due to contamination of the genes. I may also cite the two peculiar matings, B and C, recorded on page 402, where an expected class did not appear. It might have appeared that here actual contamination had occurred. In reality, the result turned out to be due to a lethal factor. Our study of these lethals, that give verifiable results, fully under control, made it possible to interpret this case that otherwise would have been inexplicable, and might have been cited in favor of the view of contamina- tion of genes. Taken all together the results obtained with this mutant type make out a strong case against the supposition that genes become contaminated through jux- taposition. I shall not discuss here, therefore, the un- pragmatic character of such a supposition, but rest the case on the evidence from the experiments. ON A CRITERION OF SUBSTRATUM HOMOGE- NEITY (OR HETEROGENEITY) IN FIELD EXPERIMENTS Dr. J. ARTHUR HARRIS CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Every one who has had practical experience in variety or fertilizer tests or in any other experiments involving the comparison of field plots must have been impressed by the great difficulty of securing tracts with uniform soil for their cultures. A careful examination of the agricultural literature bearing on the question of variety tests will reveal many cases in which the experimenters have noted the difficulty of securing a uniform substratum, or in which there is internal evidence for the influence of mubeatum hetero- geneity upon the result. For example, in 1894-1895 tests of varieties of wheat were made on 77 plots at the University of Illinois.! As a check on the other strains, the variety known as Valley was sown on nine different plots ‘‘well distributed over the area sown.’’ the yields of this variety varied from 11.7 bushels to 24.1 feahelac an average of 19 bushels which is remarkably close to the average of all the varieties, It is again remarkable that but eight yields were above the highest of the Valley, and but three below the lowest of the same variety, . . The only reasonable explanations that can be given for such results are either (a) that the plots were so small that the results are due purely and simply to the errors of random sampling, or (b) that the wide divergences in the 1 Bull. Univ. TU. Agr. Exp. Sta., 41, 1896. 430 No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 431 results for the individual variety are due to substratum heterogeneity. In either case, the results secured are obviously worth- less as indicating differences in the value of the individual varieties. Seventeen years ago, Larsen? reached the conclusion that the results of experimental tests were much more exact when a given area is divided into a large number of small plots upon which the tests are made than when it is divided into a few larger plots. Hall’ has laid great emphasis upon irregularities of ex- perimental fields. Mercer and Hall in their interesting paper on ‘‘The Experimental Error of Field Trials’ discuss at considerable length various phases of the influ- ence of soil heterogeneity upon field results. In an ap- pendix to their paper, Student® takes up the problem of the method of arranging plots so as to utilize to the best advantage a given area of land in testing two varieties.® The influence of substratum heterogeneity is also read- ily seen in Montgomery’s interesting experimental data for wheat.” Indeed, it is quite possible that without special precau- tions irregularities in the substratum may have greater influence upon the numerical results of an experiment than the factors which the investigator is seeking to com- pare. Elsewhere® I have shown that the sac aaeadan ring B. R., ‘‘Andra nordska Landbrakskongressen i Stockholm,’ 1897, I, Ý. 72; fide G. Holtermark and B. R. Larsen, Lanwirtschaftl. e ; such- Stationen, p a, 190. 3 Hall, A. D., ‘‘The Experimental Error of Field Trials,’’ Journ. Board Agr. Great Britain, 16, 365-370, 1909 4 Journ. Agr. Sci., 4, 107-127, 1911. 5 Student, Journ. yas Sci., 4, 128-132, 1911. 6 For several years, I have a eareful tests labelled each seed individually and scattered them at random over the field to eliminate the influence of soil een 7 Montgomery, E. G., ‘‘ Variation in Yield and Method of Arranging Plots to Secure Comparative Results,’? Ann. Rep. Neb. Agr. Sta., 25, 164-180, 1912, 8 Harris, J. Arthur, ‘‘An Illustration of the Influence of Substratum Heterogeneity upon Experimental Results,’’ Science, N. S., 38, 345-346. 1913. 432 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX in an apparently uniform garden plot may be sufficient to mask entirely the influence of the weight of the seed (Phaseolus vulgaris) planted upon the size of the plant (as measured by the number of pods) produced. It is very probable that certain pure-line experiments and con- clusions are entirely invalidated by the fact that the in- fluence of irregularities in the substratum were not suff- ciently guarded against.® Several authors have tried to obtain some measure of, or some corrective term for, substratum heterogeneity. For example, Mercer and Hall (loc. cit.) have plotted the yields across the field in both directions. Such methods, however, give but a very imperfect idea of irregularities in the soil. Heterogeneity is perhaps more likely to occur as a spotting of the field than as a relatively uniform change from one side to the other. This is clearly indi- cated in the diagrams published by Montgomery. The mere plotting of yields in any line across the field can not adequately take into account such irregularities. Fur- thermore, some quantitative measure (and some probable error of this measure) of the amount of irregularity, not merely a demonstration of its existence, is required. Some generally applicable measure of the degree of homogeneity of the soil of a field (as shown by actual ca- pacity for crop production) seems highly desirable. Such a criterion should be universally applicable, comparable from species to species, character to character or experi- ment to experiment, and easy to calculate. I believe we may proceed as follows. Suppose a field divided into N small plots all planted to the same variety of plants. Let p be the yield of an individual plot. The variability of p may be due purely and simply to chance, since the individuals of any variety are variable and the size of the plots is small, or it may be due in part to differ- entiation in the substratum. If the irregularities in the experimental field are so large as to influence the yield of 9 See ‘‘The Distribution of Pure Line Means,’? AMER. NAT., 45, 686- 700, 1911. No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 433 areas larger than single plots’? they will tend to bring about a similarity of adjoining plots, some groups tend- ing to yield higher than the average, others lower. Now let the yields of these units be grouped into m larger plots, Cp, each of n contiguous ultimate units, p. The correlation between the p’s of the same combination plot, Cp, will furnish a measure (on the scale of 0 to 1) of the differentiation of the substratum as expressed in capacity for crop production. If this correlation be sen- sibly 0, the irregularities of the field are not so great as to influence in the same direction the yields of neighboring small plots. As substratum heterogeneity becomes greater, the correlation will also increase. The size of the co- efficient obtained will depend somewhat upon the nature of the characters measured, somewhat upon the species grown, and somewhat upon the size of the ultimate and combination plots. A knowledge of the values of the cor- relation to be expected must be determined empirically. Fortunately, very simple formule are now available for calculating such coefficients." Let S indicate a summation for all the ultimate or com- bination plots of the field under consideration, as may be indicated by the capital Cp or lower case p. Then in our present notation which is as much simplified as possible for the special purposes of this discussion {LS(C,?) — S(p?)]/m[n(n — 1) 3} — 7 oS T pipa Er where P is the average yield of the ultimate plots and op their variability, and n is constant throughout the m com- bination plots.!? 10 Trregularities of soil influencing the plants of only a single small plot may in most work be left out of account, since they are of the kind to which differences between individual plants are to a considerable extent due, and are common to all the plots of a field. 11 Harris, J. Arthur, ‘‘On the Calculation of Intra-class and Inter-class Coefficients of Correlation from Class Moments when the Number of Pos- sible Combinations is Large,’’ Biometrika, 9, 446-472, 1913. 12 For the benefit of those who are frightened by formule, it may be paraphrased as follows: One merely adds together the yields of a chosen 434 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Ultimately, I hope to present experimental data of my own bearing on this problem. For the present, the method is admirably illustrated by a number of published records. IJ. ILLUSTRATIONS or METHOD A. Cases in which the Combination Plots are Equal in ize Illustration 1. Influence of substratum heterogeneity on yield of experimental plots of mangolds. TABLE I YIELD OF COMBINATION PLOTS FOR MANGOLDS, OBTAINED BY COMBINING THE ENTRIES OF MAP A BY FOURS AS INDICATED BY THE HEAVIER LINES 1,209 1,175 1,215 1,239 1,276 172 183 171 175 205 1,250 1,321 1,274 1,293 1,310 185 191 187 184 207 1,204 1,333 1,268 1,290 1,268 159 188 172 185 200 1,300 . 1,272 1,222 1,272 1,388 172 177 167 173 215 1,385 1,375 1,314 1,260 1,373 ies 194 193 180 1,380 1,387 1,309 1,314 1,380 204 202 177 188 229 1,320 1,295 1,304 1,332 1,397 180 188 187 194 226 1,331 1,264 1,310 1,325 1,337 183 183 188 203 1,404 1,325 1,334 1,335 1,312 194 190 190 ' 1 2 1,418 1,373 1,339 1,403 1,401 193 196 189 198 226 number of contiguous p plots to form a number m of Cp plots. The sum of the squares of p is subtracted from the sum of the squares of C. d he result divided by m[n(n—l)] where n is the number of ultimate plots in each of the m combination plots. The quotient is reduced by sub- pine required. Thus the calculation m the eriterion is very simple 435 No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY NAG J IZ be Sd Beh ee e ea yg yp | 3/0 | 302 | 288 | 325|32/ | 29/) 306 | 306 | 306 | 330 Yl 46 | ¥/| ¥8| ¥S| ¥/| ¥/| #5 | 4B | 57 q |290 | 307 1267 | 275) 308 | 275) 3/7 | 3/0 | 3/6 | 324 Y| 43 | ¥0| 54| YS | 40) ¥4¥| #5] 8 | 52 3 [322 | 307 |322 | 324) 330 | 286 | 300 | 325 | 302 | 278 49 | ¥S5 | ¥3| 47| 32| 40| 46) ¥7 | 47 | #97 y [397 \310 | 324 | 357 | 342 | 3/6 | 324/344) 34/ | 367 44147 | 46) 53 | 5/7) 4¥| 4¥| 471 57] 60 g | 2 78\320 |335| 350 |342 |307 | 3/0 | 322 |327 | 300 33 | 42146 | 5/1) 47 | 40) 45| 48E | 50| $2 6 (992 |30F | 3/0 | 338 |3/6 | 30/ |3 28 |330 | 328 | 3/4 37| 42 | 45| 46 | 3 | #0 | ¥ Figg 32 q | 396\3/8 |302|332|297|277)33/ | 322 | 384| 337 HL | #42 13921 50| ¥3| 37) 44| 461 6/ | 52 g [333/343 |3/8 |320| 335|3// | 276 | 323/327 | 338 2 4 | 44| 44| ¥7 | 40| 38| ¥5) 47 | 59 q | 337/336 | 324 347 |337 | 3/3 |372 300 |346 | 343 Y4) y6 | ¥6| 47| 5/ | #2) ¥8| 4/ | 52) 87 Jo |362 |350 |354| 350) 348 | 322) 325) 323/335 347 $/|52 | 57| 50| 54| #6 | #3| 48 | 32] 60 jp | 346 |362 |372 | 3#7|3#3 308 227 |328 |354 |307 $/| 55 | s7 | S¥| 46 | ¥O| 9156) oS j2 | 327 | 34S | 33/ | 335) 342 3/6|339|350| 365 |354 47| 57 | ¥8 | 472| 47 | 44| 47| $7 |34| OF j3 |370 |36% | 300 | 337 |32/ | 327 |3 #/ 349 | 363 | 347 | ygi 50| 46| ¥5| #6] 76] 51| #7 | 58 | 57 zy | 3/7 |329 | 32/ | 3371340 | 3/4) 32/ | 32/ 346 | 3# 4/ | 44| 45| 52| 50 | 45| 48 | #6 | 52 | 57 jg |323|326 | 290) 328 1348 | 32513958) 332 349 | 335 44) y| Y/ |) 48| 49 | 45| 43| 44| S| TO 1G, |353 |327 |3// | 335 )33/ |306 | 3/8 3/7 |332|32/ 49| 46 | ¥7| ¥7\ 46 | 48| 47| £¥) 46 | SO 17 | 397| 348 |30/ |335 |3#0 |336| 327 330|343|3/7 52| 46) 44|-47| 5/7 | 45| #6| 50 | 54 | SF zg |392| 337 | 337 |350 |328 | 330 | 343 335 |326 | 326 46|. $0| ¥7| 52 | 47 | 47| ¥7| 47 | 47 | 56 19 \349| 365° | 357 | 337340 |332 356|336 |338 | 3/6 yé] $2| 4g | ¥7|4% | 471 0| #82 | 57 | $6 20 |352| 352 | 340/335) 332/335 | 356 355 |37/ | 376 49| 46 | 50| 51|## | 48| 50| 50) S2| 67 Map A. Pounds per Plot of of Mangolds. Data of Mercer Roots and Leaves and Hal 436 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Map A represents the Rothamsted field of mangolds grown by Mercer and Hall (loc. cit.). The upper entries are for pounds of roots, the lower for pounds of leaves. I now reduce the 200 areas to 50 by combining the ad- joining plots by fours, as indicated by the heavier lines on the map. Thus for leaves the Southwest combination plot, Cp, is 67 +52 +56 + 51—226. Table I gives the result. This gives for roots: s p) = 65715, S(p”) = 21674871, N = 200, == $28.575, op? = 4132.8243 S (Cry = Sa, m[n(n — 1)] = 50 X 4 XxX 3 = 600, [S (Cp?) — S(p?)]/m[n(n — 1) ] = 108104.280, and _ 108104.280 — (328.575)? Pips = 412.824 = .346 + .042." The results for yield of leaves are S(p)==9541, S(p?) —45941, N—200, p==47.705, cp? == 23.938, S (C?) = 1832095, m[n(n —1)]—50 x 4 X 3= 600, [S(C,?) — S(p?) ]/m[n(n — 1)] = 2286.923, whence | = 2286.923 — (47.705)? IPE, B Illustration 2. Influence of Substratum Heterogeneity upon the Yield of Straw and Grain in Experimental Plots of Wheat. 18 The standard deviation is most conveniently calculated in eases like the present, in which one requires the summed squares of actual values for other purposes from = .466 + .037. Op? = = (p*)/N — [E (p)/N F. 14 The probable errors have in all cases been calculated upon the actual, not the weighted, number of ultimate plots as N. No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 437 The wheat field of Mercer and Hall is divided into 25 X 20—500 plots, Map B. Combining the plots by fives from east to west and by fours from north to south, I have condensed this into 5 X 525 Cp plots, each of 20 ultimate plots as shown in Table II. TABLE II YIELDS OF COMBINATION PLOTS OF ROTHAMSTED WHEAT, 4 X 5 GROUPING. ORIGINAL AREAS SEPARATED BY DOUBLE LINES IN MAP B 82.89 | 83.05 | 78.63 78.76 74.70 139.36 13241 | D2% 120.53 114.58 7i | $4.34 | 75.61 | 80.32 74.87 130.60 | 140.31 alo ear eat 79.80 | $4.70 | 74.94 81.50 77.34 13331 | ls | X 133.28 | p 84.36 | 82.42 7300 | 71.35 75.81 142.79 | it iwo o PiB ? 0 85.19 | 84.56 | 82.25 | 68.52 | 76.69 147.95 | 146.78 13842 | 12009 | 124.88 Summing the actual yields and the squares of yields for the ultimate plots and the squares for the combination plots, I find the following values: For wheat grain S(p) = 1974.32, S(p) = 7900.6790, N=500, p=3.949, op? = .209600, S (C2) = 156419.3106, m[n(n — 1)] = 25 X 20 X 19 = 9,500, LS(0:2) — S(p?)]/m[n(n — 1) ] = 15.633540, which leads to 15.633540 — (3.949)? _ R Boe = .186 + .029. a 20 For wheat straw S(p) = 3257.40, S(p?) = 21623.9802, N= 500, p=6.515, 7 = .805341, S'(C,? — 427479.9920, m[n(n—1)] 9500, [S(Cp?2) — S(p?)]/m[n(n — 1) ] = 42.721685, THE AMERICAN 2 3 4. $ 6 NATURALIST 7 8 7 /0 [Vou. XLIX Il | 12 4/5 | £06 "68S | 7/7 S/a 777 320% 47 ¢F8 6.08 PIS 734 40y 6.08 4.14 6.98 400 5.87 437| 402 6.75 | 6.10 H| £15 749| TH 464 7.80 403 6.34 3.74 6.63 y. 56 788 4.27 6.35 403 6.4/ 450 6.50 3.97 | 4/7 6.07 | 6.¥3 429| #40 77/ | 7.35 4.69 750 IIT 6.17 446 6.78 4% 8./8 3.76 5.73 3.30 SIS 3.67 6.40 3.74 | 4.07 6./8 | 6.37 LOF | 40S 8.23| 7.87 £04 6.66 347 370 ERA 6.46 454 760 452 729 3,05 3.2 LST §.4/ 4£0/\3.34 3-77 | 5:60 427) 492 7.73 | 8.58 464 736 3.76 6.05 410 6.77 #40 7.4 4/7 720 3.67 A383 5.07 805 3.83 13.63 6.36 | 6.43 3.53 | £08 6.45 | 704 473 7.98 3.6/ 587 3.66 6.1/5 437 7.36 3.84 6.28 4.26 76/ 436 5.58 3.79 | 4.07 5 46| 6./0 3.50 | £23 5:87| 7.02 437 6.98 328 4.97 3.56 6.06 414 8.06 406 6.8/ ¥32 737 4.86 7.5/ 3.796 | 3.74 6.23} 6,38 338| 407 37 | 705 $66 7.48 372 5°78 3.84 6./0 yyy 750 3.40 S97 407 6.97 493 757 3.73 | 3.04 6./3 | 4.96 3.6/ | 467 6.0/| 764 449 6.95 ITS $F File. 6.83 46y 7.92 3.97 5°07 ¥37 VEER 502 9.23 356|357 5:75 6.03 3.7/ | 427 6.27 7/7 yyt 6.9 4/3 7.3/ 4.20 6.86 #66 739 36/ 6.33 3:97 7.26 4 YF ATS 3.36 |377 6.14 |6.26 SbF | 384 6.30 | 6.60 4S/ 786 40/ 718 42/ 8.23 77 8.23 375° ZH 4.17 754 437 7:73 4ST \#17 720\708 3.70 | 3.82 6/7 | 6.87 ZES 717 3.37 6.53 437 875 3.77 | E4¥/ 6.33| 703 457 7.93 ie 706 447 8.53 4ps. 8.7% 444 G02 Kos Hf 324 6-70 372 748 3.86 7.20 ¥S6 7.73 4.77 7.67 4.4/0 |307 6.90 6/2 4.99\3.7/ 7.82\737 409|4.39 7221773 4.3/ 7.3/ #29 708 4-47 EIs 4.37 7.67 344 6.62 382 463 4.36|3.77 708 1.87 737 |6.33 H4 |Y? 320| 7.852 408 6.67 3.976 6S4 3.76 7.10 3.87 6.36 $.// 758 3728 6.87 4.03 7.16 4.07\3.82 7.03| 730 3.89 | 4246 7051699 452 6.93 3.78 6.72 3.54 6.46 Z7 eg 4/2 7.32 4/3 Zat HUT 784 341 |355 | 5-26 | 6.70 3871723 682| 7.14 4.58 773 3/7 6.06 3.47 6.63 3.7/, 7.34 441 7S3 42/ Z#/ 4of REI 427|#06 7/17\700 4/2 7.39 138 LSS 3.92 6.70 484 8.85 394 6.75 438 743 414 732 3.76 70# 4.27 6.76 4S2\4/7 7.73 | 730 rt HSE | GT 7.03 | 8.06 5/6 £78 4 #6 754 44i 8/5 468 7.57 437 ZiT 4/5 fab 44/ 7.76 £68 | 5-/3 £07 | 8.3/ 422| 442 S09 7.63 |\8.4¢S 8.72 366 709 Fiz 7.72 406 706 3.97 753 387 736 446 6.9/ EME #52 6.87 | 8./7 A Map B. Wheat Yields, Upper Figures Grains, Lower F / N / 2. 7 N / ‘ igures Straw, No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 13 | HIE \| 46177 | 18 119% | 20 || 24/ | 22123 | 24 Y¥S8NF72 |3.64||3.66 13.57 | 3.57 | #27 |3.72 || 3.36 |3.17 |2.77 | #23 7.23) 6.33 |S// 1| $96 | 5:12 | S05 | 6SY¥ | S¥7|| 476 | 475 | #853 | 6.08 408|3.97 |3.6/ || 3.82 |3.4# |3.72|426| £36 || 3.67 |3.53|3/F | £0713, 6.57 | 6.03 | 5:58 || 580 | 500 | 5:83 | 8.61 | 6# || $856 5-07 | S17 |57 |5 A^ 3.73 | 459 | 3.64 || £07 |344 |3.53| #28 | ¥3/ || #33 |366 |3.57 |3.77 6.02 |743 |586 || 674| 556| 49/ | 65S | OF#|| 617| 6.15 |E H |628 40G |31? |375 || 4854| 3.77 |3.77 | #30 | 4/0 ||3.8/ 3.87 |3.32 |3.76 3.74 |414 13.70 || 3.72 |3.77 | 429 | #22 |3. 7# ||3.55 | 3.67 (3.857 | 5.76 |% 6.13 | 598 | Z67 || 6/4|833 |588| 6/5 |576 || £87 |5453 24 |362 | 619 | 6.56 |462 ||708 | 6.03 |577 |595 | £96 || 6.13 | £72 | #62 |5% |6. 3.72 |376 | 3.37 || #01 | 3.87 | 435 | #44 |358 || #20 | 3.74 | #24 | 3.75 | # 6.03 | IHF | E00 || 597 |8857] 6.09 | S88 |361 || 5.92 |887 |582 | 5.50 43313.77 |3.7/ || 45713.77 | #38 |38/ | 406 ||3.42 |3.05 | 344 | 2.78 6.77 |548 | 566 || 728 |603 | 624| 85467 | 64S || 54557] ESC | #48 IS 372 1323 |37/ | 476 13.83 |37/ |3S¢| 3.66 ||3.75 | 3.8F|3.76 |3.47 397 | 6.07 | 5-77 || O47 | 6.29 | £91852 | 5°78 || 572 | F06 324 | 5ST 40S |326 |378 ||473 | #24) 42/| 385 | #41 || 42/ | 3.63 |4/7 |347 6.82 | 6.35 | 5/2 || 8.64) 64S | 6.29 | 6/5. | 61S || 604| 58/ | S58 | 48/ 3.37 (3.47 |3.09 || £20| £09 | 407| 407 | 3.9S"|| #08 | 403 | 3.97 | 2.84 6.25|5.78 | S¥7\| 6.47 | 6.16 | 6.18 |5847 | 6. || 700 | 3-72) 565 | $10 4093.491337 ||37# |3.4/ |386 | 436 | 454 || 424 | 408 3.87 13.47 |3. 7.28g |8 7/ | 644 || 8.63 | 578 | 6.74 | 739 | ZZE ||720 |684| 5-79 |387 3.99 | 3.14 | 486 || 436 13.57 |Z47|3.IF | F447 4H 13.97 | 407 |356 £.09\3.05|3.39||3.60| 4/3 |389 |367 | #54 || 441 | FSB | £02 13.73 | 4 774 |570 |886 || 6.27| 687| 623 | 6.20 | 733 || 664) 6.77| 635 | 567 7 13.| $05"| 639|| 226 | GU (£70 668 |784 || 695| 687| 3.80 |638 |6 A 3.56 13.47 13.64113.60|3./7 |380 (372 |3.91 13.35 | Z U | 4397 |3.#7 6.69? | 3°77 1636 || 584| 887 | 6.14 | CFF | 696 || 6.47 | 66| 6M |878 357 |3.43 | 3.73 ||3.37 |3.08 |348 |308 |368 || 3- |325 |36? | J43 GSS 838 | 8.58 || 6.42 |S L2 | 552 |520 | 6.60 || 627 | 6.37|S/8 |584 3.76 |3.47 (3.30 || 3.39 | 2.22 |343 |3.45-|3.26 ||3.42 | 3.6? |3.82 | 3.77 3.75 |327 |3,57/ || 345 | 7.05 |368 |352 |3.7/ || 3.87 |387 | #4/ | 3.08 6.31 | 6.21 | 599 || 40S -764| 584| 585| 6.7/ || 6/3 |750| 548 | 6.0/ SI4| 584 |870 || 580 | 49S |533 | T25 | 664 || £40 |593 | £72 | 627 | - G49| 3.821360 || B/¥ | 2.73 | 507 13.66 |377 || 3.48 13.76 | 3.67 | 3.87 757) 6.37 |634 || 548| 477 |841 | SPF | O98 || OF | 6M |543 | 6IS 3 6 417 | 44 |3.54||3.0/ | 295°| 3.36 |385| 4/5 || 3.93 |3.9/ | #33 | #27 6.23 6.78 |558 || 5769 | 4.96 | O14 | CLS | 68E || 6.87) 6.09 | 694 | 678 370 | 428 |324||3.49 | 348 |3.47 |368 |3.36 || 3.7/ |3.5# |357 | 3.76 ó 6.80 | 6.97 | 895| SSB | 552 |582 | 6.76 |608 || 635 62/1466 | 6.36 4 A N N W on Rothamsted Acre. whence THE AMERICAN NATURALIST _ 42.721685 — (6.515)? 805341 [ Vou. XLIX - = 343 + .027. Illustration 3. Influence of Substratum Heterogeneity upon Yield of Grain and Nitrogen Content in Experi- mental Plots of Wheat. Table III is condensed from Map C of Montgomery” 832| S/F 2./3 | 2.06 525° 2.10 50/ 176 TIF 2/0 486 2.03 ¢ 83 2/7 ¥S/ 206 375: 2 08 440 2.43 432 2.03 441 2.1 4/15 4/0" 6/2 | 5/0 2./6 | 2.05 2.10 | 240 575| 480| ZSS #60 206 530 2.00 538 2.09 “Ti 198 ¥37 2/7 446 2.14 yay 4/3 #30 196 FLY 197 GOS 2.0/ 436 19g 2.08 we L74 443 YoY IT 2.06 2.05 yaj Tal 2M 446 21S 393 2.04 4/4 207 4al 197 422 195- #23 2.03 380 196 TS3| THZ 2.03 | 2.00 STS 2d A HSA Hr AT 2.4/3 Fal 2.08 7v0 2.05 4g 2/8 #00 4/7 393 2.08 434 12g 39S EKA 42/ 2.06 #90 175 478732 2.12 \2.06 350 2097 ERA 4.05 ¥80 2.0# 432 2.00 420 2.04 #51 2.9/ 460 212 447 192 Pha 24 #43 2.02 YS 174 333 1 12.07 530 2.2/ 576 2.05 gI 2.07 S66 Ass 5/7 2.04 530 2.43 S#6 197 YIS 197 474 188 434 1&6 AN 533 4.05 SIT 2.14 503 2.04 380 2.04 S/F 2.03 64392 2.25 740 486 64/ “a7 S06 2.0% #95 2.02 $40 197 |. 550 2.08 S40 2.// ¥77 2.00 my 2/8 3/7 19S 606 2/4 756 LS a 656 200 s87 2/0 623 193 597 2.00 487 2.0/ 343 ve? 628 2.24 729 243 6/6 42.05 620 2./6 724 4-43 67S 49S” G47 2.09 7/0 496 7/1 198 $83 199 v/s 2.06 o/s 2.27 s35 2.43 467 2.4/ 577 4.26 5 8/ Alt 648 2.2/ 707 4.424 738 ad oy af 769 2.1/4 s87 1.93 528 2.07 SSE 4/8 575 S3/ M | 2.05 686. 4/0 656 497 7/6 4/9 739 2.02 730 2,08 597 2.00 644 4.0/ 64H 2.06 S4/ 1.08 673 194 676 2.04 7/2 4.34 666 2.4 G88 2.04 639 2,04 6/3 2.07 693 2./0 666 4.40 G43 203 674 2.16 66/ 2.00 742 2/2 02 221 634 242 634 2.06 570 4.03 560 207 oes 2.1/4 376 207 3# 2.17 $57 40s 537 ass 590 247 58s 2./6 650 2.08 586 2.22 S33 LG 6/7 204 #96 227 527. 4.23 657 2.17 385 a. Uf 58S 2.09 875| 495 199 | 2.04 502 2.08 584 2/6 4.26 7/6 ° 725 2/0 477 2/4 3/3 4.44 647 2,03 547 2.06 #88 2.06 Map C. Yields 15 Montgomery, E. G., of 164-177, 1912. 7 N Grain in Grams Wheat Plots. The e Entries a N ay perg of Nitrogen e Yield Percentage glastag Cont A^ in M r GOAL! n Grams of Grain, the Low ent. ‘Variation in Yields and Method of Arranging Plots to Secure Comparative Results,’? Ann. Rep. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta., 25, No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 441 by combining adjoining plots 22. The following are the numerical values. For grains produced, S(p) =123429, S(p?) = 70112319, N= 224, p=—551.022, op? = 9375.826, S (C?) = 277945243, m[n(n — 1)] = 642, | [S (Cr?) —S(p?)]/m[n(n — 1)] = 309275.184, whence fipa = .603 + .029. For percentage nitrogen, . S(p) = 465.29, S(p?) = 968.3721, N = 224, p=2.077187, op? = .008383, S (C?) = 3868.5047, m[n(n—1)] = 672, [S(Cp?2) — S(p?)]/m[n(n — 1) ] = 4.315673, and p43 == AL i 044, TABLE III COMBINATION PLOTS OF MONTGOMERY’S WHEAT, 2 X 2-FoLD GROUPING AS INDICATED BY HEAVY LINES IN MAP 2,168 2,016 2,029 1,819 | 1,689 1,702 1,788 8.22 8.20 8.56 8.30 8.12 8.31 2,090 2,126 1,700 1,667 1,652 1,661 1,769 8.33 8.38 8.29 8.52 8.12 7.98 7.93 2,242 1,981 2,071 1,955 1,785 1,886 1,985 8.45 8.42 8.16 8.24 8.00 7.98 7.95 2,074 2,140 2,004 2,271 | 2,793 2,208 2,429 8.34 8. 8.26 8.37 8.27 8.09 7.88 2,043 1,928 2,406 2,280 2,628 2,802 2,682 8.23 .32 8.87 8.68 | 8.38 8.38 2,339 2,528 2,271 2,363 2,730 2,809 2,582 8.3 .0 8.39 8.04 8.36 8.21 2,573 2,456 2,470 2,286 2,498 2,524 2,540 1 8.27 8.46 8.43 8.32 8.88 8.45 2,450 2,322 2,591 2,097 2,326 2 2,200 8.26 8.54 8.37 8.67 8.32 7.98 442 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Illustration 4. Influence of Substratum Heterogeneity upon the Yield of Experimental Plots of Timothy Hay. I take as a final illustration of the application of the criterion of substratum heterogeneity here proposed, the plot data for timothy hay published by Holtermarck and Larsen, loc. cit. By combining their plots into groups of 4 Table IV is secured, S(p) = 4268.8, S(p?)=77968.50, N = 240, p= 17.787, o,’ = 8.503, S(C:2) = 309491.48, m[n(n—1)] =720, whence 1p192 = -609 + .027. TABLE IV COMBINATION PLOTS 2 X 2, SHOWING YIELDS OF TIMOTHY HAY SECURED IN | THE EXPERIMENT oF LARSON The original field is not mapped here a 87.4 99.0 | 78.5 65.8 67.2 63.3 76.4 72 | 750 73.1 67.7 59.7 76.9 65.2 64.2 89.7 72.1 64.3 65.1 54.1 66.4 98.9 83.3 64.3 57.9 64.7 61.1 88.6 72.2 64.8 73.0 55.6 62.2 75.6 82.8 71.1 71.7 “s © M 64.8 81.6 75.2 68.8 70.4 | 617 81.2 72.8 61.4 77.5 ne | 669 | s 73.9 | 685 _ B. Cases in which the Combination Plots Vary in Size In the foregoing illustration the combination plots have been of uniform size, i. e., have contained each the same number of ultimate plots. It may be desirable or neces- sary to have some of the combination plots smaller than the others. Thus the wheat field of Mercer and Hall is No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 443 laid out in a 20 X 25 manner. This permits only 2 X 5, 45 or 5X5 combinations of the same size throughout. Montgomery’s experiment comprises an area of 16 X 14 plots which may be combined in only 2 X 2 or 4 X 2 equal areas suitable for calculation. In each of these cases other groupings are desirable. The formule are quite applicable to such cases: the arithmetical routine is merely a little longer. The for- mula is again {[S(C,*) — S(p*)]/SIn(n — 1)]} - Tryp, cee but p and cp are obtained by a (n —1)-fold weighting of the plots,1® where n is the number of ultimate plots in the combination plot to which any p may be assigned, i. e., p=S[(n—1)p]/S[n(n—1)], Me = Da (Aeru, T Sina- 1)] ~ Sha- 1)) The point may be illustrated in detail on the wheat data of Mercer and Hall. I adopt a combination by twos from north to south, 7. e., arrange the data in 10 rows of com- bination plots instead of 20 rows of ultimate plots. From east to west there are 25 rows of ultimate plots; these can be only reduced to a 2 X 2-fold grouping for the first 22 rows. The lines of division are indicated on Map B by marginal arrows. Row 23-25 must be thrown into combination plots each of 6 units. The possible permutations within a combina- tion plot are 1/2 n(n — 1), but since the surfaces are ren- dered symmetrical, the total permutations for the whole field is S[n(m—1)]. There are only two sizes of combi- nation plots, of which 110 have 4 and 10 have 6 ultimate plots each. Thus the weighted population N is 16 That is, each ultimate plot is multiplied by the number less one of the plots in the combination plot to which it is assigne 444 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLIX S[n(m—1)] = (110 x 4 x 3) + (10 x6 X-5)=1620; In the calculation of the weighted means and standard deviations each entry, and the square of each entry, in the first 22 rows must be weighted in an (n — 1)-fold=3-fold manner, while those for the last three rows must be weighted in a 5-fold manner. The numerical values are: For grain, Sl(n— dae = 6378.72, S[(m—1) p*] = 254524154, ==3.937, dp? = 207610, S o = 33129.7080, Ə (7) = 1900.6790, whence Tssa — .354 + .026. Note that S(p?) is constant for all groupings. For straw, S[(n — 1)p] = 10474.52, S[(n — 1)p?] = 69042.7194, p = 0.466, op*== 813000, S (C2) = 89985.8976, S(p?) = 21623.9802, whence Taro ™= ALD + 028. Weighting has not materially changed the physical con- stants from the values given under illustration 2 above. The reasons for the conspicuous differences in the corre- lations will be taken up presently. Montgomery’s wheat data have been grouped into 2 X 2- fold combination plots in the illustration above. If we again combine the entries of Table III by twos, beginning at the upper left-hand corner, we have 12 combination plots each 4 X 4, or of 16 ultimate plots, and 4 combina- 17 Since each individual ultimate plot is compared once as a first (or as a second) number of a pair with every plot classed with it, the weighting of the ae plots for means and standard deviations is an (n—1)- fold o No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 445 tion plots each of 2 X 4=8 ultimate plots. The method of dividing up the field is indicated by the marginal ar- rows on Map C. S[n(n —1)] = (12 X 16 15) + (4&8 X 7) = 3104. For grain, S[(n — 1)p] = 1707635, S[(n — 1)p?] —9683408.57 p=550.140, op? = 9311.307, S (C?) — 1023184887, S(p?) = 70112319, whence rae == 412 036: For nitrogen, S[(n —1)p] = 6458.63, S[(n — 1)p?] = 13464.6031, p=2.080744, op? = .008327, S (C2) = 14409.6095, S(p?) —968.3721, and 1192 = .096 + .045. Again the weighted means and standard deviations do not differ widely from those used above. The differ- ences in the correlations will be discussed below. In concluding this section it may be pointed out that all of the foregoing values are surprisingly high. They indicate clearly that the irregularities of an apparently uniform field may influence profoundly the yield of a series of experimental plots. They also bring out an- other interesting point. In the three cases in which two different characters were measured on the same species they show very different susceptibilities to environmental influence. Thus, for example, the correlation of man- gold roots is r = .346 + .042 as compared with r==.466 + -037 for leaves. For grain on the Rothamsted field with a 4 X 5-fold grouping the correlation is r=.186 + .029 as compared with r= .343 + .027 for straw. For Montgom- ery’s data for yield and composition the differences are 446 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX even more conspicuous. The correlation for per cent. ni- trogen is r=.115-++.044 as compared with r= .603 + .029 for weight of grain produced. This point will not be discussed in greater detail here, since the problem of the relative susceptibility of various characteristics of the individual to environmental influ- ence has been the subject of experimental and statistical studies which have been under way for several years and will probably eventually be published. III. ON THE Nature OF THE REGRESSION or ASSOCIATED PuLots The correlation coefficient is strictly valid as a measure of interdependence only when regression is linear, i. e., when the means of the second variable associated with successive grades of the first lie in a sensibly straight line. The equation for the regression straight line a poe Op para Op, ps Pes (P: — pps >) F pipe pı Tp, Tp, for the second on the first ultimate plot of the same com- — bination plot reduces to Pp — 18) +10, when symmetrical tables in which p, = Po, op; = Fpa are used. The testing of the linearity of regression in any indi- vidual case is rendered somewhat difficult by the necessity TABLE V YIELD OF GRAIN IN ROTHAMSTED WHEAT EXPERIMENT Mean Yield Mean Yield Yield of First | Weighted pone Yield of First |` Weighted Plot Frequency ot —— Plot a Frequency " — 2.75-2.99 133 3.76 4.00-4.24 1786 3.99 3 3.24 75 3.78 4.25-4.49 1444 4.07 3.25-3.49 1026 3.81 4.50-4.7 03 04 1634 3.89 4.75—4, 247 4.05 3.75-3.99 1919 3.93 5.00-5.24 BIG No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 447 of actually forming a correlation table from which to com- pute the means of arrays. The labor is greatly lessened by the use of some such scheme as that described for the formation of condensed correlation tables.1® TABLE VI YIELD OF STRAW IN ROTHAMSTED WHEAT EXPERIMENT Yield of First| Weighted | jp een wield | vield of First | Weighted | paan Yield, Plot Frequency Plots Plot {Frequency Plots 4.00-4.24 19 6.11 6.50-6.74 608 6.56 4.25-4.49 19 5.68 6.75-6.99 817 6.69 4.50-4.7 133 6.08 re 779 6.86 4.75-4.9 171 6.07 7.25-7.49 65 6.84 5.00-5.24 304 6.19 7.50-7.74 627 04 5.25-5.49 418 6.13 7.75-7.99 323 6.96 5.50-5.74 6.18 8.00-8.24 247 7.14 5.75-5.99 1121 6.20 8.25-8.49 09 6.00-6.24 1273 6.31 8.50-8.74 152 6.75 6.25-6.49 969 6.38 8.75-8.99 76 7.28 eS ~ N ™~ ~ ~ 5 20 | 27 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 | 28 |29 30 |37 [32 |33 [a+ |35 |36 w % Bi Ioi Wha T T U T U T T T T T T oR BoE Boe TE a ee a = & a = $ eee. -20 z L L L L L L L L 1 Figure A Figure 2 Figs. 1 AND 2. Mean Yields of Grain and Straw on Ultimate Plots Asso- ciated in the Same Combination Plots of a Given Yield. Rothamsted Wheat. Empirical Means and Fitted Straight Line. Units are Quarters of a Pound. 18 Harris, J. Arthur, ‘‘On the Formation of Condensed Correlation Tables when the Number of Combinations is Large,’ AMER. NAT., 46, 477-486, 1912, 448 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vou. XLE For the 5 X 4 grouping of the 500 wheat plot of Mercer and Hall I find the values given in Tables V—VI. For the regression of the second on the first plot the equations are: For grain, g, g =3.214 + 186 9;. For straw, s, Sy = 4.280 + .343 S1- Figs. 1 and 2 exhibit the usual irregularities of sam- pling in the means, but show no certain departure from linearity. TABLE VII YIELD OF GRAIN IN MONTGOMERY’S WHEAT EXPERIMENT rield of First | Weightea | MeO Yield | vita ot rirst | Weighted | SMU ee hes Plot g | Fisaneine | at gh $ Plot pet Pes eney_ | * = reas 325-374 | 9 | 516.88 575-624 liL | 579.82 375-42 | 63 440.22 625-674 90 | 616.21 425-474 | 93 471.23 675-724 45 656.37 475-524 | 108 | 540.24 725-774 30 | 628.80 525-574 | 120 l 548.24 775-824 3 | 574.00 350 | #00 | +50. | 500 sso | 600 | 650 | wo | 750 | 800 Figure s Fic. 3. Grain Yields in Nebraska Wheat. See Figs. 1-2 for Explanation. No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 449 Table VII gives the first plot character, weighted fre- quencies and empirical means for associated plots for 2 X 2-fold combinations from Montgomery’s grain yield data in wheat.!® The equation is For grain, g, 9, = 218.993 + .603 g4. The graph figures indicate sensible linearity. IV. INFLUENCE or NUMBER or ULTIMATE PLOTS COMBINED If an experimental field exhibit irregularities of condi- tions which influence in a measurable degree the yield of TABLE VIII 5 X 2-FoLD COMBINATION OF PLOTS OF ROTHAMSTED WHEAT divisions of the field are indicated by the double vertical lines and the arrows along the right margin in map 41.11 42.51 40.32 38.53 36.65 68.19 66.59 62.22 59.52 54.45 41.78 40.54 38.31 40.23 38.05 71.17 65.82 60.62 61.01 60.13 40.35 41.92 37.77 40.01 39.48 69.10 70.37 60.65 58.10 58.00 37.80 42.42 37.84 40.31 35.39 61.50 69.94 59.46 61.17 54.21 40.42 42.03 36.69 41.84 38.83 65.95 71.09 59.97 64.09 56.99 39.38 42.67 38.25 39.66 38.51 67.36 78.49 65.30 69.19 63.10 42.77 42.17 38.07 38.05 40.22 71.95 75.20 66.92 64.05 63.45 41.59 40.25 | 35.53 33.30 35.59 70.84 72.24 | 64.88 57.13 58.57 41.75 41.44 40.12 34.00 38.13 71.84 71.92 67.99 60.55 62.36 43.44 43.12 42.13 34.52 38.53 ae tT 70.43 59.54 62.52 19 Because of the many differences in the two experiments it is inadvisable to attempt drawing the regressions lines in a strictly comparable form. 450 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX neighboring small experimental plots, this heterogeneity should become apparently less when expressed on a scale of correlation between plots as the number of ultimate plots combined increases. The reason for this condition is quite simple. If the irregularities are very local in nature they will influence in the same direction the yield of only a very few neighboring plots. If too many ulti- mate plots be combined the correlation will tend to vanish because of the increased frequency of association of un- like conditions due to the fact that the combination plots have been made so large that they themselves have become heterogeneous. That these conditions have been observed in actual ex- perimentation is shown by the following constants based on different groupings of the data used above. . Consider first the Rothamsted wheat. For a 4X5 grouping of the plots the results were found to be For grain, 1 9199 = 186 + .029, For straw, Tpyp9 == 043 + .027. If the plots be grouped by fives from east to west and by twos from north to south, Table VIII is obtained. The values S(p), p and op are the same as in the preceding case, m[n(n —1)] =50 X 10 x 9 = 4500. For grain, S$(C,?) =78265.2822, rpp = .214 + .029. For straw, S(C>?) = 213939.8774, ryp: =.365 + .026. If the combination plots be made even smaller by group- ing in a 2 X 2-fold manner for all but the last three north and south rows, where a 2 X 3-fold combination must be adopted, the results are, as illustrated above, For grain, Tpi = -394 + .026, For straw, 9199 = A19 + .023. For Montgomery’s wheat data the results for a 4 X 4 fold grouping (in as far as the nature of the records will permit) have been shown to be No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 451 For grain, fpa = 472 + .035, For nitrogen, p19 = -096 + .045, as compared with the following values for a 2 Xx 2-fold grouping For grain, 492 = -603 + .029, For nitrogen, Y'pypq = -115 + .044. Finally consider the constants deduced from the hay yields published by Holtermark and Larsen. For a 2 x 2-fold grouping, tars = .609 + .027, For a 2x 4-fold grouping, — fma = .471 + .034, For a 2 X 8-fold grouping, fpina = .278 + .040. Thus for every species of plant and every character con- sidered the correlation between associated ultimate plots decreases as the number of plots grouped increases.”° TABLES IX AND X 2 X 4-Forp AND 2 X 8-FoLD COMBINATION OF THE DATA FOR PLOT YIELD IN TIMOTHY HAY, TABLES DERIVED FROM TABLE IV 163.8 169.2 153.5 138.9 134.9 123.0 p 305.8 288.5 284.1 352.8 310.4 264.5 20 Of course, the same effect would be produced if comparisons were drawn between tests for substratum heterogeneity on fields Sree in every regard except for the size of the ultimate plots. Possibly, t plains in part, at least, the striking differences in the correlations for grain yield found from the records of Montgomery and of Mercer and Hall. The Rothamsted plots were 1/500th acre in area or 87.12 square feet. Montgomery’s plots were 5.5 X 5.5==30.25 square feet, or only about 1/3 of the area of the Rothamsted plots. 452 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX V. RECAPITULATION AND DISCUSSION If the methodical production of new varieties of animals and plants to be made possible by the laws discovered in experimental breeding is to be of material practical value, more attention must be given to the development of a standardized scientific system of variety testing. From the practical standpoint, nothing is to be gained by the formation of varieties of plants differing in discern- ible features of any kind unless some of these varieties ean by rigorous scientific tests be shown to be of superior economic value. It is equally true that if tests of fertilizers or of dif- ferent methods of irrigation carried out on an experi- mental scale are to have any real value as a guide to a com- mercial practise, the differences in the experimental re- sults must certainly be significant in comparison with their probable errors. The problem of plot tests has several different phases, all of which must ultimately receive careful investigation. The purpose of this paper has been to consider one of the problems only. To what extent do the irregularities of an apparently homogeneous field selected for comparative plot tests influence the yield of the plots? The question has been far too generally neglected, although indispensable to trustworthy results. It is ob- viously idle to conclude from a given experiment that va- riety A yields higher than variety B, or that fertilizer X is more effective than fertilizer Y, unless the differences found are greater than those which might be expected from differences in the productive capacity of the plots of soils upon which they were grown. The first problem has been to secure some suitable mathematical criterion of substratum homogeneity (or heterogeneity). Such a criterion should be expressed on a relative scale ranging from 0 to 1, in order that com- The 2 X 2-fold grouping of Montgomery’s plots gives a correlation of .603 + .029 as compared with r = .354 + .026 for as nearly a perfect 2 X 2- fold grouping as the Rothamsted records permit. No. 583] ON SUBSTRATUM HOMOGENEITY 453 parisons from field to field, variety to variety or character to character, may be directly made. It should also, if pos- sible, offer no difficulties of calculation. The criterion proposed is the coefficient of correlation between neighboring plots of the field. An exceedingly simple formula for the calculation of such coefficients has been deduced. The method of application of this coefficient is here il- lustrated by four distinct series of experimental data. The remarkable thing about the results of these tests is that in every case the coefficient of correlation has the positive sign and that in some instances it is of even more than a medium value. In short, in every one of these ex- perimental series the irregularities of the substratum have been sufficient to influence, and often profoundly, the ex- perimental results. It might be objected that by chance, or otherwise, the illustrations are not typical of what ordinarily occurs in plot cultures. But they have been purposely drawn from the writings of those who are recognized authorities in agricultural experimentation, and who have given their assurance of the suitability of the fields upon which the tests were made. For example, Mercer and Hall state the purpose of their research to be, ‘‘to estimate the variations in the yield of various sized plots of ordinary field crops which had been subjected to no special treatment and appealed to the eye sensibly uniform.’’ Their mangolds ‘‘looked a uniform and fairly heavy crop for the season and soil,’’ while in their wheat field ‘‘a very uniform area was se- lected, one acre of which was harvested in separate plots, each one five hundredth of an acre in area.” The data of Larsen were drawn from an experiment ‘‘auf einer dem Auge sehr gleichmissig erscheinenden, 3 Jahre alten Timotheegraswiese.’’ Montgomery’s data were secured from a plot of land only 77 X 88 feet in size, which had been sown continuously to Turkey Red wheat for three 454 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX years, ‘‘and was of about average uniformity and fer- tility.’’ Nothing could, it seems to me, emphasize more emphat- ically the need of a scientific criterion for substratum homo- geneity than the facts that correlations between the yields of adjacent plots ranging from r= .115 to r= .609 can be deduced from the data of fields which have passed the trained eyes of agricultural experimenters as satisfac- torily uniform. December 12, 1914 SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION A NOTE ON THE GONADS OF GYNANDROMORPHS OF DROSOPHILA AMPELOPHILA Five gynandromorphs of Drosophila amelophila were sec- tioned and their gonads studied in order to determine whether the gonads corresponded to the secondary sex characters ex- pressed by the somatoplasm. The specimens were either lateral or fore and aft gynandromorphs. I. This gynandromorph arose from a cross between a white eyed fly and a fly of the wild type. On one side of the body the eye was red, the wing long, the sex comb lacking, and the ab- domen characteristically female. The other side had a white eye, short wing, sex comb and male abdomen. The external genitalia were abnormal. The fly would not mate, not only because of the abnormality of the genitalia, but because its mating instincts were indifferent. It was courted by males but, in turn, it itself did not court females. Since the fly was externally a bilateral gynandromorph one would expect to find that the gonads on one side were male and on the other side female. This, however, was not the case. The gonads on both sides were male and the testes were filled with ripe spermatozoa. II. This fly arose from a cross of cherry club vermilion with the wild type. The left side had a cherry eye, sex comb, long wing and an abdomen of the female type. The sex comb is characteristic of the male and the long wing of the female. The right side had a red eye, no sex comb, short wing, and abdomen of the male type. The absence of the sex comb is characteristic of the female while the short wing and dark abdomen on this side were male. This is lateral and, at the same time, a fore and aft gynandromorph. The left side was male anteriorly and female posteriorly while the right side was female anteriorly and male posteriorly. The gonads were male but immature. No ripe spermatozoa were seen. III. The origin of this fly was the same as the last. Both 456 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX eyes were red, sex combs lacking, left wing long, and the ab- domen characteristically male. The external genitalia were apparently half male and half female. This is not a fore and aft gynandromorph but a lateral one in which the parts involved are restricted to the abdomen and the posterior part of the thorax. The fiy was courted assiduously by males but it would not mate. The gonads on both sides were female and ripe eggs were present. It is probably true that the eggs could not be deposited © on account of some defect in the oviducts. IV. The origin of this fly was the same as the last two, i. e., it came from a cross of cherry club vermilion with the wild type. The eyes were red, sex combs lacking ; the wings were of the same length; the abdomen was divided into a female and a male side and the external genitalia were apparently half female and half male. Anteriorly the fly was female, and posteriorly it was half male and half female. A male courted this gynandromorph as long as the male re- mained in front of it. When the male with one wing vibrating made a half circle to the tip of the abdomen, it immediately dropped its wing and turned and ran. Sections showed mature spermatozoa in both testes. . This gynandromorph arose from the cross of an abnormal form, a possible mutant, with the wild type. The eyes were red, but on one side there was a sex comb and a short wing, while on the other side the sex comb was lacking and the wing was long. The abdomen was characteristically female. The gonads were of the female type on both sides. The conclusion, if one is justified in drawing a conclusion from so few data, is that the gonads of lateral gynandromorphs do not follow the separation of the somatic cells into a male and a female side, but are always the same on both sides, either male or female. Since the cells of an early embryo must be either male or female producing, we can understand why the gonads of a gynandromorph should be alike on both sides, regardless of the somatic condition, if we suppose that the gonads are derived from a single cell of the embryo. F. N. DUNCAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY VOL. XLIX, NO. 584 AUGUST, 1915 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences with Special Reference to the Factors of Evolution CONTENTS Page I. The Chromosome View of Heredity and its Meaning to Plant Breeders. Pro- am a a a me a ea ae - — -495 Regeneration Posteriorly in Enchytræus albidus. H. R. HUNT The Origin of Bilaterality in Vertebrates. Professor A. C. EYCLESHEIMER - 504 Shorter Articles and Discussion: The Tortoiseshell Cat. Dr. PHtngas W. ee a a ke a o THE SOIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 84 The American Naturalist MSS intended for Agta and books, etc., intended for review should be sent to the rage of THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. Short articles containing summaries of research work bearing on the În publicati of organic evolution are especially welcome, and will be given preference n pu ry ndrea reprints of oe are supplied to authors free of charge. F arte reprints lek be supplie THE SCIENCE PRESS _ NEW YORK: iesi Station 84 tt, Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. elasna April 2, 1908, Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of Congress va? ate 8, 1879 JAPAN APRN HISTORY ee FOR S ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND DS’ SKINS Well Prepared Low Prices Particulars of . DINESEN, Bird Collector Husavik, North Iceland, Via Leidie, England Perfeot Condition and Lowest Prio Specialty: a Skins, Oology, asad: Marine Animals and others. Catalogue free. Correspond- ence solicit T. FUKAI, Naturalist, Konosu, Saitama, Japan WANTED Marine Biological Laboratory | BIRDS OF AMERICA by J. J. Audubon, 7 volumes, | Woods Hole, Mass. please report cash price, stating condition, binding and dates INVESTIG ATION Facilities for research in and Bet of volumes. Entire Year pomp enka: = logy a labors ml ie for not pipe k G HARRIS, tories, $ ne prin tables ar sighs Box 2244 Boston, Massachusetts able ne ee ae tea ay members of the oe The fee for such a table is ee INSTRUCTION —— of laboratory in spente aa logs Physi- July—August brate Zoology, Embryology, ay The University of Chicago] z oley, Morpaiogy and fazonom ers instruction during the Sum- logy of ne Strand and Bos ae Coren on the same basis as Vegetation. Each course es during p. s ee aes of the the full time of the student. Pras The undergraduat Philosophical Aspects of Biolo e colleges, the 0:30) s graduate ools, and Phage Lage s also of sional schools e courses DRT Arts, Fiteratere, ien SUPPLY ste, ras bog La roe Mach Administ tra DEPARTMENT pan y het ‘al of all of tion, end Divinity. T foarte cate Open the Entire Year anger and of Alm, Fungi, A : pi daki ystaf = hewmen = bg ioc pay or ie ‘i museum. WwW. f: 2 3 f in the summer by appointment of Living material furnished Bnp profess i as ordered, Price lista of Zor met l and Botanical materini sent on application pistes w and sl mmer Quarter, 1915 is desired. - For price l sta a on Term. June 21~July 28 informat regarding 2d Term July ear cana Detailed ann iouncements will gent upon application, - GEO. M. GRAY, Curator, Woods Hole, Mass tion to i The University of Chicago The annual announcement will be sent on Seok Mitchell Tower Chicago, Illinois The Director iological Laboratory, Woods Hole THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLIX. August, 1915 No. 584 THE CHROMOSOME VIEW OF HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING TO PLANT BREEDERS! E. M. EAST BUSSEY Institution, HARVARD. UNIVERSITY DEFINITE advice as to practical procedure must be based on a firm foundation of fact if the leaders in the applied science are to retain any confidence in those who lay the first stones in the pure science. At the same time, if it is clearly understood that science only approximates truth, that so-called ‘‘established laws’’ are only highly prob- able and never absolute, it can hardly be said to be unwise if an inventory of fact is taken at any time. The hand- writing on the wall is never finished; some words are dim and the erasures and omissions are many, but that is no reason why one should not try to read it and to see what it directs if he has translated aright. This preliminary justification of the title of this article is made because our present stock of facts regarding heredity points clearly to the chromosomes as vital parts of the mechanism, and I wish to emphasize some impor- tant practical deductions in case this position continues to become more firmly established. A just and complete dissertation upon the rôle of the 1 This paper is based upon two lectures delivered at Harvard University in 1914. I hope that any cytologists who may have their attention called to it will overlook the repetition of some well-known facts in the first few pages, as it is intended to be merely a general statement of a particular point of view with certain deductions that follow if it be accepted. I wish to thank Doctors O. E. White, T. H. Morgan and R, Goldschmidt for their kindness in giving me many suggestions, but in justice to them I should state that they are not responsible for the conclusions drawn. 457 458 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX chromosomes in heredity not only would fill many pages, but would expose numerous gaps in our present knowl- edge, gaps that leave several important questions in the balance. We shall assume frankly therefore that the chromosomes are the bearers of the determiners of prac- tically all of the hereditary characters that have been in- vestigated by pedigree culture methods, acknowledging freely our ignorance on many points, but maintaining that while no facts have been discovered which offer insur- mountable arguments against the viewpoint taken, the following logical sequence of truths discovered at various times and by different methods of research make a pretty sound case upon which to base our practical conclusions. RELATIVE Importance OF NUCLEUS AND CyTOPLASM There are several reasons for believing that of the two parts of the cell, the nucleus and the cytoplasm, the former plays the greater rôle in heredity. In general it is believed that the two parents contribute equally in the production of offspring—that the male and female contribution of potential characters is practically the same. If there were a difference it would be shown by divergent results in reciprocal crosses, but the investi- gations following Mendel’s method make it probable that with the exception of sex and sex-linked characters, the results of reciprocal crosses are generally alike. This being true, it would appear that the principal basis of inheritance must be sought elsewhere than in the cyto- plasm, for in most observed cases the sperm is very much smaller than the egg, and this difference is largely a dif- ference in the amount of cytoplasm each carries. Is one not to look for some significance in this disparity in size? Strasburger, as well as other botanists, has even gone so far as to declare the male generative cell in certain angio- sperms to be simply a naked nucleus that slips out of its cytoplasmic coat into the embryo sac, leaving the dis- carded coat behind, and that stimuli proceeding from the nucleus control the assimilation of food in the cell and determine even the character of the cytoplasm itself. No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 459 This belief may be too radical. The machine must have , all of its parts to do proper work; and it may be, as Conk- lin suggests, that such characters as polarity, symmetry and localization of organ bases in the egg have their chief seat in the cytoplasm. This is only a possibility and not a fact, however, for one must admit that cytological inves- tigation has not disclosed the presence of a material basis of heredity in the cytoplasm, though he may not be con- vinced that it is unimportant. Does the same statement hold for the nucleus? The nuclear cavity contains four substances as they are ordinarily described in connection with morphological in- vestigations. These are nuclear sap, linin, nucleolar ma- terial and chromatin. Nuclear sap probably belongs as much to the cytoplasm as to the nucleus, and we know nothing as to its possible significance and importance within the nucleus. Linin by some investigators is regarded as very similar to chromatin. Others (Strasburger) consider it to be the framework of the chromosomes, and the only real sub- stance within the nuclear cavity that is continuous from generation to generation. It is a thread-like material staining lighter than chromatin upon which the chromo- somes appear to be strung in the early prophases of nu- clear division. Nucleolar substance, though it stains in a different manner from chromatin, is considered by many to be chromatin-like in its nature. It is the substance of which the nucleoli are composed; but as these bodies become vacuolated and finally disappear during nuclear division, one is led to believe with Strasburger that they are tem- porary storehouses of some necessary food material. Chromatin, however, as the material of which the chromosomes are composed, plays such a peculiar part in the activities of the cell, that hypotheses as to the méan- ing of its behavior are certainly more than shrewd guesses, as will be seen. The chromosomes may be described as morphological 460 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX elements, of various shapes and sizes that are found within the nucleus; they are especially demonstrable as deeply staining bodies, definite in number for each cell at the period of division. In many cases in both plants and animals they have been found to be made up of small particles, the chromomeres, and various investigators have expressed the belief that these, too, are definite in number and play an important part in the larger collective entity, the chromosome. Almost from their discovery, the chromosomes have . had an especially important part assigned to them in the drama of heredity because of the previous philosophical deductions of Weismann. Weismann reasoned that if there were no reduction of heritable substance in the life cycle of an organism, it would pile up indefinitely because of the nuclear fusion at fertilization. He, therefore, pre- dicted the discovery of some mechanism by which the character conserving substance would be divided. A few years later his prediction was verified in its important details by actual observation of the chromosome reduc- tion in the formation of germ cells in Ascaris. From this discovery and from the facts that a specific number was found for the cells of each species, that all the cells of an individual appeared to possess the same number (except when they were halved at gametogenesis), that they were apparently permanent organs, that they were longitudi- nally halved in division so as to give each daughter cell the same number as well as an exact half of each chromo- some possessed by the mother cell, investigators were early tempted to place upon chromosomes the whole burden of inheritance. Our observations regarding chromosomes and the re- duction divisions in plants now rest on a basis of cyto- logical investigation of over 250 species, representing over 150 genera and divided among the four great groups of this kingdom. Montgomery’s 1906 list of chromosome numbers in animals represents investigations on 185 spe- cies, comprised in about 170 genera, distributed among No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 461 nearly all the phyla of the animal kingdom. Sex chro- mosome studies have undoubtedly increased these figures for the animal kingdom to date, by hundreds of species. Variation in chromosome number among the cells of an individual plant or animal is a recognized fact among cytologists, but this variation is not regarded as of par- ticular significance, as commonly it is held to exist only among old cells, cells highly specialized, or, at any rate, cells which will never have anything in common with re- production. To quote from Strasburger, the number of chromosomes in the nuclei of the somatice cells of both the sexual and the asexual generations have been found to vary. But so far as my experience goes, these observations are always to be observed in the nuclei of cells which are no longer embryonic, like those in an embryo or growing point, but which, on the contrary, are to some ex- tent histologically specialized and are not destined eventually to give rise to reproductive cells. The determinate number is still more fre- quently departed from in nuclei which are definitely excluded from the sphere of reproduction. In the reproductive cells, chromosome division is, on the other hand, very exact, and the numbers found, almost invariable, with one exception. This exception is the so- called accessory chromosome or chromosomes, that ap- pear to be coupled with sex differentiation. And the very fact that such accessory chromosomes do exist and by their presence or absence parallel sex distribution, forms one of the most unanswerable arguments in favor of the chromosomes being the chief bearers of character determinants. MORPHOLOGICAL InpIvIDUALITY OF THE CHROMOSOMES The next topic to consider is whether there is sufficient evidence to support the idea that these bodies—the chro- mosomes—are morphological entities persisting from one cell generation to another. Prochromosomes are deeply staining bodies found in the resting cell nuclei of plants, which probably corre- spond in number, but not in size, to the chromosomes which are found in the dividing nuclei. These bodies are 462 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLIX thought to represent the resting nuclear condition of the chromosomes. Prochromosomes have been found in at least sixty species of plants, and various structures com- parable to them in many others. These investigations favor the thought that the chromosomes are persistent morphological entities; nevertheless they are not suffi- cient to establish the matter if there were no other data at hand. There is a series of facts, however, which is more con- vincing. We are told that in addition to each species of animal or plant having in the larger part of its cells a spe- cific number of chromosomes, there is a constant reap- pearance of the different shapes and sizes of these chro- mosomes in the same positions relative to one another during cell division after cell division. Strasburger says: ‘‘The observation of such a series of stages of nuclear division as can be obtained by the laying open of embryo sacs in which development of endosperm tissue is commencing, makes it difficult to re- sist the impression that it is always the same chromo- somes which make their appearance over and over again in the repeated divisions. In the prophase, the chromo- somes are seen to appear in precisely the same position that they occupied in the preceding anaphase, and if the picture of the anaphase were proportionally enlarged, it would exactly correspond to that of the succeeding pro- phase.’’ The facts from which these general conclusions have been drawn can not be denied. Baltzer found odd-shaped chromosomes of similar shape in many maturing eggs of sea urchins. Boveri, Montgomery and later Schaffner pointed out a constant difference in the form and the size relations of the two chromosomes of Ascaris megalo- cephala univalens. Sutton thought he could recognize each individual chromosome in eleven consecutive cell generations of the maturing germ cells of the lubber grasshopper Brachystola magna. The so-called sex chro- mosome which has been found in so many insects and No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 463 other animals, is a clear case of constancy in appearance. In plants the same phenomenon has been observed. Ro- senberg investigated the pollen mother cells of Crepis virens and in certain stages in division invariably found two long, two intermediate and two very short chromo- somes. Division figures in the somatic cells showed the same differentiation, and in an examination of the nuclei of the pollen grain he found only one chromosome of each kind present. Such other species of this genus as have been investigated also show some variation in chromo- some form, although it is not so striking as in C. virens. Hieracium venosum, exceptionally good material also in- vestigated by Rosenberg, has shown the same thing. Edith Hyde remarks on the fact of the constant reappear- ance of certain chromosome forms among hundreds of division figures which she observed in Hyacinthus orien- talis. Sauer mentions a very long chromosome constantly present in pollen mother cell preparations of the lily-of- the-valley, and Strasburger and Lutz found a large chromosome among many small ones in Lychnis dioica. In certain species of Yucca this chromosome differentia- tion takes on a dimorphic aspect, ten of the chromosomes being very large and about forty-five very small. Taking into consideration all of these facts, of which hardly more than a random sample has been given, one is clearly justified in concluding that these cell characters are reproduced generation after generation. Why this constancy if they are not important? PHYSIOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALITY OF THE CHROMOSOMES There is also considerable reason for believing that the various chromosomes of a cell may have different func- tions. Boveri was the first to endeavor to test this hypothesis by allowing sea-urchin’s eggs to be fertilized by two sper- matozoa. Three nuclei, each with eighteen chromosomes, were thus present in the same egg, two male and one female. Although cytoplasmic division seemed to pro- 464 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX ceed normally, the chromosomes were usually distributed irregularly by a three-poled or a four-poled spindle. As a result three or four cells were produced at the first divi- sion of the doubly fertilized egg, instead of the two cells that arise after normal fertilization. Various abnormal larvæ were produced later. In such embryos, Boveri found the organism to be divided into definite regions, thirds or fourths, each part traceable to one of the three or four original cells, and the cells of each part differing from the cells of the other parts in their combination of chro- mosomes and usually in their chromosome number. In rare cases normal embryos were produced, but these were more commonly developed from a doubly fertilized egg which in its first division was three-celled, than from one in which it was four-celled. The thought occurs at once that three cells have a better chance than four cells in securing a full set of chromosomes, both as to number and kind. If the division were normal, each nucleus would receive a full set in the case of the chromosome distribu- tion to three cells, but the division is usually irregular, and because of this irregularity each cell does not usually secure its normal set of chromosomes. Nevertheless it is clear that the embryo parts developed from the three- celled cleavage stand a much greater chance of being normal than those from the four-celled type, although through irregularities in division an eighteen-chromo- some-celled region might be formed even where the first division was four-celled. In some cases, the embryo was completely normal as regards skeleton and pigmentation in one or even two of its thirds, while the remainder was entirely lacking in these characters. Nearly normal embryos occurred which were perfect as to parts and specific characters, but indi- vidual variations which normally should have appeared in separate larvæ were present among the thirds. Asym- metrical larvæ also were formed. More important still are the results Boveri obtained by isolating the three cells of the three-fold type and the No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 465 four cells of the four-fold type and allowing them to de- velop into larve. When the four cells of a four-celled stage of a normal embryo are separated, each cell pro- duces a normal dwarf embryo alike in every respect, but the three- or four-celled embryos from double fertilized eggs, when treated in the same manner, never produce normal dwarfs even when the chromosome distribution has been numerically equal. Large numbers of larve brought into existence through this experiment showed all possible combinations of characters, just as all possible chromosome combinations were found in their nuclei, and from these and other data the conclusion is drawn that ‘‘not a certain number, but a certain combination of chromosomes is necessary to normal development, and this clearly points out that chromosomes have different qualities.’’ In other words, the sea urchin has a set of eighteen chromosomes, each chromosome performing at . least some different functions from its neighbors, making it necessary for the whole set to be present in order to Insure normal development. In further investigations, Boveri placed sea-urchin eggs which had been normally fertilized and were about to di- vide under pressure. As a result, division of the nucleus took place, but often no division of the cytoplasm. Such eggs on again dividing often formed more than two poles, resulting in inequalities in chromosome distribution and abnormal larval development. Boveri puts upon these cases an interpretation similar to that of the preceding experiments, as the irregular chromosome distribution seems to be all they have in common. Morgan comments on Boveri’s experiments as follows: The evidence makes probable the view that the different chromosomes may have somewhat different functions and that normal development depends on the normal interactions of the materials produced by the entire constellation of chromosomes. Artificial parthenogenesis and experiments with enu- cleated eggs have proved that only one set of chromosomes is necessary to normal development of embryos, but it is 466 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX important, in considering these experiments, to note that two sets of similar chromosomes are present in a normal sexually produced organism. Pairs of chromosomes of each shape and size (if they differ in shape and size) are nearly always found in the somatic cells—the exception being when the so-called accessory chromosomes are present. And since but one of each kind is found in the two gametes that fuse to form the new organism, it is only natural to suppose that one set was contributed by the maternal parent and the other by the paternal parent. _ The numerous cases in which this phenomenon has been demonstrated are to many the most convincing evidence of some sort of a morphological individuality of the chro- mosomes. To them the fact implies pairs of freight boats loaded with the essential materials of life, to others—the minority—it is no more wonderful than the constant re- currence of other plant organs. At any rate, it has been shown that these sets of chromosomes continue an appar- ently independent existence for some time. Moenkhaus produced hybrids between the two species of fish, Fundu- lus heteroclitus with long straight chromosomes and Menidia notata with short curved chromosomes, and the early divisions of the fertilized egg showed clearly com- plete sets of chromosomes from each parent. Rosenberg obtained similar results in crosses between the two sun- dews, Drosera longifolia, which has forty small chromo- somes, and Drosera rotundifolia, which has twenty large chromosomes. In some eases similar to the latter, where one parent contributes a greater number of chromosomes, it should be noted that the organism seems to have regula- tory powers. The chromosomes unnecessary for a double set are either thrown out or take no part in the activities of cell division. For example, in the supposedly hybrid sundew, Drosera obovata, Rosenberg found that its thirty chromosomes behaved in the following peculiar manner. Ten of them paired with another ten, but the other ten remained unpaired and acted in a very abnormal fashion No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 467 in the reduction divisions. The ten pairs separated nor- mally, one of each pair going to each pole; but the ten unpaired were irregularly distributed, sometimes nearly all of them going to one pole, sometimes most of them be- coming lost in the cytoplasm and forming small nuclei. Embryos were produced in a very few cases and these only through back-crossing with pollen of D. longifolia. Unfortunately these embryos only developed through a few cell divisions. These chromosome pairs have been distinguished by the name homologous chromosomes. For a long time it was thought that the paternal and the maternal set of chromosomes separated from each other bodily at the re- duction division. Now it is believed to be only a matter of chance which chromosome of a pair passes to a particu- lar daughter cell. There is some cytological evidence for this view, but the main argument in its favor is that this behavior is all that is necessary to fit nearly all the known facts of heredity, with the chromosomes playing the part of the active heredity machinery as will be seen shortly. This statement is true in a broad sense, but the word nearly is used because there is an exception to it. Chance apportionment of either member of a homologous pair of chromosomes to a daughter cell accounts for all facts of alternative (Mendelian) inheritance except where there are breaks in the correlation between characters usually inherited together. Since such breaks in corre- lation are common, it is clear that there must be a period when chromosome pairs have such an intimate relation that material can be exchanged. Many biologists believe that such a period is found during the maturation of the sex cells. The particular point at which such a conjuga- tion or approximation of chromosome pairs takes place is called synapsis; it occurs as a part of the prophase or first stage of the reduction division. Some investigators have been unable to demonstrate any real chromosome fusion at this time, but all agree that there is an approxi- mation between the two sets, and a chance for some kind of an exchange or interaction to take place. 468 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX Evidence of the physiological individuality of the chro- mosomes may be concluded by referring briefly to the so- ealled accessory chromosome. This fraction of a chro- mosome, whole chromosome, or in some cases, group of chromosomes, pessesses no true synaptic mate, and there- fore at reduction division two types of daughter cells are found. The presence or absence of the ‘‘accessory’’ is so closely associated with sex determination that most biolo- gists now regard it as the morphological expression of a germinal sex determinant. The essential result of re- searches on this body may be summed up in the following words of Wilson. They have established the existence of a visible difference between the sexes in respect to these chromosomes, and have shown that it is trace- able to a corresponding difference in the nuclei of the gametes of one sex or the other. The simplest type of accessory chromosome, where the male possesses an unpaired chromosome which passes to one pole undivided in one of the spermatocyte divisions and hence enters but half the spermatozoa, was discovered by Henking (1891) in Pyrrhocoris. This work was con- firmed in certain species of Orthoptera in 1902 by Mc- Clung, who advanced the hypothesis that the odd chromo- some was a sex-determiner. Shortly afterward this was made more probable by Wilson and by Stevens who proved for several species of Hemiptera that the body cells of the males contain one less chromosome than the females. Two accessory or X chromosomes are present in the female, while but one is present in the male. About the same time, both Wilson and Stevens inde- pendently discovered another kind of dimorphism in male germ cells of certain Hemiptera. Here the X chromo- some of the male has a smaller synaptic mate Y. The body cells of the female, however, show two of the large X chromosomes. The sexes, therefore, both contain the same number of chromosomes, but have the same type of chromatin difference as was first discovered. The female is XX and the male XY. No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 469 Baltzer claimed in 1909 that in the sea urchins Sphere- chinus and Echinus the sex with the dimorphic germ cells is the female instead of the male, but the work of Tennent has shown him to be in error and he has retracted the statement. There is, therefore, no undisputed cytological evidence demonstrating this type of dimorphic eggs; but since breeding results on certain species of birds and of lepidopters can be interpreted only on such an assump- tion, it is safe to assume that sooner or later they will be found.? Whether or not there are animals of this type, however, is of no particular importance in the present discussion. What we desire to emphasize is that a large number of animals, including man, have been shown to have a chromatic difference between the sexes, and that this difference is readily explained by the fact that the eggs are of a single type and the spermatozoa of two types. In dicecious plants no such morphological differentia- tion has been found. But this fact does not negate the idea that the visible differences found in animals are really sex-determining differences. We have only to suppose that the dimorphism is primarily qualitative and second- arily quantitative. Indeed Wilson has found that the Y chromosome—the synaptic mate of the X—may vary in different species from a size equal to that of X until it disappears entirely, leaving X without a mate. There is only one criticism in this whole matter. One may admit these cytological differences between the sexes, but hold that they are early appearances of secondary sex- ual characters. Morgan, von Baehr and Stevens have answered this impeachment. In the phylloxerans and aphids all the fertilized eggs produce females; males arise only by parthenogenesis, though females may arise in this manner. The cytological facts are as follows: Under favorable external conditions eggs develop without reduc- tion and females are formed. Under unfavorable condi- tions one or two chromosomes (the sex determiners) are thrown out. If these eggs develop without fertilization 2Dimorphie eggs in Lepidoptera have recently been demonstrated by both Doncaster and Seiler. 470 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX males arise. The somatic condition of the females may therefore be termed XX and that of the males XY. If both reduced normally at any time, ordinary fertilization might be expected to give both males and females. But the spermatocytes without X degenerate, leaving only one type of functional spermatozoa, which produces females. Thus actual causal connection between the X chromosome and sex determination appears to have been demonstrated. These are the main cytological arguments in favor of the chromosome view of heredity that seem to me to be insuperable. There are minor arguments both pro and con, which, as I said in the beginning, we have not space to consider. Instead it seems more profitable to- show how Mendelian results interlock with those from cytology like the parts of a jig-saw puzzle. CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN INHERITANCE The principal phenomena of Mendelian inheritance are: (1) characters that breed true; (2) uniformity of the population of the first hybrid generation in particular traits in which homozygous parents differed; (3) inde- pendent segregation of certain character determiners; (4) recombination of certain characters; (5) perfect coupling between certain characters; and (6) partial coupling between certain characters. Let us see how plausibly one čan picture the mechanism through which such phenomena may result without imputing to the chromosomes any behavior that is not known to occur. To do this simply let the imagination portray a plant spe- cies having four chromosomes, each chromosome having three character determinants that can be followed through the breeding results that are obtained. Our figures represent the immature germ cells of the plant just previous to the reduction division. Fig. shows the germ mother cell with a duplicate set of heredi- tary determinants. The mature germ cells are exactly alike, therefore the plant breeds true to the characters. concerned. ni No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING Q W p Meo Fig. 1 Fic. 2 Que Meo aos Meo 471 Suppose, however, that a change in the germ plasm has occurred (Fig. 2) at some time or other. In one member of the first pair of chromosomes, determinant ‘‘A’’ has The mature germ cells differ from each other by one factor. become ‘‘a.’? Q Wp =" ug Fie. 3 QW 1 mo] For this reason the plant does not breed true, but gives a mono-hybrid Mendelian result. 472 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX Again, if such a change occurs that A becomes A’ (Fig. 3), a series of triple allelomorphs giving monohybrid re- sults with each other, is formed. ‘‘A’’ is allelomorphic to 66 Ar? or &tg 2? Qov H O p QW Aad D E F Eng e. giok» FIG. 4 But there are other character determinants in the first pair of chromosomes. What happens if both ‘‘A’’ and “B” become changed? There are two possibilities, as shown in the two parts of Fig. 4. If one of the members of the pair of homologous chromosomes becomes abC while the other remains ABO, there is a positive corre- lation between the inheritance of ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B.’? On the other hand, if the change is such that the two chromo- somes are aBC and AbC, there is a negative correlation between A and B. In other words, the determinants re- main correlated in the same way they entered the com- bination. There may be breaks in these correlations, however, as Morgan has shown in Drosophila; and these breaks in correlation occur in a constant ratio. Diagram- matically, it may be said that A and B are always the same distance apart in the chromosome structure and that the determinants ‘‘cross over’’ from one member of a pair to the other every so often. All of the gametes in the first case are not ABC and abC, for example. Some of them will be AbC and aBC. And the same percentages of these cross overs are found in the second case where “A” and ‘‘B”’ are correlated negatively. Furthermore, No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 473 if C should become ec, and the chromosome pair take the form ABC and abe, there are definite relations between the three determinants. Breaks in correlation occur, and this ratio is constant, so that if given the percentage of breaks of correlation between “A” and ‘‘C’’ and “B” and ‘‘C,”’ the percentage of breaks between ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’ can be predicted. If there is a break in the correlation between “A” and ‘‘C’’ 30 times in 100, and a break between ‘‘B’’ and ‘‘C’’ 10 times in 100, then there will be breaks in the correlation between ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’ 20 times in 100. QW b& QWs Yeo ha Fie. 5 Likewise, the determinants in the second pair of chro- mosomes are coupled together in their inheritance. D, E and F have each their peculiar linkage to the other, a link- age that remains comparatively constant. Yet the de- terminants in the second pair of chromosomes are entirely independent from those in the first pair in their inheri- tance. For example, if, as shown in Fig. 5, ‘‘A’’ should become ‘‘a’’ in either member of pair number one, and “D” should become ‘‘d’’ in either member of pair number two, Mendelian dihybridism would result. Furthermore, if “A” and “D” should each have the function of affect- ing the same general character complex in somewhat the Same manner, there would be an apparent 15:1 ratio if dominance were complete or a series of types ranging from the type of one grandparent to that of the other, if dominance is lacking. These are the main features that have been established 474 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX by recent work on hybrids. We have pictured them as actual chromosome functions, because every part of the description has been actual fact as far as the breeding experiments go. Our picture, it is true, is fictitious, for we do not know absolutely that the heredity mechanism is of this nature. But the facts do fit perfectly all that is known of chromosome behavior. It seems impossible, therefore, that there should be so many coincidences. There are also two other pieces of evidence that fit in and round out the case. Bridges has shown that females occasionally occur in Drosophila bearing the sex-linked characters borne by the mother but showing no influence of those borne in the father. Such exceptional females were found to inherit directly from their mother the power of producing like exceptions, and it was proven cytolog- ically after the prediction had been made from the breed- ing facts that these females resulted from the non-disjunc- tion of the X chromosomes at the maturation of the eggs from which they came, and that one half of their daughters did in fact contain a Y chromosome in addition to two X chromosomes. This appears to be definite proof that sex- linked genes are borne by the X chromosomes. The other important basis for regarding the chromo- somes as the material basis for heredity also comes from Morgan’s work on Drosophila ampelophila, this being the only species upon which sufficient work has been done to give a reasonable basis for the conclusion. All of the hun- dred and thirty or so mutations in this species wpon which Morgan and his students have worked are so linked to- gether in heredity that they form four groups correspond- ing to the four pairs of chromosomes found in the species. If one single character should be found that did not fit into one of these four groups, the whole theory would break down. But no such character has appeared. This completes the case for the chromosomes as regards the main facts, and it seems only proper that a fair- minded jury of scientists should render verdict for the plaintiff. No case is so bad, however, that a lawyer can No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 475 find nothing to say for the defense and scientists in this respect resemble the men of the bar. Certainly there are some outlying facts, but they are comparatively unimpor- tant. If a series of important facts should at any time be found which do not fit, the chromosome mechanism should be looked into. It is likely that the explanation will be found in an abnormal chromosome behavior as was the case in the aphis. _ PRACTICAL CONCLUSIONS AND Discussions If now it be accepted as a reasonable premise that the chromosomes are the chief if not the sole bearers of he- reditary determinants of body characters, and that their behavior is a rough indication of the mechanism of he- redity; what cytological facts, if any, can be made useful at present or in the future to plant and animal breeders? If such data exist, they should be put to service; if it is likely that such facts can be found, investigations should be undertaken. The broad question may be divided into three parts which will be discussed in regular sequence : 1. What are the relations of chromosomes to somatic characters? 2. What are the relations of normal chromosome beha- vior to the transmission of characters? 3. What are the relations of peculiar or unusual chro- mosome behavior to the transmission of characters? RELATIONS OF CHROMOSOMES TO INTERNAL CHARACTERS Some very interesting observations have been made on . the relations of internal and external characters to chro- mosome number. Farmer and Digby in a comparative study of the cells of a fern of the genus Athyrium with similar cells of three of its varieties, found that the measurements were suc- cessively larger in the three varieties than in the species, and that there was a corresponding increase in the number of chromosomes, the gametic numbers for the species and its varieties being estimated at 76-80, 84, 90 and 100, 476 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX respectively. Investigations on another fern, Lastrea, did not corroborate these results, however, in one variety the chromosomes being more numerous and the cells smaller - than in the parent type. Gates by comparing nuclei and cells of different tissues of Enothera Lamarckiana and similar structures in its ‘mutant’ O. gigas with double the number of chromo- somes, found that the O. gigas cells and nuclei were always larger, varying from a comparative ratio of 1:1.5 to 1:3. At the same time, it would hardly be wise to maintain that this is always the case, for ~~ a few individuals were investigated. Primula sinensis has two foxstia in cultivation, similar except as to size. The giant form has flowers about one and one half times the size of those produced by the ordi- nary form. Gregory investigated these two forms cyto- logically to determine the cause of this increase. The nuclei and the chromosomes of the giant form were a little larger, though the difference was hardly a measurable one. The chromosome number was the same in both the forms. In a later investigation he has found that some exceed- ingly large plants with nuclei distinctly larger than those of the normal form had double the number of chromo- somes normal to the species. Boveri investigated this same relation of cells and nu- clei to chromosome number in N, 2N and 4N larve of the sea urchin. From these studies, he concludes that chro- matin is non-regulatory, and in the case of decrease, un- regenerable, the cytoplasm in contrast showing the fullest regulatory activity. Further, the size of the larval cells is governed by the chromosome mass and the cell volume is directly proportional to the chromosome number. On the other hand, Conklin’s investigations on annelids, mol- lusks and ascidians lead him to take a position opposed to that of Boveri. He says: The size of the nucleus, centrosomes and chromosomes is dependent upon the volume of the cytoplasm is clearly shown in Crepidula, where in large and small blastomeres, these structures are invariably propor- tional in size to the volume of cytoplasm. No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 477 _ Neither chromosomes nor nucleus control, the size of the cell in annelids, mollusks or ascidians. RELATIONS BETWEEN CHROMOSOMES AND EXTERNAL CHARACTERS Thus there seems to be no constant relationship even between nuclear or cell size and number of chromosomes, and bonds of union between external taxonomic charac- ters and chromosome number seem to be still more tenu- ous. It is true tliat certain giant Primulas and Ginotheras had more chromosomes than were characteristic of the normal forms, but it is just as clear that all giant Primulas (and the same is probably true of Ginotheras, from the work of Heribert-Nilsson and of Geerts) do not have ab- normal chromosome numbers. Results on several species of both animals and plants are interesting in this connection. The thread worm, Ascaris megalocephala, has two va- rieties, bivalens and univalens, the former having as a 2N number four chromosomes, the latter two chromosomes. Nothing is known as to the origin of these two forms. They are found parasitic in the same host individual and neither form is rare. According to Herla, they hybridize freely and produce embryos whose cells have three chro- mosomes, but no mature hybrids have ever been found. Meyer could distinguish no anatomical differences þe- tween the two varieties. Rosenberg investigated the reproductive structures of two species of sundew and found one to have double the chromosome number of the other. A subsequent com- parison of anatomical and taxonomic characters failed to show any sharply marked differences between them ex- cept in size. The form having the smaller chromosome number was smaller and less robust. They inhabit the same territory and produce natural hybrids which are sterile. Rosa canina has two varieties which have the same taxo- nomic characters, but one form has thirty-four while the 478 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL XLIX other has only sixteen chromosomes. The form with thirty-four chromosomes is apogamous and reproduces without fertilization, but that one must not conclude that apogamy is necessarily associated with a double or an in- creased chromosome number, is clear from the case of Rumex. Rumex was investigated by Roth; one species, R. cordifolius, having forty chromosomes as its 2N num- ber, required fertilization to produce offspring; another species, with only sixteen chromosomes, was apogamous. A short list of nearly related species or species with two varieties varying in their chromosome numbers with their character differences, if present, is given below. Name Date | N | 2N Characte rs Investigator Alchemilla SSAB 1904 |32| 64 |Apogamous Strasburger, E. aphanes....... 1904 | 16| 32 > = Ascaris ioe hap 1883 | 2| 4 |Alike externally |Van Beneden s4 e e rg 1895.{| 2| 4 Meyer, O. rh Ne Ge eee 1 99 T “ and others Ascaris lumbricoides....... 1887 24 Boveri, T. n De eee 1887 48 S 4 Dahlia variabilis S E 1911 |16| 32 Ishikawa, M. vee ee 1911 | 32} 64 3 S Drosera Baramin P T 1909 |10| 20 Rosenberg, O ola... 20 | 40 More robust, ete. i s Echinus microtuberculatus 1888 | 9| 18 Boveri, T. 1902 |18| 36 oh A Heliz pomatia...........: 1903 |24 | 48 |Alike externally |Ancel, P. : ie eee iat oe 1896 |12| 2 v. Rath, O. N ephrodium molle onas 1908 |64 |128 None mentioned | Yamanouchi, 8. ree ane 1908 66 132 : Cnothera seul shame ay 191) rn Gates, R. R. eh 909 | 14 |. 28 Large and 2 ERS coarser j FUA sinensis wa 1909 |12| 24 Gregory, R. P. t form ing ROK 1909 12| 24 More robust n ee a ee 1914 |24| 48 = Ly g ee Rosa canina Pa aah ian ap a 1909 34 |Apogamous Rosenberg, O Cie eis OS c Les 190: 8} 16 Strasburger, E Thalictrum WRUNG os 1909 | 12 | 24 Overton, J rpuras 1909 |24 | 48 |Apogamous a $6: Zea was meee Flint’ a 1911 !10 Kuwada, Y. “ r e Bo e ooo, 1911 |12 | he What conclusions can be drawn from these facts? Cer- tain botanists have attempted to connect chromosome doubling with apogamy, as usually the chromosome num- ber in apogamous species is higher than in the normal species of the same genus; but there is no evidence of No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 479 apogamy in @nothera gigas, and in Rumex the form with the low number of chromosomes is apogamous while the form with the high chromosome number requires fertili- zation. On account of these exceptions, therefore, it | seems probable that the cause of apogamy is deeper than a mere doubling of the chromosomes, even though doub- ling may usually accompany such a change in reproduc- tive habits. Variation in chromosome number in the same species has been proposed as a cause of general variation in so- matic characters, but the evidence is not clearly in favor of such a theory. In the fern Nephrodiwm molle Yama- nouchi found spermatid cells to be of two sorts, those with sixty-six and those with sixty-four chromosomes. This would mean that Nephrodium has two gametophyte forms and two sporophyte forms, externally identical, so far as our present knowledge goes, but differing in their chro- mosome numbers. Further, sporophytes developing from the prothallia of ferns without the intervention of a sexual process have the N instead of the 2N chromosome number, yet apoga- mously developed fern sporophytes, except as to chromo- some number, are indistinguishable from normal sexually produced individuals of the same species. Many writers have been tempted to postulate a causal relation between the numerical variation of chromosomes among the species of a genus and the genera of a family and their specific and generic characters. The thirty or more species of Composite investigated have shown a remarkable variation in their chromosome numbers, the 2N numbers ranging between six and sixty, and, as is well known, the Composite possess an infinite variety of sharply contrasting characters. But the lily family also has an enormous number of characters in its species and genera, and the genus Liliwm, with its great variety of characters distributed among forty-five species, is typical of the other genera of the family, as far as present inves- tigations go, in having the same chromosome number for 480 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX all of its species. Others suggest that the more chromo- somes a plant species possesses the greater is its varia- bility. Thus Spillman? speaks of the low variability of rye, suggesting its small chromosome number (six or eight) as a possible reason; for maize, having probably from twenty to twenty-four chromosomes, is infinitely more variable than rye. However, Britton’s ‘‘Manual’’ selects Crepis virens for special mention as an extremely variable species from among the four or five other species listed under that genus, and it is known that C. virens has only six chromosomes, while three other species of Crepis investigated all have higher numbers. Again, ac- cording to Wiegand, the Canna has only six chromosomes, yet every gardener is well acquainted with the infinite variety in Cannas. THE CHROMOSOMES AND VARIABILITY After a consideration of the above facts, one may well hesitate to state that there is even a high degree of corre- lation either between variability in chromosome number and general variability, or between high numbers of chro- mosomes and a high degree of variability in specific char- acters. On the other hand, it is not certain that the data upon which our discussion is based are relevant to the case in hand. We have discussed a possible relationship be- tween chromosome numbers and species complexity and variability as found in the wild. This is not at all the same thing as discussing the relationship between chro- mosome number and true variability. It is true that com- plexity and specialization of plants and animals seem to have no connection with chromosome number, and that within a family a genus or a species profusion of taxo- nomic characters do not go hand-in-hand with high chro- mosome numbers. But in these cases our data come from persistent forms. What the actual inherent variability of the protoplasm is in most cases we do not know. Dro- sophila ampelophila, a species with only four chromo- 3 Six according to Westgate’s unpublished data; eight according to Nakao. No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 481 some pairs, is considered to be very constant in its char- acters from the taxonomist’s standpoint, yet by careful continued observation Morgan has succeeded in detecting over 130 mutations. From a strictly mathematical standpoint, it would seem that if other things are equal, variability would take place in proportion to the number of chromosome units. The difficulty is that in no case do we know anything whatever about the relative complexity of any particular chromo- some unit. One must infer, however, that the 47—48 chro- mosomes in man are individually much more complex than the 128-132 chromosomes in the fern Nephrodium molle. If this inference be correct there are reasons why altera- tion in determinants may occur in direct proportion to the number of chromosomes or rather to the mass of chro- matin without there being visible somatic variability in the same ratio. Let us construct an imaginary plan for preventing visible variation without preventing change in chromosome determinants. Unquestionably the sim- plest means is to double the chromosome number. Se- lecting, for example, a species with four chromosomes, let us suppose that fertilization occurs without a reduction division at some time or other. Then instead of a dual organism with two sets of chromosomes of similar func- tion, one from the male and one from the female parent, there would be a quadruple organism with two sets of similar chromosomes from each parent. Any germinal change which would produce a new dominant character would be apparent immediately, but for a recessive change to appear—and these are many times as numerous as the others—it would be necessary to have identical changes occur in two chromosomes. Following out this line of reasoning, it is not hard to see what a great possibility for uniformity there is in further chromosome duplication, provided the actual fact of duplication makes no great change in the organism. That chromosome doubling has no decided visible effect we have seen from the cases already described; and since so many nearly related spe- 482 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX cies and varieties have their chromosome numbers in series 1:2:3:4, ete., it seems by no means improbable that what we have imagined above has actually occurred many times. And if one may believe that the eyent has the result supposed, all the worry about relationships between chromosome number and height of species in the scale of evolution may be eliminated. Norman CHROMOSOME BEHAVIOR AND HEREDITY The second query, concerning the relation of normal chromosome behavior to the transmission of characters, is much more important than the one just examined, but it can be discussed more briefly. By normal ‘‘chromo- some behavior’’ is meant a reduction division where ma- ternal and paternal chromosomes approach each other in definite pairs (if homologous pairs are present), chance only governing the passage of either to a particular daughter cell. This is probably the usual behavior in the higher plants and animals, and upon this behavior depends Mendelian heredity in the narrow sense. The thesis to be submitted and scrutinized is the following: The maximum possible difficulty in the improvement of animals and plants by hybridization usually depends directly upon the chromosome number. When a mutation in a single determinant takes place in the germ cells of a plant, such as may cause the loss of red color in the corolla, crosses between such a form and the normal give a monohybrid Mendelian result. Two _ mutations in non-homologous chromosomes gives in a similar way a dihybrid result. Such simple conditions, however, are not met with very frequently. For example, White found that a fasciated tobacco when crossed with the type from which it sprang and from which it probably differed only by this single determinant, gave a mono- — hybrid Mendelian ratio in the F, generation; but when the fasciated type was crossed with other types the result was a complex F, population. This population was suscepti- ble of analysis, nevertheless, and showed that the various No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 483 varieties with which the fasciated type was crossed dif- fered from it by several determinants, each of which was transmitted independently though they every one aff ected the development of fasciation. This illustration is not one of a rare phenomenon. It is what geneticists find constantly in their experiments. Presence or absence of a particular character may depend upon the presence or absence of a particular essential determinant, but, given this determinant, sooner or later the investigator finds several other determinants which modify the expression of the character. The existence of these modifiers has been the cause of a great deal of confusion in the analysis of breeding results, but in reality the inheritance is sim- ple. The experience that all investigators who have worked intensively have had with them shows that prac- tically all somatic characters are due to multiple determi- nants in the germ cells. It merely depends on the rela- tive difference between the germ plasms brought together in crosses, how complex the resulting F, populations ap- pear. Since even apparently simple characters are thus due to complex germinal interactions, that results of crosses made for the purpose of improving such intangi- ble things as yield, size, quality, etc., should be complex, is not astonishing. In the comparatively extensive expe- rience that the writer has had in breeding tobacco, maize, peas and beans the wide variability of the F, population in crosses between distinct varieties leads him to think that it is extremely common for such varieties to differ qualitatively in every chromosome. Furthermore, the relative complexity of the segregating populations is much greater in tobacco than in corn and greater in corn than in peas or beans. What can this mean but that when varieties are found that differ qualitatively in all of their chromosomes, the complexity of the result varies directly with the number of chromosomes present. In Mendelian inheritance the number of actual types (both homozygous and heterozygous) present in the F, population when all are represented is 3", and the number 484 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX of individuals that must be present to give an equal chance for the presence or absence of an individual of every type is 4", where n represents the number of allelomorphic pairs. This being true, if differences in all of the chro- mosomes are predicated in tobacco and in pea crosses, the maximum number of individuals necessary in the F, gen- eration to allow for one reproduction of each of the grand- parental forms is 42 in the first case and 47 in the second ease. It is clear that there is an absolutely overwhelming difference in the difficulty of recovering the grandpar- ental forms in the two examples. Now this is about what one wishes to do in many plant- breeding problems. It is desired to combine one or two characters from one parent with all of the other qualities of the second parent. And such has been my experience that I believe that this maximum possible difficulty in the operation as predicated by qualitative differences in all of the chromosomes often occurs. There can be no question on these grounds of the importance of determining the number of chromosomes in a species before beginning a complex plant-breeding problem, and thus being able to comprehend the maximum possible difficulties that may be encountered. How greatly these difficulties vary may be seen in the very incomplete list of chromosome counts in common plants that is given below. Common Name | Scientific Name ee 2N Date Investigator Banana..... Musa sapientum, "dole 8 16" 1910 |Tischler, G. ree gi ald Musa sapientum, | "Radjah Siam’”’...... i 26 a 1910 z md T eas aor anime Ss 24 48 1910 oe Mi Bean; oY. Phaseolus vulgaris......| 8 16 1904 |Wager, H. Calla lily.. pps Africana.....| 8 16 1909 (Overton, J. B. chy eRe Can indica Cat eee es ge 6 1900 |Wiegand, K. M. Cee ee en eee eet | 8&8 more than | 10 1904 |Koérnicke, M. Coti. ss cee Zea Mays, * ‘yellow starchy” ‘‘amber pop,” “black ma nage “golden broach field,” Cahita Mat coo, 10 “op? 1911 |Kuwada, Y. cece, 9-10 | “18-20” | 1911 j T RD Eo pruebas 9-12 1911 585 2 No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 485 Common Name. Scientific Name N 2N Date | Investigator Pes A ye ei Zea M ays, re sugar.. 12 1911 Cottone cc] Gossy ypium hybrid’. ..] 28 “567 1903 bai W. A. ob he diane! ti i “Egyptian” 20 1910 Balls, W. L. EE ATA ER E E bt “16” | 1906 |Tischler, G. Dandelion. ` Tarazacum confertum.. 8 “16” 1909 Rosen i, Pi ere ener) O .|120r13, about 26 | 1905 (Juel, H. O. Elderberry.. 3 Sambucus 2 PO une eee 18 38 1909 Lagerberg, T. Ev vening | primrose .. \@nothera grandiflora... ra 14 1909 Davis, B. M. Evening | | primrose... O. lamarckiana........ “Jy 14 1907 Geerts, J. M. | 7 1911 Gates, R. R. Evening | | primrose. . . 0. gigas... i. 5 arous 14 28 1909 Gates, R. R. eae pee N ia i II RNT E a 64 128 or or 1908 Yamanouchi, 8. 66 132 okies as squalens...........| 12 2 | 1900 Strasburger, E. tea WRT 7 ae lanceolata var. | | platyphylum......... 5 10 2014 Tahara, M., and M. | Ishikaw: we (Grupis WORE aan 3 6 | 1909 Rosenberg, O p \Crepis tectorum........ 4 8 | 1905 el, H. O. =e Crepis japonica........ 8 16 1910 Tahara, M. NAGS cae & Lilium martagon.......| 12 24 | 1884 Guignard, L. Lily-of-the- | alley . Convallaria majalis 18 “36” | 1899 Wiegand, K. M. Lily-of-the- : Valley os oe ue majalis..... 6 3 09 Sauer, L. W. berry... -Morus orus alba, ‘‘Shirowase’’ 17? 40-50 1910 Tahara, M rS orus indica.......... 14 28 1910 Tahara, Nightshade Solanum nigrum....... 36 72? 1909 inkler, Hans D E ein Cone. E AT E y A "107 1898 Schaffner, J. H. Pees see See Paeonia spectabilis..... i2 oe" 1893 |Overton, E. eee isum sativum......... 7 14 903 (Cannon, W. A. Persimmon. .|Diospyros virginiana 30 or more 1911 (Hague, Stella M. Bg) RR ah dea, Pinus cate SOA 12 24 1899 Cha ST n, ©. d. ren PA E Orana oliot. inari 12 244 1910 Kuwada, Y. irer Rosa va 3 species..... 8 16 1904 retni eane E. Tobacco..... Nicotiana ap: .. 6.45 ss: 24 48 1913 |White, O. E. hea bees pasan eA.. 12 24 1909 Winkler, Hans Eeoae ulipa Gesneriana......| 12 24 1901 t, A. Wake-robin Trillium grandiflorum 6 3 1899 Atkinson, G F Seok Triticum vulgar Sees « 8 16 Koérnicke, M a See re 8 STE" 1893 (Overton, E. e PE a Pe piu ee ee 8 ek | 908 (Dudley, A. H. Among these figures are found four of our most impor- tant crops—wheat, tobacco, corn and cotton. They con- trast strikingly in their chromosome numbers. eat and tobacco, species in which the flowers are naturally self-pollinated, have 8 and 24 chromosomes, respectively, 4‘*But we often find a larger number.’’ Quotation marks refer to in- ferred numbers rather than actual countings. 486 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX in their gametes. Corn and cotton, species usually cross- pollinated, have 10-12 and 20-28 chromosomes, respect- ively, in their germ cells. These species all have been under cultivation since before there has been recorded his- tory. Many varieties of each exist. It is not at all im- probable that with thousands of years of cultivation and selection under diverse conditions, mutations in most of their chromosomes have persisted. If, then, improvement means working on character complexes that involve al- most all of the plant functions, it does not seem improb- able that the actual difference in the difficulty of improving wheat and tobacco is as 48:44, or about 1 to 4,295,000,000. In like manner corn and cotton compare in the ratio 41°: 428. or 1 to 68,720,000,000. And is it not true that modern improvement in most of these crops does involve nearly all the plant functions? Yield in wheat involves number and size of grain, and number of culms, with all that these things include in plant economy; yield of to- bacco involves number, size and thickness of the leaves. Quality, a mystical word, is perhaps still more complex. In wheat, it takes in habit of growth of both root and stem and such other characters as go to make up strength and hardiness, thickness of pericarp, size of aleurone cells, and the physical and the chemical character of both endo- sperm and embryo, as well as their size ratios in regard to each other. In tobacco, it includes thickness and strength of leaf, color, texture and all chemical and physi- eal characters that make for flavor and ‘‘burn.”’ One may say that this is all very well as a theory, but that it is all theory, and ask what support is given to it by practise. I have had personal experience with but two of these four crops. I have worked extensively and in- tensively with corn and tobacco for some ten years. But I have followed carefully the published experiments in breeding wheat and cotton and have seen several of the more important experiments. And I may say that it was my observation of the extreme difficulty in the experi- ments with cotton and tobacco as compared with corn and wheat that led to this theory of the cause. No. 584] HEREDITY AND ITS MEANING 487 In proposing this thesis, the chromosomes have been considered as pairs of freight boats loaded with character determiners, shifted bodily to the daughter cells by in- ternal forces of which we are ignorant. Yet this is not the whole truth. The determiners in particular chromo- somes seem to be tied together more or less tightly, but they are not always transferred as one package. They are coupled in their transmission to the next generation, but this coupling is not perfect. Breaks in the coupling occur and there is order and regularity in these breaks. Our knowledge on these matters rests upon the researches of Morgan on Drosophila, Bateson on the sweet pea, and Tanaka on the silkworm, so it is not certain whether these are common grounds for this regularity or whether each species has regular laws which control the breaks in cor- relation. But in either case, these breaks do not inter- fere with our proposition. They only complicate matters. In most of the cases in Drosophila, where they are best known, linkage is comparatively tight, 7. e., breaks are somewhat rare; but they may become so frequent as to simulate inheritance from separate chromosomes. In those cases our theory is of no value, but if Drosophila is any criterion by which to judge, such conditions are very unusual. ABNORMAL CHROMOSOME BEHAVIOR AND HEREDITY The third query concerning the relations of peculiar or unusual chromosome behavior to the transmission of characters may be passed over with a word. In certain insects, for example, bees, wasps, aphids, phylloxerans, etc., odd sex ratios and attendant complexities have long been known. These have been cleared up more or less -completely by cytological studies. They depended upon chromosome behaviors that are not usual in animals or plants. Similar peculiar chromosome mechanisms may be present in many other species. Attention is merely called to the fact that if experiments on any plant species appear to show that its characters do not obey the laws that have been demonstrated for so many types, their 488 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX cytological eccentricities should be looked into. In them will probably be found the key to the situation. The (Enotheras may be mentioned as a ease in point. Their heredity in many cases is not what would be expected by analogy with other plants. We know that in some ways the behavior of their chromosomes is irregular. 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Centralbl., 31: 257-320 T E. 894. pro — of Number of Chromosomes in ny Life His- ing Organisms, Ann. Bot., 8: 281- 1904, Vener sera ha Sitzber. K. Preuss, prai, Wiss., 18: 1905. _ Tyrie wid allotypische miga Pe ibe eg Beiträge ererbungsfrage. Jahrb. 1907. Ueber die Individualität m Pa gaa mt ai Pfropfhy- riden F . Jahrb. f. u Bot., 44: 482 1907. Die Ontogenie der Zell seit an eee: ret ‘ial a 1-138 1908. Chromosomenzahlen, ie ee Vererbungstrager, und duktionsteilung. Jahrb. f. w -, 45; 479-570. 1909. Meine Stellungnahme zur Frage der Pfropfbastarde. Ber. D sell. $ utsch. 1909. Zeitpunkt der Bestimmung oe ee. Apogamie, Parthe- nogenesis und er aan ee Histologische Beiträge, Heft -124. Jen 1909. The Minute Biden of Cells in Relation to Heredity. Dar dM vege Seopa pp: 102-11. Cambridge, Cambridge Uni. rsity Pre 1910. diseno oi. . Flora, 100: 398—446. Sutton, W. S. 1902. On the Morphology of ees pe Group in Brachystola magna. Biol. Bul., 4: 1903. The Chromosomes in koo "Biot Bul., 4: 231-251. Tahara, M. 1910. Ueber die Kernteilung bei Morus. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 24: 281-289 1910. Ueber die Zahl der Chromosomen von Crepis japonica, Benth. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 24: 23-28 opty M., and Ishikawa, M. 1911. The number of chromosomes of Crepis lanceolata var. platy- phyllum. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 25: 119-121 Tanaka, Y. 1913. A Study of Mendelian Factors in the Silkworm, Bombyz mori. Journ. Col. Agr., Sapporo, 5: 91-113. 494 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Tennent, D, H. 1908. The Chromosomes in Cross-fertilized Echinoid Eggs. Biol. Bul., 15: 127-134. Tischler Tii die Entwicklung m paee und y Sh ereriaay bei Ribes-Hybriden. Jahrb. f. w ot., 1908. carw an sterilen SAE Ee Nabi piy Z Zellforsch., : 3-151. 1910. Untersuehungen über die Entwicklung des Banana-Pollens. h. f. Zellforsch., 5: 622-670. Wager, H. 1904. The TEOR and goons Divi ision in the Root-apex of Phaseo- Ann. Bot 29- (Number of chromosomes deter- mined b White aes a study of Wager’s figures.) Weismann, A 1892. Das Keimplasma. Jena. White, O. 1913. The Bearing of Teratological epera in Nicotiana on Theories of Heredity. Am. Nart., 52: Wilson, E. B. 1904. ee! ag in Development and Inheritance. New York, Mac- 1901. Puao Studies in Cytology. A Cytological Study of ra ae! Parthenogenesis in Sea Urchin Eggs. Arch. f. . 12: 529-596, 1909. ane on Chromosomes, V. The Chromosomes of Metapodius. A Contribution to the Hypothesis of bord Genetic Continuity of Chromosomes, Journ. Exp. Zool., 7-205. 1910. The See ay omes in Relation to the Determination of Sex. Science Progress, 5: 570-592. 1911. The ya Chromosome. Arch. mikr. Anatomie, 77: 249-271. (Bibliography on accessory chromosome. ) Me Hans 1908 tue Parthenogenesis und Apogamie im Pflanzenreiche. Pro- sus rei Botanice, 2: 293-454. 1910. Ueber die Nachkommenschaft der Solanum-Propfbastarde ane die Chromosomenzahlen ihrer Keimzellen. Zeitschr. Bot., 1-38. Yamanouchi, S. 1908. Sporogenesis in Nephrodium. Bot. Gaz., 45: 1-30. Ziegler, H. E. 1906. Die Chromosomen-Theorie der Vererbung in ihrer Anwendung auf den Menschen. Arch. Rassen-Gesellsch. Biologie, 3: 797- 812. Zoja, R. 1895. Sulla independenza della cromatina paterna et materna nel nucleo delle cellule embrionali. Anat. Anz., 11: 289-293. REGENERATION POSTERIORLY IN ENCHY- TRÆUS ALBIDUS! H. R. HUNT THE primary object of the following experiments was to determine whether Enchytreus albidus can regenerate posteriorly, when cut at regions of the body varying from near the posterior end to near the anterior end. Sec- ondly, an attempt was made to compare the rates of re- generation per day posteriorly at the different levels at which the worms were cut in two. No experiments have been published in which the ca- pacity of this species to regenerate posteriorly has been tested. Nusbaum (’02; ’04) studied the histological processes in the regeneration of the Enchytreide ante- _ riorly and posteriorly. He found that regeneration ante- riorly does not take place as readily as regeneration pos- teriorly, and that never more than two or three segments regenerate anteriorly. The animals used in the present experiments were col- lected in abundance from the coarse gravel of the tidal zone on the seashore at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York. Six sets of experiments were conducted. Each of the worms was cut into two pieces, the anterior and the posterior pieces being preserved. The average number of segments in this species is not far from sixty. The regions selected for cutting were such as to give fairly comprehensive data as to the regenerative capacity posteriorly at different levels. In the first set of experi- ments the worms were so cut as to leave only about eight anterior segments; in the second set about sixteen anterior segments; and in the third set about twenty anterior seg- ments. In the fourth set the cut was made near the middle of the worm; in the fifth about sixteen posterior 1 Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology at Harvard College, No. 260. 495 496 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou, XLIX segments were removed; and in the sixth eight posterior segments. The worms were anesthetized with chloretone, and the operation was performed under a dissecting mi- eroscope. The pieces were placed in small sterilized glass bottles, each containing a strip of filter paper and enough sterilized sea water to keep the animals well moistened. - Ten pieces of approximately the same length were kept in a single bottle. Throughout the experiment the bot- tles, each one stoppered with a cork, were kept in an ice chest to restrict the growth of bacteria. The work was begun early in July, 1913, and was continued until the first of October. At the middle of August it became nec- essary to carry away from the seashore the material then living. After this, fresh water was used for moistening the worms and cleaning out the bottles. The worms, however, seemed to regenerate as well in the fresh-water as in the salt-water environment. The analysis of the results of the experiments was done in the zoological labo- ratory of Harvard University. It was found that the length of the regenerated seg- ments, as compared with that of the segments in the adja- cent unregenerated part of the worm, was a fairly accu- rate criterion for determining the number of regenerated segments. To test the accuracy of this criterion, parts of eight worms consisting of the twenty most anterior segments were allowed to regenerate for about eight weeks. Having taken the precaution to determine accu- rately the number of segments in each of the pieces at the time of the operation, it was easy to determine how many segments had regenerated, for of the total number of seg- ments at the end of the experiment all except the original twenty were, of course, regenerated segments. The re- sult thus obtained was compared in each worm with that obtained by counting in the same worm the number of segments posterior to the point where there was an abrupt change in the length of the segments, that point indicat- ing the region of the cut. Table I gives the data for this comparison. The results show that the method which No. 584] REGENERATION IN ENCHYTRAEUS 497 was used to determine the number of regenerated seg- ments is accurate to within one or two segments, for it will be noted that the results by the two methods never differ by more than two segments, usually by only one. The worm’s body is so short that it was found impracti- cable to secure exactly eight, sixteen, etc., segments in every piece used in the whole series of experiments. TABLE I Number of Segments Regenerated : As Determined by e Number of the Worm Total Number Minus 20 Segment Length 1 6 rf 2 18 18 3 20 22 4 23 24 5 21 22 6 15 14 7 18 17 8 10 12 The results obtained in each of the six sets of experi- ments have been condensed, for convenience, and are shown in Table II. In the first vertical column of this table the Roman numerals designate the number of the set of experiments. The horizontal lines corresponding to each of these sets give in succession, (1) the number of segments in the pieces used in the experiments, (2) the number of worms operated on, (3) the number that sur- vived long enough to be observed, (4) the per cent of worms that survived and were observed, (5) the period during which the regeneration took place, (6) the number of segments (0 to 24) regenerated by the surviving worms, (7) the average number of segments regenerated in each set of experiments, and (8) the mean rate of regeneration per day of the worms in each set expressed in segments. This mean rate of regeneration was obtained by first com- puting the rate of regeneration per day (in segments) for each worm in the set, and then averaging all the re- sults. In some worms the number of segments regen- erated was observed twice, several weeks elapsing be- [ Vou. XLIX THE AMERICAN NATURALIST 498 ‘Axis moqe st Apod oy} ur syuəugəs JO LaqUINU OFBIBAG OY, T oor | 889 °° THIOL ‘ ig 7 FTIR e o aO #80 g'z ; ‘lltipig tp „ TE- ST SI oor 8 IA SIT i : FETITELE ET CETE 3 hee 6c. v9 PAP : TP Sl Ee eee Pera tae » 8POF TE TS FOL 9T A oe i A 3 NoT ELINT S €j ejs » TE-93 TSI clelt z Tell fl rb bel bbl a E8 eL 8Es" T6 BS ee a a Ba TILE (EEIE T Iei l a » Ori OF PP OTTI 0E AI 8'8 ews oe : PIPL TLE LSS AICi PIE een a oe! » Verse 297 SPT I A eas eee I TELE ET E SALICE TAEA » 6S-FP £g OL 0E OF III gor izi = mamrna naa er o LOZ" v6 ze er : LECEEPELCIS Syl rere ne a n: 36-76 VS TE 661 FP II 6z Ss Sk (ake lelelelefellelrlelslgl-lelpig) . ezz T6 -a : Thea ite lee eg OFT o'g reike i ar edeler elie] ssp ge 9 9 g6 ze I om) s}aeu sjuemeg | syuemBag | Fé | S| 6c SI | oI de ue: 6) 8i/L/9191F ZITO uorwaaasqO Ta ory cane oe Basin io at etl don JO popoq (9384099 suo M | STUTO M ey : Bret youg 8} PZ J3 Sox S[VNPTATpUy Jo səquny “d | JOON | J °ON | 50 -oN | Jo “ON Il Wiavib a No. 584] REGENERATION IN ENCHYTRAEUS 499 tween the two observations, so that the total number of observations recorded in any one set of experiments may be larger than the number of worms observed in the same set. The results of these experiments are summarized in the graph shown in Fig. 1, where the rates of regeneration per day (expressed in hundredths of the length of one segment) are measured on the axis of ordinates (Y), and the length (in number of segments) of the pieces that produced the regenerated parts, are measured on the axis of abscisse (X). Since sixty is about the average num- ber of segments in this species, that is the value which has been used in plotting the curve. A mathematical analysis of the rates of regeneration at the different levels shows that the difference in the mean rates of regenera- tion at any two successive levels is significant. But the temperature of the worms was not carefully controlled, and the periods during which the wounds were healing and the worms preparing to form new segments were in- cluded in the computation of the mean rates of regenera- tion. Therefore, the ratio between the rates of regenera- tion, as here computed, at any two of the six levels only approximates the ratio which would have been obtained between the rates at these two levels by subjecting all the worms to the same temperature conditions and by using in the computation of the mean rates of regeneration only the periods during which the segments were being formed. The curve suggests, however, that the rate of regenera- tion for the posterior half of the body is proportional, or nearly so, to the number of segments removed. Anterior to the twentieth segment the rate of regeneration de- creases. May we not have here a curve depending on two opposing sets of factors; one which tends to increase the rate of regeneration as more segments are removed, the other to decrease the rate? In the latter set of factors the amount of available building material may be the most important element. 500 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLIX The worms seemed to regenerate equally well in a frei water or in a salt-water environment. Thirty-one of the one hundred and sixty surviving worms lived for about forty days in a fresh-water environment and regenerated. Twenty-six worms from which the sixteen posterior seg- 8 i6 2 30 44 52 Fic, 1. Curve showing the daily seme of pon Bae by pieces of six dif- ferent lengths. The unit selected to measure the mean rate of regeneration at each of the six levels was 1/100 of a catia ent, nent that oh to measure nse lengths of the pieces which produced the regenerated segments was one segment ent (on axis Y) was the same as that chosen = EE one segment (axis of X) of the pieces mea nth yp reniawnee par ments had been removed, and twenty-six others from which the posterior half had been removed, regenerated almost contemporaneously for about thirty days in the same ice chest, and in a salt-water environment. Later in the season in a different ice chest eighteen worms from which the sixteen posterior segments had been removed, and thirteen from which the posterior halves had been re- moved, regenerated contemporaneously for about forty days in a fresh-water environment. When the sixteen posterior segments were removed the rate of regeneration in the salt-water environment was 0.02 segments per day less than in the fresh-water environment, while when the posterior halves were removed the rate of regeneration in the salt-water was 0.07 segments per day greater than in No. 584] REGENERATION IN ENCHYTRAUS 501 the fresh-water surroundings. These facts show that the worms regenerate in both fresh and salt water. This is not surprising, since individuals of this species are normally found both on the seashore, where they live in a salt-water environment, and also in earth moistened with fresh water. Furthermore, with the exception of the sa- Fic. 2, Camera lucida iawii of the posterior end of a normal worm. Magni- fied 17 diameters. Fig, 3. Camera lucida drawing pags the pe regenerated posterior a ho a worm, The region posterior to X is regenerated gnified 17 diam Fie. 4. Sketch of a Aa double tail, pero about 17 pagia EA linity of the water used to moisten the worms, the worms which regenerated in the fresh-water surroundings were probably subjected to about the same conditions as those which regenerated in the salt-water. Therefore, the sa- linity of the water in the environment does not seem to affect the rate of regeneration. The data used in plotting 502 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX the curve shown in Fig. 1 were secured from worms which regenerated in the fresh-water, as well as from those which regenerated in the salt-water, environment. The above observations make it seem probable, therefore, that. the form of the curve does not differ fundamentally from the form which it would have had if all the worms had regenerated in salt-water surroundings. In. Fig. 2 is shown the normal appearance of the ven- tral aspect of the posterior end of a worm in which there has been no regeneration. It will be noticed that the length of the segments gradually decreases toward the posterior end; but in Fig. 3, which is a camera lucida. drawing of the posterior portion of one of the regen- erated worms, the length of the segments decreases ab- ruptly at the point X, showing that to be the point at which the tail was removed. Three worms from which eight posterior segments were removed regenerated double tails. Morgan (’97) and Michel (’98) observed the same phenomena in Allolobo- phora fetida. One of these worms is shown in Fig. 4. Some attempts were made to determine the rate of regeneration anteriorly at different levels on the worm’s body. At present all that can be said is that regeneration posteriorly takes place much more frequently and rapidly than anteriorly. The conclusions that follow from these experiments are: 1. Enchytreus albidus regenerates posteriorly when cut off at any level between eight segments from the pos- terior end of the body and eight segments from the an- terior end. It will be noticed that although the mortality in pieces containing only the eight most anterior segments. was about 94 per cent., yet those that did survive regen- erated from three to eleven (on the average seven) seg- ments. In other words, a piece from the extreme anterior end, containing only one eighth the number of segments. in the whole worm, can regenerate nearly as many seg- ments, on the average, as it had at the beginning of the experiment. Morgan (’97) found that in Allolobophora: No. 584] REGENERATION IN ENCHYTRZUS 503 fetida anterior pieces of less than thirteen segments rarely, if ever, regenerate posteriorly. In Enchytreus the anterior limit of the capacity to regenerate posteriorly was not found. 2. The rate of regeneration seems to increase from the posterior end of the worm up to its middle almost in di- rect proportion to the number of segments removed. An- terior to about the twentieth segment the rate decreases. 3. Regeneration can take place either in a fresh-water or in a salt-water environment. Also, the salinity of the water seems to have little or no effect upon the rate of regeneration. 4. Double tails can be regenerated when the eight most posterior segments are removed. 5. Regeneration posteriorly takes place more readily than it does anteriorly. I am indebted to Professor C. B. Davenport for pro- posing the problem and for making many helpful sugges- tions. I also wish to express my gratitude to Professor E. L. Mark and to Professor H. W. Rand for corrections and suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript. REFERENCES CITED Michel, A. 1898. Recherches sur la Régénération chez les Annélides. Bull. sci. France et Belgique, Tome 31, pp. 245-420, pl. 13-19. Morgan, T. H. 1897. Regeneration in Allolobophora fetida, means = Entwick- lungsmechanik, Bd. 5, Heft 3, pp. 570-586, Nusbaum, 1902. Veber ks morphologischen Vorgänge bei der Regeneration des lich abgetragenen hinteren Körperabschnittes bei Enchy- seo Arch. polonaises Sci, biolog. et med., Tome 1, pp, 292-347, (Cited from Zoologischer Jahresbericht, 1902.) Pre- preii account in Biologisches Centralblatt, 1902, Bd. 22, pp. —298. 1904. Veber ni Regeneration des Vordertheiles si D körpers nach einem künstlichen Operation. lonaises 8. Diolog. e t Med., Tome 2, pp, 233-258. ovis frum Zoolo- gischer Jahresbericht, 1904.) THE ORIGIN OF BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES: Proressor A. C. EYCLESHYMER DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Many attempts have been made to determine how early in development the vertebrate egg becomes bilaterally symmetrical. The conclusions have been as varied as the attempts. Before the subject can be discussed it is necessary to consider two fundamental propositions. The first is that there exists an active pole in the egg, and the second is that the anterior end of the embryo develops in this region, or at least in the active hemisphere. The active pole is indicated at an early period by cer- tain phenomena, such as secretory activity, accelerated yolk metabolism, formation of pigment, position of nucleus, expulsion of polar bodies, ete. Hatschek says that ‘‘it is probable that a polar differentiation is present in the unfertilized ova of all the metazoa, through which the most active and least active poles can be determined.’’ Whether or not Hatschek’s statement be true, it is certain that if the area in which cleavage grooves first appear be traced backward a differentiation in this area can be found in a very early stage. We are thus enabled to speak of an active pole and an opposite inactive pole. A line passing through the two is designated as the primary ovic axis. That the active pole or hemisphere gives rise to the embryo was first pointed out by Jan. Swammerdam in his ‘‘Bibel der Natur.’’ This view was later supported by Prevost and Dumas, von Baer, Reichert, Cramer, New- port and others. Pfliiger, however, believed that the greater portion of the embryo was formed from the in- active hemisphere and his view was supported by Roux, O. Hertwig and others. Most of the later investigators 1 With observations by C. O. Whitman on Bufo. 504 No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 505 including Morgan and Tsuda, Assheton, H. V. Wilson, King, Smith and others have generally agreed that the head end of the embryo forms from the active hemi- sphere and the caudal portion from the inactive. My own experiments on a considerable number of Amphibia have led to the conclusion that the head of the embryo forms from material which lies at, or near, the active pole of theegg. It thus seems fair to assume that the cephalic portion of the embryo is formed from the active hemi- sphere. As stated there have been many attempts to deter- mine how early in development the egg shows bilateral symmetry. Some claim bilateralism for the primitive ovum. Others hold that this condition is not present from the first, but originates at some later period. This period may precede or follow the deposition of the egg. Those who regard the egg as bilaterally symmetrical before deposition claim that this is manifested either through an excentric position of the egg nucleus, or an excentric pigmentation. Those who regard it as fixed after deposition are not in accord. By some the path of the spermatozoon is considered as the determining factor, by others the first or second cleavage groove, and by still others areas of accelerated segmentation. The assumption that the egg is bilaterally symmetrical from the beginning is based upon nothing more than plausible hypothesis and naturally falls beyond the range of experimental proo Some (Schultze) hold that the excentric position of the egg nucleus together with the primary ovic axis deter- mine bilaterality. The work by Roux, Jordan and others, shows that this is highly improbable. Others (Roux, Morgan and Tsuda) maintain that the excentric arrangement of pigment enables one to deter- mine bilaterality. Professor Whitman’s observations which are recorded in a later paragraph, together with his drawings, indicate that the arrangement of the pig- ment is of significance in Bufo. The observations of Moskowski on Rana, Morgan’s later observations on 506 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou, XLIX Bufo, together with my own on Amblystoma, have thrown doubt upon this conclusion. Still others (Newport, Roux) believe that the path of the entering spermatozoon and the primary ovic axis determine bilaterality. Jordan has shown that this view is untenable for Diemyctylus. Professor Whitman’s ob- servations, recorded in a later paragraph, show that this is not true in Bufo. Thus each of these assumptions has been met by serious objections. The idea that the first plane of cleavage determines the axis of the embryo was expressed as early as 1853 by Newport in the following words: I have long been aware that the axis of the embryo was in the line of the first cleft of the yolk. From a series of experiments on the frog’s egg Roux came to the conclusion that the first cleavage plane coin- cides with the median sagittal plane of the embryo. In the same year Pfliiger reached the same conclusion. Sup- ported by these eminent investigators the theory was very generally accepted. In working over the same field Rauber found that in the axolotl and frog the median plane of the embryo coincided with the second cleavage groove instead of the first. Shortly after the publica- tion of Rauber’s work, O. Hertwig working on the egg of Triton confirmed the observations of Rauber. In 1892 Roux modified his earlier view and stated that the second groove as well as the first often coincided with the median plane of the embryo. ; In the following April the writer found from a series of puncture experiments on the egg of Amblystoma that exovates on opposite sides of the first cleavage groove were later found on one side of the embryo. The conclu- sion was that in these cases the first cleavage groove did not separate the right and left halves of the embryo. In 1893 Jordan and the writer reviewed the experi- ments up to this date. We found that even in the de- scriptions and figures given by Newport, Roux, Rauber, there was evidence sufficient to show that the median No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 507 plane of the embryo often deviated widely from the first or second cleavage planes. We accordingly undertook ansextended series of observations on the living segment- ing eggs of Amblystoma, Diemyctylus, Rana and Bufo. Our conclusions were as follows: The first and second cleavage planes undergo, even in the earlier stages, extensive torsion. Everything indicates that the extent of this shifting increases greatly in later stages. This led us to conclude that the earlier cleavage planes and the embryonie axes have no vital con- nection and that the coincidence where it exists is of no fundamental significance. The later observations by Grönroos, v. Ebner, Morgan and Tsuda, Kopsch and others have likewise emphasized the significance of these variations. It is scarcely necessary to state that if these cleavage planes mark embryonic areas, the amount of material set apart in different eggs for similar parts of their re- spective embryos, must be exceedingly variable, and these excesses and deficiencies must be corrected by a corre- sponding retarded or accelerated growth until the norm is reached, but there is not the slightest evidence that such corrections occur. These wide variations have been repeatedly observed not only in various amphibia but also in practically all classes of vertebrates: in Amphioxus by Wilson; in Petromyson by McClure, Kupffer, Eycleshymer; in Dip- noans by Semon; in Ganoids by Salensky, Dean, Whit- man and Eycleshymer; in Teleosts by Coste, Hoffmann, His, Agassiz and Whitman, Kingsley and Conn, Clapp, Sobotta and others; in Reptiles by Agassiz and Clark, Oppel, Sarasin; in Aves by Coste, Koelliker, Kionka ; in Mammals by Duval, v. Beneden, Assheton, Sobotta and many others. The inevitable conclusion from such a mass of evi- dence can not be other than that neither the position or direction of cleavage grooves has the slightest signifi- cance as far as the setting apart of definite embryonic areas is concerned. If then it may be considered an established fact that 508 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX neither the position nor the direction of the cleavage grooves enables one to predict the long axis of the em- bryo, we are naturally led to look for other phenemena which may be of significance. As stated in an earlier paragraph my experiments showed that the head end of the embryo is formed at, or very near, the active pole, and since this area is the one in which cell division is most rapid, it was concluded that the anterior end of the embryo, which is the first to differentiate, was indicated by this increased cellular activity. I accordingly stated that an area of increased cellular activity indicates the position of the head end of the embryo. As is well known, this area can be located with the advent of the first cleavage groove. While the head end of the embryo may thus be readily located, the median plane of the body may lie in any one of an indefinite number of meridians. The question which now arises is which one of these meridians will represent the median plane of the future embryo. The writer’s studies on Rana, Bufo, Acris, Ambly- stoma, Necturus have shown that in another portion of the egg there is an area of smaller cells, and that this area of smaller cells always marked the region of the forthcoming blastopore. The blastopore in turn defi- nitely fixes the posterior portion of the embryo. With the recognition of these areas of accelerated cel- lular activity, the one at the active pole, indicating the position of the future head of the embryo, the other at the side of the egg, indicating the position of the forth- coming blastopore, it necessarily follows that the median plane of the embryo must coincide with a line passing through the centers of the two. When these observations were first published in 1898, many questioned the existence of such a secondary area of cellular activity. Yet a search through the literature showed that such an area had been observed in many groups of vertebrates. Lwoff found such an area at the posterior end of the embryo of Amphioxus. The figures of the segmenting blastodises of Elasmobranchs, given No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 509 by Balfour, Riickert, Gerbe and Sobotta all show that in these forms such an area is present. In the Reptilia, Vay’s studies on Tropidonotus show that an area of small cells represents the posterior end of the embryo. v. Koelliker first called attention to such an area in the blastodise of the chick and suggested that it determines the position of the posterior end of the embryo. The later investigations of Duval and Kionka leave no doubt as to the frequent and probably constant appearance of this area in the locality which later becomes the posterior end of the embryo. In 1904 the writer made a study of the egg of Necturus, which from its size is especially favorable for surface study. This work was undertaken with a view of ascer- taining how early this secondary area could be located. It was found that as early as the fourth or fifth cleavage, the cells on one side began to divide more rapidly than any others, excepting those of the primary area. It was possible to predict in this form the median plane of the forthcoming embryo at an extremely early stage of cleavage. The following year de Bussy from his studies on the Japanese Cryptobranchus emphasized the fact that he could find no secondary area of accelerated cell division such as had been described by the present writer. Yet Smith working on the American Cryptobranchus says that he finds ‘‘an accelerated cell division about a radius ef the blastodise which gives a condition of bilateral sym- metry. The writer felt that it was scarcely necessary to follow the subject further and should not have rehearsed the findings had it not been that certain material came into his hands last year which bears directly upon this sub- ject. This material consists of unpublished descriptions and drawings made by the late Professor C. O. Whitman in June, 1894. These were turned over to me by the de- partment of zoology of the University of Chicago. Pro- fessor Whitman ’s notes run as follows: 510 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Hitherto we have obtained eggs the first week in June. This year we could find none until July 1. We had several night rains, enough to flood the low ground behind Breakwater Hotel. On the evening of June 30, the day after the rain fell copiously, the toads swarmed in this place, and had a carnival of noise; the whole place rang with so many voices as to be almost deafening. On the morning of July 1, we found a great many eggs. The following night the singing followed but much reduced, and only two pairs of toads were captured. The next night the water had gone except in one of the ditches and no toads were to be heard, and of course no eggs. It would seem that rains stimulate them to lay; and the lateness of the season may have been the reason that the egg-laying was confined almost entirely to a single night. The unfertilized eggs are by some said to be unoriented, that is they are said to be unable to take the normal position assumed by the fer- tilized egg. The sperm is supposed by some observers to mark the first plane of division and to give the egg the power to right itself. I find that it is not true that the eggs will lie just as they happen to fall, although they do so more nearly before fertilization than after it. I an egg be separated from the rest and turned about for some moments with needles, so as to loosen its adhesion to the membrane, and then rolled to one side so that the equator is vertical, one observes that it slowly turns and in the course of a minute, or sooner, it takes the normal position with the blacker pole uppermost and the whiter show- ing a little on one side, when viewed from above. This was repeated several times and on several eggs with the same result. The motion is so slow that one does not notice it until after the lapse of some seconds. I cannot affirm that all unfertilized eggs will right themselves; ordi- narily they do not if left to themselves. They assume an irregular wrinkled appearance and have so little power of righting that they stick to the membrane enough to prevent it. When fertilized they contract and round up and get freedom of space to move in, The entrance of the sperm evidently increases the disproportions between the weights of the upper and lower pole. The upper pole becomes lighter and the egg rights itself more readily and quickly. The orientation of the egg is complete before fertilization. e eggs which are in the stage of first cleavage there is a small depression which I have found by examination of earlier stages is the “fovea germinativa” of Max Schultze, or the “fosette germinative ” of Bambeke. I find further after fertilization, a second point or de- pression, which probably is the place of penetration of the spermato- zoon. The fovea marks the upper pole, but is not placed at the middle of the upper hemisphere; it is excentric. I followed two eggs which showed both the fovea and the spermatic dent. In neither did the first cleavage plane pass through this dent. In one case it passed far from it while the second cleavage passed near to it. In another ease the dent is in the middle of one of the first four No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 511 cells, and on the darker side of the upper hemisphere. If this be the sperm track it does not determine the median plane of the embryo. CLEAVAGE The eggs were obtained in the two-cell and four-cell stages. At this time the pigment is excentric, falling a little short of the equator on the one side and a little beyond it on the opposite. [The notes nowhere state that the antero-posterior direction of the embryo is indicated by the distribution of pigment, yet I think an examination of the figures ean not fail to convince all that their interpretation can not be other- wise.—A. C. E.] When the first cleavage groove runs in the plane «f symmetry the second cleavage grooves are at right angles and appear at about the same time in both halves as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. When | the first cleavage groove is transverse to the plane of symmetry the second cleavage grooves do not appear at the same time, but the one 1 upper ais on the blastoporie (posterior) side, but leaves considerable below the upper cells on the opposite (anterior) side. e secon equatorial usually cuts off all the pigmented cells on the anterior side of the egg and non-pigmented cells on the posterior (blastoporic) side. The blastomeres on the posterior (blastoporic) side are smaller than on the anterior side, from the very first. It is the blastoporie side that takes the lead in division and the cells are smaller here all the way up to the time when the blastopore appears. It is thus obvious that the findings by Professor Whit- man not only lend confirmation to my observations on bilaterality, but that they in reality anticipate them. It may be said with added confidence that bilaterality in the vertebrate egg is revealed through the early cleav- age grooves. The cephalic portion of the embryo is in- dicated by the area in which cleavage grooves first appear and in which cellular division is most rapid. The caudal portion is indicated by a secondary area of cellular activ- ity in the blastoporic region. These two areas pass into each other constituting an embryonic tract. In addition to the above observations, Professor Whit- man’s manuscript and drawings give the results of a series of puncture experiments in the blastoporie lip. Since these observations have an important bearing on the question of epiboly, emboly and concrescence, they are appended, 512 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou, XLIX ha &9 9 dg No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 513 EXPERIMENTS On June 5, 1894, sixteen eggs in the thirty-two cell stage were punc- tured at the equator, in the middle of the white cells, as shown in Fig. 11. In twelve the blastopore appeared near the puncture as shown in the accompanying cut. The extraovates were found in the positions shown in A, 1-12, at 10:00 a.m. the next morning. The variations in positions are doubtless due to my punctures falling at different points, sometimes hitting as in Fig. 12, at other times in the very edge of the pigment. In the four remaining eggs two showed no extraovate and two showed no blastopore. On June 4, 1894, pricked egg B at middle of lower pole, soon after the blastopore was sharply marked on the side of the embryo. Ven- trally this outline was not clearly marked. At 4:30 this blastopore was outlined all around and nearly circular or about 1% diameter observed at 3:00. At 6:30 the blastopore was far advanced and nearly circular. At 8:30 it was nearly closed. It will be noted that the extraovate re- mained central throughout. Another egg C was punctured in the ventral edge of the blastoporie rim, and the extraovate was carried along by the closing blastopore. I ought to have made two punctures, one in the middle as well, so that this approach could have been seen. However, my notes show that the blastopore advanced evenly. In this case the extraovate is carried point, approached by the blastopore from the opposite side. June I pricked a number of eggs in the early cleavage stages (8-64 cells) at lower pole. In most of these eggs the extraovates were found after two to three hours to lie at or near the equator of the egg. This was long before the appearance of the blastopore. The extra- ovate has evidently moved and if one should leave the egg until the blastopore appeared and then look at it, it might be found at the middle of the body; and thus it might appear as if the embryo had lengthened across the lower pole (Roux). Sometimes extraovates have moved and the punctures healed. 514 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 515 EXPLANATION OF PLATES Since no explanation of the figures could be found other than those included in the preceding pages, I have endeavored to give an explanation in accord with the text. It should be remembered however that the figures may be open to other interpretations than those pre- sented. The figures show the distribution of pigment and the relation of the embryo and the cleavage planes to the pigment. It will be noted that the eggs when viewed from above show a lighter area or crescent on one side. This excentric position of the pigment is like: wise well shown in profile. The arrows in all cases show the direction of the forthcoming embryo. Shows the upper hemisphere of an egg in which e embryonic axis is indicated by a line passing through the centers of the noe erescent and the e deeply pigmented area. In this case the first cleavage plane (I) passed at right angles to the embryonic axis. It is of interest to pbk that the second cleavage (II) has appeared in that portion of the egg nearest the og y crescent and prera Agere it coincides with the median plane of sha mbry' Fig. 2. Sho profile view of an egg in which the first cleavage s with tie recog piane rae the embryo while the second is at right angles to the sam loss to understand the extent of the arrow in this and the MEER a pineg views. It may be ea bata Ww hitman intended thus to indicate the limits hee the embryonic Fic. 3. Shows the upper ae ct an egg in the four cell stage. In this case ae median plane of the forthcoming embryo coincides with the first cleava i s the upper hemisphere of an egg consisting of eight cells. It is fi be noted that the formation of the first equatorial sharply ego cer the prs shies our vege stag of the egg on the one side but not on the opposite In t case the median plane of the embryo cotachiak with either the groove. 1G. 5. Represents the profile view of either the same egg or another egg in the same stage. In this case the differences in the distribution of the pigment are again shown. Fic. 6. Shows the upper hemisphere of an egg in koria TE the sa nor the second cleavage grooves coincide with the median Fie. 7. Shows the upper hemisphere of an egg at a Se when ot scare cleavage grooves are present. It is impossible to say whether the median T of the embryo coincides with either the first or the second cleavages. pearance of the cleavage grooves leads me to infer that the direction res 68 arrow is parallel with either the first or pt second, Fic. 8. Represents a profile view Aui api the same egg or another egg in the Fig. 9. agga the a hemisphere of another egg in which the fourth cleavage grooves are present. In egg the median plane of the embryo coincides with bee eg or second Psa groove. 516 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX No. 584] BILATERALITY IN VERTEBRATES 517 Fic. 10. Shows the upper hemisphere of an egg in a later stage of cleav- age. It should be noted that the lines representing the primary grooves are entirely pra by a “ee of the blastomeres. Fie epresents a profile view of the same (?) egg, viewed from the e on wh i the blastopore is forthcoming. The small crossed lines represent the localities in which Professor Whitman punct the of this stage. nts a profile of the opposite side of the same (? the u hemisphere of an eg a later stage of cleav- age. It should again be glee that it would be impossible to two grooves it must be setae irregular. Fic. 14. Represents a profile view of the same (?) egg viewed from the side in which the blastopore will por appear. On this side cell division is decidedly in advance of the opposite Fig. Represents a profile view Ne "the opposite side of the same (?) egg. 10. 1 Represents a profile view = an Pea in roy segmentation. The side ph Niak the Trea will appear indicated not only = the dis- Oe ae x pigment but also by a ESE paaien in cell divisi b Neurite a gana view of an egg at the time when ane pE SE appears. on figure shows that it appears on the side of the egg which is least pigmen SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSIONS THE TORTOISESHELL CAT In The Journal of Genetics (June, 1913), Doncaster has sum- marized genetic data dealing with the tortoiseshell cat. The records are collected from fancy breeders and from the work of Dr. C. C. Little Aside from certain disputed points the inheritance is in ac- cordance with simple sex-linkage and is analogous to the human defeects—color-blindness, night-blindness, nystagmus, and hemo- philia, and to the thirty or more sex-linked factors of Drosophila. If the factor for yellow be represented by Y and its allelo- morph, the factor for black, by B, the lack of either by b, the sex factor by X, and the allelomorph of X by x, the normal zygotic possibilities are as follows: YX—bx=—yellow male. BX —bx=black male. YX—YX=yellow female. BX— BX = black female. YX—BX-=tortoiseshell female. It is obvious then that there can be but two classes of males, while there are three classes of females. Difficulties arise when it is attempted to explain the occurrence of black females pro- duced either by the mating of a black female to a yellow male which should give only tortoiseshell females and black males. or by the mating of a tortoiseshell female to a yellow male, which should give only tortoiseshell and yellow females and black and yellow males. The occurrence of the rare tortoiseshell male is also the cause of considerable difficulty. In one mating out of seventeen of yellow females to yellow males there were produced three tortoiseshell females. There are recorded in addition from the seventeen matings forty yellow females and forty-eight yellow males which are in agreement with expectation. In order to explain these discrepancies it is suggested that possibly the linkage of Y with X is not absolute. Yellow males may then produce gametes bX and Yx in addition to the normal or more frequent gametes YX and bx. Gamete bX is female determining, while gamete Yx is male determining and yellow bearing. The latter gamete should produce a tortoiseshell male when it meets an egg BX. On this hypothesis we should expect the tortoiseshell males to be as frequent as the anomalous black females from yellow fathers. From the matings recorded there are eighteen anoma- lous black females and only three tortoiseshell males, and one of these tortoiseshell males had a black father. There is a fur- 518 No. 584] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSIONS 519 ther objection to this hypothesis inasmuch as it is not explained how gamete bX differs from BX. Doncaster admits these diff- culties, stating that further work is necessary before a definite conclusion can be reached. In a more recent paper! Doncaster has suggested non-disjunc- tion of the sex-chromosomes in oogenesis as a possible explana- tion. This explains the matroclinous black females, but fails to account for the lack of an equal number of patroclinous yellow males. It also fails to account for the tortoiseshell male and the occurrence of tortoiseshell females among the offspring of yellow by yellow. In a series of experiments begun upon cats at the University of Pennsylvania during the last year, the tortoiseshell problem has been especially investigated. A yellow Persian male was crossed with common cats—black, maltese and tabby. The re- sults, although not at present extensive, are sufficient to explain, at least in part, the anomalies observed, and to suggest a simple explanation for the occurrence of unexpected classes. When the yellow male was crossed with a maltese female, a maltese male and two blue and cream females were produced. The blue and cream is the maltese or dilute tortoiseshell. When mated to a black female the yellow male produced both dark and dilute kittens. This shows that the black female was hetero- zygous for dilution. Two of the males were black and two mal- tese. The two females were dark tortoiseshell. When the yel- low male was crossed with a dark tabby, there were produced dark and light tabbies and maltese. Blacks are also to be ex- pected from this mating. The mother is evidently hybrid be- tween tabby and black and between black and maltese. The female offspring showed yellow: the male offspring were without yellow except for tabby striping. The female offspring obtained from these matings may be ar- ranged in a series, ranging from one that is predominantly yellow to one that is maltese except for a few cream-colored hairs, The maltese with a few cream hairs occurred in the litter of three above mentioned, which included also a maltese male and a maltese female with a small cream patch. It may be readily understood how a maltese cat with a few cream hairs or its intense form, a black cat with a few yellow hairs, would be recorded as maltese or black, and it is reasonable to suppose that further segregation of distribution factors in the direction of black would have produced a fully black female. This may 1 Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, February, 1914. 520 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX be compared with conditions in the guinea-pig in which yellow spotting is continuous with total black. The essential differ- ences are that in the cat we have a factor for yellow allelomor- phic to a factor for black, that these allelomorphs are sex-linked, and that either alone is sufficient to produce its expected color, but that when one is balanced against the other, as in the tortoise- shell female, other factors governing the relative amounts of the two colors can act and produce continuous variation from yellow to black. The three tortoiseshell females from the mating of yellow by yellow may be explained by supposing that the mother was gametically a tortoiseshell plus a sum of yellow extension factors and minus a sum of black extension factors. The occurrence of the tabby factor brings in a restriction of the black pigmentation producing yellow stripes. It is there- fore much more difficult to distinguish a tabby from a tabby- tortoiseshell than a black from a tortoiseshell. We have had a few tabby-tortoiseshells that would have been recorded as tab- bies if close examination had not been made. Another source of error in records involving the tortoiseshell pattern may be introduced by the occurrence of white spots. Doneaster makes no mention of these in his paper, so that it is possible that they did not occur in the animals recorded. In what is genetically a tortoiseshell and white cat the incidence of the white spotting may happen to be at just those points which would otherwise be yellow. Thus the occurrence of black and white daughters from yellow males may be explained. It is possible also that the yellow mother of the three tortoiseshell kittens recorded from the mating of yellow by yellow may have been white at points which, if pigmented, would have been black. She would then have been genetically a tortoiseshell and white and some tortoiseshell kittens would have been expected. I would suggest as a plausible hypothesis that the rare tor- toiseshell male is genetically a yellow with an extreme of black extension factors or a black with an extreme of yellow extension factors. This hypothesis is rendered more probable by some slight evidence showing that male tortoiseshells breed like yellows. There is then no need for assuming in the cat either breaks in sex-linkage or non-disjunction of the sex chromosomes in oogenesis. PHINEAS W. WHITING UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA The American Naturalist intended for EREN and books, etc., intended for review should be MSS. sent go agen of THE AMERICAN oo RAL articles containing summ IST, Garrison-on-Hud dson, New York. aries of research work bearing on the problems of oe evolution are especially welcome, and will be given preference in — red reprints of nia a are supplied to authors free of charge. oe Further p arai will be supplied at c Subscription s and adv sarina eero be sent to the publishers. subscription price is four dollars a anadian postage twenty-five a yea cents oiditional. The oreign postage e is fifty cents and The c a for single copies is forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a pa THE SCIENCE PRESS Lancaster, Pa. Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as second-class matter, cae 2, 1908, at the Post pa at Lancaster, Pa., under the Aet ot ongress of March 3 FOR SALE ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND BIRDS’ SKIN Well dees Low Prices articulars of G. DINESEN, Bird Collecto Husavik, North Iceland, Via Leidle, England JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY plore erfeot Condition and Lowest Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, Entom fesse Marine Animals and others. Catalogue free, Correspond- ence solici T. FUKAI, soo dapsone Japan ATES WANTED BIRDS OF AMERICA by J. J. Audubon, 7 volumes, please report cash price, stating condition, binding and dates of volumes. F. C. HARRIS, Box 2244 Boston, Massachusetts The University of Chicago ers instruction e Su met E a þasis aal cade yan a ers of the ce Summer Quarter, 1915 sc gone a ar mele Detailed announcements will gi sent upon application. Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. — for research in gaiki E INSTRUCTION © July—August SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Open the Entire Year GEO. M. GRAY, Curator, Woods Hole, Mass The annual announcement will be snt on npplioation 1 The Director, Marine Biological Woods Mazs- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. X LIX. September, 1915 No. 585 A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY, AS DEVELOPED IN THE GENERA AND FAMILIES OF RECENT CRINOIDS AUSTIN H. CLARK PHOLSCG yok os coh tenes Me Cae oe es a he ee fe eH a os ws 521 The Different Types of as AMOS 6 9 wae tarse INESS sc : 523 The Asymmetrical Crinoids ..........-+. 22 esseenes WE D Se ee 524 The Phylogenetic iisa of Moy tishatty elie pepe mec ea Vee oe 526 The Geographical Distribution of Asymmetry ....................-- 527 Bathymetrical Distribution of the Asymmetrical Crinoids ............ 530 Thermal Distribution of the Asymmetrical Crinoids ................. 535 The Asymmetrical Features in Detail ..... 250.202. secs ces cces sae 538 Jamar a eee BN eRe EA a Eh Sp i ew NA 546 PREFACE In the animal kingdom there are few, if any, forms which can be properly described as perfectly symmetrical, either from a bilateral or a radial standard. We have, however, become accustomed to refer to many types as “asymmetrical.” In the sense in which we employ this word we do not intend to convey the meaning that these types alone of their respective classes depart from true bilateral or radial symmetry, but rather to indicate that they exhibit more asymmetry than the maximum contem- plated in our generalized concept of, or arbitrary stand- ard for, those classes. Thus we readily recognize and confess the asymmetry in the skull of the narwhal (Monodon) with its single greatly elongated and twisted incisor, and the asymmetry in the bones in the skull of the whales, while at the same time we commonly consider man to be symmetrical, though careful measurement shows the right arm and 521 522 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vot. XLIX hand to be larger than the left, and the left leg and foot to be larger than the right. It is clear, therefore, that in dealing with asymmetry in any group we must work inward from the most asymmet- rical types toward the least asymmetrical, arbitrarily erecting a barrier between what we call asymmetry and what we are pleased to consider as ‘‘symmetry’’ at any point we choose. Asymmetry—that is to say the maximum departure from perfect bilateral or radial symmetry—appears to follow certain definite lines wherever it appears, quite regardless of the type of animal, or the form, in which it is manifested. In the following pages we shall consider the wider variations from the typical pentamerous symmetry among the recent crinoids, which is phylogenetically most exten- sively developed at the consummation of the phylogenetic lines, and physico-economically most extensively devel- oped in the situations most unsuited to crinoidal exist- ence, particularly in the very warm water of the Hast Indian and north Australian littoral, and the very cold water of the Antarctic regions and the deep abysses of the oceans, and is least evident among phylogenetically con- servative types, and in the situations which appear to be best suited for crinoid life. As an indication of the possible fundamental impor- . tance of the light thrown on the study of asymmetry by an examination of the data offered by the recent crinoids, it may be noticed and borne in mind that among the mam- mals the phylogenetically aberrant asymmetrical narwhal (Monodon) is exclusively arctic; the phylogenetically aberrant asymmetrical whales occupy a habitat very aber- rant for the class; and the anthropoid apes, which are pronouncedly right or left handed, live in very warm regions; that among the birds the curious crook-billed plover (Anarhynchus), with the beak twisted to the right and one side of the body lighter in color than the other, occurs only in New Zealand, the home of many phyloge- No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 523 netic oddities; the hornbill Rhinoplax, with an asymmet- rical tail, further peculiar in having a solid casque, an elongate central rectrix, and a naked patch on the back extending to the sides of the head, is found in the warm Malayan region; the crossbills (Loxia), with the tips of the mandibles crossed and a corresponding distortion in the bones of the head are all subarctic or cold temperate forms; and the owls with one ear greatly larger than the other, so far as has been determined are, like the cross- bills, birds of the colder regions; and that among the fishes and similar types the very asymmetrical Anableps lives in the warm tropical littoral, while the flatfishes (Pleuronectidæ) are chiefly developed in the warm trop- ical littoral, and in cold and shallow water, and the asym- metrical forms of ‘‘ Amphi ’? (using the term in its broadest sense) occur in warm and shallow water. Further it is interesting to recall that animals under domestication—that is, living under conditions which typically lead to a more or less degenerate diversity in form and color—commonly develop asymmetry of action which, though usually occurring in the form of individual variation, may become very marked as in the case of the Japanese waltzing mice, as well as pronounced, though irregular and sporadic, asymmetry in color pattern, denti- tion, and other features. More or less pronounced asymmetry undoubtedly exists in many types in which up to now it has been overlooked, and the conclusions reached in the present paper may be modified somewhat when a better knowledge of the sub- ject is attained; but on the other hand it is scarcely prob- able that many instances of marked asymmetry have es- caped the notice of naturalists. THE DIFFERENT Types or RINOIDAL ASYMMETRY In the great majority of the recent crinoids the body is almost perfectly pentamerous, being composed of five similar sectors. The presence of a small muscular cone in the posterior interradius, at the summit of which is 524 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the posterior opening of the spiral digestive tube, gives the only visible indication of a departure from true pen- tamerous symmetry. In certain types, however, a more or less marked devia- tion from the characteristic symmetry occurs. This devi- ation follows four different lines: 1. A rearrangement of the five primary groove trunks upon the disk whereby (a) the left posterior increases in size and gives off more branches than any of the others; (b) as a result of the anterior migration of the mouth, the two posterior become much longer and the anterior much shorter than the others and a condition of bilateral symmetry is attained; (c) correlated with the anterior migration of the mouth, all of the primary groove trunks become merged into a horse-shoe shaped ring which skirts the lateral and anterior borders of the disk, giving off branches to the arms, the mouth being in the right center of the ring so that the ambulacra on the left are more developed than those on the right, or the ambulacra leading to the left posterior arm disappearing altogether so that the ambulacra on the right are more developed than those on the left; 2. A dwarfing, or an overdevelopment, of the left poste- rior, more rarely of both, posterior radials with their post-radial series; 3. The intercalation of additional radials and post- radial series which alternate with the original five, and the associated dropping out of one of the five radials; and 4. The suppression of two of the primarily five basals. THE ASYMMETRICAL CRINOIDS In the following list are given all the families and genera of recent crinoids which include asymmetrical species. After the families the bathymetrical and thermal ranges are given, and after the genera the bathymetrical range. Certain families are represented in the warm littoral No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 525 water of the Malayan region and northern Australia, but the highest actual temperature record is considerably less than the temperature of this water; in these cases the temperature 80.5° is given after the gadertapied maximum as more nearly representing the true maximum. Of the nine families the four in which asymmetry is most markedly developed are marked with an asterisk (*); and of the twenty-seven genera the sixteen which include the most notably asymmetrical species are simi- larly distinguished. Depth (Fathoms) Temperature (F.) Capillaserings: 00s 0s a co a ie 0-830 44.5-78.5 (80.5) ETT he) Creo: BER MIRE AU EE ioe ERR E Marner 0-106 N pooma 2. SiS ks Ba 10-830 OOO WIECH oo ss 8 ee ee E 140-153 CODIR 64 a ae as 0-160 A I ic Ne OEE Oc PEER LS oS 0-194 CERRO Ste eas oa 100 LOONE OO Oe oe ee ee 42-163 Ean oa os oi ces es. a ee 0-288 62.0-71.9 (80.5) Comot cock ts ES a A 0-160 Damien: ian aa e 10 ONAN E E E EEE ee ee 0-288 COMA Se cr a can vee 262 “CRONIN SS e a ie eee a 0-140 52.3-80.0 (80.5) E AE A ic ahs cee eS 0-95 PCOMURTNOTUE © 6 orci oe es ere 0-83 COMONINRA GS, Se cae ec ees 2 POCORN oo a a 0-140 TROOP es ok en os 2-—1,600 28.7-60.5 ESA E RER I C E E S 10-222 28.7 FPentamotroiaide <... oee 103-1,800 33.5-60.6 WE RAmIOtOCHINEN Ooo. cas ce chen 861-1,800 VIN ons oo ak as oo eee 565-940 36.7-38.1 Nk TOMMOCTTNER oe ey ob en a ss 40 SCOTPOREOPOOTINUE o enana eed es 565 Bourgueticrinide aa Ca open bay ue ee 62-2,690 29.1—70.7 P RMNO ee ss CAs Bs he 77-1,300 32.2-48.7 RENOOTURNG oi os in Waka es Coens’ 687—2,419 37,4—40.0 *Rolopodido oae, «aed ee 5-120 71.0 ODER i E E oe Cie ees awake 5-120 "PF iedioerinide ... OS eG 266-2,575 31.1-43.9 "UGIOMIOONAUE -n.a oc Vs eee 392-782 "Pe Oerioe. ia Ca is es Ak 266-2,485 sf GNU cc Su Fis Soe a ee a 575 ,103 526 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX TEE PHYLOGENETIC DISTRIBUTION OF ASYMMETRY The phylogenetic distribution of the asymmetry among the recent crinoids is very interesting. Asymmetry is almost universal in the comatulid family Comasteridæ, which includes the most specialized of all recent forms; in this family the first and second types occur, though the latter is much less common. Asymmetry is characteristic of the genus Promacho- crinus, which is probably rightly considered as the most specialized genus in the subfamily Heliometrinæ, the largest and most universally distributed subfamily of the at present dominant family Antedonidæ; in the genus Promachocrinus the first and third types occur. Asymmetry is equally characteristic of the genus Thau- matocrinus, the most specialized genus of the family Pentametrocrinidæ; in this genus the third type is found. Asymmetry exists in all of the genera of the Plicato- crinidæ, which includes the last highly specialized expo- nents of the ancient order Inadunata, which flourished from the Ordovician to the Carboniferous, with one family extending into the Permian and Trias and another (the present family) appearing in the Jura; in the Plicato- crinidæ the first, second and fourth types occur in recent genera, while the third is also found in fossil genera. Asymmetry is characteristic of both of the recent gen- era of Apiocrinidæ, which are the most specialized genera in the family; in these the second type occurs. Asymmetry of the second type is characteristic of the only recent genus of the Holopodide. Asymmetry characterizes both of the species of Rhizo- crinus—which is at least as highly specialized as any of the genera of the Bourgueticrinide—existing in the pres- ent seas, and one of the species of Monachocrinus, a genus of which the exact phylogenetic position is uncertain, although it is probably on a par with Rhizocrinus; in these the third type occurs. In the following list the recent asymmetrical types are No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 527 given in the order of the extent of their departure from the normal pentamerous symmetry: Plicatocrinide: Asymmetry of Types 1, 2, (3) and 4. Comasteride : Asymmetry of Types 1 and 2. Promachoerinus: Asymmetry of Types 1 and 3. Apiocrinide Asymmetry of Type 2 Holopodide Asymmetry of Type 2 haumatocrinus Asymmetry of Type 3 Rhizocrinus Asymmetry of Type 3. Monachecrinus : Asymmetry of Type 3. The asymmetry of the Comasteride is considered more fundamental than that of Promachocrinus for the reason that it is characteristic of practically the entire family, and also because it results in a much greater degree of irregularity. It is interesting to note that asymmetry of Type 3 is not uncommon among the Comasteride, in the form of individual variation. The asymmetry of the Apiocrinide and Holopodide is considered more fundamental than that of the genus Thaumatocrinus for the reason that it affects the entire family, at the same time inducing a greater departure from the normal form. The asymmetry of Rhizocrinus is considered less funda- mental than that of Thawmatocrinus because, though affecting all of the species, exactly as in Thaumatocrinus, it is less extensively developed. The asymmetry of Monachocrinus affects only one of the seven species of the genus. Briefly stated, it appéars that, no matter in what form it may manifest itself, metameric asymmetry in the recent crinoids is an attribute of the most specialized types in the groups in which it occurs. From the conditions in the Plicatocrinide, the last remnants of the once abundant Inadunata, it would appear that asymmetry is an attribute of phylogenetically deca- dent types—types in which type senescence has so far ad- vanced as to inhibit the normal course of development. THE GrocrapHicaL DISTRIBUTION oF ASYMMETRY The geographical distribution of asymmetry is as inter- esting as the phylogenetical distribution. 528 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Although occurring everywhere except in the Arctic Ocean and in the Mediterranean, Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas, asymmetrical types are most frequent and most highly developed (1) in warm shallow water from southern Japan southward throughout the Malay Archi- pelago to northern Australia and westward to Ceylon, and (2) in the Antarctic and in the cold abysses. Though present among species inhabiting the west Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil, and characteristic of many forms living at intermediate depths in the west- ern Pacific and in the Indian Oceans, in these it is never more than slightly developed, even though they be very closely related to types in which it is, in other situations, carried to an extreme. Depth (Fath Number of Number of ati gr va une re Torrens Asymmetrical Genera | Symmetrical Genera | ‘or = eT mara 0-50 16 50 32% 100 15 53 100-150 13 51 25 150-200 10 44 22 200-250 5 39 13 250-300 5 34 14 300-350 3 30 10 350—4 4 32 12 400-45! 5 29 17 450-500 5 27 18 500-550 5 26 | 19 550-600 6 26 23 5 26 19 650-700 6 22 27 700-750 6 22 27 750-800 6 18 33 800-850 5 18 28 850- 4 18 22 5 19 26 950-1,000 5 1 31 1,000-1,100 5 16 31 1,100-1,200 5 12 41 1,200-1,300 5 9 55 1,300-1,400 4 9 44 1,400-1,500 4 7 57 1,500-1,600 4 7 57 1,600-1,700 5 3 166 1,700-1,800 5 3 166 1,800-1,900 4 3 133 1,900-2,000 4 3 133 2,000-2,500 4 3 133 2,500-3,000 1 3 33 In short, though almost universal, occurring every- Genera with and without Asymmetrical Spe- with very Asymmetrical and without As metrical Species at Different Depths (===), Genera with Depth, ym- of and the Decrease in the Number expressed in Percentages of the Total Number (- - - -). ), Fic. 1. The Relation between the cies at Different Depths ( 5380 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX where except in inland seas, asymmetry is especially developed in the warm waters of the eastern tropics, par- ticularly in the Malayan region and in northern Australia, and in the Antarctic and the cold abysses. BATHYMETRICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ASYMMETRICAL CRINOIDS The number of genera of recent crinoids including asymmetrical species, the number of genera including | Number of | Per Cent. of the Depth (Fathoms) Asymumetrical Genera | , Number of | Latter ——— Which Are Marked * | 5 bs | by the Former 0-5 7 50 | 14.0 50-100 7 53 | 13.2 100-1; 5 51 | 9.8 150-200 3 44 6.8 200-250 2 39 5.1 250-300 2 34 5.8 300-350 2 30 6.6 350-400 4 32 12.5 400-450 4 29 13.8 450-500 4 27 14.8 500-550 4 26 15.4 550-600 5 26 19.2 600-650 | 4 26 15.4 650-700 | 4 22 18.1 700-750 | 4 22 18.1 50-8 | 4 18 22.2 00- 3 18 16.6 850-900 3 18 16.6 900-950 4 19 21.0 950-1,000 4 16 25.0 1,000-1,100 4 16 25.0 1,100-1,200 4 12 33.3 1,200-1,300 4 : 9 44.4 1,300-1,400 3 9 33.3 1,400-1,500 3 ff 42.8 500-1, 3 7 42.8 ,600-1, 4 3 133.3 1,700-1,800 4 3 133.3 1,800-1,900 3 3 100.0 1,900-2,000 4 3 100.0 2,000-2,500 3 3 100.0 2,500-3,000 1 3 | eee only symmetrical species, and the percentage of the num- ber of symmetrical genera represented by the number of asymmetrical genera at different depths are given in the table on page 528 and shown in Fig. 1. Considering the percentages only, these may be re- grouped as follows: No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 531 ee Ri ek a a a a a S a 27 v00- G50 irs eo cle se Fs 5 ORs Cece ew ae Ce thew wa cee 16 GOO) 100 so ea cs eee ee a ee 28 py Nt, | Ee erg rr emma RE ee I angen 7 oes Senet aa 92 Considering only the genera marked with an asterisk (*) we find the representation at different depths given in the table on page 530 and in Fig. 1. Considering the percentages only, these may be re- grouped, as follows: I ace aie ee CHa we eo owe a ey cakes 13.6 100e S00 se Ceres er ek ag a vag be ee ee hss eed Gate BO 900 ae ee ee OU as as eh ek A ee ees 16.6 P003,000 -aoea ko ee ee sl heer 61.8 The number of families of recent crinoids including asymmetrical species, the number of families including only symmetrical species, and the percentage of the num- ber of families including only symmetrical species repre- sented by the number of families including asymmetrical species at different depths, are shown in the table on page 933 and in Fig. 2. The proportion of the genera including asymmetrical species to those composed entirely of symmetrical spe- — cies, about one third between the shore line and 50 fathoms, decreases to a minimum of one tenth at from 300 to 350 fathoms, and then increases, with greater and greater rapidity, to 1,600 fathoms and below. It is everywhere less than one quarter between 100 and 650 fathoms. Thus it is evident that the genera including asymmetrical species are chiefly developed in shallow water, and in deep water, and are least developed in water of intermediate depth. Taking the ocean as a whole, the temperature at 100 fathoms is 60.7°, and at 650 fathoms 38.6°; the optimum temperature for the recent crinoids appears to be between 50° and 65°; when we remember that most of the asym- metrical species, and all of the most asymmetrical ones, in the genera which give us our numbers for 0-50 and for 50-100 fathoms, are confined to a littoral belt of scarcely more than 50 fathoms, it becomes at once evident that asymmetry among the crinoids is developed chiefly in Ne — ee ee 6008-0062 Proportion of Families with and without Asymmetrical Species Fia. 2. The at Different Depths ( ), and the Percentage of the Total Number of © at Different Depths (- - --). Crinoid Families represented No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 533 | t. of Sym- | Number of The Families Number of metroa r siiis (rations) | Abymmstrical |yarkod wih ane | SZameirionl |Hepresentd by | 0-50 5 2 i 33 50-10 6 - as 4 100-150 7 2 u H 150-200 | 5 0 : “ 200-250 | 5 0 0 oa 250-300 | 6 0 : ae 300-350 | 5 0 8 62 350-400 5 0 : n 400-450 5 0 : li 450-500 | 5 0 i n 500-550 | 5 0 5 > 550-600 | 6 1 : ie 600-650 6 1 : s 650-700 | 6 1 : 700-750 | 6 1 7 a 750-800 | 6 1 : a 800-850 | 6 1 ~ n 850-900 | 5 1 ` = 900-950 5 1 : 50-1, 4 0 é - 1,000-1,100 4 0 : = 1,100-1,200 4 0 : bes 1,200-1,300 4 0 $ 10 ,300-1, 4 0 í sh 1,400-1,500 4 0 : i 1,500-1,600 4 | 0 : po 1,600-1,700 3 | 0 : xo 1,700-1,800 3 | 0 } | ps 1,800-1,900 2 | 0 : - 1,900-2,000 2 | 0 : re 1,900-2,000 2 | 0 l -= 2,000-2,500 2 | 0 : | ~ 2,500-3,000 2 0 water above and below the optimum, and least at and just below the optimum temperature. : Onia only the genera marked with an asterisk (*), that is, the genera with the most highly developed asymmetry, we find the same general facts emphasized as in the case of all the genera including asymmetrical forms; but here the minimum is between 50 and 400 fath- oms instead of between 100 and 650 fathoms. The tem- perature at 400 fathoms is 41.8°. This approximation of the minimum to the zone of optimum temperature when only the most asymmetrical. types are considered strengthens the hypothesis that the zone of optimum temperature really represents the zone of least-developed asymmetry. 534 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Comparing the proportionate abundance of asymmet- rical genera at different depths with the frequency of all the genera expressed as percentages of the total, we find that the former decreases while the latter increases to 50-100 fathoms; from this point the two run roughly parallel to 300-350 fathoms, after which the former in- creases with progressively greater rapidity. while the latter decreases steadily and gradually to 3,000 fathoms; the two cross each other between 600 and 700 fathoms. The proportion of the families including asymmetrical species to those composed entirely of symmetrical species increases from one third at 0-50 fathoms to three times as many at 1,600 fathoms and twice as many at 1,900 fathoms and over. The increase, though irregular— largely as a result of the small numbers involved at the greater depths—is constant. The number of families at different depths, expressed as percentages of the total number, increases from 0-50 to 50-100 fathoms, and then decreases to 1,800 fathoms and beyond. Except for a minimum between 350 and 500 fathoms the decrease is fairly regular. The two lines cross between 200 and 300 fathoms. The reversal of the direction of the line representing the frequency of the families including asymmetrical spe- cies as a percentage of the number of the families not in- cluding asymmetrical species at different depths, as com- pared with the line representing the frequency of the families at different depths expressed as percentages of the total number, indicates that the less favorable the environment for crinoids as a whole the greater becomes the proportion of asymmetrical forms. In the proportion of genera including asymmetrical species to those composed entirely of symmetrical species we find a minimum between 100 and 650 fathoms or, con- sidering only the most markedly asymmetrical types, be- tween 50 and 400 fathoms, the numbers above 100 (or 50) fathoms and below 650 (or 400) fathoms being greater. Considering families in the same light we appear te No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 535 have an increase between 350 and 500 fathoms—that is, more or less coinciding with this minimum. In the frequency of families at different depths ex- pressed as percentages of the total number we notice a minimum between 350 and 500 fathoms which reaches a point not again touched until 750-800 fathoms and beyond. This indicates the occurrence here of a proportion- ately large number of families including asymmetrical species, but at the same time a proportionately small number of genera including asymmetrical species within those families. THERMAL DISTRIBUTION oF THE ASYMMETRICAL CRINOIDS In examining the thermal distribution of asymmetry among the recent crinoids we find it advisable to employ family instead of generic units, for the reason that our records are insufficient to furnish us with even approxi- mate thermal ranges for many of the individual genera, though in most cases these may be estimated with rea- sonable exactness. The records for the crinoids of the deeper water are far more satisfactory than the records for the crinoids of the littoral, and this is very fortunate, for it justifies us in assigning a temperature of 65° and ‘Over to a number of species and genera which are of great importance in the present study. In considering asymmetry in relation to temperature by family units it must constantly be borne in mind that, whereas certain families (Capillasterine, Comactiniine and Comasterine) extend from the warm littoral into moderately deep water with a relatively low temperature, the asymmetry among their component genera and species is strongly marked only in very shallow water of high tem- perature, and is only slightly marked—indeed not infre- quently entirely absent, as in Comatilia—in genera and species inhabiting deep and cold water. Thus through a study of family units the amount of asymmetry shown at intermediate temperatures is really exaggerated, and appears in its relation to the higher 536 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor XLIX and to the lower temperatures considerably greater than it really is. In the subfamily Heliometrinæ, the largest and most widely distributed subfamily of the Antedonidæ, which itself is the dominant crinoid family of the present seas, the range of temperature is very great; but as only one out of the ten genera of the Heliometrinæ is asymmetrical it has seemed sufficient to consider and to tabulate the temperature of this genus (Promachocrinus) alone. he frequency of the families including asymmetrical crinoids at different temperatures is as follows: r eS Ae 4 Ce re E 4 e 2 oa i Peon th his ous Mae hae 4 T a ei a 3 ee a ee 4 OO a 3 owl A y E A 3 Da ee et a 3 SOE EE Ee S 4 OOS a ee re ee 5 aD ce OnE SUE up i TE Neen reese EO 4 Me a 1 Polow TE pa Soc bo Vins & Vdiein 6 oe Fie ee ORS VR ET SE 1 DUM E N A A E AT 4.3 BB -OD rs eta cick ce es weed eed bees aa were een 3.2 COBO. tinh ib hc ess RR EEE Oa Cie hee CER es Ve 3.7 or, MUONS Dos og kw 6 oa Od ie oes aS T E 1 = oe APRESS GSES GRRE a eM Me mA at 4.3 ME I Sek Bei ea re NON Boa eRe oes ese tae 3.2 UPC CEU beeen cues os ae Ces mee cue Ly a eee 4.0 Considering the zone of optimum temperature (50°- 65°) in contrast to the temperatures above and below, and omitting the exceptionally low temperatures below 30°, we have: No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 537 Bearing in mind always that the frequency between the warm littoral and the cold abyssal temperatures is exag- gerated because of the segrega- tion in the warm littoral zone of the most asymmetrical genera and species in many of the fam- ilies inhabiting intermediate tem- peratures, it is clear that asym- metry is least developed at the optimum temperature for crinoid life, and most developed in tem- peratures which are phylogenet- ically too warm or too cold. This agrees perfectly with what we found from an examination of the bathymetrical distribution of asymmetry. A comparison between the fre- quency of the families of crinoids represented in the recent seas, including only symmetrical spe- cies, given in the actual numbers and also as percentages of the total numbers, and the frequency of the families including asym- metrical species, given in the same way, follows (Fig. 3): I l l l l \ l l I l l ' i nee eee Te ome a 1 ow co 0 owe : Li i] o Fie, 3. Frequency at Dif- ferent Temperatures of the Families eterna As epee” rical Species ( those erapl Symmetriea Species only (- - - -). Families with — with mperatur a Per Cent. (Fate ubeit) Svecee Saiy ps ae a Total” 85°-80° 2 13 4 | 44 80 -75 2 13 4 | 44 75 -70 9 60 4 | 44 70 -65 9 60 3 | 33 —60 14 93 4 | 44 60 -55 12 80 3 | 33 55 —50 | 11 73 3 | 33 50 -45 | 7 47 3 | 33 45 —40 | 47 4 | 44 40 -35 | 7 47 | 5 | 55 35 -30 3 20 e 4 | 44 30 -25 1 7 | 1 | 11 538 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor XLIX THE ASYMMETRICAL FEATURES IN DETAIL In the following list are given the four types of asym- metry occurring in the recent crinoids, with their geo- graphical distribution and the genera in which they are found. 1. Disk Not Radially Symmetrical Geographical Distribution—Southern Japan south- ward to Samoa, Fiji and southern Australia, thence west- aa -l “i | | | Soa. -_-— — -_-— —_— _— p= e pen oe ee ee (————-), the Genera with One or More Rays the Genera with Six to Ten ( exp d or gp rged (—— Rays (- -), and the Genera with Three Basal ressed as Percentages of the “otal heuer in Each Clas ward to east Africa, from the Red Sea to the Cape; north- western Africa and southwestern Europe (in moderately deep water), and from South Carolina to Brazil; antarctic regions, littoral to abyssal, and northward along the No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 539 eastern shores of the Pacific (in deep water) to British Columbia. This character is most strongly marked in the shallow water from the Marshall Islands and New Caledonia through the Malay Archipelago and along the north- ern coasts of Australia, and thence westward to Ceylon; and again in the antarctic regions and the abysses of the east Pacific. Systematic Distribution — Capillasterinz Comatella Capillaster Neocomatella Ne Paleccomatella Comactiniine omatula Comint Comatulella Comantinta Comaster Comanthina Comantheria omanthus inept machocr AETR Ptilocrinus 2. One or More Rays Dwarfed, or Enlarged Geographical Distribution. — Malayan region and north Aus- tralia, and Caribbean Sea, bu only in warm and shallow water; oo oO ow at] [J ' J led » © O O 0 rts. ul ee S nO n oO oO eteo o a t o bgd Frequency at Dif- Temi mperatures of Fam- tae Species in e Disk is not Radially m- including Species with or More Rays Dwarfed or ae eeh ed ( Fam- ves inc ppc: Species with m Six to T =-=- -), s (- a Pantie including Species a Three Bas and the Total ot a these t regularities. Malay Archipelago to southern Japan, and Galápagos Islands to Central Amer- ica in deep cold water. Systematic Distribution.— Capillasterinz Capillaster (part) Comactinii ine Comasterine Comaster (part) Comanthina 540- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Comanthus (part) Apiocrinidæ Carpenterocrinus Holopodidæ Comantheria (part) Proisocrinus Holopus Plicatocrinidæ amocrinus 3. Six to Ten (Sometimes Four) Rays Geographical Distribution—Southern Japan and the Hawaiian Islands to the Malay Archipelago, in rather deep water; abysses of the Indian Ocean and the Ant- arctic; Florida northward and northeastward to Iceland and Norway in deep and cold water. 1 hie a ( [i i -i - wwe meme @---- steerer aoe essameser== wow eee SEEN ~ ~~ a“ Ste wm | \ | \ \ | 1G. 6. Proportion at Different Depths of Genera only Symmetrical Species, and Genera including Species Asymmetrical Disks ( ), Genera in- cluding One or More of the Rays Dwa Genera including Species with from Six to Ten Rays (—— — -), and Genera in- cluding Species with Three Basals (--- - -- j. No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 541 This feature as an individual variant occurs in the warm water of the Malayan region, in the shallower por- tions of the Caribbean Sea, and very commonly on the tropical Brazilian coast: Depth R Ite ap ee Dr cpr be Six to Ten Three Total (35 (Fathoms) | metrical (17) lorkelarged(10)| Rays (4) Basals (4) 04a: (25) 0-50 (15) 88 (7) 70 (1) 25 0 (23) 66 50-100 (13) 76 (6) 60 (2) 50 0 (21) 60 100-150 (11) 65 (4) 40 (2) 50 0 (17) 49 150-200 (9) 53 (2) 20 (2) 50 0 (13) 37 200-250 (4) 23 0 (2) 50° 0 6) 17 250-300 (4) 23 0 (1) 25 (1) 25 6) 17 300-350 (2) 12 0 (1) 25 (1) 25 4) 11 350-400 (2) 12 (1). 10 2) 50 (1) 25 6) 17 (2) 12 (H) 10 2) 50 (1) 25 6) 17 450-500 (2) 12 @) 10 2) 50 (1) 25 6) 17 500-550 (2) 12 (1) 10 2) 50 (1) 25 6) 17 550-600 (2) 12 (2) 20 2) 50 (1) 25 7) 20 65 (2) 12 (1) 10 (2) 50 (1) 25 6) 17 650-700 (2) 12 (1) 10 75 (1) 25 ) 20 700-750 (2) 12 (1) 10 75 (1) 25 750-800 (2) 12 (1) 10 75 (1) 25 ) 20 800-850 (2) 12 0 ) 75 (1) 25 850-900 (i). 6 0 75 (1) 25 ) 14 950 BD G (1) 10 ) 75 (1) 25 ee ys 950-1,000 (ly 6 0 ) 75 (2) 50 1,000-1,100 (1) 6 0 ) 75 (2) 50 17 1,100-1,200 Uy. 9 0 ) 765 (2) 50 1,200-1,300 (1) 6 0 ) 75 (2) ar 1,300-1,400 (1) 6 0 ) 50 (2) 50 ) 14 1,400-1,500 W 6 0 ) 50 (2) 14 : ,500-1,600 U6 0 (2) 50 (2) 50 (5) 14 1,600-1,700 1) 6 0 (2) 50 (3) 75 ) 17 : »700—1,800 (6 0 (3) 75 (6) 17 800-1,900 (i) 6 0 (1) 25 (3) 75 (5) 14 oa ,000 G) © 0 (1) 25 (3) 75 (5) 14 2,000-2,500 () 6 0 (1) 25 (3) 75 (5) 14 2,500-3,000 0 0 (1) 25 (1) 3 Disk Not | Oneor More | Temperature Radially | Rays Dwarfed| Six to Ten Three Basals Total (Fahrenheit) Aranaren | | or Enlarged Rays 80°-75° 2 | 3 0 0 5 -70 3 | 4 0 0 T 70 -65 3 | 3 0 0 6 65 -60 3 | 3 1 0 ri 60 -55 2 | 2 X 0 5 —50 2 | 2 1 0 5 50 —45 1 | I 2 0 4 45 -40 2 | 2 2. 1 7 40 -35 1 | 2 3 1 7 35 -30 1 | 1 2 1 5 30 -25 1 | 0 | 1 0 2 542 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX Systematic Distribution. — Heliometrinæ Promachocrinus Pentametrocrinidæ haumatocrinus Bourgueticrinide Monachocrinus (part) Rhizecrinus The Numb f Genera Number of Genera Number of Genera Dube accessed es os Depth (Fathoms) with ee with p Fe geen Percentage of the isks isks Number with Symmet- ri isks 0-50 15 51 29 50-100 13 55 23 100-150 pS 53 21 150-200 9 45 20 200-250 4 40 10 250-300 4 35 11 00-3 2 31 6 350-400 2 34 6 00-4 2 32 6 450-500 2 30 7 500-550 2 29 7 550-600 2 30 7 600-650 2 29 7 650-700 2 26 8 700-7 2 26 8 750-800 2 22 9 800- 2 21 9 850-900 1 21 5 900-950 1 23 4 950-1,000 1 20 5 ,000-1,1 1 20 5 1,100-1,200 1 16 5 1,200-1,300 1 13 A 8 1,300-1,400 1 12 8 1,400-1,500 1 10 10 1,500-1,600 1 10 10 1,600-1,700 1 7 14 1,700-1,800 1 7 14 1,800-1, 1 6 16 1,900-2,000 1 6 16 2,000-2,500 1 6 16 2,500-3,000 0 4 D 4. Three Basals Geographical Distribution.—Antarctic regions, and northward to northwestern Africa, the Caroline Islands, and British Columbia, except in the antarctic always in very deep water. No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 543 Systematic Distribution.— Plicatocrinide Ptilocrinus Gephyrocrinus Hyocrinus Thalassocrinus The frequency of each of these four types of asymmetry at different depths and temperatures is given in the tables on page 541 and in Fig. 4. The rg mber of — : wi symmetric: Dopik Puika | ete Aar aonn | GIER DPS ppi pape gior g Rays Number with Sym- metrical Rays 0-50 7 59 12 50-10 6 62 9 100-150 4 60 6 150-200 2 52 4 00-250 0 44 0 250-300 0 39 0 300-350 0 33 0 350-4 1 35 3 400-450 1 33 3 450-500 1 31 3 00-550 1 30 3 550-600 2 30 6 00-650 1 30 3 650-700 1 27 4 700-750 1 27 4 750-800 1 23 4 800-850 0 23 + 0 0-9 0 22 0 00-9 1 23 4 950-1,000 0 21 0 1,000-1,100 0 21 0 1,100-1,200 0 17 0 1,200-1,300 0 14 0 ,300-1,4 | 0 13 0 1,400-1,500 | 0 11 0 ,500-1,6 | 0 11 0 1,600-1,700 | 0 8 0 1,700-1,800 | 0 8 0 1,800-1,900 0 7 0 1,900-2,000 | 0 7 0 2,000-2,500 0 7 0 2,500-3,000 | 0 4 0 In the table showing the frequency at different depths the numbers in parentheses represent the actual cases, the other numbers being the percentage of the total number of genera in which the feature under consideration is found. This last is given in parentheses at the head of each column. 544 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX For a graphic representation of the data in the table on the lower part of page 541 see Fig. 5. These frequencies group themselves as follows: Wei i ee See 6.2 Ga cp ee cet ee . nel eae Ree 4.7 aa, ee ee ri 6.3 A E Cor oN Ge er a oe ee Varese 2.0 or, segregating those occurring at the optimum tempera- ture: o o BOBS E E SEN we NN RE EE E eK Ewe 6.0 iting ee TE Oe OR Se ae PEE eee Pe 5.6 yp OR EEE OTe ee ee E ee ee eee 5.7 NOE Dee Ee Ona fey ERTE E rip rere 2.0 he Number of Genera Number of Genera Number of Genera rich More Than Five Depth (Fathoms) with More Than with Always Rays Expressed as a Five Rays Five Rays Poe of the Num- h Five Rays 0- 1 65 1 50-100 2 66 3 100-150 2 62 3 150-200 2 52 4 200-250 2 42 5 250-3! 1 38 3 300-350 1 32 3 350-400 2 34 6 400-450 2 32 6 450-500 2 30 6 500-550 2 29 7 550-600 2 30 6 5 2 29 t 650-700 3 25 12 700-7 3 25 12 7 3 21 14 00- 3 20 15 850-900 3 19 16 900-950 3 21 14 950-1,000 3 18 16 1,000-1,100 3 18 16 1,100-1,200 3 14 21 1,200-1,300 3 11 27 1,300-1,: 2 il 18 1,400-1,500 2 9 22 1,500-1,600 2 9 22 1,600-1,700 2 6 33 1,700-1,800 2 6 33 1,800-1,900 i 6 16 1,900-2,000 1 6 16 2,000-2,500 1 6 16 2,500-3, 0 4 0 No. 585] A STUDY OF ASYMMETRY 545 The relation at different depths between the crinoids in which the disk is not radially symmetrical and those in which it is radially symmetrical is shown in the table on page 542 and in Fig. 6. The relation at different depths between the crinoids in which one or more rays are dwarfed, or, more rarely, en- larged, and those in which all of the rays are of the same size is shown in the table on page 543 and in Fig. 6. e boca a 5 x wi ree Basals Depth (raa | A Ee | ee foe aape y frale i ber with Five Basals 0-50 0 66 0 50-10 0 68 0 100-150 0 64 | 0 150-200 0 54 | 0 200-250 0 44 | 0 250-300 1 38 | 2 300-350 1 32 3 350-400 i Sa 3 400-450 1 33 3 50-500 1 31 3 500-550 1 30 3 550-600 1 31 3 00-650 1 30 3 650-700 1 rt § 4 700-750 1 27 4 50-8! 1 23 4 800-850 1 22 4 0-9 1 21 5 900-950 1 23 4 950-1,000 2 19 10 1,000-1,100 2 19 10 1,100-1,200 2 15 13 ,200-1,300 2 12 16 1,300-1,400 9 11 18 ,400—1,500 2 9 22 1,500-1,600 2 9 22 1,600-1,700 3 5 60 1,700-1,800 3 5 60 1,800-1,900 3 4 75 1,900-2,000 3 4 75 ,000-2,500 3 4 75 2,500-3,000 1 3 3o The relation at different depths between the crinoids with more (less frequently less) than five rays, and those with five rays, is shown in the table on page 544 and in Fig. 6. The relation at different depths between the crinoids with three basals and those with five is given in the table given above and in Fig. 6. 546 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX SUMMARY Among the recent crinoids any wide departure from the normal close approximation to true pentamerous sym- metry indicates unfavorable conditions of one or other of two main types, which are not mutually exclusive. These two types are 1. INTERNAL UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS, induced by incip- ient phylogenetical degeneration through type-senescence, as in the Plicatocrinide, which in the recent seas repre- sent the almost exclusively paleozoic Inadunata; and 2. EXTERNAL UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS, taking the form of (a) Phylogenetically excessive cold, which, to cite one example, appears to be the determining factor in the asymmetry of the genus Promacho- crinus; or of (b) Phylogenetically excessive warmth, which appears to be the determining factor in the asym- metry of the family Comasteride. INHERITANCE OF HABIT IN THE COMMON BEAN JOHN B. NORTON, M.S. MASSACHUSETTS EXPERIMENT STATION Hasır is the external form of a plant taken as a whole. It is usually described by a few general adjectives, such as erect, open, spreading, etc. However, to study the inheritance of plant habit, a detailed analysis of the real characters underlying habit must be made. It is usually found that the general outer appearance of a plant, its habit, is the result of a combination of independent char- acters, units, the recombination of which by crossing often results in plants much altered in appearance from the parent varieties. Characters usually unimportant may be found of primary importance in the formation of plant habit. An example of such inheritance of habit is found in one of Webber’s pepper hybrids (6). A cross was made be- tween Red Chili, a variety with many erect fine branches, and Golden Dawn, with few, horizontal, coarse branches, both being of medium size. In the second generation re- combination and segregation of the three character pairs occurred, although not in strict Mendelian proportions. The important feature of the results, however, lies in the apparent creation of a giant and a dwarf type, not by the appearance of new units by mutation, but simply by the transference of the characters fine and coarse branches. Hybrids having erect, many and coarse branches were giants, while those having few, horizontal and coarse branches were dwarfs. Other combinations of these characters gave intermediate forms. The study here reported was made largely on third and fourth generation plants and a few second generation plants of hybrids made primarily for the study of pig- 547 548 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX mentation. The material worked with, owing chiefly to lack of knowledge of earlier generations, offered many limitations and is unsuited to a detailed analysis of the characters in question. As the plants were usually not more than six inches apart in the rows, the crowding in the later stages of development hindered accurate judg- ment of the habit type. With reference to general habit bean plants are either pole or bush. Pole beans are commonly long twining vines, climbing when provided with poles or other sup- port. The true bush type is usually short, erect and non- twining. There are also certain races of beans really in- termediate between the true bush and pole types, the run- ner beans, which are non-climbing. Types classed as bush beans also occur, which are spreading and possess outstretched branches of a more or less runner-like char- acter. The following table contains a description of habit of varieties of beans considered in this discussion. The de- scriptions are from ‘‘American Varieties of Garden Beans’’ (5). The varieties observed agree with these descriptions except in the case of Mohawk, which is de- seribed as without runners. The strain of Mohawk iso- lated here produces runners. TABLE I DESCRIPTION OF BEAN VARIETIES Pole Beans ALT1 Golden Carmine—Small, good climber Creasback—Small, at first bush-like, poor climber when young. Runner Beans ALt White Marrow—Very large, very spreading, many runners. Bush Beans AIT Burpee Stringless—Large, medium, very erect when young, with a few shoots high above the plant, = more or less spreading when mature; no runners. Giant Stringless—Same as 1 For the meaning of these letters see page 550. No. 585] INHERITANCE OF HABIT 549 Semi-runner Forms Alt Refugee—Very large, very spreading, many semi-runners. Refugee Wax—Large, medium, very spreading, many runner-like branches. Spreading Forms aLT or alt Longfellow—Large to medium, somewhat spreading, many outstretched branches, no real runners. Kenny Rustless—Large, very pee almost runner-like bran Prolific Black Wax—Medium, more or less spreading, arc oa out- stretched branches, no real runners. Erect Forms alT or alt Black Valentine—Large, medium, fairly erect, occasional drooping branches, no real runners Blue Pod—Medium, erect, no runners or spreading branches. Ta rge, medium, fairly erect when y m but drooping when ma- no runners or decided spreading branc Bet Kidney—Large, no runners, but as drooping with fruit-laden branches and spreading when mature ee Maer Wax—Large, sometimes ‘with drooping branches, but no real Challenge Black Wax—Very small, erect, no runners or spreading branches. Cu rries—Medium , erect, no runners or — branches. ax—La ine. medium, erect, no runners. Early Refugee—Medium, very erect, no runners or spreading branch German Black Wa Bg Fis ek erect when er usually borne pen with fruit laden branches when mature, no runners. Long Yellow Six Weeks—Medium, very cae. no runners or spreading ranches Low Champion—Very large, usually erect, no runners or — branches. Mohawk—Large, very erect, no runners, sometimes drooping w Red Valentine—Medium, erect, no runners or spreading branches, Round Yellow Six Weeks--Ginall; medium, very erect, no runners or spread- ing branches, Wardwell—Large, medium, fairly erect, no runners. Warren—Very large, usually erect, no runners or decided spreading branches Wa RART a erect, no runners or spreading branches. R. A. Emerson in his experiments on heredity of plant habit in beans found three main character pairs con- cerned, namely, length of plant axis, developed in vari- ous degrees; ; twining habit or circumnutation developed in various degrees or not at all; and lastly, the position of pods, axial or terminal. His data involve chiefly the latter character pair, which is inherited in a 3:1 propor- 550 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX tion, the axial position of pods being dominant. The posi- tion of pods or flowers influences plant habit in this man- ner: when flowers are formed at the growing tip of a main stem or branch, such a stem or branch must neces- sarily cease to elongate; on the other hand, if no flowers or fruits are formed at that point it may continue to grow indefinitely. The habit of all the varieties of beans can be accounted for easily with only these three character pairs. In Table I the varieties here concerned have been grouped according to the probable presence or absence in them of the characters mentioned. I have designated the axial position of the pods as A, the terminal position by a; long plant axis by L, short by 1; a long axis was shown to be dominant over short in some of Mendel’s crosses of beans (1). I have designated circumnutation by T and its absence by t, as, judging from Emerson’s statements, and according to my own observations twining habit is dominant. The possible combinations of these characters are as follows: HABIT TYPES Type a, ALT....Pole beans. Type b, ALt.....Runner beans. s. Type a comprises the pole beans, as the vines are of great length, both on account of long axis and not being checked by any terminal inflorescence, and as they can climb by virtue of cireumnutation. Type b comprises the runner beans. They aredlike the pole beans except that the climbing habit is not developed to any great extent, if at all. Between these two types it is difficult to draw sharp distinction, but the true runner probably lacks the factor for twining. No. 585] INHERITANCE OF HABIT 551 Type ¢ probably represents the varieties which early send up a few shoots high in the air like Burpee String- less. In such beans the growth of the main stems or branches is not entirely prevented by the absence of the character which produces a long axis, and as the climbing habit is more or less developed, the characteris- tic shoots are sent up. Type d represents the semi-runners, caused by the short axis. Combinations of type e and e, are the spreading varie- ties, with long outstretched branches. They are to be distinguished from runners by terminal inflorescences. Kenny Rustless is a representative of the e type of habit and probably Prolific Black Wax also. The last two combinations, f and f, are the typical erect bush form, such as Blue Pod Butter and Challenge Black Wax. Table II gives the possible crosses of these types and the F, proportions to be expected when the forms crossed are the most nearly typical. In the cases of typical forms, the F, types should be differentiated without much difficulty. A circumstance that must be looked upon as a possible cause of exceptions is the presence of unknown factors that cause variations in the intensity of the development of the twining habit and of the inter- mediate lengths between long and short axis. If there are various factors for length, as Emerson assumes to be the case in all quantitative characters (3), and if the twining habit is to be explained in much the same way, results may be considerably at variance with the expecta- tions indicated in Table II. It must be remembered that the constitutions given for the varieties are only as- sumed. At present, owing to circumstances mentioned before, TABLE II Constitution Type F: Proportions ALTX ALT axo a ALT xX ALt axb 3a: 1b ALT xX AIT aXe 3a: le ALTX Alt axd z Ae wrrs 552 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX ALT 7a ALt 2 3b AIT gametes 3c Alt] 1d 5 ALT X aLT aXe 3a: le 6 ALT X aLt aXe Ta ALt 2 3b aLT gametes 3e, aLt le, Qa: 3b: 4e vå ALT X alT axf 7a ALT 2 3b AIT 3e aLT gametes if alT Qa: 3b: 3e: 1f 8 ALT X alt ax? 15a ALT O- 19 ALt 4 Te AIT So Eos Sad Alt Te aLT 5 aLt 3f alT 1 alt 27a: 9b: 9c: 3d: 12e: 4f 9 ALt X ALt bXxXb b 5 10 ALt X AIT bXe 9a: 3b: 3c: 1d as in type No. 4. 11 ALt X Alt bxd 3b: 1d 12 ALt X aLt bXe 3b: le 13 ALt X aLT bXe Ta AL 2 3b ALt 3e aLT gametes 1 aLt S S 4 14 ALt X alT bXf 27a: 9b: 9c: 3d: 12e: 4f as in type No. 8. 15 ALt X alt bxf ALt No. 585] 16 AIT X AIT exe 17 AIT X Alt cxd 18 ATT X aLT exe 19 AIT X al? cxf 20 AIT Sait oxe Si: AIT X ale cxf AIT Alt alT alt 22 Alt X Alt axd 23 Alt X aLT aXe 24 Alt X aLt aXe ALt Alt E gametes alt 25 Alt X alT dxf AIT Alt alT gametes alt 26 Alt X alt aX f 27 aLT X aLT exe 28 aLT X aLt exe 29 aLT X alT xT 30 SLT X alt exf aLT aLt alT gametes sit} 31 aLt X alt ixe 32 alt Xx alT éxf 33 aLt X alt EXT 834 alT X alT PAT 35 alT X alt I XF 36 alt X alt [xf INHERITANCE OF HABIT 3f 1 9c: 3d: 4f d 27a: 9b: 90: Sd: e 3e: 1f as in type 30. 3: If F f f : 9e: Id: 12e: 12e: 553 d ! : 3e: 1f as in type No. 7. 4f as in type No. 8. 4f as in type No. 8. only general notes on the behavior of various types of crosses can be given. 554 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX Tyre 2. ALT X ALt In the third generation of a cross of Creasback, a typ- ical pole bean with White Marrow, a runner bean with probably a weak character for circumnutation, all lots were of axillary inflorescence. The habit of climbing was developed in various degrees so that classifications of types was difficult. Cross Tyre 6 or 7. ALT +aLT or alt Notes on an early cross of Creasback by Prolific Black Wax indicate that the generation F, were pole beans, the generation F, segregating into 33 pole and 8 bush. The latter is probably a 3:1 proportion as expected. Whether all plants described as bush were of the spreading type does not appear from our records. Cross Tyre 8. ALT X alt or alT In a cross of Creasback with Blue Pod, a typical bush bean, there occurs one strain of homozygous pole plants, and also in the F, generation heterozygous types. Pole and runner forms and bush forms of various types occur in the proportions of 9:7 in one lot and in another of 3:1, as might be expected in an F, generation. In another small lot occur plants with long outstretched branches, in another two plants of c type of habit. Evidently Blue Pod has the constitution alt. The date from a cross of Creasback with Blue Pod do not signify much, as the types isolated happen to be con- stant, one a pole type and bush types, of which several are described as somewhat spreading. In one there occurs a runner bean. Creasback and Warwick crosses in the F, generation behave consistently with the cross type, as assumed. In one lot, 1 2 have axial inflorescence and three terminal. Lots with spreading plants occur and one plant was noted which possessed a very long axis, along with a twining habit, but also terminal inflorescence. According to the No. 585] INHERITANCE OF HABIT 555 explanation of habit characters assumed, such a plant would have the formula aLT. Without a support which happened to have been placed near it, the peculiarity of the plant would not have been so noticeable. A cross of Mohawk and Golden Carmine, a pole bean, gave in the F, generation 7 plants of the bush type and 28 plants more or less pole like. In the notes no separa- tion of pole and runner beans were made, probably due to a lack of clear distinction between the two as occurs in many crosses. Cross Type 10. ALt x AIT White Marrow by Burpee Stringless is presumably a cross of this type. In one case the F is described as a pole and in another as a runner bean. The F, genera- tion results in 38 bush to 108 described as runner beans. This is consistent with expected results when the plant is described as a whole. The expectations are 12 pole and more or less pole like beans and four more or less bush like forms. Cross Type 12 or 13. ALt+aLT or aLt A cross of White Marrow, a runner variety, with Pro- lific Black Wax, which belongs to the type with spreading outstretched branches, gave 20 bush plants and 58 plants of the runner and pole types, no differentiation being made between the two. This is consistent with the as- sumed constitutions. Cross TYPE 14 or 15. ALt X alt or alT White Marrow with Currie behaves according to ex- pectation, giving in the F, generation 41 bush plants e or f in type, and 52 of the runner or semi-runner type. In the cross of Blue Pod by White Marrow and its recip- rocal, neither variety being pole in type, climbing plants apparently occur as well representative of most if not all of the other habit types. Some lots isolated were very erect, others spreading in various degrees; one lot is de- 556 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX scribed as having long tendril-like shoots above the plant, another along side of this had shorter shoots, perhaps AIT. Among the lots, all degrees of climbing were devel- oped; one plant encountered was evidently aLT like the one mentioned in a previously discussed cross; plants with more or less outstretched branches were noted. Type notes on F, and F, generations of an earlier cross in type; F, segregates into 25 bush forms and 62 runners, are significant. The F, generation is described as pole probably including pole beans of the F, type. The ratio is disturbed by the lack of a clear understanding of the true basis for classification of plant type in beans. ‘The F, of another cross involving the same varieties is noted as having 41 bush and 5 runner beans. White Marrow and Burpee Kidney yielded two lots of bush beans and two heterozygote lots giving 6 plants with terminal inflorescence and 15 with axillary. Red Valentine and White Marrow crosses give similar results. In an early cross, the F, generation plants have been grouped according to the general plant type, no at- tempt being made to separate intergrading types. The notes give the results of segregations as 75 bush and 136 runner beans. Later generation heterozygotes approach a proportion of 9 runner to 7 bush beans. The apparent behavior probably depends on whether the intermediate types are classed as runner or bush. In the cross in which only the F, generation was observed, only constant bush types seem to have been isolated. Cross Tyre 19 or 21. AIT X alt on alT Blue Pod crossed with Burpee is a representative cross of this type. Only in a few cases was the Burpee type, plants with shoots high in the air, observed, as most lots isolated were homozygous and erect. In the F, genera- tion of an early cross, plants described as runners ap- peared. The proportion was 3 runners tolbush. Heter- ozygote lots descended from these plants segregated in the same manner, totaled 18 bush and 71 so-called run- No. 585] INHERITANCE OF HABIT 557 ners. The runners are probably really c in type or c and d. In the cross of Giant Stringless and Blue Pod the parent types were both isolated. No semi-runners were noted, as would be the case if the cross were No. 21 in type. Cross Type 25 or 26. Alt X aLT or alt Refugee Wax is a semi-runner bean. The F, isolated lots of this variety crossed with Blue Pod were all more or less erect. Some lots homozygous for axial branch- ing were isolated, many individuals of which showed signs of climbing. The semi-running and climbing branches were short, confirming the assumption that neither variety used possesses the factor for a long axis. The climbing tendency exhibited shows that there must be strains of Blue Pod that possess T. Previous data are in harmony with this. Cross Tyre 29, 30, 34 or 35. aLT or aLt X alt or alT Many crosses of bush beans with those of spreading type give a 3:1 proportion in the F, and later hetero- zygous lots. In Keeny Rustless, a variety of the spreading type, with its almost runner-like branches, by Red Valentine some lots with the spreading habit have been isolated, also more or less runner-like forms and one with the erect habit of Red Valentine. The axial and terminal inflores- cence is inherited in a 3:1 proportion. Notes on type in one heterozygous lot show five erect and 10 plants with outstretched branches. In the cross of Black Valentine and Prolific Black Wax one lot with outstretched branches was isolated; all others were of the erect type. In the cross of Blue Pod Butter and Prolific Black Wax no spreading types with outstretched branches were noted, but this is not surprising, as in an F, generation the parent plants selfed for planting may not have hap- 558 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX pened to be of the spreading type, thus giving homo- zygous erect offspring. In the cross of Golden Eyed Wax with Prolific Black, outstretched branches due only to axial inflorescence were noted. Spreading plants of this nature also occur in the cross of Bountiful and Prolific Black Wax. In the latter two crosses the twining habit was more or less developed in the longer branches. Cross Type 34, 35, or 36. alT Xx alT, alT X alT, on alt X alt In the crosses of this type only erect bush beans with- out runners or spreading branches, should occur, al- though contorted stems might possibly appear. Such is the behavior of the following crosses of this type: Low Champion X Blue Pod Butter Blue Pod Butter X Golden Eyed Wax and reciprocal Blue Pod Butter X Mohawk and reciprocal Challenge Black Wax X Warwick Currie X Mohawk and reciprocal Currie X Red Valentine Blue Pod Butter X Warren Bountiful X German Black Wax In the crosses, Challenge Black Wax by Davis Wax and Blue Pod Butter by Davis Wax, lots have been isolated with short shoots above the plants somewhat resembling the habit of Burpee Stringless and Giant Stringless. This behavior is unexpected if such a plant type is to be described by the formula AIT. The Davis Wax type used in the crosses may, however, have been of a different strain from that described in the table. This variety is the only one used in the crosses that was not under the observation of the writer, as its growth was discontinued the year in which these notes were taken. While the factors discussed above primarily determine the plant habit, there are several others of secondary con- sideration. No special notes were taken with regard to No. 585] INHERITANCE OF HABIT 559 these. Some of them are mentioned in the following paragraph. The character of the habit type is somewhat influenced by the amount of branching the plants exhibit; open, loose, bush beans are the result of few branches; the close, dense habit of some forms is caused by profuse branching. The size of a plant to some extent influences the habit, although not as much in small ones like Chal- lenge Black Wax. In Warren the size of the plant prob- ably causes it to droop. In some varieties the number and weight of the pods, as well as their position, cause some plants to droop and assume a spreading habit when old. Perhaps fineness and coarseness of branching affect habit. One further matter that comes up for consideration is the question of the effect of environment upon plant habit. Its greatest effect, as would be supposed, seems to be upon such quantitative characters as length of the plant axis and probably the twining character to some extent. Instances of adverse conditions resulting in the almost total suppression of a character were noted in plants grown on poor soil. They exhibited the slender tips, typical of vines with axial inflorescence, but were otherwise bush-like and erect. The accelerating effects of very fertile soil on the growth of runner was also noted. However, the environmental explanation for the sudden appearance of runners among bush beans or of pole beans among typical runners is open to question. The most probable cause of such phenomena lies pri- marily in the regrouping of the unit characters of habit, combined at times with checking and accelerating factors external to the plant. The investigations here reported offer a foundation upon which more extensive study on the subject might be based. The following table suggests a few important cross types and the varieties which might be used to ad- vantage: 560 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX CROSSES FOR FURTHER STUDY Type Plant Number Varieties Type 2 Golden Carmine X White Marrow and reciprocal aXb 3 Golden Carmine X Burpee Stringless. and reciprocal aXe + Golden Carmine X Refugee and reciprocal axd 5or6 Golden Carmine X Keeney and reciprocal axe 7ors8 Golden Carmine X Challenge Black and reciprocal aX f 10 White Marrow X Burpee Stringlessand reciprocal b X ¢ b þei ped jed pi p eed AkReneoocwmrannwnne 2 À bad A © ia jd oO 11 White Marrow X Refugee and reciprocal xd 120r13 White Marrow X Keeney and reciprocal bxXe White Marrow X Challenge Black and reciprocal b Xf 17 Burpee Stringless X Refugee and reciprocal exXd 180r19 Burpee Stringless X Keeney and reciprocal cxe 20or21 Burpee Stringless X Challege Black and reciprocal cxf 23 0r24 Refugee Keeney and reciprocal axe 25 0r26 Refugee X Challenge Black and reciprocal d Xf 290r30 Keeney X Challenge Black and reciprocal exf The Burpee crosses should be particularly watched to determine if the assumed set of factors AIT is the cause of the shoots and later spreading habit of the plant. The axis should be studied by means of accurate meas- urement as far as possible. The judgment concerning circumnutation would probably be necessarily more or less indefinite. In crosses 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, ete. the type number should be determined. The conclusions that can be drawn from observations reported in the preceding pages are: 1. That plant habit in beans is largely determined by the presence or absence of three characters which have been designated by the letters A, L, and T. 1. A, the presence of axial inflorescence permitting an indefinite growth, of the main stem and main branches, and a terminal inflorescence causing definite growth. 2. The length of the axis L, an important factor con- trolling plant habit and probably governed by a series of two or more factors for a length L,, L,, ete., which behave after the fashion of Emerson’s hypothesis for the inherit- ance of quantitative characters. 3. The climbing habit is due to a factor for circum- No. 585] INHERITANCE OF HABIT 561 nutation. This factor may be called T. The cause of the various degrees of the climbing habit has not been deter- mined with any degree of certainty. The contorted stems of erect bush forms are probably caused by T. II. The factors A, L and T may be present in any possible combination, giving rise to the various habit types of beans. III. When the types are crossed among themselves they behave approximately after the manner sketched in Table IT. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Emerson, R. A. Pie in Bean Hybrids. Rpt. Agr. Exp. Sta. Neb. 17 (1904), p 34—43. 2. Emerson, R. A. Inheritance of Sizes and Shapes in Plants. AMER. NAT., 44 (1 910), pp. 736-46 (1910). oo . Emerson, R. A., and East, E. M. Inheritance of Quantitative Characters in Maize. Wuiversity of Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bulletin 2 913). (1 4, Jarvis, C. D aang Varieties of Beans. Cornell Uniyersity Agr. Exp. ta. Bulletin 2 5. Tracy, Jr rican Varieties of Garden Beans. U. S. D. A. in No. 109. 6. Webber, H. J. Preliminary Report on Pepper Hybrids. A. B. A. Reports, VII and VIII, p. 188. ON THE MODIFICATION OF CHARACTERS BY CROSSING! R. RUGGLES GATES UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Iw the early years of Mendelian discovery there was much discussion concerning gametic purity in hybrids, and the question whether unit characters are modified on crossing was keenly debated. Convinced by the numer- ous instances in which Mendelian characters appear to be unmodified by crossing, many writers came to the con- clusion that characters universally segregate without being modified or ‘‘contaminated’’ by association with other characters in the hybrid. That such a conclusion is far too sweeping is, however, indicated by many later results, and there is now a disposition to admit that changes in a character or the breaking up of a character may be effected through crossing. But some writers con- tinue to look upon a unit character as an entity, which is unmodifiable and indestructible by hybridization. Notwithstanding the admitted belief of Bateson and others that characters may be modified by crossing, I know of no extensive body of evidence that such modifica- tions take place except the work of Castle and Phillips (1914) whose conclusions have not been fully accepted and are chiefly concerned with modification by selection. It therefore seemed worth while to direct attention to certain experimental results of a somewhat different kind which appear to show beyond cavil that modifications of characters sometimes result from crossing. The matter is an important one because it affects the old question of the swamping of new characters through crossing, as well as various other aspects of evolutionary theory. 1 Read before the American Genetic Association, San Francisco meeting, August 3, 1915. 562 No. 585] MODIFICATION OF CHARACTERS 563 Anticipating the conclusions which will be reached in this paper, it may be pointed out that the swamping effect is not so serious a check upon progressive evolution as might be supposed, (1) because blending or modification of a new character only takes place in certain crosses and may be accompanied by segregation even in some of those, and (2) because Mendelian characters usually come out ‘‘pure’’ when crossed with the form from which they were derived. Hence when Mendelian characters arise through mutations in nature it may be expected that they will be able to perpetuate themselves and spread, espe- cially when dominant, unless they place the organism at a disadvantage in the struggle for existence. The modifi- cation of a Mendelian character will come, not from cross- ing with its parent form but with a more distantly related species. Some writers appear to believe that it is practically impossible to modify a unit character because it is repre- sented in the germ plasm by a ‘‘gene’’ whose essential characteristic is its unmodifiability. But if we consider that each unit character is a difference which has arisen through a change in one element of the germ plasm, prob- ably in a chromosome, then it would seem possible that if introduced into a foreign cytoplasm the chromosome may become subject to permanent modification. Castle and Phillips (1914) have produced evidence from hooded rats tending to show that selection may modify a unit character in certain cases, although the nature of this result is not yet fully analyzed. They moreover show that the hooded character is modified by across. Davenport (1906) in his experiments with poul- try, concluded that unit characters are frequently modi- fied by crossing. He says (p. 80): Very frequently, if not always, the character that has been once crossed has been affected by its opposite with which it was mated and whose place it has taken in the hybrid. It may be extracted therefrom to use in a new combination, but it will be found to be altered. This we 564 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vor XLIX have seen to be true for almost every characteristic sufficiently studied— for the comb form, the nostril form, cerebral hernia, crest, muff, tail length, vulture hock, foot feathering, foot color, earlobe and both gen- eral and special plumage color. Everywhere unit characters are changed by hybridizing. In crosses between Ginothera rubricalyx and Œ. grand- iflora I have studied with care the modifications which take place in the expression of the various character- differences in F,, F, and later generations. Many of the results have been recorded in detail elsewhere (Gates, 1914, 1915a, pp. 250-282). It need only be said that the foliage characters in F, form an absolutely continuous series so that it is impossible to apply to them usefully the unit-character conception. In F, a large number of races were obtained differing in many ways as regards their foliage, many of them breeding true and others varying within wide or narrow limits. Occasionally in back-crosses an apparently complete reversion takes place to one or other of the parents, but blending and fractionation of the characters is the rule. It is, however, difficult to obtain critical evidence from the foliage because, while the original differences are sharply marked, yet it is always possible to assume that the continuous F, series and the numerous F, races result from the presence of many independent units.? I will therefore confine my attention to the sharp pigmentation character (R) of rubricalyx, for in the inheritance of this character crucial evidence may be obtained. The origin of this dominant unit-character through a single muta- tion, and the subsequent attainment of the duplicate con- dition (RR’) for this character in some of the offspring of later generations (1915b), have been pointed out else- where. Here we will examine the modifications of R which take place when rubricalyx is crossed with Œ. grandiflora. The main facts regarding the variability of R in these 2 The inheritance of pubescence-differences shows similar features and can not be reasonably interpreted in terms of numerous units. No. 585] MODIFICATION OF CHARACTERS. 565 crosses have already been published (Gates, 1914, p. 244 and 1915a, p. 257) and need only be summarized here, to emphasize their significance. In the publications cited I had not yet reeognized that the occurrence of 15:1 ratios in later generations of rubricalyx is significant as indi- cating that in such families the duplicate condition for R had been reached, even although other ratios such as 5:1 occur as well. The F, generation of the crosses between rubricalyx and grandiflora contained 2,794 plants, in 20 of which the red bud-character R showed decided modification so as to be more or less intermediate between the two parents. Since each plant in bloom produces scores of buds simul- taneously, and hundreds during the season, there is ample material for determining the exact degree of modification or development of the character in every individual. As will be seen from the original records, the 20 plants in which the color pattern was more or less modified were not all alike but formed a series, some being nearer the normal R than others. In most other F, plants sharp segregation took place, the buds being entirely either R or r without the slightest doubt in classification. In addi- tion to the 20 plants above mentioned, there were, how- ever, a certain number in which the character R was more or less underdeveloped, so that it was impossible to be certain whether they represented mere fluctuations or real modifications of the character. The crucial test of modification is supplied by the F, generation. Two of these last-mentioned intermediate plants self-pollinated yielded offspring like themselves, without any tendency to segregate into the R and r types. These families numbered, respectively, 283 and 20 plants, so that in the former case at least any tendency to segre- gation could not fail to be observed. The buds of these plants were intermediate, the pigmentation was pale and was never fully developed on the hypanthium as is the case in rubricalyx. The whole population was then inter- mediate like the parent. 566 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Another F, family (No. 149) was derived from an F, plant (65. III. 12) having sepals weak red with the color pattern as extensive as in rubrinervis 6 (i. e., nearly the extreme condition), and in addition streaks of pale red on the hypanthium. This plant was therefore nearer r than R, and one may account for its occurrence through ‘‘contamination’’ before segregation took place in the germ cells of the previous generation. In pure rubri- nervis or grandiflora I have never found even a trace of red on the hypanthium until the flower fades. The off- spring of this plant numbered 186 individuals and their pigmentation fluctuated about that of the parent plant as amean. This condition closely approximated that in Œ. rubrinervoides (1915c, p. 390), which may have orig- inated in a similar way. We must, therefore, conclude that plants which are intermediate in pigmentation breed true, at least in all cases tested, and that the degree of pigmentation in the parent is adhered to in the offspring whether the parent plant is an under-pigmented R or an over-pigmented r. In this aspect, the inheritance in such cases is quantita- tive and the offspring vary only within narrow limits. The quantitative aspect is further emphasized when F, and F, hybrids of Œ. grandiflora and Œ. rubricalyx are crossed back with either parent. The pigmentation is much intensified when crossed back with rubricalyx, and greatly diluted when crossed with grandiflora, Thus in (rubricalyx X grandiflora) < grandiflora if the female parent is heterozygous for R, segregation into R and r plants will occur in the offspring, but the R plants will be much paler than in the selfed offspring of the female parent. Hence there are two somewhat antagonistic effects which have to be considered, (1) the segregation of R and r individuals, and (2) a permanent dilution of the pig- mentation of the R individuals. The former effect can be explained by the meiotic mechanism which segregates No. 585] MODIFICATION OF CHARACTERS. 567 chromosome pairs. The latter effect may be due to a modification of the chromosomes themselves, or perhaps of the surrounding cytoplasm, or the inhibition in pig- mentation may be explained by the presence of more numerous grandiflora chromosomes. Everywhere, in an accurate study of the inheritance of R, the quantitative as well as the qualitative (presence or absence) aspect has to be considered. The dilution effect from crossing back with grandiflora has been tested in six families numbering 673 individuals and is always essentially the same. Although segregation into the R and r types takes place when the parent is heterozygous, yet R once diluted always remains so and apparently never gives rise to the original deeply pig- mented condition. In other words, a permanently blended condition arises as regards the depth of pigmentation, although this will still segregate from the unpigmented - eondition in heterozygous plants. It is not easy to furnish a complete explanation for this diluting effect. The permanent dilution of R through union with a grandiflora germ cell may perhaps be ac- counted for by the fact that in the heterozygote the chro- mosomes of grandiflora are closely associated in the same nucleus with those of the other parent. The chromosomes which are finally dissociated in the germ cells, after thou- sands or millions of mitotic divisions in association, might then be supposed to be somewhat modified. There are, however, difficulties with this view, since the absence- character, r, is usually not contaminated, but splits out sharply and almost invariably without any trace of red- production. It is also difficult to account for the facts on the assumption that the cytoplasm has been permanently modified. There is, however, one hypothesis which appears to meet the case. If all the grandiflora chromosomes are equally effective in inhibiting anthocyanin production in 568 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLIX the hybrids with rubricalyx—a not improbable hypothesis —then the dilution effect will be the same in F, or in cross- ing back, whenever an R chromosome is present in the next generation; and when such a chromosome is not present there will of course be complete absence from the buds of the rubricalyx pigment. On this hypothesis, in an original cross between rubricalyx and grandiflora a cer- tain (observed) reduction in pigmentation occurs. When the F, hybrid is crossed back with grandiflora the addi- tional grandiflora chromosomes thus introduced dilute or inhibit the color still further, while the presence or ab- sence of the diluted R will depend upon whether or not the R chromosome from rubricalyx is present. It would _ thus appear to be unnecessary to assume that this chromo- some is itself modified by its different nuclear and cyto- plasmic environment. In other words, the grandiflora chromosomes may be supposed to exert a mass effect in inhibiting the influence of the R chromosome. It is, of course, possible that in these circumstances the R chromosome itself may be permanently modified, but it seems possible to explain all the facts without making this assumption. In any case, whatever the modus operandi, there can be no question that the R character is permanently diluted by crossing with grandiflora, and the degree of dilution is increased every time the hybrid is again crossed back with that species. Another noteworthy fact is that as the pigmentation becomes more dilute its morphological expression is more irregular. The color pattern of the bud begins to break up, and instead of continuous pigmentation of the whole bud a patchy effect will be produced. This spotted condi- tion of the buds is very marked in certain families, e. g., in the second generation of offspring from (rubricalyx X grandiflora) X grandiflora (see Gates, 1915a, Fig. 113, p. 280). When it appears it is found to persist in later generations. To account for this condition through the No. 585] MODIFICATION OF CHARACTERS. 569 accession of a ‘‘spotting factor’’ is a gratuitous assump- tion. Spotting appears rather to be the manner of ex- pression of the character when the amount of pigment is small. It must be said, however, that in some families having no greater quantity of pigmentation there is a strong tendency for it to remain uniformly distributed, so that the whole bud is very pale red. LITERATURE CITED Castle, W. E., and Phillips, John C. 1914. Piebald Rats and Selection; an p A Test of the Effectiveness of Selection and the siy ory of eaor ne in Mendelian Crosses. Carnegie ubl. No. 195, pp. 56, pls. 3. Davenport, C. z 1906. sii te in Poultry. Carnegie Publ. No. 52, pp. 136, pls. 17. Gates, R. R. 1914. Breeding Experiments which Show that ape and Mutation are Independent Phenomena. Zeitschr. f. Abst . Vererb., 11: 209-279, Figs. 2 1915a. The Matation Factor in Evolution. Macmillans, London, pp. 353, 19156. On Successive teil casey pie Biol. Bull., 29: In press. 1915c. Some Cénotheras from Cheshire and Lancashire. Annals Mo. Bot. Gard., ii por Pie 20-22 SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION STUDIES ON INBREEDING. VI. SOME FURTHER CON- SIDERATIONS REGARDING COUSIN AND RELATED KINDS OF MATING? IN the first of these studies? the writer dealt with the results, in so far as concerned coefficients of inbreeding, which would follow continued brother X sister, parent X offspring, and cousin X cousin mating. Regarding matings of the latter type it is de- sired now to record certain further facts. PEDIGREE TABLE I (HYP L) To ILLUSTRATE THE CONTINUED BREEDING OF First-CousIN X First-CousIN — SINGLE COUSINS ° ae poe Ney . > 2 ee ae = oe ee ee ee A < m g n d 0 h Ta P i m k n $ w a v Generation number 1 2 3 4 1 Papers from the Biological Laboratory of the Maine Agricultural Experi- ment Station No. 85. 2 AMER. Nat., Vol. XLVIII, 1913, pp. 577-614. 570 x No. 585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 571 There are, of course, two possible sorts of first cousins, single and double. In the first case one of the parents of any individual is a brother (or sister) to the one of the parents of the other indi- vidual in the mating. In the second case, both the parents occupy this relation to the parents of the other individual in the mating. These two sorts of first cousinship are shown in Pedigree Tables I and II. PEDIGREE TABLE II (HYPOTHETICAL) To ILLUSTRATE THE CONTINUED BREEDING OF First-CousIN X First-Cousin — DOUBLE COUSINS k oe g |, ja i oe ee a tr k G i 1, f ; P i A, < i jo g | et m ee + ala ta 4 r i | tp J U Ae {p n {4 Generation number 1 2 3 | 4 5 The values of the coefficients of inbreeding for continued single and double cousin mating are shown in Table I. It will be seen that Pedigree Table I and the third column of Table I are different from the corresponding values given on pages 591 and 592 of the earlier paper. The present values should be substituted for the earlier ones, which were based upon - 572 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the erroneous assumption that half the double-cousin values would give single-cousin values. TABLE I VALUES OF THE SUCCESSIVE COEFFICIENTS OF INBREEDING IN THE CASE OF CONTINUED COUSIN MATING Coefficient of Ancestral Generation Coefficient fo for Single | Coefficient for Double Inbreeding Included Pins usins — _ Cou usins Zo 3 0 o Z, 2 0 0 Ze 3 25.00 50.00 Z; 4 50.00 5.00 Z, 5 68.75 87.50 Z; 6 81.25 93.75 Ze T 89.06 96.98 Z, 8 93.75 98.44 Zs 9 96.48 99.22 Zo 10 98.05 99.61 Zio 11 98.93 99.80 VE 12 99.41 99.90 Zy> | 13 99.68 99.95 Zis 14 99.83 99.98 Ziu 15 99.91 99.99 Zis 16 99.95 99.994 00 — ee se as ee eatin Dg oe 7 0 A Ka re y Ere 7 , ys Pa 9 Y ` Sa K % t Š oo | S N / f ri Ñ 3 T ig) Sy 4 v i Í / r p? / 20 + l É / i ‘WV 2 4 E 2 70 7 74 GENERATIONS Curves of inbreeding, showing (a) the limiting case of continued Fic. 1. brother x sister breeding, fodder the successive coefficients of hoj have the aximum values; (b) c ued p ing ma cng fe) continued first- pei first-cousin aces pane the cousinship a double (C2 x C?), ang a con- tinued first-cousin x first-cousin m e the cou ate is single (Ctx Ct’). The continued mating of Se pam Sdan re same curve a No.585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 573 The data of Table I are given graphically in Fig. 1, together with the curve for brother X sister and parent X offspring. From the table and figure it is seen that with continued in- breeding according to any one of these four types the coefficient approaches the value 100. The rate of approach is different, however, in the different cases. The curves fall into two pairs. The brother X sister and the double cousin curves are precisely alike so far as concerns their curvature or shape at any given point. Similarly, the parent X offspring and single cousin curves are of the same shape. The essential point of difference is that the cousin curves lag a generation behind the others. Let us now consider the question of the degree of inbreeding following continued matings of the avuncular type of relation- ship. Pedigree Table III gives a pedigree in which each mating is of uncle X niece. PEDIGREE TABLE III (HYPOTHETICAL) To ILLUSTRATE THE MATING OF UNCLE X NIECE | | fu | m is poco c A 0 h | n i k t 5 je d í i? j | i >. 4 4 1s ; í ts h i : s : i +. b 4 r pa fe te | { f i (i l d an | ~ or Generation number 1 2 a4 574 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vot XLIX From this table it appears that the values of the coefficients of inbreeding will be exactly the same for this type of mating as in the case of single cousin mating. Or, in other words, Z’s form the following series. TABLE II VALUES OF COEFFICIENTS OF INBREEDING FOR CONTINUED X NIECE MATING Coefficient Number of Ancestral Generations Value of Coefficient Zo 1 0 Z, 2 0 Z, 3 25.00 Ze 4 50.00 7A 5 68.75 B 6 81.25 ete. ete. etc. as in Table I From the data presented in this and former papers it is clear that inbreeding continued for about ten generations, quite re- gardless of the type of mating, provided only it be continuously followed, leads to within one or two per cent. of complete ‘‘con- centration of blood.’’ The bearing of this result upon the general question of the degree of inbreeding which exists in the ancestry of our domestic animals to-day is obvious. To consider but a single case: In 1789° a law was passed prohibiting the importa- tion of cattle into the Island of Jersey. Hence it follows that all pure-bred Jersey cattle of the present time must be of the descendants of the relatively few animals on the Island in 1790. Taking three years as about the average generation interval in eattle, this means about forty generations since the Island was closed to importation. The concentration of lines of descent which must have occurred in this time merely by the dropping of lines and quite regardless of the type of mating is obvious. This is not the place to go in detail into the discussion of inbreeding in Jerseys, especially as I hope shortly to publish the results of an extensive study of this matter, but it seems desirable to emphasize . the bearing of such hypothetical pedigrees for particular types of mating as are given in this and earlier papers, on the general problem of inbreeding. It is possible to extend now somewhat the table of general equations given by Jennings‘ for coefficients of inbreeding after 8 Teste Rees’s odo Sagas and H. S. Redfield, Natl. Stockman and Farmer, December 15, 1892. 4 Amer. NAT., Vol. XLIII, p. 695, 1914. No. 585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 575 m generations of each particular type of mating. We have the following values, where n denotes the number of ancestral gen- erations concerned, or, as Jennings puts it, the number of suc- cessive inbreedings which have taken place. Type of Mating Coefficient of Inbreeding 2n — 1 E aT an a O E O a eee on 2n — 2 BrOK Or OC MSLOY eLan a i ees ek Ən Gow i z 2n — 2n omn X COUMM, MINIS cii: ccc s wee e neces’ SE TEF x i Qn — 22 (from n==2 Cousin X cousin, GOW oe ec es eae E ek ln a i nao r on — Nn — I Parent X offspring ........... Serre re on Vacio x Pow o no an on es RAYMOND PEARL . AN ATTEMPT TO PRODUCE MUTATIONS THROUGH HYBRIDIZATION THERE is no more interesting problem to the experimental evolutionist than the one relating to the cause or causes of the origin of mutations. Until we are able to solve this problem we can only accept what the gods give in our breeding experiments. When a mutation arises it is usually a simple process to produce a pure stock. By mutation is meant any deviation from the normal type which reappears in some of the descendants. In the following experiment most of the abnormalities that were found never reappeared in the offspring. My experiments have been confined to the fruit fly, Drosophila ampelophila, a species kept for years ‘‘under cultivation’’ at Columbia University. This species has proved to be very plas- tic, throwing off great numbers of mutant forms. At the sug- gestion of Dr. T. H. Morgan I crossed some of these mutants with wild stock of the same species from widely separated locali- ties in order to test whether through hybridization mutations arise in greater numbers than in inbred stock. The idea that new forms arise from crossing more or less closely related species is an old one. One finds many references in Darwin’s works to this conception. For instance, in the ** Origin of Species °? Darwin says: 576 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX When mongrels and the more fertile hybrids are propagated for several generations, an extreme amount of variability in the offspring in both eases is notorious; but some few instances of both hybrids and mongrels long retaining a uniform character could be given. The vari- ability, however, in the successive generations of mongrels is, perhaps, greater than in hybrids. One of the causes of ordinary variability ... is ... that the repro- ductive system from being eminently sensitive to changed conditions of life, fails under these circumstances to perform its proper function of producing offspring closely similar in all respects to the parent form. From ‘‘ Plants and Animals under Domestication ’’ we find the following. Crossing, like any other change in the conditions of life, seems to be an element, probably a potent one, in causing variability. A variation to be effective in species formation must reappear in some of the descendants. That a variation could, through selection within a pure strain be increased or decreased in the direction of selection to form a stable species has been seriously questioned since Johannsen’s classic experiments. It is well understood, on the other hand, how selection in a mixed popula- tion could cause the variation to move in the direction of selec- tion up to a certain point. The first mutant stock selected for the experiment was cherry club vermilion. The factors for these three characters are linked together and are also linked with sex; the second stock was black pink bent, which has the three factors independent of each other and none is linked with sex. These factors are sup- posed to lie in the second, third and fourth chromosomes, re- spectively. The third stock was black purple vestigial are speck, which has the five factors linked together. They lie in the sec- ond chromosome. A stock from France was crossed to the mu- tant stock several months after the other crosses were made, and eosin tan vermilion was substituted for the cherry club ver- milion, and pink kidney sooty rough for the black purple ves- tigial are speck stock because flies of these particular stocks were not to be had at the time desired. These forms were chosen because it was thought that if muta- tions do arise from hybrid forms there would be more probability of their origin from a mutant varying in several characters when crossed to wild than if it varied in only one character. Also by , using stock containing several recessive characters a check could No.585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 577 be placed upon any variant from the expected classes due to contamination; for the variant, if arising from the cross, would give some offspring in the F, generation with some of the reces- sive characters. However, extreme care was taken to avoid con- tamination and at no time was there reason to suspect it in any of the cultures. The wild stocks used were from Arkansas, California, Massa- chusetts, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, Wyoming, Porto Rico, Cuba, Australia and France. The totals of the F, generations are as follows: Ch. Cl. Ver. Bi. Pk: B: Bl. P. Vg. Are. Sp. pe eee ave ts 1,162 307 198 California S20) Deri e od 859 715 332 iois <2. 5 eaaa serene 211 287 Massachusetts ..........». 1,078 681 1,013 PEO Ss oes vues Fags s 771 274 Me eo ee pres eer 506 1,612 370 Wyoming o oo). PEERS Hes 925 150 Porka Aeteo sons ei a 151 207 CRBS se sean aon es Gena 819 PTE o ety « s 469 401 548 PPBNCG oe ce tes 814 ‘951 826 OO eas cee 6,946 “5,298 4,393 This gives a grand total of 16,637 flies. It should be noted that these flies were examined with the greatest care under a binocular microscope. Each fly was turned over separately and every part carefully examined. From the cherry club vermilion crosses the following ab- normal forms were found; three gynandromorphs; twenty-four flies with more or less beaded wings; two flies with three cross veins on the wings; one truncate; and two flies with abnormal abdomen. The abnormal forms from the crosses with black purple ves- tigial are speck were, sixty-three with more or less beaded wings; one truncate; one abnormal abdomen; one fly with five legs; and four flies with a projection from the posterior cross vein toward the base of the wing. From the black pink bent crosses were found two beaded; one abnormal abdomen; three truncate; and one called furrowed be- cause of the furrows in the eyes due to the foreshortening of the head. This gives a total of 109 abnormal forms or one abnormal in 578 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX every 152 flies. But 89 of these abnormals were flies with beaded wings. This character is very variable; some of the flies had only a few bristles missing from the margin of the wings, while others had both the outer and inner margins of the wings ser- rated. The character has been recurring in the stock so fre- quently that it can scarcely be ascribed to outcrossing. Many of these flies were mated, but they either did not leave offspring, or the character did not reappear in the F, generation. The three gynandromorphs are not to be considered as mu- tants. The data here show that gynandromorphs occur once in about five thousand five hundred times. Flies with truncate wings are of occasional occurrence in the laboratory stock, as are also those with abnormal abdomen; hence, flies with these characters are not to be considered as due neces- sarily to the outcrossing. The truncate would not breed and the abnormal abdomen character did not reappear in the F, genera- tion. If a character does not reappear in the F, generation it is considered to be of somatic and not of germinal origin, unless an environmental condition is necessary for the expression of the changed character. - The abnormality of the fly with five legs may have been the result of accident, for the character did not reappear in the F, generation. Three characters were found to be inherited; the one called ‘‘furrowed,’’ which arose from the cross of black pink bent with wild stock from Massachusetts; the one with a projection from the posterior cross vein toward the base of the wing, called ‘* tau,’’ which arose from the cross of black purple vestigial are speck with wild stock from Illinois; but since this stock had just been received from Illinois, and since the character appeared in four of the flies, it is suspected that the character was reces- sive in the wild stock and not due solely to the cross. Also from cherry club vermilion crossed to stock from Arkansas arose two males with three cross veins on the wings and a disturbance of the ommatidia of the eye. This character is called ‘‘ warty.’’ Pure stocks of flies with these characters have been bred for many generations and each continues to breed true. ‘‘ Warty ” has many other characters than the modification of the eyes, e. g., beaded wing, spread wing, from two to five cross veins on the wings, abnormal abdomen and disarranged hairs on the thorax. The females are sterile and the race is maintained No. 585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 579 by crossing the males to their heterozygous sisters. The char- acter is not sex linked; it decreases the viability of the flies, but more than this can not be said at present. Work is being con- tinued on this character and on flies with the character ‘‘tau.”’ ‘‘Furrowed’’ is characterized by having the head foreshort- ened, which causes indentations or furrows in the eyes; also the spines on the scutellum are stumpy. The last character is of importance in determining some of the flies, as a female will sometimes occur without any disturbance of the eyes. This character arose in a male which was crossed to a wild female. The F, generation gave normal females and half the males were normal and half were furrowed. This established the fact that the character followed the distribution of the sex chromosome. The position of the gene in the chromosome was next determined according to the theory that the genes in any chromosome are arranged in a linear series.1_ Crosses were made with eosin miniature, sable forked, and with vermilion barred. Because of the low fertility of the furrowed females the cross was always made with the furrowed males. Consequently, the males alone are considered in the counts given below. EosIN MINIATURE? By FURROWED ĝ MOPE sS u aides ck why S POONA it a. esas 67 Eosin miniature furrowed. 1 Eosin miniature ........... 75 F, males.. : ps Wom Tone sue. io SMA oe ek es 31 Miniature furrowed ..... 0 Eosin long furrowed ....... 28 In the first column are the cross-over classes between mini- ature and furrowed and the per cent. of these to the whole number is 3.4. Then the gene which determines the character ‘‘furrowed’’ is supposed to lie 3.4 points beyond miniature, or at 39.6. SABLE FORKED 9 BY FURROWED ¢ Furrowed sable forked... 1 Sable forked ...........:.. 61 F Í MOP eekan o TO o tein clea shes 105 2 males.. Worked N E a 3 Furrowed forked ........... 1 pisa Ma sieves O Gable (oo a et 16 In the first column are the cross-over classes between furrowed and sable and these are 5.7 per cent. of the entire number. Then furrowed lies at a point 5.7 to the left of sable, or at 37.3. 1 Sturtevant, Jour, Ex. Zool., 713. 580 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX VERMILION BARRED 9 BY FURROWED ¢ f PET ee eek ee 6 Vermilion Bar. oer GG 86 Vermilion furrowed ..... Do Worrowed siok ae 102 F, males.. Mom i aa 0O Furrowed bar.. asina na 15 Vermilion furrowed bar... 0. Vermilion ................+ 28 The cross-over classes between vermilion and furrowed are the bar and vermilion furrowed classes of which there are nine, which is 3.75 per cent. of the entire number. Vermilion is at 33, hence the gene for furrowed lies at 36.75. The cross-over classes between furrowed and bar are the fur- rowed bar and the vermilion classes of which there are 43 which is 18 per cent. Then furrowed lies/18 points to the left of bar or at 39. The discrepancy in these results is due to the low viability of the furrowed flies, yet the results agree fairly well, varying from 36.75 to 39, giving an average of 38.1, which is considered as the relative position of the gene for furrowed in the sex chromosome. ` H Br The accompanying diagram will aid in understanding the cross-over classes. The heavy straight lines represent the paired sex chromosomes which a heterozygous female has received from her parents. The upper one, which carries vermilion bar, was received from the female parent and the lower, carrying fur- rowed, was received from the male parent. Each of the sons of this heterozygous female receives one of these chromosomes which determines what it shall be with reference to these special characters. In about 75 per cent. of the cases the sons receive ese chromosomes without any interchange of substance be- tween the two as is shown by the two straight lines which rep- resent the non-cross-over classes. When there is an interchange No. 585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 581 of material between the two chromosomes as indicated by the crossed lines, then males arise with a different arrangement of the characters from that which had appeared in the grand- parents. In the diagram v, f and Br stand for vermilion eye, furrowed eye, and bar eye, respectively; while V, F and br stand for the normal allelomorphs of these characters, i. e, red eye, not furrowed and not bar. Reading from the left the top dotted line includes v, F and br, but since F and br are normal the flies will differ from normal forms in the one character alone, viz., vermilion. The dotted line below includes V, f and Br, hence the males receiving this chromosome are furrowed bar. Re- ferring to the table showing the cross between a vermilion bar female with a furrowed male we see that there were 28 vermilion and 15 furrowed bar flies. Reading from the left again and omitting the normal allelomorphs, the upper dash line includes vermilion and furrowed and the lower dash line includes bar alone. The table shows that there were only three vermilion furrowed and six bar males, hence the interchange of material between vermilion and furrowed took place less frequently than it did between furrowed and bar. Since the per cent. of crossing over between any two genes is taken as the index of the relative distance between those genes, then furrowed lies much closer to vermilion than it does to bar. The fine lines represent double crossing over, of which no representatives were found in this cross. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Crosses were made with mutant stocks of Drosophila with wild stock from many localities in the United States, from the West Indies, France and Australia in order to discover, if pos- sible, if hybridization is an essential factor in the formation of mutant races. From 16,637 flies of the F, generation seven flies arose which varied from the normal type and which bred true. If we discard the four with the character ‘‘tau’’ for reasons given above, then the result is narrowed to three flies with two characters. This gives one mutant to every 5,545 flies. Therefore, a mutation has occurred so seldom that we can scarcely attribute hybridization as its cause. It is highly prob- able that if the same number of wild flies had been reared under 582 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vor. XLIX favorable conditions for the survival of any new forms that ap- peared just as many mutations would have been found as in the above experiment. In the light of these results we can attribute the origin of mutations only to chance, since hybridization as a causal agent does not occupy a privileged position relative to the effect. F. N. DUNCAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY wt i LINKAGE AND SEMI-STERILITY Tue Florida velvet bean (Stizolobium deeringianum) has nor- mal pollen and embryo-sacs; it flowers (when sown in May) early in September; and has pigmented (mottled) seed-coats. The Yokohama bean (Stizolobium hassjoo) has also normal pol- len and embryo-saes; it flowers in July; and has its seed-coats unpigmented. The first-generation hybrids of Florida by Yoko- hama had half their pollen and embryo-saes aborted (1, 2); flowered at the end of August; and had more or less pigmented seed-coats. In the second generation, half of the plants had normal pollen and embryo-sacs, and half showed semi-sterility (1, 2). These plants flowered from July to September, the ma- jority being late. About three-quarters had pigmented seed- coats; and one-quarter, colorless seed-coats. Most of the semi-sterile plants, and also most of the plants with pigmented seed-coats, were late in flowering. The semi-sterile plants, however, were not later than the fertile, in the second generation of the Florida by China cross. Hence there is no necessary connection between semi-sterility and lateness. A ran- dom sample of five second-generation plants of the Florida by Yokohama cross gave one family with pigmented seed-coats, one family with colorless seed-coats, and three families segregating into pigmented and colorless in about the ratio 3:1. Hence the pigmentation of the seed-coat is not a mere physiological conse- quence of lateness, but is determined by a definite factor. If K is the factor from the Florida concerned with semi-sterility ; P, a factor concerned with pigmentation of seed-coat; and H, the main factor for lateness; then K and H are strongly coupled in the gametes of the first-generation plants, as are also P and H. K and P show secondary coupling. No.585] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 583 The data follow. SEMI-STERILITY AND LATENESS Second generation of Florida by Yokohama eeds n early in May (Classes are approximately fortnights) oe ee eee M Fertile plants .............0-+- uio n]? Bing | u Semi-sterile plants ...... 6 10 11 29 10 | ie The average of the semi-sterile is about a fortnight later than that of the fertile. If we divide the plants into those flowering before and after August 11, we have: | First Month | Second kud Third Mouths Fertile | 43 38 Semi-sterile .... | 16 59 A calculation, based on the hypothesis used for semi-sterility (1), shows that the crossing-over (3) between K and H is prob- ably less than 17 per cent. SECOND GENERATION OF FLORIDA BY YOKOHAMA Seeds sown early in June ajej a| | e | tek Fertile tilaisi’ 8 oe Semi-sterile A TiS ae ee 88 The fertile plants are earlier than the semi-sterile; though the average difference is less than in the early planting, because, as usual, the first-early plants are more affected by late planting than are the later plants. . PIGMENTATION OF SEED-COAT, AND LATENESS Second Generation of Florida by Yokohama arly sowing eros Le | 5 | 6 | Totals Unpigmented seed-coats .. | 16 | m6 | ol b | rio Pigmented seed-coats........ 4 | 22 | 25 tR DI m Thus most plants with unpigmented seed-coats are early. A calculation again shows that the amount of crossing-over is prob- ably under 23 per cent. 584 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX SECOND GENERATION OF FLORIDA BY YOKOHAMA Late sowing 6 | Totals | 2 1 Ti | | | | Unpigmented seed-coats ............ | 8 | 20 | 12 | $1 eae | 1 43 Pigmento saisir itirirdi iraa | 17 3 HS This confirms the results from the early sowing. PIGMENTATION OF SEED-COAT AND SEMI-STERILITY The coupling between K and P is given from the following: SECOND GENERATION OF FLORIDA BY YOKOHAMA Pigmented | Totals | Unpigmented | meae Site o | me 110 | 155 Bemisterile 2 arare 39 120 | 159 The excess of pigmented semi-sterile and of unpigmented fer- tile testifies to a slight coupling, and calculation shows that there is probably about 35 per cent. of crossing-over. According to the hypothesis (1), fertile second-generation plants should be mainly homozygous for H (or h) and P (or p); while semi-sterile plants should be mainly heterozygous for these factors. This is being further tested. JOHN BELLING FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION REFERENCES 1. Belling, J. 1914. The mode of inheritance of semi-sterility in certain hybrid plants. Zeitschr. f. ind. Abst.- u. Verebungslehre 12; 303- 342. 2. Belling, J. 1915. Inheritance of partial sterility. Report of Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. for 19 Pp. 96-105. 3. Sturtevant, A. H. - 1915. The Behavior of the Chromosomes as Studied through Linkage. Zeitschr. f. ind. Abst.- u. Vererbungslehre 13: 234-287. VOL. XLIX, NO. 586" OCTOBER, 1915 Ham . Shorter Articles and EEE » Anticipatory Mutationist. Dr. R. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL Devoted to the Advancement of .the Biological Sciences with Special Reference to the Factors of Evolution CONTENTS Early Portrayals ofthe Opossum. Dr. CHARLES R. EASTMAN. - —- - 586 Seventeen Years Selection of a Character. Dr. RAYMOND PEARL - - -595 Specific and Varietal Characters in Annual Sunflowers. Professor T. D. A. omen -= The Inh Dl in Matthiol d Petunia. I. The Hypotheses HowaRD B. FROST - -= The Coal Measure Amphibia, and EE Dr. Roy L. MOODIE - 637 RUGGLES GATES ~ 645 THE SCIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. F. NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 84 The American Naturalist intended for publication and books, etc., intended for review should be MSS sent to the Editor of THE AM Short articles containi ERICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on-Hudson, Ne ing summari w York. es of research work bearing on the problems of So as evolution are especially welcome, and will be given preference in poran rea reprints of mpfi am are supplied to authors free of charge. pt Further ‘reprints will be supplie ns and advertisements should be sent to the publishers. The aarin aries is four dollars anadian postage forty cents. a yea e twenty-five cents additional. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a pa Foreign postage is fifty cents and The cha hoe for single copies is THE SCIENCE PRESS NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Lancaster, Pa. Entered as second-class matter, ga 2, 1908, at the Garrison, N. Y. Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act ot mgress of March 3, 1879. FOR SALE ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND BIRDS’ SKINS, Well Prepared Low Prices Particulars of - DINESEN, Bird Collector Husavik, North Iceland, Via Leidle, England JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY TE at: Perfect Condition and Lowest Price Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, ae Marine Animals and others. Catalogue free. Correspo ond- ence solicite oua É; nosu, Saitama, Japan T. FUKAI, BOOKS FOR SALE relating to all branches of NATURAL HISTORY Catalogue on application JOHN D. SHERMAN, Jr. 403 Seneca Avenue MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. The ory of Chicago apg ya stig s, Literature, Science, Commerce and Admi nistra- ion, Law, Med , Educa- tion, and Divinity. Instruction is given by regular of University staff which isaugmented in the r by appointment of profess fr Res asa Saan 15 st Term June 21 28 2d Term July ma Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. INV ESTIGATI Facilities for research in frie a hs ON Embryology, Physiology tire Year Seve such a table is we a INSTRUCTION July—August ology, of SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Open the Entire Year — GEO. M. GRAY, Curator, Woods Hole, Mass The annual announcement will be sent on ne The Director, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Mass- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLIX. October, 1915 No. 586 EARLY PORTRAYALS OF THE OPOSSUM DR. CHARLES R. EASTMAN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL History THE quaint animal figures found in olden time works on natural history are interesting not only as bearing upon the contemporary state of zoological science and the art of book-making, but also because many of the illus- trations belong to a regular sequence or lineage which can be traced back, like the textual descriptions, to primitive sources. To a certain extent this has already been done, or at least indicated, in the work by John Ashton, entitled ‘‘ Curious Creatures of Zoology.” A subject deserving of the attention of naturalists but which appears to have been neglected, is an historical and systematic investigation of animal figures introduced in early American cartography. Thanks to the magnificent facsimile reproductions of sixteenth century maps which have been published during recent years in this country and abroad, abundant materials for this purpose are now easily accessible. As for the ‘‘relaciones’’ of early voy- agers and travelers in the western world, very few of these have been published with scientific commentaries, and among the really important seventeenth century writ- ers on Central and South American natural history, only the works of Hernandez (1628) and Maregrav' (1648) have been systematically annotated. The first letter 1See the commentaries on these authors by Lichtenstein and Martius, 1827 and 1853, in the publications of the Berlin and Bavarian Academies of Science. £85 586 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX written from the newly discovered world, by Dr. Chanca, companion of Columbus, was not adequately edited and annotated until after four centuries had passed. Ves- pucci’s letters also are deserving of mention in this con- nection.” In view of the fact that several communications have appeared in Nature during the past year concerning the first mention of the opossum in literature, it may not be inopportune to trace the pedigree of some of the early illustrations of this animal, both in maps and in printed works. At the same time a few of the older printed de- scriptions of American marsupials may be noticed. And we will observe first of all that the earliest reference to the common American opossum is found in the famous collection of voyages published in 1504 by Angelo Trivi- giano, under the caption of ‘‘Libretto de Tutta la Naviga- tione de Re de Spagna, de le Isole et Terreni Novamente Trovati.” In Chapter XXX of that work it is mentioned that a live specimen, taken by the Pinzons in Brazil in 1500, was exhibited in Granada. In Decas II of Peter Martyr’s ‘‘De Nove Orbe,’’ pub- lished in 1511, occurs the first published description of the American tapir; and immediately following this the opossum is referred to in these words: There is also an animal which lives in the trees, feeds upon fruits, and carries its young in a pouch in the belly; no writer as far as I know has seen it, but I have already sufficiently described it in the Decade which has already reached Your Holiness before your elevation, as it was then stolen from me to be printed. In 1547 and 1548, and again from 1549 to 1555, Hans Stade of Homburg, Hesse, passed some time in Brazil, and wrote or dictated an account of his strange adven- tures, which was published at Marburg in 1557. Under the caption of ‘‘Servoy,’’? Chapter XXXII, we read: 2 See Fernandez de Ybarra in Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc. for September, 1906, and in Mise. Coll. Smithson. Inst. for the same year. Vespucci’s first letter (1497) was republished in facsimile by Varnhagen in 1893, having for frontispiece a design by Stradanus dating from about 1580, in which various South American animals are well represented. Mention occurs 1 this letter of the iguana, puma and ocelot from the coast of Tampico. No. 586] EARLY PORTRAYALS OF THE OPOSSUM 587 There is also a kind of game, called servoy, which is as large as a eat, and has a tail like a cat; its fur is gray, and sometimes grayish black. And when it breeds, it bears five or six young. It has a slit in the belly about half a span in length. Within the slit there is yet Dic Fugnr Datt, Cop. vevi Tiaka Cap. pvei. S bat auch eyn art Wiless peyffet Gerwoy/ift (o grof E wie cyn Fane/weifaraw vobarensauch (d eps sive bat enen (hwang wiseyntass. Unnd wann es gtberet/ Fic, 1. The “ Dattu” (tatou or armadillo) and “ Servoy” (opossum); after Hans Stade, 1557. another skin; for its belly is not open, and within this slit are the teats. Wherever it goes, it carries its young in the pocket between the two skins. I have often helped to catch them and have taken the young ones from out of the slit. 588 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX In the original edition of the work just quoted wood- euts are given of both the opossum and armadillo (Dasy- pus novemcinctus Linn.) and these are reproduced in the present article (Fig. 1) from a copy belonging to the New York Public Library. The armadillo is thus described in Stade’s ‘‘ Wahrhaftig Historia’’: There is another sort of animal found in savages call dattu; it stands about six inches high and is nine inches long; its body is covered all over, except underneath, with a kind of armor. This covering is horn-like, and the plates overlap one another like those of chain armor. This animal has a very long snout, and 1s usually found on rocks. It feeds on ants. Its flesh is sweet and I have often eaten of it. Two works published at about the same time as the narrative of Stade also contain mention of the opossum, the name of ‘‘Simivulpa’”’ or Fox-ape and ‘“‘Su” being this country which the applied to the creature. In the Italian edition (1558) of Sebastian Miinster’s ‘‘Cosmographia’’ occurs this passage, accompanied by an illustration which we have reproduced in Fig. 2: No. 586] EARLY PORTRAYALS OF THE OPOSSUM 589 Trovasi in quel luogo [Brazil] un animal prodigioso, le cui parti davanti si rassomigliano a volpe & quella di dietro à Simia mai suoi piedi sono como di huomo, ha le orecchi di civetta, & sotto le ventre como una borsa, nella quale tien nascosti suoi figliuoli, finche crescono di sorte che possino caminare securamente da lor stesi, & procurarsi il cibo senza tutela della madre, ne mai escono di quella borsa se non quando lattano. Quest’ animale mostruosa con tre suoi figliuoli fu portato in Sibilía & indi in Granatá.”—p. Münster’s illustration of the PE is evidently derived from figures of the opossum appearing in several editions of Ptolemy’s ‘‘Geography’’ from 1522 onward, ae: npud of tesa Sop Cangila Fig. 3. Earliest known figure of the opossum; from the Waldseemüller world- map of 1516. and other early maps of South America, all traceable in the first instance to Waldseemiiller’s world-map of 1516, where the same representation occurs (Fig. 3). It is there accompanied by essentially the same legend as one finds in the ‘‘ Tabula Terre nove” of the 1522 Ptolemy, and in later maps and atlases,’ such as Cornelius de Jode’s (1585), and van Linschoten’s (1598). 3 Modern reproductions of South American maps showing these figures may be seen in Winsor’s ‘‘ Narrative and Critical History of America,’’ and in the magnificent na published by the Brazilian government under the direction of Baron de Rio Branca. The representation of a Bra- zilian landscape in the Ca sae no map of 1500, shown in our Fig. 4, is from a photograph of Harrisse’s colored reproduction. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX On co © Jae ee = CY ¢ A D) 1% A b a y pt y Whos w er yp va v be YW obs oP W2 : Fic. 4. One of the earliest representations of an American landscape; from the Cantino map of 1500 André Thevet, who sojourned for a short time in Brazil, published his ‘‘Singularitez de la France Antarctique”’ in 1558. His description of the ‘‘Su,’’ in reality the opossum, is paraphrased by Conrad Gesner, Edward Topsell, J. E. Nieremberg and John Jonston under that caption, and his grotesque caricature of the beast is re- produced by these authors. It is also introduced in sixteenth century cartography of the two Americas. Blaeu, in his world-map of 1605, places the ‘‘Su’’ and its descriptive legend in the region of Nova Francia;* and in the La Plata region of the same map occurs still another figure of the opossum, based upon the century-old drawing which appears in the Waldseemiiller world-map. Our Fig. 5 is taken from Thevet, and Fig. 6 from Nierem- berg, whose ‘‘ Historia Nature’’ was published in 1635. In Wolfe’s English edition of van Linschoten’s ‘‘ Voy- ages,” figures of the sloth and ‘‘Simivulpa”’ are intro- 4See the new facsimile edition (1914) published = Dr. E. L. Stevenson under the auspices of the Hispanic Society of Amer No. 586] EARLY PORTRAYALS OF THE OPOSSUM 591 Fic. 5. The “Su” (common opossum) ; after André Thevet, 1555. RN Wess y SI BS N\ WSS SS Fig. 6. The “ Flaquatzin” (wooly opossum); from Topsell, after Nieremberg, 1635. duced in the Brazilian and Argentine region of the map of the South American continent, and at page 232 of this work occurs the following description of one of these asts: 592 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX There is likewise another wonderful and strange beast of Gesnerus called a Foxe ape, on the belly whereof Nature hath formed an other belly, wherein when it goeth into any place, it hideth her young ones, and so beareth them about with her. This beast hath a body and mem- bers like a foxe, feete like mens hands, or like sea cattes feete, eares like a batte. It is never seene that this beast letteth her young ones come forth but when they sucke, or ease themselves, but are alwayes therein, until they can gette-their own meate. Passing now to the seventeenth century writers, we find this account of Didelphis in Raphe Hamor’s ‘‘True Dis- course of the Present Estate of Virginia’’ (London, 1615): For true it is, that the Land is stored with plenty and variety of wild beastes, Lions, Bears, Deere of all sorts. . . . Beavers, Otters, Foxes, Racounes, almost as big as a Fox, as good meat as a lamb, Hares, wild Cats, Muske rats, Squirrels flying, and other of three or foure sorts, Apossumes, of the bignesse and likenesse of a Pigge, of a moneth ould, a beast of as strange as incredible nature; she hath commonly seauen young ones, sometimes more and sometimes lesse, which she taketh vp into her belly, and putteth forth againe without hurt to her selfe or them. Of each of these beasts, the Lion excepted, my selfe have many times eaten, and can testifie that they are not only tastefull, but also wholesome and nourishing foode. oF >? Fic. 7. The opossum and young; after César de Rochefort, 1658. About the same time Captain John Smith wrote the fol- lowing brief characterization of the opossum, in his ‘‘De- scription of Virginia” (1612): An opossum hath a head like a Swine, and a taile like a Rat, and is of the bignesse of a Cat. Under her belly she hath a bag, wherein she lodgeth, carrieth, and suckleth her young. After Nieremberg, a Jesuit professor at Madrid, whose work on natural history (1635) is chiefly a compilation, we come to George Marcgrav and Wilhelm Piso; and No. 586] EARLY PORTRAYALS OF THE OPOSSUM 593 their contributions on Brazilian natural history, pub- lished in 1648, are recognized as highly meritorious. Ulysses Aldrovandi’s large posthumous folio on Quad- rupeds (1637, p. 103) also contains a figure of the opos- sum (otherwise interpreted, however) which is clearly traceable to the early carto- graphic designs. But it is unnec- essary to pursue the subject fur- ther, except to state that Fig. 7 is copied after Charles César de Rochefort’s engraving of an opos- sum (‘‘ Histoire des Îles Antilles,”’ 1658), and Fig. 8 shows the same animal, acording to Eduard Sel- er’s interpretation, as depicted in one of the Maya Codices (Nuttall, 71). j Fic. 8. Maya representa- Among other mammalian fig- tion of the opossum (?) From ures in pre-Columbian Maya and Gwe Mexican colored drawings® that have been preserved are several that represent a spotted dog, probably one of the varieties of ‘‘ Aleos’’ mentioned by Hernandez. The occurrence of an indigenous spotted dog in Central America is of interest in view of the fact that a similar race is depicted in ancient Egyptian, As- syrian and Pelasgian animal effigies and paintings, some of the figures dating as far back as about 3000 s.c. The oldest known representations of the hunting dog of the ancient Egyptians, together with a number of large African mammals, are inscribed in a palette dis- covered a few years ago at Hierakonpolis. | Fr a UO TE n e 5See Edward Seler, ‘‘Die Tierbilder der EE und Maya Broin >’? Zeitschr. f. Ethnol., Jhrg. 41, 1909. A. M. Tozzer and . Allen, ‘‘ Animal Figures in the Maya Codices,’’ papers of Peabody Mosii iā; Ethnol., Vol. 4, No. 3, 1910. References to the literature on ancient Egyptian and Assyrian animal effigies will be found in Amer. Journ. Philol., Vol. XXX, 1909, pp. 322-331. The early history of the rhinoceros is triood by B. Laufer in Publication 179 of the Field Museum, and medieval ideas of the elephant are portrayed by E. D. Cuming in a recent number of Field (April 3, 1915). 594 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX Concerning the several varieties of ancient Inca or Ancon dog that are known from well-preserved Peruvian mummies, Nehring® is of the opinion that their remote ancestry is traceable to the North American wolf (Lupus occidentalis var. mexicanus and rufus). The great an- tiquity of domesticated dogs in South America is indi- cated also by a canine skull which R. Lydekker has de- scribed from the superficial deposits of Buenos Aires. This dog, according to Dr. Lydekker,” ‘‘though appar- ently contemporaneous with many of the wonderful ex- tinct mammals of the Pampas, yet shows unmistakable signs of affinity with domesticated breeds, although the precise relationship has not been established.”’ Reference having already been made to animal figures in early American cartography, we may call attention in closing this sketch to a memoir by Anibal Cardoso in the Anales of the Buenos Aires Museum for 1912 (Vol. XV), on the origin of Argentine horses. The writer endeav- ors to show from historical evidence that large numbers of horses existed in the interior of the country prior to the Spanish Conquest, and a figure of one of these ani- mals drawn by Sebastian Cabot in his world-map of 1544 is interpreted as indicating that wild herds were seen by that navigator in 1531. A portion of Cabot’s map is re- produced in Sefior Cardoso’s memoir (p. 379), and also in one by J. T. Medina on the voyage of Sebastian Cabot. Nevertheless the conclusion appears unavoidable that, had the horse actually persisted in the western hemisphere down to the time of the advent of Europeans, some traces of it would certainly appear in the culture of the primitive inhabitants. 6 Sitzungsber. ges Naturf. Freunde, Berlin, 1884. TR. Lydekker, ‘‘ Mostly Mammals,’’ London, 1903, p. 204. 8‘‘ Antigüedad del Caballo en el Plata.’’ On the horse in post-con- quistorial times in North America see Clark Wissler, ‘‘ The Influence of the Horse in the Development of Plains Culture,’’ in Amer, Anthropol., Vol. XVI, 1914., SEVENTEEN YEARS SELECTION OF A CHAR- ACTER SHOWING SEX-LINKED MENDELIAN INHERITANCE! RAYMOND PEARL I In 1898 there was begun at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station an experiment in breeding Barred Plymouth Rock fowls, having for its purpose the improve- ment by selection of the character winter egg production. This investigation has continued to the present time. A résumé of the results to date, considered with reference to their bearing upon the general biological problem of selection, may be of some interest. The experiment has fallen into three divisions or pe- riods: viz., (1) the period from 1898 to 1907, (2) the period from 1908 to 1912, and finally (3) the period from 1912 to date. Detailed reports on the methods of breed- ing in operation have been published elsewhere? For purposes of clear orientation in the present discussion it will be well here briefly to review the facts as to the methods of breeding used in each of the periods. With these facts definitely in mind we may then proceed to an examination of the results. 1. The Period from 1898 to 1907.—During this period the breeding followed the plan outlined at the beginning by Woods and Gowell. Essentially it consisted of the following elements. 1. Trap-nest record of the performance of each indi- vidual female. 2. Selection as breeders of all females which laid more than a definite number of eggs (150) in the first laying year. 1 Papers from the Biological Laboratory of the Maine Agricultural Ex- periment Station, No. 87. 2 Cf. particularly Woods, C. D., and Gowell, G. M., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Anim. Ind. Bulletin 90, 1906, pp. 42; Pearl, R., and Surface, F. M., Ibid. Bulletin 110, Part I, 1909, pp. 80; Pearl, Me. Agr. Expt. Stat. Ann, Rept., 1911, pp. 113-176; and Pearl, Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 13, 1912, pp. 153-268. 595 596 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Von. XLIX 3. Selection as breeders of males whose dams had laid more than another definite number of eggs (200). 4. The indiscriminate mass breeding, without individ- ual pedigrees, of all individuals selected as de- scribed under 2 and 3, and, in consequence, 5. No test of the progeny we particular matings with respect to their laying ability. This may be designated as the period of mass selection. The following statement regarding the methods used in this period was made by Woods and Gowell (loc. cit., p. 8): The plans followed in this breeding work are based upon everyday, practical common sense, and are the same as would be used in building up a high-producing strain of dairy animals. Individual records of performance are kept. The large producers are mated with sons of large producers in the hope of obtaining a race of improved layers. In the first year’s work three birds laid over 200 eggs each, and this fact led to the adoption of that number of eggs as the minimum perform- ance for a “registered” bird. Other than this there was no reason for selecting 200 as the number of eggs necessary to entitle a bird to regis- tration. Any other number, as 190 or 210, might have been taken with equal propriety, just as horsemen might have selected some other time than 2.30 by which to determine a standard horse. 2. The Period from 1908 to 1912.—For reasons which have been fully set forth elsewhere? it was decided not to continue the breeding along the same plan after 1907. he new plant, put into operation first in the breeding season of 1908, was calculated primarily to furnish defi- nite information regarding the mode of inheritance of the character winter egg production. It involved essentially the following items: 1. Trap-nest record of the performance of each indi- vidual female. 2. The selection of both males and females was made on a double basis, including in addition to the individual’s own performance as in the earlier plan, also the idea of progeny performance. In practice this worked out for hens in the following way: Plans were made to see whether there could 3 Pearl and Surface, loc. cit. No. 586] SELECTION OF A CHARACTER 597 be formed by selection and propagated three dis- tinct strains of winter egg producers, namely, high, mediocre and low. This involved, on the individ- ual performance side, the separate selection in the first years of three classes of females as breeders: (a) good winter producers, with records before March 1 of above 30 eggs; (b) mediocre winter producers, with records below 30 eggs; and (c) poor winter producers, which laid no eggs before March 1. The division at 30 eggs was, after the first year, merely a nominal one in the selection of high producers. Actually only birds were used in the a class whose records materially exceeded 30 eggs, running up to over 100 eggs in some cases. : The progeny performance idea was carried out in two ways in the breeding. In the first place, no female was selected for the high winter produc- tion breeding pens, for example, unless, in addi- tion to her own high winter record, all her sisters and her dam were high producers. In the second place, of all females fulfilling the above qualifica- tion only those were bred a second time whose progeny from the first year’s mating had proven to be all high producers. Similar types of selec- tion were followed by the mediocre and low lines, except that segregating families were put in the mediocre class. 3. The selection of males was along essentially the same lines, with only such difference as is in- volved in the fact that the male makes no per- formance record himself. Males were put into the breeding pen the first time on the basis of the records of their dams, on the one hand, and of their sisters, on the other hand. Those whose progeny proved that they were transmitting the character to which selection was being made were used a second or even third time as breeders. 4. Complete individual pedigrees, whereby each off- 598 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST (Vón XLIX spring individual’s parentage, both male and fe- male, was known. d. The records of production of the progeny of each mating separàtely recorded and studied as a unit. It will be noted that there are but two essential differ- ences between the plan in this period and that followed in the earlier one. These are: first and most important, that in this second period the principle of progeny testing was introduced into the scheme of breeding. The second difference was that selection was carried on for low pro- duction as well as for high, which had not been previously done. A third difference is apparently found in the fact that in this second period of selection the winter record rather than the yearly record is made the basis of selec- tion. This is in no way an essential difference. The reasons for adopting the winter period have been set forth in detail elsewheret and need not be repeated. It suffices to say here that essentially the same results and conclusions will be reached if one uses winter production or annual production. As a result of the studies made in this period on the plan of breeding outlined the mode of inheritance of the character winter production was definitely determined, and has been confirmed by subsequent work.’ The char- acter was shown to be Mendelian in its genetic behavior, depending upon two factors, one of which is sex-linked. 3. The Period from 1912 to Date—The only difference in the mode of breeding the stock of Barred Plymouth Rocks in this period, as compared with the preceding one, is found in the fact that during this last period all selec- tions for low and mediocre production have been dropped. The breeding for high production alone continues, with only such differences in the details of manipulation of the breeding stock as would naturally follow a definite knowledge of the mode of inheritance of the character, t Pearl, 1912, loc. cit., and Me. Agr. Exp. Stat. Ann. Rept., 1914, pp. 217- ay Cf. also Wilson and Murphy, Jour. Dept. Agr. Ireland, Vol. XIV, 5 Pearl, 1912, loc. cit., also Amer. Nat., Vol. XLIX, 1915, pp. 306-317, and Curtis and Pearl, Jour. Exp. Zoology, Vol. 19, 1915, pp. 45-59. No. 586] SELECTION OF A CHARACTER 599 and of the gametic constitution of particular individuals with reference to that character. As a matter of fact, all low-producing lines were dropped at the end of the laying year 1911-12. Certain of the mediocre lines were contin- ued a year longer. In the laying flock of 1913-14 there were no birds which had been bred for anything other than high production, so far as the breeder’s deliberate intention went. II The results of this seventeen year selection period are set forth in Table I. TABLE I MEAN WINTER PRODUCTION PER BIRD OF THE BARRED PLYMOUTH Rock FLOCKS FROM 1899 To 1915 Mean Winter Mean Winter Mean Winter No. of Birds Production of Production of Laying Year Production of |Making Winter| All Birds Se- All Birds Se- All Birds Records lected for High | lected for cow oduction Production 1899-1900 41.08 eggs 70 — ae 1900-1901 37.88 85 — — 1901-1902 45.293 “ 48 — — 1902-1903 26.01 = 147 — — 1903-1904 OO hb: ** 254 — — 1904-1905 35.04 “ 515 — — 1905-1906 40.65 ‘ 635 — — 1906-1907 yea * 653 — = 1907-1908 19.93 * 780 — — 1908-1909 26.69. “ 359 54.16 22.06 190 10 OLO rhe 247 47.57 25.05 1910-1911 30.49 ‘* 64 50.58 17.00 1911-1912 35.98: . ** 232 57.42 16.48 1912-1913 43.01 ** 182 52.61 — 1913-1914 52,2% *“ 192 52.20 — 1914-1915 45.89 ‘°° 179 45.89 '— ToS rangs ; eak 35.05 “ 4,842 51.49 20.14 The data of this table are shown graphically in Fig. 1. From the table and diagrams the following results appear: 1. The number of individuals involvedin this experiment, on each one of which exact trap-nest records have been kept, is large, amounting nearly to five thousand. This number is large enough to lead to conclusions which are trustworthy. It will be shown presently that wherever it has been possible to compare the results on egg produc- or) Q © THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX ~< ™ > MEAN WINTER PRODUCTION ` N w A Q ® S S S S S Ò 8 2 S / X ers g / k S Ş & i —— — — a a cS ` an ARC A ae “o : ~X E 3 ` a « y 8 Ha a \ Š < : i N ~ H rnd á X A 7 al re Ñ / ii ° & | 7 > EN P x| ! a Fic. 1. — showing the course of mean winter egg Pearcy ate the years 1899 and 1915. The solid lines and circles give the total flock m The two straight aie. fitted by the method of least squares to the seas flock ans, have ations = 5 — 2.1812, 17, 4 e 0 circles and broken (dash) line give the means of the lines selected for high winter production betwe h 19 5. dotted line and open cireles give the mean winter production of the lines selected for low produc- tion between the years 1908 and 1912, No. 586] SELECTION OF A CHARACTER 601 tion obtained in this experiment with independently de- termined norms the general trustworthiness and normal- ity of the present data have been demonstrated. 2. From the beginning of the experiment through the laying year 1907-08 the general trend of mean produc- tion was downward, with minor fluctuations from year to year. In other words during the period in which the sys- tem of breeding was mass selection for high production without progeny test there was no change of the mean in the direction of the selection. The fluctuations in mean production during this period were, in the main, due prob- ably to two sets of causes: (a) environmental differences in different years acting at one point or another in the life history of the birds; (b) random fluctuations in the genetic constitution of the male birds used as breeders in successive years, brought about because of the ignorance of the breeder, in the absence of any individual progeny testing plan, of the ability of any particular male to trans- mit high fecundity to his daughters. The first of these factors needs no special discussion and is relatively of minor importance. The second will be dealt with in detail farther on in the paper. 3. Since the laying year 1907—08 there has been a steady - increase in mean winter production for the whole flock, ex- cept for the years 1910-11 and 1914-15. Inthe former year the decline in the mean is slight, and is probably due to unfavorable environmental influences. In 1914-15 the decline is certainly due to such causes. In the hatching season of 1914 an inexperienced man was in charge of the incubation and rearing. He had very poor success, and the Barred Plymouth Rock pullets available for the laying houses in the fall were relatively few in number, of a relatively late average date of hatching, and poorly grown. It is remarkable, not that the mean winter pro- duction was lower in 1914-15 than in 1913-14, but rather that it was so high as it was, taking all the circumstances into account. It appears that the system of breeding which made the selections on a progeny test basis was immediately and, to date, continuously effective. 602 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX 4. That selection on a progeny test basis was effective is demonstrated not only by the general flock averages, but also by the fact that it was possible to propagate sep- arately high and low producing strains. The high pro- ducing strains differed widely from the low producing in mean winter production. Taking the average for seven years in the case of the high, and four years in the case of the low, it appears that the mean winter production of the high producing strains was approximately two and a half times that of the low producing strains. At the end of the laying year 1911-12 the low producing lines were dropped. In the next year (breeding season of 1913) no birds were bred which were known to belong to segregat- ing lines. Of course some were included which proved afterwards to have been segregating, but this fact could not, in any such case, have been told in advance from the records in hand. The propagation of low producing strains was attended with a great deal of practical diffi- culty with the environmental conditions under which one has to operate at this station. The growing season is short. In order to grow properly a pullet for laying pur- poses it is necessary that she be hatched after April 1 and - before June 1 at the latest, and preferably before May 15. If, however, one selects birds which produce no eggs what- ever before March 1, and use up some valuable time be- fore they get well started in the spring cycle of laying it becomes perfectly clear that one is automatically pre- vented from getting any considerable number of early hatched chicks from such mothers. If late hatched chicks are used the results obtained as to winter production later will not be critical. These cireumstances make the propagation of a low producing strain on a large scale really a difficult proposition. There is of course no diffi- culty in breeding birds which will not be winter layers. One only needs to hatch in June, July or August. But such birds will furnish no critical evidence regarding the inheritance of winter production. 5. The mean winter production for whole flocks over the entire period of the investigation is 35.05 eggs. In No. 586] SELECTION OF A CHARACTER 603 the writer’s opinion, based upon rather extended expe- rience in the study of egg records, approximately this fig- ure may be taken as representing the general average winter production of mixed flocks of Barred Plymouth Rocks (or of American birds generally with the probable exception of White Wyandottes), which have been hatched at the proper time and well reared. As evidence on this point the data presented in Table II have pertinent bear- ing. These data give the mean winter production of birds of the different American breeds obtained in the Fourth Philadelphia North American International Egg-Laying Competition, carried on at the Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station in 1914-15. The conditions under which these records are made are such as to safeguard their essential accuracy. The figures here given are the mean productions per bird up to the end of the eighteenth and seventeenth week of the laying after November 1, 1914. Owing to the fact that the original records as pub- lished are compiled by calendar weeks it its not possible to give the exact production from November 1 to March 1. Eighteen weeks gives 5 days laying over this period, and seventeen weeks gives 2 days under. Both sets of means have therefore been tabled. It should be said that the birds were kept in flocks of 5 birds each, thus tend- ing to the most favorable condition for high individual records. TABLE II MEAN WINTER PRODUCTION OF FOWLS OF THE AMERICAN BREEDS, CALCU- LATED FROM RECORDS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL AYING COMPETITION, 1914-15 Breed No. of Birds meee geadas Nov.1 Moa. a gg 1 Barred Plymouth Rocks caste 45 29.20 25.47 All Plymout y # rare o CONE N 80 32.39 28.39 All fja D TE E saaes! 55 48.20 44.00 IR 75 38.37 34.42 All peck ae Droóds.isscsrsse 210 38.67 34.63 From this table it is clear that the records presented in Table I average about the same as those of the 210 birds of the American breeds in the Delaware competition. 604 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vow. XLIX The Wyandottes alone give a distinctly higher mean, and this the writer has also found to be true of Irish egg records. The Barred Rocks in the competition this year give a somewhat abnormally low winter mean. Irish records® give a winter mean for 48 Barred Rocks, in flocks of 6 each, of 36.54 eggs per bird which is more nearly normal. iit Let us now turn to the question of the interpretation of the data set forth in the preceding section. Broadly speaking what the facts gleaned from this seventeen-year experiment show is that mass selection for egg produc- tion was not effective, while selection which was based upon the performance of the progeny was extremely and quickly effective. What is the explanation of the differ- ence? The facts are purely objective realities, about which dispute or question is idle. They are real and obvious matters. Regarding the interpretation of such facts as these there have been, and no doubt will continue to be for some time to come, differences of opinion amongst biologists. Under these circumstances, the writer will, then, with all respect and consideration for the differing opinions of others endeavor to make clear the view of the meaning of these results which he has come to hold. In the first place we may definitely put aside any inter- pretation which bases its explanation of the results on environmental action. In an earlier paper the writer‘ has shown in detail the impossibility of this explanation for the results during the period of mass selection (the descending limb of the curve). The totality of the results here presented make it still more apparent that such an explanation can have no place here. We should have to suppose that the environmental influences were adverse throughout the period of mass selection, but suddenly became favorable when the method of breeding was changed, and have ameliorated at an ever increasing rate 6 Murphy, L., Jour. Dept. Agr. Ireland, Vol. XIV, pp. 8-30, 1913. 7 Pearl, R., Me. Agr. Expt. Stat. Ann. Rept., 1911, pp. 113-176. No. 586] SELECTION OF A CHARACTER 605 as time has gone on. Nothing of the sort was, in fact, the case. The only explanation which can satisfy the case is one which is based upon or at least takes full account of the changing genetic constitution of the flock. It appears to the writer that the essential key-note to the explanation of the results of this long experiment is found in the fact that phenotypic variation of the char- acter fecundity, in fowls, markedly transcends, in extent and degree, genotypic variation. It is quite impossible in the great majority of cases to determine with preci- sion what is a hen’s genetic constitution with respect to fecundity from an examination of her egg record alone. In this case, as in so many others, but in an unusually pronounced degree, where the phenotypic distributions overlap, a sure diagnosis of genetic constitution can only be made by means of the progeny test. Lacking this the phenotypic performance becomes an always uncertain and at times very misleading guide. It can be shown that if, during the period of mass se- lection, all the hens used as breeders had been, as they were supposed in the theory of the originators of that part of the experiment to be, either Type 1 or Type 2 females (fL L,- Fl, or fL,L,- Fi,L,) then the continued mass selection must have resulted in improvement. The only criterion of constitution which was used, however, was the bird’s performance. But, taken by this criterion alone, there would be constantly chosen a proportion of birds whose genotype was for mediocre fecundity, but which made a performance record (phenotypic) suffi- ciently high to be selected. That this is what actually happened is evident from the curve (Fig. 1), but the fact was experimentally proved in 1909.8 Put in the fewest words, then, the reason why no effect was produced during the first ten years of selection and a marked effect was produced during the last seven, was, in the writer’s opinion, because genotypically high pro- ducers were uniformly selected (in the high lines) during 8 Pearl and Surface, Me. Agr. Expt. Stat. Ann. Rept., 1909, pp. 49-84, 606 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [VoL. XLIX the latter period, and were not uniformly selected in the former. By the introduction of the progeny test as an essential part of the selection the whole process of the creation of a highly fecund race of hens was transferred from the realm of blind chance to that of precise and defi- nite control. And it becomes increasingly clear that mass selection, on the basis of performance (phenotypic appearance) alone, is in its essential nature a blind and haphazard process, no matter with what precision and stringency it is carried out, just so long as the correla- tion between the gametic and somatic conditions of the character selected is not perfect. And it is an outstand- ing result of the Mendelian investigations of the last 15 years that the gamete-soma correlation is very rarely, if ever, perfect.® It appears on this view that selection for high egg pro- duction in the fowl is effective when it is real. That is, if one selects genetically high producers by means of the trap-nest plus the progeny test, he succeeds very rapidly in fixing a high producing strain. If on the other hand he merely selects high layers by the trap-nest record alone, he is not really selecting genetically high pro- ducers except in a portion of the cases. Under these cir- cumstances he makes no progress in building up a highly fecund strain. To be effective in changing the average productiveness of a flock of poultry selection must pick out those birds as breeders which carry the factors for high fecundity genetically, i. e., as an integral part of their hereditary make-up, and not any other birds. With the above interpretation of the results of seven- teen years’ continuous selection of the character fecundity, all the facts known to the writer are in complete accord. No other interpretation of the results of this experiment has yet been suggested which will meet all the facts. ® Complete citations on this point would make a tolerably full bibliog- raphy of Mendelism. The methodological or the strictly quantitative aspects of the problem have been but little dealt with. In this connection ef. W F. R. Weldon, Biometrika, Vol. I, pp. 228-254, 1902, and R. Pearl, Biol. Bulletin, Vol. XXI, pp. 339-366, 1911. No. 586] SELECTION OF A CHARACTER 607 IV What bearing have these results upon the general prob- lem of the effectiveness of selection in modifying ger- minal determiners? Let us at the outstart endeavor to be quite clear as to the problem. It has been shown in what has preceded that in the long experiment a change in the average condition of the population has occurred, and has been coincident with selection. The writer has no hesitation in saying that the increase in average pro- ductiveness since 1908 has been caused by the particular kind of selective breeding practised. Furthermore the average productiveness at the present time transcends any average known in the previous history of the stock. Granting all this, however, as plain matter of fact, it does not, in the writer’s opinion, afford one iota of evi- dence that through the process of selection the hereditary determiners of fecundity either have been or can be changed. All that the selection has done, so far as we have any evidence, is to change the constitution of the population in respect of fecundity genotypes. There is no evidence that the genotypes themselves have been changed. On the contrary, everything indicates that they have not been changed. During the last seventeen years we have merely sorted out from a mixed population, by a systematic method of breeding, those individuals which were alike in one respect, and have sold all the rest to the butcher. That one respect was that each individual bore progeny which were high producers.’® Those individuals chosen as breeders in 1908 and 1914 were precisely alike in this particular There were more of them available in proportion to the whole flock in 1914 than in 1908, but, as individuals, I am unable to discern any particular in which they were different in 1914 from what they were in 1908. The general point here involved is essentially the same as one with which we are more familiar in demographic 10T am, of course, referring to the high line selections only, merely for the sake of verbal economy. The same reasoning mutatis mutandis applies to the low lines. 608 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vor. XLIX statistics. The constitution of a population does not di- rectly affect the individual. My expectation of life will not be materially increased if I chance to move into a community in which all the other inhabitants are of ad- vanced age. To this everyone will agree. But the ex- treme selectionist appears to believe that in some mys- terious way the act of continued selection, which means concretely only the transference of each selected individ- ual from one cage or pen to another to breed, will in and of itself change the germ-plasm, so that after the act it is different from what it was before! It does not seem that the evidence that such is in fact the case is critically valid. A careful study of the very interesting and valuable work of Castle and Phillipsi! with rats leaves the writer with the feeling that those experiments prove no more than do the experiments here reported: namely that the compo- sition of a population may be altered by selection. It does not appear to be proven that selection has essentially altered the constitution of the germ-plasm of any partic- ular individual as compared with the germ-plasm of that individual’s ancestors, making due allowance of course for the phenomenon of segregation. That selection can alter the composition of a population with respect to genetic determiners, by a process of sorting over what is already there and rejecting some portion, no one can doubt. But it still appears to the writer to be true that: ‘< It has never yet been demonstrated, so far as I know, that the absolute somatic value of a particular hereditary factor or determinant (i. e., its power to cause a quanti- tatively definite degree of somatic development of a char- acter) can be changed by selection on a somatic basis, however long continued.’’!? 11 Castle, W. E., and Phillips, J. C., ‘‘Piebald Rats and Selection,’’ Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 195, 1914. 12 R. Pearl, Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 13, p. 264, 1912. SPECIFIC AND VARIETAL CHARACTERS IN AN- NUAL SUNFLOWERS PROFESSOR T. D. A. COCKERELL UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO THe group of Helianthus annuus, the typical, annual sunflowers of North America, is not a large one. The annual habit seems to have been acquired independently by several different Helianthine stocks, so that H. bolan- dert Gray, H. exilis Gray, H. floridanus Gray and H. tephrodes Gray are to be excluded from the H. annuus group. The subgenus Helianthus s.str., or Euhelianthus, contains the following: 1. H. annuus Linn. Based on the large cultivated form (H. macrocarpus D. C.), Dr. A. H. Church of Oxford has investigated the history of this plant, and I take the liberty of quoting from a letter he wrote on March 4, 1915: The published accounts of the giant sunflower in Europe in the six- teenth century are so precise that it is interesting to remark that this is in fact the oldest mutation known, which is still with us, quite unaffected, though still never quite a pure strain, owing to insect pollination. The facts are quite simple. The first description of the plant, by Dodonzus (1567), tells us it grew in the Botanic Garden at Madrid, 24 feet. At the Padua Garden, indoors, in a viridarium or orangery, 40 feet! The usual height was 20 ft. The first English specimens, grown in London by Gerard, were 14 ft.; and 15 ft. is the local record here. The giant form is known by earrying one head, and having no trace of axillary buds, Liar cadushalle strain, as opposed to reverting branching indi- viduals. . The next point is, where did it come from? From Peru, say the lls: but all Spanish things from America came via Peru, because this was the last port of call. Hence Mexico is regarded as the home. On the other hand Ximenes, who lived in Mexico several years, and Hernandez after him, call it the Chimalacak del Peru; “acak” I find means a reed, and thus refers to the long tall single stem of the cul- tivated crop. The inference is that the plant as we know it was evolved by ages of selection in Peru, by guano fed cultivation, possibly long be- fore Inca rule, the plant having been taken by all migrating tribes from the Mexican district. . Regarded as a product of Peruvian agricul- ture the sunflower is aas parallel with the maize. . . . It was the oil crop of ancient America. 609 610 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX The true H. annuus appears to be quite unknown in the wild state, but nevertheless the monocephalic char- acter may have arisen among wild plants. Dr. Church makes the following suggestion: If the monocephalic form is the giant of cultivation derived from the Prairie form, it should be possible to repeat the history, by growing Prairie forms in quantity, and selecting the suitable mutations when they appear under the stimulus of excess manure (guano for choice). My idea has been that, knowing what to look for, it might be possible to get somewhere near it in say 10 years; though the Indians possibly took 2,000. General structural evidence alone suffices to show that the mono- cephalic strain is the response to selection for close cultivation (about two plants per square yard). The solitary heads are required for simul- taneous harvesting. 2. H. lenticularis Douglas. The prairie sunflower, much branched, and normally with dark disce. It has been regarded as the wild type of H. annuus, but Ryd- berg treats it as a distinct species. In crosses with typical annuus, the F, is intermediate, often with a tendency to fasciation. If annuus and lenticularis are considered specifically distinct, we have to face the diff- culty that the former is known only in cultivation, and its one ‘‘ specific’’ character, the monocephalous habit, is not constant.! The color of the dise is not a reliable distinction, since yellow disces occur in wild plants. Possibly the variation shown by H. annuus may be ex- plained by contamination with lenticularis, since some strains, at least, are constant in their characters. At present, however, it seems probable that no wild species ever existed with typical H. annuus characters; the actual facts would probably be best represented by considering lenticularis the species, and annuus a cultivated variety derived therefrom. Since, however, the latter was first named, the species-aggregate will have to be called H. annuus, and the nomenclatural outcome will be as fol- lows: 1 Shull, Botanical — 45, 105, figures a much branched form which is not the wild lenticularis No. 586] ANNUAL SUNFLOWERS 611 Helianthus annuus L. (a) lenticularis (Dougl.) v (b) macrocarpus (D.C.) = annuus L., s. str. At the same time, for ordinary purposes, it may be per- missible to simply write H. lenticularis when referring to the wild plant. 3. H. aridus Rydberg. Like H. lenticularis, but leaves lanceolate or narrowly deltoid, minutely toothed or entire. Montana to New Mexico. Nelson calls this a synonym of H. petiolaris, which it certainly is not. It must be called H. lenticularis aridus (Rydb.) or H. annuus lenticularis var. aridus, since it is a variable form of lenticularis, which may possibly be due to cross- ing with H. petiolaris, the hybrid having crossed back with lenticularis. From the mode of its occurrence it is nearly certain that it is not a simple lenticularis X peti- olaris hybrid, petiolaris being often absent from the immediate vicinity. To give an idea of the actual condition of affairs where H. aridus occurs in Colorado, I present a synopsis of the forms found at Longmont, August 30, 1914: (4) H. aridus type; smaller and more ra hte cuneate bases to leaves. (a) seas with yellow disc; two plan Dis m. diameter, light a aia entirely dull light “alow ; rays ordinary; foliage unusually pale; base of rather broad-cuneate, marginal teeth feeble. (b) Dise ae (col lobes dark reddish). Leaves with cuneate base subentire margins; typical aridus. Involucral bracts sti broad and bristly. ay rather slender plants have small discs (17-21 mm. diam.) and very ample rays, which are not very numerous (10-13); color of rays rich orange yellow; stems lightly speckled with purplish. (i) Rays longer, about 38 mm. long and 15 broad. (ii) Rays shorter, about 28 mm. long and 14 broad. (This difference in size of rays is probably environmental.) (B) H. neal type; bases of leaves truncate or cordate; plants usually robust; dise dark. (a) ii of aridus, being rather slender, with small (diam. 23.5 mm.) dise and long rays; but leaves broadly truncate at base and rather strongly toothed, quite lenticularis style. This is a very pretty form, with long rays (about 40 mm, long and 11 broad), more or less twisted at end, and rather narrow. The rays number about 15. 612 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX (b) Aspect a o ; more or less robust, rays rather short and (i) “ng comparatively short and broad (about 22 mm. long and 1 oad on a small head), the middle third = with its apical half variably light brown- ish-red. Leaves thick, with broad petioles. (ii) Rays normal. (a) Upper leaves ovate, scarcely at all dentate, inequi- lateral. Dise small (22 mm. diam.), rather paler than usual, the corolla lobes showing less red. Rays 14, about 31 mm. long and 11.5 broad. (B) he sis ae broad at base, but somewhat cuneate, ly dentate. Disc 20-23 mm. diameter. i ra had (dise 20 mm.) with many (21) quite short rays, about 17 mm. long and 7 broad. (y) Typical lenticularis, with broad-based strongly den- tate leaves. Disc 37 mm. diameter; rays 37 mm. long, numerous (about 33). It would of course be possible to maintain that H. aridus was originally a distinct or isolated species, which has now lost its purity by crossing with lenticularis. We ean at least say this, that if annuus, lenticularis and aridus, in their pure forms, inhabited three different aiaga, few would hesitate to regard them as perfectly ‘good species.” Also, if they grow mixed for any length of time, they are sure to suffer from ‘‘ vicinism ’’ to such an extent as to lose their supposed original dis- tinctness. At present, however, we have no assurance that H. aridus has ever constituted a distinct species, in the sense of occupying any considerable area in its pure form. On the other hand, it is manifestly not a ‘‘ fluctuat- ing variation,’’ due to mere environmental conditions. 4. H. petiolaris Nuttall. Described by Nuttall in 1821, from ‘‘the sandy shores of the Arkansa,’’ and recommended as ‘‘an ornamental annual of easy cul- ture.” It extends from British America to the State of Chihuahua. It differs from H. lenticularis by (a) smaller stature, (b) leaves differently shaped, lanceolate or broad-lanceolate, not dentate, more or less shiny above, those of lenticularis being quite dull, (c) bracts of invo- lucre lanceolate, with margin very short-ciliate. Stem rough, with a little purplish color; basal third of rays deeper orange than the rest. No. 586] ANNUAL SUNFLOWERS 613 This is a good species in the ordinary sense; in Colo- rado it is often found abundantly in the cafions of the foothills, growing without admixture of other species. Lower down, it frequently oceurs with lenticularis. The variety patens (Lehm.) Rydb. is said to differ by having the heads larger, long-peduncled, the peduncles fleshy toward the top; leaves large, long-petioled. Nut- tall described his original petiolaris as having the pedun- cles ‘‘of great length,’’ and the petioles ‘‘of an ex- traordinary length,’’? though the leaves were ‘‘rather small.’? Probably patens is not far from the original petiolaris. Gray considered patens a synonym. Ac- cording to Rydberg, the leaves of patens are broadly ovate or subcordate, much in the style of lenticularis, while the bracts are those of petiolaris, thus reversing the condition of aridus. It is possible that aridus and patens are both remote results of the lenticularis X petio- laris cross, but in the vicinity of Boulder, when aridus is common, I have not found patens. 5. H. canus (Britton) Wooton and Standley. A species of New Mexico, Chihuahua, and adjacent regions, close to petiolaris, but with abundant white pubescence on leaves and stems. The involucral bracts are of the petiolaris type. This is to petiolaris much as H. argophyllus is to lenticularis, but the pubescence is long and spreading, not subappressed and silky. 6. H. argophyllus Torrey and Gray. Discovered by Drummond in dry soil in Texas. This has the form and leaves of lenticularis, but is very remarkable for the long subappressed silky white hairs, totally different from those of any other Helianthus known to me. Gray re- marks that it ‘‘ degenerates in cultivation apparently into H. annuus,” which merely means that it suffers from vicinism. Old cultivated stocks, kept pure, are quite con- stant. A remarkable feature of H. argophyllus is the extremely slow growth, at least until near flowering time. This peculiarity is dominant in a cross with H. annuus X lenticularis. 614 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou XLIX 7. H. debilis Nuttall. Florida to Texas. 8. H. praecox Engelm. and Gray. Florida to Texas, near coast. Differs from debilis by being strongly hirsute. 9. H. cucumerifolius Torrey andGray. Texas. Differs from debilis and precox by having the branches mottled with purple. The last three were eventually reduced by Gray to a single species, but Small keeps them separate.- My wife and I have grown H. cucwmerifolius for several years, and have crossed it with annuus X lenticularis. The first cross is quite fertile, but it is impossible to get any quantity of F, seed. Mr. Leonard Sutton in England has had the same experience; he writes (April 3, 1915) We are arranging for a large breadth of the cucumerifolius crosses this season, but we have found as you mention that very little seed is produced, and we are hoping that the plant will improve in this respect if grown for a few years, and the best seeding plants are selected for stock. These hybrids are of considerable horticultural value, especially those derived from crosses with the red sun- flower, so it is desirable to secure fertile strains if pos- sible. Something may be attained by crossing back with the parent species. The H. cucumerifolius type is dwarf, freely branching, with broad bright green leaves, shiny on both sides. The involucral bracts are long and narrow. The bulb or swelling of the dise corollas is minutely puberulent, whereas that of the lenticularis forms is long hairy. In the F, hybrid the bulb is long-hairy as in lenticularis, the character being dominant. Although H. cucumerifolius is very unlike the other species (except debilis and precox) in apperance, its constant structural differ- ences are very few. The base of the leaves, as in the annuus forms, may be auriculate or truncate. The dise bracts may be long-ciliate, or with the margins merely appearing scurfy. It is proper to state that my material belonged to cultivated strains; possibly the wild plant is less variable. No. 586] ANNUAL SUNFLOWERS 615 Thus we have at the most nine species, which can prob- ably be reduced to five. They belong to the region which used to be marked in old geography books as the ‘‘ Great American Desert,’’ though members of the debilis group extend along the Gulf States to Florida. The dominant, widely distributed form is lenticularis, a plant of sandy river-bottoms and similar places, which has spread as a weed in cultivated areas. Prior to the era of cultivation. it is probable that H. petiolaris occupied a greater area, at least in acreage. At the present time H. lenticularis is common in California, but I suspect that it has been introduced into the Pacific coast region by man. In order to give an idea of the cultivated forms of our group, I have made a table from Sutton’s Catalogue for 1915. Silver-leaved (argophyllus- dai ; rays yellow; iso blaok: G Th cornea Silver- FE Not DAVOS ORE a air Vona E Oa a a Mie er araa ‘ 1. Cucumerifolius-type, none over 4 ft. high.........-.-+-eeeee reer ees i AMNU YDE Mostly tall osese resas es Conners tai iN ay 6. my: Only 12 mehes hiph: (Onpa ioe erre Dwarf Miniature. Four Coot kgh -oeer rae Rine e ra nh LES a 3. S: munya tolled, ‘Tike the eactie dahla s: isc. sce suas i eas n esa Orion. FORTE MOG POU oo a Fo es oa a a Eb Pe he ek hoc pas Ceeepes 4, Bays pale primrose, dise dirk ....0.00 6s eecec cies ss Primrose Stella. Kays pripit FOHOW oso in ees ook bi ei sce laws eck e ay peru eee 5. 5: Heads email, with dark Qine sissu- oiera senstepevcsssss Miniature. Heads larger, rays long ...........-+. acne T E S ees Stella. 6. Bays Wholly OF partly chootant red i... oioi ioe ae et Red. Rays Toa OF DATUY VINORS ioei fh aes ees oe 28 Langley Gem Haye primos e as sos as ho 0s 8 oe ks ee sk Na, T Rays kiai pi u a A E a 9. 7. Double (i. e., dise florets Aglio) E E A eee Double Primrose. Single; iad Pale E es We es Os Se ee 8. Tall, 6 POG esi es Vika kes es A R Primrose Datodinn STORIE, Sarre Re cio cv ong iek he cee Single Dwarf Primrose. 9. Double (i. e., disc florets ligulate). ...........eesesroseseeserese. 10. Singlo (i 0., normal heads). 06.5 ees eee eevee eria 11. 10. Flowers orango; 6 ft: ioii ouir nce os Double (also a pa 5 ft. high). Compact habit: a ft. 6 cone iia sche 05 and books, etec., intended for review should be MSS sent age Editor of THE AMER ICAN NATURALIST, Garrison-on- Huoson, N ew York, articles containing summaries of research work bearing on the preblems of mente evolution are especially welcome, and will be given preference in peui idrea reprints of iran are supplied to authors free of charge. e hu Further 1 reprints will be supplied a S ions and a subscription price is at dollars a anadian postage twenty-five forty cents. Lancaster, Pa. soriant should be sent to the publishers. The ear. s additional. The advertising sioe ae Four Dollars for a THE SCIENCE PRESS Foreign postage is fifty cents and The yas for single copies is page. Garrison, N. Y. NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Entered as second-class matter, April 2, 1908, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Aet of Congress of March 3, 1879. FOR SALE ARCTIC, Ree teat GREENLAND BIRDS’ SK Well Prepared ice Prices Particulars of - DINESEN, Bird Collect Husavik, “North Iceland, Via Leidle, England JAPAN NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS Perfect Condition and Lowest Prices. Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, Entomology, Marine Animals and others. Catalogue free. Correspond- enoe solici T. FUKAI, Naturalist Konosu, Saitainn, Japan BOOKS FOR SALE relating to all branches of NATURAL HISTORY Catalogue on application JOHN D. SHERMAN, Jr. 403 Seneca Avenue MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. The University of Chicago] on during the other of The ad y coll the uate eges, graduate schools, and profes- sional sch courses in provide c Arta, icone Scie Si toes tobe aT Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. INVESTIGATION Facilities for research in Zool En Year Be pe be $100 each for ae over three months, Thirty tables are —<_ ie inners research INSTRUCTION July—August ology, d of SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Open the Entire Year GEO. M. GRAY, Curator, Woods Hole, Mass nouncement will be sent on application to The Director, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Mass- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. X LIX. November, 1915 No. 587 VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS PROFESSOR L. B. WALTON KENYON COLLEGE A Comparative Stupy oF THE VARIABILITY IN ZyGo- SPORES OF Spirogyra inflata (VAUCH.) FORMED BY LATERAL (CLOSE BREEDING) AND BY ScALARIFORM (CROSS BREEDING) CONJUGATION, AND ITS BEARING ON THE THEORY OF AMPHI- MIXIS AND CoRRELATED PROBLEMS Rt Prenminity onilin a. eas i io cod ae ae ERP ER es en cae 650 1. Introduction 2. Historical b 3. Material ` 4. Methods Ii Conmdorntion Of Touha iocis Aa r ea 658 1. Comparative variability in length of totaal 2. Comparative variability in diameter of zygospor 3. Comparative correlation praia length and a 4. Comparative size of zygospor Reds UIA OL TOON ooe i ee a keel eee s cea Chenu ee es « 668 1. Comparative oe 2. Comparative 3. Comparative pep RA 4. Origin of amphimixis and of death LV. A working hypothesis of OVOIULION s. essersi si oron irera 680 Ws I A E T E bop E REE Sass 682 AA I a E a aE O a A A E E O Oh E 80's oes a ae 684 650 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX I. PRELIMINARY OUTLINE 1. Introduction Comparative studies along statistical lines of the results produced by cross breeding and close breeding afford data of value bearing on the problem of evolution as well as the subsidiary problem of the origin of amphimixis. It has long been assumed (Weismann, ’76) that sex existed primarily to increase variability and with the further as- sumption that the variations thus produced were heritable and accumulated, the differentiation of organisms was logically explained. As a corollary to such a conclusion the belief has long been prevalent that the offspring of organisms produced by cross breeding were as a group more variable than those produced by close breeding, an idea which gained further acceptance in connection with the investigations of Castle (’06), Jennings (’08, ’09, 712, 713) and others interested in problems of genetics. That there was excellent evidence for exactly an opposite view and that an analysis of the results presented by the in- vestigators mentioned above did not bear out the conclu- sion that variability was increased by cross breeding has been pointed out by the writer (Walton, ’08, 712, 714) in some earlier papers. The importance of arriving at a correct conclusion con- cerning the part played by hybridization and cross breed- ing in evolution can not be overestimated. If units are merely redistributed and form characters resulting in no actual evolutionary progress, work along Mendelian lines tends rather to obscure the facts of value toward solving the problem of the origin of species as well as that of evo- lutionary control in animal and plant breeding. It is therefore well to obtain data from as many sources as possible bearing on the question. Among the species of Spirogyra, a group of alge be- longing to the class Conjugate, there are several which reproduce both by lateral conjugation (Fig. 1, 4) where No. 587} VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 651 the adjacent cells of a single filament unite to form the zygospore, itself a young individual, and at the same time by sealariform conjugation (Fig. 1, B) where the cells of two distinct filaments unite to form the zygospore. Thus 1. FORMATION OF pegs gen IN Spirogyra inflata (Vauch.) by lateral conjugation (A) close bred from the same filament, and by scalariform conjuga- n (B) cross bred from two distinct proren z = zygospore. there is an example of a population producing under the same environment two groups of individuals, one by close breeding (lateral conjugation) and the other by cross breeding (scalariform conjugation), and a com- parison of the variability by statistical methods should afford evidence toward the solution of the problem pre- sented where the offspring have arisen from a common ancestor as indicated in the material studied. 2. Historical Much has been published concerning hybridization, cross and close breeding, amphimixis and parthenogene- sis, all of which are distinguishable from one another merely by degree, nevertheless so far as the subject under 652 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX discussion is concerned, the conclusions in general have largely been assumptions based on little or no evidence. It was Weismann (’76) who was evidently the first to definitely express the importance of sex in producing variations, an idea to which he consistently held in his subsequent papers, while Nägeli (’84), Strasburger (’84), Hatscheck (’87), Hayeraft (’95), ete., believed like- wise on theoretical grounds that variability was reduced by amphimixis. The first paper presenting tangible evidence upon the subject was that of Warren (’99) who found that par- thenogenetically produced Daphnia magna were slightly more variable as measured by the ‘‘Standard Deviation’’ which had a value of 2.95, than the mothers whose ‘‘Stand- ard Deviation” was 2.22. The small number utilized, 96 in the first instance and 23 in the second instance, to- gether with the fact that the mothers represented a se- lected class, only those Daphnia producing young being included, did not allow placing much reliance in the re- sults. Warren (’02) compared 60 parental aphids (Hya- lopterus trirhodus) and their 368 offspring as well as a series from 30 aphid grandparents and their 291 grand- children. The variability was found in a comparison of grandparents and grandchildren (parthenogenetic) to have slightly decreased in respect to frontal breadth and considerably increased in respect to length of right antenna, but again objections similar to those in the pre- ceding paper render the conclusion of little value, as Warren himself observed. Casteel and Phillips (’03) measured drones and workers of Apis mellifica, the honey bee, selecting individuals at random from different colonies, and tabulating classes and frequencies without, however, a further application of biometrical methods. The ‘‘range of variability” was found to be greater in the drones than in the workers. Lutz (’04) criticized the methods utilized in the paper, nevertheless.variation as measured by the standard devia- No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 653 tion upon calculation by Wright, Lee and Pearson (’07) » was found greater in the drones by a difference ranging from 0.22 to 2.63 in respect to all five characters studied in the single group of 50 Italian workers and 50 drones of real value for comparative purposes. Kellogg (’06), in a preliminary paper dealing with drones and workers of bees and also with female aphids, concluded that not only was there no evidence that amphi- mixis produced increased variability, but that it was an unnecessary factor in the production of Darwinian varia- tion. The results were summarized as follows: (a) In all but one of the characteristics studied, the amount of varia- tion both quantitative and qualitative, is markedly larger among the drone bees than among the workers, and in the one exceptional char- acteristic it is no less; (b) no more variation in wing characters is apparent among drones or workers that have not been exposed in imaginal condition to the rigors of personal selection than exists among bees, drones or workers, that have been so exposed; (c) the variation in wing characters in drone bees reared in worker cells is no greater than that among individuals reared among drone cells; (d) the varia- tion among drones hatched from worker laid eggs is "o larger than that among drones hatched from queen laid eggs. Eleven ‘‘lots’’ were studied with a small number (No. 3, 48; No. 7, 54; No. 8, 75; No. 9, 26; No. 11, 60) in many of the ‘‘lots.’’? Even though the probable errors would have been large and while the material was heterogene- ous, the facts brought out are of extreme interest, par- ticularly when considered with the results obtained by Casteel and Phillips (703). Wright, Lee and Pearson (’07) made a comparative biometrical study of 129 queens, 130 drones, and 129 workers taken from a nest of the common wasp Vespa vulgaris in Charterhouse, England. In connection with the wing dimensions, the coefficient of variation was found to be greatest in the worker, less in the drone, and least in the queen, differing from the bee as noted above where drones were more variable than workers. The conclu- sion here of interest was: 654 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von. XLIX There is no evidence in favor of parthenogenesis resulting in a smaller variability than sexual reproduction, for if the workers be more, the queens are less, variable than the drones. It was suggested by the writers that the large variabilities of the workers might have resulted from subclasses among them due to differentiated functions or nurtures. Castle, Carpenter, Clark, Mast and Barrows (’06) made observations on the variability and fertility of Drosophila ampelophila Loew, the small fruit fly, as modified by in- breeding and cross breeding. They found that ‘‘inbreed- ing does not affect the variability in number of teeth on the sex comb of the male, nor the variability in size.’’ While the conclusion is not in accord with an earlier ob- servation (p. 780) that variability would seem to have been increased by inbreeding so far as a comparison of the sixth inbred generation with the sixty-first genera- tion, the small number utilized in the sixth generation (40 males in series A-6, B-6, C-6 each) was ground for the opinion that such a conclusion had little value in com- parison with data pointing in the reverse direction. If however we calculate the coefficient of variation for the length of the tibia, an unfortunate omission on the part of the writers, it may be noted that the flies produced by inbreeding are decidedly more variable than those pro- duced by cross breeding. Data for this conclusion are given in a subsequent part of the present paper. Walton (’08) noted that the results of measuring zygo- spores of Spirogyra indicated that the close-bred indi- viduals were more variable than the cross-bred individuals and furthermore that the data went far toward confirm- ing the theory that sex existed for the purpose of limiting instead of augmenting variability. Emerson (710) found that crosses between races of plants (maize, squash, beans, gourds) differing in size and shape had the variability of the second (F,) generation approximately twice as great as the variability of either parental form or of the first (F,) generation. This he No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 655 explained on the basis of the segregation of size and shape characters. Similar results were obtained by East (711) for maize and Hayes (’12) for tobacco. Jennings (’11) extending and summarizing his breed- ing experiments on Paramecium concluded that The progeny of conjugants are more variable, in size and in certain other respects, than the progeny of the equivalent non-conjugants. Thus conjugation increases variation. Later (’13) continuing his investigations he stated that conjugation increased the variability in the rate of repro- duction. In a subsequent part of the present paper a somewhat critical review of the data and conclusions therein noted is presented. 3. Material In obtaining material early one April for the labora- tory work of a class in biology, the collection being made in a small pool resulting from the overflow of a rivulet, a peculiar species of Spirogyra was noticed in which both lateral and scalariform conjugation was taking place often in the same filament. It was at once suggestive that a comparison of the variability in the two groups of zygo- spores would present facts of interest in connection with the effect of close breeding and cross breeding on varia- bility as well as affording evidence as to the theories of amphimixis. The species was first determined as Spirogyra quadrata (Hass.) but subsequent examination indicated that it should be classified as Spirogyra inflata (Vauch.). The material utilized for the measurements was all pro- cured at one time from a restricted area one or two inches square on the surface of the pool and included only the one form of Spirogyra, that alone being present as a mass 3 or 4 inches in diameter. Inasmuch as both lateral and scalariform conjugation occasionally took place in the same filament (Fig. 2) a suggestion that two species were 656 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX represented can not be made for the filaments are alike in every characteristic. Of the 500 zygospores observed 45 per cent. were produced by lateral conjugation. G. 2. Spirogyra inflata (Vauch.) x 800, with both scalariform and lateral conjugation in the same filament. (a) Zygospore formed by lateral conjugation. ‘ male lateral conjugation. (e) Cell from which the protoplasm has passed to form the zygospore in (b). Obj. 1/12, Ocul. 2. Camera lucida drawing. 4. Methods In considering the variability of large numbers of microscopic forms, rapid and accurate measurements are a necessity. Pearl and Dunbar (’03) in measuring Ar- cella used a camera lucida, marking the dimensions by means of a needle point, and reducing to microns. Pearl (°06) adopted a similar method for Chilomonas, using a magnification of 689.7. Pearl (’07) in measuring Para- mecium used a 2/3-inch objective and a No.1 ocular. By means of a camera lucida the points to be measured were projected on cards, marked, and measured with a vernier calipers to tenths of millimeters. Multiplying the meas- urements so obtained by the proper reduction factor found by calibrating with a stage micrometer, they were re- uced to microns and recorded. Jennings (’11) at first measured Paramecium from a slide with an ocular mi- crometer. Later an Edinger drawing and projection ap- paratus was used, the projected images of the specimens on a slide in a flat drop of 25 per cent. glycerine, with- No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 657 out a cover glass which by pressure would have caused distortion, were enlarged to 500 diameters and measured with a milimeter ruler. In the present study, the material was preserved in 2 per cent. formalin, the first series of measurements! being made April 2, while measurements of 358 were completed before May 16, and the remaining 42 finished Aug. 21 of the same year. Swelling of the zygospores did not occur to an appreciable extent, a possible error considered in a subsequent part of the paper. Using a B. and L. BB-6 microscope with a No. 1 ocular and a 1/12 oil immer- sion, a slide with a couple of drops of fluid containing the material was covered with a No. 2 coverglass, the super- fluous liquid drawn off by means of a pipette, and the preparation placed on the mechanical stage. Beginning at the lower right-hand corner the slide was moved from left to right and each zygospore presented in the field in a uniformly horizontal condition, was measured. On reaching the left margin of the preparation, the slide was returned to the first position, moved sufficiently toward the observer so that a new path would be traversed, and the operation repeated. . Thus the selection was at random and no zygospore measured twice. The dimensions were marked on note paper by means of a camera lucida at a magnification of 1,460 diameters, the two cross lines representing length (a) and diameter (y) having at the point of juncture an ‘‘S’’ or an ‘‘L’’ for scalariform or lateral conjugation. Only those zygospores having defi- nitely formed membranes were considered. In the reduction of data, so soon as the projections of the apparent dimensions were completed, the length of the lines æ and y were measured with proportional dividers (Keuffel and Esser No. 441 special) adjusted at the ratio 1,460 to 1,000, thus giving a reading in tenths of microns. Accurate adjustment was made possible by means of a 1I am indebted to Dr. C. C. W. Judd, of Baltimore, Md., at that time a senior in Kenyon College, for work in part in obtaining the first series of measurements. 658 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX micrometer screw, on the basis of the equation for similar triangles; 1,460 mm. : 1,000 mm.— 160 mm.— x mm.: x mm. where 160 represented the total length of the dividers, and aw or 65.04 mm. the point of adjustment. Having checked the adjustment, it only became necessary to note the size of a given zygospore with the longer legs of the instrument, then by applying the shorter legs to a milli- meter scale, to read the result. The various constants were then computed on the basis of the work of Pearson and of Elderton by means of a Brunsviga calculating ma- chine. I am indebted to Dr. H. H. Mitchell of the Uni- versity of Illinois for checking the mathematical data. II. ConsmERATION oF RESULTS The direct results obtained by the statistical methods employed are here presented. These furnish the basis for the general discussion and conclusions which follow. The problems of biology relating to evolution need the application of statistical methods to studies in genetics. In no other way will it be possible to clearly demonstrate the relative efficiency of the different types of variation— fluctuation, amphimutation, cumulation, ete.—in originat- ing and maintaining the diverse forms of life that exist. Similarly the importance or unimportance of small varia- tions in animal and plant breeding may only thus be ex- plained. The refinements of curve fitting are by no means necessary, nevertheless values are thus exhibited which are presentable in no other way. 1. Comparative Variability in Length of Zygospores In the frequency distribution for lengths of the two groups of zygospores (Table I) the class range adopted was two microns as compared with a range of one micron in the distribution of diameters. The more extended as well as the more irregular distribution of lengths of the lateral zygospores when compared with the scalariform No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 659 zygospores is at once suggestive that the group thus close bred, is the more variable one. It is also of some interest to note that the empirical range of variation for the laterally formed zygospores,—with length from 49 m. to m.,—is considerably greater than in the scalari- form zygospores with lengths from 47 m. to 79m. While this is not a measure of statistical variability, it un- doubtedly has a genetic value. TABLE I LENGTH OF 400 ZyGOSPORES FROM Spirogyra o (VaucH.), 200 PRO- DUCED BY LATERAL CONJUGATION AND 200 PRODUCED BY SCALARIFORM CONJUGATION, ARRANGED IN CLASSES ACCORDING TO FREQUENCIES. MAGNITUDES IN 1/10m Length of zygospores in microns. L 1 Conjugati Scalariform Conjugation Frequency Frequency Class ius Observed Calculated Observed Calculated 38.0-39.9 1 0.21 0 0. 40.0-41.9 0 0.43 0 0. 42.0—43.9 1 0.84 0 0. 44.0-45.9 8 1.49 0 0. 6.0—47 2. 2.56 3 1.17 8.0-49. 0 4.18 3 3.14 50.0—51.9 4 6.44 6 6.76 52.0-53.9 16 9.34 16 12.65 24.0-55.9 10 42.71 20 19.82 56.0—57.9 26 16.16 25 1 58.0-59.9 11 19.17 25 29.40 60.0-61.9 19 21.15 26 28.41 62.0-63.9 22 21.67 25 -0-65.9 20 21.18 18 18.30 66.0—-67.9 21 18.10 11 12.66 8.0-69.9 13 14.72 7 8.12 70.0-71.9 16 11.08 6 4.90 72.0-73.9 6 2.83 74.0-75.9 1 4.98 1 1.57 76.0-77.9 5 1 .85 78.0-79.9 2 1.66 1 45 80.0-81.9 1 .86 0 0. 82.0-83.9 1 42 0 0. ToM aa 200 200.06 200 201.04 The general constants for the variability in the length of the zygospore of the two groups are shown below (Table II). It may be noted that the mean (M.) or aver- 660 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX TABLE II GENERAL CONSTANTS FOR VARIATION IN LENGTHS OF ZYGOSPORES BASED ON 200 FORMED BY LATERAL AND 200 FORMED By SCALARIFORM CONJUGA- TION WITH A CLASS RANGE oF 2 MICRONS. STANDARD DEVIATION IN MICRONS Constant ase meaner oe Name Symbol Value Prob. Error Value Prob, Error PUI OR eh i N. PO ee es yd E ee a ae Mean ee M. 62.38 +0.1776 60.44 +0.1345 Modes. aaa Mo. ORDES lo orae SOGLO i;e peer deviation........ e. 7.4460 | +0.1304 5.7474 | +0.1104 at t of variation.... CV. 11.9364 | +0.0330 9.5093 | +0.0330 Bkewness. 65] 3 oe Sk. —.0356 | +0.0468 .1589 .0464 age length of the zygospores produced by lateral con- jugation exceeds the mean of the scalariform conjugants by 1.94 microns, while the probable error for the first constant is +.1776 and for the second constant + .1345. The difference is therefore a significant one so far as the present material is concerned. It is in the comparison of the standard deviations (c) and the coefficients of variation (C. V.) that the results of most interest appear, however. The former constant in lateral conjugation has a value of 1.6986 in excess of the same constant in scalariform conjugation, or relatively 29 per cent. This is more than thirteen times the prob- able error. In the coefficient of variation, an abstract number permitting comparison with similar constants in other organisms, the results indicate that the variability in lateral conjugation exceeds that occurring in scalari- form conjugation by 2.4271 or relatively 26 per cent., a result corroborated by the distribution of the diameters. The probable errors are sufficiently small in comparison with the differences noted, that they may be considered negligible. Skewness is negative in the curve for lateral conjuga- tion, the mean being on the left side of the mode, but its value is less than the probable error. In the curve for scalariform conjugation skewness is positive with a value No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 661 slightly more than three times the probable error. There- fore the differences of the two constants appear to have no particular value so far as the present material is concerned. The analytical constants (Table III) necessary for the TABLE III ANALYTICAL CONSTANTS FOR VARIATION IN LENGTH OF ZYGOSPORES FORMED BY LATERAL SCALARIFORM CONJUGATION, Scalariform Constant Conjugation Conjugation Wee ee T 13.8606 8.2583 Whe oo 8 ey eto tee — 3.9024 9.2989 Meee ver eeks wis Ces T 606.8690 245.0223 De ae ol epi NaS FeS .0057 1535 MS Po oe wei ee Ge aks .0756 3918 Bee ee O 3.1068 3.5928 Meals E des .0219 .1654 fitting of the curves indicate that type IV curves may be used for each method of conjugation. In lateral con- jugation the equation is a” en 9.5995 tan —1(z/29,2687) = : TAE SRA OR -—-9.« n —1( 2/29. = 10.842 (1 + aage) Xe and in scalariform conjugation similarly the equation is —11,0945 ial a —8.9889 tan —1(«/11.50) y= 5.0014( 1+ 555 ) Xe while the frequency polygons and the fitted curves (Figs. 3, 4, and 5) illustrate the conditions diagramatically. 2 The following formule as the basis of the probable errors, may be noted: PEs. = 67449 £ ha Vi + 3(8k.)2. or) or) bo THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX a > EU SRRY © o r— N p ra F B a -x Pa P<] e— A p AT 3 r Pa \ 4 A fi : Z AL \ ~ o 37 39 W 43 YS 47 49 50 53 55 57 59 6i 6&3 OF 67 OF V B 75 717 17 BI 3 bs 7 89 a 3. FREQUENCY POLYGON AND FITTED CURVE R VARIATION IN LENGTH ZYG ORES PRODUCED BY LATERAL CONJUGATION peirar IN gree pet (Vauch.). a c JAM 3 ELS 4 I SESE by a E F A ~ p bae w | HE N : J \ 6 f à is N 2 JH | o A N B u B YS 47 4q SI 5> 55 57 59 GI 63 GS 67 CF U 13 75 77 79 81 83 £5 Fic. 4. FREQUENCY POLYGON AND FITTED CURVE FOR VARIATION IN LENGTH OF ZYGOSPORES PRODUCED BY SCALARIFORM CONJUGATION (CROSS BREEDING) IN Spiro- gyra inflata (Vauch.). 2. Comparative Variability in the Diameter of the Zygospores The class range adopted in the frequency distribution for diameters (Table IV) of the two groups of zygo- No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 663 74 a8 7 é N PY N Fe a N to j fi N \ 7 x fie \ ww ig K f Z i A ` 3 "i N T L 4 2 % £ É £ a N (5 A d w + N, : 47 TL a My > ae Fi A SN - e d S ne Pre a — ere 317 34 W u3 y5 yt Ye St 53 55 57 59 68 be 65°60 8 ENMANE GA Fie. 5. CE a OF FITTED CURVES FOR Ks conan IN LENGTH OF ZyGo- SPORES PRODUCED BY LATERAL CONJUGATION (CLOSE BREEDING) AND BY SCALARI- FOR anne oxsuaamioN (CROSS an G) IN spirogvra iniata ea, Lateral eonin J Scalarifor spores was one micron, measurement being made at the maximum diameter. An inspection of the distribution shows at once the greater concentration of the variates TABLE IV DIAMETERS OF 400 ZYGOSPORES FROM Spirogyra quadrata (Haas.) 200 PRO- DUCED BY LATERAL CONJUGATION AND 200 PRODUCED BY SCALARIFORM CONJUGATION, ARRANGED IN CLASSES ACCORDING TO FREQUENCIES. MAGNITUDES IN DIAMETER OF ZYGOSPORES IN MICRONS. Lateral Conjugation Scalariform Conjugation Class Frequency Class Frequency 23.0-—23.9 0 3.0-23 x 24.0-24.9 3 24.0-24.9 0 25.0—25.9 4 25.0-25.9 3 26.0-26.9 12 26.0-26.9 9 27.0—27.9 22 27.0-27.9 13 28.0-28.9 44 28.0-28.9 38 29.0-—29.9 40 29.0-29.9 46 30.0-30.9 25 30.0-30.9 46 31.0-31.9 16 31.0-31.9 30 32.0-32.9 15 2.0-32. 33.0-33.9 10 33.0-33.9 4 0-34 9 34.0-34.9 1 To 200 ToM. es 200 664 TABLE V THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX GENERAL CONSTANTS FOR VARIATION IN re eect: OF ZYGOSPORES BASED 200 FORM By SCALARIFORM ON FORMED BY 2 LATERAL AND CONJUGATION WITH A CLASS RANGE OF 1 MICRON Lateral Conjugation, Scalariform Conjugation, Cross Bı reedi ng POORINON ~ e opo Breeding | Name Symbol Value | Prov. Error | Value Prob. Error Taa ac A PEP URN N. C e eaan | Fao s on TEE Sie aka oe BE Ce e M. | 29.66 +.1049 29.725 +.0801 bas ee ye Seas, Dts BOL EOS fi kins Ga | > eR IOO be a ec es ok adad deviation........ o. | 2.1980 | =.0688 | 1.6796 | +.0583 icy of variation. CY | 7.5376| +.0339 5.7471 | +.0338 a egies Waa aes Sk. | .2285 | +.0505 | —.1480| +.0566 ug mamma core uy a ry | i o zk > 4 r 7 I \ 36 > ‘ Se 32 h À i | Ree \ 2S f N \ I \ l o 24 j k d \ 90 a | X \ i | N \ z \ \6 f- y f | Yh 12 bf ae i E | y% N + P= © a A a ` 7 A 4 s \ E E ‘ o Pog ‘ a a Ae ee GRAM SHOW 7 WING FREQU F ZYGOSPORES IN Spirogyra subse (Vauch. sera FORM Gouieaies: =L THE an DIAMETER Coxsvoatiox (INBREEDING) AND NG e uni Sth Pore breeding), BY abscissa is one mikro cy POLYGON FOR THE VARIATION IN ) PRODU LATERAL conjugation (cross breeding) No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 665 in sealariform conjugation, and thus their smaller varia- ility. In considering the general constants of varia- bility (Table V) based on the diameters it is to be noted that the means (M.) do not differ, as was found when considering length. The standard deviation (e) and the coefficient of variation (C. V.) once more demonstrate the greater variability of the laterally formed zygospores. The values of the constants for skewness (Sk.) are not sufficient, however, when considered with the probable error, to be of importance. The frequency polygons (Fig. 6) illustrate conditions, although no curves have been fitted. 3. Comparative Correlation of Length and Diameter In view of the results obtained in a consideration of the variability, it will be of some interest to ascertain whether TABLE VI CORRELATION BETWEEN LENGTH AND DIAMETER OF 200 ZyGOSPORES OF Spirogyra inflata ei ) PRODUCED BY LATERAL CONJUGATION 1 oO | Pam gg] 3] 2) 8/8] 2] 8) ai el 3] 3 oo Se: 21 ejej jd dj 4] dj d| d| 4] | Totas Length ~ | 8) 8) 8) 8) R R| 3 5/8) 8) 8 | | 38.0-39.9 Lie ES Bien Bias Gone OSE 1 40.0-41.9 Ber tie ee Ree ee o 0 42.0-43.9 eee) ee bb ede dee. 1 44,0-45.9 ee e eg eed ae a 3 46.0-47.9 He oe a a a Cea eo ee 2 48.0-49.9 | BREN oes ae aN Bel ot BS 0 50.0-51. Petri. 1 TE eats FO ee 52.0-53.9 1| 2) S| 21 8/2. 2 T.J] 16 0-55.9 ple a a 10 COSTS E R (eRe é 1} 4| 6| 5| 3| 2| eS eer 58.0-59.9 akaa Cel Si 402) Sina i ek .0-61.9 ee pat ilei 6) ailal 62.0-63.9 fe ten eg 7.6 4l.. Bl Rd 2 64.0-65.9 1 Bike 2| 5| 3| 1) 3) 2| 2/1] 20 66.0-67.9 ee Creer ee ea i aTa ii a 68.0-69.9 S a 44242 WoT e ae eg f 2] 1) 8] 1] 3] 1]...1 2] 16 72.0-73.9 geste gee Eoi 87 iaia’ & 74.0-75.9 ee Leads de a Cs Oe 6.0-77.9 Ppa Ree ids LAL Se BL les: 5 78.0-79.9 Baer cide! Theses Fe ae Cee 2 .0-81.9 ceefece cesleseens tee | do pid zà 82.0-83.9 eepepebepepepepep Heere] 1 — tele oo | 3 | 4 [12/22 |44|40|25|16|15|10| 9 | 200 666 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the inbred zygospores produced by lateral conjugation will be more or less correlated than the cross bred zygo- spores produced by scalariform conjugation so far as length and diameter are concerned. The value of perfect correlation as measured by the constant (7) is unity, while absence of correlation allows the value to become zero. Length is taken as the subject class (y) and diameter (x) as the relative class in the accompanying tables (VI and VII). TABLE VII e CORRELATION BETWEEN LENGTH AND DIAMETER OF 200 ZYGOSPORES OF Spirogyra inflata (VAUCH.) PRODUCED BY SCALARIFORM CONJUGATION Diameter (2/Sigieigigigig¢iaiaisl¢ v N N nN N AN o> | N r] c] oO | V oD m AEE hE ra i a k PIPE E Length E E E EE AE E 38.0-39.9 Pas o ai f 0 40.0-41.9 ae es r E A ES 0 42.0-43.9 e As ee L. 0 44.0-45.9 E Cee, oe a ae BO ee 0 46.0-47.9 Pe ee o ge eke sles ee 3 0-49.9 Wot Se A ee 3 0-51. tel eb at ge 6 52.0-53.9 1 et 2| 5| 4| 2... 16 0-55. EO) ol 6) @) ab is i 20 56.0-57.9 Piet a6) 8) Bl al ok 25 58.0-59.9 Jal Jal blis |.. J1 2 .0-61.9 Meh ry er eee 4 26 62.0-63.9 1 siell 3| 6...) 1 25 .0-65.9 LiOt 8) 4 eal gis 18 66.0-67.9 are aera eee 11 68.0-69.9 1L Sl et 1) abe 7 70.0-71.9 iali. ees ae 6 72.0-73.9 ALT AS be. 6 74.0-75.9 fen eek eL 1 76.0-77.9 es T 1 78.0-79.9 1 ne 1 Woas <. s: 1/0/13) 9 |13'38|46/46/30| 9 | 4| 1! 200 While one might infer that the longer a zygospore the greater the diameter, such a condition is not apparent by mere inspection of the tables in either case. Conse- quently on solving the equations we are prepared to find that the coefficients have an extremely low value in each group. No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 667 Lateral Conjugation ... 60005 r = .1894 + .0460 Scalariform Conjugation ........... r= .0934 + .0473 Although in lateral conjugation the value is more than four times the probable error, one is scarcely prepared to state that there is greater correlation between characters in close breeding than in cross breeding on the basis of the data noted above. When considered with the results presented in Table XII, the conclusion seems fully estab- lished, however. 4. Comparative Size of Zygospores The term ‘‘size’’ as noted in the subsequent discussion is open to various interpretations dependent as to whether length, diameter or volume is being considered, a condition which to some extent complicates the inter- pretation of size characters among multicellular organ- isms which are in general dependent on the number rather than the dimensions of the component cells. Those zygospores produced by lateral conjugation (close bred), so far as the present material is concerned, have an average length considerably exceeding those produced by scalariform conjugation (cross bred) while the diameter is approximately the same. This is illus- trated in Table VIII. TABLE VIII COMPARATIVE LENGTH, DIAMETER AND VOLUME OF ZYGOSPORES PRODUCED ) BY LATERAL (CLOSE BRED) AND By SCALARIFORM (Cross BRED CONJUGATION Method Produced | Mean Length | Mean Diameter | Mean Volume 62.380 m. +.178) 29.660 m. +.105| 28,733 cub. m. Lateral conjugation........ 60.440 m. +. 135, 29.725 m. +.080 27,972 cub. m. Scalariform conjugation. .... Differences RENNY lateral | CODIUGAOR asaos erin +1.940 m. | —.070 m. | +771 cub. m. Consequently, here, the average zygospore produced by lateral conjugation has a greater volume than that pro- duced by scalariform conjugation. Utilizing the formula 668 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX for computing the volume of a prolate spheroid (V = 1/6zld?) the difference is 771 cubic m. in favor of the former, although relatively this approximates only 3 per cent. A question of some interest is at once suggested, namely, the possibilities for nourishment and develop- ment in cells of large and of small volume, inasmuch as one with a maximum volume has relatively less surface through which nourishment may be obtained. Thus growth may be retarded. III. Discussion or RESULTS The close bred forms on the basis of the characters studied in the given population have been found more variable as to both length and diameter, more highly correlated, and larger taking into consideration length and volume. The value of the conclusions in their ap- plication to the solution of problems of evolution is de- pendent on the logical application of cause and result as well as the methods of the investigation. That the two groups of zygospores are comparatively close bred and cross bred will scarcely be denied, par- ticularly when it is remembered that in lateral conjuga- tion nearly all adjacent pairs of cells in a filament had united in the process, each pair producing a zygospore, all pairs having originated from the same cell. With the material taken from a part of a mass a few cen- timeters square, a sample of a whole population has been utilized, and from what is known of the reproduction of Spirogyra, it may be assumed with reasonable certainty that the entire mass had its origin from zygospores pro- duced in a few filaments the preceding year. With prac- tically all zygospores measured in each filament, the eriticism that isolated zygospores of mixed descent were studied, and that greater variability would be expected in those produced by lateral conjugation, loses its force. Furthermore it is believed that all investigations thus far No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 669 made, upon analysis support the direct conclusions which follow. It may be objected that cells of mature filaments originating from the zygospores should have been studied. While this would have been of interest, the zygospores themselves are individuals in the cycle of development, and the differences as represented in the groups chosen can not be said to have less value than data from another part of the life cycle. The possibility of the results being affected by the swelling of zygospores due to the 2 per cent. formalin used in preservation, became apparent when other duties prevented measurements within the anticipated time. The first series of 358 zygospores was measured between April 2 and May 16, while the remaining 42 were meas- ured between August 17 and 21. The question seemed an important one, and in order to test the extent of such an error if present, the average diameter of the last lot was compared with that of the first lot, the values being 29.15 m. and 29.08 m., the difference of 0.07 m. being well within the limits of the probable error. The 42 zygo- spores measured August 17—21 happened to consist of an equal number of lateral and scalariform individuals, which would thus tend to eliminate an error should it have occurred. Consequently the use of the formalin does not appear to have affected the results. Some evidence has been presented that new phylo- genetic characters are more variable than older char- acters. Thus if lateral conjugation was a recent acquisi- tion the greater variabitiy might have been expected. Pearl and Clawson (’07) found a higher variation in the great chela of the crayfish, Camburus propinquus Girard, than in the protopodites of the 2 and 3 legs, nevertheless they preferred to attribute the result to ontogenetic rather than to phylogenetic factors. MacDougall, Vail and Shull (’07) stated that the greater variability of P new characters as compared with older ones .. . is confirme ip 670 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIR The conclusion is open to objection inasmuch as they were comparing a hybrid with a single parental type and in general the greater variability would be expected. Consequently even admitting that lateral conjugation has been a more recent development than scalariform con- jugation, it would not be demonstrated that an error had thus arisen. 1. Comparative Variability Within the limits of the characters studied so far as the present material is concerned, it is evident that the zygospores produced by close breeding are more variable than those produced by cross breeding. While it tis another proposition to extend the conclusion and insist that organisms produced asexually, by pure lines, or by close breeding, are more variable than those produced sexually or by cross breeding, it would seem that the facts strongly support such a conclusion and in connection with the evidence afforded by the investigations of Warren, Casteel and Phillips, Kellogg, and Wright, Lee and Pear- son, it certainly may be denied that amphimixis or cross breeding as compared with other types actually produces variations, as has long been the prevalent belief. The question here of particular interest, however, is that of the excess type of variability represented in Spirogyra. Inasmuch as the material was homogeneous in every way, it may be asserted that the greater vari- ability exhibited by the close-bred forms is not fluctu- ability due to environment. It is also evident that, theo- retically, cross breeding produces a greater number of combinations than inbreeding, nevertheless that the vari- ability thus resulting is overwhelmed by that of another type in nature, is clear from the results noted in the pre- ceding pages. An excellent demonstration of such con- dition is obtained by recalculating constants obtained by Hayes (712) as shown in the accompanying table (Table TX) based on data obtained in connection with the breed- ing of Nicotiana tabacum. No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 671 TABLE IX COMPARISON OF a ois oF Nicotiana tabacum IN COMBINED PARENTAL Types (No. 3 8) WITH VARIABILITY IN SEPARATE PARENTAL TYPES (No. 1, 2, 6 AND a IN THE First HYBRID oe. (No. 4 AND 9) AND IN THE SECOND HYBRID GENERATIONS (No. 5 AND 10). No. 3 AND 8 CALCULATED FROM DATA By HAYES IN TABLES NOTED. OTHER CONSTANTS S GIVEN BY HAYES No. Table Type | Character Ss. D; | E | Cc. Vv. E 1 AV 401 | Number of leaves 0.96 | +.037| 5.00 |+.189 21 XVI 403 | 1.49 |+.058| 5.27 | +.578 BRR pe | “ . 4.70 |+.129| 19.55 | 4.129 di 2 4 n 1.30 | +.056| 5.51 |+.215 & i XVIII ede Oey la os 2.24 | +.103| 9.40 |+.551 6 XV pet | Height of plant | 3.85 |+.150! 7.00 |+.150 7 XVI es ™ .55 |4.177| 5.98 |+.177 8 | XV-XVI 1014-408 s x 11.31 14.311] 17.35 |+.312 9| XVII 403 X ale oe 4.54 |+.177! 6.41 | +.249 10 | XVIII “403x401 — 1-F,| e a 7.22 | +.333 13.60 | +.333 Here the constants of No. 3 and No. 8 have been ob- tained by combining the two parental types (401 and 403) both for the number of leaves and the height of the plant, and it may be noted that the coefficient of variation has dropped from 19.55 to 9.40 in the one case and from 17.35 to 13.60 in the other case. Thus variability as measured statistically has decreased. Those who have advo- cated an increased variability as the result of hybridiza- tion are correct when comparison is made of the F, gen- eration with the F, generation or with a single parental generation. They are not correct, however, in making a general statement that cross breeding increases varia- bility since the variability of the group composed of both parental types must be considered and upon so doing, it may normally be found that there has actually been a decrease in variability. The possibility exists however that the variability will appear to have been increased when forms having the same phenotype but different genotypes are bred together. Such a condition may be illustrated by the two strains of white sweet peas crossed by Bateson which produced purple flowers in the first (F,) generation, and purple, ™~ 672 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX pink, mixed and white flowers in the second (F,) genera- tion. New combinations had arisen, but only as an ex- pression of that which already existed in the phenotypes, for there is no evidence of an increase in unit characters nor was there an actual increase in variability. There are only three papers of a statistical nature in which it has seriously been asserted that cross-bred forms or conjugating forms produced greater variability than resulted in close-bred forms or non-conjugating forms. The first is that of Castle, Carpenter, Clark, Mast and Barrows (’06) based on a series of observations as to the effect of cross breeding and close breeding on the varia- bility and fertility of the small fruit fly Drosophila ampelophila Loew. In conclusion it was stated that ‘inbreeding did not affect the variability in the number of teeth of the sex comb of the male, nor the variability in size,’’ the first opinion resulting from the value of the coefficient of variation in the number of tibial spines, the second from the standard deviation in the length of the tibia. In the former case the data certainly do not permit a clear conclusion one way or the other. In the second case, however, if the value of the coefficient of variation is computed for the length of the tibia—which, strange to say, was not done in the original investiga- tion—and thus allowance made for the greater length of TABLE X ILLUSTRATING COMPARATIVE VARIABILITY OF CROSS BRED AND INBRED FORMS OF Drosophila AFTER COMPUTING THE VALUE OF THE COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION FOR THE LENGTH OF TIBIA FROM DATA BY CASTLE AND OTHERS , i S.D. = Standard Deviation. C.V. = Coefficient of Variation. Group Spines of Sex Comb Length of Tibia Generation — cs Qv so ee a Cross bred (X-1)...... 100 | 1.749.083 | 16.23 | 1.461+.070 | 3.531 +.168 Inbred (M-31)........ 100 i 568. plied | 15.51 | 1.723 +.082 | 4.452 +.212 Inbred (N-30)......... 100 | 1.684+.0 80 | 17.38 | 2.842 +.136 | 8.167 +.389 Inbred (A-61)......... 100 | 1.857+.089 17.60 | 2.041 = 097 | 5.245 +.250 No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 673 tibia in the cross-bred forms (Table X) the average variability of the three inbred groups is 68 per cent. greater than that of the cross-bred group. Consequently, the results decidedly support the facts in the present paper. The remaining papers are those of Jennings (711 and 713) in a study of Paramecium. In the first paper the breeding experiments are summarized as follows: The progeny of conjugants are more variable, in size and in certain other respects, than the progeny of the equivalent non-conjugants. Thus conjugation increases variation. It seems difficult to account for this conclusion if one subjects the data to a critical review. So far as a ‘‘pure race’’ is concerned the non-conjugants and their progeny were decidedly more variable than the conjugants and their progeny (Table 28, p. 94), although the small number utilized March 31 for the statistical work (42 and 34) is not sufficient to justify a conclusion in either direction. Even in a ‘‘wild eulture’’ (Table 32, p. 99) the evidence is too conflicting to justify a definite expression of opinion. Of the seven comparisons here made among the progeny, five showed an excess variability for the conjugants, but in only one case did the difference exceed three times the probable error, while two cases showed an excess variability for the non-conjugants, the differ- ence in one case exceeding twice the probable error. Data from numbers so small (22-95) can scarcely be con- sidered reliable. The comparison of the variability of ‘all pairs’’ and ‘‘all unpairs’’ on June 22 and June 23 denotes an excess variability for those completing con- jugation at the beginning of the experiment. In the second paper Jennings concluded (p. 363) that conjugation increased the variation in the rate of repro- duction. The variation was increased, but the explana- tion of such increase seems comparatively simple when it is noted that among the conjugants there were many with a low rate of fission with death occurring. As com- 674 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX pared with the more normal rate of fission among non- conjugants, this could result in nothing but an increased variability, having, however, no bearing on the question at issue. At the present time, therefore, it would seem that the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that variability is decreased in cross breeding. 2. Comparative Size The zygospores produced by close breeding have a mean length of 62.38 ». + .18 ». with a mean diameter of 29.66 ». + 10 p. and those produced by cross breeding have a mean length of 60.44 » + .13 m. with a mean diameter of 29.725 ». + .08 a. Thus so far as length is concerned the close bred zygospores are relatively 3.2 per cent. larger and although slightly smaller in diameter, when volume is considered by utilizing the formula (V =4Anld*) the close bred forms are also 2.8 per cent. larger. Since these results are not in accord with the general belief that cross fertilization increases size and vigor, terms which have a diverse usage, however, it will be well to consider other evidence bearing on the problem with a view of attempting an explanation which may meet the conditions imposed. Pearl (’07) in studying the conjugation of Paramecium with particular reference to assortative mating, notes that ‘‘the conjugant individuals when compared with the non-conjugant, are shorter and narrower’’ and stated in accordance with Calkins (’02) that the reduction in size was quite probably dependent on functional changes con- nected with reproduction. In Spirogyra, however, both the close-bred and the cross-bred zygospores go through similar reproductive processes in consequence of which one may question the theory that the method of conjuga- tion is the decisive factor in bringing about the result even in Paramecium. Jennings (711) in comparing the size of conjugant and non-conjugant Paramecium stated that No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 675 The progeny of conjugants . . . were a little larger than the progeny of non-conjugants and the difference appears to be significant. This conclusion was based on measurements of length and diameter, the volume not being computed. When this is done as shown in the accompanying table (Table XI) by TABLE XI COMPARISON IN SIZE OF CONJUGANT AND NON-CONJUGANT ForMs oF Para- mecium aurelia AND THEIR PROGENY BASED ON VOLUME (V =1/6,ld2)r FROM LENGTH AND DIAMETER MEASURE- MENTS BY JENNINGS, 1911 | | Experiment Non-conjugants and Progeny | Conjugants and Progeny | Non R | -| Diam. | Volume | | Volume | Exceed the Date, — Length | Diam. | Conjugants Culture No. Mi- Cub. | No. Cub. 1 1908 rons | crons | Micro ons | panos RS Microns ume | Nf» |Mar. 31| 34| 144.59|34 87, sil 48 136.95) 35.52 | 90,471 — 2,953 Table |Apr. 10| 65) 137.97/44 139,859 61 148.20 42.30 |138,844 + 1,015 28 |Apr. 20/103) 156.48) 43.82|157, 327 108, | 160. 85 42.04 148 „849 + 8,478 Q C: |Sept. 16/110} 132.18] ? ? h 38 121.91 ? C hey Table |Sept. 18| 70| 116.17|31.20| 59,211, 15 1 31.20 | 65,241 — 6,030 29 |Sept. 26| 52| 122.15/34.81) 77,500 ay 112.36| 29.50 51,198 + 26,302 g (Sept. 27/118) 135.35] ? ? F 174| 118.28| ? rot Table (Sept. 29| 10, 156.40/49.60/201,465| 6 135.33 36 | 91,833 +109,633 30 | re œo kz] per rou on ee e a) k Sept. 12/100/ 140.20 Re ? =|336) 129. | ? d | Table |Oct. 28| 10 136 7.60 100 673 39 131.38) 35.49 | 86,644| + 14,029 31 jOct. 30| 28 123.71| Hi 14, 75 °497| 25| 128.16) 36.32 88,520| — 13,023 utilizing the formula V = 1/6z/d?, thus allowing for slight decreases in diameters, the facts present a different in- terpretation. Three (a, b, c) of the four experiments dealing with a ‘‘pure race’’ of P. aurelia indicate that the progeny of the non-conjugants become larger, even when as a group they are smaller (a, b?) at the beginning of the experi- ment. While the fourth (d) indicates a reverse condi- tion so far as the measurements of October 30 are con- cerned, the measurements of the sixth and seventh genera- tions immediately preceding, demonstrate that the non- conjugants were larger. The result on October 30, where the non-conjugants became smaller, may have depended 676 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX on the elimination suggested by ‘‘all existing progeny.’’ The extraordinary diminution in length (140 ». to 123.71 p.) Suggests some disturbing factor of metabolism. The results of the experiment with a ‘‘wild culture’? where progeny of ‘‘unpaired’’ and ‘‘paired’’ forms of P. caudatum (?) were considered, again suggested to Jen- nings the greater size of the progeny of the paired indi- viduals (conjugants), a condition which was particularly evident in the first generation. But it must be noted that the disturbance of the function of conjugation in ‘‘un- pairing’’ may have produced the result. The progeny of the ‘‘unpairs’’ were relatively becoming larger from the first to the seventh generation. These facts taken to- gether with the absence of measurements of mean diam- eters by which to caleulate the mean volumes, suggest that such a conclusion based on that part of the work could not be accepted, and that the data strongly support the proposition directly contrary to Jennings that the progeny of conjugants tend to become smaller than the progeny of non-conjugants although the latter may be larger directly after conjugation as a result of slower fission. Thus the evidence from various sources, although incomplete, suggests that cross-bred unicellular organisms are smaller than close-bred forms. Among multicellular organisms however it has long been recognized that hybrids usually grew to a larger size than either parental form, as has been observed by Kohlreuter (’63), Knight (’99), Gartner (’49), as well as Darwin, Mendel and others, although the cause of the increased growth has been purely conjectural. It is quite evident that the result is due to either the increased num- ber of cells, a suggestion made by East, to the increased size of the cells, or to the combination of both conditions. The question immediately arises as to the cause of the increased size and vigor among cross-bred multicellular organisms when the evidence indicates that cross-bred unicellular organisms are smaller instead of larger. No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 677 Some investigations in progress? suggest an answer meeting the conditions, although more than a provisional opinion may as yet not be ventured. This is to the effect that the cells of cross-bred multicellular organisms are actually smaller than the cells of pure line or inbred organisms, and that the more rapid division is a function of the greater ratio surface has to volume in a small cell with the better opportunity this afforded for an increased metabolism. The increase of size in plant and animal forms to the physiological limit has great importance for the future of agriculture and stock breeding, but many subsidiary problems must be solved before practical results are at- tained in this direction. The relative rate of growth, number and size of the constituent cells of pure line and of hybrid individuals is one of the problems. 3. Comparative Correlation Resulting from Close Breeding and Cross Breeding ‘The close-bred zygospores are more correlated as to length and diameter than the cross-bred zygospores, but since the difference only slightly exceeds twice the prob- able error, the value of the result here is questionable. Considering other investigations (Table XII), it may be noted that the group containing close-bred, asexual or non-conjugating organisms, is more highly correlated in respect to characters than the group consisting of cross- bred, sexual, or conjugating organisms, although two exceptions, No. 12 and No. 14, are presented. An in- teresting fact, although possibly only a coincidence, is that cross bred zygospores of Spirogyra and of conjugat- ing Paramecium have approximately only one half the correlation exhibited by close bred er ECeporee of Spiro- gyra and by non-conjugating Parameen The explanation of the conclusion here’ reached, that the value of a character ‘‘x’’ in cross-bred forms does not have the same tendency t change that the value of a 8 Walton (’14). [ Vou, XLIX 678 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST TABLE XII COMPARATIVE CORRELATION OF CHARACTERS IN CROSS-BRED AND CLOSE-BRED ORGANISMS INCLUDING CONJUGANT AND NON-CONJUGANT Paramecium, N PARTHENOGENETIC AND SEXUALLY PRODUCED WASPS Organism Authority pes naa Type of Development ‘oo Paramecium | Pearl, ’07 Length and oa Ser. A| .589-+.03 e , a diameter. .278 +.04 Drosophila Barrows, ’06 | Number of Close bred, fer. A-61. 469 +.05 = _ s spines and Ser. M-31. 8+.05 Sa P "a length of F ie r. N-30. | .708+.03 aa s: " tibia. Cross bred, Ser. X-1. 41+.07 Nicotiana Hayes, ’12 Number of Close bred, aia 2 368 +.05 ph = T leaves and s 631 +.03 e i ps height. Cross bred, 403 x01. 406 +.05 ts 5 Length and Close bred, No. 4 +.0 ? A pa breadth of No. os 497 +.04 1 A = ie eaf. — — 403 X401. | .818+.02 Vespa vulgaris ime Lee, | Length and | Dro 772 +.02 4 ai isi erm of iter tee 912+.01 15 E Pearson, pa aie 8+.04 Spirogyra | Walton, n, Length ‘and Close bred (Lat. C.) .189 +.05 7 fe | diameter. | Cross bred (Seal. C.) |.093+.05 related character has in eclose-bred forms, appar- ently rests on a Mendelian basis. Its importance in evolution, beyond the idea that more pronounced tempo- rary combinations are thus allowed in the trial and error plan of nature, is conjectural. 6.27 y 4. Amphimixis and Death With the assumption that the results obtained in the preceding investigation, together with the data presented by other writers, when correctly analyzed, strongly sup- ports the view that asexually produced organisms tend to be more variable than those produced by the union of two gametes, there is furnished evidence for the interpreta- tion of the origin of sex—amphimixis and also for the origin of death that would seem to rest upon a much more secure basis than the purely speculative theories of Weis- mann, Nägeli, Hatscheck, Metschnikoff, Minot, ete., which have previously been advano The chief advantage wéinied 3 in the reduction of varia- bility, while somewhat conjectural, would appear to be No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 679 that of holding organisms within limited bounds, or in other words, asexually produced organisms in general tend by their variability to exceed the limits of their environment and thus perish, while organisms produced by the mingling of two diverse lines of germ plasm with their lessened variability meet the conditions of the com- paratively slowly changing environment and their race persists. This idea was proposed entirely upon specula- tive grounds by Hatscheck (’87) who suggested that variation would run riot if not controlled by the union of germ cells, and it would now appear that the facts sup- port such a proposition. While it has been suggested that the chief function of amphimixis was that of re- juvenation, a consideration of the discussion on ‘‘Com- parative Size’’ as well as the recent experimental results obtained in the production of Paramecium do not support such an opinion to the exclusion of the hypothesis here put forward. East and Hayes (’12) have advanced the theory that recombinations in accordance with Mendelian principles were the chief purpose of amphimixis. While new combinations are thus brought about, apparently there exists a real difficulty in understanding how transi- tory heterozygotic forms could become of selective value in originating and maintaining such a process. The acceptance of the conclusion that asexually pro- duced organisms are more variable than those produced by amphimixis, and that thus some of the units are more readily subject to the eliminating influences of the en- vironment, affords a comparatively simple explanation of the origin of death in multicellular forms which are built up of such units—the cell. Consequently the infer- ence is that* death occurs as the result of the continually forming body cells becoming so variable through the absence of control by amphimizis, that eventually some one group fails to meet the limits imposed by the environ- ment, and these together with the remainder of the colony 4 Walton, Science, p. 216, 1909. 680 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX —the individual—perish. The experiments of Wood- ruff (711, ete.) who in extending the work of Maupas and of Calkins was able to rear several thousand generations of Paramecium without conjugation, as well as the in- vestigations of Harrison subsequently elaborated by Carrel, where human and other animal tissues main- tained cell division for a prolonged time in an artificial medium, are here of much interest. In each case the result is brought about by the favorable artificial environ- ment, and it is made more clear that death itself is wholly or in part due to the unfavorable conditions surrounding an organism. IV. A Worxkine HYPOTHESIS oF EVOLUTION Investigations during the last fifteen years, instead of establishing evolution as the simple process of natural selection conjectured by Darwin and others, have made it evident that the results are due to many factors of much complexity. While the diversity of organisms depends on variation—their inheritance and non-inheritance—it is becoming more and more apparent that the term is too comprehensive and covers variations arising in organ- isms from causes quite different from one another. The results reached in the preceding pages indicate the need of extending the older terminology as used by Plate, 13, and others where variations are separated into ‘*somations’’ or fluctuations induced by the environment and not inherited, and ‘‘mutations’’ or blastovariations arising in the germ plasm and inherited, if a clearer — understanding is to be obtained of evolution and its ap- plication. Therefore the following scheme is proposed.’ 5 Several interesting groupings of variations have been suggested by Spill- man, Baur and others, none of which, however, appear to meet present con- ditions, No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 681 VARIATIONS Al, adage originating in accordance with definite law A. Bi, Talend by general environmental stimuli, (food supply, use and disuse, ete.), but not in- r s B2. Notinduced by environmental stimuli; inherited. C1. Arising through the transference of factors by the combination of two ancestral lines in accordance with Mendelian principles, but ex- hibiting ‘‘per se’’ no definite progress. ..... 2. Amphimutations ‘< mutations’? in part). C2. Arising through causes at present unknown, but which, from the progressive results ob- tained, may be assumed to originate in accord- : DUNE with dofimte I8WS ea is Oo eiren 3. Cumulations.6 A2, Apparently not originating in accordance with RE ANER oo dada sci ce oe B. Abnormations. Bı. Induced during early developmental stages of the embryo from intracellular (?) stimuli, and inherited. C1. Arising through the abnormal segregation of the hereditary material Sarian .. 4. Malsegregations ‘*mutations’’ in part). C2, Arising by the loss of hereditary qualities, Di, Resulting from the functional loss of factor controlling a character ........... Defactorations (3 aiid in part). D2, Resulting from the partial functional loss of a factor controlling a character. ... 6. Fractionations is amiata) in part). B2. Induced during the early developmental stages of the embryo from extracellular (?) stimuli and Hot Mhona = oe Sas Se ee a 7. Malformations.7 While any scheme presented must change as new facts are obtained, a terminology is of value in proportion as it gives a basis for future progress. The objection that it is not possible to point out a specific cumulation by no - means indicates the absence of such progressive varia- tions taking long intervals of time, by the haphazard 6 Cumulations—from cumulo, to increase—including the names of the following groups, with the exception of fractionations proposed by Bateson, are based on the apparent origin of the variations. 7 Many so-called malformations originate as hi siscitiens: ete. 682 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX method of nature, in which to bring about a change evi- dent to mankind. That the weight of evidence, so far as investigations have gone, is against evolution by means of the other variations noted, makes the explanation the more plausible. While it is true that Bateson (714) has urged the consideration of the proposition that organic changes occur through the loss of inhibiting factors—de- factorations—such a double negative theory assumes a decreasing complexity instead of an increasing com- plexity of protoplasm, as already pointed out by Castle, (715) and seems impossible to maintain. On the interpretation here presented, the diversity of organic forms is more complex than earlier imagined, and the problem of positive racial improvement is still far from solution. Loss as well as segregation factors may add new forms which really contain nothing new. To build up and not to break down is the desideratum, and the data obtained would seem to suggest that pure line breeding with the employment of statistical methods to show any progress would be the path leading most di- rectly to the goal. VI. Conciusions 1. Direct Conclusions The following conclusions drawn from the investiga- tion are primarily statements of fact. 1. Zygospores of Spirogyra inflata (Vauch.) produced by lateral conjugation or close breeding (quasi-partheno- genesis) are relatively 26 per cent. more variable in length and 31 per cent. more variable in diameter as measured by the coefficient of variation, than those pro- duced by scalariform conjugation or cross breeding (sexual reproduction). 2. The size (volume) is greater in the average (mean) zygospore close bred by lateral conjugation, where the mean length is 62.38 ». + .178, than in the average zygo- No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 683 spore cross bred by scalariform conjugation, where the mean length is 60.44 u. + .135, The diameter is approxi- mately the same in both types. 3. In zygospores produced by lateral conjugation there exists a positive correlation between length and diameter of .1894=.0460, while in sealariform conjugation the value is .0934 = .0473. This is in general agreement with results obtained by others although here the difference is not significant when the probable error is considered. 4. In the material studied approximately 45 per cent. of the zygospores were formed by lateral conjugation, the remaining 55 per cent. by scalariform conjugation. 5. The material studied was strictly homogeneous, and evidently arose from the same parental stock, both types of filaments being intermingled with no structural dif- ferences except those of conjugation. Consequently the differences in variability are not the result of fluctuability. 2. Indirect Conclusions The conclusions here presented are generalizations based on the present investigation as well as the work of others, and represent propositions concerning which dif- ferences of opinion may exist. 1. Amphimixis, cross-breeding, etc., decreases and does not augment variability (cumulability) although amphi- mutability may temporarily be increased. 2. Close bred forms are more highly correlated in re- spect to related characters than cross-bred forms. . Variations, so far as their origin is concerned, may be separated into (A) Normations consisting of (1) fluctuations, (2) amphimutations, and (3) cumulations, and into (B) Abnormations consisting of (1) malsegrega- tions, (2) defactorations, (3) fractionations, and (4) mal- formations. 4, Cumulations may best be investigated among organ- isms produced asexually, by pure lines, or by close breed- ing than by cross breeding, ete. 684 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX 5. Sexual reproduction and cross fertilization have been advantageous in the evolution of organisms by limit- ing ecumulability and thus confining the progress of the group to a path bounded by the more permanent en- vironment. 6. Death occurs as a result of the continually forming body cells becoming so variable through the absence of control by amphimixis, that eventually some one group fails to meet the limits imposed by the environment, and these together with the remainder of the colony—the individual—perish. 3. Hypotheses The following opinions in the nature of hypotheses based to a large extent on the preceding work may be confirmed or invalidated by future investigations. 1. Variability (cumulability) will be greater in a small and isolated population than in a large and less isolated population. 2. Progressive evolution has resulted from factors aris- ing through cumulations without reference to amphimuta- tions (Mendelian combinations). 3. Characters once established by cumulations produce by fluctuations, amphimutations, etc., the diversity of organic life. Such secondary variations are only in- directly the products of evolution. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baitsell, G. A. "11, Conjugation of Closely Related Individuals of Stylonychia. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Medicine, pp. 122-123. Baitsell, G. A. 12, Experiments on the Reproduction of Hypotrichous Infusoria, Journ. Exper. Zool., Vol. 13, pp. 47—76. Bumpus, H. C. ’99. The Elimination of the Unfit as illustrated by the Introduced parrow, Passer domesticus. Biol. Lect., Woods Ho Calkins and Gregory. 713. Vatiaiions. in the Pages of a Single Exconjugant of Parame cium caudatum. Journ. Exper. Zool., Vol. 15, pp. 429-525. No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 685 eater and Phillips. Comparative sprig ners of Drones and Workers of the Honey Bee. Biol. Bull., Vol. 6, pp. 18-37 Castle, Carpenter, Clark, ae and Barrows. The Effects of Inbreeding, Cross-Breeding and Selection upon the ae and Variability of eg Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Vol. 41, pp. East, E. M. 710. The Role of Hybridization in Plant Breeding. Pop. Sci. Monthly, Vol. 77, pp. 342-355 East and Hayes. 712. Heterozygosis in Evolution and Plant Breeding. Bull. 248, Bureau Plant Industry, U. 8. Dept. Agric., pp. 1-58. icscagieln M P yore Curves and Correlation. London, MacMillan, pp. Emerson, - i ’10. The Inheritance of Sizes and Shapes in Plants. Am. Nart., Vol. 44, zp af Emerson and E 3. The ak of Quantitative Characters in Maize. Bull, Agr. Exp. Station Nebraska ewenect, B. ’87. Sexual Propagation. Prager medic. Wochenschr., p. 247. Hayes, 712. Pecans and Inheritance in Nicotina tabacum. Conn. Agr. Exper. Station Bull. 171, pp. 1—45. ; Jennings, H. S. ’11. Pure Lines in the Study of Genetics in Lower Organisms. AM. a , Vol. 45, pp. 79-89. J oe: S. ane Mating, Variability and Inheritance of Size in the onjugation of Paramecium. Journ. Exp. Zool., Vol. 11, No. 4. s. 713. The Effect of Conjugation in Paramecium. Journ. Exp. Zool., Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 279-391. Kellogg, V. L. 706. Variation in Parthenogenetic Insects. Science, Vol. 24, pp. 708. Variation in Bees. Biol. Bull., Vol. 6, pp. 217-219. MacDougal, Vail and Shull. 707. Mutations, Variations =e oo of the @notheras. Car- negie Inst. Pub. No. MacCurdy and Castle. 707. Selection and Cross Breeding in Relation to the Inheritance of Coat-Pigment and Coat Patterns in Rats and Guinea Pigs. Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 70. 686 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX Minot, C. S. 708. The Problems of Age, Growth, and Death. Putnam and Sons, New York. Moenkhaus, W. J. 711. The Effects of Inbreeding and Selection on the Fertility Vigor and Sex Ratio of Drosophila ampelophila. Journ. Morph., pp. 122-154, Nägeli, C, ’84. Mechanisch-physiologische Theorie der Abstammungslehre. München. Pearl, R. 07 A Biometrical te of Conjugation in Paramecium. Biomet- a, Vol. 5, pp. 97. Pearl and pane 0 Varlatien and Correlation in the Crayfish. Carnegie Pub. No, 64. Pearl and Surface. 709. Is there a Cumulative Effect of Selection? Zeit. f. indukt. Ab- stamm. u. Vererb., Bd. 11, Pearson, Wright and Lee. 707. A Cooperative Study of Queens, Drones and Workers in Vespa vulgaris. Biometrika, Vol. 5, pp. 407—422. Strasburger, E. ’84. Neue Untersuchungen über die Befruchtungsvorgange bei den Phanerogamen als Grundlage fiir eine Theorie der Zeugung. Jena. Spillman, W. J. 710. Notes on Heredity and Evolution. Am. Nart., pp. 750-762. Walton, L. B. 708. The Variability of the Zygospores of Spirogyra and its bearing on the Theory of Amphimixis. Science, p. 907. (Notes based on the first investigations in connection with the present paper.) Walton, L. B. 712, Amphimixis, Variability and Death; Some Facts and a Theory. Science, Vol. 35, pp. 935-940. Walton, L. B. g The EEAS Control of Organisms and its Significance. nce, Vol. 39, pp. 479—488. Warren, E. 99. An Observation on Inheritance in Parthenogenesis. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 65, p. 154. Warren, E. 02. Variation and Inheritance in the Parthenogenetie Generations of the Aphis Hyalipterus triphodus (Walker). Biometrika, Vol. 1, p. 129 Weismann, A. 76. Studien zur Descendenz-Theorie. II. ose die Mechanische Auffassung der Natur. Leipzig, W. Engelm No. 587] VARIABILITY AND AMPHIMIXIS 687 Weismann, A. 84. Ueber Leben und Tod. Jena. Weismann, A, 86. Die Bedeutung der sexuellen oo R fiir die Selektions- theorie. Tagbl. Naturforsch. Jen Whitney, A. 12. Reinvigoration produced by Cross Fertilization in Hydatina senta. Journ, Exper. Zool., Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 337-362. Woodruff, L. L 11, hee. Thousand Generations of Paramecium. Arch. Protist., Bd. 21, pp. 263-266. GENETIC STUDIES OF SEVERAL GEOGRAPHIC RACES OF CALIFORNIA DEER—MICE? DR. FRANCIS B. SUMNER SCRIPPS INSTITUTE, LA JOLLA, CAL. Some of those present may recall a resolution which was adopted at a meeting of the Biological Society of the Pacific, held in Berkeley, in April, 1913, endorsing a project for the study of certain problems, related both to genetics and to geographical distribution. During the same year, the Scripps Institution for Biological Re- search found it possible to undertake the execution of this project, and the author of the present paper was chosen to carry it out. It is my object to-day to offer a pre- liminary report upon the results of these studies. To those who have been so fortunate as to work in fields which yield quicker returns than does that of ex- perimental breeding, it may seem that something more than a ‘‘preliminary report”? might reasonably be ex- pected after the lapse of a year anda half. If any justi- fication is needed for such seeming slothfulness, I need only remark that my studies have already necessitated the trapping of about 600 living mice, of my chosen species, in four widely distant parts of the state, together with the rearing of several hundred others which were born in captivity; and that I have made measurements of some 500 of these animals, including skeletal measure- ments of over 400. Care of this rather large family of pets, statistical treatment of the measurements, continu- ous meteorological observations at several points, and the preparation of a certain number of skins and color photo- graphs, are also to be included in the technique of this 1 Read before a joint meeting of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science (Section F), the American Society of Naturalists, the American Society of Zoologists, the American Genetic Association, and _ the Eugenie Research Association, at Stanford University, August 4, 1915. : 688 No. 587] CALIFORNIA DEER-MICE 689 project. Without’the generous opportunities afforded me by the Scripps Institution, the work could never have been undertaken. And of an importance only second in order I must’ mention the assistance rendered me throughout these studies by the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley. The resolution to which I have referrsd above formu- lated four questions which were regarded as especially worthy of consideration in the investigations contem- plated. These were: 1. To what extent do influences such as external condi- tions, the exercise of organs or faculties, ete., which pro- duce modifications of structure or function in the parent, result in bringing about parallel changes in the offspring? 2. If such changes are, in reality, found to reappear in the offspring, do they constitute true examples of heredity? 3. Are the subspecies or geographical races of the sys- tematic zoologists fixed, in the sense of being hereditary, or do the differences by which they are distinguished depend upon conditions which must act anew during the lifetime of each individual? 4. If these subspecific characteristics are actually found to ‘‘breed true,’’ do they owe their existence at the outset to ‘‘mutations’’ or to the cumulative effect of environ- mental influences, or to the mere fact of isolation, acting in some way independently of those influences? To a large section of experimental breeders in this country, to whom ‘‘genetics’’ is synonymous with Men- delism, such a formulation of problems as this doubtless seems hopelessly archaic. ‘‘What is the use of raising all these dead issues,’’ they will ask, ‘‘as if Weismann and De Vries and Johannsen had never lived?’’ And as for the question of subspecies, I suspect that some of our critics would grant them no existence whatever, outside the overwrought imagination of certain taxonomists. Those, however, who have read dispassionately such able compilations of evidence as are offered us, for 650 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX example, by Plate? and Semon? are not likely to fall into the shallow dogmatism which dismisses the whole ‘‘ac- quired characters’’ question as once for all settled. And those who have taken the trouble to carefully examine a few trays of specimens, representing the subspecies of some widely ranging bird or mammal, will not so readily resort to a subjective interpretation of the phenomenon of geographic variation. I shall give chief attention to-day to the case of a single species of white-footed mouse, or deer-mouse of the genus Peromyscus. According to Osgood,‘ the chief monog- rapher of this genus, the species maniculatus comprises about 40 distinguishable geographic races, many of which are so unlike that they would be given full specific rank but for the fact that they intergrade insensibly with one another. My own special studies have had to do chiefly with those subspecies of Peromyscus maniculatus which fall within the limits of the state of California. The first investigations have naturally been directed toward a careful examination of mice representing each of these local races, together with a determination, so far as pos- sible, of the meteorological conditions to which they are subjected in nature. .: iruek koraan .035 2 141 The constants are very irregular in magnitude, but are with- out exception positive in sign. In many instances they are large. Thus in these individual shrubs which taxonomically show no differences® there is nevertheless a distinct differentiation in respect of the great majority of the characters examined. While the probable errors are large the evidence warrants the conclusion that some are decidedly more highly correlated than others. 12 Sepals = mean number of sepals in calyx. Bracts = mean number of bracts in involucre. Ovules = mean number of ovules formed per fruit. Seeds — mean number of seeds matured per fruit. Asymmetry = average radia] asymmetry in the distribution of the num- ber of ovules per locule. For method of computation see Biometrika, Vol. VII, pp. 477-478, 1910, and AMER. Nat., Vol. XLVI, p. 480, Locular composition = average number of locules per frait with an odd number of ovules. See citations above. Fertility — coefficient of fertility (mean seeds per fruit) (mean ovules per fruit). Correlation = sigma of correlation between number of ovules and number of seeds per loc 13 I believe one of the Hibiscus shrubs had lighter flowers than the rest. 712 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX In Hibiscus the differentiation of the individuals with respect to number of bracts seems to be greater than that for number of sepals. For both Staphylea and Hibiscus the correlation for ovules is generally high. It is in every instance higher than that for mean number of seeds matured per fruit. Correlation for both mean number’ of seeds per fruit and relative number of seeds matured has a moderately large value in Hibiscus, but in Staphylea it is sensibly 0. In both species such character- istics of the ovary as radial asymmetry and locular composition seem to be rather sharply differentiated from individual to indi- vidual. This is probably due in part to differentiation with respect of number of ovules per fruit, but further discussion of the problem would be out of place in a note, the only purpose of which is to call attention to the usefulness, in both applied and pure science, of a quantitative means of detecting and ex- pressing permanent differentiation. In this brief review I have made no attempt to discuss fully all the biological phases of the problems suggested. The analysis of the data may in several instances be carried much further by the use of the statistical tools. Perhaps enough has been said to indicate that inter-annual coefficients may be of real service in practical animal husbandry, in plant breeding and in mor- phology and physiology. More than usefulness is not to be ex- pected of any method. J. ARTHUR Harris THE PHENOMENON OF SELF STERILITY In my paper which appeared in THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Vol. XLIX, p. 79, the last seven lines on page seventy-nine should read as follows: Self-sterile plants crossed with self-sterile plants gave only self-sterile offspring. Certain self-fertile plants, however, gave only self-fertile off- spring either when self-pollinated or when crossed with self-sterile plants. Other self-fertile plants gave ratios of 3 self-fertile to 1 self-sterile off- spring when self-pollinated, and ratios of 1:1 when crossed with pollen from self-sterile, ete. E. M. East. VOL. XLIX, NO. 588 “ DECEMBER, 1915 SHe. As . The F, Blend accompanied by Genic Purity. Dr. H. H. LAUGHLIN THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL Devoted to the Advancement of the Biological Sciences with Special Reference to the Factors of Evolution CONTENTS Page Some Experiments in Mass Selection. Professor W. E. CASTLE - - -713 The Inheritance of Black-eyed White Spotting in Mice. Dr. C. C. LITTLE - 727 - ~ 741 am The ne TREC of the “Blanket Te of Freshwater Pools. EX perem PLA 752 Shorter pee and Discussion: Practical Vitalism. Dr. A. GURWITSCH - 763 Index to Volume XLIX = - - = ~ - = 771 THE SOIENCE PRESS LANCASTER, PA. GARRISON, N. Y. NEW YORK: SUB-STATION 84 The American SS intended for erie and books, ete. M sent to the Editor of THE AME Short articles containing summ Naturalist ., intended for review should be RICAN rata RALIST, Garrison-on- Hudson, n 1 es of research work be the problems of organic evolution are sapotialty welcome, oud will be given prefereens in publicatio Gn e Further thorn will be supplie Subscri anadian postage twenty-five cents additional. ptions and advartiscun nie oe her sent to the A say yie a reprints of gor on a are supplied to authors free of charge. The postage is fifty cents and eign The b arge for single copies is forty cents. The advertising rates are Four Dollars for a page. THE SCIENCE PRESS NEW YORK: Sub-Station 84 Lancaster, Pa. Entered as second-class matter, April 2, 1908, at the P c Garrison, N, Y. ost Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act ot ongress of March 3, 1879. FOR SAL ARCTIC, ICELAND and GREENLAND RDS’ SKINS Well Farr Low Prices articulars of G. DIN NESEN. Bird Collecto Husavik, North Iceland, Via Leidle, Eneli JAPAN NATURAL gea RAITAR Perfect Condition and Lowest Pri Specialty: Bird Skins, Oology, NEAR Marine nimals ee others. Catalogue free. Correspond- ence solici T. FUKAI, Naturalis Konosu, pe Japan BOOKS FOR SALE relating to all branches of NATURAL HISTORY Catalogue on application JOHN D. SHERMAN, Jr. Avenue MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. The University of Chicago] S instruction during the ~ mer Quarter on the same basis a during the other quarters of ie | emic The undergraduate coll leges, the 5 a | | Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. widen Laem se —— bsg Paystiocy” and Bor r th of 1nembers of the staff, The for such a table is $50.00. Courses of laboratory instruction with lectures are offered in Inverte- INSTRUCTION July—August Eco! ago eam Each course req ef e of the student. Fee. $50.00. se lecture poage 7 Bio the o Agr ama Am off “tem § SUP DEPARTMENT Open the Entire Year otanical gent on application. State ate is desi =- For price ne and all inform regarding material, bie og GEO. M. GRAY, Curator, Woods Hole, Mass The annual announcement will be sent on -a to Director, Laboratory, Woods Hole THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XLIX. December, 1915 No. 588 SOME EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION PROFESSOR W. E. CASTLE Bussey Institution, HARVARD UNIVERSITY Ar the close of an interesting review of ‘‘seventeen years selection’’ of the character winter egg production in Barred Plymouth Rock fowls, made at the Maine Agri- cultural Experiment Station,’ Dr. Pearl compares his re- sults with those of Phillips and myself? in selecting for a like number of generations the hooded pattern of rats and concludes that the same interpretation should be given to both series of experiments, viz., that selection can change a population but not a character. Without discussing for the moment the validity of the now world-famous generalization of Johannsen, which Pearl here accepts for his fowls and seeks to extend to our rats, I wish to point out some differences between the two cases which make a direct comparison between them difficult and conclusions based upon them of unequal validity. The character winter egg production in fowls is on Pearl’s showing extremely difficult to determine. It is necessarily an unknown quantity in all male birds, which themselves produce no eggs, and any influence which 1‘‘ Seventeen Years Selection of a Character Showing Sex-linked Mendel- ian Inheritance,’’ AMERICAN NATURALIST, Vol. 49, pp. 595-608, 1915. 2**Piebald Rats and Selection,’’ Publ. No. 195, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1914, 713 714 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX males may exert on the egg-production of their daughters can be tested only by an indirect and rather uncertain process. Only in the case of females is the character di- rectly measurable and then only for such females as (1) are hatched ‘‘after April 1 and before June 1,’’ (2) sur- vive all the accidents of chickhood and adolescence, (3) escape all attacks of disease and are kept continuously free from parasites, and (4) are properly fed and housed. For any bird which dies, is disabled or becomes seriously ill under ten months old, the character is an unknown quantity. These limitations make the proportion of birds which can be accurately rated as regards the char- acter extremely small, and reduce correspondingly the material on which selection can be practised. Contrast with this situation that regarding the hooded pattern of rats. This character is possessed by every in- dividual of both sexes and is inherited equally through either sex. The character is fully developed in its final form within a week after birth, months before sexual maturity is attained. This makes it possible to grade the animals accurately while they are still very young and to discard at once all individuals which fall below the adopted standard. Selection thus has a vastly greater amount of material to work with, and the variation in each generation can be ascertained with a completeness and accuracy quite impossible in the case of winter egg production in fowls. It is scarcely necessary to point out that upon the com- pleteness of one’s knowledge of the character and extent of variation depends his ability to take advantage of that variation by systematic selection. By this criterion win- ter egg production is very poor material on which to base an experimental test of ‘‘mass selection,” whereas the hooded pattern of rats is material admirably adapted for the purpose. Many times has the fact been commented upon that Mendel’s fortunate choice of peas as material for his studies of hybridization was largely responsible for his success where others failed. If one wishes to test No. 588] EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION 715 a theory he must choose material suited to the purpose. No adequate test of the efficacy of mass selection can be obtained from material which can not be accurately judged in the mass. Pearl points out further limitations of his material in the statement ‘‘that phenotypic variation of the character fecundity, in fowls, markedly transcends, in extent and degree, genotypic variation.” That is, non-heritable causes of fecundity are in excess of heritable causes and serve to obscure the occurrence of the latter. Further, Pearl says: It is quite impossible in the great majority of cases to determine with precision what is a hen’s genetic constitution with respect to fecundity from an examination of her egg record alone. If then one has reared his pullets to the age of one year, has kept them free from disease and parasites, has fed and housed them properly and has even trap-nested them and recorded their eggs all winter, still he has no suff- cient basis on which to base a selection. He must first rear and test their progeny in the same way. Pearl’s statements on this point, the accuracy of which I do not question, are sufficient to show the entire unsuitability of his material for testing the efficacy of mass selection. One might with propriety even question whether such a thing as inherited capacity for winter egg production exists in fowls, but on this point, I think, another inves- tigation? made by Pear] is conclusive, in which he crossed Cornish Indian game fowls, which are poor winter layers, with Barred Plymouth Rocks which are fairly good winter layers. Reciprocal crosses were made in both of which the daughters showed resemblance to the racial winter egg productiveness of the sire’s race. This result indicates that a sex-linked genetic factor of some sort exists which affects winter egg production in fowls. But since the fe- cundity of the offspring was obviously influenced by the mothers’ race as well as by the father’s race, Pearl was 3‘‘The Mode of Inheritance of Fecundity in the Domestic Fowl,’’ Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 13, p. 153, 1912. 716 | THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX led to suggest the existence of a second fecundity factor which was not sex-linked. He assumes that this second factor, like the first, is a Mendelizing factor, but without any sufficient published evidence for either conclusion. To this I called Dr. Pearl’s attention soon after the pub- lication of his paper and suggested that if possible the data be put on record in such form as to allow of testing this and other hypotheses concerning the genetic factors concerned. For one-factor, two-factor, ten-factor and infinity-factor Mendelian hypotheses would call for very different ratios and distributions of fecundity among the offspring. He replied that the data could not be so given without an amount of work which he considered unprofit- able. We are left, therefore, with only this information concerning Pearl’s pullets, whether each one laid more or less than 30 eggs in its first winter. If we knew what number each one laid, we might form an intelligent opinion as to whether Mendelian factors are involved, and if so how many, in the same way that we can test Mendel’s conclusions concerning the independent inheri- tance of yellow cotyledon color and round seed form in peas because he tells us the actual proportions of the various sorts of peas reported for each plant. Being denied such information by Pearl, it is useless to dis- cuss his two-factor hypothesis, for its correctness can be neither proved nor disproved. Leaving aside the question whether any inherited factor has changed as a result of selection in Pearl’s experi- ‘ments, which we have no means of investigating, we can consider only the question whether the gross winter egg production has changed. As a basis for judgment he gives us the averages of winter egg production year by year for sixteen years. Pearl’s graphic presentation of the data (assuming that the considerable fluctuation re- corded is not significant) indicates a steady decline of the general flock average during the first nine years of the experiment and a steady recovery and further in- crease during the next seven years, which he ascribes to No. 588] EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION 717 the different basis of selection in the two periods. But it is hard to believe that this entirely explains the dif- ference in result. One notices for example that during the period of ostensible decline the highest average fecun- dity (45.23) is recorded when the number of birds under observation is smallest (48) and the lowest average (19.93) is recorded when the flock is largest (780). Fur- ther, in the later seven-year period of ‘‘improvement,’’ the number of birds tested declines as their average fecundity rises. Has not the better environment and lessened competition of small numbers possibly some- thing to do with the changes noted? Is it certain that genetic agencies are responsible for the differences ob- served? Pearl himself nowhere states that the selection practised during the earlier period had produced posi- tive deterioration; he merely states that ‘‘there was no change of the mean in the directon of the selection’’ dur- ing this period when selection was based on high produc- tion without progeny tests. But as soon as progeny tests were made an additional feature of the basis for selection Pearl notes immediate results, viz., the immediate isola- tion of a strain which in its first year made a record for high productiveness only once equalled in the six subse- quent years. How many successive selections were made in this period, we are not informed, but since it would require at least two years to make a combined perform- ance and progeny test, it would seem that not more than three successive selections can have been*carried out on this basis in the seven year period from 1908 to 1915. It may fairly be questioned whether this is an adequate test of the effectiveness of mass selection. The total number of individuals tested during this period is, according to Pearl’s table, 1,655. For the entire seventeen years of selection it is 4,842. The total number of animals graded in our selection experiments with rats heretofore published is 20,645, and the number of generations involved 13. Since those figures were compiled, four additional generations of 718 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX rats have been reared in the straight selection series, bringing the total number of animals observed in this ex- periment up to 33,249, and the total number of genera- tions of selections up to 17, numbers certainly more nearly justifying the term ‘‘mass selection’’ than those studied by Pearl. As no previous account of this experiment has been given to readers of the Naruratist, a brief review of its salient features may be appropriate here. Experiments made by MacCurdy and by Doncaster had shown that the hooded pattern of rats is a Mendelian recessive character dominated in crosses by the ‘‘self’’ or entirely pigmented condition of wild rats and of cer- tain tame races. The F, ratio obtained in crosses be- tween hooded and self rats is an unmistakable mono- hybrid ratio, viz., 493 hooded: 1,483 self, or 24.9 per cent. hooded. The hooded pattern is subject to slight fluctua- tions in the relative amounts of pigmented and unpig- mented surfaces, and though these slight plus and minus variations are such as are usually disregarded in Men- delian analyses, MacCurdy’s investigations had indicated that they are to some extent inherited. It was our pur- pose in starting the selection experiments to ascertain whether the observed fluctuations were capable of in- crease and summation through the action of repeated selection, a possibility denied for all such cases by de Vries and Johannsen on theoretical grounds and quite incompatible with notions prevailing then as to the ‘‘oametic purity’’ of recessives. This ‘‘pure line” idea Pearl still maintains on the basis of his observations of the winter productiveness of his pullets. But, as I have tried to show, his material is no more adequate than that of Johannsen, which involved no demonstrated Mendelian character whatever. For, though Pearl asswmes that winter egg productiveness of fowls involves a ‘‘sex- linked Mendelian character’’ he has withheld from pub- lication the only facts on which such an assumption may legitimately be based. Our selection experiments with hooded rats began in No. 588] EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION 719 1907. The initial stock consisted of less than a dozen indi- viduals all ‘‘pure recessives,’’ which produced only ‘‘ cessive’? hooded young, in accordance with Mendelian expectation. But though all the young were recessive (hooded), all were not exactly alike, and to assist in their classification we devised arbitrary ‘‘grades’’ of increased (plus) or decreased (minus) pigmentation as compared with the modal (zero) condition in our hooded race. The scale of ‘‘grades’’ is shown in part in Fig. 1. It has $ + AEMT set of grades used in classifying the fluctuating variations uke of oa been found necessary to extend it in both directions, beyond the range shown in the figure, in order to admit the new grades of rats which have made their ap- pearance as the experiment progressed. The first plus- selected parents produced 150 offspring ranging in grade from + 1 to +3, mean + 2.51. The first minus-selected parents produced 55 offspring ranging in grade from — 2 to + 4, mean —1.46. It will be observed that the ranges of the young produced in the two selections were prac- tically continuous with each other, though they did not actually overlap. But actual overlapping did occur in the following generation, in which no advance was made in the mean grade of the parents, practically all the available females being used as parents in an effort to increase the stock. The grade of the offspring also remained prac- tically stationary in this second generation (see Tables I 720 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST TABLE I [Vou. XLIX RESULTS OF THE PLUS SELECTION OF HOooDED RATS CONTINUED THROUGH SIXTEEN SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS Lowest Highest Standard Number of Mean Grade | Mean Grade vor ranai | of Oxbetns | Gorn | Gene | oan St | Gieli 1 2°51 2.05 +1.00 +3.00 .54 150 2 2.52 1.92 — 1.00 +3.75 to 471 3 9.78 2.51 + .75 +4.00 Oo 341 4 3.09 2.78 + .75 +3.75 47 444 5 3.33 2.90 + .75 +4.25 .50 610 6 3.52 a1 +1.50 +4.50 49 861 T 3.56 3.20 +1.50 +4.75 .55 1,077 8 3.75 3.48 +1.75 +4.50 44 1,408 9 3.78 3.54 +1.75 -4.50 "30 1,322 10 3.88 3.73 +2.25 +5.00 .36 776 11 3.98 3.78 +2.75 +5.00 -29 697 12 4.10 3.92 +2.25 +5.25 soL 682 13 4.13 3.94 +2.75 +5.25 -34 529 14 4.14 4.01 +2.75 +5.50 -34 1,359 15 4.38 4.07 +2.50 +5.50 .29 3,690 16 4,45 4.13 +3.25 +5.87 29 1,690 16,107 TABLE II RESULTS OF THE MINUS SELECTION OF HoopED RATS CONTINUED THROUGH VENTEEN SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS Mean Grade | Mean Grade — Biphost ere Number of See | ot Parents | ct Oftepeton Oa pst ge Posed Offspring 1 — 1.46 — 1.00 + .25 — 2.00 51 55 2 — 1.41 — 1.07 + .50 — 2.00 AQ 132 os —1. —1.18 0 —2.00 48 195 4 —1.69 —1.28 + .50 22o 46 329 5 —1.73 —1.41 0 — 2.50 50 701 6 — 1.86 — 1.56 0 — 2.50 44 1,252 rd —2.01 — 1.73 0 — 2.75 .35 1,680 8 — 2.05 — 1.80 0 Zio .28 1,726 9 —2.11 —1.92 — .50 —2.75 28 1,591 10 — 2.18 — 2.01 — 1.00 3:25 -24 1,451 11 — 2.30 — 2.15 — 1.00 — 3.50 .35 984 12 — 2.44 2.23 — 1.00 —3.50 ot 1,037 13 —2.48 — 2.39 —1.75 —3.50 .34 1,006 14 — 2.64 —2.48 — 1.00 3.50 .30 Viz 15 — 2.65 — 2.54 —1.75 —3.50 .29 1,438 16 — 2,79 — 2.63 —1.00 — 4.00 ae 1,980 17 —2.86 — 2.70 —1.75 —4,25 -28 868 No. 588] EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION 721 and IT). In the third and all subsequent generations selec- tion was made as rigorous as possible consistent with the maintenance of a strong colony from which to make fur- ther selections. Following each selection an advance in the average grade of the offspring took place attended by a steady movement in the direction of the selection on the part of both the upper and the lower limits of variation. The sixteenth plus selection produced 1,690 offspring (a larger number of individuals than is contained in Pearl’s entire seven-year series) every one of which fell beyond the original range of variation, which was from + 1 to + 3 in the first plus selected generation and from + 34 to +5 in the sixteenth generation. What this change signifies will be better appreciated when I state that +6 in our grades is a wholly pigmented or ‘‘self’’ rat, and that the extreme variation noted, + 53, signifies a rat wholly pig- mented except for a few white hairs between the front legs. The whole race has accordingly been changed so that no individual is longer produced which falls within the original range of variation. Not a dozen rats in this entire generation would be allowed by a fancier in the category of ‘‘hooded”’’ rats. In the minus selection series the results secured are scarcely less striking. Only a very few individuals of the 1,980 sixteenth generation rats, or the 868 seventeenth gen- eration rats fell within the original range of variation, which in generations 1-3 went no farther than grade — 2. In all other individuals of the sixteenth and seventeenth generations the ‘‘hood’’ was reduced to an extent never seen in the hooded rats of the fancier, the white areas having covered the neck and in extreme cases the fore- head also, leaving only the nose and a patch round the eyes and ears still pigmented. Pearl (p. 607) commenting on the results of his selec- tions states that he had no reason to think that at the close of the series any individual had been produced superior in productiveness to those which occurred at the outset, but that he had merely secured more of them, thus raising T2: THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX the average. With the rats, however, a very different condition exists. The average is not changed by increase of high-grade individuals merely or chiefly. At the pres- ent time every individual in the plus selection series and nearly every individual in the minus selection series is of higher grade (plus or minus respectively) than any indi- vidual in the race at the outset. It is not a fallacious change of averages which has taken place; a genuine and permanent racial change has occurred, following step by step upon repeated selection. Generation by generation new grades of offspring have come into existence, more extreme in character than any which existed before, and simultaneously with the advance of the outer limit of vari- ation the inner limit has receded. No great change in variability has attended the selection. The standard devi- ation has decreased somewhat to about three fifths of its original amount, but has scarcely altered in the last eight or ten generations (see Tables I and IT). Rather there has occurred a change in the modal condition of the character, about which fluctuation continues very much as before. When the position of the mode changes, as a result of selection, the position of the average and of the upper and lower limits of variation change with it. In a word the character changes. In our 1914 publication Phillips and I were conservative about asserting a change in the single Mendelian unit- character manifestly involved in the hooded pattern. We suggested the possibility that other as yet undiscovered factors might be responsible for the apparent changes observed and awaited the result of experiments then in progress to show whether such a possibility was admis- sible. I have no hesitation now in saying that it is not. All the evidence we have thus far obtained indicates that outside modifiers will not account for the changes ob- served in the hooded pattern, itself a clear Mendelian unit. We are forced to conclude that this unit itself changes under repeated selection in the direction of the selection; sometimes abruptly, as in the case of our ‘‘mu- No. 588] EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION 723 tant’’ race, a highly stable plus variation ; but much oftener gradually, as has occurred continuously in both the plus and the minus selection series. The permanency of these cumulative changes we have tested by repeated crossing of both selected races with the same wild race. The first cross seems to undo to a slight extent the work of selection, causing regression in both plus and minus selected races, but a second back cross with the wild race causes no fur- ther regression. Thus, plus-selected rats of mean grade 3.45 were crossed with wild rats and the recessive char- acter was recovered in F, in 75 individuals, 24 per cent. of the entire generation. These 75 extracted hooded rats were of mean grade 2.89, a regression of .56 on the mean grade of their hooded grandparents, which is about double the regression shown by the plus selected race when not crossed with wild rats. It seems proper therefore to at- tribute to the wild cross a part of the regression observed in this case and this I have expressed by saying that cross- ing the selected race with wild rats tends to undo the work of selection. The suggestion was tentatively adopted by Phillips and myself that this wndoing consisted in the re- moval of ‘‘modifiers’’ of some sort, possibly independent Mendelizing factors. If this explanation were correct, further crossing with wild rats should tend still further to ‘‘undo’’ the work of selection, so that ultimately the extracted hooded race should return completely to its orig- inal modal state, the zero grade. To test this matter, extracted hooded rats ranging from grade +2 to +4 (mean grade 3.01) were crossed back a second time with pure wild rats. The theory of independent modifiers would lead one to expect further regression as a result of this cross, but no regression was this time observed. In- stead an advance of .32 took place bringing the mean of the twice extracted hooded recessives back to about the grade of the uncrossed race. The mean grade of the once- extracted grandparents, loaded in proportion to the num- ber of their twice-extracted hooded grandchildren, was 3.01; the mean of the 263 hooded grandchildren was 3.33. 724 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX The number of these grandchildren is large enough to leave no doubt as to the conclusion that no further regres- sion attended extraction of the hooded character a second time from the wild cross. The proportion of hooded in- dividuals to non-hooded is also an unmistakable mono- hybrid ratio, viz., 263 hooded to 759 non-hooded, or 25.7 per cent. hooded in a total of 1,022 individuals. This result indicates clearly the untenable character of our provisional hypothesis to explain the altered grade of hooded rats under selection and crossing, by invoking the action of independent modifying Mendelian factors. No evidence is forthcoming from further and more extensive experiments that such modifying factors are concerned in the result. It seems rather that the hooded character, which is a mosaic or balanced condition of pigmented and unpigmented areas, is slightly unstable. It oscillates reg- ularly about a mean condition or grade, these oscillations being not phenotypic merely but in part genotypic so that selection brought to bear upon them is immediately and continuously effective. There may exist cases of continuous variation purely phenotypic, as that of Johannsen’s beans seems on his showing to be. In other cases phenotypic variations may so largely exceed genotypic variations that it is difficult to discover and isolate the latter, as has been Pearl’s ex- perience. But our experiments with rats show beyond reasonable doubt that genotypic variation, as well as phe- notypic, may assume a continuous form, and if it does no one can question its further modifiability by selection. In denying effectiveness to selection in the case of continuous variation, it has been assumed, tacitly by DeVries and expressly by Johannsen, that continuous variation is wholly phenotypic. This assumption being disproved, the pure-line theory which rests upon it lacks adequate support. It seems strange looking backward that the idea should have become so widely accepted that continuous or fluctu- ating variations are wholly phenotypic. For a continu- No. 588] EXPERIMENTS IN MASS SELECTION 725 ous variation signifies only the combined result of several independent agencies. In purely phenotypic variation (such as possibly Johannsen has observed) these agencies are obviously environmental and so do not affect the in- heritance. But in a case of multiple genetic agencies (the existence of which everyone recognizes) a continuous series of variations may result which would be amenable to selection. Pearl and all other pure-line advocates ad- mit the existence of such cases. But the same thing would result if, aside from purely phenotypic variations in a character, its single factorial basis should undergo quanti- tative variation. It is precisely this last named category of cases which alone can explain our rat results. And it is precisely this category of cases which the pure-line ad- vocates, unable to disprove, boldly deny. Driven from all other defences they cling to.this as their last line and solemnly repeat challenges issued years before in mo- ments of greater confidence. Thus Pearl closes his paper with a renewal of the opinion expressed by him in 1912. It has never yet been demonstrated, so far as I know, that the abso- lute somatic value of a particular hereditary factor or determinant (i. e., its power to cause a quantitatively definite degree of somatic develop- ment of a character) can be changed by selection on a somatic basis, however long continued. Our observations on rats are submitted as a sufficient answer to this challenge. I do not suppose that Pearl means to be taken seriously when he says (p. 608): The extreme selectionist appears to believe that in some mysterious way the act of continued selection, which means concretely only the transference of each selected individual from one cage or pen to another to breed, will in and of itself change the germ-plasm. I have never heard a selectionist, however extreme, ex- press such a view; certainly I, whose views are attacked in the next sentence, have never entertained such an idea. But Dr. Pearl knows, as well as I do, that while the germ- plasm of the individual remains unmodified upon its trans- 726 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX fer from one cage to another, the character of the germ- plasm of its descendants, and so of the race, depends very largely upon what mates are transferred to the same cage with it. This is where the selection comes in and there is nothing ‘‘mysterious’’ about it either. The idea that selection can bring about no change in the germ-plasm of the race ‘‘except by sorting over what is already there,’’ to which Pearl gives expression, rests on the assumption that the germ-plasm never changes. What ground have we for such an assumption? No more than for the idea of the unchangableness of species, which for- merly prevailed. Even Johannsen admits that large germinal changes (‘‘mutations’’) sometimes occur. He himself records having observed them. Why should we be so skeptical about the occurrence of minor germinal changes? Itis easy to overlook them when purely somatic changes are associated with them and outnumber them as they possibly do in Johannsen’s beans and Pearl’s fowls but a single clearly established case should suffice to estab- lish their existence and their importance in evolution. THE INHERITANCE OF BLACK-EYED WHITE SPOTTING IN MICE C. C. LITTLE Buack-EYEeD white varieties of rodents have long been recognized and used as material for genetic investigation. Cuénot, Morgan and Durham with mice and Castle with guinea-pigs have utilized this particular color variety in breeding experiments. For the most part they are agreed that black-eyed white varieties represent an extreme con- dition of the ordinary ‘‘spotted’’ or ‘‘piebald’’ series. Cuénot (1904) in treating the inheritance of spotting concludes that there exists a continuous series of partially pigmented forms extending on the one hand from mice with white on the tail, or with a small white ventral patch, or with small white forehead spot, through a series of decreasingly pigmented forms until the black-eyed white form is reached at the other end of the series. As toa factorial explanation for the phenomena observed in the inheritance of spotting, Cuénot feels that there are nu- merous stages of the spotted condition (P) which he desig- nates by pt, p°, p?, p* as progressively whiter forms are considered. He believes, however, that the details of spotting are not represented in the germ cell. He further mentions the failure to obtain any particular stage of spotting in a true breeding condition. Selection of nearly solid-colored forms has enabled him to obtain animals with greatly increased white areas. Durham (1908) has obtained some evidence for two different types of spotting, one recessive to solid-coated forms and one dominant to them. She has reported sev- eral crosses which I have considered in more or less detail in another paper (Little, 1914). None of the crosses pre- sented by her can be considered as critical tests of the presence of two distinct spotting factors. Morgan (1909), 727 728 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX who has worked with the same types as Durham, feels uncertain as to the real significance of black-eyed whites and as to the occurrence of a distinct factor for dominant spotting. This uncertainty I also felt and have tried to show further reasons for not considering Miss Durham’s work as establishing the existence of a dominant spotting factor. Castle (1905) has found that in guinea-pigs black-eyed whites behave in inheritance in much the same way that the same type of mouse behaves, namely that black-eyed whites do not breed true but give, when crossed inter se, a whole range of spotted forms in addition to some like themselves. One can by selection progress in either direction through a series of spotted forms, decreasing or increasing the number and extent of pigment patches. Great difficulty, however, was encountered in trying to fix the color pat- tern at any particular stage in the series. Up to the present time this has not been proved possible. EXPERIMENTAL In the early winter of 1913 Dr. Castle obtained from a fancier in England two pairs of black-eyed white mice. These he kindly handed over to me for investigation. From the outset the progeny of these mice e to be extremely healthy and vigorous. 1. Black-eyed White Crossed Inter Se This cross gave two distinct classes of young, black- eyed white and ‘‘piebald.’’ The distinction between the two classes can best be shown by the tabulation of their progeny on the basis of the amount of dorsal pigmenta- tion they possess. I have for some time estimated the per cent. of the dorsal surface pigmented in the case of all spotted animals recorded. This gives a basis for clas- sification which, though it may at first glance seem to inexact, nevertheless has been shown by comparing the No. 588] INHERITANCE OF SPOTTING IN MICE 129 estimates of two or more investigators on any one animal to be surprisingly exact and fully as satisfactory as any other system of grading. TABLE I. Per Cent of Dorsal Pigmentation Type of Cross S| 3) S/8| 8/3| S| 9| 3| 3| 3| 3 £| £| 3| 3| 8| 28| 2 g/g agai g/e gi aigggaigaddigiiiz Black-eyed white in- ter se 56 1/0/1/3| 5} 6) 7| 4) 3/11; 0}1/0/0/ 2) 1| 0/1] 0 — ae white X iebald 105; 0} 0} 1 |1/12) 8)11) 5) 6) 4) 4/1)3)4)] 9 4; 913) 0 Pisbald X piebald ARI 0.0} 0/9/0} 4| 6| 7/13) 6 2| 9/4|6|2| 5 8/15) 2) 0 Total 161; 1/0 2 [4/21 0 /25)28)15) 7 |18 619) 6 /16)13'24) 6| 0 From Chart I it will be seen that 44 of the 75 young obtained fall in the class between 0 and 5 per cent. of dorsal pigmentation. These are the black-eyed whites. é CHART 1 - 0-5 6-0 WAS WO 31-25 1630 3-3F KNO W-VF USP -SF bo S-S Go THIS N-S -IS FOR 9-95 Tew 730 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX The remaining 31 young are more or less scattered along the range of ‘‘piebald’’ forms. The gap between the two classes is a considerable one and is certainly significant. b N Fig. 1 Fic. 2 Figs. 1—4 are diagrammatic and are intended to show the two groups of spotted animals. Figs. 1 and 2 show No.588] INHERITANCE OF SPOTTING IN MICE 731 the common range of variation within the black-eyed white type and Figs. 3 and 4 the same for the ‘‘piebald’’ type. 2. Black-eyed White X Piebald This mating brought out two interesting facts. First, all black-eyed whites behaved in essentially the same way, approximately an equal number of black-eyed white and piebald young being produced. Second, the same dis- tinctness between the two types held good, as will be seen from the chart given below (solid line). 3. Piebald « Piebald Piebald animals from black-eyed white parents and from the cross of piebald X black-eyed white were mated inter se. They produced only piebald young, 93 in number. The distribution of these young according to the degree of dorsal pigmentation they possessed is shown by Chart 2 (dotted line). It will be noticed that there is no approach to the black- eyed white condition (0-5 per cent.). There are also in- dications of two main modal points, one at 41-50 per cent. and one at 80-90 per cent. A complete curve formed from the sum of all piebald animals included in Table I, is given in Chart 2 (broken line). This further emphasizes the bi-modal nature of the curve in the case of piebald mice and makes it seem likely that there are two genetically distinct grades of this variety. It is hoped that opportunity will arise in the future to investigate this point more accurately. 4. Discussion From the three types of matings given above the fol- lowing facts may be deduced: (1) The inheritance of the characters in question is alternative, not blending in nature; (2) black-eyed white is epistatic to ordinary pie- bald spotting. 732 _ THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX e CHART 2 BLACK- EYED WHITE Aang (SOLID LINE) — PIEBALD X PIEBALD (DOTTED Line )..... COMBINATION OF ALL means hers LINE)—-— So a-r GH TT (M-10 tu-a 426-30 31-95 "36-40" Hi 4s! e-m! prs R-lo GIGS! bé-70 6 I-75 ' T6- fp Bie BS! g6-fo Mirar” 9-ta) The behavior of black-eyed whites in crosses 1 and 2, Table I indicates that they are always heterozygous domi- nants and that they can not, therefore, be obtained in a condition to ‘‘breed true.” With this in mind it is interesting to calculate the ex- pected ratio when black-eyed whites are crossed inter se. If black-eyed white is due primarily to a dominant factor No.588] INHERITANCE OF SPOTTING IN MICE 733 which obeys the ordinary laws of mendelian inheritance, we should expect that black-eyed whites would be obtained of two genetic types, homozygous and heterozygous. If now black-eyed whites were mated together at random, the matings should be either (1) DD x DD, (2) DD x DR or (3) DRX DR. In the case of (1) and (2) only black- eyed white young should be produced, while type (3) should give approximately 3 black-eyed whites to one pie- bald. Random matings would therefore produce a ratio of black-eyed whites to piebalds considerably in excess of 321. If, on the other hand, the DD form of black-eyed white mice behaves in a fashion similar to the homozygous yel- low mice, failing to develop, we should expect a ratio of 2 black-eyed whites to one piebald young, no matter what the origin of the black-eyed white parents might be, when- ever two black-eyed whites are bred together. The results are as follows: Black-Eyed White X Black-Eyed White Black-eyed White Piebald Obsörvod nci aie ORS eS 57 39 Expectod 8:1- ratio «6. cei. eee 64 32 expected 3:1 tso Gis sikiwiecns 6 72 24 When one realizes that the ratio in one case should be considerably higher than 3:1, it seems that the results in- dicate a 2:1 ratio and the heterozygous nature of black- eyed whites. To further test this hypothesis individual tests of twenty-one black-eyed whites coming from black-eyed white parents were made by crossing with piebald animals. If the DD combination is possible, approx- imately seven of the twenty-one tested should be of that constitution. All of them, however, proved to be hetero- zygous. While the numbers should be supplemented by further tests, they are certainly sufficient to serve as a basis for a tentative conclusion that black-eyed white mice are always heterozygous. : 734 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Von XLIX The numbers from the cross of piebald X black-eyed white are more extensive and closely approximate a 1:1 ratio. The numbers obtained are 105 black-eyed whites and 102 piebald, while the 103 of each would have been exactly an equality ratio. The behavior of the piebald animals when crossed inter se is exactly what would be expected if piebald was hypo- static to black-eyed white and distinct from it in inheri- tance. The next question to be considered is the relation of black-eyed white to ‘‘self’’ or solid coat, in inheritance. RELATION oF BLACK-EYED WHITE TO SELF A preliminary investigation of this question has been made. The ‘‘self’’ race used was really technically not a ‘‘self” but genetically it carried neither the black-eyed white nor piebald spotting factors. Somatically the self race used was a ‘‘blaze’’ race of the type which I have previously put on record. Further crosses which I have made between black-eyed whites and true selfs have ‘shown, even in early stages, clear evidence that the be- havior of the blaze and true self races is directly com- parable. 1. “Self”? X Black-eyed White The F, generation produced by crossing self (blaze F6B) animals with black-eyed whites consists of two very distinct forms. These have been produced in a ratio of 50 Type ‘‘A’’ to 47 Type ‘‘B.’’ The first of these, Type **A,’’? is shown in Fig. 5. While the percentage of dorsal pigmentation of this type is subject to some variation (see table), it will be noticed that they are ordinarily be- tween 80 and 90 per cent. colored. The spots of color $/3/3|3|3|/2|8|8|3|3|2|3 Type “A” t a: Tis : PLP Desa 2) f/E/22]3 Black-eyed white X self (blaze))0/1/2/0/1}1/2 0/9 |15)10)8/}1 No.588] INHERITANCE OF SPOTTING IN MICE 735 appear to have slightly more irregular and less clearly defined outlines than do those of the ordinary piebald mice and many of the spots are distinctly smaller in size (compare Figs. 3, 4 and 5). Just how much of this ap- ——— N oe : aa = OO ey D V D v Fic. 5 Fie. 6 pearance is due to true genetic difference between the two types of spotting is of course problematical and must remain so until a larger mass of data is available. Concerning class ‘‘B’’ (Fig. 6) little need be said save that they appear in every way identical with heterozy- gotes ordinarily obtained in a cross between ‘‘self’’ and ‘‘niebald’’ animals. They vary from entirely solid colored animals to those having approximately 20 per cent. of the ventral surface white. They may be tabulated as follows: Per Cent of White on Ventral Surface 5 0 | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 fee SB? o n eee a eee ad 2. Type “A” Animals Crossed Inter Se Type ‘‘A’’ animals obtained in F, are distinctly ‘‘spot- ted.” They have a clearly discernible amount of white 736 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX and are not in the least like heterozygous ‘‘selfs’’ of any recorded type. When crossed together they give three so- matically distinct classes of young, ‘‘self,’’ ‘‘piebald’’ or like class ‘‘A,’’ and black-eyed white. The numbers ob- tained are 15 ‘‘self,’’? 31 spotted (piebald or like class **A’’) and 11 black-eyed whites. 3. Type ‘‘A’’ X Piebald To test them further type ‘‘A,’’ animals of this class were crossed with homozygous piebald mice extracted from the black-eyed white crosses. Again three general classes of young were obtained as follows: 45 ‘‘self,’’ 54 spotted (piebald or like type ‘‘A’’) and 29 black-eyed whites. 4. Type ‘‘B’’ X Piebald To compare the behavior of types ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B”’ this cross was made. Only two classes of young resulted as follows: 82 class ‘‘B’’ and 78 piebald. No black-eyed whites were obtained. Discussion The question now arising is whether the factors for self, black-eyed white, and piebald are allelomorphic or independent in inheritance. From the nature of the F, generation it is certain that the black-eyed white animals are forming two kinds of gametes in respect to their spotting factors. If now the conditions ‘‘self’’ coat, ‘* black-eyed white”? and ‘‘piebald’’ are all related as members of a system of triple allelomorphs, we can express the cross as follows: S=self factor. W= black-eyed white factor. sp=piebald factor. Then S S=self X Wsp=black-eyed white gametes § WwW sp F, Generation S W= Type A, Fig. 5 S sp = Typo B, Fig. 6 No.588] INHERITANCE OF SPOTTING IN MICE 737 If now animals of Type A are bred inter se we should expect S|wWxS W LSS self 2 SW =like Type “Ar” 1 WW = (not formed because homozygous) The one WW individual could not be formed since by experiment it has been shown that W can exist in only one of the two gametes forming a zygote. When W meets S, an animal like Class A is produced, when it meets sp a black-eyed white results. The expectation therefore is that, if a system of triple allelomorphs is operative here, we should have no black- eyed whites formed from mating together class “A” animals. The result of this mating quickly settles the above hy- pothesis for 15 ‘‘self’’ colored, 31 spotted (like or nearly like Type ‘‘A’’), and 11 black-eyed whites have been obtained. It is clear, therefore, that ‘‘ black-eyed white’’ depends upon a factor which is at least partly independent of that producing ‘‘piebald’’ spotting. Let us suppose that this is the case and that ‘‘black-eyed whites” always carry piebald in all of their gametes and an epistatic inhibiting or restrictive factor producing increased whiteness in one half their gametes. If W equals restrictor and w its ab- sence and sp equals the factor for piebald spotting, all black-eyed whites will be Wwspsp, in zygotic formula and will form two sorts of gametes, Wsp and wsp. This will account for the results in mating black-eyed whites inter se due to the failure of the WWspsp zygote to continue its mee Mncose ‘nbd because of the double dose of W. If now black-eyed whites Wwspsp are crossed with selfs wwssS, two classes of F, zygotes will result, WwSsp and wwSsp. The former will produce a new zygotic combi- 738 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX nation really differing from the black-eyed whites in the substitution of a ‘‘self’’ bearing gamete for a ‘‘piebald’’ one in the zygotic formula. The result is an animal like Type ‘‘A,’’ Fig. 5; Type ‘‘B,’’ Fig. 6 shows the other F, type which is entirely free from the W factor and which is merely a heterozygote between ‘‘self’’ and ‘‘piebald.”’ If class ‘‘A’’ animals are crossed inter se we should on this new hypothesis expect the following results. OW WS oora not developed S EWE Fs cnc very dark spotted 2 WWD siari not developed © WWO -ree like parents (type ‘‘A’’) 2 WD ices os not developed 2 Wwspsp ....... black-eyed white I WROSD iia ceu ‘self’? 2 WWD :oe ‘‘self’?’ or ‘‘self’’'with white ventral patch (type ‘‘B’’) 1 wwspsp ........ ‘*piebald’? Four of the 16 zygotes in F, would have two doses of W and would not develop. Of the remaining 12, seven would have some degree of white spotting depending upon whether they were WwSS, WwSsp or wwspsp in formula; three would be ‘‘solid’’ colored or like type ‘‘B’’ of F, and two would be black-eyed whites. On this hypothesis the F, generation would be as fol- lows: Observed Expected DOR -oree ea ee eG 15 15 OOO -e iirrainn ra 31 35 Biack-oyod. whitòs 66 ei id ce ec cues 11 10 57 60 A further test of the nature of type ‘‘A’’ is possible. If they are bred to piebald animals, four classes of young should result as follows. WOD 0G oa iv nee yk cel ks Cinna kiss like class ‘A OU ices oh oes ed ce ke hes aaa black-eyed whites NS i si as oi edn os Wee aaa solid colored MONI 6 cei nec cs sé vee peensiciveses Lumping together the WwSsp and the wwspsp animals No.588] INHERITANCE OF SPOTTING IN MICE 739 we should have 2 spotted, 1 black-eyed white and 1 self. The results are as follows: Observed Expected MIOCENE S ae ee Ges es 64 OE ge i Oro ce oe eee as 45 32 Hlack-eved: White: oss sad fy. Cosix% 29 32 128 128 Whether the excess of ‘‘self’’ animals is significant is, of course, a question to be borne in mind but it is ex- tremely doubtful whether it is due to anything more than a chance deviation. | Type ‘‘B’’ animals have, upon mating with ‘‘piebald’’ individuals, given very close to the expected ratio of 1 type “B to 1 ‘‘piebald.’’ The exact numbers are 82:78; expected ratio 80: 80. Is BLACK-EYED WHITE IN Mice an ALLELOMORPH OF ALBINISM? The experiments of Castle and Wright have shown that a dark red-eyed variety of guinea-pig exists which is an allelomorph of dilute pigmentation and of albinism. This possibility in the case of mice is eliminated by crossing black-eyed white with albino, when on the supposition that the condition found in guinea-pigs holds true in mice all the young should be either black-eyed white, albino or dilute pigmented. Actually there were obtained from a single mating of this sort five young, all intensely pig- mented, two blacks and three browns; thereby eliminating the possibility that black-eyed white, in mice, is an allelomorph in the albino series. CoNCLUSIONS The fact that black-eyed white spotting in mice ap- pears to be due to a factor independent of and supple- mentary to the factor for ‘‘piebald’’ spotting leads to interesting speculation as to the nature of spotting and 740 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Von. XLIX indicates that spotting in mice is dependent upon more than one pair of clear-cut mendelizing factors. Modify- ing factors which may be more or less difficult to analyze but which nevertheless are certainly present, contribute to the extent of variation in spotted races. ‘*Blaze’’ or forehead spotting is apparently independent of ordinary ‘‘piebald’’ spotting, as I shall hope to show in a future paper; ‘‘black-eyed white’’ is primarily due to an independent genetic factor and ‘‘piebald’’ makes a third independent type. If now in the ‘‘piebald’’ stock there exist at least two genetic races as are indicated by the curve of all piebald animals obtained in the ‘‘black- eyed white’’ crosses, the condition is still further com- plicated. At all events one can truthfully say that the distribution of pigment occurring as it does along a series from ‘‘self’’ colored to ‘‘ black-eyed white’’ animals, offers a field for the activity of many mendelizing factors. There is no a priori reason why this should not be true, there are many experimental reasons steadily increasing why it appears to be true. Spotting in rodents is tempting as genetic material be- cause of the clear patterns and contrast between colored and white areas. It is, however, as a character extremely sensitive to minute quantitative and qualitative changes and its apparent genetic simplicity is a snare and a de- lusion. LITERATURE CITED Castle, W. E. 1905. Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Publ. No. 23, 78 pp. Castle, W. E. 1914. Am. Nar., Vol. 48, pp. 65-73. Cuénot, L. 1904. Arch. Zool. Reo. et Gen., Notes et Revue (4), Vol. 2, Durham, F. M. 1908. Rept. Evol. Comm., No. 4, p. 41. Little, C. ©. 1913. Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Publ. No. 179, pp. 11-102. Little, C. ©. 1914. Am. Nart., Vol. 48, pp. 74-82. Morgan, T. H. 1909, Am. Nart., Vol. 43, pp. 493-512. Wright, S. G. 1915. Am. Nart., Vol. 49, pp. 140-148. THE F, BLEND ACCOMPANIED BY GENIC PURITY A Description OF MECHANICAL CHARTS FOR ILLUSTRATING Menpevian Hereprry 1x Hacw or Tares WELL- KNOWN Cases oF BLENDING INHERITANCE IN THE First HYBRID GENERATION HARRY H. LAUGHLIN EvGENICcS Recorp Orrice, Coup SPRING HARBOR, N. Y. THE mechanical charts herewith figured are the first of a series prepared for the purpose of presenting graph- ically and schematically the established facts of heredity. These particular mechanisms, illustrating blending in- heritance, consist essentially of wooden slabs on which the gametic formule of the several generations are charted —those for P, and F, are written on flat surfaces, © while that for F, is inscribed on cylinders which turn freely. A capital letter represents a gene; the corre- sponding small letter the absence of that gene. The lo- cation of genes, whether they lie in the same chromosome i. e., are linked, or in different chromosomes, is shown’ graphically by placing their symbols in the same or in different squares, or upon the same or different half- cylinder surfaces. In each of these selected cases the individuals of the P, generation are homozygous in re- spect to both of the traits or allelomorphic phases con- cerned. The genes contributed by the P, generation to the F, zygote are charted on the starred faces of the freely turning cylinders. The back of each spool contains the same inscription as the face of its partner cylinder. Each face of a cylinder represents a chromosome—the two faces the two chromosome types in reference to the 741 ? [Von. XLIX T fag N f ~ N É i Z + E O an aa 4 THE AME No. 588] F, BLEND AND GENIC PURITY 743 traits lying in that particular chr , which each F, individual as a parent is capable of passing on. There- fore, by turning the spools so that all possible combina- tions are made, one can read off directly all of the dif- ferent hereditary potentialities to be had by inbreeding the F, generation. Consequently the F, line (which is charted on a flat surface) is simply a record of such combinations. For the purpose of this study a case of blended inher- itance is one in which the development in F, of a given so- matic trait—regardless of whether it develops from one or more genes—is about midway between its development in the two parents, each of which is of pure stock in refer- ence to the trait concerned. Until about the year 1910 students of heredity were unable to coordinate the general rule of dominance and segregation on one hand, with the frequent exception of blending and segregation on the other. Now the existence of at least three different routes by each of which nature arrives at the somatic blend in F, are recognized, and each finds ready interpretation in con- sonance with the theory of the pure gene. The first of these is the dilution or true blend route, by which nature appears to travel in the classical cases of the Blue Anda- lusian' fowl resulting from the crossing of splashed- white and black parents, and of the pink four o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa) resulting from the crossing of red and white parents. The ordinary mode of inheritance is strongly duplex— that is, the zygote normally possesses two genes for each trait, either one of which genes is usually sufficient—with possibly a liberal surplus of valence—to give full somatic expression to its correlated trait. In such cases complete dominance in F, and clear-cut segregation in F, are the rule. Occasionally, however, in cases wherein a duplex parent possesses a strong somatic development of a trait, 1‘*Mendel’s Principles of Heredity’? (3d Impression, 1912), p. 51, by W. Bateson. 744 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST = Plumage Color in Andalusian tically equalValenc or o affecting t yh ae ha Bath of thead ir inthe eco P. Somat Soma:White Rac. Ww Wii i. Fann Eas sii sdad lak ia dae Cowes which somatic peg waged womens, Se eel areas from patches on is aor ots i HM whe show a black or blue ji pee i EA foie wants by one equally post blue because of Ad mtrinsic pir aeni a gn ar that hai the genes N and WX le in the same chromogome. + N nigrum) Fowl:- 4s due to lwo inten oe poen for dom- inant while and me ck- of atang the Mechanism for lllust Inheritance of [Vou. XLIX SSS Nar| —_ conus ts ting the Party nt ai, E Fic. 2. Chart showing the F, Blend Associated with Genic Dilution—the True Blend No. 588] F, BLEND AND GENIC PURITY 745 a single gene—from the paternal or the maternal line only —for such trait, in the zygote, is not sufficient to give a somatic development of the trait equal to that possessed by the duplex parent. In such cases, therefore, the unit trait in question is blended in the F, soma—a case of imperfection of dominance.? Nevertheless, in such cases segregation is just as clean-cut in the germ-plasm as it is in the cases accompanied by strong somatic dominance. In Andalusian fowl ‘‘W’’—dominant splashed-white— and ‘‘N’’—(nigrum) black—are two opposing and allelo- morphic genes of nearly equal valence in ontogenesis. Their combination and interaction determine plumage- color in the offspring. The black Andalusian is duplex for black plumage-pigment, while the splashed-white is duplex for dominant splashed-white. The F, offspring are ‘‘blue’’—a shade really intermediate between: the white and the black. Moreover, the genes ‘‘W’’ and “N” evidently lie in the same* chromosome. The evidence for this consists in the fact that in the F, generation, result- ing from inbreeding two blue Andalusians, neither albinic white nor jungle‘—pure or modified—patterned fowl re- sult, which would be the case if ‘‘N’’ and ‘‘W”’ lay in different chromosomes, permitting, in some F, zygotic combinations, the elimination of both ‘‘N’’ and “W.” For further explanation of this particular type of blended inheritance see the accompanying figure descriptive of the mechanical chart ‘‘Plumage-Color in Andalusian Fowl.’’ The second type—that of multiple factors—is typified by the inheritance of black skin-pigment in man. It isa matter of common knowledge that a mulatto of the first generation is about intermediate in density of black skin- pigment between his white and his black parents. In 1913 2‘*Tmperfection of Dominance,’’ American Breeders Magazine, No. 1, Vol. 1, p. 39, 1910, by C. B, Davenport. 3‘‘ Heredity and Sex,’’ p. 93 et seq. (Columbia University Press, 1913), by Thomas H. Morgan. 4‘*New Views about Reversion,’’ Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, Vol. XLIX, No. 196, 1910, by C. B. Davenport. 746 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Black Skin-Pigment in Ma Ti:= i/sdue to two segregable genes in each gamete. : 2The potentiality ofe each gene finds Le ed PIIGAD regardless of the presence or ab- sence of other genes. Awhile man A woman 6% Ni in skin. 70% N M skin. as 9 a : ww bs z Jez ae © HR- as tie Ka s not found in PaiFim- Gametic types sat keratin Ne hak DAR oe figures 1 the pigment, ‘producing power (in per- gw} ion ai au Scie shines families Da t found dian Negro- venpor: five freque m densily of skin- pigmenti- 4 554N 462N youn [Vou. XLIX there s sible is ‘ack Sare pr tle uc malingo, pare paces the de Mechanism for illustrating the of the s manner ape e, madre gae g ak Po tir a y mi « m marn. Negro-While Grosses’-Davenpart Fic, 3. Chart showing the F, Blend Associated with Multiple Factors for One S omatic Trait No. 588] F, BLEND AND GENIC PURITY 747 Dr. C. B. Davenport® found, by analyzing data on the family distribution of black skin-pigment measured quan- titatively (by the color-top) among the mixed white-and- black families of the Island of Jamaica, the Island of Bermuda, and in our own Southern States, (1) that black skin-pigment in man is the somatic working out of two segregable genes in each gamete, and (2) that the poten- tiality of each gene finds definite measurable somatic ex- pression, regardless of the presence or absence in the zygote of other genes. Now these two genes appear to be of different valence; they appear also to lie in differ- ent chromosomes. The scheme outlined by the mechan- ical chart ‘‘Black Skin-Pigment in Man”’ is quite conso- nant with the facts of inheritance which Dr. Davenport found in nature. The facts seem to be that in white per- sons one of these genes will develop from practically none to about 1 per cent. of blackness in skin-color, and the second from very little to about 2 per cent., thus resulting in a blackness of skin-color of 6 per cent. or less in the somas of members of the light races. He found that some races of negroes show about 70 per cent. black in skin- color. In such races one gene for black skin-color seems to be potential to developing approximately 16 per cent. of black skin-color, the other about 19 per cent. The evi- dence that there are two such genes, and that they are segregable, i. e., that they lie in different chromosomes, and that their values among the strains studied are about as described above, lies in the fact that, in the hybrid families in Bermuda, Davenport found 5 frequency max- ima in intensity of black skin-pigmentation, and that his analysis of the family distribution of this trait, quanti- tatively measured in many mongrel families of known pedigree, demanded the existence in nature of the scheme above outlined. Darwin, whose method of study was essentially obser- vational, knew that the F, generation was quite generally 5 ‘*Heredity of Skin-Color in Negro-White Crosses,’’ published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913, by Charles B. Davenport. 748 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX remarkably uniform, but among and beyond the F, gen- eral observation found no rule of inheritance. It re- mained for the application of the analytical or Mendelian study to discover order in the apparent somatic tangle of F,. The skin-color story just related is a striking case in point. The third class of blended inheritance—the particulate or mosaic—is typified by the behavior in heredity of coat- color in short-horn® cattle in which, in the F, soma, the Black Man Yellow Man White Man Louis 5. rie P «The red of these aga carmine wW which accordi to Riòway’s Color Standards is composed 552 of spectrum red, 45z of black. Fie. 4. Composition of Skin-pigmentation in Representitives of Three Races. _Jamaicans- of the Moneaque Holel, Monea Jamaica. Mimie Webster Victer Webster David MacDonough CLlewellyn N.162 R pas Be R.44% Y. 292 Y.252z Y.162 y. sor W. 272% W277 We4ex W. 192 1002 10027 “O07 hoor Broca's Scale Brocas Scale Brocas Scale Scale Broca's Scale Broca's Scale E T E ese TEE y SIE ORA #3. Fie, 5. Variation in Skin-pigmentation Among Jamaicans 6 ‘‘ Inheritance of Coal-Color in Short-horn Cattle,’? AMERICAN NATURAL- ist, December, 1911, January, 1912, by H. H. Laughlin No. 588] F, BLEND AND GENIC PURITY Coat Color in Short-horn Caltle:- is dependent upon ive ae “the” inheritance areas conlrol of which lie in the same@ch mosome. @)1Hrea cavers two flank belts, the underline, the median line of the face, pou a mosaic, either coarse or fine, sagas. 3 the remainder 2.Area twa cove s the neck, the sides, the back, hina quarters and and a mosaic either coarse, covery; remainder of the i Pony oe omen or of area ay ee one the breed white c as He tae recessive alelormorph Cs te note) > re area twe pea breed a over: 8) The, I The proof consists in the fact GEO indiridon] Shot nd while in area twa & pan stands for any mosaic- either fine or coarse- of red and white. Nete~ ‘Ry is dom, is Sorina piad ti mall r for wi nally a as frequen ared are coe will produce a spotted ora roan Vif are Se oak po cae than Bme strai Pa same aren jn another strain, fines caff produced bya mating would the following g Area one WR-opposing positive genes allelo- mor, $ he this Pis > aaee herewith vith deacrited, including th the allelo s for o that E morphic genes f ra-sygotic reaction i a fluctuation thru the criti paint of somale Servet abe te a auth feller actos oF coat-color in Shorthorn cattle, EER oe jy Paw) Sone ay: Tid nea e- 749 Lellers identify spools. aa) Fic. 6. Chart showing the F, Blend Associated with Particulate Inheritance— a Patent Mosaic 750 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX character concerned is, in its grosser aspect, clearly mid- way between the corresponding traits of its two parents, although a closer inspection reveals a mosaic the elements of which are the parental traits quite unchanged. The difference between the Andalusian fowl and the short- horn cattle cases seems to be as follows: In the Anda- lusian each gene influences the entire plumage-color, and appears to be struggling unsuccessfully, as it were, for the supremacy in somatic expression, thus resulting in a very fine and quite generally distributed blend or mosaic; while in short-horn cattle the controlling genes are double the number, each pair being confined to specific coat areas in somatic expression, and the resulting mosaic, although quite variable in coarseness, is always relatively coarse and is also quite definitely patterned. Thus, normally (for the exception see the note in Fig. 6) in Area 1 the gene ‘‘W”’ is clearly dominant over the gene ‘‘R.’’ In Area 2 the gene ‘‘R”’ is dominant over its absence. There seems to be in Area 2 no competing or allelomorphic gene whatever—it is simply “R?” or its absence, i. e., albinic white; whereas in Area 1 the ‘‘W,”’ which is epistatic to ‘‘R,’’ will leave ‘‘R’’ by its absence. The evidence for all this consists in the fact that a white short-horn (which is evidently dominant white, always duplex, in Area 1, and always recessive white in Area 2) will, when crossed with a black Angus, which is dominant black for its entire coat, give in the offspring a calf domi- nant white, simplex, in Area 1, and black, simplex, in Area 2—the familiar ‘‘blue roan” in cattle. That in short-horn cattle the genes ‘‘W”’ and “R” lie in the same chromo- some is sufficiently proved by the fact that the color pattern is never reversed, that is to say, in bi-colored indi- viduals of whatever coarseness of mosaic, Area 1 is (Note:—When this paper on coat-color was written it was pointed out that coats red in Area 1 and white in Area 2 were never observed. Now the modified interpretation, involving linkage and a variation in genic valence, as explained in the text and Fig. 6 of the present article, accounts for prac- tically all of the observed facts.) No. 588] F, BLEND AND GENIC PURITY 751 always dominant white, and Area 2 is always red, and we never find an individual red in Area 1 and white in Area 2, although solid whites and solid reds, and bi-colored individuals of the first specified type are common. The reversed pattern, i. e., red in Area 1 and white in Area 2, would occur if the genes ‘‘W’’ for Area 1 and ‘‘R”’ for Area 2 were completely segregable, i. e., if they lay in dif- ferent chromosomes. For a further explanation of this mode of blending inheritance see the accompanying chart, ‘*Coat-color in Short-horn Cattle.’’ THE POPULATION OF THE ‘‘BLANKET-ALGO”’ OF FRESHWATER POOLS! ' EMILIE LOUISE PLATT CoRNELL UNIVERSITY Tis is a study of the community of life that is bound up with the floating masses of filamentous alge, popularly known as ‘‘blanket-alge.’? An acquaintance with this population is worth cultivating for the sake of the variety, beauty and interesting peculiarities of the plants and ani- mals found in this unique habitat. It may be of utili- tarian value as well, for there exists a relation between plankton production, algal growth and fish culture. Fur- thermore, it may be a help to students and to teachers of biology when they are in search of certain laboratory ma- terials, which in these alge masses flourish. Method of Collecting.—A fine silk hand net of No, 12 bolting cloth was used to lift the alge from the surface of the water. The largest collection covered about 2,800 sq. cm.; the smallest about 10 sq. cm., but most of them were from 200 sq. em. to 800 sq. em. in area. Doubtless, many active and comparatively large foraging animals, such as small fishes or adult insects, escaped while the net was surrounding and enveloping the mass. Probably comparatively few of the smaller forms were lost through the fine silk mesh of the net. The volume of the mass was then computed in cubic centimeters. As the mass sometimes lay in thin layers and sometimes in thicker masses, the proportion of volume to surface was seldom the same. About 200 cu. cm. was the average. The com- ponents of the ‘‘blanket’’ were determined and all forms, plant and animal, were listed and their size and relative abundance noted. The collections were made during the fall and early winter of 1912 and the spring and early summer of 1913. Location and Character of the Pools.—The pools are all located in the vicinity of Cornell University campus at 1 This study was carried on in the limnological laboratory of the depart- ment of entomology of Cornell University under the direction of Professor James G. Needham. 752 No. 588] POPULATION OF “ BLANKET-ALGÆ ” 753 Ithaca, N. Y. (see map). They varied from shallow, transient collections of ditch-water to large, permanent, usually stagnant pools. Those lettered B, C, D, G, J, M, and N belong to the first category. Pools x, x’, x”, x, x*, CAY.: ; Fp / | wer Ny = — Nas \\ [>] © A w ` » < j K „$ “o o © S ‘ \ MIL Š CONTOUR INTERVAL £00 FEET Pools in the Vicinity of Cornell University Campus. and y, y', E, K, I, and L are permanent pools and measure from four to thirty or more inches in depth. Pool H is a quiet part of a large stream. Pools F and A are artifi- cially enclosed and are filled from pipes. The pools of the lowland of Cayuga Valley (about 400 ft. above sea- level) are A, B, C, D, and E. The others are among the hills (about 800 feet above sea-level). The Filamentous Alge of the Floating Mass.—Although there was such variety in seasonal conditions and in the 754 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX location and character of the pools, nevertheless some forms appeared constantly. Among the filamentous alge, Spirogyra was almost uniformly present, appearing twenty-eight times out of thirty. The species were not identified until March, but in the twenty collections taken in the spring and early summer, the most frequent species was Spirogyra varians. Spirogyra insignis was found five times. Other species seen less frequently were: S. tenuissima S. communis S. sticticum S. fluviatilis S. grevilliana S. bellis S. weberi S. nitida S. quinina S. inflata S. crassa S. decimina S. majuscula S. rwularis Usually the masses contained several species of Spiro- gyra, often withalarge proportion of one species, and the Spirogyra was almost invariably associated with other filamentous alge. Among the most frequent of these were Mougeotia and Zygnema. Vaucheria was found frequently in the autumn and early winter. Oscillatoria was quite constant after its first occurrence in early March, but it was usually in very small quantities. Ulo- thrix Draparnaldia and Microspora were seen occasion- ally, but not in abundance, while Anabena oscillaroides was found only once. In general, the large permanent pools produced the greatest variety of genera and species of these alge, but otherwise there was no apparent rela- tion between the genera of alge produced and the char- acter and location of the pools; with the possible excep- tion of Draparnaldia plumosa, which was found four times out of five in shallow ditches. Diatoms, Desmids and Other Alga.—Diatoms were in- variably present. Of these, there were four that were constant and always in greater quantity than other kinds. These four were Navicula, in great variety, Synedra, Coc- conema and Gomphonema. Other diatoms were seen ir- No. 588] POPULATION OF “BLANKET-ALGZ ” 755 regularly as to quantity and time of occurrence and in- cluded the following: Tabellaria Cocconets Fragillaria Campylodiscus Meridion Amphora Asterionella Pleurosigma Diatoma Nitzschia Encyonema Odontidium Cymbella Cyclotella Most of these were free but often Gomphonema, Cocco- nema and Cymbella were in colonies attached by branched or simple stalks to larger forms. Encyonema is found end to end in colonies enclosed in long filament-like gelat- inous envelopes. Navicula as well as stalked diatoms sometimes covered the bodies of larvæ and smaller crus- taceans and also the cases in which the chironomid larvæ spent part of their time. Variation in occurrence of dia- toms is apparently due to seasonal changes, which will þe considered later. Other algæ were less constant, the most regular one be- ing Closterium, which occurred in eight collections, show- ing a number of species. Of the other desmids that ap- peared, Cosmarium, Penium and Staurastrum were usually in small quantities. Twice, however, Cosmarium and Closterium both appeared in abundance, the first time being in a permanent but shallow pool (I) where Ulothrix predominated, and the second time in a shallow but probably permanent roadside pool (G) covered with Spirogyra. The Volvocaceæ were represented by Volvoz, Eudorina, Pandorina, Spherella and Chlamydomonas. Two Phæophyceæ, Dinobryon and Synura, and four Pro- tococcaceæ, Dictyospherium, Kirchneriella, Protococcus and Scenedesmus, added variety but did not appear fre- quently. Peridinium, Pediastrum and Ophiocytium were rare. : The pools (Z and Y) that had the greatest variety in desmids and kindred forms were also rich in diatoms. 756 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX These pools are large and one or two feet deep and have thin mud overlying rock bottom. Both lie near Fall Creek. The pools (K, x, 21, x’, x+) near Cascadilla Creek pre- sented the only specimens of Dinobryon that were seen. These pools are permanent and deep and have stony bottom. | It may be significant that in the low-ground pools there were few kinds of diatoms and in only one such pool (A) were there any desmids. The Animal Population.—The floating and entangled vegetation of these masses supports a large animal popu- lation. The protozoans found were particularly varied and interesting. Ameba, Arcella and Difflugia appeared irregularly in the upland pools. Cochliopodium and Mas- tigameba were rare. No other Rhizopods were observed. The ciliates were not determined before March, with the exception of Paramecium, which was listed from the first. In the twenty collections made since March first, fifteen genera of ciliates have been observed. Paramecium was constant and abundant. Among the larger representa- tives of the group, Coleps, Chilodon, Colpidium, Stylo- nychia and Vorticella appeared frequently and in large numbers. Stentor, Dipleurostyla and Amphileptus were less frequent, as were the smaller members of the group, namely, Euplotes, Halteria and Askanasia. Coleps was especially noticeable in pool y', while Vorticella was plen- tiful in pools D and G. Pools D, G and J, which supplied the largest number of genera and of individual ciliates, are shallow ditch-pools with muddy bottom, while A and Y in which smaller numbers were found, but still many genera, are larger and deeper, but have muddy bottom or muddy water. From this it seems evident that these protozoa prefer water with inorganic material in suspen- sion, although they are said to avoid water polluted by de- caying organic matter. These tiny creatures forage bus- ily among the algal filaments, some swimming and rotat- ing smoothly, others, such as Halteria and Stylonychia, No. 588] POPULATION OF “ BLANKET-ALGZ ” 757 moving by jerks and sudden dartings hither and yon. The minute form, Euplotes, has a peculiar method of loco- motion that looks like walking along a filament, though it is merely forward progress by means of cilia. The flagellates were represented by Euglena, Distigma and Phacus, of which the first was fairly constant. Three heliozoans, Actinospherium, Actinophrys and Vampyrella, appeared infrequently. Hydra was found in one collec- tion only, and no other ccelenterates were seen. Various worms, mainly the microscopic nematodes as well as unidentified planarians and turbellarians, also three kinds of oligochetes, namely Nais, Tubifex and Chetogaster, were frequent but not regular inhabitants of the alga-mass. The rotifers were regularly a part of the population, furnishing species of eighteen genera. Determination of genera was not undertaken until March The genus most constantly in evidence was Diglena, especially in dirty water, foraging industriously, nibbling and pulling at the alge. A species of Metapidia with a broadly curved lorica was seen several times. It clung by its toes to debris, while the flow of water carried food-particles past the rotating cilia into the mastax. Anuwrea, Salpina and Syncheta were found exclusively in the pool nearest Cay- uga Lake, pool A. Also in this pool, as well as elsewhere, were found Polyarthra, Rotifer, Adineta, Diglena, Noth- olca labis and a long-spined species of Rattulus. This permanent pool and a similar pool (X!) of the highland were richest in rotifer life. Forms found in the latter pool and not observed elsewhere, were Notommata and a species of Stephanops with a fan-like anterior projection of the lorica. Other genera identified were Brachionus, Philodina, Mytillina, Mastigocerca and Diaschiza. Cheto- notus, a representative of the Gastrotricha, was seen a few times. The Gastropoda, the only mollusk group represented, did not furnish a constant element, since only eight collec- tions contained any snails. Lymnea appeared once, 758 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Physa five times and Planorbis four times. These snails varied in size from two to twenty-five mm. long. Except in one instance, they were in shaded pools or came out on cloudy days. The exceptional case may be considered as similar because the luxuriant growth of watercress near the algae furnished spots of shade, although most of the “blanket” was in sunlight. It seems fair to assume that snails are not regular inhabitants of the surface alge, but merely forage there when there is little or no sunlight. Many small crustaceans were observed. Chydorus and Bosmina were numerous, while two other Cladocera, Daph- nia and Simocephalus, were less in evidence The ostra- cods found were in eleven collections and quite numerous. They have not been identified. Cyclops, Canthocamptus and Diaptomus were the copepods identified. Cyclops was remarkably constant and abundant. Many females bearing paired egg-sacs and many copepod nauplii, pre- sumably young cyclops, were among the number. The adults were from one to three mm. long. The Isopod, Asellus aquaticus, was found only once and then in a mass of alge close to a mud bank. Two amphipods, Gam- marus and Hyalella, were observed several times. The last group of foraging animals and the one to which the largest individuals of this population belong is the Insecta. In this class were found larve, nymphs and adults, representing five orders of insects. Three nymphs of Callibetis, in pool A, one of Betis, in pool M, and ten of undetermined genera of Ephemerida in Pool F were the only may-fly nymphs found. The Odonata were more frequent. There were a few Libellulids, and a number of nymphs of Enallagma and Ischnura. The Hemiptera had only one representative, Corisa, the water-boatman, which was caught twice but was frequently seen swimming on the clean surface of the pool. It can hardly be considered a regular inhabitant of the alga-masses. Four different larve of the order Diptera made up the greater part of the insect population. Chironomus was particularly conspicuous, since the larve were found con- No. 588] POPULATION OF “BLANKET-ALGH ” 759 stantly, and were generally very numerous. Masses of eggs of Chironomus cayuge Johannsen were found en- closed in an oval mass of gelatin anchored to some of the alge, also myriads of newly-hatched, almost microscopic larve were seen, so it is reasonable to assume that, for these pale pink or yellowish chironomus larve (1-18 mm. long), this environment is the normal one. A few larger species, some of them blood-red, were found also. Larve of the ‘‘punkie’’ Ceratopogon and of the soldier-fly, Odon- tomyia, were seen occasionally. Although mosquito-larve are found regularly in stagnant pools, it is surprising to note that only twice were these larve found among the filaments of the floating alge. These larve were not identified. A few larval beetles and a few adults made infrequent appearances. Undetermined Hydroporus and other dy- tiscid larve were among these. Although known as a dweller among filamentous alge, the Haliplid beetle larva, Peltodytes, was seen only once, its long spiny hairs tangled in the vegetation. _ Adults of two genera of Hy- drophilid beetles were identified as Helophorus and Crenophilus and a few other diving-beetles were seen but not identified. Although tadpoles, and once a young salamander, were found in the collections, they can hardly be reckoned as members of the society under consideration. Dominant Forms.—In this diverse population the con- stant and abundant forms have been few. Spirogyra, especially Spirogyra varians, Mougeotia and Zygnema, were the principal constituents of the ‘‘blankets.’’ ‘Among the Diatoms, the dominating forms were Cocco- nema, Navicula, Gomphonema and Synedra. Other alge were best represented by Closterium, Dictyospherium and Dinobryon. Among the animals Paramecium, Euglena and the rotifer, Diglena, were quite constant. The forms that appeared most regularly were Cyclops and the larve of Chironomus. Some of the less constant forms showed the influence of seasonal variation. 760 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX Seasonal Variation.—In the autumn and early winter Vaucheria was usually present, but appeared only twice in the spring. Pandorina and Peridinium also appeared late in the year. At that time fewer protozoa were seen than in the spring, but, as has been said, variations here seem to be more closely related to the character of the water than to the temperature. Gammarus and the nymphs of may-flies and dragon-flies were most numer- ous in October, November and December. The spring season also had its special forms. Oscil- latoria appeared first in March and was constant there- after. Diatom production was at its height in April and May at water-temperatures varying between 8° and 16° C. and there was a marked decline in diatom appearances toward the end of June. In contrast to diatoms, desmids seem to require higher temperatures, since most of the Closterium and all of the Cosmarium and Staurastrum that were seen appeared in June, in water at temperatures between 15° and 20° C. The proportion of Dinobryon in collections became noticeably greater during the latter part of June. The smaller crustaceans, excepting the ever-present Cyclops, showed marked increase in num- bers as well as in diversity during May and June. The Same seasonal increase was noticed for Anguillula and the rotifers. Most of the coleopterous and dipterous larvæ were found in May and June, except Chironomus which was present at all seasons. ° Another point of interest in connection with seasons is the time of reproduction. Spirogyra was found conju- gating in October, April and June; M ougeotia in Novem- ber, December, May and June. Young, sessile plants of Ulothria were seen in April and May. All through the year, copepod nauplii and female Cyclops bearing egg- Sacs were observed. Chironomus eggs were found in April and early in June, while very young larve were abundant during April, May and June. In view of the fact that floating alge were found in large quantities in December, even under ice, it was sur- No. 588] POPULATION OF “BLANKET-ALGA” 761 prising to find some of the pools totally devoid of this kind of vegetation in spring. Pools K, M, 2, x', x, x, x* showed this peculiarity. Their ‘‘blanket-algw’’ did not reappear until May. This disappearance of surface vegetation may have been due to spring freshets, as the pools mentioned are in the flood-plain of Cascadilla Creek, although not in the stream-bed. _ The Natural Balance.—Like other societies, the popu- lation of the ‘‘blanket-alge’’ has its producers and its consumers, its hunters and its hunted, each readily ex- changing rôles as occasion demands. The synthetic or- ganisms include with the phytoplankton a few chlorophyl- bearing organisms of the zooplankton; that is, forms like Euglena, Phacus and Distigma, which, in sunlight, have the holophytie method of feeding (Stokes, 1895). Dia- toms require nitrates, silica and some salts to make their dainty and beautifully marked shells. Since they are comparatively heavy, they sink slowly, but are brought to the surface during the spring and fall circulation of the water. In spring they multiply rapidly near the surface, since they need oxygen and sunlight. _ Many of the tiny creatures, including ciliates, Clado- cera, rotifers and nymphs and larve of some insects are in search of diatoms. These animals eat other tiny food particles as well as diatoms. The rhizopods, Arcella and Ameba, ingest diatoms, desmids, small protozoans and even rotifers. Vampyrella consumes the cell-contents of alge. Actinophrys prefers the spores of alge, but takes small protozoa. Actinospherium is omnivorous (Stokes, 1895). ‘Many of the ciliates eat diatoms and other ciliates. The food is drawn into the oral opening by means of cur- rents of water which are directed toward the opening by the constant motion of cilia. One ciliate, Chilodon, has a pe- culiar method of feeding. It protrudes a broad flexible lip-like expansion of the anterior end and gathers up food particles with a sweep of this organ. Turbellarian worms feed on rhizopods, ciliates and — rotifers. Rotifers eat diatoms and some nibble alge, 762 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Voi XLIX whereas the closely related Gastrotricha, Chetonotus, eats minute particles of decayed animal and vegetable matter, rarely taking diatoms. The smaller crustaceans in general and the snails are scavengers, removing decaying algæ and bits of dead in- sects or other animal matter. The Cladocera, however, are said to eat diatoms and many of the smaller algæ. Ostracoda are omnivorous and often attack their own species. Among the insect members of this society, the larvæ of the may-flies and midges are the great herbivores, al- though, in addition to algæ, diatoms and leaves of higher plants, consuming a great variety of vegetable sub- stances, both living and dead. The great abundance of Chironomus larvæ make this genus an important factor, both as a consumer, and as food for other animals. Chironomus larvæ and pupæ are, in turn, eaten by dragon- fly nymphs, and other predaceous larvæ. They are of much importance as fish-food. Dragon-fly nymphs are predatory. Some species eat back-swimmers and water-boatmen, small crustaceans and snails, coleopterous and dipterous larvæ and even young dragon-fly nymphs. The larger nymphs are eaten principally by fish, occasionally by water-birds. This brief account of some of the feeding-habits will serve to show how much all the members of this society are dependent upon the others, and, at the same time, are in constant danger of extinction. Each form acts as a check upon too rapid multiplication of some other form. Since the most prolific animals in this population are Cyclops and Chironomus, each must have peculiarities that enable it to survive in this environment and to com- pete with other animals. Cyclops adapts itself easily to changes. Its prolific reproduction, seasonal constancy, and plasticity, give it great advantage over other small crustacea. Chironomus, also constant, prolific and adapt- able, finds abundant food and comparative shelter among the algal filaments. SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION ON PRACTICAL VITALISM In a series of critical and polemical essays, published during the past few years in American journals by diverse authors, par- ticularly by Jennings, the problem of vitalism has been dis- cussed in a manner that may seem exhaustive. There would appear to be no possibility of adducing new ar- guments in the matter. If in spite of this a new presentation is here attempted, it is because the author holds a standpoint entirely divergent from what has been thus far set forth in the discussion. If it is true that the argumentation of the promoter and leader of the new scientific vitalism—Driesch—becomes at times somewhat metaphysical, it appears to me also that the criticism, as made by Jennings, tends at times to become dialectical and sophistical. I can not otherwise characterize the tendency to efface any specific difference between the living and the non-living. By isolating at random a feature of the living and comparing it with an inorganic model one can indeed seem to show the iden- tity of the two. But in this procedure we recognize the typical method of the ancient sophists. I can find nothing of interest, = for example, in such an argumentation as the one cited below from Jennings.’ In a rejoinder to Lovejoy, who insists ‘‘that the same phenom- ena occur in a given organism in spite of profound modifica- tions of the composition and configuration of the parts’’ Jen- nings objects that we have here a proposition that holds for things in general. An iron body of a certain form moves toward the earth. We may change the form in most varied ways . . . change the material, substitute lead, brass, stone . . .; it still moves toward the earth.” Nothing is easier than to prove that black and white, plant and animal, man and monkey, are ‘‘fundamentally the same.”’’ 1A typical one for the antivitalistic criticism. 2 AMERICAN NATURALIST, 1913, p. 395. 763 764 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX But does an affirmation of this sort annihilate in any way the specific difference between man and monkey, or diminish the in- terest of science in this specificity ? The innumerable attempts of the critics of vitalism to prove by comparison of certain isolated features that the living is nothing more than an extreme complication of the non-living fail, because the analysis in such cases is never exhaustive. One may prove that living and inorganic coincide in many points; he can not prove more. I do not see why these points of coincidence are of more im- portance and interest for our conception of the matter than the points of undeniably distinctive = even though the latter are as yet unanalyzed. The best way to test the validity of an idea or hypothesis is to follow it to its most extreme but logically inevitable consequences, taking these as a statement of the proposition involved. If we follow this method in order to obtain an objective and exact formulation of the essence of vitalism (or of its antithesis, mechanism), we can say that what mechanism asserts is this: Whenever a certain configuration of matter occurs or is given, there also what we call ‘‘life’’ is found; or in more popular terms, the artificial production of a living organism from ‘‘non- living’’ matter would theoretically be possible. Vitalism, on the other hand, is a standpoint that in last in- stance denies such a possibility. It is clear that both the assertion and the negation are un- provable, and as such are matters of faith, not of emprical science, If one attempts to give an estimate of the two from the stand- — point of science, sympathy must, it appears to me, incline to the vitalistie view, since scepticism is the very palladium of exact science.® It is generally overlooked that if one of the two opponents is to be reproved as aggressive, that one is the mechanist rather than the vitalist. The mechanist in asserting that he knows more than can be proved is filled with a scientific optimism of a somewhat frivolous character. Yet it is the moderate agnostic standpoint, declaring no belief 3 It may be objected that a negation is dogmatic to the same degree as an assertion. This may be true. But one can ropie the term ‘‘negation’’ by some other less radical expression, such as ‘‘doubt,’’ without altering the essence of the standpoint. No.588] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 765 in the possibility of artificial synthesis of the living so long as that is not proved, that is subjected to ridicule as a dogmatic, obscurantist and non-scientific doctrine.* The entire problem to me falls in the domain of ‘‘ Natur-philos- ophie,’’ that branch of our knowledge which can not directly prove the truth or logical necessity of the results of investiga- tions made in its field; can do no more than to make them plaus- ible; and thus give to us a genuine sensation of mental satis- faction. There is no intention here of participating in the endless dis- pute above sketched; I do not know what could be added in this direction, from a vitalistic point of view, to the formulations, of Driesch.” Our purpose is the defense of the right to a prac- tical vitalism, as a method of exact empirical (although not necessarily experimental) investigation. e do not care whether the methods demanded by such a vitalism are or can be proper also for inorganic investigation. It appears that they are not, for the mechanists oppose their ‘‘veto’’ in the name of exact science to all constructions of the vitalistie system, even though not fully analogous with that which will be detailed below. Practical vitalism claims the right to be restricted in formulat- ing hypotheses only by postulates of logic and of the general theory of knowledge, and by nothing else. 4 The same point can be made with regard to the other aspect of vitalism —the so-called ‘‘experimental indeterminism.’’ As to this, it must be ad- mitted that the empirical evidence seems to favor the vitalistic standpoint. The assertion of the mechanists, that experimental indeterminism can not hold for the living, is likewise a matter of faith, and the burden of proof falls upon those who make it. 5I must nevertheless confess, despite my profound admiration for Driesch’s work, that nd that his chief experimental foundation of vital- ism, by means of his masterly analysis of certain cases of regulation, fails to produce the desired effect; chiefly because the entire argument rests upon certain experiments that are, as one may say, a lucky chance in biological investigation. It would be quite possible that no organisms having the mar- velous powers of regulation and equipotentiality shown by Tubularia, the sea-urchin or Clavellina, should ever be discovered. Can it be admitted that a scientific proof of vitalism as the basis of biological research would there- fore remain inaccessible? The argument in such a capital problem must, I think, rest on a more general basis, one resulting from an adequate analysis of essential and genuine vital phenomena. I incline therefore to consider Driesch’s further analysis, as presented in his ‘‘Science and Philosophy of the Organism’’ as a no less valuable part of his work. : 766 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX We hold as a justified demand of the theory of knowledge that every hypothesis must be fruitful; that is, it must give a number of deductions that can be verified empirically. Every hypothesis which permits us a prediction is to be considered a step in the progress of knowledge, until such time as it is re- placed by a new one, more suitable or more fruitful. Biological, and particularly embryological, investigation needs sometimes to introduce as a hypothesis for the explanation of certain empirical facts the idea of so-called ‘‘immaterial’’ (or in Jennings’s terminology ‘‘non-perceptual’’) factors. This is the chief point on which are based the recriminations of most critics of vitalism, especially of Driesch’s vitalism. The belief in such ‘‘non-perceptual’’ factors is in Jennings’s mind synonymous with obscurantism or dogmatism. To Ritter ‘‘the vitalism . . . is the belief that organic phenomena can not be fully explained by referring them to the material elements of which organisms are composed, but that something not really belonging to the natural order [?] ... is present in living things’’ (italics mine). si me it is entirely obscure why the term ‘‘non-perceptual fac- tor,” employed by Jennings in a logical and consistent manner, is by him rejected as nonsense. His formulation of the non-perceptual is very clear. Conditions subject to diverse physical tests will here be called either perceptual or physical.® A non-pereeptual agent would be one which though producing at a particular time a particular physical event, was not subject to other physical tests for its presence.” I have given a formulation much resembling this, of what I call the ‘‘immaterial factor’’ in my paper bearing that title, printed in the ‘‘Festschrift fiir Schwalbe.’’ This work was to have been published the first of August, 1914, at the very moment of the outbreak of the war. Whether it has been issued I do not know. My definition is as follows: Als materiell gilt uns im allgemeinen ein Objekt unserer Erkenntniss welches eine Mehrzahl von einander unabhängiger Eigenschaften (se. Wirkungsweisen) in sich vereinigt und sowohl in Tätigkeit als in Ruhe befindlich wenigstens gedacht werden kann. 6 Johns i University Circular, 1914, No. 10, p. 8. 7 Ibid., p No.588] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 767 Ein zur Erklärung bestimmter Wahrnehmungen ersonnener Factor von dem eine derartige Annahme d, h. ein Zustand der Nichtbetätigung widersinnig wäre mag folgerichtig als “nicht materiell” bezeichnet werden. Neither Jennings’s ‘‘non-perceptual’’ or my ‘‘immaterial’”’ can be considered an illogical or contradictory conception. Criticism must, so far as my own doctrine is concerned, be there- fore concentrated solely on the strength of the empirical founda- tion for the hypothesis of immaterial factors in any given case. Besides the logical definition given above, an examination is required of the question; What exactly can be meant by, or how can one be led to assume, an ‘‘immaterial factor” as a result of experimental investigation, or at least as a hypothesis impelled by such a result? To Jennings the assumption of a ‘‘non-perceptual agent’’ leads directly to, or is synonymous with, the so-called ‘‘experi- mental indeterminism,’’ as admitted by Driesch. He seems to neglect every other possibility of the action of an ‘‘immaterial factor.’’ I do not see that this is inevitable. To me the essential point of the problem lies in the question of the ‘‘bearers’’ for any sort of empirically detectible action (induction, force, or the like). Suppose that it were found that the factors directing the movements of a given element of a living organism (for example, the cell of an embryo), in a given direction m to the point n, lie outside itself. e will then assume at the point n a center of forces. Suppose now that we can deduce from this assumption certain consequences that will be subsequently verified empirically.® Our assumption that gives us possibilities of prediction becomes then a scientific reality. We say ‘‘reality,’’ although it may remain somewhat hypothetical. We find the same condition of affairs in the imperceptible but strongly inferred realities of physies, ete. 8 I find that there is a point at which Jennings’s conception of the ‘‘non- perceptual’’ seems to lead us wrong. It is well to say with Jennings that such an agent is one producing at a particular time a particular physical event but not subject to other physical tests for its presence (italics mine). But Jennings seems not to take into consideration that a ‘‘ particular phys- ical event’’ or a ‘‘single mode of action’’ (in my formulation) can lead to many empirically verifiable consequences. 768 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX Suppose now that at the point of space where we have pro- jected the center of forces there lies some element of the embryo, such as a cell. The scientific routine will call this element the ‘‘bearer’’ of the forces in question. But it is also possible that no element and no matter is to be found at this point. The first impulse will be to search for some other element of the embryo, situated elsewhere, that can act as such a center, by irradiating certain ‘‘lines of force,’ which influence in some manner the movements of the first considered element. We will, however, assume a case where no such element acting at a dis- tance can reasonably be supposed. What now? If the fundamental assumption holds true, that the factors determining the movements of the element lie outside of itself, we find ourselves confronted by the following alternative: Hither the presumed factors have a bearer that is not cogniz- able, or they have no material bearer at all! It is clear that if we deny the existence of bearers that are evidently perceptible, we can also exclude the possibility that such bearers exist, but are invisible owing to their minuteness; for the presumed center of forces lies according to our assump- tion outside the organism; or in a district of it where there is no formed embryonic matter at all. Thus under the circumstances our two alternatives signify the same thing, for to say that there is a bearer of factors that is cognizable solely as the factors themselves involves a tautology; an assumption of the sort so well character- ized by the French as a ‘‘hypothése gratuite.’’ While any one is free to make such an assumption, no scientific use can be made of it. Methodologically it is perhaps comparable to Kant’s ‘‘Ding an sich,’’ which likewise must remain without empirical content. As a fundamental postulate of biological (and especially of pele ot al research, there can therefore arise the concep- ton of factors which, although spatial and localized in space, e no material bearers, and as such may be denominated im- material. Is such an idea indeed nonsense; something that proves the obscurantism of its promoter ? I am well aware that the ‘‘immaterial’’ factor here presented is far from coinciding with Driesch’s Entelechy or with any No.588] SHORTER ARTICLES AND DISCUSSION 769 analogous agent that is e definitione not solely immaterial, but also non-spatial. If the entire weight of antivitalistic criticism is directed and concentrated wholly against such ideas as that of Entelechy; and if the mechanist will agree with me that a spatial localiza- tion of a center of forces may be assumed without necessarily combining this with a material bearer, I shall be much gratified. But I fear that this is not the case. The ‘‘dynamical prefor- mation of the morphe,’’ as I have elsewhere called the imma- terial but spatial factors of morphogenesis,® must, I fear, fall under the same anathema as the classical vitalism. To resume the chief postulate of my own ‘‘vitalism’’: if mor- phogenetic investigation is led in a rigorous inductive way to assume a spatial factor at a definite point inside or outside the asc no difficulty or contradiction or nonsense arises if no ‘embryonic’’ matter, or what is the same, no material ‘‘bearer’’ for this factor can be found at that point. Yet of course no one can be prohibited from forming any sort of hypothesis as to such functionless bearers, It may be even a psychological necessity to form such hypothesis, for we love a ‘‘Ding an sich.’’ But such will form no part of empirical research. The right to work with such immaterial factors, and in the in- ductive way set forth above, is, for me, the essence of practical vitalism. We have now to examine consequences and postulates de- rived from our fundamental assumption, which seem to present very great difficulty. If we admit a dynamical factor localized in space but not derived from a material bearer, it will be asked, whence comes and how arises this factor? The question of causation is based on a postulate of knowledge that can not be eluded; it must be answered in some manner. I will attempt to point out briefly how one can think the origin or evolution of such an immaterial morphogenetic factor, although it must be insisted that we have here a problem which does not stand in immediate connection with the purely empir- ical method of investigating the factors considered, so to say, per se in their activity. I see no difficulty in assuming an immaterial causality; that is, the arising of an immaterial factor having a certain property 9 Biologisches Centrablatt, Bd. 32; Archiv. f. Entwicklungsmechanik, Ba. 39; Festschrift fiir Schwalbe, 1914 770 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX (for example, configuration) from another less complicated im- material factor, and so on. The chain of immaterial factors could in this manner logically be pursued backward to the beginning of the embryogenesis, or to the egg. As to the relation of such immaterial factors to Driesch’s entelechy, they can be ranged solely in the category of ‘‘means’’ (Mittel) of the latter for the purpose of morphogenesis. But I repeat that this is for me a matter belonging for the present not to experimental investigation, but to the domain of ‘“Naturphilosophie.’’ If it appears as if I agree in this point with the ‘‘standpoint of radically experimental analysis’’ of Jennings, this is not really the case. The latter author seems to reject all that does not belong to experimental investigation. I think, on the contrary, that vigorously logical considerations, deductive and even inductive, on the given empirical data form a legitimate and integral part of our science of nature. A. GURWITSCH THE WOMAN’s UNIVERSITY, PETROGRAD, April, 1915 INDEX NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS ARE PRINTED IN SMALL CAPITALS. age Hen’s Egg, F. E. CHI- TER Albino ‘Series of Allelomorphs in “TAI ket,’? of Freshwater ia The oly arg oe the, MILIE LOUISE PLATT Allelomorphs, Multiple, the ‘Signi ca of, oes E. es and H D. FisH, 88; i "0. C. LITTLE, 122; : The Atbing Series of, in Guinea-pigs, SEWALL WRIGHT, 140; and Mice, T. H. MORGAN, Er Fossil, Some Recent Stud- ies on, Roy L. Moopie, 369; Coal Sauk me Tage Crossopterygia, Roy 63 Amphinixis tea Variability, L R. WAL 6 Aa Mutationist, R. Rue- TES, 645 Asterias tenuispina Lamk. at Ber- muda, On the Number of Rays W. J. rE T. Asyhmetsy, A Stud y of, as devel- oped in the Psa and Families of Desni Crinoids, AUSTIN H CLARK, er wea, HARLEY Harris, Muta- tion en Masse, 129 Bean, Seed, The Influence of Posi- tion in the Pod u upon the Weight of the, J. ARTHUR Harris, 44; Common, Inheritance of Habit in, N B. Norron, 547 BELLING, Jo: On the egregation of Genetic Factors a Plants, 125; The E ose Varieties of de Vries, 319; Linkage and Semi-Sterility, 582 Bermuda, On the Number of Rays in Asteria nr Spe Lamarck at, Bilaterality in Vertebrates, The Origin of, A. C. EYCLESHEIMER, 504 Black-eyed White Spotting in bene The Inheritance of, ©. C. 727 BLAKESLEE, A. F. and D. E. War- 77 NER, Correlation between Egg- of Freshw ools, Population of the, EMILIE LovIsE PLATT, 752 ayester amas the Percentage of Re- rom Incomplete Data, W. J. SPILLMAN, 383 CALKINS, GARY N., Cycles and Rhythms and the Problems of ‘‘ Immortality’? in Paramecium, 6 Mr. Muller CASTLE, W., E., on the - Mass Deena 713; aad Th e Eng- lish Rabbit and ee. Hinata of Mendelian nese gar oat Con- stancy, 23; Black-and- Tan Rabbit and e Significance of Multiple Allelo- morphs, 88 Cat, chad ‘Tortoiseshell, PHINEAS W. Wu HITING, 518 Girant “showing Sex-linked vent delian Inheritance, Seventee Years Selection of, cht “re Origin of, as PEARL, Characters, observed Fossil and Living F Chromosome, of ash geri Another Gen the Fourth, RED A, Hoge, 47; View of ‘Horedity . and Its Meaning to Plant Breeders, E. M. East, A sTIN H., A Study o Asymmetry, as developed in the Genera and Families of Recent Crinoids, 521 Coal Measures Amphibia and the 1 T12 Crossopterygia, Roy L. Moopiz, Coc T. D. A., Diptera from the § Seychelles, 251; Specific ani Var iets Characters in Ann Su aan Correlation Toiora Egg-laying Ac- Yellow spom in the iien Fowl, A. F. BLAKESLEE nd D. AR “360. Correlations, Value of Inter- annual, J. ARTHUR Harris, 707 RE pae S The meen of the Best Value of the, fro , p Set of Data, F. da E. CUa OR Crinoids, Recent, A Study of Asym- metry, as developed i in the Gen- era and Families of, AusTIN H. CLARK, 521 Crossing, Over, None in the Female of the Silkworm Moth H. STURTEVANT, 42; Modification of Characters by, R. RUGGLES GATES, 562 Crossopterygia, and Coal or Am mobs, Roy L. Moopiz, 637 CROZIE w. dij the pn as of Rays i in in Asterias tenuispina Lamk, hagis pee Rhythms and the Prob- lem of ‘‘Immortality’’ in Para- mecium, Gary N. CALKINS, 6 Davi ; , BRADLE Y Moors, Additional 0 the Probable Top of Œnothera Lam a, Dvr, ARTHUR, AEE Evolu- pe and the Origin of Species, 149 Piskent? New Standard, Gene e aa in, a H. SHUL ari from n e Seychelles, T. D. A. COCKER Bis Doubleness, Tnhorita e of, in Mat- and Poteet. HOWARD B. Fros' Drosophila Another g in esa me A. Hogs, 47; ampelophila, A Pe. culiar Mende lian Ratio in, JOSEPH Lirr, 97; The Origin of a New Eye-color. in, and Its Behavior in Heredity, Ros A wing Mutation in a S cies o E.R. Hype, 185; Mutations in Two Species of, c. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST coe R. Hypz, 183; [ Vou. XLIX W. and B. S. Merz, 187; repleta, A Sex-linked Character in A. STURTEVANT, 18 ; The Infertility zation of a Sex-linked Mendelian Character in, T. H. MORGAN, ; Note on the Gonads of Gynan- i dg of, F. N. Duncan, Dunc F. N, A Note on the Gon ab of Gynand eroana pepa, Attempt produce aa through Hybridization, 575 Tg HE. F. L. and G-U., ¥., The De- termination of the Best Value of the Coupling-ratio from a Given Set of Data, 127 Early Portrayals of Says Opossum, Peleg on R. EASTMAN, 585 M., The Paani of Selt sterility, 76, 712; The Chro- Vie of Heredity and its Fr E z On the ee A the Conditions which determ or prevent the Entrance of the foe into the, JACQUES Egg-laying „Activity and Yellow the Domestice Fowl, Correlation between, A. F. AKES and D. E. WARNER, 360 Enchytræus albidus, Regeneration Posteriorly in, é EN Ww, UNT, 495 L., Repulsion in eat, 127 Environment, The Role of the, in the Realization of a Sex-li nked Char- acter in Drosophila, T. H. MORGAN, Varieties of de i gnificance of rid fon Internal Conditions of the Organism in, F. H. and E, L. Sco EYcLESH EIMER, The Origin of Bilaterality: i in » Vertebrates, 504 Eye-color, New, Origin Drosophila repleta, and. its Behavior in He- redity Roscoe R. HYDE, 1 No. 588] F, Blend accompanied by Genic H. H. LAUGHLIN, 74 urity, Fecundity in the feaa n, deli of, Average Flock Production, as MOND PEARL, 306 Field Experimen nts, On a Criterion of Substratum Homogeneity sa Heterogeneity) in, J. ARTHUR Harris, 1sH, H. D. and W. E. CASTLE, The Black-and-Tan Rabbit and the Significance of Multiple Alelo- morphs, 88 Flock Production, Average, and Mendelian Inheritance of Fecun- ay in ~~ omestic Fowl, RAY- MOND PEARL, 306 Flower Pigments, M. W., 256 and ivin Anim als A Amphibia, Some. Mpo: Studies in, Roy L. Moopiz, 3 Fowl, _Domestic, Mendelian Torpe tance of Fecundity in and are ago F “Flock icere RAYM a ; Correlation Sarees Ege ls laying Activity and Yellow Pigment > i F. BLAKESLEE and 6 Freshwater Tal Population of i ‘*Blanket of e Inheritance Paturs, I. The Hypotheses, 623 Gates, R. Rueetes, On the Modifi- cation of Characters by Crossing, tay a Anticipatory Mutation- Genk eek in the Fourth Chro- reg ee of Drosophila, MILDRED ,4 Genetic, Definitions in the New Standard Dictionary, G. H. S i 52; Factors in Plants, On the Time of Se on of, Jo gr Deer Mice, Francis B. SUMNER, 688 Genie Ribas a Tod Blend accom- panied by, LAUGHLIN, 741 Germ Cells a oes tie Cells, LEO LOEB. Gonads of ewer ongs s of Dro- sophila ampelophila, F. N. Dun- CAN, 455 INDEX 773 Guinea-pigs, The Albino Series of Allelomorphs in, SEWALL WRIGHT, 140 GurwitscH, A., Practical Vitalism, Gynandromorphs of Drosophila am- pelophila, Gonads of, F. N. Dun- CAN, 455 Habit, Inheritance of, in the Com- mon Bean, JOHN B. Norton, 547 HADLEY, PHILIP an W. E. CASTLE, The English Rabbit and t on of Mendelian Unit- character Constancy, 23 ing, The Resemblance of ins in, EDWARD L Fi hori of Inter-annual Correla- tio 707 Heredity, The Origin of a New Eye- color in Drosophila hg Spe and R 183; The romosome View of, and its Meaning to Plant Breed- , E. M. East, 457 Hose. MILDRED A., Another Gene = the Fourth Chromosome of Dros 47 YRON B., Sterility in a 252 . R., Regeneration Posteri- orly in Enchytræus albidus, 495 E coE R ity, 183; A Wing Mu New Species of Drosophila, 185 tt Immortality’? in Parameci Cycles and R Problem of, Gary N. Sabrane Studies in, RAYMOND PEARL Infertility of Rudimentary Winged ales of Drosophila ampelo- phila, T. H. MORGAN, 240 grw, itance, Mendelian, of Fecun- dity in the fee eg Fowl, and Average Fi Flock Production, RAY- , 806; of Habit in the ` Common acter showing, RAYMOND PEARL, 7174 595; of i get in Matthiola and Petunia, Howarp B. Frost, ot of Black: -eyed Birer Spot- n Mic , 127 Inte annual Chavelations, F "ARTHUR , 107 Titersal Conditions, Certain, o e Organi Organic Evolution, The Signifieance of, F. H. Pike and E. L. Scort, 321 JEFFREY, EDWARD C., Some Funda- mental Morphological Objections to the Mutation Theory of de Vries, 5 LAUGHLIN, H. H., The F, Blend ac- companied by Ge JOSEPH, Data on Mendelian Ratio in Drobojhila ampelophila, Linkage and Semi- -sterility, JOHN a , 582 E A Note on Lo s pere eA in Mice, Inheritance of ae -eyed White Spotting in Mice, 727 LOEB, JACQUES, On the Nature of matozoon into the Egg, 2 LOEB Bo Sea Cells and Bitte Cells, aey ee cn co Experiments ay Matthiola and Petunia aces tt ess How. B. The English Rabbit Sio Ost, 623. Mendelian, Unit-character Constancy, and the Ques- aan of, W. E. CASTLE and PHILIP -li ee AN, 385 -, Mutations pecies of Drosophila, 187 sae “ad Allelomorphs, T. H. Mor- GAN, 379 ornia Deer, Genetic Studies graphie of, Francis B. SUMNER, 688; The ritance of Black- THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. XLIX eyed ‘aby Spotting in, C. C. LITTLE, 7 Some Recent Stud- ies on Fossil “Amphib ia, 369; The oal Measures Amphibia a and the Crossopterygia, 637 Morean, T. H., The Infertility of Rudimentary "Winge Females of Drosophila ampelophila, 240; Al- rphs OUGH, e sap ironed of own Mutations in Othe Mut an Stocks, 318 orm, ’ No a h ar Moth, Silkw in the Female of, A. H. VANT Muller, Mr., on the Constancy of Mende = Characters, W. E. CASTLE, Multiple Aiie orphs, The Black- : in Mice , C. ©. LITTLE, 122 Mutant mag ie The Appearance of Known Mutations in Other, T. H. ; Wing, in a mise er of Drosophila, Ros- j pe a a Additional 1 Bvidence of, Brap. 00 Matetionist, Anticipatory, R. Ruc- GLES GATE Mutations, in rwo Species of Droso- phi we C. W. and B. S. Merz >» oats Kno a Aoi in Other Mu- vee Stocks, T H M ORGAN and HAROLD 31 n At- tempt to Produce, reen Hy- bridization, F. N. Duncan, 575 NORTON, Tpi B, y stern of Habit e Common Bean, 547 Notes ond These "32, 127, 251 (Enothera Lamarckiana, Professor de Vries on the Probable Mie a of, Y Moore Davis, 59; Additional Evidence of Mutation in, BRADLEY Moore Davis, 702 Oran, Early Portra: rayals of, R. EASTMAN, 585 Ges. The Significance of Cer- No. 588] tain Internal Conditions of, in wii oa porna F, PIKE d E. L. Sco , 321 Origin: of Boodlea, "i ecb. rg Evolution, ARTHU of a New Bye-color in " Drosophila repleta and its Behavior in He- ora Roscoe R. HYDE, 183 OsBo HENRY FARFE FIELD, Origin of ‘Si ingle Characters as observed in Fossil and Living Animals and Plants, 193 Paramecium, Cycles and Rhythms and the Problem of ‘‘Immor- tality?’ in, Gary N. CALKINS, 65 PEARL, RAYMON n Inh r- ERE of Fecundity i in a Domes- owl, and are Flock Pro- d- s Selec- ring - nee, 595 mheritance oubleness in: sg Pudar 62 IKE, F. H. and E. L. Sco The of Certain Taternal a Heredity and its Mean- ingt EAST, 457 LATT, p aie Lovise, The Popu- lation of the “Blanket Alge’’ of Freshwater Pools, ae HAROLD and T e pager e Appea a of K tations in Other Mutant "ae Practical Vitalism, A. GuRWwITSCH, 762 ~~ The English, and the Ques- of Mendelian Unit-character Coney, STLE and Pup B. H , 23; The Black- and-Tan, and the ificance of CasTLe and H. D. FISH, 88 Rays in Asterias tenuispina at nia Number of, W. J. e s re Method of Calculating the Percentage of Eaa Incom- plete Data, LMAN, 383 Regeneration Patis in Enchy- træus albinus, H. B. Hunt, 495 gee oma in "Wheat , F. L. ENGLE- , 127 ianiai of Young Twins in INDEX E. Semi- -sterility, , 582 775 Handwriting, EDWARD L. THORN- DIKE, 377 Scorr, E. L. and F. H. Pixs, The Significance of Certain Internal Conditions of = Organism in Or- ganic Evolution, 321 Segregation of "Genetic Factors in On the Time of, JOHN Be a 125 Selection, ’ Sugar- -beets — gprs W. E. Castiz, 121; Some Experiments in, W. E Tana, Self-sterility, The Phenomenon of, . East, 76, 712 and Linkage, JOHN BELLING Sexlinked, Character in ene TF repleta "A. H. STURTEVAN 189; Waridi Inheritance, Bewcubail Years Selection of a Character s owing, RAYMOND PEARL, Seychelles, i i fiom, T. D. COCKERELL, 2 T Articles and Discussion, 121, , 318, 455, 518, 570, 645, 702, rts SHULL , G. H., Genetic ipa in the New Standard Dictio ary, 52 Somatic Cells and Germ Cells, LEO LOEB Species — Sterility in, Byron B. Horton, 252 Spermatozoon, On the Nature of the Conditions which determine or prevent Ponin into the Egg, JACQUES ; SPILLMAN, W. J., A Method of Cal- culating the Percentage of Re- cessives from Incomplete Data, 383 gora Black-eyed White, Inher- of, in Mice, C. C. ' LITTE ITTLE, Sterility, Self, The Phenomenon of, E. M. EAST, 76; in a Species B. Horton, Moth, Sex-linked Character in Dreaophiin repleta, Substratum Homogeneity (or Het- erogeneity) in Field Experiments, J. ARTHUR Harris, 430 Tibia Selection and Thrips, W. E. CASTLE SUMNER, FRAN ae B., Genetie Stud- ies of Races Several Geograp hic of California Deer Mice, 688 776 Sunflowers, Annual, hee and Varietal. Characters in, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 609 THORNDIKE, Epwarp L., The Re- semblance of Young Twins in Handwriting, 37 Thrips, Sugar-beets and Selection, W. CASTLE, 121 Tortoiseshell Cat, PHINEAS W. ung, Resemblance = andwriting, Epwarp L. THO DIKE, 377 je repai and Amphiontxi li B. N, 649 Vertebrates, The Origin of Bilat- lity in, A. C. EYCLESHEIMER, Vitalis, Practical, A. GURWITSCH, Vries, Hugo de, Some Fundamental Merpholewies! Objections to the Mutation Theory of, Epwarp C. J EFFREY, 5; on the Probable Or- igin of CEnothera Lamar ckiana, THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIX BRADLEY Moore Davis, 5 Evening Primrose Varieties ey JOHN BELLING, 319 W., M., Flower Pigments, 256 WALTON, L. B., Variability and Am- phimixis, Warner, D. E. and A. F. BLAKES- LEE, Correlation between Egg-lay- R Wheat, Repulsion in, F.. L. ENGLE- camel ard WH PHINEAS W., The teisoahall Cat, 518 RIGHT, SEWALL. e Albino Series of Allelomorphs in Guinea- “pigs, 140 Tor- and F. L. E., The Deter- of the Best Value of a peer bale from a Given Set of Data, 127 Y, & v.