THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. J:”- CONDUCTED BY BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M. D. LL. D. Prof. Chem., Min., &c. in Yale Coll.; Cor. Mem. Soc. Aris, Man. and Com.; and For. Mem. Geol, Soc,, London; eu: Geol. Soc., Paris; Mem. Roy. Min. Sue; “ grat! ag Hist. Soc., os Imp. Agric. Soc., Moscow; Hon. Mem. » Paris; Nat . Soc. Belfast, Ire.; Phil. and Lit. Soe. aca eines ; Lit. a ae Soc., Quebec; Mem. of various Lit. Scien. Soc. in America. VOL. XXXI.—JANUARY, 1837. NEW HAVEN: Sold by A. H. MALTBY and HERRICK & NOYES.—Baltimore, 1. SMITH HOMANS, (late E. J. Coate & Co.)—Philadelphia, CAREY & HART and J. 8. LITTELL.—WVew York, G. & C. CARVILL & Co., No. 73 Cedar St., and G. 8. SILLIMAN, No. 45 William St— Boston, HILLIARD, GRAY & Co. PRINTED BY B. L. HAMLEN. 104612 CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXII. _S+o NUMBER I. - Miscellaneous observations, made during a tour in May, 1835, to the Falls of the Cuyahoga, near Lake Bc 1 . Notice of the Aurora Borealis of April 22, - 85 . On Definitions; by Rev. D. Witkin, — - - 88 . Chemical Analyses of Mineral Waters from ne were by Cuarves T. Jackson, M. - Chemical Analysis of Water een the Azores. wil called Aqua Azéda; by Cuarxtes T. Jackson, M.D. 96 . Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. leComte Lagrange, 97 VII. On the Resistance of Fluids, in ees to Mr. Blake ; ot Prof. Gro. W. Krety, - 1 VIII. On the Gales and Hurricanes of ee Western Aitdaue’ by W.C. Reprierp, Esq. —- - IX. Rejoinder of Prof. Suerarp to Prof. De Rio, «a X. M. Alexandre Brongniart’s New Work on the cage! of the Art of Pottery and of Vitrification, - XI. Method of increasing shocks, and experiments, atk Professor Henry’s apparatus for obtaining sparks and shocks from the Calorimotor ; by C. G. Paes, - 137 XII. Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet, as they appeared at Union College, ioe aa opal in Oct. 1835; by Prof. B. F. Josxxy, 142 XIII. Solution of two nas fea Petloms: : by Prof. a DORE STRONG, - - - - - 156 MISCELLANIES.—FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Astronomy. Supposed new Planet, - - . - “ae |S Natural Philosophy. 1. On Electricity by contact, = - - 159 2, 3, 4. Effects of Electricity on VagerntionChamiedl Aetii of the Solar Spectrum—Theory of the Universe, - - 160 ‘5. Congelation of Mercury by Natural Cold, - - - 161 iv CONTENTS. Chemistry. Page. 1. Cause of Decrepitation, - - - 162 2, 3,4. On Donium, a new psi “See y in Davidson- ite—Solidification of Carbonic Acid—Extraction of pes, 2 from Indian Corn, - - - 163 5. Reduction of Metals, - - - - - - 164 Geology and Mineralogy. 1. Ashmolean Society, 164 2, 3. Bird Tracks at ee He ‘is ie. new a4 Py stone—Crinoidea, or Lily Shaped Animals, - 165 4. Extracts from an account of a visit to Iceland, ip ' M. Bagene Robert, - 167 5. From a Memoir on es onee of Mount Ein, by M. Elie en Beaumont, - 168 6. Extract from a factor from Mr. a Prinep, aaa Galcue ta, Oct. 25, 1835, - 170 7, 8. Emmonite, a new mineral ok athe perebiper a Noiies of the psig of Fossil Mastodon Bones in Cea Coun- ty, (N. Y.) - 171 9. Analysis of N oe s fnbaes ee Dr. Thomson, 172 10. Ornithichnites in Connecticut, - - -..- 174 11. Delos—Greece—titanium—iron, &c. - - - - 1% 12. Remarks on the lavas, &c. of Mexico and S. America, 176 Miscellaneous Intelligence. 1, Plumbago and black lead Pencils, 177 2. A comparative and chronological table of the largest Libra- ries in the world, - 3, 4, 5. The Traviasicedeaion on pidbiiedton Pure Weiss into the i of Boston—Transactions of the cert! In- stitute - - 179 6. On the Application of the Hot Blast j in ihe ahehctare of Cast Iron, - 7. Climate of Selita - % ‘i 5 ‘i .: ee 8. The Mathematical Micechans: a ‘. ie _ ss; > 184 9. Boston Journal of Natural History, ee ee 10. On the establishment of Statistical Societies in the U. anon 186 11. Tobacco, a remedy for Arsenic, - “ : 3 188 ———————————————— CONTENTS. Page 12. Shower of Falling Stars in Russia, on the ri between the 12th and 13th November, 1832, - 189 13, 14. Declination and Inclination of the Meawaic Needle at Paris—Progressive Rise of a portion of the bottom of the — - “ . = “ 3 . . 9a 15. Hail, te . = - »: -5on 16, 17. New Aiintd-Sniedives, - - - - - 192 193 18, 19. The Tongues of Ducks—Locusts, 20. Memorandum of an excursion to the tea hills, which pro- duce the description of tea known in commerce under the ——— of Ankoy (Nganke) tea, = - : 1 NUMBER Il. Art. I. Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D., late Senior Pastor of the First Church in Salem, enna sa Rev. Caries W. Upna II. On the anit ofa ae of a Savane Meridien: Oblateness and axes of the Earth—Comparative oblate- ness of the Planets—Reduction of Latitude—Radius of the Earth—and Length of a Degree of Parallels of Lati- tude, with appropriate Tables ; di Prof. Tuo. JEFFER- son Cram, of West Point, - - “ - Ill. On Definitions; by Rev. D. Wixre, - 236 IV. Remarks on the sees of Western New York; by Gero. E. Hayes, 241 VY. On Zinc, as a oo for buildings : ; by Prof. A. Cas. WELL, - . - VI. An account of a aciene, iid: visited Shelbyville, Tennessee, June Ist, 1830; by Dr. J. H. Karn, - VII. On the sections of a plane, with the solids Sone by the revolution of the conic sections, about axes situated in their planes; by Prof. Benepict, Univ. Vermont, 258 VIII. On the Conduction of Water; by Prof. C. Dewey, 266 X. Breithaupt’s new Specific Gravities of Minerals; by Dr. Lewis FevcHTWANGER, - - - X. Expeditious Mode of Masicihecturinig Vilidgars practiced in Germany; by Dr. Lewis FevcnTwaNcER,~— - pono vi CONTENTS. Page. XI. Observations on Sulphurous Ether, and Sulphate of Etherine, (the true Sulphurous Ether i by R. gre M. D., Prof. Chem. Univ. Penn. 275 XII. Of the Reaction of the Essential Oils with Sulphutedd Acid, as evolved in union with Ether in the process of Etherification, or otherwise; by Prof. R. Harr, M.D. 281 XIII. Of Sassarubrin, a Resin evolved by Sulphuric Acid from Oil of Sassafras, which is remarkable for its efficacy in reddening that acid in its concentrated state; by Prof. R. Hare, - - - - - - - se = XIV. Meteorological Register kept at Matanzas; by A. Mat- LORY, Fe iene - . ts - i= 287 XV. On the Elevation of Mountain Ranges, - - - 290 XVI. Notes on Chemistry, &c.; by Prof. J. W. Battey, 292 XVII. On the Elevation of the Banks of the biti ilci in 1811; by F. C. Usuer, - - 294 “XVIII. Description of the Argulus er a new parasitic Crustaceous animal, ith — ) by J. D. Dana and ‘ ERRICK, - 297 XIX. Thinslétion of a Memoir on ai erie of Plants, with prefatory remarks on the progress of discovery relative to vegetable fecundation; by Asa Gray, M.D. 308 XX. Additional Remarks on the Tails of a s Comet; by Prof. B. F. Josuin, —- 324 XXI. Proceedings of the British Reside tions at Brist in August, 1836, = - - - - XXII. Description of a new species of festh water Porivisé, inhabiting the Columbia River; by Ricuarp geoph M.D. F.L.S., &c. - - - - - 382 XXIII. Notice of the rita ora or horned ame ; by R. Harran, M.D., - 3 XXIV. Description of a new species of neadined, of ‘the sissies Rodentia, re the — States; by R. Har- LAN, M.D. - a - - 385 MISCELLANIES.—DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. 1. On the Meteoric Shower of November, 1836, - - 386 2. Proceedings of the Maryland inst of Science and Lite- rature, 1836, ks es ig = g* - = Se ee ee ar CONTENTS. vii Page 3. Extract from the 7 gema n ——* of Prof. — kept at New Orleans, 4. Properties of liquid Gabon bet . - a 5. Solidification of carbonic acid, - - - - - 404 6. Exchanges of objects in natural history, - 405 7. The a of the United States of Americ, - 406 8. Antiquities, - 408 9. Agency for Patents, at the city of ‘Weashingtes, - 411 10. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus and Balbec, Me 412 11, 12, 13. Gold mines of een in Sraaeasined® New work on Mineralogy, - 41 14. Statistical view of chemical sadhana: - - 414 15. History and proceedings of the Mechanics’ Institute of the city of New York, - - 415 16, 17. Minerals, ores, mines, &c. examined —Minealogical and geological collections, 418 4 18. Geology and wasps PER ae with ape to Neto- " ral Theology, - 419 19, 20, 21, 22. Lyceum of New Votkaih Bynopdid of thi family of Naiades—Conrad’s Unionide, &c.—Obituary, - ERRATA. : _ Page 124, for Track No. IV. read No. V., and for Track No. V. read No. IV.; these numbers and their paragraphs should have been thus transposed, in order to agree with the map.—P. 126, 1. 13 fr. top, after appears, insert not.— ‘i fr. bot. for basis, read basin.—lIn the note, p. 129, 1. 6 fr. bot. after by, ineast the displacement of. ‘ THE | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, &c. Art. I.—Miscellaneous Observations made during a tour in May, 1835, to the Falls of the Cuyahoga, near Lake gt en . from the Diary of a Naturalist. THE sp ing the most desirable season of the year for trav- eling, ate mild weather, the fresh green foliage of the forest, and the opening flowers, entice one forth to enjoy their various beauties, [ embarked at 9 o’clock on a pleasant evening in May, on board the steam boat Detroit, for a visit to the falls of the Cuya- ho Steam Boats.—It is now nearly twenty years since the first boat, propelled by steam, was launched upon the western waters. It was built by Capt. Shreeve, at Brownsville, (Pa.) in that region of country where the earliest improvements were made west of “ the mountains.”’ It was considered, at that time, as a doubtful experiment. The current of the Mississippi was said to be too powerful to be overcome by steam. ‘The upward commerce on the Ohio and Mis- sissippi, even at that period very considerable, was carried on wholly, in barges and keel boats, propelled by human strength, applied through the cordelle, oar, and pole. ‘The voyage then occupied from three to fotr months: it is now performed in ten or twelve days. ‘This boat was named the Washington ; while lying at Mari- etta, on her downward voyage, she met with a very serious disaster, in the explosion of her immense boiler, by which accident twelve men lost their lives, many more were very seriously scalded.. Being called immediately on board, to attend on the wounded, I re- collect the horrors of that morning, as if it were but of yesterday. At this day few accidents of the kind happen on the Ohio. The engines are better constructed, and built of more durable materials. ou. XXXI.—No. 1. 1 “* P oo, 7 ee 3 Steam Boats.—Sun-fish Creek. Instead of one immense boiler, the boats now carry from four to six of a moderate capacity. The engineers are better educated, and are often chosen from among the architects of the boats. The boats now employed on the river between Louisville and Pittsburgh, amount to nearly one hundred. Many of these are kept in the best order, and for neatness and accommodation, may be safely compared with any boats in Americas The crews are subjected to much more strict discipline, since that lawless, independent, but hardy race of keel-boat-men, from whom the hands were formerly chosen, have disappeared from our waters. The genteel manners and civil de- portment of most of the passengers, have alsoa silent, but a sure and perceptible influence on the manners of the crew. Good habits, as well as bad, are easily adopted; and, above all, the banishment of whiskey, that bane of the west, from many of the boats, is doing still more than all other causes combined, for the epi of mor- als, as well as of manners. Sun-fish Creek.—At nine o’clock this morning, the boat passed the mouth of Sun-fish Creek, a small stream falling into the Ohio from the right bank. The hills here are nearly three hundred feet high, much broken and divided by deep ravines into isolated masses. They are now clothed to their very summits with the richest verdure of the for- est, and at this season are displaying the various tints of the different species that cluster around their sides—the pure white of the Cornus florida, and the rich pink of the Celtis Ohioensis, now in full bloom, appears beautifully contrasted with the rich green of the wood- lands. For the painter, this spot affords some of the finest views that are to be found on the Ohio. The river makes an abrupt bend opposite the mouth of the creek, and opens an extensive perspec- tive of the richest scenery, both up and down the stream. The creek itself is lined with beautiful hills and shady ravines, some of which have given employment to the pencil of Mr. Sullivan, who has produced several masterly pieces taken from this vicinity. He is almost the only painter who has taken living views from the enchant- ing landscapes of the Ohio, ‘This summer he proposes visiting the cliffs of New River and the valley of the Greenbrier, where some of the most sublime and grand scenery has rested for ages, unnoticed and unknown, except to the passing traveller, or the hunter, while chasing the deer amidst these lovely solitudes. No country possesses more rich or varied scenery, than the mountain regions on the trib- utary streams of the Ohio; in grandeur they may be excelled by the alpine groups of the globe, but in loveliness they are not surpassed. oe a ae Paes Se ee eee ee ee ee a * , Grave Creek.—Bituminous Coal.— Wheeling. 3 Grave Creek.—At 11, A. M., we passed the mouth of Grave Creek, a beautiful stream, emptying into the Ohio on the left bank, ten miles below Wheeling. It rises in the. high lands be- tween the Monongahela and Ohio, near the great coal deposits found in that region. The name is derived from the great mound, which stands on the second or higher alluvions, not far from the creek. It is said to be nearly seventy feet high, with a proportion- ate base; and is the largest known on the banks of the Ohio. Sev- eral curious copper relics have been taken from its sides, but noth- ing has yet been discovered which points to the period or the char- acter of its ancient founders. The. bottoms at this spot are very wide and rich, and early attracted the notice of the first settlers. Bituminous Coal.—The coal in this vicinity is very abundant and fine. Four miles below, or at the mouth of Pipe Creek, the main coal deposit, nearly six feet in thickness, which at Wheeling is ninety feet above the bed of the Ohio, dips beneath its surface ; and is seen no more in any considerable deposit, until it appears at Carr’s Run, sixteen miles above the mouth of the Big Kenawha, at what is now called ‘‘ Pomeroy’s Coal Beds.” Wheeling.—The boat landed at Wheeling at noon. This town is built on elevated ground, in a commanding situation, the land back of it rising abruptly in a bold ridge to the height of one hundred and eighty feet. A large and beautiful island in the Ohio, opposite to the town, adds much to the interest of the scenery as you approach it by water. It is a flourishing commercial, manu- facturing place, with a population of about eight thousand. The leading citizens are noted for their enterprize and activity in busi- ness, having doubtless inherited this characteristic from its first in- habitants, who were amongst the most hardy, brave and active pio- neers of the west. Indian Attacks on Wheeling.—The spot of ground where Wheel- ing now stands was explored in the year 1769, by Col. Ebenezer Sane, and his brothers Silas and Jonathan Zane, and permanently settled the following year. ‘They removed here from the “south branch of the Potomac,” near to where the town of Morefield now stands. ‘The ancestors of the Zane family came over with William Penn, at the first settlement of Philadelphia. Col. Zane built his first house on an eminence opposite to the island, which spot is now near the center of the town, and is still owned by his descendants. The Swearingens, Shepherds, McCullocks, and John Wetzel, the - Indian Attacks on Wheeling. father of Lewis, who was famous in the legends of hunting, and of Indian warfare, were amongst the first settlers of this place. Being, for many years during the Indian wars, the farthest advanced on the frontier, and the most exposed settlement, it suffered much from In- dian depredations. It sustained two memorable seiges from the savages, the inhabitants defending themselves with the greatest bravery. Attack of 1777.—The first assault was in Sept. 1777; when it was attacked by 380 Indians, headed by the notorious Simon Girty. Col. Zane, with thirty three men, assisted by the women, several of whom stood by the sides of their husbands or lovers, and discharged their rifles with fearless intrepidity. . Amongst the females was Betsy Wheat, a young woman of German extraction: when Girty urged the garrison to surrender, promising quarters, &c., and there was a parley amongst the men, as to what was best to be done, Betsy answered Girty with all the keenness of female irony, shamed such of the men as seemed disposed to surrender, and infused fresh cour- age into the disheartened garrison. The siege was continued for twenty four hours, during which time the Indians kept upa constant fire. Seeing no prospect of success, and fearing an attack them- selves from the neighboring garrisons, they retreated, after destroying nearly three hundred head of cattle, horses and hogs, and burning the houses in the village, then amounting to about twenty five dwell- ings. ‘The consequent distress of the inhabitants was very great, as most of them lost not only their furniture and provisions, but all their clothing, excepting what they had on; the suddenness of the attack giving them no time to remove any thing to the fort but their own persons. In this siege some of the garrison were wounded, but none killed; the main loss fel] on a reconnoitering party, who, hav- ing gone out early in the morning, were ambushed by the Indians, and twenty three of the number killed in sight of the fort. The loss sustained by the savages was never certainly known. Attack of 1782.—The second attack took place in the year 1782. In its results, this siege was less disastrous to the whites than the first. ‘The assault was continued for three days and nights, and the defense conducted by Col. Ebenezer and Silas Zane, with their accustomed coolness and bravery. An interesting occurrence took place during this siege, so characteristic of the heroism of the females of that day, that I cannot forbear narrating it from the “ Bor- der Warfare.” ‘ When Lynn, the ranger, gave the alarm that an Indian Attacks on Wheeling. 5 Indian army was approaching, the fort having been for some time unoccupied by a garrison, and Col. Zane’s house having been used for a magazine, those who retired into the fortress had to take with them a supply of ammunition for its defense. The supply of pow- der, deemed ample at the time, was now almost exhausted, by rea- son of the long continuance of the siege, and the repeated endeav- ors of the savages to take the fort by storm: a few rounds only re- mained. In this emergency, it became necessary to renew their stock from an abundant store which was deposited in Col. Zane’s house. Accordingly, it was proposed that one of the fleetest men should endeavor to reach the house, obtain a supply of powder, and return with it to the fort. It was an enterprize full of danger; but many of the heroic spirits shut up in the fort were willing to encoun- ter the hazard. Amongst those who volunteered to go on this en- terprize, was Elizabeth, the sister of Col. E. Zane. She was young, active and athletic, with courage to dare the danger, and fortitude to sustain her through it. Disdaining to weigh the hazard of her own life against that of others, when told that a man would encounter less danger by reason of his greater fleetness, she replied, “and should he fall, his loss will be more severely felt; you have not one man to spare; a woman will not be missed in the defense of the fort. Her services were then accepted. Divesting herself of some of her garments, as tending to impede her progress, she stood prepared for the hazardous adventure ; and when the gate was thrown open, bounded forth with the buoyancy of hope, and in the confidence of success. Wrapt in amazement, the Indians beheld her springing forward, and only exclaiming “a squaw,” ‘a squaw,” no attempt was made to interrupt her progress: arrived at the door, she proclaimed her errand. Col. Silas Zane fastened a table cloth around her waist, and emptying into ita keg of powder, again she ventured forth. The Indians were no longer passive. Ball af- ter ball whizzed by, several of which passed through her clothes: she reached the gate, and entered the fort in safety ;” and thus was the garrison again saved by female intrepidity. ‘This heroine had but recently returned from Philadelphia, where she had received her education, and was wholly unused to such scenes as were daily pass- ing on the frontiers. ‘The distance she had to run was about forty yards. She afterwards married a Mr. Clark, and is yet living in Ohio.” : 6 Wellsburgh.—Steubenville. | Wellsburgh.—The boat left Wheeling at 1, P. M., passing many fine views of river scenery and flourishing villages, rising along its borders. At sixteen miles above, we passed the town of Wellsburgh, formerly called Charleston. ‘The main coal deposit here has reach- ed an elevation of at least one hundred and forty feet above the bed of the river. It is six feet in thickness, and of a very superior qual- ity. The mouths of numerous adits are open on the sides of the river hill, from which the coal passes, by a wooden slide, down to the water’s edge, or into the boats that are to carry it to a market below. This town is a place of considerable business, and has a cot- ton and glass manufactory. Large quantities of flour are manufac- tured here and on the neighboring streams, which afford many valu- able mill sites. The surrounding country produces large and luxu- riant crops of wheat, and boats laden with flour and whiskey were very early sent from this place to New Orleans, while yet owned by the Spaniards. While passing Wellsburgh we saw a keel boat lying at the shore, with the word Poe painted on her side; this is the name of a celebrated borderer who once lived near this spot, and whose fame is yet cherished, because he was one of the most daring Indian hunters in the days of border warfare. This region was the seat of Indian wars for more than twenty years, and in the space of fifty miles around, more depredations and murders were committed by the Indians, than in any other of equal extent west of the Alle- ghany Mountains. The celebrated “ Mingo Bottoms” begin just above the town, and continue on both sides of the river to near Steu- benville. 3 Steubenville.—At 6, P. M., the boat arrived at Steubenville, where [ went on shore, intending to spend the day with a few intel- ligent friends who reside there. This town stands on an elevated plain on the right bank of the Ohio, and is “the Seat of Justice’’* for Jefferson County. It was laid out into building lots in the year 1798, and for many years had a very rapid increase. Its present population is more than 3,000. The country adjacent is rich and well adapted to cultivation, being nearly all under culture. The surface is undulating, affording the finest soil for wheat and sheep. Messrs. Bezaleel Wells and Dickerson, introduced the merino sheep at an early day, and established an extensive manufactory for wool- en cloths. It is at present a considerable manufacturing town, hav- * The place where the Courts are held. e & Cabinet of Natural History. 7 ing two woolen manufactories, two of cotton, three of carpetings, one paper mill, several founderies, three steam engine manufactories, one brass foundery, three flouring mills, one silver plate manufactory and three copperas manufactories, with many other mechanical ope- rations usually carried on in our large western towns. There are three printing offices issuing weekly papers, six churches, one bank, one market house, and thirty trading stores. An abundant supply of bituminous coal is found in the adjacent hills for conducting all the various manufactures, and for domestic uses. The continual cloud of dust arising from its combustion, gives rather a sombre look to the buildings and streets, a feature, however, common to all man- ufacturing towns. Cabinet of Natural History.—May 7: I spent a part of the forenoon in examining Judge T.’s Cabinet of Natural History. He has a fine collection of haimaetle shells and fossil organic remains. The minerals embrace nearly twelve hundred species, arranged in natural families. The fresh water shells amount to nearly one hundred species, the greater number of which are peculiar to our streams. ‘The family of the Uniones alone contains about ninety species, all natives of the western waters. His collection of ma- rine shells is also very fine. The library of the Judge embraces, besides a due proportion belonging to his own profession, many of the most valuable writings of Cuvier and Brongniart, in their original language, on the animal kingdom, as well as fossil organic remains. It is truly gratifying to see even a small part of the wealth of our country, and a share of its most brilliant intellect, devoted to 7" study and the development of the natural history of ‘ the west ;” subject deeply interesting, but until recently, shrouded in a darkness; within a few years, however, many bright lights have been kindled, which promise to illustrate the hidden arcana of nature. The Conchology and Botany of the great valley have been pretty thoroughly examined, while .Entomology, one of the most fertile branches, has been but partially investigated, although the indefati- gable Say made a very fair beginning. The study of fossil vegeta- ble and animal remains, of which the valley of the Mississippi is one vast cemetery, yet remains an almost entirely unexplored field.* _* The readers of this Journal have only to refer to Volume xxrx. No. 1 Sinple evidence, furnished a Dr. Hildreth, that mn nck, has been scomplihed ys 8 Indian Sepulchre. But the time is not distant, when this vast cabinet of natural history, formed by a benevolent Creator for the study and admiration of man, will be classed and arranged by our own naturalists. Amongst the min- erals in the cabinet of Judge T. I observed a specimen of native cin- nabar, or sulphuret of mercury, in acicular crystals, being a fragment of a rolled mass of nearly a pound weight. This rare and beautiful mineral was found on the waters of Paint Creek, amongst the debris and rolled masses of primitive rocks, which abound through the ter- tiary deposits,* from Chilicothe to the shores of Lake Erie, and must have been brought from the region north of Lake Huron or Supe- rior. wh Ancient Indian Sepulchre.—The day before I reached Steuben- ville, an extensive collection of human skeletons, in a fine state of preservation, had been found on the opposite side of the Ohio River, a few rods from the shore, and nearly against the lower part of the town. ‘They were very probably placed here by the Mingo tribe of Indians, who for many years inhabited this spot and the country below, which still retains the name of “ the Mingo Bottom.” This natural sepulchre was accidentally discovered by a man who was working in a stone quarry. The loose stones and earth had slipped down from the side of the hill above, and covered the mouth of the cavern. It had also been closed by the depositors of the dead, with fragments of sandstone rock, not only to secure it from the entrance of wild beasts, but also from the curiosity of the white man, after they had been forced to leave the country of their forefathers. The sepulchre, or rather natural grotto, in which the skeletons were placed, was originally formed in the face of the cliff above, by the action of the atmosphere decomposing the rock. Its constituent el- — oxygen and nitrogen, either entered into combination, or, oxygen alone, by combining with the nitrogen of animal mat- ter; thus formed nitric acid, and the latter, acting on the lime con- tained in the sandstone, produced nitrate of lime ; thus the cohesion of the particles of sand was destroyed, which, as the minute crystals shot into form, was detached and then fell down to the earth below, forming large piles at the base of the cliffs. In these piles I have + I know no term, more appropriate, for the immense deposits of clay, sand, and gravel, which compose the western prairies, than that of tertiary: they embrace the characteristics of this formation, and if they do not rest on chalk, and can- not be called a ue rest on lime rocks whic h belong to the beconds~ ry deposits, and in a geological view, y tertiary Indian Sepulchre. 9 often seen the myrmelion formicarius, or ant-lion, form its cone-in- verted cells for the capture of unwary insects. Rains, frosts and winds, assist in the disintegrating process. In this manner large excavations have been formed, and are still form- ing, in the faces of the river cliffs, along the narrows of the Ohio. Large masses of these cliffs are detached, from time to time, and fall down the sides of the declivities into the bottom below, or rest on the sides of the hills. ‘The rock under which these relics were found is of this description :—as it rolled down the side of the hill, it rested with the oven shaped cavity underneath, being about eight feet long, six wide, and five high in the centre, but lower at the sides. A small opening however was left, which by a little enlargement ena- bled the Indians to enter and deposit these skeletons, which are not less than fifty or sixty in number. They were of all ages, and of both sexes, and generally in a perfect state of preservation. They are most probably of very ancient sepulture, as no relics, implements or ornaments of a metallic nature, were discovered. Many interesting memorials of their-own arts, and of their affection for their relatives, .were found, consisting of pots and vases of coarse earthen ware; some of them were formed with much taste and beauty of outline. The figures of two of them now in my possession are given below. Is 8 inches high; 5 inches in diameter at No. 1. the broadest part, and 43 inches at the neck. Is 6 inches high; 6 inches in diameter in | the largest part, and 5 inches at the top. They were of various magnitudes, from the capacity of a gallon down to a pint, and would amount in number to not less than one for every two skeletons, or thirty or forty pots, several being broken in taking out. A number of the vases still contained relics of the food, consisting of the bones of wie, opossums, &c., left for their Von. XXXI—No. 1. 10 Logan, the Mingo Chief. departed friends while on their journey to the land of spirits. Stone pipes, more numerous than the vases, were also found; some of them display much ingenuity: one of them, which I saw, was carved with a fine head of the bald eagle, done with great force and truth: others were plain, made of light ash colored steatite, or soap stone. A few were of red clay, and some of hard sandstone. Flint arrow heads were very numerous. A very few of the crania ex- hibited marks of violence. They appear, in general, to have died a natural death, and the bones to have been deposited here after being carefully cleared of the flesh that once covered them. The sepul- chre is too small and too confined to have received them with the flesh on, or to have admitted the friends of the dead without danger of suffocation. I succeeded, with some difficulty, in procuring two crania, for the most of them had been carried off before I reached the place. One isthe head ofa male, the other ofafemale. Inthe male, the organs of self esteem and combativeness are largely developed. It is perfect, and of as good a color as most skulls preserved in the cabinets of the anatomists. ‘The female head is well formed, and possesses some good points in the estimation of the craniologist. The “ Mingo Bottom,” which commences a short distance below, was the favorite residence of this once powerful tribe, when the white man first made his appearance west of the Alleghany ranges. The body of Logan, the celebrated chief, whose name has become classical and is identified with history by the pen of Thomas Jefferson, is said to have been buried on one of the adjacent hills, in sight of the placid and beautiful Ohio, on whose waters he had so often struck the voracious pike with his fishing spear, and hunted the buffalo and the deer in the forests which shaded its shores. Henry Jolly—While on the subject of the Mingoes, I can- not refrain from reverting to that much controverted subject, the murder of Logan’s family. The following facts are very valuable and interesting, as coming from the pen of one who saw the party the evening after the murder; was personally acquainted with some of the individuals, and familiar with that spot and all the sur- rounding region: The statement is from the manuscript notes of Mr. Henry Jolly, now in my possession, and written at my request. Mr. Jolly is seventy seven years of age, and lived during his youth and early manhood on the Monongahela frontiers. At the period of this event, his parents resided on the spot where the town of Wash- ington, Pa., now stands, and which was then known to all the country Murder of Logan’s Family. 11 as “ Catfish’s Camp,” so named after an old Indian who resided there at the time the whites first settled on the Monongahela. This place is about thirty miles in a south westerly direction from the mouth of Yellow Creek, or “ Baker’s Bottom,” opposite to the creek where the tragedy was acted. Henry Jolly was then sixteen years old. A large portion of the time during the war of the revolution, he was in the U.S. service, as a rifleman and ranger. Some time after the peace he removed to Ohio, and was for a number of years an. Asso- ciate Judge on the bench of Washington County. He never recei- ved any advantages from schools, and yet was a man of extensive reading and general knowledge of mankind. I shall have occasion to refer to him again. The statement cannot be better given than in his own words. Murder of Logan’s family.—« I was worn sixteen years of age, but I very well rocollaet what I then saw, and the information that [ have since obtained, was derived from (I believe) good authority. In the spring of the year 1774, a party of Indians encamped on the north west of the Ohio, near the mouth of the Yellow Creek. A party of whites, called ‘Greathouse’s party,’ lay on the opposite side of the river. » The Indians came over to the white party, consisting, I think, of five men and one woman, with an infant. The whites gave them rum, which three of them drank, and in a short time they be- came very drunk. ‘The other two men and the woman refused to drink. The sober Indians were challenged to shoot at a mark, to which they agreed; and as soon as they had emptied their guns the whites shot them down. The woman attempted to escape by flight, but was also shot down; she lived long enough, however, to beg mercy for her babe, telling them that it was a kin to themselves. The whites had a man in the cabin, prepared with a tomahawk for the purpose of killing the three drunken Indians, which was imme- diately done. The party of men then moved off for the interior set- tlements, and came to ‘ Catfish Camp’ on the evening of the next day, where they tarried until the day following. I very well recol- lect my mother feeding and dressing the babe; chirruping to the little innocent, and its smiling. However, they took it away, and talked of sending it to its supposed father, Col. George Gibson, of Carlisle, Pa., ‘ who was then, and had been for many years, a trader amongst the Indians.’ The remainder of the party at the mouth of Yellow Creek, finding that their friends on the opposite side of the river were massacred, attempted to escape by descending the Ohio; 12 Murder of Logan’s Family. and in order to prevent being discovered by the whites, passed on the west side of Wheeling Island, and landed at Pipe Creek, a small stream that empties into-the Ohio a few miles below Grave Creek, where they were overtaken by Cresap, with a party of men from Wheeling.* They took one Indian scalp, and had one white man (Big Tarrener) badly wounded. ‘They, I believe, carried him in a litter from Wheeling to Redstone. I saw the party on their return from their victorious campaign. The Indians had for some time be- fore these events, thought themselves intruded upon by the ‘ Long Knife,’ as they at that time called the Virginians, and many of them were for war. However, they called a council, in which Logan acted a conspicuous part. He admitted their grounds of complaint, but at the same time reminded them of some aggressions on the part of the Indians, and that by a war they could but harass and distress the frontier settlements for a short time; that ‘the Long Knife’ would come like the trees in the woods, and that ultimately they should be driven from the good lands which they now possessed. He therefore strongly recommended peace. ‘To him they all agreed; grounded the hatchet, and every thing wore a tranquil ap- pearance; when behold, the fugitives arrived from Yellow Creek: and reported that Logan’s father, brother, and sister, were murdered! Three of the nearest and dearest relations of Logan, had been mas- sacred by white men. The consequence was, that this same Logan, who a few days before was so pacific, raised the hatchet, with a declaration that he would not ground it until he had taken ten one ; which I believe he completely fulfilled, by taking thirty scalps and prisoners in the summer of 1774. The above has often - been related to me by several persons who were at the Indian towns at the time of the council alluded to, and also when the remains of the party came in from Yellow Creek. Thomas Nicholson in particular, has told me the above and much more. Another person (whose name I cannot recollect) informed me that he was at the towns when the Yellow Creek Indians came in, and that there was great lamentation by all the Indians of that place. * Cresap did not live at Wheeling, but happened to be there at that time with a party of men, who had, with himself, just returned fro roman exploring expedition down the Ohio he purpose lands (called in the West, locating ands) along se xives in choice situations 2] dee at that early day very common, when Virg ding w. is now the State of Ohio. Spring Garden. 13 Some friendly Indian advised him to leave the Indian settlements, which he did.” ‘Could any rational person believe for a moment, that the Indians came to Yellow Creek with hostile intentions, or that they had any suspicion of similar intentions on the part of the whites, against them? Would five men have crossed the river, three of them become in a short time dead drunk, while the other two discharged their guns, and thus put themselves entirely at the mercy of the whites; or would they have brought over a squaw with an infant pappoos, if they had not reposed the utmost confi- dence in the friendship of the whites? Every person who is at all acquainted with Indians knows better; and it was the belief of the inhabitants who were capable of reasoning on the subject, that all the depredations committed on the frontiers, by Logan and his party, in 1774, were as a retaliation for the murder of Logan’s friends at Yellow Creek. It was well known that Michael Cresap had no hand in the massacre at Yellow Creek.”* Spring Garden.—During the day, I visited “ the Spring Gar- den,” owned by Mr. Slack, a very ingenious and enterprizing man. It is beautifully situated on the southern slope of a hill, looking down upon the Ohio. A large spring of very pure water bursts from the side of the hill, a part of which is diverted to the use of a bath house, and the remainder to the irrigation of the garden in the drier portions of the year. A green house is attached, containing many rare and rich exotics, now in fruit and flower. The situation is one of the best I have ever seen, and cannot fail to yield both profit and delight to the owner, and to afford a source of tasteful and refined recreation to the inhabitants of Steubenville. Indeed, hor- ticulture, delighting us by its flowers, and rewarding us by its fruits, tends, manifestly, to cherish a refined taste in individuals, and to produce an elevated state of society; while agriculture confers upon mankind the most substantial rewards: the best days of Rome were those of her Cincinnati, when the tillage of the earth was considered equally useful and honorable. The Georgics of * A brother of Capt. Daniel Greathouse, said to have been present at the massa- cre, was killed by the Indians the 24th March, 1791, between the mouth of the Scioto and Limestone, while emigrating to Kentacky i in a flat boat, with his fami- ly. He seems to have made little or no resistance to the Indians, who attacked him in canoes. They probably knew who he was, and remembered the slaughter Aap eg family, as he was taken on shore, tied toa tree, and whipped to death %. 14 Lewis Wetzel. Virgil have immortalized the Roman agriculture and horticulture, and produced a poem not only instructive, but highly attractive, and which, for eighteen centuries, has been a classical study. After spending a very pleasant day, and receiving many marks of kindness and attention from my friends, 1 embarked on board the steam boat Hero, at 4, P. M., for the mouth of the Big Beaver River. This stream was so named on account of the great number of beavers found on its head branches, and in the small ponds from which some of its waters flow. it is a stream of considerable mag- nitude, abounding in valuable mill seats, and is destined to furnish a supply of water for that portion of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal which passes down its valley. The distance from Steubenville to Beaver is about forty miles. . Adventure of Lewis Wetzel.*—Amongst the heroes of border warfare, Lewis Wetzel held no inferior station. Inured to hard- ships while yet in boyhood, and familiar with all the varieties of for- est adventure, from that of hunting the beaver and the bear, to that of the wily Indian, he became one of the most celebrated marks- men of the day. His form was erect, and of that height best adapt- ed to activity, being very muscular, and possessed of great bodily strength. From constant exercise, he could without fatigue, bear prolonged and violent exertion, especially that of running and walk- ing; and he had, by practice acquired the art of loading his rifle when running at full speed through the forest, and wheeling on the instant; he could discharge it with unerring aim, at the distance of eighty or one hundred yards, into a mark not larger than a dollar. This art he has been known more than once to practice with fatal success on his savage foes. A marksman of superior skill was, in those days, estimated by the other borderers, much in the same way that a knight templar, or a knight of the cross, who excelled in the tournament or the charge, was, valued by his cotemporaries, in the days of chivalry. Chal- lenges of skill often took place ; and marksmen who lived at the dis- tance of fifty miles or more from each other, frequently met by ap- pointment, to try the accuracy of their aim, on bets of considerable amount. Wetzel’s fame had spread far and wide, as the most ex- pert and unerring shot of the day. It chanced that a young man, a * Received from a gentleman of my acquaintance, to whom one of the party re- lated the story; - few years — the — - — place; and with which my friend was also familiar n of o Lewis Wetzel. 15 few years younger than himself, who lived on Dankard’s Creek, a tributary of the Monongahela River, which waters one of the ear- liest settlements in that region, heard of his fame, and as he also was an expert woodsman, and a first rate shot, the best in his settlement, he became very desirous of an opportunity for a trial of skill. So great was his desire, that he one day shouldered his rifle, and whist- ling his faithful dog to his side, started for the neighborhood of Wet- zel, who, at that time, lived on Wheeling Creek, distant about twenty miles from the settlement on Dankard’s Creek. When about half way on his journey, a fine buck sprang up just before him. He levelled his gun with his usual precision, but the deer, though badly wounded, did not fall dead in his tracks. His faithful dog soon seized him and brought him to the ground, but while in the act of doing this, another dog sprang from the forest upon the same deer, and his master making his appearance at the same time from behind a tree, with a loud voice claimed the buck as his property, because he had been wounded by his shot, and seized by his dog. It so happened that they had both fired at once at this deer, a fact which may very well happen where two active men are hunting on the same ground, although one may fire at the distance of fifty yards, and the other at one hundred. The dogs felt the same spirit of rivalry with their masters, and quit- ting the deer, which was already dead, fell to worrying and tearing each other. In separating the dogs, the stranger hunter happened to strike that of the young man. The old adage, “ strike my dog, strike myself,” arose in full force, and without further ceremony, ex- cept a few hearty curses, he fell upon the hunter and hurled him to the ground. This was no sooner done than he found himself turn- ed, and under his stronger and more powerful antagonist. Discov- ering that he was no match at this play, the young man appealed to the trial by rifles, saying it was too much like dogs, for men, and hunters, to fight in this way. The stranger assented to the trial, but told his antagonist that before he put it fairly to the test, he had bet- ter witness what he was able to do with the rifle, saying that he was as much superior, he thought, with that weapon, as he was in bodily He bid him place a mark the size of a shilling on the side of a huge poplar that stood beside them, from which he would start with his rifle unloaded, and running a hundred yards at full speed, he would load it as he ran, and wheeling, would discharge it instant- ly to the centre of the mark. ‘The feat was no sooner proposed than 16 Lewis Wetzel. performed ; the ball entered the centre of the diminutive target: astonished at his activity and skill, his antagonist instantly enquired hisname. Lewis Wetzel, at your service, answered the stranger. The young hunter seized him by the hand with all the ardor of youthful admiration, and at once acknowledged his own inferiority. So charmed was he with Wetzel’s frankness, skill, and fine personal appearance, that he insisted upon his returning with him to the set- tlement on Dankard’s Creek, that he might exhibit his talents to his own family, and to the hardy backwoodsmen, his neighbors. Nothing loath to such an exhibition, and pleased with the energy of his new acquaintance, Wetzel consented to. accompany him; short- ening the way with their mutual tales of hunting excursions and haz- ardous contests with the common enemies of the country. Amongst other things, Wetzel stated his manner of distinguishing the foot- steps of a white man from those of an Indian, although covered with mocasins, and intermixed with the tracks of savages. He had ac- quired this tact from closely examining the manner of placing the feet; the Indian stepping with his feet in parallel lines, and first bringing the toe to the ground; while the white man almost invari- ably places his feet at an angle with the line of march. An oppor- tunity they little expected, soon gave room to put his skill to the trial. On reaching the young man’s home, which they did that day, they found the dwelling a smoking ruin, and all the family lying mur- dered and scalped, except a young woman who had been brought up in the family, and to whom the young man was ardently attached. She had been taken away alive, as was ascertained by examining the trail of the savages. Wetzel soon discovered that the party con- sisted of three Indians and a renegado white man, a fact not uncom- mon in those early days, when, for crime or the love of revenge, the white outlaw fled to the savages, and was adopted on trial into their tribe. As it was past the middle of the day, and the nearest assistance still at some considerable distance, and there were only four to con- tend with, they decided on instant pursuit. As the deed had very recently been done, they hoped to overtake them in their camp that night, and perhaps before they could cross the Ohio River, to which the Indians always retreated after a successful incursion, considering themselves in a manner safe when they had crossed to its right bank, at that time occupied wholly by the Indian tribes. . a Lewis Wetzel. 17 Ardent and unwearied was the pursuit, by the youthful huntsmen; the one, excited to recover his lost mistress, the other, to assist his new friend, and to take revenge for the slaughter of his countrymen— slaughter and revenge being the daily business of the borderers at this portentous period.* Wetzel followed the trail with the unerring saga- city of a blood hound ; and just at dusk traced the fugitives to a noted war path, nearly opposite to the mouth of Captina Creek, emptying into the Ohio, which, much to their disappointment, they found the Indians had crossed, by forming a raft of logs and brush, their usual manner when at a distance from their villages. By examining care- fully the appearances on the opposite shore, they soon discovered the fire of the Indian camp in a hollow way, a few rods from the river. Lest the noise of constructing a raft should alarm the Indians, and give notice of the pursuit, the two hardy adventurers determined to swim the stream afew rods below. ‘This they easily accomplished, being both of them excellent swimmers; fastening their clothes and am- munition ina bundle on the tops of their heads, with their rifles resting on the left hip, they reached the opposite shore in safety : after carefully examining their arms, and putting every article of at- tack or defense in its proper place, they crawled very cautiously to a position which gave them a fair view of their enemies, who, think- ing themselves safe from pursuit, were carelessly reposing around their fire, thoughtless of the fate that awaited them. They instantly discovered the young woman, apparently unhurt, but making much moaning and lamentation, while the white man was trying to pacify and console her with the promise of kind usage, and an adoption into the tribe. The young man, hardly able to restrain his rage, was for firing and rushing instantly upon them. Wetzel, more cau- tious, told him to wait until day light appeared, when they could make the attack with a better shatice of success, and of also killing the whole party, but if they attacked in the dark, a part of them would certainly escape. As soon as day light dawned, the Indians arose and prepared to depart. ‘The young man selecting the white renegado, and Wetzel an Indian, they both fired at the same time, each killing bis man. The young man rushed forward knife in hand, to relieve the young woman, while Wetzel reloaded his gun and pushed in pursuit of the two survivingIndians, who had taken to the woods, until they could ascer- * eee 1782 aid 1784. | 18 Beaver Town.—Fort McIntosh. tain the number of their enemies. Wetzel, as soon as he saw that he was discovered, discharged. his rifle at random, in order to draw them from their covert. Hearing the report, and finding themselves un- hurt, the Indians rushed upon him before he could again reload: this was as he wished: taking to his heels, Wetzel loaded as he ran, and suddenly wheeling about, discharged his rifle through the body of his nearest, but unsuspecting enemy. The remaining Indian, see- ing the fate of his companion, and that his enemy’s rifle was unloaded, rushed forward with all energy, the prospect of prompt revenge be- ing fairly before him. Wetzel led him on, dodging from tree to tree, until his rifle was again ready, when suddenly turning, he shot his remaining enemy, who fell dead at his feet. After taking their scalps, Wetzel and his friend, with their rescued captive, returned in safety to the settlement. Like honest Joshua Fleeheart, after the peace of 1795, Wetzel pushed for the frontiers on the Missis- sippi, where he could trap the beaver, hunt the buffalo and the deer, and occasionally shoot an Indian, the object of his mortal hatred. He finally died as he had always lived, a free man of the forest. - Beaver town, Pa., May 8,—The boat arrived at the mouth of the Beaver* river, at 12, midnight, and landed me at “ the point; from this place it is about a mile to the town of Beaver, situated on an elevated plain, from seventy to eighty feet above the Ohio bottoms. This plain is about a mile in length and half a mile in width; and is an ancient alluvion, deposited by the Ohio river, at some remote pe- riod. ‘The main body of it is composed of gravel and pebbles, with an argillaceous earth, at or near the surface, affording a tolerably good soil for cultivation and the growth of forest trees. Great num- bers of sandstone bowlders are scattered over its surface, rounded and water worn by attrition ; they are far more numerous than I have seen at any other place. The village of Beaver town, stands near the western side of the plain. It is the county seat for Beaver coun- ty, Pa., and contains about eight hundred inhabitants. A new town called Bienieieater: has been laid off on the canal, a short distance above the outlet, whichis destined to take precedence in a mercantile business of the present village of Beaver town. Fort McIntosh.—F ort McIntosh, one of the earliest, if not the very first fort, built by the Americans on the right bank of the Ohio, cides * According to Mr. Heckewelder, the Big Beaver river, was called by the Del- aware Indians, Kaskask-sipee, from the Indian town of Kuskuschki, Fort McIntosh— Samuel Brady. 19 stood on the southern verge of the plain, about twenty rods from the bank of the river, with which it held communication, by means of a covered way. This covered way, was constructed in a very sim- ple but perfectly secure manner, by digging a ditch and covering it with oaken palisades, sloping towards each other like a roof, and then coated over with earth—an attempt had been made to dig a well within the walls of the fortress, but the depth of earth and gravy- el to be passed before reaching water was so great, being about one hundred and twenty feet, that it was abandoned, and this mode adopted in its place. Water for the garrison was first pro- cured from a spring at the back side of the plain, but several of the men having been killed by the Indians while at the spring, this mode of obtaining a supply was given up gs too hazardous, and the covered way was adopted in its place. Fort McIntosh was built during the war of the revolution, in the summer of the year 1778, by a military force from Fort Pitt, under the command of Gen. McIntosh. It covered about an acre of ground; and was a regularly stockaded fort, with four bastions, mounted with six field pieces, from four to nine pounders; one piece was placed in each bastion, and two in the centre of the fort. It was twenty eight miles below Fort Pitt, and at a favorable point for checking the incursions of the Indians, or for sending out parties in pursuit, while on the retreat from an inroad into the white settlements on the Monongahe- la. It was for a number of years the rallying point for the border- ers, when assembling for array, against the inden towns on the Muskingum and Scioto rivers. Samuel Brady. —I left Beavertown in the iol coach, at 11 A.M. for Poland, in Trumbull County, Ohio, distant thirty eight miles. Directly on leaving Bridgewater, and crossing a small] stream, on a neat bridge, we began to ascend a long steep hill, called “ Brady’s Hill.” It received its name from an interesting border adventure, which occurred in “early times,” near its base. Captain Samuel Brady was one of that band of brave men, who lived, in the trying days of the American Revolution, on the western borders, exposed to all the horrors and dangers of Indian warfare, and whose names should be perpetuated in-history. He held a commission under the United States, and for a part of that time commanded a company of rangers, who traversed the forests, for the protection of the fron- tiers. He was born in Shippensburgh, (Pa.) in the year 1758, and removed probably when a boy, into the valley of the Monongahela. 20 - Legend of Brady’s Hill. At the period of this adventure he lived on Chartier Creek, about twelve miles below Fort Pitt; a stream better known, however, to the pilots and keel-boatmen of modern days, by the significant name of *¢ Shirtee.”’ He died in 1796, soon after the close of the Indian war. A number of articles were published in the “ Blairsville Recorder,” a year or two since, detailing his adventures, which would make a most interesting volume. His father and a brother were both killed by Indians. I shall have occasion to refer to him again in the course of my visit. Legend of Britis 8 Hill. —I received the particulars of the fol- lowing story from one of the passengers in the coach, who had re- sided in the country several years, and had often heard it related. Samuel Brady, the hero of the following adventure, was over six feet in height, with light blue eyes, fair skin, and dark hair: he was remarkably strait, an athletic, bold, and vigorous backwoods- man, inured to all the toils and hardships of a frontier life, and had become very obnoxious to the Indians, from his numerous success- ful attacks on their war parties, and from shooting them in his hunt- ing excursions, whenever they crossed his path, or came within reach of his rifle; for he was personally engaged in more hazardous contests with the savages, than any other man west of the moun- tains, excepting Daniel Boone. He was in fact “an Indian hater,” as many of the early borderers were. This class of men appear to have been more numerous in this region, than in any other por- tion of the frontiers; and this doubtless arose from the slaughter at Braddock’s defeat, and the numerous murders and attacks on de- fenceless families that for many years followed that disaster. Brady was also a very successful trapper and hunter, and took more bea- vers than any of the Indians themselves. In one of his adventurous trapping excursions, to the waters of the Beaver River, or Maho- ning, which in early days so abounded with the animals of this spe- cies, that it took its name from this fact, it so happened that the In- dians surprised him in his camp, and took him prisoner. ‘To have shot or tomahawked him on the spot, would have been but a small gratification to that of satiating their revenge by burning him at a slow fire, in presence of all the Indians of their village. He was therefore taken alive to their encampment, on the west bank of the Beaver River, about a mile and a half from its mouth. After the usual exultations and rejoicings at the capture of a noted enemy, and causing him to run the gauntlet, a fire was prepared, near which Bik a km gar Se a as Legend of Brady’s Hill.—Connecticut Reserve. 21 Brady was placed, after being stripped naked, and with his arms unbound. Previously to tying him to the stake, a large circle was formed around him, consisting of Indian men, women, and children, dancing and yelling, and uttering all manner of threats and abuse that their small knowledge of the English language could afford. The prisoner looked on these preparations for death, and on his sav- age foes, with a firm countenance and a steady eye, meeting all their threats with a truly savage fortitude. In the midst of their dancing and rejoicing, a squaw of one of their chiefs came near him with a child in her arms. Quick as thought, and with intuitive prescience, he snatched it from her and threw it into the midst of the flames. Horror-struck at the sudden outrage, the Indians simultaneously rushed to rescue the infant from the fire. In the midst of this con- fusion, Brady darted from the circle, overturning all that came in his way, and rushed into the adjacent thickets, with the Indians yell- ing at his heels. He ascended the steep side of the present hill, amidst a shower of bullets, and darting down the opposite decliv- ity, secreted himself in the deep ravines and laurel thickets that abound for several miles to the west of it. His knowledge of the country and wonderful activity, enabled him to elude his enemies, and reach the settlements on the south of the Ohio River, which he crossed by swimming. The hill near whose base this adventure is said to have happened, still goes by his name ; and the incident is often referred to by the traveller, as the coach is slowly dragged up its side. After travelling a few miles, in rather a hilly region, the face of the country gradually becomes more level, and before leaving the state of Pennsylvania, the hills subside into low undulations, but little more elevated than is required to drain the country of the super-- abundant waters. ‘This formation continues to near the shore of Lake Erie, and embraces what is called the Connecticut Reserve. In it are seated many flourishing villages, and a most industrious and thriving population. The soil is generally better adapted to grass and meadows, than to the cultivation of grain. Accordingly, large stocks of cattle and extensive dairies are kept. Cheese and butter are staple commodities. For profitable management, from fifty to one hundred cows are considered sufficient for one farm. A market is found for the fat cattle and the productions of the dairy, at Cleaveland and Pittsburgh ; the canals giving them the advantage of both the New York and Philadelphia marts, for the sale of their 22 Poland. produce. With these advantages, the price of lands has more than doubled since the opening of the canals, and will double again when the Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal, down the Mahoning and Beaver, is finished. For these advantages, the inhabitants of the present day may thank a few wise and patriotic men, the projectors of ‘ internal improvement,” which but for these men, would not have been ac- complished until the succeeding age. Directly after passing the state line between Pennsylvania and Ohio, we cross a corner of the county of Columbiana. This boundary was established in the year 1802, and runs a north course, on a line 3° 32’ west of Washington, from the mouth of Yellow Creek on the Ohio River, to Lake Erie. We arrived at Poland at 8 P.M., where I left the stage. Poland, May 9.—Poland is a flourishing village, seated on the waters of the Mahoning,* in the S. E. corner of Trumbull County. It contains a number of stores and mills, and from its proximity to the Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal, will soon be a town of considera- ble importance. The cherry and peach are here just opening their blossoms, and the forest trees are yet quite naked of verdure. Vege- tation at the mouth of the Muskingum, is at least ten days earlier than it is here, which is caused partly by the difference in latitude, and partly by elevation of surface. It is a singular fact, that the peach tree is filling with blossoms, from the mouth of the Beaver on the Ohio, to the shores of Lake Erie, while at Marietta, and generally on the river for many miles above and below that place, the winter has destroyed all the embryo fruit buds; and yet here, in a degree of cold far more intense, they escaped. ‘This fact is prob- ably owing to a more hardy growth, in a climate where severe win- ters are not uncommon, and where they are continued with much more uniformity of temperature. Many tender plants bear severe continued cold, while a less degree destroys them if subjected to re- peated thawing and freezing. For this reason, a tender vine on the north side of a building, is more safe than on the south side. Collection of shells, minerals, &c.—I called this morning on my friend, Dr. Kirtland, with whom I shall spend a few days. He lives on a farm adjoining the village of Poland. Every thing about it is in good taste and under excellent Pesce: He is a lover * The Metaihion of Mahoning, according to Mr. Hecseh weiner, is as follows: Mahoni, a lick; Mahonink, at the lick. Collection of Shells, Minerals, &c. 23 of fine fruits, and in person attends to the various operations ne- cessary to the successful growth of all the good fruits that can be raised in this climate. His selection of plums, pears, cherries, peaches and apples, is equal in variety and excellence to any in the western country. The cultivation and study of one branch of nat- ural history, often creates a taste for the rest. Accordingly, my friend has turned his attention to botany, conchology, and min- eralogy. His collection of fresh water and land shells is very valu- able, embracing nearly all the described species found in the west. They are neatly arranged in cases, and each shell deposited in a movable plaster cell, so that they can be examined separately without soiling or displacing the specimen. His collection of ma- rine shells, minerals, and fossil organic remains, is also very in- teresting. The value of the fresh water collection is much enhan- ced, from having been made principally with his own hands, from the rivers and ponds in the northern part of Ohio. This has given him an opportunity to discover the hidden retreats and haunts of the molluscous races, while searching for specimens, and thus he has been enabled to learn a great deal of their natural history and habits. He was the first to discover the distinction of the sexes in these animals, from the difference in the outlines of their shelly coverings, as noticed in the 26th volume of this Jour- nal. Since that time he has continued his observations, by dissec- tions at different periods of gestation, developing the ova in their various stages, and observing the females of various species, in the act of throwing them off per saltum, while lying on their sides, in shoal water. By the aid of a lens, they are found to be viviparous, and not oviparous, as was generally believed’by naturalists. After exposing the roe, or oviducts, to the rays of the sun, the valves of the young shell separate, and can be distinctly seen with the naked eye. It is thought by Dr. K. that all our Uniones and other bivalve shells are distinguished by sexes, and that he will be enabled ina short time, by dissections of the living animal, and the contour of the shell, to point them out. This discovery will be very impor- tant, not only in elucidating many hidden things in the economy of molluscous animals, but also in correcting the nomenclature of American conchology ; several shells of the same species being now classed as distinct shells, when ia fact they are only the different sexes of the same shell. It is only by patient investigation, con- ducted by men of leisure and genius, that such discoveries are made 5 24 Mahoning Valley — Tertiary Deposits. and in this country, where the accumulation of property so generally absorbs the public mind, few such men are to be found. May 10th, being the Sabbath, was passed as a day of contempla- tion and rest. Mahoning Valley, May 11.—Dr. K. and myself visited an inter- esting locality of fossil vegetable remains, called ‘‘ Mariner’s mills,” lying on a small creek discharging into the Mahoning, on the north side of the stream. In going out, we crossed the valley of the Ma- honing, up which the Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal will pass, in its progress westward to join the Ohio Canal, and unite the waters of Lake Erie with those of the Delaware. The Mahoning valley or alluvion is about a mile broad, and depressed nearly one hundred feet below the surface of the adjacent country. The scil is very fertile, and finely cultivated. The whole region is gently undula- ting, and beautifully formed for agricultural purposes, so that in a few years it will be improved like a garden. The present staple productions of Trumbull County, and generally of the “‘ Western Reserve,’”’ are those of the dairy, fat beeves and wheat. The soil and climate are both congenial to grazing, and cattle, as Jarge and fine as those from the prairies of the west, are raised here with little trouble. The dairy farms usually support from forty to one hun- dred cows, and with judicious management are profitable. Traders in produce generally contract with the farmers for their cheese be- fore it is made, stipulating a certain price, to be paid on delivery, generally from six to seven cents per pound, at the door of the dairy, or at some adjacent store. Butter, in quantity, and of the best qual- ity, is sold for eight or nine cents. There is scarcely a waste acre of land on “the Reserve ;” nearly all may be cultivated, although some of the low tracts will require draining. Tertiary Deposits.—The surface of the country, from the Penn- sylvania line, north of lat..41°, appears to be generally an imperfect tertiary formation, resting on the secondary, and is composed of argil- laceous earth and decayed vegetable matter. Granite and other primi- tive bowlders are scattered all over the earth, with pebbles and gravel intermixed to a considerable depth, varying from twenty to thirty or more feet. It is, strictly speaking, neither tertiary or diluvial, but partakes of the characters of both these formations. In the vicinity of Poland, this deposit rests on a bed of blue clay, plastic and tena- cious, like that slowly deposited from water when in a state of rest, varying in thickness from six to fifteen feet. The blue clay reposes Section on Yellow Creek. 25 ona bed of fine micaceous sand, in which is found permanent water for wells. Above the blue clay, the water is soft and good for wash- ing ; that below is impregnated with an acid, and is hard. The following section of rock strata, (fig. 3.) taken on Yellow creek, a southern branch of the Mahoning, near Poland, will show the order of stratification, including the semi-tertiary deposits, to the bed of the stream. Order descending. a igi $ |e 42 15 ———— 2 Bed of the river. 1. Semi-tertiary deposits, composed of clay, intermixed with bowlders of primitive rocks, pebbles and gravel.—15 feet. 2. Tenacious blue clay, or plastic clay.—6 feet 3. Fine, white micaceous sand, with pebbles. 5 this bed is found permanent water for wells.—2 feet. 4. Light gray, slaty sandstone rock, with some mica. This deposit contains the casts and impressions of many species of fossil plants, of the arborescent ferns, Calamites, &c.—15 feet. 5. Brown shale, filled with kidney-shaped masses of argillaceous iron ore, containing blende and oxide of zinc, in small quantities, with sulphate of magnesia, on the dry surface of the shale, in fine crystals.—1 foot. 6. A stratum of an apparently crystalline, calcareous fossil, shoot- ing into pyramidal masses, closely. compacted ; about four inches in. thickness. Specific character,—shajpe, conical ; surface marked % numerous undulating, circular striz ; color, light slate ; from two Vou. XXXI.—No. 1 4 26 Section on Yellow Creek. four inches in length, and from half an inch to one inch in diameter at the base. I can describe the form and structure no better than by saying they resemble a mass of conical ‘ candle extinguishers,” one placed within the other, and so arranged as to make a compact bed, four inches thick, and extending over an indefinite space. The thickness of the sides of the cones, varies according to size, from an eighth to a twelfth of an inch. The form resembles some of the species of Belemnites, more than any other fossil. Its geological position, according to Blainville, is favorable to this supposition, be- ing near the tertiary or recent secondary deposits. Its composition is calcareous, effervescing strongly with dilute sulphuric acid, when pulverized and mixed with it. It is not a deposit, but a regularly organized substance, like coral or madrepore, and I have no doubt formed through animal agency. It is also peculiar to the calcareous deposits of the coal series, and 1 believe found only on the outer margins of the great coal basins, in the valley of the Mississippi, where they approach the tertiary deposits. I have in my cabinet specimens of the same fossil, from the coal region on the Osage River, in the vicinity of Harmony, the missionary station, presented to me by the Rev. Mr. Boynton, who collected them with his own hands from the bed of the river, in place. It is there from four to eight inches in thickness, and is named by the kunters “coal blos- som,” as where that is seen coal is usually found in the vicinity. When exposed to the air, the fossil separates easily, and can be taken out whole, in the same way that a package of thimbles, or a pile of tin cones, placed one within the other, may be separated. I have the same fossil, but much larger and thicker, from the Gauly River, in western Virginia, found imbedded in bituminous shale, in rolled masses; also, from near Chilicothe, found in excavating the Ohio Canal, resting on gravel, at the depth of eight or ten feet. These last specimens are siliceous, about four inches thick, and were broken from a water-worn mass, a foot across the face, much resem- bling the transverse section of a log of wood. ‘They were probably brought from'the northern borders of the coal deposits, at the same time that the granite bowlders were scattered over the tertiary re- gion of the great valley, and by the same catastrophe. An appro- priate name for this organized stratum, might be Belemnita-Madre- pora, provided it should, on further examination, be proved to be of the family of Belemnites. Additional aid to this conjecture is found in the fact, that the deposit on which this stratum “pags is Coal Deposits. Q7 limestone, filled with various species of marine shells, and apparently composed altogether from their broken down fragments. Correct figures of the form and structure of this beautiful fossil, are given in the 29th volume of this Journal, page 14 of the wood cuts, and figure 27.—4 inches. 7. Blue, magnesian limestone, breaking into rhombic fragments ; in two beds—upper bed eighteen inches thick ;. compact, and takes a good polish, similar to bird’s-eye marble. Lower bed six inches thick ; slaty structure, and filled with shells of the genera Producti, Spiriferi, Ammonites, Encrini, &c. generally contorted and broken ; upper portion also filled with shells.—2 feet. 8. The lime-rock reposes on a deposit of blue, argillaceous shale. When first exposed to the air, this deposit is of the consistence, color and smell of marsh mud. When dry, it takes the structure of shale. It is filled with larger and more numerous specimens of shells _simi- lar to those in the lime-rock above.—6 inches. 9. Bituminous coal and shale, three feet; upper half of the de- posit composed of shale, which, on exposure to the air, becomes covered with a thick efflorescence of sulphate of iron and sulphate of magnesia; lower half, tolerably good coal.—3 feet. 10. White or light gray sandstone rock, fine and compact, forming here the bed of the creek. A few miles below, and deeper in the bed, this deposit of sandstone contains a vast collection of fossil trop- ical plants, of ferns, palms, &c. Coal Deposits.—The coal deposits begin to grow thin, as we ap- proach the table lands between Lake Erie and the waters which run into the Ohio. Over a large portion of this semi-tertiary or diluvian tract, the upper deposit of coal has been torn up and washed away, at the period, and by the same cataclysm which covered this portion of the valley with primitive bowlders and tertiary deposits. It is found yet in place in several eminences, and especially at a spot, two and a half miles S. W. of Poland, on the sides of an elevated tract, where it crops out, and six miles further south passes under a tamarack and cranberry swamp of several miles in extent. This swamp lies about one hundred and fifty feet above the general sur- face of the country north of it. On the sides of this ascent the coal comes to the surface, and is worked, but not extensively. It is about three feet in thickness, and of that quality peculiar to the up- per bed all over the valley of the Ohio, being of a slaty structure and ean fracture, but when burnt in a grate it melts and runs 28 § Mounds.—Siliceous Conglomerate.—Fossil Plants. together, obstructing the free passage of the air. It is a good spe- cies for coaking, and contains a large portion of carbon for a bitu- minous coal, it being about sixty per cent. About one’ hundred feet below this, lies the coal bed noted in the foregoing section. Mounds.—Natural mounds of sand are common in this part of Ohio, evidently thrown up by water, and similar in structure to those noticed by Prof. Hitchcock, as common to the tertiary depos- its of the west. I observed one near the village of Poland, about fifteen feet in height, and from forty to fifty feet in diameter, so com- pletely isolated, and of a form so perfectly resembling the barrows of the ancient inhabitants, that many believe it to be artificial. It is found by the neighboring inhabitants to be a useful depository of sand for the manufacture of mortar, &c. Siliceous Conglomerate—-Amongst the numerous bowlders of this region, I observed several of siliceous, conglomerate, similar in structure to the rock found in the Laurel and Alleghany Mountains, and used in the manufacture of mill stones. In Geauga County, forty miles north, it is found in place, and continues on nearly to Lake Erie. It is associated with similar deposits, and is without doubt a continuation of the same rock with that found in the moun- tain ranges, on the south side of the valley of the Ohio. Some of the bowlders are very large, sufficient to make a pair or two of mill stones. Fossil Plants.—On examining the impressions and casts of fossil plants obtained at Mariner’s Mill, I found them to embrace several species of Palm, Calamites, Sigillaria, &c., several of them entirely new to me, and eminently beautiful. They are so perfect that Mr. Mariner, a plain farmer, kept them a number of years to show to his neighbors as curiosities. He found them in opening a quarry by the side of the stream, for the erection of a mill dam. A little lower down in the same rock, opened this spring, are found very perfect specimens of a new species of Carpolithus. They are very abun- dant, and are imbedded amidst fragments and impressions of various coal plants. We obtained about a dozen specimens, some of which are very fine, and will be described with a few other interesting gasts found here. The rock is a light gray sandstone, similar to that de- scribed as lying at the base of the foregoing section in the bed of Yellow Creek, and is a continuation of the same deposit. Fossil Plants. 29 Carpouituus TRILecuLARIS.* Specific character and descrip- tion.—An oblong, ovate nut, divided longitudinally into three equal divisions, by strongly marked, elevated ridges, running from the base to the tip; base truncated, and profoundly impressed with the cicatrix of the stem; tip rather pointed; surface smooth; length one inch and four lines’ diameter ten lines. Observations os Seam of the specimens are flattened; others re- tain their original rotundity ; found in the sand rock at Mariner’s Mills, intermixed with casts of various species of plants; amongst which were Sigillaria, Calamites columnare, Calamites dubia, with several species of arborescent ferns. This nut is probably the fruit of some antediluvian Palm. We obtained a number of specimens, several of which were detached from the rock, while we were pres- ent. Drawings of two specimens are given at fig. 4. Syrincopenpron Kirtianpivs. Specific Character.—Stem swelled at intervals; surface finely striated, and covered with alter- nate grooves and double linear dot-like impressions, arranged longi- tudinally. * On examining the shell of the recent cocoa nut, I find its surface marked with prominent ridges, dividing the disk into thee equal divisions, a to the Car- polithus trilocularis. This oe is an fruit of some ancient Palm tr 30 Fossil Plants. Description.—Stem arborescent ; length unknown; cylindrical ; surface finely striated, longitudinally, and ornamented-with double rows of dot-like, linear impressions, divided by obsolete grooves, which at intervals of two inches are profoundly widened and deep- ened, while the interstitial spaces containing the dot-like impres- sions are raised into narrow ridges, giving the stem the appearance of being jointed ; dot-like impressions arranged. in quincunx; stem two inches and a quarter in diameter. . Observations. —F ound in the sandstone rocks at Mariner’s Mills, in Trumbull County, Ohio. — It is a fragment of a stem, which from its thickness must have been several feet in length. The markings on the surface are amongst the most delicate and beautiful I have ever seen. In the belief that it will prove to be a new species, it is dedicated to my friend Dr. K. (Fig. 5.) Siemtaria Mariverta. Specific Character and Description. Stem channeled; impressions in form of disks, arranged in quin- Fossil Plants. 3l cunx ; grooves half an inch in width, two-eighths deep; disks nearly filling the width of the groove, a little raised, and depressed at one side ; distance equal to the diameter of the disks. bservations.—A most beautiful and perfect impression, about fifteen inches in length; the original trunk, of which this is only a segment, must have been more than a foot in diameter, and many feet in length. In fine grained sandstone, at Mariner’s. Mills, and named for that locality. I received also a beautiful cast of Cala- mites columnare, remarkable for the size and depth of the columns, from Dr. K., finely impressed in red sandstone, from a locality some miles north of this spot. (Fig Fig. 7. ‘Half size. Ficorprres scasrosus. ‘Specific Character and Description— Cicatrices approximate ; arranged spirally ; spines small, stem cyl- indrical ; one inch and a half in diameter, up to four inches; length unknown. Observations.—When taken from the sandstone rock on the Maho- ning River, the surface was coated with bituminous matter. This fossil plant much resembles. some of the recent species of Cactus, and was probably of the same succulent growth, and coated with spines. I have several specimens of various sizes, from half an inch to four prc in diameter. a are all sandstone easts. Same locality. (Pig. 7.) 32 Fossil Plants.—Massasauga, Rattle Snake. Srropitus Caryoruyiius. Specific Character.—Cone-shap- ed; seeds radiating from an oblong centre; stem thick and short. Description.—Capsule cone-shaped, nearly round ; fruit arranged in radii; oblong, clove-shaped ; half an inch in Littles and one line in diameter. Strobilus, one inch in diameter. Observations.—The fossil above described is apparently the fruit of some cone-bearing tree. The seeds are arranged like those. of the Plane tree, but are twice as large, and not half as numerous. They are more clove-shaped, and not flat like those of Conifere or resinous trees. It is probably the fruit of some extinct species, bu- ried amidst the ruins of the coal strata at that period when arbores- cent ferns clothed this part of the earth. From the sandstone rocks on the Mahoning River. (Fig. 8.) Massasauga, Rattle Snake.—In the Tamarack and Cranberry swamp, noticed as lying over the upper coal deposit, are found large numbers of a small black, or very dark brown rattle snake, about twelve or fourteen inches in length, and of a proportionate thickness: They have usually three or four small rattles. ‘This species seems to be confined to the Tamarack swamps, and are found no where else. but in their vicinities, wandering in the summer months a short distance only from their borders. When lying basking in the sun; they resemble a short, dirty, broken stick or twig, being generally discolored with mud, over which they are frequently moving. Their bite is not very venomous, yet they are much dreaded by the neigh- boring people. Their habitations are retired and unfrequented, s0 that few persons are ever bitten. The Indian name for this snake Roads.— Villages. 33 is Massasauga. It is probably the species known to naturalists as the Crotalus miliarius, although from the early period of the season I had not an opportunity of seeing one. The large rattle snake, or Crotalus horridus, appears to be nearly extinct in this part of Ohio. Roads.—May 12th: Left Poland this morning, in company with Dr. K. for the Falls of the Cuyahoga, distant about fifty eight miles. The main road here takes a due east and west course, and runs jn this direction, with little variation, for one hundred and sixty miles: and for one hundred and twenty of this distance it passes through the cen- tre of the southern range of townships in “the Reserve.” This is probably the longest road pursuing an undeviating course in the United States. The townships or towns, as they are here called, are all five miles square, and it is the undeviating practice to run the roads on right lines from east to west, and from north to south. One pass- es through the centre of every township in these directions, and one on the line between each township, with minor roads at intervals of one mile and a quarter, for the convenient intercourse of the inhab- itants. Few countries will admit this beautiful arrangement, but here the surface is so level, or only occasionally diversified with a broad but moderate elevation, that a road may be run in any direction. Villages.—In the centre of each town where the roads cross, is usually a small village, made up of one or more churches or meeting houses,* the school house, one or two stores, a tavern, smith’s shop, with a number of neat private dwellings, including those of the law- yer and physician. Many of these villages are finely situated, and the buildings being generally of wood, painted white, make a very neat appearance, in contrast with the rich green of the meadows, and the foliage of the trees. We passed through several such in the course of the day, and among them the village of Canfield is eminently beautiful. From a number of low hills we had an ex- tensive view of the adjacent country, embracing a horizon of ten or twelve miles, and bringing at once under the eye the spires and whi- tened walls of four or five distant villages. At the period of the first settlement of this portion of Ohio, in the year 1798, the soil was very wet over many extensive tracts, which it was feared would never be fit for cultivation; but as the forests are opened, and the rays of the sun and the winds admitted, the soil becomes sufficiently * A name derived from the Puritans of New England, because in Britain at the their emigration, no houses for public worship were called ch b cept those of the establishment; es & & Vol. XXXI.—No. 1. 5 34. = Fruit Trees.— Original Patent.—Sulphate of Lime. dry for all the purposes of agriculture, and the roads which were once all mire are now firm an Fruit Trees—Fruit trees flourish luxuriantly, and are rarely rendered barren by untimely frosts. Almost every farm is pro- vided with an orchard, it being a prime object with the first set- tlers to plant out fruit trees as early as possible; and in my journey to-day, at every new opening, I observed a small collection of apple and other fruit trees, on the first half acre cleared near the house. This rich region has lately become still more valuable from the con- templated canal down the valley of the Mahoning to Beaver. The inhabitants are generally from the State of Connecticut, and display all that neatness in their buildings and in the cultivation of the soil, which distinguish that enterprizing people. _ Original Patent.—Under the patent of the Saybrook Colony, granted by Charles the First, in the year 1631, the territory of Connecticut extended westerly across the continent to the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. The patents of Virginia and the Carolinas had also the same westerly extension. On the strength of these patents, when the general compact of all the States was formed, the right of Connecticut was acknowledged with the rest ; and that right was commuted by the grant of a certain tract, bounded east by Penn- sylvania, on the south and north by the Ohio River and Lake Erie, and extending west on the forty first degree of north latitude one hundred and twenty miles; embracing about three millions, eight hundred thousand acres,* and at present divided into eight counties, with a population of 150,000: after setting off half a million of acres from the west end of this tract, for the benefit of the sufferers by fire in New London and other places, the State of Connecticut sold the remainder to individuals on a credit of years: the proceeds are ap- propriated to the perpetual support of common schools in that State.t » Sulphate of Lime.—About noon I visited an interesting locality of the sulphate of lime. It is found crystallized, and diffused through a deposit of calcareous earth. The crystals are tabular, and are sometimes large and very fine. It is on Meander Creek, a branch of the Mahoning, near the western border of the town of Canfield. Below this deposit, is a stratum of bituminous shale, con- taining the imbedded relics, and casts of many fossil plants and shells. Some of the plants resemble long feathers, and are probably * This tract, being reserved, was called The Reserve; % and is is so named in this diary. + Now constituting a productive fund of tion of 300,000. a Ponds.— Shells. 35 the foliage of an antediluvian Palm tree. The figure of a portion of one is given at Fig. 9. Some of these plumose fragments can be traced for more than a foot between the layers of shale. Fig. 9 y > Al Lita Fig. 10. / p A . . = s Le Se "3 ( } A Me Natural size. Ponds.—Shells.—After uh iy Trumbull, we enter Portage County. In this county we found a number of beautiful ponds, from each one of which flows a perennial stream. © One, which lies a few miles south of our route, in Stark County, called ‘“‘ Congress Lake,” was, until recently, the only known locality of the fine univalve shell, Lymnea stagnalis. It was discovered by Dr. K. in the course of the last season. I have one in my possession, which is two inches in length, with the body whorl three fourths of an inch in ' diameter. ‘As this rare and elegant shell has not been figured or de- scribed by any American conchologist, a drawing is given at Fig. 10. The description is copied from Dillwyn, and appears to be so simi- lar to that of our own shell, that there can be no doubt of its identity with the European species, although it is a rare fact, and which searcely again occurs in all our long list of land and fresh water shells. Geoffroy calls it ** Le grand Buccin.” Lymnaa stagnalis, (Lamarck.)—Specific Character.—“ Shell imperfect, oblong, ventricose, pellucid, with the spire produced and subulate ; aperture ovate.’ — Shell often two inches long, and about half as hou thin, feritile and pellucid, of a whitish, dusky, or grayish color; 36 Univalve Shells. sometimes covered with a greenish epidermis. It has six or seven whorls, of which the body whorl is very large, and constitutes half the length of the shell.” This whole region abounds with fine Helices, for which family the moist woodlands afford suitable habitats. The following catalogue of univalve shells, found on “the Reserve,” is from the pen of Dr. K., the whole of which are in his collection : Pupa eae Say. Helix fuliginosa, Grif. + ” se si pennsylvanica, Green. a sabschabits ay Succinea ovalis, Say. thyroidus, “6s avara, « «© hirsuta, wal * obligua, ee 6 = perspectiva, “ Melania depygis, # ‘lineata, “ “ virginica, dae “¢ labyrinthica, “ «¢ subularis, Lea. ‘¢ —_ multilineata, “ Lymneza elodes, Say. ~ palliata, “ ' reflexa, se “«gularis, “ macrostoma, ‘ “© _ligera, “ “ desidiosa, i o. see, M “© stagnalis, Lam. $ kt CORCRTA.. of Physa __heterostropha, Say. * ..profanda,._.** Paludina ponderosa, = <¢_alternata, ._ * m decisa, ss “« egena, = . granosa, “« fallax, th Planorbis bicarinatus, “ tridentata, “ 33 trivolvis, «6 ‘* _ harpa, . 7 ‘¢ campanulatus, “ ** glaphyra, =“ + . armiger, ‘ ¢. . jnomatas.. «6 t “¢ ...exacuus, * “FL har fi tion and figure of this shell in the 2d Vol. of Lone’ eee tothe St. Peter’s, that mis uae had described an imma- ture shell of some large species of Pupa. On exa g his specimen, deposited in the Academy of Natural a at Philadelphia, Ta me convinced that such was whe. Both the Pupa ova’ avand arrifera, just before ood form the perfect answer Mr. Say t “ Helix glaphyra and inornata of Say, and H. fuliginosa of Griffith, are only ages of the same shell, if the specimens which I have received from the oun conchologists be labelled correctly. When the shell is young, the umbilicus is contracted, and the labrum not expanded. It then is called the gla- phyra, Atamore advanced age, the labrum expands and forms a large aperture, but the umbili “a . h ged, A qe wht tag oe he - An Bivalve Shells —Portage County. 37 Bivalve Shells—The bivalve shells are equally prolific in spe- cies, and afford thirty four of the genus Unio, four of Alasmodonta, and five of Anodonta. ‘The Unio nasutus, hitherto considered ex- clusively an eastern shell, is abundant in the streams that enter into Lake Erie. “eeiaie} Portage County.—Portage County embraces much fine land for tillage, and also for meadows. It is descriptively named from the act of its containing within its limits the old Indian portage between the waters of Lake Erie and the Muskingum River. In the south western part of the county is a tract of several miles in width, and running in a S.W. and N. E. direction, of a peculiar formation. The surface is studded with numerous small hillocks, composed of gravel and sand. In the depressed portions between the hills, are scattered a number of beautiful ponds of fine transparent water, con- taining fish peculiar to this region, especially the black bass. Spot- ted perch, sun-fish, &c., are also common, with a black catfish or horn pout, similar to that found in the ponds east of the mountains. This species of the genus Silurus I have not seen in the Ohio river. They also contain the Nelumbium luteum and fragrant Nymphea. Some of them are of great depth, and said to be based on quick- sands. At their outlets they are generally more or less swampy, but the shores are lined with a fine white sand. The surplus wa- ters of many of these small lakes are discharged into the Cuyahoga, and from thence into Lake Erie, proving them to be seated on some of the highest land between the Muskingum and the Jake. Many of them are beautiful sheets of water of four or five hundred acres, and from their resemblance to the small crystal lakes of New Eng- land, recalled many delightful recollections of my early years in my native land.* They were the first I had seen in thirty years, or since I crossed the Alleghany Mountains, as they are confined to the ta- ble lands between the lakes and the Ohio River, which I had not before visited. These calm and quiet lakes, once the home of the additional once the West, what Lowell is to the East. Granite bowlders were common every few rods all this afternoon, and two miles north of the village we travelled over the conglome- rate rock, in place, noticed in the diary of the 11th. May 14th—The day was spent in examining the Cuyahoga Falls in company with Mr. Newberry, the very intelligent owner of a large tract of land, embracing the upper half of this valuable site, and who afforded me great assistance in taking a section of the order of stratification. I was much gratified in finding the same rock for- mations on the northern verge of the great coal basin of the Valley of the Ohio, that are found in its southeastern and southern termina- tion. Ne appearance of these rocks is discovered near the surface, * The aboriginal names of streams are almost universally ange and ap- propriate: the English of Cuyaho is ccabak or “the Geooked xi 46 Rock Strata of the Cuyahoga. _ in the valley occupying the intermediate space, as they are buried deep under the coal series, fragments of which are brought up from great depths in boring for salt water, on the Muskingum and Ohio, near the centre of the valley ; leading us to infer that the same force from below, which raised the mountain ranges, also raised up the ta- ble Jands between Lake Erie and the waters which run into the Ohio. The following section (Fig. 11.) will show the order of stratifica- tion from the surface of the highest land in the vicinity of the falls, Ph == Bed of the Cuyahoga. Rock Strata of the Cuyahoga. 47 over Mr. Newberry’s coal mines, to the bed of the Cuyahoga River, about midway of the length of the falls: below this point I did not examine the geology, it being sufficient to elucidate and confirm the object of my visit, viz., the equivalent formations of the opposite side of the coal measures. Section of Rock Strata at the Falls of the Cuyahoga. Order descending. 1. Fallowich colored, sandy, argillaceous earth, containing large quantities of argillaceous brown oxide of iron, in concentric, kidney- shaped masses. It has been dug and used in the adjacent furnaces. The surface is covered at this elevation with granite bowlders. The forest trees are principally chestnut and yellow oak.—10 feet. 2. Slaty sandstone, light gray color; argillaceous and breaking into small angular fragments, when exposed to frost and rain. —30 feet. 3. Bituminous sinlls on which the sandstone reposes and forms the roof of the coal beds, after the shale is removed. The shale is filled with casts and impressions of fossil plants of various species : amongst them are numerous trunks of arborescent ferns, more than a foot in diameter, which, extending across the roof of the drift, a distance of eight feet, are lost in the adjacent shale. The orna- mented surface of the tree is beautifully figured or impressed on the rock, coated with a thin layer of coal, like a natural epidermis. I was unable to remove any of them without injuring the roof, but from Mr. Newberry, the owner of the mine, received a few fine spe- cimens, collected by the workmen. A drawing of one of the species is given at Fig. 12.—2 feet. _ 4. Bituminous coal. The quality of this coal is inferior to that nearer the centre of the coal fields. It contains considerable sulphur, and often slate: at some of the beds which I visited, it is coated with or discolored by iron rust. It is an interesting fact that no coal is — found north of this spot; and the Cuyahoga is the only-Jake stream that passes through the coal deposits. In this instance, it is owing to the wide southerly sweep this stream makes into the northern bor- der of the great coal basin. It is here found in only a few isolated, elevated spots, and is evidently the remnant of the deposit, left un- disturbed by that overwhelming catastrophe, which strewed this re- gion with granite bowlders, sand and gravel, and tore up and remo- be ana around these solitary remnants.—4 feet. 48 Rock Strata of the Cuyahoga. 5. Siliceous sandstone rock, of various qualities and colors, some of which is nearly white near the top: the lower part of the deposit, the common gray sandstone rock, is filled with casts of fossil trees, and Calamites of various species, amongst which are Calamites co- lumnare, and Calamites dubia. This rock forms the base of the uplands, and rests on the loose conglomerate which constitutes the rock at the head of the falls, making the height of the uplands about one hundred and twenty six feet above the cliffs of the river.—80 . feet. 6. Coarse, aggregate sandstone rock ; loosely cohering, composed of coarse white gravel and small siliceous pebbles, imbedded in sand. It breaks and disintegrates easily. The head waters of the Cuyahoga, in Geauga County, rise in a region composed of this rock. It is very favorable to the formation of springs, which abound in these conglomerate deposits, and render the stream very durable in the summer months. This rock seldom contains any casts of fossil plants: some portions of it are nearly all sand, with some scat- tered gravel widely disseminated through it. It is seldom sufti- ciently compact for building stone, although I noticed some blocks of this rock at the head of the falls, prepared for this purpose.—15 feet. 7. Bituminous shale, with a trace only of coal.—1 foot. 8. Red sandstone—in many places of a deep red; structure, uni- form; texture, compact and tolerably fine grained. It contains very little mica. It lies in beds of from four to eight feet in thick- ness, and can be split into blocks of any length desirable for archi- tectural purposes, to which use it has already been extensively ap- plied ; several large, beautiful buildings having recently been erected of this material. It will probably afford the main building stone for a future city, as it is found in exhaustless quantities, and in very accessible situations, forming the upper portions of the cliffs of the Cuyahoga for several miles;—the whole length of the falls. _ It is the first and only locality north of the Ohio River, where I have seen this rock in place, although it is said to be abundant in Indiana. The upper portion of the deposit contains many fine casts of Cala- mites, with other fossil plants, and I think some animal remains, as 1 have two specimens, one of which is apparently part of a tooth, and the other a portion of the impression of some crustaceeus animal. The lower portion of the deposit is in some places beautifully varie- gated with undulating veins and plumose lines, from the ferruginous Rock Strata of the Cuyahoga. 49 sediment disposing itself in this form while in a plastic state, instead of being uniformly diffused through the whole mass of the sand, leaving portions of the rock of a yellowish cast. In other places which I noticed in the face of the cliffs, and also in masses which had fallen at their feet, the iron had formed thin concentric and curved lines, standing out from the rock in bold relief, presenting a very singular appearance, and giving rise, in common observers, to many crude conjectures and speculations as to their origin, The whole deposit of red sandstone rock is 30 feet thick. 9. Coarse conglomerate rock, like a fine pudding stone, made up of small white pebbles and coarse gravel, all rounded and water- worn. ‘The cement of this deposit is more siliceous than that of the upper bed, and constitutes a very hard compact rock, similar to the Laurel and Greenbrier Mountain rock, used for mill stones. It lies in beds of ten or fifteen feet in thickness, and in huge masses of fallen fragments from the face of the cliffs, down to. the water’s edge, above the clay slate, to be noticed presently. It shews few if any signs of fossil remains where l-examined it, which was for half a mile in extent.—40 feet. _ 10. Coarse brecciated rock, composed of the fragments of sharp angular sandstone rock and pebbles, united by a brown ferruginous cement. This deposit contains many fragments of fossil remains, which, in the short period I had to examine them, appeared of doubtful character: some much: resemble bones. Owing to the hardness of the breccia, and from their lying directly under the hard conglomerate above, with numerous blocks before it, they are re- moved with great difficulty. This stratum reposes on a thick bed of clay slate, and has, with several of the other strata, been brought to light by the cutting process of the waters in a long course of ages. It is accessible only by laborious approaches along the base of the cliffs. —2 feet. 11. Light blue clay slate, containing some mica, very fissile. It readily decomposes, and forms an abrupt sloping glacis down to the water’s edge. It contains a few vegetable and animal remains of shells, of a very singular form, resembling Anomia. J have one or two fine specimens from this deposit. It also contains, at short in- tervals, concentric tabular masses of iron ore, several inches in thick- ness. This deposit, although of great depth, was easily broken up and removed by the rushing waters, and forms uaege half the — of the falls —100. feet. | Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. Set i 50 Travertine. 12. Granular lime rock, bluish color, very hard, and rather coarse grained. It makes a good hydraulic cement, and is applied to that use.—14 foot. 13. Clay slate, with some impressions of the foliage of arbores- cent ferns.—6 feet. 14. Secondary graywacke, of Eaton; above which lies a thin bed of iron ore in tabular masses. The graywacke is very hard, and of a light gray color when first taken from the bed, but becomes more dark on exposure to the air, indicating a mixture of the oxide of iron. At this spot, about half a mile above the foot of the falls, this rock forms the bed of the stream, and at this point my examina- tion of the strata ceased. Below this point several other deposits are brought to light, as the stream has cut through their beds. They are mostly varieties of graywacke and slate, as would appear from their description by Mr. Newberry. The whole series of rocks em- braced in this section, amounts to three hundred and nineteen feet. Travertine.—In the perpendicular crevices and clefts of the rock; a calcareous tufa, or travertine, is deposited from the springs which run at intervals down the face of the cliffs, as the water, from its lofty descent, evaporates in the air. Large masses of the rock occa- sionally fall, displaced by the wintry freezing, exposing these collec- tions, many feet in thickness and several rods in length. The tra- vertine often contains the bones and teeth of animals, generally of the deer, but occasionally of other animals, which have fallen into these crevices and perished. They are mostly recent, although I saw one or two that appeared to be of some extinct race. This tu- faceous deposit, after calcination, is used. by the inhabitants, for lime or cement, no other lime rock being found near the falls. At one spot which I examined, the travertine is now in a regular course of deposition, having added an eighth of an inch since last year, when a part of the mass was removed. The cliffs at the spot where my ex- amination ceased, are about two hundred feet above the bed of the Cuyahoga. The common deer, when chased by dogs or wolves, sometimes leap these cliffs, and are dashed to pieces on the rocks below. Only a few days before my visit, a large buck was killed in this way. It is rather difficult and fatiguing to make one’s way amidst the huge masses of rocks which line the feet of the cliffs. Occasionally a small stream of water rushes over the side of the rocks, and is lost in a sheet of foam below, especially where the projection is shelving: at some of these, like the table rock at Ni- Evergreen Trees. 51 agara, we could pass behind the falling sheet. Beneath these pro- jecting rocks, ice remains unmelted until the beginning of June: there was a considerable quantity lying there to-day. About mid- way of the falls, an immense block of the conglomerate rock, from thirty to forty feet in height, and more than that in diameter, being of a cubic form, lies in the middle of the stream, the water passing on each side of it: several large hemlock trees crown its hoary head; the roots piercing the crevices of the rock, find moisture and a steady support. The tops and sides of the cliffs are lined with fine large trees of the hemlock (Abies Canadensis) and white pine, (Pinus Strobus,) adding tenfold life and beauty to this romantic spot. I look forward with regret to the period, when these ancient and beautiful trees must fall before the increase of manufacturing build- ings, which will soon supply their place. Almost my last words to the proprietors and influential inhabitants were, ‘Spare, oh spare these noble evergreens, so charmingly appropriate to the spot, and standing on the brink and sides of these romantic cliffs, where the hand of man can never replace them.” At several points along the falls, the view up stream is grand and imposing. The immense. cliffs of perpendicular rocks, crowned with the towering hemlock, whose tall shaft in many places hangs gracefully over the gulf be- low, as if listening to the voice of the waters, which, confined to their narrow bed by the rocky walls of the stream, come foaming through with headlong fury. In some places there is a descent of eight or ten feet at a single bound ; at others, it rashes down an in- clined plane. ‘The greatest pitch is twenty two feet in a distance of ten feet, but accomplished at two leaps. This long succession of falls and rapids will ultimately become of incalculable benefit to the manufacturer, and a cordon of mills and machinery may be continued without interruption, touching each other like the houses in a crowd- ed street, for the distance of two miles on each side of the stream; the same water being used successively at the different dams, and ta- ken along the sides of the river in plank raceways or penstocks. From its proximity to two canals, leading to the two greatest cities in the Union, this spot is destined to become in a few years a place of great commercial importance and immense manufacturing busi- ness. The town now contains eight hundred inhabitants, and it is supposed by good judges that two hundred buildings will go up the present year. The manufactures now in operation are, a paper mill, oil mill, flour mills, saw mills, sash manufactories, smitheries, &c, &c. 52 Cuyahoga Village. Plan of Cuyahoga Fails and vicinity, with the Ohio Canal, &c, Northampton. Stow. aS pv uy, TL, Akron. Middlebury. . References-—P, Old Portage; O,O,0, Ohio Canal; m Little Cuyahoga; ©, Cascade or North Akron; a, a, a, Locks; m, Mill Rac _ Cuyahoga village —The town is called “ Satie Falls ;” it lies on the line between the townships of Stow and Talmadge. The annexed plan will give a view of the course of the river; the loca-— tion of the villages in this vicinity ; the principal pitches or cascades, in feet; course of the Ohio Canal, and its descent into the valley of the , below the falls. The water furnished by the Cuya- hoga, at its lowest stage, has been carefully estimated at four hoe Old Portage.—Cascade.— Akron. 53 sand cubic feet per minute, and for more than half the year it affords five times this quantity. For the convenience of visiters, Mr. New- berry has erected a strong and safe flight of steps, by which to de- scend to the foot of the cliffs, at a point which affords a fine view of the falls, and a the perpendicular walls are more than one hun- dred feet hig Old ees, May 15.—The apple is but iid fairly in blossom at this place, while at Marietta the blossoms had fallen ten days since, There was a slight frost this morning. The old portage from the Cuyahoga to the Tuscarawas, passed across the tract between these two streams, beginning at the foot of the falls, and taking a southerly course. ‘The distance was about ten miles, and was the route pursued by the savages, and by Indian traders in early days. After the peace of 1795, white men occupied the same route in carrying goods and merchandise from the Lake to the towns on the heads of the Muskingum River, and even as low down the stream as Zanesville, as late as the year 1805 or 1806. We left Cuyahoga Falls at 9 A. M., crossing the Little Cuyahoga, a fine mill stream, after travelling two miles in a southerly direction; and shortly after the small canal that conducts the water from the Little Cuyahoga to the fourth lock, below the summit level. The village, where it ter- minates, is called “‘ Cascade,’ from the rapid descent of the water for the use of machinery. The water power thus acquired is very great. This village lies half a mile below the town of Akron, and will in a few years be united with it in a continuous street, so that the towns can only be distinguished by the ‘‘ Cascade” portion, and the “Akron” portion. The waste weirs furnish an immense amount of water power, a considerable portion of which is already occupied by mills for flour, furnaces, &c. The population in the two villages is said to be fifteen hundred. In travelling from “the Falls” to the summit level, we passed through the village of Middlebury, a very thriving and industrious place, seated at the falls of the Little Cuya- hoga. ‘This stream is about thirty yards wide, and takes its rise in * Cuyahoga village is by far the most bustling and active town I have seen in my journey. The demand for lots and new buildings, has given an impulse to every ind while the rush and hurry of the waters, and rapid motion of the saw mills, has communicated, by sympathy, a quickening influence to mu motions of the inhabitants, which to me was very striking and apparent. The w two made at any other spot. The same rapidity of movement stasis: in every other action, which may be rationally explained in no other way than by the power of sympathy. 54 Middlebury.— Sulphate of Lime. some large ponds, one of which lies in Stark County. In hurrying along to join its waters with the larger stream, it has to pass over the same rocky deposits, which make the falls of the main Cuyahoga. They however are not so much elevated, and of course offer less obstruction. This fall, or succession of falls,.continues for more than a mile, and affords great facilities to the mechanic and manu- facturer. The village of Middlebury is at this place, and carries on an extensive business in many kinds of manufactures common to the west. The population is about six hundred. The increased value of landed estate in this region, embracing a space of not more than four miles square, is really astonishing. ‘The rapid progress of Ro- chester, N. Y., is known to have been a standing wonder, but the increase in this spot will far surpass that. ‘The immense, I may al- most say endless, water power, the passage of two canals so near their doors, and the extensive and rich agricultural region around them, afford advantages not to be found in any other spot west of the mountains. Several furnaces are in operation at Akron, the ore which they use being brought from Tuscarawas County, on the ca- nal. While at the former place, I observed a boat load of crystal- line sulphate of lime, white as the driven snow, thrown carelessly on the landing, amongst the dirt. It costs about six dollars a ton. It is in large masses, and in some parts of the world would be thought valuable, for alabaster vases and other ornaments. It is brought from Sandusky Bay, where it is found in great quanti- ties. This beautiful mineral is used in some counties on the Musk- ingum for agricultural purposes. At Akron, I took passage in a ca- nal boat. The canal here passes through the Portage lake, which we entered soon after. It is a beautiful sheet of water, bordered on the west side by a Tamarack swamp. Near this pond are several others of considerable magnitude, abounding with fine fish, and the Nymphza, or fragrant water lily. Peat is found in abundance, in nearly all these swamps, which border the outlets of the ponds. Within the compass of a few miles on the summit level, there are not less than ten or twelve ponds of considerable magnitude. Some of them discharge their surplus waters into the Tuscarawas, others into the lake streams: across this level the canal runs the distance of ten miles without a lock. It is but a few years since these ponds were the favorite haunts of the beaver, and many a rich package of furs has been taken here by the Indians and by the border hunters. There was a time when ponds were much more numerous than now. Course of the Canal_—Marl Beds.— Massillon. 55 The swamps and peat marshes, with the growth of trees and shrubs, have gradually encroached on their limits, until several, within the recollection of old hunters, have changed their character from pond to swamp ; and these, after a few years, will, by drainage and culti- vation, pass into meadows. After passing the first lock, eighteen miles north of Massillon, the face of the country begins to descend very gently to the south, and affords fine lands for agricultural pur- poses, lying on long slopes and gentle undulations, clothed with beautiful forest trees. Course of the Canal.—After crossing the line of Stark County, which we did directly after dusk, the canal enters upon the N. W. border of the great coal basin. It continues near the margin of the basin as it advances south, down the waters of the Tuscarawas, for the distance of one hundred miles, until it reaches the waters of Licking, when, turning up to the west, through “the narrows of Licking,” it emerges upon the great tertiary region west of the coal measures. Passing over the Licking summit, through the ‘deep cut,” and down the Scioto Valley, it again enters the hills below Chilicothe, and passes out through the S. W. border of the coal and iron deposits, into the Ohio River. Marl Beds.—The eastern line of Wayne County lies near the route of the canal. The two counties last mentioned contain ex- tensive tracts of rich prairie and rolling uplands. In the wet prairies, beneath a bed of black vegetable earth, are found immense deposits of marl, so rich in calcareous material, that when burnt it answers the purposes of lime, and is used in making cements and plaster, for buildings. These beds will furnish inexhaustible supplies of the richest manure for the sandy plains which stretch along the 'Tuscar- awas. ‘The marl deposits run east and west for many miles, and are found near Canton, in the centre of Stark County. When these calcareous beds shall be thoroughly examined, they will doubtless afford many fine fossil shells of the tertiary series. Massillon, May 16th.—Stark County has a population of about 25,000, many of whom are emigrants from Germany and France. It is fast rising into wealth and importance. We passed through Mas- sillon early this morning. It is a town of considerable magnitude, and carries on an extensive business in merchandise and agricultural productions. ‘The buildings are generally larger and better than in new towns; many of them are constructed of brick. There ate four large flouring malls, an oil mill, furnace, woolen manufac- 56 Barrens.—White Sandstone Rock.— Tuscarawas County. tory, &c. The machinery is moved by water, furnished in part by the canal, and partly by the Tuscarawas, now become a large stream, while just below the summit it is only a small brook. The amount of wheat grown in this region, and sold at Massillon, is very great; from thence it passes to New York. Wool is also another staple article of produce. Large flocks of fine wooled sheep were brought here in the early settlement of the county, and have in- creased greatly. Fossil Bones.—In excavating a mill race through a swash; or a wet prairie, near Massillon, a year or two since, some very large bones and tusks of the mastodon were brought to light. Barrens.—Just below Massillon commences a series of extensive plains, spreading over a space ten or twelve miles in length from east to west, and five or six miles in width. These were covered with a thin growth of oak timber, and were denominated barrens ; but on cultivation they produce fine crops of wheat. ‘The 'Tuscar- awas has cut across these plains on their western end, and runs in a valley of denudation, sunk about thirty feet below the level of the general’surface of the plains. Some of the lower levels are wet, and filled with red cedar, black alder and the beautiful climbing mul- tiflora rose, (Rosa rubifolia.) The tamarack disappears as the country becomes more dry, and descends to the south. A few miles below Massillon we passed Navarre and Bethlehem, both of them flourishing villages on the borders of the canal. The progress of improvement is astonishingly great through all this part of Ohio. White Sandstone Rock.—A deposit of fine, white granular sand- stone, makes its appearance here near the surface of the hills. It is found in great purity, containing little else than silex, and is used in the manufacture of white glass at Zanesville. An equiva- lent rock is very prominent in that series of deposits, which make their appearance on the tops and sides of the Laurel and Sewell Mountains on the south and east borders of the great coal basin. The mineral characters of this sandstone are similar to those of the rock found in boring for salt water in the valley of the Muskin- gum at the depth of six and eight hundred feet. I have specimens from several of these borings, and from the places above named, which are so similar as to suggest the possibility of their being por- tions of an equivalent, if not the same, deposit. County.—About 9, A. M., the boat crossed the north line of Tuscarawas County. This is a rich and very ave Sandy and Beaver Canal.—Fort Lawrence. 57 county of rolling uplands, cultivated bie an industrious population of German descent. It contains at present about twenty thousand inhabitants, and is nearly thirty miles square. Soon after entering the borders of this county, we passed the village of Bolivar. It isa town of considerable importance, and fast rising into notice, as the point where the Sandy and Beaver canal will unite with the Ohio canal, Sandy and Beaver Canal.—This canal will be seventy six miles in length, and is now under contract. Bolivar is forty two miles south of Akron. ‘The canal terminates on the Ohio River, at the mouth of Little Beaver, fourteen miles below Big Beaver, and will be continued to the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, and thence to Pittsburgh, opening a new route from the eastern cities to the most fertile and productive portion of Ohio. This canal is also owned by a joint stock company. ‘The water for its supply will be fur- nished by Sandy Creek and Little Beaver. Fort Lawrence.——A few miles south of Belitér, the oun passes through the earthen walls of old Fort Lawrence, once the scene of border warfare, and of bloodshed. ‘The parapet walls are now ‘four or five feet high, and were crowned with pickets made of the split trunks of trees. The ditch is nearly filled up. The walls enclose about an acre of ground, and stand on the west bank of the Tuscarawas. Fort Lawrence was erected in the fall of the year 1778, by a detachment of one thousand men from Fort Pitt, under the command of Gen. McIntosh. After its completion, a garrison of one hundred and fifty men was placed in it, and left in the charge of Col. John Gibson, while the rest of the army returned to Fort Pitt. It was established at this early day in the country of the Indians, seventy miles west of Fort McIntosh, with an expectation that it would act as a salutary check on their incursions into the white settlements south of the Ohio River. The usual approach to it from Fort McIntosh, the nearest military station, was from the mouth of Yellow Creek, and down the Sandy, which latter stream heads with the former, and puts into the Tuscarawas just above the fort. So unexpected and rapid were the movements of General McIntosh, that the Indians were not aware of his presence in their country, until the fort was completed. Early in January, 1779, the Indians mustered their warriors with such secrecy, that the fort was invested before the garrison had notice of their approach. From the manuscript notes ecu Esq., who was an actor in this, Vol. XXXI.—No. 1 ' * 58 Fort Lawrence. as well as in many other scenes on the frontiers, I have copied the following historical facts. ‘ When the main army left the fort to re- turn to Fort Pitt, Capt. Clark remained behind with a small de- tachment of U. S. troops, for the purpose of marching in the inva- lids and artificers who had tarried to finish the fort, or were too un- well to march with the main army. He endeavored to take the advantage of very cold weather, and had marched three or four miles, (for | travelled over the ground three or four times soon af- ter,) when he was fired upon by a small party of Indians very close at hand, I think twenty or thirty paces. This discharge wounded two of his men slightly. Knowing as he did that his men were unfit to fight Indians in their own fashion, he ordered them to reserve their fire, and to charge bayonet, which being promptly executed, put the Indians to flight, and, after pursuing a short distance, he called off his men and retreated to the fort, bringing in the wound- d.”’ In other accounts I have read of this affair, it is stated that ten of Capt. Clarke’s men were killed. ‘ During the cold weather, while the Indians were lying about the fort, although none had been seen for a few days, a party of seventeen men went out for the pur- pose of carrying in firewood, which the army had cut before they left the place, about forty or fifty rods from the fort. Near the bank of the river was an ancient mound, behind which lay a quantity of wood. A party had been out for several preceding mornings and brought in wood, supposing the Indians would not be watching the fort in such very cold weather. But on that fatal morning the In- dians had concealed themselves behind the mound, and as the sol- diers passed round on one side of the mound, a part of the Indians came round on the other, and enclosed the wood party, so that not one escaped. I was personally acquainted with some of the men who were killed.” The published statements of this affair say that the Indians enticed the men out in search of horses, by taking off their bells and tinkling them; but it is certain that no horses were left at the fort, as they must either starve or be stolen by the In- dians ; so that Mr. Jolly’s version of the incident must be correct. During the siege, which continued until the last of February, the were. very short of provisions. The Indians suspected this to be the fact, but were also nearly starving, themselves. In this predicament, they proposed to the garrison, that if they would give them a barrel of flour and some meat, they would raise the capteiditlidieg if they had not this quantity they must surrender Zoar. 59 at discretion soon, and if they had they would not part with it. In this, however, they missed their object. The brave Col. Gibson turned out the flour and meat promptly, and told them he could spare it very well, as he had plenty more. The Indians soon after raised the siege. A runner was sent to Fort McIntosh with a state- ment of their distress, and requesting reinforcements and provisions immediately. The inhabitants south of the Ohio volunteered their aid, and Gen. McIntosh headed the escort of provisions, which reach- ed the fort in safety, but was near being all lost from the dispersion of the packhorses in the woods near the fort, from a fright occasioned by a feu de jote, fired by the garrison, at the relief. The fort was finally evacuated in August, 1779, it being found untenable at such a distance from the frontiers; and Henry Jolly was one of the last men who left it, holding at that time in the continental service the commission of ensign. Zoar.—The boat reached Zoar at 11, A. M., where I disem- barked.’ This little “city of refuge” is beautifully situated on a rising ground on the east side of the Tuscarawas. It was settled by an industrious community of Germans, from Wittemburgh, on the river Elbe, while yet covered with a dense forest, in the year 1817, under the patriarchal charge and pastoral care of Jacob M. Biemler. They are seceders from the Lutheran church, as a reli- gious community. Mr. Biemler is now about sixty years of age, of mild manners and prepossessing appearance. He acts both as their spiritual and their temporal guide, directing their secular affairs with great prudence during the week, and their spiritual concerns on the Sabbath. He is assisted by a council of two or three elders, and in very important matters the whole male population have a voice. Their first purchase embraced four thousand acres, to which they have since added two thousand more. The nett profit of their labor goes into a joint stock. If an indi- vidual Jeaves the community, which is a rare occurrence, he draws from the funds a sum equal to the amount by him first invested, but nothing for his labor over and above the sustenance he has received. A part of the laboring class are employed in agriculture, and a part in the various mechanical pursuits necessary to the comfort of the village.» Each family draws from the various deposits all the arti- cles of domestic use needed for its support. The surplus is added to the general fund. ‘They have a common school, at which all the children are equally taught. 1 passed the afiernoon in company 60 Zoar. with Mr. Biemler, (to whom I had a letter of introduction,) exam- ining the improvements of these industrious people. The language spoken is German, so that in the short space of a few minutes I was transferred from the mixed jargon of a western canal boat, into a community whose dialect, dress, buildings and manners, were assim- ilated to what is seen in the heart of Germany, and to the middle of the seventeenth century. There was something so patriarchal and primitive in all around me, that I was delighted with the transition. Their present population is about three hundred. The buildings are generally of frame work, some filled in with bricks, and with high pointed roofs. ‘They are covered with red tiles, made of the common clay of the country, burnt very hard, so as to be durable, and they look well because they are durable. Manufactures of flour, woolen, linen, leather, &c., are all carried on, and recently a large furnace has gone into operation near the margin of the canal. A substantial wooden bridge crosses the Tuscarawas, here about eighty yards wide. From the top of the Zoar hotel, which is surmounted by a handsome cupola, there is a delicious prospect of the surrounding country.. The lands of the colony lie on both sides of the river, stretching out into broad hills and wide finely cultivated alluvions, through which the Tuscarawas winds for four or five miles, bordered with the richest verdure ; all kinds of cereal: productions suited to the climate, here find congenial soils. 'The meadows are very fine, and the banks of the river are so low as to admit of irrigation, thus producing a succession of crops on the same field: amidst other ar- ticles, I noticed a large field of rape, with its bright yellow blos- soms now fully expanded. ‘The seed yields a fine oil, suitable for lamps. The Germans are every where noted for their taste in the cultivation of fine flowers. This little “ city of refuge,’’ although so far removed from the “fader land,” and seated in the wild woods of the ‘Tuscarawas, instead of the classic groves of the Elbe, keeps up an extensive garden, and one of the finest green houses I have ever seen. It contains a number of Jemon and orange trees, at least twelve feet in height, filled with the richest’ fruit ; and a large num- ber of rare exotic plants and shrubs in full bloom, filling the large and lofty room with the richest perfumes. The house is kept with the utmost neatness and order. A flower and vegetable garden of two acres, laid out with great beauty and in the best German taste, slopes gradually to the south in front of the green house. Here the choicest peaches, pears, plums and grapes, are also cultivated. A Ferruginous Deposits. 61 large vineyard on the side of an adjacent hill, gave promise of a lus- cious harvest, and added one more feature to the exotic look of all around. A stratum of white sandstone rock is found in all the adja- cent hills, at an elevation of about one hundred feet above the bed of the river. It is used for window sills, and various other purpo- ses. ‘The lower portion of the bed is stained with red oxide of iron. It splits with great facility, and is used for posts in fencing the Zoar garden. Ferruginous Ehapostlivn Die great ferruginous deposit, which crosses the state like a belt, in a S. W. and N. E. direction, is here found in its greatest purity and abundance. It first makes its ap- pearance about five miles north of this place, and is known to ex- tend south for at least thirty miles. It does not hold of this width for the whole distance across the state, but can be traced without difficulty from near the mouth of the Scioto to Conneaut on the Pennsylvania line. It lies here about forty or fifty feet above the white sand rock, and near the tops of many of the hills. The ore is found in three separate beds, of about six or eight inches in thick- ness, and about two feet apart, lying in a matrix or bed of yellow ferruginous clay. The bottom stratum of ore rests on a deposit of . bluish brown clay, which when dry assumes a foliated structure, and is very similar to that found in the bottoms of ponds. These de- posits were once continuous, but are now found in broken tabular masses, of from ten to one hundred pounds weight. Its structure is lamellar, splitting into thin folia, or concentric layers, when ex tothe airand sun. The ore is very abundant, and yields from eight to nine hundred tons from an acre of surface. In the furnace, it af- fords about forty per cent. of iron, or two and a half tons of ore yield one ton of pig metal.: It crops out on the abrupt and sloping sides of the hills, near their tops, and is yet pursued only so far as it can be done by excavating the superincumbent earth. I visited the mines on the Zoar lands, where it is found in great purity and abun- dance. Directly over the iron ore is a deposit of coal, of two or three feet, separated from it, however, by a bed of shale. Below the ferruginous deposit is another bed of coal; and near the base of the hills, fifty feet below the white sand rock, is a deposit of lime- stone, several feet in thickness. I eould not discover any fossil shells, or impressions of plants, in the iron ore; but one bed of it, however, is columnar in its structure, when burnt, or roasted, much resembling one species of fossil madrepore, common to the valley 62 Bivalve Shells. of the Ohio. _The deposit is very abundant in all the hills, and large heaps of it are seen along the sides of the canal, for the use of the furnaces north of the iron region, along the Tuscarawas. As we descend the river south, coal becomes more abundant, and the ore dips down to the base of the hills, and finally disappears under the superincumbent strata. Salt water has not yet been found here, although searched for to the depth of three hundred feet. It is very abundant thirty or forty miles east of Zoar, on the waters of Yellow Creek. The community at this place is in a very flourishing con- dition, and shows what the united efforts of a few hundred individu- als can accomplish, when cemented by love and the holy offices of religion. -Owen’s attempt at communities was founded on a similar plan, but lacked the strong bond of religious rites and feelings, with- out which man every where loses all nice sense of right and wrong. They appear to be a very happy society, and I do not see how they could be otherwise, while under the care of so sensible and pleasant a guide as Jacob M. Biemler. I left this interesting spot at sun- setting, and proceeded southerly through a well cultivated and very fertile region. The amount of wheat raised in this vicinity is very great, the soil and climate being both congenial to its natural habits. Bivalve Shelis.—The canal promises to be of great importance to conchologists, as well as to agriculturists. Wherever there is “a feeder” putting into the canal from the main streams, as for instance the Tuscarawas, Licking or Scioto, the bottom of the canal is liter- ally covered at this time with the most perfect and beautiful speci- mens of bivalve shells. This is especially the fact at Zoar, Newark and Chilicothe. ‘The soft sediment, and the absence of any current to abrade their surfaces, preserve them with their delicate markings unharmed, while in the rivers with gravelly bottoms, the cuticle is al- ways much worn and injured. Who, that bas ever paid any attention to the study of conchology, or searched one hour in our streams for shells, does not know, that like land animals and like plants, different species seek different localities as a habitat, where they find a soil, and climate congenial to their wants. Some species live under flat stones, in rapid water; others in clay, mud, sand, &c. Some lie on the surface, and others deeply buried in gravel, beneath the bot- toms of the streams. ‘This is the fact with the Unio oriens and U. Soleniformis. The latter species 1 have never yet found in a living state, although I have often picked up the shells at the — dead, for the reason that they live in deep water and d. The Dover.— Coal. 63 western country is prolific m species of insects, plants and land ani- mals, without limit; and shall these immense waters, embracing nearly one fourth of a hemisphere, be restricted according to the opinions of some to a few species of bivalve shells, and those only such as are common to both sides of the Alleghany Mountains? A still stronger proof than that of analogy, is found in the specific dif- ferences of the molluscous animals themselves. Dissections and comparative examinations of the animals, show a specific differ- ence, even stronger than the outlines of the calcareous coverings. I have myself dissected many shells, for this very purpose. "It is furthermore contrary to the general economy of nature, to bring forth and perpetuate varieties, either of plants or animals, except when under the cultivation and artificial direction of man. Dover.—Ten miles below Zoar, we passed the village of Dover, with four or five stores, and two or three large flouring mills. The sites for water power machinery, along the canal, are very numerous, and as yet only partially occupied. The Tuscarawas winds through broad and rich bottom Jands, in many places more than two miles wide from hill to hill. The adjacent country is moderately hilly, and clothed with dense forests, which are every where fast falling before the axe of the woodman, and rich wheat fields, orchards and meadows are occupying their place, - Newcastle— Coal. —May 17: Sixteen caibde below Zoar, at New- castle, coal is found at a less elevation, and much more abundant. The deposit here is six feet in thickness, and extensively worked. Wooden slides, on the sides of the hills, conduct the coal from the mouths of the mines to reservoirs on the banks of the canal; from thence it is carried in boats to the summit, and to the valley of the Scioto. It is said to be of an excellent quality. At the present day, with all the lights that have been thrown upon the subject by chemistry .and the study of fossil plants of the coal series, no well instructed and-sound geologist would hazard the long exploded the- ory of the mineral origin of coal, by ejection from the interior the earth. Although some bituminous shales are. destitute of the impressions of plants, more than nine tenths of them abound with these authentic proofs of the vegetable origin of coal; and J have never seen a piece of slaty bituminous coal, from any part of the valley of the Mississippi, that was not filled with thin layers of ve- getable fibres, resembling nee and lying between all the hori- zontal folia of the specimen. Whence all these impressions of 64 | Coal.— Gnadenhutten. leaves and charcoal, but from a vegetable source? Bitumen is rarely if ever found, but petroleum is abundant in the West. Its origin is plainly from vegetable decomposition,—the same source as that of the carburetted hydrogen, namely, from the coal beds under the valley of the Ohio. The vegetables forming these were de- posited when the lime was in a plastic state, and filled with living shells; in the same manner petroleum is now daily discharging into the soft mud and gravel, in the beds of the Little Muskingum and Hews’s River. It will be found by future geologists, when those sands shall become consolidated into rock, lodged in cells formed by the contained gases. ‘That bituminous coal is not a mineral matter, is evident from the fact that it is not found in primitive rocks; prob- ably because, that at the period of the formation of the deeper pri- mary rocks, no vegetable productions were in existence; for the relics of none are found until near the period of the transition or secondary rocks, unless we ascribe the plumbago to a vegetable ori- gin, in which case the first plants will have been coeval with the earliest slaty rocks. Gnadenhutten.—Gnadenhutten, or “‘ Tents of Grace,” the scene of the missionary labors of the pious and humane Heckewelder, is seated on the river, twenty five miles below Zoar. The ancient In- dian village was placed on a broad elevated plain, on the east side of the stream. ‘These simple sons of the forest had become docile as children, under the gentle guidance of the Moravian teachers: a large number of them were truly pious, and members of the church of Christ. Seated on the frontiers between the contending savages and the whites, and taking sides with neither, they bad become ob- noxious to both, and were cruelly murdered in cold blood, to the number of ninety four, in April, 1782, by Col.’s Williamson and Crawford, and party—the Sandusky Indians, accusing them of be- ing friendly to the whites, and the whites charging them with secre- ting the stolen property brought by the war parties on their return from the settlements. How often the fate of these poor Indians is verified in modern warfare; the quiet and unoffending neutral is plundered and abused by both the belligerent parties. Filled with the spirit of revenge, in the month of March, 1782, a party of eighty or ninety mounted men, under the guidance of Col.’s Williamson and Crawford, took their departure from the ‘‘ Old Mingo Bottoms,” the well known rallying ground of border warfare, destined for the Moravian villages on the Tuscarawas. The Indians, thinking of no Massacre at Gnadenhutten. 65 evil, were busily engaged about their domestic concerns, and offering no resistance, suffered themselves to be all taken prisoners, to the number of ninety four. More than half of these were women and children. In the morning, when told what was to be their fate, they mutually prayed, and exhorted each other to be resigned, and ask- ing reciprocal forgiveness, prepared for death. Before the order for massacre was finally issued, some of the more humane men made application to Col. Williamson for liberty to take a child apiece to their homes and save their lives, there being not less than thirty or forty. Williamson, after considering a minute, answered that there were not children enough for them all to have one, and lest there might be any complaining, he thought it better to Jet them remain “on the spot with their parents and ralntiven : accordingly they were all massacred in cool blood, and after a night’s rest for reflection. In the heat of battle, and at the sacking of a town, there may be some excuse for the indiscriminate slaughter that sometimes takes place ; but in the whole annals of American warfare, no scene of deliberate murder can be found that equals this in atrocity. This tragical story was related to me, a few days since, by a man now more than eighty years old, who was present, and one of the number that made appli- cation for liberty to save one of the children. He was well ac- quainted with Williamson, the principal actor, and says that he died poor and miserable, and that a large number of the men perished by violent and untimely deaths. He was one of the party under Wil- liamson and Crawford, at the defeat in May following, on the San- dusky plains, where Crawford was taken prisoner and burnt, and most of his men killed... I also conversed with a man on the spot, for many years a resident here, who said that when a boy he had of- ten seen, with mingled feelings of horror and detestation, the black- walnut stump on which many of the poor Indians were beheaded. He also confirmed the popular impression, by saying, that the larger number of the men engaged in this murderous business, either came untimely end, or suffered losses of property and other calami- - ties, too striking not to be noticed as marks of the retributive justice of heaven. The alluvial lands at this spot are nearly two miles wide, and very fertile. The Tuscarawas is about ninety yards in width, with low banks and a placid current, gliding gently along, a silent, but a still living witness, of the atrocities aepeed:c on. its Ct <1 eon ee ee ee 66 Mr. Heckewelder. Rev. John Heckewelder.—Gnadenhutten was first settled by the Moravian missionaries in the year 1772. Another missionary sta- tion was formed a few miles below, at Salem, by Mr. Heckewelder, in the spring of 1780. Sarah, his wife, here resided with him in perfect safety, and in the fullest confidence of security, amongst their Indian converts. The 16th of April, 1781, was the birth day of their daughter Maria, who it is believed was the first white child born within the present limits of the State of Ohio. She is still liv- ing in Bethlehem, (Penn.) In the autumn of that year, the Indians and missionaries were forcibly removed to Detroit, by the Sandusky Indians, leaving all their crops of corn standing in the fields. Hav- ing suffered much from a want of food during the winter, a part of the Indians returned in March to save what was yet left, at which time the massacre took place. While dwelling on the incidents of this interesting spot, I cannot refrain from adverting to a singular trait in the character of Mr. Heckewelder, that of believing in the power of foretelling future events. He had lived so many years se- cluded in the deep forests, and had, in the eye of his mind, seen the Indians so often at their labors, and his visions had been so often verified, that he had insensibly imbibed a belief that the human mind may become so deeply impressed with the approach of future events, as to predict their arrival with certainty. From certain oc- currences, he was led -to believe that he was himself possessed of this faculty: whether be acquired it from the dreamy kind of life he led in the wilds of the Tuscarawas, or from actual intercourse with spiritual existences, similar to those of Swedenborg, it will be diffi- cult at this day to determine, but certain it is that many devout and pious minds have often been similarly constituted... The following singular fact I have from an ocular, and still living witness: During the early years of the settlement of the Ohio company at Marietta, Mr. Heckewelder was a frequent and a welcome guest. He there found men of learning and taste, whose society was congenial, and where he could again enjoy the comforts and refinements of social life. While many of the early settlements were composed of the ig- norant, the vulgar, and the rude, the colony at Marietta, like those of many of the ancient Greeks, carried with it the sciences and the arts; and although placed on the frontiers, amidst the howling and the savage wilderness, exposed to many dangers and privations, there ran in the veins of its little band some of the best blood of the coun- try, and it enrolled many men of highly cultivated minds and ex- Mr. Heckewelder. 67 alted intellect. Amidst such a society, Mr. Heckewelder could not but pass his time pleasantly. He was himself a man full of the milk of human kindness; a great lover of horticulture, and all the beauties of nature, and much devoted to the study of the natural sciences. He kept for many years at Gnadenbutten a regular me- teorological journal of the seasons, and of the flowering of plants, &c., which was published in Barton’s Medical Journal. From his thorough knowledge of the Indian languages, he had been employed by Gen. Rufus Putnam, as an interpreter, at the treaty which he held with the Indian tribes at Vincennes on the Wabash, in Sept. 1792. This duty had been accomplished, and the General had re- turned as far as the falls of Ohio, where he was detained by an at- tack of autumnal fever. then common on the Wabash. Mr. H. had in the mean time returned by land to Marietta, in company with some of the Delaware Indians. The only intercourse then sustained between distant places, except for hunters and warriors, was by wa- ter, in canoes or barges. This journey had thus far been performed in a very light barge, built of cedar, and rowed by twelve men. As his fever had somewhat abated before Mr. H. left him, and the sea- son was now advanced into November, the General’s family at Ma- rietta were daily expecting him, and were with great anxiety waiting for news. No news however could be obtained. Mrs. Putnam, with whom Mr. Heckewelder lodged, had become very uneasy and alarmed at the long delay of her husband, and it had been the sub- ject of conversation before retiring to rest. In the morning, when Mr. H. appeared at the breakfast table, he told Mrs. Putnam with a smiling countenance, that he had good news for her of the General ; and proceeded to state, that in the course of the night he had had one of those mysterious communications in relation to coming events, that had often been made to him during the course of his life, and which he had never known to deceive him. He said the General. would return in safety on the 18th day of that month; and lest he should forget the day, he had in the night marked on the white- washed chimney by the side of the bed, the number, with a piece of cut money he had in his pocket. My informant, who was then a boy, and lived in the General’s family, immediately ran up stairs and examined the spot pointed out. There he found the figures 18 plainly marked in the side of the chimney by the bed. This was eight or ten days before the prophetic time. The days were care- fully counted, and as the period approached, many an anxious look 68 Tron Ore.—Roscoe. was cast down the placid stream, in search of the coming barge, when lo! on the precise day, early in the morning, the boat reached the landing at “Campus Martius,” the name of the stockaded fort at Marietta, with the General and all the party in safety. Tron Ore.—As the canal boat proceeded south, I observed nod- ules and blocks of iron ore on the sides and surface of the hills, at a much less elevation than at Zoar. Vegetation has made a striking change since we descended into the lower portions of the valley. The petals of the Cornus florida are fully expanded and beautifully white ; while on the summit they are yet quite green, and just be- ginning to unfold. ‘The weather is very cool for this season of the year, and the forest trees are late in opening their foliage. ‘Towns and villages are springing up so rapidly on the borders of the canal, that the inhabitants are at a loss for names. ‘To-day we passed one in this awkward predicament, which goes by the epithet of “ New- comers-town.” We crossed the Walhouding or White woman’s river, near its junction with the Tuscarawas. After uniting their waters, the stream is called the Muskingum, or “ Elk’s-eye.”” The canal crosses the Walhouding in a wooden trunk, supported by two abutments and four pillars of masonry, faced with oval buttresses of sandstone rock. ‘The stones which compose these huge pillars are very large, and rough dressed, projecting beyond the joints, giving the appearance of vast strength, and resembling the mural face of a natural cliff of sandstone rocks. It looks much better for this pur- pose than a smooth dressed stone, and is very creditable to the taste of the architect. This stream is about eighty yards wide, and has its sources in the northern and central parts of the state, in a very fertile region. Vernon river, once known by the euphonous name of “ Owl Creek,” is one of its principal tributaries. Kenyon Col- lege is situated on this beautiful stream. The Walhouding crosses the great siliceous deposit, in the N. W. part of Coshocton County, where we now are. I picked up several large fragments of flint and hornstone, on the beach, at the foot of the aqueduct. This singular and interesting deposit passes through the eastern portion of Holmes County, and crosses the Tuscarawas River not far from New Phila- delphia, beyond which, easterly, I have no correct knowledge of its . course. Roscoe.—Just below the aqueduct, is seated the little village of Roscoe, on the west side of the Muskingum River. It is a village of some importance, and has several mills in operation, Coshocton.— Ancient Cemetery.— Coal. 69 Coshocton County:—Coshocton County contains about fourteen thousand inhabitants. Its surface is hilly, but very fertile and pro- ductive in wheat and other grains. The hills abound in bituminous coal and iron ore. Several salt wells have been sunk in the county, on Wills Creek, and on the Muskingum, which make considerable salt. ‘The wells are not deep, and are probably connected, on the north western margin of the saliferous deposits. Town of Coshocton.—Coshocton, the seat of justice for this county, is finely situated at the junction of the Tuscarawas and the Walhouding rivers. ‘The ground on which it is built, lies in four broad natural terraces, each elevated about nine feet above the other. The last one is nearly one thousand feet wide. The situation could hardly be altered for the better by the hand of man. The present population is about five hundred. Ancient cemetery.—A short distance below Coshocton, on one of those elevated, gravelly alluvions, so common on the rivers of the West, has been recently discovered a very singular ancient burying ground. From some remains of wood, still apparent in the earth around the bones, the bodies seem all to have been deposited in coffins ; and what is still more curious, is the fact that the bodies buried bere were generally not more than from three to four and a half feet in length. They are very numerous, and must have been tenants of a considerable city, or their numbers could not have been so great. A large number of graves have been opened, the inmates of which are all of this pigmy race. No metallic articles or uten- sils have yet been found, to throw light on the period or the nation to which they belonged. Similar burying grounds have been found in Tennessee, and near St. Louis in Missouri. Coal.—The main deposit of coal, near Coshocton, is said to be nine feet thick, and lies much lower in the hills than at Newcastle. It is probably the same stratum that is found below the bed of the Muskingum River, at Zanesville. May 18th.—We left Roscoe and passed down the Muskingum valley, generally near the base of the hills, to Websport, a small village of warehouses onthe canal. At this point a side cut is taken out to the Muskingum River, across the bottom lands, which here are more than two miles wide, and continue nearly of this width for eight or ten miles up and down the river. From the outlet of this ‘side cut, dams are to be thrown across the stream at intervals, for a navigation to the town of Zanesville, a distance of four- 70 Narrows of Licking. teen miles. - A little south of Websport, the canal leaves the Musk- ingum alluvions, and rises with the aid of two locks into the valley of the Wakatomika, a large creek, with wide and very fertile bot- toms. After leaving this valley by a pretty deep cut, the canal passes into the valley of Licking, in which are seated the villages of Irville and Nashport. After the canal enters the Wakitomika valley, it turns more westerly, and a short distance beyond Nashport strikes the Licking River, which is here about fifty yards in width. It is now about to emerge from the coal measures, which it has tra- versed more than one hundred miles, into the tertiary deposits of the Licking and Scioto valleys. A dam is thrown across the stream at this point, and by the aid of a lock the boat passes into the river, which now performs the office of a canal, for the distance of two miles, through “the narrows of Licking,” the tow-path being cut out of the solid sandstone for the larger portion of the way. * Black Hand’’—Narrows of Licking.—This. is a very pictur- esque spot; cliffs of sandstone rock, fifty feet in height, line the sides of the canal, especially on the left bank of the stream. In some places they hang over in a semi-circular form, the upper por- tion projecting, and defending the lower from the rains and weather. In one of these spots, the aborigines chose to display their ingenuity at pictorial writing, by figuring on the smooth face of the cliff, at an elevation eight or ten feet above the water, the outlines of wild ani- mals, and amongst the rest the figure of a huge, black, human hand. From this circumstance, the spot is known to all the old hunters and inhabitants of this vicinity, by the name of “ the black hand nar- rows.” It is the scene of many an ancient legend, and wild hunting story. At the point where the canal touches the Licking, the rock strata in the banks and bed of the stream dip to the north, at an an- gle of nearly fifteen degrees. As we ascend the stream, the incli- nation becomes less, and finally at the western outlet of the narrows assumes its usual horizontal appearance. It is a wild, romantic spot, and has evidently been subjected to great disturbance, before the waters of Licking commenced their cutting and disintegrating pro- cess through its rocky bed. These sandstone rocks contain very few fossil plants, but when fairly without the line of the coal meas- ures, they abound in fossil shells, very similar to those found in the lime rocks of the older secondary formations. The cliffs are lined with evergreens of various species, amongst which I noticed the hemlock, red cedar and yellow pine. On emerging from the ravine, Newark.—Rock Strata. 71 which is done by means of a natural channel, cut by a small stream, the canal’ passes over the wide and fertile alluvions of the Licking valley. The crab apple is now in full bloom, and at short intervals perfumes the air with its delicious fragrance. Fields are planting with Indian corn, and in some warm and sheltered spots, it is already two inches high. We reached the town of Newark, at 8 P. M. Newark, May 19th.—Newark is the seat of justice for Licking County. It is a place of considerable commercial importance. The canal passes along one of its principal streets, and by moonlight re- minds one of some of the towns in Holland. The present number of inhabitants is said to be about eighteen hundred, and is rapidly increasing. In the centre of the town is a large public square, in the midst of which stands the court house. This square, when en- closed with a railing, and ornamented with our native forest trees, will make a fine promenade, and add more than any thing else, to the credit and the beauty of the place. A town without trees is altogether too artificial, either for health, comfort, or good taste. The new Episcopal church, now nearly finished, with its buttresses, battlements, and high gothic windows, is quite creditable to the pro- - jectors, and an ornament to the town. Rock Strata.—I made an excursion to-day with a friend, for the purpose of examining more closely than my hasty view of yester- day would allow, the character of the rock strata at the narrows of Licking, distant nine miles from Newark. Several quarries are now opened, and with the excavation to form the tow-path, give a fine view of the order of superposition. So far as accessible, I find it very similar to that of the falls of the Cuyahoga, and of the same character with that of the chain forming the western and northern termination of the coal measures in Ohio. A loosely cohering, coarse aggregate, or pudding-stone, composes a deposit twelve or fourteen feet in thickness, about midway to the tops of the cliffs; above which is a coarse sandstone, splitting easily into large blocks for architectural purposes. Below this conglomerate, or pudding- stone, is a deposit of finer grained rock, tinged highly with red in many places, but it has not been exposed to a sufficient depth to dis- close the true red sandstone, which, judging from the character of the fossil shells, found a little farther west, and high in the hills, I have no doubt will be found here. I could discover no traces of coal, nor any fossil plants belonging to the coal series. 72 Trilobites. Trilobites.—In examining, a few miles west of this place, in the same range of hills, the fossil contents of a rock, which is fine grained, but rather loose in texture, and tinged brown with the oxide of iron, I discovered, in a few minutes, no Jess than three imperfect and broken Trilobites, which are the first I have seen in place in the valley of the Ohio. A drawing of the most perfect specimen is given at Fig. 13. Portions of the abdomen are most common. - Fig. 13. . Description.—Breadth, one inch; length, about one inch and a half; diameter, half an inch. ‘Tergum or intermediate lobe thick ; one third thicker than the flanks, and more convex. Lobes deeply sculptured or furrowed, the whole of which are equal in size in all the lobes; encircled at the base with a flat horizontal zone, one eighth of an inch wide. Coated with brown oxide of iron, as are most of the reliquie of this deposit. No thorax or head found. The Trilobites are in company with innumerable relics of radiated Enerini, and thin, delicate, fine rayed Producti, similar to those found in the vicinity of the transition limestone, near the hot springs in Bath County, Virginia. Some very large and perfect Spiriferi, more than two inches in width, are found in the more compact and deeper seated deposit below. They are more deeply grooved and stronger marked than those from “Flint Ridge.’”’ I have also a very perfect bivalve from the same locality, which looks like a small, elongated Mya. As we descend deeper towards the base of the hills, these remains become more rare, the rock is finer grained, of a rich brown color, and furnishes a beautiful material for tomb-stones and chimney- pieces, and other ornamental work. The finest variety is singularly spotted with small dark specks, all through the stone ; it looks, when polished, as if it had been sprinkled with some dork liquid stain. It is a very curious fact, that a similar rock is found in Illinois, near Delaware Sulphur Springs. 73 the Mississippi River; it is somuch like this that one can hardly be distinguished from the other. . I have specimens of both in my cabi- net. ese deposits, destitute of vegetable remains, would seem to indicate the western termination of the coal series.* The deposits north and west. are evidently tertiary, resting on the older secondary, filled with bowlders of the primitive rocks and broken relics secondary series—in some places encroaching on the coal measures, as at the falls of the Cuyahoga, and again receding to the west, like the bays and headlands on a rocky coast. Another indication of a change in the deeper deposits, similar to that on the south east side of the coal measures, is the formation of mineral springs. While none are found of any magnitude or mineral strength within the great sandstone and coal basin, they are very abundant on both the north and south sides of it, in the magnesian and transition limestone series, which are known to prevail in these regions. Delaware Sulphur Springs.—In Delaware County, about thirty five or forty miles north westerly from Newark, are found sev sulphur and ferruginous springs. ‘The most noted of these is the White Sulphur, in the town of Delaware. From the midst of lime- stone rocks, filled with marine shells and Encrini, similar to those found in the valley of the Greenbrier, (Va.) it issues in a stream of considerable volume, and discharges such quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen, as to be smelt at a considerable distance. As the gases leave the water, a precipitation of lime and sulphur takes place, in such abundance as to incrust sticks and stones lying in the course of the current with a white coat, similar to the White Sulphur water near Lewisburgh, Va. It is celebrated for the cure of similar dis- eases, and is fast rising into notice, for its valuable sanative proper- ‘ties. The following analysis, made last spring by Dr. Michell, pro- fessor of chemistry in Kenyon College, will show how near it ap- proaches to those celebrated waters. Analysis of the Delaware Sulphur Spring.—< One wine pint of the water, taken immediately from the spring, contains of Six miles west of Newark, at Granville, in the same fine grained sandstone, fossil ge st animals have several times been found by quarry-men. I have not see he Specimens, been an I a ae spplicasiom to procure —— of them, but h om such This -Tock is, geologically, below a coal measures—passing un under that formation—and Biny contain the Sauroid fishes of Agassiz, if not the Saurian reptiles. Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. < 10 74 Delaware Sulphur Spring.—Sulphuret of Iron. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, - - 12 cubic inches. Carbonic acid gas, - 3 do. _ “Qne hundred grains of the diipania which results from the evap- oration of several gallons of the water, yield on analysis, of Muriate of soda, - - - - - 48 grains. Muriate of lime, ~ - - - eo RD." Sulphate of magnesia, - - - a2 hs Sulphate of lime, = - - - - - os Carbonate of soda, - - - . . B...ff oT « “The above result shows that these waters approach as nearly to the well known waters of Aix la Chapelle and Harrowgate, as those do respectively to each other.”* These springs were first brought into notice as early as the year 1814, or more than twenty years ago, while the U.S. troops and militia were quartered in that place. In a written communication from Dr. Jackson of Clarksburgh, at that time a surgeon in the army, he speaks j in high commendation of the valuable properties of those waters in curing the soldiers of visceral obstructions, consequent on intermittent and bilious remittent diseases, and also of herpetic erup- tions, then very rife amongst the troops. He looks forward to the day when these waters will be esteemed a blessing to the inhabitants of malarious districts. Sulphuret of Iron.—Previously to a late number of the American Journal of Science, I could never satisfactorily account for the im- mense quantities of sulphuret of iron, found in all our argillaceous, and many of the calcareous deposits. ‘The beds of many streams, are filled with sulphurets of all forms and sizes, from minute grains to masses of several pounds weight. Not a well is dug in the up- lands, but more or less of this mineraf is brought up; and from its rich metallic lustre, it always leads the ignorant to believe that they have found a treasure. Animal remains of shells and bones are often changed to this semi-metallic state, specimens of both of which are in my collection. “ Since gelatinous matter seems to have favored the conglomeration of silica, and consequently the formation of sili- ceous ‘pettifactions: so likewise, the putrefaction of animal matter having produced sulphuretted hydrogen, if any particles of oxide of iron should happen to be present in the surrounding mud, pyrites would be formed and would accumulate about the places where the * Gambier paper. Iron Ores. 75 gas is discharged.” How simply and beautifully this theory explains this formation of pyrites. This whole valley is one vast cemetery of animal and vegetable remains, and while the deposits were in a re- cent and plastic state, and the animal bodies inhumed, gradually de- cayed, the discharges of sulphuretted hydrogen must have been im- mense ; and very satisfactorily account for the vast abundance of iron pyrites, found in many of our rock strata. From the decomposing pyrites, and the magnesian limestone rocks containing shells, these springs doubtless derive a large share of their mineral contents. Having completed the examination of the rock strata at “ the Nar- rows,” we returned by a route more distant from the canal, across tertiary and alluvial plains. On these plains the crab apple finds a congenial soil and climate, standing in groves like the domestic apple, and perfuming the air with its delicious fragrance. Iron Ores.—The belt of hydrated iron ore, noticed at Zoar, as crossing the state diagonally, on the outer border of the coal meas- ures, here maintains its relation to the other deposits and lies near the top of the hills, imbedded in clay, in similarly large tabular masses. A few miles south of this place, we strike the siliceous de- posit lying parallel with the ferruginous zone, and stretching N. E. and S. W. nearly across the state from Pike county to Stark. At its northern extremity, it widens out to nearly twenty miles, and stretches off into Holmes county. It does not uniformly lie on the tops of the hills, but crops out on their sides, with a thick diluvial deposit over it. The general course of the deposit, may be seen in the geological map of the coal measures, in the 29th Vol. of this Jour- nal, but widening more at the north than there represented. May 20.—We reached Zanesville at 6 o’clock, a.m., in the stage coach, passing over a moderately hilly and very picturesque region. The distance from Newark, is twenty eight miles; twenty two of which, are on “ the national road,” a work which is more creditable to the Republic, than the conquest of a continent. This road is in fine condition. The bridges, built on substantial arches, and crown- ed with parapets of sandstone, give promise of strength and dura- bility. Americans are so much in the habit of building with per- ishable materials, not only their private dwellings, but their public edifices, that every attempt at permanency, ought to be noticed and encouraged. Along the distance of twenty two miles, no fewer than six villages have sprung up, since the location of the road in 1832. The wood lands over the last eight miles of the way, 76 Cornus florida.—Flint Ridge. wear a most enchanting appearance. ‘The soil is so very congenial to the growth of the Cornus florida, or dog wood, that these trees ve- getate in countless numbers, and being now in full bloom, their clear white petals, are finely contrasted with the deep green of the forest, and no cultivated orchard of fruit trees, ever displayed such an array of splendor and beauty. Fossil arborescent Ferns.—In the siesta I visited a deposit of coarse sandstone, three miles west of Zanesville, which is literally filled with the broken trunks and branches of various species of the arborescent fern and other fossil plants of the antediluvian period. I brought away several specimens, and amongst them is one species which still retains portions of the spines or sete, that. grew in the center of the scales which covered the surface and formed the corti- cal portion of these singular trees, so admirably fitted to the purpose for which they were apparently created, viz. that of furnishing an inexhaustible supply of fuel for man, when the present forests are removed to make room for the immense tillage that will, in time, be needed for the support of the teeming millions, destined to people the earth, when wars shall cease and diseases shall be greatly dimin- ished, if not entirely banished. Buried deep under superincumbent strata, these ancient forests lie bituminized and changed to an imper- ishable material, in the form of ‘* Stone coal !”’ How glorious and how wonderful the providence of the Creator, in the material, as well as in the moral world. ‘The whole region about Zanesville, is full of interesting relics of by-gone ages; descriptions of many of which are given in a late number of this Journal. May 21, * Flint Ridge.” —I visited “Flint ridge,” or the great siliceous deposit, in company with my friend N. ‘This interesting formation has been frequently noticed in former publications. Be- ing desirous of obtaining a more correct knowledge of its relation to the other rock strata, with which it is associated, I visited the nearest locality to Zanesville, distant about twelye miles. The deposit is here found, as well as in other places, near the tops of the hills, sometimes entirely on the surface, covering large tracts with its bro- ken fragments ; at others, lying at considerable depths beneath a rich argillaceous soil and a luxuriant growth of forest trees. The spot ehosen for the present examination lies in Hopewell township, Mus- kingum county, near the line which divides it from Licking county, on the extreme head of the Brushy fork of Licking creek; in the bed of a deep ravine, The siliceous rock is here hollowed out, by Flint Ridge Section. 77 the action of the torrents and wintry frosts, into a grotto of considera- ble size, called the “ wild cat’s den,” from the fact of one or two of those animals having been killed here in early days. It will serve as a landmark for others who may wish to visit the place. From this spot I followed down the deep ravine of the run, a considerable dis- tance, as far as [ could conveniently go, the sides of which were very abrupt and gave quite a satisfactory view of the stratification. My examination ended with a deposit of yellow Ochre, in the bed of the run, which I shall make the first step in the section. Section of Rock aie at Flint Ridge Order ascending. Petals tae | § Cos Bed of run or branch. 1. Argillaceous, slaty earth, resembling ochre in appearance ; col- or, pale yellow; forming the bed of the run; depth, unknown. 2. Resting on the ochre, lies a deposit of slaty, light grey, sand- stone, containing considerable white mica in fine scales; easily pang and decomposing when exposed to the weather.—8 feet. . Bituminous shale ; below, with traces of coal; upper part of eis bed, dark clay slate, wondideratly compact in slices The su- perior portion of the deposit, very fissile and highly calcareous, near- ly black ; containing numerous specimens of fossil shells, generally nny terebratule and the upper or flat valve of the Productus, No. 2, figured on plate 2, Vol. 29 of this Journal. Many of these shell still retain the cuticle.—10 feet. 4. Light gray compact limestone; in some places mixed with silex ; breaking into irregular conchoidal masses and containing or- 78 Flint Ridge Section. ganic remains of what appear to me to be Ventricolites, bearing a strong resemblance to those described by Dr. Mantell, in the flint or chalk Zoopbytes of the south of England.—10 feet. 5. Resting on the calcareous rock, reposes the great siliceous de- posit. At this place the upper part of the bed is very white and compact, containing however, many small Encrini. Below, it is of various hues, strangely diversified from a deep indigo, to green, yel- low, red, horn color, &c. Near the superior portion of the bed it is more porous, contains a little lime and looks as if it had been tra- versed in all directions, by small worms, leaving brown colored pas- sages of the size of acommon pin. ‘This is the portion chosen for the construction of mill stones ; and when properly selected, affords an excellent instrument for the manufacture of flour. I received this summer, a specimen of cellular quartz, from the shore of the Missis- sippi, in Calhoun county, Illinois, containing a large and very fine Spirifer cameratus, similar to those found here ; proving the habitat of this shell to have been widely extended over the bed of this an- cient ocean.—7 feet. 6. Resting on the uper surface of the main siliceous rock, is a de- posit of a much more loosely cohering calcareo-siliceous material, containing considerable iron, and resembling bog ore, being probably the remains of the mineral matter held in solution by the warm water of the ocean, after the more siliceous portion had been thrown down. ‘That this was actually the fact, is more than probable from the ir- regular and diffuse manner in which this deposit rests on the other strata, being confined to a narrow belt of only a few miles in width ; it must have been discharged from the bowels of the earth through a fissure in the bottom of the ocean, opened by the force of internal heat, and the expansive power of confined gases, and gradually pre- cipitated in the vicinity of the opening, which on more minute exam- ations, I doubt not may be accurately traced.—2 feet. 7. Above this is a deposit of rich yellowish, argillaceous soil, once covered with a heavy growth of forest trees, but now under cultiva- tion. The siliceous rocks abound in fossil shells, affording presump- tive evidence of the assumed fact, that they lived and propagated in the bed of the ocean for many years after the precipitation of the siliceous mud; and that they finally perished and became silicified after and during the period of the change from water to dry land. , The genera and species are, many of them, similar to those found in the upper calcareous rocks at Zanesville ; and figured and described Cannel Coal.—Cabinet of the Atheneum at Zanesville. 79 in the “section of Putnam hill.” I procured and brought away, a number of beautiful specimens, some of which were replaced by chal- cedony, and quite translucent. Cannel coal.—Six miles west of this i in Licking county, but still in the siliceous deposits, there has been recently discovered a fine bed of Cannel coal, similar to that near Cambridge, in Guern- sey Co. Ohio. I did not visit the place myself, but have no doubt of the fact; an intelligent friend assuring me he had specimens from that spot. These deposits having been subjected to a very con- siderable degree of heat, would be tite proper place to look for cannel coal, as this species appears to be the common bituminous coal, re- duced to a pasty or semi-fluid state by heat after it was deposited. Its fracture is similar to that ofa vitrified substance, highly conchoidal. This region has been a favorite spot with the aborigines; large heaps of fragments are found where arrow heads had been manufac- tured. Many of these pieces are of the first quality for gun flints, and are much prized by the neighboring hunters. Mounds are also common ; a very large one near this place is constructed of sandstone, made up of fragments of such size as a man can conveniently lift. It is at least sixty feet in diameter at the base, and fifteen feet in height. The mound is the more interesting, from the fact, that no sandstone is found on the surface, within half a mile of it. The flint rocks were perhaps, considered sacred and too valuable to be applied to such a purpose, although covering the ground. Large springs of very pure water are common in this formation. After returning to Zanesville, I visited the coal beds and examined the stratification of “ Putnam hill.” Cabinet of the Atheneum at Zanesville. —May 22: I passed the day in examining the cabinet of the Atheneum. It contains a num- ber of very interesting remains of the gigantic mastodon ; consisting of molar teeth and Jarge portions of the tusks. A number of rare fossil shells, amongst which I noticed Ammonites Hildrethi and Pho- ladomya elongata, with the undescribed bones of some extinct ani- mals, several of which were found in excavating the Ohio canal, in a peat swamp, two miles north of Nashport, in the deep cutting be- tween the valley of the Muskingum and the Licking, on Wakitomika Creek. The mud in this swamp was very deep and of a thin fluid character; similar to that of some of the bogs on the sides of the moun- tains in Scotland. It occasioned much trouble and expense, crowd- ing in laterally at night a quantity equal to all that the workmen could. ' throw out by day ; it was finally overcome by a frame work of tim- 80 Cabinet of the Atheneum at Zanesville. ber and planks, until the sides of the canal were built up and secured, with gravel and earth. _ The fossil head of the animal which belongs to the order Rumin- antia and probably to an extinct species of the genus Ovis, was, found at the depth of eight feet in company with two others, near it. The bones of the mastodon, and the right halves of the lower jaws of two extinct animals of the order Rodentia, or Gnawers, with a radius or bone of the fore arm, were found at the depth of fourteen feet, resting on a bed of pebbles and gravel. They were safely preserved from decay by the black carbonaceousmud under which they lie, but had been considerably worn by attrition, before being deposited here, which might have been at the same period, and by the same catas- trophe which covered the districts north and west of this with prim- itive bowlders. One of the heads of the Oves, and one of the half jaws of the Rodentia, are now in the cabinet of the Atheneum. The drawings of these relics are of one fourth the natural size, and will assist the reader in understanding the descriptions. which I shall at- tempt to give. The radius or bone of the he arm.— Description.—Ten inches in length, two inches across the head, and one and a half inches across the carpal extremity, with a strong process on the outer side. A moderately elevated longitudinal process runs nearly the whole length of the bone, with a profound groove beside it. From the thickness of the bone in proportion to the length, I should infer.that powerful muscles had been attached toit. Fig. 15. Upper Incisor.—This tooth is very much curved, embracing the larger portion of asemicircle. Measuring on the outer margin of the tooth, it is eight inches in length; but beni broken and shorten- ed at both the cutting and radical extremities, it must originally have been not less than ten or twelve inches. Diameter, seven eighths of an inch. A section of the tooth is nearly triangular, as shown at Fig. 18, with the twe inner faces 3 ambi and the outer face rounded and deeply grooved. Fig. 1 _ Lower Jaw.—The maxillary Sn of the jaw, is eight inches long, and four inches wide across the articulating portion. ‘The con- dyloid process is broken and gone. Molar teeth.—The molares are four in number, standing obliquely to the line of the alveolar process. The grinding surface of each tooth is channeled, in the manner of ruminating animals, five eighths of an inch in diameter, with the front tooth a little longer than the back one. They are wrely ghee in the jaw for grinding hard ligneous substances. Cabinet of the Atheneum at Zanesville. 81 Fig. 17. Fig. 15. Figures one fourth size. Inferior Incisor.—The lower incisor is much less curved than the upper, and is longer than the whole jaw, being no less than nine inches in length and one inch in diameter. The two inner surfaces are smooth and plano-convex, while the outer surface js deeply grooved, and the whole is coated with a dark brown glossy enamel. It is strongly inserted into the jaw opposite the last molar tooth, assing under them all. The cutting extremity is trenchant and beautifully fitted for cutting wood or bark. Its left inner surface for two inches near the end is considerably worn, from friction with the upper incisor. The muscular impressions are very profound, giving proof of great M. Lagrange was of a delicate but fair complexion: his tranquil- lity, his moderation, an austere and frugal regimen, from which he seldom deviated, prolonged his career until the age of seventy seven years two months and three days. He. bad twice been. married ; the first time at Berlin, to do like all the other academicians, of whom none lived in celibacy. He had caused to come from Turin a rela- tive whom he married, and whom he lost after a long sickness, dur- ing which he had lavished on her cares, the most tender, ingenious, 108 Lagrange’s Memoirs. and the most sustained. When he afterwards married in France Mademoiselle Lemonnier, daughter of our celebrated astronomer, he said to us, je n’at point eu d’enfans de mon premier marriage, je ne sais st j’en aurai du second, je n’en desire quéres. What he chiefly desired, was an amiable companion, whose society could offer him some relaxation in the intervals of his labors. In this respect there was nothing more to be desired. Madame la Comtesse Lagrange, daughter, granddaughter, and niece of members of the Academy of Sciences, was worthy of appreciating the name which he was to make her wear. This advantage, restoring in her eyes. the inequal- ity of their ages, she soon conceived for him the most tender attach- ment. He was thankful for it to such a degree, that he could scarcely bear to be separated from her, since it was for her alone, ia he felt any regret in leaving life: and since in fine he was heard often to say, that of all his successes, what he valued most was, that they had made him obtain a companion so. tender and so devoted. During the ten days that his sickness lasted, she did not’ lose sight of him a moment, and employed them constantly in re- viving his powers, and prolonging his existence. He loved retirement, but did not require it of the young wife whom he’ had married: he went out then oftener, and showed him- self in the world, where, on other accounts, his dignities obliged him to appear. Very often it could be perceived that he pursued thither his meditations, begun in his study ; it was said that he was not in- sensible to the charms of music. In effect, when a reunion was numerous, he was not displeased that a concert should interrupt the conversation, and attract all attention. On one of these occasions, Lasked of him what he thought of music? Je P aime, parce qu’ elle m’ isole, j’ en écoute les trois premieres mesures, a la quatrsean je ne wemague plus rien, je me livre a mes refliivnd, rien ne m’ in- terrompt, et c’ est ainsi que j’ ai resolus plus d? un probléme difficile. Thus for him, the finest work in music must have been that to which he owed the most happy i inspirations. Though he was blessed with a venerable figure, on which was delineated his fine character, yet never would he consent to sit for his portrait. More than once, by an address of a fair pretext, they had led him in to the sittings of the Institute, in order to paint it without his knowledge. An artist sent by the academy of Turin, drew in this manner the sketch from which he made the bust so often eX- posed in the hall of our private sessions, and still adorning our library: Lagrange’s Memoirs. 109 His features were moulded after death, and previously while he slunabered, a — was made of him that was said to be very correct. Sweet, and even sini in conversation, he loved particularly to interrogate, either to show the worth of others, or to add their re- flections to his vast knowledge. When he spoke, it was always in the strain of a doubt, and his first phrase generally began with je ne sais pas. He respected all opinions, and was very far. from giving © his own as rules. Nor was it easy for him to change them. For he sometimes defended them with a warmth that went on increasing until he perceived some change in himself; then he returned to his usual tranquillity. One day, after a dispute of this sort, Lagrange having gone out, Borda, remaining alone with me, let slip these words ; Je suis faché d’ avoir a le dire d’ un homme tel que M. La- grange, mais je n’ en connais pas de plus entété. If Borda had gone out first, Lagrange doubtless would have said the same of his brother, aman of sense and much talent. He too, like Lagrange, would not readily change ideas adopted only after a thorough examination. ften was remarked in his tone a light and sweet irony, the meaning of which it was possible to mistake, and at which I have seen no instance where any one could have felt offended. Thus he said to me one day: ‘These astronomers are singular; they will not believe a theory, where it does not agree with their observations.” The looks of him who made this reflection, on uttering it; marke sufficiently its real meaning. I did not think myself obliged to de- fend astronomers. -Among so many fnaivorspioed that are due to his genius, his Mecanique is unquestionably the most grand, remarkable and impor- tant. The fonctions analytique are only secondary, notwithstanding the fruitfulness of the principal idea, and the beauty of the devel- opments. A notation less convenient, calculations more embarrass- ing, although more luminous, will prevent geometers from employing, unless in certain difficult and doubtful cases, his symbols and. his demonstrations ; it suffices that he has supported them on the law- fulness of the more expedient methods of the differential and inte- gral calculus. He himself has followed the usual notation in the second edition of his Mecanique. This great work is wholly founded on the calculus of which he is the inventor. Every thing in it flows from a single formula, and from a principle known before him, but of which the whole use was ’ 110 Lagrange’s Memoirs. far from being suspected. This sublime composition, moreover, unites all those of bis preceding works that he could therein embody. It is also distinguished by the philosophical spirit that reigns in it from end to end. It is also the finest history of this part of the science ; a history, such as could be written only by a man on a level with his subject, and superior to all his predecessors, whose works he analyzes. It forms a lecture of the highest interest, even for him who would be far from being able to appreciate all the calculations of its details. Such a reader will there perceive at least, the inti- mate connection of all the principles on which the greatest geome- ters have supported their researches in mechanics. He will there see the geometric law of. the celestial motions, deduced from simple mechanical and analytical considerations. From these problems, that serve to calculate the true system of the world, the author passes to questions more difficult, complicated, and belonging to an- other order of things. ‘These researches are only out of pure curi- osity. The author informs us so. But they prove the whole extent of his resources. Therein is seen at last his new theory of the variation of the arbitrary constants, of the motion of the planets, that had appeared with so much éclat in the Mémoires de |’ Institut, where it had proved that the author, at the age of seventy five years, had not descended from the high rank which he occupied so long since, with the consent of all geometers. Throughout his writings, when he quotes an important eerweie: he gives credit for it to the first author. When he corrects the opinions of his predecessors, or of his co- ‘temporaries, he does so with all the respect due to genius; when he demonstrates the errors of those who have attacked him, he does so with the impassability of a true geometer, and the calmness of a demonstrator, None of his celebrated rivals had ideas more delicate, just, general, and deep. In fine, thanks to his happy labors, mathe- matical science is now like one vast and beautiful palace, whose foundations he renewed, whose pinnacle he crowned, and in which a step cannot be taken without finding monuments of his genius. * The author arrived at it by very remarkable artifices of calculation. But the solution is very inconvenient, notwithstanding the elegance of its formula. On the Resistance of Fluids. 111 Art. VII.—On the Resistance of Fluids, in reply to Mr. Blake; by Gzo. W. Keexy, Prof. of Natural Philosophy, Waterville salem TO PROFESSOR SILLIMAN. Str—WueEn I saw Mr. Blake’s first communication in Vol. xx1x, No. 2, of this Journal, in which among other novelties, he attacked the Newtonian demonstration of the law of resistance on direct im- pulse of a fluid, I did give it a very careful and attentive rd his repeated insinuation to the contrary notwithstanding. Io ed that his argument against that demonstration wore two a one bad for Mr. Blake, the other worse, according as his term “ force of resistance’ meant the action in an indefinitely short time, or in no time. ‘The bad is bad enough, as your readers must have per- ceived from my last communication, if not before; but bad as it is, the worse is, as will presently appear, so very much worse, that common courtesy forbade that I should, in that communication, even state the alternative. Mr. Blake, however, has eagerly vindicated his right to the worse, and thereby has, with some probably, gained a temporary advantage : of how much real value this is, shall soon be shewn. Understanding now that Mr. + Blake, by “force of resistance,” or “force,” means action in no time, 1 propose to prove, First, That Mr. B. has misunderstood ne meaning of the demon- stration he has attacked. To do this, I will first quote the demodetastiog as gives by Bros fessor Olmsted, in his Natural Philosophy. “ Both the number of particles which meet the plane, and the force of each, are as their velocity : hence the resistance is propor- tional to the square of the velocity.” This is also the argument of Newton and all his followers. Now, your readers will remember that in Mr. Blake’s first com+ paangoabr he undertakes to demonstrate that his “force of resist- ance,” or “force,” is as the square of the velocity. Then follow the two annexed sentences. * Since the area of the plane is given, the number of a in action atany moment is given, and consequently the force of each, at any instant, is as the square of the velocity of the plane.” * We may now note a fundamental error in the received theory, which assumes, usually without argument, that the force of each 112 On the Resistance of Fluids. particle is as the velocity of the plane, aes of the square of the velocity, as we have now shown it to Now who does not see that in these sentences, Mr. Blake identi- fies his “ force’ of a particle, with the force of a particle as the term is understood in the common theory, and if we take as the meaning of his ‘‘ force,” what he insists upon, viz. the action at a ‘point of time, i. e. in no time, is it not obvious that he has commit- ted an error? Does not Mr. B. know that the force of a particle in the common theory, is the vis motrix, the momentum, in short, the whole force of a particle, and has he not expressly said, in his last paper, “‘ when Idetermined the force of a particle, I determined not its whole action, but only its action at any instant ?”” Any com- ment is unnecessary. ‘There is not even the consolation of a dilem- ma. Ido not pretend to know whether this will “ amuse’? your readers, but coming as it does from a professed reformer of the abuse of compounding terms, it is sufficiently amusing. But secondly, is it not most clear that Mr. Blake has entirely failed in his attack upon the demonstration of the received theory ? The only degoment he pretends to bring against it is this. It is “a fundamental error,” in that dutntiiatnasler that the force of a particle is as the volocity, because [ prove that the force of a particle is as the square of the velocity ; which, in the light of his definition is just this: it is a fundamental error in that, demonstration that the whole force of a particle is as the velocity, because I prove that that force of a particle which is not the whole action, but the action in no time, is as the square of the velocity. e above is, in substance, the argument I should have given in et last, could I have thought that Mr. Blake could have overlooked € point so essential to even an appearance of success. Here, there- fore, I might close, for my whole object has been to defend the ar- guments and conclusions of the common theory, and your readers must have perceived it. That theory was attacked by Professor Wallace ; 1 showed that his objection to it rested on an unwarranta- ble assumption: it was again attacked by Mr. Blake. I have now shown that his objection to it rests on an error. With your permis- sion, however, Mr. Editor, I will make a few additional remarks. And first, if any of your readers suppose that, having regard to Mr. Blake’s formal definitions of “ force of resistance,” or “‘ force,” ViZ- « irrespective of duration,” * at any indivisible instant.” ought to have tood, in spite of the evidently consequent error, that he On the Resistance of Fluids. 113 meant the action in no time; let them consider that “ irrespective of duration,” sometimes means that time is constant, and that* at any indivisible instant, is not void of that ambiguity to those who know the different meanings attached to the differential element (dé) ; and further, that what words mean is fixed as much by their use as by formal definitions, and that if I had taken the meaning, in no time, there followed, not only the gross error above pointed out, but Mr. Blake’s demonstration of the “ force of resistance,’ was abs lutely without meaning as such. s my object has been to defend the common theory, any remarks on Mr. Blake’s proof, that the ‘“ force of resistance”’ is as the square of the velocity, must now be considered gratuitous: whether just or not, they have now nothing to do with the point at issue between us, viz. the truth of the demonstration above given of the law of resistance on direct ieapias. With my former understanding of Mr. B’s “ force of resistance,”’ it was a material point whether his proof, that it was as the square of the velocity was correct, since he identified it with the force in the common theory: hence I attacked it.t Mr. Blake thinks that by insisting on his definition, he has saved his argument : if he had regarded the true meaning of my objection to that argu- ment, instead of the mere form of it, he would have seen that it re- mains in full force. ‘That objection is that the definition and the argument are heterogeneous. ‘This is true, considering as I did in my last communication, that the action of Mr. B.’s force of resist- ance, took place in an indefinitely small invariable element of time ; it is true if, as we are now to understand, it takes place in no time at all; and Mr. B. may vary his definition as he pleases, the objec- tion I urged against that argument will always be fatal to it, if used to demonstrate any other than the value of a force which acts in variable time. The two first of the “analogies,” as Mr. Blake terms them, in his argument, which express substantially the 2d and 3d of Newton’s Laws of Motion, are not abstract conceptions which will apply to determine the value of any thing, whether real or im- * It was through an error of the pen that I appear to have misquoted Mr. Blake, putting the quotation marks before the word in,.instead of after it, as I have done in all other cases, and they are numerous. + L again suggest that, though the common theory takes the force of a particle to be as the velocity, it wed its action occupying time, be taken to be as the square of the velocity ; and if these measures are rightly understood, the results will be the same. Vol. XXXI.—No. 1. 15 114 On the Resistance of Fluids. aginary, that is called force. Among the infinite number of laws mathematically possible, these are the only ones that are physically true. They can be proved by experiment, and are obtained by in- duction from observed facts, and unless they are applied to cases of the same nature, they prove nothing. I know that some writers have neglected to observe these principles. Professor Farrar, for example, in his Mechanics, has, under the head of statics, given a demonstration, not of the parallelogram of forces, which is no where in his work proved, but of the parallelogram of motions, or velocities.* But Mr. Blake has left far behind him all pre- cedents. He applies these laws of motion to the determination of an instantaneous impulsive force, a thing which has no existence in nature, and of which [ can form no conception. How can the laws of motion, got by induction of facts, be applied to determine such a force, or such a force be applied as Mr. Blake applies it, to determine an actually existing force? I say then, as before, that the logic of that reasoning is unsound, and that Mr. Blake “ setting out to determine the ‘force of resistance’ has unconsciously deter- mined a quantity of a very different nature. I have no time, nor inclination, nor need for remark on Mr. Blake’s curious suggestions respecting the Leibnitzian controversy, and the possibility of my confounding the vis motrix and vis mechanica. * I know how difficult it isto give a simple elementary demonstration of that on. Unfortunately the foundations of both Statics and Dynamics, in the work red to, are assume On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 115 Arr. VIII.—On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlan- tic ;* by W. C. Repriexp, Esq. of New York. From the U.S. Naval Magazine. As an accurate knowledge of the dangers to which the navigator is liable, is of the first importance to the nautical profession, I ven- ture to point out an error, relating to the storms of the Atlantic, which has found its way into Purdy’s Memoir of the Atlantic Ocean, and has also been copied from that useful manual, into the nautical books of other countries. , The error alluded to, is found in the following paragraph :—“ In the year 1782, at the time the Ville de Paris, Centaur, Ramilies, and several other ships of war, either foundered, or were rendered unserviceable, on or near the banks, together with a whole fleet of West Indiamen, excepting five or six, they were all lying-to, with a hurricane from west ; the wind shifted in an instant to east, and blew equally heavy, and every ship lying-to, under a square course, foundered.” —Memoir of the Atlantic, 7th edition, page In the examination which | have been led to make of ag storms of the Western Atlantic, I have found them to pursue a generally uniform course, which is always north-westerly, in the tropical lati- tudes, and till they approach the latitude of 30° N. In the vicinity of this parallel, the storms turn to the northward, and their course then becomes north-easterly, on a track which appears to incline gradually to the east, as they sweep over the higher latitudes of the Atlantic. The course thus pursued, is entirely independent of the direction of wind which the storm may exhibit at the different points over which it passes ; the wind in all such storms being found to blow after the manner of a whirlwind, around a common center or vortex, during their entire progress, in a circuit which is commensu- rate with the lateral extent of the storm; and in a determinate di- rection or course of rotation, which is from right to left, (that is, in the direction from west to south,) hotizontally. From this uniform course and regular rotative action, result cer- tain regular phases or characteristic changes, which are peculiar to * These remarks, and the chart which they are designed to illustrate, were ori- ginally prepared for the London Nautical Magazine, but the importance of the ected : sos ie he cause of science, has induced the author to revise the same for publication on this side of the Alantic. 116 Onthe Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. the opposite margins or longitudinal sections of the track of each and all of these storms.* | At an early period of the inquiry, I met with the statement above quoted from the Atlantic Memoir, which, by the direction and change of wind therein mentioned, seemed to indicate that this region of the Atlantic had been visited at least by one storm of a different char- acter. Such, however, was the remarkable uniformity presented to my view in the phenomena of the storms which were investigated, that I was led, at length, to suspect some error in the above state- ment, and on further inquiry, I soon found my doubts fully justified. I have now before me several printed authorities of that period, from which it appears that the first part of the hurricane in P orm was from E. iS. E. and that it shifted suddenly to N. N. W.+ It appears, therefore, that instead of blowing as described in the Memoir, this gale exhibited the usual characteristics of the Atlantic hurricanes. If the movements of the atmosphere in these storms were of the vague and erratic character which has usually been assigned to them, the above correction would be of little importance. But, notwith- standing the supposed, and even proverbial uncertainty of the winds, navigators may be assured, that they will never, in the temperate e American Coast Pilot, 12th edition, ee 626—629; or the American palo of Science and Arts, vol. xxv. pp. Extract from the Journal of an ae on board the Ramilies.. * September eh 1782. At noon, lat. 42° 15/, lon. 48° 55/, wind ee 3: Sts ene fresh; 1 p. M. gale increased, hazy weather; at 3 took in sails; very mi brought-to under the mainsail. Midnight, three anda Re, feet water in the hold; gale E. S. E. exceeding strong; at 2. m. on the 17th, heavy rain and squally; at 3 a. m. the wind shifted; a violent squall from the N. N. W. without the smallest warning of a shift, took, the mainsail aback; the mainmast, close to us; several near us dismast ed, and signals of distress making from all; a prodigious swell of the sea, and heavy gale from N. W.; at 10 a.m. hard gale from N. W. and aa a swell; six feet water in the hold; afternoon, threw guns overboard,” foundered after the storm, states aa early part of the gale to have been from 8. E. by E. and the shift to have been to N, W. This trifling discrepancy confirms, rather than invalidates, the general fact, and may be accounted for as a slight in- accuracy on the part of the observers, or by supposing the position of Capt, Ed- — ship to have been some distance to the southward and eastward of the On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 117 latitudes of the Atlantic, encounter a gale which shall blow violent- ly from the west, and then shift suddenly to the east. This cannot happen until storms in this region shall be found pursuing a retro- grade course, or else spinning from left to right, instead of from right to left as they have heretofore done; or, in other words, till a new system of terrestrial physics shall have been established by the Great Author of nature. The interest of this subject to navigators, and the neglect into which this branch of philosophic inquiry has been suffered to fall, will be a sufficient apology for some additional remarks on these storms. Those who adopt the views which I have maintained on this sub- ject, will doubtless be able to explain, in a satisfactory manner, the facts which are contained in the following statement, found in the paragraph next preceding that which we have quoted from the Me- moir; namely, “That while one vessel has been lying-to in a heavy gale of wind, another, not more than thirty leagues distant, has at the very same time been in another gale equally heavy, and lying-to with the wind in quite an opposite direction.” This statement is obviously to be understood as applicable to two vessels falling under the two opposite sides or portions of the same storm, where the wind in its regular circuit of rotation, must, of course, blow from the opposite quarters of the horizon. e suppose one of the vessels to be at A and the other at B, in the annexed figure. The storm in pursuing its course from W towards N, will strike the first mentioned vessel in the direction which is shown by the 118. Onthe Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. wind-arrows at the point c, which, if the position be in the tempe- rate latitudes, north of 30°, will be from eastward. Now, it is ob- vious, that as the storm advances in its course north-eastward, this vessel, if nearly stationary, will intersect the body of the gale on the line cAd. As the storm advances, the wind must also veer to the northward, as shown by the arrows, being at N. E. when the vessel "is brought under the point A, and near the close or departure of the storm by its further progress eastward, the wind will have further veered to the direction shown at d, which, with due allowance for the progressive motion of the storm, we will set down at N. N. W. The other vessel, as is equally obvious, will first take the wind from -the southward, as shown at e, in which quarter it will blow, with no great variation, till, by the advance of the storm, the ship is brought under the point B. The barometer, which had previously been fall- ing, will now commence rising, and the wind, veering more westerly, will, at the departure of the storm, be found in the direction shown at f, which, after the allowance already referred to, may be stated at W.N.W. Such, substantially, are the facts commonly reported by vessels which fall under the lateral portions of the Atlantic storms, and it is readily seen, that the opposite winds, which are exhibited on the two different intersections of the storm, as above described, will very naturally be mistaken for two separate and distinct gales. e phases of the wind in these gales are, however, in all cases, modified more or less by the course or changing position of the ves- sel exposed to its action. For example, a ship on taking the gale, say at E.S. E. at the point A, on the figure, and lying-to with her head to the. northward, may by that means be brought to intersect the storm on the line /7, and at the point 7, would suddenly be taken aback, with the wind say at N. N. W., as in the case of the home- ward-bound fleet in 1782, and the barometer, which reaches its low- est depression under the central portion of the storm, would about this period be found to have commenced rising with some degree of rapidity. A further reference to the figure will show that a ship, which may be at the point G during the passage of the gale, would be exposed to a heavy swell from the southward and westward; but being be- yond the organized limits of the storm,* may remain entirely unaf- eee ans * The terms organized and organization, are used by the writer in the sense in which he conceives them to be applicable to all eddies, whirlpools, and whirl- winds, and generally, to all fluid and aérial vortices, while in a state of activily, On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 119 fected by the violence of the wind, which at the same time may be raging with destructive fury at the distance of a few leagues. The writer has knowledge of many such examples. . It has been suggested that ‘“ the larboard tack is the proper one to lie-to on, as the wind will then be found to draw aft ;’’ but this will frequently prove erroneous, as the wind may draw either way, on either tack, according to the position and course of the ship, in the storm, and the extent and rate of progress of the latter. In the case of the fleet which encountered the gale of 1782, it was probably the best course to carry sail to the northward at the very commencement of the gale, and as far and as long as possible. By this means, the fleet might perhaps, have been drawn as far northward as the point A on the figure, and the change of wind to the northward and west- ward would then have been rendered more gradual. The chief dif- ficulty and danger is when the direction of the wind at the first set- ting in of the gale, is found to be nearly at right angles with the known courses of the storms in the region where the gale is encoun- tered, and it is then desirable to pursue such a course as to avoid, if possible, falling into the heart of the storm. e following passage is found in a late edition of the Atlantic Memoir, at the head of the article on Hurricanes. “A hurricane is a tempest of the most extraordinary violence, forming a kind of imperfect vortex, towards the center of which the wind proceeds, successively and abruptly, from different points ' of the horizon. Of such phenomena, the most violent and destruc- tive in the western hemisphere, are known to originate in or near the West Indies; and they commonly proceed in a cycloidal line, from their point of origin, to the W. N..W., N. W. and N.; or if limited to the West Indian sea, from E. S. E. to W. N. W. as well as from W. N. W. to E. S. E.”—Memoir, page 97, Tth edition. and as involving, in the case of storms, the production of rain, and all the other incidental phenomena which result from such organized action. The true char- aul la discussion of their specific character, and of their ageney in the production phenomena, even if the ability were possessed, would be foreign to our present object. It is believed, however, t that a proper de- t of this subject would do much to illustrate, in a clear and satisfactory manner, the formation and production of storm-clouds ad rain, and especially of suniatad Mall,Ain:well-ax all violent electri c phenomena. 120 On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. As most of this paragraph was probably intended to agree with the facts which I had formerly given in relation to these hurricanes, it will only be necessary to notice the closing statement, quoted in italics, in connection with another passage which introduces the ab- stract, that is given in the Memoir, of my earliest attempt to eluci- date the character and course of these tempests, and particularly those of 1821 and 1830. ‘“‘ With these hurricanes, (says the Memoir,) might have been in- cluded the ever-memorable one of the year 1780; the latter it ap- pears commenced near the west end of Cuba. On the 3d of Octo- ber, it passed over the western part of Jamaica, and reduced Savanna la Mar to a state of desolation; it then in its gyrations passed along the coasts of Hayti, or St. Domingo, and Porto Rico, and it ended at Barbadoes, on the 10th of the same month.’’—Memoir od the. Atlantic, 7th edition, page 101. It must be evident that if there be no error in the statements here quoted, the systematic and uniform movements which I have consid- ered as pertaining at least to all hurricanes which visit the western portions of the Atlantic, are liable to some decided exceptions, and it is important therefore, that the facts of the case should be ascer- tained. Iam confident, however, that on a full and careful inquiry, we shall find that nature has not, in this case, been regardless of her own fixed Jaws, and accustomed modes of action. From such evidence as I have in my possession, it appears, that the first hurricane of October, 1780, passed over the western part 0 Jamaica on the 3d of that month, and that the storm commenced a few hours earlier at Black River and Montego Bay, than at Savanna Ja Mar, which is near the west end of the island ;* and also, that on. the 4th, at half past 5 4. m. the British frigate Phoenix, was wrecked on the island of Cuba, near Cape Cruz, a little before the close of the gale at that point, but several hours after its termination at Ja- maica. 'There are no accounts from which I can infer either the presence or absence of the storm on the more usual course down the Caribbean sea, into the gulf of Mexico, but if following the indi- cations already before us, we suppose the storm to have commenced * The northwestward or more northward course of this pertieat Z is bes! set- tled, by the fact that the Phoenix first took the gale on the evening of October 2d, off port tt Antonio, Mes is on the eastern part of the island of pF ep as ' appears from the very interesting account of Lieut. Archer, which was not at hand when the above was ela ‘ On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 121 its detour to the northward, and which accords well with the general course of a storm of a corresponding date, in the year 1830, on a more eastern meridian, we shall then recognize it as the hurricane which was encountered on the 5th of October, in the gulf of Florida, and northward of the Bahama Islands, in which many vessels were wreck- ed, and a squadron of H. M. ships was entirely disabled. This storm appears also to have been of limited extent and duration, as compar- ed with that which visited Barbadoes on the 10th, and I can find no evidence of its having pursued a retrograde or eastwardly course while in the tropical Jatitudes. The violent and extensive hurricane which desolated Barbadoes on the 10th of the same month, appears to have commenced at St. Lucia several hours /ater than at Barbadoes, and I also find that it did not take effect at the other neighboring islands till the 11th, which is sufficient proof that this storm could not have been the same which ravaged the western parishes of Jamaica, on the 3d of the month. In its lateral extent it covered at one and the same time, the entire distance between the islands of Antigua and Tobago, and it appears to have pursued the usual course or route, towards the north- west. A letter from Jamaica mentions that they had a small share of this hurricane at that island on the 12th, which is in due course of time, and accords with the extent and previous position of the gale. It appears, in its wide spread desolations, to have dispersed a Spanish fleet off Havana on the 16th, and to have visited with its. opposite margin, the island of Bermuda, on the 18th of the same. month. I have also two accounts from vessels which encountered this storm at sea on the 17th, which agree with the foregoing. _ The errors in the statements last quoted from the Memoir, seem to have arisen from mistaking two hurricanes of different dates, which passed in a north-westerly course, for one and the same storm pass- ing eastward ; or possibly, from conceiving the direction of the wind from a western quarter, at some of the islands, during the first part of the storm of October 10th and 11th, as directly indicating the route of the gale ; a very natural conclusion, and one that is perhaps, iden- tified with all our preconceived associations on this subject. It is by this instinctive association that most writers appear to be governed, in their accounts of violent storms, but than which, in its application tothe point before us, nothing can be more fallacious and unfounded, as the history in detail of all such storms will certainly show. So strong indeed is the influence of our established modes of thinking Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. 122 On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. on this subject, that it seems to be difficult, even for those who ad- mit the rotative character of these hurricanes, to understand correctly the true bearing and relations of the different phases of the wind, which are presented at two or more points or places, visited by the same storm, unless the subject has been thoroughly and carefully studied. Speculative opinions also upon the course of a storm, are usually, if not always, founded upon the erroneous notion of a recti- linear course in the wind. In the accounts received of a hurricane at Barbadoes on the 3d of September, 1835, which raged for a few hours from E, N. E. fears were expressed for the safety of the islands to the northward ; but subsequent intelligence from Guadaloupe and Martinico, shewed that the gale had not extended to these islands. Had the direction and phases of the wind been viewed in their true relations, it would have been perceived that the heart of the gale must have passed to the southward of Barbadoes ; and as a general rule in the West India latitudes, where the onset of the storm is found to be in the general direction of the trade wind, or more eastward, the observer may consider himself as under the northern verge of the gale; but if the onset of the gale be from the north-westward, veering afterwards by the west to the southern quarter, the heart of the storm will be found to have passed to the northward of the point of observation, the latter being under the southern margin of the gale. Among other proofs of the circuitous action of violent winds, is the fact that the track of a vessel which runs directly before the gale, will in many cases, be found to be strikingly curvilinear when traced on the chart ; in other words, the veering of the wind which so often occurs, when duly considered, is in itself, a complete demonstration of the fact in question. Many readers will recollect the case of a vessel driven from Falmouth in the great hurricane of 1703, by a circuitous course to the Isle of Wight, with only a cabin boy on board, which course clearly indicates the phases of one marginal section of that memorable storm. It can but seldom happen, however, that the track of a vessel which scuds through a gale, will fully develop the entire circuit of the wind, the combination of circumstances neces- sary to this result being but rarely encountered. Still I have obtain- ed notice of a few such cases, and a respectable ship-master not long since informed me that he once scudded for twenty-four hours, under a typhoon in the China sea, and on its departure, found himself nearly in the position where he first took the gale. On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 123 In order to illustrate more fully the foregoing remarks, I annex a chart of the Western Atlantic, on which is delineated the route of several hurricanes and storms, as derived from numerous accounts which are in my possession, by which their progress is specifically identified from day to day, during that part of their route which ap- pears on the chart. The route designated as No. I, is that of the hurricane which vis- ited the islands of Trinidad, Tobago, and Grenada, on the 23d of June, 1831. Pursuing its course through the Caribbean sea, it was subsequently encountered by H. M. Schooner Minx, and other ves- sels, and its swell was thrown with great force upon the south-eastern shores of Jamaica on the 25th, while passing that island, where the wind at this time was light from the northward. After sweeping through the Caribbean sea, this hurricane entered upon the coast of Yucatan, on the night of June 27th, having moved over the entire route from Trinidad to the western shore of the bay of Honduras, in a little more than one hundred hours, a distance of about seventeen hundred nautical miles, which is equal to seventeen miles an hour. I have no account of this storm after it crossed the peninsula of Yu- catan, and it is probable that it did not again act with violence upon the ocean level. Its course or track to Honduras was N. 74° west. Track No. II, is that of the memorable hurricane which desola- ted Barbadoes on the night of August 10th, 1831, and which passed Porto-Rico on the 12th, Aux-Cayes and St. Jago de Cuba on the 13th, Matanzas on the 14th, was encountered off the Tortugas on the 15th; in the gulf of Mexico on the 16th, and was at Mobile, Pensacola, and New Orleans on the 17th; a distance of 2,000 nau- tical miles in about 150 hours, equal to something more than 134 miles an hour.* - Its course, until it crossed the tropic of Cancer was N. 64° west, or W. N. W. nearly. In pursuing its northern course, after leaving the ocean level, it must have encountered the mountain region of the Alleganies, and was perhaps disorganized by the resis- tance opposed by these elevations. It appears, however, to have caused heavy rains in a large extent of country lying north-eastward of the gulf of Mexico. Track No. III, is that of the destructive hurricane which swept over the Windward Islands, on the 17th of August, 1827; visited _* Mr. Purdy states that this gale was felt at Natchez, 300 miles up the Missis- Ssippi. - 124 On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. St. Martin’s and St. Thomas on the 18th; passed the north-east coast of Hayti on the 19th; Turks Island on the 20th; the Bahamas on the 2ist and 22d; was encountered off the coast of Florida and South Carolina on the 23d and 24th; off Cape Hatteras on the 25th ; off the Delaware on the 26th; off Nantucket on the 27th; and off Sable Island, and the Porpoise Bank, on the 28th. Its ascertained course and progress is nearly 3,000 miles,* in about eleven days; or at the average rate of about eleven miles an hour. The direction of its route before crossing the tropic, may be set down at N. 61° west, and in lat. 40° while moving eastward, at N. 58° E. k No. IV, represents the route of the hurricane which rav- aged the islands of Antigua, Nevis, and St. Kitt’s on the afternoon and night of August 12, 1835; St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Porto Rico on the 13th; Hayti and Turks Island on the 14th; the vicinity of Matanzas and Havana on the 15th; was encountered off the Tortugas in the gulf of Mexico on the 16th; in lat. 27° 21’, lom. 94°, and other points on the 17th and 18th; and also at Metamora, on the coast of Mexico, (lat. 26° 04’) on the 18th, where it was most violent during the succeeding night.; This storm is remarkable, as moving more directly, and farther to the west, than is usual for storms which pass near the West India Islands, it having reached the shores of Mexico before commencing its sweep to the northward. Its course so far as known, is N. 73° west:—its progress more than 2,200 miles in six days; which is nearly equal to 154 miles per hour. rack No. V, is that of the extensive hurricane of September, 1804. It swept over the Windward Islands on the 3d of that month; the Virgin Islands and Porto-Rico on the 4th; Turks’ Island on the 5th; the Bahamas and gulf of Florida on the 6th; the coast of oo the Carolinas on the 7th; the great bays of Chesapeake and Delaware, andthe contiguous portions of Virginia, Maryland, * All the di istances are expressed i in nautical miles + Since writing the above it is ascertained that this storm also passed over Gal- veston bay, on the coast of Texas, where the hurricane blew with violence from to the southeast ; ye rationale of which may be made evident by drawing @ line through the northern side of the figure on the chart, parallel to the track of the storm. A little further attention to the figure will also illustrate the general char- acter of other northers, which are so common on the coast of Mexico during @ considerable portion of the year. - On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 125 and New Jersey, on the 8th; and the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine on the 9th; being on the highlands of New Hampshire, a violent snow storm. The destructive action of this storm was widely extended on both sides of the track indi¢ated upon the chart, and the same fact pertains, in a greater or less degree, to the other storms herein mentioned. It appears to have passed from Martinico, and the other Windward Islands, to Boston in Massachu- setts by the usual curvilinear route, in about six days; a distance of more than 2,200 miles, at an average progress of about 154 miles per hour. , — No. VI, is that of the memorable gale of August, 1830, which, passing close by the Windward Islands, visited St. Thomas’ on the 12th; was near Turks’ Island on the 13th; at the Bahamas on the 14th; on the gulf and coast of Florida on the 15th ; along the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas on the 16th; off Virginia, Jaryland, New Jersey, and New York on the 17th; off George’s Bank and Cape Sable on the 18th; and over the Porpoise and New- foundland Banks on the 19th of the same month; having occupied | about seven days in its ascertained course from near the Windward / Islands, a distance of more than three thousand miles; the rate of its progress being equal to eighteen miles an hour.* If we suppose the actual velocity of the wind, in its rotary movement, to be five times greater than this rate of progress, which is not beyond the known velocity of such winds, it will be found equal, in this period, toa — rectilinear course of fifteen thousand miles. The same remark ap- plies, in substance, to all the storms which are passing under our review. What stronger evidence of the rotative action can be re- quired, than is afforded by this single consideration ? - Route No. VIL, is that of an extensive gale, or hurricane, which swept over the Western Atlantic in 1830, and which was encoun- tered to the northward of the West India Islands on the 29th of Sep- tember. It passed on a more eastern route than any which we have occasion to describe, to the vicinity of the grand Bank of Newfound- land, where it was found on the 2d of October, having caused great damage and destruction on its widely extended track, to the many vessels which fell on its way. Its course is quite analogous to that which we have considered as having been probably pursued by the _ * Fora more extended notice of this storm, see American Journal of Science, Vol. xx. pp. 34—38. 126 On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. hurricane of October 3d, 1780. The ascertained route may be es- timated at eighteen hundred miles, and the average progress of the storm at twenty five miles an hour. Route No. VIII, is that of a much smaller, but extremely vio- lent hurricane, which was encountered off Turks’ Island on the Ist of Sept., 1821; to the northward of the Bahamas and near the lat. of 30° on the 2d; on the coast of the Carolinas early in the morning of the 3d; and from thence, in the course of that day, along the sea- coast to New York and Long Island; and which, on the night fol- lowing, continued its course across the states of Connecticut, Massa- chusetts, New-Hampshire, and Maine. I am not in possession of accounts by which its farther progress can be successfully traced.* The diameter of this storm appears to have greatly exceeded one hundred miles ; its ascertained route, and progress is about eighteen hundred miles, in sixty hours; equal to thirty miles an hour. The last mentioned route may also be considered to be nearly the same as that of a similar, but less violent storm, which swept along the same portion of the coast of the United States on the 28th of April, 1835. No. IX, represents the route of a violent and extensive hurri- cane, which was encountered to the northward of Turks’ Island on the 22d of August, 1830; northward of the Bahamas on the 23d; and off the coast of the United States on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of the same month. Much damage was done on the ocean by this storm; but it scarcely reached the American shores. Its duration off this coast, was about forty hours, and its progress appears to have been more re than that of some other storms. No. X, represents the track of a violent hurricane and snow-storm, which swept along the American coast from the lat. of 30° N. on the 5th and 6th of December, 1830. _ The last mentioned track also corresponds to that of another storm, of like character, which swept along the sea-coast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of January, 1831. These violent winter storms exhibit nearly the same phases of wind and general augers as those which appear in the summer and autumn. Track No. XI, represents a portion of the general route of the violent inland storm which swept over the lakes Erie and Ontario * The phenomena and progress of this storm have been more fully noticed in - Silliman’s Journal, Vol. xx. pp. 24—27. On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 127 on the 11th of November, 1835. This storm was very extensive, — spreading from the sea-coast of Virginia into the Canadas, to a limit, at present, unknown. ‘The anterior portion of this gale was but moderately felt, and its access was noted chiefly, by the direction of the wind, and the great fall of the barometer; the violence of the storm being chiefly exhibited by the posterior and colder portion of the gale, as is common with extensive overland storms. The regu- lar progression of this storm in an easterly direction is clearly estab- lished, by facts, collected by the writer, from the borders of Lake Michigan, to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the sea-coasts of New England and Nova Scotia. I have thus given a summary description of the route of twelve storms, or hurricanes, which have visited the American coasts and seas, at various periods, and at different seasons of the year. The lines on the chart, which represent the routes, are but approxima- tions to the center of the track or course of the several storms; and the gales are to be considered as extending their rotative circuit from fifty to three hundred miles, or more, on each side of the delinea- tions; the superficial extent of the storm being estimated both by actual information and by its duration at any point near the central portion of its route, as compared with its average rate of progress. The figure which appears upon the chart, on tracks No. I, IV, and VII, will serve in some degree to illustrate the course of the wind in the various portions of the superficies covered by the storm, and also, to explain the changes in the direction of the wind which occur successively at various points, during the regular progress of the gale. The dimensions of the several storms, appear at to have gradually expanded during their course. Storms of this character do not often act with great violence on any considerable extent of interior country to which they may arrive. Even upon the coasts on which they enter, such violence is not often experienced under the posterior limb of the gale which sweeps back from its circuit over the land, the usual woodlands and elevations being a sufficient protection. Often, indeed, the interior elevations afford such shelter as entirely to neutralize the effect of the wind at and near the surface, and the presence and passage of the hurricane is, in such cases, to be noted chiefly by the unusual depression, which the great whirling movement of the incumbent stratum of air produces in the mercury of the barometer, which thus indicates the presence or passage of the hurricane, in positions where the force of the wind is not felt at all, or only with a moderate degree of violence. 128 On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. ’ The action of these storms appears, indeed to be at first confined to the stratum or current of air moving next the earth’s surface, and they seldom, while in this position, appear to exceed a mile or so in altitude ; and the course of the next highest or overlying stratum does not in these cases seem to be at all affected by the action of the storm below. During their progress, however, by the influence of high land and other causes, the storms often become transferred, in whole or in part, to the next higher stratum of current. Thus we sometimes see a stratum of clouds moving with the full velocity of a violent storm, while the stratum of surface wind is nearly at rest, or moves with its ordinary velocity ; and thus also it happens that bal- loons, ascending under such circumstances, are carried forward with a velocity of from sixty to one hundred miles an hour. The forego- ing remarks are by no means hypothetical, -but are the result of long continued observation and inquiry. It will hardly escape notice that the track of most of these hurri- canes, as presented on the chart, appears to form part of an ellipti- eal or parabolic circuit, and this will be more obvious if we make correction, in each case, for the slight distortion of the apparent course in the higher latitudes, which is produced by the plane pro- jection. We are also struck with the fact that the vertex of the curve is uniformly found in or near the 30th degree of latitude. In connection with this fact it may also be noted, that the latitude of 30° marks the external limit of the trade winds, on both sides of the equator ; and perhaps it may not prove irrelevant to notice, even further, that by the parallel of 30° the surface area, as well as the atmosphere, of eacly hemisphere is equally divided ; the area between this latitude and the equator being about equal to that of the entire surface between the same latitude and the pole. It is not intended, however to make these facts the basis of any theoretical jodsyatiqns on the present occasion. It will doubtless appear desirable to know whether, if the full bis- tory of these or other storms could be obtained, the track in any case, would result in the completion of an entire circuit, either in the proper basin of the North Atlantic, or in its continental borders ; and if so, whether there be, or be not, any general uniformity in the length of the major axis of this elliptical circuit at different seasons of the year? If this inquiry cannot be satisfactorily solved, it is still important to learn the analogies or relations which the storm-tracks on the eastern borders of an oceanic basis, bear to those in its western portions, or in other regions. On the Asiatic coasts of the northern On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. 129 Pacific, unless I have greatly mistaken the evidence, the same sys- tem of storms is found to prevail as in the Western Atlantic in the cases before us. On the western coast of North America it will ap- pear, from the phases of storms as described by Cook and other voy- agers, that their usual course is in a southeasterly direction. The ev- idence, .in the case last mentioned, though it may be satisfactory to hose who are familiar with the modes of investigation, can hardly be estimated by general readers, and will not, therefore, be here insist- edon. The journals of voyagers and other published records, when sufficiently examined and collated, are deemed to afford decisive ev- idence that a system of the same general character, prevails in the southern hemisphere, but exhibiting for the most part, precisely counter movements. there be any important exception, it will probably be found in the limits of those counter movements of the regular trade winds on both sides of the equator, which are known as the westerly monsoons ;* but even in these regions, it is question- able whether the course of violent storms be not uniformly the same as in other regions of corresponding latitude ; but more facts of a de- cisive character are wanted before this point can be settled to the satisfaction of the writer. he routes of many other storms and hurricanes might be traced on the chart, from materials now in hand, were it necessary ;.a they may it is believed, be somewhere found in action at all seasons, and on every day in the year, although their appearance is more fre- quent in some seasons and even in some years than in others. The hasty outline of their progress and development, now submitted, is probably, quite sufficient to overthrow some of the most common hypotheses respecting their origin and times of appearance. Perhaps it might be deemed proper to point out on the present occasion, the catenation of natural causes by which the systematic organization and progress of these storms is produced and maintained ; * The author is willing to be held responsible “ee this implied definition of the general character of the monsoons, as he Soda ood reason to consider seme atmosphere which is necessarily produced by certain extensiv exenyinae of the earth’s surface. It is to fallacious or misapplied reasonings, Fae on a certain known p principle of and every where adopted, that we probably owe the confusion and manifest Xoneetay of our knowledge i in regard to the true nature of the great atmospheric : Vou. XXXL—_No. 1 17 130 On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. but I do not intend, Mr. Editor, to weary the patience of your read- ers with a more prolonged chapter on the natural history of hurri- canes, or to deprive the savans of their prerogative to dispose of our facts in such a manner as may seem best to accord with their favor- ite theories.. Besides, our business at this time is rather with the facts themselves, than with their relations in a correct system of meteorolo- gy. It may be remarked however, that unless the writer has greatly mistaken the mass of evidence presented to his notice during the pro- gress of his inquiries, these phenomena, as also the general winds in which they etna are to be ascribed malty to the mechanical gravita- tion of t ted with the rotative and orbital move- ments of the earth’s surhice: But should any one, after an unbias- sed and full consideration of the great facts which are now, and of their bearing as illustrative of the physics of the atmosphere, seriously ascribe them either to lunary, cometary, electric, or volcanic influence, or even to calorific agency in any just and proper sense, then the writer can only say, that he finds himself unable to explain these, and certain other phenomena of the atmosphere, upon such principles, and that he desires to concede all the honor of theorizing to those who may imagine that such relations can be established. It would promise better, however; to inquire whether we have not in these developments, a clue to the true system of atmospheric physics, a subject which has always been beset with difficulties, and to explain which we have hitherto obtained nothing better than plaus- ible hypotheses.—In regard to the fall of the barometer, which at- tends these storms throughout their progress, its rationale is deemed to be so obvious as hardly to admit of question. In conclusion, I will venture to hope that the facts and considera- tions now presented may prove, in some degree, useful to the nauti- cal profession, and promotive also, of the general interests of sciences At the same time it is hoped, that in future notices and reports of violent storms, more attention will be given to specific dates and lo- cation, and also to the direction and changes of the wind, all which may be expressed in the most summary manner ; and the facts when once recorded, are for ever ay ailable, in tracing the progress and char- acter of such storms. It seems desirable also, that the general route and character of European storms, should be investigated by those whose local position, and means of information, best qualify them for the task. The writer of this communication is but scantily fur- nished with materials for this object, and would gladly see the accomplished by other and abler hands. Rejoinder of Prof. Shepard to Prof. Del Rio. 131 ’ Art. IX.—Rejoinder of Prof. Suerarp to Prof. Det Rio. I recret being obliged to vindicate myself farther against the misapprehensions of Prof. Dex Rio. It isa subject of much less concern, however, to find my system opposed by an individual whose long familiarity with mineralogy leaves no occasion for him to apply to analytical tables in the way of a learner, than to have its value called in question by that class of persons for whom it was expressly designed. Still I would not affect to be insensible to the good opin- ion of one so much my senior in the cultivation of this science, as -must be a pupil of Werner; though I confess some surprise at the grounds. on which he has seen fit to withhold his approval. In the few remarks I have to make, I shall pursue the order of — his observations. on my reply, p. 384 of the last number of this Journal. He asserts that I could not have chosen a worse ex- ample than Rutile, as a mineral for testing the comparative mer- its of the two systems in dispute. He objects, because he is ac- quainted with no Rutile “which is fine granular, or impalpable.” But I have no where said that Rutile occurs impalpable. My words were, massive in small closely connected individuals. 1 trust that these two conditions of mechanical composition are not confounded by Prof. Det Rio, since the difference is as great as that between snow and ice! “Nor is the objection valid because fine granular Ru- tile does not exist, since it is a well known variety both at Arendal and the southern coast of Cornwall, besides occasionally occurring in the New England states. But if this variety were wholly un- known, the employment of Rutile to illustrate the characteristics in question, so far as relates to crystallized and easily cleavable indi- viduals, would be perfectly suitable ; though my rule for referring minerals to the semi-crystallized class, would but seldom allow the broken and imperfect crystals, and large granular varieties, to be de= termined in this class, for I have intended for it only such as are ea- sily and distinctly cleavable, and such is not commonly the fact in _ Rutile, as any one may assure himself by attempting to cleave the Nigrine pebbles of Ohlapian. I must therefore be allowed still to per- severe in recommending the pupil to determine Rutile in a great num- ber of instances by a reference to the uncrystallized class, notwith- standing the remarks of Prof. Dex Rio respecting the impossiblity of distinguishing it from Ostranite, if obliged to adhere to the princi- 132 Rejoinder of Prof. Shepard to Prof. Del Rio. ples I have advanced, which are very unaccountably supposed to preclude all regard to a difference of color and lustre between these species. My treatise however is very explicit in the definition of the natural properties of minerals, and in the enumeration of these prop- erties among them. His assertion that I exclude color, fracture and lustre, from the list of natural properties, is farther proof of the hasty manner in which he has considered the subject of his criticisms; and has no better foundation than my having pronounced identical the three varieties of Galena proposed by him as a puzzle for the pu- pil using my book. These varieties were supposed to differ in structure: one of them is crystallized in the form of the cube, an- other massive in large individuals, and the third fine granular. How it is possible for these varieties to be identical in the sense of Natu- ral History, will appear, if any one will peruse the remarks on Iden- tity, § 104, p. 30 of my Treatise, and that without overlooking struc’ ture, color and lustre, as natural properties. Prof. Dex Rio is at a loss to understand how the frequent divis- ion of the species is a consequence, as | had asserted, of providing means for the determination of imperfect minerals. When any one will attempt to secure the object at which I aimed, in a manner equally effectual, he will probably comprehend the nature of the ne- cessity. I intended by the remark, however, simply to say that I could not accomplish the task and avoid such a division. Should it be performed without involving this inconvenience, my assertion will be found untrue, and I shall cheerfully encounter the mortification it may occasion, for the sake of the improvement; though I must de- ny having triplicated (as charged by my reviewer) or even dupiicalets the species by the process I have adopted. - Prof. Dex Rio recommended the arrangement of Leucite, Anal- cime and Garnet under a new order, the trapezohedron. I had a right to conclude that this was done as likely, in his opinion, to lead the pupil to the names of these minerals with greater facility than on the disposition I had made of them. In adhering to my arrange- ment, therefore, I do not perceive the impropriety of saying, in re- ply, that it would lead to no confusion, provided I showed satisfac- torily, as I trust I did, that none could occur I notice also with regret, that Prof. DetsBad adheres to his for- mer assertion concerning the determination of Quartz, as included in my order of the rhomboid; and that he has become so extravagant as to deny that it ever presents itself under the figure of its primi- Rejoinder of Prof. Shepard to Prof. Del Rio. 133 tive form. A student who is even moderately acquainted with the connexion of forms, would be prevented by the difference of lustre on the pyramidal faces of most Quartz crystals, no less than by the strie on the alternate faces of the prism, from referring them to the order of the regular hexagonal prism: and as to the fact of the primitive form being among the actual crystals of this species, it is abundantly mentioned as occurring at several places in Europe, by authors of the highest authority, and I should be extremely hap- py to show Professor Dex Rro samples from Chesterfield, Mass. in my collection, (fig. 360, my Mineralogy, 2d part,) samples which, though not the unaltered rhomboid, are so far removed from the six sided prism, as to require an expert observer to detect in all i instan- ces even the rudiments of prismatic planes. Had Prof. Det Rio been as explicit in his first review of my treatise, as he with some want of candor claims to have been in his notice of my reply, I should no doubt have extended my remarks in commenting upon the discoveries of, in a man- ner more answerable to his expectations. ‘The doctrine of dimor- phism, I regard as too imperfectly established to justify any innova- tions among species founded on natural-history principles. Chem- ists may by making crystallizations in different meastrua and at va- rious temperatures, obtain irreconcilable forms of what is supposed to be the same substance ; they may fail also to detect any chemi- cal difference between Flos-ferri and Calcareous Spar, and between White and Common Iron Pyrites; but still the interests of Mine- ralogy will not permit the union of these substances, differing as they do in crystalline form and otber natural properties. ‘The history of chemical analysis during the last twenty years, forbids such a proce- dure. The evidence of difference arising out of structure, specific gravity, hardness and lustre, must still be preferred to that derived from chemical analysis. While the announcement that Arrwepson has just found 37 p. ce. of sulphur in the European Manganblende, is a striking cor- roboration of the suspicious value I would attach to chemical anal- ysis, I am compelled still to disagree with Prof. Dex Rro respect- ing the identity of the Mexican variety with it as a species. The discrepancy of form, if real—so great as that of a cube and a rhom- boid—is enough to induce me to make a mineralogical distinction. The broken crystal with vertical planes, proposed as a dilemma for my characteristic, may contain such faces as to render it certain 134 New Work on the History of the Art of that it belongs to the right square, the right rectangular, or to the doubly oblique, prism ; but the probability is that it would be neces- sary to effect its determination through the 3d class. ; To the inquiry how many characters may be considered as es- sential? (by which I suppose the question is asked how many of the natural properties are available as characters) I reply that structure, specific gravity, hardness and lustre, afford essential characters of full and perfect sufficiency for the distinction of classes, orders, gen- era and species, provided these groups are framed in accordance with the principles of Natural History. Cuarves U. Sueparp. New Haven, Aug. 9, 1836. Arr. X.—M. Alexandre Brongniart’s New Work on the History of the Art of Pottery and of Vitrification. Museum to illustrate this subject. In a letter to the editor, dated March 8th, 1836, M. Brongniart remarks: “1am much occupied with a work upon the history of the plastic art, or the art of pottery; and the requests which I take the liberty to annex, have for their object the enriching of a grand and instructive collection which I have formed at Sévres, of every thing relative to the art of pottery, and consequently to the perfec- tion of the work which I have undertaken, and of which | have pub- lished the plan in an extract from the article Pottery, in the Dic- tionary of Technology published at Paris. It forms the half of a volume, i in which I have endeavored to present the principles of the art in a manner at once practical, philosophical and elementary. I am this year about taking a journey to England and to Germany, for the purpose of collecting pemcn and specimens for this work and for the collection at Sévres. As this undertaking of M. Beohguian:i is important and interesting to science, to history, and to the highly useful and beautiful art of pottery, we publish a translation of the exposé entire, and strongly | recommend it to the attention of all those who, in this country, have it in their power to promote the object in view. It is quite super~ fluous to add, that M. Brongniart’s character furnishes every secu- rity for the able and faithful performance of the duty which he has undertaken.— Ed. Pottery and of Vitrification. 135 Sévres, March 8th, 1836 . Royal Manufactory of Porcelain, and for painting on Glass. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Instructions as to the manner of co-operating towards the comple- tion of the collection relative. to the arts, connected with the manu- facture of porcelain and with vitrification, founded. at the Royal Manufactory at Sevres near Paris. I. What kinds of pottery are used by the different classes of in- habitants of the country; the agriculturists, the mechanics, citizens and merchants, poor and rich ? Is the pottery of native or foreign manufacture ? If foreign, from what country does it come, and in what way? If of native manufacture, where is it made? II. As to the native pottery, (and under this name we include all varieties, from the most common to porcelain,) it is desired to col- lect and procure specimens of every sort. Common pottery, both with and without glazing. Delftware common and Delftware fine. Pottery of brown free stone; crucibles. Varieties of porcelain. Bricks, both common and those manufactured by particular processes. Plate species.—Plates, oval dishes. Hollow ware.—Cups, salad dishes, tea and coffee cups Round pots, hollow moulded.—Oval and square pieces, saucers, boxes, &c. The largest piece of jist sort that is made. The name given in the country to each piece. The price of each piece upon the s Whether there is exportation, and to what place. Ill. Fasrication. 1. Primary materials—for the mass or paste. Clays. Marls or plastic earths ae may be substituted for them. Sands. Rocks or stones. Limesto: For the glaze or sinc —If stony materials—feldspar-stones. If metallic matters—Metals, their oxides, and metallic glass. Exact localities from which these materials are drawn. 2. Modelling.—Moulds of plaster, of terra cotta or other materi- als of whatever kind. The lathe and other instruments for fabrication. Sketches, with exact dimensions of these instruments, if it is sup- posed that they differ from those used in Europe. 3. Baking.—Form of the ovens sketched, with the dimensions. 136 — History of mers and of Vitrification. *Combustibles used, pidicating them in the —— manner pos- sible. IV. Information peculiar to the country. 1.. To designate the principal manufactures of pottery, glass and porcelain i in your vicinity. 2. Whether there is in North Ainetion; ancient pottery; that is to say, pottery fabricated in remote ages, and which has not been made for a long time. ‘This pottery is found in general in alluvial soil, in the ruins of towns, and perhaps, as in some parts of Italy, and of South America, and of the oriental countries of the ancient world, in the graves or tumuli. In Europe, these things have often been admitted into museums as monuments of antiquity, but almost never as in relation to the art of pottery and its history. It is in this latter point of view that I recard them, and that I have collected a great number of the ancient piéces of pottery in the museum at Sevres. To endeavor to collect some pieces of this antique pottery, and to indicate exactly the place and the circumstances in which they have been found, and to endeavor to decide whether it had anciently any celebrity, always however mistrusting the deception of the sellers. * 3. Whether there is knowledge from traditions, inscriptions, &c., that the natives (aborigines) of North America have ever a or known glass. General instructions in relation to the purchase, packing and for- warding of the objects collected. The expenses which may be incurred in procuring the specimens and the information, will be reimbursed by the administration of the Royal Manufactory of Porcelain, upon the statement sent to the person who shall be designated to receive the amount. It is expected that these expenses will not rise to a great amount: it is requested, in any event, that they may not exceed, in any one year, the sum granted, i. e. 200 francs for 1836, ($40); 200 for 1837; at least without a previous understanding with the adminis- trator of the Royal Manufactory at Sévres. It will be necessary to pack the pieces with great care, and to consign them to a merchant i in one of the ports of France, to be for- warded by way of slow transportation to the administrator of the Royal Manufacture of Porcelain ; forwarding also the expenses of transportation. RO oe cm * The requests for information and for specimens, apply equally to glass manu- factures and their productions. _ Method of increasing Shocks, &c. 137 It will be necessary that the correspondent at the seaport should write a letter of advice to the administrator of the Royal Manufac- tory at Sevres near Paris, before the forwarding—that the latter may obtain from the director general of the customs, that the box may arrive under seal, sous plomb, and that it may not be opened at Paris: this is very important, to the end that there may be no de- rangement of labels, nor any breakage. It is equally important that the tickets which may indicate the places where the pieces were made, or those from which they come, should not be separated and mixed during the unpacking. It is desired therefore that they may be fastened either with glue, or with good wafers, or with twine. Lastly, it is very desirable that: there should be attached to the case a separate box, either of lead or of tin, or that there should be sent separately, notes, previously made, of the objects collected and forwarded ; taking care that a correspondence be established between the objects and the notes, by means of numbers, which shall follow each other, or by numbering the series. ALEXANDRE BRoNGNIART. Art. XI.—Method of increasing shocks, and experiments, with Prof. Henry’s ie o= ate sparks and shocks nifrom the Calorimotor ; by C. G Salem, May 12th, 1836. ‘ PROFESSOR SILLIMAN. Dear Sir—I have lately constructed an apparatus for obtaining shocks from the calorimotor, which has furnished some curious results, and as*you may perbaps, deem them worthy of publication, I send you herewith, a sectional drawing of the apparatus with a description. 220 fee 170 “ wre LIQ “ 50 (a3 Cc S ie a) The figure represents a section of an apparatus for obtaining shocks from the calorimotor. The coil of copper ribbon, contained in the box 4, is 220 feet — an inch wide, and has but four solderings or Vou. XXXI—N 18 138 Method of increasing Shocks, &c. | joints, throughout its length. .The separate lengths of 55 feet are cut from single sheets of copper. This is easily done by cutting the alternate strips within balf an inch to the edge of the sheet, and then bending them one upon the other, to bring them in the same line of length; in this way the integrity of the circuit is better preserved an by numerous solderings. The ribbon is wound with single strips of list intervening. On five of the coils at distances indicated by the figure, are soldered strips of copper which pass through the cover of the box and are then bent down to receive the thimbles for the mercury. This forms a convenient arrangement, as the mercury cups are easily emptied by straightening the copper strips. 4, re resents the copper tube with a curved strip of copper soldered to its extremity for dipping into the mercury cups. For the sake of brev- ity in detailing the experiments, instead of the copper tube of right or left hand, merely the words right and left hand will be used; and by the abbreviations, neg. con. and pos. con. will be understood the strips of copper connecting the cups with the negative and positive cups of the calorimotor. On putting the pos. con. into cup 1 and the neg. con. into cup 2, a bright spark and sharp snap are produced, when either of the con- nectors is raised from its cup. When the neg. con. is raised from cup 3, the spark is more brilliant than the last, iiss with a louder snap. When the neg. con. is raised from cup 4, the spark i is more ae minous, but not so intense as the last named, nor is the snap so Joud. _ When the neg. con. is raised from cup 5, the spark is sal less bright, and the snap less loud. When. the neg. con. is raised from cup 6, (220 feet,) rs spark and'snap are both feeble, even when compared with those given by cup 3. It would seem then from these results, that the limit®* of in- tensity is attained at cup 4, which gives a length of 110 feet; but this inference is somewhat weakened by the following facts. The shocks by no means obey the same law; the maximum being obtain- ed by immersing the copper tubes in cups 6 and 1. For conven- ience of arrangement, suppose the positive connector is in cup 1] and the right hand in cup 1, The left hand is to pass along with the. neg. con. into cups 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and as the con. is raised from these cups successively, the shock increases, and from cup 6, isa ie, ee : * ld ely ascertained by having cups on each coil. Method of increasing Shocks, &c. 139 maximum with this apparatus. It will be seen from this, that from cup 4 to 6, the shock is inversely as the spark, while in the first half of the coil, it is in the same ratio. It may be well to mention here, that I found if the surface of the mercury, where the contact be brok- en, be covered with water, the shock is very much increased, ‘The rationale I am unable to give, but such is the fact. This augmenta- tion does not take place at every rupture of contact, but is best at- tained by striking the connector against the bottom of the cup and quickly raising it. The shock is also increased by covering the mer- cury with naphtha and the mercury nprawed to be oxidized, the naphtha soon growing turbid. The next results to be stated, are still more curious, wd accor- ding to the received theories of electromotion, difficult to explain. The pos. con. and right hand are still in cup 1. The neg. con. in cup 2, and the left hand in cup 3, the shock is now stronger than when the left hand was in cup 2 with the connector, and the shock goes on increasing as the left hand is carried into cups 4, 5 and 6 in succession.* Let now the pos. con. and right hand remain in cup 1, place the neg. con. in cup 3, and the left hand in cup 4; the shock goes on increasing as before, and when the left hand arrives at cup 6, the shock is as strong as that obtained from the whole coil, (220 feet,) while the actual circuit from positive to negative, is only 80 feet. Let the pos. con. and right hand remain in cup 1, put the neg. con. in cup 4 and the left hand in cup 5; the shock is now as strong as when the whole coil is in the circuit, and when the left hand is in cup 6, the shock is stronger than can be ‘obtained from the apparatus in any other way. ‘These last results show that the real maximum as indicated by the shock, is given by the direct circuit from positive to negative, through half the coil, with the lateral co- operation of the other half. ‘Thus much being known, we might reasonably expect that while the connectors are in the extreme cups 1 and 6, we should obtain shocks from any two intermediate cups, and this I found to be the case; but contrary to expectation, I obtained shocks from-cups en- tirely without the actual circuit. For instance the pos. consin cup 1, neg. in 3, right hand in 4, and left band in 6. In this case the hock was slight ; but by thrusting needles into the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, and immersing the needles in cups 4 and 6, the shock was extremely painful. —— . ‘Anassistant is necessary to make the immersion of the connectors, 140 Method of increasing Shocks, &c. Again, solder the copper tube of the left hand to the neg. con., put the pos. con. and right hand into cup 1.. When the end of the neg. con. is raised from cup 4, no shock is felt, but when the other end is raised from the cup on the battery, a shock is felt. Other things remaining the same, carry the right hand from cup 1, out of the direct circuit intocup 6. Nearly the reverse of the last named phenomena takes place. A strong shock is felt when the end of the neg. con. is raised from cup 4, and a weaker one when the other end is raised from the cup on the battery. This experiment appears still more striking, when the right hand is carried into the same cup with the neg. con., cup 4; a shock is felt, although the distance by the direct circuit from hand to hand, is only about eight inches. Hav- ing detached the copper tube from the connector, put the pos. con. in cup 1, the neg. con. in cup 4, the right hand in cup 4, and the left hand in the neg. cup on the battery. It is immaterial now which end of the neg. con. is raised, both producing a shock. If the right hand is now carried to cup 6, the shock is a maximum. : A direct shock cannot be obtained from this instrument. To test thiS, I passed fine needles deep into the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, and immersed them in cup 6 and the neg. cup on the bat- tery, the pos. con. being in cup 1; no shock was felt on —_— or breaking the circuit. Ifa file or rasp be inserted into either of the cups and the con- nector drawn across it, the shocks become insupportable from their rapidity of succession.. The scintillations from the file in this case are very beautiful, being by far the most brilliant and copious in cup 4. Very pleasing effects are produced by breaking the circuit with a revolving spur wheel. A little spur wheel of copper is so made, that in revolving, one spur shall leave the mercury before the next touches. In this way a rapid series of sparks and detonations are ’ If bits of silver leaf are hung upon the spurs as the wheel revolves, the combustion of the silver leaf is very vivid, burning with its peculiar emerald light.’ The shocks —*. while the wheel is revolving, are very disagreeable. The decomposition of water was easily effected by breaking the circuit under its surface with two clean strips of copper. On using two small platinum wires, they adhered as with a deflagrator. The coil was tried with a two quart Leyden jar, and shocks were obtained from cups entirely without the direct circuit. I refrain from stating other results with the Leyden jar, as they must be rendered equivocal, by the imperfect insulation of the coils. ‘ Method of increasing Shocks, &c. 141 It may also be worth mention, that by using the needles as before, J obtained with this apparatus, shocks from a single pair of plates of only four square inches, (single surface.) We have then in this in- strument a battery by itself, from which shocks of all grades can be obtained, and in cases of the medical application of galvanism, it ~ must prove far more convenient than the ordinary beet POSTSCRIPT. Salem, June 8, 1836. One of the most pleasing experiments with the coil, is breaking the circuit with a revolving spur wheel. In former expetiments, I produced the revolution of the wheel with a string, as in the wheel tinder box, having failed to effect it with a magnet. But I have since invigorated my calorimotor, by removing and cleansing the zinc plates, and a small horse shoe magnet is now sufficient to pro- duce rapid revolutions, with the most brilliant results. The circuit in this case is terminated in cup 2, as the rotations diminish in pro- portion to the length of the coil used. The wheel is fitted with a wooden stand and trough, precisely as for magnetic rotation. The deflagration of the mercury is extremely vivid, giving copious furtes. If the experiment is performed in a dark room, it exhibits in a superb manner, the well known optical illusion, of a wheel in rapid motion appearing to be at rest. As the wheel is illuminated by a rapid se- ries of sparks, it does not appear to be exactly at rest, but exhibits a quick vibratory movement. I have before alluded to the nature of the shocks given by the wheel, but with this self regulating appara- tus, an assistant can be dispensed with, and shocks of any duration and degree, can be obtained, by immersing the copper handles as before directed. The strongest shock being obtained by immersing the copper handles in cups 6, and the negative cup on the battery. This last experiment is difficult to explain. The left hand being in cup 6, it is immaterial whether the right hand is carried to the posi- tive or negative cup on the battery ; a strong shock is felt in both ca- ses, but that from the negative cup is somewhat stronger, and is ad real maximum, if the circuit terminates with half the coil. 142 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. Arr. XII.—Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet, as they appeared at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., in Oct. 1835; by Prof. B. F. Josuiy. Preliminary Remarks.—A comparison of the recorded appear- ances of comets with the known period of Halley’s, has enabled as- ‘tronomers, by identifying the latter, to trace back its existence for five or six hundred years. This circumstance renders this comet peculiarly interesting, as affording an opportunity of studying the physical changes which this class of bodies may undergo during long periods of time. These changes will be more accurately determin- ed, in proportion as observers shall more particularly note those op- tical and other circumstances which affect their appearance, and es- pecially the length of their trains. | It would appear from the former history of this comet, that at each of its periodical returns, since these have been recorded, the magnitude of its head, (which consists of the bright central part, called the nucleus, and the surrounding nebulous part, called the en- velope,) and the length of its tail, have been observed to be less than at the preceding return. This has been attributed to a want of sufficient attraction to bring back to the head the material of the tail, and prevent its dissipation. In consequence of these succes- sive degradations, astronomers generally anticipated, that in 1839, its tail, if seen at all, would be far less imposing than at any former period ; and it was doubted by some, whether any part of the comet would be seen with the naked eye, or even without the aid of a pow- erful telescope.* Yet this isolated mass of celestial vapor appears still to be far from being entirely dissipated ; although vapor, under ordinary terrestrial circumstances, is proverbial for its transitory character, and strikingly represents the brevity of human life. Yet this body, whose bulk consists chiefly of vapor; this body, at the same time among the lightest and most voluminous in the solar sys tem, has (notwithstanding its alternate condensation and rarefaction, and its partial dissipation’ by solar influence) continued to exist, a to pursue its regular and prescribed (and now calculated) course through the heavens, at least during a period in which fifteen oF twenty generations of men have been swept in succession from the face of the earth. Salient * See American Almanac, for 1835. Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. 143 The want of any satisfactory theory in relation to the tails of comets, and the changes which this particular one has undergone, render it more desirable to multiply exact observations of its appa- rent length, with an account of those circumstances by which it may have been affected. The apparent length of this appendage depends, Ist, on its abso- jute length ; 2d, on its distance from the earth ; 3d, on its intrinsic brightness ; for, as this fades away insensibly, the tail will appear to terminate where its light is too faint to make a sensible impression on the retina ; 4th, on the brightness of the surrounding sky, in con- sequence of the illumination of the atmosphere by other light, as that of the sun or moon, which weakens the impression made by the light of the tail; 5th, on the altitude of the comet, and the opacity of the atmosphere, which intercepts and reflects more or less of this light ; 6th, on the position of the optic axis; for although the figure and color of a bright object can be determined with more precision when the optic axis is directed towards it, the existence of a faintly luminous one can be more readily detected, and consequently the extent of one, whose brightness progressively diminishes from one extremity to the other, till it vanishes, can be more correctly deter- mined by oblique or indirect vision, and when the optic axis makes a considerable angle with the visual ray of the object; and in all comparative estimates of its length, as seen at different times, or by different observers, it is necessary to know in which of these modes it was viewed. Lastly, telescopic vision, in which the field is com- paratively of small extent, is necessarily direct ; but the magnitude of a faint object will vary, not only with the magnifying powers, but with the diameters of the object glasses, provided they have propor- tional apertures. is one rare phenomenon, which, whenever it is presented, claims particular attention, viz. the second tai). 1 have hitherto al- luded to the ordinary and proper one, which is nearly opposite the sun, and concerning the physical constitution of which the hypothe- ses have been numerous, but unsatisfactory. If it is owing to the atmosphere of the comet, driven off by the impulse of the sun’s rays, how shall we account for several co-existent tails, some of them ta- king a very different direction? There is probably no phenome- non, which is destined in the progress of observation, to throw more light upon the physical constitution and rotatory motion of comets, than that of these supernumerary tails. The observation of some (144 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. of them may lead to the conclusion, that they are projected by local causes from particular parts of the comet’s nucleus, and revolving with it, take at different times, different positions, a comparison of which may determine the period of rotation. In the account of my observations on Halley’s comet, as well as in the following referen- ces to its former appearances, the term tail will, unless otherwise stated, be exclusively applied to the luminous train which was near- ly opposite the sun. Whether in the accounts of its appearance previous to 1835, its total length was given, or only that part seen by direct vision, we may perhaps have no means of determining. The comet of 1305, believed to have been that of Halley, seems to have presented an envelope and train, of such a magnitude as to render it not only sublime, but, in that age, terrific. It was refer- red to as the ‘“‘ cometa horrende magnitudinis,” in an age when rare phenomena, instead of proving a stimulus to accurate observation, excited either wonder or terror. In the year 1456, it presented a tail 60° in length, and spread consternation throughout christian Eu- rope. Its -malign influences, in connexion with the Mahometan conquests, were daily and publicly deprecated, a papal bull being formally issued, and the church bells daily rung for that special pur- pose. In 1682, its tail was reduced to one half, being 30° in length. In the year 1705, Dr. Edmund Halley, having determined its period to be about seventy five or seventy six years, (varying ac- cording to the disturbing influence of the planets,) foretold its reap- pearance in 1759. It appeared within a month of the time pre- dicted ; and the fulfillment of this prediction, the first successful at- tempt of the kind ever made by astronomers, has liberated the hu- man mind from those superstitious terrors, which hairy or blazing Stars had always excited, and of which this comet in particular, had _been for so many times, and in such a peculiar degree, the innocent cause, Its next return to its perihelion, was in November, 1835, but a few days later in the month than was predicted. : The fact that the difference between the actual and calculated time, was much less than at the preceding return, evinces progress in astronomy. My own humble observations, however, to which I shall now proceed, have no bearing upon what, in the English use of the term, is called physical astronomy. They relate rather to the physics, and (if I may so express it) to the meteorology of com- ets; to points, which may interest the public and the natural phi- losopher, but not the student of celestial mechanics. Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. 145 In the following observations, the largest telescope employed, was a five feet achromatic of Dollond’s manufacture; magnifying power from 57 to 260; diameter of object glass, 32 inches. As it is not furnished with a micrometer, the magnitudes, positions, and forms of telescopic objects are to be considered as stated only approxi- mate The smallest telescope, (except the finder,) was a portable tele- scope, having a magnifying power of 6.8; diameter of object glass, 2.6 inches ; focal length, two feet three inches. I shall, however, confine myself chiefly to an account of such observations as could be made with most advantage by simple vision, direct, and indirect; and more particularly to the length of the train. As this was generally more conspicuous in October, I shall — confine the account to that month, although the train was afterwards seen. The following is a copy of my journal. Observations.— Oct. 4, 4h. 15m. A. M. mean solar time. The tail of Halley’s comet was distinctly seen with the naked eye, by indi- rect vision, but was invisible when the optic axis was directed to- wards it. It appeared to be nearly opposite to the Sun, but as it was very short, its position could not be satisfactorily determined. Its length, as seen indirectly, was equal to two or three diameters of the head. The apparent magnitude of the latter, as seen with the naked eye, was about equal to that of a star of the first magnitude, as dilated by irradiation, though its brightness did not exceed one of the third or fourth. The tail could only be seen in the absence of all foreign light, except that of the stars, though the head was visible to the naked eye, till within half an hour of Sunrise. With the five feet telescope, and lowest magnifying power, no tail could be seen, but only a rounded mass, resembling luminous vapor, in- creasing in brightness toward the center, near which the brightness increased so abruptly as to entitle this part to the appellation of a nucleus indistinctly defined. Oct. 7.—The sky became clear at 5 A. M., and the comet was seen till 5h. 30m. as it was on the 4th, but no tail was detected. The light of the moon, (it being the day after full moon,) was at first the principal obstacle ; afterwards, the dawn and a haziness con- On the morning of the 4th, when I detected the tail, the observation was made under the most favorable circumstances, 1. e. at a considerable altitude, after the setting of the moon, and in a Vol. XXXI.—No. 1 19 146 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. sky neither rendered opake by vapors, nor bright by the = rays of the sun. Oct. 8., P. M—The comet seen, but so near the horizon, that nothing but the envelope was visible. Oct. 9, 5h. 30m. A. M.—Thin clouds, the moon, and the dawn, conspired to render the tail invisible. 7 P. M.—The moon was below the horizon, but the comet being only about 18° above it, the distinctness of the tail, as seen with the naked eye, was not greater than on the morning of the 4th, yet by myself and several others, it was seen distinctly with the same telescope which was before used, as also with one of a less magni- fying power, and greater comparative aperture. With the latter, which showed it more distinctly, it appeared as a faint brush of light extending about half way to 4 of Ursa Major, and was directed nearly towards that star. With the larger telescope, the nucleus was distinct. Oct. 10th, 7h. 30m. P. M-—The moon had not risen, nor was any sensible portion of its light reflected from that part of the at- mosphere which was in the direction of the comet. This body was about 4° farther from the horizon than at 7 o’clock on the preceding evening, and the tail more distinct; and, although this distinctness was afterwards diminished by the rising of the moon, and by the descent of the comet, in its diurnal revolution, yet there had been in 24 hours, an evident increase of brightness and length, as seen under similar circumstances as to sebrastyial atmosphere. By indi- rect vision, it was about 3° in length. When the eye was fixed steadily on it, it nearly disappeared, as other faintly luminous objects do by direct vision. The length was still more reduced by the larger telescope, probably in consequence of the faintness of the object, and the smallness of the aperture of the telescope, compared pice, its magnifying power. The smaller telescope had not that ef cl Oct. 11th, Th. 30m. P. M.—The train was very distinct. As seen obliquely, it intersected the line connecting « and > Draconis, at about one eighth the distance from the former to the latter. Seen by direct vision, it was very short. ‘When at some distance from the axis of vision, it was usually seen with great distinctness, 8° oF 9° in length ; but occasionally, when the eye was in the most favor- able position, its length Was three times as great, ¢. e. between 2 24° Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. 147 and 27°. After being dilated for a few (perhaps two or three) de- grees from the head, it appeared to continue nearly of the same width to the extremity, the remoter half appearing to be rather narrower, and very faint. All the eye pieces were tried; also the finder, and the other small telescope. With the last, its apparent length was 8° ; with the five feet telescope and lowest power, 1° in length, and still less, or invisible, with the higher powers. To the eye, there appeared to be a nucleus; but with the telescope, this seemed to be more like a vapor, still denser than the outer va- por, and to have a diameter about one eighth that of the whole head ; but with the small telescope, from one fourth to one sixth, With the highest magnifying power, nothing but this central part could be seen, and that appeared rather as a mass of vapor, than a solid nucleus. At 10 o’clock, some time after the moon had risen, and when the comet had descended nearer to the horizon, the tail was not seen by direct vision, and by indirect vision, its length was but 2°. Oct. 12, 8h. 30m. P. M.—The tail appeared to be directed to- wards 8 Urse Minoris, and seemed to the naked eye about 9° in length. There was one remarkable relation to its length, this evening, as compared with the preceding ; which was, that when viewed directly and intently, its length, brightness and constancy, were found to have increased, whilst the total length, as seen by indirect vision, was not half as great as on the preceding evening. That long, faint, white, and straight beam of equable width, which on the preceding evening, had stretehed across the heavens like an auroral streamer, was now, as it were, Cut off near the place where it joined the more obvious part. These were the phenomena of simple vision; and nothing remarkable was seen with the portable telescope. But at 8h. 40m. on directing the larger telescope, furnished with the eye piece of lowest magnifying power, I discovered a kind of supernumerary tail. 'The nebulous matter seemed to have beem in in a great measure, accumulated on the lower side of the brightest part, or nucleus, and to have formed a very distinet and regular conical brush of light, the axis of which was directed downwards, and a little to the right, making an angle of about 120° with the long tail before described. The length of this new tail was equal to about three times the diameter of what I have called the nucleus, having the breadth of the nucleus at the part next to it, and about 148 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. twice that breadth at its remote extremity. The opposite sides were inclined at an angle of about 20° ; 7. e. considering it as a frustum of a cone, the angle at the imaginary vertex was about twenty de- grees. Although with such a telescope there can be but little irradiation, compared with that in simple vision, I at the first moment suspected that it might possibly be an illusion of that kind; but having ob- served, as was stated in my memoir on that subject,* that the direc- tions of the beams produced by this cause, have certain determinate positions with respect to the position of the head, and are conse- quently changed with its inclinations, I soon discovered that this brush of light was not in any one of the directions of maximum ir- radiation ; and on my inclining the head to the right and left, the position of the beam, which I now concluded to be a real tail, re- mained constant. But for more perfect assurance, 1 removed the day tube, which had been hitherto employed, and which showed objects erect, and applied in succession two other eye pieces, both of which inverted, and one of them was of the highest magnifying power, 7. e. 260. The new tail was seen with these glasses with no less distinctness, but appeared to be exactly in the opposite di- rection, just as it should be if real. The object glass was also rota- ted, without producing any change in the tail. The foregoing ob- servations were completed about the time of the rising of the moon, more than half of whose visible disk was, at that time in the month, illuminated. About an hour and a quarter after it had risen, the comet, as seen with the naked eye, presented but a very short tail ; its long one being, as it were, shorn off by the moonlight, to a length equal only to three times the diameter of the head; 7. e. about the same length, compared with the diameter of the nebulous envelope, as that of the telescopic short one, compared with the diameter of the ic nucleus. Oct. 13.—The atmosphere during the day and evening has been smoky. ‘This opacity has prevented a good view of the comet this evening. The tail, as seen with the naked eye, appears not more than 3° in length. The eye-piece for land objects gives no distinct view through the smoke, on account of the number of glasses. With the lowest magnifying power of the others, which invert, the nucleus appears situated as last night, in the lower and right part of Porency ove Si nat pose is ery tere dee * Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. iv. new series. Observations on the Tails of Halley's Comet. 149° the head ; 7. e. it is really in the upper and left part. What ap- peared as a short tail, in a clear sky, appears through the smoke as an eccentric envelope, this term being applied to the nebulous mat- ter which surrounds the nucleus. ‘The angle which the supernume- rary tail makes with the other, is not greater to-night than it was last night. On account of the smoke, the angle cannot be so exactly determined, but is between 100° and 120°. As seen through this eye-piece, the luminous matter on the lower right side of the nu- cleus appears to-night to extend three or four times as far from the nucleus as it did last evening, when it appeared more distinctly as a tail. By the use of the term nucleus, 1 do not mean to! affirm, that any solid body was seen, but to express a small bright spot, whose brightness had, on all sides, an abrupt termination, and did not fade away into that of the exterior of the head, by insensible degrees. Those students generally who used the telescope this evening, perceived the eccentric situation of the nucleus. I per- ceived the same after having taken the telescope from the stand, and placed the lower side uppermost. I consider my conclusion in regard to the existence of a supernumerary tail confirmed. The longer tail is directed toward 8 Cephei. Oct. 14.—The tail, at 8 P. M., was directed nearly towards + Herculis. The opacity of the air, which appears to be of the same nature as that which frequently prevails in this country in the latter part of autumn, and which is called Indian summer, tends much to obscure the comet this evening. To the naked eye, the tail is about 6° or 8° in length, and from 12° to 16°, as seen obliquely. The nucleus cannot be seen with the eye tube for terrestrial ob- jects, nor with that of the highest magnifying powers, and but faintly with the two intermediate powers, but more distinctly with the higher of these two. On account of this indistinctness, it is dif- ficult to determine exactly the direction of the supernumerary tail, or (if any one prefers the expression) on which side the nebulous envelope is very much condensed and elongated. But if I might hazard an opinion, the nebulous matter at about 8 or 9 o’clock ap- peared to be elongated downwards in a direction making an angle of perhaps 160° or 170° with the long train. That it was elongated downwards in some direction was evident ; the precise direction being rather uncertain. Oct. 15.—The clouds and a kind of fog this evening prevented a good view. The length of the tail appeared less than 2°; its direction was towards the star % in the constellation Hercules. 150 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. Oct. 16, 7 P. M.—This evening the sky is clear, and the comet is seen very distinctly. The condensed nebulous matter which ra- diates from the comet on one side, and which, for the sake of dis- tinction, [ call the short tail, is very distinct, and forms a longer and less acute cone than it did when first seen; its length being equal to about six times the diameter of the nucleus, and its sides diverging at an angle of about 60°; and outside of these and con- tiguous to them, are fainter portions at an angle of about 90° with each other; so that, considering this tail as a frustum of a cone, the parts within 30° of the axis are bright ; beyond that the tail is faint, yet visible to the extent of 45° on each side of the axis of the cone. ‘These are to be understood as the observed angles; the actual angles being somewhat less, if the axis of the cone is oblique to the visual ray. ‘This cone seems, when viewed with the large tel- escope, to constitute nearly all the envelope then visible. It would seem that the outermost envelope seen with the naked eye, is not seen with this telescope, because it is too faintly luminous, and that this short fan-like tail is not seen with the naked eye, because it has not sufficient magnitude. 1 infer this want of identity in the visible envelope in the two cases, not merely from the dissimilarity in shape, but from their relative apparent magnitudes ; for the telescopic, con- centrated and radiated envelope, appears, (I should judge,) even smaller than the whole head, as seen with the naked eye. Had it appeared magnified by the telescope, we might have attributed the difference of shape in part to irradiation, most of which would be removed by the telescope. At 8 o’clock, the axis of this conical tail, or the middle radius of its projection, considered as a circular sector, is directed downwards, and to the right, making an angle of about 161° (as I judged) with the proper tail. The latter passed exactly through the star é¢ in the knee of Hercules. The small tail was seen with all the eye glasses; also with the tube of the telescope inverted. It was seen by many of the students, as well as by myself. The long tail, as seen with the naked eye, did not appear to increase in breadth for more than three or four degrees from the head of the comet, and the part seen constantly by direct vision, may have been 7° or 8° in length; but seen by indirect vision, it extended forty five degrees in length, stretching across the heavens nearly to the milky way. 17.—The tail, seen directly, this evening, is usually about 3° in length ; its width at that distance is about twice as great 3s Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. 151 at the place where it joins the head. At the latter place, its width appears to be about two thirds that of the head. The head appears rather larger, though fainter, than a star of the first magnitude. That part of the tail seen by indirect vision, the faint, narrow and apparently straight tail of equable width, extends into the constel- lation Lyra: the length of the whole tail is about thirty five de- grees, which is 10° less than last evening. The sky is much less clear than on last night, and the envelope condensed on one side to form the short tail is indistinct, yet its direction and form seem not to have been sensibly changed since last evening. Oct. 18, 7 P. M.—Tail as seen with the naked eye fixed stead- ily on it, 9° in length; by indirect vision, about 18°. Seen directly it ts longer, and neuen shorter than it was on the 16th. The | atmosphere appears to be less clear. In consequence of this, and of the wind, the nucleus is not discernible. Oct. 19, 7h. 30m. P. M.—Length by direct vision, about 6° ; by indirect vision, about 18°: sky clear near it at the time. It being windy and cloudy, the large telescope was not taken out. Oct. 22,7 P. M.—Tail directed to 8 Serpentarii; length by indirect vision about 9°, by direct vision about 2° 30’. Nucleus not discernible. Oct. 23.—Tail fainter than on the preceding evening. Oct. 24, 7 P. M.—Length as seen by indirect vision, about 12° ; by direct vision, about 3°. The sky is quite clear; but there is considerable wind. It is probably owing to this circumstance, and to the comet’s distance, and to its small altitude after the disappear- ance of the moon and twilight, that the nucleus could not, this eve- ning, be seen with sufficient distinctness to enable me to determine on which side of it the nebulous matter was most dense and elonga- ted. If the nucleus was seen, it must have been somewhere near the upper part. Oct..25, Evening.—Tail directed about towards a Aquile; length . by indirect vision, about 3°; by direct vision about 30’. The sky is clear and the air still, but there is a new moon. The head ap- pears to the naked eye about as large as a star of the second mag- nitude. A kind of nucleus is visible with the telescope, with which the tail and envelope are also distinctly seen. T am inclined to think that there have been seen at different times, two apparent nuclei of different orders; and that the smallest one, seen When the comet was nearer, had a situation at one extremity” 152 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. of the one now seen; and that this which is now seen would, if it were nearer to the earth, appear to constitute a kind of tail to the other. Yet, notwithstanding the indistinctness arising from distance, the head of the comet I should judge to be brighter than it was two weeks since. Concluding remarks.—Length of the tail by direct and indirect vision.—It appears from the preceding observations, that on those days in October in which the length of the tail was observed in these two modes, its mean length by direct vision, was 5° ; by indt- rect vision, 173 degrees ; 1. e. as one to three and ahalf.* Inama- jority of instances, the length by indirect vision was between two and four times that by direct vision. Now the tails of some comets are said to have exhibited instanta- neous variations in length, like the coruscations of an aurora borea- lis ; and this circumstance has led some astronomers to consider them of an electrical nature. But has not this phenomenon been rather physiological than physical? Has it not been chiefly occasioned by a change in the position of the eye? The other hypothesis presents insuperable difficulties, when we consider the distances of comets, and the immense velocity with which electricity must move, to pro- duce any sensible and sudden variation of length, at such distances from the observer. It will be seen from the preceding observations, that immense and instantaneous variations of length were observa- ble by us at almost any time when the tail was visible. They were observed hundreds of times; so that a tail eight or ten millions of miles in length, would frequently become in a second of time twenty or thirty millions. * Length of tail by direct vision. By indirect vision. State of the air. 10th, ‘ 0° 10/ 2°. 0 A Transparent, ll 8 30 25 30 do. 12, 9 00 9 30 do. 4 7 00 14 00 16 7 2 45 00 Snetaageagi 17 3 00 35 00 ke. 18 9 00 18 00 a transparent ers on 16th. , 19 6 00 18 00 Tolerably tran 22 2 00 9 30 24 3 00 12 00 Transparent. 25 0 30 3 00 Transparent, with new moon. Mean lengths, 1:3.5, i. e. 5° 17.5° Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. 153 Again, in estimating the rapidity with which a comet’s tail is de- veloped, we are liable to err, from a neglect of meteorological, as well as physiological influences. Estimates have been*made in re- lation to the number of millions of miles to which the matter of a comet’s tail has been projected, during the interval between the ob- servations on two consecutive nights. By overlooking or underesti- mating the immense influence, which slight changes in the transpa- rency of the atmosphere must have on the apparent length of such faintly luminous bodies, we might draw from several of the prece- ding observations, astonishing conclusions with regard to the velocity with which this luminous matter is projected. We might thus infer the projection of Juminous matter to the extent of fifteen or twenty millions of miles in a single day ; for the tail of Halley’s comet, ac- cording to some of the preceding observations, must have appeared to receive such an augmentation of length in a single day.* The - greatest observed length was real, and indeed from the gradual man- ner in which the brightness diminished, it must have been less than the actual length. . It is not improbable, from the length of the tail at different altitudes, that, in the absence of terrestrial atmosphere, it would have presented a length of some hundreds of millions of miles. Even the part dstundly- seen on the 16th, if it had been di- rected toward the earth at the time of the comet’s nearest approach, must have nearly reached us, and by gravitation, (if it were ponder- able,) mingled with our atmosphere. What effects may sometimes be produced in the planetary atmospheres in this way, is not known. By what has been said in relation to sources of exaggeration, re- specting this developement in length, it is not intended to deny that it does take place with astonishing rapidity, as comets approach the sun. ‘This has been often observed. Direction of the principal tail_—By referring to those of the pre- ceding observations, made when the direction of the tail was seen, and its place among the stars recorded, it will be found that it was never directly opposite the sun, but always inclined towards the re- gion from which the comet was departing. This was always the case when the position was observed and recorded, as it was on ten ac! The angular lengths above given would, with oe comet’s erg? in its orbit, one to calculate the absolute lengths; but what has been said above in r rele tion to this last point, has been founded only on baie per approximate estimat OL. . —lVO. : 20 154 Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. evenings, from the 11th to the 25th Oct. inclusive.* It was for- merly believed that the tail of a comet was in most cases directly opposite to the sun ; but modern observers have discovered that it is generally reer a little backwards. This has been attributed by some, to the resistance of an ethereal medium; but that curva- ture which would naturally be produced by this cause, and which has been often observed in these luminous trains, was not in this in- stance detected. The straightness of a tail of such immense length and levity, appears to be rather unfavorable to that hypothesis. If there was any curvature, (which was once suspected,) it must (L should think) have been less than would be due to that cause, ac- cording to that hypothesis. Nueleus and Envelopes.—What I remarked in my journal in re- lation to apparent nuclei of different orders, is equivalent to the ex- pression, that there are real envelopes of different orders, the less brilliant one being at the greater distance. This is analogous to the results of former observations, which have detected, in the case of other comets, two or more concentric envelopes, as though there were different strata of luminous clouds at different heights in the comet’s atmosphere, with intermediate aériform matter, uncondensed ‘and transparent. The difference in this instance was, that the envelopes were not always concentric ; in other words, that there was a kind of Second Tail.—This was a tail to the nucleus, but not to the exte- rior envelope: in this respect, it differed from the ordinary train. In being equal in width to the nucleus at the part where it joined it, and in diverging from it, it sustained about the same relation to the nucleus, as was sustained to the whole head by that part of the lon- ger tail which joined it, although there was no neck or contraction of the shorter tail near the nucleus. When the sky was clear, it was not circular or elliptical, but presented the appearance of a cil cular sector, with straight divergent sides ; so that analogy justifies us in calling it a tail. Indeed, this term might be applied to any stream of diverging light, even were the analogy less complete. And even though a stratum of it may have surrounded the real nucleus, this would be analogous to the ease of the ordinary tail, for it passes 1 peta This was the case according to the situation of the comet, as observed by me; and although I had not the means of determining the place of the head with great xactness, yet the declination was usually greater than that which would be likely Ks arise from an error of that kind, which error, moreover, would not have a always on the same side. Observations on the Tails of Halley’s Comet. 155 in a kind of parabolic form around the telescopic envelope, to form the outer envelope, which is visible to the naked eye, and which appears to be contiguous to the tail, and similar to it in brightness, but not contiguous or similar to the envelope within, I have en- deavored to describe these objects as they appeared with our teles- cope. ‘To those who enjoyed the advantage of more powerful in- struments, other minute and faint parts must have been detected, whose existence may have affected the general form ; but this cir- cumstance may not destroy the value of the above observations, as the descriptions might still be found tolerably correct, so far as re- gards parts within certain limits of magnitude and brightness. Those who are familiar with the history of astronomy, know that double tails are not unprecedented. Several tails have been seen attached to a single comet. That of 1744 presented six streams of nearly 30° in length, widely diver- gent, like the rays of an expanded fan. In January, 1823, Prof. Biela, at Prague, and President Day, at New Haven, saw a second tail at an angle of about 178° with the first. It was seen but for a few days, and not many particulars in regard to it are stated. But it would seem that this tail, like most - of those seen previous to 1835, proceeded rather from the envelope than from the nucleus. In July, 1825, Mr. James Dunlop, astronomer, at Paramatta, New South Wales, observed the changes of position and form which occurred in tie tails of a comet, and afforded evidence of the exist- ence of a rotatory motion in the comet, the approximate period be- ing 19h. 36m... His observations, ae were exact and minute, were published by Sir Thomas Brisban The preceding observations on Halley’ s comet, will perhaps be thought to justify the suspicion of a rotation, but its period cannot be determined by them with exactness, nor its existence with cer- tainty, without comparing them with others made in a clearer sky, with more powerful instruments, and on nights, and at hours, differ- ing from those of my observations. As this is a phenomenon which is usually seen but for a few days, and as the sky may be clear at one place, and cloudy at another, at times when it exists, the foregoing observations may afford data of some use in the investigation of this interesting subject, although they cannot be put in competition with simultaneous observations, made under more advantageous circumstances. 156 Solutions of two diophantine Problems. Arr. XIII.—Solutions of two diophantine Problems ; 3 by Prof. Tueopore STRONG. Qu. 1. To divide unity into three positive parts, such that if each is increased by unity, each sum shall be a rational cube.. Assume 2, p+4q p—q, for the roots of three cubes, such that their sum shall equal 4, and each cube shall be greater than unity, then by subtract- ing unity from each of these cubes, we shall evidently have the num- bers required. Hence, we have z*+(p+¢q)*+-(p—q)*=z*+2p?+ —I9n3 rae tea 4 6p = — Te - , hence, : 6 ‘we must make 24p —6pz* —12p*=to a sq. (1.) Put P=5—Yt 6pq* =4, which gives q? a 4 144 24 144 z=p tur then (1) becomes 625 + [a5 (8239 — Ta)e+ os (Qvy — 36 Bv2 — 18y?)a? +5 (8y° +2yv? —v*)x° +6 - —2y4)at= sq. = (12 — (323y—72v 144 35 + Omg ER star?) =, = 625 +. Seo (323y — 72v) @+ 323y—72v\? 24a (646y—144e (= 5 )**+ a) an? ate, by as- sumption ; .’. by reduction, and putting the coefficients of x? equal 46800vy — 561602 — 106921 y? ; (0) to each other, we shall have a= QB8y? + 72yv? — 36v3—646ay+ 144av a a 5(a? + 12y* — 6yv?) ,(b), these equations will oe us to solve the =rirview as required. Assume y=1, 31804 v= e, then by (a) we ig =a and by (6) we have r= eo . a Stee 505413181012 505372048805" 505372948805" 29d P= o—ye= 576707885046 3231-72 505372948805’ ; also, since g=+ ae = tac - = atax? ) 6p, by taking the sign—we easily get =X 9264421 8793282625291 55 4 JU40 X LULU 14009 566270943093850697 kp eo hence, p+ y P nence, p+ these and the value of z found above are the roots of the required cubes. ' Solutions of two diophantine Problems. 157 Remarks.—This question was proposed in the Mathematical Di- ary, in 1832, and the above is the solution which I sent to the editor at that time, to be inserted in the following number of that work, but as the Diary has not been published since, and probably will not be resumed, and as several persons have expressed a desire to see the solution of the question, | have concluded to publish it in the Am. Journal of Science. Qu. 2. To divide any rational number into three rational cubes. Let a denote the given number, and x, p —«, m — p, the roots of the required cubes, then we shall have «*-+-(p —«x)*+(m—p)*=3pa? - Bp? 2+m* -3m?p+3mp? =a, or 3px? —3p?x=a--m?+3m?p— 3mp? , hence, we have 36p? x? —36p*x+ 9p‘ =(3p* —Gpx)? =12ap— 12pm? +9p?(p—2m)? =a square (J). Assume 9p*(p— 2m)? — 12pm? + 12ap=[3p(p — 2m) +2c]? =9p? (p — 2m)? + 12pe( p—2m) +4c*, (2), or by reduction, we have c? +3pe(p —2m)=3ap—3pm°, c? (3), this equation is satisfied by assuming p=3- @ and m® =c(2m—p) =e(2m—5-); .". put c=mn and thie last of these gives m= 12an$:- — 18a°n—6an* (3a+n*)?° ee a Rey (2) we shall have 3p? —6pxr=3p(p—2m) + 2c, -° _Gan_ 3atn® hence, p= Also, by (1) and 30an* —n°—9a? wm y 6n7(Batn*) Tan® + (9a? +n* — 30an*) xX (Ba+n*) 6n?(3a+n*)? these and the value of m — p found above, are the roots of the sought cubes, which will be exhibited under a more general form by putting and we shall have p—a= La . . . e . . . n==— > but as the reductions which this substitution requires are ob- vious, we shall not insert them. Ifa=4, then by assuming n=2, hall h 144 470 106 “a we shall have 355° 390’ aan” or the three roots, and by adding their cubes, we shall find that the sum =4, as it ought to do. Cor. If we wish to divide any given number as a, into two cubes, then by assuming v, p—., for the roots of the cubes, we shall get (8p? — 6px)? = 12ap —3p* =sq., but this evidently requires one answer to be found by trial, which cannot always be done, as is the case when ais a cube number; but if one answer can be found, then we can readily find as many others as we please by the ordinary methods. if we wish to divide a, into any number of cubes greater than two, 158 RMisdellantes: assume v, p—a,m—p,r, 8, t, &c. for the roots of the cubes, then by proceeding as in the question, we shall have (3p? — 6px)? =9p? (p—2m)? +12ap — 12p(m? +r3+s°+, &c.= sq. =[8p( p —2m)+ — 9p? ( p — 2m)? +12pe( p —2m)+4c?, then as in the qu. p= 3a ¢ (2m — p)=e(2m—<-) =m*+ré+s?+,&c, put c=mn, r= mr’, sme’, &c.-2'5 we shall have m= snr ited, wee. 12an* a ome (8a4+n?+r/3+4 s3+4, &e.)? > and m— PS 18a*n—6an‘ + Gan(r’? +8/3 +, &e.) 4H (Ba+n*+-r'3+5/3+, &e.)? Rar Ye F 6ans’ s=ms Bain? trots, ec.” and c a a 6an soon; we also have o=m— 3 =m— = m=" San? r+, ar A casted Ge.) _ scieam (3a+n?+r/3+, &c.)? n*(3a+n>-+-r/5+, &c. f and egies Pil )? -36an* |X (Batn?+r/3+,&c. ) ese 6n?(8a+n*+r/2+, &c.)? which with the values found above, are the roots of the required cubes. New Brunswick, Aug. 3, 1836. hence , 6a Satnitr3+s'3+, &e. - MISCELLANIES. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. ASTRONOMY. Supposed new Planet.—On the 15th of February, M. Arago read to the Academy of Sciences an extract of a letter from M. Cacciatore, Astronomer at Palermo, to Capt. Smyth. The Sicil- jan Astronomer announces in this letter, that he saw in the mouth of May, 1835, near the 17th star of the 12th hour of the Catalogue of Piazzi, (right ascension 181° 30’, and southern declination 4° 45’,) another star of the 7th or 8th magnitude. Having taken the distance of the two stars, he found that in three days the distance had increased. ‘The motion of the star was about ten seconds of Miscellanies. 159 right ascension on the eastern side, and a minute or a little less to- wards the north. In consequence of the state of the weather, he could not succeed in tracing it. From the slowness of its motion, he conceives it must be situated beyond Herschel.—Bib. Univ. Jan. 1836—Rec. Gen. Sc. June, 1836. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 1. On Electricity by contact, by Karsten; 8vo. Berlin, (in Ger- man.)—The following are some of the most important results to which M. Karsten has been led by his investigations. 1. Metals, and perhaps all solid bodies, become positive in fluids, while the fluid in which they may be immersed, is negatively elec- trifie 2. A solid, immersed one half in a fluid, acquires polarity ; the part not immersed being negative, while the other part is positive. 3. Solid bodies differ in their electro-motive force in the same flu- id, and this difference is the cause of the electric, chemical and mag- netic attraction in the galvanic circuit. 4. If two solid electro-motors, of different electro-motive force, are immersed in the same fluid without being in contact, the most feeble electro-motor receives a different polarity from the stronger, and becomes consequently negatively electric. 5. The part of the most feeble electro-motor, not immersed, m ifests opposite electricity to the part in the fluid, that i - mavens rote electricity. he electro-motive electricity of a fluid, depends on the prop- ety: of being reduced by two solid electro-motors of dissimilar strength, to such a state, that the solid electro-motors receive oppo- site electricities. In general, all fluids which are bad conductors of tricity possess this property, and not those which are good con- ductors, or those which have no conducting power. The intensity, however, of the electro-motive force of the fluids depends not on the conductibility, but on other properties, not fully known. 7. The electro-motive effects of two metals which forma circuit in the same fluid, depend on the continual excitement and neutrali- zation of the opposing electricities in the fluid. They are generated by the electro-motive action of the stronger and weaker electro- motor on the fluid; are augmented by the action of the stronger on the weaker; and are aecclomied by the close contact of two solid eloctre-austors, when these are good conductors. - 160 Miscellanies. 8, The chemical changes in the fluid, depend on the neutraliza- tion of the two electricities, produced by the solid elements of the circuit, but these changes have not the mutual relation of cause and effect. 9. In the system of circuits composing the voltaic pile, the oppo- site electricities are completely neutralized by the solid elements of each circuit, that is, by the pairs of plates, and there is no electric current from one pair to the other.—L’ Institut, No. 150. 2. Effects of Electricity on Vegetation—M. Baric states, that “last year, in the month of July, the lightning struck one of the pop- lars in my avenue—the fluid breaking off at the time a few branch- es at the summit of the tree, followed down the tree without break- ing the bark, and at Jast passed into the earth, throwing up two cu- bic feet of earth, The poplar at the time was about a foot in cir- cumference: at the present time it is double that size, whilst those near by have made no perceptible increase in size.—L’ Institut, No. 155. 3. Chemical Action of the Solar Spectrum, by M. Hesster.— Professor Hessler, of Gratz, has found that the action of the solar spectrum on paper which has been moistened with a solution of gum, and sprinkled with chloride of silver, varied with the nature of the prism. The action differed both in the extent and rapidity of its effect, and also in the point of the spectrum where it attained its maximum. It was nearly instantaneous with a prism. of water or spirits of wine ; occurred in the course of 12 or 13 minutes with oil of terebenthine and cassia; in 2 minutes and 3 seconds with flint: glass, and 1 minute 5 seconds with crown glass. The maximum chemical effect with spirits of wine, was obtained in the violet near the blue; with water, in the violet; with oil of cassia, 23 Imes out- side of the violet.—Annalen der Phys: und Chem. 1835, Der 8.— LT? Institut, No. 152. 4. Theory of the Universe, by P. E. Morty. (Introduction 4 une Théorie Générale de L’Univers. Par P. E. Morin. 44 pp. Svo. Paris.)—This author has generalized his singular views, the result of from 15 to 20 years’ deliberation, as follows: “That the universe is composed of centres of action, which attract or repel in a ratio inversely as the square of the distance ; that the contact of any Miscellanies. 161 body with the living fibre causes the fibre to vibrate; that this vi- bration diminishes in proportion to the number of contacts; that when an organized body is directed by instinct or reason, either pleasure, pain or ennui, result; that pleasure is a consequence of vibrations of mean or ordinary strength—pain, when the strength is greater than usual, and ennui when the vibrations are quite feeble.” These principles form the groundwork of a theory, on which all the phenomena of nature are to be explained. 5. Congelation of Mercury by Natural Cold.—Ectracts from a@ minute of observations on freezing Mercury in the open air, made at Gardiner, Maine, January 28th and 29th, 1817.—The whole of the day of the 28th, was intensely cold. At 2, P. M. the thermometer hanging on the wall of a house stood at —6°. About sunset the wind subsided. A tray of charcoal was placed upon the end of a wharf project- ing into the Kennebeck, nearly a hundred yards from any building or other elevated object. On this was placed a thermometer in a blackened tin case, and two phials each containing a small quantity of mercury, the lower half of each phial being blackened, and the phial a little raised from a horizontal position, so that the fluid might be within the blackened part. A similar phial of mercury was pla- ced on the snow at a little distance ; but as it underwent no change, no farther notice was taken of it. At 10 o’clock in the evening, the thermometer stood at —29°. The sky was perfectly serene and clear. At half past 11, the ther- mometer had fallen to —32°. Athalf past 3, (the 29th,) the ther- mometer was at —38° ; the mercury in the phials of course still fluid. The atmosphere was remarkably transparent and perfectly calm. At half past 6, the thermometer stood at —40°. It soon rose one degree while we were bending over to examine it—the mercury in the phials still fluid. I now poured out a small quantity of the mercury into an excavation in a piece of charcoal. At + before 7, the thermometer was again at — 40°; the mercury in the phials still fluid; but that on the charcoal was partially congealed. As I ex- amined it with a slender stick, it exhibited the appearance of a soft _ Solid, separating into parts without running into globules; and the ments were rough, and evidently crystalline. These appear- ances, however, continued only a short time; but while I was ex- amining it, being of course necessarily bent over it, the whole soon Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. 21 162 Miscellanies. returned to a perfectly fluid state. At 7 o’clock, the thermome- ter was still as before at —40°. The mercury in the phials was unchanged. ‘That on the piece of charcoal exhibited the same ap- pearances as at the last observation, only in a less marked degree, and it sooner became fluid. Soon after this, the sun rose, and of course the attempt was discontinued. To Pror. Sittiman.—Dear Sir,—I send you above, the ex- tract from my minutes of an observation of the effect of natural cold on mercury, on the Kennebeck. A few weeks later, having been supplied by the kindness of the late Mr. Vaughan with sever- al excellent thermometers of Troughton’s manufacture, I attempted to ascertain how much effect was attributable to the cooling of the surface by radiation, in a similar state of atmosphere: and on one occasion found a difference of 18 degrees between a thermometer on charcoal on the ground, and another suspended freely in the air, 18 or 20 feet above it—one being 36°, the other 18° below zero. This was in a clear night, and subsequently when clouds appeared, the difference diminished, until at the commencement of snow the two instruments agreed. Yours very truly, E. Hau, Jr. Boston, Wednesday Evening, March 23, 1836. CHEMISTRY. 1. Cause of Decrepitation; by M. Bavprimont.—Most au- _thors on this subject have attributed decrepitation to the vaporiza- tion of water contained between the lamine which compose the sub- stance operated upon. This opinion not appearing to me well founded, I dried at a low temperature and by various means, differ- ent anhydrous substances capable of decrepitation, but found that notwithstanding the most perfect desiccation, they still decrepitated when suddenly heated. The tendency of the decrepitating body to a separation of its parts in the direction of its cleavage faces, leads me to the following conclusion: that decrepitation is owing principally to the bad conducting power of the several substances, the outer layers expanding by heat, without a corresponding inter- nal expansion, and consequently splitting off with a kind of explosion. There are instances, however, in which the substance is volatile and for this reason decrepitates; but this is not in general the case with decrepitable substances.—L Institut, No. 158. si Miscellanies. 163 2. On Donium, a new substance discovered in Davidsonite ; by Mr. Tuomas Ricuarpson.—The mineral Davidsonite was discov- ered by Dr. Davidson, of Aberdeen, in a marble quarry near that city. An analysis of it by Mr. T. Richardson, proves it to be com- posed of Silica and a base which Mr. R. supposes to be an oxyd of Donium. ‘This oxyd is distinguished from the alkaline and earthy bases, and from several of the metallic ones, by the green precipi- tate which it gives with the sulph-hydrate of Ammonia; and its solubility in the caustic alkalies, and in carbonate of Ammonia, the light brown precipitate thrown down by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the green given by sulph-hydrate of ammonia, distinguish it from all the others. The name Donium is a contraction of Aberdonia, the Latin name of Aberdeen, near which place Davidsonite occurs.—Rec. of Gen. Se., June, 1 Since the publication of Mr. Richardson’s paper descriptive of Donium, Dr. Bause, of Penzance, has announced that he has been examining for some time a new oxyd which turns out to be identi- cal with that of Donium. We may soon expect a complete ac- count of Donium and its compounds, from Dr. Thomson of Glas- gow.— Ath. No. 452, June 25, 1836. 3. Solidification of Carbonic Acid; by M. Turtorrer.—M. Thilorier, who had previously succeeded in liquefying this gas, now announces that he has obtained it also in the solid state. Its solidi fication requires a cold equal to 100°C. below the freezing point, and, although the liquefied gas evaporates almost instantaneously and with the production of a violent explosion, the solid continues some minutes exposed in the open air, and insensibly disappears by a slow evaporation. A fragment of the solid acid, touched lightly with the finger, slides rapidly over a polished surface, as if it were surrounded by a gaseous atmospere, which appears to be the fact. The evaporation of the solid is complete, leaving however occasionally a little mois- ture, which is attributable to the action of the atmosphere upon a body so intensely cold.—Ann. de Chim. et de Ph. T. 60. 4. Extraction of Sugar from Indian Corn; by M. Putas — The results obtained by M. Pallas are as follows: 1. The stalk of the corn contains little or no sugar previous to” flowering. 164 Miscellanies. 2. At the time of flowering, a small quantity of sugar may be detected. 3. When the grain is still soft, about 20 or 25 days after flower- ing, the plant contains about 1 in 100 of crystallizable sugar. ' 4. When the grain is completely ripe, the stalk furnishes two parts in 100 of sugar, and 4 in 100 of rich and good-tasting mo- lasses The residue remaining after the extraction of the sugar, may be given for food to cattle, or will serve for the manufacture of wrap- ping paper which will bring 11 francs for 50 kilogrammes.—L’In- stitut, No, 157, 1836. 5. Reduction of Metals ——M. Becqueret has succeeded in con- structing an Electro-Chemical apparatus by means of Iron, a con- centrated solution of common Salt, and an ore of Silver, and thus has been enabled to extract from this ore, the silver it contains, in | the form of Crystals. The ores experimented upon were from Co- lumbia and Allemont. ‘The same process may be employed in the extraction of the silver from Copper Pyrites. It is ineffectual only in the case of Argentiferous Galena.—L Institut, No. 147. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 1. Ashmolean Society. Copied from the Atheneum, No. 451, London, Saturday, June _ 1836, and communicated by Dr. J. Barratt, af Middletown, Con _ May 20.—The President in the Chair. Dr. Buckland eommu- mieated to the Society a notice of some very curious recent discov- eries of fossil footsteps of unknown quadrupeds in the new red sandstone of Saxony, and of fossil birds in sandstone of the same formation in the valley of the Connecticut. In the year 1834, sim- ilar tracks of at least four species of quadrupeds were discovered in the sandstone quarries of Hesseberg, near Hildburghausen. Some of these appear to be referable to the tortoises, and to a small web footed reptile. No bones of any of the animals that made these footsteps have yet been found. Another discovery of fossil footsteps has still more recently been made by Professor Hitchcock, in the new red sandstone of the valley of the Connecticut. The most remarkable among these footsteps, are those of a gigantic bird, twice the size of an ostrich, whose foot measured fifteen inches in Miscellanies. 165 length, exclusive of a large claw measuring two inches. The most frequent distance of these larger footsteps from one another, is four feet; sometimes they are six feet asunder. p. 436. Professor Powell afterwards gave a short account of the progress of his researches on light.—Abridged from the Oxford Herald. 2. Bird Tracks at Middletown, Conn. in the new red sandstone. —Extract of a letter to the editor dated Aug. 18, 1836.—I have discovered the tracks of birds similar to those described by Prof. Hitchcock: I have some well marked slabs, with tracks. I find them in a sandstone lying beneath the new red fissile sandstone with the vegetable impressions mentioned in a former letter. This sand- stone with bird tracks is perfectly distinct in character, and differs al- so from the old red sandstone on which it may rest. I have also found some small fossil ribs in the sandstone, with fossil vegetables on a weather-worn surface—and moreover the leafy extremity of some large fronds in the same sandstone, very fine. 3. Crinoidea, or Lily Shaped Animals——We are indebted to Mr. John Bonny, now of Schenectady, late of Schoharie, N. York, for the loan of a wood cut of a fine crinoideal specimen, and we annex an extract from the notice of it from a Schenectady newspaper trans- mitted by Mr. D. Tomlinson. Of the organic beings, for a knowlege of whose existence we are indebted to the researches of naturalists, some of the most interesting are those demominated by Mr. Parkinson, (whose work is quoted by Gen. Dix,) Encrinites and Pentacrinites, (vulgarly stone lilies, from their resemblance to lilies.) Cuvier arranges them under one genus, which he calls ‘ Encrinus.’ In the celebrated work of J. S. Miller, A. L. S., we have the best description of Crinoidea, any where to be found. He givesa full and detailed account of all that was known on the sabes up to the year 1821, and also the result of his own investigations, which are of the most important nature. His work is illustrated with 50 engravings, containing all the varieties of Crinoidea then discovered. It is singular that among all these, there are none bearing the dis- tinctive character of the one represented in our engraving. It is however referable to Divisio inarticulata,—genus Antinocrinites,— species polydactylus. In this division, the plates form the superior cup-like body of the animal, adhering by sutures, lined by muscular Miscellanies. 166 The term actino-crinitis, is derived from the Greek word “ aktinotos,”’ radiated ; so called be- integuments, and enclosing the viscera. cause of the radiated markings of the costal and intercostal plates, Of the antinocrinites, there are two species ; triacontadactylus, in which there proceed from five which are peculiar to this genus. and polydactylus, in which there are more than gers, scapule 30 fin our specimen guage, a many fingered, radiated, lily-shaped animal.” 30 fingers. Divested then of all technical lan may be termed “ Y if) My ill vn > 7 OA eat ee © eo .. et 3 nee eB oe: Re ¥! € 2 a a Ske ¥ = A Any specimens in this department of science, but particularly those unbroken and free from defects, are invaluable to its professors : U/) if trix, and attached to its column ; Miscellanies. 167 and it is rare that any specimen is found more perfect than the one here represented. It is reported that in 1774, the emperor of Ger- many offered one hundred dollars for ‘a stone lily free from its ma- ” and it does not appear that such an one was ever furnished. Mr. John S. Bonny, late of Schoharie, now of this city, who has acquired much celebrity for his mineral- ogical researches in Schoharie Co., in the spring of 1935, obtained the lily in question. Several days were spent in blasting and break- ing rocks, before he discovered it. Mr. B. says he has traced the stems of these lilies the distance of 20 feet. All the other specimens he has been enabled to procure are imperfect, and consist of detach- ed pieces. Mr. Bonny has furnished us with the following description of their locality. “It is situated about one quarter of a mile east of the Schoharie court house in a perpendicular ledge of rocks, about 50 feet high. The different strata occur in the following order. Ist stratum, about thirty feet—shell limerock, containing trilobites of the Asaphus variety, the Orthocera, Spirifer and Terebratula of different varieties. 2nd stratum, two feet—in the center of this stratum is a layer of clay slate, one inch thick, in which is found the most perfect Lily ; it also contains the stag-horn encrinite, trilobites and terebratula. 3d stratum, eight feet—stratified limerock containing trilobites, species of the echinus, flustra, and orthocera. 4th stratum, ten feet—stratified limerock, containing species of the echinus and flustra. 5th stratum, ten feet—lias contains all the strontianite localities discovered. by myself; carbonate and sulphate of strontian, barry strontianite of Traill. 4. Extracts from an account of a visit to Iceland, by M. Eugene Robert.—The siliceous concretions formed by the geysers of Ice- land, cover an extent of four leagues in length, throughout which there are numerous traces of the ancient geysers. We have hence been enabled to observe this singular formation under all its different forms ; passing by insensible shades from that of a loose and friable character, the result of a rapid deposition, to the most compact and transparent. We have not only observed impressions of the leaves of the birch tree, of Equiseta and various grasses, but the trunks of 168 Miscellanies. the birch are in many places distinctly recognizable, presenting much the appearance of ordinary agatized woods. At the present time none of these plants occur on the island, and we may suppose it probable that their destruction was the result of the invasion of the silica. The numerous thermal springs, in the midst of which the geysers are situated, occupy large vallies in the interior of the island. Ap- pearances indicate that these waters proceed from deep crevices, in which they have been heated by contact with the volcanic fires. The geysers present the most magnificent exhibition during an inundation of the valley by rain. The rivers proceeding from these springs have often the color of milk, owing to the argillaceous bole which they take up in their passage over the siliceous deposits. Such are the white rivers of Olafsai. Mt. Hecla, like all the heights of Iceland, is entirely covered with snow. No smoke appeared about its summit. Obsidian oc- curs in rolled masses on its sides, and pumice stone forms a bed thirty feet in thickness near its base. Fragments of the branches of the birch, the remains of the once flourishing forests of the island, are found in the midst of this bed. After traversing currents of lava of considerable extent, we at- rived at the sulphur beds, or solfataras of Krisark. It is literally a mountain of sulphur, and is undergoing continual increase— Bulletin de la Soc. Geol. de France. T. vii. F. 1—2. Paris, 1835 a 1836. 5. From a memoir on the origin of Mt. Etna, by M. Elie de Beaumont. (Ed. New Phil. Jour. Ap. 1836.)—It has been as- certained that the greater number of the appearances of flames which accompany the volcanic eruptions, are only the effect of the rays of light which emanate from the incandescent lava, and which are reflected by the molecules of vesicular vapor, and of dust dis- seminated by the eruption in the atmosphere. In consequence of this observation, doubts have been raised as to whether volcanos, in any case, produce real flames. ‘These doubts have been already removed by Sir H. Davy in regard to Vesuvius, where he ascer- tained, during a small eruption, the existence of a real jet of flame; and we ourselves have observed on Etna incontestible volcanic flames. Having left the Casa inglese about an hour and a half be- fore daybreak, in order to ascend to the edge of the crater, the fee- Miscellanies. 169 ble light of the stars enabled us to perceive, on the commencement of the acclivity of the upper cone, a White space whose color was caused by the alteration of the rocks, and by saline efilorescences having a very styptic taste. In the midst of this space, at several points, we distinguished pale and scarcely luminous flames, which seemed to issue from the earth; they occupied the orifices of sev- eral irregular openings, which were from one to two yards in width, and were only the enlargements of a tortuous crevice. These flames were evidently produced by a gas disengaged from the cre- vice, and which did not find the oxygen necessary for its combus- tion till it reached the external air. The combustion took place almost exactly at the level of the surface of the ground. The flame rarely rose to the height of a yard; it produced a sound somewhat intermittent, pretty analogous to that of several lighted faggots, or rather that which is heard at the bottom of a blast-furnace when the © blowing apparatus is badly constructed. The gases produced by the combustion did not impede the breathing, and had a strong odor of sulphurous acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen was also perceptible, but I did not recognize the odor of muriatic acid. Every circum- stance, then, announced that the flame was supported by sulphuret- ted hydrogen, and afterwards, when the sun lighted up the moun- tain, a long bluish cloud was seen taking its rise from that particular point. In the interior of the’ predt crater I found several portions of snow, but from many other points of its angular bottom there issued hot vapors, having a whitish color, more or less dense, composed chiefly of watery vapor, but having nevertheless a strong odor of sulphurous and muriatic acids ; one or the other of these acids pre- dominated alternately. The surfaces across which the vapors were disengaged were in part covered by saline efflorescences, which were sometimes white, and sometimes colored of an orange-yellow tint by the chloruret of iron, or of a canary-yellow by particles of lava altered by the acid vapors. In some fissures I found white fibrous psum, mixed with altered pulverulent yellow lava in which some small nodules of sulphur were disseminated. -The above account of the observations of this distinguished geol- ogist is followed by a statement of his theory of the formation of the mountain. After alluding to the changes of form that have re- sulted from the frequent production of extensive longitudinal fissures by the earthquakes that accompany or precede an eruption of the Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. 22 170 Miscellanies. volcano, also to the streams of lava that find their exit through these fissures ; to. the unequal elevation of their sides by the expanding force below, he draws the conclusion that the foundations of Etna are not immovably fixed, but are undergoing frequent changes. Guided by these considerations, and in addition, observing the ex- treme slowness with which ejected matter is capable of elevating the central peak, and the improbability, from their structure and sit- uation, that the layers composing the mountain are in the position they were originally accumulated, the author arrives at the follow- ing deductions. The surface formerly nearly flat, has been first repeatedly frac- tured in various lines having a nearly constant direction. The melt- ed matters have been poured out through the fissures thus produced, and their fluidity must have been nearly perfect, for they have flowed through rents of very inconsiderable breadth. These products.were then spread on both sides of the fissures, in thin and uniform masses, similar to those composed of basalt, which in so many different coun- tries, and especially in Iceland, are superimposed above one another, forming vast plateaus whose surface remained always nearly hori- zontal, in. consequence of the subdivision of successive lines of eruption.on an extensive space. ‘The eruptions were, like those of the present day, accompanied by disengagements of elastic fluids,, which, issuing like the lava itself from the whole extent of the fis- sures, carried along with them scorie and cinders. These scorie and cinders falling back like rain, both on the lava and on the neigh- boring spots, produced those uniform layers of fragmentary substan- ces, which alternate with the layers of melted matters. But at one) period, it would appear that the internal agent which had already: fractured so frequently the solid surface, having doubtless exerted an extraordinary pores! pene up that surface, upraised it, and since that time Etna has exist 6. Extract from ¢ a letter from Mr. James Prinsep, dated’ Cal- cutta, Oct. 25, 1835.—* I am now engaged in making engravings of an antediluvian animal, heretofore. unknown, which ranks between the pachydermata and ruminantia, and is provided with four horns. We have christened it Stvatherium, in honor. of our Indian god Siva.” The fossil skeletons of the above animals were found in the val- ley of Nerbudda in English India, and form a highly interesting ad-: dition to the list of fossil animals.—L Institut, No. 153. Dele Miscellanies. 171 7. Emmonite, a new mineral species; by Tuomas Tomson, M. D., F. R.S., Prof. Chem. Glasgow.—This mineral was received by Dr. T. from Prof. Emmons, of Williams College, Massachusetts, after whom it is named. ‘The color of the mineral is snow-white; ‘structure obscurely foliated, with imperfect cleavages parallel to the Jateral faces of a Right Rhombic Prism. An approxmate meas- urement on cleavage faces gave 118° for the obtuser angle of the prism. Fracture in the direction of the cleavage planes, flat and smooth ; but the mineral in general had a scaly appearance, not unlike some varieties of gypsum, translucent on the edges, very easily reducible to a powder. Hardness, 2.75; specific gravity, 2.9463. The analysis of Dr. 'T. gives for its composition Carbonate of Strontian, - - - 82.69 Carbonate of Lime, - . - 12.50 Peroxyd of Iron, eeu see 1.00 Miedites? i852 Leja bea eis oe 3.79 99.98 and consequently it consists, neglecting the two latter ingredients, of two atoms Carbonate of Lime, and nine Carbonate of Strontian. 8. Retrospective Notice of the discovery of fossil Mastodon Bones ' in Orange County, (N. Y.) (From a letter, addressed by Sylvanus Miller, Esq., to Hon. Dewitt Clinton, in 1815.) The first discovery of these bones was made about 1785, in the town of Montgomery, in Orange County. In digging a ditch in a miry meadow, to carry off the excess of water, several ribs and teeth and a thigh bone, were discovered; the ribs and teeth were very sound. Remains of several skeletons were afterwards discov- ered, and Mr. Peale, of Philadelphia, by great pains and expense, succeeded in obtaining bones sufficient to construct two skeletons. Mr. Miller contributed in an important degree to the success of these undertakings. The only places where these fossils were found in this neighbor- hood, were in the towns of Montgomery and Shawangunk ; the for- mer in Orange, and the latter in Ulster county, about 80 miles from ‘New York, and from 6 to 12 from Newburgh on the Hudson river. In low situations, the receptacles of vegetable and testaceous solu- tions, the bones of the mastodon have been (at least as regards this 172 Miscellanies. region) uniformly found. In many places the marl is 30 feet deep, and over it grass and plants, and even trees, grew in abundance. In these places are uniformly found living springs, and abundance of snails and muscles, which, with vegetable substances, constitute the marl of different colors and qualities. Within the sweep of a radius of six miles, there are several hundred acres of marl, at the bottom — of which the bones have been uniformly found. Within this area nine skeletons of the mastodon have been found, and yet not one hun- dredth part of the area has been explored to the bottom: it is prob- able therefore that vast numbers remain undiscovered, and that at some period this district was fully inhabited by these stupendous an- imals. The discovery of the bones in a particular kind of earth, affords reasonable inferences as to the nature of the animal; while the quantities of marl and other productions, furnish also interesting cal- culations in chronology.. Covered originally by sheets of water, and abounding in aquatic plants, and shell and other fishes, as well as amphibious animals, it is probable they afforded a rich repast for the mastodon, thus tempting him into treacherous quagmires, where he found his death, probably by miring, as happens with cattle at the present day.* With these relics of the mastodon were found locks and tufts of hair, in tolerable preservation : its color was of a dun brown ; length from 14 to 24 inches, and in one instance it was from 4 to 7 inches long, of the same color as the shorter, and was supposed to be the mane of the animal. 9. Analysis of North American Minerals, by Dr. Thomson. 1. Hotmesire.—This is the mineral found, with Hornblende, Pyroxene, and Spinel, in white limestone, at Amity, N.Y., and gen- recognized as Bronzite, but which Mr. CLemson hiss analyzed per: described as Seybertite.t Its sp. gr. is 3.098. * Well ave been informed by Mr. Miller in conversation, that most of the skel- etons were found with the head and neck bent backward, doubling upon the body, as happens to modern animals when, in like circumstances, ons give over to die. + See this Journal, vol. xxiv. p- — Rie Vide at. + yet ake - arias “Wy er wul x 0.086 Silica, = - - s 2 0.170 Alumina, - “ a : - 0376 Magnesia, - - Bi = z 0.243 i F ; é - - 0.107 Protox. iron, = . is : 0.050 Miscellanies. 173 Atoms. Silica, ‘ 19.35 s 9.68 Alumina, . 44.75 ‘ 19.88 Zirconia, ‘ 2.05 " 0.54 Perox. iron, 4 4.80 4 0.96 Ox. manganese, . 1.35 ° 0.30 Lime, , 11.45 ‘ 3.27 Magnesia, : 9.05 , 3.62 Water, ; 4.55 ’ 4.04 Fluoric acid, ‘ 0.90 =. 0.72 Supposing the fluoric acid to be united with lime, and to consti- tute fluor spar, = constitution of the mineral is thus expressed : 11A13S+ f “(a5 1$Cal 3S + 2Mag 3S + 2Aq The mineral is asia in honor of Dr. Holmes, Prof. of Chem- istry in the McGill College of Montreal. 2. Compact Feldspar, from Bytown, Lower Canada. Sp. gr. 2.8617. Silica, ‘ , F ‘ 45.80 Alumina, é 26.15 Perox. iron, 4.70 Lime, 16.25 Magnesia, . . ‘ 2.95 Water, ‘ : ‘ : 2.00 97.85 Cal Its formula is 2A] S+ Mg +S? According to Dr. Tuomson, it is identical with Amphodelite, which he considers a variety of Scapolite. The formula of Scapo- lite is 2AIS+CalS. 3. Deweylite * = gr. 2.0964. Silica, ‘ , 50.70 Magnesia, . , . ‘ 23.65 Water, ‘ . . , 20.60 ° Alumina, . ; ; 5 3.55 Protox. iron, . . ‘ ‘ 1.70 . * The locality of this mineral is not known. 174 Miscellanies. Admitting 0.11 atoms of magnesia, and 0.04 atoms of protox. iron, to be in combination with alumina, and only accidental, and 0.16 of water, to be mechanically lodged in the mineral, then it will be a bi- hydrous tersilicate of magnesia; and is therefore the magnesite of Dr. Thomson’s Mineralogy, Vol. I. p. 178. Another mineral was sent to Dr. Tomson, under the name of Deweylite, by Dr. Holmes, concerning whose locality nothing is recollected, and which consists of ilica, 41.42 Magnesia, 23.53 Soda, pete ’ ‘ 6.25 Alumina, . , wiciigeng 4.47 Oxide of cerium, . ‘ . 3.57 Protox. of iron, : ‘ . a trace. Water, ‘ ‘ 9.86... _.+ It is a triple, if not a quadruple salt. 10. Ornithichnites in Connecticut.—Extract of a letter from Prof. E. Hitchcock, dated June 28th, 1836.—In my account of the Ornithichnites in New Red Standstone, given in the last Jan- uary number of the Journal, I intimated that perhaps they might be found at a place called the Cove, in Wethersfield, Ct. I went to Hartford last year mostly to visit this spot; but having been there informed that no rocks existed at the Cove, I did not go there. Yet recently a young gentleman of the Junior Class in Amherst Col- lege, whose father resides near the spot, and who had carefully ex- amined my specimens of Ornithichnites, informs me that he has dis- covered them at the Cove in considerable abundance and variety- Bat I will give you an account of them in his own words. ioe The first specimen I examined was a step stone which had been muse nearly a century ; on which were four steps, whose length was 14 or 15 inches, and the length of the foot 4 or 5 inches. The middle toe has three tuberous swellings, the outer ones two. The claws are all of considerable length. ‘This resembles your O. tube- rosus, « dubius. Upon another door step in the same vicinity, I found two rows of tracks, the feet having the same direction. The length of these steps is 29 inches, and of the foot 7 inches, swell- ings and claws on the toes. ; At the Rocky Hill quarry, in Hartford, I found a specimen close- ly resembling that just described: the length of the foot 6 or7 inches, and of the step 27 inches—I found there but two tracks. Miscellanies. 175 Some at Wethersfield have the impression of a hairy appendage at the heel. ‘These have the middle toe much longer, in propor- tion to the rest, than any that ] found. Length of the foot without the appendage, between 34 and 4 inches. I saw one track of what appears to be O. tetradactylus ; the hind toe being turned inward, and its extremity more deeply impressed than usual. Length of the foot, 3 inches. I have but one other class to describe. The toes vary in length from three fourths of an inch to two inches, and were more diver- gent than usual. It appears to be O. minimus. One specimen of O. tuberosus has the toes and claws bent under, as if the bird were in the act of seizing or raising something. On one fragment of the rock, I found the ends of two toes with nails, which seemed to be about two thirds the size of your O. gi- ganteus. I think I have seen the impression of toe nails as distinctly upon the slender toed species, as upon the other species.” Mr. Hanmer also describes vegetable remains of considerable size upon the same rock; and from his account, I suspect them to be- long to the tribe of Fucoides. I hope that you, or the gentlemen engaged in a geological survey of the State, will be able to visit this spot, to see whether any dis- coveries can be made, or to make any corrections of the above state- ment, that may be found necessary. 11. Delos—Greece—titantum—iron, &c.—Extracts of letters to the editor, from the Rev. J. J. Robertson, Episcopal Missionary to Greece, at Syra and the Pireus, Nov. and Dec. 1835.—My chief relaxation during the past summer, was a two days’ visit to De- los, with Lt. Stanley, who was employed for several weeks by the government, in forming a map and chart of our little island. I brought from Mount Cynthus a specimen of the granite of which Delos is, in a great measure, composed, and in which I discovered small yellow crystals of the silico-calcar-oxide of titani- um (sphene.). Some time after, examining a fragment of granite which I procured three years since from a column among the ruins of the so called temple of Diana at Ephesus, I found it to contain perfectly similar crystals. e director of mines for the kingdom of Greece, was at Syra a few months since, and took one or two excursions with him. We 176 Miscellanies. discovered on the side of a hill, between the upper and lower towns, an iron mine which had been formerly wrought, and thought it still deserving of attention. ‘The excavation was carried horizontally in- to the side of the hill, and is now used by shepherds to pen their flocks, and is called the black sheep fold. A little in front of its entrance, stands a large mass of the ore, eight or ten feet high. I remarked that the mine had probably been wrought by the Vene- tians, towards the end of the period when they had possession of the island, and that this would account for the work having been in- terrupted. The director replied, that the Venetians would have made use of gunpowder,—but as it is evident that the ore has been hewn out, and not blasted, it must have been the work of the an- cient Greeks. The same gentleman also discovered the red oxide of titanium, or rutile, which seems not to be very rare in our part of the island. There is also manganese sufficient for some useful purposes. Iron abounds at Cape Sunium and coal in Negropont (Eubcea.) The director showed me hematite from Andros—serpentine from Tenos in masses large enough to be wrought into urns, &c. He told me of sulphate of barytes, extending across parts of the island of Mycone like white walls. We are on board the steam boat Levant at the Pireus. It brings strange associations, to be on board a steamer in sight of the Par- thenon, and with the ruins of the long wall of Themistocles run- ning along one side of the harbor! About twenty-five dwellings and warehouses have been erected at the Pireus, but all things move slowly in Greece. The country is exceedingly poor, and its few resources have scarcely begun to be developed. 12. Remarks on the lavas, &c. of Mexico and South Amer- tea, in a letter to the editor, dated January 24, 1836.—The la- vas are of all varieties, from the most sound basalt to the most porous pumice. I have been reflecting upon some of the most probable causes of the absence of crystallization in the lavas of this country. ‘The Andes contain a much greater volume of volcanic rocks than any thing in Europe, and probably the force of heat ne- cessary to liquefy such an enormous mass, might have been so great as to melt all the crystals that might have been in the primitive or other rocks, which, in smaller and less heated eruptions, were thrown out as crystals. In all lavas, when the vacancies are filled, it is Miscellanies. 177 done by infiltration, and the results most probably depend on the nature of the water—that is, upon what the water contains dissol- ved, &c. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. 1. Plumbago and Black Lead pencils.—There is only one~pur- pose to which this form of carbon is applied in the solid state, viz., for the manufacture of black lead pencils, and its adaptation to this end depends upon its softness. In the state of a powder, plumbago. is used to relieve friction. Its power in this way may be illustrated by rubbing a button first on a plain board, five or six times, and ap- plying it to a bit of phosphorus, the latter will immediately burn. When rubbed on a surface covered with plumbago, double or triple the friction will be required to produce the same effect. One of the most remarkable circumstances connected with the plumbago is the mode in which it is sold. Once a year the mine at Borrowdale is. opened, and a sufficient quantity of plumbago is extracted, to sup- ply the market during the ensuing year. It is then closed up, and the product is carried in small fragments of about three and four inches long, to London, where it is exposed to sale, at the black Jead market, which is held on the first Monday of every month, at a public house in Essex street, Strand. The buyers, who amount to about seven or eight, examine every piece with a sharp instrument to ascertain its hardness—those which are too soft being rejected. The individual who has the first choice pays 45s. per pound ; the others 30s. But as there is no addition made to the first quantity in the market, during the course of the year, the residual portions are examined over and over again, until they are exhausted. The annual amount of sale is about £3000. ‘There are three kinds of pencils, common, ever-pointed, and plummets. ‘The latter are com- posed of one-third sulphuret of antimony and two-thirds plumbago. The Ist part of the process is sawing out the cedar into long planks, and then into what are technically called tops and bottoms. The 2d, sawing out the grooves by means of a fly-wheel. The 3d, scraping the lead ona stone; having been previously made into thin slices, to suit the groove ; introducing it into the groove, and scratching the side with a sharp pointed instrument, so as to break it off exactly above the groove. The 4th, glueing the tops and bot- toms together, and turning the cedar cases in a gauge. Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. 178 Miscellanies. The ever-pointed pencils are first cut into thin slabs, then into square pieces, by means of a steel guage. They are then passed through three small holes, armed with rubies, which last about three or four days. Steel does not last above as many hours. Six of these ever-pointed pencils may be had for 2s, 6d. If they are cheaper than this, we may be sure that they are adulterated. In Paris, when you’ buy a sheet of paper in a stationer’s shop, some of these pencils are added to the purchase. Now these are formed of a mixture of plumbago, fuller’s earth, and vermicelli. Genuine cedar pencils must cost 6d. each. If they are sold ata lower price, they must be formed from a mixture, not from pure plumbago. Pencils are, however, sold as low as 44d. a dozen.— Rec. of Gen. Sc. June, 1836. 2. A comparative and chronological table of the largest Libraries ' in the world. Pa Founded in Contains vols. Manuscripts. Paris: Royal Library, ~ 1595 626,000 80,000 Munich: Royal Lib. - 1595 540,000 16,000 St. Petersburg: Imperial Lib. 1728 432,000 15,000? mhagen: Royal Lib. - 1648 410,000 16,000? Vienna: Imperial Lib. - 1440 284,000 16,000 Berlin: Royal Lib. - 1661 280,000 5,000 Pekin: Imperial Lib. - 280,000 Dresden: Royal Lib. - 1556 260,000 2,700 Gottingen: University Lib. 1736 250,000 5,000 London: Lib. of the Brit.Museum,1759 220,000 22,000 ‘Oxford: Bodleian Lib. - 1480 200,000 25,000 Wolfenbuttel : Ducal Lib. - 1604 200,000 ? 4,500 Madrid : Royal Lib. * 1712 200,000 2,500? Paris: Lib. at the Arsenal, 186,000 5,000. Stuttgart: Royal Lib. - 1765 174,000 1,800 Milan: Brera Lib. - 1763 169,000 1,000 Naples : L. of the Bourbon Mus’m, 165,000 3,000 Florence: Magliabecchian Lib. 1714 150,000 12,000 Breslau: University Lib. - Munich: University Lib. - 1595 150,000 2,000 ? Edinburgh : : - 1682 150,000 ~—«6,000 Jedo: Lib. of the Sjogoun, - 150,000 ? Miako: Lib. of Mikado, - 150,000? Bib. Univ. Geneva, Oct. 1835. Miscellanies. 179 3. The Travellers—Letters have been received from Mr. Nut- tall, the botanist, and his companion, John K. Townsend, of Phil- adelphia, dated in September of last year, from Fort Vancouver, Columbia River. They were in good health, and would set out soon for home, either via Santa Fe or England, and may be at home in the fall of this year. Last week the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia received safely from them via Cape Horn many large boxes ;—among Mr. Townsend’s collection alone are three hundred birds and fifty quadrupeds, many of which are un- known to naturalists. We eagerly await the return of these gen- tlemen, in order that their remarkable scientific acquisitions, togeth- er with the eventful personal narrative of the travellers, may given to the public.—Waldie’s Cire. Library, July 12, 1836. 4. Report on introducing Pure Water into the city of Boston; by Loammi Baldwin, Esq. Civ. Eng. 2d ed. 340 pp. 8vo. Boston, 1835.—It is but poor economy to forego any expense necessary for the introduction of water into every part of alarge city. Not only comfort and health depend to a great degree on its purity and abun- dance, but it is the only security against the ravages of fire, and the great preventive, by the promotion of cleanliness, of the epidem- ics to which all large cities are subject. Such benefits are worth many times the $750,000 which it is calculated will be required to supply the city of Boston with water. The Report contains gene- ral accounts of the water works in other countries, besides more particularly a statement of the best means of supplying Boston. It is accompanied with several plans and profiles. ‘The whole work is one of much general interest, and does much credit to its distin- guished author. ‘The volume is closed by an important article of 30 pages on Springs, Artesian Wells, &c. by M. Arago, first pub- lished in the Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, pour 1835. 5. Transactions of the Albany Institute, Vol. Il. part 2, 50 pp. ‘Svo. Albany, 1836.—We have before us, in this continuation of Vol. II. of the transactions of this society, the annual address de- livered before the Institute, April, 1836, by Daniel P. Barnard, and also the report of the committee appointed to take Meteorological observations on the 2!st of June,September, December and March, agreeably to the plan proposed in 1834, by Sir John Herschel. This report is accompanied by a lithographic chart exhibiting the 180 Miscellanies. comparative variations of the Barometer at Montreal, Albany, Flushing, L. I., Middletown, Conn., and Cincinnati, Ohio. 6. On the Application of the Hot Blast, in the Manufacture of Cast-Iron, by Tuomas Cuark, M. D., &c. (Trans. Royal Soc. Edin. xiii.) —The substitution of hot for cold air, in the blast furnaces of the iron manufactory, is an improvement which suggested itself to the ingenious Mr. Neilson, of Glasgow, at a most seasonable period; when the great demand for iron in the construction. of railways is daily, nay, hourly, increasing. The original process consisted in introducing a charge of coke, limestone, and mine, or burned iron stone, into the top of the iron . furnace ; and this mixture was excited to combustion by air forcibly driven in, at about forty feet from the top, through pipes from a blow- ing apparatus. The iron was thus separated from carbonic acid, alumina, and silica; and was allowed to run off at the bottom. r. Neilson improved this process, by substituting for air at the temperature of the atmosphere, air heated up to 300° and upwards. This is effected by passing the air through the cast-iron pipes, through which the former passed, kept in a red heat. During the first six months of the year 1829, when all the cast- iron in Clyde iron-works, was made by means of the cold blast, a single ton of cast-iron required for fuel to reduce it, 8 tons 14 cwt. of coal converted into coke. During the first six months of the fol- lowing year, while the air was heated to near 300° Fahr.: one ton of cast-iron, required 5 tons 34 cwt. of coal, converted into coke. The saving amounts to 2 tons 18 cwt. on the making of one ton of cast-iron ; but from that saving comes to be deducted the coals used in heating the air, which were nearly eight cwt. The nett sav- ing thus was 24 tons of coal on a single ton of cast-iron, But dur- ing that year, 1830, the air was heated no higher than 300° Fabr. The great success, however, of these trials, encouraged Mr. Dunlop, and other iron masters, to try the effect of a still higher temperature. Nor were their expectations disappointed. The saving of coal was greatly increased, insomuch that about the beginning of 1831, Mr. Dixon, proprietor of Calder iron-works, felt himself encouraged to attempt the substitution of raw coal for the coke before in use. Pro- ceeding on the ascertained advantages of the hot blast, the attempt was entirely successful: and since that period, the use of raw coal has extended so far as to be adopted in the majority of the Scotch inert Miscellanies. 181 iron-works. The temperature of the air under blast, had now been raised so as to melt lead, and sometimes zinc, and therefore was above 600° Fahr., instead of being 300° as in the year 1830. “ During the first six months of the year 1833, when all these changes had been fully brought into operation, one ton of cast-iron was made by means of 2 tons 54 cwt. of coal, which had not previ- ously been converted into coke. Adding to this eight ewt. for heat- ing, and we have 2 tons 13: ecwt. of coal required to make a ton of iron ; whereas, in 1829, when the cold blast was in operation, 8 tons 1} cwt. of coal had to be used. This being almost exactly three times as much, we have from the change of the cold blast to the hot, combined with the use of coal instead of coke, three times as much tron made from any given weight of splint coal. “During the three successive periods that have been specified, the same blowing apparatus was in use; and not the least remarka- ble effect of Mr. Neilson’s invention, has been the increased efficacy of a given quantity of air in the production of iron. The furnaces at Clyde iron-works, which were at first three, have been increased to four; and the blast machinery being still the same, the following were the successive weekly products of iron during the periods al- ready named, and the successive weekly consumpt of fuel put into the furnace, apart from what was used in heating the blast : Tons. In 1829, from 3 furnaces, 111 Iron from 403 Coke, from 888 Coal. In 1830, from 3 furnaces, 162 Iron from 376 Coke, pha, 836 Coal. In 1833, from 4 furnaces, 245 Iron 554 Coal. “‘ Comparing the product of 1829, with the product of 1833, it will be observed that the blast, in consequence of being heated, has redu- ced more than double the quantitity of iron. The fuel consumed in these two periods we cannot compare, since in the former, coke was burned, and in the latter coal. But on comparing the consumpt of coke in the years 1829 and 1830, we find that although the product of iron in the latter period was increased, yet the consumpt of coke was rather diminished. Hence the increased efficacy of the blast appears to be expected, from the diminished fuel that had become necessary to smelt a given quantity of iron.” i The temperature was so high, that it was found necessary, in or- der to prevent the melting of the cast-iron lining near the nozzles of the blowpipes, to substitute for the solid lining a hollow one, filled with water, which is continually changing as it becomes heated. 182 Miscellanies. Dr. Clark gives what we conceive to be the obvious explanation of the mode in which the hot air acts.—Berthier, it is true, has broached another.—(See “ Records,” ii. 151.) But it is far-fetched, and superseded by the more simple explanation presented by our author. He observes: * As nearly as may be, a furnace, as wrought at Clyde sreinssacolen in 1 1833, had two tons of solid materials an hour put in at the top, and this supply of two tons an hour was continued for 23 hours a day, one half hour every morning, and another every evening, being consumed in letting off the iron made. But the gaseous material, the hot air—what might be the weight of it? ‘This can easily be ascertained thus: I find by comparing the quantities of air consumed at Clyde iron-works, and at Calder iron-works, that one furnace re- quires of hot air from 2500 to 3000 cubical feet ina minute. I shall here assume 2867 cubical feet to be the quantitity ; a number that I adopt for the sake of simplicity, inasmuch as, calculated at an avoirdupois ounce and a quarter, which is the weight of a cubical foot of air at 50° Fahrenheit, these feet correspond precisely with 2 cwt. of air a minute, or six tons an hour. ‘Two tons of solid mate- rial an hour, put in at the top of the furnace, can scarce hurtfully af- fect the temperature of the furnace, at least in the hottest part of it, which must be far down, and where the iron, besides being reduced to the state of metal, is melted and the slag too produced. When the fuel put in at the top is coal, I have no doubt that, before it comes to this far-down part of the furnace, the place of its useful activity, the coal has been entirely coked; so that, in regard to the fuel, the new process differs from the old much more in appearance than in essence and reality. But if two tons of solid material an hour, put in at the top, are not likely to affect the temperature of the hottest part of the furnace, can we say the same of six tons of air an hour, forced in at the bottom near that hottest part? The air supplied is intended, no doubt, and answers to support the com- bustion ; but this beneficial effect j is, in the case of the cold_ blast, incidentally counteracted by the cooling power of six tons of air an hour, or two cwt. a minute, which when forced in at the pei temperature of the air, cannot be conceived otherwise than a p gious refrigeratory passing through the hottest part of the ‘aie, and repressing its temperature. The expedient of previously heat- ing the blast, obviously removes this refrigeratory, leaving the air to act in promoting combustion, without robbing the combustion of any portion of the heat it produces.” Miscellanies. 183 From a table appended to this paper, and furnished by Colin Dun- lop, Esq., it appears that in 1829, the average weekly product.of the Clyde iron-works was 110 tons, 14 ewt. 2 qrs., and the average of coals used to 1 ton of cast iron was 8 tons, 1 cwt. 1 qr. with the cold air; while in 1830, these numbers were respectively, 162 tons, 2 ewt., 1 qr., and 5 tons, 5 cwt. 1 qr. with heated air; and in 1833, 245 tons, and 2 tons, 5 cwt. 1 qr, also heated air. ‘The fol- lowing table oe the materials constituting the charge in the several years, Materials constituting a Charge: cwt. qrs. lb. 1829, Coke, 0 0 Roasted Tides 3 1 14 Limestone, 0 3 16 1830, Coke, oe: 0 0 Roasted Ironstone, 5 0 0 Limestone, 1 l 16 * 1833, Coal, 5 0 1) Roasted [ronstone, 5 0 0 Limestone, 0 0 1 Rec. of Gen. Sc. June, 1836. 7. Climate of Palestine—In the Annuaire of 1834, M. Arago published a memoir, which had for its object to prove, that since the . time of Moses, the temperature of Palestine has undergone no sen- sible alteration. The duke of Ragusa denies the accuracy of the facts on which the conclusion is founded. He says, “there are no palms in the part of Palestine indicated by the memoir.” But, _ nevertheless, I find farther on in the Marshal’s communication, “ that there are a few at Jericho ;” that at Jerusalem, he saw three “ nearly barren ;”’ at Rama, a place cited in the article in question, ‘ there are some which yielded fruit:’”? but certainly if there are some at that spot, a great many might exist. One single palm-tree produ- cing ripe fruit, would be sufficient in a question as to the tempera- ture. The limit assigned, in the same article of the Annuaire, to the cultivation of the vine, is also ealled in question. We here transcribe this portion of the memoir, in order that botanists them- selves may decide if the facts adduced by the duke of Ragusa, are of a nature to modify their old opinions. ‘‘ The article fixes at be- 184 Miscellanies. tween 21° and 22° cent. (69°.8 and 71°.6 Fah.) the maximum of temperature that the vine can bear when productive, and to justify this assertion, it states, that at Cairo, where the mean temperature is 71°.6 Fah., the vine is not cultivated on the great scale, and that there are there only detached vine plants. This is the fact in regard to the past, but then the cause is quite of another description. Con- siderable plantations of vines have lately been made, which promise to afford excellent returns ; but a decisive fact is that there have al- ways been and still are, vines in Fayoum, which is one of the hot- test provinces in’Egypt, owing to the hills of sand which surround it on al] sides. ‘These vines are situated at the villages of Fidemia, Adjamira, and Tumban; they are cultivated by the Cophts, and yield agreeable wines. That which I have drunk presents a phe- nomenon which is rare in such aclimate; it does not affect the head, and is drinkable after the second year. Pocoke, who traveled in 1737, speaks of the cultivation of the vine by the Cophts in Fay- oum, and what is still more important, there is in the higher parts of Upper Egypt, at Esné, twelve leagues to the south of ‘Thebes, a vineyard which has an extent of several feddams. Its original object was to yield grapes for eating, but Jussuff Kiacheff, formerly soldier in the army sent to Egypt, and who was taken prisoner by the Mamelukes at the period of the evacuation, and remained in the east, informed me that he farmed the vineyard ; that he made ex- cellent wine of the produce, and obtained a quantity equal to that afforded by the vineyards of Europe. We may then conclude from these facts, that if in Egypt, till within a few years, the vine has not been cultivated on a great scale, it is because the inhabitants do not drink wine, and that we are not to draw the inference, that there is a maximum of temperature above which the vine does not yield the means of making wine.” —Edin. New Philo. Jour. April, 1836. 8. The Mathematical Miscellany, conducted by C. Gru, Pro- fessor of Mathematics in the Institute at Flushing, Long Island, New York.—We notice with great pleasure, the receipt of the first num- ber of this unassuming periodical, and we cordially recommend it to our young friends, as one of the best means of drawing out the mathematical talent of the country. Works of this kind have always been beneficial in their influences ; and when conducted with a prop- er spirit, and good judgment, have been quite efficient in fostering emulation, and in promoting the circulation of science. The very Miscellanies. 185 danger to which they are most exposed, and of which we have lately had some unpleasant instances, that of becoming the arena of unfor- tunate disputes, is a strong proof of the interest which they excite. From all such dangers we trust that the “ Miscellany,” will be pre- served by the energetic management of its enlightened editor; and our confidence in his abilities, is not a little strengthened by the pe- rusal of the excellent dissertations which accompany the present number. “ The “ Illustrations of Lagrange,” are highly to be com- mended to the student, who is just beginning to apply the formulas of the most profound and accomplished of all mathematicians. The treatise on Spherical Geometry, is a lucid and an almost entirely origi- nal dissertation on the method of applying algebra to the surface of the sphere, in the same way as it is applied to the plane. ‘The ad- vantages are the same in both cases; and the mathematician is equally well enabled to give an algebraic dress to any enquiry, with- out perplexing his mind with geometrical considerations. But the chief source of interest will probably be found in the questions which are proposed to be solved in the succeeding number; and, after a careful examination of them, we feel authorized in recommending them as skillfully selected, with a proper regard to variety and diffi- culty, and we add as the result of our experience, that a better ac- quaintance with any mathematical subject, may be derived from the solution of a single problem, than from reading a volume upon it, and it is only by the continual solution of problems, that the use of mathematical tools can be acquired, and the inventive powers be matured. We are too prone to consider the mere reader of mathe- matics as a mathematician, whereas he does not much more deserve the name, than the reader of poetry deserves that of poet. There are indeed exceptions to this remark, and there are works which none but a bona fide mathematician could read. Thus Laplace did little more than give the results of his calculations to the world; so that the thorough reading of the Mecanique Celeste, in the original, involves the frequent solution of the most difficult problems, and none but a mathematician of the highest genius, could have achieved the finished translation with the splendid commentary upon it, which only our country has been able to produce. 9. Boston Journal of Natural History.—The 3d No. of Part I, this important publication has recently appeared. A large part of the number is occupied by the first portion of a paper of the late Vou. XXXI.—No. 1. 24 186 Miscellanies. distinguished entomologist, Tuomas Say, containing descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. The article is evidently the result of long continued labor, and is a most valuable contribution to science. The second article is a sketch of the geology of Portland and its vi- einity, by Prof. Epwarp Hrrcncocx, whose character is a suffi- cient warrant for the value of his papers. It is accompanied by a map. Next follows an examination of Smith’s catalogue of the ma- rine and fresh water fishes of Massachusetts, by D. H. Srorer, M.D. The last article isa chemical analysis of three varieties of bituminous coal — one of anthracite, by C. T. Jacxson, M. 10. On the establishment of Statistical Societies in the United States—To Pror. Sintiman.—The Statistical Society in Paris have selected me as their representative in the United States, for the purpose of transmitting to them any documents which I might be enabled to procure, and for generally aiding their very useful en- deavors in Paris, I respectfully desire to propose for consideration the establishment of a “General Statistical Society” in the United States, and to give general publicity to this I have selected your widely circulated Journal as the organ of communication. The Statistical Society of France was established by Monsieur Cesar Moreau in 1829; by the high talent of this gentleman, his extensive and varied information, joined with his activity and indus- try, this society has now the united assistance of almost every gov- ernment in Europe. ‘The immediate object of the Society rests upon the fact, ‘That the knowledge of mankind increases in propor- tion to its tendency to observe, and that Statistical Tables, connect- ed with general and particular information, tend greatly to facilitate’ this development. To gather and condense facts which ca to show the increase or decrease of Population, the prosperity of Arts and Manufactures, the state of public instruction, to develop the true state of Agricul- ture, and generally to make known the exact internal state of a great nation, its imports and exports, the state of its national funds, and those of Chartered companies, must ever claim the attention of every enlightened community. In aiding the deliberations of Gov- ernment, | deem it of the highest importance, and I am enabled to state that the European Governments have already experienced great advantages from the labors of Statistical Societies, and from Miscellanies. 187 that of France in particular. They have tended to facilitate the views of the Statesman, by offering to him in a condensed form, the internal sources of wealth, not only of his own, but of surround- ing nations ; their labors render the public happiness more secure, inasmuch as the dark paths of the future may become enlightened by the experience of the past; they offer a solid basis for political and social economy, and they relieve and assist the Ministry of a Government by condensing and bringing to a focus, not only-the minutiz, but deduced facts relative to the internal or external power of any nation, either remote or in their immediate vicinity. In the Gail States of America, however, the existence of such Societies must be of incalculable benefit. The embryo gigantic powers of this Republic are now beginning to develop themselves, and it is of primary importance that the grand stream of prosperity be directed into that course which will not only secure the present prosperity, but also the future greatness of the United States, whilst it must add to the welfare and happiness of her population. The present popular system of rapid and cheap communication, has already been anticipated by the enterprising genius of the Uni- ted States, and she forms a very prominent example of the immense advantazes which a nation derives from the projection of such plans as shall tend to give full scope to the energies of the people, whilst at the same time it opens the paths to the development of her sacl nal resources, commercial, mineral or agricultural. To mark out and pradently to direct the course of such facilities of communication, requires the aid of statistic information. ‘The fecundity of the soil, the amount of population, the manufactured products and their separate values, each require particular conside- ration; and this can be obtained only by personal research. The condensation of such researches forms one of the leading features of a Statistical Society. To accumulate and condense the informa- tion given by modern authors, and more particularly that offered by persons who have occasion to visit foreign countries for scientific re- search, forms the object of the “ Universal Statistical Society ‘of France.” To contrast the present degree of prosperity with the past, and to enquire into the causes of the increase or diminution, is its particular care ; to trace the gradual development of the cau- ses which have influenced the progress, increase, and present actu- al state of the wealth and power of civilized nations, forms the grand utility to society produced by their united labors ; and finally, 188 Miscellaniés. to contract into one general focus the energies of each nation, and comparing the state of their society both moral and political, their commerce, internal and external, and their state of Literature and the Fine Arts, with that of another Empire, demands for it the title of “ Universal,” and eminently merits the zealous support of every enlightened individual, whose nobility of mind prompts him to offer his mite to the general stock of knowledge. Should this communication through your Journal be the means of having formed in your principal cities, establishments of a statistical nature, be assured that each Society will receive every aid and as- sistance from the “ Universal Statistical Society of France,” which will ever be anxious to advance their researches, and to act with them reciprocally. I have the honor to remain, Your very obedient serv’t, Cuarves SaNnDERSON, Mem. of the U. S. S. of France, the Imp. Agri. Soc. of Vienna, &c. &e. New York, Dec. 10, 1835. 11. Tobacco, a remedy for Arsenic; communicated to the Ed- itor by Rev. Rate Emerson.—About the year 1820, Miss So- phia Eastman of Holles, N. H. (now connected with the orphan asylum in Troy, N. Y.) fell into the mistake, so often committed, of eating a portion of arsenic which had been prepared for the de- struction of rats. Painful symptoms soon led to inquiry ; and her mistake was discovered. An elderly lady who was present, advised that she should be made to vomit as speedily as possible, and as she had always felt a perfect loathing for tobacco in every shape, it was supposed that this would at once effect the purpose. A pipe was used, but without producing any nausea. She next chewed a large portion of strong tobacco, and swallowed the juice, and that without even a sensation of disgust. A strong decoction was then made with hot water, of which she drank perhaps half a pint. Still there was neither nausea or dizziness, nor did jt operate at all either as an emetic or a cathartic. The painful sensations at her stomach, how- ever, subsided, and she began to feel well. On the arrival of phy- icians, an emetic of blue vitriol was administered, which operated moderately once. One or two days after, there was a discharge of pi green color, approaching to black. No ill consequences fol- Missellontic. 189 Another case occurred in the same place, a few years subsequent, in which arsenic was taken through mistake, by a sick person, and she employed tobacco with the like success. She, too, had always loathed the article, but now chewed it and swallowed the saliva, without producing sickness at the stomach. No emetic was admin- istered in this case, nor any other remedy. Happy will it be for our race, should this insidious poison, now the slow death of so ma- ny, be employed only as an antagonist to those other deadly poisons, for which it may have been provided by the Creator, as a sure and speedy remedy. The above facts I lately received from Dr. Eastman, of Holles, the father of Sophia, and from her sister, at whose house Sophia committed the mistake. Yours truly, Rate Emerson. Andover, Mass. May 26, 1836. 12. Shower of Falling stars in Russia, on the night between the 12th and 13th November, 1832.—The following extract of a letter from Monsieur le Comte de Suchteln, to Monsieur Feodorou, was _ communicated to the “ Royal Academy of Sciences” at Paris, in which mention is made of numerous meteors which were seen in the neighborhood of Orenburg, in the night between the 12th and 13th November, 1832. ‘In the night between the 12th and 13th No- vember, 1832, between three and four in the morning, the weather being calm and serene, and the thermometer being at 55° of Fahr. the heavens appeared to be bespangled by a great number of meteors, which described a great arch in the direction of from north- east to south-west. They burst like rockets, into innumerable small stars, without producing the slightest noise, and left in the sky, what was long of disappearing, a luminous band, having all the vari- ous colors of the rainbow. ‘The light of the moon, which was then in her last quarter, obscured this appearance. It sometimes seemed as if the heavens were cleft asunder, and in the opening, there ap- peared long brilliant bands of a white color. At other times flashes of lightning rapidly traversed the vault of heaven, eclipsing the _ light of the stars, and causing these long luminous bands of varied colorstoappear. These phenomena continued to succeed each other without occasioning the slightest perceptible noise. They were in their greatest splendor between five and six o’clock in the morning, and continued without interruption till sunrise. They were observed 190 Miscellanies. principally by the sentinels, and by the officers, when going their rounds; also by the ecclesiastics, and by the subordinates, and by many other persons. Monsieur Milordou, the principal priest of the cathedral, stated in the account which he gave of this occur- rence, that the interior of the cathedral was sometimes suddenly illuminated by the light of this brilliant phenomenon. Monsieur Itschitow, lieutenant-colonel of the 3d battalion of the line of Oren- burg, also confirmed these statements in his report, which as an additional ground of confidence, contained the accounts of the sen- tinels in the several positions in which they had been posted. Dur- ing the same. night, and almost at the same hour, a not less remarka- ble appearance was witnessed at Hitzkaja-Saschtschita, about sev- enty-five miles to the south of Orenburg. ‘Two columns of a white color rose from the horizon equidistant from the moon, which at the time had not risen far; about the middle of their height they ap- peared brilliant and much curved. Several horizontal bands sprung from this point, the most brilliant of which extended towards the moon, in which they appeared to unite, so that in this way they ap- peared to forma great H. In the town of Ufa, the seat of the gov- ernment of the same name, situated 380 miles to the north of Oren- burg, a phenomenon similar to that which was observed at Hitzkaja- Saschtschita, was perceived, but, according to the accounts which have been given, it was not quite so brilliant.”—Edin. new Philo. Jour. July, 1836. 13. Declination and Inclination of the Magnetic Needle at Pa- ris.—On the 9th of November, 1835, at 14. 8’ P. M. we found that the northern extremity of the magnetic needle pointed to the west of the astronomical north, 22° 4’. On the 3d of July, 1835, at 9h. morning, the inclination was 67° 24/ —Arago in the Annuaire, 1836, p. 349. 14. Progressive Rise of a portion of the bottom of the Mediterra- nean.—M. Theodore Virlet lately addressed a note to the French Academy of Sciences, in which he directed the attention of geolo- gists to the probability of the speedy appearance of a new island in the Grecian Archipelago, in consequence of the progressive rise of a sunken solid rock, (composed of trachytic obsidian ?) in the gulf of the volcano of Santorin. ‘The following are the author’s observations on this subject :—‘ Towards the end of the last century, at the peri- Miscellanies. 191 od when Olivier visited Santorin, the fishermen of the island asserted that the bottom.of the sea had recently risen considerably between the island of Little Kaiméni and the Port of Thera; in fact the soundings did not give a greater depth than fifteen to twenty fathoms, where formerly the bottom could not be reached. When Colonel Bory and the author visited the island in 1829, they were able not only to confirm the truth of Olivier’s statement, but also to ascertain by various soundings, that the rise of the submarine land had contin- ued, and that at the point indicated the depth was not more than four fathoms and a half. In 1830, the same observers made new sound- ings, which enabled them to determine the form and extent of the mass of rock, which in less than a year had been elevated half a fathom. It was found to extend 800 metres from east to west, and 500 from north to south. The submarine surface augmented grad- ually to the north and west, from four to 29 fathoms, while to the east and south this augmentation amounted to forty-five fathoms. Be- yond this limit, the soundings indicated in all directions a very great depth. Ihave lately been informed that Admiral Lalande, who, since 1830, has twice returned to Santorin, ascertained that the rock still continues to rise; and that, in September, 1835, the date of his last visit, the depth of water amounted to only two fathoms, so that a sunken reef now exists which it is dangerous for brigs to approach. If the rock continues to rise at the same rate, it may be calculated that in 1840, it will form a new island, without, however, those catastrophes which this phenomenon seems to presage for the gulf of Santorin, being a necessary consequence of the epoch of its appearance at the surface of the water. Since the eruptions of 1707, and 1712, which produced the new Kaiméni, volcanic phenomena have completely ceased in the gulf of Santorin, and the volcano seems at the present day quite extinct. Nevertheless, the rise ofa portion of its surface seems to demonstrate continual efforts to make an eruption during fifty years; and that, whenever the resistance shall not be strong enough to offer a sufficient obstacle, the volcano will again resume its activity.” —Edin. New Phil. Jour. July, 1836. 15. Hail._—After a violent storm at Clermont, MM. Bouillet and Lecog found a number of hail-stones as large as hens’ eggs, and some others as large as those of turkeys. They were all of an ellipsoidal form, and seemed formed of a multitude of needles, united to the extremities of the great axis. They were from eight lines to 192 Miscellanies. two inches long. ‘Those needles, on which the fusion had not made much impression, still showed traces of hexagonal prisms, ter- minated by prisms of six facets. In a second storm, others fell which were not larger than hazel nuts, and these were formed of concentric layers, more or less transparent, rounded, or slightly oval, and possessed a powerful horizontal motion; they were heard to hiss in the air, as if each hail-stone rubbed against the other, and their rotation was extremely rapid.— Atheneum. 16. New Animal.—A new genus of Mammalia has been found in Madagascar, by M. Goudot, which M. Doyere, Professor at the College of Henri Quatre, proposes to call Eupleres. It is a lively, swift animal, with slender legs, and entirely Plantigrade, the sole of the foot being the only part free from hair. It lives on the surface of the ground, is long and thin in the body, and its girth is that of most Insectivora. If any judgment may be formed from its anato- my, its hearing is equal to that of other Insectivora; and the size of its orbits shows that its sight is likely to be good. ‘The thumb is much the shortest of its five fingers, and all are armed with sharp, thin, and semi-retractile nails. The natives say that it hollows out the sand, and lives in pits. Flacourt mentioned this animal under the name of Falanou, and thought it to be a civet, which error has been continued in several works. The animal we now speak of was too young to have completed its dentition, but at present it has six incisors in the upper jaw, two canines, six pointed grinders, and four tuberculous grinders in the under jaw; eight incisors, two canines with a double root, fitting behind those of the upper jaw, like the mole, four pointed grinders, and six with five tubercles in the lower jaw. M. Doyére gives the specific name in honor of M. Goudot, and writes it EupleresGoudotii.—Atheneum. 17. Ornithology.—A new bird belonging to the Passeres, and among the Upupe, has been found at Madagascar, by M. Goudot, and forms the type of a new and remarkable genus. The beak is very long, arched, compressed or flattened, like a blade, and may be compared to that of a small sythe. The nostrils, placed at the base of the beak, and pierced laterally, are not covered by the ante- rior feathers of the head. The wings, which in length reach the middle of the tail, according to the nomenclature of M. Isidore Geof- froy, belong to the type called by him surobtus,—that is, having the Miscellanies. 193 fourth and fifth remiges the longest of all. The first like that of the Hoopoes, is extremely short, and nearly useless in flight. The tail is square, and composed of twelve pens; the externals of which have their stems prolonged, in a very slight degree, beyond the barbs. The feet have three toes, directed forwards, and a fourth backwards, All are long, thick, and furnished with curved talons, enlarged at the base by a thick membrane, which has some affinity with that of the Gralle. The only species now known has the head, the neck, and the under part of the body white; the back, wings, and tail, of a greenish black, with metallic lights. M. Isidore Geoffroy has named it Falculia palliata. It lives on the borders of streams, feeds on small aquatic insects, and the organic remains found in mud.— Atheneum 18. The tongues of ducks, 1 learned to-day, are among the dain- ties of Chinese epicures. In one of the lanes running westward from Leuenhing keae, there is a shop containing a great variety of live fowls, besides several species of dried ones, for sale. One article puzzled me much; and by inquiry I found it to be nothing more nor less than a string of dried tongues, obtained from ducks, They were stretched out to the utmost length, resembling awls in shape, and hardened almost to the firmness of iron.— Thursday, Nov. 12th.— Chinese Repository. 19. Locusts—The Egyptian plague of locusts made their appear- ance in Kwangse, and the western departments of Kwantung, about the 20th of July, 1835. A small advance guard having come as far as Canton, orders were issued to the military and people to exterminate them, as was done when they made their appearance here in Octo- ber, 1833. As this was much easier said than done, the next resort was to the more rational mode of offering a bounty of twelve or fifteen cash per catty for the locusts. But during the late strong winds, the locusts are said to have been driven before it in such quantities and into such places, that the catchers of them seemed likely to realize some profit from the bounty. But true to Chinese prudence, the officers then immediately lowered the bounty, and would give but five or six cash per catty. The damage occasioned by these insects is very great, and the Chinese always dread their approach. A swarm will destroy a field of Rice in a short time, leaving the former green prospect an neni marsh. oa Chinese affirm that the Vou. XXXI.—No. 194 Miscellanies. leader is the largest individual in the whole swarm, and that the rest follow all his motions. Some stragglers have made their appearance in the hongs, which were from two and a half to three inches long, strongly limbed, and agreed with the popular description given of the Egyptian locusts. The natives regard the insect, when depriv- ed of the abdomen and properly cooked, as passable eating, though they do not appear to holda dish of locusts in much estimation.—ib. 20. Memorandum of an excursion to the tea hills, which produce the description of tea known in commerce under the designation of Ankoy (Nganke) tea; by G. J. Gorpon, Esq.—* Having been disappointed in my expectations of being enabled to visit the Bohea hills, I was particularly anxious to have an opportunity of personally inspecting the tea plantations in the black tea district, of the next greatest celebrity, in order to satisfy myself regarding several points relative to the cultivation, on which the information afforded by dif- ferent individuals was imperfect or discordant. “Mr. Gutzlaff accordingly took considerable pains to ascertain for me, from the persons who visited the ship, the most eligible place for landing with the view of visiting the Ankoy hills ; and Hwuy- tow bay was at length fixed upon as the most safe and convenient, both from its being out of the way of observation of any high Chi- nese functionaries who might be desirous of thwarting our project, and from its being equally near the tea hills as any other part of the coast at which we could land.” ** The wind being unfavorable, we made rather slow progress by rowing, but taking for our guidance the masts of some of the junks which we observed lying behind a point of land, we pulled to get under it, in order to avoid the strength of the ebb tide, which was now setting against us. In attempting to round the point, however, we grounded, and soon found that it was impossible to get into the river on that side, on account of sand banks which were merely cov- ered at high water, and that it was necessary to make a considera- ble circuit seaward to be able to enter. This we accomplished, but not till 1, A. M. At this time a light breeze fortunately springing up, we got on very well for some time, but were again obliged to anchor at 4 past 2, from want of water. As the tide rose, we grad- ually advanced towards the town of Hwuytow, till we came to one of those bridges of which there are several along the coast, that eX- tend over wide sand flats that are formed at the mouths of the rivers- Miscellanies. 195 These bridges are constructed of stone piers with slabs of stone laid from pier to pier, some extending over a space of 25 feet and up- wards, and others being from 15 to 20 feet span. As the length of this bridge cannot be less than three quarters of a mile, the whole is very striking as a work of great labor, if not exhibiting either much skill or beauty. We were informed by some boat people that we should not find water to carry us beyond the bridge, but observing some tall masts on the other side, we resolved on making the exper- iment, and pushing on as far as we could. It was almost dark when we passed under the bridge, and we had not proceeded far when we were again aground. ‘This, however, we attributed to our unac- quaintance with the channel, and as the tide floated us off, we con- tinued advancing, notwithstanding the warning of a friendly voice from the bridge, that entreated us to return to the town, promising us comfortable quarters, and a guide, &c. Being rather distrustful of the motives of this advice, however, we proceeded for some time longer, but at length found it impossible to proceed farther, the ebb biting at the same time commenced. We therefore spread an awning, and prepared to make ourselves as comfortable as possible for the night. The day had been the warmest we had experienced for a month past, but the night was very cold, and our boat, as may be imagined, far from commodious for so many people. At day- light, we found that there was not six inches of water in any part of the channel, and from the boat we stepped at once upon dry sand. The survey from the bank showed plainly that it would be impossi- ble to proceed any further by water. We accordingly prepared to march on foot, taking with us three lascars, who might relieve each other in carrying our cloak-bag of blankets and great coats, as well as some cold meat. We ordered the people to prepare a meal as fast as possible, intending to make a long stretch at first starting, and Mr. Nicholson was directed to remain in charge of the boat with five lascars, to move her down under the bridge on the return of the flood, and there to await our return for four or five days. Crowds of people now began to gather around the boat, moved by mere cu- riosity. Mr. Gutzlaff induced some of them to get ducks and fowls for the use of the boat’s crew, and strange to say, prevailed on one man to become our guide, and on two others to undertake to carry our baggage, as soon as we should be a little farther off from the town, and out of the way of observation.” 196 Miscellanies. *¢ Skirting the town of Hwuytow, we proceeded in a N. N. E. di- rection, at a moderate pace, for an hour and a half, when we stop- © ped at a temple, and refreshed ourselves with tea. Nothing could be more kind or more civil than the manners of the people towards us hitherto, and if we could have procured conveyances here so as to have escaped walking in the heat of the day, loaded as we were with heavy woollen clothes, we should have had nothing further to desire: as it was, my feet already began to feel uncomfortable from swelling, and after another hour’s march, | was obliged to pro- pose a halt till the cool of the evening. Fortunately we found, however, that chairs were procurable at the place, and we accord- ingly engaged them at half a dollar each. They were formed in the slightest manner, and carried on bamboo poles, having a cross bar at the extremities, which rested on the back of the bearer’s neck, ap- parently a most insecure as well as inconvenient position ; but as the poles were at the same time grasped by the hands, the danger of a false step was lessened. We had not advanced above a mile anda half before the bearers declared they must eat, and to enable them to do so, they must get more money. With this impudent demand we thought it best to comply, giving them an additional real each. After an hour’s further progress, we were set down at a town near the foot of the first pass which we had to cross. There the bearers clamorously insisted on an additional payment before they would carry us any further. This we resisted, and by Mr. Gutzlaff’s elo- quence gained the whole of the villagers, who crowded around us, to join in exclaiming against the attempted extortion. Seeing this, the rogues sabenitted, and again took us up. Mr. G. mentioned that while we were passing through another village, the people of which begged the bearers to set us down, that they might have a look at us, they demanded 100 cash as the condition of compliance. The country which we passed swarmed with inhabitants, and ex- hibited the highest degree of cultivation, though it was only in a few spots that we saw any soil which would be deemed in Bengal tole- rably good ; rice, the sweet potato, and sugar cane, were the princi- pal articles of culture. We had now to ascend a barren and rugged mountain, which seemed destined by nature to set the hand of man at defiance ; yet even here, there was not a spot where a vegetable would take root, that was not occupied by at least a dwarf pine planted for the purpose of yielding fire wood, and a kind of turpen- tine ; and wherever a nook presented an opportunity of gaining a few i ce Miscellanies. 197 square yards of level ground by terracing, no labor seems to have _ been spared to redeem such spots for the purpose of rice cultivation. In ascending the pass, we soon came to places where. it was difficult for our bearers to find a footing, and where they had consequently to pick out their steps as they advanced. To assist themselves, they gave the chair a swinging motion, with which they kept time in raising their feet. This was far from agreeable, and the first im- pression was that it was done merely to annoy, but we very soon saw that the object was different. The highest point of the pass I should conjecture to be about 1200 feet above the plain, and the descent on the north side to be nearly equal to the ascent from the south, say 1000 feet. At half past four we arrived at a rather ro- mantic valley, which was to be our halting place for the day.” * Nov. 12th. Got into our chairs at a quarter past six, A. M. ~ and proceeded along a narrow rugged dell towards Koéboé. Seve- ral nice looking hamlets were seen,on the way. The people were engaged in reaping the rice, which seemed heavy, and well filled in the ear. In several places I observed that they had taken the pains to tie clumps of rice together for mutual support. Sugar cane is bound in the same way, and for additional security, the outside canes are mutually supported by diagonal leaves, which serve at the same time to form them into a kind of fence. The leaves are not tied up round the stalks as in Bengal; the ‘cane is slender, white, hard, and by no means juicy or rich ; yet, abating the black fungous powder, which is very prevalent, the surface is healthy, and close growing in a remarkable degree. We arrived at Koéboé at eight o’clock, and finding we could get water conveyance for part of the way on which we were proceeding, we engaged a boat for that pur- pose. After a hearty breakfast, we embarked at 10 A. M. amidst crowds of people who covered the banks of the river at the ghat. On.inquiry, we found that the river on which we were proceeding in a W.N.W. course, was the same which passed Nganke heén, and flowed to Tseuenchow foo. The boat was large, but light, and be- ing flat bottomed, drew very little water. The stream was so shal- low, that it was only by tracing the deepest part of the channel from side to side of its bed, that we were able to advance at all. This was done by poling; in several places the stream was deepened by throwing up little banks of sand so as to confine its course within a channel merely wide enough for the boats to pass through. I esti- mated the width from bank to bank at 200 yards, and should judge 198 Miscellanies. from the height at which sugar is cultivated above the level of the present surface, that the greatest depth in the rainy season does not exceed 10 feet. Being entirely fed by mountain torrents, its rise # must be often very sudden, but I did not observe any traces of de- vastation in its course. Its name, Nganke, or ‘ peaceful stream,’ is probably derived from this circumstance: the valley on each side seemed well cultivated, the banks being principally occupied by su- gar cane. At every village the people poured out as usual to see us, vying with each other in marks of civility and kindness. The day, however, becoming very hot, we took shelter from the sun un- der the roof of the boat, to the disappointment of many who waded into the water to gratify themselves with a sight of the strangers. ’ Coming at last to a high bank close to a populous town, they actu- ally offered the boatman 400 cash if he would bring us to; and on his refusal, the boys began pelting the boat with clods and stones On this, Mr. Gutzlaff went on degk to remonstrate, and Mr. Ryder to intimidate with his gun. Betwixt both, the effect was instantane-. ous, and the seniors of the crowd apologized for the rude manner in which the boys had attempted to enforce the gratification of their cu- riosity. We had been in vain looking out all yesterday and to-day for a glimpse of tea plantations on some of the rugged and black looking hills close in view, though at almost every place where we halted, we were assured that such were to be found hard by.” “ Arrived at Toa-be, we were hospitably received by the family of our guide, and soon surrounded by wondering visitors. ** Mr. Gutzlaff speedily selected one or two of the most intelligent of them, and obtained from them ready answers to a variety of ques- tions regarding the cultivation of the tea plant. They informed him that the seed now used for propagating the plant was all produced on the spot, though the original stock of this part of the country was brought from ceserahon that it ripened in the 10th or 11th month, | and was immediately put into the ground where it was intended to grow, several being put together into one hole, as the greater part was always abortive ; that the sprouts appeared in the 3d month af- ter the seeds were put into the ground; that the hole into which the seeds are thrown is from three to four inches deep, and as the plants grow, the earth is gathered up a little around the root; that leaves ‘are taken from the plants when they are three years old, and that there are from most plants four pluckings in the year, No manure is used, nor is goodness of soil considered of consequence; neither ye , Miscellanies. 199 bod are the plants irrigated. Each shrub may yield about a tael of dry _ tea annually (about the 12th of a pound.) A mow of ground may contain 300 or 400 plants. The land tax is 300 cash, (720 to a dollar,) per mow. The cultivation and gathering of the leaves be- ing performed by families without the assistance of hired laborers, no rate of wages can be specified ; but as the curing of the leaf is an art that requires some skill, persons are employed for that particular purpose, who are paid at the rate of one dollar per pecul of fresh leaves, equal to five dollars per pecul of dry tea. The fire-place used is only temporary, and all the utensils, as well as fuel, are fur- nished by the curer of the tea. ‘They stated that the leaves are heated and rolled seven or eight times. The green leaf yields one fifth of its weight of dry tea. ‘The best tea fetches on the spot 23 _ dollars per pecul, (133: lbs.) and the principal part of the produce is consumed within the province, or exported in baskets to Formosa. That the prevailing winds are northwesterly. The easterly winds - are the only winds injurious to the plants. Hoar frost is common during the winter months, and snow falls occasionally, but does not lie long, nor to a greater depth than three or four inches. The plant is never injured by excessive cold, and thrives from 10 to 20 years. It is sometimes destroyed by a worm that eats up the pith, and con- verts both stem and branches into tubes, and by a gray lichen which principally attacks very old plants. The period of growth is limited to six or seven years, when the plant has attained its greatest size. The spots where the tea is planted are scattered over great part of the country, but there are no hills appropriated entirely to its cul- ture. No ground, in fact, is formed into a tea plantation, that is fit for any other species of cultivation, except perhaps that of the dwarf pine already alluded to, or the Camellia oleifera. Mr. Gutzlaff understood them to say that the plant blossoms twice a year, in the eighth moon or September, and again in winter, but that the latter flowering is abortive. In this I apprehend there was some misun- derstanding, as full sized seeds, though not ripe, were proffered to me in considerable quantities early in September, and none were found on the plants which we saw. I suspect that the people meant to say that the seeds take eight months to ripen, which accords with other accounts. We wished much to have spent the following day (the 13th) in prosecuting our inquiries and observations at Toa-be and its neighborhood, but this was rendered impracticable by the state of our finances. We had plenty of gold, but no one could be ye: 200 Miscellanies. —. on found who would purchase it with silver at any price. We there- fore resolved on making the most of our time by an early excursion in the morning, previous to setting out on our return. “We accordingly got up at day break, and proceeded to visit the spot where the plants were cultivated. We were much struck with the variety of the appearance of the plants: some of the sh ‘scarcely rose to the height of a cubit above the ground, and those were so very bushy that the hand could not be thrust between the branches. ‘They were also very thickly covered with leaves, but these were very small, scarcely above ? of an inch long. In the same bed were other plants, with stems four feet high, far less branchy, and with leaves 14 to 2 inches in length. The pro- duce of great and small was said to be equal. The distance from centre to centre of the plants was about 44 feet, and the plants seemed to average about two feet in diameter. Though the ground was not terraced, it was formed into beds that were partly levelled. These were perfectly well dressed, as in garden cultivation, and each little plantation was surrounded by a low stone fence, and a trench. - There was no shade, but the places selected for the culti- vation were generally in the hollows of hills, where there was a good deal of shelter on two sides, and the slope comparatively easy. I should reckon the site of the highest plantations we visited to be about 700 feet above the plain, but those we saw at half that height, and even less, appeared more thriving, probably from having some- what better soil, though the best is little more than mere sand. I have taken specimens from three or four gardens. Contrary to what we had been told the preceding night, I found that each garden had its little nursery, where the plants were growing to the height of four or five inches, as closely set as they could stand; from which I conceive that the plant requires absolutely a free soil, not wet, and —_ clayey, but of a texture that will retain moisture ; and the best site 1s one not so low as that at which water is apt to spring from the sides of a hill, nor so high as to be exposed to the violence of stormy weather. There is no use in attempting to cultivate the plant on an easterly exposure, though it is sufficiently hardy to bear almost any degree of dry cold.” Ib. Norr.—Since the notes on p. 36 were printed, Dr, Kirtland has become satisfied from the anatomical structure of the animals, that the H. faliginosa and H. gla- phyra, are distinct species. GE ee aiideie ern eae WESTERY ATLANTIC, “J VF ) a ie , ath EWFOUNDLAND % - SF » é Fini 2 sf barmth fonts, i {y yp ny Rg a8 fy, y | e ss | - / WITH THE «COURSES fis aaa | | 5 — ott qe >, Miho a bs of Various | m 7 Janet t th- i mu le | Tay ww 14 3 wy « , Py ad os | | 13] 1 RR AN EY 3. ‘ on iat : . 45° | - 7 &) - -” i | > } Habitax eS | | By he Sable sty ike 4x | , af of ys | i KC REDFIELD; Ay #5 mass ae et a oe rid } 1855. Pct ty , r ra rie o wh | p Se ” o ie 2 j Ht joe Boston? s a8 he * ui a” Prd i Hooke et, “ EMP Poe 3 af -* ar en Sgt es ae af . “* yh - 7 f ws 3 eee Pe ae a ax aa, New York oy gee oF ited ye" on | | ag6 2 “5 ee ft 26 ae | SSRs Asante x jé Philadelphiag ves ala taille an ee - 4 10” | } E P Ag an , i pias * | = Baltimore, «(4 7 se es 4 | ae ’ e - } WASHINGTON 9& sf 4 Hg { 4) 5 # sd x, | , ; | : Bad a | | \ “ " al a? 5 | j ' 7 v esapeak oo it / | i . ‘ " Ry h | ra ai aa $ | i "yy? . x ;, i» Zin. a ale” * 35° ‘ te / ¢ ‘ , = - P| f = ae ‘ , / x | 7 i ) / , , ed | Sf ow ‘ ‘ ‘ | ‘ | ‘ A - Ie. / ws ul ° ; j i & ¢ goer , x Pe | | | 5 ; x! t | U Fi ‘ * ; j j " » 2 ; % Ds @ Bermuda | | ; | le 4 Ss! 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Sty, > THN gi a “MZ, 72 Sty. “tciat~ _ oo | Mwenps \yBarbadoes "(ee | ~~ a | 272k es ‘ | “sia Gr nada; te, oy * ate 2 . = | alee Be gts Toba ge 4O”% | i é War gar, ">. gee oe i} | Z, ya Aes “ap j 1 im 4 Zz | ! = Se J rina “gt ol £ | 1 bos ” tn — 7 -~ 2 Pe RL sated = ae iN +} 0"| 2 te 485 | | ‘ fy | i 4, i | “) | | | nec" j | % ROM . | st — ——— 80°W of Greenw™ 75° 65° 60° 55° 50° 15° Prece a ¢ ~ S = THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, &c. Art. I—Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D., late Senior Pas- tor of the First Church in Salem, Mass.; by Rev. Cuartes W. Upuam. Dr. Prince was born in Boston, on the 22d of July, 1751. His parents resi the north part of the city, and were worthy and excellent members of the religious society distinguished as the New North Church. They were of Puritan descent, and, as was the case with all who worthily claimed that name, were careful to give their son a good education, and to impress upon his mind a reverent sense of religious truth and duty. His father being a mechanic, a hatter by trade, the son was directed to a similar pursuit. He was early bound out as an apprentice to a pewterer and tinman, and continued industriously and faithfully to labor in his calling until his indentures had expired. But his genius, from the beginning, had indicated a propensity to a different mode of life. From a child his chief enjoyments were found in books. He was wont to retire from the sports of boyhood. There was no play for him to be compared with the delight of read- ing. During the hours of leisure, in the period of his apprentice- ship, he sought no other recreation than in the acquisition of know- ] edge. It followed of course, that, upon becoming free, he abandoned his trade and devoted himself to study. In a very short time . he was prepared to enter college, and received his bachelor’s degree at Cambridge, in 1776, at the age of twenty-five. After leaving col- lege, he was engaged for some time in the instruction of a school. He pursued the study of divinity under the direction of the Rev. Samuel Williams, of Bradford, i a clergyman highly distin- Vol. XXXI —No. 2. o i 202 Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. guished for talents and attainments, afterwards Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy in Harvard University. He was ordained over the First Church in Salem, on the 10th of Novem- ber, 1779. On the 8th of December, 1824, the writer of this no- tice was settled as his colleague. He died on the 7th of June, 1836, having nearly completed his 85th year. His ministry lasted 57 years and 7 months. The disease of which Dr. Prince died was stone in the kidney, producing frequent and violent attacks of strangury, for twelve years. It was, of course, distressing in the highest degree, accompanied by an impaired function, and ending in the entire destruction of the organs affected by it. It is very remarkable, however, that in all other respects, time and suffering seemed to have failed to make any impression upon his system. His appetite, organs of digestion, eye- sight, and general activity, either of sense, or muscle, or nerve, were not in the slightest degree impaired ; and this was still more obser- vable, inasmuch as from early life, and for more than fifty years, he had been afflicted with a severe cough, and a double hernia. His extraordinary enjoyment of general health, notwithstanding these local infirmities, can only be accounted for by the serenity and cheer- ful equableness of his feelings and spirits, partly owing to a happy natural temperament, and partly to the benign influence of his scien- tific and philosophical pursuits. When Mr. Prince was preaching as a candidate, in Salem, in 1779, his cough was so violent, that serious apprehensions were felt that he would soon sink into a decline. At the meeting, called for the purpose of seeing whether the society of the First Church would give him a call to settle, the following curious incident oe- curred. One of the parish, before the vote was put, rose and re- marked, that he entirely concurred with all the rest of the society in admiring Mr. Prince very much as a man and a minister, but doubted about the expediency ting him, as his complaints were so y, they would soon be called to bury him. Another member, who was a physician, in reply, admitted that Mr. Prince was in delicate health, but expressed the opinion that he might get over his complaints ; and, after having earnestly advocated his settlement, concluded his argument by saying that he should not be surprised if, after all, Mr. Prince should live to bury the whole of them. The extravagant expression turned out to be a true prediction. He did live to bury them all. These circum- * Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. 203 stances in reference to Mr. Prince’s state of health, constitutional infirmities, and the disease which finally terminated his life, have been particularly mentioned, as illustrative of the power of philosophical pursuits, and a perfectly regulated and equable state of the feelings and temper to prolong life, even in opposition to the most unfavor- able influences. y The basis of Dr. Prince’s philosophical attainments was laid in the thirst for knowledge already alluded to. This trait was. early developed, and continued to be his most marked characteristic until the very hand of death was upon him. It was exercised in almost every possible direction, and as his memory was wonderfully capa- cious and retentive, the result was that he accumulated and had at command as large an amount of knowledge, as can easily be found in the possession of any one mind. Without taking into the account what he derived from books, and few men have ever read more, his eyes and his ears were always open and his hands were always busy. No idle moment ever passed over him. He noticed every occur- rence, and explored every object within the reach of his curious ob- servation. When a mere boy he was intent to learn all that was going on in the great world around him; and this appetite for know- ledge enabled him to lay up a body of reminiscences, drawn from his early youth and from every period of his life, which made him, in his old age, a truly instructive companion. He was an attentive and inquisitive spectator of the opening scenes of the revolutionary drama in Boston, from the massacre through all the intermediate events, including the destruction of the tea, to the battles of Lexing- ton and Bunker Hill. He was equally well stored with facts in ref- erence to men and things during all the subsequent period of his life; and what he knew, he related, in a style of narrative, such as those who enjoyed his acquaintance, can scarcely expect ever to find equalled. In this connection it is necessary to remark, as it was indeed a most distinguishing trait in the character of Dr. Prince, and one worthy of imitation by all men, and especially by clergymen, that vigorous, unremitted, and universal as was his thirst for knowledge, it was invariably kept within the bounds of prudence, propriety, and good feeling. Probably no man ever lived more free from the charge of being a prier into other persons’ affairs, or a tattler of their failings. He did not appear to have a sense to discern the private frailties or follies of men. His lips were never known to circulate i x 204 Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. scandal or gossip. During his long ministry, I do not believe that he has ever been even suspected of widening a breach by tale-bear- ing, of raising a laugh at another’s expense, or of uttering a syllable to the disparagement of a single member of the community. All the notices he took, and all the circumstances he related, in which other men were concerned, were only such as could be made to point a general moral, and illustrate a principle of human nature without affecting any individual injuriously. What I have now said will commend itself to bis friends as a true and accurate feature of his character, and it strikingly illustrates his judgment and p.udence, the integrity of his mind, the tenderness of his feelings, and his strong sense of justice towards all men. His passion for knowledge, receiving a particularly strong bias from the manual occupation to which he served an apprenticeship, inclined him, with peculiar interest, to the pursuit and cultivation of the sev- eral branches of experimental natural philosophy. On the 10th of November, 1783, just four years from the day of bis ordination, when 32 years of age, he communicated to the scientific world, his improved construction of the Arr Pump. His letter giving the first account of it, addressed to President Willard, of Harvard College, may be seen in the first volume of the Memoirs of the American Academy. The present generation can form no conception of the interest awakened by this admirable invention, not only in this coun- try, but throughout Europe. His name was at once enrolled among the benefactors and ornaments of modern science, and on that roll it will remain inscribed until science itself shall be mo more. The philosophical journals of the day emulated each other in praising the scientific research and profoundness of reasoning displayed in the construction. The American philosopher was allowed to have sur- passed all former attem pts in the same department. His name is recorded, by an eminent writer, in connection with that of the fa- mous Boyle, among “ who have improved the ——— of science and of whose | S we are now reaping the benefit.” e machine is still called, a way of distinction, “the American Air Pump,” and its figure was selected to represent a constellation in the heavens, and imprinted upon celestial globes. nicer iin namlaiinentnipillioa on, 1799, vol. 1, p. 44-54. Rees’ Cyclop , Art. Air Pump. Analytical Re- pe July, 1789. Nicholson’s Journal, v we L. eg, oy Ameri erican Air Pump is to be found in Dobson’ s Supplement to the Encyclopedia Brittannica, Art. Pneumatics. Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. 205 His reputation was thus established amony the first philosophers and mechanicians of his age. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the very respectable college at Providence, and was admitted to the several learned and philosophical societies of the country. t is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do justice to Dr. Prince’s claims upon the gratitude of the scientific world. His mod- esty and indifference to fame were so real and sincere, that it never occurred to him to take pains to eppelate to himself the improve- ments and discoveries he had ma Fortunately for the cause of science, his whole philosophical and literary correspondence has been preserved. All his own letters, and many of them are very elaborate and minute, containing full discussions, and, frequently, drawings executed by the pen, were carefully copied out into manuscript volumes. These manuscript volumes, which are eleven in number, are the monuments of his genius, and the only record of his contributions to the cause of sci- ence. It was his custom, when he bad made an improvement in the construction and use of a philosophical instrument, instead of publishing it to the world, to communicate a full description of it, by private letter, to the principal instrument makers in London. During his whole life, down to March 19th, 1836, the date of his last letter to Samuel Jones of London, be has, in this manner, been promoting the interests of science, while his agency, to a very great extent, has been unknown to the public. A long letter, occupying ten closely written pages, is found under the date af Noy. 3d, 1792, addressed to George Adams, of London, and containing a full description of an improved construction of the Lucernal microscope. On the 3d of July, 1795, he wrote another letter to Mr. Adams, describing still further improvements in the same instrument. ithout making any public acknowledgment of his obligations to Dr. Prince, Mr. Adams proceeded to construct Lucernal microscopes upon the plan suggested by him. Shortly after the death of Mr. Adams, which peiced in the latter part of 1795, an article appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine, signed by Jobn Hill, a distinguished cultivator of science, in which the impor- tance of these improvements was shown at large, and illustrated by a plate. The writer stated that he had procured bis instrument from Mr. Adams a short time before his death, and that Adams inti- mated to him at the time, that he had been indebted for some im- * A al ad ‘Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. portant suggestions in its construction, to “a clergyman.” The purpose of Mr. Hill’s communication seemed to be, in part to make known the improvement, and in part to draw out the clergyman who invented it. Dr. Prince’s attention was directed to Mr. Hill’s publication by his London correspondent, but I do not find that he answered the enquiry, at the time, or took any steps to secure the credit, with the readers of the Gentleman’s Magazine, of the beauti- ful and truly ingenious construction which had attracted so much curiosity and admiration. He, probably, preferred to let the sub- ject drop, rather than keep it before the public to the disadvantage of the memory of his friend.* After the death of Mr. Adams, his successor in business, Mr. Wm. Jones, sought Dr. Prince’s correspondence in language of which the following is a specimen, extracted from a letter, dated London, Feb. 18, 1797: “A correspondence with you, sir, will be as flattering to me as it is desirable. 1 have long heard of your knowledge and expertness in science, and shall be happy to receive any communications that have resulted from your study and experience.” - In a letter, dated July 3d, 1797, Mr. Jones repeats his solicita- tions as follows: “‘ Your celebrity as a philosopher is not a little known in this country. Mr. Jefferson many years ago, mentioned your name to me, and showed me the description of your air pump. A correspondence with you respecting science and instruments, will be highly gratifying to me, and what small leisure an unremitting attention to business will permit, I shall be happy te snatch occa-- sionally for your information.” The correspondence, thus commenced with this enlightened and philosophical mechanician, was continued with him, and after bis death, with his brother, without intermission, to the close of Dr. Prince’s life, and became the foundation of a sincere and most inter- esting friendship. It is indeed delightful to witness the genial influ- ence of scientific pursuits upon the affections, binding together the hearts of those between whose persons an ocean had always rolled. The letters of Messrs. William and Samuel Jones ate full of ex- pressions of admiration and gratitude towards Dr. Prince. In one * Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 66, 2d part, 1796, pp. 897, 1080, When ‘Mr. Dobson of Philadelphia, published the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Brittan- nica, Dr. Prince caused Mr. Hill’s description to be reprinted in it, under the arti- Ics. cle Orr = niet ian ail Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. Dp 207 of them, dated March 3, 1798, Mr. Jones says, “ It is to you that the Air Pump and Lucernal owe their present state of perfection and improvement.” In ancther, dated September 29, 1798, he says, ‘In all respects I think you have made the Lucernal as com- plete and as simple as it can be made.’’ Under the date of March 4, 1798, Mr. Jones acknowledges the adoption ‘of Dr. Prince’s “ very useful and ingenious emendations” in the construction of the * astro- nomical lantern machinery.” hus a constant intercommunication of friendly offices was kept up for nearly forty years. ‘The correspondence is creditable to the Messrs. Jones in every point of view. On the part of Dr. Prince, it contains a body of instruction such as can no where else be found, and would be regarded as an invaluable directory, by all whose bu- siness or whose pleasure it is to make use of the instruments of sci- ence. When we consider the situation of Dr. Prince, conducting his investigations and experiments in solitude, far removed from the great centers of scientific research and observation, and having to communicate with other philosophers by the tedious and unsatisfac- tory means of epistolary correspondence beyond the ocean, it be- comes truly astonishing to reflect upon the success and amount of his labors. Until long after his great invention of the improved air-pump, he had depended almost wholly upon his own toil and ingenuity in the construction of scientific instruments, not having, at that time, established a correspondence with the on ma- chinists. He had, of course, to struggle against many inconven- iences, from which a vicinity to the London workshops would have exempted him. There isa great amount of floating knowledge accumulated and mutually communicated where many persons are kept for a long time employed in any branch of business, and which, never being recorded in books, the self-taught and solitary operative will not be likely to acquire. The following passage, extracted from a letter written by Dr. Prince to President Fitch, of Williams College, Sept. 24, 1795, will illustrate the trials and difficulties to which he was subjected in the construction of philosophical instruments—it refers to an equa- torial. “On my return home, the ingenious young map, whom I have always employed to do my brisk work, and who had begun the brass box for the needle, could not finish it immediately. His 208 Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. brother who worked with him, was very sick of a fever, and requir- ed all his attention. The brother died. In two days more he too the fever himself, and died in ten days, and left me destitute of workmen to finish the matters | had undertaken. I got the instru- ment from his shop as soon as I could in the unfinished state, and went to work myself to complete it ; and when I had done it to my own satisfaction, as I supposed, to my great disappointment and mortification, 1 fone all the labor was lost. For, on putting the needle into the box, which is of a parallelogram form, about six tenths of an inch in width, I found the box, though made of brass, attracted the needle to its side and would not allow it to play freely. This was a circumstance entirely new and unexpected. J never had an idea of any kind of brass being magnetic, and could not ac- count for the phenomenon for some time. But on trying several - other pieces I found that the box was not the only one that attracted the needle. Several pieces did the same; others did not. This quality must be owing to the impurity of the brass. Some steel filings or small particles of iron must have accidentally mixed with it in casting. It would have been fortunate for me if 1 had made the discovery before it was worked ; but the thought never occurred tome. ‘Too much of our Liviedovled (considering the shortness of life) comes to us by dear bought experience.” The foregoing extract may serve to give some idea of the great inconveniences to which Dr. Prince was put, asa philosophical me- chanician, from the want of workmen, and from the necessity of accumulating for himself his own ‘“ dear bought experience,” with- out. Mitsining any benefit from the experience of others. In looking through these manuscript volumes, we perceive, from the beginning to the end, the evidences of his wisdom, ingenuity, and skill. In one of his letters (Sept. 24, 1795,) he recommends @ new construction of thermometers, in which zero should be at the freezing point of mercury, thereby avoiding the inconvenience of having both plus and minus in the scale. In another letter (Dec. 4, 1795,) he describes some improvements he had introduced in the construction of an equatorial. Feb. 13, 1797, he gives an account of a magic lantern, contri- ved and constructed by him on a new and extensive scale. He thus introduces the description of another of his inventions, in a letter to William and Samuel Jones, of London, Oct. 20, 1797—* I have lately constructed a very large microscope for my- Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D. 209 self upon a simple plan, the effects of which are surprisingly mag- nificent and beautiful. It is also a noble megaloscope as well as microscope, the field of view being an inch and a half diameter, with considerable magnifying power. The body of the instrument is four feet and a half in length, including the brass tubes at the end for the magnifiers. It is made in the form of an obelisk, and when it is not in use as a microscope it stands upright on its base; the tube in its top is unscrewed and a small urn is put in its place, so that it makes a handsome ornament in a room, and is more out of the way than if laid in a horizontal case.” - In a letter, dated March 2d, 1801, he gives the Messrs. Jones a particular account, accompanied by models and diagrams, of addi- tional improvements, made by him in the magic lantern. In a letter to the same persons, Nov. 24, 1818, he describes a very important and beautiful improvement he bad just made on Dr. Brewster’s kaleidoscope. He constructed it in such a manner that it was brought to bear upon opake objects, and most splendid and magnificent were the combinations of dazzling colors thus brought to light—a world of wonders, the brilliancy and glory of which tran- scended all that the eye of man ever contemplated, or his imagina- tion conceived, was revealed to view, as existing in the darkest and roughest metals and rocks beneath our feet. The following extract is from a letter to the Messrs. Jones, Oct. 28, 1823.