$4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign). 35 cts. per Copy. l VUS THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE, MANAGING Profs. E. D. COPE, Philadelphia, AND J. S gapi ED EDIT a iiaa Tufts College, College Hill, Mass. ITORS: “M Dr. C. O. WHITMAN, Chicago, Dr. C, E. BESSEY, Lincoln, Neb. rO rhe ERCER, Rhames Ba Pror. C. M. WEED, HEET, N.H., PROF. W S. BAYLEY, W tek ies Maine, Pror. E. A. ANDREWS, Halting / PROF, A. C. GILL, Ithaca. PROF. H. C: aei Princeton. ; Vol. XXX. JULY, 1896. No. 355 — CONTENTS Clarence J. Elmore. 520 (Continued.) Mark Baldwin: CEE). THE CLASSIFICATION OF, DIATOMS (BACILLARI- A New FACTOR IN EVOLUTION. A 536 THE PATH OF THE WATER CURRENT IN CucuM- BER PLANTS. (Continued.) Ær win F. Smith. ‘Eprror’s TABLE.—The Spoliatio The American Association at Bu 554 n of seve z falo. iea pi RECENT LITERAT — Surface Colors — The Whence and Whither of Pine Opi on ? ic Evolut (Ilus- t trated. )— The aoe EM RE on nee casei of ge | _ Mar ~ RECENT Boos | AND PAMPHLETS. 2 ES - 570 _ GENERAL NOT Wins EPA ntact Goniometer with tw aduated Circles.—Crystallographic Proper- Sulphonic Acid Derivatives of Cam- e; Ha or =J Or ' Galena Limestone—Miscellane Petrog iy A a e Rocks Tuffs ix PAGE lee te Gta: Dykes near Lake Memphrem- —The Origin of the bashes Granites— Potebariutien 1 Notes: Geology and Pak saat load dian Palei : opo- ogy—Jackson on the Hevelopeeate ligo rus—American Fossil Cockroaches he = manche Cr she ihre its laian Take - 579 ays Argentir Tilden’ Ampak Aii saie tam bines of North America—Sets of No es Am n Plants—Botany in a for a Plant Analysis” —Botanical New i Zoology —J apanese VENET Orient of g Tail- orms The Spermatheca can Newts and Salamar ndere- 7 E hesola Tae Asy to Pelyxenus— North American Sey w—New MODUN —Entomological N Em iey ~ Protoplasmie Continnity-—C ell Studies in elid Eg Psych ae oars Study in Morbid Peschology sy with some reflections. (Continued). — Aare gy—Mr. Kean on Paleolithic’ ie —Cave Cave Kepti by ee RA a Peauaybean iain Tennessee. be ustrated.. i nd ’ Prussia—Igneous Rocks of British Columbia— k Ciaseions “Ganeretione in Obsidians from SCIENTIFIC te Ms ie ue PHILADELPHIA, U. S.A THE EDWARDS & DOCKER oa 518 ano 520 MINOR STREET. 7” THE AMERICAN NATURALIST ee ? DES: Vor XIX, July, 1896. 355 THE CLASSIFICATION OF DIATOMS (BACIL- LARIACE). By CLARENCE J. ELMORE. There have been many systems of classification employed for the Bacillariacex, but very few of these have any valid claim, to be regarded as natural systems. They may be divided into three classes; (1) those based on the structure of the valves, of which Kuetzing’s, Prof. H. L. Smith’s, and that employed | by Kirchner are examples; (2) those based on the form of the frond, the connecting membrane, and the gelatinous envelope, represented by Rey. Wm. Smith’s; and (8) those based on the | _ structure of the endochrome and the manner of forming auxo- ~ spores, represented by that of Paul Petit. The following i is me brief outline of the systems mentioned. ‘Kirchner divided the Bacillariacex into two groups’ those os ' Read before the Botanical Seminar of the University of Kapukai d March 21. - crypt ora von Eichleaien ; TES m eee 1878. ey iat Leipsic, Pu a whose markings are bilateral, that is, arranged on two sides of _ a longitudinal line or raphe, and? those with radial markings. oe 530 The American Naturalist. [July, Those with bilateral markings he divided into two subdivisions the first comprising those with a central nodule, and the second those with none. Kuetzing divided the Bacillariacex into three tribes ; I, Stri- atx, that is those with transverse striations; II, Vittatz, that is those with longitudinal stripes ; and III, Areolatæ, that is those whose surfaces are divided into angular areole. The first- two tribes, Striate and Vittate he divided into two orders each, viz.; I, Astomatice and II, Stomatice. The Astomatice included those with no central nodule, or as he understood it, with no central opening, while the Stomatice included those with a central nodule. If the central nodule were really a stoma or aperture as Kuetzing considered it, this grouping might have been a natural one; for this difference in structure might have connoted important physiological differences, but it is generally conceded that the nodules are merely markings on the valves, and it is likely that they indicate nothing as to the physiology of the plant. Sono higher groups than genera, or possibly species, can be based on this character. His third tribe, Areolatx, he also divided into two orders; I, Disciformex that is, those of a circular or angular form, and, II, Appendi- culate, or forms with appendages, as Biddulphia. The classification of Prof. H. L. Smith‘ is one that has had considerable following. Bessey’s Botany® was the first American textbook to adopt and give an outline of the system. It was adopted by Van Heurck®, Wolle and De Toni®. To say the least, it is a good practical system of classification, and prob- ably this is the most that can be said for it, though in some points it seems to approach a natural system. Smith divides the Diatoms into three tribes, the Raphidex, Pseudoraphidee, and Cryptoraphidex. The Raphidex are all supposed to possess a raphe. The Pseudoraphidex are usually elongated, have no raphe, but in its place there is a blank space resembling a t Conspectus of the Families and Genera of the Diatomacee in The Lens, I: 1 1872 and II: 65, 1873. 5 Botany for High Schools and Colleges, pi Holt and Co., New York, 1880, ê Synopsis des Diatomées de Belgique, 188 1 Diatomaceæ of North America, 1890. 8 Sylloge Algarum, 1891. 1896.] The Classification of Diatoms. 531 raphe. The Cryptoraphidee are usually circular or angular and have nothing resembling a raphe. Upon the supposition that the raphe is an essential organ, and that it is present in one tribe, replaced by another structure in the second, and “ hid-. den” in the third, this might be a natural classification. But if the raphe is known to exist only in the first tribe and its existence in the others is wholly theoretical, it will hardly serve as a character on which to base a classification. It is true that the genera brought together by this system appear to bear more or less relation to each other, but if we knew as little about Phanerogams as we do about Diatoms, we should think that a division of them into Arboræ, Frutices, and Herbx placed related genera together, for it would be easy to see that Salix and Populus are related, and also that Solanum and Physalis are more or less closely allied. I venture to regard the Raph- idex, Pseudoraphidex, and Cryptoraphidex as having no greater naturalness than the divisions Arborx, Frutices, and Herbz ; and it is to be hoped that they will soon be consigned to the same botanical limbo in which the latter have long since found obscurity. It is true, however, that in the Raphidex, there seems to be a trace of naturalness in the system. The author begins with the bilaterally symmetrical forms, that is those in which the raphe is a median line, as for example, Navicula. Those with the raphe at one side of the center, as in Cymbella, he considers a modification of the first type by a curving of the frustule and thus bringing the raphe nearer the concave side. And in the third division the raphe has approached so near to the concave margin that it fuses with it, asin Amphora. If this is to be considered simply as a modification of a typical form, it means little. But if this modification shows the course of develop- ment from the Navicula form to the Amphora form, it means a great deal. In Navicula and Cymbella two auxospores are formed from two mother cells without conjugation, and in Am- phora two auxospores are formed from two mother cells by conjugation. It is probable that the method of reproduction found in the derived form is a development from that found in the primitive form. If then the Amphora form has developed from the Navicula form, there is reason to believe that the for- 532 The American Naturalist. [July, mation of auxospores without conjugation is the primitive method, although Murray’ holds that the formation of auxo- spores by conjugation is probably the original method, and that their formation without conjugation is the derived method. Wm. Smith” divided the Diatoms into two tribes in the first of which the frustules are free, and in the second imbedded in a gelatinousenvelope. Under the first tribe he makes five sub- tribes, depending upon the form of the connecting membrane and the relation of the frustules to each other. The second tribe he divided into four subtribes based on the form of the fronds. This arrangement seems not only extremely artificial but also very impractical. Nothing about Diatoms is more variable than the form of the fronds; and where it is at all con- stant, such a system places closely related genera far apart; for example, Cymbella and Encyonema, Nitzschia and Homæocladia are placed in separate tribes, while in structure they are very similar, the main difference being that in Encyonema and Homeocladia the frustules are arranged in rows, while in Cym- bella they are free or stipitate and in Nitzschia they are free. This method of classifying Diatoms may be likened to a separa- tion of Grasses into those forming a dense sod and those not forming a sod; or of Dicotyledons into those exuding a resinous fluid and those that do not. Wm. Smith places Gomphonema in his first tribe, that is, the one having no gela- tinous envelope; but some species of Gomphonema are-stipitate while others are enclosed in an amorphous mass of jelly. The latter species would have to be placed in his second tribe, thus dividing the genus. It would lead to even greater difficulty than this, for the same species is sometimes stipitate and some- times imbedded in a gelatinous envelope. Of all existing systems that of Paul Petit seems to approach ° An Introduction to the Study of Seaweeds, p. 195, 1895. 1 For a synopsis of Smith’s classification see Pritchard’s History of the Infus- oria, 191, fourth edition, 1861. ^ Liste des Diatomées et des Desmidées observées dans les Environs de Paris precedée d’un essai de classification des Diatomées. Bull. Soc. Bot. France, tom. XXIII-XXIV, Paris, 1877. An Essay on the Classification of the Diatomacee translated by F. Kitton, Monthly Microscopical Journal and Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, XVIII, 1877, pp. 10, 65. ceen, in Schenk’s Handbuch der Botanik, Breslau, 1882. 1896.] The Classification of Diatoms. 533 most nearly to a natural one because it is based on characters having physiological significance. It is based primarily on the structure of the endochrome, and secondarily on the method of forming auxospores and the general shape of the frustules. Van Heurck does not employ this system in his Synopsis because of the large number of fossil specimens and those from deep-sea soundings to which it could not be applied. But this is not a valid objection, for all the genera are represented by modern species, and these are sufficient for a basis of classifica- tions, and since the specific characters are based mainly on the structure of the valves, there will be no trouble with the fossil forms. The following synopsis of Petit’s system includes the higher divisions only. I. Bacillariaceæ coccochromatice. With numerous endochrome granules. A. Frustules concentrically constructed. One mother cell forming asexually a single auxospore. Melosi- res, etc. B. Frustules bilateral, one or two mother cells forming two auxospores, as far as known asexually. Fra- gilariex, etc. II. Bacillariacee placochromatice. With one or two large endochrome plates. A. One endochrome plate lying against the convex valve; one mother cell forming one auxospore asexually. Cocconeidex. B. A single endochrome plate extending diagonally across the cell cavity, or lying next the girdle. Two auxospores formed from two mother cells, with or without conjugation. Nitzschiex. Amphorex, Cym- belles, ete. C. Two endochrome plates lying next the two valves. Two mother cells forming two auxospores by con- jugation. Eunotiex, Synedricx, Surirayex. D. Two endochrome plates lying next the two girdle bands; two mother cells forming two auxospores without conjugation. Amphiplewree, Naviculex, etc. 534 The American Naturalist. [July, Although Petit’s system is by no means perfect, it is at least a step in the right direction. He bases it upon characters that have some physiological significance, while the other systems are wholly or in greater part based on merely accidental char- acters. A clue to the genetic relationships of Diatoms, as of other plants, will be most certainly found in their method of reproduction. The shape of the frustules, or their markings, will serve for specific, or in some cases for generic characters, but they have no significance that will warrant their use in the erection of higher groups. Absolute shape and size will not serve as definite characters, for a single species between one auxospore stage and the next varies greatly in both these respects. Owing to the peculiar mode of cell division in which each new valve is formed inside the old one, each new frustule is smaller than the parent, hence the size gradually decreases until an auxospore is formed. Schumann”, out of 470 species found ten in which the length of the largest was five times that of the smallest; twenty-nine in which the largest were from three to four times as long as the smallest, and the rest showing less variation. The variation in form is even as great as the variation in size. This is probably due to the difference in the thickness of the girdle, 7. e. the part of the valves that overlaps, in different parts of the frustule. Navicula iridis Ehr. is a good example of a variable species. Its different forms have been described as species by most writers. In the typical form the valves are elliptical with gracefully curved margins. The first variation from this type has apices cuneate, and a still further deviation shows them acuminate-cuneate ; and from this it varies to rostrate or capitate ; and a diminution in size goes step by step with this change in form. These forms are repre- sented by Navicula iridis Ehr., N. amphigomphus Ehr., N. affinis Ehr., N. amphirhynchus Ehr., and N. producta W. Sm. If the overlapping portions of the valves are slightly thicker near the ends than elsewhere, this variation would be the necessary result, for each new valve formed inside an old one would be slightly constricted opposite this thickened place, at first chang- ing the rounded ends to cuneate, and as the narrowing pro- 12 Pfitzer, l. c., p. 441. 1896.] The Classification of Diatoms. 535 ceeded still further, the cuneate form would become rostrate and a still further narrowing would give a capitate form. So form and size, although they have a certain significance, are not to be considered infallible characters. The geological records throw no light upon the relationship of the Bacillariacex, for when this family first appeared, we find the same genera, and largely the same species as in our modern ones. This is probably due to the fact that their ancestors lacked the siliceous covering, and hence were not preserved. Diatoms evolved the same as all other plants until they devel- oped their shells, but these put a stop to their further evolu- tion, at least they show no trace of evolution since their first appearance. So the question arises whether the Diatoms repre- sent the ends of several closely related genetic lines the further development of which was stopped by their siliceous shells, or whether we may trace the development of one form from an- other. The former supposition is the more probable, for the form of the earliest fossil specimens is identical with that of modern specimens of the same species; and the same genera are found among fossil as among modern Diatoms. If one genus of Diatoms developed from another, we ought to find the more primitive forms in the earlier strata, for there is little chance that their remains would not be preserved had they existed. But instead of this, Diatoms of all forms appear almost simultaneously. We may conclude then that the Bacillariacex represent the silicified ends of several closely allied genetic lines and that they have not changed in form since they acquired their siliceous covering. The structure of the valves it follows will tell us practically nothing of their rela- tionship. There are five methods by which auxospores are formed”. In the first the protoplasm of one frustule simply escapes from the valves, grows to a certain size, and then invests itself with new valves. In the second, two auxospores, instead of one, are formed in the same way by the dividing of the protoplasm of a single plant. In the third, the protoplasm of two Diatoms unites to form an auxospore. In the fourth, the protoplasm of 18 Murray, 1. c. 536 The American Naturalist. [July, two Diatoms emerges from the valves, and placed by side, but without conjugation, forms each an auxospore. In the fifth, two Diatoms divide transversely and the two halves of each conjugate, each half with the corresponding half of the other and thus form two auxospores. Before any truly natural classification can be made the significance of these various modes of producing auxospores must be understood. Whether the sexual or the asexual] method is the primitive one must be known, or whether the different methods are so many expedi- > ents to overcome the difficulties imposed upon these plants by their siliceous shells. At present our knowledge of the struct- ure and physiology of Diatoms is not sufficient to enable us to construct a perfectly natural system of classifieation, and until something better is proposed, Petit’s may well be adopted, for although it is not wholly natural, it is more so than any which has preceded it. A NEW FACTOR IN EVOLUTION. By J. Mark BALDWIN. (Continued from page 451). ITI. Social Heredity.—There follows also another resource in the matter of development. In all the higher reaches of develop- ment we find certain co-operative or “social” processes which directly supplement or add to the individual’s private adapta- tions. In the lower forms it is called gregariousnes, in man sociality, and in the lowest creatures (except plants) there are suggestions of a sort of imitative and responsive action be- tween creatures of the same species and in the same habitat. In all these cases it is evident that other living creatures con- stitute part of the environment of each, and many neuro-gen- etic and psycho-genetic accommodations have reference to or involve these other creatures. It is here that the principle of imitation gets tremendous oo intelligence and vol- 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 537 ition, also, later on; and in human affairs it becomes social co-operation. Now it is evident that when young creatures have these imitative, intelligent, or quasi-social tendencies to any extent, they are able to pick up for themselves, by imitation, instruction, experience generally, the functions which their parents and other creatures perform in their presence. This then is a form of ontogenetic adaptation ; it keeps these crea- tures alive, and so produces determinate variations in the way explained above. It is, therefore, a special, and from its wide range, an extremely important instance of the general principle of Organic Selection. ; But it has a farther value. Jt keeps alive a series of functions which either are not yet, or never do become, congenital at all. It is a means of extra-organic transmission from generation to generation. It is really a form of heredity because (1) it isa handing down of physical functions ; while it is not physical her- edity. It is entitled to be called heredity for the further rea- son (2) that it directly influences physical heredity in the way men- tioned, i. e., it keeps alive variations, thus sets the direction of ontogenetic adaptation, thereby influences the direction of the available congenital variations of the next generation, and so determines phylogenetic development. I have accordingly called it “ Social Heredity ” (ref. 2, chap. xii; ref. 3). In “Social Heredity,” therefore, we have a more or less con- servative, progressive, ontogenic atmosphere of which we may * make certain remarks as follows :— 1) It secures adaptations of individuals all through the anina world. “Instead of limiting this influence to human life, we have to extend it to all the gregarious animals, to all the creatures that have any ability to imitate, and finally to all animals who have consciousness sufficient to enable them to make adaptations of their own ; for such creatures will have children that can do the same, and it is unnecessary to say that the children must inherit what their fathers did by intelli- gence, when they can do the same things by intelligence ” (ref. 6). (2) It tends to set the direction of phylogenetic progress by Organic Selection, Sexual Selection, etc., i. e., it tends not only 538 The American Naturalist. [July, to give the young the adaptations which the adults already have, but also to produce adaptations which depend upon social coöperation ; thus variations in the direction of sociality are selected and made determinate. “When we remember that the per- manence of a habit learned by one individual is largely con- ditioned by the learning of the same habits by others (notably of the opposite sex) in the same environment, we see that an enormous premium must have been put on varia- tions of a social kind—those which brought different indi- viduals into some kind of joint action or coöperation. Wher- ever this appeared, not only would habits be maintained, but new variations, having all the force of double hereditary tendency, might also be expected” (ref. 3). Why is it, for example, that a race of Mulattoes does not arise faster, and possess our Southern States? Isit not just the social repug- nance to black-white marriages? Remove or reverse this in- fluence of education, imitation, etc., and the result on phylogeny would show in our faces, and even appear in our fossils when they are dug up long hence by the paleontologist of the succeeding aeons ! (3) In man it becomes the law of social evolution. “ Weis- mann and others have shown that the influence of animal intercourse, seen in maternal instruction, imitation, gregarious coöperation, etc., is very important. Wallace dwells upon the * actual facts which illustrate the ‘imitative factor, as we may call it, in the personal development of young animals. I have recently argued that Spencer and others are in error in hold- ing that social progress demands use-inheritance; since the socially-acquired actions of a species, notably man, are socially handed down, giving a sort of ‘social heredity ’ which supple- ments natural heredity ” (ref. 4). The social “sport,” the genius, is very often the controlling factor in social evolution. He not only sets the direction of future progress, but he may actually lift society at a bound up to a new standard of attain- ment (ref. 6). “So strong does the case seem for the Social Heredity view in this matter of intellectual and moral progress that I may suggest an hypothesis which may not stand in court, but which I find interesting. May not the rise of social 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 539 life be justified from the point of view of a second utility in addition to that of its utility in the struggle for existence as ordinarily understood, the second utility, ʻi. e., of giving to each generation the attainments of the past which natural inherit- ance is inadequate to transmit. When social life begins, we find the beginning of the artificial selection of the unfit; and this negative principle begins to work directly in the teeth of progress, as many writers on social themes have re- cently made clear. This being the case, some other resource is necessary besides natural inheritance. On my hypothesis it is found in the common or social standards of attainment which the individual is fitted to grow up to and to which he is compelled to submit. This secures progress in two ways: First, by making the individual learn what the race has learned, thus preventing social retrogression, in any case; and second, by putting a direct premium on variations which are socially available ” (ref. 3). 4. The two ways of securing development in determinate di- rections—the purely extra-organic way of Social Heredity, and the way by which Organic Selection in general (both by social and by other ontogenetic adaptations) secures the fixing of phylogenetic variations, as described above—seem to run parallel. Their conjoint influence is seen most interestingly ingly in the complex instincts (ref. 4,5). We find in some in- stincts completely reflex or congenital functions which are accounted for by Organic Selection. In other instincts we find only partial coédrdinations ready given by heredity, and the creature actually depending upon some conscious resource (imitation, instruction, ete.) to bring the instinct into actual operation. But as we come up in the line of phylogenetic development, both processes may be present for the same func- tion ; the intelligence of the creature may lead him to do con- sciously what he also does instinctively. In these cases the additional utility gained by the double performance accounts for the duplication. It has arisen either (1) by the accumula- tion of congenital variations in creatures which already per- formed the action (by ontogenetic adaptation and handed it down socially), or (2) the reverse. In the animals, the social 540 The American Naturalist. [July, transmission seems to be mainly useful as enabling a species to get instincts slowly in determinate directions, by keeping off the operation of natural selection. Social Heredity is then the lesser factor ; it serves Biological Heredity. Butin man, the reverse. Social transmission is the important factor, and the congenital equipment of instincts is actually broken up in order to allow the plasticity which the human being’s social learning requires him to have. So in all cases both factors are present, but in a sort of inverse ratio to each other. In the words of Preyer, “ the more kinds of co-ordinated movement an animal brings into the world, the fewer is he able to learn afterwards.” The child is the animal which inherits the smallest number of congenital co-ordinations, but he is the one that learns the greatest number (ref. 2, p. 297). “It is very probable, as far as the early life of the child may be taken as indicating the factors of evolution, that the main function of consciousness is to enable him to learn things which natural heredity fails to transmit; and with the child the fact that consciousness is the essential means of all his learning is correlated with the other fact that the child is the very crea- ture for which natural heredity gives few independent func- tions. It is in this field only that I venture to speak with assurance; but the same point of view has been reached by Weismann and others on the purely biological side. The in- stinctive equipment of the lower animals is replaced by the plasticity for learning by consciousness. So it seems to me that the evidence points to some inverse ratio between the im- portance of consciousness as factor in development and the need of inheritance of acquired characters as factor in develop- ment ” (ref. 7). “ Under this general conception we may bring the biological phenomena of infancy, with all their evolutionary significance : the great plasticity of the mammal infant as opposed to the highly developed instinctive equipment of other young; the maternal care, instruction and example during the period of dependence, and the very gradual attainment of the activities of self-maintenance in conditions in which social activities are absolutely essential. All this stock of the development theory is available to confirm this view ” (Ref. 3). 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 541 But these two influences furnish a double resort against Neo- Lamarkism. And I do not see anything in the way of con- sidering the fact of Organic Selection, from which both these resources spring, as being a sufficient supplement to the prin- ciple of natural selection. The relation which it bears to natural selection, however, is a matter of further remark be- low (V). “ We may say, therefore, that there are two great kinds of influence, each in a sense hereditary; there is natural heredity by which variations are congenitally transmitted with original endowment, and there is ‘social heredity’ by which functions socially acquired (i. e., imitatively, covering all the conscious acquisitions made through intercourse with other animals) are also socially transmitted. The one is phylogenetic ; the other ontogenetic. But these two lines of hereditary influence are not separate nor uninfluential on each other. Congenital varia- tions, on the one hand, are kept alive and made effective by their conscious use for intelligent and imitative adaptations in the life of the individual; and, on the other hand, intelligent and imitative adaptations become congenital by further prog- ress and refinement of variation in the same lines of function as those which their acquisition by the individual called into play. But there is no need in either case to assume the Lamarkian factor ” (ref. 4). “The only hindrance that I see to the child’s learning every- thing that his life in society requires would be just the thing that the advocates of Lamarkism argue for—the inheritance of acquired characters. For such inheritance would tend so to bind up the child’s nervous substance in fixed forms that he would have less or possibly no unstable substance left to learn anything with. So, in fact, it is with the animals in which instinct is largely developed; they have no power to learn anything new, just because their nervous systems are not in the mobile condition represented by high consciousness. They have instinct and little else ” (ref. 3). IV. The Process of Organic Selection—So far we have been dealing exclusively with facts. By recognizing certain facts we have 542 The American Naturalist. [July, reached a view which considers ontogenetic selection an im- portant factor in development. Without prejudicing the state- ment of fact at all we may enquire into the actual working of the organism is making its organic selections or adaptations. The question is simply this: how does the organism secure, from the multitude of possible ontogenetic changes which it might and does undergo, those which are adaptive? As a matter of fact, all personal growth, all motor acquisitions made by the individual, show that it succeeds in doing this; the further question is, how? Before taking this up, I must repeat with emphasis that the position taken in the foregoing pages, which simply makes the fact of ontogenetic adaptation a factor in development, is not involved in the solution of the further question as to how the adaptations are secured. But from the answer to this latter question we may get further light of the interpretation of the facts themselves. So we come to ask how Organic Selection actually operates in the case of a particular adaptation of a particular creature (ref. 1; ref. 2, chap. vii, xili; ref. 6, and 7). I hold that the organism has a way of doing this which is - peculiarly its own. The point is elaborated at such great length in the book referred to (ref. 2) that I need not repeat details here. The summary in this journal (ref. 6) may have been seen by its readers. There is a fact of physiology which, taken together with the facts of psychology, serves to indicate the method of the adaptations or accommodations of the in- dividual organism. The general fact is that the organism concentrates it energies upon the locality stimulated, for the continuation of the conditions, movements, stimulations which are vitally beneficial, and for the cessation of the conditions, movements, stimulations, which are vitally depressing and harmful. In the case of beneficial conditions we find a general increase of movement, an excess discharge of the energies of move- ment in the channels already open and habitual; and with this, on the psychological side, pleasurable consciousness and attention. Attention to a member is accompanied by increased vaso- motor activity, with higher muscular power, and a general dynamogenic heightening in that member. “The thought of a 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 543 movement tends to discharge motor energy into the chan- nels as near as may be to those necessary for that move- ment” (ref. 3). By this organic concentration and excess of movement many combinations and variations are rendered possible, from which the advantageous and adaptive move- ments may be selected for their utility. These then give renewed pleasure, excite pleasurable associations, and again stimulate the attention, and by these influences the adaptive move- ments thus struck are selected and held as permanent acquisitions. This form of concentration of energy upon stimulated locali- ties, with the resulting renewal by movements of conditions that are pleasure-giving and beneficial, and the subsequent repetitions of the movements, is called the “ circular reaction.”* (ref. 1, 2). Itis the selective property which Romanes pointed out as characterizing and differentiating life. It characterizes the responses of the organism, however low in the scale, to all stimulations—even those of a mechanical and chemical (phy- sico-genic) nature. Pfeffer has shown such a determination of energy toward the parts stimulated even in plants. And in the higher animals it finds itself exactly reproduced in the nervous reaction seen in imitation and—through processes of association, substitution, ete.—in all the higher mental acts of intelligence and volition. These are developed phylogeneti- cally as variations whose direction is constantly determined, by this form of adaptation.in ontogenesis. If this be true—and the biological facts seem fully to confirm it—this is the adaptive process in all life, and this process is that with which the devel- opment of mental life has been associated. It follows, accordingly, that the three forms of ontogenetic adaptation distinguished above—physico-genetic, neuro-gene- tic, psycho-genetic—all involve the sort of response on the part of the organism seen in this circular reaction with excess dis- charge; and we reach one general law of ontogenetic adap- tation and of Organic Selection. “The accommodation of an organism to a new stimulation is secured—not by the selec- tion of this stimulation beforehand (nor of the necessary move- * With the opposite (withdrawing, depressive affects) in injurious and painful conditions. 544 The American Naturalist. [July, ments)—but by the reinstatement of it by a discharge of the energies of the organism, concentrated as far as may be for the excessive stimulation of the organs (muscles, etc.) most nearly fitted by former habit to get this stimulation again (in which the “ stimulation ” stands for the condition favorable to adaptation). After several trials the child (for example) gets the adaptation aimed at more and more perfectly, and the accompanying excessive and useless movements fall away. This is the kind of selection that intelligence does in its acquisition of new movements” (ref. 2, p. 179; ref. 6). Accordingly, all ontogenetic adaptations are neurogenetic* The general law of “ motor excess” is one of overproduction ; from movements thus overproduced, adaptations survive; these adaptations set the determinate direction of ontogenesis; and by their survival the same determination of direction is set in phylogenesis also. The following quotation from an earlier paper (ref. 7) will show some of the bearings of this position: “That there is some general principle running through all the adaptations of movement which the individual crea- ture makes is indicated by the very unity of the organism itself. The principle of Habit must be recognized in some general way which will allow the organism to do new things without utterly undoing what it has already acquired. This means that old habits must be substantially preserved in the new functions ; that all new. functions must be reached by gradual modifications. And we will all go further and say, I think, that the only way that these modifications can be got at all is through some sort of interaction of the organism with its environment. Now, as soon as we ask how the stimulations of the environment can produce new adaptive movements, we have the answer of Spencer and Bain—an answer directly con- firmed, I think, without question, by the study both of the child and of the adult—i. e., by the selection of fit movements from excessively produced movements, that is, from movement variations. So granting this, we now have the further question : 5 Barring, of course, those violent compelling physical influences under the action of which the oe is quite helpless. 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 545 How do these movement variations come to be produced when and where they are needed?® And with it, the question: How does the organism keep those movements going which are thus selected, and suppress those which are not selected ? “ Now these two questions are the ones which the biologists fail to answer. But the force of the facts leads to the hypoth- eses of “conscious force,” “self-development” of Henslow and “ directive tendency ” of the American school—all aspects of the new Vitalism which just these questions and the facts which they rest upon are now forcing to the front. Have — we anything definite, drawn from the study of the individual on the psychological side, to substitute for these confessedly vague biological phrases? Spencer gave an answer in a general way long ago to the second of these questions, by say- ing that in consciousness the function of pleasure and pain is just to keep some actions or movements going and to suppress others. “ But as soon as we enquire more closely into the actual working of pleasure and pain reactions, we find an answer suggested to the first question also, i: e., the question as to how | the organism comes to make the kind and sort of movements which the environment calls for—the movement variations when and where they are required. The pleasure or pain produced by a stimulus—and by a movement also, for the utility of move- ment is always that it secures stimulation of this sort or that —does not lead to diffused, neutral, and characterless move- ments, as Spencer and Bain suppose; this is disputed no less by the infant’s movements than by the actions of unicellular creatures. There are characteristic differences in vital move- 6 This is just the question that Weismann seeks to answer (in respect to the sup- ly of variations in forms which the paleontologists require), with his doctrine of ‘Germinal Selection ’ ( Monist, Jan., 1896). Why are not such applications of the principle of natural selection to variations in the parts and functions of the single organism just as reasonable and legitimate as it is to variations in separate organisms ? As against fs germin inal polartion,' hoeners, I may say, that in the rvival of ph logenetic Suraos a held in this paper) the hypothesis of germinal selection is in so far unnecessary. This view finds the operation of selection on functions in ontogeny the means of securing “ variations when and where they are wanted ;” while Weis- mann supposes competing germinal units. 38 546 The American Naturalist. [July, ments wherever we find them. Even if Mr. Spencer’s un- differentiated protoplasmic movements had existed, natural selection would very soon have put an end to it. There is a characteristic antithesis in vital movements always. Healthy, overflowing, outreaching, expansive, vital effects are associated with pleasure; and the contrary, the withdrawing, depressive, contractive, decreasing, vital effects are associated with pain. This is exactly the state of things which the theory of selection of movements from overproduced move- ments requires, i. e., that increased vitality, represented by pleasure, should give the excess movements, from which new adaptations are selected; and that decreased vitality repre- sented by pain should do the reverse, i. e., draw off energy and suppress movement.’ “Tf, therefore, we say that here is a type of reaction which all vitality shows, we may give it a general descriptive name, i. e., the “ Circular Reaction,” in that its significance for evolu- tion is that it is not a random response in movement to all. stimulations alike, but that it distinguishes in its very form and amount between stimulations which are vitally good and those which are vitally bad, tending to retain the good stim- ulations and to draw away from and so suppress the bad. The term ‘circular’ is used to emphasize the way such a reaction tends to keep itself going, over and over, by reproducing the conditions of its own stimulation. It represents habit, since T It is probable that the origin of this antithesis is to be found in the waxing and waning of the nutritive processes. ‘‘ We find that if by an organism we mean a thing merely of contractility or irritability, whose round of movements is kept up by some kind of nutritive process supplied by the environment— absorption, chemical action of atmospheric oxygen, etc.—and whose existence is threatened by dangers of contact and what not, the first thing to do is to a regular supply to the nutritive processes, and to avoid these contacts. But the organism can do nothing but move, as a whole or in some of its parts. So then if one of such creatures is to be fitter than another to survive, it must be the creature which by its movements secures more nutritive processes and avoids more dangerous contacts. But movements toward the source of stimulation keep hold on the stimulation, and movements away from contacts break the contacts, that is all. Nature selects these organisms ; fread — she do otherwise?..- - We only have to suppose, then, that the by natural selection drained off in organic expansions, to get the division in movements which represents this earliest bifurcate adaptation.” (Ref. z p- 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 547 it tends to keep up old movements; but it secures new adapta- tions, since it provides for the overproduction of movement variations for the operation of selection. This kind of selec- tion, since it requires the direct codperation of the organism itself, I have called ‘ Organic Selection.’ ” The advantages of this view seem to be somewhat as fol- lows: 1. It gives a method of the individual’s adaptations of func- tion which is one in principle with the law of overproduction and survival now so well established in the case of competing organisms. 2. It reduces nervous and mental evolution to strictly paral- lel terms. The intelligent use of phylogenetic variations for functional purposes in the way indicated, puts a premium on variations which can be so used, and thus sets phylogenetic progress in directions of constantly improved mental endowment. The circular reaction which is the method of intelligent adapta- tions is liable to variation in a series of complex ways which represent phylogenetically the development of the mental func- tions known as memory, imagination, conception, thought, ete. We thus reach a phylogeny of mind which proceeds in the direction set by the ontogeny of mind,* just as on the organic side the phylogeny of the organism gets its determinate direc- tion from the organism’s ontogenetic adaptations. And since it is the one principle of Organic Selection working by the same functions to set the. direction of both phylogenies, the physical and the mental, the two developments are not two, but one. Evolution is, therefore, not more biological than psychological (ref. 2, chap. x, xi, and especially pp. 383-388). 3. It secures the relation of structure to function required by the principle of “use and disuse” in ontogeny. 4, The only alternative theory of the adaptations of the in- dividual are those of “ pure chance,” on the one hand, and a “creative act” of consciousness, or the other hand. Pure chance is refuted by all the facts which show that the organ- ism does not wait for chance, but goes right out and effects new adaptations to its environment. Furthermore, ontogenetic 8 Prof, C. S. Minot suggests to ne that the terms “ontopsychic” and “ phylo- psychic” might be convenient to mark this distinction. 548 The American Naturalist. [July, adaptations are determinate; they proceed in definite progres- sive lines. A short study of the child will disabuse any man, I think, of the “pure chance” theory. But the other theory which holds that consciousness makes adaptations and changes structures directly by its fiat, is contradicted by the psychology of voluntary movement (ref. 4, 6, 7). Consciousness can bring about no movement without having first an adequate experi- ence of that movement to serve on occasion as a stimulus to the innervation of the appropriate motor centers. “This point is no longer subject to dispute; for pathological cases show that unless some adequate idea of a former movement made by the same muscles, or by association some other idea which stands for it, can be brought up in mind the intelligence is helpless. Not only can it not make new movements; it can not even repeat old habitual movements. So we may say that intelligent adaptation does not create codrdinations; it only makes functional use of coérdinations which were alternatively present already in the creature’s equipment. Interpreting this in terms of congenital variations, we may say that the varia- tions which the intelligence uses are alternative possibilities of muscular movement” (ref. 4). So the only possible way that a really new movement can be made is by making the move- ments already possible so excessively and with so many varieties of combination, ete., that new adaptations may occur. 5. The problem seems to me to duplicate the conditions — which led Darwin to the principle of natural selection. The alternatives before Darwin were “pure chance” or “special creation.” The law of “ overproduction with survival of the fittest ” came as the solution. So in this case. Letus take an example. Every child has to learn how to write. If he de- pended upon chance movements of his hands he would never learn how to write. But on the other hand, he can not write simply by willing to do so; he might will forever without effecting a “special creation” of muscular movement. What he actually does is to use his hand in a great many possible ways as near as he can to the way required ; and from these excessively pro- duced movements, and after excessively varied and numerous trials, he gradually selects and fixes the slight successes made s 1896:] A New Factor in Evolution. 549 in the direction of correct writing. It is a long and most laborious accumulation of slight Organic Selections from over- produced movements (ref. for handwriting in detail, 2, chap. v; also 2, pp. 373, ff.). 6. The only resort left to the theory that consciousness is some sort of an actus purus is to hold that it directs brain energies or selects between possible alternatives of movement; but besides the objection that it is as hard to direct movement as it is to make it (for nothing short of a force could release or direct brain energies), we find nothing of the kind necessary. The attention is what determines the particular movement in developed organisms, and the attention is no longer con- sidered an actus purus with no brain process accompanying it. The attention is a function of memories, movements, organic experiences. We do not attend to a thing because we have already selected it, or because the attention selects it; but we select it because we—consciousness and organism—are attending to it. “It is clear that this doctrine of selection as applied to muscular movement does away with all necessity for holding that consciousness even directs brain energy. The need of such direction seems to me to be as artificial as Darwin showed the need of special creation to be for the teleological adapta- tions of the different species. This need done away, in this case of supposed directive agency as in that, the question of the relation of consciousness to the brain becomes a meta- physical one, just as that of teleology in nature became a meta- physical one; and it is not to much profit that science meddles withit. And biological as well as psychological science should be glad that it is so, should it not?” (ref. 6; and on the meta- physical question, ref. 7). y. A word on the relation of this principle of Organic Selection to Natural Selection. Natural Selection is too often treated as a positive agency. It is not a positive agency; it is entirely negative. It is simply a statement of what occurs when an organism does not have the qualifications necessary to enable it to survive in given conditions of life ; it does not in any way 550 The American Naturalist. [July, define positively the qualifications which do enable other or- ganisms to survive. Assuming the principle of Natural Selec- tion in any case, and saying that, according to it, ifan organism do not have the necessary qualifications it will be killed off, it still remains in that instance to find what the qualifications are which this organism is to have if it is to be kept alive. So we may say that the means of survival is always an additional question to the negative statement of the operation of natural selection. This latter question, of course, the theory of variations aims to answer. The positive qualifications which the organism has arise as congenital variations of a kind which enable the organism to cope with the conditions of life. This is the posi- tive side of Darwinism, as the principle of Natural Selection is the negative side. Now it is in relation to the theory of variations, and not in relation to that of natural selection, that Organic Selection has its main force. Organic Selection presents a new qualification of a positive kind which enables the organism to meet its - environment and cope with it, while natural selection remains exactly what it was, the negative law that if the organism does not succeed in living, then it dies, and as such a qualification on the part of the organism, Organic Selection presents several interesting features. 1. If we hold, as has been argued above, that the method of Organic Selection is always the same (that is, that it has a natural method), being always accomplished by a certain typical sort of nervous process (i. e., being always neuro-genetic), then we may ask whether that form of nervous process—and the consciousness which goes with it—may not be a variation appearing early in the phylogenetic series. I have argued elsewhere (ref. 2, pp. 200 ff. and 208 ff.) that this is the most probable view. Organisms that did not have some form of selective response to what was beneficial, as opposed to what was damaging in the environment, could not have developed very far; and as soon as such a variation did appear it would have immediate preéminence. So we have to say either that selective nervous property, with consciousness, is a variation, 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 551 or that it is a fundamental endowment of life and part of its final mystery. “ The intelligence holds a remarkable place. It is itself, as we have seen, a congenital variation; but it 1s also the great agent of the individual’s personal adaptation both to the physical and to the social environment ” (ref. 4). “ The former (instinct) represents a tendency to brain varia- tion in the direction of fixed connections between certain sense- centers and certain groups of codrdinated muscles. This tendency is embodied in the white matter and the lower brain centers. The other (intelligence) represents a tendency to varia- tion in the direction of alternative possibilities of connection of the brain centers with the same or similar codrdinated muscular groups. This tendency is embodied in the cortex of the hemispheres ” (ref. 4). 2. But however that may be, whether ontogenetic adaptation by selective reaction and consciousness be considered a varia- tion or a final aspect of life, it is a life-qualification of a very extraordinary kind. It opens anew sphere for the application of the negative principle of natural selection upon organisms, i. e., with reference to what they can do, rather than to what they are; to the new use they make of their congenital functions, rather than to the mere possession of the functions (ref. 2, pp. 202 f.). A premium is set on congenital plasticity and adapta- bility of function rather than on congenital fixity of function; and this adaptability reaches its highest in the intelligence. 3. It opens another field also for the operation of natural selection—still viewed as a negative principle—through the survival of particular overproduced and modified reactions of the organism, by which the determination of the organism’s own growth and life-history is secured. Ifthe young chick imitated the old duck instead of the old hen, it would perish ; it can only learn those new things which its present equip- ment will permit—notswimming. So the chick’s own possible actions and adaptations in ontogeny have to be selected. We have seen how it may be done by a certain competition of functions with survival of the fit. But this is an application of natural selection. I do not see how Henslow, for example, can get the so-called “self-adaptations”—apart from “ special 552 The American Naturalist. [July, creation ”—which justify an attack on natural selection. Even plants must grow in determinate or “select ” directions in order to live. 4. So we may say, finally, that Organic Selection, while it- self probably a congenital variation (or original endowment) works to secure new qualifications for the creature’s survival ; and its very working proceeds by securing a new application of the principle of natural selection to the possible modifica- tions which the organism is capable of undergoing. Romanes says: “it is impossible that heredity can have provided in advance for innovations upon or alterations in its own ma- chinery during the lifetime of a particular individual.” To this we are obliged to reply in summing up—as I have done hefore (ref. 2, p. 220)—we reach “just the state of things which Romanes declares impossible—heredity providing for the modification of its own machinery. Heredity not only leaves the future free for modifications, it also provides a method of life in the operation of which modifications are bound to come.” VI. The Matter of Terminology—I anticipate criticism from the fact that several new terms have been used in this paper. In- deed one or two of these terms have already been criticised. I think, however, that novelty in terms is better than ambigu- ity in meanings. And in each case the new term is intended to mark off a real meaning which no current term seems to ex- press. Taking these terms in turn and attempting to define them, as I have used them, it will be seen whether in each case the special term is saatited- if not, I shall be only two glad to abandon it. Organic Selection—The process of ontogenetic adaptation considered as keeping single organisms alive and so securing determinate lines of variation in subsequent generations. Organic Selection is, therefore, a general principle of develop- ment which is a direct substitute for the Lamarkian factor in most, if not in all instances. If it is really a new factor, then it deserves a new name, however contracted its sphere of ap- peene may finally turn out to be. The use of the word 1896.] A New Factor in Evolution. 553 “ Organic” in the phrase was suggested from the fact that the organism itself codperates in the formation of the adaptations which are effected, and also from the fact that, in the results, the organism is itself selected ; since those organisms which do not secure the adaptations fall by the principle of natural selec- tion. And the word “Selection” used in the phrase is appro- priate for just the same two reasons. Social Heredity —The acquisition of functions from the social environment, also considered as a method of determining phylogenetic variations. It is a form of Organic Selection but it deserves a special name because of its special way of opera- tion. It is really heredity, since it influences the direction of phylogenetic variation by keeping socially adaptive creat- ures alive while others which do not adapt themselves in this way are cut off. It is also heredity since it is a continuous influence from generation to generation. Animals may be kept alive let us say in a given environment by social co- operation only; these transmit this social type of variation to posterity ; thus social adaptation sets the direction of physical phylogeny and physical heredity is determined in part by this factor. Furthermore the process is all the while, from generation to generation, aided by the continuous chain of extra-organic or purely social transmissions. Here are adequate reasons for marking off this influence with a name. The other terms I do not care so much about. “ Physico- genetic,” “ neuro-genetic,” “ psycho-genetic,” and their correla- tives in “ genic,” seem to me to be convenient terms to mark distinctions which would involve long sentences without them, besides being self-explanatory. The phrase “circular reaction ” has now been welcomed as appropriate by psychologists. “ Accommodation” is also current among psychologists as meaning single functional adaptations, especially on the part of consciousness ; the biological word “adaptation” refers more, perhaps, to racial or general functions. As between them, however, it does not much matter. 9I have already noted in print (ref. 4 and 6) that Prof. Lloyd Morgan and Prof. H. F. Osborn have reached conclusions similar to my main one on Organic Selection. I do not hice whether they approve of this name for the “ factor ;” but as I suggested it in the first edition of my book (April, 1895) and used it earlier, I venture to hope that it may be approved by the biologisst. 554 The American Naturalist. [July, THE PATH OF THE WATER CURRENT IN CUCUM- BER PLANTS. By Erwin F. SMITH. (Continued from page 457). 3. DOWNWARD MOVEMENT OF ONE PER Cent EosINE WATER IN Cut Stems Not SEVERED From THEIR Roots. (No. 17). This was a young vine, 120 centimeters long, full of blossoms and young fruits and very thrifty; it bore about 24 leaves, the largest five averaging 20 cm. in breadth. March 23, 3:20 P.M. The terminal 12 cm. of the stem was cut away under water and the stump bent over and plunged into 1 per cent eosine water. The sun shone hot and the air of the house was rather dry. 4:20 p.m. No trace of stain in the veins of any of the leaves. March 25, noon. It is now over 44 hours since the cut stem was plunged into the eosine water and judging from the quantity remaining in the bottle no measurable volume has gone down the stem. The external appearance, proceeding from above downwards, is as follows: The first internode (the one in the eosine and just above it) is badly shriveled and diffusely stained. The first leaf (9.5 em. from the cut end) is not quite as turgid as the rest, and its veins show a faint stain. The second internode (10 cm.) is pinkish green and in the grooves of the stem pink, especially toward the upper: end, seeming to indicate that most of the stain has passed through the inner ring of bundles. The veins of the second leaf are also distinctly but faintly pink. The petiole of this leaf is 9 cm. long and its blade 12 cm. broad, and the same pale stain is to be seen in all of the veins. Further down there is no external evidence of stain. The downward move- ment of the stain has, therefore, been very slight. 1:30 p. m. A long tendril from the second node shows a faint internal stain outward for a distance of 10 cm. On cutting, this is seen to be due to stain lodged in the bundles, while at its base there is also a little diffuse stain. The stain now shows 1896.] Water Current in Cucumber Plants. 555 through the interior of the third node which is 9 em. long. 1:35 p.m. The stem was now cut for examination. The sur- face of the eosine water in the bottle has not lowered percep- tibly. The diffuse stain in the first internode includes everything; the tissues are shriveled and seem to be dead. In the petiole of the first leaf there is a faint stain of the xylem part of each bundle; no diffuse stain into the phloem or any of the tissues outside of the bundle. At the base of the second internode (9 cm farther from the cut stem) the entire xylem of each bundle shows a pale red stain and this has diffused out from three bundles into the surrounding tissues. The second petiole, cut in the middle, shows a faint pink stain, best seen under the lens. It is sharply restricted to the bundles, but occurs in each one and includes the whole of the xylem. At the base of the third internode (9 cm. farther away from the fluid) the stain is fainter and is restricted to the xylem. It is in all of the bundles and is sharper (?) in the spirals of some. Apex of third petiole (down) shows faintest trace of color in 3 bundles, only to be seen under the lens. Color more distinct in the middle part but very faint. Base of fourth internode (9 cm. further from the eosine) there is a very faint stain sharply restricted to the xylem of 6 bundles, all of which is stained. Middle of next lower petiole shows barest trace of stain in two bundles, not visible without a lens. Stain visible ‘in ten bundles of a small fruit from the same node. The base of the next internede (10 cm. further down) shows not a trace of stain. Five cm. farther up, no stain. Additional 3 cm. up, i. e., close under the node, there is a faint stain in the xylem of three bundles and this is not restricted to the spirals. One-half centimeter closer to the node the color is faint and is still restricted to the three bundles. The stain seems to have travelled in all of the lignified walls, and it appears clear that the spirals did not carry it more than the other woody parts of the bundle. The movement of the eosine water down these stems, contrary to the water cur-. rent, was scarcely more abundant than the upward movement past the gelatine plugs. Judging from this, the very slow downward movement of the stain apparently follows another 556 The American Naturalist. (July, law than that governing the rapid upward movement of the transpiration water, i. e., that of surface tension or capillarity. o. 19). This was a large old vine, nearly destitute of leaves, the only large one being 8 centimeters below the cut stem. March 23, 4:06 p. m. The tip of this stem was cut under water and immediately transferred to 1 per cent eosine water. 4:15 p.m. No stain in the veins of the first leaf, 8 em. from the cut. March. 25, 12:45 p. m. The leaf, 8 cm. from the cut end, is flabby and its veins show a very decided stain. Farther down there is no stain visible externally. The stem was now removed from the fluid and cut open for exam- ination. At5 cm. down there was a diffuse stain involving the whole stem, but it was not dense and the bundles were not deeper stained than farther down the stem. At10 cm. the sieve tube tissue was stained as well as the xylem and there was also a slight diffuse stain into the parenchyma, but the general tone of the stem remained green. At 20 cm. from the cut tip one of the 9 bundles (outer ring) showed nostain. No stain outside of the bundles. At 40 cm. from the cut all of the bundles showed the stain but in one (outer ring) it was much fainter than in the rest. The color was a decided pale red, including the whole of the xylem but not extending to any other part of the stem. At 80cm. down, the stain was restricted to 4 bundles (the whole of the xylem part) and was barely dis- cernable. At 85 cm. there was still a trace in these bundles— stain in the whole of the xylem and not brighter in the spirals. At 90 centimeters, and farther down, the stain was wholly ab- sent. This also proved a very instructive stem. The fact that at remote distances the stain was not restricted to the spiral ves- sels of the stem but tinged the whole xylem equally (the lig- nified walls) is very striking and decidedly different from the results obtained by passing the stain up the stem, in which case the spirals are stained ahead of the pitted vessels and are clearly seen to be the carriers of the eosine. In this case that portion of the stem in the fluid was not shriveled, probably because it was old and mousy 1896.] Water Current in Cucumber Plants. 557° 4. MOVEMENT oF WATER THROUGH BoILED STEMS Nor SEVERED FROM THE PLANT.. (No. 11). A fine thrifty vine, 180 centimeters long, bearing 18 large leaves and half as many more small ones. The larg- est leaves have a spread of 17 to 19 centimeters. March 21, 4:00 p.m. About 35 cm. from. the earth, the bright green stem was bent over and immersed for a distance of 20 cm. in hot water. An attempt was made to boil this water but the heat under the basin was not sufficient, although ample to kill the stem. 4:30 p.m. The temperature of the water dur- ing the last half hour has risen from 71° C. to 75° C. There is no change in the color of the immersed part of the stem, nor any change in the foliage above, but the effect of the hot water is already noticeable in the very decided shrinkage of the immersed stem. It has shrunk in diameter nearly one- half. 4:50 p.m. During the last 20 minutes the temperature of the water has risen only one degree. This was now poured out and water at 89° C. substituted. In pouring, the temper- ature fell to 85° C. In this hotter water the stem quickly be- came paler green. 4:58 p.m. Temp. of water 80° C. The - Immersed part of the stem has now shrunk to one-third of its normal diameter, and this shrinkage has extended both up and down, for a short distance out of the water (a few centi- meters). 5:15 p.m. Temp. now down to 76° C. Stem taken out. Except the apex of one leaf, 15 cm. up, the foliage did not become flabby. Below the boiled part is a small branch with half a dozen leaves, sufficient to carry the roots. March 22,11 a.m. The boiled part of the stem, which is now dry and greenish-brown, was wrapped in many folds of rubber cloth. The foliage of this vine shows no wilt, except parts of 5 small leaves, which were near the boiled part and may have been injured by the heat of the lamp. It is windy and sunny and the air of the house is rather dry so that transpiration is active. Temperature in shade, 1 foot above the bench, 26° C. Noon. A check vine (cut off at base, yesterday p. m.) has wilted and shriveled. Temperature three feet above the bench, among the leaves, 30° C. 1:20 p.m. No change. What is "558 The American Naturalist. [Julys especially surprising is that the tender terminal leaves show no signs of wilt. 4:15 p.m. This vine has stood up remark- ably to-day. The transpiration demands have been large and there has been no wilt—not a trace—that mentioned as occur- ring on a few of the small basal leaves being evidently due to imperfect protection from the heat of the lamp when the stem was boiled. March 23, 11a.m. Sunny and hot; some wind; air of the house rather dry, and transpiration large. No wilt of the foliage except the margins and tips of the blades of three big leaves midway up the stem. These are slowly dry- ing out. 12:30 p.m. The greater part of the foliage on this vine is still turgid and normal in appearance. The tips and margins of the three leaves above mentioned are crisp, but this injury involves only a small part of each leaf. Transpira- tion active. Temp. in sun 30° C. Dry bulb 26.5° C.; wet bulb 22° C. 3:00 p.m. Slight, if any, change. Nearly all of the leaves are turgid and entirely normal in appearance, in- cluding all at the top of the vine. 4:20 p.m. No change since the last record. The vine stands up well. Temp. now 24° ©. Active transpiration all day. March 25, 1:15 p. m. The vine stands up well. Nearly all of it is perfectly healthy, including the tender upper part, but portions of the lower leaves already mentioned are slowly drying out and in a very interesting manner, i.e., after the fashion of the California vine disease, the larger veins and their branches and a little of the adjacent parenchyma remaining green, even dark green, while the parenchymatic areas between the veins, espe- cially at the apex of the blades and on the margins, are be- coming first yellow and then a dead brown. 5:30 p.m. Vine stands up beautifully. It is four days since the stem was killed by the hot water. March 26, 2:45 p. m. A great change for the worse since yesterday. All of the foliage has now wilted (as yet only the blades) and the large leaves mid- way down as well as the smaller lower ones are rapidly drying out. March 27, 1:20 p.m. All of the leaves are now crisp, ex- cept a few very small flabby ones which are in the vicinity of a half grown fruit from which they are drawing water. — The stem is still turgid but some of the petioles begin to droop. — 1896.] Water Current in Cucumber Plants. 559 The leaves below the boiled part are still healthy. March 28, 1:30 p.m. The stem and the petioles are still green but the latter are becoming more and more flabby, most of them at the top of the vine having lost all of their turgor. This vine was able to draw all the transpiration water nec- essary to supply a large leaf surface (more than 3.000 sq. cm.) through about 25 centimeters of dead stem for a period of four days, during a part of which time the transpiration was very active. All of this water must have passed up through the bundles, since all the outer parts were dead and dry and shriveled down onto the bundles, the vessels of which preserved their shape unaltered as shown by subsequent examiuation. (No. 13). This vine was 130 centimeters long. It bore six small leaves and 12 large ones, the best averaging 17 em. in breadth. March 22, 1:02 p.m. The stem was bent over near the earth and inserted for a distance of 18 centimeters into water at 90° C. In two minutes the temperature rose to 95° C. 1:07 p.m. Water simmering; temp. 97° ©. Boiled part not yet noticeably smaller. 1:10 p.m. Stem shows shrinkage and change of color. 1:15 p.m. Slight loss of turgidity in most of the leaves. 1:20p.m. A marked shrinkage of the diameter of the stem is now first visible. The flabbiness of the foliage is increasing rapidly, every leaf is affected. 1:27 p.m. Water has remained at 97° since last record. Stem taken out because of the marked wilt of the foliage. This wilt appears to be due to the transpiration of hot water. The wilt is too sudden and decided to be due to anything else. The stem has not only shriveled in the water but also for a dis- tance of 10 cm. up and 5 em. below, making a total of 33 cm. of dead stem. Sun hot; earth and air of house rather dry ; transpiration active. Such an experiment were better tried when the air is nearly saturated and transpiration slight. 1:45 p.m. Stem wrapped in many folds of rubber cloth. Roughly estimated it has shrunk to about one-third its nor- mal diameter. The leaves seem to be recovering their turgor. 2:00 p.m. The lowest leaves are still flaccid but the upper ones have fully regained their turgor. 3:45 p.m. The lower leaves have now also regained their turgor. Its loss was 560 The American Naturalist. [July, clearly due to the transpiration of hot water. (Subsequent ex- periments showed that it is very easy to push this wilting be- yond the power of the plant to recover). 4:15 p. m. The plant stands up well. There is no trace of wilt. March 23, 11 a.m. No sign of wilt. Noon. The lowest five leaves show distinct signs of wilt at the tip of the blade. None of the upper leaves show any trace of it. 12:25 p.m. The wilt- ing is worse but is still confined to the lower leaves. It is very decided on the lowest one which is exposed to the bright sun. The tender apical leaves are turgid, as well as those in the mid part of the stem. 1:20p.m. The leaf next to the lowest one begins to crisp. 3:00 p.m. Blade of lowest leaf but one is now crisp, and the blades of the other four are dry- ing out at the apex and on the margins and between the larger veins. 4:30 p*m. No change. The bulk of the foliage stands up well, including all of the upper leaves March 25, 1:20 p.m. The lower leaves of this plant are dried out to a greater extent than are those of No. 11, but the major part of the foliage is normal and the tips of both vines are notice- ably turgid. The drying out of the parenchyma between the veins is also to be seen in the affected leaves of this vine, the larger veins and a narrow border of theleaf parenchymaremain- inga brightgreen. 5:40p.m. Thevinestandsup well. Itis three days and four hours since the stem was boiled. March 26, 3:00 p.m. The vine begins to show symptoms of collaps- ing. All of the petioles are turgid, but the blade of the low- est leaf is nearly dry, that of the next up is wholly dry; those of the next three above are crisp at the apex and on the mar gins (one-fifth to one-third the surface); the three next up show a trace of drying on their margins, and in all the rest there is a faint suggestion of loss of turgor. March 27, 2:00 p. m. All of the leaves on this vine are now crisp-dry except three at the top which are flabby. The stem and the petioles are still turgid. March 28, 1:30 p.m. The upper three leaves are still flabby, and all of the petioles are still rigid except the tips of some of the lower ones which begin to droop. This vine gives results confirmatory of the preceding. For more than three days the plant was able to draw all of the 1896.] Water Current in Cucumber Plants. 561 water necessary for its use through 33 cm. of dead stem. Probably if air could be prevented from gradually passing through the shriveled stem into these water carrying vessels and interfering with the normal condition of things the plant might continue to draw its water through a dead stem almost indefinitely." 5. Tue RESULT oF PARASITIC PLUGGING OF THE VESSELS. From these experiments and those upon the cucumber wilt, which I have published elsewhere, it follows that the down- ward path of Bacillus tracheiphilus from the inoculated leaf blade into the stem of the cucumber (for an account of this disease see Centr. f. Bakt. u. Par. Allg. I, No. 9-10, 1895) is ex- actly that made use of by the ascending water current, just as I stated it to be at the Brooklyn meeting” of the A. A. A.S., and the general wilt of the foliage may be explained, first, by a functional disturbance, due to the more or less complete clogging of the lumina of the spiral vessels with countless millions of these bacteria which thrive in the alkaline fluid of the vessels, and, second, by a structural disturbance, due to the breaking down (dissolving) of the walls of these spirals and the flooding out and subsequent growth of the bacteria in the surrounding parenchyma and in the pitted vessels, accom- panied, of course, by the more or less free entrance of air into the spirals. It is probable, although not enough examinations have yet been made to render this certain, that no leaf wilts from secondary infection until the water carrying spirals in its petiole have become clogged by the bacillus, i. e., that the wilt of the leaf is not induced by the partial clogging of the vessels farther down inthestem. This is the more likely, first, from the fact that there is always a progressive wilt, leaf after leaf, beginning with the ones nearest the point of infection and moving both ways therefrom, and, second, from the fact that very rarely are all of the pitted vessels filled, so that water lifted up from the roots has always the opportunity to 1 Those who wish to follow these subjects may consult the above mentioned work by Strasburger, pp. 510-936, where many interesting experiments are detailed. 39 562 The American Naturalist. [July, pass around the clog in the spirals by way of the unfilled pit- ted vessels and to enter the spirals once more farther up. Were this not so, i. e., were pitted vessels filled as readily, as quickly, and as fully as the spirals, we should have not the gradual wilt of leaf after leaf up and down the stem, but the sudden collapse of all the leaves beyond the original point of attack. This is exactly what does happen in watermelon vines attacked by Fusarium niveum, (for a brief account of this parasite see Proc. Am. Asso. Adv. Sci., Vol. 48, 1894, p. 289, and Ibid, Vol. 44, 1895, p. —_-) where the pitted vessels appear to fill with the fungus as soon, if not sooner, than the spirals. These two diseases of cucurbits are very interesting from a physiological standpoint, and both parasites lend themselves readily to infection experiments, their slightly different be- havior being, perhaps, accounted for by the fact that the fun- gus is strictly ærobic, while the bacillus is facultative anærobic. Whatever be thought of butter or gelatine, it certainly cannot be maintained that the mere presence of these parasites in the lumina of the vessels destroys the carrying capacity of the uninjured walls, and yet they act quite as effectually as gela- tine, paraffin, or cocoa butter plugs, causing, when they fill the vessels only incompletely, a flabbiness of the foliage, which is proportionate to the extent of the plugging and to the activity of the transpiration, and which may give place to complete turgor in periods when the transpiration is small (night, early morning, or damp days), and producing, when they com- pletely fill the lumina of the vessels, an entire collapse of the foliage, from which there is no recovery. In case of the cu- cumber this collapse takes place as soon as the spiral vessels leading into any petiole are filled by the bacillus. 1896.] Editor’s Table. 563 EDITOR’S TABLE. —PrRoressors in the scientific departments of our schools should exercise their influence to prevent the spoliation of nature that is going on at so rapid a rate in our country. We do not especially refer at present to forest fires which involve so much financial loss that our state and general governments are moving in the direction of their prevention. In passing, however, we must refer to the railroad com- panies as delinquents in this matter, and insist that heavy fines be im- posed on them in all cases where fires can be shown to have originated from locomotives. We counted from the car windows of a train not long since, twelve distinct fires burning near the track in the space of a few miles, in a forest covered region not far from Philadelphia, and no one appeared to pay any attention to them. We wish, however, to refer to the destruction wrought near our cities by the uprooting of plants and the breaking off of branches for pur- poses of decoration of public and private houses. Within reasonable bounds the vegetable world furnishes material for such decoration, but the practice is carried beyond the rich resources of nature to meet. Our woods are being rapidly stripped of ornamental plants for miles all round our large cities. In many regions the Epigea repens is com- pletely destroyed, and the blooms of the dogwood and kalmia no longer appear. Lycopodia are uprooted over large tracts, and must now be brought from considerable distances. Some of the ruin is wrought for church decoration, and the girl-graduate is responsible for more of it. Teachers of the natural sciences can teach their hearers that this cannot go on forever. Especially can they point out that botanical classes should not gather arm-loads of orchids of fastidious habits if they do not wish to see the localities destroyed or the species well nigh exter- minated. The authorities in charge of our public parks might, in some places, profitably change their point of view. A park should not consist prin- cipally of graded paths lined with stone curbs or walls, separated by tracts of close shorn grass. Shrubberies of nature’s planting should remain, and the vines with which nature festoons the forest should not be cut down. No harm is done if there are places where rabbits may hide, and wild birds may nest. Even an owl or two might be permit- ted to keep down so far as he or she can, the English Sparrow nui- sance. In fact, a park is not necessarily a place from which nature is 564 The American Naturalist. [July, excluded. The perpetual clearing of undergrowth means also the ulti- mate destruction of forest, as the natural succession is thus prevented. As an offset to this public and private vandalism, we have near our cities a goodly number of citizens who preserve more or less of nature in their private parks. It will be to these to whom we must look to replenish our stock of native shrubs and herbs, if the vandal continues to have full swing elsewhere. Tue forty-fifth meeting of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science to commence at Buffalo, N. Y., on August 22d, will be characterized by one feature which is deemed by the society an improvement over previous meetings. No excursions will be made during the working hours of the day during the session, only those occupying evening hours being acceptable. At the close of the meet- ing the field for such diversions will be clear. The geological excur- sions have been so arranged as not to conflict with the meetings; and the six scientific societies, which meet about the same time, it is hoped will contribute to the importance of the general gathering. It is an- ticipated that these arrangements will arrest the tendency to dissipation . of energy which has been apparent during the last few years. If the habit of many of the embryologists to absent themselves could be overcome, the full force of the Association would be represented. It is expected that a number of evening lectures will present to the public the latest results of research in America. RECENT LITERATURE. Surface Colors :—The object of the little book on this subject! by Dr. Walter, of Hamburg is apparently to furnish zoologists, mineralo- gists, and chemists with an accurate explanation of certain color phenomena which are not as yet universally understood, and which are incompletely treated even in the best text-books on Physics. The key- note of the whole book is given in a single sentence of the introductory chapter. “The intensity of the light reflected from any body may be calculated by Fresnel’s ordinary formule for ‘colorless substances, in the case of those rays which are slightly or not at all absorbed by the 1 Die Oberfliichen-oder Schillerfarben, yon Dr. B. Walter, pp. VIII + 122, Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1895. 1896.] Recent Literature. 565 body in question; but for wave-lengths which are strongly absorbed by the given substance, Cauchy’s formule for the intensity of metallic re- flection should be used.” It appears from these formule that the intensity of the reflected light depends on the index of refraction and on the coëfticient of absorption of the substance presenting the reflect- ing surface. Since both these factors are different for light of different colors, it is shown that white light must be reflected with some of its “ components ” relatively weaker than others, i. e., no longer in the proper proportion to give the sensation of white light. The application to the colors seen in the mineral kingdom is illustrated by the example of magnesium cyanplatinite, Mg Pt (CN),, where,—as is true of most crystals,—the index of refraction and the coéfficient of absorption vary with the direction in which the light vibrates, as well as with the wave- length of the light. The extent to which true surface color is observ- able on minerals is not indicated, though the possibility of a very wide application is clearly shown. In the appendices, certain mathematical aspects of the subject are treated in a manner suited to the requirements of physicists.—A. C. G. The Whence and Whither of Man.’—This book comprises a series of lectures dilivered at Union Theological Seminary, with some additional matter. The author discusses the doctrine of Evolution from the standpoint of a theologian. He endeavors to show that the great law of animal and human development as revealed in the sequence of physical and mental development is that those species survive which are best conformed to their environment; that this law holds good in the development of the rational, the dominant faculty in man; and finally, to become higher man he must develop a moral-nature by attaining a knowledge of himself as a moral agent, and while not dis- regarding the body, he must subordinate its appetites to the higher motives furnished by right and duty. It is in following this line of thought that the author hopes for a definite answer as to the future destiny of man. : The closing chapter deals with the present aspects of the theory of evolution, He here compares the various hypotheses of evolution and considers their merits. He judiciously selects the good elements of all of them, concluding that “ each theory contains important truth.” He concludes that Nägeli’s view of “ initial tendencies ” is too often under- valued. “My own conviction is steadily strengthening that without *The Whence and Whither of Man. By John M. Tyler, New York, 1896, Charles Scribner’s Sons, Publishers. 566 The American Naturalist. [July, some such original tendency or aim, evolution would never have reached it present culmination in man.” He quotes Boveri that “ there is too much intelligence in nature for any purely mechanical theory to be possible.” It is curious that these authors do not perceive that the sensation of protoplasm, (consciousness), furnishes the basis for the exhibition of the intelligence which they observe, and which has itself undergone evolution coincidentally with the organism. Both orthodox and heterodox evolutionists (theologically speaking) seem equally slow to adopt this view. Prof. Tyler’s book is eminently moderate and senscinable, and will introduce evolution to a large class of readers in an agreeable form. Mg 3 a a i Cope on the Factors of Organic Evolution.’™—This book is : divided into three parts: I, The nature of variation; II, The causes of ; variation ; III, The inheritance of variation. In the first part it is endeavored to show that variation is not promiscuous or multifarious, but pursues direct courses towards definite ends. This is done by pre- senting the variations of existing species as to color and structure, and by an examination of the series presented by the forms of vertebrate life in past geologic ages. The latter presentation is a general phy- logeny of the vertebrata, with special sections on that of the horse and that of man. The second part is divided into chapters which deal with the physical energies as causes of variation, and the effects of molar motion as seen in variation. These methods of evolution are termed respectively physiogenesis and kinetogenesis. Especial atten- tion is given to kinetogenesis in connection with the phylogeny of ver- tebrates, since it is in these two fields that most of the original work of — the author has been done. The author has demonstrated that the . primary cause which has moulded the vertebrate skeleton is molar motion. In the third part, the inheritance of the characters so ~ produced is shown to be the rule, thus demonstrating the inheritance of acquired characters. Theories of inheritance are discussed, and that one which asserts the transmission of energies to the germ plasma is _ defended. These energies are believed to be the results of a composi- tion between inherited and acquired energies, the whole of them being _ referred to a class distinct from the inorganic energies, which he has — named Bathmic. The last chapter in this part is devoted to a considera- tion of the relation of consciousness to movements, and hence as a cause 3 The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution, by E. D. Cope, Professor of Zo- ology and Comparative e Anatomy in the eny nem of Pennsylvania. Chicago : = Court Pub. Co., is 1896, ppa ee) T eee TE 0 A. PLAT Feet of Proterotheriidae from Ameghino. A, fore foot of Proterotherium cavum A megh. B-C, Fore and hind feet of Diadiaphorus majusculus Amegh. D-E, Fore and hind feet of Thoatherium crepidatum Amegh. 1896.] Recent Literature. 567 of progressive evolution. The author holds that sensation is a cause of effects which would not appear in its absence, and that its presence conditions progressive evolution. The author holds this to be proven not only by the direct effect of consciousness as observed, but also on the other ground that there is no sufficiency in the inorganic and un- conscious organic energies to effect progressive evolution. This is be- cause the well-known tendency of the latter is to the integration of matter and the dissipation of energy, which leads always away from vital phenomena. The author believes the entire vegetable kingdom to be degenerate, its vitality being the expression of automatic energy which derived its self-sustaining character from ancestors endowed with sensation which oecupied a position between animals and plants. The ‘Mycetozoa he believes to be existing near relatives of these types. The book is illustrated by 120 plates and cuts. One of these illus- trative of homoplassy, we extract from the chapter on kinetogenesis, with the following explanatory remarks : “ Before reviewing the subject, I cite what is the most remarkable example of homoplassy in the Mammalia which has yet come to the knowledge of paleontologists. Ameghino has discovered in the cenozoic formations of Argentina a group of Ungulata which he calls the Litop- terna, and which I regard as a suborder of the Taxeopoda, allied to the Condylarthra (p. 128). Ameghino placed the group under the Perisso- dactyla, but the tarsus and carpus are of a totally different character, and indicate an origin from the Condylarthra quite independent of that division. The carpal and tarsal bones are in linear series, or if they may overlap, it is in a direction the opposite of that which char- acterizes the order Diplarthra (=Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla). But the Litopterna present a most remarkable parallelism to the Perissodactyla in the characters of both the feet and the dentition. No genus is known as yet which possesses more than three toes before and behind, and these are of equal length (Macrauchenia Owen). In this genus the teeth are not primitive, but are much modified. The most primitive dentition is seen in the genus Proterotherium (Ameghino) where the superior molars are tritubercular, as in many Condylanthra. In this genus (PI. X, fig. A) there are three toes, but the lateral ones are reduced, about as in the equine genus Anchitherium (p. 148). In the next genus, Diadiaphorus Amegh., the superior molars are quadri- tubercular and crested, while the lateral toes are reduced still more, being quite rudimental (figs. B C), as in the equine genera Hippo- therium and Prothippus. The superior molars have not progressed so far as in these genera, but are not very different from those of 568 The American Naturalist. [July, Anchitherium. In the third and last type (Thoatherium Amegh.) the lateral digits have disappeared from both fore and hind feet (figs. C D), so that the condition is that of the genus Equus (fig. 81), but the splints in the Thoatherium crepidatum Amegh. are even more reduced in the known species of horse. The superior molars have not assumed the pattern of the genus Equus, but resemble rather those of Macrauchenia, and could have been easily derived from those of Diadiaphorus. Here we have a serial reduction of the lateral digits and their con- nections with the leg, and increase in the proportions of the middle digit and corresponding increases in the proximal connections, exactly similar to that which took place in the horse line, in a different order of Mammalia.” The publishers have done their work well, and are especially to be commended for having made the book of a convenient size to be car- ried in the pocket or satchel. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought.—(The Child in Primitive Culture); by A. F. Chamberlain; New York, Macmillan & Co., and London, 1896. Pp. x and 464; with bibliography and three indexes; price $3. Dr. Chamberlain’s work is not, as its chief title might lead one to suppose, a mere collection of folk-lore about the child. It is rather an attempt by this means to study the position of the child in primitive society. The author has brought together a great mass of material from every hand, and arranged it systematically under appropriate headings ; as a result we find every phase and aspect of childhood re- presented in his book. The opening chapters, on the Lore of Motherhood and Fatherhood, have in some places only a remote bearing upon the main topic, but they may be regarded in the light of a general introduction. Follow- ing these are a number of chapters which aim to show the attitude of society toward the child; folk-lore on the soul of the child, legends connecting children with animals or plants, stock answers of the adult to the child’s questions, superstitions concerning children, ete., together with stories of education and training among uncultured races. A large part of the work deals with the influence of the child upon society _—the effect of child-language in modifying adult language; the child’s position in many tribes as oracle, judge, physician, or priest, etc. The final chapters are a selection of popular proverbs and sayings bearing upon childhood, from the literature of various races, cultured as well as 1896.] Recent Literature. 569 uncultured. The bibliography at the end is thorough, if not exhaus- tive ; it consists of over 550 titles, covering the entire field. The author claims no originality of investigation ; but he has culled his material from a host of authorities, and his selections are well made. He has no conclusions to draw; he simply presents the material as data, with a view to a complete survey of the subject. The chief critic- ism that can be made upon his method is that it frequently leads to a curious intermingling of fables and traditions with actual race customs. Thus in the chapter on the Children’s Food is described (p. 150) the practice which holds among several tribes of placing food on the grave of a dead child, to refresh its soul on the way to the spirit-land, and almost immediately after follows the legend of how the infant Hercules obtained immortality. The book is exceedingly interesting ; it treats its subject as thoroughly as the breadth of the task together with the limits of the volume permit ; and it is wonderfully conducive to further reading. —H. ©. WARREN. Stockham on the Ethics of Marriage.‘—This book is written with the view of securing an excellent object, the increase of the happiness of marriage. As the authoress is an M. D., and as she treats the subject at the outset with a seeming respect for scientific truth, we anticipated something valuable from her point of view. But we are compelled to say that the grains of truth are overlaid with such a quantity of error, rhapsody and sheer silliness, that we can only recommend the book as a study in feminine psychology. That there is one element of common sense running through it we are glad to admit. The authoress sees nothing degrading or indecent in the sexual relation. For this we must praise her ; but it was surely not necessary for her to apologize for her good sense, by pages on pages of religious rhapsody. The gist of her method of promoting marital happiness is that sexual intimacy may take place without completing the act. This proposition is as old as the rational faculty of man ; but, as rationality is usually less directed to sexual subjects than to any other, it is quite possible that her advice on this point may do some good. There are some amusing passages. Fearing to appear to fall into the Charybdis of “ hedonism ” she runs high and dry on Scylla, as follows : “ Before and during the time some devotional exercises may be partici- pated in, or there may be a formation of consecration of an uplifting character in which both unite!” t Karezza ; Ethics of Marriage, by Alice B. Stockham, M. D., Chicago. A. B. Stockham & Co. 570 The American Naturalist. [July, The authoress labors under several physiological errors, which should be pointed out. She thinks in common with the ignorant classes gen- erally, that the orgasm is concerned in impregnation, which is well known not to be the case. She also asserts that the secretion of the testis is produced at the time it is needed for use, an idea promulgated several years ago in a silly book called Diana. This is also untrue; its elaboration requires some days, and when the gland is full the secre- tion makes its presence known and demands expulsion. The present book should have stated also, that the practice she recommends, which she calls “ Karezza,’ is a most potent stimulant of the secretion in question, and does in some men produce enlargement of the prostate gland and orchitis, so that every man must be in this matter his own doctor. But one will not find logic in this book. In view of what precedes one wonders where the authoress got her degree of M. D., and who is responsible for her education. We must, however, once more commend the spirit of the book, and hope that she will be instrumental in teaching some men and women ordinary temperance. But it must be borne in mind that medical writers chiefly deal with pathological conditions, and that the persons she writes about are mostly abnormal through excess or deficiency. RECENT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. a ANDREW, WM.—Gravitation and What itis. No Ice Age. Dodgeville, 1895- From the author. ANDREWS, C. W.—The Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles of a, ee plicatus. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. S. 6, Vol. XVI, 1895. From the aut ASHLEY, G. H.—The Neocene of the Santa Cruz Mountains. mit Leland Stanford Jr, Univ. Pub. Geol. & Paleon., No. 1, 1895. From the Univ. Baker, F. C.—A Naturalist in Mexico, being a visit to Cuba, Northern Yuca- tan and Mexico. Chicago, 1895. From the Chicago Academy of Sciences i Biological Lectures delivered at the Marine Biological pore at Wood's Holl, 1893. Boston, 1894, Ginn & Co. From Prof. C. O. Whitm BOULENGER, G. A.—Addition to the Fauna of India (Tarbophis rhinopoma a Read before Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Jan. 28, 1895. —Rettili e Batraci. Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi Affluenti compiuta del Cap. v. Bottego durante gli anni, 1892-98. . Por, Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. di Genova. S. 2, Vol. XV, 1895. From the auth Brinton, D. G.—Report upon the Collections a at the Columbian aE : torical Exposition. Extr. Rept. Madrid Com., 1892. S 1895. 1896.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 571 Aims of ee Proc, Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. X LIV, 1895. From the autho Check-List of N orth American Birds prepared bya Committee of the American Ornith. Union. 2d Ed , 1895 Cook, O. F.—Notes on Myriapoda from Lond, sg collected by Mr. Heli Chatelaine, including a Description of a new Genus an ri e cies. Extr. Pro- ceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVI, 1893. From ragi Cook, O. F. AND A. C. CooK.—A Monograph of te Extr. Ann. N. Yo pee Sci., VIII, 1895. From the authors. Cox, PH.—History and Present State of the Ichthyology of New Brunswick, with a Catalogue of its fresh water and Marine Fishes. St. John, N. B., 1895 From the author CULIN, ree n-Games, with Notes on the arepe tine Games of China and Japan. Philadelphia, 1895. From the aut DAvenporT, C. B.—A Preliminary Catalogue at je Processes concerned in Ontogeny. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., Vol. XXVII, 1895. From the author. Dawson, G. M.—Glacial Deposits of Southwestern Alberta in the Vicinity of the Rocky Mts. Extr. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 7, 1895. From the Soc Deran, B.—Fishes, Living and Fossil. Now York and London, 1895. Mac- millan and Co. From the author DEwoLETZKY, R.—Neuere forschungen über das Gebiss der Saiiger. Aus Jahr- esb. der k. k. Staats-Obergymnsiums in Czernowitz f. das Schuljahr, 1894-95. From the author. DumĮmBLE, E T.—The Soils of Texas. Extr. Trans. Texas Acad. Sci., 1895. —— Notes on the Texas Tertiaries, l. c. From the autho Eimer, G. H. T.—Eine Systematische Darstellung der hinds Abarten und Arten der Schwalbenschwanz-iihnlischen Formen der Gattung Papilio. Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen, If, Theil. Jena, 1895. rom the author Frores, E.—Sulle Ossa di Mammifera in essi Rinvenute. Estr. Bol. Soc. Geol. Ital, Vol. XIV, Roma, 1895. From the author FURBRINGER, M.—Ueber die mit dem Visceralskelet verbundenen spinalen Muslseln bei Selachiern. Abdruck Jenaisch. Zeitsschr f. Naturw., Bd. XXX, N. F., XXIII. From the author. Gapow, H. anv E, C. Assotr,—On the Evolution of the Vertebral Column of Fishes. Extr. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1895. From Prof. Gadow. GUNTHER, A.—Report on a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians sent by Emin Pasha from Monbuttu, Upper Congo. _ Extr. Proceeds. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1888. ——Report on a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians transmitted by Mr. H. H. ences C. B., from Nyassaland. Extr. Proceeds. Zool. Soc. London, 189 ee tes on pa and Frogs from Dominica, West Indies. Extr. .Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., — Notice of Benet and Batrachians ias in the eastern half of Tropi- cal Africa. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist . 572 The American Naturalist. [July, Heap.ey, F. W.—The Structure and Life of Birds. London and New York, 1895, Macmillan and Co. Howarp, L. O.—Revision of the Aphelininae of North America. Tech. sg No. 1, U. S. Dept. Agric , Div. Entomol. Washington, 1895. From the Dep a TCHINSON, Wo. ee of Grasses. New York, 1895, Macmillan and Co. From J olen Wanamaker JOHNSTON-LaAvIs, H. J. "Notizie sui depositi delgi Antichi Laghi di Pianure — e di Melfi (Basilicata). Estr. Bol. Soc. Geol. Ital., Vol. XIV, Roma, 1895. From the author. Kurtz, F.—On the Existence of the Lower Gonawanas in Argentina. Trans. by John Gillespie. Extr. Records Geol. Surv. India, Vol. XXVIII, 1895. From the author. Lanbots, H.—Die Riesenammoniten von Seppenrade. Anis, XXIII, Jahresb. Westfälischen Prov. Vereins fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst Münster, 1895. From the author Leche, W.—Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahnsystems des Siugethiere, Erster Theil. Ontogenie. Stuttgart, 1895. From the author Leverett, F.—On the Correlation of New York Moraines with Raised Beaches on Lake Erie. Extr. Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. L, 1895. ——Soils of Illinois. Extr. Final Rept. Ill. Board World’s Fair Commission, 1895. ——Preglacial Valleys of the Mississippi and Tributaries. Extr. Journ. Geol., Vol. III, 1895. From the author Lewis, W. D.—The Sacitle. of Society to its Environment. Pub. of the Amer. Acad. Political and Social Science, No. 109. No date given. From the author. MatTHEw, W. D.—The Effusive and Dyke Rocks near St. John, N. B. McGeer, W. G.—The Beginning of Agriculture. Extr. Amer. Anthropol., 1895. From the author. Meyrick, E.—A Handbook of British Lepidoptera. London and New York, 1895, Macmillan and Co. From the Publisher. MoLLIER, Dr, S.—Das Cheiropterygium. Weisuaden, 1895. From the author. Pitspry, H. A.—Catalogue of the Marine Mollusks of Japan, with Descriptions of New Species and Notes on Others collected by F. Stearns. Detroit, 1895. From the author. Report of the Biological Dept. of the New Jersey Agric. Coll. Exper. Station for the year 1893. Report of the Commission, U. 8. Commission Fish and Fisheries for the year ending June 30, 1893. From the Dept Smit, T.—Additional Javebtigations concerning ERSE Swine Diseases. Bull. tei 6, 1894, U. S. Dept. Agric. From the Densercu, J.—A Review of the eiD ob Limot Caliieets,-. 7% IL Pistisdhikas. Extr. Proceeds. Cal. Acad. Sci. S. 5, Vol. V, 1895. From the author. WALcoTT, C. D.—Sixteenth Annual Report of the Director of the U. S. Geo- logical Harvey for 1894--95. Extr. Sixteenth Ann. Rept. Surv. From the U.8. Geol. Survey. 1896.] Mineralogy. 573 General Notes. MINERALOGY. Contact Goniometer with two Graduated Circles.—In pur- suance of the idea already applied to the reflection goniometer (ref. in this journal, 1895, p. 266) Goldschmidt? has designed a contact gonio- meter with two graduated circles. The horizontal circle carries the support for the crystal, which can thus be rotated about a vertical axis. The vertical circle is a metallic band carrying a moyeable block. Through the block asmall metal rod passes radially toward the center, and on the inner end of the rod a small plate is fixed. By movement of the crystal about its vertical axis and of the block on its arc, the plate may be brought to parallelism with any face on the upper side of the crystal, Actual contact of the plate with the crystal face is effected by sliding the rod through its block. Readings on the two circles give data for computing the position of a plane, exactly as in the case of the reflection goniometer to which reference was above made. Crystallographic Properties of the Sulphonic Acid Deri- vatives of Camphor.—A bout 17 of these compounds are mentioned by Kipping and Pope? with much detailed information concerning the erystallograpy of several of them. As might be expected from the fact that the solutions of many of these substances exhibit the phenom- enon of circular polarization, the crystals furnish examples of a num- ber of the Jess common low symmetry grades, Among these are hemi- morphism in the monoclinic system (sphenoidal class of Groth), sphen- oidal hemihedrism in the orthorhombic system (bisphenoidal class), and probably hemihedrism in the triclinic system (pedial class). Such crystallographic studies must be of great value to stereo-chemistry. Optical Properties of Lithiophilite and Triphilite.—On these two minerals Penfield and Pratt‘ have based an interesting in- vestigation of the change of optical properties due to the mutual re- placement of manganese and iron in isomorphous mixture. It is found 1 Edited by A. C. Gill, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. * Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, p. 321, 1 * Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, pp. 225-256, 1895. t Am, Jour. Sci., L, pp. 387-390, Nov., 1895. 574 The American Naturalist. [July, that with increasing percentage of iron the index of refraction increases, while the plane of the optical axes is changed from the base (001) to the macropinacoid (100). A specimen containing 26.58% FeO shows an optical angle of 21° 53’ in the basal plane for thallium light, is uni- axial for sodium light, and has an angle of 15° 3’ in the macropinacoid With 35.05% FeO the crystals are found to be negative, whereas those with less iron are optically positive. It is suggested that in the pure manganese molecule, the change may be.found so great that the brachy- pinacoid is the plane of the optical axes. Native Sulphur in Michigan.—Scherzer® reports an occurrence of sulphur a mile west of Scofield, Monroe Co., Michigan. It is found in a stratum of impure cavernous limestone about one to three feet in thickness. The pockets, varying from a fraction of an inch up to three feet in diameter, are often lined with calcite and celestite crystals with bright lustrous masses of sulphur toward the center. The removal of about an acre of this bed has yielded 100 barrels of pure sulphur. The sulphur seems to have originated from hydrogen sulphide which is abundant in the waters of the neighborhood. The hydrogen sulphide, in turn, may be a product of decomposing organic matter. Leadhillite Pseudomorphs at Granby, Mo.—The occurrence of leadhillite at Granby in the form of pseudomorphs after calcite and galena is made the subject of a note by Foote. Scalenohedrons in a chert calamine rock are composed usually of pure cerussite; more. rarely the substance is found to be leadhillite. Galena cubes replaced by leadhillite were also observed. In these cases the secondary min- eral is usually mixed with remnants of the original galena, producing a “gray amorphous mass.” In a few specimens the leadhillite is pure. fora hs oi on Celestite from Giershagen.—According to Arzruni and Thad- déef* the axial ratio of “normal” celestite is a: b:¢e— .78093:1: 1.28324. The mineral from Giershagen, which appears to be chemically pure Sr SO,, has the ratio a: b: c = .77962 : 1: 1.28533. The mean of four determinations places the specific gravity at 3.9665. The optical angle of “ normal ” celestite is given as 2 V,x,==50° 34’. This inves- tigation adds another to the list of chemically pure compounds whose — EA D A a NN a EREN TEAN Sa SEUA aP EE e a EN A Saa T gr 5 Am. Jour. Sci., L, pp. 246-248, Sept., 1895. € Am. Jour. Sci., L, p. 99, August, 1895. t Zeitschr. f. Krd. XXY, pp. ~a 1895. 1896.] Mineralogy. 575 molecular volume may be considered as accurately known, and allows of comparison between the various physical constants of this and iso- morphous substances. Minerals from the Galena Limestone.—Hobbs*® gives a de- tailed description, with many drawings, of the crystallized minerals from the galena limestone of southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. The habitus of the various crystals is made prominent in the discus- sion of them. New forms are reported on calcite (, on cerus- site (0.25.4), and on azurite (307), (203), (205) and (9.12.8). Miscellaneous Notes.—Becke’ shows that the center of symmetry may be used as a fundamental conception in developing the 32 classes of crystal symmetry, notwithstanding the fact of its abandonment by Groth and Fedorow.—Sylvite from Stassfurt, investigated by Schimpff” with special reference to the impurities of the same, gave K Cl 99.239, Na Cl .242, Mg Cl, .089, Ca SO, .073, H,S .0023, residue .108, loss on melting .2847. The foreign substances seem to occur chiefly as inclu- sions with the mother liquor. These figures doubtless give a very good idea of the amount of impurity present, but the extreme right hand digits must be looked upon as mathematics rather than chemistry-— Igelstrém™ finds molybdenum, probably present as Mo,O,, in the hem- atite from the “Sjégrube,” Gouv. Örebro, Sweden. One specimen of the same material showed spectroscopically the presence of thallium.— Niven” notes the discovery on New York Island of numerous interest- ing specimens of the rare earth minerals xenotine and monazite. Tit- anite, epidote, beryl and menaccanite are also mentioned.—The mineral named schneebergite by Brezina” on the basis of an apparently faulty qualitative investigation is shown by Eakle and Muthmann”™ to be in reality a very pure lime-iron garnet, or topazolite, instead of a calcium antimonite. The specific gravity is 3.838, and the chemical composi- tion: 8 Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, pp. 257-275, 1895. 9 Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, pp. 73-78, 1895. 1 Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, p. 92, 1895. 1 Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, p. 94, 1895. 12 Am, Jour. Sci., L, p. 75, July, 1895. 18 Vehr. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt, 1880, p. 313. u Zeitschr. f. Kryst., XXV, pp. 244-246, 1895. 576 The American Naturalist. [July, found calculated for -m Ca, Fe, Si,O,, SiO, 35.45 35.43 Fe,O, 32.33 32.11 31.50 CaO 32.58 33.07 — Foote” gives some details concerning a new mineral which he pro- poses to name Northupite. It was found by Mr. Northup in the “ tail- ings” from a boring made at Borax Lake, Cal. The crystals are reg- ular octahedrons reaching rarely 1 cm. in diameter. The substance seems to be a double chloride and carbonate of sodium and magnesium. Cleavage imperfect, H = 3.5 to PETROGRAPHY.’ Volcanic Rocks and Tuffs in Prussia.—In the hills east of _Ebsdorf, near Marburg, Prussia, are large areas covered by basalt flows, flows of dolerite, and others of rocks intermediate in character between — these two, both of which are pre-Tertiary in age, or at any rate are older than the Tertiary beds with which they are associated. The vol- canic rocks are cut by dykes of very basic rock resembling limburgite. The little hill west of Wittelsberg, near the northern edge of the basalt area, and the flank of the hill near Kehrenberg, are composed largely of basalt tuff. The basalt consists of phenocrysts of augite and olivine in a dense felt of augite microlites, biotite and magnetite, in the spaces between which is a colorless glass containing xenomorphic feldspar, leucite and nepheline. Inclusions in the basalt are very common. They comprise besides fragments of Foreign rocky; concretions of olivine and of augite. The olivine con more or less bronzite, and usually they are surrounded by a violet-brown rim similar to the rims found surrounding the augite phenocrysts in the basalt. Even those concre- tions that are composed almost exclusively of bronzite are surrounded by rims of this character. The principal component of this rim is a monoclinic augite, so that it appears here that the bronzite, which must have been one of the earliest separations from the magma, was, after its crystallization, changed into augite. Other concretions show the 1 Am. Jour. Sci., L, pp. 480-488, Dec., 1895. 1 Edited by Dr. W. 8. Boi Colby Univesity, Waterville, Me. 1896.] Petrography. 577 alteration of the bronzite into olivine. -+ By complete fusion one concre- tion, which is thought. by the author to have been a bronzite-augite aggregate, has been changed to a mass of rounded augite and olivine grains imbedded in a glass which locally is replaced by nepheline. The alteration of the bronzite, as indicated by the study of a number of sections, is into olivine, augite, magnetite and glass. Among the rare constituents of the olivine concretions are chrome diopside and pico- tite. The augite concretions or inclusions, consist almost exclusively of a monoclinic augite with which is usually associated a little olivine. In the interiors of the concretions the augite contains fluid enclosures, but toward their peripheries the enclosures are all of glass. Often bé- tween the augite grains are little nests of calcite. One of the inclusions observed. by the author is abnormal in that it is composed of a small nucleus of augite surrounded by a zone of brown biotite. Of the foreign inclusions, the author describes two kinds—the calea- reous and the granitic. The basalt in the neighborhood of limestone inclusions loses its biotite and magnetite. Nearer the inclusions the augite microlites become light colored and magnetite grains are again developed. At the boundary of the limestone fragment is a rim of large augites, whose ends are directed toward the center of the inclu- sion. . This latter itself is composed of the remnants of calcite grains imbedded in a brown glass, in which are also well formed crystals of a scapolite. The sandstone inclusions have been changed to a mass of quartz grains lying in a brown glass, the whole being surrounded by the usual zone of augite microlites. The granite inclusions first lose their mica. The old feldspar has given rise to newly developed feld- spar. The dolerite seem to occur as a number of small flows that have run together. It presentsno special peculiarities.: The dyke basalt cutting the tuffs and dolerites. sometimes contains well defined crystals of olivine, which occasionally occur as interpenetration twins. Igneous Rocks of British, Columbia.—The petrographiecal characters of the principal rocks occurring within the area of the Kamloops. Map-sheet of British Columbia are described by Ferrier,’ These rocks embrace feldspathic actinolite schists, diabase porphyrites, harzburgite, amphibolites, diabase tuffs, cherts, gabbros, orthophyres, augite-porphyrites, porphyrites, basalts, pecrite-porphyrites, andesites, trachytes, dacites, diorites, granites, syenites, quartz-porphyries, alnoite and a series of much altered rocks. The descriptions are all brief. 2 Annual Rep. Geol. Surv. of Canada, Vol. VU, Pt. B,, p 349, 40 - 578 The American Naturalist. [July, Chalcedony Concretions in Obsidians from Colorado.— Patton? describes the occurrence of large opal and chalcedony concre- tions or geode-like bodies in beds of a decomposed obsidian on Ute Creek in Hinsdale Co., Colorado. The concretions are most common in the upper scoriaceous portions of the flows. Similar concretions were also found in a rhyolite at Specimen Mountain. The concretions are composed of radial fibres of chaleedony. The flowage lines that are common to the rock pass uninterruptedly through them, and in them are trichites exactly like those in the body of the rock. The con- eretions are regarded as secondary in origin—and as due to the perco- lation of silica-bearing waters through the rock. The same author publishes some photographs of erosion forms produced by the weather- ing of the volcanic conglomerates in the San Juan Mountains. Basic Dykes near Lake Memphremagog.— ec eae et by many it was admitted, yet even now many deny that pottery is as ancient as many of the paleolithic cave strata, J. D. McGuire. © Cave Exploration by the University of Pennsylvania in Tennessee.—Preliminary Report——To learn that the remains of Plistocene Man have been abundantly found in the caves Europe ; that equally significant remains of later savage, barbarous and civilized peoples have been similarly discovered in the caves of Europe, Asia and Africa; and that the remains of the Indian and the recent White Man have been found in caverns in No i 1896.] Anthropology. 609 _ America; warrants the supposition, that in the subterranean floor deposits of the new world, the problematic existence of Plistocene Man might be soonest and easiest demonstrated, while with hardly less ground we may urge as valuable testimony in the American region the absence of such remains in significant underground shelters. Not unreasonably such absence, occurring invariably at these immem- orial halting places of men and animals, might indicate that Plistocene Man had never existed in the adjacent regions. By this course of reasoning and investigation the University of Penn- sylvania has sought to solve definitely the question first to.attract and last to puzzle American students—How long has Man existed in the New World? Striving to limit the speculations of archeologists, the work has proceeded by degrees to reconcile with geology their study of pre-Columbian peoples, which, fascinating as it is, has lacked thus far subdivisions, landmarks and starting point, while an effort to eliminate, through the investigation of significant caves, one region after another from the field of search, has sought to narrow the area of possible discovery from the point of view explained. Having shown on the one hand that certain caverns like the fissure at Port Kennedy, (right bank of Schuylkill River, 3 miles below mouth of Perkiomen Creek, Montgomery County, Penna.,) containing in large quantity the remains of Plistocene animals without relics of Man, are geologically ancient, on the other hand, a fact of much significance has been demonstrated for the first time, namely, that a considerable number of other caves are modern, since their floors, well supplied with the refuse of Indians and later White Men, below which remains of geologically older peoples would not have been lacking in Europe, have failed to reveal any relic of Plistocene Man. In these several instances the geologically modern remains (human) and the geologically ancient remains (animal) have lain apart in dis- tinct caves, and hence less ayailably for comparative study, but the recent expedition in Tennessee, resulting in the examination of three caves in which the old and new deposits lay in juxtaposition, has enabled us to push the question farthur by studying the relation between the ancient and modern strata where, at their point of contact, it was most significant. More broken and scattered even than at the remarkable tomb of extinct animals at Port Kennedy, were the remains of the Tapir, Pec- cary, Bear and smaller Mammalia at Zirkel’s Cave, (left bank of Dumpling Creek, about 5 miles above its mouth in French Broad 42 610 The American Naturalist. [July, River, Jefferson County, Tennessee,) visited by Professor Cope in 1869. Dislocated as before after the flesh had rotted, the bones were crushed = by a force which had split them into fragments, and were deposited with a mass of clay mixed with lime, which filled the descending cave. Hardened finally into breccia not easily broken with the pickaxe, this bone bearing earth had disappeared at many points to make room for a deposit of cave earth containing the remains of the Rattle- snake, Woodchuck, Opossum, Rabbit and Cave Rat. It is the important relation of this latter modern earth, with its bits of mica and Indian pottery, to the older breccia that will constitute the material for a final report. Previous examination, in 1893, at the Lookout Cave, (left bank of the Tennessee River, one-quarter of a mile below Chattanooga Creek, Hamilton County, Tennessee,) had revealed the bones of the Tapir and Mylodon in the lowermost zone of a floor deposit of Indian refuse, and upon the recent expedition the cave earth with its“ culture layer” was entirely removed for 58 feet inward from the entrance to settle beyond doubt the relation of these fossils to the Indian remains resting upon them. At this significant spot, where again the Plistocene and recent deposits lay in contact, and where the specimens found were labeled according to their position, whether from the black (modern) earth above or the yellow (ancient) earth below, a completed examina- tion should decide whether Man had or had not encountered the Tapir and Mylodon in the Valley of the Tennessee. After a visit to “ Indian Cave” on the Holston River, Carrol’s Cave, and the Copperas and Bone Caves, near Tullahoma and Manchester, Tennessee, a new set of conditions was presented at Big Bone Cave (1 mile from the left bank of Caney Fork and about 2 miles above its — : -mouth in Rocky River, Van Buren County, Tennessee.) There the bones of the Gigantic Fossil Sloth (Megalonyz,) still retaining their — cartilages, were exhumed from a dry deposit of the refuse of Porcu- ` pines and Cave Rats, mingled with fragments of reeds used as torches by Indians in a gallery 900 feet from the entrance, thus presenting us < in the final summing up of this strange evidence a new notion of the relation of the modern Indian to this extinct animal, whose remains @ outnumber all its fossil contemporaries at Port Kecsedy. Thanks are due to Dr. William Pepper, to the Board of Managers and to Professor E. D. Cope for their kind co-operation in the expedi- tion thus finished, which, at a cost of $300, has presented the Museum with the specimens now under examination. These, if not attractive, Seales a ai ge Rs ate aS ecu aaa Aa oa 8 Sede Bes ih doen Agta RNG Ah ch ae eg a ke ste Tah a dae ada S 4896]. Scientific News. 611 are important. For Paleontology they mark in the bone breccia of Zirkel’s Cave, a distinct stage in the Plistocene series, while for Anthro- pology they represent data which account for the presence of Man together with the bones of the extinct Megalonyx. They explain the relics of savages and the remains of Plistocene mammals at two caves situated in the Eastern Valley of Tennessee at a height of about 600 to 700 feet above the sea and within earlier reach of an overwhelming -ocean in Champlain time, and again at a third cave, which, 300 feet higher on the continental floor and looking westward from the slopes of the Cumberland table-land, stands for that part of the Appalachian region whither animals and Man (if he existed) might have found con- venient refuge when lower areas sunk, as is alleged, beneath the level -f the invading waters.—HENRY C. MERCER. Aldie, June 4, 1896. SCIENTIFIC NEWS. The proposed general synopsis of the Animal Kingdom (Das Thier- reich) to be issued by the German Zoological Society, is one of the greatest undertakings ever planned in the line of bookmaking. It is proposed to give a short general account of each group, and following this is a synopsis of all existing forms, including those which have re- cently become extinct. The general editor of the whole series is Prof. Franz Eilhard Schulze of the University of Berlin, and he is assisted by the following department editors: Prof. O. Biitschli, Protozoa; Prof. C. Chun, Coelenterata; Prof. M. Braun, Plathelminthes ; Prof. J. W. Spengel, Vermes; Dr. W. Kobelt, Mollusca; Dr. W. Giesbrecht, Crustacea; Prof. R. Latzel, Myriapoda; Prof. F. Dahl, Arachnida ; Dr. H. oa Orthoptera ; Mr. A. Handlirsch, Neuroptera, Hemip- tera; Dr. H. J. Kolbe, Coleoptera ; Prof. C. W. Della Torre, Hymen- optera; Dr, A. Seitz, Lepidoptera; Prof. J. Mik, Diptera; Prof. F. Blochmann, Brachiopoda ; Prof. E. Ehlers, Polyzoa; Prof. J. W. Spen- gel, Tunicata; Dr. G. Pfeffer, Fishes; Dr. O. Boettger, Batrachia and Reptila; Prof. A. Reichenow, Birds, and Prof. L. Döderlein, Mam- mals. These will be assisted by a host of collaborators for special groups, and the names of these, as far as announced, assures us of the ~ : 612 The American Naturalist. (July, - nell, under the direction of R. S. Tarr, will accompany Lieut. Peary on — 18-20th next, is to be held in the Caruegie Library Building, Pitts — : ments will be mailed to all members. _dinary Professor of Zoology in the University of Erlangen. most authoritative treatment. The whole work will be of enormous extent, and it is estimated that it will take twenty-five years for its completion. It will be issued in parts of an average size of 48 pages, — and the price charged to subscribers for the whole series will be 70 pf. — (174 cents) for each “signature” of 16 pages; single subjects will be — sold at an advance of 4 above this price. It is estimated thatthe Flatworms will occupy 4 parts; the Crustacea 11,the Hymenoptera 13; the Mollusca 15, the Reptiles 3, and the Birds 16. The total will — be over 120,000 pages, and the series, when complete, in large octavos, will occupy not far from 30 feet of shelf room. The publishers of the — series are the well-known R. Friedländer & Sohn, of Berlin, and they — have already issued a sample number, embracing the group of Helio- — zoa, treated by Dr. F. Schaudim, of Berlin... This occupies 24 pages. — It is expected to begin regular publication with the year 1897, and the , parts will be issued as fast as possible, without regard to their sequence in the whole work. PEE I AEO It will probably be interesting to know that a party of five from Cor- a the trip to Greenland this summer. The party will be so constituted that the results will cover the several fields of natural history, although — the main object will be the study of geology, and especially glaciation. — The next meeting of the American Microscopical Society, August : burg. The local Committee on Arrangements is organized: C. ©. i Mellor, Chairman; Mayness Pflaum, Secretary and Treasurer, and C. G. Neilnor, Chairman Finance Committee, either of whom will be glad to give members and others desiring to attend all necessary informa- tion. As soon as sufficient arrangements are made, special announce Dr. R. Wagner, of Strassburg, has been appointed assistant in Vege- table Physiology in the University of Munich, and Dr. A. Y. Grevi lius, of Upsala, assistant in Botany at Minster. The Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences has recently elected Pro- fessors E. Strasburger, E. D: Copė, E. J. Marey and Sir A. eat honorary membership. Prof. M. Treub, Director of the Botanical Gardens, at Buitens who has been spending some time in Europe, has returned to Java. Dr. A. Fleischmann has been advanced to the position of Extraor- AL PLATE ‘mnauBo[ey ‘q ‘snpesuysy ‘Q ‘sesXydida jeaqəaya y ‘J'Y “BIB soĝepuvo aBpnonaE qua uosa fol viuombapg 1896.] ~- Seientifie News. 613 The Royal Irish Academy recently elected Sir Joseph Lister, T. G. Bonney and Sir W. H. Flower to honorary membership. Dr. G. A. J. A. Ondermann, Professor of Botany in the University of Amsterdam, has retired on account of his great age. Mr. A. Lawson, botanist and director of the Cinchona plantations in the Madras district, died at Madras, February 14th. Prof. D. Barfurth, of Dorpat, goes to the University of Rostock as Ordinary Professor of Comparative Anatomy. Dr. H. Ph. Foullon von Norbeck has been appointed Chief Geolo- gist to the Austrian Geological Survey. Dr. G. Rörig, of Berlin, goes to the University of Königsberg as Extraordinary Professor of Zoology. Mr. H. M. Drummond-Hay, ornithologist and ichthyologist, died re- cently at Perth, Scotland, aged 82. Dr. J. Briquet, of Genoa, has been ai poibted Director of the Deles- sert Herbarium in that city. Mr. J. H. Ashworth succeeds Dr. Hurst as Lecturer on Zoology in Owens College, Manchester. Mr. A. S. Olliff, entomologist, died in Sydney, N. S. W., December 29, 1895, aged 30 years. W. L. Sclater, of Eton College, goes to Cape Town as Curator of the South African Museum. Dr. Thilenius has been made privat docent in Anatomy in the Uni- versity at Strassburg. Dr. C. Herbert Hurst, of Manchester, goes to Dublin as assistant to Prof. A. C. Haddon. Dr. A. Smirnow, of Kazan, goes to the University of Tomsk as Pro- fessor of Histology. Col. Plunkett has been elected Director of the Science and Art Mu- seum in Dublin. Dr. A. Bogdanof, Profan of Zoology in the University of Moscow, died in April. Dr. G. Fatta has been appointed assistant in the Botanical Institute at Palermo. 614 The American Naturalist. [July,. Dr. R. Oestreich is now privat docent in Anatomy in the University of Berlin. Dr. Szymonowicz is privat docent in Histology in the University of Cracow. Dr. Gruner, of Jena, goes on an expedition to Togo, German West. Africa. Prof. Ph. C.Sappey, the well known anatomist, died in Paris, March. 13th. A. Duvivier, student of Coleoptera, died in Brussels, Jan. 14, 1896. F. Ludy, coleopterologist, died March 1st. ADVERTISEMENTS. i Dringende Bitte Um das Erscheinen des Botanischen ahresberichts möglichst zu beschleunigen, wie eine Steigerung der Zuver- lassigkeit in der Berichterstattung zu erlangen, richten wir an die Botaniker aller Lander die dringende Bitte um gefiillige schleunige Zusendung ihrer Arbeiten, namentlich auch der Sonderabdriicke aus Zeit- schriften, etc. Alle Sendungen sind zu richten an den Herausgeber. Professor Dr. E. Koehne, Friedenau-Berlin, Kirchstrasse 5. OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS AND LOVERS OF NATURE. THE OBSERVER All Departments of Nature Studies. OUR MOTTO: “Keep Your Eyes Open” (To observe the wonders and beauties of Nature.) o Official Organ of the Agassiz Association. Consists of Three Departments: 1. The Outdoor World. 2. Agassiz Association. Practical Microscopy. E. F. BIGELOW, Managing Editor and Publisher, Portland, Conn. it ADVERTISEMENTS. Hills, Valleys and Plains of the U. S. THE IVES ALTITUDE MAP is a novel device by the inventor of rea “Strata Map” differing from any elevation 1 map oh eel ease! = surface being carefully embossed to represent the River Systems and Mou 1 Prominences, whilst successive altitudes are emphasized by strongly con- trated zt The Map i is beautifully gotten up, Gaiei in oak and varnished. SIZE 33 X 23 INCHES. PRICE $9.50. Aid in the Study of Geology. THE IVES STRATA MAP grap hically bears gh eps pn tion, and outcrop of strata, with the phenomena scarpments, outliers, inliers, dip, strike, Hacforiiabiliey, etc., and the Cards may be bent A koi smeny or pie pa folds. Size, 30 x 24 inches. Price, $17.50. Is bev levente of the Method of n s San m from Government Sources of Information. Dipteme ae a s resent e al each of these Maps at the World’s Columbian Exposition OPINIONS OF EMINENT ares ES. rofessor E. D, Cope, of the University of Pen ania, writes; “U f: : “ Useful to the student of topography pale geology. The a ting ele aia i pa relief is a pinpoint aid to the st trati- graphie map—both together elucidate the structure to the of the studen LAN, President i of ng Hy kins Valiants ey = in ara to the Strata Map: “ ver American geolog ught your map should a be her particulars an estimate 6 o pli ón m e n application t JAMES T. B. IVES, Office of the American Naturalist, | 518 Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ADVERTISEMENT». iii r- .. BIOLOGICAL WORKS. ON GERMINAL SELECTION. As a Source of Definitely Directed ‘ariation. By Prof August Weismann. With a Preface an Ap- pendix, giving the history and present pap pr pinion regarding natural selection. Paper, 70 pages; price, THE PRIMARY FACTORS OF ORGANIC EV OTON, By E. D Cope, Ph. D., Professor of Zoology and pai Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Pp. 550; cuts, 121; price, cloth, $2.00. DARWIN AND AFTER DARWIN. By the late George John Ro- + manes, M. A., LL.D., F.R.S. Partl: The Darwinian En With portrait of Chas. Darwin. Pp.460; illustrations, 12 ric cloth, gilt top, $2.00 “The Best Modern ahb k of Evolution.” The Nation. —Part II: Post-Darwinian Questions: Heredity and Utility. With portrait of the Author. Edited by Prof. C. Llo vd Morgan. Pp. 338 ; price, cloth, gilt top, $1.50. Together with art I, ‘‘ The Darwinian Theory,” 3.00. AN EXAMINATION OF WEISMANNISM. By the late George John Romanes, M. A., LL.D.. F.R. S. With a portrait of Weismann and a glossary of Scientific Terms. Thoroughly indexed. Pp. 236; cloth, 31. 00; paper, 35 cents. ‘In ‘An Examination of Weis- mann’ we have the best criticism of the subject in our language.” —The Outlook. Send for copies of hs OPEN COURT ae, pee and kindly ention this advertisem the Open ourt ‘Publishing Co., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Tl. The Der ANTIQUARIAN and ORIENTAL JOURNAL. ublished at 175 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, II. Edited by STEPHEN D. PEET, Goop Hore, 12%. Bi-Monthly. Price, $4.00 Per Year. The First Magazine Devoted to Archeology and Ethnology established in America.. It has now reached its Seventeenth Volume, which promises to be the Best of the Series. , rrwrenr es who. are all tigen gentlemen and specialists will continue as before, bat several n mes will be adde he following n may be mentioned as Tirai contributed to the Volume for 94. r. 5 , Rev. Wm. M ee ee Prof. A. F. Chamberlain, Mr. James Deans, G. O. Denes, “Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, H. mea Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, C. Staniland. Wake, Dr. Wm. Wallace Tooker, Dr. Cyru s Thomas. e Ma agazine during 95 wi embrace different — ae the following gentlemen will io charge and report all explorations and discov Riv. Wa. C. Winslow, D. D., L. L. D, Prof. ‘ F. Wright, Explorations in Palestine we W. Haynes, gore: ics arid European Archaeology. A. S, "Gats tschett, istics. Marshall H. Seville, Mex ico and Central Ameri Hon. James Wickersham, The North West thea and Eastern Asia. A FEW COMPLETE SETS ARE IN N THE HANDS OF THE EDITOR AND WILL BE SOLD AT SPECIAL PRICES TO LIBRARIES. © Price per Vol. $4.00 or with American Naturalist $6.00. ‘The American eee will be furnished with The American aturalist for $6.00. COMMENCED JANUARY, 1888. Ti VOLUMES PER YEAR. SS LL aS AMERICAN GEOLOGIST LOGOSO The Oldest Exclusively Geological Magazine Published in America. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS: CHARLES E. Sen Ph. D., F. G. S. A., Yale University, New Haven, Con SAMUEL CALVIN, Ph, D., F. G. rR , State Geologist, State iec Tow. a Cit pa e's Joun M. CLARKE, M. A., Deut, Geol. Gessell., Soc. Imp. mag? , New York Geol. Rarer. Albany, N.Y. EDWARD yg Cates POLE, B. A., D. Se. (London), F. G. SS., L., E. and A., Buchtel College, Akron, FRANCIS W. Cragin, B. Se., F. G. S. A., ig ene of Geology and Palwontology, Colorado College, Colorado peel Colo. Texas Geo : Joun Everman, Esq., F. Z. S., F. G. S. ni F. gk a S., M. I. M. E., ‘Oakhurst,’ Easton, Pa. Persiror FRAZER, Do et. es. Sei Nat. , Officier de I’ Instruction Publique (France), Gorron Reichsanstait (Wien), F. G. S. hes Prof. of Chem., i en Soc., Philadelphia, Pa. Epwarp O. ULRICH, M. As A G.8. A , Pa alontologit, Geol. Surv. of Min c., Newport, Ky. WARREN ens M. Ai, FG 8, A. i treg f the incase: Historical Tol. St. Panl, Minn. Marsuman E. Wiskuc. `M. A. Ph D x G. 5. A., F. G.S., Director of the Michigan Mining School, Houghton, Mich IsrAEL C. Wuire, M. A., Ph, Ro F. G. S, A., Morgantown, W., Va. Newton H. Wincuett, M. A., F. G. S. A. ie Geologist, Univ. Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. TERMS. To Subscribers in the United States, ee and asin ` get $3.50 a year To other Subscribers in the Postal Uni i r i . 4.00 a year The AMERICAN eirend git is issued monthly from mg office of publication - Minnea ý neso tates of America. Sixteen volumes are nearl eted; the seventeenth baie with the number for u "189 3 e has latest results o PICAN GEOL ork. In addition to the ee pee u pra recent paara et peee parr and brief notes on current geological ev ; IT IS NOT THE ORGAN OF ANY INSTITUTION, NOR OF ANY SECTION OF - THE COUNTRY, NOR OF ANY PARTY. The numbers for 1888 will hereafter be sent to new vena eis ae 50, or bound in digg ae mta. ned hose for 1889, 1890, 1891, ae 1505, 1004, ama US for PRAO tach, r $8.50 ench. | New who remit $24. 50 will receive all back n mbers and Sie for 1306, Boat Hae must be =< to epee lg anteuther not living te nh icn. If bound ve Conine fen ord n cost will be $32.50 can tee | rtation m There are two volumes im year, each volume having over 400 pages, SAMPLE COPIES 20 CENTS. THE GEOLOGICAL PUBLISHING CoO., Minneapolis, Minn., U. 8. A., Jan. 1, 1896. European Agent, Mr. HENRY CLAYPOLE, | Manager of the London & Co, Bank, SITTINGBOURNE, KENT, Enc. P's ADVERTISEMENTS. v For Sale A Complete Set of THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE. BOUND The Edwards & Docker G0. Wri . QUINCEY sede: ie Chicago, Secre- tary of the STAR ACCIDENT info 518 Minor St., PHILADELPHIA. | o A membership aera Tas ‘paid over $600,000. | homey injur: | ur own Agent. NO MEDICAL, EXAMINATION REQUIRED. j | | | | ss AF ticing physician of 20. years’ ex No bad effects or detention No starving, wrin pa to seeded E mabbing FOL G REDUCED & RED to 25 Ibs. aise : es aah confidentially. For particulars address, stamp, | DR. SNYDER, or bor irosdway, NEW YORK citi TH E SANITARIAN, A Monthly Magazine. 1873. TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. 1896. £ T. P. CORBALLY, A. M., M. D., ; A. N. BELL, A. M., M. D., Editor. HARRY KENT BELL, M. D, } Associate Editors. E SANITARIAN is the American authority for everything appertaining to ing nonithy pes equation of the piis at tlarge. a contributions are from medical men whose writings on disease in all fo: accepted as autho ss useholder should be without such a valuable monthly.” — Virginia Chronici age ; Based 2 ae etan upon medical knowledge and naval service, over an extensive field of observation in various Ši mates in different quarters of the world, large ex perience in nene = aang ic diseases, and — cal sanitation for the maintenance of health u nder the most trying “THE Sa ANITARIAN i the best sanitary publicatio: n in Am erica. Mii Pali Medical Monthly. a ily — Med: Has accomplished more good than all of the other sanitary papers poa patea i a E and Sanitary omaa: é “ As its implies, THE'SANITARIAN is devoted entirely to Sanitary Science, in its liberal and proper ae ‘The field it o it rl is a most important one, and the editor is admirably qualified for the work.” eadica “i “ The editor, Dr.. i N. Bell, is well-known to the sg er, for his co-operation with the poms rmsd in quarantine reform, and to his profession as a leader in sanitary science.”—N. Y. Journal of ffi Two volumes yearly, The volumes begin January and July ; subscription at any TERMS : $4.00 a year, in advance; 35 cents a number. Sample Copies, 20 cents—ten two-cent postage stamps. B-All corresponde d exchanges with THE § , and all publications fi iew, should be | tor. addressed to the Dr. A. N. BELL, 291 Union Street, Brooklyn, N. Y- vi ADVERTISEMENTS. The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation Edited by J. W. TUTT, F. E. S., London, England. Subscription ws. per volume (including a Special Index of every name used in the volume). Send Post free. This is now the acknowledged leading scientific entomological Magazine in Britain, and contains all the most recent views of writers in Entomological science all over the world. The monthly summaries of work done in different countries make this a ready means for every scientific worker to keep himself au fait with the advance of science. The advance of Philosophical and Biological questions relating to insects is made a special feature as is also the causes of their variation. Monthly critiques of the articles in the leading German and American entomological magazines. A monthly summary of the scientific progress made by the Societies. Current notes on entomological science from all parts of the world. Practical Hints for collectors, as to breeding, capturing and preserving insects. Subseriptions for the current volume 7p, should be sent by all scientific entomologists and students to wun? TF. È. S., Raleigh Villa, Westcombe Hill, Blackheath, England. 125 PLASTER CASTS OF THE FOLLOWING MAMMALIA with dentition in good preservation, made under direction of Professor E. D. Cope may be had by application to Jacob Geisman, 2102 Pine St., Philadelphia. Phenacodus primaevus Cope, (Wyoming) $100.00. Ay- vacotherium venticolum Cope, (Wyoming) $50.00. Protohippus micabilis Leidy, skull $7.00. Protohippus pachyops Cope, skulls of adult and young, and P. fossulatus Cope, skull, $5.00 each. Tetrabelodon shepardii Leidy, mandibular ramus and symphysis with two molars, $20.00. - Dzdelodon tropicus Cope, do., $15.00; | Mastodon precursor Cope, last. molar $5.00. The horses and —*aastodons from the Cenozoic beds of Texas, are uncolored. VERTON ETES, PROSPECTUS FOR 14 1896. $4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign.) 35 cts. per Copy. AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE. ING EDITO MA Prors. E. D. COPE, ita rosie vay , and J. i Pe Boston, Mass. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Pror. W. 8. y PRON, + a Dr. C. of The Universit DR. ERWIN, F. E MIT H, Washington PROF. C. M ROF, E re REV WS, of. H. C. MERCER, x the aiai o Pror. H. C. mam (LEY, of Colby University, aba’ ae) Me., sae Cornell Daiveraity’ Ithaca, N of Nebr uy. Dep t. k ED, of Colleg S — New itantpsblre, Durham nsylvania, D WARREN, Princeton University, Princet na Dr. C. O. WHITMAN, of Chicago University, Chicago, Til. t. of Petrography. tomology. esas Baltimore, Ma, "Dept of Embryology: or thro ey Nod, tae f Ps ychology. , Dept. of Microscopie ; 1867 30th YEAR. 1896 THE serg ge SARRA ths differs | deavors to keep its readers informed as to from most r Jour the extent | the proceedings of scientific societies and and e efficiency oF its editorial corps, which | other organizations for the p i f embraces n men stly professorsin | science. It is independent of official well-known Daivernitien | in Boorse New | bodies, and insists on proper administra- Boston, Mass., Philadelphia, nce comprehensive knowledge of sub- jects, and “ n; em en rapport with the pr t state of science as well as with the As heretofore THE NATURALIST en- that in so doing it incurs - epee: of more or less influential pers THE AMERICAN era E S vm com- abated TWENTY -NINE yea o by an association of = students "of ap onl Agassiz, at mbridge. While it has assl ge nee the Etats of its Me a from tuency of authors now includes a majority of the men of this class in the country. PHILADELPHIA, U.S.A.’ “THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO, 518 ano 520 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A; | Advertising Rates wiil be furnished upon application, SAMPLO COPLES 15c.% vii ADVERTISEMENTS. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST CLUBBING LIST. oo regular subscribers and others may, by ordering through us the periodicals for which dey desire to subscribe for the year 1896, obtain THE NATURALIST at greatly reduced price, if not without cost, as will be noticed by a comparison of the prices given Regular Price Our Price Regular Price. of both. for both. Harper’s Monthly ; i : ; ; . $4.00 $8.00 $7.00 s Weekly ; z ; ; : . 4.00 8.00 7.20 Bazaar ; : ` : . 4.00 8.00 7.20 u Young People À : ; ; z 2.00 6.00 5.50 The Century Api ne s ‘ x : . 4.00 Spo P0 St. Nicholas : ; ‘ ; . 938.00 7.00 6.50 Seribner’ : Magazine ‘ à ; ‘ ‘ o" Bae 7.00 6.50 Review of Reviews : ‘ . z 2.50 6.50 6.00 The Cosmopolitan Magazine ; i ; < o0 5.50 5.25 Out i : . 8.00 7.00 6.25 Am aa Amateur Photographer : : . 2.00 6.00 5.50 Atlantic Monthly ; i . 4.00 8.00 7.20 Littell’s Living Age . : ‘ : i . 6.00 10.00 9.20 Scien tific American. i i é . 38.00 7.00 6.50 “Supplement . 5.00 9.00 8.00 x "an o (one address) 1 1.09 11.00 9.60 Architect and Builder’s Edition . 2.50 6.50 6.00 MS Song site: and Architect and Builder’s n (one address) 5.00 9.00 8.50 Scientific A merican and Architect and Builder’s Edition and 5 sm (one address) . 9.00 13.00 11.60 Lippincott’s Magazin : . 93.00 7.00 6.00 Forest and Stream, rie subscribers only ; . 4.00 8.00 7.00 The American Field : : ; 1 DOQ 9.00 8.00 The Popular Science Monthly ‘ ; : . 5.00 9.00 8.50 e Arena . . 38.00 7.00 6.50 The American Geologist, new subscribers rs only . 38.50 7.50 7.00 The Open Cou a100 5.00 4.75 The Monist : i : ‘ ; . 2,00 6.00 5.50 The Independent | . a i : . 8,00 7.00 6.50 The Sa ‘ . 4.00 8.00 7.00 The Bape and Mining Journal 4.00 8.00 7.00 The Illustrated London News (American Edition). 4.00 8.00 7.20 with Christmas and midsummer numbers 5.00 9.00 8.00 The Critic . f ; ; . 3.00 7.00 6.60 The Charities Review . ; ‘ í : + 100 5.00 4.80 Far and Near oe : ‘ «100 5.00 4.80 Popular Science News whe a a ee eee 5.00 4.75 American ae ‘ ‘ : : - 5.50 5.00 American Gard : . 1.00 5.00 4.75 American Monthly | Bi cancion Journal |. | 200 6.00 5.50 The Microscope . 1.00 5.00 4.50 The Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science, Bath, England 2.75 6.75 6.00 Orders ts the seats iot auet fs all cases be accompanied by the cash or its valent i. e., oe on New York, oo money orders or ompa ap E Sa B.— otes. e prices are only for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Prices for countries in the Postal ites will be cheerfully given th eetas The Edwards & Docker Co., SIS and 520 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. NATURAL SCIENCE: A MONTHLY REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS. RETRE | OSNES THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW FACTS AS TO THE WORK OF “ NATURAL SCIENCE” DURING 189%. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has published contributions from 104 distinguished writers. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has published 63 specially contrib- uted Articles in all branches of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, besides the large July number, condensing the results of the “ Challenger ” Expedition. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has published 24 full-page Plates illustrating the above-mentioned articles. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has reviewed 100 Books, and no- ticed 340 Papers, Pamphlets and Periodicals. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has contained 45 Text-figures. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has given Obituary Notices of 53 men of science, and recorded more briefly the deaths of 77 more. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has announced 210 Appointments. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has given the news of 67 Muse- ums, and of all the leading Societies and Universities. These statements can be verified by anyone who will buy the Vol- umes for 1895, which contain 885 large 8vo pages, and are sold for $3.50. Specimen copies, post free, 15 cts. z Apart from the high character of the contents, as shown by the eminence of the contributors, and as testified to by the Scientific and Public Press of all Countries, the above facts show that NATURAL SCIENCE is the Cheapest as well as the Best Scientific Monthly. NATURAL SCIENCE for 1896 hopes to accomplish no less work, and will be sent post free for 3 dollar bills and 50 cts. postage stamps. Single numbers, 30 cts. RAIT, HENDERSON & Co., Ltd., 22 ST. ANDREW STREET, HOLBORN CIRCUS, LONDON, ENG. "The Subscription REDUCED from $8.00 to $6.00 a year, aud, | O MAKE THIS PERIODICA Encyclopedic in Soop, Character) Completeness, ‘Comprehensivenedi Every intelligent reader will find in THE LIVING AGE Food to Nourish, Stimulate, and Inspire Thought. The paged and iihtecbas igh men and women of the rs bea ob reada pul ce een pi during mor an half a faethe “Exhaustive Reviews of recent Drea. the liek AE of Scientific Research, phical Sketches of eminent characters, Travel, Exploration, Literary Criticism, and every phase of Culture and Progress in Europe Fiction and Choice Poetry — all these make up THE LIVING AGE.” — Evening Bulletin, Phila. A Weekly Magazine, it gives more than Three and a Quarter Thousand double column octavo pages of reading-matter a. forming four large volumes. he Subscription PEDUCED from $8.00 to $6.00 a year. This makes The Living Age absolutely the cheapest magazine published. Aok. RATES. For $9.00 THE LIVING AGE anù any one of the American $4.00 monthlies; or for $8.00- Taai f the &3 00 thlies, will be sent ior a year, post- paid. Rates for clubbing THE LIVING AGE with other periodicals will b Address, LITTELL & CoO., P. 0. Bot 5206, Boston. “ ‘For $9. 00 LITT wisn LIVING AGE and THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, I be sent, each one year, portar. Frank ÇC. Knight MAKER OF ~—=w—_FIGH GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING, SCIENTIFIC , eee OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION 404 Locust St. Phila., Pa., U. S. A. Write for EEE eA $4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign), 35 cts. per Oopy. - THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES Ne IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE. NAGING EDITOR Prors. E. D. COPE, ipa AND J. S. KINGS suet Tufts College, College Hill, Mass, ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Dr. C. O. gel aN Chicago, PROF, C. M. WEED, Durham, N. H., PROF. A. C. GILL, Ithae ~C. Re Philadelphia, paor, E, A. ANDREWS, Bal RWIN F. SMITH, W ashington, D. c ; Neb., EY, Waterville, Maine, PROF. H. C WARREN, Princeton. Vol. XXX. AUGUST, 1896. No. 356 CONTENTS. PAGE P the Jenny Jump Mountains, New Jersey—Un- ios from the Trias—The Cadurcotherium— Notes on the Fossil Mammalia of Europe, THe OLDEST CIVILIZED MEN. aoa ope. 616 ' ON THE Rote or ACID IN THE bean OF CERTAIN RHIZOPODS, i n C. Urs ah D, 619 ` THE BACTERIAL PENA OF PLAN es RITICAL REVIEW oF THE PRESENT As KNOWLEDGE. Erwin F. ee ts 626 | ted States—Diseases of Citrous ae THE MEANING AND RERA OF. THE So-CALL- ford’s Agaves of the United States. ... [ ED“ MUSHROOMS uae OF THE HEXA- | Zoolegy—Sense of Sight in Spiders Okamih C. Kenyon, Ph, D. 643 | cation and Geographical Distribution of the POD Bra AIN, Evrror’s TABLE .—Priority 4 Publication ; Vice residents of the American Association ; . 651 pugids—The Bears of North America. ts CENT Books AND PAMPHLETS. - . - 657 GENERAL NoTES 4 Ple Crystalline Rocks from India and Australia ck frets Png of Diabase-—Petrographice! : 66 Pai bsd Poleiro- Tbe Daaa of The Phylogeny of Anoplotherium. . Botany—De Toni’s Sylloge Aleari SO Flora of the Black Hills of South „Reptilia of yaa tae Moulting of ie : The Florida Dee . 67 pate iia ae Forbes’ Fighth kiha ; Back—Proteid Di- — gesting Saliva in Insect Larve—Weismann on ~ Dimorphism in Butterflies—Note on the Class- Be 077 —Flies Riding on Beetle’s ification of Diplopoda Embryology—The Tentacular Apparatus of Amphiuma. (Illustrated). . Psychology —Synethesia and Syn Anthropology—E-xploration by a University. of Pennsylvania in West Florida. ŚCIENTIFIC NEWS. . Mn Dakota © Trelease’s Hickories and Walnuts of the Uni- — PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. HE EDWARDS ¢ & DOCKER CO. "518 AND hee MINOR STREET. nA EN a 3 ; JATURAL SCIENCE: -A MONTHLY REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS. x — | —— se FOLLOWING ARE A FEW FACTS AS TO THE WORK ; OF “NATURAL SCIENCE” DURING 1895. AURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has published contributions from 104 distinguished writers. ATURAL SCIENCE for 1895 has published 63 specially contrib- uted Articles in all branches of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, ; besides the large July number, podanie eos results of the sae Hor: 1895 has See 100 Books, and no- say Bates, as and Periodicals, Js i's E p TE ad x TSA Promecvener poe f- Soop #. alt em weedl —_ — va eo = < 4 Ay ia aperam a, " pam pamm mee a Sumerian Tablets from Nippur. From Hilprecht. Ai THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vör. KAN August, 1896. 356 THE OLDEST CIVILIZED MEN. By E. D. CoPE. Recent explorations in Babylonia have given us much in- formation as to the characters and customs of the oldest civil- ized people of whom we have any knowledge. The earlier ex- plorations were conducted by M. de Sarzec, French consul at Bagdad, and the report of his work was issued in a magnificent folio in joint authorship with the distinguished anthropologist of Paris, M. Leon Heuzey, beginning in 1889. A little later the department of Archeology and Paleontology of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania sent out Messrs. J. P. Peters and J. H. Haynes to make excava plain. They selected Nippur or Nufar as the point of research, and work has been continued there from 1888 to the present year. The climate of this place is very trying, and the char- acter of the people dangerous, but Mr. Haynes on whom much of the actual labor fell, obtained an amount of material which in quantity and quality equals that obtained by the museums of London and Paris. The Philadelphia m Herman Hilprecht, Professor of À Semitic Philology in the University 43 aterial has been investigated by Dr. ssyrian and comparative of Pennsylvania, and he 616 The American Naturalist. [August, has published two memoirs of great interest in the transactions of the American Philosophical Society, the second of which was issued in the present year. From this memoir and the pre- vious one of De Sarzec and Heuzey I compile a few facts regard- ing the physical characters and habits of the earliest inhabit- ants of Chaldea, the Sumerians or Accadians. The informa- tion on these points is obtained largely from statues and picture- carvings on tablets of a dark limestone, found by De Sarzec at Tel-lo, and by Haynes at Nippur. The figures of animals of known species are so characteristic as to prove that the artists possessed a true eye for form. We may infer that their delin- eations of man are equally accurate, and that the conspicuous characters which they exhibit are trustworthy delineations. The general resemblance between the features depicted show that we have to do with an interesting and peculiar race. In the numbers of the Naturatist for January and Febru- ary, 1893, Mrs. A. Bodington gave our readers a sketch of the Sumerian question. She followed the belief which had gained currency at one time, that these people were of Mongo- lian origin. Others have suggested that they were African. The drawings and statues described by Heuzey and Hilprecht show that these ideas were quite unfounded. I reproduce one of the latter from Hilprecht (Plate XVI, 1. c.), which is known as the stele of Ur-Inlil. Ur-Inlil was the high priest (or padesi) of Nippur, and he is represented as making an offering to some god on the upper half of the drawing. On the lower half a goat and a sheep are followed by two men, one of whom carries a vessel on his head, the other carries a stick (Plate XII). An- other tablet from Nippur displays the same kind of men, and they are also represented on eleven tablets figured by De Sar- zec and Heuzey from Tel-lo. That these represent a race advanced in civilization is clear. They built temples and palaces on huge plateaus constructed of brick. They carved statues and vessels and made pottery. Especially they left records of their history on numerous cy- linders and tablets of clay of which many have been preserved. They formed organized armies armed with spears, bows, and shields. What relation did these people bear to the people 1896.] The Oldest Civilized Men. 617 of Nineveh whose monuments were revealed to Europe by the labors of Rawlinson, thirty-five years ago? Heuzey declares them to have been older than the Assyrians, and this position is proven by Hilprecht, who believes their earliest king whose name is preserved in the records of Nippur, Enshagsagana, to have lived 4500 B.C. Many kings intervened between him and Sargon I with whom Assyrian history for a long time commenced. These people were predecessors of the Assyrians of Nineveh, and gave them their cuneiform characters, but they differed from them in customs, and to some extent in language. One marked difference of custom, was the fashion of shaving the hair from all parts of the head excepting the eyebrows. Everyone knows on the contrary that the Ninevites took great pride in their hair, and that both on the calvarium and face it was curled and arranged with great care. The figures also show that the Sumerians did not practice circumcision as most Semitic and some other races have done. The shaving enables as to get a pretty good idea of the form of the head and face. The skull is oval, rather long and flat, and probably mesaticephalic. The jaws both upper and lower, are remarkably small, giving an extreme orthognathic type The nose is remarkably long, prominent and curved, with a good bridge. The eyes are large, horizontal, and not bridled. The cheek-bones are not large, and.in the supposed gods, where the hair remains, and in a few other unshaved portraits, the beard is abundant, and the ends of the hair of the calvarium curled up. The figure of the body is robust, broad and rather short. The extensor muscles, i. e. gluteus, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius are well developed. i From the above it is evident that no thought of Mongolian (=turanian) or Ethiopian relationship can be admitted. After a study of some of the least characteristic heads broken from statues, M. Heuzey remarks, that “ the evidence is not sufficient to demonstrate the existence of Turanians in Chaldea.” These people are clearly of the great Indoeuropean subspecies of man (Homo sapiens caucasicus), so that the question reduces itself to one of the determination of their race position. Are they _ Aryans, or Semitics? using these two terms as covering all the forms of the greater subspecies to which they belong. In the 618 The American Naturalist. [August, determination of these minor divisions of man,-physical char- acters begin to fail us. We ean only say that if the term Aryan is used for the western peoples generally, the Sumer- ians differ from them in the direction of the Semitics by their large oval eyes and hooked noses. On the other hand, the small and delicate jaws are not features of Semitic peoples. But the people of Persia or Iranians, hold very much this inter- mediate position between the two peoples. We scarcely know the shape of the jaws and chins of the Ninevites for they are never shaved. So far as the visible features go they resemble the Sumerians. It is on all grounds to be supposed that the people of Nippur and Tel-lo are the primitive Aryans of the Iranian or Persian race, and ancestors of the Ninevites. In any case it is evident that we have in these most ancient of civilized people, a type of man as high as any that has since appeared from the point of view of physical evolution. The extreme orthognathism; the prominence of the nose; the reduction of the cheek bones, the full beard; and the well developed extensor muscles of the leg, prove this. Homo sapiens caucasicus had reached his full characters on the plains of the Euphrates 6400 years ago. The relation of time and race of the oldest civilizations to the prehistoric peoples, is a problem which will doubtless be solved in time. Did the Neolithic people exist in Europe con- temporaneously with the Sumerians of Chaldea? The only light that can be thrown on the question is as follows. The Sumerians were not stone people, but bronze people. They had no knowledge of iron. No search has been made for the remains of animals which were their contemporaries, but several species are clearly represented on their sculptures. The most common are the lion and the ox (Bos taurus, not the buffalo). There is a good drawing of a gazelle in the collec- tion of the University of Pennsylvania. The goat and sheep represented on the accompanying Plate XII, are species now existing in Persia. The goat is near the Capra xgagrus of the mountains of East Persia, the ancestor of the domestic goat ; and the sheep is apparently the wild sheep of the same region Ovis vignei. So from a paleontological point of view, the Sum- erlans were quite modern. 1896.] Acid in the Digestion of Certain Rhizopods, 619 ON THE ROLE OF ACID IN THE DIGESTION OF CERTAIN RHIZOPODS. By Jonn C. Hemmeter, M. D., In the “ Annales de l’Institut Pasteur,” for 1890 and 1891, there are two papers by M. Felix le Dantec on “ Researches on the intracellular digestion among the Protozoa,” which are de- tailed accounts of systematic experimentation concerning the occurrence of acid in the digestive vacuoles of Protozoa. In 1889, E. Metchnikoff published a discussion of the reac- tion of plasmodia to ingested litmus, also in the “ Annales de PInst. Pasteur.” Miss M. Greenwood and E. R. Saunders, in the “ Journal of Physiology,” Vol. XVI, 5 and 6, 1894, have published an ex- haustive account of the function of acid in Protozoan digestion, of which the following brief abstract is considered necessary before proceeding to the original part of this report. It was found that while these protozoa ingest solid matter constantly and promiscuously, such matter has a determinate fate. If it is innutritious it is ejected after lying in contact with the animal’s substance for a length of time which varies with many changing conditions. Nutritious matter, on the other hand, during enclosure in food vacuoles undergoes pro- found change, and this change is effected by something passed out of the protoplasm into the vacuole, acting in a fluid me- dium and by its presence making that medium deserving of the name “secretion.” In Actinospaerium, also, and in Amoe- ba proteus, digestion in like manner is effected, not by direct contact with the acting protoplasm but by some constituent of © a fluid, the formation of which the presence of food alone is potent to bring about. These protozoa depend upon the solu- tion of proteid for nourishment. Starch undergoes no diges- tive change, and the value of ingested fat globules i is doubtful. The following is a report on the role of acid in these diges- tive vacuoles. For method of observation, it may be briefly 1 Phil. D. Etc. Baltimore, Md. 620 The American Naturalist. — [August, stated, that plasmodia and Vorticellidee were watched for peri- ods which varied from one to fifteen days; large plasmodia were isolated or preserved in concave slides. Even on plane slides the pressure of the cover slip was slight enough to allow of the emission of short pseudopodia in planes at right angles to the plane of extension of the slide and the animals, by means of pipettes, were transferred to fresh water daily. In a synopsis of the work of Greenwood and Saunders, in a previous report bearing on this matter, in the Journ. of Physiol., the changes undergone by litmus, Congo red and alizarin sulphate, and the solution of the globoids of aleurone grains, which are composed of a delicate nitrogenous capsule enclosing pure calcium and magnesium phosphate, were de- scribed. It was emphasized that the outpouring of acid is un- accompanied by any digestive change on nutritive matter ; ingesta may indeed be stored for many hours in vacuoles be- fore they are dissolved, or digestion may follow rapidly on in- gestion. But the formation of the digestive vacuole, whether immediate or delayed, is preceded by the development of acid reaction and followed by its diminution. Bearing in mind that litmus is changed from blue to red not only by free acid, but also by unsaturated compounds of acid with the products of digestion, i. e., acid salts. And that Congo red changes to blue in presence of free acid only. Itis apparent that the dim- inution of acid in a digestive vacuole is at first due to a com- bination with the products of digestion, for at this stage any litmus accompanying ingesta is still red, while Congo red has reverted to that tint from blue. Here free acid is absent but acid salts are present. But later on the vacuoles and ingesta, reddened by litmus, become violet and blue so that finally acid and acid combinations are alike absent. That the acid is at one time free is indicated unmistakably by the striking development of violet colors in solids stained with Congo red. Now as the amount of acid present at any moment must be very small, and this being so, that the change in Congo red | should be speedy and striking suggests that it is an inorganic acid but it is probable that to emphasize such an inference would be hasty. 1896.] Acid in the Digestion of Certain Rhizopods. 621 In most of the existing records of Protozoan digestion there are indications thatthe process shows irregularity in its outset and progress. It is not easy to foretell the immediate fate of ingested matter though of its ultimate fate there may be little doubt. There may be marked inhibition of digestive activity even after free ingestion. In plasmodia ingested nutrient matter may be actually discharged after very imperfect diges- tion. One of the most puzzling phenomena, however, that has been described by all observers in this field, has been termed by Greenwood and Saunders the stage of storage. This process consists in the preservation of ingested food masses, Which on first enclosure have been surrounded by liquid within a vacuole, in a shrunken seemingly very acid state. At times 100 non vacuolate, acid ingesta may lie within the substance of a vorticella, whilst active digestive solution is going on in other food vacuoles at same time. The storage of nutritious ingesta for hours and days in a condition in which acid indicators give evidence of an acid condition, whilst the same kind of nutritious material will undergo rapid digestive solution in an adjacent vacuole, nat- urally excites one’s curiosity. For a long time I had been looking in vain for some explanation of this phenomenon when an accident gave opportunity of viewing it in a new light. The plasmodia of a large mycetozoon, most probably Lam- proderma scintillans, had been under observation for about three weeks. Some of these amoeboid organisms were so large as to more than cover the field of vision when objective D and apochromatic eye-piece, No. 4 of Zeiss were used. They showed a habit of devouring everything in their vicinity in the ditch water in which they were cultivated, as a result of which they were at times so filled with debris that no accurate observations were possible. It was planned to transfer them gradually by pipettes into clearer and clearer water and by starvation compel them to rid themselves of the dirt they contained. This proved successful and after 8-18 days of transferring the plasmodia were in practically clear water, free from alge, infusorie, gregarines, bacteria, etc., and the usual 622 The American Naturalist. [August, fauna and flora of ditch water. It was a surprise to find that dried egg albumen stained or ingested with litmus and Congo red, under these new conditions, was as a rule promptly dis- solved in the vacuoles, taking from 5-24 hours for completion of the digestive act. The same occurred with stained globoids of aleurone grains of ricinus and with stained torule. These experiments were repeated many times on many different individuals, and though food ingesta were occasionally observed in astage of storage, this was the great exception. . The scarcity of storage vacuoles in such plasmodia that had been kept in clear water for nearly a week and given oppor- tunity to disgorge the debris with which they were loaded was conjectured might be brought about by two factors : (1) The first was that the process of clearing and transfer- ring them to distilled water (in which they do not thrive as well as in Pasteur’s fluid with } % Na cl) the organisms had been starved and in a sense were too hungry to store food par- ticles, but went to work at them immediately. There is no method conceivable by which such a supposition could be put to experimental test, for which reason it cannot be contradicted or prov ` The second supposition was that (2) absence of storage vac- uoles might be caused by absence of bacteria, for in their nor- mal environment the Protozoa are generally in close company with swarms of Bacieriwm termo, zooglea of micrococei and manifold spirilli and other schizomycetes, and by cultivation they had been brought into an almost aseptic, sterile environ- ment. The latter hypothesis is capable of experimental testing. For if bacteria will produce the phenomenon of storage then the supplying of septic food will be all that is requisite to add to the sterile solution. Asa matter of fact it will be found that this is exactly what will happen. In a plasmodium that had shown 8 storage vacuoles in 24 hours of observation in a solution of } % sodium chlorde (in distilled water) in which it had been kept one week, 48 storage vacuoles were observed in the next 10 hours on supplying dried albumen dust, moistened with the zoogloea from a Hay infusion. 1896.] Acid in the Digestion of Certain Rhizopods. 623 Vorticellidee which take in food particles readily are remark- ably free from bacteria in their food vacuoles. Amoeba and plasmodia alike exercise to some extent a selective ingestion. Greenwood and Saunders claim to have watched Amoeba pro- teus for 14 days when surrounded with Bact. termo, vibrios and micrococci and the absence of bacteria from the endosare was remarkable. They are taken in, it would seem, as unavoid- able accompaniments of surrounding food only. Bacteria are not recorded to have been observed ingested by protozoa per se. Another evidence of selective ingestion has been mentioned by Dantec, l. ¢., as distinguishing between inert and living matter. Active monads or groups of spirilli are placed in marked vacuoles of ingestion, containing much of the acid se- cretion in comparison to inert matter which is usually invested very closely. We therefore have some evidence for assuming that plasmodia and Vorticellide distinguish between inert food and bacteria. (1) Bacteria are rarely ingested except as unavoidable ac- companiment of food. (2) Inert food, free from bacteria, is invested closely. Septic food within wide vacuoles. (3) In sterile environment, food in the stage of storage is the excep- tion; in environment of bacteria, storage in acid vacuoles is frequent. I have brought these facts before you in this in- complete form, because the results are fairly uniform, and with the hope of stimulating further observation of the matter. These studies require no apparatus outside of the microscope and acid indicators. The general suggestion drawn from the result has a wider bearing than one would at first sight as- sume. For if further study will confirm that the ingestion of bacteria constantly prolongs the stage of maximum acidity from the usual time of 24 hours to several days in rhizopods. The suggestion is that the purpose of the acid is one of (disin- fection) killing off bacteria. There is a general uniformity of opinion that the presence of acid is unaccompanied by any digestive change on nutritive matter, which may be stored for many hours before it is dis- solved and Greenwood and Saunders intimate that the endo- 624 The American Naturalist. [August, sare secretes some zymogen which perfects the digestive secre- tion. The object to which the acid would seemingly serve in these organisms, which may be said to be on the very threshhold of life is the same which Bunge ascribes to it in man. Bunge’s view is that the HCl has no other purpose than the steriliza- tion of food. “ Why should a chemical substance be placed in the entrance to the digestive tract,” he asks, “in exactly the strength necessary for the destruction of bacteria which is di- rectly antagonistic to the chemical reaction in which the main work of digestion must be carried on? The proteids are more readily converted into a solution lower down in the intestine and in an alkaline medium than by pepsin and acid. The object of the acid is, according to him, then, one of steriliza- tion. This view cannot be denied, at the same time it must be admitted that HCl serves also a digestive purpose. In the Rhizopods experimented upon, the observations of Greenwood and Saunders could be confirmed concerning the fact that while the acid is secreted in the food vacuoles under the stimulus of all ingesta; the true digestive vacuole which occurs only under the stimulus of nutritive matter apparently ` contains something besides an acid, perhaps an enzyme. The change in the acid indicators is as regards time and intensity of color transformation to all observation alike. There seems to be the same amount of acid in a storage vacuole as in a vacuole causing active solution of proteid matter, in close proximity to it, hence the assumption of an additional zymo- genic substance in the latter is justifiable. As the amount of acid in one of these vacuoles is very small, and the change in Congo red to blue is speedy and striking, lends belief to the suggestion of Greenwood that the acid is an inorganic one. Why the protoplasm around a storage vacuole will not secrete zymogenie matter, though acid is clearly present in it, and at the same time this enzyme must be accepted to be present in a vacuole in which, close to the former, active digestion is going on is a question difficult to approach. If it can be dem- onstrated that all or most storage vacuoles contain some sub- stance, living or inert, which is hostile to the economy of the Rhizopod and against which it protects itself by intensely acid 1895.) Acid in the Digestion of Certain Rhizopods. 625 investment of the enemy for a prolonged period, a new and interesting light will be thrown on this phenomenon. In the “Centralblatt fiir Bacteriologie, Parasitenkunde u. Infektions krankheiten, Vol. XIX, p. 785, Dr. C. Gorini de- scribes a method for cultivating Amoeba zymophila on a solid medium which in this case is the potato. It is certain that Amoebae will grow on old and new potatoes with alkaliniza- tion. This would offer an easy and convenient method of cultivating them. It should be emphasized that it is almost impossible to produce cultures of amoeba that are absolutely free from bacteria. A. Celli in the Centralbl. f. Bacteriologie, Bd. XIX, p. 587, describes a number of futile attempts to obtain such cultures. For our purpose it is not essential that the amoebic cultures should be absolutely free from bacteria, a relative, approximate sterility is sufficient to demonstrate the scarcity of storage vacuoles in the amoebae and plasmodia in such environment. Celli’s favorite solid medium is a prepara- tion made from Fucus Crispus with 5 per cent Sterilized Water, with or without Bouillon, but always made alkaline. To 10 c.c. culture medium, 1 c. c. of an 3 Solution of Potassium hydroxide, or 4-5 c. c. of a saturated solution of Sodium Bicarbonate. This culture medium of Fucus after it is made in the manner that Agar is generally prepared solidifies readily.. In the same Journal, Centrbl. fiir Bacteriologie, Band XIX, p. 258, Dr. M. W. Beyerinck describes a solid medium for amoebic cultures made from solidified agar by diffusion of the soluble organic substances in it into superimposed distilled water, which process requires about two weeks and repeated sterilization and subsequent addition of salts suitable to formation of nitrites. I have no experience with these methods and have always found that for my purpose a solution of a little wheat bread in distilled water kept in a small flat dish under a glass cover was all that was required to have Amoeba and plasmodia of mycetozoa constantly on hand. The dish must be kept on a little earth and not in too bright a light and at a constant temperature. This simple culture medium, which of course is unsuitable for pure cultures was suggested by Prof. Reichert of the University of Pennsylvania. 626 The American Naturalist. [ August, THE BACTERIAL DISEASES OF PLANTS: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE PRESENT STATE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. By Erwin F. SMITH. I. It is scarcely fourteen years since Dr. Robert Hartig declared that there were no diseases of plants due to bacteria.’ Two years later Dr. Anton de Bary, unquestionably one of the most learned and critical botanists the world has ever known and the foremost student of cryptogamic plants, expressed the belief that bacterial diseases of plants were of rare occurrence, and suggested as a partial explanation the fact that the tissues of plants generally have an acid reaction.” In his Vorlesungen über Bacterien, published in 1885, he expresses much the same opinion,’ and cites only four diseases, viz., Wakker’s hyacinth disease, Burrill’s pear blight, Prillieux’s rose red disease of wheat grains, and the wet rot of potatoes, described by Reinke and Berthold. Concerning the first of these four diseases he says: “Successful infection experiments and exact study of the life history of the bacterium are still wanting.” Respecting the second he contents himself with briefly summarizing the statements made by Prof. Burrill. Of Prillieux’s micrococcus he says: “Its importance as a cause of disease cannot be determined with any certainty from the brief account. It 1 «*Fiir die Krankheitsprocesse der Pflanzen kommen sie durchaus nicht in Frage, ete.” Hartig: (2) Lehrbuch der Baumkrankheiten, 1882, p. 27. 2“ Bacteria parasitic on plants have scarcely ever been observed, a fact to which R. Hartig has already drawn attention. One reason for this may be that the parts of plants have usually an acid reaction.” De Bary: (2) Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze Mycetozen und Bacterien, 1884, p. 520 English ed., p. 481. +“ According to the present state of our knowledge parasitic bacteria are of il little importance as the contagia of plant diseases. Most of the contagia of th numerous infectious diseases of plants belong to other animal and plant prepa: principally, as already noted, to the true fungi.” De Bary: (3) Vorlesungen ueber Bacterien, 1885, p. 136. i 1896.] The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 627 may turn out to be only secondary, appearing as a saprophyte in consequence of injuries previously received.” Concerning the wet rot of potatoes he states that ordinarily it is a second- ary phenomenon following the attacks of the parasitic fungus Phytophthora infestans, but admits that exceptionally potato tubers may become wet rotten without the presence of Phy- tophthora, and that “the above named observers succeeded in producing the appearance of wet rot in sound potato tubers by inoculations with their bacteria; in agreement with which stands a recent experiment of van Tieghem, who succeeded in totally destroying living potato tubers by means of Bacillus amylobacter when he introduced this into the interior of the tuber and maintained the same at a high temperature (35°).” In the second edition of his Lehrbuch, published in 1889, Dr. Hartig modified his statements somewhat, expressing essential- ly the same opinions as de Bary. The yellow rot of hyacin- ths is recognized as a bacterial disease, although rather doubt- fully in as much as it is said not to attack sound, well-ripened bulbs, under normal conditions, but only when they have received wounds or been attacked by fungi, especially by a hyphomycete which is said to be an almost constant accom- paniment of the rot. The wet rot of potato tubers is admitted to the list, but with the statement that it is mostly a secondary matter, following the rot of stem and cells due to Phytophthora infestans. One other bacterial disease is mentioned, viz., pear and apple blight, with the suggestion, however, that it may have been erroneously attributed to bacteria, since the fungus Nectria ditissima produces in the bark numerous little bacteria- like gonidia. Such was the general opinion on this subject down to within less than a decade. Even to-day the majority of well educated botanists would find nothing to contradict in the statement that there are very few diseases of plants distinctly attributable to bacteria. As a matter of fact, however, there are in all proba- bility as many bacterial diseases of plants as of animals. Various explanations have been advanced to account for this freedom or supposed freedom of plants from bacterial parasit- ism. As we have already seen, de Bary was inclined to ascribe 628 The American Naturalist. [August, it in good part to the acid reaction of vegetable tissue. Dr. Hartig’s view is best expressed in his own words:* “ Whereas the processes of decay, and most of the infectious diseases of man and animals, may be traced to bacteria, the plant organ- ism is protected against them by the peculiarity of its structure, and especially by the absence of circulatory channels for con- ducting the nutrient fluids which could serve to distribute any lowly organisms which might happen to be present in the food. It is only by means of the vessels and intercellular spaces that they can distribute themselves in any great numbers in the body of the plant, for in other cases they have to pass through the cellulose or woody cell walls, which offer great resistance to their attack. In addition to this, the vegetable juices, most of which show an acid reaction, are unfavorable to their growth. As a matter of fact, bacteria have hitherto been found only in the tissues of plants whose cells are parenchymatous in char- acter and possessed of very delicate walls, as for instance, bulbs and tubers.” For several years Ph. van Tieghem experimented with one or more, probably several, bacteria, called by him Bacillus Amylo- bacter and believed to be the specific agent in the decomposi- tion of cellulose. In 1879; he stated that all the cells of all plants are equally dissolved by it in the meristematic stage but that as soon as the tissues have become differentiated pro- found differences are noticeable. The cellulose of many plants is dissolved by it but that of mosses, sphagnums, hepaties, lyco- pods, fern leaves, and stems and leaves of phanerogamous aquatics proved resistant. This behaviour of water plants is “une nécessité d’existence.” In 1884,° he made a number of additional similar statements. The tubers of the potato, the seeds of beans (first swelled in water and then inoculated directly into the substance of the cotyledons), and the fruits of cucumbers and melons rotted quickly when infected with this organism. Inoculated leaves of Crassulaceze and stems of Cac- t Hartig: Lehrbuch, 2nd. Edition. English translation, p. 37. 5 Van Tieghem: (#4) Sur la Fermentation de la Cellulose. - Bull. de la Soc. Bot. de France, 1879, pp. 25 to 30. ë Van Tieghem: (5) Développement de l’Amylobacter dans les plantes à létat de vie normale. Tbid., 1884, pp. 283-287. 1896.] The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 629 taceæ resisted until plunged under oil when they decayed quickly. Aquatics resisted: “By means of a Pravaz syringe I have injected a drop full of the spores of Amylobacter into the lacunary system of several submerged aquatics (Vallisneria, Helodea, Ceratophyllum) but always without result. The plant remained healthy in all its parts.” These papers of van Tieghem are often cited, but they have little substantial value. Undoubtedly he believed that he was experimenting with pure cultures, or, at least, that the results obtained were due to Bacillus amylobacter, but such is, to say the least, very improbable. B. amylobacter is now believed to be strictly anaerobic, and incapable of any action on cellulose.” More recently Julius Wiesner has divided all plants into two classes, ombrophobic and ombrophylic plants, according as they are or are not readily injured by prolonged rains or ex- posure to stagnant fluids.» His experiments show that the aerial parts of some plants rotted very quickly when exposed to continuous artificial spray while similar parts of other plants proved very resistant, remaining sound for weeks (62 days in case of Tradescantia guianensis). The same contrast was ob- served when leaves of the two sorts of plants were placed in stagnant water, the former lost their turgor and rotted ina few days, the latter proved much more resistant. Many land plants have this power of resistance and all water plants, also all underground parts, even the roots of plants having very susceptible foliage: As additional confirmation Wiesner states that when meat infusions are left to themselves they always decay much sooner than when fragments of ombrophylic plants are placed therein. _Ombrophobic plants in water or meat infusion also decay less rapidly when mixed with frag- ments of ombrophylic plants than when left to themselves. This decay is more rapid in the dark than in light, especially ?Prazmowski: (6) Untersuchungen ueber die Entwickelungsgeschichte und Fermentwirkung einiger Bacterien-Arten, Leipzig, 1880, pp. 23-37. ê Wiesner: (7) Ueber ombrophile und ombrophobe Pflanzenorgane, Sitzungsh. K. Ak. d. Wissenschaften, Math.—Naturw. Classe. Wien., 1893, Bd. 102. Abt. T, pp. 21. See also Wiesner: (8) Pflanzenphysiologische Mittheilung aus Buitenzorg (III). Ueber den vorherrschend ombrophilen charakter des Laubes der Tropengewiichse. Jbid., 1894, Bd., 103, pp. 169-191. 630 The American Naturalist. [August; bright light. The foliage of ombrophylic plants is easily wetted; that of ombrophobic plants is as a rule not readily wetted, being usually protected by bloom or some other device for warding off water. When ombrophobic plants are not pro- tected in some such manner, decay is remarkably rapid. In general if the leaves of a plant are readily wetted, it may be assumed that they are ombrophylic, but there are exceptions, e. g. the potato and tomato. Roots of all plants are extraordi- narily resistant. In most plants middle aged leaves are least susceptible to decay but in the potato the youngest leaves resist best. Old leaves lose this power of resistance. Some- times this resisting power is variable in different individuals of the same species, depending on the conditions under which they have been grown. Curiously, all plants of shady, damp places are ombrophobic, if they possess leaves which are not readily wetted, e. g. Impatiens. The more the parts of a leaf are divided the quicker the decay. The green parts of the fol- lowing plants are mentioned as particularly susceptible to bac- terial decay : Solanum tuberosum, Lycopersicum esculentum, Xer- anthemum annuum, Impatiens nolitangere, Chenopodium album, Veronica buxbaumii, Viola arvensis, and Taraxacum officinale (from sunny, dryplaces) Mimosa pudica, Pisonia alba. The fol- lowing plants were found to be very resistant: Ranunculus aquatilis, Lemna minor, Lysimachia nummularia, Begonia mag- nifica, Tradescantia zebrina, T. guianensis, Selaginella sp. (from green house), and Scolopendrium officinarum. Among under- ground organs the roots of the yellow beet proved most resist- ant. The author’s general conclusion from these experiments is best expressed in his own words: “It can now be'stated as highly probable that the power of ombrophilous organs to resist rain for months is referable chiefly to the fact that anti- septic substances are produced in the tissues of the organs.” These experiments are interesting but seem to have been per- formed in a rather crude way. The relative rapidity of decay was determined by appearance and the sense of smell and the organisms inducing this decay were undetermined. These experiments should be repeated and extended by Dr. Wiesner 1896.] + The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 631 or by some bacteriologist, using pure cultures and plant juices which have been sterilized by filtration. Dr. Russell’s experiments’ were made a year earlier than than those of Wiesner and have the merit of being properly performed, i. e. with sterile juices and pure cultures so that the conditions under which the experiments were made can be reproduced by other investigators. They are, however, too limited in number to afford any basis for a general conclu- sion. He found that Canna juice, sterilized by filtration, exerted no appreciable germicidal effect on any of the following species: Kiel-water bacillus, B. lactis-ærogenes, B. coli-communis, B. megaterium, B. prodigiosus. Experiments with B. megater- ium, B. butyricus, B. coli-communis, B. pyocyaneus, and Strepto- coccus pyogenes, using as a culture medium root-pressure juice obtained under sterile conditions from the severed stem of lima beans and Pelargoniums led to a similar conclusion and to the enunciation of the following general statement: “vegetable cell juices, aside from their acid reaction, are entirely power- less against bacteria, and do not possess any germicidal pro- perties like the blood serum of animals.” - The old view that plants are not subject to the attacks of bacteria simply because their tissues are acid was shaken by the discovery that some bacteria grow very wellin acid media, and was thoroughly upset by the discovery that the juices of some parts of many plants are alkaline. In all probabil- ity plants like animals require a delicate balance between acid and alkaline and a continual change from one side to the other for the carrying on of the life processes. Three things at least are certain (1) It will not do to assume that all parts of a plant are acid because some part of the parenchyma shows a strongly acid reaction ; (2) It cannot be stated that any given microorganism will thrive only in alkaline media until this fact has been determined by direct experiment ; and (3) Many bacteria, perhaps all, are alkali producers and capable, if they can gain any foothold whatever, of slowly changing an un- suitable acid medium into one more alkaline and better adapted to their use. ’ Russell: (9) Bacteria in their Relation to Vegetable Tissue. Thesis. Johns Hop- kins University. 1892, 8vo. p. 41. + - 632 The American Naturalist. [August, Wiesner’s hypothesis is somewhat different. It has been known for some time that various essential oils and other vege- table products, e. g. thymol, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, tan- nin, quinine, oil of cinnamon, oil of peppermint, ete., exert a powerful restraining influence on the growth of many bacteria, and it is not improbable that a great variety of bactericidal and protective substances occur in plants. On the other hand there may be and probably are bacterial parasites capable of thriving in the very plants which Wiesner found most resist- ent to continuous spray, to the saprophytic bacteria of stagnant water, and to those of decaying meat infusions, the exact con- ditions under which any given microorganism will thrive being determinable only by experiment. It must also be re- membered that the physiological requirements of bacteria often become profoundly modified to suit changed environments, | and that all parasites have undoubtedly descended from sapro- phytic forms. Prof. Wiesner has, however, opened up a very inviting field and its further investigation by some careful ex- perimenter, trained in bacteriological methods, might lead to very interesting discoveries. Most of the recent books on vegetable pathology devote a chapter to the bacterial diseases of plants, but these books have not been written by bacteriologists and consequently the state- ments given are usually very meager and unsatisfactory, and forcibly illustrate the fact that no one can write acceptably on a subject with which he is not familiar, not even if he pos- sesses a logical mind and has read all the “authorities.” Excepting Prof. W. Migula, who reviewed the subject briefly but somewhat carefully in 1892," and Dr. H. L. Russell, who gavea brief summary in tabular form the same year at the end of his Thesis," no one seems to have gone over the field critically since de Bary’s time, although there isnow a considerable body of literature. It is proposed, therefore, in the following pages to examine the literature of this subject from the standpoint of the 10 Migula: (10) Kritische Uebersicht derjenigen Planzenkrankheiten, welche ange- blich durch Baktrien verursacht werden. Semarang. Midden-Java. 1892. Exp. Sta. u Russel: l. c., pp. 36-41. 1896.] The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 633 modern baeteriologist, sifting as far as possible the wheat from the chaff, and arranging all in an orderly way for convenient re- ference. The utility of such a piece of work, if well done, can scarcely be questioned, since it must set into sharp relief the gaps in our knowledge and tend to stimulate further research. The work of the early investigators already mentioned was done before the perfection of modern methods of bacteriological research, and in a time of general scepticism which some of us well remember. It is therefore in no way discreditable that many of their conclusions should be found untenable when tested by the more rigid requirements of the science of to-day. They worked under great difficulties and did as well as could be expected even of men of genius, better, indeed, than many of us would have done. Certainly, as pioneers in a difficult field they deserve great credit. As much cannot be said for some of the more recent workers who with every opportunity in the way of literature, including numerous manuals of bacteriology, and with laboratory facil- ities for learning the fundamentals of bacteriological research on every hand in every land, have been content to publish second and third class -work, exactly like that preceeding the discoveries of Pasteur and Koch and the development of modern methods. One might suppose these people to have been in a deep sleep for the last twenty years, they take so little note of what has been going on. I shall have frequent occa- sion to consider papers of this class in the course of these pages and shall not fail to point out their worthlessness, to discour- age imitators, if for no other reason. It goes without saying that such publications do not advance science, nor in the end in any way contribute to the reputation of the individual. They are thoroughly discreditable, and in case new species are erected, are little less than criminal, considering the present overburdened and chaotic state of systematic bacteriology. Thanks to the itch for species making, systematic mycology is generally cited as the most desperately confused and per- plexing branch of natural science, but mycology is a highway turnpiked and provided with arc lights in comparison with the wilderness of systematic bacteriology. Of the thousand or 634 The American Naturalist. [August, more forms which have been studied and named, or design- ated by letters or figures or vernacular names,” probably not one-tenth can be identified with any certainty owing to the meagerness of the descriptions. The older descriptions are particularly bad, and the effort to decide what was meant by these old names, for which somebody will by and by be stren- uously claiming inalienable rights of priority, is usually time thrown away. There is quite enough to do in bacteriology, as every one knows who is dealing at first hand with its hard problems, without wasting precious energy in striving to guess what was meant by two and three line descriptions. All de- scriptions which do not describe, and there are many such, ought to be wholly ignored, and no species recognized as worthy of a place in literature unless so characterized as to be identifiable by others. A plea of this sort in the higher branches of botany or zoology would be a subject for laughter. Bad descriptions are however, so much the rule in bacteri- ology that it is no laughing matter but rather a great evil ur- gently demanding reform. It isa state of affairs which has come about naturally enough considering the way in which bacteri- ology has developed” but which would not now be tolerated for a momentin phanerogamic botany or in most branches of zool- ogy and the continuance of which in bacteriology it is incum- bent on every honest worker to limit and discourage in all pos- sible ways. The best way in science, always, is to speak out plainly, and to join hands for the advancement of a good cause. Bad work should be ignored and “ new species” relegated to limbo unless the descriptions conform to the requirements of modern bacteriological science, meaning by this expression the consensus of opinion among experienced and careful investi- gators everywhere. If there were some such agreement among the better class of workers, the improvement in systematic bacteriology would become very marked. The volume of pub- lication would, indeed, decrease noticeably but this of itself 12? About 650 species are mentioned in (22) Schizomycetacer, by de Toni and Trevisan in Saccardo’s, Sy/oge Fungorum, VIII, published in 1889, but this is not complete. 18 All the early systematists built upon a foundation of sand, i. e. upon pure morphol 1896.] The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 635 would be a great advantage, and the quality of the work would more than correspondingly improve. Only in some such way can the strong tendency toward trashy publication be elimi- nated and light and order evolved from the present chaos. With few exceptions, vegetable pathology seems to have been specially unfortunate in the class of persons who have devoted themselves to the study of bacterial diseases. While the bacterial side of animal pathology has had its Pasteur and Koch, its Esmarch, Hueppe, Fliigge, Gaftky, Frænkel, Pfeiffer, Leffler, Duclaux, Metchnikoff, Chamberland, Roux, Welch, Sternberg, Smith, Prudden, and a host of other skilled exper- imenters, scarcely less eminent, and has made correspondingly great progress, the study of the bacterial diseases of plants has been principally in the hands of botanists without special laboratory training in bacteriology and even destitute in some cases of an elementary knowledge of right methods of work. The great development of modern bacteriology is attributable largely to the discovery that human diseases are due to these organisms, and to its consequent alliance with medicine, but there is no reason why the same rigid scrutiny of methods and sharp calling in question of statements which have led tosuch brilliant results in animal pathology in recent years should not be applied in the same way to vegetable pathology. Accur- ate experimentation and trustworthy results are from a purely scientific standpoint quite as desirable in one field as in the other. _ Two things are especially to be kept in mind in describing any bacterial disease of plants: (1) The pathogenesis must be worked out conclusively; (2) If the organism is named, it must be so described that it can be identified by any competent bac- teriologist no matter where it is found. The four requirements under the first head, i. e. strates dang ic are now generally recognized to be as follows: _ A. Constant association of the germ with the disease. B. Isolation of the germ from the diseased tissues and study of the same in pure cultures on various media. _ C. Production of the characteristic symptoms of tbe disease by inoculations from pure cultures. 636 The American Naturalist. [August, D. Discovery of germs in the inoculated, diseased tissues, re- isolation of the same, and growth on various media until it is determined beyond doubt that they are identical with the organism which was inoculated." Not one of these steps can be omitted. Possible sources of error beset the investigator at every step, and anything short of a rigid demonstration cannot be accepted as proof. A. is usually quite easy, involving only the careful microscopic ex- amination of abundant material, stained and unstained. B. was made possible by the improvement of methods, i. e. by the use of solid media, and especially by the discovery of the method of isolation by means of plate cultures. C. is quite easy, provided the right organism has been obtained and this be inserted into the proper tissues under the right con- ditions to insure growth. The fulfillment, however, of these conditions often involves long and vexatious delays, and taxes the acumen of the investigator to the utmost. D. serves as a check on all the preceding work, showing that there has been no unintentional mixing of organisms, and that the results obtained were actually due to the supposed cause. For the sake of brevity these four rules of practice will be referred to in the following pages simply as A. B.C. and D. What weight shall be given any specific statement depends of course on the reputa- tion of the individual. Some men are so careful of their reputation and so little given to making unwarranted state- ments that their simple word goes a long way even when the statements themselves seem improbable, whereas the elaborate explanations of other men, if the asserted facts are at all out of the ordinary, have to be taken with a grain of salt. The requirements under the second head, i. e. Description of the organism, are more numerous, and are embraced under two general divisions of very unequal value, namely Morphology and Biology. In the classification of the higher plants and animals morphology has been accepted from time immemorial 14 A series of successful Armer is always very desirable and becomes in- dispensable in case the infecti re obtained on plants grown in a locality where the disease prevails sanai "Of course, numerous un-inoculated plants, known as “checks ” or “ controls,” must always be reserved for comparison. 1896.] The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 637 as answering all the requirements of systematists, but such is far from being the case when it comes to the description of bacteria. These minute organisms, which are among the low- est and simplest forms of living things yet discovered by man, are, within the commonly accepted generic limits, so morpho- logically similar as very often to be indistinguishable with any certainty even under the highest powers of the microscope. As supplemental, therefore, to morphology, and even in many cases as a complete substitute for it, we must have recourse to Biology, viz. to the behaviour of the living organism under a variety of known, artificially prepared conditions, such for ex- ample as the peculiarity of its growth on various culture media, its thermal death point, its ability to ferment various sugars, the chemical products of its growth, its pathogenic power, ete. Morphologically identical organisms often differ so widely and constantly in their biological peculiarities that there can be no question about their being distinct species, or as to the real value of this means of classification. Probably it also has value, hitherto overlooked, for the differentiation of higher plants and animals, especially for determining the limits of polymorphic or closely related species. It is not my intention in this place to mention all the biolog- ical tests which should be applied to any species for its proper characterization. These are being added to constantly by an army of trained workers in all parts of the world, and my own views of what is at present necessary, or at least highly desir- able, will be sufficiently evident in what is to follow. Very likely, also, as knowledge increases, some of the tests which are now generally held to be important will be shown to have little specific worth. This, however, appears to be a good place to insist on accur- acy in all the details of bacteriological work, especially in the preparation of culture media, and on explicitness of statement so that other investigators may know just what was done and how it was done, and thus be able to repeat the experiment. _ When all details of work are suppressed the inference, naturally enough, is that the writer was ignorant or else that he desired to conceal something not specially to his credit, and which if 638 The American Naturalist. [August, plainly expressed might millitate against the value of his work. Either horn of the dilemma is equally bad. Some, however, who are desirous of doing good work in this field, or at least appear to be conscientious workers in other lines, do not seem to be aware of the necessity for extreme care in the preparation of culture media and the management of cultures. Asa matter of fact, many bacteria are extremely sensitive to slight changes in the composition of the media in which they are grown or to other conditions within the control of the experimenter, and this appears to be true especially of the pathogenic species. Hence the many conflicting statements about the same organism. A few examples will render my meaning plainer. The careless exposure of cultures to bright sunshine may destroy the organ- ism. An organism supposed to come from diseased tissues or from a culture, and which is being examined in a cover glass preparation, may have been derived actually from a conta- minated staining fluid. The apparently simple matter of slightly unclean test tubes or flasks may lead to error, e. g. antiseptic influences may be at work, or preciptates may be thrown down and subsequently mistaken for bacterial growth. Some kinds of glass are unsuited to delicate bacteriological work, the culture fluids being contaminated by substances dis- solved out of the walls of the beakers, tubes, and flasks. Tyros, of course, are liable to mistake almost anything for bacteria or to find them anywhere (See a long paper by Bernheim on (12) Die parasitiiren Bacterien der Cerealen, in Miinch. med. Wochen- schrift, 1888, pp. 743-745 and 767-770, and comments on the same by Buchner and Lehmann, Tbid., 1888, p. 906, and 1889, p. 110). Boiling culture media, after it has been compounded, in open beakers or in loosely plugged test tubes or flasks may unwittingly lead to its concentration. The use at different times of different peptones, or grades of gelatine, of unlike per cents of gelatine or agar, of varying grades of acidity or alkal- inity, of impure chemicals, of different concentrations of the nutrient media, and of different methods in its preparation all tend to render comparative studies impossible. A large source of error in the differentiation of species by means of sugar fer- mentation experiments has been the employment of bouillon 1896.) The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 639 containing undetected muscle sugar. Even when preliminary tests are made with some gas-producing bacillus there is still an opportunity for error, provided the tests are carried on only for a day or two. No bouillon should be judged free from sugar and safe for use until in fermentation tubes it has been subjected for at least a week to the influence of Bacillus cloace or some other organism producing an abundance of gas from grape sugar. If at the end of this period no gas has developed, and the transfer of a loop of fluid from such a tube into an- other fermentation tube containing a dextrose-bouillon sets up ` an evolution of gas, then the first bouillon may be used with confidence. Again, if cane sugar is sterilized in an acid bouillon at least a part of it is inverted, i. e. changed into dex- trose and fructose, and fermentation results obtained therefrom may be due to the presence of any one of three sugars. Bouil- lon should always be made distinctly alkaline before cane sugar isadded. Many of the older fermentation experiments are worthless on account of neglect of such precautions, to say nothing of some recent ones. Again Bacillus tracheiphilus grows not at all or feebly on nutrient gelatine as ordinarily made, or in media which is acid beyond a determinable slight degree, and if only such media were used the erroneous conclusion might be reached that it could not be grown outside of the host plant, whereas it grows freely in artificial media, even on gelatine, when the right conditions are established. Bacillus amylovorus grows well in some gelatines and refuses to grow in others. Even comparatively slight changes in the acidity or alkalinity of the culture media often have a marked effect on the growth of certain organisms, while others, e. g., Bacillus cloacae, are able to grow in almost any medium. Many bacteria prefer alkaline media, and some are very sensitive to the presence of acids, while a variety of bacteria commonly met with in water will not develop at all if the medium is rendered strongly alkaline. Other organisms grow well in acid media.“ 14° For a striking illustration of the effect on the growth of water bacteria of comparatively slight charges in the reaction of gelatine, see a recent table by George W. Fuller, in a paper entitled: (73) On the proper reaction of nutri- ent media for bacterial cultivation.—/ournal of the American Public oe Lene ams a ‘Concord, as H., Oct., 1895, p. 393. 640 The American Naturalist. [ August, Even the slightly varying acidity of steamed slices from differ- ent potato tubers may exert a marked effect on the growth of certain sensitive organisms. On this account some bacterio- logists have advised discarding the potato altogether. I have myself found the potato a very useful substratum for the growth of both fungi and bacteria. All comparative tests on potato ought, however, to be made on cylinders or slices cut from the same tuber, and in every case the reaction, acid, neutral, or alkaline, should be carefully recorded. The behavior of the organism on a variety of tubers should also be determined, before deciding that it is something new. It has been thought: by some that the best nutrient substance for a parasite must be, unquestionably, the juices of the host plant but this does not follow since there are all grades of parasitism, and even if it did, there are several chances for error in its employment, e. g. the nutrient juices are usually sterilized by steam heat and this may cause a number of chemical changes resulting in a compound very different from the living plant and entirely unsatisfactory as a culture medium, as many have learned by experience. Again, for some particular reason, even the juices of the plant when sterilized at ordinary temperatures by filtra- tion, may be less well adapted to the needs of the parasite than well made beef bouillon or ordinary nutrientagar. In general, the standard culture media of bacteriology should be tried first. Some bacteria can be cultivated only on special media or at special temperatures, or under unusual conditions. Bacillus subtilis will only grow in the presence of free oxygen ; Bacillus ‘amylobacter, B. tetani, and B. carbonis will only grow in the absence of oxygen. Winogradsky states that his nitrifying organism obtained from European soils will not grow in the ordinary culture media and thrives best in solutions of in- organic substances, and on silicate jelly. Bacterium tuberculosis can be cultivated only in bouillon and on blood serum and ‘nutrient glycerine agar, and at temperatures above 30°C. Bac- terium influenze also flourishes at blood heat and can only be grown, it is said, in the presence of red blood corpuscles or in media containing yolk of eggs; other organisms have thus far ‘refused to be cultivated at any temperature or on any artificial medium, e. g. Bacterium lepre and B. syphilitis. Some bacteria 1896.] The Bacterial Diseases of Plants. 641 are destroyed at temperatures at which careless workers fre- quently pour their agar plates, while others refuse to grow at ordinary temperatures or even at blood heat, grow best at 50°-- 60°C., and are not killed until the temperature exceeds 70° or even 75°C. Finally, a race of Bacterium anthracis incapable of producing spores has been developed by growing the organism in media containing phenol; another non-virulent race bear- ing swollen, terminal spores, “drumsticks,” by growing the organism in compressed air; and still another race destitute of virulence by cultivating it at temperatures above 40°C. These are not exceptional cases, similar care being necessary in all directions if one would avoid erroneous conclusions. Naturally, every successful experimenter will vary his culture media in all sorts of ways in order to learn as much as possible of the organism under consideration, but at the same time he will determine its behaviour on the standard media, and will keep a very careful record of all that he does. The bacterio- logist should make it an invariable rule to repeat every experi- ment two or three times, at the very least, and generally after an interval of some months or years he should repeat all his experiments. Even then he will fall into errors enough. He certainly should proceed with as much care as the chemist, and in many directions the work passes naturally over into chemistry. If quantitative or volumetric analysis requires all sorts of precautions and excess of care to avoid errors, no less does this youngest of all the sciences. A few words respecting the occurrence of bacteria in normal plant tissues will be in place before concluding these general remarks. It goes without saying that such minute and uni- versally distributed bodies as bacteria are likely to be found at times almost anywhere, even in plant tissues which seem to be healthy, just as they may sometimes occur in the blood stream of healthy animals, but they are not normally present in the tissues of plants. All carefully conducted experiments have led to this conclusion. The reader who wishes fuller informa- tion may consult papers by Laurent, Buchner,” Lehmann,” 14b A ka redne greno bacterienne de la diastase. Buč. de l'Acad. 15 (15) Notiz betreffend die Frage des Vorkommens von Bacterien in nor- eer? anzengewebe. Muench med, Wochenschrift., 1888, pp. 906-907, Erklarung in Betreff der Arbeit von Herrn Dr. Hugo Bernheim, ete. id, is , P. 110. 642 The American Naturalist. [August, Fernbach” Vestea, Kramer,” and Russell.” Even when purposely introduced into living tissues they refuse to grow or spread but little and finally die out,” unless they possess specific pathogenic power in which case the result is quite different. The diseases which will be discussed in the following pages may be divided into four classes: (1). Diseases of clearly established bacterial origin. (2). Diseases which appear to be constantly associated with bacteria and which are probably due to some specific organism, but full proof of which has not been furnished. (3). Diseases said to be more or less closely associated with the presence of bacteria and ascribed thereto, but in which little or no proof has been brought forward to establish the causal relation. _ (A). Communicable diseases which have been ascribed to bacteria but associated with which no organism has been found and which are probably of non-bacterial nature. On the whole it would perhaps be more logical to divide the following pages into four chapters in the way I have specified, but for practical reasons it has seemed better to discuss all of the diseases of a given plant in one place. I have, therefore, arranged the material by hosts, but will at the close try to summarize the whole subject in the manner above indicated. It will certainly be some time, probably many years, before we have anything like a permanent scheme of classification for the bacteria. Our knowledge is still too incomplete. Meanwhile, we have to do the best we can with the present systems, all of 11(17) De Vabsence ere microbes dans les tissus vegetaux. Annales de l’ Inst. Pasteur, 1888, pp. 567-5 " (18) De l'absence an microbes dans les tissus. /ééd., 1888, p. 670-671. 19 (19) Bakteriologische Untersuchungen ueber die Nassfäule der Kartoffel- knollen. Osterreichisches landw. Centralb, I, Heft 1, 1891. Plc be Louies: (2@) On the parasitism when introduced into plants of some disease-causing microbes (Russian). Wratch., 1890. No. 6, pp. 133-135. Russell; l. c Kornauth : (21) Ueber das Verhalten pathogener Bakterien in lebenden eben. Centrb. f. Bakt., Parasiten-Kunde, u, dnfectionsk, I Abt., Bd. — No, 21, 8 Juni, 1896, pp. 801-805, 1896.) ` “ Mushroom Bodies” of the Hexapod Brain. 643 which are more or less arbitrary and unsatisfactory, and all of which are liable to be set aside at any time. I have heré adopted Migula’s system” which seems to me very convenient, and on the whole the most satisfactory of any that has yet appeared. Before proceeding to the body of this review it only remains to say that every effort has been made to deal impartially with the material in hand, and to present the essential ideas of the writers as concisely and accurately as possible. To this end the original papers have been consulted in every instance, unless otherwise stated in the text. So much vexation over wrong references has been experienced in time past by the writer that he has himself been at special pains to give full and accurate citations. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the read- er will have no difficulty in finding the original papers. An endeavor has also been made to bring the subject fully up to date but it is quite likely that some worthy papers may have been overlooked, owing to the many languages and the ever increasing number of places of publication. THE MEANING AND STRUCTURE OF THE SO-CALLED “MUSHROOM BODIES” OF THE HEXAPOD BRAIN. By F. C. Kenyon, Pua. D.' In looking at a series of sections of the brain of a hexapod, especially of a hymenopteron, the most notable structures are two pairs, one to each side, of large cup-shaped bodies of “ Punkt substanz,” or, what in the light of our present knowledge of nerve structure is better denominated fibrillar substance. Each of these cups is filled to overflowing with cells having large nuclei and very little cytoplasm. From the under surface ? Migula: Schizophyta : (22) Schizomycetes. Die Natuerlichen Pflanienfami- lien (Engler u. Prantl). I Teil. 1 Abt. a, Lief. 129. 8vo. p. 44, Leipzig, 1896. bc is the forerunner of a larger work soon to be published by Gustav Fischer, l Tick University, Mass. 644 The American Naturalist. (August, each of these cups or “ Becher” there descends into the gen- eral fibrillar substance of the brain a column of fibrillar sub- stance which unites with its fellow of the same side to send a large branch obliquely downwards to the median line of the brain and an equally large or larger branch straight forwards to the anterior cerebellar surface. (Fig. B.) Long before our present methods of sectioning and staining had found general application in the study of animal structure, or as early as 1850, the French naturalist, Dujardin, discovered these bodies in transparent preparations in toto of the brains of certain Hymenoptera and Orthoptera. From their somewhat folded appearance he describes them as “ lobes à convolutiones,” and compared them with the convolutions of the human brain, and even thought them associated with hexapod intelligence. Fourteen years later, Leydig, using the same methods confirmed Dujardin’s discovery in working with the brains of the ant, bee, and wasp, and described them as “gestielter Körper.” In 1875 Rabl-Riickhard identified the bodies in Gryllus italicus, Locusta - viridissima, and Dycticus verrucornis, and correctly described the form of the “ cup” under the term “ Rind Körper.” The very next year (’76) Dietl’s application of the section method to the subject confirmed and perfected previous descriptions, and, struck with the resemblance to mushrooms, he adopted the name of “ Pilzhutformiger Körper,” a conception later used by Packard (mushroom bodies) and by Bellocici (’82) (corpo fungiformo). As to the intellectual function of the bodies, not all of the early writers supported Dujardin’s inference. They were sup- posed to be connected with sight; but Rabl-Riickhard showed that they are fully developed in a blind African ant (Typhlo- pone). Dietl was loth to acknowledge an intellectual function, even though he found the organs more highly developed in Hymenoptera than in Orthoptera. But Forel (’74) adhered to Dujardin’s supposition, and showed that among Hymenoptera even of the same species the bodies are most prominent where one usually recognizes most intelligence, as in the worker bees and ants, while they are small in the females and the males. Brandt (’76) two years laterin a note on the brain of Hymen- 1898.] “ Mushroom Bodies” of the Hexapod Brain. 645 optera makes the same observations as to the differences in the same species, while Berger (’78) considered the structures as “ organs of projection of the first order.” The supposition of Dujardin obtained its best support so far as the older methods would avail in the comprehensive work of Flégel (78) covering the whole group of hexapods: Here, one may see at a glance that the development of the structures largely coincides with the development of intelii- gence, as shown by the following abridgement of his table: A. The four cups completely developed. 1. Very highly developed, Vespa. { Apis, Formica Pompi- \ lus, Ichnewmonide. 3. Without rim, Blatta. 4. Very small, Cossus, Sphinx, Vanessa. B. Cups incomplete. Walls and cells so reduce eT as hardly to be recognized > Tenthredo, Cynips. as cups, Reduced to two small heaps, Many small butterflies. . Wall a broad plate, Forficula, Acridium, ete. Wall (fibrillar substance) absent. (a) Cells in 4 groups, Dycticus. (b) Cells in 2 groups, dis- tinguishable by com- parison with neigh- boring cells, (ce) Not so distinguish- \ is able, i 2. Large with rim, on O T O Aeschna. dimen If such a superior neural function is indicated by the testi- mony and work of the earlier writers, it may well be asked whether recent neurological methods will bring out the struc- ture of the hexapod brain as well as they have that of the other invertebrates and that of the vertebrates, and whether they will lend this view support. First, it may be noted that the physiological experiments of Binet (’94), which are those of C. Cups unrecognizable even as ru- ) Hanipiors. 646 The American Naturalist. [August, Faivre very much bettered, demonstrate that a hexapod may live for months without a brain, if the subeesophageal ganglion, or better, ventro-cerebron, is left intact, just as a vertebrate may live without its cerebrum. Faivre long ago showed that this ventro-cerebron is the seat of the power of co-ordination of the muscular movements of the body. Binet has shown that the brain is the seat of the power directing these movements. A de- brainedhexapod will eat when food is placed beneath its palpi, but it cannot go to its food even though the latter be but a very small space removed from its course or position. Whether the insect would be able to do so if the mushroom bodies only were destroyed, and the antennal lobes, optic lobes, and the rest of the brain were left intact,is a question that yet remains to be answered. In Binet’s experiments neither olfactory nor visual stimuli can be transformed into motor impulses. Were it possible for them to be so transformed, my studies to be noted in a moment cause me to think that Binet’s results would be very materially altered. Now, as tomy studies. During the winter just past with no little patience I endeavored to apply the bichromate of silver method to a study of the brain aud general nervous system of the common honey bee, the more detailed result of a portion of which will be published a little later. The endeavor was rewarded by a considerable degree of success, the main facts being determined, though there are many details left for future studies. Others have tried to employ the same general method, but owing toa lack of proper store of patience or to their setting about the task wrongly have failed. Among them must be counted Binet (94), with whom, however, there seems to be a defect in the conception of both the Golgi and the Erlich methods. For he sets the former aside as inconstant, uses the latter, without, however, apparently obtaining any very good results. He complains that preparations by the Erlich method (and the Golgi method might be included) leave out many details, and never seems to think that a sufficient number of pre- parations willsupply those details and thus allow the whole to be determined. This is the more unfortunate, since his de- pendence upon the old methods has led him to give detailed 1896.] “ Mushroom Bodies” of the Hexapod Brain. 647 importance to phenomena that are relatively unimportant, and has resulted in a somewhat misty conception of the structure of the hexapod ventral nervous system. One of the very first things that an impregnation of bee brains with bichromate of silver enabled me to make out was the structure of the mushroom bodies with their cells. These cells stand out in sharp contrast to all other nerve cells known, though they recall to some extent the cells of Purkinje in the higher mammals. Each of the cells contained within the fibrillar cup seeds a nerve process into the later, where it breaks up into a profusely arborescent system of brahchlets, which often appear with fine, short, lateral processes, such as are characteristic of the dendrites of some mammalian nerve cells. Just before entering the fibrillar substance a fine branch is given off that travels along the inner surface of the cup along with others of the same nature, forming a small bundle to the stalk of the mushroom body, down which it continues until it reaches the origin of the anterior and the inner roots mentioned at the beginning of the paper. Here it branches, one branch continuing straight on to the end of the anterior root, while the other passes to the end of the inner root. Throughout its whole course the fiber and its two branches are very fine. Nearly the whole stalk and nearly the whole of each root is made up of these straight parallel fibers coming from the cells within the cup of the mushroom bodies. What other fibers there are enter these bodies from the side, and branch between the straight fibers very much as the dendrites of the cells of Purkinje branch among the parallel fine fibers from the cells of the granular layer in the mammalian cerebellum. These fibers are of the nature of association fibers. : From the olfactory or antennal lobe, from the optic ganglia there are tracts of fibers that finally enter the cups of the mush- room bodies as shown by Viallanes and by my studies with the Golgi method and also with a Formol-copper-hematoxylin method of staining. Besides these tracts the Golgi method has enabled me to make out another tract, unknown before, passing down the hinder side of the brain from the cups to the region above the cesophagus, where it bends forwards and comes in 45 648 The American Naturalist. [August, contact with fibers from the ventral cord, which exists, although Binet was unable to discover any “ growth of fibers connecting the cord with the brain.” The fibers entering the cups from the antennal lobe, the optic ganglia, and the ventral region, spread out and branch among the arborescent endings of the mushroom body cells. Fig. .—A. An “intellective” cell from the mushroom body. n, neurite; d. dendrite ; a.r., anterior branch of the neurite ; i.r., inner branch of the neurite. B. Mushroom body of right side from above. The outer one, m.b , viewed in section ; the inner one is cut off, leaving the stump of the stalk st. a.r., anterior root; i.r., inner root; m.b., cup. The fibers branching among the parallel fibers of the roots and the stalk lead off to lower parts of the brain, connecting with efferent or motor ‘fibers, or with secondary association fibers, that in their turn make such connections. This portion of the circuit has not been perfectly made out, though there seems to be sufficient data to warrant the assumption just made. Such fibers existing as described there is then a complete circuit for sensory stimuli from the various parts of the body to the cells of the mushroom bodies. The dendritic or arborescent - branches of these cells take them up and pass them on out along the parallel fibers or neurites in the roots of the mush- room bodies as motor or other efferent impulses. This, however, is not all. For there are numerous fibers © evident in my preparations, the full courses óf which I have not been thus far able to determine, but which are so 1896.] “ Mushroom Bodies” of the Hexapod Brain. 649 situated as to warrant the inference that they may act as asso- ciation fibers between the afferent fibers from the antenne, optic ganglia, and ventral system and the afferent fibers. There is then a possibility of a stimulus entering the brain and passing out as a motor impulse without going into the circuit of the fibers of the mushroom bodies, or, in other words, a possibility of what may be compared to reflex action in higher animals. It appears then that the supposition of Dujardin is well sup- ported by the finer structure of the hexapod brain. , For it is evident from the details known since the publication of Flogel’s paper, that the cells composing the mushroom bodies have been very highly differentiated in some of the hexapods, and this in just those forms living the most complex lives. No such bodies are to be found in the lower forms. I have never seen them, nor any indication of them, in the Thysanura, Chilopoda? Scolopendrella, the Pauropoda and other Myria- poda, nor in any of the Crustacea that I have thus far exam- ined. Without doubt an application of the Golgi or methylen blue methods would reveal elements in some these forms that might be compared with the cells of the mushroom bodies; but they would probably be found not so completely different- iated from other fibers as they are in the honey bee and other Hymenoptera. It may be mentioned that one does not recog- nize such cells in the cray-fish and the crab as figured by Retzius and Bethe. And it scarcely need be said that no such elements are shown in Retzius’ figure of the brain of Nereis. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bellonci, ’82. Intorno alla struttura e alle connessioni dei lobi olfattori negli artropodi superiori e nei vertebrati. Reale Acead. d. Lincei. (From Cuccati.) Berger, ’78. Untersuchungen über den Bau des Gehirns und der Retina der Arthropoden. Arb. d. Zool. Inst. Wien u. Triest., I, 173-220. ?St.-Remy (’90) describes mushroom bodies as occuring in Scutigera, which if rdance wi homologous with the mushroom bodies of Hexapoda, is in acco Dujardin view 650 The American Naturalist. [August Bethe, 95. Studien über das central nerven system von Carcinus mænus nebst ein neues Verfahren der Methylen- blaufixation. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., XLIV, 579-622. Binet, 94. Contribution à l’étude du system nerveux sous- intestinal des insectes; Journ. Anat. et Physiol., XXX, 449- 580 Brandt, ’76. Anatomical and Morphological Researches on the Nervous System of Hymenopterous Insects. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) XVIII, 504-6. Cuccati, ’88. Uber die Organization de Gehirns der So- momya crythrocephala. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., XLVI, 240-69. Diehl, ’°76. Die Organization des Arthropoden Gehirus. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., XXVII, 488-517. Leydig, ’64. Voih pry des tierischen Körpers. (From Viallanes.) Flogel, ’78. Ueber den einheitlichen Bau des Gehirns in den Verschiedenen Insekten Ordunung. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., XXX, Supplement, 556-92. Forel, ’74. Les Fourmies de la Suisse. Rabl-Ruckhard, ’75. Studien über Insektengehirne: Reich- ert und Du Bois Raymond’s Arch. f. Anat., 488-99. - Packard, 80. The Brain of the Locust. Second Rept. U. S. Ent. Com., pp. 223-242. Retzins, 90. Zur Kenntnis des Nervensystems der Crusta- ceen: Biol. Untersuch., N: F., I, No. 1 Retzius, 95. Zur Kenntnis des Gehirnganglion und des sensiblen Nervensystems der Polychiten. Biol. Untersuch., N. F., VII, No. 2 Saint-Remy, 90. Contribution 4 ľ étude du cerveau. chez les Arthropodes trachéites. Lacaze Duthiers’ Arch. d. Zool. Exper. et gén. (2) V sup. 4th mém. Dujardin, 50. Mémorie sur le système nerveux desin- sectes. Ann. Sci. Nat., (8) XIV, 195-206. Viallanes, ’87. Le cerveau de la Guépe. Ann. Soc. Nat., (7) II, 5-100 Viallanes, 88. nigisadoae du criquet. Ann. Sci. Nat., (7) IV. 1896.] Editor’: Table. 651 EDITOR’S TABLE, The Zoological Section of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science at its meeting in Springfield, Mass. in August, 1895, adopted a series of resolutions which are printed in the volume of the Proceedings recently issued (p. 159) and which are here reproduced. They were adopted with but one pertinent objection from a distin- guished member of the section. This objection was that the method of determining priority of publication recommended in the resolutions was applicable to questions of nomenclature only, which was regarded as an object of a value secondary to the determination of date of discovery of matters of fact. While the fixing of date of the latter was admitted to be of great importance, it was contended by the friends of the resolu- tions, that the manner proposed by them was applicable to all possible cases, and that in fact the resolutions prescribed the best method of determination of priority. The mode proposed was stated to be in accord with that customary among authors and publishers generally, and that special groups of authors could not in practice sustain rules different from them. The resolutions are as follows. Whereas: The date of publication is a question of fact to be deter- mined by examination, and not by an arbitrary ruling: and Whereas: In the world at large the date of publication of books is the date at which they are printed; and Whereas : The adoption of any other date of publication would have no practical effect for this reason, and for the following additional reasons; viz. First; the majority of publications are not distributed, but are sold ; Second ; the distribution when it occurs may be rendered ineffective by accidents such as loss of mails, fires, et Third ; distribution by individuals m Ag delayed or prevented by absence from home, sickness or dea Fourth ; distribution governments of their publications is often delayed for routine reason Fifth ; the actual date of amilini will be often impossible to ascertain with precision, owing to lack of record and irregularity in the. period of transmission ; an Whereas : The determination of the date of printing will generally depend on the records of the printing office and the testimony of several persons, while the time of mailing will be known generally to but one person ; 652 The American Naturalist. [August, Reso.tveD: First.—The section of Zoology of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science recommends that the date of the completion of printing of a single issue be regarded as the date of pub- lication ; Second.—That the Section recommends that such date be printed on the last signature of all publications, whether books periodicals or “ separates.” REsoLvED: (1) That the Section of Zoology of the A. A. As. S. is impressed with the desirability of introducing the custom of placing all publications on record at some central agency together with the date of publication. (2) That a committee be appointed to obtain the approval of these resolutions by publishing societies at home and abroad. (3) That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the British Assoc. Adv. Science ; the Zoélogical Society of London; Australasian Assoc. Ady. Science; Association Francaise; Société Zoologique de France ; Versamml. der Deutscher Naturforscher, n. Aertzte; Zoologisches Ges- selschaft ; and the International Congress of Zoology held at Leyden. To act as the committee above referred to, the President of the Sec- tion appointed: S. A. Forbes, Champaign, Ill.; E. A. Birge, Madison, Wis.; W. A. Lacy, Lake Forest, Ill.; George Dimmock, Canobie Lake, N. H. The above resolutions were adopted by very large majority vote. A proposition to regard as the date of publication, the date of receipt at the central agency of record was introduced. This was not approved, as it was evident that no private arrangement made by naturalists could supersede the customs long since current in the world of authorship. The American Association for the Advancement of Science has a peculiar custom which it seems to us might be improved. This is the use of the term vice-president to designate the presidents or chairmen of the respective sections. This expression gives use to confusion, as these officers are not the vice-presidents of the sections, but the presid- ents. If the expression vice-president of section so and so is used, a president is supposed, who does not exist. To avoid conflict with the title of the president of the Association, the term chairmen might per- haps be used for the so-called vice-presidents, but actual presidents of the sections. The decimal system of record, called the Dewey system in library catalogues, appears to the management of the Naturalist to be the best method which has yet been devised. It, therefore, follows Natural — and La Revue Scientifique in adopting it. 1896.] Recent Literature. 653 RECENT LITERATURE. The Structure of Solpugids.—That indefatigable student of the Arachnida Mr. Henry M. Bernard has presented us with a valu- able account’ of the general structure of these little known forms. And yet while we can praise the statement of facts, as a whole, we would point out that the paper contains a number of theoretical points, which have, in our estimation, no sufficient basis. The Galeodidx, of which over 50 species have been described, are confined to the warm portions of both hemispheres, and though abund- ant in certain regions, they are comparatively rare in collections; poss sibly from the fact that they are, by popular consent, accorded most poisonous qualities. They, alone of all the Archnida, show a distinct “head ” while they also have a “ thorax” divided into three segments, and these points have led many authors to look upon them as forming a transition between the .Archnida and the Hexapods. They also possess stigmata in the thoracic region, a condition only paralleled in the Arachnida in certain of the mites. In his paper Bernard takes up first the external anatomy and the interesting features here are: the interpretation of the cephalic lobes as the lateral regions of the first segment which have been changed in position with the transfer of the cheliceræ ; and he further tries to find them in the cephalic lobes of embryos of other Arachnids, a view with very little in morphology to supportit. The beak is interpreted as fused labium labrum, neither of these, as the name of the first ; might b Ee being appendicularin nature. The ocular tuk remnant of the original dorsal surface of the head, the rest having been displaced by the upward and backward movement of the cephalic lobes ; and, from this, the median eyes are regarded as the more primitive, the lateral as secondarily acquired. The descriptions of the limbs, as well as of the apodematous skeleton affords little to abstract, except that the author suggests that since specialized poison organs are absent the poison may come from setal-pores on the chelicere ; and that, at any rate, the idea of their poisonous nature should not be set aside without further experiment. As little need be said of the account of the hypodermis or of tne muscular systems. The account ef the nervous system is disappointing. Although sec- tions were cut (ef., p. 345) no use of them appears to have been made 1 Trans. Linn, Socy. London, Zool. Vol. vi, pt. 4, 1896, 654 The American Naturalist. [August, in the study of the topography of the system and we are left absolutely in the dark as to the presence of ganglia in front of those of the cheli- cers; a point of no little importance. The eyes receive hardly more satisfactory treatment, owing to the unsatisfactory condition of the spec- imens. No vitreous body was found in the median eyes while the retinal cells showed no rods, and no grouping of these into a rhabdem was seen. The lateral eyes vary in size, shape, and arrangement and are described in some cases as having fused on either side of the head, although no evidence is presented of such fusion. The pedipalpal organs, reversible sacs on the tips of these appendages are described in detail and are clearly sensory as are the “ racquet organs” on the last pair of thoracic appendages. ~~ The alimentary canal opens by the mouth at the end of the beak, the opening being fringed with a strainer of bristles, while the cesopha- gus, in front of the cesophageal collar, is modified into a “sucking stomach.” The midgut is provided with gland, like diverticula and although they are grouped into those of the cephalothorax and abdo- men, all clearly belong to one series, but those of the abdomen are re- markable not only from the number but from the fact that they empty into a collecting duct on either side and these ducts, in turn, empty into the intestines near the base of the abdomen. The Malpighian tubules are well developed and are described as emptying into the mid- gut, and Bernard accepts the views of Loman that these organs in the Arachnids cannot be homologous with the similarly named structures in the Hexapods. The heart has retained 8 pairs of ostia, while there are indications of another segmental chamber in front. From in front an aorta carries the blood forward and “ appears to discharge the blood directly on to the central nervous system. There are no indications of the circumneural vessels like those of the Scorpions and of which Mr, Bernard holds, in some respects, peculiar views. The respiratory system affords more thatis interesting. The observa- tions of previous students that there are three pairs of stigmata (and sometimes a fourth unpaired) is confirmed. Of these the first pair open behind the coxæ of the second pair of legs while the others compare with the anterior pulmonary openings of the Scorpions. Arguing from the conditions of the blood-vessels (and more from his preconcep- tions of the: phylogeny of the respiratory organs Bernard concludes that there were originally two other tracheal openings in the thorax. There then follow some interesting but inconclusive remarks upon the -primary number of stigmata in different Arachnids. While dealing with these respiratory structures the author deals with the question of 1896.] Recent Literature. 655 the origin of tracheæ from lung books (p. 375) and accepts the view that the former were the more primitive, the latter secondary, and rein- forces it with the remark that this view “arrived at by comparative morphology, has recently been confirmed by embryology. | Janorowski has discovered that the tracheal invaginations of Spiders first from branched tracheal tubes and that the lung books are a secondary specialization.” And this without the slightest reference to the results of Simmons (since amply confirmed by Purcell and Brauer) which are directly the reverse. It is to be said in passing that the thoracic stigmata of the Solpugide, like those of the Acarina, are the greatest difficulty presented to those who believe in the Limulus-Arachnid theory, but the author dismisses the results of Wagner in this connec- tion with the remark “that all conclusions based upon transitional phenomena of single specialized types will have ultimately to be tested by a profounder and more extended comparative study of existing forms.” The coxal glands, naturally have much attention. The external opening occurs between legs 3 and 4, the duct is long and convoluted while the gland itself is described as a great mass of tubules. These organs he is still inclined to think the derivatives of setipareus sacs, a view which “has hitherto met with no fayor.” Regarding the fact that they may be ccelomic in character he merely refers to Lauries observa- tions on the scorpion and says that until this be confirmed the bulk of evidence seems to point to the coxal glands as a blind ending tube. And again (p. 381). “I freely admit that these arguments would have but little weight as against direct embryological evidence, if that evi- dence were really satisfactory.” Certainly the results of Grobben, Kishenonyi, Lebinsky, Kingsley and especially those of Brauer are confirmative of those of Laurie, all showing the coxal glands are derived from the coelomic wall and are the purest of mesoderm (if there be such a layer) and that their external opening is a subsequent formation. For the opposite view, held by Bernard, there seems not the slightest evidence. After a few remarks upon the genital organs the author presents an attempt to elucidate the phylogeny of the Arachnida, and itis here that we are most at variance with him. It is impossible to go into his argu- ment in detail. It all rests upon the attempt to derive every existing Arthropod structure from structures already present in the annelid ancestor, setiparous sacs apparently | playing the ee be descr point. These coxal glands, trachex, cement glands, maxillary glands, salivary glands, etc., are all referred 656 : The American Naturalist. [August, back to the setiparous gland of the annelid; yes further, the hairy bodies of the Solpugids and Mygalide are direct inheritances from the annelid set. Scorpio is not primitive but rather a specialized form. In some of his statements of fact he also seems to be in error. Thus hesays (p. 398) “ What actual evidence we have as to the character of the abdom- inal limbs [in the primitive Arachnid] shows that they were filamentous jointed appendages like those on the cephalothorax.” On the contrary in Scorpions (cf. Brauer, Patten) which, with all deference to Mr. Ber- nard, we continue to regard the most primitive of existing Arachnids, they appear in the embryo as flat lamellate limbs. Again (same page) he says that the sensory plates on the pectines of the scorpion are on the ventral and not on the posterior face of the limb. On the contrary they are on the posterior side as the figures of both Patten and Brauer show. But what we have most to criticise is the failure to refer to opposing views or corrections of previous statements. Thus he refers to “stigmatic scars” along the whole length of the abdomen of the Pseudoscorpions, scars which bear another interpretation. He speaks of the entostemite as ectodermal, without stating that a portion of it is mesodermal (Schimkewitsch), while we have referred to other cases above.—J. S. K. The Bears of North America.’—A new classification of the bears of North America is proposed by Dr. Merriam. This classifica- tion is based on the study of more than 200 skulls, including about 35 skulls of the huge bears of the Alaska coast region. The number of full species recognized by Dr. Merriam is ten : 4 of the Black Bear group; 2 of the Grizzly group; 3 of the big brown bears of Alaska, and the Polar bear. Four of these species are new; (1) the gigantic fish-eating bear of Kadiak Island and the Alaskan Peninsula, Ursus middendorfii Merr.; (2) the large brown bear of Yakutat Bay and the coastal slope of the St. Elias Alps, Ursus dallit Merr. ; (3) the large brown bear of Sitka and theneighboring islands, Ursus sitkensis Merr. ; and (4) the Florida Black bear, Ursus floridanus Merr. The Sonoran Grizzly and the Norton Sound Grizzly are considered as subspecies only. The Alaskan bears fall into 2 distinct groups. (1) U. sitkensis and U. dallii, which resemble the Grizzlies in the flatness of their skulls, but are larger and differ from them in color and dentition ; and (2) U. middendorffii which differs markedly from all other American types, and closely resembles the Great Brown Bear of Kamschatka. Merriam’s synopsis is illustrated by figures of the skulls of the different species. l (Proceeds, Biol, Soc., Washington, April, 1896.) 1896.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 657 As an account of the North American bears this paper is far in advance of anything hitherto published. The difficulty of distinguishing several species of the typical Ursi in North America has not been so much the absence of characters among themselves, as the intermediate position of the old world Ursus arctus with regard to them. Middendorff’s studies of this species convinced him that it varied in size 33 per cent. of the largest dimensions, and in other respects, but he could not refer the varieties to more than one spe- cies. With these very elaborate studies as a basis, J. A. Allen and A. E, Brown in subsequent years could only see in the North American grizzly and black bears, geographical races. The fault then of Dr. Merriam’s paper is, that he has not given any account of the relations of our bears to the intermediate series of the Old World. Dr. Merriam is a genus fancier, and he bids fair to adopt all of the names of his illustrious predecessor Dr. J. E. Gray of the British Museum. Thus he adopts Gray’s name, Thalarctos for the polar bear on characters which do not exist. He dallies with Euarctos for our black bear for equally poor reasons. We must admit, however, that Dr. Merriam does for the first time give satisfactory characters with which to distinguish this species from the Ursus arctus. RECENT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. ALLEN, J. A.—Descriptions of New American Mammals. Extr. Bull. Amer. Mus ue Sages Vol. VII, 1895. From the author. s, C. W.—Note on a specimen of Ceraterpetum galvanii Huxley, from Biak Extr. Geol. Mag , Dec. iv, Vol. II, 1895. From the author. Annual Report for oe Iowa Geological Survey Vol. III. Des Moines, 1895. From the Survey. Bancs, O.—Notes on North American Mammals. Extr. Proceeds. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XX VI, 1895. Fromthe author. : Barret, J. O.—Forestry in our Schools. Minneapolis, 1895, Beecuer, C. E.—The abe Stages of Trilobites. Extr. Amer, Geol., Vol. XVI, 1895. From the au Berc, C.—Enumeracion aussi y sinonunica de los Peces de las Costas Argentina y Uruguaya. Buenos Aires, 1895. —— Sobre Peces de agua dulce nuevos ó poco conocidos de la Republica Do- tina. Extrs. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, T. IV, 1895. From the author. BouULENGER, G. A.—Remarks on some Cranial Characters of the Salmonoids. Extr. Poced Zool. Soc. London, 1895. 658 The American Naturalist. [August, —aAn Account of the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Dr. A. D. Smith in Western Somali Land and the Galla Country. Extr. 1. c., 1895. ——On Fishes from Matto Grosso and Paraguay. Extr. l. c., 1895. ——On the Nursing Habits of Two South American Frogs. Extr. |. c., 1895. ——A Synopsis of the Genera and Species of Apodal Batrachians, with Description ofa new Genus and species (Bdellophis vittatus). Extr. l. c., 1895. emarks on the Value of certain Cranial Characters employed by Prof. Cope for RES haa from Snakes. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Lon- don 8. 6, Vol. XVI, —— Description es a new vA sails from Antigua, West Indles. Extr. l. c., Vol. XIV, 1894. Eiti of a new Anolis from Brazil. Extr. l. c., Vol. XV, 1895. me new and little known Reptiles obtained by W. H. Crosse, Esq., on the Niger. Extr. I. ¢., Vol. X VI, 1895. —— Descriptions of two new Shakes from Usambara, German East Africa, Extr. 1. c., Vol. XVI, 1895. riptions of four new Batrachians discovered by Mr. Charles Hose in eni Extr. l. c., Vol. XVI, 1895. —— Descriptions of two new keil obtained by Mr. A. S. eint in the Tro- briand ese British New Guinea. Extr. l. c., Vol. XVI, 1 he Reptiles and hls obtained by Mr. $ Ded Phillips in Seca Extr. l. c, Vol. XVI, 1895, ——On the Variations of the sae in Denmark. Extr. Zoologist, 1895. ——On a new Typhlops eter confounded with T. unguirostris Peters. Extr. Proceeds. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. S. 2, Vol. IX, 1894. From the author Bulletins No. 118, 119, 1895, North Carolina Agricultural secant Sta- tion. Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, Vol. XIV, for 1894. pias etins No. 24, 25, 1895, Wyoming Experiment Station, University of Wy- Canta. W. 8.—Physiological Action of Kreatin in Porai and Tuberculous Animals. Detroit, 1892. From the author. CASTILLO, A, DEL Y J. G. AGUILERA, —Fauna Fossil de la Sierra Catorce San Louis Potosi. Bol. de la Com. Geol. de Mexico Num. 1, Mexico, 1895. From the Commission. Cook, O. F. anD G. N. CoLLINs.—The Myriapoda collected by the United States Eclipse Expedition to West Africa in 1889-1890. Extr. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., Vol. VIII. From the author. Cross, W.—Post-Laramie ear of Colorado Rew: Am. Journ Sci., Vol. XLIV, 1892. From the au € R, A. A.—Crimson beni and Other Topics. Bull. 125, 1895, Michi- gan State Ages. Exper. Station. Dean, BasHForD.—The Marine Biological Laboratories of Europe. Biol. Lect. No. ae delivered at Wood’s Holl in 1893. — Recent Experiments in Sturgeon Hatching on the Delaware. Extr. oe New York Acad. Sci., 1893. Early Development of the Gar-Pike oy Sturgeon. Extr. Journ. Masia, Vol. XI, No. 1, 1895, From the aw 1896.] Recent. Books and Pamphlets. 659 Druiescu, H. AND T. H. Morcan.—Zu. Analysis der Ersten; Entwickelungssta- dien des Ctenophoreneies.. Aus Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik des Organ- ismen, IT Bd., 2 Heft. ee 18067 DURAND, J. P.—Question Zoologi Extr. Bull. Soc. Anthropol., Paris, 1895. PESAR Naturelle des Formes Animales. Extr- Re- vue Scientif., 1888. From the author. Essarts, A.—Apercu historique sur la doctrine du Polozoism humain. Extr. rn. des Inventeurs. Paris, 1895. From the author Exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution at the Cotton States Exposition, Atlanta, 1895. ; Fraser, A.—A Case of Porencephaly. Extr. Journ. Mental Sci., 1894. ——Morphological Papers. Extr. Trans. Roy. Acad. Med. in Ireland, Vol. XII, 1895. From the author. FRAZER, P.—In Memoriam, Edward Yorke Macauley, Rear Admiral U. S. N. Extr. Proceeds. Amer,"Philos. Soc., Vol. XXXIV. From the author. Goong, G. B.—An Account of the Smithsonian Institntion. Its Origin, His- cate Objects and Achievements. Wash ington, NET, C.—Sur foa media, V. silvestris et V. saxonica. Extr. Mém. Soc. kad. ds l'Oise T. XVI, 1895. Sur l’Organe de ag ck tibio-tarsien de Myrmica rubra L. race levino- dis me Extr. Ann. Soc. Entomol. de France, Vol. LXIII, 1894. r Vespa germanica et y. vulgaris. Limoges, 1895. e les nids de la Vespa crabro. Extr. Comptes rendus, Paris, 1894. — Sur la Vespa crabro. Conservation de la chaleur dans le nid, 1 c., 1895. __Observations sur les Frelons. L. ¢., 1895. From the author Kepzir, R. C.—Fertilizer Analyses. Bull. 126, Michigan State Agric. Coll. Exper. Station. Kemp, J. F.—Crystalline Limestones, Ophicalcites and associated Schists of the Eastern Adirondacks. Contrib. Geol. Dept. Columbia Coll. No. XXVII, 1895. From the author. LAHILLE, F. ~Conteibeickom al Estudio des las phe: Argentinus. Extr- Re~ vista Mus. de la Plata, T. VI, 1895. From the Le. Conte, J.—Critical Periods. in the i sery the Earth. Extr. Bull. Dept. Geol. Univ. California, Vol. I, 1895. Levy, L. E.—The Russian-Jewish Refugees in America. Philadelphia, 1895. From the author. Mercer, H. C.—Re-exploration of nepe s Cave, near Stroudsburg, Penn~ FN 1893. Extr. Proceeds. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci, 1894. From. the ‘Mee C; $.—Annual Address. Extr. Trans. Penna. Homeopath. Med. Soc., 1895. From the author. Mrs ukur!, K. AND S. IkepA.—Notes on a gigantic Cephalopod. Extr. Zool. Mag., Vol. VII, 1895. Morcan, T. H.—The Fertilization of non -nucleated Fragments of Echinoderm Cina nero: Studies of the Blastula | und Gastrula Stages of Echinus. Organismen, II. Bd. 2 Heft, ——Aus Archiv für En g Leipzig, 1895. ron the author. 660 The American Naturalist. [August, Outver, C. A.—A Short note upon so-called ‘‘Hereditary Optic Nerve Atrophy” as’ a Contribution to the Question of Transmission of Structural Peculiarity. Extr. Proceeds. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. XXXII. Scott, W. B.—Protoptychus hatcherii, a new Rodent = = Uinta Eocene. Extr. Dioki Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1895. From the SHIPLEY, S. R.—Gold, Silver and Monor. Extr. iier Tui 1895. From the author. Stiles, C. W.—Notes on Parasites 32, 33, 34, 38 and 39. Extr. Veterinary Mag , 1895. — The Anatomy of the large American Fluke, Fasciola magna and a comparison with other species of the genus Fasciola, S. St. with a list of the chief Epizootics of Fascioliasis, and a Bibliography of Fasciola hepatica by Albert Hassali. Extr. Journ. Comp. Med. & Veterinary Arch., 1894-1895. From the author. Waite, C. A.—The Bear River Fauna and its Characteristic Fauna. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 128. Washington, 1895. From the author. Witson, E. B.—An Atlas of the Fertilization and Karyokinesis of the Ovum. New York and London, 1895, Macmillan & Co. From the author General Notes. PETROGRA PHY.’ | The Eruptives and Tuffs of Tetschen.—Two interesting arti- cles on the area of crystalline rocks east of Tetschen on the Elbe, have appeared simultaneously. The first, by Hibsch, is a description of the Tetschen’ sheet of the map of the Bohemian Mittlegebirges, and the second by Graber,’ is on the fragments and bombs occurring in the tephrite tuffs of the region. The voleanic rocks of the district are interbedded basalts, tuffites, tuffs and tephrites, of which the fragmental rocks are in greatest abun- dance. Augitites also occur as sheets, and camptonites as dykes in upper Cretaceous marls. The older igneous rocks are granitites and diabases that are associated with clay slates, probably of Cambrian age. Analyses of each of these rocks are given but the rocks are not de- scribed in detail. The greater portion of the author’s article deals with the volcanic rocks. The tuffs are composed of basaltic and teph- ritic fragments of the coarseness of sand in some cases, and in others of 1 Edited by Dr. W. S. Bayley, Colby University, Waterville, Me. 2 Min. u. Petrog. Mitth,, XV, 1895, p. 201. *Ib., p. 291. 1896.] Petrography. 661 pieces several feet in diameter. These are cemented together by finer portions of the same substances, among which have been deposited zeo- lites, carbonates, opal and other secondary minerals. Some beds of this tuff are so filled with large fragments of basalt, tephrite, ete., that the rock composing it has been called the “ Brocken Tuff.” Itis to the study of the fragments in this tuff that Graber’s paper is devoted. The basalts and tephrites constitute sheets and lava streams that are interstratified with the tuffs and sediments. Among the former rocks are noticed feldspathic, leucitic and nephelinic varieties, besides in several places magma-basalts. In addition to sheet basalts, dykes and chimneys of this rock have also been observed. The rocks in all their forms are normal in their development. The author regards contact action around the chimneys as the safest crite- rion by which to distinguish these forms from denuded sheets and flows. The tephrites comprise hauyn-tephrites, in which hornblende and aegerine are present, nepheline-tephrite, including trachytic and andesitic varieties, and leucite-tephrite composed of phenocrysts of augite, plagioclase and grains of magnetite in a groundmass of these same components, and leucite, biotite and nepheline. The augite consists of two generations of magnetite and augite in a glassy base. Its analysis gave: SiO, TiO, P,O, Al,O, Fe,O, FeO CaO MgO K,O Na,O H,O Moisture Total 43.35 1.48 1.54 11.46 11.98 2.26 7.76 11.69 .99 3.88 241 59 ==99.34 The feldspathic basalt and the andesitic tephrite are the only rocks that seem to have affected the sediments with which they are in con- tact. Quartzites are changed to aggregates of quartz grains in a glass matrix, where the action is not extremely severe, and to an aggregate of interlocking quartz grains where it has been intense. The article closes with an account of the detailed results of analysis of ten speci- mens of the voleanic rocks. Graber’s article is devoted principally to a description of the frag- ments found in the Brocken-tuff. These are all tephritic rocks, among which andesitic, leucitic and phonolitic types are recognized. The characteristics of the components of all these types are portrayed in great detail, especial care being given to the descriptions of the augite and the plagioclase. The phonolitic tephrite is characterized by the presence of nosean, which is in irregular grains, In the andesitie teph- rite, which is the most basic variety, the porphyritic augite has an ex- tinction angle cA C of 58°-62°, in the leucitic type its extinction is 662 - The American Naturalist. [August, 52°-56° and in the phonolitic type, the most acid variety, it is 50°- 53°. In each of the types labradorite and sometimes oligoclase phen- ocrysts are common, but the feldspar of the groundmass differs in character in the different types. In the andesitic type it is oligoclase, in the leucite variety andesine, and in the phonolitic type sanidine. A Nepheline-Syenite Bowlder from Ohio.—Miss Bascom‘ has found in the drift near Columbus, Ohio, a bowlder which consists of nepheline-syenite porphyry. The rock is composed of large pheno- crysts of oligoclase and smaller ones of nepheline, augite, hornblende and olivine in a groundmass composed of plagioclase and orthoclase laths, hornblende, biotite, augite and magnetite in a feldspathic mat- rix. Crystalline Rocks of New Jersey.—In a report on the Arch- ean Highlands of New Jersey, Westgate’ states that the northern half of Jenny Jump Mt., Warren Co., consists mainly of gneisses with a small area of crystalline limestone, diorites, gneisses, etc. The gneisses are granitoid biotite-hornblende varieties, biotite-gneisses and horn- blende-pyroxene gneisses. In the first named variety the prevailing feldspars are microcline and microperthite, and in the pyroxene gneisses plagioclase and orthoclase. The gneisses are cut by pegmatite dykes, amphibolites and diabases. Associated with the white crystalline limestones are fibrolite and bio- tite gneisses, hornblendic gneiss, amphibolites, gabbros, norites and diorites, most of the latter of which show evidence of an eruptive origin. Another type of rock often found associated with the limestones is a quartz-pyroxene aggregate, in which the pyroxene is a green or white monoclinic augite. The limestone, the fibrolite and biotite gneisses and the quartz-pyroxene rock are thought to be metamorphosed sediments. Simple Crystalline Rocks from India and Australia.—Judd* gives us an account of several simple crystalline rocks from India and Australia. One is a corundum rock composed principally of corundum grains with rutile, picotite, diaspore and fuchsite as accessory consti- tuents. The corundum is in part pale colored and in part strongly pleochroic. The grains of the latter extinguish together producing with the former a micro-poicilitic structure. One of the specimens ex- amined came from South Rewah and the other from the Mysore State. * Journ. Geol., Vol. IV, p. 160. 5 Ann. Report State Geol, of New Jersey for 1895. Trenton, New Jersey, 1896, p. 21-61. ê Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. XI, p. 56. 1896.] Petrograp hy. 663 Associated with the corundum in the Mysore State is a fibrolite rock. A tourmaline rock from the Kolar gold field in the same State and from North Arcot and Salem in Madras, consists of twisted and bent tourmaline fibres in a matrix of smaller fibres of the same substance. In the neighborhood of Bingera, New South Wales, two rocks are found as dykes cutting serpentine. One consists almost exclusively of green garnets and the other of picotite. The former contains also gold and chrysocolla. The Weathering of Diabase.—Mr. Merrill’ describes the changes that have been effected in a granular diabase at Medford, Mass., during its disintegration into soil. Bulk analysis of the fresh and the weath- ered rock yielded the following results: SiO, Al,O, Fe,0, FeO CaO MgO MnO K,O Na,O P,O, Ign Total Fresh 47.28 20.22 3.66 8.89 7.09 3.17 .77 2.16 3.94 .68 2.73—100.59 Weathered 44.44 23.19 12.70 6.03 2.82 52 1.75 3.93 .70 3.73= 99.81 The disintegration of the rock is accompanied by a leaching out of its most soluble constituents. Assuming that the alumnia has remained unchanged in quantity in the course of the disintegration, the percent- age of each constituent lost in this process is shown to be as follows: SiO, Al,O, FeO, FeO CaO MgO MnO KO Nao P,O, Ign 18.03 .00 18.10 25.89 21.70 41.57 29.15 12.83 11.39 .00 The paper is full of valuable suggestions that cannot be even referred to in these notes. Petrographical Notes.—Transitions from massive anorthosites into augen gneisses and into thinly foliated gneisses and transitions from olivine gabbro into hornblende schists are briefly described by Kemp* in a preliminary article on the dynamic metamorphism of anorthosites and related rocks in the Adirondacks. Pirsson® suggests the use of the word anhedron to express the mean- ing usually expressed in the phrase ‘hypidiomorphic form.’ An anhe- dron is a body with the physical constitution and properties of a crystal but without the crystallographic form. The term may be conveniently applied to the crystalline grains in rock masses. . 7 Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 7, p. 349. 8 Bull. Geol. Soc, Amer., Vol. 7, p. 488. 9Ib., Vol. 7, p. 492. 46 664 The American Naturalist, [August, GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. The Limestones of the Jenny Jump Mountains, New Jersey.—Accompanying the report on the Archean Geology of New Jersey, by Mr. J. E. Wolff is a paper by Mr. L. G. Westgate on the Geology of Jenny Jump Mountain, chiefly interesting on account of the conclusions reached by the author concerning the crystalline lime- stones of that region. The area under consideration embraces the northern half of Jenny Jump mountain in Warren county, New Jersey. This mountains lies along the northwestern border of the highland area, and is a sort of outlier or peninsula reaching into the later Paleozoic rocks. The main ridge of the mountain consists of gneisses; the limestone occurs at its extreme northeastern end, with outcrops along the southeast border of the mountain. The author discusses in detail the position, lithology and relations to the crystalline limestones in other parts of New Jersey, and reviews the views of previous writers as to the age of the Sussex county lime- stone, whizh has generally been considered the type and representative of other localities. Mr. diab views are given in the following summary “The crystalline limestones of Warren county are believed to be dis- tinct from and older than the blue magnesian limestone of Cambrian age, which occurs along the northwestern side of the New Jersey High- lands. They are believed to be distinct, for the following reasons.” “1. They differ lithologically from the blue limestone in being thoroughly crystalline, and in containing large amounts of accessory metamorphic minerals.” “2. They are intimately associated with and apparently interbedded with the older gneisses; and gneisses occur also interbedded in the limestone.” “3. They show no intimate association in areal distribution with the blue limestone, nor any tendency to grade into it.” “4, The metamorphic changes to which the white limestones have been subjected are general in their nature, and are not due to the action of the eruptives by which they are cut; so that no sufficient agent is at hand to account for the supposed change from blue into white lime- stone.” 1896.] Geology and Paleontology. 665 “ The white limestones are believed to be older than the blue Cam- brian limestone, because (1) they occur in intimate association with the gneisses which are of admitted pre-Cambrian age, and because (2) they have been subjected to general metamorphic forces resulting in great changes, of which the neighboring blue limestone shows no traces.” “ That the other crystalline limestones of New Jersey are of the same age as those of Warren county, has not been proved. The theory has generally been that they are. If they are, and if the position taken in the present paper is valid, then the crystalline limestones of Sussex county, and of other places in New Jersey, would also be, as they have generally been supposed to be, of pre-Cambrian or Archean age.” (Ann. Rept., New Jersey State Geologist for 1895. Trenton, 1896.) Unios from the Trias.—Four new Triassic Unios are described > by Mr. C. T. Simpson. The collection of which they form a part was obtained from the Dockum beds, a formation underlying the Staked Plains of Texas. Taken as a whole, these Unios closely resemble in form, and are apparently nearly related to those of the Jurassic beds of North America, while 3 of the species bring to mind most strongly the species which now inhabit Europe and western Asia, and a small group belonging to the Mississippi area. The variety of characters dis- played by these Triassic Unios go to show that the genus must have been well established at the time the Dockum beds were laid down, thus tending to overthrow Neumayer’s theory that the Unionidx were derived from the genus Trigonia, which probably does not date back to a period earlier than that of the shells under consideration. (Pro- ceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVIII, 1895.) The Cadurcotherium.—M. Boule calls attention to the recent discovery of the lower jaw of a Cadurcotherium (Gerv.) at Barliére (Haut-Loire). The specimen denotes an animal of the size of a small rhinoceros. It was found in oligocene arkoses associated with a fine mandible of Elotherium magnum, and fragments of Aceratherium, and the remains of turtles. Until now Cadurcotherium has been repre- sented by isolated teeth and fragments of mandibles. The new find is important, showing the animal to be unique among its contemporaries. It presents certain resemblances to South American types—notic- ably Astrapotherium of the Patagonian Eocene, but is, according to Osborn really related to the rhinocerontic genus Metamynodon. Notes on the Fossil Mammalia of Europe, V—The Phy- logeny of Anoplotherium.—The early attempts at the construction of a phylogeny of the even-toed ungulates, included the genus Anoplo- 666 The American Naturalist. [August, therium, which was considered by Paleontologists of twenty-five years ago, as a primitive form, especially in its foot structure, Anoplotherium certainly possesses a number of primitive characters in its manus and pes, such as the separation of the metatarsals, and the non-fusion of the podial elements, but the inadaptive reduction of its digits, as pointed out by Kowalevsky and the peculiar position of the pollux and hallux, excludes the possibility of placing Anoplotherium in the direct line leading to any of the living Artiodactyla. I propose in this short paper to attempt to prove, that Anoplotherium has been probably derived from Dacrytherium, a closely allied genus, but whose foot structure is normal and which resembles that of many of the early Eocene Artiodactyla such as Cainotherium. Prof Cope' sug- gested that Cebochwrus may have been the ancestor of Anoplotherium, but the structure of the skull in Cebocherus, is already quite modern- ized, nearly as much so as in the true pigs, consequently I am inclined to think that we shall have to look for some other form as ancestral to Anoplotherium. The general form of the skull in Daerytherium is like that of Anoplo- therium, however, in Dacrytherium there is a strongly pronounced pre- orbital fossa, which is absent in Anoplotherium. The crowns of the upper teeth in Dacrytherium are low and primitive in structure. They exhibit rounded external crescents, which are not at all angular. In Anoplotherium, especially the large species, the crowns of the superior true molars are more lengthened than in Dacrytherium and the external crescents are angular and broad. We see this change in many mam- malian phyla from extremely low crowned molars, to those which are tending to the hypselodont condition. As regards the intermediate stage, between Dacrytherium and Anoplotherium, as to the height of the molars, this is found in the genus Diplobune. The lower true molars of Daerytherium exhibit two internal cones, which is the normal number in the Artiodactyla. It is interesting to record, that I have noticed in a number of young jaws of Dacrytherium in which the true molars were just coming through, that the antero- internal cusp, which is single in the adult, shows a slight reduplication, which is the normal condition in Diplobune. The division of the meta- conid is carried still further in the largest species of Anoplotherium, although I have examined many jaws from the Phosphorites of the Anoplotherium, and I can confidently state, that all gradations exist between the complete isolation of the two antero-internal cusps of the typical forms of Anoplotherium, and the single condition of these cusps, 1 Artiodactyla, AMERICAN NATURALIST, Dec., 1888, p. 1083. 1896.] Geology and Paleontology. 667 + which is found in the supposed ancestral genus, Daerytherium. Accord- ingly I am not acquainted with any good generic character at present, which will distinguish the so-called genus Diplobune from Anoplother- ium, as in many cases in jaws from the Phosphorites, it is impossible to say whether they belong to Anoplotherium or Diplobune. Dr. Henri Filhol informed me that he was of the same opinion, in regard to the validity of the genus Diplobune. In Dacrytherium the hind foot has at least four well developed toes and the internal digit is not placed at an angle with the others as in Anoplotherium. This structure of the pes is just what one would expect to find in a genus standing in ancestral relationship to the more specialized members of the Anoplotheriide. Granting that Dacryther- ium fulfills in most of its characters, what we require of a form, supposed to be ancestral to Anoplotherium, there is still the presence in Daery- therium of a preorbital fossa, which is absent in theskull of Anoplother- ium, and also another objection, is, that Dacrytherium has claw-like un- gual phalanges, much as in Agriocherus. I believe, however, the ex- tremely compressed ungual phalanges of Dacrytherium is of little weight against this genus being ancestral to Anoplotherium, for in the latter these phalanges are rather compressed, more so than in the normal Artiodactyles, and they could be easily derived from those of Daery- therium. The structure of the skull is not known in all the species of Anoplotherium, and one of them may have had a skull with a preorbital fossa, which is so characteristic of Dacrytherium. As is well known, the original specimens of the manus and pes of Anoplotherium commune, which are in the Muséum d’ Histoire Natur-. elle, Paris, show only two well developed digits as restored by Cuvier. This restoration of the feet of Anoplotherium is shown by Schlosser and Zittell to have been an error on the part of Cuvier, and I quite agree with these authors on this point. Prof. Zittell in his “ Traité de Paleon- tologie” in speaking of the structure of the feet in Anoplotherium re- marks “La plupart des représentation de la patte d’ Anoplotherium faites jusqus à present omettent par erreur à la patte antérieur |’ index et le rudiment de pouce, à la patte postérieur le second doigt.” I have examined a fine cast of the hind foot of Anoplotherium commune and I find that the restoration of the internal portion as completed by Cuvier is quite erroneous. The two small bones placed by him on the tibular side of the pes do not at all fit the facets on which they are placed. The broad and obliquely placed facet on Mt. 111 in A. commune is for the large and wide spreading second digit, this same structure of the meta- tarsal occurs in A. (Kurytherium) latipes of the upper Eocene of Dé- bruge. 668 The American Naturalist. [August, Summing up the principal changes which have occured in the evolu- tion of Anoplotherium from Dacrytherium, I emphasize the following : 1. Increase in height of the crowns of the upper molars, and the redu- plication of the metaconid of the lower molars, this division of the meta- conid is found in an incipient condition in young jaws of Dacrytherium. Complete separation of the metaconid into two distinct cusps only occurs in some forms of Anoplotherium. 2. The hind foot of Daery- therium is normal in structure, and has at least four toes, this is the primitive type of pes, from which the specialized fost of Anoplotherium has been derived. Note.—In my “Notes on the Fossil Mammalia of Europe,” part II, American NATURALIST, April, 1896, I find two mistakes, which should be corrected. On page 309, third and fifth lines from top, read Adriotherium, instead of Adiotherium as printed, and also page 310, eighth line from the bottom, read Anoplotheriide, in place of Suillines. — CHARLES EARLE.. BOTANY:.' De Toni’s Sylloge Algarum.—Dr. De Toni’ has recently issued the third volume of his Sylloge Algarum. It deals entirely with the Brown Algæ or Phaeophycee—the FucotpE® as he calls them. A thousand species are described under one hundred and eighty genera, which are grouped into twenty-nine families. He divides the group into three orders, Cyclosporine, (Fucacex) Tetrasporine (Dictyoter) Phæo- zoosporine (Phsevzoosporez ). Splanchnidium rugosum the interesting plant which after careful study was placed by M. O. Mitchell and F. G. Whiting’ in the Phæo- sporin, is retained in the Durvilleacee, the fruit being described as a polysporous oogone. The general appearance of the plant and the structure of the conceptacles suggest a close relationship with the fucoids, but if the above investigations are to be accepted the plant 1 Edited by Prof. C. E. Bessey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. 2 Sylloge Algarum Omnium Hucusque cognitarum by J. Bapt. De Toni, Vol. III, —. hnidi im Grey. the type of a new order of Algæ, Phycolog- ical Memoirs, BLE 1892, 1896.] Botany. 669 , bears zoospores in the conceptacles and not oogones, hence it must be placed in the Zéosporine. The treatment of the Zoosporinz is practically that of Kjellman in Engler and Prantl’s, Pflanzenfamilien, except that the genera Litho- derma and Arthrocladia are placed in families by themselves, instead of in the Ralfsiacee and Desmarestiacee respectively, and that De Toni has included five small, mostly, monogeneric families, the Phaothamni- ace, Pheocapsacee, Hydruracee, Chromonodacee and Chromophyto- nacee not mentioned by Kjellman. In All the Zoosporinz except the above families the zoospores as far as known are laterally biciliated and are borne in some form of zéosporangia. In these families there are no zoosporangia and in at least a part of them the zoospores are not laterally biciliated and in general their relationship seems to be with the Chlorophycee. It seems more natural to place them, as Wille has with some of them, in the Chlorophycee next to their closely related genera. The book is well arranged; priority in class, ordinal and family. nomenclature is strictly observed. It will be indispensible to the spe- cialist in this line and a great help to the general student.— Dr ALTON SAUNDERS. The Flora of the Black Hills of South Dakota.—In a recent number of the Contributions from the U. 8. National Herbarium (Vol. III, No. 8; issued June 13, 1896), P. A. Rydberg gives the results of his explorations (in 1892) of the Black Hills of South Dakota. The report, which includes about eighty pages, includes the following, viz. : Itinerary, Geography, Geology, Altitudes, Precipitation and Tempera- ture, Floral Districts, General Remarks, and the Catalogue of Species. The plates are a Map of the Black Hills, Aquilegia brevistyla, Aqui- legia saximontana and Poa peeudopratensis. The floral districts recog- nized by the author are five, viz.: (1), the foothills and surrounding plains, (2), the Minnekata Plains, (3), the Harney Mountain Range, (4), the Limestone District, (5), the Northern Hills. In summing up his discussion of the vegetation of these districts the author says, “ From the foregoing can be seen what a varied flora the Black Hills have. There are found plants from the East, from the Saskatchewan region, from the prairies and table-lands west of the Missouri River, from the Rocky Mountains, and even from the region west thereof. In the foothills and the lower parts of the Hills proper the flora is essentially the same as that of the surrounding plains, with an addition of eastern plants that have ascended the streams. In the higher parts the flora is more ofa Northern origin, Most of the plants 670 The American Naturalist. [August, composing it are of a more or less transcontinental distribution, but often characteristic of a higher latitude. Some can be said to belong to the Rocky Mountain Region. The only trees of western origin are Pinus ponderosa scopulorum, and Betula occidentalis; the others are eastern, or transcontinental. The flora resembles, therefore, more that of the region around the Great Lakes than that of the Rockies.” It merely remains to say that the nomenclature and capitalization (all specific names decapitalized) of this interesting and valuable re- port are of the most advanced type—CHARLEs E. Brssry Trelease’s Hickories and Walnuts ofthe United States.— Dr. Trelease has rendered a good service to the botanists of the country by publishing (in the Seventh Annual Report of the Missouri Botan- ical Garden) the results of his studies of the Juglandacex of the United States, especially with reference to their winter characters. The species recognized are: Hicoria pecan (Marshall) Britton—lIowa to Southern Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana and Texas, extending into Mexico. H. myristiceformis (Michx. f.) Britton —Arkansas to Alabama, Texas and Mexico, and in South Carolina. H. aquatica (Michx. f.) Britton.— Virginia to Florida, around the Gulf to Texas, thence north to Arkansas and southern Illinois. H. minima (Marshall) Britton —Canada and Maine to Minnesota and Nebraska, south to Texas and Florida. H. glabra (Miller) Britton.—Atlantic region from Massachusetts and Pennsylvania to Florida.—var. odorata (Marshall) Sargent.— Mississippi valley eastward, and from Canada to the Gulf.—var. villosa Sargent.—Missouri, on flinty hills—var. microcarpa (Nuttall) Sar- gent.—Same range as var. odorata. . H. alba (L.) Britton —Canada to the Great Lakes and Kansas, south to Texas and Florida. H. mexicana (Engelm.) Britton.—-Mexico, in mountains of Alvarez. H. laciniosa (Michx.) Sargent—New York and Pennsylvania to Iowa, Kansas and the Indian Territory. H. ovata (Miller) Britton.—Canada to Minnesota, south to Florida, Kansas and Texas Juglans cinerea p ates Brunswick to Dakota, Kansas, and the Mountains of Georgia and Alabama. d. rupestris Engelmann.—Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, extend- ing into Mexico. J. californica Watson.—Coast range of southern California, 1896.] Botany. 671 J. nigra L.—Massachusetts to Ontario and Minnesota, south to the Gulf. The paper is accompanied by twenty five plates of trees, bark, buds, leaves and fruits.—CHARLES E. BESSEY. Diseases of Citrous Fruits.—This recently issued bulletin (8) of the Division of Vegetable Pathology, of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, prepared by W. T. Swingle and H. J. Webber is a valuable contribution to science as well as horticulture. The diseases discussed are Blight, Die-back, Scab, Sooty-mold, Foot-rot, and Melanose. Eight good plates (three colored) accompany the paper. Mulford’s Agaves of the United States.—In the seventh vol- ume of the annual report of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Miss A. Isabel Mulford publishes a monograph of the genus Agave so far as the species native to or growing spontaneously in the United States, are con- cerned, Sixteen species and four varieties are recognized, distributed as follows: A, virginica L.—Maryland to Florida, Indiana, Missouri and Texas. _ A. virginica var. tigrina Englem.—South Carolina. A. variegata Jacobi.—Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. A, maculata Regel.?—southern Texas. A, schottii Engelm.—southern Arizona. A, schottii var. serrulata n. var.—Rincon Mts., Arizona. A, parviflora Torrey —Mts. of Arizona. A. lechuguilla Torrey.—west Texas and east New Mexico. A. utahensis Engelm.—Utah, northern Arizona, southern California and Nevada. A. deserti Engelm. —southern California. A. applanata Lemaire.— as. A. applanata var. parryi (Engelm.) —southern New Mexico to cen- tral Arizona. A. applanata var. huachucensis (Baker).—Huahuca Mts., Arizona. A, shawii Engelm.—southwestern California. A. palmeri Engelm.—southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. A, asperrima Jacobi.—Spontaneous near San Antonio, Texas. = A. americana L.—Spontaneous in southern Texas. A. rigida sisalana Engelm.—Naturalized in Florida. A. decipiens Baker.—southeastern Florida. A. sp.—Florida. A. sp.—Texas. 672 The American Naturalist. [ August, It is with great pleasure that we observe the great reluctance of the author to establish new species; on the contrary she has refrained from giving names where most monographers would certainly have done so. Thus on page 96, after a description which might have been considered adequate, (at least by those who are fond of seeing their names cited in connection with specific names) the author says: “ To avoid further confusion in nomenclature I refrain from giving a name to this plant until it is possible to obtain further data.” We would commend this sentence to the careful consideration of a certain class of botanists who are apparently more anxious for their own “ credit” than for the progress of the science. Thirty eight plates, many of them half-tone reproductions of photog- raphs, accompany this useful paper. If space permitted we should be glad to quote from the author’s introductory discussion, which is full of interesting facts and suggestions ; thus a case is cited in which the flower-stalk grew for twenty days at the average rate of two and three- fourths inches per day !—CHARLES E. Bessey. i ZOOLOGY. Sense of Sight in Spiders.—A detailed account of the experi- ments conducted by G. W. and E. G. Peckham for testing (1) the range of vision and (2) the color sense of spiders is published in a late volume of the Trans. Wisconsin Academy. The evidence offered by the authors is based upon a study of twenty species of Attide. This study has extended over eight successive summers, during which notes were made of many hundreds of observations. The movements and attitudes of the spiders of the group chosen are wonderfully vivid and expressive. The males, in the mating season, throw themselves into one position when they catch sight of a female, and into quite another at the appearance of another male. This power of expression through different attitudes and movements is of great assistance in determining not only its range of sight, but also its power of distinct vision. The spiders were confined in boxes, the sides of which were marked off into inches. The bottom was of cotton cloth, the top of glass. Notes were taken of the distances at which prey was noticed, followed and captured. During their mating season the evidence was conclusive that these spiders not only see, but see clearly at considerable distance, The 1896.] Zoology. 673 following description of one of the many experiments described in the article serves to show the method of investigation: A male of Saitis pulex was put into a box containing a female of the same species. “The female was standing perfectly motionless, twelve inches away, and three aud a half inches higher than the male. He perceived her at once, lifting his head with an elert and excited ex- pression, and went bounding toward her. This he would not have done if he had not recognized her as a spider of his own species. When four and one-half inches from her he began the regular display of this species, which consists of a pecular dance. This he would not have done had he not recognized her sex.” At another time a male of Hasarius hoyi was dropped into a box with another male which was standing seven inches away. “He at once threw up his first legs, this being a challenge to battle. The other male responded by throwing up his first legs. The two advanced upon each other slowly, and when only two inches apart began to circle about each other, waving their legs. The same male when put into a box with a female saw her as she stood quite eleven inches away, and at once lifted his first legs, not straight up, as in the case with the other male, but obliquely, and began to move with a gliding gait from side to side, this being the characteristic display before the females in this species.” That the spiders recognize each other by sight and not by any other sense is evidently shown by the fact that they remain unconscious of each other’s presence when back to back, no matter how excitable they are when they come within range of each other’s vision. As a further evidence of recognition by sight a male of Dendryphantes elegans was removed from the box in the midst of his courtship of a female, his eyes gently blinded with paraffine, and then restored to the box. He remained entirely indifferent to the presence of the charmer that had so much excited him a few moments before. To sum up the result of these experiments: “The Attidæ see their prey (which consists of small insects) when it is motionless, at the distance of five inches; they see insects in mo- tion at much greater distances ; they see each other distinetly up to at least twelve inches. The observations on blinded spiders, and the numerous instances in which spiders were close together, and yet out of sight of each other, showing that they were unconscious of each other’s presence, render any other explanation of their action unsatis- factory. Sight guides them, not smell.” . 674 The American Naturalist. [August, As to a color-sense in spiders, the authors are of the opinion that their experiments, while not conclusive, yet all taken together, strongly indicate that spiders have the power of distinguishing colors. (Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Vol. X, 1895.) Classification and Geographical Distribution of the Nai- ades.—In his study of the fresh water pearly muscles, Mr. Simpson finds that the division of these mollusks into two families, Unionidæ and Mutelidee, founded on the completeness or incompleteness of the de- velopment of the siphons, cannot stand. He accordingly diagnoses the two families on the basis of the shell characters, and finds that his dis- tinctions fully agree with what is known of the facts of geographical distribution of the paleontology of the Naiades, and the classification of v. Ihering, based on the characters of the embryos. The Unionide, as defined by the author, include the genera Unio Retzius, Anodonta Lamark, Prisodon Schumacher, Tetraplodon Spix, Castalina v. Iher- ing, Burtonia Bourguignat, Arconaia Conrad, Cristaria Schumacher, Lepidodesma Simpson, Pseudodon Gould, Leguminaia Conrad and Solenaia Conrad. In the Mutelide he places the following genera :— Mutela Scopoli, Chelidonopsis Ansey, Spatha Lea, Pliodon Conrad, Brazzea Bourguignat, Glabaris Gray, Iheringella Pilsbry, Monocon- dyiæa d'Orbigny, Fossula Lea, Mycetopoda d’Orbigny. The author considers the relationship between these two great groups as not a very close one. The Unionide are characterized by schizodont teeth and a glochidium embryo. The Mutelide have taxodont teeth, and, so far as is known, the embryo is a lasidium. Mr. Simpson finds that the Naiades are capable of being grouped into assemblages of related forms which have a more or less immediate common ancestry ; and on the basis of this grouping they are distri- buted into eight provinces, as is shown in the following table: | ( Europe. Northern and Western Asia. North Pacific to the Desert. Pacific drainage of North America. Palearctic, . Ethiopi i o -.. 5. Africa south of the Sahara, ś Asia south of the Himala Oriental, f East Indies to the seny Islands. : Australia. Australian, Tasmania. New Zealand. Neotropical, . . . . South America. 1896.) Zoology. 675 Central America Central American, . none east of the Cordillera. ge from West Florida to the Rio Mississippian, . . ppan, Mackenzie el system. Pa Missisippi Valley and the Gulf 4 f the North Great La Lower es we rence and rivers of eastern ` Atlantic, anada. l Atlantic drainage of the United States. The Unios date back in America to the Trias, where they were first discoved by Prof. E. D. Cope. The relations of the existing Naiad fauna with the fossil forms is given by the author as follows: “The post-Cretaceous Unios of the northwestern States is evidently closely related to the fauna of the Mississippi Valley, and this seems to be related to that of Tropical Africa, as well as to the tertiary forms of eastern Europe and Siberia. The Unios of Australia and South America are apparently closely related to those of the Australian region. There seems to be, too, a general relationship between the Mutelide of Africa and South America. These Mutelids and the Unios which bear the embryos in the inner gills have perhaps formerly occupied extensive areas in the northern hemisphere, and may have been supplanted by more modern forms.” (Proceeds. U.S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVIII, 1896.) Arkansas Fishes.—As the result of less than three weeks’ collect- ing in western Arkansas, eastern Indian Territory and the St. Francis River in northeastern Arkansas, Prof. Meek obtained 83 species of fishes. A new Notropis was found in the Potean River, and a new species of Fundulus is described from the St. Francis. Mollusks are abundant in old river, the old channel of the St. Francis. Six species of Unionide were found at a locality farther north than hitherto re- ported. (Bull. U. S. Fish Commission for 1895, Wash., 1896.) Batrachia and Reptilia ot Madagascar.—The two collections of reptiles from Madagascar, now in the Natural History Museum of Paris, have been examined by M. Mocquard, who reports upon them as follows: The Grandidier collection comprises 68 species in all, Ophidians 13, Bathrachians 20, of which 3 are new species belonging to the genera Mantidactylus, Rhacophorus and Calophrynus. Lacer- tilians 35, including 2 new species, referred to the genera Lygodactylus _ 676 The American Naturalist. [August, and Phyllodactylus. The Allnand and Belly collection comprise 33 Reptiles and 16 Batrachians. Among the latter are 2 new species of Mantidactylus and 1 of Stumpffia. There are but 11 Sphidia, but these include types of two new genera, Compsophis and Alluondina and a new species of Pseudoxyrhopus. The Lacertilia, 22 in number, yield 4 new species referred to the following genera: Chameleon, Brookesia, Uroplates and Paracontias. The diagnosis of the new Rep- tiles of this collection have been previously given in the Comptes rendus de la Soc. Philom. for 1894. A comparison of these two collections, with the forms described by Prof. Boettger from Madagascar, shows that certain species considered by him as peculiar to Nossi-Bé are found distributed all through the northern part of the island. This is true not only of the Reptiles but of the Batrachians also. (Bull. Soc. Philom., Paris, 1895.) The Molting of Birds.—In a paper published recently in the Proceeds. Phila. Acad., Mr. Witmer Stone gives a detailed account of his observations on the molting of birds, with especial reference to the - plumages of the smaller land birds of eastern North America. Atten- tion is directed to the following points: order, number and times of molt; change of color by abrasion; seasonal plumages ; direct change of color in feathers. As a result of his studies Mr. Stone makes the following generalizations : T. The annual moult at the close of the breeding season is a physi- ological necessity, and is common to all birds. II. The spring molt and striking changes of plumage effected by abrasion are not physiological necessities, and their extent is dependent upon the height of development of coloration in the adult plumage, and does not necessarily have any relation to the systematic relation- ships of the species. It naturally follows that closely related species may differ materially in the number and extent of their molts, and that malesand females of the same species differ greatly in this respect when the nuptual plu- mage of the adult male is highly developed as compared with that of the female or with its own winter plumage. III. The amount of change effected in the plumage at any particular molt varies considerably in different individuals of the same species and sex. IV. Some species which have a well marked spring molt in their first and second years may discontinue it afterwards, when the adult plumage has once been acquired. And, on the other hand, some indi- 1896.} . Entomology. 677 viduals may continue to molt in the spring, while others of the same species cease to do so. V. The remiges are molted less frequently than any other part of the plumage. Asa rule, they are only renewed at the annual molt (ex- ception Dolichonyx). : VI. Variability in the order of molt in the remiges and presence or absence of molt in the flight feathers at the end of the first summer are generally family characters, i. e., Ceryie differs from any other species treated of in this paper in the order of molt in the primaries. All Picidæ and all Icteridæ, except Icterus (and Dolichonyx ?), molt the flight feathers with the rest of the first plumage. None of the Oscines except Icteride (as above), some (all?) Hirundinidx, Olocoris and Cardinalis molt the flight feathers at this time. Mr. Stone’s conclusions as to “ color-change without moulting ” are the same as those reached by Chapman, in his article on “ The Changes ot Plumage in the Dunlin and Sanderling,” namely : that color-change without molt or abrasion is incapable of taking place from the very nature of the structure of a feather, and that all the cases so reported can be otherwise acconnted for. (Proceeds. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phila., 1896.) The Florida Deer.—The fact that the Florida deer is but little more than half the size of the deer of northeastern United States, to- gether with certain cranial and dental peculiarities, is sufficient, accord- ing to Mr. Outram Bangs, to give it full specific rank. He therefore describes it under the name Cariacus osceola. The most striking differ- ences between the Florida animal and its northern relatives are (1) the shape and size of the nasal and maxillary bones, and (2) the very large molar and premolar teeth. (Proceeds. Biol. Soc. a iaa Vol. X, 1896.) ENTOMOLOGY." Professor Forbes’ Eighth Report.—The nineteenth report from the office of the State Entomologist of Illinois, covering the years 1893-4, has recently been issued. It is the eight report of the present incumbent, Professor S. A. Forbes, and adheres closely to the lines of thorough and accurate record, which have made its seven pre- decessors notable in the literature of economic entomology. The bulk ! Edited by Clarence M. Weed, New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H. 678 The American Naturalist. [Angust, of the volume (189 pages) is devoted to the Chinch Bug—the arch- enemy of Illinois agriculture, a voluminous record being made of the experiments with contagious diseases carried on by the entomologist and his assistants. There is also an article on the White Ant in Mli- nois, and in an appendix of 65 pages Mr. W. G. Johnson, assistant entomologist, gives an excellent discussion of the Mediterranean Flour Moth. Flies Riding on Beetle’s Back.—Rev. A. E. Eaton, the well- known British entomologist, writing from Bône, Algeria, sends this interesting note to the Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine: “Across the mouth of the Seybouse, on sandy pasture land bordering the seashore, big coprophagous beetles are common, sheltering in large holes in the soil when at rest, and running about on business. A small species of Borborine may often be seen riding on their backs, chiefly on the pro- notum, and about the bases of the elytra—sometimes half a dozen females on one beetle. The beetles occasionally throw themselves on their backs to try and get rid of them by rolling; but the flies elude all their efforts to dislodge them, dodging out of harm’s way into the joinings of the thorax and out again, and darting from back to breast and back again, in a way that drives the beetle nearly mad. In vain she scrapes over them with her legs; in vain does she roll over or delve down amongst the roots of the herbage; the flies are as active as monkeys, and there is no shaking them off. It is difficult to get them off into the killing bottle; nothing persuades them to fly; and they would very much rather stick to the beetle than be driven off it down into the tube.” Proteid Digesting Saliva in Insect Larve.—Dr. Wilibald Nagel describes? the method of feeding in larvæ of Dytiscus. In these larvee the mouth is very much reduced in size, and the ingestion of food is performed by means of suction through the much modified mandi- bles, the process being facilitated by the powerful digestive action of the saliva. Under natural conditions the larvæ eat only living animals, but in captivity they will also take pieces of meat. The zaliva has a marked poisonous action, killing other insects, and even tadpoles of twice the size of attacking larve, very rapidly. The larvæ not only suck the blood of their victims, but absorb the proteid substances. Drops of salivary juice seem to paralize the victim and to ferment the proteids. The secretion is neutral, the digestion tryptic. Similar extra-oral digestion seems to occur in larvæ of ant-lions, etc., and ? Biol. Centralbl., XVI, 1896, 51-57, 103-112, 1896.] Entomology. 679 spiders, and according to Krause, in Cephalopods.—Journ. Royal Micros. Society. Weismann on Dimorphism in Butterflies.—For some time The Entomologist has been publishing a series of interesting articles by Dr. August Weismann on the Seasonal Dimorphism of Lepidoptera. The June number contains a recapitulation from which we take this extract: “Although I am far from considering the few experiments, which I could here put forward, as sufficient for reaching a decisive settlement of our opinions on seasonal dimorphism, yet I cannot forbear arranging them, provisionally at least, in reference to our general con- ceptions of the subject. When, in the year 1875, I first set about investigating the ways of this striking and yet so long neglected phe- nomenon, I assumed that it was to a certain extent obvious, that this kind of dimorphism was everywhere a direct result of the various direct influences of climate, principally of the temperature, as it effects in regular alternation the spring and the summer brood of many- brooded species. I had also well considered the other possibility, that dimorphism connected with the time of the year might also depend upon the indirect influence of the changing environment, i. e., that it might depend upon the adaptation to the varying environment of the butterfly according to the time of year.” I then said : “ It is not inconceivable in itself, that phenomena occur among the Lepidoptera analogous to the winter and summer clothing of Alpine and Arctic mammalia and birds, only with the difference, that the change in coloring does not arise in one and the same genera- tion, but alternately in different ones.” But, at that time the fact that the upper side of butterflies, which is usually not adaptive, can be very - variable just in summer and spring, sometimes more so than the adaptive under side, appeared to me to contradict this adaptation of seasonal dimorphism. Yet, it was the fact, that the one or the other seasonal form could be produced artificially by the operation of a higher or lower temperature, i. e. the stamp of the winter form might be im- pressed on the summer brood, and vice versa. I therefore concluded that it was the measure of heat which was acting during the pupal period which directly formed the species in one way or the other; and I felt the more justified in so doing, as the climatic varieties form a parallel to the seasonal forms, and as the former must, without doubt, be referred to the direct influence of climate, especially of temperature. Thus, for example, Chrysophanus phicas is seasonably dimorphic in Sardinia and at Naples; the summer form, which develops during the AT 680 The American Naturalist. [August, summer heat, is very dark, almost black, but the spring form corre- sponds with our German red-golden phlæas. Although to-day I still look upon this view as correct, and a directly altering effect of temperature as proved, yet I have gradually been convinced, that this is not the sole origin of seasonally dimorphie varia- bllity, but that there is also adaptive seasonal dimorphism. We must, I believe, distinguish direct and adaptive seasonal dimorphism ; and, I see in this distinction an important advance, which, before all, places us in position to explain the results of the various experiments undertaken by myself and others in a much more satisfactory manner. I have already pronounced this view in a lecture delivered at Oxford in the beginning of 1894, and I have sought to show that adaptive seasonal dimorphism, which I had previously only put forward as possi- ble, does actually occur. The example there given for perfect insects was, indeed, only a hypothetical one, viz., the case of Vanessa prorsa- levana; but for larvæ, at least, I can select an example from Edward’s excellent work on the North American butterflies with tolerable cer- tainty, viz., that of Lycæna pseudargiolus, which will be more accurately iscussed later on. I did not then know what I learnt shortly after- wards from an interesting little pamphlet of Dr. G. Brandes, that cases of seasonal dimorphism had been known for a long time among tropical butterflies, and that among these, at least, one of the seasonal forms depend upon the assumption of a special protective coloring. Brandes, maintains, with justice, that the view hitherto widely held among us is erroneous, according to which seasonal dimorphism was not to be ex- pected in trophical countries, since the alternation of seasons is absent there. Periods of rain and drought, at least for many tropical coun- tries, form such an alternation very sharply. At any rate, Doherty, and, somewhat later, de Nicéville, have pointed out, for Indian butter- flies, a series of seasonally dimorphic species, not merely by the observa- tion of the alternation of the two forms in nature, but by rearing the one form from the eggs of the other ; thus among Satyridæe of the genera Yphthima, Mycalesis, and Melanitis, and for the species of Junonia, it is accepted as proved; and in all these cases the difference between the two forms principally consists in the fact that the one form seems like a dry leaf on the under side, while the other possesses another marking, and at the same time a number of ocelli. Without engaging in the controversy as to the biological value of these ocelli, I do not for a moment doubt but that the coloring with ocelli is also an adaptive form, possibly protective or intimidating color- ing. If one of the two forms had no biological significance, it could 1896.] . Entomology. 681 no longer exist; the single adaptive one would have replaced it. But it is obvious that the appearance of complicated details of marking and color, such as ocelli are, cannot be simply the direct effect of heat or cold, drought or humidity. These influences are not the actual causes of such formations, but only the stimulus, which sets their primary con- stituents free, i. e., induces their development, as I tried to demonstrate in the lecture above noted. As the sufficient cause of the sleep of the marmots does not lie in the cold, but in the organization of the animal which is adapted to the cold, and as the cold only brings the existing predisposition to winter sleep into play, so among these butterflies with adaptive seasonal dimorphism the display of the one or the other mark- ing is apparently connected, partially, at least, with one of the above named outward influences, although in reference to these trophical butterflies we do not yet know to which of them. We recognize temperature as the stimulus to development with the cases of seasonal dimorphism of our indigenous butterflies, as in all cases of seasonal dimorphism, which have hitherto proved experimen- tally, it is always high and low temperature which gives the outward impulse to the appearance of the one or the other form where this impulse did not come exclusively from within. There are, therefore, two different sources of the appearance of sea- sonal dimorphism: on the one hand, the direct action of alternating external influences, viz.: temperature, can bring about this change in the outward appearance; and on the other hand, the processes of selec-. tion. It is therefore necessary to consider these two kinds of seasonal dimorphism separately. It will certainly not always be easy to decide between them when a particular case has to be dealt with, as at present it is not always possible to say whether a coloring or marking has a definite biological value or not. Both causes also may co-operate in in one species. Note on the Classification of Diplopoda.—The admitted im- possibility of formulating a generally satisfactory definition of the term species exists partly because systematists have used it in the greatest variety of applications, and partly because natural groups are so diverse in structure and developmental history that a scheme calcu- lated to elucidate one may increase confusion in another. It is hence desirable in proposing or making use of a classification to recognize as clearly as possible the conceptions under which the arrangement into the various categories of natural groups has been made. The structure and distribution of the Diplopoda make it advanta- geous and usually easy to arrange them into species, which are groups 682 The American Naturalist. [August, of very similar individuals not connected by intermediate individuals with other groups different in details of structure, form or color. An apparent and probably sufficient cause for this is the close similarity of all Diplopoda in life-histories, habits and food. All are scavengers, able to subsist upon a variety of decaying vegetable, or even animal matter, and there has been scarcely any response to calls for special adaptations to life as parasites, commensals, or under other changed conditions. The species of Diplopoda are not only extremely local in distribution, but are generally confined to almost identical habitats, removed from which they do not long survive. Supposing the Diplopoda to be a natural group descended from a common ancestor, we are compelled to believe that such differences as appear among them are the result of accumulated variation not greatly influenced by external selective causes. Hence, existing differences indicate in general much more remote developmental divergence than in groups which have entered more thoroughly into the struggle for existence by responding to the demands of varied conditions. In this respect the Diplopoda offer a most striking contrast to the Hexa- poda, and the results are in accordance; there are more millions of species of Hexapoda than there are thousands of Diplopoda. __ Having accepted a criterion of species, the classification into higher groups is perhaps largely a matter of convenience ; but convenience, scientific accuracy, and the recognition of affinities, alike demand con- stant attention to the fact, that the value of any character depends primarily upon its constancy, not upon the apparent degree of diver- gence, This is merely the reiteration of the chief axiom of systematic science, but the abundance of systems which completely ignore this fundamental idea are evidence that much reiteration is still desirable. While in some natural groups it seems necessary to recognize sub- divisions not definable by any constant character or complex of char- acters in the Diplopoda, we may conveniently proceed upon somewhat better ground, and require that the genera and larger divisions shall be limited by definite structural characters. A dichotomous classification is theoretically the only exact one, for the reason that three or more natural groups could never be ex to be separated by exactly equivalent structural differences. Practi- cally, however, a dichotomous system is inconvenient by reason of the great number of categories necessary in properly recognizing affinities. Hence, it is not a valid objection to the usual or multi- fid form of classification that the natural divisions arranged under the same category are not of the same rank, that is, not remote from 1896.] Entomology. 683 each other by equal structural distances. All that can be reasonably demanded of a classification is that its groups of all ranks shall be natural ones, and that the higher the groups, the more constant, and hence fundamental, shall be the characters by which they are separated. Furthermore, it must never be supposed that the variability of a character in one group need affect its importance if found to be con- stant in another. Asa general policy it is evidently desirable that scientific names of all grades shall mean as much as possible. The objection to the recog- nition of distinct and definable genera and higher groups on account of the consequent multiplicity of names is usually to be taken as an unscientific willingness to ignore structural differences and natural affinities,,in the hope of escaping additional labor. In reality the diffi- culty of defining groups containing unrelated members, and of becoming acquainted with such through descriptions, much exceeds the temporary inconvenience resulting from change of names. In attempting to embody in the classification of the Diplopoda a recognition of certain structural differences found to be invariable, several natural and distinct groups of families have been recognized as orders. It is here proposed to render this classification more definite and consistent by the division of two of these orders, in the belief that the resulting groups, in addition to numerous structural differences, have long been divergent in developmental history. The orders thus to be divided are the Diplocheta and the Merocheta. From the Diplocheta it is proposed to separate the true Iulide and their allies, under the name ZYGOCHETA, leaving under the Diplocheta Spirostreptoidea and Cambaloidea. The Zygocheta are distinct in many characters of the gnathochilarium, in the transformation of the first pair of legs of males as clasping organs, the adnate external seminal ducts, the absence of legs from the third segment, the presence of legs on the fourth segment, and the structure of the copulatory organs of both sexes. The Diplo- cheta have the first pair of legs nearly or quite unmodified, the external ducts distinct, the third segment with a pair of legs, and the fourth seg- ment footless. Notwithstanding these and other important and invaria- ble differences, it remains probable that these two orders are more related to each other than to any third group of Diplopoda. The other case is similar ; the Merocheta will, in the restricted sense, contain numerous families allied to the Polydesmide, with twenty closed segmental rings; the new order CŒLOCHETA will accommodate the 684 The American Naturalist. [August, Lysiopetaloidea and Craspedosmatoidea,’ and is characterized by the greater number of segments, the free pedigerous lamin, the seven- jointed legs, the distinct mentum, and the normal presence of eyes. In the Merocheta the apertures of the external seminal ducts are small openings in the chitinous wall of the coxæ of the second legs, connect- ing with internal tube of nearly uniform diameter. In the Ccelocheta the cox contain a large cavity, while the aperture is large, the margin pilose and not chitinous.—O. F. Coox. EMBRYOLOGY. The Tentacular Apparatus of Amphiuma.—In the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Vol. VI, March, 1896, Professor J. S. Kingsley has written an article entitled “ On Three Points in the Nerv- ous Anatomy of Amphibians” in which he has endeavored to show that the tentacular apparatus of Amphiuma, briefly described by me (Jour- nal of Morphology, Vol. XI, No. 2), has been mistaken for a nerve and blood vessel. I consider the discovery of this degenerate organ of too much phylogenetic importance to be consigned at once to oblivion, and, therefore, offer in this article the results of a more careful study of it. Since histological detail is important in this investigation, I state briefly the technique. The specimen, seventy-eight millimeters in length and seven millimeters in body diameter, was hardened in Klein- enberg’s picro-sulphuric and, passed through the alcohol series from seventy to one hundred per cent and returned to seventy per cent, when the head was severed and placed three days in borax-carmine, then in acid alcohol twenty-four hours, after which it was imbedded in paraffine by the usual method and cut into serial sections one twenty-fifth of a millimeter in thickness. Figure I is magnified twenty diameters. The outlines of all the feat- ures were drawn with a Zeiss camera lucida, Every feature appears in š From the true Craspedosomatide there may be distinguished the Trachy- gonidz, Conotylide, and Cleidogonide, in addition to the Chordeumatide estab- lished by C. L. Koch in 1847, The separation of other equivalent groups will probably be necessary when a fuller knowledge of European and Asiatic forms is ined. ' Edited by E. A. Andrews, Baltimore, Md., to whom abstracts reviews and preliminary notes may be sent. 1896.] Embryology. 685 Figure I. Right-hand portion of section through head of Amphiuma 78 millim- eters long, f, frontal; P, parietal; OSP, orbitosphenoid; E, eye; m, maxillary bone; mx*, branches of maxillary nerve; Tt, tentacular OTA rt, retractor bial mx, maxillary nerve. the section just as distinctly as it is shown in the figure, b is the blood vessel and the adjacent mx* the nerve which Kingsley thought I had mistaken for the tentacular apparatus, Tt. Notice that three branches of the ramus maxillaris course along the external sheath. = Figure II. Ce, canal for tentacle; rt, retractor muscle; ObD, orbital gland ; ITts, inner sheath ; ATts, outer sheath, 686 The American Naturalist. [August, The histological details of the apparatus Tt. are shown in figure II as they appear viewed with a 72 inch oil immersion lens giving about 1000 diameters. While the columnar epithelial cells lining the tenta- cular canal Ce are not so regular as one sees in a functional organ yet they are so well defined, especially in the lower portion that the ob- server cannot be misled as to their identity. The nucleus is visible in about one half the cells and the nucleolus is apparent in many cases. In the upper portion the cells have lost their nuclei and are in a degen- erate condition. rt is a cross-section of a muscular element which I believe is the atrophied remains of the muscular retractor of the tentacle. In my preparation, only the bony and muscular tissues have taken on the very light shade of red which characterizes rt. Since the latter is certainly not a bone, I infer it must be a muscle, and if a muscle what other function could it have had than to retract the tentacle. This muscle is visible in ten consecutive sections while the canal Ce appears in greater or less completeness in thirteen sections. The black dots of various sizes seen irregularly distributed throughout the gland- ular tissue ObD may possibly be nuclei as they are stained a deep red or they may be scattered nerve fibres whose connection with the ramus maxillaris on its branches I have not been able to demonstrate because the degenerate glandular tissue was so loose as to be displaced in several sections. The irregular wavy lines, I think represent cell boundaries. These are visible with an enlargement of two hundred diameters in the lower portion but can scarcely be seen with an oil immersion immedi- ately beneath the canal. ITts is the inner tentacle sheath composed of connective tissue fibres. It is clearly seen in eighteen consecutive sec- tions. ATts represents the outer tentacle sheath which with a low power can be seen in twenty-five consecutive sections. Thus it is ob- served that this tentacular apparatus is about one millimeter long lying below and external to the eye. The tentacular canal is complete in only four sections. Figure IIT represents the fourth section posterior to figure II. The columar epi- thelium has disappeared on the dorsal side where the inner sheath enters and on one side lies close to the wall, while on the other it mingles with a loose tissue T which may be the remainsof a tentacle. This tentacle is prominent in six sections, in three of which the canal is complete so that the inner sheath does not enter it. The lumen of the canal varies but slightly in size. The musculus retractor rt dwindles as we pass anterior or posterior of the section shown in figure II. The glandular tissue decreases both anterior and posterior to the median section. The portion on the ventral side persists the longest, being present in thirteen ` 1896.] Embryology. 687 sections. The outer tentacle sheath retains the same circumference in about thirteen sections. As soon as the canal and glandular tissue have disappeared the circumference of the outer sheath lessens in both the six posterior sections and the six sections anterior to the thirteen Ẹ Zoo My» Figure III. T, tentacle; mx,* branch of ramus maxillarios; other letters same as in figure IT. median sections until it is only one fourth of the full size and the cells of the sheath become scattered, thus finally filling up the central area and creating a solid cord in the last two sections. It is worthy of notice that this tentacular apparatus was observed on the right hand side only in the specimen examined. In three other specimens of the same hatching, though they were several millimeters longer, no trace of the above described organ could be discerned. Kingsley has shown that no such organ exists in his specimens which were from the same lot as mine. An explanation of the occurrence of this organ in only one specimen may be found in the fact that it is an exceedingly transi- tory formation like the pronephros of the chick, which is present for only one day. ; The second objection Kingsley makes to my observations, is that all the eye muscles are present in Amphiuma and the Sarasins say the re- tractor muscle of the tentacle is probably developed from the retractor bulbi. To this I answer that the Sarasins have not been able to demon- strate positively that the retractor muscle is developed from the retrac- tor bulbi, and if it were true that the retractor muscle is developed from the retractor bulbi, I see no objection to the posterior part of the 688 The American Naturalist. [August, retractor muscle functioning as a retractor bulbi — the anterior por-` tion has undergone degeneration. Kingsley further states that the described apparatus is not in the proper location to be compared to the tentacular organ of the Gymno- phiona. In elucidating this point it is of service to compare figure I with figure IV taken from Die Anatomie der Gymnophionen von Wiedersheim. Figure IV. Cross section of Siphonops annulatus. NPr, naso premaxillary ; Vo. vomer; M, maxillary ; Atts, outer tentacle sheath ; ITts, inner tentacle sheath After Weidersheim. It is seen that the columar-lined canal, inner tentacle sheath and outer tentacle sheath in Siphonops, have the same relation as in Am- phiuma. It is further seen that the inner sheath of Siphonops is in- voluted ventrally to surround the tentacle while in Amphiuma a similar involution is seen on the dorsal side in Fig. III. In both genera the organ is covered merely. by the skin and its subjacent tissue. The glandular tissue is not shown in Fig. IV as the section is anterior to the orbital gland. It is true the maxillary bone overhangs the apparatus in Sipbonops whereas such is not the case in Amphiuma. In beha this contrast I quote from Cope (Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 34, p. 214): “There is also a very large foramen or canal passing through the o. maxillare from near its middle to the orbit, foreshadowing the canalis tentaculiferus of the cecilia.” Fig. I. is a section posterior to where the canal would enter the maxillary bone. Among the Gymnophiona there is considerable variation as to the rela- tion of the apparatus to the maxillary bone as the following from Wie- dersheim, p. 47 shows: “Sprengt man nun zum Behuf klarerer Ein- sicht die Deckknochen auf der betreffenden Schidelhafte volkommen ab, so wird man ein weissliches, walzenformiges Organ gewahr, wel- 1896.] Psychology. 689 ches, wei bei Ceecilia, ganz vom Maxillarbein oder wei bei Epicrium und Siphonops an seiner äusseren circumferenz nur von der äusseren Haut bedeckt ist.” Thus it is seen that the location of the organ in Amphiuma is very similar to its location in Gymnophiona. A further corroboration of my views is noticed in the relation of the branches of the ramus maxillaris to the external sheath of the tentacle. According to Wiedersheim, in the Gymnophiona three branches of the maxillary nerve attend the tentacular apparatus in its course in the sub-orbital region. In Amphiuma I have found these three branches occupying the same relative position as is indicated by mx* in Fig. I. This striking similarity is seen at a glance by comparing fig. 54 in Wiedersheim’s Anatomie der Gymnophionen with Fig. I. Before one can be convinced that theso-called tentacular apparatus in Amphiuma is really such I am aware my investigations must be verified by the dis- covery of this atrophied organ in other specimens. The importance of the discovery of such a feature is emphasized by Kingsley: “ Were it true that Amphiuma possesses, either in the young or the adult, rudi- ments of a tentacular apparatus, the fact would prove of great value to those who would recognize in the Gymnophiona only degenerate Am- phiume.” Cope and the Sarasins have deduced considerable evidence favoring the close relationship of Amphiumide and Cæciliidæ, which fact renders it the more credible that a rudimentary tentacular appar- atus has really been found in Amphiuma.—Atvrin Davison, Pu. D. PSYCHOLOGY. Synesthesia and Synopsia.—Until quite recently synesthesia was regarded by psychologists generally as a purely artificial and fanci- ful association, or at best as a sign of degeneracy; it has lately received considerable attention, however, and the weight of evidence goes to show that it is both natural and normal—it may even be said, a phe- nomenon of common occurrence. In an exhaustive monograph on the subject, published in 1893,' Prof. Flournoy of Geneva for the first time introduced a terminology which aimed to distinguish scientifically between the different forms of synæs- thesia. The most important phase is the association of visual images, or synopsia. Attention was first called to this by Fechner, in 1876. 1 Les phénomènes de la synopsie (audition colorée); by Th, Flournoy; Paris, 1893; pp. 259, 690 The American Naturalist. [Augest, Flournoy distinguishes here between photisms, diagrams and person- ification. The first of these is the audition colorée of earlier writers; it consists in the natural association of a color with each particular sound, so that a spoken word appears to the hearer to be tinged with one or more hues, corresponding to its constituent vowel sounds.