JOURNAL S740 OF THE S ARNOLD ARBORET UM HARVARD UNIVERSITY B. G. SCHUBERT EDITOR T. G. HARTLEY C. E. WOOD, JR. D. A. POWELL CIRCULATION VOLUME 49 RI | ie 4 VEN ‘i as _——— ii = y \ “ PUBLISHED BY THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 1968 MissouR! Boramicat GARDEN LIBRARY DATES OF ISSUE No. 1 (pp. 1-166) issued January 15, 1968. No. 2 (pp. 167-290) issued April 22, 1968. No. 3 (pp. 291-380) issued July 16, 1968. No. 4 (pp. 381-559) issued October 17, 1968. TABLE OF CONTENTS IrvinGc Wiper Barry, 1884-1967. With portrait. Richard A. Howard INFLORESCENCE IN NANNORRHOPS RITCHIANA (Patmar). P. B. Tomlinson and H. E. Moore, Jr. Harperocatuis, A New GENUS OF THE LILIACEAE FROM FLORIDA. Sidney M Dita CYTOTAXONOMY OF ILLICIUM FLORIDANUM AND I. PARVIFLORUM (InuictAcEaE). Donald E. Stone and Judith L. Freeman ....... FurtHeR MorpHouocicaAL Srupres ON ANASTOMOSES IN THE Dicuotomous VENATION oF CrrcarasterR. Adriance S. Foster A SyNopsis OF THE ASIAN SPEcIES OF DELPHINIUM, SENSU Srricto (Continued). Philip A. Munz FLowers, Fruirs, AND PHYLOGENY OF ALANGIACEAE. Richard H. yde Diverse Nopau Types tn Ruopopenpron. W. R. Philipson and M Philipson A New Hyprancrea rrom Mexico. Lorin I. Nevling, Jr., and Arturo Gémez-Pompa : A Synopsis OF THE ASIAN SPECIES OF DELPHINIUM, SENSU Srricto (Concluded). Philip A. Munz MorpPHoLoGy AND ANATOMY OF CROOMIA PAUCIFLORA (STEMONA- cEAE). P. B. Tomlinson and E. S. Ayensu HERISSANTIA, BoGENHARDIA, AND Gayorpes (MALVACEAE). George Brizicky JAMAICAN AND OTHER SPECIES OF BUMELIA (SAPOTACEAE). William T. Stearn ANATOMY OF THE PaLM RHAPIS EXCELSA, V. INFLORESCENCE. P. B. Tomlinson and M. H. Zimmermann ANATOMY OF THE PALM RHAPIS EXCELSA, VI. Roor anp BRANCH Insertion. P. B. Tomlinson and M. H. Zimmermanzn ............ CompaRATIVE MorpHo.ocicaL Stupres 1N Di.ientacear, III. Tue Carpets. William C. Dickison REVISION OF THE GENUS NoOTELAEA (OLEACEAE). P. S. Green. ........ CoMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE LEAF-BEARING CacTaceAk, XVII. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE PROBLEM OF TRANSI- TIONS FROM Broap TO TERETE Leaves. J. W. Bailey ................ BoranicaAL NAME OF THE TEA SAGERETIA OF CHINA. Marshall C. Johnston THE Eco.iocy or AN ELFIN Forest iN Pugrto Rico, 1. [nrropuc- TION AND Composition Stupies. Richard A. Howard ............ Ture Ecotocy or AN Erin Forest 1N Purrto Rico, 2. THE MicrocLuiMATE oF Pico pEL Orste. Harold W. Baynton. ........ Srupres or Paciric Istanp PLants, XIX. THe ARALIACEAE OF tHE New Hepripves, Fis1, Samoa, AND Tonoa. Albert C. Smith and Benjamin C. Stone SoRBUS AND THE PROBLEM OF GENERIC TyYPIFICATION. George K. Brizicky EmpryoLocy oF Drimys winterI. N. N. Bhandari and Revathi Venkataraman Tue Drrector’s Report InpEx TO VOLUME 49 fie 6 VOLUME 49 NuMBER 1 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY B. G. SCHUBERT EDITOR T. G. HARTLEY Cc. E. WOOD, JR. D. A. POWELL CIRCULATION THE JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Published quarterly by the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. Subscription price $10.00 per year. Volumes I-XX, reprinted, and back issues of volumes XXI-XLV are Soctahaes as the Kraus Reprint Corporation, 16 East 46TH Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Subscriptions and Sapien ay should be addressed to Miss Duucte A. PowseLL, ARNOLD ARBORETUM, 22 Divinity AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, Massa- CHUSETTS 02138. CONTENTS OF NO. 1 irene Wier Baney, 1884-1967. With evotae Richard A. Howard 1 IyrLonescence: IN Nina. RITCHIANA — (Pavan). P. B. To: cs H. E. Ss dt: HER " Mosenovocrcas, Srupres oN Seca IN THE US VENATION OF CIRC. a. Adriance S. Foster 52 DELPHINIUM, SEeNsu Stricro J Pa Munz - IRVING WIDMER BAILEY JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM VoL. 49 JANUARY 1968 NUMBER 1 IRVING WIDMER BAILEY, 1884-1967 RicHArp A. Howarp With portrait * THE SUDDEN DEATH OF Irving Widmer Bailey on May 16th ended the long and productive career of a brilliant scholar and a son of Harvard in every sense of the word. His place cannot be filled; his kind of contribu- tion cannot be repeated; his leadership and inspiration are not to be duplicated. He was ‘Professor Bailey” to all but a very few, and the appellation was offered in respect and admiration. Irving Widmer Bailey was born in Tilton, New Hampshire, August 15, 1884, the only child of Solon Irving Bailey and Ruth Elaine (Poulter) Bailey. His father, an assistant professor of astronomy at Harvard, was sent to Peru in 1889 to select a site for a high altitude observatory. He chose the summit of El Misti at 19,000 feet and, with his family in residence, supervised the operation of an observatory constructed ‘there. Irving Bailey wrote later, “My reactions and activities in college and subsequent to graduation were profoundly influenced by the fact that eight of the first thirteen years of my boyhood were spent in remote parts of South America rather than in the environment of New England. Having no formal and stereotyped education until the age of thirteen, having no playmates of my own race and age, I was forced to rely upon my own resources for interests and activities. Much of my time was spent in hunting, in exploring the Andes at high altitudes, in learning at first hand the traditions and beliefs of Peruvian Indians, and in observing the spectacular activities of Catholic Spanish in peace and in revolution. I developed at an unusually early age, in association with my father and other astronomers, a keenly analytical interest in natural phenomena and in the activities and foibles of the human race under differing hereditary and environmental influences.” : Irving Bailey entered Harvard College in 1903 and was graduated with the class of 1907. In his 50th anniversary report he related, “In college I browsed around in history, chemistry, geology and meteorology, but it was not until my senior year that speeches of Gifford Pinchot and Presi- dent Eliot induced me to undertake a career in forestry, particularly owing * Photograph by John Brook, Boston, Massachusetts, 1955. 2 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 to the appeal of an out-of-door profession.” Bailey entered the graduate school at Harvard in 1907, and his subsequent career was to parallel many changes in the administrative organization of botanical science at Harvard, in which he was to play a continuing and major role. The year 1907 marked the establishment of the School of Applied Science at Harvard with both Forestry and the Bussey Institution, the latter newly reorganized as a school for study of problems relating to agriculture and horticulture, transferred administratively to that School. The Harvard Forest was also acquired in 1907, and the following year a division of Forestry was initiated. In 1908 Bailey received his first Harvard appointment as Assistant in Botany. He was awarded the Master of Forestry degree in 1909 and almost simultaneously an appointment as Instructor of Forestry in the Graduate School of Applied Science. In 1912 a short-lived School of Forestry was formed, with Bailey on the staff as an Assistant Professor. In 1914 the Bussey Institution and the School of Forestry were combined as the Graduate School of Applied Biology, which was then known inter- nationally and now historically as the Bussey Institution. Professor Bailey was promoted to Associate Professor of this Institution in 1920 and became Professor of Plant Anatomy in 1927. In 1931 further administrative changes abolished the Bussey Institution as a school and transferred its instruction and degree-granting privileges to the Division of Biology. At that time Professor Bailey was transferred to the staff of the Arnold Arboretum for budgetary purposes, although his office was to be in the Biological Laboratories in Cambridge until the year before his retirement. Then, with the completion of the Harvard University Herbaria building in 1954, Bailey moved his office and laboratory along with the wood collection into the new building. After his retirement in 1955, he continued to use work space in the quarters of the wood collection and followed a regular schedule in the laboratory until the heart attack that ended his life. This building represents the fulfillment of his own plan, presented to the Har- vard Corporation at their request in 1945, for assembling most of the botanical institutions at Harvard under one roof. Although he carried the title of Professor, Irving Bailey was not primarily a teacher. His students during the years at the Bussey Institu- tion and later in the Department of Biology were those of graduate level and advanced instruction. Few students actually received their advanced degrees under his supervision. Because he was not directly responsible for student guidance, he was even more effective in giving help when it was requested and needed. The few courses he taught were organized through- out in the same meticulous fashion with which he wrote. His superb photographic techniques produced lantern slides that focused on the exact point to be made. His lectures were a pleasure to listen to and a student’s delight to annotate, yet he worried incessantly before and after each scheduled presentation. His talent for teaching, however, was also evident in his association with younger people who served as his technicians. The junior authors of many, many papers, Mary Vestal, Anna Faull, Richard Howard, Charlotte Nast, B. G. L. Swamy, were assistants who shared the 1968 | HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 3 honor of being included in some of Bailey’s writing and “graduated” to contributions of their own. It is his research and his published contributions that are the expression of the true talents of Irving Bailey. His first paper was published in 1909, and one remained in manuscript at the time of his death. In the 58 years of his productive career Bailey published the 142 papers listed in the bibliography which follows. These cover a variety of fields and show a return, often years later, to an original subject for further elaboration or, when needed, a change in direction. Professor Bailey is credited with two books. In reality one is a small printed report on the status of forestry education and the other a collection of his papers reprinted in book form. He was often visited by representatives of book publishing firms pleading for him to write a book. He was most generous in giving his time to reading manuscripts of other writers and offering his criticisms or com- pliments. His own failure to write a book he once explained as his willingness to let others summarize for, while he could, he preferred to contribute his original ideas and investigations. Bailey recalled in the Fiftieth Anniversary Report of the Harvard Class of 1907, “Upon obtaining my degree of Master of Forestry, I spent several years studying lumbering and wood-using industries, and became con- vinced that the existing economic, social and political status in North America was such as to inhibit for many years an extensive application of intensive European silvicultural methods. At the same time, ecame increasingly impressed by the lack of accurate and reliable information regarding the anatomical structure, physical properties and chemical composition of wood and the vital processes by which it is formed in plants. Thus, since joining the staff of the reorganized Bussey Institution in 1914, I have devoted my attention largely to research in various aspects of this pioneering field. As data accumulated, they became increasingly significant in the discussion of theoretical botanical problems of plant identification, plant classification, plant physiology and evolution, as well as in the solution of practical problems of wood utilization. Therefore, at present I am generally regarded both in this country and abroad as a botanist rather than as a forester.” ; In reviewing his own publications for reprinting in book form in 1954, Bailey agreed to eight chapters grouping his contributions into the broad categories of cytology and ontogeny, biochemistry and biophysics, phylog- eny, taxonomy, entomology, paleobotany, wood technology, and coopera- tion in scientific research. These areas truly reflect the scope of Professor Bailey’s abilities, and each is used often in his writings or returned to in the course of his research. ie Every scholar has in his background an individual influential in the development of his career. Regrettably, there is little acknowledgement of the role of Edward Charles Jeffrey in the development of the career of Irving Bailey. Jeffrey was Assistant Professor of Vegetable Histology and General Morphology at Harvard from 1902 to 1907, when Bailey was an undergraduate. He became Professor of Plant Anatomy in 1907 and : JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 retired in 1933. In many ways Irving Bailey can be regarded as his successor. Bailey’s early publications, often recorded as “Contributions from the Phanerogamic Laboratories of Harvard University,” acknowl- edged the valuable assistance of Jeffrey or the courtesies of his laboratory. Their subject matter certainly followed the same interests of Jeffrey and in the beginning followed his theories. In 1914 in the early numbers of a series of six papers titled “Investigations on the Phylogeny of the Angiosperms,” Bailey and his co-author Edmund Sinnott dissented from Jeffrey’s theories, the split largely starting with the subject of the “ageregate ray.” Jeffrey’s book, “The Anatomy of Woody Plants,” pub- lished in 1917, contained many ideas and descriptions which Bailey did not accept, and a conflict between them continued in print. Following the appearance of two papers by Jeffrey and R. E. Torrey in the Botanical Gazette in 1921, Bailey and Sinnott wrote, “a vigourous attempt is made to discredit our work. The unfortunate tone of this attack we can afford to ignore but in view of the misrepresentation of our position which they have introduced into the discussion we feel that it is wise to restate our conclusions in the light of all the facts which have been brought forward, and to endeavor to clarify the real point at issue.” The wounds created were never healed, yet the training Jeffrey had offered the young Irving Bailey came to an imaginative mind and an energetic body. During World War I Bailey’s talents as a wood technologist were used at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. His early interest in the preservation of wood he also associated with studies of the structure of the stem. At Wright Field he was Chief of the Wood Section of the Materials Engi- neering Department of the Bureau of Aircraft Production. The principal woods used in wing and frame construction of World War I aircraft were spruces and firs. The methods of cutting, curing, milling and splicing these occupied Bailey’s interests and were his responsibilities. When the supply of spruce was threatened by insect attacks in the postwar years he took part in studies which led to nearly classical papers on the spruce budworm biocoenose. Bailey tendered his resignation as “Aeronautical Mechanical Engineer” effective December 23, 1918, and returned to the Bussey Institution in Jamaica Plain. The two distinctive types of research which were to occupy Bailey’s time on his return to academic life were to develop quickly. His war time studies of wood structure developed into a long series of papers on the cambium and its derivative tissues. At the Bussey he undertook a special study of the stem structure of some African myrmecophytes for the director, William M. Wheeler. This involved a study of the feeding habits of plant-inhabiting ants, and in 1920, Bailey spent the summer in British Guiana working at the tropical research station of William Beebe. He had received a grant of $500 from the AAAS for this field work and during a portion of the time he was in the company of Wheeler. The observations they made on species of Cordia, Cecropia, Triplaris, and other ant plants were not published until 1942, after Wheeler’s death in 1937. The work in entomology with Wheeler and the expedition to British Guiana were 1968 } HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 5 apparently among the most enjoyable experiences of Bailey’s life, for tales of these were often repeated in social gatherings. In the course of the work in British Guiana, Bailey found a new species of Cecropia which he described in 1922. He was also able to make observations on other plants including species of Marcgravia. The flowers of the unusual inflorescences of Marcgravia plants were often considered to be pollinated by birds. Bailey’s observations on these plants and their pollination formed a series of papers which also included two new species of Marcgravia. Bailey did not collect many plant specimens and his collections for that trip numbered 195 in the figures he cited. Bailey’s ventures into taxonomy were not many. In addition to the three species described from South America he is credited as the senior author of the family Degeneriaceae. This resulted from the cooperative study with A. C. Smith on plants of the Fiji Islands and was a phase of the study of the primitive Angiosperms which Bailey insisted on calling inaccurately the “woody Ranales.”’ Bailey is well remembered for his cooperation with taxonomists, and his work on the Icacinaceae is representative. Perhaps from his survey work with Sinnott on the nodal structure of plant families he had retained an interest in families of flowering plants which showed diverse habits or director of the Gray Herbarium. Professor Bailey assigned to me the task of preparing the anatomical slides needed for an investigation of the remainder of the genera. These materials were then studied and dis- crepancies were soon obvious in the taxonomic classification of the specimens. In some cases the specimens were incorrectly named and in others the species were incorrectly placed. The value of anatomical characters in taxonomy soon became evident in this family. A series of papers by Bailey and Howard, by Howard, and by Dahl resulted from this work. One taxon of the Icacinaceae with distinctive anatomical characteristics could also be shown to be distinct on the basis of characters commonly used. The genus then distinguished was named in his honor, Irvingbaileya. In later years Swamy described a new species of vesselless angiosperms as Sarcandra irvingbaileyi to honor his early association with Professor Bailey and Bailey’s long interest in such primitive plants. Professor Bailey was frequently asked for his opinion on aberrant species or genera as plant materials came into the Arnold Arboretum for determination. The taxonomic research published in the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum often carries a few words of anatomical description or notes on relationships supplied by Bailey or an acknowledgement of his assistance in finding the right place for the material. A report to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences prepared by Professor Bailey and entitled “Botany and its application at Harvard has been called the “Bailey Plan” or the “Bailey Report.” It was the subject of an acrimonious controversy which lasted over two decades while Professor Bailey was active, and after his retirement. Although initially 6 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 submitted as a confidential report in 1945, its recommendations were accepted by the Dean and an “unclassified” edition was prepared and published. The report and plan which Professor Bailey himself described at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1946) created discussion which was to involve the faculty, the Board of Overseers and its committee to Visit the Arnold Arboretum, the Corporation, many teams of lawyers, and two decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. In particular the wisdom of the recom- mendations regarding the Arnold Arboretum was challenged and after due consideration the Harvard Corporation as trustees of the Arnold Arboretum voted in 1953 that the “plan contained in the Bailey Report of June 1945 shall not apply to the Arnold Arboretum or to the principal or income of its endowment.” The Harvard Corporation approved the construction of a new building in Cambridge, the implementation of the Bailey plan for other departments, and the removal of a portion of the collections of books and specimens of the Arnold Arboretum from Jamaica Plain to Cambridge. The transfer of these resources was approved with the understanding that a working herbarium and a library were to remain in Jamaica Plain. The division created an area of horticultural interest in Jamaica Plain with the library and herbarium there devoted to the study of plants under cultivation and associated with the living collections and the greenhouses. The second unit to be formed in Cambridge would contain the larger portion of the herbarium and library and would be specialized in its application to the native floras of the world, and to basic problems in plant anatomy and morphology. Eventually, in 1967, the Supreme Court approved the division proposed but in the many hearings, published accounts, and reports the name of Professor Bailey was inevitably associated with the objectionable features, Professor Bailey was deeply disturbed, as he felt many of the attacks were directed at him personally and that he could not, or should not, reply. His loyalty to Harvard and his interest in increasing the rdle and the efficiency of use of botanical collections and botanical training at Harvard he put honestly before a personal concern for single departments or individuals. Bailey’s travels were not many. He did not attend international meet- ings and only infrequently attended those in the United States. His only trip to Europe was a survey of forestry schools and training made with Herman Spoehr. This resulted in the book, ‘The Role of Research in the Development of Forestry in North America,” published in 1929. Dr. Spoehr was on the staff of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and their cooperation resulted in Bailey’s being appointed a research associate of the Carnegie Institution. For several summers Bailey regularly traveled to Arizona to work at the desert laboratory. His published papers during this period listed his association as either the Arnold Arboretum or Har- vard University and as a research associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Typical of Bailey is the fact that his association with a desert laboratory and studies on members of the Cactaceae in the decade 1968 | HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 7 1930-40 would be revealed again in his studies of the leaf-bearing Cac- taceae in the 1960’s. Bailey made a trip to Cuba to visit the Atkins Laboratory at Soledad and to Honduras for a study of forestry problems associated with the United Fruit Company program in Central America. In later years his summers were spent at his home in Norwell, where a physical battle with the brush with scythe and axe and clippers gave him a healthy skin color and a muscle tone envied by his colleagues. These were happy moments in his life which he shared with his family. A by-product of these summers usually was revealed around Christmas when special friends were presented jars of beach plum jelly which Pro- fessor Bailey made during the carefree summers, when fruits could be picked with his adored grandchildren. Professor Bailey married Helen Diman Harwood on June 15, 1911. He is survived by his wife and their two sons, Harwood and Solon Irving II, and five grandchildren. Bailey was a member of the National Academy of Sciences, being an Emeritus Member at the time of his death; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, having served as vice-president from 1947 through 1949; the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, of which he was a Fellow; the American Philosophical Society; the Botanical Society of America, of which he was treasurer 1921-24, vice-president 1928, and president in 1945; the Society of American Foresters; the American Society of Naturalists; the American Society of Plant Physiolo- gists; the Torrey Botanical Club; the Society for the Study of Evolution; the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; the International Association of Wood Anatomists; the Linnean Society of London; the Ecological Society of Plant Morphologists, of which he was president from 1960 to 1964, and an honorary member of the Indian Botanical Society. Professor Bailey served on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Botany 1915-18, the Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 1914-16, the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 1941-1957. He has been listed in Who’s Who in America and its various subdivisions, the International Who’s Who and American Men of Science. In the third edition of Ameri- can Men of Science, Irving Bailey was listed for the first time along with his father, Solon Bailey. In 1931 Professor Bailey received an honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Wisconsin. In 1954 he was honored with the Mary Soper Pope award from the Cranbrook Institute of Science which stated, “The wide influence of his fundamental work on the biological processes involved in the formation, growth and differentiation of cells in woody tissues has deeply affected the growth of other fields, histological chemistry, taxonomy and evolution among them. ... As a teacher and administrator his inspiration and guidance have contributed to the growth of many leaders in modern botany.” In 1956 at the Fiftieth Anniversary meeting of the Botanical Society of America Professor Bailey was among those honored with certificates of merit, his stating “plant anatomist and inspiring teacher, for his 8 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 outstanding contributions on the structure of the cell wall and the his- tology of the cambium and for his application of anatomy and morphology to problems of evolution of angiosperms.” The University of Syracuse also awarded him an honorary $.D. in 1961 with the citation: “Your name is synonymous with the role of research in the development of forestry. Your dedication to truth, zeal in research, and capacity to see the unexpected are gifts you have used to enhance and ennoble all the lives you have touched. Your solid and creative scholarship still guides and challenges forestry research. We honor you as — ’ pre-eminent wood anatomist and botanist and a truly inspired teacher The degree he valued most highly, however, was received from his Alma Mater at the 319th Commencement of Harvard, in 1955, on the occasion of his retirement. “Irving Widmer Bailey, Doctor of Science, today your university salutes you for your direction of botanical study and for your accomplishment in searching, in the anatomy of plants, for clues to the miracle of growth.” BIBLIOGRAPHY * — 1909 — The structure of the wood in the Pineae. Bot. Gaz. 48: 47-55. — 1910 — Microtechnique for woody structures. Bot. Gaz, 49: 58. Notes on the wood structure of the Betulaceae and Fagaceae. Forestry Quart. 8: 178-185 Anatomical characters in the evolution of Pinus. Am. Nat. 44: 284-293. Oxidizing enzymes and their relation to “sap stain” in lumber. Bot. Gaz. 50: 142-147. Reversionary characters of traumatic oak woods. Jbid. 374-380. — 1911 — The epi of the leaf-trace to the formation of compound rays in the lower tyledons. Ann. Bot. 25: 225-241. A ce Pityoxylon with marginal tracheids. Ibid. 315-325. — 1912 — The evolutionary history of the foliar ray in the wood of the dicotyledons; and its phylogenetic significance. Ann. Bot. 26: 647-661 — 1913 — The preservative treatment of wood, I. The validity of certain theories con- cerning the gona of gases and preservatives into seasoned wood. Forestry Quart. 11: 5-11. The preservative ee of wood, II. The structure of the pit membranes in the tracheids of conifers and their relation to the penetration of gases, * Compiled in part from the bibliography in we to Plant Anatomy “aoneys yer from 1955 on, made available by Lazella Schwarte 1968 | HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 9 liquids and finely divided solids into green and seasoned wood. Ibid. 11: 12-20. — 1914— Investigations on the phylogeny of the angiosperms, II. Anatomical evidences of eduction in certain of the Amentiferae. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Bot. Gaz. : 36-60. Graded volume tables for Vermont hardwoods. (With P, C. Heald.) Forestry Quart. 12: 5-23. Some observations on the variation in length of coniferous fibers. (With H. B. Shepard.) Proc. Soc. Am. Foresters 9: 522-527. Primitive characters recalled by the ee bark disease and other stimuli. (With J. S. Ames.) Science 39: 2 Some technical aids for the maa study of decaying wood. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Phytopath. 4: 403. sade isln on the phylogeny of the mg nerey III. Nodal ane and the hology of stipules. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Am. Jour. Bot. 1: 441-453. Inv contin on the phylogeny of the asitienbesti IV. The origin and dispersal of herbaceous angiosperms. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Ann. Bot. 28: 547-600. — 1915 — Investigations on the phylogeny of the angiosperms, V. Foliar evidence as to the ancestry and early climatic pe a of the angiosperms. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Am. Jour. Bot. 2: The effect of the structure of ease upon its permeability, < a tracheids of coniferous timbers. Bull. Am. Railway Eng. Assoc. 174: 853. The evolution of herbaceous plants and its bearing on certain otis of geology and climatology. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Jour. Geol. 23: 289-306. A botanical index of Cretaceous and Tertiary climates. (With E. W. Sinnott.) Science 41: 831-834. Sanio’s laws for the variation in size of coniferous tracheids. (With H. B. Shepard.) Bot. Gaz. 60: 66-71 — 1916 — The ree distribution of certain types of angiosperm leaves. (With E. W. Sinno Are Fetracetron Tj rochodendron and Drimys specialized or primitive types? W. P. Thompson.) Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 27-32. The aay of the bordered pits of conifers and its bearing upon the tension hypothesis of the ascent of sap in plants. Bot. Gaz. 62: 133-142. The significance of certain variations in the anatomical structure of wood. (With R. P. Prichard.) Forestry Quart. 14: 662-670. — 1917 — The réle of the microscope in the ere iragt and classification of the “timbers of commerce.” Jour. Forestry 15: — 1918 — Size variation in tracheary cells, I. A comparison between the secondary xylems of vascular cryptograms, gymnosperms we fm eae (With W. W. Tupper.) Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 54: 1 Additional notes upon the angiosperms Konrath ieee and Drimys, 10 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 in which vessels are absent from the wood. (With W. P. Thompson.) Ann. Bot. 32: 503-512 Report on method and apparatus for mechanically testing wooden parts of air- planes. Wood Section, Materials Engineering Department, Bureau of Air- craft Production, Dayton, Ohio. — 1919 — Depressed segments of oak stems. Bot. Gaz. 67: 438-441. Structure, development and distribution of so-called rims or bars of Sanio. /bid. Phenomena of cell division in the cambium of arborescent gymnosperms and their cytological significance. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 5: 283-285. — 1920 — The formation of the cell plate in the cambium of the higher plants. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 197-200 The significance of the cambium i in the study of certain physiological problems. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 2: 519-533. Some relations between ants and fungi. Ecology 1: 174-189. The Sarniones and its derivative a II. Size aot of cambial initials in gymnosperms and angiosperms. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 3 me: eae, and binucleate cells. oon Gaz. 70: Pat The cambium and its derivative tissues, III. A reconnaissance of cytological phenomena in the cambium. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 4 The feeding habits of Pseudomyrmine rs other ee geen W. M. Wheeler.) Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 22: 235-2 — 1922 — The pollination of Marcgravia: a classical case of ornithophily? Am. Jour. Bot. 0-384. The anatomy of certain plants from the Belgian Congo, with special reference to myrmecophytism. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 43: 585-621. The significance of the “foliar ray” in the evolution of herbaceous angiosperms. With E. W. Sinnott.) Ann. Bot. 36: 523-533 Notes on neotropical ant-plants, I. Cecropia angulata sp. nov. Bot. Gaz. 74: — 1923 — Notes on neotropical ant-plants, II. Tachigalia paniculata Aubl. Bot. Gaz. 75: 27-41 Slime bodies of Robinia Pseudo-Acacia L. Phytopath. 13: 332-333. The cambium and its derivative tissues, IV. The increase in girth of the cam- bium. Am. Jour. Bot. 10: 499-509. — 1924 — Notes on neotropical ant-plants, III. Cordia nodosa Lam. Bot. Gaz. 77: 32-49. The problem of identifying the wood of Cretacous and later dicotyledons: Para- phyllanthoxylon arizonense. Ann. Bot. 38: 439-451. Abnormalities of ring growth and cell structure. In “studies on the spruce bud- worm,” Tech. Bull. Canadian Dept. Agric. 37: 58-61. So-called bars or rims of Sanio. Bot. Gaz. 78: 124, 125. 1968 | HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 11 — 1925 — Some salient lines of specialization in tracheary pitting, I. Gymnospermae. Ann. Bot. 39: 587-598 The “spruce budworm” biocoenose, I. Frost rings ie usa of the chronology of specific biological events. Bot. Gaz, 80: 93-1 The “spruce budworm” biocoenose, II. Structural ea in Abies bal- samea, Ibid, 300-310. — 1929 — The role of research in the ae of forestry in North America. (With H. A. Spoehr.) New Yor — 1930 — The cambium and its derivative tissues, V. A reconnaissance of the vacuome in living cells. Zeitschr. Zellforch. Mikr. Anat. 10: 651-682. — 1931 — The cambium and its derivative tissues, VI. The effects of hydrogen ion con- centration in vital staining. (With C. Zirkle.) Jour. Gen. Physiol. 14: 363- 383. — 1932 — Preliminary notes on cribriform and vestured pits. Tropical Woods 31: 46-48. — 1933 — The cambium and its derivative tissues, VII. Problems in identifying the wood of Mesozoic coniferae. Ann. Bot, 47: 145-157 The cambium and its derivative tissues, VIII. Structure, distribution, and diag- nostic significance of vestured pits in dicotyledons. Jour. Arnold Arb. 14: 259-273. — 1934 — The cambium and its derivative tissues, Ix. Structural variability in the red- The cambium and its derivative tissues, X. Structure, optical properties and chemical composition of the so-called middle lamella. (With T. Kerr.) Ibid, 327-349. — 1935 — The visible structure of the secondary wall and its significance in physical and chemical investigations of tracheary cells and fibers. (With T. Kerr.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 273-300. — 1936 — The problem of differentiating and ae ms Oi — fiber-tracheids and libriform wood fibers. Tropical Woods 45: — 1937 — The orientation of cellulose in the pagina! wall of tracheary cells. (With M. . Vestal.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 18: 185-1 The significance of certain wood-destroying fungi in the study of the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. (With M. R. Vestal.) Jbid. 196-205 12 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 The structural variability of the secondary wall as revealed by “lignin” residues. With T. Kerr.) Jbid. 261-272 — 1938 — Cell wall structure of rie plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. 30: 40-47. The occurrence of Cedrus in the auriferous Eas of California. (With E. S. Barghoorn, Jr.) ria Jour. Bot. 25: 641-647 — 1939 — The microfibrillar and microcapillary structure of the cell wall. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 201-213 — 1940 — A useful method for the study of pollen in peat. (With E. S. Barghoorn, Jr.) Ecology 21: 513, 514. The walls of plant cells. A. A. A. §. Publ. 14: 31-43. — 1941 — The comparative morphology of the Icacinaceae, I. Anatomy of the node and internode. (With R. A. Howard.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 22: 125-132. The comparative morphology of the Icacinaceae, II. Vessels. (With R. A. Howard.) Jbid. 171-187. The comparative morphology of the oe ai Ill. Imperforate tracheary elements and xylem parenchyma. (With R. A. Howard.) Jbid. 432-442. The comparative morphology of the [acnacene, IV. Rays of the secondary xylem. (With R. A. Howard.) Jbid. 556-56 Brossiantha, a new genus of Hippocrateaceae — New Guinea. (With A. C. mi th.) Ibid. 389-394. — 1942 — Seedlings as experimental material in the ay of “redwood” in conifers. (With H. F. Wershing.) Jour. Forestry 40: 411-414. Identification and physical condition of the stakes and wattles from the fishweir. With E. S. Barghoorn, Jr.) Chapter 6 in the Boylston Street Fishweir. Papers of the Robert S. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology Vol. 2 Philips Academy, Andover, Mass. Degeneriaceae, a new family of flowering plants from Fiji. (With A. C. Smith.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 23: 356-365. The significance of x-rays in studying the orientation of cellulose in the secondary wall of tracheids. (With E. E. Berkley.) Am. Jour. Bot. 29: 231-241. pee and illustrations of Triplaris surinamensis, in Wheeler, Wm. M.., : s of neotropical ant-plants and their ants. Bull, Mus. Comp. Zool. “ 0-53, 7 = 1043 Some misleading terminologies in the literature of “plant tissue culture.” Science 98: 539, 540. Arb. 24: The comparative meee of the Winteraceae, I. Pollen and stamens. (With C. G. Nast.) Ibid. 340-346. The family or (With C. G. Nast & A. C. Smith.) Jour. Arnold 190- 1968] HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 13 The comparative morphology of the Winteraceae, II. Carpels. (With C. G. Nast.) Ibid. 472-481. — 1944 — The Rael morphology of the Winteraceae, III. Wood. Jour. Arnold Arb, 25: 97-103. The meets morphology of the Winteraceae, IV. Anatomy of the node and vascularization of the leaf. (With C. G. Nast.) Jbid. 215-221. The comparative morphology of the Winteraceae, V. Foliar epidermis and sclerenchyma. (With C. G. Nast.) Jbid. 342-348. The development of vessels in angiosperms and its significance in morphological research. Am. Jour. Bot. 31: 421-428. — 1945 — The comparative morphology of the Winteraceae, ee mars and conclu- sions. (With C. G. Nast.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 26: Morphology and Lee ge of Trochodendron or aieedtone I. Stem, root and leaf. (With C. G. Nast.) bid. 143-154. ee and relationships of Trochodendron and Tetracentron, II. Inflo- cence, flower and fruit. (With C. G. Nast.) bid. 267-27 Botaitiy and its applications at Harvard: A report to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. I-IV, 1-93. June. — 1946 — Morphology of Euptelea and comparison with Trochodendron. (With C. G. Nast.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 27: 186-192. — 1948 — oT and relationships of Jilicitum, Schisandra ae Rats I. Stem d leaf. (With C. G. Nast.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: Amborl Boe ge Baill. A new type of vesselless eiicion. (With B. G. my.) Ibid. 215. Ane Teliiode Baill. A new morphological type of vesselless dicotyledon. (With B. G. L. Swamy.) Jbid. 245-254. — 1949 — Origin of the angiosperms: need for a broadened outlook. Jour. Arnold Arb. 30: 64-70. The bd gpa = relationships of Cercidiphyllum. (With B. G. L. Swamy.) Ibid. 1 The morphology and relationships of Austrobaileya. (With B. G. L. Swamy.) Ibid. 2 — 1950 — Sarcandra, a vesselless genus of the Chloranthaceae. (With B. G. L. Swamy.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 31: 117-129. The morphology and relationships of the Monimiaceae. (With L. L. Money & B. G. L. Swamy.) Ibid. 372-404. The administration of Harvard’s endowed botanical institutions. A report to he Coordinating Committee for the Biological Sciences of the Board of elon 62 pages. (With P. C. Mangelsdorf.) 14 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 — 1951 — The use and the abuse of anatomical data in the study of phylogeny and classifi- cation. Phytomorphology i: Coéperation versus isolation in botanind research. Chron. Bot. 12: 126-133. The amps carpel of dicotyledons and its initial trends of nen: B. G. L. Swamy.) Am. Jour. Bot. 38: 373-379. — 1952 — Biological processes in the formation of wood. Science 115: 255-259. — 1953 — Evolution of the tracheary tissue of land plants. Am. Jour. Bot. 40: 4-8. A new Fijian species of Calyptosepalum. (With A. C. Smith. y pce Arnold Arb. 34: 52-64. The morphology and Seow nae: of Idenburgia and Nouhuysia. (With B. G. amy.) Ibid. 77-85. The anatomical approach to the study of genera. Chron. Bot. 14: 121- 125, — 1954— Contributions to plant anatomy. Chron. Bot. 15: i-xxvi, 1-262. 23 plates + port. Waltham. A fourth type of nodal anatomy in dicotyledons, illustrated by Clerodendron trichotomum Thunb. (With M. P. F. Marsden.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 36: 1-51. — 1956 — Nodal anatomy in retrospect. Jour. Arnold Arb. 37: 269-287. The relationship between seen el ser of New Caledonia and Nouhuysia of New Guinea. Jbid. 360- Aggregations of microfibrils ve their yey a he the secondary wall of coniferous tracheids. Am. Jour. Bot. 44: 415-4 Die Struktur der Tiipfelmembranen bei den Paces der Koniferen. Holz als Roh und Werkstoff 15: 210-21 — 1957 — The ee anatomy and the primary vascular Pras of the Calycanthaceae. ( Fahn.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 38: 107-1 The aolenee and limitations of wood anatomy in ae study of the phylogeny and classification of angiosperms. Ibid. 243-254. Additional on the vesselless dicotyledon, Amborella trichopoda Baill. Ibid. — 1958 — pre oe : — outlook in cell wall terminologies. Phytomorphology 7: The sae of tracheids in relation to the movement of liquids, — and undissolved gases. In: The physiology of forest trees. pp. — 1960 — Some useful techniques in the study and ly and interpretation of Jour. Arnold Arb. 41: 141-151. - n of pollen morphology. 1968 | HOWARD, IRVING WIDMER BAILEY 15 Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, I. Foliar vasculature of Pereskia, Pereskiopsis and Quiabentia. Ibid. 341-356. — 1961 — Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, II. Structure and distribu- tion of sclerenchyma in the phloem of Pereskia, Pereskionsis and Quiabentia, Jour. Arnold Arb. 42: 144-156. Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, III. Form and distribution of crystals in Pereskia, Pereskiopsis and Ouiabentia. Ibid, 334-346. — 1962 — Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, IV. The fusiform initials of the cambium and the form and structure of their derivatives. (With L M. Srivastava.) Jour. Arnold Arb. 43: 187-202. Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing perpen V. The secondary phloem. (With L. M. Srivastava.) Ibid. 234-2 Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cacacene, VI. The xylem of Pereskia sacharosa and Pereskia aculeata, Ibid. 376- — 1963 — Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, VII. The xylem of the Pereskias from Peru and Bolivia. Jour. Arnold Arb. 44: 127-137. Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, VIII. The xylem of Pere- skias from southern Mexico and Central Ametica. Ibid. 211-221. Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, IX. The xylem of Pereskia grandifolia and Pereskia bleo. Ibid, 222-231 Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, X. The xylem of Pereskia colombiana, Pereskia guamacho, Pereskia cubensis, and Pereskia portulaci- folia. Ibid, 390-401 — 1964 — is er anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, He The xylem of Pereski- and Quiabentia. Jour. Arnold Arb, 45: 140- Compas anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, e Preliminary observa- tions upon the structure of the epidermis, stomata and cuticle. /bid. 374— 389. — 1965 — Caadianidve anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, XIII. The occurrence of water-soluble anisotropic bodies in air-dried and alcohol-dehydrated leaves of peers and Pereskiopsis. Jour. Arnold Arb. 46: 74-85. Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, XIV. Preliminary observa- tions on the vasculature of cotyledons. /bid. 44 .4 SZ; Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, XV. Some preliminary observations on the occurrence of “Protein Bodies. ” Ibid. 453-464. — 1966 — Comparative anatomy of the leaf-bearing Cactaceae, XVI. The development of water-soluble crystals in dehydrated leaves of Pereskiopsis. Jour. Arnold Arb. 47; 273-287. The signiGcance of the reduction of vessels in the Cactaceae. bid. 288-292. 16 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 INFLORESCENCE IN NANNORRHOPS RITCHIANA (PALMAE) P. B. Tomiinson AND H. E. Moore, Jr.! PALM INFLORESCENCES IN HERBARIA are largely represented by small fragments. Hence it is not surprising that botanical literature gives little aid to an overall appreciation of flowering processes in palms. Also the multiplicity of terms used in describing the parts of reproductive branches of palms — spathe, spadix, spathelet, rachilla, involucel, etc. does little to reveal the basic pattern of construction. These t terms may have some use in description but lack of consistency in their application diminishes their value. As strict morphological terms they have no significance. There is no published account which clearly outlines the principles involved in the construction of palm inflorescences. The present article aims at a clarification of some inflorescence features in palms by describing the unspecialized type found in Nannorrhops ritchiana (Griffith) Aitchison,? as it is cultivated in South Florida. A wide familiarity with inflorescence construction in palms both in cultiva- tion and in the field shows that Nannorrhops can be used as a model for a general understanding of other palm inflorescences. It is necessary first to appreciate that the flowering phase is a physio- logical state and it was as such that the term “inflorescence”? was applied by earlier botanists, as Rickett (1944) points out, although the term subsequently has been adopted largely as a morphological one. A general discussion of shoot construction in palms and other arborescent mono- cotyledons (Tomlinson, 1964) has emphasized that each axis passes through three physiological states during its development, these phases being recognized by combinations of morphological features. There is a gradual transition from one phase to another and they may overlap. An initial juvenile phase, during which establishment growth (Tomlinson & Zimmermann, 1966) takes place, is followed by an adult vegetative phase, in turn followed by a reproductive phase, the physiological state of inflorescence. Each axis may grow from a seed, or from a lateral sucker. In palms inflorescence is expressed in three distinct ways. Most com- monly the reproductive parts are borne on lateral branches maturing in * Research on the taxonomy, morphology, and anatomy of palms is supported by individual research grants from the National Science Foundation, grant GB 2991 and its ceutan acs GB 5762-X (P.B.T.) and GB 3528 (HE. *The specific epithet is derived from Chamaerops ritchia na Ww. Griffith but is often spelled ritchieana. Though Griffith named the species in honor of Dr. Ritchie, he used the shortened epithet in the original publication (Calcutta Jour. Nat. Hist. ie 342, 343. 1844) and in the posthumously published Palms of British East India name was intentional rather than a typographical error, the original spelling is re- tained. : 1968 | TOMLINSON & MOORE, NANNORRHOPS 7 acropetal order and the flowering process does not inhibit growth of the axis. Corner (1966, p. 124) applies the term pleonanthic to this method of flowering. Morphologists describe such palms as having “lateral in- florescences.”” In a second group the flowering process is hapaxanthic, vegetative growth is completely substituted by an axis with an acropetally- developed series of reproductive branches. The axis may elongate to produce a conspicuous “terminal inflorescence” as is most familiar in Corypha, Nannorrhops and species of Metroxylon. Here the hapaxanthic condition is obvious. Otherwise, as in Raphia and some other Lepido- caryoid palms, growth of the axis ceases with the production of lateral reproductive branches in the axils of relatively unmodified leaves in such a way that a conspicuous terminal “inflorescence” is not evident. Another hapaxanthic type is so distinctive as to merit a third category. This is represented by and characteristic of the small but very natural subfamily Caryotoideae (Moore, 1963). Here the reproductive phase inhibits vegetative growth but in such a way that development of lateral flowering axes is almost invariably in a basipetal direction from suc- cessively older dormant axillary buds. In effect the whole vegetative axis becomes converted into a gigantic “inflorescence’’ with basipetal matura- tion. At least one exception to this rule is found in the recently described Arenga retroflorescens (Moore & Meijer, 1965). Only in single-stemmed palms does hapaxanthic flowering terminate the existence of the individual, as in Corypha. These individuals may be described as monocarpic. Otherwise continued substitution of old axes by new ones arising as basal suckers continues the life of the individual, as in many Lepidocaryoid and Caryotoid palms. Substitution of axes in Nannorrhops is distinctive as described below. In these hapaxanthic palms the individuals are polycarpic. The present article describes the morphological features found in the reproductive phase in Nannorrhops. This develops a gigantic terminal (1944) to describe a much-branched inflorescence. This article com- plements the detailed accounts of floral anatomy by Gupta (1960) and Morrow (1965), neither of whom were concerned with overall inflorescence structure. MATERIAL AND METHODS Several clumps of Nannorrhops ritchiana, a member of the fan-leaved Coryphoideae, were available at Fairchild Tropical Garden and the Plant Introduction Station, Old Cutler Road, Miami, Florida. Observations have extended over a period of years and the expansion of several inflorescences has been watched. Two inflorescences (referred to as shoot 1 and shoot 2) have been cut down and examined in quantitative detail. Approximate measurements of essential parts on each of these shoots are presented graphically in Ficures 1 and 2. In these figures, ordinates are arbitrary leaf numbers counted from the cut. Photographic (Fics. 35-42) 18 . JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [ VoL. 49 and other illustrations are largely from these two shoots. Fluid-fixed material of shoot 2 has been preserved for future anatomical study. OBSERVATIONS General habit. In its native habitat in northwest India and Afghan- istan, Nannorrhops was described by Blatter (1926) as a low-growing gregarious shrub with a prostrate “rhizome,” but exceptionally growing erect, as indicated by Gupta’s photograph. This erect habit is the one largely adopted by specimens in cultivation in South Florida, no doubt as a result of the relatively luxuriant conditions for growth. In this facultative ability it recalls Serenoa repens. The vegetative axis, whether erect or decumbent, is branched. Branch- ing of the creeping axes and in the basal part of the erect axes is apparently axillary, suckers developing in a manner which again bears comparison with Serenoa. On the other hand distal branching of the aérial axes of specimens in South Florida involves an initial equal forking which sug- gests, at least superficially, a true dichotomy. This we have illustrated elsewhere (Tomlinson & Moore, 1966). This dichotomous-like branching, previously familiar only in Hyphaene (Schoute, 1909), seems more com- mon in palms than hitherto suspected (Tomlinson & Moore, 1966; Tomlinson, 1967). Forking of the axis is initiated equally, but the two axes behave differently. One branch rapidly proceeds to inflorescence, producing the terminal panicle. The other branch repeats the forking, apparently in a plane at right angles to the first fork. Repeated forking with overtopping of a reproductive shoot by a vegetative shoot may continue for some time. Reproductive phase. The onset of the reproductive phase involves direct transformation of one fork into an “inflorescence.” Early stages are revealed by the asparagus-like aspect of the crown (Fic. 35). Sub- sequently, as the axis elongates the three main morphological features of the inflorescence become evident (Fics. 36-38). These are (a) gradual modification of leaves (b) a narrowing and initial extension of internodes (c) development of axillary branches. The first two changes are quite gradual, the latter change is abrupt. At maturity the terminal panicle, 2-4 meters high, rises conspicuously above the vegetative clump (FIGs. 39, 40, 42). Gradual modification of leaf shape along the main reproductive axis for both shoots is indicated in Ficures 1 and 2. A continuous leaf series from shoot 1 is shown in Figure 41. No change in leaf insertion is involved, the 2/5 spiral phyllotaxis of the vegetative part of the shoot is continued into the inflorescence. Normal foliage leaves have a distinct blade, petiole, and sheath (Fics. 1, 14, 15), but these undergo a pro- gressive reduction along the reproductive axes; leaves are shortened, petiole first and then the blade are diminished and finally eliminated until distal leaves are represented by the sheath alone (Fics. 5-13), the vestigial 1968] TOMLINSON & MOORE, NANNORRHOPS . 160} (Th 120} \ 80} \ YIN 4ok NN O 5 10 << aes Fologe afd ----y.- artis Transitional leaves 12 10 } SR st et a, eh : no x | Vv Al ; Diameter oe Internode 0 5 10 a) 36 Leaf number @rbitrary) 1G. 1. Nannorrhops. Quantitative details of leaves and main axis in shoot 1. ABOVE: approximate length of sheath, petiole and blade of successive leaves along main axis, leaves numbered arbitrarily from level where the shoot was cut. Stippled area to right indicates branched portion of axis. BeLow: length and diameter of corresponding internodes. 20 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 petiole plus blade appearing only as a short distal appendage (Fics. 11-13). This minute appendage, which establishes the plane of symmetry, is found even in the smallest bracts (e.g. Fics. 28-30). cMs Length 240} | | 160 Hl Ist-order branch 200} 1} 160 120 8O}T 40 U 5 10 5 20 one ee uee Foliage and -----¥-- Bracts ------------ Transitional leaves 14 oN 10 wg Ue mt bee a é en. | \, Sy Diameter ~ 4 2 Internode 0 = 10 1S 20 20 30 a Leaf number (arbitrary) . 2. Nannorrhops. Details of shoot 2, as for shoot 1. ABOVE RIGH proximate overall length of first-order branches subtended by leaves indicated below. Associated with these changes in leaf shape and size is a gradual and uniform decrease in internode diameter; internode length, on the other hand initially increases, subsequently declining uniformly (Fics. 1, below 2, below). Maximum internode length is about the level of exsertion of 1968 | TOMLINSON & MOORE, NANNORRHOPS 21 the first branch but the agreement is not very precise and may be quite incidental. The sheath of each reduced leaf remains a closed tube, as in the foliage leaves. Nannorrhops has the Hyphaene-type of foliage leaf base, in which a dorsal rhombohedral cleft (Fic. 5, detail to left) accommodates the mechanical stresses imposed by expansion of internal tissues and organs (Tomlinson, 1962). Progressive narrowing of the axis as the inflorescence develops gradually eliminates mechanical stresses on suc- cessive leaf sheaths. Consequently the dorsal cleft gradually disappears; in shoot 2, leaf number 10 is the last leaf to possess this cleft (Fic. 6, detail to right). Rarely a dorsal cleft is regained in some of the lower bracts, presumably to accommodate expansion induced by developing axillary branches. In contrast to the above changes, initiation of lateral branches is abrupt. Normally there are no aborted buds below the level of first branching. The first branch is usually longest, subsequent branches being progressively reduced in proportion to the distal decline (Fic. 2, above right). Details of these branches may now be examined. Branches and bracts. The main vegetative axis shows a gradual transformation as it becomes reproductive, most obviously in the long transitional series from foliage leaves to bracts. In contrast to the vegetative axis a series of elaborate branches is initiated on the repro- ductive axis. One of these branches is shown in Ficure 3. Leaves on main and subsequent axes which subtend branches are defined as bracts. First-order bracts, i.e. bracts on the main axis which subtend first-order branches, are simply part of the transition series illustrated in FicurEs 1 and 2. From this series it is clear that bracts do not differ from foliage leaves in any fundamental morphological way. They are modified leaves distinguished only by position and definition. Branching is straightforward and uniform and may be repeated up to five times. A simple one to one relationship between bract and branch is maintained. Each bract (br) subtends an axis (ax) of the next higher order. The main axis (axo) bears first-order bracts (br;) which subtend branches of the first order (ax;). These in turn bear second-order i (br2) which subtend second-order branches (ax2) and so on. On t proximal parts this may be repeated so that fifth-order bracts (brs) i tend fifth-order branches (ax;). The diameter and length of successive orders of branches are progressively reduced. TaBie I is a series of measurements from a lateral branch (cf. Fic. 3) which illustrates this reduction. This progressively reduced branch system ends in flower clusters which are themselves condensed branch systems as described below. Axes bearing flower clusters may be referred to as rachillae since this is a convenient and widely understood term. A rachilla is a visible axis which ends each branch, regardless of its order. This is shown most clearly in Fic. 17 which represents the end of a second-order branch. Even the main axis itself (axo) ends in a rachilla. However, rachillae 22 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [voL. 49 Table I. S1zE OF BRACTS AND BRANCHES OF SUCCESSIVE ORDERS (CMS.) OVERALL TOTAL NO. BrACT NUMBER; LENGTH AND DIAMETER AxIs LENGTH BRACTS PROPHYLL 3 5 10 15 20 25 3ax: (ON aXo) 160 ese LENGTH 15 21 16 5 2 DIAMETER 3 15 1 0.4 0.1 3ax, (on 3ax,) 85 22 LENGTH 8 9.5 DIAMETER 12 0.3 0.2 3ax, (on 3ax,) 30 12 LENGTH 2 2 0.3 DIAMETER 0.4 0.2 0.1 3ax, (on 3ax,) 10 2 0.5 0.2 0.1