| | i | Qu: ar =a Y FLORA CAPENSIS:\V,7— ae BEING A Systematic Description of the Plants OF THE CAPE COLONY, CAFFRARIA, & PORT NATAL (AND NEIGHBOURING TERRITORIES) BY VARIOUS BOTANISTS. EDITED BY SIR WILLIAM T. THISELTON-DYER, K.C.M.G., GLE.,.LLD., ERB, HONORARY STUDENT OF CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. DIRECTOR, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. VOLUME VII. ae, PONTEDERIACEZ TO GRAMINEZ. — ah ee LOVELL earee : CO, ETD, 6, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. YPublishers to the Home, Colonial, & Envian Governments. 1897-1900. : Published vey the authority of the Governments of the : Mo, Bet, Garde, 90g eee So PREFACE. Ir was considered advisable to commence the continuation of the Flora Capensis with Volume VI., which was almost exclusively devoted to the orders which furnish what are familiarly known as “Cape Bulbs.” These are perhaps now more largely cultivated in Europe than any other South African plants, and a systematic description of the species it was felt would meet a long-acknowledged want. Several considerations suggested the desirability of next attacking the seventh and concluding volume of the work in advance of the fourth and fifth, which are still unpublished. What perhaps more weighed with me is the fact that the orders contained in it admittedly present more difficulties than are likely to be encountered in any other part of the work. It has, however, been my good fortune to be able to enlist the aid of contributors who, in each case, have had the advantage of a special previous study of the groups they have undertaken. Amongst these I must enumerate :—Artaur Bennett, Esq., F.L.S., who has particularly devoted his attention to the Naiadacexe ; Dr. Masrms, F.R.S., who is an acknowledged authority on the Restiacexr ; C. B. Crarxe, Hsq., F.R.S., who has long been occupied with a comprehensive memoir on the Cyperacex ; and finally Dr. Starr, A.L.S., who had previously collaborated with Sir Joszrx Hooker in preparing the Graminexe for the Flora of British India. The latter order occupies more than half the volume, and this portion of it at least will, I trust, be found of especial usefulness in a country which is largely pastoral. For the limits of the regions under which the localities in which the species have been found to occur are cited, reference may be made to the preface to Volume VI. I have again to acknowledge the assistance I have received from Mr. C, H. Wricut, A.L.S., and Mr. N. E. Brown, A.L.S., Assistants in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, vi PREFACE, the former in reading the proofs, and the latter in working out the geographical distribution. Besides the maps already cited in the preface to Volume VL, the following have also been used :— Natal. By Alexander Mair, 1875. Kaffraria und die dstlichen Grenz-Distrikte die Cap- Kolonie. By H. C. Schunke in Dr. A. Petermann’s Mit- teilungen, 1885, t. 9. Spezial-Karte von Afrika. Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1893. To the South African correspondents enumerated in the preface to Volume VI., I have again to tender my acknow- ledgments for the cunieibale of specimens. ‘ I must further record my obligations to others, and espe- cially to those whose aid in various ways has been of the greatest value in the preparation of the volume :— Dr. WitneLm Brenner, of Liibeck, has lent the study set of Drége’s Restiacex and Graminex, without which it would have been impossible to arrive at a correct knowledge of some of the species, Dr. A. Fischer von Wa.puzim, Director of the Imperial Botanic Gardens, St. Petersburg, has lent the specimens of Danthonia and Pentaschistis collected by Ecklon and Zeyher. Dr. THEopor Maenus Frizs, Professor of Botany in the University of Upsala, has lent Thunberg’s collection of grasses, which have afforded valuable help in the correct identifica- tion of some of the species of the earlier authors. Leo Hartitey Grinpon, Esq., has contributed a small collection from the Orange Free State. Professor Epuarp Hacket, of St. Polten, Austria, has kindly lent some type-specimens of grasses. Major Wo.ey Dop, R.A., has contributed a very large collection of plants made by himself in the Cape Peninsula, which is unexpectedly rich in new species. It only remains again to add that the expense of prepara- tion and publication of the present volume has been aided by grants from the Governments of Cape Colony and Natal. Witt Kew, March, 1900. SEQUENCE OF ORDERS CONTAINED IN VOL. VIL. WITH BRIEF CHARACTERS. Continuation of Series III. Coronarmex. Ord. CXKXXVIII.—CXL. [| Liliacee, Se first of this series, was by an oversight included under ., EPIGYNA, on p. xi. of the preceding volume. | CXXXVIII. PONTEDERIACEA (page 1). ag ee Perianth petaloid; lobes 6, biseriate. Sta 3, rarely 1. gr in the South African’ genus l-celled ith : 3 antokal placentas, r imperfectly 3-celled. (Aquatic or marsh herbs. Leaves with long saath petioles. Flowers subtended by a membranous spathe CXXXIX. XYRIDEA! (page 2). Flowers hermaphrodite Outer perianth-segments glumaceous; inner petaloi ms 3; stami- nodes 3 or 0. Ovary I-celled, with 3 parietal or aaa placentas, Lecrinee herbs. Leaves radical. Flowers in peduncled heads or xt. “CONMELINACE. (page 7). Flowers hermaphrodite, rarely Out © periantesepment s herbaceous; inner petaloid. Stamens 2; shpein Ats 1-4, or 0. Ovary 3-2-celled. (Succulent erbs, es cauline, ieee Inflorescence cymose, usually sub- reales by heal -shaped bracts Series [V. Catyctina. Ord. CXLI.—CXLIII. CXLIL FLAGELLARIEA ' (page 15). Flowers pices op Na ite in the bpe fires megap oe sage erianth-segments 6, st oid or scarious, biseriate. Sta One 8-celled ; pater pa itary. Fruit a 1-3- sd bet Zoey (Robe st sarmentose . Leaves prolonged into euioa? tendrils. Paniele terminal.) CXLII. Ege gee (page 16). Flowers a * ye —_ African genera. Perianth-segments 6, sc usually e Ovary 1- or 3-celled ; Did ate aorieem or pee few. = 98 capsular. (Pere pero or annual herbs (Rushes). Leaves terete or Flowers sod, pen ered.) aay P. (page er Flowers dicecious in the bie African genera. Perianth-segments 6, scarious or fles. ais biseria Stamens 6 in the South African genera. Ovary ie le x as 3 and inct; ovules solitary. Fruit drupaceous or baccate. (Trees with erect simple stems. Leaves pinnate or snp ace Spadiedstley. ) Series V. Nupirtor#. Ord. CXLIV.—CXLVI. OCXLIV. TYPHACE (page 30). Flowers unisexual. Perianth of 3-6 scales or hairs or none. Stamens with free or connate filaments. Mitek onto ovule 1, pendulous. (Perennial, aquatic or ire herbs. Leaves linear. Flowers wers densely crowded in in cylindric spikes.) Vili SEQUENCE OF ORDERS. CXLV. AROIDEA (page age Flowers unisexual in the South pate Li free tam genera. Perianth none, 9 or united segments. 4-6. ary 1-4-ce ed. * (Float ing or tuberous-rooted herbs. pe eg Inflorescence enclosed tn a spathe.) : vesganeler LE pt (Page 39). Flowers very minute, naked nclosed in a Anthers 1-2, on filaments or sessile. Onan -oclied: ‘ipulon 7. peers (Minute floating plants. Flowers seated ina cavity of the frond.) ie Weg piety 29 Pea eg Se a oe Sei il i gee oa s Series VI. AvpocarPz#. Ord. CXLVII. 5m em ae ae 4c, pees 41). — or bi-sexual, Peria en (white on), tubular or of 2-6 segments or oe ects 2-6, ra cette. Carpels be * distinet, 1-ovuled. (Aquatic or marsh herbs of various habit.) Series VII. Guumacez. Ord. CXLVIII.—CLI. CXLVIUT. ERIOCAULEA (page sa Flowers minute, unisexual, — crowded into — surrounded by short bracts. Per erianth-segments 6, free or connate in two marlon which are usually separated bya distinct stipes, eoage or hyaline. Stamens 3, inserted on the inner perianth-segments, 6, opposite and altern eg Ovary 2-3- celled; ovules solitary, Denalotis: (Perennial or annual often marsh site. Leaves linear or subulate, radical or ces: Heads usually monecious.) | CXLIX. oo {page 59). Flowers unisexual, disposed in spikelets with scarious bra rg Perianth-segments 6 (or d, gluma- ceous, biseriate ; uta ‘bsohs Stamens 3. Ovary 3-\-celled ; ovule solitary, pendulous. Dncsk ‘or sedge-like herbs, usually perennial. Stems solid or fistular, with sions without) ibafoihodtin. Inflorescence cymose or reduced to a single spk . CYPERACE (page 149). Flowers uni- or bi-sexual in spikelets with scarious bracts. Perianth of 6 or fewer scales or oe or 0. > fame? E 0 edg narrow, with closed sheaths. Spikelets arranged in corymbs or a; ajo 8.) a umbels : | CLI. GRAMINE! (page 310). Flowers uni- or bi-sexual in spikelets with scarious bracts (glumes and valves). Perianth redu — 2. 3 — 3) minute scales (lodicules). Stamens usuall, Pe ually 3 Overy -celled; ovule 1, ascending. Embryo outside fee albumen. (Herbs. = (in Bambusec) tall shrubs. Stems branched at the base. Leaves with split or closed sheaths. Spikelets spicate, sacnanla, or panicled.) | p Vol. VH.—Part I Pate rq PLORA . =z BEING A SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANTS OF THE | APE COLONY, CAFFRARIA, AND PORT NATAL (AND NEIGHBOURING TERRITORIES) By VARIOUS BOTANISTS. EDITED BY pica THISELTON-DYER, C.M.G., C.LE. LL.D,, ¥F,R.S8.} DIRECTOR, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. UBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE GAPE OF GOOD HOPE AND NATAL, fe j LONDON: : L REEVE & CO. HERS TO THE HOME, COLONIAL, AND INDIAN GOVERNMENTS, ENT IETTA \ Sree, COVENT GARDEN. ua Pe es -_ ae te Lex see | FLORA. CAPEN STS: Orper CXXXVIII. PONTEDERIACEZ, (By N. E. Brown.) Flowers hermaphrodite, all alike or some cleistogamous, regular or slightly irregular. Perianth inferior, petaloid ; segments , biseriate, united into a tube in the lower part, rarely free, equal or the outer series smaller. Stamens 3 or 6, rarely 1, usually of two sizes and often of different colours ; seis free; anthers basifixed or dorsi- - fixed, 2-celled, introrse, opening by longitudinal slits, or rarely by filiform ; oreo bese thickened or subeapitate, or shortly 3-lobed ; ovules numer _ biseriate in each cell, or rarely solitary, anatropous. Frui a many-seeded capsule, or rarely a 1-seeded achene. Seeds inl ovoid, ribbe ore oykiiastak straight, embedded in the centre of a copious album uatic or marsh herbs, with the lod part of the stem or rhizome creeping . and rooting in the mud, or entirely floa ing s leaves alternate, hastate, cordate, sebibilay, ovate, lanceola’ te e or linear, sane ually with a mae petio e, the submersed lea sometimes without blades, or different in form comp aes terminal, dither’ fascicled in the death of the awed leat a spicat e, with t — solitary or fascicled along the axis of the spike, rarely ros ea axillary, DistR1B. is po uct 22, chiefly wcesegp bd Bh 3 Africa and ve America, about 4 occurring in No rth Am in Tropical and Tem Asia, and 1 i b ANsteall x psig 8 one siached ohh yet die found within ‘the confines of the ‘South African Flora. I, HETERANTHERA, Ruiz. & Pav. Perianth with a distinct tube; segments equal, spreading, one: Stamens 3, affixed to the throat of the perianth-tube, exserted, m or less unequal; filaments filiform; anthers oblong. Ovary icelled with 3 parietal placentas, or imperfectly 3-celled with very prominent placentas ; style filiform; stigma thickened ; ovules numerous, bi- seriate, Ci apsule oblong or linear, with a thin periearp. Seeds numerous, ovoid, ribbed. Lower part of the stem creeping and rooting in the mud ; Peach with long ce gaa cshealiing at the base, and err oe - reniform Nes , or all linear 3 flowering-shoots leaf, whose sheath embraces the emo s, spathe which subtends the terminal ower spike includes sites flowers ; flowers ers spicate te, small, , bine, whitish, or yellow, all alike an one ee ee es cient tas let hee WO - spike, ee ee teen et hee ee ee ee ee oe heaton: 2 PONTEDERIACEZ (Brown). { Heteranthera. i. 2. kotschyana (Fenzl ex Solms in Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. Aithiop. long, 3-14 in. broad, cordate, obtusely pointed, glabrous; flowering- stems 1-4 i in. long, bearing one leaf, whose sheath embraces a mem- beth, ‘dicted utibtise, uit. stamens . rene exserted ; ‘ovary oblong, trigonous ; style filiform, as long as the stamens, with a simple slightly thickened stigma ; capsule oblong, trigonous. Solms in DC. . Phanerog. iv. 522. Monochoria vaginalis, Kirk in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 147. KatauHAkI REGion: Transvaal; Bosch Veld, Rehmann, 5148! 5149! Also in Eastern Tropical Africa. Orper CXXXIX. XYRIDEZ. (By N. E. Brown.) hermaphrodite. Calyx inferior, irregular; sepals 3, the two lateral pia boat-shaped, keeled, clamdpatie the tsitl interior, membranous, convolute, forming a closed, obtuse ithe hood, or obtusely dea Say circumscissile at the base and split open on one side, closely enveloping the corolla when in bud, and pushed off as the corolla grows out and expands, rarely absent. Corolla regular, petalvid, with a slender tube usually split into claw-like segments in the lower part by the growth of the ovary, ree spreading, c uneate-obovate lobes, mareescent. Stamens 3, affixed at the mouth of the tube opposite the corolla-lobes ; filaments short, flattened; anthers basifixed, oblong, 2-celled, cells parallel or ] ted slightly divergent a t the base, contiguous, or more or se by a broad connective, extrorse, opening by res ie slits. Staminodia 3 or 0, alternating with the séialla-totis t the mouth of the tube, simple or bifid at the apex and hades or aired or divid into two entire or bifid, glabrous or hairy arms, or more or less deeply divided into brush-like tufts of hairs. Ovary superior, l-celled or imperfectly 3-celled ; placentas 3, parietal or shortly united at the centre, or free and erect from the base; ovules indefinite, at ites orthotropous ; style filiform, sometimes with tubercles or proc at or below the middle, trifid or 3-armed at e is or soktia ire; stigmas dilated or subeapitate, “hel simple. le dividing into 3 valves between the placentas. Seeds minute, ovoid, a hilum ed testa thin, usually idgeds ‘iain -conical, copious, transparent ; embryo minute, ly d seated at the apex of the re ce under the terminal apiculus, | | XYRIDEZ (Brown). 3 Perenn ely annual herbs, of tufted habit, growing in A mp places. Leaves all salah: linear, terete or filiform, sheathing at the base. Peduncles erect, simple, terminated by a solitery dense head or cate leafless pe bearing one or more pa irs of a bags sheaths, and embraced at the base by a leafless or leaf. bearing sheath, Flower-h eads or sp pike es globose, ord or F elongate bracts glu- aceous, seep tr rigid, i mbri site: concave, or wrely s Danae oe ae the lower ones in a few species relemval and lea aty, f ecb an inv Flowers solitary any sessile in the axils of the br acts, yellow or blue, ‘enalty: of small size. Disrris. Genera 2; a about 130, dispersed throughout the Tropics and warmer regions of the earth, I. XYRIS, Linn. Sepals 3; two lateral and exterior, boat-shaped, keeled; one interior, membranous, convolute or obtusely ol Aap. closely enveloping the corolla when in the bud, circumscissile and deciduous as the corolla develops. Corolla with a uns tube and three spreading ecuneate-obovate lobes. Staminodia 3, simple, bifid, or two-armed, glabrous or penicillate. Style filiform, without tubercles or processes, 3-branched above; stigmas dilated or subeapitat wage aa, a basal sheath, naked above. The rest as in the Order. DistR1s. The same as for the Order. Species about 120. Spikes dark brov ngieri oh a an, ices hata, gr 2 dorsal (1) decipiens. Bracts without a grey dorsal area : eaves terete ee Lay ... (2) natalensis, Leaves flat : Keel of peer Ae ciliate or scabrid from the base to the .. (3) Umbilonis. Keel not silvate “ hea apex Bracts poset lateral pu 3-3} lin. long, pal i. . red (4) Rehmanni ieee : with lac apie margins 5 lateral 24-28 lin. long, bro = (D) pinablanh = Keel of itera fo care’ not ciliate (6) ca Spikes straw-coloured (perhaps greenish when alive), 0 or e brownish ; fat of om sepals not ciliate: Flowering-spike globose or ovoid, 3-5 lin. thick... ... (7) a Flowering-spike Fasatinee about 1line thick ... ... (8) filiformis. . X. decipiens (N. E. Brown); leaves 5-16 in. long, 1)—2} lin. hae laterally flattened, linear, acuminate at the apex, gla rous, _ with concolorous sheaths 11-3 in. long, the sheath embracing the peduncle with a distinct blade like the other leaves, but flexuose a little above the sheath ; peduncle 2-2} ft. high, 1-1} lin. thick, terete, distinctly sulcate- pieries glabrous ; spike 6-9 lin. long, 5-6 lin, thick, ovoid, acute or subacute; bracts 8-31 lin. long, 23-2 lin. bro ad, dbhohig sbovits: pee obtuse, minutely subdenticulate, shining chestnut-brown, with a a very distinct, oblong-lanceolate, greiysh dorsal area at the apex about 1-12 lin. long and } lin. b 7—9-nerved; nerves reticulate at the apex ; ; lateral sepals 22 lin. long, + lin. ti broad, pale-brown, linear-faleate or liticarlantecolate, B 2 4 _ XyRipEa (Brown). [Xyris. acute, keeled; keel narrowly wi ra serrulate, mee with rust-coloured appressed hairs; corolla only seen in bud; s of staminodia (in the bud) 1 line long, divided into tufts of aaa hairs ; anthers 1 line long, linear; stigmas very slightly dilated ; capsule 21 lin. long, silsueibuiseciate subacute, trigonous, with a thi membranous pericarp, WestERN Reaion: West Africa, south of the oe Curror ! in a is ees similar to X, communis, Kth., from Tropical America, but the of the bracts is narrower, and the intra sepals are serrulate on the sect fer Debate with fine hairs as in X. comm 4 2. X. natalensis (Nilss. in ars Vet. Akad. Férhandl. Stockh. 1891, 157) ; leaves 10-20 in. long, a line thick, terete, acute, glabrous, with large, dark eke sheaths 2-32 in. nee ; peduncular sheath leafless, 41-51 in. long; oilnt nele 16-24 in. long, 2-1 line thick, terete, glabrous; spike 4-6 ee long, 3-31 lin . thick ; ovoid or ; bracts 2-3 lin. long, 13—2 lin. broad, elliptic or elliptie- oblong, very obtuse, entire, not tates opaque dar brown, glabrous, 7-9-nerved ; nerves more or less reticulate in the upper part ; lateral sepals 21-93 lin. long, falcate-lanceolate, brown, with a darker brown, ~ ciliated, wing-like keel, produced into an acute point at the apex ; aeoeeralla ‘yellow, with a tube about 3 lin. long, and broadly cuneate- 'oval® “demticulate lobes, 23 lin. long, 2 lin. broad; arms of “teminodi: divided into tufts of fine hairs ; anthers oblong, 1 line long. Vis. in Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. xxiv. no, 14, 28. vg Recion: Natal; Flats between Umlazi River and Natal Bay, s, 141! and w ithout precise rst Sanderson, 455! (456 according to ies “Zaluland, Gerrard, 1524 dark brown sheaths and terete leaves readily distinguish this from all the ace South African species 3. X. Umbilonis (Nilss. in aeheeae — Akad. Handl. xxiv. - euneate-obovate, denticulate; arms of staminodia di vided i into tufts iy of fine hairs ; anthers oblong. i. Xyris. | XYRIDEZ (Brown). 5 LAHARI Re@ron: Transvaal; a ume Berg; Burke, 128! Zeyher, 1727! haat Valley, near Barberton, Galpin ! Um ilo We siael ae 8139! Inanda, Wood, 155! and without ama locality, Buchanan This is very nearly allied to X. Bakeri, Nilss., yt be but diifers in its much narrower and more “distinctly awned meee chi 4. X. Rehmanni (Nilss. in Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. xxiv. no. 14, 28); leaves 1-2 ft. long, 3-11 line broad, laterally flattened, linear, tapering to a fine a like point at the apex, straight or twisted, een with sheaths about 3 in. long, brown ; peduncular sheath 6-7 in. long, leafless, but with a short flat point 13-22 lin. glabrous ;- ae pire ng about 42 lin. in diam. ; ; bracts 2-3 lin. erat A entire, not ciliate, glabrous, dar el oes own. wit slightly paler apical area at the base of the mucro, 9-nerved; nerves not reticulate in the upper part; lateral sepals shortly jarhi beyond the braets, 3-31 lin. long, 2 line broad, lanceolate, pale straw-coloured with a brown keel, which is produced into a short mucro at the apex, and shortly ciliate-scabrid from near the base to about 3-8 line below the apex; corolla yellow, lobes broadly cuneate-obovate, denticulate; arms of the staminodia divided into tufts of long fine hairs; anthers oblong, 12 lin. lo KALAHARI REGION: Pinibeadl Houtbosch, Rehmann; 5764! X. Gerrardi (N. E. Brown); leaves not seen; peduncular mucronate; peduncle 9-16 in. long, 3 line thick, some m- pressed, especially in the upper part, int gee glabrous; spike ovoid or subglobose, 3-31 lin. long, a 2 lin. thick ; bracts 23-28 lin. long, 1-12 lin. broad, ovate- Gules. or st niptic. -oblong, acute, carinate, and somewhat complicate at the apex, membranous an slightly lacerated at the margin, three-nerved, dark brown, glabrous ; lateral sepals 21-25 lin. long, 2 line broad, lanceolate (not falcate), acute or obtuse, keeled, dark brown, paler towards the margins ; keel narrowly wing-like in the lower }—2 only, and serrulate-scabrid or ciliate to half or three-fourths the way up, its apex very shortly, or not at all produced into a point; corolla yellow, only seen in bud, with broadly cuneate-obovate, denticulate lobes; arms of staminodia divided into tufts of fine hairs; anthers 2 line long, oblong ; capsule 1+ line long, about 1 line diam., obovoid, dorsally flattened, trigonous, apiculate Eastern Rea@ion : Zululand, issead 1526! This species is readily distinguished from all the other South African ones, by the slightly lacerate, 5-nerved ‘sla and from all but X. Rehmanni by the near’ ly § : the ciliation is more and eae from the to the apex. Viewed rig the sepals are ess curved, as in baw species. The only specimens I have seen more 0 are without: leaves 6 XYRIDEZ (Brown). [| Xyris. . capensis (Thunb. Prod. 12); leaves 1-7 in. long, 3-1} ie broad, laterally flattened, linear, glabrous; peduncle 6-18 in. high, 4 4 ne thick, terete, sometimes istinctly striate, sometimes the striations pastels visible, often with one or two slightly raised lines or angles, glabrous, with concolorous or pale brown sheaths 3-22 in. long, peduneular sheath 1-5 in. long, leafless or produced into a leafy point 2-6 in. long; spike at first ovoid, in fruit subglobose, 2-82 lin. long ; bracts 2-98 ‘lin. long, 14-22 lin. broad, orbicular, elliptic, or oblong, obtuse, or the inner subacute and often more or less earinate at the apex, entire, 3-nerved, glabrous, not ciliate, brown ; lateral sepals 2-22 lin. long, + line broad, faleate- lanceolate, acute, not mucronate, pallid, transparent, with a pale brown, narrow wing-like keel, which is broadly cuneate-obovate, denticulate ; arms of the staminodia divided into tufts of fine hairs ; anthers "oblong, about as long as the filaments ; capsule 1% lin. long, trigonous, oblong, pe Thunb. Fl. Cap. edit. Schult. 81; Vahl, En um. ii. 206; W d. Sp. Fi, i. 255; Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg. i. 52 : ; Kunth, pte iv. 24; Nilss. in Ofvers. Vet. Akad. Forhandl. Stockh. 1891, 154; and in Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handi. xxiv. no, 14, 40. Sournm Arrica: without locality, Zeyher, 1795! oast Reeion: Cape Div.; Wynberg, Harvey! Tulbagh Lape banks of streams near Ceres, Bolus, 5498! pp, a and Bolus, Her Norm. Aust. Afr., 1100! Queenstown ee ony ground on the deanatt ‘of N’ Qebanya Cenrrat Reaion: Somerset Div. ; summit of Bosch Berg, 4800 ft., MacOwan, 749! pase = pore tien — Berg, Burke, 170! Tem and; Bazeia Mountain, 4000 ft., Baur, 598! Ps Kar Kloof, go te a peat peed Wood, 103! 7. X. anceps (Lam. Tabl. Encycl. i. 132) ; leaves 2-14 in. se 14-4} lin. broad, laterally flattened, linear, obtuse or acute, glabrous with concolorous sheaths 3-43 in. long ; : peduneular sheath 13-63 in. long, leafless, obtuse, or with a leafy obtuse point 1-1 in. long; peduncle 1-21 ft. long, 3-14 line broad, compressed and acutely two-edged, especially towards» oe apex, glabrous ; ; spike oe bose or ovoid, 3-5 lin. in diam. ; brac s 2-3 lin long, 13-2 li elliptic, very Sika or the iner ones subacut te, entire, oe ciliate, narrowly ovate pale yellowish-brown, or pale straw-eoloured, with a or mea acute, green area ¥ Bhi slightly keeled apex; nerves . ut 7-9, very slender and obsc ateral 1-21 lin. 1 ng, 4 line broad, cbtalcate:Ianicnolate, “abn wih o a rather broad, wing- oblong, § 2 line long ; capsule 14 lin. long, trigonous, oblong, obtuse, ts apicu ulate, Nilss. in Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handi. xxiv. no. 14, 37. X. platycaulis, Poir. Eneycl. viii. 820; Roem, et Schultes, Syst. ee ee ER eye Xyris. | XYRIDEZ (Brown), 7 Veg. 1.551; Kunth, Enum. iv. 18; Nilss. in Ofvers. Vet. Akad. Férhandl. Stockh. 1891, 153. X. nitida, Willd. ex Dietr. Sp. PU. ii. $73. .. Rea@ion: Natal; Durban, Rehmann, 8560! Also in Tropical Africa and Madagascar Thisis a pian different plant Seo that described by Poiret and nearly all subsequent authors as X. anceps. Poi b redhiaribind Lamark’s tig t dep was from Madagascar) as X. platycaulis, gent ig wrongly identified an Indian species (X. complanata, R. Br., syn. X. Walkeri, Wight) with x ee pit 8. X. filiformis (Lam. Tabl. Encycl. i. 132); leaves 1-5 in. long, 4-1 line broad, laterally flattened, linear, obtuse or acute, spirally twisted or straight, glabrous, with she aths ere in. long, concolorous or pa ; peduncular sheath i—2 in. long, leafless and mucronate, or with a aa point 1—} in. long; peduncle 11-12 in. long, very spike 2 lin. long, lanceolate, acute when in flower, 1-3-flowered ; bracts few, 11-2 lin. long, 3—1 line broad, oblong or elliptie-oblong, at-shaped or convolute, apparently ‘acute, but obtuse when flattened out, entire, not ciliate, 3-nerved, membranous, very pale brownish or straw-coloured ; lateral sepals about 2 lin. long, rather more than 1 line broad, ‘straight, laneeolate, acute, keeled; keel neither winged nor ciliate, agers dein straw-coloured ; corolle yellow, only seen in very young bud; capsule 13—13 lin. long, 2 2 line diam., oblong, obtuse, apiculate, trigonous a ‘triangular 1) in cross section, oir. Eneyel. viii. ; Vahl, Enum. ii. 207; Kunth um, iv. 24, X,. straminea, Nilss. in Ofvers. Vet. Akad. Firhand. Stockh. 1891, 153; and in Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. xxiv. no. 14 40. KALAHARI REGION: ugrame Apies River, Burke! Also in Tropical Afric I have “a — ps soe this species in very young wan either in the Tropic or South Afri specim and have fuiled to discover the nature of th: daimeti : ay sls ig: in ag state are very small and ovate Orver CXL. COMMELINACEZ, A. Rich. (By C. B. CLARKE.) Flowers small, bisexual, or the upper part of the cyme male. Sepals 3; one (dorsal) ‘entirely without, hooded. Petals 3, blue, yellow, or white, free or claws united into a linear tube in Cyanotis “ge Coleotrype. Stamens 6, whereof 1-4 are one sterile, reduced t staminodes or wanting ; filaments often bearded by beaded bai Ovary free, 3- (sometimes 2-) celled; style simple ; ovules one several in each cell, attached to the inner angle. Sear s daaliatiel pike small, shortly eylindrieal, far from the hilum, loose in the albumen ; radicle close to the foramen covered externally oury ; by the embryostega. Herbs ; leaves alternate, ovate lanceolate or linear ; bases sheathing. 8 comMELINACEs (Clarke). Distris. All warm countries. Genera 26; species 330. Tribe 1. COMMELINEZ. Fertile stamens 3-2, sterile 0-4. Flowers zygo- morphic. I. Commelina.—Inflorescence a Sn cymes included (or nearly so) within a folded or funmel-sboped bract (spathe). I. Aneilem: lowers oma or rape not included in a spathe. 6-5. Flowers actinomorphic. Coleotrype.— Flowers sree clustered. Stamens inserted high up on the linear corolla-tube. Capsule 3-c led. IV. Cyanotis—Flowers axillary oahaaied: Stamens hypogynous, Capsule 3-celle ¥: Floscopa,—Racemes panicled. Capsule 2-celled. I, COMMELINA, Linn. partly. Inflorescence of 2-1 cymes included (or nearly so) within a folded or a spathe. Petals clawed; 2 equal, the third exterior, smalle . Stamens 3-2 anterior perfect, 3-2 dorsal sterile. ry cells 2 Gia equal, 2—l-ovulate, dehiscent; the third dorsal l-ovulate, or empty or suppressed. Seeds 5-1 ; hilum linear vertieal. Annual succulent weeds; flowers barrages Py € spathe is an ovate leaf-like bract, either simply folded ‘poat- a or its lower margins connate, so as to form an obli ique funnel; the ap the lower pile (and the upper flowers of the upper cyme) are usually m Distris. Species 100, in Pt warm countries. Subgenus I. Dipymoon. Two anterior cells of ovary 2-ovulate; dorsal cell babilate or empty or suppressed, -ComMMELINA. Capsule 5-seeded ; or blue. Spathe simply folded, boat-shaped ci . (1) nudiflora. Spathe simply folded, small, falcate tes .. (2) subulata. Spathe an oblique funnel .. (3) benghalensis. HETEROcARPUS, Capsule ‘Saeeled, 3 i.e, 20 or _ ovules of the two anterior cells para infertile; petals arose or oran, Capsule usually 1-seeded; leaves glabrous- nies (4) africana. Capsule 3-l-seeded ; leaves deity on both surfaces (5) krebsiana. Capsule 3-1-seeded ; leaves linear glabrous (6 karooica. DissEcocarPus. Capsule 4-seeded, i.e. dorsal cell iapoeuinil’s petals blue. Spathe oblique funnel-shaped (7) eckloniana. Subgenus II. Monoon. Two anterior calle ‘ef of ovary aovdlabe dorsal cell l-ovulate or empty or suppressed ; petals blue or white TEROPYXIS. Capsule 3-seeded; dorsal cell Sidelilsonit: or rears 80. Capsule tough, dorsal cell tubercular scabrous ... (8) Gerra apsule membranous, papery... ae ws & sian: ginrrnonse . Capsule 2-seeded ees ona oe he -»» (10) Livingstoni. nudiflora (Linn. ae Pl. ed. 2,61, not of Mant. 17 7); scr nearly glabrous stem 6-30 in. long, often roo rooting at t the knots ; lea lanceola’ 1, peduneled, ld 4, ovateiRidbaes late, middle carve e nearl y straight ; petals blue or done white, the anterior often much smaller, sometimes 0 ; capsule perfecting (nearly always) es Wate Peace eer ee ae ee ee ee eat Commelina. | COMMELINACE” (Clarke). 9 5 seeds; surface of the 4 scattered wie Magen Sem reticulated. Hook. FA Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 369. C. agra Kunth, Enum. iv. 38. C. communis, Walter, Fl. Carol. 68 ; C. 'B. Clarke, Comm. et Cyrt. ie tc (on C. arise excl.). R. B, C. na (Hassk. in eprige won oe re 206) ; leaves large, stiuethcenae goons at base, up t by 1 Eastern Recion: Natal; coast-la aa: = Sut ath nad! Inanda, 1800 fee Wood, 94! 1615! and without precise locality, eee rd, 1838! Zululand. Gerrard, 1839! Var. 8, Natal, Sutherland! Sanderso Distributed throughout Africa, and in nearly all warm countries. Var. f, in A frica only, 2. C. subulata (Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 23); erect, nearly glabrous ; stem 6—12 in. long; leaves linear; spathes 2 in. long, scattered, nearly nerve curved ; lower cyme often wanting; flowers small; capsule perfecting 5 (or 3) seeds ; surface of the scattered — Hosea grooved, ane rugged. Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. v Kat Gon: Transvaal; Bosch Veld, Rehmann, vr rene: iohciewa: e767 Hooge Veld, Rehnaa n, 6669 ! Distributed throughout Africa, and in the Deccan of India. C. benghalensis (Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2,60); diffuse ; stem 6—12 in. long, hfe rooting at the knots; leaves ovate, su ddenly narrowed at base, ‘the quasi-petioles often with bright fulyous-red hairs, sometimes nearly glabrous ; ae oblique funnel-shaped, sessile or peduncled, solitary or 2-3 clos e together; capsule perfecting (usually) 5 seeds; surface of seeds wrinkled or strongly reticulate. hunb. Fl. Cap. e Schultes, — C. B. Clarke, Comm. et Cyrt. Beng. t. 4; Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. 370. C. canescens, Vahl, Enum, i. 173; Webb et Berth. les ‘Otanaries, Phyt. iii. pt. ii. 358, t. 239. South Arrica: Drége, te od Coast Reeion: Knysna Div., Reh mn, 504! Uitenhage Div., Ecklon and Zeyher, 594! Harvey! Port Elizabeth, hy 8. C. A. Herb., 208! Fort Beaufort Div., a 553! bin ~ teres Somerset Div. ; Bosch Berg, Burchell, 3177! 3216! Eas nw Reeion: Tembuland ; Bazeia, 2000 ft., Baur, 86! Natal; Inanda, Wood, 1237 ! ! and wile precise locality, ‘Sanderson ! Zululand, Gerrard, 1840! Found throughout Africa, and thence to Japan and the Moluccas. This plant, both in Africa and India, often produces at base nearly leafless shoots hint abnormal flowers ; these burrow into the earth and there mature small abnormal re of 1-2 ag KALAHARI ReGion: Transvaal; Bosch Veld, Rehmann, 4997 ! HastERN REGION: Natal, Sanderson ! Delagoa Bay, Mrs. Monteiro ! 8. ©. Gerrardi (C. B. Clarke in DC. Monogr, iii. 183); stem points, hispid; petals blue or white ; capsule with 3 globose seeds ; dorsal cell tough, indehiscent, tubercular-scabrous. x. angustifolia, Hassk. in Peters’ Mossamb. 528, not of Mich South AFrica: without nn Gill! CENTRAL ReEGion: Albert chee 588 ! Eastern Reeion: Natal, patito , 1838! Sanderson ! Also in South-East Trop. Africa. 9. C. albescens (Hassk. in Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. ee: rag stem often 2 ft. long; leaves narrow lanceolate, up to 5 b early glabrous ; spathes 1-3 close together, oblique funnel- shaped wks sid or hooked point, hispid ; petals blue or white ; capsule membranous, with 3 ellipsoid, trigonous, smooth, puberulous, ‘largish seeds. Hook f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 373. Katanari Region: Transvaal; Barberton, Galpin, 599! 1188. ‘ Distributed throughout Africa, and extends by Arabia and Beloochistan to ind. 10. C. Livingstoni (C. B. Clarke in DC. Monogr. iii. 190, includ- ing Var. 8); stem 1 ft. long, diffuse ; leaves er nearly glabrous or more or less villous or shaggy ; spat es 1-3, together, hers funnel-shaped, with short acute or hooked poi wut hteped petals blue or white, ‘‘pale pinkish” (Galpin) ; ee membranous, 2-celled, 2-seeded ; ; seeds large, ellipsoid, smoot SoutH AFrRiIca: without oor at feel 1729 Katawart Reeion: Bechuanaland; Hamapery, near Kuruman, Burchell, 515! Transvaal, MeLe Hb olus, 5796 ! Bosch Veld, Ronin, 4866! ! a in Rees Barberton, 2900 ft., Galpin, net Pilgrim’s Rest, Greenst tock ! Mooi River, Burks, 8 339! Apies River, Burke EastERN eS Natal; Bae Wood, 369! 409! and without precise focality. Sander. Also in South-East Trop. Africa. 12 COMMELINACES (Clarke). [Anetlema. Il. ANEILEMA, R. Br. Panicle exserted, of many branches ; braets small, lowest gt folded nor funnel-shaped. Petals 3, clawed, subequal, blue or itish. Stamens 3-2 fertile, 3 ae Ovary 8 subsymmetric, 3- or 0. celled ; ovules 1—5 in each cell. eds 1-5 in each cell ; hilum linear, vertical. Annual succulent weeds ; flowers evanescent. Dis’ aaa 55, Tropical or Warm-temperate zones, viz. 50 in the Old World, ‘Bin the New Subgenus I, Tric steele Capsule subequally 3-celled, 3-valved. mae uy 6-see (1) sinicum. Subgen s IL. at ft aa a 2. dalle, Suvalved (a very small third valve is ierelp peel nt). apsule truncate, 6- (or more) seeded vs .. (2) equinoctiale. Capsule small, rounded, 4—2-seeded ... ise .. (3) dreg sinicum (Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t. 659 char. emended) ; nearly Sikes: innovations more or less hairy ; stem 12-18 in. long, with 2 or 3 cauline leaves ; leaves linear, 4—5 by 1 in., or the leaves at base subracemosely elongate, often scarred closely where the numerous — infertile flowers have fallen; stamens 2 fertile ; capsule 3-celled, searcely 1 in. long, pointed at tip ; seeds usually 6 perfected, obscurely wrinkled. Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 379. A. secundum, Wight, Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 2075. Commelina sinica, Roem. et Schult. Sy yst. i. Addit. Mant. i. Cl. iii, 376. Eastern Recion: Natal; near Tugela River, Wood, 3854; near Nonot Seas How Wood! Zululand, Mrs. McKenzie! and without precise lobality: Also distributed from the Niger and Angola to Canton and Malaya. uinoctiale cine Enum. iv. 72); stems 1-3 ft. long; leaves lanceolate, tapering at base, or ovate-lanceolate suddenly narrowed at base quasi-petioled, haity beneath ; panicle stout, pubescent ; stamens 2 fertile, filaments not bearded ; capeutle 2-celled (or a third dorsal small cell added), at top truncate with two horns ; —_ usually 3 in pms cell, pany. C. B. Clarke in DC. Monogr. iii. 221, all var. neluded. adherens, Kunth, Enum. iv. 72. Chines elina equi- ree Bw Fl. Owar. i. 65, t. 38. eae ae eal cequinoc- ‘tate and L. adherens, Hassk. in Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. Zithiop. 211. Amelina Wallichas, Co 'B. Cl larke, Commel. Beng. t. 26, Katanari Reeion: Transvaal, Houtbosch, Weed. s50h' 5759! Barberton, EasteEgn Reaion: Pondoland; St. J ohn’s River, Drége, 4466! Natal; Inanda, Wee ® 540! Port Natal, Grant! near Durban, Cooper, 3323! Moly- neuz ! and without precise locality, Sutherland ! Gerrard, 1836! Distributed throughout Tropical Africa and Arabia. The type of A. adhzrens, Kunth, is ie 466, which has lanceolate leaves 4 by } in., attenuate at base; and scarcely differs from tears tab. ci the t of A. equinoctiale. In Dr. Sutherland’s examples, e leaves are ovate, 4 ole ds ‘sooo in., apa! narrowed at base into a quasi-petiole. De third small cell is present sometimes in both forms. "The petals are stated in DC. Anetlema. | COMMELINACER (Clarke). | 13 Monogr. Phanerog. iii. 221 to be BE tea Be or ‘fide A. Rich. blue”; J. M. Wood has noted them ‘ blue’ in his 4507. 3. A. dregeanum (Kunth, Enum. iv. 73); stems 12-18 in. long; leaves elliptic- ate thinly oe or nearly glabrous; panicle small, dense, prim axis erect; branches numerous, horizontal ; petals small, blue or ay aes fresh) pik; stamens 3 fer tile, 3-2 sterile ; capsule { in. long, 2-eelled, quadrate-oblong, papery, perfecting 4 stony seeds. Com melina comosa, Drége, Ph. Dokumente, 150, 174. Lamprodithyros rep Jeanus, Hassk. in Peters’ Mossamb. 529. Var. 8, Galpini ; ey in all parts; leaves ovate, 4 by 2 in., suddenly narrowed at base into a quasi-petiole; noone ni by 13 in. ; capsule quadrate- globose, ae 2 seus abate nearly 2 in KALAHARI REGION Var. es ansvaal; sealed near Barberton, 2000 ft., Galpin, 1187! EASTERN Reaion: Pondoland; between Umtata River and St. Johns River, Drége, 4471! Natal; Inanda, Wo od, 479 partly! Umzinyati, Wood, 1220! and bide precise locality, Mrs. Sawnders ! P eerhita, 1837! Zululand, Mrs. McKenzie Also in South-East Trop. Africa, III. COLEOTRYPE, C, B. Clarke. Inflorescence axillary, piercing the base of the cylindric leaf-sheath. Corolla-tube linear, as long as the blue segments. Stamens 6, sub- sessi ll ovules 2~1 in each cell. Capsule trigonous-ovoid, 3-celled, loculi- cidally 3-valved, hairy at top; seed 1 (rarely 2) in each cell, Disrris. Species 1 in Natal, 3 or 4 in Madagascar. C. natalensis (C. B. Clarke in DC. Monogr, iii. 239, nearly abel, or innovations (sometimes 7 strigose ; wit 1-21 ft. long, diffuse, branching ; leaves 5 by 1 in in., lanceo ate ; owers - densely clustered ; sepals free, boat-shaped, 4 in. long, tips linear strigose ; corolla | in. long, blue; stamens nearly eq the three Poskioon a the dorsal cell of ca psule) rather smaller; capsule n. lo d; seed 1 in each bell, oblong-ellipsoid. — " Bagion: agg ot? baa Durban, Wood, 3396! MacOwan and Bolus, Afr., acOwan, Herb. Aust. ihe 1564! Inanda, Wood, 179" ! ‘oat mae without. pisaion locality, Sanderson, 438 IV. CYANOTIS, D. Don. Flowers in rT. axillary and terminal clusters. Petals 3, free at insertion, then connate (more or less completely) into a cylindric tube, terminated oy 3 round blue or pink-purple segments. Stamens 6, Sats fertile, free or nearly free from the corolla ; aya Re bearded ed hai vary 3-celled, ovules 2 in each cell. Capeule Pp mp! disc) terminal, at the top of the upper seed in each cell, at the bottom of the lower, covering (as always in Commelinacee) the embryo. 14 COMMELINACE (Clarke). [ Cyanotis. Disrris, Species 30; warm regions of the Old World, from Africa to South China and North Australia. As pointed out by R. Brown, the position of the i yom bong ine cage this genus from all other Commelinacer. The fi ur in species; and, where the young flowers are Pee ignite ‘they: aca pie (or pes blue. 1. C. nodiflora (Kunth, Enum. iv. 106); nearly glabrous except the innovations, or Mita ng or shaggy ; stems 6—48 in. long, diffuse, often branching from the root, where a sterile short stem is ‘added ; roots fibrous, sometimes baits ovate-oblong tubers; leaves 2-5 in. long, oblong-linear, or those on the sterile short stem much larger, up to cymes interspersed with faleate folded bracts; flowers + in. long; tats short ; style linear, thickened just eee the stigma ; capsule lin. long; seeds 6, wrinkled. Bot. Mag. t. 5471. C. speciosa, Hassk: Commel. Ind. 108. Tradescantia — Lam. Eneye. ii. 371. . speciosa, Linn. f. Su uppl. 192. Jormosa, Willd. Pl. ii. 20. Commelina speciosa, Thunb. FI. Cap. ed. Schultes, 294. Sourn Arica: without locality, Drége, 8781 a, b, c! Coast Region: Riversdale Div.; Vet River, Gall ! Knysna Div. ; nea Keurbooms River, Burchell, 5 ! Uitenhage Div. ; between Uitenhage and Drostdy Farm, Burchell, 4460! and without precise locality, Zeyher ! Hekio — es ee 610! Bathurst Div. ; near Port Alf _ Burchell, — ENTRAL REG GION : Karoo, Bowie! Somerset, Bowker ! : KanaHARI ReEcIoN: Basutoland, Cooper, 3326! Bechnanaland 3; near i i t., Holw ra 5 ! r Barberton, 2000- 000 Bf Galpin, 547! 830! Pretoria, Rehmann, 4467 ! Brewed? ? Orange Free State, Mol BAstERN eas. Tembuland ; Bazeia, ey ft., Bawr, 389! Griqualand East ; aed Kokstad, reine BM Tyson, Tee MacOwan and Bolus, Herb.’ Norm, Aust. Afr., 533 Wood, 17! 51! 963! Port Natal, Grant ! prt without precise bi ot oe iene nd! Also in South hart pi and Madagascar. This species S covered mer all over ner rain reper abd yong hairs ; sonnel she is hive 6 nd flower clusters are covered with m r brown hai ir; sometimes (especially in the large nics he oes ant is lebron aan a itt le bair on the inflorescence and about the a of the leaf-shea in si is also several species. Several closely allied species occur in Trop. Africa, and in India ; and in many of these the variability in size and in hairiness is great, V. FLOSCOPA, Lour. Pom es forming dense terminal panicles. Petals 3, free, obovate, ssile or scarce ly clawed. Stamens 6-5, “free, fertile, subequal, or 3.2 posticous rather smaller ; filaments wi ithout beaded hairs. Ovary 2-celled, glabrous; 1 ovule in each cell. Capsule small, shortly stalked, eompressed, m since 2-valved. Disrris. Species 11, in warm regions of the world, 7 endemic in Africa. Floscopa. } - COMMELINACE (Clarke). 15 1. F. glomerata (Hassk. Commel. Ind. 166); stems 1-3 ft. long, stout but weak, leafy ; leaves 3 by 1 in., sessile, ts narrowed (often eared) at base, nearly glabrous; inflorescence 1-21 in. in diam., dense with flowers, very rufous-hairy; capsule 1 line in re fig ; seeds ellipsoid glaucous, smooth ; embryostega central nearly opposite the hilum Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 1175. Dithyrocarpus glomeratus and D. capensis, Kunth, joni: iv. 78. EASTERN REGION 3; between Umtentu River and Umzimkulu River, Drége, 4472! Fnatidis: “Woo ni 967! and without precise locality, Sutherland, Gerrard, 359! Cooper, 3325! Also in South Trop. Africa and Madagascar. Orper CXLI. FLAGELLARIEZ. (By N. E. Brown.) Flowers hermaphrodite or dicecious, regular. Perianth 6- partite, persistent, the segments biseriate, small, subpetaloid or scarious, slightly unequal. Stamens 6, hypogynous, or shortly sng to the base of the perianth- -segments ; ; filaments free; anthe ifixed, introrse, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary depeeion 3-celled, with a solitary anatropous S ovulé in each cell ; style short, or none ; stigma 3-lobed and sessile, or of three linear, spreading ‘pranches. ruit a 1-3-seeded wen Seeds with a crustaceous testa, and a copious farinaceous albumen; embryo minute, lenticular, placed on the outside of the atiigeat” near the hilum Herbs of robust habit, with stout oe Sbniags eaves up to the base of the inflorescence, sometimes climbing by means of wn Sn oe a pote ik the en ~ leaves alternate, elongate, sheathing at t the base toa tendril at the rhe 8 , veins numerous, parallel ; my ea oA ren sane; sessile or freee ISTR A small Order of three genera, and about 8 = confined to warm fonriene of. the ‘Old World. Only one species in South Afr I, FLAGELLARIA, Linn. Flowers hermaphrodite. Perianth subpetaloid, the segments oblong, obtuse, the three outer slightly shorter than the three inner. Stamens 6, hypogynous, the filaments ultimately long much exserted. ‘Ovary w ith a short style and 3 linear stigmas. erry one-seeded, rarely 2-seeded. Seed globose or ovoid with a crustaceous testa, Stem sarmentose, climbing by means of the tendril-tipped leaves; panicle _ terminal; flowers small, spicate at the ends of the ultimate branchlets of the nicle, Ist ee species, one African, one in Fiji, and the third widely dispersed _ the pa Al of the Old World, but apparently.not occurring on the continent _ of Africa, Bo 16 FLAGELLARIEX (Brown). [Flagellaria. . F. guineensis (Schumach, in Sehumach. and Thonn. Beskr. Gui Pl. 181); a tall climber, with a moderately stout herbaceous stem ; leaves sheathing ; ; the sheath open to the middle, with the thin membranous margins often closely overlapping but never connate to the top; the blade D hae in, long, 6- 18 lin. broad, Pons sisi sient with ascending or spreading branches, the lower ones subtended by leafy bracts, the upper bractless; braeteoles minute, hyaline, sai or suborbicular, lt or subacute; flowers subsessile along t rather slender, flexu or zigzag ultimate branchlets of the te usually with ere internodes between them, whitish or pale subpetaloid ; stamens ultimately much exserted, with Glaments 2-23 in, long, and linear-oblong anthers, sagittate at the base, 11-14 lin. long ; ovary narrow, trigonou 8; stigmas 2-8 line long, ise rather stout, exserted and sere, over the tips of the perianth-segments ; berries globose, 2-3 lin. in diam., bright red. F. indica, of authors, ae not of Linneus. RN ReGion: Pondoland, nig | sine os Nata a pape Wood, 824! inetito ‘Waterfall, Rehmann, 8090 ! Um 0 iver, and Natal Bay, Drege, 4484 without precise locality, Geemen 408! Ped Also in Tropical Africa, 8 been confused with #’, indica, L., by almost all che but may be at once isting shed by the split leaf-sheaths, and the usually slen zigzag axes: along which the flowers are space ed out with distinct ae power en thes’: : ilst in F. ites the margins of the sheaths of the leaves are connate to the i an rowd into very short subglobose spikes or erules on a rather thick, aight axis, without internodes, or with sale scan ones between them. OrpeR CXLII. JUNCACEZ. (By J. G. Baxer.) Flowers Pig se: hermaphrodite in the Cape genera. Peri inferior, cut down to the base into 6 subequal, Wea a maceous segments. Stamens usually 6, hggneyions or attached to the base of segments ; tana nts filiform or flattened ; anthers dorsifixed or basifixed, dehintig nih. ayrcaneay Ovary superior, 1-3-celled ; ovules anatropous, usuall any in a cell; style filiform, simple or trifurcate. Fruit peal splitting into 3 valves. Seeds ovoid, globose or angled by pressure, rarely tees peach testa thin 3 mbr: sometimes produced beyond the nucleus ; albumen copious, fleshy or hard ; embryo small, placed near the hilum. Perennial or annual herbs, rarely shrubs, with a woody caudex; stem often JUNCACEE (Raker). 17 leafy only at the pees eos terete or linear; flowers small, often clustered ; racts scariose, persis DIstTRIB. See ST 8 Species 200. I, Junecus.—Annual or perennial herbs, with hasal glabrous leaves, Ovary more or less completely 3-celled, with many ovules in each cell. II. Luzula SD pie a herbs, with basal hairy leaves. Oeary 1-celled, witb ovules III. Prionium m.—Ualersbrub, with rigid serrated leaves in a dense rosette at the top of a woody caudex I, JUNCUS, Linn. ae rigid, cut down to the base ; segments subequal, ovate or lanceolat tamens 6, rarely 3, hypogynous or attached to the base of is perianth-segments ; filaments filiform or flattened ; anthers linear or oblong, basifixed. Ovary sessile, with 3 more or less intruded parietal placentas ; ; style filiform, divided to the middle into 3 linear or filiform m spreading stigmas, Capsule loculicidally 3-valved. Seeds very small, often tailed by the outer membrane of the testa being produced pene the nucleus ; albumen fleshy ; ee minute, placed near the h iets nea or annual herbs ; peertan Sing terete or flat, sometimes reduced to mbranous sheaths, always glab inflorescence terminal or bo geen 5 perevut tate pan nicled or cong jeatad 4 in ike a head; perianth ‘bia bro DistR1B. Cosmopolitan, Species 170-180, according to Buchenau. 1. Genurni. Leaves all reduced to sheaths; inflorescence hehe not tailed, Stamens 3; pith continuous ... ‘nd a Stamens 6; pith interrupted .. (2) guccven: - Maritimi. Produced pees fist pai the stems ; inflorescence lateral ; seeds tai Perianth-sezments lanceolate, acute ke ... (3) maritimus, Perianth-segments obtuse, inner emarginate on = acutus. 3. ARTICULATI, Leaves septate: ; inflorescence termin Produced leaf iy one ace = middle of the stem is punctorius. Produced leaves Capsule not ioogee pie the wee can “Style res — ee ... (6) brevistilus. Style 2 . (7) oxycarpus. Cupane rth sae = Gis the perianth : low any in a cluster ... ae ... (8) exsertus. i uster .. (9) rostratus. 4. GRAMINIFoLII. Leaves not Boks ; tnbobepoans terminal. Annuals ; Style very short: - Leaves s soon 3 Bevosese 2-5-flowered .., (10) rupestris. Leaves linear ; rs 8-15-flowered _... (11) diaphanus, the ova out Clusters usually solitary, 1-3-flowered : Perianth-segments subequa Inner eS longer than the . (12) seabriuseulus. icone whitish, with a brown ki ee . (18) parvulus, Porienth TS cicriiete: bright t wn, with a pale edge " (4) polytrichos VOL. Vil. 18 JUNCACER (Baker). —— [Juncus. Clusters 1-2, 2-6-flowered . wis ... (15) pictus, Clusters — usually 1- flow . (16) bufonius. Clusters ; flowers 8—12 in luster: Inner p pe rianth- a aan lease than ... (17) altus, Pevianth-sogmes nts e equal Perianth-segments seat’ ae UE os cephalotes. Per janth-segments acuminate 19) Sprengelii. Clusters rire flowers 3-12 in a cluster (20) ineequalis, Perennial : Leaves laterally re eet resembling stems (21) singularis. Leaves narrow] ear: ] few, ‘a in, diam yle very short = ee ... (22) dregeanus, Style not very short: ne te of flowers 1-3 ... . (28) oe ters of Sewers 3-6... . (24) anonym Clusters aa smaller Stem subterete : ootstock short ... i . (25) capensis. Rootstock long... oe: . (26) indescriptus. Stem angled... a oo .. (27) acutangulus. Leaves broader (3-4 in. diam.) ... mF ... (28) lomatophyllus. 1. J. effusus (Linn. Sp. Plant. 326) ; perennial, densely tufted on a short creeping rhizome ; leaves all reduced to green sheaths elasp- ing tightly the base of the stem; stems green, terete, 2-3 ft. long, finely striated, with continuous pith ; panicle dense, "lateral, net 1-2 in. diam., composed of many forked a bracts s mall, ov perianth-segments rigid, lanceolate, green, 4, in. oe ; Waleed reduced to 3; capsule oblong, obtuse, cuspidate, dark brown, as long as the perianth; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 228. J. communis var. effusus, EH. Meyer, Monog. June. 22; Kunth, Enum. iii. 320. Pe ac higg yesooelned copped Div. ; marshy places at the foot of the Bosch Berg, be an, 1 Eastern ReGion: Retal ; Mooi River, in a marsh, Wood, 4062 ! Cosmopolitan, concentrated in the North Temperate zone. 2. J. glaucus (Ehrh.) var. miprorae (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver, Brem. iv. 417, t. 4”); perennial, densely tufted, terete, wiry, 2-3 ft. long, glaue Ww e grooves and interrupted pith; panicle lateral, ver pound, ed many dichotomously forked branches; bracts ovate uch mu shorter than the perianth ; ee ee lanceolate, rig rigid, gi: acute, green, 1 in. long; stamens 6; capsule oblon minutely cuspidate, nearly as long as the téfanth = food a tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 344. ag Re@ron: Queensland Div. ; Shiloh, near the river, 3500 ft., Baur, 891 ' 1181 Crnrrat Reaion: Albert Div.; Stormberg Spruit, 5000 ft., Drage, 87960! and Klein "Buffels Vallei, near Gaatje, 4500-5000 ft., Drége, 8796¢ ! Juncus. | JUNCACER (Baker), 19 KALAHARI REGION: Orange Free State; near Winberg, Buchanan, 254! The species occurs he acid in the northern regions of the Old World. The iisisty, is | eadienee at the Cap 3. J. maritimus (Lam. Encyc. iii. 264); perennial, densely tufted on a short rhizome; leaves few, basal, terete, resembling the stems, segments mumale® sata? asa Treen, an in. long; ictienm 6; capsule oblong, brown, as long as or a little longer than the perianth ; a distinctly or indistinetly tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. r. Brem. iv. 422, t. 5 (“4”); Engl. Jahrb. xii. 256. J. Kraussii, Hoshet. in Flora, 1845, 342 ‘peohon in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 418, J. acutus, E. Mer eyer in Flora, 1845, Beig. 51, 56. J. sbrsbes Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg. vii. il. 1656, ¢ in obs, Coast Recion: Cape Div.; marshy places near Cape Town, below 100 ft., Bolus, 4811! Salt River, rigtinte “yi Cape Fla - Krauss. Devils Mountain, Ecklon, 903! Camps Bay, Burchell, 336! akin cin een Hend — Table Mountain, Buschelt 252/2! berlin Div.; "Kila Rehm 2266! Mossel Bay Div.; hills near ro landing-plac e at Mossel get Burchell, ving 4 George Div. ; Malgat ver, Krauss. # aoeaa age Div., Ecklon and Zeyher 647! Van Stadens River, MacOwan, 2085 ! Queenstown Div. ; Shiloh, 3500 % Baur, 885 CEnTRar REGION: piste Div.; between the Zunrberg Range and Klein Bruintjes Haogta, 2000-2500 ft., Drege! rae ond Div.; vicinity of Stylkloof, ae ea ft., Drége ! Albert Div, Coope HARI REGION: Griqualand West Lore r Campbell, Burchell, 1812 RN Recion: Na ay near Durban, Rehmann, 8589! Buchanan, ‘26! 364 “Coogee: 3330 ! ris rrard, 709! Also in the North tuaaasa zone of both hemispheres. 4, J. acutus ( shen ) var. en a (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem, iv. 421, t. 5, “‘4”’); perennial, Saul tufted on a short rhizome ; leaves ei Deel, resembling the stems; stems rigid, terete, 3-4 ft. long, very pungent ‘at the tip ; panicle ample, lax, very com- pound, produced from the side of the stem a short distance below the with a scariose oige 5 ; seroiions 6; capsule subglobose, brown, obtuse, ; seeds distinctly tailed, Buchen. in re i ‘jab, xii. 251. J. Leopoldii, Part. in Giorn. Bot. Ttal. 1846, ii. 1, 324. J. macrocarpus, Nees in Linnea, xx. 243. Coast Ceres Div.; Verkeerde Vlei, Rehmann, 2840! Worces Div.; near conchae ay 800 fe. Bolus, 5271! od 2550 ! Usiatenboneh iv.; Somerset, Zeyher, 4308! Swellendam Div., Mund. Mossel Bay Div.; Di hills near the landing place, Mossel Bay, Burchell, ett Abarat Div. ; near . Zwartkops ce oe on, 783. Queenstown bie: pri Baur, | : Somerset Div. ; Biesjes Fon n, Loot’s Kloof, 2800 ft., 1683! Graaff neta Div.; descent ons Voor Sneeuw Berg, Burchell, 2860 ! : c 2 20 JUNCACEE (Baker). [ Juncus. Western Rearon: Little en Zeyher! near the mouth of the Orange River, Ecklon and Zeyher, 73! Also Europe and North Africa. . J. punctorius (Linn. fil. Suppl. 208); perennial, tufted on a ean rhizome; produced leaf one only from the middle of the stem, long, subulate, septate, the others reduced to sheaths; stem moderately stout, 2-4 ft. long; inflorescence ample, terminal, reaching + ft. long and broad; flowers many in a cluster; bracts ovate, shorter than the flowers; perianth-segments lanceolate, 5}, in. long; stamens 6, rather shorter than the perianth; capsule oblong, brown, acute, as long as the perianth ; gor not tailed. Thunb. Prodr. 66; Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg 191; Kunth, Enum. iii, 332 ; Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. my ‘Brem. iv. 42.4, ‘.. & 16. J. Schimperi, Hochst. in Schimp. Pl. Abyss. ‘No. 56; A. Rich. Abyss. ii. 338. J. acutiflorus, var. capensis, Spreng. Neue «ik LUT, Coast Reeron: Clanwilliam Div.; between eS af ee and a bee River, Drége, e! Wupperthal, Drége, "ts Bosch Kloo ége, g. about the sat and at Salt River near Cape Tow * Burckolt 674! | ee Lion Mountain and Table Mountain, Burchell, 253 | Ecklon, 46 6, 47. ee Maehain, Ecklon, 902! Paarl Div.; by the Berg River, Drage aa. Talia Div. ; near Tulbagh waterfall, Ecklon and han ge 5. Worcester Diy. tains near Worcester, Rehmann, 2549! Stellenbosch Div. ; ae polos ‘ote, Zeyher, 104. Klapmut, Rekmann, 2265 ! Uitenhage Div., Ecklon and Zeyher, 648 ! ie 0 C i Reet : Aberdeen Div. ; Camdeboo mene ey Drége, c. Somerset Div poet of Little Fish River, 2800 ft .» MacOwan, 171 -ALAHARI REGION : Griqualand West ; eb op Town, Burchell, 1871! Trans- vaal; Wonderboom Poort, Rehmann, 4472 ! 4473 Ea 3 ERN REGION: Pondol land ; between uk River and St. Johns River, e, 6. J. brevistilus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iy. 433, inflorescence terminal; flowers 12-16 in a eluster; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate ; perianth-segments lanceolate, 1 in. nq broader; stamens 3, half as long as the perianth ; 3 Style papi obsolete ; capsule oblong, not longer than the perianth ; seeds n tailed. Buchen, in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 346. SoutH Arnica: without locality. No specimen at Kew Described from a single imperfect specimen, probably faathorbd in Natal by Krauss. 7. J. oxycarpus (E. Meyer ex Kunth, Enum. iii. 336) ; perennial, densely tufted ; produced leaves 3-5, short, ascending, subulate, separate ; stem moderately stout, terete, 1}-2 ft. long; inflorescence terminal, much less ample and com i inctorius ; flowers about 20 in a cluster; bracts ovate-acuminate, nearly as Juncus. | JUNCACEE (Baker). 21 long as the flowers ; perianth-segments lanceolate, acute, + in. long ; stamens usually 3, much shorter than the perianth ; style ie. but distinctly produced ; capsule oblong, dark brown, as long as the perianth ; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Natur. Ver. zjbiag iv. 431, t.8; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 336. RE : Cape Div.; about the ponds and at Salt River, Burchell, 672! gata Hout Bay and Wynberg, Drege, b. Paarl Div.; by the Berg River, Drége, a! Drakenstein Monntain, , Rehman nn, 2256! Wore ester Div. s ar Worcester, 800 ft., Bolus, 4217! Reh n, 2551! Caledon fk by — mie et River, near Grabouw, 700 ft., Bolus, 4217 | "Riv versdale Div Gre t Val iver, Burchell, 6551! Uitenhage Div.; by the eaten Hiver, Ecklon ond Posy EAstERN REGION: oe Umzinyate Falls, Wood, 1053! and without precise hodattiae Buchanan, 56! 8 Also Angola, ae 3008, 8. J. exsertus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 435, i P40) perennial, tufted on a short rhizome ; produced leaves 4-14 in a cluster; bracts ovate-cuspidate, shorter than the flowers; perianth-segments lanceolate, + in. long; stamens 6, much shorter than the perianth; capsule oblong, dark brown, distinctly exserted, valves rigid ; seeds not tailed. Bue hen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 337 Ast Rea@ion: Worcester Poiat Zeyher ! Queenstown Div.; Shiloh, along the river, 3500 ft., Baur, re: ! CENTRAL REGION : Beh by *Div., Bowker ! Graaff Reinet Div.; along the Sunday River, 2500 ft., Bales s, 5, 188! ! Kananart Reaion: Griqualand West ; y Kn — pete gel yee Orang Free State ; Bloemfontein, Rehmann, 8762! Tra » Hoo e Veld, at Trigards Fontein, Rehmann, 6698! Pretoria; at ocr Pores, Met a 4471 Yster Spruit, Nelson, 320! 9. J. rostratus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 437, . 5, “4,”’ ex parte); perennial, tufted on a short rhizome ; pro- oe leaves 4-8, short, ascending, subulate, septate ; stem ‘long, Bs inflorescence an ample lax terminal panicle ; flowers 3-6 in a cluster; bracts ovate-cuspidate, small; perianth- segments eS 1 in. long; stamens 6, much shorter than the perianth ; capsule oblong, ark brown, much ex xserted, narrowed into a be ak ; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb, xii. 338. Sourn Arrica: without locality, Drége, 4465! Senay Reeion: Uitenhage Div.; by the Zwartkops River, Ecklon and er. ae men Reeion: Transyaal; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5741! Eastern Reeion: Transkei; by the Bashee River, Drége, 4465. Natal, Daabannd, 67! 358! 10. J. rupestris (Kunth, Enum. iii. 344); annual, tufted ; leaves ll basal, linear-subulate, very slender, not septate, 1-2 in. long; stem very slender, deeply sulcate, naked, 2-4, rarely 6, in. long ; clusters 1 in, diam., 2-3, rarely 4-5, i in a lax terminal penne; flowers 3-5 in a cluster; bracts small, ovate; perianth 75 in, 22 JuNcACE® (Baker). [ Juncus. long; segments greenish-brown with a white edge, equal in length, all acute, outer lanceolate, inner ovate-lanceolate ; stamens 6; style very short; capsule brown, oblong, as long as the perianth ; ’ seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 441; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 460. SoutH AFRICA: prone a Harvey; 377! Coast REGION : ings Ezels “i ie ft., Drege, b; Gift Berg, Drege, c. Cape ns Ba ay, WESTERN REGION: Little me tope hd Tol Ba, 2500-3500 ft., Drege, 2471a! 11. J. diaphanus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Bre 442, t. "*s ; annual, densely tufted; leaves all basal, Goa ‘nat, acuminate, not septate, 3-4 in. long; stem slender, leafless, terete, lax reaching a foot long; clusters 4 in. diam., 3-4 in a terminal panicle ; flowers 8-15 in a cluster; braets small, ovate ; perianth in inner oblong, subobtuse ; stamens 6, half as long as the perianth ; style very short; capsule oblong, shorter than the perianth ; seeds obovate, not tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 460. Coast Region: Albany, Bolus, 188. No specimen in Kew Herbarium. 12, J. seabriusculus (Kunth, Enum. iii. 354); annual, not tufted ; leaves all basal, not terete, very slender, not septate, 1-2 in. long ; stem very slender, compressed, sulcate, leafless , 6-8 in. gy slightly scabrous upwards; cluster of flowers solitary, terminal, 2 41_1 jn, diam.; flowers 1-2, rarely 3, in a cluster; bracts ovate, pale, eaiiGss perianth { in. long; segments SiramineouG, equal in length, lanceo- late, outer acute, inner subobtuse; stamens 6, half as long as the perianth ; style as long as the ovary ; capsule oblong, shorter than the perianth; seeds obovate, not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 444, t.6; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 457. Var. 8, subglandulosus surge in Engl. yao xii. heise ; more robust, with rite age ar stem, clusters 3, and flowers 5-7 i clus “3 Sr Nea Steud. Glum. i i, 303 ; Buchen. in Abhand. Wine. Ver. ‘Be em 459, t. 6. Coast Ree Cape D foot of Table Mountain, yuk 11 partly. Piqu etharg Ky: ; ; Padang ‘Tonge tes Groene Vallei, under 1000 ft., Drege, 8795! including Var. 8. According to Buchenau, Var. 8 was ebilected by Drége in ee North Div., on the Witte Bergen at 5000-6000 ft., but this appears to be an error. 13. J. parvulus (E. Meyer et Buchen, in Ablignd. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 447, t. 6); annual, tufted; leaves all radical, erect, setaceous, not septate, 4-1 in. Jon ; stem very slender, leafless, an inch long; cluster of flowers solitary, terminal, gs—zs in. diam. ; Seat obtuse; stamens 6, shorter than the perianth 5 style as = ies as the ovary ; capsule ovoid-cuspiate, nearly as long as the perianth; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 458. Juncus. | JUNCACEE (Baker), 23 WEstTERN ReGion: Little Namaqualand; Modder Fontein Berg, 4000-5000 ft., Drege, 2472b! . Jd. a rae (E. Mey. et Buchen. nm Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 448, t. 6); annual, tufted ; leaves all basal, erect, setaceous, not septate, me in. long ; stem very slender, sulcate, leafless, 2 2-4 in, long ; cluster of flowers solitary, terminal, 4-1 in. diam. ; flowers 2- 3 r rarely 4, in acluster; bract ovate, acute, cs scariose ; ‘perianth + in. long ; segments bright brown wit a pale margin, outer anceo- late, acute, inner longer, oblong, obtuse ; x He 6, shorter than the perianth ; style long ; capsule oblong, much shorter than the amor seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii, 459. Wes N Recton: Little Namaqualand; hills near Lily shit 4000-5000 ft. EDiage,’ 2472aa 15. J ¥ pictus (Steud. Syn. Glum. ii. 305); annual, tufted ; leaves all radical, setaceous, very slender, erect, not septate, 2-3 in, lo ong ; stem very slender, leafless , sulcate, slightly scabrous 56, rarely yes. in. long; clusters 1-2, termi nal, 3-1 in. diam. ; rs 2-6 in cluster; bracts ovate, pale; perianth 2 in. ae ; segm eae stramineous, tipped with dark brown, outer lanceolate, acute, inner longer, oblong, obtuse; stamens 6, half as long as the perianth ; style long; capsule oblong-trigonous, shortly cuspidate ; seeds few, large, not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 458, ¢ .6; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 457. ‘ Pb bigs ReGcion: Little Namaqualand; hills near Lily Fontein, Drege, 16. J. bufonius (Linn. Sp. Plant. 328); annual, Pega’ tufted ; leaves slender, subulate, channelled down the fac ce, the lower nearly as long as the stem, the upper shorter ; stem neat 3-12 in. long ; flowers usually single, arranged in 1] ax forked spikes ; bracts ovate, Scariose, minute; periant -segments g green, lanceolate ; stamens much shorter than the perianth, sometimes 3 abortive; capsule oblong, brown, obtuse, minutely euspidate, rather shorter than the perianth ; seeds not tailed. Kunth, Enum, ii. 35 ; uchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 416; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 174. J. dregeanus, Presl, Bot. Bemerk. 117, non Kunth. J. ranarius, Nees in Linnea, XX. 243, non ae et Perr. J. plebejus, Krauss in Flora 1845, Ee non R. B Holland, Ecklon, 20, 85, Somerset, Toklon ENTRAL Region : Prince ‘Albert Div. ; ; by the Gamka River, 2500-3000 ft., Drége, Somerset Div. igen Fan the Zuurberg Range and Klein Bruintjes gte, Drége. te, Western Recion: Little oceania between Pedros Kloof and Lily ood Berg, 2 ft., Fontein, 3000-4000 ft., Drége / R Katawart REGION: Gaskins West ; Griqua Town, "Burchell, 1858! Cosmopolitan. 24 suncace® (Baker). [ Juncus. 17. J. altus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 457) ; nuual; leaves all radical, linear, 4-5 in long, not septate; stem bate slender, suleate, a foot long ; i clusters 2 11 in. diam., 3-8 in a - lax terminal panicle ; flowers 8-10 ina cluster ; ” bracts small, lanceo- late; perianth 1 in. long, outer segments lanceolate, mucronate, inner longer, oblong, obtuse ; stamens “6, shorter than the perianth ; style long; capsule oblong, shortly mucronate; seeds shortly apiculate. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. a 456, Coast Region: Swellendam Div ween Puspas Vallei and Kochmans Kloof, 1000-4000 ft., Ecklon ah Saxjhor, 6. No specimen in Kew Herbarium. 4B: J. cephalotes (Thunb. Prodr. pet ex parte); yagiea a ate epti ‘ terminal panicle, } ts diam. ; flowers usually 8-12 in a cluster; acute ; stamens 6, m uch shorter than the “perianth ; style long; capsule Sbbiienliaceotidles much shorter than the perianth; seeds not tailed. Thun BERET; Cap. edit. Schult. 337, ex parte ; Spreng. Neue Entd. ii. 107; Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 451, t.7; Engl. Jahrb, xii. 454. Soutn AFrica: without ear Harvey, 353! Cape Div.; ‘Table Woateitt Ecklon, 13,901! Cape Flats, Krauss, Simons hae, Wright ! 19. J. Sprengelii (Nees in Linnea, xx. 244); annual, tufted; leaves linear, all basal, not septate, 2-3 in. long; stem le nder, . leafless, 3-5 in. long; clusters 1 in. diam., 2-5 in a lax terminal panicle flowers 8-12 in acluster ; bracts ovate-lanceolate ; Pail steinntiit 6, half as long as the perianth ; style long; capsule oblong- cuspidate, much shorter than the perianth ; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem, iv. 449, t. 10; Engl. Jahrb. xii, 453. Coast Reeion : Cape Div.; Camps Bay, niet and Zeyher. Tulbagh Div. ; near Tulbagh Waterfall, Ecklon and Zeyher, 20. J. ineequalis (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 459, t. 7); annual, tufted; leaves all basal, linear, grass-like, not septate, 3-6 in. long, + in. roa ow down ; stem slender, leafless, 6-8 in. long ; clusters + in. diam., many in i icle ; 3 : : obtuse inner ones ; stamens 6, mueh shorter than the perianth ; style long ; capsule oblong-mueronate, shorter than the perianth ; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 455. J. is isolepoides, Nees in Linneéa, XX. Coast ee Div. r Camps Bay, Ecklon, 12, 24. St a Div. ; Hottentots Holland, Zeyher, 16, sir 14, Swellendaut Div. by the Buffeljagts River, 1000-2000 ft .» Zeyher, 4319 Juncus. | JuNCACEm (Baker), 25 21, J. singularis (Steud. Syn. Glum. ii. 302); perennial, tufted ; leaves all basal, rigid, shorter than the stem, laterally compressed, almost ancipitous, “not septate; stem leafless, angular, moderate ely stout, 1-1 ft. long ; panicle lax, Binpte) terminal; flowers 6-10 in a cluster; braets minute ; 2 in. long, outer segments ~ ceolate, acute, inner oblong-lanceolate, obtuse ; stamens 6 long as the perianth ; ; style long; capsule brown, oblong, Riccar xy shorter than the rags seeds not tailed. "Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. v. 438, ¢ . 9, ex parte; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 408. OAST REG : Uitenhage Div.; Van Stadens Berg and Bethelsdorp, Drége, 1604b, gintig. *'No apeieligs in Kew Herbarium, 22. J. dregeanus (Kunth, Enum. iii. 344); perennial, tufted; leaves all basal, rigid, linear, much shorter than the stem, not septate ; stem moderately stout, naked, terete, 1-12 : long ; panicle capsule oblong . brown, shorter than the perianth ; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 462, t. 9; Engl. Jahrb, xii. 436. J. cephalotes, Thunb. Prodr. 66, ex purte. J. submonocephalus, Steud. Syn. Glum. ii. 303, Souru “esta without locality, Drége, 1604 i, 4387, 4447. Coast REG : Humansdorp Div.; near the Kromme Fut below 1000 ft., Drége, 1604 f. ‘ Uitenbage Div.; b an h lsdorp, below 1 t eye, 1 the et bya og er, Ecklon and it 13, ., Drége, 160 101, 779, and 899, partly. Bathurst Div. ; e Fish “River below 1000 ft., Drége, 1604. Assegai Bosch, near Sidbury, Dok n and Zeyher, 10. Katanari Region: Transvaal ; Houtbosch, Rehvioan, 5742! 23. J. sonderianus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 76, t. 10); perennial, densely tufted ; leaves all radical, short, linear, not septate ; stem slender, naked, 3-12 in. long ; clusters of flowers 1-3, terminal, in. diam. ; flowers many in a cluster ; perianth 2 in. lon . ster segments lanceolate, acuminate, inner stamens 6, half as long as the perianth ; style an and stigmas as long ; capsule oblong, shorter than the perianth; seeds not tailed. Buchen. deg Engl. Jahrb. xii. 440. J. capensis var. angustifotius, E. Meyer, Syn. ceri 49, ex parte. J. capensis var. oe Vees in Tieudel xx. = Coast ReGion: near the landi ee at Mossel Bay, Burchell, 6237! 6247! Port. El Tabet Div.; Cape Recite, Burchell, 4886! Ecklon and Zeyher, 9, 780; near Port Elizabeth, Drége, e 24. J. —— se Syn. Glum. ii. 304); perennial, tufted; leaves all basal, narrowly linear, not septate, much shorter than the stem; stem slender, naked - 2 ft. long j clusters of panic cluster ; bracts lanceolate ; perian A Gees sare ease segments lanceolate, mucronate, inner rather sth 9 blake obtuse ; stamens 26 JUNCACE® (Baker). [ Juncus. 6, half as long as the perianth; style not very short; capsule oblong, mucronate, shorter than the perianth; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 478; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 441. Coast Recron: Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Dréye, 16042! 25. J. capensis (Thunb. Prodr. 66); perennial, densely tufted ; rootstock short; leaves on sens. et or linear-subulate, not septate, as long. , or short an, the st em slender, naked, deeply sulcate, aja ft. ig clusters many or a in a lax terminal panicle, + in i m.; flowers up to in a cluster ; bracts ovate- mucronate, shorter than the flowers; perianth + in g, outer segments lanceolate, very acute, inner oblong, obtuse; stamens shorter than si perianth ; capsule oblong-trigonous, shorter than the perianth; seeds comparatively me not tailed. Thunb. Fl. Cap. edit. Schult. 337; Willd. Sp. P. ii. 210; H. Meyer, Syn. Junc. 48; Kunth, Enum. ili. 342; gee in Abh rw, Ver. Bron: iv. 482, ¢% 11; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 443 (with several earistie). Coa : Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 35, 897, 898! 900, Driget "Moca distin, 423 | ‘Islne, 229! Cape Flats, Ecklon, 899! Devils Mountain, Ecklon, 35! Vicinity of Cape Town, Burchell, 81 283! 471! i 0 ! Z Bathurst Div. ; Seer he Bosch, near Sidbury, Burchell, 4175! Albany Div. ; i ; 2020 ! in. long; clusters many, in a lax terminal panicle, 1 in, diam flowers usually 9-12 in a cluster; bracts ovate-mucronate, father shorter than the flowers ; perianth } in. long, outer segments lanceo- late, mucronate, inner o ong, obtuse ; stamens 6, shorter than the perianth ; style long; capsule ovoid- -trigonous, shorter than the sian seeds large, not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 479; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 442 Coast Region: Paarl Div. ; by the ie River near Paarl, Drége, 1604h! 27. J. acutangulus (Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 480); perennial, densely tufted ; | leaves all radical, narrowly linear, In, tri t flowers about 12 ina cluster; bracts ovate-lanceolate, mucronate ; perian anth } in. long, outer segments lanceolate, shortl te, inner oblong, obtuse ; stamens 6, rather shorter than the perianth ; ENO Se Sete SNe RON are re BENNY ROE TL Pee Sr ng earn a aE Uae Oe 2 ee ee ee ee ee ee eee Juncus. | JUNCACEE (Baker). 27 capsule oblong- nce ara aoraar" than the perianth; seeds not tailed. Buchen, in Engl. Jahrb. xii. 442. REGION : deh Div. ; poriecd nia eaten, 4318. Cape Flats, Ecklon, 100. No specimen in Kew Herbari 28. J. lomatophyllus A poene Neue Entd. ii. 108); perennial, tufted and stoloni ogee leaves many, in a basal tuft, linear, flat, zl ft. long, 2-1 in. br oad, ie septate ; stem moderately stout, naked, deeply silesie —2, rarely 3, ft. long ; inflorescence terminal, laxly panicled, sometimes 6-8 in. long ; flowers 6-12 in a cluster; bracts ovate- -euspidate, 1 scariose ; perianth- segments 3 in. long, outer lanceolate, acute, inner oblong-lanceolate; stamens 6, rather shorter than the perianth ; capsule brow n, oblong, "shorter than the perianth ; seeds not tailed. Buchen. in Abhand. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 466, ¢. 10, ex parte; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 429. J. cymosus, Lam. Eneyc, iii. 267, ex parte. J. cephalotes, Thunb. Prodr. 66, ex parte. J. capensis var. latifolius, E. Meyer, Syn. June. 48 ; Kunth, Enum. iii. 342. Coast Region: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, ae 26, 50! 896, Milne, 225! MacGillivray, 420! 421! Paarl Div. ; by the Berg River, Drege ! Drakenstein Mountains, near need Kloof, 1500 ft., Bo sie 4080! Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, 2000-3000 ft., Drég dye! Caledon ; Grabouw, near Palmiet River, 700 ft., Bolus, 4219 : ” Uitenhage Div. ; near e Didihbeds, Burchell, os ! Eastern Region: Temb ; Bazeia, 2000 ft., Baur, 543! Bir sacar East; by streams around Clyde ale, 2508 ft., Tyson, 2866! Nat ; Umgeni River, Rehmann, 8591! Umlaas Riv Kraus uss, 416! Inanda, Wood 221! rage potenti 8590! and without et locality, Gerrard, 494! Buchanan, II. LUZULA, DC. Perianth rigid, cut down to the base ; segments ovate, subequal. Stamens 6, shorter than the perianth, hypogynous, or attac shed to the base om the rine Sma filaments — secibhes s oblong or — ucleus ; albumen fleshy or farinaceous ; embryo minute. Densely-tufted perennial herbs; leaves grass-like, mostly radical, ere with soft hairs; inflorescence la axly or densely panicled, terminal ; perianth brown, yellow, or white DistTRIB, Ucaaiopalites Species 50, ppsonding to Buchenau. ciliated, the Stier 4-8 in in. Sicugs stem sie iid ee, bearing several reduced leaves ; inflorescence congest Pi a sma. globose or ovoid termirial head; prim linear-convolute ; perianth 1 in, long; segments ovate-acuminate, brown, ie green ish edge, outer rather longer than the inner; capsule 28 JUNCACEE (Baker). [ Luzula. globose ; seeds ;'; in. long, rounded on the back, flattened on the inner side. Buchen. in and. Naturw. Ver. Brem. iv. 414, t.5 (4), ex parte; Engl. Jahrb. xii. 150. Coast Reeron: Stockenstrom Div.; Katberg, in grassy places and swamps, ee 8°63! RAL REGIonN: Basutoland; Mont aux Sources, 9500 ft., Flanagan, 2008 III. PRIONIUM, E. Meyer. Perianth rigid, cut down to the base; segments ovate, subequal. Stamens as long as the perianth-segments ; filaments filiform ; anthers oblong, basifixed. Ovary sessile, globose, 3-celled ; ovules axile, usually 2 in a cell; stigmas 3, sessile, spreading. ’ Capsule rigid, loculicidally 3-valved. Seeds usually 1 in each cell, ovoid- oblong, not appendiculate ; testa appressed ; ° i) wn ~-] cr a ct a ot i} “h of a ae oe g s. a is) KALAHARI REGION: e y { Var. B, Basutoland, Bowker! Transvaal ; se op at Trigards Fontein, Eehmann, 6692! wre ~— Laer a no Sanderson ! Easte REG Gri — d East ; peste near Kokstad, Lares 4206! VareucA, ag Nii te wie: robe ear Baxoia, 2200 ft., Baur, 579! Natal; Biggarsberg and Umeinyate "hives, 3000~—4000 ft., Sutherland ! Gohieak. 600 ft., Wood, 1611 9. A. estiifetinis (Lehm ex Steud. Nomen. ed. 2, i. 114, only) ; “spike bifid ; bracts ric Nite , diaphanous ; nerves ‘bifid ; leaves mostly capillary ; flowers 6-andr Dr, Pappe in Herod. Brit. Pr Reeton: Cape Flats in tes 8 places, oe ! No specimen at e The leaves in this are shire oe slender for the genus, and the material is too poor for a better description III. POTAMOGETON, Linn. Perianth-segments 4, green, valvate. Anthers 4, sessile, didymous. Carpels 4 (many abortive), sessile, with one cell, and one ovule ; ovules campylotropous. Stigma persistent, subsessile or decurrent, altering much in position in ripening; drupelets small, variable in shape and contour, coriaceous. Seed subreniform ; radicle ene peduneles at the base in a membranous sate, sisdition eg Species 60-70, a a *With amy coriaceous lea athe sheds stems snoaaentely stout ; submerged peat few or none. eaves eMente at t the base; stipules acute (1) natans. Leaves not plicate at the base ; “akg obtuse. : Leaves in aidag. A ~ pee nds .. (2) fiuitans. ruit sry tapering _ the style (3) americanus. Fruit dorsally subtrun t the top (4) Bichardii. Bers ebecleds stems filiform ; vabane aed leaves ; : (5) javanicus. Fruit wal 1 keel ; stems moderately stout ; sub- ; é leaves abundant... 0... sss ws,~—«((6)s lpinum. 46 NATADACE® (Bennett). | Potamogeton. ** Without oe leaves: Leavy s 2-12 lin. broad. Leaves crisped, serrulate ; fruit ws (7) crispum aves flat, entire ; fruit short-beaked .. . (8) lucens. Teves Tes than 2 lin. b s linear, grass- Tike, 5- tee ov flattened aos Friesii, ph eaves linear, 3-veined ; : pusillum, ae es filiform, with ines spas at the base asa shea ... (11) pectinatum. 1. P. natans (Linn. Sp. Fi 6d. 'l, 136) ; stem stout, very rarely branched ; submerged leaves 0 or reduced to blades ; floating leaves jie petioled, from subrotund to lanceolate, cordate and plicate at the base; stipules long and acute; pedu neles stout; spikes dense- flowered drupelets ‘large, convex on the Datel margin, semicireular n the dorsal, ete any raised bosses. Durand and Schinz, Canes Fi. Afr. 494, Ka ALAWAR Reeron : Transvaal; Yuckschyt River, sources of the Limpopo, Nelson, 51 EAsTERN Sonar Natal; in a pool at Inyangwine, Wood, 3020! Found in all temperate regions ; rare in the tropics, . fluitans (Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. i. 72); stem stout; sub- merged leaves gg scsi linear- lanceolate ; floating leaves ovens or ovate-lanceolate, long-stalked, tapering at either end, not plicate ; bl large, blunt ; arma stout ; spike dense-flowered ; no ripe ruit seen on either African or European specimens. P. natans, var. pins Chie, Adnot. Fl. Berol. 4. Coast ReGion: Worcester ae ; Brand Vlei, Rehmann, 2415! Uniondale Div.; Lange Kloof, Krauss, 1233 sateen REGION : areal; Hooge Veld at Bronkers Spruit, Rehman™ This is probably a hybrid between P. natans and P. Widely distributed in Europe, Asia, North and Tropical renin 3. P. americanus (Cham. in Linnea, ii. 226) var. Thunbergii (A. enn.) ; stem stout, rarely branched ; the submerged leaves trans- lucent, elongate or linear-lanceolate ; floating leaves. variable, cblong- lanceolate, elliptical or ovate-lanceolate, not plicate at the base; stipules blunt, large; peduncles stout, slightly pls npwee , y central one acute. P. Thunbergii, Cham. in ee ii "991 natans, var. capensis, Durand and Schi nz, Conspec ect. Fl. Afr. v P, natans, Thunb. Prod.32. P. capensis, Scheele in Herb. ‘Buchenat! Coast ReGton: Cape Div.; Zeekoe River, Thunberg! Hartebeest Kraal, Brak River, oa und and Maire! Paarl Div. ; ; Berg River, Drége! Worcester Div. ; Verkeerde Vlei, Thunberg! Uite stapes Div., gf URE EASTERN yr : Port Natal, apeanae rand and Schinz have mistaken the meaning of Chamisso in heading the ani ons as at p. 221 ‘* 8, capensis,’ ‘whieh was merely intended for a geographical indication, not a botanical name. The typical form of ids — is found in Europe, Asia (rare), North Africa, and North Am Potamogeton. | NAIADACEX (Bennett). 47 - P. Richardii (Solms in Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. Athiop. 194 and 292) ; ; stem stout ; submerged leaves few, finer in texture than the last ; floating leaves ovate or oblong-lanceolate, not plicate at the base ; stipules blunt, large ; peduncles stout, slightly swollen up- wards ; spikes dense- flowered ; fruit large, 21 lin. long ; style long, at first bent back, when ripe nearly central ; dorsal ridges 3, the tw lateral with blunt, wavy, tooth-like margins, slightly convex on the ventral margin, and indications of small bosses, but none of ee s specimens are quite ripe. Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl, Afr. v 496. P. natans, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. ii, 354, non L Katanart Reqion: Transvaal; Hooge Veld at Standarton, Reimann, 6801! : ‘Sebiae in ibaa The fruit is described from Abyssinian specimens collected y Schim 5. P. javanicus (Hassk. in Verh. Natuurk. Ver. Neder]. Ind. i. 26); stem branehed, filiform; submerged leaves sessile, narrowly linear, acute ; floating leaves lanceolate, long petioled ; lower stipules slightly connate, the upper ones free, acuminate; peduncles slender; spikes varying from 3-8 lin. long; fruit compressed, oblique-obovate ; style straight with the ventral margin ; dorsal margin 3-carinate, an strongly repand denticulate, ventral nearly straight, with a projection in the centre tapering to either end, variable as to the teeth-like projections on various parts of the fruit, wich 3 are strongest in the Australian forms. P. tenuicaulis, F. Mueller, Frag. “Fl. Austr. 1.90, 244. P. p arvifolia, Buchenau in Bremen , Abhanal. vii. 32. ag huillensis, Wieck n Herb. Kew. ; Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl, Afr. v. 495. Kazancn ReEeIon: Transvaal; Nylstroom River, Nelson, 290! N Reeton: Natal; Ur mtshati River, 3000-4000 ft., Wood, 4300! near York, giorno 9062! : Also in Tropical Africa, Australia, Malay Archipelago, India, North China, and apan, P. alpinum (Balbis, Mém. Acad. Tur. vii. 329); plant drying a duil reddish colour; stem moderately stout, unbranched, or very rarely branched ; submerged leaves very thin and translucent, sessile, strap-shaped, elliptical, attenuated at the base and apex fl oating leaves (not always present) obovate, elliptical-ovate or he lanceolate, subcoria iacearisis ie a es large, not winged; peduneles slender ; spike m any-flowere ense; fruit yellowish-red, oval-ovoid, acuminate at the apex, Ags ao and sharply keeled on the dorsal face, convex on the ventral. Misc. Bot.13. P.rufescens, Schrad. in Cham. Adnot. Fl. Berol. 5 Sours Arrica; Brak River, Berlin Herbarium! Also in Europe, Asia, and America. 7. 2 et rispum (Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 126); stem compressed, slender, branched ; leaves all similar, sessile, semiamplexicaul, strap-shaped oblong, or oblong, variously andulate, and strongly serrate at the Si 48 NAIADACEH (Bennett). —— [ Potamogeton. apex, less so on the margins; stipules small, subobtuse, lower soon decaying ; peduncles between the forks of the stem, rather stout, and — tapering towards the apex; spike large, lax-flowered ; fruit large, acuminate and compressed, obliquely-ovoid; beak very long an 7 Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 493. HARI ReEGion: Griqualand West; Modder River, Barber, 4! Vaal — River, Weleus 0! EASTERN pre Natal ; or Wood, 154! Little Umhlaaga, Sanderson, 2018! Umgeni Valley, Kra | Widely dispersed in various ae of the earth. oy 8. P. lucens — Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 126) var. fluitans Sis and Germ. Fl. Env. Paris, ed. 1, 571) ; stem stout, branched ; leaves all — pihuiskgea 1), ‘the over ones sometimes 10 in. long, lan pete or lanceolate-linear, acuminate, the lowest cess the pedicels gradually — ngthen until t come 1-11i ; upper leaves lanceolate, the aaa slightly keeled. ngifolium, Gay in Poir. Eneyc. — Suppl. iv. 535. P. macroph itt Wolfg. in jane et Schultes, Syst. Mond, iii. 358. a Coast REGION: Uitenhage Div., Ecklon and Zeyher, 640! Zey Katanari Reeion: Transvaal; Schoon Spruit, near a Me Nelson, e t Eastern Recion: Natal; Mid Illovo, Wood, 1889! Umbhlongwe, Wood, 3015! a “iii Mathibis Kom, 500 ft. , MacOwan and Bolus, Herb. Norms Aust. Afr., 1 q FE. ee is ae distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, rare in j Austra! a The \ eo fluitans also et ents in Tropical Africa and Europe, and rarely is . America, and Australia. a ia, F The Bo uth African s iiatas probably belong to a new sub-species of P. lucens ab a e givem | Linn., but for the present it is best to retain them under the name above to wile’ vey they bear the greatest affinity of any named for riesii (Ruprecht, Beitr. Pfl. Russland. iv. ws slender, ee — branched ; leaves all similar, lin towards the base, in , 5- very rarely 3- OF raises porta with faseicles of smaller leaves in the aXl$i_ stipules acute or acuminate, scarious ; peduncles slightly thickened upwards ; spikes few-flowered, generally interrupted ; fruit s™ usillus. P. : Mert. et Koch). P. Oederi, Meyer, Fl. Hann. Excurs. 536. Coast REGION: Cope Div. ; Zout River, Kochmanns Kloof, Bergius! K'0 Piiauatorn Div.; Buffalo. egett “near King Williamstown, «Leigh Queenstown Div. ; Shiloh, 3500 ft., 1 ‘ neonate ReGion: Natal; cata penis Umzinto and fafa, ers 3055! Umlazi River, Drége, 4458! ; Es ADaP TS erates: apex ; petsnilen variable, short or long, equal ; spi Potamogeton. | NAIADACE® (Bennett). 49 Also in Europe, Asia (very rare), and N. America Very rarely this produces spathulate upper leaves. ou; F. siggrone yore Sp. Plant. ed. i. 127); stem slender, sohneieh branched; leaves all similar, sessile, semiamplexicaul, narrow] Sox ania: acute, or subacute, 1—3-nerved, and mostly Withibtt fascicles of leaves in the axils ; stipules small, acute or subacute ; aa slender, ie ie in length ; spike few-flowered, 4-1} in, and slightly convex on the ee oo without teeth. Dura and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. ae Coast Region: Cape Div. ; ponds near Cape Lown, Burchell, 669! vai iow between Tyger Berg and Blue Berg, Drege, 1206! Swellendam Div.; i 3! ry 17: Katanart Reaion: Transvaal; Apies Poort, near Pretoria, Rehmann, 4024! Eastern Region: Natal; Umzinyate River, Wood, 94! Umbhlasine River, Wood, 962! Also in Tropical and North save Europe, Asia, and Am As with the last, this very rarely produces = ae ‘leaves, in which state it has hick called P. panor mitobies by Biv 11, P. pectinatum (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. 1, 127); stem cylindrical, or subcompressed, repeatedly branched ; leaves all similar, the upper sometimes SPREGONS, 1-nerved, low er long linear with 3-5 nerves ; rupted ; upper flowers generally approximate ; green, obliquely obovate, slightly compressed, 3-keeled on the dorsal t ( but variable), slightly convex, Durand “and Schinz, Conspect. Fi. “ vi 496: PP. marinum, L. 4 ex Krauss in Flora, 4, Ast Reaion : Bredasdorp Div.; Zoetendals Vlei, ee ! Uitenhage Div. ; Zao River, Zeyher, 4328! Ecklon and Zeyher pane ARI Reeion: Transvaal; Schoon Spr uit, me Wide dispersed in all parts of the earth. near - Klerksdorp, Nelson, IV. RUPPIA, Linn. Perianth none. Stamens 2; anthers 2-celled. Carpels 4—1-ovuled ; i ds sessile. Fruit of 4 long-stalked, ovoid, or obliqu ne-ovoid hes on a common peduncle. “Seeds uncinate ; ; radicle large. leaves elongate, nro ho 9 erged slender brackish-water plants 0 BF h, Sub ; sputter ets small, usually 2 together a within the leaf-shea h duncle which mostl y isn and becomes seainle or meal twist ted DisrRiB. Temperate and tropical regions. Species 1 or more ? or many sub. Species P : " VOL. VII. Mo. Bot.Garden ao. NAIADACEZ (Bennett). [ Ruppia. 1. R. spiralis (Dum. Fl. Belg. 164) ; sheaths a peduncles spirally coiled ; drupes nearly strai ight. RB. maritima var. spiralis, Aschers. in Aschers. and Schweinf. Ill. Flor. Egy mie 144 ; Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 497. Coast ogg tidy ie ape Div. ; shallow pools in the vicinity of Green Point, near Cape Town, Harv Also in Egypt ue along the coasts of Europe. V. ZANNICHELLIA, Linn. Male flowers : Anther 2—4-celled, with a slender filament. Female flower in a membranous perianth. Carypels variable; style long or short ; stigma ea) erenate. Fruit of 4, rarely less or more, long, incurved achenes. pendulous, cotyledonary end folded on itself. Slender submerged fresh, brackish, or salt water plants; leaves mostly opposite, linear or capillary, with stipular sheaths ; flowers small, in pairs, or solitary, in @ membranous peria fonts Distris. Temperate and tropical regions. Species 4-5? Z. palustris (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. 1, 969) ; fruits subsessile, or sessile ; beak about half as long as the rest of the fruit. Z. stylaris, Presl, Bot. Fare 112. SoutH AFRIcA: without locality, Harvey, 481 ignore — 1oN: Little Namaqualand; near the mouth of the Orange River, Dregs ee Region: Griqualand West; Hay Div., Ongeluk, Burchell, 2648! Orang: Pies State; Kanon Fontein, Rehmann, 3558! Sub-sp. pedicellata got van erage a fruits hg the common oo ind pedicels piengeted: and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 498. 4: paddectlate: Fr. Novi See iy mets Se, Engl. Bot. ix. 87. § oe Region : Natal, according to Durand and Schinz. No specimen at VI. ZOSTERA, Linn. Male flowers of single sessile anthers. Female ae of a solitary L-ovuled bare el; style persistent; stigmas 2. Fruit membranous. Umbryo gr pee mer; ce ~~ plants, with dark ribbon-like leaves ; rootstocks m atted, eeping ; mpressed ; leaves eager 4 ty 28 linear ; stipules combining with the sheathing leaf. base; flowers nthers and carpels 0 surface of a ar spadix, par ina loaf-lik. soo ie. DISTRIB. pear of Europe, Asia, and aka Spadix without clasping bands; nuts striate... ... (1) marina. Spadix with clasping bands ; nuts smooth bee -» (2) nana. . Z. marina (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ii Pasa var. a Gieme, YL. Dan. t. 1501) ; leaves 1—1 in. broad, 1—3-nerv as A¥RicaA: without locality or pee Ss hame, in Kew eiciaia’ he type has leaves 4-3 in. broad and Oo ed, and is found on the coasts of North Africa, Europe, America, and Asia Zostera. | NAIADACEH (Bennett), 51 2. Z. nana (Roth, Enum. Pl. Germ. 8); leaves narrowly linear, 1-3-nerved ; peduncle of spathe filiform ; spadix strap-shaped oblong, with small inflexed bands; fruit shorter than in Z. marina, and nearly smooth. Z. minor, Nolte ex Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. vii. 2. 4. pumila, Le Gall, Congr. Sc. Fr. xvi. i. 144. Z. marina, L. var. minor, Mert. ex Krauss, in Flora, 1845, 344. _ Eastern Region: Natal Bay, Krauss, 70! a Also found on the coasts of Europe, N. Africa, and in the Caspian and Black eas. ql VII. NAIAS, Linn. Male flower solitary. Anther 1-4-celled in 2 sheaths or tubes. Female flower: Perianth 0, or membranous and adherent. Carpel 1; stigmas 2-4, slender; ovule erect. Achene oblong with an erect seed, having a straight embryo. _ Submerged plants with branched, filiform stems, smooth or muricate; leaves linear, entire, or toothed, alternate, opposite, or whorled ; flowers dicecious or ll moncecious, axillary and small. DistR1n. Temperate and tropical regions. ih. interrupta (R. Schum. in Engl. PA. Ost-Afr. C. 94); stem slender : | ider ; internodes elongated ; leaves short; basal auricle truncate, entire ; blade sparingly serrated with minute teeth; female flower with 2-3 stigmas ; fruit fusiform, dull yellow. Katanari Region: Transvaal, McLea in Herb. Bolus, 6288! Plant with much the habit of ¥. tenuifolia, R. Br. Orpexr CXLVIII. ERIOCAULEZ. (By N. E. Brown.) " submembranous sepals, often ciliate and more ack near the apex, very rarely wanting. al : al ac without a gland on their inner face, often ciliate or hairy. equal in number to the petals and inserted on them at or above their i one filiform or slightly flattened, free ; anthers oblong or subquadrate, 1-2-celled, opening longitudinally. Stam te the female flowers rare, when present minute. Pisfil in the male ne rey rudimentary, reduced to 2-3 minute glands. Ovary of ‘the female flowers superior, 2-3-celled ; style terminal, divided above oe 52 ERIOCAULEE (Brown). into 3 simple or bifid, filiform branches, with or without 3 other branches or appendages alternating with them or arising from the style below them; ovules solitary in each cell, pendulous, ortho- albumen opposite the eee Perennial or annual herbs, growing in water, swamps, bogs, or on dry groun nd, stemless 1% ey simple or branched leafy stems ; leaves linear 2 pac te, alternate, arrange ense or lax rosette or scattered a along the stem; scapes one to many, shits with a tubular peat at the base, one- or rarely several-headed ; heads monecious or rarely with the sexes in se arate h ds ; outer or involu Iucral bracts u a r rigid; flowering bracts solitary under each flower, variable in form, often ciliate or hairy . — apex, rarely absent ; receptacle flat, convex, subglobose, or rang ge g one r villose; flowers usually very numerous, very fbr or the acy e males i ‘t e central part, or both sexes irregularly intermingled, rare separated in distinct fails: Distris. Genera 6. Species about 350. Found in all warm climates, most numerous in Tropical America, very few in the ate ate r te ns. Coe double the number of the petals, 4 or 6, or fewer by selenite in two alternating series. Style-branches 3, without abibrating appendag I. Eriocaulon.—Petals free, sometimes rudimentary, or rarely absent. II. Mesanthemum. Tie + connate into a cylindric tube, but with free claws im the female flower: * Stamens in one series, equal in number to the io and, oe ite to thei. Style- ae a 6, 3 of them stpinastones simple or bifid, others Beo'é nating w hem er pasty g from the style liaise down, psi usually Gore and s III. Pepalanthus.—Petals of the male flowers connate into a minute funne shaped tube, of the amar flowers free or connate into a tube at their middle © upper part, with free claw I. ERIOCAULON, Linn. Sepals 2-8, free, or in the male flowers variously connate, concave — or boat-shaped, rounded or keeled on the back ; apex bearded, oot ciliate or bearded. Sta n two series, double the number of the seem or by abortion fewer; anthers 2-celled. Staminodes 0 the ’ fem owers none. Ovary = ae style-branches 3, simple, — orm, without alternating appen ; or Hh ne’ 8 ponte usually stemless pene eespitose, _ sp leaves all vitieal, w — a Spi ‘or neha d leafy stem ~_— oe Hee long pri the lee eg ds globose, nee ae or chighe: werlng bracts oblon or obovate, fattish or coneave. The other characters as for the 4 rder. a Eriocaulon.] ERIOCAULE® (Brown), 58 Distris. That of the Order. Species about 150. Flower-heads 1-14 lin. diam., dark fuscous ; bracts, sepals, and petals glabrous; leaves subulate . (1) abyssinicum. Flower-heads 2 lin. diam., dark fuscous ; bracts and Lawn tea di ciliate; sepals aan: leaves linear- (2) transvaalicum. Plower-hends 8 lin, or more in di iam es a toa tae fine acn si poin ae long; flowe ie Jweill spahulatenobo ate, dark fuscous; recep- tacle villor ae (3) Bauri, Leaves 11-33 ong; flowering ‘bracts oblong- obovate, ae pm nish with an olive- ae = = each side above the middle; re- , e villous (4) sonderianum. ceptac Leaves ia rook ring toa ‘very fine point, often obtuse Biekves 3- 10 i in. long, obtuse; sepals of the female fi d ‘ an keel, of t the male flowers caneate-obovate, very obtuse, Ras keeled ; ape 8 more or ng villou we (5) Dregei. Lea }- of in. noone subobtuse ; sepals vennded on the back, gibbous in the female flowers, not kel 3 receptacle with ver ry : minute tet i it (6) africanum. Leaves 10-13 i Tae, subacute ; ‘sepa als of oth sexes siaiiee , obovate, obtuse, a ze and denticulate at the apex, not keeled ... (7) Woodii. 1. E. abyssinicum Laci in Flora, 1845, bid 8 leaves not very numerous, 4-9 ong, is Jin. thiek, sv €, ac glabrous; scapes s ly ‘to a plant, 7 84 in, long, filiform, obtusely s hagas I~11 her n dism., at first subglobose, poeta oblong, monoecious, the sexes intermingled ; involucral - ets 3! 1 lin, broad, oblong, acute, thin, pallid, glabrous; flowering bracts i lin. long, 2 lin, broad, ] anceolate, acute, cancave, “hist pte or dark Tas cous; rec ceptacle conical or oblong, glabrous ; flowers subsessile ; sepals 3, free, 1 lin. long, lanceolate, acute, shaped, rounded on the back, fuscous, or dark olive-green, glabrous ; ti i filiform branches ; male flowers -seaupmegews sepals 3, all free, or two or all of them more or less connate, 3 lin. long, : oblong, acute, fuscous, quite glabrous, entirely wanting in some of the central flowers ; stipes between the sep “6, than half as ae as the Lome ; petals Ap rmpoms? ; stamens 4 mca Region ; Somerset Div. ; summit of Bosch Berg, MacOwan, 2104! 54 ERIOCAULER (Brown). [FP riocanlon, Eastern Reaton: Natal; Griffins Hill near Eastcourt, Rehmann, 7297! and euthoat jen locality, Gerr ‘ard 491! Also in Tropical Africa. 2. E. transvaalicum (N. E. Brown) ; leaves 23-31 in. long, 2-2} lin. broad, or larger? linear-ensiform, subacute, flat ; scapes several to a plant, 43-6 in. long, 4 lin. thick, terete, striate, glabrous ; basal glabrous ; flower — globose, 2—24 lin. diam., monceeious; invo- lIucral bracts 3—]2 lin. long, about } lin. broad, oblong-obovate, obtuse, glabrous, aie, olive ; flowering bracts 1-12 lin. long, } lin. broad, obovate, acute, glabrous, sparingly ciliate with minute white hairs, fuscous or dark olive-brown ; re ceptacle globose, villous female flowers with glabrous pedicels about + lin. long; sepals 8 lin. Jong, lanceolate, acute, boat-shaped, acutely keeled on the he quite glabrous, dark gies. brown, or fuscous; stipes between the pei eats and petals exceedingly short ; petals 3, free, 2—% lin. long; 4 lin. broad, linear-lanceolate, acute or obtuse ciliate with a few very short hairs, and with a few longer hairs on their inner face, branches; male flowers with glabrous pedicels 1—1 lin. long ; 3, all combined into a funnel-shaped tube split open on one side, and shortly trifid at the apex, or one of them free, cuneate-oblong, obtuse, quite glabrous, pale, fuseous, or olive-green; stipes between the sepals and petals about 2 as long as the former ; ; petals rudimentary ; stamens 6; anthers fuscous, or dark olive-gree Kata I Re@ion: Transvaal; on the Bosch Vela at Buchenhouts Kloof Spruit, Raisin, 4787! . E. Bauri (N. E. Brown); leaves 3-12 in, long, 1-12 lin. broad at the base, subulate, tapering toa fine point, flat on the face, very hic 2 5-angled, striate in the dried state; basal sheath ae in. long, 2-lobed at the top; flower-heads subglobose, 3-81 lin. diam., mone- cious ; lower flowers female, upper male ; involucral eer small, in searcely or very obtusely fen on the back, the apical part blackish- green, or dark olive-green, with a tuft of white hairs; receptacle villous, with fine hairs, half as long as the flowers; female flowers subsessile, or very shortly pedicellate ; sepals 3, free, about 14 lin.. long, boat- shaped, acute, keeled, dark olive-green, with white ‘pairs + lin. broad, cuneate-linear, acute, ciliate at the apex, white, with a linear black gland a little below the apex ; ovary trigonous, glabrous ; style 4 F a i eee Ree ign EBS A nn EE On NS ten a ES te ee ee Eriocaulon.] ERIOCAULEZ (Brown). 55 with 3 filiform branches ; male flowers with a short, stout pedicel ; sepals 3, free or united into a 3-lobed tube, split open on one side, in. long ; bracts oblong-ovate, subulate, mucronate ovary ovoid; styles 2; capsule obliquely ovoid, 1-celled by eboction + seed large, grey, tuberculate. Steud. Syno mops. ii. 250; Mast. in ’ Journ. Linn. baa Vili. 235; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 244. nine ise, heme _— , Sieber, 228, g ! Drége, 80, 9! 9617, 3! ! . Coast Regron : Cap ; Ta ti @ Mountain, Burchell, 536, ¢ ! pcan Div. ;, Drakenstein Mountains, near Bains poe 1600-2000 ft., Bolus, 4090, ,. 40908, 2! 4104, 9 ! Dutoits Kloof, 1000-25 00 ft., Drage, 1621, J ! 9615, 9 | ENTRAL REGION: Graaff Reinet Div. ; summit t of Roudereld Berg, Sheeuw Berg Range, 5500 ft., Bolus, 2584, @ ! 21. R. triflorus (Rottboell, Descr. et Icon. 3, t. 2, fig. 2); stems cwspitose; sterile much branched, diffuse, leaf- -bearing ; fertile 74 RESTIACEZE (Masters). [ Restio. ft. long, less branched, erect, terete, slender, rather coarsely tubercled; sheaths about + in. long, coriaceous, striate above, mem- ranous, mucronate-acuminate ; sheaths of the sterile branches ty) lanceolate ; outer perianth- segments ances pointed; kee villous; inner subequal, smaller; anthers linear-oblong, apiculate ; female spikelets 2-3, each about 2 Lin. tat, oblong, acute, many- flowered ; bracts and ’perianth as in the male; ovary compressed, orbicular, Q-lobed ; style terete, dividing into two branches. hund. Diss. 16; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. i. 86; Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. 185; Kunth, Enum. iii. 391, female pl. ; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 234; DC. Monog. Phan. 249. R. dichotomus, Thunb. var. B, Nees in Linnea, v. 641. R. Kunthii, Steud. Synops. ii. 251. Coast ieeiowi yew Div. ; Devils iar haa. 845, 9 ! are Bay, i 00 ! . a ! oek, Burchell, 7926, g ! between Donker Hoek and Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8017, ¢ ! Riversdale Div.; hills amd Zoetemelks Dive: Burchell, 6800, g ! Alexandria Div. ; Addo, Drise, 78 e plant collected on Devils Mountain by Ecklon (No. 845), gen Ags collected at Addo by Drége (No. 78), are in every respect sein = aud t probably some error as to the locality given by Drdge.—N. E. n.] 22. R. Helene (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 233); s 12-18 in. high, erect from a decumbent base, terete, branched ie the base; branches compressed, olivaceous, with white tubercles, ultimate benches slender, flexuose, ascending ; sheaths elliptic, cuspidate, coriaceous ; margin ; membranous at the foliaceo-mucronate apex ; "male spikelets numerous, in linear cymes, each about 2 in. long, cylindric, acute ; spathe flat, @ § Ae w 5 = o :4 o oO ~ ae 7 a o Ss £3 coriaceous, brown; margins membranous; flowers oblong, obtuse; giicrs pao rigs oblong, obtuse ; lateral conduplicate, villous- keeled; inner smaller, hyaline; female spikelets solitary, % in- long, eylindrie- oblong, many-flowered; perianth-segments more acute than in the male; ovary rounded; styles 2. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 249. Coast Region: Worcester Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 1000-2000 ft.,,Drége, 1616, 3! 1618, 3! 23. R. pycnostachyus (Mast. in Journ. ep Soc. viii. 232) 5 stems cespitose, erect, terete; sterile mu branched, _ leaf- bearing; fertile long, faintly ‘puncticulate ; “hitgeagta + in. long and upwards, elliptic, coriaceous, membranous at the apex, aristate ; male spikelets numerous, in a dense, broad, paniculate Restio. ] RESTIACEE (Masters). 75 eyme, each spikelet + in. long, eylindric-lanceolate ; spathe ovate, acuminate, membranous at the edges, half the length of the spikelet ; bracts ovate, acute, mucronulate ; perianth-segments oblong, acute; lateral conduplicate, villous-keeled; inner shorter, membranous ; anthers mucronulate. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 243. Coast REeson: Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drege, 79, 3 (not 75 as previously quoted) ! real 24. R. subfalcatus (Nees ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe, viii, 231) ; sterile stems compactly branched, leaf- bearing ; leaves linear, arcuate ; are stems longer, less branched, puncticulate ; leaf-sheaths nearly late ; female spikelets 3-4, ovoid, each about 3 in. long, with an Open, ovate-acute, aristate spathe ; perianth-segments as in the male ; ovary subglobose, compressed, 2-celled; style terete, dividing into two stigmatic branches. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 243. Coast Region: Clanwilliam Div.; Oliphants River, Zeyher, g and 9 ! between Grasberg River and Wateryals River, 2500-3000 ft., Drége, 74, ¢ ! and 2500, 3, partly (mixed with Leptocarpus peronatus)! Worcester Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drege, 75, fg! Drakenstein Mountains, near Bains Kloof, 1600-2000 ft., Bolus, 4083, ¢ ! i oc 5 Oo ~ ° =] A ~~ Lon) © Qu © io) nm oO ‘e a oS _— ie) ot oO Ru te] a4 5 om“. Nee © re) O a iva] SS _ a Oo — fe) [gs o o ° i] ee pat ee _ B fo] ann o i=] = ie i=] 4 f ° o o =] os eo bee oO 34. R. curviramis (Kunth, Enum. iii 395); stems 6-12 in. high, ue slender, branching; branches lage flexuose, ascending, puncticulate ; leaf-sheaths about $ long, closely convolute, coriaceous, su ate, mucronate ; eee 2. lobed, membranous ; male spikelets numerous, ‘distant, in linear cymes, each spikelet about 2 2 in. long, cylindric-lanceolate, sessile or pedicellate, sometimes crowded ; spathe sheath-like, open, half the length of the spikelet ; bracts Restio. | RESTIACEH (Masters). 79 oblong, aia subulate, aristate; apex hyaline; male flowers l lanceo! ate; perianth-segments oblong-lanceolate; lateral condu- plicate, acute, se keeled ; anthers linear, a iculate; female spikelets 2-4 (rarely 6-8), n terminal spikes, sessile or pedieellate, = in. long, cylindrie-lanceolate, ultimately ovoid; bracts ovate- lanceolate, acuminate, coriaceous; margins membranous; catetiee segments Suubes ovary compressed, sage style short, ate into two long stigmatic branches. Steu d. Synops. ii. 252; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 241 ; rate Monog. viaiaiies . 263. OAST Rvcica:: Clanwilliam Div. nag Sie 100-5000 ce Pe ge, 2498, o! Worcester Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 i ae 1626, g! 57,9! pare above Wor reester, Rehmann, 256 ,¢d! and without precise ley Zeyher Caledon Div. ; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hook Mountains, Burchell, 8064 ol 35. R. monanthos (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 238) ; 18 in. high, slender, terete, sparingly branched ; branches mh Ro late; sheaths elosely convolute, coriaceous, mucronato-subulate; apex thinner, ferruginous; female spikelets 6-8 i a linear cyme, sub- globose, 1-flowered ; bracts ovate-subulate, mucronate, coriaceous ; anous ; outer erianth-segments rigid, ate acute ; ferruginous, slightly involute; ovary ovate- oblong, com 28 seed 2-celled ; style bifid ; capsule 2-celled, ie than the persistent perianth, Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 264. WeEsTERN ReGion: Little Nemaqual: und; between Buffels River and Pedros Kloof, 2000-3000 ft. , Dréye, 2486, 9! 36. R. capillaris (Kunth, Enum. iii, 405); stems 18 in. high, capillary, terete, purple-spotted, b ranched ; sheaths tightly convolute, + In. long, membranous, ferruginous, mucronato- aristate ; awn ap- pressed ; apex hyaline; male spikelets numerous, in linear cymes, each abo ut {4 in. long, oblong-ovate, 2—4-flowered, with an open bract-like spathe at the base; bracts oblong, mucrouato-aristate, aline flowers ovate-lanceolate ; perianth-segments ng e lateral conduplicate, villous-keeled ; inner smaller; anthers linear-oblong ; female spikelets solitary, | flowered ; bracts lanceolate, pangote a ; perianth as in the male, but “egments more acute; capsule obliquely ovate-oblong, l-celled by abortion, ass by the ye aia of the style. Steud. Synops. ii. 253; Mast. in DC. Mon nog. Phan. 4. . ! Worceste: gy Baar tear ks Peg ot ain, gg ga ol 6 al Me gagee Mountains, 1600-2 2000 ft., Bolus, 4095 ! x; 7. R, cincinnatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 240); stem ign in. high, terete, much branched from the centre upwards ; branchlets very slender, curled, wrinkled and studded with white tubercles ; leaf-sheaths nearly 3 in. long, closely tubular, with two 80 RESTIACEE (Masters). [ Restio. membranous lobes beneath the mucronate apex ; male spikes solitary or two, eac about 2 in. long, cylindric-lanceolate ; spathe oblong, obtuse, acuminate, half ee nota nt the e spike; bracts similar to the spathe, with one appressed flowers oblong; perianth- segments rigid, oblong ; sian batical’ villouiakpelad inner thinner, shorter ; female spikes 1-2, about 3 in. long, oblong-lanceo- late, straight or slightly curved, clavate when in fruit; flower solitary; bractsand perianth segments as in the male ; intermediate outer segment as well as the 3 inner somewhat involute at the margins; ovary globose; capsule obliquely ovate, subcompressed, l-celled by abortion, surmounted by the remains of the style. Mast. in DC. Monog, Phan. ii. 267. Restio vimineus B, Thunbery Herb. ez Mast. in Journ. Linn. Be xiv. 420. Coast Region: Cape Div.; mountains near Simons Town, 1000-2000 ft., Ecklon and Zeyher! Ceres Di iv.; at the foot of mountains around Ceres; \ 1800 ft., Bolus, 5489, ¢! i 38. R. Ludwigii (Steud. Synopsis, ii. mise stems 8-12 in. high, very / aN branching in the middle; branchlets filiform, covered with white tubercles ; leaf-sheaths elosely aebais 4 1-1 in, long, with two se la lobes beneath the subulate-mueronate apex; male spikes 1+2,2 in. long, erect, ovate, 1-2-flowered; spathe ietens ovate-subulate mucronate, nearly as long as the spike ; ; bracts loosely imbricate, oblong, obtuse, mucronate, tubere outer perianth-segments oblong, obtuse; outer lateral villous-keeled ; female spikes 1-2, erect, a clavate ; flowers 1-2; pate perianth-segments invo , hyaline, the margins; ovary roundish, compressed ; style dilated at the base; capsule chia Lealled by abor ioe Mast. in Journ. Linn. “ee viii. 239; DC. Monog. Phan 268. Restio nutans, Steud. Flora, 1829, 134, not of Tey, ours Arrica: without locality, Ludwig,in Oxford Herbarium! Ecklon, 83! 85 Tulbagh Div. ; Bice tact -» MacOwan, Herb. Aust.-Afr., 1672, g! Tulbagh, 600 ft., Schlechter, ‘Da $ ! 7518, 2 ! Caledon Div.; mountains near Zeer jes Gat, between Lowrys Pass and Palmiet River, 2000-4000 ft., Ecklon and cid 39, R, leptoclados (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 241 and x. 279); stems 2 ft. ‘high, erect, terete, olivaceous, purple-spotted, branching towards the middle: branches numerous, verticillate, filiform, ascena- ing or spreading ; leaf. sheaths about 1 in. nes closely convolute, coriaceous, slenderly aristate, membranous at the apex ; male spikelet cooling 1 Jue compressed, 2 + in. long; spathe sheath-like, oped, half length of the spikelet; bracts pee ferruginous, abamnins above; lower subulato-muc outer perianth- segments linear oblong ; lateral céndnplivatey villous-keeled ; ; inner 3” oblong, hyaline; anthers apiculate; female spikelet solitary, , F Restio.] RESTIACEE (Masters). 81 n. long, ovoid, pyriform, 1-flowered; braets coriaceous, ovate- Sadi: subulato-mucronate, membran nous above ; ; outer perianth- segments equalling the bract, linear oblong; lateral conduplicate, villous-carinate ; inner rather shorter, thinner, involute at the margins ; staminodes 3; ovary compressed, ovate, oblong, 2-celled ; style simple or dividing into three branches; capsule 1-celled by abortion. Mast. in DC. ”Monog. Phan, i. 265. es AFRICA: without gers c rd > aH Ast REGION: George Div. w River, Burchell, 5782, ¢! Sic Div. ; between Groene Vale a ee + Vallei, Burchell, 5672, a! ‘ on “i hills at the west of Groene Vallei, Burchell, 5652, ¢! ar Gou- ma gen Burshel. 5589, 3! between Plettenberg Bay oO “Melville, Burchell, 5353, 9! 40. R. Eleocharis (Nees ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 238) ; stems 18-24 in. high, ereet, terete, slender, dichotomously branched; branches filiform, ascending ; sheaths 1 in. long, elliptic, coriaceous, mincronalate ; margins membranous; male spikelet eryRe elliptic, acute, {1 in. long; spathe braet-like, half the length of the spikelet; braets oblong, ferruginous, coriaeeous, mucron ate ; mucro often twisted ; flowers ovate-lan ceolate ; ; outer perianth-segments rigid, oblong ; lateral ee villous-carinate; inner subequal, oblong, ferruginous ; anthers linear; female spikelets solitary, ovate, erect, 2 in. long; ov i oblong, compressed, 2-celled; bee e rete dividing into two stigmatic branches. Mast. in DC. M J 266. es Re@ion: Clanwilliam Div.; Ceder Bergen at Ezels Bank, 4000 ft., Drage, 2489! Cape Div. ; Sand-dunes near Cape Town, Bolus, 133, al ne, 556, 9! Zeekoe Vale, Zeyher, 78! 984, g and 9! Cape Flats, cklon, 1! 560! Rehmann, 1802 Al. RB. Par apr res Enum, iii fh ge stems 12-14 i Pressed, 1]- celled by abortion; seed oblong; testa covered with white tubercles, Steud Si ynops. ii. 252; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc Vili. 241; DC. Monoy. Phan. i. 268. Souty iia. without localit Thom, 1 aig Peoy ST Ruatoy ; Tulbagh Div 8 pear Tulbagh, Drege, ih d?! Tulbagh, 600 ft., Behleciter, “617, $! 7518, Q! Worcester Div. hares Kloof, Drege, 1625, g! R. tetragonus (Thunb. Diss. Rest. 17); stems 2-3 ft. high fers upw ards, leafless or leafy; leafless stems four-sided, x branched, wrinkled, and Sanky. tubercled ; leaf-sheaths cag t 1 in VOL, Vir, 82 RESTIACER (Masters). [ Restio. long, closely convolute, pale greenish-yellow, coriaceous, striated, with an appressed mucro at the apex; leafy stems shorter, m much branched ; ultimate branchlets filiform, curved; leaf-sheaths about 2 in. long, with two deep hyaline lobes beneath the terminal, oblong, acute; inner shorter, hyaline; anthers purplish ; rudi- ee ee halen minute, 3-lobed; female plant and inflorescence male; spikelets many-flowered; staminodes 3; ovary 2 sided, ey brown, white at the angles ; styles 3, distinct ; "capsule 2- or even I-celled by abortion. Thur rb, Prod.15; Fl. Cap. ¢ ed. Willd. Sp. Pl. iv. 725 ; Nees in Linnea, v. 642; Kunth, Enum. jil. 401; Steud, Synops. ii. 253; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Sve. viii. 245. Soura “ina e without locality, Sieber, 118, 9! Thunberg! Massun! Coast aan N: Cape D ate reiges Sedan ae ! False Prot lt Robertson between Roudebosch and a Bay, art Mountain, 500 {t., Bolus, 4460, f eel. gq! i: Q on ple sfountain, ea Llivray, 435! Krauss ; vic cinity of Cape Town, Burchell, 461! 499! e Flats near a Burchell. 186! Knysna Div.; on bills near Mente, Burchell, 463, 2! ng white balsas Jeaf-sheaths ie es long, — cae oblong, obtuse, }—} in, perianth as in the male; staminodes 3; ovary roundish, deel chestnut-coloured ; eee: '2-eelled by abortion, Steud. Synops. Us 253; Mast. in Jow nn. Soe, viii, 242; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 278, Restio x adits ag Kunth, Enum, iii. 397. Coast Recion: Clanwilliam Diy.; ba Mew! Ezels Bank and Dwars ys ope B; ir 35, ¢! mH Flats her, 2! Burchell, 188, ¢ and ¢! Olu 2888, 2 ! 4732, ¢! 4760, 9! “Eekion, 564! 564b! 563! 566! oe Fave, Wright! Wyuberg, Ecklon, 91 44. R. sme (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 246) ; a tall-grow ing species with terete stems, and subcompressed branches of a : dee? a olive a with white spots ; leaf-sheaths about 2 in. long, closely — 7 — > a ee ee eee = a nn Sa El eee D | Os eee ee S| ee Oe = ie Lestio.] RESTIACEH (Masters). 83 convolute, coriaceous, lacerateemembranous at the apex; male spikelets | numerous, in erect, linear, flexuose cymes, each spikelet about } in. long, oblong, acute, with an oblong, acuminate, rather open spathe at the base; bracts closely overlapping, oblong, obtuse, convex, subcarinate ; outer perianth-segments unequal, oblong, obtuse ; lateral villous-carinate ; intermediate thinner, flat; inner subequal, shorter than the outer; anthers apiculate, purplish ; pistillode minute; female spikelets many-flowered ; perianth as in the male; ovary oblong, truncate, purplish, surmounted by 3 styles and encircled at the base by 3 staminodes; eapsule 1-celled by abortion, obliquely ovoid; seed 3-angled, grey, purple-spotted. Mast, 1 DC. Monog. Phan. i. 274. Coasr Reeion: Caledon Diy. ; mountain ridges between Babylons Tower and Caledon, 1000-2000 ft., Ecklon and Zeyher! Not in Kew Herbarium, mately deciduous mucro ; male spikelets 8-10, arranged in pairs on ‘in erect, distichous, flexuose, linear cyme ; spikelets about 1 in. long, ovoid, acute ; spathe oblong, obtuse, cuspidate, one-third shorter than the spikelet ; bracts ovate, subulate, mucronate, coriaceous, ferru- ginous ; margins and upper portion dull brown pitted ; flowers ovate oblong; perianth-segments rigid, oblong, acute; lateral pater” Coast Region: Cape Div.; mouxtains near Simons Town, Zeyher, d! Cape Flats, Bolus, 4452, 9! 46; RB: hifevous (Nees ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. vill. 247 partly); stems 2-3 ft. high, terete, slightly branched, olivaceous, with vircular white spots ; leaf-sheaths about 1 in. long, closely eonvolute, Ne pitted near the top and with a narrow, whitish, deciduous Margin beneath the short muero; nerves whitish ; outer perianth- G 2 84 RESTIACEZ ke [ Restio. m flowered, arran saad in ‘iiteee mes ; bracts as in the male, but with the white margin less obvious ; perianth-segments oblong, obtuse ; — villous-carinate ; stam inodes 3; ovary oblong, 3-styled. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i 275, orebon Arrica: without locality, Thom, 632, 2! Reeion: Cape Div.; Cape Flats, Zeyher, 1011, g! Caledon Div.; ice Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8119, ¢! . R. preacutus (Mast.); stems 2-3 ft. high, a dark olive, ovoid, acute, subtended by a bract-like spathe, 4 shorter than the spikelet ; bracts loosely imbricate, coriaceous, pitted near the apex ; flowers pedicellate ; onter perianth-segments rigid, lanceolate, acute ; lateral villous-carinate; intermediate flat, cartilaginous, thickened near the base; inner slightly shorter than the outer, lanceolate, thickened at the base; female inflorescence as the male ; spikelets erect, ovoid, acute, seareely + in. long ; poet on a short, villous pedicel; perianth-segments very acute; nodes 3 ; Merce: up-shaped ; ovary oblong; styles 3; capsule 2- called by aborti ga ast REecion: Clanwilliam Div.; Gift Berg, Drége, 88, 9! Worcester - ata * Kloof, ee 46, 9! 1608 partly, g and 9! according to Drége, - p. 82, but t the latter vied a ia in Caledon Div. at Genadendal, Sante yg to Drage’ s own label at Lubec ided by myself and ats wit ‘ R. fureatus, from which it may be tinned by its ineas-blong spikelets, its very acute perianth-segments, and e presence of a 48. R. triticeus (Rottboell, Progr. 11); stems tufted, erect, 18-24 in. high, slightly branched, olive-coloured, coarsely tubercled and white-spotted ; leaf-bearing branches shorter, much papain ultimate branches filiform, spreading ; oe about + long; closely convolute, coriaceous, with two deep _ ultimately. are lobes beneath the svbulte-macronat apex ; in the smaller eaths mucro is prolonged into a small eisai leaf ; male aad ape in number from 2-9, pv rect, spicate cymes, each spikelet t about + — long esittalsie daa da with a short sheath- ing tgs at the base; bracts oblong-lanceolate, coriaceous, ferru- ginous, adr muero onate; flowers oblong, shortly stalked ; zane pata oblong, obtuse; outer lateral narrow, boat- shaped, villous-carinate ; cent flat; inner 3 shorter, thinner, more or less concrescent at the base ; anthers chestnut-coloured, with white ie hea se Restio.] RESTIACEZ (Masters). 85 tubercles ; capa with 3 Piensa styles; female inflorescence and peria anth a in the male; staminodes 3; ovary ovoid, 3-styled ; capsule phbaue 2- or even 1-celled by abortion; seeds re a studded with large white tubercles, Rottboell, Descr. et 7, t.3, f. 1; Thunberg, Diss. 17; Fl. Cap., ed. Schult. 87; Willd. Sp. Plané. iv. 726; Sprengel, Syst. Veg. a 185 ; Nees in "Linnea, v. 640, partly ; ‘Mast in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 243 ; DG. Monog. Fas i. 277. R. dichotomus, Thunberg Herb. ! ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xiv. 420; Thunb. Diss. 314. R. tri B gracilis, Nees ex Drége in Linnea, xx. 241. Calopsis triticea, m. ili, 424; Steud. Synops. ii. 257. R. glumaceus, Klotesch in several hei ‘bar ria Sou RICA: without Locality, Thom, 1026, ¢! Drege, 85! 9451, 3! protcriig or Sieber, 112 2,9! Ast ReGion: Cape Div.; False Bay, bettie hoagie Mountain, 5000 f Kah 4464, 2! Rehman, 929 | Table Mountain, Drége, 200, 3! hills and tat ape Tow Saerarig Pe Zeyher, 1742, zt "Caledon Div. 3; Donk Hoek Mewihdin. Bur chell 5,9! Very variable in stature an in number of spikelets. 49. R. pannosus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 244); stems 2-3 ft. high, oe slightly tiedncheds ae tubereled, olivaceous ; ceria about 1 in, ; ene, close ly conv iat coriaceous, dividing is artnet near the shortly mucronate Ra: sweei: ey re) or less eoncrescent at the base; anthers linear, ferruginous; Pistillode minute; female plant, inflorescence and perianth nearly as in the male; ovary oblong-ovoid, sae eta - or by abortion 2-1- celled ; sexninodes Mast. in DC. . Phan, i. 278. S tities, Thunb. Herb. 3 ex Mast. in penis "Linn. Soe. xiv. 18. South Arrica: without locality, Thom, 913, 3! Coast Rucion: Cape Div. ; Cape Flats, Ecklon, 50,9! Ecklon and Zeyher! Thunberg, 3! False ie, Robertso 50. R. multiflorus (Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. 187); stems 2-3 ft. high, terete, branched - ; branches flabellate ; ; ultimate branchlets fil liform, olivaceous, wrinkled, white-spotted ; leaf-sheaths 3-1 in long, closely convolute, coriaceous below, deeply hyaline. ire lacerate ; apex prolonged into a slender filiform mucro ; male spi elets in linear, panicled cymes; each spikelet about 1 in. long, Ovate-oblong ; spathe sheath-like, open, half the length of the spikelet; bracts co coriaceous, ovate, subulate-mucronate ; outer Peaatat ents oblong, acute; lateral conduplicate, villous-carinate 86 RESTIACEX (Masters). [ Restio. intermediate outer and inner smaller, flat; female plant like the male; staminodes filiform ; ovary trigonous, roundish, purplish ; capsule 2-celled by abortion. Nees in Linnea, v. 64 Kunth, gale ey 412; “gee Synops. li. 254; ast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 244; xxi. 575; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 279. R. triticeus, B, flan, Nees in enc v. 640. R&R. triticeus var. destructus, cate rious herbar: eas EGION : Cape Div.; Devils Mountain; Drege, 90, 9! Bolus, 4469, 9! Ration and Zeyher! Table " Mbantain, Ecklon! Bolus, 4442! Lion Mountain, nd! 51. R. filiformis (Poir. Encycl. vi. 173) ; stems tufted, 1-2 ft. high, terete, slender, simple or slightly branched, olivaceous, white- spotted; leaf-sheaths 4—} in. long, closely eonvolute, coriaceous iain, thinner above ; apex subtlate-mucronate; male spikelets 1-3, sessile or slightly stalked, Sbioiie! ovate, a 3 i in. long; spathe bract-like, shorter than the s spikelet ; tats "ovale oblong, coriaceous form; ovary roundish, subtrigonous; styles 3; capsule 2-celled. R. filiformis, Poir. in the Paris herbarium. R. garnotianus, Kunth, Enum. iii. 392; Steud. Synops. ii. 251; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 254; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 280. R. bifidus, Nees inna, Vv. 636; Kunth, Enum. iii. 409; Steud. Synops. ii. ha Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. vill. 253, not of Thunberg. BR. t¥s Thunb. Herb. ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xiv. 417, Cr saab fr Verreauxii, Steud. pita ii. 264. C. fimbriata, Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 280. Paved R. B, a cage ca (Mast.) ; stem flexuose, 1-2-spiked ; aaa ane we te a long, leafy mucro; female spikelets larger than in the sewsie® segments more acute. . bifidus, var. 8, Nees in Linnea, v. 637. R. bi sfidus gracilis, Nees in herb. R. oligostachyus, Kunth, Enum. iii. 399. R. ei aap w r, oligostachyus, Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan, i. 281. monostachyus (Mast.); stem slender; spikelet: s few, minute. te R-garotions, Kunth, var, monostachyus, Steud. ew Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. Aci AFRICA: without locality, fe bog ! Boivin! Drége, 59! t Re@ion : Clanwilliam Div. ; ergen, at Ezels Bank, 3000-4000 ft., Drege, 3473! Cape Div.; Table Mou Speed Drege, 187, 9! Ecklon, 77! between Cape Town and Table Mountain, — ui, 925! near Cape ‘own, Bolus, 2887! agh Div.; Ni Kloof, n ; S = 3 = & y ‘S, 5 S 5 + rig ot bes pe E = 5 ‘> 2 se $5 a 3 3 ? Zw nea mn, El », 4343 Zwartwater Poort, Burchell, 3409! Var. B, ester Diy. ; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 1624, 9! Uniondale Atots between *Welgelegen and wii Restio.| RESTIACEE (Masters). 87 Onzer, 1500-2000 ft., Drege, 37 partly, 2 ! Var. y, Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 840! 846! Milne, 218! MacGillivray, 436 ! Very variable in stature and in the number of the spikelets. yellow; spathe lanceolate, acuminate, membranous at the edges, i : : lateral conduplicate, only slightly keeled, glabrescent; inner narrower; anthers linear, apiculate; staminodes 3, ovary ovoid- oblong or compressed; styles 3; fruit not seen. R&R. festuce- formis, Nees in herb. Sonder! Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 281. R. ischeemoides, Nees MSS. in various herbaria. T Region: Caledon Div.; Houw Hoek, 2600 ft., Schlechter, 7788, g ! Zwartberg, near Caledon, Ecklon and Zeyher, g and 9! mountain near Grietjes Gat, between Lowrys Pass and Palmiet River, Ecklon and Zeyher ? A 58. R. subtilis (Nees ex Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soe. viii. 251); stems 18 in. high, very slender, filiform, subcompressed, sparingly branched, wrinkled, purple-spotted; Jleaf-sheaths about } in, long, closely convolute, ferruginous, paler and thinner above, prolonged into a short appressed mucro; male and female spikelets similar, numerous, loosely arranged in long, loose. linear cymes, sessile, or on long, slender stalks, each spikelet about 1 line long or less, oblong- ovoid; spathe open, mucronate, half the length of the spikelet ; bracts imbricate, ovate, acute, coriaceous, thinner at the margins, shortly mucronate; flowers 2-3, ovoid, compressed ; perianth-segments oblong, acute ; lateral conduplicate, scarcely keeled, glabrous; inner flat, shorter ; pistillode 3-styled ; capsule 3-lobed, 3-celled ; seeds grey, Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 282. Coast Reston: Caledon Div., mountain near Grietjes Gat, between Lowrys Pass and Palmiet River, Ecklon and Zeyher, ¢ and 9. Bites: 54. R. subulatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 248); stems decumbent, 8-10 in. high, much branched ; leaf-sheaths closely ’ n i ‘ long; bracts loosely imbricate, oblong, coriaceous, mucronate ; pee perianth-segments rigid, oblong, acute ; lateral _conduplicate, Villous-carinate ; inner smaller, hyaline ; pistillode minute; stami- 88 RESTIACER (Masters). [ Restio. nodes 3 ; capsule ovoid, hae IP 2-celled, coriaceous, ferruginous, Mast. in De. Monog. Pha 281. Coast Rreron: Caledon Div.; can nag near Caledon, 1000-2000 ft., Ecklon and Seshee' Not j in Kew Herbariu 55. R. strobilifer (Kunth, aoe iii. 398) ; stems ceespitose, 2-3 ft. high, erect, terete, sparingly nched, dark olive, petty speckled ; i rtion mucro deciduous; male and tigi: ottelete karte solitary or twin, each about + in. tong, ovoid or subg Jobe Se ; sate obovate, mucro- flowers ong, obtuse, ed; perianth-segments oblong, fae ; ter lateral rigid, conduplicate, villous-carinate; intermediate flattish, with a ferruginous midrib; inner 3 smaller, thinner, flat; pistillode 3-styled; female flowers stalked; stalk short, with a warty swelling at the apex [?always]; perianth as in the male; staminodes liguliform ; capsule bilocular, suborbicular, epee ek seed oblong, obtuse, trigonous blackish. Steud. Synops. ii. 252 Mast. in DC. han. i. 282. Coast RrGion: Clana Div. ; Ceder Bergen, at Ezels Bank, 3000-4000 ft.; Drege, 2474, g and 9! St ellenbosch Div.; Sneeuw Kop, Wallich/ Ceres Div. ; at the foot of mountains around Ceres, 1800 ft., Bolus, 5484! : : aft 56. R. pachystachyus (Kunth, Enum. iii. 399); stems cespitose, 2-3 ft. high, erect, terete, slightly branched, olivaceous, with white tubercles ; leaf-sheaths closely convolute, coriaceous, 7—} in. long, nervose-striate, white-spotted ; m s membranous; apex acuml- nate, prolonged ; spikelets ee sessile or stalked, about 2 in. long, ylindric, acute, becoming ovoid-acute ; dicel a spikelet ; spathe half the length of the spikelet, sheath- like, with a ew «2 Q 2 2 Go @ membranou margins, sharply acuminate; flowers shortly pedicellate, ovoid, convex; outer perianth-segments r rigid, oblong, acute ; lateral conduplicate, villous-earinate ; inner shorter, thinner ; ovary ro omer 2-celled by abortion; styles 3. Steud. Synops. ii. 252 ; ‘Mas nm DC. Monog. Phan. i. 383. EGION : " Sgn m Div.; Wupperthal, 1500-2000 ft., Drége, 43, ¢ ! Worcester Div. rakenstein Moopiaine. near "Bains Kloof, 1600-2000 ft. Bolus, 4093, 2 .: 57. R. purpurascens (Nees ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 249); stems erect, 2-3 ft. high, terete, aca Ph branched ; branches ascending, olivaceous, densely covered with flattened, dise- like, white tubercles; leaf-sheaths 13 in. ois, ately convolute, coriaceous, membranous hore: péolongel at the apex into long, leafy point; spikelets 2-5, in linear, erect cymes, sessile or pedicellate, about 1 in. long; spathe as long as the spikelet, with a long, leafy, curved mucro ; bracts oblong, acute ; ; perianth-segments Restio.] RESTIACEH (Masters). 89 oblong-lanceolate ; yg conduplicate, villous-carinate ; inter mediate flat, a s lo ong as, or even slightly longer than the fatal ones; inner 3 ane. “hyaline, united at the base; pistillodium 3-styled ; female plant like the pe: ovary subtrigonous, 2-3-celled ; capsule 2-celled. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i SouTH AFRICA: without oe Lind, $! Coast RrGion: Stellenbosch Diy. ; Hottentots ges Zeyher, 2! - : of Helderberg Mountain near Somerset West, 400 ft., Bo — eon ! Caledon 3 Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, ‘6068 partly ! oe 58. R. bifidus Soran in Hoffm. Phytog. Blatter, i. 7); stems ceespitose, erect, 12-18 in. high and upwards, slender, terete, simple or sparingly branched ; pe ae erect, olivaceous, coarsely tubereled ; leat-sheaths 1—3 in. long, tightly eonvolute, coriaceous, striate, me m- the spikelet; bracts Toseeky imbricate, spreading, subcoriaceous, oblong, cuspidate ; flowers oblong, obtuse ; perianth- segments narrow, blunt, in the female plant somewhat broader than in the male; : outer lateral conduplicate, villous-carinate; inner 3 hyaline ; stami- nodes 3; ovary rounded, subtrigonous ; styles 3. Thunb. in Weber and Mohr, Archiv. i.25; Fl. Cap. ed. Schultes, 87; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xiv. esy- DG. Monbe. Phan, i. 984. RB. va ginatus, he Sp. Pl. iv. 719; Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. a Kunth, Enum. 408 ; Doane in Flora, 1845, 337; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soi: viii. 250, not of Thunb. R. Poets lebkooegepie Kunth, Enum. iii. 399 ; Steud. Synops. ii. 252 Sou m Araica without locality, Drege, 44 partly! Sieber, 221! Burchell, 5812! tan Coast Rr rh ba : Cape Div.; Table Mountain, 3000 ft., Ecklon ! Burchell, 541! wo 28! Bolus, 4439, Qf 4440, BY Rehmann, C27) Caledon Div. ; Nie "Mountains, Burchell, 8070, 9! mountain near Grietjes Gat between Low rys Pass and Palmiet River, Ecklon and Zeyher ! 9. R. miser (Kunth, Enum. iii. 392); stems 12-18 in. high, exspitose, erect, filiform, olivaceous, with white tubercles; leaf- sheaths about 2 in, long, closely convolute, coriaceous, striate, mem- branous above, filaceo-mucronate ; male spikelets 3-5 approximate, b ments oblong, obtuse ; lateral conduplicate, villous- carinate ; inner lyaline, united at the base; pistillodium minute; female plant like the male ; ovary trigonous, surrounded by 3 staminodes. Steud. re ii, 259 3 Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 251; DC. Monog. 1. 285. hs voli ReGion: Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, Drége, 1627, g and 9! 60. B. sonderianus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 252) ; stems ufted, ereet, very slender, simple, terete, puncticulate, haa 90 RESTIACEX (Masters). [ Restio. leaf-sheaths tightly convolute, coriaceous, membranous above, subu- ite ucronate ; spikelets 1-4, sessile or shortly stalked ; each about fe ovate- oblong ; spathe sheath-like, shorter than the spikelet ; mucronate-aristate; oute rianth-segments rather rigid, oblong, “on obtuse ; jateiad conduplicate, carinate ; keel glabrous; inner shorte yaline, ferruginous at the base ; acing rs_ linear ; pacilonian 3- styled. Mast. in DC. Monog g. Phan, i. cc mrigeg : hapten Div.; Groen River and Watervals Rive, 2500- rege, 92, g! Ceder Bergen at Ezels Bank, 3000-4000 fi , Drége, Pind Pa So S! Worcester Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 fe Droge, sometimes prolonged into a long, cima leaf; spikelets 1-2, about 1 in. long, erect, tiie, pe ultimately oblong; spathe mucro- nate, shorter than the spikele ; bracts Hithaately loosely imbricate, oblong, acute, castaneous, mueronu late ; perianth- MG pelea oblong, obtuse ; lateral conduplicate, with a glabrous keel ; inner hyaline; staminodes ; ig: trigonous, 2-celled by isha capsule roundish, 2-celled. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 286. nN: Worcester ee Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drage, 82 partly, 2 ! 91! 1629 partly, 3! 1631b! Ceres Div.; 3 at the foot of mountains around Ceres, 1800 ft., Bolus, 5483 ! . R. implexus (Mast.); stems 12-18 in. high,-capillary, terete, he spotted ; branches curving, intertwining ; 3 leaf-s heaths 4-4} long, closely convolute, coriaceous, mem ous above : apex subulate, muc cronate ; spikelets solitary, 1 in. long, ob ong : spathe mucronate, half the length of the spikelet ; bracts papery, ovate-oblong, acute, scarcely ne ete gen SL asinieept eae! linear-oblong, acute, cartilaginous, r longer than the sige lateral con- duplicate, only slightly vifivtis searcely carinate; inner 3 shorter, a ae olate ; ovary compressed, aie seyias. R. perplexus, r: pradtis Mast. in DC. rg aba 287. Coast Reeron: Swellendam Div. t of the Lange Bergen, near Swellendam, Burchell, 7430, ae not F130 a as tet in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 287, that number being an "Umbellif capillary, arcuate, d; leaf-sheaths 11 in, long, or el nes volute, coriaceous, pepe ant the top, ine? spike ets mote, ovate-oblong, sessile n. long; pe edunceles 1-3, re louger than the spikelets ; Saale shorter than te spikelet ; bracts i Restio.] RESTIACEH (Masters). 91 loosely imbricate, broadly ovate-acute, sharply sMipaenien, coriaceous, r lateral hyaline at the margins; perianth-segments rigid; ou ateral con- duplicate, villous, carinate ; f median flat, with the sees part of the midrib villous; inner orter, yaline ; anthers linear-oblong, muticous ; pistillode ‘iwi female plant like the male; stami- nodes 3 ; ovary rounded, 9-celled by abortion ; styles 2-3. Steud. Synops. ii. 253 ; Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 286. R. vimineus, Thunb. Herb. ex Mast. in Journ. Lin: Soc. xiv. 420. Soutn AFRICA: without locality, Drége, 8! Ouxen ReGiIon : Cape Div.; Table Mountain, oes 339a, ¢! Cooper, 3380! Bolus, 2886! R. Harveii (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 253, t. 15) ; ene creeping; stems slender, erect, 2-6 in. high, branching above the middle; branches curved, spreading, olivaceous, studded with small, whitish tubercles ; leaf-sheaths 2 1-1 in, long, closely convolute, coriaceous, membranous. at the upper margins, subulato-mucronate ; spikes solitary, oblong-euneate, 2-flowered, about 1 line long; spathe oblong, acute, shortly mucronate ; bracts spreading, oblong, shortly thinner, with the midrib villosulous ; ones 3; ovary oe pe aL anges, 2-celled ; stigmas 3. Mast. in DC. Mcnog. Phan. 1, 287, Coast Reaton : near Cape Town, Harvey, 9! in Dublin Herbarium. perianth- akighhiits ) bibs acute ; Tutinad conduplicate, ties carinate ; intermediate flat ; inner shorter, thinner; anthers linear- oblong ; pistillode none ; ; female spikelets 1-3, terminal, erect, oblong-ovate, 1-2 in, on ng; spathe half the length of the spikelet ; bracts oblong, mucronate, purplish-brown ; perianth as in the male ; ovary 3-celled; styles 3; capsule 2-lobed, 2-celled by hae Poona —- than the persistent perianth. Mast. in DC. Mon are tains, Bur- ens dna pipers Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Moun ain Burchell also collected R. purpurascens under the same number. 4 an 66. R. bigeminus (Nees ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 246) ; 1 t. high, tufted, terete, slender, olivaceous, minutely punticu- ate, branching t towards the middle ; branches compressed, ascending ; 92 RESTIACER (Masters). [ Restio. leaf-sheaths about 3 in. long, closely SPIN coriaceous, mem- branous above, with an appressed foliaceous mucro; male spikelets 1-5, terminal, sessile or shortly stalked, 2% in. fg elliptic, acute, somewhat compressed ; spathe very short ; bracts oblong, acute, scarcely mucronulate, striate; perianth- segments acutely pointed ; outer lateral conduplicate, with a glabrescent keel; inner hyaline, shorter; anthers linear, apiculate; female pee 1-5, at the apex of the branches, in erect, racemose cymes, each about 2 in. long, elliptic, pedicellate, with a short spathe; bracts oblong: lanceolate, coriaceous, greyish-brown, shining, 7-nerved, mucronu- late ; perianth-segments somewhat rigid, oblong- lanceolate ; lateral conduplicate, carinate; keel ae ioe inner aps shorter, unequal, posterior one wider; staminodes 3; ovary roundish, truncate, ferruginous, 2. salted; with 3. Sas elie 6 roundish, 1-2-celled by abortion ; = oblong , ferruginous : pein studded with royiies large tubereles. Mast. in DC. Mon mog. Pha i, 289 ; Jowrn. mn, Soe. xxi. 576. R fete Nees MSS. in various herbaria. Coast Reerion: Cape Div.; Cape Flats, Zeyher, 1128,9! Bolus, 4448, 9! Rehmann, 1803, ¢ ! va 67. R. egregius (Hochstetter in Flora, 1845, 337 adnot.); stems 2 ¥ closely convolute, membranous above, subulato-mucronate ; small — spikelets numerous in terminal spicate or panicled cymes; peduncles as long as the spikelets, flattened, each nearly 2 in. long, ovoid- 3 8p coriaceous, chestnut-brown ; flowers oblong; outer perianth-segmen rigid, oblong, obtuse ; lateral conduplicate, with a villous oF glabrescent keel; inner shorter, flat, thickened, and ferruginows at the base ; mubhers ripest pistillode 3- styled ; female pe solitary, terminal, 13-1} in. long, oblong, acute; spathe short; racts In many rows, ovite-dbtong, coriaceous, membranous above, prolonged at the a apex irito a lon awn ; aoe stalked, Pig, lateral conduplicate, with a .” glabrous. or Dalcacaat keel; inner or coriaceous, ferruginous, 2-celled by abortion, shorter than_! persistent Mega Steud. Synops. ii. 253; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 245 ; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 288. Var. 8, nutans (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 245); male nr ene in diffuse aang cymes; peduncles deflexed ; spikelets nodding. Mas in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 289. Sourn Argrica: without locality, Thom. 632! 906! Var. 8, Z Coast REGION : Stellenbosch Div. ; Hottentots —— MF io ‘gcaionl Caledon Div.; mountains near Mie se Zeyher! Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8071! Var. 8, Cape Div. ; Table Bay, Robertson! False Bay, Robertson, g and?! | z i a a id a Restio.} RESTIACEE (Masters). 93 68. R. obtusissimus (Steud. Synops. ii. 252); stems 2 ft. high, erect, terete, unbranched, olivaceous, with minute white spots ; leaf. sheaths about 1 in. long, tightly convolute, coriaceous, with a thinner margin, subulate, mucronate ; male spikelets 1-2-3 in linear eymes, ined segments anthers ovato-mucronate. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 296. R. digitatus, Nees in Linnea, v. as: ny Bri. iti. 410 ; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii, 228, not of ‘Thunb South ArRica: without locality, Drége, 22! Ecklon and Zeyher, Pi Coast Reaion : Cape Div.; Table Mountain, 1000 ft., MacOwan, b. Aust.- Afr., 1673! anh ae Div.; Hottentots Holland, Zeyher! Beklon, 18! Lowrys Pass, Burchell, 8196! Schlechter 7221! Caledon Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burche ll, 8072 This may prove to be a species of Pivotienis 69. R. saroclados (Mast. in DO. Monog. Phan. i. 291); stems cespitose, erect, 18 in. high, terete, much branched ; branches erecto- patent, purple- mottled ; leaf-sheaths about 4% in. long, slightly convo- ae coriaceous, striate, with a long leafy acumen between two membranous lobes ; female spikes solitary, 8-] in. long, cylindric, lanceolate, finally " compressed, wedge-shaped ; spathe lanceolate, coriaceous, striate, rather shorter than the spikelet ; bracts ulti- mately sprea ing, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, decurrent at the base ; perianth- -segments oblong, rather obtuse ; tateral conduplicate, Villous-carinate ; inner smaller, thinner, involute at the mar, rgins ; a roundish, with 3 styles ; capsule orbicular, compressed, 2-celled abortion, surmounted by the remains of the styles. eee Rreton: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Burchell, 572, 9! 605, ?! - R. Rhodocoma (Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soc. x. 275) ; stems ereet, stout, terete, 3-4 ft. high, olivaceous, puncticulate, subverti- cillutely and repeatedly branching; ultim ~ branchlets filiform, rather compr essed, erecto- grams ; lower sterile; upper spike- bearin: ring ; si oe ths 1-12 in. long, ighily pace elliptic, acuminate, coriaceous, nthinte, phen ent; upper margins deeply hyaline ; > apex prolo onged into a long, ultimately deciduous awn ; Smaller sri hs more or less felasosua’ ; male spikelets numerous, in tin ymes, rarely solitary or two, usually forming a ae erect or tony fowe '; Spathe oblong, coriaceous, membranous _ hear the ~ 3 oO = i=j OR _ =] BS ° io") a ae oo Pye te 4 o =] gQ * “ @ ro) iz) Caledon Div. ; mountains near : € margins ; anthers oblong, apiculate ; female spikelets i Panicled cymes, each about 2 lin. long, oblong-ovate or tur pinate, “flowered ; bracts and perianth as in the male; staminodes 96 RESTIACEZ (Masters). [ Restio. ce re minute ; ovary 3-lobed, 3-celled; capsule 3- lobed, or ba ae 2-1-celled, scarcely shorter than the persistent perianth. "DC. Monog. Phan.i. 293. R. tetragonus, 2 ange sat Nees at heely / Scheenus capensis, Burmann, Fl. Cap. Prod. 3. Equisetum, Breyn. Exot. Pl. Cent. 176, t. 91. So hee AFRICA: Hiboacs deem 8 Pappe; 96,9! Drége, 364c! Niven, ?! Coast Region : Cap ; Table Mountain, Ecklon! vicinity of Cape Town, Burehell, 408, ¢! Variable in stature. 5. R. debilis (Nees in Linnea, v. 641); stems czespitose ; branches ascending, very slender, minutely puncticulate ; leaf-she aths 3-1 in, long, closely convolute, coriaceous, striate, membranous and 2- lobed above; apex subulate, mucro nate ; male spikelets numerous, in an erect, "linear cyme, each about 1 lin. long, oblong, erect ; spathe aristate, nearly as long as the spikelet; bracts oblong, obtuse, membranou h i s at the apex, icous or mucronulate; perianth- segments linear-oblong; lateral conduplicate, wi villous ke anthers oblong, apiculate; pistillode minute; female spikelets solitary or few, ovoid, 2 lin. long; bracts ovate-oblong, mucronulate; per ianth-segments oblong, obtuse; lateral con- duplicate, vllous-eatinat inner oblong, spathulate, wider than the outer; ovary on g, obtuse ; styles 3. Kunth, Enum. iil. 412; Steud. S, pope ii. 254; Ma st. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 250; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 290. Zaye Region: Caledon Div.?; “near Knoblauch” (=Knoflooks Kraal?), Imperfectly known species. 6. BR. § (Mast.) ; stems much branched; branches very slender, ascending, terete, greyish-olive, sachet coarsely tubercled; leaf-sheaths * in. long, tightly convolute, coriaceous, nervoso-striate 5 upper edges “brow wn, membranous; apex ta apering into a lanceolate, acuminate or mucronate process; spikelets } in. long ; linear-oblong, solitary, terminal, or 5-7 in linear cymes; spathe sheath-like, halt the length of the spikelet ; bracts exceeding the flowers, oblong- lanceolate, with a thin white margin; peria anth compressed ; segments cartilaginous, Pipa -oblong ; outer lateral conduplicate ; inner shorter; ovary 3-styled. j oe Re@ion: Cape Div.; eastern slopes of Table Mountain, 2600 ft., Bolws, 5 cymes, each espe ees Sin, long, lin Suan ed oso spikelet ; i lindde-gblaag acute, havin at the margins, Ree ere Restio.] RESTIACEZ (Masters). 97 blackish-brown, exceeding the shortly stipitate flowers ; perianth- segments linear-oblong; two outer lateral conduplicate, glabrous ; three inner equal, flattish, membranous, shorter than the outer; anthers blackish, apiculate ; pistillode minute, 3-styled. SoutH AFRICA: without locality, Zeyher ! This plant, of which the female is not known, is very different from R. distichus. 78. R.? sejunctus (Mast.); stems erect, 2-3 ft. high, terete, flabellately branched ; branches slender, ascending, olivaceous, somewhat coarsely tubercled ; leaf-sheaths about 1 in. long, closely convolute, coriaceous, spotted, hyaline near the apex, and ending in a subulate muero ; male spikelets numerous, loosely arranged in linear, erect cymes, each spike- half the length of the spikelet ; bracts coriaceous, oblong-ovate, nearly as long as the oblong, somewhat triquetrous flowers ; periant 1; lin. long, cartilaginous; outer lateral segments oblong, acute, villous-carinate ; intermediate flattish, glabrous; inner mel branous, subequal, shorter than the outer; anthers linear ovoid ; pistillode very minute. Eastern Re@ion: Natal, Bolton ! The specimen is in the herbarium of the British Museum, and a sre ae at Kew. No other species of Restio is known at present to grow in Natal. ranous; ovary roundish, 2-lobed by abortion, dehiscing at the angles. das 1 Reaion: Cape Div,; in a valley near Table Mountain, 2800 ft., Bolus, ? i. Fn] ? . rownish, coriaceous, exceeding the flowers; outer perianth-segments Coast Region: At the summit of Winterhoek Mountain, near Tulbagh, 8500 ft., Bolus, 7495, 2 ! VOL. Vir, u 98 RESTIACEE aera a: shining ; bracts imbricate, ovat embranous, with whitish or scarious = Kunth, Sia: iii. i. Ald: Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan, i ‘tia minor (Mast. § in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 296) ; panicles and spikelets smaller. Sour Arsgica, in Lamarck’s herbarium at Paris, I have not seen this plant. 82. R. eS (Thunb. Diss. Rest. 18). A monstrous form of some species of Willdenovia. Thunb. in Usteri, Delect. i. 52; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 88; Kunth, Enum. iii. 414; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe, xiv. 418. 83. R. micans (Nees in Linnea, v. 649). Under this name Nees escribes some imperfect specimens nae : ep unable to identify. Thamnochortus micans, Kunth, Enum. iii. Coast ReGion: Cape Div.; Cape Flats near arent collector not men- tioned. 4. R. simplex (Forst. ex Thunb. Diss. Rest. 16). This has been wrongly stated by Kunth (Enum. iii. 414) to be a South African species, but according to Thunberg it is a native of New Zealand (see Thunb. in Usteri, Delect. i. rad and 57 in note). On p. 51, under i. Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 87; Kunth, Enum. iii. 414 ; in te. Iinn. Soc. xiv. 418. Il. ASKIDIOSPERMA, Stend. Outer perianth-segments subequal, oblong-lanceolate; _ lateral realy pot Dee ig inner — flattish, longer than the narrow, strap-shaped. Capsule 2-lobed, 2- called, dchiaving ® iheetiaile. Seed pendulous, Male unknown, Distris, Endemic. 1, A. capitatum (Steud, Synops, ii. 257); stem simple, erect, terete, slender, dull olive-coloured, wrinkled; leaf-sheaths about } in- i . : . =e i Askidiosperma. | RESTIACEZE (Masters). 99 long, loosely sabia deciduous, blueish-green, membranous and Jacerate at the apex; inflorescence a solitary terminal spike, about 1 in. long ; onal oblong, with very long tails, coriaceous, with hyaline, ‘leeply laciniate margins. Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soc. x. 247 DC. Monog. Phan. i. 304, t. 1, fig. 32-36 Coast Raion : Clanwilliam Div.; Ceder Bergen, at Ezels Bank, 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 2510, 9! III. DOVEA, Kunth. Flowers more or less 3-sided, longer than the subtending bract. Perianth-segments 6, in 2 rows; outer lateral eonduplicate, carinate ; inner longer, oblong-acute. Stamens 3. Pistillode with rudiments of 3 styles, or absent. Female perianth similar. Staminodes narrow, strap-shaped, or none. Ovary 3-lobed, 3-celled. Stigmas 3, sessile, revolute, plumose on the inner surface. Frutt hard, capsular, 3-lobed, 3-celled, idedek at the angles. Seed reat cai igcata from the inner eon of each cell. Testa mem- Perennial h herbs; stems springing from a rootstock covered with sheaths upper sheaths deciduous ; male and female inflorescence mostly alike, spicately or paniculately c baa female les s branched, often with om flat, fi ersistent Spathes; spathes of male igtlorbecss nee caducons, convex, not greatly exceeding the primary pele, of the inflorescence; spikelets 1-2-flowered. DistRis. Endemic. rerio inflorescence elongate, linear, ee 3-6 in. coy (QA) Cee Male inflorescence dense, short, spicate, 1-2 co 2) ¢ cylindrostachy * a ate e wigntio ence rather loose, linear fasion ) (3) hookerians. Male i fidirrenesisies “elongate, loose, linear, paniculate, -8 in. long: Male inflorescence _ ea (4) recta. Male inflo > den racts and avaitiaesinolte ovate, acute we @) —, vA Sorted and perianth-segments roundish ... ... (6) macrocarpa. racts and perianth — s acute : Staminodes 3 ; fruit not constricted .. eer (7) ebracteata. Staminodes 0; fruit enor constri ‘ above the middle : (8) Bolusi. oS i et ara liniear-lanceolate ; _periantheseg- (9) panic alata. Br he ents ets subeoiacous, ‘younded ; periant segm * (10) racemosa. Bracts Ghia ng, acum inate 5 perianth-segments - acuminate; plant very robus = (11) mucronata. racts and oieengigh se; ae ovate, ‘obtuse 5 plant very robust 298 mn . (12) thyrsoidea. : 1. D. tectorum (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 249) ; stems 2-3 it long, emepitone, erect, simple, — of the thickness of a crow-qui 100 RESTIACEZ (Masters). [Dovea. puncticulate ; leaf-sheaths closely convolute, deciduous; spikelets se, erect, terminal, linear, much- e flo series longer than the outer; anthers apiculate; female flowers similar to the males, with 3 liguliform staminodes ; ovary arr } capsule 3-lobed, 3-celled. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. 06. Restio tectorum, Linn. Suppl. 425, and in his fnbundey Rk. tectorum, B and y, Thunb. Herb. ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. 417. Restio nudus, vars.a and B, Nees in Linnwa, v. 651 ezel. Syn. Elegia racemosa, Pers. Synops. ii. ne Kunth, Enum. iii. 463. Coast REGION: er illiam Div. ; ie, apt ad below 500 ft., Drége, 2506 ! Cape Div.; Cape Flats, Thunder it Bur "428! 824, 3! ) Patton, 309, Burke! MacOwan, ie rb, Austr.-Afr., 1874! eden Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell , 8127! ASTERN REGION : Nataly Rehmann, 8596! locality probably an error, . D. cylindrostachya (Mast.); stems cespitose, 15-18 in. long, Gaeuiet of the thickness of a crow-quill, erect, terete, dark olive, obsoletely puncticulate, clothed at the base with numerous crowded, overlapping, deep chestnut-coloured, shining scales, the lowest e upwards; leaf-s numerous, remote, deciduous; male = female inflorescence in dense, terminal, spicate eymes, 1-14 in. long spathe oblong, shorter than the inflorescence ; bracts aiatecinieaetiahss ; flowers 2 lin. long, trigonous; outer perianth- -segments linear-oblong, glabr aia coriaceous ; inner brown, twice the length of the outer, a surrounded by 3 staminodes. Sourn Arrica: without locality, Drége, 9605, 9! Thom, 908, 9! 3. D, hookeriana (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 249); stems eae: 1}-2 ft. long, rigid, erect, simple filiform, pea solid, slightly ed, puneticulate ; ; leaf-sheaths closely convolute, deciduous, elliptic, coriaceous, membranous above, apex mucronato-aristate ; male spikelets numerous, one lin. long, in erect, linear, slightly branched, panicled cymes, 1}~3 in. long; spathes deciduous ; bracts 2 lin. long; perianth-segments rigid, ferruginous; outer 3 a, es boat-shaped, oblong-acute ; inner similar, but ; longer ; ; anthers apicu late ; pistillode with 3 rudimentary styles ; female plant like the male ; spikelets roundish, the size of a small pea, in linear, spicifor™ cymes ; spathes open, sheath-like ; ran ovate-mnenonebty the lower ones sterile ; staminodes 3; capsule 3-lobed, 3-celled, dehiscing Dovea.] RESTIACEZ (Masters). 101 at the angles, surmounted by the remains of 3 styles. Mast. ia DC. Monog. Phan. i. 306. Restio tectorum, a, Thunb. Herd. ex Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soc. xiv. 417. Sours Arrica: without locality, Thom, 901 and 1621, ¢! 632, 9! oast REGION: Caledon Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8062, 3! 4, D. recta (Mast.); rhizome creeping, giving off tufts of erect, wiry, terete, very slender stems, 10-12 in. high ; basal sheaths per- sistent, oblong, obtuse, mucronulate, chestnut-brown, closely con- volute; upper sheaths deciduous, subulate, mucronate; male inflorescence a loose, linear, spiciform panicle; spathes short, deci- uous; flowers sessile, or shortly pedicellate, loosely approximate ; spathe oblong-mucronulate, rather shorter than the spikelet ; bracts oblong, acute, scarcely as long as the perianth; outer segments iinéax“oblong, acute, glabrous, shorter than the inner; anthers inear, OAST REGIoN: Caledon Div.; between Donker Hoek and Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8007, 3! 5. D. aggregata (Mast.); stems erect, cylindrical, as thick as a goose-quill, simple, 2-3 ft. long, faintly puncticulate ; leaf-sheaths deciduous ; female inflorescence a spicate panicle, 2-3 in. long ; Coast Recion: Cape Div. ; near Cape Town, Zeyher! Caledon Div. ; Gena- dendal, 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 1622, 9?! 6. D. macrocarpa (Kunth, Enum. iii. 458); stems 2-3 ft. ong; terete or rather compressed, slightly branched, greenish puncticulate ; sheaths 1-2 in. long, oblong, mucronate, deciduous ; male spikelets numerous, blackish, in terminal, oblong, erect, spicate : ; spikelets 1-2 lin. long, roundish; spathes deciduous ; bracts ovate, coriaceous, membranous at the margins ; male flowers somewhat 3-sided, twice the length of the bracts ; outer lateral perianth-segments boat-shaped, oblong-obtuse, coriaceous, with membranous margins ; inner three equal, concave, twice the length of the outer; female spikelets 2-5, each about }—} in. long. ; bracts ovate, acute, coriaceous, nervoso-striate; perianth-segments rigid, oblong-acute; inner longer; capsule longer than the per- sistent perianth, 3-lobed, 3-celled ; seed solitary, large, with a white minutely ribbed testa. Steud. Synops. ii. 248; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. x. 250; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 307. R. nudus, var. Pauciflurus, Nees in Linnea, v. 651. Coast Recion: Clanwilliam Div.; Ceder Bergen, Zeyher, 1740, g and 9! 102 RESTIACEX (Masters). [ Dovea. i earn Div. ; near hei creieh Kloof, Dickson in Herb. Bolus, 4243, 9! sa : ils betw n Pretor’s a d Piquiniers Kicof, 1000-1500 ft., Drege, 2528, 9! Ponders. 1500-3000 ft, Drége, 2507, 3! Paes Tn %. D. ebracteata (Kunth, Enum. iii. 458); stems cespitose, 12-18 in. long, covered at the base with deep brown scales, erect, terete, caiienchad sheaths alternately deciduous, 14 in. long, loosely convolute, deep brown, coriaceous, thinner towards the obtuse apex, aristulate ; male spikelets numerous in terminal, erect, spicate cymes about 1 in. ne bracts ovate-subulate, mucronate, coriaceous, shorter than the flowers, which are about 1 line long, trigonous ; e 0 plant as in the male; perianth-segments cartila, ovate, acute, mucronulate ; inner flat; capsule 3-lobed, longer than the. persistent perianth. eh re ii, 248; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. x, 250; DC. Phan. i. 308. 4D. mierocarpa, Kunth, Enum. iii. 459 ; nes pups vi. 248; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. x. 248. Souta ARCs without Sent Sieber, 232,9! Drége, 9602, ¢! ida Reeion: Cape Div. e Mo untain, Milne, 236, 3! parapet By 438, ¢! Burche li, 124, 9! wae ry 567,¢! Bolus, 4145, 3 and?! Dréy 72,3! Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, Drége, 72 ?, g! 4, 3! ~ 8. D. Bolusi (Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soc. xxi. 576); stems 18 in. long, cespitose, slender, erect, terete, unbranched, covered at the oblong, 1 line long and upwards ; outer perianth-segm cular, acute; inner similar but longer ; pistillode minute, "3-atyled ; female flower like et male ; staminodes none; ovary 0 oblong, : styles Coast sabe : Cape Div.; Muizenberg, 1600 ft., Bolus, 3909, 9! 3910, 3! This differs from D. ebracteatain the smaller proportions of all its parts. cwespitose, zu ft. lon stipitate, trigonous ; outer rianth-segments oblong acuminate, of parehment ike consistence > inner similar but longer; female infloresce bout 2 in. long, compact, alos, slightly branched, with few wpilesiaee' spathes and spathelle (bracts) as in the male ; outer perianth-se gments horny, Dovea.] RESTIACEZ (Masters), 108 in shape as in the male; staminodes none; ovary oblong, obtuse, 3-lobed, 3-celled ; cells 1- ovuled ; style thickened at the base; f ruit trigonous, dehiscent Coast pariah Tulbagh net on the Witsen Berg, near Tulbagh, Burchell, 8719, ¢! Worcester Div. Dutoits pena 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 125 5,9! 1643, 3 and 9! 1651, ¢! Vivek tein mts. near rig Kloof, pecan ge fi Bolus, 4082, ¢! 4098, f! 4081,9! 409 7, O! Ceres, 2400 ft., Bolus, 5298, 3! ’Galedon Div. ; ; ‘ete Vile sa Breach ~ Bol 7483, A Fe Tig with Sieber’s henna No. 232 under D. aes acteata, Kth., but it is certainly not the oe as Sieber’s plant, ae nl. ly belongs to the present species. The two are easily ERAT yy the colour of the annular persistent bases of the stem- sbatie: which are black in D. ebractea mi, whilst in D. piaicstate they are brown, and often sacle darker than the ste 10. D. racemosa (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 578); stems eye 2-3 ft. long erect; terete, or slightly aes nines cat ie spathes numerous ne 21 in, gr ‘flat, ‘shlong, ates ok coriaceous, minutely tuberculate, with membranous margins, shining on inner surface ; bracts oblong-obtuse, mucronulate, shorter than the oblong- obtuse. flowers ; outer perianth-segmen s oblong, obtuse, membranous; inner lon nger and narrower; female inflorescence (according to Lamarck’s figure) like the male; perianth-segments acute ; ovary 3-lobed, 3-celled. Restio racemosus, Lam. Encyel. Meth. vi. 177; Lam. a. iii, 400, ¢. 804, jig. oe AFRICA: neg” locality, Thom, 904 ! 0aAsT REGION: Cupe ; Table Mo untain, Burchell, 574, 3h! Worcester Div. Dutoits Kloof, 3000 000 ft., Drége, 1647,3! Culedon Div.; Nie Kloof, Houw Hoek Mou oe Burchell, 8067, 3! Riversdale Div. ; ai ees of the Lang 6 eben udae + Kate sche Berg. above the waterfall at “V Valley Riv Poort,” alias 11,6999, g! Uitenhage Das rocky clefts near the top Witteklip Mountain bh Wactinge, 2150, 3! vce checahags (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 251) ; stem of the little. finger, cinnamon-brown ; upper leaf-sheaths 4 in. long, on the inner face ; male spikelets very numerous, arranged in dense, much branched, panicled cymes, 2-3 in. long, with numerous ae, ie sheath- like spathes, each saat ahoos 1 line long, similar, _ alled, . 104 RESTIACEH (Masters). [Dovea. surmounted by the remains of the cells, dehiscent at the angles; seed solitary, pendulous from the inner angle of each cell of the capsule; testa mem mbranous, with prominent wany, ridges. Mast. im DC. Monog. Phan. i. 808, t. 2, figs. 1-6, t. 5, fig. 6. Restio mucronatus, Nees in Linnea, v. 660. Llegia mucronata, Reich. ex Nees in > ibis v. ib cee Enum. lil. #195, Steud. pha: a Souta Arrica: without locality, Masson! Zeyher Coast Reeton: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, ‘3600 ft., Bolus, 2878, 3! 4468,9! Burchell, 563, g apt ere 514, g! Dutoits Kloof, 3000-40 000 ft.. Drége, 34.3! hive nas Div.; Lange Bergen near Riversdale, 1800 ft., Schlechter, 1915, dand 9! and near aaa Berg, Burchell, 7026, g and 9! ' 2. D. thyrsoidea (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 251); stems — wet simple erect, 3-4 ft. long, terete or rather compressed, grey, — impresso-punctieulate ; sheaths loosely convolute, somewhat persistent, — 4 elliptic, coriaceous, brown, puncticulate, studded with minute pits ; male inflorescence densely cymose, 2-3 in. long; pedicels 2, unequal, i ; bracts ovate-concave, as long acute, boat-shaped, rigid ; inner oblong-obtuse, longer than the outer; female plant as in the male; inflorescence erect linear- oblong, 5—6 in. long, ieee numerous large, convolute, sheath- ae spathes ; n the male; ovary 3-lobed, 3-celled, mounted by 3 revolute atisisa capsule 3-lobed, 3-celled, acho at the angles and surrounded by the sone: acerescent perianth ; seed oblong, testa in wavy folds. Mast. in DC. Monoy. Phan. 1- 309. Coast Reeton: George Div. et 3; summit of Post Berg, near George, Burchell, 5895, gand pga ree inner segments are nearly equal. Stamens 3; anthers 1-celled. Pistilloce when present minute, 3-styled. Female flower : Ovary l-celled, l-seeded ; styles 2-3, linear, distinct. Fruit triangular, indehiscent. ush-like herbs with creeping or tufted rootstock; leaf-sheaths generally deciduous and leaving a black annular scar, Distris. Endemic, eames Manica : Tufl escence 6-8 in. long... ss bas ... (1) verticillaris. icucenes 1-3 in. long _... te me ... (2) equisetacea. Worcester Div.3 hearers ) oi aiceeg tt Elegia.] RESTIACEH (Masters). 105 Branches, if present, not verticillat tem oss in (at least when ‘ry): Leaf-sheaths sub-persisten ge ‘comedies perianth-seg- = oblon (3) coleura. eo ;_perianth-segments acute (4) glauca. Leaf-sheaths caduc Inflorescence 12 2 in, long, ovoid; bracts paren os a wee 3-lobed ... (5) thyrsifera, ichemmenncs 2-3 ong, linear; some- what gy paniels Bra and panes aS acu- min (6) acuminata Bracts and perianth-segments acute (7) coined Spathes ovate-oblong, acute ; “= and per fanth-sogments obtu (8) propingua. Lidonesiaes linear, 1-— G5 bails panicled, with persistent ovate-lanceo- ate spathes .. (9) juncea, Inflorescence 1-4 in . long, linear, Panicle, very dense ; spathes subcaduco aie: pa er entire.. » cuspidata. Bra e; margins lacera 11) asperifiora. Stem terete, fistular rat wt E. th ire ine Gy Astuloes, Stem filiform, wiry, solid, except in EB. parviflora: Inflorescence rarely exceeding 3 in bes length subpersistent, conspi 8 obatoes creeping ; ovary heal .. (13) squamosa, ootstock czespitose ; ovary smooth ., . (14) vaginulata. perianth-segments acute... _ (15) deusta. e rianth-segments obtuse .., 2 6) filacea, balletssniiiae fad ale) 1 — in. long: e Sheaths aca sak flat 17) stipularis. Sheaths persistent, convolute ~ OB} obtusifiora yen veer ey perianth-segments Stam satniars eer “hihhasere 20) parviflora. ; pe a v (21) rigida, may oe or inconspicuou hs persistent ; tall aessonis , P linear ose . (22) Verreauxii. heaths deciduous : nflorescence den: are om nuda. Inflorescence iatoriael ... (24) elongata. 1. £ verticillaris (Kunth, Enum. iii. 471); stems tall, solid, white-spotted, aig off numerous thread-like, sinc “branchlets “ convolute o T open, coriaceous, with two hyaline lobes at the apex, shortly mucronate ; male imilar, 6-8 in. long, 106 RESTIACES (Masters). [ Hlegia. much branched, linear-paniculate, cymose, many-flowered, interspersed ith numerous, deciduous, sheath-like spathes; bracts shorter than the flowers, bro ovate, acute, hyaline at the tips; perianth- f the outer; fruit 3-sided, with 3 styles, indehiscent, 1-seeded, sur- rounded at the base by ‘the persistent oe Mast. in Journ. Tinn. Soc. x. 244; . Monog. n. i, 351. Restio vertt- eillaris, Linn. f. Suppl. 425; Steud. S, nei, ii. 262; Linn. Herb. outH AFRICA: without locality, Masson! Mund and Maire, 9! Harvey! a , ast REGION : Clanwilliam Div.; Oliphants River, Zeyher, J and?! Worces iv.; Bain : ft., Bolus, 4101,9! Dutoits Kloof, 3000- 00 ft., Drége, 1609, gand?! mountains above Worcester, , 2568. Caledon Div.; banks of th t River, near Genadendal, Krauss, ? l- lendam Div.; mountain ridges along the lower part of Zonder Hinde River, 500- bs —_ 44,gand9! Riversdale Div.; lower part he Lange Bergen, about the waterfall at ‘‘ Valley Rivers Poort,” near Kauipsche Berg, Burchell, 6992, Zand 9! Mossel Bay Div.; Attaquas Bloor, Thunbery ! Humansdorp Div. ; north side of Kromme River, Burchell, 4845, 2! 2. E. equisetacea (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 583); 2-3 ft. long, terete, olivaceous, white-spotted, simple or at Br branched at the nodes ; branches again verticillately ramulose ; leaf- sheaths 11 in., spreading ; male spikelets numerous, linear-oblong 45 i ; i acuminate ; perianth jin. long ; outer segments linear-oblong, shorter than the inner; anthers a apiculate ; female inflorescence 3—4 in. long, linear-oblong, spicate-cymose ; flowers three-sided ; perianth-segments nearly equal, linear-oblong ; fruit ovoid, somewhat 3- cornered, aS long as the persistent perianth, 1-cell ed. l-seeded. Llegia pinqua, Kunt » var. oo Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. x. 242 DC. Monog. Phan. 1000. ft., D » do! ‘al on Div.; near — ioe ysial 116! Swellendam (sage 0 ousigian near Swellendam, Ecklon and Zeyher! at the ws of the Lange Bergen, near Swellendam, Burchel ll, 7429, 91 Uitenhage Div. ; the Van Stadens Berg nearest Galgebosch, Burchell, 4715, g! 3. E. coleura (Nees ex Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. rootet i. 358) ; tetock creeping; stems erect, gone flattened ; —— loosely convolute, subpersistent, 1-11 in. long, coriaceous, membrano Hlegia.| RESTIACEE (Masters). 107 at the oh ae acute, Spee oe — ee 13-2} in. fees: Becks seven half the length of the inner; female inflorescence oblong, 1-12 in. long, spicately or subpaniculately cymose ; flowers ovoid, 1 line long ; perianth-segments subequal, ovate, mucronate, asperulate ; hea ovoid, trigonous ; ; styles (2%) 3. Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soc. xxi. 586. al AFRICA: without locality, mal de 9599, as to the male specimen ! AST REGION: mien eat Div. ; Ceder Bergen, on. sand flats near Pacete: 8000 ft., Drége, 2519! Cape Di v.; Cape Flats, Ecklon and Zeyher! near Fiablinach, Burchell, — Table Mountain, Burchell, 571, d! Paarl ee bank of the erg Rive er in Klein Drakenstein Mouutwins, below 500 ft., Drege, ‘nl as fil hod male specien Tulbagh Div.; Tulbagh, Zeyher’ Worcester above Worcester, vn 2570, 6 ! 2571! Caledon Div.; Binadentat, "30004000 ft., Drége, 1638, ¢! 4. E. glauca (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 579); stems caspi- tose, 2-3 ft. long, erect, slightly branched, compressed, solid, glaucous ; leat-sheaths persistent, 11 in. long, loosely convolute, subcoriaceous, ames ous at the margins, mucronato-aristate ; male inflorescence about 1 in. long, oblong, compact, spicately cymose, with oblong, flat, nt ad spathes, the smaller ones with very long spreading awns ; spikelets many-flowered ; flowers rather more than 1 line long, 4st Region: Worcester Div.; mountains above Worcester, Rehmann, 2564, rhe Stellenbosch Div.; Hottentots Holland Mountain r Grietjes Gat, Bolus, 4221, 2! Riversdale Div.; summit of Kampsche Bar. Bur chell, 7105, 3 5. E. thyrsifera (Pers. Syn. ii. 607, excl. syn.); stems erect, slightly compressed, simple, sent writkiod:: leaf-sheaths 12 in. One loosely convolute, chestnut-coloured, shining on the inner sur- ; male inflorescence 21 in. long, oblong, densely paniculate- eymose; spathes oblong, flattened, about 1 in. lon ng; flowers ovoid, I line long ; bract. suborbicular, navicular, shorter than the flower Oner perianth. -segments oblon , obtuse, glabrous ; inner dindibe! but twice the length; female inflorescence 14-2 in. long, compact, oveld, paniculate- -cymose; spathes oblong, ovate, flat, coriaceous, purple-spotted ; Spathellee much shorter, with long tapering points ; hal mene nly 3 in. long, slightly compressed, straight ; perianth- = subequal ; subcoriaceous, lanceolate; inner thinner, scarcely shorter ; fruit oblong, obtuse, 3-winged, econ by the Persistent perianth. Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 585. Restio 108 RESTIACEH (Masters). [ Hlegia. rip hi Rottboll, Prog. 11; Deseript. et Icon. Rar. 8, ¢. 3, fig. 4 SourH AFRICA: mpeent locality, Masson, g in British Museum! Koenig, ? in Rottboll’s Herbarium 6. E. acuminata (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 580) ; exspitose, 2-6 ft. high, simple, erect, compressed, solid ; Pi deciduous ; male inflorescence 2-3 in. long, densely paniculate-cymose, Sie erect a with numerous flat, elliptie, sub- pres half whe length of the inner, oblong, Ssiay segme te; fi male inflor- escence as in the male; pained all equal, cartilaginous, chestnut-coloured, oblong, mucronate, 1 line and upwards in length; ovary obovoid, acutely 3-winged ; stigmas 3. Sourn AFRICA: ay locality, Thom,?! Drége, 104, ¢! Coast REGION: iv. ; Table ountain above Kirstenbosch, 2400 tt., Bolus, 4640, ¢ and 2! ! Swellendam Div.; at the foot of the Lange Bergen near eee Burchell, 7435, $! Riversdale Div.; lower part of the Lange Bergen, about the waterfall at “ Valley Rivers Poort,” near Kampsche Berg; Burchell, 3098, 3g and 9?! 7. E. membranacea (Kunth, Enum. iii, 474); stems cespitose, erect, 2-3 ft. high, terete, solid, thinly puncticulate, simple oT searcely branched; sheaths deciduous; male inflorescence linear- oblong, erect, 2-3 i in, long, loosely paniculate cymose, with numerous, chlong-lanoeat, flat, chartaceous spathes ; spikelets many-flowered ; perianth straight ; outer segments ovate, acute, half the length of the similar inves female. inflorescence wedge-shaped ; perian nth- segments equal, acute, mueronulate ; fruit pytiform, 3 3-sided, shining black, smooth. Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 581. Restio mem- year Nees in Linnea, v. 657. st Reaion: Cape Div. ; Table Mountain, ae 836 partly, t! Zeyher, é; Soe 564, g and 9! Cape Town, Harvey, 200, 3! 8. E. a ae — Enum. iii. 473) ; rootstoek czspitose ; stems 2-3 ft. high, ascending, sean solid, lightly rugose sulcate, Reng ohh oh than 1 in. long, loosely convolute, oblong, Pe Hap Hew: mucronulate, ultimately deciduous; male inflorescence 2 in. long, oblong, densely paniculate-cymose, with elliptic acute sheath-like shining brown spathes ; flowers ovoid, stipitate, scarcely 2 in. long, exeeeding the ovate-obtuse bract ; nee ’ perianth-segments oblong, ol tuse; inner similar in pe, but twice the length; anthers apiculate; female inflorescence oblong, in spike-like cymes, about 1 in, long, spathes shleig Iabbsblats 7 lees than 1 in. long; setsiivik shining, black, ‘puncticulate, surmounted by ee Steud. Synops. i. 261; Mast. in. Journ, Linn. S800, x. 242; xxi. 582; Elegia.)] RESTIACEZ (Masters). 109 DC. Monog. Phan.i. 356. e Kraussii, Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 340. Restio propinquus, Nees in Linnea, v. 653. R. erectus, Nees in Linnea, v. 655, excluding pa not of Thunb. Var. minor (Mast.) ; smaller in all parts. pee AFRICA: without locality, Bergius ! Drége, 113! Thom, 1023! Re@ion: Cape Div.; Camps wie Burchell, 353, 3! Table Mountain, Reklon: MacGillivray, 432,92! Drége, 89! Lion n Mountain, Ecklon. Worcester IV. 5 rakenstein mountains near Bains Kloof, 1600-2000 ft., Bolus, 4087,2! Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft , Drége, 112! 120 partly ! Stellenbosch iv.; Hottentots Holland, Zeyher ! Cuedan Div. ; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoe Mountains, Burchell, 8066! Humansdorp Div. ; Kromme River, below oa rege, 115! Uitenhage Div.; sides of Winter Hoek Mountains, Krauss. Port Elizabeth Div.; Witte Klip near Port Elizabeth, MacOwan, 2152! 2153! ar. minor, Cape Div. ; Flats near Rondebosch, Burchell, 822, 3! . E. juncea (Linn. Mant. alt. 297, and in herb. !) ; stems cxspi- tose, 3-4 ft. high, solid, erect, simple or slightly branched, terete or rather compressed, puncticulate, faintly ‘gyrose-suleate ; sheaths deciduous; male inflorescence by in. long, linear-oblong, compact, oblong-obtuse, scans shorter ae the cure: Aad Segments linear-oblong, subequal ; is linear-clavate, somewhat 3-sided, as long as the perianth. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan, i. 857 ; Journ. Li inn. Soc. x. 241; xxi. 583, Elegia juncea, Kunth, Masters and others, all in part and with doubtful synonymy. Restio legia, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed. 13, 738. Restio thyrsifer, Lam. Eneyel. Meth. vi. 177 ; Il. iii, 399, ¢. 804, fig. 3, hig aoe “ SourH i bei with 4. ! Harvey, 3 REGION : Ca ta gM eA ped le "00 ft i ‘inca a 3! 4457, ?! Table Mountain, 1800 tt., Bolus, 2884! Cape Town, Rehmann, 1455, 3! beta ieg nh +3 Mountains fe ery vicinity of New Kloof, near 2 Tulleth; 1000 ft., MacO erb. Aust.- Afr., ! Caledon Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek "Mo dintalue, Burchell, 8132, bt aaliploes Tower, 3000-4000 ft , Zeyher, 4340, 9 ! 10. E, cuspidata (Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soe. x. 240) ; stems about 3 ft. high, sl compressed, olive-coloured, puncticulate ; eaf- sheaths 2-3 in. lon , loosely convolute, elliptic, mucronate, ulti- mately dee diag, ti spikelets very numerous, densely compacted in terminal spike-like or panicled cymes, 13-3 in. long, with rumerous, open, sheath-like, ultimately deciduous spathes; bracts broadly ovate, coriaceous, brow n, ending in long spreading awns ; OWwerg three-sided ; outer perianth-segments equal, rigid, oblong, acute, boat-shaped, l-nerved, glabrous ; inner oblong-lanceolate, longer th the outer; anthers oblong, apiculate ; female in- florescence generally less branched than the male; ; bracts an th-segments as in the male; fruit oblong, 3-sided, shining 110 RESTIACEZ (Masters). [ Hlegia. black, pnenae here the vestiges of the styles. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 354, Coast i. : Cape Div.; False Bay, Robertson! Table Mountain, Milne, 2383! Simon’s Bay, MacGillivray, 437,92! Wright, 484, 3! i. 2. oi ao (Kunth, ei iii. 474); stems 2-3 ft. high, crespitose, covered at the base with scales, erect, ‘compressed, simple or sparingly Setuhes branches ascending, purple- spotted ; leaf-sheaths ovate-oblong, hyaline and lacerate at the margins, tapering at the apex into a long acumen; flowers 3-sided, shortly stalked ; outer perianth-eeymetits equal, oblong, boat-shaped, pale brown, ciliolate, less branched ; bracts oblong, with a long acumen; perianth-segments ' boat-shaped, oblong-lanceolate, ciliolate; inner scarcely exceeding the outer; fruit 3-cornered, turbinate, surmounted by traces of three styles. Steud. Synops. ii. 262; Mast. in J Linn. Soe. x. pre DC. Monog. Phan. i i. 355, t. 3, fig. 29-32, and t. 5, Jig. 14. E. dregeana, Kunth, ‘Bau ili, 469. Restio asperiflorus, Nees in Linnea, ¥ . 656. ev Arrica: without locality, Drége, 106! 107! 9599, as to the female specimen soe ge “Ruoi0s : Clanwilliam Div.; Wupperthal, oo 1648, as to the female specimen! Cape Div. ; Cape Flats, ss Tulbagh Div.; mountains of i. Kloof, 1000-2000 ft. , Drage, 1641, cn Tulbagh Waterfall, Ecklon and er, 1 Worcester Div.; mountains shove Wes reester, Rehmann, 2563 ! Dutoits Kloof, 2000-3000 ft., Drege, 1640, 9! Culedon Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Pee Hoe ek Mountains, Burche e and female ae otaba :e much-branched ; plant aty . (1) paniculatus. Male and female nlorieeees sparingly branched ; plont rarely le Spathes Bie iiiwllex shomead af oe Spikelets 7-9, sq ... (2) neglectus. Spike (3) Burchellii. Spathes Shout the same length as the spikelets : Leaf istate (4) incurvatus. ie Sete straight, “eds at the apex, : su ninlokecenchs nate (5) oxylepis. papacaioensie recurved, spreading, ‘obtuse, onate . (6) peronatus. Female laikitatia 1- lowered : Spikelets obtu ive es ted ... (7) modestus. / 1, L, paniculatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 231); stems ° 2-3 ft. high, erect, much-branched; branches compressed, olive numerous, 1 m peaeticd: epickiigl panicled “a a spikelet about + in. pee ohovate-oblony spathe bract-like ; bracts oblong, obtuse, hyaline near ate ape ovary oblong, triquetrous ; ; styles 3; fruit 3- -angled. pea a an. i : 330. Restio paniculatu, tretoodt Deser. et de. te M Leptocarpus.] RESTIACE® (Masters). 117 Restio fruticosus, Thunb. Diss. 16, n. 14; wane Enum, iii. 413. festio ramiflorus, Nees in Linnea v. 644, Calopsis paniculata, Desv. in Aun. Se. Nat. xiii. —— ee 44, t. 3, fig. 2; Kunth, Enum. li. 421 ; Steud. Synops. ii. S AFRICA: without er Thunberg, 3! Burchell, 5813! Mund! Thom! Drége,5! 167b! ast Region: Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Burchell, ots Sig Mountain, Scott-Elliot, 140! Ecklon, sto! Cape Flats, Ecklon , 568! bet * ph geese 5 aod Devils Mountain, Drege, 167! regs hon os) Paarl Monten Drege, mila hades oe Div. ; s of rivers uear Houw Hoe . ie MacOw Afr., 1667 +E ite ihage Div. ; Znnreehe Be eg "a ‘26! Revlon ana Zeyher, 540 ! Ka N ReGion: Tembuland; aes Mountain, 4000 ft., Baur, 506! aa ick valley near Bevaan Falls, Wood, 3195! es in stature and in the form of the brac The form with very small mpikelow occurring in Tembuland may turn out on a the type of a distinct species. 2. L. neglectus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 225); stems 2-3 ft. high, erect, terete, s slightly branched, olive-coloured, covered with small white tubereles’ leaf-sheaths 4—% in. long, tightly convolute, strongly subulate-mucronate ; male and fem ale inflorescence pluri- sessile or keel ; iuner 3 smaller, hyaline ; antbers linear, apiculate ; ovary “Bh roundish, surrounded by 3 stamin odes. in C. g. Phan. i. 334. Calopsis neglecta, Hochstetter in Flora, 1845, 338 ; titi Synops. ii. 258. Sourn Arrica: without locality, Dréye,.68, 9 ! . L. Burchellii (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 222); stems 3 ft. high, erect, branching ; sterile stems leafy; branches olive-coloured, coarsely tubercled ; leaf-sheaths 1 in. long, loosely convolute, mem- branous at the edges, subulate-mucronate; ‘smaller sheaths 7 + in. long, foliaceous- -Mueronate; male spikelets: 1-5, agg ac ? Segments oblong, purple-spotted ; lateral conduplicate, villous on the eel; inner similar, smalle ttish ; anthers linear-oblong, apicu- each many-flowered, oblong. lanceolate, about + in. long, protected by an aristate spathe ; Perianth- -segments ctilories lances lateral conduplicate, not villous; S310 trigonous-oblong; stigmas 3. Mast. in DU. slonog. Phan. i. ‘8 eis i ION: Riversdale Div.; at the foot of the Lan Pa’ ree Pn ey ria nurchatl 7s, aan fa Vet River and ce s River, aude 7185, g und 2! Geo ; Wolf Drift, Maigat ee “Durehell g! 118 RESTIACE® (Masters). [ Leptocarpus. 4. L. incurvatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc, x. 223) ; stems decumbent, 2-3 ft. long, sparingly branched; branches ee spotted ; sterile branches with leafy sheaths; leaf-sheaths about + long, loosely convolute, recurved at the filaceous-aristate apex ; ality sheaths foliaceous-mucronate ; male spikelets 4-8, in linear spike- like cymes, each spikelet 2 in. and upwards long, oblong- ovoid, with a sheath-like open spathe at the base; bracts ultimately loosely spreading, oblong, acute, coriaceous, subulate-mucronate beneath t | late ; a 4 stipitulate ; fruit rn fae awe three-sided. Mast. : | DC. ” Mon ic Phe 4 SSR: Restio incurvatus, Thunb: Fl. Cap. i 88. Ree vimineus, Rotth. Descr. et Ic. 4, : 2, 1 era incurvata, Kunth, Enum. iii. 427; Steud. Syno ii. 358, ae sis — Kunth, Enum, iii. 425 ; Steud. Site: ii. 258 . T Reeton: Clanwilliam Div. ; ‘ditns between Jakhals River and Klip Pontetn lowe = ft., Drége, 2481, 9! af Fla id b O23 _s Fx} 39 2 e Bay, Robertson! ens “Aa Stellenbosch D a hoe 900 13 ehlechte t, 7208! Paar! ze vne pti sich ree rei Tulba agh Div. ; "ares ulbagh Waterfall, 1200 ft, ease We eax Rear0N : Little Namaqualand ; Kamies Bergen, 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 62! 63a iid 5. L. oxylepis (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 223); stems 2-3 ft. long, erect from a decumbent ae sparingly branched, glabrescent or tomentose ; ; leaf-sheaths about 1 | i ; fem ~ pike 3-6 in linear, nea cymes, each about | rer n. lon soy owen oblong, protected by an open spathe of . equal lengli bracts oblong, acute; outer oo ag a oblong; obtuse purple-s spotted; lateral carinate villous; inner obovate- — spathulate, ultimately longer or the outer ; frait Seiatias clavate. Mast.in DC. Monog. Phan. i. Calopsis oxylepis, Kunth, Enum. iii. 497 « Steud. Synops, ii. 258. Coast Rear0y Clanwilliam Div.; near prac ipeade and suet River, 2500-3000 ft., Drége, 38! Ceder Hengen: 6 y flats near Hz-ls Bank, +000 ft., Drag és 3u ! 2501! between Gaus Thee and W Pst Eee 2500-3000 ft., Drdye, 2500 partly ! . : 6. L. peronatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 224); stems 2 ft. high, terete, slightly inca: putea ascending ; leaf-sheaths cf 1 in. long,- loosely convolute or recu tved, mucronate-aristate ; m spikelets numerous, in linear little-branched cymes ; each scikelet a i Leptocarpus. | RESTIACEE (Masters). 119 4 In. long, cylindric-Janceolate, sometimes curved, protected by a sheath-like spathe of equal length ; bracts oblong elliptic, shining, shertly mucronate; outer perianthaeeee oblong ; lateral con- duplicate, villous on the keel; inner 3 smaller, flat, united at the base ; anthers oblong, obtuse, apiculate ; female ig Aa pus numerous, in erect, linear, much-bra nched cymes; spikelets 2 in. long, cylindric- lanceolate, many-flowered ; bracts elliptic, Srucecnnte perianth- segments ‘oblong, obtuse ; lateral conduplicate, villous on the keel; inner shorter, oblong, obtuse, flat or slightly involute ; ovary oblong, obtuse, somewhat 3-sided, surmounted ‘by a yellow epigynous disc ; stigmas 3 3. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 333. Calopsis peronata, Kunth, Enum iii. 426 ; Steud. Synops. ii. 258, 2. Var. hirtellus Aes in sae Linn. Soc. 24); stems and branches pubescent. Mast.in DC. Mor Phan. i. 334. oats hirtella, Kunta, See: lil, 426 ; Steudel, oueet: ii. 25 58. : AST REGION; gy i liam Div. ; between Grasberg River and Watervals ore: 2500-3000 ft., Drege, 2499, ot both a glabrous type and the pubescent variety are Savibates under this number, r. B, from the same locality, Drege, 2500 partly ! . L. modestus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 225); stems l- i ft. high, terete, pipe spotted, slightly Seta: + pert erect or spreading, filiform ; leaf-sheaths 3 in, long, pep haere coriaceous, membranous at the pex, prolonged ale a long, deciduous awn ; he Phan, fi Niehantker lus modestus, Kunth, Soke ill. 434. Restio paleaceus, tele partly, in various herbaria ex Mast. tn Journ. Linn. Soe. 225. R. fruticosus, Thunberg herb. ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Ser. xiv. 417. Sourg a without — Drage, 7! Ecklon and Zeyher, 82! Ast ReGion: Cape if Table Mountain or Devils Mountain below 1000 ft. Pe e ahead Mhore Div. ; Grahamstown, Ecklon! between Donker d Houw Hoek Mount: ains, Burchell, : ' cane Reon: Albany Div. ; near Riebeek, ‘Burchell, 3470! VII. THAMNOCHORTUS, Bergius. Perianth- -segments 6 in two rows; outer lateral generally longer, navic cular, more or less keeled or winged. Stamens 3 ; filaments filiform ; anthers oblong-linear, 1-celled, ” dehiscing length- Female per ianth as in’the male, but the lateral segments more pea Winged. Staminodes none, or only I-celled, 1-seeded ; 120 REsTIACEE (Masters). [Thamnochortus, styles 1-8. Fruit indehiscent, enclosed within the persistent perianth, compressed, 1-celled, 1-seeded, surmounted by the remains. of t es. Herbaceous perennials, with a creeping or co eg stock ; stems erect, reli at the base with sheathing scales; leaf-sheaths closely convolute, pores s prolonged into a linear leaf ; male and female sidlashaey nee alike or dissimilar, tim ‘hale usually “with many spikelets in a panicled cyme; femule spikelets 12 of cymose. DistriB. Endemic. Style 1 Male pacts Panictes » much-branched, atone spkelets numero female inflorescence a lor ng : 3 ma linear, dhibags aenbe 3 bracts ia (1) spicigerus. Male Je spelt ovoid-oblong 5 ie oblong, : (2) giganteus. Male se small, ‘ovate-oblong 5 ” bracts oblon meena, or acuminate . Fee AS) scirpiformis. Male stkset vag ulous pikel bo long, o (4) rlpspebit Oe Shikelet . long, si ram Peas (5) argenteu Male cnflbrencsuss ‘acai ‘panicled , short, oceupying stem : and upwards : male care very acute, gradually tapering ah (€) elongatus. pers <. male flower oveid-obloug, Bde acumin eg oe (7) dichotomus. Male tine less han ng : Male ac ‘ty Sano $ rac “—, mucronate (8) erectus. Bact "ances eolate; inner pe rianthseg- ‘ male) longer mene a (9) platypteris. Male sikelt ‘clonidlaas spre : Bracts oblong, acute, asaricess ... (10) Burchell. Styles 2- Male Sad female Infloreeence aa male spikes numerous; female spikes ned shea ths obtuse at the apex, with a prolonged in apr apncete about % in. sig deteed, pear- ge wrinkled, spotted 11) umbellatus. ems not canis ed, very ae spotted (12) imbricatus. Male a suborbicular, Jess than } in. long : s prominently tubereled .. wiv wow (18) corns. infl Male and finite orescence similar Spikelets at least 4 in. long; rendre ee ce gat distichus. ikelets about 4 in. long; bracts oblon 15) carscinus. IMPERFECTLY KNOWN SPECIES. Inflorescence eet : Bracta lenceols a gracilis. Bracts ov ohh .. (17) floribuncus. Bracts dllsegpiebadlian acuminate ; spike. lets cylindric .. (18) occultus. ervey St in terminal elongated spikes ; - stems riuted a .. (19) striatus. a Thamnoch ortus.] RESTIACE& (Masters). 121 1. T. spicigerus (R. Br. Prod. 244, in note) ; stems 3-4 ft. high, erect, terete, taintly puncticulate ; leaf-sheaths i 2 in. long , tightly eonvolute, coriaceous, acumi inate, striate, ultimately lacerate at the free end; male spikelets ape numerous, in loose, much-branched, erect, panicled cymes 6-10 in. long; branches spreading ; each spikelet about + in. long, at first linear-cylindric, ultimately oblong ; spathe lanceolate, bract- like, much shorter than the spikelet; bracts in 6 rows, ultimately spreading, coriaceous, ferruginous, lanceolate, scarcely mucronate, about the length of the oblong stipitulate ower; perianth-segments rigid ; outer lateral boat-shay ed, the rest rather flat, oblong, acute; the inner shortest ; anthers linear- -oblong, apiculate ; female plant ‘Tike the male; spike ets less numerous, minate, coriaceous, ehestnut-brown; flowers suborbicular, arcuate, flattened ; lateral perianth- -segments glabrous, deeply keeled, the rest flattish ; ovary —— style 1. Kunth, Hnum. iii. 440; Steud. Synops. ii. 260; Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i, 314, Restio Ca ee Thunb. Diss, 11, fig. 56; in Usteri, Delect. i, 46, t. 2, ig. 5 Flora Cap. ed. Schuites, 84; Thunb. herb. ex Mast. tm ieee gon Soc. xiv. 419, 420 Sour AFkica: without locality, Thunb, d ad 9 wae lg Coast Recion : ap orn ‘Div.; near Gro Klo 4236, 9! Cape Div. ; Cape Flats, Ecklon, 567! kn a fie reeery Bolus, 446,21 4450,9! Sult River, Drege, 227, Sand! ‘paint Stout, terete, slightly stan oro ekg givi - off numerous tufts of slender bra s at the nodes; lower sheaths about 2 in. long, tightly convolute except at the tips, lanceolate, coriaceous, membranous and torn at the tips; upper sheaths similar, but 5p, and prolonged into a curved, linear leaf; male spikelets numerous, in loose, branching, panicled cymes nearly a foot long ; branches spreading or pendulous; spikelet 1-1 in. long, oblong, Coast Ree rEcks le Ds; lower part of the Lange Bergen, about the waterfall at - Ya ile ey ecemng Pic fe ner p Kampsche Berg, Burchell, 6994! George Div.; bet ween Lange Vallei and Touw River, Burchell, 5711/2!- Humansdorp | Div. ; Kromme River, below 1000 ft., Drége, 2! 8. T. scirpiformis (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 228); s erect, terete, slender, olivaceous, puncticulate, wrinkle leai- a eae oy r in, long, tightly convolute, acuminate, coriaceous, striate, thinner, and lacerate, membranous at the margins; male spikelets 122 RESTIACE® (Masters). [ iy chortus. numerous, in terminal, yeh eymes ; spikelets many- -flowered, abou “ 1 in. long; bracts oblong, coriaceous, dull brown, subulate- mucronate ; upper Se ceninmle. outer perianth-segments oblong, acute ; sea lateral conduplicate, keeled, glabrous ; other segments linear- oblong, acute, flattish ; eS ee like the male ; ‘spikelets 3-4, subglobose, the size of a e pea, arranged in a linear, spicate cyme ; bracts ids eit: ; outer lateral perianth-segments deeply-winged ; ovary compressed, suborbicular. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 318. Restio scirpiformis, Nees in various herbaria. . Coast Region: Sand-dunes near Cape Town, Ecklon and Zeyher, g and?! No specimen in Kew Herbarium. a 4. T. fruticosus (Bergius, Fl. Cap. 353, t. 5, f. 8); rootstock ee densely elad with _ Ehesceyy sar sheaths ; sterile s 6-8 in. long, much-branc branchlets faseicled, filiform, ea) spotted ; fertile stems 11-2 ft. a, wees: terete, covered with ranching, as in the sterile stem ; leaf-sheaths about 1-12 in. long, closely convolute, coriaceous, lanceolate, acute ; smaller sheaths with two yaline, membranous lobes near the apex, and with numerous cilia projecting from the inner surface ; apex pr rolonged into a linear leaf; male spikelets numerous, in erect, loosely branched, panicled cymes 8-9 in. long ; branches spreading or deflexed ; spathe e bract- like, lanceolate, acuminate; spikelet ly 1 in. long, oblong, wing glabrous; anthers apiculate ; female plant as in the male; inflorescenee less branched; spikelets 5-9 in erect, linear, spicate cymes about 2} in. long, sessile or pedunculate, erect or r appressed, each about 1s in. long ; Spathe eos longer than the spikelet ; bracts lanceolate, coriaceous, membran at the margins; perianth- segments oe linear-oblong , acute ; ports lateral with a narrow, glabrous wing; ovary ovoid, “with a single style. Mast. 0 Linn. Soe . 229; DE: Monog. Phan. i. 316. Restio dechotonia . Linn . Syst. Wed ed. 12, 11. 735, not of Rottboell! R. scariosus, i Thunb. Diss. 1573 in Ustert, Delect. i i. 49%; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 61 mnochortus scariusus, R. Brown, Prod. 244, in note; Kunth, Enum. iii. 430; Steud. Synops. ii. 259, BR. eriophorus, Reichb. : tn herb. Sieber. R. Thamnochortus, Thunb. herb. partly ex Mast. ‘ in Journ. Linn. Soe. xiv. 420, : Var. 8, glaber (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc 229); stems siipirc Pega spikelets larger than in the type ; outer eruncaaei nts narrowly w Sovurn Arrica : without locality, Sieber, 230, ¢! : ! sy seg Bos is ¥, Svever, é! Thom, 916, gand ?! ee Coast REa@t lats, rays hae Burchell, 180, $! near Wynbergs Drége, 130, Pre Walicki Table tain near Constantia sh ; daghett the fout of Devils Mountain, 200 ft., Dolee a 729, @! Culedon Die; Nicuw Kloot, Thi hortus. | RESTIACEX (Masters). 123 Houw Hoek oh ae Burchell, 8131! Var. 8, Knysna ee ee Melville, Burchell, 5462 (no 564. 42 as formerly quoted), gf! and 554 and?! Port Elizabeth Div. ; Cahir the oo sens River near Port Hlizabeth, Borne, 4363, 9! Port Elizabeth, E.S.C.A ses 160, $! 497, 2! Albany Div.; near Brookhuizens Poort t, 1800 ft., MacOwan, 633, 2! of slender branchlets at the nodes; leaf-sheaths 11-2 in. long, closely convolute, coriaceous, acute, deeply membranous and lacerate above; smaller sheaths muc smaller hyaline and lacerate above ; apex ata is into a small curved leaf; male ob ee a ong ; ments smaller, flattish ; anthers apiculate; female plant like the Male; spikelets in less branched c¢ mes, erect, each spikelet 1; in. Segments obtuse, apiculate ; kee eeply winged, glabrous; fruit compressed, orbicular, surmounted by a single style. Steud. Synops. li, 259 ; Mast. 7 in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 317. Restio argenteus, Thunb, Dis. 14, R. scariosus, Thunb. herb. ex Mast.in Journ, Linn. Soe. xiv, 420, Sourn AFRICA: om —s Masso OAST REGION : Cap hills below gs Mountain, Thaeheroes Saws Caledon Div. ; Ch 3000-4000 ft., Drege, 161la, 9! Swellendam Div. ; between Sparrbosch and Tradouw, 100072000 ft., ‘Drege, ivers- dale lower part of ange Bergen, about the waterfall at “ Valley ivers gal Burchell, 8978, 3 nd?! Humansdorp Div.; Kromme River, under 1000 ¢ Dréye, 1611b, g! Uitenhage Div.; Van Stadens yy 1500 ft., ml 1509, 7 Ecklon and Zeyher, 291, °! Port Elizabeth, £.S.C.4. Herb., CENTRAL Reg GION: Prince Albert Div. ; Great Zwart Bergen, near Klaarstroom, 00-4000 ft. , Drege, 132b, $! and 9607, 3! 6. T. elongatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 226 and xiv. 416) ; stems tufted, 2-3 ft. high, slender, erect, terete, white spotted ; sterile stems much bran ched ; uitimate branches filiform, curved, leafy ; leaf- Sheaths tightly convolute, = Pe? in. long, coriaceous, dull brown, striate, m nou lacerate ; male spikelets numerous, in somewhat rounded panicled cymes, sessile or peduncled, erect or sometimes drooping ; spikelets 2-4 in. long, oblong, flattened ; spathe lanceolate, half the length of the spikelet ; racts ultimately spreading, deltoid- lanceolate, acu- » Coriaceous, chestnut-brown, membran ous at the margins ; linear-o ong; peri rianth-segments linear-oblong, acute ; ateral Sets, winged-carinate, glabrous ; female plant like eS spikelets 3-7, in erect spike-like cymes 2-4 in. long, 124 RESTIACE® (Masters). [Thamnochortus. each spikelet oblong, 1—% in. long, spathe sheath-like, lacerate, as long as the spikelet ; bracts ultimately loose at the tips, deltoid- lanceolate, acuminate, shining, brown, membranous at the margins; flowers orbicular, Samicd. arcuate ; outer sie perianth-segments deeply keeled ; ovary ovoid, globose. ast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 320. Restio elongatus, Thunb. im Hojfm. Phy Stor Blatt.i.7; in Weber and Mohr, Archiv.i. 25; “i Cap. i. ed Schultes, 83%; Th shad, herb. ex Mast. in Journ. Li nn. Soc. xiv. 416. RB. acini Steudel in Flora, 1829, i, 134, not of Pareke: fe nutans, ceria sas Ce not of Fl. Cap. ed. Schultes, 84; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe 6. Thamnochortus dichotomus, Kunth Enum. iii. 433, partly ; fe in Journ. Soc. Linn. LInnd. x. 229, partly. Restio paleaceus, Nees partly, in various herbaria. Sout a | without booms hae Mie 2! Berg Cape Bol 4102, don : ! Mossel Bay Div. ; ; hills near ae desde at Mossel Bay, Pirckall, 6284! E Very variable and often confounded with T. dichotomus, oie which it differs in the larger spikelets, and in the spathes and bracts being gradually and sharply, not abruptly, acuminate. Under the same numbers the two ajetice are frequently poy io ey in herbaria, 7. T. dichotomus (R. Br. Prodr. 244, in note) ; rootstock creeping, covered with dark brown scales; stems 1-3 ft. high, erect, slender, terete, olivaceous, with white disc-like markings ; fertile stems uu- branched or only slightly forked ; sterile stems shorter, much branched, leafy ; leaf- sheaths tightly convolute, 1-11 in. long, coriaceous, dull spreading ; spikelets } in. long, sessile or pedunculate, at first cylindric, acute, su sequently oblong, many-flowered ; spathe bract-like, half the length of the spikelet; bracts ultimately loosely spreadin tips, oblong, abruptly acuminate, pale, ferruginous, hyaline at the margins; outer lateral perianth-segments conduplicate, apiculate, ecarcely keeled, the others oblong flattish; female plant like the 5 ) er [ad ras) glabro ous ; the aia lena ae flattish fruit subglobose. — Enum. iii. 433, partly ; Steud. Synops ii, 259; Bast. im Jo Linn. Soc.- x. 229; DC. — . Phan. i, 318, Restio dic. "a Rottbvell, Deser. et Ic. 2, t. ¥ fia 1, not of Linnens. Linn. Soc. xiv. 420. RB, paleaceus, Nees partly, in various yee Thamnochortus. | RESTIACE® (Masters). 125 Thamnochortus consanguineus, Kunth, Enum. 437° -.. Hj oe 9, Kunth, Enum. iii, 430. 3 bromoides, Kunth, Enum. i eg Arrica: without locality, Sieber, 114, 2! 116, ¢! 223! Drége, 136! c ' REGION : Clanwilliam Div.; between Grasberg River and Watervals pba! 2500-3000 ft., Dréye, met 3! Cap e Div.; Devils Mountain, 1800 ft., Bolus, 4753 | Table Mountain or Devils Mount tain, Vrége, 138a,2! Table Mountain, ace pe To 882, Fo * . ! ay Div.; At Kloof, oe. Caledon Div. ; Nieuw Kloof, Honw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8126, Jand ?! MacOwan, 3046, @! mountains of Baviaans Kloof, near Genadendal, Burchell, 7595 ,gand 9! Very variable and sometimes difficult to distingush from JZ’. elongatus, with which it is fre uently associated by collectors and in herbaria. The bracts of the latter plant are more straight- sided, deltoid, and not curved at the margins. 8. T. erectus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. 419) ; stems 2-3 ft. eae aicudien, yellowish, puncticulate, white- spotted ; sheaths about in, long, closely convolute, coriaceous, dull brown, striate, thinner at the sharply acuminate apex; male spikelets numerous, in ter- z S, = a ie ® 3. Le Dd ~ ® a ch tte cS bs ot, (5~) *$ S D a a ba 4 ~ ob ipa) ba = i~ 3 Ss Diss herb ex Mas ks Seat, Linn Boe. 6 4 ok ab adam Nea partly in sia herbari Sourn es FRICA: without ~ ty, Thunberg, $! Grey, 3! Sag Rreion: Ca ape Fl nth Re hmann, J 1813! 1814! Tulbagh +3 near Tulbagh, Ecklon wae Zeyher, Gand 3! “a a platypteris (Kunth, Enum. iii. 429, 9); stems 2-3 ft. high, ; ae terete, of the thickness of a crow’s quill, unbranched, white- thi a leaf-she aths 11-2 in. long, closely convolute, lanceolate, va © edges; male spikes numerous, in short, terminal, spike ea nodding panicles; spathes as long as or long lets, lanceolate, membranous, chestnut-brown ; spikelets { in. 126 ResTIACEE (Masters). = [| Thamnochortus. long, sessile or on slender stalks of ths same length, oblong, shorter than the bracts; perianth-segments oblong, acute ; lateral ightly winged; inner flattish, linear-oblong, longer than the outer segments ; female ‘plant as in the male ; spikelets 2-5, aggregate at eye ends of the stems, subglobose, or somewhat flattened, about in. long; spathes lanceolate, acuminate, longer than the spikelet ; er lanceolate, acuminate ; flowers stipitulate, flattened, as long as the bracts ; lateral perianth-segments very deepl winged, with glabrous keel; inner shorter; fruit oblique, ovoid, 1-celled, Laeoiets style Persistent. Steud. Synops. ii. 258 ; Mast. in DC. Mon Phan 2. AST ‘teases: Clanwilliam Div.; Oliphants River, Zeyher ! between Gras- ee River and Watervals River, 2500-3000 ft., Drage, 2002a, $! 2512, 2! Gift Berg, 1500-2500 ft., Drége, 2502b, $! 189, 2! - 27; t. 5, fig. 8, ab); rootatock creeping ; stems 2-3 ft. oe “erect, terete, of the thickness of a crow’s quill, olivaceous, puncticulate ; leaf- about 1 sheaths in. long, tightly convolute, coriaceous, upper edge membranous ; apex mucronulate- aarti male spikelets numerous, spreading, in ’ terminal, short, much- branched, panicled cymes, about in. long ; spathes lanceolate, acuminate, half the length of the spikelet ; "Gallo about 4 lin. long, sessile or pedicellate, oblong, compress “etapa reuate ; bracts $ convex, coriaceous, Stans , acute, scarcely subpaniculate cymes, each about + in. eae. Onaee aac many-flowered ; bracts lanceolate, ultimately spreading ; outer lateral perian th-segments bis aed winged ; inner three involute, shorter than the outer; ovary o SourH Arrica: ae ane als 129, gand 9! Saad Recroy : Malmesbur ear Groene Kloof, 3C0 ft., Bolus, 4237, 3! Cape Div. ; Cape Flats, Bolus, 4449, he ! Mossel Ba y Div. ; ; between Great Brak River cad Little Brak River, yee 6169, send ! 11. T. umbellatus (Kunth, Enum, iii. 440); stems caespitose, pro- current, 2-3 ft. long, slender, erect, unbranched, terete, papillose ; leaf-shonthe? i in. long, coriaceous, fuscous, nervoso-striate, membr anous at the ovate, acute oe mucronu eat male eesunia ied # pedi- a rte gp nged keel: female plant as in the male kate 1-2, terminal, ae cylindric or oblong, m elie ear thes ess than 1 in. long ; spathe acute; bracts squarrose, oblong-lanceolate, sub- muticous, coriaceous, nervoso- -striate, longer than the flowers; outer perianth- -segments arcuate, oblong, acute, conduplicate, winged-carl- nate; inner oblong-lanceolate; ovary turbinate, compressed, soins Th hortus.] | RESTIACEH (Masters). 127 ceous, I-celled; Se 3. Se PB fe: il. 260; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 232; DC. Mon Pie: Restio "rae eas Thunb. Diss, li. fin 5; Us itty Dae i. rie 2, jig. l. Cap. ed. Schult. 84, not a his herbarium. RB penton Rotth. Deser. et Ic. 8, t. 3, fig. 5, as to the female. Le eptocarpus distachyos, A. Br. Prod. 980, | Staberoha distachya, Kunth, HKnum. iii. 444 ; Steud. Synops. ii. 257, Soutnm Arica : without bovine ciety ge ba 6! 2b,6! Coast REGIon: Malme esehedaties Kloof, 300 ft., Bolus, 4239, $1! Cape Div.; Ta pet He ain; 2800 fb; , Bolus, 4455:9 1. Ieeklon: f pe Flats, near Rondebosch, Burchell, 196! Caledon Div. ; between , Burchell, 7931, 8 Mossel Bay Div os betwee ossel Bay and Zout River, Burchell, 6319, dand 2?! compressed ; spathe bie iy shorter shiek the spikelet ; bracts onter lateral acute, slightly cael’. wlabits us; inner 3 sm inalia female plant as in the male ; spikelets s 1 or 2, sessile, or stalked, afterwards Spreading at the tips, ovate-oblong, acute, coriaceous, thinner alone the upper margin, undulate, ultimately deciduous ; outer be topcoat subequal ; lateral navicular, P psig aes deeply w ; wing sometimes undulate and erose at the margin ; every pyriform, with 2 styles; fruit oblong, obtuse, ceneen by the remains of the styles. Mast. 7 n DC. Monog. Phan, i. 325. Restio imbricatus, Thunb. Diss. 9, fig. G Usteri, Delect. i. 43, t. 2, 9. 1; fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 83 ; Thunb. herb. ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. 421. R. umbellatus, 3, B, in Thunb. herb. ex Mast. in Journ, Tims — xiv. 415. 2. spicigerus, B, culmo mono- stachyo, Nees in Linnea, v. 647. Leptocarpus imbricatus, R. Brown, Prod. 250, Staberoha imbr icata, Kunth, Enum. iii. 442, ¢- Thamno- chortus emulus, Kunth, Enum. iii. 439, VaR. 8, stenopterus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc, x. 231, and xiv. 416); outer lateral —— -Segmeuts with a narrow wing. Staberoha stenoptera, Kunth, Enum. ij 43. Restio eager “yet Steud. Synops. ii. 261. Restio vasinatus, ie. "Diss 10; in Usteri, Delect. i. 44; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult, 83; Thunberg ev Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. ay, 416. Sourn Avrica ; without locality ; Var- B, wily Shae pe thi ége, 29, 21 83, 9 Pena Reeton: Clanwilliam bie. r Berge m rége. 24,5! 351, 9! 200 ee he ming ; hear Groene “Koo, 00 ft., Bolu "fee, e! Mamre, 100- ch 4 » 1180, 3! Cape D ween Wonberg and Constantia, Bur- m2 89, 3! r Cape Flats, eeikers fers 4430,9! 4451, 9! Burke, J! Table 128 RESTIACE (Masters). [ Thamnochortus. gh ain, Milne, 227, ! Simons Bay, M wae 433, ah ! Stellenbosch Div. ? ; of Bre Sree uw At Sigg pote Worcest ; River Valley, near Darling Bridze, 8v0 ft., “Bolu 2880, ¢ and | eres Biv Flats near Ceres, =i tt., Bolus; ots +! Stellenbosch Div. ; Hottentots Holland, Zeyher, 3! orcester Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drege, 27,9! 1636, $¢! 1603, 3! Sweet Valley (? ‘dete, Melks Valet i in Caledon Div.), Wallich ! rae 18. T. cernnus (Kunth, Enum. iii. 439, ¢); stems erect, terete, slender, 18 in. long, coarsely tubercled, with flat, regular, dise-like rominences ; sterile stems when present shorter, sparingly branched; branches filiform, curved; cauline sheaths 1-11 in. long, tightly convolute, thinner at the apex, gradu ally tapering, obsoletely nodding ; spikelets 1-3 in. long, cc alone ultimately clavate ; spathe oblong, “acute, mucronate, as long as the spikelet; bracts at first closely overlapping, ultimately loosely impbricate, oblong-obovate, coriaceous, ferruginous, shortly mucronate ; flowers arcuate, shorter than the bracts ; eats dep tnenite linear-oblong ; lateral conduplicate, with a narrow keel; female plant like the male ; spikelets solitary or twin, many-flowe red, cuneate-oblong, § in. ong; bracts loosely imbricate, oblong-lanceolate, longer than the orbicular flowers; perianth-segments membranous, ‘with ‘purple lines ; outer lateral deeply winged- carinate, with lacerate keel ; intermediate oblong, obtuse, membranuns, lacorate and fringed ; inner 3 oblong, obtu use, lacerate ; fruit oblong, obtuse, coriaceous, 1: celled, 1-seeded, sadehiicent; Plead ast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x . 232; DC. Monog. Phan. i. 325, t. 2, ‘fig. 28-37 ; t. 5, fig. 8, e-d. Restio cernuus, Thunb. Diss. 10, fig. 2 ; Gant Delect. i, 45, t. 2, fig. 2; and Thund. herb. ex Mast. . Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. 415. R. spicigerus, Lam. Td. t,. S04, fo, 2. He. umbellatus, Thunb. herb. partly ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe, xiv. 415, not of Thunb. Diss Coast Region : Cape Div. ; Cape Flats, Drége, ai 3g! near Cape T Town, Bolus, 2881, 3! Camps Bay, Burchell, 340, Sy Table Mountain, MacGillivray, 434, 3! hills below Table Mountain, Thunberg ! near Beker Town, Milne, 217, $! Voreester Div, ; Drakenstein Mountains, wid Bains Kloof, 1600-2000 ft., Bolus, 103, $! Riversdale Div. ; lower part of the Lange Bergen, near Kampeche Berg; Burchell, 6963, J and 2! or of the spikelets. Had they not been already separated by Kunth, it might e been better to have considered them as forms of one variable species. up T. distichus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 233) ; a S| 1-2 ft. high, slender, terete, nimple or slightly aad, olivaceous, leaf-sh white-tuberel ed ; eaths 3 in. long, closely eonvolute, conse mucronate, aristate, deeply mem branous near the apex ; sterile a i shorter, more branched, leafy; male spikelets 2-5 at she a of t stem, each about } in. long, oblong, compressed ; spathe oblong, pee gr ee ee eee ee ee ee Thamnochortus. | RESTIACE® (Masters). 129 acuminate, aristate, as long as the spikelet; bracts ultimately loosely spreading, lanceolate, convex, coriaceous, longer than the flowers ; outer perianth-segments oblong, obtuse; lateral boat-shaped, about + in. long, ¢ cylindric, aeute, ultimately compressed, oblong, many-flowered; spathe lane eolate, acuminate, shorter than the spikelet ; bracts ultimately loosely imbricate, lanceolate, coriaceous ; shorter, flatter, united at the base; staminodes none; ovary cuneate, trigonous, 2-celled; stigmas 3. Mast. in DC, Monog. Phan. i. 326. Restio distichus, Rottb. Progr. 11; Descr. et Ie. Steud. Synops. ii. 254; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 248 and x. 233. Restio punctulatus, Nees ex Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soc. vill, 242. R. v vimineus, Linn. herb.! Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soc. ‘590. Coast Reaion : Cape Div. ; Pars Mountain, Drége, 64, g! Cape Fla Bolus, 4484, 31 Pampoens Kra Zeyher, a Tulbagh Div. ; Witsen Berg me Skurfde Berg, near Tulbagh, Zehr, 3511737, 5! Riversdale Div. ; lower part of the Lange Bergen, near Kampsche Berg, Burchell, 7040, 3! 15. T. caricinus (Mast, in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 327); stems erect, terete, simple, olive- coloured, puncticulate ; jeaf-sheathe closely convolute, about t 1 in. long, coriaceous, striate, tapering, ultimately perianth-segments oblo ong, muticous; outer lateral narrowly winged, cela’ the remaining segments flattish; anthers apiculate ; female un Sourn Arrica: without locality, Masson ! Thom, 900, 3! Coast Reeion + Cape Div.; Simons Bay, Wight! 6. T. gracilis (Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. 1 i, 327); stem 23 ft. high, slender, erect, terete ; leaf-sheaths in. long, closely Prect, sparingly branched cyme, 2-3 in. long; each spikelet 2 lines eid erect, many-flowered, oblon ng, obtuse ; spathe lanceolate, nate, a8 long as the spikelet ; bracts coriaceous, shining brown, lanceolate, acuminate ; upper margin white, membranous ; flowers ] 3 Compressed; outer perianth-segments oblong, obtuse ; Bey boat-shaped, deeply keeled; keel glabrous ; staminodes none ; He ov void-globose ; style solitary. Darl ii, 786 pu wor Div. ; Mountains of Baviaans Kloof, near Genadendal, VEX, K 130 RESTIACEE (Masters). [Thammnochortus. 17. T. floribundus (Kunth, Enum. iii. 435); stems aie erect, terete, minutely puncticulate ; spikelets oblong, 2-3 lin. long ; bracts loosely imbricate, shining; perianth-segments ferrug ae two outer lateral shorter than | the others, mucronate, with a shallow, glabrous keel; anthers l-celled. Steud. Synops. ii. 259 ; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. x. 231, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 32 8. Coast Recion: Reynaud. No specimen at Kew. 18, ? T. occultus (Mast.); stem erect, 2 ft. high, terete, olivaceous, with whitish, flat tubercles, sparingly Leaded leaf- sheath 8 $ in n spreading or pendulous, flattened; male spikelets about 2 in. long, oblong, acute, with an open sheath-like spathe at the ba ase ; bracts oblong- lanceolate, coriaceous, ssed, chestnut-brown, €X- ceeding the flowers; outer vic iant Dense linear-oblong ; two lateral conduplicate, glabrous ; intermediate flat, with a gun inner 3 membranous, rather shorter than the outer ; anthers apiculate ; rudiment of pistil minute, with traces of ‘itee 8 i Reeton: Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, 2000-3000 ft., Drég’ 1612, 2! 19. T. striatus (Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 339); stems 3-4 ft. high, erect, striate ; leaf-sheaths 14 in. long, tightly convolute, acuminate, mucronate, striated ; female spikelets numerous, in long spike-like cymes, each nearly half an inch long, obovate; bracts lanceolate, mucronate ; outer perianth-segments acute ; tinal navicular, wit! 0 pressed, roundish ; style simple. Steud. Synops. ii. 260 Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 231, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 328. elongatus, Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 339, not of Mast. Coast Region : Cape Div. ; Cape Flats, Krauss. No specimen at Kew. Allied to T. spicigerus ? VIII. HYPOLANA, R. Br. e inflorescence 1-pluristachyate. Spikelets 1—many-flowered, ocean by a spathe. Perianth-segments 6, in two rows; outer larger, thicker ; lateral conduplicate. Bicedgs 3; anthers 1-cell Fema le spikes solitary, or few, 1-flowered. Peri ranth — stipitate, 6-partite, biseriate ; segments appressed to the sessile, 1-celled ovaty- Styles 2. Fruit ovoid or trigonous, 1-celled, indehiscent, page pex with an epigynous dise. Seed solitary, pendulous from the a the single cavity. Perennials with erect, branching stems, and close leaf-sheaths. Distr. South-west Australia, | | | | | Hypolena.] RESTIACEZ (Masters). 131 Stems narrowly winged... Stems not winged ; ale spikelets in spicate or panicled cymes ; ale spikelets placed edgewise to the axis: Spikelets flattened : pikelets 4-4} lin. long, somewhat ; crowded ; stems wiry, erect +» (2) impolita, Spikelets 2-3 lin, long, remote : Stems very nder, _erect, sparingly branched; spikelets (1) anceps. broad .., ove ik eee Stems filiform, spreading, dif- fusely branched; spikelets (3) browniana. narrow .., (4) diffusa. Spikelets cylindric : Spikelets clustered, subcapitate : Bracts acute, mucronulate . . . (5) eckloniana, Bracts oblong, obtuse... .. (6) incerta, Spikelets loosely panicled ; : Bracts aristate ... so. «es (7). lgxifiora. (8) aspera. sracts acuminate wae ve Spikelets in linear, spicate cymes : Spathes and bracts acuminate, f aristate.., ise fe .» (9) tenuis, Spathes and bracts shortly 4 ? mucronate sce ys ... (10) filiformis. Male spikelets with one surface turned towards the axis: ; Spikelets remote; bracts coriaceous _... (11) virgata. Spikelets rather crowded ; bracts scarious * .. at the tips... ei oe we ive: OX) Burchellii. * Male spikelets solitary at the ends of the branches,,, (13) gracilis. I ees: perianth-seoments oblong-lanceolate, 1-nerved ; inner 3 shorter, yaline 3 anthers linear oblong, apiculate. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 373. Burt htt Beorom « Riversdale Div.; towards the summit of Kampsche Berg, ; F hell 5896 pray: pny »d ! George Div.; on the Post Berg, near George, Burchzll, 2. o impolita (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 264); stems tufted, : 3 rise high, s bereled ; leaf-sheaths ; paringly branched, roughly tubereled ; 1 Kx 2 132 rustiacE® (Masters). [ Hypolena. impolitus, Kunth, Enum. iii. 404 ; Mast.. in Journ. Linn. Soe. viii. 249. RB. triticeus, Thunb, herb. male specimen! Mast.in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. 418. hag AFRICA: ae ioe ee 3! Bachmann, 3! Region : Clanwilliam Div. ; ae n La ange rows rp Heeren Loge- sins below 500 ft., te 67, ot Div. ; mountains in the Mae < New Kloof, 1000 ft., oe Hi ae Afr., 1677! ‘Cal don Div.; Ho ok Mountains, Zeyher, 4 No female specimen at inet 3. H. browniana (Mast.); stems erect, aad branch- ing; branches erect, terete, of the thickness of a crow- -quill, yellowish with mi inte white spots ; leaf-sheaths about 4— 5 tte long, tightly convolute, coriaceous, brown, subulate-mucronate ; male spikelets 4-8, in erect distichous spikes, each spikelet many- -flowered, roundish, somewhat compressed, 3-4 lin. in. diam.; spathe nearly long as the spikel co interm ediate shortest, “flattish with a central rib; inner equal, oblong, chartaceous ; : eee 33; pistillode minute. Coast Region: Caledon on stony mountains around Houw Hoek, 1500 ft., MacOwan, Herb. chee ie 1727,.3 ! Pigs sec the female plant has not been detected, yet it seems probable, as Mr. own has cg that the above represents a new species of Hypolen4 alice to oa impolita, Mast 445 H. diffusa (Mast.) ; stems filiform, erect, 6-8 in. high, terete, coarsely tubercled, divaricately branched; br: erous, Very slender, wiry ; teak sheathin 4-1 in. long, closely nis ae coriaceous, cence Jong; lanceolate, acuminate, deeply hyaline above; inflor Jo linear, flexuose ; male spikelets in linear eymes, re sessile oF pedicellate, { ins long, 1-2-flowered: spathes Laie. ct peat his subcoriaceous, membranous at the x; bracts oblong, acute, apex; brac ng; exceeding the flower; perianth-segments ee obtuse ; outer subcoriaceous ; inner subequal, membranous; stamens vat ppoleen a aspera, Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 264 part rtly. ce REcIon : Caledon Div. ; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, “5. H H. ecklo loniana (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. x. 268, 7, A); spikelets in pet terminal a wy ‘on or oniae cylindsi, oblong, each placed edgewise to the thachis, n 2 in. longs. ovate-oblong, obtuse, loosel acked ; perianth-segments eq linear-oblong, hyaline ; anthers apiculate; female spikes 1-8 at the ends of the branches, cylindric, oblong, ultimately pear-sha. Hypolena.] RESTIACE (Masters). 133 n. striolate, equal and appressed to the ovary ; fruit cylindric-oblong, coriaceous; style simple, short ; stigmas 2, linear. Mast. in DC. UT - Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv, 417, 418. Restio paniculatus, Linn. herb.! Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 590. Sout Arrica: without locality, Thom, 632 partly, g and 2! Coast Reeron: Stellenbosch Div.; Hottentots Holland, Thunbery, ¢! Caledon Div.; mountain near Grietjes Gat, Ecklon and Zeyher ! Donker Hoek Mountain, Burchell, 7989, g ! Houw Hoek Mountains, 1000-3000 ft., Zeyher, 8, og! 6. H. incerta (Mast.) ; stems 2-3 ft. high, erect, terete, sparingly branched ; branches fasciculate, ascending, olive-coloured, slightly Tugose, white-spotted ; leaf-sheaths about 3-4 in. long, tightly _con- volute, coriaceous, striate ; apex membranous, rather acute, with a subulate mucro; male spikes 5-7, aggregate at the ends of the SoutH AFRICA: without locality, Thom, 1031, 3! oast Region: Stellenbosch Div.; Lowrys Pass, Burchell, 8267, 3 ! ys Pass, ’ ee Div.; mountains of Baviaans Kloof, near Genadendal, Burchell, 6! 1. H. laxiflora (Nees in Linnea, v. 663) ; stems filiform, capillary, slightly compressed, branched, purple-spotted; leaf-sheaths } in. ong, somewhat loosely convolute, subulato-mucronate ; male spikes numerous, arranged at the ends of the branches in loose paniculate cymes, each about 1 in. long, 1-2.flowered, subtended by a spathe as ong as itself; outer perianth-segments subcoriaceous, oblong, Searcely keeled ; inner hyaline, flattish ; anthers apiculate; female Spike solitary terminal, 1- red, 1 in. long ; bracts loosely imbri- cate, oblong, with long setaceous points; perianth-segments equal, oblong, -herved; in hyaline; ovary oblong, obtuse ; bd oe - stylopod, Kunth, Enum. iii. 451; Steud. Synops. ii. 265 ; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 263, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 369. Coast Region: Ca Div. ; Table Mountain, in fissures of rocks towards the 1? Ecklon, 843, 3 cha iy Caledo Div. | mountain near Grietjes Gat, ttween Lowrys Pass and Palmiet River, Ecklon and Zeyher, 3! : 8. H. aspera (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 264 partly) ; stems ufted, filiform, erect, much branched, rigid, coarsely tubereled ; leaf-sheaths about 1 in. long, closely convolute, acuminate, deeply hyaline at the tips ; male spikes numerous, in much-branched, ter- minal, panicled cymes ; each linear-oblong, with a loose spathe at the ®; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, thyaline. at. the tips; perianth- 134 RESTIACEE (Masters). [Hypolena, — unequal, linear-oblong ; outer lateral meet cari- nate, opposite the axis of the spike; remaining segments smaller, thinner, aR anthers linear-oblong, apiculate. pean im Monog. Phan. i. 371. Souta Arrica: without locality, Thom, 632a, g ! Coast ReGcion: Stellenbosch Div. ; Hottentots Holland Mountains at Lowrys ass, Ecklon and ail ad} Caledon Div. ; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Moun- tains, Burckell, 8069, 3! Variable in habit and stature. 9. H. tenuis apes in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 265); culms tufted, erect, filiform, 18 in. long, striate or subangular ; Jeaf-sheath } in. long, tightly iuavianee setaceo-aristate, longitudinally sulcate; male spikelets in long ierminal spikes ; aoe with a long, open, setaceo- aristate spathe; flowers facing the axis of the spikelet; perianth- segments linear, oblong, subequal ; hewn apiculate ; female spikes solitary ; pe erianth-segments oblong-obovate ; re trigonous ; sty1es 2, deciduous. Mast. in DC. Monod. miaaaenes yee: F hong "Burchell, 7360, » 2! Rive redei e Div.; lower part of i — bese near Kampsche Be erg, pen 7 028, $! onthe Kampsche Berg, towards the wg mmit, Burchell, 70 ar Geo rge Div. ; on the Post Berg pa Georg’, Barshelt 5896 partly o. 10. H. filiformis (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 267); stems erect, slender, sparingly branched, purplish, white-spotted ; leaf- segments oblong, ferruginous; ngrhy conduplicate, Mang inner hyaline ; batons ‘apiculate. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i Sovrn Arrica: without locality, sale g Pio Region ; Caledon Diy. ; Houw Hoek Mountains, Zeyher, 4349 partly, 41. H.? virgata (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. 268) ; culms erect, senile. moderately branched, olive-coloured, thinly tubercled and white-spotted ; leaf-sheaths about in. high, tightly conyvolute, striate, with a long mucro ; male spikelets 8-10, in terminal, spike- like cymes ; each spikelet oblong, about 2 in, long ; spathe elliptic, mucronate; bracts oblong, i Coa pass n Div. ; mountains of Baviaans Kloof, near Gena- Rondel: "Burehell, sai7, aL Genadendal, Drége, 1613, 3! 12. H.? Burchellii (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 268); stems 2-3 ft. high, tufted, erect, terete, olive-coloured, white-spotted ” cients atin sae a = = ll...“ ses eee, eee Hypolena.] RESTIACEE (Masters). 135 peta wah in the middle; branches a virgate ; leaf-sheaths a ip 5 long, with a subtending spathe ; bracts loosely imbricate, oblong- lanceolate, filaceo- aristate, deeply hyaline ; outer perianth-segments oblong-lanceolate, cartilaginous ; lateral conduplicate ; ; inner smaller, thinner, oblong. Mast. in DC. Mon nog. Phan. 1. 374. oast Region : Caledon Div. ; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8116, g! sre of Bavieane Kloof, near Genadendal, Burchell, 7632 partly, é! 7894 p rtly, co! aths Sethe eg the spi elets ; bracts loose, oblong, acuminate; outer perianth- segments oblong ; lateral keeled; villous; inner hyaline, broader than the outer; anthers apiculate. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. 75. st Region: Ca ipe Div.; mountains near Cape Town, Zeyher, 4347, ee dine ‘Shnons Town, Zeyher, 1006, ¢! Wright, eds Muizen Berg, 200-600 Bolus, 4466, $! MacOwan, Herb. Aust. Afr., 1670 IX. HYPODISCUS, Nees. Male inflorescence solitary or paniculate-cymose. Pertanth-segments » in two rows; outer lateral conduplicate. Female inflorescence of 1 or few spikelets i in linear, spieate cymes. Flower solitary, sessile or stipitate. Perianth- -segments small, hyaline, subequal, sometimes wanting. Ovary on a fleshy stalk, l-celled, smooth, lobed or an epigynous dise, dividing inte two linear stigmas, 4 . inner surface, Fruit bony, indehiscent, 1-celled, with a sing pendulous ovule, senna at the base by the persistent perianth, and ae by t the Rush-like herbs with creeping rootstocks and tufted stems, covered at the base with ae apping n:: sheaths, Disretr, Endem ) Willdenovia. vi Male spikel a acetate pikelet solitary, oblong; spathe short, a ae, % nitidus. Male “em clustered, subglobose ; spathe lo Stems ter, pper Sait ae eee Upper leaf-sheaths present Fe ee perianth wanting ; male spikes panicled, ilvery sae ‘ Female soul anth accrescent ; male and “female spikelets solitary, oblong, or aggregated es (3) oliverianus, (4) argenteus. (5) aristatus. - 136 RESTIACE® (Masters). [ Hypodiscus. Female perianth | minute : Stems fistular Male _periauth-segments awned ; male inflor- scence panicled ete F (6) Neesii. Male. perianth- mania not awned ... (7) binatus. Stems solid : Stems striated .» (8) striatus. Stem smooth not 8 triated anaes su nted by long, filiform appen- ale (9) synchroolepis. Ovary surmounted by a a cup-shaped, toothed i “ve Be ne se 2 LO} mcsoringaas Ovary surmounted by a few, short teeth . (41) ru re H. Willdenovia (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 259); stems tufted, 8-12 in. high, erect, slender, flattened, suleato- antes simple ; leaf-sheaths tightly convolute, subulate, mucronate, about 1 in. long ; male and female spikes of like pias a 3-3 in. long, solitary, pa oblong, compressed, provided at e base with an o en, aristate aristate; flowers oblong-lanceolate ter perianth-segments ferruginous, mueronate; lateral mae glabrous ; inner Pas em shorter than the outer, hyaline, combined into tube at the base ; anthers linear-oblong, apiculate ; female flower solitary; perianth-segments hyaline, oblong, free; ovary oblong, obtuse, shortly stalked, surmounted by a fleshy tk styles 2, ast. in DC. Monog. "Phan. i 389, ¢. 4, jigs. 7-15, and t. 5, g. 1%. Willdenovia striata, Spies. Syst. Veg. i. 188. Lepidan- thus Willdenovia, adie in mane v. 665, as to the male plant. Restio sulcatus, Kunth, Enum. iii. 404 ; Steud. Synops. it. 253. s Lg Sogireigte Thunb. hor as o female specimen! Mast. in Journ. oc 418. Coast REGIon s Seer Div.; Peg Flats, Burchell, 8545, 3! tether, 3) Ecklon and Zeyhe r, $ and Q!at the foot of Muizen Berg, near Fish Hoe 20C ft.» Bolus, 4465, g$! Stellenbosch Div.; Lsticnbes Holland, Zeyher ! greet 3 iv.; near Zoetemelks River, Burchell, ,d! Knysna Div. ; near the wes end of Groene Vallei, Burchell, 5646, 3 and cn V 2. H. nitidus (Mast. in Journ. Soc. Linn, x. 259); stems 12-18 in. high, erect, simple, compressed, brownish, rugulose; leaf-sheath is in. long, peney yailhinies setaceo-mucronate ; male spikelets numerous, with close terminal panicles, proteeted la sheath-like spathe, each obo we bract salaaly bya Ie with a long acumen ; outer perianth-segments sabia ferruginous, oblong, acute 3 literal conduplicate ; inner shorter, ovate, tuse, apicu- late, pps anthers linear, apiculate. Mast. in DC. Monog. a, omen Recion: Tulbagh Div,; New Kloof near Tulbagh, pag g! at the foot of mountains in the vicinity of New Kloof, near Tulbagh, 850 Phe acQwan, Herb. Aust. Afr, 1680! summit of Winterhoek Mountain, Ecklon Hypodiseus. | RESTIACE® (Masters). 137 / 3. H. oliverianus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 254); stems tufted, slender, erect, unbranched, 2-3 ft. high, with athe at the very base only, purple- spotted ; male spikes 2-3, approximate at the ends of the stems, rarely solitary, each oblong or top-shaped, about 4 in. diam., protected at the base by an open shining yellow spathe, as long as the spike; bracts tightly imbricate, cartilaginous, chestnut- brown, ending in a long, white, spreading awn; arcuate, compre essed ; perianth-segments unequal, lanceolate ; anthers apiculate ; female spikes 2-3 at the end of the branches, 1- ‘flowered, cylindric- lanceolate, with an sai yellowish spathe at the base ; bracts oblong, chestnut- brown, with a long, straight, or twisted pier. ~eneer minute, h aline ; ; segments subequal, ovate ; ovary on a fleshy stalk, oblong, surmounted by a yellow, fleshy, lobed disc ; style short ; stigmas 2 , linear. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 381. Coast R N: Siaaiatvieih Div.; Hottentots Holland rae near Grietjes Gat, Bolus, 4222, g! Galadon Div.; Nieuw Kloof, Houw Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8118, Sand?! - argenteus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 261) ; tufted, erect, 2-3 ft. high, sparingly branched, terete, faintly Peay leaf she aths 1 in high, tightly convolute, acuminate; male spikes very numerous, collectad in terminal, close, aie weed panicles, ed b i lam. ; bracts oblong, acuminate, membranous at the tips, concealing : outer perianth-segments oblong-lanceolate, acuminate ; inner scarcely shorter, membranous ; anthers 0 lone apiculate ; — pnt 1-3, terminal wedge- rae about 3 in. we Placed on a fleshy, lobulate stalk. Mast. in DC. Monoy. Phan. i. 383. Leucopleus argenteus, Nees in Lindl. Nat. Syst. ed. 2, 450, Restvo argenteus, Thunberg, Diss. 14; in siti, Delect. i. 205 Shane f Mast. in siaglae aid roe xiv. 417 on tl e Bere Burohell, 7058, ‘Qandd ; enereiy alo es near Ceres, 2400 ft., Bolus, Wserman Dr “5. by the fee eo River, Zeyher. 1338, 9g! rie Wikagtelsnd: rocky hills by status (Nees in Lindl. Nat. Syst. ed. 2, 450); stems branch cect, cylindric, olive-coloured, white-spotted, sparingly canched or quite simple ; leaf-sheaths 11 in. long, tightly convolute, oben ene apex, s ubulato-mucronate ; ; male spikelets subglobose or branel,. solitary or more c¢ mmonly ariey at - a of the . ee braets with ine spreading aw flow mpress ed, 138 RESTIACEA (Masters). [ Hypodiscus. lateral conduplicate, villous ; mire 5 pera ; female spikes soli- peak or few, approximate at the sof t ranches, ovate-oblong, t 1 in. long, Aleaded by a ors like spathe ; bracts ovate- lancet, yellow-margined, with long terminal awns; flower stigmas 2, Pn fruit oblong, obtuse, smooth, bony, purplish, surrounded at the base by the persistent perianth ; seed solitary, pendulous. Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 252, and in oe Phan. i. 380. Restio aristatus, Thunb. Diss. 10, No. 4, male, in Usteri, Delect. i. 44, t. 2, fig. 4. Fl. Cap. 3 Schult. 83; Zhunb. Herb.! male aes Mast. in Journ, Linn. Sor. xiv. 4155 Nees in Linnea, v. 636; Kunth, Enum, iii. 338 male ae excl. syn.; Steud. Sper. il, 249, male plant excl. syn. ap. bicolor (Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soc. x. 253); awns and margins of the lentsheaths, oe and bracts aa yellow. Mast, in DO. Monog. Phan: ae Arrica: without locality, isco ¢! Drége, 21 3! Sieber, ae ey Coast Region: Piquetberg Div. ; Piquet Berg, 1500-3000 tt., Drege, 3,6! e Cape Div.; Camps Bay, Burchell, B89, Tus gant Div. ; "ae Kioof, near Tulbagh, 1000 ft., MacOwan, Her t.-Afr., 1680, 3 and 9! 1681, ¢! orcester Div.; Drakens tein, Siwiauieaees near “Bains Kloof, 1600-2000 ft., Bolus, 4106, ¢! Dutoits Kloof, ! ! on! tai bove Worcester, Rehmann, 2555! Stellenbosch Div.! Hottentots Holland Mountains, t., Zeyher, 4332, n Diy.; mountains near Grietjes Gat, between Lowrys Pass and iet River, 2000 , gd and 9! oek Mountains, 1000-3000 ft., Zeyher, 4332, be mountains of Baviaans Kloof, near Genadendal, Burchell, 7594, - ih Don ae “ — Mountain, Burchell, 7963, ¢! Swellendam Diss ; mo ear Swellendam, Burchell, 7373, 2! Riversdale Div. ; on gr as ehh a Burchell, 7057, ¢! George Div.; on mountains near George, Drége, 3941, Zand @! lower part 0 the Post Berg, near ne Burchell, 6027, d and 9! Var. bicolor ; Clanwilliam Div.; Oliphants River, Zeyher, g and Q! Aer Kloof, between Piquiniers Kloof and Oliphants ive: Dreye, 2509, gand 3! Worcester Diy.; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drege, 140, 3! 6. H. Neesii (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 260); stems tufted, erect, slender, eylindrie, fistular, suleato-striate; leaf-sheaths tightly convolute, about 1} in. long, membranous at the tip and prolonged into a long awn ; male bike less than 1 in. long, oblong, aggregate into a long, linear, spicate cyme about 2 in. long ; ; bracts “with a long whitish acumen; perianth-segments subequal, lanceolate, acuminate; anthers aristulate; female spikes 2-3, terminal, pro- tected by a long sheath-like spathe; bracts imbricate, acuminate, aristate, rigid; flower solitary; perianth-segments sube equal, a. abies acute ; , oblong, tubercled near the apex; stigmas linear. Mast. in DC. ea nog. Phan. it Clanwi liam Div.; near Brak Fontein, Zeyher! Pretoris Coast Reaion : Kloof, hakieek Piquinie ers Kloet and Oiphasts ee 1000-1500 ft., Drégés 2492, $1 2493, 2! ‘7. H. binatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc, x. 258); stems yen erect, 2 ft. high, slender, simple, fistular, - olive-coloured, a en Hypodiscus. ] RESTIACEE (Masters), 139 spotted; leaf-sheaths about 1 in. long, tightly convolute ; apex yellowish, subulato-mucronate; male spikelets 4—6, in an erect, linear, panicled cyme, each protected at the base by te oblong, sulcato- striate spathe shorter than itself; bracts ovate, acute, chestnut- brown, thinner at the apex; perianth rigid, ferruginous; segments ‘ap anthers apiculate; female spike cylindric- lanceolate, 3 perianth-segments hyaline, subequal, ovate oblong, pints stalked, surmounted by a yellow, warty dise ; 3 style short, chestnut- brown, stigmas long. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. 1. : Dovea binata, Steud. Synops. ii, 248, female only. REGION : Pique tberg Div. ; Piquet Berg, 2000 ft., Drége, 2477, 3! airs, 9! Tulbagh Div.; mountains in ‘the vicinity of New Kloof, nner 2 ulbagh, Too ft., MacOwan, Her b. Aust. Afr., 1679! Ca oO Div.; on Donker Hock Mountain, Burchell, 7958, 3! Houw Hoek, MacOua eH eae 8. H. striatus (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc 258) ; rootstock creeping, covered with brown seales ; stems 18- 4 in high, erect, simple or sparingly branched, slender, terete, sulcato-striate ; leaf- sheaths tightly convolute, ari istate s male spikele ets 3-6, subsessile at the apex of the branches, protected by open, sheath- like, deciduous spathes, spreading, cylindric, acute, many-flowered, rather less than 2 in, ong ; braets tightly imbricate, oblong, acute, coriaceous, chestnut-brown ; outer perianth-segments linear-oblong, apiculate ; i anthers apiculate; female spikes Solitary or twin, erect, about 2 in. long, cylindric-lanceolate, straight or curved ; bracts oblong-acute, cartilaginous, brown ; outer perianth-segments "pbisng g, Hirata : inner shorter, broader; stami- nodes 3, separated from the perianth-segments by a, short internode ; ovary oblo ong, coriaceous, surmount ted. by an epigynous, horny, Yellow disc ; styles 2, dicide uous; fruit Y aived. oblong jams tubereled at the apex, yellowish, 1: celled, surrounded by the per- sistent perianth-segments. Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 385. Boeckhia striata, Kunth, Enum, iii. 449. OUTH AF OasT lixaios | yeh : deggie pera fie ae Si quintert Kloof hants River, Dré ot Worcester Div.; near Touws River 000 fi 6 3 nboo nat eer = Lange Kloof, Dré yA !| Humansdorp Div. ; romme River, River. 1000 fs Drie, pc 2! Uitenhage Div.; mountains near El Cry Ze TRAL Reedy Pri be Albert Div.; Great Zwart Bergen near Klaarstroom, €, 94: ft., Drége, Whevans ; REGion: Little Namaqualand Kamies Bergen at Hzels Fontein, 3500- ft., Drege, 2479, 3 ! 2480, Q! 2491, 3 ! ig satatitas male spikelets 6-8, ar sail in pairs in an erect, eyme ; spikelet many flowered, ais ais about 4 in. long, 140 RESTIACER (Masters). [ Hypodiscus. protected at the base by a short sheath-like — braets chestnut- wn, ovate-oblong, with long terminal whit awns;_ perianth- segments unequal, oblong-lanceolate ; lateral mci diislicee glabrous ; 1-seeded, surrounded at the base by a pexaiabctes perianth, Mast. 1 DC. Monog. Phan. i. 387 oast Region: Humans Div.; near Kromme River, Drege, 17,9 ! he sae Div. ; Van Sta aaa Bore, Scauik 4705, 3! Ecklon i Zeyher, 7,dand 9! Zeyher, 4334, dand@ ! -— 10. H. atboutictatns (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 257) ; stems tufted, erect, 2 ft. high, slender, unbranched, purple spotted ; “Teal sheaths about 1 in. long, tightly cane. aristulate ; male spikelets “—3, approximate, oblong or subglohose acts oblong, acuminate, whitish ; ter Pee erence ¢ oblong acute; an Inear, apiculate ; female spikelets 2-5, approximate, oblong ; ovary oblong, Stipitate, surmounted by a lobe d disc ; fruit oblong, surrounded at the base by the persistent perianth, Mast . in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 382. Restio alboaris tatus, Nees in Linnea, v. 635; Kunth, Enum. iii. 407 ; Steud. Synops. li. 249, as to the male plant. Restio aristatus, Thunb. herb. / female plant, ex Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xiv, 415. 1 Hypodiseus duplicatus, Hochst. in Pon. 1845, 338. Boeckhia laevigata, Kunth, Enum. iii. 450, female plant Sour AFrica: 803! locality, Thom, 1060, 3! Drege, 19! Massun! Coast Reaion: Cape D 3 Table Mountain, Drege #; 19a, Ft Schlechter, 725; Devils Mountain, 206 ft., Bolus, ore Gand?! Cape Flats, Zeyher ! Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, 2000-30 00 ft., inde 15! 1653! Caledon m 500— -, Zeyher, 4333! Uitenhage Div. ; _— Stadens g, Ecklon ih Cohen, 816 3, 818, 9! Mountuins of Baviaans Kloof, near ‘Gemdendal, Burchell, 7655, 9! Genadendal, 2000- 3000 ft., Dréye, 16 ! 9608 ey: H. ahi hat in. Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 255) ; stems ¢ eespitose. , 8-12 ong, simple, olivaceous, white s otted ; leaf- sheaths aa + in. 1" female spikelets 2-3, a aggregated at the anid of the iam cee abavt the base by the e persistent perianth and s rmounted at ne apex 0 the deciduous style by six small teeth, a in DC. Monoy y. Phan. i, 386. Typodiscus,] RESTIACEX (Masters). 141 South AFRICA: without locality, Ecklon and Zeyher, 85,9 ! ; Coast Rxeton : Swellendan Div.; Voormans Bosch, Zeyh2r, 4336, 9! Male plant unknown. X. CANNOMOIS, Beauvois. Male spikelets numerous, paniculate cymose, with numerous open deciduous spathes. Pertanth-segments 6, in two LOWS ; outer larger; lateral navicular; filaments free; anthers linear-oblong. Pistillode none. Female sptkes 1-3 at the apex of the branches, surrounded by one or more permanent spathes, Perianth-segments oblong, appressed to the fruit. Staminodes none. Ovary oblong, obtuse, 1-celled ; styles 2, free, deciduous. Fruit stipitate, oblong, obtuse, more or less compressed, coriaceous or woody, in ehiseent, I-celled, 1-seeded. Seed pendulous from the apex of the funicle, Stems rush-like, tufted or erect from a creeping rootstock; sheaths closely convolute, Distris, Endemic, In my previous writings this genus is erroneously spelled Cannamois, Spathes of male inflorescence deciduous. Au Pop nt robust, much branched ; male spikelets oblong, He -gin.long ... me "a os oe .. (1) virgata. Plant simple or but slightly branched; male spikelets } in. long. iehtl acts roundish, usually acute or slightly eee acuminate ge ie meena (2) scirpoides. apie all mien nice et ee $ pee (3) simplex. Spathes of male inflorescence persistent; bracts with long whitish points (és oN ee, he ee a branched th Pedicellate, ovoid-oblong ; bracts broadly ovate, acute, chestnut-brown, fruit oblonc- d, Synops. ii, 263 ; C. virgata &-ovate, plano-convex. Steud, Synoj Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 340; Steud. Synops. ii. 263: Mast. in Journ. inn. § 0c. X. 234, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 361. “irgatus, Rotth. Descr. et Ic. 5, t. 1, fig. 2 O (1773); Thunb. Diss. 20; in Usteri, Delect. i. 54; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 89 ; Thunb. Herb. ! Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. 419. R. Seopa, Thunb. Diss. 205 in Usteri, Delect.i. 54; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 88 ; Thunb. Herb.! Mast. in Journ, Linn. Soe. xiv, 417. Restio elegans, Potr. Me 142 RESTIACEH (Masters). [ Cannomois. Encyl. vi. 171. Elegia gti Pers. Synops. ii. 607 (fide synonym), Thamnochortus robustus, Kunth, Enum, iii. 436; . 3 Mesanthus macrocarpus, Nees in Lindl. Nat. Syst. Bot. ed. 2, 451, 1836; Kunth, Enum. iii. 485 ; Steud. Synops. ii. 264, Willdenovia compressa, Thunb. in Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. xi. 1790, ¢. 2, fig. 3; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 82; and of Thunberg herb. ! Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soc. xiv. 421. 7 fo ae AFRICA: without locality, Thunberg, and? ! Burchell, 5810, g! 5811, eae AST Re GIon: Clanwilliam Div. ; Gift Berg, 1500-2000 ft. ae 139 pel g! Onder Bokke Veld, Drége, 1606 ?, ¢ and?! Talbagh Diy. the : AE n Berg, Burchell, 869 dee 3; mountains around Ceres, 2 100 ft., pea 54 ue een ree Div. ; enstein Mountains, near Bains ve 1600-20 Bolus, 4088, 2! Dutoits ito, Drage, 1605, 2! 1606, gand 9! 1607, 7, monstrosity ! Caledon Div. ; as hy the Zonder Einde River, near Appels Kraal, Dephar, 1738, 3! Semenien ; Voo pnd osch, Zeyher, aye Riversdale Div. ; between Vet er and ee roinbeks River, Burche il, 7163, g!n dg foot of the Lange Bergen, ear a ans mpsche Berg, Burchell, 7139, 3 eet ol: t Elizabeth Div. ; Witteklip ner at near Port Elizabeth, "MacOwan, 2151, pooochion Alexandria Div. 3 Zuurberg Range, Drége, 2024, monstrosity ! ee in the size of the parts and in the shape of the male spikelets. 2. C. scirpoides (Hochst, in Flora, 1845, 340); stems tufted, erect, fistular, moderately branched, somewhat coarsely rugulose ; leaf-sheaths about 1 in. long, closely convolute, mucronate ; male inflor- escence panicled ; spikelets numerous, crowded, each about 1 in. long, ovoid, acute ; bracts lanceolate, markedly acuminate, chestnut- hrown, shining ; perianth-segments ovate, apiculate, membranous; female spike solitary, about 11 in. Cn ovoid, eylindric, surrounded at the base by an open spathe nearly as long as itself; bracts concave, neummeato-sristate, coriaceous ; terminal bract sterile ; flowers 2-3, one only maturing ; perianth- -segments oblong, obtuse, membranous ; fruit oblong, obtuse, compressed, PAA, ; seed solitary, arage Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soc. x. 236, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 362. Thamnochortus scirpoides, Kunth. Enum. ii. 438. Restio pre us, Thunb. Diss.13; in Usteri, Delect. i. 48; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 85 ; and Thunb. herb. ! male plant, Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xiv Sovrn Arrica: without locality, ies nber bap ReGioN: Clanwilliam Diy.; Brak snbet Zeyher, Sand a Mado 2 Div. ; mountains jabove Wo rcester, Rehmann, 2674 3! Caledon Div.; Houw Hoek Mciutin, 1000-3000 ft., Zeyher, 4837, gand 9! mountains of Dain 1ans Klcof, eon Gana ndal, Bice 7874, 3! Uniondale Div.; Welgelegen, in Lange CENTRAL Rigiow' Prince Albert Div. ; Great Zwart Bergen, near Vrolykheid, 4000-5000 ft., Drege, 100, g! 3. C. simplex (Kunth. Enum. iii. 448) ; stems erect from a creep” ing rhizome, fistular, slender, scarcely branched, faintly striate, obscurely rugulose ; leaf-sh eaths about 11 in. long, closely convolute, mucronate; male spikelets num merous, terminal, in close, muc branched panicles, each about 3 in. long; spathe open, lanceolate Cannomois.] RESTIACEH (Masters). 143 acuminate, nearly as long as the panicle; bracts ovate-oblong, acuminate, chestnut-brown, white- margined ; perianth-segments oblong, obtuse ; female spikes few, sessile near the apex of the stem, 2—t In. long ; spathes oblong, acute, as long as the spikelet ; bracts ovate oblong, acute, shining brown ; flowers solitary or two or three in Thunb. herb. ! Cueullifera dura, Nees in Lindl. Nat. Sysz. ed. 2, 451, Thamnochortus strictus, Kunth, Enum, iii. 438 ; Steud. S: i il. 259, 3! Sourm Arrica: without localit Thiunberg, 3! Coast ReGion: Clanwilliam Div; betecan'G Gr g River and Watervals River, 2300-8000. ft., Drége, 10 01, 3 12514, e! Racitid fe Div. ; near — Kloof, 300 ft., Bolus, £240, 31 Tulbazh Div. ; Tulbagh, Zeyher! Ceres Div. mountains around Cer es, 1800 ft., Bolus, 5450 Pa 4. C. congesta (Mas st.) ; stems erect, 2-3 ft. high, of the thickness of @ crow-quill or rather thicker, terete, unbranched, olivaceous, nearly smooth, obscurely puncticulate ; leaf- sheaths about 1 in. long, tightly convo lute, coriaceous ; apex lanceolate, shortly mucronate ; male flowers numerous, in dense, compact, paniculate heads at t sa end of the lateral segments oblong, rbnioege inner eae : é i imi to e flowers 3-4 in the spikelet; bracts oblong, acuminate, aristate ; perianth-segments obsolete ; ovary cylindric, surmounted by a smo ooth dome-like top from whence roceed the two styles. Mesanthus Ricinus, Nees a in various Herbaria. Coast Region: Clanw william Div.; Ceder Bergen, near Ezels Bank, 4000- 5000 It. Diss, 2508, dand @! ‘alba Hate” — places in the vicinity of New Kloof, 1000 ft., MacOwan, Herb. Aus -Afr., ! Caledon Div. ; Donker Hoek Sandee Burchell, 79609! 1 pant Ble Ait gf vera Ecklon and Westie XI. WILLDENOVIA, Thunb. Male inflorescence or pag! branched many-flowered ; female inflores- Sree it Spicate cymes ; pikelets 1-flowered. Perianth-segments 6. Stamens 3 ; 3 anthers 1 ook Pistillode none. Female flowers sup- ported on a short t, fleshy, often lobed, stalk. Perianth-segments 6, equal, persistent, Stam tnodes none. Ovary y 1-celled, generally sur- y an epi eycione dise. Styles 2, deciduous. Fruit cylindric, bony l-celled, indehiscent, Seed solitary, pendulous. rep : ee es und producing erect, more lane ee a covered with sheatl.-like scale Pp Disrars, Endemic. * 144 RESTIACER (Masters). [ Witldenovia. Stems slender Feat cbeathe twisted-aristate, > ia meee! female peria was’ segments very short (1) humilis. Leaf- — mina ste. aristate, not t twisted; _ female peria seeigbarie nearly as long as the fru . (2) cuspidata. Stems robust generally much branched : Stem: a riate Ge f-sheaths ods convolute, acuminate, aristate ; vie ale perianth-seginents ovate, shorter than the (3) striata. List-aboethe closely convolute, ‘acuminate ; perianth- segments nearly as long as the fruit (4) sulcata. Leaf-sheaths deeply membranous, with long awns: Spathe payeidg hese ene 3 membranous at tip . divs is (5) arescens. tk i inat ‘aristate, “not membranous at the t .. (6) luceana Spathe oblong-ovate, abrup em acuminate (7) teres. ~~ etuboed Gita fimbriate at the edges (8) fimbriata. Imperfectly know (9) brevis. at W. humilis (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 272); stems erect from a decumbent base, about 1 ft. high, slightly branched, terete, fistular, slender, — spotted ; leaf-sheaths 11 in. long, tightly convolute, edges membranous, apex aristate ; male spikelets numerous, in an erect, dire ade cyme; spathes ‘deciduous ; flowers loose ; bracts oblong-lanceolate, membranous, ferruginous ; perianth-segments subequal, ciliiform, twisted ; anthers linear-oblong ; ; female spikelets 1-3 in a linear, erect cyme, provided with a sheath-like spathe; bracts sebielnaseilal mucronate, membranous; female flower solitary sessile ; perianth-segments 41-6, ovate, hyaline, shorter than the fruit; ovary on a short, fleshy stalk and with an a rir’ 4-lobed dise ; ovule pendulous, Mast. in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 396. Coast Ratios Cape Div.; Cape Flats, Ecklon, 867!; Ecklon and : eye! Viellard, gand 9! 2. W. cuspidata (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 271); stems erect, about 2 ft. high, terete slender with spreading branches ; leaf-sheaths acted convolute, membranous above, acumin ate ; female spikelets 4 ; membranous, scarcely as long as the fruit ; fruit stipitate, 8 obtuse, ae punctate ; styles deciduous. Mast. in DC. Phan, i Coast i EGIoN: Clanwilliam Div.; near Groen River and Watervals River, 1500-2000 ft., Drege, 2516, 9! v S. Pa striata (Thunb. in Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. xi. 1790, 7, t. 2, fig. 1); root-stock creeping ; stems a yard high, terete, sulcato as , branched ; Jeaf-sheaths 4 in. long, loosely convolute, reer deeply membranous, aristate, a Willdenovia.] RESTIACER (Masters). 145 ft Atte 1 in. long, densely paniculately cymose ; cymes erect, ith numerous open deciduous sheath-like spathes ; bracts linear- latieetlate, membranous; perianth-segments membranous, linear- lanceolate, subequal; anthers peg female spikes 1-3, at the base by the ei perianth. Thunb. herb. ! in, Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv, 421; Kunth, Enum. iii. 453; Steud. Synops. ii. 262; ast, in Journ. Linn. Soe. x. 270 and in De. Mono og. Phan. i. 394. eink Abies :. without locality, Thunberg, 2! Drége, 960 9! Coast Region: Clanwilliam Div.; Olipbants — Zeyher, 1736, g and Re, Pitquetberg Div.; between Twenty-four iy and Piquiniers Kloof, 000 ft.. Drige 2520, de Malmesbury bey Lange Fontein, Zeyher, monstry ! Cape” Div. ; between Wynberg mae Coast antia, Burchell, 787, 3! Cape Flats, Bolus, 4467, monstronty Muizenberg, near Fish Hoek, Bolus, Kreg a 4458, 2! Paarl Div ; by the Berg Riv er, Drége, 1645, 3! Worcester Div. ; between the Bokke Veld and Hox River, Drége, 9610, 3! 4. W. suleata (Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 270); stems erect, 2.3 f ft. high, terete, fistular, eee sulcate, ee branche 5 anthers linear, apiculate ; female spikelets 1-3 in linear erect cymes, az in. long, eylindric- -oblong, ultimately turbinate, with a deciduous Spathe ; bracts numerous, oblong obtuse, mucronate ; flower solitary on a short, fleshy, unlobed stalk ; perianth-segments oblong, obtuse, membranous, near y as long as the fruit; ovary oblong, Pipe timed : whe 2, deciduous; fruit blackish, retuse, shorter t the bra Mas n DC. Monog. Phan. i. 395. & Wags Rs EGION: "cae D ; Cape Flats, Ean 930, gand 9! Bolus, 4435, 3! und, Sine Town, Bolus, 3,2! Worcester Div.; mountains abowe Wisesnee Raliaden: 2556, 2! deciduous ; m inflorescence, about 2 in. long, boner oblong, — merous sheath-like, open, oblong, acuminate spathes ; Be ae linear-lanceolate, membranous; perianth-segmerits linear, Pisin nous; anthers oblong, apiculate, purplish at the back ; eit 3 solitary or geminate, terminal; spathe oblong, : /@ceous, shinin brown, upper portion membranous, with a lon 146 RESTIACEX (Masters). [Willdenovia. ovary oblong, obtuse, smooth; stigmas 2, deciduous ; fruit oblong, horny, tubercled. Steud. Synope. ii. 262 ; Mast. in Journ. Linn Soe, x. er and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 393. Coa gion: Clanwilliam Div.; Ceder Bergen, 2000-2500. ft., Drege, 2522, aaiid 9! and 2521, monstrosity ! ai W. Iucewana (Kunth, Enum. iii. 455); stems a yard more high, terete, tistular, clive-oloure, white saicied slightly branched qian 1-14 in. long, tightly convolute ; margins e us; apex ristate ; te inflorescence about 2 in. long, loosely Fasten] see provided with oblong-lanceolate, acuminate spathes ; bracts linear-lanceolate, membranous, ferruginous ; flowers stipitate ; perianth-segments linear-lanceolate, equal, longer than the stamens ; anthers oblong, apioulate ; female spikelets 2-3, sessile, each provided w with an open spathe; bracts shining ferruginous, oblong, subulate-acuminate ; female flower solitary, stipitate ; stalk fleshy, 6-lobed; perianth- segments membranous, equal, oblong- lanceolate, 1-nerved, mucronate; ovary cylindrical, with an epigynous, Hagin, horny disc; stigmas 2; fruit oblong, obtuse, ped bagel puncticulate near the top ; ; seed oblong, obtuse. Steud. Syno 262; Mast. in. Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 27 1, #. 8, fig. D, ane . Phan. i. 392, t. 4, figs. 21-29, and t. 5, fig. 19. Spirostytis Estion, tes in various pee 1. Coast Recion: Clanwilliam Div. ; Pretoris Kloof, between Piquiniers Kloof Ae Oliphant River, 1000-1500 ft., rig, 2515, Q! 2515a,9! Tulba gn Div.; r Tulbagh, Zeyher! Worcester Div. ; rakenstein Moan ntains, near Bains Kloo 9 eto tt., Bolus, 4085, monstrosity! 4094, 2! Caledon Div- ; Donker Hoek Mountain, Burchell, 7961, g and 3! between Donker Hoek an nd Houw 76 Mountains, Burchell, 8010, monstrosity ! -— 7, W. teres (Thunb. in Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. 1790, 28, t fig. 2); stems 3-4 ft. high, erect, terete, fistular, olive- eae, covered with fine white spots, sparingly Lina upper leaf-sheaths 1 in. long, loosely convolute, membranous at the apex and prolonged T into a short awn; male ‘inflorescence 2-3 in. long, paniculately cymose, t open, coriaceous, ferruginous, ovate-oblong, . Lin Monog. Phan. i. 392, Restio dichotomus, Gaertn. Fruct, iis 12 t. 82, fig. 3, a : Som. ; esa: UTH ‘tomar : without locality, — Q! Veilla Coast Ree ON : erage Div. + between Jakks als Riv sn Hh oe f Willdenovia. ] RESTIACE® (Masters). 147 8. W. fimbriata (Kunth, Enum. iii. 455); stems erect, 2 ft. high, terete, unbranched, yellowish, puncticulate ; leaf-sheaths 1+ in. long, tightly convolute, coriaceous, brown, fimbriate and ultimately with a conspicuous midrib ; inner 3 rather thinner, scarcely shorter ; anthers linear, apiculate; female spikelets 3-5-7, aggregated ; bracts acute-rigid ; perianth-segments membranous, oblong, obtuse T smooth or tubercled, raised on a fleshy, lobed stalk; ovule pen- dulous, Steud. Synops. ii. 263 ; Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soe. x. 271, and in DO, Monog. Phan. i. 394. oplOAst Reaton: Worcester Div.; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4900 ft., Drege, “611, 3! 1635, 9! Caledon Div. ; Genadendal, 1500-2000 ft., Drege, 1635a, ?! Coast Reqton : Cape Div.; Mosselbanks River, Zeyher ! Perhaps a form of W. teres. Excluded Species. ga compressa, Thunb. in Vet, Akad. Handl. Stockh. 1790, t. 2, &- 3 = Cannomois cephalotes, Beauv. XIL. CERATOCARYUM, Nees. ; Male and female inflorescence different ; male densely paniculate- i. many-spiked, with large leathery spathes. Bracts white, anceolate, Perianth-segments in two rows. Anthers linear-oblong. a male inflorescence spicate. Spikelets 1-flowered. Perianth-segments i PPressed to the fruit. Jruit sessile, bony, subglobose, 1-celled, “seeded ; styles 2, ; Perennial rush-like D plants, with stont ascending stems. ‘STBIB, Endemic. Pi te 1) argenteum, Stemefstnler SG) finatowum 1, ie senteum (Kunth, Enum. iii. 483 male plant) ; tall, little- Perennial; stems erect, cylindric, purplish, minutely batt sgt r) > ? Sulose, Solid; leaf-sheaths 2 in. long, closely convolute ; male ee 148 RESTIACEZ (Masters). [ Ceratocaryum. inflorescence terminal, 2-21 in. long, densely paniculate-cymose, oblong, erect, nearly covered by the coriaceous, deep-brown, oblong, acute spathes; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, twisted, 2 nerved, membranous, whitish; flower siting stipit itate ; ; perianth- seaments lanceolate, acuminate ; inner short anthers linear-oblong ; “female inflorescence _ matin, linest-oblongs wile e, 2-4 in. long, pluri- than the bracts; perianth sitanbh, at rh rows ; segments all sub- orbicular, acute; ovary globose; fruit bony, subglobose, smooth, ind chiscent, l-celled, 1-seeded; styles 2. Steud. Synops. ii. 264; ast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 273, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 390. Restio (Bley) argenteus, herb. Willd. fide Nees in Linnea, V. 656, not cea unberg. Ceratocaryum speciosum, Nees in various her bari th # AFRICA: without menaag © Drége, 105 Cousy Region: Caledon Div. = eek Kloof, Soler Hoek Mountains, Burchell, 8074, 3! oes ntains of Baviaans oof, near Genadendal, Burchell, 7656, 7905, $! ntains near Grietjes Gat, between Lowrys Pass and Palmiet River, Ecklon hes Zeyher, gand 2 “cone Region: ivinuids Divs on the "atoeks Berg, Burchell, 7 7095, an XIII. ANTHOCHORTUS, Nees. Male spikelets in terminal cymes 1-3 ft. long. Perianth of male flower stipitate; segments oblo ong ; outer lateral condupliecate, acutely keeled ; ahaa smaller. Filaments free ; anthers linear, Pistillodiwm none. nus adopted by Kunth and others, pr are ably referable to Hypolzna, perhaps W. striata, Thunb, but very imperfectly known and ma. Bentham suggests that it may be a Willdenovi4, Aish: sda onii (Nees i in Lindl. Syst. ed. 2, 451); stems filiform, slender, curved, four-angled, branched ; leaf-sheath about: 2 2fin. long, mien. elliptic, acute, membranous ; male spikelets in *Slongated Anthochortus. ] RESTIACE® (Masters). 149 cymes ;_ spathes sabia innecenr acuminate ; flowers stipitate ; perianth-segments linear-oblong; lateral conduplicate, keeled ; inner 3 subeq ual; anthers “whee apiculate. Kunth, Enum. iii. 486; Mast. in Journ. Linn, Soc. x. 274, and in DC. Monog. Phan. i. 398. Coast REGIon; Swellendam Div. ; 3; mountains near Swellendam, Ecklon and Zeyher ! Probably the male plant of some species of Hypolena. Orper CL. CYPERACEZ, (By C. B. CLaRKg.) wers glumaceous, 2- or ual, Pertanth hypogynous, of 6 or yooety small scales or bristles, not petaloid, frequently irregular or Imperfect, often , free, all anterior, or in a few —— rior, ovoid, l-celled; ovule 1, basal; or ovoid ; testa thin ; embryo minute, obpyramidal, “at the base of the usually floury albumen. sheathe Poon irre entire; flowers mai or lin spi (the axis 3 of h rl he glumes being 1€ rhachilla of the spikelet) wah 1 1- or 2-sexual, with empty glumes either at bottom or top, th; spikele rescen usually designated a as sais ; spikelets or spikes arranged in corym)s or in Gooey ent umbels o Distrip, Species apes ae pas throughout the world, growing especially in da amp places or neh or sahnat numerous, solitary, or in clusters or heads (such compound a Sub-Order I. Scrapo-Scuoznes, Fertile flo wx picke all with perfect nero Tim ot in Scirpus spathaceus and Tetraria crinifolia. [See also ‘ig poh foot 5 ts in which Bentham regards the spikelet as possibly a 2-se er Tribe l. CYPER REE. Em lumes at the base of the spikelet 2 or 1; fer- = glumes ma my, fow or i erg pia sp skelet, 2-ranked. [Rhac achilla of eT f rarely twisted; after the glum and nate are fallen, the notches on the eck can be seen to be ésiaity 2- ead) | Hypogynous bristles 0. se —Style 2-branched. Nut compressed laterally, Spikelet bearing Ul or 2 ands more) nuts. bearin » Pycreus,— gy sd ha branched. Nut compressed laterally. Spikelet bearing Ul Several or ing any n oy Seen siyte 2-branched, Nut compressed dorsally. v M # —Style 3-branched. Rhachilla of spikelet persistent. t Style 3-branched. Rhachilla of spikelet caducous. , Tribe 2, ribet ee: Empty glumes at the base of the spikelet 2-0 ; fertile me ged spirally, many, often vei ery numerous, 150 CYPERACE (Clarke). VI. Eleocharis.—Stem leafless, with one terminal spikelet VII. Fimbristylis. amon war kal — 0. Style- — “constricted above the nut, persistent, or deciduous w t leaving a butt WE, artes is.—Style ng "athe a Gurion on the nut; otherwise as tmbri. 18. dairvie. —style Leanna gradually pe continuously into the X. Eriophorum.—Hypogynous pie t, divided nearly to the piety appearing very ip aaewas as Sci XI. Pine —Ova ary 00 @ more dlatinet obpyramidal gynophore ; otherwise as xm. Puss. —Spikelets conspicuously hairy ; otherwise as Scirpu XIII, Lipocarpha.— Hypo ceynons scales 2, hyaline, standing fore saa aft within Sci : XIV. Ascolepis.—Hypogynous scale 1, posticous, within the glume and longer than it, thickened upwards, almost enveloping the nut; otherwise as Scirpus. aoe 3. SCHOENEZ. Empty alvne? a the base of the spikelet usually e than 2; fertile glumes few, very ofte * Style ae XV. Bynchospora.— Branches of style 2, long linear, or exceedingly short (style then nearly entire). ** Style 3-fid. Fertile glumes, and empty glumes below them, more or less 2-ranked. age — —Lowest flower perfecting a nut. Hypogynous bristles 6, long, XVII. “Eeklones, Ps inl eg bristles feathered at the base, 3-fid at top; Ca: XVIII. | ache Lowe flower perfecting a nut. Rhachilla above perfect flower lengthen IX. Epischoen aa flower (or 2 tee flowers) not perfecting a nut. Rhachilla aes the perfect flower lengthe XX. Cos ia.—Lowest flower male. Whachilla not elongated above the fertile flower. .. Tetraria.—Lowest flower with a pistil that does not perfect a rd: other- wise as Costularia. (In T. cuspidata, the lowest flower perfects a ut. ] *#* Style 3-fid. Glwmes spirally placed. Lowest flower perfecting a nut. XXII. Macrochnetium.—Hypogynous bristles long. Stamens 6. XXIII. Cladium.—Hypogynous bristles 0 (in the Cape sp. Ye Samba 3-2. Sub-O rder II. Mapanrex. Spikelet of one viene a flower without aperianth. Lower glwmes, some with 1 stamen, some e XXIV. Chrysithrix.—Style long linear; branches 3. aie next outside the pistil empty. Sub-Order III. Caricex. Flowers all l-sexual. Spikelets 1-sexual oF 2-sexual; if bisexual then consisting of 1 basal female flower, and 1 or maby upper male fimerd: XXV. Seleria.—Spikelet as or clustered. Hypogynous bristles 0. Nut bony, ios on a gyno XXVL. Eriosp Bie hres se crowded in small Scirpus-like spikes. Hypogynows bristles i creenral _ Spike dense, often somewhat gg Rhizome, horizontal or oblique, t chic Bra ‘often 4 or isk acts ay — long; mil spi ike esl ... (4) elatio: ong ; spike as ov we 1 scorn aee y an Sie sige Mi is a cylindric, straw-coloured ... ... (6) cylindrica. : } Subgenus III. Pseupo- ee Keel of fertile glume not winged. Spike- as often perfec cting 2 (or more) nu Middle spik vm heat brown... ... (7) pulchella. Spike globose, somew olden-brown ... ... (8) tetragona. Spike large, globose, erect white fj (9) Lehmanni. Spike esc straw-colou ae - (10) Buchanani. a hes 3 di; aaa 0-5 (usually 3), spreading, lowest ~ «in. long, similar to the leaves; spike 1, $in long, r 152 CYPERACEZ (Clarke). [ Kyllinga. stem minutely scabrous Lyne sgh at the top; spike dull golden-white or greenish-white. K. alata, Neesin Linnza, ix. 286; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. K. aurea, Krauss in Shore. 1845, 757. sot — pie locality, Zhe, Sr aes Coast REeGion: Queenstown Div. n Table, Mountain ag W dete Berg ft. Devoe, 3930 | Shiloh, ean. fe, "Drie Ko many oe v.; Kei R Ellon! Flanagan, al Ye i Var. B, Bat Se ; near las idee of "hs Kasuga River, 50 ft an, 727! Vit es ; be tween Van Stadens Berg and Galgebosch, Burchel, ‘4681! and without mates locality, Ecklon and Zeyher, 450 363 ! Katanart REGION: Gian and West; between Witte Water and Riet Fontein, Burchell, 1997! onus Free State: ome River, Burke, 202! Basutoland, Cooper, 919! Transvaal; Croc Burke! Houtbosh, Reh- mann, 5633 ! 5686! Magalies Berg, Zeyher, ring ! pr without precise locality, MeLea in Herb. Bolus, 6020! 6021! Var. 8: Griqualand, Rehmann, 3397! e, 301! yous si REGION : pave Durban, Kuntze, 233! B, Natal; margin of woods around Durban Bay, Hrauss. 202 neat Duta, Wood, noe arr precise ante, Gerrard, 485! Rehmann, 8595 ! Also in South Tropical Africa. 2. K; pauciflora (Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Bot. ii. 147, +. ot 6-8 spikelets, quer or somewhat golden; spikelets 3 in. long, narrow-lanceolate, perfecting 1 nats fertile glume lanceolate, acute ; keel wingless, green, smooth ; style 2-fid. Ben Reeion: Natal; Buchanan, 329! 330! so in oom This species is hardly separable from the world-wide XK. senegiine Rottb a 3. K. erecta (Schumach. Beskr. Guin. Pl. 42); glabrous; rhizome horizontal, herbarium pieces often 3-4 in. long, varying from -4,—-3 in thickness, clothed with bright brown, horny, ovate, striate scales ; ; stems 4-18 in. long, slender; bases hardly thickened, close together or 1—1 in. apart on rhizome ; leaves often 3 the length of th e erg Lin. ; bracts usually 3, s spreading or suberect, lowest 2-5 in, long, similar to the leaves ; : spike 1, ovoid, dense, golden-brown or fuscous : elets 34 in. lon ng, ellipsoid, perfecting 1 nut; fertile glume elliptic, keel wingless, green, minutely excurrent into a mucro, smooth or with 1 or 2 microscopic ‘bristles ; aie. 2-fid; nut oblong, black. K. pesca News in Linnea, x. 139, excl. Nees’ reference to Linnea, vii. 512, 2 in pha ix. 286; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 422, exel. ar. y. . consanguinea, Kunth, Sa. at, 125. SoutH AFRICA: es serie 63 ibe 1763 Coast REGION : nhage -3 Ecklon eri Zeyher! Albany Div.; Grahamstown, ‘Ecklon Glenn, “100 te: Drege, 4387 | ! Bothas Hill, 2200 ft. pret 1351! Komgha Div.; near Komgha, Flanagan, 917! ’ King Williamsto a Div.3 Toise River, 3500 ft., Kuntze, 228! Queenstown n Div.; Table Mountain, 4000-5000 ft. , Drege, 3931! KaLanagi ReGion: Orange Free State ; Caledon River, Burke, 425! Trams- Kyllinga. ] CYPERACE# (Clarke). 158 3; Rehmann, 4475! Bosch Veld, Rehmanwn, 5350! Hooge Veld, Rehmann, Hoel se eting 5000 ft., Kuntze, 261! Eastern Region: Transkei, 1000~2000 ft., Drége! Natal; Inanda, Wood, 1076! near ethan, Wood, oh . and without sien socality Gerrard, 706! 707! Buchanan, 99! Wood, 4 Delagoa Bay, Junod Common throughout ak ie ‘and the Pretec isles. 7 4. K. elatior (Kunth, Enum. ii. 135); glabrous; ene obliquely descending, thick but har ardly woody ; scales herbaceo s; stems 1-2 ft. long, thick, triquetrous, somewhat remote on ny rhizome ; leaves 1 r + 2- (rarely 3- ) flowered, ‘rarely perfecting more than lowest nut l . fertile glume wingless, minutely excurrent into a green mucro, smooth or very nearly so; style 2-fid; nut ellipsoid, brown, less than 2 + the fougth of the "lume. Krauss in Flora, 1845, 757; Boeck, in Linn, xxxv. 422 eyli indric, ce in, é ong ce irty- ee te: spikelet 2 in. long, es T Region: King Williamstown Div.; Perie Forest, Kuntze, 270! Komgha Div, ; near the mouth of the Kei River, 300 ft., Flanagan, 1789! Katanart Enaion ; range Free State, Buchanan , 83! ! Eastern Recion Pondoland ; between Umtat ta River a d St. Fonts ee 1000-2000 ft. \Drige, 4384! Nat tal ; banks of the Umlaas he Krauss, 32! and — ane locality, Buchanan, 98a! 324! Zululand; near tn ad d, 3993 in South- east Tropical Africa. 5. K. m melanosperma (Nees in Wight, Contrib. pall ei 8 18 in. long, slender, hardly triquetrous; bracts 4-3, 3 oad; head Solitary, ov oid; keel of fertile glume often Buuare “mit finally black [otherwise as K. elatior, Kunth]. Boeck. in Linnwa, XXxv. 9; C. B. Clarke in Hi k. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 588. B Coast Region : Alban ; Assegai erie near Sidbury, Burchell, 4173! rookhuizens Poort, near eater 2000 ft., MacOwan, 673! ENTRAL REGION : rau cae ge Div. ; ; eee River, Bolus! i : ’ yx! pekst#RN Ructox: Tembuland; Bazeia, 2000 ft, Baur, 46! Griqualand Wad een. Clydesdale, 2500 ft., Tyson, 2864! 2865! Natal; Durban Fiat, vita ip castle, nor 188 ! eo ae ee ranean 6-8 ; iia oe in Wight, Contrib. 2 rae ee hott thise es the base, e mi me cerry — phy 1 in. broad ; bracts 3, zo leaves 2 as long as the stem, hy : 2 F middle Sede: 12 i long, Pore to the “leaves ; spikes ald nude 3} by 2 in. cylindric, dense, straw-coloured ; spikelets OO ly acute, fe ting: beffpctiity 1 nut; fertile glume ovate, : the Teles, smooth ; style 2- fid ; nut broad, ellipsoid, % as ne 4 in Li ume, yellow-brown when ripe (finally nearly black). ag 588. inneed, xxxy. 415; OF B. Clarke in Hook _f. Fl. Brit. Ini. vi. 154 CYPERACEH (Clarke). [ Kyllinga. KALAHARI ReGion: Transvaal, Rehmann, 563 Eastern Reeion: Pondoland, Bachmann, 108 ! Natal; Inanda, Wood, 1421! and without ne locality, Buchanan, viet 23 ! Scattered throughou nei my Africa, Pe Mascarene Islands, India, and the warmer part of Australi K. 00 a, Vahl, swtiel 4 is abundant in Tropical and Sub-‘Tropical hase, 4 is ae caches separable. hort, very slender; stem 6- long, slender, ee hardly thickened at the base ; leaves tes as long as the stem, 2 in. broad; bracts 3-4, spreading, lowest often 4 in. long, similar to de, leaves ; spikes 8-1, middle one cylindric, } by +in. (but — examples occur with one ovoid spike 1 in. long), dense; spikelets 1-1 in., 5—7-glume perfecting 3- nuts ; glumes oat-s aped, ches tnut- brown ; keal VA 7. K. pulchella (Kunth, ene ii, 137); glabrous; stolons s 15 102; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 405. XK. atrosanguinea, Steud. in Flora, 1842, Souta Arrica: without locality, Zeyher, 1755! ‘stefan Re@ion: Komgha Div.; among rocks near Komgha, 2000 ft., Flanaga”, 1261! CENTRAL ReGion: Albert Div.; 4500 ft., Drége, 7384! Somerset Div. ; Bosch Berg, 2500 ft., MacOwan, 1 ao KatanaRi REGI ION n: Orange Free tate; Riet River, Burke,433! Transvaal Hooge Veld, at Trigards Fontein, Donel 6670! Houtbosh, Rehmann, 5620! Also in Abyssinia, 8. K. tetragona (Nees in Linnea, vii. 512); small, glabrous oF the top of the stem minutely sca cabrous- pubescent ; rhizome woody, erect, short, often divided at the top, covered with scales torn into brown fibres; stem solitary, 3-7 in. long, slender, thickened at the base by leaf-sheaths ; leaves 1 as lone as the stem, —. in. broad bracts 3,8 spreading, lowest 1—2 in, long, similar to the leaves ; spike re i hf i Enum. ii. 137, partly. K. inaurata, Boat in n Linnea, xxxv. 406. SoutH AFRICA: ee locality, Ze yher noah REGION: a eenstown Div. ; tnbetis Table Mou d the Zwart Kei River, Drége, 3931 3 ountain an 9 K.Lehmanni (Nees in Linnea, x. 139) ; hee except the aT scabrous Bint top of the stem ; rhizome woody, short, subereet ; scales torn into fibres ; stem 5-11 in, Jon Sieber is: stout, the pees 4+ in. broad ; uate 3, Sp delidinig: lowest similar to the leaves ; spike 1, slog » 4-¢ in. in diam., white ; spikelets 1—1 in. long, usually perfecting two nuts; glumes elliptic-lanceolate, ni ; keel wing me green, smooth or sparingly bristly, excurrent as a mucro; style 2-fid; nut only seen young: ck, in Linnea, xxxv. 408. ‘EK. csleita: Kunth, Enum, ii. 136. ee ok Kyllinga. | CYPERACEH (Clarke). 155 sees AFRICA: without agp Eck lon 2 and Zeyher, 28! Coast Region: Albany D Sy me *, 43841 Komgha Div.; near the mouth apie ‘aaa ‘Tembula an es Baur, 274! Port Natal, 500 ft., stems 6-15 in. long tufted, handle chidkaned at the fone peed often 3 as long as the stem, 1-1 in, broad; bracts 8, spreading, rent 4 in. long, similar to the leaves spike lg globose or subovoid, + in. long, stony coloured; spikelets + in. Jong, elliptic- -oblong, often perfecting 2 nuts ; glumes 1-coloured, teal ante, with compressed glandular dots ; keel wingless, not at all green, smooth; style 2-fid ; nut } as long ma the clume, rele pai a or REGION tal; Umzula, anys Shire itighlinds, British tose Afric The kee 1 of the ie re e glume is wingless; yet this species may prove only an extreme state of K. II. PYCREUS, Beauv. Spikelet of many distichous glumes; 2 lowest empty, 5 at least (usually many) succeeding glumes 2-sexual and perfecting nuts, uppermost male or sterile; rhachilla persistent, not disarticulating below the lowest fertile glume, not winged. Stamens 1-3, wre anthers Narrow-oblong, not creste Style s ape More: linear, in a plane passing through thachilla, Wut oblong or siipeoid compressed laterally, smooth. Glebrous; leaves to the base of the roto ndtit cn Kili gg as must half its length by jearaneutie} ae escence (as in Cyperus) a corymbose-panicle, shortened into a false umbel or Disrrrs. Species 64; in all warm and temperate regio ZONATR, Superficial cells sh the nut Vabttadtch ly oblong; nut often appearing zonate by re of the narrow ends of the cells running into an undulating or sears horizontal lin Spikelets 12 lin. broad, i or pale purl (1) poe tn Spikelets 2 Tin, broad, ches (2) ¥ thus. Spikelets 3 lin. broad, pera ose -., (3) macran Punoticunar#. Superficial cells of the nut square ; nut often appeari aa dotted by reason of the light reflected from the convex urtace of each cell. St eth, by leaf- a ~ clothed, often for } its length, by (4) Mundtii. eaten narrow, red- tinged ‘or pale, never chestnut-brown ; Spi ikelets linear, glumes closely im- ricate — more distant, “rather "larger righte Sov ce ve Spikelets chest bro hi ns oblique. descending “iat um- be Ned 3 spikelets 2 lin. broad . rs As preceding, but ae acute .. (5) polystachyus, (6) ferrugineus. (7) um (8) cekforvensls 156 cyPeRAcEs (Clarke). [ Pycreus. gas nian ae spikelets 1 lin. broad; close .. (9) betschuanus. As ie but stolons 0; " glamies more distant ; keel green . (10) elegantulus. Leaves stout, inrolled ; spikelets 1y lin, broad, rig ae ug eee .. (11) Cooperi. Bek umbelled ; yel ee ts 2 ei poe, diipuc lasldoblate: raw-coloured . . (12) angulatus. Spikelets 14 Tn, broad, Tinear, parallel sided, golde . (18) chrysanthus. yi 1. P. flavescens (Reichb. Fl. Germ. ae 72) ; glabrous, annual ; / stems 1-12 in. long; leaves 2 as long as the stem, ~;—} in. bro ad; spikes loosely umbelled, or stem with 4 ike sometimes with only 3 spikelets; bracts 3, lowest 2-6 in. long, similar to the leaves; spikes of 3-12 closely spicate spies, Sorewvonio 5 ; spikelets commonly + by ~y in. (in form abyssinica % by 4 in.) com ain parallel- sided, straw-coloured more om less red-tinged, 8-36-nu ted ; glumes . Clarke in Hook J. Fi. Ini. vi. 589. ‘Cyperus flan Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. 2, 68, not rai Herb. ; Boeck in Linnea, X abe C. aby ysdinictin, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum, ii, 4; Boeck. in pp v. 440. a ee ae el TTT HARI REGION: Orange Free ce gl (forma adyssinica) Buchanan, 110! Transvaal Houtbos = Rehmann, 5640 Hastern Reeion: Natal; Biggar shed rg, 5000 presets 222! and without ty locality Gerrard, 489 ! (forma Region Bacn n, 309! Extends from England and Denmark to Cabul and se Cape, and widely scattered in ee merica. The large rae form i deryrtes (admitted as a ‘a apedies by Boeckeler) extends from South Europe to South Afri 2. P. rehmannianus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Con- spect. aL Afr. v. 542, excluding several numbers cited) ; glabrous; roots fibrous, tough ; atoms tufted, 8-11 in. long; leaves 7 by 2 in.; umbel 3-2 in, in diam, - contracted, of 7-22 spikelets ; bracts 3; lowest 23 + in, long, similar to the leaves ; spikes of 3-7 loosely spicate ° : ar obtuse, 1-nerved ; Soioat bran heck ae ellipsoid, compressed, shining black, ‘obscurel ransverse-undulate by reason of the large longitu- dinally-oblong cari cells. Cyperus rehmannianus, "Boeck. C. B. Clarke in Durand and sa. Conspect, Fl. Afr. v. 542. KALABARI ReGion: Transvaal ; osh, Rehmann, 5651! EasTerN ReGion: Natal; Howick Geteben. 67389! 3. P. saceandiins (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Cn /e Afr. v. 938); glabrous ; roots fibrous, tough; stems t tufted 1-2 ft. es leaves 12 by 4-2 in. (rarely 2 in.) broad ; umbel 3-1 in” Pycreus.] CYPERACEH (Clarke). 157 in diam. Soa erie often into 1 head of 6-30 spikelets ; bracts 3, lowest 3-8 i n. long, similar to the leaves; spikes of 3-8 somew what loosely spicate spikelets, ebracteate ; spikelets often up to 1 by + in., compressed, linear-oblong, c¢ estnut- brown, oa ae gt clumes obovoid, turgidly biconvex, black, stasets a as ace as the glume, obscurely transversely lineolate by reason of the small longi- tudinally-oblong superficial cells. Cyperus macranthus, Boeck. “in “bie xxxv. 462. CL lanceus var. .B macrostachya, Kunth. Enum. ii SoutH Arrica: without cme ba ringer oast Region: Komgha Div. ; r Komgha, 2000 ft., Flanagan, 930! 1261! i Drege, 4394! King Williamstown Div. ; Toise = at eaten, Kuntze, 224! 1063 RAL Rea@ion : Somerset Div.; Bosch Berg, 4500 ft., MacOwan, 1362 ! 3! Katawart REGrIon: Transvaal, Houtbosh, Rehmann, 5653! Magalies Berg, ber aroer TERN REGION: sg and; Bazeia, 2000 ft. re vei Natal; Moh- lamba Range, 5000-6000 is ele land ! tant Wood, 3 Also in South Tropical nee \ 4, P. Mundtii (Nees in Linnea, ix. 283; x. 131); poh rhizome obliquely descending, 2-6 in. long; stem solitary, §-24 in lon ite covered for often half its length by leaf-sheaths ; leaves 3-8 in. Y ¢-+ in.;_ umbel simple or compound or redu ced to 1 head ; bracts 3-4, lowest 2-4 in. long, similar to the leaves; rays few or ri spikes of 3-7 somewhat loosely-spicate spikelets, ebracteate ; mar + by 2 in, compressed, linear, brown or chestnut-red or pale hows 20-nutted ; glumes ovate, boat-sha ped, obiuse, some- what inflated ; style-branches 2 2; nut obovoid, compressed, biconvex, brown, scarcely half the length of the glume, ad and lig marked by raised dots. Cyperus Mundtii, Kunth, Enum. ii. 17; Boeck, in Linnea, xxxv. 448, C. distichophy yllus, Seous, in Flora, 1842, 582; Boeck. in Lin nned, xxxv. 488. C. turfosus, Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754, C. Eragrostis, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. ii, 475; Wiltk. et Lange, Fl. Hisp.i. 138; Kunth, Enum. ii. a not of Vahl. Sourn Arrica: without localit Eéklon. and Zeyher, 2 y, 383! Hochst Rucion: Cape To wn, Rchnaek coh roa E.S.C.A. erb., 2351 : oGatauant REGION: Transvaal; Marico Dist., Matebe River, Holub, 1897- East —_ Reeton: Natal; Umlaas River, Krauss, 415! Camperdown, a P wie n, 77 a Pr bilo River, near Pinetown. 800 ft., Wood, 4016! Delagoa ay; es! Sco Common naewehlt Africa and the Mascarene Islands, also in Spain. Bares er finer Fl. Ow 48, t. 86, fig. 2); 2 in. (but see var, B) in in compound ‘aoe or 1) heads; bracts 3-5, lowest 2-6 in. long, similar to the leaves ; spikelets densely me Di i+ by 158 CYPERACES (Clarke). [ Pycreus. jj in., linear, compressed, yellow more or less brown-red-tinged, 20- nutted ; glumes ovate boat-shaped, obtuse, closely imbricated even in fruit ; style-branches 2; nut oblong-ellipsoid, compressed, black, half the length of the glume, closely and regularly marked by raised dots, ee in Linnwa, x. 130; C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 592. Cyperus polystachyus, R. Br. Prod. age Thunb. Prod, “18; Fl. Cap. ed. 102; Nees in Linnea, vii. 515; Boeck. in ‘Linen, XXXV. rie git of Rottb. C. A Linn. Sp. Plant. 46, ed. 2, 68, ~ Linn. Herb. mainly. Var. £8, itis (Benth, Fl, Austral. vii. 261); umbel open; spikelets eg ie Tosely pete Fiesin: at right angles. C. B. Clarke in Hook. OUTH AFRICA: without locality, Sieber, ade Dréye, 4404! 4105! Bergivs, 166! Harvey, iat 371! Ecklon and Zeyher, 84 Coast Reaion: Clanwilliam Div. ; Ma a Ka, near the yah ahated River, Drége! Cape Shy, ; near Cape Town, Thunberg, Drége, 9! Bolus, 3309! Burchell, 683! 831! Camps Bay, Burchell, 851! False Bay, EeWetece | ? Tulbagh Div. : near ‘Tulbagh, oper = 1045/1! sig ee Worcester Div.; Re ian, 2s16! Caledon Div.; Zoe melks Valle chell, 7567! Uitenhage Div.; by t on a ora Burchell 44331 Vike 4358! Albany Div. : Genanstow 2000 ft., n, 56 omgha Div.; Kei River, Flanagan, 95 ictaae pteia : Natal ; [gogond wane, Suther land! ! Durban F need Buchanan, 21! 37! 112! 310! Umlaas River rauss gis} Var. 8, Natal; Durban, : : O35 Abundant in all warm and temperate regions, exee ek Ear There occurs every gradation from the dense Lepesant like Gis of P. polystachyus be to the extreme form of the var. B, laxijloi . P. ferrugineus (C. B. pia 7 rae ‘ Fl Brit. Ind. vi. 463): spikelets rather large in., more brightly coloured, often somewhat tesla ie thes s he base ; glumes rather more distant, their tips less closely imbricated in fruit; nut rather larger (otherwise as P. polystachyus, Beauv. var. 8 tarijlor, Benth.). Cyperus ferrugineus, Poir im Lam. Encyc. vii. 261. C. micans, Kunth, Enum. ii. 12; Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754. C. polystaclyus, vars. ferrugineus and eh eth pate hk. wi Linnea, xxxv. 479. C. polystachyus, vars. ferrugineus, micars, and filicina, Cc. B. Clarke in Journ. ae mn. aS xxi. 54, 55. SoutH Areica;: without locality, Drége, 4 Goes Recion: Komgha Div.; Kei River, & Plies n, 961! EASTERN nara Caffraria, Schu Itz! Pondoland, Drie 4419! Natal;- marshes near Umlaas River, Kyra 189! Coast la nd, Sutherland ! Howies, ; UL! 738! 3 6790! and without seecthe locality, Daiinitie, 3 Buchanan, 103! 1} 2913 q cattered throught egy pest af dace tng Asian: in Tropical America and oleedteg north to Canada, i.e. merican Cyperus ein a C. Spreng: : seems to me identical with the re Pps Pycreus ferrugin umbrosus (Nees in Linnea, x. 130) ; gabroa stolons | rd long sou clothed by distant scales 14 in. long; stem solitary, ng, triquetrous at the top ; leaves all near the base of the ar Pa 12 by 4 in.; umbel 3- < in. in diam., or Mica to l compound head ; bracts 3-4, lowe t 38 i in. lone similar to the leaves ; spikelets 3-9 together, dati ebracteate, } by 3 in., vrauch Pycreus. | CYPERACE® (Clarke). 159 compressed, 18-nutted, brown, or chestnut-brown; glumes ovate boat-shaped, obtuse ; style- -branches 2; nut small, obovo id, 1-1 the length of the glume, dark-brown, superficial eels round- -hexagonal. Cyperus laneeus, Thunb. Prod. 18 ; Fil. Cap. ed. Schult. 101 ; Nees in Linnea, vii. 517; x. 185; Steud in Flora, 1829, 153. C. atratus, Krauss in Flora ist, 753. C. umbraticola, Ku nth, Enum, ii. 13 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 443. C. permutatus, Boeck. in Linnea, 1. uta AFRIcA: without locality, Krebs! Bergius, 172! Harvey, 81! 351! 375! 382! Ecklon and Zeyher, 1! 76! Coasy REGION: Clanwilliam Div., Zeyher! Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 885 ! Milne, 224! Ma eGillivray y, 417! Cape Flats, Thanderay Bureh He v0! 676! Krauss! Simons Bay, Wright! Paarl a Berg River, Dré 1598! Worcester Div.; Brand Vley, Thom, 1063! Caledon Div. ; ; Gyabbie w, sic Palmiet River, 700 ft., Bolus, 4231! Riversdale Div.; between ‘Little Vet River Kampsche Berg, Burchell, 6862! Knysna Div. ; hills near Melville, i n Stadens Zeyher, 4357! and without precise locality, Ecklon and Zeyher, 634! 715! ef ihe Div. Toise River Sta bey 3500 ft., Kuntze, 277! - REGION: Transvaal eg nen. 4772! 4773! Hooge Veli, a Donker Hock, Rehmann, 6151! 65 33 Eas GION: Griquala nd Baty near peep red 5000 ft. Pei: 1614! Pondalaner, mtsikaba River, Dréye! Natal; Umlaas River, ’ Kra 205! pa Fl: at, We ood, 4099! and eae hate Neue. Buchanan, ral 308 ! réye Also in ae Africa and Madagascar. : oakfortensis (C. B. Clarke); stems 1—2 ft. long, with eaves ie inflorescence as in the narrow-leaved forms of P. umbrosus ; spikelets rigid, shining black ; nut shining black ; glumes lanceolate, acute (otherwise as P. umbrosus, Nees). Cyperus oakportenss, Boeck. ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 543, by one: Rearee Reeion : Transvaal; Lomati Valley, 4000 ft., Galpin, 1364. R GION; Natal 5 Oakford, Rehmann'! and without precise locality, wohanan, 97a! 99! 100 ae as a form of P. umbsosus, Nees, in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. 2-4 in, lon ng, pias, ehmeteae ; Spikelets } ei ge ms cake compressed, hard, boat-sha “2—nutted, dark chestnut. brown ; sis close-packed, ovate, st ae aped, obtuse ; ; keel of fertile glume, paler yellowish, not green ee tanches 2 ; nut obovoid, scarcely 2 2 the length of the glum Jaheh Site. Cy erus betschuanus, Boeck. _* ngl. . C. globosus var. nilagirica, C. B. Clarke in Journ. Li mn, Soe, XXi. 49, g 2 ag ’ Katanagr Ree Moantaing wig EGON :_ Griqualand West; Hay Div., between the Asbestos te Water, Burchell, 2081 ! Tran: aal He area " Baten ! Bechuanal and, 4000 ft., Mare 1027} goes - 160 cypERAcEzx (Clarke). [ Pycreus. Some dark chestnut-brown Indian mountain forms of P. globosus, Reichb., re- semble a present plant very closely, but never show its slender stolons a ore (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Sos Fl. Afr. v. 536); glabrous; stems tufted on a very short rhizome, as or lax, or with few or only 1 spike; bracts 3, lewest 2-8 in. long, similar to the leaves ; spikes of 4-8 elosely- spiked spikelets, ebracteate ; spikelets 1-1 by ~,—; in., much compressed, 6—10-nutted ; glumes marked by raised dots. Cyperus atronitens, Hochst. in Flora, 1841, Band 1, Intell. 20; err in Linnea, xxxv. 456. C. elegantulus, Steud. in Flora, 1842, 5 Eastern REGION rget: A aes Flat, Buchanan, 50! and without precise naclity. Bodaasn, 101! Also in Tropical Africa, and from Mexico to Peru. 11. P. Cooperi (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. — v. Dealt glabrous, stout; roots fibrous, very thick (prob- ably water) ; stems sely packed, thickened at the base by ae leaf-sheaths 8-20 in. long.; leaves longer than the stem, trigonous- -terete, jy in. in diam., all very close to the base of the stem ; umbel 3-1 in. in diam., condensed nearly into 1 compound spike; bracts 3, lowest 3-6 in. lon ng, similar to the leaves ; spikelets glume, brown; superficial cells quadrate. Cyp s nilagiricus, Boeck. ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, aaisee Fl. Afr. v- 585. C. lanceus Thunb. ? Drege, Aasipeye onc 8 agi 177. Coast Reeion : Stockenstrom Div. ; Kat 00-5000 f RE cle Katanart ReGion : Orange Free State, ones: sey Pravelear, Te cthoaky Reimann, 5652! / 12. P. angulatus (Nees in Linnea, ix. 283); glabrous, or robust ; rhizome entering? ores a) in. wow leaves all near the base of the stem, } its length, 1-1 in. broad ; umbel 2-4 in. in = simple, or sap ag ee of 1 spike ; bracts 3, Sowest 3-10 in. long similar t = — ee 4-10 together, spicate, yellew or i 2 by 2 34-1 in., much com 20-nuttec ; : e . B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 593 Jahrb. iii. 85 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 463. C. ¢ Pycreus.] CYPERACEH (Clarke). 161 — in Wight, Contrib.73; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 465. C. pseudo- bromoides, ie in Linnea, xxxv. 464, mgha Div.; Kei River Flanagan, 958! Queenstown Div. ; Klipplaat River, 3500 ft Drage, '3958! {ON : Foe, sae: Rehmann, 4326! ASTERN REGION: uland; Bazeia, 2000 ft., Baur, 371! Pondoland ; rena Umtata River reg Rt Johns Riv iver, 1000-2000 feet. , Drage, 4397 ! Widely distributed in all tropical and warm-temperate lands, 3. P. ae yeenthns (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. we fr. v. 534); ig somewhat stout; stems 15-24 in. long ; raat all near the base of the stem, 2 its length, 3-3 in. broad ; mbel 3-42 in. broad, simple ; bracts 3- a lowest 3-8 in., similar to the leaves ; spikelets 6- 16 together, loosely spicate, ebracteate, up a by 15 in., linear with exactly parallel sides, 12-22-nutted, much ea ; glumes ovate, boat-shaped, golden yellow, one- coloured ; keel microscopically excurrent and often “scabrous ; style-branches 2 ; nut oblong-ellipsoid, 2 the length of the glume, ‘black ; superficial cells square. 0. thryeuntivis,, Boeck. in Linnea, Xxxv. 476. C. lanceus var, y ? mucronata, Kunth, Enum. ii 8. South AFRIca: without locality, oe ne Katanart REGION: Tran svaal; Rehm 145! EAsteRN eerag: Natal, Grant ! cai Do eh Umtsikaba River, below 500 ft. » Drége, 4409! S Ill JUNCELLUS, C. B. Clarke. the ero Hite beset scarcely winged. Stamens 1-3, anterior. Style slender ; oe 2, linear, in a plane at right angles to the median plane o f the spikelet. Nut phases or alleged “triangular, the anterior angle flattened, smooth. Differs from Cyperus only in having the style 2-fid, not 3-fid. Species 13, scattered through nearly all warm and temperate regions. 1. J. levi igatus (C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 596) ; Slabrous ; rhizome. ere eeping; stems 6-24 in. long, somewhat fleshy, roundish ; leaves usually short, often hardly any, sometimes exceed- ie" = at z2—} in. broad, upper part terete-trigonous ; spikelets + sie BL ~30, in one apparently 1 lateral head ; ke ad , lower 1-3 in. ong, suberect, siecthae to the leaves; spikelets 1 b 2 in ., straw-coloured, often more or less purple-tinged ie st oeced: comp essed but 162 CYPERACEE (Clarke). [Juncellus. obtuse, smooth, brown, plane ggreucicss = pressed against the rhachill, anterior face convex or somewhat ridged. Cyperus evigatus, Linn. Mant. 179; Rottb. Ese a Te. 19, t. 16, jig. 1; ay Prod. 18, and Fi. Cap: ed. Schult. shies: Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 486 ; C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn, Soc. xxi. 77, t. 3, fig. 20, 21, and t. 4, fig. $3, mucronatus, oe Doser - ie. 19, ¢. 8, jig. 4: Pycreus levigatus, Nees in Linnea, Sout AFRICA: without snag Sgn and Zeyher! Coast Recion: Malmesbury D oe Mooresbury, Bachmann, 759! Cape Div.; Cape Town, Thunberg, Hae 172! 188! oe ‘1786! Nieu- wernoolen, Bergiws, 159! Port Elizabeth, Drége, 4882! #. 8.C.A. Herb., 273! CaNTEAS Region: Graaff Reinet Div.; by the Sunday River, 2500 fe, gee RN ReGion: Natal; near Durban, Wood, 1365! Rehmann, 859 97! 18 i Keun, "225a! 225b! near Umgeni, Wood, 4007! and without precise locality, Gerr 488! . in all warm and temperate ag The a a C. B. Clarke (C. junciformis, Desfont. Fl. Atlant. i, 42, t. 7, fig. 1), with few, hard, black- chestnut spikes is also spread over mas of the world, but no pels Me have beev yet seen from South Africa. IV. CYPERUS, Linn. seriatim beginning with the lowest. Stamens 3-1 anterior. Sty/¢ slender, sometimes short; branches 3, long linear, or in C. semitrifidus and in som -Cape species) short, weak or obsolete. Nat section, smooth ; supatfacal cells nearly square (except in one Australian species). Usually tacos lenves all near the base of the stem; inflorescence a t nal apparent umbel, or reduced to a single head or skelt pias: Species 300, in all warm and temperate regions, According to Nees (in Linnea, x. 134), Cyperus Haspan, Linn., was co wt evra “ pees airs but the species has not bee anyone from South A ie I. _ Pycnostachys Sinall sniniialis a “a of 1-3 spikelets: Spikelets 1 line broad ose --. (1) tenellus. Spikelet 2 lines broad --- (2) micromegas- ti a cate nd of 4-15, spikelets : er ll; spikelet 3 line broad loma. Stems thickened a s the tase, not annual ; ss spikelets brown, af or chestn ant et Glumes with long recurved poir .-. (4) meyerianus. collected een a ~~ in Ecklon’s plants, TE eee 7% Cyperus. | CYPERACE® (Clarke). 163 Glumes large, bright-coloured, with : white points... ms ane (5) Teneriffe. Glumes chestnut-brown or dark red ; nut 3 the length of the glume (6) rupestris. of the glum As lat, but leaves setaceous, eplindsie, obtu (7) amnicola., As C0. rupesri, but spikelets m narrower nut v mall .. (8) parvinux. Stout pots ids woody rhiz Glumes se oa aC. yellow or snes rown, densely pack (9) compactus. rue Pel awe are, broad, a little inflated, les . (10) margaritaceus. Sect. 2. Spikes simply belied (1-headed stems often occur); spikelets ee or clustered, rarely on bs leat-bearin U ontracted ; rays ver Spikelets dull grey-red ; ioe oborid .. (11) bellus. Spik ae dull ; une muticous ; oblon ie ee n (12) fuscescens. Umbel open = spilt Live Reine ee long, with (18) semitrifidus. Spikelets ue, peor ; “‘style- branches long . (14) tenax. Sect. 3. Umbel co mpound. or apparently simple, of fascicled, ice “ote Sa agglomerated, spikelets ; leaf-be pikelets very gies meee minute, i obtuse . (15) difformis. seeks “much com ressed 5 Jumes a oir 8 (16) heematocephalus. Sect. 4. Uinbel usually compound, os apparently simple digitate ri rathe arin triquetrous ‘at the top; spikelets ‘oblong, rather thick (17) pulcher. qe =~ ous at the tops ‘spikelets , compressed . (18) spharospermus. Sect. - Lent Bal sic t lar, arge ; pla pidge ak 2-4, scarcely overtopping the viailiel m triquetrous at the top . (19) denudatus. Stem obtusely trigonous or nearly terete at the top . (20) marginatus. Bracts num on exceeding the “umbel, usually 8 or more: Stem ronal at the top .. (21) textilis. Stem with 6 angles at the top . . (22) sexangularis. of umbel equal, usually 40 or more, arrienmf th agen : riquetrous at t ad, + (23) isocladus. te top Sect. 6, Solitary spikelets Hpi in the gous pound umbel; leaves long, flat; bracts long, usually more than 6: eaves broad, Lr Sipe 8-nerved, flat .. (24) albostriatus. Leaves and bracts narrower, more rigid, obscurely , gsi : lumes minutely hairy on the edges ... (25) P Glumes gleueane on the edge . (26) conor en ges Spikelets 8-16 together, spicate rather hte dligktabescrnce .. (27) subchoristachys. M 2 164 CYPERACEH (Clarke). [ Cyperus. Subgenus II. acacia —Spikelets spicate, not digitate, nor solitary, nor densely cluster Sect. 7. Bhachilla of spikelets hardly winged (a y wi in C. di ye Perennials, with stolons: m stout; glumes imbricate . (28) latifolius. mbel large, open; ganas slender ; glumes distant .. (29) distans. Annuals : Searle umbel usually sitacike . (30) compressus. all; glumes with a long recurved oe (31) aristatus. Sect. 8. Rhachilla of spikelets winged ; stoloniferous : tolons . ee producing a bulb or ‘ ube gpsncend contracted; stolons bearing bulbs . (32) usitatus. mbel open ; stolons bearing tubers ia aie) esculentus. Stolons hy har ardening into tough, wo rhiz Leaves and bracts short (occasionally cd 2 Spikelets narrow; stem oe ked transverse-mar aes corymbosus. Spikelets nent hard; shining ... (85) natalensis. Lenten cing brac Stem erect, thiekened * the shi wa oat uberifer a . (36) rotundus. y thicken ary longus. Sect. 9. Rhachilla of oi winged talon ; plant tall; umbel sot seeriase an 8 br um ial Bra secondary umbel Q-4 in. long, since ou (38) fastigiatus. Bra ondary umbels 1-4 in. - Tong (39) immensus. Sect. 10. Bhachille “of spikelets win zome creeping ; plant tall; bracts sac ae: Umbel of 50-100 subequal ra rays .. ve (40) madagascariensis. 1. C, tenellus Sogiee f. Suppl. 103); glabrous, slender, annual : f= 1-7 in. long, setaceous; leaves few, } as long as the stem, . lon setaceous, weak had x es (rarely 4) digitate si een bracts 1-2, setaceou s, short, lower continuing the stem, rarely attaining u : y yz in. variable in length beeen asia zy i long. Néae in Linnea, vii. 513, x. 132; Steud. +n Flor a, 182 839, 152 Benth. Fl, Austral. vii. 265. ©. lateralis, Linn. f. "Suppl. 102. C. pyymeus, Lam. Ill i. 143. C. minimus, Thunb. Prod. 18; l- Cyperus.] cypERAcez (Clarke). 165 Cap. ed. Schult. 99; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 523, not of Linn. C. nudiuseulus, Nees: in Linnea, x. 132. Pycreus lathe Nees in pits ix. 283. R. B, “sherpa abi in Linnea, x. 132) ; stem 1 in. with one or two ovate 3- one spikele Soutna Arrica: without Seam Sieber, 99! Bergius, 164! Harvey, 271! ne R. "Bro wn! Ecklon and Zeyher, 8! a 38! 85! Var. 8, Masson! Harvey a Ree@ion: Cape Div,; Table dep ns Hcklom, 891! Constantia, Zeyher! Simons Bay, Wright ! Paarl Div.; ; 1 Mountains, ete See 00 = eae SB in Herb Bolus, 7199! Simons Bay, Wright, 519! Visoheds ‘tis ; klon aa, ENTERAL ident Somerset Div.; summit of Bosch Berg, 4500 ft., MacOwan, The var. gracilis was C. minimus, Roth. MS. according to Nees; but in the i bey pircenye o (as in sai collection named by Kunth) Oyp. tenellus, f., was distributed mixed wit mall form of Scirpus antareticus h t Linn y thie an the synonym rues ay rer Roth. (and other juncniied on 18 Alsv in temperate Australia and New Zealand. 2. C. micromegas (Nees in Linnea, x. 131); glabrous, slender, annnal ; stem 3-4 in. long, setaceous; leaves very few, } as lon the stem, ‘setaceous head of 1-2 sessile spikelets ; lower bract Setaceous, 1 in, s ; spikelets much compressed, exactly parallel- sided, with very regular closely placed glumes, 2 lin, broad, } in. nt with 36 nuts at fates apaey pooh, with fewer hay glumes triangular, ovoi id, with depressed paid top, iain ae ‘super- ficial cells scarious, iden, punctured ; style branches 3, linear, we oeck. in Linnea, xxxv, 524. C. tenellus, Linn. f. var., F. Muell. Fragm, Phyt. dara viii. 261. ! Sour AFrica: without locality, Ecklon and Zeyher, 9! Coast Reeion: Clanwillia in, Ze, KOT Cape Div. ; Table Mountain, fide Nees. This is baste ps lly the same as C. fenellus, Linn. f., with the stains twice n to its te rl the nut is differently eer and very much smaller in proportio , 3. C. lencoloma (Nees in Linnea, ix. 284, x. ieee glabrous, the, Small, annual; stem 2 in, long, setaceous; leaf | oo Joe as € stem, setaceous ; ; head of 4-8 digitate x areareees bracts. 2 , lower 1 long, setaceous ; spikelets compressed, % by 3 , §-8- powered ; glumes elosely imbricated, boat-shaped, ae pare tiatyinc 7-ribbed, brown a, with iapeagt sie scarious white ‘Tes; stamens 3 ; nut 2 as long as glume, triangular, 166 CYPERACES (Clarke). [ Cyperus. pyramidal at both ends, smooth, black ; style short; branches 3, linear, long. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv 506. Sour Arrica: without locality, ea 174! No specimen at Kew. 4. C. meyerianus (Kunth, Enum. ii. 49); glabrous, weak ; stems —3 in. long, tufted on the apex of a shortly-divided, slender ee thickened at the base 4 numerous a rust-coloured sheaths ; leaves nearly as long as the stem, 3'5 in. broad, flaccid ; bracts 2; lower up to Lin. ig similar to the Sao ; spikelets 7-1, sessile in one head, 1—t in. long and broad, much compressed, 12-flowered ; glumes close- packed, ae Gack: ovate, strongly 7-nerved, rose-red, ~ surmounted a subterminal, lanceo ate-linear, recurved mucro longer than the glume ; stamens 3-2; nut } as long as the glume without the mucro, triquetrous, ovoid, acute, ‘subacuminate at the top, dark-brown, almost rough from the ‘reticulated white, superficial cells ; style shorter than nut ; branches 3, long linear. Boeck. in Linnea, XXXV. pt Steud. Syn, Pl. Glum. ii. 29 Chiespdltansch by typog. error in index). Sourn Arrica: without locality, Drége, 7421! 5. C. Teneriffe (Poir. in Lam. Eneye. vii. nit glabrous, sa ous nln stolons 0; stems 3-12 in. long, medium sized, trigon e apex, smooth; bases thickened 3 leat sheath clustered on a pe short rhizome ; leaves 2 the length of the stem, 1-3 in. broad, usually flaccid ; sheaths inflated, scarious-red sats, oceasionally rigid, very little inflated ; ee 2, lowest 2~3 in. long, ae to the leaves ; spikelets 3-20 in ead, large, much compressed, 1 0-36- flowered, up to y {in.; eine close-packed, boat-shaped, ovate; rose-red or pale-red, 9—15-ribbed ; keel ienag ti in a strong, erect, acute-pyramidal point; stamens 3; anthe near, not crested ; nut a me, obovoid, blk, alieenbuadil by white, superficial cells; style as long as the nut ; branches 3, linear, hardly ong as the styl B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 601. C. rubicundus, Kunth, ey ii. 49; Webb and Berth. Iles Canaries, Phyt. iii. pt. iii. 361, #. 24 O (nut depicted much too acute at the eth aor Pflanzengeogr Documente 147 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 50 not SoutH ARICA : without einer Bolus, a Ecklon and Zeyher, 17! Coast _— gare ge Ecklon. East Londo mn Div.; cultivated speci- men! Komgh near Komg "2000 ft , Flanagan, 1013 - Uitenhage Bie, 300 ft, » Schlechter, 2485 ! Katanarr Recon : Trans vaal, Bosch Veld at Klippan, ea 9 5349! Eastern Ree@ion: Transkei, Drage, 5349. Natal, Drége, 4395 x —- from Teneriffe throughout Africa and Wisdihide ir to the Madras nins This species has been greatly confused, being still marked in most Europea? herbaria, and by South “Atri collectors, C. rubicundus, Vahl. From Vabl’s mipsel ta Ay also from ndian locality) it is sifcenty. sige that his ¢, type specim the Copen- ! cundus was not vasniiies and from t hagen acheive, Vahl’s C. rubicundus was C. brunnews, Secentas | Cyperus.] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 167 as long as the stem, hardly 3, in. broad; apex cylindric, setaceous, many-striate, microscopically rough-tuberculate (in Kunth’s example ¢~s i., 8-16-flowered ; glumes overlapping, boat-s aped, ovate, some- what inflated, 5-ribbed ; keel subexcurrent into a microscopic point; stamens 3 ; anthers linear, not crested ; nut 3 the length of the glume, trigonous, obovoid, dusky black ; style much shorter than the nut ; branches 3, linear, long. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv.510. C. cognatus, Kunth, Enum. ii. 52; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 511. AST Recion: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, 2500 ft., Schlechter, 421! Stockenstrom Div.; Kat Berg, 4000-5000 ft., Drége/ Komgha Div. ; between Zandplaat and Komgha, 2006-3000 ft., Drége,, 4393. Cathcart Div.; between Windvogel Mountain and Zwart Kei River, 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 7395! VENTRAL REGION: Graaff Reinet Div. ; summit of Tandjes Berg, near Graaff Reinet, 4700 ft., Bolus, 760 ! Somerset Div.; summit of Bosch Berg, 5000 ft., MacOwan, 1993 ! Eastern Region: Natal; Inanda, Wood, 344! The type specimens of Kunth’s C. cognatus and C. rupestris in the Kew herbariuin appear identical, Te 7. C. amnicola (Kunth, Enum. ii. 52); leaves more fleshy, obtuse at tip; spikelets a trifle narrower; glumes hardly mucronate ; other- wise as C. rupestris, Kunth. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 509. Eastern Region: Pondoland; between St, Johns River and Umtsikaba River, 1000-2000 ft., Drage, 4392 ! 7394! Bachmann, 88! Also occurs in Angola, according to Ridley. 8. C. parvinux (C. B. Clarke); glabrous; stem 1-8 in. long, united at the base on a very short rhizome, somewhat thickened by leaf-sheaths ; leaves often as long as the stem, setaceous; margins of sheaths prominently white-scarious; bracts 2, lower up to 2 in, long, similar to the leaves ; spikelets 5-14 in 1 head, up to s SY xo in., 8-36-flowered, compressed, bright eeteagep TAKE or n very etna] ee gnthers oblong bovoid ¥ Small, searcely 1 the length of the glume, plane-convex, © obtuse, smooth, dark-brown, glistening by reflection from the inflated - vurfaces of the superficial cells ; style as long as the nut ; branches 3, long, linear, CENTRAL Region : Albert Di 000-6000 ft., Kuntze, 264! : rt Diy. ; Molteno, 5 ft., Kuntze, pe sPAHARK Region : Phnsibial Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5648! Bosch Veld at lands River, Rehmann, 4998 168 cypuraces (Clarke). | Cyperus. , C. compactus (Lam. Ill. i. 144, on ne pein (aan: stout ; rhizome short, oblique, often 1 in. in clothe ab ack, hard, broad, gid, tough, convalite aa cylin pea arg incurved in dry ripe heat ; stamens 3; anthers linear, not crested ; ut medium-sized, but scarcely 1 the length of the glume, triquetrous, shoxaid, dull- black, reticulated by the white superficial layer of cells; style shorter than the nut; branches 3, “gee long, but not much exserted. C. obtusiflorus, Vahl, Enum. i 308 ; Boeck, in Lannea, xxxv. 528. . sph ‘ocephalus var. B, Wasokeihisles Kunth, Enum. li. Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754. R. B, flavissimus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Shes pm Fl. Afr. v- 552) eos fine golden-yellow, or y tin Line or islet < n or full brow». aT. Ss obtusijlorus, var — oeck 529, C. bags Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 5, t. 2 2; in esis nea, x. 131. pharo- Syst Vahl, Enum. e 310; aut i in ; Flore, 1845, 7545 ie in Trams. . Soc. xxix. 164, 4. 108. A. ee OUTH AFRICA: without Io oeality, Zeyher, 1749! Burke! Var. B, Men Coast eee rhe heart Div.; between Windvogel Mountain and Zs ‘Ke River, 3000-4000 ft., Drége ! Vor. B, Clanwilliam Div,, Zeyher ! Uitenhage Div. Ecklon and peeks 651! Alexandria Div. ; urb ge, Drege, 2 thurst Div. ; between Blu cid antz a i urchell. 3691! near sh) 3384! MacOwan, 1205! Atherston, 58! Fort Beaufort Div., Cooper, 459! Drége,! Kom sha Div, 5 Kei River, Flanagan, 996; Cathcart Div.; near Cath- HARI ceeds Orange Free State, Buchanan, 132! Transvaal ; Maka- sia: Hig, at Streydpoort, Rehmann, 5389! Pr eto oria, at EG derboom Poort, Rehmann, 4476! Maquasi Spruit, Nelson, 7*! var. £, Orange Free State, Buchanan, 131! Cooper, 918! Transvaal ; Macali ter erg, Burke! Pretoria, 2 Wonderboom Poort, Rehmann, 4477! Wit Waters Rand, Nelson, 63*! banks of tages Mooi are Zeyh er, 17: 441 and without precise locality, MacLea in Her. OULU: pe ch Waser, Ragen between Bashee River and Morley 3000 Sat ft., Drége, 3955; Indw ft., Baur, 1170! Po doland, 4388: Bachmann, 78 1803 Natel; Coast-land, Sutherland ! Dur’ lat, Buchanat, ! anda, d, 28! around Durban Bay, Krauss. ! without pr : locality, Gueinzius! G r ! Bucha OL! ay, J ! Var. 8, Transkei; between Kei River and 1000-2000 ft.» ége. Tembuland; Bazei t., Baur, 280! Pondoland, Bachman”, 85! Griqualand East ; ne: oks' ft., MacOwan an erb Lag ust.-Afr., 1236! Natal; summit of Houtbosch Rand Mountain between Umge? River an Ngo Pete Krauss, 16! Durban Flat, Buchanan, 47! Howick, 1000 ft., 310. Klip River Div » 3500 ft., Sut herland ! and without precise cane, Gerrard, 484! thicusan: 54! 88! Distributed throughout Tropical Africa and the Mascarene abundant African Islands. species varies greatly in size ou wellas in colour; medium digenions are given above ; in Buchanan, 131, the spikelets are 4 in. broad, rode, CYPERACEE (Clarke). 169 ing brown; in Krauss, 324 (and in many others), the spikelets are 53; in. sei and dirty-w BP oso in ] head. + by 2 et compresse “but mueh th icker than in C. compactus, ‘shining straw-coloured, 10—20-flowered ; glumes boat- shaped, ovate, obtuse, strongly 11- 15-nerved, less closely packed but mote inflated than in C. compactus ; margins not incurved ; nut large, 35 the length of the glume, ellipsoid, acute at the top, strongly oo lack. Bh with concave faces, du a peck. in gti XXXV Sour Arrica: without locality, ade 17 i Salsdiig 1022 Western Reciow: South of the pic, Cur N: Gsigwhioie Wests vil Griqua Town and Witte AHARI REGIOo Water, Burchell, 1992 ! between egts Fontein and Klip Fontein, Burchell, Kne 2613! Hebron, by the Vaal River, Nelson, 183! Orange River, Curzon ! Trans waal ; Bosch Vald-at tee are Paton, ae KES , 4855! Magalies Berg, Burke! South African Gold Fields, Bains! and without precise locality, McLea in Herb. Bolus, 6014! Be chuanaland ; ey Fo dete Burchell, 2575 ! Distributed throughout Tro greatly in the width of the leave and in ee size of the spikelets. Some ex cumple have mr a pod sin and leaves, ep and one very small s spk kel oy wae chat = in, wide, others have ikea lby 2in. ‘The distribution will require emenda- tion, if the speck es be subdivided. rf 11. C. bellus (Kunth, Enum. ii. 52); glabrous, annual; stems lon tufted, 2-7 in Tein slender, trigonous; leaves half as long as the stem, subset ous; head of 3-30 spikelets; rays O-} in. ong i bracts 2-3, iii slightly dilated at the base, lowest up to 2 in long, subere ct; spikelets fascicled,} by ~, in., 26-flowered, or much smaller as in the examples deseribed by Kunth, compressed, with parallel sides, dusky red ; glumes boat-shaped, in ie" fered overlapping, stb obtuse, scarcely mucronate, strong ¥:> ribbed ; thachilla not inged ; stamens 2 or 1; nut small, 3-3 the length of the glu ang trigonous, obovoid, subobtuse, smooth, dull ashy black ; style shorter than the nut; branches 5 linear, shortly ex- Serted from the glume. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 509. Sourn Ar FRICA: without locality, Drége, 7396 ranatant Region: Orange Free State ; Cea Vet River, Burke! Zeyher, 2. ¢ fuscescens (Link, Jahrb. iii, 83); glabrous, annual ; stems tufted, 4—7 in, long ; leaves often 3 the length of the stem, 3}; zo In. broad head of 5-15 spikelets ; rays 0-1 in. long; bracts 2-3, lowest 12 in. long, suberect ; spikelets fascicled, 3 -Y ve in., 12-flowered, brown; nut oblong, 2 the length of the t; branches 3, linear, much exserted from the glume, Kunth, Enum. ii. 51; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 527. 170 CYPERACEE (Clarke). [Cyperus. Eastern Region: Kaffraria ; without collector’s name in the British Museum. Closely allied to C. bellus, but the nut is much larger. ae 13. C. semitrifidus (Schrad. Anal. nh Cap. 6); glabrous; rhizome woody, decumbent; stems 3-1 ‘ites trigonous at the top, bulbous, woody at base, enclosed by fibrillose remains of leaf- sheaths ; leaves often 2 = length of the stem, 4 in. broad ; rays of umbel 3-0, 0-1; in. long racts = similar to the ene lowest pleo sometimes 0. Kunth, Enum. ii. 107; Boeck. in Linnea, XXXY. 5 C. crinitus, Spreng. in Flora 1829, Band i. no 8 C. cruentus, Rotib.). C. herbivagus, Kunth, Enum, herbicagus, D 4 Pflanzengeogr. Documente 132, Lit. C. en Kunth, Enum. ii. 76, partly (at least as to syn. cited). C. usitatus, Nees in Linnea ve 516 (not of Burchell). SoutH Arrica: without locality, Ecklon and Zeyher, 3! 127! Bowie, 5! Coast Rreton: Uitenhage en hyde Dw arieooe Bhiver, Ecklon! mis. 4364! Alexandria Div. ; Addo, ee ft., Drége, 2035! Komgha Div. ; NTRAL ReGion: Somerset D 3 Bothas Berg, 2200 ft., MacOwan, 1505! Wodehouse Div., Ecklon and Be KALAHARI REGION: Transvaal, Puasa 4998! 5648! 14, C. tenax (Boeck. in Linneza, xxxv. 504); glabrous, medium- sized, tough ; rhizome woody, with fibrillose remains of leaf-sheaths ; no stolons 8 seen; stems tufted, 6-16 in. long, slender but wity; leaves often 2 the length of the pond 2 in, ee much enrolled when dry, tough; umbel of 5-10 rays, 2-3 in. in diam., more less compound, or frequently a yaied: eich, gone i bracts 6-3, similar to the leaves, usually much overtopping the umbel ; spikelets 3-16, digitate in each sik, nae compressed, shining chestnut or near rly black, 4+ b 8-20-flowered ; glumes boat-shaped, not ee ovate, shcckepoiuted: 3-nerved; wae not winged ; stamens 3; anthers linear-oblong, not crested ; iat = the length of the eee trigonous, ellipsoid, ” pyramidal at pe end, duil black ; style hardly as long as the nut; “branches 9, gree long. C. B. Clarke in Durand and ‘Schinz, Conspect. t. Fl. Aft. 578, bole ~ pe ee i=) i=} ii} KatanaRi Recion: Transvaal; Pretoria, at Wonderboom Poort, Rehman, ! Eastern Recton: Natal; Guiensius, 131 Gerrard, 699! Occurs throughout Tropical Africa. 1. ¢. difformis (Linn. Amoen, Acad. iv. 302); glabrous, annual, Cyperus. | CYPERACE® (Clarke). 171 medium-sized, but rather weak; stems tufted, 4-20 in. long, triquetrous at the top ; leaves often 2 the length ‘of the stem, } in. usually 20-60 spikelets; bracts 3-4, similar to the leaves, lowest 2-10 in, long; spikelets 2 by 5 in., 10~30-flowered, dark red; glumes minute, round, obtu se, concave, not imbricated in fruit; stamen 1, rarely 2 ; anther small, oblong, obtuse; nut equally trigonous, subglobose, as long as the glume or nearly sO, pale brown ; style much shorter than the nut ; branches . brane not elongate. Sp. Plant, ed. 2, 67; Rottb. Dew et ae f. 9 fig. 2% Neus in Linnea, x, 138 ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 38; Boee sa in Linnea, Xxxv. 586, and in Flora, 187 3, 550 ; CO. 8, PAN in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 599. Coast BEGION : Alban ny nei near Grahamstown, 2000 ft., WacOwan, 1347! Komgha Div. ; Flanagan, 1262 ; me Rreion : =e Div. ; mountain near Commadagga, Burchell, ype ARI REGION; teas hagr Bosch Veld, Rehmanzn, s 51 EGION : Pranake ; bank s of Bashee River, bel on ft. Bod 3918! Vaueeee. between Un tata River and St. Jo hns ie. 1000-2009 f Droge, 4428! 4429! Natal, Gerrard, 702! Wood, 4953! Kuntze, 223! A Hie tote weed in all warm and warm-temperate regions of the Old World, also in 16. C. oe (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Con- spect. Fl. Afr. v. 564, name only) ; glabrous, medium-sized ; stems 1-2 ft. long, ttiquetrous at the top, th lateral shoots at the base ; leaves often 2 + the Jength of the stem, + in. broad; umbel 1-5 in. in diam, , compound ; ‘spikes often aggregated near the end of the Tays ; bracts 3-4, similar to the leaves, lowest attaining 4-8 in. in length; spikelets 20-40, densely and ‘elobosely fascieled, chestnut- Ted, 3 in. , strongly compressed, 8—-12-flowered, hard, shining glumes beak. shaped, 3~—l-nerved, mucronate, regularly and closely Imbricate ; stam s 3; nut 2 the length of the glume, trigonous, ellipsoid, anno at each ond: ; style- branches 3, long. Katanari Ree : Orange Free State, Buchanan, 124! Transvaal; Hooge Veld, nce erro! 6783! STERN ReGton: Natal ; igen Berg, 5000 ft., Kuntze, 241! and without Precise locality, Schlechter, 6356! 676 Xs tik (seen) short ; stems approximate, 1-22 ft. sae acutely tr quetrous at the top; leaves often 2 the length of the. ste 1-1 in. ad ; umbel et its or decompo und, 9-5 in. in diam. 5 ; ‘bracts flo 5, digitate, ronscralt 4 jy; in., m moderat eles. glumes boat-shaped, ovate, shortly mah nearly nerveless Stamens 3; anthers linear, not crested ; nut nearly y length of the nut; branches 8, linear, exserted a little from the glume. FI. Cap. edit. Schul, 100; Nees in Linnes, x. 133, 172 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Cyperus. excluding yah 3; Kunth, Enum. ii. 114; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 583. C. ingratus, Kunth, Enum. ii. i -a dregeanus, Kunth, Enum. ii. 31. Sourn AFRICA: praaiell Presta Ecklon and Zeyher, 10! ION: any Div. ; + ere ois own, 1000-2200 ft., Dré sil MacOwan, 652! Sending. 1000 ft. Drége! King Williamstow n Div. ; Toise River Station, 3600 ft., Kuntze, 273! bir Komgha Div., Flandg an, gol! carseat Div. ; Shiloh, 3500 ft., Baur, 884! 899! Can EGION : Somerse t Div. ; near Somerset East, 3000 ft., MacOwan, 652! hed st, 176! KabAnarI KeGion: Orange Free State, Buchanan, 79! Transvaal ; Pretoria, at Wy guderioom Poort, Rehmann, 4482! and without precise locality ! ” Rehmann, aes ERN ReGion: Transkei; Bashee River, 1000 ft., Drége! yee Busca, 2500 ft., Baur, 361! between Bashee River and Morley, Drég 18. C. spherospermus (Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 8); labios medium-sized ; rhizome horizontal, thick, woody, often several 1 ms 4—20 i cpu dl at the top, smooth; leaves 2 the length of the stem, oad ; umbel compound or decompound, 1-6 in. in diam. ; BS 35, similar to the leaves, lowest overtopping the umbel; alan 31, Suet, brown, brown-red or dusky straw-colour, up 1 by 2-4 compressed, 16—30-flowered ; glumes _boat- pa slip scieae 3-nerved, varying greatly in the sound of packing; keel excurrent in a very short obtuse mucro; stamens Nees in Linnea, viii. 78, x. 133; Kunth, Enum. ii. 106 ; Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754. Cie corymbosus, Steud. in Flvra, 1829, 153, not of Rotth. C. flavissimus, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 152, not of Schrader. C. denudatus, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 576 partim ; C. B. Clarke in — Linn, Soc. xxi. 124. C. tristis, d, Drege, ‘Pflanzengeog Docum Wi Pee oe piliaee Boeck. ex C. B, Clarke in’ Durand and ach “Cope Fl. Afr. 5 ar. B, triqueter (Boeck. ex . B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. ri. ge v. 578); 3 stems very rigid, acutely trigonous; leaves half as long as the stem, upper 3 in long: , trigonous, salie bracts as long as the umbels ; piel lets (not "piped small, aot. tcA: without locality, Drége, 1597! 2029! 2466! ‘Revie; 384! ry, 2)! ! 180 AST sion: Clanwilliam Div., Zeyher! Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 890 ag Vallei, Ecklon, 82! Cape Flats, Schlechter, “ee Paarl ; a Humansdorp Div. ; Di iver, the Zwartkops River, Burchell, 4482! Gill’ Bathurst Diy.; n eat Theopolis , Burchell, 4095! Div.; Glentilling, _Drége, 3960! Komgha Div.; near the mouth. of; the saosateng Frans a Bechuanaland ; Eastern Bama ey od Territory, Holud ! utbosh, P eine, 5085 Bosch lc Me n Kaweels Poort and sain River, Rehnaa . 4800! r. 8, Transvaal, Ps 20. ¢. horizontal, thick, woody, often several in. long, wit ate scales ; tems 21 h Cyperus. ] CYPERACER (Clarke). 173 STERN REGION: Natal; Umlaas River, Krauss, 215! and without precise gee a ba 123 ! Magid" 700! Dr 7 Tie: Delagoa Bay, Speke, 2! Menyhart, Junod, 87! Kun es in Tropical yr? ica and mrentiey This “oF hardly differs from C. ee but by the nieces of leaves ; Yar. 8 is intermediate between the two species, and might be iow ed to indicate t at sph erospermus is only the leafy state. of C. donate alus—as Kunth treated it in his naming of Drége’s collection. Pret C. denudatus (Linn. f. Suppl. 102); glabrous, stout ; rhizome 0 besser thick, woody, often several in. long, with o vate scales ; em 2 ft. long, acutely triquetrous at the top ; leaves none, upper- ary sheath produced on o e- Aa se ses acute ; umbel compound or decompound, 1-6 in racts 2, lower erect style, rs as in 2. shersprmasm Se d. in Flora, 1829, 152; Kunth, ee ft 35. C epretus, Steud. Syn. Pl. am C. amphibolus, Steud. Sun yn. Pl, Glum. ii. 22. C. lanceus, Schultes in Roem. et Sc chultes, Syst. ii. Mant, 106, not of Thunb. Sourn Arrica: wivon’ locality, Wallich! Sieber, 109! Harvey, 361! Eeblon ond Zeyher, 14! 15 Coast Region : Clan Sham D ; Gift Bay) 1500-2500 ft., Drége / between Piquiniers Kloof and ritecnaaity River, aoe 00 ft., Drége, Ca pe Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 888! Burke, 329! Paarl Div. ; by the Berg River, Drage! Worcester Div. ; mountains above Windetes, Rehm mann, 2578! Caledon Div. ; Grabuuw, near Pal almiet River, 700 ft., Bolus, 4232! eas sg bs Zo nder Kinde River below 1000 f . Riv ’ t.; Drége. ier ale Div.; Burchell, a ! Uitenhage Div. ; thet the mouth of the ae River, Drige Albany Di -3 near Grahamstown, 1000-2 ft., Drége, MacOwan, Gletng, Drage f King Williamstown Div.; ; 2000 ft., Kuntze, 269! ‘Komgba Katamari Riotow Orange Free State, Buchanan, 108! Transvaal; Hout- ; a Eastern Reorio t iekaei: between Bashee River and Morley, Drege, 8! Nats tal; Ioan, 1200 ft., Wood, 13898! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 313 ; Also in South gia Africa and Madagascar. ikelets very variable in length, usually 4~} in., sometimes $-1 in. ; not varying much in breadth, marginatus (Thunb. Prod. 18) ; eager A rhizome ft. long, _ terete at the top; leaves none ; uppermost Nearly all Solitary chestnut lew li oe “ y in, , a » gus ening. pt $ aes — tha : + in.), 6-38-flowered, strongly compressed, hard - arcely 2 e nerved ; % st 8 anthers linear, not crested ; nut > 2 the ] int; margins often glistening, valine 3 Meinans. 3; ength 174 cypERace& (Clarke). [ Cyperus. of the glume, brant Ss trigonous, brown ; style as long as the nut; branches 3, about as long as the style. FI. "Cap. ed. Schult. 100 ; Nees in Linnea = is Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 571. landus, Kunth, pao ii. 36; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv, , 570. Cfo Kunth, Enum, ii. 36. C. prolifer, Nees in Linnea, vil. 494, at least in part. OC. prionodes, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 22. Ss Argica: without locality, Thunberg, Zeyher, 1747! —- Zeyher, 16! it OA8T REGION: Clanwilliam Div.; Bosch Kloof, 1000 ft., Drége. Wore Div. ; ai nsestin near Hex River, 2500 ft., Bolus, 5273! Port Elizabeth Dir: 3 E.S8.C.d. Herb. 237! Komgha Div.; by the Kei River, ft., Drege. 500 Cathcart Div. ; Blesbok Flats, 3000-4000 ft., gi th por gai Div. ; . Shiloh, 3500 ft., Baur, 886! Klaarsmits River, 3500 ft., 3! Centra Recion: Calvinia Div.; Lospers Plats ” 3000-4009 ft., Pye 1753! Beaufort West Div.; Nieuw Veld Mountains 3000-5000 ft., near Beaufort West, Drége! Somerset Div. ; near the Little le Fish River, 2 2300-2800 ft. MacOwan, 1916! 1955! 2019! 2019b! Richmond Div., vicinity of Styl Koo near Richmond, 4000-5000 ft., Dréye! Colesberg Div., "Sha aw , the Orange River, Cooper, 1373! Burghersdorp, reid 1667! * shal North Div. ; vag of the Orange River, near Aliwal North (Butfel Vallei), Drege, 4407! Leeuwen Spruit, between Kraai River and the Witte Ber. rgen n, 4500 ft., gen T3921 Region: Little ng yay between Verleptpram and the mouth of the Ora aio oppeaet 1000 ft Katanart Recion: Griqualand Watt, ier Campbell, dhe Fs : 1815! Kimberey, Barth, 874! Sone Free State; near Kaffir “fete . 4 : . urg an Burke ! and wit cchoat precise locality, Boeken nan, 125! Basutoland, Zeyher, 8! Sonning “pee near the so fact Kuruman River, ee 2454! Transvaal ; ag d, Re hmann, 66 B33! V ul River, Nelson, 198 Eas ape Natal; ‘Cilites, Kuntze, eo and without precise locality, pithy 407. in Angola, and at Walfisch Bay. 21. C. textilis (Thunb. Prod. 18); glabrous, tall, leafless ; rhizome horizontal, woody, + in. diam., with ovate, a seh black striations, ? in. long ; stem up to 2-3 ft. long; top terete or roun ping gia smooth not striate ; uppermost sheath pte scarcely an shortly acute ; bra ets 8 or 10, subequal, disdain ese the unital ata (not ‘eaudate) at the tip; umbel c d; rays 8 or 10; bracteoles to the secondary umbels or cor iit inconspicuous, not jin. long ; spikelets 2-7, digitate, rusty pale red, compres ssed, up to i b rae 6-16-flowere oe glumes i mbricate, boat-shaped, subacute, ineglar rly ribbed ; mens 3; anthers linear, hardly crested ; nut } the length of de glume, ‘triquetrous, ellipsoid or obovoid, ma at dah end, brown; style much shorter than the nut ; branches 3, linear, shortly exserted from glume. FT. Cap. ed. Schul t. 100; Nees in Linnea, vii. 513; x. 135; Kunth, Enum ii. 32; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 567. Cc. Burchell, Schrad. ar ‘ap. Smithii, Schrad. ws re Cap. 12 in Obs.; Nees in Linnea, x. 1393 Kunth, Enum. ii. C. asperifolius, Desfont. Cat. Hort. begs: : ed. 3, 387; ot poe ii, 114. C. punetorius, Schrader ' Boeck. in Linnea, xxxy. 567. : Cyperus. | CYPERACEH (Clarke). 175 Sourn AFRICA: igs locality, Thunberg, Thom, 890! Bergius, 171! Ecklon and Z , 124 129! OAST REG C ‘Div. 3; Ca Flats, ianean, 1775 | Burke! Pei 4860! Salt Pia “Burchell, 507! 687! berg, 100 50 Dr chter, ! Paarl Di ! 0 e Doorn River, below 1000 ft. ; Drége. Riversdale Div.; Kaftirkuils River, Gill / Uitenhage Div. ; Ecklon pee Zeyher, 170! Bathurst Div.; near Theopolis, Burchell, 4055 ! This is a colonist near Bordeaux, and Sar been collected in Algiers by Munby. Cultivated 4 in Mauritius, according to Bojer ae ee 1.e aati with a line or rib down the centre of each ce; otherwise as C. textilis, Thunb.— Kunth, Enum. ii 2; Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754; Boeck in Linnea, xxxv. 568. O. webbianus, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 20. Sourm Arrica: without locality, Zeyher, 1746! Ecklon and Zeyher, 11! Coast Region: Ki rool ler gare Div. ; Yellowwood River, 1000- 2000 ft., 166 CENTRAL REGION ‘eines aie ; Fish ye! Burke ! WESTERN Reeiow: L Little Namaqualand, Scully ! Katanart Reaion :. Transvaal; Pre mga ae n, 4775! nied Rise eine Transke ie Bashce gre r, below rae mide Drége, 4443! 4444! Natal; Umlaas River, Ira 46! Fie Maritzbur urg ; Kra auss, eu ci iy 300 ft., Wood, 4029 |" and wishoes alah tosslity, Buthanan, i in Tropical Africa. In Woz od, 4029, from Nat tal, the stem is tri nO irregularly or obscurely G-angled, and resembles much that of the nearly-allied pia ce Rottb. ; but the spikelets in Wood, 4029, are rather those of C. sexan 2 ae 23. C. isocladus (Kunth, Enum. ii. 37) ; Bebe —_ creep- ing, s~¢ in. in diam., with ovate brown: scales n. long; stems 1-92 ft. long., triquetrous at the top, often minutely scabrous ; leaves 0; uppermost sheath produced on one side a hardly acute, not ae to 2 by ay in, . compressed, brown ay dirt rty Daw leeee 6-12-flo wered ; — ovate, truncate, 3-nerved; keel hardly excurrent as a point : ; stamens 3; anthers linear-oblong, not erested ; nut minute, scarcely + the length of the glume, trigonous, obov oid: white o T pa ale- brown; style slender about as long as the nut ; ceneni 3, Meese shortly exserted from the glume. C. equalis, Krauss in Flora, 1845, 1534. Ce equalis, var. B, Boeck. / im Peters, imc. 38, and in Linnea, park 578. C.4jocladus, Drege and E. Meyer, Planzengeogr. Documente 177. C. —— Drege and E. Meyer, Me. = 2 ee 8 aii iead Drege le. 17 Ri ON: Pondoland; between icici River and St. Johns Rive, Degg 4430! 4431! 4493: Ba shone 1 BE! 9 ! 96 oor a Soest: Maco wan and Boke aes Nore: sass, Airs TOsaT Daron, Rehmann, 8623 ! 360 | langa Valley, Wood, 1 1331! and without precise locality; Buchanan, 106! SEES ee ee ee ey SS ee a se ee ee ee 176 cYPERACE# (Clarke). [ Cyperus. C. prolifer, Lam. (C. zqualis, Vahl), is a frequent plant in South-east Tro ropical Africa and the Mascarene Isla nds, and has the stem trigonous or nearly terete at the top. From this C. isoc eine o differs in its triquetrous stem. Boeckler Te be judicious in uniting t ; but several of the ——s species are kept distinct on the same cn siacanies viz. stem triquetrous or stem roundish. ie 24. C. albostriatus (Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap.7); glabrous ; stolen clothed by dark brown, elliptic scales, hardening into woo y rhizomes 3-1 in. in diam. ; stems 8-20 in. long, rather slender but age trigonous at the top ; ; leaves numerous, all near the base of the stem, as ‘long as the stem or only 3 that len ngth 18 in. broad, grass-like, i c spikelets often all solitary, pedicelled, but some enehiner 10 many 2-4-digitate oceur, + by ~;—~; in., com thin pale-brown, 8-24- flowered ; glumes “ovate, acute or obtuse, not keeled ? margins scabrous; stamens 3; anthers linear, not crested ; nut + the length of the glume, trigonous, ellipsoid, brown ; style scarcely } the length of the nut ; branches 3, linea, rather short. Kunth, Enum. ii. 34; Krauss in Flora, q : Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 581. C. Mariscus, Nees in Linnea, vii. 515, x. 134; Kunth, Enum. ii. 106. C. pulcher, Spreng. in Flora, 1829, Band i. Beil. 5; not of Thunb. sia Coasv Brotoy ale sacs E.S ties Herb., 189! Alexandria peed ; ° 2 a “ 8 a Fe é 5 Ss Bas & kg vat “986 ! i wike mstow een. 3500 ft., Kuntze, —. Bathurst Div. ; “Port Alfred, ohn indi 0 RAL REGION: Somerset Div. ; Bosch ‘Berg, Burchell, 3133! Ow Katana ART REGIoN: Transvaal; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5659! Eastern REGiIon: Tembuland, "Bendin: 2500-3000 ft., Baur, 578! Pondoland, Bachm mann, 85! Griqualand ast 5 Umzimkulo Div.,: at Emyembi, 5000 ft. ie : atal G m- Hert. ris] Rocio 48! Umibilo Riv. akon mann, ” 8093 ! Howick, Junod, 307! nanda, Wood, 1088! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 361! Krauss rauss 10! 230! mere . C. prasinus (Kunth, Enum. ii 31); leaves 20 by + asnuiinae, tough, many-nerved ; bracts narrow, acuminate ginilat Es the leaves ; otherwise as C. albostriatus, Schrad.—Boeck. in Linnea,’ XXXV. 584. Coast Rraton: East London, Kuntze, 271! Katanart Reeion: Transvaal ; Hontbosch, Rehman 5653! EasreRN ReGion: Pondoland, Drege, 4440! Boeckler distinguishes this plant fr ray preps by its being monandrouss ig 4 find three stamens in the lower, cade two in upper ‘Moreover, the nut, and the remarkable scabrous margins to = glothin, are ibe ee Cyperus. ] CYPERACEX (Clarke). 177 species. Indeed C. prasinus has been reduced to C. albostriatus in herb. Kew, though the broad thin leaves of the latter differ at first sight widely from the narrow tough leaves of C. prasinus. 26. C. leptocladus (Kunth, Enum. ii. 32); glabrous ; rhizome woody ; stems 12-20 in. long, rather slender, trigonous at the top; leaves often nearly as long as the stem, 4 in broad, more or less 3- nerved ; umbel lax, compound, 3-8 in. in diam., irregular, sometimes proliferous ; bracts about 8, somewhat overtopping the umbel, similar to the leaves ; spikelets mostly solitary, pedicelled, 1 by 54, in. compressed, 8—14-flowered, greenish, ultimately dirty straw-coloured ; glumes boat-shaped, obscurely 3-nerved, green on the back, keel subexcuirent in a muero, margins broadly scarious not scabrous on _ the edge; stamens 3; anthers linear-oblong, hardly crested; nut } the length of the glume, ellipsoid, trigonous, brown; style 4 the length of the nut, branches 3 shortish. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 581 partly. EasterRN REGion: Natal; Coast-land, 0-1000 ft., Sutherland! Durban, Kuntze, 227! and without precise locality, Drége, 4441 ! Buchanan, 318! In Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 566, I have united my C. Bal- Jourii (Journ, Linn. Soc. xx. 289) and some other Mascarene examples with C. leptocladus. he type example of C. Balfourii does not exactly match C. lepto- cladus, having narrower spikelets, and the other Mascarene “ C. leptocladus differs much more, 27. C. subchoristachys (C, B. Clarke); glabrous; roots fibrous; in. long tufted, slender, trigonous at the top ; leaves very long, often overtopping the stem, }~} in. broad; bracts 3-4, 4ppearance simple, rays 3-4 up to 12 in. long; spikelets 8-20, clustered without bracts at the head of each ray, forming a short spike or compound close head ; spikelets 3 by 34; in, 8-14-flowered ; glumes ovate-oblong, obtuse, distant, not imbrieate in fruit, green, Stamens 3; style 3-fid; nut 2 the length of the glume, obovoid, triquetrous, black. x Coast Region: Cape Town, Spielhaus! in herb. Luebeck. No specimen at Ww. This plant js closely allied to the ubiquitous C. diffusus, Vahl. It has much harrower leaves and bracts, the spikelets are aot in few-flowered digitate clusters and the glumes more obtuse, ‘- . ; stems often 3 ft. long, triquetrous at the top, ¢ in. in diam. (slenderer in var. 8); leaves 18 by { in. thick, flat m 178 CYPERACE (Clarke). [ Cyperus. ae | glumes loosely ec hardly outed, ovate- ee . very obtuse, obscurely nerved, margins an tip searious ; stamens 3; anthers linear, not crested ; nut + the length of the glume, trigonous, | narrow-obovoid, brown ; style & the length of the nut, branche es 3 linear, moderately exserted from the glume. Kunth, Enum. u. ee ; Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 152 ; not of Decaisne. oe scoparius, Poir. in Lam. Encye. vii. 253; Kunth, Enum. ii. 75; Willd. US. not “he Decaisne (see Presi. in Ol: en, Isis xxi. Ae AR. B, an hone es in Flora, 1845, 754) ; het in ci eda leaves re Med os be , Nees in Linnea, ix. 285; Kunth, Enu 115, C. pte, var, entice, Bosch ex Clarke in Durand na Sohine Conapect. Fi. Afr. 566, Katanwart Reeron: Orange Free State; between Harrismith and Leribe, acne 215! Transvaal; Nylstroom River, Nelson 2*! Var. 8, Transvaal ; Hou tbosch, Rehmann, 5660! EASTERN Reeion: ‘Transkei ; aan! River, te 4442! bbe ban near Clydesdale, 2500 ft., Tyson, 2867! Natal; Umlaas River, K; 79: Durban Flat, Buchanan, BL Wood, pet and without seca locality, Bu saat an, 314! Delagoa Bay, Scott / Var. B, N tal; swamps near Umlaas s River, Krauss, 211! and without precise hdaality, Duikacinn 110! . ino in South Tropical Africa and the Mascarene Islands. Var. 8 in a Ca 29. C. distans (Linn. f. Suppl. 103); glabrous, large or medium- sized ; stolons 1; in. in diam., clothed by black-brown acute scales + in. long, but as in other sboleniferons species by no means always Sea by the plant, rarely present in herbaria ; ong, trigonous am the top, smooth, somewhat sle nder ; leaves neatly as lo ong as the stem, 1—! in, broad ; umbel usually 4-8 in. in diam. REA go the umbel, similar to the leaves; spikelets loosely 3 variants in breadtl and ‘1g in. in Rehmann, 7752, 10-20-flowered ; thachilla ase winged, the linear- lnncoy scarious-white wings finally dehiseing from the base (exactly as C. rotundus, ‘fastigiatus, Se.) ; glumes distant, hardly boat- ape ic, obtuse, 3-nerved, green on the back; stamens 3; anthers Bane trigonous, oblong or somewhat oboy oid, brown ; style much shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, a little exserted hays the glume. Beauv, Fl. Owar. i. 35, t. 20; Kunth, Enum. ii. 93; Boeck. Linnea, xxxv. 612; ©. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. S . xxi. 144, and in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 607. . elatus, —- in Oken, Isis, xxi. 271; Boeck. in Flora, 1879, 551; not of La Coast Region: Komgha Diy. ; 3; Flanagan, see Katanart Region: Transvaal; Cave Mountains, Nelson, 95! Houtbosch, septa 5656! ERN REGION: Tembuland ; between Morley and the Umtata River» Bikes, 4434! 4435! Natal; Clairmon nt, Kuntze, =m Durban, Buchanan, 19! Cyperus. | CYPERACEH (Clarke). 179 Camperdown, Rehmann. 7752! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 116! 117! ; Found in all tropical and warm-temperate regions. 30. C. compressus isis Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 68); annual, glabrous, green; stems 4-16 in. long, trigonous at the top, smoot ; leaves about as ne as the ee 4-1 in. broad, grass-like ; umbel simple, 3-10 in. in diam., or sometimes of 1 head; bracts 3-4, oe the umbel, atnilar to the leaves ; spikelets 3-10, io gf much ae 3-t by 2-1 in, ae be wered, or gr en many-nerved ; stamens 3; anthers linear-oblong, not crested; nut x the length of the glume, broadly obovoid, triquetrous with concave faces; ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 Hees, shortly exserted rom the glume. Kunth, Enum. ii. 23; Boeck. n Linnea, xxxv. 517; C B. Clarke in Journ Linn. Soc. xxi. 97, and in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. chi vi. 605 7 oi } C. caffer, G. Bertol. in Rendiconts Recion: Kaftraria, Schultz! Natal; Coast-land, Sutherland! Seas Riv er, below 200 ft., Drége, 4396! and without precise locality, Gerrard, 704! Kuntz ze, 228! Delagoa Bay, Kuntze, 218! Found in all tropical and warm-temperate regions. 31. C. aristatus (Rottb. Rie et. Ic, 23, t. 6, fig. 1); annual, glabrous ; stems tufted, 1-6 in. long, trigonous oy the top, smooth ; leaves about as long as the stem, 'y—7'5 in. broad ; umbel simple or reduced tol head, up to s in, in diam. ; bracts 3-5, jeabibtet the sy boutedavesdiaie 7_-9-ribbed over aes ease entire » keel green produced as a recurved bristle ; stamen 1; anther oblong, not crested ; nut 2as long as the glume (bristle included), trigonous, narrow-obovo id, dull brown ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, shortly exserted from the glume. Kunth, Enum. U. 23; Steud. in Flora , 1842, 585; Boeck. in Linnwa, xxxv. 500; C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc, xxi, 91, and in shes sk FI. Brit. Ind. yi. ‘a Acad. 308; 5, - C. squarrosus, Linn. Amo en. Ac ‘ste Rais ed. ii. 66 partly. Shia hee intricatus, Linn. Mant. "182 5 Thunb. rod. 18 ; Fl. Cap. ed. Schul =. Arata: Fl 817! Py La ee mi his, Pb grate ween Porter and Trigards Ponte, ie 6647! and without precise locality, McLea in Herb. Bolus, Found in all tropical and warm-temperate regions. frei 2. C, uaitatns (Burchell, Trav. $. Afr. i. 417 in note) ; glabrous; lons 3, in, diam.; arising from the stem-base, elongate, clothed Y pale Hapa ged in. long, producing bulbs at their extremities, N 2 180 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Cyperus. 2 4 clo y numerous imbricate seales, outer striate, inner shining smooth, m germination producing a simple shoot from the vertex +z In. in the dried examples), which grows erect to near the surface of the soil where it divides and forms the new stem-base ; stem 4-10 in. long, slender, trigonous at the top, smooth ; pete overtopping the stems, narrow with whip-like ends but muc widened (usually 2 in. wide) close to the base; umbel 3-12 in. in diam., with 6-30 s pikelets, sub-corym bose, i ‘imperfectly umbelled, lowest ray often 1-1 in. below the next ; - si longer than the umbel, similar to the leaves ; ; i s on iets , 8-12 2-flowered, comapeonselt, shining dark-re vinbilla ee hyaline Wings 5 then withering ; bulbs globose or ovoid, }—} in. long, dark-brown, the nut, branches 3 line ear, long, mitch ¢ canes from the glume. Nees in Linn, vil. 516, ix. 285, excluding a *: a Kunth, Enum. li. 107; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv. 511; Clarke in Journ. Linn Soe: xxi. L7G, excluding syn. C. spelt Me solidus, Ku nth, Enum. ii. 76 partly. C. bulbifex, EH. Meyer MS.; Drége in Linnwa, xx. 245, and Pflanzengeogr. Documente 177, (ifn om Coast Rereion: Paarl Div.; Paarl : ome tains, 2000-3000 ft., es Uitenhage Div.; Ecklon and Zeyher Bathurst Div. 5.” Port Autre é - CENTRAL Reeton: Prince Albert Div.; betwe the pei River and 4 +3 ite “Ba e Btation nes : Halt,” Burchell, 2684! Albert ed s murahosdes: ee ae r, 1376! aad Aliwal North Div.; bank of the On range River r pene prihiing ‘North, 430 Drege! Colesberg Div. ; a near Colesberg, 2 E & STERN Reeion: Little Na ssnaqualnd, rae 43 1 the Katanart ReGion: Griqualand We ast 5 Haig “Gri riqua Town anc : Asbestos Mountains, Burchell, sr 2082 ! Orange Free St: oh Caledon po ! Burke, 302! Draai Foutein, Rehmann. 3084! Bloem pnb Kuntze, 245! Transvaal; Bamboes Bprait, Nelson, 97! avd without prec locality, McLea in Herb. Bolus, 6013! 33. C, esculentus (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 67); glabrous ; stolons is in. in diam., clothed by pale ferruginous lanceolate scales g MD. g, terminated often by zonate, ellipsoidal, woody tubers 1 in. long, hardening ultimately into tough woody rhizomes ; stems $-16 in- long, erect at the base, rather slender at the top, i aringe ae smooth ; leaves often as long as the stem, 1 in. broad; umbel 2-6 in. ry iam., usually once compound ; bracts 3-4, overtopping the ae similar to the leaves ; spikelets spicate .a by {3 in., compress¢ pale, often somewhat golden, 8-14-flow mee — scarious- d; —— — Hight omy eon cage (in much shorter than the nut, branches 3 — long. Kunth, Enwm- ii, 61; Boeck, in Linnea, xxxvi. 287; C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soe. xxi. 178, and in er: Bee. fee vi. 616. C. Tenoril, Cyperus. ] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 181 _ Presl, Fl. Stieul. xliii.: Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754. ©. retusus, Nees ex Krauss in Flora, 1845, 754. . C. ’ Buchanant, Boeck. Cyp. Nove, i, 1888, 4. Katanart Recion: Or range Free State; between Harrismith and ses sa 212! Transvaal ; ‘Pretoria, Rehmann, 4776! Houtbosch, Rehman 2 an Tol ton: Griqualand East ; oo near Fie Sevag 2500 ft., con Kaffir Kraal, Wood, 1581 r Umlaas River, Krauss, 97! Co inte pee 7147! and withous precise Shiels, Bachoaon 83! 316! ‘ In all tropical and warm-temperate regions, except Malaya, Australia, and ceanla, peg 34. C. corymbosus (Rottb. Deser. et Ic. 42, t. 7, fig. 4); glabrous ; stolons stout, becoming a thick woody rhizome ; atoms 2-3 ft. lon stout, trigonous at the top, very obscurely transverse-septate ; leaves 0, or uppermost short ; rays of umbel up to 3-6 in. long; bracts 3-4, usually 13-3 in, Jong suberect, keeled ; spikelets numerous, loosely or closely spicate, 2 by in,, compressed, 10—18-flow: eidk, straw- coloured with red pee =: these G pugedriig 2, ane ovate, subobtuse, hardly keeled : stamens 3; anthers linear, not crested ; nut scarcely 1 + the length of the he trigonous, obovoid ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, longish. C. B. Clarke in ~tcidit Linn. Soc. xx. 292, xxi. 158, and in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 612. ©. articulatus, Kunth, Enum. ii. 53, partly, t.e. the Dri eg? examples with the septations of the stems obsolete. Fo cree Reaion: Natal; near the mouth of the Umzimkulu River, Drége, Throughout the tropical and warm-temperate regions of both hemispheres. rhizome | long, 2-1 in, thick, ‘clothed a ovate, acute, pale Eos Scales ] in, ae : pores: ms solitary, , 2 ft. long, trigonous, smooth ; ‘leaves Usually hardly any, sometimes 2—6 in. long , in Krauss’ type specimen Up to 26 in. (Kraues defines the species as leafless) ; umbel con- densed more or ess, or rays sometimes up to 7 in. long; bracts 3, },Lisnerved on back, shining, pale or brownish ; nut scarcely 3 the ength of the glume ; style as long as the nut, branches 3 linear. 343. Boeck. in Linnea, XEEVi- “spa AFRICA: withont locality, Harvey, 71! ec REGION : Orange Free Sta a Rachaade. 109 ! 3 . Natal ; rsh ala es, Umlaas River, Krauss, 207! Durban Pin, Wood, 4102 Emlckenea: “Pie 127! —— Kuntze, 229! Without ; see locality, Buchanan, 311! Gerrerl, 4 Also occurs at the mouth of the Zambesi River. a aeles of Pec species are easily recognized ; long-leaved examples he gzceedi ugly like o. platystachys, differing chiefly by their “*, More shin ning, ae Sones apie! ets. 182 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Cyperus, 36. C. rotundus (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 67) ; glabrous; rhizome woody, creeping, with tuberous thickenings ; stem 8-24 in lon g, erect at the base, trigonous at the top, smooth leaves 2 the regi of the stem, 1-1 in. broad ; umbel 1-8 in. diam. , compound simple or of one spike; bracts 4 oveatopping the umbel ; spikelets spicate, 1 by ;—J5 in. (in the large Cape form), much ‘compressed, 12-24- flowered, chestnut- #68 thachilla seeawpiaed: glumes boat- shaped, ovate, pointed, aE 3 nerves forming the eels stamens 3; anthers linear, no crested ; nut + the length of the glume, trigonons obevoid, dark-brown ; style shorter than the oe branches 3 lin longish. Kunth, mum. ii. 58; ° Boeck. in néd, XXXVI1. 283 C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 167, oe in ak. f, Hi: Brit Ind. vi. 614. VaR. B, ora (©. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. oe. dagen greatly aongated, 2h in, long, with 68 flowers in Saunt 312. k. f. Fl. neat eee i, 615 peeaake s(0.B. Clarke in Durand See Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Aft. v 570) spikelets large, clustered, suberect. C. twberosus, Boeck. in Linneo, vi, 285, in great part, i.e. the “African examples. “Gxonat .. Albert Div., Cooper, 1365 ! WestERN Reeion: Little scale hen near the mouth of the Orange River, Dri, 2 468! EasTERN RecGion: Natal, Site 297! Var. B, Natal, Buchanan, 312! vey do Bay, Junod, 211! Fj Katfraria, Schultz. Natal, Gerrard, 705! rege, 4 Nini distributed i in all tropical and warm-temperate regions—a rice-field pes . Durand and ~~ por ees Fi. Afr. v. 575, I followed Mr. N. EB. Brown and sorted Buchanan, 109, 311, as C. Lincs var. platystachys ; 1 new follow Mr. Baker and sort a as e natalen a ‘ 37. C. longus (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 67); stem decumbent at the ase ; C. Fierce num. ii. 60; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxVvl. 979, excluding var. B, ¢, 6,9; C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 163, excluding var. B, y, and in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 614. (Type form not known from South Africa. R. 6, tenuiflorus (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 281) ; umbel lore straggling, with cal seared rays ; spikes denser ; Ba nein set more brightly co eoloured, more brown or chestnut. C. tenuiflorus, Rotth. Deser. et Ie. 30, t iA, fig. 1. C. badius, - lant. i. 45, t. 7, fig. emarginatus, Schrad. . Fl. Cap. 5; unth, Enum. ii. erylorus, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 152, and Sy 3 n Linnea, vii. 517; x. C. amenus, Kunth, Enum. ii. 58 longus var. badius, Cambess. in Mém. Mus. d’?Hi ss 323 ; Boeck: innea, x ; C. B. Clarke in seg — a xxi. 169. - ¢. to var. elongata, C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc =U. } ( élongatus in bia authors and pinta not Dre two ‘Pflan zengeogr. Documente 177 p ais Sieber). 0 rotund, i pia “Avs: Pia 2469! a 170! Eckl, Zeyher, 64! gion: Clanwilliam Div.; W. Dat Didje Cape Di ce : lats, —— 3926! 3926b | uppert ro e! Cape Bay, “ F amps Ba, 885! al the ponds near Cape Town, Burchell, 675! Bota any Bay ; ‘ ape ata pres 254! Paarl Div.; by the Berg River, below 500 ft., va Dre eye SON tees Cyperus. ] OYPRRACER (Clarke). 183 Tulbagh Div., Drége, 2467! Worcester Div.; mountains above Worcest er, Rehmann, 2576! and without precise locality, Ecklon! Zwellendam Div., so Queenstown Div.; Shiloh, Bawr, 1182! Klaas Smits River, Baur, 6 ENTRAL Reeion: Prince Albert Div. ; near pb clageiateg rahe be Richmond Div. ; recon Richmond and Brak Vallei Rive er, 3000-4000 sagt a ! Albert 73 near Braam Berg, Cooper, 1365! Aliwal North Div, "4500 fi - Drége, 86! TERN ook etl Little Namaqualand; near the mouthof the Orange River, Dré Katanari =e A Hopetown Div. ; by the Orange a Burchell, 2651! Griqualand West ; Griqua tone, Burchell, 1937! Hebron, by the Va: al Rive er, Nelson, 86*! Transvaal ; Pretoria, at Wonderboom Paork, pt eel on 4433 ! und without precise locality, MeLea in Herb. Bolus, 5813! Typical C. longus is a native of eyes North Africa and West Asia. The form amenws is endemic in South Afric All the South African “longus? a to that form var. tenuilorus called a sp, lone enus) by Kunth, which is very uniform, and easily distinguished from C. rotundus, Linn., by she much narrower neater spikelets oe ‘tightly r inbricated r glumes. (. longus is generally separated from r Us y the stem nig aed! = i b age o hick, ret tuberous rhizome; but s ple s hav stem nearly erec amples of @. at the base with a wouty ‘bulb narrowed yoddonly snto tthe leader ; these Ku wr named rotundus 38. C. fastigiatus (Rottb. Descr. et Ic. 32, t. 7, fig. 2); glabrous ; stolons 0; stem 2-3 ft. long, rather oe triangular at oe top, smooth : leaves often as long as he stem, }-} in. broad; umbel 6-10 in. in diam. ; bracts 3-4, similar 0 ane leaves, lowest ‘often 12-18 in. long ; umbellules oan umbels) ne ear] or qui Vii, 519, x. Lisi, Kuni, Enum, ii. es 0. ceatelie Nees in Wri Satis in Fiera. 4 845 754. 6 seth ni Kunth, Enum. ii. 68, as to the Cape plant. C. semiangulatus, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. relat a apyrus venustus, Nees in Linnea, x. 138 partly, i.e. plant * FRICA ; bys Face Drage, 1600! 7386! Zeyher, 175414377! Bil ent Zana, Aesher, 7387! Cape Di OAsT REGION: tae rthal, Drege, 73 ape DIV. ; ond Cape Town, ? Cianwit face De: tht Panel Div ? . Herp: Rivet; below bosch z 2 = aes: = Vv. > huge Div +> Ecklon and ace 437! ! Sabo Div,; near Grahamstown, 184 cYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Cyperus. eit 000 ft., Drege! Bothas Hill, 2000 ft., MacOwan, 1270! King Williams- Div.; near Toise River rat 3700 ft., Kuntze, 281! Queenstown Dr ; Shiloh, 3500 ft., Baur, 888! 898 CENTRAL REGION: Rial North Div.; Kraai Spee 4500 ft., Drege! : ese Recion: Griqualand We ey by the Vaal River, Bur chell, 1773! e Free State; near Winburg, Buchana fet Transvaal ; Schoon Spruit, near "Klerksiorp, Nelson, 57! Hooge Veld, ees Porter and Teigards Fontein, EAsteRN 1 es wnbellatus ee ‘u. flavus), Vahl, in the opinion Spikelets linear-lanceolate; rays as long as the i 3 sis . ... (6) sieberianus. Spikelets oblong ; spikes: large, "Jong, | dense, ‘ : ‘ cylindrie (7) nossibeensis. Spikelets linear lance lat ee ikes shorter “on cola e sma sp (8) ambellates, Spikelets gonads 2-1. flowered, 1- ‘nutted ; > a ys : n long... ... (9) radiatus. Scactcce oblong, 1; flowered ; mays aca any .. (10) macer. Leay Pikelets oblong, 2-3-nutted - (Ql “i ves and bracts pris spik elets m ring ‘3-5 n (12) luzuliformis. €s und bracts s ets minute 186 CYPERACEZ (Clarke). [Mariscus. eae a fs lady he! Arey Robust biennials or perennials; tall (except M. tabularis, var. humilis). i very numerous, brown-red or much marked with red, Leaves and bracts 1 useage! a a as glumes reddish, with gree pale back : ot transversely veined (14) congestus. Spikelets 3-4-nutt ed, oblong, wicrt red-brown; umbel mpouv sai ee transversely veined (15) umbilensis. Spikelets “2-10. nutted, lanceolate, compressed, red- bro aac and bracts transversely veined (somewhat spongy Spikes clustered on the primary rays of the bel : tem obtusely trigonous at the (16) riparius. Stem acutely triquetrous at cs top ; i glumes mucronulate 17} elatior. 7 Leaves ian Savaibed § ; spikelets with 0 nu (18) involutus. ssh more aistinetl tly “compou und : Spikelets densely spicate, 4-nutted ... (19) his Spikelets loosely spicate, 4-nutted ... (20) O 1 Spikelets 10-nutted caeksy Gueinsii. spilt 10-nutted ; umbel 4h ft. f (22) elephantinus. Leaves te “bracts” not transversely veined (of close Leaves = (wien dry) flat, midrib strong (23) tabularis. Leaves (when dry) rolled uP, no “jiatinet fi eo tee (24) durus. as Sistine terete, pian upper glumes long e or less re “Lea aves earn, flaccid ; poet nn $ very flexuose ... (25) rehmannianus. We 1. capensis (Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 13); glabrous; stolons 0; stem 4—14 in. long, medium or slender, trigonous at the top, smooth ; leaves olten as long as the stem, 1-2 in, br oad, weak ; basal sheaths inflated, brown; stem-base appearing much thickened, oblong of void ; infloresvence subcapitate, straw- coloured, of 1—4 short a in. broad, flat ; spikelets nearly straight (26) Cooperi. : | spikes, sessile or a ray rarely up to z in. in length; bra s 3-9, similar to the leaves, lowest 3-5 in long ; spikelets cee. densely packed in each sp hg, ovo f 4 glumes, aks ; branches 3, Mariscus. ] CYPERACEM (Clarke). 187 in Linnea, vii. 520,x. 139; Kunth, Enum. ii. 122. M. uitenhagensis, Steud. Syn. Pl. Gum. ii. 317; cf Boeck. in Flora, 1859, 66. Kyllinga capensis, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 153. Cyperu S capensis, Boeck. in nse ale Sxxvic S78,” Oi ‘Marlothii, Boeck. in Eng. Jahrb. xi. 407 p RICA ; ipneat locality, Zeyher, 1765! Ludwig, 266! Harvey? v pate cae hage Div., Ecklon! CEN Rr@ion: Somerset Div. ; Bosch Berg, 2500 ft.! MacOwan, 2036! Albert ne Pag hak 3331! KEGION Orange Free State; Caledon River, Burke, 303! Pachnecauuis stony phos waa Kuruman, 4000 ft., Marloth, 1108! Transvaal, ii at Herb, Bolus, 6022 TERN REGION: Suan Bay, Junod, 236! 233 partly ! 2. M. albomarginatus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, nee Hb Ate: vy: 584); rays of umbel 3-5, the lowest usually z71q in. lon g (but sometimes 0), each apes a dense cylindric spike of apikelen spikelets lanceolate ; nut 2 the length of the glume, linear oblong ; otherwise as M. capensis, ‘Schrad. Var. 8, binucifera a Clarke); spikelets often perfecting’2 nuts; rhacbilla nearly as long us’ the g Coa nl ential alsa Div.; between Van Stadens River and Galgebosch, Burchell, pres Kaan wie GION: Griqualand West ; between Griqua Town and Moses Fonten, Burehely 2034! 6433 ASTE EGION: var, 8, Pondoland; St. Johns River, 4500 ft., Schlechter, Both forms also ocenr in Nyasaland. 3. M. mee thee (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl, Afr, 590); glabrous; stolons stem 6-9 in. long, rather slender, ssigohins at the top, nseete: pay as Jong as the stem, Yo in broad ; rays of umbel 2-5, 0-11 in, long, wither stiff ; neem © -5, Similar to the leaves, subereet, lowest 38-5 in. long; spikes 2 by + ., very dense, greenish ; spikelets (even wind: “nearly ripe) Suberect, 1-nutt ed, 3—1 in, long, oblong- -ellipsoid, very soir to those e of M, c cpenes, but greener. Cyperus Marlethi, Boeck. Eng. Jahrb, xi. 407 part VaR. 8, globos s of umbel slender ; spikes globose, 3 in, ie ee ivslaik Lot oa as in M. Marlothii type). ch prs echkel — na snes bg nag ‘ rocky hill near Groot River, Burchell, 5020! Katanart REGION Transvaal; Pretoria, Rehmann, 4035! 4728! eet r. B may be treated as a dis nap ane but no differences have becn ound other than the slight ones given a “pe Cis in long, eee trigonous ae the p, Enact, bearing ense com nnd head of spikelets ; positeg often as phe stem wack, grass-like ; sheaths of basal v5 br leaves inflated, * ‘watioen or coloured, forming an V oblong thickening to 188 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Mariscus. the stem-base ; a cara ovoid, 1—% in. long, of 1 or 2-6 con- fluent spikes; bracts 3-4, similar fo eh leaves, lowest 3-7 In. long; spike of ve 2 numerous, densely crowded. spikelets, straw- cme red or fusco ikelets + in. =; in., not compressed, mewhat baie i wre (usually hs 4) nutted ; : rhachilla with broad scarious persistent wings, disarticulating below the lowest fertile flower, usually falling with the glumes and nuts; glumes ovate, hardly acute, not keeled, strongly 13-15-ribbed over nearly their whole breadth; stamens 3-2; anthers oblong, not crested; nut about 4 the length of the glume, trigonous, oblong-obovoid, dusky hake. style shotise than the nut; branches 3. linear, longish. C. B. Clarke in Hook f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 620. M. Kraussii, Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 756. M. kyllingiaformis, Boeck. in Flora, 1859, , +96. Ciiperus le Rottl. in Neue Schr. Gesell. Nat. Freunde Berlin, i iv. 1803, 193; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 336 partly; C. B. Clarke in Journ. Lian Soc xxi. 197, not of Rottb. CU. kyllin- geoides, Vahl, Enum. ii. 312; Kunth, Enum. ii. 94. Schawnus coloratus, var. Bs Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 64. S. niveus, Linn. Syst Veget. ed. xii R. 8, Buchanani i. B. Cl: rege in sects and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. .. 887) 5 & spikelets elongated up to 4 the flowers not being more aan sak more distant on the rhachilla. Katavarit Recion: Transvaal; acy sage ees 5637 ! EastkRN Reeion: Transkei; Bashee River, 1000 ft., Drége / Tembuland ; between the Bashee River and Morley, 1000-2000 Fes Apis ’ Poxsdoland, Bachmann, 99! 100! 101! Natal; Unolaas Be ver 6! Durban Flat, Buchanan, 31! Clairmont, Kuntze, 33271 25971 ae Heat precise loca ality, Buchanan, 82! Gerrard, 460! Grant! Deland oa Bay, Junod, 151! 233 partly ! Var. 8, Natal; Durban Flat, Buchanan! Also in Tropical Africa, the Masearene Islands, and Tropical India to orneo, The var. B oe much M. macrocarpus below ; out ae the spikelets les ess green and: much more densely crowded ; it looks very differ t from the ordinary torm of M. pane but a similar state occurs in Madra eg 5. M. vestitus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 595); glabrous, stolons 0 ; stem 6-14 in. long, "rather slender, trigonous at the top, smooth, much thickened at the base by the inflated coloured leaf-sheaths ; leaves aera! as long as the stem es in. broad, weak ; umbel simple; rays 2~7, 3-1} in. lon ng; brae ts 3-5, similar to the Toaves, lowest vii in. long; spikelets closely spicate, 7-20 in a spike, + by +4, in., 6-10-flowered, scarcely com- pressed ; glumes ovate, strongly 1S-nerved, reddish, with an eX- nearly half as long as the glume, peer ellipsoid, black ; style shorter than the n nut, branches 3 linear, longish. Cy 'yperus vestitus, foe. ex Krauss in Flora, 1845, 75D. C. usitatus, Boeck. ™ Linnea, xxxv. 511 partly; C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soe. xxi. 176, not of Burchell. Eastern Reaion: Natal; margin of woods around Durban Bay, Krauss, 287! Mariseus.| CYPERACE (Clarke). 189 Durban Flat, Wood, er A ! Umbilo River, Rehmann, 8443! and without precise fecality. Ger rard, 701 Also in South-east Tropical Africa. 6. M. sieberianus (Nees in Linnwa, ix. 286) ; glabrous ; rhizome very short, of woody nodules or often hardly any; stem 1-2 ft. long, not stout, Fateh ate at the top, smooth, not conspicuously thickened at the base by inflated leaf-sheaths; leaves nearly as - as the stem, 1-1 in. broad, green; umbel simple ; rays 5-12, up to 1-4 in. long, or fewer or very short; bracts 5-10, similar e the ae a _longer than the umbel; spikes solitary, 41-1 cee. nel red, linear- lanceolate, bearing 1 or 2 nuts; thachilla separating below thé lowest fortile clume ; ; glume 1 (lowest) small, triangular, with a longish seta (like a bract); glume 2 shorter than subquadrate ; clume 3 twice as long as 2, nut-bearing, ovate, ; obtuse, strongly 7 “41 -nerved ; stamens 3-2; anthers linear-oblong, not crested ; nut : 2-8 the length of the glume, trigonous, linear- het finally nearly black ; style + as long as the nut, branches 3 linear, longish. C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Tul. vi. 622. A deltaic, Vahl, Enum. ii. 376 partly ; Kunth, re ii. pe almost wholly. Scirpus eyperoides, Linn. Mant. 381. Cyper phiiinenn y8, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi, 383. VaR. B, e volutior (C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 622); spikelets ripening 2-4 nuts, linear sala — without locality, Harvey, age ST Hasrernx ‘Rectow : Tembuland ; ; bee. the “1g River and Morley, 1000- “000 ft., Dr Natal; Co eae Rehmann, 82 bis ! Howie ‘+k, 1000 ft., abe "O15! and without precise ocality, Buchanan, 1541 3 333! Schlechter, 6349! Var. 8, Tewbuland pore 2000 ft., Baur, 445! Griqualand East; near Clydesdale, 2500 ft., Tyson, we =n =] — @ = i om D os Found in all tropical and warm countries; not in Europe, rare in America. This species is ab d t] hout the Old World and Oceania ; oo Mr. Bentham sip sia espe rep ants es following here enumerated a mere Ko i . um rms ‘ issued with EO iene usually without numbers or locality, it is impossible ooo Beg case to say where Drege’s example of MM. vheauis Nees type, ¢ 7. M. nossibeensis (Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 63); resembling ee steberianus, rie larger in all ty parts; stem stouter ; ie numerous, up to . long ; spikes 14 by 4 in., very dense ; spikelets oblong; nut ellipeeid, much thicker than i in ML. sieberianus, Nees. KcaSTERN Reaion : Nutal, Drege, 4425! No South African specimen at Also in Tropical Africa aud Madagascar. 190 CYPERACEH (Clarke). [ Mariscus. vag 8. M. umbellatus (Vahl, Enum. ii. 376 partly); resembling ~ a. sieberianus, but spikelets very small, numerous; spikes usually L 1-1 the length of the rays, with the innumerable spikelets recent: stellately spreading, so that the apa are — deflexed. Kylling a umbellata, Rotth. Deser. et Ic. 15, t. 4, fig. 2, excluding some syn. : Linn. f. Suppl. 105. Cyperus ovularis, Boeck, in Linnea, xxxv 1. 376, form a partly. C. umbellatus, C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soe. xxi. 200, form a partly; Boeck. in Engl. Jahrb. v Eastern Reaqion: Natal; around Durban Bay, Drege, 4449! Abundant in Tropical Africa and the Mascarene Islands! Pi form apse by Rotthb — is abundant in Tropical Africa, but has not yet been seen India. Rottboell aa EN ‘his aaa to India, put his cha- ‘eitoriitis an ay have nin ke 1 from an ah ica weg ant. "Whether the typical Bite Sees “‘umbellata’’ be extetued a spec r., I entirely dissent trom eler’s plan of uniting it with the Auwerican OI un is, which I regard as weil di distinct from any Old World Mavis 9. M. radiatus (Hochst. ex Krauss in Flora, 1845, 757) ; resembling M. sieberianus, but spikelets cas Mae ‘conspicuously Fogenees Cyperus Krausii, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 379. ib gs a Pelee fare Harvey, 88! Bow Ras Ree wlaas River, Kr ass fete and without precise docality, Trchawae ? Dek eck Bay, ex od, 239! Kur 2, 216! In the type ase aed Le ee “pile Krauss 35, the r sb are Resa but they are sometimes long and occasionally very long. The s spikelets are 2—1-flowered, but geuerally mature 1 ies bey are a hiak when young, white. mien ripe. 10. M. macer (Kunth, Enum. ii. 121); resembling M. siebertanus, but spikelets oblong-obovoid, conspicuously trigonous, always Le. that t glume) rudimentary, not easily to be distinguished from the giume- ~ rhachilla, C. eg eytindrostachy ys, Boeck. in Linn@a, xxxXvi- 383 rely. Katanart Region: Orange Free State ; sprees 153 partly ! EasteRN ReGion: Natal, Buchanan, 108 part Also in the mountains of Tropical Africa at a ft. Spikes long, being boner oe in all the examples ; but this species does not really differ from M. radiat ge by the po hire of the tae flower. There is a “ represvatalave” anti the M. s group abundant in ‘Tropical A viz. M. flavus, Vahl, ee sek 5 all authors, ine! uding —— can no character except the lowest glume I., which is ene (like aceous ye ract) in ere American group. M. macer appears ni ENTRAL RKecion: Graaff Reinet, MacOwan, ois: bert Div. ; Cooper. r, 656! age 9 neg . ig ance West, Ongeluk, cle eee Orange Free jer Buchanan Transvaal; Pretoria, Kuntze, ! nn, 4037! - t774i Houtbosch, bein: 3655 | ! and witheas precise locality, peace in Herb. ules, 814! HAs — Bago Pondoland; between the Umtentu River and Umzimkulu River, Bachmann, 90!" = tal; Coast-land, 0-5000 ft., Sutherland ! Moblamba Fa 5000-6000 ft., Sat. erland ! Mooi River Statior , Kuntze, 24 et Howick, 1000 ft., Junod, a ! ee without a locality, Backuaae, 326! Beblechiov, 6351! "Var r. B, Natal, Buchanan, 315 Also in St. Helena, wel kias itégian, ae Australia. This species, though pues allied to the twelve cared joe is, as to ? technical diaguosis, poorly separated from the genus Cyperus ; the rhachilla of the spikelet pei i ies an m ena species has been for r nearly a century coltivaded in Kurope. There are so many end, pare ee sent from the Mediterranea o peel, capecially its eastern arkey digenous ples (marked as Asia Minor, that it would appear in ‘thd testes Tris, Geneva Lake, Coimbra, may probably be escapes. : ~ ae Bs elas of seg Sena peice By Sir J. D. Hooxer, G.CS. s F.R.S.. rious ee Complete in 7 vols, oe ” Dabiisted ae eye the mag th tend of the Secretary of State for India 1 Council. *,* Persons having incomplete sets are advised to complete them without delay, a Parts will be kept on sale for a limited time only. No Part or r Volume be sold without its continuation to the end of the work. FLORA CAPENSIS: a Systematic Description of the Plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, and Port Natal. By Wititam H. Harvey, BS., Shang of Bo i E by W. om Sceaseeee F.R.S. Vol. VI. 24s. net. Vol. VII., Part 7s, 6d, n various Biited by OW. one tina Deus FRS. Vol. vit, Part 1, ‘Ss ri Published under the authority of the First Commissioner of Her Maje Works. FLORA omnes again . Easiest gage of a Eane « ustralian Eimicie By G L.S., Meneut Co see agers in Te vole “ei PA e Dubliahed ‘hides eer of the several Gous ments 0 FLORA of ea and the. jardeb cca tion of the Flowering f those Islands. By J. @. F.L.8. Complete gs oy povlgg Pub blished under the authority ‘ol Go nt of Mauritius Hooxer, F.R.S. 42s. Published under the auspices of the Go Solony. FLORA of hea BRITISH WEST INDIAN ISLANDS. Dr. GRISEBA . 42s. Published under the auspices of the Se of State for 6h Colsaien : FLORA A HONGKONGENSIS: a Description of the Flow e Islan Hongkong. Price 7s. 6d. net. a ao LORA CAPENSIS BEING A SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANTS CAPE COLONY, CARFRARIA, AND PORT NATAL (AND NEIGHBOURING TERRITORIES) i By VARIOUS BOTANISTS. EDITED BY . W. T. THISELTON-DYER, C.MG., O.LE. ——s LL.D., F.R.S. DIRECTOR, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. Mariseus.] CYPERACEX (Clarke). 193 15, M. umbilensis (C. B. Clarke ex W. Watson in Gard. Chron. 1891, x. 190); glabrous, robust; stem 2-3 ft. long, fe asta at the top, often seabrous ; leaves 2 the length of the stem, 1-1 in. broad, transversely lineolate, somewhat spongy ; midrib often scabrous liam. ; bracts 4—8, up to disarticulating below the lowest fertile flower ; wings ‘broad, scarious ; stamens 3 ; nut 2—} the length of the glume, oblong or ellipsoid, trigonous, black; style much ‘shorter than nut, branches 3 linear, long. M. Bolusi, C. B. Clarke in Durand and Selina, Conspect. HL AICY, 585. OC) yperus umbilensis, Boeck. ea Watson in Gard. Chron. 1891, x. 190. Bolusi, ie ok. ex OC. B. Clarke in ra and Rohini Conspect, Fl. Afr. v. 585. Sourn Arrica ; without locality, Harvey, 90! CENTRAL ReGion: Somerset Div ; Bosch Berg, sg Fis Ma: Owan, 495b! spor REGION ; Sistas Free State , Buchanan, 141 TERN REGION: Pondoland, Bachmann, 107! Natal, Buchanan, 334 ! Ricks: 298! Also 1 ™m Hereroland. i 4 16. M. riparius Aare, in Goett. Gel. Anz. iii. 1821, 2067) ; glabrous, r obust ; 11-3 ft. long, } in. in a , obtusely tri- eooans, smooth ; leaves often as long as the seabian | by x in. broad, Sptaden, suberect even in bat not much compressed ; rhachilla tating alow the lowest ae glume, wings elliptic ; Thunbergit, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. = Nees in Linnea, viii. 79. gets Thunbergii, Vahl, Enum. ii. X11; Nees Linnea, vii. 520 in Obs. ; x. 137, excl. several syn. ; Kunth, mum. ii. 76; Bo = in poe xxxvi. 330. C4 a. 8, robustior (C. B. Clarke in scape and weg Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. ); larger in all its parts ; ahs often 1} by 4 in., very dense, i AR. y, trisumbel foes us (C, B. Clarke in eee d and Schins Conspect. Fl. Afr. F fin. | large ; gia _ of umbel up to 8 in. long; sec pee Ae fy : n. long, conspicuously de ed (even when young) ; tertiary rays up t L His oltpeoiccgnee Thunb. Prod. 18, and Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. fo 8, Gili li (C. B. Ch: ve hinz, Conspect. FI. Afr. v. 592) ; sem ad umbel oo very thick ee oe sain cted; the innumerable spikelets tnd spikeg densely confluent ; young sp seen ans 2 in. long, -flowered, eee y. Anica’ Ys B, Debeat Bergius, 165! Thom, 909 ! Ecklon and Zeyher, BY Vary Thon CAST thea: set 6 bury Div. ; Laauws Kloof, near Groene Kloof, 1000 ft., Prige! Cape Div.; near Cape Towa, Burchell, 282! Paarl Div.; Berg River, oO VOL. Vit. 194 CYPERACES (Clarke). { Mariscus. Drége! Tulbagh Div. ; near aby Burchett, 1027! Uitenhage Div.; Zwa ops River, Pappe! Var. B, Cape Div. Table Mountain, Ecklon, 10 5! prima 215! Simons Bay, MacGillivray, 409! “Ohana Div.; Ecklon and Zeyher, between polis Por x A Di : : ] Mosse 1 Ba ay Div Geat Vals River. Burchell, 6530! Bathurst Div.; near Port Alfred, Burchell, 3992! Var. 8, Swellendam Div.; Buffeljagts River, @il/! 17. M. elatior (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspeet. Fl. Afr. v. 587); stem triquetrous at the top; spikes large, dense, com- pound ; spikelets spreading, lower deflexed ; glumes distant, micro- scopically mucronate; otherwise as M. riparius. » Cyperus elatior, . " 2 Linnea, XXxXvi. C. solidus, a elatior, rhe hy sey i ngestus, var. Nees in Linnea, x. 137, but not C, ‘multiceps, Link (according to site ¥. Soutu AFrRica: without locality, R. Bro Coast Region: Paarl Div.; Paarl Mountai ins, 2000-3000 ft., Drége, 4410! EastERN ReGion: fat Durban Flat, Buchanan, rot and ied precise locality, Buchanan, 69! 1 18. M. involutus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Con Fl. Afr, v. 589); glabrous; rhizome (seen) 2 in. ong ontal, igonous at the ee Ste 4 the length of the stem, 11 in. broad, transversely lineolate, in dried examples involute into a tube, many-striate, without keel; of close spikes at the apex of each; spikelets 1 by 4 in., com- pressed, hard, dull chestnut-red, maturing about 10 nuts; glume sir obtuse, many-striate ; keel obscure, paler, hardly excurrent ; 8 the length of the glume, trigonous, narrow-oblong ; style not re ie len ngt ” of the nut, branches 3 linear, shortly exserted from the glume. Pha st Region: Uitenhage Div.; Van Stadens River, Ecklon and Zeyher; oo 2084! King Williamstown Div.; Toise River Station, 3500 ft., Kin 276 ae longer spikelets, often maturing nuts, separate this from the reas species ; the inflorescence, though Pt ere: does not in essence 19. M. Grantii.(C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 588) ; spikes } in. in diam., ovoid, dense, ferruginous brown. peduneled in a compound umbel; spikelets spreading, lower de- flexed ; otherwise as M. riparius, Schrad. var. y trisumbellata. Eastern ReGion: Natal, Grant ! Cooper, 3332! Flowered in Kew meas May, 1890. This might be arranged as a var. ne deflexed Pome give ita ‘a different pl = riparia, alow ae: 20. M. Owani (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Gonanentd Fi. Afr. v. 590) ; umbel once-eompound or imperfectly twice-compoun nd ; ’ spikes loose ; spikelets spreading or deflexed; otherwise as riparius and M. Grantii. Cyperus ligularis, Thunb. Prod. 18; Fi Mariseus. | CYPERACEH (Clarke), 195 Cap. ed. Schult. 100; not of Linn. C. dact by bic Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 329 pa iy. ¢, tabularis, 6 r, Nees Pl Linnea, x. 137, according to Boeck. C. ant, Dish. in h Schinz ex Clarke in a and Schinz, eee Fl. Afr. v. 590, scarcely in Flora, 1878, ‘ , "I ! nie AFRICA: without cere Drége, 4411! Ecklon and Zeyher, 131! Thunber ey Co pig Ruaion: Albany Div.; near hi River, MacOwan, 669 partly ! Komgha Diy. - 3 sn Kom a Flanagan Eastern Rea : Nata 1; near rei fg 800 ft., Wood, 4004! Also in heraata ith é ML riparius wi oO preading spikelets look very unlike the heads of crowded suberect mene Eps but here, again, I can find no ey Boor. in nBlova, i style, or a i ‘trustworthy character. C. Ow oerk ’ : ee aaa compo a rays 8-12 uy to 8 in. in, long ; ee dense, mostly short-peduncled ; spikelets 2 en ong, maturing often 10 nuts - ; otherwise as WW. tab pee, bei yperus dactyliformis, Boeck, in Linnea, xxxvi, 329 par Coasr Ree : Uitenhage Div.; by the Spat poe Burchell, 4431! “ale 18 nt Kong i me a oe te 4098! Buchanan, 130! and Without tee Toshi, Gueinzius The umbel of this species much resonable large umbels of M. congestus ; ie te M. Gueinzii (aud the preceding species) have spongy leaves with tran Tetionlationepemors from those of M. congestus. = M. clephantinus (C. B. Clarke); glabrous; stem } in, in 22. M "se at the top, obtusely trigonous, smooth ; umbel 41 ft. in diam, ; brace 8-10, exceeding the umbel, 2 in. * broad, thick, spongy, tan _ Tineolnte satciseuba ts “dltimate ombels 9-4 in, oar with bra to 2 in. long ; spikelets innumerable, rather a y Spicate, ri a , 6-10-nutted, pale brown ; thachilla disartict luting below the banat fertile glume, wing conspicuous, per- i . led ; Sistent, yellowish’; clumes ovate, obtuse, striate, obscurely kee t 2 the length a the olume, oblong.ellipsoid, SS ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, longis : ae lephantinus, C. B. Clarke in Durand anid Schinz, Conspect. Vv. 559, Eastern Regton : Natal, Buchanan, 113! 320! - eis Ta ged this plant Cyperus in Durand and Schinz, looking at the ube with bracts t : ake potas umbels ; ae overlooking the disarticulating *pikelets, The qin Didone the nuts and s styles) 1 find now similar to those Of Marisens (Sect. Thunbergiant). 7,28. ag tabularis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, ae Pl. Afr. y, 594); glabrous, robust, stoloniferous; stems 8-2 po long ; leaves 2 the length of the stems, 3 in. broa d, flat hea ry, , without transverse —— closely striate lengthwise ; 196 cyperacez (Clarke). [Mariscus. umbel simple or nearly so, 2—5 in. in eer bracts 4—5, up to 10 in. long, similar to the leaves ; spikes AS . long, g obose or ovoid, dense, dark-red; spikelets + by ~, in., somewhat compressed, maturing 4-7 nuts; rhachilla disarticulating below the lowest fertile glume ; glumes ovate, very obtuse, 13- “15-striate ; ; nut 2 the length of the glume, oblong-obovoid, trigonous; style shorter than the nut, branches 8 linear, longish. Cyperus tabularis, Schrad, Anal. Fl. Cap. 10; en in Linnea, x. 137, excluding var. A: Ku nth, Enum. ii. 107 ; eck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 324, C. solidus, Drege, Pflanzengeogr. eee 177 (at Teast c). C. Ecklonii, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 325 Var. 8, Zeyheri (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, rag i Fl. Afr. v. 594) ; slenderer ; He of ara eral - in. long; spikes more elongated, fin “dense. milis, Nees ex C Var. y, humilis (C. B. eco in : Darand and Schinz, serge Fl. ) v. 594) ; stems 13-2} in. long, stout; leaves far overtoppin humilis, eyher ex Kunth, Enum. ii. 107. ‘ner rus i oe Ae va 8, h, Enwm. Hoh OC, solidus, var. pa! aca Kunth, Enum, ii. 76. Ue saree Boeck. in Linnza, xxxvi. 325 SoutH AFRICA: cea eats, pala 4401! 4402 ! MacOwan, 669 partly ! Retlon. and ess he 23! 76! Var. B j OA GIO ape Divs Table oe ntain, Hesse. Uitenhage Div. Zw thoys pares Bellon 18! ” Zeyher / Bathurst Div. ; Port Alfred, “Hutton: Al Div ree "Div. ; near geet River Station ft., Kuntze, 280! Catheart Div.; near Cathcart, 4500 Kuntze, 263! Var. y, Albany Div. ; on the Flats near gg eae 2000 ft., Drége, 3952 AL REGION: vrei Div. ; I the Spring of Commada nga; Burchell 3352 ! 24. M. durus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fi. Afr. v. 587); glabrous, stoloniferous ; statis 11-22 ft. long, obtusely trigonous at the top, smooth; leaves % the length ‘of the stem, ard, semicircular-backed, concave- fared: (even close to the base), scarcely + in. broad ; umbel simple, 1-3 in. in diam., of 3-8 very une rays; bracts 3-5, up to 6-10 in. long, similar to the leaves ; spikes very dense, compound, }—3 in, in diam., dark-red ; spikelets maturing 4—5 nuts, similar to those of M. tabularis. Cyperus durus, Kunth, Buc. ii. 76 : oeck, in sd XXXVi. a South AFRIcA: without locality, petiegh eyher Coast ae ion: Knysna Div.; gte Valle, ett 500 ft., Drege, 3951! Uitenhage Div., Zeyher ! és ‘Albany bi abies the source of the Kasuga River and Sidbury, "Darchoth 4169! Also in Angola. nr ses? ese B. Cle rke in ee and Schinz re leaf-sheaths ; leaves neni as long as the stem, + in. broa nt ; rays of umbe , up to 1} in. long, each bearing L ebracteate spike; bracts 3-5, vothies longer than the umbel, similar to (but aes stouter than) the leaves; spikes 2 in. in diam., dense ; spike lets 3 in. ae nearly terete, 8-d-nutted, whitish, with red ‘marks 5 SRE ha VE Mariscus.] cyppraces (Clarke). 197 thachilla flexuose, disarticulating below the lowest fertile flower, Wings elliptic, persistent, finally holding a nut; fertile glumes elliptic, acuminate, round-backed, 13- stri e; margin $ scarious, decurrent on the tiundbilla- wines upper aieids infertile, distant, with long, acuminate, recurved points ; ; stamens 3; nut i the length of the glume, trigonous, oblong-ellipsoid, slightly curved ; fle z as long as the bran ches. 3 linear, longish. Cy ylindrolepis, Boeck. in ‘Bot. onal xxxix. 73. Katanart Rearon: Tran svaal ; on near the Pinaars pub Nelson, 13*! Pretoria, a ce 4179! and es das precise locality, Holwb arerpees found the margins of each glume united i a ylides “ghana the nut, ae established his genus eee on bake character. I find t margins the glumes decurrent on the wings of the rhachilla, poe are veloc wrapped eee and hold fast the ripe nut, as is tte case very ¢ Mariscus, where the scatteri ing of the nuts is ’ provided for by the slanrticulseion of the rhachilla itself, 8. M. Cooperi (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Comer Fl. Afr. vy, 586); stem 82 in. long, rather stout; leaves long, { in. wide, flat, not flaccid ; rays of umbel up to 5 in. long, with e c. spikes at the end of each ray, supported by eh bracts up to 1; in. long; rhachilla of spikelet straight; fertile glumes slightly an inate - upper sterile oe ecantinate into recurved points ; otherwise as M. rehmannianu : Eastern Recion: Natal, aes 3333 ! . e oe ure of the spikelets, with the se Os te ae reciigi in ikele 1 that I fee] Uta ses Ire oe ; of Cont er’s (3333), which is witht the base of stem so character istic in M. rehmannianus, may not be m the are, itech over-ripe state of that species. — ; VI. ELEOCHARIS, R. Br. Spikelet of many stings imbricate glumes ; lowest 1 or 2 empty, Shorter than the spikelet, many suecee ding glumes 2 2-sexual perfecting Nuts, uppermost male orste rile.. Stamens 3or2, anterior. Style glabrous; base much thickened, distinguishable from apex of nut, but a ‘ ranches 8-2. Wut ¢ triangular, or flat (dorsally compresse Glabrous 3; stem with one as is csies (not rarely tie at the _— y leaves 0; u shortl one side ; permost sheath or very shortly proc ~ pogynous on bristles sa sally ‘Gi the enews species always) present, 7-3 0 humber enting the sepals, petals and posticous stamens. TRIB, Speci 115, scattered over nearly the Bi world; prevalent (80 mi in Am a : — “ghiapereet g (Nees). Stem stout. Spike let hardly wider than the Glumes subrigid : Stem tigations at the top. Spikelet pale w. (1) fistulosa. Sect. IT. ELRoGENus oer Soikolet wider than the stem. Glumes sedesaa le ‘ =e Stem terete atthe Re " Spikelet brown or chestnut ..- (2) palustris, 198 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Eleocharis. Sect. III. Eu-Exeocnaris. Spkelet wider than the stem. Glumes membranous. Style 8-fid : Stem terete at the top. Spikelet brown “ie .. (3) limosa. . E. fistulosa (Link, Jahrb. iii. 78 Obs.); es RE stem 1-3 ft. acutely triquetrous at the top; spikelet nearly 1 1 in., hs lar teil broader than the stem, pale-coloured ; glumes oe obtuse, without keel, with numerous fine lines on the back ; bristles 6 (1.¢ 3 sepals, 3 petals), as long as the nut, linear, retrorse- scabrous, rusty- red ; style 3-fid, or Sathetines according to authors 2-fid; nut } as long-as the clume, obovoid, trigonous with the anticous ae flattened, longitutinaly striate euniiie: e (i.e. the external cells are arranged 4-30 vertical series) ; style-base scarcely + the joel of the nut, ae C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. vi. 626. cirpus fistulosus, Putret in Lam. Encyc. vi. 749. Heleocharis fistulosa, ee: in Linnwa, xxxvi. 472 Ast ReerIon: os Div.; Kei River, Flanagan, 982! No South dice specimen at Ke Also in Tropica ine Asia and Austral Boeckeler unites with this species EZ. mutata, R.Br., abundant in Tropical America; and which aoe differs very slightly. If this view be taken the distribution area is wi 2. E. palustris (R. Br. Prod. 224 in note); stems 4-20 in. long, on a creeping rhizome, usually distant, terete; spikelet 1-3 by chestnut, with scarious margins; bristles 6 or often fewer, as long as the nut; style-branches 2, longish ; nut small, obovoid, dorsally B. Clarke in Journ. Bot, 1887, 267, and in Hook. f. Ft. Brit. Ind. vi. 628. KE. limosa a (not b, c) Drege, Pflanzengeog”. Documente 181. E. dregeana, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 78. Seirp palustris, Linn. Sp. Plant. ed.2, 70 partly. Heleocharis palustris, Lindl. Syn. Brit. Fl. 280; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 466 partly, te. excluding all examples with 3- cet style, Limnoehloa capensis, Nees in Linnea, x. 185; not of Krau Sourn Arrica: ——— oe ie 4376! Verreaux Coast rake Komgha -3 between Zandplaat oe Komgha, 2090- the length of the nut. Nees in Linnea, vii. 509 ; Kunth. Enum. ii. 147 CENTRAL eek Somerset Div.; Bosch Berg, 3000 ft., MacOwan, 1741: Burchell, 3046 ! Richmond Div. ; vieinity of Sty i era — r Richmond, 4009- 5000 ft., Drege! aon North Div. n, 1 Katanari REG : Griqualand West ; redid Or ach, 0a! Distributed mates the World except Australia; rare in tropical regions. 7 3. E. ogy (Schultes in Roem. et Gace Syst. ii. Mant. 87) ; stems 1-2 ft. long, clustered ona short woody rhizome, terete; spikelet 1-1 by {—} in., cylindrie or aa long-conic, dense 5 glumes obtuse, without keel, brown with scarious margins ; bristles 6-5 (ie. 3 sepals, 3-2 petals), linear, retrorsely seabrous, brown, 2 tiny See Bae eek go Deer Y ee Eleocharis. ] - CYPERACE® (Clarke). 199 long as the nut with style-base ; wages branches 3, longish; nut small, obovoid, he brown, smooth ; style-base oblong- “obovoid, 2 the length o he nut. Kunth, Pum. it. 148; Drege b,c (not a) in. Drege, Pflanzen, geogr. Documente 47. EF. capensis, Nees ex Boeck. - Linnea, xxxvi. 467. Scirpus apes Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 29, t. 2 tig. 1. Limnochloa limosa, Nees in Linnea, x. 185, L. alee Krauss in Flora 1845, 759, not af Nees. Limnocharis oe ‘8a, Kunth, Enum. ii. 148, in ettat. Heleocharis palustris, Boeck. 1 Linnea, Pets 466 partly (i.e. the aus tean gy with 3-fid style), not of Br South Arrica: withont locality, Dréze, 3940 ! Pa vad Verreaua ! Pappe! Boivin | , Gueinzius, 21la! Ecklon and Zeyher , 31! 32 Sarr ie Wks Coast Recion: Malme sbury seared 2st ! Cape Div.; Cape Tow Hesse, Soraliendinin Div. - ee along alow mr’ the Zonder Kinde River, Zeyher, 4423b! Riversdale Div v5 oy "Ge Zoetenelks — Burchell, 6807 ; Ulteabsie Div. ; Zwartkops River, below 500 ft., Zeyher, 4423! Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher, 438! Alexandria Div. ; Enon, ‘ase 500 ft, Dr sage ” Bates t Div. ; = Port Altred, Burehell, 3802! som gha Div., Flanag gan, 903! Cath- BI 000 ft., Sale Cesta ReEGionN: Richmond Div. ;- Win i er * Veld, Drége, 826 ! Kast ean Reeron: Natal; Dias River, Krauss, 8u! Durban Flat, Dwhenes, 128! age el a in Madagascar, closely allied to the Serge E. marginulata, Steud. elet, as? It varies much in rl an or stem and of spik VIT. FIMBRISTYLIS, Vahl. Spikelet of many ees spirally imbricate, or (in #'. monostachya) siti distichous, lo nals 1 or 2 empty, many or r several succeeding glumes 2-sexual perfecting nuts, be ee male or sterile. Hypogynous bristles 0. Stamens 3-2 , anterior. Style often more or less hairy, deciduous with ie hatin or little enlarged base ; branches 3 or 2. Nut tri iangular, or flat, dorsally compressed. \ Stolons 0; leaves all near the base of the stem; inflorescence a terminal ube, snipe or eianeecie or a single pee spikelet. RIB. Species 130, distributed over the tropical and warm -temperate parts “ the World, especially abundant in the tropics of 8.E. Asia and of Australia. This genus — from Scirpus (Sect. Isolepis, R. Br.) oaly by the style ~~ articulated at the ase, the transverse line separatiag it from the apex of the bein g visible even in aye young stage. Sect. I. Dicuetosryzis, Benth. prea fertile glumes spirally imbricate. Umbet compound or simple. Style 2-fid. Nut smooth. Long hairs — from the pecried base Nut ribbed! Spikelets with many angles Nut ribbed. Spikelets very smoothly rounded... Nut smooth. Cans puberulous on the back —... (4) ferruginea. 200 CYPERACER (Clarke). [Fimbristylis. Sect. IJ. TricurnosTyLis (Genus), Lestib. —Lowest fertile glumes spirally imbricate, Umbe odie orsimple. Style 3-fid. Whole plant ha we se ... (5) exilis. Glabrous. Spikelets pedicelled, solitary ... (4) pean Glabrous. Spike n dense heads eed ... (7) obtusifolia. Sect. Fae ih ngage “ee 1s), vat — Lowest Hah dds: distichous, or ery nearly so. Stem bearing 1 (rarely 2-3) sp Spikelet peers Ape patiaen ae ... (8) monostachys. rs 1, F. squarrosa (Vahl, Enum. ii. 289); annual, puberulous or nearly glabrous ; stem 2-8 in. long ; leaves a the length of the stem, 51; in. broad ; umbel usually ‘compound ; bracts 3-4, often as long as ae umbel, ‘similar to the leaves ; spikelets all peilicelled, t by zy in., dense ; glumes elliptic, keeled, dusky, the 3 nerves coales- cing tees a curved excu peclnh mucro; stamens usually 2 pee ; branches 2; rae 1 as a as the glume, eee biconvex, off with the deciduous style. Zunth, Enum. ii. 2234; Boe, in Linnea, xxxvii. 10; C. B. vigsahens ex Hook. t.. Ft. Brit. Ind. vi. 635. Ff. Ee lonii, Nees in ’ Linnea, i Ee. x. 145; Kunth, eraily ii, 226. Scirpus squarrosus, Poir. Encye. yee v. 100, not of Coast Receion: Clanwilliam Div.; Doorn eo below 1000 ft., Drege’ gence, a se Ae ai River, below 100 ft., Drége ! : Clanwilliam Div. ; near whe Oliphants River, below 000 | ft. Fahek. 779 par OF Ecklon and dl Zeyh her In all tropical and warm-temperate regions. 2. F. dichotoma (Vahl, Enum. ii. 287); annual, puberulous or minutely pubescent ; stem 2-8 in. long; leaves often as long as tn stem, 4; in. broad ; umbel usually ett ound (or decompound) ; bracts 3-4, often as long as the umbel, similar to the leaves ; splke- Boeckeler) ; style nearly always hairy, branches 2, shortish ; nut 3 the length of the glume, obovoid, biconvex, pale or scarcely brown, with 5-9 ribs on each face due to the cells being vertically super- posed. Kunth, Enum. ii. 225; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvil 12 partly ; C. B. Clarke in Hook. ae Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 635. Scirpus sy ere Linn. Sp. Plant , 74; Rotth. Deser. et Le. 57, t. 13, fig. 1 (ef. Hoppe in Flore. igss, 177-181). WESTERN REGION: Cowiilinn Div.; near the Oliphants River, below 1000 ft., Zeyher, 1779 partly ogee from Psi and West Africa to Hong Kong and New South Wales. difficn't to distinguish from F. diphylla. This very eed we aeawcn s Litrorr of ‘ichotoma and his American examples are ~ — : Wa his Ay up : to YY In ichotoma, as here understood, the glumes are d etly keeled, ie that the Ac an numerous short longitudinal angles. 3. F. diphylla (Vahl, ae ii as ; ees or more or less pubescent; stem commonly 12-20 in. long; umbel compound, ea eee ee eee ee a ee eee a te ns ] Fimbristylis.| CYPERACEX (Clarke). 201 though reduced sometimes to a few spikelets; glumes ovate, gla- brous, concave, apne distinct keel; style 2-fid ; nut with 5-10 longitudinal ribs on each face ; otherwise as F, dichotoma.—C. B. Clarke in Hook. vs a Brit. Ind. vi. 636. F. communis, Kunth, mum. li. 234. FF. dregeana, Kunth, Enum, ii. 232. F. poly- morpha, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 14, Scirpus diph yllus, Retz. Obs, v. 15. H AFRICA: ke locality, yao 65 Katanart Rearo Orange Free State, Buchanan, 147! Transvaal; Hout- bosch, aes nn, 562 22 | 5623! 7714! “ant without precise locality, Kuntze, 243! KastERN REGION: bag arma Umtata River, below 1000 ft., nei ote Pondoland; between the Umtentu River and Umzimk vl River, Drege! and without precise locality, p Behe sapicat 113! 125! Griqualand East, near uerre dale, 2500 ft., Tyson, 1191! Natal, Drége, 4371! 4373 ! Se SLI L 11g! 338! 339! 340! ott Gorka rd, 487! Wood, 6012 All as and warm-temperate regions. The mos ant and widely- pidore bs se sedges, sapien. 3 eet most narrowly fingnived) bec names, The Cap amples are mo y tall, with broader leaves than in F. dichotoma ; F, dreg ati i, Ktnith; is 3-4 in, ee but has much stouter, sisted epiketeta shen i lichoto ma 4. F. on a very short, or p aaa rhizome. 8-30 i . long ; leaves ane 4-8 in. long, or hardly any, hairy or siiteate A ;j5 in. broad or usually less; umbel compound or simple, usually of 5-15 pedicelled spike- lets, sometimes of 1 spikelet ; bracts 3-2, usually short, occasionally as long as the umbel; spikelets 1 by 4-1 in., ovoid, Tusty-brown ; glumes round-backed, ovate the upper half of the back ; stamens 3-2 ; style longer than the nut, airy, branches 2, rather short; nut scarcely 2 the length of the glume, bic onvex, obovoid, smooth, , pale brown, not, or very “obscurely, longitudinally ribbed. Kunth, Enum. ii. 236; Boeck. in shag ‘xxv. 16; C, B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. sieberiana, Kunth, Enum. ii. 237. Scirpus ferrugineus, Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. ay TA. Sourn Arrica: withoat Joes Harvey wk Re@ton: Bathurst Div.. Fish Ri ae below 1000 ft., Drege! Komgha ei River, Flana an, en 1! HART REGION = Orange Free State, Buchanan, 145! Transvaal ; Bac Vata Rebman, 4793 ! : RN Ree Pond os nd; sr the mouth of the Umtsikaba Bla : Dre. ! see petrol precise locality, Bachmann, 112! Natal; Du seg ip, Buchanan 2! 25! 55! Co: ic -land, \Guthe rland! Delagoa Bay, Kuntze, All tropical and warm -temperate regions, This abundant Fimbristylis is ee Salis y named in herbaria from th a white or greyish hairs top of the backs of the glumes; but t glu i tems have only 1 spikelet iy Soy sibately pelea deat Sarre ey's 7 58 2 ®. F. exilis (Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg. ii. 98) ; annual, hairy ; stems tufte ‘. 4-16 in. long, rather slender, hairy or rarely neatly 202 CYPERACE (Clarke). [Fimbristylis glabrous ; , az in. broad, hairy or rarely glabrate ; ee always ned vunbe of 3-14 pedicelled spikelets ; ; bracts 4-3, about as long as the umbel ; spikelets }—3 by in., 10—20- flowered ; glumes boat-shaped, cae acute, chestnut- brows, puberulous ; keel reen, excurrent in a point ; stamens 3-2 ; nut rather large, Yi hispidula, Kent, Enum. ii. 297, Krauss in Flora, 18 15, 757 Boeck. in Linn xxxvil. 27. Scirpus hispidulus, Vahl, ‘Enu ii. 276. Bisneshss Iirt Thunb. in Hojm. Phytogr. Blaett. 1 . 6, an nd Ll. Cap. edit. Schult. 100; aoe Enum, i. 106. Chetospora distachya, Nees in ee Soutu AFrica: without locality, =. 4372 KALAHARI ReGion: Kalahari, Schinz, 371! joer near Klerks-dorp, 4000 ft., AfcLea in Herb. Bolus, "6018 ! EastERN Reeion: Tra ai banks of the ee River, below 1000 ft., oe 4 a ores near the Umlaas River, Krauss, 1 Sydenham, near D Durban, ; Wood, 1956! and without ei locality, Sethi 344! Kuntze, 23! Fallen, aatark di 490! Common throughout Africa and Dae eee: rare in Tropical America. This species is sae connecting-link between Fimbristylis and Bulbostylis ry stem is in Bulbostylis, ver rare in Panbrtatylia the spikelets, with hairy glumes, secede te yi _ of Bulbostylis. Itd s from Bulbostylis m that the seue is somewhat persistent; and, when it does fall, it takes the whole pe style-base, and does vig leave pehiad ‘the dark-coloured button so conspicuous on the nut of Bulbostyli oo 6. F. eas (Link, Hort. Berol. 1827, i. 292); glabrous; stems tufted on a very short, or obsolete, rhizome, 6—24 in. long, ten much flattened at the top; leaves often 4-8 by + in., obtuse; umbel with 6-180 tra was aise bracts 2, shorter than ele al ts| _ Be fon) fae) =] w-a & oO a oO mn et a as ri Lee J oO for) ° od wer lac] ° 4 =| in" - Cd oO 03, = B fa*) mn o oo ae rac) ae nm oS > S o — glabrous, picts es 3, linear; nut very small, narrow-obovoid, round trigonous, straw-coloured, slenderly longitudinally ribbed because the transversely oblong cells are in vertical series. Kunth, Enum. ii. 228; C.B. oe in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 646. F. prernens var. a Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 38. Sci irpus complanatus, Retz. Obs. v. 14, Lrie helostylis complanata, Nees in Linnwa, x. 146. 7 Var. 8, kraussiana (C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 646); stems slenderer, often perce at all flattened at the apex; umbel more co Jom pac ct, of F. kraussiana, Hochst. ex Krauss in Flora, 1845, 757. /~ Yar. 7; consan guinea (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 6C 3) ; spikelets often in clusters of 2-5 on the ultimate rays of the umbel. F, sala ii Kunth, Enum, ii, 228; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 36. Soutn AFRICA: without Pia d Drége, 6448! Var. y, Drége, 4414! 4418! TAO ! Dekh on and Lawler Coa EGION : Ko mat Div., 2000 ft., Flanagan, 960! Var. y, Uitenhage Div.; V Stadens Hoogte, MacOw van, 13854! 1354b! Alexandria Div. 5 between Hoff ns Kloof and Drie Fontein, retest ft., Drege! Al Div. ; onrtnners riot 1800 ft., MacOwan, 1852! r ae ee a ee — a | eo ee ee, - mee ee Fimbristylis.] cypEerace® (Clarke), 293 = ors NARI tne Var. B, Orange Free State, rT 142! Transvaal ; Pretoria, Rehmann, 4771! Magalies Berg, E.S.C.A. Herb., 309! and wit! rout Se Toaity. Retina a , 5619! Kast ondoland, Bachmann, 108! Natal ; Umzinyati, 1200 ft., Wood, 1399! Dur ee ‘Botante ‘Garde ae Wood, cea Durban Flats, Wood, 4003 ! a Buchanan, 132! Var. B, Na marsh near the Umlaas River, Kva 2 180! Nottingham, vcdlclige n, rs — without precise ie ality, ar ee ee 343! Rehmann, 8103! 8604! a ur Var. y, Tembulan 6 beeen the Bushee River and ork ey, 1000-2000 ft., Drége. Pondoianrl hear the mouth = ra Uuntatkhea River, Drége. Natal, Gueinaius, 2 215! Found throughout the tropical nee warm-temperature regions of the obese The character « solitary ’? or “clustered” spikelets has been used as of “ sec- tional ” in Fimbristylis ; and Kunth therefore put — wa baa F. Soe ni maid shécien ut the character is not of specific value s so the acter oe en from the flattening of the top of stem. Boeckeler, perhaps righty “anes ne Whole series of Lage ae ev F. autumnalis, Roem. et i — e. Scirpus Miele: Linn.). Wh species, or varieties, are so c ae toaster it. is ot possible to Site the favcthednn except as matter of opinio 7. F. obtnsifolia (Kunth, woe ii. 240); glabrous, rigid ; thizome short, thick, woody; stems 4-18 in. long; leaves many, usually ee 4 foi length of the es, ~J5—} in. bro ad, hard, obtuse ; wnbel 1-3 jy | aig , Simple or compound, or condensed into one vied bracts 3 3-2 , lowest 3-22 in 2 1 long, shorter or longer than the Sai el, rigid, similar to the heel spikelets usually clustered, 2 in. ongs ellipsoid, pale, dense ; glumes ovate, obtuse ; style nearly as long as the nut, glabrous, branches 3 (at least in the lower flowers), as long te the style ; nut hardly 3 the length of the glume, obovoid, ro ond. trigonous, dark- coloured, not longitudinally + ibbed. F. glom erata, on in tinned, xxxvii. 47 partly. pi ae Biche, Beauv. {es Owar. ii 38, ¢ . 81, fig. 1. Trichelostylis obtusifolia, Nees in 1X, 250. e River RN ReGion : Pondoland ; between the Umtentu River and Umzim} culu Ku cd a 909 ft., Drége, 4415 ! Natal, Rehmann, 8692! Delagoa Bay b ao Africa, the Mascarene Islands, aud America; near salt or ak x. monostachya (Hassk. Pl. Jav. Rar. 61) ; 5 glabrous ; stems 1 ° very short woody rhizome, 3-11 in. long, slender ; eaves often 2 the length of the stem, q's in. broad; spikelet 1 (rarely 2 op "3 + by 1 in, and few-flowered, or in fruit 1 in. long ane many-fow vered ; bract t subereet, rarel _mauch tbat the - the rhachilla ; glumes boat-shaped, onic, without nerves ak vse formin cel, minutely mucronate; stamens 3; anthers : 8 kee oblong-linear, muticous ; nut rather large, less than } the length of ah, brown, without striations, but often minutely tubereled ; yle longer than the nut, hairy, slightly thickened at the base, com- 204 cypERACE® (Clarke). [ Fimbristylis pletely deciduous with its base, branches 3 linear, shortish. C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 649. Cyperus monostachyos, Linn. Mant. 180; Rottb. Deser. et Iv. 18, t. 18, fig. 3. Ali yg monostachya, Vahl, Enum. ii. 296; Kunth, Baum. ii. 247; in Tinnwa, xxxvii. 53. Soutn A¥Frica: without ee: Dréye, 4377! Zeyher, 1752 Coast Reeion: Albany Div.; near Grahamstown, Maeinam 188! Komgha Div.; Flanagan, 914! fdgabeilis iv.; Shiloh, 3000-400: rege. ARI REGION: ‘Transvaal; Magalies Berg, Burke! et "without precise 271 nN Reoion: Transkei; between Gekau and the Bashee —— 1600- 2000 ft., Drége. Tembuland; between a Bashee River and Morley, 1000- 00 ft. 2000 en Drége! Bazeia, 20 .. Baur, 64! 412! Natal; Umgeni River, Rehmann, 8593 ! Colenso, 34(0 ft., Kuntze, 2 ! pias distributed in the shunt and warm-temperate regions of the globe. VIII. BULBOSTYLIS, Kunth. Spikelet of many spirally imbricate glumes, lowest,1 or 2 empty, many or several succeeding glumes 2-sexu al pe erfecting nuts , uppermost male or sterile. Hypogynous bristles 0. Stamens 3-2, anterior. Style glabrous, linear, pane with its slightly enlarged base, leaving a dark-coloured ulton o the nut; sea 3 or 2, linear. Nut triangular or flat (do vanily compressed), obovoid, very obtuse or truncate, pale till quite ripe, the Ee lle SAE button finally falling off, Stolons 0; leaves all near the base of the stem, very narrow, often hairy, near 4 stapes ciliate hairy in the mouth of the sheaths ; inflorescence a termi nal umbe simple mpound, or a single terminal spikelet; flower-glumes near Ae always pact B. Species 130; in all tropical and warm-temperate regions, eapecialy prose in Africa and America, one species reaching north to Canada. [See also Fin.bristylis exilis. | Stem with 1 (or 1-2) spik Sty she ene 2; ear ‘early glabrous : Nut smooth : eS .. (1) humilis. Nut tlongivuinally striate a ve ... (2) striatella as Soe gs phat plant hairy Raa previculmis. Stem with ae nse hez me of several spikelets ; style. prose Stem ieee ly and densely hairy at ee top ; Later lets eat: ; Sones sheaths fine woolly ; jiead 1, (4) filamentosa. Stem glabrous ; leaf-sheaths hardly ciliate even ee their throats : Lea ongish; flower-glumes very obtuse ; : wasule cres ner G scheenoides. eaves longish ; fo ewer. -glummes neumninate a (OEe ee ves hardly any; m t a si wih “s (or 1-4) munbetinis, ey of spike let 3 leat is with tid white hairs, often ee beds rot in ag throat Hea with long white hairs; nut smooth, not . otis Sage i ve A Oe — Bulbostylis.) CYPERACEE (Clarke). 205 Head 1, brig long white hairs; nut not zonate... (9) eardiocarpa. Head 1, with few long white huirs ; 3 nut transver sely fnsalate (10) Burkei. eads a a simply umbellate ; “flower-glumes. white- mar, . (AL) Zeyheri. Hea = simply umbell: ate ; flower -glumes not ERE 08, 3 white-margined ... (12) cinnamomea. sets regs solitary ; ut mbel often compout se 1-2 apnea’ x tp together ; nmbel often ee re . (13) Kirkii. Spikelets nearly all golit ary s la — a little. long white hair (1: 1) eapillaris. Rhizo mice with long white hair in the le ibeiieetia . (15) Burchellii. A 1. B. humilis (Kunth, Enum. ii. 207, ef. 205); glabrate or scarecly ~ hairy, annual, tufted : — i—4 in. long, aie glabrous, eta Pais scabrous-hairy ; ace 1 by + in., of 3-6 fertile flowers, ose: with a browner lanceolate tip of male glumes; basal spikelets above _ ground but concealed among the tufted | stems: are often added ; bracts ~ shorter or considerably longer than the spikelet, similar to the ‘leaves ; : dcr elliptic, with a green 3-nerved keel excurrent in a curved jmucro; stamens 3-2; nut 2 the length of the glume, subsessile, oboveid, dorsally compressed, pale ; external layer of cells, nearly o _ Square, obscure, small, so that the nut appears smooth, microsvo- Pleally reticulated, without longitudinal ribs ; style as long as the nut, linear, smooth, with 2 linear "b ranches, falling off early, leaving a minute discoloured button or small tuberele on the pale nut. Pimbristylis arenaria , Nees in Linnea, x. e ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 244, Tholepis Nsitailin. Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum "100. I. arenuria, _ Drege in Linnea, xx. 247. Scirpus pain Boeck. in Linnea, XXXvi. 741, é H Sour Arrica: without locality, Dréye, 3946! 4374! Verreaux! Boivin! a ary tt ’ ; GION: Cape Div.; Simons Bay, Wright, 514! Ceres Div.; near Cores, Frvstan 2366! U itenhage Div. ; Zwa along River, Zeyer, 4385! Port Mlisabeth, s, Herb. Schinz, 158! E.S.C.A. Herb., 105! AL REGIo Ons Somerset Div.; Bosch Berg, MacOwan, 1348! 1253! i nee salen recto: Transkei Bashee River, below ‘oe ft., Drége. Natal » 15: 2. B. oe (C. I. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fi, Afr. oI nut with 18-20 longitudinal ribs on each convex Vertically beeuncone 4 es between each two ribs; other- Wise as B. humilis. Fulop huanillima, Hochst. ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 616. Sourm Arnica: without locity, eateries 381! Ad Region: Komgha Diy.; rocks near Komgha, 2)00 ft., Flanagan, 206 CYPERACE® (Clarke). (Bulbostylis. KabLanart REGION: Orange Free State; rocks near Harrismith, 5000 ft., Wood, ed with 4762 EAstenn REGION : ae Buchanan, 86! Cooper, 3364! Also in “Abe ssinia. This species is usu: tly sity (up to 8-Gin. high) and more peifectly glabrous than B. humilis; but it has spikelets added similarly am ong the bases at we stems . is so oexceetingty ike. humilis that I do not think t able except by the 1 ‘f 1ese two species in their 2-fid style and seed habit differ from she uae genus Bulbostylis B. ah a (Kunth, Enum. ii. 207, ef. ah hairy, tufted, annual ; ; stem 1-21 in. long, slender, hairy, carrying | spikelet ; basal spikelets ys eg geet as in the two preceding pi : Jeaves as long as the stem, setaceous; spikelets 1—-} about sg Pitonemds bracts about as long as the spikelet ; ‘lames ovate- ac e mucro; style hardly as long as the nut, linear, glabrous, branches linear, longish; nut 2 the length of the glume (mucro included), subequa ip soe shovald. yellow-brown, not striate, slightly verru- € ercle or button (left on nut by the deciduous style) ee | darker in colour than the nut. Lsulepis breviculmis, Steud. weed Glum. ii. 100. Scirpus breviculmis, Boeck. in Linnwa, xxxvi. CentraL ReGion: Aliwal North Div.; between Aliwal North (Buffel oe and the Kraai River, 4500-3(00 ft., Dréye, 83947! Herb. Berlin and Delessert. No specimen at Kew. B. filamentosa (Kunth, Enum. ii. 210, cf. 205) ; stem densely tufted, 1 ft. long, ved slender, minutely densely hairy at the top 1-headed ; leaves early as long as the stem, setaceous, hairy ; sheaths with long, wie thin hairs ; head 3 to 4 in. in diam., dense with many small ride chestnut-brown ; bracts 2 to } in. Jong, setaceous ; spikelets 1 by 51, in., 6-10-flowered ; elumes boat-shaped, ovate, minutely hairy, without. long white hair ; kee] 3-1-nerved, with a small linear crest; nut 2 the length of the glume, broadly obovoid, white, finally pale seeeic obseur rely meine! wavy exes Contes to the ee longitudinal oo cells aie as Hee 23 Clarke in Dur ze and Sites Conspect. F1. A fr. v. G1 Seirpus filamentosus, Vall, Enum. ii. 262 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 747, excluding American ‘(% and plants. Isolepis filamentos a, Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. ii. 113. KALAHARI REGION: ‘Transvaal ; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5611! 5617! Also found in West Tropical Africa from Sierra Leone to Angola. In Rehmann’s examples the nut is — than i in the Niger typical ex xamples, and without t transverse wavy lineolatic being nearly quadrate. x 5. B. schenoides (Kunth, ener ii. 208, cf. 205); nearly g platzotes ‘ except the flower glumes; rhizome woody; stems approximate, 4-10 in Bulbostylis. ] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 207 long, slender, glabrous at the top, l-headed; leaves 1-2 the length of th ty) nearly glabrous, spikelets 3-5, 1 by + in., very obtuse, chestnut- ovate, obtuse, almost truncate, narrowly white margined at the almost fimbriate tip ; keel hardly reaching the tip; stamens 3; anthers linear-oblong, rather large, not crested ; style linear, shorter than the young ovary, branches 3 linear, longish ; style-base bulbous, exactly of young Bulbostylis; nut unknown. OC. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 616 partly. Isolepis scheenoides, Steud. he Pl. Glum.ii. 100. Scirpus schwenoides, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. (20, Region: King Williamstown Div.; between the Yellowwood River and Zandplaat, 1000-2000 ft., Drage. Stockenstrom Div.; Kat Berg, 4000-5000 ft., Drdge, 3936 ! 497 | ae Region: Aliwal North Div.; Witte Bergen, 7000-8000 ft., Drége, sir J. D. Hooker first separated the Tropical African Schenus ? erraticus with hesitation, and then united it specifically ; it has not the very obtuse glumes of B. scheenotdes 6. B. scleropus (C. B. Clarke); nearly glabrous, except the flower-glumes ; stems tufted; enclosed by + in. broad, harsh, chestnut-black, striate leaf-sheaths, 10-16 in. long, glabrous at the top, 1-headed ; leaves often 2 the length of the stem, narrowly linear, channelled, minutely scabrous on the edges, without long white ars; spikelets 6-10, crowded in 1 head, 2 by 2 in, cylindric- linear-oblong, not crested; nut obovoid, trigonous, pale, finally brown, obscurely transversely lineolate ; style linear, longer than nut, deciduous, leaving a dark-coloured button on the nut, branches near, as long as the style. B. schenoides, C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 616 partly. Katanart Region: Transvaal; Apies River, Burke! EASTERN Rxcion: Tembuland, Bazeia, 2000 ft., Baur, 285! 7. B. parvinux (C. B. Clarke); nearly glabrous, except the flower- glumes; stem 20 in. long, slender, 1-headed, glabrous at the top, most leafless, the glabrous, pale-brown, weak leaf-sheaths produced vn one side about 1 in., not green; head 1 in. in diam., dense, pale- Town, the numerous spikelets spreading on all sides, concealing the Small bracts; spikelets nearly 1 b 1 in. 2 te, subacute, minutely pubescent ; keel hardly excurrent ; stamens : linear-oblong, not crested; nut minute, hardly 4 the length of the glume, obovoid, round-trigonous i re) iy ellow-brown, smooth, not, or most obscurely, lineolate ; style linear, “| 208 CYPERACEX (Clarke). [ Bulbostylis. The spikelets greatly resemble those of B. cinnamomes A which differs in having ciliate-hairy leaf-sheaths, a coe much larger n 8. B. collina (Kunth, Enum. ii. ~ cf, 205); rhizome short, woody ; re closely tufted, 4-10 in. long, glabrous at the top, l-headed ; leaves numerous, short, La the length of the stem. setaceous, ‘hairy ; leaf-sheaths with jong white hair in their throats ; head 2 in. in diam., of 5-12 spikelets, more or less ears with long white. hair ; bracts scarcely longer than the head; spikelets 4 by } oblong- cylindric, hice ned brown ; glumes elliptic- oe minutely pubescent, and o also with long white hairs; keel g en wrngetip cd excurrent ; mci ns ae anthers linea oblong, eer eee ; nut 2 the length of the glume, rather broadly obovoid trigonous, pale, ultimately brown, smooth, not ‘transversely wavy lineolate (outermost cells being subquadrate) ; ” style linear, about as long as the nut, glabrous, mye ies leaving a small dark-coloured tuberee on the nut, branches 3 linear, about as long as a style. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 613 par ay gers or poe in Linnea, ix. 292. Tr chdout ylis contexta, Nees in Linn 4 — ylis wee ey Kunth, Enum. ii. 245, Isolepis aed, "Steud. n. Pl. Glum. ii. 101. Scirpus collinus, Boeck. in Linnea, XxXvi. 16. Coast Recion: Uitenhage Div., Zeyher ! Sager Div. ; Addo, 1000-200! ft., Drive, 2037! Albany Div.; Blue Krantz, Burchell, 3629! Gral cmon 2000 ft., MacOwan, 1972! near the Bushman raid below 1000 pet Div. ; ; between Blue Krantz and Kaffir Drift Military Post, “Burchell, Ks sna ae REGION: Transvaal; hills above the Apies River, Rehmann, 4329! EGION : Swaziland ; Havelock Concession, 4000 ft. | Saltmar she ™m Herb. “Gain, 1021b! n South pares Africa ? There ure numerous very closely allied species. 2B. collina is here a from Drége’s specimens in Herb. Kew, distributed as “ Isolepis collina, Kth. and the ee cited are only those in Herb. Kew which exactly match i dn, If the species taken in a wider ree as in Durand and Schinz, Conspect Fl. Afr. v. 613, its distribution will be w 9. B. cardiocarpa (C. B. Clarke in Darand and Schinz, Conspect. t much less than in B. collina; heads and flower-glumes without long white hair; spikelets rather narrowly lanceolate, acute; nut narrower than that of B. collina; otherwise as B. collina. Pimbristylis aaa as Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, ii. 154; not of FP. Mueller Eastern Region : Tembuland ; Cofimvaba, 2500 ft., Bawr, 478! 479! Also in South Tropical Africa. Pee , by made a var, of B, sara but the two plants do not match ; in collina heads are subovoid ; cardiocarpa ry lanceolate separate tips of the reeds stick anit pth alatoty from the hea B. Burkei (C. B. Clarke); heads less dense than those of 0. y: ] B. collina, with hardly any long white hair; nut oblong, pear-sha ed, somewhat narrowed at the top, yellow-brown, transversely lineolate, ay ae) a Bulbostylis.] CYPERACEX (Clarke). 209 almost zonate, by reason that the outermost cells are rather large and longitudinally oblong ; otherwise as B. collina, Kunth. , Soutn AF np ae without locality, rl 1769! KataHart REGION: Orange Free 8 ; Caledon River, Burke, 332! From Kunth’s desertion of ged nie a B. sn it seems baad that he had before him the nut of B. Burket ell. The of B. Burke has a different oe from that of B. collin a, bee is extremely like the — of B. Zeyheri, which species B. Burkei may shaithty be a for 11. i Zeyheri (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. FI. Afr, 616); stems 4-10 in. long, tufted on a very short woody Saunt: leaves 2 as long as the ston, setaceous ; bead alia: weak, with much long white hair i in their throats ; heads 1-4, each of 2-7 with little, or no, long white hair; glumes ovate, acute, minutely pubescent on the sides, white-margined ; kee 3-1 green nerves; nut oblong, pear-shaped, somewhat narrowed at the top, yellow- brown, transversely lineolate, almost zonate by reason that the outermost cells are rather large and longitudinally oblong. Scirpus ae Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 75: S. macrolepis, Boeck. ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 1 Reeion se oem Bea — Zeyher, 1768! Burke ! hills above the Apies Pies Relimann ! Wonderboom Poort, Rehmann, 4478! Eastern Region: Nat aes Flat, Wood, "4008 ! Also in South East enn Africa. This species is perhaps = pres from B, Burkei, which has an exactly similar nit, One-headed_ ex: = f B. Zeyheri have more long white hairs and hargined flower-glume 2. B. cinnamomea (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Con- Spect. Fl. Afr, v. she stems 1 1-2 ft. long Seats tufted on ee haits . yes in Engl. Jahrb. v. 505. 8. transvaalensis, Boat - & U- "asl im Durand and Schinz Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 613 — vis Boeck, ex OC. B. Clarke in Durand and Schine, Conspect. Fl. V. 616, as to Rehmann, 8620 Krcanan Recion: eens Siasthead: Rehmann, 5618! STERN ReGion: Nat ; Inanda, Wood, 1352! Rehmann, $620! a without precise locality, Gerrard, e071 698 8! Buchanan, 3 37! Also in Ny yassaland and Madagascar, 48. B. Kirkii (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. F'1. VOL, VIL, Er 210 cypmrAce® (Clarke). [ Bulbostylis. os %s ee ‘3 ; umbels somewhat lax, often compound with secondary r in. long; spikelets solitary or paired; otherwise as B. cinnamomea EASTERN ‘hearse: Natal; Inanda, Wood, 1576! 14. B. capillaris (Kunth, Enum. ii, 211, ef. 205) 5 ; annual ; stems tufted, 3-15 in. long, setaceous, glabrous ; leaves 2 2 the length ‘of the stem, sctaceous, nearly gla brous . leaf-sheaths more or less long, white-hairy in their throat ; umbel simple or compound, or reduced : mhignea 1 to one spikel 8 in. in diam.; bracts shorter than the umbel ; spikelets all or oo a scarce ely 2 in. long, chestnut-brown ; glumes ovate, acute, most minutely pubescent, or glabrous; keel usually green achat: a often 2; anthers not aristate ; nut less than } the length of the glume, obovoid, obtuse, pale-brown, scarcely transversely undulate ; ; style slender, glabrous, longer than the nut, ge nap leaving a black-red tubercle on the nut, branches 3; longer than the style. C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. sie i. 652. Bieipws capillaris, Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. 2, 73; Boeck. 4 Foes, xxxvl. 759. Isolepis capillaris, Roem. and Schultes, Syst. Veg. i. 118; Mant. ii. 68, 533. EASTERN RecGion : Pondoland, 4500-7200 ft., Sutherland ! Abundant in the warm regions of both hemispheres. 15. B. ge oan (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 612); stems tufted closely on a woody rhizome, very slender, phew leaf-sheaths eee white-hairy in the throat ; spikelets when in flower about + in. long, hardly different from thos e of B. sacs lsagptots but in fruit Be examples from different localities) "eine to Lin. (sometimes nearly } in.) long ; alae as B. capillaris. Fimbri istylis Burchellit, Ficalho and Hiern 2 Trans, Linn. Soe. ser. 2, i. 28, %. 6 B, fig. 7-15. F. mre a Boeck. in Linnea, Xxxvii. 27 partly. HARI — : Griqualand West; Kli ontein, Burchell, 2151; Be ete ale nd ; Kosi ‘Montage n, Burehll, aaa 25 a Sioned s Pretoria Div velo above = Apies Riy es Rehinann, 4830! Potchefstroom, by the Mooi River, els Also in South Tropical A‘rica, IX. SCIRPUS, Linn. empty, many or fiend succee ace es perfecting ne f Se diotcus), uppermost male or ie Hypogynous bristles r 2-6, und d. Stamens 3-2, anterior. Sti yle glabrous, linear, passing gradually into the nut (except in Sc. Hystriz and oe lepis where it is very short and deciduous); branches 3 or 2, linear. Scirpus. ] cYyPpeRACEx (Clarke). 211 Ovary sessile, or often much narrowed at the base, pyriform, but not on a minute obpyramidal gynophore. Nuw¢é triangular or flat (dorsally compressed ). Leaves all near the base of the stem a the Cape gi exc ponds the Fluitantes, linear, glabrous ; flower-glumes Bie gla ate us. only differs from the Beings without hhypozynous bris sg fe st minute obpyriform gyno- tinction is ar tifcial, nor do ee hak Oyperologists see it alike, DistR1B Species 130, very generally distributed in all climates and countries. Subgenus I. Fruiranres. Stems with leaf-bearing nodes or leafless. Spikelets solitary, vg we bristles none. Style and its branches elongate. Fertile Barns usually 2-sex Style-branches 2: Spikelets lanceolate Peduncles subsoitar ut oboy oA ae rms 1 i Nut ager, elipsoid a Peo at RS expliiius. Peduncles = red ae ba es Spikelets globose... eek ee as we 3 gush: Style. eet WER er a be ... (5) tenuissimus. Subgenus II. Isoneprs (Genus, R. Br.). Stem with leaves at the base only e a “oggesn 0 ry or in one head, or aig um cage elon : as of BucScinpus which have no hy pogynous br a ce ie decked from this Subgenus.) Group 1. Style 2- - Spikelet solitary. Nut smooth (except 6 S. sororius). Spikelet line era vc wae, ohh roan 4S) Toptentasiea, Spikelet clipe eel x Glumes with a eae a narrow tip ie ... (9) Burchellii. Eluthes lean btuse : Leaves produced .., wi oo .. (6) sor Leaves hardly any pi wee, eke verracosulus. Group 2. Style 3- ak Spikelets in one head or waitin: Nut trabeculat Leaves ately NS] y pre mall annual; ‘spikelets 2 z5 in. (10) setaceus. Siouter with slende er, at length woody, rhiz cag pplkaleras 2 in. long ’ (11) diabolicus. Leaves har ‘dly any : 8 inte slender; spikelets not eee = in. lon Stems nibh stouter ; ; spikelets $i in. long .. (13) costatus. 8. Style 3-fid, Spikelets in one head, or solitary, ‘wana eee Nui neither longitudinally nbbed nor culat sro rele pee with 1-3 (rarely 4) small spike- Spikelet 1, or in 8. sesturbypites rarely 2: Leaves hardly a pikelet week or vay oblong... yee ed batbifors. Spikelet only ¥, in. eee em se cost taaie 3 the length a the a .» (16) ten 212 CYPERACE® (Clarke). (Scirpus. Spikelets 3-1 peeed 4): Leaves ev Spikes clips to scrbags ate : mip: mu = reen, pvacentel ... (17) cernuus. Stems bl ck when eapillar (18) subprolifer. Stems black when a ick, flaccid .. (19) rivularis es mucronate wae ... (20) Karro oak Spikel - s globose re see . (28) pinguiculus. cake es seconde a By s smooth or Ariane . (21) Neesii. ptanh cul: 22) trachyspermus. Small. plants ; alge ith a ae of 3-10 “(rarely 1-2) small spikelets Glumes enemy » not shir e 3 the ‘th of ty stem... . (25) incomtulus. Low ve in. lon not faites ite capillary, black... (24) griquensium. Rh very slender; stem pale ... (26) ex pallescens. Glumes hard, shining! with prominent curved red linear ina ; Glu ous ... sas oe ... (27) antarcticus. lumes mucronate ... (28) dregeanus. Plants stouter than in aan two preceding groups, with a or reg Leaves pre Les aves Tong, baa ask 7 mae ... (29) flaccifolius. . long, r fee pe on membranaceus. Leayes none : Bract overtopping the head : Spikelets = ae i ae a nodosus. Spikelets linear-oblo .. (32) dicecus. Bract much shorter than she ‘hai ad. . (33) prolifer. Group 4. Style 3-fid. — abs spikelets umbellate (often solitary in 8. Holoschenus a ak bracts 3-1, ver short s2 .. (34) Holoseheaus es long ; bracts 4-8, 1 ie ... (35) Burkei. Subgenus III. Ev- ere Stem wi “a hanes at the base only or leafless. . yr heads umbellate. Hypogyuous bristles often present. Style a and its hoes Adan Fertile flowers usually sexual, Hy ay Hani br a rotons wanting or rudimentary. eac | solitary, | al: ikele $ re ut tra sversely si ast: =r ... (36) supinus. N ut abacarely ie . (37) qu uinquefarius. any ", (38) articulatus. Heads several , corym mbo ose, or one compoun nd : Glume ae aminate into x very long mucro . (39) varius. Glume acute or 1 i mucronate , (40) corymbosus. Hyyogynons te tles 4 as the nut, “nearly ways present : ‘Teas ny ger a the stem, linear-setaceous : ma i ) ficinioides. Heads sarah “usually agglomerated .. oe i * tas) falsus. Scirpus. | CYPERACE” (Clarke). 213 Leaves se a Ste os ean naieons c hapa notched ; style-branches (4€) triqueter Glumes entire, ss style-br mete a “i paludicola. Stem terete or tri Hypogynons bris tle ‘setaceous ... ... (47) lacustris. ypogynous Sinton te eathery ae a littoralis, Leaves longer than the ste em, flat } in, broad ... (47) maritimus. Subgenus IV, Micranru &. Stem with basal leaves only or leafless. Spikelets solitary, or small and capitate. Hypogynous bristles none. Style hardly any, branches short Tene Fertile flower usually 2-sexual. Spikelet solitary ; glumes very obtuse .- (48) Isolepis, Spikelets capitate; glumes ve ry long-awned «. (49) Hystrix. Subgenus V. Psevuposcuanvs. Leafless. Spikelet in an + pant br paca panicle. Hypo saci baistiaa . ‘a and its PERE elongate. Flowers polygamo- dicecic digagieel oa. (30) spathacaus. S. fluitans (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. 2, 71); glabrous ; ee weak, branched, floating or creeping in wet places, often 6-12 long, with numerous leaf-bearing nodes nearly throughout its satin Teeth ; leaves 1-4 by .) m™,, sheathing at the base; peduncles axillary, 1-5 In. long, scattered, rarely several together, each carrying | spikelet ; bract 0, i.e. lowest glume (often empty) like the flower- bearing glumes and early deciduous; spikelet } by ~; in., cylindric- but some Cape examples are short, few-flowered, green, as the common European form) ; glumes ovate, concave, hardly bela ‘bandly acute, Steen or more or less purple-marked ; hypogynous bristles 0; stamens Usually 2; anthers oblong-linear, not sagen i linear, eres as compressed, oe straw-coloured, finally inal ati outermost cells minute, aves withering scarious and peeling off, so that ‘he nut under a co ommon lens is smooth, hardly at all longitudinally Strate. Sniwer ‘by, Engl. Bot. t. 216; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 485, excluding var, y and Isolepis ‘Ludwiii BiG. B. a in Hook. f. 41. Brit. Ind. vi. 853. Isolepis fluitans, R. Br. Prod. 221: Kunth, uum, ii, 188, I. fascicularis, Kunth, Enum. _ 188. Eleugiton Sasciculari ‘ts, Nees in Linnwa, x. 165. st Reeron: Tul bagh Div.; Mitchells Pass, Rehmann, 2372 ! Worcester iy 3 Drakenstein ia aba 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 7409! King Williamstown a Perie € Forest, ICuntze, 268 ! NTRAL Raion : occas Div.; wet places on the summit of Bosch Berg, Meoent 1885 Kevanan Rec Nasraties Hooge Veld, Rehmann, 6551! N REG ; Van Reenans Pass, 5800 ft., Kuntze, 234! and without s precise porn feskiene, 345! 346! Widely dispersed in Europe, Africa, South East Asia, and Australia. 214 cyperace® (Clarke). [ Scirpus. This species, in its narrowly- Desire form, is doubtless frequent in South Africa; many special localities are not given, a rom the difficulty of Ruciugihivine young specimens vis a the 3 sanninl: specie see 2. S. capillifolins (Parl. FI, Ital. ii. 83); as S. fluitans, but the nut much larger, se gig very little narrowed at the base, appearing under a pig eon s to have 45 longitudinal striolations on eac face. S. fluitans, var. y robustus, Boeck, in Linnwa, Xxxv i, 486. Eleogiton striatus, Nees in Linnea, ix. 291; x. 165. Isolepis i Kunth, Enum. ii. 189. * robust, “Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 90. Coast Region: Cape 3; Cape wn, Harvey, 185! Table Mo aici ar Sobers, 2200 ft. Bolas, 4731! gee Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 1000- All the examples of this ok, of 8. fluitans vA me exactly similar nuts, which differ considerably from the Le ut of S. fluita It must he observed, however, that the exterior cells in the latter are fall exactly similar to and ia in longitudinal rows like those "of S. capillifoliwus ; thereis no real structural 3. ie genet (C. B, Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Lao Fl. Afr. v. 622); as S. jfluitans, but the spikelets are 1 in. broad, siglo Coa GIon: Swellendam Diy. ; mountains —, the lower part of the eae Finds River, 500-2000 ft., Zeyher, 4390! 4390b The nuts are rather longer and browner than ae of 8. fluitans ; the — are very red. ‘This plant is considered by Boissier to be Hleogiton rubicundus ie. J, nea, described the spikelet,”’ which ance a has not; and Bost betel the " Eleogiton rubicundus to Scirpus Ludwigi 4. §. Ludwigii (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 486); as S. fluitans but leaves and peduncles in clusters at in more or less proliferous nodes. Fimbr istylis Ludwigit, Steud. in Flora, 1829, i. 9; Nees in mare vii. 491. Tri chelostylis Lud dwigit, ae in Linnea, ix. 290; . 146. Isolepis Ludwigit, Kunth, Enum. ii. 189 AR. 8, tenuior (Kunth, Enum. ii, ae ; Regios less rigid, ert in less numerous clusters, S. lenticularis, Linnea, xxxvi. 453 par tly. UT scieeee gA “egg Boeck, in Linnea, ie yey Isolepis leauhid Steud. Syn. coi! porn Without locality, 2. Brown; Harvey, 263! 374! Bolus, oO EGION: Cape Div. ; Claremont, Schinz, 29! Table Mountain, Reh- mann, iy ! Cupe Flats, near Aondetose, be low 100 ft., Burchell, 736! Bo lus, 4898 ! and at Doorn Hoogte, Zeyher, 1 78! aimoos ee Wright! Paarl Div.; French Hoek Kloof, 1000-2000 ft., Dae 1593 ! Sictienboscia Diy., Zeyher ! Caledon Div. ; between Houw Hoek Mountains and the Palmiet River, Burchell, 8163! Swellendam Div. near Swellendam, 1000 ft., Kuntze, 251! Knysna ae ehmann, 373! Ge eorge Div. ; Wolf are Malgat River, Burchell. 6122! Div.; near Grahamstown, 2200 MacOwan, 1330! Var. B, Alesana Div. ; Enon, below 500 ft., Deis oa , Uitenhage Div. . Ecklon and KALAHARI REGION: Var. 8, Orange Free State ; Caledon River, Burke! EI a ae Scirpus. ] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 215 Spikelets usually many- Barta ape amanie, in colour = from pale. straw to brown-red. The type- -form n, with rigid pedun cles 8-20 in a cluster appears well-marked, but Kunth’s var. B past ends ans S, Auton begins, 7 5.8. tenuissimus (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 481); stems with the habit of S. fluitans, but ve ty slender, some herbarium pieces more than 2 ft. long ; leaves 1-3 in. long, capillary ; peduncles 1 in. long, capillary, often 2-5 from one node, each bearing one spikelet ; ikelet 51. in. long, ellipsoid, 6—10-flowered ; ldwort glume usually bates very similar ee the flower-glumes, ‘the midrib cometimes excurrent in a green point ; flower-glumes —e hardly acute, obscurely 1-5-ribbed ; esaipsidies bristles 0; nut more than + length of the glume, ellipsoid, trigonous ; style 2 1 the length of the mut ; style- ranches 3, about as long as the ork: S. confervoides, Potr. in Lam. Eineyc. vi. 755 partly ; Kunth, Enum, ii. 173 partly (te. diagnosis, not description). Isolepis tenuissima, Nees in Linnea, ix, fete partly; Kunth, Enum. ii.190. I. ? aquatilis, Kunth, Enum. ii, st Rea@ion : Paarl Div.; Berg River in Klein Drakenstein Mountains, oe 500 ft., ee 1589! ‘Sw ellendam Div.; in the Buffeljagts River at Zuurbra: uk, Bureh 7264! ne Divs; water«pools near the Zwartkops River, pes meiplialy pias 643! Also in Madagascar. There is such confusion involved in the name of S. confervoides for this species that it is better avoj It was originally described by Poiret from Madagascar ; he aang the two long barren glumes enclosing the spikelet (which will not at ull do for §. tonuissimus) Kanthe following, describes the spikelets as 1-flowere It re probable that Poiret and Kunth partly described from S. submersus, Sauy., an aquatic species whi ch oceurs in Madagascar. 6. 8. sororius (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr, y v. 630) ; small, glabrous, tufted, annual; stems 2—4 in. long, setaceous, each with 1 or 2 sessile epikelets ; ‘leaves 1-2 in. long, setaceous, or often hardly any ; spikelets ~,—} in. long, ovoid, many- lowered : bracts sometimes 1 in. Jong, more ” often less than = IN. 5 glumes ovate, 0 obtuse, pale, more or less brown-purple marked ; hypogynous bristles 05 style shorter than the nut, linear, branches 2 long-linear ; nut m inute, less than 3 the length of the glume, obovoid, flattened, irregularly trabeculate by reason of the large outer cells being transversely oblong but not arranged in regular vertical Tows. SS, 8 Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. “50 p rtly. S. minu- Pewee Boeck.-ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Afr. v 630. a sororia, Kunth, Enum, ii. 192, J. natans, Nes in Linnea, ix. 291 partly. Coast Region : Riversdale Div. ; Zoetemelks River, Burchell, 6707! This species is (as many other small Cape Isolepis) generally like 8. selaceus, Linn., and S. cernuus, Vahl. The nut is much contracted at the base, where it is surrou anded by a wide cireular yellow dise with which it falls, 216 cYPERACE®E (Clarke). [ Scirpus. Bea 7. S. verrucosulus (Steud. in Flora, 1829, i. 145); small, glabrous, tufted, annual ; stems 2-4 in. long, each with 1 spikelet ; leaves 0, 8 g, d flowered, pale; bract shorter ee the spikelet; hypogynous bristles 0; style linear, nearly as long as the nut, branches 2 as long as the style; nut nearly + the ae gth of the glume, obovoid flattened ; outermost cells minute, quadrate, becoming white, scarious and breaking up, thus appearing as numerous rows of Se — on the blac setaceus, var. y nigeMeeg Boeck. in Linnea, XXXVl. 503, ea ete Dietr. Sp. Pl ii.98. Tsolepis ealoniaals Schrad. ser Fl. ike AG, DAs A 3 ae in Linnea, viii. 79 ; x. 149 ; nth, Enu ii, 192. ZL. verr uculosa, Nees in Linnea, Vii. 495. eee Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 93. Soura tenacnt without oagn tn vibe Bergiu cae AST ogee : Cape Div e Town, 60- "100 ft., Bolus, 4900! 791 Table Mountain, Eek fat ‘875 | Worcester Div -3 Zeyher! tos Wlicabeth, 2.8. C.A. Herb., Also in Sénegal ? This plant is like the common S. cernwus, Vabl., but differs in aan ies -fid style and flattened nut. The “ Sénegal” exar nple was seen in Stendel’s own erbarium. 8. S. einer sant Lopes in Linnea, xxxvi. 485) ; plabeger ; rhizome thread-like; stem 8 in. long, capillary, with 1 gpikelet ; le 2 in. long, very snag ithatet = by is _ _linear- cylindric, erect, dense, dirty straw-eolour ; bract hardly 3; in. long; glumes round- ovate ; hypogynous bristles 0; style i isee than the nut, branches 2 linear, longer than the style ; nut small, Jess than the le rach of the glume, obovoid, flattened, smooth, pale. solepts ptt Kunth, Enum, ii. 190 Reeion: yer Div.; Klein Drakenstein Mountains, by the Berg sha below 500 ft., D ; No specimen at Kew. 9. S. Burchellii (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 618); small, glabrous, bins annual ; stems 1—2 in. long, each with 1 spikelet; leaves 1-1 in. long, " setaceous ; spikelet + by + in., cylindric, dense, pale ; bract about : as long as the spikelet, but deci MOUS 5 glumes Bes boat-shaped, 7-nerved, sudde nly rom t the ra cateemaile: cells. Coast Resion: Riversdale Div.; near the Zoetemelks River, ‘Sin a walk to the White- clay Pit,” Burchell, 6705 ! The nut islike that of S. trachyspermus, Nees, but not trigonous ; the prolonged glumes are quite different, Scirpus. | cyPERACEm (Clarke). 217 10. 8, dep giaan (Linn. a Plant. ed. 2,73, partly); small, glabrous, / tufted, annual; stems 1-7 in. long, slender, each bearin 21-35 ike- lets in a small héad ; leaves 1-3 in. long, setaceous, tapally present, though the uppermost sheath in the Cape examples is often ci or very nearly so; spikelets 1—3, sessile, ;1; in. long, ovoid, ny- flow ered, pale, more or less marked with chestnut- red ; bract astially 472 I. long, suberect, resembling the leaves, persister it; flower- clumes ovate, hardly acute, somewhat keeled, falling off successively from the base of the spikelet ; hypogynous bristles 0; ; stamens usually 2; anthers linear- oblong, scarcely apiculate ; style nearly as long as the nut, linear, glabrous, branehes 3 as long as the style; nut 2 the length of the glume, sessile, trigonous, ellipsoid, pyramidal at the top and bottom, yellow- brown, mena under a low magnifier to have 12-18 longitudinal ribs and to be somewhat 12—-18-gonal, by reason that the outermost cells of the nut are transverse- oblong, and superimposed in regular vertical series. totthb. Descr. et Ic. 47 (var. B, y), t. 15, figs. 5, Oo: Sowerby, Engl. Bot. t. 1693; Boeck, in . Y setacea, R. Br. Prod. 222; Kunth, “Enum, hi. 19s. I. plebeva var. Schrad, Anal. Fl. Ca ‘ap. 18, t. 1, fig.6; Nees in Linnea, viii. 82, ¢. 3, ig. 2,2 x, Pe a . erpallescens, b, Drege, Zier ‘Phlanzengeoyr. Documente 55, Coast REGION: ele Div., Zeyher ! CENTRAL ReGionx : Gr aaff Reinet Div. ; prog Mountain, Reve Graaff Reinet, EN le > 3800 ft., Bolus, ee ie Pee A brintha ange, 4 ge Hetil te KALAnart REG : Tra ; Hooge veld, Rellihaien: Was! Mousheeet Berg, 7000 ft. Ralshew 4703! Aleo n Barope, West Asia, North and Tropical Africa, Indo China, and a var, in preniitt ra ll. S. diabolicts (Steud. in Flora, 1829, i. 147); glabrous thizome slender, becoming woody ; stems 6-15 in. long, each bearing &head of 3-9 spikelets ; leaves often as long as the stem, , in. ne oo in the dried examples; lower bract Lan in. ig sty o that the head appears lateral; spikelets ‘a in. long o more, niiiaad dense, chestnut-brown ; clumes broad-ovate, aeey acuminate, ae radiating pale red nerves (exceedingly like ‘those of Ficinia) ; nut as of S. setaceus, but a little larger. Boeck. in Linnea, XXXvi, £05. Tolpis diabolica, Sehrad. Anal. Fi. re "Migs 3 ntarctica, Nees in Lin nmnea, Vii. bed, Viti, Oot. x: 162. Ficinia antay retica, Nees in Linnea, ix. 392; Kunth, Ena it, Soo. *chinziana, Boeck. in Abhandl. Ver. Brandenb. xxix. 47. rs AFkica : without locality, Zeyher! Verreauz ! pact e, 94 ee T Reeion: Cape Div.; marshy places at the foot of Devils Mountain, Psa Table Mountain, Schinz / RAL Recon : Somerset Div. ; ; Bosch Berg, 2500 ft., MacOwan, 1743! 12. S, macer (Boeck. in Engl. Jahrb. v. 503) ; glabrous ; rhizome very slender ; stems 6-15 in. long, slender, each bearing a head of 1-12 218 CYPERACER (Clarke). [ Scirpus. spikelets; leaves 0; spikelets scarcely more than } in. long, often less ; nut as 0 KALAHARI REGION: rr a Free State, Buchanan, 87! 88! Transvaal; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5615 EasTERN Recion : Natal; near Durban, Wood, 1963! Nottingham, Buchanan! and without precise locality, Sihenen. 90! Also in Madagascar. Closely allied to the two preceding species. 13. S. costatus (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 511); glabrous; stems 8-24 in. long, rather stout, each bearing a head of 3-12 spikelets ; leaves 0; es pean a ‘about 2 1 in. long, much stouter than those of S. ma nut as of S. setaces, Linn. C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, pe Fi. Afr. ¥ Coast REGION: Queenstown Div. ; oe Baur! Centra Reaion : Somerset Div.; Bosch Berg, 4000 ft., MacOwan, 1919.! 1919b! 1919¢! Eastern Recion: Tembuland; Isikoba River, 2000 ft., Baur, 725! Also in Tropical Africa, Madagascar, and Tasmania, This species is very closely allied to the three preceding, a 14. 8. venustulus (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 479); glabrous; r I i 10 in linear, longer than the style ; nut obovoid, trigonous, smooth, finally nearly black, much narrowed below, but with a yellow disc of loose tissue at the base, not on an obpyramidal gynophore. Isolepis vain Nees in Linnea, ix.291; x.148. I. venustula, Kunth, Enum. « 193. Sourn AFRICA: a a ae ! a 79! Heisei ! Wallich! pea nai _ hie 4 Hopefield, Bachm 1605! 1606! Cape D r Cap eTown, Bro wn! Zils, 4813 ! ppt fe Bergivs, 155! Uiteubage! Div, Ecklon This bas pigs aac the habit of a Ficinia, and the dark-red glumes with paler lines curving wards at the top of the sides are as those of Ficinia. It is put in Scirpus ber Isolepis only Revie the nut has no distinct gynophore ; the dileted ring of — lax tissue at its base fulls of with the nut, as the gynophore in Ficinia often doe 15, 8. bulbiferus (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 482) ; stems 2-5 in. long, par he oots capillary; oa up to 2 in. long, capillary ; spikelet hardly ;'; in wide, }-1 in. long; nut ellipsoid, narrow ed conically at the top; otherwise as 8. ‘venustulus, Boeck. = A ee eae aes i he er ar ae aed Scirpus. ] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 219 Coast Recion: Cape Div.; Sand-dunes near Cape Town, Zeyher, 1777 partly ! Zeyher 1777, contains also S. venustulus be? S. Saviit mixed. In the tangled Capiliney roots of S. bulbiferus are included (both in mgt ws Berlin Herbaria) bulbils 2 in. long, ellipsoid, shining cat these specimen of 1777 are not attached to ~ Sci — The ‘bu Ibils in tba "Berlin maaan = 1777 look the same, and do appear to be Cy peracesus, S. bulbi- erus, therefore, if distinct from 0: eek must stand on its slenderness, Gade. meee and narrow nut. 16. S. tenuis Se aee in pie 1829, i, Beil. 12); glabrous, slender, annual ; stems tufted, 2-4 i n. long, capillary, w with 1 the length of the stem, capillary ; spikelet + by ;'; in., narrow- eylindrie, "10-15- flowered ; bracts 0, i.e. lowest alume, though usually empty, hardly different from the others ; flower- -glumes broad-elliptie, obtuse, not keeled, broadly green on “the back, marked with red towards the edges ; Margins narrowly scarious; stamens often 2; style linear, shorter than the nut, branches 3 an long as the style ; nut sessile, oblong, slightly wider at the top, trigonous, black, but covered with one layer of marcescent white glistening subpapillose cells in regular lines. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 478, not of Willd. sae tenuis, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 15; Nees in Linnea, vill. 79 ; x. 148; Kunth, Enum, ii. 190. I. pusilla, Kunth, Enum. ii. 190. I. atro-pur ‘purea, Nees in Linnea, vii. 495 ; not of Roem. et Schult, OUTH AFRICA: ! cey, 3 Coast ote Worsentee Dae sor gopen cathy 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 7413! va 17. §, ringing Sas Enum. ii, 245); glabrous, small, tufted, “nual; stems 2-7 in. long, slender, with 3-1 (rar rely 4 4) spikelets ; leaves setaceous, 13 in, long, usually much shorter than the stem ; spikelets tot in. long, ovoid, 6-20-flowered, pale or chestnut-red, Sometimes elongated, or with a cylindric sterile top; lowest glume often bract- like, suberect, longer than the spikelet which then appears lateral; glumes ovate, har ‘dly ‘keeled or acute ; hypogynous bristles 0 ; stamens 32 ; anthers not crested ; style linear, glabrous, ardly 80 long as the nut, branches 3 linear, longer than the style ; nut ined. 2 the length of the glume, obovoid, obtuse, trigonous, smooth, iW, becoming on the ripe nut inflated, white, and scarious (so that the nut is described sub-tubercular white), finally breaking up in their Centres (when the nut is described as porose). S. Savit, Sebast. et faurt, Prod. Fl. Rom. 22: ; Sowerby, Engl. Bot. Suppl. t. 2782. S. selaceus, Lies. - herb. propr. et Ment. $21 (not Sp. Plant. oo. 2, ge ; B partly, ae y. he olepis a dy R. Br. et od. 22 2: cf. Schad Anal eg. ii. Vege 62 ; Schrad. Anal. Fi Cav. 16 in note, $15 “fg. 2. ; L py a, Kunth, Hee 1 Lek... L, shlorestachs ya, Nees in Linnea, ix. 201; 3 x. 149. I. microcarpa, Nees in Linnea, x. 150; Kunth, Enum, ii, 214, J. paces Kunth, poi ii, 193. 220 cYPERACK& (Clarke). [ Scirpus. Var. A, subtilis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and preg ie yaa 1. Afr. v. 619); stems and vRisigh oo spikelet often very 8. tein var. B capillaris, Boeck. nea, xxxvi, 481. Is leis pn Kunth, Enu ii. 191 partly. I. truant. Ne in Linnea, ix. 291; Zeyher in Linnea, xx 247. iain AFRICA: without locality, Zcklon, 892! Wallich! Var. 8, Bergius, fun Recion: Cape Div.; Lion Mountain, Mund, 24! Cape dear Zeyher, a: near Cape = n, Ru ntze, 295! Rehman, nae 1799! Robertson 3; Cogmans Kloof, K untze, 293! Mossel Bay Div.; hills near i landing ares at Mossel Bay, Dacche 6287! a ‘Blizal e ah Div.; near Port Elizn- heth, an 100 ft., Dre Albany Div.; damp places at the foot a ‘Bothas Hill, 200 , MacOwan 1269 ! Fort Beaufort Div.; Kat River, Baur! Kin Wiliamstow,D Yellowwood River, 1000-2000 tt, Drége, 4375! Sueur ; Blesbok read 3000-4000 ft., Drege! Queenstown Div.; Shiloh, Baur! r. B, aarl Div.; between Paarl and Lady Grey Bridge, below 1000 ft., Droge ! Swellendam Div.; Zeyher! Uitenhage Div.; in the Zwartkops River Ecklon and Zeyher, 643! Komgha Div.; Gonubie River, 2000 ft., Sc hlechter, 6142! CENTRAL ReGIon: Somerset Div. ; us of Bosch Berg, 4500 f-., hah a 2118! Var. 8, Aliwal North; Witte B g, 5000-6900 fe. , Drege, T4ll WestERN RrGton: Litt ealeasesten. Drege, 7 417! -oponiirag irene Pricyal Rehmann! TERN ReGIon: Tembulaud; Be Bee 2000 ft. , Baur, 757! Natal, Krauss! on ar Natal ; Sa, 2000 ft , Woo Oe S575 Common in all warm and temperate oom except in South-east Asia. 18. S. subprolifer (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 492) ; stems 4—7 in. long, capillary, straight, black in drying, with 3-1 ie spikelets ; eaves short ; spikelets small; otherwise as S. cernuus, Vahl, and its var. subtilis, Soutu AF i utes Lgites Harvey ! EastERN REGION: urd, AQ2 ! This is hardly Pr ea ous ; as in some other allied 5 ar 9 the spikelets rey in fruit, and from the 1 o r2r riper spikelets in the head the lower glum tall, giving the se tise hats of a 5 d of 1 sessil 1 ey? d spi ote. 3. ps prolifer way be esteemed a for 8. ce : , Vahl; 2 ye wea examples (as also its var. subtilis) have usually but one io ig while the stems are curved, and green when dry. S. su prolifer is very like in colour and inflores- nee to 8. sake in which, however, the stems are bikes than in strong S. cernu 19. §. rivularis (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 504); rootstock weak, often decumbent, rooting; stems 2-12 in. long, usually thicker than in S. cernuus, weak, flaccid, usually drying black; nut minutely apiculate ; otherwise as S. cernuus. S. natans, Thunb. A 17; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 95 2; Spreng. in Flora, i 1829, i. Beil. 2, not of Griseb. S. setaceus var. , Spreng. in Flora, 1829, i. 145 partly. tse rivularis, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 19, t. 1, fig. 5; Kunth, n 94. I. palustris, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 17, t. 1, fig. 7 3 Nees in eaten viii. 80. J. pallida, Nees in Linnea, viii. ’s1, t. 3, fi9, 2,¢7 x. 153; Kunth, Enum. ii. 195. I.n natans, Distr. Sp. "Pl. ii , 1062; Nees in | Linnea, vii. 497, exel. var. B; viii. 80; x. 151, ae ‘gyn. R. Br. wee — = 37 —©- 2e oa . ae ee fee Fi. Seirpus.] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 221 tse Arrica: without locality, Thunberg; Zeyher, 345! Wallich! Petit Thowar . “TC ee : Font REGIon: Cape gs 3; Table baie Ecklon, 878! Alexandria Div.; hcehbang Hottimanns Kloof and ~~ Fontei 1000-2000 TE, Drege, 7410! Alban Phasing ta ds Pusat 584! Caienas, Ree GION: Somerset Div. ; sg i places on the summit of Bosch Berg, ; 742! VESTERN REGION : Little Namaqual: and; Kamies Bergen, near Ezels Fontein and at Rood — , 3500- 4000 tt., Drége, 2 163 ! : E Easvern Kee : Natal; Inanda, Wood, 227! Umzeni River, Rehmann, 453 ! This appears to creep on mud or on the margin of water. The whole plant, and ma spikelets, are blacker than S. cernur 20. S. karroicus (C. B. Clarke in Durand and aa Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 624); glabrous, small, tufted, annual; stems 3in. long, ee Nie 1-3 spikelets ; loaves hardly 2 = in een setaceous ; spikelet in. ass ovoid, 6-1 2- acne straw- coloured ; ulewens curved sich: nut lest than half the Shiels of the fret trigonous, ellipsoid, pyramidal at both ends sessile, black, smooth ‘(an less highly magnified) ; outermost cells longitudinally vrei: so that the aut oe magnified) has faint Bae thank wavy line Cen REGIon: Worcester near Constable, mr so in Herd. Bolus, S811! Karioo; Witte Berg, Past Krantz, Paieaake! 2882 ! This resembles §. cer nuus, Vi _s the eurved points of the glume sticking out si the spikelets on all sides give it a different appearance; the structure of the 8 quite diverse from that of S. Ears New, in x eile x; 57: Kunth, Enum. ii. Sour Arrica: without locality, Dréje ! Ecklon and Bei 91! No specimen in the Kew Herbarium. This differs from 8. cernuus, Vahl, by want of leaves ; while the plant is too Wa Strong for g. venustulus, nor has it the Ficinia-like habit and glumes of 8. venustulus, brags = ages (C. B. Clarke in yee ane es Ht 33); small, glabrous, annual ; stem 1-31 ong Setaceous, ae Bes spikelets ; leaf hardly } in. on setaceous, spike- let fin. long, oblong-ellipsoid, many-flowered ; bract shorter i the ‘plkelet ; ; glumes reli striate, ak elie ve hehe 3-tid ; nut + the length of the ~ Cernuus pare sacks ysperma, aes 3s in a Tita 2 a 152 ; Kunth, Enum. ii. . Scirpus setaceus, Boeck: in Linnea, xxxvi. 501, so far “ regards syn. Isolepis trach) ycarpa, Boeck. (error for trachysperma). 222 cyperace® (Clarke). [ Setrpus. Sourn AFRICA: without locality, Drege? Burmann ! Ecklon and Zeyher, 48: No specimen in the Kew Herbarium. This may be made a var. of S. cernuus, Vahl. 23. S. ee (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fi. Afr, v 629) ; Saige ee branching, very slender, but be- coming almost woody; at 1-3 in. long, flattened, broader (as is also the bract) than in Sc cernuus ; spikelets ovoid, broader than those of S. cernuus, brightly coloured brown-red and green; otherwise as S. cernuus, Vahl. CENTRAL REGION: Fraserburg Div. ; by the Dwaal River, Burchell, 1475 Papas HARI REGION: Bechuanaland; Moshowa River, near Takun, Paes 4, 8. ay capes (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. ; glabrous, slender, tufted, annual ; stems 5-8 in. long, sooty straight, black when dried, carrying 1-10 spikelets, sessile in one head ; leaves hardly any ; uppermost leaf-sheath some- what inflated, produced lanceolate on one side ; spikelets 7'5 by vg in, minutely apiculate ; nut + the length of the glume, sessile, broad- ie — bl: ack, outermost “cells nearly quadrate, so that the nut looks “ punctate ” ing gular rows ; style linear, shorter than the nut, aetna 3 linear, one than the style. EasterRN ReGion: Griqualand East; streams near Clydesdale, Tyson, 2861! oA 25. S. incomtulus (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 693); glabrous, slender, prot annual ; stems 1-3 in. long, carrying 2-7 spikelets sessile. in Nees in Linnea, ix. 291; x. 154; aeuey Enum. ii. 1 : Echinidium, Nees in Linnea, ix, 291; x. 155; Kunth, Enum. il. 96. J. exilis, Nees in Linnea, i ¥x. 291 . 147; Kunth, Enum. il. 8 ane heey unthiana, Steud. Syn. PL Gn. He Oe bergiana, é, slit Pflanzengeogr. Doceononts 101, South Arrica: hy tes ee — ! ~ wk ! Bergius, 151! Lalande, 362! Pectoantars ! Ecklo 7, 47 Coast He « Clavel liam’ Div. 3. Ome Berg: gen, rong fos le Bergen, subquadrate inconspicuous ; style-branches 3. Js solepis se 96. 500 ft., Scilechter, 8210! one sbi J Div.; between e Kloof and eee Bay, below 500 ft. Drege! Cape Div.; near ti Harvey! 2 T een Kops and False Bay, Schlechter, 432! Devils i ctanigits Rehmann, ! Paarl Div.; Klein Drakenstein Mountains and Dal Josephat, below 1000 ft. —, ~ oH Symes = Riggs ss e ee ee ee ee ee ae es ae a es — ee eee ae ee ee Scirpus. | CYPERACEE® (Clarke). 223 iv 26. S. expallescens (Boeck. in Linnwa, xxxvi. 509) ; seine rather slender ; rhizome very slender, pale, descending ; stems appro overtopping the inflorescence ; glumes be hag obtuse ; sacar ous bristles 0 ; style-branches 3; nut 1 the length of the ae ellipsoid, trigonous, smooth. Isolepis expallescens, Kunth, Enum. ii. 196. Nt N: Victoria West Div.; Nieuw Veld, between the Brak River ¢ nt eng 3090-4000. Pg Drege, 7415! Graaff Baie Div.; Sneeuw Berg Hanne, 4000- 5000 ft., Dré we 27. S. antarcticus (Linn. an oe my not of Thunb.) ; ponte. il at stem 5-10 in. long in the type form of Lin nne feontscr'y 38) hag leaves often ie e lengt of the fae glumes often 3-ranked or the tae nearly 2-ranked, rigid, keeled, ovate, tip triangular or amet pointed, back curved, each side with 4-6 curved lines, yellow, with a larger or smaller chestnut- red patch hear the top; hypogynous bristles 0; stamens 3, anthers linear- oblong, scarcely apiculate ; nut 3 the length of the ‘glume, ellipsoid, than the inflorescence ; ee 2 ny ry in., po not terete ; A f ulat cells short, longitudinal-oblong, more or less inflated ; style linear, nearly as long as the nut, branches 3 longer than the style. S, EC oratgt Spreng. Syst. i. 212; Steud. in : Flora, 1839, 3. 119; n Linnea, xxxvi. 693. S. setaceux, Thunb. Prod. 17; i, Cap. ed, Schult. 95. 8S. setaceus vur. Steud. in Flora, 1829, i. 145 partly. 8. ficiniefornvis, Bueck. ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and ‘chine, Conspect. Fl, Afr. v. 611. Isolepis beryiana, Schultes in Roem. 4 pci Syst. Veg. ii. Mant. 532; Nees in Linnwa, vii. 500; viii. 291; Kunth, Enum. ii. 194; Boeck. in Flora, 1860, 33. I. ae Neesi in Linnea, vii. 499, viii. 80, in Obs. t. 3, fig. 2b; x. 152 &! oy iy minutus, Roth, Nov ye $a fe av Linna Vii 5 3. rothianus, Roem. et Sellt S2 cee Veg. ii. Mant. 95; Kunth, Batt ii. 25 ; ef. Boeck. in Flora, 1860, 33. Ficinia antarctica, Drege in Linnea, xx. 249. hah Te without locality, R. pdeigege'd Drége, 1599! 7418! 61 able and Z, 6! 37! Harvey, 344! 348! 373! 376! MacGillivray, 426 _ eek ‘on meee $9 50! Belen. 912! 17081 Bolus, 5272! Mund and Maire! bi ape EGION; Clanwilliam Div.; Ebenezer, below 100 ft., Drege! noe Ecklon ear Cape Town, Thunbe erg, arom, 190! Pappe! Table Mountain, ae: a gardens and roadsides, Ecklon, 8791! Wynberg Sand Flats, Bolus i aedale (224 cyperace® (Clarke). i gs Ss tee ontagu Pass, H v.53 Kromme River Heights, Bolus, 1339! Po : Meche Ba. E.S.C.A. Herb., 196! Albany Div.; near Howisons Poort, 1800 ft., MacOwan, 1353! Cathcart Div.; Blesbok Flats, 3000-1000 ft., Drége ! Also in St. Helena, Extra-Tropical Australia and New Zealand. Swsess es e.e x 28. 8. dregeanus (C. B. Clarke); stems 1-1} in. long; glumes 0 vol examples of S. antarcticus, Linn. Isvlepis bergiana, Drege, Pflun- peso Documente 120. REGION: Caledon Div.! Genadendal, and by the Zonder Einde ane hea 1000 ft., Dréye oO > fe) sani hh at ° =} SO [=] > _—! 8 § .s.° e Ss. 4 gs ae = 8 oo S 8 ~ & o S Me =. = tS Re ~ 3 iS cx os EP = = oa : Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Harvey, 187! boggy place phe Simons Be, Milne, a Cape Sandhills, Htactitivray, 410! sand- fate between Tyger Berg and Blue Berg, below 500 ft. ! Paarl Div. ; Paarl ” Moustaten 1000-2000 se te Weeenses Dec x River Kloof, ” 1000- 000 Dréjye; Uitenhage Div.; near the ae of Van Stadens River, MacOwan, 2124! Port Weboth Div. ; sand hills along the coast, E.S.C.A- a} Herb., 171! 193! Komgha Div. ; grassy slopes near ie mouth of the Kei River, Flanagan, 1781! pens (Kunth, Enum. ii. 255); glabrous; rhizome : ivielerig 1 in diam. (21 in, frag roones pest clothed by hard dark- ; brown nearly- quadrate scales ; stems § olitary (or in separate clusters) ; on the rhizome, 4-16 in. long, medium-sized, not setaceous, nearty | i Ficinia. | CYPERACE® (Clarke). 241 round, many- striate ; sheaths basal, Van produced inge ae eh brown on one side, not staan spikelets 3-8, sesaile, Yur in linear, slightly exserted ; gynophore obeonic, exceedingly short, mnieroscopically 3-toothed. — 17 aA ie XxXXVlil. 64. Isolepis repens, Nees in Linnea, ix. 291; x. 158. ae AFRICA: rales trig Drége, 7405! Coa gion: UWite Ths, by t the Zwartkops River, 50-500 ft., tahoe, 4392! Ecklon taut Poe. 660! . F. sylvatica (Kunth, Enum. ii. 254); glabrous; rhizome (seen) very short, much divided ; stems 10-22 in. long, medium- sized, not setaceous, strongly 4—5- angular (in Bolus, 2693, aes much less angular) ; leaves reduced to eaths ; sheaths basal, = ted, produced on on e side, lanceolate, ac a linear red bristle word in, he is a spikelets 2-5, sessile, 1-1 by +), in., cylindric, XXXvi.65. F. membr anacea, vai. B, Kunth, Enum. ii. 252. Scirpus trispicatus, Linn. Ff. Suppl. 108; T. hunb. Prod. 17; Fl. Cap. ed. Schultes a Bh. Sparmanni, Lam. Lil. 1. 140. Bnoe AFRICA: without locality, Thunberg, Zeyher, 4387 ! y, Thunberg, Zeyher, Coast Region Swellendam Div. ; sig? Swellendam, 1000 ft., meg a vorge Div.; near George, below 1000 ft., Drege! Kny sna Div.; mp rg Bolus 2693! Uitenhage Div.; van Stadens ew, 1000 it, ” iain yher 10. F. rugulosa (C. B. Clarke); glabrous; rhizome 0; stems 8 in. long, densely tufted, setaceous, strongly 5—6-angular, minutely rough granular, with 1-3 spikelets; sheaths near the base, long, harrow, scarious- brown, closely wrapped round the stem ; lower bract 7 though a continuation of the stem, 1 in. long; spikelets 2 i in, ong, ellipsoid, obtuse, dark-brown ; glumes elliptic, hardly keeled, oneave with ineurved margins ; style e 3-fid. ION shill the west end of Groene Valles ke. Oe Lone Div. ; on sand-hills near This plant has the general a rance of F. filiformis and i neighbours, which are chen eesily Yodo ss; but the smoothly sllipsoid spilt ith the edges of the glumes incurved do not suit the F. filiformis group. Feviose filiform stem is peculiar to this species, and the serongiy aiscleel qwinquangularis, Boeck. iL. F. lei 1); rhizome not seen; Sia: elocarpa (Nees in Linnea, x. 171); rhizo: Sndlge ai8 16-24 in. long, slender; sheaths quite leafless ; ea -8 spikelets, globose « ; bracts 2, spreading, lower 1-2 in. lon ng ; glumes rl ‘cuminate, mucronate ; otherwise as F. sylvatica, Kunth. Boeck. i oe Zuxvin. 77. 3, ‘tomibracicata, Nees in Linnea, ix. 292. R 242 CYPERACEX (Clarke). [ Ficinea. SourH AFRICA: ab pnd Drege, 75! Coast Recion: Uitenhage Div.; Bcklon ? Algoa Bay, Forbes ! No uae in the Kew Herbarium. The more orbicular than that of F. x eid hag not more smooth. The Charo: is 5 still suite reduced to a minute tuber i E. punctata Tsien in Flora, 1845, 758); head of 10-12 spikelets ; bract {-} in.; otherwise as F, leiocar pa, but a little larger in all its an Coast R : Uitenhage wilh ; “es the sources of streams in the Winterhoek Mountains, cava Herb. Boissie No specimen in the Kew Rota The spikelets are a good deal anion Alga se of F. leiocarpa, the nut larger, the gynophore larger and 3-toothed ; it may be only a a state of F. leiocarpa, but the “ay is very much shorter and different in chara x. 13. F. filiformis (Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 46); glabrous ; stolons . a nd rhizome 0; stems 2-8 in. long, densely tufted, setaceous, with 4-5 dievated dbo angles (between these apparently dotted), carrying 1 head of 1-3 (rarely more) sessile spikelets; leaf-sheaths scarious, white or diseoloured, broad, rolling up and wearing fie ae lacerate- fimbriate), uppermost leafless ; leaves as though a prolongation of the midrib of the sheath, sometimes 2 the length of the stem, terete, very similar to the stem but sle nderer bracts not more than 2, lower as ier a continuation of the stem 1~—1 in. long; spikelets 1-4 by vs ey in., 4-12 flowered, pi ie or brown; glumes pear glume, margins and tip of glume searious, not ineurved; stamens 35 anthers linear-oblong, yellow, crested ; style much shorter than the nut, linear, deciduous, branches linear, ee nage gynophore distinct, obpyramidal, margin 3-lobed; nut 2 the leng of the glume, roun trigonous, obovoid-truncate, about as broad te smooth, finally a leaden-black green-tinged. Nees in Linnea, x. 173, excluding 0 contorta ; Kunth, Enwn. ii. 253 partly ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 59. Schanus jiliformis, Lam. Ill. i. 135. S. olt og lng ae Enum. ii in 82 . & Steud. in Flora, 1829, i. 146. “B sllpueoas Steud. Nomenel. i. 6 in syn. and ii. 540. Isolepis oliganthes, Nees in Linnea, Vl. 508. I. marginata, Dietr. Sp. Pl. ii. 110. F. pumila, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii re Baothryon crinitum, Dietr. Sp. Pl. ii. 94. ! Sourn AFR without eT Zeyher! Thunberg, fait Pappe, 90° 109! "Mucthtieong, 427! Drég Coast REGION: Cape Div: ; Table Mountain, Ee 873 ! Milne, 2 237! M rod Sa ons Bay, Wright, pa Mac Gilliv oT Devils M a Eck Tulbagh Div. ; mountains in Boer Meee of New Kloof, 1000 ft ft, Hac Oran fest, ean -Afr., 1689! Worces .; Dutoits Dré. edon Div. ; Hoaw Hoek femmes 2000 ft., Schlechter, 7425 saa! AL ReGtion : Worcester Div.; near Touws River Station, Bolus, 7 i. grows on Kilimanjaro at an elevation of 10,000 ft Ficinia.] cYPERACE® (Clarke), 245 Several of the succeeding Ficinias oa bi little from this species; and the ieonyms cited may belong partly to 14. F. bergiana (Kunth, Enum. ii. 254) ; stems 10-15 in. long, capillary (i.e. slenderer than those of F. fil/ ‘ormis) , very numerous ; leaf-sheaths scarious, pale-brown, uppermost wrapped round the stem nut 3-3 the length ‘of the glume, ellipsoid, nearly twice as long as broad ; m argin n of gynophore “nearly entire ; otherwise as ae * agai mis, Behind. Pd tristachya, Boeck. in Linnea, Xxxvil, 60 par Sour AFRICA: Sai anges Sieber MOL! Harvey, 347! oast Reaion: Ca near Cape , Burchell, 433! Simons Bay sh al i, Wie Berg, 1000" ft. , Kuntze, 252! Warsehar Div.; Dutoits Kloof, The nut of this os much resembles that of F. tristachya to which species Boeckeler reduces it ; but de ree has spikelets much larger than those of F. filiformis and F. bergia / 15. F. stolonifera (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 60); stolons long, covered by striate pale-brown lamomalate scales; stems and leave rather stouter than those of F. jiliformis ; spikelets up to 4—} © by Lin Margin of gynophore nearly entire; otherwise as F. jilifor ais, Sehrad. F. filiformis, var. contorta, Nees in Linnea, x. Ti: SourH Arrica: rea laine fs nity ! Zeyher : Coast Reaion: Ca ape Wes 501! Riversdale Div. ; between Little Vet River bes amet tril Burchell, 6896! wo ReGion: Somerset Div.; on the Bosch Berg, 4000 ft., MacOwan, Eastern Region: Natal; Van Reenens Pass, 5600 ft., Kuntze, 235! The examples of Burchell, — and Wright show the characteristic stolons. It ig possible that many of these Ficinias flower before they throw stolons, and it is possible that, in some ae where the plants had stolons, the lector did not collect them. It is not certain but that species, the a of which in our herbaria nowhere present stolons, may produce them sometimes 6. F. ip ade a ees in Linnea, ix. 292); leaf-sheaths mbriated ; spikelets 2 by 2 in.; nut ellipsoid, longer than broad ; gynophore margin Ba entire ; otherwise as F, ji/ iformis, Schrad. mnea, X, 175 ; Kunth, Siri: ii, 252 partly; Boeck. in Linnea, Xxxvii. 60. FF, involuta, Drége in Linnea, xx. 248. Scirpus tristachyos, Rottb. Dener. et Ie, 48, 13, fi. 4; Linn. f. Suppl. 103 ; Thunb. Prod. 17; Fl. Cap. ed. Schulte, 97. Isolepie tristachya, Ben. oy Schultes, ‘Sy yst. Veg. il. “rr not - Mant. 64 ; Nees in Linnea, iis AFRICA: without locali si ! : ity, Si Pappe, 106! Coast Region: —_ Div. + Mount ins near Cle “fom 2000 ft., r= ash ee! bs pe oogte, “ever, 1721 Worceste r Div. ; See sountains, 1600 ft., Bolus, 40741 versdale Div. ; near the Getting oe Burchell, 6706 pa: This differs from F, filiformis and F. bergiana in : larger spikelets ; it differs - stolonifera in that none of the examples in the Herbarium have stolons, hat the nut is considerably lo than fk dl 244 CYPERACER Ss [ Ficinia. nut obovoid ellipsoid, a little longer than broad ; vege sh nt F’. tristachya, Nees. Linnea, x. 174; Kunth, Enum. ii. 253; Boech:. in Linnea, xxxvii. 61 Coast Re@ion: Worcester Div.; Hex River Mountains, Drege, 576! Drakenstein Mountains, 1500 = . Bolus, 4075! 4078! Uitenhage Div.; near Van Stadens Berg, Mac ‘Owan ! 2176. This is a much taller plant than F. tristachya, sae Heroines rather all epitkidlets. aoe 1774, which Drige = to be F. inv matches identical y the examples in nus’ Herbarium marked by con al . pet ereiy hya.” But, 1 may be doubted an Te the two can be kept distinct. 18. F. albicans pe in Linnea, x. 175); stolons pre resent, covered by rigid lanceolate nearly white scales; ste 2-7 i me long, carrying 72 5 or sometimes 5-10 spikelets ; spikelets + by 45 , when n young very white, when in flower green with more a less ei on sides; glumes ovate, thick in texture from the numerous close ribs, the thick green-white keel subexcurrent as an obtuse mucro ; otherwise as F. tristachya, Nees. unth, rae 253. F. tristachya, var. B, Boeck. in Linnea, Xxx 1, Scirpus Pseudoschenus, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 147. Tole Pseudoschenus, Dietr. Sp. Pl. ii. 103. I. tristachya var., Nees si vil. 502. H AFRICA: without 1 ) 1Z ReeGion: Cape Di ye ee es i ET Burchell, a. Devils Peak, 1300 ft., Kuntze, 258! Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Sieber, 1 ‘ 04; Paarl Div. ; Paarl Mountains, 2000-3000 ft., Drage, 1585! 1586! Caledon Div. 5 on, 1 : -3 near 950 ft., Kuntze, 210 ee Div.; near the Zoetemelks River, Burchell 6706! between Gre als River and Zoetemelks River, Burchell, 6577 « Uitenhage Div., Heklon. ir Zeyher, 667! 19. F. subacuta (C. B. Clarke); glabrous; stolons none see?; stems densely tufted, 1-3 in. long, curved, rather rigid, each carrying 1 head of 2—4 spikelets ; ; leaf-sheaths dusky brown, jacerate ; leaves 1-2 in. long, setaceous ; bracts 2, lower 1—* in. long, s spreading, not appearing as a continuation of the ste m; spikelets searcely % 1n- long; r the point of the glume; nut 2 the length of the glume, as_broa long, round-trigonous, ver obtu use, green-yellow; gynophore cot spicuous, margin Felted entire ; style 3 -fid. Coast RuGion : Mossel Bay Div.; between the landing-place at Mossel Bay and Cape St. Blaize, prose 6271! This is very near F’, tristachya, Nees, but has much more acute glumes. a 20. F. quinquangularis (Boeck. in nea, XXXVil- hey Lin glabrous, no stolons nor rhizome present; stems densely t ATES Pe ten ee | Ficinia.] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 245 4-11 in, long, 4—5-angular, densely rongh by upward-pointing minute papille:, carrying 1 head of 4-1 chestnut-red spikelets ; upper sheaths lanceolate, scarious- brown, lesitiner not fimbriate, some of the lower sheaths bearing leaves, 4-5 by ~;—} in., flat, striate ; bracts 2, duced but obtuse-tipped, much longer than in the 7 preceding i alent anthers large, linear-oblong, crest very short, white ; style Coast Region : George Div, ; on the Post Berg, near George, Burchell, 5932 ! on mountain flats near Gavees, ‘Dre €g6, 3933 ! A strongly-marked species, but only young examples have been seen, ? a 21. F. tribracteata (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 62) ; oot no thizome nor stolon present ; stems densely tufted, 4-12 i n. long, subentire ; obscurely transversely wavy-lineolate; style very short, branches 3 long, linear. F. trisd stachya, Kunth, Enum. ii. 252 partly , Drege, Pflancengeogr. Documente 116. F. Hiliformis, Drege l.c. 88, 188. a AFRICA: without locality, Pappe, 103 T ReGion;: Cape Div a Meee Mocatain 1000-2000 ft., Drege! Caledon ( Genalesaa 3000-4000 ft., Dréy t., x 22. F. acuminata (Nees in Linnea, ix. 292); stems 7-20 i ong; leaves often 1 as long as the stem, but leaf of the cb sheath often short ; * nut- -bearing glumes obtuse with a most minute chestnut oy red excurrent mucro; nut smooth or obscurely and ating | sehieubsts: otherwise as F. sited stb oeck, Kunth, - li. 256 partly ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 66. F. ignorata, 1899. Cyp. eon, li. 18, Scirpus acuminatus, Steud. in Flora, 8, 146. Isolepis acuminata, Nees in Linnea, vii. 601; x. 162. Sh Log AFRICA: without localit , Pappe, pe fauet es: Cape Div.; Table Simei: 2000-3000 ft., Hcklon, 858! 1 is plant resembles F. involuta, Nees, and might be a form of it with a Sia Microscopically mucronate. Boeckeler says the spikelets are sometim next (te ead ; but these eines in Herb. Kew are faanalite referable to the enwifolia) series We 23. F. elongata (Boeck, in Linnea, xxxvii. 65); glabrous ; Pa clothed with rigid etic lanceolate seales, hardening into ough rhizomes -1- zo In. in diam. ; stems 1-2 ft. long, very slender, et carrying one globose head of 10-30 spikelets in the type plant 246 cyPERAcEm® (Clarke). [ Ficinia. (probably sometimes fewer) ; leaf-sheaths narrow, brown-red, not fimbriated, lower leafless, uppermost usually with a narrow linear green leaf 1—2 in. long "(but s sometimes leafless); bracts 2, lower microscopic tip; anthers hardly crested; nut 2 as long as the glume, obovoid, trigonous, smooth ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long 3 gynophore iad short. F. lateralis a, Drege, Pflanzengeogr. sagen te Ast Rera@ion: Paarl Div.; Paarl Ng ey 1000-2000 ft., Drége! apes Div.; eee Kloof, 2000-4000 ft., Dré cay ee s tanmiiiepirg: te in the eae err in the numerous spike- lets a 4 ibe f Drage’s F. acuminata seems to bel ong to the present iden ‘ance ro wiikelote ie reat 5 é File head. 24. F. kunthiana (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 67); stem 6-9 in long; leaves long, epithe that on the uppermost ect veal 2 the length of the ste m (sometimes overtopping it); lowermost bract 1-2 in. ve ; spikelets 5-10 in the head ; nut ellipsoid, ‘fully mue F, aga. Boeck., or /. acuminata, Nees. F. acuminata, Kunth, Enum. ii. 256 partly. Eastern ReG@Ion: “ Between Cape Colony and Natal,” Drége, 3939! 4390! The above locality is taken from the label on Drége’s specimens at Berlin. 25. F. MacOwani (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Con- epodt: Fl. Afr. v. 640); stems 1-2 ft. long, very slender ; leaves 1—1 the length fe the stems, setaceous; spikelets 10-30 in a head; glumes ovate, acute, conspicuously white-edged ; otherwise much as Ff. elongata, Pecek, and F, kunthiana, Boeck. Coast Raion : Swellendam Div. ; mountains near Swellendam, 1000-1400 ft., ee rapy and Bolus, Herb. Norm. Aust. - -Afr., 13899! Kuntze, 247! s does not — any one of the agg givers Lesa , but the four might be united ft is se r be don osis widened to include acun a (the fo with few “spikelets Ms oy fed d), the difficulty would 26. F. cinnamomea (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect- Fl. Afr. v. 637) ; glabrous ; thizome very short; stems 4-16 in. v uppermost sheath leafless, lower pale brown with aie setaceous leaves; bracts 2, lower 1~3 in. long, suberect ; spikelets 4 in. long, pale brown; glumes ovate; keel exeurrent: anthers linear-oblong ; crest small, lanceolate ; nut 2 the length of the glume, obovoid, tri- gonous, smoot leaden-black minutely-white reticulated by the outermost layer of withered cells; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long; gynophore rather prominent, obpyramidal, margin entire, Ficinia.] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 247 Centra Recion: Aliwal North Div.; Witte Bergen, Cooper, 635! EasteRn Rea@rton: Natal; Inanda, Wood, 1939! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 71! This differs from the very similar preceding species by the distinct gyno- phore. oody, yo In. in diam., obliquely descending ; stems clustered, 10— 16 in. long, slender, each with one head ; leaves 1-2 the length of the stem, setaceous ; bracts 2, lower 1-3 in. long, dilated to 2 in. broad at the base, oblique, not appearing to be a ‘continuation of the stem ; spikelets 1 in. long, 6-10 packed very closely in the head, bro | @ 27. F. tenuifolia (Kunth, Enum. ii. 257); glabrous; rhizome w fine brown ; glumes “ovate, keel "distinctly exeurrent; nut } . the length of the glume, narrowly obovoid, a eg obtus e, “lead- coloured, with rather obscure transverse wavy li the outermost cells being short-oblong longitudinally) ; style rather shorter than the nut, branches 3 long, inear; gynophore very short (a mere rim dilated at the base of the nut), Boeck. in P bana Xxxvii. 67. Jilamentosa, Nees in Linnea, ix. 292. F. ayeniie Boeck. in Flora, 1882, 15. F. gracilis, Schrader ex Kunth, ie _— Isolepis et Schulte tes. 5 # fibrosa, Nees in nak. ix. ‘992, 7. ee Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 98. Scirpus elatus, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvi. 694. Sourn Arrica: without wens Ecklon and Zeyher, 72! Sieber, 207! Coast Rearon: Cape Div. ; Table Mountain, ng: os, pear 2864! Worcester Div. ; mountains near Bains “Kloof, 1500 ft., Bol s, 5309! In this species, Kunth says, “ gynophore we ”? = hatadien ra it is : obsolete.”’ It is a ring of looser r pale tissue at the bt foot of the nu ich 2 in no Wise ® distinguish from what I see in numerous species of Sei fee Pn Species, F, alter hicaie has a ar sapien ophore.’? F. tez Sen ge nth, re more closely allied ia Ke gracilis, Pi ha and to F, acrostachys, tain ts the preceding species, 23-25, ya 28. F, paradoxa folgea in Linnea, x. 178); glabrous; cog very short ; stems 6-16 in. long, each with one dense often sub- es head ; leaf- ig with prominent scarious margins recent much torn, ofte ten forming a white wool (but sometimes very little m as in Burchell, 6246), uppermost bearing a long leaf; leaves bracts often more than two, lowest 1-14 in. similar to the leaf, Pointed, base dilated, a searious t itieiied edge ; spikelets often 20-30 in the head (sometimes on the same rhizome o y 3 or 4 os in. long, 6-8-flowered ; glumes boat-shaped, ovate, obtuse, chestnut-red, nerves 6—9 on each side of the midrib, excurrent from the scarious edge as linear-lanceolate teeth, ferruginous or glistening waite, scabrous; nut 1 the length of the glume, obovoid : trigonous, e gil somewhat slong, obpyramidal, margin entire. Kunth, mum. ii. 258; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 72. F. laciniata, var. 248 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Fiecinia. paradoxa, Nees in Linnea, ix. 292. Isolepis paradoxa, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 22. I. eckloniana, var. B, Nees in Linnea, vii. 506, excluding a Scirpus laciniatus, Thunb. Var. B, minor (C. B. eet in — and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 41); heads much sale hardly + ; bracts Sg ted at the buse, waa scarious fimbriated edges. F’, porbenbe var. B minor, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. fae F Pas rate E. Meyer ew C. B. Clarkein fea ae Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. ¥ Ps Var. var argyropus (C. B. Clarke in ee and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 641); glumes white fimbriate-ciliate on the edge ; bracts not fimbriate-edged ‘s the base. F. Tk he Nees in Leg x.177; Kunth, Enwm. ii. 258; Boeck. in oe. 70. AFRICA: ly ey — i aan) Bergius, 184! Pappe, 92! Drive, "2454 Var. 8, D r. y, Drége! REGION: i ‘ape hg ts, near td iam rg, Drége! Hoo nia Zeyher, 4419 ! So es yeen — wn and Sim mere fe ae 3519! Table Hountaip, Schlechter, 584! near Tygerberg, Bure 1,973! Mossel Bay Div. ; sand-hills near rit land oe at Mossel Bay, Burchett 6246 ! The variety argyropus is not in the Kew Herbarium. e 29. F. laciniata (Nees in Linnea, ix. 292); leaves flat, gig In. broad; sheaths scarious, brown or white, more or less torn ; lowest bract flattened, not pointed at tip, scarious, little fimbriated oie the base; otherwise as J’. paradoxa, Nees. Linnea, ee Enum. i. 259; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 73. ‘Scirpus ‘icensitua Thunb. Prod. 17; Fl. Cap. ed. Schultes, 97. oni AFRIcA: without locality, Thwnberg, Drege! Wallich! Tt Re@ion: Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Zeyher! Uitenhage Div., ge 2367! ' “2368! Port Hlizabeth Div., Herb. Schinz, 152! 153! E.S. CLA. Eastern Region: Pondoland, Bachmann, 106; Nietal. Clairmont Flat, 150 ft., Wood, 3998! and without precise locality, Gerrard, 458 a 30. he truncata (Sehrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 43, t. 2, fig. 3); glabrous; stolon ‘antacihier into wiry rhizomes; stems 4-12 in, long, rather rigid, each carrying one dense subglobose head ; leaves 2 by 3 in., parallel- sided, flat, truncate, thick, with scarious white margins which wear away, on the upper face 6-10- ribbed, erin covered by prominent ona bracts 3-2, lowest 1-2 in. ‘shorter than the he ad, dilated glume, obovoid, trigonous, smooth; style much shorter than nut, branches 3 linear, long; gynophore rather long, narrow obpyram idal, margin very lightly 3-toothed. Nees in barra ea, x. 167; Kunth, Enum. ii. "360; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 80. Sci cirpus truncatus Thunb. Prod. 17; ; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 97. per truncata, Nees 0 Linnea, vii. 508. Coast Recion: Riversdale Div.; Hooge Kraal, near the Zoetemelks River, below 500 ft., Drége! Mossel Bay Div.; between “the Pescamgs 2 _. “ ossel y and Cape St. Blaize, Burchell, 6262! Uitenhage ; between e Coega —— ia LL Fieinia.] CYPERACEE (Clarke). 249 and Sunday Rivers, below 1000 ft., Drége! near the mouths of = fisitesy and Zwartkops Rivers, Z eyher, 4418 ! near Van Stadens River, Thunber 7 31. F. premorsa (Nees in Linnea, x. 167); leaves without scarious margins, 5—6-ribbed on the upper face, without prominent stomata ; otherwise as F, gee: Schrad. Kunth, Enum. ii. 270; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 80. F. truncata, var. premorsa, C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Skeet Fl. Afr. v. 645. Coast Recion: Bredasdorp Div.; Elim, 300 Schlechter, 7706! Uitenhage Div., Cahn) ! Ecklon! Drége! a 32. F. ecklonea (Nees in Linnea, viii. 91); glabrous; rhizome hardly any seen; stems 12-20 in. long, tufted, rather stouter than in the species preceding each with one head ; uppermost leaf-sheath scarious, torn, gre bearing a ee leaf; leaves 2-10 in. long, setaceous ; bracts 3 or more, spreading, lowest 1-3 in. long, similar to the leaves, sometimes much dilated at the base, with wide scarious edges sometimes very little dilated; head 3—% in. a sage er heads occur), subglobose of 12-24 spikelets ; spikelets 2 b cylindric, obtuse, dull brown; glumes ovate, obtuse, “the whit margin excee ingly narrow, microscopically toothed, appressed ; anthers apiculate, i.e. hardly crested ; nut 2 the length of the glume, obovoid, trigonous, smooth ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long ; gynophore obconic, margin entire. ees in sg bee x. 178 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 74. F. Steudelii, Kunth, Enu . 255. Scirpus eckloneus, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 148. Tiolapts Steudelit, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 20. J. ee Nees in Linnea, vii. 506, var. a. J. Ecklonii, Dietr. Sp. Pl. ii. 116. Sourn Arrica: without locality, Bergius, ae R. Brown! Krauss! 7! Coast Recion: Cape Div.; Simons Bay, Lig i — Mountain, Ecklon, B6O Stellenbosch Div. ; Lowry s Pass, 700 ft., 250! Caledon Div.; Hou oek Mountains, 1000- 3000 ft., Zeyher, 4490! “Gienkage Div., Ecklon and Bas 177! 7. 33. F. levis (Nees in Linnea, ix. 292) ; glabrous, yal the back of the glumes ; rhizom e (in Burchell 427) long, } in. dia ., straight, clothed by distant lanceolate dull-brown jemi 2 in. ide ng; stems 12-16 in, long, clustered, regia each with 1 head; sheaths entire, uppermost with a leaf 2-6 in ng, !z in. wide at the base, trigonous, some of - lower leaf-sheaths produce mueh longer and broader leaves ; braets 2-3, spreading, Lerwage t 1-1} in. long, similar to the leaves, aed at the base ; head 1—} in. in iam., ose, brown; glumes ie apiculate or snewroent, glabrous in other examples, but in Kunth’s F. dregeana hispid on the back in the upper part; nut + the food of the glume, ellipsoid trigonous, pyramidal at either end, smooth, dull intense black ; s tyle-branches 3: ees in Linnea a, X. 170; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvil. 75. F. dregeana, Kunth, Enum. ii. 259. F. preusta, Nees in Linnea, ix. 292. Coast Raton ; Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Burchell, 427! Cape Flats, at 250 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Ficinia. Doorn Hoogte, Zeyher, 4400! Table Mountain, Fleck! Riversdale Div.; Hooge — near the Zoetemelks River, below agin fb Bone - Uitenhage Div.; between the Coega sie Page Rivers, below 1 00 ft., Dre CE eae eaoien Calvinia Div.; B okke Veld sends as Vien Vallei, 2000-2500 ft., Drége, 2 2458! The i Sevier Drége’s) refer to the typical F. levis, Nees, whic the flower-glumes (as throu ee out the genus) glabrous. are is closely iid t F, hat po (w ay wit ch it agrees as to points not mentioned in the abov description), but has pin stems and leaves, and less eine spikelets. The plant of Drége, whic unth made a species, F. dregeana, differs from F. levis, Nees, by having the flower-glumes hispid on t the upper part o of the back. Future oa erties s of it may cause 2g to be admitted as a distinct species, ‘inagh peach has united it with F. lev 34. F. brevifolia (Nees in Linnea, ix. 292) ; glabrous; rhizome hardly any seen ; stems 1-2 ft. long, tufted, somewhat stout, each with 1 head ; sheaths scarious, torn, permost ‘with a short setaceous leaf (up to 2 in. long), lower sheaths often with much longer setaceous leaves ; bracts or more, spreading, lowest 1—4 in. long, setaceous, usually much dilated orbicular and scarious at the base; head frequently 1 by 1 in., conical, evidently compound, dense, with numerous dark- act spikelets, but there are numerous much smaller heads, some only + in. long with 3 spikelets; glumes ovate, eer a ra: Kunth, Enum. ii. 263. Melaneranis radiata, Vahl, Enum. ii. 39; ef. Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 51 in Obs. Hypolepis composita, Nees in Linnea, vii. 525 partly. /, Van. §, atrocastanea (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr 636); spikelets and beads shining black-chestnut. F. striata a, Drége, Plan zengeogr. Documente 82, 185. Coast REGIon: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, 1000-3500 ft., Drege, 1588! Bolus, 4761! MacGillivray, 415! Schina! Devils Mountain, 1200-1400 ft., Bolus, 3850! MacOwan and Bolus, Herb. Norm. 1398! Simons Bay, Milne, 234; MacGillivray, 416! Wright! Paarl Div.; Paarl Mountains, 1000-2000 ft., Drége! Worcester Div. ; Dutoits Kloof, 2000-4000 ft., Drege! Var. 8, Cape Div. ; mountains near-Cape Town, below 1000 ft., Drége ! This species varies gre 3 it is usually stout with stout setaceous leaves and bracts; but he ‘oletins made by Drége in pers = Division, at 000 ft., have very slender stems, small head of 3-5 spikelets, and filiform bracts. One of Drége’s piaphen as a node, with 3 leaves, 28 i in. haat the of the stem—an abnormality. 35. F. acrostachys (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect- Fl. Afr. v.635); g eee Ages eo 8 in. in length, very slender ; lowest. bract placed m an 1 in. below the head, 3 in. long, filiform ; two. bracts ale nM the beats spreading, lower 1 in. Ficinia.] cyprrace® (Clarke). 251 filiform, dilated at the base ; head 2 in. broad, depressed ovoid, dense, chestnut ; glumes ovate, mucronate ; nut 2 the length of the ’ glume, obovoid- ellipsoid, trigonons, black, minutely transversely lineolate ; style-branches 3 linear; gyno ophore small, a age margin entire P. composita, Kunth, Enum, ii. 263 partly. Hypolepis com- posita, Nees in Linnea, vii. 525 partly. Lsolepis acr ostachys, Schrad. oer Fl. Cap. 23 in note. Scirpus acrostachys, Steud. in Flora, Coast Region : Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 870! Steudel, who originally des ca this species, had only the upper gk: of the stem, eke all Ecklon Sacre ns show. The plant, however, doe match BEY. species; it is nearest, ekene to F. tenuifolia, Kunth, oie pe more ‘itinisebies spikelets and a more compound head. 36. F. dasystachys (Cc. B. Clarke) ; Biainies stems 16 in. long, tufted on a short woody rhizome, each with one head; uppermost a curved, long, not setaceous ; bracts or more, spreading, lowest 12 in. long, similar to the leaves, very a dilated at the base ; ; head iin. broad, manifestly compound, dense, with numerous spikelets, pale brown : ‘aliens ovate, apiculate ; aisisiin short for the genus, with small linear-lanceolate ‘white scabrous crest; nut (not ripe) 2 the length of the glume, narrowly obovoid, trigonous ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long; gynophore small, obpyramidal, margins entire. Coast Region: Komgha Diy. ; pastures near Komgha, 2000 ft., Flanagan, 922! leaves ‘i —s tae ee hes sa of ai? cl agi _ they are ex tohidtinety on w, flat ded on the back, and 3-4-nerved to the tip, where hey sar riainite pele Sa a do the lhe in a white daltoaity. 7. 37. F, gracilis (Schrad. Anal. FI, Cap 44) ; gl labrous ; rhizome 3 by 3 in,, clothed b y rigid, lanceolate, sate, dull brown scales 3 in, ia (usually Oin ane examples) ; s 6-16 in. long, tufted, ach with 1 head; leaf on the ee Se pre long, often 3 the Ing, lowest ite in, similar to the odecs not much dilated at the bas €; head ae - in diam., manifestly mpoeee of 6-20 ep Saas mucro, or subacute; nut 2 ngth 0 the glume, bovoid, trigonous, ashy-black, minutely transversely interrupted neolate ; style shorter than t ut, branches 3 linear, long; Linnea, x.172; Kunth, Enum. ii. 256; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. a P. Poiretii, Kunth, Enum. ii. 255; Boeck. in i XXXVil. 5. re gracilis, Poir. in Lam. Eneye. vi. 763, in Eneye. Suppl. v » 102; Spreng. in Flora, 1829, i., Beil. cil. Isolepis yracilis, joie in Linnea, vii. 493; x. 161, not in Wight, Contrib. 252 CYPERACEE (Clarke). [Ficinia. 109. J. lineata, Nees in nh x. 160; Kunth, Enum. ii. 215. di aie obit Syn. Pl. Glum. 98. R. 8, com ta (C. B. Clarke in Bangg and ig oe Fl. Afr. v 6s); head sg subspicate ; low ract 5); in. dis F. com mmutata, Kunth, eo 25 6 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxx vii. 71. Tsolepi roasiate, Linnea 161. Ficinia gracilis, Nees in Linnea, viii. 91. purges gracilis, Nose in Linnea, vii. So RICA : without locality, a Pag 17! Harvey, 360 bet Coast ieee Riversdale Div n Great Vals pots and Toth elks River, Burchell, 6576! Mossel Bay Div. 5 - ye as Kloof, Gill? Humansdorp Div.; grassy places in Lange Kloof, near Kromme River Heights, pun 2692! Uitenhage Div.; near ee 000 ft. , Drége, 7419! Albany Div. ; tops of hills near Grahamstown, 2000 ft., MacOwan, 186 ! 1973! Var. B, Stellen- bosch Div., Ecklon, 1894 at CentraL Region: Somerset Div.; Bosch Berg, 4000 ft., MacOwan, 1970! ft. ASTERN REGION: Pondoland, Bachmann, 115 ! Natal, Buchanan, 89! 332! Also found on Kilimanjaro in Tropical Africa. 38. F. latinux (C. B. Clarke); glabrous; stems 5-Gin. long, rigid; sheaths pale brown, fimbriate; uppermost leaf 2 in. long, linear, rigid ; head scarcely + in. in diam., dense, with 10-12 spikelets, compound (a second per A head added on one stem); bracts 9, up to lin. long, linear, rigid, spreading, a little dilated at the base; glumes ovate-lanceolate, sub-obtuse, much striated, er style 3-fid, searcely dilated at the base ; gynophore small ; mee obovoid, trigonous, truncate at the top, black, transversely eigen: Coast Reaton: Uitenhage, Ecklon and Zeyher! in Lubeck Herbarium. ah Y in. long; stems {-1 in. long, standing solitary, 1-1 in. apart, each with 1 head ; leaves tufted, 1-21 y z5 in, dhapslicd near the base, solid upwards, trigonous bracts 33, ower 3-1 in. long similar to oie i i long elongate, acute; stamens 3; anthers linear, with short lanceolate scabrous white crest ; style slender, long, ip sect 3 linear ; pistil very young, carpophore of the genus minute, distine Coast Reeion : Clanwilliam Div.; Lange Vallei, near Pen Fontein, 1000-1500 ft., Drege, 2464 spikelets 1 (very rarely 2) in the Yoncte, vas small, weak, At: flowered ; nut-bearing glumes + in, long, lanceolate, acuminate, pale- brown, very thin, hardly striate, resembling the upper male or empty | | Fieinia.} CYPERACES (Clarke). 255 glumes in other species; nut 2 as long as the glume, obovoid, tri- gonous, smooth, black ; style not longer than the nut, branches 3 long, linear ; gynophore short, obconie, teeth 3, often rather long. chenus scartosus, Thunb. Prod. 163 71. Ca . ed. Schult. 91. S. filiformis, Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 260, excluding syn. of Lam. Melan- eranis scariosa, Vahl, Enum. ii. 239 ; Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 49, t. 2, fig. 4; Neus in Linnea, x. 140; Eunth, Enum. ii. 264; Steed. in Flora, 1829, 153. M. nigrescens, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. vs ees in Linnea, x. 141. . gracilis, Nees in Linnea, ix. 287 Kunth, Enum. ii. 265. M. rigidula, Nees in Linnea, x. 141; ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 265. Scirpus scariosus, Roem. et Schultes, Syst. u. 61; Mant. 40, not of Thunb. Hypolepis scariosa, Nees \\ in Linnea, vii. 521, eo nigrescens, Nees in Linnea, vii. 522.— Pluk. Alm. t. 416, Sig. Souta Arrica: without locality, Thwnberg, Sieber, 105! Bergius! KR. Brown! Boivin, 490! Hope! Menzies! Harvey, 386! Mund and Maire ! Coast REGION: Clanwilliam Div. ; Lange aa ra 1000 ft., Drége / e Town ! I 00~—3' Rehmann, 908! MacGillivray, 413! Drege! MacOwan and Bolus, Herb. Norm, Aust.-Afr., 1895! Ecklon, 866! Cape Flats, easel Cape Town and Simons Bay, Burchell, 8541! Worcester Viv. : mountains above Woreester r, ! 2672! oe i yher ! Eli ft., Schlechter, 7682 ik Knysna Div. near the Keurbooms River, Burchell, 5138! at the Ford a of the Knysna am “Burchell, 5521! Uitenhage Div ¢ er, 948 CENTRAL vida “Som erset pe. ; at Commadagga, Burchell, 3293! Bosch Berg, 4000 ft., Wiccan: 1971 : zZ ESTERN REGION: Little Lena yh and! Harde Veld, 2000-3000 ft., “eyher, 4378! near Mieren Kasteel, below 1000 ft. , Drége. Modder Fontein ae 4000-5000 ft., Dréye? Kamies Bergen, 3000-4000 ft., Drége ! ¥. is no t easy to nsomy ngs how any confusion arose between this and 8 scariosa, Nees, as there is similarity in structure, nt it be said that a ract of the present plant. nto a flower-glume of F, scart a 45. F. fastigiata (Nees in Linnza, x. 170); glabrous ; if er ha | tdly any seen (fide Boeckeler is slender ae - stem in. ong, tufted, slender, each with 1 head; leaves 4-12 in. pee xs in. broad. at the base, ‘that on the uppermost sheath shorter; bracts r ista far, crest minute; nut 2 the length of the glume or (a e for th : horter “than h ge for the genus), trigonous, smooth, brown ; style shorte ig li. 78. F. picta, Nees in Linnea, ix. 292. Schanus gag Thunb. Prod. 16; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 91, not of Lam. cpus fastigiatus, Thunb. Prod. 18; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 99. eynert ARICA without locality, Thunderg, Pappe, 101! Drége! Ecklon and Coast Recion : Cape Div.; near Wynberg, Drége, 164! 256 CYPERACE# (Clarke). | Ficinia. PE 46. F. coiug. wal ieee in Linnea, x. 178) ; eet rhizome 2 in. or more long, } in. diam., woody, oblique; stems 1-2 ft. long, iriniass slender, each bearing a small panicle, fog nents reduced to a spike or almost a hea ; leaves 2 in. long, setaceous ; bracts setaceous, very Title dilated at the base, avihag 1-2 in. long ; panicle, the largest seen, } by 4 in.; spikelets § by 7s in, uniform dull brown ; glumes ovate, keel excurrent in a mucro; stamens a5 anthers linear, with small linear white erest; nut hardly 2 the yle than the nut, branches 3 linear, longish ; eg very sm Kunth, Enum. ii. 263 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxv Soutnu Arrica: without locality, R. Brown! Dré REGION : —_ a Div.; near M eee Burl, 54731! Albany Div.; damp places in woods near i pee act 2000 ft Mae Owan, 1240! RAL ReGIon: ‘Poise et Div.; Bosch je 4000 ft.! MacOwan, 1240! as seen), Wuaey stems 4-8 in. long, tufted, angular ; leaves longer than the stems, ;1, in. wide, anes much incurved, minutely scabrous ; sheaths brown, ‘torn ; inflorescence spieate, with the lowest bract 1 in, distant, or Me A often of one Tread 0 only; bracts 2 or 3, similar to the leaves, at the base lanceolate-dilated, hardly make lowest up to 2-3 in. long ; spikelets } in. long, dull red ; lumes ovate, acumi- he length of i 47. F. anceps (Nees in aoe x. 179); glabrous; rhizome short ( ate ut smooth ; style-branches 3 lineur, longish ; gynophore narrowly ob- pyramidal, a slightly 3-lobed. Kunth, Enum. ii. 263 ; Boeck in Linnea, xxxvii. 79. ni AFRICA: without age wine ’ Leyher! ast ReGion: Cape Div en Berg, in fissures of rocks, 1300 ft Sacoved and Bolus, Herb. pg tak -Afr., 1897! Simons Town, Ecklon! fi 48. F. monticola (Kunth, Enum. ii. 261); glabrous; rhizome (seen) short, woody ; stems 6-14 in. long, tufted; leaves usually 5 the length of the stem, ;'; in, broad, edges inrolled, sheaths white, —S torn ; inflorescence a narrow panicle or spike, up to 24 bY ; lowest bract often + in. distant, overtopping the neem pte to the leaves, much dilated at the base, chestnut, with w searious edge (often very conspicuous) ; glumes pi nel gynophore narrow, rather long — crise oeck. t mers Coast REGION endam Diy. ; between eis and radon, 3000- 4000 ft., Drége, rd Boge near Swellendam, below 4000 ft., Zeyher, 44 iy 49. F. bulbosa (Nees in Linnea, viii. 91); glabrous; stolons elongate, clothed by Shere me scales 3 in, long, b hardening into woody rhizomes 3);—;'5 n dia stems 4-16 in. long, ‘tatted ; leaves 2 the length at ae didi rites ; sheaths with white J ; § | ¥ | ‘ Ficinia.} Cyprrace® (Clarke), 257 scarious torn margins, sometimes brown and much less eee spikes 1 in. diam., globose, gg ee brown, 7 1-8 a simply ‘spicate ; ; bracts 1- long, similar the leaves, over- topping the inflorescence, dilated at. the base, i. Cees gens conspicuous, or sometimes hardly dilated es all; spikelets } in. ovoid, 4-10 in each spike; glumes ovate, nerve ex ai 2 nut hardly 2 2 the length of the glume, obovoid, uaa smooth ; ’ style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long; gynophore “small, Nees in Linnea, x. 176; Kunth, Enum. ii. 261; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvul, 85, eens bulbosus, Linn. Mant. 198. S. spicatus, Ca: Scirpus siiioaa, Rottb. Descr. et i 53, t: 16 6, Jig. 8: Steud. i in Flora, 1829, ra S. vaginatus, Thunb. Prod. 17; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 96. 8. bicapitatus, Poir. in Lam. Encye. vi. 761. S, biceps, Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg. ii. 134. Isolepis bulbosa, Nees in Linnwa, vii. 507, excluding syn. Scheenus bulbosus, Thunb. SourH Arrica: without eons kyr Sieber, 110! 163! R. Brown! Bergius, 181! Petit Thouars 18! Re n, 485! Harvey, 344! oast Rr Lay Cape Div Ca “it Town, Bolus, 4864 ! Rehmann, 1796! s Bay, Burchell, 326! Tas ns tau mp, Pappe ! Constantia, Zeyher! Table Mountain, Ecklon, 112! Drége! Schlechter, 347! near Rondebosch, Bolus, 4493! Worcester Div. ; Mountai 2 -. Drége. 285 ‘opes of the Drakenstein Mountains, near Bains Kloof, 1600 ft., baie 4076! — ndam Diy.; bet I} —— and Zonder Kinde , — Riv 7492! Kuysna Div v.; sand-hills near the west end of Groene Valle, Burchell, es as peas Div. » Ecklon pear Zeyher, 666! Port Elizabeth Div. 5 along the Cast rag ere / 50. F. s aif a (Kunth, Enum. ii. 262); glabrous; stolons long se ey to 6 in. long), clothed by pale- -brown striate lanceolate Scales 2 in. flags hardening into wiry rhizomes 3}; in. in diam stems 4~—16 in. long, tufted ; leaves often as long as the stem, hardly in. bro solid and triangular in the upper half; “Sheaths white or brown, often much torn, sometimes less con- : resc spikelets, rine solitary, stand 1-1 apart subspirally, sessile; bracts e leaves, usually overtopping the spike ; spikelets + in. long, ellipeod, hard, shining chestnut or chestnut-red ae es eg ume, obovoid-ellipsoid, tri serine h nut, bra 5.3 linear, long; gynophore obeonic, 0 oe subentire. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvil. 86 @nus = ol. 16; Fl. Cap. ed Schult. 94. S. bulbous B, ue i 6. 8. dispar, Spreng. Neue Entd. 1 3.8 P.§, ap. 40, t. 4 ” fig. 33 Nees in Linnea viii. 9 teheri, Schrad, Avil, FI. Cap. 48 ; Nees in Linnea, x 190. Papport, ATBICA : without locality, Thunberg, Sieber, 109! 115! Sonnerat ! Poni oe Clanwilliam Div.; between Lange Vallei and Heeren Loge- 8 258 cyperace® (Clarke). [Ficinia. t, below 500 ft., Drége ! Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Bolus, 4863! Cap Fate’ Zeyher, 1781! Knysna Div. ; er the west end of Groene Vallei, Burchell, 5642 ! Uitenhage Div., Harvey, 126! 1 Gl, 3. vie pe te ee chaps vbis ss Docume 185); glabrous; rhizome short, woody; stems 12-20 i long, tufted, slender; leaves £8 i in. long, =; in. ae doutotie near the base, solid upwards ; sicallla brown fimbriate ; ages narrow- oblong (nearly reduced to a compound spike), 21 by 2 in., lowest bract often 3 in. distant; bracts often 4—6 in. long, aaa to the stamens 3; anthers linear, minutely white- crested ; nut 2 the length of the glume, obovoid, trigouous, smooth ; style shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long; gynophore small Peete margin subentire. F. comparbergensis, "Steud. Syn. Pl. CentRAL ReGion: Graaff Reinet Div-; Compass isn 6000-7000 ft., Drege, ye ! ae Berg Range, 4500-8000 ft., Bolus, 704! Colesberg Div., aw e, 52. F. trichodes (Benth. in Gen. Pl. iii. 1053); glabrous; stems 6- 18 in. long, slender, branching from the base to the top; ae sa leaves 2 in. long, capi i lower stem leaves sometimes ;’5 12- broad ; peduncles 1-2 in. long, axillary, with 1. spikelet ; low braet 2-1 in. long, iuiak te the anak dilated at the base ; spikelet trigonous, smooth ; style rather shorter than the nut, branches 3 linear, long; gynophore narrowly obconic, margin subentire. Acrolepis trichodes, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cup. 42, t. 2, fig. 5; Nees in Linne@a, vill. 90; x. 129; Kunth, Enum. ii. 331; Boeck. + Linnea, xxxvii, 90. H, ophialium capillifolium, Nees in Linnea, viii, 90. Hemichlena capillifolia, Nees in Linnea, vii. 530 excluding syn. H. trichodes, Nees in , Lanne, vill. 90. SourH AFRica: without locality, Sieber, 95! Ecklon and b Zeyher 116! Zeyher; 2426, 2427. Batre apap ee Seg 5 Rueion: Cape Div.; near ap own, Burchell, 411! Table Moun- , Hesse ee Schrader). eg arsed Div.; Houw Hoek Mountains, 2500 ft., Schlechter , 7551 ner the tas presi — pa species differ greatly from Fic inia in habit but the = peer altogether as of Eu-Ficinia. See Benth. in Benth. et k. f. Gen. Pl. ii 1053. Sour Arrica : without — Zeyher, 2423! Ecklon and Zeyher, 1 116 5B! No specimen in Kew Herbari —$<—< “4 - Foinia] cyperace® (Clarke), 259 54. F. ramosissima (Kunth, Enum. ii. 262) ; ; rather stouter than I F. trichodes in all parts; lower stem leaves =; in., or even i road; peduncles with 1-3 spikelets, or even 5-6 in a minute panicle ; otherwise as FP. trichodes. Acrolepis ramostssima, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii, 89. ae cg ll Cape paid oe fn To ae ae rat —— w Kloof, Gone Hoek Burchell, Kny Div. ; aa Jit ear the west end of deo Valle rors 07 ' “Cnioial Div. ; mountains ree the Klip River, — Ke ~— River, t., Drége! Uitenhage Div., Harvey, 123! Port Biz Div. ; on it “il by the sea- shore at Port Elizabeth, Purchell, 42 96! Diten) Div., Williams aang oS mages Mie — a Div “ar Camdeboo Mou ntain, 4000-5000 ft., Drege. t of B ntjes oe Burchell, 3083! Bruintjes chil and Bosch | iene 4500 ft., Me meter 1901 > Oo ¥. haere (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Seted Fl. Afr, v. 635); glabrous; stolons short, clothed by | & on brown baisenlats striate scales } in. long, hardening into a short the leaves, lowest up to 2 in. long, dilated (or very little dilated) at the base ; spikelets 2 by 1—1in., 1-7 clustered subdigitately, com- in ren a Gel. Anz. iii. 2066; Anal. Fl. ee 41; Nees in "Linnea, Vu. 531; x. 130; Kunth, Rnwn. ii. 330 partly ; ens in Linnaa, XXXvii, 87 par tly. Hi. fascicularis, Steud, Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 2. Finbristylis verata, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum, ii. 31 g: cf. Boeck. in lora, 1860, 178. Isolepis podocarpa, Boeck. in Flora, 1860, 179. tai AFRICA: without locality, Bergius, 179! Harvey ! ! Ecklon and Zeyher, ~ Coast ivray, 414! (eset ay 714! Paarl Bn” Gat eee Loe mae 2, 7407! Worcest an ’ Tulbagh Div.; Mosterts Berg near Mitchells Pass, 2000 ft, Bole us, 5810 This species, with the two a <2. allied — forms a = pH group; but the flowers are SO exac 4 those of Eu-Ficinia that it is not con- Venient to treat the croup as a gens on habit only, mone Bentham bes iene © Acrolepis group into Ficinia nar Aap longifolia (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Pai “i - 640) ; stems branched, leafy 1-6 in. above their bases, a9 260 ovperacea (Clarke). ( Ficinia. carrying 1-2 spikelets ; spikelets pig larger ; glumes more brightly white-edged ; otherwise nearly as Ff. angus ustifo lia. Hemichlena longifolia, Nees in Pci x 383 : x. 129; Kunth, Enum. ii. 330; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 88. H. angustifolia, Kunth, Enum. ii. 330 partly ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 87 part Schaenus cari- cowles, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 137. Eleogiton ida. Dietr. Sp. i. 71, 99. oh helen without agg cing Pah , ast KrGion : Cape Div ag a Burchell, 638! Ecklon, 864! Milne, 216! MacGillivray, 412! gn hh 4736. re 57. F. fe ee (C. B. Clarke in yours and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 637); stem slender, long (up to 30 in. in herbarium ae aA branched and leafy nearly Neate dhe its jae leaves very narrow, upper capillary; spikelets r: sathat slenderer ; otherwise as ee lon sta ie Hemichlena capillifolia, Schrad. in Goett. Gel. Anz. i. 2066; Anal. Fl. Cap. 40, t. 3, fig. 1; Nees in Linnea, viii. 90; x. 130 iar in ey vii. 530); Kunth, Enum. ii, 330; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii South AFrRIcA: without ‘ages Mund and marie Coast Reaion: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Hesse = ag ee George iv.; on the lower part of the Pos 4 ties rg, near Race, Burchell, 6021! Oute- niqua Mountains, Rehmann, 69! Imperfectly known species. 58. F. nuda (Boeck. in apron XXXVlil. agit ; stolons horizontal, as thick as a pigeon’s quill; stems 8-7 in. long, filiform tufted ; leaves G- 2 upper) 2-1 in. long, said. rigid, se “brown ‘spikelets 4-1, clustered, ~5 in. long, 4- flo wered ; “bracts 0 ; glumes clustered. liner-laneeolate style 3-fi i Pesiegeyum eylindri ric, margin shortly 3-lobed; nut + the length of t glume, narrowly obovoid, obtusely hia hg rusty straw-colour, ES raised points SouTH AFRICA: without locality, Petersen (ex Boeckeler). 59. F. tenuis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fi. Afr. v. 645); stems filiform, glabrous; leaves filiform, overtopping the stems; heads terminal, solitary, oblong ; bracts keeled-eonvex, aristate, lower distichous, all with 4-flowered spikes ; ’ distichous, many-nerved, keeled, mucronate, 3 lowest empty 3 oVaTy trigonous, on an entire disc; style-branches 3, very long. Melan- eranis tenuis, Ecklon ex Kunth, Enum. ii. 965 ; but Kunth adds ‘* scarcely a Melancranis.” South Arrica: without locality, collector not indicated. XII. FUIRENA, Rottb. Spikelet of many imbricate glumes, lowest 2 empty, many succeed- ing glumes 2-sexual, perfecting nuts, aristate, hairy, uppermost male or sterile. Hypogynous bristles 3, outer (sepals) small linear oF 0, See 4 | , Puirena. } CYPERACER acne 261 r al ibidh. Seb pes mendes or 0. Stamens 2. anterior, Siyle g ciate linear, not dilated at the base; brane 3, long. sessile, oe trigonous, in the typical species sedltned by “the 3 1 ciate Rhizome (in the Cape § sone woody, pi i oe 3 stems in nodes vor leaves ihe ghout their length [ex ot F. enodis}; inflorescence pan i a Sy umbellate ; but in numerous ae ies Sond vile 1s dias, reduced be 1 or adino spikes.—The very hairy aris he flower-glumes mn preen afy upwards e this genus ~~ to tstin guish even when the datekaviathe teres A fail or re like the bristles of Sci Distris. Species 25; in alts warm countries, very alike in general appearance. Sect. 1. Psrupo-Sciree&#.—No obovate or hastate interior bristles (petals). Petals 0, MA minute line Pan e short ; ae: a smooth, white (1) pubescens, Pa nile often longer; nut w hite, transversely granular : ... (2) pachyrrhiza. Hypog y nous bristles 4-6, s etaceous, simple, scabrou s [as of m sl Serrp ua usually as long as the greenish- sii nut ait ee ee ne ... vee (8) chlorocarpa. Sect. 2, Ev-Furrena.—Petals with an obovate lamina (sometimes narrow) but not mere Cieae bristles (in F. ewrulescens very rarely wauting altogether), N pi su — culate ded reason of the short, oblong, ansvers , outermo cells; ? Paes as lo ng as a. nut, obtriangular, broad ... (4) microlepis. ras 3 the sian of the nut, ae ene 5) gracilis. Pe hs ne long a as the nut, aristate, elliptic or - narrow obov (6) cerulescens, Gi: brows except the back of the glumes ; ; leaves all : sal ., .. (7) enodis, Nut sm exon ooth, or obse seurely and most minutely reticulate : Nut ata amie ga beaked, — -brown ; leaves near] ny & lubro 8) glabra. Nat s ssile, sheila, "white ; beak small, ‘conic . (9) Ecktonii. Nut oe brown ; very hairy; heads-dense comose (10) hirta, 1, F. pu are ae suceeeding species) ste sat in. long , triquetrous ; Ut; style about 2 the length of the nut, branches 3 linear, much rb than the style. Boeck. in Linnea, x xxxvii. 104 partly; C. B. @ tm Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 665. Scirpus pubescens, Lam. 262 CYPERACE (Clarke). [Fuirena. rg i. 1389; Desfont. Fl. Atlant.i. 52, 4.10. 8S. — Pers. Syn: 69 par tly. Carex gOS Poir. Voy. en Barb. 254, 317. C Poireti, Gmel. Syst. Nat 140. Isolepis pene Roem. et Schultes, Syst. ii. 118, not of 156 67. SoutH Arrica: without Ioneaitity, Burke ce Coast ReEeion: Albany Div.; Gr cia aon > waa ft., MacOwan, 1271! at oe, ; near Cathcart, 4500, * # ma gp » 2 EGION: Somers ain aati foe A sie of Conoadggn, Burchell, 3351! pee Derg, 4000 rs D ectigee 35 Kat I ReGion: Transvaal; Pretoria, Relnown, 4770! aieks Valley, Ho ah ; er Brena = neat Barbert ton, 4000 ft., i 1363! ; ERN Recion: Tembuland; Buzeia, 2000 ft. Baur, 286! Griqualand ecee ouke of senna near Kokstad, 5000 ft., Tyson, 15 ! Extends from Portugal and Corsica throughout Africa to the Punjab. re many young examples from South Africa, besides those cited here, o F. pubescens in herb, Kew, from the inflorescence >and general aspect, probably share: In the account here given of Ca ies of Fuirena, examples so young that nothing can be made out about the raat or petals are in genera al not “ited. 2. F. pachyrrhiza (Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, ii. 161); rather stouter; panicle often 4-8 in, long, with several satitare long- peduneled heads ; spikelets a very little larger ; nut sm all, white, minutely transversely granular ; otherwise as in /. pubescens, Kunth. P. macrostachya, Boeck. in Eng, Jahrb. v. 507. geet Region ;: Transvaal ; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5625! Houtbosch Berg, Nelson, mics ann Delagoa Bay, Junod, 368! Widely distributed in Tropical Africa. Wood 1194, Natal (very young), may also belong to F. pachyrrhiza. 3. F. chlorocarpa (Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, ii. 159); rather slenderer ; spikelets narrower, cylindric; glumes very little pointed (for ge nus Fuirena), the points not at all recurved; hypogynous bristles 4-6, about as long as the nut, exactly linear- setaceous retrorsely hispid, altogether as of Scirpus; nut dull-brown of a greenish tinge ; otherwise as the two preceding species. Katanart REGIon: Transvaal; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5614! 91 — Prevage Pondoland, Bachmann, 118! Natal, Buchanan, 342 2! Also in Tropieal Africa and Madagascar, a 4. F. microlepis (Kunth, Enum. ii. 182 partly) ; spikelets 4 long, in rather dense subglobose rea petals broadly o obtriangular rown, 3-nerved, as long as the nut, ‘nearly sessile, hardly micro scopically apiculate ; nut reticulated by short Ss ng transverse cells, ip minute; otherwise as the 3 precedin pecies. F, glabra, Ecklon ex Krauss in Flora, 1845, 757, not of Kunth. F. pe esti Boeck, in Linncea, xxxvii. 104 pa urtly. Eastern ReGion: Natal; Flats near Durban, Drége, 4339! Uwlaas, Krause, 59! yl! near + eke: Wood, 213! Delagoa Bay, Junod, 37! 232! ah a ek ee a, Gee ee Fuirena.] CYPERACER (Clarke). 263 | Ie 5. F. gracilis (Kunth, Enum. ii. 181); petals asi about 2 the le § ugth of the nut, clawed, nearly square, hairy, nerveless ; nut with a conie scabrous tip ; : otherwise as the preceding ee Boeck, % tnmea, Xxxvii. 100. F. microlepis, Kunth, Enum. ii. 182 pair £, Ecklonii, Nees in Linnea, x. 143 partly. Sourn Arrica: without psn eg ie 1757! — Sig EGION: Queenstown 3 Shiloh, 3500 ft., ", 892 Eastern Reaion: ten ‘St. Marks Division. on the — of the Isi 80 gi 2000 ft., Baur, 7241 Transkei ; between Gekau and the Bashee River, 1000-2000 ft., Drege, 4341! 4338! Kunth —— Dré pee 4338, 4339, to his F. microlepis, while he named Drége 4341, F. gracil all ev — 4341 is identical hoa Roe (they were collected at the same hint , Pass she engeogr. Documente 146) and is _ ra d Le the name gracilis. I have rae a an Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 647) applied the name microlepis to Drége 4339 to avoid introducing a oa ‘ame, : a be doubted whether there is more than one species here altogether ; indeed eckeler has taken Drege 4338 and 4339 as only F. pubesce yer Ems view quite ee but which will cut the genus Fuirena down to 4 or 5 spec -P unth, Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 125; Se rad. Anal, Fl, Cap. 31; Nees in Linnea, vii a10; x. 143: "Kun ath, Enum. ii. 180; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii, 102 excluding the Tadign examples. ' bi 8, Buchanani (C. B. Clarke) ; stout; panicle 4 in. long, with numerous EAC Soutn Arrica: without. pei —— and Zeyher, 36»! 36c! Coasr Region: Cape Div.; be r Gape Towa arvey, 177! Cape Flats, ! KasteRN Regro : Natal; i bedi and Umzimkulu Rivers, we yp ada, Wond, 1620! and w t precise locality, Bolton, Rehman 8443! 8600! Dela igoa Bay, Junod, bee ‘Var. B: Natal, Buchanan, 120! £. ceru inten mes differ cutive in size and form; in some examples they nea ae aa e disappear. Var in its nut and long panicle resembles i puchyrrhiza, but then it has fairly hevtoodl petals. 7. F. enodis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. x ¥. Sou glabrous, Bip ish os backs of the flower-glumes ; st aie as of Fuirena ; sepals 8 3, ine setacoous, Peabein ig 264 CYPERACEX (Clarke). [ Fuirena. reticulated by minute short-oblong transverse cells; tip conic rous, HARI ReGIon: Griqualand West; Hay Division, at Griqua Town, Burakett 1865! One of the few well-marked species in ba Genus: its glabrousness and in- florescence would suggest Scirpus as the gen Ps 8. F. glabra (Kunth, Enum. ii. 182, not of Ecklon) ; stems and leaves more than usually glabrous; petals elliptic, brown, 3-nerved, the linear points overtopping the nut, hairy ; nut small, stalked, globose, acutely 3-angled, very smooth, yellow-brown, beak long, subulate hispid ; otherwise as F, paved or F. ceerulescens, Steud. Boeck, in Linnea, xxxvii. 101. Cyperus? hirsutus, Berg. Deser. ap. 11; Kunth, knum. ti. 114, — Juncus, Buxbaum, Cent. iii. 29, ¢ 3. Eastern ReGion: Tembuland; bank of the Meters gies below 1000 ft., Drios, 4343! iieailded East ; Ibisi River, Wood, 3 9. F. Ecklonii (Nees in Linnea, ix. ne leaves with some hair hem, at least underneath ; petals neatly as long the nut, or almos i void, smooth, white, beak small, conic ; otherwise nearly as the see ag species, pean s x. 143 partly. F. if Sioa ties ar. B, Kunth, Enum. ii. 182. ¥. cwrulescens, Boeck. in Linnea xxxvii. 102 partly Ye oe ‘glabra, Ecklon ex Drége, ¥ sfimmeigati Documente 186. Coast ReGion: Knysna Div.; Koratra, below 1000 ft., rab / Uitenhage Div.; between Van Stadens Berg and Bethelsdorp, below 1000 ¢ . Drége ! and without precise eT mh ay Alexandria Div.; Zuur Bong Range, 2 2000 t., Drége, CENTRAL as nl Aberdeen Div.; Camdeboo Mountain, 4000-5000 ft., Dre 3 3 ege. . Das Reson: Pondoland or Natal; between the Umtentu and Umzim- kulu Rivers, Dréze The ey of F. eckloniana, Boeck. (in charg: xxxvii, 109), does not agree with that of F. Ecklonii, Nees here egiven. A sheet inthe Berlin Her bariam contained formerly a plant, of F. h ath honed on ee was pinned the original leserption 0 of F. Ecklonii in Whee hand—some drawin pgs by Kunth Satie also superimposed / 10. F. hirta (Vahl, Enum. ii. 387); more hairy than the pre- ceding species ; the long excurrent midrib of the glumes long-pilose, . ceerulescens, and most of the preceding species. Sehrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 52; Steud. in Flora, 1829, 153; Nees in Linnea, vii. | 510; x. 142; ” Kunth, Enum. ii. 181; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 108. | F, cephalotes, Sehrad. in GQvett. Gel. Anz. iii. 2071. F, erioloma, Nees in Lannea, ix. 288; x. 142; Kunth, Enum. ii. 181. #. inter- media, Kunth, Enum. ii. 181; ° Boeck. in alias, xxxvii. 101. - a Fuirena. | CYPERACEX (Clarke). 265 ein hottentottus, “Linn. Mant. 182; Thunb. Prod. 18; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 98. : Sourd AFRICA; without locality, Thunbery, Sieber, 96! Drége, 4342! Walch Thom, 907! Beryius, 177! Harvey, 340! Ecklon and Zeyher, 136 ! oast Reoion: Clanwilliam Div.; Jan Dissels Valley, below 1000 ft., ‘Cape Div.; flats near Cape Town, Burchell, 57! Horvey, 175! Table Mountain, Milne, 232! MacGillivray, 418! Burke, 314! Devils Mountain, Ecklon, 34! 881! 882! Paarl Div. ; ountains, Drége, 7383! Worcester iv., Caledon Div. ; bouw, near the Palmiet River, 700 fi Y 27! ossel Bay Div.; sand-hills near the landing-place 2 ossel Bay, Burchell, 6249! Knysna Div. ; ugt, Bolus, 2500! Koratra, below 1 ft; 000 ft. rege! Uitenhage Div. ; near "Uitenhage, Burchell, 4230! Ecklon and Zeyher, 168! Alban ny Div.; mountains near Grahamstown, 2000 ft., MacOwan, 1356! XIII. LIPOCARPHA, R. Br. Spikelet of many spirally imbricate glumes, lowest 2 empty, many succeeding glumes 2-sexua perfecting nuts, uppermost male or sterile. Bracteoles (?) 2, very thin, scarious, ovate, parallel with the giume, a ternate, anterior lower, enclosing the upper, which encloses the nut. ypogynous bristles 0, unless the bracteoles represent them. Stamens 3-1; anthers small, oblong. Style linear, not dilated at the base, Pa eae ; branches 3-2 meal, Stems with leaves at the base ie each bearing a dense head of 1-5 (rarely 7 spikelets 3; glumes very densely packed. This genus altogether — the Mier ronthe: 8 ect. of Scirpus, and is confounded much therewith. a Probably the ae affinity, as in Scirpus Isolepis, Boeck,, we have small scale: sometimes 2 Se intermediate between the bristles of Scirpus and the sual a. TE e " i iii } i "x 2F ® iv) ae ° co = o ‘7 cf3 a ‘f So m= ct = 2 cr pal _— ® SB 3 2 > S | Qa ' z) oe = = es ° cr = a a ° 4s w ° 3 § | > 2 a —_ c bi aie compared. with the two lowest male glumes in a head of Mapania is Disrris. Species 14; in the warmer portions of both eet PA oe cylindric ; glumes obtuse, tips closely appre (1) argentea. ikelets Squarrose ; glumes with recurved excurrent spud (2) pulcherrima. 1. L. argentea (R. Br. in Tuckey, Congo, Append. 459) ; glabrous, loatead Salar 6-24 in, long, tufted, nearly round, each with 1 head ; faves 3 the length of the stem, —. by 2 in. broad, cimoat ‘ithe “eh - hiteas + by 3 in. (but they ienatien in fruit sical up to { in. ng), ense, = merous flower-glumes, white or straw- ® rhachilla prominentl d sears; lower A covered by lozenge-shape Ts; 10 betes % the length of the gl es e, hyaline, sti werd et : ‘ish, herve sometimes cbse Geo thin that if the nut is placed in — we bracteoles enclosing it may be easily overlooked under a nut Pe) ; upper bracteole similar but narrower ; stamens usually 2 ; nite Shorter than the bracteoles, obovoid-el llipsoid, amis, 266 CYPERACE® (Clarke), [ Lipocarpha. mooth, dark brown, aliens style linear, Page ees 3. linear, a hide. Kunt num. 266 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 114 (excluding ee American pein et Gebel in Ann, Jard. Buitenz. vii. 131, ¢. 14, fig. 18, and t. 15, figs. 19, 20; C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Bri. Ind, vi. 667. ee eae argenteum, Vahl, Enum, ii, 283. mong sane Transvaal ; Macalis Berg, vanoadast 1759! Burke, 76! Reeio atal; Um alaas Ri ver, Krauss, 13! Inanda, Wood, 513! and witkiet precise ‘locality, Buchanan, 114! 348! tie 8172! Also in Tropical Africa, the ie Isles, South East Asia, Malaya, and Queensland, A very common plan 2. L. aig sores feng in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, il. spikele Yuzz1n.,8 e; glumes shreds: dark chestnut, with a tong, ae yellow-green, recurved mucro ; eine hardly longer wise resembling very small examples of the " preceding species. L. tenera and L. ad adele: BORE: Cyp. Nova, i. 21. KALAHARI ReGron: Transvaal; — a, at Koedus Poort, Rehmann, 4639! and seicieart precise ‘eke, McLea i Hee. ms lus, 6025! ASTERN REGION: Nata proc vit nn, 736 Scattered thronghout South ‘Tropical Frese XIV. ASCOLEPIS, Steud. Spikelet of many spirally imbricate glumes, lowest 2 empty, many succeeding glumes 2-sexual perfecting nuts, uppermost male or teri h thickened, in the Cape species ee ae the flower, perhaps representing two lateral partially connate bracteoles. Hy- pogynous bristles 0, unless the scale represents them. Stamens 3-2, anterior to the glume; anthers linear-oblong, not erested. Style- branches 2 or 3 (sometimes in one spikelet). Nut small, oblong oF obovoid, unequally trigonous or nearly flat, smooth. Stems with leaves at the base only, each bearing a head of 1-5 spikelets. | It is porter Noe to sgheaiuraieas what the scale is, as there is nothing much like it in the ole Dis Species 8; in Africa and the ay Islands; one of which is Pre praais nearly the whole of South Americ vA 1, A. capensis (Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 164); glabrous ; rhizome short, weak ; stems 8- 16 ix in. long, as, vate base, lowest 1-4 in. long; heads 1~2 in. in diam., white or white straw-colour ; spikelets with the tips of the numerous scales spreading on all sides, "completely obscuring the narrow oblong small glumes ; scale utricular, flattened, with a slit on the posticous face through whieh e E Ascolepis.] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 267 the style peeps, and a large, solid, linear-conic, obtuse, white beak ; style-branches 2 ; nut 1—2 the leng th of the scale (without its beak), black. Platylepis capensis, Ku a Enum. ii. 269; Boeck, in Linnea, xxxvii. 119. P. dioica, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ‘ii, 181, Souta Arrica: without aig Sey 1762! Coast Recion: Stockenstrom D Se t Berg, 4000-5000 ft., me Kaanari — Orange Free ; Nelsons Kop, Cooper “ra ns- |; Pretoria, at Koedus Poort, { eae ‘4638! Magalies Berg, ere ! Hooge , 12! EasteRN Recion: Tembuland ; damp places at hpi foot of Bazeia Mountain, nd t., Bawr, 133! Pondoland; nears the mouth o a Umtentu River, Drége ! yf near Durban, Bu puerto ! Nood Age 8 Woo a, 126! fe ees Wood, 307! . RYNCHOSPORA, Vahl. pikelet of nace imbricate glumes, 3-4 lowest empty, smaller, bs succeeding ae te 2-sexua ves nuts Ares rmost — ik with leaves and nodes above the base in the South African species. eo - Species 183 [i.e. inc rae Psilocarya, but excluding Dichromena ri Sopot few comparatively in the Old World; very numerous in erica, from New ein to a enn provinces. hye 1 YLE&%, Ben Style nearly opens the two linear ssid less than 1 the length of anitivided part of the s ah yma -—Globular heads of spikelets usually more oui Heads usually 3-5, often subumbelled .» (1) cyperoides. Sara —Spike jets hen niculate (clustered « or solitar a rs of spikelets many ; nut with beak } by ek in, (2) aurea, sen of sitkalebs an fewer ; nut with beak} by }in. (3) spectabilis. - Diptosty YLE#, Benth. Style-branches 2, linear, as long or longer hy the nae part of the style. i y —— bristles “ rn ial with teeth Hagioses upwards ... (4) glauca. vi nh cyperoides (Mart. in Denkschr. Akad. Wissen. Muench. shott, sub Rhynchospord) ; glabrous or nearly so; rhizome horizontal, eh » arising from basal offsets (very short stolons); stem 1-2 ft. b tg trigonous at the top; leaves often overtopping the — 4-} In. inf » Uppermost node and leaf often 6-12 in. above the base; i S0-an when fully developed an elongate panicle, cometines perf ®xamples) ; heads 1-2 in, diam m., dense, straw-coloured ; spikelets ecting 1 or 2 2 nuts ; hypogynous " eiba 6, nearly as long as the 263 CYPERACER (Clarke). [| Rynchospora. nut, brown, with teeth pointed upwards; nut 2 as long as the glume, obovoid, compressed, chestnut-coloured ; beak ‘linear, longer than the nut, white, scabrid; style very long, linear, ex xeerted, entire, or microscopically 2-fid at the tip. R. poly ycephala, Kunth, Enum. li. 291; Boeck. in Linnea, Xxxvil. 552. . triceps, Roem pie Syst. Veg. ii. Mant. 50; Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 759, fe Bo eck. Schenus fragiferus, Rudge, Guiana 15, t. 17. Mariscus oiuiere. G. Bertol. in Rendiconti Ist, Bologna, 1853-4, 33; ™m Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna, v. (1854) 466, t. 24; of. Boeck. in Flora, 1861, sae Bs ian aig olig gocaphalus Hochst. in Flora, 1845, t. 417, fig. : . | Basra R REGION : Pondol nd; eae St. Johns River and ee a peri 1000 ft., Drége; Natal; ponds near Umlaas River, Krauss , 206! Rehmann, 8607! Rare in Tropical Africa and the Mascarene earls abundant in America from Florida and Mexico to the Argentine province . R. aurea (Vahl, Enum. ii. 229) ; glabrous or nearly 80; stem a3 ft. long ; leaves elongate, 4—} in. broad, robust ; panicle oblong, it upwards ; nut Sacra, beak) iby 4-4 es in., obovoid, ae brown, smooth (sometimes with a notch on each side) ; beak very narrow-triangular, longer than the nut; style about 4 in. long, very narrow, entire or nearly so. Beauv. F i. d@ Owar. ii. 39, #. 81, fig. =5 Kunth, Enum. ii. 293; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 626 ; C. B. Clarke in Hook f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 670. Scirpus cor, ymbosus, ” Linn. Amoen. Acad. iv. 303; Sp. Plant. ed. 2,76. Schaenus surinamensis, Rott. Deser. et Ic. 68, t. 21, fig. 1. EastEerRN Reeion : ae Herb. Schinz ! No South African specimen at Kew. Widely distributed i e Tropical and Sub. Bytes regions of both Hemi- spheres, an abundant dies “batt not plentiful in Africa . R. spectabilis (Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 760); panicle long, oxilanys spikes condensed nearly into heads ; spirale larger and browner than in #. aurea ; nut (including beak) 3 by 2 in. ; otherwise . macrocarpa, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 629. Cal, yptrostylis Rudge, Hochit. tn Flora, 1845, 7 60. C. macrocarp a, ee ees ex Bueck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 6 ERN ReGion: Natal —. near Umlaas River, Krauss, 210! marsh near pears 300 ft,, Wood, 4001! This may be only hen of the variable and ubiquitous R. awrea. The ty specimens collected by Krauss have the nut unusually large, and the inflorescence nost into distant heads. As to Wood 4001, matched with Krauss 210 in Herb. Kew, it is too young to show the size of the nut, and the inflorescence is more like that of R. aur >) 4 RB. glauca (Vahl, Enum. ii. 233); glabrous; rhizome very | “short, horizontal, from a basal offset; stem 1-2: ft. long, “rather | | ; Rynchospora. | CYPERACER (Clarke). 269 slender, subtrigonous, node with leaf often 6-12 in. above the base of the stem ; leaves often 8-16 by 2 in.; inflorescence a compound with up-pointed teeth; stamens usually 2; nut 2—* the length of the glume, broad-ellipsoid flattened, chestnut-brown, obscurely whee undulate ; beak a depressed cone hardly 34 the length the nut; style- branches 2 , long, linear. Kunth, Enum. ii. 297; Boeck. in Linnea, XXXVii. 585; 0. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 671. a, R. Br. Prod. 230; Kunth, Enum. ii. 298; Nees in Flora, isan, “291, and in Linnea, viii. 94. R. ferruginea, Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg. li. 85; Nees in Linnea, vii. 529; Steud, in Flora, 1829, 138. Coast Recion: Cape Diy. ; Table Mountain, Ecklon, 867! Katanart Recion : Trans vaal; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 5740! TLomati Valley, hear Barberton, 4000 ft., Galpin, "1365! Eastern Rearon : Nats ul; Inanda, Wood, 1596! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 148! 356! Also in Algeria and the Mascarene Islands, Australia — Polynesia; very abundant j in South East Asia and the warm parts of Americ XVI. CARPHA, R. Br. partly. Spikele 5-7 glumes, 3 lowest empty, 1-2 succeeding sub- distichoas isk distant) hineenal nut-bearing, upper male or empty ; axis of spikelet short, not flexuose. FLrpOBy nN é bristles 6, as long as the nut, sometimes irregular. Stamens 3, anterior. Style long, linear, with 3 long branches. Nut sessile, ellipsoid, trigonous, Pyramidal at either end, acuminate more or less hispid at the top. f Heads of spikelets in oblong Lacan: or few; stems with nodes and leaves ih some distance above the base. : Species 9; confined to the ‘Bouthers Paar ep geste 8s viz. South Africa, e Prem Funds Australia, and Temperate South Am Heads of rpesclese iriver in a large eat aa i leaves often 4 in. broa ore ... (1) glomerata, cads 4 te few, ina dicct panicle ; leaves less than 3 in, Renee te ea not conspicuous, lanceolate, narrow at the bas arc ASEH Bracts to ‘cok ov ate or subcordate at the hese ... (3) bracteosa \, Uraets) throughout its length, nearly smooth ; leaves 4~20 by in m., tough, nearly smooth, often transversely lineolate ; in- *scence often 10 by 3 in. of 30 heads in a compound panicle ; Primary b bracts like the leaves but baeamrely overtopping the panicle, 270 cyperAacem (Clarke), [ Carpha. secondary bracts lanceolate; heads 1—} in. in diam., ovoid, of 16-30 n broadly lanceolate; glumes all close together, nut-bearing glumes hoat-shaped, elliptic, lanceolate-tipped, 1-nerved ; hypogynous bristles 6 (3 “sepals,” 3 “ petals”), linear, rigid, scabrous with up-pointed teeth, straw- erscaiirest, not rarely irregular (several short or almost rudimentary); nut 1, in. long, ellipsoid, subacutely trigonous, dark- rown ; style- ea young pyramidal, hispid, as the fruit ripens the style-base jet nee confluent with the nut as a pointed pyramidal tip, scabrous on the angles (or nearly smooth), the style breaking off just above ; outer cells of the en og oat? rather large, pro- minent in regular series. Boeck. inned, Xxxvill. 265. Schenus glomeratus, Thunb. Prod. 17; Fl. ile ed. Sehultes 94. S. dacty- lotdes, Vahl, Enum, ii, 224. Chetospora dactyloides, tl ig é Pi. it. 32.. Ast rcheete glomer kige! Nees in Linnea, ix. .300; x. 194, exclud. var. B; nth, sien oll, Sou and ta vr 108. ast ReGIon: Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Thunberg, Rehmann, 1176! reece Wynberg and Co onstantia, Bur pins 819! = Div.; Paarl Mountains, 1000-2000 ft., Drége ! Worcester Div.; near Worcester, Pa appe ! Caledon sgt by the Palmiet River, near Grabouw, 700. ft. Bolus, 1999 | Riversdale Div.; by the Great Vals River, Burchell, 6529! Uitenhage i ays the Van Stadens wei MacOwan, 651! Alban ny Div.; near Gra Schoenland, 138! wisons Poort, 2100 ft, Schoenland, 760! by oot eae at Grahamstown, Burchell, 3563 ! ASTERN Reeion: Pondoland, Bachmann, 123! VA 2. C. capitellata (Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 266); much ionie i m 12- in. Nees. Asterochete capitellata, Nees in Linnea, ix. ; x. 194; Kunth, Enum. ii. 312. A. g glomerata, var. B minor, Nees in Linnea, x. 194. A. tenuis, Kunth, Enum. ii. 312. A. angustifolia, Nees in Linnea, ix. 300. — AFRICA: i re rg Ecklon Coast Reaion: Alex Di +. 7 Daas Borg Waa, 2000- 000 ft., Drege! Riversdale Div., 900 ft. “Bellet, 1905! Komgha "Diz. ; ; marshy places near Komgha, 2000 ft. , Flanagan, 9 $. ¢. Percy aetna (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Afr. v. 656) ; bracts at the base seat or oe sheathing the soi ar spikelets ; : artes ise as C. capitell, oast ReGion: Worcester Diy. ; in ny ies of the Breede River, near ‘ites Kloof, 800 ft., Bolus, "saat CENTRAL Recion : Somerset cra 3 marshy places on the summit of Bosch Berg, 4500 ft., MacOwan, 1616! 2187 i mperfectly known species. Asterochete Ludwigii (Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 759, in note) 5 style-base hispid, persistent, forming a beak. Carpha.] cyprracea (Clarke). 271 Sours Arrica: without locality, aes (ex Hochst, ye Hochstetter says that this species is close to C. capitellata, Boeck., — his full description agrees very Val with C. era except as to the style- bas XVII. ECKLONEA, Steud. Hypogynous bristles 3, feathered at the base, 3-fid at the tip ; otherwise as Carpha. DisreiB, Species 1; endemic. Se 1. E. capensis (Steud. in Flora, 1829, 138); glabrous ; rhizomes , i273 3 in. long, slender, white, often terminating in a minute globose bulbil 2. in. in diam m.; stems 2-6 in. pe g, with leaves or bracts throughout their length ; leaves 2-4 by =,-1 rig panicle 2-32 in. long, linear, of 1-4 distant heads ; bracts likey Le leaves, slightly overtopping the inflorescence ; : spikelets 3-8 in a head, loosely clustered, + in, long, elliptic, green-white ; glumes usually 6 in the spikelet, lowest 3 rigid, anfag in 5 a of which the middle is much the longest ; pale ix. 399 i 143 ; Kunth, Enum. ‘Wi. 287 : : Boeck. in gm XEXVili. 229. Uneinia spartea, Spreng. in Flora, os i. Bet!, 13. Trianoptiles capensis, Harvey, Gen. S. Afr. Pl. ed. , 422; Benth. ‘t Hook, f. a Pl. xiv. 34, # 1348. Carpha pigiawlle Steud. Nomencl. ed. 2,i1.800. Carex ea Herb. Drege, partly. Sourr Milena sg nity, R. Bro Ludwig ? eek s Drége, 8152 ! T ReEecion: Cape Div.; Table auik Ecklon, 853! 854! near own, Harvey, 196 par tly! © structure of the spikelet and flower in this awed is so exactly that of Carpha that it pen be better to sink the genus in Carpha XVIII. SCHENUS, Linn. partly. Spikelet of few (or not very many) glumes, lowest few (or several ) empty; 1-3 succeeding bisexual, nut-bearing, distichous (or nearly 80), distant on the axis of spikelet ; upper glumes close together, male ct empty ; the part of the axis bearing the fertile glumes is elongated, flexuose, so that the lowest nut stands in an =. or deep ; in. in diam., terete, rigid, without any node between the lowest bract and the sub-basal, non- fimbriate, bright orange-red leaf-sheaths ; leaves 4-8 by »—y; in., : : al the leaves, scarcely dilated at the base, lowest overtopping the lil aa ee q Tetraria.} CYPERACEX (Ciarke). 281 Coast Reaion: Cape Div.; near Cape Town, Harvey, 198! Stellenbosch Div. Ps eae Kop, Wallich ! hough the Fo eel is young, this plant must be a Tetraria, but it does not appear Sane allied to any other species. The inflorescence and bracts recall Ficinia monticola and “the neighbouring Ficinias 10. T. ae orm (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 661); glabrous except the glumes; rhizome + in 1-3 leaf-bearing nodes between the lowest bract and the basal leaves; basal leaf-sheaths pale-brown, fimbriate ; basal leaves 4-8 in. long, setaceous ; stem leaves similar, but shorter, from tight cylindric black sheaths ; panicle 3-5 in. long, lax, of 10-16 spikelets ; lowest bract: like the stem leaves ; peduncle exserted 1-3 in. ; spikelets subsolitary, + by + in., much compressed ; lower flower male with imperfect pistil ; pe 2-sexual, perfecting a nut; glumes manifestly distichous, broadly ovate, ‘obtuse, with minute white wool on the edge ; hypogynous bristles 4, hardly 4 the length of the nut, Do linear, minutely scabrid; stamens 3; anthers (of the genus) with sterile basal ears; nut t ripe) small, obovoid; style-base short, branches 3 linear, very papillose. Chaetospora Jimbriolata, Nees in Linnea, x, 191; Kunth, Enum, ii. 327; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 300, Sourn Arrica: paaewion locality, R. Brown! Ecklo Tt ReGion: Caledon Div.; Houw Hoek, 2500 Aa Schlechter, 7392! and without precise tneatieg, ps her, 81! hers Div.; mountains along the lower part of the Zonder Hinde River, Zeyher, 4429 ! a Tt: Ales (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr.-y. 661) ; glabrous; rhizome 1 in. in diam., horizontal; stems 12-18 in. long, tufted, eee * terete, with several leaf-bearing nodes between the lowest bract and the basal leaves; basal leaf- ‘sheaths brown, much fimbriate ; ; basal leaves 2-5 in. long , setaceous ; stem leaves Similar, but shorter, from tight cylindric black sheaths ; panicle 4~8 in, long, slender, lax, with capillary branches ; bracts like _ stem-leaves, much shorter than the panicle; s spikelets few, i ary, ~ in. long, lanceolate; glumes pale, ovate- lanceolate, Microscopically scabrous ; style 3-fid. Schaenus fasciatus, Lotth. Deser, et Ic. 67, t. 16, fig. 5. Elynanthus microstachyus, Boeck. in Linnea, XXXviil. 261 mainly. te a —— locality, R. Brown ! Drég 2500 tt, Ree pe Div. ; ee Bay, Robertson \ Dbedote Diy. ; Houw Hoek, Schleater, 390 | 73 All the xtigerd “ea are young; the above description is from the ida dar 2 ay >. Vahl, w ees identically with Drége’s ply sais chee s bb eth, Kew, ee ches founded his £. microstachyus on E. cuspidatus wre bb nately, » but his description applies to the nraenae plant only. “Unfort ortu- ¥ Es ey Drége, in his Documente, has omitted EB. cuspidatus bb altogether, so that its precise locality. canno the. sucebaaiaant: ned. 282 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [Tetraria. 12. T. capillacea (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 659); glabrous; rhizome % in. in diam., horizo ntal ; stems 12-18 i sg Re tufted, slender, terete, with usually 1 ‘ee bearing node eke the lowest ract and the basal leaves ; ; basal leaf-sheaths chestnut-brown and fimbriate ; basal leaves 5-11 in. long, seticeous ; en leaf srt, shorter, from a tight cylindric black sheath ; panic y 1-1 in., dense with somewhat numerous epikelets shuaenitl on very short erect rather rigid branches, lowest peduncle often long exserted; spikelets 1 in. long, ellipsoid, not much flattened; glumes distichous, ovate, acute, under the Schanus capillaceus, Thunb. ed. Schult. 93 Chetuspora capillacea, Nees in Linnea, x. 192; Kunth, Hnum. 32 ch. in Linnea, xxxviii. 305. , Drege in Linnea, xx. 251. C. flecuosa, var. B gracilis, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviil. 304. Sours Arrica: without eg rat ! Thunberg. Co Reeion: Swellendan , 80! Caledon Div.; Klein River Mountains, Zeyher, 4437! Houw Sak, 3000 ‘ft. , Schlechter, 7420! George Div. hear the osa has the panicle and spikelets very _ vag se of the present species, but has fine stea at of strictly setaceous so hardly =; in. in diam. at their base) .very much stouter leaves plano-convex near their base. 13. = aristata (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, — Fi. Afr. vy. 659); young spikelets linear- lanceolate ; wer-glumes Vivenitacohary aristate by curved ariste ze in. long; otherwia se as 7’. capillacea. Elynanthus aristatus, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 260. Chatospora capillacea =a abnormis), Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviil. pi sti osa, furma*, Nees in Linnea, x. 190. A: without locality Ecklon! in herb. Nees, Dréye! in herb. Sao Heklon and Zeyher No specimen in the Kew Lae ium. The gi ory aristate glumes are unlike those of the a rane. species. But the examples are all very Oo and it may be of T. pee a = Rae keler finally thought. The at growth ‘of ee aie in the moustrous state of T. pti osa sugg peat this explanation 14. T. Burmanni (C. B. Clarke in Durand and aes et FI. Atr. v. 659); glabrous ; — zy In. diam., ontal, stems 8-10 in, long, tufte , Slender, terete, with ss. hi leaves or bracts) scattered epi ieaks their length ; basal leaf-sheaths brown, more or less torn into fibre ; basal leaves 3-8 in. long, as broad at the base, flat but (when “aie rolle - stem-leaves and bracts similar, but shorter, from tight peer devi: brown or pale sheaths; panicle elongate, narrow, often carried down nearly to the base of the stem; branches axillary, 1—4 in, long, carrying near the . CYPERACEH (Clarke). 283 capillary plumose ferruginous according to Boeckeler; stamens 3; anthers of the genus hardly eared at the base; style 3-fid. Lepi- dosperma Burmanni, Spreng. Syst. i. 194, excluding syn.; Flora, 1829, i. Beil. 8. Chetospora Burmanni, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. ae " 9). 4- Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii, 302. C. circinalis a, Drége, Phan’ rengeogr. Documente, 171. Schanus Burmanni, Roem. et Schultes, Syst. Veg. ii, Mant. 528. S. aristatus, Steud. in Flora, 1829, 135, according to the pete cited, Schenopsis? Burmanni, Nees in Linnea, vii. 528 ; 86. rea H AFRICA: ren bing de Zeyher ! Ecklon and Zeyher, 11 T Reeron: Worcester Div. ; ae Kloof, 2000-3000 ft. ae 1634! “apa Div., 500-1600 tt., Zeyher, 10 9! Z 16. T. sy cea (C.B. Clarke in Darand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. 62); glabrous ; rhizome + in. diam., horizontal ; stems 12-16 i be, er ng, tufted, slender (rather stouter than in the 4 preceding Species), terete, with a leaf-bearing node between the eae -— dee an . iy in, stem-leaves and bracts much shorter, from cylindric tight aide or teddish sheaths ; ; panicle 4-10 by 3-1 in., with 12- 18 brown spikelets ; lowest peduncle exserted, 1-4 in. ; spikelets nearly + in. long, obtuse, ellipsoid, hardly at all flattened ; ” lower empty glumes 6-8; flower- glumes acute ; lower flower male with imperfect pistil, — bisexual, P apie 3 a nut; hypogynous bristles 3, linear, scabrid, as long as 6 young nut ; stamens 3; anthers (of the genus) chenes eared at she base; style linear, branches 3. Cyathocoma nigrovaginata, Nees in Linnea, x. 196; Dre ege in Linnea, xx. 250; Kunth, Enum, 1. 323 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvili. 313 ; Decalepis dregeana, Boeck. in Engl. Sah rb. v. 509. Sout # Nitrwn’ without locality, Dzége, 1615! Ecklon and Zeyher, 105! me oi N: Worcester Div. ; Brand Vley, Rehmann, 2421! Tulbagh iV. ; mountains near New Kloof, 2000 ft. MacOwan, Herb. Aust.-Afr., 1687! hear Talbagh. 2000 ft., Schlechter, 7463 ! 16. T. cy (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, aa: Fi. v. 6 labrous; rhizome + in. in — ontal ; stems 3-10 j in. long, tufted, ‘slightly angular in the rt, With nodes (bearing leaves or bracts) seattered eeaie their length ; basal sheath brown or sae fim via or caneellate ; basal leaves eee! as Jong as 7 as—k road ; paniele 2-6 eth on lng ere tee acute, tani or microscopi ial iiapid on the edges ; ; wer flower male with an imperfect pistil, upper 2-sexual, perfecting ‘284 cyPeRracez (Clarke). [ Tetraria. miorostachy ys, “Vahl, Enum. ii. 220, fide Kr dh " Chaetospora cir- cinalis, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 31, t. 3, fig. 2; Nees in Linnea, x. 191; Kunth, Enum. ii. 324 ; Boeck an “Linn, ZXXviii. 303 (?). bean AFRICA: eon Laaitivs Bergius Coast opm Cape Div.; Table sfovntain, 2500 ft., Bolus, 4643! Muizen Berg, 1100 Phen 4630! Camps Bay, Burchell. 337! Simons Bay, Wright, 425! Guleden’D ; on Donker Hoek pesos ee io 1! Houw Hoek, 2 ft, Schlechter, paae | 7390! 7426! Lowrys Pass, 2800 ft., peste 4833 ! Riversdale Div. ; hills near the Zoetemelks River, Surchell, 6801! Also in Tropical Africa. This plant, “e its neighbours, are exceedingly like prec rari, species of Schenus, an not e doubtless closely allied thereto, differing by the technicul -generic chara pe flower Span close together on the = of the spik eT Boeckeler deers his Chetospora circinalis as having a solitary stem and ciliat glumes, so the Cae “ie described from could hardly have been the pr esent sien, oF 17. T. flexuosa (C. B. Clarke in Durand =e Schinz, Conspect. basal es _— passione tu dark brown, more or less torn ; leaves often 8 by 351 ugh, harsh ; sheaths of the stem-leaves long, lose, eplinds ane panicle 4— 8-1 in,, compound, with short subere t branches ; spikelets elustered, ‘tut bec we or black, stamens 3; anthers (of the genus) shortly eared at the base; young pistil obovoid, eee by the (then relatively) large hemispheric style- base ; style linear, branches 3. Schenus fleauosus, Thunb. Pred. 16; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult.93. Chetospora flexuosa, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 33, in Obs. t. 3, fig. 3; Nees in Linnea, viii. 87 in Obs. + x. 190; Kunth, Enum. ii. 325; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 304. C. capillacea, var. B major, Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 306. Schaenopsis apie be in Linnea, vii. 528, Ba a (C. at ieee in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v- ee) ; *piklets hice in. long, lanceolate, in a monstrous state from the ect ofa Soutu oss without hosianie Sieber ! Bergius! Verreauz Coa _ REGION: Cape Table Mounta lt - — erg, ae hel i j Rehman, 615! Cn ide tes resets Hoe gtctire ‘schlcher, yaa r. B: Caledon Div.; Nieuw Kloo: ouw Hock hiversdale Div. ; lower part of the ake ee shen 'the eoty at ’ Valley Rivers Poort, barakel. 7000 ! Sn eRe Oa ee eS Tetraria.] cyperace® (Clarke). 285: The examples of var. 8, being destroyed by smut, are doubtfully determined, and may belong to T. circinalis. The spikelets would do for those of 7. circinalis, but the tall stems 16-30 in. high are more like those of 7. flexuosa. / 18. T. robusta (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr, v, 662); glabrous; stems 3 ft. long, stout, trigonous, nearly smooth, with a leaf-bearing node far above the base ; basal leaf-sheaths entire, firm; leaves 10-20 by 1-1 in., stout, flat; panicle 12-18 by { like the stem-leaves, not overtopping the panicle ; spikelets 2 by + in., slightly compressed, hard dull-brown ; empty glumes 6-8, distichous ; acu an imperfect. pistil, upper 2-sexual, perfecting a nut; hypogynous bristles 3-4, small, linear, scabrous ; stamens 3; anthers linear- pistil obovoid ; style-base confluent with the young nut; style linear, branches 3 linear, Chietospora robusta, Kunth, Enum. li. 325; Boeck. in Linnea, xxviii. 306. Coast Reeron : Humansdorp Div.; mountains near the Kromme River, 1000~ 2000 tt., Drage, 7375! This plant is quite different from the preceding and naturally belongs to the next series, but the glumes are not aristate. 19. T. thermalis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. y, 663); glabrous; rhizome stout, horizontal, woody; stem stout, scabrous on the margins ; sheaths entire, firm; stem-leaves Similar but, smaller, from cylindric sheaths, passing into the similar tacts; panicle 12-24 by 1-2 in., of numerous axillary branches, somewhat nodding at the top; spikelets dusky-brown, clustered in the axils of secondary ovate-lanceolate bracts, } in. long, elliptic- lanceolate ; empty lower glumes about 6, 4 in. long, subdistichous, long acuminate, acute, puberulous ; lower flower male, with an im- » Up to 4 in. long, subulate, white, scabrid (not dilated at the ase hor feathered) ; stamens 3 ; anthers of the genus with small sterile basal ears; style-base when young ovoid, broader than the young Pistil, scabrous, ultimately contracted into a small boss at the top ot the large nut ; nut (including the stalk) nearly 34 in. long, ovoid, Linn. herb, propr. §. thermalis, Linn. Mant. 179; Thunb. Prod 17; Fi. Cap. ed. Schult. 95; not of Rotth. Lepidosperma thermale, nal. Fl. Cap. 38, t. 4, fig. 5; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvili. Sclerochetium thermale, Nees in Linnea, viii. 88 ; x. 198; Kunth, Enum. ii. 321 in small part. S. giganteum, Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum., ii, 159, S00TH A¥Rica: without locality, Ecklon and Zeyher, 111! Nelson! Coast Region : Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Thunberg, Rehmann, 614! Bolus, 4717 Caledon Div.; near the Palmiet River and Houw Hoek, 1000- 286 CYPERACEH (Clarke). [ Tetrarid. 2000 ft., Drége, 3965b! mountains of Baviaans Kloof, near oe Bur- chell, 7780! Klein River Mountains, 1000-2000 ft., Zeyher, 439! Riversdale Div. ; lower part of the Lange Bergen, near Kampsche e Berg, Burchell, 6957! eximia (C. e Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. FI. 661); leaves 1—1 in. broad; hypogynous bristles about 4, small, reat she white- ets style- base hemispheric, nearly smooth, confluent with the young pistil; otherwise as though a very slender 8 Sourn Arr ICA: hana? ee cota 315! Coser Reeion: Cupe Div.; F y, Robertson ! d leaf are bine ei me those of T. thermalis, the spikelets (and clusters of them) nearly as large. 21. T. triangularis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. F]. Afr. v. 663) ; stem of medium thickness, acutely triangular; leaves % in. broad ; panicle 8 by 1 in., wild thin, of about 12 subs olitary bright ferru uginous-brown spikelets; otherwise as though a very slender T’. thermalis. ype anne triangulare, Boeck. in Linnea, XXXvili. 336. Sour ~ rele without locality, Ecklon and Zeyher (ex Boeckeler). Coast Region: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, Burchell, 659! The ese of this species are exceedingly young; it is clearly so allied to T. therm 22. T. secans (C. B. Clarke in pg aa and Schinz, idiot Fi. Afr. v. 663); glabrous ; stems 3—4 ft. (or more) long, trigonous, with nodes scattered throughout their Lesa: teal sheaths, e entire, firm ; leaves 12-20 by 2 in., but above the base soon narrowed, long acumi- nate caudate “ cutting like a knife” (Burchell note) ; stem-leaves similar but shorter, passing into the similar shorter bracts ; panicle 12-16 by 1-} in., compound with very numerous clustered spikelets ; spikelets 4 in. long, ellipsoid, dusky-brown, lower empty glumes 6-5, aristate, scarious-edged, somewhat puberulous; lower flower male, with an imperfect pistil, upper xp perfecting a nut ; hypogynous bristles 0; stamens 3; anthers o e genus scarcely "eared at the base ; nut, es the short stalk, nearly 4 in. long, ovoid-ellipsoid, smooth, bony; style-base when young large, pyramidal, hispid, but in the ripe nut nearly absorbed. Coast Region: Curgs Div.; in and near the forest vy the Touw River, Burchell, 5712! 5733! be ~ = yo hge? (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. 7 v. 662); glabrous; rhizome very short, woody; stems 3-4 . i tufted, terete, with no odes (bearing leaves or bracts) scattered Dimeghions their length ; basal leaf-sheaths fim riate ; leaves 12 by 2 in., “tough, stem-leaves and bracts similar, shorter ; ” panicle some- ae in appearance simple, 12 by 1 in., with a single pedun cled compound with 1-3 peduncles, up to 4 in. long, each bearing @ nen of compound heads ; compound heads of kes often 1 ‘by 3 ye Fl. Afr. Tetraria.] CYPERACER (Clarke). 287 grey-brown, with many aristate secondary bracts ; spikelets 1 in. long, ellipsoid, acute, often more or less white scarious at the top ; empty nut, including the stalk, 2+ in. long, ovoid, smooth, hard, finally dusky-black ; style-base ultimately a depressed boss; style linear long, branches 3 (Schrader says 2, which ‘has not been verified even asanaccident). Schwnus oo Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 267 partly. 8. bromoides, Lam. Ill. i. 137; Encye. fer according to Schrader. Schenus sp.n. 83, Rott. Deser. et Ic. 63, te 8, fig. 2. Lepidotosperma Leottbeellit, Schr al. in Roem. et Schultes, es Veg. ii. Mant. ig Lepidosper ma Kottbellii, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap, 37, t. 4, fig. 4 oeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 335. L. thermale, arti Syst. i 198 Marivhictacn thermale, Nees in Linnea, vii. 512 partly; Kunth, wm. li. 321 mostly. S. Rottbeli, Nees in Linnea, viii. 88 ; 198. §, ener Nees ex Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 763. FRICA: te Legioney — eo Thom, 1022! Chamisso, 217! Eetlon Aeete Zeyher, 109!110! d EGION: Bive Div.; near Phone “Town, yeaa Ergon 1183 ; Siestantia, Wallich, 141! Devils Mountain, Rehm mps Bay, Burchell, ay babe Div.; Paarl pean ae 100 mea a pees 7376! Worcester ountains above Worcester, Rehmann, 2553! Stellenbosch Div. near Sellen, 200 ft., Bolus, 2863 ! hypogynous bristles in this species and in T, involucrata resemble greatly ia of the closely-allied Australian genus Lepidosperma, 24. T. cag ay (C. B, Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr 63) ; hardly attaining 3 in. in breadth; com- Pound spikes 2 by 2 in.; young spikelets ferruginous ; otherwise as Fagottballii, Pet, en angustifolium, Hochst. in Flora, 1815, Soutr ae without Songs Thom! Bau 48T REGION: Cape Div. ; Constantia, Foss Falze Bay, Robertson! near Cape Town, Revaian 1183! ae seen are all very y _—_ rs r. Rottba The general mppesranee = diflere in the J ciate compo _ eads of series nad, spikelet 5. T. - Involucrata (C, B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Vv. 661) ; panicle very compound ; with often several peduncles from each leaf-sheath ; spikelets smaller than those of 7’. Rottballit nd in ver ry much amalieg clusters (only 1-4 together) ; otherwise much as T. Rotthellii. Schonus involueratus, Rottb. Deser. et Jc. 64, s 19, fig. pidosperma involucratum, Spreng. Syst. i. 194; chrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 35; Boeck. in Linnea, esha 334. Belerv- Chetium tnvolucratum, Nees in Linnea, vii. 511 Sourn AFnica: without locality, Zeyher, 4438! Sieber 231. 288 cypERAcE® (Clarke), [ Tetraria. Coast Raion : Cape Div. ; between Rondebosch and Hout Bay, Drége! Tul- bagh Div. ; on the Witsen Bere, reat 8698! j hae Div.; Du hae Kloof, ab ne 1000- ége! mo orcest: ; we 95! Caledon Div.; arorces of “Bavians Kloof, n near Ge enad er —. 7765! or Div. ; on the summit of a mountain ak near Seuleanaa: Burchell, pea 7364! Riversc isle Div. ; tae er ihe of the Lange ee above the waterfall at Valley Rivers Poort, near Kampsche Berg, Burchell, 7015! 26. T. spiralis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 663); leaves very narrowly linear ; hypogynous bristles short, feathered ; otherwise as as 7. involucrata. Sclerochetium spirale, Hochst. i Flora, i 761. Lepisia ustulata, Hochst. in Flora, 1845, 761, not of Pre Coast Region: Caledon Div.; mountain summits near Genadendal, Krauss. I have not seen Krauss’ plant, but the fae oe is very full and good. ith eed agrees, perfe ectly so far as it goes, Bur 986, collected on the Post Berg 8 in the bas gid, the bac i caine “Whether ‘Burchell’s | 5986 is posse the ‘Selerocheet ium ag of Hoch- tetter or no, it indicates a species close volucrata, pa adeadtnel. unless Hochstetter’s description of S. spirale be its sonetigeot - 27. T. ustulata (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 664) ; glabrous; horizontal rhizome slender but woody ; stems often clustered, 15-30 in. long, slender, terete, striate, thick, globose and woody at the base, with nodes between the panicle and asal leaves ; basal leaf-sheaths a rich brown, fimbriate and usually am basal leaves ane long, setaceous, i.e. close to the base n. diam., nearly terete, woke elled ; stem-leaves ae lower at nites but shorter, pa black cylindric tight sheaths ; panicle 3-7 —1t in., of about 2-8 fine-brown -compoun heads; spikelets rather loosely clustered in the heads, 2 in. long; lower flower male, with an imperfect pistil, upper 2-sexual, perfecting a nut ; lower empty glumes 5-6, distichous, conspicuously aristate ; hypog Aye ee or most minute ; ; stamens 3 or 4; style-branches 3 or 4; clud- ing its stalk nearly 1 in. long, broad ellipsoid, ston mewhat wrinkled. or obscurely longitudinally ribbed ; style-base *aitimately) small, pyramidal, scabrous, pea with the nut. Schenus ustulatus, Linn. Mant. 178; Thunb. Prod. 16; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult., 93 ; Nees in Linnea, Vii. 527, excluding syn. "8 capillaceus Thunb. Scheenus n. 82, Rottb. Descr. et Ic. 63, t.18, fig.1. Lepisia ustulata, Presl, — Bot. 10, t.5; Kunth, Enum. ii. 308. Elynanthus ustulatus, Nees 1% Linnea, x. 189, 207 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 260. wae AFRICA: without locality, Sieder, 117! ! Thom, 1025! Grey, 50! Papp’ nies Rreaton: Cape D rie Cape Town, Thunberg, Burchell, 926! Camps Bay, Zeyher, 1780! ‘Seek 365! (Sie Bay, Wright, 523! Table Mountain, Zeyher, 89! Pienaar es 617! False Bay, Robertson mountain tops Kloof ‘ u a p - . Aust. 3 ai Diy. ; Dutoits Kloof, tid oe Riki sec Mountains near ree Kloof, 1600 ft., Bolus, 4079! e Worcester, ‘Rehman, 2554! Caledon Div.; Houw Hoek, 1500 ft. "Schlechter. 7445 ! aaa, A I a at Tetraria. } cYrerace® (Clarke). 289 | HA 28.T. compar (Lestib. Essai Cyp. 1819, 36) ; glabrous; rhizome short, horizontal; stems 8-30 in. long, tuft d, medium-sized, terete, without nodes between the panicle and basal leaves ; leaf. sheaths coloured, with searious edges, not fim aspen leaves 4-12 b at the base ; qe sil by 2 in., nearly sessile, erect, rigid, a fine rown, often viscid ; empty lower glumes 4—5, ovate hardly acute, distichous, rigid; lower flower male, with imperfect pistil (or sometimes . low er sowers iene ; we 2- we BS hae a nut; iti bearing aes anthers tae nearly 2 in. long, with "libs smooth, very minutely reticulated ; style er branches 3 or 4, long, linear.” Schcenus compar, Linn. Mant.177 ; Thunb. Prod. a l. Cap. ed. Schult. 93. 8S. arenarius, Schrad. ia Fl. Cap. 2 t.4, fig.2. S. viscosus, Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 26. Schanus sp.n. 35; Rotto, Deser, et Te. 65, 4.18, fig. 4. BRhynchospora nitida, Spreng. Neue Exntad. iii, — Syst. i. 195. Elynanthus compar, Nees in Linnea, vii. 520; . 187; ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 308 ; Boeck. in Linnea, XXXxViii, 255, A arenarius, Nees in Linnea, i ix. 298. LE. viscosus, Nees in Linnea, x. 186 So FRICA: without as Thunberg, Siever, 106! Verreaux! Ecklon! Ecklon ang Zeyher, 101! : Coast Region: Cape Div.; Cape Flats, Pappe / Table Mountain, Drége, 198! Burchell, 8417! Relieona, 613! 620! Bolus, 4642! False Bay, Robertson! Con- Stantia, Zeyher, 85! Tulbagh Diy.; mountain tops near New por 2000 ft., Quan, Herb. Aust.-Afr., 1685! Worcester Div. 3 Dintatte Ieloo 2000-4 4000 f., Drége! Caledon Div.; Houw Hlosk, 2000-2500 ft., Sc Srey 7383! 7413 ! Riversdale D Div. ; lower part of t ange pg one gall’ the waterfall at Valley Rivers Poort, near Kampsche Berg, Burhe lu, 6990! . 29. T. Thuarii (Beauv. in Mém. Inst. Fr. 1812 [ed. 1816] mA BS) : glabrous; stem 11-3 ft. long, obscurely trigonous, with 1 or 2 2 eylindric sheaths between the panicle and basal leaves; stem-leaf 12-24 $72 In.; panicle 12 by 1-2 in,, compound, with numerous erect branches and spikelets; bracts similar to the stem-leaf but shorter ; spikelets approximate but hardly clustered, nearly 3 by usky-br the nut, linear, scabrous ; style-branches 3 or 4; nut obovoid, ees style-base confluent with it, ne white, auger hispid. * ile ay Ecklonii, Nees in Linnea, ix. 300; x. 195; Kunth, Enum. 323; Boeck. in Linnea, unt 5 311. Tides capensis, Kauih, ‘Sewn i. 311. oe 3) 8 satiiee ys eae (C. a 2-00 in. Mae wieh Durand mela ecient bate ae it OL. vir, 290 cyperace® (Clarke). [Tetraria. very narrow, soa almost threadlike, terete, but rigid; panicle 4-6 in. long, with 10-40 spikelets; spikelets red-brown, more deeply coloured chon in T. Thwarit peat Sours Actas withont locality, Burke ! Pappe! st Region: Clanwilliam Div. ; ergen, on sand-flats near eer Bank, 3 ft., Drege, 2448! Lambe oek, r Clanwi as bi. Tulbagh Diy. ; damp places at the re vi =< ountains around New 850 MacOw Herb. Aust.-Afr., ar Tulbagh, 600 ft., innit eat ia; ened Div. cong and Zeyher, 108 ! AST w Reet ; Var. B: eh ete Bachmann, 76! 7 The Bi t Kew for comparison; but from - deri as also from te locality, it sbi probably be some very distinct speci 30. T. punctoria (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 662); glabrous; stem 3 ft. long, terete, striate, often wit tha node between the base and panicle ; basal lea- sheaths entire ; “ upper- most go a terete leaf often as long as the stem ” (Boeck eler) ; panicle n., compound, rather dense, of 15-30 dull-brown spikelets ; ; the base; nut (including its stalk) nearly { in. long, ellipsoid scarcely trigonous ; ie -base fused with the nut as a boss; style branches 6 (or 8) long. Schenus pericnies, Vahl, Enum. ii. 211. Choetospora ‘punctoria, Dietr. Sp. Pl. ii. 28 (cf. Schrad. Anal. Fl. Cap. 33 in note), Buekia punctoria, Nees in Linnea, x. 197; Kunth, Enum. ii. 310 ; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxviii. 310. Sours nies without locality, Ecklon ond. —— 104! Masson ! Verreauc! Di Region: Cape Div. ee en Wynberg and Const: ns Burchell, 818! between Wyner tay Hout Bay, below 1000 ft., Drége! ‘Table Mountain, Zeyher, ay, Robertson? Stellenbos sch Div. ; Lowrys Pas eg he 4835!" on without precise locality, fe ell ! Tulba gh Div. ; at the mountains near New Kloof, n Her ages t.-Afr , 1688! uke Div.; mountains of Baviaans Kloof, ear mi eit eaakel ‘7892 | ! 31. T. MacOwani (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, ena Fl. Afr. v. 661); glabrous or nearly so; rhizome woody; stem: 2 ft. long, acutely triquetrous, with nodes “between the basal aves 5 and panicle ; basal leaves numerous, nearly as long as the stem, + in, and more wide, but much rolled up when dry even at the base, long oO bract but very much shorter; penis 10 by Lin., lax, thin, of 8-20 dull- brown spikelets; spikelets 2 by 2 in.; glumes ovate ; keel green, hardl excurrent ; lower flower male, with imperfect pistil ; upper 2-sexus perfect ; hy pogynous bristles very small, linear, smooth ; stam : anthers crested; nut (including its stalk) 1 in. long, ellipsoid. obscurely 3- (or 4-) gonous; style short, linear, branches 6 (0F 8) ong. Cheetospora hexandra, Boeck. in Flora, 1878, 37. CentRaL Reeion: Somerset Div.; on the summit of Bosch Berg, 4800 ft. Pete’ tinea 1864! | | Mavrocheetium.] CYPERACEH (Clarke). 291 XXII. MACROCHATIUM, Steud. an upper male ee se eh sometimes a added. HH pogynous bristles 6, long, linear. Stamens 6. Style with a dilated base forming a bea on the nut, song pie, branches 3 long. Nut rather small, obovoid trigonous, sess Species 1, sient, with the habit of on ral nia we Tetraria ; from which it differs in tiie ew non-distichous glum t flower perfecting a nut. It differs rel Carpha and Costularia i ae 6 ‘etiaens: —_ o Ke 7 Dregei (Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum. ii. 159); glabrous; rhizome or basa nagar woody, thick ; stem 1-3 ft. long, stout, terete, striate ; 12 by 2 in., stout, striate, subdistichous, sheaths striate ; panicle often 1 or 2 ft. long, 1-3 in. broad; branches lowest sometimes near the base of the stem ; lowest bract like the leaves, but — shorter; spikelets almost. peered, chestnut-red, + in. long more, ellipsoid, of 4 (or atistate, next glume ovate-oblong, obtuse, containing a perfect nut- se eunys Se next glume similar to this, but bearing a scale flower “Pian bristles 6, linear, longer than the nut (including it el) lind) abrous-hairy ; nut sessile, including the style-base Kunth, Hinum. ii. 311. Cyathocoma Neesii, ia - Linnea, XXXViii, 312. Elynanthus Kraussii, Krauss in Flora 761. 1 “Pilg AFRICA: i locality, Burke! Drége, 3944! Eclion ye Zeyher, O71! Pappe! Vervea te ie Te Region : Peat Div. ; near Swellendam, 1000-4000 ft., Zeyher, B, ! Riversdale Div.; at the foot of the Lange Bergen, near rence Bare, wrchell, 71421 Uitenhage Div. ; Van Stadens Mountains, "MacOwan, 2020! XXIII. CLADIUM, P. Browne. 1 Spikelet of 4-11 spirally imbricate glumes, with 1-~7 flowers, the hee bisexual perfecting a nut. Stamens 3-2. Style linear, pein 3 long; base dilated, oo confluent with the nut. ut medium-sized, ovoid, trigono Spec nearly yo dere Insular or near the sea; one in South Africa, which is oe C. Mariscus (R. Br. Prod, 236); glabrous, stoloniferous ; ; m 3-8 ft. long, stout, roundish, with nodes (beari ng jeaves or . by Scab; in., tough, b “¢ Lag ae the hand) on the margins and keel ; panicle 1—2 ft. ¥%-5 in, of numerous axillary compound (often dense) corymbs ; u2 292 cyprraces (Clarke). ic s ) (or according to authors sometimes 3); nu essile, a oe 4 ne i. 75, t. 5, fig. 7 ne C. Mariscus, Kunth, Enum. ii. 303 : ar: an Linnea, XXXViil. 932. Schenus Mariscus, Linn, Sp. Plant. ed. ui. 62; Sowerby, Engl. Bot. t. 950. — Coast Recion: Uitenhage Div.; Van Stadens River, below 200 ft., Drege, 3954! aie elizabeth Div. ; banks of the Krakakama River i . = MacOwan! Kata : Griqualand West: Herbert Div.; a er Campbell, Burchell, hry at ae Marloth, 1000! Edel ir ae 4040! 4484! TERN ReGion: Natal; Umlaas River, Krauss, 162! Clairmont, 150 ft., Wood, 3846! Widely dispersed in warm and t t t o XXIV. CHRYSITHRIX, Linn. Spikelets several, 1-flowered, 1-sexual, in a dense spike; central terminal flower a pistil without bracts, surrounded by numerous linear bracts, some empty, a few carrying 1 stamen each. ypo- gynous Mristles 0. Anther linear, with long linear crest. Style long, linear, not dilated at the base, branches “3 linear, Nut ovoid, subglobose, ait longitudinally many-striate. Stem without nodes, except close to the base ; head 1, lateral, of a few spikes, pope ako i coloured broad bracts ; lowest bract as though a continuation 0 DistRiB. ‘Guess endemic. This is the pri ers of the Sub-Order Mapaniew prio in South Africa ; and in this, as in a e Mapaniee, Bentham (G en. Pl. iii. 1057) « nig - ig cribed is eo sterile brace s, 1 or 2 at least, which come Se best the geese secre h i ’ e arti view s hardly possible; and it is negatived also by the og of the at ¢ the spikes made a "Goebel ae Jard. Buitenz. vii. 128 Leaves flat... ee : ; igh CL ee Leaves terete ... eae Pe) pearson ae 1. C. capensis (Linn. ek. 304 t), Sinbeuse: rhizome, stout, woody, ne clothed by hard ovate striate bro wired scales } in. lo stem 12-20 in. long, rather slender, Lovie cee mooth, slencerly striated, me flattened ag the head ; leaves 2 the len th of the stem, ;};-} in. broad except near the folde base, falcate, with no midrib Lair near the folded base ; lowest bract 2-4 in, Jong, erect, similar to the leaves, from a folded base; head 3-2 by 3-5 im» enclosed by ovate obtuse shining chestnut or black. red “bracts ; inner bracts 2 in. long; . long. Zhunb. Fl. Cap. ed. ‘Schult. 431; Nees in Linnea, vii. 537; xi 14465 igs Enum. ii. 3655 hrysithriz. | CYPERACES (Clarke). 293. Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 139. Wildenovia pale hy — in Flora, 1829, 134 (ef. Nees in Linneea, vii. 619) not of Thu Var, : subteres (C. B. Clarke in ee and Schinz, Conspect. ca Pee Ve 668); stem round- “trigonou s at the top, obscurely sle a fy striated; leaves long, ie row. C. jwnciformis, Drage in Linnea, xx. 251 partly. os Arica esa bias: a Pil to! ag ey Coast Reer Ca Cap in front Table Mountain, Thunberg, Table Mountain, pie ell, re Or eae ie to Rehmann, 76! Swellendam aon 3; near Swellen ndam, 1000-4000 ft., Zeyher, 4424b! Riversdale ae on the Pisaae e Berg, Burchell, 7082 George Div.; on the Post Berg, t George, Burchell, 5948! near George, 1 060-2000 fhe Drége , 8942b! Var. B: sala Div. ; ; Dutoits Kloof, 3000-4000 ft., Drége, 3942a "), 2. C. junciformis (Nees in Linnea, x. 144); stem throughout its Whole length terete, strongly striated; leaves terete, resembling barren stems ; otherwise as C. capensis, Linn, Kunt hy Enum, ii. 365; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxvii. 140. Coasr Region: Riversdale Diy. ; summit of Kampsche Berg, Burchell, 7103! XXV. SCLERIA, Berg. Flowers all 1-sexual. Spikelets bisexual or unisexual ; bisexual spikelets of 1 basal female flower, and 1 or more male flowers above ; uni concave, open, i.e. margins not ene y pogynous bristles 0. Stamens 3-1 ; anthers linear- oblong, often mucronate. von wig hot dilated at the base, branches 3 linear. Nut bony, ovoid, on Se PRs 3 3 apex of gynophore often dilated into : ‘disc, eae ttgonous, or compound, or with evolute lobes. Stems with nodes throughout their pen ch emia trigonous; leaves and irr at the base a, the stem, narrow, often very scabrous at the edges, mg. _ Dera. Species 160; common in Tropical, e.g in warm Temperat ns, extending to Lake Ontario ait New Zealand, but absent from a and the whole Mediterranean and Orient Region. sabgenus a ne Spikelets many 2-sexual ; margin annular yee minute, or ha rdly any. Phy es nder or cely medium-sized, With slender woody horizontal rhizomes (in the Cape species), very narrow leaves and small Spikelets, Clusters of — usually distant on a nearly ndivided g Spikelets ae tNE in fruit : lleaves sho: an se rt ‘ , .»» (1) hirtella. leaves long .., ies iat ... (2) catophylla. ro tem slende: e base... ... (3) meyeriana. Stem with a gina bulb at the base ... (4) Buchanani, 294 cypERrace® (Clarke). [ Scleria. Clusters of spikelets sessile on a more or less compound pani Panicle slender with few branches onger than broad... ae ... (5) dregeana. broader than long ... ee ... (6) Rehmanni, Nut Panicle com mpoun Panicle lax with longer branches... (7) Woodii. Phatiale at touter, more rigid ... (8) holcoides, a II. Evsorerta. spikelts aa snisexua of disc entire ith 3 rounded lobes Plaats stouter than in the Sub genus ees oporu m, leaves broader and tapering pare to the ” Nut large, ovoid, smooth, one often black- tipp .. (9) melanomphala. Nut medium-sized, ellipsoid, “strongly reti- culated . (10) natalensis. Subgenus III, Seinen. Spikelet ts all ‘usual 3 margin of dise with many lanceolate lobes. Plan out, leaves broad, ste iaasie premorse at nneqeal a, from the . (11) angusta. 1. S. hirtella aig Prod. 19); hairy, sometimes only je inflorescence ; rhizome }—1 in. in diam., horizontal, woody ; stem 8-20 in. long, x very slender at the _baso, w with distant nearly leafless sheaths; leaves 6-10 by 5 lower gradually shorter ; spike 2-5 in. long ; clehers of Piles 1_] in. apart, drooping, at least when ripening; spikelets 1—1 in. long, m bisexual; nut 3,—;}; in., ovoid, surge -trigonous, white, smooth, s se (but see var. £) ; gyno hore obpyramidal, margin obscurely 3-lohe , confluent with the nut, dise scarcely discernible. FJ. Ind. Occid. ti. in Di Enum, ii. 352. Hypoporum hir tellum, Nees in Linncedy i R. B Herinsianiye whim ex C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, —— Fl. ys v. 671); n mewhat — bee ne wa vy ribs, not shini _— Siang : "Kou gha Div. ; m f the er, Flanagan, 2363 Karnanari R tre svaal; Magalies Berg, fepler, 1758! Var. B: Tennsvals Miealion’ Bens, Burke, 62! Lesher , 233 ASTERN : Pondoland or aie between the Umtentu and Umzimkulu Rivers, below 500 yf, Dré “9 ? The typical form is also found in Tropical Africa and America. 2. &. ripe (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 670); basal leaves close together, elongate, with h long hair and ‘eel margins in the dry specimens ; otherwise a8 S. hirtella. Easteen ReGion: Natal; Clairmont, Wood 1423! Also in Tropical Africa. 3. S8. meyeriana (Kunth, Enum. ii. 354); clusters of Y aie erect even in fruit ; otherwise as 8. hirtella, Sw. Boeck. 2 n Linnea. xxxviil. 441. Scleria.] CYPERACEH (Clarke). 295 ALAHARI hae Bechuanaland; near the source of the Kuruman River, Durche 2 TERN eet Pondoland, Drége, 4364! Ate la. early glabrous, whereas 8. gteget is ta ; the spikelets are ferruginous with green marks, a colour not seen in S. h 4. 8. Buchanani (Boeck. Cyp. Nova i. 33, character emended) ; stems with a bulbous woody thickening at the ‘base, 2 1-1 in, in diam. ; otherwise as S. meyeriana. Eastern Recion: Tembuland; Umnyolo, 3500 ft., Bawr, 759! Pondoland, hide, ph rg | Also in Tropical Africa and Madagascar. 5. 8. dregeana (Kunth, Enum. ii. 354); sparingly hairy ; rhizome slender, creeping, woody, branching ; stems 12~30 in, long, slender, at ae base very slender with distant short leaves; leaves 12 by Te—isz in. ; spike 1-5 in. long, with 1 or 2 branches at the base or nearly unbranched; clusters ‘of aes 4—] in. — erect, Town or nearly black; spikelets nearly + in. long, many 2-sexual ; - . 1 shining, smooth or somewhat rough on the ae gynophore obpyramidal, disc obscure. Boeck. in Linne@a, xxxviii. 443. setulosa, Boeck. Cyp. Nove, i. 33, Coast Recion : Komgha Div. ; marshy places near Komgha, 2000 ft., Flanagan, 1260! Stockenstrom Div.; Kat Bere 4000-5000 ft., Dréye, 3943! ALAHARI REGION: Bastuland, Coope er, 3 a. EASTERN EaGiom 3 Tombuland : : Basan: pclae ft., Bawr, 311! Pondoland, Bachmann, Also in re Tropical The faci collected Ss mn, 9 oe has no ripe nut, therefore it is difficult to say if it may not be S. m 6. S. Rehmanni (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 674) ; spike more branched ; spikelets 3—} in. long, ee brown; nut minute, a ta (broader ‘than long) penis shining ; otherwise as S. dre regea Katanart Region; Transvaal ; nanaek Rehmann, 5626 - . Woodii (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. nicle compound, lax, with capillary branches ; spikelets 3 in Le about + in. long, pale brown or rusty brown ; racts and bractlets (lowest empty glumes) aristate ; nut obovoid, tather longer than ie white, smooth or obscurely reticulate ; otherwise as S. dregea Coast Region: Komgh a Div., Flanagan, 954! AHARI REGION: Ora e Free State; Drakens Berg Range, Ansar! a sgtmeor 114! adi Oliphants I 5000 ft., Se hlech ASTERN ReGIon: Natal; Biggars Berg, 4000 ft., Wood, ‘er T (pikelots monstrous, grown out) ; Zululand; near ei River, Wood, 3994 Also in Angola and Madagascar, 296 cyPerace® (Clarke). [ Scleria. . S. holeoides (Kunth, Enum. ii. 354) ; pealy glabrous, except the ‘leaf-sheaths ; rhizome horizontal, woody; stems 18-30 in. long, somewhat stouter ey in ie of the 7 precedi a species ; slenderer at the as Sys basal leaf-sheaths distant, nearly leafless; leaves ; panicle 3-4 by 1-2 in, compound, usually more rigid and ne than in any of the preceding species ; spikelets eu & o ey oO & Ble ee B po ° i=) a bart = we et e om Ler | ° FI S 5 > =) Soe o mM eG midal, diso ly discernible. Boeck, in ee XXXVIil Bast ReGion: Pondoland or Natal; between Umtentu River and Uunzinkl River, helo ow 500 ft., Drége, 4381! Natal; Durban Vat, Buchanan, ! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 349! . S. melanomphala (Kunth, Enum. ii. 345) ; ; pee meas canis the oe rhizome creeping, +45 in. diam ody 5 nearly smooth ; aves up to "ft, by 2 in., somewhat 3- sig a edges scabrous, cutting the hand ; partial panicles 1-3, 3 by 2 rather dense, long-peduncled ; spikelets all unisexual ; ‘female i in. n. long ; male rather longer, : several flowered, chestnut- brown ; nut § in. long, black’ style base is con uent) 3 gynophore pon eylinds dise . 476. S.m 572, but not S. macrantha, Boeck. in 5 ai 1858, 647. Coast Re@ton: Komgha Div.; Kei River, Flanagan, 988! EasTERN REGION: ‘Tembul one between the Bashee River and Mor 1000-2000 ft., Drége, 4369! Pondoland, Buchmann, 124! Natal; Coast- Kae Izikane, below 1000 ft., Sutherland! Inanda, Wood, 1597! near the Umlass iver, Krauss, 42! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 351! Also in Tropical Africa and the Mascarene Islands. S. natalensis (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 67 3) ; medium-sized; nut =, in. long, fenestrate ; dise (at the apex of the gynophore) of 3 broad, short, rounded, subreflexed white, earshaped lobes ; otherwise as S. melan omphal a Por Sieteen REGION : Natal, Buchanan, 352! Gerrard, 450! Rehmann, 8000! Closely allied to S. melanomphala, of similar habit and ragged panicles ; but not likely to be mistaken for it, as it is considerably smaller in all its p 11. 8. angusta (Nees in Linnia, ix. 303); nearly glabrous; rhizome }~} in. in diam., horizontal, woody, slothied by chestnut-red ovate striate scales } in. long; stem often 3 ft. high; leaves and bracts triquetrous or almost 3-winged ; leaves 1-2 ft. by 4—2 in., 3-nerved, the marginal portions (outside t the 2 strong lateral i oreo compan corymbs ; spikelets all 1-sexual, 1 in. long, pale; nut /;—;'; in. long, ovoid, smooth, white or purpurascent ; gynophore Scleria.] c¥PERACEE (Clarke). 297 obconic, ae black-purple, glandular with a short scarious white 3-lobed e ge {outer = bi anthers) dise aheve Jp byglm (inner l reaching about half te height of the nab. ‘aan. Sr. il. 346 ; sn in Linn@a, Xxxviii. RN on: Pondoland or ah atal; between the Umtentu and Umzim- ku a Bian tak 500 ft., Dré age, — Na tal; Ungoya Forest, in a swamp, Wood, 3863 | Balan Bay, "Jane Also in Madagascar. XXVI. ERIOSPORA, A. Rich. Spikelets very small, 2-3-flowered, collected in close spikes resermbling the spikelets of Scirpus, mostly oe about 4-glumed ; owest flower female, upper 1-2 male. lei es ovate, boat-shaped, vbscurely distichous, lowest empty, A fem Hypogynous bristles numerous, linear, tamens 3-1; anthers a crested, Nut ovoid, trigonous, passing gradually into the pana fi style-base ; linear part of the style short, nario branches 3 long. Perennials with linear leaves; stems with nodes bearing leaves or bracts panicle oblong usally args tag lax, smaller in the South African species, with slender peduncles , oe Satie ra prea through Tropical Africa and the Mascarene siahds, . E. rehmanniana (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Con- one Fl. Afr. v. 676); nearly glabrous, rather slender; rhizome ure leaves 8-10 in. long, setaceous, subtrigonous in section; mouths of the split sheaths bearded by many white hairs ; panicle 2~3 in. long, lax, with 8-16 spikes ; lower bract like the stem leaf, but only 1-2 m. long ; spikes 2 in. long, ellipsoid, dense with very many spirally- i in. long, ellipsoi rather stout, Bg apes style 3-fid. Trilepis , rekmanniana, ” Boeck. ee C. B. Clarke in Durand and Schinz, Conspect. Fl. Afr. v. 676. Kabanarr ach Transvaal; Houtbusch, Rehmann, 5624! Pretoria, Rehmann, 44691 ma This African genus Eriospora is he aes Boeckeler with the American genus be pieenasemten ot Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. PI. iii. 1068. In Hricspora the spike- ets are 2-sexual, in Fintelmannia ‘al ure l-sexual. XAXVII. SCHENOXIPHIUM, Nees. Spikelets, some bisexual on nearly every plant, aaah (male or female) often added. Bisexual spikelet with one female flower at the base and pest males on a stalk springing oie within the So-called glume to the female flower. Glwme to female ovate ; 298 CYPERACER (Clarke). [Schaenowiphium. margins free or only connate a Pag! little way up from the base. Axis of spikelet below the m Srey ores Bey iit flattened, seabrous on the margin. Style 3. fid. Other as Carex. Carex only differs from this genus by having the fe cif utricles completely abseil: but in a few androgynous Carices Segre spikelets pre the yrs se utricle occur ; i there is no line bs ra these species and Sche egeanum.—Stem nodose; panicle es haw hes asley datenke pet ire very numerous; aren bracts etaise long-sheathin Distris. Species 4, endemic in South Africa. Glume ogee oid a ere aes ... (1) rufum. Nut narrowly a as es $3 eae ee) pois ere Nut linear-oblon a slat oe .. (3) capen Glume bifid at the t tip as se ian ae wag 24) sickmannianum. 1. S. rufum (Nees in Linnea, x. 201); glabrous, ed scabrous; rhizome woody, divided at the apex; stem yh 30 1 long, rather stout, somewhat trigonous ; leaves 8-16 by 3—} in., flat, tough; panicle 6-10 in. long ;- agin ts very numerous, approxi- at 1 2 in. long, ovate, strongly 13-nerved, enclosing the nut, but the edges free to the base; rhachilla below the lowest male flower i wi tw 2 Nees in Linnea, x. 201 wily. 8. Lndwigis “Hochst. in Flora 1845, 764. 8S. dregeanum, Drege, Zwei er Documente 49, not of Kunth. Carex capensis, Thunb. Prod. 14; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult . 90; Nees in Linnea, vii. 535, Pir of Schkuhr. Soutn Arrica: without locality, Thunberg, Ecklon and Zeyher, 159! Coast Reeton: = rt = abeth, Ecklon! Queenstown Div.; on the Storm ip oe rae hae ége tn Re EotOx "Somerset Div.; Bosch Berg, 4000 ft., MacOwan, 1866! Philipsown Div., £ Ka rResiox ees nge Free State, Shorea 133! Eas Ree Pondoland, Bachm 116! Natal; Durban Flat, dechanae, 43! on ee en precise locality, Poke, OL! . §. dregeanum (Kunth, Enum. ii. 529); margins of the leaves (in dried specimens) much recurved ; thachilla to t ale part of as bisexual spikelet not much widened or eared mi the top; nut ; in. long, narrowly ellipsoid; otherwise as S. rufum. 8. rujum, Poet in Linnea, xli. hg partly. S. Burkei, C. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. Xx. 386, t. 30, fig. 8 (nut shown rather too narrow). Sovtn Arrica: without poets ae =“ ae, 149! Zeyher, wy CENTRAL REGION: Queenstown Div. ; orm Bergen, 5000-6200 ft-, Drége, 7399! Cradock Div. ; near mda, Posey iy This species is united by Boeckeler with the preceding (S. rufum), and is ee Schenoxiphium.] cypERACEm (Clarke). 299 oceania specifically distinct. Some utricles, in Zeyher, 1873, and in other examples, are very little split. 3. S. capense (Nees in Linnza, vii. 533, excluding synonyms) ; robust, 3 tt. high; leaves more e than ¢ in. broad, flat; edges very scabrous, cutting the hand; nut nearly 2 in. long, linear-oblong ; otherwise nearly as S. rufum, Nees. Nees in Linnea, x. partly ; Boeck. in Linnea, xli. 353 partly. 8. meyertanum, Kunth, Enum, ii. 530, not of C. B. Clarke. Hemicarex meyeriana, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xviii. 367. Sourn AFrica: without eet Bergius ! — ioe and Zeyher, 126! Coast REarIon on ane te Table Mountain, 2000-30L0 ft., Drége, 329! Swellendam Div. ; ntains along the toe part : the Zouder Einde River, 500-2000 tt., aie, 4442! 4. §. sickmannianum (Kunth, Enum. ji. 530); plant rather slenderer than S. ca , with na a less scabrid leaves ; spikelets rather larger; female glume 1 in. long, elliptic, bifid; otherwise as S. capense. S. capense, Boeck. in Linnea, xli. partly, S. meyerianum, OC. B. Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soe. xx. 386, not of Kunth. Sehenus lanceus, Thunb, Prod. 17; Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 95. Hemicarex sickmanniana, Benth. in Jour n. Linn. Soc. Xvlli. 367. nai A¥FRiIca: without ieee Rael J ! — 119! GION: Cape Div.; Table Mountain, 1200-1800 ft., Ecklon, 851! tT Re Bolus, "2861! 7938 ! Rehman, ‘ag pees rn 382! Worcester Div, ; Dutoits Kloot, 2000-3000 ft., Drége XXVIII. CAREX, Linn. Spikelets unisexual or rarely bisexual, female 1- flowered, male (at least in appearance) many-flowered, arranged in compound spikes or (the male often) solitary. Fe male flower completely enclosed in a utricle (really the bract to a division of the axis), Stamens 3- anthers linear-oblong. Style-branches 3 or 2. Nué trigonous or Rasen Pereunial ayes: st grass-like. Bisexual spikelets occur only in Subgenus Il. Bu -Care DistRiz, etn ‘nik scattered throughout oar Fidei but especially in moist eon eon fewer in South Africa than else Subgenus I. Vianea. Style 2-fid. Spike: a, ovoid, numerous, many 2-sexual, pray er Inflorescence a smal] esti _ ; utricle fags dull-br Ms (1) divisa. Tnflorescence la er; utricle brig eo ” (2) glomerata. 8 ike ub niculate | paler 5 utricle ellow- * i : : ... (3) valpina. _ Spikes shebie 48, solitary ‘Peduneled, ter- minal wholly male (4) Phacota. 300 cyPERACKE (Clarke). [ Carex. Subgenus II, Ev-Carex. Style 3-fid. Sect. 1. Spikes female at the ee male at the top, very rarely any wholly male. _ [Seve eral of these ~ Medium-sized plants, with ae (or no) nodes between the oe leaves and ha inflores- cence ; spikes about 6-20 on a ste Utricles erciaiainy nut oblong o: ita Utricle oblong-ellipsoid; nut alles (5) bisexualis. gore abou lanceolate ; nut nearly in ne ... (6) Zeyheri. Utricles ovoid or “ellipsoid ; nut ovoid, riquetro Utricle na beaked : Terminal _ clustered .. (7) dregeana. florescence very narrow, strag- i ; e (8) noses 1 cle very short-be ric aked (9) 8 Utricle with long line eak.. » (10) aouheokixns: Stout plants with many ita ek 50-150 on a stem hai Pastil p anicles pyramidal, open 11) spicato- a gles Partial naniclos of dense oblong spikes 138 condens Utricle glabrous eae usually a rha ig Views . (183) Buchanani, Sect. 2. — 3-8 (in C. " petitiana sometimes 8-12 Semin terminal pach male, lower female often male at the tip. n C. cognata er d othe rs) “occasionally, i in C. ‘pelitiana nearly Female spikes 4-7 in, ‘long, slender, flexnose, pendulous (14) petitiana. Female spikes less (usually much less) than 3 in. long: Utricle narrowed conically upward, hardly eake “Rather slender ; Fe orge male ~_ : (15) burchelliana. 2-3 ft. high; termin a nik es 2 * (16) acutiformis. Utricle more or less suddenly contracted into — ssl near together, one lowest tant, but then with ease — shortly exserted : Female spikes ovoid or short- cylind es Beak of utricle short roe rience i Beak of utricle long . (18) fi — = 1% in. long, nar- owly cylindric . (19) cognita. Spikes ta least the a female) dis. tant, lowest often long peduncled : Utriele e, Duss when nat young, . (20) exthiopica. viel at ‘least till nearly ripe, ""Fenle _ thick, erect, scarcely ma ie (21) clavata. passin yor ikes noddin duncles much a ... (22) drakensbergensis. | | | | | | | | | | | Carew] éyperacem (Clarke), 301 1. ©. divisa (Huds. Fl. Angl. 348) ; glabrous ; rhizome 1-8 in, long, horizontal, gion, stems 6-18 in. long; leaves often 2 the length of the stem, =4—1 in. bro ad § inflorescence 3-14 by 1—1 in., a compound spike, lowest bract 2 2 in, long, or sometimes much over- topping the inflorescence; spikes ovoid, many bisexual, female at the base, male at the top; female glumes ovate, acuminate or short- mucronate, brown ; style 2-fid; ukeidl ovate, acuminate, flattened, moderately nerved ; beak short, bifid, scabrous-edged; nut fat, ovoid, truncate, much ates than the al Kunth, “Enum, 0.372 Bott, iv. 186; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxix. 54; C. B. Clarke tn Bas rags Fi. Brit. ae 7: TOL. -C, a ES Schkuhr, ge 2 30, 'e fig. 87. CC. consanguinea, Kunth, Enum 374. Vignea ‘ind Reich. Fl. Excurs. 58. Western Recton: orem Namaqualand; between Pedros Kloof and Lily test 4000 ft., Drége, 2450! idely distributed, In the South African form (C. aay get dopa n the angles of the stem are Closely es — the anthers have g linear white crest; in the a pical European C. divisa, Hedeon, # the an les - te stem are remotely scabrous r smooth, ee the shes are muticous or scarcely apiculate. 2. C. glomerata (Thunb. Prod. Bot : pag st ; rhizome 1-12 in. long, horizontal, woody; stems 10-20 i - long, smooth or nearly so on the 3 angles at the on: ; leaves often 2 % the length rarely overtopping the inflorescenee ; spikes ovoid, man isexual, female at the base, male at the top; i female glumes ovate, acuminate or short-mucronate, brown; style 2-fid ; utricle ovate, acuminate, plane- zy green then chestnut, moderately nerved on both faces ; beak short, bi ifid, with a green scabrous margin at the base; nut flat, ae? pr igayrr much shorter than the utricle. Thunb. Fl. Ca ap. ed. Schult. 90; Nees in Linnea, vii. 534; x. 203; Kunth, Enum. li, 384; B ne Carex, ii. 81, t. 222; Boeck. in Linnea, xxxix. 59 F nth (i. e. the African plant and synon.) ; not of Schkuhr nor of Host. C. vulpina, var. 8, Wahl. in Act. Holm. 1803, 144 Sourn AFRica: a locality, Verreauxr hn agen ReEGion: Riversdale Div.; Great Tis River, Burch+ll, 6554! Albany ar Gri shamstown, MacOwan ! Uitenhage Div.; Zwartkops River, Ecklon and Zeyher, 187! KaLanariI ReGion : Orange Free ree Buchanan, 97! Species differs little from C. divisa ; it is rather pri with a larger in- eee, the chief obvious aoa is the la arger, brighter-chestnut, green- ‘uargined utricle, which also separates (. glomerata trom pre mined kc ~ muricata, Linn., which has yellow-brown utricles and the spike more in ie to the synouymy given above, it refers at least partly to the “aligering pecies, C. vulpina (Linn. Sp. Plant. ed. i. 973); rather stouter than ” Pipe stems scabrous at the top; leaves broader, usually + 802 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Carew. and more broad ; inflorescence ie — often 2 in. long or more with the lower branches of the e panicle growing out, frequently 2 4 in. long and more; utricle yellow, finally brown, not shining chestnut- brown ; ; edges upward and base of beak strongly margined ; otherwis° as C. glomerata, Thunb. Schkuhr, Riedgr. i. 17 and ii. 12, ¢. C fig. 10; Kunth, Enum. ii. 383 : Boeck, in Linnea, xxxix. 89. C. ylom erata, Drege, Zwei acai Documente 56, 58, and probably of other authors in part Coast Reaion: Queenstown Div. ; Shiloh, 3500 ft. ge 823! 1136! CENTRAL REGION: Victaria Wes t Div.; Nieuw Veld, ween Brak River and Uitvlugt, 3000-4000 ft., Drége! Richmond Div. ; tenes of Styl Kloof, near Richmond, 4000-5000 ft., Drége/ Also in Europe, West Asia and North Africa. 4. C, Phacota Saag Syst. iii. 826) ; glabrous ; rhizome woody, creeping ; stem 1-25 ft. long; leaves often as ne the stem, 4-4 In. wide; spikes 3-8, long- -pedunc led, 1-21 i ng, linear-eylindric, dense, terminal wholly ‘male, the others aes frequently male at the top; lowest bract overtopping the inflorescen nee or sometimes shorter than it; female glumes 3-nerved, with a rough excurrent lanceolate tip, greenish; style 2-fid, short; utricle flat, “ovoid, beak- —. triangular- spears: rag any rough to its base with red glands Kunth, Enum. ii. 420; Boot . Carex, i . 63, #. 168; Boeck. ane xl, 138; "C. B. ‘Gere: in Hook. f Fl, Brit. Ind. vi. 708. ARI REGION: Transvaal ; oe Rehmann, 4039! Orange Free Een ies Wie, Cooper, ant "333 in a nok by the Mooi River, Wood, 4038! MacOwan, Herb. Aust -Afr., i690 Also in ng Malaya and Japan. h African cig differ from the Indian in having ee been a larger (often 3 in. wide), the utricles longer and more genaret wnig se fem glumes considerably tee hen much fetes the utricles ; Bocek a bie onary has mark ahs Cape plant oe oe Phaco poe er eases. and the fifference® ye nearly as long as the stem, 1 in. broad; spike compound, l-lz by in., rather dense, of 10-40 spikelets; lowest braet 2-4 in. long, similar to the leaves, hardly sheathing at the base ; spikelets mainly 1-sexual, a few 2-sexual 1 G.e. the rhachilla to the male beac are of greenish ; utricle 1—1 in. long, trigonous, gas Fara oat hg ae voth, many-nerved, greenish; nut nearly filling the ut?! ricle, narrowly ellipsoid. Evlanadighsesl Thunbergit, Nees. in Linnea, X- 201 partly; Kunth, Enum. ii. 531; Boeck. in Linnea, xii. 359 mainly; C. B. Clarke in Journ, Linn. Soc. xx. 388, t. 30, fig. 9 il (nut drawn too broat). S. Ecklonii, Nees in Linnea, x. 200 partly: emicarez Thunbergit, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soe. xviii. 367. Carex. ] CYPERACE® (Clarke). 303 Ast ReGion : Cape Div.; Lion Mountain, Ecklon, 853! Pappe! near Cape eon Harvey, 196! Mi it is very n C. dreg soy a Kg the pie ae a are ara and all unisexual ; es pe swing ‘tin Jou Seve t. 30) was taken from appe’ s example which has a few nig aap ue. it oaeeaunule shows the utricle split on one side at the top. C. Zeyheri (C. B. Clarke); leaves scarcely + broad ; in- sda shortened, subovoid, of 15-30 spikelets; ae L in. ong and upwards, narrow- oblong, acuminate ; nut 4 in. long, linear- oblong curved ; otherwise as C. diseawalis. Schenowiphium Ecklonit, Nees in Linnea, x. 200 partly ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 531; C. B. Clarke in “alae Linn. Soc. xx. 388. S. Thunbergii, Nees in Linnea, x. 201 partly ; Boeck. in Linnea, xli. 355 partly. Hemicarex Ecklonit, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xviii. 367. Coa Reeion: Swellendam Div.; on mountains along the lower part of the Zowter Einde River, 500-2000 ft. gs te 4441! Uitenhage Div.; Grass Ridge, 7. ©. dregeana (Kunth, Enum. ii. 511); orgie rhizome woody, short ; stems Poemie gin 6-14 in eas oe or 1 node dense cohtpented a 2 by = im, of 50 Sees braets usually overtopping the infloreseence ; Pash ie all unisexual ; female spikes somewhat dense; utricles 4, in. long, obovoid, trigonous, many-striate, smooth, ultimately yellow-brown, suddenly narrowed near the top into a short bifid cone, not bea ed, not con- iment sacle geogr. Documente 136, 188; in Linnea, xx. 252. C. spartea, Boeck. in mabe xl. 370 eacl. syn.; Schkhur, Riedgr. t. Bb fig. 86, io major (C. 13% es a. in all its parts ; spikes and re ee disesh hut atiaining 1, st ReGion: Tulbagh nine Daspminer Tulbagh and “ fags Drostdy,”” Bur- chell, 1041! Swellendam Div. ; aniye nies so , Zeyher, 4440! Alexandria Diy. Sica ~~ Berg Re ge, O tt. Diet hase Div. ; Grahamstown, Ale era : Bathurst ag between Port Alfred and Kaftir Drift, Berek, ou! Soh Div.; near Ca atheart, 4500 ft., Kuntze! Cenrrat ReG@ion: Somerset Div. ; ; Klein Bruintjes Hoogte, 3000-4000 ft., oe 2033! ERN REGION: aes Umnyolo, near Bazeia, 3000 ft., Baur, 744 ! Sg Inanda, Wood, Small y; 304 oyperace® (Clarke). (Carew. 8. C. Bolusi (C. B. Clarke) ; stems up to 20 in. long, very slender; inflorescence 5-10 in. long, very slender, sa a re thin a : utricles somewhat distant, subsolitary; otherwise as C. dregear Coast aes Bathurs aie ‘dg Alfred, Hutto CEeNTAL Keeion: Graaff Reine ; Cave Mou aati soa ee Bolus, 1974! EastTeRN KEGION: Natal, expen 508 | “Reh This has the beakless esis cai C. dregeana, ser not the sacaini compound close inflorescence of that s 9. C. spartea as. in Vet. Akad. Nya Handl. mera 1803, 149) : stems 15-24 in. long, slender; influrescence 5-10 1 826. otherwise as in C. dregeana, Kunth. Schkuhr, Riedgr. ii. 40, t Bb fig. 86 (except perhaps as Thunb. Fl. Cap. ed. Schult. 90; C. indica, Schkuhr, Riedgr. i. 37, not of Linn. C. Sprengelti, oeck, in Linnea, x). 37 ‘ “Uneinia spartea, Nees in Linnea, x. 205. U. Sprengelii, Nees in Linnea, x. 205. ak leo without locality, Thunb Coast REG Riversdale rahe near eo Zoetemelks River, in a walk to the White-elay. Pit, ra te 6643 Kan : Tran svaal ; eso Rehmann, 4041 ! The Tropical en C. schimperiana hardly differs except by the absence (in the small BS oer of it ponte or sha "spelt. —Hardly separable from the preceding 10. C. ean SO in ae xl, 372) ; stems 15-24 in. long, slender; leaves 2 the length of the stem, weak, 3—} in, broad, green; inflorescence 5-10 in. aes ery la ax, thin, with remote straggling axillary spikes; spikelets loose and irregular, bisexual and unisexual; utricles subsolitary, often (beak in neluded) 2 3-1 in. long beak + the length of the utricle, linear; otherwise as C. ‘sparted. 0. spartea, Kunth, Enum. ii. ‘get excel, syn. 3 mit a ne et ae Documente 134. Unei Lehmanni, Nees ; x 6. Se a egal een Kunth, wk: ii. 528 ; Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum 5. Ces Reeion: Alexandria ie 3 Enon, 1000-2000 ft., Drege! Albany D pager 2000 » MacOwan , 1206! Kis png Wiliams ie RN al; Van iene Pass, 5800 ft., Kuntze, 290! ‘There are ad t in one spike r male whitish spikelets ti in. long, (2) utricles with the linear beak shortly bifid at the top, either solitary or wit th @ male spikelet risi ir base outside, (3) “ bisexual ’ xiphioid spikelets in which the rapa f 4 in. white male spikelet is included 1 t ricle en is split down sometimes deeply on one side to allow the rhachilla to emer 11. C. spi cat-panienlata (C. B. Clarke in Durand and Sehinz, Conspeet. Fl. Afr. v. 690) ; stout ; stem 2-3 ft. long; leaves rather numerous, 18 by {-3 in., scabrous | on the margins, and often on the | | | semeaermanesneoaste — — aaa (ene Carex. | CYPERACE® (Clarke), 305 keel beneath; inflorescence 1 ft. long, of 4-5 axillary, peduncled, pyramidal, eompot ound panicles ; cee apa! densel oe -150 to a 4 8 utricles, no 3. fid; disichs including beak, 3 in. long, ellipsoid, trigonous, many- -ribbed, hispid nearly to the base, straight ; beak linear, half the length of the utricle, round- notched, with 2 linear teeth; nut filling the utricle except the bea Kaan REGIon: Orange Free State, Buchanan, 98! on the Drakens Berg song Cooper, 1066! Transvaal; Houtbosch, Rehmann, 562 tASTERN REGION: fe Inanda, Wood, 1190! and without precise locality, Buchanan, 350 ! 355 Also in Tropical ftiea: The examples of this species are exactly alike, and easily distinguished from any other South African — But this section of Carew (Indice of authors) comprises about 20 species in India and 10 in Tropical Africa, abounding in Individuals and varieties, ‘aa Myce closely allied. The nearest African species © C. spicato-paniculata Schkuhr, which has narrower, more elongate, curv less ‘eatha Hd yess arest Indian species is C. cv uciata, Wall. , Which has more ovoid, voir ; ilsionie: narrowed, less hairy utricles 12. C. condensata (Nees in Wight, Contrib. 123); —— peduncled panicles oblong, dense, ferruginous ; spikes usually w 1-4 utricles at the base and numerous males above; utricles ov a more or less hairy; otherwise as C. spicato-paniculata, C. B. Clarke. Boott, Carex, ii. 86, tt. 247, 248; C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 716 Kvanan Resco: Orange Free State, Buchanan, EasteERN Reaion: Tembuland; in forests on Bazeia oad 2000-2500 ft., Baur, 444! 1156) Nat al, Buchanan, 149! 353! Also in Northern India. In this ge nearly — of the fruiting spikes have a conspicuous lanceolate male top, while in C. spicato-paniculata the oe a appear to be entirely female, or with a ve ery tew ferruginous glumes at the 13. C. Buchanani (C. B. Clarke) ; panicle 13 by 2 in., interrupted, of 4-5 distant, rather loose, axillary a panicles ; branches —t =, long, elliptic, aati male, dni narrowed into a short poe eae faci _Sehenoeihian Afr. v seni ves Natal, Buchanan, 134! . The material consists merely of the top of o The utricle, when emale, usually contains a fiat rudimentary Pee A nag " The plant is close sro allied to Schenoxiphi th t renders it specifically psi Ox% ip ium + anes. The genus is doubtfal, but the nut re il. x 306 cypErace® (Clarke). [ Carex. 14. C. petitiana (A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. ii. 513); glabrous; stems stout, 2- a ft. long; —— 12— 24 pa in., closely striate g, of 4—9 rusty-brown makes aaa fometime wholly male, laainantis female at the top, lower female 4-7 by 1—} in. cylindric, pendulous peduncled ; glumes lanceolate, serena or mucronate, brown, much overto opping the utricles ; utricle =; in. long, ellipsoid, scarcely trigonous, stalked, slenderly few-ribbed, smooth, yellowish- brown, often with microseopic glandular dots; beak hardly ¢ the length of the utricle, linear, scarcely notched; style of. 3 nut obovoid, trigonous, much shorter than’ the utricle. Boott, Carex, i. 88, ¢. 259; Boeck. in Linnea, xl. 411. C. pendula, C, B. Clarke im Dur and and Sel ahi, ‘Conapect. Fi, Afr. v. 688 partly, i.e. as to all the outh Africa plants cited. Coast Region: King Williamstown Div.; Perie Forest, 1900 ft., Kuntze ! British Kaffraria, Pete 4 ie ge REGIon : Somerset Diy.; in woods on the sides of Bosch Berg, » MacQwan, "1608 | Res Reeion: Orange Free State, Cooper, 333 GION: ‘Tembuland ; forests on Bazeia Heaniats, 2500 ft., Baur 443! Natal, Buchanan, 68! Also in Abyssinia. This has — — habit od - ia ie ee: and the South African been plants have med hit Boott l.c. doubts whether C see A. Rich., is o th an a form of 7 ia a, Fudson, In the latter the termina spike is (except accidentally) wholly male; the glumes to the utricl ue A shorter and anne oe the utricle is less stalke d sqciags i. conte lineolate. At all events, if C. petitiana be kept up as a species, % i done by Boott and Boeckeler, “all the South African examples agree minutely with it—not with C. pendula, 15. C. Parser (Boeck, in ae xli, 234); aR a 10-18 in. long, nearly smooth ; leaves 4-10 by Tos a rough mucro, hardly so fe as the wisicle ; style 3-fid ; oe +a in. long, ellipsoid, trigonous, narrowed upwards into a very shor f beak, 8-10-nerved, dotted with red glands, glabrous ; beak and tip ° the utricle minutely papillose-seabrous ; nut obovoid, trigonous, on 4 slender stalk. C. flavescens, Burchell, Trav. i. 467, name only. KatAHArRI Reeion: Griqualand West; Herbert Div., at Upper Campbell, Burchell, 1831! Hay Div., at Griqua Town, Burchell, 1911! This plant resembles C. diluta, M. Bieb., which has re found to leg ~ with the European C. punetata, Gand. (cf. C. B. Clarke in Hook.f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 737). It differs, as Boeekeler states, by the pitt stalk to the n which cannot be found in C. dil: Carex. ] CYPERACEX (Clarke). 807 16. C. acutiformis (Ehrh. Beitr. iv. 43); glabrous ; stems 3-2 ft. long, robust, scabrous at the top; leaves often 2 2 the len ngth of the -; In. broad ; spikes 3-7, distant, erect, male 2~1, 13 by + in, chestnut, Sitalos 12 y + in., lowest on a 1-3 in. sediinele, but very erect; glumes of female ” spikes oblong-lanceolate, caudate, brown or chestnut-brown, overtopping (in Ca ape examples) the utricles ; style-branches 3, rather short; utricles ovoid, trigonous, td 7-9-nerved, glabrous, minutely granular, espe ecially upwards, triangular acuminate, hardly beaked; nut broadly obovoid-globose, scarcely 2 the length of the utricle. oeck. in Linnea, xli. 289; C.B. herkee in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 740. C. paludosa, Gooden. in - rans. Linn. Soc. i. 202; Kunth, Enum. 1. 487. 7 hipaa Somerset Div.; on the summit of Bosch Berg, 4500 ft., MacOwan 1963 RI es oN: Transvaal ;. Marico District, on the banks of the Matebe ie Holub, 1558! 1559! Widely distributed in the North Temperate Zone. The South African plant differs a little from the sce eee in — ing the ae glumes much more aristate, the utricles nearly or quite beakless, the nut broader than long and v. Mig truncate. Holub’s three ame have aa rps eae female at the t 17. C. extensa (Gooden. in Trans. Linn. Soc. ii, 175, t. 21, fig.7); glabrous; stems 6-18 in. long, nearly smooth ; leaves usually as long as the stem, q5-} in. broad, thinly scabrous ; spikes 3-4 : “A often overtopping the inflorescence 4-7 in.; female spikes 1 by + in. (but, in Buchanan 167, 1} by 4 in., not crowded, lowest 13 i in. distant) ; glumes oblong, often truncate, brown, with the 3-nerved brown keel often excurrent as a nearly the same as the female; style 3-fid; utricle } in. long, ellipsoid trigonous, 10-13-nerved, glabrous, narrowed into a short ere rag about 2 1 the length of the utricle, Schkuhr, Riedgr. i, 745 56, t. Xx, 72, and t. V. 72; ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 447; Boeck. in Te nnea, sr 288. C. Eecklonii, Nees in Linnea, x. 203 ; Kunze, Suppl. Riedgr. 25,¢.5; Kunth, Enum. ii. 517, Sourn Arnica: without locality, Bergius! Ver reaux ! Harvey, 349! Pappe! we Hague: Port Elizabeth Diy. ; common along the coast, E.S.C.A. Her)., Eastern Region: Natal; near Greytown, Buchanan, 167! Petr nin distributed in Europe, North Africa, the Orient, and North and South ‘the ine uth African material agrees — the largest European examples ; having & keel of the elites ation gly e ent, the beak rather long, and has both narrow and br eee Sack uns Bo ott me ees with Boeckeler that C. Ecklonii cannot kept distinct from (, exten ; C, flava (Linn, Sp. Plant. ed. ii. 1384); glabrous ; stems 4-24 in re leaves % the length of the stem, narrow ; spikes 3-5, all (or 2 a 308 * CYPERACEH (Clarke). [ Carex. all but one) usually clustered, subterminal; terminal spike male, the rest female, or with a few males at the top, }—2 in. long, short- Shine or globose, dense, yellow; glumes ovate-oblong, obtuse ; utricles gubglobose, ‘inflated, glabrous, minutely granular, ribbed, suddenly narrowed into the beak; beak 1-3 the len gih of the utricle, linear, curved, often deflexed. Schkuhr, Riedgr. is TA ii. 56, t. H, fig. 36; Engl. Bot. t. 1294; Kunth, Enum. ii. 446; Boeck. in Linnea, xli. 272. C. Gderi, Willd. - Act, Berol. 1794, 44, ¢.1, fig.2; Schhkuhr, Riedgr.i. 67, t. F, fig. KaLAHARI deters Basutoland; Mont aux Sources, 9500 ft., Flanagan, 2013! Widely distributed in Europe and the Orient to Kashmir, and in North America. 19. C. cognata (Kunth, Enum. ii. 502); stem 3 ft., top triquetrous scabrous ; leaves 1-23 ft. long, 4-2 in. broad, midi’ shar tply pro- jecting beneath, tissue lax transversely lineate ; spikes about 7, pale, close together near the top of the stem, sessile, erect (lowest 1 in. spikes in fruit 14 by nearly 1 in., dense ; spike, lane ceolate, green with white margins, the hispid arista long but hardly reaching the top of the utricle; utricles spreading, not deflexed, ovoid- subglobose, suddenly narrowed into a slender beak much shorter than the utricle, with about 12 strong nerves, tissue thin shining glabrous ; beak smooth with 2 rather long spreading smooth linear ‘teat ; nut smaller than the glume, trigonous, dull-brown, obovoid hardly longer than broad. Boeck. in Linnea, xii. 299. C. retrorsa, Nees in “Linnea, x. 204, not of Schweinitz. C. Pseudo- cyperus, var., Boott, Carex, iv. 141. OAST hbase: Swellendam and Sa "aay fide Nees. Eastern Region : Delagoa Bay; Jun This differs from C. Pseudo-cyperus, ot tai the broader utricles and nuts ; it sll ih near C. spherogyne, Baker (from Madagascar), which has narrower eav 20. C. — apolar Riedgr. i. 107, t. Z, fig. eed glabrous; stems 11-4 ng; basal "leaves 1-21 ft. by 1-} in.; spikes 3-7, lowest rol in. a top 1-2 inde, others female ; male spike 1-11 by 2 in., rusty-brown ; keel of glumes excurrent ; 1 4 4 glumes oblong-elliptic, 3-nerved; keel _ excurrent, overtopping the utricle ; style 3-fid ; utricles scarcely 2 in. long, ellipsoid, trigonous; narrowed into a short smooth shortly bifid be ak, gla broue, slenderly nerved, even when very young red-brown, in fruit with red glands ; ; nut obovoid, erage sessile, $ the length of the utricle exclusive of its beak. Boott, Carex, iii. ‘110, t, 341- 343 ; Boeck. in Linnea, = 285, oe boigtinye Kanth Enum. ii. 492, am 6 1 a (C. B ke); spikes larger, female 3 in. broad and upwarie sista more than Pe ms oh acutely triquetrous, narrowed into a longer ti | | a ie el Carex.) CYPERACE (Clarke), 309 , wala aii without pag Zeyher, 743 Ast REeGion: Cape -; Devils Mo Menten n, near the waterfall, 200 ft., Bolus, 3848 ! ein Div. ; in the forest near George, Burcheil, 6048 , Knysna mae ; Ruigte Valley, below 500 ft., Dréye, 7398! Uitenhage Div.; in the forests n Van Stadens Ber rg, Ecklon and Zeyher, 684! Var. 8: Bathurst Div. ; Kaffir si: fhm 3869! Albany Div.; in woods on Bothas Hill, 2200 ft., MacOwan, 1013! The synonymy of this “ats called C. levigata by Wahl. and Kunth, is given by Boott (Cares, iii. nogvlss ys ‘es also be seen that the type of Schkuhr’s C. eth iopica was collec sioahn in hae Africa, and not in the Island of Bourbon as pa a ia Schkuh . 5 ie] ~ “ stout, triquetrous at ve top, rough ; aes 12 ft. long, 3-2 PRE times more than +) in. broad; spikes 4-6, lower distant, suberect ; bracts very long; peduncles short, lowest ‘sometimes 3 in. long, but not much eal. terminal spike (sometimes the next also) male, bright-brown, sometimes with afew females at the top ; female spikes 1-21 by 1 in., dense ; female glumes ovate ; arista reaching nearly to the ‘top of the beak ; kegel (including beak) 2 in. long, ellipsoid, narrowed rather suddenl beak, striated, glabrous, when young greenish, in fruit cee deflexed; beak about 2 the length of the utricle, deeply bifid into nearly linear teet h; nut ae in. long, obovoid, triquetrous, dark-brown, nearly filling the utricle. FV. Cap. ef Schult. 90; Schkuhr, Riedgr. ii. 55; Kunze, Suppl. Riedgr. 67, 7; Nees in Linnea, vii. 535; x. 204 ; Kunth, Enum. ii. 495; » nm Lin xli. 298. C. vesicaria, Thunb. Prod. 14; Fl. Cap. edit. Schult. 90, not of Linn, . lutensis, Kunth, Enum. ii. 487 . macrocystis, Boeck. Cyp. Novae, i. 50 (?). Souta Tae without gen Thunberg, Pappe, 77! Harvey, 345! 365! Thom, 894! R. Brown ! Dre rege, 4367 ! Coast mee beds esbur. ry Div. ; Groene Kloof, below 500 ft., Drége / Cape Div.; between the Lions Head and Table Mountain, Burchell , 275 ! by the able allich ! Paar Div. ; Paarl 1 Mountains, 1000-2000 ft., Drége 1563! Port Elizabeth Div.; common along es coast, E.8.C. A. Herb., 174! Bathurst Div. ; ea Theopolis, "Burchell, 4137! a t the source of the Kasuga River, Burchell, 390 ay ReEe@ion : Orange Free State, Buchanan, iat No authentic example of C. macrocystis, Boeck., has been seen. As the utricle was y in. long, it must either eer been C, clavata, Thunb., or some entirely new ae Species, which latter alternative is im probable, as hare found his “4 crocystis in the collection of Ecklon and Zeyher. 22. ©. drakensbergensis (C. B. oe stems 3 ft. long, stout, triquetrous at the top, rough; leaves 1-2 ft. by {-} in, closely longitudinally striate, not (or om obscurely) transversely —— spikes 5-7, lower distant 3-8 in.; bracts ve ry long ; lo septic ie often 3-4 in. long (and top female spike usually stint larity terminal spike male, or with a very few females the top; glumes tin. long, narrow-lanceolate, pale-brown ; female spikes 1-3 py 42 in, dense, pale-brown in fruit; female glumes elliptic, bright-brown ; arista reaching the top of the sep style 3-fid ; 310 CYPERACE® (Clarke). [ Carew. utricle 1 in. Jong (beak included), ellipsoid, rather suddenly narrowed, with 1— $ very strong ribs, glabrous ; beak + the length of the utricle or rather more, deeply bifid into almost linear teeth ; nut nearly filling the utricle. Katanart Region: Orange Free State; on the Drakens Berg, near Harri- smith, Jerr 112! 186! Transvaal; Mooi River, near Potchenstroom, Nelson ied a gion: Griqualand East; river banks near Kokstad, Haygarth in Herb. Wood, 4201! Natal, Buchanan, 137! OrvEr CLI. GRAMINEZ. (By O. Srapr.) Partial inflorescences (spiielets) consisting of an axis (7 sag a8 and, typically, of or more preg distichous, more or les heteromorphous bracts, of which the 2 lowest (glumes) form an in- volucre to the spikelet eae are st "whilst the following Na ents o Sa minute aa or fleshy, nerved or nerveless- scales versatile, scpiicantee of 2 parallel cells, opening longitudinally by lateral, rarely 3 or 1, free or more or less united, short ; stigmas as many as the styles, with simple or branched stigmatic hairs, exserted from the sides or the top of the florets ; ovule 1, anatropous, often more or less adnate to the posterior side of the pol hibaics with the thin cea adnate to the eed cotyledon shield-like (sewtellum), closely attached by its inner side to the cme gare having the plumule and the descending radicle in front, and sometimes also a small tate appenduge opposite } it (epiblast). | | | | | | | | GRAMINED (Stapf). 311 Herbs, rarely heal ssiapa or in Bambusee se tall wap has ha oe annual er near! naally ie shortened bal and lengthen upper internodes, terminating with an inflorescence (culm s) or, in the pere one species, gameta of cu ulm ms and Sie pe sally biennial shoots ‘Gnnovation shoots) which grow i i sea n shoots either piercing the sabtending psi at the | tines aod pees aie caine it, oon as runners or stolons (extravaginal), or inside the sheaths, which may or may not be thrown aside Re Rea: culms jointed, Internodes usually hollow, used at the nodes, with or without an annular swelling above the nodes and within the sheaths Couto nodes); all the branches and their angen gg Sager pemee with a 2- = eled dorsal, usually hyaline, leaflet at the base. Leaves alternate, usually 2-ranked, rarely pseudo-opposite Owing to the Bein, of page and v very short aed , very often crowded in tufts or fan-shaped bunches at the base of the culms, or in some cases also of their Upper honky ; in the perfect form (foliage leaves or “leaves” simply) consist- more or less connate (closed sheaths), clasping each sane or the culm, finally often loosened or sometimes slipping from the culm and mo r less spreading, ha the ghout, or with an sa a (sheath nodes), which becomes at a ha rdened and persistent, or hettee shri i igules nd the blad membrane or of a fringe of hairs, asely altogether absent ; blades us salle ely ovate, cordate or a a act as bud-scales, le imes also in the upper leaves. In florescence terminal, rarely terminal and la — at bui ng p of the Foes Pars Ses spikelets, panicled, racemose, capitate, simply o Saou picate, very rarely consisting of a Single epikelet, cane: always ducal Spikelets all ‘alike or heteromorphous, differing in sex and (in correlation with the se more or less also in the on rica bisexual with al ba iid $s or wit a and g,or 2 and g flowe the same spikelet, nisexual (moncecio r dicecious Mature eikelets pr entire: fro ne tips "of. ihe panicle or aia with apa art of the pedicel or the rhachis, grat reaking upa ti ove the glumes into as many teed fruits as there wh fruiting florets, rarely persistent and shedding the g In the firs the glumes, in the second the Valves are often decurrent into a callous swelling or extension (callus) at the insertion on the pedicel or ehacbilta vespectively. About 325 genera, comprising 3000 to 8500 species in all parts of the The typical structure of the ae is sometimes more or less obscured by the reduction or suppression, or by pe r modifications of etc te gen nerally ati i he assu e soe: of unctio other than usual. The morphological character of those sa sete however, sually be recog their position in elet and from compariso With allied, less modified ee i duction or suppression is frequent in the 8 sO in the valve th > . a flower ; but. they ety often enclose a rudiment of a floral peor in the shape of a perfect or reduc = pale, thereby indicating their homology with typical valves. In this case, py. Mes some of the cha smshantlien es the The all the genera, and often ag ree ar the greater part of a tribe; but in order to See it clearly, it is always advisable to flatten the valve and to examine it by 312 GRAMINEE (Stapf). po light in a drop of water. Where the orig conditions of the florets of importance, it at ie kept in mind, that many grasses are very distinctly r ice. th i i expand. Such flowers anni frequent wee ta kew to be rege whilst they were actually hermaphrodite. To avoid this error, young spikelets should, if possible, be examined beside the fully ‘developed os or the filaments which usually remain “eeoant the ovary s elie be sou {In the sequence of gene r. Stapf oe found it woah to ae ey — adopted in Bentham = Tooke’ s Genera Plant ie as well as e Flor Au straKensis, and in Sir J — Hooker’s enumeration of India n grass rece otitly ag ed in the Flora of B rvitish India. In the — of ‘colonia floras issued from it has been thought Me ee for the most part void a ve as possible breaking new ground and to adhere closely to a aentra joeenndt eds: sequence e ed comparable n the present case, however, further research has shown some nea - be indispensable. To these oe Joseph Hooker, who has kindly allowed me to consult him, now assents. In accordance with general practice, Andropo- gonee pret at the i of the endae. ‘wht le a different position is assigned to Zoysize and to Oryzeew.—W. T. T. D.] SERIES I, Mature pilot falling entire from their pedicels or with them (rarely subpersistent on t, indistinctly and tardily disarticulating rhachis: = etna all “ee or sir . in sex and structure ; bay t spikelets with s e up hetero tinued ee nd the upper Spikelets falling entire, er or in clusters, occur in the following genera belonging to the second series: Holcus, Chetobromus , Polypogon, Perotis, Tragus, Prive Spartina, Lamar rekia, Fingerhuthia, Urochlena, Tetrachne, n ANDROPOGONEZ. Spikelets usually in pairs, one consgan the othr ne ie Trachypogon), rarely 3-nate or solitary on the of ously arr i ron eo sili, racemes. (/wmes more or less rigid and iret te the valves, and the lower always longer than the florets. Valve em- _— often Teatins, tbat of the upper ford generally awned or see to wh, * pure ee all alike. Racemes in compound cate (except Pollinia) ; joints the rhachis slender i ec 1. SaccHarEs. I. Imperata.—Racemes in a spiciform silky panicle; rhachis not fragile. Spite, iit niess. c II, Saccharum.—Racemes in large much branched silky panicles; rhachis fragile. Spikelets senile. IIT. Erianthus Rianne in large much branched silky panicles ; rhachis fragile. Spiketets awne IV. Pollinia, barnes 2- -nate, digitate or approximate on a short main axis. ¥*® The ve spikelets of each pair differing in sex and structure (in the Sou th African species, except in Ischemum fasciculatwm, where the difference 1s lianited to the lower glume). Subtribe 2. Iscnemex. Sessile pesca i ra in hollows. Racemes ana for olitary, thats », digitat e or appro on a short main axis. Low floret "of the sessile spikelet always g. V. Ischemum. The sis South African genus. te $ Ror £. Sessile spikelets sunk in hollows formed by th 3 joi oint of t the rhachis 9 nd the appressed or adnate pedicel of the pied spikelet of the same pair. . Rottbellia.—All s a ets awnles ba Urelytrum, —Pedicelled spikelatr' long awned, e pees SSS Pt re GRAMINEZ (Stapf). 318 ubtribe 4. EuanpRopocone£,—Rhachis as in Saccharex and Ischemee. Racemes variously arranged. Lower eres of all spikelets empty ; upper floret usually awned. EX. Bhi s.— Rha he pe a gee fragile. One spikelet of each pair sessile, the other pei cage X. Andropogon.—Racemes solitar ry, ‘ait a rg r panicled; rhachis fragile pegon.— $ e, di The sessile spikelet Saal the edieelted if present awnless or awned, but not from the upper valve. No whorl of gd spikelets at the base of the a or where an ayia se one occurs the racemes are always paired, and each pair = pede Phe e. Anthist aitsconcs short, La imnson in esate —- fascicles each wit th reece of 40 red o e, and supported by a proper spathe, Tribe 2. PANICEZ. Spikelets in usually sugges aS racemes or panicles. Glumes herbaceous or membranous , the lower smaller, very small or r suppressed, Lower valve generally t An they phor Vy pe Bray in structure and nervation, the upper firmer, at length rigid, are chartaceous to ple awnless, very rare] y mucronate. * Glumes and lower valve e entire, awnless or caudate- or Places aristate, Fruiting valve subchartaceous to crustaceou t Mature spikelets falling entire and singly from the tips of their pedicels. XII. Cee ace —Spikelets awnless. I 0. Lower valve quite empty ; s 5 or fewer, pin igh curved, usually submarginal. XO Digiteria,— —Spikelets small, awnless. Lower glume minute, arely Q. Lower valve generally with a Heche pale; nerves 5-7, close, pete hy gee “oa XIV. P cum.— Spikelets awnless, or the glumes sate hg lower valve caudate- mu etic or caudate-aristate, Lower glume dis Lower valve with a 2-nerved or a te line rudimentary pale or ary Cae 3 sisal different Ti XV. Oplismenus thik lets fascicled or solitary on a simple axis, or on th branches of a panicle. Glumes and lower valve, or at least the lower glume snbulate- ~aristate. XVI Axonopus.— Spikelets of shoe Pe oad glume fimbriate. Lower valve with a deeply cleft short pale and ag fl XVIL Setaria.— Spikelets of Casta ‘ek eaklniided by bristles. tt Mature spikelets not falling singly, or not from the tips of their pedicels. XVIII. isetum i corn a singly or in small clusters by an iavalnre( (formed by naked o se bristles) and falling with it. XIX, Stenotaphram.— Spikelets s sbpersatent on the flat indistinctly and tardily disarticulating rhachis ed a false spik XX. An €phora.—Spik in pmirentcn spicate clusters with a false involucre, formed from the Nand er ved hard glume of each spikelet. 96 hae and lower valve 2-lobed or emarginate, 1 vith a fine awn or mucro from the sinus, rarely all muticous. Fruiting awe rigidly membranous. I. Tricholena. —Upper glume and lower valve 5-nerved; nerves usually very wba hidden by copious and long silky hairs, and anastomosing below the obtuse tips, 1. Melinis.—Upper glume 7-, lower valve 5-nerved; nerves straight, con- §picuous, not anastomosing below the acute tips. 314 GRAMINE® (Stapf). coin a II. Mature ~~ breaking up, leaving the persistent or subpersistent glumes on the edicel, o if falling entire, then not consisting of 2-hetero- ise aie ae as in Series I. A. Blades never fouepeceely veined (in the South African species, xcept sometimes in Arundo), nor articulated on the sheath. (XXIIL SOV EL) a. Awns, if present, kneed — twisted ae the knee, or straight in reduced gms. (XXII el Flovets 2 or mor re. (XXIIT.—XL.) ARUNDINELL Florets 2, net a the lower peer species) awned, at length firm or hard; awn from the sinus between 2 sometimes minute or sete ges ai rarely from the entire, obtuse tip, usually kneed and twisted below the k ® Spikelets solitary on dist XXII. Arundinella. ier small (23 lin. to lee ‘thea F Hi: ). Valve of in upper floret 2-setose, minutely 2-toothed or entire, awn sometimes editaed 6 absent, Flaps of f the inte auric XXIV. Trichopteryx.—Spikelets large (2 lin. to 14 in.). Valve of the upper ryx. oy floret always "distinctly 2-toothed or 2- lobed, awh site ays kneed. Flaps of the pale not auricled., **® Spikelets in clusters of 3. XXV. reg achya. —Spikelets as in Trichopteryx. Tribe AVENEZ. Florets 2 to tg all alike (except the uppermos which ck are gra ally reduced) or mo r less heteromorphous raceme! in Holcus, Chetobromus, and sometimes des: i aie very distinctly in Anthowvan- su hyali ns, 5- or more u 3-nerved (with the ih =~ ‘ete e and not submarginal); awn, if present, from the back or hee between bristles, kneed and usually twisted below the Pent (See MK lie. * Valves awnless or awned ; awn, if present, from the back of the valve. XVI. Prionanthium.—Florets 2, equal. Glumes cartilaginous on the back; keel with obtuse, pectinate teeth. Valves awnless. ‘ XXVIII. Achneria.—Florets 2, a. Glumes firmly membranous, shining+ keel smooth or almost so. Valves awnless, . Aira —Floret Rha chilla obscurely om beyond the upper floret. Valves awned (occasionally the lower awnles XXIX. Holeus.—Spikelets deciduous as a whole. Florets 2; the upper usually g, awned, the lower ¢, awnless. XXX. Anthoxanthum.—Florets heteromorphous; the lower 2 male barren, awned, the rH Tminal hecinspvodia,, awnless. 2Rhachilla not eke beyond er does obl reti. P.O ria. Flo vets or more, the uppermost dakar reduced. bd < — _— — SY pes hy iS pS an bo Rhachilla pea or almost so. Valves 3-5-nerved, awnless or mucronate or minutely a from, o nya below ieee — Panicle spicifor XIL. Trisetum.—Flore's 2 or uppermost pratt ually r e reduce Rhachilla ciliate. Valves 8-S.nerved, deal from the back, tips often wer’ 2 fine bris ase Pi i glabrou XXXIIIL. Ave — Spike) we rect or suberect. Flores 2 or more, tiie uppermost gray ak Slane usually 1-3-nerved. Valves herbaceos oe cag ed, rathe , awned from the back. Ovary top hairy. Per = - . Avena. — Spelt _ La Bian florets 2 or more, the pie gradu reducec erved. Valves herbaceous, 5—9-nerved, ra the pe ary top hale. ebiais) fear annual, - Becta pias ,rarely mucronate ; m the sinus of the more or ess distinctly 2. zs bed Seria Rites oe “bristle like. GRAMINE® (Stapf). 31 rets 2, Continuation “id rhachilla minute or bristle- rarely 4-fid, both or ail 4 divisions jo aggat bank ; XXXV. eto haat Bs of t outer lobule Laat and more or less adna' like. Lob valve 2-, or only he ae with the XXXVI. Pentameris.—Florets 2, as in aire regan Grain globose-ellipsoid ; pericarp crustaceous; seed “ ee or si onia, or many, "tien uppermost gradually reduced. Lobes of the pig de larger, heath or ies triangular or lanceolate, with or with- out an awnli Sik XXXVIIT. serkanen <~iiipiteates s falling entire with a part of the disarticu- lating pedicel ; lowest valve without, the rest with side bristles. ARUNDI INE. Florets 2 to many, enveloped by — long hairs, Tribe 5. 7 a bg either from a long and slender callus or from the bac the valves. pi and valves membranous, often hyaline, awnless or Aric awned from e tips. exe Arundo.—Lowest floret like the rest, hairy from the back of the valve. XL. Phragmites.—Florets heteromorphous; the lowest g or barren, the rest , hairy from the tetas slender callus, otherwise glabrous ii. Floret 1. (XLIL.—XLIX.) Tribe 6. AGROSTEX. Floret 1. Rhachilla not eeten beyond the floret or only as a more or less distinct point or bristle. Valve membranous (in the South African species) or thinly her tgeeced not or ean 7 pes nged when t rarely 3-nerved, all the nerves or the outer if : e very t side nerves often slightly exe arrent, parallel or at least not anastomosing; awn Present, from the back, rarely from the truncate = Sabie covered with long soft hairs. Sey enres Dae Xt Polypo ates awned, fae “gtx a i notch or sinus. Panicle spiciform, oblong times longer than the vy wee e 7. ae PE. Floret1, Rhachilla not continued beyond the sap Me ve hardened when mature, tightly e abe ats a - fruit ; nerves joining o osely quccnching at the tip; awn terminal, rarely ey ristida.— 4 wins ~ from the ire tip, or one, phy cir below and