eel COMPRISING THE stare of the Ropal Gardens of Kew





eae | ae , VOL EXE = 3 ; OF THE THIRD SERIES; (Or Vol. XCT. of the Whole Work.)


- me full well, in lan ge quaint and Flas One who dwelloth by Rhine, When he called the Ait so blue and golden, Stars that in earth's firmament do shine.’’— Longfellow.




Mo, Bot. Garden, ee oe


Test Brooks, Imp

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ted Baw, 5406.


Mr. Horsfall’s Lissochilus.

Nat. Ord. Oncu1pem.—GynanpR1a MonanpRIA.

~ Gen. Char, Lissocuitus, 2. Brown in Lindl. Ooll. Bot. t. 31. Perianthium explanatum. Sepala herbacea (vel brunnea), parva, reflexa vel patentia, libera. Petala maxima, patentia, alieformia. Ladellum saccatum, concayum, subinte- _ grum v. trilobum, cum basi colamnz seepius connatum. Columna erecta, brevis semiteres. Anthera bilocularis, cristata. Pollinia 2, postice biloba, caudicula _lineari brevi, glandula triangulari. Lindl. Gen. et Sp. p. 191. ; an


LissocuiLus Horsfaliii ; foliis plicatis acutissimis scapo radicali exaltato multi- floro duplo brevioribus, bracteis amplexicaulibus sessilibus acutis, sepalis = eequalibus lanceolatis acuminatis undulatis retusis, petalis multo majoribus patentibus subquadratis obtusis, labello sublibero basi infundibuliformi obscure trilobo, lobis lateralibus maximis convexis ascendentibus rotun- ‘datis, epichilio ovato obtuso 3-costato, columna marginata, anther biden-— tata. Bateman. , ins

_ For the opportunity of figuring this fine addition to the re genus Lissochilus we are indebted to J. B. Horsfall, Esq., M of Bellamour Hall, Staffordshire, to whom it was sent (in _ from the Old Calabar River, by Mr. S. Cheetham. It flowerec

_ in October Mr. Horsfall’s collection, treated as a wal _ terrestrial Orchid. In habit and in general appearance it bears’

_ some resemblance to the well-known Phajus grandifolius (Bletia Tankerviilia), but thestructure of the flowers is altogether dif- ferent. Perhaps its nearest affinity is with another charming _ species of Lissochilus, L. roseus, also a West African plant, but

_ which, it is much to be regretted, has long since disappeared __ from our collections. May we not hope that the evidence now afforded of the beauty of certain West African Orchids may lead to increased efforts for the introduction of additional species on he part of those who, like Mr. Horsfall, have at their commat peculiar facilities for obtaining the natural productions of countries in question? For even if it be true that a large portion of the Orchids of intertropical. Africa are unattract


- JaNuaRY Ist, 1865.


there are others—some of the Augreca for example—that are ~ now as highly prized as any plants of their order. And to these ‘many splendid additions would doubtless be made, could we but obtain a few collections from the Niger and other mighty streams that water the richest portions of the African continent. The head-waters of the Nile would also contribute their quota, for among the limited collection of specimens brought home by Captains Speke and Grant, there exists a remarkable Angrecum _ which in the length of its tails might vie with the well-known A. caudatum. Some thirty years ago the name of Mr. Horsfall’s excellent father might be frequently met with in the pages of the Bota- nical Magazine,’ in connection with divers plants that he had the honour of introducing to this country, among which the still popular Jpomea Horsfallii may be cited as not the least remark- able. And it is with no ordinary pleasure that I now dedicate ‘to the worthy son of a worthy sire the beautiful plant that is _ figured in the accompanying Plate, and which he has been the. means of securing to our gardens.—J. B.* : _ Descr. A terrestrial pseudobulbons plant, producing a tuft of several /eaves, which are plicated, very sharp-pointed, and from two to three feet long by four to six inches broad. Scape _ radical, twice the length of the leaves, upright, bearing at its extremity a dense, many-flowered truss of large and beautiful flowers. Bracts long and pointed, fitting tightly round the scape. Sepals greenish on the outside, but of a purplish brown ternally, an inch long, lanceolate-acuminate, waved at the edges, bent backwards. Peta/s much wider than the sepals, spreading, obtuse, almost square, half the length of the ovary, white, suffused with rose. ip nearly free, funnel-shaped at the base, slightly three-lobed ; the lateral lobes very large, standing erect, convex, rounded, green, streaked with rich purplish-erim-—

son. Epichil, or centre- obe of is ovate, blunt, of a d eep puce lour, with three whitish elevated ridges on its disk, and whie

down to base of lip. Column short, half-round, with mem es. _Anthers surmounted by a crest composed of

Tel r

s ry


Vincent Brocks, Imp.

Tan: 5487.


Miss Burgess’s Dombeya. 9g y


Gen. Char, Involucellum triphyllum, unilaterale, deciduum. Calyx quinque- partitus, persistens, laciniis estivatione valvatis. Corolle petala 5, imo calyci in- serta, obovato-ineequilatera, zstivatione convoluta, marcescenti-persistentia. Sta- mina 15-20, imo calyci inserta, basi in cupulam brevem connata, quinque ste- rilia filiformia vel liguleformia, cum duabus vel tribus fertilibus paullo breviori- bus alternantia; filamenta filiformia v. subulata; anthere introrse, biloculares, erectze, loculis longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Ovarium sessile, quinquelocu- lare. Ovula in loculis 3-4, angulo centrali biseriatim inserta, adscendentia. _ Stylus terminalis, simplex ; stigma quinquefidum, lobis acutis revolutis. Capsula coriacea, quinquelocularis, septicide pentacocea, coccis tandem bivalvibus, abortu monospermis. Semina adscendentia, raphe adnata, chalaza incrassata. Embryo in axi albuminis parci subcarnosi orthotropus ; cotyledonibus foliaceis bipartitis, convolutis ; radicula umbilico proxima, infera.—Arbuscule vel frutices, in insulis Borbonicis, Madagascaria, et parvius in Asia tropica crescentes ; pube stedlata ; foliis alternis, petiolatis, cordatis integris vel lobatis, crenatis ; stipulis deciduis ; floribus azillaribus, umbellatis vel corymbosis ; involucelli foliolis ovatis v. cor- datis, vel angusto-lanceolatis linearibusve. Endl.

Domsrya Burgessie ; subarborescens, ramis petiolis pedunculisque pubescenti- villosis, foliis molliter pubescentibus cordatis acute quinquelobis grosse erenato-serratis, stipulis ovato-acuminatis deciduis, pedunculis petiolo lon- gioribus, floribus cymoso-corymbosis ebracteatis, laciniis calycinis anguste lanceolatis demum reflexis, petalis oblique lato-deltoideis obtusissimis albis basi venisque purpureo pictis, ovario tomentoso.

Dompeya Burgessiz. Gerrard, in Harv. Fl. Cap. Suppl. p.590. Harv. Thes. Cap. v. 2. t. 137-8.

Dr. Harvey, who alone has described and figured this charm- ing tree or shrub, states the height of it at S-10 feet. Our plant has in two years’ time attained that height, from the period of sowing the seeds, which we received from Dr. Harvey. It has been recently discovered in South Africa by Mr. J. M‘Ken,

JANUARY Ist, 1865.

in Zulu-land; and at Klip-River, Natal, by Mr. W. 'T. Gerrard, who named it in compliment to Miss Burgess, of Birkenhead. The genus Dombeya is a very beautiful one, almost peculiar to tropical Africa and its eastern islands, but scarcely extending so far south as the Cape of Good Hope. Three species, however, are described by Dr. Harvey, in his admirable Flora Capensis,’ as inhabiting Uitenhage and Natal, in the first volume; and three more appeared in the Supplement to the second volume. The author anticipates the discovery of others in the Natal dis- trict, but, as he justly observes, scarcely one from them finer than this. Its large fragrant flowers appeared with us in August.

Descr. Our plant in the conservatory of Kew promises to be arborescent, which, in little more than two years raised from the seed, is ten feet high, moderately branched at the summit; the younger branches herbaceous, terete, and downy. Leaves alter- nate, long-petiolate, six inches to a span long, cordately five-lobed, pubescently hirsute; the /odes acute, coarsely and unequally ser- rated, terminal one acuminate. Sfipules ovate, acuminate, at length deciduous. Peduncle in our plant axillary, longer than the petiole, downy, corymbose, bearing many large white flowers, roseate in the disk, with the same tint extending into the veins. Calyz in our plant ebracteolate, of five spreading, at length reflexed lanceolate sepals. Petals obliquely subdeltoid, very obtuse, concave. Column of stamens short and cup-shaped, terminating in five s/eri/e, long, linear-spathulate stamens, be- tween which, but not half their length, are generally three (some- times two) fertile ones. Filaments filiform. Anthers oblong, two-celled. Ovary globose, downy. Style filiform, shorter than the sterile filaments, but longer than the fertile ones. Stigmas five, linear, reflexed, downy.—/. B.

Fig. 1. Petal. 2. Portion of the staminiferous column, with three fertile and two sterile stamens. 3. Pistil:—al/ more or less magnified.

Vincent Brooks, Imp:

W.Fatch,, Hth.

Tas. 5488,


Mr. Parish’s Dendrobium.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5303.)

Denprogium Parishii; caulibus crassissimis subpendulis floriferis aphyllis membranulis albidis indutis, foliis coriaceis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis erosis cito deciduis, floribus geminatis aut ternatis racemum spurium formantibus longe pedicellatis, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis, petalis paulo latioribus unguiculatis ovatis obtusiusculis pedicello duplo brevioribus, labello indiviso cucullato apiculato fere orbiculari, limbo et margine pulvinato. Bateman.

This new Dendrobium was sent (in 1862) from Moulmein by the Rev. C. S. P. Parish to Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., of the Clapton Nursery, in whose establishment, as also in the collec- tions of Mr. Rucker and Mr. Day, it has flowered beautifully during the past season. At first sight it appears to bear a cer- tain amount of resemblance to D. xodile, but it is im reality per- fectly distinct. Even when out of flower it is readily distinguished by its thick, clumsy, leafless stems, which are bent downwards in a stiff ungainly manner, while the stems of D. nodie and D. moniliforme hold themselves erect, and taper gracefully towards the base. ‘The flowering-season of these latter species is likewise different, being confined to the winter months, whereas D. Parishit blossoms in summer.

A glance at the recent volumes of the Botanical Magazine’ will show the large number of new and beautiful Orchids that have been secured to the collections of this country through the zeal and enterprise of Mr. Parish, whose eye seems to be ever ready to detect any new forms amid the striking vegetation of the rich country that is now the scene of his missionary labours. It is, however, among the Dendrobia that his most remarkable discoveries have been made, and I have therefore a peculiar pleasure in associating his name with a new species of the beau- tiful genus that owes so much to his diligent researches.—J/. B.

JANUARY Ist, 1865.

Descr. Stems a foot or more long, extremely thick throughout their whole length, bent downwards, covered, when young, with thin, white membranes, which fall off the second year. Leaves stiff and leathery, from two to four inches long, blunt and usu- ally a little notched at the ends, falling off the first year. Flowers in twos or (more rarely) in threes, produced freely on a short spurious raceme, along more than half the entire length of the stems. Pedicels nearly two inches long. Sepals half the length of the pedicels, oblong-lanceolate, acute, of a beautiful light-rose colour, except at the base, where the rose-colour fades into white. Petals same colour as the sepals, than which they are slightly broader, unguiculate, ovate, somewhat obtuse. Lip entire, shorter than the sepals, and (when spread flat) nearly round, apiculate, hooded, downy in front and at the edges, with rich purple inte- rior markings on either side the throat, and a lighter tint along its centre and at the recurved apex.—J. B.

Fig. 1. Column. 2. Lip :—magnified.


Jb, /

Vincent Brooks, imp.

Tas. 5489. PROUSTIA pyrirouia.

Pear-leaved Proustia.


Gen. Char. Capitulum subquinqueflorum, homogamum, discoideum. Involucri turbinati floribus multo brevioris sguame@ coriacex, adpressee, obtusissime, ex- time minime. Receptaculum planum, piloso-fibrilliferum. Corolle glabre, bi- labiatee, labiis eequilongis, revolutis, exteriore latiore apice tridentato et interiore bifido, v. exteriore quadridentato, interiore indiviso integro. Staminum filamenta distincta, glabra, plana, antherarum caudze lacere, longe, ale breves, lanceolate. Stylus’ superne hispido-puberulus. Achenia oblonga v. trigona, teretiuscula v. trigona, erostria, pilosa, callo apicali. Pappus biserialis, equalis, paleaceus, paleis angustissime linearibus, apice paululum incrassatis vel profundius serratis.— Arbusculee Chilenses et Peruviane ; foliis alternis, petiolatis coriaceis, integerrimis v. denticulatis ; capitulis paniculatis. Endl.

Proustia pyrifolia ; altissime scandens, flexuosa, foliis petiolatis coriaceis cor- dato-ovatis apiculatis integerrimis v. spinuloso-dentatis glabris vy. subtus canescentibus, ad basin petioli pulvinulo spinigero, floribus corymbosis, pappo pulcherrime purpureo-roseo.

Proustia pyrifolia. Lag. in Annual. du Mus. v.19. p. 70. ¢t. 4. De Cand. Prodr. v. 7. p.27. Gay, Fl. Chil. v. 3. p. 295. (P. oblongifolia, Don, and P. glandulosa, De Cand., may probably be considered synonyms.)

A recent introduction of Messrs. Veitch and Son, from Chili, which, however unattractive in its flowers and foliage, yet, as the fruit advances to maturity, is a singular and beautiful object, for the long pendent branches and foliage are almost wholly concealed by the mass of rich rose-purple feathered pappus. Cultivated, as no doubt it will soon be, as a greenhouse climber, it cannot fail to be very attractive; and let it be remembered that it is of such rapid growth, that in its native quebradas of Chili, it climbs to the tops of the highest trees, as stated by Bridges and M. Gay. It has flowered for the first time at the Chelsea Nursery, in July, 1864.

Descr. A lofty perennial clméer, with flexuose branches, which are striated and downy, younger ones often very flexuose. Leaves alternate, two inches long, ovate or elliptical, often a

JANUARY IsT, 1865.

little cordate at the base, apiculate at the point, coriaceous, the margin often quite entire, at other times strongly spinuloso- denticulate, mostly glabrous above and reticulated, beneath gla- brous or canescent and subtomentose. Petioles very short, at the base beneath having an excrescence or pu/vinulus, terminating in a curved spine. Peduncles axillary in the long terminal branches, corymbose, but paniculate as they advance to matu- rity, bearing small leafy, ovate dracts. Flowers or capitula very small. nvolucre of a few imbricating, green, oblong scales. Florets pale-purple, about five, hermaphrodite, two-lipped ; ez- ternal lip three-toothed, inner one bipartite. Achenia minute ; pappus of many slender hairs, a little thickened upwards, and then rough, at first upright, at length spreading, and collectively forming a plumose mass, of great length and breadth.

Fig. 1. Leaf, partially toothed at the margin, with the cushioned spine at the base of the petiole—natural size. 2. Capitulum, 3. Single floret. 4. Hair _ from the pappus :—more or less magnified.

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W.Fitch, dd et lith.

Tas. 5490.


Western Swainsonia.

Nat. Ord. LeGumMinos#.—D1apELPHIA DECANDRIA.

Gen. Char. Calye urceolato-campanulatus, quinquedentatus, dentidus duobus superioribus approximatis. Corolle papilionacese vexil/um amplum orbiculatum emarginatum explanatum, disco circumscripto basi bicallosum, alas angustas, basi exciso-biauriculatas et carinam adscendentem obtusam -superans. Stylus postice longitudinaliter barbatus; stigma terminale. ZLegumen ovatum, stylo mu- cronatum, turgidum, polyspermum. Semina (plerumque parva, reniformia, s¢ro- phiolo nullo, Benth.).—Suffrutices in Nova Hollandia (precipue orientali) extra- tropica indigent; foliis imparipinnatis, multijugis; stipulis deciduis; racemis axillaribus folio longioribus ; floribus purpureis v. coccineis. Endl.

Swainsonia occidentalis ; subglabra, foliis pluri- v. multijugis, foliolis oblongo- obovatis, stipulis foliaceis reniformi-deltoideis, racemis elongatis multifloris, pedicellis bracteola basali conspicue longioribus calycem subzequantibus, calycis dentibus ciliatis et intus sericeis, petalis violaceis, vexillo carinam erostrem parum tortum superante basi calloso, germinis stipite sursum bar- bato, stylo longitudinaliter ciliato breviusculo, germine angusto preeter basin glabro. Mueller.

Swainsonia occidentalis. Mueller, Fragm. Phyt. Austr. v. 3. p.46. Benth. Fi. Austral. v. 2. p. 219.

DreLotospium Walcottii. Muell. in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. v. 7. p. 489.

This very handsome species of the very beautiful genus Swain- sonia has been raised from seeds sent from Western Australia by Mr. Wm. Thompson, of Ipswich, from whom we received specimens in the summer of 1864. Our earliest knowledge of it was from specimens gathered by Mr. Bynoe at Depuech Island, and abundantly in sterile places in Nichol Bay, during Gregory and Ridley’s Exploring Expedition, both in North Australia. Drummond also appears to have gathered it in West Australia (as it has been raised from his seeds, and first blos- somed in 1863), and Mr. Oldfield gathered it in the Murchison river.

Of this genus (including Cyclogyne of Bentham and Diplolo- bium of Mueller) fourteen species have been published by Mr.

JANUARY IsT, 1865.

Bentham, in the second volume of his valuable Flora Australi- ensis ;’ of these, two are already figured in this work, viz. S. co- ronillefolia, Tab. 1725, and S. Greyana, Tab. 4416. In the copiously-flowered racemes and in the colour of the corollas the present will bear comparison with any known species, and cannot fail to prove a great ornament to our greenhouses.

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Vexillum. 3. One of the wings. 4. The carina :—all more or less magnified.

W. Fitch, deé lith.

Vincent. Brooks, Imp

Tas. 5491.


Beautiful Variety of the Two-coloured Epidendrum.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5336.)

EPIDENDRUM dichromum; pseudobulbis ovato-fusiformibus 2- vel 3-phyllis, foliis rigidis ligulatis planis obtusis seapo paniculato multifloro brevioribus, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis acutiusculis, petalis obovato-lanceolatis duplo latioribus, labelli profunde trilobi lobo medio obcordato pluriés costato lateralibus bre- vioribus rotundatis apice patulis, columna obtuse auriculata.

EpIpENDRUM dichromum. Lindl. Fol. Orch., et in Bot. Reg. 1843, Misc. 119.

This charming Zpidendrum was imported last year from Bahia by Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., of the Clapton Nursery, through whom it speedily found its way into all the principal collections in the neighbourhood of London. In many of these it has already flowered, and I was myself fortunate enough to see it in bloom last autumn in Mr. Bassett’s garden, as well as at the establishments of Mr. Williams, of Holloway, and of Messrs. Lee, of Hammersmith. In each case the variety was ditferent, the sepals and petals in Mr. Bassett’s plant being of a pale rose-colour, in that of Mr. Williams they were nearly white, while in Messrs. Lee’s specimen—from which the figure is de- rived—both tints were combined with such pleasing effect as to merit the distinctive appellation of ‘amadie’ which I have ven- tured to add to the specific name.

Mr. Low’s collector found the plant in exposed places on the margin of rivers, establishing itself on the branches of low straggling bushes, and sending its roots down into the sand amidst which they grew. ‘Taking their cue from these pecu- liarities in its habit in a wild state some cultivators are attempt- ing to grow the species potted in sand, but I scarcely expect they will succeed. In the meantime it seems to thrive upon a block of wood or in a pot nearly filled with potsherds. It will



bear exposure to the light, and, while growing, must have a d amount of heat.

When I first examined the plant I thought it was probably new, but I am now satisfied that Professor Reichenbach was right in referring it to the £. dichromum of Lindley, in despite of some minor discrepancies, for which its tendency to run into varieties may readily account.

The species of Hpidendrum are not usually popular with culti- vators, few of them possessing much brilliancy of colour; but the present subject is a notable exception—rivalling, as it does, the best of the Barkertas—and there are others of equal or greater beauty still to introduce. Among the latter I would specially instance Z. erubescens, which produces a panicle nearly four times the size of the one represented in the Plate, and with flowers of a similar hue. It is a native of Oaxaca, whence liv- ing specimens were imported more than twenty years ago, they all however died because they were kept too warm. Surely an attempt ought to be made to re-introduce so desirable a Ho vag we should now be able to manage with perfect ease.—

Descr. Pseudobulbs clustered, from three to six inches long, smooth, round, ovate-oblong. eaves two or three on each bulb, strap-shaped, from six inches to a foot or more in length, rather blunt at the ends, erect, and rigid. Scape, in the wild specimens, three feet high or more, bearing a many-flowered panicle. The flowers vary both in their size and tints, some being as large and as brilliantly rose-coloured as the specimens represented in the Plate, while others are almost entire y white, and considerably smaller. Sepa/s about an inch long, linear- lanceolate, rather sharp at the ends; petals wider than the sepals, and obovate. Lip deeply three-lobed, the middle lobe obcordate, with many ribs on its disk, of a beautiful deep crim- son, with light margin; the lateral lobes are shorter, spreading at the ends, white, externally turned up with purple. Column

as long as the lateral lobes of the lip, bearing two short blunt wings.

Fig. 1. Lip. 2. Column. 3. Pollen-masses :—all slightly magnified.

t Pe ae



W. Fitch, del et lith.

Vincent Brooks, Imp.

Tas. 5492.


Fragrant Morenia,

Nat. Ord. Patma.—Diecra HEXxanpria.

Gen. Char, Flores dioici in spadicibus ramosissimis, spathis pluribus basilari- bus, apice apertis cinctis, sessilibus, ebracteati. Mase. : Calyx cupularis, triden- ticulatus. Corolla tripetala ; petalis carnosulis, late ovatis, zestivatione valvatis. Stamina 6, e fundo corolle ; jilamenta filiformia; anthere oblonge, basifixee. Ovarit rudimentum. Fem.: Calyx cupularis, tridentatus. Corolla gamopetala, rotato-campanulata, tudo brevi, Jimdi trilobi laciniis ovatis acutiusculis, zestiva- tione valvatis. Staminum rudimenta 6. Ovarium ovato-subglobosum, trilocu- lare. Stigmata 3, sessilia, deltoidea. Bacca monosperma, parce carnosa. _A/- bumen xquabile, corneum. Hmébryo supra basim dorsalis.—Palme Peruana, ru- picole ; caudice tenero arundinaceo, annulato; frondibus terminalibus, pinnatis ; pinnis planis, aut leviter reduplicatis, inermibus, levigatis, glabris; spadicibus infra comam verticillatis, simpliciter ramosis; spathis membranaceis, primum spadicis ramos omnino obtegentibus, tandem in pedunculo persistentibus ; floribus albis v. fla- vidis ; baccis oliveformibus, viridibus, Endl.

Morenia fragrans; caudice arundinaceo subsexpedali gracili, frondibus ovatis obtusis sublonge petiolatis, petiolo basi longe vaginante, pinnis pedalibus anguste lanceolatis acuminatis planis elevatim venosis inermibus, pedunculis aggregatis copiose spathaceis, spatha suprema seu florali longe rostrata, spa- dice nutante pedali ramosa alba.

Morenta fragrans. Ruiz et Pav. Fl. Per. et Chil. Prodr. p. 152. t. 32. Syst. ~ Veget. Fl. Per. et Chil. p. 292. Mart. Palm. v. 8. p. 162.

Morenta Lindeniana. Herm. Wendl. in Herb. nostr. CHama@porga Lindeniana. Wendl. Index Palmarum, 1854, 60.

The genus Morenia, next of kin to Chamedorea, Willd., was established by Ruiz and Pavon in 1794, on a small graceful Peruvian Palm; and the only species known to those authors was the MZ. fragrans. To this Martius added a second species, M. Peppigiana, figured in Mart. Palm. at tt. 140, ‘141, and which so far resembles our plant, that if I had been uninfluenced by any other authority, I should have been disposed to consi- der the two the same. He described it as scarcely differing from M. fragrans, except in the “taller caudex and inodorous _

FEBRUARY lst, 1865.

flowers.” Our present plant was received from Linden in _ 1850, named Chamedorea” (without locality), and has been named by Wendland Morenia Lindeniana, in our Herbarium ; but there is a Chamedorea Lindeniana, as above quoted, with- out any character or mention of country, with a reference to _ Otto and Dietr. Gartenz. 1853, n. 18. p- 139, which I have no opportunity of consulting. It is certain, however, that we _ possess specimens of this same Palm in our herbarium from _Chacapoyas, Peru (Mathews, n. 31082, “San Capilla” of the natives), Santa Martha (Purdie), and an allied plant from Sa- lango, Columbia, gathered by the late Dr. Sinclair, which Mr. Bentham has (probably correctly) named Morenia Sragrans? 1 _ think it therefore safer to consider this to be the same as the _ fragrans of Ruiz and Pavon, rather than increase the number of species dubia, which are so puzzling to the botanist. There can _ hardly be a doubt (judging from the figure) that Martius’s 7. _ Peppigiana is a closely allied plant to this; indeed, he says of it, “videtur a Morenia fragrante divisa,” but the distinctions he gives seem to be of very trifling value. Our flowering-plants are destitute of female flowers. _ It is to be regretted that these smaller Palms, which present uch graceful forms, and occupy little space, are not more culti- vated in our stoves. It is only from the living plant and correct

figures that we can arrive at a knowledge of their genera and Species.

_ Fig. 1. Much reduced flowering-plant. 2. Base of a pinna,—nalural size. _ 3. Flowering portion of the caudex,—natural size. 4, Male flower-bud. 5, _ Male flower, with an abortive pistil:—toth magnified.

W Fitch, delet lith.

Tas. 5493.


Mr. Saunders’s Agave.

Nat. Ord. AMARYLLIDE#®.—HeExanpria Monoeynia.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5333.)

AGAVE Saundersii; acaulis, foliis horizontaliter patentibus glaucis bipedalibus 4 uncias latis lanceolato-oblongis basi angustiore spinoso-acuminatissimis, margine spinosis, spinis triangulari-acutissimis subdistantibus atro-purpu- reis, scapo 14-pedali copiose bracteato, pedunculis 4-pollicaribus teretibus horizontalibus distantibus, basi unibracteatis, bractea ovata longe subulata basi inferne lato-carinata, fasciculis globosis submultifloris, floribus com- pactis subsessilibus basi bracteolatis, ovariis subcylindraceis obscure sulcatis viridibus sesquipollicaribus, limbi flavi laciniis suberectis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis, staminibus perianthii longitudine eequalibus, antherisque pallide fla- vis, stylo } longitudine filamentorum, stigmate globoso, capsula (immatura) elliptica.

Perhaps no plants require more illustration by figures than the species of a genus of which we here represent one, which we venture to consider as new. It promises to be a genus numerous in individuals, and these of a most interesting cha- racter, and of which the well-known American Aloe (Agave Americana) is the type. Travelling botanists in vain attempt to preserve specimens for the herbarium,—they cannot therefore be studied ¢here ;—and in our gardens, except in some great public establishments, few are disposed to sacrifice the space necessary for their cultivation, and they are proverbially shy of flowering, so much so, that the Agave Americana is generally and to this day spoken of as the plant which flowers once in a hundred years. It is true that of late, in a German work,* a monographische Skizze” is given of no less than sixty-four species, apparently of those in cultivation, with brief specific characters,—a large

proportion of them derived from the foliage alone, so that they

* ©Wochenschrift des Vereines zur Beférderung des Gartenbaues in den K6- niglich-Preussischen Staaten, fiir Giirtnerei und Pfianzenkunde.

FEBRUARY Ist, 1865.

can be of very little service in scientific botany. At any rate, we fail to discover our present Agave among them. It is from the rich collection of succulents in the possession of our friend William Wilson Saunders, Esq., of Heathfield, Reigate. Its origin is not known, and we can only say it is probably a native of Mexico, a region so rich in species of this genus. It has flowered in the winter season, and now, January, 1865, the fruit seems fully formed, but at present quite green.

Descr. Stemless. Leaves singularly spreading, nearly horizon- tally, the lowest ones lying close to the ground, one and a half to two feet long, moderately thick, glaucous, oblong-lanceolate, suddenly terminating in long purple-brown spines, nearly plane or with the spinous margins a little upturned; the spines dis- tant, from a broad base triangular, dark purple-brown. Scape, in our plant, fourteen feet long, stout in proportion, cylindrical, beset at very short intervals with erect, appressed, subulate scales, which soon become marcescent. Clusters or fascicles of flowers numerous, subglobose, densely crowded, terminating in a horizontal peduncle, four inches long, its base subtended by a large, ovate, acuminate dract deeply carinated below. Secon- dary fascicles subsessile and bracteolated at the base. Ovary one and a half inch long, green, subterete, but obscurely grooved or six-angled, crowned by the yellow /imé of four, nearly erect, acuminated segments. Stamens six, yellow; filaments equal in length with the perianth, and inserted between the segments. Anthers very large, deep-yellow, versatile. Style half the length of the filaments, terminated by a clavate stigma. Capsule (at

present immature) nearly elliptical, crowned by the withered limb of the perianth.

Fig. 1. Greatly reduced figure of the entire plant. 2. Much reduced figure of a leaf. 3. Reduced figure of a fascicle of flowers, with its peduncle and cari- nated bract at the base. 4. Apex of a leaf:—wnatural size. 5. Secondary cluster

of ~ sampler size. 6. Transverse section of an ovary,—slightly mag- nified.

/ U4

Vincent Brooks, Imp

t Lith. -

W.Fitch,del e

Tas. 5494,

CQELOGYNE ruscescens, var. BRUNNEA.

feddish-brown Cologyne. Nat. Ord. OrcHipE#.—GyNaNnDRIA MONANDRIA.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5462.)

C@Locyne fuscescens, var. brunnea ; pseudobulbis elongatis teretibus, foliis latis oblongis plicatis utrinque acutis, racemo nutante paucifloro, bracteis deci- duis, sepalis lanceolatis acuminatis, petalis angustioribus conformibus, la- belli trilobi lobis lateralibus porrectis subacutis, lobo medio subquadrato plano lineis 3 elevatis juxta basin. Lindl. guibusdam mutatis.

CeLoGYNE fuscescens, var. brunnea. Lindl. Fol. Orch., et in Gard. Chron. 1848, Pp. 71. cum icone.

This beautiful Cwlogyne was first seen in our gardens about the year 1848, when a notice of its flowering appeared in the Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ but it would seem to have been almost immediately lost,—at all events IJ am not aware that it has ever blossomed a second time. ‘This circumstance is the more re- markable since the plant, which Messrs. Hugh Low and Co. have Jately re-introduced, is now found to grow freely and flower profusely under the most ordinary treatment. It is a native of Moulmein, from whence it was sent by Mr. Parish to Messrs. Low. It has already blossomed in several places, but the finest Specimens were produced in Mr. Day’s collection, and from these, with his kind permission, the accompanying figure was prepared. The species flowers in the winter months, and con- tinues in beauty for several weeks. It is among the best of the Ceelogynes.—J. B.

Descr. Pseudobulés round and rather narrow, from three to four inches long, and nearly the same distance apart, bearing two broad plicated eaves, tapering at either end. Raceme nod- ding, appearing before the leaves, and usually bearing from three to eight flowers, all expanded at the same time, and continuing long in perfection. Bracts sheathing, speedily falling off. Sepals (of which the dorsal is the broadest) lanceolate-acuminate, much wider than the slender linear petals; both are upwards of an inch long, and of a very delicate texture, white, with a yellowish

FEBRUARY Ist, 1865.

tint. Zip (in the variety represented in the Plate) distinctly three-lobed, the lateral lobes stretching forward and coming to a bluntish point, which is slightly turned backwards, whitish outside, but internally speckled and margined with brown; the middle lobe is nearly square, whitish at the edges, but passing into rich chestnut-brown at its base, where are three elevated longitudinal streaks of a brilliant orange. Column slightly bent, and wingless.

Fig. 1. Column and anther. 2. Pollen-masses. 3. Front view of the label- Jum :—magaified.




Fitch, dél. ettith.


Showy Manettia.

Nat. Ord. RuspracEmz—TeEtTrRanpRIA Monoeynla.

Gen. Char. Calyx tubo turbinato, cum ovario connato; limbi superi, quadri- quinquepartiti, lobis lineari-lanceolatis, accessoriis dentibus totidem seepius inter lobos. Corolla supera infundibuliformis, ¢udo tereti v. tetra-pentagono, fauce ampliata pilosa; imi brevissime quadri-quinquefidi, Jodis obtusis, patentibus v. revolutis. Stamina 4 v. 5, corolle fauci inserta; filamenta filiformia, subexserta ; anthere ovate, incumbentes. Ovarium inferum, biloculare. Ovwla plurima, pla- centis cylindricis e basi dissepimenti utrinque adscendentibus undique inserta, amphitropa. Séylus filiformis; stigma obtuse bilobum, subexsertum. Capsula membranacea, calycis limbo coronata, bilocularis, septicido-bivalvis. Semina plu- rima, compressa, peltata, imbricata, ala membranacea cincta. Hmbryo in axi albuminis carnosi orthotropus; cotyledonibus ovatis, subfoliaceis, radicula cylin- drica infera.—Herbze v. suffrutices volubiles, in America tropica crescentes ; ramis gracilibus; foliis oppositis, brevissime petiolatis v. subsessilibus, ovato-oblongis v. subcordatis ; stipulis latis, brevibus, acutis, sepius cum petiolorum basi subcon- eretis ; pedunculis avillaribus, uni-multifloris, nudis v. medio bibracteolatis. Endl.

MANETTIA micans; glaberrima, volubilis, foliis ovatis v. ovato-lanceolatis acumi- natis, ramulis floriferis (v. paniculis foliosis) elongatis, pedunculis bracteatis 1-3-floris, stipulis latis brevibus minute ciliatis, calycis levibus, limbi la- ciniis lineari-subulatis, corolla biunciali, tubo clavato-cylindraceo, limbi laciniis triangularibus patentibus.

MANETTIA micans. Pepp. et Endl. Nov. Gen. et Sp. Peruv. v. 3. p. 24. Walp. Repert, Bot. v. 2. p. 508.

This fine species of J/anettia is quite different from the Bra- ailian M. cordifolia, given at our Tab. 3202, and quite new to our collections; hitherto only described by Poeppig and End- licher as a native of woods of Mayna, in Peru. We possess an original specimen from Pceppig, and others gathered in Peru by M‘Lean and by Mathews (Tarapota, n. 1349). It has recently been imported by Messrs. Veitch, from Muna, ele- vation 3-4000 feet, by their South American collector, Mr. Pearce, and promises to be a most interesting stove-climber. The leafy panicles of flowers are of the brightest red-orange.

FEBRUARY Ist, 1865.

The plant has flowered in King’s Road Nursery in December, 1864. -

Walpers, in the second volume of his Repert. Bot., has most carelessly given three of the four new species of Peruvian J/a- nettie of Posppig as inhabitants of Brazil, whereas they are expressly stated to be Peruvian.

Dzscr. Apparently a vigorous climber, extending some twenty feet, according to Peeppig. The leaves on the older branches attain a length of three to three and a half inches, and are never cordate at the base; those on the flowering-branches (or rather leafy and drooping panicles) are smaller and usually broader in proportion ; these leaves become dracés on the ultimate branch- lets or peduncles. The species is by far the most beautiful known to us.

Fig. 1. Corolla, laid open. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Transverse section of ovary :—magnified.

. ay



W Fitch, del et lith.

Vincent Brooks, Imp:

Tas. 5496, ARISAIMA papiILiosum.

Papillose Arisema.

Nat. Ord. ARo1pE#.—Mone@cra MonaNpRIA:

Gen. Char. Spatha basi convoluta, limbo fornicato v. planiusculo. Spadia in- ferne unisexualis, superne genitalibus rudimentariis interdum plane deficientibus auctus, apice exserto vel incluso nudus. Axthere in filamentis distinctis verti- cillate, oculis discretis vel appositis, poro vel rima subtransversali dehiscentibus. Ovaria plurima, libera. Ovuda 2-6, rariusve plura, in faniculis brevibus e pla- centa basilari recta, orthotropa. Stylus brevis v. subnullus; stigma capitato- peltatum v. depresso-hemisphzricum. Bacce mono-oligosperme. Semina sub- globosa, ¢esta coriacea y. membranacea, umbilico basilari lato. Embryo in axi albuminis, antitropus, extremitate caudiculari umbilico e diametro opposita.— Plante perennes, in Asie tropice montibus, deinde in Asia extratropica orientali, et in America boreali indigene, rhizomate tuberoso, acaules v. foliorum petiolis basi vaginantibus cum scapo centrali coneretis caulescentes; lamina rarissime indivisa, nune peltatisecta, nunc pedati- v. palmatipartita ; segmentis sessilibus v. stipitatis, integerrimis v. rarius eroso-serratis, subreticulato-venosis. Endl.

ARIs&MA papillosum ; tubere rotundato superne radiculoso, scapo solitario uni- _ foliato vaginato, petiolo maculato, folio pedatipartito, laciniis 7-9 lanceo- latis anguste acuminatis, spatha albo-vittata inferne subcylindracea, superne ovata cucullata longe acuminata stricta, spadice subincluso apice clavato nudo, inferne omnino antherifero, pistillis deficientibus papilleeformibus. Aris#Ma papillosum. Schott. Steudel in Schott, Prodr, Syst. Aroid. p. 46. Thw. Enum, Pl. Ceyl. p. 335.

ARISEMA erubescens. Schott. Melet. v. 1. p. 17? et in Prodr. Syst. Aroid. p. 53?

When we described our Arisema Murrayi, at Tab. 4388 of this work, we noticed that Blume, in his ‘Rumphia,’ had re- corded thirty-one species, mostly of Asiatic origin. Schott, in his more recent ‘Prodromus Systematis Aroidearum,’ has in- creased the list to eighty-one, including certain doubtful species. The one here represented is a native of the Nilgherries, and it has lately been found by Thwaites in Ceylon, whence the tubers were kindly communicated to us. It is described as there inhabiting the Central Province of the island, at an eleva- tion of 4000-6000 feet. The large tuberous roots are used as

FEBRUARY Ist, 1865.

a medicine by the Cingalese, and sometimes called ‘“ Snakeroot.”’ It is by the root that they probably increase in their native re- gions, for in our species (4. Murray, above mentioned, and in the singular 4. precor, Tab. nostr. 5267, as well as in the pre- sent instance) no pistils are produced.

The specific name papillosum is probably given by the author on account of the papilliform abortive pistils on the spadix.

Fig. 1. Much reduced figure of an entire plant. 2. Tuber. 3. Flowers and leaf. 4. Spadix:—natural size. 5 and 6. Anthers,—more or less magnified. 7. Abortive papilliform pistils,—magnified.




Vincent Brooks, Ixxup

Tas. 3497, ALOCASIA Low1r; var. picta.

Mr. Low's Alocasia ; variegated var.

Nat. Ord. AnorpEa#.—Monecra MonanpRia.

Gen. Char. Spathe tubus persistens; lamina cucullata, eymbiformis. Spadix appendiculatus, spatha paulo brevior, inferne ovariis (ovaridiisque interdum) medio floribus neutris, infra apicem synandriis dense obsitus. Ovaria subastyla. Stigma depresso-hemisphericum. Synandria breviter stipitata, loculis sub vertice aperientibus. Fructus spathe tubo irregulariter disrupto et revoluto involueratus. Bacea rotundato-obovata (rubra). Semen depresso-hemisphericum.—Rhizoma plerumque elatum, arborescens, approximato-tenuiterque cicatrizatum. Folia juve- nilis plante peltata, vetustioris sepe ad petiolatum usque bipartita. Costa et venee utringue elevato-prominentes. Pedunculi breviusculi plures ex una azilla. Spadices swaveolentes—Indice. Schott.

Atocasta Lowii; acaulis; foliis longe petiolatis cordato-sagittatis acuminatis, petalis subtus purpureis, supra atro-viridibus nitidis, sinu profundo, costis costulis margineque incrassato albis, seapo basi vaginato-bracteatis superne teretibus, spatha alba tubo inflato-globosa, lamina oblongo-cymbiformi, spadice spatha breviore, ovariis subglobosis, stylo subnullo, stigmate sessili 4—5-lobato, lobis acutis patentibus.

Atocasta Lowii, Hook. Bot. Mog. t. 5376. Cauapium Veitehii. Veitch’s Cat. (Henderson).

Var. 8. picta; foliis supra atro-viridibus supra costis costulisque albido late albidoque marginatis venulisque albis, petiolo virido-striato, annulatisque bracteis spathaque rubro tinctis. (‘TaB. NosTR. 5497.)

Superior as this Aroideous plant is, in point of beauty, to that we have figured at Tab. 5376, it cannot but be considered a more highly-coloured and variegated variety of it. Its genus Is unquestionably the same; but whether we have done right in referring our A/ocasia Lowii and A. metallica (Tab. nostr. 5190) both to the genus A/ocasia, we must leave to the judgment of those who are more familiar with this difficult family of plants than we are ourselves. Certain it is that we have erred in con- sidering our metallica to be the same as the plant of that name: in Schott’s Synopsis Aroidearum,’ for the author has lately, in

MARCH lst, 1865,

his Prodromus Systematis Aroidearum,’ abolished that species and referred it as a mere variety (‘“‘colore plus minusve atro- purpureo”’) of the well-known Alocasia Indica, Schott (Arum Indicum of Roxburgh). Independent of other most important characters, the stigma of our 4. metallica (and it is the same in A. Lowii) is remarkable, no less for its great size in proportion to the ovary than for its being deeply divided into three to five spreading acute lobes; whereas in A. izodora the stigma is de- presso-hemisphericum, and is considered to be characteristic of the genus by that great writer on Aroidee, Schott.

Let it be observed that both these splendid species we are now considering are inhabitants of the same country, Borneo, (perhaps now the finest country in the world for the researches of the botanist and the horticulturist,) and both of them were intro- duced by Messrs. Low, of Clapton. The plant here figured was communicated to us by Messrs. E. G. Henderson and Son, of Wellington Road, St. John’s Wood, in April, 1864.

Descr. Our plant was a solitary one, not (as yet at least) growing in dense tufts, like our Alocasia metallica, and it pos- sessed but one leaf; its petiole springs with a broad base directly from the summit of the rhizome, annulated at the summit, and is a foot and a half high, green, purplish upwards, ringed and spotted with darker lines, shortly sheathing at the base. ‘The blade of the leaf is fifteen inches long, peltate, sagittato-ovate, or subcordate, extremely handsome in colour, very full, dark- green above, edged with a thickened whitish margin, while the costa and primary veins are enclosed as it were in broad bands of a whitish or sea-green colour, melting into the dark-green or sending out slender white anastomosing vein/eds, while the whole underside is rich purple. The sizws of the lobes is very deep ; the Jobes are subparallel (not spreading), and have each a strong branch of the stout costa running down much nearer the inner than the outer margin. The primary veins or costules are remote and horizontal, but only on the outer side of the two branches just spoken of; on the rest of the leaf they are on both sides and nearly opposite. Scape from the short sheath at the base of the petiole, and very much shorter than it, pale-green speckled with dark purple, and clothed, for nearly its whole length, with sheathing pale-coloured dracts, elegantly lined and dotted with’ red. Spatha four and a half inches long, globose and green at the base, the rest cucullato-cymbiform, yellowish-white tinged with red. Spadiz sessile or nearly so, the lowest portion clothed with pistils. Ovary globose. Style very short : stigma very large,

of four to five star-like rays; between these and the anthers is a contraction occupied by glands, of which the inferior are pro- bably abortive pistils, whilst the upper ones seem to pass gradually

_ Into the anthers, which occupy the greater portion of the centre of the spadix, and are thick and fleshy, discoid, with six to eight oblong cells at the sides, opening by pores at the apex or margin of the crenated disk. The apex of the spadix (or appendage) is a cylindrical fleshy mass, longitudinally wrinkled.

Fig. 1. Spadix,—natural size. 2. Pistils. 8. Glands seen on the spadix, between the pistils and the anthers. 4. Anthers :—magnified.


Fitch, del .et. ith.


Tas. 5498,


Admirable Lelia.

Nat. Ord. OrcutpEx.—Gynanprra MONANDRIA.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5144.)

L&LIA prestans ; pseudobulbis stipitatis fusiformibus costatis monophyllis, fo- liis oblongis acutis, floribus solitariis, bracteis squameformibus abbreviatis, sepalis oblongis acutis, petalis multo latioribus ovato-oblongis obtuse acutis, labello libero trilobo, circa columnam omnino convoluto carnoso, carinis 4 vel 6 per discum, columna crassA superne dilatata, auriculis posticis apicu- laribus sibi incumbentibus. Hr Reichenbach.

Lxuta prestans. Reichen. fil. in Koch, Berlin. Allgem. Gartenzeitung, 1857, v. 42. p. 336.

Lauta7prestans. Lindi. Gard. Chron. 1859, p. 240.

BLETIA preestans. Reich. fil. Xenia Orch. t. 114.

CattLeya pumila, var. major. Lemaire, Illustration Horticole, v. 6. 1859, p- 193.

At first sight this rare and beautiful plant might be mistaken for a large variety of another Lelia, with which we have been long familiar under the various names of Cattleya pumila, C. mar- ginata, or C. Pinelli, but it is in reality perfectly distinct. Pro- fessor Reichenbach was the first to distinguish it, and he has given a most faithful representation in one of the Plates of his ‘Xenia Orchidacea,’ his specimens having been obtained from the rich collection of Consul Schiller, of Hamburg. In this country the plant is still extremely rare, and I am not aware of its having bloomed except in the collections of Mr. Day and Mr. Marshall. It was from a plant that flowered finely in the garden of the latter gentleman that the accompanying figure was prepared.

L. prestans comes from the island of St. Catherine, and should be treated like other Brazilian Lelias and Cattleyas from the same locality ; but it prefers a block of hard wood to a pot, and it should always be placed near the glass. Its flowering season is November, and the blossoms are exceedingly durable.-—/. B.

Drscr. Pseudobulbous stems rather club-shaped, three or four

MARCH Ist, 1865.

inches high, shorter than the leaves. eaves, one on each stem, not more than six inches long, fleshy, oblong, sharp-pointed. Peduncle short, one-flowered. Flowers larger and more fleshy than those of Z. pumila, and more horizontally spread out. Bracts scale-like, short. Sepals oblong-acute, much narrower than the ovate-oblong petals, both being of a beautiful rosy-lilac. Lip free, three-lobed in front, wrapped entirely round the column, very stiff and fleshy, and incapable of being spread out flat un- less forcibly bisected down the middle; along its disk run four or six elevated lines; externally it is almost of the same colour as the petals, but its throat is yellow, and its upper portion of a rich purple. Column thick and stout, spreading out above, and carrying two auricles, that rest upon each other.

Fig. 1. Column. 2, 3. Sections of the lip, showing the column :—magnified.




Mr. Herbst’s Tresine.

Nat. Ord. AmarantHacE#%.—Dicecia PENTANDRIA.

Gen. Char. Flores dioici vel hermaphroditi, raro polygamo-monoici, tribracteati. Calyx 5-sepalus, sepalis subeequalibus erectis glabris. Stamina 5, rarissime pauciora, basi in cupulam connata. Filamenta filiformia. Staminodia nulla. Anthere uniloculares, ovate. Ovarium unilocalare, uniovulatum. Stylus brevis. Stigmata 2-3, teretiuscula. Fructus (utriculus) ovato-orbicularis, evalvis, mono- spermus, calyce inclusus. Semen verticale, sublenticulare; ¢esta crustacea. Albu- men centrale, farinaceum. Hmbryo annularis, periphericus, radicula ascendente.— Herb varo suffrutices, in America tropica et subtropica obvia, in Nova-Hollandia intertropica rara, flaccida, glabriuscula vel glabra. Caules erecti vel procumbentes, ramosi. Folia opposita, petiolata. Flores minuti, dense spicato-capitati vel. laxe

paniculati, plerique nitore metallico splendentes. Bracteze concave ; inferior per- sistens, Pubes pauca, simplex. Moguin.

IRESINE Herbstii ; herbacea, erecta, pilosiuscula, demum glaberrima, tota (flo- ribus exceptis) pulcherrime purpureo-rubra atro-violaceo picta, caule angu- lato ramoso, foliis sublonge petiolatis oppositis cordato-rotundatis concavis apice profunde emarginatis subbilobis, paniculis copiosis terminalibus viridi- stramineis subfoliosis subnutantibus. 4 :

Irestne Herbstii. Hook. in Gard. Chron. July 9th, 1864, p. 654, and December 17th, 1864. Dombr, Floral Mag, t. 219 (foliage only).

ACHYRANTHES? Verschaffeltii. Ch. Lemaire in Illustr. Horticole, Aug. 1864, t, 409 (foliage only).

Amidst the many coloured-leaved plants which have been of late introduced into ornamental gardening, few are more striking than the one we now represent, and few have excited more in- terest among horticulturists, as may be inferred from the fact of ‘its having been figured in two horticultural works before the flowers were known to the authors, and a first-class certificate | was awarded to Mr. Herbst, of the Kew Nursery, Richmond, who introduced it to this country from the river Plate, South Brazil. Mr. Lemaire gives Para, in North Brazil, at the mouth of the Amazon, as its native country, whilst I myself possess a fine native specimen, with all the characters of the cultivated one, from Moyabamba, in the Andes of Peru, situated on a small

MARCH Ist, 1865.

river of the same name, not far from the sources of the Amazon, gathered by Mr. Mathews (his n. 1616). It is not a little re- markable, considering how distinct these three localities are from each other, and well as they have been explored by many and most able botanists, it should never have found a describer till now that it has thus come to our knowledge through our Floral Gardens. Martius, who made the Amaranthacee of Brazil his ‘special study, and Spruce, who was indefatigable in his researches upon the Amazon river and its tributaries, seem never to have met with it;* and the specimens in my Herbarium, where it has been for these thirty years seem wholly to have escaped the notice of the author of the Amaranthacee in De Candolle’s Pro- dromus, who had access to all of the order in our possession. It is therefore not without reason that we dedicate the plant to Mr. Herbst. ‘The flowering specimen was, with many others, reared by him in the autumn and winter of 1864-5.

As the Iresine Herbstii is likely to become of great interest as a bedding-out plant, we shall subjoin an extract from Mr. Herbst’s communication to the Floral Magazine :'-—* It attains a height of from twelve to eighteen inches, and is without any trouble grown into a perfect specimen of the most globular form, as it produces a branch from the axil of every leaf. In a house too warm and close it no doubt grows taller, but even the stopping of the terminal shoot would make it branch very easily. The stem and branches are of a most beautiful, almost transparent carmine, while the leaf itself, strongly bilobed, is of a purplish- crimson underneath, dark maroon on its upper side, with its many broad ribs of a very prominent carmine. ‘There is not a green spot on the whole plant, and whether placed in the shade or in the most brilliant sunshine, it produces a most admirable contrast with plants of a lighter colour. It has neither the gloomy appearance of the Perzl/a nor the woolly leaf of the Coleus, and is by no means so susceptible of cold and dampness combined as this latter plant. Another advantage it has is, that it does not flower either out-of-doors or in a warm greenhouse, where I have introduced several strong plants on purpose to induce it to flower, but without success,” Since that time, however, Mr. Herbst has, by great care, caused plants to produce the panicles of flowers, which to a botanical eye detract in no way from the charm of the plant, as may be seen by our figure.

Fig. 1. Female flower. 2. The same, with the perianth removed :—magnified.

* See a note on this subject under our next Tab. (5500).

oks, imp.

Vincent Bro

‘W. Fitch, del et lith.

Tas. 5500. AGLAONEMA maranrarouium; var. foliis maculatis.

Maranta-leaved Aglaonema ; var. with variegated leaves.

Nat. Ord. ArolpzEm.—Mone@cra Monanpria.

Gen. Char. Spatha brevis, tubo indistincto, ex toto hians, tandem a basi de- cidua? Spadix stipitatus. Ovaria pauca, ovulo basi fixo, subsessili, stigmate magno infundifuliformi-discoideo. Anthere vertice quadriporose, locellis basi sejunctis, apice conniventibus, poris tandem confluentibus aperientes. Bacca ellipsoidea. Semen ellipsoideum, germinatione admotiva.—Frutices erecti. Cau- dex dense annulato-cicatrizatus. Petiolus brevis, vaginatus. Lamina foliorum oblonga, pinnativenia, costa supra canaliculata, venis in margine longe procurren- tibus, superioribus apicibus arcuatim conniventibus. Spadix odoratus. Fructus e baccis glomeratis. Schott.

AGLAONEMA marantefolium; caudice tereti annulato demum elongato apice folioso, foliis spithameis oblongo-acuminatis basi obtusis inequilateralibus costatis parallelim subobscure venosis petiolatis, petiolis folio sublongioribus supra medium vaginantibus, scapis petiolo paullo longioribus teretibus, spatha 3—4-unciali erecto pallide flavo-virescente cymbiformi apice subito subu- lato-acuminato basi solummodo convoluto spadice longitudine fere spathe, brevi-stipitato, floribus inferioribus foemineis, reliquis usque ad apicem spadicis masculis.

AGLAONEMA marantefolium. Blume, Rumphia, v.1. p. 18. t.66. Schott, Prodr. Syst. Aroidearum, p. 303. Kth. Enum. Pl. v. 3. p. 55.

Cauxa oblongifolia. Roxb. Fl. Ind. v. 8. p. 516. Wight, Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. v. 3. t. 806.

APPENDIX erecta. Rumph. Herb. Amb. v. 5. p. 487. t. 182. f. 2.

Var. maculatum ; foliis maculis pallidis variegatis. (Tan. NosTR. 5500.) Catia picta. Roxb. Fl. Ind. v. 3. p. 516. Wight, Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. v. 3. t. 804. AGLAONEMA commutatum. Schott, Synops. Aroid. p. 123; Prodr. p. 304.

A native of the Malay Islands, and probably not uncommon there, especially in the Moluccas, figured (but upon a reduced size) by old Rumphius, and more recently and more accurately by Dr. Wight, and by the second Rumphius (Blume). The whole- coloured variety has been long cultivated in our gardens, but the spotted-leaved variety has only recently been imported in Euro-

MARCH Ist, 1865.

pean gardens from Manilla by Messrs. Veitch and Son. We think it more than probable that this state of the plaut is the 4. commu- tatum of Schott, Synops. p. 123, for his description sufficiently agrees with our plant, as does the analysis of the fructification in his fine work on the Gefiera Aroidearum.’ The difference of the venation, on which he lays so much stress, we find to be vari- able on the same plant, and even on the same leaf. ‘The plant is a graceful one, and in age the stem-like caudex increases con- siderably in length.

It has been generally considered that plants with gay-coloured or variegated foliage are pre-eminently natives of the Malay Is- lands and that region, but it will probably be found that those of tropical America are equally deserving of cultivation. On in- quiring of my friend Mr. Spruce if he did not meet at Paré or on the Moyobansha with the fine-coloured Jresine Herdstii, figured in our present number of the Magazine, he says, “I have some recollection of seeing an Amaranthacea very like it, but I did not gather it, because it was out of flower;” and he adds, “You know that when I left England in 1849 nobody cared for painted- leaved plants, and it was not till I got to the western side of the Andes that I learnt there was such a rage for them. I then re- membered how many striped and spotted leaves I had seen of Scitaminee, Aroidea, Cissi, etc., in the Amazon Valley, and had admired their beauty, but never dreamt that anybody would care for them in England. For the same reason Martius might easily pass over a painted-leaved Amaranth in South Brazil, where you say he ought to have seen it.”

Fig. 1. Male flower, a stamen. 2. Female flower, pistil, which is quite goblet-shaped. 3. Transverse section of the ovary. 4. Vertical section of the same, with a solitary ovule in the cell :—magnified. es

W.Fitch, del et lith.


Apricot-coloured Acropera.

Nat. Ord. OncHipE%.—Gynanpria MoNANDRIA.

Gen. Char, (Vide supra, Tas. 3563.)

ACROPERA 4Armeniaca ; racemo laxo multifloro, sepalis apiculatis lateralibus ob- liquis apice rotundatis, petalis liberis columnd duplo brevioribus, labello calceato carnoso apice libere ovato plano acuminato intus pone basin crista tuberculata aucto. Lindl. lc.

Acropera Armeniaca. Lind. in Paxt. Flow. Gard. cum zxylo. v. 1. p. 140.

Although introduced to our collections about the year 1850, no coloured representation has yet appeared of this beautiful plant, which is by far the most ornamental species of the sin- gular genus to which it belongs. It was discovered by Warsze- wicz in Nicaragua, and was probably distributed under the hammer of Mr. Stevens soon after its arrival in this country, but it is still exceedingly rare. Indeed, but for the care bestowed upon the plant at Oulton Park, where it originally flowered, and from whence, through the kindness of Sir Philip Egerton, my own specimens were derived, it would in all probability ere this have been lost to our gardens. Nothing can be simpler than its cultivation, but it requires a pot and a fair amount of heat, and, being a rapid grower, it should be broken up, like the Gongoras and Stanhopeas, every second or third year. It flowers abundantly during the summer months. There is a great family likeness among the Acroperas, and therefore, al- though botanically distinct, it is not desirable to attempt to cul- tivate them all. Where a selection is made, 4. Batemanni and _ A. Armeniaca are decidedly the best, and of these two the last is brighter in its colouring, and larger and handsomer in all its parts.—J. B.

Fig. 1. Side view of a flower. 2. Front view of a column. 3. Front view of the labellum :—magnified.

MARCH Ist, 1865.

7 1 tn,



oks, Imp.

Vincent Bro

Tas. 5502,

fn MtorECEL 1/7



Putrid-smelling Billbergia. fide hod alate

Nat. Ord. Brometiace®.—Hexanpria Monocynia.

Gen. Char. Perigonii superi sexpartiti lacinie ewteriores calycine, quales, ecarinatee, erecte, v. spiraliter convolute, aristate vel mutice, apice hinc oblique dilatate, inderiores petaloides, exterioribus multo longiores, apice patentes vel erectee, intus basi squamosie vy. bicristate, rarius nude. Stamina 6, epigyna; Jilamenta filiformia, tria plerumque perigonii laciniis interioribus adnata ; anthere ovatee, dorso affixee, incumbentes vel suberectee. Ovarium inferum, triloculare. Ovula plurima e loculorum angulo centrali pendula, anatropa. S¢ylus filiformis ; stigmata 3, petaloidea, convoluta, v. linearia crispa. Bacca subglobosa, trilocu- laris. Semina plura, nuda y. umbilicum filo gracili appendiculata—Herbee dime- ricane tropice, sepius super arborum truncis pseudoparasitica, exscape vel scapi- gere, foliis ligulatis, linearibus vel ensiformibus, ut plurimum spinuloso-serratis, floribus spicatis paniculatis vel racemoso-paniculatis, spathis floralibus nunc nullis, nunc parvis v. amplis, coloratis, Endl.

BituBerGia olens; caule inclinato brevi cicatricato, foliis numerosis termina- libus erecto-patentibus subpedalibus ligulatis canaliculatis spinuloso-serratis basi arcte imbricatis subventricosis apice mucronato-pungentibus, floralibus multo brevioribus erectis coccineis, spica oblonga sessili foliis floralibus multo breviore, bracteata, bracteis late ovatis acuminatis arcte imbricatis pallide viridibus rubro-tinctis, corollis paululum exsertis intense purpureis, apice subpatentibus, unguibus subbilamellatis. :

‘This, to us, previously unknown Bromeliaceous plant was re- ceived at Kew from Dr. Regel, of the Imperial Botanic Garden of St. Petersburg, in 1856, and produced its rich purple, but very much concealed flowers and brilliantly-coloured floral leaves, in a warm stove the following year. It seems quite to accord in habit and in generic character with the Billbergia cruenta of Graham, in Bot. Mag. t. 2892, but is far more beautiful in the colour of the corollas, and still more of the floral leaves. It is to be regretted that no locality has been given with the plant, but no doubt it is a native of tropical America, where the spe- cies of the family to which it belongs are great ornaments to the trunks of the forest trees, and where they are often intermixed

APRIL Ist, 1865.

with equally beautiful Orchidaceous plants. ‘The present species has many points in common with Jacquin’s Zid/andsia ligulata (native of Martinique), of his Select. Stirp. American. p. 92. t. 62; still more with the coloured figure of the same plant in the Nuremberg edition of that work, entitled Amerikanische Ge- wachse nach Linneischer Ordnung,’ v. 2. t. 101, which plant Dr. Lindley refers to Plumier’s and his genus Caraguata ; and I should perhaps have referred it to that species, but that Jacquin says the flowers are white, whereas here they are a rich purple. It is the old and decaying flowers only which emit the odour that has suggested the specific name.

Descr. Our plants grow in a fasciculated manner; the very short stem is thicker than one’s finger, more or less scarred by the falling away of the lowest radical foliage. Leaves copious, imbricated, rather full green, glabrous, about a foot long, an inch or more wide, erecto-patent, ligulate, channelled, spinuloso- serrate at the margin, the apex sharply spimoso-acuminate, very pungent; the base sheathing and subventricose. Spzte terminal, sessile, three inches long, amentiform, terminal, but so much shorter than the outer foliage, that it could not easily be seen but for the presence of the richly-coloured, erect floral leaves, longer, indeed, than the spike, but much shorter than the outer or cauline Jeaves. Bracts large, closely imbricated, greenish- white, tinged with reddish, very broad-ovate, almost sheathing. Flowers mostly concealed by the dracts ; the apex of the corolla only exserted. Calyx of three, sheathing, elongated sepals ; petals with long claws, the spreading dark-purple limbs only exserted, the claws without scales, but with indistinct lamina. Stamens included, inserted near the middle of the claws. Filament very short ; auther sagittate, pale-yellow. Ovary oblong; séyle fili-

form, as long as the claws of the petals; stigmas three, spirally twisted.

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Petal and a stamen. 3. Pistil :—magnified. The two | other figures (natural size) represent a flowering plant; the spike of flowers covered by the foliage; and the plant cut through vertically, showing the posi- tion of the flowering-spike in the centre of the brilliantly-coloured floral leaves.


W. Fitch, delet lth.

Vincent Brooks,imp:

Tas. 5503. ASTELIA Soxanpri, ¢.

Dr. Solander’s Astelia, &.

Nat. Ord. Litracea#.—Dia@cra HEexanpria.

Gen. Char. Flores abortu polygamo-dioici. Perigonium sexpartitum, semi- glumaceum, persistens. Stamina imo perigonio inserta. Ovarium triloculare, v. dissepimentis incompletis uniloculare, placentis parietalibus tribus. Ocala plurima. Stylus nullus ; stigmata 3, obtusa. Bacca uni-trilocularis, polysperma. —Herbe, ix insula Diemen, in Nova Zelandia, in America antarctica et in in- sulis Sandwich observate, habitu fere Villandsie, sepius pariter in arborum truncis vivis vel emortuis parasitice ; radice fibrosa ; foliis radicalibus imbricatis, lanceolato-linearibus v. ensiformibus, carinatis utringue vel sublus appresse villvsis, basi sericeo-lanatis ; caule nuillo v. brevi planifolio ; floribus racemosis v. panicu- latis, rariusve subsolitariis ; pedicellis aud articulatis, unibracteatis ; floribus extus sericeis. Endl,

Asrevia Solandri; foliis e basi lata densissime villosa longe lineari-subulatis 2~3-costatis, panicula ramis brevibus v. valde elongatis, masc. densifloris, floribus brevipedicellatis, perianthii profunde 6-partiti laciniis membrana- ceis linearibus, filamentis elongatis, antheris lineari-elongatis, fam. paniculee ramis densifloris, floribus minoribus tubo hemispherico, limbi lobis 6 re- flexis, staminibus sterilibus ore perianthii insertis, ovario globoso triloculari, ovulis placentis axillaribus affixis, stylo subelongato. Hook. fil.

Astetta Solandvi. 4. Cunn. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Zel. in Hook. Comp. to Bot. Mag. v. 2. p. 374, Hook. fil. Fl. N. Zeal. v. 1. p. 260, et in Handbd. of N. Zeal. Fl. p. 284.

AsTe.ia furfuracea. Banks et Sol. mss. cum ic.

The genus As/elia of Banks and Solander is a very peculiar one, native exclusively of the southern hemisphere, which End- licher places in a croup of Juncee he calls Asteliez, while Dr. Hooker refers it to Ziliacee, near Phormium and Cordyline, and of which five species are recorded as natives of New Zea- land, one in Oahu, one in Fuegia, and another in ‘Tasmania. All,” Dr. Hooker observes, “are densely-tufted herbs, with a short, creeping rhizome, with very long leaves, more or less covered with shaggy wool or silvery hairs. ‘The large kinds form a conspicuous feature on the lofty trees of New Zealand forests, where, growing epiphytically on branches, they resemble

APRIL 'sr, 1865.

gigantic birds’-nests. The smaller kinds inhabit marshes. We have already published one species from New Zealand at Tab. 5175 of this Magazine, and we have now the pleasure of figur- ing a second, also from New Zealand, where it is common on trunks of trees in the northern and middle islands, for which our gardens are indebted to the late lamented Dr. Sinclair. It has flowered copiously with us in a cool greenhouse.

Descr. Dr. Hooker gives the following account, drawn up from living plants in New Zealand:—“A very large species. Leaves two feet long, spreading and recurved, three inches broad at the base, and there clothed with dense, snow-white, silky, villous wool, glabrous above, silky below, with three strong nerves. Male: Scape stout. Panicle six to eighteen inches long; éranches, with the flowers included, one inch across. Flowers very crowded, closely pedicelled. Perianth very large, half an inch long, membranous ; segments linear, obtuse, silky externally. Filaments half an inch long; anthers linear-oblong. Female: Scape stout, curved. Panicle with very long, slender (rarely short, stout) dranches, eight to twelve inches long. Flowers close-set, fascicled or whorled ; pedicels slender, half an inch long. Perianth much smaller and more scariose than on the male; ¢ube hemispheric; segments recurved. Ovary glo- bose, three-celled ; s/y/e straight.” Our principal figure repre- sents the male plant.

Fig. 1. Male flower. 2. Abortive pistil. 3. The same, cut through trans- versely ; the cells are filled with gelatinous fluid only :—mayni fied,


oks, bmp.

Vincent Bro


Four-coloured Cattleya.

Nat. Ord. OrcuipEx.—GyYNANDRIA MonANDRIA,.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5449.)

CatrLtya guadricolor; caulibus angustis compressis monophyllis, pedunculis 1—2-floris, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis, petalis spathulatis 3-plo latio- ribus, labello indiviso cucullato haud dilatato, margine anteriore subcrispo. Bateman, Gard. Chron. 1864, p. 269.

CaTTLEYA quadricolor, Lindl. mss. CattLeya quadricolor, Batem. in Gard. Chron. l.e.

This beautiful Cattleya was sent many years ago to Mr. Rucker from New Granada, by one of his correspondents who met with a solitary plant of it on the upper waters of the Rio Magdalena. It soon flowered in Mr. Rucker’s collection, and the specimens then produced were forwarded to Dr. Lindley who, being satisfied that it was a new species, gave it the appro- priate name of C. quadricolor, in allusion to the four colours, white, yellow, lilac, and purple, that are observable in its blos- soms. ‘I'he latter are produced in the winter months, and con- tinue in perfection a long time, but they do not spread them- selves out so freely as those of most other Cattleyas do.

When I first examined the flowers of C. guadricolor I felt no doubt that Dr. Lindley was right in regarding it as new; and even to the present time I have seen no Cattleya with such closely imbricated white flowers, nor are its long upright nar- row pseudobulbous stems to be matched among the extensive importations that the Horticultural Society, the Messrs. Low, and others have received from the country in which it was ori- ginally found. Yet this very circumstance suggests a doubt as to whether it may not ultimately prove to be what botanists call a peloria (i.e. a monster) of some other species, for if it were really an independent form, it seems scarcely credible that none of the collectors now in New Granada should have met with it.

APRIL Ist, 1865.

But even if admitted to be a pe/oria, to what species must it be referred? The answer to this question opens a rather extensive field of inquiry, and implicates a large number of reputed spe- cies, including C. /abiata, C. Mossia, C. pallida, C. Warszewiczii, C. Trianei, and C. Wageneri, which are found distributed over a vast range of territory extending from the heart of Mexico to the capital of Brazil. The first on the list, C. /adiata, was found some thirty or forty years ago—where alas! it is not to be found now—on the well-known Organ Mountains in the vici- nity of Rio Janeiro. The next, C. Mossig, was found on the Spanish main, and as it always bloomed in the spring or sum- mer, and had never more than two or three flowers on a scape, it was long considered distinct from C. /adiata, which had inva- riably bloomed in November, and produced double the number of flowers. But last June I received luxuriant specimens of what was undoubtedly C. /adiata from the garden of the Bishop of Winchester, while plants have been imported of C. Mossie producing four to six flowers on a scape, and thus the most marked distinctions between the two supposed species have entirely disappeared. Of C. pallida a solitary plant was found by Hartweg on his way to Oaxaca; this has recently flowered at Knypersley, and proves to be, as Reichenbach suspected, identical with the C. Warszewiczii delicata of Mr. Warner, which was found by the traveller whose name it bears in the interior of New Granada, ‘This again is indistinguishable, except in colour, from C. Wageneri of the same country, and which has very naturally been regarded as nothing but a white variety of C. Mossie. Finally Mr. Weir, the zealous collector of the Horti- cultural Society, mentions in one of his letters from Bogoté, that he met with innumerable varieties—white, lilac, and rose—of a beautiful Cattleya that. he gathered in that neighbourhood, and the dried specimens of which exactly resemble the flowers of C. labiata, C. Trianei, and C. Warszewiczit. From a collation of the facts before us, there would seem to be at least a high probability that all the six so-called species above referred to are in reality varieties of a single form that spreads itself—like prdendrum ciliare and E. cochleatum—over the whole Orchid- growing region of tropical America. Whether or no C. guadri- color itself will have to be added to the list of cancelled species, 1S a question that time only can determine. Meanwhile the hybridizer plies his trade, and will speedily render “‘ worse con- founded” that confusion” which is sufficiently perplexing, even as it comes to us from the hand of nature.—J/. B. Descr. Pseudobulbous stems from six inches to a foot long, perfectly upright, narrower and more compressed than in other

allied species. eaves, one on each stem, narrow, strap-shaped, |

acute, usually about ten inches long. Peduacle issuing from a large spathe, and bearing one or two flowers about four inches across, but not so much spread open as is usual in this genus. Sepals pure white, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. Petals slightly spathulate, three times wider than the sepals, and, like them, of the purest white. Zz» undivided, cucullate, but not much opened out at the apex, which is somewhat curled, and of a deep purple; below this there is a band of white, then streaks of yellow, the residue being rosy-lilac. Co/umn entirely hidden by the lip.

Fig. 1. Side view of column,—magnified.



Vincent Brooks Imp.

Taps. 5505, MASDEVALLIA TovaRENSsIs,

The Tovar Masdevallia.

Nat. Ord. OrcuipEm.—Gynanpria Monanpzta.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5476.)

MasDEVALLIA Tovarensis ; foliis oblongis subspathulatis apice rotundatis obso- lete tridentatis pedunculo ancipiti bifloro subequalibus, bracteis membrana- ceis cucullatis, sepalis connatis, supremo anguste lanceolato in aristam lon- gam producto, lateralibus ovatis multo ultra connatis dein liberis obtusis, arista brevi in apice, petalis oblongis subacutis incurvis, labello oblongo, medio margine utrinque emartginato acuto, nervis 3 prominulis lateralibus elevatis cristatis, androclinii margine dentato. Reichenbach fil. quibusdam mutatis.

MaspevaLtta Tovarensis. Reich. fil. in Bonplandia, v. 8. p. 24; v. 2. p. 23.

MasDEVALLIA candida. Klotzsch, Karsten.

The genus Masdevallia was specially selected by Dr. Lindley, when announcing the preparation of his Folia Orchidacea,’ to illustrate the astonishing progress that had been made in our knowledge of Orchids since the publication, a quarter of a cen- tury before, of his ‘Genera and Species.’ In the latter work only three Masdevallias were described, though the number had risen to nearly forty at the time above referred to, and it has been largely augmented since then. But however plentiful the Mas- devallias in their native wilds, they have made their way slowly and reluctantly to the gardens of Europe, in which scarcely half- _a-dozen—and these among the most insignificant of the race— have as yet produced flowers. The species, however, that is re- presented in the accompanying Plate will convey a more ade- quate notion of the attractiveness of its family, and may well challenge the attention, not of the botanist merely, but of every cultivator of rare and beautiful plants. ;

Masdevallia Tovarensis, as its name implies, is a native of Tovar, in Columbia, where it was discovered at an elevation of

APRIL Ist, 1865.

several thousand feet, and sent to Germany many years ago, and it was from the latter country that Mr. Rucker received the plant from which, in November last, the present figure was ob- tained. In Mr. Rucker’s collection it passed under the name of AL, candida, which, as Reichenbach has correctly pointed out, was erroneously given by the late Dr. Klotzsch to a plant that had already been described as JZ. Tovarensis. To add to the confusion, there exists in the collection of Lady Dorothy Nevill a plant under the name of JZ. Zovarensis, which is altogether different from the species now described, and of which I hope to give some account at a future time.

Nearly all the Masdevallias may be classed among cool, and many of the species among the very coolest Orchids, being chiefly found at a great elevation on the Andes of New Gra- nada and Peru. Nothing can be easier than their cultivation, if the conditions of low temperature and almost constant hu- midity to which they are accustomed in their native habitats, be duly imitated. It is hoped that collectors may be induced to make the introduction of a number of these lovely plants a special object, for a group of twenty or thirty kinds might be grown in a space that would be insufficient to accommodate a single specimen of some of the larger Orchids, and with nearly half the amount of heat. Among the species particularly worth searching for, I would notice IZ. rosea, that covers the slopes .of the Popayan Alps with flowers larger than those of IZ. candida, and of the loveliest purple-rose colour; J. racemosa, from the same country, with spikes a foot long, of flowers larger than any Burlingtonia, and of the most vivid scarlet; and JM. ele- Phanticeps, from New Granada, with gold and purple blossoms six Inches long, and the arrangement of which vindicates the propriety of the singular name given to it by Professor Reichen- bach (in whose Xenia’ it is admirably figured), for it offers an almost exact similitude to an elephant’s head, with tusks and trunk complete! _

Another species, M. coccinea, a worthy rival to the best of the above, is happily already among us in a living state, having been brought over in a cigar-box by Warszewicz, and thus saved from the risk of decay which delicate plants incur if huddled together with those that are more robust. A neglect of this precaution caused the death of many splendid masses of MW. ele- phanticeps that were imported by Messrs. Low and others during the last year.—/J. B.

Descr. Leaves about a span long, oblong, somewhat spathu- late, obscurely toothed at their extremities, nearly the same length as the upright two-edged peduncle. Bracts membranous, cucullate, enveloping the lower portion of the petiole. Flowers.

two on each peduncle, continuing long in perfection, and of the purest white. Seya/s, as is usual in this genus, coalesce at the base, and form a sort of cup; the upper one lanceolate, and pro- longed for an inch into a slender awn; the lateral sepals wider, and joined together much further than the upper one, and end- ing in short, slightly decurved awns. Peta/s oblong, slightly sharp-pointed, curved inwards about the length of the lip. Zip very small, oblong, acute, emarginate about the middle on either side, with three nerves down its centre, of which the two lateral ones are somewhat elevated.

Fig. 1. Side view of ovary, lip, and petals. 2. Side view of column. 3. Lip. 4. Pollen-masses :—magnified.

W Fitch, delet lith. Vincent Brooks, Imp.

Tas. 5506.


Dicranantherous Monochetum.

Nat. Ord. MeLastomMacea&.—OctTANpDRIA MonoGynia.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5341.)

Monocu "tum dicranantherum ; frutex 1-2-pedalis ubique hispido-pilosus valde ramosus, ramis tetragonis rubris patenti-purpureo-pilosis, foliis lato-lanceo- latis acuminatis basi acutis brevipetiolatis quinquenerviis subtus pallidis, pilis utrinque appressis, paniculis secundariis copiosis in unam majorem parce foliosam digestis, floribus mediocribus diametro 9-10-lineas, calycis tubo ovato levi patenti-piloso, limbo 4-lobo, lobis ovatis acuminatis longi- tudine fere tubi, patentibus, extus pilosis, petalis subrotundis pulcherrime roseis, staminibus secundis alternatim majoribus, antheris deflexis, subula- tis, calcare lineari-subulato erecto incurvo, ovario basi adherenti 4-costato dein libero, apice plurisetoso, stylo flexuoso, stigmate punctiformi.

Monocu#£tum dicranantherum. Naud. in Triana, Fl. Nov. Grenad. v. 2. ined., et in Hook. Herd.

Monocuatum Hartwegianum. Naud. Melast, Monogr. p. 253.

ARTHROSTEMMA (Monochetum) dicranantherum. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 138 (fide Naudin).

Ruexia dicrananthera. Ruiz Pavon, v. 3. p. 84. t. 320. f. a. (fide De Cand. et Naudin).

ArTHROsTEMMA mulliflorum. Don, Mem. Wern. Soc. v. 4. p. 299.

On the genus Monochetum of Naudin its author remarks : Flore 4-mero, habitu specierum et presertim singulari inter Melastomeas hujus tribus staminum fabrica, facile. dignoscen- dum et omnino naturale. Species inter se dificilius distin- guende.” At the time of the publication of his valuable Mono- graph of Melastomacee, M. Naudin did not seem to be ac- quainted with this species; but we have received authentic specimens of what he considers to be it from M. ‘Triana, from Granada, and this we have no difficulty in determining to be the same specifically as ours, and of which we have copious native specimens from Professor Jameson, of Quito, gathered in

APRIL lst, 1865.


the lofty mountains of Ecuador (alt. 7-9000 feet), and from Mr. M‘Lean, from Vita, Peru, and from Hartweg, New Granada, n. 1006. De Candolle, however, and Naudin consider it to be identical with the Rhexia dicrananthera, Ruiz and Pavon, 1. c., which is the authority for the Arthrostemma dicrananthera of De Candolle. It may be so, but Ruiz and Pavon’s figure re- presents a more sturdy plant, with much smaller leaves, exactly and broadly ovate, obtuse at the base (“ut plurimum pollicaria, latitudine semipollicaria”’), which leads me to doubt of the cor- rectness of that reference.

It is an excessively pretty plant, deserving a place in every warm greenhouse. Our plants were reared from seed received from Professor Jameson by Isaac Anderson, Esq., of Hay Lodge, Trinity, Edinburgh, a most successful cultivator of plants, espe- cially those which he raises from seeds sent him by Professor Jameson, from the lofty Andes of South America. he species flowered abundantly with us in October, 1864.

Descr. A small shrud,which with us has attained a height of a foot to eighteen inches, erect, much branched, especially up- wards, everywhere clothed with purple-brown setaceous hairs, appressed upon the foliage, generally spreading on the rest of the plant. Leaves always opposite, shortly petiolate, one to two and a half inches long, firm, rigid, bright-green above, pale be- neath, elliptico-lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, acute at the base, five-nerved, nerves impressed above, prominent beneath. The upper half of the plant, or more, consists of a series of small flowering panicles, collectively forming an oblong, multiflorous, large panicle, mixed with a few leaves, which, upwards, be- come small, narrow-lanceolate bracts. Tube of the hispid calyx ovate; /imé rather shorter than the tube, five-lobed ; /odes four, spreading, ovate, acuminate. Stamens eight, all inclined to one side, alternately a little larger. Filaments subulate. Anther suddenly deflexed, as long as filament, subulate, opening by a solitary pore; spur erect, subulate, nearly as long as the anther. The lesser stamens seem to be sometimes abortive ; the spur the same as in the perfect stamens, but smaller. Petals four, sub- _ rotund, bright rose-colour. Ovary ovate, with the base only ad-

nate with the inner tube of the calyx, by means of four elevated ridges. The rest free, setose on the summit, at the base of

the style. Style longer than the pistil, flexuose. Stigma a mere point.

aR cece og eee a TEN

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Petal. 3. Larger; and 4. Smaller stamen :—all magnified.



a 5


: on :

Vinéertt Brooks,imp.

W.Fitch, delet lith.

Tas. 5507. ARISAIMA Wieuti.

Dr. Wight’s Arisema.

Nat. Ord. Aroripem.—Monecra Monanpria.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5496.) ©

Artsama Wightii; tubere rotundato superne fibroso, scapo solitario uni-bifo- liato, infra petiolis vaginisque maculatis, foliolis quinque-foliolatis, foliolis radiatis elliptico-lanceolatis cuspidato-acuminatis, basi in petiolulis brevibus attenuatis, spatha pallide viridi inferne cylindraceo-tubulosa striata, ore vix contracto, superne ovato-lanceolata erecta acuminata concava apice acumi- nata incurva tubi longitudine, spadice inferne contracto floribus sparsis infra foemineis reliquis masculis, appendice erecta flavo-viridi, e basi incras- sata longissime subulata omnino nuda.

Anismma_ Wightii. Schott, in Bonpl. 1859, p. 26; in Prodr. Syst. Aroid. p. 43.

Ariszma filiforme. Thw. En. Pl. Zeyl. p. 334 (C. P. 3118), viz Blume.

This species of Arésema we have received from our friend Mr. Thwaites as a native of the southern part of Ceylon, and he has, in his valuable Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniz,’ recorded it as the 4. filiforme of Blume, in ‘Rumpbia,’ vol. 1. p. 102. t. 28, but has justly observed,—‘ In my specimens, the five folioles of the leaf are radiate, not pedate, as Blume’s figure represents them, but in other respects the resemblance appears to be per- fect.” ‘There is, however, a considerable difference in the colour- ing in the spadix and spatha, and not a little in shape of the latter, and our plant wants abortive flowers, which are found on the lower portion of the appendage of the spadix. Mr. Thwaites also refers with a mark of doubt to the Arisema curvatum, Kth. (drum curvatum, Roxb.) ; but this is, too, a pedate-leaved plant, and different in the folioles, etc., of which 1 possess an authentic figure. It is indeed clearly the very little known Arisema Wight of Schott, in Bonplandia,’ l.c., and subsequently in his * Pro- dromus Systematis Aroidearum,’ native of the Carnatic Malabar, and extending to Ceylon.

APRIL Ist, 1865.

Descr. Zuber nearly as large as the fruit of a Horse-chestnut, subglobose, rooting at the summit. /ant one to one and a half feet high. S¢em erect, simple, sheathed in the lower half, and, as well as the sheaths, spotted. eaves generally two, long, petiolate, quinate; /eaflets or folioles four to five inches long, radiating, elliptical-lanceolate, suddenly and submucronato- acuminate, the bases gradually attenuated into short petzolules, quite simple (never pedate), penniveined ; vezns simple, erecto- patent. Spatha three to three and a half inches long, of a uni- form pale-green, streaked with slightly darker shades of the same colour: the lower half a little swollen at the base, convo- lute into a cylindrical tube, equal in length with the floriferous portion of the spadix, which it encloses; upper half, or /amina, nearly erect, ovato-lanceolate, concave, the superior portion of it much acuminate and more or less incurved over the mouth of the tube. Spadix throughout pale yellow-green, contracted im- mediately below the appendage, and there only floriferous; the flowers singularly scattered, yet pretty regularly distant from each other; the lower one-third is occupied by pisti/s, the rest by sfamens ; no abortive flowers. Filaments stout, each bearing two one-celled subglobose anther-cells, with a transverse fissure. Pistil ovate ; stigma sessile, discoid. Appendage from a thick- ened subglobose base, subulate, six inches long, gradually taper- ing to an obtuse point, incurved in the lower portion, the rest erect.

Fig. 1. Plant, on a very reduced scale. 2. Tuber, root, leaf, and flowers : —natural size. 3. Floriferous portion of the spadix, crowned by the base of the appendage,—natural size. 4. Stamen; and 5, Pistil:—wmagnified.

il cigimnene


Tas. 5508, CYPRI PEDIUM teavicatum.

Glossy-leaved Lady’ s-slipper.


Gen. Char, (Vide supra, TaB. 5349.)

CyPRIPEDIUM Jlevigatum ; foliis distichis ensiformibus coriaceis obtusiusculis levigatis immaculatis scapo pubescente stricto 3-5-floro brevioribus, brac- teis ovatis acutis ovario 2-plo brevioribus, sepalis lateralibus connatis dor- sali ovato acuto conformibus, petalis sepalis 4-plo longioribus linearibus sursum in margine setoso-glanduligeris contortis acuminatissimis, labello angusto oblongo acutiusculo, staminodio cordiformi emarginato. Bateman.

C. levigatum. Bateman, mss.

This fine new Cypripedium was discovered by Mr. J. G. Veitch in the Philippine Islands, and by him sent to his father’s esta- blishment at Chelsea, where it bloomed for the first time in March last. It is most nearly related to C. Sfonei, the only other species known to have glossy leaves, but differs from it in the form and colour of its lip, which is small and of a dirty yellow, while that of C. Stonez is large, with a pink front on a white ground ; the petals, too, of C. Stonei are not twisted, and only twice the length of the sepals, while in C. Zevigatum they are much twisted, and at least four times the length of the sepals. Again in C. Stonei the dorsal sepal is striped on the outside with crimson, but is white within, whereas in C. /evigatum the crim- son stripes are all on the inside.

Mr. Veitch found C. evigatum established upon the roots of _ the well-known Vanda Batemanni, to obtain which was one main object of his voyage, though he sought for it long in vain, and had almost begun to despair of ever meeting with it, when running his boat one day ashore in the bay of a small island, he was delighted and astonished to find the rocks by the coast covered with huge masses of the plant of which he was in quest. As the Vanda affects a warm situation, the Cypripedium should be treated in the same way. At Chelsea it is placed in the East India house, where it grows freely.

MAY Ist, 1865.

Descr. Leaves distichous, sword-shaped, less than a foot long, very thick, with a polished glossy surface. Scape twice the length of the leaves, slightly pubescent, bearing from two to five flowers. Bracts ovate, acute, half the length of ovary. Dorsal sepal an inch long, broadly ovate, hairy externally, striped inside with purple, ovate, acute; lateral sepals coalescing into one, resembling the upper one in form, but more acuminate, striped inside with green. Petals five or six inches long by little more than a quarter of an inch wide, tapering, crenulate along their upper margin, on which are some dark, hairy, glandular spots; at the base they are of a green tint, which changes into chocolate- purple for about three-fourths of their entire length. Zzp small for the genus, about as long as upper sepal, unguiculate for less than half its length, then abruptly saccate, with a curious bilobed horny process on either side, of a dirty-yellow throughout. Ovary pubescent, about two inches long, purplish-brown. Column or sterile stamen heart-shaped at its apex, and emarginate—J/. B.

Fig. 1. Front view of lip. 2. Side view of sterile stamen (column), with its appendages. 3. Front view of ditto :—magnified.

Tas. 5509.


Jerusalem Arum.

Nat. Ord. ARorIpE#.—Mona@cra MoNnanprtia.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 2432.)

Arum Palestinum ; folio late hastato-sagittato lobo intermedio late ovato-oblongo subacuto lateralibus minoribus consimilibus obtusiusculis, pedunculo petiolo breviore, spathe: tubo brevi intus viridi lamina oblongo-lanceolata apice obtuse attenuata atro-purpurea immaculata, appendice obsolete stipitato- elongato cylindraceo obtuso atro-purpureo, organis neutris supra stamina et inter stamina et ovaria e basi late subulatis purpureis.

Arum Palestinum. Boiss. Diagnos. v.13. p.6. Schott, Prodr. Syst. Aroid. 79.

A singular though not showy plant, discovered by the distin- guished Genevan botanist and traveller M. Boissier, near Jeru- salem, from whence also the plant here figured was procured by Messrs. Veitch, of the Royal Exotic Nursery. Except in the broader leaves, our specimen agrees perfectly with Boissier and Schott’s descriptions, as also with a plant which flowered in the Imperial Garden of Schénbrunn, and of which the late Dr. Schott has kindly communicated a dried specimen under this name.

Descr. Zuber not described. Leaf appearing about the same time as the flower, six inches long, as broad across the lobes, cordate, hastate; central and lateral lobes broadly ovate-oblong, hardly acute; texture subcoriaceous, bright-green. Peduncle shorter than the petiole. Spatha about as long as the leaf, its sheath broad, short, green externally and internally ; blade elon- gate, lanceolate-oblong, gradually narrowed to a rather broad subacute point ; dirty-green externally, black-purple within, not spotted. Spadix shorter than the spatha. Ovaries forming a short, crowded, subcylindric cone, green, with purple stigmas, horizontal. Anthers broadly oblong, shortly stipitate, with short subterminal slits. MWeuter organs both above and below the anthers, subulate, with very broad bases, purple. Appendix four

MAY lst, 1865.

;and 6, ‘Transverse section of ditto:—all magnified,

Tas. 5510.

RAPHIOLEPIS Japonica, Steb. et Zuce.;

var. mtegerrima.

Japanese Rhaphiolepis, entire-leaved variety.

Nat. Ord. Rosackm.—Icosanpria DiGyNia.

Gen. Char. Calyx infundibuliformis, 5-dentatus, lobis deciduis. Petala 5, obovata v. oblongo-lanceolata. Stamina ad 20, filamentis filiformibus. Ovarium 2-loculare ; s¢yli 2, exserti, stigmatibus capitellatis. Ovula in loculis gemina. Pomum disco incrassato clausum, putamine chartaceo. Semina gibba, testa co- riacea crassissima.—Arbores frutices Chinenses v. Japonica. Folia simplicia, alterne coriacea, sempervirentia, integerrima v. crenulata. Racemi terminales, erecti ; bracteis sguamosis persistentibus.

RaPHIoLePis Japonica; foliis obovatis obovato-oblongis oblongo-lanceolatisve - obtusis acutisve integerrimis v. crenato-serratis, bracteis amplis oblongis obtusis ciliatis, calycis lobis parvis triangulari-ovatis ciliatis, petalis late oblongis.

Rapnioueris Japonica. Sieb. et Zuce. Fl. Japon. v. 2. p. 35.

Var. integerrima ; foliis crasse coriaceis obtusis vy. obtuse apiculatis integerrimis.

RaPHIOLeEris integerrima. Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. 263.

A remarkably pretty plant, with thick, evergreen, shining leaves, and large, white, odorous flowers. We first received it at the Royal Gardens from Berlin, in 1862, and more recently from other quarters. Its native countries are Japan, Bonin, and the Korean Islands. Though very variable in habit, sta- ture, and foliage, it may always be distinguished from its near ally, the Chinese R. Indica, by the much larger flowers and large broad obtuse bracts.

Descr. A shrub. Branches stout, glabrous, often as thick as a swan’s quill. eaves alternate and obscurely whorled, two to three inches long, shortly petioled, broadly obovate, obtusely apiculate, dark-green and shining above, paler below, obscurely veined. Panicles terminal, erect, two to four inches high, densely clothed below with large, green, imbricating, oblong, concave, ciliated bracts; branches few, and pedicels stout.

MAY Ist, 1865.

Flowers two-thirds of an inch in diameter, snow-white. Calya- tube narrow, turbinate, pubescent ; /odes ovate-triangular, small, ciliate. Petals broadly oblong, obtuse, ciliate at the base. Fi/a- ments white.

Fig. 1. Petal. 2. Ovary and calyx. 3. Vertical; and 4. Transverse section of the ovary :—all magnified.

ROT o §

WFitch, lth

Tas. doll.

HYPCISTES sanGuino.enta.

Blood-veined Hypestes.


Gen. Char. Calyx herbaceus, 5-fidus v. 5-partitus. Corolla 2-labiata, resu- pinata; tubus rectus v. paulo curvus, seepe elongatus, labio superiore non galeato 3-fido, lobo medio lateralibus majore; inferiore integerrimo v. 2-dentato, seepis- sime convexo. Stamina fertilia 2, antheris l-locularibus. Semina retinaculo uncinato suffulta.—Herbe v. suffrutices. Folia opposita. Inflorescentia varia.

Hypastes sanguinolenta; caule acute tetragono angulis pubescenti-tomentosis, foliis petiolatis oblongis obtusis integerrimis in petiolum sensim angustatis, nervis rubro late marginatis, floribus paniculatis, bracteis parvis ovato-lan- ceolatis, sepalis lineari-subulatis ciliatis, corolla resupinata pallide pur- purea, lobo inferiore quadrato-oblongo apiculato, superiore 3-lobo, lobis subeequalibus late oblongis, fauce albo purpureo variegato, ovario apice hispido.

ERANTHEMUM sanguinolentum. Van Houtte, Flore des Serres, 157. t. 1391.

A pretty little Acanthaceous plant, conspicuous for the broad pale-purple bands that mark each vein of leaf. It flowered in the Royal Gardens, Kew, from plants received from Messrs. Veitch, of the Royal Exeter Nursery, Chelsea, and is stated to be a native of Madagascar. In the present confused state of the genera of Acanthacea, it is not easy to determine that of this plant: that it can have nothing to do with Hranthemum is ob- vious ; it accords pretty well with the characters of Hypestes, in which we place it, and of which there are many African and Madagascar species.

Dzscr. Stems six to twelve inches high in our plants, acutely quadrangular, pubescent, especially in the angles. Leaves about three inches long, oblong or obovate-oblong, obtuse, narrowed into a rather broad petiole, entire, the margin waved a little, pubescent on both surfaces. Panicle erect, four to six inches high, sparingly branched, branches erecto-patent, bracts ovato- subulate, shorter than the calyx. Fowers pale-purple, with a

MAY Ist, 1865.

white throat, and darker markings of purple on the white. Sepals narrow, ciliate, shorter than the corolla-tube. Corolla resupinate: tube slender, curved; lower lobe subquadrate-ob- long, upper bluntly trifid. Stamens two, with one-celled an- thers. Ovary glabrous, hispid towards the top. Stigma bifid.

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Calyx and style. 3. Calyx and ovary. 4. Ovary. 5. Stamen :—all magnified.

ant YR, mo

W. Fitch, ith Vincent Brooks, Imp:

Tas. 5012. AUCUBA Japonica.

Japanese Aucuba.

Nat. Ord. Cornr#.—Die@cia TETRANDRIA.

Gen. Char. Flores dioici. Masc.: Calyx parvus, 4-dentatus. Petala 4, sub margine disci inserta, ovata v. lanceolata, patentia, valvata. Stamina 4, cum petalis inserta, filamentis brevibus subulatis; anthere didyme. Ovarii rudi- mentum 0. Fam.: Calycis tubus ovario adnatus, limbo breviter 4-dentato. Petala maris. Stamina 0. Ovarium inferum, 1-loculare, disco epigyno corona- tum ; stylus brevissimus, stigmate oblique peltato; ovudum solitarium, pendulum. Bacca ovoidea, carnosa, 1-sperma. Semen loculum implens, testa membranacea ; embryo minutus, in apice albuminis copiosi carnosi—F rutices Japonici et Hima- laici, glabri v. partibus novellis appresse pilosulis. Folia opposita, petiolata, coriacea, ovato-oblonga v. lanceolata, serrata. Panicule breves, ea amillis supe- rioribus orte, pauciflore. Flores parvi. Bacce majuscule, rubre.

AucuBA Japonica ; foliis ovatis acuminatis grosse remote dentatis, petalis late ovatis acutis.

Aucusa Japonica. Thunb. Jap. v. 4. ¢.12. Bot. Mag. t.1197 (female plant, variegated variety).

The Aucuba Japonica affords a singular instance of the great length of time that may elapse between the first information of a remarkable plant being received, and an accurate knowledge of it acquired. This plant was first introduced from Japan in 1783 by a Mr. John Greeffer (see Bot. Mag. t. 1197), but only the female plant, and this under the well-known variegated form. From that one plant, the millions now scattered over Europe and ‘America have been derived; but it is only within the last few years that, thanks to the indefatigable Mr. Fortune, the male plant, and in its native unvariegated form, has reached us. This, which we here figure, differs in no respect except colour from the cultivated plant, and except that it bears abundantly hand- some scarlet berries, it would have no chance of rivalling in po- pular estimation the variegated form.

Two other lessons may be learned from the history of the

MAY Ist, 1865.

Aucuba : first, that varieties may be, and indeed in many cases are, as permanent as species. Of variations, that consisting in discolo- ration of the foliage is supposed to be the least characteristic and permanent, and yet the ducuba has retained this character un- changed through upwards of eighty years in Europe, America, and the colonies ; and probably through many centuries in Japan. Secondly, that though discoloration is usually attributed to dis- ease, this may not be so really; for certainly the Awcuba has shown no sign of deterioration since it was first introduced. Several curious problems remain to be solved with regard to the Aucuba, such as, whether the old variegated form will seed well if impregnated by pollen of the uncoloured, and whether its seedling will be as strong and healthy as its offspring by cut- tings; whether the uncoloured form will ever sport and become variegated, as many plants are apt to do on damp clay soils; and whether the offspring of the uncolored and coloured forms will tend most to the one or the other of its parents.

It is curious to read that the Auvcvda, when first introduced, was treated as a stove-plant, and even as late as 1809 was often cultivated in a greenhouse, where the leaves are described as being of a fuller green than when cultivated out-of-doors.

The uncoloured female Aucvéa is now common in our collec- tions: for the magnificent fruiting branch we have figured we are indebted to Messrs. Standish’s Ascot Nursery.

_ Wig. 1. Female flower. 2. Ovary. 3. Berry. 4. Transverse; and 5. Ver- tical section of ditto. 6. Panicle of male flower. 7. Male flower:—all bud 8, 4, 5, and 6, are magnified.


Vincent Brooks, Imp

W.Fiteh, del, et lith.

Tas. 9513,


Self-coloured Lady s-slipper.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5849.)

CYPRIPEDIUM concolor ; acaule, foliis (3-5) coriaceis oblongis obtusis arctissime implicatis canaliculatis maculatis subtus intense purpurascentibus scapo pubescente bifloro 2-plo longioribus, bracted foliaced acuminat& ovario tomentoso vix quali, sepalis subrotundis labello breviter unguiculato co- nico-saccato longioribus, stamine sterili subcordato cuspidato. Bateman.

This new Cypripedium differs entirely from all the species of that extensive genus at present known to us. Its leaves are compactly arranged, and being beautifully mottled on their upper surface and of a rich reddish-purple below, they contrast agreeably with the pale-primrose tint of the flowers, two of which are borne on a short hairy scape. It is a native of Moul- mein, where it was found growing on limestone rocks by the Rev. C. Parish, who forwarded a careful drawing to Sir William Hooker. Colonel Benson also found it in the same localities, and dispatched living plants to Kew, where they are now thriv- ing. Other specimens were received at the Clapton Nursery from Mr. Parish, one of which having found its way into Mr. Rucker’s collection, flowered there early in the present year, while another blossomed in the collection of Mr. Day. Both were exhibited at the Tuesday meetings of the Horticultural So- ciety at South Kensington, and justly attracted a good deal of attention. The drawing was taken from Mr. Rucker’s specimen.

C. concolor seems to grow and flower as freely, and to be ma- naged with as little difficulty as the other Indian Cypripedia.

Desor. Leaves four or five together, lying nearly flat, oblong, channelled, beautifully mottled on their upper surface with light- green on a darker ground, but of a reddish-purple underneath ; they are from four to six inches long. Hower-scape very short,

JUNE Ist, 1865.

hairy, purple, scarcely raised above the leaves, usually two-flow- ered. Bracts large and pointed, one at the base of each flower, covered with minute hairs. owers fully two inches across, of a uniform pale-Yellow, sprinkled over with mimute crimson dots. Dorsal sepal nearly round, about the same size as the lower sepal, the latter being of a more ovate form. Petals oblong, obtuse, fringed—as are also the sepals—with minute hairs. Lap small for the genus, not quite so long as the petals, forming a narrow conical pouch, which occupies nearly three-fourths of its entire length—J. B.

Fig. 1. Upper end of sterile stamen. 2. Side-view of ditto. 3. Side-view of lip :—magnified.

Pe sae SA lgg— oy Pgs ° ana’ 2 20 2g > a


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Tap. 5514,

VELLOSIA canprpa.

Pure-white Vellosia.

Nat. Ord: Hmmoporacet#®.—PoLYADELPHIA POLYANDRIA.

Gen. Char. Perianthium corollinum ; tubus basi ovario adnatus; limbus cam- panulatus, 6-phyllus, foliolis equalibus. S¢amina ima basi limbi corolle inserta, nunc 6 libera, nunc indefinita v. definita varie connata, filamentis breviusculis ; anther lineares, basifixee. Ovarium inferum, 3-loculare ; stylus elongatus, stig- mate 3-lobo; ovula numerosa, placentis axillaribus prominulis multiseriatim affixa. Capsula subglobosa clavata v. 3-gona, 3-locularis, loculicide 3-valvis, valvis medio septiferis, polyspermis. Semina numerosa, horizontalia, cuneata ; testa coriacea, umbilico basilari-incrassato ope raphis filiformis chalazee laterali impressa conjuncto; embryo axilis—Frutices v. subarboree, caulibus vestigiis Soliorum truncatis, dichotome ramosis. Folia sepe 3-fariam disposita, sepius linearia, carinata, integerrima v. serrulata. Flores solitarii, sessiles v. peduncu- lati, speciosi, albi cerulei v. violacei.

VELLOSIA candida; suffruticosa, ceespitosa, ramis brevibus apice foliosis, foliis lineari-gramineis filiformi-acuminatis angustis rigidis carinatis, marginibus remote spinuloso-serrulatis, pedunculo elongato superne ovario perianthioque scabrido-glandulosis, perianthio albo, staminibus 18 hexadelphis, capsula subglobosa processubus rigidis patentibus obtusis densissime obsita.

VELLOZIA candida. Mikau. Delect. Brasil. t. 7. Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 5. p. 338 et Cur. Post. 296.

Of the most beautiful and singular genus Vellosia, the pre- sent is the only species which, in so far as we are aware, has flowered in this country. The seeds were sent by the late Mr. Gardner, during his Brazilian journey, to the Glasnevin Gardens of Dublin, where a plant flowered this year, under the skilful management of Dr. Moore. The species 1s probably widely distributed ; it appears to be common about Rio de Janeiro, whence we have specimens from Mr. Graham, Mr. Boog, and Mr. Gardner himself (p. 132). Sprengel gives as synonyms the V. aloefolia, Mart., and V. tubifora, H. B. and & (Radia tubi- Jora, A. Rich), a native of the Orinoco, but we refrain from quoting these plants as synonyms in a genus of which so little 1s accurately known.

JUNE Ist, 1865.

Of the genus Véllosia there are many described Brazilian species, of which not a few are arborescent, and bear magnificent flowers, white, blue, and purple. Now that their cultivation is

understood, we may hope that they will soon be imported, and ornament our stoves. :

Fig. 1. Margin of leaf, with serrature. 2. Ovary and stamens. 3. Phalanx of stamens. 4. Transverse section of ovary :—all magnisied.

WFitch, lith.

‘Tas. 5015.

DENDROBIUM ueEpyosmum.

Sweet-scented Dendrobium.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5303.)

DENDRoBIUM hedyosmum; caulibus erectis nigro-hirsutis spithameis, floribus lateralibus geminatis odoratissimis, sepalis petalisque subzequalibus ovato- lanceolatis acutis nitidis, labelli trilobi lobis lateralibus erectis acutis inter- medio majore margine crispulo, disco suleato, apice acuto decurvo. Batem.

DENDROBIUM hedyosmum. Bateman, mss.

Denprosivum albo-viride. Parish in lit.

Although the vast majority of the species of the great Indian genus Dendrobium are entirely scentless, a few, e.g. D. macrophyl- lum, send forth disagreeable odours, while a still smaller number, among which may be classed the subject of the accompanying Plate, yield the most grateful perfumes. The fragrance of D. hedyosmum might almost be mistaken for Wallflower.

Our plant was received from Moulmein two years ago by Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., of the Clapton Nursery, under the name of D. albo-viride, which had been provisionally given by its discoverer, Mr. Parish. And indeed when the flowers of a Specimen at Knypersley, from whence the figure is taken, first opened, they were unmistakably of a pale greenish-white and so far justified Mr. Parish’s specific name; but in the course of a few days these tints disappeared, the sepals and petals began to shine like polished ivory, while the disk of the lip glowed with a rich orange-yellow, thus entirely changing the appearance and character of the blossoms, and rendering the name of albo-viride no longer appropriate. Under these circumstances, I have ven- tured to substitute the name of edyosmum, in allusion to the delicious perfume of the flowers, a change which I cannot doubt will be approved by Mr. Parish himself.

JUNE Ist, 1865,

D. hedyosmum flowers in the spring, and its blossoms, after undergoing the change described above, continue in beauty for many weeks. It requires no particular treatment. Botanically, it is allied, though not very closely, to the plant already figured in this work (supra, Tab. 5454) under the name of D. margi- natum, respecting which I fell into an error that I am glad to take this opportunity of correcting. As the circumstances that led to the mistake were somewhat peculiar, I may perhaps be allowed to relate them; they were as follows:—Messrs. Low had received, in 1863, from Mr. Parish several new Dendrodia, among which was one that came to them under the name of D. xanthophlebium, and on which several flowers were speedily produced. When collating these by the aid of Dr. Lindley’s admirable paper (in the Linnean Transactions) on the Orchid- ology of India, I passed over altogether the species ranged under his “nigro-hirsute” section, because not a trace of black or any other hair was to be found on the smooth slender stems of our plant. Then, as I altogether failed to find it among the other sections of the genus, I naturally concluded that it must be new, and gave it accordingly the name of D. marginatum, in allusion to the white edges of its lip. When, however, after the lapse of a few months the fresh growth commenced, I found to my surprise that the young stems were abundantly clothed with black hairs, a circumstance that led me to turn once more to Dr. Lindley’s paper, and here, in the nigro-hirsute ”’ section that I had previously passed by, I instantly recognized the plant under its true designation of D. xanthophlebium. The latter name must therefore be restored, and my name of D. margi- natum cancelled.

Dzscr. Sfems erect, clustered together, about a span long, when young clothed with small black hairs, which speedily fall off. Leaves narrow, short, and leathery, unequally emarginate at their points. Flowers in pairs, opposite the joints of the leaves, and freely produced over the whole of the upper half of the stems, exuding a delicious fragrance resembling Wallflower. Sepals and petals nearly equal, scarcely an inch long, ovate-lan- ceolate, acute, turned slightly backwards, presenting a polished surface resembling ivory, and of the purest white. Zzp about the same length as the petals, three-lobed, its lower portions erect, stretching forwards, acute, of a greenish tint, its central lobe oval, pointed, recurved, yellow, with rich orange furrows along its disk; the mentum very small. Column about the length of the lower lobes of the lip—J. B.

Fig. 1. Front view of lip and column. 2. Pollen-masses :—magnified.


- P


ees Vincent Brocks,Jmp.


African Mountain Acanthus.


Gen. Char. Calyx 4-partitus, laciniis supera et infera multo majoribus. Co- rolla 1-labiata, tubo brevissimo, labio 3-5-lobo. Stamina 4, subdidynama, fila- menta infera apice inflexa; antheree omnes uniloculares ciliato-barbatz, superiores erectee. Capsuia 2-locularis, compressa, e basi ad medium 4-sperma, lateribus chartaceis. Semina compressa.—Herbe v. frutices tropice, Orientales et regionis Mediterraneze incole, foliose. Folia patentia, ampla, rigida, pinnatifida v. sinu-- ato-spinosa et dentata. Spice terminales, bracteate.. Flores speciosi, albi v. ca- rulescentes,

ACANTHUS montanus; herbacea, glabra, foliis oblongis v. oblongo-lanceolatis caudato-acuminatis pinnatifidis v. sinuato-lobulatis, laciniis ovatis acutis sinuato-dentatis, dentibus spinosis, spica terminali densa glaberrima, brac- teis obovatis oblongisve acutis inciso-dentatis, dentibus setaceis, bracteolis

lineari-lanceolatis parcius dentatis. A. montana. 7. Anders. in Journ. Linn, Soc. v. 1. p. 37. CHEILOPsIs montana. Nees in De Cand. Prodr. v. 9. p. 272, excl. synon.

A very handsome plant, originally detected by Vogel at Fer- nando Po, since collected by Mann on the same island, at 2000 feet elevation ; also found on Prince’s Island by Barter, and on the west coast of Africa, south of the tropics, by Curror. It is erroneously described by Nees as a shrub many feet high, Barter and Mann both calling it a herb of only three feet high. The Abyssinian Acanthus tetragonus of Brown, referred to this plant doubtfully by Nees, has been shown by Dr. Anderson to be a species of Blepharis. The specimen here represented flow- ered with Dr. Moore, of the Glasnevin Gardens, who raised it from seed lately sent from Western Africa by Mr. Milne.

_ Dr. Anderson, in his able sketch of the African Acanthacea, in the Linnean Society’s Journal, has done well in bringing both Dilivaria of Jussieu and Cheilopsis of Moquin-Tandon under the old genus Acanthus of Linnzeus, the essential characters of

JUNE lst, 1865,

all the plants contained in the genera being very uniform and similar, and the habit identical.

oe 1. Bracts, calyx, and ovary. 2. Inner sepals, and ovary :—both mag- nified,


Witch, kth. ; Vincent Brooks, imp:

Tas.’ 5517.


Ciliate-leaved Raillardia.

Nat. Ord. ComposItrz.—SyncGENEsIa AQUALIs.

Gen. Char. Capitulum 4—-8-florum, homogamum. Jnvolucrum cylindricum, 3~8-phyllum, squamis leviter connatis 1-serialibus, basi bracteolatum v. nudum. Receptaculum angustum, nudum. Corolla tubulosa, 5-dentata. Filamenta su- perne incrassata ; anthere ecaudate. Stigmata divergentia, acuminata. Achenia tereti-angulata, glabra v. hirsuta. Pappus 1-serialis, plumosus, setis basi sub- corneis.—Frutices Sandwicenses, ramulis teretibus. Folia alterna v. opposita, lineari-oblonga v. lanceolata, integerrima v. serrata, 1—T-nervia, supra sepe ni- tida. Capitula racemosa subcorymbosa v. paniculata, Flores lutei. Endl. -


RaILLiaRDIA ciliolata; ramosa, ramis ad apices conferte foliosis, foliis oppo- sitis decussatis sessilibus lineari- v. lanceolato-oblongis acutis subscaberulis hispidulisve ultra medium subserratis 1- v. obscure 3-nerviis subtus cari- natis, marginibus subrecurvis, capitulis paucis racemosis pedunculatis cer- nuis, involucro glanduloso-pubescenti, squamis ad 8.

RaILu1arvia ciliolata. De Cand. Prodr. v. 6. p. 441. A. Gray in Proceedings Amer. Acad. v. 5. p. 133.

_A remarkable little, almost shrubby Composiéa, a native of Hawaii, in the Sandwich Islands, whence our valued correspon- dent Dr. Hillebrand sent it to Kew in 1858. The species in- habits the lofty volcanic mountains of that island, at elevations of 10,000 feet, where it was originally detected by Mr. Macrae, a collector for the Horticultural Society of London.

The genus Railliardia is an example of the singular fact, that Many genera of arborescent and shrubby Composite are peculiar to remote oceanic volcanic islands, and are often represented to a great extent in different islets of these groups by different Species, no species of such genera being found in other parts of the world. ‘Thus in the Sandwich Islands alone we have Rai/- “iardia with nine species, and Dudautia with four; in the Gal- lapagos, Sealeria with six; in Juan Fernandez there is Rodin- sonia with four species; in Tahiti Fitchia; whilst in the isle of

JUNE Ist, 1865.

E 3. Floret. 4. Scale of pappus :—all magnified.

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Vincent Brooks Imp-

Tas. 5518, ANEMONE (Heparica) aneuosa.

Angle-leaved Hepatica.


Gen. Char. Involucrum sub flore e foliis 8 verticillatis (v. segmentis folii flo- ralis) compositum. Sepala 4-20, petaloidea. Petala 0, nisi stamina exteriora in glandulas stipitatas mutata. Carpella indefinita, multiovulata. Ovulum pendulum, Achenia capitata, stylo persistente nudo vy. barbato acuminata v. caudata.—Herbe, caudice perenni. Folia radicalia dissecta v. lobata. Scapi radicales preter involucrum flori approximatum v. plus minus remotum (nonnun- quam repetitum scapo ramoso) aphylli. Flores terminales, cerulei albi rubri ©. purpurei, rarius pallide flavicantes. Stamina sepalis breviora. Acheenia sepius compressa carinata v. alata, faciebus aveniis v. rarius \-8-nerviis, rarius angulata. Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. 4.

ANEMONE (Hepatica) angulosa ; foliis radicalibus palmato-3—5-lobis, lobis cre- nato-dentatis, petiolo scapisque sericeo-villosis, floribus amplis, involucri foliolis flore approximatis apice 3-lobis. :

ANEMONE angulosa. Lam. Dict. v. 1. p. 169.

Hepatica angulosa. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 22.

H. triloba, var. angulosa. Spach, Syst. Veget. v. 7. p. 241.


A very beautiful spring-flowering plant, considered by Spach as a variety of 4. (Hepatica) triloba, but abundantly distinct in the larger size, always toothed or almost lobulate lobes of the leaf, and very much larger and more beautiful flowers. The plant from which our Plate was taken was flowered by Messrs. Backhouse, of York, whose collection of herbaceous plants is ce- lebrated for its beauty, variety, and high condition. The plant is a native of Hungary. ee

The genus Heyatica, first indicated by Dillenius, has been accepted by some succeeding botanists and rejected by others, the former preponderating. Latterly, however, the discovery i Kashmir of a species of Anemone (A. Falconert, Thoms. in Hook. Ic. Plant. t. 899) closely resembling the H. friloba in habit and all other essential characters, except the position of the three

JUNE 1st, 1865.

involucral leaves, which afford the main distinctive character of Hepatica, invalidates the latter genus altogether.

Fig. 1. Involucral leaves and carpels,—natural size. 2. A carpel, removed, —magnified,


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Vingernt Broolm, lreuyp

Tas. 5519. FOURCROYA toncava.

Long-enduring Pourcroya.


Gen, Char. Perigonium corollinum, superum, deciduum, hexaphyllo-partitum, foliolis eequalibus patentiusculis. Stamina 6, epigyna; filamenta basi cuneato- dilatata, estivatione erecta, sub anthesi inclusa; anthere ovate, medio dorso affixee, erectze. Ovarium inferum, triloculare. Ovula plurima, in loculorum an- gulo centrali biseriata, horizontalia. Stylus triqueter, basi strumoso-incrassatus, subexsertus, cavus, apice pervius; stigma obtusum, fimbriatum. Capsula co- niacea, trilocularis, loculicido-trivalvis. Semiua plurima, plano-compressa.— Herbee in America calidiore cis aquatorem indigene, longeve, semel florentes ; caudice interdum giganteo, apice folioso; scapo terminali paniculatim ramoso, multifioro. Endl.

Fourcroya Jongeva ; elata, arborescens, foliis e basi dilatata angusto-ensifor- mibus acuminatis inermibus, margine dorsoque calloso scabriusculis, scapo longissimo erecto, per totam fere longitudinem composito-racemoso, floribus extus glanduloso-pilosis.

Fourcroya longeva. Karw. et Zucc. in Nov. Act. Bonn. v.16. pt. 2. p. 666. t.48. Herb. Amaryll. p. 126. t. 33. f. 20-25.

At Tab. 2250 of the Botanical Magazine’ has been given a figure of the noble Foureroya gigantea of Ventenat, and at our Tab. 5163 another species of Fowrcroya, F. flavo-viridis, Hook. ; both of these, however, are stemless plants. We have now the great satisfaction of representing a far more striking species even than the F. gigantea, namely, the F. dongeva of Karwinski and Zucearini, which flowered in the conservatory of the Regent's Park Royal Botanic Garden, in the summer of last year, under the skilful management of Mr. Robinson,—for the first time, I have every reason to suppose, in Europe. The species was first made known to science by Baron Karwinski, distinguished by his botanical travels in Mexico, and it was figured and described by him and Zuccarini in the volume of the ‘Nova Acta’ above

JULY Ist, 1865.

quoted. It is this, too, that is so admirably illustrated by Mr. Bateman by an interesting vignette-landscape in his splendid Or- chidaceze of Mexico and Guatemala’ (under t. 17), with the quo- tation :— 7

**Unde nil majus generatur ipso, Nec viget quidquam simile, aut secundum ;”

and with the further remark :—‘‘The stately plant here repre- sented is Fourcroya longeva, one of the most marvellous pro- ductions of the vegetable world. It belongs to the family of Amaryllidacee, and has the habit of a gigantic Yucca, its stem being frequently fifty feet high, and its flower-spike forty more! It was originally discovered on Mount Tanga, in Oaxaca, at an elevation of ten thousand feet above the level of the sea. Mr. Skinner has also met with it on the high mountain-ridges in the interior of Guatemala. Plants of the species exist in our nur- series, but, contrary to expectation, it seems to suffer severely from the cold and changes of our climate.”

With us and in the Regent’s Park Garden, the temperature of a common greenhouse is sufficient for it; but the largest of our plants in cultivation are of course but pigmies in comparison with the height on its native mountains. At the time our drawing was made the specimen was past perfection (it has died after flowering), and we have thought it best to take our representa- tion of the entire plants (on the extremely reduced scale) from Karwinski and Zuccarini’s figures of the native plants. The flowers and analysis are from the recent specimen kindly com- municated by Mr. Sowerby.

Descr. The plant which produced the flowers here represented was about fifteen feet high, including the flowering panicle, but we learn from travellers in Mexico and Guatemala that the stem alone there attains a height of forty and fifty feet, perfectly erect, straight, cylindrical, scarred transversely, terminated with a mag- nificent crown of Jeaves two to three fect long, coriaceo-carnose, from a very broad base, narrow, ensiform, very acuminate, with more the habit of those of some Yucea than of Fourcroya or Agave ; the surface above is quite smooth, beneath it is finely striated, and the strie and margin are rough with minute cal- lose sharp points. These /eaves are densely crowded, upper ones suberect, the lower ones are closely reflexed upon the stem. Scape terminal, for its whole length (said sometimes to equal forty feet!) forming a pyramidal much-branched panicle. Flowers bracteated at the base. Bracteas small, ovate, acuminate, about the length of the very short pedicel. Tube of the perianth (in- ferior ovary) three-quarters of an inch long, subcylindrical, glan- dulose-pubescent ; the Zimd spreading, two to two and a half

inches across, white with a greenish tinge, yellow-green exter- nally, pubescent towards the base. Stamens six, large, erect. Filaments subulate, singularly strumose above the thickened base. Anthers sagittate, orange. Style below the middle, with three globose, large, erect ¢wbercles, which alternate with each pair of stamens. Ovary three-celled, obscurely three- or six-furrowed.

Fig. 1. Figures of two (one flowering) native plants, from Karwinski,—ou a very reduced scale. 2,3. Base and apex of a leaf,—nat, size. 4. Small portion of the back of a leaf—magnified. 5. Branch of a panicle of flowers,—nat. size. 6. Flower, from which the segments of the perianth have been removed. 7. Stamens. 8. Style. 9. Transverse section of the stigma,—more or less magnified,


Vincent Brooks, imp-

W. Fitch, del. et lith.

Tas. 5520, DENDROBIUM senizx.

White-haired Dendrobium.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4755.)

DENDROBIUM senile (Eudendrobia chrysantha); caulibus fusiformibus vaginis hirtis vestitis superne triphyllis, foliorum laminis cuneato-ligulatis acutis _hirtis, racemis uni- seu bifloris ex pseudobulbis vetustis, sepalis ligulatis acutis, petalis cuneato-oblongis acutis, labello medio trilobo, lobis lateralibus semiovatis obtusis, lobo medio acuto, callo subtiliter trisulcato in basi, diséo anteposito velutino, columna apice tridentata. Reichenbach, fil. [

DENDROBIUM senile. Parish, mss. Rehd. fil. in ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle, May, 1865.

The place that is occupied by Ceres senilis among succulents may be claimed for Dendrobium senile among Orchids, white hairs, which are inevitably represented as black in the Plate, being profusely scattered over its stems and leaves. These, joined to the long-lasting yellow blossoms, render the species at once a singular and attractive plant. It blossomed at Knypers- ley in April last, and from the flowers then produced, compared _ with the wild specimens kindly lent by Messrs. H. Low and Co., the accompanying figure was prepared. It seems to be rather a delicate species, and should be placed in a shallow pot or on a block of wood, and suspended near the glass. It is amongst the most remarkable of the very many interesting plants disco- vered by the Rev. C. S. Parish in Moulmein.

Descr. Stems spindle-shaped about six inches long covered, as are the leaves, with short white hairs and bearmg two or three leathery, obovate Zeaves, that are shorter than the stems and sharp-pointed. FVowers in pairs or occasionally single, from the sides of the stem, fleshy and of a rich yellow colour through- out. Sepals ligulate, acute. Pefuls rather wider than the sepals,

JULY Ist, 1865.

and somewhat cuneate, scarcely an inch long. Lp (not very _ deeply) three-lobed, the lateral lobes obtuse and semiovate, while the middle lobe is acute; on the base there is a callosity faintly three-furrowed, with a few orange streaks radiating from it. Co- _ lumn three-toothed at its apex.—/. B.

Vig. 1. Lip and column, seen nearly in front :—magnified.


Witch, del et lith.

Vincent Brooks, Imp.

Tas. 5521.


Drummond’s Marianthus.


Gen. Char. Sepala distincta. Petala basi v. rarius ultra medium erecto-sub- conniventia, superne patentia. Filamenta filiformia, v. basi v. medio dilatata ; anthere sepius oblonge, birimose. Ovarium sessile v. breviter stipitatum, perfecte 2- rarissime 3-loculare; sfylus filiformis. Capsula ovoidea v. oblonga, leviter compressa v. subinflata, membranacea v. tenuiter coriacea, loculicide et interdum septicide dehiscens. Semina obovoidea v. reniformi-globosa, levia v. muricata.—Suffrutices, ramis procumbentibus flexuosis v. sepius volubilibus. Folia integra, serrata, inferioribus rarius lobatis v. dissectis. Flores cerulei albi v. rubescentes, in paniculas corymbosas terminales sepius compactas nunc umbelli- formes dispositi v. rarius solitarii. Corolla sepe leviter obliqua. Benth. et Hook.

Martanruvus Drummondianus ; volubilis, gracilis, ramis junioribus foliisque pilis . longis patentibus mollibus subferrugineis obsitis, rarius glabris, foliis obo- vatis oblongo-lanceolatisve acutis v. apice recurvis uncialibus (et ultra) den- tatis subintegerrimisque, sessilibus vel in petiolum brevem brevipetiolatis,

_infimis subpinnatifidis, pedunculis terminalibus 1-3 filiformibus hirsutis

4-4 unciam longis, sepalis lanceolato-subulatis hirsutis, petalis semiunciam (ad unciam) longis dimidio superiore patentibus, ovario stipitato glabro 3-5-ovulato in singulo loculo, capsula ovoidea valde turgida semiunciam longa, seminibus parvis globosis glabris. Benth.

Martantuus Drummondianus. Benth. Fl. Austr. v. 1. p. 119.

Oncosrermum Drummondianum. Piitterl. in Pl. Preiss. v. 1. p- 194,

Marianthus of Huegel is a genus now, according to Mr. Bentham, including fourteen species, of which all, except two (M. procumbens of New South Wales and 4. bignoniaceus from Victoria and South Australia), are natives of Western Australia, and chiefly from the Swan River settlement. The blue-flowered species are excessively pretty, as may be seen by our present

figure, and by that of a nearly-allied species given at our Tab.

3893, Marianthus ceruleo-punctatus. The M. Drummondianus is iner than that, while the flowers

a more slender and graceful tw JULY Ist, 1865.

are of a paler blue. Our flowering specimen was received from Messrs. Veitch, of the Chelsea Nursery, in May.

Descr. Whole plant, except the petals, more or less villous or ciliated (in the leaves) with soft patent hairs. S¥em filiform, long- twining, branched with short patent branches, the upper ones especially flowering copiously. Leaves one to two inches long, oblong or lanceolate, scarcely petiolate, rather acute, lower ones toothed or subpinnatifid, the rest entire at the margins, smaller upwards. Peduncles very slender, terminal and lateral subco- rymbose ; pedicels elongated, filiform, with a small dract at the base. Calyx of five linear, subulate, erect, distantly-placed se- pals. Petals spathulate, very acute, bright but pale blue, the claws erect, the Jamina spreading. Stamens five, much shorter than the petals. Ovary cylindrical, stipitate, gradually tapering upwards into a short style. Stigma small, capitate, two-lobed.

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Petal. 3. Stamen:—all magnified.

5522, am

: : ‘WG . i Ses oks, imp. W. Fitch, lith ncen

TAR. Bead;

DRIMIA atrissma.

Lofty Drimia.


Gen. Char. Perigonium corollinum, sexpartitum, Jaciniis equalibus reflexis, apice cucullatis. Stamina 6, basi laciniarum perigonii inserta; filamenta basi dilatata, conniventia, tria superiora paullo breviora. Ovarium triloculare. Ovula plurima, biseriata, horizontalia, anatropa. Stylus rectus, trigonus; stigma ob- tusum, muricatum, Capsula membranacea, acute triquetra, apice loculicido- dehiscens. Semina pauca, subglobosa. Herbee Capenses, bulbose ; foliis radicalibus oblongo-linearibus; racemo scapum (sepius precocem) terminante, simplici ; pedicellis unibracteatis. Endl.

DrrMra altissima ; bulbo parvo oblongo-ovato squamoso, foliis bipedalibus scapo coetaneo multo brevioribus lingulato-lanceolatis obtusiusculis levibus, seapo 4-pedali apice multifloro, pedicellis horizontali-patentibus semiunciam longis, bracteis lineari-subulatis eequilongis, sepalis viridibus uniformibus dimidio superiore insigniter subspiraliter retroflexis, filamentis elongatis in tubum approximatis.

The Cape genus Drimia of Jacquin, like many other Aspho- deleous genera, has its characters very vaguely expressed, and Professor Kunth remarks of it : Zachenaliam cum Scilla jungit, huic ob semina affinior ;” yet this latter author has separated his new genus Jdothea from it, and it is difficult to say to which of the two our present species should be referred. It 1s quite dif- ferent from any in either genus, and remarkable for its great size, large and copious green flowers, and the great length of the bracts, much exceeding the flowers before their expansion. It is a native of Natal, and we owe the possession of it to our valued friend John Sanderson, Esq., of D’Urban. It is certainly the finest of all the Drimias. :

_Descr. Bulb scarcely larger than a pigeon’s egg, tunicated with the bases of old fallen leaves. Leaves one to one and a half feet long, nearly erect, attaining their perfect size before the

JULY Ist, 1865.

withering of the flowers, lingulate-lanceolate, rather obtuse, nearly two inches wide in the broadest part, destitute of striz, subglaucous green. Scape four feet long, singularly erect, terete below, furrowed above. Raceme aspan long, cylindrical, densely crowded before the flowers expand. /Vowers large for the genus, pale green. Pedicels horizontally patent, one and a half inch long, strict. Bracteas solitary, subulate-lanceolate, equal in length to the fully-developed pedicel, much longer than the flower-buds (their pedicels included). Sepals narrow, oblong, connivent and connate below into a tube, the upper half singu- larly and subspirally retroflexed. Stamens very prominent ; fila- ments approximate into a tube, white, pinkish below; authers pale yellow, elliptical. Ovary oblong-ovate. Sty/e columnar, longer than the ovary. Stigma obscurely three-lobed.

Fig. 1. Flowering specimen,—on a much reduced scale. 2. Flower. 3. Pistil. 4. Section of an ovary :—magnified. The rest of the figure represents the upper portion of a raceme and that of a leaf,—doth nat. size.


Tas. 9523,


M. Luddemann’s Phalenopsis.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5351.)

PHaLa#nopsis Liiddemanniana, aff. Sumatrane, Korth. et Rehd. fil. (zebrine, Hf. Bog.) et violacewe, Teijsm. et Binn.; sepalis oblongis acutis, petalis sub- minoribus, labello ab ungue lato tripartito, laciniis lateralibus ligulatis apice exciso bidentatis, extus oblique carinatis, erectis, lacinié medid ab ungue angusto oblong’ ante apicem angulata seu serrulatia, fornicata, apiculo sur- sum inflexo, squamulis seriatis in disco inter lacinias laterales, callis forci- patis duobus antepositis, carina serrulaté in basi ac in apice laciniz antice, pilis multis antice circumjectis, columna utrinque supra basin angulata. Reichenbach, fil.

PHaLzxnopsis Liiddemanniana. Rehd. fil. in Gardeners’ Chron., May, 1865.

This beautiful plant is a native of the Philippines, whence it was sent to Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., of Clapton, who being unable to distinguish it in habit from the old Phalenopsis eques- tris (P. rosea), disposed of several plants of it to their customers under that name. Several of these flowered simultaneously this spring, and no fewer than four of them were exhibited at the same time at one of the Tuesday meetings of the Royal Horti- cultural Society at South Kensington. These came from the collections of Mr. Day, Mr. Marshall, Dr. Patteson, and Messrs. Low, it has also appeared in that of Mr. Wentworth Buller. It appears to be of the very easiest cultivation, but requires a good heat. a

Professor Reichenbach, in his very interesting description of the plant (published in the ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle’), mentions the circumstance of its having been first flowered by M. Liidde- mann of Paris (formerly at the head of M. Pescatore's cele- brated establishment), to whom the species was dedicated. Professor Reichenbach also observes that he has seen two varie- ties of this beautiful plant: one of them with the bars on the

JULY Ist, 1865.

petals and sepals altogether cinnamon-colour and to which he gives the name of ochracea ;’* the other (as in the case of the specimen represented) with the lower bars of a fine amethyst tint which he calls “delicata.” Our drawing was taken from a spe- cimen exhibited by Mr. Day.

Descr. Leaves polished and leathery, from four to six inches or more in length, undistinguishable from those of Phalenopsis equestris (P. rosea). Flower-stem very short (for the genus) and few-flowered. Sepals and petals oblong-acute (the petals being slightly smaller than the petals), white at the margin, but marked with transverse bars, which are generally of an amethyst colour near the base and cinnamon in the upper parts. Zia three- lobed, the lateral portions being erect, ligulate, and deeply double-toothed, while the middle lobe is oblong, and near its apex (which is slightly bent inwards) angular and entire or in certain varieties somewhat serrulate; on the disk between the lateral partitions are a series.of small scales, with two forceps-like appendages in front. The middle lobe of the lip is intense violet, but there are yellow blotches on the side lobes. Column

white or violet, with an angular projection near the base on either side.—/. B.

Fig. 1. Side-view of lip and column. 2. Front-view of ditto. 3. Pollen masses :—all somewhat magnified.

W. Fitch, del et lith. Vincent Brooks Imp.

Tas. 5524,

BERTOLONIA geurttarta.

; Spotted-leaved Bertolonia.

Nat. Ord. MeLastomace®.—Decanpria (vel Octanpr1a) Monoeynta.

Gen. Char. Flos5-merus. Calycis campanulati dentes tubo seepius breviores, persistentes. Petala obovata obtusa vel apiculata. Stamina 10, equalia vel sub- eequalia ; antheris lineari-subulatis, rectis, aut parum arcuatis 1-porosis, connec- tivo infra loculos non producto, sed postice ad basim anthere tuberculato. Ova- rium liberum, subtriquetrum, apice obtuse 3-lobo, profunde umbilicatum, 3-lo- culare, Stylus filiformis, stigmate punctiformi. Capsula omnino triquetra, vel potius 3-alata, calyce conformi vestita, apice trigono, umbilicata, 3-valvis. Semina ovato-angulata vel irregulariter pyramidata.—Herbee austro-Americane, in locis humidis umbrosis imove subinundatis crescentes, radice interdum sublignosa, caule scapiformi, foliis late cordiformibus vel suborbiculatis rarius obovatis, floribus sepius in racemos scorpioides dispositis, albis roseis aut purpurascentibus. Naud.

BERTOLONIA guttata; radice lignosa longe repente caudiciformi, caulibus erectis subsimplicibus spithameis parce stellatim pubescentibus obtuse quadrangularibus, foliis glabris longe petiolatis ovatis acutiusculis quin- queveniis, basi obtusis, marginibus integerrimis vel suberoso-dentatis, sub- tus purpureis, supra intra venas albo vel roseo maculatis, pedunculo sub- terminali foliis multo breviore, cyma 5—10-flora, calyce turbinato piloso glandulosa, limbi lobis rotundatis demum scariosis, hic illic dorso margine- que remote dentato-pilosis, petalis roseis. :

A flowering specimen of this most lovely Melastomaceous plant was received from Messrs. Veitch, of the King’s Road Nursery, Chelsea, in May of the present year, as a native of Madagascar,— incorrectly, perhaps, so labelled, for we know of no true species of Bertolonia having been detected in Madagas- car, but we have beautiful samples identical with this in our her- barium, collected at St. Sebastian, Brazil, by the late Mr. Fox (n. 89), and again from the Province of St. Paul, South Brazil, collected by Mr. Weir, in 1861-2 (n. 40). It appears to be quite undescribed, and is, so far as we know, peculiar to Brazil. Three species of the genus only are described by Naudin,

AUGUST Isr, 1865.

to which he adds seven others (“sed quedam incerte ”), includ- ing the B. maculata of Martius, which we had supposed to be identical with our B. maculata, given at Tab. 4551 of this Ma- gazine. ae Re Descr. Our native specimens exhibit a rather long, creeping

root, thick as a goose-quill, resembling the caudex of some Fern, and having woody, fibrous radicles about the base. Stem erect, a span long, obtusely quadrangular, and slightly stellato-pubes- cent, simple, or rarely subramose. eaves long-petioled ( ‘petioles two and a half to three inches long), submembranaceous, ovate, five-veined, subacute, slightly tapering at the apex, dark-green above (young ones deeply suffused with rose); between the five parallel veins or ribs, one to three in each areole formed by transverse veinlets, are lines of very clear, distinct spots of white, or more frequently rose-colour, in one or two series ; beneath, of a uniformly purple colour. The spots on the upper side are sub- rotund or oval, and clearly defined, almost appearing as if studded with rubies. ‘The margin of the foliage is entire, or obscurely crenato-dentate. Peduacle short, terminal, or axillary from the superior leaves, bearing a eyme of few, five to ten, flowers. Calya, including the inferior ovary, piloso-glandulose, the limb of four or five broad, subrotund, erect, obtuse or retuse lobes ; with a few spinous or hair-like teeth on the back, or at the margin. Petals, four or five, obliquely obovate, rose-colour. Anthers of the stamens opening with one pore, yellow. Ovary with four, broad, pointed, erect scales at the base of the [columnar] sty/e. Stigma obtuse.

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil, the style with four scales at its base. 2. Petal. 3. Stamen :—magnified.

Erratum in the Account of the Fourcroya longeva, given in our last Number, Tab. 5519.

Our old and valued friend James De Carle Sowerby, Esq., Secretary to the Royal Botanic Society of London, Regent’s Park, informs us that our Fig. 1 (reduced figures of the flowering plant, confessedly copied from Karwinski and Zuccarini’s plate) does not accurately represent the racemes of flowers, a8 observed in the Regent’s Park plant,—being too compound, and of too feathery a character. Further, that Mr. Reid, not Mr. Robinson, had the charge of the conservatory in which the flowering of the plant was so successfully accomplished. We learn, too, that no seeds were produced, but a large crop of leaf-buds or

gemme from the branches of the panicle, several plants of which were kindly . sent to Kew.


FAM he te sey —< <7 arent eee er, saat : “Ay

Vincent Broaks Imp:

W. Fitch, del. et’ tith

TaB. 5920. SCUTELLARIA avrara; var. sulphurea.

Golden Scutellaria ; sulphur-flowered var.

Nat. Ord. Lasprat#.—DipynaMIa GYMNOSPERMIA.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5439.)

ScuTELLARIA aurea; herbacea, subpubescens, caule tetragono ; foliis sublonge petiolatis ovatis obtuse acuminatis, basi auriculato-cordatis, lobis approxi- matis integerrimis vel obsolete remote denticulatis, floribus in racemum ter- minalem numerosis erectis, pedicellis brevibus calycibusque viridibus basi bracteatis, bracteis linearibus reflexis, corollis longissimis flavidis, tubuloso- infundibuliformibus sursum paululum curvatis, gynophoro elongato.

ScureLLarza aurata. Ch. Lem. in Illustr. Hortic. 9. (1862), ¢. 368.

8. sulphurea ; floribus minoribus pallide sulphureis.

A Brazilian species, native of Para, where it has been dis- covered by M. Baraquin, and transmitted by him to M. Ver- schaffelt’s establishment in Holland in 1861, and by the latter gentleman obligingly communicated to Kew in 1864. The species is remarkable for the deep (scarcely “golden’’) yel- low, or pale sulphur-colour of the flowers. But in general structure of the flowers, and even of the foliage, there 1s a great similarity with our Scutellaria Costaricana, figured at our Tab. 5439, especially in that state of aurata figured by M. Lemaire; but in §. Costaricana, besides the rich scarlet colour of the flowers, the stem, pedicels, and calyx are purple, the leaves are auriculato-cordate at the base, rather strongly serrated at the margin, and the gynophore of the ovary is very short and globose. Our living plant of aurata produced smaller flowers, and those not full yellow, but pale sulphur-coloured.

Descr. Stem a foot or a foot and a half high, square, green, slightly pubescent, as is the whole of the plant, the flowers most so. Leaves opposite, three to four inches long, petiolate, somewhat

AUGUST Isr, 1865.

deflexed, ovate, bluntly acuminate at the apex, the base rather deeply auriculato-cordate, the /odes approximate, the margin en- tire, or obscurely and remotely denticulate. Veins few, remote, oblique, mostly simple. Petioles one to two inches long. Laceme terminal, solitary, straight, bearing numerous flowers on short pedicels, bracteated at tne base; dracteas small, linear, recurved. The raceme, when the flowers are all developed, attain a height of six to eight inches. Calya green, formed as in the genus. Corolla one and a half to two inches long, erect, deep fulvous or (in our var.) sulphur-coloured ; with a deeper yellow tinge about the faux ; fube narrow, elongate, infundibuliform ; upper ip helmet- shaped, three-lobed, covering the faux, /ower lip patent, broad ovate, emarginate. Stamens and style included. Ovary small, deeply four-lobed, situated at the apex of a large, fleshy, elon- gated, curved gynophore, tapering upwards. Sty/e filiform.

Fig. 1. Flower,— magnified. 2. Pistil,—magnified.



W-Fitch, del. et Jith.

Vincent Brooks,mp.

Tas. 5526. PSAMMISIA toneico..a.

Long-necked Psammisia.

Nat. Ord, Ertcace®.—Dercanpria MonoGyNIa.

Gen. Char. Calyx urceolato-campanulatus ; limbo cupuliformi breviter et lato 5-dentato. Corolla tubulosa, basi ventricosa, limbo 5-fido. Stamina 10, dis- tincta, inclusa, equilonga. Anthere biloculares, oblongo-lineares, apice breviter bifidee, dorso supra medium affixe, basi liberee, scabre, alternatim latiores, sub- inde ad apicem connectivi dentibus 2 divergentibus aucte, angustiores semper edentule ; tubulis levibus, anthera ipsa brevioribus, apice foramine dehiscenti- bus. Filamenta lata, brevia. Ovarium 5-loculare, Joculis multiovulatis. Stylus filiformis, strictus, plerumque exsertus. Stigma obtusum. Bacca coriacea, sub- exsucca, 5-locularis, calycis limbo cupuliformi 5-dentato coronata, /oculis poly- spermis ; placentis in axi centrali versus apicem sitis, pendulis—Frutices 4meri- cani, ramosi; foliis coriaceis, 3-5—1-plurinerviis magnis ; racemis avillaribus, robustis, corymbosis solitariis, tegmentis destitutis ; pedicellis robustis, sensim in- crassatis, apice articulatis, bractea parva squamiformi suffultis ; calycis limbo cupuleformi, coriaceo. Kl.

Psammista Jongicolla; ramis teretibus, foliis brevipetiolatis coriaceis ellipticis acuminatis subdistichis 3—5-nerviis, racemis brevibus axillaribus subglo- meratis pendulis, floribus levibus, ovario basi bibracteato, corolla lagenze- formi, tubo urceolato rubro, collo elongato contracto limboque viridibus.

»A very charming Ericaceous plant of South America, but from what precise locality is not known, for a living plant of which we are indebted to the liberality of James Bateman, Esq. This we have referred to Psammisia, rather than to Thibaudia, on account of its near affinity with Psammisia pendulifiora, Kl. (Thibaudia, De Cand.), given at our Tab. 5204. Indeed, we do not clearly see the reason for the formation of the genus Psam- misia ; but if the genera of this Vaccineous group of Ericacee are hard to determine, much more is it hard to determine the limits of the species, especially since most of them are described from dried specimens, when the flowers become much changed

AUGUST IsT, 1865.

by desiccation. Hence the importance of securing figures from living plants. Hence it will be seen that while in P. penduliflora the whole flower is more or less furfuraceo-scabrous and the co- rolla short, in our P. /ongicolla the flower is quite smooth (/ev7s) and the corolla elongated and suddenly contracted into a distinct neck between the swollen portion of the tube and the limb. In both the corolla is two-coloured, red for the greater part of the length, then suddenly green.

Dusor. A straggling shrub of a few feet in length, with glossy coriaceous Jeaves, three or four inches and more in length, shortly petioled, much acuminated, entire, three- to five-veined, with veins connected by fine transverse veinlets (as in many Melastomacee). Racemes short, axillary, glomerate, drooping, partially bracteo- lated. Pedicels fleshy, thickened upwards, so as to be almost clavate. Ovary jointed upon the pedicel, globose, smooth, having two ovate dracts at the base; free portion of the calyx cup- shaped, with five short, erect, acute /obes. Corolla bottle-shaped, the wide and longest portion of the tube scarlet, the column or neck much contracted, and green as are the five subtriangular and somewhat spreading /odes of the diméd. Stamens large, but quite included. Filaments short. Anthers tapering into two erect, tubular forns, opening by a longitudinal pore or slit.

Fig. 1. Flower with a pair of bracts at the base. 2. The same with the calyx and stamens removed. 3. Single stamen :—all magnified.

Erratum.-—In the specific character of Phalenopsis Sumatrana (Vax. 5527), for PB, Schilleriana read P. Sumatrana.

Tan. 5527.


Sumatra Phalenopsis.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5351.)

Pua.eznopsis Schilleriana ; foliis acutis, pedunculo plurifloro, sepalis oblongis acutis extus non carinatis, petalis cuneato-ligulatis acutis, labello brevi un- guiculato tripartito, laciniis lateralibus ligulatis, apice retuso-denticulatis, retrorsum falcatis, extus oblique carinatis, laciniaé media ligulato-pandurata fornicaté carnosa, basi implicita, per lineam mediam carinaté, antice dense pilosa, ligulis forcipatis duabus deinceps inter partitiones laterales, columna semitereti pandurata, androclinio cucullato denticulato. Rehb.

PuaLznopsis Sumatrana. Korthals, Rchb. fil. in Otto, Hamb. Gartenzeit. 1860, 115, alias P. zebrina, Hort. Bog. in Annales ad Hortic. et de Bot. ou Flore des Jardins du Royaume des Pays-Bas, 1860, fase. 10, eum ic.

P. zebrina in Plante Nov. in Hort. Bog. Culta, auct. T. E. Teijsman et Binnen- dijk, 1863, 15.

An interesting account—for which we are indebted to Pro- fessor Reichenbach—of this remarkable Phalenopsis appeared in the ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ the first week of last June. From this we learn that the species is a native of the province of Pa- lembang, in Sumatra, where it was originally discovered by Kort- hals, more than a quarter of acentury ago. By him it would seem to have been sent to the Botanic Garden at Leyden, where it flowered about the year 1856, and where an imperfect figure— subsequently published in the Annales’ as P. zebrina—was pre- pared. But although long since introduced to Continental collec- tions, the species was never seen in this country before the spring of the present year, when it flowered beautifully in the collec- tion of Mr. Day, who exhibited at South Kensington the speci- men from which Mr. Fitch’s drawing was taken. oe

Professor Reichenbach remarks that the azher-lid is fringed : after the manner of Zrichopilia, and that the apex of the lp is

AUGUST Ist, 1865.

furnished with “hairs quitg as dense as in a good hat-brush.” It is as easily managed as any of its congeners.

Descr. Leaves pointed, about six inches long. Flower-spike about the length of the leaves, five- to ten- flowered. Sepals oblong, pointed, not carinate, an inch or more long. Pefa/s more cu- neate than the sepals, which they otherwise resemble, both in form and colour, the latter being yellowish-white, barred with broad streaks of rich reddish-brown. zp short, unguicuate, three-lobed, the lateral portions meeting in front and stretching backwards, in which direction they end in a sort of curved tooth; the middle portion, which is pressed closely together at the base, is fleshy throughout, and very hairy in front, of an oblong or slightly panduriform shape, carinate along its centre line, and provided with two slender, sharp, upright processes at the point of its junction with the lateral lobes. In colour the hp is white, with orange spots on its side partitions, and four lines of violet (or in some varieties lilac) streaks along its central lobe. | Column white, semiterete, rather fiddle-shaped, with its anther-lid fringed.—J. B. |

Fig. 1. Side view of column and lip. 2. Front view of ditto :—Jdoth slightly magnified.

W. Fitohwdel. bith. Vincent Brooks, imp

Tas. 5528.

PRIMULA cortusorpEs; var. amena.

Cortusa-leaved Primrose ; deep-coloured var.

Nat. Ord. PrimuLaceE®.—PENTANDRIA Monoeynia.

Gen. Char. Calyx subcampanulatus vel tubulosus, plus minus profunde 5-den- tatus vel etiam 5-fidus. Corol/a hypocraterimorpha vel infundibuliformis, limbo 5-fido, lobis plerumque emarginatis, fauce ad limbum dilatata, ¢wbo tereti calycem eequante aut superante. Stamina inclusa. ilamenta brevissima. Anthere seepe acuminate. Ovarium globosum aut ovato-globosum. Ovula 00, peltatim amphitrope. Capsula ovata, 5-valvis, valvulis integris aut bifidis apice tantum dehiscentibus, seminijus minimis numerosis.—Herbe, foliis plerumque radicali- bus ; scapo simplici ; floribus wmbellatis involucratis, rarius verticillatis, sepissime speciosis. De Cand.

Prrmuta Primulastrum) coréusoides ; foliis petiolatis cordato-ovatis villosis rugosis ineequaliter dentatis subobtusis, scapis villosis 5-00-floris, involueri foliolis lineari-subulatis acutis, pedicellis divaricatis minoribus, calycis suburceolati adpressi striati 5-fidi tubum subzequantis laciniis lineari-lan- ceolatis acutis, corollee hypocraterimorphee lobis late obcordatis marginatis. De Cand.

\ Primuta cortusioides. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 206. Gmel, Fl. Sibir. v. 4. t. 45. Thunb. Jap. p. 82. Bot. Mag. t. 399. Andr. Bot. Repos. t. 7.

B. amena ; floribus duplo triplove majoribus, colore intense purpureo-roseo. Tad, Nostr, 5528.

This extremely handsome state of the well-known Primula cortusoides has been recently imported into English gardens from Japan, and our figure is taken from a living plant entrusted to us for the purpose, by Messrs. Veitch, in May of the present year. One has but to compare our present figure with the figures quoted above, or with native specimens from the Russian domi- nions in our herbaria, to justify the preference that must be given to this variety, on account of the size of the foliage and umbels and flowers, and the deep, almost purple colour of the latter. Thunberg, indeed, in his Flora Japonica,’ says of the species, “Crescit hine inde in insula Nipon ;” but he adds, seepe In hortis culta;” and Dr. Asa Gray, in his ‘Japan Collections of

AUGUST Ist, 1865.

Williams and Morrow,’ gives it as an inhabitant of Simoda: but as we have never received it in any of the numerous collections of specimens we have received from Japan, is it not likely, since the Japanese are great gardeners, they may have imported it from Siberia, as they appear to have done the Primula Sinensis? At any rate it is a great acquisition to European gardens.

Descr. Root a rather slender horizontal or ascending rhizome. Leaves all radical, downy, as is all the herbaceous part of the plant, ovate or oblong-ovate, cordate, dark-green above, paler beneath, wrinkled, many-lobed at the margin, the /odes acute, toothed. Petioles terete, three to four inches long, tufted with scales or bracts at their base. Scape longer than the foliage, bearing an wmbel four to five inches in diameter; the pedicels with an émvolucre of several-whorled linear-lanceolate scales or bracteoles at their bases. Calyx rather large, of five deep, ovato- lanceolate, striated Jobes. Corolla hypocrateriform ; the /imé an inch and a half broad, plane, deep purple-lilac, with a white star at the faux ; odes of the limd deeply obcordate. Stamens quite

included. Ovary globose, surrounded at the base by a hypogy- nous cup. :

Fig. 1. Calyx and pistil. 2. Pistil:—doth magnified.

en spear ie smiherniantst a, Re LSD. arcs mn aaea


Tas. 5529.


Dark-purple-flowered Liparis.


Gen. Char. Sepala patentia, libera; lateralia basi eequalia, sepius breviora. Petala sepalis angustiora, linearia vel filiformia. Ladel/um ascendens vel erectum, basi cum columna paululum accretum, supra basin sepius bituberculatum, inte- erum, nunc mucronibus aliquot sed lobis nullis. . Colwmna elongata, semiteres, incurva, apice marginata. Anthera bilocularis. Pollinia 4, collateralia. Lindt. Gen. et. Sp. p. 26.

Liparts atropurpurea ; foliis 2-4 subrotundis acuminatis petiolatis plicatis basi obliquis cucullatis racemo erecto .rari-(vel pluri-)floro subeequalibus, scapo tereti, labello oblongo obtuso recurvo crenulato, sepalis lateralibus oblongo- lanceolatis obliquis, petalis longissimis filiformibus. Lindl, l.e.

Liparis atropurpurea. Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. v. 3. p. 904.

Although by no means a showy plant, this is by far the most ornamental species of the sombre genus to which it belongs. It is a native of Ceylon, and was sent to Kew, in 1862, from the Botanic Garden at Peradenia, by Mr. Thwaites. Placed at the cooler end of the East Indian house, it flowered finely in June of the present year under the zealous management of Mr. Smith. It is terrestrial, and should be potted in a mixture of peat and loam,

Dzscr. Plant terrestrial, a foot or more high. Leaves from two to four, plicated, nearly round,, acuminate, petiolate, oblique at the base and somewhat hooded, about equal in length to the raceme, which, though few-flowered according to Dr. Lindley’s description, was many-flowered in the specimen from which the figure was taken. Scape round. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, half an inch long, bent slightly backwards. Pefa/s long for the genus, stretched out horizontally, waved, and, like the sepals, of a chocolate-purple. Zip oblong-obtuse, recurved, crenulate in

SEPTEMBER lst, 1865.

Dr. Lindley’s wild specimens, but nearly entire in the specimen that flowered at Kew; its colour is a deep rich purple. Column half-round, bending inwards, much shorter than the lip, green stained with purple.—/. B.

Fig. 1. Front view of flower. 2. Side view of flower. 3. Column. 4, 5. Front and side views of lip :—magnified.


Schiller’s Phalaenopsis.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5351.)

Puasnopsts Schilleriana ; foliis zebrinis oblongis obtusis paniculé multiflora nutante brevioribus, sepalo dorsali obovato obtuse acuto, lateralibus ovatis acutioribus, petalis rhombeis multo latioribus, labelli lobis lateralibus oblongis ascendentibus, intermedio ovali apice utrinque bifalci, callo quadricorni im basi.

PuaLznopsis Schilleriana. Rekd. fil. Xenia Orchidacea, t.101. Id. in Hamb. Gartenzeitung, 1860. p. 144. Lindl. ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ 1860, P. 916; 1861, p. 617; 1862, p. 95. Warner's Select Orchidaceous Plants,’ pl. 1. Lemaire, in Illus. Hort. 1863, pl. 348.

As in the case of the Phalenopsis figured at Tab. 5527, the honour of having been the first to introduce and to flower the subject of the opposite Plate rests with the Continental Orchid- growers. And it is one of which they may well be proud, for no species of the lovely genus to which it belongs—no, not even P. amabilis itself—can at all be compared with it in beauty. In dedicating it under these circumstances to his distinguished countryman Consul Schiller, of Hamburg, Professor Reichenbach » paid a well-merited compliment to one whose collection of Orchids has long been renowned and still maintains its celebrity. _

There are many varieties, which differ from each other in the marbling of the leaves, and in the size and tinting of the ee soms. Those which first appeared among us scarcely gave ee idea of the effect the plant is capable of producing when the - ; kinds have attained their proper vigour. Mr. Williams, of Hol- loway, mentions his having imported a plant on which was a na- tive flower-stem that had borne a hundred blossoms, and I have little doubt that—as the plants in our stoves improve every yoo —at least an equal display will ere long be made in this country.

AUGUST IsT, 1865.

As the plant is found at a higher level in the Philippines than P. amabilis, it need not be kept quite so warm, but under almost any circumstances it grows well and blooms freely in the winter and spring.

The figure was taken from a glorious specimen that flowered in the nursery of Mr. Veitch in May last. In the size of its blossoms and the delicacy of its tints, this variety eclipses all that have as yet shown themselves.

Descr. Leaves from six to eighteen inches long, oblong and coming to a blunt point, beautifully marbled on the upper side with irregular whitish streaks on a dark-green ground, the un- der side being purple. Peduncle one to three feet long, bent downwards, branched, many-(10-100-)flowered, all the flowers being open at the same time. Sepals an inch or more long, the dorsal one obovate and rather sharp-pointed, the lateral ones ovate and more acute. Petuls of a rhomboid form, much wider than the sepals, and, like them, of a rich rosy-lilac colour, be- coming fainter or almost white at the edges. Lip three-lobed, the lateral lobes white, oblong, rounded, and stretching back- wards, with a four-cornered yellow callosity at their base; the middle lobe rosy-lilac, oval, and split at the summit into two slender portions, that diverge from each other and are gracefully

set Column blue, clavate, prolonged, and free at the base.

Fig. 1. Lip and column :—slightly magnified.

JIT, ©

S é ian ul meent Brooks, Jp W Fitch, lith Vi

Tas. 553k.


Dense-flowered Alstrcemeria.

Nat. Ord. AMARYLLIDACE#.—HEXANDRIA MonoGynta. Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 5442.)

§ Bomarna, caule scandente v. volubili; capsula depresso-globosa. Endi.— Bomarea, Mirb., Herbert.

ALstreMERIA (Bomarea) densiflora; caule volubili glabro, foliis ovatis breviter acuminatis subtus pubescentibus umbella multiflora densa, pedicellis pubes- centibus raro bracteatis, floribus uncialibus puniceis, petalis Jato-spathulatis calyci equilongis nigro-punctatis, ovario styloque pubescentibus.

Bomanrea densiflora. Herb. Amaryll. p. 399. ¢. 46. f. 4. Kth. Enum. Plant. v. 5. p. 810.

This richly-coloured Alstreemeria (of the Bomarea group) was originally described by Mr. Herbert, from specimens gathered by Mathews in the vicinity of Chachapoyas, in Peru, and distri- buted with the number 1667. It was also found by Mr. Spruce in the mountains of Pallatanga, in the Andes of Ecuador, at an elevation of from six thousand to eleven thousand feet; and in No. 5545 of his dried specimens he describes it as a slender twining herb of about eight feet, with scarlet flowers, which it 1s evident are frequently more than twice as numerous in the umbel as they were in the specimen here figured. This was received from Messrs. Veitch, who imported it from Peru through their South American collector, Mr. Pearce.

Fig. 1. Flower with perianth removed, showing ovary, style, and stigma. 2. Petal :—magnified,

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1865.


Tas. 5532.

HA.MANTHUS rncarnatus.

Flesh-coloured Hamanthus.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 5314.)

HaMantuvs incarnatus; foliis recumbentibus amplis obovatis obtusis ciliatis, scapo rubente immaculato, spatha multivalva, foliolis angustis acutis flore brevioribus, perianthii tubo limboque incarnatis, stylo exserto stamina non excedente.

HaMantuus incarnatus. Burch. Tab. Pict. 1818, ea Herb. Amaryll. 237. t. 31. J. 1. Kunth, Enum. Plant. v. 5. p. 598. +

This species has considerable affinity with H. tigrinus, figured at Tab. 1705 of this work, but it is a more elegant plant, with broader leaves, the scape more slender, without the spots of //. tigrinus, the divisions of the spatha smaller, narrower, and less coloured, the flowers smaller and of a different colour. It was originally discovered in South Africa by the late Dr. Burchell. Our specimen was raised by Wilson Saunders, Esq., of Heath- field, Reigate, from bulbs recently introduced through his col- lector, Mr. Cooper.


Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Flower with perianth removed :—magnified.

SEPTEMBER lst, 1865.

me ee te, gs ape rt Bro lith W. Fitch, dé lith Vincent Brooks,

Tas. 5533.


Mr. Barter’s Lankesteria.

Serena eee Neer ae rene

Nat. Ord. AcANTHACE#.—Dianpria MoNnoGynia.

Gen. Char. Calyx 5-partitus, zqualis, segmentis linearibus. Corolla hypocra- terimorpha, tubo gracili calycem superante, limbo 5-partito subsequali, lobis zsti- vatione contortis. Stamina 2, versus apicem tubi inserta; anthere biloculares, loculis parallelis. Ovarium 4-ovulatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma capitatum, subbilobum. Capsula pedicellata.

Lankesterta Barteri; suffrutex 4-pedalis, foliis ovate oblongis vel oblongo- lanceolatis acuminatis basi angustatis 4—8-uncialibus sparse puberulis demum glabrescentibus, spicis terminalibus simplicibus vel compositis, brac- - teis imbricatis ovatis acuminatis nervosis puberulis ciliatisque, calycis seg- mentis anguste linearibus longe ciliatis, tubo corollee pubescente dimidio brevioribus.

This showy species of Lankesteria was sent to us by Dr. Moore, of Glasnevin Gardens, and was raised from seed sent from West Africa by Mr. Milne. It was included by Dr. An- derson under Z. elegans, T. A. (Eranthemum elegans, R. Br. ; Nees in DC. Prod. 447), in consequence of Nees omitting to quote the very characteristic plate of that species (t. 50 of the Flore D’Oware). The true Z. elegans has broader bracts, much shorter and somewhat broader calyx-segments, and a glabrous corolla-tube. There are specimens of it at Kew, collected by Mann. Though the flowers are represented in the Beauvois plate as rose-coloured, it is not unlikely that they are orange, like those of Z. Barteri, as it is well known that the colours re- presented in the Flore D’Oware’ are not to be relied on.

aaa nasaecintneeet

Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Side view of two-celled anther. 3. Ovary, style, and sugma :—magnified.

SEPTEMBER lst, 1865.

Tas. 5534,


_ Mr. Monteiro’s Euphorbia.

Nat. Ord. EupHorspiace®.—Mona@cia MOoNANDRIA.

Gen. Char. Involucrum subregulare, campanulatum, turbinatum vel hemisphe- ricum ; lobis 5 (rarius 4-8) primariis membranaceis, 5 aliis (rarius 8) secundariis alternantibus glanduliferis, glandulis abortu interdum 1-4. Flores masculi pedi- cellati, ecalyculati, bracteolis ciliato-laceris interdum obsoletis basi stipati, in series quinas (rarius 4-8) lobis primariis involucri oppositas dispositi. Flos Jemineus centralis, pedicellatus, calyee 3—-6-lobo suffultus, seepius ecalyculatus. Styli tres, distincti, vel plus minus coaliti, bifidi, lobis apice vel latere interiore stigmatosis. Semina pendula, cum vel absque caruncula.—Plante in toto orbi terrarum crescentes, in temperatis et calidioribus frequentiores. Boissier in DC. Prod. xy.

Sect. XX. Eupnorsium.—Polia sparsa vel obsoleta, floralia. opposita vel. ternata. Stipule nulle. Cyme axillares vel supra-axillares, interdum terminales. Glandule exappendiculate.—Frutices, rarius herbee, gerontoget, carnosi, tubercu- lati vel costati ; pedunculis interdum spinescentibus. Boiss. 1. c.

§ 2. Glandule involucri bilabiate, labio interiori brevissimo vel obsoleto, exteriori margine palmatifido.

Evpnorsia Monteiri; trunco lignoso forsan arborescente cortice cinereo, ramis adscendentibus carnosis cylindricis vel clavatis podariis numerosis obtuse conicis 3-1 unciam altis junioribus viridibus, adultis cinerascentibus in trunco evanidis; foliis carnosis glaberrimis ad apicem ramorum supra podaria insertis, anguste spathulatis obtusis et minute mucronulatis vel in- terdum retusis cum petiolo 4-8 uncias longis $-1} latis; ramulis floriferis fere bipedalibus, ex axillis foliorum superiorum gracilibus carnosulis fo- liosis paucifloris, foliis sensim minoribus, sine podariis, superioribus sessi- libus, umbelle radiis 3 foliis 3 sessilibus deltoideis vel ovato-lanceolatis suffultis, foliis floralibus late deltoideis basi subcordatis involucri hemi- spherici lobis ovalibus dense ciliatis, glandulis carnosis, labio superiore minuto calloso, inferiore crasse carnoso rubro-fusco ad medium in pro- cessus 4—5 apice glandulosos diviso, stylis ultra medium coalitis.

_ This very remarkable species of Euphorbia was sent to Kew, i 1864, by Joachim Monteiro, Esq., the eminent and indefati- gable zoologist, to whom the Royal Gardens are indebted for many valuable contributions from South West Africa. The

SEPTEMBER Ist, 1865.

drawing, which was made in June, shows the earliest stage of the inflorescence, when a single involucre terminates each flower-

ing branchlet. The plant is still in flower in the Cactus-house,

and now each branchlet bears an umbel of three rays. The

plant is especially remarkable for the curious successive produc-

tions of the staminate flowers, of which one or two appear the

first day and wither away, to be succeeded next day by about

four more; when these have withered, several more appear in

succession on the third and fourth days.

Fig. 1. Greatly reduced drawing of whole plant. 2. Part of a flowering branchlet. 3. Leaf of barren branch with its podarium :—nat. size. 4. Invo- lucre. 5. Stamen and fimbriated scale :—magnified.






Mr. Veitchs Calathea.

Nat. Ord. MarantTaceE®.—MonanpDria MonoGynla.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4973.)

Catatnna Veitchiana; acaulis, cespitosa, foliis petiolatis ellipticis vy. ovato- ellipticis obtusis vy. obtusiusculis glabris, petiolo pilosulo, scapo firmulo foliis breviore, spica terminali obovoidea, bracteis numerosis undique arcte imbricatis ovatis obovatisve extus adpresse pilosis superioribus vacuis glabratis patentibus, perianthii interioris tubo incluso, limbo parvo, lobo antico (labello) rotundato-obovato emarginato pallide purpureo ceteris flavido- viridibus.—Forma : foliis supra maculis leete viridibus lunatis notatis.

CaLaTHEA Veitchiana. J. Veitch, mss.

Of the tribe of the Arrowroots (Marantez), so remarkable for the beauty of their ample foliage, there are few species, if any, which can take higher rank in ornamental culture than the subject of this Plate, one of two apparently undescribed species recently forwarded to us in flower by Messrs. Veitch, and ob- tained by their collector, Mr. Pearce, in Western Tropical South America.

C. Veitchiana, with its sceptre-like scape and dense flower-head, the bracts imbricated all round, belongs to the same section of the genus (Pseudophrynium, Kérnicke) as the old Calathea (for- merly Maranta) zebrina. It differs from any of its congeners known to us in having several of the rather large upper bracts empty as in Hucomis, and from its nearest allies in the form and colour of the perianth, of which unfortunately we do not possess the material to enable us to give a detailed description of the inner segments and adherent staminodia. This species is named by Mr. James Veitch in remembrance of his late father, with whom it was a great favourite.”

Descr. The large petiolate radical /eaves are more or less ovate-elliptical, scarcely or but shortly pointed, broad and rounded at the base, glabrous on both sides, marked above on each side

OCTOBER Ist, 1865,

of the midrib with large, crescent-shaped, connected, dark-green blotches, having their concave sides towards the midrib, which the cusps nearly or quite reach. ‘Toward the margin the leaf is similarly deeply-coloured ; petioles very slightly hairy. Scape tolerably firm, about as thick as a goose-quill, cylindrical and minutely hairy, shorter than the leaves. Spike two to three inches long and about two inches in diameter; éracts rather closely imbricated in the lower part of the spike with more or less spreading tips, the upper part on the outside thinly clothed with long loosely appressed hairs, the upper bracts empty and spreading, coloured reddish beneath towards the apices. Flowers small, in fascicles of three to six in the axils of the bracts, subtended by oblong or linear-oblong membranous dracteoles. Calyx-limé of three equal linear segments, shorter than the tube of the corolla, but several times longer than the ovary. Perianth- tube included, limé exserted ; /adel/um blotched with pale-purple, posterior segment and staminodia pale greenish-yellow.

Fig. 1. Fascicle of flowers and buds with their bracteoles taken from the axil of a bract. 2. Single flower from behind. 3. Stamen and stigma :—magnified.


W.Fitch, lith.

Vincent Brodks, imp.

Tas. 5536.


Indian Pink, var. with deeply-cut petals.

Nat. Ord. Carropuytiaces.—Dercanpria Dicynia.

Gen. Char, (Vide supra, TaB. 2744.)

DIANTHUS Chinensis. (Spec. Char. vide supra, Tab. 25.)

D. Chinensis, L., var. laciniatus, Regel, corolla maxima in diametro 4 pollices latiore, petalis cuneatis apice fimbriato-laciniatis basi elongata cuneata in- tegerrima.” Gartenflora, 1858, p. 8. ¢. 219. Fl. des Serres, t, 1289.

D. cincinnatus. Lem. L’Iilust. Hort. xi. t. 388.

It is not a little remarkable that of the beautiful genus Dian- thus not a single species has been figured in the Botanical Ma- gazine’ since the year 1827. Nor does our annexed Plate re- present either a new species or even a species figured for the first time in this series. There can be no doubt of the specific identity of the gay plant on the opposite page, bearing flowers four inches in diameter, with the modest little Indian Pink figured in the first volume of the Botanical Magazine’ (Tab. 25). The differences between these extreme forms, though perhaps even more marked, are altogether analogous to those which obtain between the figures, dated respectively 1504 (Tab. 758) and 1854 (Tab. 4816) of Kniphofia Uvaria. They are differences which, we have evidence to show, are due to the continued in- fluence of rich soil or to the skill of cultivators through some other medium. The favourite Indian Pink appears, like the Zinnia, after long cultivation in Europe and Japan, to have broken out into several very striking varieties, well worthy of the » attention of our florists. Of the more remarkable forms several have been carefully described and figured in Regel’s Garten- flora’ (Tabb. 216, 240; see also Fi. des Serres, 1150 and 1288), and it is to the form which Dr. Regel distinguishes as D. Chinensis-laciniatus, that the plant here figured by Mr. Fitch belongs. The tendency to variation is by no means confined to

OCTOBER Ist, 1865,

the petals, which may be either’simply dentate or very deepl

laciniate. The bracts surrounding the base of the tubular calyx, the relative length of which organs is so often employed as a tributary specific character in the genus, vary also very much, and in a few flowers now before us, we find them varying from ovate-cuspidate and but half the length (or less) of the calyx, to linear-acuminate equalling or sometimes considerably exceeding the calyx. The form and direction of the leaves is also variable. The case is one which it might be advantageous to study carefully with a view to the general principles which govern variation in plants.

Descr. Stems decumbent or ascending, six inches to one foot _ or more in height, usually branching, glaucous. eaves linear to linear-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, glabrous and glaucous, or very minutely scabrid-puberulous, denticulate-ciliolate. Flowers very large, terminal, solitary, from white or pink to crimson, or variously blotched. Bracts ovate-cuspidate, much shorter than the calyx, to linear-acuminate, exceeding it in length. Lamina of the petals cuneate, deeply fimbriate. —Szamens and style vary- ing in relative length in different plants (owing to a dimorphic

condition carried to an extreme in some unisexual species of the same Order).

W.Fitch, Jith,

Vincent Brooks, mp.

TAB: 5007. } Al

DENDROBIUM Tarrontanum. fo


Lord Egerton of Tatton’s Dendrobe.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4755.)

Denprosium Tutionianum ; caulibus fusiformibus, racemis sparsifloris, foliis an- gustis carnosis acutis longioribus, bracteis triangulo-setaceis ovariis pedi- cellatis multo brevioribus, sepalis ligulatis subacutis, mento parvo obtuse conico, petalis a basi angustissimé dilatatis ligulatis subacutis paulo longio- ribus, labello longe cuneato antice trifido laciniis lateralibus triangulis an- tice obtusangulis, laciniaé medida semiovata apiculaté, venis in laciniis late- ralibus carinulato-incrassatis, carinis lobulatis ternis antice inter lacinias laterales in disco lacinize anticee in lamellas rhombeas dorso crenulatis ex- euntibus, columna apice tridentata, anther’ velutina. Reich. fil. (conf. D. amulum, R. Br.)

Denprosium Tattonianum. Bateman mss. Gard. Chron. Sept. 23, 1865.

This very remarkable Dendrode is a native of North Australia, where it was recently discovered, at no great distance from the coast, by Mr. J. G. Veitch, who sent it to his father’s establish- ment at Chelsea in the spring of the present year. ‘The plants of this and of another species figured in a subsequent Plate (Tab. 5540), arrived in such excellent condition that they have already flowered freely both in the Exotic Nursery and in the collection of Lord Egerton of Tatton. The species being quite new, I gladly availed myself of the opportunity of dedicating it to the latter nobleman, whose ee of hee is =e ingly rich and admirably grown. e species has a pleasan tell and continues in ae for two months. Like D. bi- gibbum, from the same country, it is very easily cultivated.

The specific character is from the accurate pen of Professor Reichenbach, to whom, as well as to myself, flowering specimens were sent.

OCTOBER Ist, 1865.

Descr. Pseudobulbous stems fusiform or pear-shaped, two or three inches high, and bearing four or five narrow fleshy sharp- pointed leaves, which are at least twice as long as the swollen stems. From the-side near the apex of the latter arise the flower-stalks, which are stiff and erect, about a foot high, and terminated by a dozen or more loosely distributed flowers, to which the yellow and white sepals and petals and the mauve lip give a very peculiar appearance. Bracts small, triangular, bristle-pointed, not a quarter the length of the ovary. Sepals ligulate, somewhat acute, forming at their base a short, blunt, conical mentum or chin. Pefa/s very narrow at the base, and slightly longer but otherwise nearly of the same shape as the sepals, and, like them, white tipped with yellow. zp white at the edges and extremities, but deep mauve on its disc, of a pro- longed wedge-shaped form, and divided in front into three lobes, of which the lateral lobes are of a somewhat triangular shape, and blunt, while the central lobe is semi-ovate and apicu- late; along the centre of the lip run keel-like elevated veins, which terminate (on the central lobe) in three crenulated rhom- boid plates. Column three-toothed at its apex, with a velvety anther.—J. B.

_Fig. 1. Column. 2. Poilen-masses. 3. Front view of lip. 4. Side view of ditto :—magnified.


Vincent. Brooks, Imp-

W. Fitch, Tith.


Two-coloured Bastard-Vervain.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4211.)

SraCHYTARPHETA Jicolor ; suffruticosa, foliis ovatis v. ovato-lanceolatis acutis serratis basi in petiolum brevem angustatis glabris, spicis sublaxifloris, bracteis subulatis acutis, corolla tubuloso-infundibuliformi calyce*duplo lon- giore, tubo infra medium abrupte curvato atque angustato, limbo breviter recurvo, germine basi gibboso.

Though less effective than S. aristata (Bot. Mag. Tab. 4211), this interesting species has the advantage of many of its weed- like congeners in the comparatively great length of its corolla, which is moreover of an unusual colour. On emerging from the bud of a deep purple, it soon acquires a peculiar greenish-blue, the throat remaining white. It is further remarkable in the form of the corolla, which is funnel-shaped, with a very short spreading limb, and not hypocrateriform or salver-shaped, as is usual in the genus. The specimen from which our figure was drawn developed its flowers on the passage home from Bahia, whence it was forwarded to us by our excellent correspondent C. H. Williams, Esq.; and it is just possible the unusual colour of its flowers may have something to do with the circum- stances under which they were produced. Although there are thirty-five species of Stachytarpheta described from Brazil, our friend M. Bocquillon, who has made the Verbenacee his special study, and who happens to be by us as we prepare this for press, is unable to refer this plant to any of them, so that we have no alternative but to publish it as new.

Duscr. Leaves varying from ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, serrate from a little above the base, which, in the broader leaves, is rather abruptly or cuneately narrowed into the petiole, gla-

OCTOBER lst, 1865.

brous or nearly so. pike terminal, slender, exceeding the leaves; dracis subulate, erect, rather distant or subimbricate. Calyx (described from the drawing) tubular, very shortly split on one side, the apex bifid. Coro//a narrowly infundibuliform, the ¢vée narrowed and rather sharply curved to one side a little below the middle; /mé short, spreading or slightly recurved, the four broader lobes broadly rotundate, somewhat pointed. Stamens two, perfect, inserted near the top of the tube. Ovary with a thickened, lateral gibbosity or gland, tapering into the long, filiform, but scarcely exserted style. Stigma capitate.

Fig. 1. Single flower, removed. 2. Calyx and style. 3. Corolla, laid open. 4. Ovary. 5. Stamens and staminodia.


ree A 4

W. Fitch, delet 1

ie a ¥incent Brooks !mP

Tas. 5539.


Scimitar-leaved Fig-Marigold.

Nat. Ord. Frcoipe”.—IcosanpRIA POLYGYNIA.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 2144.)

§ AcinaciFrormia (Salm-Dyck). Caules fruticosi, validi, angulares, decumbentes. Folia connata, triquetra, acinaciformia, crassa, levia. Flores speciosi, soli- tari, rubicundi aut flavi. Calyx 5-partitus, lobis insequalibus. Stigmata 6-10. Fructus carnosus.

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM acinaciforme; foliis compresso-triquetris sursum incras- satis acutis vel acutiusculis, carina marginibusque integris v. undulato-serru- latis, pedunculis bibracteatis petalis purpureis, stigmatibus ad 14.

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM acinaciforme. Linn. Sp. Pl. 695. Dill. Hort. Hlth. f. 270-271. Andr. Rep. t. 508. De Cand. Pl. Grasses, t. 89. Salm-Dyck, Monog. § 19. t. 6.

M. levigatum. Haw. Syn. 233. M. rubrocinctum. Z. Z., Bot. Reg. 1732. M. subalatum. Haw. Syn. 235.

Dr. Lindley, speaking of Mesembryanthemum rubrocinctum (Bot. Reg. 1732), which is a mere variety of this species, re- marks, that it may perhaps be considered the finest of the ex- tensive genus to which it belongs. Few things can be more effective than a well-disposed patch of this plant. It is an old inhabitant of gardens in the south-west of England, and well known in many out-of-the-way places, but by no means so generally as it deserves. It is with a view to draw attention to it and to its congeners, which have been too much neglected of late years, that we have had figured this species from a plant grown in the Scilly Islands, obligingly sent to us by A. Smith, Hsq., M.P. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope,—the head-quarters of the Fig Marigolds,—growing, according to Dr.

OCTOBER Ist, 1865.

Sonder (‘Flora Capensis,’ v. 2. p. 412, whence we have obtained the above synonymy), on the sandy flats near Cape Town, etc. M. rubrocinctum differs from our variety solely in the trivial character of a frequent red line along the leaf-margins. The fruit is said to be eatable.

Descr. Stem two to four feet, procumbent, pointed, the young shoots compressed and angular. eaves two to three inches long, about three-quarters of an inch in thickness a little above the middle, triquetrous, pointed, and more or less narrowed to the base, where the opposite leaves are shortly connate ; the keel, and sometimes the upper edges of the leaf, are either ser- rulate or entire, with or without a red line. Peduncle two- edged, with a pair of connate dracts. Stamens tour to five inches in diameter ; petals purple, linear, emarginate. Anthers dark-purple. Stigmas twelve to fourteen, pale-yellow.

Fig. 1. Calyx and stigmas, after removal of the petals and stamens.

W Fitch, lith 2 = Vincent Brooks, Imp.


Mr. John G. Veitch’s Dendrobe.


Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4755.)

Denprosium Johkannis ; caulibus incrassatis foliosis racemis erectis multifloris brevioribus, foliis crassis angustis ineequaliter bidentatis, bracteis minutis- simis triangulis, sepalo supremo ac petalis cuneato-ligulatis subacutis undu- lato-tortis porrectis, sepalis lateralibus subaequalibus, haud equilongis, bast in calear extinctiforme extensis, labello ab unguiculatissima basi dilatato cuneato oblongo trifido, laciniis lateralibus semirhombeis antice utrinque medio angulatis, lacinié media sessili subrhombed apiculata, carinis crassis ternis inter lacinias laterales per discum in disco lacinize medize antice obtuse abruptis, lateralibus supra apicem bi-lobatis, column apice tridentata basi utrinque angulata, anther velutinad. Rehbd. fil.

Denprosium Johannis. Reichenbach in ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle, Sept. 23, 1865.

Asin the case of the species figured in a preceding Plate (Tab. 5537), our knowledge of this very interesting addition to the vast genus Dendrobium is due to the researches of Mr. John G. Veitch on the northern coasts of the great Australian continent. From hence it was sent to the Exotic Nursery in the King’s Road, where it flowered freely along with D. Tattonitanum im August last. Specimens having been communicated to Profes- sor Reichenbach, he very properly named the species in honour of its discoverer, being compelled for that purpose to avail him- self of his Christian name, inasmuch as the surname of the family had been already (in the Dendrobium Veitchianum of Lindley) pressed into a similar service.

Though not so gay as D. Zattonianum, it is well worth grow- ing, and is apparently of the easiest cultivation in an ordinary orchid-house. The flowers, which are remarkable for their twisted sepals and petals, exhale a pleasant odour of honey.—/. B.

Fig. 1. Lip and column, 2. Pollen-masses :—magnified.

OCTOBER Ist, 1865.

oo W Fitch delet lith.

i Vincent Brooks ,Imp.


Panicled Tonopsis.


Gen. Char. Sepala erecta, eequalia, membranacea ; lateralibus in saccum con- natis. Petala sepalis conformia. Labellwm membranaceum, sepalis longius, co- lumna parallelum, limbo reflexo; basi angustatum, auriculis 2 membranaceis intra marginem callisque 2 carnosis intra auriculas. Columna erecta, nana, aptera, semiteres, rostello rostrato. Pollina 2, cereacea, spherica, postice ex- cavata ; caudiculé lineari, glandulé obovaté. Axthera unilocularis, rostrata.— Herbee epiphyte, Americe tropice, acaules. Folia coriacea. Flores in racemis aut paniculis terminalibus dispositi, albi aut violacei. Lindl.

lonopsts paniculata ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis, scapo paniculato diffuso, sepalis acutis, petalis obtusis apiculatis longioribus, labelli pubescentis limbo rotundato bilobo sepalis multo longiore, auriculis rotundatis, sacco simplici. Lindl.

Tonopsis paniculata. Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1904. Fol. Orch. 1852. Walpers, Ann. t. 5. p. 685.

Epidendre paniculé. Descourtilz, Epid. Bras. ined. in Bibl. Delessert. t. 54.

This is by far the finest species of a genus that otherwise com- prehends none but insignificant plants. It must also be regarded as the most extensively dispersed, if Professor Reichenbach’s supposition, that it is a mere variety of J. wéricularioides should - prove to be well founded, the latter species being diffused over nearly the whole continent of South America. The speci- men figured was taken from among a multitude imported from Brazil by Messrs. Hugh Low and Co., of Clapton, and which formed one of the most attractive features of their orchid-houses during the months of October and November last year. There Were innumerable varieties, some almost pure white, others white and yellow, and others again—like the subject of the Plate— with a lovely purple spot on the lip. The flowers last for a con- _ siderable time, and are very freely produced ; indeed in order to | preserve the plants in health it is sometimes necessary to destroy the flower-spikes, which, as in the case of the species of Phale-

NOVEMBER Ist, 1865.

nopsis, are often out of all proportion to the number and strength of the leaves. ‘The species succeeds under the same treatment as Burlingtonias or the more delicate kinds of Oncidiwm, and should be placed either on a block of wood, or, what is far better, on one of those earthenware imitations of a block of wood to which the name of branch-orchid pots is now applied.

Drscr. Leaves thick and channeled, two or three clustered to- gether, linear-lanceolate, keeled, about six inches long. Scape panicled and spreading a foot or more long, loaded with almost innumerable flowers of delicate and beautiful texture. Sepals sharp-pointed, scarcely more than the eighth of an inch long. Petals rather wider than the sepals, but otherwise conformable to them, white. vp very large, pubescent at its base, and with two-lobed, rounded, apiculate limb, almost entirely white in some varieties, while in others it bears on its disk either a patch of yellow or of purple, or of both combined. Here it has two thin rounded auricles within the edge of the lip, and two much more fleshy calli within the auricles themselves. Colwmn upright, short, wingless.—J. B.

Fig. 1. Side view of labellum and column. 2. Front view of column. 3. Pollen-masses. 4. Front view of labellum :—magnified.

Tas. 5542, CALATHEA rTvurispaTua.

Tubular-spathed Calathea.

Nat. Ord. MarantacE2%.—Monanpria Monoeynlia.

Gen, Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4973.)

CaLaTnea tubispatha ; acaulis, cespitosa, glaberrima, foliis obovato-ellipticis leviter obliquis breviter acuminatis v. acutatis basi obtusis integris v. bre- vissime subcordatis, petiolis vaginantibus glabris folio subaequilongis, scapo gracili, spica terminali pauciflora anguste cylindracea obliqua, bracteis 2 vel 3 arcte convolutis obtusis breviter et oblique apiculatis v. obtusis interioribus inclusis, perianthii flavi tubo incluso, lobo postico rotundato subintegro antico (labello) emarginato v. retuso.—Forma: foliis maculis brunneis geminatis biseriatim notatis,

This is the plant referred to in our last Number (Tab. 5535) as a second undescribed Calathea introduced by Messrs. Veitch from Western Tropical South America, where it was collected by Mr. Pearce. It is a very graceful species, and its habit and prettily blotched leaves cannot fail to render it a valuable addi- tion to our variegated stove plants. The spike is remarkable in the genus, being narrowly cylindrical, slightly directed to one side, the outer bract equalling or exceeding the rest, each ee convolute and subtending about two rather pretty, though small yellow flowers. We have not the opportunity at present of making a detailed analysis of the expanded flower.

Descr. Cespitose, about one and a half to two feet high. Leaves obovate-elliptical, shortly acuminate or cuspidate, obtuse and entire or very narrowly cordate at the base, slightly oblique, firmly though thinly membranous, with a row on each side of the midrib of somewhat rhomboidal or oblong, deep brown blotches Mm pairs ; around these blotches the green colour of the leaf is some- what paler than along the midrib and margin, five to eight inches in length. Scape slender, erect, glabrous, about one foot high, sheathed below by the subtending leaf. Spike oblique, about one inch long, few-flowered, narrowly cylindrical ; dracts two or three, outer bract equalling or exceeding the rest, broadly obovate or

NOVEMBER lst, 1865.

quadrate-rotundate, somewhat truncate and obscurely apiculate, closely convolute ; dracieoles membranous, the two lateral ones with winged keels. Flowers in pairs (or with rudiments of more) in the axil of each bract, yellow, the perianth but slightly exserted.

Fig. 1. Flower removed from its bract. 2. Stamen and stigma :—magnified. -



W. Fitch, lith.

Vincent Brooks, Imp.

Tas. 55438:


Succulent Pachypodium.


Gen. Char. Calyx 5-partitus; lobis lanceolatis, basi squama vel glandulis omnino destitutis. Corol/a hypocraterimorpha, sub-5-fida, externe puberula ; tubo interne sub staminum insertione pilis retrorsis per lineas quinque hispido, esqua- mato; lobis zestivatione sinistrorsum convolutis. Anthere supra mediam tubi partem sessiles, sagittatee, acumine longo apice polline destituto, medio stigmati adheerentes. Nectarium e glandulis 5 discretis truncatis constans. Ovaria 2, ovata, glabra, nectario longiora. Ovula oo. Stylus 1. Stigma oblongum, ad basim angulo cinctum. Folliculi (ex E. Mey.) compressiusculi, erectiusculi. - Semina obovata, subcompressa, pendula, ad umbilicum comosa, com’ multo - breviora. Testa fulva, scabra, tenuis. Al/wmen tenuissimum, endopleurum simu- lans. Embryo rectus ; radiculé superd, crassa, ovoided, prope cotyledones rotun- data, apice conoided ; cotyledonibus rotundatis, basi cordatis, facie adpressis, sub- foliaceis, radicul& brevioribus.—Fruticuli Capenses, erecti ; caudice spherico vel napiformi succulento ; ramorum epidermide caducd levi cortice sublus viridi aculeis geminis ex epidermide sparsis; foliis intra aculeos axillaribus solitariis, petiolo subnullo ; floribus apice ramorum approximatis avillaribus, roseo-albis. Alph. De Cand., Prod. v, 8. 428.

Pacnypoprum sucenlentum ; ramis apice subvelutinis v. glabratis, foliis lanceo- latis v. lineari-ovalibus acutis superne scabrido-pubescentibus glabrescenti- bus subtus pubescentibus v. tomentoso-pubescentibus, lobis corollz obovatis obovato-oblongisve obtusis vel retusis.

Pacnypopium succulentum. A. De Cand. 1. c.

Ecurrzs succulenta. Thunb. Prodr. 37.

BELONITEs succulenta. E. Mey. Comm. 187.

Pacuypopium tomentosum. Don, Gen. Syst. v. 4. 78.

Pacnypopium tuberosum. Lind?. Bot. Reg. tab. 1321; Lodd. Bot. Cab. tab. 1676.

A South African plant, originally described by Thunberg, be- longing to the same remarkable category as the Adenium obesum figured recently in this journal (Tab. 5418), and the two gouty- stemmed Vines, VY. Bainesii and V. macropus (Tabb. 5472, 5479). The exceptional habit of these plants in the families to which

NOVEMBER Isr, 1865.

they respectively belong, affords an interesting problem for the consideration of those who incline to the derivative origin of species, and may be supposed to illustrate one kind of useful character, “‘ selected,” and thus apparently. moulded, by the exter- nal conditions to which they have been exposed through a long period of time. There can be no doubt that our plant is the same as P. tuberosum, Lindl., the figure of which we quote above. At the time of publication of that species the true P. succulentum of Thunberg was not certainly known. Indeed M. A. De Can- dolle, in the Prodromus,’ retains the two as distinct. They have been reduced to one species by M. Planchon (MS. note in Herb. Hook.). The caudex of another species of the genus Pachypodium (P. bispinosum) is said to be edible. Our figure is from a speci- men flowered in the Royal Gardens, Kew, presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq., and sent home by Mr. Cooper from South Africa.

Descr. Caudex much thickened and succulent, smooth, emit- ting erect or ascending, annual, succulent, leafy, glaucous or glau- cescent branches, more or less armed below the leaves with straight, slender, acute, stipular spines. Zewves firm, dark-green, lanceolate, acute, entire, narrowed to the base, subsessile, obso- letely and rather roughly pubescent above, pubescent or somewhat . tomentose beneath, about two inches long, half to three-quarters of an inch broad. Stipular spines most prominent on the lower part of the branches, in divaricate pairs, straight, slender, about a quarter of an inchlong., FVowers terminal, umbellate, forming a head about four inches in diameter, very shortly stalked. Calya very short, quinquepartite, with lanceolate lobes, pubescent or nearly glabrous. Corol/a hypocrateriform, the spreading limb about equalling the tube, tube and limb rose-red beneath, obovate- oblong lobes of the latter paler above, throat deep-red, Stamens included ; anthers sessile or with very short filaments, sagittate, adhering to the oblong stigma. Ovaries two, uniting above in the erect filiform style.

Fig. 1. Reduced figure of entire plant, showing the gouty stem or caudex. 2. Lower part of corolla-tube laid open, showing the anthers. 3. Pistil :— magnified.


43 Je his = ‘ty

W. Fitch, lth.

Vincent Brooks,Imp.

- Tap. 5044, eae

ABRONIA ee CREE. mat! Gg

Fragrant Abronia. “St Mall” naa

Nat. Ord. NycraGIne#.—PENTANDRIA Monoeynia.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 2879.)

Asronta fragrans ; foliis crassiusculis ovatis v. oblongo-ovatis obtusis basi interdum in petiolum breviter angustatis sinuatis v. lobato-sinuatis pilosulis glabratisve, involucri foliolis late ovato-rotundatis breviter apiculatis sub- membranaceis, perianthii limbo albo, lobis obovato-rotundatis bifidis, fructi- bus 5-alatis.

ABRONIA fragrans. Nuttall in Herb. Hook. ; Kew Journ. Bot. 0. 5. (1853), 261; Torrey and Gray in Botany of Gunnison’s Railroad Expedition, p. 14 (128), tab. x.

Notwithstanding the publication of an excellent engraving of this plant in the Report of the Botany of the American Survey, referred to above, it would appear to be hitherto undescribed. In habit it much resembles Aéronia mellifera, figured in this Magazine (Tab. 2879), differing in the form of the involucral leaves, and the size, colour, and lobing of the perianth. It is the finest species of the small genus to which it belongs, and may be regarded as a valuable addition to our garden flora. Geyer, who collected specimens on the loamy, sandy, firm banks of the Platte river, describes the flowers as porcelain-coloured, opening only at night and very fragrant.” It is to the sandhills of this tributary of the Missouri and the eastern flank of the | Rocky Mountains, between 40° and 45° north latitude, that the species appears to be confined. We are indebted to Mr. Thompson, of Ipswich, for the specimen here figured, the first probably which has been flowered in England.

Drscr. Sfem procumbent, spreading, throwing up numerous ascending, succulent, slightly hairy or glabrate, terete flowering- branches. Leaves opposite, slightly unequal, ovate or oblong- ovate, often a little oblique, obtuse, sinuwate, obscurely lobed or nearly entire, fleshy, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, with obscure venation, one and a half to two inches long, three-quarters to one inch broad, on petioles of one inch or less. Peduncles axil-

NOVEMBER Ist, 1865.

lary, solitary, ascending, two to five inches long, pubescent or puberulous. Umdéel dense, many-flowered, two to three inches in diameter ; zzvolucral scales somewhat membranous, broadly ovate- rotundate, shortly pointed, glabrous or nearly so, one-third or one-half the length of the flowers. Perianth hypocrateriform, tube dilated and deeply quinque-sulcate at the base around the ovary, straight above, about one inch long, greenish-white, minutely glandular, limb spreading, porcelain-white,” deeply five-lobed, lobes broadly obovate-rotundate, obtusely bifid. Stamens un- equal included ; filaments apparently adhering more or less to the perianth though easily separable, filiform ; anthers oblong subacute. Ovary oblique glabrous; style filiform, slightly thickened above and laterally stigmatose. Fruit (according to the figure of Messrs. Torrey and Gray) obovoid in circumscrip- tion with five rounded wings.

Fig. 1. Perianth. 2. Persistent base of perianth surrounding the ovary. 3. Perianth-tube laid open. 4. Stamens, showing their insertion. 5. Ovary :— 2-5, magnified.


sent. BrOOAS ITT


‘Tks. 5545, BEGONIA Pearce.

Mr. Pearce’s Begonia.

Nat. Ord. BEGonracE#.—Monecra PoLyanpDRIa.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4131.)

Brconta Pearcei Huszia, §§ Paucipetale, A. De Cand.); caule herbaceo erecto folioso_pubescente, foliis palmatim plurinerviis oblique ovatis acumi- natis basi cordatis irregulariter crenato-serratis, petiolis lamina brevioribus, stipulis ovatis ciliatis, pedunculis folio longioribus bifloris, bracteis ovatis rotundatisve ciliatis, floribus flavis; 7. masc. sepalis 2 amplis rotundatis petalis 2 obovatis vix brevioribus, fl. fam. lobis 5 obovatis obtusis, ovario pubescente trialato.

A very beautiful species, nearly allied in botanical characters to B. cinnabarina (Bot. Mag. 4483), introduced from La Paz by Messrs. Veitch, where it was obtained by Mr. Pearce, whose name well deserves to be associated with it. The foliage is very pretty, the leaves being of a dark velvet-green above, dull-red traversed by pale-green nerves beneath, and in agreeable contrast with the rather large, bright-yellow, overtopping flowers. _

Drscr. Stem succulent, pubescent, leafy. Leaves obliquely ovate, acuminate, cordate at the base, irregularly crenate-serrate, on petioles of about half their length, dark velvet-green and nearly glabrous above, dull red beneath excepting the nervures. Peduncles erect, two-flowered, exceeding the leaves. Bracts ro- tundate or elliptical, entire, pubescent or ciliate. /owers yellow, about an inch to an inch and a quarter across ; male 7. perianth quadripartite, two outer segments ample, rotundate, two inner rather smaller, about equal in length to the outer ; female fl. with a quinquepartite perianth, lobes obovate-oblong, obtuse. Sfamens indefinite, free ; filaments filiform ; anthers obovate, obtuse, two- celled. Ovary three-winged, three-celled, with indefinite ovules on each side of the forked placentas ; styles spirally stigmatose ; capsule not seen.

Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Ovary and styles. 3. Transverse section of an ovary :— magnified,

NOVEMBER Ist, 1865.




W Fitch, del et lith.


Vincent Brooks,

Tas. 5346.


White-flowered Palumhina.

Nat. Ord. Orncuipe#.—GyNnanpria MONANDRIA.

Gen. Char. Sepalum dorsale oblongum, subacutum, sepalum inferius eequale. Petala oblonga, subacuta. Labellum subzequale. Columna crassa ; androclinium obliquum, apiculatum, rostello quinquelobulo seu prerupto medio unilobulato ; alee membranacee, retusee, denticulatze, juxta foveam circularem. Tabula stigma- tica obliqua, prona, increscens super labelli basin. Caudicula pollinis utriusque caudicule tertize communi inserta. Rchd. fil.

PatumBina candida; pseudobulbis ligalatis compressis monophyllis (? aut diphyllis), foliis cuneato-ligulatis, racemis erectis gracilibus flexuosis brevi- oribus.

PaLumBINa candida. Rehb. fil. Walp. Ann.v. 4. n. 699 et in Gard. Chron. 1865 (new plan to 311), cum xylo.

Oncrpium candidum. Lindl. Rot. Reg. v. 29, 1843, Misc. 76.

Oncrpium? candidum. Lindl. Folia, n. 53.

A pretty and interesting plant, originally flowered some twenty years ago by the Messrs. Loddiges, when it was doubt- fully referred to Oncidium by our great English orchidist—now, alas, no more! Since then the plant has appeared in the collec- tion of Consul Schiller, when the examination of more perfect specimens satisfied Professor Reichenbach that it was a truly distinct form, to which he applied the generic name of Palum- bing. Tt was introduced from Mexico by Hartweg, while in the service of the London Horticultural Society, but was probably lost through having been kept too warm. In a moderate tem- perature it is easily grown, blooming during the summer months and lasting long in beauty. The figure was derived from a very fine specimen exhibited in June last at South Kensington by Mr. Day. It has also flowered in the Royal Gardens at Kew.

Descr. A small plant with narrow compressed pseudobulbs, each bearing a single linear or slightly wedge-shaped leaf from six inches to a foot long. Aacemes few-flowered, erect, slender,

DECEMBER Ist, 1865.

appearing with the young growth, of a dark-purplish colour, somewhat flexuose, longer than the leaves. //owers about an inch across of a firm texture, all but entirely white. Upper sepal oblong subacute, /ower seyals coalescing into one of the same size as the upper. Pefa/s oblong, subacute. Lip about the same size as—or in some varieties larger than—the petals, with a few small reddish spots on a yellow ground on the stigmatic surface at its base. Column connate with the lip, short and thick, furnished with jagged spreading membranous wings. Pollen-masses oblong, provided with a double caudicula—J/. B.

Fig. 1. Profile of the lip and column. 2. Lip seen in front. 3. Pollen- masses :—magnified.




Gnoent Brooks, Imp.

W Bitch, del et lth.


The Honourable Mrs. John Bateman’s Thibaudia.

Nat. Ord. VaccintaceE®.—DecanprIaA MonoGynta.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4303.)

Turpauvia Jessice ; glaberrima, foliis membranaceis ovatis ovato-lanceola- tisque caudato-acuminatis basi rotundatis integerrimis subquintuplinerviis reticulatim venosis, racemis brevibus solitariis foliis multo brevioribus, pe- dunculis pedicellisque brevibus crassis, foribus amplis, calvcis dentibus latis obtusis, corolla oblongo-cylindracea, pallide rubra, filamentis brevibus crassis, antherarum rostro loculo breviore.

For this superb plant we are indebted to James Bateman, Esq., a most successful cultivator of the genus, who flowered it in September of the present year, and at whose desire it bears the name of a lady who was an ardent admirer of the genus; of © its precise habitat we are uncertain, but believe it to be the moun- tains of Caraccas, the plants having been procured from Mr. Linden’s celebrated establishment at Brussels. It was sent under the name of 7! macrophylla, H. B. K., a plant which differs remarkably in the long pedicels of the flowers, and according to specimens so named by Bentham (and collected in Humboldt’s locality by Hartweg) in the very coriaceous leaves. The most decided characters by which the 7. Jessice differs from its nearest allies are the very slender ultimate branches, singularly mem- branous texture of the very large leaves, large flowers, and short pedicels. It resembles a good deal a species in the Hookerian Herbarium collected by Professor Jameson on Pichincha, at an altitude of S000 feet, and may be the same, but the leaves and flowers both appear to be very much larger.

Descr. A glabrous shrub, with pendulous branches. Leaves a span to ten inches long, shortly petioled, ovate or ovate-lanceo- late, rounded at the base, narrowed into a long acuminate apex, quite entire, membranous, with five more prominent nerves and numerous reticulating lesser ones. FZowers ten to twelve, in short,

DECEMBER Ist, 1865.

solitary racemes; peduncle very short and stout; pedicels also short, usually shorter than the calyx, red; bracts minute. Calya-tube hemispherical, lobes short, obtuse. Corol/a two-thirds of an inch long, between oblong and cylindric, more inflated below, smooth and fleshy, pale red, mouth contracted with small short teeth. Filaments short and thick ; anthers short, linear-oblong, with a short straight terminal tube, beneath the insertion of which is a very short mucro.—/. D. H.

Fig. 1. Ovary with two calyx-lobes removed, disk and style. 2 and 3. Sta- mens :—all magnified.


ks, Imp. Witch, hith. : ine

Tas. 5548.


Hyssop-leaved Calceolaria.

Nat. Ord. ScROPHULARINE#.—D1anpri1A Monoeynta.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, TaB. 4929.)

CaLcEoLaRia Ayssopifolia ; fruticosa, subglabra, glutinosa, foliis infimis lineari- lanceolatis seepe serrulatis, superioribus linearibus integerrimis margine revo- lutis basi angustatis glabris subtus albidis, panicula laxa subcorymbosa, ealycis viridis viscosi laciniis acuminatis, corollz glabre labio superiore concavo calycem zquante, inferiore maximo obovato-orbiculato basi parum contracto. Benth.

CaLCEOLARIA hyssopifolia. Humb. B. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. v. 2. p. 386. Benth. in DC. Prod. v. 10. p. 222.

For the introduction of this fine shrubby and hardy Calceo- laria we are indebted to Isaac Anderson Henry, Esq., F.LS., of Hay Lodge, Trinity, Edinburgh, who received the seeds from Professor Jameson, of Quito, and flowered the plant in the open air in August of the present year. The species is a native of the Quitenian Andes at elevations of 10—11,000 feet.

Duscr. A twiggy shrub two to four feet high, nearly glabrous throughout. Leaves almost fascicled in the short axillary branch- lets, one and a half to two and a half inches long, upper linear or linear-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, more or less serrulate, with revolute margins, white beneath, corymbs many-flowered. Calya- tube green, viscid, broadly tringular-ovate, acuminate, segments red at the apex. Corolla pale sulphur-colour, upper lip as long as or longer than the calyx, tumid; lower very large, obovate- orbicular, crenulate round the circumference, closed by the upper.

SS a a cae

Fig. 1. Calyx and ovary :— magnified.

* acai ahs a OE OT Oe Cen:

DECEMBER Ist, 1865.


W. Fitch, lith. Vincent Brooks, Imp.

Tas. 8549.

PALAFOXIA Hoounniawa:

Sir W. Hooker's Palafoxia,

Nat. Ord. Composirm: EupatoRIACEm.—SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA.

Gen. Char. Capitula pluriflora. Involucrum oblongum v. campanulatum ; squamis 8-15, in fructu sepe stellatim patentibus. Receptaculum nudum. Achenia angulata, exteriora squamis involuta. Sfyli rami elongati, obtusi, semiteretes, subhispidi. Pappus paleis 8-12 scariosis 1-nerviis pinnato-striatis siccis 1-serialibus alternis brevioribus v. 2-seriatis exterioribus brevioribus con- stans.—Frutices v. herbee Americana, habitu Stevias referentes. Folia inferiora opposita et superiora alterna indivisa, Capitula laxe corymbosa. Corolle albe carnee v. purpuree. De Cand.

Panaroxta Hookeriana; herbacea, foliis lanceolatis 1—3-nerviis, involucri squamis 12 v. pluribus glandulosis 2-seriatis exterioribus lanceolatis, interio- ribus obovato-lanceolatis oblongisve, radiis 8-10 exsertis late cuneatis 3- partitis, fl. disci coroll limbo infra medium 4-lobo, pappo squamis 6-8 lanceolato-acuminatis achenium pilosum equantibus, disci pappo squamis brevissimis obtusis rigidis, achenio fere glabro.

Pauaroxia Hookeriana. Torr. et Gray, Fl. N. Am. v. 11. p. 368. Pataroxia Texana. Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 148. non De Cand.

A charming addition to our hardy herbaceous plants, described by the author of the species as the most showy species of the genus. It first flowered in the Royal Gardens in 1863, from seeds sent by Dr. Parry from New Mexico, and we have more recently received it from Mr. Thompson, of Ipswich, one of the most successful raisers of American and other herbaceous plants. It is also a native of Texas and Arkansas.

Duscr. A herd two to four feet high, glabrous below, above hispid and glandular. Leaves alternate, two to three inches long, petioled, lanceolate, acute, three-nerved, quite entire. Corymbs of many heads which are one inch across or more, either pale or bright rose-red. Involucral scales twelve or more, greet with red tips. Ray corollas broadly cuneate, deeply three-lobed, disk

DECEMBER lst, 1865.

ones tubular, with a broad limb five-cleft to the middle. Achenes of the ray nearly glabrous, of the disk hairy. Pappus of the disk of six to eight narrow-lanceolate acuminate scales ; of the ray, of as many very short obovate obtuse scales. :

Fig. 1. Ray flower. 2. Disk flower. 3. Pappus scale of the latter :—all magnified.


g z o ae E .


The Turialva Trichopilia.

Nat. Ord. OxrcuipeEx.—GYNANDRIA MonanpRia.

Gen. Char. (Vide supra, Tas. 4654.)

Tricnopitia Turialve ; sepalis petalisque jineari-ligulatis acuminatis, labello cuneato flabellato trilobo, lobis lateralibus obtusatis dilatatis, lobo medio reniformi bilobo angustiori, carinis nullis, labelli ungue cum columna basi connato, androclinii cucullo bene fimbriato, lobis lateralibus paullo brevi- oribus, foved basin versus angustiori, basi retusi, antheree carina humili loculis breviori. Rehd. fil.

TRICHOPILIA Turialvee. Rehé. Jil. in Otto Hamb, Gartenz. v. 19, 1863, es © Gard. Chron, Aug. 19, 1865, p. 770.

The true Trichopilias seem to be almost exclusively confined to that remarkable isthmus, so rich in Orchids, which connect the northern and southern portions of the vast American con- tinent. They are especially numerous on the mountain ranges of Veraguas, where, -as its name implies, the present species Was found on the slopes of the snow-capped Turialva.* Pro- fessor Reichenbach, by whom it was first described, thus speaks of the plant in the ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle’ (Aug. 19, 1865, p. 770), “a species in the way 7: albida, Wendl. fil.; 7. o160- phylax, Rehb. fil.; and 7. maculata, Rehb. fil. ; none of which can boast much beauty. ‘I'he erect fimbriate membrane surround- ing the anther reminds one of an old-fashioned, stiff, erect, lady’s collar. The flower is yellowish-white, the lip deeper yellow. It was discovered by Mr. Wendland, the son (or rather the grand- son, since he is already the third of the Wendlands), on the voleano Turialva, in Central America. Later it was also ob- served by a traveller named Sell.” I would add that in its colouring and general appearance it is not unlike the 7. picta of Lemaire. :

The species has flowered in several collections during the past

* The name of the mountain (literally white tower ”’) was given to it by the Spaniards to describe its remarkable appearance from the sea.

DECEMBER Ist, 1865.

summer, and, judging from the specimens I have examined, seems to vary considerably in the size and tinting of its blossoms. Mr. Fitch’s drawing was taken from a plant exhibited in July last at South Kensington by Mr. Williams, of the Paradise Nursery. - Like the rest of the genus it is very easily managed, provided it be not kept too warm. The Trichopilias, however, can scarcely be reckoned amongst “cool” Orchids in the extreme sense of the term, requiring as they do, a temperature considerably higher than would suffice for many of the most popular Odontoglossa. —J. B.

Fig. 1. Column :—magnified.



Vincent Brooks, Imp.

W Fitch ddl. et lith

Tas. 5551. “a DIANELLA Tasmantca.

Tasmanian Dianella.


Nat. Ord. Liznrack#.—Hexanpria MonoGyntia.

Gen. Char. Perianthium 6-partitum, quale, patens, deciduum. Stamina 6, tag filamentis curvis apice incrassatis glabris pubescentibus stuposisve; anthere lineares, strictee, basifixee. Ovarium 3-loculare ; stylus gracilis, stigmate simplici; ovula plurima. acca globosa v. oblonga, 3-locularis, loculis polyspermis. _ Semina ovoidea, testa atra splendente, umbilico nudo.—Herbee rigide, perennes ; rhizomate repente; radicibus fibrosis, Folia rigide coriacea, graminea, basi semi vaginantia. Flores nutantes, paniculati, albi v. cerulei, pedicellis apice articulati basi bractea unilaterali stipalis. Baccz cerulee. Fi, Tasman. i :

ee : st | Dranetua Tasmanica ; 4-5-pedalis, foliis radicalibus longe et late ensiformibus - marginibus revolutis carinaque prominula serrulatis, panicula decompos

ramosa, pedunculis subfasciculatis pedicellisque curvis, antheris parvis ‘mentorum parte incrassata brevioribus, baccis late oblongis subglobosisve.

3 Danenwa Tasmanica. Hook. f. Fl. Tasman. v. 2. p. 57. t. 488.4. °


sry short stipes ; anther small, much shorter than ‘the : Berries broadly oblong, deep-blue, half to three- an inch long.

of ing. 4. y egtalinl, an 5. Transverse section ¢ —magnified.


In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in ‘the Twenty-first Volume of the Tarrp Serizs (or Ninety-first Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged. | |

Plate. 5544 Abronia fragrans. 5516 Acanthus montanus. 6501 Acropera Armeniaca. 5493 Agave Saundersii.

5500 Aglaonema maranteefolium ; var.

foliis maculatis. 5497 Alocasia Lowii; var. picta. 5531 Alstroemeria densiflora. $518 Anemone (Hepatica) angulosa. 5496 Ariscema papillosum. 5507 Ariseema Wightil. 5509 Arum Palestinum. 5503 Astelia Solandri, 3. 5512 Aucuba Japonica. 5545 Begonia Pearcei.



Plate. 5534 Euphorbia Monteiri. 5519 Fourcroya longeva. 5532 Heemanthus incarnatus. 5511 Hypcestes sanguinolenta. 5541 Ionopsis paniculata, = 5499 TIresine Herbstii. 5498 Leelia preestans. 5533 Lankesteria Barteri. 5529 Liparis atropurpurea. 5486 Lissochilus Horsfallii. 5495 Manettia micans. 5521 Marianthus Drummondianus 5505 Masdevallia Tovarensis. 5589 Mesembryanthemum ac | forme. ee


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Twenty-first Volume of the Tarrp Series (or Ninety-first: Volume of the Work) are alphabetically arranged.


5544 Abronia, fragrant.

5516 Acanthus, African mountain.

5501 Acropera, apricot-coloured.

5493 Agave, Mr. Saunders’s.

5500 Aglaonema, Maranta-leaved; var. with variegated leaves.

5497 Alocasia, Mr. Low’s; variegated variety.

5531 Alstrcemeria, dense-flowered.

5496 Ariseema, papillose.

5507 Ariseema, Dr. Wight’s.

5509 Arum, Jerusalem.

5503 Astelia, Dr. Solander’s, @.

6512 Aucuba, Japanese.

5538 Bastard-Vervain, two-coloured.

5545 Begonia, Mr. Pearce’s.

5524 Bertolonia, spotted-leaved.

5502 Billbergia, putrid-smelling.

5542 Calathea, tubular-spathed.

- §585 Calathea, Mr. Veitch’s.

5548 Calceolaria, Hyssop-leaved.

5504 Cattleya, four-coloured.

5494 Ccelogyne, reddish-brown.

5537 Dendrobe, Lord Egerton of Tatton’s.

6540 Dendrobe, Mr. John G. Veitch’s.

5488 Dendrobium, Mr. Parish’s.

5515 Dendrobium, sweet-scented.

5520 Dendrobium, white-haired.

5551 Dianella, Tasmanian.

5487 Dombeya, Miss Burgess’s.

5522 Drimia, lofty.

5491 Epidendrum, beautiful variety of the two-coloured.

5534 Euphorbia, Mr. Monteiro’s.

5539 Fig-Marigold, scimitar-leaved.

$519 Fourcroya, long-enduring.

5532 Hemanthus, flesh-coloured.

| 5486 Lissochilus, Mr. Horsfall’s.

5549 Palafoxia, Sir W. Hooker’s.

5510 Raphiolepis,


5518 Hepatica, anglodesvedi

5511 Hypeestes, blood-veined. 5541 Tonopsis, panicled.

5499 Iresine, Mr. Herbst’s.

5508 Lady’s-slipper, glossy-leaved. 5513 Lady’s-slipper, self-coloured. 5498 Lelia, admirable.

5533 Lankesteria, Mr. Barter’s. 5529 Liparis, dark-purple-flowered.

5495 Manettia, showy.

5521 Marianthus, Drummond’s. 5505 Masdevallia, the Tovar.

5506 Monocheetwm, dicranantherous. 5492 Morénia, fragrant.

5543 Pachypodium, succulent.

5546 Palumbina, white-flowered. _

5523 Phalenopsis, M. Liiddemann’s.

5530 Phalenopsis, Schiller’s.

5527 Phalenopsis, Sumatra. oe.

5536 Pink, Indian; var. with deeply- cut petals.

5528 Primrose, Cortusa-leaved ; ee coloured variety.

5489 Proustia, pear-leaved.

5526 Psammisia, long-necked.

5517 Railliarda, ciliate-leaved.

Japanese, entire- leaved variety. ie

5525 Scutellaria, golden; flowered variety.

5490 Swainsonia, western. fie

5547 Thibaudia, the Honourable Mrs. John Bateman’s.

5550 Trichopilia, the Turialva.

5514 Vellosia, pure-white.

- sulphur-