ISSN 0016-5301 GAYANA VOLUMEN 55 NUMERO 2 1998 FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS NATURALES Y OCEANOGRAFICAS UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION CHILE DIRECTOR DE LA REVISTA Andrés O. Angulo REEMPLAZANTE DEL DIRECTOR Oscar Matthei J REPRESENTANTE LEGAL Sergio Lavanchy Merino PROPIETARIO Universidad de Concepción DOMICILIO LEGAL Víctor Lamas 1290, Concepción, Chile EDITOR EJECUTIVO GAYANA BOTANICA Carlos M. Baeza COMITE EDITORIAL MIREN ALB anesidal. ea de Chile KRISLER ALVEAL Universidad de Concepción, Chile GREGORY ANDE University of ias SerGIO A Universidad A Valparaíso CarLos Bicu Instituto de Botánica. Sao Paulo NGEL L. CAB da de san Darwinion Luis CORCUERA Tinivercidar 4 Concepción DanteL CRAWFEC The Ohio State PA MARIELA GONZALEZ Universidad de Concepción JURKE GRAU Ludwig-Maximilians Universitát Miinchen Mary T. KaLin ARROYO O ivemidad de Chile GINE Real Jardín] Botánico de Madrid DOMIRO MARTICORENA Universidad de Concepción GLORIA MONTENEGRO Universidad Católica University of Reading AN C. ORT Univ ersidad A Concepción, Chile RLOS RAMI ridad pa de Chile Parricio Riv Universidad de Concepción CLAUDE SASTRE Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. París Top F. STUESSY : Institut fúir Botanik der Universitát, Wien CHARLOTTE Tay Missouri Botanical Garden GUILLERMO TEL Universidad de Buenos Aires CAROLINA VILLAGRA Universidad de Chile Para las instrucciones a los autores, ver reglamento en Gayana Botánica 54(1), 1997. Accredited with the International Association for Plant Taxonom vascular plants (excluding fossils), fungi and fossil fungi Indexada en: Kew Records (Kew Garden, L ondon); Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club cam Biological Abs- tracts (BIOSIS): Ulrik's International Periodicals Directory; Botanico-Periodicum-Huntian Diseño y diagramación Débora Cartes $. y for the purpose of registration of new names of LPS Mi ISSN 0016-5301 CAVANA ISOVAINICA VOLUMEN 55 NUMERO 2 1998 CONTENTS PEÑñanLILLO, P. New combinations in genus Nassella E. Desv. Emend. pa worth (1990) (Poaceae, Stipeae) EccL1, E. « B.E. LEUENBERGER. Eulychnia castanea Phil. (Cactaceae): pco graphical distribution and variation ARROYO, M.T.K., C. CasTOR, C. MARTICORENA, M. Muñoz, L. CAVIERES, O. Ma .«A. SQUEO, M. GROSJEAN Á R. RODRIGUEZ. The flora of Llullailla- co National Park located in the transitional winter-summer rainfall area of the northern Chilean Andes 93 GALLOWAY, D.J. S£ W. QuiLuor. Checklist of chilean Lichen-Forming and Li- chenicolous Fungi CORENA, C., T.F. Sruessy £C.M. Barza. Catalogue of the vascular Pe ra of the Robinson Crusoe or Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile MISSOURI BOTANICAL JAN O 4 ÑEBa GARDEN LIBRARY UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION-CHILE ISSN 0016-5301 CAVANA BOTANICA VOLUMEN 55 NUMERO 2 1998 CONTENIDO PeÑamLLO, P. Nuevas combinaciones en el género Nassella E. Desv. Emend. Barkworth (1990) (Poaceae, Stipeae) 85 EccLt, E. € B.E. LeuENBERGER. Eulychnia castanea Phil. (Cactaceae): Distri- bución geográfica y variación 89 ARROYO, M.T.K., C. Castor, C. MARTICORENa, M. Muñoz, L. CAvIERESs, O. Marrhel F.A. Squeo, M. GROSJEAN $ R. RobriGuEz. La flora del parque na- cional Llullaillaco ubicado en la zona de transición de las lluvias de invierno- verano en los Andes del norte de Chile 93 GALLOWwaY, D.J. £ W. QuiLnor. Lista patrón de los líquenes y hongos .. nícolas de Chile MARTICORENA, C., T.F. Sruessy £C.M. BAEZA. Catálogo de la flora ea de las islas Róbinson Crusoe o Juan Fernández, Chile UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION-CHILE “Los infinitos seres no podrán perfectamente conocerse sino luego que los sabios del país hagan un especial estudio de ellos”. CLAUDIO Gay, Hist. de Chile (1847) PORTADA: Lactoris fernandeziana Phi., único representante de la familia Lactori- daceae, endémica del archipielago de Juan Fernández, Chile (W. Hems- ley, Report on the botany of Juan Fernández, the southeastern Moluccas, and the Admiralty Islands. Rep. Sci.Results Voyage H.M.S. Challenger. Botany 1(3): 1-275, lám. 59. ESTA REVISTA SE TERMINO DE IMPRIMIR ] DE 1999 EN LOS TALLERES DE IMPRESOS ANDALIEN, ROZAS 1591, CONCEPCION, CHILE. EL QUE SOLO ACTUA COMO IMPRESORA PARA Gayana Bot. 55(2): 85-88, 1998. ISSN 0016-5301 NUEVAS COMBINACIONES EN EL GENERO NASSELLA E. DESV. EMEND. BARKWORTH (1990) (POACEAE, STIPEAE) NEW COMBINATIONS IN GENUS NASSELLA E. DESV. EMEND. BARKWORTH (1990) (POACEAE, STIPEAE) Patricio Peñailillo'-? to! RESUMEN Después de revisar el 90% de las especies sudamerica- nas de la tribu Stipeae (Poaceae), se ha llegado a la conclusión que un concepto amplio del género Nasse- lla, tal como aquel propuesto por Barkworth en 1990, es más natural que el propuesto por Parodi en 1947. En el presente trabajo se transfieren 14 especies trata- das como Stipa L. s.!. al género Nassella E. Desv. emend. Barkworth, realizándose las nuevas combina- ciones. PALABRAS CLAVES: Poaceae, sao Nassella, com- binaciones nuevas, Sudaméric INTRODUCCION Los recientes estudios en la tribu Stipeae han llevado a subdividir el género Stipa L. s.l. en va- rios géneros monofiléticos (Barkworth y Everett, 1988; Barkworth, 1990; Barkworth, 1993; Rojas, 1993; Jacobs et al., 1995; Peñailillo, 1996; Torres, 1997; Jacobs y Everett, 1997; Rojas, 1998). La interpretación de Parodi (1947) del género Nassella s.str. ha predominado en la literatura agrostológica (Hitchcock, 1927; Burkart, 1969; Roig, 1978; Nicora y Rúgolo, 1987; Muñoz Schick, 1990; Tovar, 1993; Torres, 1993). Parodi (l.c.) incluye en este taxón a aquellas gramíneas es- tipoídeas de antecios pequeños, lateralmente com- primidos, lema de márgenes sobrepuestos, pálea rudimentaria, arista fácilmente caediza, cañas pluri- 'Instituto de Biología Vegetal y Biotecnología, Uni versidad de Talca, Casilla 747, Talca, Chile; ai ppenaili "Trabajo realizado en el Departamento de enga como alumno becado de la Escuela de Graduados la Universidad de Concepción, PI N” 9232.06-6. ABSTRACT pei reviewing about 90% of South American species the tribe Stipeae (Poaceae), it has been concluded e Barkworth's concept of Nassella s.l. in 1990 is more consistent that proposed by Parodi in 1947. In this paper, 14 species of Stipa s.l. are transferred to ge- nus Nassella E.Desv. emend. Barkworth, and the new combinations are proposed. KEYWORDS: Poaceae, A Nassella, new combi- nations, South Americ nodes generalmente ramificadas, y vainas común- mente menores que los entrenudos. En 1990, Bark- worth publica una revisión del género Nassella, en donde se proporciona una detallada historia taxo- nómica y se realiza una enmienda de la diagnosis. El género enmendado por Barkworth incluye 79 especies del continente americano, pero principal- mente de América del Sur, de las cuales 65 corres- ponden a nuevas combinaciones. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto dar a co- nocer 14 nuevas combinaciones en el género Nassella para América del Sur. MATERIALES Y METODOS Se estudiaron 2.000 especímenes que inclu- yen 225 especies y 9 géneros (Aciachne, Ach- natherum, Lorenzochloa, Nassella, Ortachne, Oryzopsis, Piptatherum, Piptochaetium y Stipa). os especímenes estudiados provienen de los si- guientes herbarios, BAA, CONC, LPB, MVFA, MO, SGO, SI, US y W. Para los estudios morfológicos, las espigui- 85 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998, llas se disectaron y montaron en líquido de Holler. Los embriones maduros se prepararon siguiendo la técnica propuesta por Barkworth (1982) y los pre- parados epidérmicos de la lema según el método de Thomasson (1978a). Las observaciones ma- croscópicas se realizaron en una lupa estereoscópi- ca Zeiss y las microscópicas en un microscopio fotónico Zeiss y en un microscopio electrónico de barri tec modelo Autoscan de la Universidad de Concepción. El secado a punto crítico de los an- tecios se realizó en un secador Balzers Unions, los cuales previo a su observación, fueron sometidos a un sombreado con oro. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSION Al revisar una gran cantidad de material de herbario de las especies de la tribu Stipeae cita- das para América del Sur sobre la base de carac- teres de la morfología vegetativa y reproductiva, como asimismo del embrión maduro y de la epi- dermis de la lema, se ha llegado a la conclusión que el género Nassella E. Desv. emend. Bark- worth (1990) es un grupo monofilético. En Suda- mérica, este concepto es compartido por Torres (1997) en su revisión de la tribu Stipeae del no- roeste de Argentina y por Rojas (1998) en su tra- tamiento de las especies de la tribu en Bolivia. Nassella s.!. incluiría a todas las especies de la tribu Stipeae con las siguientes características: Lema coriácea, de márgenes convolutados a la madurez, ocultando la pálea y ápice fusionado for- mando una corona notoria o inconspicua. Pálea hialina, glabra, emarginada, generalmente enervia, de 1/3 de la longitud de la lema o menor. Embrión de epiblasto largo. Patrón epidérmico de la lema tipo “Nassella pungens” sensu Thomasson (1976, 1978b), es decir, formado por células largas acor- tadas en longitud cuyas paredes son gruesas y sili- ficadas; ganchos presentes o ausentes. Las nuevas combinaciones propuestas son las si- guientes: Nassella argentinensis (Speg.) Peñail.. comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa argentinensis Speg., Revista Argent. Bot. 1: 45. 1925. Tipo: “Hab. en las pra- deras cerca de la Estación Gálvez, Prov. Sta. Fe, Ener. 1906”. Nassella ACA e Zanin et Longhi-Wag- ner) Peñail., comb. n BASIONIMO: Stipa ori A. Zanin et Longhi- Wagner, Bradea 5 (33): 342, fig. 1. 1990. Tipo: “BRASIL -Río Grande Do Sul: Cambará Do Sul, Itaimbezinho, 18 dez. 1987, A. Zanin 17”. (Holo- tipo: CEN, Isotipo: MVFA). Nassella coquimbensis (Matthei) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa coquimbensis Matthei, Gayana, Bot. 13: 35, f. 5A-G. 1965. Tipo: “CHILE. Prov. Co- quimbo. Carretera dre 8 Km al Norte de la Quebrada del T e. Leg. Marticorena-Matthei 163. 13-X-1963”. pad CONC 29361!). Nassella entrerriensis (Burkart) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa entrerriensis Burkart, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 12: 285, f. 1. 1968. Tipo: AR- GENTINA, prov. Entre Ríos, dep. La Paz, Bov- ril, J. M. Jozamí 8”. (Holotipo: SI!). Nassella ibarrensis (Kunth) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa ibarrensis Kunth, in Humb. Bonpl. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 125. 1816. Tipo: “Crescit ad muros urbis Quitensis, Villa Ibarra, in subfrigidis, alt. 1184 hexap, perennis, Floret Janua- rio, Humboldt et Bonpland”. (Holotipo: P. Clasto- tipo: US 866103). Nassella karstenii (Hitchc.) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa karstenii Hitchc., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 24(7): 274. 1925. Tipo: “Collected at Bogotá, Colombia, by H. Karsten”. (Holotipo: US 1126745) Nassella pittieri (Hitchc.) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa pittieri Hitchc., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 24(7): 289. 1925. Tipo: “collected below Pi- taió, Río Palo Basin, Tierra Adentro, State of Cauca, Colombia, altitude 2,400 meters, February, 1906, by H.Pittier (no. 1438)”. (Holotipo: US 531634). Nassella psittacorum (Speg.) Peñail.. comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa psittacorum Speg., Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo 4(19): 165. 1901. Tipo: “Hab. Abunde in praeruptis collinis Arroyos de Nuevas combinaciones en Nassella: PEÑAILILLO, P. los papagallos prope Mendoza, Febr. 1901 (C.S- pegazzini)”. (Holotipo: LP ex LPS 2445. Isotipo: US 141663, 1721313). Nassella planaltina (A. Zanin et Longhi-Wag- ner) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa planaltina A. Zanin et Long- hi-Wagner, Bradea 5(33): 344, fig. 2. 1990. Tipo: “BRASIL-Río Grande do Sul: Cambará do Sul, Itaimbezinho, 18 nov. 1988, A. Zanin 4 F.A. Sil- va Filho 151a”. (Holotipo: ICN, Isotipo: CEN). Nassella rhizomata (A. Zanin et Longhi-Wag- ner) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa rhizomata A.Zanin et Longhi- Wagner, Bradea 5(33): 345, fig. 3. 1990. Tipo: “BRASIL-Santa Catarina: Irani, 28 nov. 1986, VALES et al. 10561”. (Holotipo: CEN, Isotipo: MVFA) Nassella sellowiana (Nees ex Trin. er Rupr.) Pe- ñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa sellowiana Nees ex Trin. et Rupr., Sp. Gram. Stipac. 38. 1842. Tipo: “Brasi- lia merid. (SELLOW!)”. (Holotipo: LE, TRIN. Clastotipo: US 157500). Nassella tenuiculmis (Hackel) Peñail.., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa tenuiculmis Hackel, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 65 (1-2): 75. 1915. Tipo: “BRAZIL, Río Grande do Sul: Mun. Soledade: in campis prope Lagao, Dec 1910, C.Juergens”. (Holotipo: W, Hack. Herb.; Clastotipo: US 3168612). Nassella vallsii (A.Zanin et Longhi-Wagner) Pe- ñail. comb. nov BASIONIMO: Stipa vallsii A.Zanin et Longhi-Wag- ner, Bradea 3(33): 346, fig. 4. 1990. Tipo: “BRA- SIL-RIO GRANDE DO SUL: S,.o Francisco de Paula, 18 nov. 1988, A. Zanin £ F.A.Silva Filho 148”. (Holotipo: CEN, Isotipo: MVFA). Nassella vargasii (Tovar) Peñail., comb. nov. BASIONIMO: Stipa vargasii Tovar, Phytologia 47(6): 445. 1981. Tipo: “Collected at laderas de Tarpata, prov. Urubamba, depto. Cuzco, Perú, al- titude 2860-3000, March 8, 1963, by César Var- gas (n. 14127)”. (Holotipo US 2474222!). MATERIAL ADICIONAL ESTUDIADO Nassella argentinensis (Speg.) Peñail. ARGEN- TINA: Prov. Chaco. Distrito General Donovan, La Escondida, 3-111-1958, Costany 5, (SD. Nassella coquimbensis (Matthei) Peñail. CHI- LE: IV Región. Prov. Choapa. Illapel, Huente- lauquén, Estancia La Cebada, 60 m, 22-X-1971, Jiles 5754, (CONC) Nassella entrerriensis (Burkart) Peñail. ARGEN- TINA. Prov. Entre Ríos. Dep. Concordia, Arroyo Robledo a Redomom, 8-XI-1965, Burkart 25898, (SD. Nassella ibarrensis (Kunth) Peñail. ECUADOR: Andes, SPRUCE 5819 (US s.n. Ex Herb Boissier). Prov. Cotoxapí. Ad basin Monte Cotoxapí, Sodiro s.n., 1890 (US). Prov. Pichincha. Pomarqui, dry slope, 2500 m, 6-111-1939, Asplund 6688, (US). Nassella karstenii (Hitchc.) Peñail. COLOMBIA: Int. Putumayo-Corregimiento El Encano, Laguna de la Cocha, páramo El Tabón, 3300 m, 10/11- VII1-1939, García Barriga 7771, (US). Nassella pittieri (Hitchc.) Peñail. COLOMBIA: Edo. Cauca. Las Escaleretas, Moras Valley, río Paez basin, tierra adentro, 2500-3000 m, II-1906, Pittier 1334, (US). Edo. Cundinamarca. Zipaquirá, 2700 m, 5-1-1851, Triana 3345, (US). Int. Putu- mayo-Corregimiento El Encano, Laguna de la Co- cha, páramo “El Tábano”, 3300 m, 10/11-VIH- 1939, García Barriga 7762, (US). Nassella planaltina (A. Zanin er Longhi-Wag- ner) Peñail. BRASIL: Edo. Paraná. General Car- neiro, 2-XII-1987, Valls et al. 11474, (MVFA). Nassella sellowiana (Nees ex Trin. ef Rupr.) Peñail. BRASIL: Edo. Paraná. Faxinal dos Souza (Mun. Gal. Carneiro), 7-XIL-1971, Hatschabach, Smith, Klein 28351, (MVFA). Ponte Grossa, Desvio Ribas in Campo, 29-X1-1910, Dusen 12102A, (SD. Cam- de Palma (Mun. Agua Doce), 30 km SE of Ho- rizonte (26"45"S, 51%24"W), 1000-1200 m, 87 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Klein 28351, (MVFA). Ponte Grossa, Desvio Ribas in Campo, 29-XI-1910, Dusen 12102A, (SD. Cam- un. Agua Doce), 30 km SE of Ho- rizonte (26%45”S, 51%24*W), 1000-1200 m, 3-XII-1964, Smith et Klein, ARGENTINA: Prov. Misiones, Apóstoles a San Javier, 11-1922, Molfino s.n., (SD. Nassella tenuiculmis (Hackel) Peñail. URU- GUAY": Dep. Treinta y Tres. Quebrada de Las Cue- vas, 8-X-1966, Rosengurtt et al. 10288, (MVFA). ARGENTINA: Prov. Buenos Aires. Pdo. Balcarce, Sierra la Brava, ladera SW a cumbre, 11-X1-1962, Boelcke, Matthei y Correa 9385, (BAA, CONC). Prov. La Pampa. La Pampa, Parque Luro, 29-XI/2- XIP-1959, Rosengurtt B-7801, (CONC, MVFA). La Pampa, Utracan, entre General Acha y Los Caran- chos, 16-XII- 1952, Ragonese y Piccinini 8860, (BAB). Dep. Lihuel- Calel, 29-1/2-11-1959, Rosen- gurtt B-7856, (MVFA). Dep. Santa Rosa, 30-x- 1972, Kaprovickas et al. 22299, (CONC). Entre Anguil y Santa Rosa, 22-X1-1955, Ragonese-Picci- nini 9231, (BAB). Prov. Río Negro. Pichi Mahuida, puente sobre el río Colorado, 7-X1-1965, Correa y Nicora 3157, (BAB, CONC) AGRADECIMIENTOS El autor agradece a los directores y curado- res de los herbarios consultados por las facilida- des otorgadas, como asimismo a los profesores Clodomiro Marticorena, Marcelo Baeza y Rober- to Rodríguez por sus sugerencias. También ex- preso mi reconocimiento por su asistencia técnica al personal del Laboratorio de Microscopía Elec- trónica de la Universidad de Concepción. BIBLIOGRAFIA BARKWORTH, M.E. 1982. Embryological characters e taxonomy of the Stipeae (Gramineae). Taxon 31(2): 233-243. BARKWORTH, M.E. 1990. Nassella (Gramineae, Sti- peae): Revised eme gor and nomenclatural changes. Taxon 39(4): 597-6 BARKWORTH, M.E. 1993. cdi Pa Stipeae os Taxonomic Ea and other mments. Phytologia 74(1): 1 Fecha de publicación: BARKWORTH, M.E. AND EVERETT, J. 1988. Evolution in the Stipeae. Identification and relationships of its monophyletic taxa. In Soderstrom, T.R., Hilu, K.W., Campbell, C.S. y Barkworth, M.E. (eds.) Grass systematics and evolution. Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press. pp. 251-264. BURKART, A. 1969. Gramíneas. In Burkart A. Flora Ilus- trada de Entre Ríos (Argentina). Colección Cientí- E INTA, 6(2a): xv, 1-551, 6 lám., 2 mapas, ilus MEA A.S. 1927, The grasses of Ecuador, and Bolivia. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 24(8): coa JACOBS, S.W.L.; EVERETT, J. AND BARKWORTH, M.E. 1 Aacifcuiar a of morphological terms used in the Stipeae (Gramineae), and a reassessment of Nassella in Australia. Taxon 44: 33-41. JACOBS, S.W.L. AND EVERETT, J. 1997. Jarava plumo- sa (Gramineae), a new combination for the spe- cies formerly known as Stipa papposa. Telopea 7(3): 301-302, 1997, MUÑOZ SCHICK, M. 1990. Revisión del género Nasse- lla (Trin.) E. Desv. (Gramineae) en Chile. Gaya- na, Bot. 47(1-2): 9-35. NICORA, E.G. Y RUGOLO DE AGRASAR, Z.E. 1987. Los géneros de Gramíneas de América Austral. Ar- gentina, Chile, Uruguay y áreas limítrofes de Bo- livia, Paraguay y Brasil. Buenos Aires, Editorial Hemisferio Sur S.A. viti + 611 pp. PARODI, L.R. 1947. Las especies de Gramíneas del gé- nero toa de la Argentina y Chile. Darwinia- na 7(3): 369-395. PEÑAILILLO, P. yb Anatherostipa, un nuevo género de Poaceae (Stipeae). Gayana Bot. 53(2): 277-284. ROIG, F.A. 1978. Género Nassella (Trin. et Rupr.) Desv. In Correa, M.N. (ed.) Flora Patagónica. Colección Científica del INTA, 7(3):330-333. ROJAS, F. 1993. Revi. ies de la tribu Sti- Univ ncepción, Concepción. 157pp. ROJAS, F. 1998. Nuevas especies y nuevas combina- ciones para la tribu Stipeae (Poaceae) en Bolivia, Gayana Bot. 54(2): 163-182. THOMASSON, J.R. 1976. Tertiary grasses and other An- giosperms from Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado Doctoral dissertation, lowa State University, Ames lowa. 411 pp. 332 figures. ceci J.R. 1978a. Clearing, cuticle removal, and es for the fertile bracts (lemmas and paleas) :. anthoecia. Stain Techn. 53(4): 233-236. ONCASIOS. J.R. 1978b. Epidermal patterns of the emma in some fossil and living grasses and their phylogenetic significance. Science 199: 975-977. TORRES, M.A. 1993. Revisión del género Stipa (Poa- ceae) en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de la Producción provincia de Buenos Aires, Co- mis. Invest. Ci. (CIC), opt LE 12: 1-62, 4 figs. TORRES. M.A. 1997. Nassella (Gramineae) en el no- 07 de mayo de 1999 Gayana Bot. 55(2): 89-92, 1998. ISSN 0016-5301 EULYCHNIA CASTANEA PHIL. (CACTACEAE): GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION EULYCHNIA CASTANEA PHIL. (CACTACEAE): DISTRIBUCION GEO- GRAFICA Y VARIACION Urs Eggli' 8 Beat Ernst Leuenberger” ABSTRACT The geographical range of tiene castanea (Cacta- ceae) has been Pr in th and was found be a rather restricted area do a small fraction of the central Chilean coast. Populations om scattered and sometimes reduced in number of individuals. The conservation status is interpreted as being e of dan- ger, since a y and viable population occurs within Fray Jorge na Park. A case of UTA intro- rhnin nrirdr + also reporte Y S KEYWORDS: Eulychnia, conservation, Cactaceae. INTRODUCTION The genus Eulychnia is a small genus of sh- rubby to arborescent columnar cacti, and 4 of the presumably $5 species are restricted to Chile (the exception being E. ritteri from southern Peru). The two species Eulychnia acida and E. iqui- quensis form a conspicuous element in the vege- tation of the semi-arid and arid Norte Chico. The history and typification of Eulychnia taxa, as well as some preliminary notes on possible sy- peca have been the subject of a recent con- tion (Leuenberger 4 Eggli, 1998). Entrinda castanea was described by R. A. Philippi in 1864, based on a collection by Land- beck from the coast near Los Molles (then in Aconcagua Province, today in Petorca Province). It was named for the diagnostic pungent thin spi- 'Stádtische Sukkulenten-Sammlung Ziirich, Mythen- quai 88, CH-8002 Zúrich, Switzerland. “Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum B Dahlem, Kónigin-Luise-Strasse 6-8, D-14191 Berlin, Germany. RESUMEN Se estudia la distribució a a less pe direc lead resultados dema que. su distniba de Chile. Las poblaciones s son más o menos aisladas y frecuentemen: úmero deci de plantas. El estado de niga se i “fuera de peligro” a base de una población siendida y vado den- tro del Parque Nacional Fray Jorge. Se menciona un ca- A DA sim da Prairie 5d, PALABRAS CLAVES: Eulychnia, conservación, Cactaceae. nes produced from the areoles of the pericarpel, and the spiny fruits were compared with the fruits of the chestnut by Philippi (Lat. castaneus = chestnut). Although Philippi did not publish an illustration of E. castanea, and despite some pro- blems associated with the type material, the iden- tity of the taxon does not present any problems, and its typification was recently resolved (Leuen- berger « Eggli, 1998). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: The type locality of Eulychnia castanea is at Los Molles (32*14"S, Región de Valparaiso, Prov. Petorca), where the taxon can still be observed today on the coastal rocks below the houses. The northern limit of the range of this strictly coastal taxon is given as “Ta- linay” in the literature (Ritter, 1980; Hoffmann, 1989), and this is taken to represent the region of the Quebrada Talinay and Cerro Talinay (c. 305 1'S, Región de Coquimbo, Prov. Limarí) (the “Altos de Talinay” further N cannot qualify since E. castanea has a strictly coastal distribution). Our collecting activities in connection with a study of the Cactaceae for the “Proyecto Flora de Chile” have now considerably extended the 89 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. known geographical range for E. castanea to- wards the North, just into Prov. Elqui. Together with several additional collections, we have esta- blished a more or less continuous distribution of E. castanea along the coast between Los Molles in the South and near Puerto Aldea on the Len- gua de Vaca peninsula W of the Bahia Tongoy (3018.51”S) in the North (Map 1). Whether this represents the true geographi- cal range of the taxon remains open to debate, and subsequent searches may well reveal additio- nal localities. Our own observations indicate that E. castanea does neither occur to the north of the known range at Punta Teatinos N of La Serena, nor at Quintero to the south of the known range. All our observations as well as remarks on the labels of the few available herbarium speci- mens indicate that E. castanea is a strictly coastal taxon, occupying but a narrow fringe along the coast. Its ecological amplitude appears to be consi- derable, and apparently well-established plants can be observed on coastal rocks, among coastal peb- bles (e.g. near Pichidangui) or in coastal semi-sta- bilized dune sands (e.g. just N of Puente El Teniente). In only one place (near Huentelauquen) could we observe E. castanea planted as compo- nent of a “living fence” primarly made up by one of the numerous forms Echinopsis chiloensis. CONSERVATION: Since the coast strip ape Api Papudo and Zapallar is of easy access from , the area is currently heavily ios ps erckend and summer tourism. Considerable areas between the Panamerican Highway and the coast are already fenced off and divided into lots for sale and house construction. The remaining area suffers from grazing impact and there are also scat- tered plantations of Eucalyptus and/or Pinus. As a consequence, the already narrow distribution of Eulychnia castanea appears to be under severe pression from these developments. Its conservation status needs to be assessed, although Benoit (1989) classified it as out of danger without giving further details. Hoffmann (1989) does not comment on the conservation status of this species. While the number of populations of E. cas- tanea remains unknown, the distribution map im- plies a more or less continuous occurrence along the coast. Despite the threats posed by the increa- sing urbanization of the area and increasing gra- zing pressure, the species may have a good chance to survive, as we have observed the plant growing in moderately disturbed areas, e.g. at Los Molles, Pichidangui, in the Quebrada del Teniente, and al- so growing in hedges at Huentelauquen. Moreo- ver, a very vigorous population consisting of a large number of indidivuals is located within Fray Jorge National Park, and E. castanea therefore en- joys a fair amount of protection. lts conservation status as “out of danger” seems to be a sound inter- pretation, and its survival does not seem to be im- mediately threatened as a whole. Populations in the southern part of the natural range are, however, under some pressure as outlined above, and it would be a good idea to suggest to landowners and communities to protect the natural populations as a local biodiversity treasure, and even to propagate the plant at appropriate sites, e.g. in hedgerows. A study of the biology of this species by a local bio- logist would seem very promising for a more de- tailed assessment of its conservation status. HYBRIDIZATION INVOLVING EULYCHNIA CASTANEA:! At the N-most limit, R. Kraus (pers. comm.) obser- ved typical Eulychnia castanea as well as plants which appear intermediate between E. castanea and one of the larger growing species of the genus, jud- ging from the woolly-bristly indumentum of the pe- ricarpel and the larger stature of the plants (R. Kraus photos nos. 1988 and 1989, ZSS). Similar plants were also collected back in 1947 by B. Spa- rre (Sparre 1974). While E. castanea cannot be dis- tinguished vegetatively from either E. acida or E. breviflora (the only other species of the genus likely to be present in the area), the pericarpel spination is denser and more bristly instead of pungent, as would be typical for E. castanea (Figs. 1, 2) According to our observations, the range of E. breviflora does not extend significantly to the south of Coquimbo, while E. acida was found with a few individuals growing in the immediate vicinity of E. castanea on the coastal terrace in Fray Jorge National Park (near 30? 37.94” S / 71" 42.45” W). In the absence of better evidence, we interpret the occurrence of the densely bristly flo- wers in E. castanea as introgression from E. aci- da, whose flowers are characterised by a short softly woolly tomentum (Figs. 1, 2). MATERIAL EXAMINED: CHILE: IV Región: Prov. Elqui: 2 km E of Puerto Aldea, 20 - 50 m, 31-X- 1997, EGGLI £ LEUENBERGER 3083 (B, CONC, SGO, ZSS); Prov. Limarí: Parque Nacional Fray Jorge, coastal plain, 20-100 m, 1-X1-1997, Distribución de Eulychnia castanea: EGGLI, U. € B.E. LEUENBERGER EGGLI € LEUENBERGER 3086d (B, ZSS: pho- tos only); Fray Jorge, boca del Río Limarí, 11-X- 1947, SPARRE 2974 (SGO); first hill N of the mouth of the Quebrada San Pedro, 80 - 140 m, 18- X-1997, EGGLI £ LEUENBERGER 2945 (B, CONC, SGO, ZSS); Prov. Choapa: Caleta Oscuro 3 km W of Puerto Oscuro (Panamericana), 20 - 100 m, 2-XI-1997, EGGLI £ LEUENBERGER 3088 (B, CONC, SGO, ZSS); Fundo Corral de Julio, km 315 de la Carretera, 1 -2 km desde el mar, 6-XI- 1976, Muñoz 921 (SGO); 7.3 km on Panamericana N of turnoff from Panamericana to Los Vilos, on top of coastal rocks, 40 m, 10-X1-1991, EGGLI « LEUENBERGER 1669 (B, SGO, ZSS); Los Vilos, s.a., Ritter 241 loc. 1 (SGO, ZSS); Pichidangui, ex- treme tip of peninsula, coastal rocks, 10 - 50 m, 17- X-1997, EGGLI £ LEUENBERGER 2933 (CONC, B, SGO, ZSS); Pichidangui, s.a., Ritter 241 loc. (SGO); V Región: Prov. Petorca: c. 1 - 1.5 km S of Los Molles, N side of Puente El Chivato, 20 m, 10-XI-1991, EGGLI £ LEUENBERGER 16561 (B, SGO, ZSS); Los Molles, coastal rocks below houses, 10 - 80 m, 17-X-1997, EGGLI « LEUENBERGER 2932a (B, ZSS: photos only). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the authorities at the Botany Institute of the Universidad de Concepcion for provi- ding infrastructure and a vehicle for our studies. The Swiss National Science Foundation (project no. 31- 39176.93 “Study of Cactaceae for the Flora of Chile project”) as well as the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences are gratefully acknowledged for financial support to the first author for field work in Chile Li- kewise, the second author is grateful to the Research Committee of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America, Inc., for a grant towards travel costs in con- nection with the above project. B and ZSS have kindly provided support and infrastructure, and we are further grateful to the curators at SGO and CONC to allow us free access to their collections. REFERENCES gos IL L. (ED.) 1989. Red Book of Chilean terres- ial flora (Part One). Santiago. (vi), 151 pp., 22 P< incl. en el texto, 1 mapa. HOFEMANN, A A. E. 1989, Cactáceas en la flora silvestre LEUENBERGER, B. E. « Eulychnia (Cactaceae) in Chile: Notes on the ta- nomy, types, and other old specimens. Hasel- nia 5 (submitted). ies R.A. 1864. Plantarum novarum chilensium. Centuriae inclusis quibusdam Mendocinis et Pa- taonicis. Tinnaea 33: 1-308. RITTER, F. 1980. Kakteen in Sudamerika. Band 3. Chi- le. Spangenberg. Pp. 857-1238. (Cactaceae). MAP 1. Known geographical range of Enlychnia castanea. Base map drawn with Geodat V2.0 (Jacquez, 1995), using a Lambert Azimuthal Projection. L = La Sere na, S = Santiago, V = Valparaiso 91 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. FIG. 1. Advanced buds and flowers of typical Eulychnia castanea (Eggli £« Leuenberger 2945, N of mouth of Quebrada San Pedro) FIG. 2. Recently spent flowers and young fruits of Eulychnia castanea showing (arrow) introgression from E. acida (EGGLI £ LEUENBERGER 3086d [photos only], coastal terrace of Fray Jorge National Park). Fecha de publicación: 07 de mayo de 1999 Gayana Bot. 55(2): 93-110, 1998. ISSN 0016-5301 THE FLORA OF LLULLAILLACO NATIONAL PARK LOCATED IN THE TRANSITIONAL WINTER-SUMMER RAINFALL AREA OF THE NORTHERN CHILEAN ANDES LA FLORA DEL PARQUE NACIONAL LLULLAILLACO UBICADO EN LA ZONA DE TRANSICION DE LAS LLUVIAS DE INVIERNO-VERANO EN LOS ANDES DEL NORTE DE CHILE Mary T. Kalin Arroyo', Carmen Castor', Clodomiro Marticorena?, Melica Muñoz”, Lohen- grin Cavieres”, Oscar Matthei”, Francisco A. Squeo*, Martin Grosjean' y Roberto Rodríguez? ABSTRACT The vascular plant flora of Llullaillaco National Park, si- tuated mostly above 3500 m elevation in the high Andes of the II Region of Chile (24930"S - 25%10”S; 68%30"W - 69*15”W) in the transitional zone between the summer and winter rainfall regimes, is given, along with analysis of endemism, presence of distributional eros and spe- cies-accumulation tendencies. The known flora stands at 91 species and subspecies (90 species), in 58 genera and 26 families, with an additional 3 species likely to occur in the park. Thirteen (14%) of taxa are endemic to the Chilean , with two entirely restricted to the park. Outstanding eb of taxa (35 in total: 38%) reach their northern, southern or north-south distributional li- mits Sci or very close to the park boundary. Know- ledge of the park's flora has accumulated steadily since R. A. Philippi's landmark expedition to the Atacama de- sert in 1860. By 1925 over half of the known taxa had been collected, and by 1975 over 2/3 of the species were red. Llullaillaco National Park plays an important role in pro: marginal populations of many high Andean species of subtropical and the park constitutes a critical area for understanding cli- matic evolution in the northern Chilean Andes. o de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Uni- versidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: southernO “Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Ciencias Natu- rales y Oceanográficas, ac de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, C “Sección Botánica, Museo cial de Historia Natural, Casilla 787, Santiago, Chile. de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Uni- versidad de La condo Casilla 599, La Serena, Chile. de sao of Physical Geography, University of Ber- ne, Switz le, northern Chilean rainfall, winter rainfall, Andean flora, endemics, north and south distributional li- mits lysi catalog of flora. cds KEYWORDS: Llullaillaco National Park, HI Region of Chi- flora, summer RESUMEN Se presenta la flora vascular del Parque Nacional Llu- llaillaco, situado principalmente por sobre los 3500 m en los Andes de la II Región de Chile (24*30'S-25* 10”S; 6830"W - 6915” w), en la zona transicional de cular consta de 91 especies y subespecies (90 especies) distribuidas en 58 géneros y 26 familias, con 3 especies adicionales que posiblemente se encuentran en el par- que. Trece (14%) taxas son endémicos a los Andes chi- lenos, con dos restringidos en su distribución al mismo. Un número destacable de taxa (35 en total: 38%) alcanzan sus límites de distribución norte, sur o sur y norte dentro o muy cerca de los límites del parque. El conocimiento de la flora del parque se ha acumulado gradualmente a partir de la histórica expedición de R. A. Philippi al desierto de Atacama en 1860. En 1925, más de la mitad de la flora había sido vigoroso y en 1975 se conocía más de 2/3 de la flora. La curva de acu- mulación de especies del parque predice que es proba- ble el descubrimiento de algunas especies adicionales. El Parque Nacional Llullaillaco juega un papel impor- tante en la protecci las poblaciones marginales de un número apreciable de especies andinas de afinidad subtropical La composición y caracte- y mediterránea. na de la fora del parque ria e. oran did un cormmmrención de e a dd a CUR VES: Parque Nacional Llullaillaco, IMM Re- andina, distribución norte y sur, análisis de acumulación de es- pecies, catálogo florístico. 93 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998, INTRODUCTION Continental Chile possesses 30 National Parks, 47 National Reserves and 13 Natural Mo- numents. These components of the National Pro- tected Area System of Chile (SNASPE) cover an area Of 14.4 million hectares (Muñoz et al. 1996), the equivalent of 19% of total land area (Arroyo $ Cavieres, 1997). Over 99% of the area under pro- tection pertains to national parks and reserves. Despite the high percentage of land area that is un- der protection in Chile in comparison with a world average of 6.3% (Heywood, 1995), published flo- ristic lists and complete floras are available for re- latively few protected areas. This situation is particularly evident for the northern Chilean An- des where there is no published floristic list for any protected area, other than the partial list provi- ded by Arroyo et al. (1982) for Lauca National Park. The lack of floristic knowledge constitutes a serious handicap for evaluating the conservation value efficiency of the SNASPE as a whole, and for developing management plans for individual protected areas In this paper we provide a working checklist of the vascular plant flora of Llullaillaco National Park, II Región Chile, information on endemism and geographical ranges, and a quantitative analy- sis of the level of floristic knowledge of the park. The present publication was stimulated by the CO- NICYT-Chile Sectorial Program: “Biomas y Cli- mas Terrestres y Marinos en el Norte de Chile” and a “Cátedra Presidencial en Ciencias” -1997 held by the first author. The “Biomas” program tar- geted at the regional level, enabled ample floristic exploration of poorly known areas of the II Región of Chile over the period 1996-97, development of a comprehensive data base of all vascular plant co- llections available for the Region, and establish- ment of a regional floristic list of close to 1000 taxa (Marticorena et al. 1998). The second initiati- ve supports studies aimed at determining the conservation efficiency of protected areas in conti- nental Chile situated within the area of mediterra- nean-type climate influence. LLULLAILLLACO NATIONAL E Llullaillaco NP, comprising 262,000 as incorpora- ted into the National Protected Mia System of Chile in 1995 (Muñoz et al.. 1996). The area com- prises one of the “Sitios Prioritarios la Con- servación de la Diversidad Biológica de Chile” (Muñoz et al., 1996). Located latitudinally bet- ween 24*30"S and 25*10”S, and longitudinally bet- ween 6830” W and 69%15”W, with elevations mostly over 3500 m (Figure 1), this remote loca- tion is situated in the hyperarid transitional zone between the summer and winter rainfall regimes (Arroyo et al., 1998, Messerli et al., 1993; Fuen- zalida 8 Rutllant, 1986, Table 1). The extremely dry climate characterizing the park, where annual precipitation is estimated to lie between 20-50 mm (Messerli et al., 1993), results from the synergistic interaction between subsiding anticyclonic air masses of the southeast Pacific High Pressure Belt, the drying effect of the Humboldt current, and the rainshadow effect of the high Andes (Arroyo et al., 1988; Messerli et al., 1993). Winter cyclonic precipitation associated with the typical mediterranean climate in central Chile is normally blocked around 30%S, and the tropical convective summer precipitation of the “invierno boliviano” is restricted mainly to the eastern slopes of the An- des. Based on Fuenzalida $ Rutllant (1986) and Aravena et al. (1989), both summer and winter rainfall in the transitional zone is of Amazonian origin. Winter precipitation results from the colli- sion of wet and warm tropical and cold extra-tro- pical air masses. Summer precipitation is linked to an anticyclonic flow pattern in the upper troposhe- re over the eastern Altiplano. Vuille (1991) sug- gests that the amount of precipitation received during the winter in the transition zone is highly underestimated because of its solid form. The cri- tical transition zone falls some where around 24'00'S -24%30"S, corresponding to the northern border of Llullaillaco NP. According to Vuille (1991), salt lakes north of this limit show increa- sed water volume during the summer months; tho- se south of 24%S show water increase as a response to winter precipitation. Based on Messerli et al. (1993), probably over 50% of annual precipitation received in Llullaillaco NP is of winter origin. METHODS The floristic information provided here is a product of botanical exploration by: a) early wor- kers such as R.A. Philippi, C. Reiche, E. Werde- prior to the present silo: Cc) the present resear- Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K., ET AL. chers during the 1997 summer season. All resul- tant collections were incorporated into the compre- hensive data base of the Flora of the II Region of Chile where they are indexed according to precise latitude and longitude, and elevation where possi- ble. Specimens are deposited at CONC and SGO. Presence of a species in the park was deter- mined by defining the rectangular area: latitudes 25"30"-25*15”S and longitudes: 68%15'- 69%15"W and eliminating all specimens from the rectangle not collected within the exact boundary of the park as per in Figure 1. Some collections made very early on in the botanical history of the area are not as precise with regard to location as would be desired. The important Philippi expedition to the Atacama desert (Philippi, 1860) which resul- ted in many new described species for Chile, is a typical case. Philippi (1860) explored localities on the western side of the park, a number of which are problematical. For example, the elevation re- ported for the locality Río Frío, the latter which is clearly entirely within the limits of the park, would appear to be out by some 500 m according to present cartographic values. Collections from this locality have been accepted as pertaining to the park boundaries. It would also appear that the quoted elevations of around 3000 m for many co- llections from Valle or Río Zorras are underesti- mated. Judging by the fact that most of the plants collected at this last locality pertain to Andean bogs developed at much higher elevations, it is probable that the correct elevation is around 3500- 4000 m. With this adjustment, many of the plants collected at the locality Zorras by Philippi (1860) would fall within the park boundaries. In several instances Philippi (1860) (see al- so Muñoz 1960) reports visual records of species at park localities. In other cases more localities than collection numbers are cited, making it im- possible to determine the precise locations of the collections. Species falling into these last two ca- tegories, that could potentially exist in the park, have been included in an Addendum to the cata- log. The presence of northern and southern distri- butional limits within the park boundaries or very close to the latter was determined through consultation of the Chilean flora data base and li- terature records. The category “very close” co- rresponds to distributional limits found within 5” of the park boundary. To assess the present state of floristic know- ledge of the park, a species accumulation curve was constructed using accumulation intervals of 25 records, beginning with R. A. Philippi's collec- tions made in 1854. The clench model (Soberón + Llorente, 1993) was used to mathematically fit the accumulation curve and to determine the effects of further collecting efforts on the park's flora. Short descriptions and exsiccatae are given for each species. RESULTS HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF FLORISTIC KNOW- LEDGE: Figure 3 shows that species registered for the park have accumulated gradually over time. The earliest botanical collections date back to the last century when the German naturalist R. A. Philippi, then Director of the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural was directed by the government of Chile to undertake a study of the Atacama De- sert (Philippi, 1860). First records of species for the park represented with a fair amount of cer- tainty in R. A. Philippi's collections are: - Adesmia erinacea Phil. - A. frigida Phil. - Carex maritima Gunnerus - Chenopodium frigidum Phil. - Deyeuxia robusta Phil.” - Menonvillea frigida (Phil.) Rollins - Montiopsis glomerata (Phil.) D.I. Ford - M. modesta (Phil.) D.I.Ford - Nastanthus caespitosus (Phil.) Reiche - Oxychloe andina Phil. - Phacelia cumingii (Benth.) A.Gray - Potamogeton strictus Phil. - Puccinellia frigida (Phil.) LM.Johnst. - Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh f. exilis (Phil.) Lourteig - Senecio chrysolepis Phil. - Viola frigida Phil. Over the period 1901-1903 the German bota- nist Karl Reiche, also associated with the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, effected botanical expeditions in the north of the country, including the vicinity of Volcan Llullaillaco (Reiche, 1907), leading to the following new taxa reported for the first time within the area of park Gayana Bot. 55(2). 1998. -23*00' a q Erio + ta 4 - 4822 de ha OCEANO (6 DA co 7 6739 ; PORTEDELO UNLLAILLACO SUR DE ARGENTIMA REPUBLICA FIGURE 1. Details of Llullaillaco National Park and its location in the II Region of Chile ( inset). Source CONAF - January, 1994, Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K..,, ET AL. - Artemisia copa Phil. - Atriplex imbricata (Moq.) D.Dietr. - Descurainea stricta (Phil.) Prantl ex Reiche var. minutiflora (Phil.) O.E. Schulze - Fabiana bryoides Phil. - Fabiana denudata Miers - Junellia digitata (Phil.) Mold. - Moschopsis monocephala (Phil.) Reiche - Phacelia pinnatifida Griseb ex Wedd. - Senecio eriophyton J.Remy - Senecio sundtii Phil. - Senecio xerophilus Phil. var. xerophilus - Triglochin concinnum Burtt Davy - Urbania pappigera Phil. Between 1923 and 1927 Erich Werdermann (Werdermann 1927), later Director of Berlin Botani- cal Garden, undertook an expedition in the high An- des of Bolivia and northern Chile which resulted in 41 collections made in the present area of Llullailla- co NP (Looser, 1960). Species registered for the first time in the park by Werdermann include: - Acantholippia deserticola (Phil.) Mold. - Adesmia caespitosa Phil. - Arenaria serpens Kunth - Astragalus cryptobotrys 1.M.Johnst. - Calandrinia compacta Barnéoud - Catabrosa werdermannii (Pilger) Nicora et Rú- golo - Cistanthe minuscula (Añon) Peralta - Cistanthe picta (Gillies ex Arn.) Carolin ex Hershk. - Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartling Chaetanthera revoluta (Phil.) Cabrera - Cristaria andicola Gay - Gilia crassifolia Benth. - E eremophila (Phil.) Burkart ex - ad gossypifera (Gillies ex Benth.) V. Grant - Mancoa hispida Wedd. - Montiopsis copiapina (Phil.) D.LFord - Mulinum crassifolium Phil. - Nicotiana ro (Griseb.) Millan - Oxalis hypsophila - Parastrephia RA (Meyen) Cabrera - Phacelia setigera Phil. var. EG - Pycnophyllum bryoides (Phil.) R - Senecio hirtus - Senecio AS Meyen et Walp. - Sisymbrium philippianum 1.M.Johnst. - Stipa chrysophylla E.Desyv. - Viola llullaillacoensis W.Becker In 1944, Carlos Muñoz, then Director of the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, explored se- veral areas of the Atacama desert with the aim of visiting sites explored previously by R. A. Philippi (Muñoz « Pisano, 1950). Species collected within the park boundary for the first time from a total of 32 collections made, include: - Chaetanthera sphaeroidalis (Reiche) Hicken - Deyeuxia eminens J.Presl - Festuca deserticola Phil. - Gentiana sedifolia Kunth - Perezia atac is (Phil.) Reiche ta (Graham) Hook. - Nototriche auricoma (Phil.) A.W.Hill - Nototriche clandestina (Phil.) A.W.Hill - Senecio puchii Phil. - Nicotiana In 1992 G. Arancio, Universidad de La Sere- na, made 23 collections within the park boundary, discovering for the first time: - Adesmia melanthes Phil. - Adesmia occulta (R.E.Fries) Burkart - Baccharis tola Phil. subsp. altiplanicola F.H. Hellwig - Deyeuxia crispa Rugolo et Villav. - Festuca chrysophylla Phil. - Stipa frigida Phil. - Werneria pinnatifida J.Remy In 1994 M. T. Kalin Arroyo and collabora- tors, Universidad de Chile, made 82 collections within the park boundary over a period of 3 days, discovering the following species for the first time: - Adesmia spinosissima Meyen - Astragalus bustillosii Clos - Chaetanthera minuta (Phil.) Cabrera - Deyeuxia deserticola Phil. - Eleocharis albibracteata Nees et Meyen ex Kunth - Festuca werdermannii St.-Y ves - Hypsela reniformis (Kunth) K.Presl - Lycium humile Phil. - Nicotiana longibracteata Phil. - Opuntia atacamensis Phil. - Ruppia filifolia (Phil.) Skottsb. - Scirpus atacamensis (Phil.) Boeckeler - Sisymbrium lanatum (Walp.) O.E.Schulze Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Finally, in 1997, G. Arancio and F. Squeo, Universidad de La Serena made 29 collections within the park boundary, revealing the following previously undiscovered species: - Anatherostipa venusta (Phil.) Peñail. - Baccharis tola Phil. subsp. tola - Ephedra breana Phil. - Lenzia chamaepitys Phil. - Opuntia camachoi Espinosa An undated specimen of Haplopappus rigi- dus Phil. was collected at Río Frío by an unknown collector. This specimen possibly was collected by R. A. Philippi who states that it was seen only se- veral occasions in the Atacama (Muñoz, 1960). SPECIES ACCUMULATION ANALYSIS: A good fit of the species accumulation data was obtained with the Clench model (Figure 3; number of taxa —S(1 MRARQT 4 PEO MALOIOACTOMUNYT TANYA ARODO Y ARA may be seen that the species accumulation curve for Llullaillaco NP does not yet reach a clear asymptote, as would be expected if the flora were exhaustively known. Mathematical extrapolation of the curve in Figure 3 gives an expected increase in the total number of species to 110 with a dou- bling of the collection effort. ENDEMISM: Endemic taxa, according to three ca- tegories of endemism are shown in Table IL The park possesses 2 local endemics: Menonvillea fri- gida (Phil.) Rollins and Deyeuxia robusta Phil. Menonvilla frigida is a very distinctive species of genus. It was found by us growing abundantly at around 4700 m on the slopes of Volcan Llullai- llaco, but would also appear to grow at lower ele- vations (see description). Deyeuxia robusta is a poorly known species, which perhaps, upon furt- her study, will not prove different from one of the other species of Deyeuxia in the park. A total of 13 taxa (14.3%) of the flora is endemic to Chile. DISTRIBUTIONAL LIMITS: Twelve species reach their northern limits in the park (Table HD. Seven- teen species reach their southern limits in the park. An additional 8 species reach their southern limits immediately outside the park boundary. In all 35 taxa (38.5% of the flora) are represented by their 98 in the park. Relatively more species found in the zonal vegetation reach their southern limits in the park than for azonal bog habitats (Figure 4). ADDENDUM The following species referred to in Philippi (1860) may prove to exist in the park. Triglochin palustris L. “Lo vi en Aguas Profetas, después en Zorras y en otras localidades semejan- tes” Two specimens cited (SGO 37012; 45409) (Muñoz, 1960) but it is unclear as to which locali- ties they pertain (Muñoz, 1960). Triglochin striatum R et P. “Lo vi más arriba de Zo- rras” (Muñoz, 1960). Other localities are also cited in relation to the single specimen (SGO 45410) ci- ted. Juncus articus var. andicola - was observed by R.A. Philippi at 2900 m in Zorras, which would place on the border of the park on the basis of ele- vation. A single specimen (SGO 37866) is cited in Muñoz (1960) as representative of the latter and other localities. DISCUSSION Although botanists have visited the area of Llullaillaco National Park since 1860, prior to this study no comprehensive account of the flora of Llullaillaco NP has been available (Muñoz et al., 1996). Richter (1995) citing 19 species observed in a vegetation transect on Volcán Llullaillaco, is the only published reference to the botany of the park. Interestingly, however, as early as 1925, over half of the species known to occur in the park had been collected, whereas as early as 1950, over 2/3 of the flora was known. The 90 species (91 taxa) constitute a mixture of zonal and Andean bog elements. Zonal ele- ments include high Andean elements (e.g. Perezia atacamensis, Chaetanthera sphaeroidalis, Stipa igida, Fabiana denudata. Baccharis tola, Noto- triche spp., Senecio sundtii, S. eriophyton, S. puchii, S. xerophilus, Viola llullaillacoensis, Me- nonvillea frigida, Mulinum crassifolium, Pya- nophyllum bryoides, Parastrephia quadrangularis, Lenzia chamaepitys) and species representative of Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K., ET AL. the desert margin (Acantholippia deserticola, Atri- plex imbricata, Chenopodium frigidum, Cistanthe minuscula, Ephedra breana, Opuntia atacamensis, O. camochoi, Haplopappus rigidus, Gilia crassifo- lia, Hoffmannseggia eremophila, Ipomopsis gossy- pifera). Most of the very depauperate high Andean bog flora known for this latitude is found in the park (e.g. Calandrinia compacta, Colobanthus quitensis, Deyeuxia spp., Hypsela reniformis, Scir- pus atacamensis, S. deserticola, Oxychloe andina, Potamogeton strictus, Ruppia filifolia, Gentiana sedifolia). Regionally, nevertheless, the park lacks a reliable record for some of the more typical plant species associated with salt lakes (e.g. Triglochin striatum). Such species can be found in the Salar de Pajonales, immediately to the south of the park boundary. Inclusion of this salar in the park clearly would increase its conservation coverage. Known species richness for the park clearly indicates an impoverished flora for a land area of hectares in relation to other areas in the Chilean Andes. For comparison, the high Andean flora of the much smaller area of Laguna Grande and Laguna Chica in the HI Región of Chile con- tains 281 species (Arroyo et al., 1984). Monumen- to Nacional El Morado in the mediterranean-type climate Andes of central Chile supports 280 spe- cies in area of 3009 hectares (Tellier et al.. 1994). The alpine flora of Parque Nacional Torres del Paine (242,242 ha; Muñoz et al., 1996) stands at 179 species in 94 genera (Arroyo et al., 1992), with only a fraction of the park area supporting al- pine vegetation. Nevertheless, the 90 species (91 taxa) recorded in Llullaillaco NP are within the range expected for the hyper-arid Andes. An in- tensive study of an altitudinal gradient slightly to the north at latitude 24*S where precipitation is slightly higher, revealed 77 species in 55 genera and 30 families over a similar elevational range (Arroyo et al., 1988). While Llullaillaco NP is not overly rich in species, it clearly plays a very important role in protecting the limiting distributions of a very large number of high Andean species. Anywhere in the Andes it is very unusual to find such a high pro- portion of species represented by their northern or southern ANTE limits. This situation undoub- tedly reflects the transitional climatic setting of Liuilaillaco pa between the summer and winter rainfall regimes. Here, effectively, many northern po ments adapted to a summer ae regime, and southern elements of mediterrane influence adapted to a winter rainfall regime reach ir southern and northern limits, respectively. In- terestingly, proportionally more species reach their southern distributional limits in the park than vice- versa. The significance of this trend can only be speculated upon at this time. Around twenty seven species in the park are considered to be northern Andean elements, while 23 are considered to be of mediterranean affinity (Arroyo et al., unpublished data), with the remaining species distributed in both the mediterranean and subtropical sectors of the Andes. With a predominance of northern sub- tropical elements in the flora, relatively more sout- hern limits could be expected. Alternatively, the trend may simply reflect the fact that Llullaillaco NP is located slightly south of the presumed 50- 50% summer-winter rainfall zone. That there are relatively more northern summer rainfall than southern mediterranean elements in the flora, sug- gests the hypothesis of relictual distributions of summer rainfall species. This hypothesis finds strong support in the fact that summer rainfall ele- ments tend to be more locally distributed in the park and found in specialized habitats, such as north-facing warm rocky slopes. This last pattern is consistent with the recent findings of Grosjean et al. (1995) who concluded, on the basis of lake level studies, that precipitation rates between 22*- 24”S in the northern Andes of Chile were in- tensified during the late Glacial and Holocene. According this study, annual precipitation would have been 400-500 mm higher than at present. Species accumulation analysis indicated that some new species records can indeed be expected for the park over the 91 given here. Indeed, inclu- ding the species given in the Addendum would increase the number of taxa to 94. That few addi- tional species have been revealed in several well collected areas immediately outside the boundary of the park (e.g. Cerro Guanaqueros to the north, Quebrada de Zorras, region of Salar de Punta Ne- gra, Sierra de Varas to the east, Salar de Pajonales, south face of Cerro del León, and Laguna de Azu- frera to the south-east, and Valle Sandon to the south-west) indicates that new records are likely to be relatively few. Future botanical exploration should concentrate on the still poorly explored areas of Cerro Aguas Calientes, the south-eastern sector of Sierra de Varas, the dry pampas in the north-west sector of the park, and the northern side of Cerro del León, any small patches of high An- dean bog in the north-eastern sector of the park, 99 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. and any small patches of salar vegetation that wed Presidential Science Appointment (Cátedra might exist within the park boundaries. Presidencial de Ciencias -1997) (MTKA). Explo- ration by the first author in 1994 benefited from partial field support from the project “Climate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Change in the Arid Andes” (Bruno Messerli- Martin Grosjean) financed by the Swiss National Research supported by CONICYT Grant Science Foundation. No. Biomas-S960016 and carried out on a Endo- TABLE L. Precipitation data for the closest climatic stations to Llullaillaco National Park after Hajek £ di Castri (1975). CIREN y Dirección General de Aguas (DGA). Annual Summer Station Lat. Long. Elevat. Yrs. Source Precipitation Precipitation (mm) (m) mm Peine 23418 6804 "W 2480 17 CIREN 2) 49.3 Socaire 2393 $ 67"52"W 3251 18 CIREN 45.6 54.5 Monturaqui 24%02'S 68"26"W 3450 7 A 58.5 90.0 Socompa 24%6"S 68”18'S 3915 8 CIREN 20.7 78.7 Catalina 25"14"S 6944 "W 2180 8 CIREN 0 0 Refresco 25"19'S 6952 W 1850 19 H£D 9:2 E, TABLE HI. Endemic vascular plants in Llullaillaco National Park. A: entirely restricted in distribution to within the boundary of the park; B: endemic to the Andes of the II Región; C: endemic to the Andes of Chile in a broader sense. Menonvillea frigida (Phil.) Rollins Deyeuxia robusta Phil. Descurainea stricta (Phil.) Prantl ex Reich var. minutiflora (Phil.) O.E.Schulz ia ata is Phil. mint Adesmia frigida Phil. Baccharis tola Phil. subsp. altiplanicola F.H. Hellwig Festuca werdermannii St.-Y ves Nototriche auricoma (Phil.) A-W. Hill Nototriche clandestina (Phil.) A.W. Hill Opuntia camachoi Espinosa Oxalis hypsophila Phil. Senecio hirtus Cabrera Viola llullaill is W. Becker 00 oOo0O!a»y-> > Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K., ET AL. TABLE III. Species with northern or southern distributional limits in, or immediately outside the border of Llullai- llaco National Park. N: northern limit in park; S: southern limit in park: N and S: northern and southern limits in park; S-close: southern limit close to park bound: Adesmia frigida Phil. N haetanthera minuta (Phil.) Cabrera N Festuca werdermannii St.-Y ve N Montiopsis copiapina (Phil.) D.L Ford N Montiopsis glomerata (Phil.) D.L For N a rompe dy ) Reiche N Senecio Ji JR N Senecio pel Phil. N Viola fri N Viola Undalacocnt W.Becker N Deyeuxia robusta N and S Menonvillea frigida ¿Phi ) Rollins N and S Adesmia caes, S Adesmia melanthes Phil. S Anatherostipa venusta (Phil.) Peñail. S Astragalus cryptobotrys 1.M.Johnst S Baccharis tola Phil. subsp. altiplanic ola F.H.Hellwig S Chaetanthera revoluta (Phil.) Cabrera S Descurainea stricta (Phil.) Prantl ex Reich var. minutiflora (Phil.) O.E.Schulz S Fabiana denudata Miers S Junellia pi (Phil.) Mold. S Mancoa hisp S Mischa! scale (Phil.) Reiche S Nototriche auricoma (Phil.) A.W.Hill S Senecio puchii Phil. S Sisymbrium lanatum (Walp.) O.E.Schulz S Urbania pappigera Phil. Ss Adesmia occulta (R.E.Fries) Burkart S-close Artemisia copa Phil. S-close Deyeuxia crispa Rúgolo et Villav. S-close Opuntia atacamensis Phil. S-close Parastrephia que ciloril (Meyen) Cabrera S-close Phacelia setigera Phil. var. Setigera S-close Pycnophyllum bryoides (Phil.) Rohrb. S-close Senecio xerophilus Phil. var. Xerophilus S-close S 60 Percent of flora annuals perennials subshrubs shrubs Life forms FIGURE 2. Life forms in the flora of Llullaillaco National Park. Perennials = perennial herbs. Facultatively annual species are included in the annual category. 101 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 1998(n:39/) 100 F ha. E 1975(n=66) x 80 Fr 1995(n=86) o 60+ x 1875(n=16) 1950 (n=66) le] AS Lead 40 1925 (n=549) 20t =€ 1900 (n=16) o A 1 L L L L L 0) 50 100 150 200 250 300 Collections RE 3. Species accumulation curve for Llullaillaco National Park, based on fitting of the Clench Model to co- io data. Data points are at 25 collection intervals. The number of taxa (species and 1 subspecies) accumulated 40 E N=70 ZE ES North 30F N=9]|] EJ] South 20 Percent of flora O total zonal azonal FIGURE 4. Taxa reaching their northern or southern distributional limits in the Chilean Andes within the boundaries of, or immediately outside (see methods) Llullaillaco National Park. Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K., ET AL. CATALOG OF VASCULAR PLANTS GYMNOSPERMAE EPHEDRACEAE 1. Ephedra breana Phil. Xerophytic shrub to ca. 1.5 m with stiff, yellow-green stems; fruits fleshy, red. Exc.: Antofagasta: Llanos Ce- rro de la Pena, 3900 m, Arancio «£ Squeo 10494 (ULS). ANGIOSPERMAE: DICOTYLEDONEAE CACTACEAE 2. Opun duos ormúlll species, composed of bright green ovoid or conical segments with reddish spines; flowers yellow to brownish-yellow. Endemic to the II Región of vas where it is found only at mid to high elevations in the southern portion of the Región. Exs.:Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4100 m, Arroyo et al. 94025 (CONC) 3. O. camachoi Espinosa Cushion forming species, closely related to O. ataca- mensis, but differing in its smaller size and grey-brown spines. Endemic to the high Andes of Chile (24*5- 27%S). Exs.: Antofagasta: Pampa Las Carretas km 28.092, 3950 m, Arancio « Squeo 10436 (ULS) CAESALPINIACEAE 4. Hoffmamseggia eremophila (Phil.) Burkart ex Ulib. pe ea herb to 5 cm high. Flowers orange-red- h. On sandy soils. Exs: Antofagasta: Cordillera Vol- cán ed 4000 m, Werdermann 1014 (CONC): Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94035 (CONC); pa Quebrada de la Pena, 3800 m, Arancio € Squeo 10467 (ULS); Antofagasta: Llanos Cerro de la Pena, 3900 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10499 (ULS); Antofagasta: Base Cerro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10405 (ULS) CALYCERACEAE 5. Moschopsis monocephala (Phil.) Reiche Succulent, glaucous, rosette-forming perennial herb. Flowers whitish. Exs.: Río Frío, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 057228); Antofagasta: Vega Zorra, 3150 m, Arancio 92338 (ULS); Antofagasta: Llullaillaco, camino a Mina Esperanto, 3740 m, Muñoz C. 3806 (SGO); Folomcard ta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4400 m 1016 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94009 (CONC). 6. Nastanthus caespitosus (Phil.) Reiche Succulent, rosette-forming perennial herb. Flowers whi- te. On edge of cushion bogs. Exs.: Río Frío, 3292 m, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 43609, 57221); Antofagasta: Va- lle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3891 (SGO); Anto- fagasta: Río Fo, 3500 m, Werdermann 1028 (CONC). CAMPANULACEAE 7. Hypsela dridiae (Kunth) K.Pres Interweaving perennial herb. Flowers e tinged blue- violet. In cus alta Dore Exs.: eii de Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94068 (CO CARYOPHYLLACEAE 8. Arenaria serpens Kunth Mat forming to interweaving perennial herb. Flowers white. Common in cushion bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Ve- ga Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94054 (CONC); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, Werdermann 1018 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llu- llaillaco, 3950 m, Arroyo et al. 94042 (CONC) 9. Colobanthus ee Bartling Dwarf perennial herb. Flowers green. In cushion bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, Johns- ton 6214 (S); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 3400 m, Werdermann 1452 (S). 10. Pycnophy cn. bryoides (Phil.) Rohrb. ommon herb forming loose cushions. Flowers inconspicuous, q, Bas: Apr Lla- nos en camino Quebrada de Las Zorrritas, 4150 m cio 248 (CONC); Antofagasta: Llullaillaco, camino a Mina Esperanto, 3740 m, Muñoz C. 3804 (SGO); Anto- fagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4300 m, Werder- mann 1026 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4400 m, Arroyo et al. 94004 (CONC); Antofagasta: Ce- rro del León, 4150 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10412 (ULS). CHENOPODIACEAE 11. Atriplex imbricata (Moq.) D.Di White-stemmed shrub up to 7Scm High: leaves with glaucous borders. At lower elevations on desert border. ExS.: Región del Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 048299). (SGO 048301): Ari Cordillera Vol- cán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, rmann 1003 (CONC): Antofagasta: Faldeos S Ba ñ Quebrada Llullaillaco, 00 m, Arroyo et al. 94081 (CONC). 12. Chenopodium frigidum Phil. Spreading annual herb with glaucous foliage. On sandy sites. Rare. Exs.: Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94030 (CONC); Río Frío, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 48176); Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3859 (SGO) Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. COMPOSITAE 13. Artemisia copa Phil. Aromatic shrub up to 60 cm high with whitish foliage. Locally abundant on rocky north-facing slopes. Exs: Re- gión del Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 066433); An- tofagasta: Vega Zorra, O m, Arancio 92340 (ULS); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4100 m, Arro m, Werdermann 1007 (CONC); Antofagasta: Cerro del León, 4240 m, Arancio € Squeo 10423 (ULS). 14. Baccharis tola Phil. subsp. altiplanicola F.H.Hellwig Yellow-stemmed, dioecious, resinous shrub usuall y >40 cm high. Leaves strongly dentate with 2 or more the altiplano of northern Chile. Exs.: Antofagasta: Quebrada de Las Zorritas, 3150 m, Arancio 243 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4100 m, Arroyo et al. 94024 (CONC); Antofagasta: Faldeos S de la Quebrada Llullaillaco, 3850 m, Arroyo et al. 94078 (CONC); Antofagasta: Llanos Cerro de la Pena, 900 m, Arancio $: Squeo 10493 (ULS). 15. B. tola Phil. subsp. tola Differs from subsp. altiplanicola principally in its sma- ller stature (< 40 cm) and leaves that are entire or with 1, or exceptionally 2 teeth on each side of the lamina. Exs: Antofagasta: Base Cerro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio $: Squeo 10402 (ULS). 16. Chaetanthera minuta (Phil.) Cabrera Decumbent annual herb, covered with a white tomen- tum. Heads radiate, white. On sandy soils. Exs.: Anto- fagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m., Arroyo et al. 94033 (CONC). 17. Ch. revoluta (Phil.) Cabrera Inconspicuous perennial herb growing at base of rocks. Heads radiate, white. Common. Exs: Antofagas- ta: Vega Zorra, 3150 m, Arancio 92337 (ULS); Anto- fagasta: Llullaillaco, camino a Mina anto, 3740 m, Muñoz C. 3809 (SGO); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Werdermann 1020 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94013 (CONC); Antofagasta: Faldeos S de la Quebrada Llullaillaco, 3850 m, Arroyo et al. 94079 (CONC); Antofagasta: Base Cerro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio 4 Squeo 10407 (ULS). camino a Mina Esperanto, 3740 m, Muñoz C. 3808 SGO): Antofagasta: Volcán yo et al. 94017 (CONC); Antofagasta: co, 4350 m, Arroyo et al. 94003 (CONC); Antofagasta: S de Llullaillaco, 4800 104 19. Haplopappus rigidus Phil. Resinous, yellow-stemmed shrub. Heads radiate, ye- llow. The collection data upon which inclusion of this species in the park is based are very limited. Its pre- sence needs further verification. Exs.: Antofagasta: Río Frío, w/o collector and no. (BM). 20. Parastrephia quadrangularis (Meyen) Cabrera Small shrub to 50 cm with tightly imbricate greenish- yellow leaves; heads discoid, yellow. Mostly restricted to warmer rocky slopes. Exs: Antofagasta: Valle de Zorritas, 3720 m, Muñoz C. 3830 (SGO); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Werdermann 1012 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Elullaillaco, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94026 (CONC). 21. Perezia atacamensis (Phil.) Reiche Perennial herb to ca. 30 cm. Heads large, radiate, var- ying in color from pinkish to bluish. On rocky sites. Exs.: Antofagasta: Llullaillaco, camino Mina Esperanto, 40 m, Muñoz C. 3805 (SGO); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94014 (CONC). 22. Senecio chrysolepis Phil. Erect, lightly tomentose subshrub with oblong leaves, to 20 cm. Heads discoid, yellow. Exs.: Antofagasta: Vol- cán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94007 (CONC); Antofagasta: Valle del Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3893 (SGO): Antofagasta: Río Frío, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 060675); Antofagasta: Sierra de Varas, Punta del Viento, 4200 m, Werdermann 1040 (CONC). 23. $. eriophyton J.Remy Densely branched, lanose aromatic roundish dwarf sh- rub to 20 cm with conspicuously dentate-curled leaves. Heads radiate, yellow. Exs.: Antofagasta: Región del Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Reiche w/o no. (SD; Antofagasta: Región del Llullaillaco, 4700 m, Reiche w/o no. (SI). 24. S. hirtus Cabrera Small densely branched shrub with sessile, clasping glandular-pubescent leaves, to 30 cm igh. Heads ra- diate, yellow. Endemic to the high Andes of Chile (25-288). Exs.: Antofagasta: Sierra de Varas, Punta del Viento, 4000 m, Werdermann 1036 (CONC). 25. S. puchii Phil. Tightly branched low subshrub to 10 cm with succulent glabrous dentate leaves. Heads discoid, yellow. Exs.: Antofagasta: Faldeos Volcán Llullaillaco, Zorritas, 3800 m, Muñoz C. 3799 (SGO); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullai- llaco, 4600 m, Arroyo et al. 94001 (CONC). 26. $. scorzoneraefolius Meyen et Walp. Lax, rhizomatous perennial with conspicuously long- linear leaves. Heads discoid, dirty white. Exs.: Antofa- gasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Werdermann 1029 (CONC). 27..S. sundtii Phil. Low, tomentose subshrub. Head discoid, yellow. Exs.: Región del Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 062330); Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K.., ET AL. Región del Llullaillaco, 4700 m, Reiche w/o no. (SD). 28. $. xerophilus Phil. var. xerophilus Erect tomentose subdichotomously branched subshrub to 25 cm. Heads discoid, yellow. Exs.: Región del Llu- laillaco, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 062354); Antofagasta: Vega Zorra, 3150 m, Arancio 92334 (ULS); Antofagas- : Faldeos Volcán Llullaillaco, Zorritas, 3800 m, Mu- ñoz C. 3801 (SGO); Antofagasta: Cordillera del Volcán Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Werdermann 1037 (CONC); An- tofagasta: Región del Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Reiche w/o no. (SI); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4100 m, Arroyo et al. 94020 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llu- llaillaco, 4700 m, Zoellner (CONC 49070) 29. Werneria pinnatifida J Remy Rhizomatose perennial herb with fleshy pinnatisect roset- te forming leaves. Heads discoid, white. Exs.: Antofagas- ta: Quebrada de las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arancio 335 (CONC) CRUCIFERAE 30. Descurainia stricta (Phil.) Prantl ex Reiche var. minutiflora (Phil.) O.E. Schulz Annual to biannual, kr Entro leaves. Flowersminute, yellow o Chile. Exs.: Región de Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. Per sGO 071497). 31. Mancoa hispida Wedd Small, hispid perennial herb. Exs.: Antofagasta: Vol- cán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, Werdermann 1008 (CONC). 32. Menonvillea frigida (Phil.) Rollins Perennial herb with aero brown-reddish stems and leaves and showy white flowers. Grows in rock crevices. Locally common. A rare Seta endemic, thus far only known from high elevations in Parque Nacional Llullaillaco, and thus endemic to the II Re- gión of Chile. Exs.: Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4700 m, Arroyo et al. 94006 (CONC); Antofagasta: Faldeos Volcán Llullaillaco, camino Mina Iris, 3920 m, Muñoz C. 3798 (SGO); poa Río Frío, Phi- lippi w/o no (SGO 063964 33. Sisymbrium lanatum (Walp.) O.E.Schulz Perennial herb, woody at the base, to ca. 30 cm, with glaucous tomentose to glabrous leaves. Flowers ye- llow. Exs.: Antofagastá: Vega Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94076 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94031 (CONC). 34. $. philippianum 1.M.Johnst. Subs cm branched at the base with tomento- se stems and tomentose to glabrous leaves. Flowers yellow to purplish. Exs.: Antofagasta: ro del Volcán Llullaillaco, 3500 m, Werdermann 1457 (Pho- to: BAA ex B). GENTIANACEAE 35. Gentiana sedifolia Kunth Small, glabrous annual to probably biannual herb. Flo- wers blue, with yellow centers. Grows in cushion bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3862 (SGO). HYDROPHYLLACEAE 36. Phacelia cumingii (Benth.) A.Gra Small erect o prostrate glandular-viscid annual herb with reddish stems, o leaves and cymose inflo- rescences. Flowers white. Common on sandy re Exs.: Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arro et al. 94029 (CONC); Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frio, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3860 (SGO); Río Frío, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 42186, 42188, 54299) Antofagasta: Base Ce- rro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10403 (ULS). 37. Ph. pinnatifida Griseb. ex Wedd. Erect to decumbent robust perennial herb with strongly pinnatifid leaves. Flowers blue, in dense scorpioid cy- mes, with exerted styles and stamens. Exs.: Cajón de Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 054313). 38. Ph. setigera Phil. var. setigera Robust, annual to perennial glandular-viscid herb with lobulate leaves and bluish-purple flowers with included styles and stamens. Exs.: Antofagasta: Cordillera Vol- cán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann 1006 (CONC). MALVACEAE 39. Cristaria andicola Gay Perennial herb with yellowish stems and bright green pubescent leaves. Flowers pink. Common, in sandy soils. Exs.: Antofagasta: Quebrada de Las Zorritas, 50 m, Arancio 241 (CONC); Antofagasta: Cordillera de Llullaillaco, 4700 m, Werdermann w/o no. (CONC 23195); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94028 (CONC); Antofagasta: Cerro del León, 4240 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10418 (ULS); Antofa- gasta: Pampa Las Carretas, 3950 m, Arancio «£ Squeo 10440 (ULS): Po Pampa Las Carretas km 28,092, 3950m, Arancio £ Squeo 10435 (ULS); Anto- fagasta: Cuesta Casa de Lata, 3700 m, Arroyo et al. 94100 (CONC): Antofagasta: Llanos Cerro de la Pena, 3900 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10498 (ULS); Antofagasta: Base Cerro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio «£ Squeo 10404 (ULS) 40. Nototriche auricoma (Phil. a A-W.Hill tome al herb to ca. 3 cm dia- Antofagasta: Región de Llullaillaco, Muñoz C. 3796 (SGO):; Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. de 105 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 41. N. clandestina (Phil.) A.W.Hill Compact, cushion forming perennial herb, densely co- vered yellowish-white tomentum. Flowers white. Grows close to the upper vegetation limit. Endemic to the high Andes of Chile (24*5-26%S). Exs.: Región de Llullailla- co, Muñoz C. 3797 (SGO); Antofagasta: Volcán Llu- llaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94018 (CONC). OXALIDACEAE 42. Oxalis hypsophila Phil. Caespitose perennial herb. Flowers yellow. Endemic to the high Andes of Chile (23-31%S) Exs.: Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann 1010 (CONC) PAPILIONACEAE 43. Adesmia passe Phil. Woody, flat, ushion-forming species, with short thick par ueda spines; cushions pere immersed in sand; flowers yellow-orange, rt shoots. Exs.: An- tofagasta: Faldeos Volcán pus Zorritas, 3800 m, Muñoz C. 3803 (SGO); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann 1025 (SI, S) 44. A. erinacea Phil. Small glandular shrub forming open cushions with gree- nish-white, densely interwoven 3-6 bifurcate Spines. Flowers yellow, generally produced on spines. Exs.: Antofagasta: Zorras, Desierto de Atacama, 3500 m, Phi- (CONC); Antofagasta: Valle de Zorritas, 3720 m, Mu- ñoz C. 3828 (SGO); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, rroyo et al. 94015 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán. Llullaillaco, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94027 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4200 m, Baumann 286 (CONC). 45. A. frigida Phil. Small caespitose glutinose-villose subshrub with 1-2 branched spines. Flowers yellow. E to the high Andes of Chile (25"-27%S). Exs.: pasmado Taltal, Punta del Viento, 4200 m, Werdermann 1023 (CONC): Río Frío, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 40179, 50241). 46. A. melanthes Phil. Erect shrub to Im with thick reddish-brown branches and spines. Leaves very small, borne on distant short- shoots. Flowers yellow. Exs.: Antofagasta: Quebrada de las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arancio 251 (CONC). 47. A. occulta (R.E.Fries) Burkart Flat, hard, woody, glandular-pilose cushion forming Ape, partially immersed in substrate, with browni tofagasta: 92242 (ULS):; Antofagasta: Volcán 'Lltullsllaco, 4400 m, Arroyo et al. 94005 (CONC): Antofa ta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4300 m, Arroyo et al. 94023 (CONC). 48. A. spinosissima Meyen Erect shrub to 1 m, with reddish brown stems and thick, yellowish brown to white spines. Leaves borne on short- shoots. noe abundant on sunny north-facing slopes and in dry water courses. Flowers yellow. Exs.: Antofagas- ta: Volcán: Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94022 (CONC); Antofagasta: Subida de Río Frío a Aguas Ca- lientes, 3500 m, Arroyo et al. 94083 (CONC). 49. Astragalus bustillosii Clos Slender, glabrous perennial herb with pale blue flo- wers. Á cushion bog species. Exs.: Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94067 (CONC). . A. cryptobotrys 1.M.Johns Perennial herb forming pra knit cushions partially immersed in substrate, with brownish-grey pubescent foliage and pinnate leaves. Flowers bluish-white. Exs.: Antofagasta: Llanos en camino a Quebrada de las Zo- rritas, 4450 m, Arancio 635 (CONC); Antofagasta: Sierra de Varas, Punta del Viento, 4000 m, Werder- mann 1034 (CONC). POLEMONIACEAE 51. Gilia crassifolia Benth. Robust viscid annual herb to ca. 20 cm. Flowers blue to pan phd: white. Mostly on desert border of pa Exs.: Antofagasta: Taltal, Punta del Viento, 3900 m Werdermann 1030 (CONC). 52. Ipomopsis gossypifera (Gillies ex Benth.) V.Grant Robust puberulent-lanose annual herb with somewhat succulent entire to pinnatisect leaves. Flowers in heads separated from the leaves; corolla rose-violet. Exs.: Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann 1041 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llu- laillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94039 (CONC). PORTULACACEAE 53. Calandrinia compacta Barnéoud Rhizomatose perennial herb forming extensive mats, with succulent leaves q. white flowers on reddish pe- tioles hidden among leaves. Common on edge of cus- hion bogs. Philippi (1860) described Calandrini occulta, which he considered to be similar to C. com- pacta and C. caespitosa, based on cd collected from the sa area of Río her part of quebrada Zorras, finding only 1 species of Calandrinia in cushion bog. Philippi's C. occulta is ery ; Werdermann 1035 (CONC). o Cistanthe minuscula os Peralta annual f a few b long at- Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K., ET AL. tenuate, spathulate leaves. Flowers in simple or double spikes: petals white to lilac-purple. Exs.: o Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, Werdermann 1015 (CONC); Antofagasta: Río Frío, sd m, Werder- mann 1033 (CONC). 55. C. picta (Gillies ex Ar. ) Carolin ex Hershk. , SO! times tinged red; sepals wide, with conspicuous red-black markings; petals white. Exs.: Di sta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, Werdermann 1038 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán oe 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94038 (CONC). 56. Lenzia chamaepitys Phil. Diminutive perennial herb to 4 cm with closely ad- pressed, oda pots and slender roots. Flo- wers yellow ge, e, borne at tips of stems. A rare socia tn in park, alo found on gravelly subs- trates. Exs.: Antofagasta: Base Cerro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10406 (ULS). 57. Montiopsis copiapina (Phil.) D.I.Ford Spreading, densely sericeo-pubescent perennial herb with thick roots. Flow mose racemes. Ens: Antofagasta Quebrada de las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arancio 246 pri sb Antofagasta: Vega Zorra, 3150 m, Arancio 36 (ULS); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullailla- CO, pote Werdermann 1021 (CONC). 58. M. glomerata da ) D.L Ford Small, prostrate annual herb with pubescent oblanceola- white-pubescent calyx, petals small magenta to white. Exs.: Río Frío, 3353 m, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 48522). se 2d NA (Phil. ) D.LFord with pubescent, linear leaves. Calyx ma le “glandular nn flowers inconspi- orescences. Exs.: Antofa- ñoz C. 3861 (SGO); Antofagasta: Río Frío, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 048661). RANUNCULACEAE 60. Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh f. exilis (Phil.) Lourteig Semi-aquatic, glabrous rhizomatous perennial herb y 1 leaves. Flowers yellow with shiny, waxy petals. Grows only in cushion bogs, preferen- tially at the edge of water courses or standing pools. Exs.: Valle Zorras, 3351 m, Philippi w/o no. (SGO .4200 m, Arroyo er al. 94053 (CONC). SOLANACEAE 61. Fabiana bryoides Phil. Stout shrub to ca. 50 cm, with twisted, dirty green, coral- like branches covered in scale-like leaves. Flowers white to lilac, very ommon i arm sunny slopes. Exs.: Región del Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. Zorra, pa m, Aran- cio 92250 (ULS); Antofagasta: Quebrada de las Zorritas, 50 m, Arancio 639 (CONC); Anota: Valle de Zorritas, 3720 m, Muñoz C. 3829 (SGO): Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4150 m Paca et al. 94021 aaa Antofagasta: Cordillera Llullaillaco, 4000 m, rmann w/o no. (CONC ció Antofagasta: Cor- pios de Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann w/o no. (CONC 22149); Antofagasta: Cerro del León, 4150 m, Arancio «£ Squeo 10410 (ULS); Antofagasta: Llanos Ce- rro de la Pena, 3900 m, Arancio « Squeo 10496 (ULS). 62. Fabiana denudata Miers trongly resinous shrub to ca. 1 m, with somewhat si- nuous cti o eo and small, distant lea- amis] ite. Locally distributed. Exs.: Región del Lisllilaco: Reiche w/o no. (SGO 055649); Antofagasta: Cerro Zorritas, 4450 m, Arancio 252 (CONC); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann 1005 (CONC); Antofagasta: Fal- deos S de la Quebrada Llullaillaco, 3850 m, Arroyo et al. 94077 (CONC); Antofagasta: Llullaillaco, 4000 m, w/o collector (SGO 55640). 63. ea humile Phil. abrous subshrub with greyish branches, for- 2. a dense cushion. Flowers white. Restricted to the drier edges of cushion saline soils. Exs.: Anto- fagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 3950 m, Arroyo et al. 94040 (CONC). 64. Nicotiana acuminata (Graham) Hook. i ing annual herb with viscid stems, and distant, ovate, acuminate leaves. Flower large (5-9 cm long) greenish with purplish lines on corolla; white within. Exs.: Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m. Muñoz C. 3895 (SGO). 65. Nicotiana longibracteata Phil. Stout, several-stemmed and densely leaved, pubescent to viscid annual herb with long-acuminate leaves. Flowers e. (ca. less than 2 2 - Cm long) : pame Poli cru) crikhed A nara e: 85 HP A, 1ne. O X ed rs 3 BLIQASAS rate form of N. longibracteata, but that further study is required to ascertain this possibility. This last possibility po mora recognizing the name N. frigida, which was des- cribed before N. arsapristans Further work on these species necessary. Exs.: : Volcán Llullailla- co, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. unan a b.) Millán with conspicuous abs narrow wers greenish-white. Common in sandy soils. Exs.: 107 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3800 m, Werdermann 1039 (CONC); Antofagasta: Pampa Las Carretas km 28,090, 4030 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10433 (ULS); Antofagasta: Cuesta Casa de Lata , 3700 m, Arroyo et al. 94084 (CONC); Antofagasta: Querida de la Pena, 3800 m, Arancio 8 Squeo 10466 (ULS):; Antofagasta: Llanos Cerro la Pena, 3900 m, Arancio 4 Squeo 10500 (ULS) UMBELLIFERAE 67. Mulinum crassifolium Phil. Softly spinose, semi-hemispheric subshrub with bright yellow-green, somewhat succulent leaves and whitish older stems. Flowers inconspicuous, greenish-yellow. Exs.: Antofagasta: Quebrada de las Zorritas, 4450 m, Arancio 640 (CONC); Antofagasta: Vega Zorra, 3150 m, Arancio 92249 (ULS); Antofagasta: Faldeos Vol- cán Llullaillaco, Zorritas, 3800 m, Muñoz C. 3800 ( ); Antofagasta: Llullaillaco, camino a Mina Es- peranto, 3740 m, Muñoz C. 3807 (SGO); cp Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4300 m, Werdermann 1009 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94010 (CONC) VERBENACEAE 68. Acantholippia deserticola (Phil.) Mold. branc ngly aromatic, spiny, white- hispid shrub to ca. 1 m with small adpressed scale-like leaves. Flowers subsessile, lilac. Mostly at lower ele- vations in park on desert margin. Exs.: o Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3500 m, 1024 (CONC); Antofagasta: Faldeos S ce la Quebrada Llullaillaco, 3500 m, Arroyo et al. 94082 (CONC). 69, Junellia En (Phil.) Mold. Prostrate hrub forming isolated patches to ca. 3-5 cm, with cree cecilia .. rust-coloured, lo- se bark. Flowers abundant, sweetly fragrant, dark pink. Exs.: Región del Llullaillaco, pa Reiche w/o no. (SGO 054781); Antofagasta: Faldeos Volcán Llu- llaillaco, Zorritas, 3800 m, Muñoz C. 3802 (SGO). 70. Urbania pappigera Phil. eri shortly branched subshrub forming flat, ¡ in- ONspicuous, pink. A common species at mid-high elevations in park. Exs.: Antofagasta: Llullaillaco, camino a Mina Esperanto, 3740 m, Muñoz C. 381 di ra Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Werdermann 1019 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4600 m, Arroyo et al. 94012 (CONC); Antof: ; Antofagasta: Pampa Las Carretas 28,092. 3950 m, Aracio de Squeo 10437 (ULS). 108 VIOLACEAE 71. Viola frigida Phil. Rosette-forming annual herb. Flowers bluish-white. Exs.: Río Frío, 3231 m, Philippi w/o col. (SGO 052337). 72. Viola llullaillacoensis W.Becker Inconspicuous, rosette-forming annual herb, leaves brownish, elliptic with ciliate margens. Flowers light with darker lines. Typically occurrs in sandy soils. A rare species, endemic to the high Andes A Chile (24*- 26"S). Exs.: Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94075 (CONC); poes Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Werdermann 1017 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4000 m, Arroyo et al. 94034 (CONC); pr a eee de las Zorritas, 4200 m, Baumann 289 (CONC ANGIOSPERMAE: MONOCOTYLEDONEAE CYPERACEAE 73. Carex maritima Gunnerus Rhizomatose perennial herb. Restricted to high eleva- tion cushion bogs. Exs.: Valle Zorras, Philippi w/o no. PsP 046175); Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94052 (CONC); Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94073 (CONC). 74. Eleocharis albibracteata Nees et Meyen ex Kunth Caespitose, a perennial herb. Restricted to cushion bogs. : Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et 5 94069 (CONC); Antofagasta: Ve- ga Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94072 (CONC). 75. Scirpus atacamensis (Phil.) Boeckeler Perennial herb forming large, tight cushions. Typically found at the drier ados of cushion bogs, where common. Exs.: Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94065 (CONC); Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4150 m, Arroyo et al. 94071 (CONC); Antofagasta: Ve- ga Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94064 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 3950 m, Arroyo et al. 94041 (CONC), 94043 (CONC); 94045 (CONC). GRAMINEAE 76. deba venusta (Phil.) Peñail. Perennial grass to 30 cm with rigid convolute glabrous yellow cai pa open; aristas long, reddish and curved. Exs.: Antofagasta: Llanos Cerro de la Pena, 3900 m, Arancio de Squeo 10495 (ULS). 77. Catabrosa werdermannii (Pilger) Nicora et Rúgolo Slender, inconspicuous perennial species forming lose mats. Restricted to alpine bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3868 (SGO); Antofagas- ta: Taltal, Río Frío, 3500 m, Werdermann 1027 (CONC). 78. Deyeuxia crispa Rúgolo et Villav. h Flora of Llullaillaco National Park: ARROYO, M.T.K., ET AL. nnial grass forming isolated clumps to 15 cm, with pia twisted yellow leaves. Uncommon. Typically asta: Cerr Zorritas, 4450 m, Arancio 244 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4400 m, Arroyo et al. 94002 de 79. Deyeuxia deserticola Phil. Perennial grass forming isolated tufts to 30 cm gro- wing on large cushions, with yellowish-grey, rigid lea- ves. Restricted to high alpine bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94056 (CONC), 94057 (CONC), 94058 (CONC). 80. Deyeuxia eminens J.Presl Stout perennial species with junciforme leaves for- bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Valle de Zorras, 3500 m, Muñoz C. 3819 (SGO); Antofagasta: Quebra- da de Zorritas, 4150 m, Baumann 299 (CONC); Anto- fagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94066 (CONC); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 3930 m, Arroyo et al. 94049 (CONC), 94050 (CONC). 81. Deyeuxia robusta Phil. A poorly known species. Further study might show that this species is the same as the former. Perennial herb. Endemic to Chile.Exs.: Valle de las Zorras 2926-3048 m, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 068418). 82. Festuca chrysophylla Phil. Glabrous perennial tussock species with rigid leaves and glabrous sheaths. Apparently not common in park. Exs.: Antofagasta: Llanos en Quebrada de las Zorritas, 4450 m, Arancio 636 (CONC) 83. Festuca deserticola Phil. Caespitose perennial species to ca. 35 cm. Occasional toward the desert margin. Exs.: Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3865 (SGO). 84. Festuca werdermannii St.-Y ves Perennial species with greyish foliage forming small tus- socks. At edge of cushion bogs. Endemic to the high Andes of Chile (24”-29*S) Exs.: Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94061 (CONC), 94062 (CONC). 85. Puccinellia frigida (Phil.) LM.Johnst. = O species growing at drier edge of cushion bogs. Exs.: Valle Río Frío 3292 m, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 037544, 63510,62606): Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94060 (CONC), 94063 (CONC); Antofagasta: Taltal, Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3500 m, We E tofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, (SGO); Antofagasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 3950 m, Arro- yo et al. 94046 (CONC). 86. Stipa chrysophylla E.Desyv. Caespitose perennial species with erect yellow rigid leaves to ca. 45 cm. Panicle contracted, usually exser- ted above leaves. Exs.: Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Werdermann 1013 (CONC). e Dear frigida Phil. nnial species with narrow rigid yellow leaves to ca. 300 cm. Panicle narrow, violet, not strongly exserted el Las Zin itas, 4450 m, Arancio 637 (CONC), 638 (CONC); Antofa- gasta: Volcán Llullaillaco, 4500 m, Arroyo et al. 94011 (CONC); Antofagasta: Cerro del León, 4150 m, Arancio Arancio £ Squeo 10439 (ULS); Antofagasta: Cuesta Casa de Lata, 3700 m, Arroyo et al. 94099 (CONC); Antofagasta: Quebrada de la Pena, 3800 m, Arancio « Squeo 10464 (ULS); Antofagasta: Base Ce- rro de la Pena, 3680 m, Arancio £ Squeo 10399 (ULS). JUNCACEAE 88. Oxychloe mt es rming hard. el ted hi with rigid, leaves. Fruits pan at maturity. Dominant cushion species in alpine bogs. Exs.: Antofagasta: Valle de Zo- rras, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 063055); Valle de Zorritas, 3500 m, Muñoz C. 3821 (SGO); Antofagasta: Vega Las Zorritas, 4200 m, Arroyo et al. 94055 (CONC); Antofa- gasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Muñoz C. 3867 (SGO). JUNCAGINACEAE 89. Triglochin concinnum Burtt Davy Slender perennial herb often forming extended mats, with short, carnose leaves, brownish stems, and erect, contracted inflorescences partially exserted above the leaves. Typically found in alpine cushion bogs. Exs.: Prov. de Antofagasta, Llullaillaco, Reiche w/o no. (SGO 045420); Antofagasta: Cordillera Volcán Llullaillaco, 3500 m, Werdermann 1011 (CONC); Antofagasta: Vol- cán Llullaillaco, 3950 m, Arroyo et al. 94044 (CONC). POTAMOGETONACEAE 90. Potamogeton strictus Phil. Aquatic perennial herb with submerged elongate cilin- drical stems and filiform, membranous leaves; flowers disposed in small spikes. In pools in high alpine bogs. Exs.: Valle de Zorras, 3261 m, Philippi w/o no. (SGO 45443); Antofagasta: Valle de Río Frío, 3200 m, Mu- ñoz C. 3863 (SGO). RUPPIACEAE 91. Ruppia pene (Phil.) Skottsb. Submerged tie peros nnial hai. o in slow- flowing qe : Antofa- gasta: Vega Zorritas, m, al. 94051 (CONC); presea Dése Llullaillaco, 3950 m, Arroyo et al. 94047 (CO! Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. REFERENCES ARAVENA, R., H. PEÑA, A GRILLI, O SUSUKI £ M. MORDECKAI. 1989. Evolución isotópica de las llu- vias y origen de las masas de aire en el Altiplano chileno. L[AEA-TECDOC-502. Isotope Hydrology Investigations in Latin America, pp. 129-142. ARROYO, M. T. K. £ L. CAVIERES. 1997. The medite- rranean-type climate flora of central Chile - What , C. MARTICORENA éz C.VILLAGRAN. 1984. La flora de la Cordillera de los Andes en el área de Laguna Grande y Laguna Chica, III Re- gión, Chile. Gayana Bot. 41(1-2): 3-46. ARROYO, M. T. K., C. VILLAGRAN, C. MARTICORENA £ J. J. ARMESTO. 1982. Flora y relaciones bio- geográficas en los Andes del norte de Chile (18- 1995). 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ISSN 0016-5301 CHECKLIST OF CHILEAN LICHEN-FORMING AND LICHENICOLOUS FUNGI LISTA PATRON DE LOS LIQUENES Y HONGOS LIQUENICOLAS DE CHILE David J. Galloway' and Wanda Quilhot? ABSTRACT This Checklist of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of pags fungi (in 23 genera). Full bibliographic citations are given for both accepted taxa and for synonyms and references to relevant htesature are included for most ge- The following ne 1: Ca- pa deci (Zahlbr.) D.J. Galloway É Quilhot, Dendriscocaulon calithamnion (Taylor) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot, Neuropogon durietzii (Motyka) Neuropogon su- Quilhot, bantarcticus (F.J. Walker) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot Ss: Checklist, classification, lichens, licheno- logy, eii fungi, Chilean lichens, plant taxo- nomy. INTRODUCTION Chile, situated on the Pacific coast of South America, is a long, narrow country extending 4350 km southwards from latitude 17?30"S to Cape Horn at 56%S. It is bounded by Peru and Bolivia to the north, by Argentina for much of its long eas- tern border, and to the west by the Pacific Ocean. Chile has sovereignty over Easter Island and the Juan Fernández Archipelago and also has Antarc- tic Territory between 53” and 90W. The country is dominated by the Andean Cordillera which 'Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom. Present address: Landcare Research, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand “Escuela de Química y Farmacia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valparaíso, Casilla 5001, Valparaíso, Chile. RESUMEN La lista patrón de los líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de Chile, incluídos el Territorio Antártico y las islas de Juan Fernández y Pascua, contiene 1415 taxa en 304 gé- neros, de los cuales 1383 son líquenes (en 281 éneros) y 32 son hongos liquenícolas (en 23 géneros). Incluye los taxa aceptados, los sinónimos y las referencias bi- bliográficas. Se p nen las siguientes combinaciones: Caloplaca austroshetlandica (Zahlbr.) D.J. Galloway $ Quilhot, Dendriscocaulon calithamnion (Taylor) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot, Neuropogon durietzii (Motyka) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot, Neuropogon patagonicus (F.J. Walker) D.J. Galloway $: Quilhot, y Neuropogon subantarcticus (F.J. Walker) D.J. Galloway $ Quilhot. PALABRAS CLAVES: Lista patrón, clasificación, líque- nes, liquenología, hongos liquenícolas, líquenes chile- nos, taxonomía. forms its entire eastern margin, the highest point reaching to 6880 m (Ojos del Salado). Subject to the influence of winds, storms and ocean currents, as well as to violent tectonic activity related to the presence of active plate margins along the floor of the Pacific Ocean to the west, and to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, Chile is a land of clima- tic and geographic extremes. Thus hot deserts in the north and cold deserts in Antarctica, coastal rocks and cliffs, alpine barrens, lava fields, grass- land, scrub, temperate rainforest, Magellanic tun- dra, urban and agricultural landscapes, parks, gardens and plantations all provide a wealth of mi- croclimates and microhabitats for lichens, making Chile in many ways, a lichenologist's paradise. Not surprisingly, Chile has one of the most diverse and in places in terms of biomass, one of the best developed lichen mycobiotas of any re- gion in the world, but one which is alas, still in- 111 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. completely known in many parts. The history of li- chenological exploration and discovery in Chile is a long and varied one spanning over 200 years (Galloway 8: Marticorena, 1991; Quilhot, 1995). It is now over 30 years since Gerhard Follmann compiled his catalogues of the lichens of Chile (Follmann, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1967) from what was then known either in the earlier literature or from his own extensive field investigations. Since that time, lichen taxonomy has undergone great changes and many modern taxonomic revisions ci- te Chilean material, with a number of recent mo- nographs dealing specifically with Chilean lichens (see Checklist Bibliography). The present Chec- Klist includes 1416 taxa in 305 genera (comprising 1386 lichen taxa in 282 genera, and 30 taxa of li- chenicolous fungi in 23 genera). This number compares with 1415 taxa in 308 genera known from New Zealand (Galloway, 1985; Malcolm é Galloway, 1997); 2602 taxa in 393 genera known from Sweden and Norway (Santesson, 1993): 1721 taxa in 267 genera from the United Kingdom and Ireland (Purvis ef al., 1993); 3799 taxa in 477 genera known from the continental United States and Canada (Esslinger $: Egan, 1995); 2145 taxa in 305 genera from Italy (Nimis, 1993); 2657 taxa in 393 genera from Australia (Filson, 1996); and 745 taxa in 157 genera from the Venezuelan An- des (Marcano et al., 1996). Since much of Chile is still “terra incognita” in lichenological terms, the number of genera and of infrageneric taxa will un- doubtedly increase over the next few years as more studies are undertaken. In an excellent and refres- hing discussion on lichen checklists and their va- lue Nimis (1996: 15) states “...checklists can have different nature, scope and contents, and they should always be judged while considering the si- tuation of floristic and taxonomic research that they reflect...They offer an indispensable basis for specimen revision, for the critical re-appraisal of poorly known taxa, and for the further exploration of under-investigated areas. In this sense, chec- klists may and should be catalysts for new, more intensive investigations. The best criterion for a checklist to have accomplished its task as a facility to the scientific community is the speed of its be- coming outdated...”. It is hoped that the publica- tion of this Checklist will further stimulate a range of studies on Chile's lichens and lichenicolous fungi, all of which deserve to be far better known than they are at present. In the Checklist taxa are arranged alphabeti- 112 cally by genus and species. Lichenicolous taxa are indicated by an asterisk (*). Accepted genera are printed in bold type followed by a bracketed syste- matic arrangement of order and family designa- tion. Citation of genera and dates of publication follow the 8th edition of Anisworth 4 Bisby”s Dictionary of the Fungi (Hawksworth et al., 1995). Order and family affiliations of genera follow Eriksson £ Hawksworth (1993) and Hawksworth et al. (1995), and author abbreviations accord with Kirk £ Ansell (1992). Names based on material collected from Chile are indicated with a capital T (in bold) after the citation, indicating a Chilean ty- pe. Literature surveyed for this Checklist was that current until 31 January 1998. Any errors and omissions are the authors” so- le responsibility. The authors realise that this is in still a preliminary Checklist, but feel that in the ab- sence of a modern Lichen Mycobiota of Chile, it is important to have available a list of modern lichen names for Chile to encourage lichenological inves- tigations in this country. We would be grateful if errors and omissions could be pointed out to us for incorporation into a future, updated version. We agree with Nimis (1996), that future biodiversity inventories, of which this checklist is an example, be made available on-line via the World-Wide- Web, to be continuously updated as both explora- tion of unknown or poorly-known areas, and local and regional taxonomic studies are undertaken. It is hoped to follow this checklist shortly with a key to Chilean lichen genera, the bibliography (Gallo- way $ Marticorena, 1991), checklist and keys bridging the gap until a modern Lichen Mycobiota of Chile is produced in the not too distant future. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the following colleagues and friends who assisted us in locating literature, and in many other ways over the years: Prof. Teu- vo Ahti (Helsinki); Prof. Braulio Araya (Viña del Mar); Prof. Mary T.K. Arroyo (Santiago); Prof. Dr. Gerhard Follmann (Kúln); Sr. Gerardo Guz- mán (Valparaíso); Prof. Dr. Hannes Hertel (Miin- chen); Prof. Henry Imshaug (East Lansing); Prof. Per Magnus Jórgensen (Bergen); Izabella Kruger (Landcare Research, Lincoln); Prof. Clodomiro Marticorena (Concepción); Prof. Roland Moberg (Uppsala); Dra. Melica Muñoz (Santiago); the late Prof. Ed Pisano (Punta Arenas); Prof. Jorge Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT Redon (Viña del Mar); Dr. Soili Stenroos (Helsin- ki); Ngaire van der Velde (Landcare Research, Lincoln); and Dr. Mats Wedin (London). This work was begun in 1988 when the senior author was on the staff of the Natural History Museum in London, and the Keeper of Botany, Prof. Steve Blackmore, is thanked for his enthusiastic support of Chile-based research in the Department of Bo- tany.This work was also supported in part by FONDECYT Proyecto N* 1960353, and we wish to thank FONDECYT for their help in publishing the Checklist. REFERENCES ERIKSSON, O.E. ££ HAWKSWORTH, D.L. 1993, Outline of the Ascomycetes-1993. Systema Ascomyce- 1-217. tum 12: ESSLINGER, T.L. $ EGAN, R.S. 1995. A sixth checklist of the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Cana- da. Bryologist 98: 467-549, FILSON, R.B. 1996. Checklist of Australian lichens and allied fungi. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series No.7. Canberra: Australian Biological Re- sources Study. 204 pp. FOLLMANN, G. 1962. Catálogo de los líquenes de Chi- le. Parte I. Pyrenocarpae. Revista Univ. (Santia- go) 46: 173-203. FOLLMANN, G. 1963. Catálogo de los líquenes de Chi- le. Parte IL Coniocarpiidae y Graphidiidae. Re- vista Univ. (Santiago) 47: 63-97. LLMANN, G. 1965. Catálogo de los líquenes de Chi- le. Parte HI. Thelotrematales y Cyanophilales. Revista Univ. (Santiago) 49: 17-65. FOLLMANN, G. 1967. Catálogo de los líquenes de Chi- le. Parte IV. Stictaceae y Peltigeraceae. Revista Univ. (Santiago) 50-51: 33-75. GALLOWAY, D.J. 1985. Flora of New Zealand Li- ; ORENA, C. 1991. A biblio- graphy of Chilean lichenology. Gayana Bot. 48: 7-66. HAWKSWORTH, D.L., KIRK, P.M., SUTTON, B.C. £ PEGLER, D.N. 1995. Ainsworth €: Bisby's Dic- tionary of the Fungi (Sth edition). Wallingford: CAB eme XII + 616 pp. KIRK, P.M. $2 ANSELL, A.E. 1992. Authors of fungal na- mes. A list ms autor of scientific names of fungi, with recommended standard forms of their names, including aa: Index of Fungi Supple- ment. Wallingford: CAB nus 95 pp. MALCOLM, W.M. £ GALLOWAY, D.J. 1997. New Zea- land lichens. Checklist, pia and glossary. We- llington: Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa. VI + 192 MARCANO, V., MORALES MENDEZ, A., SIPMAN, H. 4 CALDERON, L. 1996. A first checklist of the li- chen-forming fungi of the Venezuelan Andes. Tropical Bryol. 12: 193-235. NiMIS, P.L. 1993. The lichens of Italy, an annotated catalogue. Monografia XIL Torino: Museo Re- , P.W. 1993. Checklis of lichens of Great Pr and Ireland. Lichen Soc. Bull. 72 (Suppl.): 1-75. action W. 1995. Liquenes. /n: J.A. Simonetti, M.T.K. Arroyo, A.E. Spotorno € E. Lozada (ed) Diversidad biologica de Chile. Santiago: CO- 37: - pp. 26- SANTESSON, R. 1993. The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sweden and Norway. Lund: SBT-fórla- get. 240 113 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. THE CHECKLIST *Abrothallus De Not. (1849) Enron incert, sed.] ae Wedin, Lichenologist 26: 304 (1994). poh acid (Sommerf.) Arnold, Flora 57: 102 (1874). Wedin K R. Sant., Lichenologist 26: 301 (1994). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1925); Hertel (1971); Wedin (1994). ra A. Massal. (1852) e cinisc Acarosporaceae] ndina H. Magn., K. Vet. O. Vitterh. Samh. Handl. f. 6. ser. B. 6 (17): 26 (1956). Jnibiafimol (Nyl.) Th. Fr., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser. 3,3: 190 (1861). Acarospora deceptionis C.W. Dodge, Publ. Inst. Antart. Chile 6: 6 (1965) T. ?catamarcae H. Magn., Acta Horti Gothob.17: 64 (1947 ). convoluta Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. esop Pe 1903, 4 (11): 16 (1912). macrocyclos Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 34 (190 plumbeocaesia Zahlbr., Acta Horti ne 1 hos T. ?punae 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 14: 231 (194 sanguinascens Zahlbr., Acta Horti dr 2 Ras Y schleicheri (Ach.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lic. Crost.: 27 (1852). Acarospora bella (Nyl.) Jatta, Malpighia 20: 10 (1906 Lecanora bella Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 156 (1855) T [non. Ach.] Acarospora chilensis H. Magn., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. II, 7 (4).: 367 (1929) T. br. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 453 (1926) T. ). skotts. smaragdula (Wahlenb.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost:.: 29 (1 socialis H. Magn., acera 21 65): 252 (1929). sparsiuscula H. Magn., Acta Horti Gothob. 17: 65 (1947). strigata (Nyl.) Jatta, Pas 20: 10 (1906 852 Lecanora strigata Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 155 (1855) T. odium rm (Nyl.) Mill. Arg., Flora 72: 510 (1889). Plac subcastanea (Nyl.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., sér. 7 1: 162 (1909). canora subcatanea Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 145 (1888 nora cervina sensu Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér.4, a 155 (1855) [non Ach.] 5, 1: 162 (1909 ?subglebosa (Miill. Arg.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., sér. Placodium subglebosum Miill. Arg., Flora 72: 510 (1889). ?theleomma 1. M. Lamb, Lilloa 14: 233 (1948). pen (Mill. Arg.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., sér.5,1: 163 (1909). um trachyti Mill. Arg., Hedwigia 31: 279 (1892). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924); Magnusson (1929, 1947, 1956 Jacobsen £ Kappen (1988); Hafellner (1993); Castello £ Nimis (1994 2. Agyrium Fr. (1822) premeras Agyriaceae] ens Miill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 50 (1889). Lt: porra Argoviensis (1889). 3. Alectoria Ach. Asa [Lecanorales: Alectoriac nigricans (Ach.) NyL. Ele Scand.: 71 (1861). Alectoria nigricans var. implexiformis Rásánen, aaa (Hoffm.) A.Massal., Sched. Crit. Lich. Exs. Ital.: 47 (1855). (Rásánen) D. Hawksw., tg 72: 249 (1969). var. citrina Alectoria ochroleuca f. citrina Rásiinen Ann 4. Amandinea M. enc ex Scheid. £¿ H. Mayrhofer (1993) [Lecanorales: Physci petermannii 114 );, Weber (1962, 1968); Follmann (1965c); Redon (1985); ). nn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 12(1932) T. - “Vanamo” 2 (1): 121 (1932) T. 30) (Hue) Ma Msn, H. Mayrhofer é: Scheid., Lichenologist 26: 39 (1994). Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT unctata (Hoffm.) Coppins « Scheid., Lichenologist 25: 343 (1993). Lit.: Lamb (1968); Redon (1985); Jacobsen $ Kappen (1988); Aptroot £ van der Knapp (1993); Scheidegger (1993); Matzer et al. (1994). ecium Hampe ex A. Massal. (1860) ¡yremes:3 Pyrenulaceae ae] pyrenuloides (Mont.) Mill. Arg., Linnaea 63: 44 (1880). Lit.: Follmann (1961). 6. Anzia Stizenb. (1861) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] montana R. Sant., Thunbergia 2: 1 (1986). Lit.: Moberg (1986); oshirenra (1995); Calvelo (1996). 7. Arthonia Ach. (1806) nom. cons. Dl ari Arthoniace ae] is Follmann, Willdenowia > 365 (1968) T. e (Zahlbr.) C.W. Dodge, (196 Arthonia subdiffusa var. australis od Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 2 (1925) T. austrolitoralis Follmann, Willdenowia 4: 368 (19 *badia Wedin 8 Hafellner, Lichenologist 30: 65 (1998) T. berberina Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 325 (1924) T. catillaria Vain., étud. Lich. Brésil 2: 165 (1890). chilensis Follmann, Willdenowia 4: 370 (1968) T. 998) T cytisi A. Massal. v ar. meridionalis Zahlbr. In C. polar Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 324 (1924) E dispersa (Schrad.) Nyl., Lich. Scand: 261 (1861). *epiphyscia Ny]l., Flora 58: 361 (1875 *flavicantis Wedin $: Hafellner, Lichenologist 30: 72 (1998) T. follmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 310 (1967) [*1966”] T. fuscescens Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: 56 (1824). Ps (Tul.) R. Sant., Svensk Bot. ignora 54 (4): 501 (1960). yl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 172 (1855) T ilicinoides Stein., Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Math. -Naturwiss. CL, Abt. 1, 106 (1): 231 (1897). *minuta Wedin £ Hafellner, lacas 30: 75 (1998). miserula Nyl., Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 7: 484 (1863 palmicola Ach., Syn. Meth. Lich.: 5 (1814). arpoides (S. Kondr. $: D.J. Galloway) Wedin « S. Kondr., Lichenologist 29: 97 (1997). Dactylospora plectocarpoides S. Kondr. £ D.J. Galloway, Acta Bot. Fenn. 150: 95 (1994) T. *pseudocyphellariae Wedin, Lichenologist 25: 301 (1993). Pe Miill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 50 (1889). radiata (Pers.) Ach., Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl.: 131 (1808). ramulosa Nyl., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 2: 335 (1854), rufella Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 170 (1855) T. >*santessoniana Wedin £ Hafellner, Lichenologist 30: 81 (1998). *subaggregata Wedin 8: Hafellner, Lichenologist 30: 84 (1998) T. subantarctica Vvstedal, Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 185: 36 (1986). subexcedens Nyl., Flora 62: 221 (1879). subdiffusa Willey var. australis Zahlbr., pcia Horti Gothob. 2: 2 (1925) T. s Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 148 (188 subnebulosa Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. AS Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 324 (1924) T. trilocularis Miill. Arg., Flora 64: 233 (1881 atte Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 18 quo Lit: eE (1855); Múller e ti (1889); Zahlbruckner cie 1925, 1926); Santesson (1952); Follmann (1962, 1968a, 1968b); Dodge (1966); Wvstedal (1986); Aptroot « van der Knapp (1993); Egea £ Torrente (1995); Kondratyuk £: Galloway (1994); a 82 Kondratyuk (1997); Wedin « Hafellner (1998). 315 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 8. Arthoniactis (Vain.) Clem. (1909) = Lecanactis [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] chilena C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 326 (1967) [“*1966”] T. Lit.: Dodge (1967). 9. Arthopyrenia A. Massal. (1852) [Dothideales: Arthopyreniaceae] adnexa var. leptosperma Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter sl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 320 (1924) T australis Múll. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 172 (1888) T. brachyspora Miill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 52 (1889). cinchonae (Ach.) Mill. Arg., Flora 66: 289 (1883). itima Dvstedal, Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 185: 37 (1986). planorbis (Ach.) Mill. Arg., Mém. Soc. Phys. Genéve 30: 27 (1888). pa e. ) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost.: 168 a subfallax ) Mill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 51 (18 Lit.: Miller Pe de (1888, 1889); Zahlbruckner (1924, 1925); pea (1986). 10. Arthothelium A. Massal. (1852) [Arthoniales: Arthoniaceae] chilense C .W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 311 (1967) [*1966”] T. cingulatum R. Sant., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: 93 (1952) T follmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: cds (1967) [“1966”] T. 968) T. spilomatoides (Nyl. ) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 135 (19 22). Arthonia spilomatoides Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 169 (1855) T. igrense C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: pre [“1966”] T. taediosum (Nyl.) Mill. Arg., Flora 63: 287 (1880). Arthonia taediosa Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér.4, 3: 171 (1855) T Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1925); Santesson (1952); Dodge (1967); Follmann (19680); Makhija € Patwardhan (1995); Grube « Giralt (1996). 11, Arthrorhaphis Th. Fr. (1860) nom. cons. prop. [Patellariales: Arthrorhaphidaceae] pep (Schaer.) R. Sant. In D.L. Hawksworth et al., Lichenologist 12: 106 (1980). lla (Ach.) Poelt, Bestimmungs. Eur. Flecht.: 126 (1969). Eat: 2 (1971); Galloway £ Bartlett (1986); Jóorgensen 8: Santesson (1993); Obermayer (1996); Ihlen (1998). 12. Aspicilia A. Massal. (1852) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Hymeneliaceae] calcarea (L.) Mudd, Man. Br. Lich.: 161 (1861). Note: It is likely that the taxon Lecanora masafuerensis Zahlbr. [In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 378 (1924) T.] is also referable to Aspicilia, but as we have not seen material of it we hesitate to name it in Aspicilia Lit.: Jatta (1906); Zahlbruckner (1924). 13. Asterothyrium Miill. de em. Kalb € Vezda (1890) [Ostropales: Thelotrematac: rotuliforme (MúllL. poe ) ¡Séros. In Sérusiaux £ de Sloover, Veróff. Geobot. Inst. Ziirich 91: 268 (1986). Gyalectidium rotuliforme Miill. Arg., Rev. Mycol. 38: 65 (1888). Lit.: Santesson (1952); Farkas $: Sipman (1993). 14. Austrolecia Hertel (1984) [Lecanorales: Catillariaceae] antarctica Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 453 (1984) T. Lit.: Hertel (1984). 15. Bacidia De Not. (1846) [Lecanorales: oi (1924) < Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 366 116 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. € W. QUILHOT delapsans Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 15]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 366 (1924) T. dodgei Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 248 (1968) [“1967” E dd da filiformis Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 57 (1932) T. laurocerasi (Delise) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna. Fl. Fenn. 53 (017150922 pallida (Mill. Arg.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. ie Mcg 1901-1903, 4 (11): 49 (1912). Patellaria pallida, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 167 (188 lidocarnea (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 231 , ee *plumbina (Anzi) R. Sant., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 54 (4): 513 (1960 rhodochroa (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rept. Bot. 3: 47 (1923). stipata 1.M. Lamb, Rhodora 56: 126 (1954 subluteola (Nyl. a Sitzungsber. Kaisedl Akad. Wiss. Math.-Naturwiss. pee e 1, 111 (1): 395 (1902). tuberc, Darb., s. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 5 (19 Lit: Zahlbrackner (1924) dansaion (1959. Follmann (1968a); Aptroot $ van der ias Ekman (1996). 16. Bacidina Vezda (1991) nom. cons. prop. [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae apiahica (Miill. Arg.) Vezda, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 25: 432 (1991) [**1990”]. Lit.: Vezda (1990); Ekman (1996). 17. Bactrospora A. Massal. (1852) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae 1 C.W. Dodge) Egea « Torrente, Lichenologist 25: 219 (1993). smc acicularis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia e (1969) [**1968”] T. ea £ Torrente, Lichenologist 25: 235 (199 Lit: ques e eel (1980); Egea £ Torrente (1993, Aa 18. Baeomyces Pers. (1794) [Leotiales: Baeomycetaceae] chilensis (Nyl.) Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 16: 223 (1876). Baeomyces rufus var. chilensis Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 177 (1855). Biatora byssoides var. chilensis Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 173 (1854) T. ramalinellus Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 146 (1855) T Lit.: Jahns (1971); Imshaug (1972); Gierl € Kalb (1993). 19. Bellemerea A «£ Cl. Roux (1984) [Lecanoraceae: Porpidiaceae] alpina (Sommerf.) Chande $ Cl. Roux, Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, sér. 15: 129 (1984). subsorediza (Lynge) R. Sant. In R. Moberg, Thunbergia 5: 2 (1987). Lit.: Hertel (1989); nó et al.(1992). 20. Biatora Fr. (1817) [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae] albopraetextata (C. Knight) Hellb., Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 21 (3) 13: 105 (1896). Lecidea albopraetexta C. Knight, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 12: 376 (1880). glaucopa (Hook. f. £ Taylor) Rásinen, pu Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 58 (1932). Lecidea glaucopa Hook. f. ££ Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 3: 637 (1844) T. Lecidea conflectens Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 15 (1888). SE epichlorotica Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 164 (188 var. oculans (Nyl.) Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. cti 2 (1): 58 (1932). pco oculans Ny]l., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 13 (1888) T. Lecidea epichlorotica var. expallens Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 165 (1889) T. Lecidea conflectens var. expallens (Mill. Arg.) Mill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 46 (18 Note: It is possible sorda the taxon Lecidea lividula Miill. Arg. [Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 164 pa in should al- so be referred to Bia Lit.: Printzen (1995 sm. 1. Biatorella De Not. (1846) app Biatorellaceae] ica C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microscóp. Soc. 84: 512 (1965) T. Ln: ur e 1965b); Hafellner € Casares-Porcel (1992); Aptroot $ van der Knapp (1993); Hafellner (1994, 1995), 117 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 22. Biatorina A. Massal. (1852) nom. rej. prop. = Catinaria [Lecanorales: Bacidiaceae] chilena C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 16: 490 (1969) T coccinea C.W. Dodge, Nova Hediwgia 12: 333 (1967) [* 1966”] T. Lit.: Jorgensen $ Santesson (1993). *Biatoropsis Risánen (1934) [Platygloeales: incert. sed.] usnearum Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 5 (9): 8 (1934). Lit.: Diederich £ Christiansen (1994); Diederich (1996). Blastenia A. Massal. (1852) = Caloplaca 23. Brigantiaea Trevis (1853) [Lecanorales: Brigantiaceae] chrysosticta (Hook. f. £ ro Hafellner $ Bellem., Nova rra si e (1981). Biatora berteroanum Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 310 (185 Heterothecium nal (Mont.) Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, a qe 176 (1852). Brigantiaea berteroana (Mont.) Trevis., Spighe e Paglie: 9 (1853). ium leucoxantha var. albidius Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.) 3 (11): 368 (1924) T. fuscolutea (Dicks.) R. Sant. In J. Poelt £ A. Vezda, Bestimmungsschl. Eur. Flecht. Erg. II: 116 (1981). phaeomma (Nyl.) Hafellner, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 32 (1): 61 (1997). Lecidea phaeomma Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 90 (1888). rete res var. austroamericanum Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 20 7 (1944). Rrionantinen á Hafellner, Lichenologist 15: 265 (1983). Lit.: Hafellner « Bellemere (1981); Hafellner (1983, 1997). [Lecanorales: Parmeliacea chalybeiformis (L.) Brodo £ D. Hawksw., Opera Bot. 42: 81 (1977 Lit.: Hawksworth (1972); Brodo £ Hawksworth (1977); Redon (1985); Jacobsen $ Kappen (1988). 25. Buellia De Not. (1846) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] agelaeoides Miill. Arg., Hedwigia 31: 283 (1892) T. albula abeto ) Múill. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, App. 1: 71 (1894). Mill. Arg., Hedwigia 31: 282 (1892). purecogén Mill. Arg. In Zahlbr., Acta Horti. Gothob. 2: 25 (1925). anisomera Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 26 (190 se augustata Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 26 (190 Buellia brabantica Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, ae 26 (1903). pos oa (Hook. f. £ Taylor) IM. Lamb ex Dodge, Rep. B.A.N.Z.A.R.E., ser. B, 7: 248 (1948). anora babingtoni [sic.] Hook. f. 8: Taylor. In Hook. f., Fl. Ant. 1 (ID): 535 (1847). huron Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1sl. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 459 (1926) T art iento var. oceanica Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3(11): ( 24. Bryoria Brodo € D. Hawksw. (1977) e] coniops (Wahlenb. ex < Ach. ) Th.Fr., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. ei ser. 3, 3: 331 (1861). cog nsis C.W. Dodge, Nova oa 12: 349 (1967) [*1966”] T darbishirei 1.M. Lamb, Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 61: 23 (1968). Rinodina crassa Darb., Wiss. Erecbn Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 13 (1912). eVanescens Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova” ) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 (3): 36 (1923). Zahlbr., K. Sv. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 57(6): 53 (1917) T. pom vareolata (Nyl.) Mill. Arg.. propos 283 (1892). acotada se Arg., Flora 71: 542 (188: Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 07 350 (1967) [*1966”] T. ga Nat. Antarct. Exp. 1901- (Kremp.) Múill. Arg., Flora 63: 19 (1880). EW. -A.N.Z.A.R.E. ser. B, 7: 244 (1948). Múll ei e Herb. Boissier 1(2): 52 (1893). Skottsberg, Nat. H: Hist. Juan Fernández Easter ls]. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 459 (1926) T. 118 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT halophiloides var. pruinosula Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 455 (1926) T. illaetabilis 1M. Lamb, Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 61: 29 (1968). inordinata (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 (3): 63 (1923). isabellina (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 (3): 63 (1923). jattana Mill. Arg., Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 48 (1889) T. jorgensis Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 23 dad kitensis (Stirt.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 374 (193 Lecidea kitensis Stirt., Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow e 111 (1879) T. latemarginata Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 15 (1912). melanostola (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. pi Bot. 1 (3): 63 (1923). nelsonii Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, sde 15 (1912). olivacea Mill. Arg., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 43: 298 (18 papillata (Sommerf.) Tuck., Lichens of California, Oregon 4 us Mts: 26 (1866). paschalis Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 456 ( a perlata (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 (3): 64 (1923 pirionii de Lesd., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 81: 767 (1934) T. protothallina (Kremp.) Vain. var. pygmaea Risánen, Ann. Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 31 (1932) T. Era Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 e 41 (1923). arb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, e Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 (3): 64 (1923), cal (Schaer.) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 228 (185 siphoniatula Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, le Hist. Juan lada Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3(11): 400 (1924) T. sordidula Jatta, Malpighia 20: 12 (1906 spuria (Schaer.) Anzi, Cat. Lich. Sondr.: a ). stellulata (Taylor) Mudd, Man. Brit. Lich.: 216 (1861). subdisciformis (Leight.) Vain. var. americana Jatta, Malpighia 20: 12 (1906) T. PR (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. da Le Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 1 (3): 64 (1923). subsquamescens Jatta, Malpighia 20: 11 (1906 taltalensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 351 Gon 1966”] T. tristicolor Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 21 (192 Lit.: Jatta (1906); Zahlbruckner (1917, 1924, 1925, dodo: Magnusson (1955); Dodge (1967); Follmann (1965c); Lamb (1968); Redon (1985); Jacobsen £ Kappen (1988); Scheidegger (1993). 26. Bunodophoron A. Massal. (1861) [Lecanorales: Sphaerophoraceae agnetae Wedin, Mycotaxon 53: 33 (1985). australe (Laurer) A. Massal., Mem. Imp. Reale 1st. po Sci. 10: 76 (1861). dodgei (Ohlsson) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 232 (199 Sphaerophorus dodgei Ohlsson. In Wedin, pora 24: 121 (1992) T. imshaugii (Ohlsson) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 233 (1993). haerophorus imshaugii Ohlsson. In D.J. Galloway, N.Z. J. Bot. 21: 197 (1983). insigne (Laurer) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 233 (1993). Sphaerophorus insignis Laurer, Linnaea 2: 45 (1827). macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 233 (1993). Sphaerophorus macrocarpus Ohlsson. In D.J. Galloway, N.Z. J. Bot. 21: 197 (1983). patagonicum (C.W. Dodge) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 234 (1993). Pleurocybe patagonica C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 16: 484 (196 Sphaerophorus que ao (C.W. Dodge) Ohlsson. In D.J. mc N.Z. J. Bot. 21: 197 (1983). ramuliferum (LM. Lamb) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 234 (1993). ph ropholia o LM. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 426 (1955). serobiculatum (C.Bab.) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 234 (1993). Sphaerophorus australis var. scrobiculatus C. Bab. In Hook. f., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2: 305 (1855). LO scrobiculatus (C. Bab.) M. Sató, Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. (Nichinan) 4: 151 (1968). tibelli (Wedin) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 234 (1993). > Mete tibellii Wedin, Lichenologist 24: 129 (1992). e (Wedin) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 234 (1993). phacio plo whakapapensis Wedin. In Wedin 4: Tibell, N.Z. J. Bot. 29: 287 (1991). Lit.: Tibell (1987, 1994); Wedin (1993, 1994, 1995b). 27. Bulbothrix Hale ld [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] 119 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. goebelii (Zenker)Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 32: 14 (1976). imshaugii (Hale) Hale, Phytologia 28: 480 ( 1974). isidiza (Nyl.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 480 (1974). tabacina (Mont. £ Bosch) Hale, Phytologia 28: 481 (1974). Lit.: Hale (1976); Elix (1994a). Byssocaulon Mont. (1835) [Arthoniales: Chrysotrichaceae] andidum Miill. Arg., Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 49 (1889). = Sagenidium niveum Mont., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 3: 355 (1835) = Sagenidium. Lit.: Montagne (1835); Follmann (1968a). 28. Byssoloma Trevis. (1853). [Lecanorales: Pilocarpaceae] leucoblep (Nyl.) Vain. em. R. Sant., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: 483 (1952). Lit.: Santesson (1952); Vezda (1987); Kalb $: Vezda ( 1990); Malcolm £ Vezda (1995); Elix er al. (1995). 29. Calicium Pers. (1794) [Caliciales: Caliciaceae] abietinum Pers., Tent. Disp. Meth. Fung. (Suppl.): 59 (1797). - SSp. Tibell, Publ. Herb. Univ. Uppsal. 12: 1 (1984). glaucellum Ach., Methodus: 97 (1803). hyperelloides Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1: 153 (1860). salacinum Pers., Usteri Ann. Bot. 7: 20 (1794). trabinellum (Ach.) Ach., Methodus Suppl.: 14 (1803). tricolor F.Wilson, Vict. Nat. 6: 64 (1889). viride Pers., Usteri Ann. Bot. 7: 20 (1794). Lit.: Follmann (1962); Tibell (1987). 30. Calopadia Vezda (1986) [Lecanorales: Ectolechiaceae fusca (Mill. Arg.) Vezda, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 21: 215 (1986). Lit.: Vezda (1986). 31. Caloplaca Th.Fr. ( 1860) nom. cons. [Teloschistales: Teloschistaceae] ammiospila (Wahlenb. in Ach.) H. Olivier, Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 37: 136 (1909). athallina Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 4(11): 9 (1912). austroshetlandica (Zahlbr.) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot, comb.nov. Basionym: Blastenia austroshetlandica Zahlbr., K. Sv. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 57 (6): 47 (1917) T. buelliae Olech 82 Sochting, Lichenologist 25: 261 (1993) T. carnella (Nyl.) Jatta, Bull. Bot. Soc. Ital.: 255 (1911). cerina (Ehrh.) Th.Fr., Lich. Arctoi: 1 18 (1860). cinericola (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 3: 54 (1923). cirrochrooides (Vain. ) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 225 (1931) citrina (Hoffm.) Th.Fr., Nov. Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. ser. 3, 3: 218 (1861). clandestina - In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3(11): 394 (1924) T. coralligera (Hue) pc Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 274 (1931). ma coralligera (Hue) Gyeln., Acta F. Fl Univ., ser. HL, L, No 5-6: : cribrosa (Hue) Zahlbr.. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 274 ( 1931). A issima (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 238 (1931). Follmannia rufa CM. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 335 ( 1967) [“1966”] T. as 7 pls a ££ Redon, Willdenowia 6: 448 (1972). enta fernandeziana br., Kongl. Svenska Y apsak : 4, Blastenia Sernandeziana f. validior ps a corneal $ rro Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT peter Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 396 (1924) T. jorgensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 347 (1967) [“1966”] T. lucens Ny. ) Zahlbr., Deutsch. Siidpolexp. 1901-1903, 7: 29 (1906). Lecanora elegans f. lucens Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 184 (187 microphylla (Hue) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández msi Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 397 (1924). Lecanora microphylla Hue, Ann. Mycol. 13: 77 (1915) T. millegrana (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 247 (1931). Amphiloma millegranum Mill. Arg., Flora 69: 12 (1886). orthoclada Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1sl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (1 1): 398 (1924) T. pe: Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 20 (1925) T pergracilis f. compactior Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 21 (1925) T. psoromatis Olech $: Sóchting, Lichenologist 25: 265 (1993) T pulverulenta (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 168 (1931). Callopisma pulverulentum Mill. Arg., Flora 72: E (1889). regalis (Vain.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 274 (193 Placodium regale Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, pe 23 (1903). rubina Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 396 (1924) T rubina var evolutior Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1sl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 396 (1924) T. rugulosa (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 263 (1931). Placodium rugulosum Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. pre 4. 35153 (18559) T. sanguinea (Miill.Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: (19 31). saxicola (Hoffm.) Nordin, Caloplaca, sect. Gasparrinia 1 Nordeuropa: 87 (1972). selkirkii Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández East Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 395 (1924) E siphonospora Olech $: Sóchting, Lichenologist 25: 267 (1993) T pr (NyL.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 397 (1924). subcerina var. aurantiaca (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fe rnández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 311) 397 (1924). Premi cos Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 47 (1917). subdimorpha var. leprascens Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 48 (1917). subherbidella paritecats C.W. Dodge. In G. Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 264 (1968) [” 1967”]. sublobulata (Ny1.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 267 (1931). Caloplaca portó var. striolata Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 49 (1917). Callopisma lucens var. leprascens (Zahlbr.) Malme, Ark. Bot. 230A (9): 42 (1926). tetraspora (Nyl.) H. Ollivier, Mém. Soc. cra es Nat. Cherbourg 37: 140 (1909). pos . Mycol. 1: 360 (190: Lit.: Jatta (1906); Zahlbruckner (1917, 1924, cp Santesson (1944); Follmann (1965c, 1968); Poelt $ ap (1984) Redon yodo Jacobsen $: Kappen (1988); Kirnefelt (1989, 1998); Sgchting $ Vvstedahl (1992); Ott Sancho (1993); Aptroot $: van der Knapp ( 1993); Poelt € Hinteregger (1993); Olech £ Sechting (1993); > $ Olech (1995). alycidium Stirt. (1877) ctas Calycidiaceae] cuneatum Stirt., . Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: 292 (1877). Lit.: Galloway (1985); Tibell (1987, 1994); Wedin (1993). 33. Candelaria A. Massal. (1852). [Lecanorales: Candelariaceae] concolor (Dickson) B. Stein. In F.J. Cohn, Kryptog. -Fl. Schlesien 2(2): 84 (1879). crawfordii (Mill. Arg.) P. .ó Jorg. é: D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 24: 407 (1992). murrayi (C.W.Dodge) Poe Lit.: Jacobsen £ Kappen Al Joórgensen £ Galloway (1992b); Filson (1992). 4. Candelariella Miill. nn (1894) eo Candelariaceae] andicola (Zahl EZ Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: 791 (1928). antennaria Rásinen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 137 (1939). aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr.. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: 790 (1928). coralliza (Ny1.) H. Magn., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 29: 122 (1939). 121 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. fuegiensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 344 (1967) [*1966”] T. lambii Hakul., Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 27: 36 (1954). ossicola C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 345 (1967) [“1966”] T. Poe (NyL ) Lettau, Hedwigia 52: 196 (1912). isánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 137 (1939). vainioana Hakul., Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 27: 100 (1954). cta (Hoffm.) Miúill. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, e 1: 47 (1894). nthostigma (Pers.) Lettau, Hedwigia 52: 196 (1912 Lit: - Paloalidl (1954), Thomson (1973); Aptroot £ van cd Knapp (1993). 35. Candelariopsis sem pa (1959) comb. inval. [Teloschistales: Teloschistac chilena C.W. Dodge, o Hedwigia 12: 348 (1967) [*“1966”] T. Lit.: Dodge (1967). 36. Canomaculina Elix se Hale (1987) eii ago Parmeliacea: ria (Zahlbr.) Elix, Mycotaxon 63: 477 (1997). Lit.: Elx £ Hale (1987); Elix (1993; 1997). 7. Canoparmelia Elix e Hale (1987) Um penis ae] aus dd Ai Mycotaxon 28: 251 a texana (Tuck ) Elix £ Hale, Mycotaxon 27: 279 (1986). Lit.: Hale (1976); Elix £ Hale (1986); Elix et al. (1986), Adler (1987); Elix (1993, 1994b). *Capronia Saccardo (1883 [Chaetothyriales: do eran, normandina D. Hawksw., Notes RBG Edinburgh 46 (3): 395 (1990). Lit.: Hawksworth ae 38. Carbonea or Hertel (1983) [Lecanorales: Lecan e] assentiens (Ny]l. )Hentel Lecideac. Exs. No. 103 (1984). eyanosarca (Zahlbr.) Knoph € Leuckert, Nova Hedwigia 59: 000 (1994 Lecidea cyanosarca Lali In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter IsI. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 359 (1924) T. Lecidella cyan hlbr.) Hertel, Herzogia 2: 254 (1971). inactiva (Zahlb ) Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 443 (1984). Lecidea inactiva Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 358 (1924) T. latypizoides (Ny1.) Knoph £ Rambold, Lecidea montevidensis Mill. Arg., Rev. Mycol. 37: 4 (1888). osa (Flórke) Hertel, Mitt. Bot. Miinchen 19: 442 2 (1983). Lit: my (1984, 1989); Rambold (1989); Knoph £ Leuckert (1994). 39. Catapyrenium Flotow (1850) [Verrucariales: Verrucariaceae cinereum ras ap Syst. Lich. Germ.: 325 (1855). Kremp.) B. Stein. In F.J. Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. aa 2(2): 312 (1879). Lit.: Breuss EA 1995, 1996b); Breuss € McCune (1994); Pérez (1997). 40. Catillaria A.Massal. (1852). [Lecanorales: E ens (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 27 (1926). Patellara aeruginascens Mill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 47 (1889). tatorina aeruginascens (Miill. Arg.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. qe . coccinea (C.W. Dodge) Follmann 4 Redon, e 437 (197 ple Biatorina coccinea C.W. Dodge, Nova pda q 331967 E 19667] T. coquimbensis Ibr., Acta Horti. Gothob. 2: 10 (19 corymbosa (Hue) IM. Lamb, Rhodora, 56: bi endochroma (Fée) Zahlbr. In Engler-Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzenfam. l( de 134 (1905). (NyL.) Arn., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 20: 455 (1870). Lecidea intermixta Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4.3: 161 (1855). 122 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT ras (Mont.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 363 (1924). rmelia varia Fr. var. leucochlora Mont., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2 , 4: 91 (1835) T Purmelia leucochlora (Mont.) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3.18: 310 (1852). Berengeria leucochlora (Mont.) Trevis., Spighe e Paglie: 5 (1835). Lecidea leucochlora (Mont.) Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 184 (1855). Bayrhofferia leucochlora (Mont.) Trevis., Riv. Period. Lavori Accad. Padova 5: 69 (1857). leucochlora ¡gli odos In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 364 (1924) T. melastegia (Nyl.) Zahlbr. f. coto ce Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1sl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 362 (1924) obludens (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. bl Univ. 4: 21 (1926). Lecidea obludens Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 12 (1888) T. praepallida (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 63 (1926). Patellaria praepallida Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 166 (1888) T. Biatorina praepallida (Mill. Arg.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 48 (1912). theobromina Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Pa Easter Isl, 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 364 (1924) T. tremellula (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 80 (192 Patellaria tremellula Mill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. a 21: 47 (1889). violascens (Múill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 84 (19 Patellaria violascens Miill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. + 21: 46 (1889). tatorina violascens (Múill. Arg.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 48 (1912). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1925); Follmann (1968a); Follmann $: Redon (1972c); Jacobsen €: Kappen (1988); Quilhot et al. (1989). 41. Cenozosia A. Massal. (1854) [Lecanorales: Ramalinaceae] inanis (Mont.) A. Massal., Neagen. Lich.: 5 (1854). Ramalina inanis Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 18: 266 (1842). Dufourea inanis (Mont.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat t. Cherbourg 3: 171 (1855). Desmaziera inanis (Mont.) Follmann £ Huneck, Willdenowia 5: 208 (196 9). Lit.: Follmann £ Huneck (1969); Bowler (1981); Spjut (1996) 42. Cetraria Ach. (1803) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] aculeata (Schreb.) Fr., Nov. Sched. Crit.: 26 (1826) ericetorum Opiz ssp. patagonica Kirnefelt, Opera Bot. 46: 82 (1979). islandica (L.) Ach. ssp. antarctica Kárnefelt, Opera Bot. 46: 90 (1979) T. Cetraria tenuifolia var. pseudoislandica Rásánen, Ann. Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 15 (1932)T. Cetraria tenuifolia var. spinosa Rásiánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (D): 15 (1932) T. uric h.) Eckf., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 240 (1895). Lit.: Rásánen (1932); Kiirnefelt (1979, 1986); Kiárnefelt et al. (1993). 43. Cetrariella ni áz Thell (1993) A Parmeliaceae] lisei (Bory ex Aer Kárnefelt £ Thell, Bryologist 96: 403 (1993). es Kárnefet et al. (1993b). 44. Cetrelia W.L.Culb. £ C.F.Culb. (1968) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] olivetorum (Nyl.) W.L. Culb, £ C.F. Culb., Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 34: 515 (1968). Lit.: Culberson $: Culberson (1968); Elix (1993). 45. Chaenotheca (Th.Fr.) Th.Fr. (1860) proa e: la (Ach.) Múill. Arg., Mém. Soc. Phys. Genéve e 360 (1862). pirenad (Harm.) Lettau, Festschr. Preuss. Bot. Ver.: 27 (1912). chrysocephala (Turner ex Ach.) Th.Fr., Nova Acta Regiae da Sci. Upsal. 3 (3): 250 (1860). deludens Tibell, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27: 95 (1987). ferruginea (Turner ex Sm.) Migula, Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Flecht. 2: 479 (1931). hispidula eq Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: 567 (1922). Ach.) Th.Fr., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3 (3): 351 (1860). Lit.: Follmanmn (1962); Tibell (1987, 1994). Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 46. Chaenothecopsis Vain. (1927) [Caliciales: Mycocaliciaceae] haematopus Tibell, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27: 126 (1987). sanguinea Tibell, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27: 151 (1987). Lit.: Tibell (1987). 47. Chiodecton Ach. (1814) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] chilense Zablbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 8 (1925) T. Sollmannii Riedl, Sydowia 17: 87 (1964) T. hypoleucum Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 172 (1 48. Chrysothrix Mont. (1852) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Chrysotrichaceae] candelaris (L.) JR. Laundon, Lichenologist 13: 110 (1981). granulosa G. Thor, Bryologist 91: 362 (1988). pavonii (Fr.) JR. Laundon, Lichenologist 13: 117 (1981). Peribotryon pavonii Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3: 288 (1832). Cilicia noli-tangere Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 2: 375 (1834) T. nom illeg. Chrysothrix noli-tangere (Mont.) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 313 (1852) nom illeg. Arthonia noli-tangere (Mont.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 3: 189 (1855) nom. illeg. Crocynia noli-tangere (Mont.) Kremp., Ges. Litt. Lich. 2: 247 (1869) nom. illeg. Lit.: Laundon (1981); Thor (1988). 49. Cladia Ny]. (1870) [Lecanorales: Cladiaceae] aggregata (Sw.) Nyl., C.R. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 83: 88 (1876). schizopora (Nyl.) Nyl., Rev. Bot. Bull. Mens. 6: 161 (1888). Lit.: Filson (1992); Stenroos (1995). 50. Cladonia P. Browne (1756) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Cladoniaceae] anserina Ahti, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 29: 68 (1992). arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. In Wendt, Thermen Warmbrumn: 94 (1839). Cladina arbuscula (Wallr.) Hale £ W.L. Culb., Bryologist 73: 510 (1970). asahinae JW. mson, J. Jap. Bot. 51: 364 (1977) [“1966”]. bacilliformis (Ny.) Gliick, Verhand. Naturhist.-Med. Vereins Heidelberg, N. F. 6: 97 (1899). bellidiflora (Ach.) Schaer.. Lich. Helv. Spicil.: 21 (1823). borealis S. Stenroos, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 160 (1989) cariosa (Ach.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 4: 272 (1827). carneola (Fr.) Fr., Lich. Eur. Reform.: 233 (1831). cenotea (Ach.) Schaer., Lich. Helv. Spicil.: 35 (1823). cervicornis (Ach.) Flot. ssp. mawsonii (C.W. Dodge) S. Stenroos éz Ahti, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27: 320 ( 1990). chlorophaea (Flórke ex Sommerf.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 4: 273 (1827) confragosa S.Stenroos, Mycotaxon 59: 270 ( 1996) T. corni, Ahti 8: Kashiw. In H. Inoue, Stud. Cryptog. S. Chile: 136 ( 1984). cornuta (L.) Hoffm., Descr. PL. Crypt. 1: tab. 25 (1791). didyma (Fée) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Femn. 4: 137 (1887). a. E e A. Evans, Rhodora 52: 95 (1950). nia furcata var. farinacea Vain. In P. Hariot, J. Bot. (Morot) 1: 2 DT fimbriata (L.) Fr.. Lich. Eur. Reform.: 222 (1831). : riguida Surcata (Huds.) Schrad., Spic. Fl. Germ.: 107 (1794). galindezii Dvstedal, Cyrptog. Bryol. Lichénol. 9 (2): 137 (1988). gracilis (L.) Willd., FL Berol.: 363 787). gracilis ssp. (Wulfen) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 53 ( 1): 92 (1922). 124 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT Lichen elongatus Wulfen. In Jacquin, Misc. Austriaca 2: 368 (1781) T. gracilis ssp. vadiviensis Ahti, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27: 322 (1990 granulosa (Vain.) Ahti, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 23: 205 (1986). humilis (With.) JR. Laundon, Lichenologist 16: 220 (1984). laevigata (Vain.) Gyeln., Lichenotheca Parva. No. 148 (1937). Cladonia sylvatica var. laevigata Vain. In P. Hariot, J. Bot. (Morot) 1: 284 (1887) T. Cladina laevigata (Vain.) C.W. Dodge, Lich. Fl. Antarct.: 97 (1974) [*1973”]. Cladonia rangiferina var. patagonica Kremp., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 26: 437 (1871). lepidophora Ahti 8% Kashiwad. In H. Inoue, Stud. Cryptog. S. Chile: 140 (1984) T luteoalba Wheldon $ A. Wilson, Fl. W. Lancashire: 450 (1907). macilenta Hoffm., Deutsch. Fl. 2: 126 (1796). macrophyllodes Nyl., Flora 58: 447 (1875). merochlorophaea var. no care Sipman, Acta Bot. Neerl. 22: 496 (1973). mitis Sandst., Clad. Exs. No. 55 (19 Cladina mitis (Sandst.) Hustich, pe Geogr. (Helsinki) 12 (1): 27 (1951). Cladonia arbuscula ssp. mitis (Sandst.) Ruoss, Bot. Helv. 97: 260 (1987). Cladina arbuscula ssp. mitis (Sandst.) Burgaz, Nova Hedwigia 59: 400 (1994). norvegica Tonsberg £ Holien, Nord. J. Bot. 4: 79 (1984). ochrochlora Flórke, De. Cladon.: 75 (1828). phyllophora Hoffm., Deutsch. Fl. 2: 126 (1796). pleurota (Flórke) Schaer., Enum. Crit. Lich. Eur.: 186 pues pocillum (Ach.) Grognot, Pl. Crypt. Sáone-et-Loire: 82 (1863 pyenoclada (Pers.) Nyl., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 9: 244 (1967) pi Cno pyenociada Pers. In Gaudich., Voy. Uranie Bot.: 212 (1828) [“1826”]. ) Leight., Ann a Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, 19: 122 (1867). Po (L.) Hoffm., Deutsch. Fl. pi 121 (179 ramulosa (With.) J.R. Laundon, ld 16: 225 (1984). rangiferina (L.) F.H. Wigg., Prim. Fl. Holsat.: 90 (1780). Cladina rangiferina (L.) Nyl., Not. Sállk. Fauna Fl. Fenn Fórh. 5: 110 (1866). rigida (Hook. f. 8: Taylor) Hampe, Linnaea 28: 216 (1856 robbinsii A. Evans, Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts 35: 611 (1944). sarmentosa (Hook. f. £: Taylor) C.W. Dodge, Rep. B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. n.s., 7: 129 (1948). Cladonia gracilis f. propagulifera Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 30 (1903) T. Cladonia aspera Ahti £ Kashiw. In H. Inoue, Stud. Cryptog. S. Chile: 132 (1984) T. scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl., Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 83: 88 (1876). squamosa Hoffm., Deutsch. F1.2: 125 (1796). subchordalis A. Evans, Rec. Bryol. Lichénol. 24: 133 (1955). subdelicatula Asah., J. Jap. Bot. 38: 1 (1963). subradiata (Vain.) Sandst., Abh. Naturwiss. Vereine Bremen 25: 230 (1922). subsquamosa Kremp., Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. Naturhist. Foren, ses 5: 366 (1874). subsubulata Nyl., Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci.83: 88 (187 Cladonia auerii Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. da 53 (1952) T: Cladonia auerii f. crassa Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool-Bot Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 53 (1932) T. sulphurina (Michx) Fr., Lich. Eur. Rele 237 (1831). symphycarpa (Flórke) Fr., Nov. Sched. Crit. Lich. 8-9: 20 (1826). tessellata Ahti £ Kashiw. In H. Inoue, Stud. Cryptog. S. Chile: 145 (1984) T. umbricola Tónsberg 8 Ahti, Norw. J. Bot. 27: 307 (1980 ustulata (Hook. £.£ Taylor) Leight., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, 19: 109 (1867). weymouthii F. Wilson ex A.W. Archer, Muelleria 6: 94 (1985). Cladonia pleurota var. digitiiformis Rásinen, Anmn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 51 (1932). Lit.: Ahti (1961, 1993); Ahti € Kashiwadani (1984); Ahti et al (1990): Stenroos £: Ahti (1990, 1992); Stenroos (1993, 1995, 1996); Stenroos et al. (1992, 1997); Hyvónen et al. (1995). 51. Coccocarpia Pers (1827) [Lecanorales: Coccocarpiaceae] domingensis Vain., An. Acad. Sci. Fenn. ser. 2, 6: 104 (1814). erythroxyli (Spreng.) Swinscow €: Krog, Norw. J. Bot. 23: 256 (1976). palmicola (Spreng.) Arv. £ D.J. Galloway, Bot. Notiser 132: 242 (1979). Lit.: Arvidsson (1983). 52. Coccotrema Miill. Arg. (1889) [Pertusariales: Coccotremataceae] Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. cucurbitula (Mont.) Miill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 51 (1889). Pertusaria cucurbitula Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 200 (1852) T. 33. Coelopogon Brusse $: Kiárnefelt (1991) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] epiphorellus (Nyl.) Brusse € Kárnefelt. Mycotaxon 42: 39 (1991). etraria epiphorella Nyl. In J. Crombie, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 227 (1876) T. Cornicularia epiphorella (Nyl.) DR., Ark. Bot. 20A (11): 34 (1926). Coelocaulon epiphorellum (Nyl.) Kárnefelt, Opera Bot. 86: 64 (1986). Cetraria aculeata var. gracilenta Krempelh., Verhandl Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 18: 315 (1868) T. Cetraria gracilenta (Krempelh.) Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 13 (1903). Lit.: Du Rietz (1926); Lamb (1964); Kárnefelt (1986); Brusse £ Kiáirnefelt (1991). 54. gonium Ehrenb. ex Nees (1820) [Gyalectales: Gyalectaceae] implexum Ny]l., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 16: 92 (1862). interplexum Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 16: 92 (1862). linkii Ehrenb, Horae Phys. Berol.: 120 (1820). velutinum Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is, 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 332 (1924) T. Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924); Hosseus (1939). 55. Collema Wiggers (1780) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Collemataceae] Pycnocarpoides (Jatta) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 45 (1924). Synechoblstus pychnocarpoides Jatta, Malpighia 20: 13 (1906) T. santessonii Degel., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 20: 84 (1974) T tenax var. substellatum (H. Magn.) Degel., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 20: 47 (1974). Lit.: Degelius (1954, 1974, 1986). 56. Cresponea Egea £ Torrente (1993) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] follmannii (C.W. Dodge) Egea de Torrente, Mycotaxon 48: 317 (1993). Lecanactis follmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 327 (1967) [“1966”] T. Lit.: Egea $: Torrente (1993b, 1994). 57. Cyphelium Ach. (1815) [Caliciales: Caliciaceae] inquinans (Sm.) Trevis., Flora 45: 3 ( 1862). Lit.: Tibell (1987). 58. Cystocoleus Thwaites (1849) [Mitosporic fungi] beneus (Dillw. waites, Lit.: Follmann £ Redon (1972a); Jacobsen 4 Kappen (1988). *Dacampia A. Massal. ( 1853) [Dothideales: Dacampiaceae rufescentis (Vouaux) D. Hawksw., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 43 (3): 497 (1986). Lit.: Hawksworth ( 1986); Alstrup $: Hawksworth (1990); Wedin (1994). *Dactylospora Kórb. (1 855) [Ascomycota - incert. sed. Dactylosporaceae] 126 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. € W. QUILHOT australis Triebel £ Hertel, Biblioth. Lichenol. 35: 205 (1989). frigida Hafellner, Herzogia 7: 116 (1985). lobariella (Nyl.) Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 62: 118 (1979). rygmaea (Nyl.) S. Kondratyuk £ D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 57: 336 (1995). Lit.: Hafellner (1979, 1985); Triebel (1989); Kondratyuk £ Galloway (1995). 59. Degelia Arv. £ D.J. ceo (1981) [Lecanorales: Pannariac duplomarginata (P. pes $: Henssen) Arv. € D.J. Galloway, o 13: 39 (1981). gayana (Mont.) Arv. £ D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 13: 44 (1981). Parmelia gayana Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 3: 58 (1849) T. Pannaria gayana (Mont.) A. Massal., Geneac. Lich.: 19 (1854). Coccocarpia gayana (Mont.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 41 (1869). Trachyderma gayanum (Mont.) Trevis., Lich. Veneta: 98 (1869). Parmeliella gayana (Mont.) Miill. Arg., Flora 69: 286 (1886). Pannaria chilensis Fée. In A. Massalongo, Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost.: 111 (1852) T. annaria pycnophora var continentalis Rásiinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Z agil Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 46 (1832) T. uviatilis P.M. Jórg. £ P. James, Biblioth. Lichenol. 38: 272 (1990 Lit.: Arvidsson € Galloway (1981); nn £ James (1990); dis K£ Galloway (1992a). 60. Dendriscocaulon Nyl. (1888) [Peltigerales: Lobariaceae] callithamnion (Taylor) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot, comb. n Basionym: Sticta calithamnia Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 183 (1847) T pei calithamnium (Taylor) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 ea 126 (1860). na callithamnia (Taylor) Miill. Arg., Flora 71: 164 (188 E rentar 1847) Zahlbruckner (1924); James € Henssen (1976). 61. Dibaeis Clem. (1909) [Lecanorales: Icmadophilaceae] soluta (Tuck.) Kalb £ Gierl, Herzogia 9: 613 (1993). Lit.: Gierl 8: Kalb (1993); Rambold et al. (1993). 62. Dictyonema C.Ag. ex Kunth (1822) [Aphyllophorales: ae Cora glabratum (Spreng.) D. Hawksw., Lichenologist 20: 101 (1988) poes prriasd Spreng., Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1820: 51 (1820). Thelephora pavonia Sw., Fl. Ind. Occid. 3: 1930 (1806). am sena iia (Sw. ) Parmasto. In Follmann £ Redon, Wilkdepowria 6: 456 (1972) nom. inval. rei (Nyl.) Henssen, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 18 (1): 109 (1963). Lite teta (1978); Hawksworth (1988); Brodo (1995); PioVano et al. (1995). Norman (1853) [becanorales: vee oreina (Ach.) Norman, Nyt. Mag. Naturvidensk. 7: 231 (1852). Lit.: Mayrhofer et al. (1996). 64. Dimerella Trevis. pe [Gyalectales: Gyalectaceae] lutea (Di ido) Trevi. Ric. Ist. Lomb. Sci. Lett. 13: 65 (1880). Lit.: Vezda £ Farkas (1988). 65. Diploschistes Norman (1853) [Pertusariales: Thelotremataceae] anactinus (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Hedwigia 31: 14 (1892). actinostomus Pers. ex Ach. Zahlbr., Hedwigia 31: 34 (1892). conceptionis Vain., Hedwigia 38: 189 (1899) T diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch, Lichenologist 20: 20 (1988). euganeus (A. Massal.) aa biqpuan Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 69: 96 (1919). muscorum ssp. bartlettii L h, Herzogia 7: 602 (1987). 127 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. scruposus (Schreb.) Norman, Nyt. Mag. Naturvidensk. 7: 232 (1853). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1926); Follmann (1965b); Lumbsch (1987, 1989, 1993); Guderley « Lumbsch (1996). 66. Diplotomma Flot. (1849) pepsi Physciaceae] mae Follmann, Bol. Univ. Chile 7 (6): 60 (1965) T. LE: peta (1965a, 1968a). 67. Dirinaria (Tuck.) Clem. (1909) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] picta (Sw.) Clem. á Shear, Gen. Fung.: 323 (1931). Lit.: Zahlbrukner (1926); Awasthi (1975); Aptroot (1987); Swinscow 4 Krog (1988). 68. Dolichocarpus R. Sant. (1949) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] sis R. Sant., Svensk Bot. Tidskrift 43: 552 (1949) T. Lit.: Santesson (1949); Follmann (1968a). 69. Echinoplaca Fée (1824) [Ostropales: Gomphillaceae] heterella (Stirt.) R. Sant., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: 372 (1952). Lit.: Santesson (1952); Follmann (1965b). 70. Endocarpon Hedwig (1789) feo smc: Verrucariaceae] um Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: 74 (1931). Endocarpon Malme, Ark. Bot. 22A (1): 10 (1928) non Vain. pallidulum Ny]. In Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. sp e sér. 3, 4:106 (1892). pallidum Ach., Lichenogr. Universalis: 301 (18 pusillum Hedw., Descr. Micr. Anal. Musc. a 2: 56 (1789). peon? (Jatta) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: 249 (1921). ocarpon scottianum Jatta, Malpighia 20: 13 (1906) T Lit.: Jasa (1906): McCarthy (1991). 71. Endocena Cromb. (1876) poor; Acarosporaceae] Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 226 (1876). Lit.: - Coabie (1876), *Endococcus Nyl. (1855) [Dothideales: fam. incert. sed. propinquus (Kórb.) D. Hawksw., Bot. Not. 132: 287 (1979). Lit.: Hawksworth (1979); Triebel (1989). 72. Enterographa Fée (1825) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] albinea (Nyl.) C.W. Dodge. In G. Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 230 (1968). Stigmatidium albineum Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 169 (1855) T. Chiodecton albineum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 473 (1924). atacamensi: . Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 323 (1967) [“1966”] T chilensis (Zahlbr. ) C.W. Dodge. In G. Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 230 ( 1968). ropa chilense Zahlbr., Acta Horti. Gothob. 2: 8 (1925) T MW. ge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 324 (1967) [1966 7. Lit.: e ( o Follmann (19684); Follmann $: Redon (1972c). Mill. Arg. = Thelotrema (see Salisbury 1972). cerei eS Do In Riedl £ Schiman-Czeika, Sydowia 17: 89 (1964) T. Melam, poe cerei (Schiman-Czeika) Redon 4 Follmann, Philippia 1: 186 (1972). Lit.: Salisbury (1972 73. Ephebe Fr. (1825) [Lichinales: Lichinaceae] 128 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. $ W. QUILHOT ocellata Henssen, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 18(1): 51 (1963). LjE: dera (19630). 74. Erioderma Fée 0 [Lecanorales: Pannariaceae] leylandi (Taylor) Mal. Arg., Flora 71: 24 (1888). Sticta leylandi Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 179 ón tedio chilense Mont., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 309 (1852) T. m D.J. Galloway « P.M. Jorg., ileso? 139 (1975). E: A et al. (1983); Jorgensen $: Galloway (1992a). 75. Everniastrum Hale ex Sipman (1986) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] americanum (Meyen K Flot.) Hale ex Sipman, Mycotaxon 26: 239 (1986). cirrhatum (Fr.) Hale ex Sipman, Mycotaxon 26: 239 (1986) sorocheilum (Vain.) Hale ex Sipman, Mycotaxon 26: 242 (1986). Lit.: Culberson € Culberson (1981); Sipman (1980, 1986); Elix et al. (1994c). 76. Everniopsis Nyl. (1860) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] trulla (Ach.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 375 (1860). Parmelia trulla Ach., Meth. Lich.: 256 (1803). ticta rugulosa Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 7: 177 (1847). Lit.: Nylander (1860). 77. Farnoldia Hertel (1983) [Lecanorales: Porpidiaceae] dissipabilis (Nyl.) Hertel, Mitt. Bot. Miinchen ce 443 (1983). Lecidea pei Nyl., Flora 57: 314 (1874). Lecidea nelsonii C.W. Dodge, Publ. Inst. Antart. Chileno 6: 5 (1966). cf. micropsis (A. Massal.) Hertel., Mitt. Bot. Miinchen sá 443 (1983). similigena (Nyl.) Hertel, Mitt. Bot. Miinchen 19: o 89). Lit.: pra (1981, 1984, 1989); Pietschmann (1990 78. Fellhanera Vezda Ada [Lecanorales: Pilocarpace uteillei (Desm.) Vezda, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 21: 214 (1986). Lit.: Vezda (1986); Farkas $ Sipman (1993); Liicking ef al. (1994); Ferraro € Vezda (1995); Sérusiaux (1996). 79. Flavoparmelia Hale (1986) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] caperata (L.) Hale, Mycotaxon 25: 603 (1986). ferax (Miill. Arg.) Hale, Mycotaxon 25: 604 (1986). gerlachei (Zahlbr.) Hale, Mycotaxon 25: 604 (1986). tidota (Hook. f. 8: Taylor) Hale, Mycotaxon 25: 605 (1986). Lit.: Hale (1976, 1986); Elix (1993, 1994d); Elix £ Johnston (1988b). 80. Flavopunctelia Pai Hale (1984) [Lecanorales: Parmeliac eel a ) Hale, Mycotaxon 20: 681 (1984) rmelia caperata f. crispa Meyen á Flot., Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.- Carol. Nat. Cur. 19: 229 (1843) T. Pismelí alutacea Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 85 (1931) T. Parmelia soredica var. purata Zahlbr., Amn. Mycol. 29: 85 (1931) T. ci looseri Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 141 (1936) T dica (Nyl.) Hale. Mycotaxon 20: 682 (1984). Lit.: “Hale (1980, 1984). 81. Follmanniella Peine £ B. Werner (1995) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae llata Peine £ B. Werner, Flechten Follmann: 289 (1995) T. Lit.: Peine 8: Werner (1995). Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 82. Fuscidea V. Wirth € Vezda (1972) [Teloschistales: Fuscideaceae] asbolodes (Nyl.) Hertel £z V. Wirth, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 454 (1984). Lecidea asbolodes Nyl. In J. Crombie, J. Bot. 14: 21 (1876). pegar Ago Arg.) Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 454 (1984 impolita Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 165 ( 1 888) T. M.: e pepe 1987b, 1989). 83. Graphina Miill. Arg. (1880) [Ostropales: Graphidaceae] Jfissurinoidea (Vain.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 406 (1923). ?gracillima (Kremp.) Mill. Arg., Rev. Mycol. 10: 120 (1888). Graphis gracillima Kremp., Flora 61: 520 (1878). hololeuca (Mont.) Miill. Arg., Flora 65: 386 (1882). insignis (Vain.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. rl 2: 410 (1923). ?lorentzii Múll. Arg., Flora 72: 67 (188 platycarpa (Eschw.) Zahlbr., Sitzun o Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Naturwiss. CL, Abt. 1, 111 (1): 385 (1902). da Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 4 (1925) T. Lit.: Follmann (1962). 84. Graphis Adans. (1763) [Ostropales: Graphidaceae] brevissima Fée, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 21: 27 (1874). chilensis Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 297 (1923). Graphis petraea Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 186 (1855) T. non Wallr. dumastii (Fée) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 4 (1): 254 (1827). duplicata Ach., Syn. Meth. Lich.: 81 (1814). duplicata Ach. var. peruviana (Fée) Zahlbr., $ Lich. Univ. 2: 303 (1923). elegans (Sm.) Ach., Syn. Meth. Lich.: 81 (18 Sollmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: o ts [“1966”] T. intricata Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: en (1834). lineola Ach., Lich. Univ.: 264 (181 seripta (L.) Ach., Kongl. Vetensk. pea ss Handl.: 145 (1809). tenella Ach., Syn. Meth. Lich.: 81 (181 zapallarensis e, Nova Aia 12: 321 (1967) [“1966”] T. Lit.: Zahlbruckner ( 1926, 1933) Dodge (1967); Follmann (1962, 1968a). 85. Gyalecta Ach. (1808) [Gyalectales: Gyalectaceae ] skotts. ezda, Annot. Zool. Bot. 13: 3 (1965) T. Lit.: Vezda (1969). 86. Gyalectidium Miill. Arg. (1881) a Gomphillaceae] filicinum Miill. Arg., Flora 64: 101 (1881). Lit: Mica (1952): Follmann (1965b); Farkas é£ Sipman (1993). 87. Gyalectina Vezda (1969) [Gyalectales: Gyalectaceae saxatilis Vezda, Folia Geobot., Phytotax. 4: 445 (1969). Lit.: Vezda (1969). 88. Gymnographopsis C.W. Dodge (1967) [Ostropales: ?Graphidaceae] cerei Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 225 (1967) T. chilena C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 320 (1967) [**1966”] T. Sollmannii C.W. Dodge, N ova Hedwigia 12: 320 (1967) [1966] T. Lit.: Dodge (1967); Follmann (1968a); Follmann €: Redon (1972c); Egea « Torrente (1996). 89. Haematomma A. Massal. (1852) [Lecanorales: Haemato: chilenum C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 343 (1967) [*1966”] T. 130 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT erythromma (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 37 (1917). fenzlianum A. Massal., Mem. I. R. Ist. Veneto 10: 58 (1861). matomma campanaense Redon £ Walk., Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaíso 11: 30 (1978) T. hilare Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 104: 350 (1941). nothofagi Kalb K Staiger, Biblioth. Lichenol. 59: 139 (1995). Haematomma puniceum ssp. magellanicum Asah., J. Jap. Bot. 39: 213 (1964). Lit.: Jacobsen £ Kappen (1988); Staiger £ Kalb (1995); Vobis et al. (1995). 90. Heppia Nágeli ex A. Massal. (1854) [Lecanorales: Heppiaceae chilensis Jatta, Malpighia 20: 8 (1906) T. lutosa (Ach.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 45 (1869). phylliscum (Nyl.) Hue, Mém. Soc. Nac. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 36: 19 (1907). Lecanora phylliscum Ny]l., Ann. Sci. he Bot. sér. 4, 3: 154 (1855) T subglebosa (Mill. Arg.) LM. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 48 (1959) [* 1958”. Lit.: Lamb (1959); Follmann (1965b); Wetmore (1970); Henssen (1994, 1995). 91. Hertella Henssen (1985) [Peltigerales: Placynthiaceae] chilensis Henssen, Mycotaxon 22: 393 (1985) T. Lit.: Henssen (1984). 92. Heterodermia Trevis. (1868) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] chilensis (Kurok.) Swinscow $ Krog, Lichenologist 8: 115 (1976). dactyliza (Nyl.) Swinscow £ Krog, Lichenologist 8: 117 (1976). Physcia speciosa Fr. var. dactyliza Nyl., Sym. Meth. Lich. 1(2): 417 (1860). Anaptychia dactyliza (Nyl.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 3 (1924) follmannii Sipman, Flechten Follmann: 333 (1995) T. galactophylla (Tuck.) W.L. Culb., Bryologist 69: 482 (1967). lamelligera (Taylor) Follmann 4 Redon, Willdenowia 6: 446 (1972). Parmelia lamelligera Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 169 (1847). leucomelos (L. ) Poelt ssp. boryi (Fée) Swinscow 8 Krog, Lichenologist 8: 124 (1976). ) Follmann € Redon, Willdenowia 6: 446 (1972). Heterodermia neoleucomelaena f. cireinalis (Zahlbr.) Follmano $: Redon, Willdenowia 6: 446 (1972). magellanica (Zahlbr.) Swinscow £ Krog, Lichenologist 8: 130 (1976). Anaptychia magellanica Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 54 (1917) E Anaptychia dactyliza f. pectinata Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 403 (1924) T. Anaptychia pectinata (Zahlbr.) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 31A (7): 14 (1944). Anaptychia magellanica var. pectinata (Zahlbr.) Kurok., Beih. Nova Hedwigia 6: 67 (1962). multiciliata (Kurok.) Follmann € Redon, Willdenowia 6: 446 (1972). Anaptychia multiciliata Kurok., Beih. nd Hedwigia 6: 72 (1962) T. pinnata Sipman, Flechten Follmann: 330 (199 vulgaris (Vain.) Follmann £ Redon, ad ES 6: 447 (1972). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924); Kurokawa (1962, 1973, 1998); Follmann £ Redon (1972c); Swinscow £ Krog (1976, 1988); Aptroot (1987); Sipman (1995). 93. Heteroplacidium Breuss (1996) [Verrucariales: Verrucariaceae] acarosporoides (Zahlbr.) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B Suppl.: 40 (1996). podolepis (Breuss) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B Suppl.: 40 (1996). Lit.: Breuss (1996b). 94. Himantormia 1.M. Lamb (1964) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] lu (Hue) LM. Lamb, Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 38: 18 (1964). Lit.: Lamb (1964); Redon (1985); Jacobsen £ Kappen (1988). 131 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 95. Homothecium A. Massal. (1855) [Lecanorales: Collemataceae] chilense (Rásánen) Henssen, Lichenologist 3: 36 (1965). Leciophysma chilense Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 206 (1937) T. ? intermedium Henssen, Bot. Notiser 132: 272 (1979). opulentum (Mont.) A. Massal., Alc. Gen. Lich.: 8 (1853). Collema opulentum Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 313 (1852) T. opulentum var. redonii Henssen, Bot. Notiser 132: 274 (1979) T patagonicum (Rásánen) Henssen, Lichenologist 3: 36 (1965). Leciophysma patagonicum Rásiánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 145 (1939). orediosum Henssen, Bot. Notiser 132: 271 (1979) T. : Lit.: Henssen (1965, 1979). 96. Hubbsia W.A.Weber (1965) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] langei Follmamn, Biblioth. Lichenol. 67: 17 (1997). Lit.: Follmann (1997). 97. Hyperphyscia Miill. Arg. (1894) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] adglutinata (Flórke) H. Mayrhofer $ Poelt, Herzogia 5: 62 (1979). Lit.: Scutari (1991, 1992). 98. Hypogymmnia (Nyl.) Nyl. (1896) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] lugubris (Pers.) Krog, Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 144: 99 (1968). mundata (Nyl.) Rassad., Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Kamarova Akad. Nauk SSSR 11: 11 (1956). subphysodes (Kremp.) Filson, Vict. Nat. 87: 325 (1970). turgidula (Bitter) Elix, Brunonia 2: 238 (1980). Lit.: Elix (1980, 1992). 99. Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale (1974) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] bogotensis (Vain.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 23 (1975). brevirhiza (Kurok.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 26 (1975). dactylifera (Vain.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 30 (1975). densirhizinata (Kurok.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 31 (1975). Jlavovirens (Kurok.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 37 (1975). Parmelia flavovirens Kurok. In Hale de Kurok, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 36:176 (1964) T. Sormosana (Zahlbr.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 38 (1975). imbricatula (Zahlbr.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 41 (1975). laevigata (Sm.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 44 (1975). Parmelia boliviana var. cephalota Zahlbr.. Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 16 (1925) T. oostingii (Dey) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 51 (1975). psuedosinuosa (Asah.) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 58 (1975). (197 4 66 Parmelia chilena Nyl., Flora, Jena 68: 612 (1885) T. Parmelia ec. cens Kurok. In M. Hale £ S.Kurokawa, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 36: 167 (1964) T. subphysodalica (Hale) Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 25: 66 (1975). Parmelia subphysodalica Hale, Phytologia 28: 268 (1974) T. Lit.: Hale (1975); Elix (1993, 1994e). 100. Icmadophila Trevis. (1852) [Leotiales: Icmadophi aceae] ericetorum (L.) Zahlbr., Wiss. Mitt. Bosnien $: Herzegovina 3: 605 (1895). Lit.: Rambold er al. (1993). 132 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT 101. Ingaderia Darb. (1897) gracillima (Kremp.) Feige £ Lumbsch, Mycotaxon 48: 386 (1993). Roccella gracillima Kremp., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 26: 442 (187 Dictyographa gracillima (Kremp.) Darb., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: irciia nom. illeg. Darbishirella gracillima (Kremp.) Zahlbr. ex Darb., Bibl. Bot. 9 (45): 13 (1898 Lit.: Huneck Follmann (1967b); Follmann (1968a); Follmann € Redon (19720): Tehler (1990); Feige « Lumbsch (1993). 102. Immersaria Rambold «€ Pietschmann (1989) [Lecanorales: Porpidiaceae] ovocarpa (Ach.) Rambold £ Pietschmann. In G. Rambold, Biblioth. Lichenol. 34: 239 (1989). idea athroocarpa Ach., Meth. Lich.: 41 (1803). Lit.: Hertel (1989); Rambold (1989). 103. Ingvariella Guderley £ Lumbsch (1997) [Ostropales: Thelotremataceae] bispora (Bagl.) Guderley £ Lumbsch, Nova Hedwigia 64: 152 (1997). Urceolaria bispora Bagl., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 3: 246 (1871). oschistes bisporus (Bagl.) Steiner, Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. 102: 155 (1893). Dipl Lit.: Follmann (1965b); Lumbsch (1989); Guderley et al. (1997). 104. Ionaspis Th.Fr. (1871) Sis Hymeneliaceae] fuegensis P.M. Jórg. 8 R. Sant., Nord. J. Bot. 9: 431 (1989). Ets pon $ Santesson (1989). 105. Josefpoeltia S. Kondr. £« Kárnefelt (1997) Pra Teloschistaceae op S. Kondratyuk £ Kárnefelt, Biblioth. Lichenol. 68: 23 (1997). SO. redliasa. SK dratyuk £ Kárnefelt, Biblioth. Lichenol. 68: 24 (1997) T. Lit.: Kondratyuk E Kamefel (1997). *Lauderlindsaya J.C. David € D. Hawksw. (1989) [Verrucariales: Verrucariaceae borreri (Tul.) J.C. David € D. Hawksw., Sydowia 41: 116 (1989). Lit.: David € Hawksworth (1989); Diederich € Sérusiaux (1993). 06. Lecanactis Kórb. (1855) nom. cons. dera Roccellaceae ?abietina vane ) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 275 (1855). pse ylacea Redon $: Follmann, Philippia 1: 187 (1972) T Lit.: Redon £ rima (1972b); Tehler (1992); Egea £ Torrente ( 1994). 107. Lecania A. Massal. (1853) [Lecanorales: Bacidiaceae] andina C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 341 (1967) [“1966”] T. brialmonti (Vain.) Zahlbr. In Engler-Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzenfamil. (1): 205 (1907). Lecanora brialmontii Vain., Résult pr Belgica, Lich.: 17 (1 : cariosa (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep., Bot. 3: 57 (1923). chilena C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 338 (1967) [“1966”] T gerlachei (Vain.) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exped. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep., Bot. 3: 57 (1923). hookeri C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 341 (1967) [“1966”]. Baer (Mont.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Na 5: 7353 (1928). ¡a varia var. leucochlora Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot sér. 2, 4: 91 (1835 Lit.: da (1967); Redon (1985); Vvstedal (1986) Jacobsen Kappen (1988): poca et al. (1989). 108. Lecanographa Egea £: Torrente (1994) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] aff. arinosa (Hepp) Egea 82 Torrente, Biblioth. Lichenol. 54: 130 (1994). grapha farinosa Hepp. In Stizenb., Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Nat. Cur. 32 (4): 133 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. subhydrophila (Follmann $ Vezda) Egea £ Torrente, Biblioth. Lichenol. 54: 157 (1994). Lecanactis subhydrophila Follmamn £z Vezda, Philippia 3: 271 (1977) T. Lit.: Follman 8: Vezda (1977); Egea £ Torrente (1994); Tehler $ Egea (1997). 109. Lecanora Ach. (1810) [Lecanorales: Lecnoraceae] addubitata Kremp., Flora, Jena 56: 473 (1873) T. Lecanora herteri Zahlbr., Revista Sudamer. Bot. 1: 56 (1934). Lecanora homalea H. Magn., Acata Horti Gothob. 18: 217 (1950). Lecanora subatra Rásánen, Revista Sudamer. Bot. 5: 66 (1938). albellina Mill. Arg. var. validior Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1sl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 380 (1924) T. argentata (Ach.) Degel., Ark. Bot. 24A :78 (1931). atrynea (Ach) Róhl., Dtsch. Fl. 3 (2): 82 (1813). icanum (Rásiánen) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 487 (1940). Squamaria austroamericana Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 25 (1932) T. austrolitoralis Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 14 (1905T. avium (Zahlbr.) Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 447 (1984). Lecidea avium Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández East Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3(11): 357 (1924) T. Lecidea aeruginosa Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 164 (1955) T. Lecidea areuginosa Borrer. Lecidea chilena Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 533 (1925). Lecidea chilensis G. Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 250 (1967) nom. nov. illegit. caesiorubella Ach., Lich. Univ.: 366 (1810) E Lecanora espinosae Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 83 (193 DT. carpinea (L.) Vain., Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 14: 23 (1888). cenisea Ach., Lichenogr. Universalis: 361 (1810). chlarona var. fuegiensis Rásánen, Amn. Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Femn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 27 (1932) T. coquimbensis Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 13 (1925) T. dancoénsis Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 20 (1903). dispersa (Pers.) Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. Lappon.: 96 (1826). epibryon ssp. broccha (Nyl.) Lumbsch. In Lumbsch et al., Pl. Syst. Evol. 191: 229 (1994). Lecanora broccha NyL. In J. Cromb., J. Bot. 14: 21 (1876). epibryon ssp. xanthophora Lumbsch. In Lumbsch et al., Pl. Syst. Evol. 191: 231 (1994). Lecanora subfusca var. pelidnocarpa Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 150 (1852) T. Lecanora aeruginosa Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 157 (1855) T. follmannii Klem.. Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 31: 256 (1963) T. Srazieri C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 339 (1967) [“1966”] T. garovaglii (Kórb.) Zahlbr., Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien 15: 208 (1900). hagenii (Ach.) Ach., Lichenogr. Universalis: 367 ( 1810). hiulca (Nyl.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, sér. 3, 3: 59 (1891). Squamaria hiulca Nyl.. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 153 (1855) T. Placopsis hiulca (Nyl.) NyL., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 9: 25 (1865). Non est Placopsis (Lamb 1948). Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 379 ( 1984) T. leprosa Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: 118 (1825). masafuerensis Zahlb. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 378 (1924) T. Jatta, Malpighia 20: 10 (1906) T. microphthalma Hook. f. 8: Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 3: 642 (1844) T. Lecanora dentilabra Tuck., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. Sci. 12: 173 (1877) T. Lecanora praedolosa Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 9 (1888) T. Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT Lecanora albellina Múll. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 162 (1889) T. muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh., Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. 2: 42 (1845). poe Vain. var. persorediosa Rásinen, Ann. Bot. pon Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 27 (1932) T. C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 340 (1967) [*1966”] T di Lumbsch. In Lumbsch et al., Bot. Acta 107: 34 (1993). peculiaris Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 15 (1925) T polytropa (Hoffm.) Rabenh., Dtsch. Kryptfl. 2: 37 (184 5). skottsbergii Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 9 (1912). 9). xantholeuca (Mill. Arg.) Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 448 (1984). Lecidea xantholeuca Mill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 45 (1889). Lecidea interrupta Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 3 (1912). Lit.: Hooker £ Taylor (1844); Nylander (1855); Zahlbruckner (1933); Klement (1963); Dodge (1967); Hertel (1971, 1984); Brodo (1984); Jacobsen € Kappen (1988); Aptroot « Van der Knapp (1993); Lumbsch (1994); Ryan £ Nash (1997); Lumbsch et al. (1997). 110. Lecidea Ach. (1803) [Lecanorales: Lecideaceae] atrobunnea (Ramond ex Lam. £ DC.) que Lich. Helv. Spicil. 3: 134 (1828). auriculata Th.Fr., Lich. Arct.: 213 (1860 "urella Miill.Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, de 165 (1888) T. ueclinanda Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 146 (1888). Lecanora declinis Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 12 (1888) non Tuck. 1865). laboriosa Mill. Arg. Flora, Jena 57: 187 (1874). Inpec pe Methodus: 37 (180 3). eci, Miill. Arg. In Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (2): 21 (1917). icida var. pantherina Ach., Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl.: 232 (1808). lygomma Nyl. In J.Cromb., J. hue? 13: 334 (1875). lygomma var. crassilabra (Múll. Arg.) Hertel « Rambold, Symb. Bot. Upsal 32 (1): 104 (1997). Lecidea crassilabra Mill. Arg., Hedwigia 32: 127 (1893). mannii Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. 2: 75 (18 Lecidea kalbii Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 418 (1984 paschalis Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández o Is1. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 452 (1926) T. philippii Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 82 (1931) T. promiscens Nyl., Flora 55: 358 (1872). santessonii Hertel, Symb. Bot. Upsal. a 107 (1997) T. noides Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: (1855). sciatropha Hue, Deux. Expédit. Antarct. cn Lich.: 110 (1915). tessellata Flórke, Deutsche Lich. No. 64 (1819). Lecidea andina Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 20: 25 (1944) nom. inval. , 2 1 umbonata (Hepp) Mudd, Man. Br. Lich:: 204 (1861) nomen sed non planta. variegatula Nyl., Flora, Jena 48: 6 (1865). verruca Poelt, Mitt. Bot. Miinchen 4: 187 (196 Lit.: Cengia Sambo (1926, 1930); a Hertel (1971, 1984, 1987a, 1987b, 1989, 1995, 1997); Ja- cobsen € Kappen (1988); Rambold (1989); Aptroot $: Van der Knapp (1993). 111. Lecidella Kórb. (1855) [Lecanorales: Lecan oraceae 135 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. ridans (Flot.) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 242 (1855). wulfenii (Hepp) Kórb., Parerg. Lich.: 216 (1861). Lit.: Hertel (1984); Rambold (1989); Knoph (1990); Leuckert £ Knoph (1993, 1997); Knoph £ Leuckert (1994, 1997); Knoph £ Mies (1995); Knoph et al. (1995). 112. Lecidoma G. Schneider € Hertel (1981) [Lecanorales: ?Pso: demissum (Rutstróm) Gott. Schneid. £ Hertel, Herzogia 5: 460 (1981). Lit.: Hertel (1981); Pietschmann (1990). 113. Leifidium Wedin (1993) [Lecanorales: Sphaerophoraceae] tenerum (Lauurer) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 235 (1993). Sphaerophorus tener Laurer, Linnaea 2: 45 (1827). Sphaerophorus tener f. compactus Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 223 (1876) T. Sphaerophoron globiferum var. polycladum Miill. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 4: 53 (1883) T. Sphaerophoron polycladum (Miúill. Arg.) Mill. Arg., Flora 71: 17 (1888). pon ri polycladum var. depauperatum Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 145 (1888). erophorus tener f. depauperatum (Múill. Arg.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 47: 71 (1962). Eit: Wedin (1993, 1995b). 114. Leioderma Ny]l. ai: [Lecanorales: Pannariac pyenophorum Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 47 (1888). Coccocarpia gayana var. suvdivisa Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl, 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 343 (1924) T. Parmeliella pycnophora var. subdivisa (Zahlbr.) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 31A (7): 15 (1944). Lit.: Galloway é: Jórgensen (1987); Jóorgensen $ Galloway (1992a). 115. Lempholemma Kórb. (1855) [Lichinales: Lichinaceae] polyanthes (Bernh.) Malme, Lich. Suec. e. No. 883 (1924). Lit.: Follmann (1965b); Schiman-Czeika (1988). 116. Lepolichen Trevis. Loco [Pertusariales: Coccotremataceae] coccophorus (Mont.) Trevis. Spighe e Paglie: 5 (1853). Parmelia coccophora Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 309 (1852) T. Lecanora coccophora (Mont.) Nyl., Flora 38: 674 (1855). Thelocarpon coccophoron (Mont.) Nyl. Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 135 (1858) [“1857”]. Pertusaria coccophorum (Mont.) Nyl. In a Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 233 (1876). ertusaria thamnoplaca Tuck., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 12: 175 (1877) T. Lit.: Montagne (1852); David € Hawksworth (1991): Galloway £ Watson-Gandy (1992); Castillo et al. (1995). 117. Lepraria Ach. (1803) nom. cons. [Ascomycota: inc. incana (L.) Ach., Meth. Lich.: 4 (1803). bificans Nyl., Flora, Jena 56: 196 (1873). Lit.: Laundon (1989, 1992). 118. L perdido (1878) [Mitosporic fungi ans (Th! LM ex Hue, Lichenes Exotici a Professore W. Nylander descripti vel recogniti. Nouv. Arch. Mus. His. Nat. Paris, sér. 3, 2: 248 (1890). arbuscula (Nyl.) Nyl., Lich. Ins Guineensium: 8 (1889 yA congestum tdci Lamb é: Ward, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: cio Stereocaulon subalbicans LM. Lamb ex a Bryologist 60: 220 (1957) T. uck.) Nyl., Lich. Japoniae: 19 (1890). Lit.: Lamb € Ward (1974). 136 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT 119. Leproloma o ex Cromb. (1894) [Lecanorales: ? Pann angardianum (Dvstedal J.R. Laundon, Lichenologist 21: 19 (1989). polo pdas (Dicks.) Vain., Természetr. Fiiz. 22: 293 (1899). uauxii (Hue) J.R. Laundon, Lichenologist 21: 13 (1989). E iaa (1989); Leuckert £« Kiimmerling (1991). 120. Leptogium (Ach.) S.F. Gray (1821) [Lecanorales: Collemataceae australe (Hook.f. £ Taylor) Miill. Arg., Flora 70: 268 (1887). a saturninum var. australe (Hook. f. 8 Taylor) Hook. f., FL. Antarct. 2: 541 (1847). azureum (Sw.) Mont. In Webb á Berth., Hist. Nat. lles Canar. 3 (2): 129 (1840). reia Mont. In Webb á Berth., Hist. Nat. Iles Canar. 3 (2): 130 (1840). britannicum P.M. Jórg. 8: P. James, Lichenologist 15: 110 (1983). cochleatum (Dicks.) P.M. Jórg. £ P. James, Lichenologist 15: 113 (1983). ideum (Meyen á Flot.) Vain., Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Ser.A 6 (7): 110 (1915). restó? (Rabenh.) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 420 (185 5). ns P.M. Jorg., Flechten Follmann: 237 (1995) T rus ata M.E. Mitch. £ P.M. Jorg., Herzogia 2: 462 (1973). juressianum Tav., Portugalia Acta Biol. Ser. B, Sist. 3: 68 (1950). laceroides de Lesd., Ann. Crypt. Exot. is Las es malmei P.M. Jórg., Herzogia 3: 442 (19 menziesii (Ach.) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. cid SEL. 3: o 313 (1852). Parmelia menziesii Ach., Meth. Lich.: 221 (1803). Lichen menziesii Sm. In Ach., Meth. Lich.: 212 pe nom. inval. Collema menziesii (Ach.) Ach., Lich. Univ.: 645 (181 Leptogium granuligerum Hue, Lichens Deux. Exp. Pt Fr.: 16 (1915) Leptogium menziesii var. subcaesia Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 47 (1932) T. phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 10: 134 (1848). valdivianum M. Lindstróm, Lichenologist 28: 91 (1996) T. Lit.: ponen 8: Kappen (1988); Galloway « Jórgensen (1995); Lindstróm (1996); Jórgensen (1997). *Lichenoconium Petr. 8 Syd. (1927) [Mitosporic fungi] ecanorae (Jaap) D. Hawksw., Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 6: 183 (1979). Lit.: Hawksworth (1981); Aptroot £ Van der Knapp (1 121. Lichenothelia D. Hawksw. (1981). [Dothideales: Lichenotheliaceae] minor Henssen, Biblioth. Lichenol. 25: 261 (1987). patagonica Henssen, Biblioth. Lichenol. 25: 261 ( 1987). Lit.: Henssen (1987). 2. Lichina Agardh (1817) nom. cons. (Lichinale Lichinaceae] co! mdd (O.F. Mill.) Agardh, Spec. Alg. 1: 105 (1821). sulans Henssen, Lichenologist 4: 95 (1969). Lito H aos (1969). 123. Lithothelium Miill. Arg. (1885) dps Pyrenulac psa um Mill. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 386 (1885). Lit.: abc (1917); Aptroot (1991a). 124. Lopadium Kórb. dns nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Ectolechiacea diffluens (Nyl.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Súdpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 49 (1912). Lecidea diffluens Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 17 (1888 Heterothecium diffluens (Nyl.) Múll. Arg., Nuovo Giom. Bot. Ital. 21: 48 (1889). 137 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998, inutum C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 336 (1967) [“1966”] T. Lit: pcs (1952). 125. Loxospora A. Massal. (1852) pocotas rre ES Ach.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost.: 138 (1852). Lit.: Rogers £: Hafellner (1988); Tónsberg (1992); Brodo £ Henssen (1995); Ekman (1996). 126. Maronea A. Massal. (1856) [Lecanorales: Aeon W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 16: 491 (1969) T. W. Dodge Nova Hedwigia 12: 336 (1967) [“1966”] T. EJE: Pal (1934). 127. Massalongia Kórb. (1855) bici incert. sed. sa (Dicks.) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 109 (1855 5). Lit: BSAS o (1924); Henssen (1963a); Redon (1985); Jacobsen Kappen (1988). 128. Mazosia A. Massal. cb poes e Phragmopelthecaceae] ma (Nyl. Abed Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 503 (1923). Lit.: Eee Kalb 8 Vezda (1988); Liicking £ Matzer (1996). 129. Megalaria Hafellner (1984) [Lecanorales: Megalariaceae] pe (Pers. ex. Nyl.) Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 302 (1984). putverea (Borrer) Hafellner £ Schreiner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 45: 146 (1992). Ext: eee (1984). 130. Megaloblastenia a (1983) [Lecanorales: Megalospo ] marginiflexa (Hook. E. E Taylor) Sipman, Biblioth. Lichenol. 18: 87 (1983). Lit: Sipman (1983). 131. Megaspora (Clauzade > Cl. Roux) Hafellner $ V. Wirth (1987) [Pertusariales: Megasporace verrucosa (Ach.) Hafellner « V. eps o Baden-Wiirttemberegs 1: (1987). Lit.: Wirth (1987); Jacobsen 4 Kappen (1 132. Melanaria san 1936) [Pertusariales: Pe: ae] atacamae CW. o Mona Hedwigia 12: 337 (1967) [“1966”] T. Lit.: Dodge (1967); Follmaoa CO hi 133. Melanelia Esslinger (1978) pro p pa aceae] br.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: (1978). pe D.J. Galloway £ P.M. Jo pre... dpi Pa Bot. 28: 10 (1990). 78). Parmelia subaurifera y var. sabolals a. Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 19 (1932). ushuaiensis (Zahlbr.) Essl., Pe dor 7: 49 (1978). Parmelia ushuaiensis Zahlbr., Kon ngl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 42 (1917). Parmelia roivainenii Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool. -Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 19 (1932) T. pro (Ess1.) Essl., Mycolaxon 7: 49 ad zopheroa J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 96 ( 1977) T. pens A (1917); Sentesaon (1944); Esslinger (1977, 1978); Galloway $ Jórgensen (1990); Elix (1993, 134. Melanothecopsis C.W. Dodge (1967) [Pyrenulales: incert. sed.] coactella (Stirt.) C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 310 (1967) [*1966”]. 138 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT follmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 309 (1967) [*1966”] T. Lit.: Dodge (1967). 135. Melaspilea Nyl. (1858) pgppEtias. incert. sed.: Melaspilaceae atacamensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 318 pl [“1966”] T. lied C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 16: 485 (196 coquimbensis C. W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia Zo e sent 1966”] T. (1969) T ocarpa Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 168 (1889) T. ¡Es Deben 1969). 136. Menegazzia A. Massal. (1854) [Lecanorales: niego albida (Zahlbr.) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11): 12 (1942). Parmelia cincinnata var. albida Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 38 (1917) T. Parmelia wilsonii Vain., In V. Rásánen, Amn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 17 (1932) T. cincinnata (Ach.) Bitter, Hedwigia 40: 172 (1901). A cincinnata Ach., Meth. Lich.: 252 (1803) e lo Ach., Meth. Lich.: 252 (1803) nom. inval. Lichen bullatus ed In Ach., Lich. Univ.: 495 (1810) nom. inval. dispora (Nyl.) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11): 13 (1942). Parmelia dispora Nyl., In J. Crombie, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 228 (1876) T. fumarpr trarica Calvelo £ Adler, Mycotaxon 59: 369 (1966). globulifera R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11): 30 (1942) T hollermayeri (Rásánen) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11): 22 (194 Parmelia hollermayeri Rásánen, Revista pat ot ss 196 (1937) T. magellanica R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11) 23 (194 Genaro (Rásánen) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 304 da 21 (1942). rmelia megalospora Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 18 (1932) T. ur ctaboin | Zahlbr.) P. James, Fl. Australia 54: 313 (1992). Parmelia nigrescens Stirt., Scott. Naturalist ng 4: 253 a non. Ach. disc neozelandica Zahlbr., Cat A Univ. 6: 53 (19 negazzia circumsorediata R. San ., Ark. Bot. 304 ( 1 On Por in Adler 4 Calvelo, es ie 59: 368 (1996). opuntivides (Miill.Arg.) R. Sant., Ark. Asa 30A (11): 25 (194 Parmelia opuntioides Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, pr 158 (1888) T. sanguinascens (Rásiánen) R. Sant., Ark. Ba 30A (11): 28 (1942). Parmelia sanguinascens Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 18 (1932) T Parmelia opuntioides var. vulgaris Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 18 (1932) T. Parmelia opuntioides var. violascens Rásiinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 18 (1932) T. Parmelia dispora var. alboffi Zahlbr., Kongl. "Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 39 (1917) T. Parmelia alboffi (Zahlbr.) DR. In R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11): 28 (1942). tenuis R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (11): 27 (1942) T Pese (Rásánen) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 304 ( 11): 26 (1942). rmelia valdiviensis Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 197 (1937) sE Ext: inician (19420); Quilhot et al. (1975); James £: Galloway (1992); Calvelo £ Adler (1994); Adler £: Calve- lo (1996) 137. Metus D.J. Galloway £: P. James (1987) [Lecanorales: Cladoniaceae efflorescens D.J. Galloway $: P. James, Notes RBG Edinburgh 44 (3): 569 (1987) T. pileatum (Mont.) D.J. Galloway $ P. James, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 44 (3): 571 (1987). Cladonia pileata Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 3210 (1852) T Pilophoron pileatum (Mont.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 381 (1939). Lit.: Galloway $: James (1987); Stenroos (1996). 138. Micarea Fr. (1825) [Lecanorales: Micareaceae] Coppins é Kantvilas, Lichenologist 22: 277 (1 990). erratica (Kórb.) Hertel, Rambold $: Pietschm.. In G. Rambold, Biblioth. Lichenol. 34: 227 (1989). 139 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. isabellina Coppins $ Kantvilas, Lichenologist 22: 284 (1990). prasina Fr., Syst. Orb. e es (1825). turfosa (A. Massal.) Du Rietz., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 17: 94 (1923 ). Lit.: Coppins (1983); Coppins z ¡la (1990); Aptroot $: Van der Knapp (1993). ras (1927) [Caliciales: Microcaliciaceae] onversum Tibell, Bot Not. 131: 237 (1978). Lit.: Tibell (1987, 1994). Microglaena Kórb. (1855) = Thelenella Nyl. 140. Miltidea Stirt. (1877) [Lecanoraceae: Miltideaceae] ceroplasta (C. Bab.) D.J. Galloway 8: Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 308 (1984). Biatora ceroplasta C. Bab. In J.D. Hook., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2: 300 (1855). Lit.: Hafellner (1984); Galloway (1985). 141. Minksia Miill. eric Poem [Arthoniales: Roccellace: chilena (C.W. Dodge) Redon 4 Follmann, Philippia 1: 133 (1972 Medusulina chilena Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 322 e [“1966”] E saxicola J. H ancock Pacific Exped. 3 (9): 184 Lit.: Miller Argoviensis (1882); Follmann (1968a); Redon es dido (1972a); Mies « Printzen (1997). 142. Multiclavula R.H. Petersen (1967) geo: Clavariaceae mucida -H. Petersen, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 77: 212 (1967). Lit.: Petersen e Kantvilas (1986): Poelt £« Obermayer (1990). 143. Mycoblastus Norman (1853) [Lecanorales: Mycoblastaceae] dissimulans (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 3 (1926). Lecidea dissimulans Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 167 (1855) T. Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1926). 144. Mycob bia Rehm (1890) palco puta Note: It is possible that the taxon Lecidea dolichospora Ny]., Pra Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 162 (1855) T] should be transferred to Mycobilimbia. lts realted synonyms are listed below Bacidia dolichospora (NyL.) Trevis., Linnaea 28: 293 (1856). O dolichospora (Nyl.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), (11): 394 (1924). Lit.: Nylander (1855); Zahlbruckner (1924); Sipman (1983); Hafellner (1984); Timdal (1991). 145. Mycomicrothelia Keiss]. (1936) [Dothideales: Arthopyreniaceae] para (Ach.) D. Hawksw., Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Bot.) a Pa A rrucaria cinerella NyL., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 174 (1855) T Lit.: dt 1985). 146. Myxodictyon A. na (1860) = Brigantiaea diem Brigantiaceae] chil + Nova Hedwigia 16: 492 (1969) [*1968”] T. Ext: Dodge ( (1969): Hafeliner A: Bellemére (1981). 147. Neofuscelia Essl. (1978) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] delisei (Duby) Essl. , Mycotaxon 7: 50 (1978). Parmelia elivocea var. delisei Duby, a Gall. 2: 602 (1830). glabrans (Nyl.) Essl.. Mycotaxon 7:50 (197. Parmelia glabrans Nyl.. Flora 58: st 140 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. € W. QUILHOT imitatrix (Taylor) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 50 (1978). Parmelia imitatrix Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 161 (1847). squamans (Stizenb.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 52 (1978). Parmelia squamans Stizenb., Ber. Thátigk. St. Gallischen ¿raro Ges. 1887-88: 164 (1889). Parmelia degasperii (Sambo) C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 84: 507 (1965). Parmelia acetabulum var. degasperii Sambo, Boll. Soc. Bot. la. 1926: 90 (1926). stygiodes (Nyl. ex Cromb.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 52 (1978). Parmelia stygiodes Nyl. ex Cromb., J. Bot. 13: 333 (1875). ea (Essl.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 52: (1978). rmelia subhosseana Essl., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 148 (1977). Mica ie Es ) Essi. , Mycotaxon 7: 53 (197 a a tatimirix Essl., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 42: 151 (1977) T. Lit.: Esslinger (1977, 1978); Elix (1993,1994g). 148. Nephroma Ach. (1810) io cirr A OA ae] m Ny]l., In J. Crombie, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 231 (1876) T. Opisteria crol (Nyl.) Vain., Ark. Bot. 8 (4): 93 (1909 Nephroma patagonicum Krempelh., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 26: 439 (1876) T. Opisteria patagonica var. macrospora Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 33 1932) T. Nephroma analogicum var. macrospora (Rásiinen) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 50-51: 62 (1966). Opisteria patagonica var. squamosa Rásánen, Amn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 34 (1932) si cc patagonicum var. squamosum pr rgirió paid Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 284 (1939). ephroma sublaevigatum f. ryptog. Exot. 4: 136 (1931) T. ido (Jacq.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 10): 317 ¡cora Lichen antarcticus Jacq., Miscell. Austriac. 2: 370 (1781) T. antarcticum var. lobuligerum Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 154 (1888) T. 24 (1 Nephroma tema (Miill. Arg.) Gyeln., Magy Bot. Lap. 29: 930). igor d odio var. lobuligera (Mill. Arg.) Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 att 3 (1932). Nephroma homanii Gyeln., Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 4: 129 (1931) T Opisteria homanil (Gyeln.) Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 2 (1): 202 (1937). cellulosum (Ach.) Ach., Lich. Univ.: 52 23 (1810 Peltidea cellulosa Ach., Meth. Lich.: 289 (1803 Opisteria cellulosa (Ach.) Vain., Ark. Bot. 8 (43): 93 (1909). cellulosum var. isidioferum J. S. Murray, Trans. R. Soc. N.Z. 88: 385 (1960). Nephroma is lepidonicilad Rásiinen ex Gyeln., Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 4: 147 (1931) T. Nephromium lepidophyllum (Rásánen ex Gyeln.) Rásiinen, Ann. Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 1): 34 cin li f. hypomelaena Rásinen ex L. M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 439 (1955). chubutense 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 438 (1955). kuehnemannii 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 437 y microphyllum Henssen, Mycotaxon 7: 358 (1978). papillosum F.J. White 8 P. James, Lichenologist 20: 146 (1988) dE. parile (Ach.) Ach., Lich. Univ.: 522 (1810). Lichen parilis Ach., Lich. Suec. Prodr.: 799). plumbeum (Mont.) Mont, in Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 100 (1852). Peltigera plumbea Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 4: 87 (1835) T. Nephromium plumbeum (Mont.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 101 (1857). Nephroma lya -D. Nephromium byallii (C. Bab.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 bl 322 (1860). Opisteria lyallii (C. Bab.) Vain., Ark. Bot. 8 (4): 93 (1909 Nephroma chilensis Gyeln., Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 4: 132 jet E ?Nephroma pubescens var. minutiphyllinum Gyien., Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 4: 136 (1931). ar. isidiatum (3.S. Murray) FJ. White éz P. James, Lichenologist 20: 154 (1988). 141 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Nephroma lyallii f. isidiatum J.S. Murray, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 88: 387 (1960). pseudoparile (Rásánen) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 285 (1939). Nephromium pseudoparile Rásánen, Revista Univ.(Santiago) 21: 143 (1936) T. Opisteria homanii var. gyelnikii Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 202 (1937) T. Nephroma gyelnikii (Rásánen) IM. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 81 (1959) [*1958”]. skottsbergii F.J ite 8 P. James, Lichenologist 20: 162 (1988) T. Lit.: White £ James (1988). 149. Nimisia Kirnefelt $ Thell (1993) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] egiae Kárnefelt £ Thell, Lichenologist 25: 370 (1993). Lit.: Kárnefelt € Thell (1993a). 50. Neuropogon Nees £ Flotow (1835) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae acromelanus (Stirt.) LM. Lamb, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 52: 218 (1939). u Usnea fasciata Torrey, Am. J. Sci. 6: 106 (1823) T. Neuropogon antennarius Nees $ Flot., Linnaea 9: 497 (1835) T. Usnea taylori var. kranckii Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 10 (1932) T. Usnea trachycarpa var. eciliata Risánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 10 (1932) T. durietzii (Mot.) D.J. Galloway £ Quilhot, comb. nov. Basionym: Usnea durietzii Mot., Lich. Gen. Usnea Stud. Monogr. 2: 503 (1937) T. patagonicus (F.J. Walker) D.J. Galloway $: Quilhot, comb. nov. Basionym: Usnea patagonica F.J. Walker, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 13: 82 (1985). perpusillis LM. Lamb, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 52: 234 (1939) T. icus (F.J. Walker) D.J. Galloway $: Quilhot, comb. nov. Basionym: Usnea subantarctica EJ. Walker, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 13: 99 (1985). us Stirt., Scott. Nat. (Perth) 6: 105 (1881). Usnea taylori var. subciliata Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 11 (1932) T. Lit.: Lamb (1964); Walker ( 1985); Jacobsen £ Kappen ( 1988); Quilhot et al. (1991a, 1996) 151. Normandina Nyl. (1855) [Ascomycota: incert. sed.] pulchella (Borrer) Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 15: 382 (1861). Lit.: Aptroot (1991b). [Ostropales: Thelotrem Note: No Chilean material seen was referable to this genus, but the taxon Leptotrema schizoloma Mill. Arg.[ Nuo- vo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 49 ( 1889)] may be referable to Ocellularia. Lit.: Miiller Argoviensis (1889); Follmann (1964); Hale (1981). 153. Ochrolechia A. Massal. (1852) [Pertusariales: Pertusariaceae] antarctica (Múll. Arg.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4, 11: 50 (1912). ertrusaria antarctica Mill. Arg., Flora 69: 125 (1886). Lecanora antarctica (Miill. Arg.) Miill. Arg., Rey. Mycol. 9: 135 (1887). Lecanora hypotartarea Ny]l., Lich. Fueg. Patagon.: 9 (1888). ue hypertartarea (Nyl.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 50 152. Ocellularia G.Meyer (1825) nom. cons. ataceae] , Ann. Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 28 (1932) T. iformis (Vain.) Verseghy, Beih. Nova H igia 1: 54 (1962). Ochrolechia pallescens var. occelliformis Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 21 (1903) T. ¡(L.) A. Massal., Nuovi Amn. Sci. Nat. Bologna 7: 212 (1853). Ochrolechia blandior (NyL) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4, 11: 50 (1912). 142 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. $ VW. QUILHOT Lecanora parella * blandior Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patagon.: 8 (1888). parella (L.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost.: 30 (1852). diremos (Vain.) Verseghy, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 1: 77 (196 Ochrolechia pallescens var. pseudotartarea Vain., Résult. Voy. EN Lich.: 21 (1903) T. Lit.: Verseghy (1962); Huneck £ Follmann (1971); Brodo (1991). 154. Omphalodiella Henssen (1991) Epscaas Parmeliaceae] patagonica Henssen, Lichenologist 23: 335 (1991). Lit: Sapa (1991). 155. Omphalodium Meyen « Flot. (1843) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] pa mn... Rásinen, Anales Soc. Ci. hn 131: 98 (1941). nse Meyen á Flot., Nov. Act Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Curr. Suppl. 19: 223 (1843). Lit.: A 1973); Ho (1992a); Nash et al. (1990); Elix (1993). 6. Opegrapha Ach. (1810) nom. cons. [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] atra Pers., Usteri's N. Ann. Bot. 1: 30 (1794). atacamensis C.W. Dodge, Nova o 12: 313 (1967) [“1966”] T. atratula. Miill. Arg., Flora 63: 41 (1880 betulina Sm. In Sm. £ Sowerby, Bot. ¡ea 0 32: tab. 2281 (1811). bonplandii Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc. 1: pe 25). cactacearum Riedl, Sydowia 17: 85 (1964 decussata C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: en (1967) [“1966”] T. dirinoides Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 168 (1855) T. eulychniae C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 314 (1967) [* ta euphorbiae C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 315 (1967) [“1966” ] *leuckertii S. Kondratyuk $ D.J. Galloway, e qlo + 332 (1995) T. medusuliza Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 17 (188 oxalidis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: sos ae [“1966”] T. paschalis Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1sl. 2 (Bot.), 4 (13): 450 (1926) T. robustula Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 147 (1888) T tigrensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 317 (1967) [* 1966”] T. larensis C. W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 317 (1967) [“1966”] T. Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1926); Follmann (1962); Dodge (1967); Riedl € Schiman-Czeika (1964); Tehler (1983); Kon- dratyuk £ Galloway (1995). E o [Lecanorales: Ophioparm pales (Follmann) Kalb á rada Biblioth. Lichenol. 58: pq Haematomma araucariae Follmann, Bol. Univ. Chile 7: 44 (1965) T Lit.: Follmamn (1965d); Rogers 4 Hafelloer (1988) Kalb et al. (1995). 158. Oropogon Th.Fr. (1861) [Lecanorales: Alectoriaceae] rolobic Essl., Syst. Bot. Monogr. 28: 81 (1989). Lit.: Esslinger (1989). 159, Lónnr. (1858) (Graletles: Gyalectaceae ? carneola (Ach.) Am., Flora 54: 50 (1871). Ls Nimis (1993). 60. Pannaria Delise ao ccanonls Emugi=ss ?c hilaris Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hi hookeri (Borrer ex Sm.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Nat. e ER 109 (18 143 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. immixta Nyl., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 9: 249 (1866). pac rda 0 Ny]l., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér 4, 3: 150 (1855) T. rubiginosa var. vulcanica Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3(11): 338 os 4) T mienta Ny]1. In J. Crombie, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 231 (1876) T Lit: Nylander (1855); Zahlbruckner (1917, 1924); Jóorgensen (1994); Jorgensen £ Galloway (1992a). Pannoparmelia (Mill. Arg.) Darb. (1912) Peret Parmeliaceae] angustata (Pers.) Zahlbr. In H. Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 3: 195 (1930). Parmelia angustata Pers. In C. Gaudichaud-Beaupré, Voy. Uranie Bot.: 195 (1827). as angustata (Pers.) Miill. Arg., Flora 72: 507 (1889). noparmelia anzioides Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp 1901-1903, 4 (11): 11 (1912). Anzia anzioides (Darb.) IM. Lamb, Anales Parques. Nac. a 141 (1959) [*1958”]. zia darbishireana Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: 276 (192 Lit.: Calvelo £ Adler (1992); Elix (1993); Galloway € Sammy ed: 162. Parmelia Ach. (1803) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae cunninghamii Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 228 (1876) T. protosulcata Hale, Mycotaxon 16: 162 (1982). saxatilis (L.) Ach., Meth. Lich. 204 (1803 sulcata Taylor In J.T. Mackay, Fl. Hibern. 2: 145 (1836). on cruenta Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed, Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 13 (1912) T. rmelia sulcata f. aberrans Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 84 (1931) T Lit: a (1987); Stenroos (1991); Elix (1993, 19941). 163. Parmeliella Múll. Arg. (1862) [Lecanorales: Pannariaceae] concinna 1M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 431 (1955). granulata 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 429 (1955). nigrocincta (Mont.) Múll. Arg., Flora 44: 86 (1881). Parmelia nigrocincta Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 4: 91 (1835) T. HE nes (Stirt.) Zahlbr., ro a Univ. 3: 225 (1925). rmeliella major Darb., s. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 17 (1912). Est: bl 1955, 1959); => % Galloweyí 1992a); Jórgensen (1998). 164. Parmelina Hale (1974) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae Zahlbr.) Elix £ J. Johnst., Brunonia 9: 160 (1987) [“1986”]. Lit: Elix « Johnston (1987b); Elix £ Hale (1987); Elix (1993, 1994;). 165. Parmeliopsis Nyl. (1866) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] h pta (Ach.) Vain., Meddeland. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 6: 127 (1881). Lit.: Elix (1993, 1994k). 66. Parmentaria Fée (1824) [Pyrenulales: aia ai Crypt. Ecorc.: 70 (1825). Lit.: Follmann (1961) Galloway (1985). 167. Parmotrema A. Massal. (1860) [Lecanorales: Parmeliacea arnoldii (Du Rietz) Hale, Phytologia 28: 335 (1974). chinense (Osbeck) Hale £ Ahti, Taxon 35: 133 (1986). crinitum (Ach.) M. Choisy, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 21: 175 (1952). cristiferum (Taylor) Hale, Phytologia 28: 335 (1974). (Vain.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 335 (1974). praesorediosum (Nyl.) Hale. Phytologia 28: 338 (1974). e Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT rampoddense (Nyl.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 338 (1974). sancti-angelii (Lynge) Hale, Phytologia 28: 339 (1974). subarnoldii (Abbayes) Hale, Phytologia 28: 339 (1974). sulphuratum (Nees á Flot.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 339 (1974). tinctorum (Despr. ex Nyl.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 339 (1974). zollingeri (Hepp) Hale, Phytologia 339 (1974). Lit.: Hale (1965); Krog € Swinscow (1981); Swinscow $: Krog (1988); Elix (1993, 1994m). 168. Peltigera Willd. (1787) nom. cons. [Peltigerales: Peltigeraceae] andensis Vitik., Flechten Follmamn: 372 (1995). austroamericana Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 456 (1925). canina (L.) Willd., Fl. Berol. Prodr.: 347 (1787) collina (Ach.) Schrad., J. Bot 1801: 78 (180 a... With.) J.R. Laundon, Lichenologist 16: 217 (1984). dolichorhiza Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 43 (1888). frigida R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 31A (7): 11 (1944) T. laciniata (G. Merr. ex Riddle) Gyeln., Nyt. Mag. Naturvidensk. 68: 270 (1930). lepidophora (Vain.) Bitter, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 22: 251 (1 neckeri Hepp ex Miill. Arg., Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genéve 16: 370 (1862). ? patagonica Rásinen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 142 (1939). polydactylon (Neck.) Hoffm., Descr. Adumbr. Lich. 1: 19 (1790). pulverulenta Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 184 (1847 rufescens (Weiss) Humb., Fl. Friberg: 2 (1793). scabrosa Th. Fr., Lich. Arct.: 45 (1860). ?spuriella Vain., étud. Lich. Brésil 1: 180 (1890). ?truculenta De Not., Mem. R. Accad. Soc. Torino, ser. 2, 12: 134 (1851). Lit.: Santesson (1944); Thomson (1955); Lindahl (1962), Holtan-Hartwig (1993); Goffinet £ Hastings (1994); Vi- tikainen (1992, 1994, 1995) 169. Peltula Ny]. (1853) [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae] euploca (Ach.) Poelt ex Ozenda $: Clauzade, Les Lichens: 324 (1970). Note: It is possible that the taxon Heppia chilensis Jatta renga 20: 8 (1906) T] is referable to Peltula, but not having seen Jatta?s material we hesitate to name it in Pel Lit.: Biidel (1987); Filson (1988). 170. Peltularia R.Sant. (1944) [Lecanorales: Coccocarpiaceae] A (Rásinen) R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 31A (7): 4 (1944). cocarpia gyrophoroides Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Arg. E. IIL T. 78: 143 (1939). Coc Lit.: Santesson (1944); Jóorgensen « Galloway (1984). 171. Pentagenella Darb. (1897) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] ima Darb., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 5 (1897). Lit.: Darbishire (1897, 1898a, 1898b); Follmann « Schultz (1993); Follmann (1997). 172. Pertusaria DC. (1805) nom. cons. [Pertusariales: Pertusariaceae] arthoniaria Ny]l., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 10 (1888). chilena Zahlbr., Ann. pida 29: 83 (1931) T ova Hedwigia 16: 491 (1969) [*1968”] T. ¡ Nat. Cherbourg 5: 117 (1858). Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 376 (1924) T. jamesii Kantvilas, Lichenologist 22: 296 (1990). Nyl. le DEI _ Bot. sér. 4, 3: 160 (1855) T. leioplaca var. turgida Miill. Arg. (1884). mammata Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 10 (1888). 145 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. melanospora Ny]l., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér 4, 3: 159 (1855) T. papillulata Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 159 ( e E E Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 160 (1855) T carpa Krempelh. var. monospora Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 an Eb AS rugifera Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, ce 163 (1888) T. velata re Nyl., Lich. Scand.: 179 (186 Pertusaria skottsbergii Zahlbr. In C. ¡ente Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 377 24) T. Lit.: Nylander (1855); Zahlbruckner (1924, 1933); Kantvilas (1990b); Archer (1993, 1997); Archer 4 Elix (1993); Archer £ Messuti (1997). *Phacopsis Tul. (1852) eras Lecanoraceae] ra (Tul.) Triebel ££ Rambold, Nova Hedwigia 47: 300 (1988). Elt: *Hertel (1971); Triebel et al. (1995). 173. Phaeographina Miill. Arg. (1882) ao Graphidaceae] ahlbr., pea Mycol. 29: 75 (1931). ride (Ach.) Miill. Arg., Flora 65: 399 (1882). Et: oia (1950 . Phaeographis Miill. Arg. (1882) Ostopals o ae] a Zahlbr., e Mycol. 5: 129 (1908). patagonica var. holoplaca Zahlbr., Revista Chilena Hist. Nat. 37: 166 (1933) nom. nud. Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1933); Follmann (1962). 175. Phaeophyscia e (1977) [Lecanorales: Physcia ae] hirsuta (Mereschk.) Essl., Mycotaxon is 302 2d 978). rn (Ach.) Essl., Mycotaxon 7: 305 (1978). sctastra (Ach.) Moberg, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 22: 47 (1977). Et: Pr ore 1993, 1994, 1995); Scutari (1992). *Phaeosporobolus D. Hawksw. $: Hafellner (1986) [Mitosporic fungi] alpin - Sant., Alstrup 8 D. Hawksw., Medd. om Grónl. ., Biosience 31: 15 (1990). Lit.: Alstrup € Hawksworth (1990); Wedin (1994). 176. Phlyctis Wallr. (1850) nom. cons. [Ascomycota, incert.sed.: Phlyctidaceae] chilensis D.J. Galloway $: Guzmán, Lichenologist 20 (4): 393 (1988) T. Lit.: Galloway £ Guzmán Grimaldi (1988). Phyllopsora Miill. ho (1894) erro Bacidiaceae] bibula (Taylor) a á Krog, Lichenologist 13: 239 o 1). Lecanora bibula Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 160 (184 onfusa Swinscow $: Krog, Lichenologist 13: 229 ( ete Lit: « Krog (1981, 1988); Brako (1989). 178. Phyllisciella Henssen (1984) [Lichinales: Lichinaceae] morpha Henssen, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 387 (1984). Lit.: Henssen 8 Biidel (1984). 179. Physcia papada Michaux (1803) [Lecanorales: Ph: adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier, Flore Lich. L'Orme 1: 79 (1882). Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT alba (Fée) Miill. Arg., Rev. Mycol. 9: 136 (1887). albata (F. Wils.) Hale, Bryologist 66 : 72 (1963). biziana (A. Massal.) Zahlbr., Ósterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 51: 348 8 (1901). caesia (Hoffm.) Fiirnr., Naturhist. e Regensburg 2: 250 (1839). callosa Ny]., Flora, Jena 52: 119 (1869 convexa Miill. Arg., Rev. Mycol 10: 57 ( 1888). dimidiata (Arn.) Nyl., var. ornata (Nádv.) Moberg, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 22: 74 (1977). dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau, Hedwigia 52: 254 (1912 12). lopezii Moberg, Nord. J. Bot. 10: 333 (1990). poncinsii Hue, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 63, Mém. 28: 10 (1917). stellaris (L.) Nyl., Acta Soc. Linn. pes 21: 307 (1856). tribacia (Ach.) Nyl., Flora 57: 307 (187 undulata Moberg, Nord. J. Bot. 6: 861 e E aff. vainioi Rásáinen, Medded. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 47: 166 (1921) Lit.: Moberg (1977, 1986, 1990, 1994, 1996); Swinscow k: Krog ( 1988); Scutari (1992). 180. Physconia Poelt (1965) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] muscigena (Ach.) Poelt, Nova Hedwigia 9: 30 (1965). Lit.: Moberg (1977); Swinscow é Krog (1988): Jacobsen £ Kappen (1988). 181. Physma A. Massal. (1854) [Lecanorales: Collemataceae] chilense Hue, Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie sér. 9, 5: 126 (1906) T. Physma tricolor Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 6: 132 (1908) T. Lit.: Hue (1906); Dughi (1946); Verdon (1992); Verdon « Elix (1994). 182. Placidiopsis Beltr. (1858) ie soe Verrucariaceae eusiana Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungar. 32, Pars Bot.: 62 (1939). EXE: o (19964). 183. Placidium A. Massal. (1855) [Verrucariales: Verrucariaceae] analogicum (Breuss) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98B ( pun 38 (1996). Catapyrenium analogicum, Breuss, Pl. Syst. Evol. 185: 20 (1993). andicola (Breuss) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98B (Suppl.): 38 (1996). atapyrenium andicolum Breuss, Pl. Syst. Evol. 185: 20 (1993 chilense (Rásánen) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98B (Suppl.): 38 (1996). Dermatocarpon chilense Rásinen, Revista Sudamer. Bot. 5: 71 (1938) T. Catapyrenium chilense (Rásánen) Breuss, Pl. Syst. Evol. 198: 22 (1993). lachneoides (Breuss) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98B (Suppl.): 39 (1996). Catapyrenium lachneoides Breuss, Pl. Syst. Evol. 185: 26 (1993). ruiz-leali¡ (Rásánen) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98B (Suppl.): 39 (1996). Dermatocarpon ruiz-lealii Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 147 (1939). squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98B (Suppl.): 39 (1996). Catapyrenium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 98: 389 (1985). Lit.: Breuss (1993, 1995, 1996b). ce Placomaronea Risinen (1944) PR Candelariaceae] candelarioides Ráisinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 20 (3): 29 (1944). candelarivides var. lacinulata R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 31A (7): 9 (1944). Lit.: Rásánen (1944); Santesson (1944); Hakulinen (1954); Osorio (1974). 185. Placoparmelia od 1992) [Lecanorales: Parmeliac Patagonica Henssen, iricio dia 24: 134 (1992). Lit: Henssen (1992 992b). 147 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. 186. Placopsis (Nyl.) Linds. (1866) [Lecanorales: Trapeliaceae baculigera 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 220 (1947) T. bicolor (Tuck.) de Lesd., Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 4: 100 (1931). brevilobata (Zahlbr.) IM. Lamb, Lilloa A 276 (1947). chilena 1M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 213 (1947 contortuplicata 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: std (194 contortuplicata f. fuegiensis 1M. Lamb, Lilloa >: a (1947) T. cribellans (Nyl.) Rásánen, J. Jap. Bot. 16: 1d 940). dusenii 1[M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 215 (1947) T effusa 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 216 (1947) T. fuscidula 1.M. Lamb ex Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 138 (1939). Lecanora gelida f. leprosula Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 382 (1924) T. gelida (L.) Linds., Trans. Linn. Soc. 25: 536 (1866). gelida var. subreagens 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 206 (1947) T Lecanora patagonica f. sorediosula Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 382 (1924) T Lecanora sorediosula (Zahlbr. ) Gyeln., Acta Fauna Fl. Univ. 2 (1): 10 (1933). parellina LM. Lamb, Res. Norweg. Sci. Exp. Tristan da Cunha 58 38, 1 (3): 3 (1940) T. ina var. carnea (Rásánen) I.M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 253 (194 ca gelida var. carnea Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool. pue Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 25 (1932) T. carnea f. subcribellans 1.M. Lamb, ree 13: 254 (1947) T. pad (Zahlbr.) LM. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 261 (194 Lecanora patagonica Zhalbr., Kongl. Svenska IA Handl. 57 (6): 35 (1917) T. perrugosa (Nyl.) Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 57 (1888). perrugosa f. activa 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 272 (1947) T. pyenotheca 1.M. Lamb ex Rásinen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 139 (1939) T. rhodophthalma (Mill. Arg.) Rásánen, Ann po Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 25 (1932). stenophylla (Hue) LM. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 257 (1947). Lecanora stenophylla Hue, Ann. Mycol. 12: E (1914) T. terricola (Cromb.) LM. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 263 (1947). Lecanora gelida f. terricola Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 232 (1876) T. tuberculifera (IM. Lamb) Follmann. In Follman et al. , Crypt. Bot. 2 as 303 (1991). Placopsis cribellans f. tuberculifera IM. Lamb, Lilloa 13: 228 (1947) T. Lit.: Lamb (1947); Redon (1985); Jacobsen é: Kappen (1988); Follmamn et al. (1991); Ott et al. (1997). 187. Placynthiella Gyelnik (1939) [Lecanorales: Trapeliaceae] uliginosa (Schrad.) Coppins $: P. James, Lichenologist 16: 244 (1984). Lit.: Coppins £ James (1984); Nimis (1997). 8. Placynthium (Ach.) S.F. Gray (1821) cera Placynthiaceae] arachnoideum Henssen, Lichenologist 16: 265 (1984). rm (Ach.) Trevis., Lich. Veneta, No. 98 (1869). ni, Huds.) S.F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PL: 395 (1821). Lit.: Henssen (1963b, 1984). 189. Placynthiopsis Zahlbr. (1932) [Peltigerales: Placynthiaceae] ollmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 15: 306 (1968) T. Lit.: Dodge (1968). W.L. Culb. £ C.F. Culb. (1968) fhecisanles: Parmeliaceae (L.) W.L. Culb. $ C.F. Culb., Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 34: 530 (1968). Lit.: Culberson € Culberson (1968); Elix (1993 y “Plectocarpon Fée (1825) [Arthoniales: lichenum (Scontrto) D. Hawksw.. Lichenologist 16: 86 (1984). 148 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ VW. QUILHOT pseudosticta (Fée) Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc., Suppl.: 147 (1837). Lit.: Hawksworth $ Galloway (1984); Diederich $ Etayo (1994); Kondratyuk $ Galloway (1995). 191. Pleopsidium Kórb. (1855) [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae] Ed rea (Wahlenb.) Zopf., Ann. Chem. 284: 117 (1895). rella antarctica J.S. Murray, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand Bot. 2: 60 (1963). TAL: Redon proa Hafellner (1993a, 1995); Castello $ Nimis (1994). 192. Pleurotrema Miill. Arg. (1885) [Pyrenulales: Pleureotremataceae leptosporum Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 170 (1888) T. Lit.: Miller Argoviensis (1888). B 193. Poeltiaria Hertel (1984) [Lecanorales: Porpidiaceae] corralensis (Rásánen) Hertel, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 431 (1984 Lecidea corralensis Rásinen, Revista Univ. pp 22: 00 (1937) eE Lecidea patagonica 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 440 (1955). Lit.: Hertel (1984); Rambold (1989). 194. Poeltidia Hertel $ o (1984) [Lecanorales: Porpidiace perusta (Nyl.) el 2 Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 463 (1984). Lecidea perusta Nyl. In J. Crombie, J. Bot. 13: 334 (1874). Lit.: Hertel (1984, 1987b, 1989); Rambold (1989). *Polycoccum Sauter ex me (1865) [Dothideales: Dacampiac pulvinatum (Eitner) R pd Lich. Sweden, Norway: 175 (1993). gulosarium (Linds.) D. Hawksw. In Pegler et al., Kew Bull. 35: 513 (1980) LA: egos £ Diederich (1988); Triebel (1989); Aptroot € Van der Knapp (1993); Santesson (1993); Wedin (199 195. Porina Miill.Arg. (1883) nom. cons. [Trichotheliales: Trichotheliaceae] depressula Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 322 (1924) T. epiphylla (Fée) Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: 76 (1825). Sernandeziana Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 320 (1924) T. fulvella Mill. Arg., Flora, Jena 66: 335 (1883). leptalea (Durieu ££ Mont. ) A.L. Sm., Monogr. Brit. Lich. 2: 333 (1911). Porina rufocarpella Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 321 (1924) T limbulata (Kremp. ) Vain., Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A, 15: 363 (1921). micromma (Mont.) A. Massal., Framment. Lich.: 26 (1855). nitidula Miill. Arg., Flora 66: 336 (1883). rubrosphaera R. Sant., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: 261 (1952) T. macroverrucosa P.M. McCarthy, Biblioth. Lichenol. 52: 67 (1993). Porina depressula Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 322 24) T - nom. illeg. non P. depressula Múll. Arg 0 Jahrb. 6: 399 (1885)]. tetracerae, (Ach.) Miill. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 401 (1885 . McCarthy, Biblioth. Lichenol. 52: 116 (1993) T Lit.: Santesson ( 1952); Follmann (1961); McCarthy (1993). 196. Porocyphus Kórb. (1855) [Lichinales: Lichinaceae] ispersus Á. E.Dahl, Meddel. Gronland, Biosci. 150 (2): 51 (1950). Lit: Henssen (1963c, 1977). 197. Porpidia Kórb. (1855) [Lecanorales: Porpidiaceae] 149 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel £« Knoph, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 433 (1984). austroshetlandica Hertel. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 434 (1894) T. crustulata (Ach.) Hertel £ Knoph, Beih. Nova ms 79: 435 (1984). Lecidea oblonga Riedl, Sydowia 20: 343 (196 rita follmannii Riedl, Sydowia 20: 345 e E. ea magellanica Riedl, Sydowia 20: 346 (1968) T. Lit.: Hertel 1971. 1984, 1987a). 198. Protoparmelia M. Choisy (1929) [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae badia (Hoffm.) Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 292 (1984). Lecanora badia var. fuscobrunnea Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 156 (1855) T. Lit.: Hafellner (1984); Nimis (1993). 199. Protoroccella Porres [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] nnii San SP á: Schulz, Flechten Follmann: 319 (1995) T. minima (R. Sant.) Follmann, Crypt. Bot. 5: 230 (1995). Roccella minima R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 31A (7): 6 (1944) T. Lit.: Santesson (1944); Follmann (1995); Sánchez-Pinto £ Schulz (1995). 200. Protousnea (Mot.) Krog (1976) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] alectoroides (Mot.) Krog, Norw. J. Bot. 23: 99 (1976). Usnea alectoroides Mot., Usnea 1: 13 ion de dusenii (DR.) Krog, Norw. J. Bot. 23: 99 (1976). Usnea dusenii DR., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 20: 93 (1926). Usnea barbata var. oxygona Miill. Arg., Hedwigia 34: 139 ais E Usnea oxygona (Múll. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: 588 (1930). Usnea santessonii Rásánen, Arch. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Ho “Vanamo” 2: 45 (1949). magellanica (Mont.) Krog, Norw. J. Bot. 23: 100 (1976). Evernia magellanica Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 20: 356 (1843) T. 000 desea vpo ) Mot., Usnea 1: 9 (1936 eth ar. tonellii Sambo, Contr. Sci. Miss Sales. Ven. Don Bosco: 40 (1926) T. Pes (Stirt.) Krog, a J. Bot. 23: 101 (1976). Chlorea malacea Stirt., Scott. Naturalist (Perth) 7: 74 (1883). Usnea malacea (Stirt.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: 600 (1930). Usnea campestris R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A (6): 9 (1942). poeppigii (Nees £ Flot.) Krog., Norweg. J. Bot. 23: 102 inca Neuropogon poepiggii Nees € Flot., Linnaea 9: 497 (18 Chlorea poeppigii (Nees € Flot.) Ny]l., Syn. Meth. Lich. pres 275 (1860). Usnea poeppigii (Nees £ Flot.) Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 12 (1903). Letharia poeppigii (Nees $: Flot.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 3 (11): 33 (1912). pet poeppigii (Nees £ Flot) Elenkin, Izv. Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Velikago 16: 266 (1916) nom. nval. scrobicula Sambo) pp Norweg. J. Bot. 23: 102 (1976). ar. scrobiculata Sambo, Contr. Sci. Miss. Sales. Ven. Don Bosco: 40 (1926) T. Ps Krog, ER J. Bot. e 103 (1976) T sp. in Krog, Norw. J. Bot. 23: 105 (197 Lit.: Santesson (1942a); Krog (1976); 00d et al. (1985); Garbarino et al. (1987); Quilhot et al. (1987). 201. Pseudephebe M. pines (1930) [Lecanorales: Parmeliacea: minuscula (Nyl. ex A Brodo £ D. Hawksw., Opera Bot. 42: 140 (1977). pubescens (L.) M. Choisy, Icon. Lich. Univ. ser. 2: sine pag. (1930). Lit.: Brodo £« Hawksworth (1977); Redon (1985); Garbarino et al. ( 1993). pea er reiciós (1890) nom. cons. os jariaceae] argyracea ra Vain.. Hedwigia 37: 35 (1898). : > Srcta agyracea Dels, Mém. Soc. Linn. Calvados 2: 91 (1825). Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT aurata (Ach.) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 7: 183 (1890). bartlettii D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 17: 303 (1985). Stictina mougeotiana f. isidiosa Múill. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 4: 89 (1896). berberina (G. Forster) D.J. Galloway 8 P. James, Lichenologist 9: 95 (1977). Lichen berberinus G. Forster, Comment. Soc. Sci. Gotting. 9: 44 (1787). Sticta orygmaea Ach., Methodus: 278 (1803). Lobaria orygmaea (Ach.) Hellbom, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3/13): 36 (1896). Pseudocyphellaria orygmaea (Ach.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 28 (1899) Sticta durvillei Delise, Mém. Soc. Linn. Calvados 2: 599 (1825). Lobaria urvillei (Delise) Trevis, Lich. Veneta Exs. 75 (1869). Sticta endochrysa var. urvillei (Delise) Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 157 (1889). Pseudocyphellaria durvillei (Delise) Vain., Hedwigia 38: 187 (1899). Pseudocyphellaria orymaea var. urvillei (Delise) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 28 (1899). Sticta endochrysa sense Hook. f., Fl. Antarct. 2: 525 (1847) non Delise Sticta endochrysa var. angustiloba Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 105 (1854) T. Sticta urvillei var. orygmaeoides Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 360 (1860) T Sticta endochrysa var. orygmaeoides (Nyl.) Múill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 157 (1889). Pseudocyphellaria endochrysa var. orygmaeoides (Nyl.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 42 (1966) nom. inval. Sticta endochrysa var. compacta Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 157 (1889) T. Sticta urvillei var. orygmaeoides f. compacta (Mill. Arg.) Stizenb., Flora 81: 117 (1895). Pseudocyphellaria durvillei var. laciniatula Rásiinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 36 (1932) T Pseudocyphellaria durvillei var. normalis Rásiinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 36 (1932) T. Pseudocyphellaria durvillei var. canescens Rásiinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 204 (1937) T. bereteroana (Mont.) Redon, Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaíso 10: 21 (1977). :8 Sticta coerulescens Mont., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 306 (1852) T. : Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) D.J. Galloway $: P. James, Lichenologist 12: 294 (1980) nom. su- rfl pertt. Pseudocyphellaria nitida var. curta Rásánen In Gyeln., Lich. Parva No. 5 (1937). compar (Ny1.) H. Magn., Acta Horti Gothob. 14: 8 (1940). Stictina compar Ny]., Flora 49: 135 (1866) E. Sticta compar (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lih. Univ. 3: 375 (1925 Pseudocyphellaria orwayensis (Jatta) H. Magn., Acta Horti Gothob. 14: 7 (1940). Cyanisticta otwayensis (Jatta) C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 84: 506 (1965). Sticti 7 ill. Are.. Flora 74: 111 (1891) T. cda mp S h. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 Sticta endochrysoides (Miill. Arg.) Hue, Nouv. ergo 0000 degrco po 3: 87 (1901). Pp ¡cti ¿des (Múll. Arg.) Clem., Gen. Fung.: memos od 7 dos ánen, Revista. Univ. (Santiago) 22: 204 ( 1937). ifera Hi ¡ sr. 4, 3:86 (1901) Sticta granulifera Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 4, 3:86 ( ) Pseudocyphellaria granulifera (Hue) H. Magn., Acta Hortt Gothob. 14: 8 (1940). Pseudocyphellaria compar var. granulifera (Hue) R. Sant. In S. Huneck et al., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 545 (1973) coppinsii D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 85 (1992) T. : coriifolia (Miill. Arg.) old Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6) erecta Sritina coriifolia MúN. Arg.. Bot. Jahrb. Syst.4: 55 (1889 E Sticta coriifolia (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. - : “ ”2 (1): | Cyanisticta coriifolia (Múll. Arg.) Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool tot e. bucal a (1): 40 (1932). Stictina coriifolia var. hypomelaena Miill. Ag. Miss. Sci. Cap Eno Ku Varese Acad: Hand. 25 Pseudocyphellaria coriifolia var. hypomelaena (Múll. Arg) Malme, Bib. £- Sy. YeErse O (3/6): 25 (1899). E a Sticta coriifolia var. hypomelaena (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 376 (1925). 151 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. po coriifolia var. hypomelaena (Múll. Arg.) Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 40 (1 crocata (L.) Vain., Hedwigia 37: 343 (1898). dissimilis (Nyl. )D .J. Galloway £ P. James, Lichenologist 12: 297 (1980). divulsa (Taylor) Imshaug, Adapt. Antarct. pp pra 964 (1977). Sticta divulsa Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 182 (184 Sticta billardierei var. divulsa CoN) Hook. E és _Antarct. 2: 527 (1847). Sticta fossulata f. divulsa (Taylor) Stizenb., Flora 81: 114 (1895). Sticta richardi f. divulsa (Taylor) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 4, 3: 56 (1901). Pseudocyphellaria richardi var. divulsa nda Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 53 (1966). Rietz, Ark. Bot. 20 B (1): 2 (1926 Cyanisticta dubia (Du Rietz) Rásiánen, Amn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. os “Vanamo” 2 (1): 42 (1932). Sticta (Stictina) dubia (Du Rietz) Zahlbr., Cat Lich. Univ. 8: 309 (193 Cyanisticta dubia var. arrhiza Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot Fon apo 2 (1): 42 (1932) T. Sticta dubia var. arrhiza (Rásánen) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 274 (19 Pseudocyphellaria dubia var. arrhiza (Rásánen) F Revista aria O 51: 42 (1966). encoensis R. Sant. In D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 21: 88 (1989) T endochrysa (Delise) Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 28 (1903). Sticta endochrysa Delise, Mém. Soc. Linn. Calvados 2: 43 (1825). Ricasolia endochrysa (Delise) Trevis., Le Veneta Exs. 75 A Lobaria endochrysa (Delise) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 876 (1891 Sticta orygmaea var. endochrysa (Delise) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: 312 (1932). Sticta feei Delise, Mém. Soc. Linn. Calvados 2: 44 (1825). Sticta endochrysa var. feei (Delise) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 343 (1925). Parmelia pubescens Pers. In M. Pra pe Voy. Uranie Bot. 1: 199 (1827). Sticta endochrysa var. pul Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 359 (1860). Sticta lechleri Flot. In W. Lechler, ano Amer. Austral.: 49 (1857) nom. nu Pseudocyphellaria leptospora Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” o» (1):37 (1932) T. Pseudocyphellaria latiloba C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 84: 503 (1965). exanthematica 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 435 (1955). Saveolata (Delise) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 23 (1899). Sticta faveolata Delise, Mém. Soc. Linn. Calvados 2: 102 (1825) T Stictina faveolata (Delise) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 337 (1860). ota os (Delise) Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 42 (1932). (J.D. Hook. £: Taylor) Vain., Philipp. J. Sci. 8: 115 (1913). H S Sticta endochrysa sensu Hook. f., Fl. Antarct. 1: 525 (1847) non Delise. Sticta urvillei var. flavicans (Hook. F. 8: Taylor) Nyl. Syn. pac Lich. 1 (2): 360 (1860). Sticta endochrysea [sic] var. flavicans (Hook. F. £ Taylor) M 11. Arg., Flora 71: 136 pri Pseudocyphellaria durvillei var. flavicans (Hook. F. €: Taylor) Vain., Hedwigia 38: 187 (18 Pseudocyphellaria orygmaea var. flavicans (Hook. F. €: Taylor) Malme, Bih. Kongl. a Vetensk.- Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 28 (1899). Sticta desfontainii . Stictina mallota (Tuck.) Stizenb, Flora, Jena 81: 131 (1895). Stictbd stauromatica Flot. In W. Lechler, Pl. Chilensem 562a (?1854 A E freycinetii (Delise) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. + 25 (3/6): 34 (1899). 152 Sticta freycinetii Delise, Mém. Soc. Linn. Calvados 2: 124 (18 Lobaria freycinetii (Delise) Trevis., Lich: Veneta Exs. 75 ds Phanosticta freycinetii (Delise) Clem., Gen. Fung.: 175 (1909). Parmelia lactucaefolia Pers. In M. Gaudichaud-Beaupré, Voy. Uranie Bot.: 199 (1827). Sticta lactucaefolia (Pes.) Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 39 (1888). Sticta freycinetii var. lactucaefolia (Pers.) Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 157 (1888). pra de freycinetii var. lactucaefolia (Pers.) Mame, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. Sticta fulvocinerea Menk:. Voy. Pole Sud Bot.1: 184 (1845) T. Sticta freycinetii var. fulvocinerea (Mont.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 103 (1859). fulvocinerea (Mont.) Trevis., Lich. Veneta Exs. 75 (1869). Sticta freycinetii var. fimbriata Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 121 (1854) T. Ps Uria freyinetii var. fimbriata (Mont.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 44 (1966). Sticta patagonica Miill. Arg., Hedwigia 34: 140 (1895). Pseudocyphellaria patagonica (Mill. Arg.) LM. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 66 (1959) [“1958”]. Cyanisticta antarctica Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc - Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 39 (1932) T. Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. $: VW. QUILHOT Sticta (Stictina) antarctica (Rásánen) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 272 (1939). gilva (Ach.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 32 (1899). Sticta erythroscypha Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 181 (1847) T Stictina subfaveolata Nyl. In E. Stizenberger, Flora 81: 129 (1895) T. glabra (Hook. f. £« Taylor) C.W. Dodge, B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. Rep. B, 7: 79 (1948). Sticta glabra Hook. f. £ Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 3: 647 (1844). Sticta freycinetii var. glabra (Hook. f. £ Taylor) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 347 (1925). Pseudocyphellaria nio var. glabra (Hook. f. £ Taylor) Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 3 a Cetraria (sect. Platy. e la Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 57 (6): 43 (1917). Pseudocoptellria burkholderi C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Micros cop. Soc. 84: 502 (1965). granulata (C. Bab.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 21 (1899). guillemini (Mont. ) D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 18: 127 (1986 Sticta guillemini Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 4: 87 ( 1835) T ; Sticta hirsuta var. guillemini (Mont.) Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 107 (1854). Sticta obvoluta var. guillemini (Mont.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 103 (1857). Crocodia guillemini (Mont.) Nyl. In Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 3, 2: 297 (1890). Cyanisticta guillemini (Mont.) Rásinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 203 (1937 Sticta guillemini var. stictica Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 248 (1924) T. guzmanii D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 145 (1992) T. hillii (C.W. Dodge) D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 149 (1992). Cyanisticta hillii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 19: 492 (1971) T hirsuta (Mont.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 18 (1899). Sticta hirsuta Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 4: 88 (1835) T. Stictina hirsuta (Mont.) Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 15: 41 (1861). Cyanisticta hirsuta (Mont.) Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 144 (1936). Pseudocyphellaria hirsuta f. leucosticta 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 436 AP Stictina scholanderi C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 19: 493 (1971) T imbricatula (Taylor) D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 17: 305 (1985). Sticta imbricatula Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 180 (1847) T. Sticta endochrysa f. imbricatula (Taylor) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 359 (1860). imshaugii D.J. Galloway $ Redon. In D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 158 (1992) T. intricata (Delise) Vain., Hedwigia 37: 35 (1898). lechleri (Mill. Arg.) Du Rietz. In H. Magnusson, Acta Horti Gothob. 14: 27 (1940). Stictina lechleri Miill. Arg., Flora 66: 354 (1883) T. Cyanisticta lechleri (Miill. Arg.) C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 84: 505 (1 Sticta carpoloma f. latifolia Kremp., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 18: 316 (1868) nom. nud. Stictina latifolia Stizenb., Flora 81: 130 (1895) T Pseudocyphellaria carpoloma var. latifolia (Stizenb. ) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 33 (1899). Sticta latifolia (Stizenb.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 39 (1925). Pseudocyphellaria latifolia (Stizenb.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 48 (1966). Sticta (Stictina) carpoloma var. benovei Sambo, Lich. Terr. D. Fuoco: 31 (1926) Cyanisticta wilkseii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 19: 472 (1971). mallota (Tuck.) H. Magn., Acta Horti Gothob. 14: 7 (1940). Sticta crocata var. mallota Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. e 1: 101 (1882) T. Stictina mallota (Tuck.) Stizenb, Flora 81: 131 (189 Sticta mallota (Tuck.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: ras Cyanisticta mallota (Tuck.) C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microsc cop. Soc. 84: 506 (1965). Cyanisticta hirsuta var. sorediifera Rásinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 203 (1937) T. Pseudocyphellaria hirsuta var. sorediifera (Rássánen) Follmann, Revista. Univ. (Santiago) 51: 46 (1966). eana D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 172 (1992) T. meyenii (Trevis.) D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 21: 89 (1989). Stictina meyenii Trevis, Lich. Veneta Exs. 75 Aj ada Stictina faveolata var. cervicornis Nyl., Syn. ic po can faveolata var. cervicornis (Nyl.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 23 (1899). Sticta faveolata var. cervicornis (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 380 (1925). mooreana (Zahlbr.) Imshaug. Adapt. Antarct. a cdo ett lecta (Mill. Arg.) H. Magn., Acta Horti Go! ade hn var. isidiifera Rásiinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 204 (1937) T. 153 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Pseudocyphellaria gilva var. isidiifera (Rásánen) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 45 (1966). nitida (Taylor) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 26 (1899). Sticta nitida Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 178 (1847) T. Lobaria nitida (Taylor) Trevis, Lich. Veneta Exs. 75 (1869). Sticta flabellata Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 306 (1852) T. Sticta horrida Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 4, 3: 50 (1901) T. Pseudocyphellaria horrida (Hue) 1.M. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 62 (1959) [“1958”]. Sticta carpoloma f. ornata Zahlbr. In C.Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 349 (1924) T. Pseudocyphellaria carpoloma f. ornata (Zahlbr.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 36 (1966). Pseudocyphellaria nitida var. subglauca Rásiinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 205 (1937) T. Pseudocyphellaria nitida var. substraminea Rásá Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 205 (1937) T. norvegica (Gyeln.) P. James. In B.J. Coppins « P.W. James, Lichenologist 11: 172 (1979). nudata (Zahlbr.) D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 21: 89 (1989). Sticta coriifolia var. nudata Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 81 (1931). Pseudocyphellaria coriifolia var. nudata (Zahlbr.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 38 (1966). obvoluta (Ach.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 17 (1899). Parmelia obvoluta Ach., Methodus: 218 (1803). Cyanisticta piloselloides Rásinen, Amn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 39 (1932) T. Sticta piloselloides (Ráisánen) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 278 (1939). pluvialis R. Sant. In D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 18: 150 (1986) T. Pseudocyphellaria nitida var. mollis Rásinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 205 (1937) T. Sticta faveolata var. richardi (Mont.) Linds., Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 22: 197 ( 1859). 1 J (1860). Lobaria fossulata var. richardi (Mont.) Hellbom, Bih. Kongl. rencia Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3113): 38 1896 scabrosa R. Sant. In D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 18: 155 (1986) T. skottsbergii D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 224 (1992) T subrubella Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 142 (1939). vaccina (Mont.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 27 (1899). Sticta vaccina Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Sér. 3, 18: 307 (1852) T. Sticta endochrysea [sic.] var. vaccina (Mont.) Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 230 (1876). Pseudocyphellaria albidopallens Vain.. Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 28 (1903) T. Sticta albidopallens (Vain.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: 330 (1925). Pseudocyphellaria vaccina var. albosticta Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 142 (1939). ges cias albidopallens f. albosticta (Rásánen) LM. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 64 (1959) vil ( Nyl.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 51: 54 (1966). Sticta valdiviana Nyl. In E. Stizenberger, Flora 81: 115 (1895) T. verrucosa (Mont.) D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 21: 89 ( 1989). Sticta argyracea var. verrucosa Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 116 (1854) T. Stictina argyracea var. verrucosa (Mont.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsber Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter 1s]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 346 (1924). ., sudan Pse yphellaria argyracea var. verrucosa (Mont.) Follmann, Revista Univ. (Santia 0) 51: 35 (1966 wandae D.J. Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 46: 238 (1992) T. a nó Lit.: Galloway (1986, 1988, 1989, 1992). 203. Pseudoparmelia Lynge (1914) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] 154 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT subambigua Hale, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 31: 50 (1976) T. Lit.: Hale (1976, 1986); Elix (1993); Elix £ Nash (1998). 204. Pseudopyrenula Miill. Arg. (1883) [Pyrenulales: ?Trypetheliaceae] diluta (Fée) Mill. Arg., Flora 66: 249 (1883). Lit.: Follmann (1961). 205. Psilolechia A. Massal. (1860) [Lecanorales: Pee lucida (Ach.) M. Choisy, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 18: 142 (1949). Lit.: Coppins 4 Purvis (1987). 206. Psiloparmelia Hale (1989) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] distincta (Ny!l.) Hale, Mycotaxon 35: 42 (1989). flavobrunnea (Miill. Arg.) Elix £ Nash, Bryologist 95: 386 (1992). salazinica Elix £ Nash, Bryologist 95: 388 (1992). Lit.: Hale (1989); Elix € Nash (1992). 207. Psora Hoffm. (1796) nom. cons [Lecanorales: Psoraceae] icterica (Mont.) Mill. Arg., Flora 71: 45 (1888 Biatora icterica Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 2: 373 (1834) T. Lecidea icterica (Mont.) Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 6: 150 (1847). Schaereria argentina Gyebe, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 33: 304 (1934). Lecidea (Gyeln.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 346 (1939). diiformis (Hue) Darb., Br. Antarct. (“Terra Nova”) Exp. 1910, Nat. Hist. Rep. Bot. 3: 48 (1923). NE: remtrbióa Timdal (1984, 1987). 208. Psoroma Ach. ex Michaux (1803) [Lecanorales: Pannariaceae angustisectum Zahlbr. In C. prod mo cs Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 342 (1924) T. aphthosum Vain., Hedwigia 38: 188 (18 caliginosum Stirt., Proc. Phil. Soc. o po 295 (1877). calophyllum Miill. Arg., Hedwigia 31: 278 (1 1892) T. cephalodinum Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández cinnamomeum Malme, Ark. Bot. 20A (3): 11 (1925) T. contortum Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 160 (1889) T. cristatulum Mill. Arg., Hedwigia 31: 278 (1892) dasycladum Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. lem Fernández Easte dimorphum Malme, Ark. Bot. 20A (3): 11 (1925). durietzii P. James 8: Henssen, Lichenologist 7: 143 (1975). fruticulosum P. James €: Henssen, Mycotaxon 18: 31 (1983). hirsutulum Nyl. ex Cromb., J. Bot. Lond. 13: 333 (1875). hispidulum Nyl., Flora, Jena 38: 674 (1855) T. Pannaria hispidula (Nyl.) Hue, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 48: LVH (1902). hypnorum (Vahl) S.F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Br. Pl. 1: 445 (1821). Seibo follmannii C.W. Dodge, Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 84: 510 (1965) T. pnorum var. paleaceum (Fr.) Rostr., Bot. Tidsskr. 4: 96 (1871 implezumo Str Trans. 8: Proc. New Zealand Inst. 6: 236 (1874). incisum Vain., Hedwigia 38: 188 (1899) T. Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 339 (1924) T. r Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 341 (1924) T. leprolomum (Nyl. ) Rásiinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. F microlepideum Malme, Ark.Bot. 2304 (3): 17 (1925) T. ; microlepideum var. pallida Rásinen, Ann. Soc. Bot. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 45 (1932) T. microphyllizans (Ny1.) D.J. Pia pe es J. Bot. 21: 196 (1983). m Ny]l., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 25 (186 Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue, Bull. Bot. qe France 48: LVI (1902). 7 enssen, Mycotaxon 18: 98 (1983). 155 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. patagonicum Malme, Ark. Bot. 20A (3): 13 (1925) T. Pannaria sphictrina var. dilatata Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 4, 8: 267 (1906) T. Psoroma sphictrinum var. dilatatum (Hue) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: 303 (1932). lidotoides (Nyl.) Trevis. Lich. Veneta: 98 (1869). Pannaria reticulata Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 4, 8: 261 (1906) T. Psoroma reticulatum (Hue) Zahlbr., Cat. pepris Univ. 3: 274 (1925). pholidotum (Mont.) Miúill. Arg., Flora 71: 45 (188 Parmelia pholidota Mont., Amn. Sci. Nat. ey sér. 2, 4: 91 (1835) T. Pannaria pholidota (Mont.) Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 182 (1855). pulchrum Malme, Ark. Bot. 20A (3): 12 (1925). rubro. m P. James £ J.S. Murray, Mycotaxon 18: 40 (1983). sphinctrinum (Mont.) Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 181 (1855). Parmelia sphinctrina Mont., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 4: 90 (1835) T. Parmelia rubiginosa var. sphinctrina (Mont.) Hook. f. £ Taylor, Fl. Ant. 2: 533 (1847). Lecanora sphinctrina (Mont.) Nyl., Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, sér. 2, 2: 62 (1868). Pannaria sphinctrina (Mont.) Hue, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 48: LVI (1902). vulcanicum Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 339 (1924) T. Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924); Malme (1925); Lamb (1959); Follmann $ Huneck (1976); Henssen £ Renner (1981); Henssen et al. (1983); Henssen (1983); Galloway (1985); Quilhot et al. (1989); Calvelo (1992). 209. Psoromidium Stirt. (1877) [Lecanorales: Pannariaceae versicolor (Hook. f. £ Taylor) D.J. Galloway, New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 196 (1983). Lecanora versicolor Hook. f. £ Taylor, London J. Bot. 3: 642 (1844). Psoroma versicolor (Hook. f. € Taylor) Miill. Arg., Flora 71: 534 (1888). Psoroma subdescendens Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 7 (1888). Pc subdescendens les ) Nyl. In Hue, Nouv, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris sér. 3, 3: 45 (1891). a subdescendens (Nyl.) Hue, Mém. Soc. Nat. Hist. Nat. Math. Cherbourg 38: 49 (1911). Lit: Cllóma l K James (1985). 210. A. Masal. (1855) [Lichinales: Lichinaceae ] argentinica Miill. Arg., Flora 72: 142 (1889). Lit.: Lamb (1959); Follmann (1965b). 211. Psorula Gotth. Schneid. (1979) [Lecanorales: Psoraceae] rufonigra (Tuck.) Gotth. Schneid., Biblioth. Lichenol. 13: 136 (1979). Lit.: Huneck $: Follmann (1976); Schneider (1979). 212. Pterygiopsis Vain. (1890) per Lichinaceae a Henssen, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 18: 76 (1963) T. Lit.: e (1963c); Jorgensen (1990). 213. Punctelia Krog (1982) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] borreri (Sm.) Krog, Nordic J. Bot. 2: 291 (1982). reddenda (Stirt.) Krog, Nordic J. Bot. 2: 291 (1982 peras (Delise in Duby) Krog, Nordic J. Bot. 2: 291 (1982). (Nyl.) Krog, Nordic J. Bot. 2: 29 1 (1982). E -Krog (1982) a dl 00d, Stenroos (1991); Elix (1993, 1994); Adler (1996). *Pyrenidium Ny]l. (1865) [Dothideales: Dacampiaceae actinellum Nyl.. an dd 210 (186: Lit: Alerces (109: coo Wedin (1994); Ihlen (1998). 214. Pyrenocollema Reinke (1895) [Dothideales: Arthopyreniaceae] 156 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT halodytes (Nyl.) R.C. Harris. In R. Egan, Bryologist 90: 164 (1987). Lit.: Santesson (1939). 215. Pyrenula Ach. (1810) nom. cons. [Pyrenulales: Pyrenulaceae apistea (Afzel.) Ach., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk.. 6: 17 (1814). cereina Eschw., Syst. Lich.: 25 (1824). coryli (Nyl.) A. Mans. Ric. Auton. Lich. pe e (1852). kunthii Fée, po Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: 80 (18. mamillana (Ach.) Trevis., Conspect. Verruc.: La lol nitida (Weigel) Ach., Syn. Meth. Lich.: 125 (1814). nitidella (Schaer.) Múill. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 414 (1885). occulta var. leucomma (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: 448 (1922 Verrucaria micromma var. leucomma Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 176 (1855) T. tdi micromma var. leucomma (Ny]l. Ai Conspect. Verruc.: 13 (1860). vernicosa (Kremp.) Miill. Arg., Flora 72: 68 (1889). Ext: dra (1924); Follmann (1961); Follmann € Huneck (1976).. 216. Pyrrhospora Kórb. (1855) los: Lecanoraceae] russula (Ach.) Hafellner. In Kalb £ Hafellner, Herzogia 9: 86 (1992). Lit: desrernat (1993b). 217. Pyxine Fr. (1825) pc Physciaceae] br. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 402 (1924) T. Ext: pio (1987). 218. Raciborskiella Hóhn. (1909) clar incert. sed.: Strigulaceae] ina (Múll.Arg.) R. e. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: 197 (1952). Lit: a da 19. Racodium Fr. (1829) nom. cons. [Mitosporic fungi] pestre Pers, Tent. Disp. Meth. Fung.: 76 (1797). Lit.: Hawksworth (1970); Hawksworth £ Riedl (1977). 220. Ramalina Ach. (1810) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Ramalinaceae cactacearum Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 256 (1968) [”1967"] T. = . Desmazieria cactacearum (Follmann) Follmann, Philippia 3: 86 (197 Ramalina follmannii C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 16: 493 (1969) [' dl sd canariensis Steiner Ost. Bot. Z. 9: 8 (1904 celastri (Spreng.) Krog £ Swinscow, Norwe eg. J. Bot. 23: 159 (1976). amalina striatula Nees £ Flot., Linnaea 9: 501 (1835) T Ramalina ecklonii var. ambigua Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 79 (1852) ceruchoides H. Magn. In Bendz, Santesson £ Wachtmeister, Acta pampa Scand. e 1185 (1965) T. chilena (Nyl.) Kashiw., Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B, 16 (1): 2 (1990). Ramalina pollinaria f. chilena Nyl., Bull. Soc. Linn . Normandie Pe 150 (1870) T. chilensis Bertero ex Nyl., Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie sér. 2, 4: 124 (1870) T. Desmazieria chilensis (Bertero) Follmann 4 Huneck, Willdenowia 5: 208 (1969). dissecta Kashiw., Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. N. S. 14: 125 (1988). pilulifera Ta lor, London J. Bot. 6: 190 (1847) T. pea scopulorum var. linearis (Sw.) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 2, 4: 86 (1835). Ramalina subulata Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: id terebrata Hook. f. 8: Taylor, London J. Bot. 3: 654 (1844 unilateralis Vils., Vict. Nat. 6: 69 (1889). usnea (L.) Howe, Bryologist 17: 81 (1914). 157 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Lit.: Huneck £ Follmann (1967a); Follmann £ Huneck (1969); Follmann (1976); Stevens (1987); Kashiwadani (1989); Kashiwadani £ Kalb (1993); Blanchon et al. (1996); Quilhot et al. (1996). 221. Redonia C.W. Dodge (1973) [Lecanoraceae: Physciaceae] hile C.w. Dodge, Lich. Fl. Antarct. Continent $ Adj. Ids: 353 (1973) T. cladocarpiza (1.M. Lamb) C.W. Dodge, Lich. Fl. Antarct Continent: 354 (1973). uellia cladocarpiza 1.M. Lamb, Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. i. Rep. 61: 24 (1968). Lit: Dodge (1973), Redon (1982). 222. Reinkella Darb. (1897) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] irellina Darb., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 764 (1897). Lit.: Darbishire (1897, 1898a); Tehler et al. (1997). 223. Rhizocarpon Ram. ex DC. (1805) [Lecanorales: Rhizocarpaceae] disporum (Hepp) Mill. Arg., Rev. Mycol. 1: 170 (1879). distinctum Th. Fr., Lich. Scand.1: 625 (1874). geographicum (L.) DC. In Lam. £ DC., Fl. Fr. 3 ed., 2: 365 (1805). lindsayanum Rásinen, Revista Sudamer. Bot. 7: 87 (1942 obscuratum (Ach.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost.: 103 (1852). pepe microspermum Zahkbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 368 (1924) T. superficiale (Schaer.) Malme, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 8, 3: 282 (1914). De ce barilochense Rásánen, Arch. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 5 (1): 85 (1952). iridi Wulfen) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 262 ( 1855). Lit: Rima 1956a, 1956b); Hertel (1971); Henssen (1977); Timdal « Holtan-Hartwig (1988); Feuerer (1991). 4. Rhizoplaca Zopf (1905). pto Parmeliaceae] ra (Vain.) Redon, Líquenes Antárticos: 81 (1985 Lecanora aspidophora Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 19 (1903). Omphalodina aspidophora (Vain.) Follmamn $ Redon, Willdenowia 6: 422 (1972). chrysoleuca (Sm.) Zopf, Ann. Chemie 340: 291 (1905). johowii (Follmann €: Redon) Follmann, Philippia 4 (1): 35 (1979). phalodina johowii Follmann €: Redon, Willdenowia 6: 419 (1972) T. (Ramond) Leuckert $: Poelt, Nova Hedwigia 28: 72 (1977). odina melanophthalma var. obscura (J. Steiner) Follmann £ Redon, Willdenowia 6: 422 (1972). Lit.: Follmann £ Redon (1972b); Leuckert et al. (1977); Follmann (1979); Redon (1985); Jacobsen é: Kappen (1988). *Rhymbocarpus Zo cala [Ostropales: Odontotrematac histophorus (NyL) TriebeL Biblioth. Lichenol. 35: 145 (1989). Lit.: Triebel (1989). 225. Rimelia Hale € Fletcher (1990) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae cetrata (Ach.) Hale £ Fletcher, Bryologist 93: 26 (1990). reticulata (Taylor) Hale € Fletcher. A o 93: 28 (1990). Lit.: Hale dz Fletcher (1990); Elix (1993, 1 226. rom ens s: Rimulariac presentaría Hertel 2 id Biblioth. Lichenol. 38: 176 (1990). insularis (Nyl.) Rambold £ Hertel. In H. Hertel, Lecideac. Exs. Fasc. 8, No. 159 (1985). psephota (Tuck.) Hertel £ Rambold. In H. Hertel, Mitt. Bot. Miinchen 23: 334 (1987). Lecidea psephota Tuck, Proc. Amer. Acad. ¿ey Sci. 12: 181 (1877) T. ella psephota (Tuck.) Hertel, Beih. No va Hedwigia 79: 460 (1984). Lit.: (Hertel 1985, 1987b); Rambold (1989); Hertel 8 Rambold (1990). 158 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. $ W. QUILHOT 227. Rinodina (Ach.) : F. Gray (1821) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] conradii Kórb., Aral Lich. Germ.: 123 (1855) endochrysodes (Nyl.) Miill. Arg., Nuovo e Bot. Ital. 21: 43 (1889). Lecanora endochrysodes Nyl. In J. Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 232 (1876). deceptionis 1M. Lamb., Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 61: 65 (1968) T endophragmia 1.M. Lamb, Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 61: 71 (1968). gennarii Bagl., Comment. Soc. Crittogam. Ital. 1: A 1). infuscata (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 522 (1931). Lecanora infuscata Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. a 4, 3: 156 (1855) T. nimbosa (Fr.) Th.Fr., Lichenogr. Scand.1: 193 (1871). occulta (Kórb.) Sheard, Lichenologist 3: 349 (1967). olivaceobrunnea C.W. Dodge £ G.E. Baker, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25: 659 (1938). peloleuca (Nyl.) Múill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Bi 23: 125 (1891). Lecanora peloleuca Ny]l., Flora 48: 338 (18 Lecanora endochrysodes Ny]l. In J. es ¿a J. Linn. Soc. 15: 232 (1876) T. Rinodina endochrysodes (Nyl.) Múll. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 43 (1889). Rinodina antarctica Mill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 163 (1888) T. Rinodina deceptionis 1.M. Lamb, Br. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep. 61: 65 (1968) T. aff. subcrustacea (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 567 (1931). thiomela (Nyl.) Mill. Arg., Flora 64: 515 (1881). turfacea (Wahlenb.) Kórb., Syst. Lich. Germ.: 123 (185 Lit.: Lamb (1968); Mayrhofer (1983, 1985); Redon (1985); e et al. (1998); Jacobsen £ Kappen (1988); Ap- troot £ Van der Knapp (1993). 228. Roccella DC. (1805) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] arboricola Follman, Nova Hedwigia 15: 334 (1968) T. atacamensis Follmann, Herzogia 9: 658 (1993) T. babingtonii Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 305 (1852). Roccella montagnei var. peruensis Kremp., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 26: 442 (1876). Roccella peruensis (Kremp.) Darb., Biblioth. Bot. 45: 47 (1898) gayana Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 88 (1852) T portentosa (Mont.) Darb., Biblioth. Bot. 45: 29 (1898). occella tinctoria var. portentosa Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 84 (1852) T. Lit.: Darbishire (1897, 1898b); Huneck 4: Follmann (1967b); Follmann (1962, 1968a); Follmann er al. (1993). 229. Roccellaria Darb. (1897) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] mollis (Hampe) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 511 (1923). Roccella mollis Hampe, Linnaea 17: 122 (1843) T. Roccella intricata Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 11: 57 (1849) T. Roccellaria intricata (Mont.) Darb., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 6 (1897). Lit: Follmann (1962) Follmanmn et al. (1993). 230. Roccellina Darb. em. Tehler (1983) ps proa m. (1967) accedens (NyL ) Tehler, Opera Bot 70: 76 (1983). Lecidea accedens Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér 4, do a a e east cedens (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Beih. Bot. Cen 1 Schism ' mma pu Bro (Nyl.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 a 327 (1924) Roccellina olivacea Follmann, Philippia 4 (2) o A 1979) T. cerebriformis (Mont.) Tehler. Opera Bot. 70: 51 ca cerebriforme Mont., Ann. Sci. Pe Bot. sér. 3, 18: 311 (1852) T. Lobodirina cerebriformis (Mont.) Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 234 (1968) [*1967”]. Roccellina condensata Darb., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 16: 11 (1898) T Dirina condensata (Darb.) Zahlbr., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 6 (1925). nomen sed non planta. eos ont.) Tehler f. o Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 53 (1983) T. Tehler, ia Bot. 70: 57 (1983). prota (C.W. Dodge) Tehler, Opera Bot 70: 59 (1983). 159 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Dirinastrum chilenum C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 324 (1967) [*1966”] T. Dirinastrum chilense (C.W. Dodge) Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 233 (1968) [“1967”]. Jlavida Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 54 (1983) T inaequabilis Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 63 (1983) ¿A pcs (Ny].) Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 59 (1983). Dirina limitata Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér 4, 3: 158 A E; luteola Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 12: 239 (1968) [**1967”] T lutosa (Zahlbr.) Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 65 (1983). Dirina lutosa Zahlbr., Acta Hoti Gothob. 2: 5 (1925) T. mahuiana (Follmann) Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 55 (1983), Lobodirina mahuiana Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 234 (1968) ESIOT IT. Dirina condensata sensu Zahlb., Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 6 (1925) nigricans Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 72 (1983) T nigrocincta Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 61 ( 1983). obscura Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 69 (1983) T. suffruticosa Tehler, Opera Bot. 70: 75 (1983) T. terrestris Te ra Bot. 70: 71 (1983) T Lit.: Tehler (1983); Quilhor et al. (1983); Follmann et al. (1993). 231. Roccellinastrum dore (1967) [Lecanorales: ?Micareace candidum (Mill. pri MO Nordic J. Bot. 2: 592 (1982). Byssocaulon candidum Miill.-Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 49 (1889). Sagenidium candidum (Mill. Arg.) Follmamn, eos 2: 284 (1975) ht Henssen £ Vobis. Nordic J. Bot. 2: 592 (19 ¡oideum Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: a or Lit: a (1968a); Follmann €: Crespo (1975); Henssen et al. (1982); Kantvilas (1990a); Follmann é: Schulz (1993 * Roselliniella Vain. (1921). [Sordariales: ai sed.] coccocarpiae (Pat.) Matzer £ R.Sant. In M. Matzer $2 J. Hafellner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 37: 66 (1990). LE: Mat Hafellner (1990). 32. Sagenidium Stirt. (1877) pi Roccellaceae niveum (Mont.) Follmann, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 96: 49 (1975). reas niveum Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 2,3: 355 (1835) T. patagonicum Henssen, Lichenologist 11: 264 (1979 E: Polla (1975); Follmann $: Huneck (1976); Penis et al. (1979). 233. Santessonia Hale ba Vobis (1978) [Lecanorales: Physciaceae] cervicornis (Follimann) Follmann, Crypt. Bot. 5: (1995). Roccella cervicornis Follmann, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 79: 453 (1967) T. Lie: es (1967, 1 234. Santessoniella Henssen (1997) [Lecanorales: Pannariaceae int. chilensis (Hue) Henssen, nal Bot. Upsal. 32 (1): 83 (1997). Placynthium chilensis Hue, Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie sér. 5, 9: 158 (1906) T. elongata Henssen, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 32 (1): 83 (1997). polychidioides (Zahlbr.) Henssen, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 32 (1): 77 (1997). perl ea Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): Polychidium polychidioides (Zahlbr.) Henssen, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 18 (1): 105 (1963). Lit.: Henssen (1997); Jórgensen (1998). 235. Schaereria Th.Fr. (1860) [Ascomycota incert sed.: Sc haereriaceae] fuscocinerea (Nyl.) Clauzade € Cl. Roux, Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre Ouest, sér., N 7: 829 (1985 LL: Rambold (1989): Lunke er al. (1996). pa : " 160 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. $ W. QUILHOT 236. Schismatomma Flot. € Kórb. ex A. Massal. (1852) [Arthoniales: Roccellaceae] accedens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 327 (1924). z ,T. atacamensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 327 (1967) [“1966”] T. chilense C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 16: 489 sá ea JE. epileucum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 556 (19 Jfuegiensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 328 pul [“1966” PE graphidioides (Leight.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 557 (1923). gymnophorum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 558 (1923). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924); Follmann (1965); Dodge (1967, 1969). *Scutula Tul. (1852) nom. cons. prop. [Lecanorales : era aa allr.) Trevis., Spighe e Paglie: 10 (1853). Peziza cnc Wallr., Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 499 (1833). Lit.: Rambold « Triebel (1992); Triebel et al. (1997). 237. Siphula Fr. (1831) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: incert. sed. comata (Nyl. ex Cromb.) R. Sant. € Kantvilas, Herzogia 12: 14 (1996). Siphula ramalinoides var. comata Nyl. In J. Crombie., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 226 (1876) T. complanata (Hook. f. £ Taylor) R. Sant. In D.J. Galloway, New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 197 (1983). Sphaerophoron complantum Hook. f. £ Taylor, London J. Bot. 3: 654 (1844) T Siphula subcoriacea Miill. Arg., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, Lich.: 151 (1888) T. Siphula patagonica Vain., Résult. El is Lich.: 39 (1903) T. pei Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 14 (188 noides Nyl. In J. Crombie, Bot. J. e n. Soc. 15: 226 (1876) T. EJE: pd (1937); Galloway (1985): oobiinó (1987, 1994, 1996). 238. Siphulastrum coi e (1889) pomos Pannariac m (Hook. £ 4 Taylor) D.J. Galloway, New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 197 (1983). ¡E mamillata Hook. f. € Taylor, London J. Bot. 3: 637 (1 Parmeliella mamillata (Hook. f. £ Taylor) 2 Cat. Lich. Univ: 35212: 019235% Lecidea adumbrans Ny]l., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: Parmeliella adumbrans (Nyl.) Múll. Arg., AN HE 539 (1888). Parmeliella adumbrans f. nigrata Miill. Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 40 (1889). PR P.M. Jórg., Lichenologist 00: 000 (1998) T úill. Arg., Flora 72: 143 (1889). Lit.: gesta (1985); Jóorgensen « Galloway (1992a); Jórgensen (1998). *Skyttea Sherwood, D.Hawksw. € Coppins (1981) [Ostropales: Odontotremataceae] nitschkei (Kórb.) Sherwood, D. Hawksw, € Coppins, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 75: 488 (1981). Lit.: Sherwood et al. (1981); Triebel (1989); Kondratyuk 4 Galloway (1995). * Skyttella D. Hawksw. 8 R. Sant. (1988) [Leotiales: incert sed.] mulleri (Willey) D. Hawksw. £ R. Sant., Graphis Scripta 2 (2): 34 (1988). Lit.: Hawksworth £ Santesson (1988). 9. Solorina Ach. (1808) [Peltgeals. Peltigeraceae] Spo. sa (Sm.) Anzi, Comment. Soc. Crittogam. Ital. 1: 136 (1862). Lit.: Galloway (1998). *Sphaerellothecium Zopf (1897) [Dothideales: Mycosphaerellaceae] 161 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. minutum Hafellner, Herzogia 9: 760 (1993). Lit.: Hafellner (1993c); Wedin (1994). 240. Sphaerophorus Pers (1794) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Sphaerophoraceae globosus (Huds.) Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 35 (1903). Sphaerophorus globiferus var. lacunosus Tuck., U.S. Expl. Exped. 1838-1842, 17. Bot. 1: 116 (1874) [“1862”] T. Sphaerophorus globosus var. lacunosus (Tuck.) Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 35 (1903). Sphaerophoron globiferum var. versicolor Miill. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 4: 145 (1888) T. phaerophorus sae var. versicolor (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: 693 (1922). Lit.: Wedin (1993, 1995 241. Spilonema Bornet (1856) eproniora Po quere ] m Bornet, Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 4: 226 (1856). NA Flora 48: 601 (1865). Et: oa (0 1 *Spirographa Zahlbr. (1903) [Ostropales: Odontotremataceae] fusisporella (Nyl. ) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: 285 (1923). Lit.: Santesson (1993). 242. Squamarina Poelt (1958) [Lecanorales: Bacidiaceae squamulosa (Nyl.) Follmamn, Philippia 2: 74 (1974). Squamaria squamulosa Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 152 (1855) T. Lit.: Follmann (1974); Timdal (1983): Feige et al. (1997). 243. Staurothele Norman (1853) nom. cons. pipi Verrucariace: ae] 244. Stephanocyclos Hertel (1983) ¡sides Lecideaceae] nssentanus Hertel., Lecid. Exs. Fasc. 5, No. 96 (1983). Lit.: Hertel (1984 1987b). 245. Stereocaulon Hoffm. (1796) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: Stereocaulaceae] antarcticum Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 16 (1903) T. corticatulum Nyl., Flora, Jena 41: 117 (1858). corticatulum Nyl. var. humile (Mill. Arg.) LM. Lamb ex Frey, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 86: 244 (1967). corticatulum Nyl. var. subcorticatu; m (Rásánen) LM. Lamb, Canad. J. Bot. 29: 581 (1951). Stereocaulon subcorticatum Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool. -Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 24 (1932) T. LM. Lamb., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 290 (1977). curtum (Rásánen) LM. Lamb, Can. J. Bot. 29 : 565 (1951). Stereocaulon pi ito var. curta Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 200 (1937) T. ltd eocaulon ara var. recen Rásinen, pee Bol Soc. pul. -Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2(1): 24 (1932). Pilophoron colensoi var. reagens (Rásánen) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 381 (1939). Stereocaulon patagonicum f. reagens (Rásinen) LM M. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 99 (1959) [**1958”]. 162 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT Stereocaulon patagonicum f. subirregulare 1.M. Lamb. Farlowia 4: 456 (1955 glabrum (Mill. Arg.) Vain. f. flabellans (1.M. Lamb) LM. Lamb, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. ed 218 (1977). Stereocaulon paschale var. alpinum f. flabellans, LM. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 457 (1955). implexum Th.Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 23 (1857) T Stereocaulon Peine var. implexum (Th.Fr. ) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 236 (1860). Stereocaulon proximum var. compactius Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.) 3 (11): 373 (1924) 7 melanopotamicum 1.M. Lamb., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 296 (1977). Stereocaulon corticatulum var. procerum 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4 : 462 (1955). meyeri B. Stein, Jahrsb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 66: 134 (1888). meyeri B. Stein var. farinosum (Th.Fr.) LM Porra Canad. J. Bot. 29: 582 (1951). ?microcarpum, Mill. Arg., Flora 62: 162 (1879 ?obesum Th.Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 28 ed ramulosum (Sw.) Ráuschel., Nomenclat. Bot. Ed. ds 328 (1797). ramulosum (Sw.) Ráuschel, f. elegans Th.Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 11 (1857). ramulosum f. subcompressum 1.M. Lamb, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 282 (1977). ramulosum (Sw.) Ráuschel var. macrocarpum (A. Rich.) C. Bab. In Hook. f., Fl. Nov. Zel. 2: 294 (1 855). ramulosum (Sw.) Ráuschel var. pulvinare (C.W. Dodge) LM. Lamb, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 283 (1977). Stereocaulon pulvinare C.W. Dodge, B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. Rep. 7: 139 (1948). ramulosum (Sw.) Ráuschel var. pulvinare (C.W. Dodge) LM. Lamb f. crebratum LM. Lamb, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 283 (1977). stenospermum (1.M. Lamb) LM. Lamb., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 304 (1977). Stereocaulon argus var. stenospermum 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 460 (1955). ? strictum Th.Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 24 (1857). tomentosum Fr., Sched. Crit. Lich. Exs. HI: 20 (1825). Stereocaulon tomentosum ssp. magellanicum Th.Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 31 (1857). Stereocaulon paschale var. magellanicum (Th.Fr.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 96 (1857). Stereocaulon magellanicum (Th.Fr.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: 651 (1927). verruciferum Nyl., Sym. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 248 (1860). Stereocaulon speciosum 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 458 (1955). verruciferum Ny]l. var. surreptans (IM. Lamb) 1.M. Lamb, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 256 (1977). Stereocaulon speciosum Ny]. var. surreptans 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 459 (1955). vesuvianum oi var. kilimandscharoense B. Stein., Jahrber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 66: 134 (1888). vesuvianum var. efflorescens (Rásánen) LM. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 100 (1959) [“1958”]. iia obesum var. efflorescens Rásinen, Anales. Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 136 (1939). Stereocaulon violascens Mill. Arg., Rev. Mycol. 1: 164 (1879 Stereocaulon vesuvianum var. violascens (Mill. Arg.) LM. Lamb, Anales Parques Nac. 7: 101 (1959) 58” e [ Lit.: Lamb (1977, 1978). 246. Sticta (Shreb.) Ach. (1803) ¿pora Stictaceae D.J. Galloway 4 J. Pickering, Biblioth. Lichenol. 38: 92 (1990) T caulescens De Not., Osserv. Sticta: 12 (1851) Stictina caulescens (De Not.) Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 43 (1932). Sticta biatora De Not., Osserv. Sticta: 13 (1851) T Stictina filicina f. latissima Nyl. In J. Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 229 (1876) T. Stictina caulescens f. pallidoglauca Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 202 (1937) T. Stictina caulescens f. brunnea Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 303 (1937) T. fuliginosa paren, Methodus: 280 (1803 gaudichaldia Delise, Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie 2: 80, Tab. VIL fig. 23 (1825). Sticta gaudichaldiana [sic.] Pers. In C. Gaudichaud-Beaupré, Voy. Uranie Bot.: 200 ( 1827). Sticta filicina var. gaudichaudii (Delise) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: ne a Sticta freycinetii var gaudichaudii (Delise) Linds., Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 22 22: 197 (1859). Stictina gaudichaudii (Delise) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 345 (1860). Stictina quercizans var. gaudichaudii (Delise) ce Flora 48: 297 (1865). Sticta malovina Fr., Syst. Orb. os E ss Stic Vain., Hedwigia 38: 1 pon at Vain pinitos Wiss. Ergebn. poe Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903. 4 (11): 55 (1912). Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 29 (190: Ear fuliginosa f. pens a Bot. J. Pad o. 15: 229 (1876) T. 163 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Stictina quercizans var. glaucovirens Jatta, Malpighia 20: 6 (1906) T. Stictina filicinella var. ochraceofusca Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 143 (1939). hypopsila (Mont.) Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 16: 223 (1877). Sticta filicina var. lineariloba f. hypopsila Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér.3, 18: 308 (1852) T. Sticta var. hypopsila (Mont.) Nyl., Amn. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 11: 213 (1859). best lineariloba var. hypopsila (Mont.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 355 (1860). icta laciniata var. denudata sensu Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 353 (1924) non. E e Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 354 (1860)]. limbata (Sm.) Ach., Methodus lineariloba (Mont.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. y 1 (2): 355 (1860). Sticta filicina var lineariloba Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 3, 18: 308 (1852) T. Lobaria lineariloba (Mont.) Trevis., Lich. Veneta Exs. No. 75 (1869). longipes (Miill. Arg.) Malme, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 25 (3/6): 11 (1899). Stictina longipes Miúill. Arg., Flora, Jena 65: 303 (1882) T Stictina filicinella var. pallescens Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22303 (1937WE. Stictina filicinella var. roseola Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 303 (1937) T. santessonii D.J. Galloway, Lichenologist 26: 268 (1994) T sublimbata (Steiner) Swinscow $ Krog. In D.J. Galloway, New Zealand. J. Bot. 21: 198 (1983). weigelii (Ach.) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Femn. 7: 189 (1890). Lit.: Galloway (1994, 1995, 1997). *Stigmidium Trevis (1860) [Dothideales: Mycosphaerellaceae] peltideae (Vain. ) R. Sant., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 54 (4): 510 (1960). pumilum (Lettau) Matzer 8: Hafellner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 37: 115 (1990). Lit.: Santesson (1960, 1993); Hawksworth (1975); Matzer € Hafellner (1990). 247. Strigula Fr. (1823) [Ascomycota incert. sed: Strigulaceae] e Fr., Linnaea $5: 550 (1830). rigula ee (Fée) Miill. Arg., Flora 63: 41 (1880). 1: bi (1952) 248. Tapellaria Miill. deL (1890) [Lecanorales: Ectolechiaceae] epiphylla (Mill. Arg. A R. Sant. In C.A. Thorold, J. Ecol.: 129 (1952). Lit: serena (1952). 249. Teloschistes Norman (1853) adigrer Teloschistaceae] rysophthalmus (L.) Th.Fr., Gen. Heterolich. Eur.: 51 (1861). Physcia chrysophthalma f. flavoalbida Kremp., Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 18: 322 (1868) T. Teloschistes chrysophthalmus f. flavoalbida (Kremp.) Malme, Ark. Bot. 20A (3): 46 (1926). vicans (Sw.) Norman, Nyt ue Naturvid. 7: 16 (1852). deceo flavicans var. crocea f. maxima Meyen $: Flotow, Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. t. Cur. 19 Suppl.: 210 (1843) T nom nud.]. ia flavicans var. maximus (Meyen $ Flotow) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 323 (1931). hosseusianis Gyeln., Borbásia Nova 9: 1 (194 mes nodulifer (Nyl.) Hillm., Hedwigia 69: 326 (1930 Physcia nodulifera Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1 sa 407 (1860). Borrera porn ont AS Flora 44: 52 (1861). peruensis (Ach.) JW. Thomson. In Thomso: n « Itis, Bryologist 71: 32 (1968). Borrera pus var. al Ach., Syn. Meth. Lich.: 224 (1814) Physcia peruensis (Ach.) NyL., Syn., Meth. Lich. 1 (2): 407 rte stellatus (Meyen $: Flotow) Miill. Arg., Jahrb. Kónigl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 2: 309 (1883). Dr >. Meyen é Flotow, Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 19 Suppl.: 210 Teloschisies llena Risioca. Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 201 (1937) T. villosus (Ach.) Norman, Nyt Mag. Naturvidensk. 7: 17 (1 (1852). Lit.: Hillmann (1930); Zahlbruckner (1931); Follmann (1968a); Thomson éz lltis (1968); Almborn (1989, 1992). 164 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. € W. QUILHOT 250. Tephromela M. Choisy (1929) [Lecanorales: Bacidiaceae ds.) Hafellner. In K. Kalb, Lich. Neotrop. Exs. Fasc. 7: 15 No. 297 (1983). Lit.: Rambold (1989); Poelt (1993); Poelt £ Grube (1993); Ekman (1996). Thamnolecania (Vain.) Gyeln. (1933) [Lecanorales: Bacidiaceae fuegensis C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 342 (1967) [**1966”] T. Lit.: Dodge (1967); Ekman (1996). 252. Thamnolia Ach. ex Schaer. (1850) nom. cons. [Lecanorales: incert sed.] vermicularis (Sw.) Ach ex Schaer., Enum. Crit. Lich. Europ.: 243 (1850). Thamnolia subuliformis (Ehrh.) W.L. Culb., Brittonia 15: 144 (1963). nolia subvermicularis Asah., J. Jap. Bot. 13: 317 (1937). Lit.: Kárnefelt € Thell (1995). 253. Thelenella Nyl. (1855) [Ascomycota i incert. sed: Thelenellaceae] -M. Lamb) O.E. Erikss., Opera Bot. 60: 96 (1981). Microglaena antarctica 1.M. Lamb, Disc. Rep. 25: 24 (1948) T. fernandeziana (Zahlbr.) H. Mayrhofer, Biblioth. Lichenol. 26: 33 (1987). Microglaena fernandeziana Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 318 (1924) T. kerguelena (Nyl.) H. Mayrhofer, Biblioth. Lichenol. 26: 43 (1987). Lit.: Lamb (1948); Mayrhofer (1987); Aptroot 8 van der Knapp (1993). 254, Thelidium A. Massal. (1855) [Verrucariales: Verrucariaceae] inaequale C.W. Dodge £: G.E. Baker, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25: 524 (1938). Note: It is possible that the taxa; Porina (Segestria) chilena C.W. Dodge [Nova Hedwigia 12: 307 (1967) [“1966”] T]; and Porina (Segestria) mahuana C.W. Dodge [Nova Hedwigia 16: 483 (1969) [“1968”] T]; are both referable to en but not having seen the material we hesitate to namew them in Thelidium. t.: Dodge 8: Baker (1938); Dodge (1967, 1969). 255. Thelocarpon Ny]l. (1853). pipes Acarosporaceae] reri (Flotow) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Cherbourg 3: 191 (1855). Lit.: iron 256. Thelopsis Nyl. (1855) nom. cons. ciao ?Stictidaceae] : a Stizenb., Ber. St. Gallischen Naturw. Ges.: 262 (1895). Ext: Egca 8 £ Torrente (1996). 257. Thelotrema Ach. (1803) [Ostropales: Thelotremataceae] lepadinum (Ach.) Ach., Meth. Lich.: 132 (1803). osornense C.W. Dodge, Nova Hedwigia 12: 331 (1967) [”1966"] T. subdenticulatum (Zahlbr.) G. Salisb., Lichenologist 5: 267 (1972). laria subdenticulata Zahlbr. In C. Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is. 2 (11): 329 (1924) T. Ocellu Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924); Salisbury (1972a, 1975, 1978), Galloway (1985). 258. Thyrea A. Massal. (1856) [Lichinales: Lichinaceae] pu Schaer.) A. Massal., Flora 39: 211 (1856 Lit.: Lamb (1959); Follmann (1965b); Henssen (1986), Moreno $: Egea (1991, 1992). 259. Toninia A. Massal. (1852) nom. cons. prop. [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae Lobiona Kilias £ Gotth. Schneid., Lichenologist 10: 27 (1978). auriculata Timdal, Opera Bot. 110: 44 (1991). 165 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. Lobiona albomarginata Kilias £« Gott. Schneid., Lichenologist 10: 27 (1978), non Toninia albomarginata e Lesd. australis Timdal, Opera Bot. 110: 45 (1991 bullata (Meyen £ Flot) Zahlbr., Beih. Bot. Teil, 19, 2:76 (1905). Lecidea bullata Meyen £ Flot., Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 17, Suppl. 2: 227 1843). inia badia Rásinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 20, 3: 21 (1944) T. ?cinereovirens (Schaer.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. Crost.: 107 (1852). ?hosseusiana Gyeln., Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Pa 35 Bot.: 98 (1942). sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal, Opera Bot. 110 (93 (1991 iospora (Nyl.) H. Olivier, Bull. Géogr. Bot. 21: 197 (1911). Lit.: Timdal (1991); Jóorgensen (1996). 260. Tornabea Vsth. ai [Lecanorales: Physci scutellifera (With) ) UE R. Laundon, Lichenologist 16: 226 (1984). Lichen scutelliferus With., A Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables naturally growing in Great Bri- tain: 728 (1776). Tornabea ephebea (Ach.) Kurok., J. Jap. Bot. 37: 293 (1962). : Santesson (1942d); Kurokawa (1962); Huneck $ Follmann (1966); ODsthagen € Sunding (1980); Nimis $ Trad (1997). 261. Trapelia M. Choisy (1929) dijorames ento m.) M. Choisy. In R.G. Werner, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc 12: 160( 1932). Eit.: Hola! np Aptroot $ van der Knapp (1993). remella Pers (1794) nom. cons. Pd Tremellaceae] eliarum Diederich, Biblioth. Lichenol. 61: 125 (1996). psoromicola Diederich, Biblioth. Lichenol. 61: 150 (1996). Lit.: Diederich (1996). 262. Tremolecia M. Choisy (1953) ape denon ron atrata (Ach.) Hertel, Ergebn. Forsch. Unternehmens Nepal Himal. 6 2 351 (1977). Lit.: erat Hertel (1984, 1987b, 1989); Jacobsen € Kappen (1988). 263. Tricharia Fée (1825) [Ostropales: Gomphillaceae] vulgaris (Mill. Arg.) R. Sant., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 5 oc Lopadium ere Mill. Arg., Flora 64: 109 (18 Lit.: Santesson (1952). 264. Trichothelium Miill. Arg. (1885) [Pyrenulaceae: Trichotheliaceae epip: Mill. Arg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 418 (1885). Lit.: Santesson (1852). *Trichothyrina (Petr.) Petr. (1950) = Lichenopeltella Hóhn. (1919) 265. Trimmatothelopsis era (1934) [Verrucariales: ? Verrucariaceae] antarctica C.W oder] Pp Hedwigia 15: Se ( iS [19681 T. Lit.: Dodge (1969); Aptroot $ rece 266. Trypethelium Spreng. (1804) nom. cons. deca Trypetheliaceae] um (Eschw.) Zahlbr. In Engler-Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzenfamil. 1 (1 70 (1 Lit.: patio Se 166 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT 267. Tuckermannopsis Gyeln. (1933) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] chlorophylla (Willd.) Hale. Bryologist 90: 164 (1987). Ce traria eto (Willd.) Vain., Meddel. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 6: 121 (1881). etr scutata var. pallida Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 16 (1932) T. xt: Kairnefelt h al. (1992, 1993). 268. Turgidosculum Kohlm. 4 E. Kohlm. (1972) [Ascomycyota, incert. sed.: Mastodiaceae] complicatulum (Nyl.) Kohlm. $ E. Kohlm., Marine Mycology. The higher fungi: 361 (1979). astodia tessellata auct. Lit.: Galloway (1985); Aptroot €: van der Knapp (1993). 269. Umbilicaria Hoffm. (1798) [Lecanorales: Umbilicariaceae] africana (Jatta) Krog £ Swinscow, pesas: J. Bot. 6: 79 (1986). aprina Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 12 (1863). cristata C.W. Dodge £ Baker, Ann. Missouri. Bot. Gard. 25: 565 (1938). decussata (Vill.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: 490 (1942). Umbilicaria eximia Hue, Deux. Exp. Antarct. Fr. 1908-1910, Sci. Nat. Doc. Sci.: 55 (1915) T. Umbilicaria parvula Hue, Deux. Exp. Antarct. Fr. 1908-1910, Sci. Nat. Doc. Sci.: 56 (1915) T. Umbilicaria leiocarpa var. nana Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 9 (1903) T Agyrophora leiocarpa var. nana (Vain.) Llano, Monogr. Umbil.: 56 (1950). diffissa (Nyl.) Llano, Monogr. Umbil.: 196 (1950). Umbilicaria miihlenbergii (Ach.) var. diffissa Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 149 (1855) T. Umbilicaria dillenii Tuck. var. diffissa (Nyl.) Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 10 (1869). Gyrophora diffissa (Nyl.) Nyl., Lich. Fueg. Patag.: 23 (1888). haplocarpa Ny]l., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 9: 217 (1859). hyperborea (Ach.) Hoffm., Dtsch. Fl. 2: 110 (1796). krascheninnikovii (Savicz) Zahlbr., Cat. eee ud 10: 405 (1939). krempelhuberi Mill. Arg., Flora 72: 64 (188 nylanderiana (Zahlbr.) H. Magn., Lich. Sel. cl Exs. No. 252 (1937). polyphylla (L.) Baumg., Fl. Lips.: 571 ( 1790 polyrrhiza (L.) Fr., Sched. Crit., Fasc. 5-6: 3 (1825). propagulifera (Vain.) Llano, Monogr. Umbil.: 162 (1950). Gyrophora cylindrica f. propagulifera Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 10 (1903) T. Gyrophora propagulifera (Vain.) a Revist. Univ. (Santiago) 23: 195 (1937). rufidula (Hue) Filson, Muelleria 6: 343 (19 Charcotia rufidula Hue, Bull. Soc. Bot. 24 sér. 4, 15: 17 (1915). Umbilicaria antarctica Frey €£ LM. Lamb, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 22: 270 (1939). Umbilicaria dillenii var. solida Frey, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 45: 217 (1936). umbilicarioides (B.Stein) Krog £ Swinscow, Nordic J. Bot. 6: 83 (1986). zahlbruckneri Frey, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 45: 221 (1936) Lit.: Llano (1950); Krog £ Swinscow (1986); Filson (1975, 1987); Swinscow £ Krog (1988); Quilhot et al. (1991 a); Sancho et al. (1992). 270. Usnea Dill. ex Adans. (1763) [Lecanorales: Usneaceae] andina Motyka, Usnea 2 (1): 531 (1937). aureola Motyka, Usnea 2 (1): 542 (1937) T. chilensis Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): 578 (1938) T eladoblephara (Miill. Arg.) Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): (1938 Usnea dasypogoides var. cladoblephara Miúill. Arg., E 69: 254 (1886) T Usnea dasypoga var cladoblephara (Mill. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: 556 (1930). cladocarpa Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: XCVII (1824). coccinea Dix, Bryologist 56: 277 (1953 columbiana Mont. In Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 138 (1936 comosa (Ach.) Róhl. var. chilensis Rásánen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 138 (1936) T. comosa f. fuegica Rásánen, Ann. Bot .Soc. Zool.- Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 9 (1932) T. comosa t. isidiella R Amn. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 9 (1932) T. 'omosella Ráisánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 9 (1932) T. 167 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. concreta Mont., Ann. Sci. de Bot. sér.3, 18: 302 (1852) T condensata Mont. In Rásinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 138 (1936) T. costata Motyka, Usnea 2 Mm: -402 (1937) T crassula Motyka, Usnea 2(2): 590 (1 938). dasycera (Nyl.) Motyka, Usnea 2(1) 552 (1937). Usnea florida var. dascyera Nyl. In Cromb., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 15: 226 (1876) T. denudata (Vain.) Rásiánen f. sorediella Rásiinen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 9 (1932) T. durietzii Motyka, Usnea 2 (1): 503 ( 1937) T. elongata Motyka, Usnea 2 (1): 411 (1937) T. eulychniae Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 261 Joe [”1967"] T. eyerdami Herre, Rev. uba oa 29: 274 (196 eyerdami var. nigro-rubra e, Rev. Bryol. ao 29: 274 (1961) T. Jastigiata Motyka, Usnea ao 580 (1938) T Jlavocardia Risinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 139 (1936) T. fuegiana Motyka, Usnea 2 (1): 453 (1937) T Jlexuosa Taylor, London J. Bot. 6: 192 (1847). gaudichaudii Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): 600 (1938) T. gigantea Vain. In Rásánen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 2 (1): 7 (1932) T. igniaria Motyka, Usnea 1: 108 (1936). Jamaicensis Ach., Lich. Univ.: 619 (1810). Jelskii Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): 595 (1938) T. ? kuehnemannii Motyka. In Lamb, dr 4: 467 (1955). lacerata Motyka, Usnea 1: 76 (1936 maculosa Stirt, Scott. Nat. 7: 75 tra ¡E meridionalis Zahlbr. , Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. KI. 83: 183 (1909). miliaria Taylor, London J. Bot. 6: 192 (1847) T ka, Usnea 2 (1): 512 (1937). Ppusilla (Rásinen) Rásinen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 22: 199 (1937 Usnea florida var. pusilla Rás e Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 139 (1936) T. radiata Stirt., Scott. Nat. 6: 103 (188 rubicunda Stirt., Scott. Nat. 6: eo scaberrima (Mont.) Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): 607 (1938). Usnea ceratina var. scaberrima Mont. In C. Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 8: 63 (1852) T. simplex Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): 582 (1938) T. pee (Vain.) Motyka in de Lesd., Ann. pu Exot. 6: 121 (1933). eri Zahlbr. var. tincta Zahlbr. , Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. KI. 83: 183 (1909). reo (Vain.) Vain., Kongel. Danske pes Selsk. Naturvidensk. Math. Afh. 8(6): 392 (1924). subtorulosa (Zahlbr.) Motyka, Usnea 2 (2): 603 (1938). A sil subtorulosa Zahlbr. In E Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Is]. 2 (Bot.), 3 a 92 (1924) T sulcata Motyka, Usnea 2 ( 1): 478 (1937). wirthii P. Clerc, Saussurea 15: 984). Lit.: Zahlbruckner (1924, 1926); Motyka (1936-1938); Herre (1960); Clerc (1997). 271. Vainionora Kalb (1991) [Lecanorales: Lecanoraceae flavovirens (Fée) Kalb, Lich. N Neotrop. Fasc. 12: 3 (1991). e. pierna Fée, Essai Crypt. Ecorc.: 115 (1825 nora aeruginosa Ny]l., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 157 (1855) T. Lit.: ro plo. te et al. (1996). 272. Vermilacinia Spjut (1995) [Lecanorales: inaceae] cephalota (Tuck.) Spjut 8: Hale, Flechten Follmann: 347 (1995). 168 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. £ W. QUILHOT Ramalina ceruchis f. cephalota Tuck., Syn. N. Am. Lich.: 21 (1882). Desmazieria cephalota (Tuck.) Follmann £ Huneck, Willdenowia 5: 208 (1969). Niebla cephalota (Tuck.) Rundel ££ Bowler, Mycotaxon 6: 498 (1978) ceruchis (Ach.) Spjut € Hale, Flechten Follmann : 347 (1995 Parmelia ceruchis Ach, Meth. Lich.: 260 (1803). 1810). Usnea ceruchis (Ach.) Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. A > 368 (1834). Desmazieria ceruchis (Ach.) Trevis., Flora 4: 52 (18 Niebla ceruchis (Ach.) Rundel $ Bowler, ebria 4 498 (1978). Epa (Nyl.) Spjut € Hale, Flechten Follmann: 348 (1995). na flaccescens Nyl., Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, sér. 2, 4: 109 (1870). e. flaccescens (Nyl.) Follmann £ Huneck, Willdenowia 5: 208 (1969). Niebla flaccescens (Nyl.) Rundel £ Bowler, Mycotaxon 6: 499 (1978) tigrina (Follmann) Spjut € Hale, Flechten Follmann: 348 (199 Ramalina tigrina Follmann, Willdenowia 4: 227 (1966) T. Desmazieria tigrina (Follmann) Follmann £ Huneck, Willdenowia 5: 208 (1969). iebla tigrina (Follmann) Rundel £ Bowler, Mycotaxon 6: 498 (1978). Ek: los (1966b); Follmann £ Huneck (1969); Spjut (1995, 1996). 273. Verrucaria Schrad. (1795) nom. cons. [Verrucariales: Verrucariaceae aethiobola Wahlenb. In Ach., Methodus Suppl.: 17 (1803). brasiliensis Múll. Arg., Flora 67: 467 (1884). ceuthocarpa Wahlenb. In Ach., Methodus: 22 (180 ceuthocarpa var. deformata Vain., Ark. Bot. 8 (4): a 909). chiloénsis Zahlbr., Kongl. Svenska. e Handl. 57 (6): 4 (1917) T. confinis Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 173 (1855) T cylindrophora Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica Lich.: 38 (1903). dispartita Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 38 (1903). durietzii 11M. Lamb, Lilloa 14: 205 (1948). durietzii LM. Lamb f. rhabdota 1.M. Lamb, Lilloa 14: 206 (1948). elaeoplaca Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 37 (1903). famelica Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 18 (1912) T. glaucoplaca Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 37 (1903). ? glaucoplacoides Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Schweds, Siidpolarexp. 1901-1903, 4 (11): 18 (1912). lacustris 1.M. Lamb, Farlowia 4: 424 (1955). macrostoma Dufour Ex DC. In Lam. 4 DC., Fl. Fr. ed.3: 319 (1805). pacas (Wahlenb.) Wahlenb, Fl. Lappon.: 465 (1812). ahlenb. In Ach., Methodus: 19 (1803). psico var. ecrustacea Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4,3: 175 (1855) T. pod halophila Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. sér. 4, 3: 175 (1855) T. mucosa Wahlenb. In Ach., Methodus: 23 (1803). muralis Ach., Methodus: 115 (1803 nigrescens Pers., Usteri Ann. Bot. 14: 36 (1795). psychrophila 1M. Lamb, Discovery Rep. 18 (1948) T. inctrina Ach., Syn. Meth. Apo 91 (1814 striatula ssp. australis R. Sant., Ark. Bot. 29 (10): 29 (1939). tessellatula Ny!. In J. Cromb., 3 Bot. 13: 335 (18 tristis (A. Massal.) Kremp., Flora 40: 376 (185 umbrin . monospora Nyl., Ann. Sci. Nat Bot. sér. 4, 3: 175 (1855) T. Lit.: Nylander (1855); Lamb (1948, 1959 1973); Follmann (1961); Redon (1985); Jacobsen $: Kappen (1988); Ap- troot £ van der Knapp (1993). *Vouauxiomyces Dyko $: D. Hawksw. (1979) [Anamorphic Dothideales] granulatae Wedin, Lichenologist 26: 306 (1994). Lit.: Wedin (1994). 274. Wawea Henssen £ Kantvilas (1985) [Lecanorales: Arctomiaceae] Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. ? fruticulosa Henssen £: Kantvilas, Lichenologist 17: 86 (1985). Lit.: Henssen € Kantvilas (1985). 275. Xanthomendoza S. Kondr. € Kiirnefelt (1997) [Teloschistales: dias mendoza ánen) S. Kondr. £ Kárnefelt, Biblioth. Lichenol. 68: 26 (1997) Xanthoria an eiéd Rásánen, Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. 128: 140 (1939). Lit.: Kondratyuk £ Kárnefelt (1997). 276. Xanthoparmelia (Vain.) Hale (1974) [Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae] australasica D.J. Galloway, N.Z. J. Bot. 18: e (1981). conspersa (Ach.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 485 (1974). cordillerana (Gyeln.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 487 (1974). cotopaxiensis Nash, Elix £ J. Johnst., Mycotaxon 28: 288 (1987). Jarinosa (Vain.) Nash, Elix 8 J. Johnst. ro a 286 (1987). hypopsila (Mill. Arg.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 488 (197. mexicana (Gyeln.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 488 (1974). microspora (Miill. Arg.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 488 (1974). mougeotii (Schaer.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 488 o : scabroas (Taylor) Hale, Phytologia 28: 488 (1974). skottsbergiana Nash £ Elix, Biblioth. Lichenol. 56: 98 (1995). standaertii (Gyeln.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 489 (1974). subramigera (Gyeln.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 489 (1974). subsorediata Hale, Mycotaxon 30: 332 (1987). taractica (Kremp.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 489 (1974). tasmanica (Hook. f. £ Taylor) Hale, Phytologia 28: 489 (1974). ulcerosa (Zahlbr.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 490 (1974). Parmelia ulcerosa Zahlbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 84 pit y Parmelia tegulicola Zablbr., Ann. Mycol. 29: 85 (193 Parmelia conspersa var. obtecta Zahlbr. In C. Ace Nat. Hist. Juan Fernández Easter Isl. 2 (Bot.), 3 (11): 386 (1924) T vagans (Nyl.) Hale, Phytologia 28: 490 (1974). wildeae (C.W. Dodge) Hale, Phytologia 28: 490 (1974 xanthomeleana (Miill. Arg.) Hale, Mycotaxon 30: 334 ( 1987). Lit.: Hale (1990); Elix (1993, 1994p); Nash et al. (1995). 277. Xanthopeltis R. Sant. (1949) [Teloschistales: ego ico! ., Sy. Bot. Tidsk. 43: 560 (1949) T Lt: Santesson: 19 Huneck £ Follmann (1971); Fúllmana (1973). 278. Xanthoria (Fr.) Th.Fr. (1860) nom. cons. [Teloschistales: Teloschistaceae] ascendens S. Kondratyuk, Rms 29: 431 (1997). candelaria (L.) Th.Er. Gen. Heterol. Eur. e 61 (1861). elegans (Link) Th.Fr., Lich. pei 69 (18 ?gallowayii S. Kondr. £ Kárnefelt, a Lichenol. 68: 28 (1997). parietina (L.) Th.Fr. Lich. Arct.: 69 (18 60). polycarpa (Hoffm.) Th.Fr. ex Rieber, Jahresh. Vereins Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg 42: 252 (1891). Xanthoria polycarpa f. santiagoénsis Rásiinen, Revista Univ. ( Santiago) 21: 143 (1936) T. Xanthoria santiagoénsis (Rásánen) C.W. Dodge. In Follmann, Nova Hedwigia 14: 267 (1969) [1968”]. bp 2. o gee poo ( 97; Redon (1985): Jacobsen é Kappen (1988); Kárnefelt (1989); Poelt g ptroot £ Van der Kn. 1993); Kondr. Lino (O ira Ec Sis app ( ); atyuk (1997); Kondratyuk é: Poelt (1997); 279. Xenolecia Hertel éter [Lecanorales: Porpidiaceae PEPUIRS (NyL) a Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 440 (1984). Lecidea spadicomma Nyl. In Cromb.. Bot. J. Linn. Su do 233 (1876) T. P PROS ero (Nyl.) Darb., Wiss. Ergebn. Sc - Súdpolarexped. 1901-1903, 411): 49 (1912). 170 Checklist of Chilean lichen: GALLOWAY, D.J. € W. QUILHOT 280. 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ISSN 0016-5301 CATALOGUE OF THE VASCULAR FLORA OF THE ROBINSON CRUSOE OR JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLANDS, CHILE CATALOGO DE LA FLORA VASCULAR DE LAS ISLAS ROBINSON CRUSOE O JUAN FERNANDEZ, CHILE Clodomiro Marticorena', Tod F. Stuessy?, and Carlos M. Baeza' ABSTRACT The Róbinson Crusoe (=Juan Fernández) Islands are a Chilean National Park and a World Biosphere Reserve ated 667 kms W of continental Chile at 339S latitude, the archipelago consist of three principal islands: Mas atierra Glsla Róbinson Crusoe; 48 km?), MA Ace and have extended to the present time. Numerous of the archipelago. Interest in conservation of these en- demic taxa is also increasing. It is timely, therefore, for the production of a new flora of vascular plants of the islands, and this catalogue is a necessary step towards that goal. Herein are documented 423 species of vascu- lar plants, including 55 Pteridophyta, 289 Dicotyledon- eae, and 79 Monocotyledoneae. Of these, 31.2% are endemic, 18.7% native, and 50.1% introduced. Of ad- ventive taxa, the highest level if found on Santa Clara (71.4%), followed by Masatierra (55.7%), and lastly by Masafuera (50%) KEYWORDS: Juan Fernández/Róbinson Crusoe Islands, flora, endemism, conservation. INTRODUCCION The Róbinson Crusoe (=Juan Fernández) 1s- lands are located in the Pacific Ocean at 33? S la- titude 667 kms W of continental Chile. There are two principal islands, Isla Róbinson Crusoe (=Masatierra) and 181 kms further west Isla Ale- 'Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Concep- ción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, “Department of Higher Plant Systematics and Evolu- tion, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. RESUMEN E Islas repni Pe (=Juan Fernández), Chile, onstituye: arque nacional y una reser- va mu do de la healer SAO a 667 km al oeste de Chile continental, el archipiélago consta de tres islas: Masatierra (=Róbinson Crusoe), de 48 km”, Masafuera (Alejandro Selkirk), de 50 km”, y Santa Clara, de 2 km. Los inventarios botánicos del archipiélago empe- zaron en 1823 y han continuado hasta el presente. Du- rante las recientes décadas se han hecho numerosas y patro: divergencia evolutiva entre los taxa endémicos papas plan- tas vasculares del archipiélago. También se ha acrecen- tado el interés en la conservación de estos taxa endémicos. Es tiempo, entonces, de producir una nueva flora de las plantas vasculares de las islas, y este catálo- go es un paso necesario hacia esa meta. En él están do- cumentadas 423 especies de plantas vasculares, incluyendo 55 Pteridophyta, 289 Dicotyledoneae y 79 Monocotyledoneae. Del total de especies, 31,2% son endémicas, 18,7% nativas y 50,1% adventicias. De es- tos últimos taxa el mayor porcentaje se encuentra en Santa Clara (71,4%), seguido por Masatierra (55,7%), y finalmente por Masafuera ( PALABRAS CLAVES:Juan OS Crusoe, flora, endemismo, conservac jandro Selkirk (=Masafuera). The former names have been officially adopted by the Chilean government, but the latter have been used histori- cally and still continue to be used in much scien- tific literature (e.g., Stuessy and Ono, 1998). There is also a third smaller island, Isla Santa Clara, that lies 1.8 km SW off the western end of Masatierra. These three islands together measure only 102 km', with Masafuera being the largest at 50 km?, Masatierra nearly the same size at 48 km", and Santa Clara with 2 km? (Stuessy, 1995). In this small Pacific archipelago is contained one of the world's most interesting endemic vas- cular floras. The distinctiveness of the vascular 187 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. plants is the main reason for designation of the three islands as a Chilean National Park in 1935 and more recently as a World Biosphere Reserve. There are many endemic species, several endemic genera, and an endemic family, Lactoridaceae, the only case known of a entire family of vascular plants being restricted to an oceanic island (Stuessy et al., 1998a, 1998d). During the past 20 years, studies on the evo- lution of the vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands have been carried out by collaborators at the University of Concepcion, The Ohio State University, and now at the University of Vienna. These investigations have resulted in more than 50 publications on different aspects of the endemic taxa, including cytology, phylogeny, modes of speciation, phytochemistry, biogeography, mole- cular divergence, and genetic variation within and between populations (for recent summaries see Stuessy et al. 1998b, 1998c; Crawford et al., 1998). Studies have also focused on the introdu- ced flora and impacts on conservation of the nati- ve taxa (Matthei et al., 1993; Stuessy et al., 1997, 1998d; Swenson et al., 1997). These previous collaborative investigations on the vascular taxa have led to the initiation of a synthesis of all available information to be pub- lished as a book entitled “Flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands”. Previous descriptive inventories include those of Hemsley (1884), Johow (1896), Christensen and Skottsberg (1920), and Skottsberg (1921, 1951). Additional information has been ad- ded by others, such as Ricci (1996), Macaya and Faúndez (1997) and Barrera (1997). The only comprehensive flora is that of Johow (1896), now more than a century old, and lacking keys to taxa. For improved perspectives on conservation of the native and endemic species, plus management of the introduced taxa, a new comprehensive flora is urgently needed. The present catalogue of the vascular flora is the first step toward publication of the new flora of the archipelago. Contents of the catalogue derive from previous literature reports, our own collections made during eight expeditions to the islands during 1980-1997, and additional collec- tions in the herbarium of the University of Con- cepcion (CONC). We harbor no illusion that this list is complete nor fully accurate in all respects. It 188 is a stage in preparation of the flora that should stimulate preparation of individual generic treat- ments and serve as an impetus for completion of the entire volume. In fact, at this time manuscripts for the ferns (R. Rodríguez), grasses (M. Baeza), and miscellaneous other genera have already been prepared. We list all known species of vascular plants that have at one time or another been reported to occur in at least one of the three islands. We include also distribution on the three principal is- lands (T=Masatierra; F=Masafuera; S=Santa Cla- ra), and biogeographic status (E=endemic; N=native; A= adventive). This list builds, ob- viously, on the catalogue of vascular plants for the entire country (Marticorena and Quezada, 1985), which includes the island floras of Róbinson Cru- soe, Islas Desventuradas, and Isla de Pascua. The catalogue does not include cultivated plants. Swenson et al. (1997) listed species that eventually may escape from cultivation and have the potential to become aggressive weeds, but we have not included these here. Previous information regarding cultivated plants in the archipelago also can be found in Johow (1893). The catalogue also provides the opportunity to summarize new statistics on the vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands. In our own studies we have found it difficult to maintain agreement on numbers of taxa of different biogeographic cate- gories, due largely to numerous publications using different sets of data. For the first time, this new catalogue sets baseline data for any additional evolutionary or biogeographic investigations. NEW STATISTICS OF THE VASCULAR FLORA All manner of statistics on the composition of the vascular flora have been published previously in Johow (1896), Skottsberg (1956), Marticorena (1991), Stuessy et al. (1992), etc. This paper is not the place to compare all different previous estimates, but rather the intent is to provide a new baseline of the total size and general categorization of the vas- cular flora. Statistics for the entire archipelago and for each of the three islands separately are given in the following tables. Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. MASATIERRA PTERI | DICOT | MONOC | Total % E 21 64 10 95 1275 N 21 16 21 58 1163. A 0 155 7 19 | 557 Total| 42 68 345 | % 122 19 | SJ | 345 taxa, of which 177 (51.3%) are restricted to the island. MASAFUERA PTERI | DICOT | MONOC | Total % | E 19 37 8 64 1271] N 27 15 12 22.9 A 0 95 23 118 150.0 Total | 46 147 - A e E % 195 A 236 taxa, of which 78 (33%) are restricted to the island. SANTA CLARA PTERI | DICOT | MONOC | Total % E 0 4 (3 AOS E 11.4 | N 2 A A io JO! 0 22 A A! Total 3 Ed: OR Y AS os Ly % 86 80 114 35 taxa, of which 1 (2.9%) is restricted to the island. FLORA OF THE ARCHIPELAGO ' PTER | DICOT | MONOC | Total | % | 26 LE A N MIA LO A 01 M4 (22 ML o 5 1 9 | WI 14M - % 1d SS 18,7 | ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Partially supported by Oesterreichische Na- tionalbank Jubiláumsfondsprojekt Nr. 6880. Spe- cial thanks go to Gerhard Jakubowsky, Vienna, for locating and copying needed literature and 1 . W give thanks to the CONAF guides of the Robinson Crusoe National Park, who have always accompanied and helped us in the field, and who have alerted us to interesting variations in the native and introduced flora. LITERATURE CITED BARRERA, E. 1997. Helechos de Juan Fernández. Publ. as. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Chile 51: 1-104 CHRISTENSEN, C. AND C. SKOTTSBERG. 1920. The Pte- ridophyta of the Juan Fernández Islands, pp. 1-46. ln €: Skottsberg (ed.), The Natural History of Juan Fernández and Easter Islands, vol. 2, Botany. Almgyvist € Wiksells: Uppsala. Eesti D.J., T. SANG, T.F. STUESSY, S.-C. KIM D M. SILVA. 1998. Deiiraseris Úlilbnibcos: pera and Robinsonia (Asteraceae: Senecio- neae) on the Juan Fernández Islands: similarities and differences in biology and phylogeny, pp. 97- 119. In T. F. Stuessy and M. Ono (eds.), Evolution and Speciation of Island Plants. Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge. HemsLEY, W.B. 1884. Report on the botany of Juan Fernández, the south-eastern Moluccas and the Admiralty Islands, pp. 1-96. In C.W. Thomson and J. Murray (eds.), Report on the Scientific Re- sults of the Voyage of HMS Challenger During the Years 1873-76, vol. 1, part 3, Botany. HMSO: JOHOW, F. 1893. Las plantas de cultivo en Juan Fernán- dez. Anales Univ. Chile 84: 939-970. JoHow, F. 1896. Estudios sobre la Flora de las Islas de Poaceae para el archipiélago de Juan Fernández y nuevas localidades para cuatro especies adventi- cias. Notic. Mens. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. 327: 13-15. MARTICORENA, C. 1991. Contribución a la estadística de la flora vascular de Chile. Gayana, Bot. 47: 85- 13. MARTICOREN D M. QUEZADA. 1985. Catálogo de la flora apt Gayana, Bot. 42: 1-157. MATTHEL O., C. MARTICORENA AND T.F. STUESSY. 1993. La flora adventicia del archipiélago de Juan rmández. Gayana Bot. 50: 69-102 Ricci, M. 1996. Variation in distribution and abun- dance of the endemic flora of Juan Fernández Is- lands, Chile. Pteridophyta. Biodivers. Conserv. 5 1521-1532. SKOTTSBERG, C. 1921. The phanerogams of the Juan Fernández Islands, pp. 95-240. In C. Skottsberg (ed.), The Natural History of Juan Fernández and Easter Island, vol. 2, Botany. Almqyvist € Wik- sells: SKOTTSBERG, C. 1951. A supplement to the pterido- phytes and phanerogams of the Juan Fe rmández an Easter Islands, pp. 763-792. In C. Skottsberg (ed.), The Natural History of Juan ape and Easter Island, vol.2., Botany. Almqyist €: Wiksells: Uppsala. SKOTTSBERG, C. 1956. Derivation of the flora and fauna of Juan Fernández and Easter Island, pp. 193-439. 189 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. In C. Skottsberg (ed.), The Natural History of Juan Fernández and Easter Island, vol. 1. Almgyvist $ Wiksells: Uppsala. STUESSY, T. F. 1995. Juan Fernández Islands-Chile, pp. 565-568. In S.D. Davis, V.H. Heywood and A.C. Hamilton (eds.), Centres of Plant Diversity: A Guide and Strategy for Their Conservation. WWF, IUCN. Cam pepa STUESSY, T.F., D.J. CRA D, G. ANDERSON AND R. JENSEN. 1998a. Systematic, ada and conservation of Lactori erspectives in Pl. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 1(2): 267. 290. STUESSY, T.F., D.J. CRAWFORD, C. MARTICORENA AND R. RODRIGUEZ 1998b. Island biogeography of an- lution and Speciation of Island Plants. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge STUESSY, T.E...D. 3 CRAWFORD, C. MARTICORENA AND M. SILVA 1998c. Isolating mechanisms and modes of speciation in endemic angiosperms of the Juan dora Islands, pp. 79-96. In T. F. Stuessy and M. Ono (eds.), Evolution and Specia tion of Island Plants. Cambridge Univ. e Cambridge. STUESSY, T.F., C. MARTICORENA, R. RODRIGUEZ, DI CRAWFORD, AND M. SILVA. 1992. Endemism in the vascular flora of the Juan Fernández Islands. Aliso 13: 297-307 STUESSY, T.F. AND M. ONO (eds.). 1998. Evolution and Speciation of Island Plants. Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge. STUESSY, T. F., U. SWENSON, D.J. CRAWFORD, G. AN- DERSON AND M. SILVA O. 1997. Plant conserva- tion in the Juan Fernández archipelago, Chile. Aliso 16: 89-102 STUESSY, T. F., U. SWENSON, C. MARTICORENA, O. MATTHEI, AND D. J. CRAWFORD. 1998d. Loss of plant diversity and extinction on Robinson Crusoe Islands, Chile, pp. 243-257. In C.-I. Peng and P. P. Lowry II (eds.), Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Floras of Asia and the Pacific Rim. Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica Monograph Series No. A L SWENSON, U., T.F. STUESSY, M. BAEZA AND D.J. me ORD. 1997. New and historical plant intro- ductions, and potential pests in the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile. Pacific Sci. 51: 233-253. Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. FLORA OF JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLANDS Col. 1, Status: E = endemic, e = endemic to JF and continental Chile, N = native, A = adventive/ natural ized. Col. 2, Life form: A =:annual, B = biennial, H = perennial herb, S = undershrub, F = shrub, T = tree, R = rosette shrub/tree Col. 3, Distribution: T = Masatierra, S = Santa Clara, F = Masafuera PTERIDOPHYTA ADIANTACEAE ADIANTUM NH TSF chilense Kaulf., Enum. Filic. 207. 1824. NOTHOLAENA EH TF chilensis (Fée ex J.Remy) Sturm, Abh. Naturhist. Ges. Núrnberg 1(2): 166. 1858. ("Nothochlaena") ASPLENIACEAE NH TF dareoides Desv., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. SU SE. TB EL. EH TF macrosorum Bertero ex Colla, Herb. Pedem. 6: 205. 1836. NH TSF obtusatum G.Forst. var. sphenoides (Kunze) C.Chr. ex Skottsb., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 56(5): 167. 1916. EH TF stellatum Colla, Herb. Pedem. 6: 206. 1836. BLECHNACEAE BLECHNUM NH TF cordatum (Desv.) Hieron., Hedwigia 47: 239. 1908. EH TF cycadifolium (Colla) Sturm, Abh. Naturhist. Ges. Núrnberg 1(2): 173. 1858. NH TSF hastatum Kaulf., Enum. Filic. 161. 1824. EH F longicauda C.Chr., Ark. Bot. 10(2): 10, t. 1. 1910. EH TF mochaenum G.Kunkel var. fernandezianum (Looser) De la Sota, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 14(3): 196.. 1972. schottii (Colla) C:Chr:,' Ark. Bot. 10(2): 7. 1910. m T — mn DENNSTAEDTIACEAE HISTIOPTERIS NU. TF. incisa (hunb.) 1%. Hist. FIL 299. 1875. HYPOLEPIS E NH TF poeppigii (Kunze) R.A.Rodr., Gayana, Bot. 46(3-4): 202. 1990. ("1989") DICKSONIACEAE DICKSONIA 1 : bb. EF 7 perrecoma Ccotla) Hook, Sp. FM. 87, E. 2 os ETE extema Skottsb., Mar. Mist. Juan Fernandez 2: 763. ; ese in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 16. 1920. N HF TF quadripinnata (J.F.Gmel.) C.Chr., 191 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. THYRSOPTERIS (E) elegans Kunze, Linnaea 9: 507. 1835. m — mn DRYOPTERIDACEAE MEGALASTRUM END 04 imaequalifolium (Colla) A.R.Sm. et R.C.Moran var. data (C.Chr. et Skottsb.) R.A.Rodr., Gayana, Bot. 46(3-4): 206. 1990. (19891) EH T - inaequalifolium (Colla) A.R.Sm. et R.C.Moran var. imaequalifolium, Amer. Fern y. 77(4): 128. 1987. POLYSTICHUM tetragonum Fee, Mém. Foug. 8: 99. 1857. m T pan] ed RUMOHRA EH TF berteroana (Colla) R.A.Rodr., Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción 45: 150. 1972 GLEICHENIACEAE GLEICHENIA EH F. lepidota R.A.Rodr., Gayana, Bot. 47(1-2): 40, f. 1-5. 1990. NH F quadripartita (Poir.) T.Moo oore, Index Fil. 382. 1862. NH T squamulosa (Desv.) T.Moore var. squamulosa, Index Fil. 383. 1862. GRAMMITIDACEAE GRAMMITIS .magellanica Desv., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 5(2): 313... 1811: z po — mn HYMENOPHYLLACEAE HYMENOGLOSSUM (e) eH TF cruentum (Cav.) K.Presl, Hymenophyllaceae 35. 1843. HYMENOPHY LLUM Nh TF caudiculatum Mart. var. productum (K.Presl) C. Chr., Index Filic. 623. 1906. NH TF. cuneatum Kunze var. cuneatum, Analecta Pteridogr. 50. 1 E H T— cuneatum Kunze var. rariforme C.Chr. et Skottsb Fernandez 2: 8, f. 3 e-g. 1920. F —— falklandicum Baker var. falklandicum, in Hook. et Baker, Syn. Fil TF. ferrugineum Colla var. ferrugineum, Herb. Pedem. 6: 190. TF fuciforme Sw., Sym. Fil: E 1806. pectinatum Cav., Descr. Pl. 275. 1801. TF plicatum Kaulf., Enum. Ped 268. 1824. TF rugosum C.Chr. et Skottsb., in Skottsb 192 LO Skotrab. : Nat. Hist. Juan . ed. 2, 68. 1874. MEZZZZ TITTT — —m -, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: A EA NH F secunmdum Hook. et Grev., Icom. Filic. 2: t. 133. 1829. NH F tortuosum Hook. et Grev. var. tortuosum, Icom. Filic. 2: e. 129. 1829. SERPYLLOPSIS caespitosa (Gaudich.) C.Chr. var. fernmandeziana C.Chr. et Skottsb., in Skottsb Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 5. 1920. m T | mn -. Nat. 192 Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. NH NH A —_ el F — —Ú mn “nm =n + — " . TRICHOMANES exsectum Kunze, Analecta Pteridogr. 47, t. 29, f. 2. 1837. imgae C.Chr. et Skottsb., in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: E philippianum Sturm, Abh. Naturhist. Ges. Núrnberg 1(2): 188. 1858. LOMARIOPSIDACEAE ELAPHOGLOSSUM squamatum (SwW.) T.Moore, Index Fil. 15, 367. 1857. LYCOPOD IACEAE LYCOPOD IUM gayanum J.Remy, in Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 6: 545. 1854. magellanicum (P.Beauv.) Sw. var. magellanicum, Syn. Fil. 180. 1806. OLEANDRACEAE ARTHROPTERIS altescandens (Colla) J.Sm., Hist. Fil. 225. 1875. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE OPHIOGLOSSUM fernandezianum C.Chr., in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 44, f. 7. 1920. POLYPOD IACEAE PLEOPELTIS macrocarpa (Bory ex Willd.) Kaulf., POLYPOD IUM intermedium Colla subsp. intermedium, Herb. Pedem. 6: 229. 1836. intermedium Colla subsp. masafueranum-C.Chr. et Skottsb., in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 38, f. 3 masafuerae Phil., Linnaea 29: 107. 1858. Berlin. Jahrb. Pharm. Verbundenen Wiss. 21: 41. PTERIDACEAE PTERIS berteroana J.Agardh, Recens. Spec. Pter. 66. 1839. chilensis Desv., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. semiadnata Phil., Linnaea 29: 106. 1858. WOODS IACEAE CYSTOPTERIS fragilis (L.) Bernh. var. apiiformis (Gand.) C.Chr., Index Filic. Suppl. Prelim. 11. 193 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. DICOTYLEDONEAE AIZOACEAE TETRAGONIA AA TSF tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 264. 1891. AMARANTHACEAE AMARANTHUS deflexus L., Mant. Pl. 295. 1771. AGA: :T... hybridus;L...,. Sp. PL. 990... ¿1733 > Le rx = nm APOCYNACEAE VINCA AH. 7 omajeris, Sb-+PL. 20%: 1/03 BERBERIDACEAE BERBERIS E FT T corymbosa Hook. et Arn., Bot. Misc. 3: 135. 1832. E FT F masafuerana Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 125, f. 9 a-b. 1921. BORAGINACEAE CYNOGLOSSUM AB T creticumMill., Gard. Dict., ed. 8, Cynoglossum 3. 1768. MYOSOTIS A AH T laxa Lehm., Pl. Asperif. Nucif. 83. 1818. AH T sylvatica Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. 61. 1791. SELKIRKIA (E) E3F. T berteroi (Colla) Hemsl., Rep. Challenger, Bot. 1(3): 48, t. 57. 1884. CALLITRICHACEAE CALLITRICHE AA T lechleri (Hegelm.) Fassett, Rhodora 53(632): 191, t. 1174, f. 18 a-m. 1951. CAMPANULACEAE LOBEL IA NA TF alata Labill. var. alata, Nov. Holl. Pl. 1: 51, t. 72. 1805. SO tipa La, "Sp PE ed 2 ITA WAHLENBERGIA ES TS berteroi Hook. et Arn., J. Bot. (Hooker) 1: 2er, -€.. 157.. 1834. ESSF: T fernandeziana A.DC., Monogr. Campan. 160. 1830. ES T' grahamiae Hemsl., Rep. Challenger, Bot. 1(3): 66, t..36, Y. 3-10. 1 e ES F masafuerae (Phil.) Skottsb., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 51(9): 6. 19164. ES F tuberosa Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 101: 6155. 1875. Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Fa CERAST IUM AH F fontanum Baumg. subsp. vulgare (Hartm.) Greuter et Burdet, Willdenowia 12(1): 37 1982 > > —= m glomeratum Thuill., Fl. Env. Paris, ed. 2, 2: 226. 1799. PARONYCHIA AH T franciscana Eastw., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 288. 1901. POLYCARPON tetraphyllum (L.) L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 881. 1759. > > = nm SAGINA AA F chilensis Naudin, in Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 1: 282. 1846, SILENE AA TSF gallica L., Sp. Pl. 417. 1753. SPERGULARIA EH TF confertiflora Steud. var. confertiflora, Flora 39: 425. 1856. EH TF confertiflora Steud. var. polyphylla (Phil.) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 123. 1921 EH F —— masafuerana Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: (Ego e alas Tio al a A AH T rubra J.Presl et K.Presl, Fl. Cech. 94. 1819. STELLARIA AH T chilensis Pedersen, Bonplandia (Corrientes) 5(22): 204, f. 1 A-E. 1983. AA TF media (L.) Cirillo, Essent. Pl. Char. Comment. 36, t. 2, f. 9. 1784. CHENOPODIACEAE BETA AH T— vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital. 593. 1882. CHENOPOD IUM TF ambrostioides L., Sp. Pl. 219. 1753. T— crusoeanum Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 119, f.6b, 7 f-k; t. 11. 1921. multredum to. Se PE. 220: 55: TSF murate £..,, Sp. PL. 219. 1753: F nesodendron Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 119, f. 6 c, 7 l-o. 1921. TS sanctae-clarae Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Fernandez 119. 1896. (Introduced in Masatierra). mma>oss>m iy» "M1. WYPS > | ARTEMISIA AN TY absinthiumL., Sp. Pl. 848. 1753. BAHIA AF F ambrosioides Lag., Gen. Sp. Pl. 30. 1816. BIDENS AA TF: pitoes L:, Sp. Pl. 332. 153. CALENDULA KA... T. offñematis Ll... Sp Pl 920. 1703. CARTHAMUS AGA. FF. tanatus:L:. Sp. PL 890. 1733. CENTAUREA AA. .TSF metitensis L., Sp. PL. 917. 1/53. CENTAURODENDRON (E) E TR T dracaenoides Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Fernandez 63. 1896. E TR T palmiforme Skottsb., Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 27(4): 587, f. 59-61. 1957. CHRYSANTHEMUM KA E coronaria E... 34. PL.0890:) 1/53. CI CHOR IUM A AB TF "ntybus-L., sp PL: 813. 1753. CIRSIUM AA F vulgare (Savi) Ten., Fl. Nap. 5: 209. 1835-38. CONY ZA AA TSF bonariensis (L.) Cronquist, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 70: 632. 1943. COTULA australis (Sieber ex Spreng.) Hook.f., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 128. 1852. AH OT corenepitolia L., Sp. PL. -892.. 1753; 7 > + nm CREPIS AA T capillaris (L.) Wallr., Erst. Beitr. Fl. Hercyn. 287. 1840. CYNARA A >. TF: carduncutus L. Sp. PL, 827.017593. DENDROSERIS (E) E FTR T— berteroana (Decne.) Hook. et Arn., Companion Bot. Mag. 1: 32. 1835. gigantea Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Pernia 69. 1896. E FTR TS litoralis Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 204, f. 37 k-l, p; t. 19, t. 20, f 19 m Je zo —m m — 2 a] - TEE macrantha (Bertero ex Decne.) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 202, f. 37 b-d, n. 1921 E FTR FE macrophylla D.Don, Philos. Mag. Ann. Chem. 11: 388. 1832. Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. mo "momomomom mo mimim mom mom mim A ABH mm — —m — —m — —m — pa] — marginata (Bertero ex Decne.) Hook. et Arn., Companion Bot. Mag. 1: 32. 1835. micrantha (Bertero ex Decne.) Hook. et Arn., Companion Bot. Mag. 1: 32. 1835, neriifolia (Decne.) Hook. et Arn., Companion Bot. Mag. 1: 32. 1835. pinnata (Bertero ex Decne.) Hook. et Arn., Companion Bot. Mag. 1: 32. pruinata (Johow) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 207, f. 39 d- E ae regia Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 209, 5.385 tc 17. 2. 10d ERIGERON fernandezianus (Colla) Solbrig, Contr. Gray Herb. 191: 30. E. 2h 1962. ingae Skottsb., Nat. pe Juan Fernandez 2: 184, f. 30 a-d; t. 16, 1. 1921. luteoviridis Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 183, f. 29 f-i. 1921. rupicola Phil., Ass Univ. Chile 13: 165. GAL INSOGA paruitlora:Cav.. “Icon. 45. 61:00 281-1295. GAMOCHAETA coarctata (Willd.) Kerguélen, Lejeunia, n.s. 120: 104. 1987. fernandeziana (Phil.) Anderb., Opera Bot. 104: 157. 1991. stachydifolia (Lam.) Cabrera, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 9: 382. 1961. GNAPHAL IUM aldunateoides J.Remy, in Gay, Hist. clas Bot. 4: 232 cheiranthifolium Lam., Encycl. 2: 752. 1788. ("cheranthifol jun") HYPOCHAERIS glabra L., Sp. PL..841. 1/53. radiata... Sp. PE 801. 105, LAGENOPHORA ariotij Franchet, Miss. Sci. Cap Horn 5, Bot.: 344. 1889. LAPSANA conmmnis:L., Sp BC. 31. 1753. MADIA sativa Molina, Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili 136, 354. 1782. MATRICARIA tecutita Loy Sp. PL. M2 20 NA MICROPSIS nana DC., Prodr. 5: 460. 1836. ROBINSONIA (E) berteroi (DC.) Sanders, Stuessy et Martic., Gayana, Bot. 47(3-4): 79. 1990. evenia Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 13: 166. 1856. gayana Decne., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., A dr EA A gracilis Decne., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 2, 1529. 19346 macrocephala Decne., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2 Pos EU a 1834. Ea Y masafuerae Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 1951.39. ps, 36. 8, 3).€, A thurifera Decne., Ánn. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. £,.1: 28. 1834. SENECIO : mikanioides Otto ex Walp., Allg. Gartenzeitung 13: 42. 1845. E 197 Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. AR TF. Wigeris L., Sp. PC. 007. 1133. SILYBUM AA TSF marianum (L.) Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 378, t. 162, f. (2). 1791. SOL IDAGO AH T chilensis Meyen, Reise 1: 311. 1834. SONCHUS AA TSF oleraceus L., Sp. Pl. 796. 1753. A AB TSF tenerrimus L., Sp. Pl. 794. 1753. TARAXACUM NH TF fermandezianum Dahlst., in Skottsb., Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 226. 1922. NH T subspathulatum A.J.Richards, Rhodora lo: 692. 1976. XANTHIUM RA TF 'spinosun L., Sp. Pl. 987. 1733, YUNQUEA (E) E TR T tenzii Skottsb., Acta Horti Gothob. 4: 163, f. 14-15. 1929. CONVOLVULACEAE CALYSTEGIA tuguriorum (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Hook.f., Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 183, t. 47. 1853. z T n CONVOLVULUS AH TF arvensis L., Sp. Pl. 153. 1753. DICHONDRA NH TF sericea Suw., Prodr. 54. 1788. IPOMOEA indica (Burm.) Merr., Interpr. Herb. Amboin. 445. 1917. > p> — CRUCIFERAE BRASSICA ACAB TSF. napus:L., Sp. Pt. 666 nigra (L.) W.D.J.Koch, in Róhling, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 3, 4: 713. 1833. RAT rapa Eo, Sp. Pt. 666.. 1733. > > — CARDAMINE NA T chenmopodiifolia Pers., Sym. Pl. 2: 195. sa issue dis flaccida Cham. et Schltdl., Linnaea 1: 21. 1826. kruesselii Johow ex Reiche, Anales Univ. Chile 9077126. 1895. m = rr m HIRSCHFELDIA AAB T incana (L.) Lagr.-Foss., Fl. Tarn Garenne 19. 1847. LEPIDIUM AA T bonmariense L., Sp. Pl. 645. 1753. MATTHIOLA AH TSF incana (L.) R.Br., in W.T. Aiton, Hortus Kew. 4: 119. 1812. 198 Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. RAPHANUS A.AB- TF. sativus"L:,:+Sp. PL. 669. 1733. RORIPPA nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek, Sched. Fl. Stiriac. 3-4: 22. 1905. > -—) —m SISYMBR IUM AAB T officinale (L.) Scop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 2: 26. 1772. DIPSACACEAE DIPSACUS AB T sativus (L.) Honck., Verz. Gew. Teutschl. 374. 1782. SCABIOSA AH T atropurpurea L., Sp. Pl. 100. 1753. ELAEOCARPACEAE ARISTOTELIA AT TF chilensis (Molina) Stuntz, U.S.D.A. Bur. Pl. Imdustr. Invent. Seeds 31: 85. 1914. EMPETRACEAE EMPETRUM NS F rubrum Vahl ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 713. 1806. ERICACEAE PERNETTYA EE 4 rigida (Bertero ex Colla) DC., Prodr. 7: 587. 1839. EUPHORBIACEAE DYSOPSIS E O hirsuta (Múll.Arg.) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 781. 1951. EUPHORBIA AH lathyris L., Sp. Pl. 457. 1753. ("lathyrus") AA TF peplus L., Sp. Pl. 456. 1753. RICINUS AF TF communis L., Sp. Pl. 1007. 1753. FLACOURTIACEAE AZARA ER serrata Ruiz et Pavón var. fernandeziana (Gay) Reiche, Anales Univ. Chile 90: 884. 1895. FUMAR IACEAE FUMAR IA RA T capreolata l., Sp. Pl. 701. 1753. Gayana Bot. 55(2), 1998. > > mmmm TATI — a 7) e! —W NAAA — -n 3 mn Y + mn — 1] —m GENTIANACEAE CENTAUR IUM cachanlahuen (Molina) B.L.Rob., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 45(17): 396. 1910. - GERANTACEAE EROD I1UM cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. ex Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 414. 1789. GERAN IUM core-core Steud., Flora 39: 438. 1856. dissectum L., Cent. Pl. 1, 21. 1755. robertianum L., Sp. Pl. 681. 1753. GUNNERACEAE GUNNERA bracteata Steud. ex Bennett, Pl. Jav. Rar. 75. 1838. bracteata x peltata, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 148, f. 1606-55 t, 3, 2. 1922. glabra Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 13: 164. 1856. (= bracteata) masafuerae Skottsb., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 51(9): 14, f. 3; t. 3 et . 1914 peltata Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 13: 165. 1856. GUTTIFERAE HYPER I CUM perforatum L., Sp. Pl. 785. 1753. HALORAGACEAE HALORAGIS masafuerana Skottsb. var. asperrima (Skottsb.) Orchard, Bull. Auckland Inst. Mus. 10: 81. 1975. masafuerana Skottsb. var. masafuerana, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 156, f..20. 1921. masatierrana Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 153. 10 192% LABIATAE CUMINIA (E) eriantha (Benth.) Benth. var. eriantha, in DC., Prodr. 12: 258. 1848. eriantha (Benth.) Benth. var. fernandezia (Colla) Harley, Kew Mag. 3(4): 155, f. B. 1986. MARRUB IUM vulgare L., Sp. Pl. 583. 1753. MELISSA officinalis L., Sp. Pl. 592. 1753. MENTHA aquatica L., Sp. Pl. 576. 1753. pulegium L.. Sp. Pt. 577. 1753. Vascular flora of the Róbinson Crusoe Islands: MARTICORENA, C. ET AL. AH AA — 4 — — un a n. — ORI GANUM majorana L., Sp. Pl. 590. 1753. PRUNELLA vulgaris -L. , Sp. PL. 600. 1753. STACHYS arvensis (12) 'L.,' Sp. Pb., 6d. 2, 814. 1/83 LACTORIDACEAE (E) LACTORIS (E) fernandeziana Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 26: 642. 1865. LARDIZABALACEAE LARDIZABALA biternata Ruiz et Pavón, Syst. Veg. Fl. Peruv. Chil. 286. LINACEAE LINUM usitatissimum L., Sp- PL. 27. 193. LORANTHACEAE NOTANTHERA 1798. heterophylla (Ruiz et Pavón) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 429. 1834. TRISTERIX corymbosus (L.) Kuijt, Syst. Bot. Monogr. 19: 20, f. 6. 1988. LYTHRACEAE LYTHRUM hyssopifolia L., Sp. Pl. 447. 1753. MALVACEAE ANODA cristata (L.) Schltdl., Linmaea 11: 210. 1837. MALVA nicaeensis All., Fl. Pedem. 2: 40. 1785. parviflora L., Demonstr. Pl. 18. 3 MOD IOLA caroliniana (L.) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 1: 466. 1831. MIMOSACEAE ACACIA dealbata Link, Enum. Pl. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 465: 1822. melanoxylon R.Br., in W.T. Aiton, Hortus Kew. 5: 462. 1813. 201 > > 202 — — bas | _. A —- — — ás] — — + — ll y A ALBIZIA lophantha (Willd.) Benth., London J. Bot. 3: 86. 1844. MORACEAE FICUS carice Lo, Sp. PE. 1059 1753: MYRTACEAE MYRCEUGENIA f ernandeziana (Hook. et Arn.) Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Fernandez ye, €. 2. 1996. schulzei Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Fernandez 96. 1896. ("schulzii") MYRTEOLA nummularia (Poir.) O.Berg, Linnaea 27: 396. 1856. UGNI molinae Turcz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 21(1): 579. 1848. selkirkii (Hook. et Arn.) O.Berg, Linnaea 27: 392. 1856. ONAGRACEAE FUCHSIA magellanica Lam., Encycl. 2: 565. 1788. OENOTHERA affinis Cambess., in A.St.-Hil., Fl. Bras. Merid. 2: 269. 1830. picensis Phil., dj items PEC. 22. 189). rosea L'Hér. ex Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 3. 1789. OXAL IDACEAE OXALIS corniculata:L., Sp. PL.:435.. 1753. micrantha rimel ex Colla, Nuovo Giorn. Lett., Sci. 24: 145. 1832. PAPAVERACEAE PAPAVER somiferum L., Sp. Pl. 508. 1753. PAPILIONACEAE MEDICAGO arabica (L.) Huds., Fl. Angl. 288. 1762. tupulina L., Sp. Pl. 779. 1753. polymorpha L., Sp. Pl. 779. 1753. sativa L., Sp. Pl. 778. 1753. MELILOTUS indicus (L.) All., Fl. Pedem. 1: 308. 1785. SOPHORA fernandeziana (Phil.) Skottsb. var. fernandeziana, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 140, > >>> m mmm E E E E Pp YITYTA — _ — — +3 Mm —W —_ — — — — m + — —_ -— f. 128. 11. Fernandez 2: 140, f. 11 c, 12 CAN - SE ar Ia OE fernandeziana (Phil.) Skottsb. var. reedeana (Phil. : Skottsb 1921. masafuerana (Phil.) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2 Me fe 2. 1921 TELINE monspessulana (L.) K.Koch, Dendrologie 1: 30. 1869. TRIFOLIUM campestre Schreber, in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., Abt. 1(4) Heft 16, t. 253. 1804. dubium Sibth., Fl. Oxon. 231. 1 pratense L.., Sp. PL. 768. 1753. repens L.., Sp. Pt. 76f. 1753. PIPERACEAE PEPEROMIA berteroana Miq. subsp. berteroana, Syst. Piperac. 114. 1843. fernandeziana Miq. f. fernandeziana, Syst. Piperac. 139. 1843. fernandeziana Mig. f. oblongifolia Skottsb., Acta Horti Gothob. margaritifera Bertero ex Hook. var. margaritifera, Icon. Pl. ar. umbraticola Skottsb. ex Yunck., margaritifera Bertero ex Hook. v Lilloa 27: 282, .t. 163. 1955. -(u1953u) skottsbergii C.DC., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl . 51(9): 20. PLANTAGINACEAE PLANTAGO australis Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 339. 1792. fernandezia Bertero ex Barnéoud, Monogr. Plantag. 47. firma Kunze ex Walp., Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 402. 1843. tanceclata 12, Sp. Pl... 113:051753. major "L.... Sp. PLLFTFIZ, 1753 POLEMONIACEAE GILIA valdiviensis Griseb., Syst. Bemerk. 43. 1854. MICROSTERIS gracilis (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene, Pittonia 3: 300. POL YGONACEAE POL YGONUM avicutare ote, Sp. PL. 362: TH hydropiperoides Michx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 239. 1803. lapathifolium L., Sp. Pl. 360. 1753 RUMEX acetosetla £.. Sp. PL. 338. 1/53. conglomeratus Murray, Prodr. Stirp. Gott. 52. 1770. crispus Lo. (Sp pt: 0335. 1793. fotiosus Rech.f., Ark. Bot. 264(3): 42, t. 6. 1933. 1845. 1898. A A AA , 4. 49. 1947. 18 sine desc. lat., Nat. Cur. 19, Suppi. Ts 203 AA AA AA AA EH AH AH NH AF EF EF 204 TSF pulcher L., Sp. Pl. 336. 1753. mn o] ml 9 | | 7 PORTULACACEAE CALANDRINIA monandra (Ruiz et Pavón) DC., Prodr. 3: 359. 1828. PORTULACA oleracea L., Sp. Pl. 445. 1753. PRIMULACEAE ANAGALLIS arvensis L., Sp. Pl. 148. 1753. minima (L.) E.H.L.Krause, in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, 9: 251. 1901. RANUNCULACEAE ANEMONE decapetala Ard., Animadv. Bot. Spec. Alt. 27, t. 12. 1764. RANUNCULUS caprarum Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 123, f. Ba-€e.: 1921: suricatus L., Sp. Pt. 555. 1153. RHAMNACEAE COLLETIA spartioides Bertero ex Colla, Nuovo Giorn. Lett., Sci. 24: 146. 1832. ROSACEAE ACAENA argentea Ruiz et Pavón, Fl. Peruv. Chil. 1: 67, t. 103, f. b. 1798. masafuerana Bitter, Biblioth. Bot. 17(74): 45, t. 2. 1911. ovalifotia Ruiz et Pavón, Fl. Peruw. Chil. 1: 67, t. 103, f. €. 1798. FRAGARIA chiloensis (L.) Duchesne, Hist. Nat. Frais. 165. 1766. MARGYRACAENA skottsbergii Bitter, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 239. 1921. MARGYRICARPUS digynus (Bitter) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 779. 1951. RUBUS gegides Sm., Pt. Icom. Ined. E: t. 19. 17/89. ulmifolius Schott, Isis (Oken) 2(5): 821. 1818. RUBIACEAE COPROSMA oliveri Fosberg, Brittonia 20(4): 292. 1968. pyrifolia (Hook. et Arn.) Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 173, f. 24 d. 1921. AA EH E TF ET AA AA —m = pu — — —. mn mn += - GAL 1 UM aparine L., Sp. Pl. 108. 1 masafueranum Skottsb., Nat. H HEDYOTIS 133 ist. Juan Fernandez 2: 174, f. 25. 1921. salzmannii (DC.) Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 728. 1840. NERTERA granadensis (Mutis ex L.f.) Druce, Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4: 637. 1917. FAGARA RUTACEAE R externa Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 143, f. 14 e. 1921. mayu (Bertero ex Colla) Engler, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(4): 118. 1896. RUTA chalepensis L., Mant. Pl. 69. 1767. SANTALUM fernandezianum F.Phil., Anales Mus. Nac. Chile, Secc. 2, Bot. 5, t (Extinct) ESCALLONIA SANTALACEAE SAX IFRAGACEAE callcottiae Hook. et Arn., Bot. Misc. 3: 342. 1833. CYMBALARIA muralis P.Gaertn., DIGITALIS SCROPHULARIACEAE purpurea L., Sp. Pl. bat. 31795. EUPHRASIA formosissima Skottsb., Nat. 6-7. 1921. KICKXIA elatine (L.) Dumort., Fl. MIMULUS glabratus Kunth, VERBASCUM Beto. 35. 1827. e B.Mey. et Scherb., Oekon. Fl. Wetterau 2: 39%. 1800. 1892. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 169, f. 23; t. PEFTO Eu, ES in Humb., Bonpl. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (ed. qu.) 2: 370. 1818. thapsus L., Sp. Pl. a Y pb virgatum Stokes, in With., Bot. Arr. Brit. Pl., ed. 2, 1: 227. 178. VERONICA anagallis-aquatica L., Sp- PL. 12, 13% arvensis L., Sp. Pl 33. 1753. 205 P>PE>GoSmo> TIXC_I>OCT 206 T persica Poir., in Lam., Encycl. 8: 562.. 1808. SOLANACEAE CESTRUM 1F-.parqui L'Heér., SETED: Now. (3,.t. 36..1/88. DATURA L-” setramobiun E... Sp. PE 17%. 1793. NICOTIANA F cordifolia Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 13: 167. 1856. Y -Cabacun Li. Sp. PU. 180. 17035 PHYSALIS TF peruviana L., Sp. Pl-, ed. 2, 1670. 1163. SOLANUM TF argenteum Dunal ex Poir., in Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 3: 755. 1814. T —— fernandezianum Phil., Linmaea 29: 23. 1858. TSF furcatum Dunal ex Poir. var. furcatum, in Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 3: 750. 1814. T . margihatun L.f., Suppt. PU. 147. 1782. F —— pentlandii Dunal subsp. interandinum (Bitter) Edmonds, Kew Bull. 27(1): 110. 1972. PT... «tuberosum Es, Sp. Pb. 185 "1753. TROPAEOLACEAE TROPAEOLUM TT. Majes Eo Sp PE 345. 1753. UMBELLIFERAE AMMI TT... visnaga (L-) Eam., El. Franc. 3: 462. 1779. ANETHUM F . graveolens Ex, Sp. PE. -263..1753. AP 1UM T— australe Thouars, Esquisse Fl. Tristan d'Acugna 43. 1808. T fernandezianum Johow, Estud. Fl. Juan Fernandez 101. 1896. T graveolens L., Sp. Pl. 264. 1753. CENTELLA T— asiatica (L.) Urb., in Mart., Fl. Bras. 11(1): 287, t. 78, f. 1. 1879. CON 1UM TF maculatum L., Sp. Pl. 243. 1753. COR! ANDRUM FT” sativue to. Sp. PL: 256. 1753. CY CLOSPERMUM T leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague var. leptophyllum, J. Bot. 61: 131. 1923. | —n -) a] 177 — | mn — mn e] nm DAUCUS montanus Humb. et Bonpl. ex Spreng., in Schult., Syst. Veg. 6: 482. 1820. ERYNGIUM bupleuroides Hook. et Arn., Bot. sarcophyllum Hook. et Arn., Bot. Xx fernandezianum Skottsb., Kongl. 914. FOEN I CULUM vulgare Mill. PETROSEL I NUM crispum (Mill.) A.W.Hill, Hand-l SANICULA crassicaulis Poepp. ex DC., Prod TORILIS nodosa (L.) Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. Misco 3302. 1033- Juan Fernandez 2: 158, 21 h-p, t. 12, 2. 1921. Misco” 3: 3592. 1835. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 51(9): 17, f. 5. , Gard. Dict., ed. 8, Foeniculum 1. 1768. ist Herb. Pl. Kew, ed. 3, 122. 1925. r..6< 84. 1830. PA 4. 20 de 0 EOA: TICACEAE UR BOEHMERIA excelsa (Bertero ex Steud.) Wedd., " PARIETARIA debilis G.Forst. var. debilis, F URTICA berteroana Phil., Linnaea 33: 235 glomeruliflora Steud., Flora 33: masafuerae Phil., Anales Univ. € urensk. ¿Sp Pl. 984 113% Ann. Set. Nat. Bot, Ser. 6, 1: 202. 1956, l. Ins. Austr. 73. 1786. 1864. 257. 1850. ("glomerulaeflora") hile 13: 167. 1856 LERIANACEAE VA CENTRANTHUS ruber (L.) DC., in DC. et Lanm., FL. Franc, ed... 3, 4: 23%. 1805. RBENACEAE VE RHAPHI THAMNUS venustus (Phil.) B.L.Rob., Proc. VERBENA ltitoralis Kunth, in Humb., Bonpl. 1818 Wi DRIMYS confertifolia Phil., Anales Univ. Amer, Acad. Arts 51(10): 531. 1916. NTERACEAE Chite 13: 163.. 1856. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (ed. qu.) 2: 276, t. 137. 207 e mmaz TIN ZA | al — — — — mn n — ps mn pes — mm TF MONOCOTYLEDONEAE ARACEAE ZANTEDESCHIA aethiopica (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 3: 765. 1826. BROMELIACEAE GREIGIA berteroi Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 109. 1921. OCHAGAVIA (e) elegans Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 13: 168. 1856. CYPERACEAE CAREX banksii Boott, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 119. 1846. berteroniana Steud., Flora 25: 604. 1842. CYPERUS eragrostis Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 146. 1791. reflexus Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 299. 1805. ELEOCHARIS fuscopurpurea (Steud.) H.Pfeiff., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 28: 19. 1930. MACHAER INA scirpoidea (Steud.) Koyama ex M.T.Strong, Novon 7(3): 318. 1997. OREOBOLUS obtusangulus Gaudich. subsp. obtusangulus, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: CO ar 1825 SCIRPUS cernuus Vaht,. Enum. Pt. 2: 245. 1805. nodosus Rottb., Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl. 52. 1773. UNCINIA brevicaulis Thouars, Esquisse Fl. Tristan d'Acugna 35, t. 6. 1808. costata Kuk., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 433. 1920. douglasii Boott, in Hook.f., Fl. Antarct. 369. 1 tenuis Poepp. ex Kunth, Enum. Pl. 2: 525. 1837. GRAMINEAE AGROSTIS masafuerana Pilger, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 388. 1920. stolonifera L., Sp. Pl. 62. 1753 AIRA caryophyllea L., Sp. Pl. 66. 1753. pEaecox' E... Sp. PL..65. 1753. Do>p>p>Z > — —. —_ —= — — 7] — — — pu] — — soil ANTHOXANT HUM odoratum L., Sp. Pl. 28. 1753. AVENA barbata Pott ex Link, J. Bot. (Schrader) 1799(2): 315. 1800. BRACHYPOD IUM distachyon (L.) P.Beauv., Essai Agrostogr. 101, 156. 1812. BRIZA maxima L., Sp. Pl. 70. 1753, minor L., Sp. PL. 70. 1753. BROMUS berteroanus Colla, Herb. Pedem. 6: 68. 1836. ("'berterianus") catharticus Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2: 22. 1791. diandrus Roth, Bot. Abh. Beobacht. 44. 1787. hordeaceus L., Sp. Pl. 77. lithobius Trin., Linnaea 10: 303. 1836. stamineus E.Desv., in Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 6: 440. 1854. CHAETOTROPIS chilensis Kunth, Révis. Gramin. 271, t. 47. 1830. imberbis (Phil.) Bjorkman, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 17(1): 14. 1960. CHASCOLYTRUM subaristatum (Lam.) Desv., Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 2: 190. 1810. CHUSQUEA fernandeziana Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 43: 577. 1873. CYNOSURUS echinatus L..., Sp. Bl. 72. 17353. DACTYLIS glomerata L.,. Sp. Plis 71. 1753 DANTHONIA chilensis E.Desv. var. chilensis, in Gay, Hist. Chile, Bot. 6: 360, t. 80, f. 3, 1854. malacantha (Steud.) Pilger, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10(97): 759. 1929. DIGITARIA sanguinalis (L.)» Scop., Fl. Carniol.;, ed. 2, Ti: 52. 172. ELEUSINE tristachya (Lam.) Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 203. 1792. FESTUCA arundinacea Schreb., Spic. Fl. Lips. 57. 1771. GASTRI1DI1UM A ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz et Thell., Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zúrich 58: 39. 1916. > x > > > > 210 — — | —Á4 —Á € — A a] A Ms nn HORDEUM chilense Roem. et Schult., Syst. Veg. 2: 796. 1817. murinum L. subsp. murinum, Sp. Pl. 85. 1753. secalinum Schreber, Spic. Fl. Lips. 148. 1771. LEPTOPHYLLOCHLOA micrathera (E.Desv.) C.E.Calderón ex Nicora, in M.N.Correa, Fl. 1978. LOL IUM multiflorum Lam., Fl. Franc. 3: 621. 1779. perenne L., Sp. Pl. 83. 1753. MEGALACHNE (E) berteroniana Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 237. 1854. Patag. 3: 70, f. 32. masafuerana (Skottsb. et Pilger ex Pilger) Matthei, Bol. Soc. 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Bot. Gard. Kew 1882: 57. 1884 Fecha de publicación: 07 de mayo de 1999 211 NUEVOS TAXA Y COMBINACIONES PUBLICADOS EN ESTE VOLUMEN LICHENES Caloplaca austroshetlandica (Zahlbr.) D.J.Galloway £ Quilhot, com. nov. 120 Dendriscocaulon calithamnion (Taylor) D.J.Galloway £ Quilhot, com. nov. 127 Neuropogon durietzii (Motyka) D.J.Galloway $ Quilhot, com. nov. 142 Neuropogon patagonicus (F.J. Walker) D.J.Galloway £ Quilhot, com. nov. 142 Neuropogon subantarcticus (F.J. Walker) D.J.Galloway $ Quilhot, com. nov. 142 ANGIOSPERMAE Poaceae Nassella argentinensis (Speg.) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella brasiliensis (A. Zanin et Longhi-Wagner) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella coquimbensis (Matthei) Peñail., com. nov. Nassella entrerriensis (Burkart) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella ibarrensis (Kunth) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella karstenii (Hitchc.) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella pittieri (Hitchc.) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella psittacorum (Speg.) Peñail., com. nov. 86 Nassella planaltina (A. Zanin et Longhi-Wagner) Peñail., com. nov. 87 Nassella rhizomata (A. Zanin et Longhi-Wagner) Peñail., com. nov. 87 Nassella sellowiana (Nees ex Trin. et Rupr.) Peñail., com. nov. 8 Nassella tenuiculmis (Hackel) Peñail., com. nov. 87 Nassella vallsii (A. Zanin et Longhi-Wagner) Peñail., com. nov. 87 Nassella vargasii (Tobar) Peñail., com. nov. 213