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LONDO N: | PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, “AND PUBLISHED BY THE preiios, N°5, KNIGHTSBRIDGE. To be had of J. Wars, Fleet-ftreet, and all the Bookfellers.


PRErac f

Tue utility of this undertaking at a crifis, when the tafte for Botanical purfuits fo univerfally prevails, will, it is prefumed, be readily admitted by all thofe engaged in them, whether as theorifts, colletors, or cultivators. Such a work, under the immediate direction of fome principal leader in the fcience, of this country, has been a defideratum of long expe€tance; but either from the great expence ne- ceffarily incurred, before any adequate return could be made, or from the trouble attendant on publi- cations, where colouring forms fo confiderable a part, as yet, every fimilar attempt has proved abortive. The Bot. Mag. of Mr. Curtis, a work of fingular merit in its way, has occafionally furnithed, it is true, a few {pecimens of new plants; but the greateft part, as its title-page indicates, confifts of thofe well known, common plants, long cultivated in our gardens; the direét reverfe of the propofals and intentions of the author, in the profecution of this. From a with to prevent confufion, it was a determined principle at the outfet of the work, not to give any generic or fpecific fynonims; but to. follow the moft generally accepted names, of known and named plants, without a cavil, of our a Englith botanifts, or cultivators, if no flagrant error was perceptible, according to the Linnean fyf- tem: being fatisfied, nothing contributed fo much to reprefs the ardour of young botanifts as the difficulty of affixing the right name to thofe plants, which, (from a captious defire in every publither, to foift in fomething of his own coinage, upon the moft trifling fuppofed difference,) have undergone feveral changes of title, If the plant was a certain novelty, with us, to have followed the fexual,

fyftem, without a fchifm; upon that truly grand and comprehenfive feale of nature; when. the

formation of a new genus was neceflary; if not, to refer it to fome one already made, if fach was to be found, in any orthodox author: the fpecific name to be formed from fome oppofed, leading feature, in the habits of the different fpecies of the genus. But although fuch were the Author's intentions, when he entered on this bufinefs, yet, from a with to oblige many of the fupporters of the work, who have fignified a with that fynonims fhould be given, an alphabetical Index, with all the various Synonims collated from the beft authorities, fhall be printed feparate for the of thofe who may with for fuch an addition.

As a fair excufe for the Author, (who throws himfelf upon the candour of the Public,) in exte- nuation of the inaccuracies which have, and will neceffarily occur in the profecution of the work, it is juft to fay, that the difficulties to be encountered, and of which none but thofe engaged in fimilar concerns can form any adequate idea, are incalculable; arifing chiefly from the nature of a monthly publication, compofed entirely of novelty, which cannot be anticipated, and of courfe, fo very little time can be allotted for revifal or correction. To remedy as far as poflible fuch me a litt | of Errate will be given, with the Index, at the clofe of each volume.

Kyicutspripge, O&. 1799.

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One Pointal.


Caxryx. Perianthium quinquefidum, perfiftens; laciniis obtufis, concavis. :

Coroxtxa. Monopetala, rotata, quinquepartita, laciniis fub-rotundis, ad quarum bafin pro- minent tubercula quinque.

Stamina. Filamenta quinque brevia. Antherz bipartite, oblonge, erecte, exteriori parte affixe.

Pistintum. Germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma fimplex.

Pericarrium. Capfula ovata-oblonga, utrinque longitudinaliter fulcata, unilocularis, apice quinquevalvi, valvularum marginibus in- volutis,

Semina numerofa, oblonga, fcabra.

SPECIFIC Cortufa, foliis cordatis, laciniatis, petiolatis; calycibus corolla brevioribus.

Empatement. Cup with five divifions, perma- nent; the fegments blunt, and concave.

Brossom. One leaf, wheel-thaped, five divifions,

fegments nearly round, having five promi- nent tubercles at their bafe.

Cuives. Five fhort threads. Tips divided in two, oblong, upright, and fixed to the bloffom by their backs.

Porintat. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- fhaped. Summit fimple.

Seep-vEssEL. Capfule oblong egg-fhaped, channelled on each fide, of one cell, the top has five valves, which are turned in- ward at their margins.

Sezps many, oblong, and rough.


Sanicle, with heart-fhaped jagged leaves that have foot-ftalks; empalements fhorter than the bloffoms.


REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1, The Empalement, and Fruit-ftalk. ' 2. The Bloffom cut, and {pread open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. 3. The Pointal, magnified.

a ee

Tuts beautiful little herbaceous plant, a native of the Germanic Alps, was known to, and defcribed by all the elder, as well as modern botanical theorifts; yet till this time, has there not been one good reprefentation of it. Having been nearly loft to us for a number of years, it may be confidered as deferving a place amongft thofe plants we deem rare; as a fpecimen of fuch it has been given. It delights much in fhade; is perfe€tly hardy; thrives beft in a light but pure foil; as dung, or other mixtures, are apt to rot the roots when in a ftate of ination 3 flowering in May and June, and

producing feeds. But the fureft mode of propagation is by the root, which may be divided with fuccefs about September. :

Misacua, Soran cAk Bagsogyn LipRary

PLATE IL. SPRINGALIA INCARNATA. ~ Star-flowered Springalia.



Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- Empatement. Cup one leaf, cut into five um, perfiftens. fegments, and remaining. -

Cororra. Monopetala, quinquefida, rotata, Brossom. One leaf, cut into five fegments, jaciniis acumenatis. wheel-fhaped, the divifions fharp pointed.

Sramina. Filamenta quinque, lineares, recepta- Cuives. Five threads, linear, fixed into the culo inferta. Anthere pilofe, ereéte, co- receptacle. Tips hairy, upright, united natz in cylindrum. into a cylinder.

Pistirtum. Germen fuperum, turbinatum. Pointat. Seed-bud above, turban-fhaped.

Stylus filiformis. Stigma obtufum. Shaft thread-fhaped. Summit blunt ended.

Pericarrium. Capfula quadrivalvis, quadri- Srep-vesseL. Capfule four valves, four cells.

aris. Semrna plurima, minima, rotunda. SEEDs many, {mall, and round.


Springalia, foliis alternis, amplexicaulibus, mu- Springalia, with alternate leaves, embracing the cronatis; corollis fub-folitariis, incarnatis, || m, and fharp pointed; bloffoms moftly tigidis, micantibus. fingle, fleth-coloured, harfh, and fhining.


REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1. The Empalement, (natural fize). 2. The Bloffom divided from the Empalement. 3. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnified). 4. The Seed-veffel, and Pointal, (magnified). ee ____

Tue Springalia, mutt certainly rank among the moft beautiful of the various new genera which have been introduced from New Holland 3 the delicacy, brilliancy, and number, of its bloffoms

: extreme permanency adds tly to i its; flower being of fach fingular durability, as to retain tials the fate so ox deca i perfeéted, as at their firft opening. The gure before us, was taken from a plant in the nurfery garden of Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, who raifed it from feeds about three years fince, and where it has flowered thefe two fucceffive years, The Botany-bay plants, (as they are generall ; called) are beft preferved in the Agence: but although this is fufficiently hardy for fuch ae: : » being very fufceptible of da flourithing beft i a oa. SER through the whole fummer; and secnaiiie a in sa see ers, and habit of this genus, like almoft all the plants from New Holland, being perfectly new. Te was a neceflity to form a freth generic name for it; which has been done by the def edly eminent Dr. J. E. Smith, botanical profeffor, and prefident of the Linnean Society J


| CLASS XxX. GYNAN. eet IA DIANDRIA. GENERIC Shapes vyage. Spadix fimplex. Conouta Petala quinque, longitudine zquila, -lanceolata, erecta. NeGarium monophyllum, indivifum, acumina-

, intra petala interiora pofitum, bafin al femiamplectens, ereCtum, fuperne pa-

ii. Bilamenia duo, e; ex limbo ftyli dorfali nceeolata. A

S -adnatus labio fuperiori neétarii.

obfoletum. PERICARPIUM. Capfula unilocularis, carnofa, ma, trivalvis.



Flefh-coloured Neottia. i ——-———

ORDER IU. Chives on the Pointal. ‘Two Chives. CHARACTER. Empatement. Sheath fcattered. Fruit-ftalk imple. Brossom. Petals five, of equal length, of a

narrow fpear-fhape, and upright.

Honey-cup one leaf, undivided, fharp pointed, placed between the two inner petals, naam embracing the bafe of the fhaft, upright, fpreading at the top.

Two threads, rifing out of the back of the thaft, fpear-fhaped. Tips two, linear, long, placed in the cells of the threads

Pointa. Seed-bud beneath, curved, furrowed, tapering at the bafe. Shaft thick, growing to the upper lip of the honey-cup. Summit indiftiné.

Seep-vessex, Capfule with one cell, flefhy, very long, three valves.

SEMINA ean minutiffima. SEEDS numerous, very {mall.

CHARACTER. Neottia, with leaves growing from the root, waved, of a broad fpear-fhape, tapered at the bafe; flowers prefled together in a fpike, flefh-coloured, and moft beautiful.


Neottia, foliis ridiellibius, undulatis, lato- _ Janceolatis, bafi attenuatis; floribus con- fertis, fpicatis, incarnatis, {peciociflimis,


1. A Bloffom, Seed-bud, and Sheath, fize).

2. The Seed-bud, and three Petals of th —— the two inner cut out, to fhew the pofition : of the Honey-cup, (natural fize). ss 8, Seed-veffel, and Honey-cup magnified; fhewing the fituation, and fhape of the Chives, , s within the sie

4. The fame magnified; thewing the fituation of the Pointal, at the back of the Honey-cup. a

Proressor Jacquin of Vienna, having figured the Neottia in the third yolume of his Colleétanea, with juftice has determined it a new genus, and given it the name it here bears; the whole habit of the plant being entirely diffimilar to any old. genera. It certainly nent be placed fomewhere near Limodorum, or Epidendron, from either of y diftin&. This is the

Line ail lant from that ifland, it requires the heat of a 3 : | pine-ftove, and rich earth, to make it flourith ; a



rrans x ORDER. IT DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ten Chives. One Pointal.


Caryx quinquepartitus, perfiftens. Empatement of five divifions, and remaining.

Corotza. Monopetala, rotato-infundibulifor- Brossom. One leaf, of a roundith funnel-fhape: mis: limbo patente; laciniis rotundatis. the limb fpreading; and its fegments


Stamina. Filamenta decem, filiformia, longitu- Curves. Ten hair-like threads, the length of dine corollz, declinata. Antherz ovales. the bloffom, bent downward. Tips oval.

Pistiztum. Germen pentagonum, retufum. Poinrat. Seed-bud five-fided, and dented. Stylus filiformis, longitudine corolle. Stig- Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the ma um. bloffiom. Summit blunt-ended.

PericarPium. Capfula ovata, quinquelocularis. Szep-yesseL. Capfule oval, five-celled.

Semina numerofa, minima, lineares. Szeps many, fmall, and linear.


dendron, foliis glabris utrinque nudis, Rhododendron, with fmooth leaves, naked on petiolis longiffimis; corolle violacez, foliis both fides, and long foot-ftalks; the blof- ampliores, rotate. foms light purple, larger than the leaves, and wheel-fhaped. aiieedatetes. "ncaa : REFERENCE TO THE PLATE.

1, The Bloffom, (natural fize). 2. The Chives, and Pointal, (natural fize); one ti : i > 2 Pp detached ma fied *. 3. The Seed-veffel, and Pointal, (magnified). =


= been deferibed, and is well known to botanifts, it has not, till within thefe ~—" si wth 2 een = Great Britain, It is a perfeétly hardy plant, being a native of the coaft + hee a €as, ane parts adjacent; from whence it has been conveyed to Peterfburg peep as, and figured by him in his Flora Ruffica, Mr. Buth was the perfon who brought it = ~ “: : = ae a Ruffia. The flowers begin to appear in the month of March, con- pas - BR : y- As yet (from its fearcity) the beft method of cultivating it can hase miele ae a theltered fituation, and light foil, like moft of the genus; mee - fers . drawing was made from a plant, at the nurfery of Mefirs. Lee

PEALE <V. GLADIOLUS LONGIFLORUS. | Long-flowered Gladiolus.



TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal.

Caryx. Spathz bivalves. Corouta, fexpartita, ringens. Petala oblonga, omnia unguibus in tubum conata.

Stamina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris

alternis petalorum inferta. Anthere ob-

longe. : Pistittum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex,

longitudine flaminium. Stigma trifidum,

PERICARPIUM. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, tri- ] is, trivalvis.

Semin plura, fubrotunda.


Gladiolus, foliis enfiformibus, plicatis, villofis; |

corollis tubiformibus, longiffimis; petalis und i, is, 3 fl « i


EmpaLement. Sheath two valves. F

Bossom, cut into fix fegments, and gaping. Petals oblong, having all their claws con- netted into a tube.

_ Cutves. Three threads, awl-fhaped, fixed into each alternate divifion of the petals. Tips

oblong. Pointax. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the ‘length of the chives. Summit divided in ree, and concave. SeEp-vEssex. Capfule oblong, obtufe, three cells, three valves, Szeps many, nearly round.

CHARACTER. | Gladiolus, with fword-fhaped, plated, hairy

leaves; bloffoms trumpet-fhaped, and very long; petals waved, and bent back.

| REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . 1. A Bloffom cat open, to thew the fituation, and infertion of the Threads; the Threads, and

Tips, remaining attached,

2. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and its Summit,

Tas {pecies of Gladiolus, (a

of Hammerfmith. Like moft bulbs, it has its period of Mmoifture, but whilft growing, requires abundance; eeds. It thould be treated as a greenhoufe plant, ¢ ~tocus, the old root perifhing, a number of freth ones ry) be kept out of the ground two or three months.

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Crass VI~-ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. | Six Chives. One Pointal. Gewnait CHARACTER. .

EmPaLeMENT. None. Brossom, has fix fegments, of a funnel bell- fh

Catyx. Nullus. oe Corotta, fexpartita, infundibuli-campanulata. _ Sramrna. Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine Cuives. Six awl-fhaped threads, the length of corollz, declinata; fuperiora breviora. An- the bloffom, bent downwards; the- upper there oblongz, incumbentes, aflurgentes. ones the fhorteft. Tips oblong, fixed by their fides, and turned up at the ends. Pistittum. Germen fulcatum, fuperum. Stylus Pointat. Seed-bud furrowed, and above. filiformis, longitudine et fitu ftaminium. Shaft thread-thaped, of the Jength and po- Stigma obtufe-trigonum, affurgens. —— of the chives. Summit a three-

a rnered, turned up at the poi e Pantcannion Capfula trigona, trilocularis, tri- ntie vEessEL. Capfule three-fided, pit cells, three valves, ne ‘ais: fubrotunda, - Seeps many, nearly round.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. __ _Hemerocallis, foliis cordatis, petiolatis; corollis Day Lily, with leaves that are heart-fhaped, a oe is. ; | and have foot-ftalks; the bloffoms blue. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE.

1. The Chives, and Pointal, as in the Bloffom.

2. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Sum

3. -A sie of the fhape and fize en ripe.

ie ———___.

‘Tae variety of character exhibited in this new fpecies of Hemerocallis, fo different from its con- _ geners, in foliage, flower, and feed; would almoft induce us to think like Gertner, a generic divifion omegy if we were not withheld. , by that ftrong rule of Linnzus, (from which, it will be a leading feature of this work, not to fwerve) not toincreafe the number of genera, but where abfolutely _ neceflary. This {pecies, as well as a white variety, which has been figured by Kampfer; and con- tinued fince him -by Welldenow, in his new Species Plantarum, under its prefent denomination; is a native of China, and introduced to our gardens from thence by G. Hibbert, Efq. of Clapham, from _ whofe moft extenfive and bea utiful colleétion this on was taken. It is as yet cultivated as a


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Szberian Primrofe.

CEASS %. -GRDER. [. . PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIZA. Five Chives. One Pointal.


Catyx. Involucrum polyphyllum, multifiori- Empatement. Fence of many leaves, including

- um, minimum. Perianthium monophyllum, feveral flowers, and fmall. Cup one leaf,

wean pentagonum, quinquedentatum, tubular, five-fided, five-toothed, fharp, up- acutum, -perfiftens. right, and remaining.

* Corota. Masala. Tubus cylindraceus, Biossom. One petal. Tube cylindrical, the

longitudine calycis, terminatus colo parvo length of the cup, terminated by a fhort

- hemifphzrico. Limbus patens, femi-quin- hemifpherical neck. Border {preading, half

quefidus; laciniis obcordatis, obtufis. Faux cut into five divifions; the fegments are

pervia. inverfely heart-fhaped, and blunt. Mouth


Sramina. Filamenta quinque, breviffima, intra Cuives. Five threads, very fhort, within the collum corolle. Anthere acumenate, neck of the bloffom. Tips pointed, upright,

__ ere&tze, conniventes, inclufe. approaching, within the tube.

Pistiztum. Germen globofum. Stylus filifor- Poinrat. Seed-bud globular. Shaft thread- mis, longitudine calycis. Stigma globo- fhaped, the length of the cup. Summit fum. obular

‘PERICARPIUM. Capfula teres, longitudine fere Saaie tases Capfule cylindrical, nearly as perianthii, cularis, dehifcens apice long as the cup, of one cell, opening at decem dentato. the top, with ten teeth

Semina numerofa, fubrotunda. Receptaculum SEEDS numerous, and roundifh, Receptacle ob- pect acs liberum. long egg-fhaped, and loofe.

See SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Prima, is petiolatis, cordatis, riescs Primrofe, whofe leaves have foot-ftalks, are renatis; corollis leet® purpureis, -heart-thaped, flightly lobed, and fcolloped; : = bloffoms of a bright purple


‘cat open, to they the ftuation of the Chive and its internal formati 3. pie eee Shafi, 1 Summit, a a i 2 ie mo

Tus fpecies of ri # © cis ‘coma Gmetia, in his Flora Siberica. It was in the year 1794, that feeds of this plant were g tent by Profeffor P. Pallas, from Siberia, to Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, of whof the drawing of this moft charming plant was made: though @ ers feems sc to endure the feverity of ours; thriving beft in a pot, a very dry fituation if planted out: it is increafed by the root, which

® Mar and flowers in June, and July, 3



SPLATE ‘Vi. 3 GLADIOLUS ALATUS. Wing-flowered Gladiolus.

is | CLASS Ill. ORDER-I.

.* TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal.

: ' GENERIC CHARACTER, | . - Caryx. Spathz bivalves. : ___Coroxta, fexpartita, ringens, Petala oblonga, _—* emnia unguibus in tubum conata.

EmpaLeMEenT. Sheath two valves.

Biossom, of fix divifions, and gaping. Petals oblong, having their claws formed into a tube.

Cuives. Three awl-fhaped threads, fixed into

: the alternate divifions of the petals. Tips

ee ~ Sramina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris

co * 8 alternis petalorum inferta. Anthere ob-

oo gee, oblong.

es Pistittum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, Poinrat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the

_ Jongitudine ftaminium. Stigma trifidum, length of the chives. Summit cut into ca three, and concaye.

_ Pericarrium, Capfula oblonga, obtufa, tri- is, trivalvis. three cells, three valves. fubrotunda.

Sreps many, nearly round.

oe ___ locularis, sy plura, + et :

a SPECIFIC CHARACTER. | ladiolus, foliis enfiformibus, coftatis; petalis | Gladiolus, with fword-thape, ribbed leaves; the a te lateralibus latiffimis. fide petals of the bloffom the broadeft.

4 . .. SEE cane a ie _ . REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. ' 1, The two Sheaths of the Empalement, with the Chives, detached from the Petals, as they ss ftand in the Bloffom, and apparently attached to each other; with the natural pofition i ' the Pointal. ; :

2. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud; one of the divifions of the Summit magnified. eel te Tus fpecies of Gladiolus,

although fo fcarce with us, is certainly one of the moft common found ithftanding its extreme beauty, has been overlooked by moft collectors;

° | bs, in requiring a light loamy earth, and the affiftance of a dry ftove, to make it flower well; which it will do by fuch aid, about May, or June; feldom producing feeds, and ‘Propagating but flowly by the root. From the fugi : = = rank oad although it does not appear amongft the Gladiolus in the Hortus Kewenfis, it

} a8 well as by Plukenet, in his Phyto-graphia, and others - This figure was taken from a plant that flowered at Mefirs. Lee and Ken-

Srep-vessEL. Capfule oblong, blunt ended,

gitive character of this plant, it is difficult to afcertain ~


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iY CORTE Md he

ATRAGENE - CAPENSIS. ee oe | | Cape Atragene.



ies Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis us, patentibus, obtufis, diciduis Potala _ linearia, bafi an- a, obtufa, p:

| Seats. “Filieacah bei, breviffima. An- _. theree oblong, acumenatz.

LUM. Germina plurima oblonga. Styli fi. fimplicia, longitudine

ov: : _ Conora.

/definentia in caudam pilofam.

one = aS

y may as eafily be

land; whence it requires a

: eae eae!

-POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals.


SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ternatis; foliolis incifis, dentatis, Atragene, with three divifions; the fmaller di- os to, femipleno. vifions jagged, toothed, and harfh; the flower fleth-coloured, and femidouble.— rr

mare, 5 TO THE PLATE.


d by Burmann, Hermann, and other Cape botanifts, as an Anepent, a ) referred as Atragene: but as it has been clearly de- poet by Linus, under that genus, we have not‘hardinefs enough to difpute his authority. It is as the trivial name implies) a native of the Cape of Good Hope, but at fome confiderable diftance berg dry ftove to preferve it, fuffering much from damps. It is only the yee, 1795, that this plant has been found in our greenhoufes; being then introduced by Lee and Kennedy, nurferymen, where it has flowered and perfected feeds; which feems |

only means of propagating it: ba a al vering



Empatement. Cup four-leaved, which ——

preading, blunt, and deciduous. :

Biossom. Petals twelve, linear, narroweft at

bafe, blunt, and fpread open.

Cuives. Threads many, very fhort. Fl , pointed.

Wrerss: Seed-buds numerous, oblong. q hairy. Summits fimple, the length tips.

Srep-vesseL. Non

SzEps many, siihivaiied ina hairy tail.


s oo

is a mixture of peat and loam; Howe




. +

= * geratn &. “ARISTEA CYANEA.

- Blue-flowered Ariftea.



One Pointal.


‘Catyx. Spathz bivalves, lacerz, perfiftentes.

Miiox:., hexapetala, oblonga, qualia, ebcor- ' data, perfiftentia, patens.

Filamenta tria, ere€ta, fubulata. _ Antheree fub-fimplices, magne. Pistittum. Germen inferum. Stylus filifor- mis, ereétus. Stigma trifidum, concavum,

Capfula oblonga, triquetra, tri-

PERICARPIUM. 3 locularis, loculis compreffis, trivalvis.

Empatement. Sheath two valves, ragged, and remaining.

Brossom, of fix petals, oblong, equal, inverfely - heart-fhaped, remaining, fpreading. Cutves. Three threads, upright, awl-fhaped.

Tips almoft fimple, and large.

Ponta. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft thread- fhaped and erett. Summit cut into three, concave and reflected.

Seep-vesset. Capfule oblong, three-fided, three cells, cells compreffed, three valves.

Seeps many, flat, rough, nearly femicircular.

r Semina plura, compreffa, feabrida, fub-femi- Tey i! + .

4 : SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ariftea, foliis enfiformibus, radicalibus; floribus Ariftea with fword-fhaped leaves growing from capitatis, cyaneis, the root; the flowers grow in heads, a = are of a bright blue.

REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. : 1. A Valve of the Sheath fpread open. 2. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnified.) as _ 3. A perfeé Seed, (magnified.)

Tue Ariftea is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and has been defcribed under various fynony™ss

PE. . as a Gramen, by Petiver as Bermudiana Capenfis, and by Van Royen, Burmann, and es _— se a _ Bee although differing from Linnzus is againft the fixed intention of this undertaking, where there is a poffibility of avoiding it; yet in this inflance of alteration he muft ___ have acquiefeed, having undoubtedly never feen the plant himfelf. ‘The bloffom, feed-veffel, feeds ie, : = gro lon: of the plant, fo totally differ from the chara@ter of Ixia, &c. that we have not hefitated, in accepting the name given it in the Hortus Kewenfis; where, it is faid to have been ages! to that colleétion, by Mr. F. Maffon in 1774; though no fpecific defcription is given of ag : ich we may conjecture, it never flowered there. The figure here given, was taken from which flowered at Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy's, in 1797. ‘The Ariftea being rather a delicate

> Fequires an airy, warm fituation in the greenhoufe, flowering readily about the month of July, hae: Tequiring to be kept in a {mall pot, the foil a light loam, It propagates by feeds, and

PEATE Xs GLADIOLUS Rofe-coloured Gladiolus. |




ORDER I. One Pointal.


“Canyx. Spathe bivalves. Corotta, fexpartita ringens, Petala oblonga, . omnia unguibus in tubum conata.

Stamina. Filamenta’ tria, fubulata, divifuris ® __ alternis petalorum inferta. Anthere ob-

longe. Pistiztum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma trifidum,


Pericartivm. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, trilo- ‘cularis, trivalvis.

Seana plura, fubrotunda.



EmraLtement Sheath two valves. Biossom, of fix divifions, and gaping. Petals oblong, having their claws formed into a tube.

Cuives. Three awl-fhaped threads fixed into the alternate divifions of the bas.

oblong. : Potnrat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the of the chives. Summit cut into”

and concave. ‘Aeon Capfale oblong, beat one three cells, three valves.

*. SzEps many, nearly round. Ae ie SPECIFIC CHARACTER. _ Gladiolus, foliis lanceolatis, tortis, rabro margi- Gladiolus, with fpear-fhaped leaves, twifted, # natis, pubefcentibus; floribus rofeis odora- red-edged, and downy; bloffoms rofe co- —— tiffimis. lour, and fweet-fcented.


¥: Phe fase Midee Ad Bs Sinath.

2. A Flower cut open, to expofe the infertion of the Threads, the Threads, and Tips remaining


3. The Seed. bud, Shaft, and Summit magnified,

> A Seed natural fize, inclofed in its Tunic,


figured this plant, in bis lat Fas no idea of the brilliancy

_ and kept dry till O&ober ; when it should be x : eee and flowers abont the month of

ye ly A a

Ts lata al



x “~~ Largeft flowered Crane’ s- bill. EEE



MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives.


Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum: foliolis * ovatis, acutis, concavis, perfiftentibus.

Corotra. Petala quinque, obcordata, feu ovata, patentia, magna.

Sramrya. Filamenta decem, fubulata, corolla breviora, Anthera oblonge, verfatiles.

Pistittum. Germen quinquangulare, roftra- tum. Stylus fubulatus, ftaminibus longior, perfiftens. Stigmata quinque, reflexa.

Pexicarrium nullum, Fruétus pentacoccus, roftratus.

Semina folitaria, reniformia, fepe arillata;

i ngiflima, demum fpirali.

. : SPECIFIC Geranium, calycibus monophyllis, foliis quin- ~que-lobis, glabris, dentatis; floribus am- pliffimis, fub-albidis.

Empatement. Cup five leaves: leaves egg- fhaped, fharp pointed, concaye, and pert- manent.

Bossom. Five petals, inverfely heart-fhaped, or egg fhaped, fpreading, and large.

Cuives. Ten threads, awl-fhaped and fhorter than the bloffom. Tips oblong, eafily turn- ed round.

Pointat. Seed-bud five-angled, and beaked.

Shaft awl-fhaped, longer than the chives and remaining. Five reflexed fummits. SEED-vessEL none. Fruit five dry berfies, beaked. Szeps, folitary, kidney-fhaped, often furnifhed with a dry hufky coat, and a very long - awn, which become fpiral.


Geranium, empalements of one leaf; leaves five- ed, fmooth, and toothed; the flowers very large, nearly white.

: REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular ftru@ture.

2. The Chives, and Pointal, as placed in the flower, (natural fize.) 3. The Shaft, Summits, and Seed-bud, (magnified.)

< . : Or all the {pecies of this numerous tribe, introduced to us,

fingularly pre-eminent; whether for delica finithed drawing would conve valuable colleétion of G.

to the Royal’Gardens at Kew, by Mr. F. Maffon.

fhould be kept in a window of the ftove,

that feafon. It flowers in July,

ture of rotten dung, and loam;

To diffent from moft of the confidered,

from the Cape of Good Hope, this flands

acy of foliage, or beauty of flower, of which, the moft hvey but a faint idea. The figure before us, was taken from a plant in the Hibbert, Efq. Clapham; from whom we underftand, that it was fent in 1794 To keep this plant in a flourifhing condition, it in winter, as the heat of a greenhoufe is fcarce fufficient at or Auguft, and requires the foil generally ufed for Geraniums, a mix- being eafily propagated by cuttings.

late publications on the feience of Botarfy, may feem prefuming; yet, that we take Linneus for our fole guide, where that great mafter has

a charatter, to a tribe of plant . his in{pe@tion ; from his didates, ibe of plants, which undoubtedly, came clearly under

throughout all its numerous fpecies

ours muft emanate, although his authority may be queftioned by been found, to difunite a Genus, which nature has fo palpabty diftin- he certainly, who had minutely examined fo many, ied them; though nature had apparently fo done. We

* moment to create two new Genera on, Erodium and Pelargo- pret. us for ranking one of his Pelargoniums under the old ftandard.

ten perfeét Chives. Monf. LiHeritier and

- EPIDENDRUM COCHLEATUM. | Purple flowered Epidendrum.


Ss GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives. 3 ae GENERIC CHARACTER. nee Caryx. Spathe vage. Spadix fimplex. Pe- EmpaLementT. Sheaths fcattered. Fruit-ftalk =) - rianthium nullum. mple. Cup none. Corotxa. Petala quinque, oblonga, longiffima, Brossom. Five petals, oblong, of a great length, patentiffima. and fpreading much. _ Neéarium bafi tubulatum, turbinatum, Honey-cup tubular at the bafe, turban- intra petala deorfum pofitum, ore obliquo, fhaped, placed between the lower petals, a bifido: fuperiori labio breviffimo, trifido; mouth oblique and divided : the uppet inferiori in acumen produdto. lip very fhort, cut into three divifions; the *.

_-Sramina. Filamenta duo, breviffima, piftillo am infidentia. Anthere teétz labio fuperiore

Pistirtum. Germen tenue, longum, contor- _ tum, inferum. Stylus breviffimus, adnatus

____ labio fuperiori neGarii. Stigma obfoletum, ERICARPIUM. Siliqua longiffima, teres, car-

lower terminating in a point.

Cuives. Two very fhort threads, fixed on the pointal. Tips covered by the upper lip of the honey-cup.

lip of the honey-cup. Summit blunt. SEED-vesseL. Pod very long, round, and

PoinTat. Seed-bud flender, long, twifted, and - el beneath. Shaft very fhort, fixed to the upper

Pas : efh _ Seotwa numerofa, minutiffima. SEEDs numerous, extremely {mall.


—- Epidendrum. foliis oblongis, geminis, glabris, Epidendrum with oblong leaves growing by __ bulbo innatis; feapo multifloro; neGario pairs, fmooth, rifing from the bulb; ftalk

____ €ordato, purpureo, many flowered; honey-cup heart-fhaped , and purple. " Sestiaesielaialleiitaca


1. The Bloffom, without the Honey-cup; difpofed to thew the fituation of the Chives, and i Pointal, which are covered by the Honey-cup. P- .


-__Orall plants, none furnish a more agreeable fpeculation to the Botanift, than thofe of this clafs; the ___ fingular conftruétion of the whole flower, leads the obferver to form a

of which ifland it is a native; therefore mutt be kept fiove. It is propagated by dividing the bulbs.



i a a


IXIA REFLEXA. Reflex flowered Ixia.



ay TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal.


Caryx. Spathz bivalves, oblongz, perfiftentes, germina diftinguentes.

Corotzra. Petala fex, oblonga, zqualia, lan- ceolata. Sramina, Filamenta tria, fubulata, - corolla -__ breviora, fitu zequalia. Antherz fimplices. Pistiztum. Germen inferum, ovatum, tri- : fimplex, erectus, longi- Stigma trifidum, craffi-

guetrum. Stylus

eae um. ‘Psricareium. Capfula fubovata, triquetra, trilocularis, loculis comprefiis, trivalvis.

Semina fubrotunda, plurima.


Txia floribus fpicatis, reflexis; foliis enfiformi- bus, glabris.

EmpaLeMeNtT. Cup two valves, oblong, re- maining, and dividing the feed-buds.

Biossom. Six oblong petals of an equal length, and {pear-fhaped. :

Cuaives. Three awl-fhaped threads, fhorter than the bloffom, placed equally. Tips fimple.

Pointau. Seed-bud beneath egg fhaped, and three-fided. Shaft fimple, upright, the length of the chives. Summit cut into three, and thickith.

Srzp-vesseL. Capfule, nearly egg-fhaped, three-fided, three cells, prefled together, three valves.

Seeps many, nearly round.


Ixia, with flowers growing ina fpike, and bent backward; leaves fword-fhaped, and fmooth.


REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1, The two Sheaths of the Empalement (magnified).

2. The Bloffom. 3. The Chives (magnified). A. The Pointal (magnified).

i _

No genus exhibits greater diverfity, either in the figure, or colour of the bloffoms, of its various {pe- cies than Ixia; the extreme delicacy of their colours, rendering it abfolutely neceffary to protect them

~~ both ) h from wind and rain ; ven watering them over their heads (as is ufual with greenhoufe plants), at once deftroys their brilliancy. The bulbs of this {pecies were gathered at the Cape, by J. Pringle,

_ -Efq. from whom they were fent to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy in 1795, at whofe nurfery they flowered ae a a ie “pi figure was taken. No particular treatment is neceffary for this plant, _. other than what is given to Cape bulbs in general, viz, an airy fituati light foil. Is propa- = gated by feeds, and by the roots. sib ituation, and light fo P' |

PRAT.E XY. ANTHYLLIS ERINACEA. “Blue Broom of Spain. ination CLASS 3VuE ORDER. HL 'DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Chives in two fets. Ten Chives.


Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, ovato- EmpaLement. Cup of one leaf, oblong egg-- oblongum, parum inflatum, villofum; ore fhaped, a little fwelled, and hairy; mouth quinquedentato, ‘inzequali ; perfiftens. cut into five unequal teeth ; permanent.

Corot a papilionacea : Biossom, butterfly-fhaped.

Vexillum longius, lateribus reflexis, ungue Standard longer, fides bent back, the claws longitudine calycis. as long as the cut. Alz duz, oblonge, vexillo breviores. Wings two, oblong, fhorter than the

ftandard. Carina compreffa, longitudine alarum, alis Keel compreffed, as long as the wings, and fimilis. like them Stamina. Filamenta decem, connata, affur- Cuives. Ten threads, connected, rifing up-

gentia. Antherz fimplices. wards. Tips fimple.

Pistittum. Germen oblongum. Stylus fim- Pointat. Seed-bud oblong. Shaft fimple, plex, adfcendens. Stigma obtufum. afcending. Summit blunt. _Pericarrium. Legumen fubrotundum, te@um Seep-vessex. Pod roundith, covered by the

intra calycem, minimum, bivalve. cup, very fmall, of two valves. ‘SEMEN unum, alterumve. Seeps. One or two.


_ Anthyilis fruticofa, {pinofa; foliis fimplicibus; || Broom, fhrubby, and covered with prickles; floribus ex czruleo purpurafcentibus, | leaves fimple; bloffoms of a purplifh blue.


2. A Bloffom, the cup taken off to thew the exa@ fituation and fhape of its various parts. -

3. Chives, as they inclofe the pointal (natural fize.)

4. The Threads magnified, and cut open, to fhew their tubular fhape.

5. The Pointal, magnified,


Owine to the difficulty in

- femiely more dealt sqision. ‘This ea

Fate Rape ivi authors from Clufius downwards, Mr. T. Johnfon, in his edition of

Decors ha ven a ints, . Se : : +h ‘are excellent (confidering the defeription of this plant from Clufius, and a cut; both of whic

‘i .

then infant ftate of the art of engraving), under the title of Genifta

Azalea, foliis ovato-oblongis, pilofis, alternis;

~ feet, and that the flowers are of are indebted for this fine plant.

7 _ Many other forts, the next year.


Yellow Pontic Azalea.

Ctass ¥.. ORDER LI.

PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. : _ Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- EMPALEMENT. Cup one leaf with five divi- partitum, acutum, erectum, parvum, per- fions, fharp pointed, upright, fmall, and fiftens. : permanent. e: h Corotzta. Monopetala, campanulata, limbus Biossom. One petal, bell-fhaped, margin five- -quinquefidus: laciniarum lateribus in- cleft: fegments with the edges bent in- flexis. . wards. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, filiformia, recep- Cuives. Threads five, thread-thaped, fixed to taculo inferta, libera. Antherz fimplices. the receptacle, and loofe. Tips fimple. Pistittum. Germen oyatum. Stylus filifor- PoinTaL, Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- | mis, longitudine corolla, perfiftens. Stigma fhaped, the length of the bloffom, perma- obtufum. : nent. Summit blunt. Be Pericarpium. Capfula ovata, quinquelocularis, Seep-vessEL. Capfule egg-fhaped, with five quinquevalvis. cells, and five valves. Z Semin plurima, comprefia. Seeps many, and flat. - Oss. Figura petali in aliis infundibuliformis, in Oss. The fhape of the petal in fome is funnel- _aliis campaniformis eft; ftamina in quibuf- fhaped, in others bell-fhaped; the chives dam declinata longiffima. fome are bent downward, and very long.


Azalea, with oblong egg-fhaped leaves, hairy, and alternate; flowers very large, and ye low; chives very long, and bent downward.

floribus ampliffimis, luteis ; ftaminibus lon- giffimis, declinatis,

OU REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. __ 1. The Empalement, (natural fize.) 2. The Chives as they appear within the bloffom. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. 4. A Capfule cut horizontally, expofing the number of its cells. i

| : * _ America has furnifhed our gardens with an extenfive variety of beautiful fhrubs; amongft them, the ;

Azaleas hold a diftinguifhed place; fome for the beauty, others for the fragrance, of their bloffoms: the prefent fpecies far furpaffes all of them for both. It is a native of the coaft of the Black Sea, oF ae Pontus Euxinus, through the whole of its extent, on the Afiatic fide, from the city of Trebifonde; from whence its trivial name. That a plant of fuch extreme beauty, and fweetnefs, fhould fo long

have been a ftranger to our European gardens, though known to, and defcribed by, fo many botanical

a feem matter of wonder; but ftill it is an uncontefted fa&t. Monf. Tournefort, in afl Voyage to the Levant, has given an ample defcription of it, under the title of Chamerhododendros : Pontica maxima, mefpili folio, flore luteo; where he fays, it grows to the height of feven or eight a moft exquifite flavour. Dr. P. Pallas, in his Flora Roffica, has ike-®, : wife figured, and defcribed it, under the | from a dried fpecimen, as the brilliancy

name it here bears; but apparently his drawing was - é - of the flower is by no means preferved ; but it is a as he j , his voyage to the Crimea and countries adjacent, in "ae procured the feeds of this, amongft many other valuable and rare plants; parcels of moft of which Ee were fent by him to Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith; by whom plants were raifed of it, = f

ane | , It is a deciduous fhrub, extremely hardy, and blows early’ ya ‘pring; = other Azaleas, by layers and feeds; grows beft in peat earth, with a _




oe ke be te.


Coronet Protea. .


~~ TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal.


~Catyx. Perianthium commune, imbricatum; oer {quamis inzqualibus, perfiftentibus. Proprium vullum. - Corotra tetrapetala. Petala fepe coherentia, ius divifa, lineari-oblonga: unguibus erectis, limbo patenti. Sramrna. Filamenta nulla. Antherz quatuor, lineares, vel oblonge, fub apice limbi co- rollz inferte. Pistittum. Germen fuperum, oblongum. Sty- lus filiformis, corolla longior. Stigma fim- plex, clavatum. ;

‘PerrcarPium nullum. Calyx patens, indura-

_ Semina folitaria, fubrotunda, vel compreffa. RecerTacuLuM commune nudum, villofum, oS um, vel conus.

Sis SPECIFIC Protea, foliis Janceolatis, pubefcentibus; caule * yillofo; fore aurantio flavo; femine fub- rotundo, glabro, magnitudine pifi majoris.

. Empanement. Cup common, fcaled; fcales unequal, and remaining. Proper none. F

Brossom four-leaved. Petals frequently ad- hering, oftener divided, of a linear oblong. fhape: claws upright, border fpreading.

Cuaives. Threads none. Tips four, linear, or oblong, fixed within the border of the bloffom.

Pointat. Seed-bud above, and oblong. Shaft thread-fhaped, longer than the bloffom. Summit fimple, and club-fhaped.

SrED-vEsseL none. Cup fpreading, hard, and f{carcely changing.

Sexps folitary, nearly round, or flat.

RecerTacte the common, is naked, hairy, chaffy, or a cone.


Protea, with lance-fhape downy leaves; ftem hairy; bloffom orange yellow; feed nearly round, {mooth, the fize of a large pea.


ee te. : , 1. The Flower complete, as it ftands on the Receptacle. 2. The Bloffom expanded, to thew the fituation of the Chives.

Or all the varied genera of plants which decorate that mine of botanical riches, the Cape of Good * Hope, and the adjacent country, no one ftands more confpicuous than Protea. Few travellers who

te@ion. It is

have not noticed the fingularity and beauty of their foliage; indeed they are of fuch extreme bril- liancy, that no one, however indifferent to botanical refearches, can pafs them unobferved; forefts of them being fo numerous, the Protea Argentea, or Silver Tree, produces almoft the only wood ef the country; growing to the height of thirty or forty feet. But although the leaves of this numerous tn be are moftly beautiful, many of their bloffoms are but trifling, except in the eye of the botanift: the Protea Formofa, however, is one amongft many which ftand as powerful exceptions: the grea

= ee charming plant has induced us to adopt the trivial name it here bears. Tt has been

to the Royal Gardens at Kew by Mr. F. Maffon, botanical collector to his prefent Majeftys

| from whofe liberal patronage the feience of Botany has of late been brought into fuch general efti- This fpecies, from the downy charaéter of the whole plant, is apt to damp, if not kept in an

in winter; though the warmth of a common greenhoufe is quite fufficient for its pro- Soe with difficulty propagated by cuttings; and has not hitherto perfected its feeds in this Kingdom. Our drawing was made from a plant which flowered in the nurfery of Mefirs. Lee

= ) seneniy, in the year 1796, about the month of Augutt.


| =” ~X\ f

ZY he fot sy 8 CAE S U5 <5 \ | M/Z ON OG

a i )



CORREA ALBA. White Correa.




OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal.


Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, quadriden- tatum, campanulatum, erectum, perfiftens.

Coroira. Petala quatuor, oblonga, concava, api exa, marginibus craffis.

Filamenta ofto, ere€ta, filiformia,

Pistizrum. Germen turbinatum, fuperum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma obtufum. Pericarrium. Capfula coriacea, lanata, qua- drilocularis, quadrivalvis. Semina quatuor, folitaria, fubrotunda. SPECIFIC Correa, foliis fubrotundis, fupra tomentofis, fub- tus lanigeris; floribus terminalibus, qua- ternis, albidis.


Empatement. Cup of one leaf, five-toothed, bell-fhaped, upright, and-permanent. Brossom. Four petals, oblong, concave, reflexed

at the end, and thick at the edges.

Cutves. Eight threads, upright, thread-fhaped, and fixed into the receptacle.

Pointat. Seed-bud turban-fhaped, and above. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit blunt.

Seep-vesser. Capfule leathery, and woolly, four cells, four valves.

Seeps four, folitary, and nearly round.


Correa, with leaves nearly round, downy on the upper furface, woolly on the under furface; flowers terminate the branches by fours, and are white.




1. The Empalement.

2. The Chives, and Pointal. . 3. A Thread, and Tip, (magnified.) 4. The Shaft and Summit, (magnified.)



Correa is a native of Port Jackfon, in New Holland, and commonly termed a Botany-bay plant:

Tue ¢

raifed in the year 1793, from feeds which were given by Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. to J. Vere,

Efq. of Kenfington-gore, and from a plant in whofe colleétion our figure was taken. It receives its generic title from Mr. Jofeph Correa de Serra, a native of Portugal; a gentleman of very diftinguithed _ talents as a man of fcience in general, and botany in particular. Of this genus there are as yet but few fpecies difcovered; the Alba grows to a fhrub of the height of four or five feet, woody and tough; 3 both ftem and leaves are covered with a thick flannelly fubftance, particularly the under fide of the ___ leaves, which gives the whole plant a whitith appearance. It continues to flower through the months

= of April, May, and June; may be ; ‘plant, and thrives beft in peat earth

propagated eafily by cuttings, fhould be kept as a hardy


GLADIOLUS VERSICOLOR. Changeable Gladiolus.



ORDER I. One Pointal.


Catyrx. Spathz bivalves. Corotta, fexpartita, ringens. Petala oblonga, omnia unguibus in tubum connata.

Stamina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris alternis petalorum inferta. Antherze ob-


Pistittum, Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma trifidum concavum.

Pericarpium. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, tri- locularis, trivalvis.

Semina plura, fubrotunda.

: SPECIFIC Gladiolus, foliis lineari-cruciatis; floribus maxi- mis, verficoloribus.

Empatement. Sheath two valves.

Buossom, of fix divifions, and gaping. Petals oblong, having their claws formed into a tube.

Cuives. Three awl-fhaped threads, fixed into the alternate divifions of the petals. Tips oblong.

Ponrat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the length of the chives. Summit cut into three, and concave... ,

Sgep-vesset. Capfule oblong, plunt-ended,

' three cells, three valves.

Serps many, nearly round.


Gladiolus, with linear crofs.fhaped leaves; flowers very large, and changeable.



1, The two Sheaths of the Empalement.

2. The Pointal, and Seed-bud; one of the divifions of the Summit magnified.

3. A ripe Seed, natural fize, in its tunic.


Tuar colour bears the charaéter given it by Sir Ifaac Newton, our prefent fubje& (as did the prifm) adds another proof. The Gladiolus verficolor might, like the camelion, equally be a fubject of pes tention, to thofe who have feen its bloffom at different periods of the fame day; for, firange t - it is brown in the morning, and continues to change from that colour till it becomes light er night. During the night it regains its priftine colour; and this change is effected diurnally, Ze g the flower is in its vigour; but upon the decay, the change is leis powerful, gradually fixing aa dark brown; which, however, does not take place in lefs than nine or ten days. This is the 0 y

flower, we have ever noticed, to regain the colour that has once forfook it.

A drawing was begae

about ten o'clock in the morning, but before it was finithed the plant was fo totally altered in o-

that there was an abfolute neceffity for taking a fecond day to complete it. The bulbs of this pa?

were fent from the Cape of Good Hope by J. Pringle, Efq. of Madeira, in 1794, amongft many a to Mefits, Lee and Kennedy, of Hammerfmith, where the drawing was made. It flowers about

‘month of June; is increafed by the root or feed; and thrives beft in peat earth.

OF a

_ Large-flowered Viper’s Buglo/s.



PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal.


-Catyx. Perianthi 1 . quer tit , erectum perfiftens; laciniis fubulatis ereétis.

Cororra. Monopetala, campanulata. Tubus

iffimus. Limbus ereétus, fenfim ampli-

-atus, quinquefidus obtufus; laciniis feepius

inequalibus; fuperioribus duabus longiori-

bus, infimis minoribus, acutis, refléxis.

Faux pervia. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, longi- __ tudine corolle, declinata, inzequalia therze oblonge, incumbentes. Pistittum. Germina quatuor. Stylus filiformis, longitudine i Stigma obtufum, bifidum

Pericarrium “nullum. Calyx rigidior, in finu

femina fovens. : A {nhrotunda ohli


- §PECIFIC “Echium, foliis nitidis, lanceolatis, hifpidis; caule fruticofo; corollis maximis, zequali-

bus, rubris.

EmpaLemMenT. Cup with five divifions, upright, permanent; fegments awl-fhaped, upright.

Biossom. One petal, bell-fhaped. Tube very fhort. Border gradually widening, with five clefts, blunt. Segments ofteneft unequal, the two upper ones the longeft; the lower ones fmaller, fharp, and reflexed. The mouth open.

Cuives. Five threads, awl-fhaped, the length of the bloffom, declined, and unequal. Tips oblong, fixed fideways to the threads.

Porntat. Seed-buds four. Shaft thread-thaped, the length of the chives. Summit blunt, and two-cleft. -

SrEep-vessEL none. The cup growing more harfh, contains the feeds.

Szeps four, roundifh, obliquely tapering.


Viper’s Buglofs, with fhining, lance-fhaped, hairy leayes; ftem fhrubby; bloffoms very large, equal, and red.



1. The Empalement.

2. A Bloffom cut open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. 3. The Shaft and its Summit magnified.

4. A ripe feed.

Tue Echium Grandiflorum is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, was fent from thence by Mr. F. ~

__ Maffon to the Royal Gardens at Kew, about the year 1791. The fuperior beauty of this {pecies to

the reft of its congenors makes it confidered as a valuable greenhoufe plant, although its intrinfic

_ merit is fufficient to enfure it that charaéter;- the rich green of its foliage, contrafted to the colour of

the bloffoms, gives to each a fingular brillian i se Aocmas : cy. It is rather a tender greenhoufe plant, grows 4 two feet high, and becomes naked at the lower part of the ftem; is with difficulty propagated by


=e feldom perfeéting its feeds; thrives beft in rich earth, and flowers in April and May. drawing was made from a plant in the collection of the Marguis of Blandford, Bill-hill, Berks.




: ~ Scolloped-leaf Vereia.



ORDER IV. Four Pointals.


Caryx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, _foliolis - Janceolatis, concavis, ere€tis, acutis, per- fiftentibus.

‘. CoroxLia monopetala, ventricofa; limbus pa- ; : tens, revolutus quadripartitus; laciniis ovatis, acuminatis.

e@araria quatuor; fingulum fquamula debilia, minima, fingulo germini ad bafin extrorfum inferta Filamenta oéto, brevia, quorum -quatuor medio, quatuor vero ad bafin corollz adnate. Anthere fubrotunde fimplice:

: S.

Pistizzum. Germina quatuor, oblonga, defi- e nentia in ftylos fubulatos. Stigmata ob-

tufa. ; Pericarrium. Capfule quatuor, ovate acu-

minate, rette, trigonz, longitudinaliter

: futura introrfum dehifcentes.

Sema plurima minima.


patentibus ;

Vereia, foliis oppofitis, crenatis,

1. The Empalement, (natural fize.)

racemis longiffimis laxis; floribus luteis. _

Emparement. Cup four leaved, which are lance-fhaped, concave, upright, fharp- pointed, and permanent.

Biossom of one leaf, big bellied; border fpreading, rolled back, and divided into four egg-fhaped, pointed fegments. Honey-cups four, each confifting of a fmall flight fcale, fixed on the outfide the bafe of each feed-bud.

Cuives. Eight fhort threads, four of which are fixed to the middle, and four to the bafe of the bloffom. ‘Tips nearly round,

and fimple. Ponta. Four feed-buds, oblong, ending in awl-fhaped fhafts. Summits blunt.

Sgep-vesseL. Four capfules, egg-fhaped, ta- pering, upright and three fided, opening inwards along the feam.

Seeps many, very fmall. :

CHARACTER, | Vereia, with oppofite, fcolloped, fpreading leaves; very long loofe fpikes, and yellow flowers.


2. A Bloffom cut open to fhew the fituation of the Chives.

3. The Seed-veffel, Shafts, and Summits, with the fcales of the Honey-cups, as they fiand in the bloffom, (magnifi

4. One Capfule of the Seed-veffel detached.


: Ee ——___

_ Tuts genus of Plants muft clafs with Linnzeus’s natural order of Succulents, nearly approaching Craf- fala in habit; but as the Sexual Syftem is the bafis of our theory, we cannot admit it under that or any other yet defcribed genus; we have therefore named it after James Vere, Efq. long and well known for his extended and liberal patronage to the profeffors and cultivators of the fcience; in whofe beautiful and feleé colleGtion at Kenfington Gore, the prefent fpecies, has for the firft time, flowered in this kingdom. Mr. Anderfon the gardener informs us, that this plant is a native of Sierra Leone; from whence it was fent to England, by Profeffor Eld. Elfzelius, in the year 1793; that he has treated it as a tender hot-houtfe plant, keeping it conftantly in the tan bed, by which means he has made it flower; but from every appearance of the plant, we fhould be led to think the common treatment of hot-houfe

Succulents would anfwer for this. It is eafily propagated by cuttings; grows to the height of three

haces or four feet, having when in flower the

appearance of a middle fized fhrub; blows in the winter

T nan the tet sos By og He Arai



Cape Marygold-leaved Goodenia. .

CLASS Vi. ORDER L PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. : GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Perianthium quadrifidum, fuperum, Empatement. Cup four-cleft, above, and re- perfiftens. maining. Cornotza monopetala, fupra longitudinaliter Bossom of one leaf, cleft longitudinally on the _ fiffa, genitalia exferens; limbo quinquefido, upper fide, expofing the organs of fructifi- fecundo. cation; border five-cleft, leaning one way. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, receptaculo in- Curves. Five threads fixed into the receptacle. Serta, therz lineares. Tips linear. Pistittum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex. Porntat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple. Stigma urceolatum, ciliatum. Summit pitcher-fhaped, and fringed. . Pericarrium. Capfula oblonga, bilocularis, Sgep-vesseL. Capfule oblong, with two cells, o _ bivalvis; diffepimento parallelo. and two valves; partition parallel to the tee valves. Szzps many and rough.

Semina plura, fcabrida.


os _ Goodenia, foliis obovatis, craflis, {cabridis; Goodenia with inverfely egg-fhaped, thick rough = __. floribus axilaribus, czruleis. leaves; flowers fitting clofe to the ftem,

rn si _ REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower with all its parts complete. 2. A Bloffom without the organs of fruétification. - 3. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud (magnified).

Tae Goodenias are all natives of New Holland, and received their generic name of Dr. J. E. Smith, Prefident of the Linnzean Society; in honour of the Rev. Dr. Goodenough, whofe valuable differtation on the Britith fpecies of Carex, does him the higheft honour, as a botanift. The {pecies of this gent Se (as yet difeovered) are ten, from which we may infer that they are numerous; thofe only yet intro- aoe Guced fo: Britain are, the levigata, ovata, and the prefent fpecies; the others are defcribed by Prefident, in the fecond volume of the Linnean Tranfaétions. This plant, though not to be ranked é . in a handfomeft productions of that country, fo replete with novelty, is yet poffeffed of fuffi- a eek, et it a place in our collections ‘of greenhoufe plants, flowering about the month : [oi osaeesian ting moft in an airy fituation, and light foil. It is eafily propagated by cuttings i se! és oo eS a plant which flowered at the Hammerfmith nurfery, in 1797; where tt ge aia. | eeds, oad @ by Colonel Paterfon, then commanding at Port eee Se eer mock iid s in colle@ing feeds, &c. the cabinets and colleétions of our natural oe


PLATE XXiIil. IXIA CAPITATA. Jar. ovata. Bunch-flowering Inia. Var. Egg-/haped purple Petals,



Cororta 6 petala, patens, zqualis. Stigmata

Bossom fix petals, fpreading equal. Summits 3, ereétinfculo-patula.

three, nearly upright, fpreading. See Ixia reflexa, Plate XIV.


Ixia, foliis radicalibus, enfiformibus; floribus capitatis, confertis, purpureis, petalis bafi

| Ixia with leaves growing from the root, and fword-fhaped; bloffoms in clofe bunches,

~~ obfcuris, | purple, and dark at the bafe.



REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. Se ; A flower cut open, to thew the infertion of Chives. a The Chives as attached to the tubular part of the bloffom, the border cut off . (magnified). 4. The Shaft, Summits, and Seed-bud (magnified),


ape of Good Hope, was introduced to our colleétions about nurferymen; they having raifed it from feeds rece!

; is certainly amongft the tendereft of its tribe: the root, | is ne Pyee to injury by wet, it thould be dried as foon as it has done flowering. It is aro Ixias in bloom, being in high perfection about the middle of April; is increafed cant ~ = = thriving beft in very fandy peat, or fand only. The figure here given was <n cai Plant which flowered at the nurfery, Hammerfmith, in 1798, for the firft time.


Catyx. Communis, fimplex; polyphyllus; fo- liolis eequalibus. Corotta. | po radiata. Corollule e hroditz, quales; numerofe, in difco. Feminez ligulate, numero foli- ~ orum calycis in radio.

‘Propria hermaphroditi, infundibuliformis; limbo quinquefido, ereéto. Feminea \iguiata, lanceolata, apice denticu-

Filamenta quinque, filiformia bre- via. Antherz cylindracea, tubulofa, apice quinquefida.

Pistittum, hermaphroditis. Germen oblon- gum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine fta- minum. Stigmata duo ereétiufcula.

_ Femineis: Germen oblongum. Stylus fili- formis, brevis. Stigmata duo, oblonga, obtufiufcula, revoluta.

PericarPium nullum. Calyx immutatus. Szmina hermaphroditis folitaria, linearia, qua- drangula. Pappus pilofus, copiofus.

- Recerracutu nudum, planiufculum. : s SPECIFIC Cineraria, foliis cordatis, dentatis, pilofis, fub- tus purpurafcentibus; petiolis auritis: flo- ribus purpureis,

CINERARIA AURITA. = Two-coloured-leaved Cineraria. CLAS & XX. YGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united.


5) RR a es at ste aera i 1 eae

eR geek. IT, ee Superfluous P

EMPALEMENT. leaves; {mall leaves equal.

Buiossom. Compound, radiate. Florets with '

chives and pointals equal; numerous in the centre. Florets with only pointals li- gulate; equal in number to the leaves in the circumference of the empalement. Individuals with chives and pointals funnel. fhaped; border five-cleft, upright.

Individuals with poiutals only, Jigulate, lance-fhaped, toothed at the point.

Cuives. Five threads, thread-thaped and fhort. -

Tips forming a hollow cylinder, with five

clefts at the top. fr

PEBbe Common, fimple; of many

Pornrat of florets with chives and pointals,

Seed-bud oblong. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summits two, a little _ upright.

Of florets with pointals only. Seed-budob-

Jong. Shaft thread-fhaped, and fhort. Sum- mits two, oblong, rather blunt, and rolled ck,

Seep-veEssEL none. Cup not changing. Seeps of florets with chives and pointals, folitary,

linear and four-fided. Feather, hairy, abun-

ant. Recepracce naked, rather flat.


Cineraria with heart-fhaped, indented, hairy leaves, purple underneath; the footftalks having lobes: the flowers purple.


< The Empalement (natural fize). 2. A floret of the ray (magnified).

3. A floret of the difk (magnified). 4. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud of a floret of the difk (magnified).

extremely fragrant, continuing its bloffoms from eee r, by which it may be propagated, producing many ¥ 2 up from the roots; thriving beft in light mould or peat

ae - ot) eR ag cee Anglic. of Monf. L’Heritier, this fpecies of Cineraria has been defcribed and fign! 7 e fpecific a chs racter of Cruenta, from the botanic garden at Kew; where, according to the ast, aid =e firtt introduced by Mr. F. Maffon,

ich fpecific it has hitherto been titled: but fr

from the Canary Iflands, about 1777; and by

he could

MELLIA JAPONICA. Var. Flore albo pl Double white Camellia.



Cars aaa Spee foliolis interi- | Emratement tiled, of many leaves: - inner oribus majori leaves the largeft.

SPECIFIC. CHARACTER OP FAR. forbs a plenis albidis. || Camellia with large double white flowers.

Hit may be confidered by fome, as deviating from the botanical rule we prefcribed to ourfelves, t of this work, not to figure any flower, but what could be fyftematically nee ‘&e. having loft thofe conftituent charaéters neceffary to the Sexual Syft moft delightful plant in bloom laft year, the temptation was too powerful to vt figure of i it in the Botanift’s Repofitory. This fine variety of the Camellia, was firft im about the year 1793, by Captain Connor of the Carnatic Eaft-indiaman, fo the late I. Slater, Efq. a gentleman of moft indefatigable fpirit, for the introduétion of new this kingdom; indeed, it is to him we owe moft of the plants received from hina W few years; he having procured a catalogue to be printed of all the deferibed Chinefe plants th the defcriptions tranflated, and by various hands tranfmitted it to that count nts in this, kingdom, of the double white Camellia, are now in the co! le€tion ; Bart. P.R.S. This, like the others of this genus, we may confider of fufficient refift our winters; being a native of the Japanefe ifles, where, as well as in : ined; but from the eafy

a ‘ite, their = is eafily even by watering: da and —— in rich loam.


CRASSULA ODORATISSIMA. Sweet-fcented Craffula.



Five Pointals,


Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum; foliolis anceolatis, canaliculato-concavis, ereétis, acutis, conniventibus in tubum, perfiften-

; tibus.

Corotra. Petala quinque, unguibus longis,

‘linearibus, re@tis, conniventibus, reflexo-


NeGaria quinque; ; fingulum fquamula

minima, emarginata bafi germinis extror-

um annexa. |‘ Sramiwa. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, Jon- gitudine tubi, _ unguibus corolle inferta. Anthere fi Pistiztum. Germina quinque, oblonga, acu- ‘Minata, definentia in ftylos fubulatos, lon- gitudine ftaminum. Stigmata obtufa. Penicareium. Capfule quinque, oblonge, acuminate, rete, comprefi, longitudi- naliter introrfum dehifcentes, Semina plura, parva.


SPECIFIC Craffula foliis oppofitis, Seaimahtin cili- atis, linearibus; floribus capitatis, odora-

_ tiffimis, luteis.

EmpaLeMeNnT. Cup of five leaves; the {mall leaves are lance-fhaped, concave and chan- nelled, upright, fharp, formed into a tube,

Petals five, claws long, linear, up- right, joined together, bent back, and fpreading.

Honey-cups five, each confifting of a fal {cale notched at the end, and fixed on the outfide the bafe of each feed-bud.

Cuives. Five threads, awl-fhaped, the length of the tube, fixed into the claws of the bloffom. Tips fimple.

Pointat. Seed-buds five, oblong, pointed, end- : ing in awl-fhaped fhafts, the length of te & chives. Summits blunt.

Seep-vesseL. Five capfules, oblong, pointed, upright,. preffed together, and opening in- wards along the feam.

Seeps, many, {mall.


Craffula with oppofite leaves that embrace the ftem, fringed and linear; the flowers grow in bunches, are fweet-fcented and yellow-

EE ~snertocagdel TO THE PLATE.

t: The Empalement.

Se A Bloffom cut open to the infertion of the threads.

3. One Petal of the bloffom

4. The five Pointals as they fand in the bloffom, with their honey-cups attached to ie |

: bottom of the Seed-b 5. One Pointal (magnified).

Tue Craffala Odoratiffima is a nati

the year 1794, but did not flowe

_ that by many it may be deemed

‘the flavour i 1s nearly affined to the tuberofe.

ed and flowers from March, the common greenhoufe with vy

at Meffts, Lee and Kennedy's, wader

till May or June.


ive of the Cape of Good Hope, was introduced to our gardens about r till 1796. The fcent of this plant at night is fo very pow almoft offenfive, though by others it is confidered as moft agreeable; This is not a very fhewy plant, growing about 4 It is moft eafily propagated by cuttings, lives and in almoft any fort of earth. ‘This figure was Hammerfmith, where the plant was firft raifed. ©


“So PLATE: XXVH. soa "GLADIOLUS RINGENS. ar. cinereo odorato, | _ Gaping Afh-coloured fweet Gladiolus. | -




Corors 6-partita, ringens.

; Biossom fix divifions, gaping. Stamina adfcendentia. Curves afcending. oe ms See Plate XI.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis linearibus, coftatis; floribus || Gladiolus with linear, ribbed leaves; the blof- ' ringentibus, cineriis, odoratiffimis. foms gaping, afh-coloured, and very {weet- fcented. #



ie REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open to expofe the infertion of the Chives. 3. The Pointal (one Summit magnified). A, A Seed in its coat.


_ Tuts moft defirable Gladiolus, is not a perfeé&t novelty in the greenhoufe; although extremely fearce,

_ it has been introduced to us conftantly from the Cape of Good Hope, but from its great delicacy has been repeatedly loft. The plants now in England, have been imported from Holland, from the col- leGtion of -Meffis. Voorhelm and Co. who about the year 1793, purchafed the largeft colle&tion bain,

formed at the Cape, from a Frenchman who had been many years refident there. The Gladiolus >

_ ingens about mid-day has the flavour of violets fo powerfully, that a fingle plant is fufficient to ioe = a whole greenhoufe. It is with difficulty preferved from rotting at the root; therefore fhould be grown in very fandy peat, and fhould be expofed to dry as foon as the flower is gone. Is propagated ae she root, or by feed, which may be procured by great care not to over-water the bulb after flower. ing; but herein there is great danger, ee



Round-leaved Geranium.



Monoeyrna. Stigmata 5. Fruétus roftratus, One Poinrat. Five Summits, Fruit furnithed S-coccus. with long awns, 5 dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Plate XI.


Geranium pedunculis multifloris; calycibus mo- Geranium, the fruit-ftalks fapporting many flow- nophyllis, foliis orbiculatis, ferratis rigidis, ers; cups of one leaf; the leaves petiolis longiffimis; caule herbaceo, fawed, and harfh, with very long foot-ftalks;

ftem herbaceous.

ne ——


1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular fhape to its bafe. 2. The Chives, and Pointal, natural fize. 3. The Pointal, magnified.


Tats truly elegant {pecies of Geranium was introduced to us from the Cape of Good Hope; in the B08 17053 being raifed from feeds, received from thence, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, in whole : collection it flowered for the firft time this year, about the latter end of May, and from which {peci- er “7 pal was taken. It is one of thofe that have in general feven fertile tips, and, therefore, a : “ey = LHeritier’s genus Pelargonium, by thofe who follow his new *, eds which aie .. ne . sate only a common greenhoufe for its proteCtion, where wo

beft in rich earth, eit mode of propagating it, as it produces but very few branches;

: PLATE XXIX. : IXIA SPICATA. Par. viridi migra. | Sea-green fpiked Ixia.



Cororra 6 petala, patens, xqualis.

Bossom fix petals, fpreading, equal. Sticmata 3, erectiufculo-patula.

Summits three, nearly upright, fpreading. See Ix1a rnervexa, Plate XIV.


Ixia foliis linearibus, coftatis; corolla viridi, Ixia with linear, ribbed leaves; green bloffom,

petalis bafi obfcuris; fpicis longiffimis. the bafe of the petals dark; {pikes very long.

(nn eR

*: REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew its tubular charaéter, and the infertion of the Chives at the

h. ;

mouth. 3. The Pointal complete, one of its Summits magnified, EE

Tae fingularity of colour exhibited in this very fine fpecies of Ixia, the extraordinary length of the Be -fpikes, the flowers of which are moftly all expanded at the fame time; and which grow fometimes to the length of a foot, or more; will certainly entitle it to a place in every colleétion of exotics. We are indebted to the Hollanders for this plant, as they firft introduced it from the Cape; and it 1s Hess a them we received it but a few years fince. It is amongft the hardieft, and eafieft propagated of

oS genus; requiring a {mall degree of heat when near blowing, to make the flowers expand with __luftre; thriving beft in peat earth; propagating itfelf by the bulb; and flowering during the months _ of May and June.

= SS eesec ts

| PLATE XXX. oe VACCINIUM ARCTOSTAPHYLLUS. oe a Madeira Whortle-berry. a



‘Catyx. Perianthium minimum, fuperum, per- EmrPatemMent. Cup very fmall, above, and per- : : , : manent. oe = Corouta. Monopetala, campanulata, quadri- Biossom. One petal, bell-fhaped, four-cleft;

au ; laciniis revolutis. fegments rolled back.

Stamina. Filamenta otto, fimplicia. Antheraz Curves. Eight threads, fimple. Tips with two ___ bicornes, dorfo ariftis duabus patentibus horns, and furnifhed with two fpreading inftruéte, apice dehifcentes. | awns at the back, opening at the points.

_ Pisrittum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, | Poinraz. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, = ftaminibus longior. Stigma obtufum. longer than the chives. Summit blunt. Pericarpium. Bacca globofa, umbilicata, qua- | Sgrep-vessex, A globular berry, with a hollow

* drilocularis.

dimple, and four cells. SeMINa pauca, parva, Szeps few, and fmall.

“oe SPECIFIC CHARACTER. _ Vaccinium, floribus racemofis; foliis crenulatis, Whortle-berry, with flowers growing in bunches;

ovatis, acutis; caule arboreo. leaves flightly fcollopped, egg-fhaped, and

pointed; ftem woody. ee ee

. 3 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, Pointal, and Chives; the bloffom removed. 2. A Chive (magnified). = 3. The Shaft, and its Summit (magnified).

“a 4. A ripe Berry (natural fize).


Si... tata : | _F.M 1786. The winters 10 _ common of this climate are too fevere for it, therefore fhould be protected, although it will furvive _ amild one: it is beft preferved in a pot, and kept as a greenhoufe plant, where it is very ornamenia';— i flowering about the months of July and Auguft; thriving beft in light mould, or peat; and is Pro = pagated by cuttings, or the feed, which it produces in abundance, ee

| PLATE XXXI. BORBONIA CORDATA. Heart-fhape leaved Borbonia.

| : CLASS XVII. e -DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads in two fets. Ten Chives.



Catyx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- fidum, turbinatum, corolla dimidio bre- vius; laciniis lanceolatis, acuminatis, fub- zequalibus.

Coro.ra pentapetala papilionacea. Vexillum reflexum, obtufum, ungue calycis longitudine. @ femicordate, vexillo paulo brevi-

ores. Carina dipetala, lunulata, obtufa.

Stamina. Filamenta decem, coalita in cylin- arnm Fl 5 Po Lat 7" AP args ek Sa od ‘4

apicibus affurgentia. Anthere parve. Pistirtum. Germen fubulatum. Stylus bre- __-Viffimus, adfcendens. Stigma obtufumy, - emarginatum. ; Pericarrium. Legumen fubrotundum, acumi- natum, uniloculare, {pina mucronatum, ‘Semina reniformia.

SPECIFIC Borbonia foliis cordatis, multinerviis, integer- rimis.

Empacement. Cup one leaf, cut into five feg- ments, turban-thaped, fhorter by half than the bloffom; fegments Jance-fhaped, point- ed, nearly of the fame length.

Bossom of five leaves, butterfly-fhaped. Standard bent back, blunt, the claw the length of the cup. oe Wings half heart-fhaped, a little fhorter than the ftandard. ; Keel of two leaves, half moon-fhaped, and blunt. i

Cuives. Threads ten, joined in a cylinder, fplitting at the upper fide, turned up at the ends. Tips fmall.

Pornrat. Seed-bud awl-fhaped. Shaft fhort, turned up at the end. Summit blunt, and bordered.

Seep-yesseL. Shell roundith, pointed, of one cell, and pointed with a fpine.

Seeps kidney-fhaped.


Borbonia with heart-fhaped leaves, many-nery ed, and very entire.


1, The Empalement.


2. The Standard, or upper petal of the Bloffom. 3. A Wing, or fide petal of the Bloffom.

4. The Keel, or lower petals of the Bloffom.

5. The Pointal and Chives, natural fize.

6. The Seed-veffel, attached to the Empalement.

ee __ <a Tae Rorbonia cordata, with its various fynonyms, may be found in the fecond volume of Linnzus® Species Plantarum, page 994, from whence our fpecific charaéter is copied. This plant, 2s well a moft of the genus, are fubje& to lofe their leaves from the lower part of the fiem, which gives } rather a naked appearance when not in flower; but that is amply compenfated by the very han ae appearance of its magnificent bunch of yellow bloffoms. It grows to the height of three oF four feet,


co _ This figure was taken from a plant fent to the author, eae . “ginning of July, in full bloom, by Mr. Colville, nurferyman, of the King’s Road, Chelfea; who 10 :

about the be-

: him that he raifed it about the year 1795, from feeds which he had received from the Cape

_ Hope. The Borbonias are moftly hardy greenhoufe plants, and delight in light earth;

either peat, OF

ee is : Nery ght dungy earth: they are in general difficult to propagate by cuttings; the fureft method ae __ by the feed, which they for the moft part perfeét in this climate.

Ne ee SS. ee anes se oes Oe nk earn eee ee ae aaa


CLAS: Hil ORDER 1 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pountal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Spathze bivalves, alternatze, flores dif- EmpaLemMent. Sheath of two valves, alternate, tinguentes, perfiftentes. dividing the flowers, and abiding. Corotza. Petalum unicum e tubo fenfim di- Btossom. One petal, widening in the tube, Jatatum in faucem compreflam, ringentem. flattened at the mouth, and gaping. SraMina. Filamenta tria, Jonga, tenuia, fub- Cuives. Three threads, long, thin, and placed labio fuperiori. Antherz acute. under the upper lip of the bloffom. Tips fharp. * Pistrttum. Germen inferum. Stylus filifor- Porntat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft thread- mis, fitu et longitudine ftaminum fuperi- fhaped, in the fame place, and of the fame mee orum. Stigma trifidum, capillare, reflex. length of the upper chives. Summit cut : = um. into three hair-like divifions, which are bent back. ‘Pernicarerum. Capfula fubrotunda, trilocula- Szxp-vesseL. Capfule nearly round, three cells, ris, trivalvis. three valves. Semina plura, triangularia, Szeps many, triangular. Pa SPECIFIC CHARACTER.

Antholyza corollz Jabiis divaricatis; fauce com- Antholyza with the lips of the bloffom in vari- ous direGtions; the mouth flattened.


ae 3 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, to thew the infertion of the Chives. 3. The Pointal (natural fize). ij


_ Attuovex this fpecies of Antholyza is not new in our gardens, yet has it been feen in flower but by few, as it blows fo feldom; though the roots are by far the largeft of any of the genus. The pe from which this figure was taken, had received a little affiftance from heat early in the feafon,

2 ee .. that means was (apparently) brought into flower. It is a native of the Cape of 9s pao

a 2 much the appearance of a common flag in the foliage, growing to the height of three feet, or mores

. eo the fame earth as Ixias, propagates by the root, or feed, and flowers in the month of Junei

t which time a drawing was made from a plant then in bloom at the Hammerfmith nurfery- :



| CLASS ¥. COR DER: 4, PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIZA. Five Chives. One Pointal.


~ Caxyx. Perianthium quinquepartitum; laciniis

tenuibus, acutis, perfiftentibus; bafi plana.

Corotta. Petala quinque, ovata, obtufa, fef- ia, ereCto-patula. ectarium corone forma, excavatum, quin- _ quefidum, obtufum, germini impofitum. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata. An- therz fubovate, ereétx.” . Pistiztum. Germen coronatum neétario. Sty- lus fimplex, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma

obfoletum.. Pericarrium. Capfulz quinque, ovato-acumi- nate, compreffz, margine introrfum coali- te, apicibus diftantes, futura fuperiori de- hifcentes.


EmpaLemMent. Cup of four divifions; fegments thin, fharp, and permanent; fmooth at the bafe.

Biossom. Five petals, egg-fhape, blunt, fitting clofe, erect, and open.

Honey-cup crown-fhaped, hollow, with five divifions, blunt, fixed on the feed-buds.

Cuives. Five threads, awl-fhaped. Tips nearly egg-fhaped, upright.

Ponta. Seed-bud crowned by the honey- cup. Shaft fimple, the length of the chives. Summit blunt.

Seep-vesseL. Five capfules, egg-fhaped, point- ed, flattened, joined together by the inner edge, the points ftanding apart, fplitting at the upper future.

= Semrna folitaria, oblonga. : Seeps folitary, oblong. Arillus elafticus, hinc dehifcens; fingulum Seed-coat elaftic, fplitting from hence, and Pg involvens femen. inclofing a fingle feed.


~ Diofma, foliis oppofitis, ferratis, ovalibus, la-

tiffimis ; floribus terminalibus, albidis, fef- filibus.

1. A Bloffom complete.


Diofma with oppofite leaves, fawed, oval, and very broad; fiowers terminal, white, and fitting clofe to the branches.


2. The Chives and Pointal, with the furrounding Seed-buds and Honey-cups. 3. The Pointal, natural fize, with the Empalement attached.

4. The fame magnified. 5. A Seed taken from its coat.

i .

, of moft of the fpecies, and the beauty of the flowers of others, has rendered them fo common, (being _ eafily propagated by cuttings) that few colleétions but have a number of the different fpecies. They

Yather more warmth than the reft. It was fent to the royal gardens at Kew, about the year 1791, by _Mr. F. Maffon, to whofe induftry botany ftands fo much indebted. Of all the Diofmas this is the

s about the month of Auguft.

= ‘Tare are few genera of plants more deferving our notice than Diofma; the fragrance of the leaves ° are all very hardy greenhoufe plants, the prefent fpecies excepted; this, requiring a dry fituation, and -

: higheft grower, afpiring to three or four feet, or more, if encouraged; delights in peat earth, and ;


; PLATE Xxxiv. Sige | (is CHELONE RUELLIOIDES. ~ =”... Searket Chelone. fae ;



Catyx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- i breviffimum, perfiftens; laciniis erectis, ovatis.

Coroxzta monopetala, ringens; tubus cylin-

draceus, breviflimus; faux inflata, oblonga, fupra convexa, infra plana; limbus claufus ___ parvus; labium fuperius obtufum, emargi- natum; limbus inferius cum fuperiori fere juale, leviffime trifidum.

Stamina. Filamenta quatuor, fub dorfo corollz

recondita, quorum duo lateralia paulo lon- giora; antherz incumbentes.

- Rudimentum quinti filamenti, mucronis - inftar, intra fuperius ftaminum par.

Pistittum. Germen ovatum. Stylus filifor- mis, fitu, et longitudine ftaminum. Stigma obtufum.

‘Peritcarpium. Capfula ovata, bilocularis, calyce longi

gior. Semrina plurima, fub-rotunda, margine mem- b i


Chelone foliis inferioribus {pathulatis, glabris; fuperioribus lanceolatis, oppofitis; corollis cernuis; coccineis; labiis inferioribus bar-

1. A Leaf from the lower part of the Stem. 2. The Empalement.

EmpaLeMent. Cup one leaf, five divifions very fhort, permanent; fegments upright and egg-fhaped. 3

Brossom. One petal, gaping; tube cylindrical, very fhort; mouth fwelled, oblong, round- ed on the upper, and flat on the lower part; border fhut, and fmall; upper lip blunt, bordered; lower lip nearly as long as the upper, flightly divided into three at the end.

Cuives. Threads four, hid under the upper part of the bloffom; of which the two fide ones are a little longer than the others. Tips fixed fideways to the threads.

The rudiment of a fifth thread, like a tharp point is placed equal with, and between the upper chives.

Pornrat. Seed-veflel egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- fhaped, of the fame length, and place as the chives. Summit blunt.

Suep-vesset, Capfule egg-fhaped, two cells longer than the empalement.

Sgeps many, nearly round, bound at the edge

by a thin {kin.


Chelone with fpathulate, fmooth leaves on the lower part of the ftem; and Jance-fhaped,

oppofite ones on the upper; bloffoms hang-

Seeds covered. :

“¢ %

| . a | ing down, and {carlet ; the lower lips bearded. : :


3. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the fituation of the Chives, and the imperfeét rudiments of a fifth. .

4. The Seed-veffel, and Pointal, (natural fize).

Tae Chelone Ruellicides is a native of Chili, South America, and was introduced to the royal gardens

at Kew in the year 1793, by Mr. Boutelow, the fon of the gardener to the King of Spa (A then in England purfuing his botanical ftudies. It is (apparently) a hardy plant, and fit pene - _ the open borders, but, as yet, we have not had a fufficient trial to afcertain it; hitherto pee pe treated as a greenhoufe plant. Being herbaceous, it is propagated by parting the roots, ere

determined, as it has undergone fuch various treatment. The plant from which this figure was in full bloom at the gardens of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham, in the month of June 1797; was feen to flower, for the firft time in this count

fition of loam, and rotten dung.

be done in fpring, about the month ef March. The proper feafon of its flowering a wall where it 3 ry. The foil it feems to thrive in moft, 15 2 CONE

in, who was

PLATE Xxy. + oo ©. IXIA “CRISPIPOLIA. Var. fore éehaaan

ae Crifped-leaved Ixia. Blue Vi ariety.


ae CLASS Ti ORDER A °- _ WRIANDRLA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointah


Corotta 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata 3, Brossom {fix petals, fpreading equal. Summits —__ ere@tinfculo-patula. _ three, nearly upright, and fpreading. 3 See Ixra REFLEXA, Plate XIV,

: SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis crispis; fcapus ramofus, flexuofus, | Ixia with crifped leaves; flower-ftem branched, __ fpithameeus; floribus fub-umbellatis, czeru- waved, and a fpan high; flowers grow in

; : partial umbels, and are blue.

. . ‘oa REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. _ 2. A Bloffom cut open, to thew the infertion of the Chives. _ 8, A Chive (magnified). : 4. The Pointal, one of the divifions of the Summit detached, and magnified.

Sail eee

fingular {pecies of Ixia, is one amongft the many given by the Dowager Lady De Clifford © s- Lee and Kennedy erfmith, in the year 1794; at which time, her ladyfhip had juft the bulbs in a prefent from the Cape. It is deferibed by Thunberg, in his Differtatio de Ixia, _ 1783. The root of this plant is of a moft curious fhape, having the appearance of being rather than the whole; it is very delicate, is eafily deftroyed by moifture, therefore (except Sabet. ass be kept very dry; it propagates by the root, the old one generally producing sowering about the month of June, or July, but requires the warmth of a moderate hothoufe t its bloffoms, Like other Cape bulbs, it fhould be planted in fandy peat.


- RHODODENDRON PUNCTATU Dotted-leaved Rhododendron. }

Se Ct aes X. ORDER E

os DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. TenChives. One Pointal. .


= “eae _. Catyx 5-partitus. Coroll#*rotato-infandibu- EmpPateMent of five divifions, Bloflom of a 4

% at liformis. Stamina declinata, Capfula 5- Ne rounded funnel-fhape. Chives bent down locularis. | ward. Capfule of five cells. a

| | See Ruopopexpgon Davatcum, Blate IV.


Rhododendron foliis glabris, fubtus punétatis; Rhododendron with fmooth leaves, dotted on the

-viminibus laxis; corollis crifpis, violaceo- under part; flender loofe branches; blof- :

purpureis. foms crifped, and of a blueith purple. a

| REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. cee 3 . 1. A Bloffom. ; s

2. The Chives, and Pointal (natural fize); one tip detached (magnified). a

3. The Seed-veffel, and Pointal, (natural fize). oe

Ir is to the induftrious refearches of J. Frafier, nurferyman, of the King’s Road, weir pe indebted for this charming {pecies of Rhododendron, who introduced it in the year 1792 from “a back fettlements of Carolina, North America, where it is native. This fpecies is by ghee delicate of any yet difcovered on that continent ; grows to the height of three, or four feet, pee fufficient hardinefs to refift our winters in the open ground; a flight proteétion infures 1% defiroyed.

as our late frofts are apt to injure the buds, which are very often withcut that affiftance oe id

_ The beft method of Propagating this fhrub is by layers, which fhould be taken off in asses pe protected the firft winter. It flowers about the month of July, at which feafon this year “amesictl was made from a plant, in the nurfery of Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith. It (like ot plants) delights in fandy peat. :


e. CEASS XVI. ORDER i? DELPHIA DECANDRIA. “Threads united. Dep Chae


Stigmata 5. Fruétus roftratus, One Pornrar. Summits five. Fruit furnifhed mt eS = with long awns, five dry berries. See Geranium GranpiFrLorum, Plate XII.


cm, poents caulis fruti- Geranium with flefhy winged leaves; 3 petalis linearibus fhrubby, branched and brittle; pike fruit-ftalks upright.

SennEnInEnnienens <caneeeeeenenel


+ The Bs levicnt cut open, to fhew its tubular fhape to its bafe. 2 The Chives, and Pointal, (natural fize). 3. ‘The Pointal, (magnified).


aed can sl igi fertile tips, and thus comes under Linnzeus’s firft arrange . : ium. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope; and was by Metin. Ex int Kenedy in the year 1792. This plant feldom grows more than a foot | the months of July, Auguft, and September, it is covered with bloffoms, = with red, ftanding nearly upright. It is rather a tender Eb ary Rove, tees to preferve it in winter, being very fubjeét to damp in the leaves; ae atte, and thrives beft in rich mould.

Fete Sie

CLASS Il. ORDER L NDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal.


ringens, Biossom fix divifions, gaping. tia. Curves afcending. See Plate XI, GLADIOLUS ROSEUS.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. foliis enfiformibus, apicibus tortis, Gladiolus with fword-fhaped leaves, twifted at = corollis fu nula- the ends, linear, and crofs-fhaped ; bloffoms petalis acuminatis. nearly bell-fhaped, and red; petals tharp- pointed.


1. ie two Shesthe of the Empalesient. ae 2. A Bloffom cut open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. z 3. The Pointal, one of ~. Summits magnified.

= * A Seed.

oe SEINE: commen

[BF ht ticoe Geom this is the firft to expand its bloffoms, feldom floweting is ¢ ely hardy, fearce requirin ing the warmth of a greenhoufe for its protedions

Cape. About the year 1791, the bulbs of this plant were Te of Voorhelm, and Co. of Haarlem, in Holland, by Meffts. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfimith, # ‘it has repeatedly flowered, and where this figure was taken. It pearance” ane Roe a site cont, a light fandy peat.


p ae yee PLATE XXXIX.



Gere ie E s .. ie »s

Prickly Viper’s Buglofs.


_ PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal.

ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. _ Coro.ta irregularis, fauce nuda. | Bossom irregular, mouth naked. ae re See EcHIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Plate XX. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. -Echium caule fraticofo; ramis, foliifque acu- ||~ Viper’s Buglofs, with a thrubby ftem; branches

leatis; floribus fpicatis, violaceis; corollis and leaves covered with fharp prickles; alibus, owers growing in {pikes, and violet co- Es . loured; bloffoms nearly equal. a a


eee 1, The Empalement.

ee __ 2, A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives in the tube. pe 3. The Shaft and its Summit, magnified.


are few fpecies of this genus, but are rough, or hairy; yet this by far exceeds any of y other plant not aétually fpiny, for its extreme coarfenefs to the touch; never- ; ery handfome thewy greenhoufe plant, growing to the height of two feet, and blowing native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy whofe nurfery it flowered for the firft time, this year, in the month of July. The only agating the Cape Echiums is by cuttings, and that is done with great difficulty; of well as the other fpecies, are very fcarce: they delight moft in rich light mould.


a ee ae ea a a ae he aay Tey mae

4 \ Me, i en

es > “PLATE XL. e* CHELONE CAMPANULOIDES. | : -Bell-flowered Chelone. |

grt CRASS MY... ORDER <I. _DIDYNAM 14 ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chives longer. Seeds covered,


Catyx 5-partitus. Rudimentum filamenti quinti EmpaLeMENT of five divifions. The rudiment inter fuprema ftamina. Capfula bilocula- of a fifth thread is found placed between ris. cs : the upper chives. Capfule of two cells.

es ; See Plate XXXIV. Cuetone Rvex.iorpes. S * SPECIFIC “CHARACTER.

Chelone foliis oppofitis, feffilibus, acuminatis, || Chelone with oppofite leaves fitting clofe to the

profunde ferratis; corollis campanulatis, ftem, tapering to the point, and deeply _ purpureis. ws fawed; bloffoms bell-fhaped, and purple. a . q


a A cut open, to fhew the fituation of the four Chives, and ftation of the fifth imperfect

2. The re (natural fize). 3. The Seed-veffel, with the Empalement and Shaft ftill remaining attached.

SE eee

; Wes fpecies of Chelone is of the fame date in our gardens as the Chelone Ruellioides, and was intro- duced tl ame medium: it is a native of Mexico in South America; will make a pretty —_ plies iccitaomds exotics; and is defcribed and engraved by A.J.Cavanilles, in his firft volume ifh plants. It feems to thrive beft in rich, dungy earth, and is eafily propagated by cuttings, ‘or feeds; of which latter it produces abundance; but does not appear to be long lived. The plant ein of B this figure was taken, flowered (as we fuppofe for the firft time in England) in the col- Ctio Fat B. Robertfon, Efq. of Stockwell in Surry, and kindly communicated by him to the author.

eae ATE XLI. LACHENALIA PENDULA. . Drooping: flowered Lachenalia.


SS . Gr hce VL ORDER -L |" HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal.

ae GENERIC CHARACTER. EMPALEMENT, none. | Sais aaw. cylindracea, fexpartita; || Bxossom one leaf, cylindrical, divided into fix;

hh: laciniis tribus exterioribus tube gouty; the three outer divifions the fhorteft. -

- Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine Caives. Threads fix, awl-fhaped, the length of corollie, , inferta bafi laciniarum corollz. the bloffom, fixed into the bafe of the divi- Athen incumbentes. fions of the bloflom. Tips oblong, laying

: on the threads. : Geren trigonum, trifulcum. Sty- Pointat. Seed-bud three-fided, thres-ferrawed: lex, etrene paulo = Stigma Shaft fimple, a little longer than the blof- btufum. fom. Summit blunt. : ARerUM. Capfala ‘initia, trilocularis, SzEp-vessEL. Capfule three-fided, three cells, trivalvis, os . three valves. | plurima, globofa. _SeEeps many, globular. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. ile oni ee eis im-

Lachenalia with very long tice oblong ; leaves, without fpots; bloffoms very fhewy, large, three-coloured, having fot-falks, and nodding.

OF es croet e

Se REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower fpread open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 5 | ie 2. The fame, exhibiting the character of the outer Petals. ae ee - The Pointal, natural fize. | Nits eels co chen, ia is Suey an linn sacst on Hyacinthus; the {mall diftin&tion on which this ; foanded-can, at moft, be confidered but of fufficient confequence to form a fpecificcha- i Linneus: the fon of Profeffor Jacquin has thought otherwife, having called it after” : the name of De la Chenal; and under which it is now generally known; therefore we placed it under its old title, though we have authority of fuch weight to corroborate our The Lachenalias are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, yet are of fo hardy a nature as Bn " Protection than fhelter from the fevere frofts. Our fpecies is the handfomedt yet about September; was, according to the Kew catalogue, introduced there by M¥- 2 It was 8 from om a plant in the extenfive collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. bee id Co ations the author acknowledges himfelf much indebted), that September this year. No plant is more eafy or certain to i offsets are ¢ produced i in fuch abundance from the old bulb, which de its is not fo certain, :



fringed Orchis.



oe er eS

Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives.

GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Spathe vage. Spadix fimplex. Peri- EmpaLeMentT. Sheaths fcattered. Fruit-ftalk anthium nullum. ; imple. Cup none. Corotra. Petala quinque; tria exteriora; duo Bossom. Petals five; three outer ones; two

interiora furfum conniventia in galeam.

_ Nedarium monophyllum, a latere inferiore inter divifuram petalorum receptaculo af- fixum. Labio fuperiore ereéto, breviffimo. Labio inferiore magno, patente, lato. Tubo poftice corniformi, nutante.

Stamina. Filamenta duo, tenuiflima, breviffi-

ma, piftillo infidentia. Antherz obovate, ereéte, tecte duplicatura biloculari labii fuperioris ne¢tarii.

Pisriztum. Germen oblongum, contortum, in- ‘ferum. Stylus adnatus labio fuperiori nec- tari, brevifflimus. Stigma compreffum, ob-

tafi Pericarrium. Capfula oblonga, unilocularis, tricarinata, trivalvis; fub carinis trifariam dehifcens, apice et bafi cohzrens. SEMINA numerofa, minima. ae . Nog SPECIFIC _ Orchis radicibus fubpalmatis, expanfis ; ne¢tarii labio lanceolato, ciliato, cornu torto, lon- _ giffimo; floribus luteis.

1. The Honey-cup 2. The upper Petal 3. A fide Petal.

4. One of the inner Petals,

with its Horn.

inner ones approaching upwards in form of a helmet.

Honey-cup one leaf, fixed by the lower fide to the receptacle betwixt the divifion of the petals. Upper lip upright, and very fhort. Lower lip large, fpreading, broad. Tube flanding behind, fhaped like a horn, and hanging down. :

Cuives. Two threads, very flender, and very fhort, fixed on the pointal. Tips invertely egg-fhaped, upright, covered by a folding of the upper lip of the honey-cup, forming two cells.

Seed-bud oblong, twifted, and be-

Shaft fixed to the upper lip of the honey-cup, very fhort. Summit flattened, and blunt-ended. ae

Srep-vesseL. Capfule oblong, of one cell, three keels, three valves; {plitting in three places under the keels; faftened at the point, and the bafe,.

Sreps numerous, very imall.


Orchis with roots nearly hand-fhaped, fpread-

ing; lip of the honey-cup lance-fhaped, and

fringed, horn twifted, very long; flowers yellow. ;



5. The Chives, and Pointal attached to the horn of the Honey-cup. 6. The Chives, and Pointal, magnified; with the Chives drawn from their cells.

_ Tats handfome Orchis is far north as Canada: it ha

be planted in a mixture of

‘Veew the t, the feeds bein


= pe whougs fo long known by hame, it was not introduced to our gardens before the year 1796;

" \) ws \ SSA

a L AFL ALI. BIGNONIA aE UCOXYLON, : Oleander: flowered Trumpet Flower. Ee SCEASS AIV:. ORDER It, z & DYN {M14 ANGIOSPE RMIA. Two Chives longer. Seeds covered.


YA a ee monophyllum, erectum, EMPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, aptight cup- cyathi-forme, quinquefidum fhaped, and cut into five divifions. ROLLA monopetala, ‘cocbaisllata:; tubus mi- Bossom of one bell-fhaped petal; tube {mall, longitudine calycis; faux longiffima, the length of the cup; mouth very | ubtus ventricofa; limbus quinque partitus; {welled at the bottom; border of five die ; duabus a reflexis; inferi- fions; the two upper fegments reflexed, the bus patulis. lower ones fpreading. r . Filamenta -quatuor, fubulata, corolla Cuives. Threads four, aw!-fhaped, fhorter than 0 » quorum duo reliquis longiora. the bloffom, two of which are longer than e a stan seiot dupli. the others. Tips bent back, oblong, and appear doubled. F ces: Stylus fili- PoinTAL. Seed-bud oblong. Shaft thread- et figura fiaminum. Stigma fhaped, of the fame fituation and fhape as the chives. Summit headed. ER ARPT a -Siliqua bilocularis, bivalvis. || Srep-vessex. Pod of two cells, and two valves, EMI wicata, compreffa, utrinque SzEps many, laying one over the other, flat, and ta. winged at each fide.


falis digitatis; foliolis integerrimis, Trumpet Flower with fingered leaves; the fmall _ -acuminatis; caule ereéto, arboreo; || —_—deaves entire, egg-fhaped, tapered; ftemup-

us nerii; alato femine. right, growing to a tree; with flowers like se 3 the oleander; feed winged.


SUE eins Seeee of Bignonia ig well known in moft colletions of hothoufe plants, and was firft eerre™ a gar dens by Mr. P. Miller, the then gardener, in 1759, and may be found defcribed in but, notwithftanding its frequency, few haye feen its bloffoms. Owing to the naked . of the ftem, and its growing to fo confiderable a height before it flowers, and that but rendered it a plant but of little confideration; though perhaps, from the great beauty of ene more attention. Being a native of the Weft Indies, it does not flourifh without of tan heat; but will live in any fituation of the hothoufe; thriving beft in a coixters basa readily propagated by cuttings. It was from a plant in the felect and valuable ton, belonging to the Hon. Dowager Lady De Clifford (to whom the author, as wel} ors and profeffors of the fcience, ftand much indebted for the zeal and patronage yth ag fhewn, in her endeavours to promote it), that this figure was taken inte Z



Cinnamon-/melling Ixia.



mits three, nearly upright, {preading. See Ixia REFLEXA, Plate XIV.


—Cororza 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata Brossom fix petals, {preading, and equal. Sum; * . {i lo pa 2 . .

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis falcatis, crifpis; floribus alternis, no&i- florens, cinnamomi odore.

Ixia with fcimitar-fhaped leaves, waved at the edge; flowers alternate, blowing at night, and fmelling of cinnamon.


REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, = 1, The Empalement. “A 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives attached. =, 3. The Chives, attached to the tubular part of the Bloffom, the border cut off, (magnified). 4. The Shaft, Summit, and Seed-bud, (magnified).


_Amonesr this moft extenfive genus no fpecies ftands more diftin@ than this. The extreme fweetnefs and delicacy of its bloffoms, which expand only by night, and clofe in the morning, give it a decided : fuperiority over many of its congeners. Thunberg, who faw it at the Cape, has defcribed it under ____ the name it here bears; but till the year 1792 we had no knowledge of it, when it was firft intro- duced by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope; at whofe nurfery - flowered the following year; where it continues to blow annually, and whence this figure was taken. __ It israther a tender bulb, fmall, and eafily rotted; ‘fhould therefore be placed in the warmeft part of ____ the greenhoufe, and kept dry when out of flower; is rather difficult to increafe, as each bulb feldom ce : produces more than one offset, nor that always, and rarely feeds.



IRIS LONGIFOLIA. Long-leaved Iris.



ORDER I. One Pointal.


Catyx. Spathe bivalves, flores diftinguentes, ftentes.

ae Corotia fexpartita; petala oblonga, obtufa,

tria exteriora reflexa, tria interiora erecta, acutiora; omnia unguibus conata.

Stamina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, petalis re- flexis incumbentia, Anthere oblonge, rect, depreffz.

Pistittum. Germen inferum, oblongum. Sty- lus fimplex, breviflimus. Stigma maximum, tripartitum, laciniis petala mentientibus, latis, reflexis, ftamina et petala alterna de-

_ primentibus, apicibus bifidis.

Pericarrium. Capfula oblonga, angulata, tri-

laris, trivalvis.

- SEMINA plurima, ovata, glabra. ©


Iris foliis linearibus, canaliculatis, longiffimis,

glaucis; fcapus teres, multiflorus; radix bulbofus, aw.

Empa.ement. Sheaths of two valves, feparat- ing the flowers, permanent.

Biossom with fix divifions; petals oblong, blunt,

the three outer ones reflexed, the three in- ner ones upright, and fharper; all conneéted by the claws.

Cuives. Threads three, awl-fhaped, laying on the reflexed petals. Tips oblong, ftraight, deprefie

Porntat. Seed-bud beneath, oblong. Shaft fimple, very fhort. Summit very large, di- vided into three fegments, refembling petals, broad, bent back, and alternately prefling down the chives and petals, cleft at the ends.

SrErp-vessEL. Capfule oblong, angular, of three cells, and three valves.

SEDs many, egg-fhaped, and fmooth.


Iris with linear, channelled leaves, very long, and bluifh; flower-ftem cylindrical, with many flowers; the root bulbous. ~

TS ee


1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. The Chives as attached to the Seed-bud.

3. The Pointal complete.

aie,..< "ee

ere ‘Tais Iris is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced to us from the colleétion of

of as

| Mefirs. Voorhelm and Schnevoght, of Haarlem in Holland, about the year 1792. The leaves of this _ delicate Iris grow fometimes to the length of three feet, giving it a very fingular appearance: it thould be treated like the Cape Ixias, and proteéted from the weather, whilft in bloom, as the flower injured by the lighteft wind, and the duration of each bloffom is but a few hours; there is, however, sl ane fucceffion, which rife diurnally from the fame fheath, feldom more than one at a time. This _ figure was taken in the month of June 1797, at the Hammerfmith nurfery. It has a fingular mode

a itfelf; the old root dying. two formed above it, from whence 2 % : , two young ones are above i - ftem arifes: feldom ripe feeds are produced.

the flower-

- MASSONIA” -VIOLACEA. Purple-flowered Maffonia.

| CLASS VL. ORDER I. : HEX ANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. . GENERIC CHARACTER. . a stos EMPALEMENT non es : os gine ae neétario impofita, Biossom fe cceak Petals placed on the a ~ Tanceolata ta, pate: cup, are lance-fhaped and fpreading. = og eee iplindticom, membra- Honey-cup beneath, cylindrical and tkinny. fr ‘Sra gee fex, neétarii dentibus in- Cuives. Six threads, fixed into the teeth of the # ea filiformia declinata, petalis paulo lon- honey-cup, thread-fhaped, bent downward, ~ giora, Anthera ovate. and a little longer than the petals. Tips | egg-fhaped. i ~Pistirtum. Germen (refpectu nettarii) fupe- Poinra. Seed-bud (with regard to the honey- rum. Stylus fubulatus, declinatus, longitu- cup) above. Shaft awl-fhaped, and bent ; = ftaminum. Stigma fimplex, acu- downward the le of the chives. Sum- i

oe . mit fimple, and point : : Pancanie Capfula triquetra, glabra, tri- Seep-vessEL. Capfule three. iil and fmooth, m :

ris, trivalvis, angulis dehifcens. of three cells and three valves, fplitting at a

ss the angles.

“Benawa Sati globofa, glabra, magnitudine SrEps many, globular, fmooth, the fize of a muf- femi: pios. d feed.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. ' ‘onl ia, fliis {pathulatis, glabris; {capus fili- Maffonia with {patula-fhaped, and fmooth leaves; bipollicaris; flores pedun- flower-ftalk thread-fhaped, upright, two =” i, violacei, fparfi, pedunculi uni- inches high; the flowers have foot-ftalks,

are of a violet colour, and grow feattered; the foot-ftalks have each but one flower.

a ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower complete. 2. The fame cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 3. The Pointal. : ae us of plants perpetuates the name, as a botanift, (would it could likewife the mild, unaffam- . univerfally allowed amiablenefs of chara@ter) of Mr. Francis Maffon, botanical colle@tor to Z -_ exploring the untrod regions of North America, to add to the extenfive colleétions 3 -munificent Mafter, which fland fo much indebted to his indefatigable induftry for ent fplendour. The Maffonias are all rather tender, and require the fame fitu ation as s &e; that is, a dry ftove; they are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, or, at leaft, grow that point of Africa generally fo called, but at fome diftance from the Cape town, neat 4 (according to Thunberg) of the name of Bocklands Berg. ‘The root of this {pecies _— = the leaves are , if watered at that time; therefore, like the Ixias, thould ide, or taken out of the pot for two or three months, after flowering. It is very difficult © ate, as the feeds are feldom perfected, and rarely makes any offsets; flowering in mary. - = ein which month this figure was taken, from a plant in the colleétion of Ee : Clapham Com n. It appears to thrive beft in a mixture of peat and fandy lo loam.


- PLATE XLVII. MUSA COCCINE,A Scarlet flowered Plantain- tree.

CLASS ASITL. ORDER 7 POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. Various difpofitions, Upon one Plant,


Hermaphroditi feminei flores. Hermaphrodite <i the Semale pars Catyx. Spatha partialis ovato-oblonga, plano- EMPALEMENT. Partial teak @ oblong, =. concava, magna. aped, {moothly-concave, and large. CoroLta inzqualis, ringens; petalo conftitu- Bossom unequal and gaping; the petal form - ente labium faperit ius, nectario vero labium ing the upper lip, the honey-cup the inferius. under, Petalum ereétum, risen quinqueden- Petal upright, ligulate, five-toothed, and tatum, | bafi antice conniv: meeting at the bafe in front. eeecolare: petalo, Honey-cup one | leaf, thip-fhaped, fhorter than brevius, intra finum petali infertum. the petal, and inclofed within it. Sramina. Filamenta fex, fubulata ereéta, pe- Curves. Threads fix, awl-thaped, upright, fhort- talo dimidio breviora. Anthera: abortive. er by half than the petal. Tips abortive. PistitLum. Germen infra receptaculum floris, Pornrat. Seed-bud below the receptacle of : " maximum, longiffimum. Stylus ereQus, the flower, large and very long. Shaft | Se longitudine petali. Stigma capitatum, fub- upright the length of the petal. rotundum, headed, nearly ro Pericarrium. Bacca carnofa, corio teéta, SEED-vEssEL. A fle ethy b erry, covered with a ote, pulpa trifariam, abfque diffe. tough {fkin, very ae the pulp laying three | ways, without part Z ig Sarkia: globofa. SEEDs many, round. 4 ; 4 i. Hermaphroditi mafculi flores. Hermaphrodite flowers, where the male parts ; | : ; 4 Catyx ut in feminzo. EmpPaLEMeEnr as in the female flower. 4 Corotta ut in feminzo. Bossom as in the female flower. : a Stamina. Filamenta ut in feminzo, at lon- Cuives. Threads as in the female flower, but | . ag Antherze lineares, fulcate, longer, and thinner. ge linear, chan- a magne. nelled, upright, and Jar; 2 Pcaces. Germen ut in apne hy ut minus. gece er, Seed-bud the Cad as in the female, os : Sa et Slice ut in femineo, at mi- ut fmaller. Shaft and fummit like the 4 anil. but fmalle a : Pentcanriow abortit. SEED-VESSEL is abortive. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. 4 Mula sence ereéto; floribus Capitatis; {pathis Plantain-tree with an upright frnit-flalk; flowers | ae confertis, coccineis » Maximis, apicibus lu- growing in heads; theaths crowded together, 4 * teis, : fcarlet, very large, points yellow. ms 3 | 3 ie sae rsbilonsectuecciecten TO THE PLATE. < | 1. The upper lip a the bloffom, fhewn in front, as cut off clofe to the feed-bud. - | 2. The fame, thew ing the hinder parts, wie the three {mall claws on the border. : , 3. The honey-cup, which forms the lower lip of the bloffom ae 4. The feed-bud, chives, ftyle, and fummit, of a female hermaphrodite flower. = : : 5. A feed-bud cut obliquely, to expofe the fituation chara@ter of the feeds. mee aa 6. The chives, feed- bud, fhaft, and fummit, of a male hermaphrodite flower. o sae honour of having introduced "ys fupremely beautiful plant, pertains to, Thomas Evans Bit : 3a gentleman to whofe zea 1 for the introdu@ion of new plants our ftoves are of er ie i ell ax § 3 he having received it, amongft many others, about = year 1792 from China, where, Bees as in Cochin-China, Sumatra, Java, &c. it is very commo nd, Our figure was ta partlys : ant which es Vere’s, Efq. Kenfington Gore, laft December, and pe Mala ie _ ‘rom one in bloffom about the fame time, at the Hon. Lady Archer's, Ham Common. dea! ogrtatig “9d to the height of about three, or four feet before it blows, and without

tzea Regina in the hothoufe, where its brilliancy, tends in fome degree, t0 he gloom of winter, for at leaft ~ months. It increafes itfelf by ee are thie “a paargs from a cB orig

_ Corotra 6-petala, patens, equalis, Stigmata

Ixia foliis falcatis, glabris, {capo brevioribus, Ixia with fcimitar-fhaped leaves, {mooth, and axillis

s the third. _ The flowers of this variety are the firft that open, amongft the numerous ome e. troduced, of this extenfive genus; they are of a brilliant yellow, and feldom expand more than i atatime, The ufual treatment of other Cape Ixias is fuitable for this. The drawing was

a 8

= See


IXIA BULBIFERA. Var: flre luteo. Bulb-bearing Ixia. Var: yellow-Howered.

Crass Ul. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal.


Biossom fix petals, fpreading, and equal. Sum- mits three, nearly upright, and fpreading-

tria, ereétiufculo patula. See Ixta REFLEXA, Plate XIV.


is bulbiferis; floribus alternis, lu- fhorter than the flower-ftem, bearing bulbs oo. at their infertion into the ftalk; flowers alternate, and yellow.


REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Shaft, Summit, and Seed-bud, (magnified).


Tur fingular fporting of Nature in the Ixia bulbifera is not uncommon; its viviparous charaGter (if it be fo called) conftitutes a fpecific difference in many genera; Lilium, Lyfimachia, &c- ate of it. The bulbs produced from the ftem blow the fecond year, whereas thofe from feeds do not t

i {pecies yet in-

Mefits. Lee and Kennedy’s, in the month of March 1798, they having introduced it about the

ear 1784



GENERIC Peano pentaphyllum, creétum, iftens, connivens. Glandule iferze he, ovales gibbe, foliolis caly- “cinis externe —_ adnate.

mig " 5 Caryx. minim

Conor. Petala quinque, reniformia, magna, , Ciliata, patentia, concava; ungui- linearibus.

bus lenght: ‘Sramina. Filamenta decem latiufcula, ereéta, in cylindrum pofita, parva. Antherz cor- date.

Pistiztom, Germen fubrotundum, minimum. Styli tres, filiformes. Stigmata obtufa.

Penrcanrrum. Bacca globofa, torulofa, magna, unilocularis.

Sma tria, offea, oblonga, obtufa, angulata, PECIFIC Maipighi foliis lncecats rats, fubtus to-

! mentofis, in 3 floribus terminali- ; palide-luteis



Thick-leaved Malpighia.

gta DRIA TRIGYNIA. Ten Chives.

by the Right Hon, Lord Vifcount Courtenay, in whofe moft fuperb colleétion at Powderham r Exeter, ee, ees England, jathe cone Rs ber 1798


ORDER I, Three Pointals.


EmpaLement. Cup five leaves, upright, very fmall, remaining and clofing at the points. ‘Two honey-bearing glands, oval and gouty, are se to the outer and lower part of the

es of the cup.

ae Petals five, kidney-fhaped, large, plaited, lafhed, fpreading, and concave; claws long, satarih

Cuives. Threads ten, rather broad, er

placed hid and fmall. Tips heart-


Pp Pointat. Seed-bud nearly round, —— “—_ Shafts three, thread-fhaped. blunt. Pericarrium. Berry globular, knobby, large, of one cell. Seeps three, bony, oblong, blunt, and angulated.

CHARACTER. Malpighia with oval fpear-fhaped leaves, downy beneath, and entire; flowers terminate branches in fpikes, and are pale yellow.

EE __

: REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, Chives, and Pointal, (natural fize). ement, (magnified). 3. The Chives fpread open, (natural fize). 4. A Thread, and its Tip, ~— : = 5. The pokiteat tal complete, (natural fize

Seu EEEEeeess .”..ccemeeeneeneeeeeee

ar 1792. From the extreme tendernefs of the young leaves, and fhoots, it muft be pies Ma ssn dias heat during the winter months; otherwife, they are fubject to damp off. :

a fpecimen com-

8 ~Y Aa ~ WN N A © wv N


us Corotra 6-petala, patens, xqualis. Stigmata tis eet


I 90 A CAPITATA. Var: flore aurantio. Bunchflowering Ixia. Var: Bloffom gold colour.


ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom fix petals, {fpreading, and equal. Sum- mits three, nearly upright, and fpreading. See Plate XIV. Ix1a REFLEXA.



Ixia foliis radicalibus, enfiformibus; floribus Ixia with leaves growing from the root, and capitatis, confertis, aurantiis, petalis bafi fword-fhaped; bloffoms grow in a clofe obfcuris. bunch, gold coloured, and the petals dark

at the bafe. a


1, The two Sheaths of the Empalement.

2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives attached.

3. The Shaft, Summit, and Seed-bud, (magnified). —2

*, : . . P i ‘Tas variety of Ixia capitata was introduced at the fame time as the Ixia bulbifera, flore luteo, ee in 1784, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope, and

| req _____ the fame treatment. It flowers the latter end of May, or beginning of June; propagating itfelf

_ abundantly by the root, which produces annually numerous young bulbs.


ie iat




“Largeft flowering Everlafting Flower. EEE EEE


= YNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals.

- Canrx. Communis imbricatus; fquamis lan- ceolatis, quarum intime difco longiores, membranacez, nitide, radium conftituen-


tes, Conoxs.. ~ Compofita inaequalis; corollule hermaphrodite plurimz, tubulofé in difco. eminez pauciores, tubulatz, in ambitu.

Propria hermaphroditis infundibuliformis, calyce longe brevior; limbo quinquefido, patulo,

Femineis tubulofa, longitudine hermaphro- diti, quinquefida, minus equalis.

| Stamina. Hermaphroditis filamenta quinque, . Anthere cylindracea, tubu- lofa, longitudine fere corollule. Pistittum. Hermaphroditis germen breve. Stylus filiformis, ftaminibus longior. Stig- ma bifidum. Femineis germen ut in hermaphroditis. Stylus filiformis, longitudine hermaphrodi- torum. Stigmata duo, oblonga reflexa.

‘Penicarrium nullum. Calyx vix mutatus.

Semina oblonga, corona’ _ ‘Recerracurum i planiufculum, punéta-

= SPECIFIC eos _ Xeranthemum fruticofum, ereétum; foliis am- ____ Plexicaulibus, lanceolatis, trinerviis; ramis . dl unifloris, fubundis,

MT ste

a Tuis h

_ on sie hap ase dg orga oat Hammerfmith nurfery.

So yee




EmpaLcemMent. Common tiled; fcales fpear- fhaped, the inner ones longer than the ditk, fkinny, fhining, and forming the ray of the flower.

Brossom. Compound, unequal; florets with chives and pointals numerous and tubular in the diik. Female florets fewer, and tu- bular in the circumference.

Individuals with chives and pointals funnel- fhaped, much fhorter than the empalement; border with five clefts, fpreading. Individuals with only pointals, tubular the length of the hermaphrodites, five cleft, and rather fmaller.

Cuives. The threads in the hermaphrodites are fiye, and very fmall. Tips forming a cylin- der, tubular almoft the length of the florets.

Pointat. Seed-bud of the hermaphrodites fhort. Shaft thread-fhaped, longer than the chives. Summit cloven.

Seed-bud of the female florets the fame as the hermaphrodites. Shaft thread-{haped the length of the hermapirodites. Sum- mits two, oblong and bent back. SgED-vEssEL none. Empalement. fcarcely changing. SeEps oblong, and crowned with a feather. Recerracre naked, flatifh, and dotted.


Everlafting flower with an upright fhrubby fiem ; ; leaves embracing the ftem, lance-fhaped, and three-nerved; brancheswith one flower, and nearly naked.

rr REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An Hermaphrodite floret, (natural fize). 2. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnifie 3. The Pointal, and Seed-bud from a female aR congnified.

neverthelefs, a very fearce plant, being i The blot-


“dead .* CEASS WHEL ORDER 1.

© 3 as OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. = ' GENERIC CHARACTER. -Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, infundi- Emratement. Cup one leaf, funnel-fhaped and buliforme, coloratum; tubo filiformi, lon- coloured; tube thread-fhaped, very long; giffimo; limbo quadripartito, plano. border of four fegments, which are flat. -Coroxta. Petala quatuor, feffilia, plana, calyce Bossom. Petals four, fitting clofe to the cup, breviora, eique inferta. _ flat, fhorter than the cup, and fixed within . .

it. Stamina. Filamenta oéto, -fetacea, erecta, lon- Cuives. Threads eight, awn-like, upright,

a gitudine fermé floris. Anthere lc: {carcely the length of the flower. Tips a oe _ PisTitium. Germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis, iene Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- Sg ae is lateri infertus, longitudine ftami- fhaped, fixed into the fide of the feed-bud, num. oe capitatum, hifpidum. _ and of the length of the chives. Summit

headed, and hairy. s _ PericarPium nullum, ag in fundo ca- Sexp-vessEL none. Fruit in the lower part of

oe: yeis. : _ the cup. Semen unicum, ovatum, : Seep one, egg-fhaped.

- §PECIFIC CHARACTER. » foliis fparfis, lineari-fubulatis ; ramis | Gnidia with fcattered, linearly awl- -fhaped leaves;

mamnistlinais —_ ageregatis, termina- | brarithes grow in whorls; the flowers termi- Tibus. | |

nating the branches in clutters.

eo EE I = REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 2 aa x Flower with it? feed, (natural fize). 3 The et cut to fhew the fituation and infertion of the Chives into the tube of the

“tha =e

2. . The Pointa, “ap leae

Tue effential diftinguithing charaéter, in Pafferina, Gnidia, Struthiola, and Lachnea, muft certainly be confidered as amongft the flighteft generic divifions made by Linneus. It is no {mall difficulty to _ diftinguith the bloffom in Gnidia, and Lachnea, from the empalement in Pafferina, and Struthiola; the fame exact natural ftru€ture being alike in them all; and to us, appeat noticeable in their fmall variations, rather as forming fpecific, than generic diftinctions. As our plan is not to alter, upon any terms, what has been determinately fettled by that great mafter in the arcana of nature, let our opi- nions be what they will; we are determined to prevent confufion (which has been but little attended to of late), to give it only as fuch, without prefuming upon alteration. But as in the prefent in- fiance, when a plant long named, but otherwife unknown to cultivators, has unfortunately been foifted from its rank by another, no ways anfwering to the charatters of the defcriber; we fhall con- _ fider it as our particular province to reétify the miftake, however generally-the error may have ob- - tained.—The Gnidia pinifolia is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, the feeds having _ from thence in 1795, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, at whofe nurfery it has flowered, _ for the firft time in England, in the month of February this year, and where the drawing was ae _‘Ttisa hardy greenhoufe plant, but is propagated with difficulty by cuttings 5 growing to the hetg of eighteen inches, being moft exquifitely fcented by night, continuing in flower at leaft three mom and thriving beft in a light peat foil. : = _A figure of the plant generally known by the name of G. pinifolia, will be given with th

—: - the end our affertions may be properly inveftigated.

e next

OR, Ce _Araw =

ew \

on" faa f we (S . a




wi REC TA.

Harfh-leaved upright Mimo/a.




nD 2: 48

4 é ae 4 °

minimum. Corotra. Petalum unicum, infundibuliforme, femiquinquefidum, parvum. Stamina. Filamenta capillaria, longiffima. ere incumbentes, Pistittum. Germen oblongum. Stylus fili-

Pericarrium. Legumen longum, diffepimentis tranfverfis, pluribus. Semina plurima; figura varia.


Mimofa foliis fimplicibus, utrinque venofis,

in ibus, obtufis; ramis ftriétiffimis; ca-

pituli geminati, oppofiti, ex alis folio- rum.

formis, ftaminibus brevior. Stigma trunca- © tum

ORDER I. Various difpofitions. Upon one Plant.


Empatement. One leaf, five-toothed, and very fi

Biossom. One petal, funnel-fhaped, cut half way down into five divifions, and fmall. Cuives. Threads like fine hairs, and very long. Tips laying on the threads. Pointat. Seed-bud oblong. Shaft thread- fhaped, fhorter than the chives. Summit | appearing cut off. Sgep-vesseL, A long pod, the partitions run acrofs the pod, and are numerous. SEEDs many; of different fhapes.


linear, and blunt ended; branches growing clofe and upright; flower heads grow by pairs, oppofite, and at the infertion of the

Mimofa with fimple leaves, veiny on both fides,

leaf into the ftem. —<——ie——___

REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret, (natural fize). 2. The Empalement, (magnified). 3. The Bloffom, (magnified). 4. One Thread and its Tip, (magnified). “i 5. The Pointal, (magnified).

i ——__

Tuts fpecies of New Holland Mimofa, has as yet, efcaped even the indefatigable, and accurate Dr.

Smith; it is from Port Jackfon, whence the feeds were tranfmitted by Colonel Paterfon in the year

1793. Being eafily raifed, it is found in moft colletions; the feeds preferving their vegetative quality

many years, and ftriking readily by cuttings. It has the peculiar charaéter attached to the caer.

of that country, viz. winged feed-leaves, which are loft after the firft year's growth. This fpecies has

no fmell, and grows to the height of three or four feet before it flowers ; perfectly ftraight and com- pact, from which circumftance we have taken its trivial name.


ALETRIS SARMENTOSA. Creeping-rooted Baftard Aloe.


GENERIC Catyx, nullus. Corotxa, monopetala, oblonga; limbi laciniis lanceolatis, acuminatis, erectis; perfiftens.

Stamina. Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine corolle, inferta bafi laciniarum corollz, Anthere oblonge, ere@te.

Pistittum. Germen ovatum. Stylus fubula- tus, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma tri- fidum


3 Pericarrium. Capfula ovata, triquetra, acu- ss minata, tril ris. - Semrna plurima. = SPECIFIC Aletris, acaulis; foliis enfiformibus, laxis; flori- __. bus {picatis, fuave rubentibus; radicibus ; ofis.

ORDER I. | Six Chives. One Pointal. CHARACTER.


Biossom, one leaf, oblong; the fegments of the border are lance-fhaped, tapering, and up- right; remaining.

Threads fix, awl-fhaped, the length

~ ° of the bloffom, and inferted into the divi-

fions of it, at the bafe. Tips oblong, up- right. Porntat. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft awl- ped, the length of the chives. Summit three-cleft. Capfule egg-fhaped, three-fided, tapered, and of three cells. ; SEEDs many.


Baftard Aloe, without a ftem; having fword- fhaped, weak leaves; flowers grow in {pikes of a foft red colour; roots producing fuckers from the joints.



Tats fpecies of Aletris was introduced to us,

2. The Chives, and 3. The Pointal.

a ee from the Cape of Good Hope, about the year 1789; it


is a hardy plant, requiring the fame management as Aletris Capenfis, that is, to be kept in a dry part

of the greenhoufe; although the plant fhould

be frequently watered when in bloom, as fhould moftly

all plants, notwithftanding (as in the prefent inftance is the cafe) their flowering in the winter

months, This caution we have thought neceflary,

. feafon,

roots grow nearly horizontally,

as it is a general rule with gardeners during that

to put as little moifture as poffible to their plants, whether in flower or not, to avoid damps. The little difficulty in propagating this handfome

{pecies of Aletris, will render it foon common; the

and from their joints numberlefs young plants are produced; which

_ character we were defirous of exprefling in the figure, as from thence we have taken our trivial name;

but from the fize of the work,

it was found impraéticable, The drawing was made in December

1798, from a plant then in flower, at the Hammerfmith nurfery: we are neverthelefs informed, that

_ from being planted in a light, rich

foil, it may be made to grow to the height of three feet; with a

pike of flowers, one fourth the length of the flower-ftem.


Tea) ie. = see eee


as. CLASS. XtG

GENERIC Caryx. Communis ovato-cylindricus, levis, im- bricatus; fquamis plurimis, obtufis, ereétis, perfiftentibus. Corotta. Compofita radiata; corollule her- maphroditz plures in difco elevato. Femi- nez plurimz in radio.

P. a_hermaphroditi infundibuliformis, Aaa intus villofa. Feminea \igulata, fubrotunda, retufa, per- fiftens STAMINA. ‘Betmaphyoditis; filamenta quinque, breviffima. Anthera cylindracea, tubulofa. | Puerierom. Hermaphroditis; germen oblon- gum, triquetrum. Stylus filiformis, femi- bifidus. Stigmata duo, obtufa. Femineis; germen oblongum, triquetrum. Stylus capillaris, femibifidus. Stigmata duo, _Tecurvata. Pentcakrrum. Calyx immutatus, | Semana. Hermaphroditis folitaria, oblonga, te- tragono-ancipitia. Pappus muconibus duo-

Penaiacts folitaria, mutica, coronata petalo

nte. ‘Recerracutum paleaceum; paleis lingulatis, : canaliculatis, longitudine calycis, deci-


Zinnia foliis oppofitis, Sn oe ats lato-

: Janceolatis, ta floribus pedunculatis, purpureis, folitari

1, The Empalement.


__ SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals.

“ORDER IL. CHARACTER. EmpaLeMent. Common cylindrically egg-

fhaped, fmooth, and tiled; fcales many, blunt, upright, and remaining.

Biossom. Compound radiate; nee with chives and pointals, are numerous in the center, which is elevated ; florets oak only pointals, many in the circumference.

Individuals with chives and pointals funnel-

roundifh, dented at the end, and remaining.

Cuives. Hermaphrodites; five we threads. Tips forming a hollow cylin

Pointat. Hermaphrodites ; feo ‘bud oblong, three-fided. Shaft thread-fhaped, fplit nearly half way down. Summits two, blunt. Females; feed-bud oblong, three-fided. Shaft hair-like, fplit half way down. Summits two, bent backward.

SzEp-vesseL. Cup not changing.

Szeps. Hermaphrodites; folitary, oblong, three- fided, but ~~ at two edges. Feather of two fharp poin Females, ae without oem being crowned with the perfiftent peta

Recerprac te chaffy; chaff ee chan- nelled, the length of the cup, and falling off.


Zinnia with oppofite leaves, embracing the ftem, broadly lance-fhaped, and rough; ; flowers have foot-ftalks, are purple, and grow folitary.


2. A Floret of the ray with the feed attached, (natural fize). 3. A Floret of the difk with the feed attached, (magnified). _4. The Chives and Pointal of an hermaphrodite floret

5. The chaffy fubftance dividing the florets.

Te: aS Tris elegant new fecies of Zinnia, is deferibed and figured by J. A. Cavanilles, in his firft volume of gt where he oa it is a native of Mexico, South America, and was poe from


PANEROLYZA SPICATA. Spike flowered Antholyza.



Biossom tubular, irregular, and bent backward. Capfule beneath.

Corotza tubulofa, irregularis, recurvata. Cap- fula infera, See Plate XXXII. ANTHOLYZA RINGENS.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antholyza, floribus infundibuliformibus, fpica- Antholyza with funnel-fhaped, fpiked flowers, tis, incarnato-pallidis; foliis falcatis, bre- of a pale fleth colour; leaves fcimitar- viffimis. fhaped, and very fhort.

a _


1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 3. The Pointal, (natural fize).

Tune are few {pecies of this genus but furnith beautiful flowers; this is certainly among the moft handfome, from the foftnefs of its colour, and the regularity of the {pike: what adds confiderably to its merit, is, that the bloffoms remain a confiderable time before they fall, which unfortunately, is feldom the cafe with the flowers of this genus. It was received from the ‘Cape of Good Hope in Dalle, fent by J. Pringle, Eiq. of Madeira, in 1794, to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy of Hammerfmith; the drawing was made in the month of June 1797 at their nurfery. Not being eafily injured by damp, there is no necetfity for removing it from its pot, as is neceflary for moft bulbs, but to increafe it;

_ One, oF two young bulbs being annually produced, in addition from the old one. The beft foil is

a fandy peat, with a {mall Proportion of loam,

Pena od ee, Wa 8 ata

PLATE LVI. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM GLABRUM. Smooth-leaved annual Fig Marygold.



Catyx. Perianthium monophyllum, femiquin- EmpaLement. Cup one leaf, cut nearly half quefidum, fuperum, patens, perfiftens. way down into five divifions, above, {pread- ing, and remaining. ~ Corotra. Monopetala; petala lanceolato-line- Biossom. One petal; petals linearly lance- aria, numerofiffima, ferie multiplici nata, fhaped, very numerous, rifing in a number calyce longiora, unguibus leviter connatis of rows, longer than the cup, flightly joined in unum. together by their claws. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria, longi- Curves. Threads numerous, hair-like, the tudine calycis. Antherz incumbentes. length of the cup. Tips laying on the threads. Pistittum. Germen inferum, angulis quinque, Pointat, Seed-bud beneath, with five obtufe obtufis. Styli quinque fepius, fubulati, angles. Shafts moftly five, awl-fhaped, up- o-reflexi. Stigmata fimplicia. right, and a little bent outwards. Summits fimple. Pericarrium. Capfula carnofa, fubrotunda, Srep-vesset. A flefhy capfule, nearly round, oculamentis numero ftylorum refpondenti- the cells anfwering to the number of the : us. chives. - Semina plurima, fubrotunda. SEEDs many, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. =

meeerventbooan foliis amplexicaulibus, gla. Fig Marygold with leaves embracing the ftem,

imis, fpat coeie wpsiags g very fmooth, and f{patula-fhaped; the foot- foliorum; calycibus hemifphericis; corollis ftalks the length of the leaves; cups hemi- luteis. fpherical; bloffoms yellow. —————_____


1. A Seed-bud; the Bloffom, Cup and Chives, cut off, the Pointals remaining. ‘2. The fame, with the Cup and Chives.


As the extreme brilliancy of this plant cannot be done juftice to in painting, we muft reft fatisfied with having done our bett; every perfon in the leaft acquainted with the art, muft know, that in thining colour exifting in nature cannot be retained in a drawing. This fpecies is annual, and according to the Kew Catalogue, was introduced to the royal gardens by Mr. F. Maffon in the year 1787. The feeds fhould be fown on a hotbed in the month of February, and by the end of

Auguft | : : : _~ - plants will flower, and continue to bloffom till the end of Oober; never failings perfect

sfAd { All Ail A AN (Cth) \ \\ A\\( \ it i, Wi j




‘. -Petala elec, ovata, i

Sramina. Filamenta o€to, plana, ciliata, incur- Th wala, receptaculo inferta. Anthere infra apicem filamentorum pedicillate, incum- _ Pistintum. Germen fuperum, conicum, qua- __ drifuleatum. Stylus breviflimus, fimplex. Stigma capitatum, glabram, fulcatum. Pericarerum. Capfule quatuor, ovato-acumi- _ Nate, comprefl, margine introrfum coalite, apicibus diftantibus, futra fuperiori dehi- fcentes, bivalves. Semina folitaria fepius, nitida, reniformia, aril- lata.

_ ae - SPECIFIC __ Boronia foliis i impari-primatis, integerrimis; pe- dunculis dichotomis; filamentis = obtufis, glandulofis.


0 RDER .I.°. One Pointal.

Emratement. Cup with four er feg- ments pointed, and remaining. Bossom. Petals four, egg-fhaped, Sain clofe

to the cup. Honey-cup of the fhape of a crown, hol- lowed, and glandular.

Cuives. Eight threads, flat, fringed, turned inwards, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips fixed below the ends on the infide of the threads, on fhort foot-ftalks, and lying on


Rereeath Seed-bud above, contical, and four- furrowed. Shaft very fhort, and fimple. Summit headed, fmooth, and furrowed.

Segp-vesseL. Capfules four, of a pointed egg- thape, flattened, joined by the interior edge, the points ftanding feparate, {plitting from

_ the upper future, two-valved.

Szeps moftly folitary, fhining, kidney-fhaped,

and covered with an elaftic coat.



Boronia with leaves abruptly winged, entire;

_ flower-ftalks growing from the bafe of the

leaves, forked; end of the threads blunt, and gland

~ Natural Hiftory by

REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, (natural fize). 2. The Chives, and Pointal. ee . One Chive, (magnified). Pointal, and Honey cup, (natural fize).

Tus i is the only fpecies yet in our gardens, of a moft beautiful new genus of plants, natives of New South Wales; firit named, defcribed, and with three other fpecies, figured in the Trads relating to by Dr. F. E. Smith, F.R.S. P.L.S. &c. and faithful fervant, who by his ardour in botanical purfuits, had merited the honour; rejecting the ufval.confiderations, riches, or learning, does the Dr. no lefs credit as a man, for the kindnefs of

Thus eternizing the name of an efteemed

s heart, than what his diftinguifhed talents have gained him, by placing him in the firft botanical “feat in this kingdom. In the thort hiftory of the unfortunate end’of Borone, the Dr. informs us, he had refigned him to Dr. Sibthorpe, as a moft fit perion to attend him in his laft journey through Greece; where, at Athens, he met his death, by an accidental fall from ; a balcony: the Dr. did not long furvive him.

_ The Boronia pinnata has muth of the aromatic flavour of Diofma in its leaves and ftem; the flowers, which appear about February, and continue till May, have the fcent of the Hawthorn flower; it grows to a thrub of the height of eighteen inches, is propagated with difficulty by cuttings, and t hitherto perfeéted its feeds in this country; requiring a dry fituation in the greenhoufe, and

‘ithes moft in light fandy peat. The figure was taken from a plant which flowered laft year, 9 nurtery of Mefirs. Lee and ree Hammerfmith, where it was raifed from feeds in 1794-

a ee


=. “YKIA’ FISTULOS A. | Hollow-leaved Ixia.

Se ec


ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom fix petals, {preading, equal, Summits three, nearly upright, and fpreading. See Ix1a REFLEXA. Plate XIV.

Corotra 6-petala, patens zqualis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo-patula.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis linearibus, fiftulofis; floribus fecundis, noétu fragrantes; bulbus campanulatus, margine acuto-fibrofo.

Ixia with linear, hollow leaves; flowers pointing one way, and fragrant by night; bulb bell- fhaped, the margin edged with tharp fibres.


1. The outer {path of the Empalement. a 2. The inner fpath of the Empalement. er 3. A Flower cut open. A. The Pointal, and Chives. 5. The Pointal.


Tus Ixia is of a very delicate nature, the root being fubjeé to rot foon after the fiower decays, if ) not then removed from its pot, and dried; the flowers expand about four o'clock in the afternoon, a and are fo extremely fragrant that they are fmelt at a confiderable diftance. For this plant, our . gardens are indebted to the Dowager Lady De Clifford, who received the bulbs from the Cape of . Good Hope in the year 1794. The drawing was made from a plant, which flowered laft year at ae Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy's, Hammerfmith, who had fome of them in a prefent from her ladythip. eae Like other Ixias, it fhould be planted in light peat, and watered but feldom; its propagation is but Se flow, as feldom more than one new bulb is produced, upon the decay of the old one.


' Pers iy Ae ins es 4 ip Mo oar a rr dey Aes ae a ee Pema irae ee Se et meh a he ae a a " : ¥ cn is. oN ms eae) eat EY x5 es i ee ca Lie iN ; a ‘a is ergs

. | ‘PLATE LX. | f GERANIUM PUNCTATUM. Dotted-flowered Geranium.

CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. Suppl. Syftem. Veget. 1781. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. ‘Ten Chives.


Monoerna. Stigmata 5. Fruétus roftratus,

One Pointat. Five fummits. Fruit furnithed 5-coccus i

with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Plate XII,


Geranium foliis radicalibus; floribus umbellatis, Geranium with leaves growing from the root;

diandris; petalis duobus fuperioribus punc- flowers grow in umbels, two fertile chives; tatis; ftigmata quatuor. the two upper petals being dotted; fum- mits four. SE


1, The Empalement cut open, with the Chives and Pointal left on, (natural fize).

2. The Threads cut open, to thew their number, and the fituation of the two fertile ones, (magnified).

3. The Pointal, (magnified). '


ave thought proper to extenuate in the prefent inftance; for fhould we follow Monf. L'Heritier, (as moft of the modern correétors of Linnzus have done,) a ~ hew genus muft inevitably be formed for this plant. . Upon a clofe examination of the flowers, from a dozen different plants, invariably, only feven threads were found; two only with tips, and thofe placed immediately behind the fhaft, whofe fummits were but four. This Geranium is rather tender,

__and requires a dry-ftove heat to make it flower, which it will readily do with fuch affiftance, in-April;

vi Pistrtzum. Hermaphrodi

STATE LX. ASTER DEN TAT U S. Toothed-leaved Starwort.



SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfiuous Pointals.


CaLyx. Communis fquamofo-imbricatus; fqua- mis interioribus apice prominulis.

Corotta. Compofita radiata; corollule her- maphrodite numerofe in difco; feminez ligulate, decem plures in radio.

Propria_hermaphroditi infundibuliformis; limbo quinquefido, patulo

Feminee \igulata, lanceolata, tridentata. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, capillaria, bre-

gum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftami-

num. Stigma bifidum, patens.

Femineis; germen oblongum. Stylus fili-

formis, longitudine hermaphroditi. Stig-

mata duo, oblonga, revoluta.

Pertcarrrum nullum. Calyx vix mutatus.

Semrna. Hermaphroditis folitaria, oblonga,

ovata. Pappus pilofus. Femineis fimilia hermaphroditis. Recerracutum nudum, planiufculum. SPECIF Ic After caulis fruticofus; foliis dentatis, fubtus ferrugineis; floribus terminalibus; pedun- culis unifloris, brafteatis.

EmpALEMENT. Common, fcales tiled; the inner feales ftanding a little out at the points.

Biossom. Compound, radiate; florets with

chives and pointals, many in the center; florets with only pointals, ligulate, ten or more in the circumference. Individuals with chives and pointals, funnel- fhaped; border with five-clefts, fpreading. Individuals with only pointals, ligulate, fpear-fhaped, with three teeth.

Cuives. Five hair-like threads, very fhort. Tips forming a hollow cylinder.

Pointat. To thofe with chives and pointals,

feed-bud oblong. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit two-cleft, expanding. Seed-bud to thofe with pointals only, ob- long. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the hermaphrodites. Summits two, oblong, bent back.

SrED-vEssEL none. Cup fcarcely changing.

Segps to the hermaphrodites folitary, oblong, egg-fhaped. Feather hairy.

Females the fame as hermaphrodites.

Recepracte naked, almoft flat.


Starwort with a fhrubby ftem; leaves toothed, iron colour beneath; flowers terminate the branches; fruit-ftalks having but one flower; with floral leaves.

ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret of the circumference. 2. The Pointal of the preceding. 3. A Floret of the center, (magnified). 4. The Chives and Pointal of the preceding, (magnified). 5. The Shaft and Summit of the fame, (magnified). ee

< Tas plant cannot undoubtedly be confidered as amongift the moft beautiful of the vegetable produc-

~ tions of New Holland; but neverthelefs, from the continuance of its flowering, a greenhoufe plant, as it begins to expand its bloffoms about December, and from Auguit is feldom feen without flowers. It is a low-growing fhrub, feldom exceedin

is very defirable as that time till g a foot in height,

and very branching. Like moft plants from Botany Bay, it delights in a light fandy peat foil, is eafily

“ae propagated by cuttings, and feeds. The drawing was made from a plant in the.nurfery of Meliss:

Lee and Kennedy, who raifed it firft from feeds in the year 1793. -

ee "PLATE LX. " a.

* :.

GLADIOLUS GRAMINEUS. : Gra/s-like’ Gladiolus.



= Sicetca fexpartita, ringens. || Brossom with fix divifions, gaping. Sramina adfcendentia. . Cuives afcending. See GLADIOLUS LoNGIFLORUs. Plate V.


s polyftachyus, {capo laxo, fpicis capil- Gladiolus with many fpikes, upon a flexible laribus, flexuofis; foliis enfiformibus; co- flower ftem, {pikes hair-like, growing zig- rallee fexpartite, abfque tubo. zag; leaves f{word-fhape; bloffom of fix di- vifions, without a tube.



1. The two fheaths of the Empalemen 2. The Seed-bud, Chives, and Poiatal- (sangniied). 3. The Pointal, (magnified

im: ase

Tuts fpecies of Gladiolus has been defcribed by Thunberg, and from him by Linnzus, in his Suppl. _ Plant. p. 95, under the fpecific name it here bears. It is a little ftraining on the genus to introduce this fpecies into it; as it is deficient in moft of the effential chara@ters; having a bloffom without a

_ tube, and the petals equal. From the Kew Catalogue we learn it was introduced in the year 1787, by Mr. F. Maffon, to the royal gardens; is there faid to flower moft part of the year: a plant of fuch charaéter is moft defirable, but unfortunately we have never feen it in bloffom but at the ufual feafon for the flowers of this tribe; that is, from April till June. The capfules of this plant bear a ftrong to thofe of the Euonymus: generally perfecting their feeds. It is a very hardy bulb, blows - ae reel fem tie foe




DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chives longer. Seeds covered.


Carrx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- partitum, perfiftens; laciniis ere@tis, fubu-


Corotra. Monopetala, ringens, tubus ventri- cofus, bafi aréta; limbus bilabiatus, labium Juperius bifidum, rotundatum, reflexum; la- biam inferius trifidum, laciniis rotundatis, intermedia minore.


Stamina. Filamenta quatuor, fub labio fu-

periori recondita, quorum duo Jateralia longiora, fundo corollz inferta, bafi incraf- fata, Janata, apice incurvata. Antherz erecte, verfatiles, approximate.

_Pistrtiom, Germen fub-rotundum. Stylus fili- formis, perfiftens; longitudine ftaminum. - Stigma obtufum. Pericarrium. Capfula fub-rotunda, bilocu- laris, calyce longior, obtufa. Semina plurima, fub-rotunda, fcabrida.

SPECIFIC Ufteria caulis volubilis; foliis haftatis;. floribus folitariis, purpureis; pedunculis tortis, lon-


EmpaLeMeNT. Cup one leaf, five divifions, permanent; fegments upright, and awl- fhaped

-Biossom. One leaf, gaping, tube fwelled out

in the middle, and pinched in at the bafe; border with two lips, the upper divided into two lobes, which are rounded, and bent back; the /wer has three divifions, the fegments rounded, the middle one the {malleft.

Cuives. Threads four, hid under the upper lip, of which the two fide ones are the longeft, fixed into the bottom of the bloffom, thick- ened at the bafe, woolly, and turned inward at the point. Tips upright, flightly fixed by the middle, and approaching.

Pointa. Seed-bud nearly round. Shaft thread- fhaped, remaining, the length of the chives. Summit blunt.

SzepD-vesseL. Capfule nearly round, of two cells, longer than the cup, blunt ended.

Seeps many, almoft round, and very rough.


Ufteria with a climbing ftem; leaves halbert- fhaped ; flowers folitary, and purple; fruit- ftalks twifted, very long.

ee _e

REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom cut open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives.

2. One Chive, (magnified). 3. The Pointal, (natural fize), 4. The Em

ement, and Seed-veffel nearly ripe, of its natural fize.


flowering from May till September, but does not = P ed by cuttings, or from feeds, which are ripened by er, or earlier; thriving beft in light rich earth. |





POLYANDRIA DIGYNIA. Many Chives. Two Pointals.


Catyx. Perianthium pentaphyllum, parvum, | 3 foliolis fubrotundis, concavis, reflexis, inequalibus magnitudine et fitu.

Corotra. Petala quinque, fubrotunda, con- cava, bafi anguftiora, patentia, maxima.

Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria. An- ther oblonge, quadrangule, erect, qua-

riloculares, magne.

Pistittum. Germina duo, ovata, ereGta, tomen- tofa. Styli nulli. Stigmata compreffa, ob- tafa, colorata.

Pericarerum. Capfule oblonge, acuminate, reflexo-patentes, tomentofe, uniloculares, univalves, longitudinaliter introrfum dehi- fcentes.

Semrna plura, ovalia, nitida, colorata, faturee dehifcenti affixa.

EMPALEMENT. Cup five-leaved, fmall, and re- maining; leaves roundifh, concave, bent back, and unequal both in fize and fituation.

Biossom. Petals five, roundifh, concave, fmaller at the bafe, {preading, and very large.

Cuives. Threads numerous, and hair-like. Tips oblong, four-fided, upright, with four cells, and large

PornTaL. Seed-buds two, egg-fhaped, upright, and downy. Shaft none. Summits flattened, oblong, blunt, and coloured.

Sgrp-vesseLt. Capfules oblong, tapered, bent back, and fpreading, downy, of one cell, and one valve, fplitting lengthways from the inner part.

Sreps many, oval, fhining, coloured, and fixed to the future where it fplits.


Pzonia foliis lobatis, nitentibus; corollis albidis ;

_ germinibus ternis, vel quaternis.

Pzony with leaves divided into lobes, and fhin- ing; bloffoms white; feed-buds three, or four.

TE ___ REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1, The Empalement, Chives, and Pointals.

2. A Thread and its Tip (magnified). 3. The Seed-veflels, 4. A Seed.


Tus new {pecies of Pony is a native of Mongol Tartary, and the parts adjacent; of courfe, is futfi- ciently hardy to endure our fevereft winters. It has been defcribed by Gmelin, in his Flora Sibirica ; and figured by Dr. Pallas, in his Flora Roffica, under the fpecific title it here bears. J. Bell, Efq. of Ifleworth, procured fome plants of it from St. Peterfburg, about the year 1791; where it had been introduced by Dr. Pallas fome time before, when on his travels through Tartary. It forms a hand- fome, up ight growing, herbaceous plant; the flowers fianding much above the foliage, are much = handfomer before they are expanded, than when fully fo; as the under part of the petals are tinged re _ with red, which contrafted with the purity of the white of the other parts, renders them at that period Se . ely beautiful. The figure was taken at the nurfery of Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, this year, in the month of June, during which month it is in perfeGtion. Like the reft of the Ponies, it is eafily

by the root; requiring little attention in its cultivation, as it will liye in almoft any

= 4 net

fh es


OPHRYS LILIFOLIA. —— Lily-leaved Ophrys.



GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives.


Caryx. Spathz vage. Spadix fimplex. Peri- anthium nullum.

Corotra, Petala quinque, oblonga, furfum conniventia, zequalia; duo horum exteriora.

Ne@arium petalis longius, dependens; pof- tice tantum carinatum. Stamina. Filamenta duo, breviffima, piftillo infidentia. Antherz erete, tecte margine

interiore neCtarii.

Pistittum. Germen oblongum, contortum, inferum. Stylus margini interiori nectarii

adnatus. Stigma obfoletum. Pericarrium. Capfula fubovata, trigona, ob-

tufa, ftriata, trivalvis, unilocularis, angulis

carinatis dehifcens.

SemIna numerofa, {cobiformia. Recerracutum lineare, adnatum fingule val- vulz pericarpii. SPECIFIC Ophrys bulbo fubrotunda; fcapo nudo; foliis ovato-oblongis, radicalibus; neétarii labio integro; petalis dorfalibus linearibus.

Biossom. Five petals, oblong, approaching upwards, equal; two of them placed out- wards

Honey-cup longer than the petals, hanging down; only keeled on the back part

Cuives. Two threads, very fhort, fixed to the pointal. Tips upright, covered by the inner edge of the honey-cup.

PorntTaxt. Seed-bud beneath, oblong, twifted beneath. Shaft fixed to the inner edge of the honey-cup. Summit imperfect.

SgED-vesseL. Capfule nearly egg-fhaped, three- fided, blunt, channelled, three-valved, and one cell, opening at the keel-fhaped an- gles.

SEEDs numerous, like faw-duft.

RECEPTACLE linear, growing to each valve of the feed-veffel.


Ophrys with roundith roots; ftem naked; leaves oblong, egg-fhaped, growing from the root ; the two back petals linear.


1, The Honey-cup cut off the bloffom.

2. The Seed-bud and Pointal (natural fize) fhewn fideways.


3. The fame (magnified) fhewn in front, with the cup lifted up, to expofe the parts of fru@tification. .

ee __

Gronovtvs, in his arrangement of the plants difcovered by Mr. J. Clayton in Virginia, P. i, page 185, has defcribed this plant; and Linneus after him, in his fecond edition of the Species Plantarum, page 1341, has it likewife, but thought it only a large variety of a fpecies found in marfhy grounds in’ Sweden; however that may be, it is perfectly new to Britain, as a plant in our gardens. This

fpecies of Ophrys feems much more eafy to preferve than moft of its congeners, as, fince its intro-

duaion, the bulbs feem to acquire additional fize, and the {pikes of flowers to grow larger each year.

Our drawing was taken from a plant in the extenfive colle@tion of tne Right Hon. the Marquis of

Blandford, Bill-hill, Berkfhire, in the year 1797, about the beginning of the month of July ; having

been fent the preceding year from Philadelphia, by J. Lyons, gardener to William Hamilton, Efq. of

that State. It isa hardy plant, and will thrive in a theltered border, if planted in light earth, and

<< Chept moift ; is propagated but flowly by the root, which feems the only method; as the’ feeds are too fmall of all this natural order to raife them by that means.




Cranes i ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal.

ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom of fix divifions, and gaping. Catves afcending.

See Plate XI. Geipedncs ROSEUS.

Coroxta 6-partita, ringens. Sramina adfcendentia.


Gladiolus with cymitar-fhaped leaves; ftem many

Gladiolus foliis falcatis; caule polyftachio; co- branches; bloffoms nearly regular, and flefh colour.

rollis fub-regularibus, carneis.



1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud, one fummit magnified.


Tus fpecies of Gladiolus has been long known in herbariums, as it is very common about Table mountain, at the Cape of Good Hope ; Jacquin, Thunberg, Gmelin, Welldenow, &c. have it under the tribe of Ixia, with the fpecific names of Scillaris, Fabricii, &c. but notwithftanding, we have no hefitation in placing it under its true genus Gladiolus, The upright character of the chives, their infertion into the tube of the bloffom, and not at the mouth, the difference in the fhape of the petals, the fituation of the fummits behind the chives, &c. leave no room for doubt where its ftation fhould be. Although plentiful at the Cape, it has not been long an inhabitant of this clime; having flowered for the firft time in the year 1797, at Bulftrode, the feat of his Grace the Duke of Portland. What contributes much to the value of this plant is, that it continues in flower at leaft two months, from the beginning of June till the end of July; propagates itfelf abundantly by the roots, which are not fabje& to rot, though not removed from the pots in which they have flowered, Thrives in peat earth.

i PLATE LXVII. Jagged-leaved Geranium. CLASS -4VI. ORDER IV. _ MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, 4 nae Monoerna. Stigmata quinque. Fruétus rof- One Pointat. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed - “ie » S-coccus, with long awns, five dry berries. ; pial See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Plate XII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER.

ro Geranium foliis multifidis, craffis, confertis; Geranium with leaves of many clefts, thick, and

£. : floribus umbellatis, longiffimis ; crowded together; flowers grow in bunches, eS caule erecto, fruticofo. on very long foot-ftalks; ftem upright, and

es > fhrubby.


s 2. The Chives aad ee (natural fize). a4 : . e’Chives cut open. ae 4. The Pointal, (qaagnified).

2 : ire

. Tuts pretty hae of Opens, from the Gai of Good 3, ae is one of thofe having feven fertile _ tips; therefore a Pelargonium of Monf. L’Heritier. It is a low growing plant, feldom exceeding eight or nine inches in height, Keeping very compaét; but is fubject to damp in the leaves, if kept moift in winter, though | otherwife | ‘pretty hardy. Mr. C. Lodiges, of Hackney, firft raifed it from feeds which he received from Vienna, about the year 1793. Itis readily propagated by cuttings, or feeds,

7 ae continues to flower all the fammer months; Bon iring light rich earth to make it flourith.

ce ee eee Be See ee


GOODENIA OVATA. Oval-leaved Goodenta.



2 A 1} 1 Fs

Coro.ta fupra longitudinaliter fiffa, genitalia | Briossom long fide, exferens, quinquefida. Stigma urceolatum, expofing the organs of generation, ‘and five- ciliatum, cleft. Summit cup-fhaped, and fringed.



Goodenia with egg-fhaped leaves, fawed at the edges; bloffoms yellow, the two outer feg- ments grow upright.

Goodenia foliis ovatis, ferratis; corollis luteis, laciniis duobus exterioribus ere¢tis.


1. The Empalement and Seed-bud. 2. A Bloffom, with the parts of frudtification attached. 3. The Chives, and Pointal (magnified).

» ———a__.

In the fecond volume of the Linnzan Tranfactions, Dr. Smith enumerates ten fpecies of the genus

; this fpecies makes an addition to the number. The oval-leaved Goodenia is a half woody

plant, aking long willow-like branches, which moftly decay in the winter, though a great part of

t remains; it is a hardy greenhoufe plant, requiring little trouble either to keep or propagate;

the latter of which is done by cuttings. About the year 1793, a parcel of feeds was received by Mefirs.

Lee and Kennedy, fent to them by Colonel Paterfon from Port Jackfon, New Holland; amongft them,

the feeds of this plant; it neverthelefs did not flower till the year 1798, about the month of June.

It is certainly a defirable plant, never failing to fiower from June till September, if kept growing in vigour, which it will furely do if planted in light peat earth. 3

me o, zn " MT Cet

ra) we ay os

PLATE LXIX. LAMBE RTIA FORMOSA. Jar. longifolia. Red-flowered Lambertia, Long-leaved variety, :



Catyx. Perianthium commune, imbricatum, quamis interioribus, longioribus. Corotra. Univerfalis uniformis, feptem-florus.

Propria monopetala, tubulofa, limbus qua- -

drifidus, lacifiiis revolutis, ftameniferis.

Sramina. Filamenta quatuor, fubulata, bre- viffima, inferta limbo corollz, intra fingu- lam laciniam fingula. Antherz lineares,

Pistittum. Germen fubrotundum, apice pilo- fum. Stylus fetaceus, erectus, Stigma fubulatum, fulcatum.

PericarPium. Capfula tricornuta, unilocularis, difj

perma. Semina bina, alata, feabra, nigra. SPECIFIC Lambertia foliis ternis, apice mucronato-pun- gentibus; corollis ftriatis, extus fuave ru- bentibus; antheris czruleis.

EmpaLement, Common cup tiled, the inner feales the longest. Biossom. General regular compofed of feven


Individuals of one petal, tubular, border four-cleft, the fegments rolled back, and fupporting the chives.

Cuives. Threads four awl-fhaped, very fhort, fixed into the border of the bloffom, one within each fegment. Tips linear, and up- right.

Pointat. Seed-bud nearly round, the upper part hairy. Shaft awn-like, upright. Sum- mit awl-fhaped, and furrowed.

Srep-vesseL. Capfule three-horned, of one cell, and two feeds.

SEEDs two, winged, rough, and black.


Lambertia with leaves growing by threes, the ends terminating in fharp points: blof- foms ftriped, of a light red without ; tips blue.


1, The Empalement.

2. A Bloffom cut open, with the Pointal as it ftands in the Bloflom. 3. One fegment of a Flower, with the Chive attached.

4. The Pointal (magnified). 5. A Capfule. 6. A Seed.

ee Or all the Plants yet introduced from New Holland, that have hitherto flowered with us, this un- queftionably takes the lead for beauty, confidering the plant altogether. It is a hardy greenhoufe Plant, growing to the height of fix or eight feet before it flowers ; when the bloffoms break from the ends of almoft every branch. The feeds of this plant were among the firft which arrived from Botany Bay, in the year 1788; when two varieties of it were raifed by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, at their nurfery, who were fortunate enough to procure all the feeds which came home that feafon. This fine genus has received its title, (under the fan@ion of Dr. Smith, /ee the Linn. Tranf. page 214, vol, 3.) from Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Efq. fellow of the Royal and Linnzan Societies; a gentleman whofe zeal for the advancement of the fcience is unbounded, and whofe labours to that end, as well as his endeavours to render botany of univerfal benefit, by combining the ufeful with the pleafing ; (witnefs his work on the Cinchonas, or Jefuits Barks) do him the greateft credit. Our drawing was


: . om a plant which flowered for the firft time in this kingdom, in the colleétion of J. Robertfon,

, son on Surry, in July 1798. It is without difficulty raifed by cuttings, and thrives 10


GmtipivA SIM PEE xX. Heath-leaved Gnidia.

CLASS Vill... ORDER I. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNI4A. Eight Chives. One Pointal.


Catyx infundibuliformis, quadrifidus. Petala Empatement funnel-fhaped, and’ four-cleft. -quatuor, calyci inferta, Semen unicum, Petals four, inferted into the empalement. fubbaccatum, One feed, fomething like a berry.

See Gnipia ptniroLia, Plate LII.

SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gnidia, foliis linearibus, acutis, levibus; flori-

Gnidia, with linear, pointed, fmooth leaves; bus, feffilibus, luteis.

owers terminating the branches, fitting clofe upon them, and yellow.

en Ha MII rm


A Flower, (natural fize).

The fame cut open, and magnified. . The Pointal, (natural fize).

. The fame magnified.



Tue flowers of this fpecies of Gnidia, like moft plants of this natural order, are fragrant, which in- creafes much towards night. It is one of thofe delicate Cape plants requiring a dry ftove, or an airy warm fituation in the greenhoufe; where it continues to flower through the months of April and May, and frequently will bloffom a fecond time in September and O&tober. It is eafily propagated by cuttings; delighting moft in peat earth, and feldom grows more than a foot high. Our drawing was made, (by his kind permiffion) at the beautiful and unique confervatory of R. James, Efq. Grofvenor-

place, from a plant in his valuable and {ele& colleGion, in May this year. = Unfortunately the G, Simplex having been introduced to our gardens before the G. Pinifolia, (fee Pee our figure, PI. LII.) it was found in moft colleG@tions under that title; but we have no hefitation in __ placing this plant under the {pecific name given it by Linnzeus, in his Mantiffa Plantarum of 1767, page 67 3 where, to the ufual fpecific character, he has fuperadded an accurate defcription of it.




Blue thick-petal’d Virgin's Bower.



Pertantuium. Calyx nullus, Corotta. Petala quatuor, oblonga, laxa. Stamina. Filamenta plurima, fubulata, corolla breviora. Anthere lateri filamentorum ad- . Nate,

Pistittum. Germina plurima, fubrotunda, com- preffa, definentia in ftylos fubulatos, ftami- nibus longiores. Stigmata fimplicia.

Pericarrium nullum. Receptaculum capita- tum, parvum. Semina plurima, fubrotunda, compreffa, ftylo (figura varia) inftru@a.


Clematis foliis compofitis decompofitifque; foli- olis quibufdam trifidis; floribus Violaceis,


ORDER _ VII. Many Pointals.


Emratement. Cup none.

Bossom. Petals four, oblong, flexible,

Cuives. Threads many, awl-fhaped, fhorter than the bloffom. Tips fixed to the fides of the threads.

Pointat, Seed-buds many, nearly round, flat- tened, ending in awl-fhaped fhafts, longer than the chives. Summits fimple.

SEED-VESSEL none. Receptacle forming a round head, and fmall.

SEEDs many, roundith, flattened, retaining the. thaft, which is varioufly fhaped.


Virgin’s Bower, with compound and doubly com- pound leaves; fome of the little leaves fplit into three; flowers blue, and tough.



1. The Chives, * 2. The Pointals. 3. A Chive, (magnified),

4. A Pointal, (magnified). 5. AA Seed nearly ripe, (natural fize).

and Pointals; the petals being removed.


“Dovsts have been entertained, among fome botanifts, Linneus, as given by him, with various fynonims, in his Sp. Plan.

adopted by him,

to fiower till deftroyed

introduétion, though long known by defcription,

where it is in high perfection, being planted increafed, by parting the roots in {pring;

we have no hefitation in our decifion. it is not fo hardy as fome others from the northern parts of Europe or

whether this plant is the Clematis viorna of By collating the different {pecific

to bloffom in July, and continue our gardens, being but of a late Our figure was taken at the Hammerfmith nurfery,

in a mixture of loam and peat earth: it is moft readily as the feeds feldom come to maturity in this climate.

PLATE LXXII. | STYPHELIA TRIFLORA. Three-flowered Styphelia.



Gp tr hi. One Pointal.


Pertantuium. Calyx imbricatus, perfiftens; foliolis interioribus Re EN acutis,

eredtis. Corotza tubulofa, quinquefida; laciniis revo- Jutis, hirfutis. eClarium membranaceum, lacerum, ger- men cingens. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, tubo inferta. Anthere apice bifide, verfatiles.

oy Germen globofum, fulcatum, nec- rio cinétum. Stylus capillaris. Stigma saan quinquepartitum

--Perscarrrum. Drupa quinguelocularis, ae


rotunda, glabra Semina, bina. _ SPECIFIC Styphelia, foliis sanbrloatis fparfis, glaucis, ovato-mucronatis; floribus axillaribus, ter- nis,

EmpaLement. Cup tiled, and remaining; the inner leaves the longeft, fharp-pointed, and upright.

Biossom tubular, five-cleft; the fegments rolled back, and hairy.

Honey-cup ikinny, torn, and furrounding the feed-bud.

Cuives. Five threads, fixed into the tube of the bloffom. Tips fplit at the top, and loofely fixed by the middle to the threads.

Porntar. Seed-bud globular, furrowed, en- circled by the honey-cup. Shaft hair-like.

“Summit headed, and of five divifions.

Seep-vesseL. A pulpy fruit with five cells, roundifh, and {mooth. SEEDs, two together.


Styphelia, with leaves tiled, fcattered, bluith, egg-fhaped, and fharp-pointed; flowers growing from the lower part of the leaves by threes.


1. The tube of the

4 The Honey-cup, (magnified).

ement. 2. A aac cut Anges the Chives remaining attached, to fhew their infertion into the om. 3, The Pointal, (natural fize,) the Summit detached, and magnified.


D> me


ress or hard; a character which feems invariable in every fpecies that has come under our notice. os although fet off by Dr. Smith, in his fourth number of New Holland Botany, with fo ~ matt, (and we have no doubt of his concurrence) give place to S. triflora, which un- > dl s the palm from all its congeners hitherto difcovered. ‘The only fpecimen alive or cad fish fi which our figure was taken, of this plant, which has come to our knowledge, is to be _ found in the extenfive colleétion of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham-common; from whofe exertions the = exotic colleétions of this kingdom, are likely to acquire fuch confiderable additions.

The S. triflora was raifed from feed at Clapham in 1796, but did not flower till this year, in the

month of June, oer ae in bloffom through July, and part of Auguft. It grows to the height of aie ching but little; the whole ftem being hid by the leaves. Mr. Allen the gardener, te fe Sind communications we are much neers, informs us he has Bee it in peat earth, and ss : =~ i eee i oe by eer -






ortula Matthiols: 644633 si0s 1a s's 0

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M sera ees xia fera. Var. flo. Wales oer ialpighia craffifolia. fon xia capitata, War. fore ‘garantio. ....






I haley INE ees va ve see sees Geranium punétatum. «. +++ esses d ‘at eee











Xeranthemum ipeciestim mum. . Gnidia pinifolia, ... +--+ e+e es sees Mi ftridta. sts tee

Mletris farmentofa, «2. eee ee eee ee Finnia Violacea. ..- ++ e055 es eeer ee

Joodenia ovata. . is Lambertia fat Vir Yoni *

juidia eanp Wee eae) be

Sematis viorna. Wiis ee avikeeets Styphelia trifloras Msi eo ee eee ee

- has

c cle. Siveles tl Sprengelia incarnata. .......... Star-flowered Spre rengeliae see we oe ene Wecttis petite, SNE. Ssiice Flefh-coloured Neottia. .......--- Rhod Dauricum. .......... | Dauric Rhododendron. ........+.+- sladiolus longiflorus. ....+-.5..-0+6 a Loe eV tes Hemerocallis cerulea << tems 80 ol) BAOE IRE ENG A 2056505 e508 ciaierte wis Primu ee ee ee ee Si jan i ee ee eee Ghatide RO ccye'es vous Sed dasy5 nae cpr ae doit wes <s Atragene Capenfis. ........-.006- pepe CONN Ss ve oe Ari anea. Pe i wered Arift 3 > G on ae seeeeees | Rofe-coloured Gladiolus. . os Geranium grandiflorum. ...... I -flowered Geranium. ......+- Epi m cochleatum. ig Purple-flowered Epide Ixia as exer seer eres oeee oe e€ eee eee Aathylisrinaea . es in cece teens oy eer gs ee 2 Bi Spits dealih: jensen irae tats. Sees PORE be eeu ee | mba Protea.” | ses vt soe Cc albas ewe. us 6s eee ae ora or ee se Gladiolus verficolor. ..... .. | Changeable Gladiolus. .......-.

" g at Mis -% wil rge-flowered Viper’s a vig Were Vereia crenata. os. os evecees sees eam Scol okey Yee eas Goodenia ul ues _ | Cape Marygold-lea d Goodenia : Ixia capitata. War. ovata. . . e Bunch-flowering Tia, Leer egg Shaped. Cineraria aurita. .ssegeeeees | Two-coloured-| eaved C Ca wer i Japonica. Van. flo. > alo pleno. Double white Peitien ux ete Cr Swain vows | Sweety Nas sr cei oo Gintiles ge or 0 Var Giiiereo éaorant. Gapi coloured fweet Gladiolus, . ( _| Round-leaved Geranium. . ..2..- +2 Ixi or . | Sea-green fpiked Ix eles tee Vv.



Di ee ¢ sees Ixi 2g th

ri rittle-ftalked inoue ve : r rly-flowering Gladiol ° E rickly dab Buglofs. tes soe


Thick -leaved Malpighia. . Bunch- i Largett- ring Everlattin g F

Pine- va ot Che vee os

Harth-leaved upright Micelle. ss... ( Baitard Aloe. ..

Zinnia. - th ae - ike- flowered re Tas. er verses



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