eon Helix patesié Cooper: Hen. Y Hwan ei. Pa ea m SIOLOGICAL FOUCRNAL. Vot. II. APRIL, 1892. No: 1." “FORMS OF TREES AS DETERMINED BY CLIMATIC | INFLUENCES. 7 BY GUSTAV EISEN. A traveler from the Arctics or from the high wooded mountains, in any district of the world, cannot but be impressed by the differ- _ ent forms which trees and shrubs assume in the respective regions. — Nowhere is this difference in form more striking than between | the trees inhabiting the pine region of Sierra Nevada and those which grow on the lower plains in the interior valleys. 2 _ We have so constantly been accustomed to take things as they | are, without inquiring into the causes why they are so, that it seems _ to us quite natural that the forms of trees of the high mountain should be different from those of the lowlands and valleys. Sti this difference is so great and so very apparent that the causes which perate in making up these different forms must be very great very important ones. In the high Sierras, for instance, in that region Helow te sno’ e, where the pines and spruces dominate, we find that almo every shrub and every tree resembles the other in a general wa The trees are tall and erect, with a central undivided trunk from which the branches slope down towards the ground. The shrubs again, are low and depressed, spreading out horizontally, form ing dishlike masses, hugging the ground instead of seeking the sky. A few thousand feet further down in the region where th evergreen pines and spruces have ceased, the trees as well as th shrubs begin to assume a different aspect. The trees in this region are not so erect, their branches are less sloping, their crowns extend urther, the trunks are often branching; there is, in fact, a decided difference in their general form. The shrubs, again, are more erect and bushy, forming often dense Pee, which show little or pency. to flatten out. © 2 Forms of Trees. [zor If we again follow the vegetation further down to the plains, the change in form is yet more pronounced. The trees are here as a rule branched close to the ground, their crowns are wider and spread- ing, the branches drooping and often sweeping the ground. The general form, which in the higher Sierras was that of an elongated pyramid, has here changed and become globular. We may call these respectively, the spruce form, and the oak form. In the higher mountains we rarely meet with the oak form, at least not in ever- green trees, and on the plains the spruce form is equally rare. There aresome exceptions to this rule, but they are few and in no way interfere with the theory which I will here set forth and en- deavor to prove. Before we dwell upon the causes which have been and yet are operating in creating and maintaining these char- acteristic forms of trees, it is necessary to first consider those causes which combine in affecting a change in the form of trees generally. Nearly every visitor to the wind-beaten and open seashore has noticed the characteristic forms of trees and shrubs growing there. The shrubs spread close to the ground, the trees lean towards the interior, their crowns spread out horizontally and their branches are thorny and knotty and continually bent. Such a sight is common everywhere in exposed places. In sheltered localities inland these © same varieties grow upright, their crowns become less horizontal, the branches less twisted, and the same shrubs, which on the sea shore hug the soil, grow here straight and send out slender branches. ~ Even to the least observant the force that operates here and causes: the trees and shrubs to so change their shapes is the wind. When we see such trees and shrubs painted on a canvas, we know at once that the landscape is a wind-beaten one, and that the vegetation is struggling against a force which is trying to destroy its foothold. But while the wind is especially active on the seashore in chang- ing the natural or perhaps the original form of the trees and shrubs, it is similarly effective to a lesser degree in any locality at all ex- _ posed to winds. The interior plains, the cliffs on the sides of the desert, the high mountain peaks, the elevated plateaus, the table mountains, the slopes of the more sheltered sides of islands, in fact everywhere may the power of the wind be perceived. The effects of the wind may be temporary or permanent; tem- porary, if the plant regains its original form and outward appearance when removed from the windy region toa sheltered one. This is by VOL. Il. ] Forms of Trees. 3 far the most common effect and especially refers to shrubs. Many instances may be cited, but I will only mention one. Baccharis pilu- Zaris, which grows everywhere on the coast around San Francisco, clings typically to the soil and sandhills where exposed to the wind, while on the north side of Tamalpais, where the shelter is perfect and even in the oak scrub of Golden Gate Park, it assumes an erect form. So different is the outward appearance between these two forms, that the former has been described as a distinct species, B. consanguinea. : Similarly on nearly all our high mountain tops we meet with scrub- pines growing in the crevices and clinging to the rocks like real coverlets of verdure. But the same species may be found further down in the elevated valleys growing erect with sloping branches and undivided trunks. Such instances arecommon. I may, how- ever, here especially recall the dwarf and scrubby Pinus monticola growing in the cafions on the slope of Mount Dana, while further down splendid specimens are crowding the sheltered meadows. As an instance, again, where the effects of the wind have been partly permanent we may point to the Monterey pine ( Pinus in- signis) and to the Monterey cypress ( Cupressus macrocarpa). Ma- ture specimens of these varieties assume always horizontal crowns, even when growing inland, and only during their earlier growth do ’ they show a tendency to grow erect like most species of pines or coniferous trees generally. We may presume that if the evolution of a species is accompanied by this continued wind force, the latter will to a great degree mould the outward form of the species. If again the evolution of a species takes place under various condi- tions of wind and calm, the form of the species will be variable ac- cording to exposure. The.effect of the wind while apparent everywhere and while found in every climate and in every country is, however, not the most powerful agent in shaping the forms of trees and shrubs. The ‘snow which part of the year covers vast territories, often to a depth of thirty or more feet, has a great influence upon the forms of all plants which are exposed to it for a longer or shorter time. As the effects of the snow depend chiefly upon the resistance to pressure, it will be seen that evergreen and deciduous trees must be unequally affected. The foliage of the evergreens offers much more resistance to the snow than do the bare limbs of trees and shrubs — 4 Forms of Trees. : [zor which during the winter season are void of leaves. In some horti- cultural districts, where snow but seldom falls, and where accord- ingly such trees as olives, oranges and lemons are cultivated suc- cessfully, an occasional fall of snow may do and has in many in- stances done considerable harm. We know that when the snow lodges on the evergreen and upright limbs of orange trees, these limbs become so_ heavy that they break down, more or less ruining the trees. On such occasions the growers hurry through their orchards shaking off the snow before it begins to melt and become heavy, thus freeing the limbs of the trees from the burden that would injure them. The cause of the mischief. is thus not alone to be found in the snow, but also in the upright shape of the limbs and trunks of the trees. Those limbs which point upwards do not yield readily under the pressure of the snow, and trunks which are repeatedly forked, will, if the pressure is heavy enough, split lengthwise. In case the trees in question had possessed downward sloping limbs and an upright, undivided or standard trunk, the effect of the snow pressure would have been less dangerous; the limbs would have yielded to their snow burden, which, when melt- ing, would have slipped off, leaving the limbs free, and the undivided , trunks would not have split, and the trees would have escaped with- out injury. If such snowfalls were frequent and regular, only such varieties could be cultivated as were possessed of downward slop- ing limbs and upright trunks. All trees shaped otherwise would gradually be ruined and their cultivation become impossible. These last remarks refer only, or at least principally, to evergreen trees. If the orange trees, which we gave as an example, instead of being evergreens were deciduous, that is, presenting only bare limbs in the winter, like peaches, apricots and pears, the pressure of the snow would not have injured them, at least not by breaking their limbs and splitting their trunks, and their cultivation would not necessarily have been abandoned. If we consider a forest, instead of a horticultural district, we will find that the conditions are there very much the same. The yearly snowfall, if only heavy enough, tends to break down and destroy all wild evergreen trees, which do not possess a form suitable to resist the heavy snow mantle. Trees. which would thus suffer would be all evergreen trees with spread- ing crowns, such as live oaks, laurels, madrofia, certain pines, such as Monterey pine, digger pine ( Pinus Sabiniana ), Italian pine (Pinus: VOL. Il.] Forms of Trees. 5. Pinaster), Lebanon cedar, and the hundreds, if not thousands, of other evergreen trees which inhabit regions below the regular snow line. 4 Nature thus eliminates from snow-visited forests all evergreen trees which are not suited to resist the pressure of the snow. On the contrary, the snowfall makes it possible for all those trees to live and survive which, through their outward form, are able to easily. shed the accumulated snow. As regards deciduous trees, no such upright trunks and sloping branches are necessary, as the bare limbs do not accumulate the snow, nor suffer under pressure. If the above is true, the forests of snow-visited districts will be found to consist of only such varieties of trees as possess the requisite form, that is, evergreen trees with upright, undivided trunks and down- ward sloping branches, as well as of deciduous trees of various not especially characteristic forms. Upon examination this will also be found to be the case. i A visit to the high pine forests of Sierra Nevada shows us just such forests. Nowhere is the snowfall heavier and nowhere is the characteristic form of the evergreen trees more pronounced. This is also the case in all other show-visited regions where forests are at all able to exist. Where the sndwfall is the heaviest and lasts the longest, all evergreen trees, at least during a certain period of their life, possess the required pyramidal form. Evergreen trees of any other form would in their struggle for existence have little or no chance to compete with better equipped neighbors. It follows, also, that the less the snowfall the less characteristic will prove the pyramidal form in all evergreen species, while lower down the ‘mountains on the warmer slopes the pyramidal form may be ex- pected to be entirely absent. To refer to our nearest high mountains, the Sierra Nevada, we find thus on the snow-belt such trees as Adies Douglasii, Picea ama- bilis, Pinus Lambertiana, Libocedrus decurrens, Sequoia gigantea, etc. All these show in a characteristic way the pyramidal form, the snow-shedding branches and the undivided trunk. We find in this region no large live oaks, nor any large evergreen trees of globular or goblet shape. But in the region immediately below the heavy snow belt, the characteristic pyramidal shape is entirely absent. The forms of the evergreen trees are here evidently regulated by other agencies. In this region we meet with several evergreen 6 forms of Trees. [ZOE oaks with large crowns, spreading branches and repeatedly divided trunks. The pines also, like P. Sabiniana, are characterised by their forked trunks, their upright limbs, and by their general re- semblance to deciduous trees. As regards shrubs of all kinds, they are hardly less influenced by snowfall. In the snow-visited forests at least, the evergreen shrubs show a low depressed form, sometimes spreading out like dishes on the ground. Other species, again, like the manzanitas, possess repeatedly zig-zag bent limbs especially adapted to resist the pressure of snow and wind. Such zig-zag form is also possessed by the branches of trees, greatly assisting them to resist outside pressure of any kind. Thus while the lower or central branches of most of the pines in the snow region slope ‘downwards, the upper limbs, which are naturally less exposed to Snow pressure, assume a horizontal position, but are compensated by being repeatedly bent and furnished with heavy knees. Such limbs are generally seen in the various species of pines, such as Lambertiana, contorta, Feffreyé, also in Seguoia Sigantea, etc., while they are almost absent in the spruces and firs, the sloping elastic limbs of which continue to the tops. SUNLIGHT AND HEAT. Another important agency in shaping the forms of trees is the direct sunlight and heat. As the force of the direct rays of the sun . is different in different places, it follows that their effect upon trees and shrubs must vary with the locality, as well as with the phy- siological structure and nature of the plants. Various other agencies, such as the moisture in the air, the force of the wind, the rainfall, dews and fogs, combine with the sunlight and heat, either in decreas. ing or increasing the effects. It is especially in warm and dry regions where the heat and light are all powerful in modifying and directing the development of the form of a tree or shrub. An ex- cess of heat and light is nearly always hurtful and may even be so injurious as to kill the trees, or make them unfit for the region. It is especially the horticulturist that notes these effects of heat and light. In tender plants the effects are more pronounced and prin- cipally of two kinds. The direct rays of the sun injure the stem or trunk on the southwest side, or on the side on which the greatest force of the sun rays are concentrated during or shortly after mid- day. The tender bark and cambium are scorched, dry up and pre- VOL. I11.] Forms of Trees. 4 vent the sap from circulating. In course of time injurious insects, such as borers of various kinds, find their way through crevices, and parasites gradually destroy the trees. Trees which are thus es- pecially tender are, among cultivated trees, apples and pears, and among wild trees, weeping willows, poplars, young oaks, maples, etc. A tree when once injured seldom recovers if left to itself, but dies or at least becomes sickly. In order to counteract this fatal force of excessive light and heat combined, the horticulturist en- courages lower limbs and foliage, prunes his trees low, or otherwise shades the exposed parts. Nature works very much in the same way. Young trees growing in heated regions are covered with lower limbs thickly set with foliage, or develop large weeping tops or crowns with drooping branches, which shelter the tender stems as effectually as if they were covered with an umbrella. That such a shade is absolutely necessary can be clearly demonstrated. There is, for instance, no more tender tree than our common weeping willow, a native of the hot region of Asia Minor. This tree flour- ishes even in our warmest regions under proper conditions of moisture, as long as its natural form is not interfered with. But let anyone prune back its limbs and cause the direct rays of the hot sun to strike its trunk, and the tree will soon become diseased and die. The dying of weeping willows is common all over the warmer parts of this state, and is everywhere to be principally ascribed to the cutting away of limbs and to the entrance of heat and direct light. The excessive heat and light has also a bad effect upon the ground in places where rain or other moisture is scarce. The sun dries out the soil and makes it too dry for the trees and plants. To counter- act this heat, nature causes lower limbs to spread out as close to the ground as possible, or furnishes the tree with large dense and rounded crowns which cover the soil with shade and prevent the moisture in the immediate vicinity of the trunk and roots from dry- ing out. Nature furnishes also other remedies, such as peculiar position of the leaves, tough and hardy bark, gray and light colors of leaves and stems, hairs or cells especially constructed to withstand evaporation or heat. While the snow especially affects evergreens, the heat and light set evergreens and deciduous trees almost alike. 8 Forms of Trees. [ZOE In the tropics the intense heat develops another tree form, the um- brella form. In this region the heat is always accompanied by moist- ure, and is thus never excessive or dangerous for trees which naturally seek the light. The moisture and heat combined produce a most vigorous and dense vegetation, the very opposite to what is found in the arid zones. The effort of the tree is therefore concentrated in its endeavor to reach the light and to push out from the dense shade nearer the ground. The most vigorous growing trees in this region send up straight and undivided trunks to a level with the top of the dense undergrowth, branch at this level and form immense umbrella-like crowns above less vigorous trees. This umbrella- form gives to the tropical landscape a distinct and characteristic ap- pearance. A tendency to assume such an umbrella-form can also be recognized among those trees of the temperate zone, which grow in moist places, such as river bottoms, cafions and other sheltered localities—trees in fact, which delight in moisture. But nowhere is the form so pronounced as in the tropics, where it is common with all large species of the denser forests. The uplands of the tropics, where the rainfall is less and where heat and drying winds are more powerful, and where accordingly the vegetation is less dense, the umbrella form is rare, or where it exists is caused by other agencies. : The origin of the tropical umbrella form is therefore not exactly identical with that of the umbrella form assumed by most pines in such districts as the Mediterranean or the gulf region of the United | States, and to a certain extent also by a few more northern pines. This umbrella form is caused by the falling off of the lower branches, which never possess the strength of the upper limbs. The um- brella form, however, greatly favors their struggle against wind and heat. In these drier places in the tropical districts the umbrella form gives place to the globular form, the conditions there being quite similar to what they are in the drier regions further north. Ob- serve, for instance, the form of the ceiba (Bombax Ceiba), which inhabits dryer localities in the Central American tropics. This tree is almost globular in shape, in order that its branches may give necessary shelter to the trunk and to keep away the reflected heat. An effort to change the form of this tree by pruning results fatally, — as the branches become sun scalded and a prey to borers which VOL. I. | Forms of Trees. 9 eventually destroy the tree. In crossing Central America I was especially impressed by these different tree forms, characteristic of different regions. Along the lowlands of the Pacific Coast up to 2,000 to 3,000 feet, the characteristic form of the various strong. growing trees was the umbrella form. Above 3,000, and from that altitude towards the interior in the dry and warm district the globu- lar form predominates. As we ascend the interior highlands in the vicinity of Coban the climate suddenly changes and becomes very moist. With this change comes also a change in the form of the trees which here assume the regular umbrella form. The same climate continues uninterrupted to the Atlantic Coast, and the district is characterized throughout by the predominating umbrella form. All trees require more protection when young, and this explains why young trees are shaped differently from older trees. Thus the form of a young specimen of the common blue gum (Aucalyptus) is well known. While young the tree is pyramidal and the slop- ing branches are covered by horizontally extended leaves. No form can be more adapted to withstand heavy winds. As the tree grows older, the stem stronger, and the roots penetrate deeper, this original form is not required any more, and the tree assumes a semi umbrella-like crown. If we consider the principal forms of trees in their connection with influences of wind, snow, rain, sunshine and heat, we find that the various forms may be grouped principally under the following heads: A. The upright form, with a central undivided trunk and with downward sloping branches. This form is possessed by most conifers inhabiting snow-visited regions. The downward slope of the branches facilitates the shedding of the snow, while the undivided trunk offers less resistance to heavy loads of snow. Forked or branched trunks would split or break. This form may be either necessary to the species, as when the latter is confined to snow-visited districts (example Picea amabilis ), or it may be inherited and continue as a characteristic of the species which grows in a warmer climate, but which evidently had been evolved from a species which once inhabited colder regions. Ex- ample: the redwood (Seguova sempervirens), Lawson cypress ( Cu- pressus Lawsoniana), and many other evergreen trees inhabiting 10 Forms of Trees. [Zor the moist, snowless climate of the Pacific Coast north of San Fran- cisco. B. The upright form with erect or horizontal branches, The upright trunk in this form must be considered as inherited from an- cestors where it was a necessity. Later on the sloping branches gradually assumed a horizontal position. Example: most species of cypress, yew, juniper, etc., of a more southern origin. It is interesting to note the form of Cedrus Deodara or Himalaya cedar. This tree, growing in regions of Himalaya where heavy snowfalls are not unfrequent, possesses while young characteristically down- ward sloping branches. Cedrus Libani, Lebanon cedar, which is _ only a form of C. Deodara, possesses no such sloping branches, but horizontal branches, evidently developed in a climate where the absence of heavy snow has made the downward slope of the branches unnecessary. Most species of juniper possess erect branches, as would be expected in a genus which finds its most con- genial home and greatest development in the warmer regions of the Mediterranean where snow is almost unknown, One species ( Yuniperus communis ), however, which is common in - Northern Europe, is distinguished by a very different form from the southern species, being dwarfed, prostrate, and repeatedly branched. But that this form of the European juniper is not the natural one, can be seen by the fact that whenever this species is transferred to snowless localities it at once assumes the upright form, growing as straight and slender as a southern cypress. Similarly we find this upright form possessed by all specimens of this juniper which grow in close proximity to smelting works, where the heat is strong enough to melt the snow. The different appearance of this juniper in such localities is really most startling. Pines which inhabit snow-visited regions are as a rule very up- right, with downward sloping branches, while the southern pines, both in Europe and North America, as well.as in Central America and Mexico, have branches which either spread horizontally or which stand erect, Compare, for instance, P. Laméertiana and P. Ceméra, which inhabit snow-visited regions, with such species as Aleppo pine (P. Halapensis ), P. maritima, P. insignis, and P. Sadbiniana, Judging by the forms of most species of pines it would seem as if this genus is more of a southern origin, than for instancé the various genera of firs and spruces, which through their very characteristic VOL. IIlI.] Forms of Trees. ae ‘undivided stems and sloping branches indicate their origin.in the snowy regions in the north, C. The globular form. This form is possessed by trees in warm and dry regions or localities. The object of the form is to protect the tree from sun and heat, and to preserve the moisture in the soil around the root. Example: the live-oak, the wild California wal- nut, the Texas umbrella, and the tropical ceiba, or Bombax tree. The mesquite of the Mojave desert belongs to this form. ' D. The umbrella form. This form is principally found in moist tropical climates. The object of the form is to give to the tree as | much sun and heat as possible, which can again only be had ata certain altitude above the tops of the dwarfer vegetation. Example: various papilionaceous trees, as well as most varieties of trees in the tropical lowlands of both continents. In connection with this, I will call attention to the form of the bases of the trunks and of the surface roots in trees growing in moist places, especially in the tropics. The trunks branch out above the soil and form peculiar horizontally compressed roots, sometimes five to six feet high, but only a few inches thick. Such surface roots are found in most tropical trees, as well as in many swamp trees: for instance, the swamp cedar of the Mississippi delta. The object is to steady the tree when floods or excessive rains soften the ground; round roots would then offer much less resistance. I have here merely tried to outline the principal forms of trees and their trunks and branches, and have endeavored to state the causes which have been at work in moulding them. There are, however, many other agencies which assist in forming the shape of trees. Such are the elasticity of the wood, which would make the pyramidal shape of the tree less necessary; hairiness of | the leaves, which tends to counteract sun and dryness; a tough and thick bark, which would also render sun and heat less injurious—all these must be taken in consideration when we study the forms of trees. CATALOGUE OF THE LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSCA OF LOWER CALIFORNIA. BY J. G. COOPER. In an article published in the Proceedings of the California Acad- emy of Sciences, second series, vol. iii, April, 1891, I’ stated that only three species of land shells had yet been found to inhabit the region on both sides of the boundary-line near lat. 32° 30’, while twenty-one were peculiar to the southern half of the peninsula. I overlooked an incomplete list by Mr. C. R. Orcutt in the “ West American Scientist,’ ii, 61, July, 1886, adding five northern species, which he had traced southward to (or near) lat. 31°. They were identified by Mr. Binney. He and Mr. H. Hemphill, also found three new species on both sides of the line, and added much to the known distribution of others. (See Binney’s 3d Supplement to Terr. Mollusks, 1890, PP- 205, 219, 221; also the 4th Suppl., 1892, and the “ Nautilus’’ for 1890-91.) To furnish a basis for future reference, and to point out some facts needing investigation, I have compiled this catalogue of all the species known from the peninsula and adjacent islands. To simplify the list I omit the sub-generic names, many of which are badly founded, thus using the nomenclature nearly as given by Binney in the “Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America,’’ (Washington, 1869). That is the latest work giving a full account of the shells of the peninsula, and in the twenty-one years since its issue nineteen land species have been added, eleven or twelve fresh-water, and one marine pulmonate species, doubling the number then known. Probably no other country has had so many errors made in the localities given for its land-shells, and I therefore give every refer- ence accessible, chiefly from Carpenter’s “Mollusca of Western North America,” 1856 and 1864, explaining the causes of errors as far as possible. The geographical range of each species, as far as known, is given in the proper places. The great variability in external characters observed in all west- coast land and fresh-water mollusca is strongly marked in those of | the peninsula, and will doubtless lead to reduction if number of ‘species. I have indicated some of these where most striking, but Lower Californian Shells. 13 at the same time I am in favor of retaining many others as sub- species or varieties. Those who have seen Mr. Hemphill’s recent Catalogue of N. Amer. Shells, etc., will understand how the multi- plication of names may be carried to excess, and I therefore men- tion only those that are best defined. Many more local forms must be collected before they can be properly defined. It will be observed on measuring the peninsula as mapped by the U. S. Coast Survey, that on account of its position, oblique to. the meridians, it is much longer than would appear by a calcula- tion from latitudes, the difference being 120 statute miles, and total length 820 miles. The distances apart will thus be greater than the degrees of latitude indicate, by nearly fifteen miles in every hundred, in the long axis of the peninsula. I refer to this because I have found it necessary to give the lati- tudes of localities on account of the frequent repetition of names, in places at various distances apart. By referring to Mr. Brande- gee’s map, we find that towns, old missions, ranches and water- holes (camping places), may each have the same name though far apart, and that bays, points and islands add to the confusion. Thus they can only be distinguished by giving the latitude as near as possible, those on the coast only being exact. Such errors of local- ities are mentioned as to fourteen out of forty-eight species men- tioned in this article. There are several explanations of the confusion of localities on the peninsula, and most of it comes from the too frequent use of the names of the saints. This would not be so bad, if the surnames distinguishing them had been retained, as first given by mission- aries, but being cumbersome they have been gradually dropped in most cases, though retained where very necessary, as with San José del Cabo. In other cases the same names are repeated in the three separate states of the peninsula, as they are in many of the United States, but sometimes three in one state as with the San Juans. Many Indian and other names are also repeated, probably from the ignorance of those naming them. The name of nearly every saint in the calendar is repeated two or three times in those 820 miles. Carpenter states that Xantus sent shells to Washington from So- corro Island, and other localities, mixed with those of Cape St. Lucas. . : On account of the marked differences in the groups of species 14 Lower Californian Shells. [ ZOE inhabiting the mountains, the salt water, and the desert region near _ the Colorado River, I have divided the list into three parts. The last has not before been included in lists of species belonging to Lower California. Though the desert species do not extend into the peninsula itself below lat. 31° 30’, they have been known for thirty-six years to be found along the Colorado River and its back- water overflow, called “ New River,’’ which discharges fifteen miles south of the boundary. Until recently most of them were supposed to be extinct species. In this catalogue I have used the alphabetical order for conven- ience of reference, and quoted authorities chronologically in refer- ences to localities, etc. Those given in quotation marks have not been confirmed or corrected. Most authors before 1850 confused Upper with Lower California. Collectors’ names are given in italics to indicate that they were at the places mentioned, while those quoting them are usually marked by names in brackets. : The species thus far collected on the peninsula and islands near by have been all of considerable size, and no attempt seems to have been made to find the very small species, except in the part north of _ lat. 31°, from whence five are known (Nos. 26, 30, 31, 32, 33). Though the more arid regions may not produce them, the moist seashores, damp cafions, and mountain summits, will no doubt still furnish novelties to a careful searcher, many of good size, as shown by Gabb’s success in the mountains near the east coast. A. SPECIES OF THE MOUNTAIN REGIONS. 1. BINNEYA NoraBiLis J. G. Cooper, 1863. Santa Barbara Is- land, Cal., lat. 33° 30’ (types). West coast of Mexico (‘‘ Xantho- ayx’ Crosse & Fischer). Guadalupe Island, over 100 miles south- west of San Quintin Bay, near lat. 29°, Palmer, Bryant, San Quin- tin, Lower Cal., lat. 30° 24’, Orcutt. 2. BULIMULUS ARTEMISIA W. G. Binney, 1861. “ Promontory of Cape St. Lucas, lat. 22° 52’, one specimen, Xanfus. B. californicus Reeve, 1848, is not confirmed as from the penin- sula, but is believed by late authors to be from the main land. 3. B. Excetsus Gould, 1853. ‘‘ California,” Maj. Rich, La Paz, lat. 24° 10’, later, in Carpenter’s work; also found® there by Z. Belding. VOL. I11.] Lower Californian Shells. 15 4. B. GAsBsr Crosse & Fischer, 1872. Locality unknown, and only one specimen known, which has characters between those of B. pallidior and B. proteus. These two allied forms are not re- ported from any one locality except Cape St. Lucas, therefore a hybrid theory cannot now be proved. It may provea variety, if B. vegetus Gould, which is also intermediate, is not a good species. | 5. B. INSCENDENS W. G. B., 1891. ‘‘ Cape St. Lucas and 450 miles up west coast’’ (Cedros Is. lat. 28° 02’ not confirmed), Xan- tus. . _ Var. Bryanti J.G. C., 1891. San José del Cabo, lat. 23° 24”, to La Paz, lat. 24° 12’. The east coast form, more developed. 6. B. PALLIDIOR Sowerby, 1833. ‘‘ Chili,’’ Ceming (Pfeiffer). “West coast of peninsula for 350 miles north (to Ballenas Bay, lat. 26° 45, not confirmed), Xanéus. La Paz, Maj. Rich. San Juan, east coast, lat. 26° 20’, Lt. Greene, type of B. vegetus Gould, 1853- Near San José del Cabo to La Paz, Bryant. ‘‘ San Diego” (Car- penter), not confirmed. _ Perhaps imported from Chili into gardens with roots, and has since died out northward. No other collectors seem to have found any Budimuli on west coast north of lat. 25°. Mr. Binney mentions several species carried about with roots of banana, etc., from one country to another, and this may account for the introduction of this and 2. proteus on to the peninsula. 7. B, pILULA W. G. B., 1861. Todos Santos, lat. 23° 25’, to Margarita Island, lat. 24° 20°, Xantus. San José del Cabo, Bryant. 8. B. proteus Broderip, 1832. ‘‘ Peru and Chili,’’ Coming ?, (Pfeiffer). ‘‘Cape St. Lucas,” Xantus. Northern Peru, Orton, (Binney). Perhaps another importation as with B. pallidior. The question of their importation as food is yet undecided. g. B. SPIRIFER Gabb., 1867. Near La Paz, lat. 24° 10’, to San Borgia near lat. 28° 40’, among rocks, in the mountains near east coast, Gabb. San Borgia is a little west of the middle line in cross- . ing the peninsula, and thus the most northern and western locality for Bulimuli as yet well authenticated. It is about 450 miles from the cape, and may possibly have furnished Xantus with northern specimens, which could be mistaken for 2. pallidior. With such an extensive range near the east coast it is strange that nobody had found it before. Gabb’s figure is more like B. pal/idior than Bin- — ney’s. io 16 Lower Californian Shells. | ZOE 10. B. suFFLATUS Gould, 1853. La Paz, lat. 24° 10°, May. Rich, Gabb. San José del Cabo, Bryant. The large, east coast form of B. pilula.(?) Not found by Xantus, nor on west coast. Bry- ant also found a few pale brown ones, besides the usual white; both colors in living shells. 11. B. xanrust W. G. B., 1861.“ Promontory of Cape St. Lucas,” four specimens, Xanius. The three species reported from the Cape, but not since detected, and two others which Xantus stated to extend so far up the west coast, but not confirmed,, were perhaps considered by him as varieties of one or more of the other species. The possibility that he obtained some from Socorro Is- land, or from the Mexican coast, where he also collected, is to be considered. © 12. CYLINDRELLA IRREGULARE Gabb, 1867. Central range of mountains near east coast, around Mulejé, lat. 26° 50, Gadd. 13. C. TAYLORI Pfeiffer, 1861. (C. newcombiana) Gabb, 1867. Same locality as the last, Gadé. Original locality of Pfeiffer’s type unknown. 14. HELIX AREOLATA “Sowerby MS.”’ (Pfeiffer, 1845). California Hinds, ‘‘ near Columbia River” (Pfeiffer). This confu- sion can only be explained by mixing of labels, as Pfeiffer seems to have received these shells from the British Museum for deseri p- tion, with the MS. names. ‘“Margarita Bay, lat. 24° 20’. The only land shell received from the bay,’’ (Pease). Cedros Island, lat. 24° 02’, Veatch, a very large form described as 4. veatchiz, New- comb. These, with A. /evzs and pandore, form a closely allied group. In 1867 Mr. W. M. Gabb made a geological exploration of the peninsula for a land company, under J. Ross Browne, traveling the whole length and crossing it ten times. In his report to Mr. Browne, dated San Francisco, 1869 (published in J. R. Browne's | Report on Mining Regions), he mentions finding immense numbers of this species, sometimes whitening the ground with bleached shells, and extending from Salada, lat. 24° 15’, to San Tomas, lat. 31° 35°, on west coast. He mentions none of the allied forms, and thus appears to consider them varieties. (See notes on them). Dr. _ Veatch in same report states that the var. veatchit was the only land shell he found on Cedros Island, and on the peninsula east of it. Pa VOL. Ul. ] Lower California Shells. 17 Unfortunately Gabb nowhere records any notes on other species, except eight, as quoted in this paper. 1s. H. puranti Newcomb, 1864 (var. ce/ata Mazyck). Santa Barbara Island, J. G. C. (types). Northern race from Healdsburg, 38° 38’, Calif., to Sta. Barbara, Hemphill. The var. thence south to San Tomas, lat. 31° 35’, Yates, Hemphill. 16. H. KELLETTU, Forbes,.1850. ‘‘ California,’ (Santa Bar- bara),? Kellett. ‘‘San Juan del Fuaco,’”’ (F orbes). This San Juan having been proved to be neither the Straits of De Fuca, nor San Juan Capistrano, southern California, lat. 33° 30” (northern limit of this shell), is usually considered as the port on the east coast, lat. 26° 20’, visited by Lt. Greene, who did not find this shell there (neither did Gabb). Forbes states that this and 4 pandore were obtained on the west coast, probably between ‘‘ San Diego and Magdalena Bay,” lat. 24° 32’. (Carpenter, Rept. on Moll. of West Amer., 1856, p. 239.) Yet it has been generally confounded with the Straits of Juan de Fuca (an explorer, who made no claim to be a saint). Kellett & Wood also surveyed in those straits, and there are both a bay and an island named San Juan there. But none is given on late maps along the west coast of the peninsula, though two ‘* San Juans”’ are put down as on the gulf shore, one distinguished as a bay, about lat. 26° 20’, the other at a point of Jand in jal. 28° 25. and a third one, a camp station, near lat. 28°, twenty miles inland, all visited by W. M. Gabb. There is also a San Juanico on west coast, lat. 26° 12’, where Gabb collected marine shells (only ?) as given in a catalogue printed in the Proc. Cal. Acad, Sci., series i, vol. v, 1875. Even this was confounded by Stearns with San Juan Bay, and it is left uncertain at which place the marine shells were collected, though Gabb in the report before mentioned. states that he collected some at San Juanico, one of the places at which he crossed the peninsula. The well-known Spanish custom of distinguishing the patron saint of a locality by a surname taken from some local incident, leads to the inference that the one above named was so entitled from either the word fuco (seaweed) or fuego (fire), in either case mis-spelled by Forbes. Then the fact that the two Jand shells are only known to exist together between lats. 29° 30’ and 30°, the most arid and rocky region on the west coast, suggests that a landing was made- 18 Lower Californian Shells. [ZOE in that region near some ranch which has since been abandoned (like many others), or was never mapped down. The type figured | by Forbes was smaller and higher-colored than any variety of the species now known from its more northern range, of which ten or more have been named by Hemphill and others. Its lost station - may be one of the small islands. The blunders of authors that were made before 1873 as to this locality are amusing, and it was not until then that explorations had proved that the two species named must have come from the peninsula, together with the two allied forms, while positive locations are only now ascertained. ‘‘Central America ’’ given by Reeve is about as bad an error as Straits of Juan de Fuca. (N. B.—J. R. Browne states that this is a real family name, but the San Juan has it de/ meaning “‘ of the.’’) 17. H. Levis Pfeiffer, 1845. ‘‘ California,’ Hinds. E] Rosario, lat. 29° 50’, Orcutt. ‘Columbia River” is another blunder of Pfeiffer’s (see Hf. areolata). Varieties indicate that this form may intergrade with that and 4. Pandore. It seems limited in range be- tween the two forms named. +18. H. NEWBERRYANA W. G. B., 1858. San Pedro, Cal., lat. 33° 40’, Yates (fossil only?). San Diego, Newberry, lat. 32° 40°. South to Ensenada, lat. 3l” 51", Orca, — 19. H. PANDORA Forbes, 1850. “Santa Barbara as per box label” (Carpenter). ‘‘San Juan del Fuaco, Kellett and Wood”’ (Forbes). ‘Margarita Island, lat. 24° 2’ (Newcomb, Binney). San Quintin, lat. 30° 24’, Orcutt, the only positive location yet ob- tained, but is reported from further north. Forbes’ locality is explained under 7 Kellettiz, but it is not identified for either species lately. The next is probably correct, but conflicts with Pease’s statement about HW. areolata. It seems probable that he, as well as Gabb, considered this form, like the small form of areolata, merely one of the varieties of that species. A damascenus Gould, 1856, from ‘‘ Desert east of California, Dr. Frick”? (Newcomb), but not confirmed from north of the boundary, San Tomas, and is considered a variety of pandore. As to varia- tions in this group compare the figures already published. W. G. Binney gives copies of the original types in Terr. Moll. of the U. S., vol. iv; in Land and Fresh Water Shells he figures quite differ- ent varieties of all these species, and Tryon in the Monograph, 3 was probably from near lap VOL. III. ] Lower Californian Shells. 19 Amer. Jour. of Conchology, vol. ii, gives two others, all these in- tergrading. 20. H. RowELLII Newcomb, 1865. ‘“ Arizona” Dr. Frick. This has lately been confirmed by specimens obtained near Phoenix (Pilsbry). A variety from near Mulejé, lat. 26° 52’, was described as a new species, ‘‘ 47. dohriz’’ Gabb. An intermediate locality has been recently discovered by Dr. S. Bowers in San Gorgonio Pass, near lat. 33° 40’, at the east base of the San Jacinto Mountains, eight miles south of Indio Station, and about the level of the former lake (or sea), among granitic rocks. There is a limestone bed a little higher up near which they may be found living. Like all found, so far, except Gabb’s var. Lohrit, they were dead shells, but retained the band, which was - faded out in Newcomb’s type, as described by him. For this reason,’ doubtless, their identity was not recognized by Gabb at first, and _ Dr. Yates also added'a synonym or variety in describing Dr. Bow- ers’ shell, as ‘‘ H. carpentert var. Jndioensis’’ in Nautilus, vol. iv, p. 63, 1890. It is also reported with some doubt from ‘‘ Guade- lupe Island, Dr. Palmer” (Binney), who got only young shells, while Bryant found only . carpenterz, but in perfect condition. 21. H. (RUFOCINCTA?) FACTA Newcomb, 1864. Santa Barbara Island, lat. 33° 30’, and San Nicolas Island J. G. C. (types), the large forms from Catalina Island, lat. 33° 20’ ‘‘ Guadelupe Island, lat. 29°” Palmer, Dunn. Some of these are subangled and um- bilicate. Through A gaééz Newc., and some fossil forms, all are closely connected. 22. H. STEARNSIANA Gabb, 1867. - El Rosario, lat. 29° 55’, to San Tomas, lat. 31° 35’, Gadd, on west slope only. Coronado Is- land, lat. 32° 25’, Hemphill.. Near San Diego, Orcuit. A connect* ing link between the typical HY. &el/e/ézz and those northward, con- sidered varieties of that species. Mr. Gabb’s most southern local- t ity seems to fix the southward range definitely. A 23. H. TRASKII Newcomb, 1861, and var. CARPENTERI Newc., 1861. Los Angeles, lat. 34°, (type) Zzask, to Point Conception, lat. 34° 25’, Yates, and San Diego, lat. 32° 40°, 7 G. CG The variety from Tulare Valley, lat. 36°, (type), to Coronados Island, Dunn, \at. 32° 25’, and Guadelupe Island, Bryant, lat. 29°: The “A. remondii* Gabb (not Tryon, 1863), scarcely differs 20 Lower Californian Shells. [ ZOE from H/. carpenteri, and extends from Trinidad, lat. 28° 45’,. on west coast, to Mulejé, lat. 26° 52, on east, also ‘‘Guaymas, So- nora, Mex.,’’ Gabb. The Mexican form is, however, different, and is Tryon’s type, while the peninsula shells are probably all carpen- tert. 24. H. tupicuLata Binney, 1843. Not far south of the bound- ary line, Orcutt. North to lat. 37°, in Sierra Nevada. ‘‘ Petaluma, California,” S#mpson, (Gould) is an error in identification. 25. H. (VANCOUVERENSIS Lea, 1839), var. SPORTELLA Gould, 1846. Near the boundary line, Orcu¢f. Those found near San Diego seem to me as near the typical Oregon shell of Lea. A. vellicata Forbes ‘‘ Panama,’’ seems externally very similar, and is united with it by Binney. Not being confirmed from Panama, it forms another proof of the errors in localities due to Kellett and — Wood. Mr. Hemphill has lately described the smaller form found south to Ensenada as var. /ransfuga. 26. LIMAX HEMPHILLI W. G.B.,1890. San Diego Mountains to San Tomas, lat. 31° 35’, Hemphill (and to lat. 31°? Orcutt). This is the species mentioned by me in the Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, p. 13, 1887, at bottom, as perhaps ZL. agrestis Linn. In the “4th Supplement to sth vol. Terr. Moll.,”’ January, 1892, Mr. Binney now states that this species is found from British Columbia to Lower California, having been confounded, in some cases, with L. campestris. An extreme southern form has also been named var. pictus by Cockerell. Anadenus cockerilli Hemphill, another slug allied to the northern Ariolimax, discovered on the San Diego Mountains just north of the boundary, may extend southward. 27. LIMNOPHYSA HUMILIS Say, 1822. Ensenada, lat. 31° re Orcutt. Also found in nearly all the United States (and Europe ?). 28. PHYSA GABBI Tryon, 1863. Found near middle of west coast of peninsula, Bryant, thence north throughout southern half of California. By many called a var. of P. heterostropha Say, 1817. 29. P. DIAPHANA Tryon, 1865. In brook at San José del Cabo, Bryant. Has same range northward. P. elata Gould, described as from “ Lower California, Maj. Rich,’’ was doubtless from Mazatlan only, as given in Carpenter’ s* Catal. The same applies to P. aurantia Carpenter. VOL. Ul. | Lower Californian Shells. 21 “P. heterostropha Say,” 1817, is said by Stearns to be from ‘‘ Hot Springs, Lower California, Orcuit.’’ ae PupA CALAMITOSA Pilsbry, 1889. San Tomas, lat. 31° 5’, Hemphill. (To lat. 31°? and San Diego, Orcutt. Twospecies — are mentioned by Orcutt without specific names, probably this and P. hemphiilt.) 31. P. CHORDATA Pfeiffer, 1856. Sinaloa, Mex., near lat. 26°? (type). San Quintin Bay, lat. 30° 24’, “on salt marsh,’’ Orcutt. In habits’is a link towards A/elampus and Pedipes. From ability to bear salt, it can inhabit. the driest zone. ‘“P. orcutti Pilsbry,” named by Orcutt, in the West Amer. Sci- entist, October, 1891. p. 270. is probably a synonym of P. chordata, as I find no other notice of such a species. 32. P. HEMPHILLI Sterki, 1890. San Diego to San Tomas, Flemphill. 33. P. ovata Say, 1822. Across the continent in nearly every State. San Diego south to lat. 31°, Orcutt. 34. RHODEA CALIFORNICA Pfeiffer, 1846. “Monterey, Cali- fornia,’’ (Pfeiffer), certainly an error. Bogota, New Grenada, 7: Bland. Subsp. RAMENTOSA J. G. Cooper, 1891. Mountains north of San José del Cabo, one dead shell in a cave, Bryant. It may prove to be now extinct. 35. SUCCINEA OREGONENSIS Lea, 1841. Oregon, (types) and south to lat. 31°, Orcuit. Also Vancouver Island, G. W. Taylor. 36. VERONICELLA OLIVACEA Stearns, 1871. Nicaragua, west slope, A/cNeil (types). Lower California, Hemphill. ‘‘ Lobitos Creek, California, lat. 36° 52’, Stearns. This locality has been re- cently searched for them in vain by Raymond (1891). _ This fresh-water slug leads to the salt-water pulmonate Onchidellas, etc., which I merely catalogue, as nothing new is to be said of them, referring to Binney’s work for further information, they being be- yond the scope of this article. I add also three non-pulmonates that belong to a genus sometimes inhabiting fresh or brackish water in estuaries. “ Zonites diegoensis’’ Hemphill, 1892, a minute /fe/icoid, from Cuyamaca Mountains, at 4,500 feet altitude, east of San Diego may also be looked for southward. 22 Lower Californian Shells. [zon B. MARINE SPECIES. I. PULMONATE. MELAMPUS OLIVACEUS Carpenter, 1857. Mazatlan, Mexico, to Monterey Bay, California, lat. 23° to 36° 30’, salt marshes. « | ONCHIDELLA CARPENTERI W. G. B., 1860. Cape St. Lucas, Xantus. Doubtfully reported from lat. 48° north. PEDIPES LIRATUS W. G. B., 1861. Cape St. Lucas, Xantus, to San Diego, 7, G. C. P. unisuLcatus J. G. Cooper, 1867. San Pedro, California (types). Head of Gulf of California, Palmer. SIPHONARIA AQUILIRATA Carpenter, 1867. Margarita Island, lat. 24° 20’, to South America (Carpenter). S. LECANIUM Philippi, 1846. Cape St. Lucas to Acapulco, Mex- ico (Carpenter). 2. ESTUARINE. NON-PULMGNATE, OPERCULATE. NERITINA CALIFORNICA Reeve, 1845. Gulf of California. N. CAssicuLuM Sowerby, 1832, is supposed by Carpenter to have been obtained at “ San Miguel, lat. 29°, Lower California,” by Lieut. Greene, U. S. N., also Mazatlan, Mexico. 37- NERITINA PIcTA Sowerby, 1832. Panama, Cuming. North to Guaymas, lat. 28°, on gulf coast, and Magdalena Bay, lat. 23° 30’, on west coast of peninsula, in brooks near the sea. This searcely deserves to rank as a fresh-water shell, as it always occurs near tide-water and must travel through the sea along the coast. The habits of the other two species have not been recorded, but some are known to be entirely marine, others also found in fresh water. Mr. Binney also includes among ‘' Land and Fresh-water” shells the Zruncatellas, which are allied to some land genera, but wholly marine, so I omit them here. C. CoLtorapo DESERT MoLyusca. Very little is known of the Land and Fresh-water species east of | the peninsula mountains and north of lat. 31°, but the region is known to share in the arid and barren characters of the desert north of. the boundary with scarcely any fresh water, a minimum of rain, and consequently a barren soil. Prof. Blake, Mr. Orcutt and VOL. IIl.] Lower Californian Shells. 23 others have, however, traced the same species so common as fossils in the desert, along New River, and they no doubt exist, sub-fossil if not all living, to the mouth of the Colorado River, or to tide- water, fear lat. 32°. ; 38. AMNICOLA LONGINQUA Gould, 1855. Living at Lake Point, Utah, Hemphill. Quaternary, Nevada to Colorado Desert. 39. ANODONTA (NUTTALIANA) CALIFORNIENSIS Lea, 1852. Living, British Columbia to Arizona, Colorado River, ¥ L. Le- conte; etc. 40. GNATHODON MENDICUS Gould, 1851. Living, Colorado estuary, Dr. /. L. Leconte, to Mazatlan, Mexico, in brackish water, Reigen. 41. HELISOMA AMMON Gould, 1855. Klamath Lake, Oregon, to Colorado Desert, (and river, 7, G. Cooper). 42. PHYSA HUMEROSA Gould, 1855. Pyramid Lake, Nevada, to Colorado River, and Texas, Blake, Wedd, etc. 43. PLANORBIS GRACILENTUS Gould, 1855. Colorado Desert, Dr. T. H. Webb. P. leibmanni Dunker, 1844,? from Vera Cruz, Mexico, is supposed by Binney to be the same species, and identified from Texas also. No confirmation of the desert locality recently. 44. TRYONIA CLATHRATA Stimpson, 1865. Colorado Desert, fossil only? W. P. Blake. Lately reported as living in Utah, (Stearns.) 45. 7. Ex1GUA Conrad, 1855. Living, southern Utah (to Dos Palmas Springs, lat. 33° 30’, Colorado Desert, Orcutt). All the above except 40 and 43, are found in vast nnmbers around the shores of the dry lake constituting the desert, as fossils, Quater- nary, or later. These are chiefly of more northern species than most of the peninsula shells, Nos. 4o? and 43 only, being now limited to the south of the boundary, and are all aquatic. Only 41, 42, 43 are pulmonate, the others being of orders not represented on the peninsula. The portion of the desert south of the boundary is a triangular tract about 70 miles along the boundary, and 130 along the 115th meridian (which are nearly at right angles), the third side at foot of the mountains being about 150 miles long, and ending near lat. 31°, thus embracing about 4,550 square miles. A large part of this 24 Lower Californian Shells. [ZOE is a barren saline plain. The mountains west of it are less barren, and must contain some of the species reported from the region westward, near the ocean. No. 20 probably exists there also, as it extends into California, Arizona, and on the peninsula. (Sée notes on it.) In reviewing this catalogue we find the terrestrial species to be thirty-two, of which fourteen are found on both sides of the bound- ary line. The fresh-water species are but eleven (or twelve count- ing No. 37), and all but this and perhaps 36 cross the boundary. Thus there remain, not found northward, eighteen land species: and one or two fresh-water. Those also found on the east side of the gulf, or further south, are four or five land and four fresh-water. The total number given, including marine, is fifty-three, of which fourteen are considered peculiar to the peninsula, and two are reported as Chilian also (in- cluded in those more southern). Of the peculiar forms eight are -Bulimoid, and four Helicoid. The derivation of these, peculiar to the peninsula, will in future be an interesting subject for investiga- tion. In referring to Lower California as ‘‘the Peninsula” it is most correct to include in it only the regions south of the mouth of the Colorado River, about lat. 31° 30’, which excludes the Desert spe- cies and also Nos. 15, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, as their range is now known. The local distribution of the species depends on latitude, altitude and exposure to the gulf on the east, or the ocean on the west. The gulf having heated water and tropical marine mollusca, besides having its shore protected from the ocean winds by high mountains, shows the greatest number of tropical species on land, the same species sometimes extending four or five degrees of latitude farther north than on the west coast. It is doubtful if any but Helicoid species are found on the west coast north of lat, 25°, while those of the east coast are mostly Bulimoid. Nos. 20 and 23 are the most southern of the former on east side, at lat. 26° 52’, about 280 miles north of Cape St. Lucas. Very much yet remains to be learned regarding distribution of the species. The most remarkable instance of peculiar distribution is that of the three or four species inhabiting Guadelupe Island, on which we might expect a much larger number to occur, judging from most VOL. III. | Botany of Mariposa. 25 other islands, especially those nearer the coast northward, except Cedros Island, which furnishes but one, while Coronados Islands have two, and the Santa Barbara group two to seven each, of which nearly all are absent from the main land. Guadelupe, 100 miles off shore, and volcanic, has been stocked by chance importations from the latter group (No. 21), the peninsula (1, 23, 20?), and the last ~ three are the only species said to be common to the peninsula and the main land of Mexico. The relation of these facts to the dis- tribution of the species, may be perhaps ‘explained by the small shells most easily adhering to birds roosting on the ground. MARIPOSA COUNTY AS A BOTANICAL DISTRICT. Il. BY J. W. CONGDON. In mentioning in the former article the shrubs forming the bulk of the chaparral of the wooded foothills, the Christmas Berry ( Hetero- meles arbutifolia) was accidentally omitted. Its abundant and beautiful bunches of red berries are very noticeable, in the winter, on nearly all our hillsides. In discussing the herbaceous vegetation of this zone, it has seemed to me, that instead of giving a mere enumeration of peculiar or in- teresting plants, there would be some real scientific value in a somewhat detailed comparison of its flora with the flora of the cor- - responding portion of the Coast region. I include under the latter designation the territory between the Coast line and the western edge of the San Joaquin plain, with the Bay of Monterey for its southern and Mendocino County for its northern boundary. Perhaps the most interesting and significant result of such a com- parison is the great number of common species found in these tracts separated from each other by the wide expanse of the San Joaquin plain, here of an average width of at least forty-five miles. This intervening plain has a vegetation of its own, consisting of the most common Californian types, mingled with a few peculiar forms limited to that region, and it therefore constitutes with its western boundary of the interior Coast Range a real interruption of the continuous distribution of the great majority of these common species. 26 Botany of Mariposa. [ZOE In the annexed list of species common to these two districts, introduced plants are indicated by putting the specific name in italics. P, denotes that the plant is also found on the San Joaquin plain; C, denotes that it extends up into the Coniferous zone; and S, that it reaches the Subalpine region.* Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt. C. lasiantha Nutt. Thalictrum polycarpum Wats. C. Ranunculus aquatilis L. P. Californicus Benth. C. hebecarpus H.& A. P. Aquilegia truncata F.& M. C. Delphinium hesperium Gray. C. variegatum T. & G. P. Berberis repens Lindl. C. Platystemon Californicus Benth. P. Platystigma Californicum Benth. & Hook. Meconopsis heterophylla Benth. P. Eschscholtzia Californica Cham. P. Dendromecon rigidum Benth. C. Dicentra chrysantha, H. & A. Cardamine oligosperma Nutt. Arabis perfoliata Lam. Erysimum asperum DC. C. S. Sisymbrium officinale Scop. P. ‘ canescens Nutt. C. Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. (Clearly native.) Tropidocarpum gracile Hook. P. Capsella Bursa-pastoris Moench. C. P. Lepidium nitidum Nutt. C. P. Thysanocarpus curvipes Hook. P. laciniatus Nutt. - “ pusillus Hook. Helianthemum scoparium Nutt. Chemisal. Silene Gallica L. P. *Nearly all the localities and habitats given in these articles are derived from the personal observations and knowledge of the writer. When the fact is other- wise, the authority relied upon will be given. VOL. I11.] Botany of Mariposa. 27 Silene Californica Durand. C. Stellaria media L. P. C. nitens Nutt. P. Arenaria Douglasii T. & G. Californica Brewer. Calandrinia Menziesii Hook. P. C. Claytonia perfoliata Don. P. C. exigua T. & G. Montia fontana L. Hypericum concinnum Benth. (Abundant with chemisal. ) anagalloides C.& S. C. S. Malva borealis Wallman. P. C. Sidalcea malveeflora Gray. C. humilis Gray. P. Geranium Carolinianum L. C. Erodium cicutarium L’ Her. P. C. moschatum L’ Her. P. Botrys Bertolini. (Becoming very abundant. ) Limnanthes alba Hartweg. P. Oxalis corniculata L. P. Rhamnus crocea Nutt. Californica Esch. var. tomentella Wats. Ceanothus sorediatus H. & A. Chemisal. divaricatus Nutt. C. cuneatus Nutt. C. Vitis Californica Benth. P. ZEsculus Californica Nutt. C. Acer macrophyllum Pursh. C. Rhus diversiloba T. & G. C. aromatica Ait. var. trilobata Gray. Lupinus Chamissonis Esch. U. rivularis Dougl. C. albicaulis Dougl. C. S. nanus Dougl. P. C. micranthus Dougl. P. C. var. bicolor Wats. C. leptophyllus Benth. 28 Botany of Marrposa. [ZOE Lupinus densiflorus Benth. P. C. . Trifolium Macrei H. & A. P. gracilentum T. & G. ciliatum Nutt. C. involucratum, Willd. P. C. tridentatum Lindl. P. C. pauciflorum Nutt. C. S. microcephalum Pursh. depauperatum Desv. Melilotus parviflora Desf. P. Medicago sativa L. P. denticulata Willd. P. C. Hosackia gracilis Benth. strigosa Nutt. P. parviflora Benth. Purshiana Benth. P. C. subpinnata T. &G. P. brachycarpa Benth. P. glabra Torr. Psoralea orbicularis Lindl. C. macrostachya DC. C. Vicia Americana Muhl. and vars. C. Prunus subcordata Benth. C. S. demissa Walp. C. S. Nuttallia cerasiformis T. & G. Rubus ursinus C. & S.C. Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. C. Horkelia Californica C. & S. Adenostoma fasciculatum H. & A. Alchemilla arvensis Scop. P. Rosa Californica C. & S.C. Heteromeles arbutifolia Brewer. Saxifraga integrifolia Hook. C. S. Tellima heterophylla H. & A. (Mostly form with entire petals. ) affinis Boland. Heuchera micrantha Dougl. C. Ribes Menziesii Pursh. C. Cotyledon farinosa Benth. & Hook. C. Lythrum alatum Pursh. var. linearifolium Gray, = C, VOL, 111.] Botany of Mariposa. Zauschneria Californica Presl. C. S. ; Epilobiun coloratum Muhl. var. occidentale Wats. C. S. paniculatum Nutt. C. (Enothera biennis L. var. grandiflora Lindl. graciliflora H. & A. P. dentata Cav. C. Godetia lepida Lindl. and vars. C. S. viminea Spach. Clarkia elegans Doug]. Boisduvalia densiflora Wats. P. C. Mentzelia levicaulis T. & C. Megarrhiza Californica Torr. P.? Mollugo verticillata L. P. Bowlesia lobata Ruiz & Pav. Eryngium petiolatum Hook. var. armatum Wats. Sanicula Menziesii H. & A. bipinnatifida Dougl. P. Carum Gairdneri Benth. & Hook. C. S. CEnanthe Calitornica Wats. C. Peucedanum utriculatum Nutt. P. macrocarpum Nutt. dasycarpum T. & G. Daucus pusillus Michx. P. Aralia Californica Wats. C. Sambucus glauca Nutt. C. Symphoricarpus racemosus Michx. C. Lonicera hispidula Doug]. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. P. Galium Aparine L. Valerianella (Plectritis) congesta Lindl. C. Californica Gray. Brickellia Californica Gray. Gutierrezia Euthamize T. & G. Grindelia robusta Nutt. var. rigida Wats. P. Lessingia Germanorum Cham. leptoclada Gray. C. Solidago occidentalis Nutt. P. -Californica Nutt. C. Aster Chamissonis Gray. C. 29 30 Botany of Mariposa. [ZoE Erigeron foliosus Nutt. var. stenophyllus Gray. C. Philadelphicus L. C. S. Canadensis L. P. C. Bigelovia arborescens Gray. (Chemisal. ) Micropus Californicus F. & M. P. Psilocarphus tenellus Nutt. P. C. = Stylocline gnaphalioides Nutt. Filago Californica Nutt. Anaphalis margaritacea B. & H. Gnaphalium decurrens Ives. C. Sprengelii H. & A. microcephalum Nutt. C. palustre Nutt. P. C. Xanthium strumarium L. P. Spinosum L. . P. C. Wyethia helenioides Nutt. Helianthella Californica Gray. C. Helianthus aznuus L. P. petiolaris Nutt. P. C. Californicus DC. C. Leptosyne Stillmani Gray. Madia elegans Don. P. C. sativa Molina var. typica. C, var. racemosa. C, var. dissitiflora. C. filipes Gray. P. C. Hemizonia Fitchii Gray. pungens T. & G. (Waif.) P. multiglandulosa Gray. P. C. var. villosa. C, Lagophylla ramosissima Nutt. Layia gaillardioides H. & A. C. Achyrachzna mollis Schauer. Beeria gracilis Gray. P. __ uliginosa Gray. P. Eriophyllum confertiflorum Gray. C. cespitosum Dougl. C. S. Alpine. Rigiopappusleptocladus Gray. P. Achillea millefolium L. Cs; yOis 1. | Botany of Mariposa. Anthemis Cotula. C. P. ° Matricaria discotdea DC, P. Artemisia Ludoviciana Nutt. C. S. dracunculoides Pursh. C. Senecio vulgaris L. P. Douglasii DC. P. C. aronicoides DC. C. S.: Cnicus Californicus Gray? C. S. Centaurea solstitialis L. P. Melitensis L. P. Microseris aphantocarpha Gray. P. Bigelovii Gray. P. linearifolia Gray. C. Stephanomeria paniculata Nutt. Rafinesquia Californica Nutt. Hypocheeris glabra L. Troximon grandiflorum Gray. C. heterophyllum Greene. P. Hieracium albiflorum Hook. Sonchus asper Vill. P. Arctostaphylos tomentosa Dougl. C. pungens HBK. C. S. Dodecatheon Meadia L. C. S. Alp. Fraxinus Oregana Nutt. dipetala H. & A. Apocynum: cannabinum L. Asclepias Mexicana Cav. (fascicularis Decaisn). P. C. vestita H. & A. P. Collomia gracilis Dougl. P. C. Gilia pusilla Benth. var. Californica Gray. P. C. dichotoma Benth. micrantha Steud. androsacea Steud. tenella Benth. P. cotulfolia Steud. C. intertexta Steud. C. achillezefolia Benth. P. C. tricolor Benth. P. inconspicua Dougl. C. 32 Botany of Mariposa. | ZOE Nemophila aurita Lindl. maculata Benth. P. insignis Dougl. P. C. Menziesii H. & A. P. ‘parviflora Dougl. P. C. S. Phacelia circinata Jacq. f. C. S. tanacetifolia Benth. P. Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth. Eriodictyon glutinosum Benth. Heliotropium Curassavicum L.. P. Amsinckia spectabilis F.& M. P. C. Y. intermedia F. & M. P. Krynitzkia Californica Gray. P. C. oxycarya Gray. P. C. Plagiobothrys rufescens F. & M. P. canescens Benth. P. C. Pectocarya linearis DC. P._ Convolvulus luteolus Gray. occidentalis Gray. Cuscuta Californica Choisy. P. C. subinclusa Dur. & Hilg. C. Solanum nigrum L. P. umbelliferum Esch. Nicotiana Bigelovii Wats. P. glauca Graham. Scrophularia Californica Cham. C. Collinsia bicolor Benth. parviflora Doug]. P. C. Penstemon breviflorus Lindl. Mimulus Douglasii Gray. P. glutinosus Wendl. cardinalis Dougl. C. letens LPC. pilosus Watson. C. P, ‘Veronica peregrina L. P. Castilleia foliolosa H. & A. (Chemisal. ) parviflora Bong. C. Orthocarpus attenuatus Gry, F, purpurascens Benth. P. VOL. HI. | Botany of Martposa. Orthocarpus erianthus Benth. P. Cordylanthus filifolius Nutt. C. pilosus Gray. C. Pedicularis densiflora Benth. Aphyllon fasciculatum Gray. C. Californicum Gray. Monardella villosa Benth. Pogogyne Douglasii Benth. P. C. serpylloides Gray. P. Sphacele calycina Benth. Salvia Columbariz Benth. Scutellaria angustifolia Benth. tuberosa Benth. Marrubium vedgare L. P. C. Stachys albens Gray. C. Trichostema lanceolatum Benth. P. Plantago major L. P. C. lanceolata L. C. Patagonica Jacq. P. C. Rumex salicifolius Weinm P. mings VG. conglomeraius Murr. C. Acetosella L. P. C. Polygonum erectum L. P. C. aviculare L. P. C. nodosum Pers. Perswaria ts. Y. CG. Convolvulus L. C. Eriogonum nudum Dougl. C. S. virgatum Benth. P. C. - vimineum Dougl. P. C. S. Lastarriza Chilensis Remy. P. Pterostegia drymarioides F. & M. P.C. Amarantus refroflexus L. P. C. paniculatus LL. C. alous i. PG. blitoides Wats. Chenopodium al6um L. P. C. murale L. P. C. be os ee Botany of Mariposa. [zon Chenopodium leptophyllum Nutt. P. pias ti Fo ambrosioides L. P. C. Umbellularia Californica Nutt. C. Urtica holosericea Nutt. P. C. i ew a Eremocarpus setigerus Benth. P. C. Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. P. leptocera Engelm. C. Callitriche verna L. P. C. Alnus rhombifolia Nutt. C. Salix nigra Marsh. P. C. longifolia Muhl. P. C. levigata Bebb. P. lasiolepis Benth. P. C. Populus Fremontii Wats. P. Quercus lobata Née. C. Douglasii H. & A. chrysolepis L. C. Kelloggii Newberry. C. Phoradendron flavescens Nutt. Juniperus Californica Carr. ‘Pinus Sabiniana Dougl. Sisyrinchium bellum Wats. Allium attenuifolium Kell. Brodiza capitata Benth. P. C.S. laxa Wats. C. ixioides Wats. C. lactea Wats. Chlorogalum pomeridianum Kunth. C. Fritillaria biflora Lindl. lanceolata Pursh, var. floribunda Benth. atropurpurea Nutt. C. Calochortus albus Doug. luteus Dougl. _ venustus Benth. C. S. Lemna minor. | Zannichellia palustris L. Potamogeton pauciflorus Pursh. VOL. II. | Botany of Mariposa. Luzula comosa Meyer. C. S. Juncus Leseurii Boland. P. effusus L. C. bufoneus L. P..C. tenuis Willd. Carex marcida Boott. C. S. glomerata Thunb. angustata Boott. C. Panicum sanguinale L. P. C. dichotomum L. C. crus-galli L. P. Phleum pratense L. P. Polypogon Monsfeliensis Desf. P. C. littoralis Smith. P. C. Agrostis ala LL. PS Mative. 5: scabra Willd. C. S. Gastridium australe Beauv. P. C. Stipa setigera Presl. C. eminens Cav. viridula Trin. C. Avena fatua L. P. C. Aira danthonoides Trin. C. S. - Holcus fanatus L. P. C. Melica imperfécta Trin. C. var. refracta Thurb. bulbosa Geyer. C. Atropis tenuifolia Wats. C. Foaannta lL. FP. ¢, Poa pratensis L. P. Native. C. &S. trivialis L. C. Appereny native. Festuca Myurus L. P. C. microstachys Nutt. P.C. Bromus maximus Desf. P.C. -yubens L. P. C. secalinus L. P.C. racemosus L. P. C. ‘ Ceratochloa unioloides Beauv. P. Lepturus Bolanderi Thurb. Hordeum zodosum L. C. 35 36 Botany of Mariposa. [ZOE Hordeum murinum L. P. C. _ Elymus condensatus Presl. C. wimnicas LG, S, Sitanion Schult. P. C. Polypodium vulgare L. C. S. Gymnogramme triangularis Kaulf. C. S. Pellaza andromedefolia Fee. C. Ornithopus Hook. C. Pteris aquilina L. C. Woodwartdia radicans Sm. C. Aspidium rigidum Sm. C. S. munitum Kaulf. C. Cystopteris fragilis Bernhardi. C. S. Selaginella rupestris Spreng. C. S. Azolla Caroliniana Willd. P. This list shows that out of 318 native species common to this dis- trict and the coast, as above defined, only 105, or about one-third, are found in the intervening plain. It is possible, but not probable, that a more thorough exploration of the plains would add something to the number of the species found there, but could hardly produce any serious change in the ratio. On the other hand, out of the 66 naturalized plants enumerated, 59 are pretty certainly found on the plains, showing that they have accompanied the successive waves of immigration which first swept over the foothills in the search for gold, but have now largely flowed back upon the plains, seeking the agricultural treasures of the soil, A further examination of the same list shows how rapidly the plants of the plains and lower foothills disappear as we ascend into mountains. Of the 105 plants of the plains found in this zone, only 37 reach the coniferous belt and only three the subalpine district. Probably there are really only two of these, as Achillea millefolium is pretty certainly naturalized on the plains, having been introduced with grass seed. Out of the 21 3 remaining species 115 extend into the coniferous belt, of which 27 reach the subalpine region. Two of these, Dodecatheon Meadia and LEviophyllum cespitosum, attain the alpine summits in some of their varieties which, however, may yet be specifically distinguished from the lower forms. : Coming now to the species really characteristic of or limited to VOL. 111. ] Botany of Mariposa. ky the foothills, which are found in this zone, so far as they are known to me, they will be found in the next list, which follows the same rule as the former one, except that items of supposed interest in regard to rare or new species are more freely introduced. Isopyrum occidentale H. & A. Shaded hillsides. Mariposa. Delphinium decorum F. & M., var. patens Gray. Same local- ities, C. : Arabis arcuata Gray. Face of cliffs. Mariposa. Hite’s Cove. C. Streptanthus barbatus Wats.? Sepals not bearded. Rocky places. Mariposa. Agua Fria. polygaloides Gray. Rocky sidehills. Mariposa. Nasturtium palustre DC. Banks Lower Merced. Lepidium Menziesii DC. The common species here. Thysanocarpus radians Benth. Hornitos. Viola aurea Kell. The only yellow violet proper here. C. S. chrysantha Hook. This beautiful representative of the tricolor type is not rare in open grassy places in March. Polygala Californica Nutt. Rocky cliffs. Merced River. Hypericum Scouleri Hook. Stream banks. C. Sidalcea Hartwegi Gray. Thickets and open grounds. Fremontia Californica Torr. Chaparral-covered hillsides. May. G, Linum micranthum Gray. Rocky places. Trifolium bifidum Gray. Differs from 7. gracilentum in its strict- ly upright growth. Open woods. Hosackia stipularis Benth. Chemisal. Agua Fria. grandiflora Benth. Shaded spots. Mariposa. April and May. Hosackia argophylla Gray. Cliffs. Hite’s Cove. Astragalus Congdoni Wats. Chemisal. Hite’s Cove. Lathyrus sulphureus Wats. Thickets and stream banks. Com- mon. C. Cercis occidentalis Torr. Rocky places. A white variety oc- curs. March and April. Cercocarpus parviflorus Nutt. Frequent. March. Calycanthus occidentalis W. & A. Rocky beds of streams. Hite’s Cove, etc. C. 38 Botany of Martposa. [ ZOE Saxifraga Parryi Gray. Rocky banks of Merced River and vi- cinity of Benton Mills. This is an interesting link be- tween our flora and that of the extreme southwestern coast of the State. Philadelphus Lewisii Pursh. Rocky banks of streams. Fre- quent. Ribes leptanthum Gray. Rocky places, descending almost to the plains. December to March. Sedum obtusatum Gray. Rocks. Notrare. C. pumilum Benth. Rocks near Hornitos and Mormon Bar. March and April. Epilobium minutum Lind]. Wooded places. Common. Godetia. A form classed by Watson asa var. of epilobioides, but clearly different. Thickets. Common. C. epilobioides Wats. Rocky places. Not rare. biloba Wats. North hillsides. Mariposa. Boisduvalia Torreyi Wats. Stream beds. Mariposa. Frequent. Heterogaura Californica Rothr. Shady rocky places. Fre- qaent-C, Datisca glomerata B. & H. Banks of streams. Frequent. Mentzelia dispersa Wats. Shady hillsides. Mariposa. Occa- sional. : Lindleyi T. & G. Cliffs. Hite’s Cove. March. Cucurbita perennis Gray. Occasional. Perhaps introduced near the plains. Sanicula bipinnata H. & A. Rocky places. Common. tuberosa Torr. Shady hillsides. March and April. Deweya Hartwegi Gray. Cliffs. Hite’s Cove, Benton Mills, etc. April. Osmorrhiza brachypoda Torr. Woods. Common. €. Podosciadium Californicum Gray. Rocky beds of streams. White’s Gulch. May. _Peucedanum caruifolium T. & G. Rocky places. Common. Ferula dissoluta Wats. Rocky places. Mariposa, Agua Fria, etc. April. Caucalis microcarpa H. & A. Dry rocky places. Common. Cornus glabrata Torr. Banks of streams. Scarce. Galium Bolanderi Gray. Thickets. Everywhere. c. Pentacheta exilis Gray, var. discoidea Gray. Open grassy places. March and April. ae VOL. II. | Botany of Martposa. 39 Lessingia nana Gray. Open grassy ground. Mariposa. August and September. » Corethrogyne filaginifolia Nutt, vay, tomentella Gray. Hite’s Cove. October and later. - Stylocline filaginea Gray. Benton Mills. April. Evax caulescens Gray. Clayey ground. Common. Balsamorrhiza Bolanderi Gray. Dry summits of chaparral - cov- ered hills. Bear Valley Mt., etc. April. Wyethia, related to W. angustifolia, and referred to under that species in Bot. Cal. Dry woods. C. Hemizonella Durandi Gray. Dry ground. Benton Mills, etc. Gs Hemizonia virgata Gray. Is ¢he tar weed, here, covering all the. open grounds in August and September. Wrightii Gray. Adventive from below, especially near the plains. mollis Gray. Open grounds. Most common near and in the coniferous beit. C. truncata Gray. Rocky sidehills. Mariposa. Lagophylla glandulosa Gray. Open clayey grounds and road- sides. Mariposa and vicinity. May to December. filipes Gray. Rocky beds of streams. Gaudalupe mount- ain, etc. May—July. Layia Fremontii Gray. Open grassy places towards the plains. March. Beeria debilis Greene. Shade of chaparral bushes. Lewis’. April. Cheenactis glabriuscula DC. Clayey soils. Frequent. ee Helenium Bigelovii Gray. Rocky beds of rivers. Benton Mills and above. C. S. Troximon retrorsum Gray. Shaded hillsides. Mariposa, and more common in the zone above. C. S. ; Nemacladus ramosissimus Nutt. Rocky soils, nearly the same range as the last. C. Githopsis specularioides Nutt. Wooded hillsides. Common. Heterocodon rariflorum Nutt. Rocky and wet places. Not rare. Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl. Mariposa. More common here than A. pungens, which grows principally higher up. Gomphocarpus tomentosus Gray. Rocky hillsides. Benton Mills, ete. cordifolius Benth. Open thickets. Common. f 40 Botany of Mariposa. . [ ZOE Asclepias speciosa Torr. Open grounds. A rather showy spe- cies. More common in the next zone. Stockton, etc. C: Erythreea venusta Gray.- Water courses. Frequent. More abundant in the zone above. C. Gilia Bolanderi Gray. Open clayey grounds. Mariposa, etc. Scarce. filicaulis Torr. Dry hillsides. Mt. Bullion, etc. Not com- mon. Ellisia membranacea Benth. Open rocky places near the plains. Phacelia humilis T. & G. Rocky shaded places. Mariposa and above... GS. hispida Gray. Rocks. Agua Fria, etc. March. phyllomanica Gray (or bipinnatifida). Shaded rocks. Mariposa, etc. Plagiobothrys tenellus Gray. Moist grounds. Frequent. C. Torreyanus Gray. Same localities. C. muriculatus. Wooded hillsides. C. barbigerus Gray. Open shady places. Darrah Road, etc. C. sparsiflorus Greene. Rocky banks of streams. Mormon Bar. Echinospermum Greenei Gray. Open grassy places. Mariposa. Cynoglossum lve Gray. Moist hillsides. April. Pectocarya pusilla Gray. Clayey soils near Mariposa. April. Datura meteloides DC. Stream beds. Probably introduced from below. Verbascum Thapsus L. _This common eastern weed is fast be- coming too frequent in Mariposa county. C. Antirrhinum leptaleum Gray. Open and especially cultivated grounds. Mariposa and above. C. Breweri Gray. Occasional on hillsides, near Mariposa. Collinsia tinctoria Hartg. Wooded hillsides and stream banks. Mariposa and above. C, _Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. Open grounds, Mariposa, etc. ay tps Benth. Higher up. Probably a form of the last. Mimulus nanus Hook. & Arn. Wooded hillsides. Mariposa and above. C. , VOL. Il. | Botany of Mariposa. 41 Mimulus Congdoni Robinson. Shade of buckthorn clumps. Mari- posa and vicinity. March. Torreyi Gray. Wooded hillsides and wet grounds. Mar- iposa and above. C. S. . Bolanderi Gray. Open clayey soils. Hite’s Cove. Mar- iposa and above. ~ C. gracilipes Robinson. Rich rocky soils. Mormon Bar and above. April. Pulsiferee Gray. Moist grounds. Bootjack Ranch. More common above. C. S. inconspicuus Gray. Wooded hillsides. Mariposa and above. C. Palmeri Gray. Banks of streams. Rare near Mariposa. Occasional above. C. floribundus Dougl. Rocky beds of streams, etc. Very frequent. C. S. Orthocarpus Bidwellia Gray. Open spots in chaparral. Darrah Road. spec. undescribed. Mariposa and above. Rocky hillsides. March. Cordylanthus tenuis Gray. Clayey soils. Darrah Road. Pycnanthemum Californicum Torr. Banks of streams. Mariposa and above. C. Monardella lanceolata Gray. Open uncultivated grounds. Mar- iposa and above. C. candicans Benth. Occasional in open spaces in the chap- arral. Mariposa, etc. Scutellaria Bolanderi Gray. Banks of streams. Mariposa, and more common above. C. Trichostema oblongum Benth. Beds of streams. Mariposa Creek, etc. Eriogonum stellatum Benth. Rocky places. Josephine Mine. More common above. C. & S. hirtiflorum Gray. Open clayey soils. Hite’s Cove. Mar- iposa, etc. Chorizanthe membranacea Benth. Rocky places. Hite’s Cove. Agua Fria, etc. Hesperocnide tenella Torr. Shaded rocks. Mormon Bar, etc. April. 42 Botany of Mariposa. [ZOE Euphorbia ocellata D. & H. Open clayey soils. Mariposa and below. dictyosperma P. & M. Open hillsides. Mariposa, etc. Quercus Wislizeni ADC. Dry wooded hillsides, almost every- where below the evergreen belt. Asarum Hartwegi Wats. Rocky places. Mariposa, etc. April. Arceuthobium occidentale Engelm.? Everywhere on Pinus Sab- intana, ~C.* Pinus ponderosa Dougl. Begins here but reaches its grandest development in the zone above. C. S. Allium hyalinum Curran. Rocky places. Mariposa, ete. April. Two weeks earlier than the associated 4. attenutfolium Kell. Brodiza grandiflora Sm. Open grounds. Mariposa, etc. Fre- quent. May to June. poh Stropholiron Californicum Torr. Climbing over the bushes ev- erywhere from Mariposa, etc., above. The leaves die cathy, ©. Fritillaria atropurpurea Nutt. Shaded hillsides and deep woods. Mariposa and above. C. Erythronium Hartwegi Wats. Shaded hillsides, principally near Mariposa. April. This.is the most appropriate ‘‘ Mar- iposa Lily.’ Odontostomum Hartwegi Torr. Rocky beds of streams. Agua : Fria. April and May. Juncus Congdoni Wats. Bed of the Chowchilla, etc. April and May. Cyperus aristulatus Roth. Beds of streams. Chowchilla and above. C. a Agrostis virescens HBK. Rocky banks of streams. Mariposa | and above. C. Cinna macroura Kunth. Rocky banks of streams. Mariposa and vicinity. Triticum caninum L. Rocky banks of streams. Mariposa and above. C. The 124 species above named illustrate the same fact as the for- mer list, that the species change rapidly as we approach the mount- ains. Out of the whole number only 44 enter the coniferous belt, and of these only nine reach the subalpine region. Out of the 508 VOL. Ul.] Notes on Liliacee. 43 species enumerated in these two lists as constituting the flora of the wooded foothills, 440, or 87 per cent. nearly, are plants apparently native in the district, and about 13 per cent. are pretty certainly in- troduced, though some of these are native further south. Of the 440 native species 318, or a little over 72 per cent., belong also to the coast region, though only 105, or 24 per cent., occur in the inter- vening San Joaquin plain; while of the 122 native plants which be- gin to grow here, 78, or nearly 18 per cent., of the whole number are, in this county at least, limited to this zone. NOTES ON LILIACE#. II. BY CARL PURDY. Every observing botanist recognizes the extent to which plants are influenced by surroundings. Climate, soil, exposures and moist- ure are factors which greatly effect the appearance tof a plant, not only in a general way but also sometimes structurally. In no country are there greater variations in natural surroundings than in California, and our flowers reflect their surroundings. It is indeed wonderful how different a species, which can be proved to be the same, will appear in different places. So different indeed that such forms are frequently given different botanical names and treated as distinct species. On the other hand it is not infrequent that careful botanists attribute to accidental circumstances a differ- ence which really marks a variety or species. Between the extreme of considering each accidental variation a variety or species, and the other extreme of merging two distinct species under the idea that the variation is inconstant and accidental, lies a mean very dif- ficult to obtain, and it is not surprising that so many errors have been made and obtained a stronghold in botanical works. I suppose that no class of plants are more susceptible to the in- fluence of surroundings than the Liliaceee. I tried for years to satisfy myself as to whether species were distinct or not, by com- parison of specimens and observations of the plants in their native homes, but I was forced to the conclusion that the only way to settle the matter was by cultivating them side by side, thus eliminating all ~ variations due to soil and climate. This, rather than field work, is | my present line of study, and carefully followed out will be, I feel sure, productive of valuable scientific results. | 44 Votes on Liliacee. In this work I find two obstacles. The first is the difficulty of securing the bulbs. Of course the larger number can be ob- tained, but many species are only to be had by journeys to out of the way localities. It may be years before some can be secured. The cultivation of these bulbs is by no means a simple matter. It re- quires care and close study of conditions. I am pleased to say that I am now able to grow most species quite satisfactorily. The problems to be solved are many. In Lilium, twelveor more species have been described from this coast. It is likely that culti- vation will show the number of varieties to be much greater. In Calochortus, the field of work is large. There is much confusion here. I have no doubt but that several species will, in cultivation, prove to be identical. Here, as often elsewhere, the question arises as to what degree of variation justifies the formation of a species or variety, and how much greater the variation should be for one than ' the other. I should like to see this question discussed. In the genus Calochortus it is peculiarly pertinent; since several so called varieties are as well defined as others called species, for in- stance, Calochortus venustus, C. luteus, and C. luteus var. oculatus and var. citrinus, following Botany of California, as to names. C. luteus, however, is a clearly defined species as to habit, gland, etc., and so is C. venustus, the latter much finer and larger in flower, more varied in markings and color. No one having seen either C. duteus, with its small flower, single color and peculiar gland, or C. venustus, with its markings and brilliancy, would hesitate to identify either anywhere. Now, C. luteus var. oculatus and var. citrinus have the gland of C. luteus and that is all. In all other details their habit is that of C. venustus. While C. luteus var. oculatus and var. citrinus meet each other and cross in an interminable number of forms, I have never seen any tendency to cross with C. /uteus. In fact, I have. found the latter the least variable of species. Ina field the flowers are alike, and those from far distant localities are identical. Is it not straining a point to refer two very distinct forms to a species that is invariable? To suppose them to have varied from C. venustus is still more of an improbability, since there are structural differ- ences. I think they form a distinct species instead of varieties, and possibly two species. In the genus Erythronium, botanists are still at sea, and all along the line of Liliaceae there are interesting points to be solved. NOTE ON HELIX YATESII Cooper. BY HENRY HEMPHILL. There seems to be an erroneous impression prevailing among our conchologists in regard to the habits of this interesting little mol- lusk that needs to be corrected. The fact that the five dead speci- mens—two perfect and three imperfect ones—from which Dr. Cooper drew his descriptions of the shell and his genus Ammonitella, were found in the cave at Cave City, Calaveras County, California, has led some of the writers on our West Coast shells to regard this mollusk as a rare, isolated cave dweller, that prefers the shadow and gloom of caverns in which to pass its existence, rather than the light of the outside world. This, however, is a mistake which any intel- ligent or close observing collector can easily determine by a visit to the cave, and a short ramble over the hills in its vicinity. Several years ago I visited Calaveras County for the purpose of collecting this and the other shells of that region, and to my surprise I found this little mollusk near Murphy's, seven miles away from the cave, survey was finished early in the fifties, and the fishes were described by Dr. Charles Girard, a pupil of Agassiz. Despite his unusually good facilities in the way of specimens and books, he did no really good work. He described a vast majority of the fishes of the coast, but in a very wooden way which proved a great set-back to the study of ichthyology. Girard indeed did all a man could do to make it difficult to determine the trout. Andrew Garet was at the Academy at about this time, but he did no work on the fish of this coast excepting the description of one new species from Mexico. He contributed some valuable additions - to our knowledge of the fishes of the Sandwich Islands, however. George Suckley, a surgeon in the War Department, was stationed in Washington and Oregon, and supplemented the work of Girard VOL. U1. ] : Proceedings of Societies. 89 on the fishes of that district. Hesucceeded in carrying the confusion to an extreme, making as many as three genera from a single species of salmon, founded on differences of age and sex. Dr. Theo. N. Gill, who has been connected with the Smithsonian Institution for the past thirty years, has published descriptions of many fish that have been sent him, although he has never made any _ collections on the coast personally. Being the most learned student of fish in America, he has occupied a unique position as a critic, and is undoubtedly the best scientific critic the world has produced. In 1865 Alexander Agassiz wrote a work on the viviparous fish of the coast, settling most of the disputes in regard to priority of names. This closes the period of the discovery of California fish. The pres- ence of the viviparous surf-fish and the viviparous rock-cods, and the other general outlines of the coast fish, were by this time gen- erally known, although but little attention had been paid to the species inhabiting the deep seas. In the present period Prof. Cope has described a number of new species, mostly from Alaska. Dr. Steindachner, a brilliant German scientist, found a number of new species. He investigated the salmon question to some extent but gave it up asa hopeless task and published nothing on the subject. Most of the fish which he de- scribed were from Southern California and Mexico, his work being for the most part very accurate and his figures unparalleled for the fineness of their execution. In 1879, a versatile Englishman, an editor, engineer, poet and naturalist, was at work in the Academy. He described a number of new species and made a critical study of the flounders of the coast. : ‘*In 1880,’ said the speaker, “it was my good fortune to be sent by the United States Fish Commission to make a survey of the fishes of the coast, abundant facilities of every sort being provided.” Sev- enty-five new species were discovered and the salmon question was settled, practically as it had been left by Steller. Prof. Gilbert, who was his clerk and assistant, has since become very prominent as an ichthyologist. He has spent two years at work on the Albatross, making many important contributions to our knowledge of the deep sea fishes of the Pacific. Dr. T. H. Bean visited Alaska in 1880, and reached the same conclusions regarding the trout of Alaska that the speaker had drawn from his studies of the California fish. Mr. E. W. Nelson Proceedings of Ss octetics. » nade a secede many Shake ditions upon 1 fish while stianouddhs in ka. In San Diego Miss Rosa Smith worked on fish, and has _ honor of being the first woman to describe any new species. 1. Eigenmann carried on work at San Diego and San Francisco, d accomplished considerable on the gucy of the fish of ihe Rér: the last three years abe United States Fish’ Gomitiies’ n Steamer Albatross has been at work on deep sea soundings and edgings, Mr. C. H. Townsend being the naturalist of the vessel during all this time. The results of these dredgings have been of reat importance, about three hundred new species having been discovered, many of them very startling and impossible forms. The hole fauna of the abyssal deeps is very strange and peculiar. The fish are soft-bodied and have either very large eyes to enable them to catch the faint glimmerings of light which may reach them, Ise are entirely blind. Many species are provided with curious phosphorescent lanterns to enable them the better to find their way about. Practically nothing was known of these remarkable fish before the work of the Albatross brought them to light. Occasion-_ ] ly one would be found washed ashore after a storm, or in the tomach of some larger shore fish, but by far the large proportion — ‘them were totally unheard of. = 26, book Mr. J. Ag Rivers in the chair. € rom. -Tornaria. The eines of tGenaet to the larva of Echi- ermata and of Beanogiossys to Amphioxus were alaee | cast which i is s thrown | out. sent and Medical Books and Minerals, LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD, SPECIAL CATALOGUES on any branch of Zoology and all Scientific and Medical subjects sent on application. Gollectious of Minerals | , ee Students — ieee as 3 shies ee es 81.00 Bach and upwards. - Choice Specimens of all Hihehala for Colleges, Museums and Private Collectors. ee we er raB-page illustrated estes of a oth edition, now ready eae