Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden c m INST. , [& | FAR 1, 871 AS ъч. Ure 1, p е, 2 Ж í Ж ENY e г With Twenty-two Plates and Eighty-seven Figures Published quarterly by the Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at St. Louis, Missouri, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden A Quarterly Journal containing Scientific Contributions from the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Graduate Labora- tory of the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University in affiliation with the Missouri Botanical Garden. Editorial Committee George Т. Moore Benjamin M. Duggar Information The Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden appears four times dur- ing the calendar year, rtrd April, September, and November. Four numbers constitute a volum Subscription 0 - - $3.00 per volume Single Number - - 1.00 each The following agent is authorized to accept foreign subscriptions: William Wesley & Son, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London. ON UN Е NGO IVE ж Y + LIBRARY “ы а 00 Рр МЕКА. SCH тты... STAFF OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Director, ` GEORGE T. MOORE. BENJAMIN M. DUGGAR EDWARD А. Вов оа, їп charge of Mycologist and ы Graduate Labora HERMANN VON > CP W. Жаны Patholo. gis t. esearc 8818 JESSE М. GREENMAN, KATHERINE Н. LEIGH Curator of the Herbarium. Secretary to the Иа BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN President, EDWARDS WHITAKER. Vice-President, DAVID S. H. SMITH. LEONARD MATTHEWS. WILLIAM Н. Н. Реттов. PHILIP С. SCANLAN. JOHN F. SHEPLEY. Epwarp C. ELIOT. GEORGE С. HITCHCOCK. P. CHOUTEAU MAFFITT. EDWARD MALLINCKRODT. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Еомохо A. ENGLER, Henry W. KIEL, P A = Academy of Science Mayor of the City of St. Louis. of St. RICHARD MURPHY, FREDERIC A. HALL, President of the Board of Education Chancellor of Washington University. of St. Louis. DANIEL LE Bishop of the Diocese of Missouri. RoLAND W. SWITZER, Secretary. TABLE OF CONTENTS Hybrid Nymphaess, Ха G. H. Pring Monograph of the North and Cen- tral American Species of the Genus Senecio—Part П......... J. M. Greenman A Spurless Variety of Habenaria о... ЕТЕ CS PLIN Магу М. Вгуап A Systematic Study of the North American Genus Trillium, Its Variability, and Its Relation to Paris and Медео... R. R. Gates Studies in the Physiology of the Fungi. ІП. Physical Ртор- erties of Wood in Relation to Decay Induced by Lenzites о г СРР SS 5. М. Zeller Studies in the Physiology of the Fungi. ТУ. The Growth of Cer- tain Fungi in Plant Decoctions. Preliminary Account .......... B. M. Duggar, J. W. Severy, and H. Schmitz Studies in the Mosaic Diseases of хе “Т СТ” С. W. Freiberg The Thelephoraceae of North ОЕА УНЕ ora si силат Е. A. Burt Algological Notes. I. Chlorochy- trium gloeophilum Bohlin........... G. T. Moore PAGE 1- 14 15- 36 37- 42 43- 92 93-164 165-173 175-232 233-236 237-269 271-278 TABLE OF CONTENTS Studies in the Physiology of the Fungi. V. The Growth of Cer- tain Fungi in Plant Decoctions. . В. M. Duggar, J. W. Severy, and H. Schmitz Two Exotic Compositae in North рт. со cci iie o1 Sewer yy J. M. Greenman Algological Notes. П. Preliminary List of Algae in Devils Lake, Norti- Dakota: near aun G. T. Moore Merulius in North America............. K. A. Burt General Index to Volume ІУ.................... PAGE 279-288 289-292 293-303 305-362 363-368 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vor. 4 FEBRUARY, 1917 No. 1 HYBRID NYMPHAEAS GEORGE H. PRING In Charge of Conservatories, Missouri Botanical Garden During the last four years the collection of nymphaeas at the Garden has been greatly augmented and the area for carrying on experiments considerably increased. This has offered the writer greater opportunities for intercrossing and also for growing a larger number of fully developed plants during the summer months. Up to the present time it has been impossible to determine the law of heredity in the re- sults obtained, but some interesting factors have appeared in the hybrids of Nymphaea flavo-virens Lehm., a species of Mexico, and Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis (Casp.) Conard, native of Africa. In 1912 N. flavo-virens 2 was crossed with the blue-flowered form of N. capensis var. zanzibariensis 3, and also with the light pink form, namely, N. capensis var. zanzibariensis f. roseaé. The hybrids from both crosses have been in the trade for several years, the former known as Nymphaea ** William Stone"! and the latter as ** Mrs. С. W. Ward." Both are given as sterile by Dr. Н. S. Conard in his ‘Monograph of the Genus Nymphaea,' but those raised at the Garden pro- duced at least 25 per cent of fertile seed, this factor allow- ing the work to be carried further. Both varieties were subsequently self-pollinated. ‘‘Mrs. C. W. Ward," in the second generation, produced light pink, dark pink, and blue flowers, the light pink being identieal with ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (1) [Vor. 4 2 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Nymphaea ‘‘Stella Gurney." This undoubtedly proves the parentage of the original ‘‘Stella Gurney,’’ which, according to Mr. James Gurney, was a spontaneous seedling through insect agency. The seeds of the Brachyceras group are сат- ried over the winter in the ponds outside, and readily germi- nate the next season during May, while those of Euryale ferox germinate even if the ponds have been drained. Nymphaea ** William Stone’’ produced the same breaking up into blues and pinks as * Mrs. С. W. Ward,” and there was no indica- tion florally of the pistillate parent, N. flavo-virens, in either eross, but it was evident in the tubers and in the extremely long petioles. Reciprocal crosses were also made between (FV 9? ХИ) х (КҮ? Хх 2 roseas)s and (ЕУ? XZ rosea2) ? X (FV9 X Z23)6. The only result attained was the intensifying of the color of the flowers, whereas the same gradation of the blues and pinks appeared. А final cross ([FV9 x Za]9 X [FV $ x 2 rosea |) ? X ([FV ? X Z rosea? |? х [FV? х Z 81) 8 produced a great variation from light pink to violet. The violet variety having the small floral character was nearest to the parent, N. flavo-virens, to date. As this factor was unusual, the flowers were carefully emasculated and self- pollinated. During 1915 ten plants were raised and finally planted out in 1916 for the summer development. The result was six plants of М. capensis var. zanzibariensis, the blue- flowered form, and four of N. capensis var. zanzibariensis f. rosea, the original pink form. There was no indication in either tuber or flowers of N. flavo-virens. The appearance of zanzibariensis types is interesting, especially as the type ma- terial had not been in the collection for two seasons. The impossibility of suggesting the law of heredity can readily be seen when some characters are entirely absent and others are intensified in the offspring. Another factor to bear in mind is that nymphaeas contain several hundred seeds in one earpel, while one ovary may contain twenty to forty carpels, thus aggregating thousands of seeds in one pod. То 1FV = М. flavo-virens; Z = №. capensis var. zanzibariensis; Z rosea == N. capensis var. zanzibariensis f. rosea. 1917] PRING—-HYBRID NYMPHAEAS 3 raise all plants required in working out the Mendelian law would necessitate a larger water area than the total area of the Garden. X NYMPHAEA CASTALIIFLORA PRING, N. НУВ. (Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis 9 X Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis à ). This pink-flowered hybrid is the result of intercrossing two light pink races of N. capensis var. zanzibariensis during 1912, the progeny being a great improvement over any previous hybrid. It was self-pollinated, with the object of fixing the ШІ” g. 2 Nymphaea castaliiflora; 8, 54 Р, petals; St, Б om half PIA, a e. light pink color, and during the first year one hundred plants were cultivated. The results showed 2 per cent of blue flowers, which, however, were inferior to the pink both in the size and number of the floral segments. The remaining 98 per cent were of the same dominant light pink color, with no variation, unlike Nymphaea ‘‘ William Stone’? and Nymphaea ** Mrs. C. W. Ward." The second year of self-pollination revealed flowers with a total exclusion of the blue color, the same dominant pink color being present, and the third year’s experiments pro- duced the same results. Therefore, the evidence suggests that this large, semi-double hybrid has become fixed. Homoeosis is well represented in the flower which bears four complete [Vor. 4 4 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN whorls of petals, while other members of the Brachyceras group usually have but three. The arrest of the outer row of stamens is evidenced occasionally by a slight malformation of one or two petals, with indications of the bilocular anthers at the apex. The flower suggests the subgenus Castalia by its subconical buds and the open petals which rest on the surface of the water during the third and fourth day. Description — Flowers 8-10 inches across, opening 5—6 successive days from 7 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. during August, 4-6 open at one time, ex- tremely fragrant; bud ovate to ovate-conical, light green; peduncle rising 7 inches above water, in cross-section showing 6 main air- canals surrounded by 12, these again by 24 smaller ones; recep- tacles yellow; sepals . 9. Nymphaea castaliflora: а, sub- merged leaves of seedling; b, first floating leaves. 4-wedged, ovate, 34 Natural size. inches long, 14 inches wide, prominently hooded at the apex, thick, fleshy in texture, outer surface light green with pink margins, inner surface light pink, light green at the base, showing 10-15 nerves; petals 45-60; outermost whorl lanceolate, obtuse, slightly hooded at the apex, 34 inches long, 3-1 inch wide, with the outer surface light pink channeled longitudinally with green, thickish in texture except along the margins, 7-8- nerved, and the inner surface light pink; the inner whorls pink, slightly acute, becoming shorter, narrower, and sub- acuminate towards the center; stamens 300-325; outermost whorl 13 inches long, with appendages ovate-oblong at the base, yellow, pink at the apex; the inner whorls Бы a stn a а аны ~ 2 naa v c р ee ee a а е Е, қ - а: 19171 PRING—HYBRID NYMPHAEAS 5 shorter and narrower toward the innermost, which is linear and white at the apex; carpels 45-50, with styles oblong, ob- tuse, introrse, yellow; fruit globose, containing numerous fer- tile seeds if pollinated through insect agency, not producing many when artificially pollinated; leaves of submerged seed- ling light green, broadly triangular, with acute lobes; first floating leaves orbicular with undulated margins, green prom- inently blotched with reddish brown on the upper surface, dark pink to pinkish red beneath; developed leaves orbicular, 1 foot 3 inches across, peltate, obtusely sinuate-dentate, green sparsely spotted with light brown on the upper surface, red- dish pink beneath; sinuses overlapping; petioles brown, often attaining a length of 6 feet when fully developed. X NYMPHAEA “MRS. EDWARDS WHITAKER” PRING, N. НУВ. (Nymphaea ovalifolia 9 X Nymphaea castaluflora Pring 8.) The recent introduction of seeds of Nymphaea ovalifolia Conard from Africa by the Bureau of Plant Introduction, of Washington, D. C., and their successful germination by Mr. Е. Т. Harvey, of Cincinnati, has placed the much-needed material before the hybridist. Seeds of N. ovalifolia were sent from the Harvey collection and raised at the Garden during 1915. This species is a strong-growing type, producing large white flowers, but with one defective feature—the small number of petals. А large number of the plants raised produced both blue and pink at the tips of the petals. To counterbalance this defect in the perianth this species was crossed with the semi-double N. castaluflora, the latter being used as the pollen parent. The fertilization was accomplished at the first trial, N. ovalifolia being very receptive to artificial pollination. The reciprocal cross was made repeatedly with no results. The seeds of the hybrid, N. ovalifolia 9 XN. castalufloraé, germinated readily, and during the summer months produced the largest flowers of any of the Brachyceras types. The color of the flowers varied from lavender-blue to dark blue. This color was re- tained for the first few days, then an unusual factor appeared —the blue color bleaching to almost white and the lavender- [Vor. 4 6 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN blue to pure white. The dominance of the blue color is con- trary to the results with the М. flavo-virens 9 ХМ. capensis var. zanzibariensis f. rosea 8 cross, no doubt being derived from М. ovalifolia, as the pink М. са ай Лога is apparently fixed. It suggests that N. ovalifolia is derived from a blue parent. There are two separate leaf characters which warrant a segregation: (1) a distinct marmoration on the upper sur- (| Ш Fig. 8. Nymphaea “Mrs. Edwards Whitaker”: 8, sepal; Р, petals; St, stamens. One-half natural size. face of the leaves, which is obtained from both parents, plainly evident in the seedling leaves only of №. castaluflora and in both seedling and developed leaves of N. ovalifolia; (2) the dark green color of the upper surface and the light green densely spotted with purplish blue on the under side, this being the dominant leaf character. The former is char- acterized below as a horticultural variety marmorata. Some parental characters are plainly evident, and others are exaggerated; as, for instance, the number of petals and stamens are intermediate, showing an increase over the pis- tillate parent and a decrease from that of the staminate side. The outer petals are hooded and show the influence of N. castaluflora, and an improvement over either parent is evi- dent in the size of the flower. The prominent markings on 1917] PRING—-HYBRID NYMPHAEAS 7 the sepals show a decided increase over N. ovalifolia, whereas in М. са ай Лога they are entirely absent. The seed pods contain a very low percentage of fertile seed compared with either parent. The main air-canals in the peduncle suggest N. ovalifolia. The leaves are fairly intermediate, sub- orbicular, with deeply sinuate margins, and the under side shows an increase of maculations over N. ovalifolia, from which parent they are transfused. The red color on the under side of the seedling leaves suggests N. castaliiflora, this fac- tor, however, being lost in the developed leaves of the type plant. The leaves of the variety marmorata show a reddish pink color, with the marmorations intensified in the upper sur- face. This intensifying of some factors which are only trans- fused from a single parent is interesting. Previously de- scribed hybrids which contain N. caerulea, the Egyptian blue lily, show the same peculiarity. Description.—F lowers 10-11 inches across, opening from 5 to 6 successive days from 6:30 A. M. to7 P. M. during August, 4-8 open at one time, extremely fragrant; bud narrowly ovate-acuminate, dark green prominently striped with dark purple; peduncle rising 1 foot above the water, in cross-sec- tion showing 7-8 main air-canals circled by 14-16 smaller ones, these again irregularly surrounded by still smaller air- canals; sepals 4-wedged, ovate, 43 inches long, 14 inches wide, slightly hooded at the apex, thick, fleshy in texture, outer sur- face dark green prominently striped with dark purple, lav- ender-blue on the margins, inner surface lavender-blue, light green at the base, showing 10-15 nerves; petals 30-35, com- prising three whorls; the outermost lanceolate, obtuse, 44 inches long, 1 inch wide, with the outer surface lavender-blue bleaching to white, channeled with green and striped with purplish lines, thickish in texture except along the margins, 6-8-nerved, and the inner surface lavender-blue bleaching to white; the inner whorls lanceolate, acute, becoming shorter toward the center, lavender-blue bleaching to white; stamens 170-180; outermost whorl 24 inches long, with appendages ovate-oblong at the base, yellow, linear above, lavender-blue at the apex; inner whorls becoming shorter and narrower toward [Vor. 4 8 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN the innermost, which is linear and white at the apex; carpels 30-35, with styles oblong, obtuse, introrse, yellow; fruit globose, containing a low percentage of fertile seeds; leaves of submerged seedling light green, linear-ovate to deltoid, with | а Fig. 4. Nymphaea “Mrs. a, Ira a, submerged leaves of seed- ling; b, first floating leaf. Natural s acute lobes; first floating leaves ovate, light green occasion- ally spotted with dark green on the upper surface, dark red densely spotted with purplish blue on the under side; de- veloped leaves narrowly peltate, suborbicular, 1 foot 3 inches across with deeply sinuate margins, almost entire at the apex; sinuses overlapping, terminating into ovate, acuminate lobes, dark green on the upper surface, rarely spotted with brownish green at the base, the under surface light green densely spotted with purplish blue spots, becoming smaller towards the margin; petioles dark green, often measuring 8-10 feet when fully developed. x NYMPHAEA “MRS. EDWARDS WHITAKER” HORT. VAR. MARMORATA PRING, N. VAR. Description.—F lowers same as in the type; leaves of sub- merged seedling light green spotted with dark green on the upper surface, linear-ovate to deltoid, lobes acute; first float- 1917] PRING— HYBRID NYMPHAEAS 9 ing leaves ovate, light green irregularly blotched with reddish brown on the upper surface, dark red densely spotted with purplish blue on the under side; developed leaves narrowly peltate, suborbicular, with deeply sinuate margins, almost ig. Nymphaea “Mrs. Edwards Whitaker” hort. var. marmorata: а, submerged leaves of seedling; b, first floating leaf. Natural size. entire at the apex; sinuses overlapping, terminating into ovate-acuminate lobes, prominently blotched with dark red on the upper surface, slightly fading on the old leaves, light green shaded with pink and spotted with purplish blue on the under side. 10 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 1 Nymphaea “Mrs. Edwards Whitaker" Pring, n. hyb. One-third natural size Ann. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 1 NYMPHAEA “MRS. EDWARDS WHITAKER” PRING COCKAYNE, BOSTON — [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 2 Leaf of Nymphaea “Mrs. Edwards Whitaker” hort. var, mar- morata Pring, п. хат. One-third natural size. PLATE 2 Ахч. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 LEAF OF NYMPHAEA “MRS. EDWARDS WHITAKER” VAR. MARMORATA PRING COCKAYNE, BOSTON [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 3 Nymphaea castaliiflora Pring, n. hyb. One-third natural size. Ann. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 3 NYMPHAEA CASTALIIFLORA PRING COCKAYNE, BOSTON MONOGRAPH OF THE NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS SENECIO — PART II! J. M. GREENMAN Curator of the Herbarium of жы Missouri Botanical Garden Associate Professor in the Hen y Shaw School of Botany of Washington ка ity бест. 7. Повалті Rydb. 87. Поваті Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 169. 1900, in part; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 22, 24, 29, 30. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 18, 20, 25, 26. 1902 Herbaceous perennials, glabrous or white floccose-tomentu- lose in the early stages and more or less glabrate, rarely per- manently tomentose throughout; stems erect or ascending, 1 to 10 dm. high, one to several from a common base or root- stock; foliage variable but mostly pinnatifid; the earliest leaves obovate or oblanceolate and undivided to lyrate; heads radiate or occasionally discoid; achenes usually striate, glabrous or hirtellous along the ‘angles Plants of western United States and northern Mexico. Sp. 81-96 КЕҮ то THE SPECIES A. Heads е іп size, 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate or rarely discoid. a. Achenes ais hirtellous. a. Involucral es about 13. ne about З dm.:or less esa leaf-seg- ents narrow, rather remote........... 81. S.multilobatus II. tans 4 to 5 dm. high, stan did segments ЕЕЕ 5002.22 82. S.lapidum B. Involucral bracts about 21. I. Stems uniformly leafy................... 83. S.millelobatus II. Stems not uniformly leafy............... 84. 8. parrasianus b. Achenes usually glabrous. Involueral bracts 13; heads discoid.......... 85. В. leucoreus В. Involueral bracts usually 21; heads radiate. r leaves subbipinnate or deeply pin- natisect into numerous small пра .86. 8. lynceus II. Lower leaves obovate or oblanceolate and oe rx te to ад к. pinnatiód, je bipin- 1 Issued TR "m 1917 NoTE.—The present paper is continued from Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 3: 85-194. 1916. ANN, Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (15) [Vor. 4 16 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 1, Stems rather slender; neither stem eaves glaucous. * Leaves thickish in texture, more or less tomentulose in the early stages. pper MM appressed to the stem; ray-flowers nni 13...87. В. scalaris tt Бұра. eie spreading; ray- 8 to 10. І а leaves oblanceolate, dentate, 5 to 15 cm MEN ЖБИ ыр, ЧЕТ ИЧИК 88. S. Thornberi Ш жм leaves obovate and oe lyrate, .5 to 2.5 ТЕ 89. S.uintahensis ** Leaves thin д ние pw ex- cept at the base of the petioles....90. 8. stygius = ИОНИ АТ: . 8. quercetorum В. заки larger, 10 to 20 m D i y radia | Stems low, 1 dm. or less s high; slants E ZW .92. В. franciscanus b. Stems 1 to 8 dm high; plants of Califo a. Leaves relatively large, lyrately pinnatifid with numerous lateral lobes I. Бани glabrous or with a slight tomentum axi s; upper stem-leaves ir- - lariy pinmatisect .................. - S. Breweri II. Plants at first tomentulose, later more less glabrate; upper stem-leaves Mosi d Mineo CLR ERU КЕКЕК» эр 94. 8. емер В. Leaves merely laciniate-dentate.............. 8. Aust ү. Leaves relatively small, obovate and undivided о lyrate with few small lateral lobes....... 96. S.ionophyllus 81. S. multilobatus Torr. & Gray, ex Gray in Mem. Am. Асад. 4: 109. 1849; Eaton in Bot. King's Exp. 191. 1871, in part, as to description and plant of Fremont; Gray, Syn. FI. N. Am. 12: 394. 1884, and ed. 2, 1886, in pärt: Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 172. 1900, in part; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902; Wooton & Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 19: 747. 1915. 9. aureus var. multilobatus Gray in Bot. Calif. 1: 411. 1876, in part. An herbaceous perennial; stems one to several from a com- mon base, егесі, 1.5 to 4 dm. high, simple or branched, glabrous or жесен in the axils of the leaves, striate, stramineous or somewhat purplish in the dried state; radical and lower stem-leaves petiolate, oblanceolate to subspatulate in general outline, including the petiole 2 to 10 сш. long, .5 to 2 em. broad, undivided and merely dentate toward the 1917] GREENMAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 17 apex to sublyrately pinnatifid, lightly floccose-tomentulose to glabrous; upper stem-leaves sessile, pinnately divided into linear-oblong and subentire to obovate-cuneate obtusely or acutely dentate rather remote divisions, occasionally much reduced; inflorescence a terminal few to several-headed corymbose cyme; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate, glabrous; bracts of the involucre usually 13, linear-lanceolate, acute, 5 to 8 mm. long; ray-flowers 5 to 8, rays yellow; disk-flowers 20 to 40; achenes hirtellous. Distribution: southwestern Wyoming to New Mexico, west to Nevada. Specimens examined: Utah: “оп the Uinta River, in the interior of California," Fremont (Gray Herb. and Torrey Herb.), түре; Kanab, coll. of 1872, Mrs. A. P. Thompson (Gray Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; St. George, coll. of 1875, E. Palmer (Gray Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); ‘‘Sierra La Sal Pers," May-Ocet., 1899, Purpus (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 505317); near Wilson Mesa, Grand Co., alt. 1600 m., 1 July, 1911, Rydberg ё Gar- rett 8393 (U. S. Nat. Herb. and Univ. Calif. Herb.). Colorado: Naturita, alt. 1645 m., 27 April, 1914, Payson 258 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); dry arroyo sides, Paradox, Montrose Co., alt. 1645 m., June, 1912, Walker 99 (U. S. Nat. Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; in dry fields, Mancos, alt. 2130 m., 8 July, 1898, Baker, Earle Ф Tracy 446 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), previously included with S. tridenticulatus; along Kyser Creek, on the Grand Mesa, Delta Co., Purpus 222 (Univ. Chieago Herb. at Field Mus. No. 357369) ; Grand Junetion, May, 1892, Eastwood (Univ. Calif. Herb. No. 91435). Wyoming: sage-brush flats, Henry's Fork, Uinta Co., 26 June, 1902, Goodding 1194 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Nevada: vicinity of Pioche, Lincoln Co., 9 June, 1909, Miss Maud Minthorn 44 (Univ. Calif. Herb.). Var. Standleyi Greenm. var. nov. Stems several, 1.5 to 2 dm. high, slender, leafy at the base, nearly naked above; leaves oblanceolate and sparingly den- [Vor. 4 18 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN tate to sublyrate or even subbipinnate, thickish in texture, glabrous or sparingly tomentulose; inflorescence and tech- nical characters of the head like the species. Specimens examined: New Mexico: dry hills, vicinity of Farmington, San Juan Co., alt. 1550-1650 m., 19 July, 1911, Standley 7080 (0. 5. Nat. Herb.), түре; dry hills, Navajo Indian Reservation, about the north end of Carrizo Mountains, 3 Aug., 1911, Standley 7513 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; vicinity of Cedar Hill, San Juan Co., alt. about 1900 m., 17 Aug., 1911, Standley 8032 (U. В. Nat. Herb.) ; north of Ramah, 25 July, 1906, Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb.). The variety Standleyi resembles certain forms of 5. tri- denticulatus Rydb., through which forms the present group is connected with the section Aurei. 82. 6. lapidum Greenm.! An herbaceous perennial; stems one to several from a com- mon base, erect, simple or branched, 3 to 5 dm. high, striate, glabrous; radical and lower stem-leaves petiolate, lyrately pinnatifid into rather numerous oblong-cuneate dentate lat- eral lobes, including the petiole 4 to 10 em. long, 1 to 2.5 em. broad, white floccose-tomentulose in the early stages, later becoming glabrous or nearly so; inflorescence а terminal corymbose cyme; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate, glabrous; bracts of the 1 Senecio lapidum Greenm. sp. nov., ета ын caulibus жама vel subcaespitosis simplicibus vel parce ramosis 3-5 dm. altis striatis glabris foliaceis; foliis radicalibus et inferioribus "petiolatis lyrato- pluustifidis petiolo incluso 4-10 em. ee 1-2.5 = а primo parce albo-floccoso-tomen tulosis plus minusve glabratis, segmen foliorum obl neca dentatis; foliis superioribus sessilibus pimatiñdiss inflorescentiis terminalibus corymbo- s numerosis 8-10 mm. altis radiatis ета: ек арт parce calyculatis glabris; bracteis нна lineari- lanadi 5- longis acutis; floribus femineis re 8, ligulis fla Дни: floribus Е 25—40; ii i ; ay, 1894, М. Е. © 53 В © 2, mn ек Jones 51630 (Мо. Bot. Сага. Herb. and U. 8. Nat Неф. , түр ала 5149 (0. S. Nat. Herb. and Univ. "Ei b.); Johnson, Kane Co., 23 Ma ау, 1894, M. Е. Jones 52894 (U. Б. Nat. , This species is нар x 1 to 8. — ей 7 & бгау {о Rage Bec specimens here ci € d have е hitherto referred, t differs from rey and Gray species in bein omewhat stouter квн іп “having a more бебеу 8 = свето lower edis with Souder leaf-segments, and in having a thinner leaf- text 1917] GREENMAN— MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 19 involucre linear-lanceolate, 5 to 7 mm. long; ray-flowers com- monly 8, rays yellow ; disk-flowers 25 to 40; achenes hirtellous. Distribution: southern Utah. Specimens examined : Utah: Silver Reef, in Utah Gravel, alt. 1065-1220 m., May, 1894, M. E. Jones 51630 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.), түре, and 5149 (U. S. Nat. Herb. and Univ. Calif. Herb.) ; Johnson, Kane Co., 23 May, 1894, M. E. Jones 52894 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). 83. 8. millelobatus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 171. 1900; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. БАТ 32: 20. 1902. S. Tampicanus Gray, Pl. Wright., part 1, 125. 1852, and part 2, 99. 1853. S. multilobatus Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 12: 394. 1884, and ed. 2, 1886, in part, not Torr. & Gray. An herbaceous perennial, glabrous or slightly tomentulose in the early stages and soon glabrate except in the axils of the leaves; stems one to several from a common base, 1.5 to 4 dm. high, simple or branched, leafy to the inflorescence; leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate in general outline, 1.5 to 10 em. long, .5 to 2 em. broad, pinnately parted into numer- ous obovate to cuneate dentate divisions; lower leaves petio- late, the upper sessile; inflorescence a terminal few to many- headed corymbose cyme; heads 7 to 9 mm. high, radiate; in- volucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate; bracts of the in- volucre usually about 21, linear-lanceolate, 5 to 6 mm. long, glabrous; ray-flowers 8 to 12, rays yellow; disk-flowers 35 to 50; achenes hirtellous. Distribution: western Texas to Arizona and northern Mexico. Specimens examined: New Mexico: hills on the Limpia, coll. of 1851-52, Wright 1287 (Torrey Herb., Gray Herb., U. 5. Nat. Herb., Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), TYPE. Texas: valley of the Rio Grande, below Dofiana, Parry 658 [Vor. 4 20 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN (О. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Limpia Cañon, coll. of 1889, Neally 281 [639] (U. S. Nat. Herb.). Arizona: Fort Whipple, 25 April, 1865, Cowes Ф Palmer 309 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) and in the same locality, May, 1865, Coues & Palmer 329 (Gray Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Chihuahua: cool shaded places, Santa Eulalia Mountains, 14 Aug., 1885, Pringle 663 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb.). 84. S. parrasianus Greenm.! An herbaceous perennial; stem erect, about 2 dm. high, rather leafy, striate, glabrous or slightly tomentulose; the first or radical leaves not seen; lower stem-leaves petiolate, oblong-oblanceolate in general outline, including the petiole 3 to 7 cm. long, 1 to 2.5 em. broad, sublyrately pinnatifid into oblong-cuneate dentate lateral divisions, glabrous or lightly floccose-tomentulose; inflorescence а terminal corymbose cyme; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanu- late, calyculate, glabrous; bracts of the involucre usually 21, linear-lanceolate, 5 to 6 mm. long; ray-flowers 10 to 12, rays a rich yellow; disk-flowers about 60; mature achenes 2 to 2.5 mm. long, hirtellous. Distribution: mountains of northern Mexico. Specimens examined: Coahuila: Sierra de Parras, July, 1910, C. А. Ригриз. 4575 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb, and Field Mus. Herb.), TYPE. This species was distributed as ‘‘Senecio lobatus Gray," under which name it may be found in herbaria. 1 бе erio- parrasianus Greenm. sp. nov., ие perennis; caule erecto circiter 2 alto, foliaceo, ЧИЕ, glabro vel parce tomentuloso; foliis inferioribus pt petiolatis. in CHE rc R oblongo-oblaneeolatis petiolo incluso 3-7 сш. longis 5 em. latis sublyrato-pinnatifidis cum - mentis oblongo-cuneatis dentatis lateralis glabris vel parce floccoso-tomen- tulosis; inflorescentiis terminalibus i nt POP Fig, эжее is 8-10 mm. altis, radiatis; involucro campanulato calyculato glabr bracteis involucri plerumque 21 lineari-lanceolatis 5-6 mm. longis; flosculis ligulifers 10- 12, ligulis auranto-flavis; floribus disci circiter 60; achaeniis maturitate 2-2,5 mm. longis, hirtellis.—Colleeted on the Sierra de Parras, July, 1910, С. 2 Жа а : 4515 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Field Mus. Herb.), 1917] GREENMAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 21 85. 8. leucoreus Greenm.! An herbaceous perennial; stems .5 to 2.5 dm. high, simple or branched from the base, glabrous except in the axils of the leaves, more or less purplish; leaves mostly pinnatifid, at first white-tomentulose, later glabrate, the lateral divisions obovate and dentate or again divided to linear and entire; the lower leaves petiolate, the uppermost sessile and dentate to entire; inflorescence a terminal corymbose суше; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, discoid; involucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate, glabrous; bracts of the involucre usually 13, linear- lanceolate, 5 to 7 mm. long, acute; disk-flowers about 30; ma- ture achenes 3 mm. long, glabrous. Distribution: mountains of Nevada. Specimens examined: evada: on a ridge of limestone formation, south side of Lee Сайоп, Charleston Mountains, Clark Co., alt. 2575 m., 26 July, 1913, А. A. Heller 11003 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. No. 746961, U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 767010, Univ. Calif. Herb. No. 175161, and Field Mus. Herb. No. 411575), тук ; White Moun- tains, May-Oct., 1898, Purpus 5817a (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 348096, and Univ. Calif. Herb. No. 131548). 86. 8. lynceus Greene, Erythea 3: 22. 1895; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902. Plate 4. S. multilobatus Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 12: 394. 1884, and ed. 2, 1886, in part. An herbaceous perennial; stems one to several from a com- mon base, erect, 2 to 5 dm. high, striate, stramineous to slightly purplish, leafy at the base, nearly naked above, et integris; inflorescentiis terminalibus corymboso-cymosis; capitulis circiter 1 еш. altis, discoideis; involucro campanulato calyculato, glabro; bracteis involucri plerumque 13, lineari-lanceolatis 5-7 mm. longis acutis; floribus disci circiter 30; achaeniis 3 mm. longis, glabris.—Collected on a ridge of limestone formation, south side of Lee Cafion, Charleston Mountains, Clark Co., alt. 2575 m., 26 July, 1913, A. A. Heller 11003 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. No. 746961, U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 767010, Univ. Calif. Herb. No. 175161, and Field Mus. Herb. No. 411575), TYPE. [Vor. 4 22 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN glabrous or essentially so; radical and lower stem-leaves obovate to oblong-oblanceolate in general outline, merely den- tate to deeply pinnatifid into relatively small toothed divi- sions, including the petiole 3 to 10 cm. long, .5 to 1.5 cm. broad, at first usually lightly tomentulose, later more or less glabrate, thickish in texture; upper stem-leaves deeply pin- natisect into small divisions, often much reduced; inflo- rescence a few to several-headed corymbose суше; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involuere campanulate, sparingly ealye- ulate; bracts of the involuere usually 21 (13-21), linear- lanceolate, 5 to 7 mm. long, glabrous; ray-flowers 8 to 10, rays yellow; disk-flowers 30 to 60; achenes usually glabrous. Distribution: northern Arizona and adjacent Utah. Specimens examined : Arizona: Lynx Creek, 31 May, 1883, Rusby 665 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb. in part, and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; northern Arizona, coll. of 1884, Lemmon 3263, 32634 (Gray Herb.) ; Grand Cañon, alt. 2130 m., Мау, 1903, Grant 1192 (Univ. Ariz. Herb.) ; Grand Cañon, 12 June, 1891, MacDougal 185 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Williams, Coconino Co., 1-15 June, 1901, Н. S. Barber 67, 93 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Colorado Plateau, Grand Сайоп, 9 June, 1901, Ward (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 410254) ; Bright Angel Trail, Grand Сайоп, 22 Oct., 1905, Eastwood ? (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; near Kindrick Mountains, alt. 2000 m., 7 July, 1901, Leiberg 5662 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; with- out locality, coll. of 1869, Dr. E. Palmer (U. S. Nat. Herb.), form with slightly hirtellous achenes; mesa below Buckskin Mountains, alt. 2135 m., 21 Sept., 1894, M. E. Jones 6063i (U. 8. Nat. Herb.). 87. S.scalaris Greene, Pittonia 4: 108. 1900. An herbaceous perennial; stem simple, erect, 2 to 6 dm. high, glabrous; basal and lower stem-leaves petiolate, oblong- ovate to oblanceolate, including the petiole 2.5 to 9 em. long, „5 to 2 em. broad, crenulate to sublyrate, glabrous or with traces of a white flocculent tomentum; upper stem-leaves ses- sile, frequently appressed to the stem, pinnately parted into rather numerous short oblong-cuneate subentire to obtusely 1917] GREENMAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 23 dentate lateral lobes; inflorescence a terminal few to several- headed corymbose cyme; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, calyculate; bracts of the involucre usually 21, linear-lanceolate, slightly shorter than the flowers of the disk, glabrous or white tomentulose at the base; ray- flowers about 13, rays bright yellow; disk-flowers 60 to 85; achenes glabrous. Distribution: mountains of northern Mexico. Specimens examined: | hihuahua: near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madres, alt. 2315 m., 13 July, 1899, Townsend d£ Barber 131 (U. 8. Nat. Herb. Nos. 383217, 735374, Gray Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), Tyee; moist meadows, Guachochie, 25 June, 1892-93, Hartman 521 (Gray Herb.); in the Sierra Madres, 21 June-29 July, 1899, E. W. Nelson 6106 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; vieinity of Madera, alt. about 2250 m., 27 May-3 June, 1908, Dr. E. Palmer 305 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). Durango: in the Sierra Madres, 48 km. north of Guanacevi, alt. 2435-2745 m., 18 Aug., 1898, E. W. Nelson 4771, 4778 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); El Oro to Guanacevi, 14-16 Aug., 1898, E. W. Nelson 4746 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). 88. S. Thornberi Greenm.! An herbaceous perennial; stems solitary or somewhat cespitose, erect, 1.5 to 3.5 dm. high, glabrous or slightly tomentulose; radical and lower stem-leaves narrowly obovate to oblong-oblanceolate, including the petiole 2.5 to 10 em. long, .9 to 1.5 em. broad, crenate-dentate to sublyrate, at first white- ae Thornberi Greenm. вр. nov., herbaceus perennis; caulibus soli- tariis e ре aespitosis мірі 1.5-3.5 dm. alti is, glabris vel parce to саана; foliis кка к anguste obovatis vel 1 oblongo- oblanceolatis et crenato-dentati vel ста atis petiolo еве .5-10 em. longis primo albo-floccos o-tomentulosis denique plus minusve glabratis crassiusctlis; foliis superioribus sessilibus et pin natifidis aliquando multo reductis et integris; inflorescentiis terminalibus согуш- boso-cymosis; capitulis numerosis 8—10 mm. 'altis, radiatis; involuero campanu- lato parce calyculato glabro vel ad basin tomentuloso; bracteis involucri plerumque 21 (13-21) lineari-lanceolatis 5-7 mm. longis; floribus femineis а, ligulis flavis ; floribus rus 30-65; achaeniis glabris.—Arizona: San Francisco Mountains, July, 1883, Rusby 666 (Gray Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. я ; уїсїпї Ну о 2 Flagsta я. Wilson 116 (Univ. Calif. Herb.), MacDougal 12 (U. S. Nat. Herb., Phil. Acad. N Sci. Herb., Univ. Ariz. Herb., and Gray Herb. < 2e MacDougal 114 Gray 1 Herb. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sei. Herb., and U. S. Nat. Herb.), Тоитеу 706 (U. S Herb. ), and Barber 148 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; zo n Lake, MacDougal 69 S Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.). [Vor. 4 24 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN floccose-tomentulose, later more or less glabrate, thickish in texture; upper stem-leaves sessile and pinnatifid to entire, often much reduced; inflorescence a terminal corymbose cyme; heads numerous, 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involucre cam- panulate, sparingly calyculate, glabrous or slightly tomentu- lose at Ше base; bracts of Ше involucre usually 21, occasion- ally fewer (13-21), linear-lanceolate, 5 to 7 mm. long; ray- flowers 8, rays yellow; disk-flowers 35 to 60; achenes glabrous. Distribution: northern Arizona. Specimens examined: Arizona: San Francisco Mountains, July, 1883, Rusby 666 (Gray Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), түре; Flagstaff, Мау, 1893, Wilson 116 (Univ. Calif. Herb.) ; vicinity of Flag- staff, alt. 1695 m., 31 May, 1898, MacDougal 12 (U. 8. Nat. Herb., Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., Univ. Ariz. Herb., and Gray Herb. in part) ; Mormon Lake, alt. 1825 m., 7 June, 1898, MacDougal 69 (Gray Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; vicinity of Flagstaff, alt. 2135 m., 15 June, 1898, MacDougal 114 (Gray Herb. Phil Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., and U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Flagstaff, 30 June, 1892, Тоитеу 706 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Flagstaff, 6 July, 1901, Н. S. Barber 143 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Grand Сайоп, 12 June, 1891, MacDougal (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 49362, in part). The specimens here cited have been variously referred to S. multilobatus Torr. & Gray, to S. lynceus Greene, and to S. neo-mezicanus Gray. Habitally it is somewhat intermediate between the two last-mentioned species; and through S. neo- mexicanus the present group is connected with the section Tomentosi. S. Thornberiis named in honor of Professor J. J. Thornber, a distinguished student of the flora of Arizona. 89. S. uintahensis (Nelson) Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902; Nelson . in Coulter & Nelson, Manual Cent. Rocky Mountains, 581. 1909; Garrett, Spring Fl. Wasatch Region, 101. 1911, and ed. 2, 123. 1912. S. Nelsonii var. uintahensis Nelson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 484. 1899. 1917] GREENMAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 25 S. Nelsonii var. utahensis Nelson, Contr. Fl. Rocky Moun- tains, in index. 1904. S. utahensis Nelson, Spring Fl. Intermountain States, 175. 1912. An herbaceous perennial; stems one to several from a com- mon base, erect or nearly so, 1 to 3.5 dm. high, glabrous or slightly tomentulose, striate, stramineous to somewhat pur- plish; radieal and lower stem-leaves obovate to oblong- oblanceolate in general outline, mostly lyrately pinnatifid, lightly floecose-tomentulose to glabrous, thickish in texture, including the petiole 2.5 to 10 em. long, .5 to 2.5 em. broad; upper stem-leaves sessile, pinnatifid, often much reduced; in- florescence a terminal usually many-headed corymbose cyme; heads 8 to 10 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, spar- ingly calyculate; bracts of the involucre usually 21 (occasion- ally two or more bracts more or less coalescent), linear-lanceo- late, 5 to 6 mm. long, glabrous; ray-flowers about 8, rays yel- low; disk-flowers 30 to 50; achenes glabrous or rarely slightly hirtellous. Distribution: Wyoming to Arizona, west to Oregon and eastern California. Specimens examined: Wyoming: Evanston, 4 June, 1898, A. Nelson 4511 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), со-түрЕ; Evanston, 10 July, 1897, Williams (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; open slopes, Kemmerer, Uinta Co., 13 June, 1900, Nelson 7172 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; La Barge, Uinta Co., 7 June, 1894, Stevenson 208 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); Uinta Mountains, Aug. 1872, Dr. Joseph Leidy (Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb.) ; dry soil, сайоп near Leckie, 23 June, 1901, Merrill € Wilcox 716 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). Idaho: Soda Springs, 21 June, 1892, Mulford (Gray Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; near Pocatello, 27 May, 1893, Dr. E. Palmer 57? (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; moist grassy bottom of Port Neuf River, near Pocatello, 23 July, 1897, Henderson 2998 (Gray Herb.) ; Pocatello, 27 June, 1902, Blankinship (Gray Herb.); on dry slopes, Pocatello, 28 July, 1911, Nelson & [Vor. 4 26 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Macbride 1401 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); on open sandy hills, M’Cammon, Bannock Co., 15 June, 1899, А. % Е. Nelson 5407 (Gray Herb., U. 8. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Utah: plains near Ogden, Hayden’s U. S. Geol. Survey, 1871-72, Coulter (U. 8. Nat. Herb. No. 253216, 237113); Salt Lake City, alt. 1160 m., Мау, 1869, Watson 674 (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 49320); hills and mountains north of Salt Lake City, 9 June, 1905, Rydberg 6003 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Target Range, 23 May, 1908, Clemens (Мо. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; dry gravelly ‘‘benches,’’ near Salt Lake City, alt. 1400 m., 3 June, 1905, Garrett 1095a (U. S. Nat. Herb.), glabrous form; western slope of Wasatch Range, alt. 1340-1525 m., 17 May, 1913, G. R. Hill Jr. (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Alta, Aug., 1879, M. E. Jones (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Parley’s Park, alt. 1830 m., June, 1869, Watson 674 (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 49315) ; Ante- lope Island, alt. 1210 m., June, 1869, Watson 675 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); in rocky places, north of Ephraim, alt. 1650 m., 15 May, 1909, Tidestrom 2073 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Thistle, alt. 1615 m., 29 June, 1894, M. E. Jones 5537k (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Thistle Creek Junction, alt. 1370 m., 9 June, 1900 Stokes (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Simpson's Creek, 26 May, 1859, H. Engel- mann (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Salina Cafion, alt. 2455 m., 15 June, 1894, M. E. Jones 5441w (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; foot- hills near Glenwood, alt. 1645 m., 22 May, 1875, Ward 81 (U.S.Nat. Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; in gravel, Marys- vale, alt. 2130 m., coll. of 1894, M. E. Jones 54051 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); rocky ridges, Diamond Valley, 16 May, 1902, Good- ding 818 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), form with slightly hirtellous achenes. Arizona: Grand Cafion, 12 July, 1892, Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Grand Caíion, alt. 1500-2100 m., 30 June, 1913, Hitch- cock 844 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). Nevada: Mormon Mountains, Lineoln Co., alt. 900-1825 m., July, 1906, Kennedy £ Goodding 106 (U.S. Nat. Herb.) ; Pali- sade, alt. 1525 m., 17 June, 1903, Stokes (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; dry hills between Austin and Carter's Ranch, alt. 1950 m., 27 July, 1913, Hitchcock 762 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); East Hum- boldt Mountains, alt. 2740 m., Aug., 1868, Watson 674 (Gray 1917] GREEN MAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 27 Herb.); Pilot Range, Shockley (Univ. Calif. Herb.) ; White Mountains near Sunland, alt. 2285 m., 25 June, 1912, Heller 10505 (U. S. Nat. Herb. and Field Mus. Herb.); dry stony ground, Verdi, May, 1889, Sonne 472 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; near Verdi, May, 1897, Sonne (Univ. Calif. Herb.) ; log rail- road north of Verdi, alt. 1625 m., 24 June, 1913, Heller 10878 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., Univ. Calif. Herb., and Field Mus. Herb.) ; Charleston Mountains, alt. 1525-1825 m., Мау-Осё., Purpus 6103 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; summit be- tween Austin and Birch Creek, Toiyabe Range, Lander Co., 31 July, 1913, Kennedy 4588 (Univ. Calif. Herb.). Oregon: on road east of Bly, alt. 1520 m., 1-5 Aug., 1896, Coville & Leiberg 245 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). California: Goose Lake Valley, July, 1895, Mrs. В. M. Austin 560a (U. S. Nat. Herb.); on dry rocks at Madeline Plains, Lassen Co., 3 June, 1897, Applegate 867 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); Sierra Nevada Mountains, coll. of 1875, Lemmon (U. S. Nat. Herb.); northeastern California, coll. of 1879, Lemmon 11 (Gray Herb.) ; Mono National Forest, alt. 2435 m., King (U. S. Nat. Herb.). 90. S. stygius Greene, Leafl. Bot. Obs. & Crit. 2: 21. 1909. S. diffusus Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902, name only, not L. S. prolixus Greenm. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 1: 264. 1914. An herbaeeous perennial, glabrous or white tomentulose in the axils of the leaves and at the base of the stem; stems solitary or several from a common base, 2 to 5 dm. high, terete, striate; radical and lower stem-leaves petiolate, lyrately pinnatifid into oblong-cuneate coarsely dentate lobes which in well-developed specimens are separated by deep rounded sinuses, including the petiole 3 to 5 em. long, 1 to 5 em. broad, glabrous on both surfaces; inflorescence a loose corymbose cyme, 1 to 2.5 dm. in diameter; heads about 1 cm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate, glabrous; bracts of the involucre usually 21, linear-lanceolate, 5 to 6 mm. long; ray-flowers about 13, ligules yellow; disk- flowers numerous, 50 to 60; achenes glabrous. [Vor. 4. 28 - ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Distribution: along streams, western Arizona to south- eastern California. Specimens examined: Arizona: Grand Сайоп of the Colorado River, May, 1884, Lemmon (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 47166; fragments and photo- graph in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); ‘‘Mohave region," April- May, 1884, Lemmon 3130 (Gray Herb.), probably a duplieate of the preceding; Wickenburg, valley of the Hassayampa River, April, 1876, Dr. E. Palmer 614 (Gray Herb., Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Pogumpa, 21 April, 1894, M. E. Jones 5095n (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; without locality or date of collection, Orcutt (Univ. Calif. Herb. No. 131578). Nevada: ‘‘Meadow Valley Wash, mile 16,” alt. 1125 m., 28 April, 1904, M. E. Jones (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 856543); without locality, coll. of 1891, R. J. Jones (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). California: Providence Mountains, 26 May, 1902, Bran- degee (Univ. Calif. Herb. No. 102018, and U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 735424). 91. S. quercetorum Greene, Leafl. Bot. Obs. & Crit. 2: 20. 1909. S. Arizonicus Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 12: 392. 1884, and ed. 2, 1886, in part, as to plant of Rusby. S. macropus Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902; Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 1: 267. 1914. A stout herbaceous perennial; stems erect, 7.5 to 10 dm. high, glabrous or white tomentulose in the axils of the leaves, striate, more or less purplish, often hollow; radical and lower stem-leaves petiolate, lyrately pinnatifid into few and relatively small unequal euneate dentate to linear and entire lateral lobes and a large 5 to 8 em.-long oblong-ovate coarsely dentate terminal segment, glabrous on both surfaces and, as well as the stem, more or less glaucous ; upper stem-leaves ses- sile, pinnately lobed and conspicuously amplexicaul, gradually reduced towards the terminal open corymbose cyme; heads 1917] GREENMAN— MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 29 about 1 cm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate, glabrous; bracts of the involucre usually about 21, linear-lanceolate, 6.5 to 8 mm. long; disk-flowers numerous; achenes glabrous. Distribution: known only from Arizona. Specimens examined: Arizona: ‘‘Oak Creek,’’ 23 June, 1883, Rusby 672 (U. 8. Nat. Herb. and Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb.; fragments and photographs in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), түре; without locality, coll. of 1883, Rusby 175 (Gray Herb.), type of S. macropus Greenm. 92. S. franciscanus Greene, Pittonia 2: 19. 1889; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902. A low herbaceous subcespitose perennial, 1 dm. or less high from an ascending or suberect rootstock, at first somewhat tomentulose, later glabrate, more or less tinged with purple; leaves mostly pinnately divided, including the petiole 1-5 em. long, .5 to 1.5 em. broad, thickish in texture; the lowermost leaves sometimes undivided and subrotund, about 1 ст. long and broad, crenate-dentate; heads solitary or few, 10 to 12 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, sparingly calycu- late; bracts of the involucre 13 to 21, linear-lanceolate, 7 to 10 mm. long, tomentulose at the base, glabrous and purplish above; rays yellow; disk-flowers numerous; achenes glabrous. Distribution: known only from the high mountains of northern Arizona. Specimens examined: Arizona: volcanic rocky soil near the summit of San Fran- cisco Mountains, 10 July, 1889, Greene (U. S. Nat. Herb.), TYPE; summit of Mt. Agassiz, in voleanic scoria, Aug., 1884, Lemmon (Gray Herb. and U. 8. Nat. Herb.); peak of San Francisco Mountains, alt. 3050 m., 30 Aug., 1884, М. Е. Jones 15 (Gray Herb.) ; San Francisco Mountains, 23 Aug., 1889, Knowlton 95 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); Humphrey’s Peak, San Francisco Mountains, alt. 2740-3050 m., 7-10 Aug., 1898, Mac- [Vor. 4 30 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Dougal 401 (Gray Herb., Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., U. 8. Nat. Herb., and Univ. Ariz. Herb.) ; near Flagstaff, May-Oet., 1900, Purpus (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.). 93. S. Breweri Davy, Erythea 3: 116. 1895; Greene, КІ. Franciscana, 471. 1897; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1902, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902. S. eurycephalus Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 1?: 392. 1884, and ed. 2, 1886, in part; Jepson, Fl. West. Mid. Calif. 512. 1901, in part; Hall, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 3: 233. 1907, in part, not Torr. & Gray. An herbaceous perennial, glabrous throughout; stems erect, 4 to 8 dm. high, striate or furrowed; radical and lower stem- leaves petiolate, including the petiole 5 to 30 em. long, 1.5 to 9 em. broad, lyrately pinnatifid with obovate-cuneate coarsely and unequally toothed to sublobate segments, frequently bearing intermediate smaller lobes; the terminal segment oblong-ovate, much larger than the lateral ones; upper stem- leaves sessile and more or less amplexicaul, pinnatisect with slender unequally laciniate-lobed to entire segments, often much attenuated; inflorescence a terminal loose corym- bose cyme; heads 12 to 15 mm. high, radiate; involucre cam- panulate, sparingly calyculate with short bracteoles; bracts of the involucre 15 to 17, lanceolate, 8 to 10 mm. long, 1.5 to 3 mm. broad, thickish in texture along the median line but with scarious margins; ray-flowers 8 to 10, rays yellow, con- spicuous, 10 to 15 mm. long, 2.5 to 4 mm. broad; disk-flowers 45 to 60; mature achenes strongly ribbed, glabrous, about 5 mm. long. Distribution: central western California and southward. Specimens examined: California: Atascadero, Geol. Surv. Calif., coll. of 1860-62, Brewer 512 (Gray Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.), түре; Mt. Diablo, 30 April, 1868, Brewer 538 (Gray Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.); Lemmon's Raneh, Cholame, June, 1887, Lemmon 4585 (Gray Herb.); near Paso Robles, 23 April, 1899, J. H. Barber (Gray Herb.); Paso Robles, April, 1907, Cobb (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay road, 1917] GREENMAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 31 23 May, 1907, Heller 8565 (Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., U. 5. Nat. Herb., and С. С. Deam Herb.) ; foothills near Stanford University, Santa Clara Co., May, 1902, С. Е. Baker 1711 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Stanford University, 8 Мау, 1902, Abrams 2432 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Black Mountain, near Stanford University, 19 May, 1895, Rutter 13 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Stanford University, June,1903, Elmer 4418 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. and U. 5. Nat. Herb.) ; Blue Mountain, Greenhorn Range, Kern Co., 2-10 June, 1904, Hall € Babcock 5000 (Gray Herb.); Tehachapi Valley, Kern Co., alt. 1200 m., 25 June, 1891, Coville € Funston 1122 (U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; in Owens Valley and at Fort Tejon, Geol. Surv. Calif., 1862-64, Horn (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 323752); hillsides at Bitterwater, San Benito Co., May, 1915, Hall 9912 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Carisa Plain, MeDonald's Ranch, 3 May, 1896, Eastwood (Gray Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; hillsides among scrub oak, Gorman Station, Los Angeles Co., Davidson (Gray Herb.) ; without locality, Coulter 336 (Kew Herb.). Var. contractus Greenm. var. nov. Stem about 8 dm. high; leaf-characters similar to the species; inflorescence strongly contracted into a round-topped cyme; heads somewhat smaller than in typical forms of the species. Distribution: known only from the type locality. Specimen examined: California: San Rafael Mountain, John Spence (Gray Herb.), TYPE. 94. S. eurycephalus Torr. & Gray, ex Gray in Mem. Am. Aead. [Pl. Fendl.] 4: 109. 1849; Pac. Rail. Rept. 4: 111. 1856, excl. var. major; Bot. Calif. 1: 411. 1876; Syn. Fl. N. Am. 12: 392. 1884, and ed. 2, 1886; Greene, Fl. Franciscana, 471. 1897; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902; Hall, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 3: 233. 1907, excl. synonymy and plant of Barber; Jepson, Fl. West. Mid. Calif. 512. 1901, in part, and ed. 2, 428. 1911. S. Tidestromii Greene, Fl. Franciscana, 472. 1897. [Vor. 4 32 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN An herbaceous perennial, at first tomentose or at least tomentulose, later more or less glabrate; stems one to many from a perennial base, erect or nearly so, 3 to 5 dm. high, striate; radical and lower stem-leaves petiolate, including the petiole 3 to 18 em. long, 1 to 3 em. broad, sublyrately pin- natifid with rather remote oblong-cuneate coarsely and un- equally toothed lateral divisions and somewhat confluent terminal segments; uppermost leaves pinnatifid, sessile; in- florescence a terminal loose subeorymbose суше; heads rela- tively large, 12 to 18 mm. high, radiate; involuere campanu- late, sparingly calyculate; bracts of the involucre usually 21, narrowly lanceolate, about 1 em. long, tomentulose or gla- brous; ray-flowers 10 to 12, rays yellow; disk-flowers numer- ous; mature achenes about 5 mm. long, conspicuously ribbed, glabrous. Distribution: usually in moist ground in the Coast Ranges of central California to southern Oregon. Specimens examined: California: without definite locality, Fremont (Gray Herb.), түре; without definite locality, Hartweg (Gray Herb.) ; on alkaline soil at the Geysers, Sonoma Co., 26 April, 1864, Bolander 3963 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); dry plains in the oak belt, Lake Co., 8 June, 1916, Heller 12384 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); near Pit River Ferry, Shasta Co., 15-28 May, 1897, alt. 210-275 m., Н. E. Brown 2344 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. and U. S. Nat. Herb.) ; Knoxville, Napa Co., 8 Мау, 1903, С. Е. Baker 3080 (Gray Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; in gravel and sand, at the river bridge near Redding, Shasta Co., 26 May, 1905, Heller 7871 (Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb., Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., U. S. Nat. Herb., and C. C. Deam Herb.) ; lava beds of northeastern Shasta Co., June, 1903, alt. 1220 m., Hall ё Babcock 4232 (Gray Herb.) ; Red Bluff, Tehama Co., 6 April, 1913, Wooton (U. S. Nat. Herb.). Oregon: dry soil near Sprague River, 16 Aug., 1901, Cusick 2763 (Gray Herb. U. S. Nat. Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 1917] GREENMAN— MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 33 95. 8. Austinae Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 93. 1885; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902. S. Neo-Mexicanus Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 12: 454. 1885, not Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 55. 1883. | An herbaceous perennial; stem simple, erect, 3 to 4 dm. high, nearly naked above, striate, glabrous; lower leaves petio- late, oblong-oblanceolate, 2 to 8 em. long, .5 to 1.5 cm. broad, sharply and unequally callous-mucronate-dentate, thickish in texture, inconspicuously tomentulose to glabrous; uppermost leaves reduced to entire bracts; inflorescence a terminal few- headed corymbose cyme; heads 10 to 12 mm. high, radiate; involucre campanulate, sparingly calyculate; bracts of the involucre about 21, linear-lanceolate, acute, 7 to 8 mm. long, glabrous; ray-flowers 8 to 10, rays light yellow; disk-flowers numerous; achenes glabrous. Distribution: northeastern California. Specimens examined: California: Alturas, Modoc Co., July, 1884, Mrs. R. M. Austin (Greene Herb., Univ. of Notre Dame, and Gray Herb.). The specimen in the Gray Herbarium, although incompletely labeled, is taken to be a part of the original material on which the species was founded. This species is closely related to S. eurycephalus Torr. & Gray, but it differs in having the upper portion of the stem nearly naked, and in having merely laciniate-toothed leaves without the deep rounded sinuses which are characteristic of the Torrey and Gray species. 96. 8. ionophyllus Greene, Pittonia 2: 20. 1889; Fl. Fran- ciscana, 472. 1897; Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, I. Teil, 24. 1901, and in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 20. 1902; Hall, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 3: 231. 1907. An herbaceous perennial; stems one to several from a com- mon base, 2 to 3.5 dm. high, simple or branched, leafy at the base, sparingly leafy above; lower leaves including the long slender petiole 2.5 to 8 сш. long, .5 to 2 em. broad, obovate- [Уог. 4 34 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN cuneate and few-toothed to lyrately pinnatifid, thickish in texture, glabrous or at first tomentulose and more or less glabrate and, as well as the stem, often purplish; uppermost leaves reduced to sessile lanceolate entire bracts; heads 1 to 3, relatively large, 1.5 to 2 em. high, radiate; involucre cam- | panulate, calyculate, glabrous or tomentulose at the base; bracts of the involucre 13 to 21, narrowly lanceolate; rays light yellow; disk-flowers numerous; mature achenes 5 mm. long, strongly ribbed, glabrous. Distribution: southern California. Specimens examined: California: precipitous sides of Bear Creek, above Cork- screw Falls, San Bernardino Mountains, 22 June, 1895, Parish 3604 (Gray Herb.); dry woods, San Bernardino Mountains, alt. 1675 m., Aug., 1904, Williamson (Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Herb. and C. S. Williamson Herb.) ; Wilson's Peak, Los Angeles Co., coll. of 1893, Davidson (Greene Herb., Univ. of Notre Dame) ; hillside, under pines, South Fork of Santa Ana River, alt. 1920 m., 27 June, 1906, Grinnell 256 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); Swartout Cafion, desert slopes of the San Gabriel Mountains, 5 July, 1908, Abrams € McGregor 647 (U. S. Nat. Herb.). Var. sparsilobatus (Parish) Hall, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 3: 232. 1907. S. sparsilobatus Parish, Bot. Gaz. 38: 462. 1904. S. intrepidus Greenm. in herb. Stems one to several from a stout or stoutish rootstock, 1 to 2 dm. high; leaves chiefly basal, obovate-cuneate and suben- tire to lyrately pinnatifid into few rounded or obtusely den- tate lateral lobes, including the petiole 1.5 to 5 em. long, .5 to 1.5 em. broad, thick and firm in texture; heads few, smaller than in the species, 1 to 1.5 em. high. Specimens examined: California: trail to South Fork of Santa Ana River via Barton Falls, alt. 2285 m., 28 Aug., 1905, Charlotte N. Wilder 244 (U. S. Nat. Herb.); Lyttle Creek Cafion, San Antonio Mountains, alt. 1830 m., 1-3 June, 1900, Hall 1456 (Field Mus. GREENMAN—MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO 35 Herb. and Gray Herb.; photograph in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Upper Santa Ana Cañon, Transition Zone, alt. 2285-2430 m., 26 July, 1906, Hall 7575 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). (To be continued.) ШЛАК ЛЕ УЛ РИО РИИ 0 i = - «2 [Vor. 4, 1917] 36 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 4 Senecio lynceus Greene United States From Lemmon’s Nos. 3263, 32634 in the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. GREENMAN — MONOGRAPH OF SENECIO F ^ + COCKAYNE "TA NS ы " ~ СЕЕ 5 14 — uU Us A SPURLESS VARIETY OF HABENARIA PSYCODES (L.) SW. MARY M. BRYAN Formerly Graduate Student in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University For several years a certain colony of orchids has been observed near Bay View, Michigan, by Dr. Chas. H. Swift of the University of Chicago, which, on account of the marked variation in the flower and the apparent constancy of one form, has prompted a critical examination of all available material of related species, as well as a review of the litera- ture pertaining to the general subject of variation in the genus Habenaria. Of the three specimens from the above locality, which were secured by Dr. Swift and now preserved in the herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden, one accords in every detail with typical specimens of Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw.; that is to say, the labellum is distinctly 3-lobed, and the lobes are fringed to less than one-third their length, the terminal lobe being somewhat emarginate; the petals are more or less denticulate, and the spur about equals the ovary (pl. 5, fig. A). A somewhat intermediate condition as to floral structure is shown by the second of the three specimens (fig. B), the variations being as follows: the labellum is broadly emargi- nate and wedge-shaped in outline, and the lateral lobes are entirely wanting; the petals are entire, and the spur is con- siderably shorter than the ovary. Moreover, the flowers of the spike are extremely variable in respect to margin of lip and length of spur. This form may be designated as: Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw., formal var. varians, n. var. Petalis lateralibus integris; labello cuneato late emarginato haud trilobato; caleari quam ovario breviore. — Near Bay View, Michigan, July, 1913, Dr. Charles H. Swift (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. No. 710165), TYPE. An extreme variation of the type is shown by the third specimen. This differs from Н. psycodes in having an undi- ANN, Mo. Вот, GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (37) [Vor. 4 38 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN vided, entire, and slightly saccate lip, entire petals, and by the complete absence of a spur (fig. C). This variety has maintained itself through several years, and seems deserving of record, as follows: Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw., var. ecalcarata, n. var. Caulis 4-5 dm. altus, 3-4-foliatus ; foliis inferioribus lanceo- latis vel oblanceolatis, 1.5-2 dm. longis, 1.3-4.5 em. latis, superioribus gradatim reductis braeteiformibus; racemo cir- citer 12 em. longo, plus minusve secundo, bracteis lineari- lanceolatis floribus plerumque longioribus; floribus numerosis ecalearatis; sepalis oblongo-ellipticis са. 6 mm. longis, 2 mm. latis, obtusis; petalis lateralibus oblongis ad basim obliquis sepalis paulo brevioribus; labello oblongo indiviso integro parum saccato, marginibus non nihil insolutis; ovario 8-10 mm. longo. Stem 4-5 dm. high, 3-4-foliate; lower leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1.5-2 dm. long, 1.3-4.5 em. broad, the upper gradually reduced, passing into linear-lanceolate braets; in- florescence about 12 em. long, more or less secund; bracts linear-lanceolate, mostly longer than the flowers; flowers num- erous, ecalearate; sepals oblong-elliptic, about 6 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, obtusish; lateral petals oblong-oblique at base, a little shorter than the sepals; lip oblong, undivided, entire, slightly saccate with somewhat infolded margins; ovary 8-10 mm. long.—Near Bay View, Michigan, July, 1913, Dr. Charles Н. Swift (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. No. 701166), ТҮРЕ. The literature relating to the subject shows a number of parallel cases of variation in other species of Habenaria. Ogden! records a variety of H. ciliaris in which the lip is either entire or imperfectly fringed and the spurs are mostly lacking. About the same time Mr. Henry G. Jesup? described and illustrated an interesting variation in H. fimbriata in which the long and prominent spur of the species is lacking and the sepals and petals are entire and all alike except in two or three flowers on one of the spikes, where there was a slight suggestion of a fringed lip. In ‘Pflanzen-Teratologie,’ 1 Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 20:38. 1893. 2 Bot. Gaz. 18:189. 1893. 19171 BRYAN—HABENARIA 39 Vol. II, Dudley writes that in many specimens of Н. hyper- borea flowers have been found without spurs and with the labellum like that of H. dilatata. The question arises: Are our new varieties produets of spontaneous variation (mutability), or have they been evolved from the ever-present fluctuating variations which a species offers as material for natural selection to work on? Accord- ing to the latter and more conservative hypothesis the extreme variation, namely, var. ecalcarata, fig. C, owes its existence to the **gradual summation of small deviations in one direc- tion, through succeeding generations," the intermediate formal variety varians, fig. B, indicating a transitional form in the series. These small deviations (fluctuating variations) being useful, according to the theory, offer the essential ma- terial which natural selection has gradually accumulated in one direction, resulting in an extreme type like our variety ecalcarata. This slow formation of species would necessarily require a long period of time. The existence of intermediate forms, like our formal variety varians, would seem to furnish proof for this conservative belief in the slow formation of species. On the other hand, variety ecalcarata may be regarded as a probable mutant from H. psycodes; and the formal variety varians may then be a hybrid between the species and the extreme variety. An experimental proof could be attempted in this ease. In favor of this view it may be said that the sudden origin of new forms other than by a series of tran- sitional stages is in accordance with the facts of plant breed- ing. De Vries derives the doctrine that variability may be increased by selection; one of the chief objects of his book, he says, is **to try to show that ordinary or fluctuating vari- ability does not provide material for the origin of new species. He speaks of Ше ‘‘illusion of an increase in vari- ability." The existence of intermediate forms, according to the eonservative view, is usually pointed out as filing the gaps between the discontinuous series that species form. De Vries says, however, that these are not transitional forms, but are independent types, which he calls elementary species (Vou. 4 40 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN (mutations). If, аз a result of experimentation, we are forced to deny the existence of transitional forms as such, then that fact along with the fact of the existence of apparently useless characters suffices, according to him, to beset the selection theory with serious difficulties. Accordingly, a third possible suggestion might be offered, namely, to consider both varieties as elementary species, simultaneous mutants from H. psycodes. Since no new char- acters have been added, they would be what De Vries calls retrogressive; he even states that ‘‘there are possibly more species on the face of the earth at present that have arisen on retrogressive than on progressive lines—just as it is held that the monocotyledons have arisen from the dicotyledons by the loss of a whole series of characters.’’ In his paper on *Die Bedeutung sprunghafter Blütenvaria- tionen für die Orchideenflora Siidbrasiliens,’ Porsch tells how certain species of orchids brought over to Germany by Prof. Wettstein from southern Brazil entered on a sudden period of mutation, and that under his very eyes he saw the origin of several elementary species. He attributed the induc- tion of the period of mutability to the external factors of a changed condition of nourishment. He states that although he does not believe that mutation is the only way by which new forms may originate, yet he thoroughly believes in spon- taneous variability as the species-forming factor in the orchid family. It may not be impossible that the species H. psycodes is in a period of mutability; experimental studies alone could decide. In his ‘Pflanzen-Teratologie’ Penzig mentions three spur- less varieties of H. ciliaris, H. fimbriata, and H. hyperborea, respectively, as cases of peloria. Examples of pelorism among orchids seem to be not uncommon. Peloria is a term first used by Linnaeus to describe the five-spurred flowers of Linaria vulgaris, newly discovered at that time. The name is derived from the Greek word for monster. It is now applied by botanists to all flowers which pass from irregu- larity to regularity. The lip of an orchid is really a petal which has become irregular in form, and in the two genera 1917] BRYAN—HABENARIA 41 Orchis and Habenaria the lip is prolonged baekwards into a spur, which adds further to the irregularity. Through the loss of a spur or of other irregularities, the flower may assume a regular form. Cases have been recorded also of three- spurred orchids. Hill! describes H. lacera var. as having three spurs and two lips, and one of the lips again dividing as if to maintain the tri-formity. Two columns were also present. Cases of false peloria have also been found in which two ex- tra spurs were produced by the lateral sepals and not, as in cases of true peloria, by the lateral petals. Abnormalities such as these are especially interesting in the case of the orchids. The pelorias consist chiefly either in the loss of the spur, or else in an increase in the number of spurs to three. In either ease this tends to make the flowers pass from zygomorphy to aetinomorphy, and the latter condition is probably more primitive than the present irregular form. Regularity must be a latent yet heritable character in orchids, and the loss of it in this extremely complex and highly differentiated family is only apparent, since it shows a not uncommon tendency to return to its full activity in these peloric forms. Our concern is whether this latent character has returned to activity suddenly, or whether by a slow and gradual recovery of the former features. Pelorism is a phenomenon where the eapacity to form irregular flowers has been reduced to a latent or inactive state. Conditions of nutrition are thought to be the external cause in inducing the appearance or non- appearanee of the monstrosity. Hundreds of steps have probably been necessary in the evolution of the orchid family. The variety with which we are now concerned, therefore, and others, may be considered as a reversion toward an ancestral condition on the part of the species exhibiting it—a reversion which seems an offset to the extreme specialization to which orthogenesis or adapta- tion has led the family. Monstrosities as commonly under- stood are now generally regarded as visible manifestations of a heritable, though for the most part latent, potentiality, and are retrogressive phenomena. 1Bot. Gaz. 15:145. 1890. [Vor. 4, 1917] 42 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 5 Fig. A. Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw. Fig. В. Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw., formal var. varians, п. var. Fig. C. Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw., var. ecalcarata, n. var. —HABENARIA BRYAN A SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE NORTH AMERICAN GENUS TRILLIUM, ITS VARIABILITY, AND ITS RELATION TO PARIS AND MEDEOLA R. GATE Formerly Research Assistant to the Missouri Botanical Garden INTRODUCTION Trillium is a genus in which remarkable uniformity in general appearance and structure is combined with great variability in certain organs from species to species. This variability is of such a nature that it is often difficult to delimit the species accurately according to present knowledge. While the range of variation, in leaf characters, for example, is so slight in the genus that a single leaf can in nearly all cases be recognized at sight as belonging to Trillium, yet in many cases it would be quite impossible to determine with certainty the species. The present paper may therefore be regarded as a con- speetus of the North American species of Trillium—thirty-one of which, with nine varieties, are recognized—without an at- tempt to delimit in many cases the exact boundaries of indi- vidual species. This can only be done satisfactorily after further extensive field studies of the range of variation in a number of the species. Trillium is of particular interest from another point of view. A number of its species have long been known to give rise to striking variations, such as double flowers, extra leaf whorls, increase in number of parts in a whorl, ete. The references to such cases are very scattered in the literature, but in the second part of this paper an attempt is made to bring them together. While it is quite certain that there are omissions, yet it is hoped that all the more important records have been included. The remarkable variations of T. grandiflorum have been most extensively studied, but cases in which extra whorls of leaves occur are perhaps of greater phylogenetic interest. Instances in which a double flower continues to be produced from the same rootstock year ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (43) [Vor. 4 44 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN after year indicate that such a rootstock developed from a seed in which a definite germinal change had taken place. The occurrence of double flowers, which was formerly supposed to be a result of cultivation, is now known as a variation in many wild species. Unless otherwise mentioned, the specimens examined are from the herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden where most of the work was done. KEY TO MAP 1. T.discolor Wray 16a. T. erectum var. album (Michx.) 2. T.stamineum Harb. Pursh 9 —T қ. decum bens Harb. 16b. T. erectum var. viridiflorum Hook. 4. sessile L. 17. T.Vaseyi Harb. 5. T.Underwoodii Small 18. T. Rugelii Rendle 6. Й . Hugeri Small 19. Т. simile Gleason rd г. Р. luteum (Muhl.) Harb. 20-45 D: (Gray) Gleason Та. би var. latipetalum Gates, 21. . cernuu 22. Т, undulatum "Willd. 8. viden. Nutt. 23. T. Scouleri Rydb. 9. T.viride Beck 94. T. plates ia as (Miehx.) — 10. Ж Ludovicianum Harb. 24a. Т. gran ndiflorun & var. trans. varie- 11. 7. lanceolatum Boykin ех Wats. gatum ith Па. Т. lanceolatum var. rectistam- 24b. T. Аена Md var. trans. parvum 4 Ga 19. T.recurvatum Вес 25. Т. iia Pu n 13. T. petiolatum Pursh 25a. T. ovatum trans. var. stenose- 14. T.giganteum (Hook. & Arn.) palum Gates, n, var. Heller 26. Т. nivale Riddell 14a. T. giganteum хат. chloropetalum 97. T.rivale Wats. (Torr.) Gates, comb. nov. 28. T.Catesbaei ЕП. 14b. T. giganteum var. em 29. T.affine Rendle (Torr.) Gates, comb. 30. Т.теповит Gates, n. sp. 15. Т. pusillum Mi chx 31. T. obovatum Pursh 16. T,erectum L. TRILLIUM L. 1. Trillium discolor Wray, in Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 3097. 1831. T. sessile var. Wrayi. Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 273. 1879. This peculiar species is mainly distinguished from the other species of the T. sessile group by its very obtuse, broadly spatulate petals (one ecd apieulate), which are pale sulphur-yellow inclining to green. In pine woods, South Сайда. North Carolina, and Georgia. Rare. 2. T. stamineum Harb. Biltm. Bot. Studies 1:23. 1901. (16 4 |% А 22! 204 ----------- 2,72, ^5 үз. Кж. 6 ues 15. big. ©. Scale of Statute Miles n ко зоо eo 200 MILES To она СН. showing distribution of species ( yf Trillium. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 45 Nearest 7. sessile but easily recognized by its pubescent stem, widely spreading, twisted petals, unpleasant odor, larger stamens, and very short filaments. In rocky woods, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. 3. Т. decumbens Harb. Biltm. Bot. Studies 1: 158. 1902. This species agrees with T. stamineum in having а pubes- cent stem, twisted petals, and very short filaments, and dif- fers from it chiefly in having erect petals, decumbent stem, flowers not fetid, stamens only one-fourth the length of the petals, stigma stout, and a marked prolongation of the anther connective. The last feature occurs in no other known species of Trillium except as an occasional variation, but is found more highly developed as a generic character in the genus Paris. In rocky woods, northeastern Alabama. 4. Т. sessile L. Sp. РІ. 340. 1753; Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 40. 1790; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 9: pl. 875. 1824; К]. Serres 22: pl. 2311. 1877; Redouté, Les Liliacées 3: pl. 133. 1807; Lamarck, Епсус. Meth. 8: 102. 1808; Illustr. Gen. Tab. 2: pl. 267, fig. 1. 1823. Solanum Virginianum tryphyllon, tripetalo flore atropur- pureo, in foliorum sinu absque pediculo sessili, Pluk. Alm. Bot. 352. 1696; Phytogr. pl. 111, fig. 6. 1691. Solanum triphyllon Catesb. Nat. Hist. Car. 1: 50. pl. 50. 1754. In woods, Pennsylvania to Minnesota, south to Florida, Mississippi, and Arkansas. 5. T. Underwoodii Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 172. 1897. This species is distinguished from T. sessile chiefly by its larger sepals, narrowly oblanceolate, longer petals, which are also longer relatively to the length of the sepals, and by its longer anthers. In woods and fields, North Carolina to Tennessee, south to Florida and Аааа [Vor. 4 46 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 6. T. Hugeri Small, Fl. Southeastern U. S. 277. 1908. This plant differs from T. Underwoodii in having leaves suborbicular to broadly ovate, abruptly obtuse-pointed, petals oblong-lanceolate to spatulate, and anthers not subsessile. In rich woods, North Carolina and Tennessee to Florida. 7. Т. luteum (Muhl.) Harb. Biltm. Bot. Studies 1: 21. 1901. Plate 7, fig. 2. T. sessile var. luteum Muhl. Cat. 38. 1813. This is distinguished from T. Underwood by the yellow eolor of the petals, ovary, filaments, and anthers; otherwise it is remarkably similar to that species. Intergrading forms which are probably hybrids occur with petals ranging from dark purple to greenish. Forms also occur with yellow petals and purple anthers, or the petals may be purple and the anthers yellow, or only the connectives of the anthers may be purple. These are perhaps independent Mendelian dif- ferences which are constantly being interchanged by crossing in the population. The petals also vary in shape, and there are at least two distinct races in this regard, as indicated by the specimens examined. The petals of the following speci- mens are rather narrowly lanceolate, 5.6 em. long, 1 cm. wide, with anthers 2 mm. wide. Knoxville, Tenn., April, 1898, 4. Ruth 150, four specimens; same locality, April, 1897, A. Ruth, two specimens, cotype. In woods and along streams, North Carolina and Tennessee. The species is said to occur abundantly near Kingston, Ten- nessee. 7a. Var. latipetalum Gates, n. var. Plate 7, fig. 3. The following specimens differ from the species in having petals which are oblong-obovate, 3-4.4 em. in length, 1.4-2 em. wide, and purple anthers scarcely exceeding 1 mm. in width. Clemson College, Oconee Со., S. C., April 7, 1906, Н. D. House 1789, two specimens. Two other specimens on the above sheets represent yet a third type, having leaves broadly oval, deeply mottled, and 1Gray, A. Bot. Gaz. 5:63. 1880. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 47 abruptly pointed, petals apparently greenish yellow and smaller (19 mm. Х 9 mm.), anthers pale, and stem apparently purple. Study of further specimens will probably show this to be a distinct thing. In the blotching of the leaves and in the color of the petals it resembles 7. viride. Thus, although T. luteum has a very limited range, it evi- dently contains a considerable number of intererossing races or variations showing unit differences. 8. T. viridescens Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. бос. П. 5: 155. 1837. T. sessile var. Nuttallii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 273. 1879. T. sessile var. viridescens Trelease, Rept. Ark. Geol. Surv., 1888. 4:225. 1891. This species agrees with T. viride chiefly in its pubescence and narrow petals. It may have originated independently from another member of the sessile group. From Т. viride it differs most markedly in its larger size, its acuminate leaves, and its mostly purple or red petals. On hillsides and in rich copses, Kansas and Arkansas. 9. T. viride Beck, Am. Jour. Sci. 11: 178. 1826. This plant is distinct in many features, especially the linear or linear-elliptie, purplish green, clawed petals, and the ob- long to ovate, relatively small, 3-5-nerved leaves mottled with whitish spots. The stem is rough-pubescent at the top, and the leaves more or less pubescent on the veining beneath. It is considered to be most nearly related to T. recurvatum. In woods, Missouri to North Carolina, Alabama, and Miss- issippi. 10. T. Ludovicianum Harb. Biltm. Bot. Studies 1: 23. 1901. According to Harbison, this species is nearest T'. viride and T. lanceolatum. From the former it is separated chiefly by its smooth stem, and from the latter by its shorter stem, broader leaves and sepals, shorter filaments, and straight anthers. [Vor. 4 48 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN In low, rich woods, Louisiana and Mississippi. 211. Т, lanceolatum Boykin ex Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 273. 1879. Т. recurvatum var. (1) lanceolatum Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14; 273. 1879. | The most striking peculiarities of this species are its slender and usually tall (1-4 dm.) stem, leaves lanceolate or elliptic and strongly blotched, petals linear or linear-oblong, clawed, and filaments as long as the more or less incurved anthers. It is most nearly related to T. recurvatum. Moist woodlands and river bottoms, Georgia to Alabama and Louisiana. 11a. Var. rectistamineum Gates, n. var. Several sheets in the Chapman Herbarium (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) with the number 3869, but without locality, agree with T. lanceolatum in foliage except that the leaves are larger (8-10 em. long) and have much shorter (about 10 em.), stouter stems. They differ from 7. lanceolatum conspicuously in the petals, which are broadly lanceolate, tapering at the base but not clawed, 4 em. long, 18 mm. wide, and dark purple. The sepals are lanceolate, larger than in 7. lanceolatum, 3 cm. long, 1 cm. wide. The anthers are straight, purple, 2 mm. wide, 9 mm. long, filaments short; the ovary large (8 mm.), styles spreading and recurved. This plant, no doubt, consti- tutes a distinct species, differing from 7’. lanceolatum espe- cially in the petals, anthers, and ovary, but as the specimens available are without locality and only one shows a complete flower, it seems desirable merely to designate this form as above indicated. The following specimens probably belong to this variety, although the essential flower characters are not exhibited: Aspalaga, Fla. March, 1897, Herb. Chapman, two speci- mens; Aspalaga Bluff, Gadsden Co., Fla. March 8, 1909, Roland M. Harper 25. 12. T. recurvatum Beck, Am. Jour. Sci. 11: 178. 1826. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 49 Т. unguiculatum Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soe. II. 5: 154. 1837. This species agrees with T. lanceolatum in its tall stems, which are, however, frequently stout, and incurved anthers. It differs in that the filaments are about half the length of the anthers, the leaves ovate-lanceolate, oval or suborbicular, and narrowed into a petiole of variable length. This last fea- ture suggests Т. petiolatum in which the petioles are, how- ever, usually much longer. This condition has perhaps orig- inated independently in both species through parallel muta- tions, an interpretation which is greatly strengthened by the fact that similar petioled leaves occur as a variation in T. grandiflorum (see page 78). In woods, Ohio to Minnesota, south to Mississippi and Arkansas. 13. Т. petiolatum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 244. 1814; Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 180. pl. 192. 1840. The very short and stout stem with leaves ovate-elliptie to reniform, and petioles as long as, or longer than, the blades, characterize this remarkable species which is in many respects a parallel to T. grandiflorum var. variegatum. Опе feels that the former must have originated in connection with a muta- tion, as the latter obviously has done. 7. petiolatum differs from T. recurvatum not only in the above features but also in its narrowly oblanceolate petals and straight anthers with shorter filaments. Idaho, eastern Washington, and eastern Oregon. 14. T. giganteum (Hook. & Arn.) Heller, Bull. S. Cal. Acad. 2: 67. 1903. Т. sessile var. giganteum Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey’s Voy. 402. 1841. T. sessile var. Californicum Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 273. 1879; Gard. & For. 3: 320. fig. 44. 1890, white form. T. giganteum is undoubtedly distinct from the eastern T. sessile, being constantly much larger in all its parts. The nature and cause of its gigantism is a very interesting ques- [Vor. 4 50 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN tion. Through the kindness of Dr. T. H. Goodspeed I was able to examine some histological preparations of the young buds of Т. giganteum and Т. ovatum. From such examination as I was able to make I could detect no difference between the two species either in chromosome number or in size of cells. It therefore appears probable that the gigantism of Т. gigan- teum is a result of increased growth and multiplication of cells rather than increase in the size of the cell unit. I speak guardedly, however, because my comparison was hasty and incomplete. T. giganteum is characterized by its stout stem, large, round-ovate leaves frequently as broad as long, reaching a length (in specimens observed) of 16 cm. and a width of 12-16 em. The petals typically are narrowly ovate to lanceo- late (extreme size 11 cm. X 32 mm.), maroon-purple, and the filaments are short, the anthers reaching 2 mm. in length, purple. Mrs. R. M. Austin’s No. 19, collected at Butte Creek, near Colby, Butte Co., Cal., July, 1896, agrees with the type except that the petals are white and the leaves constricted at base into a short petiole. The species extends apparently from Lake and Placer Counties, California, southward to San Luis Obispo County. Particular variations are found most commonly or exclusively in certain localities. 14a. Var. chloropetalum (Torr.) Gates, comb. nov. Plate 7, fig. 1. T. sessile var. chloropetalum Torr. Pac. Rail. Rept. 4: 151. 1856. T. chloropetalum Howell, Fl. N. W. Am. 1: 661. 1902, in art. Washington to California, in the coast region. The variety chloropetalum with greenish petals, originally described by Torrey as T. sessile var. chloropetalum from the ‘‘Redwoods,’’ California, is stated by Jepson to be **com- mon on the peninsula of Pt. Reyes in Marin Co." Torrey’s diagnosis was ‘‘petalis viridulis obovato ellipticis, obtusius- culis, sepala duplo superantibus.’’ The petals in specimens 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 51 may be greenish, yellowish, white, or pink, and they also vary in width. In the Napa Valley mostly the white-flowered form occurs. The anthers are yellow. Т. chloropetalum Howell, of Oregon and northern Cali- fornia, differs markedly in having oblanceolate, obtuse, white, erect petals 3—4 lines wide and should therefore probably re- ceive a new and distinct specific name. It is represented by the following specimens: California: Scott River, Siskiyou Co., April 25, 1910, Geo. D. Butler 1242 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Humbug Creek, April 3, 1910, Geo. D. Butler 1168 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), petals 5 em. long, 15 mm. wide, obtuse; near Hupa, Humboldt Co., 1902, Mrs. М. Н. Manning (Univ. Cal. Herb., 30093) ; near Arcata, Humboldt Co., April 2, 1905, Joseph P. Tracy 2155 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 146219) ; Buck Mountain, Humboldt Co., June 17, 1913, J. P. Tracy 4181 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 175295). In some cases the petals are purple except near the base, as in the following specimens: California: Loma Prieta, eastern slope, April 4, 1894, J. B. Davy 468 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 4014) ; Olema, Marin Co., March 31, 1894, J. B. Davy 679 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 4015). Occasionally the petals are purple only at the tip. Crystal Springs Lake, San Mateo Co., March 30, 1902, C. F. Baker 431, the collector remarks: ‘‘This white or pinkish flowered Trillium is the predominant form in moist thickets about the lake, but few purple flowered Trilliums being seen here." The petals are also narrow, as in Ше typical var. chloropetalum. 14b. Var. angustipetalum (Torr.) Gates, comb. nov. Plate 8. Т. sessile var. angustipetalum Torr. Рас. Rail. Rept. 4: 151. 1856. The variety angustipetalum of Torrey apparently occurs as a variation throughout the range of the species. In other words, the petals vary in width from 2 mm. to 32 mm., and the variation is apparently continuous. Torrey characterized the variety as follows: ‘‘foliis basi subito contractes; petalis [Vor. 4 52 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN lanceolato-linearibus acutis, sepala purpurea fere duplo super- antibus. Wet ravines, Washington Mammoth Grove; May 15.’’ It is possible that the narrow-petaled forms predomi- nate in certain localities, e.g., the Sierra Nevadas and about San Luis Obispo County. The varieties chloropetalum and angustipetalum therefore represent two independent and continuous series of variations in the petals of T. giganteum. 15. T. pusillum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 215. 1803; Rendle, Jour. Bot. 39: 334. pl. 426, fig. A. 1901. T. pumilum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 245. 1814. ?Т. Texanum Buckl. Acad. Phil. Proc. 12: 443. 1861. This species forms a transition from the sessile-flowered species, of which T. sessile may be regarded as Ше type, to the pedunculate species such as T' erectum. Its flower may be quite sessile or on a pedicel 6 mm. in length, as represented by specimens іп Herb. Gronovius and Herb. Linnaeus. Ac- cording to Small,” the pedicel is 1 em. in length. T. pusillum is perhaps most nearly related to 7. erectum, from which it may have been derived. It differs from that species in its smaller and more slender stature, the thickness of the stem scarcely exceeding 1 mm.; also its leaves are oval to lanceo- late, obtuse, the petals delicate, smaller (1.4-2 em. long), pink instead of purple-brown, and the stamens slightly shorter than in T. erectum. The stigmas are united at the base to form a style about 2 mm. long, as in T. Catesbaei and T. affine. It is probable that Buckley's plant represents a distinct form. In pine lands, North Carolina and South Carolina. 16. T. erectum L. Sp. Pl. 341. 1758; Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 470. 1800; Lamarck, Епсус. Meth. 8: 102. 1803; Illustr. Gen. Tab. 2: pl. 267, fig. 2. 1823; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 19: pl. 1838. 1832; КІ. Serres 10: 56. pl. 990. 1854-5. T. rhomboideum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 215. 1803; Redouté, Les Liliacées 3: pl. 134. 1807. 1 Rendle, A. B. Notes on Trillium. Jour. Bot. 39:334, 335. 1901. 2TFl. Southeastern U. S. 278. 1903. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 53 T. foetidum Salisb. Parad. Lond. pl. 35. 1805. T. erectum var. atropurpureum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 245. 1814; Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 180. 1840. T. purpureum Kin, in Ell. Sketch 1: 430. 1817. T. atropurpureum Curt. ex. Beck, Bot. N. & M. States, 361. 1833. T. erectum rubrum Clute, Am. Botanist 9: 76. 1905. Leaves characteristically rhombic, acuminate at the apex, and more or less cuneate at the base; flower fetid, the petals lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate (2.5-4 cm. long), brown-purple, filaments 3-4 mm. in length, nearly as long as the anthers. In woods, Nova Scotia to Manitoba, south to North Caro- lina and the mountains of Georgia, Alabama, and Missouri. 16a. Var. album (Michx.) Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 245. 1814; Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 1027. 1807; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 19: pl. 1850. 1832. T. album Small, Fl. Southeastern U. S. 278. 1903, and ed. 2, 1913. T. rhomboideum var. album Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 215. 1803. The unit variety album occurs sporadically, differing from the species only in pigmentation, the petals being white and the stamens and ovary whitish or pink (e.g. Westville, Conn., Мау 9, 1885, W. A. Setchell | Univ. Cal. Herb., 3974]; Penn., James Galen 189 [Univ. Cal. Herb., 3971]). Another series of variations, however, runs to an extreme in a form recog- nized by Small as a separate species, Т. album. This differs not only in having white or pinkish petals which are less inclined to be acuminate, but in its smaller flowers and longer anthers (8-11 mm. long) with pale connectives colored like the filaments. There are thus two independent series of varia- tions: one a negative mutation in loss of color without any other change, the other a more gradual transition toward a white flower, accompanied by decrease in size of flower, in- crease in length of anthers, and other changes, the extreme condition being recognized as Т. album Small. [Vor. 4 54 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Occurs sporadically and occasionally throughout the range of the species. In addition to the white variety, various intermediate shades of color occur. Т. obovatum Pursh probably repre- sents one of these, or it may belong with Т. grandiflorum. It appears probable that these are original variations, and not the result of crosses between the extremes, though the pure white form probably appears directly as a mutation. Speci- mens from Oswego, Ithaca, and Utica, N. Y., Mt. Carmel, Ш., southern Pennsylvania, Cincinnati, O., and Hennepin Co., Minn., show various intermediate shades, and some from Port Huron, Mich. and other localities are pale purple. 16b. Var. viridiflorum Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 3250. 1833. T. erectum var. 7. petalis ochroleucis Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 180. 1840. T. erectum var. ochroleucum Hook. ex Macoun, Cat. Can- adian Pl. 4: 49. 1888. T. pendulum Willd. Ges. Naturforsch. Fr. Berlin, Neue Sehr. 3: 421. 1801; Hort. Berol. pl. 35. 1816 Willdenow's figure differs from that in the ‘Botanical Magazine’ in having the leaves acuminate instead of obtuse. The flowers are also probably smaller. Rare. Near Annapolis, Nova Seotia, Macoun (Cat. Can- adian Pl. 1: 48. 1888.). Macoun also mentions a rare form with green petals from Peterboro Co., Ontario. 17. T. Vaseyi Harb. Biltm. Bot. Studies 1: 24. 1901. This plant may be distinguished from T. erectum by its ‘Jong, slender filaments, smaller stigmas and peduncle, which is deflexed beneath the leaves before anthesis." The flowers are larger and are said by Small often to have a rose-like fragranee, the sepals to be more or less involute above the middle, and the petals ovate or orbicular-ovate, 4-6 ст. in length. Judging from specimens, the plant is also usually larger than T. erectum, from which it was probably derived. Moist woods in high mountains, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and in Connecticut. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 55 Specimens examined in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb: Tomassee Falls, Oconee Co., S. C., 5 May, 1896, Н. D. House 2094, three specimens; homies of Bens Pond, Frendi Mt. (?), 15 May, 1891, Herb. Chapman, three sheets. These speci- mens appear to run into 7. erectum. Southington, Conn., 30 April, 1897, C. H. Bissell 211 (2685). This specimen extends considerably the range of Т. Vaseyt. Forma album House, Muhlenbergia 6: 73. 1910. This specimen, from Pigeon Gap, Haywood Co., N. C., has pure white petals, though the anthers and pistil are of the normal purple color. 18. T. Rugelii Rendle, Jour. Bot. 39: 331. pl. 426, fig. B. 1901. This plant agrees with T. erectum and Т. Vaseyt in leaf- shape and resembles the latter in its nodding peduncle. It differs from them in the petals, which are white, round-ovate, the same length and thrice the breadth of the sepals. The filaments are also only one-third the length of the anthers, which are purple. I have seen no specimens of this species. In the mountains of western North Carolina and northern Georgia. 19. Т. simile Gleason, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 391. 1906. This species differs from T. Виде in its **much longer stamens, yellow anthers and proportionately longer fila- ments’’ (4 as long as the anthers). Three localities near the border of North Carolina and Georgia. 20. Т. declinatum (Gray) Gleason, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 389. 1906. T. erectum var. declinatum Gray, Manual, ed. 5, 523. 1868. This species is apparently more nearly related to 7. cer- nuum than to Т. erectum. Unlike the latter species, it has а pleasant, not fetid, odor. From Т. cernuum it differs in the declined rather than reflexed peduncle, and in the petals, [Vor. 4 56 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN which are ovate-oblong and always white, while in T. cernuum they may be elliptie, oval or ovate, acute, and white or pink. The anthers and capsule of T. declinatum are yellow. Like many species of Trillium, it varies greatly in size. Ohio and southern Michigan to Missouri and Minnesota. - The following specimens from Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. show interesting peculiarities: Taughannock Falls, Ithaca, N. Y., 14 May, 1892, Н. von Schrenk, This specimen agrees with 7. declinatum except that the capsule is purple, the peduncle appears to be erect, and the petals are lanceolate. It may be a white derivative from T. erectum. Fountaindale, Winnebago Co., Ill., 1867, М. 8. Bebie 8229; Armstrong, Emmet Со., Та., 13 Мау, 1899, R. I. Cratty. These specimens differ from Т. declinatum in having purple anthers. The former also has narrowed petals. These are perhaps unit variations, and they show that the coloration of petals, anthers, and capsule may vary indepen- dently, but in some specimens certain organs are only partly colored. 21. Т. cernuum L. Sp. Pl. 339. 1753; Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 954. 1806; Barton, Fl. N. Am. 2: 13. pl. 40. 1822; Meehan’s Monthly 10: 49. pl. 4. 1900. The main peculiarities of this species were mentioned under Т. declinatum. Its foliage is closely similar to that of other members of the erectum group. In rich woods, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, Georgia, and Missouri. 22. T. undulatum Willd. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, Neue Schr. 3: 422. 1801. Т. erythrocarpum Michx. КІ. Bor. Am. 1: 216. 1803; Sweet, Fl. Gard. 3: pl. 212. 1827; Года. Bot. Cab. 13: pl. 1232. 1827; Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 3002. 1830. In this last figure the leaves have short petioles. T. pictum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 244. 1814. This species is somewhat isolated from its nearest rela- tives by a number of peculiarities. The leaves are ovate, 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 57 acuminate, rounded at base, with a petiole varying in length from З to 20 mm. The petals are oblong or oval to obovate, much longer than the sepals, white, striped with purple, par- ticularly at the base, the margins waved. The anthers are short (about 5 mm.), as long as the filaments, shorter than the stigmas, and apparently reddish. In these features it agrees with Т. cernuum. The berry is red, whence the name of Michaux. In swamp woods and bogs, Nova Scotia to Wisconsin, south to Missouri, and in the mountains to South Carolina and Georgia. 23. Т. Бсошеп Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 394. 1906. T. grandiflorum Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 180. 1840, in part. T. obovatum Hook. ibid., in part. This species, T. grandiflorum, and T. ovatum agree in their main features, especially in flower structure, all having rather broad, white petals. The two western species are widely dis- tinet from 7. grandiflorum, from which they must therefore have separated long ago. T'. Scouleri differs from Т. grandi- florum in the shape of the leaves, which are broadly rhom- boid, rounded or truneate at base, and in the petals which are ovate-oblong, subacute. British Columbia to Montana and California. 24. T. grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb. Parad. Lond. pl. 1. 1805; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 14: pl. 1349. 1828; Regel, Gartenfl. 17: 98. pl. 575. 1868; Garden 36: 394. fig. 1. 1889; ibid. 40: 222. pl. 821. 1891; Fl. Serres 10: pl. 991. 1854-5; Meehan's Monthly 4: 17. pl. 2. 1894; Traill, Stud. Pl. Life in Canada, 35. pl. 3. 1906; Rendle, Jour. Bot. 39: 330. 1901. T. rhomboideum 7. grandiflorum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 216. 1803. T. erythrocarpum Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 855. 1805. This species is markedly characterized by (1) its oval or rhombic-oval, acuminate leaves, more or less cuneate at the sessile or constricted base, (2) its large, oblanceolate or obovate-oblanceolate, erect-spreading petals (reaching 7 х [Vor. 4 58 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 3.5 em.) exceeding the much narrower sepals, crisped, white or sometimes pink, rarely отееп,! (3) the berry red, becom- ing black. T. grandiflorum also differs from the two western species in having the stigma lobes erect, spreading or conni- vent, much exceeded by the stamens. Another interesting feature is the unilocular ovary, referred to by Salisbury and eonfirmed by Rendle, who also quotes Mr. Smith of Newry to the effect that there are two very similar forms of T. grandiflorum, one of which grows in bogs and the other in dry soil. Compared with T. erectum, the ovary of Т. grandi- florum is much smaller and white, though deeply six-lobed as shown in Salisbury's plate. Woods and hillsides, Quebee to Minnesota and Missouri, south along the mountains to Florida. 24a. Var. trans. variegatum Smith, Bot. Gaz. 4: 181. 1879. T. grandiflorum Plant World 6: 89. fig. 1. 1903. This remarkably variable condition of T. grandiflorum was deseribed by Smith from Michigan and has been redescribed many times since. It is partieularly common in southwestern Ontario, in the Don Valley and elsewhere, and Buffalo and Syracuse, №. Y. (See variation of Trillium, р. 72.) In size it appears to be constantly smaller than T. grandiflorum typica and to agree with var. parvum. 24b. Var. trans. parvum Gates, n. var. Omnino forma typica convenit excepto parvitas omnibus partibus (stipa, folia floraque) et petalibus puniceibus fierens. I have recently had the opportunity of studying living plants of a variety of T. grandiflorum obtained by the Mis- souri Botanieal Garden from Exeter, New Hampshire, where a quantity of the rootstocks were dug up in 1914 by L. E. Williams. They differ from the type of T. grandiflorum in nothing except their constantly smaller size and in the fact that they begin to turn pink very soon after opening. Their deseription is as follows: 1A specimen of T. grandiflorum with yellow petals has been reported from Galt, Ontario. (Am. Bot. 12:83. 1907.) 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 59 Rootstock horizontal, stem sheathed at base for 2-3 cm., green, usually reddish near the base, smooth, 10-15 em. high, 4-6 mm. in thickness at base, tapering gradually to 2-3 mm. at Ше top; leaves rhombic-oval or rhombic-ovate, 4-7 cm. long, 3-6 em. wide, sessile or nearly so, acute, acuminate; peduncle 2-3 em. in length, erect, flower bent horizontally; sepals lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 2-3.5 сш. long, 9-14 mm. wide; petals forming a tube at base, spreading above, margin waved, oblanceolate to obovate-oblanceolate, obtuse or broadly acute, sometimes minutely emarginate, 28-44 mm. long, 13-22 mm. wide, white at first, soon changing to pale pink and fading to purplish pink, considerably exceeding the sepals; stamens adnate to base of the petals, filaments white, 5-6 mm. long, anthers 5-10 mm. long; ovary 6-8 mm. long, 6-angled, winged, white, three parietal placentae sometimes nearly meeting in the center, stigmas slender, erect-spreading, 3-4 mm. long. Specimens examined in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.: Exeter, №. H., March, 1915, Г. E. Williams, түре; Alma, Mich., May 9, 1891, Chas. A. Davis; without locality, E. C. Smith, two sheets; Edgebrook, Cook Co., Ill, May 11, 1897, Agnes Chase, four specimens; Chautauqua, N. Y., May, 1909, Mrs. C. P. Damon; Ithaca, №. Y., April 24, 1891, Н. von Schrenk; Battersea, Ont., May 31, 1893, J. Fowler, two speci- mens; Mountville, (Ohio?), May, 1889, Mrs. Eby; Middlebury, Vt., May 3, 1878, Ezra Brainerd, three specimens. 25. T.ovatum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 245. 1814. T. californicum Kellogg, Proc. Cal. Acad. 2: 50. fig. 2. 1860. T. crassifolium Piper, Erythea 7: 104. 1899. T. obovatum Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 180. 1840. This species was described by Pursh as follows: “Т. peduneulo erecto, petalis oblongis acutis patentibus calyce lineari paulo longioribus, foliis ovatis sensim acutis arcte sessilibus. On the rapids of Columbia River. М. Lewis. 4 April. v. s. Flowers pale purple. The characters of T. ovatum must be determined by specimens from the original region. Such specimens have fairly broad sepals and are in- [Vor. 4 60 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN termediate in this respect between Т. venosum and T. ovatum var. stenosepalum. T. ovatum may be distinguished from Т. grandiflorum by its usually narrower and lanceolate petals, which are acute, and color soon changing to rose and dark red. According to Mr. Т. Smith of Newry, England,! T. ovatum opens its flowers earlier, soon after emerging from the ground. Another im- portant difference as regards many specimens is the much shorter stamens (anthers about 6 mm.). This feature is not constant, however, for in some specimens the anthers reach 10 mm. as in T. grandiflorum, and there are also intermediate lengths. In his ‘Flora of Montana’ Rydberg records this species with the statement that the petals are purplish or dark rose-colored, oblanceolate, acute, the sepals narrow and the peduneles very slender. British Columbia to Montana, Colorado, and California (to Santa Cruz). Specimens examined: Washington: Stevens Pass, Cascade Mountains, Aug. 17, 1893, Sandberg & Leiberg 770 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 170660), leaves 1713.5 cm., sepals 19 mm. wide; Tacoma, May 3, 1908, J. В. Flett 3430 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 128157) ; Cascade Tunnel, alt. 3500 feet, July 15, 1911, М. Е. Jones (Univ. Cal. Herb., 175870), differs from 7. venosum chiefly in having leaves ovate-rhomboid, not oval, and petals turning purple; R. H. Platt 189 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3985). California: Dinsmore’s ranch, in valley of Van Duzen River opposite Buck Mountain, Humboldt Co., June 26, 1913, J. P. Tracy 4350 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 175281) ; Sherwood Val- ley, May 29, 1899, W. C. Blasdale 1039 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 30092), sepals narrowish, 6 mm., petals drying purple; Comptche, Mendocino Co., June, 1906, H. A. Walker 300 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 112751), leaves 1714.5 em., sepals 18 mm. wide; near Ukiah, 1897, Carl Purdy (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3993) ; San Leandro Creek, Oakland Hills, San Francisco Bay, March 23, 1901, H. M. Hall 875 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3987); Aptos, 1 See Rendle, A. В. Notes on Trillium. Jour. Bot. 39: 331. 1901. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 61 April 14, 1908, C. F. Baker 3010 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 142145), same as Sherwood Valley specimen. The line between T. ovatum and var. stenosepalum is not very sharply defined. The differences are discussed under var. stenosepalum. 25a. Var. trans. stenosepalum Gates, n. var. Plate 6, fig. 2. Herba glabra, foliis parvis, ovatis, 5-nerviis, breviter acum- inatis, ad basim rotundo in petiolo perbreve constricto; редипешо erecto; sepalis brevibus, lanceolatis, acuminatis, 13-33 mm. longis, 3.5-6 mm. latis; petalis albis, oblongo- obovatis, obtusis, marginibus undulatis, sepalis multum ex- cedentibus; antheribus 8 mm. longis, flavis stigmatibus multum а. stigmatibus perbrevibus, tenuis, apici- bus recurvatis. Rootstock horizontal; stem rather slender, 19-30 em. in length, 3-9 mm. in thickness, purplish above the base, which is sheathed for 3-5 em.; leaves ovate, 5-nerved, 5.5-10 cm. long, 4.5-7.5 em. broad, acute, short-acuminate, rounded at the base and sharply constricted into a very short petiole; peduncle about 2-6.5 em. in length, erect, 1 mm. thick; sepals lanceolate, acuminate, about 13-33 mm. long, 3.5-6 mm. wide, delicate; petals white, oblong-obovate, obtuse, margin some- what waved, 20-43 mm. long, 10-15 mm. broad; anthers yel- low, straight, 8 mm. long, much exceeding the stigmas, fila- ments 5 mm. long, very slender; stigmas very short (2-3 mm.), slender, nearly erect, tips recurved, ovary yellow, and about 5 mm. in length. The three veins in the sepals are very inconspicuous and in small specimens are only visible with a lens. This strikingly distinct variety stands between Т. Scouleri and Т. grandiflorum in certain respects but shows a number of peculiarities. The leaves resemble those of T. Scouler? but are not as small as the minimum size in that species, and scarcely rhomboid. The flowers resemble those of Т. grandi- Логит but are smaller in all their parts. The sepals in par- ticular are greatly reduced in comparison with the petals. The variety stenosepalum is separated from Т. venosum not [Vor. 4 62 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN only by the entirely different sepals, but by the straight yel- low anthers, the very much shorter stigmas, and slightly in the shape of the leaves. The variety stenosepalum is nearly related to Т. ovatum, and all the specimens cited from Californian localities have hitherto been included under the latter species. It is impos- sible, however, to include under one name forms which differ so widely, especially in their sepal characters. Т. ovatum was originally described from Washington, and extends south- wards into northern California in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties. Specimens belonging to it also occur apparently in Santa Cruz County. It differs from the variety steno- sepalum chiefly in that the petals turn pink in drying and the sepals are broader. The two forms overlap in Washington State, but the variety extends further east and south. In certain intermediate areas there appear to be transition forms as regards width of sepals, but specimens of the variety from Montana are entirely distinct from specimens of the species proper from Washington. However, certain specimens having sepals of the species do not turn pink in drying, while the petals of typical forms of the variety do occasionally turn pink in drying. Hence it seems necessary to regard the variety stenosepalum as a transitional variety. Apparently continuous intermediate series occur between all three forms, T. ovatum, the variety stenosepalum, and Т. venosum, in intermediate geographic areas. This appears to be a case of continuous geographic variation, yet in their typical form they are so different that all three forms require separate recognition. The sepal differences are the most conspicuous, the sepals varying from 2 cm. wide with 3 prom- inent nerves in 7’. venosum, to 3 mm. wide without visible nerves in var. stenosepalum. Specimens examined: Montana: Helena, 1891, Alderson (E. Starz, Herb. Whelp- ley), two specimens (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.), TYPE. Idaho: Paradise Hills, Latab Co., April 18, 1900, Le Roy Abrams 548 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 13751); Lake Waha, Nez 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 63 Perces Co., June 3-4, 1896, A. А. Ё Е. G. Heller 3182 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 119597). Oregon: Yamhill River, Yamhill Co., May, 1879, Mrs. R. W. Summers (Univ. Cal. Herb., 72174). Washington: upper valley of the Nesqually, 1894, O. D. Allen 58 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 119596). California: near Marble Mountain, Siskiyou Co., alt. 6000 ft., “10 feet from melting snow," June, 1901, H. P. Chandler 1550 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 30088). The specimens on this sheet are minimum size, leaves 3X2 cm., stem 10 em., sepals 10 mm. long. Head of McCloud River, northeastern Shasta Co., June, 1903, Hall & Babcock 4134 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 54195) ; Moraga Valley, Contra Costa Co., Feb. 22, 1888, E. L. Drew (Univ. Cal. Herb., 13818) ; Mt. Tamalpais, Marin Co., April 26, 1893, J. B. Davy 121 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3989). This is maxi- mum size, leaves 14X11 cm., stem 52 ст. long, sepals 329 mm. Same locality, Feb. 22, 1894, J. B. Davy 798 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3988) ; Lagunitas Creek, Marin Co., March, 1896, Alice Eastwood (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3994); Sequoia Cafion, Marin Co., Jan. 31, 1892, Michener d Bioletti 21410 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 142147) ; west side of King’s Mountain, San Mateo Co., March 18, 1902, C. F. Baker 329 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 142146) ; Santa Cruz Mountains, March, 1896, М. S. Baker (Univ. Cal. Herb., 72280). The following range for var. stenosepalum can be deduced: western Montana and southern Washington to middle Cali- fornia (Santa Cruz Mountains). The type of T. ovatum is somewhat more northerly. 26. T. nivale Riddell, Syn. Fl. West. States, 93. 1835; Baker, in Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 6449. 1879; Selby, in Jour. Hort. Soc. 5: 36. pl. 3. 1890. This species is so distinct that it is impossible to confuse it with any other. It is probably a derivative from T. grandi- florum or from the species from which the latter was derived. The petals are said to be sometimes green,! or striped with 1 Traill C. P. Studies of Plant Life in Canada, 36. 19060. [Vor. 4 64 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN red and green, and the petioles of the leaves vary much in length. In Т. nivale Riddell the peduncle may be erect, declined or nodding, as in the three species, Т. erectum, Т. declinatum, and T. cernuum respectively. These conditions іп T. nivale probably represent unit varieties which would breed true in cultivation, and it is reasonable to suppose that the differ- ences between the above three species have also originated through unit variations. 7. nivale and Т. rivale are the most aberrant of the North American Trillia. The dwarf character of both may be supposed to have originated through muta- tions. The leaves of T. nivale most nearly resemble in shape those of T. viride Beck, though much smaller. In the latter, however, both the leaves and flowers are sessile, while in T. nivale the leaves are short-petioled and the flowers rather short-peduncled, so that a close relationship cannot be assumed. T. nivale differs chiefly from its probable ancestor, T. grandiflorum, (1) in being a dwarf, (2) in the shape of the leaves, which are oval, obtuse, with short petioles, instead of rhombic-oval, acuminate, sessile, and (3) in the shape of the petals, which are oblong or oval instead of oblanceolate or obovate-oblanceolate and mucronate. If we compare these differences with those between Oenothera Lamarckiana and its dwarf mutant (E. nanella, we see that the differences (1) and (2) above might have originated at one stroke, though as regards (2) the condition is reversed, for in Œ. nanella the leaves are mostly sessile, while in Œ. Lamarckiana they are petioled. The difference (3) in the petals of T. nivale would probably have required another and independent step. At any rate, although the species is so aberrant in the genus, two mutations are sufficient to account for its origin. According to the older views, one must have assumed a long period of isolation and gradual selection to produce such a form. Now we know that there is no necessary relation between the length of a step and the time taken to produce it. A relatively wide mutation wil happen just as quickly as a narrow one, and, indeed, if the wider difference has any survival value it 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 65 will lead to the supplanting of the original type more quickly than when the step is a narrow one. Western Pennsylvania to Ohio and southeastern Minne- sota, south to Kentucky and Nebraska. 27. T.rivale Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 378. 1885. This species has perhaps been derived from Т. ovatum through a dwarf mutation and other changes, in the same way that Т. nivale has probably been derived from 7. grandi- Лоғит. Like Т. nivale it is a dwarf, but here the resemblance ceases except that the leaves are petioled. It resembles Т. ova- twm in its recurved stigmas, but differs in every other part. The leaves of Т. rivale are not only very much smaller but they are ovate (not rhombic-ovate), rounded or subcordate at base (not cuneate), and petioled (not sessile). The flowers are much smaller, the sepals more broadly lanceolate, the petals subrhombic, narrowed to a claw, white but speckled . with purple near the сещег! In T. ovatum the petals are white, soon changing to rose color and dark red. The dis- tinctions of T. rivale are so numerous that it is not profitable to conjecture further concerning its origin. The extremes of size variation observed are as follows: stems 8-24 em. long, 1-3 mm. thick, peduncle 6-8 em. long, leaf-blade 3-7 em. long, 1.7-4 em. wide, petiole 6-23 mm. long, sepals 9-15 mm. long, 9-8 mm. wide, petals 15-27 mm. long. In the coast mountains of northern California and southern Oregon. 28. T. Catesbaei Ell. Sketch 1: 429. 1821. Solanum triphyllon; flore hexapetalo, carneo Catesb. Nat. Hist. Car. 1: 45. pl. 45. 1771. T. cernuum L. Өр. Pl. 339. 1753, in part. T. nervosum ЕП, Sketch 1: 429. 1821; Lodd. Bot. Cab. 19: pl. 1860. 1832. T. stylosum Nutt. Gen. 1: 239. 1818. This species and T. affine are markedly different from the other pedunculate species of Trillium. In them the stigmas 1 According to Howell (Fl. N. W. Am. 1: 661. 1902), this is apparently present in some specimens and absent in others. [Vor. 4 66 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN are united at the base into a short style, a peculiarity which has appeared apparently independently in 7. pusillum. The nearest relative of T. Catesbaei is probably T. cernuwm, from which the main distinctions are as follows: In T. cernuum the leaves are rhombic, 3-nerved, acuminate, and more or less cuneate at the base; in Т. Catesbaei they are elliptic or oval, 5-nerved, acute or acuminate, and constricted at the base into a short petiole. The peduncle is nodding in 7. cernuwm, and strongly recurved or sometimes declined in T. Catesbaei. The petals in Т. cernuum are elliptic, oval or ovate, about 2 cm. long, acute or obtuse, revolute, white or pink; in T. Catesbaei they are oblong or oblong-lanceolate, reaching more than 4 em. in length, obtuse or abruptly pointed, crisped, recurved, pink or rose-color. In Т. Catesbaei the stamens are much longer, reaching 18 mm. (8 mm. in T. cernuum), and Ше fila- ments are longer than the bright yellow recurved anthers. Yet another difference exists in the absence of a style in 7’. cernuum and its relatives. In woods, North Carolina and Tennessee to Georgia and Alabama. 29. T. affine Rendle, Jour. Bot. 39: 334. 1901. This species is known only from specimens collected by Rugel in Georgia. It evidently belongs with T. Catesbaei from which it is differentiated, aecording to Rendle, by its ** broader sepals, smaller not undulate petals, shorter stamens, and leaves broader above the middle.’’ The filaments in par- ticular are only about 4 mm. long. 7. affine recalls 7. cer- nuum in size and habit of leaf and flower, but like Т. Catesbaei, differs in its longer stamens exceeding the stigmas, and in the union of the latter at the base. 30. T. venosum Gates, n. sp. Plate 6, fig. 1. Herba caule robusto, foliis ovato-rhomboideis, 5-7-nerviis, breviter acuminatis; pedunculo erecto; sepalis oblongo- lanceolatis, 3.5-5.8 em. longis, 14-20 mm. latis, 3-5-nervatis; petalis albis, ovato-oblongis, marginis crispis; antheris rubi- cundis, apicibus foras curvatis, stigmata superante; stigmati- 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 67 bus divergentibus apicibus recurvatibus ovario flavo ex- cedentibus. Stem stout, 5-10 mm. in diameter, 2-3.5 dm. high, purplish, sheathed at base for a distance of 6 ст.; leaves rhomboid- ovate, 5-7-nerved, 6-11 em. long, 5-8 em. wide, acute, short- acuminate; peduncle 3 em. long, erect, purplish, 2 mm. thick; sepals large, and with 3-5 prominent veins, oblong-lanceolate, broad-pointed, 3.5-5.8 em. in length, 14-20 mm. in width; petals white, ovate-oblong, obtuse-pointed, with crisped mar- gins, 3.5-5.5 em. long and 1.4-1.5 em. wide; anthers 8-15 mm. long, bright pink, curved outwards at the summits, slightly surpassing the stigmas, filaments about 5 mm. long, dilated at base; stigmas slender, 10 mm. in length, somewhat diver- gent, recurved at the tip; ovary yellow, about 10 mm. long. This species is nearest T. Scouleri, of which I have not seen specimens. In Rydberg's description of that species the sepals are not mentioned, but the large conspicuously veined sepals of Т. venosum could scarcely have been overlooked had they been present on Rydberg’s species. The present species is intermediate between T. grandiflorum and T. ovatum in size and shape of petals and length of anthers. In specimens of T. grandiflorum from the more western part of its range, e.g., Milwaukee, Wis., the sepals are 5-nerved but they are much narrower and the veins are less prominent than in 7’. venosum. The main distinctions of T. venosum from T. Scouleri are in the broad sepals with their prominent veins, the pink color of the anthers, and the 5 rather prominent veins of the leaves. The petals appear to resemble closely those of T. grandiflorum in several features. Specimens examined: Dry Buck, Boise Co., Idaho, 10 May, 1911, J. Francis Mac- bride 847 (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. and Univ. Cal. Herb., 163236), түре. I reproduce here the cotype specimen because it is larger than the type specimen and shows the characters better. The following specimens come nearest to Т. venosum but differ in certain features: [ Vor. 4 68 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Cuprum-Peacock Mine road, Seven Devils Mountains, Idaho, alt. 7000 ft., July 11, 1899, W. C. Cusick 2232 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 3986). In this species Ше petals turn purplish, as in T. ovatum, and the leaves have short petioles (6 mm.). Five miles from Crescent City, Del Norte Co., Cal, April 2, 1902, P. E. Goddard 309 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 30086), petals 7 ЖЗ em. (resembling T. grandiflorum), sepals 5 em. long by 12 mm. wide, leaves 10 em. long by 8.5 em. wide. The following, with very large, broad, subacute petals, broad, unnerved sepals, and very broad rhomboid leaves, fits neither T. venosum nor T. ovatum, and should be considered as distinct: Eureka, Humboldt Co., Cal., April 13, 1913, J. Р. Tracy 4034 (Univ. Cal. Herb., 176190), petals 6035 mm., sepals 4019 mm., obtuse, leaves 15 em. wide by 14 em. long, stem stout. This specimen appears to resemble T. Scouleri. 31. T. obovatum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 245. 1814. T. grandiflorum var. obovatum Farwell, Eleventh Ann. Rept. Comm. Parks and Boul. Detroit, 53. 1900. This plant, according to Farwell, differs from T. grandi- florum in having much smaller petals which are rose or pink. His plants may really belong to var. parvum. Reichenbach’s plate and description,’ under the name T. obovatum Pursh, of plants collected in Kamtschatka and communicated by Ledebour, represent a distinet plant, differing from T. grandi- florum especially in having shorter peduncle, petals white, pale rose eolor, or lavender, very short filaments and style, stigma subeapitate, the very short lobes reflexed. It is undoubtedly distinct from T. obovatum Pursh and T. Kamt- schatikum Pall.,? differing from the latter in certain minor features. Pursh’s original plants were from Montreal, and a study of the species should be made in that vicinity. Its exact characters cannot be understood until this is done. Rydberg, in his ‘Flora of Montana,” records 7. obovatum 1Те. Bot. Exot. 1:21. pl. 29. 1827. 2 Ledebour, C. Е. Fl. Ross. 4:121. 1853. See also Rendle, Jour. Bot. 39: 329. 1910. 3 Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1:102, 472. 1900. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 69 Pursh with the statement that it is distinguished from T. ovatum Pursh by its obovate, white, or rose-colored petals. The relationships of the species of Trillium seem complex and confusing because of the numerous cross-relationships which appear. But the difficulties of interpretation are, I believe, considerably clarified when we realize (1) that par- ticular elements of the germ-plasm vary independently of each other and that (2) the variation of a single germinal ele- ment may affect the external morphology in various parts of the organism. The application of these two principles helps to clear up what may otherwise become a hazy maze of rela- tionships. This is particularly true of large genera, in which the number and diversity of species greatly exceed that of Trillium. The genus is naturally divided into two groups having respectively pedunculate or sessile flowers. Whether the ses- sile-flowered gave rise to the pedunculate group or vice versa is difficult to say, but it appears probable that the transition from one condition to the other occurred but once (presum- ably through a mutation) since there appear to be no cross- relationships from one group to the other. I mean by this that the members of each group may be considered to be de- scended from one ancestor, and e.g., none of the characters of the pedunculate group are such as might have been derived from particular members of the other group. On the con- trary, within each group parallel mutations have probably taken place, as in the dwarf origin of T. rivale and Т. mvale. VARIATION OF TRILLIUM The genus Trillium has long been known to botanists and horticulturists for its variability. Nearly all parts of the plant vary, particularly the shape of leaves and petals, and the color of the petals. On the other hand, the size of the plant and the relative length of filaments and anthers is usually constant within certain limits, and the latter is fre- quently used as a specific differential, though it too is sub- ject to some variation. The number of members in the whorls [Vor. 4 70 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN of leaves or flower parts also varies, as well as (rarely) the number of whorls. Teratological variations are relatively abundant and have been described in many of the species, par- ticularly Т. grandiflorum Salisb., T. erectum L., and T. sessile L. A number of these records have been brought together below, and a more exhaustive search in semi-popular journals would doubtless add to the list.! Cowles, S. N. Am. Nat. 3: 102. 1869. At Otisco, N. Y., two specimens of T. erythrocarpum Michx. with pistillate flowers and 9 petals were collected. The extra petals replaced the stamens and were somewhat smaller than normal. Matthews, G. F. Am. Nat. 3: 382. 1869. At St. John, N. B., one specimen of Т. erythrocarpum Michx. was gathered with 4 leaves, 4 sepals, 4 petals, and 8 stamens. Fisher, В. А. Am. Nat. 4: 46. 1870. At Arba, Ind., one specimen of Т. sessile L. was found with parts in fours, and one specimen of Т. recurvatum Beck with 2 leaves, 2 sepals, 2 petals, 4 stamens, 2 stigmas. Hankenson, Е. L. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 21. 1870. Т. grandiflorum at Newark, Wayne Co., №. Y. “Forms found here have petals more or less turned to green, with long petioled smaller leaves, borne lower down on the stem; or with stem leaves entirely wanting, and a single radical leaf instead. The calyx of the leafless stemmed form appears larger and more leafy.” Hall, Г.Н. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 21. 1870. Т. erectum L. var. album Pursh, in central and western New York. The author thinks the variety album and normal red may appear from the same rootstock in successive years. The variety album is normally a starveling, smaller. The color of the petals varies from creamy yellow or greenish white to the normal purple, sometimes with a blush of purple 1 Certain of these facts were referred to elsewhere. See Gates, В. В. Ter- atology and phylogeny in the genus Trillium. Science N. S. 42: 879. 1915. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 71 in central part of the petal, sometimes with faint, streaky tinges of purple lengthwise of the petal, though not at all like Т. erythrocarpum Michx. It has also less scent. Hall thought it was simply an unhealthy state of Т. егесішт. T. erectum frequently occurs with the peduncle bent down under the leaves as in Т. cernuum L. The peduncle is sharply bent at an angle just above the leaves, and not merely curved or drooping. Hall, І. Н. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 36. 1870. A plant of T. erectum var. album Pursh dug up has kept its **ereamy green"! color every year for 5 or 6 years. Osborne, C. S. Am. Nat. 4: 125. 1870. At LeRoy, N. Y., Trillium sp. was seen with 2 stems from the same rootstock; one had petals and sepals alike except for the white margin to apex of petals, and the other had petals oblong, pure white with narrow green stripe down the center. Coleman, N. Bot. Gaz. 2: 90. 1877. The author found one specimen of Т. grandiflorum having 4 leaves, 4 petals, 4 sepals, 4 stamens, 2 stigmas, and a 4-angled ovary, and a specimen of T. erythrocarpum var. Clevelandicum Wood having 6 sepals and 15 petals, all green. Gray, А. Am. Jour. Sci. 15: 153. 1878. T. erythrocarpum Michx. with polymerous flowers, found by Pastor J. H. Wibbe near Oswego, N. Y., has been a con- stant feature since discovered ‘‘five years ago." The speci- men in Gray Herb. is described by Deane (vide infra). It has 8 sepals (one with a white petaloid growth attached), 8 petals, at least 20 stamens, and a whorl of 7 leaves, one of which is forked at the tip. Gray, A. Two remarkable forms of Trillium. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 6: 272. 1878. Two specimens from St. Louis, Mich. are described: one of T. grandiflorum with petioles to the leaves and a green [Vor. 4 72 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN stripe down the center of the petals; the other having similar petals and enlarged foliaceous sepals but no whorl of leaves. Further records of this var. variegatum in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 6: 277-278. 1878. Smith, Erwin T. A Michigan Trillium. Bot. Gaz. 4: 180-181. 1879. T. grandiflorum var. variegatum is described. It differs chiefly from the species in having a greenish stripe down the center of the petals, which are typically obovate-mucronate, leaves long-petioled, broadly ovate, acuminate, and ovary green. It was found to occur commonly every year and to be well distributed. It is very variable in shape of petals, length of petioles, etc., and the stem also may be leafless or the calyx enlarged to form leaves. This remarkable condition of Т. grandiflorum has since been found and studied in a number of localities, though it has not usually been known under the name var. variegatum. Wright, 6. Н. Bot. Gaz. 4: 232. 1879. The author found the above form at Penn Yan, N. Y., and received specimens of it from Lockport, N. Y. James, J. Е. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 10: 57. 1883. At Cincinnati, Ohio, was found a specimen of Т. sessile which was pentamerous—5 leaves in a whorl, 5 sepals, 5 petals, 8 stamens, 4 stigmas, 4-celled ovary, one of the petals having an anther on one side. Tracy, Mrs. C. T. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 10: 71. 1883. At Ripon, Wis., a plant of T. сегпиит L. was discovered with one of the sepals replaced by a leaf, and two of the petals with a green stripe through the center. James, J. F. Bot. Gaz. 9: 113. 1884. А plant of T. erectum L. was found, which was tetramerous, having an extra leaf on the stem above the whorl of three, 4 sepals, 4 petals, 8 stamens, 4 stigmas, and a 4-celled ovary. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 73 Two of the sepals were half green, the other half colored like the petals. Dudley, W. R. Bull. Cornell Univ. 2: 99. 1886. Dudley records a plant of Т. erectum L. with green flowers, and one of 7’. grandiflorum Salisb. showing synanthy and vir- escence, the double form being cultivated. Fermond, Ch. Essai de phytomorphie 2: 298. Paris. 1886. The author speaks of isolation and displacement of single leaves. Foerste, A. F. Bot. Gaz. 16: 163. 1891. A specimen of 7. sessile L. is described having a whorl of 4 leaves, and flower parts in threes but partly arranged as though in fours, 1.е., а вера! takes the place of а petal, and one segment is half sepal, half petal. Foerste, A. F. Bot. Gaz. 19: 460-465. 1894. The following conditions in 7. sessile L. from Dayton, Ohio, are carefully described, showing the phyllotactic ar- rangement of parts: (1) leaves and flower parts all in fours, tetramerous; (2) partly with leaves decussate in pairs, sta- mens and stigmas in threes, other abnormalities; (3) a sim- ilar condition with an apparent ‘‘attempt to maintain a quaternary phyllotaxy, after numerically they have gone over to the normal ternate form’’; (4) whorls of parts 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, but quaternate position maintained even when the num- ber of parts is 3. The detailed description of one of the specimens is as fol- lows: ‘‘A pair of opposite broader leaves, followed in decus- sating order by a pair of narrower leaves,’’ an outer and an inner pair of sepals, then 4 petals decussating with the two sets of sepals taken as a whole, 4 outer stamens, 4 inner sta- mens, and an ovary with 4 styles. Osband, Lucy A. Am. Nat. 28: 706. 1894. At Ypsilanti, Mich., was found a plant of Т. grandiflorum Salisb., double, having 2 sets of sepals and 2 of petals, the [Vor. 4 74 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN outer petals striped, exeept one which was half white, the inner petals white except a thread of green through the center of one; stamens and ovary also abnormal. Owen, Maria L. Bot. Gaz. 19: 337-338. 1894. Specimens of T. cernuum L. from Canobie Lake, N. H., with the following peculiarities, were found: 1. About an inch above the normal leaf whorl were 3 whorls of 3 leaves, each close together, forming a rosette; flower erect, rather large, petals 11 X 4 lines, with a white stripe down the center and a green one on each edge; stigmas 4; one petal 2-parted. 2. Above the normal whorl 2 whorls close together, and a third extra whorl 4 inch above this, at the base of the flower; petals green and white; one stamen abortive; stigmas 2. Sev- eral similar specimens collected from the same locality. Eastwood, Alice. Erythea 4: 71. 1896. The following three abnormal specimens of the white- flowered form of Т. giganteum were found in the San Bruno Hills of San Mateo Co., Cal.: (1) with four leaves, ‘‘all parts of the flower in fours even to the ovary,’’ stamens 8; (2) with six leaves (not stated whether these were in 1 whorl or 2), 6 outer divisions of the perianth and 5 inner, 10 sta- mens, and 6 cells to the ovary; (3) one of the outer perianth segments а ‘гое leaf," symmetry otherwise normal. Smith, Arma A. Abortive flower buds of Trillium. Bot. Gaz. 22: 402-403. 1896. Davis, С. А. Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb.; its vari- ations normal and teratological. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 46: 271-272. 1898. Nearly all the variations found in this species are described. Kellerman, Mrs. W. A. Asa Gray Bull. 6: 18-20. fig. 4—5. 1898. Mrs. Walker found a double specimen of Т. grandiflorum Salisb. growing in woods in Jefferson County, Ohio. She re- 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 75 moved it to her garden where it bloomed for 10 years, al- ways producing the double flower. The root afterwards was divided, and one portion produced 3 stems, all with double flowers. Two of these were dissected, one having 9 whorls, the other 13 whorls of petals in cycles symmetrically alternat- ing. The stamens and pistils were almost completely aborted and there were no seeds. Except for this doubling, the plants were normal. Macoun, James M. Canadian Ree. Sci. 7: 476. 1898. Monstrosities of Т. grandiflorum Salisb. are not uncom- mon in southwestern Ontario. These evidently refer for the most part to var. variegatum Smith. A fine series was ex- amined from Mr. J. Dearness, London, Ont., Mr. R. Cameron, Niagara, Ont., Mr. J. M. Dickson, Hamilton, Ont., and Mr. Wm. Scott, Toronto, Ont. Mr. Dickson found that they ос- curred in different years in the same locality and noted the following types: 1. Several with white edgings and markings on the sepals. The most remarkable had 1 sepal green, 1 half green, half white, and 1 pure white; sepals and petals spirally inserted; leaves normal. : 2. Leaves and sepals normal; petals marked with green lines or bands towards the base. 3. Leaves and sepals normal; petals green with a narrow white margin. 4. Leaves distinctly petiolate; petioles 1-3 inches long; sepals white with a green stripe down the middle; petals nar- rowed, lanceolate, white with a broad green band in the center from base to apex. 5. Leaves as in the former type; sepals normal; petals obovate, apiculate, long-clawed, with broad green centers and white margins. 6. Leaves ovate, long, acuminate, petioled; petioles ascending, widely spreading, 7 inches long, inserted about 2 inches above the rootstock and 6 or 7 inches below the flower; sepals normal; petals green with white margins. All the flowers appeared to be perfect, though there was an occasional [Vor. 4 16 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN sterile filament. One plant, evidently representing the type of var. variegatum, was photographed, and a drawing from the photograph was published in the ‘Plant World,’ vol. 6, page 88. Among the plants sent to Mr. Macoun by Mr. Cameron from Niagara was one with its petals changed into petioled leaves (petioles over 1 inch long). Mr. Cameron also collected and photographed a plant found on Navy Island, Niagara River, in 1896, very large-flowered, having 21 pure white petals. The root was transplanted, and in 1897 produced 2 flowers, each having 21 petals. This is very good evidence showing how closely these things come true in vegetative reproduc- tion. The same collector also reported a double yellow- flowered dwarf specimen from Niagara Falls, which probably belonged to another species. Several sheets of specimens in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., col- lected by Mr. William Scott in the Don Valley near Toronto, in 1896, belong to Т. grandiflorum var. variegatum and show a great range of variation. Holzinger, John M. A green Trillium. Plant World 4: 132. pl. 9. 1901. T. grandiflorum, collected at Winona, Minn., had its flower parts all green, 6 whorls of 3 leaves each, no stamens or carpels. Pollard, Chas. L. Double Trilliums. Plant World 4: 213. fig. 1. 1901. (Reprinted from Asa Gray Bull. 6: 18-20. 1898.) No new record, merely a comment on Mrs. Kellerman's record. This differed from the above in having the parts colored, hence ‘‘double’’ in the ordinary sense. Rendle, A. B. Jour. Bot. 39: 331. 1901. The author mentions a specimen of T. grandiflorum from Goat Island, Niagara (not Niearagua), whose leaves have petioles 1 em. long, and another specimen a ‘‘monstrous form’’ from Syracuse, N. Y. (from Gray Herb.), with leaf stalks as much as З cm. long. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM oe FI Bishop, Irving T. Plant World 5: 11. 1902. A variety of 7. grandiflorum was noticed to be common near Buffalo, N. Y., students obtaining many specimens every spring. (This is evidently the var. variegatum). The petals become more or less green and bract-like, the leaf-blade smaller, and the petiole and peduncle become longer. In some cases the peduncle is longer than the rest of stem; in others, the petiole is 4—6 inches long, with a narrow lanceolate blade 3 inches long. Multiplieation of organs is common, ex- tending to petaloid and bract-like forms and also to the leaves. In T. erectum L., in few cases, the whorls are repeated, but in no ease is there lengthening of leaf- and flower-stem. Briteher, H. W. Variation in Trillium grandiflorum Salisb. Me. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 86: 169-196. pl. 9-13. 1902. This is a careful study of the variation in the plants found in quantity near Syracuse, N. Y. Hundreds of thousands of plants grow there, thousands of them abnormal, perhaps 10 per cent. In some spots barely a half-dozen are abnormal among thousands of plants; near-by 10-15 per cent may be abnormal. In typieal plants the petals vary from narrow and pointed to broad and obtuse, but always mucronate. An elaborate series of measurements is given for 185 plants, with notes on their peculiarities. In addition to the other con- ditions described, Britcher found that the petals, sepals, or ovary might be stalked. Only the range of these remarkable variations can be re- corded here. The petals varied in color ‘‘from typical white or pink, through white with green center stripe to solid green.’’ Green petals or portions of petals are usually per- sistent, gradually becoming purplish brown in color. The ab- normal plants have usually entirely disappeared by the time the carpels of the normal plants have attained their full size. This is interesting as showing that the abnormal forms do not reproduce themselves by seed and must therefore arise by repeated mutations from the normal forms. The stem may be wholly absent or as much as 34 em. in length. The leaves vary from sessile to petiolate with petioles [Vor. 4 78 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 16 em. long. The peduncle varies from 2 to 220 mm. in length. The sepals may be sessile or on stems 44 mm. long, and sim- ilarly the stalks of the petals may reach 64 mm., the ovary stalks 23 mm. The stem-leaves are sometimes absent. From the fact that the same rootstock produces the same peculiar condition year after year, as has been shown by transplanting the specimens, it is evident that the various abnormal conditions are inherited and not environmentally produced, as has been so frequently conjectured ; though the type of abnormality produced by a given rootstock will per- haps vary within limits from year to year. It would be in- teresting to know what these limits of variation are for indi- vidual rootstocks showing different stages of the abnormality. Hopkins, Lewis S. A rare freak of the Trillium. Plant World 5: 182-183. fig. 1. 1902. i In Troy, Ohio, was found T. sessile L. with three stems arising together from rootstock. The first stem had 3 whorls of 3 leaves each, the lower 2 crowded together, 4 petals, no sepals, 5 stamens, 3 styles and stigmas, and ovary 6-angled. The second stem had 2 whorls of 3 leaves each, no sepals, 6 petals, 7 stamens, 4 styles and stigmas, and 8-angled ovary. The third stem had leaves as in the second, but 3 sepals, 6 petals, 9 stamens, 2 styles and stigmas. Morris, Е. L. ‘‘Occasional’’ leaves of Trillium. Plant World 5: 92-93. pl. 13. 1902. Near Washington, D. C., was found a plant of T. sessile L. bearing two single leaves with very long petioles, direct from the rootstock. Morris, E. L. Abnormal Trilliums. Plant World 6: 87-89. fig. 1. 1903. This figure is a plant of T. grandiflorum var. variegatum from Hamilton, Ont. Two specimens from Moose Head Lake, Maine, 1898 (Aug.), collected by С. B. Grant, “һауе the simple leaves long-petioled from the rootstock." Probably these free, single, long-petioled leaves are an extreme case 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 79 of the variegatum condition with long-petioled leaves from near the base of the scape. Beattie, Е. S. Rhodora 7: 40. 1905. A specimen of Т. undulatum Willd. from Gloucester, Mass., had two stems from one rootstock. One of the flowers had one of its sepals enlarged to 2 the length of ordinary leaves and the shape nearly that of a leaf. At Rowe Pond, Somerset Co., Me., twin stems in this species were found to be the rule. Gary, Lester В. Variation in Trillium. Plant World 8: 957- 259. 1905. A plant of T. erectum with cream-colored petals and dimin- ished odor, but ovary red, was found in the gorge near Niagara whirlpool where Trillium is abundant. The various common variations of Т. grandiflorum, green petals, long petioles, ete., are described. Andrews, F. M. Some monstrosities in Trillium. Plant World 9: 101-102. fig. 17. 1906. The following are described: One specimen of Т. sessile, with all stamens and carpels transformed into floral leaves, 14 in number. All stamens and carpels of a plant of Т. recurvatum trans- formed into floral leaves, larger than normal, 23 in number. One specimen of Т. sessile, with 4 leaves, 3 small sepals, 4 large, partly greenish petals, 6 small stamens and styles. Other specimens of these two species had a sepal and petal **grown together,’’ partly or wholly, one half green, the other half colored (cf. Foerste). Similar observations were made with other species. One specimen of T. erectum with 3 leaves, 3 sepals, 5 petals, 4 stamens, 2 styles. Slight deviations, in tendency to union of floral parts in T. nivale. Clute, W. N. A remarkable change of color in Trillium. Am. Bot. 14: 33-35. 1908. [Vor. 4 80 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN In 1907 a number of plants of the red T. erectum were sent to Joliet, Ш., from New Britain, Conn., some of them being still in flower. They were set out and flowered in 1908, but all the flowers but one were white, this one having only a trace of red on the stamens. Deane, Walter. Rhodora 10: 21-24. 1908. At Squam Lake, Holderness, N. H., Mr. DeMeritte in 1907 found two stems of T. undulatum Willd. growing together and having the same peculiarities. They possessed 3 whorls of 3 leaves each, separated by internodes. The leaves on one of the specimens, which was collected, are carefully described and measured. Two specimens of the same species from Brunswick, Ме., in Gray Herb., collected by Mr. Swallow, but without date, show in other cases sepals leaf-like, ovate, and taper-pointed, 8.2-9.2 em. long. Another specimen in Gray Herb., collected by Miss К. L. Kimball at Fitzwilliam, N. Н., in 1891, has its leaves, sepals, petals, and styles in fours, the stamens prob- ably 8. Deane, W. Rhodora 10: 214-216. 1908. In 1908, Mr. DeMeritte found in the same spot as the previous year a cluster of five plants; (a) three of which had 3 whorls of 3 leaves each; (b) one had 2 whorls of 3 leaves each; and (c) one had 4 whorls of 3 leaves each; in addition, another plant (d) at a little distance had a whorl of 4 leaves. (b) This plant had sepals 9 cm. long resembling leaves, 4 petals (two formed by chorisis), 3 stamens (opposite the petals), 3 styles, ovary 2-celled. (c) In this plant the petioles of the lowest whorl of leaves were 7 cm. long, and there were З large sepals 5 ст. long, 3 stamens (opposite the sepals), 3 styles, ovary 1-celled. (d) One of the 4 leaves had a broadly winged petiole; there were 4 sepals, 3 petals, 6 stamens, 4 styles, ovary 4- celled. In 1897, at Farmington, Me., Mr. C. H. Knowlton collected a specimen of 7. undulatum having a whorl of 4 leaves with 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 81 all the other parts in threes, one stamen more or less petaloid, and the ovary 1-celled with three parietal placentae. A specimen of 7. undulatum in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., col- lected by Dr. J. M. Greenman at Mt. Mansfield, Vt. (Plants of Vermont, No. 1253), 2-4 July, 1897, has a whorl of 4 leaves. There are apparently 4 sepals and 4 petals in the flower, but the number of stigma lobes is 3. Deane, W. Rhodora 12: 163-166. 1910. In this record Mr. De Meritte examined in 1909 the same spot visited in the two previous years. He found (a) 3 plants having 3 whorls of 3 leaves each, separated by internodes, and a perfect flower; (b) 1 plant having 2 whorls of 3 leaves each and a double flower. One of the plants in (a) was collected and carefully described by Mr. Deane. Two of the leaves in the uppermost whorl had a lobe on one side, while the third was notched; the ovary was 1-celled with 3 parietal placentae. The plant (b) possessed 3 sepals, 6 petals; of the latter, two in the outer row had a broad green band running down the center, the third a narrow light green line down the center, and the rest were normal in color; ovary 2-celled. А specimen of T. erectum, collected at Glen Road, N. H., is described. The parts were as follows: a whorl of 4 leaves; 9 sepals green with an edging of maroon, 2 also streaked with maroon; 4 petals and a vacant space for the fifth; 8 stamens, 1 with the anther partly doubled; ovary 8-winged, 1-celled. Deane, W. Rhodora 13: 189-191. 1911. A specimen of Т. ovatum Pursh, collected by Mr. W. T. Putnam at Lake Cushman, Wash., had 24 petals in regular alternating cycles of 3 each, pink and white instead of purple, no stamens or pistil. Deane also cites Prof. Wm. R. Dudley,! who obtained from Woodwardia Swamp Woods a double T. grandiflorum having about 14 parts to the perianth. In a collection of rootstocks of T. grandiflorum var. parvum, from Exeter, N. H., which were dug up in 1914 and which were potted and bloomed at the Missouri Botanical 1 Cayuga Flora, 99. 1886. Vou. 4 82 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Garden in March, 1915, one rootstock is of teratological in- terest. It produced three stems exactly alike. Іп every case the flower and peduncle were entirely absent, and there was a whorl of 6 rather small (about 5 em. long), nearly equal leaves. This rootstock has been marked and will be observed to determine whether the same abnormality occurs every year. It is evident that most of these scattered records were un- known to those who recorded their own observations. It is therefore useful to bring a number of them together, and no doubt this list can be considerably added to. Т. grandiflorum appears to be the most variable of all in certain localities, and it is obvious that in the different districts where studies have been made, much the same series of variations and ter- atological malformations have been encountered, though the forms with the stalked petals or ovary appear to be more restricted. It is proven that these are not environmentally produced, at least in the sense that their recurrence from the same root year after year is independent of environment. We can only suppose that such rootstocks have been produced from particular seeds in which a mutation had occurred, giv- ing rise to one of the many aberrant conditions found. The species is in an unstable condition in the same sense in which I have used that term for Oenothera Lamarckiana. It is pos- sible that cytological study of Т. grandiflorum might reveal the basis of this unstable condition, as it has done to some extent in Oenothera, and a careful study should be undertaken with this possibility in view. It seems evident that Т. grandi- florum is mutating in much the same sense that the term can be used for (Е. Lamarckiana. In T. grandiflorum, however, the mutations are for the most part teratological. It is im- portant to discover, if possible, the fundamental difference between the condition of the germ-plasm of T. grandiflorum in which the variations are chiefly in number and arrange- ment of parts, and the condition in Oenothera in which the variations are better coordinated — changes occurring simul- taneously in all parts usually without dislocation of their rela- tion to each other. It must be supposed that a redistribution 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 83 of some of the germinal materials has taken place, but the nature of that redistribution is at present unknown. Such wide variations in Trillium as the formation of long petioles from sessile-leaved species, and the multiplication of the number of the leaf whorls, with internodes between them, are, however, not obviously teratological; and in the former case they are similar to ordinary specific differences in the genus, while in the latter they, if constant, might well serve as the basis of a distinct genus. Thus the long petioles and short stems of T. petiolatum furnish its most striking distinction from such species as Т. sessile, and it is very tempting to assume that T. petiolatum was derived from a sessile-leaved, long-stemmed species in the same way that the typical condition of the variety variegatum now apparently arises from Т, grandiflorum. These suggestions may seem to systematists bold, but we have reached a point where our experimental knowledge of variation must be applied directly in any discussion of the phylogeny and relationships of par- ticular species. The known variations of species of Trillium furnish a more reasonable basis for an evolutionary recon- struction than hypothetical continuous variations which ex- periment seems to show are not usually inherited. PARIS L. The Eurasian genus Paris is mentioned here on account of its close affinities to Trillium. Just as Trillium is chiefly North American, with a few species closely related to 7. erectum in northeastern Asia and one species (T. Govaniana Wall.) in the Himalayas; so Paris is almost entirely Asiatic, with one species (P. quadrifolia L.) extending into Europe. The genus Paris was probably derived from the ancestors of the group of four species, relatives of Trillium erectum, occur- ring in Japan, Manchuria, and eastern Siberia. Some 30 species have been described, mostly from China, but includ- ing 3 from Siberia, 3 from Japan, and 2 from Thibet. Bearing in mind the probable origin of the genus, its dif- ferences from T'rillium are of much interest. The two may be compared as follows: [Vor. 4 84 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TRILLIUM L. Sepals and petals 3 each; PARIS L. Sepals and petals 4-6 each; petals larger and more or less colored. petals smaller than sepals, sometimes very long and slender. Stamens 8-12, filaments short, anthers with an elongated connective. Stamens 6, filaments filiform, connective not prolonged or only slightly prolonged be- yond the anthers.’ Ovary 3-celled, or 1-celled with parietal placentation in T. grandiflorum and sometimes in teratological specimens. Styles 3. Leaves normally a whorl of 3. Ovary 4-5-celled, or 1-celled with parietal placentation. Styles 4-5. Leaves a whorl of 4 or more. Several significant facts point to the direct origin of Paris from the Т. erectum group of Trillium, probably through Trillium tetraphylla Gray and Paris quadrifolia L. Compar- ing T. erectum with P. quadrifolia the main differences are: (1) the parts in fours instead of threes; (2) the greenish re- duced petals of the latter; and (3) the greatly elongated con- nectives of the anthers. Every one of these conditions is more or less completely duplicated in teratological variations of Trillium. Plants with all the parts in fours occur occa- sionally in a number of species; a virescent condition of the petals is not uncommon; in T. decumbens the anther connec- tives are prolonged beyond the pollen-sacs. The one-celled condition of the ovary in some species of Paris is found as a relatively common teratological variation in Trillium. Paris tetraphylla Gray? forms a transition between the group of Trillia closely related to T. erectum in northeastern Asia and Paris quadrifolia, for its anther connectives agree with those of most species of Trillium in not being at all pro- 1 Except in teratological specimens. 2 Except in teratological specimens and in T. decumbens Harb. 3 This species is found in China, Japan, and the Himalayan region. . Ас See Gray, Asa. Mem. Am ad. N. S. 6: 412. 1858-59. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 85 longed. We may therefore assume, as the other facts sug- gest, that this variation occurred independently of the others, and perhaps subsequently. On the other hand, the reduction in petals in Trillium (leading towards Paris) displays itself particularly іп T. Smallii Maxim., in which the petals may be more or less reduced or absent. The fact that certain teratological conditions in one genus frequently resemble the normal condition in a related genus, as we noted in a previous paragraph, shows that variations tend to follow certain paths. These variations must result from the structure of the germ-plasm, and may be compared with lines of cleavage or fracture. They apparently result from certain weaknesses in the structure of the germ-plasm, and they are apparently not environmentally produced (unless in the sense of large responses to small stimuli), but reappear generation after generation through long periods of time. They represent the unstable nature of certain elements of the germ-plasm, and are apparently, when reproduced from seed, themselves unstable. This is a matter on which more exten- sive data are urgently needed; e.g., will a 4-parted Trillium come true from seed, or how will its peculiarity be inherited, if at all? And will a partly double T. grandiflorum which reappears each year from the same rootstalk reproduce itself from seed? It is greatly to be hoped that breeding experi- ments with teratological plants will be undertaken to deter- mine this point. One is strongly inclined to believe that such peculiarities as polymery and doubling will be reproduced in some, at least, of the offspring. Experiments with double garden flowers of course point to this conclusion. On the other hand, it appears that somatic variations, such as fasciation, which are not at all inherited in some genera, have become a constant feature of the genus in other genera, e.g., Celosia. We have at present no means of knowing how the unstable and non-inherited or partially inherited terato- logical variations of one genus may give rise to the stable and completely inherited condition of a derived genus; but it is a legitimate interpretation of the facts to suppose that [Vor. 4 86 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN something like this has happened in the origin of many genera. The differences between Trillium and Paris may, ав we have seen, be reduced to three; but these, so far as we know from present variations, are apparently independent of each other as arule. Three mutations are required to account for the origin of a typical Paris from a Trillium (two if we con- sider P. tetraphylla). Other intermediate species containing one or two of these features only have recently been described by Léveillé from China. Thus P. Dunniana Lévl. and P. aprica Lévl. also have the anther connectives scarcely, if at all, prolonged, while in P. atrata Lévl. the petals are longer than the sepals. We may, therefore, assume a considerable amount of elimination of such forms, perhaps through their own instability in inheritance, until finally a stable combina- tion was reached which has sinee given rise to the various species of Paris through another group of variations. It is greatly to be hoped that some one will undertake crossing experiments with Paris and Trillium, for they would throw much light on these questions. MEDEOLA Gronov. А monotypie genus of eastern North America. 1. Medeola virginiana L. Sp. Pl. 339. 1753. Gyromia virginica Nutt. Gen. 1: 238. 1818; Lamarck, Encye. Meth. 4: 4. 1796; Illustr. Gen. Tab. 2: pl. 266, fig. 2. 1823; Barton, Elem. of Bot. pl. 14. 1803; Curt. Bot. Mag. pl. 1316. 1816; Meehan, Native Flowers 2: 157. pl. 40. 1879. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to Ontario, Minnesota, Florida, and Tennessee. The genus Medeola is remarkably distinct from its nearest relative, T'rillium, yet there is no question of its affiliation, on the one hand with Trillium and on the other hand with Paris. The differenees enumerated below would seem to indicate that Medeola is the sole survivor of a group of North Amer- iean forms which has disappeared. 1917] GATES—THE GENUS TRILLIUM 87 In his classical paper! in which he compared the flora of eastern North America with that of Japan, pointing out the many striking similarities, Asa Gray regards Paris hexa- phylla as the Japanese counterpart of Medeola virgimana L. MEDEOLA Gronov. = TRILLIUM L. Deciduous wool on stem. No wool on stem. Leaves in 2 (rarely 3) whorls; Leaves in 1 whorl? of nor- lower whorl 4-10 leaves. mally 3 leaves. Flowers in a sessile umbel, A single flower, usually dark small, greenish yellow. red or white. Six perianth segments alike. | Three sepals; 3 petals. The differences from Trillium are much greater than in the case of Paris. The presence of 2, or sometimes 3, whorls of leaves recalls a not infrequent teratological condition in Trillium, while the variable number of leaves in the lower whorl agrees with the condition in the genus Paris. The umbel of flowers is a marked progressive step, while the lack of differentiation of calyx and corolla is a primitive or rever- sionary condition, again resembling certain teratological specimens in Trillium. The fluffy wool on the stems is a posi- tive character of whose origin we know nothing, but there is no reason to believe that it has any selective value. It is scarcely to be supposed that Medeola would cross with Trillium, but the attempt would be worth making. 1Gray, Asa. Diagnostic characters of new species of phanerogamous > collected in Japan by Charles n Botanist to the North Pacifie Exploring Expedition. ке pergere upon the relations of the Japanese flora to that of N ca, and of other parts of the northern temperate zone. Mem Acad. II. 6: 371-452. 2 Teratological specimens occur having 2 or 3 whorls. [Vor. 4, 1917] 88 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 6 1. Trillium venosum Gates. From cotype specimen in Mo. t. Gard. Herb., collected at Dry Buck, Boise Co., Idaho, by J. F. Масы: ide 847. Fig. 2. Trillium ovatum Pursh var. stenosepalum Gates. From type an in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., collected at Helena, Montana, by Alder ANN. Мо. BOT. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 6 GATES — THE GENUS TRILLIUM [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 7 Fig. 1. IM a (Н. & A.) Heller var. chloropetalum (Torr.) С From specimen in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., collected at Humbug Creek, Siskiyou Co., California, by George D. Butler 1168. cn ig. ^x Trillium luteum (Muhl.) Harbison. From specimen in Gard. Herb., LS салын at Clemson College, Oconee Co., South, Caritas, by H. D. House 1789. Fig. 3. Trillium luteum var. latipetalum Gates. From specime in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., нн at Clemson College, Oconee Co, South Carolina, by H. D. Hou ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 7 > GATES — THE GENUS TRILLIUM Е [Vor. 4, 1917] 92 ANNALS ОҒ THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 8 Trillium giganteum (Н. & A.) Heller var. angustipetalum (Тогг.) Gates. From specimen in Univ. Cal. Herb., collected in the foothills near Stanford University, Santa Clara Co., California, by C. Baker 306. ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 5 GATES — THE GENUS TRILLIUM Annals of the = Missouri Botanical Garden Vor. 4 | APRIL, 1917 №. 2 STUDIES IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FUNGI ta Рнучосдт, Properties OF Woop ім RELATION то DEcAY INDUCED ву LENZITES SAEPIARIA FRIES SANFORD M. ZELLER Research Fellow in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University INTRODUCTION Much interest has been manifested among the lumbermen --ава those associated in allied industries concerning specifica- \ tions for structural timber. The classification of structural timber is based on strength and durability. Members of the Forest Service at the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, have shown that the true criterion of the strength of wood is its density (specific gravity), and that the рет” entage of summer wood indicates its density (Betts, "xe gj. But the physical properties of wood, which influence its durability, hitherto have presented an open question, and it is the purpose of this paper to report the investigations on this subject carried out by the author at the Graduate Lab- oratories of the Missouri Botanical Garden. The experiments were conducted with three species of yel- V pine, Pinus palustris, P. echinata, and P. Taeda. Special "attention was given to the physieal properties of each sample of wood used, data being secured on (1) resin content, (2) spe- cific gravity, (3) percentage of summer wood (the dark por- tion of the annual growth ring) or proportion of summer wood to spring wood in the growth rings, (4) the width of the growth rings or number of rings per inch measured on a a later paper the кет will discuss the literature оп the ана cule ED: structural timbers as they relate to strength, as well as the results of an experi mental study of the dee Б between strength and durability of rein pine tiniber ANN, Мо. Вот. GARD., Vor. 4, 1917 (93) [Vor. 4 94 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN radius of the stem, (5) sap- and heart-wood, and (6) the dis- tance of the sample from the pith. Susceptibility to decay and comparative resistance to-Tün- gous attack vary with the different species of wood, and it was believed that in any one species various qualities of the wood may influence its durability. "Therefore, in the series of experiments reported below the three species of yellow pine were used, and a comparison of their relative resistance will be diseussed. However, before deseribing the experiments and their results it will be necessary to consider the results of previous workers who have contributed to our knowledge of the influence of the physical properties of wood upon its durability. НіѕтовісАІ, REVIEW Resin occurs widely distributed in the plant kingdom ава solid, semi-liquid, or dissolved in a resin solvent. It is шовҒ” abundant in coniferous wood, where it exists in the sap-wood dissolved in terpenes or turpentine oils, and in the heart-wood as an amorphous solid or semi-liquid mass according to the degree of seasoning and age of the heart-wood. Various types and compositions of resin are found in many other groups of plants. Harz (’68) showed by analyses that it is to be found in the mycelium and fruiting bodies of Polyporus officinalis Fries, and more recently Malencovie (’07) has reported it in the mycelium and sporophores of Lenzites saepiaria. Resin has been generally considered a hindrance to the attack of wood-destroying fungi. In discussing the inroads of the mycelium of Trametes Pini Fr. Hartig (778) says that the terpenes and oils of turpen. tines are driven out of the wood in advance of the fungus, and the resin which is soluble in the terpenes is carried forward until it becomes so concentrated as to form a barrier or re- sistant wall, as it were. This is especially true in the sap- wood where resin exists in certain species of wood diluted in the terpenes. In the heart-wood where the resin is in алпоге or less solid condition it is difficult to conceive that it may һе- driven out by the entrance of the mycelium, yet the pressure 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 95 of the mycelium might result in an increased tension in the tissues, as may be the case in those forms of decay described by von Schrenk (’01, p. 204). Thus, coniferous trees should be pruned when young, at least before any heart-wood is formed, so that the resin will exude and cover the wound, since, as was demonstrated іп a previous paper (Zeller, 716), fungi will not germinate nor grow on pure solid resin as it exudes from the wounded bark or sap-wood. Hartig’s observations, referred to above, were made in the field. He states that in the summer of 1877 damage done by wind gave opportunity to study the aseptic influence of resin on wounds. In all cases of fracture there was exudation from the sap-wood but not from the heart-wood. He further noticed that where resin in the solid state is infiltrated in the cell walls and also fills the cell lumen the penetration of the fungous mycelium is mechanically hindered. Temme (’85) believed that certain kinds of wood are ren- dered more durable by a gum which is formed in wood exposed to air. This is especially true where active sap-wood is ex- posed as the result of a lesion. Bordering the active wood thus aérated a layer of ‘‘Schutzholz’’ is formed because of the infiltration of this gum, which, he believed, made the wood resistant to fungous attack. Dudley (’87) observed that longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) does not seem to be exceptionally durable when placed in con- ditions favorable to the growth of fungi, as in roadbeds as railroad ties. He states that ‘‘ordinary specimens of this pine contain from 18 to 20 per cent of resinous matter, which is supposed to add much to the durability of the wood. But this does not seem to be the case when the wood is put in the ground or in the roadbed as ties.’’ To Mayr (’94) we are indebted, probably more than to any other worker, for our present knowledge of the influence of resin on the durability of coniferous woods. He has made an extensive study of the distribution of resin in these woody tissues and also of the physiological importance of the resin to the tree, besides drawing quite definite conclusions as to its influence on fungous growth. ГУ от. 4 96 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Mayr distinguishes between the liquid resin, as it is found in the sap-wood of conifers, and solid resin, such as fossil amber. Fungi such as Nectria and Pestalozzia thrive on the soft resin, while the hard resin is very durable. Thus, the greater the amount of hard resin wood contains, the more durable will it be. He suggests that the influence of resin should not be overestimated, however, since other factors, such as density or specific gravity, dark color due to the im- pregnation with ‘‘Dauerstoff,’’ climatic conditions under which the trees were grown, and the duration of seasoning, are of much greater importance in decay resistance. On the other hand, where different species of coniferous wood have the same specific gravity, Mayr ascribes the differences in durability to variations in resin content. Pieces of spruce, larch, and Douglas fir, for instance, often show the same spe- cific gravity, but the spruce and larch are generally more durable than the Douglas fir, since the latter is considerably inferior in resin content. Mayr further says that for the judging of the durability of all species of wood, the **Dauerstoff," a substance ог sub- stances which cause the dark color of heart-wood, must be taken into consideration; that is, that a species of wood pos- sessing dark heart-wood surpasses in durability that with light-colored heart, providing the resin content and specific weights are the same. The climatic conditions under which the trees are grown will influence the durability of the wood. Mayr suggests the pine as an example of this fact. For instance, the timber grown in relatively warm climates on sandy soils possesses a dark, broad heart, while that produced on gravelly soils in cooler climates has narrow, light-colored heart-wood, and un- der warmer conditions the wood is specifically heavier and possesses a greater resin content than in cooler regions. It is also suggested in Mayr’s conclusions that the season- ing of the wood influences the durability because of its effect on the resin content. If seasoning is rapid the resins may be carried out of the wood by the evaporation of the turpentine 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 97 and water, but, if slow, the hard resins are laid down within the wood, thus increasing durability. We notice here that Mayr seems to lay as much stress upon specific gravity as a factor in the resistance of wood to fungous decay as he does on the resin content. Practically the same idea is conveyed by Falck (709), who says that all three species of Lenzites (L. saepiaria, L. abietina, and L. thermophila) will attack pine sap-wood more readily than heart-wood, and coarse-grained or non-resinous sap-wood more readily than dense or resinous material. Pine heart- wood is attacked with difficulty, even by Merulius lacrymans, and hard, resinous knots, ete., are always immune. Speaking of the decay of wood produced by Lenzites saepiaria, Spaulding (711) suggests that resin is a factor in the resistance of southern pine. He states that ‘‘Whether it is able to rot the resinous heart-wood of the southern pines seems questionable. The writer has seen no instance where this has taken place, except in the outer layers of heart-wood which were not so completely filled with resin as the inner ones.’’ Hoxie strongly advocates resin as a criterion of the durability of pine wood. However, he has advisedly included in his specifications (Hoxie, 715) density (specific gravity of about .48), percentage of summer wood (33.3 per cent), and growth rings per inch as factors of importance. In 1914 he performed a very simple experiment from which he concluded that ‘‘resin is the important factor in the hard pines. A block of longleaf pine 2 in. on a side, containing 18 per cent of resin, was sawed in two across the grain. Half of it was boiled in benzole and after the removal of the resin the ben- zole was driven off. Both pieces were cultivated in contact with wood containing living dry rot fungus. At the end of a year the specimens were dried and weighed. That from which the resin had been removed had lost 8 per cent in weight, the other only 2 per cent.’’ This is in accordance with Mayr ('94), who has said that of two blocks having the same specific gravity, but the one resinous and the other not, the resinous will be the more resistant. However, when we consider the [VoL. 4 98 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN variableness in weight of samples of the same species of wood the value of Hoxie’s experiment may be questioned. Hoxie’s specification of “поё less than 4 per cent resin’’ was based on ‘‘the percentage of resin in the sound centers of rotted beams taken from a mill.’’ This resin content **was determined in order to get an idea of the amount required to stop fungous growth under ordinary mill conditions. In rotted beams of the poorest of hard pine there is generally a sound center which contains more resin than the remainder of the section. Sometimes it is not bounded by the growth rings but is very irregular, the cause being that resin has been irregu- larly deposited in the section owing to knots or injuries to the tree. The limits of the sound centers are frequently not the same as those of Ше heart-wood.’’ In these cases Hoxie found that the limiting amount of resin which is just sufficient to stop the fungus is in the neighborhood of 3 per cent. Fur- ther, “Тһе limiting power of resin is undoubtedly not absolute but varies with the moisture, variety of fungus and time of exposure. "Therefore, it is safe to assume that a mill beam should have not less than 5 per cent of resin throughout suc- cessfully to withstand fungus under ordinary conditions of dampness and allowing a reasonable factor of safety." While Hoxie has considered that the irregularity of the limits of the sound centers described above is due to the irregular distribution of resin, he has said nothing of the cracks in the beams due to seasoning. It has been the experi- ence of the writer that fungous decay generally proceeds far- ther toward the pith of a timber along such seasonal eracks. This may also account for an irregular decay. Another factor which Hoxie ('14) has considered is the relation of relative humidity of the air to fungous decay. He says: ‘‘Wood will become dryer or wetter in proportion to the relative humidity of the air; . . . Moreover, the sus- ceptible varieties absorb moisture more rapidly than those which are more resistant to fungi.” 1 the fungi will be prepared by the writer. The relation of the relative humidity of the air to the absorbing power of various species of yellow pine will be a pre liminary consideration. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 99 In answer to an article by von Schrenk (716) on the grading of yellow pine, Hoxie (716) produces a plate showing the cross-sections of three planks of yellow pine heart-wood upon which Merulius lacrymans had grown for three years under identical, favorable conditions of moisture and temperature. The decay was greatest in that plank having the lowest spe- cific gravity and at the same time the lowest resin content; and the plank having the highest specific gravity and the highest resin content was most resistant to decay. This is another example to substantiate the conclusions of Mayr (294), cited above. Although Hoxie attributes the resistance of the heaviest plank to its resin content, it is impossible for the writer to draw the same conclusion, for this resistant plank, besides having the highest resin content of the three, had also a higher specific gravity and narrower growth rings than the other two planks. Since the specific gravity of wood is to a more or less extent a function of the percentage of the summer wood (Johnson, 93, р. 27) contained, and since the density of wood and Ше breadth of the growth rings have been so closely related in the grading of coniferous timber, the limited literature deal- ing with these several properties of wood will be taken up as a whole. Density has long been held as an index of the durability of wood. Ав early as 1818 McWilliams (1818, рр. 182-183) said that ‘‘from the experience of those most deserving of notice it appears that the durability of timber is in proportion to its solidity." He later defines ‘‘solidity’’ in the following man- ner: ‘‘When different sorts of timber are equally dry, the respective depths to which they will sink in water is a very good criterion of their proportionate solidity.’’ Mayr (’86), in a discussion of various species of pine, con- cludes that the wood which is heavier, although less resinous, is more valuable and durable. Later (’94) he has shown that the resin content does not markedly influence the specific weight of the wood, and he states that the more heavily ligni- fied cell walls of the summer wood offer a mechanical resist- [Vor. 4 100 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN ance to the growth of fungous mycelia, whether resinous or non-resinous. Von Schrenk (’01), in connection with the description of the decay of Robinia Pseudacacia produced by Fomes rimosus, says: “Тһе manner in which fungus hyphae spread through a piece of timber is determined to some extent by the structure of the timber. Wood which has large vessels, prominent medullary rays, resin channels, or the wood elements of which are large-lumened and thin-walled, will be penetrated through- ‘out its entire mass more readily than wood where those nat- ural channels are absent, or which has short, thick-walled ele- ments. . . . Growth directly through a solid mass of wood rarely takes place, and when it does so it is a very slow process." Practically the same idea is conveyed by Buller (706) and Bayliss (208). On the relative decay in summer wood and spring wood Falck (709) says that in cultures of Lenzites spp. which attack coniferous wood, the culture blocks show spots of incipient decay in two or three months. These spots occur in the spring wood, and then with an increase of the incubation period may spread to the summer wood or may not, although the whole block is covered with the weft of mycelium. The spring wood is thus destroyed more readily than the summer wood. Не noticed this especially in cultures on blocks of Pinus sylvestris where the summer wood appeared to be fully intact, while the layers of spring wood had become disintegrated and upon dry- ing cracked into cubes (shown in his pl. IV, fig. 2). This same deseription of the decay and the relation of summer wood and spring wood to resistance to attack by Lenzites saepiaria is reported by Spaulding (’11, p. 21). The idea previously held throughout the literature, and likewise the result of experience, has been that the sap-wood is more readily attacked by fungi than the heart-wood because of the richer store of available food material in the former. On the other hand, the relative durability of the sap-wood and heart-wood depends entirely upon the decay-producing or- ganism and the species of wood attacked. For instance, some fungi will destroy the heart-wood and leave the sap-wood 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 101 practically untouched, while others may decay only the sap- wood, or both. Falck (’09) points out that Lenzites abietina and L. thermophila attack the sap-wood, while in cultures set up in the same, L. saepiaria will decay both Ше sap- and Ше heart-wood. Hartig (’02, p. 44) has shown that the sap-wood of Pinus sylvestris (Kiefernholz) is attacked by Merulius lacrymans more readily than the heart-wood, while the heart- wood of Picea excelsa (Fichtenholz) is more readily decayed by the same organism than the sap-wood. These are striking examples of the specificity of certain organisms, and indicate how the chance of infection of wood may vary with circum- stances. Hoxie (715, р. 60) has taken these results obtained by Har- tig, and on the basis of average resin analyses made by Mayr (794) has concluded that this difference of resistance in the two species of wood is due to their resin content. However, since resin is so variable within the same species of wood, the analyses made by Mayr could hardly be considered compatible with decay experiments conducted by Hartig on different sam- ples, although for the sake of argument there does seem to be a relation. This, nevertheless, could not apply to the resin in the sap-wood if we accept the results of Mayr ('94, p. 70), who shows that fungi thrive on resin in the liquid state as it is found in the sap-wood. Humphrey (716) has started a series of laboratory tests on the durability of American woods, the first of which reports the deeay of various species of conifers induced by Lentinus lepideus Fr. Before the experiments were set up the test blocks were weighed, but no record was kept of their relative specific gravity, percentage of summer wood, resin content, etc. The test blocks were allowed to decay for intervals of 4, 6, and 12 months, and it is interesting to notice that after 12 months the sap-wood and heart-wood of longleaf pine were reduced in weight more than those of shortleaf. Humphrey says that ‘‘the specimen of longleaf pine, which did not ap- pear very highly resinous, did not prove as resistant (51.1 per cent reduction) as shortleaf pine (20.7 per cent reduction), which was of a good grade.’’ Since these tests are on one sam- [Vor. 4 102 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN ple block of each species of wood and their relative densities are not reported, it is with considerable hesitation that we would compare thereby the relative resistance of the various species of wood tested. Nevertheless, in the case of longleaf and shortleaf pines it shows that in some cases, at least, short- leaf is more resistant than longleaf. METHODS оғ EXPERIMENTATION Samples of wood of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) were secured from the Julius Seidel Lumber Co., St. Louis, and longleaf pine and loblolly pine (P. Taeda) from the John L. Roper Lumber Co., New Berne, N. C. The samples were numbered from 1 to 45. The cross-sections of 1-42 are shown in plates 10 and 11. Samples 1-11 and 43-45 were P. echinata from southern Missouri, 12-19 were P. palustris from Mississippi, 20-30 were P. Taeda from North Carolina, and 31-42 were P. palustris from North Carolina. The samples were selected in the lum- ber yards with only a cursory examination of the various physical factors to be investigated. In this way a wide range of these factors were obtained. Ж. o - n aum . аа 79 Each sample was cut into << E Е Fa РИ culture blocks 1Ж1Х2 inches, 4% A as shown in fig. 1. First, the CASCERN- Z\6 | end of each of the samples was E LX а 7 «| marked off into one-inch A squares, and each of these vlo'z % А Ya squares was labeled with a ыл ley la| letter, beginning alphabetieally e128 +5 2 (|| ав near the pith аз possible. oa KA " (In fig. 1 the circle between А оро 2 д апа С represents the pith.) ss 2 With this system of lettering B-Fuwi9 ж each letter represents a column Fig. 1. of culture blocks a certain dis- tance from the pith; thus, in the label M 1101, M represents the position of the column of culture blocks, 11 represents the number of the whole sample, and 1 the number of the first 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 103 block from the top in the column. Each culture block was labeled with a soft lead pencil, this proving to be the most satisfactory method of labeling. After the culture blocks were sawed and labeled they were placed in an oven at 65° C. and dried to a constant weight and then weighed in grams, accurately to the second decimal, and estimated to the third. The period of time for kiln-drying to constant weight proved to vary according to the porosity of the wood, the lighter wood drying in 3 to 4 days, the heavier in 6 to 7 days. After the weights were obtained, the volumes of the culture blocks were determined by immersion in mercury. А grad- uate cylinder calibrated to 2-се. divisions was cut off, so that, when filled with mercury up to within 2.5 inches of the top, blocks could be inserted and removed with ease. This method is sufficiently accurate and practicable where a large quantity of volume determinations are to be made. Its main inaccuracy lies in the large surface of mercury exposed where the read- ing is taken. The volumes were taken in cubic centimeters. From the weight and volume obtained the specific gravity was determined for the individual culture blocks. The percentage of summer wood was determined for each column of blocks in a sample by measuring in millimeters the width of the layers of summer wood on a radial line 2.5 em. long and multiplying this value by four. These measurements were made on a smoothly planed cross-section of the whole sample. The values for percentage of summer wood cannot be considered absolute. It will be noticed that even within the individual columns of culture blocks the specific gravity may vary considerably. At first it was thought that this might be due to error in determining the specific gravity, but upon examination of the individual blocks it was found to be due to another cause. It is difficult while rip-sawing a sample to fol- low the grain of the wood exactly. Thus, whenever the length- wise sawing is at all oblique to the grain, there is a change in the apportionment of summer wood for the neighboring blocks, changing the specific gravity proportionately. The number of growth rings per inch were counted on the [Vor. 4 104 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN same radial line as was used to determine the percentage of summer wood. The distance of the culture block from the pith was taken as the distance in inches from the center of the culture block to the pith. If the sample did not contain the pith the location of the latter was determined from the aver- age curvature of the annual rings. One resin analysis was made for each column of culture blocks, a block of an average specific gravity for the column being used. The samples to be analyzed for resin were kiln- dried at 65° C. until they reached constant weight. They were then removed to a desiccator to cool to room tempera- ture, after which they were planed into fine shavings, which were stored in stoppered bottles until used. Five-gram quan- tities of shavings were used for each analysis. The shavings were placed in the upper chamber of a Soxhlet extraction apparatus which contained enough glass wool to prevent them from siphoning off when the chamber was emptied auto- matically. The solvent for extraction was benzol, and the extraction was continued for 36 hours for each sample. Small Westinghouse electric dise stoves of 1.8 amperage were used to keep a constant heat. After extraction the benzol contain- ing the resin was distilled, and the resin transferred to a tared watch-glass, and the contents dried to constant weight in an electric oven kept at 60-65° C. The resin percentages given in table 1 are based on the total hard resin thus ex- tracted and dried. PREPARATION OF CULTURES For cultures wide-mouthed jars of one quart capacity were used. In the bottom of each jar there was placed a 3-inch layer of macerated paper, the well-known Scott’s toweling being employed for this purpose. This paper had previously been soaked in distilled water for several hours to remove all readily soluble chemical compounds. After this it was squeezed out, then again rinsed in distilled water, and finally squeezed out until fairly dry before being placed in the jars. Upon this layer the blocks were placed on end, as can be seen in plate 9. The jars were plugged with cotton and sterilized. 1917] ZELLER— DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 105 STERILIZATION The jars were sterilized in an autoclave for 45 minutes at 20 pounds pressure. Tests were conducted on sterilizing the cultures when they contained sufficient water for inoculation and when no water was added. It was found that some of those sterilized in a wet condition lost resin by steam distil- lation, and that the resin was not lost by sterilization if the blocks were dry and placed in a dry jar, although sterilized in steam in an autoclave. The loss of resin proved to occur when the blocks contained more than 17.6 per cent resin. There is a criticism, however, of any method of sterilization by heat when wood containing resin is concerned. Heat will necessarily rearrange the resin from the condition in which it naturally exists in wood. This is probably the greatest error in the present preliminary work along this line of inves- tigation. Tests on the effect of sterilization on the lignin elements were conducted. It was found that thin shavings of wood in water autoclaved for one hour were not delignified to such extent that by staining with zinc chloriodid any change could be detected, although the water in which the shavings had been boiled gave a very faint pink color with phloroglucin and hydrochloric acid. Potter (’04) believed that any method of sterilizing with heat considerably altered the lignin of wood. His tests were made on very young wood, however. Spaulding (’06) repeated Potter’s tests and found that it takes 15 to 40 hours of sterilizing at 100° C. to effect any change in the wood elements. INOCULATION After the jars were sterilized the cultures were moistened by adding sterile distilled water, and then were inoculated with Lenzites saepiaria. In a previous paper methods of ob- taining pure cultures and the propagation of the fungus on various media — Thaxter’s potato-hard agar, pine sawdust, and blocks of pine wood — have been described in detail. Agar was found to be the best medium to employ in growing the fungus to be transferred to these block cultures. The fungus [Vor. 4 106 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN produces oidia very readily on agar. Small fragments of the agar containing the fungous mycelium were transferred either to the tops or bases of the culture blocks and so placed that a nocule came in contact with each block. In the first inocu- lations, where the water was not yet wholly taken up by the blocks and paper, the nocules floated, and when the jars were moved the oidia were scattered; thus in a few days some blocks were covered with a mycelium, while in others the mycelium was merely growing out from the nocules. Therefore, the methods of inoculating were changed, the oidia being scattered over the surface of the blocks by agitating the water intro- duced into the jars immediately after inoculation. The cultures were incubated for one year, a part of the time at room temperature and a part of the period in a very humid rotting-pit at a temperature varying from 22° C. in summer to 30-35° C. in winter when the steam heat could be utilized. The jars were watered from time to time so as to keep the paper beneath the culture blocks damp and the relative humid- ity of the air within the jars approximately 100 per cent. In all experiments reported in this paper the criterion on which fungous decay is based is the loss in weight during incubation. Thus, when the culture blocks were removed from the jars after one year, they were placed in an oven at 65° С. and again dried to constant weight before final weighing. A control on loss of weight due to sterilizing was arranged. Twenty-five blocks were dried, weighed, and sterilized, and then again dried and weighed, but, as stated above, there was no loss in weight unless the percentage of resin was above 17.6 per cent. DESCRIPTION OF CULTURE SERIES Four series of cultures were prepared, and they have been designated, respectively, series A, B, C, and D. SERIES A In series A culture blocks of longleaf pine (Pinus palus- tris), shortleaf pine (P.echinata), and loblolly pine (Р.Таеда) were used in their natural conditions and placed in jars as 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 107 described above and inoculated with Lenzites saepiaria. Ap- proximately 2500 culture blocks were prepared for this series, but the results given in table 1 are taken on 743 blocks of P. palustris, 594 blocks of P. echinata, and 321 blocks of P. Taeda, or a total of 1658. These were incubated for one year. Some of the remainder of the series were left in cul- ture for a two-year period, while others were used in work to show the relation of the oxygen and water content of the sub- strate to the growth of Lenzites saepiaria, as previously re- ported (Zeller, 716). In the following table the resin percent- age, percentage of summer wood, number of rings per inch, and distance from the pith are values for each lettered column of blocks in a sample. Whenever any of these factors are correlated with specific gravity or the percentage loss in weight, as in the plotted charts described below, the average values of the latter for any one lettered column are used. TABLE I (Series A) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I II III IV V VI | УП [Viti] IX| X | X1 | XII с 8 > 5 га Е |Ена v Ф e о = Ф же 6.2. m ЕЕ 853 | 22| 353955 ба | 58| 5 ЕРІН ЕТЕ 28 зо Фо Е Б^ Я8В н29 On 9 на 25 Sol ama За 941 5921 ап ъз SEs БЕ БЕ ao ea 28 | БОР Q > „28 A 5b | 5 оты | д £ и 125 | ЗЕ 2 Е Ф > = zü - ё, 49 Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) A 101 9621 .620|17.959| .016 | 16.37) 17.5 | 15.0] .75| .660| 4.735 A 102 8] 19.32 8.095 | 6.34 А 103 8 3.18 778 | 20.501 | 11.59 А 104 3| 18.217| .621 | 17.455 | 4.18 А 107 0| 19.019 | .633 | 18.725 : В 101 7| 15.392 | .600 | 14.998 | 2.56] 23.3 | 10.0 | 10.0] .75) .620| 2.51 B 102 1| 16.149 | .618 | 15.690} 2. В 103 3| 16.684 | .634 | 16.19 ( В 105 5| 16.496 | .622 | 16.175 ‹ В 106 3 .502 | .627 | 16.13 i C 101 0 .042 | .656 | 18.455 | 3. 17.1 | 30.0 | 15.0] 1.50] .678| 3.06 С 104 0 1551 бл ЕМО С 105 5 .150 | .683 580 С 106 5 .717 | .692 025 С 107 9 .948 | .690 SLD ( D 101 5 490} .635 | 17.488 | 0.01} 30.5 | 35.0 | 13.0] 1.50] 671 3.88 D 102 5 .130 | „659 | 17.459 | D 103 7| 18.854 | .681 | 18.091 | 4.05 D 104 6| 18.153| .658 | 17.478 2 D 105 9| 18.652| .668 | 17.912 97 [Vor. 4 108 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I НІЕ-ІН ІУ | V | м | уп |уших|х | XI] Xi И | o г Яо з | ъд > ы S $ 3* bo Пе |o E ee gu [8 |9 SP зо 8 Ва БР МЕРЕКЕ 38 |39| 988 35|228|l822| ^8 Ба 83 бо POT Sa 159 ЕКСЕ ОИ СЕЛІ SES) ре БЕ Ва ЕР Ра | Fe О > | N |a Oe) a |а 519 jog] ФЕР Ф sum ЕЕ ё|а | 29 = = БЕ ЕЗБЕ EE Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) D 106|27.9| 18.926| .678|17.940| 5.21 D 107|26.9| 19.37 20 | 18.124 | 6.47 ` 101 | 28.5| 22.730] .797| 21.976] 3.32| 34.2 | 30.0 | 14.0] 2.50] .902| 7.728 102 | 30.0} 25.690} .856 | 23.780 | 7.4 103 | 31.4 | 29.123| .927| 26.560 | 8.80 с 104 | 32.0 .867 | .964 | 27.800 | 9. > 105 | 31.9 .801| .966 27.980 | 9.16 ` 101 | 29.0 .116| .624 | 17.610| 2.79| 33.9 | 30.0 | 13.0] 2.50) .682| 5.97 102 | 30.3 .187 | .633 | 18.386 | 4.17 7 103 | 31.4 | 20.094 | „639 | 19.067 | 5.11 7 104 | 31.0 | 20.590| .664 19.451] 5.53 7 105 | 31.9 | 23.118 | .724| 21.317] 7.79 * 106 | 31. .187 | .80 560 | 10.44 С 101 | 27.0 456| .684|17.620| 4.53] 24.4 | 32.0] 12.0] 2.0 | .710 3.73 С 102 | 27.0 .671| .692 | 18.000} 3.60 G 103 | 27.0 .189 | .711 | 18.600} 3.07 С 104 | 26.5 .160| .723 | 18.515| 3.31 С 105 | 27.9 | 20.618| .739 | 19.760 | 4.16 Н 101 | 26. 4.931 | .941 | 22.048 | 11.57 | 26.9 | 32.0 | 12.0] 2.75| 838 8.45 Н 103 22.285 | .832 20.480 | 8.10 Н 104 | 26.0| 20.874 | .803| 19.265 | 7.70 Н 105 | 26.0| 20.206 | .777 | 18.910 | 6.4: А 203 | 31. 3.708 | .435|12.740| 7.06| 1.0 | 10.0 | 13.0] .75| .460| 4.27 А 204 | 32.0| 13.923 | .435 | 13.390| 3.82 . A 205 | 30. 5.276 | .497 | 14.755 | 3.42 А 206 | 31.8 | 14.846 | .467| 14.800] .31 А 207 | 31.8 | 14.196| .447 | 13.170| 7. А 208 | 31.9 | 15.325 | .480| 14.750 | 3. В 207 | 35.0| 14.768| .422 | 14.092 | 4.: 1.8 | 15.0 | 15.0 1.50 .423| 4.67 В 208 | 33.5| 14.179| .424 | 13.507 | 4. С 201 | 29.7 | 13.705| .461 | 13.440 | 1. 0.6 | 20.0 | 15.0] 1.75] .461| 3.07 С 202 | 29.5 | 13.650 | .463 | 13.295 | 2.60 С 203 | 31.5 | 14.609 | .464 | 14.203 | 2. С 204 | 31.2 | 14.564| .467 | 14.298 | 1.8 С 207 | 29.7 | 13.480 | .454 | 12.938 | 4.0 С 208 | 28. 2.828 | .458 | 12.150 | 5.2 D 201 | 30. 3.782 | .459 | 13.510| 1.97| 1.4 | 15.0 | 15.0] 2.25] .455| 1.70 D 202 | 30. 3.580 | .453 | 13.421| 1.17 D 203 | 31. 4.132 | .453 | 13.973 | 1.1 D 204 | 32. 4.719 | .460 | 14.528 | 1.30 D 207 | 30. 4.034 | .460 | 13.793 | 1.7. D 208 | 31.0 | 13.935 | .449 | 13.530 | 2.9 Е 203 | 30.0 | 13.187 | .439 | 13.071| 0.88} 1.5 | 20.0 | 11.0) 2.75 .442| 2.17 Е 204 | 31. 3.569 | .437|13.368| 1.4 E 205 4.093 .443 |13.811| 2.00 Е 206 .986 | .446| 13.376 | 4.36 E 207 791 | 437 | 13.418| 2.7 ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 109 TABLE I (Continued) fa} mm ртр Ур СИЕ R Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) Е 208 | 32.0] 14.397] .450| 14.171 | 1.57 ТЕ 203 | 30.1 | 13.680| .454| 9.773| 28.6 | 2.0 | 15.0 | 13.0] 3.0 | .455| 12.04 ТЕ 204 | 30.3 | 13.815 | .456 | 12.867 | 6.86 ТЕ 205 | 30.2 | 13.731 | .455 | 13.426 | 2.22 ТЕ 207 | 32.0 | 14.603 | .457 | 13.064 | 10.: А 301 | 30.7 | 20.190| .657 | 19.520 | 3.32| 4.8 | 16.0 | 15.5] 1.0 | .653 6.12 А 302 | 30.0 | 18.986 | .633 | 17.841 | 6.03 А 303 31.0 | 20.665 | .666 19.070 | 7.71 304 | 30.6 | 19.863 .814 | 5.26 А 305 | 30.5 | 20.573| .674 18.900 | 8.14 А 306 | 30.0 | 19.340 | .645 17.804 | 7.9 А 307 | 30. .497 | .647 | 18.639 | 4.4 301 | 28.4 | 18.893 | .665 | 18.492 | 2.12| 2.8 | 16.0 | 18.0] 0.75] .665| 2.12 tC 301 .630 | .695 | 18.001 | 12.74 | 3.3 | 30.0 | 16.0] 2.50] .705| 11.73 ТС 302 | 31.5 | 21.850 | .694 | 19.529 | 10.4 +С 303 | 30.0 | 20.884 | .696 | 18.573 | 11.08 ТС 304 | 31.2 | 21.730| .696 | 19.611 | 10.: t C 305 | 30. .930| .719 | 18.490 | 9.75 ТС 306 | 30.0 | 21.705 | .724 | 18.987 | 12. 1C 307 | 30.0 | 21.421 | .714 | 18.155 | 15. 1D 301 | 27.0 | 17.364 | .643 | 14.525 | 16.3 | 2.5 | 30.0 | 17.0] 1.75] .658| 22.3 t 302 .940 | .653 | 14.245 | 20.4 t D 303 .135 | .648 | 13.115 | 31.4 t D 304 )| 19.086 | .658 | 14.325 | 25.0 ТО 305 |29.0| 19.310| .666 | 15.105 | 21.5 + 306 | 28.0 | 18.965 | .677 | 15.055 | 20.6 1 D 307 | 28. .651| .666 | 14.853 | 20.4 ТЕ 301 | 27. .830 | .692 | 18.170| 3.51| 3.2 | 30.0 | 18.0] 1.75) .686] 5.69 ТЕ 302 | 28.0 | 19.299 | .689 | 18.109 | 6.16 ТЕ 303 | 29. .980 | .677 | 18.560 | 7.11 ТЕ .2| 20.075| .688 | 18.453 | 8.09 ТЕ 305 | 29.0 | 19.825 | .684 | 19.117 | 3.57 *Е 302 | 27. .334 | .623 | 14.299 | 17.51| 2.1 | 30.0 | 20.0) 2.25] .624| 17.68 *Е 303 | 28.0 | 17.610 | .628 | 14.380 | 18.34 "Е 304 | 28.1 | 17.990 | .640 | 14.616 | 18.75 *Е 305 | 27.9 | 18.034 | .646 | 15.130 | 16.10 А 401 | 31.: 232 | .675 | 20.490 | 3.49 | 3.6 | 50.0 | 10.0] 2.25] .691 3.69 А 402 | 30.: .035 | .690 | 20.185 | 4.04 А 403 | 30.5 | 21.280 | .698 | 20.712 | 2.67 А 404 | 30.5 | 21.270 | .698 | 20.591 | 3.19 А 405 | 30.7 | 21.283 | .693 | 20.650 | 2.97 А 406 | 30.0 | 20.786 | .693 | 19.665 | 5.40 А 407 | 30.0 | 20.784 | .693 | 19.929 | 4.11 401 | 29.0 | 19.519 | .673 | 18.652 | 4.44| 2.8 |55.0| 8.0] 2.5 | .688| 5.15 402 | 28.5 | 19.617 | .688 | 18.512 | 5.64 | 403 | 30.7 | 21.150 | .688 | 20.016 | 5.37 404 | 30.0 | 20.165 | .672 | 19.198 | 4.80 405 | 30. .930 | .693 | 19.803 | 5.39 406 | 30. .280 | .698 | 20.193| 5.11 407 | 31.0 | 21.838 | .705 | 20.683| 5.29 С 403 | 29 .520| .730 | 21.157 | 1.69| 1.9 | 50.0 | 11.5 3.25] .719| 7.38 С 404 | 30 0.161 | .726 | 18.200 | 9.74 С 405 | 29 9.131| .709 | 17.865 | 6.57 8| 20.091 | .721 | 18.220 | 9.31 Sap-wood. | Partially sap-wood. [VoL. 4 110 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I пр ur | wit v | vr | уп |миц IX| X | XY | xu Ф а ы > 5 5 22 = Ж. Ве E 4% PES бм | || SP ЕЕ ДЕСЕН ба Ев УЕ ЫП ин 28 |55 | ъбЕ| ВЕ | +5Е | #8 OB] Obl ES] we] Би | 9.50 ір | 535%) OS |5 65| БР БЕ Вы eal 8522 О > C пы | од ме а 5 |«gz SER v = но 53.8 я © т 5 = Ly Е a zu P 5, Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) C 407 | 30. 20.295 | .711 | 18.343 | 9.60 D 401 | 32.0 | 20.71 .710 | 19.634 | 5.20 2.0 | 45.0 | 11.0] 3.25) .702| 5.63 D 402 415 | .708 | 20.060 | 6.: D 4 ).199 | .71 8.663 | 7. D 404 .662 | .688 | 21.427 | 1.08 О 405 ) .470| .692 | 17.930 | 7. 401 ) 465 | .725 | 22.421 .196| 3.55| 35.0 | 10.5] 3.5 | .746| 5.63 ) | 23.480 | .757 | 22.000 | 6.30 403 | 30 23.170 | .760 | 21.460 | 7.39 404 ) 4141 .755 | 22.000 | 6.04 405 .251| .733 | 21.340 | 8. 401 | 30.5 .115| .627 | 18.410 | 3.69 2.0 | 60.0 | 5.0] 4.0 | .686| 4.67 * 402 | 30.0 .945 | .665 | 18.830 | 5.58 * 403 | 30.2 | 20.650 | .684 | 19.645 | 4.84 * 404 | 30.5 .735 | .679 | 19.760 | 4.7 * 405 0 .620| .698 | 20.730 | 4 “ 406 | 30.7 .030 | .718 | 21.060 | 4.40 * 407 ) .799 | .735 | 21.610 2 ТА 501 | 30.0 .216 | .507 | 14.925 9 5.4 | 12.0 | 13.0] .75| .533) 4.42 ТА 502 660 | .598 | 17.056 4 ТА 50 17.810 | .604 | 17.104 9 TA 504 0 4.828 | .494 | 14.484 3 TAS 0 2.949 | .463 584 | 10.50 t B 501 ) 976| .466 251 | 12.30 | 12.9 | 12.0 | 13.0] .75| .483| 13.05 ТВ 502 4.755 | .484 560 | 14.90 ТВ 503 4.120 | .463 187 | 13.70 ТВ 505 4.440 | .489 318 | 14.60 ТВ 506 ) 5.474 | .516 96 Yi ТС 501 ) 4.205 | .473 212| 7.00 5.3 | 12.0 | 11.0} .75| .468| 13.71 ТС 502 ) 4.350 | .478 300 | 14.30 ТС 503 3.778 | .467 406 | 9.9 ТС 504 .463 596 | 15.1 ТС 505 4.097 | .494 | 12.180 | 13.60 1C 506 5 475 | 11.410 | 15.70 ТС 507 .725 | .426| 9.354 | 20.20 1 D 501 3.435 | .448 | 12.914 | 3.8 16.7 | 12. | 10. | .75| .458| 4.12 їр 502 .560| .452 | 12.904 | 4.84 ТО 503 .709 | „457 142 | 4.14 ТО 505 5 .600| 477 105 64 *E 501 .670 | .422|12.272| 3.14 | 1.4 | 10. | 9. | 1.5 | .424| 4.01 * E 502 12.780 | .426 239 | 4.24 *Е 503 .689 | .423 | 12.256 | 3.4 *Е 504 | 30. .620 | .421|12.051 | 4.5 *Е 505 | 30. | 12.445 | .415 | 11.972 | 3.80 *Е 506 ; 13.322| .444|12.676| 4.8 Sap-wood. 1 Partially sap-wood. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 111 TABLE I (Continued) I | 1 | WW | ту v ЕМ | м И a XH Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) *E 507 | 30.5 690] .416 | 12.166 | 4.13 *Е 501 | 30. .580 | .419| 8.494 | 32.5 | 2.1 | 9. | 12. | 2. | .424| 25.36 *Е 502 | 28.5 .208 | .428 | 10.080 | 17.45 «Е 504 | 31.0 | 13.259 | .427| 9.620 | 27.4 «Е 505 | 30.5 |12.970| .425 | 9.558 | 26.35 *Е 506 | 30.5 |12.920| .424| 9.932 | 23.10 + G 501 | 29. .243 | .422 | 11.500 | 6.06| 1.9 | 9. | 9. | 1.5 | .422| 6.68 * С 502 | 28. .897 | .424 | 11.050 | 7.13 * С 504 | 30. ).775 | .426 11.700| 8.42 + G 505 | 30. |12.668| .422| 11.850 | 6.46 * С 507 | 29. .993| .414 | 11.350 *H 501 | 29. | 12.283] .423|11.670| 5.00] 1.7 | 8. | 8. | 1.5 | .426| 8.29 *Н 502 | 27. 4241 .423| 9.830 | 13. *Н 503 | 29.5 .638 | .428 | 11.062 | 12. *Н 504 | 30. .859 | .428 | 12.475 | 2. *Н 505 | 29.5 .634 | .428 | 11.746 “1 501 | 28. 440 .100 | 10.77} 1.5 | 8. | 19. |2. | 4437) 7.60 “1 502 | 27.5 .040 | .438 | 11.345 17 “1 503 | 27.5 .903| .433 | 11.146 | 6.36 *Т 504 | 28.5 | 12.320] .432 | 11.395 50 *] 501 | 30. .895 | .429 | 11.773| 8.70| 2.4 | 8. | 16. | 1.5 | .414| 7.22 «Т 502 | 28.5 .970 | .420 | 11.092 *] 503 28. .535 | .412| 10.770 | 64 *J 504 28. .387 | .407 | 10.680} 6.: * K 501 | 30. 4591 .648 | 18.400 | 5.4 1.7 | 8. | 17. | 1.5 | .476 3.27 *К 502 | 30. .111| 437 12.550 | 4. *К 503 | 29.5 .110| .411| 11.955 | 1.28 *К 504 | 30.5 .535 | .411|12.274| 2.08 *L 501 | 30. |13.671| .456 | 10.610 | 22.4 1.5 | 8. | 21. | 2.0 | .446 13.58 *L 502 | 28.5 .445 | .437 | 10.660 | 14 *L 504 | 30.5 .156| .431| 11.720 | 10.5 *L 505 | 30.5 .465 | .441| 12.020 | 10.7 *L 506|31. |14.414| .465 | 13.027| 9.62 * M 501 | 28. .207| .436| 11.970! 1.94| 1.8 | 8. | 13. | 1.5 | .459| 2.07 * M 502 | 28. .305 | .439 | 12.100} 1.66 * M 503 | 27. .569 | .502|13.215| 2.61 * N 501 | 28.5 .036| .422|11.500| 4.46| 1.5 | 9. | 12. | 1.5 | .427| 4.72 * М 502 | 28. .977 | .428 | 11.521 * N 503 | 27. |12.640| .468 | 11.850 | 6.25 * N 504 | 28.25 | 11.705 | .414 | 11.341 1 * N 505 | 29.5 .197| .413 | 11.436 | 6.25 * N 506 | 29.5 .455| .422 | 11.856 | 4.81 * N 507 | 28.5 .030| .422|11.387| 5.34 *O 502 | 31. .985| .418| 9.645 | 25. 1.4 | 10. | 13. | 2. | .426| 25.35 * O 503 | 30.5 | 13.005| .426 | 11.235 | 13.6 * О 504 | 31.5 .373| .424| 6.973 | 47.87 * О 506 | 32. .716| .429| 9.950} 27.4 * O 507 | 31.5 .647 | .433 | 11.975 * P 501 | 28.5 |24.610| .863 | 21.820 )| 1.5| 9. | 9. | 1.5 | .450] 28.80 *Р 502 | 29.5 .925 | .607 | 14.270 | 20.40 *Р 503 | 29. .292| .424| 8.900 | 27.60 *Р 504 | 30 .870| .429| 8.520 | 33.80 *Р 505 | 30 .355| .412| 7.510| 39.20 *Р 506 | 30 .345 | .411| 9.300 *Р 507 | 30.3 7471 .421| 9.260 | 27.40 * Sap-wood. [Vor. 4 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA II | ІШ | Iv у VI | уп |Viri| IX| | XI | хп Ф я = > 5 = 92 |. [|.S|ESIE | Фр В 8 арар Вы Бы БР ТЕ ЕРГЕ 28/286) 55 2388 828 СЕ | РЕ АЕ БЯ ЕР ағын 96 |7 ЫСЫ ЕШ НЕ ы > = |2 ЕБ ШЕ Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) .5 | 21.520] .683 | 19.639] 8.74| 1.9 | 28.3 | 11. 574) 5.05 . | 18.651] .583 | 17.670] 5.26 . | 19.165] 599 | 17.979 | 6.19 . |16.328] .527 | 15.994 | 2.04 ).5 | 16.082] .527 | 15.602} 2.98 .5 | 16.648} .528 | 15.775] 5.24 .5 |18.552| .589 | 17.637 | 4.93 ).25 | 16.305 | .556 | 15.960 | 5.03 . 005 | .567 | 16.477 | 3.11| 4.1 | 28.3 | 8.5 | 1.0 | .563| 5.96 В 60 695| .603 | 17.420 | 6.83 В 5 |16.455| .540 15.815 | 3.89 В 574 | .519 | 15.272 | 1.94 В 5 |17.510| .614 | 16.603 | 5.18 В 5 843| .537 | 13.502 | 14.80 E 6.650| .555|15.920| 4.38| 2.1 | 30. | 7.0 |2.0 | .548| 3.40 C 5 |16.720| .548 | 16.319 | 2.4 e . |16.500| .550 | 15.846 | 3.96 С . [16.710 | .557 | 16.230] 2.8; С . |16.065| .535 | 15.542 ( C 5 758| .534 | 15.147 | 3.88 E 5 |16.393| .555 | 15.856 | 3.2: C 5 645 | 549 115.1501 3.16 D .5 |16.110| .566|16.092| . 8.4 | 30. | 7.0 | 2.0 | .545| 1.28 D 5 243| .535 | 14.997 | 1.6 D | 547| .536 | 15.220| 2. н 5 114.850 | .561 | 14.841) .06| 2.6 | 30.3 | 7.0 | 2.0 | .554) 3.18 5 973 | .560 | 15.371] 3.77 : E 918 | .579 | 15.287 | 3.96 : E 632| .548|15.124| 3.25 5 067 | 528 14.876| 1.27 : 5 |14.784| .537 | 14.172] 4.14 | 3. |15.752 | .562 | 14.990 | 4.8: 1 ; 487 | .553 | 14.847 | 4.14 180 | .542| 14.830| 2.31| 4.9 | 31. | 8. | 2.5 | .529| 1.86 Ҙ . | 14.370] .532|14.121| 1. е . [14.081 | .521 | 13.845 | 14 Е .5 114.485 | 526 | 14.400 | — .: е ,5 | 14.935 | .524 | 14.590 | 2. : 25 | 14.430| .529 | 14.062 | 2. ( 670| .570|17.328| 1.94] 5.2 | 31. |11. |3. | .581| 3.07 ( 625 | .568|17.003| 3.5 ( .380| .561|17.073| 1.7 ( .995| .552 | 15.742 | 1.58 ( 3.5 |15.895 | .557|15.666| 1.44 ( 3.5 | 15.600} .547 | 15.255 | 2.21 ) .760 | .625 5.71 ( ).5 | 19.845 | .673 | 18.574] 6.41 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE TABLE I (Continued) 113 ———— — -——— guÜ eee u | n | IV | v | vr [| vir [vim] x] x [xi] xi — Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) TETEE е Е є |, б де Мо фе. Фол АА VU РР РР Р Р А кек кк ке м е = о N т © к. ОО а 99909009 о ~J © N 24. ЖС 16.160 | .567 | 15.982 1.10 25235 16.568 | .571 | 16.420 .89 К .270| .573 .054 1:25 Be. 0.235 | 570 .023 |. Е .234 | .560 .980 .56 4 .338| .548 .033 .98 Е m/51] -562 .309 қ 5 52321 .557 012 09 .309 | „562 .956 1617-27 890| .567 430 d 5 6.840 | .571 | 16.327 „05 0.135] -5761-15:6151--3.21 5 |16.695 | .566 | 16.1761 3.11 5 .760| .573 .233 .34 5 .051 5631 15.5251 3.28 829 566 | 15.623 12 - 0491 ,522 ‚601 i 1.6 Д 689 537 | 16.650 43 А 896 530 .782 d „5 492 525 412 53 f 4.964 | .535 | 14,856 72 з 126] 551 „097 ‚19 Я 4.990 | .535 | 14.914 :91 55 456| .542 | 15.100 Z3 1.6 Я 790 | .544 | 15.482 1.95 я 0611 .538 | 14.779 1.8 „2 4.829 526 | 14.619 1.42 А 4.640 | .523 | 14.231| 2.79 Я 200 | .524 | 14.982 .44 Я 4.715 | .526 | 14.520 133 .5 840 | .556 600 9 0.7 я: 6.58 562 | 16.150 .62 S 6.695| .571 | 16.260| 2. з 6.701 | .570 | 16.320 „26 AY 6.293 | .567 .980 .9: 1 4.880| .572 .866| 6. 11 59 147 551 | 14,868 i : 825| .565 5974 я 5 975 560 | 15.755 38 - 972 551 | 15.687 .79 376 546 .067 .89 333| .547|15,026| 2.00 580| .586 | 16.853| 4.13| 0.6 Е 8.483| .596 .685 | 4.32 г 508 | .583 .386 .70 .75 | 16.762| .564 | 16.150] 3. А 6.277| .561 | 15.434 5.18 5 6.190} .548 | 14,328 | 1 ) $ 4.563 | .540 369| 8.20 232 524 1.2 .947 532 | 14.910 ) 5 .707 532 806 | 12.1( S .179 532 | 14.780 6 5 ‚191 533 | 14.765 81 z 15.925 531145423 15 29.5 115.761] .534 | 15.303 .90 11.0| 3.0 3.25| . 2.25. 564 932 .565 .568 1.62 .46 [Vor. 4 114 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I nm | m | iv] v | vr | vii [vit] IX| X | XI| ХИ с = Е 5 28 HELE 2 Бе Б 91% е > |< SS. Е БЕ | ВВ? Фа | 952 Su E> 5 4 р ТЕО Фо Е |о Бор а ЕУ o 2.5 $9 | 55 |Ъ8Е| g5 28E|lgog| оя | Фу | а | БО wee 15 |50 #9» Дв ром 935 5% БЕ Во а Бы БЪРЗ oO > 290 9 91% оъ A, А. 955 <= ФЕ 2 s [58 (Eels | gl 48 = А. Е a |z 5 а Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) G 701 5 | 15.985 | .560 | 15.984 А 2.2 |24. |21. | 4.5 | .555 35 С 702 | 27.5 | 15.724] .572 | 15.685 v G 703 16.335 | .563 | 16.335 A G 704 | 29. 15.975 | .551 823 = G 705 | 29. .775| .544|15.746| . С 706 | 29. .861 | .546 | 15.766] .60 707 | 28. .465 | .552 | 15.398 | .4 Н 701 „23 1024 .570 | 15.821} 1. 6 |24. |21. | 4.25) .559| 1.97 702 | 27. .598| .577|15.311| 1.84 703 | 28.25 | 16.108 | .570| 15.791} 1. 704 | 29. 6.650} .573 | 16.612 23 705 | 30. 6.286 | .543 | 16.002| 1.74 706 | 30 6.336 | .544 | 16.107 | 1.40 707 | 29 690 | .541 | 15.246 | 2.83 701 7.441 | .562 | 17.028 | 2.37| 1.4 | 24. | 20. |5. 544| 4.26 702 2 .563 | 15.570 | 2.02 703 9 .337 | .546 | 16.060 69 [ 704 1 5 .534 | 15.195 ) [ 705 8 301| .514 | 13.300 | 13.08 A 801 .785 4601 6.99 | 1.9 | 80. 7. | 1.5 | .762| 5.53 А 802 25 | 20.760 | .762 .072 ) А 803 ).248 | 750 .550| 8.39 А 804 ).253 | .750 | 19.400 | 4 А 805 25 | 20.005 | .762 | 19.060 | 4 В 802 5 725 | 20.742 07| 3.4 | 70. 9. 12 730 2.79 В 803 25 735 | 20.240 С 801 609 | .642 | 17.67 ( 4.6 |35. |12. | 2.5 | .648| 5.05 C 802 629 | 16.154 | 4 С 803 5 7.950 | .653 | 16.993 С 804 8.115 | .647 | 17.286 | 4 С 805 6.900 | .650 | 15.966 806 5 380 | .656 | 16.587 | 4 С 807 .110| .658 | 16.199 | 5. 801 .272 | .676 | 19.454 | 4.4 5.5 |35. | 12. | 2.75| .668| 4.35 D 802 .520| .661 657 | 4. E 801 .785 | .670 | 19.049 | 3. 5,5 |32. | 12. | 2.15] .683| 4.21 Е 802 5 .7110| .668 851| 4.36 E 803 380| .680 528 | Е 804 390 | .692 543 | 4 Е 805 205 | .685 301| 4. E 806 363| .692 519| 4. E 807 .579 | .699 .776| 4.10 Е 801 .318| .666 | 18.712 | 3.14| 21.9 | 32. | 14. | 3.25] .717| 5.66 Е 802 2| .674 | 18.000 6: Е 803 61 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE TABLE I (Continued) 115 I It | Wl | Vj vj vi | Vil (ЗИНА ЕЕ їп Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) С 801 | 28. 3.020 | .643 | 18.014] .03| 11.7 140. | 8.|4. |.727| 3.70 С 802 | 27.5 | 18.285 | .665 | 18.077 | 1.14 С 803 | 27. ).349 | .716 | 18.572 | 4.02 С 804 | 27. |20.155| .745 | 19.191 | 4. С 805 | 27. |20.887 | .774 | 19.842 | 5.00 С 806 | 27.5 |21.932| .797 | 20.603 | 6. ‚ 807 | 27.5 |20.688 | .752 | 19.688 | 4. 801 | 28.5 |18.708 | .656 | 18.460 | 1.33| 2.90] 38. | 12. | 3.75] .666| 1.81 802 | 27.5 | 17.501 | .636 | 17.171 | 1. 803 | 27. .914 | .663 | 17.357 | 3. 804 | 27. .580 | .688 | 18.008 | 3.08 805 | 26.5 | 17.999 | .679 | 17.627 | 2.08 806 | 27.5 | 18.307 | .666 | 18.211| .52 807 | 27.5 | 18.647 | .678 | 18.531| .62 801 | 28.1 |18.151 | .646 | 17.072 | 5.94| 5.6 | 37. | 12. | 3.5 | .648| 3.01 802 | 27.8 | 17.930 | .645 | 17.620 | 1. 803 | 28. .371| .656 | 17.940 | 2.: 804 | 28. .224 | .651 | 17.735 | 2. 805 | 27.2 | 17.569 | .646 | 17.160 | 2. А 901 | 31.5 | 15.385 | .488 | 15.085 | 1.95| 10.1 | 23. | 7. | 1.25] .453| 3.14 А 902 | 31.75 | 14.320 | .451 | 14.1 1. А 903 | 31.5 | 13.940 3 | 13.545 | 2.83 А 904 | 31. .648 | .440 | 12.984 | 4.86 А 905 | 30.5 | 13.498 2 | 12.823 | 5. В 901 | 29.4 |14.850 | .505 | 14.702 | .99| 1.74 23. | 10. | 2.25| .464| 1.28 В 902 | 28.5 |13.357 | .468 | 13.210 | 1.10 В 903 | 28.7 | 12.925 | .450 | 12.735 | 1.47 В 904 | 29. 917 5|12.710| 1.60 В 905 | 28.8 | 12.980] .451 | 12.820| 1.23 С 901 | 31. 355 | 4621 14.012] 2.39] 7.22] 23. |11.|2.25 464 .80 С 902 | 31.25 | 14.575 | .466 | 14.524] .35 С 904 | 30.75 | 13.823 | .450 | 13.820 | .02 С 907 | 31. |14.890| .480 | 14.822 | .45 D 901 | 29. .740 | .474 | 13.710] .: 78| 22. | 12. | 2.75] .472] .22 О 902 |28. |13.418| .479 | 13.380 | .28 D 903 | 28. |13.240| .473 | 13.214 | .19 D 904 | 28.5 | 13.435 | .471 | 13.385 | .37 D 905 | 28.75 | 13.670 | .475 | 13.619| .37 D 906 | 30.5 | 14.325 | .469 | 14.307 | .12 р 907 | 30. |14.0 467 | 14.000] .00 902 | 31. .575 | 503 | 14.841 | 4. 7.34| 23. | 12. |3. | .498] 3.46 903 | 30.8 | 15.485| .503 | 14.689 | 5.14 905 | 30. |14.981| .499 | 14.645 | 2.24 906 | 31. .382 | .496 | 14.993 | 2.53 907 | 30.2 | 14.821 | .491| 14.418 | 2.7: 01 | 30.5 | 15.102 | .495 | 15.081| . 4 | 23. | 11. | 3.25] .471] .25 г 902 | 29.7 | 14.243 | .479 | 14.122| . * 903 | 28.5 |13.270| .466 | 13.192| . г 904 | 28.7 |13.310| .464 | 13.308 | .01 * 905 | 28.7 | 13.365 | .466 | 13.352 | .09 * 906 | 29.5 |13.575| .460| 13.569 | .04 * 907 | 28.5 | 13.400| .470 | 13.392 | .06 С 901 | 30. |14.452 | .482 | 14.345| .74| 1.94 24. | 10. | 3.5 | .481| 1.89 С 902 | 28.9 | 13.823 | .478 | 13.538 | 2.06 С 903 | 28. |13.500| .482 | 13.220 | 2.08 С 904 | 28.6 |13.843 | .484 | 13.560| 2.04 [Vor. 4 116 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I II ПІ IV ү VI VII VIII | Ех: ALA = 9 ы & о "9 ЕЗ р ы 5 8 oc te |e sisi joel ae TEPNEFARFEIEPAEEREPIEHESEBMEHICE E£8|38|e88| ВЕ | +9Е | въй| 29 | Фу Ка | bol 0.5.20 за О 559-20 af 0-9 20 25-51 БЕ | БЕ | За < >2 сез Q > “в пы |" о 50 а. à g | вю 9 < $ с > z Б 5 15.5.5 5|58 Е © ё a |z E e Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) G 905 .1 |13,954| .479 | 13.681] 1.96 G 906 я 13.947 81 | 13.651 212 907 9 3.907 | .481 .596| 2.24 H 901 2 4.335 | .491 | 14.07 1.85| 1,1424. |10. | 3.5 | .487| 2.21 H 902 Я .115| .492 892 | 1.58 903 ; .685| .488 390 |. 2.16 904 Ё 4.180} .489 761] 2.95 905 ч 4.365| .484| 14.11 TT 906 N 4.525 | .484 | 14.062 | 3.19 907 E 4.660 | .481 | 14.365 | 2.01 901 4 004 | „494 | 14.865 .93 .54| 24. | 12. | 4.25| .487 1.17 902 3 4.380 | .491 | 14.228 1.06 903 2 .827 | .491 667| 1.16 904 .6 |14.365| .485 | 14.165 .39 905 ; 4.592| .486 | 14.447 .20 [ 906 ? 4.501 | .483 | 14.333 ‚16 [ 907 2% 572 483 526 32 A1001 г .410 491| 4.74| 27.76] 20. | 17. | 1.75 .787| 8.58 А1002 3 ).885 | .696 711 .62 А1003 5 ).100| 670 813 91 А1004 E .67 722 ).020 7.61 А1005 : .123| .900 175 .30 A1006 „5 .968 | 1.016 303 | 12.68 A1007 ч 4.110| .861 170 122 B1001 Е 6.440 | .548 | 16.121 1.94 | 17.56| 20. | 14. | 1.5 | .688| 2.51 B1002 5 7.456| .572 0921 2.08 B1003 : .380| .579 320 35 В1004 Я .717| 624 680 .20 В1005 У 22.670 | .756 | 22.104] 2.49 1006 | 29.5 | 27,575 | .935 | 26.022 | 5.63 В1007 2 .661 | .8 551| 4.9 С1001 я .490| „596 9871 2.1 6.12) 20. | 21. | 2. | .599| 2.44 C1002 ‚4 .945 | .6 9.111] 4. C1003 : .040| .601 502| 2. 1004 р .640 | .588 419 = 1005 | 30. .680 | .589 359 4 C1006 Я .025 | .601 726 .66 С1007 i 6.730| .563|16.317| 2.4 1001 : 4.798 | .528 | 14.757 281-173-1221, | 2264 2,75]. ЭВ 11 D1002 v. .240 | .540 172 45 D1003 Е 2451-.5 129 76 D1 я 427 | 551 313 „714 1005 Е 4791 .624 096} 2.19 21006 я .768 | .634 467 | 1.69 01007 5 8.459| .64 768| 3.74 E1001 .128| .541 | 14.905} 1.47| 3.7 |24. |23.|2.5 | .582| 1.77 E1002|28. 115.8011 .5 630| 1.08 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE TABLE I (Continued) 117 I | ПІН |v уа мм гуп VU ike xxi XII Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) E1003 9 5.705 63 | 15.54 1.01 E1004 я 6.252} .580115.9801 1.67 Е1005 | 28.7 .078 | .594 | 16.839 | 1.40 Е1006 ; 8.225| .628|17.732| 2.71 Е1007 41 .109 | .609 | 16.579| 3.10 F1001 | 29. 6.505 | .569 | 16.496 .05 | 2.56] 24. |23. | 2.75| .576 .04 1002 | 29.1 |16.883| .580 | 16.883 | 0.00 003 | 28.1 | 16.53 588 | 16.520 .06 Е1004 5. 6.482| .578 | 16.475 ‚04 1001 6 7.092 | .576 | 16.871} 1. 2.2 | 24. | 17. | 3.5 | S84 1.27 G1002 | 29. 6.813 | .580 | 16.698 .68 G1003 | 28. 6.480 | .588|16.265| 1.31 G1004 | 28.2 |16.621| .589 | 16.338 | 1.70 G1005 | 28.7 |16.770| .584 | 16.611 ‚95 1006 | 28.4 | 16.659| .590 | 16.326 | 2.00 (51007 | 29. 6.856| .581 | 16.693 ‚97 H1001 .563 | .605 | 17.560 .0 2.14] 24. | 17. | 3.5 | .604 .36 1002 5 .513 | .615 | 17.482 М Н 1003 6.965 | .606 | 16.792| 1.02 1004 6.914 | .604 | 16.847 .40 H1005 4 .251| .607 223 16 006 203 | .607 185 ‚10 007 6.540 | .586 | 16.431 .66 I 1001 .510 | .611 | 18.500 ‚05 9 |25. | 15. | 3.79] 60) .68 I 1002 ; .778 | .596 | 17.750 4 І 1003 .085 | .606 | 16.980 А І 1004 | 28.: 4601 .617 2314 1.2 І 1007 | 30. .220| .607|17.978| 1.3 А1101 | 27.5 4281 .670|17.263| 6.31 | 22.98] 16. | 14. | .5 | .674| 5.90 А1102 d .597| .671 .392| 6.49 A1103 | 28. .594 | .663|17.427| 6.27 А1104 | 28.7 .881| .657| 17.742 | 6.03 А1105 | 28. .837| .708 | 18.964 | 4. А1106 .2 | 26.795 | .950 | 24.380 | 9.02 В1101 | 28.2 | 19.295 | .684 | 18.378 | 4.75 | 20.32] 16. | 12. | .5 | .666 3.92 В1102 - 8.223| .652 .580| 3.53 B1103 9 8.525| .664 .818| 3.82 B1104 Е 9.242 | .664 | 18.560| 3.54 C1101 | 30. 7.865 | .595 .260 | 3.39 | 18.5 | 16. | 13. | .5 | 646 3.84 С1102 | 30.1 .890| .594 | 17.740 | .84 C1103 ‚9 .519 | .653 .551| 4.96 C1104 5 .693 | .744 .290| 6. 01101 | 29.5 .353 | .690 | 18.599 | 8.62 | 21.04 16. | 17. | .5 | .682 8.68 01102 7 .956 | .696 .279 | 8.40 D1103 5 .127 | 672 .789 | 7.00 01104 D .940| .683 haat ФА D1105 3 1101 .676 383) 9. D1106 Ы .445 | .677 | 17.498 | 10. 1 E1102 yo 6.715 | .587 | 15.494| 7.30 |{14.32| 10. | 32. | 1.5 | .526| 5.36 1 E1103 ‚2 5.424 | .528 | 14.250| 7.60 |* 3.68 1 E1104 : 4.660} .488 | 14.398 | 1.79 ТЕ = 5.078 | .502 | 14.360} 4.76 “wood. ; Partaly sap-woo { Percentage of resin in heart-wood where both heart-wood and sap-wood occur in the same е block. [Vor. 4 118 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I II ПІ V V VI | VII |VIII| IX XI | XII Ф Е = > EE = (22 |. |, ВВ |5 Ва Eu |E4O|322|S2|$22|285 ба E? | Мн ЕМЕ 85 #8 |38 «ЗЕ $ > BSE Boel 28 | Фо | eal gels 50.9 .20 за |5%|5%) AS 9 559) БЕ |Ева ee] БЕР O > „00 лы |'5 9 0 А га вме o's бар S = 5 5 | 5.9/8 9 «o9 z © Е в |z Е 2 Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) 1Е1101 13.630| .487 3.84 |110.64| 11. | 35. | 1.5 | 495) 3.34 1 Е1102 | 28.4 823| .487 358| 3.36|% 2.5 1F1103 | 28.8 965| .485 380, 4.19 1 Е1104 | 29.5 |14.045| .476 750| 2.10 1 Е1105 | 29. .836 | .477 568 | 1.93 1Е1106 и 6.875| .562|16.083| 4.70 1G1101|28.5 | 16.462| .577 | 14,637 | 11.10 |f 8.94 13. | 32. | 1.5 | .539|] 6.75 1С1102 | 29.3 597 | .532 | 14.593 | 6.45 |* 2.68 1G1103 | 29.2 276| .523 | 14.545 | 4.1 1G1104 | 29. 4.577 | .503 | 13.897 | 4. 1Н1101 | 28. 6.190 | .578 4501 4.57 |{25.34| 13. |31. | 1.5 | .551| 5.25 1Н1102 | 28.7 | 16.340 | .570 | 15.260} 6.61 |* 6.58 1Н1103 | 28.3 70| .532 | 14.260 | 5.38 1Н1104 | 28.2 |14.775| .524|14.120| 4.44 111101 б 066 | .467 665 | 10.7 |118.3 |12. |31. | 1.5 | .469 11.6 111102 „2 8581 472 470 | 10.8 |* 4.68 111103 | 27.8 595| .453 140 3 111104 59 690| .483 870 ЙЫ: H 1101 я 410| .447 322 > 1413.38 13. | 33. | 1.5 | 487 12.4 111102 | 29.5 893 | .437 | 10.834 9 |“ 1.88 11103 9 .535| .527 | 14.030 .68 tJ 1104 A 080) .538 790 „55 1К1101 | 29, .999 | .447 | 9.505 | 26.9 2.04) 11. | 30. |2 428) 31.8 1К1102 | 29. .466 | 4301 9.192 | 26.2 |“ 1.78 1К1103 | 29.25 | 12.266| .419 095 | 42. 1К1104 5 .127| .418| 8.220 А L1101 8 595 | .437| 8.990 | 28.6 136 7. | 23. 12 433| 54.3 1L1102 5 646| .428| 5.160 » 11.1103 | 29. 565 | .433 | 4.801 | 61.5 11.1104 | 28.7 497 | .435| 5.271 | 67.8 *М110 : 426| 3.282 | 72.4 1.44| 6. |15. | 2.75| .426| 57.1 *M1102 | 27.5 1.675| .425| 5.294| 54.6 *M1103 | 27.3 1.525| .423| 5.763| 50.0 *M1104 Е 2.040| .430| 5.808 Y *N1101 2.184 | .435 .996 t.4 1.26 6. | 18. | 2.5 | .433| 30.51 *N1102 7 2.01 434 ‚870 1.45 * №1103 963| .427 220 A "NT 2 306 | .436 .610 9 * O1101 7 481| .450 „734 ) 3.56 6 18: 12.5 4931411 * 01102 2 334| .454 483 1 *01103 7 076 | .452| 10.414 7 * 01104 332| .457 | 10.565 | 14.3 * 01105 5 432| .452 .045 | 27.2 * Sap-wood. 1 Sa sap-wood. 1 Percentage of resin in heart-wood where both heart-wood and sap-wood occur in the same culture block. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 119 TABLE I (Continued) I [п | ш {ivi[ v | vr | vii |viur| IX| X | X1| xim Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) * 01106 | 27.7 |12.563| .453 | 10.219 | 18.7 * P1101 | 2 .650| .4 330 | 50. 3.24 6. | 13. | 2.75| 461 52.5 ж Р1102 | 27.5 | 12.628 | .459| 5.112 | 59.5 * P1103 | 26.7 .188 | .456| 5.146) 57.8 * P1104 | 2 229| .453| 4.885 | 60.0 * P1105 | 27. .122| .448| 6.163 | 49.0 * P1106 | 29.4 | 14.151] .482 | 8.506 | 39.9 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) A1201 | 30.3 .512| .644 | 18.795 ‚67 .82| 30. | 22. | 0.75] 656 3.12 А1202 | 30. | 19.246) .641 | 18.579 | 3.46 А1203 | 30. 475 | .649 | 18.818 | 3.38 120 .2 .851| .657 | 19.267 .94 А1205 | 30. „994 | .666 | 19.371| 3.12 А1206 3 .562 | .667 .962| 3.07 A1207 | 28.5 106 | .670 | 18.690 ‚18 B1201 | 32. 120.360] .636 887 ) 94| 35. | 17. | .75| .627 1.81 B1203 | 31.1 681| .633 368 ) 1204 iJ 838 | .630 472 84 В1205 А 377| .625 050 69 В1207 E! 6251 — 017 922 62 С1201 1: 11 701 870 || 1.42 35 18. | 1.5 | .699| 1.72 C1202 я ).967 | .698 484 3 C1203 i 647 | .706 301 60 12 .6 632| .707 2399 1.84 C1205 | 30.5 .433 | .702 ) C1206 | 30. ).739 | .691 | 20.509 C1207 | 30. ).795 | .693 | 20.331} 2.23 D1201 | 31. ).124 | .648 | 20.068 .28 | -164 35. 1 17.11.81 2659] 1.31 01202 | 31.3 ).599 | .658 | 20.365 | 1.13 01203 .307 | .666 iP D1204 | 32. 910| .654|20.410| 2.39 D1205 | 31.2 352| .652 20.020 | 1. Е1201 | 32. 308| .635 | 20.300 .04 | 27.84| 30. |16. | 2.5 | .641| 8.13 Е1202 №. 628 | .629 2 11.4 E1203 | 31.9 115| .630 240| 9. 12 ; 302. -.635 2701: 9. Е1205 3 867 850, 9. Е1206 4 062 | .656 570| 7. E1207 ‚6 289 | .654 2701 9.48 F1201 | 28. 718 | .811 455 | 1.16| 13.54) 30. | 17. | 2.5 | .840| 6.90 71202 5 2251 .830 64 6.78 71203 8 391| .847 348 | 8.39 71204 | 29.3 814 | .847 970 | 7.43 71205 A 189 | .856 .985 | 8.74 71206 9 627| .852 .342| 9.28 71207 5 5 840 .990| 6.56 G1201 | 31.5 ).702 | .974 | 27.666 | 9.89 | 22.14 30. | 18. | 3.5 | .956 10.11 G1202 | 30. 961 .636 | 11.10 G1203 9 450| .95 .371 | 10.80 G1204 T 499 | .958 | 24.820 | 9.74 G1205 6 ›.801| .937 | 24.376) 9.05 H1201 | 33.7 3 633 | 21.210 .67| 1,48 28. | 16. | 3.5 | .633 64 Н1202 = ).308 | .623 | 19.198 31 1204 9 ).200} .633 | 20.090 „59 120 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA ш | IV [Vor. 4 I II V VI | VII |VIII| IX} X | XI | XII Ф Е = — c lo HR Л Та ЕРЛЕП Ем alsan в | 9р | лә) ба | БЕ ЕЕ os 22 £8 Ер "БІЗ КЕК 428 85 | Вы TIPE вы 525 85 OF (SoM AS СЕЛ 90| 56 | БЕС в 50| ЕЪР © > p d) 5 | 5 ОМО а ав ЕВО jag) 557 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) H1206 | 32 ).473 | .640 | 20.320 EL H1207 ).353 | .635 | 20.222 .64 201 4 .454 | 1.000 | 29.222 09 | 25.26 30. | 18. | 4.5 1.025 6.63 1202 | 28.3 .911 | 1.022 | 26.600} 8.00 203 | 30. | 30.981 | 1.030 | 29.040 | 6.26 1204 | 31. .061 | 1.06 040 I 1207 | 30.5 ).687 | 1.006 | 28.930 74 А1301 | 31.9 .630 | .772 | 24.000 .55 | 7.04) 37. | 27. | 2.0 | .787| 1.41 А1302 | 30.9 .150| .781 900 0: А1303 | 31.1 .691| .794 | 24.410 .14 А1304 | 32. .301| .790 960 5 А1305 | 32. .504 | .797 250 .00 301 | 31.5 .882 | .758 350| 2. 7.42] 37. | 27. | 2.0 | .807| 3.93 302 | 32. 265 | .758 625 | 2.64 303 | 32.7 1 506 | 2. 304 | 33.1 .871| .781 148 | 2.79 305 1:32. .921| .809 936 | 3. 306 | 32.6 .638 | .909 | 27.681| 64 307 | 31.8 549 | .866 727| 6.61 C1301 | 32. 599 | .737 310 .22| 2.52 37. | 28. | 2.5 | .728| 1.03 C1302 | 32.1 704| .738 420 .20 C1303 | 32.3 706 | .734 437 | 1.13 C1304 | 32. 596| .737 290| 1.30 C1305 | 31.7 825 | .720 500 | 1.42 C1306 | 32. 040 | .720 056 | 20.00 C1307 | 31.5 392 | .711 | 22.190 .9 D1301 | 31.2 948 | .767 301) 2.71} 2.58) 37. | 29. | 2.5 | .760| 2.35 D1302 | 31.3 971| .766 298| 2.81 01303 | 32. 4.44 764 942 .07 D1304 | 31.9 1551-2731 700 7 01305 | 32. 9 748 398| 2.28 E1301 | 32. .279 | „883 517 .23 | 25.88 39. | 30. | 3.0 | .951| 8.45 E1302 | 32.5 8724 .919 500 94 E1303 | 33.3 .460 | .944 670 .87 Е 1304 2 1521 .967 1401 9.66 E1305 | 32.1 | 31.644] 985 720} 9.24 E1306 | 33. 3001 .979 500| 8.67 E1307 | 31.2 ).420| .978 810| 8.58 F1301 | 33.2 .656 | .682 230 .88| 4.48] 39. |28. | 3.0 | .667| 2.17 F1302 | 32.2 .820| .677 433 s F1303 | 32. .269 | .663 | 20.806 .18 F130 А .471| .672 | 20.974 .31 Е1305 .666 | .657 143 41 1306 9 ort 2055 040 40 Е1307 | 32.2 | 21.326] .663 | 20.840 .28 | С1301 | 31. |20.421| .659 | 19.850 | 2.79 | {6.60] 39. | 32. | 4. |.653 3.48 Percentage of NS in heart-wood where both heart-wood and sap-wood occur осК. in the same culture 1917] “ee, ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 121 TABLE I (Continued) I | um { m {wf v |ò vi | vudivii ixi Г xi Longleaf pine (Pinus a G1302 | 31.2 | 20.569 | .658 | 19.819] 3.65 | “3.24 G1303 30.7 | 20.128} .655 .315 | 4.04 1304 30.6 | 20.071 | .656 | 19.339) 3.64 G1305 | 30.9 .245 | .655 .519 58 G1306 30.8 |20.148| 654 19.492) 3.2 1307 | 30. .184 | .639 | 18.536 | 3.38 *H1301 Y .709 | .590| 16.479 | 11.9: 2.36| 31. | 14. | 5. | .592| 10.04 *H1304 | 31.8 .499 | .581 | 16.500 | 10.8( *H1305 | 32. .994| .593 | 17.200 | 9.44 *Н1306 | 32. .223 .600 | 17.549 *H1307 | 30.9 4331 .596|16.710| € A1401 41 873| .557 | 17.360 f 3.94| 20 7.5| 3.25| 5821 3.94 А1402 | 31.2 .755| .569 | 17.120 | 3.58 А1403 | 32. 0.249 | .633 19.105 | 5.65 A1405 .8 |18.187 | .572 | 17.520 ‚67 В1401 | 32. .513 | .547 .885 .59| 4.88) 20 6.5 3.25 .616| 3.66 В1402 | 31.9 943 | .563 | 17.44 .81 В1403 | 32. | 23.658| .738 | 22.572| 4,59 С1401 .728 | .604 | 18.093 | 3.39] 5.9 |20. | 7. | 3.5 | .610] 4.69 С1402 .926 | .622 | 18.780 | 5.75 С1403 32.1 .499 | .607 | 18.653 | 4.34 С1404 .394 | .606 | 18.370} 5.28 01401 | 31.9 143 | .631 | 19.245) 447 | 4.3 | 22. | 8. |3.5 | .601| 3.63 01402 | 32.5 496 | .6 .728 94 D1403 .759 | .587 | 18.260 | 2.66 01404 | 32. .747 | .586 | 18.100 45 E1403 | 32. 613 | .550 | 17.002 47| 5.22022. | 9. | 4.25] 548 3.68 E1404 | 32.2 | 17.728] .551 | 16.997| 4.12 E1405 | 33. 999 | .545 | 17.380 44 F1401 | 32. .885 | .590 | 18.721 87| 5.62} 22. | 9. 14.25 596 .91 Е1402 | 32.1 | 20.137 | .627 | 19.897 | 1.19 Е1403 | 32. .254 .601 | 19.132 63 Е1404 | 32.1 887 | .588 | 18.881 03 Е1405 .5 412 | .584| 18.127 ) F1406 | 31.8 596 | .585 | 18.372 | 1.21 | G1401 | 31.8 403 | .578 | 17.926 | 2.59] 8.66) 22. | 10. | 5. | .576 3.03 С1404 | 32. 953 | .561| 17.380 | 3.19 G1405 | 31.8 245 | .574 17.627! 3.39 G1406 | 32.6 334| .593 | 18.750 | 3.02 1H1401 | 33.1 199 | .580 | 17.521| 8.74 |{ 5.18|28. | 8. | 5. | .570| 11.77 1H1403 | 32.9 782 | .571 | 16.222 | 13.63 |* 2.32 1H1404 | 32.6 282| .560 | 15.914 | 12.95 111401 9 781| .561 | 14.310 | 23.8 |f 8.68] 20. | 10.5 5.5 | .559| 18.07 ІНІ 1403 | 33.8 196| .538 | 14.120 | 22.4 |* 1.98 111405 А 950 | .578 981! 10.97 111406 | 32.7 | 18.313| .560 | 15.550 | 15.10 А1501 | 32.7 3| .653 48| .76|28. |11. | 1.25] .654| 1.44 А1502 | 31. ).097 | .648 | 19.805 | 1.45 А1503 | 31.4 | 20.766 | .661 | 20.478 | 1.39 В1501 | 32. 1| .667 7 42| .84/ 28. | 9. | 1.25] 680 .32 B1502 | 32.8 807| .665 | 21.740 z и. 3.5 638 | .675 | 22.567 с ood. EI se wood. 1 Percentage емі resin іп heart-wood where both heart-wood and sap-wood occur lock. in the same culture [VorL. 4 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I п ші |у | vr | vi [viur| IX| X | XI] xu о £ + > 5 E [a2 |. | ЖЕЕ |Ен fu |2 | В ВЕ | ро || Ба С СЫ РЕЙ ose 29 | Боов 95 КЕНЕН 82 | Съ g psg] ЕЕ, sa | SS ЕЕЕ BE 555 SES) 5t БЕ [В ВО Бш БЫ Q > 2079 Л bh 27” 0709 Ғы e. Б ЕЙ? О ся ФЕЕ > = 5% ЕЗЕЕЙЕ 8|28 > id в lz © Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) В1504 | 31.9 070| .691 | 21.982) .40 B1505 | 32.7 |22.618| .692|22.567| .2 В1506 | 31.3 68| .693 | 21.613) 2 C1501 | 32. 877| .715|23.865| .( 96| 30. |11. | 2.25| .717| .49 C1502 | 31.4 618| .720|23.470| .63 C1503 | 31.1 491| .724|23.381| 4 1504 | 31. 310| .719 | 23.070} 14 С1505 | 31.8 774 | .714 | 23.697 | .: C1506 | 30.4 | 22.550 | .709 | 22.452 | .44 01501 | 34. .984 | .705 | 23.87 46| .88| 30. |14. | 2.25) .698| .37 21502 | 35. .217| .692| 24.129] .36 D1503 | 34. .707| .697|23.612| .40 1504 | 34. .678| .697 | 23.609 | .29 D1505 | 34.9 447| .700|24.378| .28 D1506 | 33. 1| .697| 22.914] .42 1501 | 33.5 |24.192| .722| 23.490 | 2. 86| 35. |17. | 3.25] .724| 2.68 Е1502 | 33. |24.027 | .727 | 23.406 503 | 33.3 | 24.095 | .724 | 23.480 | 2.5 71501 | 34.2 660 | .721 | 23.862 3| 1.06 30. |15. |4. | .709| 3.35 21502 | 34.9 570| .733 | 24.737 71503 | 34.8 163 | .723 | 24.166 6 1504 | 34.1 227| .710 | 23.512 71505 | 34. 332| .685 | 22.672 71506 | 32.8 518| .685 | 21.64 0 *G1501 | 33.8 846| .676 | 22.200 .96 32. 111. |5. | .685] 3.30 1502 | 33.7 110 | .685 | 22.498 | 2.6 * С1503 | 32.7 492 | .687 | 22.11 6 1504 | 32.3 362| .691 | 20.991 | € *G1505 | 31.2 520 | .689 | 20.825 | 3. + G1506 | 31.5 725 | .689 | 21.006 А1601 | 32. 225| .757 | 22.970 2.7 | 40. | 23. | 1.25] .746| 4.38 А1602 | 32.2 478 | .761| 23.540 | 3. А1603 | 32. 927 | .747 | 22.480 | 6.04 А1604 | 32. 431 | .732 | 22.850 | 2.48 В1601 | 30.8 798 | .740 | 20.480 | 10.18 | 2.44 40. | 20. | 1.75] .726| 8.57 В1602 | 31. 404 | .722 | 20.490 | B1603 | 30.7 |22.002| .716 | 20.450 | 7. C1601 | 30. .000| .733 | 19.710| 10.41] 5.44] 38. | 17. | 2.75) .740| 10.11 C1602 | 30.7 | 22.717 | .740| 20.600| 9.3 C1604 | 30.6 869| .747 | 20.440 | 10.¢ D1601 | 30.2 052| .763 | 22.2501 3.48) 3.4 | 40. | 17. | 3.75] .768| 3.10 D1602 | 30.3 431| .773 | 22.795 | 2.1 { E1601 | 32. 439 | .701 | 22.057 | 1.70] 2.04 35. | 16. | 4.75) .696| 8.68 + E1602 692| .690 | 17.480 | 15.5 { Е1603 245} .696| 21.239 | .03 * Sap-wood. + Partially sap-wood. DEDERE EET TUUM eter Тату. жиг ур 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 123 TABLE I (Continued) I | Wf mw | ive} v | ve рм ш иш Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) t E1604 | 30. | 20.971] .699 | 17.310 | 17.5 *F1601 | 30.9 | 20.386] .658|19.570| 4.01| 3.20 40. | 10. | 5.75) 664 8.19 *F1602 | 29.5 | 19.445 | .658 | 16.990 | 12.62 *F1603 | 29.7 | 19.949 | .671 270| 3.41 * F1604 | 30. ).055 | .668 | 17.500 | 12.75 * G1601 та .682 .740 | 16.65 | 2.58| 37. | 12. | 6.75] .681| 12.56 * G1602 | 31. .970| .676 5 | 16.05 * 61603 | 30.4 | 20.720 | .681 | 20.691} .14 * G1604 | 29.5 ).280 | .687 1| 17.4 *Н1601 за 834 | .671 | 20.275 14} 2.14 39 8.5| 7.75| .670| 6.74 *H1602 | 31.8 292| .670|19.940| 6.34 * I 1601 | 30.9 64| .723 | 18.460 | 17.45 | 1.84| 36. | 10. | 8.75| .721| 17.09 * [ 1602 | 31. 165| .715 5| 19.45 * [ 1603 | 30.2 879| .724| 18.270 | 16.45 * [1604 | 29.7 .480| .724 1250: | Lost A1701 R .846 | .745 | 22.719] 4.72| 32.48 25. |10. | .5 | .733| 5.87 A1702 ‚6 075| .699 | 21.1 4. А1703 | 30. .282 | .709 | 20.061 | 5.7: А1704 | 28 ).557 | .734|19.272| 6.25 А1705 ,252| .778 | 18.532| 8.49 В1701 .809 | .735 7381 9.08| 23.8 | 25, |10. | Ж | .717| 8.06 B1702 | 30.7 .684| .706 142| 7.1 B1703 | 32.3 067 | .683|20.568| 6.79 1704 3 2571-31 710! 6.95 В1705 | 32. 851| .745 | 21.370 | 10.40 C1703 | 30.2 847| .624 бо. 13.94) 25. 8. | 1.5 | .629| 2.68 C1704 | 28.3 566| .620 100} 4 C1705 | 28.9 337 | .634 | 17.820} 2 D1701| 32. | 20.694] .646 | 19.440 | 6.06 | 15.0 | 25 9. |1.5 | .643| 8.33 D1702 | 31.5 996 | .634 | 18.992 y 1703 | 32.5 891 3 | 19.370 £ D1704 | 30.8 481| .633 | 16.449 | 15.56 D1705 | 31.7 .963 | .661 | 19.342| 7.74 E1701 | 31.6 | 22.239] .703|21.206| 4.64 | 10.46| 28. | 14. | 2.5 | .683| 4.56 21702 | 32.3 076| .684 | 21.050 65 21703 | 31.5 4881 .683|20.691| 3.71 21704 | 31.9 .510| .674 | 20.379 | 5.26 21705 | 31.9 .518| .674 .540| 4 71701 | 32. .850| .620 | 19.128 | 3.64 | 10.6 | 29. | 12. | 2.5 | .629| 3.41 71702 | 32.1 .908 | .620| 19.110] 4. 71703 | 31.7 .440| .613|19.438| 4 “1704 | 32.3 .683 | .640 | 19.776 | 4.39 71705 | 32. .971| .655 | 19.923| 5.00 G1701 | 31.8 .292 | .638 | 19.573 | 3.54) 4.7 | 28. | 13. | 3.5 | .617 3.23 С1702 .6 :00 15:632 MAD 85 G1703 | 31. .117| .616 | 18.528] 3.08 G1704 | 30.8 .587 | .603 | 18.010} 3. С1705 | 30. .905 | .597 | 17,443| 2.58 Н1701 | 32.3 1.521] .759 716| 7.36 13.2 |30. | 18. | 3.5 | .726| 7.00 H1702 | 32. .870| .746 | 21.913] 8.16 H1703 .138 | .722 | 21.451} 7.29 H1704 | 32.7 .986 | .703 1| 6.2 Н1705 | 31.2 |21.923| .703|20.611| 5.99 А1801 | 31. .791| .638 | 19.100 | 3.49 | 2.7 | 20. | 12. | .75| .599| 2.15 ap-wood. f Partially sap-wood. [Vor. 4 124 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I пр wm | wif v | vr | vii [Үш IX| X | X1| xiu Ф Яо = |. Р Su | Ec |an] 28 |353 за Ва ВЕ ЛЕ НАР ЕЕ 28 |598] BS |+56 ess] OF оу в ЕН eee за |52554) 451584552 БР БЕ ЕЕ RE Ses 2 = [68 EIER де Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) А1802 | 31.8 | 19.095 | .600 | 18.520 | 3.01 А1803 19.476 | .608 | 18.910 | 2.9 А1804 | 30.9 | 18.943 | .613 18.650 | 1.55 А1805 | 31.2 .795 | .570 | 17.686) .61 A1806 | 31. .523 | .565 | 17.291 | 1.32 В1801 | 30. 8.092 | .603 | 18.070| .12| 5.9 |20. | 13. | .75| .621 1.21 В1802 | 28.7 .594 | .613 | 17.591 | .02 В1803 | 29. 9.345 .667| 19.004 | 1.76 1804 | 28.9 | 18.547 | .642 | 18.243 | 1.64 В1805 | 29.6 809 | .601 | 17.504 | 1. B1806 | 30.5 | 18.312 | .600 18.132 .98 C1801 | 30.8 |24.037| .780 | 23.004 | 4.30| 3.9 | 25. | 19. | 1.5 | .582| 1.01 C1802 | 30.8 | 17.134 | .556 | 17.0151 .69 C1803 | 31.4 |17.172| .547 | 17.022 | .87 С1804 | 31.1 |16.913| .543 | 16.913 | .00 C1805 | 31.2 |16.742 | .537 | 16.733 | .05 C1806 | 31.8 | 16.800 | .528 | 16.782. 01801 | 31. 8.253 | .588 | 18.010 | 1.33| 3.96) 25. | 14. | 1.5 | .568 1.68 01802 | 32.5 | 19.230 | .591 18.757 | 2.4 D1803 | 32.6 | 18.507 | .567 | 18.126 | 2.06 01804 | 30.2 |16.554| .548 | 16.451 “6 01805 | 29. 6.153 | .557| 15.978 | 1.0 D1806 | 29. 6.200| .558 | 15.786 | 2.56 E1801 | 30.6 |16.229 | .530 | 16.040 | 1. 5.4 |27. | 18. | 2.5 | .527| .91 E1802 | 30.5 997| .524 | 15.940) .36 E1803 | 30.1 783| .524 | 15.670] .72 E1804 | 31.1 | 16.441 | .529 | 16.212 | 1.39 F1802 | 32.7 | 18.750 | .574 | 18.010 3.95! 3. |27. | 26. | 2.5 | .536 2.26 Е1803 | 31. 6.393 | .528 | 16.215) 1.09 1804 | 31.9 | 16.762} .525 | 16.500 1.57 F1805 | 31.5 |16.520| .524 | 16.170 | 2.12 F1806 | 32. 6.994 | .530 16.550 | 2.61 **G1801| 31. | 31.403 | 1.013 | 28.107 | 10.49 | 5.56 27. |26. 3.5 | .576 2.15 G1802 | 31.8 |16.189 | .508|16.102| .54 G1803 | 30.7 |14.460| .471|14.221| 1.65 1804 | 31.5 226| .483 | 15.212] .09 G1805 | 32. 542| .486|15.540| .01 G1806 | 32.4 | 16.067 | .496 | 16.052) .09 H1801 | 32.4 | 16.985 | .524 | 16.465! 3.06| 4.12 27. | 23. | 3.5 | 523 3.38 H1802 | 34.7 | 18.515 | .533 | 17.996 | 2. H1803 | 32. 6.915 | .528|16.271| 3.81 Н1804 | 33.3 283| .519 16.711 3.31 H1805 | 32. 6.625 | .519|16.006 | 3.72 H1806 | 32.2 | 16.726| .519 | 16.123 | 3. 1 1802 | 35.1 | 20.556| .585 | 20.214 | 1.67] 4.14 28. | 36. |4.5 | 531 .90 І 1803 | 31.9 | 16.523} .517| 16.491 | .19 I 1804 | 32. 6.713 | .522 | 16.642 | .43 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 125 TABLE I (Continued) I | mf wm | ive] ум ро eae xi Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) I 1805 6.052 | .518 890 01 11806 8 ›.368 | .515 173 А1901 | 32.5 ).185 | .620 286 | 4.46 | 2.7 | 30. |17. | .5 | .636| 3.10 А1902 | 31.4 ).275 | .614 711 9 А1903 | 32. | 20.354 | .636 19.791 17 A1904 | 32.1 .326 | .663 | 20.735 3 A1905 | 30. .441| .64 944 56 B1901 | 30. 20.00 667 432 .87| 3.16 32. |12.| .5 | .668| 4.29 В1902 | 31.5 733 | .657 035 .37 В1903 | 31. 092 | .712 506 .65 B1904 | 30.8 | 20.277 | .658 | 19.805 4 В1905 | 30,5 736 | .647 | 18.694 28 C1901 | 32.5 598 | .695 7 3.4 3.22 40. | 12. | 1.5 | .701| 3.24 С1902 | 31.5 881 | .695|21.000| 4. C1903 | 30.7 732| .740 | 21.9 : C1904 | 30. 654 | .688 | 20.130 C1905 | 30.3 784| „6861 20.250 D1901 | 32.7 412| .685|21.8 46| 4.24 40. | 10. | 2.5 | .684| 2.33 D1902 | 31.9 249 | .697 | 21.754 $ D1903 | 32.5 814 | .702 | 22.272 | 1904 | 32. 634 | .675 | 21.135 ) 01905 | 31.5 ).913 | .664! 20.44 ) E1901 | 31. .130| .681 | 20.770 ./0| 8.86 42. | 9. | 3.5 | .705| 2.08 E1903 | 31.2 .398 | .717 | 21.948 .0 1904 | 31.5 .637 .718 063 .54 Е1901 | 33.3 .500| .706 433 .80| 6.3 | 35. | 12. | 4.5 | .713| 8.83 Е1902 | 32.7 .200| .709 9.09 Е1903 | 32. .977| .718 | 20.825 | 9.38 Е1904 | 32 .884 | .715 | 20.890 | 8.71 F1905 .318| .720 | 20.496 | 8.16 G1901 5 .116| .670 .29 | 16.26| 37. | 13. | 5.5 | .684| 1.86 G1902 7 .769 | .675 540| 1.01 G1903 9 .054 | .670 037 .08 1904 + .037 | 689 3191 3, G1905 |: .936| .716 831| 4.82 H1901 8 .130 | .654 | 21.384 | 3.37 25.68 36. | 12. | 6.5 | 742 9.06 1904 8 .802 | .770 | 24.063 | 10.21 H1905 .271| .803 | 23.565 | 13.59 Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) B2001 | 31. 5.685 | .506 | 14.522| 7.42 | 30.6 | 14. | 2.0 | 2.25] .500| 15.44 B2002 | 29.5 | 14.438 | .490 | 13.515! 6.39 B2003 | 29.8 | 14.630 | .491 | 13.535| 7.48 2004 | 31. 5.601| .503 | 11.450 | 26.6 B2005 | 31.2 | 15.879 | .508 | 11.226 | 29.3 С2001 | 30. 5.778| .526 | 15.406| 2.36| 6.0 | 13. | 1.5 |3 519] 1.47 2 8 140| .541|14.927| 1.41 C2003 | 28.7 4.847 | .517 | 14.820 .18 C2004 | 29.5 | 14.980} .507 | 14.852 .86 C2005 | 28 4.156 | .505 794| 2.56 2 5.720 | .527 117 | 3.84| 4.96|17. |2 2.75| .518| 4.00 D2002 | 29.7 |15.404 | .518 | 14,820| 3.79 2004 16.183 | .505 | 15.475| 4.38 Е2001 | 31.3 |18.350| .586|12.258| 33.20| 2.9 | 14. | 1.5 | 2.25| .504| 23.17 2002 16.669 | .538 | 13.263 | 20.42 E2003 | 31 14.575 | .470 | 11.630 | 20.22 126 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA ГУ от. 4 І II | ш | IV V VI | Vii [Viri| IX| X | XI | XII Ф с = >, 5 я 102 1. |Р а Ем Е Ер р | Яо ез ба | БЕК. | Ес SE ов $9 | во 128Е| >й, 93 | oul Slee] o| 59 за |50 |285 gs |555 Feo) „йр Ера ы Des О > eU | Ab "go [ом | м mele ч |<т gee Ф ы. т) Ея 8 Ф 2 = ФЕ RB ым Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) E2004 | 30.7 | 14.376 | .468 | 10.932 | 23.99 E2005 12.830 | .458 | 10.521 | 18.00 2001|31.4 |15.120| .481 12.2 9.30| 6.08 12. | 1.5 | 2.75| 472 21.67 2004 | 31.3 |14.655| .468 | 10.883 | 25.7 F2005 .520 | .466 9.818 | 19.98 G2001 | 29.5 13.803 | .468 | 11.500 | 16.70 | 4.46 13. |1.5 | 3.5 | .479| 9.27 G2002 | 28.5 13.680 | .480 12.831 | 6.2 G2003 4.026| .483 13.102| 6.59 G2004 4.033| .484|13.452| 4.14 2.488 | .480 10.900 | 12.71 1H2001|31. | 15.644) .504|15.005| 4.08) 3.02 16. |2. 14.25 .494 4.15 +H2002 | 29.9 | 14.800| .495 14.21 97 +H2003 | 30. | 14.830| .494 | 14.29 64 1Н2004 | 30.8 | 15. 488 | 14.327 | 4.74 1H2005 |2 3.723 | .490 13.128 | 4.33 1 . |11.142| .412| 9.030] 18.93 | 3.24] 17. |3. | 1.0 | .411 13.12 B2102|27. 111.262 | .417 9.632 | 14.49 В2103 | 27.3 128| 407 9.776 | 12.16 B2104 | 27. 195| .415 10.1 9.68 B2105 | 26.6 | 10.800} .406 9.633 | 10.34 С2101 | 27. | 10.737 | .397| 9.541] 11.12] 4.72) 17. |3. |1. | 411) 7.58 C2102 | 27.5 103| .403 10.215) 84 C2104 | 28. 117| .432|11.680| 3. D2101| 26.8 | 10.890! .407 10.206| 6.29| 4.16 16. |2.5 | 1.5 | .406 4.44 D2102 | 27. 101| .411| 10.617 | 4.36 D2105 | 27.8 137 | .401 | 10.840 2.67 E2101 | 28.7 478| .400|10.871| 5.28| 4.46/14. |3. |2. | .421 6.62 E2102 | 28.4 983| .422|11.237 | 6.24 E2103 | 28. ,115| .432 | 11.233 | 7.27 E2104 | 27.8 |12.030| .433 | 11.1 6.96 E2105|26.7 |11.193| .419 | 10.374 Е F2101 | 29. .187 | .419 | 11.765 | 3.47] 2.48] 15. | 2.5 | 2.25) .432| 2.88 F2102 .570| .433 | 12.427) 1.14 Е2103 .527 | .447 | 11.952 | 4.59 Е2104 | 27.9 | 12.543 9 3.64 Е2105 | 26.4 | 10.909 | .413 | 10.741 1 С2101 3.586 | .453 6.09 | 3.84 16. | 3.25] 3. | .437 7.90 G2102 2.250| .422|11.077| 9.59 G2103|28.8 |12.390| .429|11.350| 8.40 G2104 .790| .426|11.703| 8.50 G2105 .340| .441|11.485 | 6.93 H2101 .601| .420|11.580| 8.11| 4.20] 16. |3. |3. | .426 7.09 H2102 | 28.2 976| .424|11.300| 5.6 Н2103 865| .424| 11.090| 6.54 Н2104 | 29. .255 | .422 | 11.300} 7.8 H2105 |: .905 | .441 | 11.030) 7.35 + Partially sap-wood. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 127 TABLE I (Continued) I | про | IV | v-1-vr Vl vie xri жи Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) * В2201 | 26.5 | 12.598 = 28. | 2.5 | 4.5 | .471! 13.84 ж B2203 | 28. 13.250 * В2204 | 28. .925 * В2205 ч .166 * C2201 * ‚6290 2.28| 28. |2.5 |5. | .476| 15.93 * C2202 | 29.2 .860 * С2203 | 28.5 .560 * C2204 | 27.5 .874 * C2205 | 27. .904 * 02202 | 29.8 686 3.32) 24. |3. | 5.75) .462 40.75 *D2203 | 28.4 194 * D2205 | 28. 294 ж E2201 432 2.8 | 26. |3 5.5 | .486| 4.73 * Е2203 04 * E2205 | 26.2 | 12.690 * F2201 | 26.5 3.1 | 26. |4. | 6.25} .508 38.3 *F2202|28. |14115 * F2203 | 27. | 13.62 * F2204 |28. | 14.169 Е2205 | 28. |14.250 *G2201|28. | 14.466 2.38] 32. |5. | 6.75] .513| 10.48 *G2202 | 28. | 14.360 *G2203 | 27.5 | 14.281 *G2204 | 26.2 | 13.510 * С2205 | 26. | 12.985 *Н2201 | 28.2 | 16.306 2.8 |32. |6.5 |7. | .558| 27.47 *Н2202 | 28.3 | 16.004 *Н2203 | 27.9 | 15.405 *H22 .5 |15.022 *H2205 | 26.8 | 14.697 + B2301 | 30.7 | 15.465 3.28| 15. | 2.75] 2.75] -503| 4.97 + B2302 | 30. 046 + B2303 534 + B2304 545 1 B2305 | 29.7 | 14.013 C2301 | 31.5 | 17.449 6.7 | 15. | 1.5 | 2.75] .549| 5.03 C2302 6.705 C2303 | 30 373 2304 | 30 6.980 305 4.239 {02302 | 29.7 | 13.145 2.36 15. |2. |3.5 | .450| 29.40 102304 | 28. 016 +D2305 | 27.4 | 12.126 | * E2303 | 27.5 |13.909 .92| 25. |3. | 4.25] 4941 32.41 * E2304 | 27. 767 * Е2305 | 26. 086 *F2301 | 27.5 | 12.383 3.22| 25. | 3. | 3.75] .481| 17.99 * Е2302 |27. | 12.245 * Е2303 | 26.9 | 13.717 * F2304 | 26.5 | 13.550 * F2305 | 26.3 | 12.690 * ap-wood. 1 Partially sap-wood. [Vor. 4 128 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA АСЕ ТЕТЕСІЕЛҮ V VI | Vir |УШ|ІХ| X | Xr | хп d 8 > : 5 [23 ЗЕ | Flas g 9 13 оь | Е зо | В |88 НО | Ва | 52 EL E^ ду чә я =5> ФЕ о E. “с | ан | oad $8 | зе |ЪбЕ| SE | 96 яе 99 | Фу eel ee] БУ) woe за |502 59» ВВ СЕЛ ЕО 59 БЕ Во ар рш sue 35 | [wv Gb POM | Sar] OM |РЕ Ва 9 |4 | БЕР [з] Ж ЫЗ) Е ва в 9 28 = Є Б 8 Ж. rd а Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) *G2302 | 26.2 | 14.456| .552| 12.777 | 11.61| 2.38] 30. | 3.5 | 4.5 | .534 11.40 * 62304 | 27.8 | 14.556| .523 | 12.685 | 12.87 * 62305 | 25.4 | 13.395| .527 | 12.094 | 9.72 * E2402 |26. | 12.095| .465 | 10.111] 16.42| 2.92] 24. | 2.75) 3.75 .458| 25.64 * E2403 | 26.6 | 12.300 | .463| 9.930 | 19.28 E2404 | 26.4 | 12.087] .458| 8.257 | 31.75 * E2405 | 25.2 | 11.401] .453| 7.398 | 35.10 * G2401 | 26. 1711 | .489| 8.721| 31.4 | 44 |27. |5.5 | 4.5 | .479| 30.16 *G2402 | 26.3 |12.630| .480| 8.502 | 32.63 *G2403 | 26.5 |12.814| .484| 9.637 | 24.8 *G2404|26.5 |12.575| .475| 8.380| 33.4 * G2405 | 26. 159 | .467 | 8.722 | 28.25 *Н2401 |26. | 14.490| .556 | 10.824 | 25.31| 3.121 29. |7.5 | 5. | .530) 23.64 *H2404 | 24.4 |12.670| .519| 9.810 | 22.6 *H2405 | 24.4 |12.615| .517| 9.715 * C2501 | 28. 547| .484| 8.470| 37.5 | 2.8 | 20. | 2.25) 4. | .478| 25.35 * С2502 | 26.7 |12.740| .477| 8.110] 36.3 * C2503 | 27. .749 | .472| 6.915 | 45.7 * C2504 | 27.9 | 13.267| .476 | 12.838 | 3.23 * C2505 | 27.8 | 13.365 | .480 | 12.828 | 4.02 *D2501 | 26.8 |12.770| .476 | 11.068 | 13.34 | 3.18] 20. | 2.5 |4. | .469 19.07 * D2502 | 26. .278| .472| 9.480 | 22.8 *D2503|25.9 |11.973| .462| 9.511| 20.59 *D2504|25.9 |11.966 | .462| 9.531 | 20.37 *D2505 | 25. .838| .473| 9.678 | 18.25 * Е2501 | 26.5 |12.687| .478 12.400| 2.26| 3. |25. |2.5 |3.5 | .461| 8.18 * E2502|26. |12.158| .467|11.571| 4.84 * E2503 .975| .460|11.376| 5.01 * E2505 0.956| .438| 8.700 | 20.6 * F2501 .915| .478 | 10.542 | 18.37 | 2.14] 23. | 2.75| 4.25| .468| 31.63 * F2502|25.5 |12.144 | .476 | 10.907 | 10.18 * F2503 489 | .459 | 6.438 | 44.1 * Е2504 | 25.2 | 11.784 | .467 45 Зе * F2505 | 24.1 |11.134| .462| 5.627 | 49.5 *H2501 557| .502| 4.377| 67.71| 3.26] 27. | 3.5 | 4.75] .486| 54.82 *H2502 .305 | .493| 4.650 | 65.1 #Н2503 | 26.3 |12.680| .482| 6.782 | 46.5 *H25 2.950| .480| 5.570| : *H2505 | 26. .388 | .476| 7.710 | 37.8 * B2601|26.5 | 13.747| .519 | 10.541 | 23.33| 3.4 |35. |7. |5. | .536| 23.68 * В2604 | 27. | 14.616 | .542 | 11.073 | 24.17 * B2605 |26. |14.375| .553 | 10.990 | 23.55 » C2601 | 27.3 |14.103| .517 | 10.045 | 28.78| 4.5 |35. |7. |5. | .520 20.34 % С2602 |28. |14.536| .519 | 11.242 | 22.65 » C2603 | 27.8 |14,559| .523 | 10.796 | 25.85 » C2604 | 28.4 |14.680| .517 | 11.343 | 22.79 * Sap-wood. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE TABLE I (Continued) 129 I пуш | Ivf у vi ТУН [Village КІ! жи Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) * C2605 | 27.9 |14.650| .525 | 14.410] 1.64 *D2601 | 28. | 14.590} .521| 9.357] 35.9 | 2.3 | 35. |7. |5.5 | .532| 35.02 *D2602|27. | 14.427] 534 | 10.507 | 27. * D2603 | 26.8 | 14.353 | .535| 9.323 | 35.04 *D2604 | 27. | 14.393] .532 | 8.463 | 41. #02605 | 26. | 14.0 540 | 9.024 | 35.78 % E2601 | 27.2 |14.263 | .524 | 13.594 | 4.69| 2.14/38. |6. |6. | .516| 12.27 * E2602 | 25.8 | 13.103 | .507 | 12.775 | 2.50 * E2603 | 24.6 9 526 | 10.994 | 15.07 2604 | 24.7 | 12.615 | .510| 9.834 | 22.04 % Е2605 | 24. | 12.273 | .512 | 10.180 | 17.06 + Е2601 | 27.5 | 15.016 | .546 | 10.156 | 32.36] 2.12/40. |6. |6. | .533| 22.02 % Е2603 | 27. | 14.258 | .528 | 10.538 | 26.10 * Е2605 |26. | 13.695 | .526 | 12.655 7. * 2601 |27. |14.630| .542 | 13.495| 7.75] 2.04 40. |6. |6. | .532) 7.68 % (52602 | 30. 116.350| .545 | 15.234 | 6.83 *G2603 | 30. |15.905 | .530 | 14.757 7.21 + С2604 | 28. |14.613| .522 | 13.333 | 8.75 * 62605 | 27.5 | 14.286 | .519 | 13.163 7.87 *Н2601 | 27.5 | 14.424 | .525| 5.394 | 62.6 | 2.92/40. |6. |6.5 | .509| 30.46 *Н2602 | 30.8 | 15.928 | .517 | 9.672 | 39.3 *Н2603 | 30. |15.194 | .506 | 13.425 | 11.64 *Н2604 | 28.7 |14.303 | .498 | 12.592 | 11.96 *Н2605 | 27.9 |13.920| .499 | 10.196 | 26.78 t B2701 | 30. .613| .454 | 11.097 | 18.47 | 1.56 20. | 3.5 | 3.25] .476 14.79 t B2703 | 30. |15.220| .507 | 13.240 | 13.00 | t B2704 | 28.5 |13.320| .467 | 11.600 | 12.91 t C2701 | 30. | 13.650) .455 12.365| 9.41] 1,5 |20. |3.75| 3.25| .461 19.05 1 C2702 | 29.8 | 13.406] .450| 9.894 | 26.2 1 C2705 | 29.5 | 14.144] .479 | 11.098 | 21.55 *D2703 | 28.7 | 14.277] .497|12.931| 9.42] 1.24 23. |6. |4. | .504 8.86 *D27 . | 13.855] .495|12.780| 7.76 *D2705 | 27.5 | 14.332] .521 12.987] 9.39 * E2701 | 27.9 | 14.450} .518| 11.901 | 17.64] 1.24 29. | 10.5) 4.75] .538| 14.31 *E2702|27. | 14.153] .524| 11.485 | 18.85 * E2703 | 28. |15.843 | .566 | 13.882 | 12.38 + E2704 | 27.4 | 14.833] .542 | 13.202 | 11.00 * E2705 |27. | 14.638} .542| 12.931 | 11.67 * F2703|29. |15.087| .520|13.074| 13.35] .94 28. |9. |4.25| .513 8.88 * F2704 | 27.8 |14.185 | .510 13.046 | 8.04 * F2705 | 27.5 | 14.003 | .5 .270| 5.24 *G2701 | 28.5 |15.194| .532|14.623| 3.76| 1.84|30. |14. |5.5 | .539| 4.39 *G2702|26.4 | 13.962 | .529 | 13.321 | 4.59 *G2705 | 26.8 |14.915| .556 | 14.194 | 4.83 *Н2701 | 28.7 | 15.730 | .549 | 11.032 | 29.85 | 2.48] 30. | 13. | 5.25] .563| 19.50 *Н2702 | 27. |14.996 | .555 | 12.759 | 14.92 *Н2703 4.775 | .568 | 12.115 | 18. *Н27 4.617 | .562 | 11.722 | 19.8 *Н2705 4.515 | .581 | 12.350 | 14.91 * B2801 | 28. | 13.812] .493| 9.548 | 30.8 | 3.1 | 25. |2. |3. | .480| 34.20 * B2802 | 27.5 | 13.515 | .491 | 10.354 | 23.4 * B2803 | 28.3 |14.010| .495| 8.560 38.9 * B2804 | 27.5 | 12.635 | .459| 7.037 44.3 * В2805 12.539 | .464! 8.324 | 33.6 * Sap-wood. 1 Partially sap-wood. 130 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA [Vor. 4 ı [u| m |v] v | vr | vii [vij IX| x | xr] xiu = я е p |88 ЗЕ | Fl ge g о | ЛЕ Be ы 8818719 | 23 | ае Ера B^ А, а шы oo 25? до в БЕ | Бу, eol ФЕ | ой5 88 |89|58Е| > | 396 |4255 08 | ср ра se) Бо | 929 62 |2%|583 въ |353 | sae) E ВЕ аз B ii^ 2 = 9g 5 ЕРДЕ 5 | < 5 а "mU Ф Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) + C2801 | 27.5 [12.985 | .471| 9.116] 29.82] 2. 2.5 | 3.5 | 481 37.61 * C2802 |27. | 12.926| .478| 7.351| 43.10 *C2805|27. | 13.369] .495| 8.041 | 39.9 *D2801 13.173 | .487| 9.364 | 28.91| 2.22/25. | 2.5 | 3.75 .487| 17.35 *D2802 13.136 | .486| 9.905 | 24.6 * D2803 .947 | .478 | 10.665 | 10.72 * D2804 973 .499 | 11.363 | 12.41 *D2805 | 26.8 |12.997 | .484 | 11.685 | 10.10 * E2801 '385 | .495|12.063| 9.90| 2.16| 27. | 2.75) 3.75| .502) 10.16 * E2802 | 26. .285 | .510 | 11.774 | 11.39 * E2803 | 26.8 |13.396| .500|12.164| 9.19 * F2801 | 27. 657| .505| 9.381| 31.3 | 2.6427. |3. |4.5 | .494 19.59 * F2802 27. | 13.375] .495 | 10.540 | 21.2 * F2803 | 24.5 | 11.975 | .489 | 10.590 | 11.58 * F2804 | 27. .210 | .489 | 11.003 | 16.70 * F2805 | 26.5 |13.012| .491 | 10.780 | 17.15 * С2801 |268 |12.742| .476|11.995| 5.86] 1.96|27. |3.5 | 4.5 | .480| 19.69 *С2802 | 26.8 |12.954| .483|12.122| 6.42 *G2803|27. | 14.047| .520| 9.177 | 34.7 *G2804| 26.6 |12.660| .476| 9.030 | 38.6: * G2805 | 26. .622 7 | 10.131 | 12.8 *H2801|28. |14021| .501| 6.855| 51.10| 2.06|28. |6. |5. | .493| 43.72 *H2804|26. |12.703| .489 | 6.980 | 45.1 H2805|25. |12.267| .490| 7.982 | 34.9 ж B2905 | 26.8 |12.809| .478|12.180 | 4.91| 1.54|35. |6.25| 3.25) .478| 4.91 * С2902 | 255 |13.288| .521|12.714| 4.32] 1.92 35. |6.5 | 3.5 | .515| 4.27 ж (22003 | 25.5 |12.973| .508 | 12.524| 3.46 * C2905 | 26.4 |13.607 | .515 | 12.924 | 5.02 «Г2001 |281 |14.340| .510| 13.641] 4.87) 1.12 35. 13.5 |4. | 497 8.99 *D2902|29.5 |14.551| .493 | 13.612 | 6.45 «12903 | 28.5 |14.103| .495 | 11.739 | 16.76 «132004 | 29.8 |14.722| .494 | 12.982 | 11.8 «102905 |28. |13.763| .492 | 13.066| 5.06 «Е2901|268 | 14.070] 525 | 11.068 | 21.36| .9 |35. |11. | 4.25] .520| 24.04 * E2902 |27. |13.901| .515 | 10.780 | 22.45 * E2903 |26. | 13.477] .518 | 9.386 | 30.39 * £2904 3.521| .520| 9.852 | 27.16 * Е2905 | 25.7 |13.360| .520 | 10.842 | 18.84 * Е2902 |253 |14.189| .560 | 13.200| 6.97| .6б 35. |10. |4.5 | .562| 3.46 * F2904 | 24.4 |13.869 | .568 | 13.516 | 2.55 * Е2905 | 24.6 |13.710| .557 13.592 | .86 * G2901 | 26 5:537 | 597 | 14.661. 5.64] .72| 32. | 7.5 | 4.25] .579| 4.21 *G2902 | 26. |15.143| .582|14.220| 6.09 *G2903|25. |14.277| .571|13.784| 3.45 * С2904 |25. | 14.450| .578 |13.970| 3.32 * 62905 | 25. 114.157 | .566| 13.795 | 2.56 * Sap-wood 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 131 TABLE I (Continued) I | u| m | тру [vt | view К Кш ран Loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) *H2901 | 25 835 | .554 | 13.098 | 5.33 202) дә. КЕ o1 .570| 5.90 *H2902 | 24 643 | .569 | 12.887 | 5.54 *Н2903 | 24. 3.675 | .570 | 12.835 | 6.15 *H2904 | 24. 3.844 | .577 104 34 *H2905 | 22.5 |13.038 | .580 | 12.105 .16 1 B3001 | 30. 3.835 | .461 | 13.200, 4.59 1.081 22. 3.5| 3.5 | .456| 8.93 t B3002 8 3.297 | .446 | 12.750] 4.12 1 B3003 .8 3.384 | .449 .821| 4.21 1 B30 .8 3.625 | .457 648 | 1: 1 В3005 .6 3.400 | .468 Z 2 1 C300 ; 3.430 | .447 | 10.818 | 19.4 1.76| 22. | 3.5| 3.5 | .451| 12.05 1 C3002 | 30. 3.395 | .446 10.5 1 C3003 | 31.5 |14.128| .448 79 : + C3004 | 32.5 | 14.605 | .449 7491 5.4 + C3005 | 32. 4.860 | .4 686 | 14. 1D3001 Е 3.038 | .434 | 10.212 | 21.7 2.76| 25 4. | 4.25| .441| 11.47 1D3004 | 30. 2.925 | .431 4 1103005 | 29.5 |13.555| .459 845 ‚24 * E3001 | 29. 4.045 | .484 368 | 4.82| 2.4 |27. | 10. |5. 489| 4.40 * E3002 Р 3.330 | .494 | 12.800 | 3.97 * Е3001 | 29.3 .493 | .460 | 10.775 | 20.15 | 1.84 26. 7. | 4.5 | .471| 27.66 * F3002 13 .940 | .457 | 10.511 | 24.56 * F3003 | 30.4 |14.005 | .461 | 10.423 | 25.57 * F3004 15 4.186 | .480 | 10.711 | 24.51 * F3005 { .909 | .497 856 | 43.51 *G3001 .523 | .517| 9.399 44; 2.5 | 29 10.55.25 .512 | 37.0 * 3003 357 | .512 | 9.941 26 * (33004 9 193 | .507 | 9.681 | 36.30 *H3001 8 | 14.414! .518 | 12.454 | 13.60 1.84| 30. | 16. | 5.75} .522| 17.01 *H3002 14.705 | .525 | 12.640 | 14.04 *H3003 | 26.8 | 13.930 | .520 | 11.137 | 20.03 3004 |: 13.876 | .514 | 10.856 | 21.80 *H3005 13.864 | .533 | 11.701 | 15.60 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) F3101 4 .293 | .630 | 17.280 .08 3.44| 45. | 26. | 4.75| .641| 1.01 F3102 3 .644 | .646 | 17.642 Е. F3103 8.427 | .658 | 18.424 .02 F31 4 .030 | .645 | 16.722| 1.8 F3105 7 058 | .625 | 15.552] 3 G3101 890 | .629 | 18.879 ›| 4.26 45. | 35. | 4.5 | .645 .03 (53102 8 8.299 | .614 | 18.292 | 3103 5 [19.820 | .721 | 19.814 G3104 Е .270 | 630 | 18.268 4 G3105 | 26.8 .980 | .634 | 16.977 i 13101 | 29.8 .350| .649 | 19.346 4 6.02] 45. | 24. | 5.5 | .649 11 І 3102 550} .651 | 19.502 I 3103 4 916| .655 | 19.880 1 3104 8 050} .639 | 19.037 I 3105 306| .653 | 18.298 | ] 3103 2 756| .711 | 20.755 0041 10.28] 45. | 24. | 5.5 | .709] 23 J 3104 4 |20.746 | .706 | 20.690 | ] 3105 827| .711 | 19.757 ) K3101 5 [19.864 | .674 | 19.860 2 | 15.7 | 45. | 25. |5.75| .680] .88 * od. 1 Partially sap-wood. [VOL. 4 132 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I ТЕРЗСТЕН ЖШ VI | Vir |уш IX| X | XI | ХИ Ф я -= > 5 5 ae 3 Е5 Big ым | Е | ВС] ЕО | 92 932 ба | SF Б миш gu o Be 28 |38|e8E| 95 | ЕЕ Роб 29 | оу Ба Бо | Pe за SS 599 ДАЙ 9.0 Бо Бе | БЕ За 58 за | Бъ? Q > P пю |'3 ОМО д, oj 89/9 «zn ФЕР S = 5 Е Без |^2|2%8 а в. ? «АЕ 5 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) K3102 | 28.7 | 19.737| .688 | 19.735| .01 K3103 | 27.9 .267 | .691118.970| 1.54 K3104 | 27.8 798| .675 | 18.64 .84 K3105 | 27.8 749| .674|18.372| 2.01 M3101 | 30.3 250| .734|20.235| 9.05 | 18.4 | 48. |25. |6.5 | .726| 9.09 M3102 | 30. 372| .746 | 20.072 | 10.: M3103 | 31.3 802| .728|20.780| 8.87 M3104 | 30.8 827| .708 | 19.903 | 8.81 M3105 | 29. ).764 | .716 | 19.011 | 8.45 №3101 | 29. 083 | .761 | 20.100 | 8.98| 22.26] 48. | 24. | 6.5 | .797| 13.20 №3102 | 30.3 323 | .802 | 21.670 | 10.5 №3103 | 32.4 543 | .819 | 22.441 | 15.46 N3104 | 30.8 906 | .809 | 21.129 | 15.16 N3105 8 926 | .796 368 | 15. А3201 .9 684 | .591 684 00| 3.78] 40 6.5) 2 .605| 1.04 A3202 | 30. 873| .596 | 17.872 ( А3203 | 29. 515| .604|16.606| 5.19 3204 | 29. 617 | 17.902 ( А3205 | 27. 6.618 | .616 | 16.618 00 D3201 | 25. 76| .619|15.181| 1.91| 5.7 |40. |10. |3. |.616| .67 D3202 | 28.7 530| .611|17.290| 1.37 D3203 | 27. 6.505 | .611 | 14 D32 : 6.940| .627|16.937 | . 03205 | 27. 614 . E3201 |27. 029 | .619|17.019| .06| 4.1 | 40. | 9. |3. |.613| .06 E3202 | 30. 857| .622 | 18.842 | .0 ЕЗ203 | 29. 896 | .600 | 17.892 | .0: E32 ( 799| .616|18.787| — .0¢ E3205 | 28. 369| .610| 17.352 | .1 Е3201 | 25.8 | 16.508 | .640|15.794| 4.33| 16.7 | 38. | 10. | 3.5 | 676 7.62 Е3202 | 30. 9.858 | .662 | 18.557 | 6.5: F3203 f 9.175 | .710 565| 8.4 Е3204 | 27.5 |18.841| .685 152| 8.96 Е3205 | 28. 9.163 | .684|17.272| 9.87 J 3203 | 28. 6.655 | .595 | 14.593 | 12.4 | 4.2 |36. |10.|4. | .600| 8.11 13204|28. |16.930| .604 | 15.839 | 6.45 13205 à 6.276 | .602 383 49 K3201 | 26. 4.925 | .574 | 14.454 6| 9.72035. | 9. | 4.5 | .592| 2.81 K3202 | 30. 190| .573|16.818| 2.16 K3203 | 27.4 723| .574 | 15.350 ] K3204 | 27.6 666 | .6 6.198 $ К3205 | 28.5 .179 | .637 | 17.532 | 3.56 1,3201 | 28. .458 | .659 | 17.980 | 2.59 | 22.52) 35. | 9. |5. | 725 4.80 1.3202 | 30. 440 | .681 | 19.745 42 1,3203 |30. |: 710 | 20.193 ) 1,32 .5 |24.330| .772|22.820| 6. 1,3205 | 29.5 | 23.791 | .806 | 21.980 ( 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 133 TABLE I (Continued) I | H | mW | му рхи ee Ии [хп Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) 03201 | 30. [24.556] .818 | 21.673 | 12.76 | 23.74] 35. | 10.5 5.5 | .834] 11.78 03202 | 29. | 24.151 | .832 | 20.791 | 13.91 03203 | 27.5 | 22.610 | .822 | 19.601 | 13.30 032 24.030 | .859 | 21.652 | 9.89 03205 | 26.8 |22.456 | .838 | 20.417 | 9.07 B3301 | 28.4 |18.516| .652 | 18.516 | .00| 3.7 30. | 12. |5. |.619 .004 B3302 .000 | .607 | 17.000} .00 B3303 | 30.4 | 18.610) .612 | 18.609 B3304 | 31.8 | 19.364] .608 | 19.362 D3301 | 26.3 |16.579| .630 15.969 | 3.68] 2.06 30. | 18. | 5.25} .605| 3.12 D3302 | 25.3 631 | 15.442 | 3 03303 | 26.7 | 16.280 | .609 | 15.734 | 3. D3304 | 27.5 |16.434 | .597 | 15.965 | 2. D3305 38| .557 | 14.665 | 2. E3301 | 29.5 493 | .592 | 15.421 | 11 15.56| 25. | 23. | 5.75| .644| 9.91 E3303 | 27.8 637 | .634116.596| 5.91| „ы E33 720 | .669 |17.030| 9.03| s. E3305 | 27.6 |18.775 | .680 | 16.363 | 12.85 | * 9 3302 | 26.8 665 | 17.792 32.06 45. | 14. | 6.75] .773| 5.22 3303 0.116 | .718 | 19.489 | 3 қ 3304 | 26.5 824 | 20.526| 5.98| 3 3305 |27. |23.958| .887 | 21.433 | 10. 3301 |27.7 |16.610| .600 | 14.077 | 15. 4.08 45. |14. | 6.75] .593| 3.08 3302 | 24.4 |14.590| .597 | 14.587 3303 | 25.5 014| .589 115.000) í J 3304 | 26.3 483 | .589|15.479 | .03 J 3305 | 26.5 | 15.643 | .590 | 15.638) .03 1,3301 | 27. |27.050 | 1.002 | 23.357 | 13.63 | 10.66 45. | 12.57. | .901| 13.18 1,3302 |25. |23.714| .949 | 20.202 | 14. 1,3303 | 24.8 151 | .894 | 18.822 | 154 1.3304 | 24. 916 | .871 2 | 12. 1.3305 | 23. 218 | .792 | 16.434 N3301 | 28. .893 | .567 ( 2.62 45. | 15. | 7.5 | .568) 4.61 N3302 | 30. .250| 575 | 17.205 N3303 | 29.2 16.198 .554/16.198| .00 N3304 | 28.3 | 16.190] .572 | 16.187| 4 N3305 | 30.7 |17.640 | .575 | 13.627 | 22. P3302 | 26. | 26.006 | 1.000 | 22.112 | 14.98 | 20.58] 45. | 20. | 8.00 .993) 16.26 P33 .8 | 26.252 | 1.017 | 21.633 | 17.60 P3305 | 24. | 23.113 | .963 | 19.365 | 1t C3401 | 22.8 | 17.830] .619 | 17.350) 2.69] 5.58) 32. | 15. | 2.5 | .627| 3.21 C3402 | 28. .525 | .626 | 16.936 C3403 .572 | .627 | 16.914 34 .843 | .628 | 18.239 C3405 9.780 | .638|19.170| 34 D3401 446 | .636|17.772| 3. 1.9 |35. | 18. | 3.25] .633| 4.18 D3402 .824 | .636|17.010| 4 D3405 8.500 | .638 | 17.676 | 4. H3401 6.474| .588116.2711 1 2.0 |40. |24.|4. | .592| 8.84 Н3402 6.217 | .601 | 16.102 H3403 5.802 | .586 | 15.756 34 4 | 15.540] .589 |15.342| 1 H3405 | 25.2 |15.017 | .596 | 14.879 | .92 1,3401 4.814| .592|14.687| .86| 1.86] 40. |31. | 4.5 | .595] 1.52 1,3402 | 25.7 |15.260| .594 1: 1.43 1,3403 5.467 | .594 | 15.193 | 1.77 [Vor. 4 134 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I II ПІ IV ү VI | VII |VIII| IX| X | ХІ | XII Ф с = > 5 5 [58 Siecle | #|ра ЕРШЕГЕ ЕЕ SE less ЕСЕ 84 | os] oles] Бы ЕС 55 |52 E95 Е 599 SES] se | БЕ | Зе За 29| ЕРЕ с > E N w |I о | A, Ag ЕУ <т ЗЕЯ я Е = [68 ELSE 0/59 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) 1.3404 | 26. 5.518 | .597|15.241| 1.79 L3405 | 25.3 5.160 | .59 .896| 1.74 N3401 | 26. 5.030 | .578 | 14.911 9122235. 126. | 5.291.571 83 N3402 | 25.8 4.584 | .563 | 14.576 .05 №403 | 26. 4.926 | .570 | 14.886 24 N3404 | 26.7 |15.449 | .567 | 15.323 ; N3405 | 26. 5.070 | .579 | 14.737 | 2. P3401 | 28. 5.274| .545 | 14.871| 2.64] 3.62/40. |27. |6. | .556) 1.42 P3402 | 27. 4.887 | .551 | 14.686 | 1.: Р3403 3 .528| .519|15.373| 1.00 P3404 | 28.2 | 16.030| 569 | 16.030 .00 P3405 | 28.8 |17.179 | .596|16.816| 2. E3501 | 26.8 |17.096 | .638 |16.166| 5.44, 1.74 50. |42. | 3.5 | .645| 2.84 E3502 ud 6.519 3.156035] 5.35 E3503 a 6.265 | .637115.726 3.31 E3504 | 26. 6.882 | .649 | 16.863 41 E3505 | 25. 6.479 | .659 | 16.478 A G3501 2 5.960| .614 566| 2.4 2.94 50. | 45. |4. .610] .83 (53502 та 5.251| .602 250 4 (53505 К 5.065 | .615 062 я, H3501 А 8.383 | .634 .956| 2. 1.18 50. | 38. | 4. .635 .77 H3504 7 8.292 | .637 | 18.292 .00 H3505 ty 6.947 | .635 | 16.947 .00 K3502 | 27. 7.03 631 | 17.030 001 3.28) 50. | 38. | 4.5 | .633| 1.54 K3503 н 6.927 | .627 | 16.481 | 2. K3504 ; .96 642 602 E. M3501 | 27.5 |19.235 | .699 | 18.210 .33 | 10.66| 50. | 37. | 5.75| .689 3.04 M3502 - 19.198 | .685 | 18.522 54 M3503 id 8.456 | .691 939, 2.80 35 .6 | 18.331] .689 | 18.021 .69 M3505 A 365 | .684 042 ‚86 N3501 | 27.5 |20.375| .740 893 | 2.37 | 11.04) 50. | 38. | 5.5 | 7091 1.77 N3502 Я 20.110 | .745 541 | 2.82 N3503 5 di 720 412 59 N3504 6 .071| .617 988 44 N3505 Е .800 | .722 490 | 1.65 А3601 | 30.7 |.280 | .791 479 | 11.53 | 29.48] 27.5 | 19. | 3.5 | .786 10.7 А3602 3 .455 | .806 915 | 10.39 A3603 .7 | 24.1 785 712 | 9.91 A3604 2 23.946 | .772 2254 11.39 A3605 .1 | 24.962] .777 400 | 10.28 B3601 .8 3.468 | 689 .638| 4. 14.72| 40. | 15. |4. .696| 2.91 B3602 8 3.566 | .694 | 17.851| 3.85 В3603 è ).719 | .704 | 19.200 | 2.63 B3604 . 665 | .702 | 19.206 | 2.33 B3605 | 28.4 ).704 | .694 | 19.457 | 1.25 C3601 9 .420| .815 | 19.865 | 7.26 13,38) 55; |13, | 5, .824| 6.21 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 135 TABLE I (Continued) іт інішітр урта va eee ап Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) C3602 | 26.5 | 22.230] 839 | 20.520] 7.69 C3603 | 27. | 22.930] .849 | 21.411 | 6.62 C3604 | 27.5 | 22.797 | .829 | 21.538 | 5.54 С3605 | 27.5 |21.698 | .789 | 20.837 | 3. С3601 | 28. |20.250| .723 | 16.940 | 16.35 | 7.06 50. | 13. | 5.5 | .709| 15.79 С3602 | 26.5 | 18.866 | .712 | 16.391 | 13.12 G3605 | 26.3 | 18.230 | .693 | 14.965 | 17.9 113601 | 27.8 | 17.840 | .642 | 16.475 | 7.64 | 7.4 |37.5 | 16. | 6.25] .630 13.23 11.3602 | 27.8 | 17.457 | .628 | 15.305 | 12.32 11.3603 | 28.7 | 17.868 | .622 | 15.761 | 11.80 1,36 . |16.886| .625 | 13.483 | 20.19 11.3605 1701 .636 | 14.731 | 14.20 +M3601 .856 | .661 | 15.319 | 14.20 | 5.9 | 30. | 17. | 6.5 | .664 21.10 1M3602 | 28. .507 | .661 | 16.376 | 11. 1М3603 | 28.7 |19.310| .672 9.30 1M36 .5 |19.159 | .672 | 14.165 | 26.06 1M3605 | 29. .080 | .657 | 14.415 | 24.44 *N3601 | 29.9 |15.604| .522|12.610| 19.19 |10.7 | 31. | 13. | 7. | .538| 26.62 *N3602 | 29.9 |15.506| .519 | 11.651 | 24.82 *N3603 | 30.2 |16.057| .532 | 8.766 | 45.40 *N3604|30. |16.370| .546 | 12.526 | 23.50 N3605 | 30.5 |17.485| .573 | 13.960 | 20. * P3601|30. | 13.230 1| 9.215 | 30.35 | 7.02 20. | 20. | 7.75] .442| 7.31 * P3602 | 30. .327 991| 2.52 * P3603 | 30. .253 | .441 | 13.039 | 1.62 * P36 8 | 13.607 2 | 13. :23 * P3605 | 30.2 |13.360| .442|13.248| .84 B3701 | 29.8 610| .501|17.565| .26 [23.64] 25. | 10. | 1.5 | .646| 1.98 B3702 | 28.7 | 18.122| .631 | 17.945 | .98 B3703 | 29. |18.740| .646 | 18.512 | 1.22 В37 .5 |20.200| .662|19.830| 1.83 B3705 | 28.5 | 19.957} .700|19.290| 3.34 13701 | 27.8 | 16.138] .580 | 14.530 | 9.96| 2.44) 31. | 12. | 3.25] .607| 12.58 13704 | 29.8 | 19.221] .645 | 17.188 | 10.58 1 3705 | 30. .890 | .596 | 14.809 | 17.22 1,3703 | 27.8 | 15.665 | .564 | 14.096| 4.26] 2.78) 30. | 10. |4. |.565 5.37 1,37 6 |16.210| .566 | 14.848 | 8.4 1,3705 |26. | 14.704| .566 | 14.195 | 3.46 М3701 8.390 | .593 | 15.900 | 13.55 | 2.96] 32 9. | 4.75] .593| 13.86 M3702|31.3 |18.576| .593 | 17.597| 5.26 М3703 | 29 .184 | .592 | 15.330 | 10. 704 | 28 .065 | .595 | 12.116 | 2 M3705 | 27 .952| .591 | 14.246 | 10.7 P3701|31.8 |18.372| .577|18.372| .00| 2.28| 32 9. |4.5 | .574| 8.41 P3702 .886 | .576 | 17.886 0 P3703 6.118| .575 36| 5.47 37 6.207 | .579 | 10.697 | 34 P3705 696 | .565 16| 2.58 A3801 .248 | .698 2|2.9|46. | 8.5 | 2.5 | .673| 3.09 A3802 20.037 | .668 | 20.003 17 A3803 | 30.2 | 20.145 | .667 | 20.132 A38 21.459 | .671 | 19.554 | 8.87 A3805 | 32. |21.093| .660 | 19.756 | 6.33 В3801 | 30. 1.587 | .619 | 17.994 | 3.19| 3.02| 45. | .9 | 3.5 | .613| 9.17 * Sap-wood. | Partially sap-wood. [Vor. 4 136 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I П ПІ IV VI | VII |ҮШІІХ| X | XI | ХИ g е Яо > $4 EI 5 8 ЕГДЕ %| 5.4 Sy | Е Вы ВВ чао ЕН БЛЕР СЕРІ ЕАС 28 зо ВЕ > leS ele в os ЕРКЕ Е n| оъ << "4.9, £35 Rs | сом | Seo но БЕ oA) од Ye! So's OF В ger] ab [39° ЫСЫН НЕ но я = = £ è 5 Е - 5, “9 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) B3802 9.006 | .614 | 17.868 | 5.98 В3803 5 | 18.366 | .603 | 16.501 | 10.1: 3804 2 |20.227 | .609 9| 11.1 В3805 840 | .620 | 16.776 | 15.4 03801 ).544 | .674 | 18.371| 6.00| 8.62146. | 9.14. | .674 5.63 03802 ).012 | .660 | 17.833 | ‹ 03803 9 662 | 17.477 3 D38 486| .665 392 93 D3805 .230 | .712|18.321| 4.72 F3801 20.262 | .724|19.016| 6.14| 3.38| 47. |10.5| 4.5 | .658| 4.92 F3802 5 .981| .655 690| 6.46 F3803 695| .644 | 17.9 .89 F3804 | 30.9 660 | .636 | 18.882 96 F3805 007 | .633 220 14 H3801 730| .740 .67 | 15.5 | 47. | 8,5 4.75] .704| 7.94 H3802 20.115 | .718 | 18.292 | 9.06 H3803 803 | .696 82 H3804 | 26.8 317| .683 | 16.917 64 H3805 225| .686|17.974| 6.51 M3801 965| .820 0231 8.46| 8.58 48. 0.5| 5.5 | .738| 6.81 M3802 016| .751|19.511| 7.16 M3803 64 71 392 6‹ M3804 245| .713 102} 5.94 M3805 9 691 921 79 03801 248 | 1.010 | 23.045 | 18.40 | 23.98| 50. | 17. | 6.25] .976| 16.28 03802 182 | 1.010 221 | 17.62 03803 | 27. 052 | 1.002 | 21.930 | 18.94 O38 .6 0 .948 | 23.044 | 17.89 03805 | 27.8 366| .911 2001 8.56 P3801 | 27.8 955 770 | 14.22] 22.6 |52. |16. | 7. | .928| 15.82 P3802 | 28. 683 | .954 | 23.308 | 12.¢ P3803 | 28.4 650| .939 258 | 20.2 P3804 | 29.4 914| .915 44 | 18.4 P3805 | 29.5 | 25.845] 8761 22.326 | 13.60 A3901 | 27.7 330 | .625 | 17.330] .00 | 20.08] 28. |10. 12. | 667 179 A3904 | 28.5 930| .664|18.570| 1. А3905 | 28.1 070| .714 | 19.372 .48 B3901 | 27.9 510| .735 | 19.661| 4.14| 36.18| 30. | 10. | 2.75| .799| 6.07 B3902 | 28.5 433| .787 0 .16 B3903 | 28.5 019| .808|21.836| 5.14 B3904 | 29.7 240| .816 | 22.491 21 B3905 | 28. 847| .851 002| 7.73 E3901 | 27.4 679| .974 23.106 | 13.39 | 30.08 38. | 20. | 3.5 | .903| 12.15 E3903 675| .917 | 22.180 | 13.6 E3905 817|19.971| 9.46 H3901 | 26. | 27.032 | 1.039 | 23.431 | 13.31 | 37.02) 50. |22. | 4.25 1.0631 12.21 H3902 | 26.8 | 28.330 | 1.057 | 24.552 | 13.33 3 1917] ZELLER— DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 137 TABLE I (Continued) 1 || ш | IV | у ЕОГРуУПТУИИ УЕ сЕ Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) H3903 .800 | 1.067 | 26.112 | 12.38 H3904 | 27.7 | 29.724 | 1.076 | 26.683 | 10. H3905 ).216 | 1.079 | 26.646 | 11.80 13901 | 28. 5.815 | .958 | 22.723 | 15.25 | 26.86] 51. | 21. | 4.25] .904| 13.17 I 3902 | 26.7 | 25.195| .943 | 21.786 | 13.54 I 3905 | 26. 134 | .813 | 18.870 | 10. K3901 |27. .058| .928|22.974| 8.32| 10.44 50. | 15. | 4.75] .832| 4.79 K3902 | 27. 3.628 | .875 | 22.153| 6.24 K3903 | 26. .450 | .825 | 20.630 | 3.82 3904 | 26. ).386 | .783 | 19.550 | 4.11 K3905 | 26. .497 | .750|19.213| 1.46 03901 | 28. | 28.175 | 1 150 | 10.75 | 19.74 52. | 20. | 5.75] .833| 15.29 03902 | 27.2 .771 | .946 | 20.276 | 21. 03903 | 26. | 21.048] .810| 18.511 | 12.( 3904 | 26. .033 | .732 | 16.373 | 13.99 O3905 | 26. .623 | .678 | 14 8.: P3901 | 29.8 |27.638| .926 | 24.425 | 11.61 | 12.28| 54. | 16. | 6.25| .690| 18.03 P3902|29. | 19.186] .661 | 14.775 | 23.( P3905 | 30.8 | 14.858 | .482 | 11.097 | 19.46 А4001 | 30. |18.060| .602 | 17.304 | 4.18| 7.48 30. | 10. |2 617) 5.49 . |18.672| .622|17.500| 6.28 А4005 | 28.5 |17.827| .626 | 16.754| 6. Е4002 | 27. |16.550 | .613 | 16.546 | í 6.34] 33. | 25. | 3.75] .616] .024 4004 | 28. 7.287 | .616 | 17.285| . 24005 | 26. | 16.093} .619 | 16.087 | .04 С4001 | 28. |16.583 | .592 | 16.250 | 2. 4.96] 33. | 29. | 4.25] .599| 5.52 С4002 |27. |16.088 | .596 | 15.850 | 1.48 С4003 | 27. |16.108 | .597 | 14.853 | 7.79 4004 | 27.4 | 16.769 | .612 | 15.370 | 8.34 G4005 | 26.2 | 15.707 | .600 | 14.451 | 7.99 14001 | 27.8 | 16.317 | .586 | 14.542 | 10.88 | 8.38] 36. | 24. | 4.75] .582| 8.22 14002 | 26.7 | 15.659 | .586 | 14.635 | 6.55 14003 | 27. | 15.734] .583 | 14.565 | 7.4 4004 | 27.9 | 16.138 | .578 | 14.071 | 12. 14005 | 27.5 .814 | .575 | 15.270 | 3.44 №001 | 27.5 | 17.892 | .577 | 17.300 | 3: 7.16] 36. | 30. |5. | .567| 2.04 N4002 | 27. .333 | .567 | 16.726 | 3.50 №4003 | 26.9 | 16.440 | .562 | 16.433| .04 №4004 | 27.2 | 16.892 | .565 | 16.795 | .57 №4005 | 26. .689 | .564 | 15.255 | 2.77 04001 6.884 | .561 | 16. 1.43| 9.74| 34. | 30. | 5.5 | .561| 1.88 04002 6.680 | .560 | 16.050 | 3.78 .830 | .551 | 15.803 | .17 04004 .625 | .574 | 17.106 | 2.94 04 6.884 | .560 | 16.705 | 1.06 А4101 .940 | .482 | 15.888 | .33| 22.76] 6. | 7. | 0.00] .506] .83 А4102 6.627 | .504 | 16.361] 1.60 А4103 6.148 | .489 | 16.057 | .56 41 .638 | .520 | 17.440 | 1. А4105 | 29.7 | 16.300 | .535 | 16.190 | .68 В4101 | 30 .715 | .590 | 16.600 | 6.29 | 11.8 | 20. | 9. | 1.0 | .596] 4.74 В4102 | 30 .866 | .595 | 17.8 .12 B4103 | 29.8 | 17.500 | .587 | 16.553 | 5.41 B4104 | 31.5 | 19.092 | .605 | 18.0 5.38 В4105 | 30 3.155 | .605 | 16.976 | 6.49 С4101 | 29 .780| .612 2.40 | 11.381 20. | 9. | 1.0 | .615| 2.44 [Vor. 4 138 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE I (Continued) DECAY OF YELLOW PINE INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA I II III IV V VI | VII |уш IX XIl XH 9 № Яо ч 8. >. Ф Ф $ о ё Bo 38 ы 8 dE Е о Р 8.5 ЕСЕТА Б ЕМЕ рар 25 18 ЛЕ 82 | Е9Е | БЕ 29 оу Еау о Poe 55 OS | 531 AE | ъз9 5551 БЕ | БЕ За pe] ЕЪР О > [XP] aaja сыта IM ele elo jag] ВЕР > = 5% 5 3.91.5 $ |< 9 а & ? в |; Е 5 Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) C4102 | 29.5 | 18.624 | .631 930| 3.7: C4103 | 30. 8.805 | .627 | 18.233 | C4104 | 32.5 | 19.830} .610|19.394| 2.20 C4105 | 31.5 | 18.760] .595 | 18.600| . D4101 | 27. 5.403 | .571 | 15.400] .02| 13.92] 22. 10. | 1.0 | .623| 2.63 D41 .5 |17.442 | .634 | 17.345 = D4105 | 26. .295 | .664 | 16.031] 7. Е4101 | 28.4 665 | .552 | 14.286 | 8.80| 12.52/25. 10. | 1.5 | .561| 5.16 Е4102 | 29.1 751| .541|15.021| 4.64 Е4103 | 28. 390| .549 | 14.705 | 4. Е4104 | 27. 345 | .568 | 14.693 | 4. E4105 | 25.9 410| .595 | 14.847 | 3. Е4101 | 27. 182 | .544 | 14.979 | 1 23.08 25. |10. | 1.5 | .545} .78 74102 | 28.5 883| .546 | 15.814 4 74103 | 28. 455| .541 318 89 74104 | 28. 585| .538 | 15.410 2 74105 | 28. 883| .556 867 0 G4101 | 27.6 |16.492 | .586 | 16.409 0| 11.02] 27. |9. |2. |.592 1.17 G4102 | 27.9 | 16.669! .590 | 16.578 G4103 | 26.5 | 16.810} .596 | 16.233 | 3. G4104 | 27.5 | 16.888] .584 | 16.702 | 1 G4105 | 28.2 | 17.820 | .603 | 17.775 à 4101 | 27. 4.857 | .532|14.707| 1.01 | 16.84| 25. |9.5 |2,25) .560| 1.21 4102 | 27. 4.964 | .536|14.886| .: 4103 | 26.4 | 14.801 | .545 | 14.732 а 4104 | 30.8 |17.420| „565 102 4105 | 29.8 |18.600| .624 184| 2.24 J 4101 | 26.8 |14.689| .557 4801 8.23] 7.6 | 25. |9. | 2.25] .561| 8.63 J 4102 | 27. 080} .558 7001 9.16 J 4103 | 26. 4.657| .564 506 714104 | 29.5 | 16.753| .567 200| « K4102 | 26. 4.220 | .547 | 14.017 4 3.52} 25. |9. |2.5 | .538| 3.45 K4103 | 25.4 706| .539 12.840] 6 K4104 | 29.4 366| .523 | 14.487 K4105 | 27. 704| .582 | 15.650 14102 | 28.4 |16.117| .567|15.312| 4. 5.96| 28. 13. |3 564) 4.87 1.4103 | 27. 248| .565|14.467| 5.12 14104 | 31.4 327| .552|16.444| 5.09 L4105 | 29. 6.557 | .571 850| 4.27 M4101 | 27.8 405 | .626 | 17.314 8.92| 28. 114. |3.25| .566| .70 M4102 | 27.7 529 | .561 521 ( M4103 | 26. 4.267 | .549 | 14.085| 1 M4104 | 28.5 |15.870| .556 | 15.611| 1. М4105 | 26. |14.062| .541 | 14.0571 .04 №4101 |26. | 15.367 | .591 | 14.632] 4.78 | 9.52] 28. |13. | 3.5 | .595| 3.15 №4102 | 26. | 15.388 | .592 | 14.630) 4.93 №4103 | 24.8 | 14.685 | .592 | 14.401) 1.94 1917] Е ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 139 TABLE I (Continued) I | W | ш]. ЕУ | у рм мы Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) N4104 | 27.8 | 16.667] .599 | 16.380 | 1.72 №105 |24. | 14.440] .602 | 14.107 | 2.30 04101 | 28. |15.747 | .562 | 15.629 | .75 | 19.64) 27. | 14. | 3.5 | .571| 1.25 04102 | 27.2 | 15.350 | .564 15.1 1.33 04103 | 27.3 | 15.206 | .557 | 15.052 | 1.0 04104 | 26.7 | 14.760 | .553| 14.497 | 1 04105 | 26. |16.090| .619 | 15.872 | 1.36 Р4101 | 32. .390 | .574 | 18.327 | .34| 7.84 27. | 13. |3.75| .577| 2.88 Р4102 | 30. .556 | .585 | 16.705 | 4.8: Р4104 | 30. .182 | .572 | 16.592 | 3.44 В4201 | 27.8 | 18.073 | .650 | 17.752 | 1.78 | 22.34 30. | 18. | 1.00] .667| 1.43 В4202 | 29. .772| .647 | 18.416 | 1.6 В4203 .690 | .699 | 22.092 | 2.6 В4204 | 30 9.760 | .658 | 19.652 |. В4205 1991 .683 | 21.735 | .29 F4201 | 26.6 | 16.505| .620 | 16.076| 2.60| 9.54 30. | 16. | 2.25) .617| .88 Е4203 | 28. |17.156| .613|17.150| .04 Е4205 | 28.3 | 17.524 | .619 | 17.522| .01 201 | 30. |19.192| .639 | 16.943 | 11.72 | 4.84 30. | 16. | 2.75] .645| 8.70 С4203 | 31. |20.127 | .649 | 18.811 | 6.54 ; G4205 | 31.3 |20.241| .647 | 18.650| 7.86 K4201 | 24.3 | 14.983] .616 | 14.893| .60| 4.94 32. |15. | 3.25) .603| .68 К4202 | 25. |14,884| .595 | 14.778] .71 К4203 |27. |16.130| .597 | 16.011| .74 К4204 |26. |15.718| .604|15.644| .47 К4205 |27. | 16.344] .605 | 16.198| .89 1.4201 | 28.3 | 18.238] .645 | 18.235| .02| 3.52 32. |23. |4. | .648| 5.14 1,4202 | 28.6 |18.918| .661 | 18.912 .03 1,4203 | 26.8 523| .654|16.410| 6.35 1.4204 | 25.8 |16.528| .641 15.206 | 8.00 1,4205 | 24.8 |15.860| .640 | 14.072 | 11.2 54201 | 28. |18.013| .643 | 17.047 | 5. 4.30] 32. |29. |4. |.628| 1.79 54204 | 26.7 | 16.541] .619 |16.540| í №4205 | 27. |16.838 | .624 | 16.835| .02 04201 7.052 | .609 | 16.220] 4.88| 3.24| 25. | 24. | 3.75| .598 8.80 04202 6.808| .600 | 15.703| 6.57 04203 5.432 | .594 | 14.600 ) 042 2 |15.662 | .597 | 13.630 | 12.98 04205 | 25.6 |15.186 | .593 | 13.027 14.21 Р4202 6.302 | .604 | 13.810 | 15.28 | 5.6 | 25. | 30. | 4.5 | .590| 10.30 P4204 | 25.2 | 14.797 | .587 | 12.485 | 15.61 P4205 | 25.4 | 14.732 | .580 | 14.730 SERIES В In this series lettered columns of blocks chosen from the same samples of longleaf, shortleaf, and loblolly pine as em- ployed in series A, were used. Five culture blocks were used in each column of blocks, and numbers 1 and 5 were left in their natural condition, while from 2, 3, and 4 the resin was extracted. The blocks were all labeled as described above, and those from which the resin was to be extracted were [Vor. 4 140 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN placed in a large 3-liter flask containing benzol. To this flask was connected a reflux condensor, and the benzol boiled. The benzol was changed from time to time until no resin was obtained when 100 сс. of the benzol in which the blocks had boiled for 10 hours was distilled. These resin-free culture blocks were then placed in an electric oven and dried for 10 days at 65° C. Cultures were prepared in the same way as in series A, and the controls and the resin-free blocks were segregated. All were inoculated with Lenzites saepiaria. The results obtained are given in table п. The percentage of loss in weight of the resin-free blocks, of course, is based on the weight of the blocks after the resin was extracted. The results of the experiment are very striking, for on the average the percentage loss in weight is greater in the control blocks con- taining resin than in the resin-free blocks. It may be that the vigorous and continued boiling in benzol had such an effect on the lignin as to prevent decay. However, in series C where the blocks were soaked in benzol for a few hours the benzol seemed to have no such effect on the growth of the fungus. On the other hand, it may be that benzol dissolves out other substances which aid in the nutrition of fungi within the woody tissues. Time has not permitted a repetition of series B, and until such is done we hesitate to place much stress on this phase of the work. TABLE II (Series В) EFFECT ON THE GROWTH OF LENZITES SAEPIARIA OF EXTRACTING BENZOL- SOLUBLE SUBSTANCES FROM YELLOW PINE WOOD ке АП IV | у | VI ҮП | ҮШ | IX Longleaf pine Shortleaf pine Loblolly pine (Pinus palustris) (Pinus echinata) (Pinus Taeda) Ем Евн ба | Вы [Es ба | Ba | Bez] ба S8 | Som! бе| Z8 | Sam) 82 | 28 | Sym] 84 35 |59%| Б | 55 | Ske] + | 53 | 548 | 55 H3101 52 | 16.68 | А4301 12 3.74 | А2001 | 10.04 17.4 H3102 | ( 0.0 A4302 | 0.32 0.0 A2002 | 0.02 0.0 H3103 | 0.14 0.0 А4303 Al 0.0 А2003 | 0.02 0.0 H3104 | 0.04 0.0 A4304 | 0.06 0.0 A2004 | 0.09 0.0 H3105 | 6.42 | 16.68 | А4305 $ 74 | А2005 | 7.56 17.4 G3201 85 | 24.48 | B4301 24 4.08 | A2101 | 2.28 3.28 G3202 | 0.88 0.( B4302 | 0.40 0.0 A2102 | 2.92 0.0 (3203 | 0.15 0.( B4303 | 0.89 0.0 A2103 | 2.93 0.0 3204 | 0.95 0. B4304 | 0.0 0.0 A2104 | 4.82 0.0 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 141 TABLE II (Continued) ЖЕ. Ш ем Vil 1 MB | IX Longleaf pine Shortleaf pine Loblolly pine (Pinus palustris) (Pinus ec ta) (Pinus Taeda) G3205 E 24.48 | B4305 | 3. 4.08 | A2105 к. 3.28 P3201 | 919 | 2226 | С4401 | 6.64 3.94 | А2201 | 29.9 A P3202 13 0.0 C4402 20 0.0 A2202 „74 0.0 P3203 | 0.9 0.0 С4403 Y 0.0 A2203 | 3.52 0.0 P32 0.2 0 С4404 T 0.0 A22 2.91 0.0 P3205 | 8.06 | 22.26 | C4405 .04 3.94 | A2205 | 16.15 + F3301 | 8.70 78 | Е4401 .64 3.58 | A2301 | 243 18.56 F3302 .60 .0 Е4402 .02 0.0 А2302 | 2.78 0. F3303 | 3. Y F4403 | 0.03 0.0 A2303 | 2.72 0. F3305 А 78 | F4404 | 0.09 0.0 23 3.73 0.0 03401 | 0. 50 | F4405 „18 3.58 | А2305 | 29.( 18.56 03402 .80 .0 D4501 | 4 3.66 | H2301 | 11.93 3.08 03403 4 0 D4502 0.0 H2302 | 2.47 0.( 3404 .39 0 04503 E 0.0 H2303 .10 0.0 03405 .60 .50 | D45 H 0.0 2304 | 4.06 0.0 L3501 | 0.06 г D4505 | 4. 3.66 | Н2305| 9.39 3.08 1.3502 | 0.33 0.0 Е4501 | 2: 3.84 | D2401 | 8.74 4.68 L3503 | 0.40 0.0 F4502 | 1.56 0.0 D2402 .09 0.( 1,35 0.49 . F4503 | 3.39 0.0 D2403 | 5. 0.( L3505 | 0. : F45 1.27 0.0 2404 | 5.68 0.0 H3601 | 6.74 | 15.72 | F4505 | 6.86 3.84 | D2405 | 6.24 4.68 H3602 | 0.9 0012 Е ааа Е2401 | 13.00 .00 H3603 2 дӨ-ЕС сузле сл Е2402 | 0.64 0. H3604 3 000 Ба Е2403 A 0. Hi608 | 496 [1 F2404 | 0. 0. 03701 | 3.94 3.96 poe о р Е2405 | 8. 5.00 03702 .10 0.0 |. A2501 | 41. .28 03703 28 ТГ Bie atari а с Goll өртімен A2502 | 0.02 0. 03704 2.68 OO in ibe megan орела A2503 0.01 0.0 03705 | 3.23 SN ОИ ны A2504 25 0. E3801 |13. CLA DA DEED АА AIT A2505 | 47. .28 E3802 .61 АҚ карама o нс СО ae A2601 | 9.47 .10 E3803 | 0.81 (oce TEROQEM ОВИ ОРЕ A2602 | 0.02 0. ЕЗ8 0.04 ovo оү ЖИЙ SCR КЕМЕ А2603 .03 0.( БЕ 12558 |........|........|....... А2604 .30 0.( BENIN dO L..............l...ccc A2605 .97 .10 G3902 46 СЕК ат ЖИНИ ЖҮРЕ А2701 49 .36 G3903 JA aUe ЕО КЕГЕН НЕЕ A2702 .02 0. G39 .50 BER Lis шй A2703 | 0.01 0.( Г Е. 222151 А КҮЛЕ се А2704 | 0.06 0.0 Р4001 .04 КӨРІП; ыы ЕЗІН А2705 | 5.20 36 Р4002 | 0.37 0 ES OI aa. ct Ла А2801 .83 10. P4003 | 04 UD 1. os База ee A2802 | 0.03 0.0 P4004 40 GB DL. РС eee A2803 | 04 0.( P4005 he 5.18 1.2. ee 28 0.48 0.( H4101 | 3.03 410 Уз Oe ae A2805 | 12.70 10.! Н4102 | 0.3 60. LL... bb. ul m MN A2901 | 6.10 3.72 Н4103 | 0. 0:0 е 0 А2902 | 04 0.( H41 0. С ОЗН л eee А2903 | 0.06 0. H4105 | 25.80 47 LL... 01m D A2904 | 0. 0.( Е4201 |11.58 452525. c SLE A2905 | 7.68 3.72 E4202 | 0. 00 L... 5.08 225 EN A3001 | 3.18 4.18 E4203 | 1.98 0.0. Lo. sins м A3002 | 0.03 0.( E4204 | 0.35 (0 Ра ooh A3003 | 04 0.( E4205 | 25.15 ОЕ А3004 | 0.02 0. не, E mun A3005 | 2.88 4.18 [ГУог. 4 142 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN SERIES C For this series blocks of yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipi- fera) were cut the same size as for the cultures of series A and B. They were all taken from the same piece of sap-wood and were all of approximately the same specific gravity. They were dried to constant weight at 65° C. and weighed. Twelve dilutions of resin in benzol were prepared, containing from 0 to 10 per cent resin. Seven of the blocks were immersed in each of these resin solutions, which were heated to boiling to drive the air out of the blocks. When the solution had cooled it was driven into the blocks, impregnating them with various amounts of resin. The blocks were then removed to an elec- tric oven where they remained at room temperature for sev- eral hours, while a greater part of the benzol evaporated, | after which they were dried at 65° C. and weighed. Control blocks without resin were also used and all were placed in cultures as described for series A. All were inoculated with Lenzites saepiaria and were incubated for one year. TABLE же (Series С) DECAY OF RESIN- — € ELLOW POPLAR BLOCKS INDUCED BY 084 ЅАЕРІАКІА Weight Weight Per cent ри before decay after decay loss in dew Е gm.) (gm.) weight O 1 12.093 7.894 34.70 к. О 7 360 2.777 13.95 “ O € 636 10.916 13.60 ( O 4 525 10.690 .25 #0 о: 193 2.182 17.96 " O 6 .793 10.915 20.87 #0 О 7 451 517 36.70 #0 F 13.007 .276 36.40 0.87 P3 [3.085 .012 38.8 0.74 Р 9.636 161 46.5 0.27 P 4 10.888 .009 E 0.27 poi 0.236 6.692 4 0.03 Р 6 827 451 38.70 0.17 Е 581 .750 35.50 0.41 Q 181 .706 33.0 0.88 О : 710 .545 24.90 57 o 1 785 765 - .60 .00 Q 4 0.075 .226 3 0.50 e .400 .675 23.90 0.43 О 6 393 ‚845 22.40 0.54 63-і 3.208 521 35.50 48 221 3,153 .580 27.1 .29 * Soaked in benzene without resin. 1917] ZELLER— DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE TABLE III (Continued) Weight Weight Per cent Бине before decay after decay loss in Per cent т.) gm.) weight bey, 532 3.187 22.30 99 е. 695 .552 24,80 47 . 4 286 10.048 24.40 АЕ: Ж. 792 10.531 17.7 0.31 . 6 911 10.136 27.15 39 пе, .858 .840 27.8 0.00 1 .058 9.550 26.0 .76 2 .250 10.594 5.8 .38 3 442 8.888 22.34 2.10 4 .199 11.871 10.07 2.19 5 „332 11.57 6. ‚64 6 0.680 10.275 3.79 A3 7 2929 10.630 6.13 2.00 жы: 290 148 31. 2.85 Tos 117 844 32.60 т”, FS 2.509 .488 24. .80 T 4 404 .746 27.30 4 T .274 .450 39.30 .48 T $ 2.693 10.631 16. „14 = 4,344 .779 38.80 3.07 11% 2.983 .053 4 0.92 ша 397 363 : 59 ша 4.073 13.596 4 ‚18 U 4 3.320 12.139 8.87 6.55 ur 3.051 12.120 7.14 29 U 6 2.269 10.901 F 19 C .283 .425 .30 2. V 1.832 .055 31.94 4.04 Ме 2215 .500 г 4.30 V 4.045 44 .70 я У 4 0.814 .317 ‚10 1. V .465 .518 )0 4.: У 6 oll 8.946 2249 5.20 V ’ 2.435 .368 40.70 LA W і .38 .352 4 Ў; W 2 ›.190 .411 31.0 б. W .530 ) А W 4 773 .677 6.02 үу 1.302 10.165 ) .11 W 6 4.147 .790 45. „25 W 4.572 582 48.00 33 4 154 8.177 t 55 А. 4 942 8.554 ) 24 d 652 565 ( E X 4 603 9.376 ) .84 X 320 8.205 4 5.56 X-i 874 9.497 ( 7.82 X 695 791 ( 6.07 d 594 .646 36.40 8.45 Yl 290 10.744 29.7 7.80 Ү 248 ‚624 27.4 ta Y 4 915 10.770 6.60 .76 Y 224 9.424 6.00 .33 N 4 502 515 44.4 10.18 фа 13.032 ‚158 45.10 .30 #1 5.685 9.021 42.60 ‚28 Z 2 2.785 .480 41.5 13.62 [Vor. 4 144 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE III (Continued) DECAY OF RESIN-IMPREGNATED YELLOW POPLAR BLOCKS INDUCED BY LENZITES SAEPIARIA Weight Weight Per cent E rd before decay after decay loss in Per cent ОЕ gm.) (gm.) weight L 3 1.889 8.855 2525 12.34 2 4 3.368 6.485 51:5 .64 Z5 2.561 7.268 42.10 10.45 £ 0 4.133 8.060 43.0( 10.84 ZI 4.838 8.407 43.4 8.18 YZ 032 10.806 10.20 10 YZ 32 .320 11.400 1.4 T ( ха 230 11.983 9.4 10 YZ 4 0.64 9.716 8.70 +0 Vee 0.259 9.515 7.25 70 YZ 6 0,923 10.135 7.2 + 0 YZ 7 2.00 10.220 14.90 +0 | Not treated with benzene. SERIES D Series D was prepared in exactly the same way as series C, but the cultures were inoculated with Polystictus hirsutus, a fungus usually found on hard woods. The incubation period was one year. Table гу shows the results of this series. TABLE IV (Series D) DECAY OF RESIN-IMPREGNATED YELLOW BM BLOCKS INDUCED BY POLYSTICTUS HIRSUTU Weight Weight Per cent de Би. p Е after decay loss in - — gm.) (gm.) weight O 8 4.052 3.800 79 н 0 9 a . mee 3 о 10 a 0:585 2.38 «0 S 1 0.817 0.636 .67 * 0 2 .164 .972 2 * 0 е 3 3.265 3.001 99 М 0 4 ).253 .942 2.53 ) P 3 .607 ).69 1 Р 9 ).246 .275 16.09 251 Р 10 612 .538 66 Рен .944 10.398 19.68 0.31 i12 0.957 .563 2 .60 RP 0.109 .422 6.80 0.47 P 14 1 .170 ) 0.83 О 8 ).776 10.020 ) 0.38 б 5 0 dc .992 ›.50 ( 940 ‹ 69 5 - 0.330 ps ( S .750 : ) 0.9 Q 13 .107 .075 27.29 .10 О 14 2.150 10.048 .30 1.22 * Soaked in benzene without resin. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE TABLE IV (Continued) Weight Weight Per cent ue before Жау after ect loss in P — gm. gm. weight . 8 2.994 11.022 17 "van 0 2.493 10.507 5.90 0.10 0 .285 .830 2.89 .28 1 .305 .360 ) 0.57 2 .653 .770 24.76 .30 3 .434 10.425 1 0. + 0.879 10.651 2.10 43 8 0.247 955 2.10 2.74 ¢ 0.375 ‚821 60 ves 10 .270 438 / .79 1 .630 9.010 38.¢ 9 | .584 .853 2 2.6 3 .209 .071 .90 2.76 4 2.030 8.891 10 3.20 = 401 10.001 À 952 - » 2.187 .220 40 3.6 T 10 2.577 .393 40 2.4 511. 3:920 10.812 А 4.0 1 12 2.872 .905 .07 L T 13 .840 10.002 - 4.95 Т 14 2.154 10.360 4,78 ) U 3.237 11.027 .70 ; U < 4,046 11.003 21.10 : U 10 3.068 10.637 3.6 i Url 2.331 .530 i 195512 .520 .257 59 ) 913 2.288 .445 1 U 14 2.846 10.031 .90 ( У 8 .093 10.160 .40 24 V9 070 10.210 21.9 5.36 V 10 719 .510 27.8 3.70 Ұн 0.624 785 з 3.68 V 12 15.300 11.336 25.90 2.4! v 13 4.252 11.200 24.4 4. V 14 3.27 9.970 )0 A W 8 2.064 10.506 90 6. W 9 4.508 11.836 40 ой W 10 3/27 IEIT5 ) КА W 11 .527 .844 v. 6. W 12 .205 .366 қ. 6.50 W 13 .68 .560 : .20 W 14 0.651 .140 .60 6.16 AS .661 10.466 .30 9.60 Х 9 ‚936 ne 4 2.16 moc 10.22 23. 4.73 Фра! 0.970 .066 .38 6.05 Бу, ‚648 ‚148 21.45 7.24 B 3.160 10.820 .80 06 X 14 3.179 10.690 .90 .5€ У 8 .708 12.330 0.03 44 v9 4.807 11.843 20. : 10 .500 10.541 5.68 10.80 A 11 .582 9.957 20.90 2. Y 12 .010 10.926 6.( Я, N13 2.685 9.587 24.4 9.60 Y 14 13.702 11.294 17.6 8. 2-4 15.524 15.402 7.8 8. [Vor. 4 146 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN TABLE IV (Continued) DECAY OF RESIN-IMPREGNATED YELLOW POPLAR BLOCKS INDUCED BY POLYSTICTUS HIRSUTUS Weight Weight Per cent eee before decay after decay loss in телде ы: (gm.) (gm.) eight Z9 2.769 13.401 0.30 12.41 Z 10 „781 11.257 4.4: 13.20 #11 9.329 15.108 44 10.40 2512 4.727 14.620 0. 10.50 4, 14 .832 9.903 16.30 13.48 Z 14 .035 9.347 22. 12.34 X2 5 ),119 10.936 9.76 t0 Y 0.324 8.931 13.50 10 YZ 10 .698 11.940 12.5 +0 YZ 11 3.162 11.686 11.20 70 YZ. 12 .286 9.660 4.4 10 YZ 13 073 10.761 ).88 10 YZ 14 2.902 11.369 90 10 ¥Z- 15 0.772 9.436 2.40 10 t Not treated with benzene. | DISCUSSION Before entering upon a discussion of the specific factors of wood which influence its resistance to decay, it might be well to call attention to some factors of the environment which influence fungous activity in general. In a problem of this kind, where the results depend on natural conditions and also to a certain extent on chance or probability of infection, the results may be misleading unless such factors are considered. In any work where a host is inoculated with an organism one anticipates a certain percentage of failures, even though the host is susceptible and the parasite virulent. The chance of failure of infection seems to be even greater when we deal with the inoculation of woody rather than of more fleshy her- baceous plants; especially is this true when dealing with fungi attacking structural timber. Іп the cultures of Leneites saepiaria on blocks of yellow pine, described above, the per- centage of failure proved to be very high. The charts to be discussed below certainly show this to be a fact. Itis true for sap-wood as well as for heart-wood, even though sap-wood decays much more readily than heart-wood. In the same col- umn of blocks of the same sample one culture block may be considerably decayed and others not at all; for instance, in table 1 culture block Е 1603 was reduced in weight by decay 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 147 only 0.028 per cent, while the adjoining block, Е 1604, was reduced 17.5 per cent; also G 1603 was reduced 0.14 per cent and G 1604 was reduced 17.4 per cent. Many other examples in table 1 could be given. Another discrepancy in the data is the one already men- tioned concerning the loss of resin in sterilization. The charts bring out this discrepancy very vividly. Take, for instance, the charts correlating resin content and specific gravity with percentage loss in weight during one year of incubation. If we consider here that a part or all of the loss in weight above 17.6 per cent resin is due to sterilization and that above a specific gravity of .70 to .75 (the average for longleaf pine) the extra weight is due to an excess of resin, the charts will at once show the error due to sterilization. In the general chart showing the relation of specific gravity to the percent- age reduction in weight this is more evident than in the other charts. In this chart the values of the specific gravity are marked off on the primary ordinate, and the percentages of reduction in weight on the primary abscissa. Аз the specific gravity increases above .70 to .75 the curve formed by the plotted points gradually swings away from the primary ordi- nate. An examination of representative samples in this part of the chart reveals the fact that they have not been attacked in the least by the fungus. We are safe, then, to assume that, as far as loss of weight due to decay is concerned, the plotted points in this part of the chart can be moved over toward the primary ordinate. Thus, these two factors, (1) the chance of failure of infec- tion and (2) the loss of weight of highly resinous blocks due to sterilization, must be considered when attempting to draw conclusions from the various charts. CHARTS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF SERIES A In the charts plotted from the data obtained in series A the three species of pine are distinguished by symbols de- scribed in the keys of the various charts. A bar drawn through any of these symbols represents sap-wood. [Vor. 4 148 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN In all of these charts (1-1x), except chart 1v, showing the relation of specific gravity to decay, each point represents an average for a column of culture blocks in the original samples. It was necessary to take these averages in cases where one of the factors concerned was a property of the whole column of blocks, such as resin content, percentage of summer wood, number of rings per inch, ete. In chart гу each point герге- sents an individual culture block. Resin as an index of durability —Chart т shows the relation of the resin content of the wood to its decay. The percentages of resin are given on the primary ordinate and the percent- ages of loss in weight in one year on the primary abscissa. This chart shows two definite facts: (1) Sap-wood decays in all three species irrespective of resin content. The maximum resin content for sap-wood, however, was but 12.9 per cent with a loss in weight of about 13 per cent. (2) In the heart- wood the resin content has no definite relation to resistance in any one of the three species of pine. If there is any relation to be recognized, however, it is apparent above 12 per cent resin, and even here both shortleaf and longleaf pine are reduced in weight 12.5 per cent. Even though the reduction in the upper part of the chart (above 18 per cent resin) may be due en- tirely to sterilization, the curve below that would be very steep, in fact, practically parallel to the ordinate. Specific gravity as an index of durability.—Betts (715) has shown that the density of pine wood depends upon the pro- portion of summer wood and spring wood in the annual growth rings. ‘‘In tests made on a number of small pieces of summer wood and spring wood whittled out separately from wide-ring pieces of loblolly pine, the . . . density of the summer wood came very close to being just twice that of the spring wood, so that the percentage of summer wood in the annual rings is an indication of weight.’’ Chart п shows very clearly that the specific gravity of the samples used in this work depends upon the percentage of summer wood. Оп ће primary ordinate the values of specific gravity are represented and on the primary abscissa the per- ваза t е ЕР НЕНІҢ т каек а т SRD 1324131 На тий seeserrs 1224444 LEELLE] LLI--LLI- 5421-24 LONGLEAF PINE О ъз ЕЕ LLLI ——————À 25 м WEIGHT 20 Loss THE 15 PERCENTAGE ee 9 e ++ Ааа нанео! 4-44 тававав d H tr — ———-—34- пай ) decay. te ation of resin content 1 Showing the ri art Ch ЕЗЕСЕЕНЕНЕЕНЕН ЕЕ ЕН ЕНЕ ЕНЕҢ ЕНІН ӨН НННННННННННННИИНННИНИИНЕННЕН H ЕНЕ LI СЕЕ] BESREEN ва H ва! oe РЕ авивававаяван я: НА aREREZANESESSEDSR ИЕНЕН ЕТТІҢ ЕЕРЕЕ 9 вапавадиа взвавососанвасиас извавесан: ава ПЕГЕН НН ЕН ятан! ы ва H t OH LL I du p Е 222222:2212522222222122225225222210450. пин s EER oe HH S Hs E. HE LLIILLILIILILA я Гавана РРР ningun EBRREBERSSERERREBNERN 5525525 НА ЕГЕН иван e во с та ELEM © На ви ЕН НЫ TAT ae шин - ЕЕ и пъ=ап _ КЕНЕЕН - А , ^ [4 FOL CET < S к ке due un -H КЕНДЕН ЕН Basau S55" аа tonon, i vA Lil HIR pee 1122222222:212222222 : в LL ---- BSEBSEERENE TET HH ЕЕ qo c d: n H TIED тыштан ЕЕЕ 141 4.2222 ЕДЕННЕН ЕНЕНЕ НН Hi ЕЕЕ ШШШ. ЕЗІ HEHEHHE HH E су ANAD 21410дас̧ PERCENTAGE OF SUMMER Woop е of summer wood, о > а pends on the percent gravity de fic g that speci howin ^ art II. Т ( 12 2. -- tt ++ + +++ панаа апаа! --H--- + Kr v To CHART Il O- LONGLEAF PINE — H 55. ALAS) эмряас Lov ИШ 676 10012807) эша сампон PERCENTAGE OF RESIN ү. ent to specific gravit lation of resin cont Showing the те hart + ( ж еее SHORTLEAF PINE LOBLOLLY PINE SAPWOOD KEY To CHART ЇЇ О - LONGLEAF PINE 9 20 3 Loss 1м WEIGHT. Е аи fi “tee Ф ГҮ ооч 7 зо 724 2 46146 [2 OL AUNAN даоаас 469 ГА] със 796 ГЕС 65V "p Ley 707 GLE £YE {АА [UZ OGZ 1004 aanp Wad SANNOdq їз) bloc dual culture indiy nt the че points герге ted (where the plot to decay specific gravity IV. Showing the relation of irt Ch: Бананан — ek columns the blo ‘ages for 1 55+ - SHORTLEAF PINE - LOBLOLLY PINE SAP-\WOOD KEY то CharT V О - LONGLEAF PINE Ф о ЕНЕ (where the plotted points represent the ave EHE $ ЕЕЕ D 25 PERCENTAGE ОЕ Loss IN WEIGHT tv to decay 20 'avit; 5 1 Е Showing the relation of specific ол Chart V. ПА ALAD дода 999 v със 770 [ЕС 66 70% Ley 907 CLE ст TIE 182 002 1004 OND эла сачпод 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 149 centages of summer wood. As the percentage of summer wood increases the specific gravity increases. Chart nr shows the relation between specific gravity and the percentage of resin. The values of the specific gravity are given on the primary ordinate and the percentages of resin on the primary abscissa. Above a specific gravity of .75 the resin content may influence the weight considerably, but below this weight there seems to be no definite relation in any of the species, the longleaf and shortleaf pine being mixed quite evenly. Chart 1v shows the relation of specific gravity to dura- bility. On the primary abscissa are represented the per- centages of loss in weight in one year and on the primary ordinate the values of the specific weights. As was men- tioned above, in this case below .75 specific gravity, there is a high percentage of failures in inoculation, and conse- quently a congestion of plotted points along the primary ordinate in this region. Above .75 specific gravity the curve gradually swings away from the primary ordinate due to the loss of weight in sterilization. Thus, before considering the meaning of this chart it will be necessary to consider this upper portion of the chart with the points moved back toward the primary ordinate. This chart was plotted on the basis of individual culture blocks, and shows that (1) sap-wood decays irrespective of density or species; (2) there is a perceptible curve showing that irrespective of species the lighter heart-wood decays more readily than the more dense heart-wood; (3) loblolly pine, however, is generally lighter than longleaf and shortleaf pine, the two latter being fairly evenly distributed. Chart v shows the same relation as illustrated in chart ту, but differs from the latter in that the plotted points represent averages for columns of culture blocks rather than the indi- vidual blocks. The general points brought out by this chart are the same as in chart ту, except that the curve for heart- wood becomes more abrupt and the apparent increase of dura- bility due to an increase of density becomes less evident here than in chart ту. However, the specific gravity of pine wood Ма ША ва reer ee “рам шая ае. г. даи чи Зала PP [Vor. 4 150 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN depends on the percentage of summer wood (chart п) and there is a tendency toward an increase in density with a greater number of growth rings per inch (chart уш). These two facts, together with the results shown in charts ут and vu, indicate a more evident relation of density to durability than is represented by chart v. Summer wood as an index of durability.—Chart v1 shows the relation of the proportion of pine summer wood and spring wood to resistance to decay. Since density depends on the percentage of summer wood and durability seems to in- crease with an increase of density, it would be anticipated that with inereased summer wood there would be inereased decay resistance. Chart ут shows this to be true. А part of the longleaf pine containing between 45 and 55 per cent sum- mer wood was very resinous, and in this chart these points farther out should be considerably thrown back toward the primary ordinate to correct for sterilization. Chart ут shows that (1) sap-wood decays irrespective of species of pine and also irrespective of summer wood; (2) the summer wood of the heart-wood, on the other hand, shows a tendency to resist decay more than the spring wood, and is a fairly good index of durability; (3) shortleaf heart- wood with a high percentage of summer wood is as resistant to decay as longleaf heart-wood with high percentages of summer wood, and vice versa. Width of the rings of growth as an index of durability.— Since in specifications for structural timber the width of the annual rings has been closely associated with rules for grad- ing, which involve density, chart уп was plotted to show the relation of the number of annual growth rings per inch to decay. The number of rings per inch measured on a radius of the stem are represented on the primary ordinate and on the primary abscissa the percentage loss in weight due to decay. The results are very similar to those noted in chart ут; that is, we may conclude that (1) the width of the rings in the sap-wood of the three species of pine has little or no effect on the inroads of the fungus; (2) in a consideration of the KEY TO CHART VI О = LONGLEAF PINE = SHORTLEAF PINE ө э евреев: ЕН све: ЕР LOBLOLLY PINE SAPWOOD Bonnet SAE oI ae eH aoQ) азммас AO домичаоача Ly. ‹ е x r wood to de {асе of summe ye ation of pe 1 25 IN... WEIGHT art VI. Showing the re PERCENTAGE loss hi ( 12225511212 ҤЕ + ШЕШШ ЧЕШИТИ E НЕНЕНЕН БЕ a nuu HHHH nu pur парни ва! Hu а НН H * inch to decav. М gs pe Б BESERBEERE H- Eo ШЕН ees Gu 1 ЕН TH - HH H LLLLLLLLI LLLLLILLLIL of growth rin r KEY. TO CHART LOBLOLLY PINE » susan ation of numb EHE FE ЕН + ae ИНН howing the rel ^ sam НЕГЕ Or SES ABRE s LLL tel — НОМ] add SONIA HIMOAC) ме В ви ЕН гга H I анын Poo "ӘДЕП ЫН HPHHH ЕН EH ++ Li 44 ааа. алап ЕН ЕЕЕ LILLLIILILLECLLLI арава а: 5555509 Ц нанай ич 4-44-14 11544-4 - LOBLOLLY PINE = DAP - WOOD о 222224 22222222222: HEH ыен aSBBERSAERARSSERER zs H H LLLLLLI HIE $ SERN пи: Е к. Е ЕЕ он 1 навая. НН В НЕҢ ear CK Y eH ё дави ПА. Bi one —- Ец та LLI » авонро 3H oseas ина ЕНГ +H + И ++ tity AL 449 "79 със 7% reg 66b 9Эр Дер 9'0t CLE Рус TIE rez 057 1004 DIGND xd сампоя OL 59 (9 ілуасу 21293ас . ivitvy. Vi - O cific growth rings to spe CH IN PER g the relation of width of the GROWTH PINGS art VIII. Showin Ch ран ива ашап Hd | EH E | Ha ПІ ++ ++ 4213 pet tty eet I [0005 енен & ана НЕЕ Lu LL pe Mm HA | 1 fd 2o IIR : 22284224 ЕН - Hlld IHL мома ваном| PERCENTAGE 1055 их WEIGHT th to decay. from the pi tance is he d ation of t Showing the rel X ‘hart ( 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 151 heart-wood, the more resistant growth rings are the narrower ones, irrespective of species; (3) below a density of .75 the number of rings per inch must be closely associated with spe- cific gravity, that is, by correlating the results here with those of chart ту, there is an indication that narrower rings indi- cate denser, more durable wood than open wide rings. This, however, could not be absolute, for the wide rings are often more than 75 per cent summer wood. In such cases they are resistant to fungous attack. Chart уш shows the relation of the number of growth rings per inch to density. With the exception of those blocks having a density over .75 due to high resin content the ten- dency in this chart is to show an increased density as the width of the rings decrease. Distance from the pith as an index of durability Chart тх shows that distance from the pith, or age of the heart-wood, is no index of the durability of the heart-wood. Tests were made on pieces up to 16 inches in diameter. The sap-wood decays irrespective of distance from the pith. SERIES B See description of series В and table п above. SERIES C Chart x shows the relation of resin to the decay, induced by L. saepiaria, of yellow poplar blocks impregnated with resin. On the primary ordinate are represented the percentages of resin and on the primary abscissa the percentage loss in weight in one year. The plotted points are well scattered and show no definite course, unless there is a tendency to in- crease in percentage of decay with an increase of resin. When this is compared with chart x1, which shows the same rela- tion for Polystictus hirsutus, there is an interesting contrast, for Polystictus seems to be inhibited, if anything, by resin. Although the points are well scattered, there is a tendency to show that Lenzites thrives more or less on benzol-soluble sub- stances when infiltrated into the wood, while Polystictus, which usually grows on hard woods, does not. [Vor. 4 152 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN CONCLUSIONS It would seem that, from the results of the preliminary experiments discussed above, it would be safe to conclude hat: (1) Resin is no safe index of the durability of the three species of yellow pine investigated. Resin is not only unde- sirable for specifying durability because it is no safe index of decay resistance, but also because of the expenditure of time and labor necessary to make resin percentage deter- minations. (2) On the other hand, specific gravity or density of the wood materially influences resistance to decay of the heart- wood, i. e., the more dense the wood the more durable it is, irrespective of the three species of wood examined. (3) Specific gravity, however, is a property which can not be determined from inspection, but it can be estimated by recourse to the proportion of summer wood to spring wood in the growth rings, which proves to be a safe criterion of the durability of heart-wood; i. e., an increase in summer wood results in an increase in specific gravity. (4) The width of the growth rings furnishes a further in- dex of durability, the narrower rings showing more resistance to fungous attack than broad, open rings. (5) The age, or distance from the pith of heart-wood, shows no relation to durability, at least up to 16 inches in diameter. (6) Sap-wood decays irrespective of resin content, specific gravity, width of the annual rings, or species of pine. (7) Shortleaf heart-wood or loblolly heart-wood is as dura- ble as longleaf heart-wood, provided it has the same qualities as to specific gravity or density. (8) Specifications for durability of the three species of pine considered should be based on a judicious combination of spe- cific gravity, number of rings per inch, and the percentage of sap-wood. In other words, where pieces of the highest lasting powers are desired it will be necessary to specify pieces of the greatest density and with a minimum percentage of sap-wood. For inspection purposes the specific gravity may be estimated on its decay induced by Lenzites saepiaria wood ar popl mated yellow | impreg i! resin of pine the influence O Showin art X. Ch ЕНЕНЕ coo ene BESEBBESSEEENE TEOT H 11 ЕРЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЫ + + Le mi 1 НЕН tt + + ід ГІ ааа! в if ва: нанай; mmi T T | gu аннавинанвванэви ни: т | ШЕШЕНЕ див: 1 ЕЕЕ за ваш! 1 певао н Н | Е ЕЧЕН zani pum + + oO Ва $ nu! So SESESSESER НЕНІ ӨЗЕГІ ле d Е ВЪВ UE : резене cd per - тапкнпои: E HH = HHH aw "HH C - - га е ге зен: 2 ERST Д ie е Chart ls Showing the influence of pine resin in impregnated yellow poplar wood on its decay induced by ystictus hirsutus, Pol 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 153 by an examination of the percentage of summer wood. The more desirable pieces of timber are those containing broad bands of summer wood and narrow bands of spring wood as shown in the cross-section. (9) The investigations thus far have been conducted to ascertain the toxic effect of resin on the fungous decay of wood. The results have shown that there are no toxic effects, but that there are other important relations of resin to decay, as, for instance, its waterproofing effect on wood and, thus, its influence on the absorption of moisture by wood contain- ing it; that is, the power of wood to absorb moisture is very important in its decay. It is well known that below a certain minimum and above a certain maximum of moisture in wood Leneites saepiaria and other similar fungi will not grow. Any property of the wood which will influence this balance of moisture is of importance in decay resistance. Thus, if the wood eontains enough resin to have a material waterproofing effect it must play a róle in durability. However, at present the percentage of resin necessary for such an influence is un- known. From the analyses given above it may be assumed that it is at least 5 per cent or more, but this would not be a safe basis for specifying decay resistance, since a piece of timber of low summer wood percentage (density) may contain this amount of resin, and yet be porous enough to be attacked by fungi. On the other hand, although not an absolute rule, it is generally true that a dense piece of heart-wood showing dark summer wood is more liable to contain at least 5 per cent resin than is a lighter piece. Hence, specifieations based on high percentage of summer wood in most cases would more nearly fulfil requirements for durability than those based on resin content, at least until more is known concerning the in- fluence of resin on the moisture-absorbing power of wood. The relation of resin to the absorbing power of pine timbers and the optimum relative humidity of the air for the decay of resin-containing wood are problems for further investiga- tions. When this work is taken up again due consideration will be given to correcting the error due to sterilization. At a later time the probable error of the mean when dealing with [Уог. 4 154 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN averages of the above data will be calculated and reported with the data taken from cultures incubated for a two-year period. The sincere thanks of the writer are extended to the follow- ing, who have aided in various ways in this work: Dr. Her- mann von Schrenk for suggesting the problem and for helpful suggestions in the work and in the preparation of the paper; the Southern Pine Association for financial aid; The Missouri Botanical Garden for the use of laboratories and library; Pro- fessor B. M. Duggar for helpful suggestions and criticisms throughout the work; and Mrs. Е. Bardell Zeller for help in making the calculations and in preparing the tables. Graduate Laboratory, Missouri Botanical Garden. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bayliss, Jessie S. (708). The biology of Polystictus versicolor (Fries). Jour. Econ. Biol. 3; 1-24. pl. 1-2. Betts, Н. 8. (15). Grading rules of yellow pine structural timber 7. Mes special reference to density). Аш. Lumberman 2084: 28—30. f. 1 1915 Buller, A, Н. В. (06). The biology of Polyporus squamosus Huds., a timber- destroying fungus. Jour. Econ. Biol. 1: 101-138. pl. 5-9. 1906. Dudley, P. Н. (87). Structure of certain timber ties; behavior and cause of their decay in the roadbed. U. S. Dept. Agr., For. Div. Bul. 1: 31-65. 1887. Falck, В. (709). Die Lenzites-füiule des Coniferholzes. Méller’s Hausschwamm- orschungen. Heft 3: 1-234. pl. 1-7. f. 1-24. Jena, 1909 Hartig, В. (78). Die Zersetzungscheinungen des Holzes der Nadelholzbüume und der Eiche. pp. 1-151. pl. 1-21. Berlin, 1878. -------, (702). Der echte ена und andere das Bauholz zerstórende Pilze. pp. 1-105. f. 1-33. Berlin, Harz, C. РА (68). Beiträge zur Kenntniss ы: трон officinalis Fries. бос. Im mp. d. Nat. de Moscou, Bul. 41: 3-40. Hoxie, F. J. (714). ыи for factory timbers. Am. бос. Mech. Eng., Jour, 36: 20-31. f. 1-11. 1914. ------, (15). Dry rot in factory timbers. pp. 1-107. f. 1-70. Boston, 1915. ------, (16). Resin in yellow pine for decay resistance. Engineering News 75: 765-766. f. 1-2. 1916. ee С. J. (716). Laboratory tests on the ci d Ж е woods. I. Flask tests on conifers. Mycologia 8: 80—92. pl. 1. — J. B. (93). Timber pa Investigations on longleaf pine. 4. Results mechanical tests. U. S. Dept. Agr., For. Div. Bul. 8: 22-31. f. 11-16. 1893. 1917] ZELLER—DURABILITY OF YELLOW PINE 155 "E 22 (1818). Ап u7 on the origin and operation of the dry rot. pp. 0. pl. 1-3. London, 1818. Malencovie, В. (07). Die Holzkonservierung im Hochbaue. 1907. (Cited by Rumbold, 708, p. 107.) Mayr, H. (’86). Durability of resinous woods. Pop. Sci. Month. 28: 679—683. 1886. ------ (94). Das Harz der Nadelholzer, seine Entstehung, Vertheilung, Bedeutung und Gewinnung. pp. 1—96. pl. 1-2. f. 1-4. Berlin, 1894. Poite. М M. 5 (704). On the occurrence of cellulose in the xylem of woody stems. Ann. Bot. 18: 121-140. pl. 8. 1904. Rumbold, C. (08). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Biologie holzzerstórender Pilze. Naturwiss. Zeitschr. f. Forst- u. Landw. 6: 81-140. pl. 1. f. 1-22. 1908. von Sehrenk, Н. ('01). А disease of the or loe Pee Pseudacacia L.). Мо. Bot. Gard., Ann. Rept. 12: 21-31. ———, (013). Fungous diseases of forest trees. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook 1900: 199-210. pl. 21-25. 1901. ———‚ (16). Yellow-pine timber graded without guesswork. Engineering News 75: 368-369. 1916. Ерна н Р. (06). Studies on the pm and cellulose of wood. Mo. Bot. , Апп. Rept. 17:41-58. pl. 1-2. 1906. —— — ——, (11). The timber rot caused by Lenzites — U. 8. Dept. Agr., Bur. Pl. Ind. Bul. 214: 1-46. pl. 1-4. f. 1-3. 1911 Temme, F. (785). Über Schutz- und Kernholz, seine Bildung und seine physiol- ogische Bedeutung. Landw. Jahrb. 14: 465-484. pl. 6-7. 1885. ще. S. M. (716). Studies in Ше physiology of the fungi. II. Lenzites saepiaria ivi t. Gard. ries, with special reference to enzyme activity. Ann. Mo. Bo + 439—512. рї. 8-9. 156 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 9 Showing the position of the blocks in culture, the method of plug- ging the jars for sterilization, ete ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 9 TH 1197 ALITIGVANd—? ТА HO MOTT ANId ГУ от. 4, 1917] 158 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 10 The a Lento of pine (N 19), marked off into squares one inch on a side and labeled nth a i letter representing the various sain of culture blocks given in table т. Numbers l-11 are мару чык ad (Pinus echinata) and Nos. 12-19 are longleaf e (P. palustris). PLATE 10 VOL. 4, 1917 ARD., з ANN. Мо. Вот. С 7% а S АДИ T - | {| m 1 f if qn ^j /j A s у ха 3 | M At ІШ ІШ | Ш f WAI ТА ПІ” h ААА ААА А ААА ЖА И ИН ws de | 171 ААА n ll \\ \ ҮІ \ AS N wie iu (i А ZELLER—DURABILITY ОЕ YELLOW PINE [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 11 The original samples Nos. 20-42. Samples 20-30 are loblolly pine (Pinus Taeda) and 31-42 are longleaf о (Р. palustris). ЧА ЯО АТТИЧУЯПП AATIAZ ЯМА MOTT ANN. MO. Bor. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 WS AS: 5-- ENIM EN DE n 7 аа | : ai PLATE 11 —— Ш г wu | Sr | | i | TYy | 162 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 12 е original sample Хо, 3 of shortleaf pine together with sections of the pum blocks, which were split after Lenzites saepiaria had grown upon them for one year. Samples dn the columns A, B, C, heart-wood, while C, D, and F are nearly all sap-wood. This shows graphieally the decay 'of the sap- ЕГЕ and the resistance о eart-wood in comparison. The average specific gravity, avera AT and resin content of the pri are given here for reference. R Specific Decay Column percentage gravity percentage A 4. 53 6.12 B 2.8 665 2.12 C 3.3 105 11.73 D 2.5 .658 22.30 E 3.2 .686 5. F 2.1 624 17.68 › PLATE 1 4 VoL. 4, 191 ARD; Mo. BOT. G ANN. “Tree ---1 са << LOW PINE L OF YE ШУ DURABILI R 4 SLEI - ZI 164 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN ExPLANATION ОЕ PLATE PLATE 13 The original sample No. 11 of shortleaf pine together with split sections of the culture blocks chosen from the various columns as labeled. As in pl. 12, the resistance of the heart-wood to fungous decay is shown. The average specifie gravity, average decay, and resin content of the various columns are given herewith: Resin Specific Decay Column percentage gravity percentage A 22.98 674 5.90 С 18.50 ‚646 3.84 D 21.04 682 8.68 E 14.32 526 5.86 Е 10.64 ‚495 3.34 G 94 .539 6.75 Н 25.34 .551 5.25 1 18.30 ‚469 11.60 J 13.38 487 12.40 K 2.04 428 31.80 L 1.36 433 54.30 M 1.44 426 57.10 N 1.26 433 30.51 O 3.56 453 21.10 P 3.24 461 52.50 PLATE 13 VOL. 4, SARD., Mo. Bor. C ANN. И ИЯ Ұз» PINI „JOW DURABILITY OF YEL SELER ZE STUDIES IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FUNGI IV. Tue Овоутн or Certain Funct ік PraNT Decocrions PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT В. М. DUGGAR, J. W. SEVERY, anp Н. SCHMITZ While undertaking an extensive study of the nutrition of Aspergillus niger in the so-called ‘‘synthetic’’ nutrient solu- tions it seemed well to determine the growth relations of this fungus and others in various plant decoctions, used either alone or in conjunction with one or more of the more im- portant constituents of the usual synthetic nutrient solution. Numerous studies upon the growth relations of certain fungi with special reference to the sources of carbon and nitrogen have been made by various investigators, likewise consider- able work has been done in the direction of determining favor- able concentrations of mineral nutrients. Very few data of practical importance have come to the writers’ attention bear- ing upon the nutrient value of the different plant decoctions often employed in culture work. The data here included are of preliminary nature, and merely in respect to a few plant decoctions, but they are sufficiently definite and suggestive to indicate that a complete study of the relations of a consider- able number of parasitic and saprophytic fungi to such media would throw valuable light upon many problems which con- front the physiologist and pathologist in respect to the arti- ficial cultivation of such fungi. In the study here reported little consideration is given to the relation between vegetation and spore formation, but it is our intention to discuss this point at length in a later report. Realizing the necessity of adopting some standard in the preparation of plant decoctions it has been the custom in all quantitative work in this laboratory to calculate the amount of the raw vegetable product to be used on the basis of dry weight. The standard employed! has been 50 grams dry weight of the product per liter of water, and this has been found to be a satisfactory quantity for most materials. Plant mate- 1 Duggar, B. М. Fungous diseases of plants. p. 24. 1909. ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (165) [Vor. 4 166 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN rials vary so greatly in water content that if any satisfactory standard is adopted it is necessarily on the dry weight basis. Accordingly, for the plant products utilized in preparing the decoctions employed in this work, the quantities required, as calculated from the data in convenient handbooks,’ are as follows: green (string) beans 391.5 grams; corn meal 58.6 grams; fresh turnips 524.1 grams; sugar beets 370.4 grams; prunes (dried, exclusive of seed) 70.7; and potatoes 236.8. It is obvious that such plant products will vary more or less in water content depending upon the variety and the season, but this is relatively a minor consideration. In each case the full weight of material required was cut up into small pieces (not more than 1 em. in length or diameter), added to 1 liter of water, autoclaved at 15 pounds pressure for 1 hour, filtered hot, and made up to the full quantity, if there had been loss of water. It was determined to use the natural (or native) decoction in each сазе, and also each one amended as indicated in the series below, these also corresponding to Ше 7 columns (I-VII) of nutrient media in table 1. Natural decoction, full strength. П Natural decoction, full strength standardized in reaction to + 15 Fuller’s scale. ПІ One-half strength standardized decoction + 13.68% (.4N) cane sugar. ТУ One-half strength standardized decoction + 3.42% (АХ) cane sugar. V One-half strength standardized decoction + 13.68% cane sugar + 1% KNO; + .5% KH2POsg. VI One-half strength standardized decoction + 13.68% cane sugar + 1% KNOs. ҮП One-half strength standardized decoction + 13.68% cane sugar + .5% КНРО,. A part of each decoction was therefore set aside to be used in natural condition while the remainder was titrated, m ! Jen , E. H., and Winton, A. L. A ә” = pU of American feeding sur U. 8. De ept. Agr., Exp. Sta. Bul. i Chemische Zusammensetzung der bacs Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Berlin, 1889. 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 167 using phenolphthalein as an indicator, and brought to ap- proximately + 15 Fuller’s scale,—standard HCl or NaOH being used to obtain the desired reaction. The reactions of the various natural decoctions on the Fuller scale were as follows: bean - 15, corn meal - 3, tur- nip + 11.5, sugar beet + 22.6, prune + 14.5, and potato +11.5. The bean and prune decoctions were left in the ‘‘natural’’ condition, so that the duplicate cultures represent- ing columns I and II for these decoctions were equivalent, and in table 1 the dry weight data are repeated merely for the completion of the table. Immediately after the addition of the required acid or alkali to the other decoctions, a second titration was carried out and a further correction made. Special attention should be drawn to the fact that in I and II full strength decoctions were employed, while in Ш-УП the decoctions were one-half strength. In later series, not re- ported upon here, dilution of the decoctions has been avoided, or half strength ‘‘control’’ decoctions also employed. The cultures were made in duplicate in small Erlenmeyer flasks (125 сс. capacity), each containing 25 сс. of solution. The flasks were sterilized at 15 pounds pressure for 20 minutes. It seemed desirable to employ fungi with somewhat dif- ferent habits of growth, including at least one parasitic species, and the following species were chosen, namely, Macrosporium commune, Aspergillus mger, Glomerella (Gloeosporium) Gossypii, and Penicillium expansum. Spores were taken from fresh cultures grown 7-10 days on potato agar, except in the case of Glomerella, which was grown on bean agar. Under aseptic conditions a strong spore suspen- sion for each organism was made in sterile distilled water, and 4 drops of a suspension were added to each flask in the series for that organism. All cultural operations were ex- ecuted in a transfer room in which all dust was thoroughly precipitated by steam. No contaminations resulted in any of the 256 cultures made. All the cultures were set up and taken down within one week of each other, while those with any one organism were arranged at the same time and held у [Vor. 4 168 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN at the same temperature for the same interval. The follow- ing indicates this: Inoculated Discontinued Хо. of days Macrosporium commune February 8 February 22 14 Aspergillus niger ebruary 7 February 21 14 Glomerella Gossypii February З February 20 17 Penicillium expansum February 7 February 24 i For all species the temperature variation during the in- terval of incubation was 20-22? TABLE I DRY WEIGHTS OF CULTURES ON PLANT DECOCTIONS Weight in grams I II | III IV V VI | VII ч 9 ч = 6 S Q8 ER. Че йш | |5 85 pgs евз: . Fungus Е СЕЗГЕНИ Eine Ае ШЕ: © > ЕЕЕ ЗЕ ПЕНЕН 5 че оа Р aS Mia lag. - re TE 5%- Be Не tit tit а = ЕЕ a So) Od) во uo ЕНЕР Б [ЕСЕ ОО БОЗ ЕШЕЗЕШЕШЕ 8 OM] в (| pos POs; Оз 2 Solva м noat за DUS Ф = «е rica ice rica Macrosporium commune . | .119 | .119| .562 | .295 |........]......]...... Aspergillus niger....... .092 | .092| .239 | .183 | .796 | .653 | .219 вых Glomerella Соззурй..... .058 | .058 | .275 | .300 | .337 | .290 | .280 | 7° Penicillium expansum...| .070| .070| .214 | .127 |........|......|...... Macrosporium commune .| .068 | .018 | .059 | .060 |..............)...... Aspergillus niger... .... .055 |.086 | .116 | .085 .492 .171 | .144 | Corn Glomerella Gossypii..... .069 | .025 | .094 | .052 .139 .101 | .096 | meal Penicillium expansum...| .069 | .026 | .100 | .041 |........!............ Macrosporium commune. | .131 | .135| .563 | .231 |........|......|...... Aspergillus niger....... .078 | .083 | .152 | .101 | .569 | .412 | .146 Turni Glomerella Gossypii . . . .. O14) G4) 24687. 2081 317 | эт те Penicillium expansum...| .079 | .077| .125 | .091 |........|......|...... Macrosporium commune .| .310 | .257 | .493 | .275 |........|......|...... Aspergillus niger....... .239 | .183 | .275 | .182 .921 .467 | .302 | бираг ситет Сатурн ЖАРУ :2111.228 | 5211 .369 .478 .268 | .396 | beet Penicillium expansum...| .190 | .139| .195 | .137 |........]......]...... Macrosporium commune.| .111|.111| .628 | .285 |.................... Aspergillus niger....... .073 | .073| .133 | .100 .563 .448 | .188 P Glomerella боззурй CM .087 | .087 | .139 | .116 | .203 | .142 | .146 | ^ une Penicillium expansum...| .046 | .046 | .128 | .053 |........ү|......|...... Macrosporium commune.| .088 | .088 | .661 | .308 |........|......|...... Aspergillus niger... .... .069 | .118| .212 | .139 .832 .717 | .197 Potat Glomerella Gossypii...... 101} .091] .216 | .225 | .368 | .239 | .185 | 9:20 Penicillium expansum...| .057 | .055 | .205 | .126 |.................... Growth was satisfactory on all media except the corn meal decoction, yet the amount of growth was considerably less 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 169 than antieipated on several of the other media. In further work extensive comparisons will be made between the value of decoctions and some other standard nutrient solutions. On corn meal decoction the growth was particularly unsatisfac- tory and irregular with Glomerella and Macrosporium. More- over, there was gradually deposited in all solutions of this decoction (more in the standardized solutions) a considerable flaky precipitate, and this interfered seriously with correct weight determinations of the mycelium formed, as may be in- ferred from an examination of table т. Filter papers 9 cm. in diameter were dried to constant Fig. 1. Graphs showing dry weights of cultures of Aspergillus niger; dry weights = felt plotted on ordinates, the solutions (see p. 166 for explanation) on abscis [Vor. 4 170 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN weight at about 105° C., then transferred directly to desic- eators with anhydrous and freshly oven-dried CaCl. After 24 hours they were accurately weighed to the third place and marked with weight and number. As a result of the appar- ent variations in growth it was determined to make hydrogen ion determinations of the solutions, so that under aseptic con- ditions the remaining culture fluid was poured off into test- tubes for later use, Эш на Lupe $H the mycelial mat H HH being then thrown v on to the filter, as 690 also flask washings. The filters were soo ВЕ then again dried to HFH constant weight at Е about 105° C., and 400 H placed in desicca- as tors until carefully weighed. 300 In table т Ше average weights of the felts from the 240 duplicate series are given. The re- sults in the dupli- eate series with all decoctions ex- cept corn meal меге sufficiently Fig. 2. Macrosporium commune; dry weights of cons тае cultures in mg. on ordinates, solutions (вее р. 166 for pence) on abscissae. Key to graphs in As mentioned fig. 1 above, in the case of corn meal it was impossible completely to separate the precipitate from the slight mycelial growth, so that the figures in the table are somewhat too large, and, as between duplicate members, there were weight differences not borne out by the record of observations. The more important data are likewise strikingly shown in соқаны 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 171 the curves exhibited in figs. 1-4, these representing all four organisms on four of the decoctions, namely, bean, sugar beet, prune, and potato, the data for turnip decoction being omitted merely (a) because it follows very closely in three of the fungi БЕНЕН НЕНІ ӘНІН Es 7 7 V А W Fig. 3. Glomerella Gossypii; dry weights of cultures in mg. on ordinates, solutions (see p. 166 for explanation) on abscissae. Key to graphs i in fig. 1. the curves of the prune decoction, (b) because it would further have complicated the diagrams, and (c) because on the whole it is much less used as a culture medium. Some of the interesting features of the curves in general are these: The addition of sugar, nitrate, and phosphate gives in every ease except one (Glomerella on bean decoction) increase in growth over the addition of sugar alone. In the majority of cases the next highest growth occurs when sugar and nitrate are added. The addition of sugar alone gives a relatively slight increase over the natural decoction, although it is to be remembered that where sugar or other nutrients are added the decoction is diluted one-half. In Aspergillus the addition of sugar and phosphate gives a slight increase over the addition of the same concentration of sugar alone. In [Vor. 4 172 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN the case of Glomerella this is variable with the different decoc- tions. An attempt to standardize the sugar beet decoctions has resulted with every fungus in a slight decrease of growth in comparison with that in the natural decoction. On Ше кж whole, the prune FEF decoction has yielded less growth than either of the other three plotted in the curves ex- cept in the case of one organism, Macrosporium. E а a = та Un fortunately, Fig. 4. ages — = weights of cul- hydrogen lon de- tures in mg. on ordinates, solutions (see p. 166 for terminations were explanation) on кыйн. "Key to hes in fig. 1. not made at the time the eultures were installed, so that in order to ob- tain results for the original solutions it was necessary to pre- pare a second lot of the decoctions. These would undoubtedly correspond very closely to those employed for the cultures, and are therefore fairly suitable controls for changes in hydrogen ion concentrations occurring during the growth of the organisms. In this work the colorimetric method was employed, and it is unnecessary here to give the details of the method further than to say that the standard solutions of Sorensen, as modified by Henderson, as well as all available indicators of merit were used. With reference to the hydrogen ion concentration of the eontrol or original solutions, it is to be noted that little differ- ence was found between the natural decoctions of bean, turnip, prune, and potato, that is, after standardization,—all of these being approximately 10-*. These decoctions, moreover, were only influenced to a slight degree by the addition of sugar or nutrient salts as previously described. After standardiza- tion the sugar beet decoction was about 10-3 and the corn meal 102. It was evident, therefore, that the attempted standardization of corn meal to + 15 Fuller's scale actually 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 173 left the solution differing widely from the majority of the decoctions in hydrogen ion concentration. The changes which were induced in the hydrogen ion con- centration in the various solutions as a result of the growth of the different fungi is worthy of mention. In all solutions except the sugar beet and the corn meal decoctions, Asper- gillus caused, as might be expected, a shift toward the acid side, usually to about 103, while Macrosporium and Glom- erella generally induced a pronounced shift in the other direc- tion, these last, however, varying from a scarcely perceptible change in prune decoction to a maximum in the turnip, bean, and potato decoctions, where the test indicated from 10-9 to 10-8. In the cultures of Penicillium acidity was evidently de- veloped in the bean, turnip, prune, and potato decoction when- ever sugar was added, but alkalinity was developed in the natural and standardized decoctions. Graduate Laboratory, Missouri Botanical Garden. STUDIES IN THE MOSAIC DISEASES OF PLANTS GEORGE W. FREIBERG Research Assistant to the Missouri Botanical Garden The particular group of diseases commonly known as ‘physiological’? diseases has occupied the attention of bot- anists — pathologists and physiologists — for Ше last forty years, but it is doubtful whether the interest has ever been as keen as that which has been evidenced through the investi- gations and reports of the last few years. Probably the commonest of the physiological diseases and the most studied, at least from the standpoint of the number of scientists whose attention it has occupied, is the one most generally known as the mosaic disease. The discovery of the disease, its appearance, and the results of the early in- vestigators have been adequately reviewed in recent publica- tions, while its occurrence on new hosts has furnished the subject matter of a number of short articles which have ap- peared recently. The object of this paper is primarily that of reporting the results obtained from experiments on mosaic diseases, but an attempt will also be made to review the ob- servations and results of the early workers, with a view of interpreting them in the light of the results of recent investi- gations, and above all, to consider all evidence now known on the basis of the fundamental principles of physiology and pathology with the hope of arriving at a clearer conception of the cause and nature of mosaic diseases. The most striking character is the differentiation of the green tissue of the blade into lighter diseased and darker apparently healthy areas. This naturally implies a differ- ence in the chemical composition of the tissue and suggested a microchemical study of the differentiated areas of the dis- eased leaves. It was hoped that the chemical differences ex- hibited between sharply defined areas might furnish a clue to the cause of the anatomical and histological differentiations. ANN, Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (175) ГУ ог. 4 176 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN MicrocHEMICAL TESTS In attempting the solution of a pathological problem by microchemical methods one must bear in mind that even indi- vidual healthy plants may, under apparently normal condi- tions, vary in their chemical composition. Differences in en- vironmental factors, though relatively imperceptible, may be sufficient to change, for example, the acidity of plant tissues, while the more obvious effect of shade or decrease of illum- ination is evidenced in a decreased a lation of fats, сат- bohydrates, and proteins. For this reason it is important that comparative analyses be made, not only on the same plant but on the same leaf and on adjacent areas. The micro- chemical methods now available are the results of investiga- tions on normal healthy tissues, and some may think that their application to pathological tissues is unwarranted, and that the results obtained should therefore be interpreted with considerable reserve until the general application of the tests has been more definitely established. Microchemical tests, especially those outlined in the works of Molisch (713) and Tunmann (713), have arisen from innumerable tests on plants distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom. If their posi- tion is justified in the study of healthy tissue, they may well find a place in pathology. The results obtained from a microchemical study should, whenever possible, be verified by macrochemical analyses or by other appropriate methods, as we are able to do for nitro- gen by means of the Folin micro-Kjeldahl method. Consid- erable difficulty, however, will be experienced in getting enough material from well-differentiated areas of any one leaf or part of a leaf to make macrochemical analyses, and since no delicate macrochemical methods for the general analysis of plant tissues other than for nitrogen are available, the microchemical results reported below will have to suffice for the present. The results, furthermore, are not only relative as regards the comparison between different tissues, but are relative in themselves, since no absolute value can be de- termined and one is obliged to rely entirely upon impartial 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 177 judgment and the uniformity of results obtained from an ex- tensive number of tests. On account of the delicacy of the tests employed, all glass- ware and instruments used were cleaned with the greatest care. Куеп the pith used in sectioning the tissue was soaked and rinsed in alcohol and distilled water, and the sections were rinsed before the application of reagents, in order to insure the removal of all superficial and extraneous salts or foreign matter. The best reagents obtainable were used throughout the work. The results obtained with diseased tissue were always contrasted with those obtained with healthy tissue. The texts of Molisch (713) and Tunmann (713) not only served as ап outline for the methods employed, but also as an index to the extensive literature on micro- chemical reactions. NITROGEN The detection of inorganic nitrogen in plants was first at- tempted in the work by Molisch (’83), and it is to these re- searches that all subsequent work owes its foundation. The test for nitrogen is based upon the fact that nitrates and nitrites give a blue color with diphenylamine, while a red color results upon the application of brucine. Reaction with diphenylamine.— The most reliable of all tests for inorganie nitrogen is the one based on the reaction of nitrogen with diphenylamine. The reagent is applied in the form of .01-.1 gram of diphenylamine in 10 сс. reagent sulphurie acid. Since diphenylamine is insoluble, or only very slightly soluble, in water, it is necessary to apply the reagent to dry sections. When applied to wet sections, the diphenylamine will be precipitated and thus be unable to re- act with the nitrogenous compounds. Sections are therefore placed on the slide and allowed to dry, after which enough of the reagent is applied adequately to cover the mount. In the presence of nitrates a blue color results which gradually fades, but almost invariably shades into a light brown. The test may be negative or the reaction almost imperceptible in the presence of very minute quantities of nitrogen. In this [Vor. 4 178 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN event, the reaction may be intensified by using thicker sec- tions and a more concentrated solution of the reagent. This reaction does not enable us to distinguish between nitrites and nitrates, but the former group of compounds has never been demonstrated in normal green tissues (Klein, 713) except in one plant, namely, Erythrina coralloides (Wee- huizen, 09). Тһе test employed by Weehuizen was as fol- lows: The freshly expressed juice was tested with potassium iodide starch-paper. In the presence of nitrites a blue color developed which did not disappear upon treatment with sul- phanilie acid and dilute sulphuric acid, but did turn to a саг- mine red upon the application of an alcoholic solution of alpha-naphthylamine. In adapting the test to the micro- chemical work, the potassium iodide starch-paper was made by soaking filter paper in a mixture of 50 ce. of 1 per cent starch paste and 50 сс. of 3 per cent potassium iodide solu- tion. A 0.1 per cent solution of alpha-naphthylamine was employed. Negative results were obtained when this test was applied to the juice expressed from diseased tobacco leaves. Reaction with brucine.—Another test for inorganic nitro- gen, though less delicate than that of diphenylamine, is the one with brucine. The reagent is applied as 0.2 gram brucine in 10 сс. reagent sulphuric acid. In the presence of nitrogen a deep red color is produced. In the presence of small quan- tities of nitrogen this test may fail completely, though re- sults may have been obtained with diphenylamine. When applying these tests to diseased tobacco tissue, fairly uniform results were obtained with diphenylamine. With brucine, however, the results were less satisfactory, being en- tirely negative or comparatively faint. This was true regard- less of the kind of tissue examined, whether from the darker or the lighter areas. The results with diphenylamine, how- ever, led the writer to conclude that not only is nitrogen present in both the lighter and darker areas, but that it is present in about the same quantity in both types of tissue. 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 179 AMMONTA The presence of ammonia may best be determined by liber- ating the free gas by means of strong alkali, and collecting it with platinie chloride or Nessler's reagent. This can best be accomplished by placing a glass ring, the ends of which are smoothly ground, on a glass slide and placing in the center of the reservoir thus formed a drop of strong alkali. A drop of concentrated sodium hydroxide was used in the work re- ported here, and a narrow glass ring used for making hang- ing-drop cultures served to form the little compartment. The tissue to be tested was placed in the bottom of the compart- ment and enough sodium hydroxide was added adequately to cover the mount. After the addition of the alkali the com- partment was covered immediately with a cover glass, to the lower surface of which there adhered a drop of platinic chloride or a drop of Nessler’s reagent. When Nessler’s reagent was used, the drop assumed a deep yellow color which intensified, eventually resulting in the for- mation of a brown precipitate. In the case of platinie chlo- ride, characteristic octahedral crystals of ammonium platinie chloride separated out. The detection of ammonia in plant tissue has been attempted on the part of various workers by applying Nessler’s reagent directly to the sections. This test is, according to Molisch, unreliable, since various con- stituents of the tissue may not only change the color of the reagent to a yellow or brown, but a yellow color may be de- veloped when alkali alone is applied to the tissue. Volatiliza- tion of the ammonia in the manner described is therefore the only reliable method for its detection. When these tests were applied to the diseased leaves, splen- did results of equal intensity were obtained regardless of the kind of tissue used. It was therefore concluded that salts of ammonia might, as a source of nutrition, serve all cells to the same degree. TOTAL NITROGEN An unbalanced nitrogen relation between diseased and healthy tissues has been cited as a partial explanation of the cause of mosaic diseases (Woods, ’02). It therefore became [Vor. 4 180 ANNALS ОЕ THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN desirable to know whether the chlorotic area differed mark- edly in its nitrogen content from that of the adjacent green, and apparently healthy, tissue. In this work some of the older leaves had to be used, since the younger leaves, because of the limited amount of differentiated tissue, did not enable one to obtain enough material from adjacent areas to carry on the tests. The Folin micro-Kjeldahl method was employed in this work. The results, however, especially for total nitrogen, were somewhat inconsistent, and the analyses can only be regarded as preliminary. The tests, nevertheless, showed no marked difference between the nitrogen content of diseased and healthy tissue. In fact, the nitrogen content of the lighter areas seemed to be slightly in excess of that of the darker areas. More extensive analyses are in progress at present, the results of which will be reported at a later date. PROTEINS The interesting results obtained from the nitrogen analyses suggested their possible correlation with the protein con- tent of the differentiated areas. The limited amount of ma- terial made the extraction of protein impossible and micro- chemical tests were therefore resorted to. The tests com- monly used in biochemical work were applied to both mace- rated tissue and hand-cut sections. Those used with advan- tage were the following: 1. Millon’s test: Millon’s reagent was applied to the ma- terial and the slide warmed gently over a micro-burner. А brick-red color developed, signifying the presence of protein. Millon’s reagent consists of mercury dissolved in nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.42) in the proportion of 1:2 by weight. When the action of the acid on the mercury has ceased, the solution is diluted with water to twice its volume. 2. Biuret test: The material to be tested was placed on the slide and treated for about 15 minutes with a few drops of strong sodium hydroxide. The alkali was then allowed to drain off, and the material was rinsed with water and treated with a trace of 5 per cent copper sulphate. After several 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 181 minutes a violet color developed, indicating the presence of protein. This test is a comparatively difficult one. 3. Xanthoproteie reaction: Strong nitric acid was applied to the material and the slide warmed gently over a micro- burner. А yellow color developed which changed to orange upon the application of strong ammonia. 4. Iodine test: With iodine a deep yellow to brown color developed. In all of these tests a more pronounced reaction was ob- tained with the lighter or diseased areas than with the darker. In the former the color showed up somewhat faster and was more intense. We may not be justified, however, in assum- ing that there is actually a great deal more protein in the chlorotic area than in the other, since the values in all of this work are only relative in themselves, and the excess of carbo- hydrates, etc. present in the deep green areas may obscure the above reactions in part. We would, however, be safe in stating that there is as much protein in the lighter areas as in the darker, and that there is a probability of there being more in the former than in the latter. The validity of this statement can only be determined by accurate quantitative methods. It was originally intended to make analyses for amino nitrogen by the Van Slyke (713) method, but because of the need of choice material for other work reported here, this determination had to be deferred. IRON Iron is one of the elements absolutely indispensable for plants, and may be present in the tissue in either organic or inorganic combination. Since it is universally conceded that a lack of iron is directly responsible for a certain type of chlorosis or the inability of the plant to form chlorophyll, it was desired to show, if possible, whether there was any marked difference between the iron content of lighter and darker areas of diseased leaves. In making these tests, iron- free chemicals, glass needles, and a new highly polished razor were used, thus obviating all possible sources of error. [Vor. 4 182 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Tests were made for ferric iron by treating the section on the slide for an hour or more with a 2 per cent solution of potassium ferrocyanide and then adding a 5 per cent solu- tion of hydrochloric acid. In the presence of comparatively large amounts of iron, a deep blue (Berlin blue) color results. When only traces or minute quantities of iron are present, the reaction may be negative or a blue-green tinge developed. In this event it may be confused with the natural pigments and the results must be checked by more reliable methods. Fairly uniform results were obtained with the method de- scribed, but further evidence was secured in the following manner: The surfaces of well-mottled leaves were washed and rinsed with distilled water, thus removing all foreign matter, and the well-defined areas cut out by means of a sharp glass needle. These were then dried in an oven. Lack- ing a platinum plate, the samples were ignited on a glass plate and the above reagents applied. A marked reaction resulted. This method, furthermore, possessed the desirable feature that no metal instruments were used in handling the material. No serious error, however, should have been introduced by cutting the sections with a highly polished razor. The following test has been described for the detection of ferrous iron: The material is treated with a 2 per cent solu- tion of potassium ferrocyanide or potassium cyanide for an hour or more. A few drops of 5 per cent hydrochloric acid are then added. In the presence of ferrous iron a blue color (Turnbull blue) results. This test proved negative in both diseased and healthy tissue. When iron is present in organic combination it may be de- tected by incubating the material at about 60° C. with a solu- tion of ammonium sulphydrate and 50 per cent glycerin mixed in aliquot proportions. The sections were placed on the slide, the reagent applied, and covered with a cover glass. Upon the liberation of the combined iron, varying from a few days to a few weeks, a very dark green or almost black color signified the presence of ferrous sulphide. Uniform results were not obtained with this method, but this might be attributed to the fact that the amount of iron present in the 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 183 small section was not sufficient to give a noticeable reaction. From the tests on ferric iron it would appear that there is sufficient of this element present in all tissue to warrant the normal development of all cells. CALCIUM Calcium is generally detected as calcium sulphate. The sections were treated with a 3 per cent solution of sulphuric acid and allowed to stand until most of the solution had evaporated. Small plate-like crystals or needles of calcium sulphate were then noticeable in the remaining reagent, espe- cially along the edges of the sections and in the intercellular air-spaces. A second test applied was that with ammonium oxalate. The sections were treated with a 5 per cent solution of am- monium oxalate in а 10 per cent solution of acetic acid. The precipitate of calcium oxalate assumed the form of very small granules. The sections were tested further by adding a 9 per cent solution of oxalic acid containing a small amount of acetic acid. This gave satisfactory results, precipitating the calcium as minute crystals of calcium oxalate, pyramidal inform. The test was applied with equal success to all tissue. MAGNESIUM Besides being an indispensable element in the general nutri- tion of the plant, magnesium is important as an antidote for calcium and as a constituent of chlorophyll. Tests for mag- nesium were made by treating the sections with a 0.1 per cent solution of NaH(NH4)PO, and placing the slide in a moist chamber containing a vessel filled with strong ammonia. The ammonia vapor killed the tissue and rendered the cell easily permeable to the sodium ammonium phosphate. After several minutes, crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate separated out. These were either short and triangular in form, or, depending upon the quantity of magnesium present and also upon the time for which the reagent was allowed to react, were x-shaped or stellate in form, the appendages as- suming a feather-like structure. [Vor. 4 184 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN A more pronounced reaction was obtained by igniting bits of tissue and triturating the residue on the glass plate with a 10 per cent solution of hydrochloric acid. The liquid was then drained off, a large drop of NaH(NH4) POs, applied, and the slide allowed to remain for several minutes in an atmos- phere of ammonia. Positive results were obtained when these tests were ap- plied to both lighter and darker areas. POTASSIUM The most reliable test for potassium is its reaction with platinie chloride, resulting in the formation of crystals of potassium chloroplatinate. A 10 per cent solution of platinic chloride is recommended for this test. The sections to be tested were mounted in a drop of alcohol, and a drop of pla- tinie chloride about one-tenth the size of the drop of alcohol was placed on the slide. The reagent and alcohol mount were then brought into communication by means of a glass needle. After several minutes crystals of potassium chloroplatinate, mainly in the form of octahedrons, but also in the form of hexahedrons and rhombohedrons, separated out. This result was checked by applying a test solution con- sisting of 2 grams of cobalt nitrite and 3.5 grams of sodium nitrite dissolved in 1 ce. of acetic acid diluted with water to 7.5 ec. After the cessation of the liberation of nitric oxide fumes, the solution was diluted to a volume of 10 ce. Upon the application of this reagent to sections, minute granules of potassium cobalt nitrite separated out. The crystals were extremely small and were detected with difficulty. These tests were applied with equal success to both dis- eased and healthy tissue. PHOSPHORUS Phosphorus is generally detected by means of a solution of 1 gram of ammonium molybdate in 12 ce. nitric acid (sp. от. 1.18). In the presence of phosphorus, granules or small octahedrons of ammonium phosphomolybdate separate out. 1917] FREIBERG— MOSAIC DISEASES 185 A second test described for the detection of phosphorus is its precipitation as ammonium magnesium phosphate. The solution used for the determination consists of 25 volumes of a saturated aqueous solution of magnesium sulphate, 2 volumes of a saturated aqueous solution of ammonium chloride, and 15 volumes of water. This solution when ap- plied to salts of phosphorus yields crystals of ammonium magnesium phosphate such as were described above under magnesium. The writer was unable to get uniform results with either of these tests, regardless of the kind of tissue to which they were applied. When samples of diseased and healthy tissue were ignited a faint indication of the presence of crystals was detected at intervals in the residue, but the results on the whole were not encouraging. Because of the fact that this was experienced with healthy and normal tissue to the same degree as with diseased tissue, we may be justified in con- cluding that the disorder cannot be attributed to a marked unbalanced phosphorus relation. SULPHUR Sulphur is absolutely essential for plant growth, usually being present in organic combination. When present in in- organic form it may be detected as calcium sulphate by means of calcium acetate, or as lead sulphate with lead acetate, or as barium sulphate with barium chloride. Organic sulphur can best be detected after its liberation by ignition of the tissue. The tests for sulphur gave results much the same as those for phosphorus. It was difficult to demonstrate its presence even in normal healthy tissue, and we are therefore unable to correlate any metabolic disturbance with a lack or a super- abundance of this element. TESTS FOR CARBOHYDRATES From the marked difference in chlorophyll content of the lighter and darker areas of diseased leaves, it seemed self- evident that there must be a great difference in the carbo- [Vor. 4 186 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN hydrate content. Tests were therefore made for starch and sugar as described below. The material to be examined was cut into thin sections, consisting entirely of either lighter or darker tissue, or, in order to make the comparison more striking, in part of dark tissue and in part of light tissue. Starch.—Tests for starch were made by mounting the sec- tion in water and drawing the slide through the flame of a miero-burner until the drop of water began to simmer. This not only killed the cells, but also expelled the air from the intercellular spaces, thus making observation easier. A drop of 75 per cent alcohol and a drop of standard iodine were then added, after which the section was examined under the microscope and the amount of starch noted. In general, it may be stated that whenever cells of the same section com- posed of different leaf areas, or cells of the same section representing adjacent differentiated areas were compared, there was an excess of starch in the dark green tissue. When testing for starch in the manner described, one cannot mis- interpret the observations. It would be aside the point to offer the criticism that the difference in starch content may be attributed to the location of the tissue tested in different parts of the plant, to a probable shading of one tissue and not the other, to a difference in the age and therefore a dif- ference in the storage and in the photosynthetic activity, or to other environmental factors. Any difference exhibited in cells of the same section representing different areas must be due to factors inherent in the tissue. This excess of starch in the green tissue was noticed regardless of the time of day when tests were made. Woods (’02) cites an experiment which led him to conclude that starch was not translocated readily from the chlorotic areas, and attributed this fact to the inhibitory action ex- erted on diastase by oxidizing enzymes. The leaves were picked early in the morning and tested for starch by im- mersing in boiling water for one minute, decolorizing with alcohol, treating with iodine solution, and examining by trans- mitted light. A darker color, presumably, was assumed by 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 187 the chlorotic spots. It was also observed that when unboiled juice from tobacco leaves, possessing strong oxidase activity, was added to a digestion mixture of starch and taka-diastase, no diastatic action took place. When the juice was boiled and the oxidizing enzyme was killed before addition to the digestion mixture, diastatie action occurred. Combining these observations, Woods concluded that the inability of the chlo- rotie spots to rid themselves of their starch, as seemed to be demonstrated by his tests, was attributable to the action of oxidases on diastase. In order to test this idea of Woods more conclusively, the writer examined diseased leaves early in the morning by the method described above, but always found an excess of starch in that portion of the section representing the darker area. Plants were then placed in the dark room and kept there for 54 hours. At the end of this time sections were cut and ex- aminations made for starch. Observations on a number of leaves and a large number of sections showed that at the end of this period no starch whatever was present in the lighter or chlorotic areas, while the mesophyll of the darker areas still contained varying amounts. This, then, is in accord with the general observation that the dark tissue con- tains more starch regardless of the time of day when tests are made. It is quite probable that oxidizing enzymes may influence the activity of diastase, but when adding a strong extract from diseased tobacco leaves to a starch digestion mixture, we are adding innumerable unknown factors, the ef- fects of which might easily be confused with those exhibited to a more or less pronounced degree by one of the known constituents when added alone in a pure state. Sugar.—A microchemical test for sugar which has been long employed is the production of a fine red precipitate when treated with dilute Fehling’s solution. Sections of tissue were placed on the slide, a drop of Fehling’s solution added, and the mount warmed gently over a flame. No satisfactory results were obtained, which, in part at least, might be at- tributed to the great diffusibility of the sugar out of the cells as soon as they were killed and the difficulty with which the [Vor. 4 188 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN small quantity may be detected in the test solution bathing the section. A more reliable method is the one based on the reactions of sugars with phenylhydrazine to form osazones. This method has been developed most satisfactorily by Manghan (715). Although the method may be criticized as to the reliability of the anticipated reaction of any one sugar in the presence of other sugars and as to the justification of attributing cer- tain results to the reaction of the reagent with any one саг- bohydrate when other sugars are present, it nevertheless serves as a pretty fair qualitative test. Separate solutions of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride and sodium acetate were prepared by dissolving these reagents in sufficient pure sugar- free glycerin to make a 10 per cent solution. Small drops of these solutions were placed on the slide, mixed with a glass needle, and in this the sections to be tested were immersed. The mount was then covered with a cover glass and the preparation heated for an hour at 100° C. At the end of this period and continuing for several days, yellow bodies, re- sembling the droplets of syrup described by Manghan for maltose, and the small yellow spheres and granules figured by Molisch and Tunmann, separated out. The reaction was more pronounced in the darker areas of diseased leaves than in the lighter tissue. From the results reported above it is very evident that one great difference between the dark green and chlorotic areas of diseased tissue is a difference in the carbohydrate content, there being more in the former than in the latter. It was originally intended to accompany the above descrip- tions with adequate illustrations and to make similar tests on all varieties of plants showing mosaic. Microchemical methods, however, are very difficult, requiring the finest technique and the greatest care in observation and interpre- tation. Since, therefore, a general microchemical study of plants affected with mosaic is in reality a problem in itself, and also because of the nature of the results reported above, the microchemical work was deferred for the time being for 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 189 a line of experimentation which seemed more fundamental. The tests described above were carried out on diseased and healthy tobacco plants. The results are primarily relative, yet the relativity is to a certain degree quantitative, and enough so to justify us in concluding that calcium and nitro- gen may be more abundant in the chlorotic areas, while car- bohydrates are more plentiful in the green tissue. The cause of this unbalanced condition is not apparent at present. It is essential, however, that all these observations be substan- tiated by reliable quantitative analyses. PHYSIOLOGICAL RELATIONS From the results reported above, and especially those re- lating to the inorganic constituents of the tissue, it is very evident that the real cause of the disease is more deeply seated than has been intimated in some literature on mosaic diseases. There is therefore reason to believe that the cause, if not associated with parasites, is essentially organic in nature, as is suggested by the work of Woods (’02) and others. Woods (’02) maintained that mosaic diseases could be attributed to an excess of oxidases, since a more pronounced oxidase reaction was evidenced by diseased plants, and also when ridding his extract of oxidases, he lost the infective mosaic principle. However, this may not be the right inter- pretation, and to the writer this increase in oxidase reaction seemed to be an effect and not a cause of the disease. We would not conclude that the diminished sugar content of the lighter areas of the tissue as compared with that in the darker areas is responsible for the disease, but rather that this, as also the difference in oxidase activity, is in reality only the result of the disorder. The writer therefore undertook to eliminate the oxidases from extracts of diseased plants without destroying their in- fectious properties, or, if it were possible, to secure a solution which from the start possessed infectious properties but no oxidase activity. Since Allard (714, 715) has shown that the infective principle may be obtained from all parts of the plant [Vor. 4 190 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN including the root system, and since it has been repeatedly stated in the literature that plants grown on land which had borne diseased plants were sure to contract the disease, an attempt was made to secure a root secretion possessing infec- tious properties. Roots were washed free from soil and then suspended in sterile distilled water. This method had to be abandoned, however, on account of bacterial growth. Since the disease is most pronounced in growing tissue, i. е., in young shoots, and since the infective principle may be iso- lated from the roots as well as from all parts of the plant, it must be granted that the infectious substance is transfer- able from one plant part to another. This implies that some of the infectious substance, originally in a highly diseased shoot or any which might be formed subsequently, might be transferred to other plant parts. The question then arose: If this assumption is correct, would it be possible to secure by ‘‘shoot secretion” or by ‘‘shoot exudation’’ a solution possessing infectious properties? Furthermore, would any oxidases be present in this secretion? An attempt was made to solve the question in the follow- ing manner: A large but badly diseased shoot of tobacco was removed from an old plant and after sterilizing the base with alcohol and rinsing with sterile distilled water, it was sup- ported, through a rubber stopper, in a wide-mouthed bottle containing sterile distilled water. A piece of glass tubing inserted into a small hole in the rubber stopper served as an inlet for sterile water stored in a separatory funnel. All joints were closed tightly with paraffin and wax. The bottle containing the base of the shoot was filled with water, leav- ing no air whatever in the chamber. As the water was re- moved by transpiration it was replenished from the separa- tory funnel serving as areservoir. This funnel was stoppered with a one-holed rubber stopper into which a piece of glass tubing stuffed with cotton was inserted. The system was allowed to run from April 1 to April 19, 1916, at the end of which time the shoot had transpired 485 се. of sterile water. Inoculations were made on April 19, 1916, with the secretion, and checks were run with juice ex- 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 191 pressed from diseased leaves and filtered through Berkefeld filters, and with sterile water. Four plants were used in each case. At the end of 17 days, 3 plants inoculated with the secretion were diseased, while all 4 of the plants inoculated with the filtered juice of diseased leaves showed mosaic. The 4 checks remained healthy. This experiment was repeated on July 7, 1916, an entire plant being used for secretion. This necessitated the use of larger vessels, etc., which increased chances for contamina- tion. The secretion obtained in this case had been badly fer- mented by bacteria, and inoculation experiments gave nega- tive results. The writer’s time then became occupied with a field ex- periment and a repetition of the above had to be deferred. It was repeated, however, on September 6, 1916, the secretion phase of the experiment being allowed to run until October 19. Inoculations were made on October 22, 6 plants being used. After 15 days 2 of the 6 plants inoculated with the secretion showed mosaic, while all 6 inoculated with sterile tap water were healthy. Inoculations were not made with juice of dis- eased leaves as in the first experiment. There is reason to believe, from the uniformity of the results obtained with secretions, that some of the infectious substance was dissolved in the sterile water used for subsequent inoculations. Each secretion was tested for oxidases by adding hydrogen per- oxide and guaiacum, as did Woods, but no oxidases were de- tected. No indisputable conclusions could be drawn from these results, since these experiments were only preliminary, but because of their uniformity, they furnished considerable encouragement towards investigating further the possibility of securing an extract possessing infectious properties but no oxidase activity. On a priort grounds it seemed scarcely possible that sub- stances such as oxidases found naturally and so commonly in plants should, when injected into other plants, be able to pro- duce such a disorder as the mosaic disease. It will be recalled that Allard (715%) was able to produce the disease even at a dilution of 1:10,000. One can easily see, however, how a sub- [Vor. 4 192 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN stance naturally ‘‘toxic’’ to a plant might, even in extreme dilution, cause serious metabolic disturbances. During the time that the above work was deferred on account of another phase of the problem, an article was published by Allard (716%) on some of the properties of the infective principle which showed conclusively that the mosaic disease of tobacco is not caused by oxidases but, according to Allard’s interpre- tation, is caused by an ultramicroscopic parasite. The writer’s preliminary work substantiates the more elaborate experiments of Allard, thus eliminating oxidases as a cause of the disease. I do not, however, concur with him in the in- terpretation of the properties of the infective principle, as will be noted later on. Piotr EXPERIMENTS A great deal of interest has been aroused recently by the mosaic diseases of cucurbits, particularly of cucumber. Dur- ing the spring of 1916 cucumbers grown in the experimental greenhouse contracted the disease, and an experiment was planned to test its transmissibility not only to other cucur- bits but also to other plants susceptible to the malady. All seeds were started in the greenhouse and later transplanted to the plot. Injury to seedling at the time of transplanting has often been cited as predisposing plants to the disease, and it there- fore became desirable to eliminate this factor. Tobacco seed was sown in flats and after 10 days the seedlings were trans- planted to small paper boxes. The cotyledons had just ex- panded at the time of transplanting, and the entire plant measured about 4—3 inches in length. Although exceedingly small, the seedlings could be handled without injury other than probably the destruction of a few root hairs. The paper boxes to which the plants were transferred were 24 inches long, 14 inches wide, and about 2 inches deep. When the plants were large enough to be transplanted to the plot, the entire box was submerged in the soil. This eliminated all possible chances for injury. Tomato seedlings were obtained by planting the seed in flats and handling the seedlings in the 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 193 manner described for tobacco, or the seed was sown directly in the paper boxes, as was the case with the cucurbits. Later in the season seeds were also planted directly in the soil. During the growing season the plants were cultivated with the greatest care in order to avoid injury. All plants which were damaged were either discarded or labeled so that any inconsistency in results might receive its proper explanation. The cucurbits grown included 2 varieties of pumpkins, 2 of squash, 2 of watermelon, 2 of cucumber, and 1 variety of citron, muskmelon, and cassaba. At the end of 2 months, when the plants had developed several runners, inoculations were made with an extract from diseased cucumbers. In cases where runners were numerous, 3 or 4 inoculations were made on the same plant, the total on all varieties summing up to 213. Not a single infection resulted from these inocula- tions. Before offering an explanation it will be necessary to give some details regarding the preparation of the extract. For this purpose 500 grams of highly diseased shoots were gath- ered from diseased cucumber plants. The material was first washed in tap water and then rinsed in distilled water. Maceration was effected by placing portions of this material in a large mortar and pounding, crushing, and grinding the leaves and stems until all had been reduced to a pulp. The juice was then expressed through a cloth, and the residue washed with water until the original extract and the washings totaled 500 ce. An attempt was then made to filter off the sub- stances suspended in the extract; but due to exceedingly slow filtration, other means had to be resorted to. An asbestos mat was therefore deposited in a Buchner funnel, which in turn was connected with a filter flask and filter pump. The filter, however, soon became clogged and filtration was not effected with the desired rapidity. The entire extract, as- bestos and all, was therefore placed in centrifuge tubes and centrifugated until all the suspended material had been de- posited. The supernatant liquid, which was of a slightly greenish color, was used for inoculations. About fifteen hours [Vor. 4 194 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN elapsed between the time that the material was gathered and the time when inoculations were made. As has already been stated, no infections resulted from these inoculations, and the experiment is of absolutely no value as far as throwing further light upon the transmis- sibility of cucumber mosaic to other cucurbits; but it does afford the writer an opportunity to criticize the technique in- volved, to point out probable sources of error, and to lay special emphasis upon the amount of care which must be ex- ercised when dealing with something, the nature of which is so incompletely known. If the infective principle is of the nature of an organism, one can easily see how the parasite might have been destroyed mechanically during the maceration of the tissue. Fred (716), for example, has been able to reduce the number of bacteria in 1 gram of dry soil from 2,000,000 to 400,000 by grinding for 1 hour. In another instance the number was reduced from 3,194,000 to 75 by grinding for 24 hours. Allard (716%) found that the ‘‘virus’’ was extremely sensi- tive to the antiseptic properties of formaldehyde. Warner (214) has demonstrated that formaldehyde is one of the ox- idation products of chlorophyll extracts. The loss of the in- fectious properties of the cucumber extract used for inocu- lating might, in the absence of any proof whatever, be ac- counted for in this manner. If the infective principle is of the nature of an enzyme or colloidal substance it is also possible, as with bacteria, that destruction took place through mechanical agitation. It is a well-known fact that many colloids, especially suspensoids, are thrown out of the colloidal equilibrium by mechanical agitation. This fact was furthermore demonstrated by Brown (715) working on the macerating and lethal enzymes of Botrytis cinerea. He found that this action could be reduced eight-ninths by simply bubbling air through the extract for 45 minutes. Allard (716%) also found that the ‘‘virus’’ was greatly adsorbed by tale. Whether or not the adsorptive power of the asbestos used, coupled with centrifugation, can account for the removal of the infective principle from the 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 195 extract is of course unknown, but this is another possibility. Although no infections could be attributed to inoculations with the cucumber extract, the disease was, during the season, contracted by plants of pumpkin, squash, citron, cassaba, and two varieties of cucumbers. Some observations in this connection are also reported by Doolittle (716). TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE RELATIONS Although it is occasionally stated in the literature on mosaic diseases that high temperature favors the disease, there are, nevertheless, no quantitative data nor detailed ex- periments to substantiate this view. An interesting observa- tion in this connection was made during the summer of 1916. Tomato plants which had been transplanted to the plot grew normally until the latter part of July when, due to drought and high temperature, they discontinued growing but other- wise appeared perfectly normal. These climatic conditions continued until the middle of August when several rains oc- curred which were followed, though not immediately, by com- paratively cool weather. It was during these 10 days of cool weather, from August 23 to about September 2, that mosaic began to show on the tomato plants. During this period growth was resumed and all new shoots and buds were notice- ably affected. Following this comparatively cold period, there was an- other hot spell during which there not only was a high de- parture from the normal but the maximum for the individual days was higher, reaching 94° F. During this second, though relatively short, warm period accompanied by reduced pre- cipitation growth ceased and the mosaic began to disappear. The chlorotic areas became darker, and the small amount of expansion which did take place in the leaves of the new shoots was not accompanied by malformations. Had it not been for the fact that the plants were under constant observation, the periodic occurrence of mosaic would have escaped notice en- tirely. No records pertaining to temperature and moisture were taken on the plot, but the following tables from the U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Report present the [Vor. 4 196 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN j monthly meteorological summaries for St. Louis. Although these values are not absolute as regards weather conditions on the plot, they are sufficiently accurate to indicate the cli- matic differences during these time periods. TABLE I METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR JULY, 1916 TEMPERATURE Degrees Fahrenheit) жаларын инле я » р ‚© к [7] в | 5 55 3 CHARAC- 5 = Б.В © чш DAY & Во Bo "АЕ ‚а © ТЕВ ОЕ о 8% | ee |9е % 9, DAY Sai әнді ова |. ы = "^g SE] ОВ | 258 |652) 8 H2 | о 81 ФЕТ Sea] ЗЕ 19:33 9% Ilg] ac] 45% | 89 | ЗЕЗ Е 96 .50 © o vg о Qr Ф Bes 6.5, 3 5 с. ра ра e 4% = Z 2 1194 | 78 | 86 | + 8 65 53 .00 13.0 87 Clear 2196 | 78 |87 | +9 6 46 .00 14. 100 | Clear 31941721: +: 64 65 ‚04 9. 66 | Pt. cloudy 4 | 86 | 69 0 76 52 ‚00 13.0 88 | Clear 5 | 86 | 70 0 57 4 ‚00 4. 100 | Clear 6 | 87 | 69 0 58 4 A 4, 100 | Clear rises 7 )| + 67 : A 4. 95 | Clear 8 | 91 | 76 | 84 | +! 73 40 A 4.* 98 | Clear 9 wE: 18 | — 79 50 .( 4. 99 Clear 0 66 | 77 | — 4 74 4 . OC 14.8 100 | Clear 7 2| + 68 4 ‚00 14.7 100 | Clear | 21+: ¢ 70 34 5.8 39 | Pt. cloudy х 12 + : 86 48 00 14.7 100 | Clear 4 17 + : 73 67 00 9.9 67 | Clear } 4 | 77 d 79 44 ) 14. 98 | Clear 6 | 97 30 + 9 62 59 11. 76 lear 17 26 | 79 +9 | 4 ‚00 б. 47 | Pt. cloudy 18 | 94 | 76 + 6 18 T. 8.4 58 |Pt. cloudy 9194 | 70 +: 78 4 .81 US 3 |Pt. clou 0 )2 14. 3 | + 4 3 68 ‚00 12.4 б С1еаг 0 | 7 + 2 / 4 ‚00 12.2 6 | Clear 20 | 74 ++ ) 3! ‚00 14.5 100 | Clear 24 + ‹ 4 48 ‚00 4.( 7 | Clear ) ) + | 5 .00 4.4 100 | Clear )7 3 |+ ( 44 T. 1-1 77 Clear › | 98 + ( 45 ‚00 2.5 37 | Clear )7 | € )|4-€« ( 4 .00 4. 99 | Clear 3 8 ) 18 ( 52 .00 4.: 100 | Clear ) 26 | 80 3514-8 1 44 .00 4.3 100 | Clear 30 | 99 >} 90 | +11 | 46 ‚00 11.4 8 Pt. cloudy 1 | 99 ) | 89 | +10 74 67 чи 2; 85 | Pt. cloudy It is of course impossible to say whether this phenomenon should be attributed entirely to temperature relations or whether it was also determined, in part at least, by water re- lations. Many writers have reported that moisture seems to 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 197 favor the disease and that infection seems to be worse in plants growing in moist, clayey soil. There are, however, no quantitative data on the water requirements of healthy and diseased plants. On studying the weather chart, one can BLE II METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR AUGUST, 1916 TEMPERATURE (Degrees Fahrenheit) | Оет инн е Ё B (|а: p = = ay S HARAC- pay PWNS o [а 3 EF 8 та 3 Фо DAY hl + BS SS g 5 ЯН a 8 © 8 ис © | 9 el 81-95“ | ре — 9.9 а 5 Ф = Бы спа өзе, |74276 д О ЕЕ! Ра! ck. | Zie SEN S IPE РЕ 24 24 = Z си 80 | 72 0|-1 75 62 ‚00 Tis 78 r 2 2071574. 0| +1 83 71 .34 7.0 49 [|Pt. cloudy )4 | 73 | 84 | +5 7 47 .00 | 12. с Clear 4|96|77|86| +7 81 56 .00 | 13.4 95 |Clear 5 | 94 | 78 +7 81 58 00 | 14.0 | 100 | Clear 6 | 93 | 77 + 6 79 48 001 128 92 lear 7 |94 | 72 -- 4 70 57 .27 9.7 69 | Pt. cloudy 8 | 87 | 73 )| + 89 69 ‚36 6.8 49 | Pt. cloudy 9 | 90 | 73 +: 96 77 00 | 12.9 93 1еаг 0 | 93 | 76 +: 87 64 EY 11.0 79 lear )4 | 70 +4 79 62 ‚94 11.6 83 | Pt. cloudy 2| 9 69 ) | + 95 72 2.10 9. 67 | Pt. cloudy 3113-62 ) | — 4 98 15 .99 1 ) | Cloudy 4 | 74| 59 | 66 | —1 100 9 3.67 2 7 |Cloudy 35 |67 | 7 100 74 1.73 7 57 | Pt. cloudy ó | 8: 71 ( 9 76 00 9 67 | Pt. cloudy 24 | 75 | € + 89 ¢ .00 | 13 99 r 3 | 9: /8 | + 9 78 5 ‚00 11 86 r ) | 94 | 80 +10 72 60 ‚00 11.0 81 | Pt. cloudy ) | 96 | 80 | € +1 "e ay .00 11.9 88 r )4 | 77 | 86 | +10 70 59 .00 10 75 r УТА Е 0 77 63 T5 511 43 | Pt. cloudy ЖЕНЯ. 70 | — 6 74 48 . 00 13.4 100 г О 0 67 44 ‚00 13.4 100 | Clear 38 | 68 | | +: 68 :00-1-: 144. 100 › | 86 | ‹ у + 85 70 20 5% 4 Pt. cloudy 1 | е ( — 9 87 1 0. 6 |Cloudy НЕ ( —10 74 4 00 | 10. 77 |Pt. cloudy 2178 | € 70 | — 5 65 - UU 1- 11: 84 | Pt. cloudy 30 | 83 | с 74 0 68 56 .00 | 11.9 91 | Сіеаг 31 | 84 | е 7 + 1 71 55 .00 | 10.6 81 | Pt. cloudy easily see how the above observation might also be explained on the basis of moisture relations, but this is not substan- tiated by the experiment next described. On January 29, 1917, 6 badly diseased tomato plants were Е [Vor. 4 198 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN placed in each of 2 separate compartments in the experi- mental greenhouse, one of which was kept at 75-95? F. (aver- age 85° Ғ.), while the other was held at a temperature of 35-50? Е. (average about 45°).1 After a period of 7 to 10 L METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR SEPTEMBER, 1916 TEMPERATURE Degrees Fahrenheit) MOISTURE SUNSHINE E 2 3. p E 5 2 82 Е СНАВАС- о 421 o ч DAY & Ew Бо [ДЕ а © TER OF 9 ЕЗ |82 lge ч % | DAY glg pa] 25Е| ee аш] E | 88 21215 95 | 353 | з5& | 939 Е | 38 2 2 Sieg sac | sae |558] 5 |58 BH ee | б 52 2 - г. в. 1 14 | 66 | 7 — 4 33 95 37 0.2 2 | Cloudy 2 33 | 65 | 74 0 99 73 00 7.4 57 | Clear x 35 | 67 >| + 2 94 70 ‚00 11.0 85 | Clear 4|[90|69|80| 4- 7 38 59 00| 8.6 | 67 | Pt. cloudy )4 | 73 |: +11 y ( .00| 12.9 | 100 | Clear 6 | 93 | 71 +9 18 + ‚00 12.8 100 | Clear )1 | 66 + 5 і 86 .89 В. 59 | Pt. cloudy 8 | 78 | 67 0 90 ¢ .00 9.8 77 | Pt. cloudy 9 | 80 | 63 | 7 0 ) ( .00| 11.2 88 | Clear 10 | 84 | 64 + 2 ) 60 :00| 10.9 86 | Clear 1 35 | 70| 78| +7 ) 76 .00 9.8 78 |Pt. cloudy 2 179 | 66 | 72 | + | 79 .10 3.7 29 | Cloudy 13 | 70 | 63 | с — { ) 66 .00 5.0 40 | Cloudy A Ante So | ( —‹ 92 70 . 00 12:5 100 | Clear 5 | 64 | 49 | § —14 | 56 .00| 12.5 | 100 | Clear › | 72 | 49 | 60 | —10 11 { .00| 12.0 97 | Clear 67 | 53 | 60 | —10 tj 70 Ж, 11.4 92 | Clear 3 | 64 | 48 | 56 1: ( | .00 | 12.3 100 | Clear ) ) 3% -- ! 4 .00| 12.3 | 100 | Clear ) ) || 66 | — 3 ( 58 „22 4.3 35 | Cloudy 76 | ¢ ¢ 0 ( 52 ‚00 9.8 80 | Clear 73 | 56 | 64 | — 4 i 65 .00 | 12.2 100 | Clear EI 4-4 ( — 7 53 .00 12.1 100 | Clear L1 77 | 56 | 66 | — 1 62 ‚00 [.3 60 | Pt. cloudy у | 86 |€ 4 +7 84 47 ‚00 12.0 100 | Clear › | 86 | 67 | 76 | +9 { 51 ‚00 10.5 88 | Clear 7183 | 65 | 74| + 8 69 100 1.11 6.4 53 | Cloudy 3 | 65 | 46 | 56 | —10 85 ) MS 0.4 3 | Cloudy ) | 59 | 41 | 50 | —16 77 54 .00| 11.9 | 100 | Clear ) | 63 | 45 | 54 | —12 63 60 ‚00 11.8 100 | Clear days the plants in the room kept at high temperature showed less mottling, while 40 days later, at the time of this writing, temperature values are given in terms of Fahrenheit in order 1 The to facilitate comparison with the рани recorded іп the meteorological sum- maries 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 199 no mottling whatever can be detected. The plants in the com- partment kept at 45° Е., at this time, still show a great deal of mottling. The writer has not had time to carry on inocula- tion experiments. Ten tobacco plants were also placed in each BL METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR OCTOBER, 1916 TEMPERATURE Degrees Fahrenheit) MOISTURE SUNSHINE E Ё FE e E S 5 аз 5 CHARAC- © 4945 o “- DAY & Eo | Во 8 д 5 ТЕК ОЕ PERGAR = е. | олу ГИ" ВЕ | ЗЕ | ЕБЕ Ды | 3 | 25 £|] g| 55 | аба | Баяр E | 82 ... o "D ит | 5 РЕА ча“ ве = 22. 1 | 68 | 45 | 56 | — 9 72 49 .00 11.8 100 С1еаг 2 | 74 | 50 | 62| —3 80 52 .00 11.8 | 100 |Clear 5 9| 54/66} + 1 10 56 ‚00 1127 1 Clear 4 |81 | 57 1691 + 5 61 49 ‚00 1157 100 | Clear 5 | 84 | 62 | 73| +9 59 44 ‚00 9.8 84 |Clear 6 | 82 | 60 |711 + 8 91 55 00 11.6 100 Clear 71 86 | 65 | 7 +1: 3 57 00 14: 100 | Сеаг 8184 | 67 | 7 +14 79 64 00 o: Pt. cloudy 9 48 | 60 | — 88 " T. 0.0 0 udy o [4 4 4 —1 85 51 .00 11.4 100 аг 65|46|: -- 63 46 ‚00 Sie 75 | Pt. cloudy 2178 | 54 | ( + 54 ( T. 6. 54 oudy 3169 |: ( + 76 4 ‚00 gii 81 | Pt. cloudy 4 | 68 | 4 1 — 69 49 „07 6.4 57 | Pt. cloudy 591: 1 — 4 100 93 222 0.0 0 | Cloudy GEITA ( + 6 94 75 „01 4. 37 | Cloudy 60 | 46 |: — t ] 48 „00 ik; 100 | Clear 3153 | 4 49 | — $ 30 100 33 0.0 0 | Cloudy ) | 58 | 38 | 48 | — 9 9: 1 27 0.0 0 | Cloudy )-E 39 | 5 --22 94 84 05 0.0 0 Cloudy 3 30 | 40 | —16 ] 58 00 11.0 100 Clear ( E Е — 4 70 60 00 10. 96 С1еаг | 68 | 4 56 | 6 54 00 9.: 85 | Clear XE Xe ( +9 64 53 00 4. 38 | Pt. cloudy ( 4 54 0 86 58 01 6.0 56 | Pt. cloudy > | 64 | 40 |: — 1 E 40 00 8. 76 Clear i ¢ +9 4 47 00 10; 100 | Clear LXI 4 | 64 | +12 ( 38 .00 6.8 6 Pt. cloudy ) |75 | 54 | 64 | +12 ( 51 T: 4.0 38 | Pt. cloudy 30 | 74 | 50 | 62 | +11 94 74 .68 8.8 83 ]|Clea 31164 | 50/57 | +7 8 76 .00 10.6 | 100 [Clear compartment, but the results with tobacco were somewhat dif- ferent, since the plants differ physiologically from tomatoes. The tobaeco plants kept at 85? F. remained diseased, while those kept at 45° showed at least temporary recovery. This [Vor. 4 200 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN is illustrated in pl. 14. Plant No. 2 was kept at 85? F. and shows the young leaves passing through a venation stage into true mottling. Plant No. 1 kept at 45? Е. shows the reverse. Mottled leaves pass through the venation stage into an ap- METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR NOVEMBER, 1916 ЕМРЕЖАТОК MOISTURE Dices Fahrenheit) BUSES E E ae p Е 5 © 82 5 l. CHARAC- DAY Е Во Бо ДЕ = 5 ТЕК ОЕ 9 zs |28 |9883 5 | в. DAY Pe са од орд "DE ы да УЕ ВЕ |288 | 285 | Ses] 2 | es S|] 8) SS | sae | sac | see] E | & ЕЁ л ЖЛ 14.4" е z 16 1171 | 47 | 59 | +9 5 42 .00 | 10.5 100 | Clear 2167 | 51 | 59 | +10 2 00 1 19.1 100 | Clear 3 |66 | 48 | 57| + ( 3 ‚00 1.2 12 | Pt. cloudy 4 |79 | 60 | 70 | +22 6¢ 5: ‚00 7.4 71 | Clear 5 |79 | 59 | 69 | +21 7¢ 74 .00 | 10.4 | 100 | Clear 6 14:76 |-56 | 66. | +1 76 ‚00 10.4 100 Clear 15 | 59 | 67 | +20 71 1 .00 | 10.; 100 | Clear EI71153 11 +16 76 - .( 1.4 14 | Cloudy 9 | 56 | 44 | 50 | +4 9 29 .10 7.4 Сеаг 0 | 67 | 44 | 5 +11 64 47 .00 | 10.2 100 | Clear 62 | 4 - +7 90 56 .00 | 10.2 100 | Clear 2-1-57:1-29 |-4 +4 89 7 ‚00 6, 64 | Cloudy 3|39|22|30| —14 | 9 76 4 0.0 0 | Cloudy 4 | 29 МЕ --21 54 ‚00 10. 100 | Clear 5 1-34 | 20 | 2 —16 1 41 .00 10.0 100 | Clear 6 | 53 | 25 | 39| —4 43 .00 [10,0 | 100 | Clear 7148 |: 40 | — 2 | 46 ‚00 6.3 63 | Pt. cloudy 811 4 — 2 f 39 .00 |10.0 | 100 | Clear 9 | 68 | 4 - +13 ( 34 ‚00 9.9 | 100 | Clear 0 | 68 | 44 |! +14 E 41 .00 9.9 100 | Clear 49 | 36 | 4 +1 с 86 Т; 0. ( Cloudy 2) 55 |4 50|-+9 77 93 1.29 0. 0 | Cloudy 3153: |= 46 | + 6 89 70 ‚46 1. 1 Cloudy ee 34 | — 6 66 4 ‚00 9. 10 С1еаг 4 { 34 | — 6 70 44 .00 8.4 8 Pt. cloudy Ж Бе. : 46 | + 6 5 : .00 9.8 10 еаг d Е 50 | +11 4 47 ‚00 6.0 6 Pt. cloudy ЗЕ 50 | 55 | +16 88 79 .00 1.3 1: Cloudy ща 46 |: +12 9 41 ‚00 9.1 100 | Clear ) 36 |146| + 7 66 28 ‚00 9.6 100 Clear parently healthy stage, while the young leaves show but a slight venation and are nearly healthy. It was impossible to keep the temperature of this room down to 45° Е. during and after the early part of March, and it occasionally reached 1917] FREIBERG— MOSAIC DISEASES 201 84° Е. The plants which showed apparent recovery at the low temperature grew vigorously and showed some mottling. A single potato plant which had contracted the disease was discovered in the greenhouse, and this was placed in the room METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR DECEMBER, 1916 TEMPERATURE Degrees Fahrenheit) “үе зърна Е 5 5 8 2 a CHARAC- DAY & Еф Бо аа a © TER OF ев |898 | Ва |%в8 | 3 | Be] рлу ра: [5] i o i ната ы = жа [2 = 525 | S38 | жш = я к | ада чае | во Е оё „20 Е ч Св | oan © An SEs 5 54 СЕЕ 2 24 - х НЕ 1158 | 40 | 49 | +10 55 44 ‚00 9.6 | 100 | Clear 2 | 60 | 41 | 50 | +12 62 52 T 8.0| 83 | Clear 3 |68 | 49 | 58 | +20 78 74 ‚00 7.( Pt. cloudy 4 | 71 | 58 | 64 | +26 $ 53 T: 6.6 | 69 | Pt. cloudy 5 | 59 | 45 | 52 | +14 6 24 .00 6.8 | 71 | Clear 6 | 57 | 39 | 48 | +10 4 x .00 (i 74 | Clear 7 |69 | 50 | 60 | 4-2: ‹ E 0.0 0 | Cloudy 8|: 29 | 44 | + 7 ) ) „ФЕ 0.0 0 | Cloudy 9 24 | 31 | — 6 56 ‚00 9. 100 еаг ED 28 | 33 | — € 25 ИД LH 61 | Pt. cloudy 36|24|30|— 6 ) 02 0. 0 oudy 2 | 30 | 17 | 24 | —1: 4 T. 1. 11 loudy 312017114 | —2: ) ‚00 ER 33 | Cloudy 4 7|13| —2: 33 ‚07 0. 0 loudy 261-2144 2: JY 56 Ti бү 66 | Pt. cloudy 6 16 | 34 | — 72 ( 00 9.4 | 100 | Clear А 27 |32 | — 3 92 6 d 0.0 0 | Cloudy 3130119 | 24 | —1 66 ( JT. 6.( 64 | Clear › | 40 | 2 32 | — 3 7 é .00 0.4 4 | Cloudy ES 1 19 94 ¢ ‚02 12% 20 Cloudy 1 ) | —24] 84 5 04 0.0 Cloudy 2 —22 79 ( .00 9.4 | 100 | Clear 36 ; — 7 85 1 .01 6.: 69 | Cloudy 4751-90.|-: +4 77 60 ЕТ. ae 76 | Pt. cloudy 38 |: Е -- 2 82 ( .00 9.4 | 100 еаг 15814 4 +14 98 98 1.06 0.0 0 loudy 46 | 29 + 5 82 3 .00 6.1 65 | Pt. cloudy ШЕС ЕМЕ yj — 3 69 ) .00 9.4 | 100 ear Ж% 22 | — 7 63 у .00 9.4 | 100 | Clear 30 | 34 | 22 -- 5 66 ) ‚00 9.5 | 100 | Clear 31 | 40 | 24 0 69 ) 4 5а 6.9 73 Pt. cloudy kept at 85° F. At the end of 10 days nearly all mottling had disappeared, and the plant was then placed in the room kept at 45°. At the time of transfer, the sprouts which had been trailing on the ground were tied up. The leaves gradually [Vor. 4 202 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN began to drop off, presumably due to excessive transpiration, until only a few remained at the top. These later became chlorotic, but they were not uniformly colored, being speckled with green areas. Whether or not this can be interpreted as a recurrence of the disease or merely an unmasking of the formerly diseased areas cannot be stated positively, but it probably is the latter. The plant died shortly after this last observation was made. The case of this potato plant is, of course, but a single instance, but it is entirely in accord with the other observations. No record was kept of the amount of water supplied to the plants in the various experiments. They were all watered ac- cording to their normal needs under greenhouse conditions. The greenhouse observations substantiate those on the plot. When the tomatoes on the plot showed no mosaic, the tobacco and some of the cucurbits were greatly mottled. It therefore not only seems that individual plants exhibit an optimum for the mosaic in accordance with the optimum of their growth, but that there also may be a maximum beyond which little or no mosaic is manifested. If this is true we should also find a minimum, and some very interesting obser- vations have been made in this direction. In a recent article, Brierley (716) reports recovery of tomato plants from mosaic. Inoculations were made by him, but he states that ‘‘unfor- tunately the plant was killed outright by frost ten days later, at that time showing no sign of disease." From this we would conclude that the plant was kept in a comparatively cool place. This same phenomenon was observed in tobacco plants kept at 45° Е., as has been stated above and shown in pl. 14. Another observation was made in the fall of 1916. Plate 15, fig. 1, shows two plants (b and с) which are the same age, the one perfectly healthy, the other presumably affected with mosaic. On November 20 plant b was removed to a green- house to which no heat was supplied. The photograph of plant а was taken on December 13, 1916, after which plant b was placed in a greenhouse maintained at 65-75? Е. in order to note a probable recurrence of the disease. The plant, however, remained healthy and fruited normally. No 1917] FREIBERG—-MOSAIC DISEASES 203 greenhouse records are available for the cool greenhouse, but since no heat was supplied, the temperatures were in the neighborhood of those recorded in the monthly meteorological summaries given above. The question, of course, arises as to whether plant b is really affected with mosaic. The leaves are not truly mottled, but are venated. The malformation is characteristic, particularly of some of the new shoots appearing on old dis- eased tobacco plants. When discussing the effect of tempera- ture on the plants shown in pl. 14, it was stated that the leaves passed through the venation stage to true mottling or appar- ent recovery. It therefore seems that the venation stage is a transitional stage of mosaic, and as far as external appear- ances go, it is in this stage that we find plant b in pl. 15, fig. 1. The plants shown in pl. 14 assumed a healthy appearance by the gradual darkening of all the spaces between the veins, while in the case of diseased leaves only some of the veins “тип together,’’ the area between others remaining chlorotic and the leaf becoming truly mottled. The histology of this has not been worked out satisfactorily, but ‘‘recovery’’ in strongly venated leaves seems to be effected by a lengthening of the palisade cells and a normal elongation and growth of the cells in general. In the chlorotic areas the palisade cells remain short, division is infrequent, and elongation of the cells in general is retarded. The relation of growth to the development of the disease is of great importance. Another interesting observation on temperature relations is the following: Plate 15, fig. 2, shows a plant, the lowest shoot of which (c) is slightly mottled. The other shoots at the base (а and b) show no mottling whatever. Shoots а and b appeared during the time when the temperature of the greenhouse was low and sunlight was not abundant. Shoot с appeared during the early part of January when the tem- perature was higher and the illumination better. The plant was taken into the laboratory on January 10 to be photo- graphed, and on account of the inclemency of the weather was allowed to remain there until January 13, when it was observed that some of the large leaves were becoming ГУоп, 4 204 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN chlorotic. The plant was therefore removed to the green- house in spite of the danger of freezing. On January 16, it was noticed that the plant had been severely chilled and that the edges of nearly all the leaves were turning black. The three shoots referred to above were removed, macerated in 5 ec. of distilled water, and the extract used for inoculations. The shoots weighed from 1.5 to 2 grams. Checks were run by inoculating plants with the juice of healthy tobacco plants and with sterile tap water. Ten plants were used in each case. No infections whatever occurred, and this is particularly significant since all extracts gave a strong oxidase reaction with guaiacum and hydrogen peroxide. It would therefore seem that during the time which elapsed between the chilling of the plant and making the inoculations, the metabolism of the plant had been altered sufficiently to destroy the infective principle which the shoots originally contained. One can readily conceive of such an alteration, if we accept the enzymic theory as an explanation of the cause of the disease. The mottled shoots which had remained on the old stalk lost the sharp definition between lighter and darker areas, and the green shaded gradually into the lighter areas, the general position of which was marked by a yel- lowish brown spot. These results also show that the infective substance is not found in the tissue of normal plants. Recovery from mosaic has been denied by many workers, and we are not in a position at this time to state that the ex- periments reported above demonstrate actual recovery. The failure of most workers to observe anything in the direction of recovery of diseased plants may probably be accounted for by the fact that the work on this phase of the problem has been rather limited. Some work in this direction has been done by liming the soil, ete., but no elaborate experiments have been performed. The work has furthermore been done under environmental conditions which favored the develop- ment of the disease. We may rest assured that when plants are grown under such conditions that the spontaneous appearance of the disease is favorable, recovery from the malady will be exceedingly rare. This applies particularly to greenhouse 1917] FREIBERG—-MOSAIC DISEASES 205 conditions. Plants grown on plots or in the field mature and die or are cut down or killed by frost, which also precludes the possibility of observing total or apparent recovery. RELATION oF LIGHT то THE Mosaic DISEASE The effect of intensity of illumination or shading upon the development of the disease has been studied by Westerdijk (710), Sturgis (’00), Chapman (713), and others. А determi- nation of the effect of colored light upon the mosaic disease of tobacco was attempted in the work of Lodewijks ('10) and more recently in the experiments of Chapman (716). The work of Lodewijks, repeated by Chapman, is in brief as follows: It was desired to note the effect of red and blue light upon the development of the mosaic disease. The tops of badly mottled plants were therefore covered with hoods made of red and blue cloth which were allowed to remain for about 30 days. At the end of this period it was noticed that shoots under red hoods were somewhat less mottled, while those under blue hoods showed little or no evidence of the disease. It is very evident, however, that a red or a blue cloth hood does not give us a red or blue light, and all that can be ex- pected in these cases is a difference in the shading effect of these hoods. In order to determine the effect of different light waves, it would be necessary to grow the plants under glass as nearly monochromatic as possible. The results re- ported by Lodewijks and Chapman are entirely in accord with what one would expect if plants were shaded. The red hood would shade the plants to a certain extent, growth and meta- bolic activity would be less than normal, and the disease would be less pronounced. The blue hood, however, would absorb more light than the red hood, the shading effect would there- fore be greater, and the mottling would be reduced corre- spondingly. The effect of light on the development of the disease is no meager problem. There are at least two distinct phases. It is a well-known fact that the mere absorption of light by [Vor. 4 206 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN plants will raise their temperature from 4 to 11° C. above that of the surrounding atmosphere. The effect of light as regards increase in temperature is therefore important. Still more significant is the influence of light on the course of cer- tain chemical reactions. Photosynthesis, for example, does not proceed in the absence of light. This, however, is an ex- tremely complex and incompletely understood example, and the following illustration may serve to make the point clearer. When two volumes of chlorine are mixed with one volume of methane and the mixture exposed to strong sunlight, a violent explosion occurs, resulting in the formation of hydrochloric acid and the deposition of carbon, i. е., CH, + 20 = С + 4HCl. If the mixture is kept in the dark or diffuse light, chlorine substitution products are formed, i. e., CH4 + Cl; = CH3Cl-+ HCl, CHsCl+ Cl; = CHCl: + HCl, ete. This simple experiment serves to show the importance of light stimulus in the determination of the direction of certain chemical reactions. Since light plays such an important róle in the metabolic activities of green plants, its effect upon the manifestation of such a disturbance as the mosaic disease must be interpreted with the greatest reservation. TRANSMISSION OF THE Mosaic DISEASE THROUGH THE SEED A great deal of dissension may be noted in the literature on the transmissibility of the mosaic disease through seed. The early appearance of mosaic, which may occur in the second leaf, has led certain workers to conclude that the dis- ease must be carried over in the seed; yet, another sowing from the same sample of seed may yield plants which do not become diseased until they are half grown. Still greater con- fusion results when the idea is advanced that injury in trans- planting predisposes the plants to the malady. An attempt was made to throw further light upon this question, the method of growing plants in paper boxes as de- scribed above being adopted. About 1500 plants were handled in this manner. In some instances the tobacco seed was first sown in flats and then transplanted, while in other cases the 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES : 207 seed was planted directly in Ше boxes. No consistent results warranting a definite decision with respect to the transmis- sion of the disease through the seed was obtained. Neither does it seem possible by the method employed that injury can be a very great factor, and it should therefore be re- garded as incidental or disregarded entirely. It has been the general experience of all workers that the seeds of diseased plants usually give rise to healthy plants, and this in itself is evidence strongly in favor of the non- transmissibility of the disease through seed. If we consider this question from the standpoint of an organism or parasite, one can only arrive at a satisfactory explanation by assuming that the virus present in the placenta (Allard, 715) cannot penetrate the integuments of the ovule and is thus filtered out. A much better explanation is afforded by the physio- logical aspect of the problem. In this case we should not ex- pect to find the infective principle present in the seed. Mosaic is most pronounced in young shoots where growth, photosyn- thetic and metabolic activity is at its height. It is in these tissues that plant products are first formed. In the seed the physiological functions are entirely different. The relatively simple compounds elaborated in the green portion of the plant are polymerized there into storage products and no initial synthesis whatever occurs. The infective principle, if elaborated in young active shoots, may be transmitted to all parts of the plant through the general food stream and might therefore be present in the placenta. It might even enter the ovule, but on account of the specific functions of the ovule, embryo, and endosperm, the infective principle or correspond- ing enzyme might be altered and its continued formation ob- viated. We must bear in mind that in a problem of this kind we are dealing, from the standpoint of the host, with an ex- tremely complex organism and must not confuse an intricate, nevertheless complete, chemical reaction or function exhibited by it with such a phenomenon as, for example, multiplication of bacteria or ultramicroscopic parasites. This will be dis- cussed again later on. [Vor. 4 208 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Tue Inrective PRINCIPLE REGARDED AS AN ORGANISM The work reported above was undertaken with the hope of obtaining information on the chemical or physiological nature of mosaic diseases. The problem was not, however, treated solely from this standpoint, but was undertaken in an unbiased attitude with the hope of gaining any possible information on all sides of the problem. А set of experiments was therefore planned which might bring out more clearly any relation of mosaie diseases to parasites or filterable organisms. One method of attack was that of growing plants under sterile conditions. If plants grown under sterile conditions contracted the disease, the cultures otherwise remaining clean, one would, from a uniformity of results, be justified in concluding first, that the disease originated within the plant and that it is really of a metabolie or physiologieal nature, and second, that we have actually encompassed all physio- logieal faetors necessary for its production. If, on the other hand, no mosaic occurred, one would nevertheless not yet be justified in concluding that the disease must be due to an organism, since we are in the first place absolutely ignorant of the cause of the disease, and the physiologieal faetors nec- essary for its production may be absent or subdued. The cultures were prepared in the following manner: Jars (measuring 20 X 8 em. and 16 X 10 em.), specimen tubes (40 х 5 em.), cylinders (48 x 5.5 em. and 36 х 8 em.), and tall specimen jars (varying in size from 40 X 11 em. to about 60 x 16 em.) were used. А certain amount of soil, the quan- tity varying with the size of the jar, was placed in each jar and a proportionate amount of water was added. All vessels, with the exception of the tall specimen jars, were sterilized for 4 hours at 15 pounds pressure. The latter were sterilized with formaldehyde, rinsed with sterile distilled water, and into them a certain amount of sterile soil was then placed. Soils from different sources were used, i. e., from the plot containing diseased plants and from greenhouse plots in which diseased material had been grown. Soils from the to- 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 209 bacco and cucumber plots were kept separately. The seed was treated in different ways. The commercial seed was sterilized with formaldehyde and a check was run against this with unsterilized seed. Seed was then collected from dis- eased tobacco and cucumber plants and applied in a sterile and non-sterile form to sterile and non-sterile vessels. The necessity of growing plants which are to be used in physiological experiments under sterile conditions, has been recognized for some time, but comparatively little stress has been laid upon the desirability of employing sterile cultures of host plants in pathologieal work. When dealing with problems such as are encountered in the ‘‘physiological’’ dis- eases, methods like the above become quite essential In order that contamination might be detected in the sterile cul- tures, about 5 to 10 сс. of ordinary potato agar was poured on top of the soil before planting the seed. The number of cultures totaled 352. The cultures were set up October 29 and 30, 1916, and allowed to run until January 10, 1917. At this time many of the plants had died, none of them, however, having shown the slightest indication of mosaic. The nega- tive results obtained do not prove nor disprove anything, and this is particularly true, since the spontaneous occurrence of the disease was not observed anywhere in the greenhouse at that time of the year. The experiment will be repeated as soon as time permits. Another line of attack on this phase of the problem was the detection of metabolic activity in a medium containing an extract of diseased plants. The technique involved, however, was more complicated than was originally supposed, and while no results are available at this time, it is hoped that the experiments outlined will prove of great value. If the infective principle is of the nature of an enzyme, we should expect a definite chemical reaction to occur which should be governed by the laws dominating chemical reactions. The speed of the reaction might be influenced by acidity or alka- linity, but there should be no change in the nature of the end product. If, on the other hand, the infective principle is of the nature of an organism, we should expect a relatively [Vor. 4 210 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN simple constituent of the medium to be destroyed or used up in the metabolism of the organism. The organism should furthermore not be restricted to the use of a single compound as a source of food, but substitutions could be made. The metabolism would furthermore not be governed to the same extent nor in the same manner as are single chemical reac- tions, though it would undoubtedly be influenced by physio- logical relations much the same as are other organisms. New AND RECENTLY Descrisep Mosaic DISEASES Although cucumber mosaic has been known for several years, its economic importance has not been appreciated until recently. Since the prevalence of the disease is only par- tially known, it is difficult to estimate the annual loss in- volved, but it undoubtedly approximates a million dollars an- nually. It is reported from an area bounded by Minnesota, Colorado, Mississippi, Virginia, and New York. The foliage of diseased plants always assumes the curled or crinkled and mottled appearance characteristic of mosaic diseases, while the fruit may remain small and cone-shaped, or become ex- tremely ‘‘warted’’ and mottled, or only mottled and по! greatly deformed as shown in pl. 16, fig. 1. The new mosaic disease of peanuts has recently been de- scribed by McClintock (’17). But a single plant was found, and all inoculation experiments gave negative results. On account of shortage of material with which to carry on ex- tensive inoculation experiments, it was impossible to establish definitely the identity of the disease. A disease appearing spontaneously on avocado plants! grown in the greenhouse for experimental purposes, showed all the characteristics of mosaic diseases. So far as can be ascertained by the writer, no observations of this kind have ever been made. The plants were grown in a room together with diseased tobacco plants, and it is therefore impossible to state whether the disease was contracted from the tobacco or whether it is distinctive of the avocado. The plants are 1 The seeds for these Ба ди obtained from Santa Anna, California, through the courtesy of W. 5. Ree 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 21% now being used іп connection with physiological experiments, and want of material has precluded carrying on inoculation experiments, though this will be done as soon as possible. Plate 17 shows the healthy and diseased avocado plants. Discussion oF Recent INVESTIGATIONS Whether ог not mosaic diseases are initially ‘‘physio- logical’? or are caused by an organism, it is nevertheless apparent from the preliminary results on physiological re- lations reported above that the physiological side of the prob- lem is an extremely important one. After the physiological relations are more clearly understood, we will undoubtedly be able to account more fully for some of the inconsistencies of results, such as failure to get infection after inoculation or the spontaneous occurrence of diseased plants among checks. This is true regardless of the origin of the disease. Since so little is known concerning ‘‘physiological’’ diseases, it is impossible to cite conclusive data as regards environ- mental influences exerted on their causes. In the case of diseases which have been proven to be due to well-described organisms, we are able to correlate the effects of environmental factors with something tangible and the results are always obvious. In any event, such problems must be considered from two different aspects, i. e., from the stand- point of the host and from the standpoint of the parasite. Work on temperature and host relations, covering a period of several years, has recently been reported by Gilman (716). Our present knowledge on the subject has been admirably summarized by him. The importance of physiological path- ology has also been brought out by the work of Selby (’99), Orton (213), Halsted (298), Balls (708), Reed (710), Earle (702), and others. If mosaic diseases are caused by an organism, the effect of those climatic conditions favorable for their manifestation may be accounted for, first, by the favor- able effect exerted upon the organism, and second, by the favorable effect on the host which, however, makes it better prey for the parasite. If, on the other hand, mosaic diseases [Vor. 4 212 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN are ‘‘physiological’’ in origin, then any physical condition which would accelerate a particular type of chemical reaction would tend to make the disease more pronounced. It was not until July, 1916, that any experiments were re- ported on the properties of the infective principle of mosaic diseases. Allard (716%) at this time reported on a set of ex- periments which he interpreted as further evidence in favor of his view that mosaic diseases are due to a filterable para- site or **virus." His results are in brief as follows: A number of filtration experiments were carried on, from the results of which Allard concluded that the organism was filtered out. These results can, however, be explained on an entirely different basis. Lacking a Berkefeld filter, he filtered the extract through a Livingston atmometer porous cup. It was found that the resulting filtrate contained no infectious substance. Although one might conclude that if an organism had been present, it was filtered off, it nevertheless does not preclude the possibility that a colloidal compound or enzyme, because of its relatively large particles or partial absorptive phenomena, might not also have been arrested by the filter. The extract was next filtered through powdered tale. It was found that if a certain amount of extract was filtered through a certain amount of tale, a stage was reached at which all of the infectious properties were filtered off. However, on studying the data, we notice that the oxidase activity was also destroyed entirely or reduced correspondingly. This should therefore not be interpreted as a simple filtration ex- periment with an organism, but as an illustration of the high absorptive properties possessed by colloids in general and therefore by enzymes, such as the oxidases and probably the infective principle of mosaic diseases. Precipitation experiments with ethyl alcohol were also саг- ried out by Allard. For this purpose 45, 50, 75, and 80 per cent alcohols were used. In each case a certain amount of ex- tract was taken and enough absolute alcohol added to give the desired concentration. The mixture was allowed to stand from 1 to 2 days, at the end of which time the precipitate was filtered off and dried at room temperature. Suspensions of 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 213 this were then used for inoculations. The precipitates ob- tained with 45 and 50 per cent alcohol produced the disease, while those obtained with 75 and 80 per cent alcohol gave negative results. Any one familiar with the preparation of enzymes is conscious of the fact that the higher concentra- tions of alcohol destroy most enzymes in a comparatively Short time, and this is probably what happened when Allard treated his material with alcohol for 2 days. Dilute concen- trations of alcohol do not exert a deleterious action, and 20 to 30 per cent is therefore often used during the process of extraction in order to prevent bacterial action. The results of Allard should, therefore, not be interpreted as proof of the destruction of the mosaic organism by higher concentra- tions of alcohol, but rather to illustrate the deleterious effect which high concentrations of alcohol exert on enzymes such as the infective principle of.mosaie diseases. Extracts were next treated with hydrogen peroxide in order to destroy the oxidases. A concentration was found at which all oxidases were destroyed, but the infective principle was retained. It was this method which enabled Allard to demonstrate that mosaic diseases are not caused by oxidases. The problem was then attacked from the other angle and the infective principle was destroyed while the oxidases were retained. This was accomplished by adding different concen- trations of formaldehyde. When concentrations of formalde- hyde of 1:800 and 1:1000 were employed, only 1 plant out of 10 became infected. When greater concentrations were used no infections resulted, while with greater dilutions the infec- tious properties were retained to a considerable degree. Al- though not specifically stated by Allard, this was presumably interpreted to mean that formaldehyde was penetrating enough to kill the organism. On the other hand, it suggests a specificity of reaction of a compound with formaldehyde, and probably with aldehydes in general. Furthermore, if formaldehyde is one of the first products of photosynthesis, as contended by Usher and Priestley (’06, ’06"), Schryver (710), and others, one can easily conceive of a physiological origin of mosaic diseases. There is less carbohydrate in the [Vor. 4 214 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN lighter areas of diseased leaves than in the darker. If the metabolism of the cells of the lighter areas is such as to ar- rest the formation of formaldehyde, the formation of unusual enzymes might take place which, when introduced into a normal healthy individual, are capable of reproducing them- selves and stimulating a pathological condition in a manner which will be described later. Dried and ground mosaic material was next treated with various organic extractives. Ten grams of dried material were treated with 70 сс. of the extractive for 2 days. At the end of this time the extractive was filtered off and evapo- rated at room temperature. Inoculations were later made with water suspensions of the residue obtained after the evaporation of the extractive, and also with water extracts of the material which had previously been treated with the extractives. The extractives used were ether, chloroform, earbon tetrachloride, toluene, acetone, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, and glycerin. No infections (with one exception) resulted when inoculations were made with the water sus- pension of the residue obtained after the evaporation of the extractive. This exception was that of glycerin. In this case, however, the residue had been macerated with the extractive, and Allard later found that if the glycerin was simply allowed to act on the dried mosaic material and was then poured off, it contained little, if any, of the infectious principle. When inoculations were made with the water extract obtained from material which had been previously treated with various ex- tractives, infections resulted in all cases except in those where alcohol had been used. All this is entirely in accord with what one would expect if we were dealing with an enzyme. If the infectious substances were of the nature of an organism, it certainly should have been destroyed by treatment for 2 days with concentrated solutions of such antiseptics as ether, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, acetone, toluene, and glycerin. It also lends fur- ther proof to the contention that in the case of treatment with formaldehyde the destruction of the infectious substance was due, not to the antiseptic properties of formaldehyde, but 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 215 was the result of a chemical reaction; and the reason for the destruction of the infective principle at a concentration of 1:800 is that it required this quantity of formaldehyde to balance the reaction. Glycerin, in varying concentrations, is frequently used as an extractive for enzymes. The solution of the enzyme actually takes place in the water, but the use of glycerin is advantageous on account of its penetrating power and preservative properties. The other extractives employed by Allard, when used in connection with enzyme work, are used only as preservatives. The fact that the infective principle can be extracted only with water is in accordance with the common practice of secur- ing enzymes by dissolving them in water or obtaining them as aqueous extracts. The action of the alcohol on the dried material was two-fold. In the first place, it had a tendency to precipitate the enzyme in the tissue, thus making subse- quent extraction impossible, and in the second place, the alcohol exerted a destructive influence upon the enzyme. Allard also treated green tissue with extractives. In these cases he was able to extract the infective principle at least to some degree. However, this should be regarded as a solu- tion of the enzyme in the water naturally present in the plant, the extractives merely acting as antiseptics. It was also found that the ‘‘virus’’ could be thrown out of suspension with precipitates of aluminium hydroxide and nickel hydroxide. This merely demonstrates the familiar process of flocking out colloidal suspensions and is entirely applicable to enzyme solutions. The effect of heat was tested on both wet and dry material. Extracts, according to the results of early workers, lose their infectious properties at 65-75° C. Although this is the lethal temperature for many organisms, it is also the temperature at which most enzymes are deactivated. Allard states that “Ше infective principle of the virus is quickly and perma- nently destroyed at temperatures near the boiling point. . . ."' This is not only applicable to enzymes but also to other com- pounds readily undergoing hydrolysis. Dried heat destroyed the infective principle of dry material at 130° C., but Allard's [Vor. 4 216 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN data show that oxidase activity was also destroyed at this point. A temperature of —180° C. did not destroy the *virus." Although some organisms can withstand a tempera- ture as low as this, it is also a fact that chemical compounds, including enzymes, can be cooled to any degree without changing their constitution. Various workers have found that fermented extracts of mosaic material gradually lose their infectious properties. This has also been experienced by the writer. Allard (716%), on the other hand, states ‘‘that the virus will retain its in- fectious properties almost indefinitely without the addition of toluene. With no preservative whatever added, the bottled virus was highly infectious when tested 12 to 15 months later, although putrefaction had taken place.” We are not in a position to discuss this matter at this time since we are abso- lutely ignorant of the cause of this putrefaction. It might have been due to the action of bacteria, of wild yeasts or fungi, or the activity of autolytie enzymes present in the ex- tract. On the other hand, if the infective principle is as sensi- tive to formaldehyde as Allard’s results indicate, the destruc- tion of the infectious properties might have been due to the formaldehyde resulting from the oxidative decomposition of chlorophyll (Warner, 74). Тһе extracts are preserved as aqueous solution, generally using toluene as a preservative. This is exactly the manner in which enzyme digestion mix- tures are set up, which is further indication that when putting up an extract of mosaic material in this manner, we are pre- serving an enzyme and not an organism. Considerable disagreement may be noticed in the literature as regards the transmissibility of the mosaic disease of certain plants to other species. Some of the work on this phase of the problem is reviewed briefly in a recent article by Allard (716"), and results are reported which indicate that the mosaic disease of Nicotiana viscosum is distinct from that of Nicotiana tabacum. These results might lead one to conclude that these are ‘‘biological species’ or ‘‘physio- logical races’’ of the mosaic **virus." However, it is a well- known fact, particularly in animal physiology, that fluids, 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 217 toxins, or enzymes from one species may not affect closely related species. The constitutional or physiological differ- ences between two species make these organisms two differ- ent species, and the ability of certain plants to resist the in- fluence of certain mosaic extracts can be accounted for on physiological grounds. It is the physiological difference be- tween hosts which makes some of them immune to a disease while others are susceptible, and it is likewise a physiological difference among parasites which makes ‘‘physiological races’’ physiological races. The term is used primarily in connection with the parasitism of rusts, mildews, etc., which may be detected with the naked eye and are adequately de- scribed. The term should not be used in connection with the infective principle of mosaic diseases which has never been seen, never been described, and the ‘‘properties’’ of which are only partially known. If the term is used at all it should be used only as a matter of convenience, and this is dis- couraged since it tends to lead to confusion. From the above it is obvious that when injecting the in- fective substance obtained from a diseased plant into a healthy plant, we are handling an enzyme and not an organ- ism. Although nothing is known as regards the nature of this enzyme, it is probably, judging from its reaction with formaldehyde, of the nature of an aldehydase. If formalde- hyde is one of the first products of photosynthesis, one can easily conceive of a physiological origin of mosaic diseases. A probable relation with photosynthesis is furthermore brought out by the observation on the carbohydrate content of the lighter and darker areas of diseased leaves, as was pointed out in the microchemical work reported above. The problem has, in the light of these facts, assumed a somewhat different aspect. Although nothing is known as to the nature of the enzyme, the main issue of the problem is this: How does this enzyme originate and what are the factors which induce its formation? As was pointed out by the writer earlier in this paper, and as has also been shown by Allard, this infective principle is not found, at least in active form, in healthy plants grown under normal conditions. If it is [Vor. 4 218 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN present, inhibitory factors are also present which hold it in check, determine its reactions, and do not allow it to be formed to such an extent as to exert pathological influences. It is of course true that we have no basis for assuming that this supposed enzyme is the initial cause of the disease, and may be considered by some as a result of the disorder, but we are nevertheless forced to the conclusion that when this supposed enzyme is injected in an active form into healthy plants, it is capable of stimulating its further production, and therefore we have reason to believe that it is the causal agent in all cases. The physiological conditions which deter- mine its production form the nucleus of another problem. A point which may seem to be greatly in favor of the ‘‘virus’’ theory is that the extract may be diluted 1:1000 or even 1:10,000 and still retain the capacity of inducing the disease in healthy plants. It is a well-known fact, however, that nearly all chemical reactions reach their termination better and more completely when the chemicals are brought together in relatively dilute concentrations. This is particu- larly applicable to substances of a colloidal nature. Chemical reactions resulting from the activity of such colloidal com- pounds as enzymes, are largely dependent upon the adsorp- tive power of these enzymes. If, then, they are present in relatively dilute concentrations, the colloidal particles will be more dispersed, the opportunity for adsorptive phenomena greater, and chemical action free to proceed in its normal course. If the enzyme producing mosaic diseases is extremely active, one may easily understand how great dilution would yet enable it to induce metabolic disturbances. When reac- tions of this kind are carried on in vitro, the activity, on ac- count of a limited amount of material, will ultimately cease. In a living organism, however, the situation is entirely dif- ferent. More compounds are constantly being formed as the result of metabolic activity. When these compounds are acted upon by the enzymes, the end products or the interme- diate products formed may stimulate the formation of more of the enzyme, which in turn will lead to further disturbances. 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 219 This may be hard to understand, but that similar phenom- ena do occur is an established fact. It has been demonstrated in animal physiology as well as in plant physiology. Abder- halden and his co-workers have found that if, for example, native protein, proteoses, or peptones are introduced parent- ally into an organism, enzymes normally not present in the blood will be formed (Underhill, 75). The proteolytic enzymes produced hydrolyze the compounds to amino acids which are then absorbed from the blood stream by the tissues. When hydrolysis of the compounds has been completed, the enzymes disappear again, but will be reformed upon the in- jection of more of the proteinaceous substances. Knudson (713) found that tannase is not produced by Aspergillus niger nor by certain species of Penicilliwm if tannic acid or its decomposition product, gallie acid, is omitted from the nu- trient solution. The amount of tannase produced increases in accordance with the concentration of the acids. Many other examples might be cited, all of them illustrating the same point. If the mosaic enzyme acts upon a compound present in the healthy plant, or if in the process of photosynthesis it deter- mines the formation of certain compounds, we can easily con- ceive how the presence of some of the end products or interme- diate produets may stimulate the formation of more of the enzyme. We must remember that after the enzyme has once been introduced into the plant, it plays a part in, and in fact becomes a part of, the metabolism of the plant. This fact be- comes obvious when we consider the malformations and the large amount of ‘‘infective principle’’ that the substance gives rise to when injected into normal plants. These interpretations are entirely in accord with the funda- mental principles upon which all our scientific conceptions in pathology and biology are based. The continued formation of the mosaic enzyme when once introduced into a healthy plant has been accounted for on purely physiological grounds. It is of course true that self-reproduction is a characteristic of living things, but this must not be confused with the repro- duction of chemical compounds, including enzymes, in a highly [Vor. 4 220 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN developed and complex organism. The ability to produce these compounds according to the needs of the organism has been demonstrated by the work of Abderhalden and his col- laborators, by Knudson, and others. We cannot compare the functions of a complex organism, such as the ability to pro- duce certain compounds in accordance with its need for them, or the ability to determine the course of extremely complex, yet complete, chemical reactions, with a function which the organism can perform only as an entity, such as self-reproduc- tion. We furthermore must not confuse ‘‘self-reproduction’’ in comparatively simple organisms, like the bacteria, with the produetion and reproduction of enzymes in the higher plants and animals. It is likewise true that many infectious dis- eases are associated with parasitism, but there are many which have not found an explanation in this cause. Examples of this in animals are measles, chicken-pox, mumps, scarlet fever, etc., while the group of ‘‘physiological diseases’’ of plants serves as an example for the vegetable kingdom. The fact that self-reproduction in a simple organism and the production of certain substances in a complex organism are two entirely different things is furthermore demonstrated by the following example. We are all familiar with the fact that the pathological condition characterizing diphtheria is attributable to the toxin produced by Bacillus diphtheriae which has lodged itself in the pharyngeal passages. If a por- tion of the toxin is injected into a normal individual, he will succumb to the pathological condition, 1.е., lesions of the heart, nerves, kidneys, etc., characteristic of diphtheria, and additional toxin will be produced in his system; yet no organism has entered into the case. The inflamed condi- tion of the throat will, of course, be absent, but this is largely the result of local irritation. Similar reactions occur in the production of serums, anti-bodies, and the like in other diseases, and it is upon the ability of an organism to produce and reproduce such complex substances and enzymes that the science of immunology is based. It is unfortunate that we have to go to the field of animal pathology for examples of this sort, but we are forced to do 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 221 so because of the complexity of these reactions and, further- more, because of our ignorance of such things in the vegetable kingdom. The writer does not wish it to be thought that in drawing upon animal pathology for examples, an oppor- tunity is sought for begging the question of the production of the mosaic enzyme in infected plants. It merely serves to illustrate the fact that the production of the mosaic enzyme is no more complex than the production of toxins, serums, and the like in animal pathology, all of which are accounted for on physiological grounds. In the light of all evidence now at hand, we must consider the infective principle of mosaic diseases as being an enzyme, and in doing so we do not abuse any of our fundamental bio- logical conceptions of pathology and physiology. SUMMARY The evidence that has accumulated from the efforts of recent workers on mosaie diseases and that presented in this paper enable us to formulate the following summary: 1. Mosaic diseases are not caused by an unbalanced inorganic nutrition. The inorganic elements are present in diseased and healthy tissue in relatively the same amounts. 2. Carbohydrates are more abundant in the dark green than in the light green areas, regardless of the time of day. 3. Proteins are present in both the lighter and darker areas. Preliminary nitrogen analyses indicate that the quantity of protein in the lighter areas is slightly in excess of that in the darker areas. 4. Whether or not the disease is initially due to physiological disturbances or to parasites, the physio- logical phase is an extremely important one. 5. Preliminary observations on temperature relations indicate that thére is not only an optimum for the mani- festation of the disease, but also a maximum and mini- mum above and below which the disease is checked. The [Vor. 4 222 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN development of the disease is arrested sufficiently to sug- gest apparent recovery. 6. Properties of the infective principle substantiate the view that the infectious substance is an enzyme and not а ‘‘virus.’’ This enzyme is not of the nature of the oxidases giving the guaiacum reaction. 7. The infective principle is greatly adsorbed by tale, a phenomenon characteristic of all colloidal compounds including enzymes. 8. There is a specificity of reaction between the infec- tive principle or mosaic enzyme and formaldehyde and probably with aldehydes in general. 9. The destruction of the infective principle cannot be attributed to the antiseptic properties of formalde- hyde, since treatment with concentrated solutions of the best antiseptics as ether, chloroform, carbon tetra- chloride, toluene, acetone, and glycerin does not destroy the infectious properties. 10. The infectious properties are destroyed by con- centrations of alcohol which are destructive to enzymes. 11. The temperatures which destroy the infectious properties are the same as those which inactive enzymes or hydrolyze some organic compounds. Cooling has no greater effect on such properties than is exerted on any chemical compound, including enzymes. 12. The reproduction of the mosaic enzyme сап be ас- counted for on purely physiological grounds, but the factors which originally induced its formation are still unknown. 13. Тһе specificity of reaction of the mosaic enzyme with formaldehyde and the unbalanced carbohydrate rela- tion between lighter and darker areas, combined with the contention that formaldehyde is one of the first products of photosynthesis, suggest a basis upon which the physio- logical nature of mosaic diseases may be explained. 14. The continued production of the mosaic enzyme in inoculated plants is in accord with the fundamental principles of pathology and physiology. 1917] FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 223 In conclusion the writer wishes to express his indebtedness to Dr. С. Т. Moore and the Missouri Botanical Garden for generously providing facilities with which to prosecute the problem, and also, to thank Dr. B. M. Duggar for numerous suggestions and helpful criticisms. Graduate Laboratory, Missouri Botanical Garden. BIBLIOGRAPHY Man ee zr А 20. The mosaic disease of tobacco. Т). 8. Dept. Agr., Bul. 40: (142). 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Lab. “Willie Commelin Scholten,” Mededeel. 1: 1-20. 1910. iem АЖ. (709); онаи оп the mosaic disease of tobacco. U. 8. Dept. Agr., 1902. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bul. 18: 1-24. pl. 1-6. Zuzuki, U. (700). Report of Heec on the mulberry-dwarf troubles—a disease widely spread in Japan. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Coll. Agr. Bul. 4: 167- 226. 1900—02. 226 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 14 Fig. 1. Effect of low temperature (45° Е.) upon the develop- ment of the mosaic disease of tobacco: a, old leaf still showing mosaic; b, young leaf NS very slight venation at the tip, but otherwise normal; c, older leaf showing slight venation, but no mottling. Fig. 2. Effect of »- temperature (85° F.) upon the develop- ment of the mosaie disease of tobacco: a, young leaf showing vena- tion; b, older leaf sho қынай venation changing to mottling; о, old leaf showing mottling. This leaf is about the same age as leaf с in fig. 1. fake ы E change from venation to mottling, temperature e venation still present in tip of leaf, but otherwise mottled т. келмедің leaf venated throughout. ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., VOL. 4, 191; PLATE 14 FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 228 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 15 ig. l. Effect of temperature on the development of the mosaie pre of tobacco. Plants 0 and с, grown at a temperature of 5-75° Ж; аге the same age. Plant b is apparently affected with m 1916. Plant a shows b on е 13, 1916, after having bee kept at a temperature of about 40° Е. and illustrates meer recovery. Fig. 2. An old diseased plant transferred to the greenhouse in the fall. Shoots а and b appeared while the о was low (about 40-45° Е.) and illumination poor, and not show mottling. Shoot с appeared while the non us was "high (about 60-70* F.) and sunlight more abundant. Slight mottling is evident. ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 191 PLATE 15 FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 230 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 16 Fig. 1. Mosaic disease of cucumber, Fig. 2. Mosaic disease of tobacco. Fig. 3. Mosaic disease of citron. [Vor. 4, 1917] ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 16 FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES 232 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 17 Figs. 1 and 2. Mosaic disease of avocado. Fig. 3. Diseased and healthy avocado plants; November 1, 1916; photographed March 28, 1917. seed planted PLATE 4,1917 VOL. GARD., ANN. Mo. Вот. FREIBERG—MOSAIC DISEASES Annals 0 Missouri Botanical Garden Vor. 4 SEPTEMBER, 1917 No. 3 ODONTIA SACCHARI AND O. SACCHARICOLA, NEW SPECIES ON SUGAR CANE! EDWARD ANGUS BURT Mycologist and. Librarian to the Missouri Botanical Garden Associate Professor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University Among the higher fungi which have been collected by Mr. J. A. Stevenson in his pathological work at the Insular Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, Porto Rico, two species of Odontia on sugar cane are so well characterized as to be clearly distinct from species already known. Since Mr. Ste- venson wishes to consider these fungi in a paper which will appear in the Journal of Agriculture, Porto Rico, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1917, the descriptions are now published. Odontia Sacchari Burt, n. sp. Type: in Burt Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused—portions may be peeled from substratum when moistened — floccose, white, becom- ing ivory-yellow to pale olive-buff with age or in the her- barium, not cracked, the margin thinning out, floccose-reticu- late under a lens; granules minute, sometimes so minute that they may be overlooked except in sectional preparations, crowded, about 8 to a mm.; in structure 100-300 р thick, with the granules extending 15-45 » more, composed of suberect, branched, loosely interwoven, hyaline hyphae 315-4 д in diam- eter, occasionally nodose-septate, not incrusted, bearing singly along their sides in their middle region hyaline, cylindric, even 1 Issued September 20, 1917. ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., VoL. 4, 1917 (233) [VoL. 4 234 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN spores 9-11X3—4 и; basidia simple, with 2 sterigmata; basid- iospores hyaline, even, subglobose, 3343-354 ш; cystidia septate, cylindric, more or less granule-incrusted, hyaline, 6-9 џ in diameter, protruding 20-60 y, about 1-3 to a granule at the apex. Fig. 1. О. Sacchari. Section of granule of fructification, showing young basidia and incrusted cystidium, 0; basidia with two sterigmata, b; basidiospores, в; hyphae and lateral spores from interior of fructification, n. 855. Fructifications 3-5 em. in diameter. On dead sheath bases and cane trash of sugar cane. Cuba and Porto Rico. April, July, and August—the best specimen in August. When specimens of this species were originally received from the Cuban Experiment Station in 1905, I was disposed to place the species in the genus Peniophora, because the hy- menium was so nearly even in the dried condition. Collections recently received from Mr. Stevenson, Rio Piedras Experi- ment Station, show granules distinctly visible in the dry fruc- tification. In all specimens granules show distinctly in sec- tions prepared for microscopical examination, and each gran- ule has one or more cystidia emerging from its apex, hence this species is a true Odontia. The noteworthy characters of О. Sacchari are its minutely granular hymenium, which is sometimes nearly even under a lens, the numerous spores 1917] BURT—ODONTIA SACCHARI AND О. SACCHARICOLA 235 among the hyphae between the hymenium and the substratum, and the basidia with two sterigmata. The spores of the inte- rior of the fructification are borne singly on short lateral out- growths along the hyphae of the fructification, as shown in the accompanying figure. Only two basidiospores have been found, one of which was attached to the sterigma. Deeply staining basidia form a normal hymenium but are apparently immature, for only a very few basidia show sterigmata yet. Specimens examined: Cuba: Santiago de las Vegas, W. Т. Horne, type. Porto Rico: Rio Piedras, J. A. Stevenson, 2908, 5628, 6382 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 7090, 9488, and 54788 respec- tively, and J. В. Johnston, comm. by J. A. Stevenson, 4509 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54586). 1 ШК % A E Fig. 2. О. saccharicola. Section of two granules, showing young basidia апа hair-like cystidia, 0; basidium and attached spore, s; hypha, A; stellate crystals, er. X 855 Odontia saccharicola Burt, n. sp. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, adnate, very thin, pul- verulent, not cracked, whitish, drying cartridge-buff, the mar- gin narrow and thinning out; granules minute but distinct, about 6-9 to a mm.; in structure 30-50 д thick, with the gran- ules extending 45-60 » more, composed of loosely and some- what horizontally arranged, branched, short-celled hyphae 2%%—8 шіп diameter, not nodose-septate, not incrusted but hav- ing in the spaces between hyphae numerous stellate crystals 444-714 шіп diameter from tip of ray to tip of opposite ray; cystidia hair-like, flexuous, not incrusted, septate, weak, often [Vor. 4, 1917] 236 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN collapsed, tapering upward to a sharp point, 144-3 и in diam- eter, protruding 8-18 и, about 1-3 to a granule at the apex; basidia simple, cylindric-clavate, with 4 sterigmata reduced to mere points; basidiospores hyaline, even, 5% X 215 и, flat- tened on one side. Fructifications 3-5 em. broad, extending from the ground upward on sugar cane, in some cases 20 em. or more and some- times wholly surrounding the canes. On living stalks of Saccharum officinarum and Paspalum. Porto Rieo. December to February, May, June, and Octo- ber—spore-bearing basidia found only in October and Febru- ary collections. This species is thinner than O. Sacchari and is composed of shorter-celled hyphae which are not suberect, not nodose-sep- tate, and do not bear spores in the interior of the fructifica- tion. The stellate crystals are present abundantly in all speci- mens which have been received and appear to be of aid for the recognition of this species, especially so if the specimen is young. Specimens examined: Porto Rico: Rio Piedras, J. A. Stevenson, 3176, type, 564, 2657, 2657а, 3617, 6213 (іп Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 10232, 9896, 6565, 8371, 10247, 54789 respectively); Canovanas, J. А. Stevenson, 5502 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9502). THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII! CoNIOPHORA EDWARD ANGUS BURT Mycologist and Librarian to the Missouri Botanical Garden Associate Professor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University CONIOPHORA Coniophora De Candolle, Fl. Fr. 6: 34. 1815; Persoon, Мус. Eur. 1:153. 1822; Karsten, Rev. Мус. 39: 93. 1881; Finska Vet.-Soe. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37: 159. 1882; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 647. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25: 128. 1889; Schroeter, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3:430. 1888; Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. L1** : 120. 1898.—Coniophora as a subgenus of Corticium Fries, Hym. Eur. 657. 1874; Cooke, Grevillea 8 : 88. 1880.—Coniophorella Karsten, Finl. Basidsv. 438. 1889; Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1:110. 1903. Fructifications resupinate, effused, fleshy, subcoriaceous or membranaceous; hymenium somewhat undulate-tuber- cular, granular, or even, usually pulverulent with the spores; cystidia present in some species; basidia simple; spores even, ochraceous, sometimes nearly colorless. Соторһоға is closely connected on one side with Corticium and Peniophora by such pale-spored species as Coniophora polyporoidea, on another side with the colored-spored вес- tion of Merulius, and on still another with Grandinia by sev- eral species with granular or minute papillae in the hymenium, although the spores of Coniophora are colored, while those of Grandinia are white. Fully developed, mature fructifications of Merulius have the hymenial surface more or less reticulate with obtuse folds, imperfectly porose, or obsoletely toothed, while the departure from the even hymenial surface in Coniophora is at the most only undulate-tubercular or granular. Since some species OTE End in — < the hye of specimens studied is А, аман in Part VI, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. , footnote. The technical color term in this work -— p ose of iie Color Standards and Nomenclature. Wash- ington, D. C., 1 Issued Шы, 20, 1917. ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (237) [Vor. 4 238 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN of Merulius have the hymenium even in some small, im- mature fructifications and with a broad, marginal, even region in larger ones, it is necessary to see fully mature and well-developed fructifications to be certain that a collection of one of these connecting species is a Coniophora rather than a Merulius. The absence of a definite statement by De Candolle on this point led Fries to question the generic position of Coniophora membranacea DC. The dark color of spores in the mass in spore collections is a decisive character for distinguishing some species of Comophora from Corticium and Peniophora. In working with dried herbarium specimens which lack spore collections, if the natural color pigment of sections is destroyed and bleached by KHO solution, some sections should be treated with laetie acid to determine whether the spores are hyaline or pigmented like the hyphae. In my experience lactic acid does not change a common, ochraceous, fungous pigment which is dissolved and bleached by KHO solution. All our species of Coniophora are saprophytic on wood and cause dry rot of the wood. The most of these species are rare or have been collected infrequently, and record is lacking of the extent of rot which they cause. Соторһоға cerebella, more commonly called C. puteana, is common and widely dis- tributed throughout the northern United States and Canada. It is very destructive to structural timber of coniferous species if poorly seasoned or if used in moist places where there is a poor circulation of air or if used in contact with the ground without previous treatment with a wood preser- vative. In the United States this species seems to be as im- portant an agent of timber decay as the Merulius lacrymans group of species is in Europe. While Coniophora cerebella attacks chiefly coniferous timber of buildings, bridges, docks, ete., in forests it is often found on logs of deciduous species. C. arida is another species of this genus so common as to be of economic importance. This species has been collected but rarely on other than a coniferous substratum; it ranges rather farther south than the general range of C. cerebella but has not been received from farther south than Louisiana. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 239 The collections which have been available seem to indicate that Соторһоға is more abundant in temperate than in trop- ical regions. Our few species which have cystidia are not segregated as Coniophorella, because such segregation would place two common species, C. suffocata and C. olivascens, in the posi- tion of troublesome intermediates with some of their speci- mens seeming to belong in Coniophora in the restricted sense and others in Comophorella. The per cent of connecting species is obviously too large for cleavage into natural genera. KEY ro THE SPECIES E эне incrusted nor hair-like cystidia present in the hymenium, with е exception of С. suffocata which sometimes has short cystidia barely distingalaheble from the basidia, and of С. olivascens, some sections of кокктар DNE сузш. os vincent cscs m pues ш Looe 1 СУЗПШ present se cee Seas vas) ecb sess ra cose а 8 m" Fructifieation fleshy when growing, often 1 mm. thick, separable from ratum; hyphae densely interwoven, 4—7 д in diameter, not in- he VS Rs s cen d А ЖКО ҮС ЕКЕ ЕИ Caw eee ДЕК. . С. cerebella . А drying tawny olive to snuff-brown, 200-250 д an not fles separable Pr Figs substratum; spores fusiform, tapering at both ends, ТВА KOO Be eiee E orien ae AE ки o AR . О, fusispora 2 к- 1. Fructification not ева i spores less than 15 ш long............... . Spores 8X и; леш described originally as sulphur cinereous and papillate......................... 7. 02 itotremoide В ВЫ ло О, с E EE ETE CE ECCE EE EE ETT T ET TE TE 3. Fructification not stratose; spores between 10 and 13 и long............ и 3. Fructification not stratose; spores less than 10 и long................. 3. Fructification stratose, snuff-brown throughout, velvety, 3-1 mm. thick AT н О E A N S 11. О. dryina 4. Fructification neither stratose nor with inerusted hyphae........... 4. тота not stratose but with incrusted hyphae, =o. to wny olive and Бассагдов umber................... 12. suffocata 5. Де а ciim 100-500 и thick, drying from warm buff to fe olive or darker, with paler magus; ; hyphae loosely әнінен 9-3 и in diameter, without іэрдайова................................ 8. С. CTUM 5. yc d ger рк C. arida чн wk hyphal portions occasionally swollen mum d A ee ee ТЕПП capes eee т . 0. Kalmiae = рес ellipsoidal, 7-8 Х3-4 и; hyphae with inflations 9-12 ш іп diameter, and with pyriform, vesicular hyphal ends...... 5. С. inflata ИЕК ОЛОҢ. аа у-у: ге. 7 6. M subglobose, 4—5 X4 и; fructification pinkish tan; hyphae not erusted, not nodose-septate. (С. olivascens has nodose- -septate i, НЕС NAT TEUER EC cR ee 10. C. Harperi [A а membranaceous, separable, pinkish buff, the margin white, ony, and usually with prominent radiating 0 fup о зА Е НАИ У Mi . 0. polyporoidea 7. Fructification spongy, hypochnoid, between pinkish buff a a cinnamon- buff throughout and at the margin; hyphae 6-7 шіп didi ....8. С. vaga. : [Vor. 4 240 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN T. еа d EI cinnamon, adnate; hyphae 2-23 и іп ба hyaline; spores 7-8 че, 9. С. avellanea 8. Cystidia liri more өлер bu 10 ащетег.:. os enrages ЗУ КЫГЫ» 9 8. Cystidia small, only 3—5 и in Чїаше{ет........................... 11 9. — more than 7 Ed long; fructification dark-colored, sepia, and buffy Noe ТО а еза и аньс неаб RA нетна ета Е e 9. E 3x2 и; ER ргітшілпе-уеПоум................... 16. C. flava 10. Fructification very dark, drying Saecardo's umber yA olive- PRA throughout; hyphae rigid; eystidia protruding up t ———Á————————————— 13. с. ‘umbrina 10. Fructifieation paler, buffy citrine and Saecardo's olive to brownish olive; hyphae paler and thinner-walled, often collapsed; cystidia 100 д 14. С protruding up 3o 100 и... nici reniri еннан аен нае . olivacea 10. Fructification drying sepia; hyphae uud black, rigid; cystidia дон т to 60 ш; spores 9-10 < 41-6 ш........ . С. atrocinerea 11, Spores 6-7 X23 ; fructification very thin, ei E drying da Sienna oiii of ‘he еы stroma of an 1 Hypoxylor уйоп......... 17, . lacticolor 11. Spores 4-42 24-3 и, pale and е with ie hyphae; dese tion cream-color to Naples 2” ougho ut; hyphae loosely inter: woven, lt abundantly nodose i Eph bosser EK 18. С. bi ке 11. Spores about 5 «34 и, dark-colored; E отет to oliv citrine; A lax, dt ppm 0. pers 1. Coniophora cerebella Pers. Мус. Eur. 1:155. 1822; Schroeter, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3 : 430. 1888; Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1: 110. 1903. Thelephora cerebella Pers. Syn. Fung. 580. 1801; Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 282. 1805.—Thelephora puteana Schu- macher, РІ. Saell. 2: 397. 1803; Fries, Syst. Мус. 1: 448. 1821; Elenchus Fung. 1: 194. 1828; Pers. Мус. Eur. 1: 144. 1822.— Corticium (subg. Coniophora) puteanum (Schum.) Fries, Hym. Eur. 657. 1874; Cooke, Grevillea 8: 88. 1880.—Conio- phora puteana (Schum.) Karsten, Finska Vet.-Soc. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37:159. 1882; Кіші. Basidsv. 435. 1889; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. Fung. 113. f. 253. 1884; Басс. Syll. Fung. 6:647. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 129. 1889. Illustrations: Fl. Dan. pl. 2035; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. Fung. f. 253, 579; Moller, Hausschwamm-forsch. 1: pl. 3. f. 7; pl. 4. f. 8, 9, 11; pl. 5. f. 15; Hennings in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. 1**:f. 67 Е, Fructification broadly аа suborbicular, fleshy, separ- able from the substratum, drying Isabella-color and tawny olive to Brussels brown, the margin whitish and mucedinous; hymenium even, undulate or gyrose, with low and broad, 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 241 dome-shaped tubercules; in structure 300-1000 д thick, com- posed of densely interwoven, hyaline, even-walled hyphae 4-7 шіп diameter; no cystidia; basidia with 4 sterigmata; spores giving their color to Ше hymenium, even, 10-14 6-7 y. Fructifications usually about 4-6 em. in diameter or elongated up to 15 em. long, 5 em. broad, sometimes larger, 1-1 mm. thick. | Оп logs and wood of both coniferous and frondose species, but more common on coniferous kinds. Quebec to District of Columbia and westward to British Columbia and California. Apparently | rare in tropical America. July to A E February. Section of fructifica- Well-developed specimens of C. cere- rr s 45; spores bella aré fleshy and thick and frequently have the hymenial surface protrude in broad, dome-shaped tubereules; young and thin fructifications are likely to be confused with C. arida, which has the same color but in вес- tion has its hyphae much less compactly interwoven and not as coarse as in C. cerebella. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Cavara, Fungi Longobardiae, 14; Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 1588 (in eopy of Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. but not in copies of Farlow Herb. and of U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb.) ; Karsten, Fungi Fenn., 135; Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1201. Sweden: Femsjo, E. Fries (in Herb. Fries, determined by Fries). Finland: P. A. Karsten, in Karsten, Fungi Fenn., 135. Austria-Hungary: definite locality not given, Strasser, comm. by J. Bresadola. Germany: Saxony, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1201. Italy: Pavia, F. Cavara, in Cavara, Fungi Longobardiae, 14. Canada: definite locality not given, J. Macoun, 11, 23, 44, 58, 79; Lower St. Lawrence Valley, J. Macoun, 13. Quebec: Hull, J. Macoun, 377; Montreal, H. von Schrenk (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44053). [Vor. 4 242 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Ontario: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 36, 700; Harraby, Lake Ros- seau, Е. Т. % S. A. Harper, 591, 594, Vermont: Middlebury, Е. A. Burt, two collections; Little Notch, Е. A. Burt. Massachusetts: Belmont Spring, W. G. Farlow, 4; Weston, С. Bullard, comm. by W. 6. Farlow; Cambridge (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43890). New York: Albany, H. D. House (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 14831); Floodwood, C. Н. Peck; Ithaca, С. F. ‘Atkinson, 2603, and Cornell Univ. Herb., 14190, and L. A. Zinn, 88 (the last in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9062). New Jersey: Newfield, J. В. Ellis, in Ell. & Ev., Х. Am. Fungi, 1588 in some copies. Pennsylvania: Spruce Creek, J. H. Faull, 324 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44928); State College, L. O. Overholts, 2660 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 13160). District of Columbia: Washington, C. L. Shear, 1268. Ohio: Cincinnati, A. P. Morgan, Lloyd Herb., 2603. Michigan: Ann Arbor, C. H. Kauffman, 33, 46 (the latter in Mo. Bot. Gard Herb., 6823); Escanaba, С. J. Humphrey, 1449 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4825); New Richmond, Я. W. Kellet, comm. by A. H. W. Povah, 8 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 13263). Illinois: River Forest, E. T. € S. A. Harper, 829. Iowa: Webster Co., O. M. Oleson, 447 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44054). Missouri: St. Louis, B. M. Duggar (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5687). Montana: Missoula, J. В. Weir, 399 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9535); Bonner, J. В. Weir, 407 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 21604). Idaho: Priest River, J. R. Weir, 67, 139 (the latter in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 8344). British Columbia: Sidney, J. Macoun, 2 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5756) ; locality not given, J. Macoun, 855, comm. by J. Dearness (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 12410). Washington: Bingen, W. N. Suksdorf, 667, 880; Olympia, C. J. Humphrey, 6294. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 243 California: Berkeley, H. A. Lee, two collections, comm. by W. A. Setchell, 1017, 1018 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44243, 44244); San Francisco, W. A. Setchell, 1034 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44242). Mexico: Guernavaca, W. A. ё Edna Г. Murrill, 534, М. Y. Bot. Gard., Fungi of Mexico (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 94511). 2. С. fusispora (Cooke & Ell.) Cooke іп басс. Syll. Fung. 6:650. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 133. 1889. Corticium fusisporum Cooke & Ell. Grevillea 8 : 11. 1879.— Corticium fusisporum (subg. Coniophora) Cooke, Grevillea 8 : 89. 1880. Type: type and eotype in Kew Herb. and in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. respectively. Fructification effused, thin, soft, readily separable, drying from tawny olive to snuff-brown, the margin mucedinous, pallid; hymenium even, pulverulent; structure in section 200—250 и thick with (1) a layer next to the substratum of loosely and longitudinally ar- ranged hyphae, hyaline, thin-walled, collaps- ЖА ing, 4-5 u in diameter, sometimes granule- HA incrusted, sometimes forming rope-like 2 mycelial strands 20-25 и in diameter, and | with (2) a compact hymenial layer; no cystidia; spores giving the color to the fructi- fication, fusiform, tapering at both ends, Fig. 2 curved at the base, 18-21X 5-6 д. C. fusispora. On pine wood in wood pile and on pine e кеге logs. Newfield, New Jersey. September. This species is so similar to C. cerebella in color and prob- ably in diameter of fructification that when Ellis collected it again, seven years after his type collection, he confused these later specimens with C. puteana and distributed some speci- mens under the latter name in some copies of his exsiccati. С. fusispora is distinct from С. cerebella by being thinner, dry rather than fleshy, having longer and more pointed spores, and by being two-layered and with the layer next to the sub- stratum composed of very loosely arranged hyphae having [Vor. 4 244 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN some granular incrustation rather than of a uniformly com- pact, fleshy, non-inerusted hyphal structure from substratum to basidia as in С. cerebella. Specimens examined: Exsiceati: Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 1588 (in the copies of U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb. and of Farlow Herb., but not in copy of Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, 3092 to Cooke, type (in Kew Herb.) ; same locality and collector, Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 1588 (in copies of U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb. and of Farlow Herb.). 3. С. агіда (Fr.) Karsten, Finska Vet.-Soc. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37: 161. 1882; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 648. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 132. 1889. Thelephora arida Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1:197. 1828.— Corticium aridum (subg. Coniophora) Fries, Hym. Eur. 659. 1874; Cooke, Grevillea 8:89. 1880. — Coniophora Cooker Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 136. 1889; Басс. Syll. Fung. 9 : 242. 1891. Illustrations: Fries, Icones Hym. pl. 199. f. 1. Type: in Herb. Fries, authentie specimen in Kew Herb. Fructification effused, membranaceous, adnate, drying from warm buff to tawny olive or rarely darker, the margin paler and sometimes whitish; hymenium even, thick, composed of loosely interwoven, thin- walled, often collapsing, usually hyaline hyphae 2-3 и in diameter, not inerusted; no pulverulent; structure in section 100-500 pu Ж D {Г UA ІІ Кр қ ЗОО, eystidia; basidia with 4 sterigmata, protrud- ing; spores tawny olive in a spore collection, even, 10-12 6-7 y. Fig. 3 | қ ari Fruetifieations 4-20 em. long, 1-8 em. Section of fructifi- broad, lo-V5 mm. thick. x 45; spores X 665. niferous species, Common on prostrate limbs and logs and on under side of boards and timbers of co- rarely on frondose species. Canada to Louisiana and westward to Idaho. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 245 Coniophora arida, although frequently confused with C. cerebella, is very distinct from it by brighter color and adnate habit, and dry and thin, rather than fleshy and thick, struc- ture; in sections the hyphae of C. arida are only 2-4 y in diameter, finer, thinner-walled and often collapsed, and more loosely interwoven than those of C. cerebella. C. arida and C. cerebella are both important timber destroyers. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Cooke, Fungi Brit., ed. 2, 11, under the name Thelephora puteana; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col, 1306, under the name Coniophora Ellisii; Romell, Fungi Exs. Scand., 37a and b. Sweden: Femsjó, E. Fries, type (in Herb. Fries) ; L. Romell, 207; Stockholm, L. Romell, 205, and two collections in Romell, Fungi Exs. Scand., 37a and b. England: Hampstead, in Cooke, Fungi Brit., ed. 2, 11. Ontario: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 19; Port Credit, J. H. Faull, Univ. Toronto Herb., 308 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44891) ; Toronto, G. H. Graham, Univ. Toronto Herb., 683 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44942) ; Wilcox Lake, J. Н. Faull, Univ. Toronto Herb., 647 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44927). Vermont: Little Notch, near Bristol, E. A. Burt. Massachusetts: Magnolia, W. G. Farlow. Rhode Island: East Providence, W. G. Farlow. New York: Albany, H. D. House, 1384, N. Y. State Mus. Herb., T2, and two unnumbered collections (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54579, 14832, and 54383 respectively) ; Karner, Н. D. House, N. Y. State Mus. Herb., 14.189, 14.203, 14.204, and an unnumbered collection (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44723, 44724, 44726, 54381 respectively); Ithaca, G. F. Atkinson, 29, 9238 (in Cornell Univ. Herb.). New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, 3425, cotype of Coniophora Cooke: (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) and the specimen in Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 1306. Pennsylvania: Carbondale, E. А. Burt. North Carolina: Biltmore, E. Bartholomew, 5659 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44269). Louisiana: St. Martinville, А. В. Langlois, cz. [Vor. 4 246 ANNALS ОЕ THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Illinois: Riverside, E. T. % S. A. Harper, 851. Missouri: St. Louis, E. A. Burt (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54696). Idaho: Priest River, J. R. Weir, 83, 548 (the latter in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 17806); Avery, J. R. Weir, 393 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 11982). 4. С. Kalmiae (Peck) Burt, п. comb. Corticium Kalmiae Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 46: 109. 1893; басс. Syll. Fung. 11: 125. 1895. | Type: in Coll. N. Y. State. © O Fructification effused, thin, tender, O adnate, drying straw-yellow to tawny olive, the subiculum and margin com- posed of slender, whitish filaments; hymenium glabrous, continuous; structure in section 150-300 д thick, composed of loosely interwoven, hya- Fig. 4 line, non-incrusted hyphae mostly С. Kalmiae. 2-3 и in diameter but with occasion- ine dris ith swollen ally a portion of а hypha swollen and 4-7 ит diameter; по cystidia; spores tawny olive in a spore collection, even, 9-12 6-7 y. Fructification 3-4 em. long, 2-3 em. broad. On prostrate limbs and logs of frondose species, a single collection on hemlock spruce. Vermont and New York. Sep- tember and October. Rare. The type of this species is bright straw-yellow; the other collections which I have referred here have similar structure but are rather darker, approaching C. arida, from which, per- haps, C. Kalmiae is not specifically distinct. The occasional swollen portions of hyphae afford the best character for sep- aration from С. arida. Specimens examined: Vermont: Little Notch, near Bristol, E. А. Burt. New York: Shokan, C. H. Peck, type (in Coll. N. Y. State) ; Ithaca, C. H. Kauffman, Cornell Univ. Herb., 14191; C. Thom, Cornell Univ. Herb., 14192—both of the Ithaca speci- mens comm. by G. F. Atkinson. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 247 9. C. inflata Burt, n. вр. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification effused, dry, membranaceous, separable, dry- ing avellaneous, the margin mucedinous, concolorous in some plaees, deep olive-buff in others; hymenium even, pul- ( verulent; in structure 300 рп СУ | thick, with hyphae next to the с> substratum very loosely ar- ranged, colored, forming some rope-like strands up to 15 шіп diameter; hyphae 3-6 д in diameter, here and there glo- bosely inflated up to 9-12 и in diameter, and sometimes with Le pyriform or subglobose, ve- sicular branches or hyphal ns Fig. 5 ends up to 12X9 д; no cystidia ; C. inflata. spores colored, even, 7-8 r hyphae with inflated portions, 4 yu p, and vesicular ends, v. Х 665. = анек Ир 9-10 em. long, 3-5 em. broad. On a pine box in contact with the soil in a garden. Parral, Mexico. August. This species is characterized by fructification becoming sep- arable from substratum, by dry and loosely interwoven struc- ture, by inflated or vesicular hyphal organs, and by smaller spores than any of the preceding species. The dry rot caused in the pine wood is of the brown, brittle type. The vesicular organs do not appear to be ehlamydospores. Specimens examine Mexico: Parral, Chihuahua, E. O. Matthews, 22, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4511). 6. C. polyporoidea (Berk. & Curtis) Burt, n. comb. Corticium polyporoideum Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1 : 177. 1873; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 618. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 27:130. 1890. — Corticium alboflavescens Ell. & Ev. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc. 1894 : 324. 1894; басс. Syll. Fung. [Уот.. 4 248 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 11:124. 1895. — Coniophora alboflavescens (Ell. & Ev.) v. Hohn. & Litsch. К. Akad. Wiss. Wien Sitzungsber. 116 : 791. 1907.—Coniophora Petersii v. Hohn. & Litsch. К. Akad. Wiss. Wien Sitzungsber. 117 : 1086. 1908, but not Corticium Petersu Berk. & Curtis. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fructification effused, membranaceous, C О separable, drying pinkish buff, Ше margin white, cottony, often with radiating my- сепа] strands; hymenium even, pulveru- lent; in structure 400-1000 д thick, com- posed (1) of a supporting layer of very loosely interwoven, hyaline hyphae 21-3 и in diameter, incrusted with scattered granules, and (2) of a compact hy- menium; no cystidia; spores slightly col- ored under the mieroseope, even or slightly rough, 6-8 415-6 y. Fructifications 1-15 em. long, 1-5 em. broad. "nm On prostrate fallen limbs and wood of C. polyporoidea. А Spores, hyphae, x 665. Various frondose and, more rarely, со- niferous species, and on bark at bases of trees. New Hampshire to Florida and westward to Michigan and Arkansas. June to March. This fine species has the color and surface texture of buck- skin leather and a distinctly white margin. The spores differ from those of other species of the genus in having so little color and in absorbing eosin stain so intensely that their orig- inal color is masked by the dye and the species likely to be mistaken for a Corticium. The roughish spores show rela- tionship to Hypochnus. Specimens examined: Exsieeati: Ell. & Еу., N. Am. Fungi, 1716, under the name Corticium Peters, pe 3005, under the name Corticium alboflavescens; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 608, under the name Corticium Petersu, and 403, under the name Corticium albo- flavescens; Ravenel, Fungi Am., 125, under the name Cor- 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 249 ticium ochroleucum, and 723, under the name Corticium Peters. New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow, 19. Vermont: Middlebury, E. A. Burt. New York: Aleove, C. L. Shear, 1213; Copake, C. H. Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Herb, Т8 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54580) ; East Galway, E. A. Burt, two collections; Fort Ann, S. H. Burnham, 46 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54424) ; Ganse- voort, C. H. Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Herb., T29 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54786); Karner, H. D. House (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54382). North Carolina: Asheville, H. C. Beardslee, 02125; Blowing Rock, G. F. Atkinson, 4196, 4319, 4329 (the last in Cornell Univ. Herb.). South Carolina: Seaboard, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 723. Georgia: Tallulah Falls, 4. B. Seymour, comm. by W. G. Far- low, FF. Florida: W. W. Calkins (in U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb.), and in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 1716; Gainesville, Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 125. Alabama: Peters, type and cotype (in Kew Herb. and in Cur- tis Herb., 4559). West Virginia: Nuttallburg, L. W. Nuttall, type distributions of Corticium alboflavescens, in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 3005, and Fungi Col., 403. Michigan: Ann Arbor, C. H. Kauffman, 35. Ohio: Cincinnati, C. G. Lloyd, 4525. Kentueky: Harlan, C. H. Kauffman, 67 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 16419) ; Mammoth Cave, C. G. Lloyd, 2561. Arkansas: Fordyce, C. J. Humphrey, 5828; Arkansas Na- tional Forest, W. H. Long, 19861 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 8959); Womble, W. H. Long, 19791 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 6388). 7. С. sistotremoides (Schw.) Massee, Linn. бос. Bot. Jour. 25 : 133. 1889; басс. Syll. Fung. 9: 241. 1891. Thelephora sistotremoides Schweinitz, Naturforsch. Ges. Leipzig Schrift. 1: 109. 1822; Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. 8. [Vor. 4 250 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 4: 168. 1832; Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 198. 1828. — Odontia sistotremoides (Schw.) Fries, Epicr. 529. 1838. Type: a fragment in Herb. Schweinitz and portions in Herb. Fries and in Kew Herb. probably. Effused, papery, papillate, sulphur-cinereous, q 0 the margin byssoid and white; papillae minute, A © pilose. Fig. 7 Broadly effused here and there on wood. Pa- C. sistotre pilae abnormal, minute, occurring in the hy- SOR NE menium in seattered distant clusters, with the form in all respects of the teeth of Sistotrema and clothed with hairs as in T. botryoides. —Translation of original description. The portion of the type in Herb. Schweinitz is very small and not well preserved. I found its spores Saccardo’s mel- leus, even, 8 Х 3-4 и, and hyphae of Ше same color, but did not detect scattered, clustered granules in the hymenial sur- face. The portion preserved may, however, have been from the even region between the clustered granules. Fries re- ceived a specimen of C. sistotremoides from Schweinitz and in *Epierisis! transferred this species to Odontia, placing it next to Odontia fimbriata and describing the granules as wart- like, minute, dentiform, with apex concolorous and fimbriate. I have been on the lookout for a Coniophora which com- bines in one specimen both the granular surface described by Schweinitz and Fries and the spore characters of the authen- tie specimen but have not yet found it. Coniophora olivascens has a granular surface to its fructification, but its spores are smaller than those of C. sistotremoides, more subglobose in form, and its hyphae are hyaline. Schweinitz's statement that the papillae are clothed with hairs as in his Hypochnus botry- oides is important in showing that he refers to a surface com- posed of matted hyphae as seen with a lens in the сазе of Hypochnus botryoides and not necessarily to the presence of hair-like cystidia protruding from the granules in sections, although Fries must have had the latter type of structure in mind to lead him to place this species in Odontia between O. Barba Jovis and O. fimbriata. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 251 The northern specimens cited below have the approximate spore characters of C. sistotremoides but an even hymenium, hence they are all referred with doubt to this species for the present. Possibly the granular condition of this species may be confined to the vicinity of North Carolina. Specimens examined: Vermont: Grand View Mt., E. A. Burt. Massachusetts: Magnolia, W. G. Farlow; Manchester, W. G. Farlow, 3. New York: Alcove, C. L. Shear, 1130. North Carolina: Schweinitz, type (in Herb. Schweinitz). 8. С. vaga Burt, n. sp. C (> Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. O Fructification effused, spongy, hypochnoid, tomentose, drying between pinkish buff and cinnamon-buff, the margin thinning out and concolorous; in structure 300 р thick, com- posed of loosely interwoven, short-celled, suberect hyphae 6-7 шіп diameter, not in- crusted, not nodose-septate, slightly colored and giving their color to the fructification; Fig. 8 no cystidia; spores slightly colored, con- С. vaga. | 3 Е Basidium with eolorous with the hyphae, even, apiculate, sterigmata, sporcs, 714-9 415—6 и. һурһа. Х 665. Fructifications 8 em. or more long, 3 em. broad. On bark of old log of Ulmus americana. Hudson Falls, New York. September. In its general appearance C. vaga somewhat resembles Cor- ticium vagum but the former is more compact and darker colored, and its spores are colored, shorter, broader, and almost mucronate-pointed. Specimens examined: New York: Hudson Falls, S. H. Burnham, 20, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54498). 9. C. avellanea Burt, n. sp. Type: in Burt Herb. [Vor. 4 252 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Fruetifieation effused, dry, adnate, drying light pinkish cin- патоп (exactly avellaneous of Saccardo’s ‘Chromotaxia’), the margin concolorous, determinate; hymenium even, pulveru- lent; in structure 120-200 џ thick, with the hyphae 2-2% ш in diameter, hyaline, not incrusted, not nodose- © О septate, running longitudinally and crowded together along the substratum, densely inter- O Су 9 woven in the subhymenium; no cystidia; Fig. 9 spores olive-buff in spore collection, only = iep slightly colored under the microscope, even, pores ). 7-8X6 и. Fructification 3-5 em. long, 1-3 em. broad. On decorticated coniferous wood. New York and Ohio. April and August. C. avellanea differs from all the preceding species by its avellaneous color, closely adnate habit, thin and dense struc- ture, fine hyphae, and nearly subglobose, slightly colored spores. C. Harperi is of nearly the same color, but has a loosely interwoven subiculum next to the substratum, coarser hyphae, and smaller spores. Specimens examined: New York: Altamont, E. A. Burt; East Galway, E. A. Burt, type. Ohio: Madisonville, C. G. Lloyd, 0191. 10. C. Harperi Burt, n. sp. О Type: in Burt Herb. О Fructification effused, dry, membranaceous, drying pinkish tan, brittle, not strongly at- = tached to the substratum, the subiculum and margin whitish, Носсове; hymenium even, Fig. 10 pulverulent; in structure 150-200 р thick, C. Harperi. composed of loosely interwoven, suberect, ка: ее hyaline hyphae not incrusted, not nodose- septate, 345-5 и in diameter; no cystidia; spores slightly colored, even, sometimes slightly subangular, subglobose, 4-54 д. ` Fruetifieation 3-7 em. long, 2-3 em. broad. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 253 On white oak bark. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. July. This collection was at first referred to C. olivascens, but it differs from it in having no olivaceous component in its color, and its spores are subglobose and slightly subangular and its hyphae not nodose-septate. The fructifications are suggestive of Corticium arachnoideum in forming a delicate hymenial pellicle which is supported on a very thin and loose subicu- lum, but the hymenium and the spores are colored. Specimens examined: Wisconsin: Lake Geneva, E. T. € S. A. Harper, 958, type. 11. C. dryina (Berk. & Curtis) Massee, Linn. бос. Bot. Jour. 25: 135. 1889. Corticium dryinum Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1 : 179. 1873; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 634. 1888. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and 5% (7 Curtis Herb. respectively. O «2 Fructification effused, thick, dry, adnate, velvety, drying snuff-brown both externally and within; hymenium even, velvety; in structure 500-1000 ц thick with (1) next to the substratum a thin layer composed of closely interwoven, thick-walled, rigid hyphae 4414 шіп diameter, nodose-septate, not inerusted, concolorous with the fructi- vitii "тн VET ут КИ 4 vi ) TA p ШІ a | с И wht и М n ut k И Гори ^i M к V RUD X ТҮ VOR ШЕРТТІ n UA и ШОО Ж йү, ф AN “of, fication, and with (2) a broad stratose hy- menial layer made up of about 4 or 5 sets of hymenia and supporting subhymenial layers whose hyphae are erect, branching, Fig. 11 Section of fructifica- ге showing stratose rueture X45; габ. х 665. concolorous, 4-4% y in diameter; по cys- tidia; basidia colored like the fructification, with 4 sterigmata; spores concolorous with the fructification, even, curved, pointed at the place of attachment, 8-9»x(315-4 д. Fructification probably large, in the specimens known being about 4 em. long, 3 em. broad, and not having the original margin. On rough surface of decaying oak wood. Alabama. vember. No- [Vor. 4 254 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN It is surprising that only the original collection of C. dryina has been made, for the two portions which are the type and собуре were apparently from a large conspicuous fructifica- tion. С. dryina has as distinguishing characters its thickness, snuff-brown color throughout, velvety surface, absence of cys- tidia, and stratose structure. Specimens examined: Alabama: Peters, 709, type and cotype (in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb., 5204, respectively). 12. С. suffocata (Peck) Massee, Linn. Soe. Bot. Jour. 25 : 138. 1889. Corticium suffocatum Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 30: 48. 1879; Басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 621. 1888. Type: in Coll. N. Y. State. Fructification effused, indeterminate, membranaceous, not fleshy, somewhat separable when thick, drying from avel- laneous to tawny olive and Saccardo’s umber, the under side and margin usually whitish and mucedinous; hy- menium even; in structure 60-500 д thick, composed of loosely interwoven, Fig. 12 usually hyaline, sometimes brownish, C. suffocata. more or less inerusted hyphae 315-6 и Inerusted hyphae, spores. jn diameter under the inerustation, not x 665. ҢА М nodose-septate; по cystidia ог with cystidia barely distinguishable from immature basidia; spores snuff-brown in a spore collection, even, 10-12 6-7 и. Fructification 2-9 em. long, 1-5 em. broad. Common on under side of coniferous boards and limbs lying on the ground, rare on frondose species. Canada to Louisi- ana and westward to Vancouver Island and Washington. May to January. This species bears some resemblance to C. cerebella and C. arida, approaching the former in its separable tendency when thick and the latter in general habit, coloration, dry structure, and loose arrangement of its hyphae. It is distin- 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 255 guished from both species by having inerusted hyphae which are coarser than those of C. arida. The European C. Betulae Karst., of which I have an authentie specimen, does not form a compact hymenial membrane, is very thin, not at all sep- arable from substratum, has the margin similar to the central portion of the fructification, hyphae frequently nodose-sep- tate, and cystidia always present, 6 y in diameter, emerging 20-30 u above the basidia—differing in all the above respects from our C. suffocata. C. subcinnamomea Karst. differs by having in its hymenium noteworthy branching paraphyses and small, flexuous cystidia. C. suffocata is probably very de- structive as a timber rot. The cystidia when occasionally dis- tinguishable are about 6 и in diameter and emerge up to 20 or even 40 y above the basidia. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 328, under the name Нутепо- chaete Ellisu; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 219, under the name Coniophora puteana. Canada: Lower St. Lawrence Valley, J. Macoun, 7, 48, 55. Ontario: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 416; Toronto, G. Н. Graham, Univ. Toronto Herb., 681 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44939). Vermont: Middlebury, Е. A. Burt. Massachusetts: Belmont Spring, C. Bullard, comm. by W. G. Farlow, 3, and an unnumbered specimen; Hammond’s Pond, Brookline, G. R. Lyman, 176. New York: Alcove, C. L. Shear, 1303; East Galway, E. A. Burt; Ithaca, С. Е. Atkinson, 997; Karner, Н. D. House, N. Y. State Mus. Herb., 14.165 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44714); Sandlake, C. H. Peck, type (in Coll. N. Y. State). New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, in Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 328, and in Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 219, and on white oak, Feb. 3, 1877 (in Farlow Herb.). Pennsylvania: State College, C. R. Orton, comm. by L. O. Overholts, 2897 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5719). District of Columbia: Rock Creek, С. L. Shear, 1350. Florida: W. W. Calkins (in U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb., under the name Corticium epichlorum). Louisiana: St. Martinville, А. B. Langlois, cg. [VoL. 4 256 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Indiana: Millers, Е. Т, & 5. A. Harper, 648. Illinois: Glenellyn, Е. Т. % 8. A. Harper, 956. Missouri: Creve Coeur, Е. 4. Burt (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54782). Montana: Evaro, J. В. Weir, 432 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 1807). | Idaho: Priest River, J. R. Weir, 8. British Columbia: Vancouver Island, J. Macoun, comm. by J. Dearness, V 134 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 23093). Washington: Bingen, W. N. Suksdorf, 868, 895, 956; Kalama, C. J. Humphrey, 6226; Olympia, C. J. Humphrey, 6335. 13. С. umbrina Alb. & Schw. ex Fries in басс. Syll. Fung. 6 : 652. 1888; Massee, Linn. бос. Bot. Jour. 25: 131. 1889. Thelephora umbrina хат. В. Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 281. 1805.—Thele- phora umbrina (Alb. & Schw.) Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 199. 1828; Еріст. 543. 1838. — Corticium (subg. Coniophora) umbrinum (Alb. & Schw.) Fries, Hym. су CN Eur. 658. 1874.—Coniophorella wmbrina (Alb. & Schw.) Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1: Су — 111, 1903. Type: location of type unknown to me. Fructification effused, soft, not readily separable, villose beneath, drying Sac- cardo’s umber to olive-brown, the mar- gin usually of the same color, narrow, radiating; hymenium even, sometimes granular, tomentose, setulose; in strue- ture 180-400 y thick, with the hyphae colored, 3-6 u or rarely more іп diam- eter, rather rigid, not nodose-septate, loosely interwoven; cystidia concolor- ous, septate, obtuse, 100-2009-12 и, Fig. 13 emerging up to 120 д, even or granule- С. umbrina. inerusted; spores concolorous under the Young basidium upper microscope, even, 9-125-6 и, flattened portion of cystidium, : spores, hyphae. X 665. on one side. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 257 Fructifications up to 3-8 cm. long, 2—4 em. broad. Under rotting pine boards and limbs on the ground. New York, Maryland, and Washington. October to December. Probably rare. This species is characterized by its dark color—usually olive-brown—dark-colored hyphae, and very large, septate, colored, incrusted cystidia. Our American specimens agree well with that from Europe received from Bresadola, whose view of this species I follow. Specimens examined: Russian Poland: Eichler, comm. by С. Bresadola. New York: Alcove, С. L. Shear, 1326. Maryland: Takoma Park, C. L. Shear, 997. Washington: Bingen, W. N. Suksdorf, 869, 870. 14. C.olivacea (Fr.) Karsten, Finska Vet.-Soc. Bidrag Na- tur och Folk 37:162. 1882; басе. Syll. Fung. 6:649. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 129. 1889; Bresadola, I. R. Ассай. Agiati Atti ПІ. 3 : 116. 1897. Hypochnus olivaceus Fries, Obs. Мус. 2:282. 1818 (in part).—Thelephora olivacea Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1:197. 1828 (in part).—Corticium (subg. Hypochnus) olivaceum Fries, Hym. Eur. 660. 1874 (in part).—Corticium (subg.Coniophora) olivaceum (Fr.) Cooke, Grevillea 8 : 89. 1880.—Coniophorella olivacea (Fr.) Karsten, Finl. Basidsv. 438. 1889; Bresadola, Ann. Myc. 1 : 110. 1903.—Corticium leucothrix Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 2:4. 1873.—Corticium (subg. Coniophora) leuco- thria (Berk. & Curtis) Cooke, Grevillea 8: 89. 1880.—Coni- ophora leucothriz (Berk. & Curtis) Cooke in басе. Syll. Fung. 6:648. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 133. 1889.— Corticium brunneolum Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 2: 4. 1873. —Corticium (subg. Coniophora) brunneolum (Berk. & Cur- tis) Cooke, Grevillea 8:88. 1880. — Coniophora brunneola (Berk. & Curtis) Cooke іп Васе. Syll. Fung. 6:648. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 134. 1889.—H ymenochaete Ellisii Berk. & Cooke, Grevillea 4:162. 1876. — Corticium (subg. Coniophora) ЕШзи (Berk. & Cooke) Cooke, Grevillea 8:89. 1880.—Coniophora Ellis (Berk. & Cooke) Cooke in [VoL. 4 258 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 648. 1888; Massee, Linn. Зое. Bot. Jour. 25 : 129. 1889.—Coniophora fulvo-olivacea Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 134. 1889; Sace. Syll. Fung. 9: 241. 1891. Type: in Herb. Fries; the specimen in Kew Herb. from Fries and named by him Thelephora olivacea is Coniophora Betulae. Fructification effused, adnate, somewhat felt-like, and sep- arable from the substratum with a scalpel, drying buffy citrine апа Saceardo's olive to brownish olive, the margin thinning out and sometimes whitish; hymenium even, tomentose, setulose; in structure 200-700 д thick, composed of more or less colored Or Qy с hyphae 3-6 шіп diameter, not nodose- septate, not usually incrusted, which are (2 loosely interwoven next to Ше substratum and form a very dense hymenial layer; eystidia septate, granule-incrusted, taper- ing upward, concolorous with the hyphae at the base, paler above, 8-12 y in diameter, protruding 50-100 д; spores colored, even, 7-12 414-514 и, often flattened on one side. Fructification 4-10 ет. long, 2-5 em. broad. On coniferous wood and bark, rarely on “er frondose species. Canada to Louisiana T n and westward to Idaho. Spores, protruded por- C. olivacea is paler externally and in- чес Даши», ternally than C. umbrina, has fewer eystidia, and hyphae with usually thinner walls and often collapsed. I have been able to detect no mor- phological characters which sharply separate these species. I was not able to study in Herb. Fries the original collection from Femsjó of Coniophora olivacea, for the specimen was loaned to Bresadola when I was at Upsala. I have presented C. olivacea as understood by Bresadola in the specimen com- munieated to me by him and cited below. The specimen of 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 259 Thelephora olivacea from Fries in Kew Herb., determined by Fries, has small, non-septate cystidia and incrusted hyphae, and is quite different from C. olivacea as understood by Bresa- dola. The specimen in Kew Herb. is not distinct from Coni- ophora Betulae Karst. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ell & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 3211; Krieger, Fungi Sax., 2011; Rabenhorst-Winter, Fungi Eur., 2721. Finland: Karsten, in Rabenhorst-Winter, Fungi Eur., 2721 (in Kew Herb., the type of Coniophora fulvo-olivacea). Sweden: L. Romell, 209; Stockholm, L. Romell, 208. Germany: Schandau, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 2011. Austria-Hungary: G. Bresadola. Canada: J. Macoun, 252; St. Lawrence Valley, J. Macoun, 67. Ontario: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 382. New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow. Vermont: Middlebury, E. A. Burt. New York: Floodwood, C. Н. Peck; Ithaca, G. F. Atkinson, 2516; A. J. Pieters, Cornell Univ. Herb., 5261; G. F. Atkin- son, Cornell Univ. Herb., 14352; Karner, Н. D. House (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54395). New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 3211. Pennsylvania: Trexlertown, W. Herbst. Maryland: Takoma Park, C. L. Shear, 969. South Carolina: Society Hill, M. A. Curtis, 4775, the cotype of Corticium leucothria (in Curtis Herb.). Georgia: Tallulah Falls, А. B. Seymour & W. L. Moss, comm. by W. G. Farlow, a (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44596). Alabama: Bessie Junction, C. J. Humphrey, 5355. Louisiana: Dr. Hale, the cotype of Corticium brunneolum (in Curtis Herb., 3664) ; Abita Springs, А. B. Langlois, 2695, 2696. Ohio: Linwood, С. 6. Lloyd, 02834. Missouri: Creve Coeur, Е. А. Burt (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54770); St. Louis, Е. A. Burt (іп Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54781). [Vor. 4 260 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Montana: Banner, J. R. Weir, 405 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 10582). Idaho: Kaniksu National Forest, Priest River, J. R. Weir, 68. 15. С. atrocinerea Karsten in de Thümen, Myc. Univ. 1806. 1881; Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Meddel. 6: 12. 1881; Finska Vet.-Soc. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37 : 162. 1882; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6 : 650. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 132. 1889. Comophorella atrocinerea Karsten, Finl. Basidsv. 438. 1889. Type: type distribution in de Thiimen, Мус. Univ., 1806. Fructification effused, byssoid-membra- naceous, adnate, drying sepia, the margin somewhat mucedinous and paler, some- times whitish; hymenium even; in struc- ture 250-500 и thick, composed of loosely interwoven, nearly black, rigid, even hyphae 314-5 и in diameter, not nodose- septate, not incrusted; cystidia incrusted, co o septate, 9-15 шіп diameter, emerging up to 60 и; spores colored, even, 9-10 41/5—6 д. д | Fructifications 1—2 em. long, 1 em. broad, Fig. 15 becoming confluent in crevices of the bark so as to form patches up to 8 em. long. е. In crevices of bark of pine logs. Louisi- Protruded part of ana. J anuary. oa esl Тһе Louisiana collection agrees closely with the type distribution from Finland in all respects except in having slightly broader spores, which are бу in diameter in the American specimen and usually about 4% u in the type, although published by Karsten as 5-6 и. This species is very distinct by its firm, rigid, and nearly black hyphae. It is strange that two specimens of so similar and marked structure occur at such widely distant loealities without intermediate stations. Specimens examined: Exsiceati: de Thümen, Myc. Univ., 1806. Finland: Mustiala, P. А. Karsten, type distribution, in de Thümen, Myc. Univ., 1806. 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 261 Louisiana: St. Martinville, 4. B. Langlois, 2639 in part. 16. С. flava Burt, n. sp. Type: in Burt Herb. and N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification effused, soft, membranaceous, separable from the substratum, drying primuline-yellow throughout, with the margin a little paler; hymenium even, eracked, somewhat pul- verulent; in structure 400 и thick (1) with the hyphae loosely interwoven next to the sub- stratum, 34145 yw in diameter, occasionally nodose-septate, frequently more or less in- crusted, and (2) with the hyphae more densely arranged in the subhymenium, more regularly incrusted, and containing many heavily іп- crusted, cylindric cystidia 8-9 и in diameter, which do not protrude beyond the surface of the hymenium; hymenial cystidia usually not in- crusted, 5-7 u in diameter, emerging up to 30 и, occasionally with a few incrusting granules near the base; spores concolorous with the hyphae and й 204 я: the fructification, borne 4 to а basidium, even, іп егиві- ed cystidium flattened or slightly curved on one side, 42 д. from interior The portion of a fructification which I have ?f „=з ar seen is 115 х1 em. 2224) s. Substratum not noted. Jamaica. January. Although I have seen but a small portion of a fructification, which does not afford data as to margin or substratum, this portion shows a species which should be readily recognized by its bright yellow color throughout, peeling away from the substratum in a compact sheet, small spores flattened on one side, and by heavily incrusted, wholly buried cystidia. Specimens examined: Jamaica: Troy and Tyre, Cockpit Country, 2000 ft. altitude, W. A. Murrill & W. Harris, М. Y. Bot. Gard., Fungi of Jamaica, 1089. 17. C.laeticolor Karsten, Finl. Basidsv. 436. 1889; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 137. 1889. [VOL. 4 262 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Xerocarpus laeticolor Karsten, Finska Vet.-Soc. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37: 137. 1882; Бос. pro Fauna et Flora Fen- nica Meddel. 9: 52. 1883.—Corticium laeticolor (Karst.) басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 636. 1888.—Coniophora crocea Karsten, Rev. Мус. 9: 10. 1887 (this synonym published by Karsten); бос. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Meddel. 14: 83. 1888; Басе. Syll. Fung. 6: 651. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25: 137. 1889. Type: authentie specimen of C. crocea in Burt Herb. Fructification effused, adnate, indetermi- nate, drying raw sienna, the margin of the same color, thinning out; hymenium even, compact, somewhat pulverulent; in structure 60-120 м thick, with the hyphae giving their bright color to the fructification, not in- p D crusted, occasionally nodose-septate, 3—4 и in diameter, ascending more or less densely from the substratum to the hymenial surface; cystidia cylindric, not incrusted, simple, or few-septate, 4-4% ш in diameter, emerging 20-60 д; spores concolorous with the hyphae, even, flattened on one side or slightly curved, 6-7 x 215-3 и. Fructifications 4 em. long, 2-215 em. broad. Fig. 17 On badly decayed, coniferous wood. Elk- C. laeticolor. mont, Tennessee. September. Probably Section showing са hyphae, eystidium, rare. basidia, spores. This species suggests by its bright color and thin, adnate habit the conidial stroma of some species of Hypoxylon, and it may have been overlooked heretofore on account of this resemblance. It is well marked by its bright color, thin and compact habit of growth, small, slender spores, and cystidia. Specimens examined: Finland: Mustiala, P. A. Karsten, under the name Coniophora crocea. Tennessee: Elkmont, C. H. Kauffman, 70 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 16397). 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 263 18. C. byssoidea (Pers.) Fries, Hym. Eur. 659. 1874 (in subg. Coniophora) ; Karsten, Finska Vet.-Soc. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37 : 160. 1882; басс. Syll. Fung. 6 : 652. 1888. Thelephora byssoides Persoon, Syn. Fung. 577. 1801; Fries, Syst. Мус. 1: 452. 1821.—Corticium (subg. Coniophora) bys- soideum (Pers.) Fries, Hym. Eur. 659. 1874.—Coniophorella byssoidea (Pers.) Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1:111. 1903; Sace. Syll. Fung. 17:183. 1905.—Peniophora byssoidea (Pers.) v. Hohn. & Litsch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien Sitzungsber. 117 : 1084. 1908.—Diplonema sordescens Karsten, Finl. Basidsv. 430. 1889.—Peniophora sordescens (Karst.) басс. Syll. Fung. 9: 240. 1891. Fruetification effused, dry, at first flaxy and hypochnoid, at length compact at the disk, drying cream-color to Naples yellow, the margin flaxy ; hymenium even, tomen- 0 Q tose; in structure 150-350 и thick, com- posed of very loosely interwoven, rigid, nodose-septate hyphae 3-4 џ in diameter, which give the color to the fructification ; cystidia slender, tapering, sharp-pointed, non-incrusted hairs, frequently nodose- septate, concolorous with the hyphae, 3-414 шіп diameter, emerging up to 20-60 и; Spores concolorous with the hyphae but sometimes nearly hyaline under the microscope ,even, 4-444 214-3 и, perhaps - larger in spore collections. C. i Fructifications ranging from 1 to 6 em. Hypha bearing cysti- in diameter, or perhaps larger. dimit es zr On wood and objects on the ground and running over the humus in pine woods. Canada to Louisiana and westward to British Columbia and Oregon, also in Jamaica; apparently very common in the northwest. June to December. If one does not overlook the pale color of the small spores, this species is easily recognized, for in Coniophora it is note- worthy among all species of the genus by its bright color— [Vor. 4 264 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN cream-color to Naples yellow throughout—hypochnoid struc- ture, rather stiff, loosely arranged, nodose-septate hyphae, and slender septate cystidia frequently nodose-septate. Specimens examined: Ехз1есай: Cooke, Fungi Brit., ed. 2, 607, under the name Cor- Исит sulphureum; Krieger, Fungi Sax., 363. | Finland: Mustiala, Р. A. Karsten, authentic specimen of Diplonema sordescens. Sweden: L. Romell, 78, 79; Stockholm, L. Romell, 110, 111, 236. Germany: Saxony, Königstein, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 363. Austria-Hungary: (7. Bresadola. England: in Cooke, Fungi Brit., ed. 2, 607, under the name Corticium sulphureum. Canada: locality not given, J. Macoun, 10 in part, 15, 22; Lower St. Lawrence Valley, J. Macoun, 39, 59, 61. Ontario: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 142, 143. Vermont: Middlebury, Е. A. Burt, two collections. Connecticut: New Haven, G. P. Clinton. New York: Fall Creek, 6. F. Atkinson, 7994; Freeville, б. Е. Atkinson, 2589. Florida: locality not given, W. W. Calkins; Jacksonville, В. A. Harper, 1, 2, 3, 11 (in Мо. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54527- 54530 respectively). Louisiana: De Ridder, C. J. Humphrey, 2527 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 12532); St. Martinville, А. В. Langlois, di, 7. Michigan: Michigamme, C. J. Humphrey, 1455 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 22972). Montana: Birch Creek, Beaverhead National Forest, С. J. Humphrey, 2553 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9524). Idaho: Coeur d’Alene, J. R. Weir, 623 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 13853); Priest River, J. В. Weir, 132, 343 (іп Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 15761, 21363). British Columbia: Kootenai Mountains, near Salmo, J. R. Weir, 518, 537, 623, 448, 475, 483, 492,505, 504 in part, 486 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 19420, 1737, 13853, 8836, 20977, 21979, 21982, 2096, 14169, 20226 respectively); Sidney, 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 265 J. Macoun, 26 in part, 27 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5681, 8934); Vancouver Island, J. Macoun, comm. by J. Dearness, V 186 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 20183). Oregon: Joseph, C. L. Shear, 1037. Jamaica: Cinchona, И. A. Ф Edna L. Murrill, N. Y. Bot. Gard., Fungi of Jamaica, 459. 19. С. olivascens (Berk. & Curtis) Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25: 138. 1889. Corticium olivascens Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 179. 1873; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 619. 1888.—Corticium prasinum Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 179. 1873; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 619. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 27: 153. 1890.—Coniophora prasina (Berk. & Curtis) v. Hohn. & Litsch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien Sitzungsber. 116: 781. 1907. — Corticium chlorinum Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 179. 1873; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 636. 1888; Massee, оо Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 27 : 154. 1890.— Q Coniophora subochracea Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 50:114. 1897; басс. Syll. Fung. 14 : 225. 1899. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. respectively. Fruetifieation effused, dry, adnate, drying olive-lake to olive-citrine, the subiculum and margin whitish, floccose; hymenium even or minutely granular, more or less cracked; in structure 200- 400 и thick, with the granules rising up to 200 u more, composed of hyaline, thin- ig. 19 C. olivascens. walled, often collapsed, nodose-septate protruded part of cys- hyphae 3-5 y in diameter, loosely inter- д woven, sometimes with rope-like hyphal showing cystidia on a 1 5 strands near the substratum; granules Ме dome-shaped, bearing hair-like cystidia scattered or in small clusters, not incrusted, often nodose-septate, 4-5 шіп diameter, emerging up to 60 џ; spores Isabella-color in a spore collec- tion, even, 463-4 и, mostly 5x3% и. [Vor. 4 266 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Fructifications 142-3 em. long, 1-2 em. broad. On coniferous bark and wood on the ground and on pal- metto. Ontario to Louisiana, and in Cuba and the Bahama Islands. July to April. С. olivascens is distinguished by its olivaceous color vary- ing by intermediate shades to almost bottle-green, by its small spores, and by having hair-like cystidia protrude from its granules, frequently in clusters, as in the genus Odontia, The granular hymenial surface appears to be more frequent in northern eollections than in those from the south, and the hyphae are more abundantly nodose-septate in northern speci- mens. Occasionally a collection will fail to show cystidia in a set of sections, especially if the fructification is rather young, but examination of other sets of sections from the old- est and most granular portions of the fructification will even- tually demonstrate cystidia. Grandinia virescens. Pk. is col- ored exactly like C. olivascens and has the same general habit, but the spores of G.virescens are darker and minutely aculeate when the fructification is fully mature. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ravenel, Fungi Car. 5: 29. Canada: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 25. Ontario: Port Credit, J. Н. Faull, 321 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44945). Massachusetts: Boston, Murray, eotype (in Curtis Herb., 6392). New York: Albany, H. D. House (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 15946); East Galway, E. A. Burt; Ithaca, G. F. Atkinson, 22977; C.J. Humphrey, Cornell Univ. Herb., 22562; Kar- ner, Н. D. House, 14.190, 14.169, and two unnumbered col- lections (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44718, 44720, 54363, 54364); Menands, C. Н. Peck, type of Coniophora subochra- cea (in Coll. N. Y. State) ; Westport, C. H. Peck (in N. Y. State Mus. Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Jersey: Newfield, J. В. Ellis, comm. by W. б. Farlow (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44641). Pennsylvania: Whitehaven, G. F. Atkinson, 8653. Alabama: Peters, type distribution of Corticium prasinum in 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 267 Ravenel, Fungi Car. 5:29, and cotype (in Curtis Herb., 6080). Louisiana: Abita Springs, 4. В. Langlois, 2639 in part; St. Martinville, A. B. Langlois, u. Michigan: Ann Arbor, C. H. Kauffman, 21. Bahama Islands: Nassau, 4. E. Wight, comm. by W. С. Far- low. Cuba: San Diego de los Banos, Earle & Murrill, 334, N. Y. Bot. Gard., Fungi of Cuba. EXCLUDED SPECIES C. capnoides Ell. & Ev. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1894 : 324. 1894; Saec. Syll. Fung. 11: 129. 1895. Type: type distribution in ЕП. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2808. This fungus bears its spores singly on conidiophores, as stated in the original description, and is not a basidiomycete. C. sordulenta Cooke & Massee in Sace. Syll. Fung. 6 : 650. 1888; Massee, Linn. бос. Bot. Jour. 25 : 132. 1889. Type: type in Kew Herb. This species is not distinct from Thelephora pallescens Schw., whose relationship to Hypochnus thelephoroides (ЕП. & Еу.) Burt was pointed out in my comment on the latter in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 3: 236. 1916. I have recently prepared a new set of sections from the authentic specimen of Theleph- ora pallescens Schw. in Curtis Herb. This specimen is in fine condition and shows the spores fully as rough-walled or aculeate in aqueous mounts as those of Hypochnus thelepho- roides, which, therefore, becomes a synonym of Т, pallescens and should be displaced in my account of our species of Hypochnus by the name Hypochnus pallescens (Schw.) Burt, with synonymy and distribution as follows: 26. Hypochnus pallescens (Schw.) Burt, n. comb. Thelephora pallescens Schweinitz, Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. 4: 167. 1832.—Stereum pallescens Schweinitz in Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 586. 1888.—Corticium pallescens (Schw.) Mas- see, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 27: 129. 1890.—Thelephora insinu- ans Schweinitz, Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. №. S. 4:167. 1832.— [Vor. 4 268 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Stereum insinuans Schweinitz in басе. Syll. Fung. 6: 586. 1888.—Coniophora insinuans (Schw.) Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25 : 138. 1889.—Corticium (subg. Соторһоға) sordulen- tum Cooke & Massee, Grevillea 16 : 69. 1888.—Coniophora sor- dulenta Cooke & Massee in Saec. Syll. Fung. 6:650. 1888; Massee, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 25:132. 1889.—Corticium thelephoroides Ell. & Ev. Jour. Myc. 1: 88. 1885; Басс. Syll. Fung. 6:630. 1888.—H ypochnus thelephoroides (Ell. & Ev.) Burt, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 3: 235. 1916. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2020, under the name Corticium dryinum; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 706, under the name Corticium vagum; Ravenel, Fungi Am., 719, under the name Peniophora flavido-alba (in copy of U. 5. Dept. Agr. Herb.). Canada: Cedar Hill, Van Island, J. Macoun, 62. New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow. Massachusetts: Sharon, А. P. D. Piguet, comm. by W. G. Far- low (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54787). New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, in Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 106. Pennsylvania: Bethlehem, Schweine, types of Thelephora pallescens and Thelephora insinuans (in Herb. Schw. and in Curtis Herb.). Georgia: Darien, H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 719 (in eopy of U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb.). Florida: W. W. Calkins, U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb.; Jackson- ville, W. W. Calkins, in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2020; New Smyrna, C. G. Lloyd, 2138. Louisiana: Lake Charles, C. J. Humphrey, 2538 (їп Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 12959) ; St. Martinville, А. B. Langlois, ae, c, u, y, 2633, 2673, and a specimen comm. by C. G. Lloyd, 3017. Texas: Houston, H. W. Ravenel, 239, U. S. Dept. Agr. Herb. Illinois: Cerro Gordo, L. О. Overholts, 3284 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 10640). Missouri: comm. by J. B. Ellis, 5055, type of Corticium sor- dulentum (їп Kew Herb.). 1917] BURT—THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH AMERICA. VIII 269 Washington: Carpenter, 90, type of Corticium thelephoroides (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb., Kew Herb., Farlow Herb., and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). British Columbia: Kootenai Mountains, near Salmo, J. R. Weir, 497 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 21978); Vancouver, J. Macoun, V 178, comm. by J. Dearness (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 8938). Mexico: Colima, ІР. A. 4 E. L. Murrill, N. Y. Bot. Gard., Fungi of Mexico, 591 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Jamaica: Morce’s Сар, W. A. Ф E. Г. Murrill, N. Y. Bot. Gard., Fungi of Jamaica, 658. Cuba: Alto Cedro, L. M. Underwood & F. S. Earle, N. Y. Bot. Gard., Plants of Cuba, 1530; San Diego de los Banos, Pinar del Rio Province, F. S. Earle Ф W. A. Murrill, 572, М. Y. Bot. Gard. Porto Rico: Rio Piedras, J. A. Stevenson, 5794 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54691). Trinidad: Arepo Lavanna, R. Thaxter, comm. by W. G. Far- low, 20. (To be continued.) ALGOLOGICAL NOTES I. CHLOROCHYTRIUM GLOEOPHILUM BOHLIN GEORGE T. MOORE Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden Engelmann Professor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of ashington University In August, 1909, there was collected at Gosnold Pond, Cuttyhunk, Mass., Rivularia Bornetiana Setch., which grows abundantly there on Chara and attached to stems of sedges. Upon examination the gelatinous matrix of the Rivularia was found to be more or less filled with a unicellular grass- green alga, which apparently failed to fit the published descriptions of any known genus, and living material was obtained in the hope that the life history of this plant might be determined. For the past seven years material has been collected at various times during June, July, and August, and impure cultures maintained through the greater part of this time. It is believed, therefore, that the information de- rived from this rather prolonged study comprises as com- plete a knowledge as may be expected of the alga growing under the conditions stated. As will be seen, the affinities of the plant would lead one to expect some kind of a motile spore or gamete, and one reason for continuing the investigation over so many years was the belief that such a spore existed. None has been found, however, and while ciliated spores may be discovered later, it hardly seems probable. It early became evident that the published description most nearly corresponding with the form found in Gosnold Pond was Chlorochytrium gloeophilum growing in colonies of Rivularia, described by Bohlin! from preserved material from Paraguay. Ап exact copy of all the information furnished concerning this plant follows: “1. Chlorochytrium gloeophilum n. sp. Tab. 1, Fig. 53, 54. Chl. cellulis ovato-oblongis, membrana hyalina, in uno vel utroque polo incrassata. In coloniis Rivulariarum nidulans. t Bohlin, К. Die Algen der ersten Regnell'sehen Expedition. І. Protoc coideen. К. Svenska Vet. -Akad., Bihang till Handl. III. 237: 28. pl. 1. f. 53. 1897. ANN. Mo. Bor. GARD., Vou. 4, 1917 (271) [Vor. 4 272 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Long. cell. 20-35, lat. cell. 8-18 д. Paraguay (86). Möglicherweise könnte diese kleine Alge zu der Gattung Kentrosphaera Borzi gehören. Die Gestalt der Chromato- phoren war nicht vóllig zu erkennen. Die Wandverdickung des einen Zellendes und die Lebensweise sprechen nicht gegen eine solche Ansicht." Presumably upon the basis of this last statement, since there is no indication of his having seen the plant, Brunn- thaler! removes the species to Centrosphaera, publishing it as Kentrosphaera gloeophila (Bohlin) Brunnthaler, with the original description except that the measurements are given as “20-25 y breit, 20-30 р lang." This is apparently an error, since the figure published is copied from Bohlin's and is twice as long as wide. The habitat is likewise erroneously given as В. nidulans. As will be seen from the above original de- - scription, what Bohlin actually said was ‘‘in coloniis Rivu- lariarum nidulans,’’ thus furnishing a most interesting ex- ample of the way in which names creep into the literature, as well as emphasizing the necessity of referring to the orig- inal in order to get accurate information. The cell of what may be regarded as the normal vegetative condition of the alga found growing in R. Bornetiana measures from 25 to 30 д in diameter, and is practically a per- fect sphere. Later on, at the time of spore formation or be- cause of the very considerable thickening of the wall and ехсгевсепсев which may be formed, the dimensions vary very considerably, cells 50х25 д, 70X35 и, and in one instance 88x40 и having been observed. In the latter case, however, exclusive of the thickened wall, the measurements were 64х25 и. There is a single chloroplast which lies close to the wall and usually lines the entire cell (pl. 18, figs. 2-4). Occasion- ally the chloroplast is incomplete, producing a light spot of varying size (pl. 18, fig. 1.) One large and prominent pyre- noid is always present, and a single nucleus, either centrally or laterally placed, may be made out by staining. At no time, 1 Brunnthaler, J. Protococcales. In Pascher's Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutsch- lands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz, Heft 6: 67—68. f. 5-6. 1915 1917] MOORE—CHLOROCHYTRIUM GLOEOPHILUM 273 either in the vegetative cell or sporangium, is there the slightest indication of the radial arrangement of the chloro- plast which is supposed to be characteristic of Centrosphaera and which Bohlin apparently considered necessary before placing his Paraguay plant in this genus. On this point Borzi! says: “La cavita cellulare é ripiena di un protoplasma ablondante di chlorofilla differenziata in numerosi cordoni cilindrici, ora dritti, ora leggermente sinuosi, elegantémente disposti a raggio intorno al centro della cellula, dal quale si allontanano un po' lasciandovi scoperta un'area circolare scolorata.” Brunnthaler? in his characterization of Centrosphaera states of the chloroplast: ‘‘Chromatophor grün oder gelblich- grün, wandstündig, aus zahlreichen Kórnern oder bandfor- migen Strahlen bestehend, welche gegen das Zentrum der Zelle gerichtet sind und die Mitte freilassen." This is ob- viously an expansion of the genus for the purpose of admit- ting C. gloeophila, the chloroplast of which shows clearly in Bohlin's figure (although somewhat plasmolized) that it in no way approaches the arrangement specified by Borzi, but is made up of numerous granules. One might well question the propriety of such a procedure, particularly since plants were not available for examination. I am accordingly not inclined to accept this disposition of Bohlin's plant or of the one collected at Cuttyhunk—which are undoubtedly the same thing—particularly since the present tendency, according to West, is to combine under Chlorochytriwm a number of genera such as Endophaera, Scotinosphaera, Chlorocystis, and Stomatochytrium, the distinguishing characteristics of which are trivial or uncertain. The name should therefore stand, in my opinion, as Chlorochytrium gloeophilum Bohlin (Centrosphaera gloeophilum (Bohlin) Brunnthaler). After the vegetative cell of C. gloeophilum matures, the wall almost invariably thickens until it is from 5 to 10 д thick. This is independent of the peculiar excrescences or irregular outgrowths which may be more than half the length of the 1 Borzi, А, Studi Algologici 1: 90. 1883. ? Loc. cit. * West, С. S. Algae 1: 212. Cambridge, 1916. [Vor. 4 274 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN cell itself. While these localized growths of the wall are usually external (pl. 18, figs. 2-4), they may likewise be in- ternal (pl. 18, fig. 6), and although both the wall and these growths usually show a characteristic lamellate structure they may be entirely homogeneous. Calcium oxalate crystals were infrequently observed within the cell (pl. 18, fig. 14). The only type of reproduction observed was by aplano- spores, which are freely formed throughout the growing season. ‘These may be produced in cells which are circular in outline, but usually the sporangium is formed from a cell which is considerably longer than broad and on the wall of which a distinct excrescence has formed. The aplanospores are produced by successive division (pl. 18, figs. 7-11), and usually number from 32 to 64 in each sporangium. They are practically spherical and measure about 4 д in diameter. By the time the aplanospores are completely formed there is frequently produced a distinct opening in the sporangium wall quite large enough to permit the escape of the spores. This opening may occur at any place in the wall but has occasionally been observed at the end of a tubular extension of the cell (pl. 18, fig. 12). Generally it is a distinct pore produced by the dissolution of the wall at that point but at times a considerable portion of the wall may be cut out and turned back in an irregular manner, suggesting somewhat the method of spore liberation in Chlorocystis (pl. 18, fig. 13). In spite of this provision for the escape of the spores, they rarely take advantage of it—in fact any aplanospores which leave the sporangium through the opening provided appear to have done so entirely by accident. Usually the spores remain clustered together in about the position in which they were formed. Аз they increase in size the old sporangium wall disintegrates, and the new plants are gradually distributed through the gelatinous matrix of the Rivularia by the formation of new filaments of the blue- green and the action of such forces in the water as would be calculated to break up the original arrangement. The very definite provision for a means of escape for the spores sug- 1917] MOORE—CHLOROCHYTRIUM GLOEOPHILUM 275 gests that possibly Chlorochytrium gloeophilum originally possessed a motile spore, but that owing to the habitat adopted, in which a ciliated spore would be unable to swim, the cilia were lost. It was originally assumed that the plants at some stage in their existence left the Rivularia, and that ciliated spores would afford an easy means of again establish- ing themselves in the gelatinous colonies. This does not seem to be the case, however. The Chlorochytrium cells apparently never give up their endophytic habit, and new colonies of Rivularia are infected from aplanospores contained in the gelatin surrounding the young filaments which increase with the development of the Rivularia colony. With the idea that possibly C. gloeophilum might occur in other species of Rivularia the following forms were examined from exsiecati: Rabenhorst, 295, В. minor; 355, В. pygmaea; 416, R. minuta; 648, R. angulosa; 748, R. minuta; 793, R. Sprengeliana; 931, R. angulosa; 932, R. Lyngbyana; 975, R. Lenticula; 976, В. durissima; 1095, В. minuta; 1125, В. Spren- geliana; 1452, В. insignis; 2184, R. villosa; 2540, В. fluitans; 2563, R. terebralis. Collins, Holden, and Setchell, 357, R. atra; 858, В. Biasolettiana; 260, В. nitida; 508, В. compacta; 860, В. Biasolettiana; 1015, В. polyotis. Tilden, 166, В. Biaso- lettiana; 289, В. haematites; 570, В. Biasolettiana; 571, В. nitida. In no case was there the slightest indication of the presence of the endophyte. Specimens of the following included in the Missouri Botan- ical Garden Herbarium were also examined, but with negative results: Rivularia nitida, R. bullata, R. fluitans, R. atra, as well as several undetermined species. In view of the fact that none of these specimens showed the presence of C. gloeo- philum, it is interesting to note that the specimen of R. Borne- папа from Watch Hill Pond, Watch Hill, В. I., distributed as No. 157 in Collins, Holden, and Setchell’s ‘Phycotheca,’ con- tained an abundance of grass-green cells within the gelatinous matrix, which was easily recognized as C. gloeophilum. Hence at the only two localities thus far noted in the United States for R. Bornetiana, C. gloeophilum is found growing within it and apparently in no other species. ГУ от.. 4, 1917] 276 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Bohlin did not give the species of Rivularia in which his plant was found and there is no way of telling whether it was R. Bornetiana or not. A set of C. gloeophilum has been prepared from the Collins, Holden, and Setchell ‘Phycotheca’ and will be distributed during the year 1918. [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 18 All figures are reproduced from camera drawings Х 580. ір. 1. Typical cell with chloroplast only partially lining the all. Figs. 2-5. Various examples of irregularities in thickened wall. Fig. 6. Internal thickening of wall penetrating cel Figs. 7-11. Successive stages in the formation of spores. Figs, 12-13. Means of spore liberatio Fig. 14. Calcium oxalate crystals eras in cell. ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 18 MOORE—CHLOROCHYTRIUM GLOEOPHILUM STUDIES IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FUNGI V. Tue Свомтн or Certain Func Іх Puant Decoctions B. M. DUGGAR, J. W. SEVERY, AND H. SCHMITZ In a previous paper attention has been drawn by the writers! to the growth relations of certain fungi in a few plant decoetions with and without additional nutrients. In the con- tinuation of this work much the same methods have been fol- lowed, but the number of fungi employed has been reduced to two, the one, Aspergillus niger, being taken as a repre- sentative of saprophytie species, and the other, Gloeosporium (Glomerella) Gossypii as a representative of parasitic forms. Besides the decoctions previously employed, namely, bean, sugar beet, prune, potato, turnip, and eorn meal, there have been used also decoctions of apple, mangold (mangel-wurzel), celery, carrot, and salmon. Basing the decoctions as before on 00 grams of the dry weight of the material used per liter of water, the fresh weight quantities of the additional ma- terials involved were as follows: apple, 294.1 gm.; carrot, 438.2 gm.; mangold, 546.4 gm.; and celery, 333.3 gm. In the ease of the salmon it was not practicable to determine the amount of material required on a dry-weight basis, so that one сап, 1515 oz. (439.4 gm.) net, was used for a liter of water. As far as possible the oil or fat was eliminated. In the ease of the celery untrimmed bunches were employed. In each instance the product was cut into small pieces, a liter of water added to the required green weight of product, and this was steamed for one hour at 15 pounds in an autoclave, then fil- tered hot through Canton flannel, and finally made up to the proper volume. After stock flasks were arranged the solu- tions were autoclaved for 20 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Titrations of these decoctions showed the following reaction in terms of Fuller’s scale: apple, +14.5; carrot, +14.5; celery, +10.5; mangold, +15; and salmon, +43. As mentioned later, however, little weight is attached to these values. 1 Duggar, В. М., Кадес J. W., and Schmitz, Н. Studies in the physiology of the fungi. IV. e growth of ‘certain fungi in plant decoctions. Ann. М Bot. Gard. 4: 165-173. f. 1-4. 1917. ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., Vor. 4, 1917 (279) [Vor. 4 280 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN In combining other nutrients with the standard decoctions it is impracticable to make the various solutions in a series entirely comparable. It has seemed that the greater error would result from any attempt to prepare a double-strength decoction, to be diluted with a solution of the nutrients intro- duced; so it was determined to add to the decoction the var- TABLE I GROWTH OF ASPERGILLUS NIGER ON VARIOUS DECOCTIONS WITH AND WITHOUT OTHER NUTRIENTS Dry weight in grams Culture medium Apple |Mangold| Carrot | Celery | Salmon 1 Natural decoction........... ‚019 „178 .052 .085 .094 la — dec (to 4- 15 Füller's scale): ee EE: WEF — .075 . 066 2 Nat'l. үйе Б ЕЕ 13.68% sugar..| .038 „259 ‚077 ‚489 ‚863 3 Nat'l. dec’t.+ 13.68% sugar Оси 2811 .319 .679 .946 1.063 4 Nat'l. de ec't. 4- 1% КМО...... .145 .232 .144 .080 .075 5 Nat'l. dec't. 7-13. А дыл, КН:РО............ . 046 .309 .119 .489 .768 6 Nat'l. dec’t.+ .5% KH;PO, ‚021 ‚233 ‚051 ‚076 „117 ба Nat'l. Чест. + 1% КН,РО,... 022 240 m Med КЕ 7 Nat'l. же 13.68% ды. +1% КМО:-+.5% KH:PO .462 | 1.016 .922 | 1.257 | 1.028 8 Nat'l. ль +1% КМО, +. 5% ere ee eee .221 .304 131 .079 .085 9 3 mati. dec' t. and $ Richards’ eee eee ie ОЛО ‚445 „547 .537 . 699 „738 10 2 во. dec’t. апа 1 distilled ШАСИ о и РООЛОР ‚016 ‚104 . 028 . 036 .037 5 nat'l. dec’t. апа 3 Richards’ NE А 472: .476 .455 жа ‚469 $ nat'l. dec't. and $ ash sol...| .025 .137 .034 ТҮ! .057 Nat'l. dec’t. + .25% MgSO, + 13.68% ѕиваг........... ми y t. brought to 107% Nat'l, dat brought to 10-6 Wt .НРО..,........... ‚239 i А * The nutrient solution риге Richards solution d in pcm С is та еч ир аз зай КМО, 1 gm., KH;PO, .5 gm., MgSO, .25 gm., sugar 5 gm., distilled er 100 cc. ‚235 ious nutrients in solid form. This necessarily increased slightly the volume of the solution. The slight excess over the correct volume was, however, discarded, since any increase of volume would diminish the area of the flask. Some few tests, as indicated in tables 1 and п, required the dilution of the de- coction to one-half. In every case the volume of culture medium in each Erlenmeyer flask was 25 сс., the cultures were made in duplicate, and in certain instances parts of a series 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 281 were repeated. The manipulation of the cultures, dry-weight determinations, е!с., were exactly as described in our previous paper. The complete results of these series are given in tables т, п, and тп, and most of these data are shown graphically in figs. 1-5. These curves are based primarily on the relations of TABLE II GROWTH OF GLOEOSPORIUM GOSSYPII ON VARIOUS DECOCTIONS WITH AND WITHOUT OTHER NUTRIENTS : Dry weight in grams Culture medium Apple |Mangold| Carrot | Celery | Salmon 1 Natural decoction........... .049 .241 .123 .071 . 135 1a Standardized ет: (to + 15 bullerasc8lB) ierra € E .072 „111 Nat'l. dec't.-- 13.68% sugar..| 2059 .379 | .344 | .817 ‚596 Nat’l. D ERO 68% sugar с, .333 .330 .561 .689 .730 Nat'l. d ес 't.+ 1% K picem .223 .195 .153 .073 .160 Na ig ne t.+ EC SM Ln ремін А КОМ л хое .171 .444 .283 .912 .653 '.+ .5% КН:РО. .. та ‚281 . 149 . 104 .163 2 4... . . B o» yo . 4... .2.. ы 2 5 8. + 5-5 ж а» "" Q 2 кю 4 KNO;+.5% KHiPO, .395 .835 .533 ‚148 ‚552 KNO, + ‚216 ‚348 ‚164 ‚099 „131 зоне + © 00 NAD ль Ot 2 ы et 258 еі ЕРО 25522555252. .470 ‚581 .485 .497 5529 10 j odi MES t. and $ distilled Даев ТЕТЕ .038 . 158 . 073 . 047 . 096 3 не) бар t. and 3 Richards’ TUR CHE о. 2991 .492 519 re . 509 3 nat'l. dec't. ind 3 ash sol...| .044 .134 .032 qu .098 Nat' 3 T t уча uL MgSO, A чай, ae insit to 10^* Аа ЕТТЕН .209 Natl. Чест. brought to 107% ib T i na ОР dr. .284 the different cultures containing the decoctions, but for com- parison half-strength and full-strength Richards' solution, also Richards’ solution containing 13.68 per cent sugar, are included. In the tables the numerals at the left of the various culture solutions correspond to those in the legends of the figures, and therefore a fuller explanation of the figures is afforded by referring to the tables. The addition of sugar and other nutrients to the decoctions (or other solutions) is expressed ГУ от. 4 282 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN in the tables by the plus sign, and is to be interpreted that the decoction is used as solvent and contains those amounts. Where two solutions are mixed half the quantity of each is employed, so that the resulting medium is half strength with respect to each. TABLE III ASPERGILLUS AND —— ON RICHARDS' SOLUTION AND ODIFIED DECOCTIONS | Dry weight in gms. Culture medium Asper- | Gloeo- gillus |sporium 11 3 Richards' sol. and $ distilled water.................... .424 .202 I2/5PISDardat ВОТ sia a OR Soo лы Как vc o EO УЫ .587 ‚343 13 Modified Richards’ sol. to contain 13.68% sugar + .5% m "m" Modified Richards' sol. to contain 13.68% sugar + .25% БАЙЫДЫ о ана 755 522 j па M Раз dec’t. and $ Richard's ПИАРА 457 542 5 nat'l. bean dec't. and $ bean Чес Г. ash sol.............. 043 044 4 nat'l. prune dec't. and $ Richards’ sol.................. 456 517 5 nat'l. prune dec't. and $ prune Чес". ash sol............ 070 082 3 па! |. sugar beet dec't. and 3 Richards’ sol.............. .437 .498 3 nat'l. turnip dec't. and 4 Richards’ sol................. 455 ‚501 $ nat'l. turnip dec't. and $ turnip Чес". ash sol........... ‚044 „051 Naming the decoctions in the order of the best growth as determined by the criterion of weight the series for Asper- gillus is as follows: mangold, salmon, celery, carrot, and apple; while for Gloeosporium the same order prevails except that celery and carrot exchange places. The mangold is rela- tively rich in sugar, and this perhaps explains the higher growth quantities in the decoction of this product as com- pared with the other native decoctions mentioned. The addi- tion of sugar alone to mangold decoction, as might be ex- pected, gives very little more growth than the addition of one of the mineral nutrients. With the addition of sugar alone to the various decoctions Aspergillus shows the greatest increase in salmon decoction, about 900 per cent, the celery medium exhibiting the next greater increase; while with Gloeosporiwm the order of these two higher is reversed. Тһе marked increase in growth in salmon decoction with the addi- tion of sugar is a clear indication that this substratum is well provided with the other essential nutrients. The general ap- pearance of the curves indicating the yields in celery solutions 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 283 demonstrates a fairly close agreement with the curves for salmon solutions. It is interesting to note that while Aspergillus makes a heavier growth 1 in decoctions plus sugar and mineral nutrients (except in the case of apple) than in the Richards’ solution „й mee” 4 + РО, 8. Dee. ES хо + РО, 1. Decoction 2. Dec. + sug. 3. Dec. + sug. + NOg 4. Dec. + NOs 5. Dec. + sug. + PO, 6. Dec. + РО, ба. Dec. + РО, 7. Dee. + sug. + NOg 9. 4 dec. + 3 Rich. sol. 10. 4 decoction 11. 4 Richards’ sol. 12. Richards’ sol Fi Growth of Aspergillus and Gloeosporium on apple ose ag and other nutrients; Aspergillus, solid line; Gloeosporium, broken lin containing the same amount of sugar, still the differences are scarcely as great as might be expected, taking into considera- tion the fact that the decoction is a complex food solution. That the solution containing apple decoction, sugar, eto., yields less growth than the Richards’ solution is noteworthy. With Gloeosporium obviously the Richards’ solution is not as satisfactory as the decoction-containing solutions, but as yet there is no evidence as to the nature of the nutrients lack- ing in the former. In table пт ash solutions of several decoctions are men- tioned. These were prepared by drying down 25 cc. (for two cultures) of each decoction, then carefully incinerating. This [Vor. 4 284 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN ash was then dissolved or diffused in 25 cc. of water and com- bined with the decoction. In all cases this addition of mineral constituents gave slightly increased yield. Aspergillus fruited well in the great majority of cultures. In the mangold solutions some depression of fruiting occurred 45 700 70) год ee: 300 Қ. / / 400 со E о тм ,м © е) с "© zi & Z В | я d т + + + S % 4 9 © СӨ ж.“ о ЗС -i ы 8 Шш 8 FI E ZR PF E E P2 8 - B 35 1 3 аа A а a ^ 4 8 HAA ee ee ШЕ ee ра тр B i1 B I 3 ПЕ ПИ Же e D M Ж 5 в4 4 4 d dd 8 ы о d d d dà 5 Fig. Growth of Aspergillus and Gloeosporium on mangold decoction and other nutrients; Aspergillus, solid line; Gloeosporium, broken line. where the nutrients were less well balanced, as where sugar and nitrate or sugar and phosphate alone were added. Much the same effect was noted in the carrot and celery decoctions, though here it was less pronounced. While spore prodali was considerable on the various salmon cultures, the general appearance of the fruiting surface was gray rather than black. 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 285 This seemed to be due not only to the smaller number of spores, but also to lesser pigmentation. Gloeosporium yielded a heavy gelatinous growth upon most of the media containing mangold, celery, and carrot decoc- tions, but there were considerable differences in the amounts wif жер 700 оо por 300 / 7 / tA 400 59 M e < і о © о о о Z 2. е ы ч і i + т AS 23 3 . . [7] . + . m ei = 9 d в z > 2. 2 e EY @ re 8 © А 24 oo ч е ++ 3 9 9 T ж ar > + фев сй 5 8 = 5 4 Е А A A А А А+ В 2" 2T на А > ч ai с + iG 6 Ге © e © — сі с m m =ч 4 Fig. 3. Growth of Aspergillus and Gloeosporium on carrot decoction and other nutrients; Aspergillus, solid line; Gloeosporium, broken line. of spore formation. The media containing carrot decoction gave abundant fruiting when sugar was added in the presence of nitrate, and less in all other cultures. On the celery-con- taining solutions there was less difference in the amount of fruiting observed, and the mangold was intermediate in this [Vor. 4 286 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN respect. This fungus also fruited scarcely at all on the salmon decoction alone or even when one or more of the mineral pi jam //00 goo 700 < оо уй 300 А / 400 со = eo M m o © о © е г 2. д РА Е | - + + 4 T E ак et * р e - m B e ы о a 50 e a0 50 © Е n z © Sit 2-$ÀR И 74 а И Ro pb ouo чо ж чан А ВЕ ВЕ А а а а Т = А-а m - m A А - са с n © © rl © © с = ai с =ч — mM m Fig. 4. Growth of Aspergillus and Gloeosporium on celery decoction and other nutrients; Aspergillus, solid line; Gloeosporium, broken line. nutrients were added to the decoction, yet fruiting was most abundant in all the cultures to which sugar was added with- out nitrogen. This is of interest in connection with the in- 1917] DUGGAR—FUNGI IN PLANT DECOCTIONS 287 dication that the addition of nitrogen to the salmon decoction does not materially influence growth. In this paper the criterion by which the value of a solu- tion is judged is that of the weight of mycelium produced. 4,4 вых": 900 700 A \ Е A \ / к 1 \ "3 \ M 300 қ \ IM Ри : ! / \ FTT \ [Д \ " Е ! | 1 и 2 ! \ Eu же- ! / \ E 300 | |! [ ! \ / / 1 \ / / \ , У / y | \/ 100 | | сз E со т — о © о са о ғ А д А я . ЛЕ. + + ee а |“ . . со . + . со ы © a "Wee о-ы Му ee ee ee ee 32 eee г 4 GB ы сыы ОО E тт Е É 4 4 а gg 2 434-29 1 7 А А А А А A+ чч a на ға > ні ed “9 = 19 © = © © © — сі с re re =ч m Fig. Growth of Aspergillus and Gloeosporium on salmon decoction and die nutrients; Aspergillus, solid line; Gloeosporium, broken line. This is a practical criterion for general purposes, but the pathologist is particularly interested in ‘‘normal’’ growth, which often means considerable growth and abundant ба. ing. Апу data, therefore, which bear upon the relation of [Vor. 4, 1917] 288 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN nutrition to fruiting are worthy of consideration. Asper- gillus fruits so readily that experiments with this form might seem to be of little value, yet knowledge concerning factors effecting an inhibition of fruiting is likewise important. Richards! and others have shown that associated with the in- creased growth resulting from the addition of ZnSO, and cer- tain other metallic salts is the depression of fruiting. Num- erous observations of this general nature might be collected. In this paper it is not intended to enter upon a general dis- cussion of nutrients affecting spore production. It has seemed, however, that the influence upon spore formation of such variations in nutrient conditions as have been studied are worthy of record, and it is intended to pursue further this line of inquiry in subsequent work, for which fungi better adapted to the purpose have been selected. In our previous paper it was pointed out that even a crude study by the colorimetrie method of the hydrogen ion concen- tration of the various decoctions employed leads to the conclu- sion that the titration of such media and the standardization of these on the basis of Fuller's scale are unsatisfaetory. No adequate study of this point has been undertaken, and such determinations as were made served merely as a rough check on the conditions involved in our work. The values of P,, in the various natural decoctions employed were approxi- mately as follows: apple, 4.3; mangold, 4.5; carrot, 5.3; and salmon, 6. It is interesting to note that although Asper- gulus grows well in the natural mangold decoction with P,,—4.5, when brought to Р,, = 6, there is produced a heavier mat. Аз in the earlier experiments reported, the hydrogen ion concentrations of the solutions in which Aspergillus have grown are shifted toward the acid side, while in the contrary direction in the cultures which have supported Gloeosporium. 1 Richards, H. M. Die Beeinflussung des м einiger Pilze durch chemische Reize. Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. 30: 665—688. 1897. Аппа о Missouri Botanical Garden Vor. 4 NOVEMBER, 1917 No. 4 TWO EXOTIC COMPOSITAE IN NORTH AMERICA J. M. GREENMAN Curator of the Herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden Professor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University I. SENECIO CANABINAEFOLIUS Hook. & ARN. IN FLORIDA Early in the nineties Professor Charles Mohr collected a plant on ballast at Hunter’s Wharf, presumably at Pensacola, Florida, which he referred to Senecio without specific deter- mination. The specimen, now in the United States National Herbarium, is a rather imperfect one, although it shows a complete inflorescence, the upper portion of the stem, and a few fragmentary leaves. On the label is written ‘‘a fine plant four to five feet high, June, 1893-1894." Another specimen, also in the National Herbarium and evidently conspecific with the above, was collected by Professor Mohr and definitely labeled ‘‘ballast ground, Pensacola, May 15th,’’ but unfor- tunately the portion of the label indicating the year has been eut off. However, the second specimen shows in addition to the entire inflorescence well-preserved upper stem-leaves; thus the two together possess all the essential characters for satisfactory specific identification. A careful study of these specimens has been made, and they agree in every detail with the original description of Senecio canabinaefolius Hook. & Arn., a South American species from the marshes of La Plata, near Buenos Aires, which may be briefly redescribed as follows: Senecio canabinaefolius Hook. & Arn. in Hooker’s Jour. Bot. 3: 341. 1841. ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 (289) [Vor. 4 290 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN А stout herb, glabrous throughout or slightly white-tomen- tulose on the under leaf-surface; stem erect, 1 to 1.5 m. high, branched, striate; leaves 3 to 10 сш. long, mostly deeply bi-tri-pinnatifid with few linear to linear-lanceolate divergent sharply dentate lateral divisions; inflorescence a terminal compound corymbose many-headed eyme; heads about 1 em. high, radiate; involuere eampanulate, calyculate; bracts of the involuere linear-attenuate, 5 to 6 mm. long; ray-flowers 9 to 13, rays yellow ; disk-flowers numerous, about 50; achenes hispidulous.—Florida: on ballast ground, Hunter's Wharf, Pensacola, 15 May and June, 1893-1894 (U. S. Nat. Herb. Nos. 720457, 782498). This species is allied to S. brasiliensis Less. and in the ‘Index Kewensis’ is said to be synonymous with it. In the Herbarium of the Missouri Botanieal Garden there is for- tunately an authentie specimen of S. brasiliensis, namely Mar- tius 770. Lessing's species is also well represented by speci- mens collected by Dr. J. N. Rose on an expedition to South Ameriea under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the New York Botanical Garden, namely Rose & Russell 20604 from the vicinity of Itatiaia, Brazil, and Hose & Russell 20760 from the Organ Mountains, Rio de Janeiro, both of which are in the U. S. National Herbarium. The general aspect of the two species is very similar, but S. brasiliensis has entire leaf-segments, a narrowly campanu- late involucre, longer and fewer involucral bracts, and fewer flowers in the head. From the several specimens at hand the two species seem to be amply distinet. Whether S. canabinae- folius Hook. & Arn. has persisted at Hunter's Wharf is not known to the writer. П. Евеснтітев ARGUTA DC. Іх CALIFORNIA The common ‘‘fireweed,’’ Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf., which is one of the first plants to appear on a freshly burned area, has become wide-spread throughout North America; it is well known and is copiously represented in every large herbarium. In our general and local floras it is the only 1917] СВЕЕХМАХ——ЕХОТ1С COMPOSITAE 291 species of Erechtites recorded as occurring in North America north of southern Mexico. A second member of this genus, namely Erechtites arguta DC., has rather recently appeared on the Pacific coast, and, although it has not yet spread to any considerable extent, there is the possibility that it too may become eventually a pernieious weed, at least in the western portion of this country. Erechtites arguta DC. is a native of Australia and New Zealand. It differs from our common ''fireweed"' in having thicker or firmer and somewhat smaller leaves which are more or less persistently white-tomentulose beneath, and in having smaller heads with shorter involueres and fre- quently dark brown or almost black involucral bracts. Its general appearance is rather more like certain species of Senecio than Erechtites. In fact it might very well be mis- taken for S. sylvaticus L., from which it сап be distinguished readily by having two or more rows of marginal pistillate flowers with slender 3—4-dentate corollas and relatively few perfect flowers in the center of the head. Three independent collections of this exotic plant have been made in California, all from different stations in the northern part of the state. These have been carefully studied and compared with authentic specimens of Erechtites arguta DC. from New Zealand, and there is complete accord in every detail. A brief deseription may be given as follows: Erechtites arguta DC. Prodr. 6: 296. 1837; Bentham & Mueller, Fl. Austr. 3: 659. 1866; Cheeseman, Fl. New Zea- land, 364. 1906. Plate 19. А coarse herb; stems erect, 3 to 10 dm. high, leafy, striate, slightly floecose-tomentulose; leaves oblanceolate to lanceo- late, 3 to 12 em. long, .5 to 2.5 em. broad, pinnately lobed to runcinate-pinnatifid, sharply and unequally dentate, at first arachnoid-tomentulose above, densely and more or less per- sistently white-tomentulose beneath ; the lowermost leaves nar- rowed into a petiole; the main stem-leaves sessile and semi- amplexicaul; inflorescence a terminal many-headed corym- bose суше; heads small, 5 to 7 mm. high; involucre calyculate [Vor. 4, 1917] 292 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN and tomentulose at the base, nearly or quite glabrous above; bracts of the involuere about 13, occasionally becoming dark brown or almost black in the dried state.—California: near Mendocino, 14 July, 1904, J. W. Congdon (Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. No. 83706); Melburne, Mendocino Co., 10 Aug., 1905, James McMurphy (U. S. Nat. Herb. No. 691260); Vance’s Camp, Humboldt Co., 16 June, 1911, Huron H. Smith 3844 (Field Mus. Herb. No. 296049). Inasmuch as the collections of this plant in California have been made in the vicinity of lumber camps, it is most probable that it has been introduced in connection with the extensive lumber trade between California, Australia, and New Zealand. The species apparently has become well established on the Pacific coast and is gradually spreading, but to what extent it may become disseminated in this country remains to be seen. EXPLANATION OF PLATE PLATE 19 Erechtites arguta DC. California From specimen in the United States National Herbarium, No. 691260. ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 19 GREENMAN EXOTIC COMPOSITAE ALGOLOGICAL NOTES П. PRELIMINARY List оғ ALGAE IN Devits LAKE, Хоктн DAKOTA GEORGE T. MOORE Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden Engelmann Professor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University Devils Lake is situated in Ramsey County near the northern border of North Dakota. It is the largest body of water in the state, being about thirty miles long and over five miles wide at its broadest part. The especial point of interest as affecting the algal flora of Devils Lake is the alkaline char- acter of the water which has gradually increased with the diminishing size of the lake. Thus, from the year 1830 to 1889 there is evidence that the water fell some sixteen feet, and since 1883 when the United States Geological Survey set a permanent bench mark, its level has been lowered about the same distance. This loss of water has not been uniform, since in some years owing to the heavy rains and snows over the drainage area the level has risen or been stationary. The total effect, however, has been to concentrate very con- siderably the dissolved salts and to make the conditions for algae very different from those usually found in inland fresh- water lakes. While the water is distinctly brackish to taste, with a salinity of about 1 per cent, it is of course not compar- able to sea-water with a salinity of from 3 to 4 per cent. Various analyses of the water have been made from time to time and from different localities, but the following made by the U. б. Bureau of Chemistry! is indicative of the relative proportion of the salts contained: Сезоне әсі Әй >. sea bos Wid cee oe es 145.1 Hiearbonise acil а ed 538.9 ЕРКЕЛІГІН 6.6 СШӨҮШ Лу ыл ао. Уул гач о. 900.8 ажал ұйы е Фа улова 14.8 СБ a шеді 2124 ы rr 28.3 Қанын Ты. Г ка UTOR 530.5 Баланс ЩО 3002, Sak. ЩЕ: 4977 .9 HEN. ooo uoo ЕЛШЕ бей ерес, 2108.3 РЕ роба. ое 199.7 8.4 944 1 First annual report of the Biological Station of North Dakota. p. 24. 1910. ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., Vor. 4, 1917 (293) [Vor. 4 294 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN All of the algae listed were collected during August, 1915, although samples sent from time to time at earlier and later dates have been useful in providing additional material for further study. Acknowledgments are due to Professor R. T. Young, Director of the Station, who made the securing of the algae possible, and to Mr. Е. б. Moeberg, for assistance in collecting. No attention was paid either to the Bacillarieae or Peridineae since these two groups have been assigned to other collectors. Class MYXOPHYCEAE Order COCCOGONEALES Family CunoococcACEAE Genus APHANOTHECE Naegeli Aphanothece Castagnei (Bréb.) Rabenhorst, Fl. Eur. Alg., Sect. 2: 64. 1865. Abundant. Associated with other free- floating forms. Genus cHRoococcus Naegeli Chroococcus limneticus Lemmermann, Bot. Centralbl. 76 : 153. 1898. Chroococcus minutus (Kuetzing) Naegeli, бай. einz. Alg. 46. 1849. Both species common. Associated with other algae along shore. Genus cLATHROCYSTIS Henfrey Clathrocystis aeruginosa (Kuetzing) Henfrey, Mie. Jour. 1856:53. 1856. Abundant in towings and associated with filamentous algae. Genus COELOSPHAERIUM Naegeli Coelosphaerium Kuetzingianum Naegeli, Gatt. einz. Alg. 54. 1849. Abundant. Associated with Clathrocystis and other free-floating forms. Genus GOMPHOSPHAERIA Kuetzing Gomphosphaeria aponina Kuetzing, Tab. Phye. 1: pl. 31. f. 3. 1845-49. Not as abundant as the previously listed 1917] MOORE—ALGAE OF DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA 295 species but found in practically all towings as well as asso- ciated with algae along shore. Genus MERISMOPEDIA Meyen Merismopedia convoluta Brébisson in Kuetzing, Spec. Alg. 472. 1849. Merismopedia glauca (Ehrenb.) Naegeli, бай. einz. Alg. 55. 1849. Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann, Bot. Centralbl. 76 : 154. 1898. Of the three species of Merismopedia, M. tenuissima is by far the most abundant, being found in some twenty-six dif- ferent collections. M. glauca was found in but four samples, and M. convoluta occurred but once. Genus TETRAPEDIA Reinsch Tetrapedia gothica Reinsch, Algenfl. von Franken, 37. 1867. Rare. Sparingly found in two collections, one from towings, the other associated with Cladophora near the shore in front of the laboratory. This, so far as is known, is the first recorded collection of this genus in the United States, and it is likewise the first time the species has been found since its original diseovery by Reinseh in Germany. Archer! merely discusses the original description and plate, stating that he has never had the good fortune to encounter T'. gothica, and the reference by Forti? to Т. gothica being cited by Cook is an error. The genus Tetrapedia has long been recognized as one of the very few, if not the only member, of the Myxophyceae with figured cells—a condition strongly contrasting with the considerable number of Chlorophyceae which are charac- terized by definite but elaborately marked outlines. Tetra- pedia gothica is a compressed graduate cell with slightly rounded corners, with at first but a slight indication of the incision midway between each corner which ultimately divides tł Archer, Wm. Notice of the genus Tetrapedia. Quart. Jour. Mie. Sci. 12: 354-358. 1872. ? Forti, A., in De Toni, Syll. Alg. 5: 112. 1907. [Vor. 4 296 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN the cell into four equal segments. The margin of the minute cell frequently takes on an undulate appearance, due to the presence of an additional minor incision, but this is not always apparent. То add to the complex character of this species there ultimately appears at the juncture of the four segments a hole which is angular in outline and probably as- sists in the separation of the newly formed individuals. Reinsch makes no reference to this hole in his discussion of the species, but in the description of the plate, referring to fig. 1k, he says: ‘‘das Scheibchen in der Mitte mit einem vie- reckigen Loche versehen.’’ Figure 3, a colony of sixteen cells, also shows the hole at each point of connection. In the ma- terial from Devils Lake the central hole was always present, but was not as angular as shown in Reinsch’s figures. Order HORMOGONEALES Family OsctrLLATORIACEAE Subfamily LYNGBYEAE Genus ARTHROSPIRA Stizenberger Arthrospira Jenneri (Kuetzing) Stizenberger, Hedwigia 1: 32. 1852. Rare. Found sparingly in two collections. Genus osciLLATORIA Vaucher Oscillatoria amphibia Agardh, Flora 10: 632. 1827. The most abundant and widely distributed species, being found in thirteen different collections. Oscillatoria brevis Kuetzing, Рус. Gen. 186. 1843. Found in seven collections. Oscillatoria chalybea Mertens in Juergens, Algae Aquat. 13:4. 1822. Found but twice. Oscillatoria chlorina Kuetzing, Phye. Gen. 185. 1843. In a single towing. Oscillatoria geminata Meneghini, Consp. Alg. Eugan. 9. 1837. Oscillatoria limosa Agardh, Disp. Alg. Suec. 35. 1812. This common species was found but once. 1917] MOORE—ALGAE OF DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA 297 Oscillatoria tenuis Agardh, Alg. Decades 2: 25. 1813. ws represented in four collections. illatoria sp. А small form occurring in eleven different samples. Cell contents homogeneous and walls indistinct. Up to 2 џ in diameter. Resembling іп a general way the de- scriptions of O. subtilissima Kuetzing but never circinate and color blue-green. Also a trifle too large for the measurements given for this species. Genus PLECTONEMA Thuret Plectonema tenue Thuret, Ann. d. Sci. Nat., Bot. VI. 1: 380. 1875. Numerous filaments of this species were obtained from surface tow in one of the smaller bays of the lake. While it is probable that the material had become detached from stones, a search along the shore in shallow water failed to reveal any indication of from where the specimens had come. Genus sPIRULINA Turpin Spirulina major Kuetzing, Phye. Gen. 183. 1843. Ап abundant and widely distributed species, being found in four- teen collections. Spirulina Nordstedtii Gomont, Monogr. Oscill. 272. 1893. Notable as being the only characteristic marine form found. Spirulina subtilissima Kuetzing, Phye. Gen. 183. 1843. Found in one collection only. А salt-water and sulphur- spring form. Spirulina tenerrima Kuetzing, Phye. Gen. 183. 1843. Rare. Family NosrocACEAE Genus ANABAENA Bory Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngbye) Brébisson in Brébisson & Godey, Alg. des Environs de Falaise, 36. 1835. Not common during any period of summer or fall nor forming the predom- inant part of the plankton as is frequently the case. Found so as to be definitely identified in but one towing, although bits of filaments which might have been 4. flos-aquae occurred in several other collections. [Vor. 4 298 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Genus NopULARIA Mertens Nodularia spumigena Mertens var. genuina Bornet & Fla- hault, Ann. d. Sei. Nat., Bot. VII. 7:245. 1888. The most abundant and widely distributed of the Myxophyceae found. Occurring in practically all towings, sometimes almost assum- ing the character of a **water-bloom."' Family ScyrTONEMACEAE Genus тогүротнвіх Kuetzing Tolypothrix lanata (Desvaux) Wartmann in Rabenhorst, Die Algen Sachsens No. 768. 1858. Found in two collections growing with other algae attached to twigs near shore. Family RivurLARIACEAE Genus CALOTHRIX Agardh Calothrix Braunii Bornet & Flahault, Ann. d. Sci. Nat., Bot. VII. 3:368. 1886. Collected but once, growing on a single large boulder. Calothrix parietina (Naegeli) Thuret, Ann. d. Sci. Nat., Bot. VI. 1: 381. 1875. Slightly incrusted, forming brownish patches on small stones near shore. Genus GLOETRICHIA J. С. Agardh Gloetrichia natans (Hedwig) Rabenhorst, Deutschl. Krypto- gamen-fl. 90. 1847. Several large masses in one towing. Class CHLOROPHYCEAE! Order CONJUGALES Family MESOCARPACEAE Genus Moucrotia Agardh Mougeotia sp. Found near shore in three collections. The cells were normal and in good condition, but there was no in- 1 The classification of the Chlorophyceae follows that given by Collins in ‘The Green Algae of North America,’ as it is desirable in a list of this sort to adhere to some established standard. Since the appearance of Collins’s work there have been several fundamental changes in the position of genera and families as designated by him, but no confusion can arise from the arrangement here used. 1917] MOORE—ALGAE OF DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA 299 dication of fruiting. With Tolypothrix and Anabaena flos- aquae. Order VOLVOCALES Family VoLvocacEAE Genus PANDORINA Bory Pandorina sp.? Sixteen-celled, non-motile colonies of what might have been Pandorina were obtained in one towing. The limited amount of material made any definite determina- tion impossible, and it is uncertain as to whether the colonies were really Pandorina or the resting stage of some unicellular alga. Family ТЕТВАЗРОВАСЕАЕ Genus rxEFFIGIATA W. & С. S. West Ineffigiata neglecta W. & G. S. West, Quart. Jour. Mie. бос. 1897 : 503. 1897. Abundantly present in one towing. Doubt- fully present in two other towings. Order PROTOCOCCALES Family PROTOCOCCACEAE Genus cHaracium A. Braun Characium Hookeri (Reinsch) Hansgirg, Prod. Algenfl. von Bóhmen, Heft 1: 123. 1886-88. Abundant on living cyclops obtained by towing. Apparently the first record of this species in America. It agrees well with the published deseriptions, and examples of the gregarious habit figured by Reinsch were frequently observed. A single large pyrenoid is prominent. Family Әсем CEAE Genus coELAsTRUM Naegeli Coelastrum microporum Naegeli in A. Braun, Alg. unic. gen. nova vel minus сор. 70. 1855. Rare in towings. Genus DICTYOSPHAERIUM Naegeli Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood, Smithsonian Contr. to Knowledge 241:84. 1872. "Very common in almost all samples from towings. [Vor. 4 300 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Genus NEPHROCYTIUM Naegeli Nephrocytium Naegelii Grunow in Rabenhorst, Fl. Eur. Alg., Sect. 3:52. 1868. Occurring rather frequently in towings. Genus оосүвтів Naegeli in A. Braun Oocystis solitaria Wittrock in Wittr. & Nordst. Alg. Exsice. No. 244. Cells slightly larger than given for this species but not approaching forma major, otherwise typical. Frequently found in towings from various parts of the lake. Genus SCENEDESMUS Meyen Scenedesmus bijuga (Turp.) Kuetzing, Syn. Diat. 607. 1834. Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Brébisson forma typicus Kirchner in Cohn’s Kryptogamenfl. von Schlesien, 98. 1878. Both species rather common in towings, also associated with filamentous algae along shore. Genus ZOOCHLORELLA Brandt Zoochlorella conductrix Brandt, Archiv f. Physiol. 18821; 140. 1882. In Stentor from towings. Family HYDRODICTYACEAE Genus PEDIASTRUM Meyen Pediastrum angulosum (Ehrenb.) Meneghini, Linnaea 14: 211. 1840. Pediastrum Boryanum (Turp.) Meneghini, Linnaea 14: 210. 1840. Both species rather frequent in towings. Order ULOTRICHALES Family UrorRiCHACEAE Genus microspora Thuret Microspora Loefgrenii (Nordst.) Lagerheim, Ber. d. deut. bot. Ges. 5: 417. 1887. With Tolypothrix and other fila- mentous forms along shore. Agrees well with the species ex- cept that occasionally the wall may be up to 6 y thick. 1917] MOORE—ALGAE OF DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA 301 Genus ULOTHRIX Kuetzing Ulothrix zonata (Web. & Mohr) Kuetzing, Flora 16: 519. 1833. With Cladophora Kuetzimgiana along shore. Family ULVACEAE Genus ENTEROMORPHA Link Enteromorpha prolifera (Fl. Dan.) J. С. Agardh, Lunds Univ. Aarsskrift 19 : 129. 1882. Very abundant іп Lamoreaux Bay. Scattered elsewhere along shore and on rock pile near opposite shore from Biological Station. Although Entero- morpha is ordinarily regarded as a marine form, E. prolifera has been reported from several fresh-water lakes in the west. Genus PROTODERMA Kuetzing Protoderma viride (?) Kuetzing, Рус. Gen. 295. 1843. Оп stones along shore. Cells resembled those of P. viride seen from other localities but the life history could not be followed, and the determination must be regarded as doubtful. Family СнАЕТОРНОВАСЕАЕ Genus STIGEOCLONIUM Kuetzing Stigeoclonium nanum (Dillw.) Kuetzing, Spec. Alg. 354. 1849. Attached to Cladophora and associated with Entero- morpha. Agrees closely with published descriptions and figures of this species, as well as with the specimen in Collins, Holden & Setchell’s ‘Phycotheca,’ No. 867. No indication of being a state of some other species, suggested as a possibility by Collins. Order SIPHONOCLADIALES Family CLaDOPHORACEAE Genus cLapopHoRA Kuetzing Cladophora Kuetzingiana Grunow in Rabenhorst, Fl. Eur. Alg., Sect. 3: 342. 1868. Very abundant in various localities along the shore. 1 Collins, Е. S. The green algae of North America. p. 300. 1909. [Vor. 4 302 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN The foregoing list may be summarized as follows: Myxophyceae Genera Species Coccogoneales ............. (errr rere 10 Hormogoneales ............ Oia sens puss к» 19 Chlorophyceae Conjugales ............... ТЕГТІ” 1 Volvocales ................ ЖКТ 1 Protococcales ............. ——Q 10 Ulotrichales .............. Delo ERES 5 Siphonocladiales ........... РИСТЕ 1 Тоа1]............ Өде йена 47 Excluding the diatoms, of which there appears to be a con- siderable number of species, the algal flora of Devils Lake can hardly be regarded as a rich one. Тһе Myxophyceae are, it is true, fairly well represented, and the fact that they constitute practically 50 per cent of the genera and species present may be regarded as one of the effects of the increasing salinity of the water. The almost entire elimination of the Conjugales, which so frequently constitute the greatest number of species in fresh-water lakes, is likewise to be attributed to the high content of salts, and perhaps the absence of this order is suf- ficient alone to account for the small total number of species. With the exception of Spirulina Nordstedtu, all the species listed are frequently, if not invariably, found in fresh water, so that the algal flora of the lake is to be regarded as typically a fresh-water one, showing no effect of the gradual concentra- tion of the water. Furthermore, of the species identified, it is worthy of note that with minor differences of measurement, they were all absolutely typical, with no indication of any effect of the in many cases unusual, if not unfavorable, environment. The increased thickness of the wall in Microspora Loefgrenu was the only change from the normal condition which might be regarded as having been induced by the salinity of the water. It is likewise interesting that so far as the collections made are concerned no new genera or species are to be recorded 1917] MOORE- -ALGAE OF DEVILS LAKE, NORTH DAKOTA 303 from Devils Lake. While some forms at first were regarded as being possibly new, diligent search of the literature, to- gether with careful examination of the material, always re- sulted in locating the specimen satisfactorily under some previously described species. MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA! EDWARD ANGUS BURT Mycologist and. Librarian to the Missouri Botanical Garden Associate Professor in the Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington Unwersity MERULIUS Merulius Haller, Hist. Stirp. Helvetiae 3 : 150. 1768, emend. Fries, Syst. Мус. 1: 326. 1821; Elenchus Fung. 1: 56. 1828; Еріст. 499. 1838; Hym. Eur. 591. 1874; басс. Syll. Fung. 6:411. 1888; Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. 1**: 152. 1898.—Serpula as a section of Merulius Persoon, Syn. Fung. 496. 1801.—Xylomyzon Persoon, Мус. Eur. 2:26. 1825. Fructification formed from a woven, mucedinous mycelium, covered with the continuous hymenium which is usually waxy- soft, reticulated on the surface with obtuse folds, incompletely porose, at length gyrose and obsoletely toothed. The fructifications grow on wood usually, although some species occur on the ground, are soft and mucedinous, and dimidiate, reflexed or resupinate. Many reflexed species may be found resupinate also. The spores are distinctly och- raceous or white in most species, but have only the slightest tinge of color in several intermediate species; the basidia are simple; cystidia are present in a few species. Merulius is closely connected on one side with Coniophora, Согисит, Peniophora, and Stereum of the Thelephoraceae and on the other side with Рота. If one has an immature specimen only, it may be difficult to decide whether it is a Merulius, but fully mature specimens have the hymenial sur- face distinctly reticulate with obtuse folds imperfectly porose 1 Issued. December 8, 1917. Note.—The technical нека erms used in this work are those of Ridgway, Color мол and Nom Lave dem Washington, D. C., 1912. With regard to the citation of иа», all except those of “Exsiccati” are in Burt Herbarium, ich are cited withou gne reference to place in other herbaria. Vac the TE of Merulius americanus cited “Louisi iana, “aA „мера A. nglois, 1590,” is in Burt Herbarium. The data given is that rece wit o tho specimens в and may identify duplicates in another herbariu = The tie tion of all specimens in ет herbaria than my own is designated by giving іп parenthesis the name of the herbarium preceded xi "in." For example, the specimen of the same d ies cited “Wyoming, Medicine Bow Mts., A. Nelson, 9673 (in Мо. Bot. Gard. Herb., m e idi is in Missouri Botanical Garden Her- barium, but not in Burt Herbar ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., VoL. 4, 1917 (305) © = [Vor. 4 306 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN or gyrose, while the departure from the even hymenial sur- face in the genera of the Thelephoraceae just named is at the most only undulate-tubercular or granular. Greater difficulty may be experienced in deciding from poor or scanty material whether a given collection belongs in Merulius or in Poria. The development of the hymenium is, however, fundamen- tally different in these two genera. In Merulius, the hymenium is at first plane, and in this young stage sections show basidia and spores; by further growth this plane surface is thrown into folds and becomes porose, but it remains continuous over this irregular surface and will show in sections basidia on the edges of the folds as well as lining the pores. In Poria the formation of pores precedes the formation of the hymenium, hence sections of a young Poria having distinct pores may have no basidia as yet; at length a hymenium de- velops for each pore, as in the genus Porothelium, but these hymenia are not continuous over the edges of the dissepi- ments from pore to pore, so far as I have observed; hence while a рогове Merulius and а Poria may resemble each other, sections of the Merulius should show a continuous hymenium, while those of the Poria might have the hymenium not yet differentiated if the Poria is very young, or lacking the hymenium on the edges of the dissepiments if mature. The species of Merulius are of great economie importance on account of the dry rot of timber, caused by the species which grow on wood. There is an extended literature on the dry rot caused in Europe by Merulius lacrymans, a species which is rather rare in North America; but very little has been published in the United States concerning decay caused by our numerous other species. I am indebted for specimens to my correspondents whose names are mentioned in the following pages, and who have made possible this record of our species of Merulius and of their distribution. I am under further obligation to Dr. W. A. Murrill for the opportunity to study the unmounted speci- mens of Merulius of the New York Botanical Garden Her- barium, to Mr. C. G. Lloyd for permission to study his refer- enee series of species of Merulius, to Dr. H. D. House for 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 307 permitting me to study the Peck types of species of this genus in the New York State Herbarium, and to Dr. W. G. Farlow for access to specimens in the Curtis Herbarium. Miss E. M. Wakefield has kindly studied two type specimens in Kew Her- barium which were inaccessible to me and has communicated the results. Specimens received from Abate G. Bresadola and Mr. L. Romell have been of the utmost value for com- parison of American species with those of Europe. To all I make grateful acknowledgment for aid. — кө B — se e e я KEY то THE SPECIES LEPTOSPORI. Spores white (perhaps colored in 9. M. sordidus when ШИШИ Tem ооо оне bs вас ив оо уа ер ка ИШИ ОТ as B 6%464%56%265950646%6%69996ө;0%е6еееео9 чо о кет 82594424 49 «9499 s | Color of spores ae probably тъне... ес coe 8. М. Wrightit Я Fructifications dimidiate- 5... эз раса аа КДА сои сы хоз ох ое әә ооо озона свое & тїп їп . Fructifications always тевцрїйаб@ё.........5.%» кои ИЕС CO ro] 2. Fructifications dimidiate, imbricated, tomentose, coral-pink when fresh; spores 4—43 X2-24 ш; rare outside of — EL A sess ety efe e yel ie О АЛ КОЛКО О se Де АИИ incarnatus 2. т rey solitary, hirsute, S eiii cream-buff ; j 3X2 и; known from Jalapa, Mexico, only....... 2. M. hirsutus 2. Fructifications reniform, very small, 5X mm. а and 3 mm. in diam- eter, 2555 tomentose, seeing Isabella-color; spores not ob- СОСО Несе in Теха:.......................» 9. M. Wrightit Fruetification. fleshy-tremellose, v ith a broad gelatinous subhymenial layer which dries horny and requires several minutes to absorb sr to soften for баси ае pores often transversely partitioned; мейе шай, ЗА ШС БЕТ botas sss зун ERE . М. tremellosus . Fructification with s аі layer having walls of its hyphae gelati; nously modified, but thin and somewhat pliant when dry; z stidia spores: EOX И: оп сөлПеті Я "5. М. ambiguus . Fructification neither fleshy-tremellose nor with walls of hyphae of the odified rig eme layer: gelatinously (Modified sh 157 ака а иск ad 4. Hyphae = - ае ите, nha ax fructification coriaceous, oft, somewhat tom cally suleate when br roadly ез жет» to pallid. іі. piis spores 43-5 X23 w...... 6. M. .4..................................-.жшжа n n эш n n сенге о buff "to cinnam on; pores à about 3 t m.; spores of Ameriean collections 43-5 X 14-2 Ше: Pim oc e M. corium . Reflexed portion drying cinnamon- Mu Қалайы hymenium bony and between vinaceous-brown gente ; pores about 2-3 to a sections change to orbi em by action api KHO solution; spores hyalina 3X14 и as seen attached to basidia, published by Cooke ав dilu te ор 7X5 ш; described from Venezuela, but may range T pies orth 9. sordidus ооо ооо ооо оное оо ее кое [Vor. 4 308 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 5. Reflexed portion drying Sayal-brown, radially fibrillose, somewhat zonate and shining; hymenium between light seal-brown and Hay’s brown; s 3 in Venezuela 10. M. de л . Reflexed pom drying whitish to wax-yellow, pubescent, concentrically te; us folds about 4 to a mm., sometimes growing out into ccr Анка odis allantoid, 3X3 ш; in ' Cuba ТЕРЕНА" 11. М. cubensis E — often Иска resupinate; hymenium becoming fissured, dryin am-eolor to ochraceous taw — the folds narrow, dr eform, е Жез not forming а. spores 444-1 и; on alder..12. M. niveus 6. Fructifications separable from the 41. (85. М. адан 18 поб included here, although its spores are sometimes colorless under > РЕНИ ИО 6. Fructification айпа{е . Hymenium not becoming porose, gyrose-plicate, drying Capucine- a hyphae incrusted, nodose-septate ; spores often slightly — Exit и; known from Michigan ТЫН TA eae Sees Tr S. jedes . Hymenium not becoming porose, gyrose-plieate with 44. piedi folds, — cartridge-buff, waxy; hyphae not inerusted, кы аге1 э корав septate; spores 3-4Х2 р......................... d x sororius ming imperfectly porose, = the pn cli buff on a whitish, cobwebby, supporting membrane; spores subglobose, 24 и in diameter; on the lichen Stereocaulon in зо ык Mountains mre Be Pk Oe ee ee 15. М. lichenicola ‚ Hymenium — „рогове. (Examine sections to guard against includ- ing species of Роғіа)............................................. 8. Spores съда 34-4 и in diameter; fructification translucent when fresh, drying pinkish buff to pale ecru-drab...... 16. М. dubius $. De лий ФИНИ. 5... scene hh roh жж. акау» 9 иы — toward the hymenium; hymenium drying pale olive- buff to warm buff and ochraceous buff; pores 2-4 mm.; spores 3-44 X1 2 PCLT eee Tore eee Tere rere Lee TT etre 17. М. bellus . Hyphae not — же drying Нау” brown to dark vinaceous- brown; pores a a mm.; spores allantoid, 331—4X 3-11 ш...... 18. - -I - B - > © 9. Hyphae not incrusted; fructification everywhere drying — hens rose-yellow - naphthalene- yellow; pores 2-3 to ores 43-6 X 24-34 и ТОА ее. M. nd елу not шегінісі; fructification drying white, 52. somewhat cartridge-buff the herbar rium; pores 1 or 2 to a mm.; spores 6-71 х 3-34 и; pa кз ты КК CRY Ed (rade УЛ С АУ 20. М. albus 10. иин. н drying between warm buff and cream- "buff; pores a 3 to a mm.; hyphae inerusted ; пея Mog m. in British. Columbi ШОТА ж УСТАЗ a res x М. ыйы те 10. a ae с not tomentose, having a. like piii on the folds, drying light buff to pinkish buff with vinaceous-gray m пра pores about 2 to а шш.; hyphae Аны РЬ ни TEN 14-2 т с -2-..,2-.:5555:4...........:.:5.... . М. hirtellus e t toment rying between drab-gray and ecru ; hyphae not incrusted; spores зе 51 іп ew Hampshire Sean ogee rea eas ski у Re ls TS EA CS ET 23. М. Farlowüi 10. Hymenium not tomentose, not having mgm like cystidia on the folds, but with clavate gloeocystidia in the ymenial region, Е и and ochraceous cing "o tawny olive; spore 7-84 X 4-43 д; in Cuba and Jamaica............... 24. M. obs 10. Hymenium not tomentose, M" rar cystidia nor кы 11 1]. gen ecc drying fawn-color to earob-brown and Natal-brown; pores 2 to a mm.; spores slightly curved, 44 X 13-23 5 Ис 25. М. rufus 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 309 11. речин drying ochraceous cream-buff to pinkish buff, oy, paler, ofte өлен pde and chr. ng away from the substratum; pore t E por m PL Bw. ра. So balks se UT T ы 26. M. ceracellus 12. fructifieation к» reflexed when best developed, but sometimes eg nn en UU ся: 2. tification a Теріде... и речь 14 . Fructification large, from 2 mm. up to 1 em, and more thick when grow- ing, spongy-fleshy; the subhymenial feb composed of densely arranged, nodose-septate hyphae, some of which are colored, 5-6 и in diameter an eo — е 4—4} шіп all ing towards the hymenium; spores citron- -yellow under the microscope, 27. и Я a small, about 4 cm. broad and 1 em. long; hymenium dry- ing ochraceous orange to russet; longitudinal or radiate folds more prominent t than the transverse ones; spores very pale, есі ius и; к = М. aureus Бо асов оо о ово ооо ө ө ө о ё фасона Ss рт 13. обв ов with reflexed Е flabelliform, tomentose, =. Sayal- brown; hymenium при fuscous, with shallow pores about 4 to a ИШ Т ШОТ Sa и; in OunBe............ зовем 29. М. ui NU 14, Spores ыма э» vio ТЕСЕ Serr eee ee Кк 15 I рор una less than 74 X 4) 4........ cro CARERE ERES - сл - Hymenium drying ‘Brussels-brown to bone-brown, gyrose-porose, with the folds growing out into raduloid am on an — surface, the pores 1-13 mm. in diameter and depth or half as deep; layer next to sub- stratum composed of loosely interwoven, colored and hyaline ыы intermixed; spores bone-brown in a spore collection, 9X6 w........ ОООО eio e OU ТТТ Ge ПЕ: о . M. americanus 15. Hymenium drying amber-brown, forming slightly elevated, obtus е, son folds between which are shallow, labyrinthiform depressions; spor aniline-yellow under the microscope, OX 44-8 2222225 31. M. желіні 15. Hymenium drying warm sepia, even towards the margin, porose-sinuate at the center by eine. tr fs of the. folds; fruetification in large, sheet like masses run rough with rhizomorphie ins; spores 10-12 Х6-8 и, сгеат-со]ог under the microscope..... 32. M. brassicaefolius 15. Hymenium m ng та r when fully mature, paler towards th in and when — ар eset. thin, slightly elevated, gyrose folds which ou tline more or les mpletely shallow pores about iu mm. in diameter; Pit ез Рас зет, under the microscope, 9—10 ш. ree cre Е еер hie hes ee v RS 33. М. нома 16. Hymenium between buffy brown and Saccardo’s umber, with slightly elevated folds which become reticulately connected and form hex- agonal pores about 1-2 to a ии ; Spores concolorous а the hyphae, 5-74 X44 и; in California.............. 34. М. hexagonoides 16. Hymenium gyrose-plicate, not бате pores, drying cream-color to pe buff, often with a tinge of orange; hyphae nodosé- septate, coarsely granule-incrusted towards the Eigen се hyaline or slightly yellowish mde the microscope, 4-5 X 3-3 . М. [ида 16. перси with folds ee somewhat reticulate, not бъда ing between avellaneous and wood-brown, the su- bieul and margin Не color; hyphae pale olive-buff under the serien spores concolorous with the hyphae, poros a CL UU UI. 86. M. Mod aid 6. Hymenium becoming рогозе................................... 7 17. Fructifiation drying sepia to Chaetura drab, thick, soft; hyphae 2-3 и e r, hyaline; folds n out into teeth ; spores урек ff neg microscope, 43-6 X ral d КТГ 5: 87. М. umbrinus W. Fructifieation pinard-yellow at first, then olive-ocher, drying a little darker; folds of the pores grown out into subulate or Irpex-like teeth; spores pale ochraceous in spore collection, 5-6 X 4-5 w...... 38. M. pinastri ae a a ee вое ө ё е Фо ө ө ө ө ө те ва ә осоки [Vor. 4 310 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 17. Fructification drying between Saccardo’s umber and Dresden-brown in all parts, flaxy; hymenium minutely ри qp. outlining rather im- perfect, shallow pores about 2—4 to a mm.; spores deep olive-buff under the microscope, 43-6 34-44 и; оп ту їп sugar-cane field, Porto Rico ааа ТАТ ТТІ УК ee wee ҮТ, 39. М. byssoideus 17. Fructification drying between dark ivy-green and dark olive-gray - the ter; hymenium at length porose with angular pores about 14-2 to a mm., 1-13 mm. deep; some incrusted hyphae near the eod за spores citron- -yellow under the microscope, 43-5 «3-35 ш; in North САЛЫ Оол хы AE, E i RUP EINE. id, нй MIT 40. M. atrovirens 1. Merulius incarnatus Schweinitz, Naturforsch. Ges. Leipzig Sehrift. 1: 92. 1822; Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 57. 1828; Еріст. 500. 1838; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 411. 1888. Cantharellus incarnatus Schweinitz, Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. №. S. 4: 153. 1832.—Merulius rubellus Peck, Bot. Gaz. 7: 44. 1882; Saee. Syll. Fung. 6 : 412. 1888. Type: in Herb. Schweinitz and a portion in Herb. Fries. Illustrations: Hard, Mushrooms, f. 353; State Univ. of Ohio Bul. IX. 6: f. 90 Fructifications dimidiate, sessile, mostly imbrieated, soft, somewhat coriaceous, tomentose, Congo-pink to coral-pink when fresh, fading in drying to pinkish buff and light buff, the margin undulate, often inflexed; hymenium with the folds much branched, porose-anastomosing, drying flesh-ocher to salmon-buff ; in structure ranging up to 3 mm. SN dv thick (1) with a very broad, spongy, upper Fig. 1 layer eomposed of loosely interwoven, rigid M. incarnatus. hyphae 4-5 y in diameter, somewhat incrusted р ts р with brownish granules, and (2) with a layer |. 71 150 в thick, composed of densely and longi- tudinally arranged, hyaline hyphae 4-5 д in diameter, occa- sionally nodose-septate, not incrusted, not gelatinously modi- fied, which bear the hymenium; spores white in spore collection, even, biguttulate, 4442-25 y. Fructification 2-4 em. broad, 4-8 em. long. On logs and stumps of white oak, beech, birch, and maple— often growing out under, and extending beyond, old fructifica- tions of Sterewm fasciatum. North Carolina to Louisiana and in the Mississippi Valley. Fresh specimens of this species may be recognized by the beautiful coral-pink color, soft and rather dry consistency, 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 311 and dimidiate form. In determining dried specimens in the herbarium, the distinguishing positive characters are the dimidiate form, imbricate habit, immediate softening through- out of a piece of the fructification when water is applied to it preparatory to sectioning—due to absence of such a ge- latinous subhymenial layer as occurs in M. tremellosus—, and spores slightly larger than those of the latter species and not strongly curved. Fries noted in ‘Epicrisis’ that M. incar- natus is unique in the Leptospori in not being effuso-reflexed. M. incarnatus is probably rare outside the Mississippi Valley and is not known to occur in the collections of Curtis and Ravenel, who mistook reddish and broadly reflexed specimens of M. tremellosus for M. incarnatus. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ell. 6 Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 3004. North Carolina: Schweinitz, type (in Herb. Schweinitz). Alabama: Montgomery, R. P. Burke, 136 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 10464). Louisiana: St. Martinville, А. В. Langlois, 2810, 2245 (the latter in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). West Virginia: L. W. Nuttall, in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 3004. Tennessee: Elkmont, C. H. Kauffman, 84 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 18643). Ohio: Cincinnati, А. P. Morgan, type of Merulius rubellus (in Coll. N. Y. State). Indiana: Greencastle, L. M. Underwood, 12 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4083), and an unnumbered specimen (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Missouri: Gaylor, S. M. Zeller (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9080) ; Loughboro, L. О. Overholts (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4082); Meramec Highlands, S. M. Zeller (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43749). Arkansas: Bigflat, W. Н. Long, 19900 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9140) ; Cass, W. H. Long, 19829 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9137). Mississippi: Starkville, 9. M. Tracy (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ГУ ог. 4 312 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 2. М. hirsutus Burt, n. sp. Type: in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification pileate, dimidiate, sessile, convex, thin, hir- вше, somewhat concentrically suleate, drying pale cream-buff, the margin thin, entire; hymenium even at first, becoming porose with shallow pores about 2 to a mm., drying somewhat Е: orange-cinnamon where pores are developed о 9 and pale pinkish cinnamon towards the margin; Fig. 2 in structure 2-3 mm. thick towards the base, М. hirsutus, With (1) the layer forming the upper side ae on $$. rey very broad and composed of loosely inter- woven, thick-walled, hyaline hyphae 41-6 д in diameter, and with (2) the layer next to Ше hymenium. composed of densely arranged, hyaline hyphae 3-31 и in diameter, with their walls somewhat gelatinously modified; spores, as seen on basidia, hyaline, even, flattened on one side, 3x2 и, perhaps still immature. Fructification 14 em. broad, 3 em. long, 3 mm. thick near point of attachment in the single fructification collected. On wood. Jalapa, Mexico. December. This species resembles М. incarnatus in having a dimidiate pileus, but is distinct from that species by its hirsute cover- ing, different color, and shorter spores, and not growing im- bricate in clusters. The hymenium is very similar to that of M. confluens. Specimens examined: Mexico: Jalapa, W. A. Murrill, 66 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 3. M. Wrightii Berkeley, Grevillea 1: 69. 1872; басс. Syll. Fung. 6 : 413. 1888. Type: in Kew Herb. Fructification minute, pileate, ses- sile, reniform, attached by a point, minutely tomentose, drying pale Isa- bella-color, the margin free, incurved; hymenium drying snuff-brown, horny M. Wrightii. А Е Fructifications X 4. (hence probably cartilaginous when 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 313 fresh), with a few radiating, branching folds and less prom- inent connecting folds, forming radially elongated pores about 4 to a mm. transversely; structure and spores not known. One fructification of the type is 5х4 mm., and the other 3 mm. in diameter; both are thick in proportion to size. On wood. Texas. C. Wright, 3144, type (in Kew Herb.). In his comment on M. Wrightii in connection with the orig- inal description, Berkeley states that this species is appar- ently intermediate between Laschia and Merulius. I could find no specimens of C. Wrightii in Curtis Herbarium and am indebted to Miss E. M. Wakefield for notes on the type which have made possible the above description, and also for two sketches which illustrate the species. Miss Wakefield adds that it is not possible to say from the specimens whether they were attached to wood. 4, M. tremellosus Schrader, Spic. Fl. Germ. 139. 1794; Persoon, Obs. Мус. 2: 92. 1799; Syn. Fung. 496. 1801; Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 327. 1821; Hym. Eur. 591. 1874; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 6 : 411. 1888. Merulius Pruni Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105: 25. 1906; басс. Syll. Fung. 21: 360. 1913. Illustrations: Fl. Dan. pl. 1553; Gillet, Champ. Hym.; Hard, Mushrooms, teat f. 354; Hussey, Ill. Brit. Мус. pl. 10. Fruetifieation resupinate, then free or reflexed, fleshy- tremellose, the upper surface tomentose and white; hymenium ruddy, somewhat translucent, drying cin- namon-buff and Prussian-red ; the folds form ж rather deep pores, at first radial. elongated, + about 1-144 mm., and transversely venose, i finally subdivided into smaller, equal, angu- lar pores; in structure ranging from 4 to 2 mm. thick, with (1) a layer next to sub- stratum of loosely interwoven, hyaline hyphae 3-34 u in diameter, and with (2) a рн, very broad, gelatinous layer 400-1000 д dium Х 510 spores Ж 870. broad, composed of densely arranged, par- вее pl. 20, f. 3. Fig. 4 [Vor. 4 314 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN allel, hyaline hyphae with walls gelatinously modified, the sub- hymenial portion of the layer usually Isabella-color and granular in preparations stained with eosin; cystidia even or incrusted, sparingly present, 34—44 џ in diameter, emerg- ing 15-25 д above the basidia; spores hyaline, even, allantoid, biguttulate, 3—84 4-1 и. Fructifications 2-6 em. in diameter, often laterally con- fluent, sometimes imbricate, the reflexed margin varying up to 14 em. broad. Common on decaying logs and stumps of birch, maple, and other frondose species, rarely on coniferous wood. Every- where in North America. August to January. Fully developed specimens of M. tremellosus may usually be recognized by their occurrence on frondose wood, reflexed, white, tomentose pileus, large pores often with short, trans- verse veins or partition at the base, thick, gelatinous-carti- laginous flesh, and small, more or less curved spores. Such specimens, when dry, usually require an interval of three to five minutes after water is applied before the dried, horny- gelatinous layer will soften for sectioning, but immature specimens soften more quickly. Wholly resupinate fructi- fications have the same character as the resupinate portion of reflexed specimens, with which they are usually associated. When growing on a vertical surface the folds may show a tendency to become dentate or irpiciform. Specimens examined: Ехвіссай: Bartholomew, Fungi Col, 2844 (in сору in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., not Phlebia radiata as stated on emended label), 4437, 4941; Cavara, Fungi Longobardiae, 159; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 507; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 213; Klotzsch, Herb. Viv. Мус., 110; Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1013, 1013b; Ravenel, Fungi Car. 2: 22, under the name M. incarnatus, 3: 15; Ravenel, Fungi Am., 715; Sydow, Myc. Germ., 1204; de Thiimen, Мус. Univ., 2205. Finland: Mustiala, P. 4. Karsten, in de Thiimen, Мус. Univ., 2205. Sweden: Femsjó, E. 4. Burt. Germany: Forbach, А. Ludwig, in Sydow, Мус. Germ., 1204; 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 315 Ilmenau, J. Е. Klotzsch, in Klotzsch, Herb. Viv. Мус., 110; Saxony, Winterberg, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 10181; Dresden, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1013. Italy: Papia, Ғ. Cavara, in Cavara, Fungi Longobardiae, 159. Canada: Belleville, J. Macoun, 202 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Fairy Lake, J. Macoun, 40 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Shamminth, J. Macoun, 207 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Ontario: Hull, J. Macoun, 140, 224, 464 (all in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Ottawa, J. Macoun, 202 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Quebec: Hull, J. Macoun, 70 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Maine: Piscataquis County, W. A. Murrill, 1991 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow, 146 (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54940); East Hebron, P. Wilson (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Vermont: Middlebury, E. A. Burt, four collections; Ripton, E. A. Burt. Massachusetts: Arlington Heights, E. А. Burt; Cambridge, W. G. Farlow (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54920); North Scituate, W. G. Farlow (in Farlow Herb.); Stony Brook, E. A. Burt. Connecticut: East Hartford, C. C. Hanmer. New York: Altamont, Е. А. Burt; Bronx, W. A. Murrill (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Canandaigua, О. Е. Cooke (in М. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Chappaqua, Mrs. C. E. Rider £ Mrs. W. A. Murril (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Clyde, O. F. Cooke (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); East Galway, E. A. Burt; Fabius, L. M. Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Horicon, C. Н. Peck, type of M. Pruni (in Coll. N. Y. State and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Karner, H. D. House (in N. Y. State Mus. Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Lake Placid, W. A. Murrill, 65, 208, 671 (all in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; New York City, W. H. Ballou (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) and W. A. Murrill (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Syraeuse, L. M. Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Фе? am n PY Eu [Vor. 4 316 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN New Jersey: J. B. Ellis, in Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 507; Engle- wood, W. Н. Ballou, two collections (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Pennsylvania: Carbondale, E. A. Burt; Trexlertown, W. Herbst. Maryland: Takoma Park, C. L. Shear, 1189. Virginia: Great Falls, J. R. Weir, 8005 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54932); Mountain Lake, W. A. Murrill, 394, 395 (both in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). West Virginia: Nuttallburg, L. W. Nuttall, in Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 213. North Carolina: W. A. Murrill (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Chapel Hill, W. C. Coker, 99? (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Black Rock Mountain, G. F. Atkinson, 11893 (їп N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). South Carolina: H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 2: 22, 3:15; Aiken, H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 715. Florida: Tallahassee, Е. Bartholomew, 5727 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44263), and in Bartholomew, Fungi Col., 4941. Alabama: Lee County, Е. 9. Earle, 79 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Montgomery County, R. P. Burke, 11 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.), and 59, 114, 320 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 18206, 19801, and 54942, respectively). Louisiana: St. Martinville, 4. B. Langlois, 2805. Texas: Beaumont, W. H. Long, 21732 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Wisconsin: Madison, W. T'release (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 05146). Indiana: Greeneastle, L. M. Underwood (їп N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Illinois: Bloomington, H. von Schrenk (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43834). Kentucky: Crittenden, C. G. Lloyd, 1401 (in Lloyd Herb.). Missouri: Allenton, G. W. Letterman, 26 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4062); Benton, L. Н. Pammel (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54921) ; Columbia, B. M. Duggar, 575; Creve Coeur, E. A. Burt (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54328, 54329, 54923, 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 317 54924); O’Fallon, W. Trelease (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4060). Arkansas: Batesville, E. Bartholomew, in Bartholomew, Fungi Col., 2844 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Bertig, W. Trelease (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4076, 4084); Womble, W. H. Long, 19912 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 8962). Oklahoma: Spiro, Е. Bartholomew, in Bartholomew, Fungi Col., 4437. Idaho: Priest River, W. H. Long, 19912 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 10722). Washington: Seattle, W. A. Murrill, 154, 155 (both in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Mexico: Jalapa, W. A. Murrill, 310 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Orizaba, J. G. Smith (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4066). 5. М. ambiguus Berkeley, Grevillea 1: 69. 1872; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 416. 1888. Type: type distribution in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 1: 24. Fructification orbicular, sometimes resupinate, usually nar- rowly reflexed, coriaceous-soft, with the reflexed portion tomentose, often concentrically suleate, drying whitish to pale smoke-gray; hymenium drying from tawny olive to Rood’s brown, the folds at first radiate, flexuous, and branching, then transversely connected and эс forming shallow, angular pores about 1X4 Fig. 5 mm.; in structure 300-600 м thick, with (1) the м. ambiguus. layer next to the substratum 50-100 р thick, Spores X 870. 5 я pl. 20, f. 4. composed of loosely interwoven, hyaline hyphae, and with (2) a much broader gelatinous layer bear- ing the hymenium and constituting the rest of the fructifica- tion; spores hyaline, even, 4-52-24 и. Fructifications 2-6 cm. in diameter, often laterally conflu- ent, the reflexed margin 2-10 mm. broad. On bark of logs of Pinus palustris, P. ponderosa, P. echinata, P. austrica, P. resinosa, ete. New Jersey to New Mexico and in Minnesota and Idaho. May to November. This fine species is intermediate between M. corium and [Vor. 4 318 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN M. tremellosus; it resembles the former in general aspect and thin fructifications, which are, however, finally much larger than in that species, not quite so soft, with much larger and more rectangular pores, and with the subhymenial layer com- posed of hyphae having their walls gelatinously modified. The large pores and the gelatinous subhymenial layer are sug- gestive of M. tremellosus, but the fructification of M. ambiguus is thin and somewhat pliant when dry and softens upon ap- plying water so that it may be sectioned at once, and the spores are a little longer, broader, and not as curved as those of M. tremellosus; with a single exception, it has been col- lected so far on species of pine, while M. tremellosus is usually common on frondose species. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ellis, №. Am. Fungi, 925; ЕШ. & Ev., №. Am. Fungi, 3205; Ravenel, Fungi Car. 1: 24, type distribution under the name Merulius fugax; Ravenel, Fungi Am., 217. New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, in Ellis, М. Am. Fungi, 925, and in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 3205. South Carolina: H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 1: 24; Society Hill, M. A. Curtis, 2399 (in Curtis Herb.). Georgia: Darien, H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 217. Florida: Mrs. H. Russell (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; on Quercus, De Funiak Springs, W. H. Long, 18566 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54986). Texas: Quitman, W. Н. Long, 12062 (їп Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54925, and in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Michigan: Sailor’s Encampment, E. T. Ф S. A. Harper, 897. Minnesota: Cass Lake, J. R. Weir, 8004 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54931). Arkansas: Womble, W. H. Long, 19810, 19862 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 8631 and 15957, respectively). Idaho: Grangeville, J. R. Weir, 8001 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54929). This specimen is referred to M. ambiguus with some doubt. New Mexico: Pecos National Forest, W. H. Long, 21260 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54932) ; San Mateo Mountains, W. H. Long, 19579 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54928); Tejano Ex- 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 319 periment Station, W. Н. Long & Р. W. Seay, comm. by W. H. Long, 21485 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54911) ; Tyom Experiment Station, W. Н. Long, 21355, 21867 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54927 and 54926). 6. M. confluens Schweinitz, Naturforsch. Ges. Leipzig Schrift. 1: 92. 1822; Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 57. 1828; Ерісг. 500. 1838; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 411. 1888. Merulius haedinus Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 69. 1872; Saec. Syll. Fung. 6: 414. 1888.—М. Ulmi Peck, №. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105: 26. 1906; басе. Syll. Fung. 21 : 361. 1913.—An M. sulcatus Peck, Bot. Gaz. 4: 138. 1879? Type: in Herb. Sehweinitz, a portion in Curtis Herb., and probably in Herb. Fries. Fructification resupinate, longitudinally effused, coriaceous, soft, thin, the margin free, inflexed, subtomen- tose, shallowly, concentrically suleate when < 0 broadly reflexed, drying white to pallid neutral = S gray; the hymenium drying pinkish cinna- Ра mon to pecan-brown, reticulately porose with pores about 2-4 to a mm., shallow; in struc- HP M К ture 300—500 и thick, composed of loosely in- Spores, incrusted terwoven, hyaline hyphae 3-34 шіп diameter, Карп Е incrusted near the hymenium; по cystidia; spores hyaline, even, cylindric, flattened on опе side, 43-5 X25 и. Fructifications 1-4 ст. in diameter, usually laterally con- fluent on a horizontal surface for 4-10 em. and more, the re- flexed margin 1-10 mm. broad. On bark of dead branches of alder, ete., rare on conifers. Janada to Alabama, Tennessee to Nebraska, British Columbia to Oregon, and in Bermuda and Cuba. July to January. M. confluens has the general aspect of M. corium, but is dis- tinguished from that species by frequently a more broadly re- flexed margin, which is shallowly, concentrically suleate when broadly reflexed, by larger and usually deeper pores, by the incrusted hyphae of the subhymenial region, and by the small spores. Dr. House is unable to find the type of M. sulcatus Fig. 6 [Vor. 4 320 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN in Coll. N. Y. State; there is nothing in the description which shows the species distinct from M. confluens. Specimens examined: Exsiceati: Ravenel, Fungi Car. 1: 23, originally under the name Merulius confluens, which was changed later to M. corium; Ravenel, Fungi Car. 4: 8, type distribution of М. haedinus. Canada: Lower St. Lawrence Valley, J. Macoun, 8. Vermont: Middlebury, Е. 4. Burt. Massachusetts: Boston, H. Webster, Boston Mycological Club Herb., 8. Connecticut: Redding, L. M. Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New York: Alcove, С. Г. Shear, 1217; Long Island, J. Н. Barnhart (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Vaughns, S. H. Burn- ham, type of M. Ulmi (їп Coll. N. Y. State). Virginia: C. L. Shear, 1143. North Carolina: Salem, Schweinitz, type (in Herb. Schweinitz and in Curtis Herb.); West Raleigh, W. C. Cromwell (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). South Carolina: Н. W. Ravenel, іп Ravenel, Fungi Car. 1: 23; Clemson College, P. H. Rolfs, 1825. Florida: Mrs. H. Russell (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; New Smyrna, C. G. Lloyd, 2117. Alabama: T. M. Peters, in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 4: 8; Moul- ton, T. M. Peters, 170 (in Curtis Herb., 3812) ; Montgomery, В. P. Burke, 44, 159 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 11740, 44958). Tennessee: Elkmont, C. H. Kauffman, 83 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 18641). Missouri: Creve Coeur, C. W. Dodge, 573 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44811). Kansas: Rockport, E. Bartholomew (їп Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4073). British Columbia: Agassiz, J. R. Weir, 384 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 20634); Sidney, J. Macoun, 13 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5731); Vancouver Island, J. Macoun, comm. by J. Dearness, 28 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 19523). 1917] BURT—-MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 321 Washington: Bingen, W. N. Suksdorf, 748, 850, 887; Cascade Mountains, C. H. Kauffman, 15 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 17203). Oregon: Corvallis, С. Е. Owens, 2086 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44250), and W. A. Murrill, 893, 898 (both in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Bermuda: S. Brown, N. L. Britton & Е. J. Seaver, 1421 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Jamaica: Cinchona, W. A. Murrill, 420 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). | 7. M. pallens Schweinitz, Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. N. S. 4: 161. 1832. Not M. pallens Berkeley, Outl. Brit. Fung. 256. 1860. Type: in Herb. Sehweinitz and a portion in Curtis Herb. Fructifications resupinate, long and broadly effused, longi- tudinally confluent, grown out into reflexed pilei on all sides, whitish, minutely tomentose, subimbrieate, inflexed; hyme- nium of type has dried vinaceous-russet, irregularly retieu- late, poroid, with shallow pores about 2-3 to a mm.; in struc- ture 300—400 џ thick, with the folds extended out 200 » more, composed of interwoven, obliquely ascending, hyaline hyphae 31-4 р in diameter, granule-inerusted towards Ше hymenium and intermixed there with fine granular matter, brownish, sometimes turning vinaceous by action of KHO solution on the sections and with brownish droplets in this region in the permanent preparations; spores hyaline, even, flattened on one side, 44-5424 и. See pl. 20, f. 6. Fructifications were stated by Schweinitz as effused for 15 em. The resupinate fragment without natural margin in Curtis Herb. is 2 em. square, and the reflexed fragment has the reflexed portion 7 mm. broad. On fallen branches. Canada to Texas, and in California. The general aspect, geographic range, spore characters, and structure of M. pallens, with the exception of the brownish hymenial and subhymenial zone in preparations stained with eosin and the vinaceous color change with KHO solution, are so similar to M. confluens that it seems highly probable that the former is a vegetative phase of M. confluens. This can [Vor. 4 322 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN be decided by making frequent collections of this species through a season in some locality where it occurs. The Canadian collection cited below is referred to M. pallens with doubt, because the specimen is a resupinate fragment not hav- ing any portion of its natural margin. Specimens examined: Canada: Wakefield, J. Macoun, 53 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Pennsylvania: Bethlehem, Schweinitz, type (portion in Curtis Herb.), and the Merulius crispatus of Syn. N. Am. Fungi, 499 (portion in Curtis Herb.). Louisiana: St. Martinville, А. B. Langlois, am (in М. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Florida: West Palm Beach, В. T'haxter, 78 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4064, and in Farlow Herb.). Texas: Billings, 78, comm. by Ravenel (in Curtis Herb., under the name M. corium). California: Aleantrar, C. Wright, U. S. Pac. Ex. Exped., 254 (in Curtis Herb., under the name M. corium). 8. M. corium Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 58. 1828; Epier. 900. 1838; Hym. Eur. 591. 1874; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 413. 1888. Fructification resupinate, effused, coriaceous, soft, thin, the 2 margin at length free, reflexed, villose, white; >> hymenium retieulately рогове, drying pinkish S — buff to cinnamon, the pores about 3 to a mm., І shallow; іп structure 300-500 д thick, com- ші ац posed of loosely interwoven, hyaline hyphae M. corium. А А Hypha, spores 9-4 и in diameter, not incrusted, not nodose- septate; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, cylindric, flattened on one side, 44-513-21 ш in American collections (6-73 џ in the European specimens, but 6-12 24-4 и according to Bresadola and Brinkmann). Fructifications 1-4 cm. in diameter, often laterally confluent on a horizontal surface for 6 cm., Ше reflexed margin 1-3 mm. broad. On bark of dead limbs of frondose species. Massachusetts x 870. See pl. 20, f. 7. 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 323 to Texas, Michigan to Nebraska, and British Columbia, Wash- ington, Mexico, Cuba, and Jamaica. Throughout the year. Common. The fertile specimens distributed by Krieger in his exsiccati agree closely in aspect and structure with immature sterile specimens collected by Murrill near Stockholm and are pre- sumably M. corium as known by Fries. The specimens dis- tributed by Berkeley in his British Fungi, 18, as M. corium, have subglobose spores 4 д in diameter апа inerusted hyphae and are specifically distinct from the Swedish specimens. For this reason I have omitted citation of European synonymy and illustrations. Our American collections, when fertile, have smaller spores than the Krieger specimens and are tomentose rather than villose when broadly reflexed. The absence of incrusted hyphae in М. corium affords a simple means of distinguishing specimens of M. corium from M. con- fluens and M. pallens. Specimens examined: Exsiceati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 316; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 1113; Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1957; Ravenel, Fungi Am., 136. Sweden: Stockholm, W. A. Murrill (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Germany: Saxony, Königstein, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1957. Massachusetts: Murray, comm. by Sprague, 1065 (in Curtis Herb.). New York: White Plains, L. M. Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Jersey: Newfield, J. B. Ellis, in Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 316, and ЕП. 4 Ev., Fungi Col., 1113. Distriet of Columbia: Takoma Park, C. L. Shear, 955, 1232. South Carolina: Aiken, H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 136; Clemson College, P. H. Rolfs, 1612. Florida: New Smyrna, C. G. Lloyd, 2133. Alabama: Auburn, Alabama Biological Survey, and F. S. Earle, 84 (the latter in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Montgom- ery, R. P. Burke, 95, 128 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 22317, 22619) and 47 (in Lloyd Herb.). [Vor. 4 324 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Texas: Austin, W. H. Long, 12042 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54937). Michigan: Ann Arbor, C. H. Kauffman (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Illinois: Wilmette, E. T. & S. A. Harper, 822. Missouri: Creve Coeur, E. 4. Burt (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44764). Arkansas: Bigflat, W. H. Long, 19860 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9139). Nebraska: Roco, C. L. Shear, 1013. British Columbia: Sidney, J. Macoun, 75 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5751); Victoria, J. Macoun, 5786 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 1292). Washington: Bellingham, J. В. Weir, 549 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 17795) ; Seattle, W. A. Murrill, 52, 56 (both in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Mt. Paddo, W. N. Suksdorf, 728. Mexico: Guernavaca, W. A. Ё Е. Г. Murrill, 369 (in М. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Orizaba, W. A. £ Е. L. Murrill, 786 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard Herb.). Cuba: San Antonio de los Baños, Havana Province, Earle Ё Murrill, 97 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Jamaica: Cinchona, F. S. Earle, 357 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 9. M. sordidus Berk. & Curtis in Cooke, Grevillea 19 : 108. 1891; басс. Syll. Fung. 11: 104. 1895. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fructifieations effused, sometimes resupinate and some- times narrowly reflexed, with the reflexed portion about 3 mm. broad, tomentose on the upper surface, drying cinna- mon-buff; hymenial surface drying between vinaceous-brown and Hay's brown, minutely porose in the reflexed specimens with pores about 2-3 to a mm. and so shallow as to be barely outlined by the folds; sections become vinaceous by action of KHO solution; in structure 400-500 џ thick, with the upper surface formed of loosely interwoven, thick-walled, colored hyphae 6 д in diameter, with the intermediate layer composed of longitudinally arranged, nearly hyaline hyphae 3 шіп diam- 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 325 eter, and with the hymenial layer poorly developed and show- ing here and there only a few small basidia bearing attached spores; these spores hyaline, even, 3X14 и, probably imma- ture—published by Cooke as dilute fuscous, 7X5 и. The resupinate fructification is 7X4 em.; two reflexed fruc- tifications are 14 and 14 em. respectively, with the reflexed margin 3 mm. broad. On wood. Venezuela. The description of this extra limital species is given, be- cause the species may range further north into the West Indies, Central America or Mexico. Specimens examined: Venezuela: Fendler, 143—possibly 743, for the first digit is ambiguous on the label—cotype (in Curtis Herb.). 10. M. deglubens (Berk. & Curtis) Burt, n. comb. Phlebia deglubens Berk. & Curtis in Cooke, Grevillea 20: 3. 1891; Sace. Syll. Fung. 11: 113. 1895. Type: in Curtis Herb. and Kew Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, narrowly reflexed, the re- flexed portion 2-3 mm. broad, drying Sayal-brown, somewhat zonate, radially fibrillose, slightly shining; hymenium drying between light seal-brown and Нау” brown, © reticulate-plicate, becoming irregularly porose, mr with the folds somewhat grown out and crested Fig. 8 and with the shallow pores about 4 to a mm.; in > ет structure 400—500 џ thick, with the folds standing гета out 200-250 џ further, composed of densely arranged, colored, thick-walled hyphae 31-4 д in diameter, not incrusted, not nodose-septate, running parallel with the substratum, curving into Ше hymenium, and giving their color to the fructification ; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, 34X2 y. Fructification 14 em. broad, extending 2 em. along under side of a limb and broken off at both ends. On frondose limbs. Venezuela. The deseription of this extra limital species is given because it may be expected to range further north into the West Indies, Central America, and Mexico, and would be sought [Vor. 4 326 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN under Merulius rather than Phlebia, as originally pub- lished. Specimens examined: Venezuela: Fendler, 140, type (in Curtis Herb.). 11. M. cubensis Burt, n. sp. Type: in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, separable, thin, soft, the margin often free and narrowly reflexed, pubescent, concen- trically suleate when more broadly reflexed, 5h ) drying whitish to wax-yellow; hymenium dry- Fig. 9 ing ochraceous buff to fawn-color, the minute M. cubensis. folds about 4 to a mm., sinuous, branching, B pl % 7% forming shallow, sinuous pores and then grow- ing out somewhat into granular or irpiciform projections; in structure 300-400 y thick, with the hyphae longitudinally and densely arranged, thick-walled, hyaline, not шеги Фед, not nodose-septate, 44-5 шіп diameter; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, allantoid, 3X4 и, strongly curved. Fructifications 14-4 ст. in diameter, sometimes laterally confluent, with the reflexed margin 1-4 mm. broad. On bark of dead wood of a frondose species in low, dense, virgin forest. Cuba. March. This species is related to M. tremellosus and M. ambiguus, from both of which it is distinct by the absence of a gelati- nous layer, and from the former, furthermore, by its thin, pliant fructification and minute folds and pores and from the latter by minute folds and pores, very small, allantoid spores, and coarse hyphae. Specimens examined: Cuba: Alto Cedro, Santiago de Cuba Province, Earle € Mur- rill, 554, type (т N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 12. M. niveus Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 59. 1828; Hym. Eur. 592. 1874; Басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 414. 1888. Plicatura Ат Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 24: 76. 1872.— Trogia Ат Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 29: 66. 1878; басс. Syll. Fung. 5: 637. 1887.—Plicatura nivea (Fries) Karsten, 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 327 Finl. Basidsv. 342. 1889; Murrill, N. Am. Fl. 9: 163. 1910.— An Merulius rimosus Berk. in Cooke, Grevillea 19 : 108. 1891? Fructification effused, reflexed, thin, membranaceous, soft, drying whitish to pinkish buff; hymenium contracting in dry- ing and becoming fissured, drying cream-color to ochraceous tawny, with the folds narrow, Ù 2 rugaeform, interrupted, somewhat gyrose but Fig. 10 not forming pores; in structure 1-13 mm. thick, TIPO eomposed of loosely interwoven, rather rigid, E oe 2 29 hyaline hyphae 3-4 y in diameter, which bear a Es pb very dense hymenium; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, slightly curved, 444-1 и, borne four to а basidium. Fructification 1-24 em. in diameter, sometimes laterally confluent, with the reflexed margin 1-10 mm. broad. On bark of dead alders. Newfoundland to New York and in Michigan and British Columbia. March to December. This species is characterized by its flabby structure, pale color, very slender spores, and occurrence on alder. It has been regarded by some mycologists as сосепегіс with T'rogia crispa, but the folds are less lamellaeform than those of Merulius aureus. I have not been able to study the type in Kew Herbarium of Merulius rimosus, collected in northern New York by Ellis, and the cotype cannot be found in New York Botanical Garden Herbarium, but the description of the species applies well to М. niveus. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ell 6 Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2017; de Thiimen, Myc. Univ., 804, 907. Finland: Mustiala, P. А. Karsten, in de Thümen, Myc. Univ., 907. Newfoundland: A. С. Waghorne, 4 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 3742). Canada: Billings Bridge, J. Macoun, 210 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Ontario: Toronto, Lorne Park, J. H. Faull, Univ. Toronto Herb., 360 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44844). Maine: Orono, Е. L. Harvey, in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2017; Harrison, J. Blake, comm. by P. L. Ricker. [Vor. 4 328 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Vermont: Middlebury, Е. A. Burt; Ripton, Е. A. Burt. Connecticut: West Goshen, L. M. Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New York: Albany, С. Н. Peck, in de Thiimen, Мус. Univ., 804, under the name T'rogia Alni; North Elba, C. Н. Kauff- man, 2 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 21400). Michigan: Isle Royal, Allen & Stuntz, 19, Univ. of Wisconsin Herb. British Columbia: J. Macoun, comm. by J. Dearness, 3862 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 12239). 13. M. gyrosus Burt, n. sp. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fruetifieation resupinate, effused, soft, separable, mem- branaceous, the margin cottony, whitish, here and there free; hymenium drying Capucine- buff, even near the margin, gyrose-plicate in the middle region, with the folds but little Fig. 11 elevated, obtuse, not forming pores; in struc- M. gyrosus. ture 400 y thick, with the folds standing out See pl. 20, f. 10. 900-400 u further, composed of interwoven, branching, hyaline hyphae 31-4 и in diam- eter, nodose-septate, incrusted near the substratum; no eystidia; spores hyaline, even, often slightly curved, 43-5 1-2 д. Fructification 3 em. long, 14 em. broad, fractured at both ends. On rotten birch log. Michigan. August. Rare. This species is related to M. fugax, but Из hymenium has stouter, more obtuse folds than those of M. fugax, and the spores are of the slender, curved type. M. borealis of Lap- land has very similar aspect and coloration but with thinner folds, non-incrusted hyphae, and longer spores; perhaps future collections of M. gyrosus may show that these differ- ences are not constant. Specimens examined: Michigan: Vermillion, А. Н. W. Povah, 7, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9088). 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 329 14, М. sororius Burt, п. sp. Type: in Burt Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, thin, separable, the margin white, narrow, byssoid, often barely free but not reflexed; hymenium drying car- tridge-buff, waxy, shining, gyrose-plicate with =. > slightly elevated, scattered folds, not forming Fig. 12 pores; in structure 100-200 y thick, with the oo Ч folds standing out 200-400 и; hyphae һу НЕЙ Y eurving rather than straight, only rare nodose-septate, not inerusted, 21-3 шіп diameter towards the hymenium, 44-5 џ near the substratum; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, flattened on one side, 3-42 y. Fructifications small, orbieular, 3-5 mm. in diameter, be- coming laterally confluent into masses up to 3 em. long, 5-7 mm. broad. On decayed, decorticated pine wood. Maryland. Novem- ber. Rare. This species is related to M. fugax in gyrose-plicate hymenium, cottony margin, and being separable from sub- stratum, but it is paler and thinner than M. fugax, with smaller, slenderer spores, with hyphae not incrusted and only rarely nodose-septate. Furthermore, the fructifications form by confluence of many small fructifications and do not cover large areas in sheet-like masses. Specimens examined: Maryland: Takoma Park, C. L. Shear, 1135, type. 15. M. lichenicola Burt, n. sp Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. and N. Y. State Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, composed of cobwebby filaments, which form a perforate, thin, tender, whitish mem- brane loosely borne on the substratum, the margin eobwebby ; hymenium forming slightly СЕ elevated, reticulate, colonial buff folds, then ы imperfectly porose, with the pores shallow, Fig. 13 a M. lichenicola. angular, about 4 to a mm.; in structure 45 д Spores 21670 thick, with folds standing up 90-120 и further, вее рі. 21, f. 12. [Vor. 4 330 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN consisting of a few hyaline hyphae 2-3 y in diameter, thin- walled, not incrusted, nodose-septate, often collapsed; no eystidia; База clavate; spores hyaline, even, subglobose, apiculate at base, 24 » in diameter. Fructification 13 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad. Running over podetia of the lichen, Stereocaulon. New York. September. Rare. This Merulius may be recognized by the tenuity and cob- webby structure of the membranous portion of its fructifica- tion in contrast with the more compact, elevated, colonial buff folds, by the small subglobose, hyaline spores, and by occur- rence on a lichen, perhaps. Specimens examined: New York: North Elba, C. H. Peck, P33, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43612, and N. Y. State Herb.). 16. М. dubius Burt, п. sp. Type: in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, fleshy, separable, trans- lucent when fresh, drying from pinkish buff to pale ecru-drab, the margin determinate, lobed, barely free in some places; hymenium reticulate-plicate near the margin, 000 with the folds growing out to form oblique оо Fig. 14 angular pores 2-3 mm. long, about 3-4 to a за mm., with the dissepiments thin, edges entire M. dubius. е up and acute; in structure 150 ш thick, composed '" `` of hyaline hyphae running parallel with the substratum and crowded densely together, 3 u in diameter, not inerusted, not nodose-septate; spores hyaline, even, sub- globose, 34-4 y in diameter, borne four to a basidium. Fruetifieations 4-8 em. long, 21-4 em. broad. On rotten stump in beech woods. New York? September. The specimens of this species were growing on the side of the stump, with their tubes nearly vertical and showing full length of pores and their mouths in only a few small portions of the best-developed fructification. Sections from near the margin where the hymenium is merely reticulate-plicate show the hymenium well developed and with spores borne on the 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 331 basidia in abundance, hence I conclude that this species is a Merulius rather than a Poria. It is chiefly characterized by translucence when fresh, changing to pinkish buff or a little darker on drying, by longer tubes than those of any other species known to me, and by the globose, hyaline spores. It is possible that this species may have been already published as a Poria, but if so, I am unaware of the fact. Specimens examined: New York?: W. A. Murril, type (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 17. M. bellus Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 69. 1872; басс. Syll. Fung. 6 : 418. 1888. Type: type and eotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, soft, separable, the margin byssoid, whitish; hymenium аа pale olive-buff to warm buff and оссо Е buff, even at first, becoming minutely pitted with very shallow, angular pores about 2—4 to a mm.; in structure Ü 100-200 y thick, with the folds standing out "e up to 200 џ more, composed of loosely inter- “е woven, rather straight, hyaline hyphae 3 y in Fig. 15 ч diameter, which branch at a right angle and M. bellus. are incrusted towards the hymenium, not gears die ee p f. 14. usually nodose-septate, and form a narrow, more or less interrupted, Isabella-colored subhymenial zone in preparations stained with eosin; no cystidia; spores hya- line, even, flattened on one side, 3-41x(14-2 y. Fructifications 2-7 em. long, 1-3 em. broad. On wood and bark of pine, spruce, hemlock, and cedar. Vermont to Alabama and westward to Michigan. August to October. Rare. This species may be distinguished from M. ceracellus by its somewhat pulverulent, rather than waxy, surface, occurrence on coniferous wood and bark, straighter and inerusted hyphae, and fructification separable as a membrane. It be- longs in the group with М. fugax, from which it differs in having pores, smaller spores not broadly oval or subglobose, [Vor. 4 332 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN hyphae minutely incrusted towards the hymenium and not regularly nodose-septate. Specimens examined: Exsieeati: Ravenel, Fungi Am., 428, in Мо. Bot. Gard. Herb. copy and in Burt Herb. copy but not in the copy in Farlow Herb. Vermont: Grand View Mt., Е. A. Burt. New York: Albany, Н. Р. House & J. Rubinger (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 16048); Orient Point, R. Latham, comm. by N. Y. State Herb., P 66 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43604). South Carolina: Aiken, H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 428. Alabama: Peters, 1043, cotype (in Curtis Herb.). Michigan: New Richmond, C. Н. Kauffman, 45 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 11278). 18. M. Ravenelii Berkeley, Grevillea 1: 69. 1872; Saco. Syll. Fung. 6: 417. 1888. Type: type distribution in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 4: 9. Fruetifieation resupinate, effused, 1 mm. thick when dry, soft, the margin white, tomentose, and, with the subiculum, thiek and spongy; hymenium drying Hay's “ brown to dark vinaceous-brown, even at first, бег then reticulate-plicate, at length porose with nearly equal, angular, shallow pores about yi. 16 3 to a mm.; in structure 3 mm. thiek when ы аай, wet, composed of loosely interwoven, thick- Spores, paraphysis walled hyphae about 4-43 шіп diameter, not incrusted, not nodose-septate, which are hya- line elsewhere but dark-colored in the sub- hymenium and hymenium, and, with the colored, short-celled, filiform paraphyses, give the dark color to the hymenium; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, allantoid, 34-4 3-13 и. Fructifications 4-12 em. long, 2-6 em. broad. On bark of pine and spruce logs. New York and South Carolina. August and September. М. Ravenelu is distinct from the other resupinate species of this genus by its thick structure, dark fructification with х 870. See pl. 21, f. 15. 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 333 broad, white margin, small, hyaline, allantoid spores, and col- ored paraphyses. In its peculiar color and margin, it strik- ingly resembles Polyporus haematodus Rost. (= Polyporus incarnatus Karst.) as received from Romell, and which I find in a very scanty specimen under the name Merulius serpens in Rabenhorst, Herb. Myc., 6, and Sydow, Мус. March., 3327, but all these European specimens are truly porose from the first, have thick dissepiments, and owe their dark color to dark, incrusting granules upon the hyphae. Specimens examined: Exsiccati: Ravenel, Fungi Car. 4: 9, originally issued under the name Merulius serpens but changed later. New York: Clearwater, Adirondack Mountains, G. Ё. Atkin- son, Bot. Dept. Cornell Univ., 4608. South Carolina: H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 4:9, type distribution; Santee Canal, Н. W. Ravenel, 658 (in Curtis Herb.), and Curtis Herb., 2965 (in Curtis Herb.). 19. M. sulphureus Burt, n. sp. Type: in Farlow Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, thin, membranaceous, separable, somewhat pulverulent, drying between primrose- yellow and naphthalene-yellow throughout, the margin byssoid, concolorous; hymenium ( Y reticulate-plicate, becoming shallowly porose, O (2 with the pores subequal, angular, about 2-3 to Fig. 17. a mm.; in structure 250—300 и thick, with the м. sulphureus. folds standing out up to 400 д further, com- Bee ol 22, F Te, posed of loosely interwoven, rather stiff, hya- line hyphae 3-41 y in diameter, not incrusted, not nodose- septate; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, 44-6 24-34 y. Fructifications 3-5 cm. long, 1-2 еш. broad. On rotten frondose wood. Florida. Autumn. Rare. This Merulius should be easily recognized at sight by its resemblance in color, texture, and habit to Coniophora bys- soidea, but differing by reticulate folds, pores, and micro- scopic structure. [Vor. 4 334 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Specimens examined: Florida: Palm Beach, В. Thaxter, 54, type (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43891). 20. M. albus Burt, n. sp. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, thick, somewhat сот- iaceous-fleshy, separable, white when received, becoming somewhat cartridge-buff in the herbarium, the margin thin- ning out; hymenium reticulate-plicate near the EN () margin, at the center porose with shallow, Fig. 18 angular, unequal pores about 1 or 2 to a mm.; h^ adl: in structure 700-800 д thick, with the folds See ok lA ^ standing out up to 300-500 д further, com- ’’ ' posed of hyaline, thick-walled, compactly in- terwoven, stiff hyphae 41-5 ц in diameter towards the hymenium, with occasional hyphae 7-8 д in diameter near the substratum, not inerusted, not nodose-septate ; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, 6-74 3-33 и, flattened on one side. Fructification 41-7 em. long, 21-4 em. broad. On pine bark and adjacent earth. Alabama. June. Rare. M. albus may be recognized among our resupinate, white- spored species by its white color, firm structure, thick fructi- fication, large angular pores, coarse hyphae, and much larger spores than other species of this section. It approaches Рота but should, I believe, be regarded as a Merulius. Specimens examined: Alabama: Montgomery, R. P. Burke, 136 bis, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 10343). 21. M. tomentosus Burt, n. sp. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, adnate, tomentose, dry- ing between warm buff and cream-buff, the > Je margin rather thick, determinate, tomentose, 8 concolorous; hymenium sinuous-plicate and Fig. 19 reticulate-plicate, becoming somewhat sinuous- ‘Spores X B70. porose, with the pores shallow, about 3 to a See pl. 21, f. 18. mm., not glabrous; in structure 140 д thick, 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 335 with the folds standing out 100-300 д further, composed of suberect, closely crowded, thin-walled, hyaline hyphae 21-3 д in diameter, incrusted, occasionally nodose-septate; spores hyaline, even, flattened on one side, 624-3 y. Fructifications 2-3 em. long, 1-14 em. broad. On bark of decaying frondose wood. British Columbia. January. Probably rare or local. This species is well characterized by its adnate habit, tomen- tose surface, sinuous pores and folds — the latter with thick edges — warm buff color, and erect, incrusted hyphae. Specimens examined: British Columbia: Sidney, J. Macoun, 15, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 5733). 22. M. hirtellus Burt, n. sp. Type: type in Farlow Herb. and Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, adnate, thin, the margin byssoid, drying vinaceous-gray; hymenium light buff and minutely pitted when young or near the margin, then becoming pinkish buff, waxy, 09 reticulately plicate and shallowly porose with 2 | angular pores about 2 to а mm.; in structure в. j 300-400 yu thick, with the folds standing out Фи Ü A 50-200 u more, composed of loosely inter- Му 124 woven, hyaline hyphae 3-34 шіп diameter, Та not nodose-septate, occasionally incrusted in Fig. 20 the tramal tissue of the folds but not else- M. hirtellus. where; cystidia are weak, cylindric, obtuse, cystidium granule-incrusted hairs 34 и in diameter, 0 emerging 15-30 р from the folds; spores hya- cystidia o line, even, ellipsoidal, 3-34 11-2 и as seen р - че pe ЛЬ on basidia; in preparations stained with eosin a narrow subhymenial zone is stained Isabella-color temporarily. Fructifications 11-4 ст. long, 1-14 em. broad. On frondose wood. Massachusetts. November. Rare. Only two fructifications of this species were collected. Both have the central portion of the fructification pinkish buff and [Vor. 4 336 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN the margin vinaceous-gray — а color contrast by which this species is noteworthy—but in addition hair-like cystidia are present on the convex edges of the folds; cystidia have been found in but four other species of Merulius which I have studied. Specimens examined: Massachusetts: Sharon, 4. P. D. Piguet, type (in Farlow Herb., 174, and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54974). 23. M. Farlowii Burt, n. sp. Type: in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, adnate, glabrous, very thin, the margin thinning out, narrow, byssoid, whitish; hymenium drying between drab-gray and ecru-drab, even near the margin, becoming reticulate-plicate, porose in the central region, with the subequal, angular, shallow pores about 3 or 4 to a mm.; in structure 50 д thick, with the о Pe folds standing out up to 150 д further, com- Fig 21 posed of a very few hyphae running along the M. Farlowii. substratum and bearing а broad, dense Spores x 870. В я . А See pl. 21, f. 20. hymenium; hyphae hyaline, not inerusted, rarely nodose-septate, thin-walled, collapsed; cystidia present on the folds in the form of scattered, flexuous, tapering, non-incrusted hairs 24 џ in diameter, emerging up to 20 и; spores hyaline, even, flattened on one side, 3X14 и; in preparations stained with eosin a narrow subhymenial zone is stained Isabella-color temporarily. Fructification 7 em. long, 24 cm. broad. On Pinus. New Hampshire. August. Rare. M. Farlowii belongs in the group with M. ceracellus but is of different color from that species, does not crack and scale off from the substratum, and has cystidia; from M. hirtellus, which has cystidia, the present species differs in coloration, in being adnate, in being distinetly angular-porose, and in not having its cystidia inerusted. What I understand from European specimens to be M. crispatus Müller, Flora Daniea, pl. 716, f. 2, has a thicker fructification, larger pores and spores, and lacks cystidia. 1917] BURT—-MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 337 Specimens examined: New Hampshire: Lonely Lake, Chocorua, W. G. Farlow, type (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44965). 24. М. rugulosus Berk. & Curtis, Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 10: 323. 1868; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 413. 1888. Corticium saccharinum Berk. & Curtis, Linn. бос. Bot. Jour. 10: 336. 1868; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 622. 1888. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, coriaceous-fleshy, the margin rather thick, lobed, colored like the hymenium; hymenium drying cream-buff and ochraceous salmon to tawny olive, some- what pulverulent, even at first, then some- what gyrose-plicate and becoming reticulate 6 е and imperfectly and shallowly рогоѕе with Q pores about 1 to а ши. ; in structure 200-400 S p thick, with densely arranged, obliquely ascending, interwoven, thick-walled, hyaline hyphae 4-41 u in diameter, not incrusted, among which in the subhymenial region and Fig. 22 hymenium are numerous clavate, flexuous, м rugulosus. yellowish-eolored gloeocystidia 60-100 Сера рх 8-10 ш; spores hyaline, even, flattened on See б 21, f. 21. one side, 7-844-41 и. Commencing growth in small orbicular patches which be- come confluent in fructifications perhaps 7 em. long, 5 cm. broad. On dead wood and bark of frondose species. Cuba and Jamaica. January to March. Probably frequent. Fully developed specimens of this species are easily recog- nized at sight by their rugulose surface, cream-buff color, and firm structure. In the less-developed stage with the hymenium nearly even, the colored gloeocystidia, as seen best in lactic acid preparations, afford a positive character by which the species may be separated from Cuban Corticiums and Peniophoras. [Vor. 4 338 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Specimens examined: Cuba: C. Wright, 245, cotype (in Curtis Herb.), and 569, cotype of Corticium saccharinum (in Curtis Herb.) ; Alto Cedro, L. M. Underwood & Е. S. Earle, 1527 A4, N. У. Bot. Gard. Herb.; Ceballos, C. J. Humphrey, 2582 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 16058); Ciego de Avila, F. S. Earle & W. A. Murrill, 612, 620, №. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.; Herradura, Е. 5. Earle & W. A. Murrill, 109, N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.; San Diego de los Baños, F. S. Earle € W. A. Murrill, 226, 315, N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Jamaica: Troy and Tyre, Cockpit Country, W. A. Murrill Ф W. Harris, 918, 965, N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. 25. M. rufus Persoon, Syn. Fung. 498. 1801; Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 327. 1821; Elenchus Fung. 1: 63. 1828; Epier. 502. 1838; Hym. Eur. 593. 1874; Saec. Syll. Fung. 6: 417. 1888; Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1: 83. 1903. Xylomyzon rufum Persoon, Мус. Eur. 2: 31. 1825.—X. iso- porum Persoon, Мус. Eur. 2: 33. pl. 16. f. 1, 2. 1825. Illustrations: Persoon, Мус. Eur. 2: pl. 16. f. 1, 2. Type: authentie specimen probably in Persoon Herb. in Leiden. Fructification resupinate, effused, waxy-soft, the margin somewhat naked and colored like the hymenium; hymenium п drying fawn-color to earob-brown and Natal- 0 brown, porose, with the equal, angular pores Fig. 23 about 2 to a т. ; in structure about 100-300 д В ; thick, with the folds standing out up to 300 д Pi егін f >, further, composed of loosely interwoven, hya- line hyphae 3-34 д in diameter, not inerusted, not nodose-septate, not forming a gelatinous layer; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, slightly curved, 444 14-24 д. On decaying pine and frondose wood. Vermont, Illinois, and Cuba. Rare. Herbarium specimens of Merulius rufus have the color and aspect of dried cartilage. The infrequency of specimens of this species in herbaria may be due to the specimens having been passed by as immature M. tremellosus or M. ambiguus, 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 339 from both of which this species differs by being truly resup- inate, by having smaller, equal pores, and by not having a gelatinous layer. Specimens examined: Sweden: Stockholm, Z. Romell, 391; Upsala, C. G. Lloyd, 08430 (in Lloyd Herb.). Germany: Westfalen, W. Brinkmann, comm. by G. Bresadola. Vermont: Middlebury, Е. A. Burt. Illinois: River Forest, E. T. € S. A. Harper, 966. Cuba: Managua, Havana Province, Earle € Murrill, 13 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 26. M. ceracellus Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 69. 1872; Васе. Syll. Fung. 6: 418. 1888. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fruetifieation wholly resupinate, adnate, thin, the margin thin, whitish; hymenium drying ochraceous cream-buff to pinkish buff, rarely paler, even at first, becoming minutely pitted with pores about 4-6 to a mm., contract- x ing in drying and cracking so as to show the Sq cottony subieulum and sometimes flaking away Fig. 24 from the substratum; in structure 60-200 u м. ceracellus. thick, with the folds standing out up to 140 и aero an на further, composed of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-3 шіп diameter, not incrusted, not usually nodose- septate; with a more or less interrupted, Isabella-colored sub- hymenial zone in preparations stained with eosin; no cystidia; spores hyaline, even, flattened on one side, 444 14-2 y. Fructifications 21-5 em. long, 1-2 cm. broad. Under side of decaying limbs of oak and other frondose species. Canada to Alabama and in New Mexico and Wash- ington. July to March. Common. M. ceracellus is related to specimens from Sweden, com- municated by Romell as M. serpens, but our American speci- mens have smaller and shallower pores, are thinner, have hyphae which are usually not nodose-septate, and in my stained preparations show only here and there an incomplete, Isabella-colored zone confined to the subhymenial region. In % [Vor. 4 340 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN the Swedish specimens of M. serpens received from Romell the pores are about 2-3 to a mm., the fructification is about 400 р thick, has ап Isabella-colored middle zone, and its hyphae are regularly nodose-septate. Specimens of M. ser- pens as understood by Bresadola and collected by him at Trento, Austria-Hungary, have hair-like cystidia and lack an Isabella-colored middle zone in the stained sections. M. cer- acellus appears to be a well-characterized American species. Specimens examined: Exsiceati: Ell. & Ev., №. Am. Fungi, 2603; Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 1114. Canada: J. Macoun, 2, 53, 89; Hull, J. Масочт, 174 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow, 6, an unnumbered specimen, and с5 (the latter two in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 8639 and 44040). Vermont: Middlebury, C. G. Lloyd, 07201 (in Lloyd Herb.). New York: Altamont, E. А. Burt; North Elba, С. Н. Kauff- man, 12 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 16880); Saranac Lake, C. H. Peck, 10. New Jersey: J. B. Ellis, in Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2603, Fungi Col., 1114, in Burt Herb., and (in Lloyd Herb., 2140). Pennsylvania: Bethlehem, Schweinitz, the Polyporus xylos- tromeus of Schweinitz, Syn. N. Am. Fungi, No. 465 (in Curtis Herb.). South Carolina: Society Hill, М. А. Curtis, 2802, cotype (in Curtis Herb.). Alabama: Peters, 1065 (in Curtis Herb.). West Virginia: Eglon, C. G. Lloyd, 1407 (in Lloyd Herb.). Kentucky: Crittenden, C. G. Lloyd, 07348 (in Lloyd Herb.). New Mexico: Sulphur Canyon, W. H. Long, 21406 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54975). Washington: Chehalis, C. J. Humphrey, 1286. 27. M. lacrymans Wulfen ex Fries, Syst. Mye. 1: 328. 1821; Elenchus Fung. 1: 59. 1828; Hym. Eur. 594. 1874. Boletus lacrymans Wulfen in Jacquin, Misc. Austr. 2: 111. pl. 8. f. 2.1781.—Merulius destruens Persoon, Syn. Fung. 496. 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 341 1801.—Xylomyzon destruens Persoon, Мус. Eur. 2: 27. 1825. —Меги из vastator Tode, Halle Naturforsch. Ges. Abhandl. 1; 351. pl. 2. f. 1, 2. 1788; > Syn. Fung. 497. 1801.-М. domesticus Falck in Moller’s H forsch. 6: 53-55. text f. 12. pl. 1-3, 8. 1912. Illustrations: Jacquin, loc. cit.; Boudier, Icones Mye. 1: pl. 165; Dufour, Atlas Champ. pl. 65; КІ. Dan. pl. 2026; Fries, Sy. Atl. Svamp. pl. 70; Gillet, Chang. Ет. Hym.; Krombholz, Abbild. und Beschr. pl. 46. f. 1, 2; Patouillard, Tab. Anal. Fung. f. 132; Falck in Moller’s Haniska forsch. 6: text f. 12. pl. 1-3, 8; Lloyd, Myc. Notes 44: 616. text f. 872. Fructifications large, resupinate, effuso-reflexed or produ- cing stalked tubercules from a medial placenta, thick, spongy- fleshy, moist, yellow-ferruginous, drying Brussels-brown to warm sepia, the margin tumid, tomentose, white; hymenium with folds large, porose, and gyrose-dentate, the pores about 1-2 mm. in diameter and of the same depth or half as deep; in structure ranging from 2 0 to 10 mm. thick, consisting mostly of the layer <> O bearing the hymenium—this layer composed Fig. 25 of densely arranged, interwoven, nodose- М. lacrymans. septate hyphae, of which some are colored like 51 pl. 21, f. 2h. the spores, thick-walled, 5—6 д in diameter, and the others are hyaline, 4-44 џ in diameter, and occur between the colored hyphae and gradually predominate towards the hymenium; no cystidia; spores warm sepia in a spore collection, citron-yellow under the microscope, even, 9-103 54-6 и, somewhat flattened on one side. Fructifications large, 8-15 cm. in diameter, up to 1 em. or more thick when growing. Under side of coniferous logs in woods, usually under floors and timbers in buildings and very destructive to wood. Canada and Connecticut, westward to Arizona. June to Janu- ary. Rare. The distinguishing characters of M. lacrymans are its very large, thick, fleshy fructifications and its hymenium which dries rust-colored—nearly Brussels-brown—and is either somewhat regularly porose with large and rather deep pores [Vor. 4 342 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN or has the dissepiments grown out into raduloid teeth. The layer bearing the hymenium is very thick—2 mm. thick in the specimen in Krieger’s Fungi Sax., 420—and is composed of intermixed, densely arranged hyphae, both colored and hya- line, as shown by Falck in pl. 8, cited above. The colored hyphae are not differentiated quite to the hymenium in the European specimens which I have examined and do not ex- tend quite as near to it in our American specimens cited be- low as in the European ones, but all these specimens agree in having such a broad, dense layer of fleshy structure; this layer appears to be a good histological character for distinguish- ing M. lacrymans from other species with colored spores. M. americanus has hymenial configuration and coloration like M. lacrymans, but is very thin and has its broad layer of in- termixed colored and hyaline hyphae next to the substratum and with these hyphae loosely interwoven. The raduloid teeth develop when growing on an inclined substratum. Specimens examined: Exsiccati: Bartholomew, Fungi Col, 5036; Krieger, Fungi Sax., 120, 420, 1911; Linhart, Fungi Hung., 443. Germany: locality not given, R. Hartig, comm. by H. von Schrenk (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 42955); Konigstein, Saxony, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 120, 420; Süchs Schweiz, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1911. Austria-Hungary: Petrovzseny, С. Linhart, in Linhart, Fungi Hung., 443. Canada: London, Ontario, J. Dearness (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 9446) and in Bartholomew, Fungi Col., 5036. Connecticut: Bridgeport, С. P. Clinton (in Clinton Herb.). New York: New York, H. J. Banker (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Illinois: Cobden, F. S. Earle (in Мо. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54909). New Mexico: Senorito, M. Bletcher, comm. by W. H. Long, 21454 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54916). Arizona: Fort Valley Experiment Station, W. H. Long, 21462 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54917). 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 343 28. M. aureus Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 62. 1828; Hym. Eur. 592. 1874; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 415. 1888. M. vastator Fries, Syst. Мус. 1: 329. 1821, but not of Tode. Illustration: Fl. Dan. pl. 2027, f. 2 super. Type: authentie specimen unknown to me. г Fructification resupinate, effused or sometimes effuso- reflexed with a narrowly reflexed margin, membranaceous, soft, cottony next the substratum and on upper side of the reflexed portion, readily separable, margin and upper surface of pileus drying buff-yellow; hymenium drying ochraceous orange to russet, radiately plicate-porose, Er gyrose-crisped, the folds about 1-1 mm. apart, 22 4 with the radiate or longitudinal folds the more Fig. 26 prominent at first and towards the margin, : : the edges thin and acute; in structure 300-400 „Spores Х 87). pl. 21, f. 25. и thick, with the folds standing out up to 1 mm. more, composed of loosely interwoven, nodose-septate hyphae 21-4 и in diameter; spores cylindric, even, 3-44 13-2 и, very pale, slightly colored and concolorous with Ше basidia and hyphae in lactic acid preparations, yellowish in a spore collection; no cystidia. Fructifications small, often laterally confluent, usually about 4 cm. broad and 1 em. long. On decaying pine wood. Canada to North Carolina and westward to Montana and Arizona. August to November. Apparently rare. M. aureus is well characterized by its small, nearly circular, yellow fructifications, with margin along the upper side occa- sionally free or slightly reflexed, golden yellow hymenium, and small, cylindric spores whose color is so slight as likely to be disregarded unless seen in the mass in spore collections. Specimens examined: Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 508; Romell, Fungi Exs. Seand., 119. Sweden: Stockholm, L. Romell, in Romell, Fungi Exs. Seand., 119; Femsjó, С. С. Lloyd, 09125 (in Lloyd Herb.). Austria: Trento, G. Bresadola. Canada: Billings Bri, J. Macoun, 52 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. [Vor. 4 344 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Herb.) ; Blueberry Pt., Aylmer, J. Macoun, 490 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Quebee: Wakefield,J.Macoun,115 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow, two collections (in Farlow Herb.). Vermont: Lake Dunmore, W. G. Farlow (in Farlow Herb.). Massachusetts: Sharon, А. P. D. Piguet (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54908). New York: West Fort Ann, S. H. Burnham, 22 (in Lloyd Herb.). New Jersey: Newfield, Ellis € Harkness, in Ellis, №. Am. Fungi, 508. North Carolina: Blowing Rock, G. F. Atkinson, Cornell Univ. Herb., 10536 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Michigan: New Richmond, C. Н. Kauffman, 85 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44989). Minnesota: Harlan, F. W. Dewart (1n Farlow Herb.). Montana: Libby, J. R. Weir, 8002 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54910). Arizona: Fort Valley Experiment Station, W. H. Long, 21118 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54915). 29. М. spadiceus Berk. & Curtis, Linn. бос. Bot. Jour. 10: 323. 1868; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 413. 1888. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fructification effuso-reflexed, with the reflexed portion flabelliform, spongy, tomentose, and drying Sayal-brown on the upper side, the margin thin and entire; hymenium drying thin and fuscous, not shining, mostly even, with shallow pores, about 4 to a mm., near the base of the reflexed por- tion; in structure 1400 д thick, tawny olive throughout, with (1) а broad spongy layer from substratum to hyme- nium, formed by non-incrusted, thick- a, fructification seen from walled, rather rigid, colored hyphae above; b, vertical section 21-3 ш in diameter, which are aggluti- of same. Both natural . size. nated into strands and masses and sep- Fig. 27 1917] : BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 345 arated here and there to form the spongy interspaces, and with (2) a very dense hymenial layer 120 д thick; spores col- ored, paler than the hyphae, even, flattened on one side, 32 и, none found attached to basidia. On sticks, mosses, ete. Cuba. Fructification of Ше cotype has Ше free portion 14 em. broad, about 2 em. long, attenuated at base to 1 em. long, and the resupinate portion of equal area, 142 em. The spore characters are those of a few spores which were squeezed from the surface of the hymenium of sections and may have been foreign, for no spores were demonstrated on basidia. The reflexed form, dark color, remarkable spongy structure, very dense hymenium, nearly even for the greater portion of its area and with minute shallow pits near base, are characters which distinguish this species. Specimens examined: Cuba: С. Wright, 186, cotype (in Curtis Herb.). 30. M. americanus Burt, n. sp. Merulius lacrymans var. tenuissimum Berkeley in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 134. 1878; Grevillea 6:131. 1878; Saec. Syll. Fung. 6: 419. 1888.—Not Merulius tenuissimus Berk. & Broome, Linn. бос. Bot. Trans. 2: 62. 1883. Type: type distribution in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 134. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, sepa- rable, thin, fragile, not fleshy, drying Brussels-brown to bone- brown, the margin not thickened; hymenium gyrose-porose, with the folds growing out into raduloid teeth on an inclined substratum, the pores about 1-14 mm. in diameter and depth or half as deep; in structure 400-600 и thick, with (1) a layer 300-450 и thick next to the OO substratum, composed of loosely interwoven, thick-walled, rigid, nodose-septate, colored м americanus. hyphae 44-6 шіп diameter, and of hyaline oer a hyphae intermixed throughout, the latter Р sometimes granule-incrusted, and with (2) а narrow layer about 100-150 и broad, bearing the hymenium, composed of densely arranged, hyaline or nearly hyaline hyphae; no [Vor. 4 346 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN eystidia; spores even, 96 и, olive-yellow in lactic acid under the microscope, bone-brown in a spore collection. Fructifications 3-15 em. in diameter. Under side of coniferous logs and boards in moist places. Canada to Louisiana and westward to Montana. June to January. M. americanus has hymenial configuration and coloration like M. lacrymans, but is always resupinate, very thin, dry rather than fleshy, and in its structure is composed of two quite distinct hyphal layers not graduating into each other, of which the layer composed of intermixed colored and hya- line hyphae is loosely interwoven and next to the substratum. M. brassicaefolius has its hymenium with a broad marginal portion as even as that of Coniophora arida and with the hymenial dissepiments never grown out into teeth. Specimens examined: Exsiccati: Ravenel, Fungi Am., 134, type distribution. Canada: Ottawa, J. Macoun, 39 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New York: Syracuse, L. М. Underwood (in Х. Ү. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Pennsylvania: Carbondale, Е. A. Burt. District of Columbia: Washington, С. L. Shear, 1284 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4079). South Carolina: Aiken, H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 134; Society Hill, М. A. Curtis (in Curtis Herb., under the name M. lacrymans). Louisiana: St. Martinville, 4. B. Langlois, an unnumbered specimen. Kentucky: Crittenden, C. G. Lloyd, 1408 (in Lloyd Herb.). Illinois: Chicago, L. H. Pammel (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4078). | Missouri: St. Louis (in Мо. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4061). Wyoming: A.Nelson (in N.Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Medicine Bow Mountains, 4. Nelson, 9673 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 43754). 31. M. terrestris (Peck) Burt, n. comb. Merulius lacrymans var. terrestris Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 49: 45. 1897. (Botanist’s edition p. 31, 1896). — Not 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 347 Merulius lacrymans forma terrestris Ferry, Rev. Мус. 17: 72. 1895. | thin, drying amber-brown, Ше subiculum and margin whitish; hymenial surface with slightly elevated, obtuse, gyrose folds between which are shallow, labyrinthiform de- pressions; in structure 600-1000 „ thick, D () 2-layered, with (1) а layer 200 д thick next L) to substratum, of loosely interwoven, thick- Fig. 29 walled, rigid hyphae 44-6 р in diameter, М. terrestris. Spores Х 870. nodose-septate, aniline-yellow under the micro- see pl. 21, f. 27. scope, and with (2) a broad layer of hya- line, thin-walled, often collapsed hyphae 3 и in diameter, which bear the basidia; no cystidia; spores aniline-yellow under the microscope and concolorous with the hyphae next to Ше substratum, even, 7-9»x(41-6 и. Fructification 3-10 em. in diameter. On earth walls of cellars and in greenhouses. Massachu- setts to Nebraska. October and November. Although originally published as a variety of M. lacrymans, M. terrestris has nothing in common with that species. The configuration of the hymenial surface of M. terrestris is daed- aloid, with very slightly elevated folds and shallow depres- sions; the color is bright ferruginous (amber-brown of Ridg- way) ; the fructification is thin and not fleshy; and the spores distinctly brighter-colored than those of M. lacrymans. The several collections of M. terrestris which are known agree well in the characters enumerated. Specimens examined: Vermont: Middlebury, C. G. Lloyd, 10619 (in Lloyd Herb.). Massachusetts: greenhouse of Botanic Garden, Cambridge, E. A. Burt. Michigan: Alma, C. A. Davis, type (in Coll. N. Y. State). Nebraska: Lincoln, V. B. Walker, 1 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 15861). [Vor. 4 348 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 32. M. brassicaefolius Schweinitz, Naturforsch. Ges. Leip- zig Schrift. 1: 93. 1822; Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 60. 1828; Еріст. 502. 1838; басе. Syll. Fung. 6 : 420. 1888. Type: not known to be in existence unless the portion re- ceived by Fries has been preserved in Herb. Fries. Fructification resupinate, widely effused, membranaceous, easily separable, run through with rhizomorphie veins, drying warm sepia (fuscescens or olivaceo-fuscens of Fries), the margin undulate; hymenium even towards the margin and in young specimens, porose-sinuate аё the i? center by the accumulation of folds; in struc- СО (D — ture 200-300 и thick, 2-layered, with (1) a Fig. 30 narrow layer next to substratum, composed M. brassieaefolius. Of loosely interwoven, pale-colored, nodose- o oh Bh аа. septate hyphae up to 5 u in diameter, more or less шеги ед, and with (2) a broad layer reaching to the hymenium, of densely interwoven, hyaline, nodose-septate hyphae 34-4 и in diameter, with occasional colored hyphae intermixed; spores even, 10-12 6-8 и, cream- color under the microscope; no cystidia. Fructifications up to 10 еш. in diameter in specimens seen, but published as 40-50 em. On wood in cellars. Massachusetts to Louisiana. Winter. Since no specimen of M. brassicaefolius is in existence in Herb. Schweinitz, nor could be found there in 1856 when Berk- eley and Curtis published their ‘Commentary on Schweinitz, Synopsis Fungorum,’ it is very fortunate that a specimen was sent by Schweinitz to Fries, who compared it with the orig- inal description, noted the color, which had not been stated by Sehweinitz, and drew up and published in ‘Elenchus Fungorum’ a revised description of this species, in which its characters are compared with those of the other species of its section, viz., M. lacrymans, M. pulverulentus, M. papyracens, M. umbrinus, and M. squalidus. The specimens of М. bras- sicaefolius distributed in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 2 : 23, agree well with the descriptions of this species, were from the same general region and in a similar location, and they are not referable to any other species. I have based my conception 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 349 of M. brassicaefolius, therefore, upon the original description, the revision by Fries, and the specimens distributed by Rav- enel. This species is somewhat intermediate between resup- inate specimens of M. lacrymans and M. himantioides. Fruc- tifieations of M. brassicaefolius are not as thick and fleshy as those of M. lacrymans, and the hymenium is not deeply porose nor having folds grown out into Irpex-like or radu- loid teeth, and the spores are slightly larger and much paler than those of M. lacrymans. The dried specimens of M. bras- sicaefolius are thicker and much larger than those of M. himan- tioides, less fragile, readily separable from the substratum in large sheet-like masses like those of the sterile mycelium of Himantia, and the hymenium is as even as that of Conio- phora arida for a broad marginal portion and becomes porose- sinuate at the center by accumulation of hymenial folds there. I have seen no specimens of M. pulverulentus, a species re- markable by having the hymenial folds best developed towards the margin and with the center becoming even and decaying. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ravenel, Fungi Car. 2: 23; Ravenel, Fungi Am., 432, under the name Merulius pulverulentus. Massachusetts: Boston, J. Е. Joor (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 4067, 4070). соса рд Bethlehem, Schweinitz (in Herb. Schweinitz), the 506 of Syn. N. Am. Mui under the name Merulius himantioides and determined by Berkeley & Curtis as M. brassicaefolius. South Carolina: H. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Car. 2: 23; Aiken, Н. W. Ravenel, in Ravenel, Fungi Am., 432. Alabama: Peters, 1153 (1n Curtis Herb.). Louisiana: Professor Featherman, 4 (in Curtis Herb.) ; St. Martinville, А. B. Langlois, 1590. 33. M. himantioides Fries, Syst. Мус. 1: 329. 1821; Epicr. 501. 1838; Hym. Eur. 592. 1874; Басе. Syl. Fung. 6: 415. 1888; Romell, Arkiv for Bot. 11°: 28. pl. 2. f. 19. 1911. Мегация tenuis Peck, N. Y. State Mus. ре 47: 147. 1894; басс. Syll. Fung. 11: 105. 1895. [Vor. 4 350 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Illustrations: Fries, Icones Hym. pl. 193. f. 1; Romell, loc. cit. Type: authentic specimen in Kew Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, thin, drying brittle, sep- arable but not as large fructifications, coming off in small pieces, drying raw umber when fully mature, the margin thin- ning out and whitish; hymenium with thin, () slightly elevated, gyrose folds which outline Сә d more or less completely the shallow pores, the latter about 3-11 mm. in diameter and some- Fig. 31 times divided into smaller pores; in structure M. himantioides. about 100 џ thick, with (1) a narrow layer next bet oh 02, теў, to the substratum, of a few honey-yellow hyphae ranging up to 6-7 д in diameter, not inerusted, and with (2) a broader layer extending to the hymenium, of loosely interwoven, hyaline hyphae 4 y in diam- eter; spores honey-yellow under the microscope, even, 9-106 и. Fructifications 2-5 em. in diameter. On fallen trunks of pine and other conifers, usually in mountain forests. Canada and New Hampshire to Washing- ton. June to November. Fries placed this species in the white-spored section of Merulius, and his illustration of this species was based upon a young specimen in which white and sordid yellow are more conspicuous than in fully mature specimens. Romell has kindly shared with me specimens which he collected in northern Sweden, which show both the young stage of Fries’ Ieones, pl. 193. f. 1, and the fully mature stage, and the de- termination of which he has further confirmed by comparison with the authentie specimen from Fries in Kew Herb. Ihave based my deseription upon the more mature of these speci- mens. M. himantioides differs from M. lacrymans in being much thinner, not compact nor fleshy, in having the thin, acute dissepiments but little raised, not grown out into teeth, and often mere gyrose folds which barely suggest location of pores, in having the hyphae less densely interwoven in sec- tions, and in having paler spores. 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 351 Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Ell & Ev., Fungi Col, 1115, under the name of Merulius lacrymans. Sweden: northern Sweden, L. Romell, 386, 387. Ontario: Humber Valley, Toronto, J. Н. Faull, Univ. of Toronto Herb., 323 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44913). New Hampshire: Profile House, W. G. Farlow (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54912). New York: Adirondack Mountains, C. H. Peck (in Coll. N. Y. State, under the name M. tenuis), and C. H. Kauffman, 36 (in Lloyd Herb.); Catskill Mountains, C. H. Peck (in Coll. N. Y. State, under the name M. tenuis); Ithaca, Dudley, type of Merulius tenuis (in Coll. N. Y. State); G. F. Atkin- son, Cornell Univ. Herb., 22967; Syracuse, L. M. Under- wood, two collections (1n N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). West Virginia: Nuttallburg, L. W. Nuttall, in Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 1115. Missouri: Barnhart, H. von Schrenk. Idaho: Priest River, J. В. Weir, 8000 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54913). Washington: Lake Wilderness, Cascade Mountains, C. Н. Kauffman (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 20861). 34. M. hexagonoides Burt, n. sp. Type: in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, dry, papery, separable, drying between buffy brown and Saccardo’s umber, the mar- gin thin and fimbriate; hymenium with only very slightly elevated, broad folds which become reticu- lately connected and form shallow, hexagonal O pores about 1-2 to а mm., with folds of Ше moo largest pores nearly obliterated; in structure Fig. 32 1000 д thick, with the broad folds extending м. hexagonoides. 100-150 р more, composed throughout of thin- Ec. 2% walled, non-incrusted, slightly colored, осса- sionally nodose-septate hyphae 4-5 д in diameter, somewhat loosely interwoven; no cystidia; spores concolorous with the hyphae, even, 5-73<44 и, borne four to а basidium. [Vor. 4 352 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Fructification is in fragments, but perhaps about 6 cm. in diameter originally. On charred wood in hollow of Sequoia sempervirens. Cali- fornia. February. The principal characters of this species are small, shallow, hexagonal pores, the buffy brown color throughout and at the margin—much paler, however, in the case of individual hyphae and spores under high magnification—, and the ab- sence of thick-walled, deeply colored, rigid hyphae. М. hez- agonoides does not closely resemble in aspect or structure any other of our species known to me. Specimens examined: California: Muir Woods, В. A. Harper, type (in N. Ү. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 35. M. fugax Fries, Obs. Myc. 1: 100. 1815; Syst. Myc. 1: 328. 1821; Elenchus Fung. 1: 63. 1828; Epicr. 501. 1838; Hym. Eur. 593. 1874; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 416. 1888; Romell, Arkiv for Bot. 113: 30. pl. 2. f. 18. 1911. Merulius molluscus Fries, Syst. Мус. 1: 329. 1821; Еріст. 501. 1838; Hym. Eur. 592. 1874; Karsten, Finska Vet.-Soe. Bidrag Natur och Folk 37 : 86. 1882; басе. Syll. Fung. 6 : 416. 1888; Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1: 83. 1903; Romell, Arkiv for Bot. 11°: 29. pl. 2. f. 18. 1911.—М. subaurantiacus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 38 : 93. 1885; басе. Syll. Fung. 6 : 415. 1888. Illustrations: Fries, Icones Hym. pl. 193. f. 2; Romell, loc. cit. Type: authentie specimens in Herb. Fries, and in Blytt Herb. at Christiania, according to Romell. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, tender, very soft, separable, the margin and su- bieulum byssoid, whitish or paler-colored than the hymenium; hymenium variable in color, drying cream-color, pinkish buff with or Fig. 33 without more or less of a tinge of orange, М. fugax. gyrose-plicate; in structure 300 џ thick, com- Spores, incrusted posed of loosely interwoven, long-celled, hypha Х 870. See | 3 pl. 22, f. 81. nodose-septate hyphae 3-4 yw in diameter, бы с? 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 353 sparingly and coarsely granule-incrusted towards the sub- stratum; no cystidia; spores hyaline or slightly yellowish under the microscope, even, globose-ellipsoidal, 4-53-34 в in sectional preparations. Fructifications 3-10 em. in diameter. On decaying wood and bark of logs of coniferous species usually. Canada and Maine to Washington and California, and in Jamaiea. August to April. Common. This species is well marked by large, yellowish fructifica- tions which have their surface merely gyrose-plicate, not be- coming porose, by the broad and often slightly colored spores, and by the nodose-septate hyphae which are incrusted with scattered, large granules in the half of fructifieation towards the substratum. The name Merulius fugax should be em- ployed for this species, because it is based upon authentic specimens, which is not the case for M. molluscus, so far as known at present. M. fugax has priority also. Specimens examined: Exsiccati: Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col, 214, under the name Me- rulius ceracellus; de Thümen, Myc. Univ., 2008. Sweden: northern Sweden, L. Romell, 385; Stockholm, L. Romell, 389, 390; Upsala, C. G. Lloyd, 08429 (in Lloyd Herb.). Finland: Mustiala, P. А. Karsten, in de Thümen, Мус. Univ., 2008 Austria-Hungary: Trento, G. Bresadola. Canada: J. Macoun, comm. by J. B. Ellis; Fairy Lake, J. Macoun, 41 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Quebec: Hull, J. Macoun, 217 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Ontario: Belleville, J. Macoun, 76, and (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.); Besserers Grove, J. Macoun, 389 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Ottawa, J. Macoun, 205 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Maine: W. A. Murrill, 2550 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). New Hampshire: Chocorua, W. G. Farlow (in Farlow Herb. and in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54973). Vermont: Middlebury, E. A. Burt. New York: Altamont, E. A. Burt; central New York, L. M. [Vor. 4 354 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.) ; Ithaca, C. Thom, Cornell Univ. Herb., 13601; Osceola, C. H. Peck, type of Merulius subaurantiacus (in Coll. N. Y. State) ; Syracuse, Г. M. Underwood, in Ell. & Ev., Fungi Col., 214, and (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb., 109). Michigan: Ann Arbor, C. Н. Kauffman, 17, 30 (the latter in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 21208). Tennessee: Elkmont, C. H. Kauffman, 91 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 44991). Idaho: Kaniksu National Forest, Priest River, J. В. Weir, 27, 71, 72, 8003 (the last in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Washington: Olympia, C. J. Humphrey, 1317. California: В. А. Harper (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Jamaiea: Sir John Peak, W. 4. Murrill, 813 (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). 36. M. montanus Burt, n. sp. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, sepa- rable in small pieces, contracting in drying so as to form wide fissures, drying between avellaneous and о wood-brown, the subiculum and margin fibril- = lose and buffy citrine; hymenium with folds minute, subreticulate, not outlining pores; in Fig. 34 structure 300—400 и thick, with the folds ex- ы _ tending 200-400 и more, composed of suberect, Hypha, spores loosely branched and interwoven hyphae 2-3 д See pl. 22, f. 92, Ш diameter, occasionally nodose-septate, pale olive-buff under the microscope, and of a very dense hymenial layer containing great numbers of spores in a zone 80 д broad; spores pale olive-buff under the microscope, even, 314-2 y, flattened on one side; no cystidia. Fruetification in pieces, the largest of which is 4X2 cm. and has a margin with curvature indieating a diameter of 10 em. On rotten wood of Pinus monticola. Idaho. June. M. montanus somewhat resembles M. himantioides in con- figuration of hymenium, but is distinct from this species by 1917] BURT—-MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 355 its color, much smaller folds, and small spores. M. wmbrinus is much thicker than M. montanus and distinctly porose with pores 1 mm. deep and in diameter. Specimens examined: Idaho: Priest River, J. R. Weir, 8006, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54914), and 12122 (in Lloyd Herb.). 37. М. umbrinus Fries, Elenchus Fung. 1: 61. 1828; Ерісг. 503. 1838; Hym. Eur. 594. 1874; басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 420. 1888. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, soft, de- terminate, naked at Ше ference and revolute; hymenium drying sepia to Chaetura-drab, with folds continuous, gyrose-porose, with Oo pores about 1-1 mm. in diameter and of about QO the same depth; in structure 500-1500 y thick, Fig. 35 composed throughout of hyaline, thin-walled, М. umbrinus. nodose-septate hyphae 2-3 y in diameter, aad f. 8. somewhat longitudinally arranged and inter- woven but neither densely nor loosely; no cystidia; spores olive-buff under Ше microscope, even, 43-63-34 p. Fructifications 24-6 cm. in diameter. On rotting wood in cellar and damp places. Maine and Pennsylvania. November. In the small specimens of this species which have been available for study, thick-walled, colored hyphae are not pres- ent anywhere in the sectional preparations. If these fructi- fications were wholly removed from the substratum, the ab- sence of colored hyphae, such as are present in related species having colored spores, is a noteworthy specific character for M. umbrinus and, taken in connection with the small spores, should render this species readily distinguishable. The revo- lute margin may not be of fundamental importance as a specific character of this species, but at least three of the dried specimens cited below have the margin somewhat thick- ened and curved upward. I am indebted to Bresadola for a European specimen determined by him as Merulius umbrinus. Specimens examined: Exsiceati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 1307, under the name Me- [Vor. 4 356 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN rulius lacrymans; Libert, Pl. Crypt. Arduennae, 320, under the name Merulius lacrimans. Austria-Hungary: Hungary, Kmet, comm. by G. Bresadola. France: Ardennes, M. A. Libert, in Libert, Pl. Crypt. Ardu- ennae, 320. Maine: Portland, Morse, comm. by Sprague, 250 (in Curtis Herb., under the name Merulius lacrymans). Pennsylvania: West Chester, B. M. Everhart, in Ellis, N. Am. Fungi, 1307. 38. M. pinastri (Fries) Burt, n. comb. Hydnum pinastri Fries, Obs. Мус. 1: 149. 1815; Syst. Mye. 1: 417. 1821; Elenchus Fung. 1: 138. 1828; Hym. Eur. 614. 1874; Saec. Syll Fung. 6: 464. 1888.—H ydmwm sordidum Weinmann, Fl. Ross. 370. 1836; Fries, Hym. Eur. 614. 1874; Басс. Syll. Fung. 6: 464. 1888.—Merulius irpicinus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 47: 146. 1894; Saec. Syll. Fung. 11: 105. 1895.—M. himantioides of Bresadola, Ann. Мус. 1: 83. 1903, but not of Fries.—An M. hydnoides Hennings, Hedwigia 42: 178, 183. 19043—Ап М. minor Falck, in Móller's Haus- schw forsch. 6: 53-55. pl. 6. 1912? Type: type of M. irpicinus in Coll. N. Y. State. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, soft, loosely attached to the substratum, separable, pinard-yellow at first, then olive-ocher, drying a little darker, C2 more or less tomentose beneath and whitish, - о9 the margin whitish; hymenium at first gyrose- Fig. 36 porose, the folds at length prolonged into sub- M. pinastri. ulate or Irpex-like teeth; in structure up to 1 hope ats а. mm. thick, composed of loosely interwoven, nodose-septate hyphae 45 џ in diameter, deeply staining; no cystidia; spores pale ochraceous in a spore collection, distinctly colored, even, broadly ovoid to sub- globose, 5-6 4-5 д. Fructifications 2-15 em. and more in diameter. On compost and earth in mushroom beds and greenhouses, and walls of greenhouses and on decaying wood and bark, usually coniferous. Vermont to Nebraska and in California 1917] - BURT—-MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 357 and Arizona. October and November out of doors; December to February in greenhouses. More common and more lux- uriantly developed in greenhouses. This species is noteworthy by its olive-ocher color, combina- tion of the hymenial characters of Merulius, Hydnum, and Irpex, and small, nearly subglobose, distinctly colored spores. Until the fructification is old, its hymenium is merely gyrose- plicate or showing only a few dissepiments prolonged into subulate teeth, and such specimens must be cautiously sep- arated from M. aureus. The latter is of somewhat similar color, but its fructifications are smaller, have the radial dis- sepiments the more prominent, and spores very pale, smaller, and cylindric. Fries included M. pinastri in the genus Hyd- num on account of the subulate teeth which are finally pres- ent in the best-developed specimens. I am strongly con- firmed in my opinion that this species really belongs in Me- rulius by its having been twice independently described as a Merulius with reference in the specific name to hydnoid char- acters and by the fact that all the collections so far distributed in the published exsiccati have been given out as Merulius aureus. I am indebted to Romell for a fine specimen of Hydnum pinastri with its European synonymy and showing well the unique characters of the species. Specimens examined: Exsiecati: Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1910, under the name Me- rulius aureus; Sydow, Мус. March., 1206, under the name Merulius aureus; de Thiimen, Мус. Univ., 1908, under the name Merulius aureus. Sweden: Stockholm, L. Romell, 388; Upsala, C. G. Lloyd, 08411 (in Lloyd Herb.). England: Brandon-Norfolk, C. В. Plowright, in de Тъйтеп, Myc. Univ., 1908. Germany: P. Sydow, in Sydow, Myc. March., 1206; Saxony, W. Krieger, in Krieger, Fungi Sax., 1910. Austria-Hungary: Trento, G. Bresadola. Vermont: Middlebury, С. W. Dodge, 1066 (in Dodge Herb.). New York: Ithaca, Dudley, type of Merulius irpicinus (in wan aa << жы па. [Vor. 4 358 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Coll. N. Y. State); Albany, С. С. Lloyd, 10107 (in Lloyd Herb.). Indiana: Fern, L. M. Underwood (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). Illinois: Peoria, C. J. Humphrey (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 42599). Missouri: Mo. Bot. Gard. greenhouses, St. Louis, three col- lections, G. T. Moore, E. A. Burt, Н. von Schrenk (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54904—54906, respectively). Nebraska: Lincoln, Leva B. Walker (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 04448). California: Claremont, L. M. Clency, Pomona Coll. Herb., 1641 (in Lloyd Herb.). Arizona: Fort Valley Experiment Station, W. H. Long, 21299 (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 54938). 39. M. byssoideus Burt, n. sp. Type: in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, dry, flaxy, drying be- tween Saccardo’s umber and Dresden-brown throughout, sep- arable from the substratum, the margin rather thick and un- dulate; hymenium minutely rugose-porose, О with very slightly elevated, thin folds which O О outline rather imperfect, shallow pores about Fig. 37 2-4 to а mm.; in structure 300-400 и thick, M. byssoideus. with the folds extending about 400 д more, cn gts xa composed of loosely interwoven, thin-walled hyphae 3-4$ р in diameter, occasionally nodose-septate, having the general color of the fructification but losing their color by solvent action of the aleohol when being sectioned; spores even, 45-634-44 и, deep olive-buff under the microscope, concolorous with the fructification; no eystidia. Fructification 3 em. long, 2 em. broad. On soil. Rio Piedras, Porto Rico. August. The distinctive characters of M. byssoideus are its flaxy, dry structure, Dresden-brown color throughout, minutely gyrose-porose hymenium, and small, colored spores. It is not a Рота, because sections show the specimen bearing spores 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 359 in abundance and with the hymenium continuous and as well developed on the edges of the folds as elsewhere. This species is related to М. Pinastri, but the latter is not dry in structure and has larger pores and the folds often grown out into hydnoid teeth. Specimens examined: Porto Rico: Rio Piedras, J. R. Johnston, comm. by J. A. Stevenson, 4664, type (in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb., 56589). 40. М. atrovirens Burt, n. sp. Туре: in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb. Fructification resupinate, effused, membranaceous, sepa- rable, drying between dark ivy-green and dark olive-gray in the central region, bordered by obscure wood-brown, the mar- gin whitish and thinning out; hymenium at first reticulate-plicate, at length porose with О СУ angular pores about 1-13 mm. deep and about O eS 12-2 to a mm.; in structure 400-600 y thick, Fig. 38 with (1) the layer next to the substratum com- М. atrovirens. posed of loosely interwoven, somewhat colored age f p^ hyphae 3 шіп diameter, occasionally nodose- septate, incrusted, and with (2) a broader layer extending to the hymenium, with hyphae densely interwoven and hya- line; no cystidia; spores citron-yellow under the microscope, even, 44-53-33 y. Fructification 3-8 cm. long, 2-4 em. broad. Under side of decaying log of Liriodendron tulipifera. Along Caney River, on lower slope of Mt. Mitchell, Yancey County, North Carolina. September. This species is related to M. himantioides, but is distinct by its dark green color, small spores, and thicker fructification. Specimens examined: North Carolina: Mt. Mitchell, Yancey County, 6. Ғ. Atkinson, Cornell Univ. Herb., 11934, type (in N. Y. Bot. Gard. Herb.). EXCLUDED SPECIES M. patellaeformis Berk. & Curtis, Grevillea 1: 70. 1872. [Vor. 4 360 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis Herb. Fructification small, orbicular, flattened, wholly resupinate, probably separable, fleshy, drying fuscous-black, the margin thinning out, entire; hymenial surface pitted with very shal- low, angular pores about 5 to a mm., with thin, entire dis- sepiments; in structure 400 џ thick, with dissepiments extend- ing 9-12 и, composed of compactly interwoven hyphae 43 д in diameter, which ascend somewhat obliquely to the hymenial surface, not incrusted, not nodose-septate, hyaline in the region near the substratum, becoming fuscous towards the hymenial surface; no cystidia; no basidia; a few spores—per- haps foreign—in and along the hymenial surface appear very slightly colored, even, 33x 23-3 и. The three fructifications comprising the cotype range from 4 to 3X2 mm. On very rotten wood whitened and disorganized into strands by weathering and decay. Connecticut. Since the fructifications show no basidia and afford no evi- dence that a hymenium is continuous over the edges of the dissepiments, or that the porose stage is preceded by hymenial folds, the position of this species in Merulius must be re- garded as very doubtful until confirmed by better specimens. Specimens examined: Connecticut: C. Wright, 51, cotype (in Curtis Herb., 6361). Poria incrassata (Berk. & Curtis) Burt, n. comb. Merulius incrassatus Berk. & Curtis, Hooker’s London Jour. Bot. 1: 234. 1849; Grevillea 1: 70. 1872; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6: 412. 1888. — M. spissus Berkeley, Grevillea 1: 70. 1872; Sace. Syll. Fung. 6 : 412. 1888.—Polyporus pineus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rept. 41: 78. 1888. — Poria pinea Peck in Saee. Syll. Fung. 9: 194. 1891. Type: type and cotype in Kew Herb. and Curtis erb. Fructification resupinate, effused, originally described as shortly reflexed, fleshy, dingy whitish, becoming blackish where bruised, drying mouse-gray and aniline-black; tubes oblique, unequal, angular, 1-3 to a mm., ranging up to 3 mm. 1917] BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 361 long, with dissepiments 90-120 џ thick, hav- ing their tramal hyphae slightly colored, e e not inerusted, not nodose-septate, 24-3 шіп ol diameter, ава arranged side by side, : қ” Fig. 39 not interwoven; no cystidia nor setae; spores ЖЖ T 5 . опа incrassata. even, fuscous, flattened on one side, 10-12 Spores Х 870. 6-74 y. The portion of the fructification in Curtis Herb. 9 em. long, 41 em. broad. On side of pine stump. New York and South Carolina. June. Where forming towards the margin, the tubes are very shal- low, as stated by the authors of the species, but truly porose there and so greatly elongated in the older portion of the fructification that this species is certainly a Poria. Collectors should look for it among their collections which have been roughly classified as Poria, as a fleshy Poria becoming black where bruised and drying nearly black, having large colored spores, tubes 3 mm. long and 1-3 toa mm. The paler color of the surface of the type is probably due to a mould which is present. The description of M. spissus and collector’s reference to it, published in ‘Grevillea,’ were not sufficient for positive location of the cotype in Curtis Herb.; I am indebted to Miss Wakefield for critical notes and to the Director of Kew Herbarium for a fragment of the type, which have made confirmation of the беген possible. Specimens examined New York: Selkirk, C. H. Peck, type of Polyporus pineus (in Coll. N. Y. State, and a portion in Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.). South Carolina: Society Hill, M. А. Curtis, 1504 (cotype in Curtis Herb. of Merulius incrassatus) ; definite locality not stated, M. А. Curtis, unnumbered specimen (їп Curtis Herb., with same data and characters as fragment of the type of Merulius spissus). [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN INDEX TO SPECIES OF MERULIUS 362 Page v c n EM UM EE 334 Alio M SIME Ee нады 326 A (EPOR) ductae are erige 326 o ti и 317 НЕ | See a coe omc S 345 Аа ТРЕСТ. 359 ры 343 275 ре ИА 331 t SPP Rp eges 348 ОЙО .................... 358 С гә coke nO ECL e 339 С ТЕС. cps oe wee 319 РРР 322 "iso nli sd p" 326 ТОТОУ 325 degtubens (PASO) 0.5 325 GORLITUONS .....2................ 340 заден (Xylomyzon) ......... 341 СОВЕ ръж Y CERE PET 341 ІТ E TERI a 330 себет отта КЕККЕ 336 e РУАН а таан 352 Г ТЕСТІН ТТГ 828 AMET Rute TE 319 ааа C аа 351 ОАО vcl E rs 349 Mmantioides. ................... 356 SUDAN ҰТТЫ ТТІ” 819 Ло ha sire a 335 ПОВ AP ao E екент 356 incarnatus (Cantharellus) ...... 310 STROH g aT A T Ж RESA КЕ 310 сеа СКОТ TS ас 360 Fis kin АҒАТЫН сакати 360 PERCOE wie КИК ane dne 356 isoporum (Xylomyzon) ......... 338 mp (Boletus) ........... 340 а. ^ re ee Se 340 Dianae forma terrestris....... 347 lacrymans var. tenuissimum...... 345 laerymans var. terrestris........ 346 Р `.........›.-<›....... 329 Page DQUNDEI о E RU. oe PRA HEY 356 оИмвеца- ooo Ре 352 montanis vesci уу КЕТ 354 nivea. (Риоашға) ...........:.. 326 ОРТ Cr еня 326 ИИИ а E ONTE НУТ 321, 362 patellaeformis vits xa uiid ees ризи 359 pate UBI Since sos cant 356 оо С: ера аз ae was eas 356 pines ш; УА P ТОТЫ 360 деу (Борон) а ра КАП 360 Раши O зала аса 313 рани КООРУ. 349 РИСТА 332 плащ ME ода PE dace HS 327 ПЕНИ a iia ТТК ss кл Daler anes 310 rain (Xylomyzon) ............ 338 Е И A 338 бесе игы ТАРАН EE ҰРУЫ СА 337 яаа (Corticium) ....... 337 tna Н ТЕЛҮҮ КҮКҮ СҮ ТЫТ 339 робу (Hydnum) ........... 356 ВОИ ое 324 SOTOPIUB с. ку ва, RS 329 они а ык ақа ра ен 344 SÜD ТТТ СТ LYCEE 360 subaurantiaous КЕТ ГЫЛ КҮҮН 352 is UY а NE аи. 319 к-га и EMT eee ee 333 КЕСУ Se cents noo Ve Dae hee 349 пази В ИД а iy Peer ТІ РР 345 ос: со vin o's аа оо So wwe 346 toimonteltüs. РЕ 334 ООО В fs oars rrr това dv 313 BM Lr PES TERRE Ета 319 АЛИШ а kee ee ates wens 355 Бао Аы E Ra Ri 341, 343 ОЛАН Bier TEE 312 ANN. Mo. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 20 BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 1. MERULIUS INCARNATUS.—2. M. HIRSUTUS.—3. M. TREMELLOSUS.—4. М. AMBIGUUS.— 5. M. CONFLUENS.—6. M. PALLENS.—7. M. CORIUM.—8. M. CUBENSIS.— 9. M. NIVEUS.—10. M. GYROSUS. ALL NATURAL SIZE. ANN. Мо. Вот. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 21 | е Ж, BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 11. MERULIUS SORORIUS.—12. M. LICHENICOLA.—13. M. DUBIUS.—14. M. BELLUS.— 15. M. RAVENELII.—16. M. SULPHUREUS.—17. M. ALBUS.—18. M. TOMENTOSUS.—19. М. HIR- TELLUS.—20. M. FARLOWII.—21. M. RUGULOSUS.—22. M. RUFUS.—23. M. CERACELLUS.— 24. M. LACRYMANS.—25. M. AUREUS.—26. M. AMERICANUS.—27. М. TERRESTRIS. ALL NATURAL SIZE. ANN. Мо. Bor. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917 PLATE 22 BURT—MERULIUS IN NORTH AMERICA 28. MERULIUS BRASSICAEFOLIUS.—29. М. HIMANTIOIDES.—30. M. HEXAGONOIDES.— 31. М. FUGAX.—32. M. MONTANUS.—33. M. UMBRINUS.—34. M. PINASTRI.— 35. M. BYSSOIDEUS.—36. M. ATROVIRENS. ALL NATURAL SIZE. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME IV New scientific names of plants and the final members of new combinations are өліні і in bold face type; synonyms and page numbers having reference to figures and plates, in ср and previously published scientific names and all other ry type. shatter in ordina: А alboflavescens (Coniophora), 248 басканы ( m) , 247 s (Merulius), 3 Agologieni Notes. T Chlorochytrium oeophilum Bohlin, 271; II, Prelim- at list o се іп Devi ils Lake, а, A Ini енеді E Ini (Trogia ambiguus (Mérulius), >: americanus (Merulius), Ammonia, tests for, in ы tobacco ves 1 Anabaena flos-a пав) SAN Aphanothece Castagne per ре, growth sf Aspergillus niger 83; growth of Gloeo- 283 Arthrospira Jenn 96 пе. ме niger, әзіз of, on various 168, 169, 280; on Rich- ards pem on and modi fied decoc- tions, 282 atrocinerea ( Coniophora), rocinerea (уез СОНЫ 260 atroviren ns (Merulius), 359 aureus (Merulius), 343 Кала Жерри ora), Avo aic disease 2. 210; dis- eased and eres plants, 232 Bean ge 166; growth of various fun bale” (кешіне), я oletus lacryman brassicaefolius т 348 brunneola (Coniophora), ME um (Corticium), Bryan, Mary M. A sl аа pas of Habenaria psycodes, 37 ANN. Mo. Bot. GARD., VOL. 4, 1917. Burt, E, A. Merulius in North Amer- iea, 305; Odontia кре апа O. вага, new specie ay sugar ca The ниен of Манч атон 358 С Calcium, tests for, x diseased and healthy plant x Calothrix Braunii, 298; p 298 Cantharellus iac mH RD ГА capnoides ( Со tere Carbohydrates, tests 55у in ae and healthy plant tissue, Carrot depot, growth of реката niger оп, 280, 285; growth of Gloeo- spor изу ины ssypii on, 28 5 Celery decoction, growth of ағара 280, 286; growth of Gloe on, 281, 286 eri, lorinum (Corticiw т), vta apii. ium КЕШІ 971, 278 еее оососсасеае E ean limneticus, 294; minutus, raat tron, mosaic disease of, 195, 230 iudophora Keutzingiana, 301 adophoraceae, 301 lathrocystis жант EN, 294 болан, 29 astrum micropor 299 oclosphacrium Kuetzingiamum, 294 mpos Tw xotie, in North SPSS SEE Sy eeces Qs ES е "289 (363) ща |) oe 364 confluens (жери. 319 Coniophora, 231; boflavescens, 248; arida, 244; Ene ea, 260; avel- € 251; brunneola, 251 ; byssoidea, 263; сарлойдез, — cerebella, 24 ; d vascens, 265; 248; polypo- 3 265; puteana, 240; каза 240; sordulenta, слон 811, prasi Coniophorelia, 237; byssoidea, oliv Lu wmbrina, 256 Ti bett Cookei (Coniophora), c corium (Merulius), aes meal ‘decoction, 166; growth of iou 168 soens, 247; aridum, 57; byssoideum, 257; , 267; poly y 247; prasinum, puteanum, 240; saccharinum, sordulentum, 268; suffocatum, ee onan 268; Lem 25 crocea (Con ra), cubensis (Merulius ү, p mber, mosaie disease of, 193, 210, 230 a Decoctions, plant, The growth of cer- str destruens ( м жеді 341 Devils Lake, Nort Pog a Еее of, 298; list of algae in Dictyosphaerium pullin, 590 Diplonema sordesc дома ане огей а dr Lah (Conio ophora), 253 dryinu eiie up 253 dubius ашы из), 380 Duggar, В. M. Severy, J. W., and Schmitz, H. m B S s nt ology o the fun e growth = a fang | in ет е Durability of yellow pine, 93 19 Ейви (Coniophora), 257 [Vor. 4 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Ellisii (Corticium), 257 leone Erechtites arguta, 291, 292 F Farlowii (Merulius), flava Свети cin ib WA В 336 Freiberg, tudies in the mosaic diseases ot қ жег 175 fugax (Merulius), 352 fulo: F erka Оор ora), 2 i: The growth of uii in RE dien. 165, 279; Studies in the physiology of the, III, 93, IV, 165, V, 279 fusispora (Coniophora), 2 Sudden (Corticium) , 243 G Gates, R. R. ies сее study of the North Am n genus Trillium, its НЫНЕ and its elation to Paris and Medeo Gloetrichia lut 298 sees a ча (Gloecsporium) Gossypii, gro of, arious decoctions, 107, ЕЙ 981, ЕМ on Richards’ tion a and modi fied “decoctions, 282 Gomphosphaeria aponina, 294 Greenman, J. M. Monograph of the solu- North and Central American species of the genus Senecio—Part П, 15; wo га, Compositae in North дига 7 о ни 86 съща aria. 328 Habenaria ciliaris, ud fimbriata, 38; hyperborea, 39; lac 41; psycodes, 37, «Ву var. сейн, 38, 42, у varia 37, 42 Habenaria psycodes, A spurless variety кне ( Merulius), 319 Harperi hexagonoide himantioides (Merulius), 34 himantioides ( Meru uri tus (Merulius), 3 hirtellus (Merulius), $35 H hydnoides ие 356 Hydnum pinastri, = oe 356 Hydro dietyace Hymenochaete йе, 257 Hypochnus olivaceus, 257; pallescens, 267; thelephoroides, 268 1917] incarnatus (Cantharellus), 310 incarnatus (Meru lius), 310 insinuans (Stereum), Е insinuans (Thelephora), 267 Iron, tests for, in diseased and healthy plant tissue, 181 irpicinus (Merulius), 356 isoporum (Xylomyzon), 338 Kalmiae (Coniophora), 246 Kalmiae (Corticium), 246 lacrymans (Boletus), 3 ee. IDONEAM oa forma ter- restri aes #5 tenuissimum ( Mer- Alius), 845; var. нежы , 846 laeticolor (Coniophora), 261” заби (Corticium), 262 laeticolor ( эрни tee 262 Lenzites то dii ries, Physical prop- erties = in relation to decay in- due = louoothrio i Conioohore), 257 leucothria (Corticium), 257 lichenicola (Merulius), 329 Light, relation of, to the mosaic dis- а 296 М — — pum of, on pla ше, 168, Magnesium, s for, 2.2 diseased and healthy Fir Ж — MNA ава € "шок wth of Asper- gillus niger , 284; growth of есерш. pies pii on, 281, #84 Medeola, 86; virginiana, 86 Merismopedia convoluta, 295; glauca, 295; tenuissima, 295 Merulius, 200, albu us, 334; ambiguus, 17; ricanus, 345; atrovirens, О; а rens, 343; bellus, Ex bras- viet rer 348; byssoideu 358; ceracell 339; m. 319 corium, 32 Mena. 326; deglu- bens, 325; desiruene 40; domesti сиз, um 336; TORRE, 352; gyrosus, 328; hae- dinus, 319; hexagonoides, 351; hi- mantioides, 349; himantioides, 35 56; INDEX 365 hirsutus, 312; hirtellus, 335; Бө же єз, 856; incarnatus, 310; incras- satus, 360; irpicinus, 356 за mans, ке rma terrestris, 347; lacrym simum, 5, var. bites д; 346; ht 5293 € 356; mollus 352; mo , 354; niveus, 326; pa allens, 321, 59; eun R bellus, 310; rufus, 338; 3 serpens, 339; sordidus, sororius, 329; spadiceus, 344; spis- sus, 960; su чн 352; sul- catus, 319; sulphu , 333; tenuis, 349; tenuissimus, "345; terrestris u rugulosus, 324 313; 25 ; umbrinus, 355 tator ‚ 343; " Wrightii, 312 Mesoonrpacca 8 е, Microspor a Loefgrenii, 300 minor (Mer ulius), 356 — relation of, to mosaic dis- milidh (Merulius), og montanus (Merulius), 3 e T. Algo Eoi Notes. I, Chlorochytrium gloeophilum Bohlin, hs II, Preliminary list of ri in s La ke, North Dakota, Ека ease of porns discussion of 14% recent investigations infec tive рева of, 208; ger relations 189 y and recen десед, 210; Studies in the, 175 Mougeotia sp., 298 Myxophyceae, 294 Nephrocytium Naegelii, 300 — tests for, in diseased and y tobacco tissue, 178 6 326 hae и эрин var. genuina, 298 Nostoca 297 Nymphaea Capensis var. zanzibari lensis, ID p- astaliiflora, 3, 14 flavo- -virens, d WV. Wa rd,” уа Ed E. Whitaker," 5, 1, var. marmorata, T ovalifolia, 5; “Stella Gurney.” 9; “William Stone," 1 Nymphaeas, Hybrid, 1 Odontia сезтн апа 9. saccharicola, new spec n sugar cane, 233 Odontia am oe Е 233: saccharicola 235; sistotremoides, 250 olivacea (Coniophora) , 257 olivacea (Conio olivacea (Thelep olivaceum (С orticium), 257 olivaceus ypoc chnus), ne olivascens (Coniophora), olivascens (С orticium) , T Oocystis solitaria, 300 Oscillatoria amphibia, 296; brevis, 296; chalybea, 296; chlorin na, 296; gem- ритат 296; limosa, 296; sp. 297; ten 29 наны, 296 Oxidases, relation of, to mosaic dis- eases, 189 Р раПепз каи), да, 862 pallescens (Corticium), 267 pallescens Кубен), 267 pallescens (Stereum), 2 (Thelephora), 267 pallescens Pandorina sp., 299 aris, 83; quadrifolia, 83; tetra- phylla, nom Mens ің 5 Ре I е9 Вогу- of, on 30 Penicillium expansum, pm plant decoctions, 168, sr M bi yssoidea, 565; sordescens, Peters ағы 248 Phlebia deglub арноо, te вів’ foe in diseased and had grown upon 164; preparation of, ; ге sults of series A, 106, charts base d on, 147, 148, 150; results X series B, z ‚ 151; results of ries С, char s based on, 151, 152 pinea [бети , 86 0 pineus (Polyporus), 360 Eon echinata, 93; palustris, 93; Жб ‚ 926 , 98 нал. 297, tenu Plicatura Alni, 326; polypor се Оа. 247 polyp deum Тез, 947 аз дай pineus, 360 Poria Incrassata, 360; pinea, Potassium, tests for, in rend and healthy plant tissue, 184 Pota ~ A nas oi 166; growth of va- rio 16 на 1 би Жы ), 265 [Vor. 4 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN prasinum (Corticium), 265 Pring, George H. Hybrid dE Proteins, tests for, ae теч апа һеа althy plant tissue, Protococeaceae, 299 Protococcales, 299 tod growth of va- Prun us), 313 bcd aile Cterulius ) ‚ 349 uteana (Coniophora), 240 puteana (третата: 240 puteanum (Corticium), 240 R Ravenelii (Merulius), 332 resend relation of, to 2” decay, 94 rimosus (Merulius), ана Айл Ши 271; nidulans, Rivulariaceae, 298 rubellus (Merulius), 310 rufum (Xylomyzon), 338 rufus (Merulius), Жын Жз (Merulius), 337 S Sacchari (Odontia), saccharicola mo 235 saccharinum (Corticium), 337 Salmon deco пе 4 vth of Asper gillus niger on, 280, 287; growth of Gloeosporium Gossypii on, 281, 287 Scenedesmaceae, Scenedesmus bijuga, 300; quadricauda, 0 tain re in plant decoctions, 165, V, 279 ү нон, 298 Seed, nsmission of the mosaic dis- ease po ough, 206 Senecio, Monograph of 5. North and Central иам an species of the 5 c Pa doni 16; дела 33; bras- iliensis, 290; weri, 30, on- tractus, 31; cannabinaefolius, 289; diffusus, 27; eurycephalus, 31; eury cephalus, 30; franciscanus, in- trepidus, 34; nophyllus, 38, var sparsilobatus, ; idum, 18; 34; lap eus, 21; lynceus, 21, 36; та- cropus, 28; millelobatus, 19; multi lobatus, 16, var. Standleyi, т tilobatus, 19, 21; Nelsonii var. iran 1917] INDEX 367 utahensis, 25; Neo- parrasianus, 20; 28; ensis, 24, var. prolivus, 27; u torum, 8 ме, 22; sparsilobatus, 34; sty s, 27; sylvaticus, 291; pica 31; uintahensis, 24; wtahens serpens Мера us), 339 305 Severy, J. W., Duggar, B. M., and Schmi Studies in p PME ology of the fu ungi. III, The gro of certain fungi in plant SLE 165, V, 27 Siphon ocladiales, 301 sistotrem ers es (Coniophora), 249 sistotremoides (Odontia), 250 sistotre ы UThelephora), 249 Solanum изу, 45, flore hewape- lo с » 65; Virginianum try phyllon sor rdescens сане. 263 sordes cens ophora), 263 um (Hae wm), 356 sordidus (Merulius), 324 sordulenta (Coniophora) , 267, 268 spadiceus (Merulius), 344 Specific gravity, relation of, to wood decay, 99 Spirulina major, 297; Nordstedtii, 297; subtilissima, 297; tenerrima, 297 spissus (Merulius), 360 Starch, tests for, in discesa and healthy plant tissue, 186 Stereum insinuans, 267; pallescens, 267 Studies in the а KA of the fun ng. А ПІ, Physical properties of wood relation to decay induced by Tenet а saepiaria Fries, 93; IV ыс» uM owth of certain gi i oetions, 165; V, The growth а Е fungi in plant decoctions, 279 ubaurantiacus (Meruliu 8), 352 suboohr acea (Сотор ‚ 265 187 оп, ' 166; growth of various fungi on, 16 sulcatus зет 319 ulphur, te a ее ала вшірһигеив onu)" in Temperature, relations of, to mosaie diseases, 195, 226, 228 tenuis (Merulius), 349 tenuissimus (Merulius), 345 а 240; А ату: 49; umbrina, 256, уат. В, 256 B ox cue of North America, The, VII Posi Ad (Corticium), 268 the роти (Hypochnus), 268 obaeco, e disease of, 192, 230 To poU puta 298 Tomato, mosaic disease of, 192 tomentosus (Merulius), 334 Total nitrogen, tests for, in diseased and health thy plant чене ашы tr emellosus (Merulius), Am en vari- ability, and its mr 54 “A Paris and Medeo талын b а. 66; album, 53; atro- 9 . cernuum, 59; declin atum, 55; ааа th rocarpum, 56, 57; foetidum, 53; gigan nteum, 49, var. angustipetalum, 92, var. chloropetalum, 50, 90; т na, 83; E 51, var. trans. parvum, 58, ыен 58; 58, var. obovatu um, 68; Hugeri, 46; r tista ni vatum, 68; ROM n 57, ; оуа- tum, 59, var. trans. stenosepalum, ; pendulum, 54; ре «Пони, 4: ит, 56; pumilur т, A pur PU 53; pusillum, 52; recurva- florum, ivale, 65; Rugelii, 55; Scouleri, 51; pe 45; sessile va angustipetalum, 51, var lifor- , 49, chloropetalum, 5 var. gigant » 49, var. Nuttallii 47, var. viridescens, 47, var. Wrayi, ; simile, ; stamineum, 44; stylosum, | 65; tetraphylla, 84; Tex- anum, 52 erwoodii, 45 dula- tum ‚ 56; е2. 49; Vaseyi, зет ие ае Б: 368 54, forma album, 55; venosum, 66, ed эт 41; viridescens, 47 rogia Alni, Turnip decoction, 166; growth of va- rious fungi on, 168 U Ulmi (Меғш вм 319 Ulothrix zonata, 301 U Seen imag! 300 Ulotricha $5 eae umbrina С? ога), 256 umbrina (Coniophorella), 256 umbrina (Thelephora), 256, var. В, 256 umbr (Corticium), 256 umbrinus (Merulius), 355 у vaga (Coniophora), vastator (Merulius), за, 343 [Vor. 4, 1917] ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN Volvocaceae, 299 Volvocales, 299 Wrightii (Merulius), 312 X Xerocarpus laeticolor, 262 Xylomyzon destruens, 341; isoporum, 338; rufum, 338 Yellow pine, durability of, 93 Z Zeller, S. M. Studies in the physiology of the fungi. Ш, Physical prop- erties of wood іп rela Rin to decay induced by Las saepiaria Fries, Zoochlorella conductrix, 300 Foy нА Ум. 7 f Ңң БАРА жаа 2 ae = * Annals | р _ Missouri. Botanical | CET < VIE zy же! P 3 3 25 à ы ri i B >. „3 Жо s я ur 7 > ж ж.» - ^ 3 + “> и С M Ж 2 at + „4 + Tw | { = ч : = к ah 2 7 i ка ^ X : &; А - а” х С + | е e Съ A + Мер { А ^ A аб -+ i Ж 3 x i a ж А 27 m 7 i чие i с Гай, = Р К : r^ а Ps ; : 4 pepi 5 ^ - - x EON t - - Е - $ Жы. ^ пн А PN p Mule. Р Y row | А. 7 zs oe Pipes де С v ^ { e па, r 1 EN £ ы : ME ee S ao “Contents : 296 ec | б a TEN - 2. 1 Е ў 22 р Ф 19 k eu ce ЦЕ ВИА z a - 2 , АТ Fé a. т” я | | | ore m e ` February; 917. ca 2 ae, 5e A и "нуна Njmphaens.. реа ees dr =, H. Pring | Ж” ‘Monograph of the ‘Norte and Central American Species of the Genus wr Senecio— Part I Мер пати жол; mu Y коа S Greenman 15- 36 LT г A жоо: Variety of Habenaria psycodes. . | Магу М. ‘Bryan. 3142 - E Systematic. Study of the Genus ‘Trillium, Its * Variability ‘and das ae чөн to pus аза Medeola... са дер, GR is Gates 43.92. аа £s = “PUBLISHED шшактені ву THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES or THE ‘MISSOURI VEM зи TANICAL GARDEN, Sr LOUIS, MISSOURI- pe: жазы: ^ ит rt ete > { 2 си ж Entered аз 'восова- class: matter at the Post Office at St. Тоша, Missouri,” ‘under the Act of March 3, 1870, | Е i 2 BN я $ - KR, ix М > 4 с Au > ; с и ж d i > ^ А =, + < " +, ir x a XE re ж? у н TN + + > ne а и т А + ! 275 AS е N = ^ £ +- d е > a t = 1 4 ne acs - y E ~ + > г: v 4 i = M T M а ít 76 £ + 3 B 2% 4 “ чё ay y c N f ў ty 4 Z ? É К 2 T 2 °ч * of % Ф 2 = #5 RU M +> kc PART T) lou перо T A | ым