S| D CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY Volume | 1962-1964 SIDA Contributions to Botany volume 1 (in 6 numbers) copyright 1962, 1963, 1964 by Lloyd H. Shinners, SMU Box 473, Dallas, Texas 75222, U.S.A. DATES OF PUBLICATION No. 1, pp. 1—62: 23 November No. 4, pp. 187—256: 25 June 1964. ae No. 5, pp. 257—298: 25 June 1964. No. 2, pp. 683—108: 23 November 1962. No. 6, pp. 299—417: 30 October No. 3, pp. 109—186: 12 December 1964. 1963. For Contents, see the unnumbered pages which form the front covers of the separate numbers. ERRATA GRAVIORA p. 29 note 4. Dr. L. O. Williams informs me that the Chicago Museum acquired the Coulter Herbarium not directly from Coulter but from the University of Chicago, first on indefinite loan, later as gift. p. 31 note 19. By egregious oversight the name of Andrew Denny Rodg- ers III was omitted. p. 61 par. 3. Second synonym should be Tephrosia purpurea var. angus- tissima. p. 78, line 7 from bottom. Add to synonymy Micheliella anisata (Sims) Briquet in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 325. 1897. p. 100. The three species included under Aneilema become Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan, M. Keisak (Hasskarl) Handel-Mazzetti, and Gibasis linearis (Bentham) Rafinesque in the improved classification adopted by Rohweder, Die Farinosae in der Vegetation von El Salva- dor, 1956 (Commelinaceae pp. 98—178). p. 105. For a different opinion on Warea, see “Nomenclatural and taxo- nomic corrections in Warea (Cruciferae)” by R. B. Channell and C. W. James, Rhodora 66: 18—26, 1964. p. 173, key lead 6a. should read as follows: 6a. Lower leaves with flat segments 1 mm. or more wide; upper leaves with progressively more slender segments . , G. rigidula var. rigidula S | DA CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 NOVEMBER 1962 CONTENTS Evolution of the Gray’s and Small’s manual ranges Annual Sisyrinchiums (lridaceae) in the United States Chromosome numbers of Heals (lridaceae) in the eastern United State New names in Arenaria (Caryophyllaceae) Drosera (Droseraceae) in the Southeastern United States: an interim report Key to Southeastern glabrous-styled Tephrosia (Leguminosae) 53 60 SIDA is privately published by Lloyd H. Shinners, SMU Box 473, Dallas 22, Texas, U.S.A. Subscription price $6 (U.S.) per volume of about 360—400 pages, parts issued at irregular intervals. © SIDA Contributions to Botany volume 1 number 1 pages 1—62 copyright 1962 by Lloyd H. Shinners EVOLUTION OF THE GRAY’S AND SMALL’S MANUAL RANGES LLOYD H. SHINNERS Herbarium, Southern Methodist University, Dallas 22, Texas “Those who are ignorant of history are condemned to repeat it.” To suggest that botanists, and especially systematic botanists, are ignorant of history may seem surprising, exercised as they are with precedents, priorities, author-citations, and bibliographic rummaging. But their his- ory does not go beyond the merely chronological or anecdotal. Critical evaluation, interpretation, explanation, discernment of patterns, prece- dents for positive actions — there is scarcely even an awareness that such remoter intellectual levels exist. As for introducing sociology, philosophy, psychology — a scientists is above such things. He clings to his scientific purity in his day-to-day work, certain that science can- not help but progress in the soundest possible way. The sad truth is that science does not advance purely or even chiefly by scientific means. It is, after all, simply one form of human cultural activity, and a victim of the same shortcomings and influences as an other such activity. What seems to me extraordinary is that systematic botanists, the nature of whose work should keep them from the extremes of narrow-minded dogma, remain so stubbornly ignorant of their own condition. Instead of making a broad-ranging, critical scrutiny of them- selves, they clutch at devices which will make them respectable in the eyes of true scientists. But salvation does not lie in cytotax xonomy or master in his house and not the witless object of accidents and outside forces. And this requires stepping outside the narrow cultural limits within which American botany is confined. In reviewing the history of the familiar “Manual ranges” into which the eastern third of North America has been divided for over a centu ury, I wish to point out that the division does not have a scientific basis, has the progress of systematic botany; that a knowledge of all of them, changing and unchanging, can enable a botanist to organize his efforts in a way to extract the most from his opportunities and suffer the least from his handicaps. I reject the assertion that “the only thing History has to teach us is that it can teach us nothing.” SIDA 1 (1): 1—31. 1962. HISTORICAL RECORD In 1817 there appeared A Manual of Botany for the Northern States... to the North of Virginia, by members of the botanical class in Williams College, Massachusetts. A year later appeared a second edition, Amos Eaton now acknowledging authorship. The title for this and the two following editions (3rd in 1822, 4th in 1824) is slightly altered: Manual of Botany for the Northern and Middle States, but the specification to the North of Virginia (then including West Virginia) remains. With the 5th edition in 1829 the title becomes Manual of Botany for North America ... North of the Gulf of Mexico. What this really meant is revealed in the introductory notice on botanical districts. “The Northern and Southern districts are separated by a line drawn fom the mouth of the Delaware River... in a direction to intersect the south end of Lake Michigan ... leaving all Pennsylvania and the north part of Delaware, of Maryland and of Ohio, in the Northern district. This direction of the division line is required, because southern plants extend to higher latitudes on the western side of the Allegany range, than on the eastern side.” These two districts are further broken down into Eastern and Western divisions. “The Allegany mountain is the division line in the Southern district; a line drawn from the intersection of the Allegany mountain and the river Potomack, in the direction of Cayuga lake, is the division line in the Northern district.” For the following two editions the title and subtitle are unchanged, but this is not true of the botanical districts. In the 6th edition (1833) no menion is made of them, the shock of the arrival of Torrey’s edition of Lindley’s Natural System being so great that Eaton devotes nearly four pages to de- nouncing it and similar works, omitting the geographic section. With the 7th edition (1836) passion had only partially subsided. Eaton quotes with great satisfaction the remarks of W. J. Hooker in praise of the Linnaean system (in the latter’s British botany). Parts of Hooker’s Flora Boreali-Americana (a flora of Canada), had appeared, and ac- cording to Eaton, all the information was incorporated in his revised Manual. But the only change in botanical districts was a minor one suggested by Western botanists. “J. L. Riddell, of Cincinnati, has been his chief guide in drawing the line between the Eastern and Western regions. The value of the Catalogue of Mr. Gibbs, of Columbia, 5S. C., kindly sent by the author, was in great measure lost on account of its being received too late” (Preface, p. v.). On page 9, under “Location of Species,” we are told that “S. at the end of a specific description indi- cates that it grows South of the North line of Virginia, as well as North. W. (capital) within the parenthesis after a species, indicates, that it grows West of the Allegany range and its continuation through Cayuga Lake, &c. — also East of the West line of Missouri and Arkansas.” In a footnote we are told of this last statement “This limit is authorised by Drs. Short, Peter, Riddell and Lock.” These comments are repeated in the 8th edition (1840), now entitled North American Botany; Com- prising the Native and Common Cultivated Plants, North of Mexico, prepared by Eaton and Dr. John Wright. There are three new abbrevia- tions: A. for Alpine, L. (Littoribus) for seashore, O. (Omnibus locis) for “throughout the Northern and Southern States.” There is a further brief section headed “Arctic, Rocky Mt., and Oregon Species,” with a con- fusing second A. for Arctic, R. for “On the Rocky Mt. or west of it; or between the Mt. and the States of Missouri and Arkansas,” and Cal. for California. In a footnote in the preface (p. vi), Eaton reports with evident satisfaction, “These five last editions extended to two thousand copies each — and one of them to two thousand five hundre Eaton was a teacher and popularizer of botany, not a botanist by virtue of original studies or researches. He was not a notable collector, nor did he attempt to accumulate a good herbarium. Indeed, his final word (p. 16 of the 7th edition) showed that he never even considered careful documentation as a method, for he declares that the only way to assemble adequate geographic data is for every natural history society “to devote a secure place to the preservation of manuscript catalogues of all collecting botanists.” He did not travel widely, and his notions of Western and Southern geography were decidedly naive, as the preceding quotations show. Despite the inflated title used for editions 5 through 8 of his Manual, he never seriously intended it for use much outside the area of the first four. Thus his comment in edition 8 (p. 16), after explaining the abbreviations for Arctic and Rocky Mountain: “These distant ere Uani le will not embarrass the student; because a solitary R. pected elsewhere.” It seemed not to trouble him at all that his early, simple separation into North and South and subdivision into East and West had become utterly incongruous; he kept on using them until the last. One suspects that the “distant localities” were thrown in for pos- sible benefit to sales, a suspicion strengthened by his complacent foot- note about the number of copies in the earlier editions. As a compiler rather than an investigator, a rather superficial popular- izer instead of a critical student, and finally as a reactionary violently opposing the newer approaches to classification, Eaton did not attract followers of high calibre. Although Mrs. Lincoln’s Familiar Lectures on Botany, patterned on his own, continued to be a best seller for years after his death, he had no real botanical successor in direct line. But history did repeat itself, though with a difference, in the work of Alphonso. Wood, whose A Class-Book of Botany first appeared in 1845, and in a revised edition only a year later. As Wood himself tells us (preface to the 1860 edition), “It was originally prepared with immediate reference to the wants of the author’s own pupils, with scarcely a hope of approval from the community beyond.” It was Williams College all over again, this time at small Kimball Union Academy near Hanover, 4 New Hampshire. The flora which comprised a major part of the book covered “that section of the United States which lies north of the Capitol, that is, of the 39th parallel, including essentially the states lying north of the Ohio River and Maryland.” Then, with an eye to sales, it is added, “With some exceptions, therefore, this Flora will answer for the adjacent states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Ken- tucky, Missouri, and the Canadas.” Like Eaton, Wood was encouraged by the commercial success of his book, and, again like Eaton, became expansionist, with the added stimulus of the desire to keep ahead of e new rival, Gray’s Manual. For the 1860 edition (3rd copyright date; unrevised new printings of the 1846 editions were confusingly numbered as new editions), “The limit of our Flora in this new series has been much extended. It now embraces the territory lying east of the Missis- sippi River with the exception of the Southern Peninsula of Florida, and South of the Great Lakes and the River St. Lawrence... . This Class- Book is, therefore, now professedly adapted to the student’s use from Quebec to New Orleans and from St. Pauls (sic) to St. Augustine.” Unlike Eaton, Wood had actually traveled through much of this large area: “Therefore, into nearly every section of this territory, from the St. Lawrence and the Lakes to the Gulf, and from the Sea-Coast to the Great River, the author has made repeated excursions in delighted con- verse with the vegetable world.” But like Eaton he was not a notable g pected, though he seems to have done more in this regard than did his predecessor. He too was a compiler rather than an investigator; his primary aim likewise was teaching and popularizing, not research. And, once more like Eaton, he had no botanical successor. In 1824 John Torrey published the first volume of what was to remain an unfinished work, A Flora of the Northern and Middle Sections of the United States, covering the same area as Eaton’s early editions: the states north of Virginia. In 1826 appeared the more condensed A Compendium of the Flora of the Northern and Middle States, for the same area, this time described as “north of the Potomac.” Torrey was to set the pattern for future progress by corresponding and exchanging with European botanists in order to have critical identifications, and by championing the Natural System against the Linnaean. His efforts were to come to full flower in the never-finished Flora of North America (1838-1843), undertaken jointly with Asa Gray, and in numerous reports on the in 1848 had the slightly modified title Botany of the United States North of Virginia. In the same year appeared the famous first edition of Gray’s Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, from New England to Wisconsin and South to Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was destined to be the last manual for the area that may be called the Old North — that it, the area north of the Mason-Dixon line and the Ohio River. Scientifi- cally it carried on the Torreyan traditions of critical identifications and use of the Natural System. But it had still more important reasons for being: it would offset Wood’s odious popularity, and affirm Gray’s position as leader for the critical botanists, and, not least, it would make money. Prestige, rivalry, and commercialism were to dominate the subsequent history of the Manual until the 7th edition and, inevit- ably, of the later Southern floras as well. We may never know with certainty all the reasons that led Gray to abandon a regional boundary of more than forty years’ standing, adopted first by Eaton, and accepted without question by Torrey, Beck, Wood, and Gray himself. External chance played a part. As late as May, 1855, in a letter to Darwin, he speaks of “this moderate area (bounded by the Atlantic Coast, New Brunswick, St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, Missis- sippi, and Potomac or Chesapeake Bay).” Darwin’s request for informa- tion about plant distribution seems to have set Gray thinking. When the 2nd edition of his Manual appeared in 1856 (foreword dated June 30), it had been expanded to include “Kentucky, Virginia, and all east of the Mississippi,’ an area retained for the three remaining editions prepared by Gray himself: 3rd (1857), 4th (1862), and 5th (1867), the last with the range re-worded to “east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee.” (There is some confusion because of various reprintings, the earlier merely as “r evised edition” without 2 a ol i Northern United States,’ published (1856-1857) just after the appear- ance of the revised Manual, Gray discusses the botanical reasons for the change. “The work, which forms the basis of the following statistics of the botany of the Northern United States, has now been extended in geographical area beyond the limits of the Northern States, politically so-called; inasmuch as this area includes Virginia and Kentucky, and stretches westward to the Mississippi River. The south boundary of 36° 30’ has been adopted (instead of Mason and Dixon’s line) because it coincides better than any other direct geographical line with the natural division between the cooler-temperate and the warm-temperate vegeta- tion, — between the flora of the northern and of the southern Atlantic states. Few characteristically southern plants advance to the north of it, and those chiefly on the coast of the low south-eastern corner of Virginia, in the Dismal Swamp, and the environs of Norfolk. Could we vary the line where it intersects the longitude of Washington, carrying it north until it reaches the James River, and thence due east again, the small quadrangle thus excluded would exclude nearly all the properly south- ern indigenous plants now comprised in the volume, and mark the true division eastward between our southern and northern botanical regions, namely, at the northern limit of the Live Oak, the Long-leaved Pine, and the Black Moss (Tillandsia unseoides) . .. On the Mississippi, the plant most southern in character which crosses the parallel is Jussiaea repens. This sparingly extends up the Ohio to lat. 38°, where also the Taxodium reaches about as far north as on the Atlantic Coast.” And prophetically he remarks, “Probably a good many more southern species inhabit this (southeastern) corner of Virginia, of which I have as yet no indications.” It was in effect an ante-bellum act of cultural aggression against the South. It passed unchallenged, among other reasons, because there were few botanists in the South (and many of these were, like Darby and Chapman, immigrants from the North), because knowledge of the details of distribution was still very inadequate, and because the whole matter was viewed from a strictly Northern standpoint. State boundaries or parallels of latitude and longitude are hardly ideal for sean botanical regions. They were matters of convenience, especial- in view of the limited knowledge of the day. Despite the listing of species ae plausible sound of his remarks, Gray’s new boundary can- not be said to have a solid botanical basis. It did, of course, supply more ample data for answering Darwin’s queries, but that is not the same thing. Small, with vastly more field experience than Gray, later con- sidered the Mason-Dixon line a better floristic dividing point.’ Its convenience was certainly reinforced by decidedly non-botanical considerations. A major purpose in putting out the Manual was to make money,” and the enlargement of the area covered could be expected to mean more sales. Whether Gray had by this time gotten wind of Wood’s plan to annex the whole South in his next edition I do not know. M. A. Curtis in 1857 warned Gray about Wood’s travels in the South,? and other friends may well have done so early enough to influence Gray’s decision on the new boundary. Or perhaps the strategic and commercial benefits to his continuing war with Alphonso Wood were in this case pure serendipity growing out of his efforts to give Darwin a satisfactory answer. I doubt that his motives were pure. Whatever they were, they rigidly fixed the botanical boundary between North and South from that day to this. Although he was too cautious to sweep in the whole South, as Eaton had done before and Wood was to do again in 1860, he eventually felt compelled to stand up to his rival. In 1869 ee dated 1868), in his Field, Forest and Garden Botany (decidedly a com mercial venture), he too annexed the rest of the country east of the Mississippi River. Meantime he had induced Chapman to write a South- ern flora, published in 1860, about which more later. Before taking up the short and simple history of the strictly Southern floras, we must follow the subsequent history of the Manual and its rivals, the Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora and Britton’s Manual. Other than the minor instance of Darby, Southern botany had no independent existence, but was merely a pawn in the rivalry between Gray and 1 All notes are at end of article. Wood and thereafter between the Gray Herbarium and the New York Botanical Garden. In 1890, two years after Gray’s death, there appeared a 6th edition of his Manual (copyright date 1889), “revised and extended westward to the 100th Meridian,’ by Sereno Watson and John M. Coulter. It has been suggested that the extension was due to the fact that both men were Westerners (actually Midwesterners by origin, but both had been active in the Far West). I doubt if the retiring, scholarly Watson would have made such a departure from precedent had he worked alone. It is a thoroughly characteristic action of the aggressive Coulter, ever a schemer, promoter, opportunist, and in general the first major politician in American botany.* It was really repeating Gray’s 1856 move, this time toward the West instead of the South. One wonders what might have happened if, in 1890, two botanists from the South had put out a new edition of the Manual. I suspect the results would have been exactly parallel with those of the 1890 edition of Watson and Coulter: the annexed territory would prove to have included too much that was foreign to the Old North, and the boundary would have been moved back. This happened with the 7th edition of the Manual (1908), by Benjamin Lincoln Robinson (from. Illinois) and Merritt Lyndon Fernald (from Maine). “To cover a more natural area... some alterations have been made in the geographic limits adopted in the sixth edition. ... (1) the exclusion of the territory at the west between the 96th and 100th meridians, . . . (2) the inclusion of the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the greater part of Quebec and Ontario.” The more strongly northeastward slant continued with the 8th edition (1950) by Fernald alone: “The northern limit of range now includes the area south of the Straits of Belle Isle and from Anticosti Island westward along the 49th parallel of latitude in Quebec to the northwestern corner of Minnesota. The western and southern limits are unchanged.” There are curious parallels, and even more curious contradictions, between the events of 1820—1860 and those of 1890—1935. Nathaniel Lord Britton, Ph.D. (in geology), was the first non-medical doctor to write a manual, and the first to adopt the metric system. His one-volume from the Atlantic Ocean Westward to the 102nd Meridian, whose first volume appeared in 1896. With its crude drawings, slovenly taxonomy, and outrageous nomenclature, this was a repudiation of everything for which Torrey and Gray had striven. It was a naked act of imperialist aggression, not only covering the over-extended range of the 6th edition of Gray’s Manual, but annexing still more territory to the west and north. “For convenience,” says the introduction, “the whole of Nebraska has been included ... a manual of the whole Flora of the northeastern 8 part of the continent, with the exception of that of Greenland and the Arctic Circle.” A second edition in 1913 took in the same area. This dreadful production was still being reprinted and sold as late as 1950. companion work in one volume, evidently intended to displace Gray’s, and similarly titled (Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada), appeared in 1901, followed by a 2nd edition in 1905 and a 3rd in 1907. The area for all was much the same as that of the large Illustrated Flora: “from Newfoundland and Labrador to Manitoba, the southern boundary of Virginia, Kentucky and Kansas, and the western boundary of Kansas and Nebraska.” That Britton’s Manual failed to displace Gray’s is chiefly owing, I believe, to the lack of illustrations. The long popularity of the Illustrated Flora was certainly owing to the pictures, which made it a commercial success at the same time that it was a scientific failure. Those not wishing to invest in the expensive 3-volume work would naturally purchase instead that 1-volume work which did have illustrations. There is irony in the fact that the very ing Britton introduced so lavishly in his Illustrated Flora was also responsible for Gray’s Manual defeating his own. Certainly it cannot be said that the general public, whose purchases determined commercial success, gave much scrutiny to scientific merit. Illustrations and com- mercial success were the only things the Illustrated Flora and the il- lustrated Gray’s Manual had in common. ther it was really necessary to endure the two editions of the Illustrated Flora for the sake of progress is a matter of conjecture. Taxonomically speaking they represent the most backward steps ever taken in American botany. But Britton’s real contribution was the assembling of the rich library and herbarium resources of the New York Botanical Garden. It may be that from a crudely practical standpoint a popular commercial success had to be produced to accomplish this, quite apart from any question of merit or ethics. In any case, it was possible for Henry A. Gleason in 1952 to put out a work that repudiated nearly everything that Britton stood for. The label “3rd edition” is rightly eschewed for The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, which for quality stands in extreme contrast with its predecessors. Brittonian imperialist aggression is abandoned, though not that of Gray: “Its southern bound- ary from east to west follows the southern lines of Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri. To the west, it extends to the west boundary of Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota, and to the north, it follows the northern bound- aries of Minnesota and Michigan. From the eastern end of aoe ee it eee See forty-seventh parallel of latitude across On . to . Lawrence River. . It excludes Anticosti, Newfo er Sabie aa St. ae and WMichelon: ” A companion 1l-volume Manual by rthur Cronquist is in press (autumn 1962); presumably its se area will be the same. The history of the Southern floras is shorter and simpler, and as has 9 been indicated already, it mainly follows and is subordinate to that of the Northern ones. Only three authors are involved, all of them North- erners by origin, only two actually residing in the South. The first was rby that of his contemporary, Alphonso Wood. His A Manual of Botany Adapted to the Productions of the Southern States was published in 1841 at Macon, Georgia, where the author taught at the Wesleyan Female College. This was reprinted at Savannah in 1847. A new edition appeared in 1855 (reprinted in 1869) as Botany of the Southern States, published in New York, with preface dated Auburn, Alabama. Just what was meant by “Southern States” is nowhere explained. In the text there are frequent references to the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, with occasional ones to “S, Western states,” to Louisiana, and rarely to Texas. About the author Gray said “he would probably claim to have a good general, but no very profound acquaintance” with systematic botany.’ After thus damning with faint praise, Gray proceeded to damn quite brutally by completely ignoring the systematic section of the book in his review, devoting his attention solely to the morphological and physiological portion. Darby’s specimens were lost in shipment — the same calamity that befell his contemporary S. B. Buckley a few years later — and it is difficult now to tell whether Gray’s contempt for him was altogether justified. The hundreds of localities cited by Darby constituted a really impressive addition to the knowledge of the dis- tribution of Southern plants at that time, and some comment on this as surely in order. Later Chapman, dutifully following Gray’s lead, also pointedly ignored Darby’s work. Darby himself moved to Kentucky in 1869, after that state had been annexed to the Gray’s Manual range, and he seems to have given up systematic botany altogether. r Sevag took a degree at Louisville, Kentucky (according to Trelease; art’s footnote in Kimball’s reminiscences does not mention this), sae spent most of his life practising in northern Florida. In Dupree’s life of Asa Gray, surprisingly little is told of the relations between the two men. It is known that Chapman corresponded with Gray, and that the latter encouraged him at length to write a Flora of the Southern United States, itemized as Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida, published in New York in 1860. In his preface Chapman remarks, “My original design did not contemplate so wide a field; but was limited to an enumeration of the plants of the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, — to which, chiefly, my attention has been directed during the past thirty years. But, influenced by the solici- tation of friends, and by the apparent need of a more general work, I have extended my plan, so as to embrace all the States south of Virginia and Kentucky, and east of the Mississippi River.” He adds that “The plan of the work is nearly the same as that adopted by Professor Gray, 10 in his excellent Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States.” He also strongly recommends Gray’s textbooks to his readers. Like the Manual and his own Flora, these were all published by the same New York company. It is obvious that Chapman’s boundaries were chosen to match those of Gray’s Manual. Except for his brief comment about having been persuaded to extend west to the Mississippi River, he offers no explanations, botanical or otherwise, for the stated limits. These re- main the same for the 2nd edition (1883; reprint of the first with sup- plement) and 3rd edition (1897). Trelease, who visited Chapman the winter before the latter’s death, quotes these remarks by him regarding new species: “But, you know, even if I were not at the end of my work, I should prfer someone else to name them. I never did care to name species, as so many others do.” In the preface to the 2nd edition of his flora he had said, “And now, since the different sections of all the States which are included have been pretty thoroughly explored, and future acquisitions will, probably, be comparatively few in number,” indicating that he did not much believe in new species anyway. It is an interesting example of the role of chance or coincidence in history that both Chapman and Small were color-blind to shades of red.® But their ideas about new species were in violent contrast. John Kunkel Small, native of Pennsylvania (his surname was an Ameri- canization of Pennsylvania Dutch Schmal), never lived in the South, though he made numerous and sometimes extended visits there, chiefly in the Atlantic states, especially Florida. Employed by Britton primarily as curator, he was also expected to implement Brittonian imperialism, with the South (and later the Southwest) as his special territory. Legend has it that Britton, fearful of a destructive fire (it was in the days of gas lights), allowed no one to work at the New York Botanical Garden after dark. He also expected Small to devote his daylight hours to curatorial duties. Small had a large and musical family (he himself had once been flute-player in the New York Philharmonic), and after supper there was a performance by a family orchestra until bed-time for the children. Work on his Flora of the Southeastern United States (pub- lished by the author, 1903; followed, like Chapman’s, by a reprint with supplement as 2nd edition, in 1913) is said to have been carried on during midnight hours, and on the basis of no more than one specimen of each species or sometimes even genus. Those who have used the book will find the story wholly believable. Its taxonomy and nomencla- ture are thoroughly typical of the Britton school. It was another weapon of political warfare, not a work of careful scholarship. Understandably, its geographic area extends west to parallel that of the Illustrated Flora, but for some reason the 102nd meridian was given up for the 100th, thus matching the limits of the 6th edition of Gray’s Manual. No ex- planation for the choice is given; neither line makes any sense botani- cally. It seems to have become clear eventually that the area was over- extended and instead of a 3rd edition there appeared in 1933 the Manual 11 of the Southeastern Flora (reprinted in 1953 by the University of North Carolina Press, the first production of a manual in the South since Darby’s of 1847), reverting to exactly the limits of Chapman’s floras. The parallel with the similar reversion to earlier and narrower limits for the 7th edition of Gray’s Manual is striking. But imperialism was not being abandoned. There was to be a Manual of the South-Central Flora to keep the states west of the Mississippi River in the Brittonian fold, and parts of it were actually written.’? But the driving hand of Britton had been removed with his retirement in 1929, Small himself was nearing the end of his life, and his successor-designate, E. J. Alexander, belonged to a generation among whom writers of regional manuals were virtually extinct, and authors even of whole state floras very rare.® We may round out the account of Southern floras with brief notes on another abortive one, and three recently initiated. Less powerful and aggressive than Britton, but like him a representative of the Age of Empire Builders, William Trelease early sought to make the Missouri Botanical Garden a Gray Herbarium of the West, specifically preparing the ground for a Manual of the Southwestern Flora, which was to have been written by J. M. Greenman. Trelease himself collected in Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, and made taxonomic studies of such typically Southwestern groups as Agave and Yucca. He hired numerous collectors, and bought up all available private collections, especially in Texas. Greenman’s students were put to work on revisions of genera prominent in the region, and until his retirement he used to state in his annual reports that “progress has been made toward a Flora of the Southwest.”” Unlike the rival manual of Small, not a page of it appears ever to have been written. Seemingly all the ingredients for effective results were there: herbarium and library facilities, institutional back- ing, a trained taxonomist, abundant help, advance planning. Yet the result was complete failure. History is once more repeating itself, though not exactly; how great the difference will be remains to be seen. Once more broad-scale plans have been made, and facilities and personnel accumulated, this time for an innovation and an anomaly in American botanical history; a regional flora for the Southeast carried down to genera only. It is an innovation and an anomaly on several other counts: it is being done at Harvard, which had never before attempted anything like it; and its geographic limits, taking the Chapman and later Small area with the addition of Arkansas and Louisiana, match neither a predecessor nor a natural area. When first announced in the AIBS Bulletin for April, 1956 (p. 26), this was to do more than any previous flora. “This massive project, planned to locate and identify every kind of vascular plant in a thousand mile square area, will have the cooperation of botanists in several southern universities. The study will cover the plants of Alabama, Arkansas, 12 Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. C. E. Wood, Jr., of the Arnold Arboretum and Reed C. Rollins of the Gray Herbarium will conduct the study. The project, which is expected to take 20 years, was first proposed and supported by George R. Cooley, a retired Albany, N. Y. banker who has devoted years to the study of the southern flora. The project will now also have financial assistance from the National Science Foundation, Three separ- rate treatises on the vascular flora of the southeast are planned,” two volumes to be devoted to the wild flora, a third to the cultivated plants. Twelve cooperating botanists are listed, seven of them permanent resi- dents in the South. For immediate results, it was decided to prepare a generic flora, published as a series of articles in the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. In my understanding of the term, a “seneric flora” is not a flora at all, that word properly signifying an account of species.”° In any case, the “generic flora” (currently appearing at a speed which, if maintained, will require well in excess of another half century to complete) is not comparable with the other manuals and floras here discussed, That it is also incongruous from a historical-cultural view- point will be very evident from my following accounts of backgrounds and perspectives. Lastly there are two regional floras now being worked on by myself. The first in conception (but likely to be last in execution) was a Flora of the Gulf Southwest, intended more or less to take the place of the abortive manuals of Greenman and Small, covering Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, and Texas east of the Pecos. The boundaries, mostly artificial, were adopted in the belief that it was best urgent to include parts of the states covered by them. In other words, the old method of arbitrary lines was followed out of precedent, utility, and convenience. Purely botanical reasons were involved only in ex- cluding Trans-Pecos Texas; otherwise science had nothing to do with it. It becomes obvious quite early that a Flora of the Gulf Southwest could not be completed without a great deal of study in the states east of the Mississippi River. After some tentative probings in the form of field trips and synoptical studies of wide-ranging groups, a number of ideas gradually took shape. Many of these have been summarized and documented in my synopsis of Bonamia, written more for that purpose than for taxonomic reasons. The major conclusions to be stated are first, that a generic flora fills no real need — what is urgently required is a working manual of the species, in the Torrey and Gray tradition instead of the Brittonian, with nomenclature according to present rules; second, that we have progressed sufficiently to begin using botanical boundaries for the Southeast instead of the traditional arbitrary ones; third, that we have now developed library and herbarium facilities that 13 make it possible to write Southern floras with little dependence on outside resources; fourth, that floras get written because one person makes up his mind to do it, not because of mass-planning. I am there- fore actively working on a concise Flora of the Southeast as well as a Flora of the Gulf Southwest. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: CULTURAL Perhaps the first thing that strikes one about the historical record is the abundance of authors and floras in the North, and their paucity in the South — and the futher strange fact that all three authors of Southern floras came from the North. This is exactly contrary to what the much greater richness and diversity of the Southern flora would lead one to expect. Surely, one would think, the stimulation offered by that flora, and the long blooming season, ought to have resulted in far more interest in and study of the plant life by those born in the South. Plainly the reasons are not botanical. That social, cultural, and economic state of affairs be readily explained in terms of general history, but even small details can be traced to non-botanical origins. To begin with, American scientists have been overwhelmingly of lower and middle class origins. The rich and aristocratic rarely have cultivated science to the extent of making significant scientific contributions, though some have been financial patrons. We can see at once a major reason why the North alone supplied all the authors of regional floras. Although there existed a landed aristocracy in the Old North, there was never the social cleavage that existed in the South. It was a region of grass- roots democracy, with a comparatively homogeneous population of amid such cultural conditions? Especially when the shrewd Yankee knew there would be plenty of buyers for his books. There seems to have been an ideal level of urbanization and commercial growth at which the countryside was still familiar, and the pursuit of Linnaeus’s harm- less science was among the many little luxuries now widely available. Not until the next century would extreme urbanization make inroads into the serious pursuit of botany by non-professionals, and it would then become difficult to disentangle the internal complications, arising from specialization and the rise of more technical aspects of botany, from external blighting influences, After the Civil War two new factors strongly influenced the develop- ment of American botany. One was the appearance of the newly-rich 14 ‘“malefactors of great wealth” with the great increase in Northern in- dustrialization, The Gray Herbarium was to benefit modestly from the new Northern wealth; Britton was to exploit is as no botanist before or since. He used it to build the New York Botanical Garden and to hire Small; much of Small’s field work in Florida was directly spon- sored by wealthy individuals. In the South, only the short-lived Bilt- more Herbarium near Asheville, North Carolina, came out of the post- war Northern wealth, but this was hardly more than a plaything of the Vanderbilt family.” It had scarcely begun to function when it was largely destroyed by a flood, never to be revived; the surviving remnants were eventually turned over to the U. S. National Herbarium. The second post-war influence was to be very slow in taking effect. This was the rise of a powerful, centralized, Federal government. Ironi- cally, despite long and violent (and still continuing) opposition to cen- tralized authority, the South was to benefit far more than the North from the activities of Federal agencies. In terms of botany, this meant worth noting here that every one of the regional floras and manuals for both the Northeast and the Southeast was entirely a private venture. In contrasting Southern with Northern conditions, it must be kept in mind that there were really two Souths, or rather three, if Texas is taken into account, This has fateful consequences in the history of Southern botany. The semi-fictional Old South is the Plantation or Lowland South, whose earliest flowering was in Tidewater Virginia. This was dominated by a landed, slave-holding aristocracy which was itself slave to climatic conditions, “King Cotton,” and the British textile industry. Before the one-crop economic system had developed a strangle- hold (which it did, ironically, with notable help from a Connecticut Yankee: Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin), this aristocracy could this was increasingly as part of the social graces, and fitted more and more to the conservative outlook of a leisure class. One did not stoop to the kind of vulgar grubbing that Yankees did; one did not write text- books, nor get into squabbles about new systems of classification. That before the Civil War Henry William Ravenel of South Carolina, owner of 32 slaves, should study the local flora and put out notable exsiccatae of fungi, was extraordinary — indeed, unique. But Ravenel was only modestly rich, and after the war it was dire need that led him to resume collecting botanical specimens for sale. The deep shock of defeat and ruin did not induce the planter aristocracy to turn to such things as the pursuit of botany for its own sake. They bided their time, eventually regained political control (fossilizing it in the style that until today has kept large city populations under control of rural counties from Georgia 15 to Texas), and promoted a romanticized image of themselves as the true and only Old South. The intellectual history of these people is among the most absorbing and perplexing subjects confronting the historians. Because it is so vividly illustrated in the history of Southern botany, it deserves extend- ed comment here. The blighting influence of a slave economy and a dominating oligarchy, so different from Northern conditions, seems obvious. But it is not that simple. The ancient Greeks had a slave economy and ruling oligarchies, but cultural blight was conspicuously not a result. And indeed the Old South in its earlier period did not dis- play the intellectual sterility’* that characterized it during the height wer h Stephen Elliott’s Sketch of the Botany of South-Carolina and Georgia (1816—1824, 2 volumes) stands even today as one of the finest local floras ever written in the United States. It was the work of a South Carolina banker who had no training in botany. That the Old South never again showed itself capable of producing anything of the kind was but one facet of a growing mental rigidity’ whose roots were certainly in the South’s “Peculiar Institution”: Negro slavery. This was a very different thing from slavery among the Greeks. Slaves with them were often prisoners of war, not men born to slavery, and not irrevocably doomed to remain slaves; racism was not involved. And this was slavery in the midst of bustling commercialism, centered in city-states; with an atmosphere quite unlike that of the rural Old South, which remained culturally a frontier region until quite recent times, and was antipathetic toward the rude commercialism so typical of Yankees. The social rigidity imposed by slavery and racism en- gendered mental rigidity, which was greatly intensified in resisting the forces that were undermining the entire slave economy. ough many even in the Old South believed that slavery would ultimately die a natural death, very few there were eager to see a way of life that was good to them disappear. Despite the very successful efforts in politics and propaganda by the Plantation South, there was and is another South: the Upland South, or the South of small farmers ake owned no slaves. These people were were to the Plantation South. That they differed so greatly in intel- lectual interests and activities (not in abilities; the falsity of the hill- billy legend has been demonstrated by the events of World War II and after) may be explained in part by the fact that they still lived under frontier conditions for decades after the North had become tivities of the Federal government during Reconstruction was the 16 establishment of public schools and the importation of teachers. But when the men of the Old South resumed control, they showed little enthusiasm for such things.’® Illiteracy was in their view a desirable thing for the non-slave-holding whites and the former slaves both. Simple lack of education made it impossible for botanical manuals to be written or even read by the very people in the South who, judging by what had happened in the North, were most apt to have produced them. The men of the Upland South were intensely loyal to their home states, most of them supporting the Confederacy without question in a war that was not in their own best interests, and falling in with the political schemes and racism that dominated Southern history after- ward. But there were notable exceptions. Eastern Tennessee made one unsuccessful attempt to set up a new state, and “Tennessee Johnson,” leaders of the Confederacy, who did not belong to his South. West Virginia, of course, is the conspicuous example of the split between Upland and Lowland South, carried to successful political outcome for the former. North Carolina was never so dominated by the plantation aristocracy as were her eee states, and Florida, which for long was sparsely settled, likewise was never fully a part of the legendary ld South espite the at catch-phrase ‘‘the Solid South,” the South is not and never was such a unity. We shall review the significance of all this in the current and future history of Southern botany shortly. But first we must take up the special case of Texas, which, although a member of the Confederacy, is not a typically Southern state, ee or otherwise. It is as ae Western as Sou n, but most of all it is just Texas, never for- getting that for i years before ee one of the United States it was a sovereign nation. The Plantation South and negro slavery did spread into the southeastern part of the state, but never attained the level they did in Louisiana and states east of the Mississippi River. Another landed aristocracy, the Cattle Barons, did develop farther west, but by the nature of things it was not numerous nor old, and without slavery did not develop into anything like the Old South. The of the Edwards Plateau with its many springs. The settlers before the Civil War were diverse: many from the Upland South, some from the Middle West, great numbers from Germany and other European coun- tries. In social and economic terms, these people belong with those of the Old North and the Upland South; despite geographic proximity and political association with the Plantation South, they are not an integral part of it. Noteworthy is the fact that of the seven original (pre- 17 Sumter) states of the Confederacy, only Texas submitted the Ordinance of Secession to popular vote; in the other six it was passed by the ruling oligarchy. ll of the South remained impoverished for long after the Civil War, although Texas did not suffer as much as most. Nevertheless the “Big Rich” so much talked about nowadays are a quite recent phe- nomenon, as well as a minority. They do, however, mark the first it was a complex and varied group of developments in the direction of urbanization and industrialization, given enormous impetus by World War II. We need not go into details. It is enough to point out that although far from having equalled the North, the South is now well along in an economic boom very similar to that experienced in the North a little before and more especially after the Civil War When we look back at the history of the various botany manuals, it is easy to see how much of that history is only a manifestation of the general history of the times: of social conditions, economic develop- ments, intellectual climate. Purely botanical matters are of extra- ordinarily little consequence. Eaton’s manuals were popula r and in- the time and the region. But they did not establish either the profes- sional practice or the reputation of American botany. Torrey and Gray did successfully introduce the Natural System, and accomplished much good work; yet the spirit of the age which followed them was such that their efforts to establish a tradition of sound scholarship failed, and their ee of accomplishing the basic task of writing a complete flora of the country were never realized. The Northeast, thanks to its long aaa tradition, devotion to public education, sympathetic intel- lectual climate, and earlier and greater economic development, is now supplied with good, recent floras which reflect the benefits of repeated revisions and the prolonged and intensive work of many hands. The South, because of internal social and cultural conditions, had to have its few and very inadequate floras written by outsiders. But social, cultural, and economic conditions are not static, and we have now reached a stage at which we can begin to see the shape of things to come, and the reasons for them. But before proceeding to diagnosis and prognosis, we must briefly fill in the pertinent scientific background. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: SCIENTIFIC The entire history of the manual ranges is one of inadequate progress with the rather elementary job of compiling a catalogue. There is virtually nothing that could be called intellectual development in it, such changes in concepts or techniques as appeared being of external origin, the majority coming from Europe. Following is a list of those developments which were mainly scientific in origin or nature and 18 which influenced the manuals. Not that they were purely scientific, of course. All had in greater or lesser degree contributing cause in con- temporary social and economic conditions, but are most conveniently discussed in tems of their manifestations in the scientific world. he Natural System.—Linnaeus himself considered his simple pro- cedure of counting stamens and pistils no more than a convenience, to be replaced some day by an approach using many characters. Many of his followers with more limited mental horizons (Eaton among them) would have preferred to keep things simple forever. But the Linnaean System became more and more obviously unworkable as knowledge of the world’s flora increased. The organization of that flora into orders and families based on many features, a work almost entirely carried out by Europeans, required much more in the way of critical study and evaluation than before. Torrey’s promotion of the Natural System in American botany was but one aspect of his efforts to create a truly critical science on this side of the Atlantic. With its establishment American botany for the first time acquired intellectual substance, however modest. Darwinism.—Although Asa Gray himself was a leading champion of the theory of evolution, acceptance of it brought no change in his ap- proach to classification. A species was treated as a morphological type which for all practical purposes was constant. Not until the new sciences of genetics and ecology had been born and made some growth could there develop the concept of a species as a population which might include considerable variation. All the manuals and floras that have been published for the two ranges so far have been quite uninfluenced by evolutionary theory. While this was largely by default (only Gleason among the various authors had experience with intensive work in ecology, or had given attention to the philosophical bases in his re- search), it is as things should be, for the proper function of a flora is to record facts and make them accessible, not to theorize. This point will be elaborated further under Neo-Darwinism. Nomenclatural Codes.—This of course means chiefly the American Code, which represented neither profound thought nor a deep desire to aid science. In its extremism with regard to priority, going outside the genus to find the earliest names for species and creating unnecessary new combinations (in contrast with what Fernald would later refer to acidly as “the sensible and therefore discarded Kew Rule,” under which only names already existing within the genus had to be considered), it followed the preachings of a few Europeans lke Otto Kuntze in Germany. In its use of undesignated trinomials, it borowed from zoo- logical practise. Its type method, commonly held up as a eieal Ameri- can contribution, was simply a refinement of the “preuves” of Alphonse de Candolle’s La Phytographie. Far more significant than its content were the concealed purpose of the Code and the manner in which it was promulgated. It was here 19 that Britton” stooped his lowest to get ahead of the Gray Herbarium. Club, American Association for the Advancement of Science,” a hitherto nonexistent group, made up of henchmen rather suddenly and mys- teriously appointed, to put out a List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta rowing without Cultivation in Northeastern North America employing the hundreds of unfamiliar names required by the American Code. In the preface it is stated with bland mendacity that “the general rules on which the list has been compiled are in accordance with the views of the great majority of North American students of systematic botany.” Britton was chairman of the committee, which included no. members addition of the States of Kansas and Nebraska, and the Canadian Provinces from Manitoba to Newfoundland.” This of course was the territory to be covered by the Illustrated Flora whose first volume of the new would have to buy the Illustrated Flora and later Britton’s nual. The American Code was a Brittonian device for achieving political power and commercial advantage. In a period of great corruption in public life, this kind of thing was not unusual. The growing imperialist sentiment of the time, soon to erupt in the war with Spain and to be personified in Teddy Roosevelt, found added attraction in something specifically named the American Code. Britton very successfully exploited attitudes and techniques of a society whose ideals were far removed from those of Torrey and Gray. Eventually there were compromises; the International Code of today includes some features from the American one, and is the only code in use. The two most recent Northern floras are essentially alike as to nomenclature, but differ considerably from any predecessors. The South still suffers with Small’s Manual, nominally following the American Code but not consistent in that respect, and very different from the current Northern counterparts. The Rise of Technical Botany.—During Britton’s own lifetime there occurred a great development in non-taxonomic fields of botany, es- pecially those employing the microscope and the laboratory. These were not involved in disgraceful nomenclatural squabbles, had the attrac- tion of newness, and the appearance of being more truly scientific than taxonomy seemed to be. There is supreme irony in the fact that before he reached retirement, the very science in which Britton had tried to make himself supreme had fallen into disgrace, in great part as a direct result of his own actions. He had made himself the leader not of Ameri- can botany, but only of a discredited segment of it. Much of the newer technical botany had little to do with the prepara- 20 tion of manuals, and botany became more and more a study for special- ists. But at least three fields were to have much to do with the attitudes and methods of future writers of manuals: genetics, cytology, and ecology. Only with the aid of these would it become possible to develop the concept of species as population rather than morphological type. But one still of necessity recognizes a population as belonging to a secies more by the visible morphology than anything else. Despite much ballyhoo about the ew Systematics,” sound taxonomy is not so very far removed from what Torrey and Gray tried to do. This is especially true when progress has hardly advanced out of the primitive stage, as is true of our knowledge of the Southern flora. Neo-Darwinism.—This exists in its most virulent form among modern vertebrate zoologists, who by virtue of having simple and limited measure of the weakness of American systematic botany, reinforced by modern mass culture and the urge to conform, that the botanists have accepted ideas and assertions which do great harm to the sound progress of plant taxonomy. Just as Brittonism had exploited taxonomy as an instrument of political and commercial warfare, so Neo-Darwinism has exploited it as a vehicle for the pseudo-science of phylogeny. Indeed, it has even come to be taught as dogma that the purpose of taxonomy is to construct a family tree, not to be taxonomy at all. Basic taxonomy, as I conceive it, comprises a body of factual information, and serves as the basis for many other kinds of study. Phylogeny does neither; it only diverts taxonomy into a bastard activity between science and fiction. After the twin calamities of Brittonism and phylogeny, it is a marvel that any honest taxonomy still exists. An important difference between Brittonism and Neo-Darwinism is that while the former still took into account the general public, the latter is meant only for the professionals. It is doubly hostile to the preparation of floras, and ought to be rigidly excluded from consideration by any- one engaged in such work Over-all Scientific Background.—It has been said that the 19th was a Biological Century, while the 20th is a Century of the Physical Sci- ences. There is no question but that writing floras was a more common, more acceptable, and much easier activity during the 1800’s than now. In today’s intellectual climate, so heavily dominated by the physical sciences and mathematics, with confused overtones of war and space travel, the peaceful writing of mundane floras finds little encourage- ment. The weak science of botany seeks to borrow strength by adopting techniques from those more powerful. I think it would gain more strength if it sought a clearer understanding of its condition and a firmer grasp on its proper business. At this stage in our progress, I be- lieve the writing of floras is an ideal means of doing both. 21 Incidentals.—Though I have gone to some lengths to demonstate how cultural and economic conditions lay behind the greater success of Northern botany, there is at least one contributing factor in the nature of the materials being studied. The flora of the Northeast is smaller and simpler than that of the South. It also has much more in common with that of Europe than does the Southern flora, and the work of European botanists certainly helped to make easier the task of those writing floras for the North. On the other hand, today’s Southern botanists have benefits from rapid transportation and communication that facilitate their work in a way never before possible. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES History is the product of forces. Enough has been said, I think, to demonstrate my thesis that botanical history—specifically illustrated by the evolution of the two manual ranges—is only a minor part of cul- tural, social, and economic history, and its progress is subject to a host of influences quite remote from itself. Yet the history of a science ought to differ from general history, since science has (at least in short-range view) concrete, specific objectives. Why then has American botany been so completely the victim of circumstances? The answer I believe lies in e failure of American botanists to view themselves and their activities scientifically. Surely the first task for American botany was to get the country’s flora written up and made accessible to everyone, and this task is still practical convenience. But after three generations of Southern floras and more of Northern ones, we have surely progressed far enough to demand something better. We particularly need to have the dividing line scrutinized from the Southern side, not just the Northern. The imposing array of authors and manuals for the North is matched by an even more imposing array of large herbarium and library collec- tions. The South still lags, but not nearly so much as before. Good and recent herbarium collections are available in quantity at institutions within the South, and although library facilities are less adequate, there is no longer the complete monopoly once enjoyed by the North. Facilities are not a barrier to progress at present, Personnel is another matter entirely. Not because of small numbers; never before have there been so many Ph.D.’s. But it is precisely here, ironically, that most of the trouble lies. The character, attitudes, and instilled beliefs of the modern American professional botanist are largely inimical to the writing of floras. This means that the most immediate and influential intellectual atmosphere is likewise inimical to such work. We have come back to cultural and social influences, this time at a more immediately personal level. 22 Must we at this point give up hope of any further scientific evaluation? No; if human history is indeed the product of forces, we have some possibility of the detection and objective evaluation of those forces. In fact we have already done so in recounting the past history of the two manual ranges. One might be led to predict then that their future his- tory will simply continue to reflect the functioning of largely irrelevant forces, and nothing scientific can be done about it. Nothing purely scientific, perhaps, but having demonstrated to what an extent botany is a cultural pursuit, we need not be thus restricted. Let us try to discern some of the influences that are harmful, and need to be resisted, and some that are favorable and need to be aided. In speaking of Britton and the Age of Empire Builders, I briefly indicated the non-botanical context: the Robber Baron era of corrup- tion, monopoly, power politics, and expansionism, Their work repre- sented a direct importation into “pure” science of contemporary cultural attitudes and activities such as had never before taken place. The next period, overlapping in time with the Age of Empire Builders, I have called the Age of Dilettantes. This was in part a reaction against the immediately preceding period, in part an acceptance of it. The Empire Builders went in for regional and even continental floras, dabbled in all groups, did work of generally poor quality, championed the Ameri- can Code and all the needless nomenclatural upsets that went with it, and left to their heirs immense herbarium and library facilities — along with a ruined reputation for plant taxonomy as a science. Their heyday saw the great rise of other fields of botany, so strikingly illustrated in the career of that great opportunist, John Merle Coulter. Laboratory botany benefited hugely from the loss of sound scientific standing by taxonomy. e Dilettantes who succeeded the Empire Builders no longer wrote general floras, but specialized (sometimes very narrowly), did work of generally high quality, supported compromises and the In- ternational Code, took their rich working facilities pretty much for granted, and — being themselves all Ph.D.’s — went on grinding out Ph.D.’s more numerous than distinguished. The trend toward more careful work received an opportune boost in the form of cytological methods, a European innovation which fit in perfectly with the Ameri- ean flair for push-button gadgets and had altogether phenomenal suc- cess in the United States. Taxonomy began to be restored to favor in the eyes of the laboratory scientists. Now another cultural trend is beginning to be prominent: the drift to stereoptyed mass-culture, in part arising from the constant increase in population. In terms of botany, it means more and more Ph.D.’s being ground out according to remarkably uniform pattern — taught out of mass-produced, standardized textbooks, in stereotyped courses. Tax- onomists grow up with dogmas (myths, really) floating in the air, never set down in clear terms and never critically examined or even 23 questioned: taxonomy had gone bad; one must lean over backward to avoid publishing unnecessary names or describing too many species; one had to specialize in order to be really scientific; one did not waste time on introduced plants; phylogeny was the real thing, work on general floras was bad. And in line with the growing American tradition, one mustn’t criticize. The Age of Dilettantes is passing into the Age of Conformists, in which often excellent but specialized work goes hand in hand with uncritical conformity and intellectual shallowness. What I have described is really the cultural history of Northern botany. For the South there was the long stagnation from the 1830’s to the 1940’s. But the illustrious early period with Stephen Elliott, and the immense spurt of activity since World War II, make it plain that the long stagnation was something forced by special factors, not evi- dence of lack of capacity. By reason of this very gap in its past, the New South has a lively history ahead of it, and we can not only see that history beginning to take shape; we can perceive the details and the reasons for them. It is no accident that two of the four largest her- bariums in the South are in Texas and two in North Carolina; that those in Texas began their current growth earlier; that there are more native sons among the taxonomists in those two states than in any others in the South; that a descriptive flora of West Virginia is nearly completed, while the Old Dominion has nothing comparable now or in prospect; that Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas lead in the number of active botanical centers. These are wholly expectable consequences of economic progress’* in areas least dominated by the Planter Aristocracy. But the whole South is becoming urbanized and industrialized, and the pattern of change keeps spreading and intensi- fying. Historians of the future may find the current progress of botany at the University of Georgia even more notable than the examples just cited. The South’s needs botanically are decidedly regional, something out of step with the national trend to uniformity. The South has also been a stronghold of individualism as well as states’ rights, again out of step with the national trend to mass-culture. And more than any other section, it has a great awareness of history.!® These ingredients in the intellectual atmosphere are added sources of strength to those who have the special advantages, in performing belatedly a necessary sci- entific task, of modern facilities and, not least, the lessons of history. In so applying the lessons of history, something new is introduced into American science, Plainly the opportunity before Southern botany is not simply to imitate what has been done before, or to fall in with the Age of Conformists. The more independent it is, the more it draws on those regional cultural peculiarities that offer strength and en- couragement, the greater its scientific achievement will be APPENDIX ONE CALAMITY AND SOUTHERN BOTANY Chance undoubtedly plays a part in history, and in the history of Southern botany, ill chance has figured more largely than for any other section of the country. Jones and Meadows, in tabulating American institutional herbaria, note that seven had been partly or wholly de- these may be added the Biltmore Herbarium in North Carolina, partly destroyed by flood, and never restored. For one half-century period alone, a quarter of the country was victim of more than half the major catastrophes, In the 19th Century, important collections made by Darby and Buckley were lost while being shipped north. The deliberate de- struction of most of Rafinesque’s herbarium must also be counted as a Southern calamity, for Rafinesque had made particular effort to obtain Southern collections, and had named many species from the region. Having at all times much less than the North or the Pacific states, the South could not afford to lose even an equal amount with them, but it lost much more. The premature deaths of men of great promise has darkened the history of botany in all sections, and the South had its full share — Thomas Walter, Hardy Croom, W. B. Fox, to mention but one for each of the three centuries in its history. As with the lost collections, the small numbers of those who pursued botany in the South made the loss of each one greater than if it had occurred elsewhere. In commenting on Reinhold Niebuhr’s thesis that the American people have had too happy a history, and are therefore not really pre- pared for world leadership, C. Vann Woodward points out that the South, having suffered defeat and ruin in the Civil War, is different and unique in just this respect. It is a strange coincidence that the history of South- ern botany, quite apart from the episode of the War, should be more touched with tragedy than that of any other section. APPENDIX TWO THE PATTERN OF ALIENS AND FRONTIERSMEN IN SOUTHERN BOTANY What is a Southern botanist? The best answer I think lies in Oswald Spengler’s conception of race, as the manifestation of a distinctive cul- ture, not a matter of blood. “It is what one has, not what one is... . The one is ethos; the other — zoology.” This hardly fits the dogma of Anglo- Saxon supremacy and the preoccupation with family ties so typical of the Planter Aristocracy of the Old South. As a matter of historical record, even they did not practice what they proclaimed. There was 25 the embarrassing French origin of the old Huguenot families who were numerous and prominent in South Carolina high society; but at least they were old, and the definition of Anglo-Saxon could be stretched just enough to include them. General Beauregard, handsome and with polished manners, in charge when Fort Sumter was fired upon, popular hero and darling of Charleston society, was a Creole from Louisiana. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, came of an upstart West- ern family, only one generation settled in Mississippi, and while re- garded with condescension and mistrust by the older aristocracy, none- theless was made President, later to become not only apologist but prime symbol of the Plantation Aristocracy. Such unsettled social conditions of course reflect the frontier status in which the South remained so long. The pattern in political life was duplicated in botany, and has been consistently followed for two hundred years. Thomas Walter was an English immigrant, Stephen Elliott, a native son; Darby and Chapman were Yankees, while Rugel, Gattinger, and Mohr came from Germany, and the two Michaux from an is special attraction for botanists in frontier country with still ae plants, of course. But there is also a non-scientific factor in the attraction of frontier conditions for individualists, and tax- onomic botany has been overwhelmingly carried on by men who were strongly individualistic. A running theme in Geiser’s eanatee of the Frontier is that of gifted men crushed by unfavorable frontier con- ditions, men who in more civilized surroundings might have risen high. But with civilized society they might have proved temperamentally in- compatible; it was in their character to choose the frontier, and their achievements there as likely as not greater than they might have been in different circumstances. Texas inevitably offers the most spectacular illustration of the pattern of aliens and frontiersmen, and the changes now under way. It had no native botanists until well into the 20th Century. Berlandier came from Switzerland (born just across the border in France), Drum- mond from Scotland, Lindheimer and Roemer from Germany, Reverchon from France; Dr. Edwin James, Charles Wright, Buckley, and Riddell were from the Northeastern United States, and Gideon Lincecum was born in Georgia. After nearly a century and a half of botanical explora- tion, the picture today is in part one of extreme contrast, in part one of the continuation of old patterns. Texas today has more native-born taxonomic botanists than any other state in the South, almost more than all the rest combined, even if we count only those who have re- cently published books about or described new species in its flora (M. C. Johnston, Fred Jones, C. L. Lundell, Ellen Schulz Quillen, Chester Rowell, B. C. Tharp, B. L. Turner, Barton Warnock, Eula Whitehouse). In a remarkable illustration of “curious chances,” the alien element is represented by three Canadian-born botanists (Walter Lewis, Lloyd Shinners, Alfred Traverse”), one from each of the three major sections 26 of Canada (British Columbia, Prairie Provinces, Eastern Canada), work- ing respectively at a state college, a private university, and a private research corporation, and pursuing three different aspects of systematic botany (cytotaxonomy, classical taxonomy, paleobotany). The out-of- state Americans are represented by a North Carolinian (D. S. Correll) and a Louisianan (R. A. Vines) in the Lincecum tradition, while a Yankee from Indiana (N. C. Henderson) is the most recent addition to the roster of Texas systematic botanists. The pattern in the rest of the South is less extreme, but similar. There are fewer native-born botanists, and almost no aliens, while immigrants from the North are a large contingent, continuing the pattern that goes back nearly a century and a half. In time we may expect the native sons to become a majority,” but it is unlikely that there will ever be an era of exclusively home-grown botanists. Even Britain, the world’s most prolific producer of botanists, in her Golden Age, had such men as the Germans Seemann and Stapf. Although Rafinesque complained” of “not having been able to explore as yet the Southern States, deterred by the bad roads, unhealthy climate, scanty fare, heavy expenses and state of society. A pedestrian Botanist is not always very welcome there,” the South has traditionally been hospitable to botanists, even enduring the rabid Unionist and Yankee A. W. Chapman all through the Civil War. It is a tradition likely to continue. After this brief additional sampling of the historical record, we may answer the question posed at the start. A Southern botanist is one who lives in the South and devotes himself to botany. Origins may be inci- dentally interesting, but are not involved in the definition. ommentary on aliens and frontiersmen would be incomplete without some mention of those whose families have been in America several generations longer than the family of the present President of the United States or the families of most of the nation’s citizens, but who scarcely enjoy the usual status of early settlers. The blighting influence of the slave economy on Southern whites has already been noted. For the negroes it was of course much more extreme, and made worse by racist attitudes on both sides. We have seen how, in terms of botanical history, the release of the Upland White from long cultural suppression has begun to have positive results. We may well expect that the longer and more severe cultural suppression of negroes will be followed by a longer period of recovery. But recovery is visibly under way, and like so much else in the New South, at a quickening pace. I vividly recall an incident that took place a year or two after I came to Texas. I was showing a Northern visitor some native weeds in a vacant lot in Dallas. While we were on hands and knees digging speci- mens (as I recall, the plant was our attractive though small-flowered native bindweed, Convolvulus hermannioides), a young colored lady stopped to watch, and at length asked what we were doing. We ex- plained as well as we could. “Oh,” she exclaimed, “I just love flowers 27 and wish I could know more about them!” Such had been my own feelings from earliest childhood. But for her there was no chance; for her children, perhaps. Another incident, a year or two later, in St. Louis, on a Sunday after- noon. I had gone out North Broadway Street to collect bees and wasps in waste areas fringing the Mississippi River bottoms. Waiting at the street-car stop to go back into town was a colored man of indeterminate but considerable age. He could hardly wait for me to come up before breaking into angry speech about a miserable patch of corn across the street underneath a huge cottonwood tree. He was up from Mississippi to visit relatives; back home they knew how corn ought to be grown, and planting it under a cottonwood was all wrong. “It cain’t ’cwmulate,” he insisted repeatedly, indignant that anybody should treat corn like that, “it cain’t ’cumulate!” Illiterate he might have been; unintelligent or incompetent he certainly was not. And again the natural love of plants was plain to see. Just as this paper was beginning to be written, there was showing close to campus the motion-picture version of the prize-winning Broad- way play, A Raisin in the Sun, written by and about negroes. Some weeks earlier I had heard its author, Laraine Hansberry, in a radio interview, telling with bitter intelligence some of the personal beliefs that had been voiced in the play (“Why give God the credit for the things man does for himself?’’). Memorable in the picture is the scene in which the matriarch, defending a bedraggled house plant in their Chicago flat from the cynical daughter, exclaims, “It expresses me!” On my latest visit to Montgomery, Alabama, first capital of the Con- federacy, a local newspaper had this to report (19 July 1962): “Two years ago, Bullock County had around 2,200 white and five Negro voters. It now has about 2,100 white and around 1,000 Negro voters, ” The interest is there, the ability is there; the opportunity has been anting, but is plainly on the way. The next Southeastern flora will still be hardly past the pioneer stage. It may well be that the first definitive Southern flora will be written a generation (or two, or three) hence by a colored botanist, quite possibly one born in Mississippi. REFERENCES Sin a titles and dates for the various manuals and floras are given in the text, they are not repeated here. Many of the titles in this list are not Peres cited in einer the text or ne otes, they were among the most helpful to me in trying to understand South ult and history. To those ae te) os ow th h, and to th h think that they do, I strongly recommend t ery recent books dealing with the South and the Civil War listed below. Today’s S eae in Piers al ae moved far beyond the rather naive and limited viewpoint of the Twelve Southerners who in 1930 published Vil Take My Stand. But he belongs to a small minority; the South in general still is behind. Botanists, being themselves a small minority, should feel special kinship with the historians, sociologists, and men of letters GBY, PHILIP. 1958 feign and iSRore Longmans, Green & Co., London. (Repr. 1959, avec of a ia i Berkeley.) BARNHART, J. H 23. Hardy Bryan “Croom (1797—1837). Journ. New York Bot. Gard. 24: 7. (Esenaas in ae by John K. Small.) 28 BROOKS, VAN WYCK. 1936. The Flowering of New England 1815—186 Dutton & Co., New York. (Repr. 1946, The World Publishing Co., Cleveland oe a York, BROWN, eee GARROTT. 1902 (repr. 1930). The Lower South in American pees Peter Smith, New York. TTON, ee 1961. ane Coming Fury. (Centennial History of the Civil War vol. 1.) Dosbledi & Co., New Y CLARK, THOMAS D. 1961. au Emerging South. Oxford University Press, New York. DANIELS, JONATHAN. 1938. A Southerner Discovers the South. Macmillan Co., New Yor am A. HUNTER. 1959. Asa Gray 1810—1888. The Belknap Press of Harvard oe ey Cambridge AN, HOWARD R. 1958. The South in Northern Eyes 1831 to 1861. University of Texas Press, Austin. GEISER, SAMUEL WOOD. 1948. Naturalists of the Frontier (2nd ed.). Southern ete ae se Dallas AY, ASA Coa of Botany of the Southern States by John Darby.) Amer. ae Sci. 70: Cae 185 x 18:57; se ny of the flora of the Northern United States. Amer. Journ. Sci, 72: 204—232; 73: 62—84, 369-403 JONES, GEORGE NEVILLE, AND EDNA epee: aoe Principal institutional herbaria be the United States. Amer. Midl. Nat. 40: 724— KIMBALL, eee 1921. Reminiscences of Alvan GHEE Chapman. Journ. New York Bot. Gard. LYON, Pees 7 1939. A 50 edition best seller. Dartmouth Alumni Magazine 31: 18, 81—83. (I have seen only a reprint without page numbers; these obtained from Merrill, 1948.) MERRILL, E. D. ore The Amos Eaton Herbarium. Rhodora 48. Unlisted new names in Alphonso oat botanical publuaions Rhodora 50: ean snes C. WRIGHT. 1956. The Power Elite. Oxford University Press, New York. RISON, SAMUEL ELIOT, AND HENRY STEELE COMMAGER. 1950. The Growth of ee American Republic (4th ed.), vol. 2. Oxford University Press, New York. NICHOLLS, WILLIAM H. 1960. Southern Tradition and Regional Progress. University of North Carolina Press, iow Hill. ae CHO ge te F, 1961, The Stakes of Power 1845—1877. Hill and Wang, New York. UM, ARD a. 1936. Southern Regions of the United States. University of a Le ae De Chapel Hill. PENNELL, FRANCIS W. 1941. Scrophulariaceae of Trans-Pecos Texas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 92: 289—308. PRATT, FLETCHER. 1948. Ordeal by Fire (2nd ed.). William Sloane Associates, New or ia eee Oa J. 1954. Americans Interpret Their Civil War. Princeton University Pes chem AFIN FSU, C. S. 1836. New Flora of North America. First Part. The Author, Palade hia RAVENEL, HENRY WILLIAM. (Edited by Arney Robinson Childs.) The Private Journal of Henry William Ravenel 1859—1887, ee of South Carolina Press, Columbia. GERS, ANDREW ae 1944. John Merle Coulter, Missionary in Science. Princeton University Press, Princet RUBIN, LOUIS D., JR.. AND ROBERT D. JACOBS (editors). 1953. Southern Ren- ascence. The rete of the Modern cane The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. SASS, HERBERT RAVENEL. 1935. Adventures in Green Places. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York 29 NNERS, LLOYD H. 1962. haa oe United States Bonamia, including Breweria A ‘Silane (Convolvulaceae). Castanea 27 MPSON, GEORGE LEE. 1956. “i ue of Carolina. University of North Carolina ee eae Hill. SMALL, JOHN K. 1923. Green deserts and dead gardens. Journ. New York Bot. Gard. 24: fey ee Daa WILLIAM. 1899. Alvin (sic) Wentworth Chapman. Amer. Nat. 33: 643— re SOUTHERNERS. 1930. I'll Take My Stand. Harper & Brothers, New York and London UNITED. STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. 918. Negro Population 1790—1815. Government Printing Office, Washington. VANCE, RUPERT B., AND NADIA DANILEVSKY. 1945. All These People. The Nation’s Human Resources in the South. University of North Carolina Pie Chapel Hill. WARREN, ROBERT PENN. 1961. The Legacy of the Civil War. Random House, New ork WHERRY, ascent T. 1957. Reminiscences of John K. Small. Castanea 22: 126—129. WHYTE, H. he Organization Man. Simon & Schuster, New York. (Repr. 1957, eens Ree See WARD, C. VANN. 1960. The Burden of Southern History. Louisiana State Uni- versity Press, Baton Rouge NOTES 1“The Mason-Dixon Line is, i way, biological as well as political. Its vicinity is the dividing line between early neatone Seen eee ae nd later seasons northward, in the first half of the year and vice-versa in eee econd half.” (Small, 1923, p. 194.) 2 For numerous indications of this, see Dupree’s biography gers’ biograph Digind to ke a shining hero out of Coulter, but fortunately ug 5 for work he never did, and which went into disrepute with Scribner. Rose was his pupil, mnie ; : ale a of sitting once in a while with Rose while Rose explained the work he had done on the ra. Coulter’s chief part in the deliberations was smoking rank cigars and stinking up the room with tobacco smoke. It was the same method which produced Coulter’s Flora of Te ut to date no one has ever claimed being the clerk who got it out. Coulter’s Botan os VAG sie ae U.S. Nat. Herb. vol. a 1891—1894) is such a poor that ned to believe it was ane | his alone, and tee on what ece ie Pie a his ae as ae he did not have more talented associates to exploit. On the basis of the ee it eae that his famous last words CI should like to a a serv- ice’) omitted two ones: “to Coulter.’ See his ee ai eee and geniali ae Gray could at times be ruthless and ev vindictive. His treatment of S. B. Buckle oe is clear case in point. oe. Scan eet that with the many collections from T n his possession cee of Berlandier, Drum- mond, Leavenworth, Lindheimer, Wright, pee Pree ), he had al complete representa- tio e state’s flora was eas when Buckley published numerous new species without consulting hi supplying a good set of specimens, so much so that i pa in the haarrens of ce Philadelphia Academy he penis Spee ay h species as wo s, and a the Academy no an is new sp Buckley’s work. The Civil War supervened, and it was some years before Sones was Sane to defend himself. He pointed out that the main shipment of his specimens had been lost in transit, so that he had to get along with mere scraps that he had kept with him for 30 tudy; this was the reason for the poor quality of his fies, biloase Gray had on ee noted, and for his failure to distribute duplicate We add today that Gra was mistaken about the Texas flora; a large proportion i 3 "s new species were ee fectly good, and are recognized today. One ot h seas if by also was un- fairly condemned, but leer arate we do not have even poor fragments = his specimens. ° See the reminiscences of Chapman by Kimball, and of "Small by Wher ™See the introdu uctory remarks in Pennell’ s “Scrophulariaceae of Vesna reas Texas.” In ick i aa I find oe eight living American botanists who have authored a je rs nual of a or region: oe vis (Idaho), Harrington (Colorado), Munz Sacmae ra nee (Neth Dakota), Strausbaugh and Core as hi ginia), Glea- son (The New Britton & Brown), Cronquist (its companion Manual). of these men are now an (The concluding volume ee the West Virginia flora, and ae s Manual, are reported in press as J write bas Rees 1962. ® Personal communication from Dr. Robert E. Woodson, Jr. 19 See also my acid remarks on ce generic flora in Gane aan with Drosera, this journal pp. 33-59, ™ Julia Hale’s The Peterkin Papers is the classical work depicting the mania for learning. See feces in Van Wyck Brook’s ed Flowering - New ae ™ Biltmore Botanical Studies ran o ju ust two numbers, published in 1901 and 190 detailed eae of the very a institution which ae ae is greatly to be ats almost no information re it is available 3In the first 21 volum ns Cantribation from a U.S. edie meals two es rt papers oe E. 8. Steele ie vo the only that chiefly fs) There q devoted to ts of the South ee ing x Texas), plus three whole Noa (Botany of West a a Life of Alabama, Flora of the District of Columbia). addition, a number of monographs (that of Panicum, for example) are of groups most prevalent in the South. Later volumes of the Contributions have come to deal almost a with s made for a society gay and polished, even brilliant . The ee ar is that this society was so sterile Sealeotaliys (Flet etcher Beste Ordeal by Fir “The South, like most aristocracies, was at in education, oe of ae a re y and - the individual member.” (Thid., 280.) “They were kind, ee ae one = serena But it also noted exe their roe were trivial, mipsel a a mport than the concoction of mint juleps. “They visit eee other, eat, drin re merry, se that is all. They have excellent qualities,, but no occasion ealls them ae >” (Review J Pendleton Kennedy’s Swallow Barn, or ee ojourn in the Old Dominion, summarized and quoted in Howard Floan’s The South in ne Eyes, p. 91 «Thus when the frontier period passed . . . the Old ee hod had as ee a considerable number of gifted and vigorous workers. The South, sat had become pre- Seu movement. rom this time ational movements in the South dwindled.” (S. — Niswoies of the Frontier, ee 13, Notes on Scientists of the First a p. 26 An interesting and rather vag illustration of the tenacious survival of the Old South S mental rigidit ty is to be fou erbe rt Ravenel y ut t name of William eels one that it is “a ca Huguenot name and Saat to i syne ors se ” but nothing is said of Dr. Francis Peyre Porcher who, to help th Con d Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, ee and eee Suliche d at Cha rleston in ae eas ife. At th inserted a defense of Calhoun! ‘tht a man Al pretensions a cholarliness should, in a book of local natural history, omit mention of the most illustrious naturalists in the alc an come to ied defen ae ee frivolities and Calhounism, is striking evidence of how tad — the of the Old South could restrict ion gee on new lee of the Sout o be ef gisunas less cultured, but cautious and tight-fisted. On the ee | hand, ae me did n are the ante-bellu Democrats’ opposition to “Federal appropriations. . . . They Slee press steadily for the 31 segregation of the Negro and his elimination from politics, and they were not sais intereste oy in providing improved educational facilities.” (Nichols, "The Stakes of Pow pp. 212 anf ee is an even more signific ant figur re in American botanical history than Asa Gr ray, cussion (se mple “Darwin and Botany,” a ee York Acad. Sci. 19: 28—33, 1909) ee a eens commonplace mind. He a power politi ician first and fore- most, who by some strange chance seized on coe as an ideal field in which to exercise his talents apoE economic conditions are important, and I refer to them repeatedly, they are not everything. I quite agree with the views of Fletcher Pratt Se ei introduction to his Ordeal a Fire); other ahs may outwei igh economic considera We have a ranked lower) it accepted the political and inevitably the cultu goraarien of the Plantation Aristocracy, with its blighting influence on the inte ies zi a . In explaining West Virginia’s achievements ere handicaps, we must certainly ihclude the role of active individuals as a major fac t is pes to note ae of the tiny handful of living historians of American botany (Dupree, Ewan, Geiser, McKelvey, McVaugh, and—on the strength of this paper— Shinners), one e half now reside in se South (Ewan, Geiser, Shinners), and tw Georgia). When add the eee awareness of its Ea to Western with Baek inevi ae we find Texas again has had major attraction. It can hardly be pure chance. However su aa the eee of ee climate may function, we have visible evidence that they ewis is cu ne on extended leave in Europe and Africa. Dr. Traverse has ve recently qtiearae 1962) left the Shell nee Company to train for the Epi ea try. xpo rtation of Southern brain- ee has been one reason for the low number of Southern botanists who are Sout ern born. The present Head Curator of the New York Botanical ne is a native of Geo 22 See his New Flora of North a verica (First Part), p. Had Rafinesque come on horseback, he might have been somewhat more kindly ee ie the South, a gentleman did not ee on foot. aa ANNUAL SISYRINCHIUMS (IRIDACEAE) IN THE UNITED STATES LLOYD H. SHINNERS Only three annual species of Sisyrinchium occur in the United States. It is thoroughly characteristic of the elusiveness of taxonomic characters in the genus that one of them (S. rosulatum) is sometimes perennial. The major area for all three is in eastern Texas and Louisiana. There one of them (S. minus) is native, but it has been introduced into Cali- fornia and North Carolina, and abroad into Argentina and Uruguay. The other two are natives of temperate South America which were introduced into the Southern United States (and elsewhere around the world) beginning in the middle or latter part of the 19th Century, but did not become well established and common until relatively recent times. These two hybridize readily in their new home, as apparently is true also in the areas where they occur together as natives in South erica. Nevertheless they appear to be maintaining their identities as separate species. There has pice no indication of crossing between the two aliens and the native S. minus, a fact now made readily under- standable by Oliver and Lewis’s eke (1962) of the haploid chromo- some numbers: 16 in each of the two aliens, 5 in S. minus. The species and hybrids are all easily recognized from the colors of the fresh flowers, but such information is grievously lacking with most herbarium specimens. This account is based primarily on my own ex- tensive field observations and collections made from Texas to northern Florida, in large part (1956-1961) under a grant from the National Science Foundation for preliminary field work toward a flora of the Gulf Southwest. An extended tour of the Northeastern States during the winter of 1945-1946, and shorter trips at intervals since, have =e me to examine types and other specimens at the Chicago Natural Texas, Texas A. . College, Tulane WAiveecias the United States National ciate eae and the United States National Arboretum Her- barium, as well as Southern Methodist University. I am indebted to the if made their facilities available during my visits. Most recently I have to thank Dr. Robert L. Wilbur for the loan of collections from the Duke University Herbarium; Dr. George B. Van Schaack, of the Missouri Botanical Garden, for a copy of the original ae of S. va vianum; and Prof. J. Leandri, of the Paris Museum, for notes ce a photograph of the type of S. micranthum. Despite the sometimes perennial habit of S. rosulatum the three an- SIDA 1 (1): 32—42. 1962. 33 nual species are generally easily recognized as such, and it takes but little experience to be able to distinguish them on sight from the more numerous perennial ones. Apart from intangible features of general ap- pearance, their gamut of flower colors is almost completely different from that of the perennials, excepting a few Far-Western ones. Only the uncommon albino form of S. minus (white with yellow eye) duplicates what may appear in the perennials. The latter (all those in the So and East, a majority of those in the West) have medium to large perianth ranging from white to light blue, deep violet-blue, or even purplish blue (but still decidedly on the blue side), with yellow eye. The annuals never have a distinctly blue perianth (though often bluish or greenish in withering), the colors ranging from pinkish lavender to rosy purple (often partly or largely white with eye-ring and stripes) to yellow, and in the hybrids to various shades of brownish purple or purple-red (see key below and notes on hybrids at end). Taxonomically these form an artificial group, but it is convenient to treat them together. KEY TO THE ANNUAL SPECIES la. Ovary and capsule oblong-ellipsoid or oblong-pyriform, more than 1% times as long as broad; stamens well exserted, about half the length of the perianth; perianth variously lavender-pink to purple- rose, white with yellow eye, or all yellow............. . S. minus . Ovary and capsule globose or subglobose, shorter to barely longer than broad; stamens barely or not exserted, 1/6—1/3 as long as the perianth; perianth variously colored (see next couplet), but never just as in the preceding (following two species hybridize freely; see remarks at end of text) . Perianth yellow with brown-red eye ring and often a single brown- red center line on each lobe; length (half-width) of perianth 5—10 mm.; diameter of capsule 2.7—3.5 mm................... 2. S. exile . Perianth white to lavender-pink or bluish-purple-tinged, with yel- low eye circled by rose-purple eye ring and commonly three (but sometimes one, or none, or more) lines or stripes down each lobe; length aa width) of perianth 9—16 mm.; diameter of capsule 3 vial @ BY 0 ed ce ete PO oOo. ie cee 3. S. rosulatum a ion bo ish) nN om 1. S. MINUS Engelmann & Gray, Pl. Lindh. p. 55 (Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 263). 1845. “Margin of pools, &c. in the prairie west of San Felipe,” Austin Co., Texas, Lindheimer Fl. Tex. Exs. 313, April, 1844 (holotype ae isotypes MO, SMU). — S. flexuosum Rafinesque, Aut. Bot. p. 65. 0. “Arkanzas and Texas.” Not S. flexuosum (L.) Sprengel, Syst. 1: a aoe — S. Bermudiana var. minus (Englemann & Gray) Klatt, Linnaea 31:69. 1861. — S. Thurowii Coulter & Fisher, Bot. Gaz. : ‘ um Canby 238, 25 March 1900 (NY). To my eye the perianth on the type is 34 rosy lavender, not “bright purplish blue” as described by Bicknell. — The name S. geniculatum Herbert is given as a synonym of this by Baker and Johnston, but I do not believe this is correct (see remarks in list of doubtful or excluded names at end). The usual perianth color in this species is a distinctive purple-rose (in my notes I find I most often called it magenta-rose) which is quite uniform, except for being occasionally lighter or darker than usual; rarely it is pale enough to be called lavender-pink. There is not a con- tinuous series of intermediates between this and the other two color forms, which are even more uniform. White is occasional and wide- spread, usually few individuals amony many of the typical form, rarely in reverse proportions, or by itself. The yellow form I have found only once (at Needville, Fort Bend Co., Texas), growing with and less com- mon than the typical form. The type of S. Thurowii is the only other record of the yellow known to me. These color forms are highly significant in relation to the evolution Such mutation elieve is occurring now and has long occurred, and is sufficient by itself to explain the origin of many of our existing species and varieties. It would be of great interest to know the precise details of the inheritance of color forms, and in particular why there are no intermediates. As for survival value, to try to read anything of the sort into these variations is to indulge in wild fantasy. At least two of the forms are successful in invading new territory. The third is so rare that it has so far given no indication of spreading, but this proves nothing about its future. Because it was first found in Texas in natural habitats, and for long was known only from there and adjacent Oklahoma (Rafinesque’s indubitably native. From its habitats, and the recency of the records, I believe that in Louisiana it is largely introduced. It is unquestionably an introduction in California and North Carolina, and I have no doubt that the same is true of its occurrence in Argentina and Uruguay (reported by Johnston, 1938). Rafinesque reported this species from both Texas and “Arkanzas.” Like Nuttall’s ‘“Arkansa,” the latter term referred to the old Arkansas Territory, which included eastern Oklahoma. Although Waterfall does not include S. minus in his catalogue of the Oklahoma flora (1952), it is not at all unlikely that the species once occurred there; it has long been common as far north as Dallas, Texas. All the United States collections I have seen from outside Texas are cited below. For the latter state I have merely listed the counties from which it is known. Since the publication of my 1948 map, it has been found as a roadside weed in Montgomery and Tyler counties, and introduced with St. 35 Augustine grass sod in Nacogdoches County, all east of the area shown on the ma CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles Co.: in grassy field dominated by Phalaris Lemmoni; Sepulveda Blvd., northwest of Los Angeles airport, Frank W. Gould 2287, 15 April 1944 (SMU). “Flowers white.” (Distributed as S. bellum var.) LOUISIANA. Grant Parish: 4.6 miles southeast of Colfax (from road junction on U.S. Highway 71), road shoulder, Shinners 29,510, 18 April 1962 (SMU). “Perianth magenta-rose (white on one plant).” Madison Parish: 2.8 miles west of Waverly, foot of road fill by creek, Shinners 28,221, 18 April 1960 (SMU). “Perianth white with yellow eye.” Same locality and date, Shinners 28,240 (SMU). “One plant with magenta-rose perianth (all others seen white). Natchitoches Parish: Natchitoches, swampy open ground, E. J. Palmer 7486, 3 May 1915 (MO). Red River Parish: 1.4 miles west of Grand Bayou, road fill, Shinners 27,227, 22 April 1958 (SMU). “Perianth purple-rose; lobes several-striped on back.” St. Martin Parish: 1.8 miles south of Parks, dried-up ditch, Shinners 28,128, 16 April 1960 (SMU). “One plant only.” Tensas Parish: 3 miles north of Helens, margin of swamp forest, hard- woods, J. Ewan 19054, 20 April 1957 (NO). “Flowers very pale pink, mostly past.” NORTH CAROLINA. Durham Co.: Duke campus, waste places, W. B. Davis 819, 17 May 1932 (DUKE). TEXAS. Aransas, Atas- cosa, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, Brazoria, Brazos, Dallas, Dimmit, Falls, Fort Bend, Harris, Karnes, Kleberg, Liberty, Llano, Matagorda, Mont- omery, Nacogdoches, Navarro, Nueces, Robertson, San Patricio, Travis Trinity, Tyler, Williamson; also “Seguin—Lavernia (Guadalupe or Wil- son Co.), “Victoria—Goliad”’ (counties with same names 2. S. EXILE Bicknell, Bull. Torr, Bot. Club 28: 573574, 1901. “Sandy sea shores at Galveston,” Galveston Co., Texas, J. E. Bodin, 25 February 1890, “herb. Univ. of Minn. and U.S. Nat, herb.” (latter specimen ex- amined). — S. Brownii (sphalm. Brownei) Small, ex Small & Alexander, Bot Siouseore Iridaceous Pl. Gulf Ae (Contrib. New York Bot. Gard. 3917): 330. 1931. (“Excerpt from the forthcoming Manual of the Flora of the Southeastern United States.”) Not designated in the list of new binomials (unnumbered page at end), and no type indicated; noted only as “S E La.” It was in fact named in honor of Prof. Clair A. Brown of Louisiana State University. For unknown reasons I find no notes on the type from my New York visit in 1946, but the description leaves no doubt as to the identity of the plant. I did examine the following later collection at New York. LOUISIANA, Livingston Parish: roadside, pine land near Hammond, C. A. Brown 3846, 9 April 1932. “Flowers yellow, purple brown line on inside of petals.” — This is S. micranthum of many authors (see doubtful and excluded names at end). In flower color this is rather uniform, the chief variation being the extent to which the brown-red eye ring extends as a thin line down each perianth segment. Predominantly the perianth is medium yellow, very rarely pale or sulfur yellow. The species is now a common and 36 often abundant weed of sandy road shoulders and damp sandy ground along highways in southeastern Texas and Louisiana, and has spread north into Arkansas. East of the Mississippi River it is still largely restricted to areas near the Gulf, chiefly in northern Florida, but it occurs as a lawn weed as far aR as Statesboro, Bulloch Co., Georgia (Gordon P. DeWolf, in letter). I was surprised in tabulating the records to find none for Alabama. I feel certain that it occurs there, but I failed to collect it in several trips to the three southernmost counties made with a eel particularly in mind. State and county (parish) records are as follow ARKANSAS. Bradley, ae (Also Drew, according to Moore, 1958.) FLORIDA. Clay, Jackson, Polk, St. Johns. (Also Washington, on basis of hybrids; see detailed notes on these at end.) LOUISIANA. Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Bienville, Calcasieu, Jackson, Lafayette, La Salle, Livingston, Natchitoches, Rapides, Sabine, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Vermilion, Vernon, West Feliciana, Winn. (Also Evangeline, Jefferson Davis, on basis of hybrids.) MISSISSIPPI. a River. TEXAS. Angelina, Austin, Chambers, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, Newton, Panola, Polk, Rains, Robertson, Sabine, Shelby, Trinity. Apparently the first collection of this cae from the United States was made in Texas by Elihu Hal, probably in 2. There is a specimen at the Gray Herbarium with no data except oe yellow,” the col- lector’s name, and that of the state. Hall collected at various central Texas localities from the coast inland to Austin and Dallas. He may well have found the plant at Galveston, where Bodin later collected the type of S. exile. One possible means of introduction for both this species and S. rosulatwm is suggested by an incident reported in Wini- red Kimball’s reminiscences of Chapman, occurring some time after 1887. “When a South American ship brought up clay from the ‘Rio de la Plata’ as ballast, and my father had it spread over the garden, Doctor Chapman’s interest grew apace. He watched over each new ‘weed’ that cropped up.” There are specimens in the Gray Herbarium from Easter Island (collected in 1904), Fiji (Viti Levu, 1927), Hawaii (Hawaii National Park, 1943) and Australia (Queensland, 1943). The original home of this now very widespread weed seems to have been in the 1820) are worth quoting. “We find no account of this plant but what has been derived from the description and figure above quoted, which were taken from a solitary dried specimen in Jussieu’s herbarium, col- lected in Peru. Communicated in July last by Mr. Anderson, of the Botanic Garden at Chelsea; to whom it was sent by Mr. Otto, from the Royal Botanical Garden at Berlin.” 37 3. S. ROSULATUM Bicknell, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 228—229. 1899. “Dry open places in sandy soil, coast of South Carolina and Alabama. South jee Sullivan’s Island (Charleston Co.), May 8, 1852, Pro- fessor Lewis B. Gibbes. Alabama: Mobile, April 6, 1896, May 5, 1896. Dr. Charles Mohr.” (Mohr specimens examined, US.) Bicknell states “flowers not seen, reported to me by Dr. Mohr as being of a reddish names at end). een of my collection down to 1962 were all dis- tributed under this name. Apart from the evident hybrids discussed below, there is great varia- tion in flower color in this species, especially in pattern, which I be- lieve indicates spontaneous genetic diversity rather than introgression. The perianth is rather large and showy, commonly white with varying amounts of rose-purple in the form of an eye ring and lines down the segments, but occasionally colored throughout. It is also more variable ” embarrassing combinations of character. Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. S. rosulatum in the United States oc- cupies much the same area as S. exile. In Texas it is much less common, but in Alabama and Mississippi it is more so, than the yellow-flowered species. ALABAMA. Baldwin, Mobile, Washington. ARKANSAS. Union. (Also E nkin. R OUTH CAROLINA. Charleston. (Syntype of the species; no recent A j ogd Newton, Tyler. (Also Polk, Trinity, on basis of hybrids The oldest collections from the United States were those from South Carolina (1852) and Alabama (1896) on which Bicknell based the species. It was found in “open fields, Richland,’ presumably St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, by R. S. Cocks in June, 1908 (NO). But most of its North American range has been attained more recently. When I began field work in the Gulf States in 1945, it was rare in southeastern Texas (I found it only in Jefferson County); now it is frequent there. In so; certainly it is much more conspicuous. Its original home was nearly the same as that of S. exile, from southern Brazil to Argentina. Whether Johnston’s report of S. laxwm from Europe refers to this species or the true S. laxum I do not know. 38 2 X 3. S. EXILE X ROSULATUM. The binomial S. Metae Herter probably was based on a nothomorph of this cross (see under doubt- ful or excluded names at end). In Louisiana intermediates between the species are rather common (elsewhere they are much less so), nearly always in association with the parents, the majority appearing to be first-generation hybrids, while apparent back-crosses or second-genera- tion segregates are rather uncommon. Below ae cited 15 collections representing such intermediates, with notes on perianth color. All are deposited at SMU, and all but the last one were collected by myself. ORIDA. Washington Co.: 1.8 miles east of Shipley, 27,009. ‘““White with chocolate-red central ring; lobes with slender dorsal central line.” central stripe.’ Same locality, 23,068. “Medium large, light yellow. Growing with S. micranthum (i.e. exile), 2 color forms of S. laxum (i.e. rosulatum), unidentified intermediate type, 1 plant with large, pale yellow, lined perianth.” Same locality, 23,069. “Large, pale yellow with dark lines,” growing with preceding. Beauregard Parish: 0.5 mile north of Ragley, 23,665. “Garnet, tepals with darker base and central line.” — 3.7 miles south of Longville, 23,543. “With yellow eye, tepals scarlet-mauve at base and center.” Calcasieu Parish: 4 miles south of Gillis, 23,153. “Smaller than in S. laxum (i.e. rosulatum), mauve with scarlet tinge, lobes with single dark central stripe.” Evangeline Parish: 8.5 miles east-southeast of Oakdale, 27,970. “Withered (2 P.M.), tube yellow.” Jefferson Davis Parish: 5.1 miles southeast of Jennings, 23,140. “Light scarlet-mauve, tepals with dark central line.” Rapides Parish: 2.5 miles northeast of Glenmora, 23,255. “Medium large, mauve with scarlet tinge.” Vernon Parish: 2.3 miles northwest of Leesville, 22,753. “Smaller than in S. laxum (ie. rosulatum), white with mauve ring around yellow eye.” — 2.2 miles northwest of Anacoco, 23,673. “Brown- ish mauve, tepals darker at base and down center.” Winn Parish: 7.5 miles north of Winnfield, 23,342. “Scarlet-mauve.” TEXAS. Polk Co.: 2 miles east of Livingston, 23,488. ‘“Perianth 1/3 larger than in associated S. micranthum (i.e. exile), tepals brownish mauve, darker down center and at base.” Trinity Co.: 1 mile west of Neches River, R. L. Oliver 312. “Light yellow with yellow center; outside base mauve-brown and along veins’; perianth as large as in typical S. rosulatwm. During April and May of 1956, when a majority of the above collec- tions were made, the presumed first-generation hybrids (with perianth of intermediate size, of distinctive scarlet-mauve or brownish-mauve color unlike any forms of the seer with a single central line on each segment) were very common and remarkably uniform. In subsequent years they have been much less aa There is no indication that the two species are becoming completely mongrelized. On the contrary, they appear to be retaining their separate identities to an astonishing degree. Whatever mechanism or mechanisms served to maintain the 39 two in their native area evidently continues to operate in their new home. I have seen no evidence of crossing between an annual and a native perennial species, though there is evident hybridization among several of the latter (see comments in my Spring Flora of the Dallas- Fort Worth Area, Texas, 1958). I have made no attempt to grow these plants or try artificial crosses. Much intensive genetical and doubtless chemotaxonomic work could be done on them, with a large staff of assistants, numerous graduate stu- dents (possibilities of several Ph.D. theses at least), and a succession of research grants, each larger than the one I received for work on the entire flora of the Gulf Southwest. Having committed myself to general flora work in an enormous area where it is desperately needed, I have no time for such things. To anyone trying to view the development of American botany in some reasonable scientific and historical perspec- tive, it is all food for some very melancholy thoughts. DOUBTFUL OR EXCLUDED NAMES All the botanists who have done revisionary work including the three annuals (Klatt, Baker, Bicknell, Johnston, Foster) knew the plants only from herbarium specimens. But Sisyrinchium simply is not a genus that can be worked out solely in the herbarium. I have no acquaintance with the South American species other than the two introduced ones, but feel sufficiently well acquainted with the two to know the limits of their variation, and to reject all of the names referred to them in Johnston’s really very creditable revisio S. geniculatum Herbert, Edward’s a Reg. 1843 Misc. p. 84. Placed under the heading “Columnea staminea cylindrica,’ the entire descrip- tion is as follows. ‘5. Geniculatum, mihi; ex prov. Texas dicto, parva caule geniculato perianthio limbo laete coeruleo.” This is listed by Johnston as “nomen” only, in the synonymy of S. minus. Earlier Baker had indicated like identity by citing it under S. Bermudiana L. “Var. 3. S. GENICULATUM Herb.,” with S. minus as synonym. There is enough description in the Suen publication so that it must be re- garded as validly published, even though what was said is, for this genus, all but useless for eee If indeed identical with S. minus, its name would have to be adopted for that species, being two years older, unless its still older appearance as nomen nudum in as- sociation with a Brazilian plant can be taken as grounds for rejecting it as a nomen confusum. The description of the perianth as “limbo laete coeruleo” certainly does not fit any of the known color forms of §S. minus, but would apply very well to S. pruinosum and other native perennials of Texas. It is very probable that Herbert had a Drummond collection, and Drummond unhappily worked in a veritable hot-bed of complex forms, introgressive hybrids, and what not involving the abundant native perennials of south-central Texas. Whether S. genicu- latum could be satisfactorily identified even with a type specimen at 40 hand is doubtful at best. Things are complicated by the fact that the name did appear in print a year before the species was described, and it then associated with a Brazilian species which according to Johnston was S. laxum (i.e. S. rosulatum). This first appearance was in “Contributions towards a flora of Brazil,’ by Gardner, in London Journ. Bot. 1: 538, 1842. The account there is as follows: “217. Sisyrinchium geniculatum. Herbert Mss. in Herb. Hook. HAB. In moist sandy places at Tejuca. Fl. Nov.” The use of the plural “Mss.” implies that Herbert annotated several specimens with this name, but as it was published the following year for a Texas plant, Brazilian material was by implica- tion excluded by Herbert himself. S. laxum Otto ex Sims, Bot. Mag. 49: 2312. 1882. “This new species of SISYRINCHIUM was introduced into the Chelsea garden in 1820, by Mr. Otto, curator of the Berlin Botanical Garden, under the name which we have adopte . Communicated by Mr. Anderson of the Chelsea garden, who has ereated it as an alpine, and it has survived the last winter exposed to the open air. Native country unknown.” The plate, which must stand as the type for this species, shows the top of a plant only. The flowers appear relatively small in proportion to the very rge capsules; the perianth is whitish with dark purple lines (the description says only “white-streaked”), quite similar to S. rosulatum except that the lines are uniformly very thin all the way down to the very narrow eye ring (in S. rosulatum they widen toward base, and the eye ring is usually very prominent). Light was shed on the identity of the plant figured by Sims when I received an unidentified specimen from New Zealand, though I did not at first realize it. The specimen is M. B. Ashwin 530, from Lower Hutt, Wellington, North Id., 3 Nov. 1958 (SMU). “Forming small tufts in dry ground by ond de Intro- dried perianth shows the uniformly thin lines exactly as in Sims’s plate. In other respects, especially the very large capsules, the speci- men is an almost perfect match for the plate, which evidently repre- sented the plant exactly in life size. The larger capsules on the specimen are 6 mm. in diameter (the larger one in the plate is 8 mm.), much too large for S. rosulatum. The perianth in the New Zealand specimen is 15 mm. long as pressed, the whole plants (two on the sheet) coarser o Cc ct tay seb) < ca?) n oO oO iw} 5 ° fo) ct SS. QO 4 wa ot ° 5 seb} cH Q Ss o tH = nm 5 job) sp < a) oO S) (or 5 q I n laxum still unknown, though presumably it is South American. S. Metae Herter, Revista Sudamericana de Botanica 5: 28. 1987. Johnston places this in the synonymy of S. laxum (1938, p. 391), but Herter describes it as having white flowers, the tepals 3—5 mm. long (too small for either S. larum or S. rosulatum), and lacking the purple coloring of those species. I strongly suspect that it is a hybrid form, quite probably involving S. exile, but since still other species not 41 familiar to me occur in Uruguay and might hybridize with S. exile or S. rosulatum, I cannot decide this point. Anyone wishing to adopt a bionomial for the hybrids would have to settle the identity of S. Metae and other names placed in synonymy by Johnston. S. micranthum Cavanilles, 6ta Dissertatio Botanica p. 345; pl. 191, fig. 2. 1788. “Habitat in Peru: examinatum ibi a D. Josepho de Jussieu. V. S. unicum exemplar apud eius nepotem.” Neither description nor figure is conclusive. Flower color unfortunately is not mentioned. A photo- graph of the type reveals that the drawing was crudely made, but the specimen itself is immature, and no great help either. It is erect and densely leafy. Prof. Leandri very kindly compared with it some small plants of S. exile which I had collected in St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, and reports that they seem to belong to the same species, but that on the Jussieu specimen “les racines sont toutefois un peu plus fortes.” This is exactly a distinction just noted between S. laxum and S. rosu- latum. Chiefly on the basis of general appearance, nature of the roots, and geographic location, I believe that the true S. micranthum is not the now cosmopolitan annual which has so long passed under that name, but a closely related species, perhaps perennial, of highland regions in western and northern South America. I believe Johnston was correct in making S. iridifolium H.B.K. (from Venezuela) a synonym of S. micranthum; probably S. scabrum Schlechtendal & Chamisso is also the same. These plants will have to be studied in the field by someone who also knows S. exile in a living state. S. Pearcei Philippi, Linnaea 33: 251. 1864—1865. Listed by Johnston with query as synonym of S. laxum. The original description states that the perianth is yellow, so that it cannot be either S. laxum or S. rosu- latum; it may well belong to the true S. micranthum. S. uniflorum Gay ex Philippi, Linnaea 29: 63. 1857. Listed by Johnston as synonym of S. lawum. In the original description the word “caerulei’” (sky-blue) is applied to the perianth, and the plant is compared with the blue-flowered S. chilense, differing in having scabrous stem. Neither color nor stem indument apply to S. laxum or S. rosulatum. valdivianum Philippi, Anal. Univ. Chile 91: 616—617. 1895. Despite f t capsule is described as 4—5 mm. in diameter, and on this basis the name canont apply to S. rosulatum. REFERENCES KNELL, EUGENE. 1899. ee in ee Sixteen new species from the ee States. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 2 17—231. . 1901. Studies in CR ne The species of Texas and the South- west. Bull. Torr. Bee Club 28: 570—592., Rete ROBERT G. 1948. Studies in the flora of Bolivia,—II. Contrib. Gray Herb. 166; 28 . (Devoted entirely to a synopsis of Sisyrinchium.) JOHN Coy IVAN M. 1938. ae seis of Sisyrinchium in Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. Journ. Arnold Arb. 19: 376— 42 KIMBALL, WINIFRED. 1921. ear of Alvan Wentworth Chapman. Jou New York Bot. Gard. 22: 1—12. (See for weed introduction via dirt ballast Ae Argentina or Uruguay.) MOOR ew ease for the Arkansas flora. IV. Proc. Ark. Acad. Sci. 9—16, Soman, Pe 10—11, . EWIS. oe ee numbers of > 43— OLIVER, CE AND pa eee in eastern can Aeaerica, Sida NERS, an ae Pe Geographic limits of some ae weeds in Texas. Texas isyrinchium, pp. Eats Mag. en (Si 958. ae ne of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, Texas. (Sisyrinchium, pp. 100—102.) SMALL, JOHN K., AND EDWARD J. ALEXANDER. of the itidaceous plants of the Gulf States. Contrib. New York Bot. Ga g Manual of the Flora of the Southeastern United isa *) (Sisyrin- 1931. sor ia interpretation rd, 327. (“Excerpt from the chium, pp. e ea ae U. T. 1952 A Catalogue of the Flora of Oklahoma. (Sisyrinchinm, pp. £96) CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SISYRINCHIUM (IRIDACEAE) IN EASTERN NORTH AMERICA’ ROYCE L. OLIVER AND WALTER H. LEWIS Stephen F. Austin State College, Nacogdoches, Texas Chromosome numbers for 18 species of Sisyrinchiwm with basic com- plements of x = 8, 9, and 17, have been reported (Vilmorin and Simonet, 927; Maude, 1940; Bowden, 1945; Covas and Schnack, 1946; Sermonti, 1948; Skottsberg, 1953; Lewis and Oliver, 1961). The 8 and 9 series con- tain both diploid and high polyploid species, but only diploid species are found in the secondary x = 17 series. MATERIALS AND METHODS.—Immature flower buds were collect- ed in the field and were fixed in modified Carnoy’s solution (4: 3: 1). As soon as possible after fixation the buds were stored at refrigerator temperatures for periods up to 8 months; only after 7 months was deteri- oration noted in some cells. Buds were squashed in 1% acetic-orcein and S or more occasionally somatic cells were studied. Representative chromosomes were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida at X2300. The first set of voucher specimens are filed at the Southern Methodist Uni- versity herbarium (SMU). Field work for this study was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, G-9800. For one collection seeds were soaked in water until the radicle appear- ed and then sown on a culture medium (Lewis and Elvin-Lewis, 1961) to facilitate more rapid growth. After pretreatment for 1-2 hours in supersaturated paradichlorobenzene, the seedlings were fixed and stain- ed following the procedure used for the buds and mitosis was studied in root tips and apical meristems. OBSERVATIONS.—Fifteen species and one hybrid of Sisyrinchium from a total of 50 populations are listed in Table 1 with their chromo- some numbers and voucher data. For 11 species the collections represent a wide range of morphological variation including atypical individuals, but in each case the chromosome numbers were found to be consistent. Chromosome numbers for 9 species are reported for the first time. These include S. minus Engelm. & Gray, n = 5; S. fibrosum Bickn., n = 8; S. campestre Bickn., n = 16; S. intermedium Bickn., n = 16; S. laxum Otto, n = 16; S. mucronatum Michx., n = 16; S. sagittiferum Bickn., n = 16; S. arizonicum Roth., 2n = 34-36; S. atlanticum Bickn., n — 48. Those for the remaining species, S. albidum Raf., S. bermudiana L. (as S. angustifolium Mill.), S. ensigerum Bickn., S. langloisii Greene, S. mi- 7 EDITOR’S NOT was not until after this paper went to press that I was able to reach a conclusion ae the correct names of the introduced annuals. I believe that S. ee of Nie! pa oe is correctly ‘S. rosulatum Bicknell, and S. micranthum is rather S. exile ion ell. See ‘Annual Sisyrinchiums (Iridaceae) in the United States,” this issue, pp. 32—42 . A. Bere SED AGN (Ly a43= 4B 19 62% cranthum Cav., and S. pruinosum Bickn., agree with counts by Bowden (1945) and Lewis and Oliver (1961). The number for S. minus Engelm. & Gray adds a new basic number of x = 5 to the genus (Fig. 1, 2). Although an undetermined diploid species in the x = 8 series has been reported from South America (Bowden, 1945), the number of n = 8 for S. fibrosum Bickn. (Fig. 3) is the first report of a diploid North American species in this series. All other pues studied, with the exception of S. arizonicum Roth., occur in the x = 8 series at either the tetraploid or the dodecaploid love Only a eee count of 2n = 34 or 36 is reported for S. arizonicum Roth. here is little difference in chromosome size for most species of Sisyrinchium (Fig. 1-9), although S. bermudiana L. (Fig. 11) has larger chromosomes than S. atlanticum Bickn. (Fig. 10) in the same basic series. Meiotic “irregularities” were rarely observed except for the extreme bunching of chromosomes, This phenomenon was observed for most col- lections and consequently only a small proportion of the meiotic meta- phase and anaphase plates could be accurately interpreted. Despite this, pollen were usually normal in appearance except for one collection from 1.5 miles west of the Neches River and Highway 94, Trinity Co., Texas (Oliver, 312). In a sample of 100 pollen grains from each of several plants, pollen was non-staining, appeared shriveled, and micropollen were frequent. Meiosis was not observed, but the number of microspores per PMC at the tetrad stage, and frequency based on a random sample of 100 PMCs, was 4 microspores (6%), 5 microspores (26%), 6 micro- spores (36%), 7 microspores (12%), 8 microspores (12%), 9 microspores (4%), and 10 microspores (4%). With only 6% normal tetrad forma- tion, meiosis was probably highly irregular. These plants are morphologi- cally intermediate between S. larwm Otto and S. micranthum Cav., which were both growing in the immediate vicinity, and are assumed to be hybrids between these species. Recast any CITED BOCHER, T. AND K. RSEN Lah Chromosome numbers of some arctic or boreal oe oe Medd. espe 14 BOWDEN, W. M. 1945. A list es chromosomn numbers in higher plants. I. Acanthaceae to Myrtaceae. Amer. Journ. Bot. 32 OVAS, G., AND B. SC HNACK, ae Numero de cromosomas en Antofitas de region de cuyo (Republica Argentina). Rev. Argent. Agron. 13: 6. LEWIS, W. H., AND M. ELVIN-LEWIS. 1961. ene for growing small rubiaceous seeds from herbarium material. Castanea 26; 146-155. ND OLIVER. 1961. Meiotic chromosomes in six Texas and Mexican Nemastylis and Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae). Southwest. Nat. 6: 45-4 i P. F. 1940. Chromosome numbers in some British lanes New Phytol. 39: 17 SERMONTI G. 1948. Osservazioni sul cariogramma di Sisyrinchium striatum. Caryologia 1: SKOTTSBERG, C. 1953. Chromosome numbers in Hawaiian flowering plants. Ark. f. Bot. 3: 63-7 VIL MORIN, R., AND M. SIMONET. 1927. Nombre des chromosomes dans les genres ioe Linum, et chez quelques autres especes vegetales. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 96: 166-1 Table 1. CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SISYRINCHIUM IN EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Taxon Gametic No. S. minus Engel. & Gray S. fibrosum Bickn. S. albidum Raf. S. campestre Bickn. S. ensigerum Bickn. S. intermedum Bickn. S. langloisii Greene S. laxum Otto 5 16 Voucher TEXAS. Nacogdoches Co., Nacog- doches, Oliver 317 (tepals purple), Oliver 318 (tepals white); Brazos Co., 10.7 miles SE of College Station, Oliver 2965" GEORGIA. Pike Co., 0.5 miles N of Pike Co.-Upson Co. line on Hwy. 19, Oliver 327. LOUISIANA. Bossier Par., 5.6 miles E of Bossier City, Oliver 272+. TEXAS. Nacogdoches Co., Fern Lake Fire Tower, Oliver 243+, 0.6 miles S of Nacogdoches, Oliver 241}. ARKANSAS. Ouachita Co., 7 miles of Wayne, Morley, 12 May 1961; Re- public Co., 1 mile E and 0.7 miles N of Belleville, Morley, 13 May 1961. TEXAS. Hays Co., 1 mile S of San Marcus, Osborne 39; Lampasas Co., 8.9 miles S of Lampasas, Osborne 42; Wil- son Co., 10 miles S of Stockdale, Os- borne 38. TENNESSEE. Polk Co., 1 mile N of Hwys. 64 and 30 junction, Oliver 325*. TEXAS. Brazoria Co., 3.7 miles S of Freeport, Lewis 5571, 4 miles S of Freeport, Lewis 5569B*; Chambers Co., 2.3 miles SW of Hwys. 121 and 87 Oliver 252; Panola Co., Lake Murvaul, Oliver 276; San Augustine Co., 3 miles E of Attoyac River on Hwy. 21, Oliver 248. TEXAS. Angelina Co., 5 miles S of Lufkin, Oliver 310; Jasper Co., Hwys. 96 and 1004 junction, Lewis 5626; Nacogdoches Co., Stripling Island, Oliver 304; Newton Co., 4.7 miles S of Newton, Lewis 5618. & “sO 2? a? Ya a3 x. YW o\ | 2 ) 3 a re 4) Jat W/ ‘ : es 8% r) of ad z o> BE, ° 478 _Y 4 Pees 4a gu 90 fd 4 sa periee, yo "36 a 90% 4° 6 e o F N62. of § O,°7 § %, Figs. 1-11. Meiotic tie a of ee eed drawn at ae 00 and reduced by ca. 2% in reproduction. Fig. 1. S. 5, Oliver 296. Fi . S. minus, n = 5, Oliver 318. Fig. 3. 8. eee —_— 8, ‘Oho "327, Fig. i 4 i n = 16 (one side of ene Il), Oliver 302. Fig. 5. S. campestre, n = 16, Mor en 13 May 1961. Fig. 6. S. pruinosum, n = 16, Lewis 5615. Fig. 7. S. cai icv: n = 16, Oliver 241, Fig. 8. S. sagittiferum, a = 16, Oliver 269. Fig. 9. S. intermedum, » = 16, Oliver 325. Fig. 10. S. atlanticum, n = 48, Chie 253. Fig. 11. S. bermudiana, n = = One 292 S. micranthum Cav. 16 S. mucronatum Michx. 16+ S. pruinosum Bickn. 16 S. sagittiferum Bickn. 16 S. lacum X micranthum 16+ S. arizonicum Roth. 17-184 S. atlanticum Bickn. 48 47 TEXAS. Angelina Co., 5 miles S of Lufkin, Oliver 309; Hardin Co. 1.4 miles SW of Votaw, Lewis 5630; Trinity Co., 1 mile N of Neches River, Oliver Sie CANADA. ONTARIO. Bruce Co., Oli- phant, Heimburger, 17 June 1961. ARKANSAS. Hempstead Co., 1 mile SW of Hope, Lewis 5615+. TEXAS. Aransas Co., 4.2 miles SW of Aransas Pass, Lewis 5591, 0.2 miles S of Aransas Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, Lewis 5597, 1 mile W of Aransas Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, Lewis ; mile NE of Rockport, Lewis 5575+; Ellis Co., 1 mile N of Italy, Oliver 281; Henderson Co., 5.3 miles W of Hwys. 175 and 31 junction, Osborne 48; Lam- pasas Co., 4 miles W of Lampasas, Osborne 45; Matagorda Co., 4.7 miles NE of Markham, Lewis "5572; San Patricio Co., 0.2 miles W of Welder Wildlife Foundation Headquarters, Lewis 5580+; Van Zandt Co., 3 miles SE of Wills Point, Oliver 278+: Whar- ton Co., Louise, Lewis 5599. LOUISIANA. La Salle Par., 2.5 miles SE of Gene, Oliver 269. TEXAS. Nacogdoches Co., 10 miles S of Nacog- doches, Oliver 237+; Orange Co., 3.8 miles SW of Orange, Oliver 255. TEXAS. Trinity Co., 1 mile N of Neches River and Hwy. 94, Oliver 312. MEXICO. DURANGO. 19 miles SE of Durango, Waterfall 15541 (SMU). TEXAS. Chambers Co., 1 mile NE of Hwys. 121 and 87 junction, Oliver 253*, 5 miles NE of Ferry Landing, Oliver ZoLe omosomes of 3 foes examined; otherwise the number is based on the study of 1 plant. Chro ‘ ne collectior + Chromosome ne from somatic cells. 48 S. bermudiana L, 48 LOUISIANA. West Feliciana Par., 10 miles S of La.-Miss. state line on Hwy. 61, Oliver 266. TEXAS. Nacogdoches Co., Goodman’s Bridge over Angelina River, Oliver 308, 1 mile NE of Nacog- doches, Oliver 316, 10 miles S of Nacogdoches, Oliver 292, NEW NAMES IN ARENARIA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) LLOYD H. SHINNERS Arenaria as it occurs in the Southeastern and Gulf Southwestern United States is a very heterogeneous assemblage which for convenience is best treated as a single genus, in the broad sense of Fernald (1919, 1950) and Maguire (1951, 1952). To it may be added a few species from related genera in which they are anomalous or transitional toward Arenaria. Mattfeld (1929) rejected Fernald’s union of Alsine (Minuartia) with Arenaria, but his version of Minuartia does not carry conviction. It too is extremely heterogeneous both morphologically and geographic- ally, and one wonders what gain there is in maintaining two large and poorly differentiated genera instead of one. Fernald’s arguments are answered only in part. That the difference between a capsule dehiscing by three valves and one dehiscing by six teeth is not great is shown for example by Arenaria Benthamii, in which the capsule dehisces somewhat unevenly, appearing at times to have three partly divided valves, though ordinarily it is about equally 6-parted. In A. Drummondii, the three valves commonly are slightly but distinctly notched at a Surely it is better to keep these in a single admittedly diverse gen About one point I must agree with Mattfeld. Like Sail ee (under Alsinopsis), he associates the Texan Stellaria Nuttalltii (Arenaria Drum- mondiz) with Arenaria patula, both species with notched petals much like those of Cerastium, and approaching (but less extreme than) those of Stellaria. If notched petals may occur in Arenaria, then it is plain that other North American species of Stellaria with merely notched rather than deeply bifid petals must also be placed there. Furthermore, since capsule shape varies greatly within Arenaria, there is no good reason to leave under Cerastium the handful of anomolous species which have three styles, an essential feature of Arenaria. These changes will leave both Cerastium and Stellaria more homogeneous, while the circumscription of the already very heterogeneous Arenaria is not significantly altered. The necessary new names (and one previously published but not men- tioned in Maguire’s revision), together with a new species and a routine new combination, may be grouped as follows. 1. SPECIES FROM STELLARIA WITH MERELY NOTCHED PETALS II Shinners, Field & Lab. 17: 89. 1949. Stellaria Nut- tallii T. & G., Fl. N.A, 1: 183—184. 1838. (Not Arenaria Nuttallii Pax, 1893.) Peculiar in having pedicels which become reflexed in age. Minu- artia Nuttallii (T. & G.) Mattfeld, 1921, is illegitimate, being a later homonym of M. Nuttallii (Pax) Briquet, 1911. Despite the similarity in petals, this does not seem to be closely related to A. patula SIDA 1 (1): 49—52. 1962. 50 A. Jamesiana (Torrey) Shinners, comb. nov. Stellaria Jamesiana Tor- rey, Ann. Lyc. N.Y. 2: 169. 1827. (The spelling Jamesii was adopted later.) There is startlingly close resemblance between this and the Asiatic A. holosteoides (C. A. Meyer) Edgeworth in Hooker f., Fl. British India 1: 241, 1874. The following collection extends the range of A. Jamesiana to TEXAS. Culberson Co.: infrequent annual (sic) beneath pines, South McKittrick Canyon, top of Guadalupe Mts., alt. 8000 ft., J.C. Hunter Ranch, Barton H. Warnock 12025, 5 Sept. 1954 (SMU). A. Stephaniana (Willdenow) Shinners, comb. nov. Stellaria Stephaniana Willd. in Schlecht., Berlin Mag. 1816 p. 194. (Not seen; reference taken from DC., Prodr. 1: 399, 1824, and Ledebour, Fl. Ross. 1: 379—380, 1842.) Stellaria dichotoma L., Sp. Pl. 2: 603. 1753. (Not Arenaria dichotoma Krock, 1798, nor Moench, 1794.) “Petals divided only %2” (Popov, Flora Srednei Sibiri 1: 406, 1957, in description of Stellaria Series Dichotomae). Represented in North America by the following. A. STEPHANIANA var. americana (Porter) Shinners, comb. nov. . N.Y. ard. 1 (Porter) ae FI. seal Nat. ae (Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 22 Hi. 5D) te ese, 1021, 2. SPECIES FROM CERASTIUM WITH THREE STYLES A. anomala (Waldstein & Kitaibel) Shinners, comb. nov. (nom. nov. by Code recommendation, the basinym being a later homonym). Cerastium anomalum Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd., Sp. Pl. (ed. 4) 2: 812. 1799. (Not C. anomalum Schrank, Briefe ueber den Donaumoor p. 75. 1795. This reference not seen; taken from Schwarz, cited under Cerastium dubium, below.) Stellaria viscida Bieberstein, Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 1: 342. 1808. (Substitute name for Cerastium anomalum, proposed without refer- ence to C. anomalum Schrank, hence illegitimate.) Stellaria dubia Bas- tard, Suppl. Fl. Maine-et-Loire p. 24. 1812. (Not seen; taken from Schwarz, lc. Not Arenaria dubia Suter, Fl. Helv. 1: 266—267. 1802. This itself is illegitimate, being a substitute name for A. hybrida Villars, Prosp. p. 48, 1779, but it nevertheless prevents transfer of Stellaria dubia to Arenaria.) Cerastium dubium (Bastard) Schwarz, Mitt. Thuering. Bot. Ges. 1: 98. 1949 Soellner (1954) reports that C. anomalum and C. cerastoides (Arenaria trigyna, below) are clearly allied and differ from Cerastiwm proper cytologically. argaea (Boissier & Balansa) Shinners, comb. nov. Cerastium argaeum Boiss. & Bal. ex Boiss., Diagn. Ser. II. 6: 38. 1849. A. iranica Shinners, nom. nov. Cerastiuwm persicum Boiss., Diagn. Ser. I, 1:54. 1842. (Not Arenaria persica Boiss., 1842.) A. Kotschyi (Boissier) Shinners, comb. nov. Cerastium Kotschyi Boiss., el, Oro Le LO. 2e61. ol A. trigyna (Villars) Shinners, comb. nov. Cerastium trigynum Vill, Prosp. p. 48. 1779. (Not seen. Published also in Hist. Pl. Dauph. 1: 269, 1786, and 3: 645, 1789.) Stellaria cerastoides L., Sp. Pl. 1: 422. 1753. (Not Arenaria cerastioides Poiret, 1789, nor Persoon, 1805.) Cerastiwm ceras- toides (L.) Britton, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 5: 150 1894. (As cerastioides.) Cerastium lapponicum Crantz, Inst. 2: 402. 1766. (Substitute name for Stellaria cerastoides L., hence illegitimate.) C. refractum Allioni FI. Pedem. 2: 117. 1785 3. SPECIES FROM STELLARIA WITH SLIGHTLY EMARGINATE R ENTIRE PETALS OR NONE A. Fassettii Shinners, nom. nov. Stellaria muscorum Fassett, Rhodora 39: 460. (Not Arenaria muscorum Fischer ex DC., 1824.) Closely related to the next species, but with well-developed petals exceeding the sepals. A. fontinalis (Short & Peter) Shinners, comb. nov. Sagina fontinalis Short & Peter, Transylv. Journ. Med. 7: 600. 1836. Shoinne fontinalis (Short & Peter) B. L. Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 29: 286. 1894. Alsine fontinalis (Short & Peter) Britton, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 5: 356. 1894 A. Godfreyi Shinners, nom. nov. Stellaria paludicola Fernald & Schu- bert, Rhodora 50: 197. 1948. (Not Arenaria plaudicola B. L, Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 29: 298. 1894.) Stellaria uniflora of authors, not Walter. 4. MISCELLANEOUS A. ludens Shinners, sp. nov. Perennis? (radix deest) tenella 14—16 cm. alta aspectu Drymariae leptophyllae (D. tenellae). Caulis ad lineas puberulus, apicem versus solum ramosus. Folia parva internodiis breviora subciliata cuspidata basi subconnata, inferiora obovato-lanceo- lata subpetiolata 6—7 mm. longa 2—3 mm. lata, superiora lineari-lanceo- mm. longa 0.5—1.0 mm. lata. Inflorescentia laxe divaricato- cymosa 9—13 cm. lata sat pauciflora parvibracteata. Pedicelli 3—7 mm. longi. Sepala 2.8 mm. longa ovato-lanceolata subacuminata glabra sub- scariosa cum costa unica viridi. Petala alba obtusiuscula sepalis quartam partem breviora. Capsula oblongo-ovoidea calyce paulum brevior denti- bus nunc 4 nunc 6 dehiscens. Semina matura non visa. HOLOTYPE: in- frequent above upper spring, igneous soil, Madera Canyon on Mt. Livermore, Davis Mts., alt. 7900 feet, Jeff Davis Co., Texas, Barton H. Warnock 7419, 11 Sept. 1947 (SMU). Two stems, presumably from two plants, are on the type sheet; the one at the left has 4-toothed capsules, that on the right 6-toothed. The latter is assumed to be the normal form, since the occurrence of 4-parted capsules is exceptional in the genus. A. LANUGINOSA (Michaux) Rohrbach var. cinerascens (B. L. Robin- son) Shinners, comb. nov. A. saxosa var. cinerascens B. L. Robin- son, Proc. Amer. Acad. 29: 293. 1894. If the variable western forms are treated as a variety rather than a subspecies, the earliest available epi- thet in the rank is cinerascens. Not credited to Texas by Maguire, al- though Robinson (1897, p. 240) cites A. saxosa from the Guadalupe 52 Mountains, Texas, collected by Havard. Its occurrence there is confirm- ed by the following specimen: Guadalupe Mountains 2.7 miles north of Pine Springs Camp near Highway 62, Culberson Co., Eula Whitehouse 17044, 22 Sept. 1946 (SMU). REFERENCES PHAM, A. R., T. G. TUTIN, oe oe F. WARBURG. 1962. Flora of the British ae (2nd ban, Caryopttic pp. 211 RNALD, M. L. 1919. The unity of a genus Arenaria. Rhodora 21: 1—7. (Contrib. Gray Herb. 57/1.) - 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany (8th ed.). Caryophyllaceae, pp. 611— 636. LUDWIG, WOLFGANG. 1954. Cerastium dubium (Bast -) Schwarz (C. anomalum Waldst. et Kit. non Schrank), ee n ueber Nomenklatur, ieee und Vorkommen m ein, 2: 1—3. MAGUIRE, BASSETT. 1951. Sead in the aa aaden) Arenaria in America north of Mexico. ee » Midl. Nat —_———_.. 952, Coeyophylacen. ia H. “A. Gleason, The New Britton & Brown ses ae 2: ee D, J. 1922. es zur Kenntnis der systematischen Gliederung und geo- eeaphischen ee der Gattung Minuartia. Bot. Jahrb. 57 Beibl. 127: 13—63. (Co nts on rs punk 1919 paper, p ) PAX ND MANN. 1934. Pea aaa In Engler & Prantl, Die Nee baeeaiee (2nd ed.) 16c: ROBINSON, por a aah 1897. eens In Gray, Synoptical Flora of North America MALL, JO UNKEL. oe ene in 2nd ed., 1913). Flora of the Southeastern United Stace Aine, pp. 416—42 —————___—.. 19 etanval of oe Southeastern Flora. Alsinaceae, pp. 496—504 SOELLNER, ROLAND, ae Recherches cytotaxinomiques sur le genre Cerastium. Bull. Soc. Bot. Suisse 64: nis "FREDERIC 1898. A revision of the genus Arenaria, Linn. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 33; DROSERA (DROSERACEAE) IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES: AN INTERIM REPORT LLOYD H. SHINNERS After cursory study, I concluded that E. L. Reed had been correct in. describing the common Texas species of Drosera as new and distinct from the eastern D. brevifolia (1915). It accordingly appears as D. annua E. L. Reed in my Spring Flora of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, Texas (1958). In the same month that the book appeared (April), a trip to Florida enabled me to see and collect the eastern species, which proved conspicuously different from the Texas plant. It was a distinct surprise when two years later Dr. Carroll E. Wood, Jr., in a commentary on Southeastern Drosera, dismissed D. annua as not worthy of recognition. Further study in both field and herbarium leaves me completely satis- fied not only that D. annua is a distinct species from D. brevifolia, but that what has long passed as D. brevifolia is in fact an undescribed species and not what Pursh named at all. This provokes skeptical thoughts about Harvard’s “massive project” for a generic flora of the Southeastern United States, of which Dr. Wood’s paper is a part. Before making detailed comments, let me offer my synopsis of the South- eastern species of Drosera. This account is based primarily on collections in the SMU Herbarium, and my own field observations in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida. I had hoped to examine the material used by Miss Wynne, whose revision Dr. Wood mainly followed (the most notable difference being that she did not even mention D. annua). Because the New York Botani- cal Garden was closed for remodeling at the time, I bo ae instead the Southeastern material (except of D. rotundifolia) from National Herbarium. After the study was essentially finished, - became possible to borrow from New York, but only a few specimens (kindly selected for me by Dr. Arthur Cronquist) were examined, and as it turned out, none had been annotated by Miss Wynne. I am grateful to the various curators for the use of their material, KEY TO SOUTHEASTERN DROSERA la. Leaf blades no wider than the petioles a. Petals 7-10 mm. long; plant 12-40 cm. tall while in flower; leaves with gland-tipped hairs only, or (in a few specimens from north- ern New Jersey and New York) also minutely and inconspicuously gland-dotted; blooming July-August; southern Maryland (intro- duced), New Jersey to Massachusetts. ............ 1. D. filiformis SIDA 1 (1): 53—59. 1962. 54 2b. Petals 10-20 mm. long; plant 25-60 cm. tall while flower; leaves with gland-tipped hairs and at least dorsally with numerous ses- sile glands; blooming April-May; Southeastern Coastal Plain in Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi (reportedly extending to South Carolina and Louisiana)................. 0.000.000. 2. D. Tracyt lb. Leaf blades much wider than the petioles 3a. Scape glabrous or with inconspicuous, sessile glands; stipules prominent 4a. Petioles glabrous or with inconspicuous, sessile glands. 3. D. intermedia 4b. Petioles with few to many, moderately long hairs lacking gland- tips 5a. Leaf blades suborbicular to reniform-orbicular, the largest broader than long; calyx cylindrical-ovoid just before and after flowering, the sepals thin, narrowly oblong-oblanceolate or oblong, mostly united less than 4....... 4. D. rotundifolia 5b. Leaf blades narrowly obovate to suborbicular, the largest as broad as long or narrower, calyx cup-shaped for funnelform- campanulate just before and after flowering, the sepals firm, oblong-elliptic to ovate-elliptic, united about % 5. D. capillaris 3b. Scape with gland-tipped hairs except toward base; stipules absent or vestigial 6a. Petals 1-5, light to deep lavender-pink, 2.5-8.0 mm. long; sepals 2.5-4.0 mm. long; frequent to rather common west of Mississippi River, rare in S. Alabama and E. Tennessee........ 6. D. annua 6b. Petals 5, pure white, 5-10 mm. long; sepals 3.0-4.5 mm. long; Gulf and Southe astern Coastal Plain, southern Louisiana to lorida, north to Virginia...................... . D. leucantha 1. D. FILIFORMIS se eee The Maryland record for this species is as follows. Prince Georges Co.: Suitland Bog, E. H. Walker 4162, 5 Aug. 1947 (US). “Flowers pinkish or purple, closed. In seepage bog. Introduced by A. V. Smith. Growing successfully and spreading. New plants sprout from fallen leaves.” Wood reports it from North Carolina and doubtfully from South Carolina and Georgia, but I have seen no material from so far south. 2. D. TRACYI Macfarlane in L. H. Bailey, Standard Cyclop. Hort. 2: 1077. 1914. D filiformis var. Tracyi Diels, Pflanzenreich IV. 112: 92. 1906. For nomenclatural quibblers, it should be pointed out that Drosera Tracyi Macfarlane is a new name, not a new combination based on Diel’s earlier publication of it as variety (this in turn based on the then only manuscript binomial). Wynne (1944) stated that this differed “only in its pale green pubescence, larger size, and more robust habit” from D. filiformis, and in 1952 apparently did not consider it worth even varietal status. Wood speaks of it as “a very distinct taxon,” which it certainly is. The marked difference in flowering period cannot be ex- 55 plained as due merely to difference in latitude, and this added to the other features given in the key seems to me to warrant treating it as a species. Wynne reports it (1952) from “S.C. to Fla. and La.” (incorrectly definite, leafy stems, and in the long petioles and narrow leaf blades. Said by both Wynne and Wood to extend west to Texas in the Gulf States, but I have seen no specimens from west of Mississippi. ALA- New Hanover, Onslow. SOUTH CAROLINA. Aiken ae ae Ker- shaw, Lexington, VIRGINIA. Princess Anne. momen July-August. Petals white (color noted on only one specimen out of 41 examined). 4, D ROTUNDIFOLIA L. No material of this species was borrowed. The following two specimens at SMU are the ace ones seen from the Southeast. NORTH CAROLINA. Henderson Co:: peat bog at East Flat Rock, Don Correll 3321, 27 Taig Ges a be cae as “Drosera capillaris Poir.?”). Macon Co.: wet sphagnous pockets on ledges of cliff; Horse Cove, near Highlands, W. B. Schofield 9071, 7 July 1958. Said by Wynne and Wood to extend south to Georgia and South Carolina (latter queried by Wood). Color not noted on any speci- mens at hand (32 sheets, mostly Northeastern); described by Fernald as eae rarely pin . CAPILLARIS eorer Encycl. Meth. Bot. 6: 299. 1804. D. brevifolia pe Fl. Am, Sept. 1: 211. 1813 (‘1814’). Not D. brevifolia of authors from Chapman (1860) on, which is mostly D. leucantha, below. Pursh’s entire description follows: 3. D. pusilla; scapis radicatis simplicibus, foliis brevibus brevifolia In sandy swamps of Georgia, Enslen. June. v.s. in Herb. Enslen. The smallest of all the species known; flowers rose-coloured. Without seeing the type (location unknown; possibly not in existence; Diels cites another Enslen specimen bearing no locality beyond Southern U.S.) there may be a little doubt as to what Pursh had, since the description says nothing about pubescence on the scape (though failure to mention it suggests there was none) or presence of stipules. Pursh listed only four species, the other three being D. rotundifolia, D. long- vfolia, and D. filiformis; he makes no mention of D. capillaris. But his statements “smallest of all the species known; flowers rose-coloured” apply exactly to D. capillaris among the Southeastern species. The words cannot possibly refer to the plant with large, white flowers which 56 Chapman and later authors mistakenly have called D. brevifolia. The phrase “foliis brevibus cuneatis vix petiolatis” of course excludes filiformis, and makes both the very long-petioled D. intermedia and the round-leaved D. rotundifolia very unlikely candidates. Enslen collected in Lower Georgia, which I take to mean the Coastal Plain. The only species in this area to which Pursh’s description reasonably applies is D. capillaris. The amplified descriptions of D. brevifolia given by Nuttall and by Torrey & Gray indicate that they applied the name chiefly to D. capillaris (which name they also do not mention), but in- cluded forms of other species under it. Occasional plants with rather long, narrow leaves superficially resemble D. intermedia. I have seen specimens from the following states and counties (parishes). AL LABAMA. Mobile. FLORIDA. Duval, Escambia, Glades, Highlands, Hillsborough, n GE Baker, Su : A. Beauregard, Rapides, St Tammany. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson; also “Avondale” (county not de- termined). SOUTH C I Berkeley, Charleston, Georgetown February-June, and less freely July-September. Petals pale lavender- pink or almost white. My number 23,514 from Beauregard Parish, Louisiana, distributed as D. annua, is D. capillaris. 6. D. ANNUA E. L. Reed, Torreya 15: 246—247, 1915. This is very closely related to D. maritima St. Hil. of southern Brazil and Uruguay, of which I have seen only five specimens, one of them sterile. In D. maritima the naked portion of the scape is 1.5—2.5 (rarely —4) times as long as the leaves, the sepals are obtuse or subacute, and the lowest pedicel is 1.0—3.5 mm. long. In D. annua the naked portion of the scape is 2.5—7.0 times as long as the leaves, the sepals are acute or subacute, and the lowest pedicel is 1—5 mm. long. These differences may appear slight. But considering how closely herbarium specimens of D. annua and D. leucantha may resemble each other when well- ae flowers and color data are lacking, while live plants could not possibly be confused, I prefer to treat the North and South American plants as two species. Some rather robust specimens collected by Dr. B. C. Tharp on Padre Island, Texas, greatly resemble the South Ameri- can species. At the other extreme, collections sees by Dr. H. K. Sven- son in Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tenn e, are exceptionally small. In addition to the records given re pte (1938) reports D. annua from Latimer, Le Flore, and McCurtain counties in eastern Oklahom TN Mobile. ARKANSAS. Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Drew Hot Springs, Jefferson, Miller, Pope. LOUISIANA. Allen, Clean, Vernon, Winn. TENNESSEE. Coffee, Franklin. TEXAS. Anderson, Bastrop, Brazos, Cherokee, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Jefferson, San 57 Patricio, Smith; also Padre Island (county not determined). Flowering late February—early June. 7. D. leucantha Shinners, sp. nov. Annua (interdum perennans?) parva grandiflora exstipulata foliis obovatis petiolatis scapo glanduloso-pub- escente petalis candidis 5—10 mm. longis. HOLOTYPE: St. Simon’s Island, near Brunswick, Glynn Co., Georgia, Arthur Conquist 5255, 11 April 1947 (SMU; isotypes NY, US). “Among cabbage palmetto is moist pale gray sand that is blackened with organic matter. Delicate perennial (sic!). Fls. white, just beginning to open about 8 A.M. Closing again shortly after noon.” is is D. brevifolia in the sense of Chapman, Small, and Fernald, and in part of Wynne and Wood; not of Pursh, which is D. capillaris, as explained under no. 5. The following additional specimens have been seen. FLORIDA. Alachua Co.: Gainesville, Gerrit S. Miller Jr. 438 (US). Brevard Co.: Titusville, R. E. Earle (US). Collier Co.: East Henson Marsh, L. J. Brass 15970 (US). Duval Co.: near Jack- sonville, A. H. Curtiss 4554 (US). Escambia Co.: 5.4 miles south of McDavid, Shinners 29,702 (SMU). Jackson Co.: just east of Grandridge, Shinners 26,990 (SMU). Lake Co.: vicinity of Eustis, G. V. Nash 10 (US). (Petals noted as pink, but I believe this an error; Nash also col- lected 3 numbers of the pink-flowered D. capillaris at the same locality.) Manatee Co.: Manatee, J. H. Simpson (US). St. Johns Co.: without lo- cality, Miss Reynolds (Herb. J. D. Smith) (US). (Mixed collection: 6 plants of D. leucantha, 1 of D. capillaris.) Washington Co.: Caryville, Shinners 27,018 (SMU). GEORGIA. Chatham Co.: 0.5 erie south of Savannah, Gilbert G. Rossignol (US). LOUISIANA. Calcasieu Parish: Dequincy, F. W. Pennell 10236 (NY). (Mixed collection, partly D. an- nua.) St. Tammany Parish: vicinity of Covington, Bro. Anect 29 (US). Tangipahoa Parish: Hammond, Lewena Gallup 11 (US). MISSISSIPPI. Harrison (US); Gerrit S. Miller Jr. (US). Nansemond Co.: south of South Quay, Fernald & Long 12089 (US). Sussex Co.: about 4 miles northwest of Homeville, Fernald & Long 9940 (US). Flowering Feb- ruary—June, This very striking species was first described by Stephen Elliott, who mistakenly called it D. rotundifolia. He stated that it is annual, an scribes it as annual without rhizomes. Small’s Flora follows Chapman’s nomenclature, but says that it is “biennial, or perennial by short root- stocks.” In his Manual, there is no mention of rootstocks or duration. Fernald, also following Chapman’s nomenclature, describes the whole 58 genus as consisting of “low perennials or biennials” but says nothing further about the life-span of this species; he states “petals white, 5— mm. long” and “the large flower closing at noon.” Wynne makes no mention of duration. Her description of the petals as “white to pink, 45 mm. long” is obviously based on a mixture, and does not apply to most of the plants belonging to D. lewcantha. Wood considers the species basically perennial, but “apparently behaves as an annual in many areas and has been so described (D. annua Reed).” Like Wynne he of course was referring to a mixture, but nothing he included under the name is typically perennial. DROSERA AND THE SOUTHEASTERN GENERIC FLORA A flora is an account of the species of plants of a given area. A generic flora is a contradiction in terms. It is not a flora, but a device for evading the trying job of writing one. In the case of the Droseraceae, in which Small both failed to splinter the genera and overlooked the fact that Rafinesque had done so, a discussion of genera seems par- ticularly pointless. When in the course of it we are given a rehash of an unsatisfactory previous account of the species with the addition of fresh error, one may well ask just what good it all is. The completeness of information in a flora depends on the amount of direct study that has been done on the plants and in the area con- cerned. When such study has been done by many persons over periods of hundreds of years, it is possible to produce a work like Clapham, Tutin & Warburg’s recent Flora of the British Isles, including details on habitat preferences, pollination, chromosome number, and so on. The phrase “biologically oriented flora” is to me altogether meaning- less. When we consider Drosera in particular, we find that out of 33 references cited by Wood, not one relates to the Southeast as delimited for the proposed generic flora, and a previous bibliography of 3% pages to which reference is made likewise contains not a single title reporting work done on the plants in that area. To offer all this as material for a “biologically oriented” flora of the Southeast is as preposterous as it is pretentious. What is needed first and foremost is direct study of the Southeastern plants themselves. The best of the insufficient authentic information we have is to be found in the floras of Elliott, Chapman, and Small, and in the publications of Roland M. Harper — men who lived in the South or did extensive field work there. But this is not enough for a good, up-to-date flora of the area. Much activity is now under way there, but it is hampered by the very lack of a manual. The greatest contribution that could be made toward a definitive flora of the South- east is a concise interim guide as complete as present knowledge permits. It is far too early to think of an encyclopedic treatise. 59 An erudite compilation from publications largely only tangential or irrelevant may be of interest to some, but it is not the material out of which a Southeastern Flora of any kind can be made REFERENCE S BARCLAY, HARRIET G. 1938. A Breanne report of the ecology of a Drosera meadow. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 18: 22— Sane A. W. 1860. Drosera. Fl. is ‘US. pp. 36— HAM, A. R., T. G. TUTIN, AND E. F. oa 1962. Flora of the British Hee ae ed.). DIELS, L. 1906. Drosera. Pflanzenreich IV. 112: 61—128. ELLIOTT, STEPHEN. 1817. Drosera. Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 1: 375—376. a lrecer MERRITT LYNDON. 1950. Drosera. Gray’s Man. Bot. (8th ed.) pp. 729— 73 are THOMAS. 1818. Drosera. Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 141—142. PURSH, FREDERICK. 1813 ee Drosera. Fl. Am. ie 1: 210—211. REED, E. L. 1915. Drosera annua sp. . Torreya 15: 1916. Ecologic notes on eee annua. ae 5G 125—130. SHINNERS, LLOYD H. 1958. Drosera. Spring Fl. Dallas-Fort Worth Area p. 169. SMALL, JOHN KUNKEL. 1903. Drosera. Fl. S.E. ae 1933. Drosera. Man eat JOHN, AND ASA GRAY. 1838. ae e N.A. 1: 145—147. OD, LL E., The genera of i aaa pe Droseraceae of the Seen ce States. Bre Soun Arnold A eee foes E. 1944. Drosera in eastern ee America. aa Torr. Bot. Club 71: 166— . 1952. Drosera. In Gleason, New Britton & Brown Ill. Fl. 2: 252—253, KEY TO SOUTHEASTERN GLABROUS-STYLED TEPHROSIA (LEGUMINOSAE) LLOYD H. SHINNERS The thorough study of the American barbistyled species of Tephrosia by Wood (1949) included all the Southeastern members of the genus but a handful which in the latest available accounts (Rydberg, 1923; Small, 1933) are placed under Cracca. Necessary corrections of nomen- clature under Tephrosia (nomen conservandum) are summarized below, together with one new species which has come to light. Grateful ac- knowledgement is made for the loan of material from the University of Florida and the New York Botanical Garden. KEY TO THE SPECIES la. Stem densely spreading-pubescent................... 1. T. corallicola lb. Stem appressed-pubescent (sometimes with a few spreading hairs also) or glabrate. 2a. Leaflets 2.8—9.0 mm. wide, mostly over 4 mm. 3a. Stipules 1—3 mm. long; flowering in fall.......... 2, 1, Curtissit 3b. Stipules 4—8 mm. long; flowering in spring....... 3. T. Semino 2b. Leaflets 1.0—4.5 mm. wide, mostly under 3.5 mm..4. T. angustissima 1. T. CORALLICOLA (Small) Leon, Fl. de Cuba 2 (Contrib. Ocas. Mus. Nac. De La Salle, Habana, 10): 304. 1951. (According to Gray Herbarium Card Index.) Cracca corallicola Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 36: 160. 1909. Known only from Dade County, Florida; type “in pinelands between Cocoanut Grove and Cutler,” Small 2112 (isotypes examined, FLAS, NY). Flowering in November 2. T. Curtissili (Small) Shinners, comb. nov. Cracca Curtissii Small ex Rydberg, N. Amer. Fl. 24 (3): 179. 1923. Type from “sand ridges near Cape Malabar,” Brevard County, Florida, Curtiss 584* (isotype ex- amined, NY). A second collection has been seen, from beaches near Jupiter Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida, Curtiss 5561 (FLAS, NY). Flowering in September. 3. T Seminole Shinners, sp. nov. Videtur perennis parva subdecumbens, ne strigosa cum pilis paucis patentibus. Stipulae deltoideo-setaceae oblo at laxi. Pedicelli 6—7 mm. longi. Calyx 5 mm. longus laxe appresso-pilosus dentibus tubae longitudine sesquilongis. Corolla 8—9 mm. longa. HOLO- TYPE: Godden’s Mission, Big Cypress (Collier County?), Florida, Perley Poore Sheehan, 12 March 1919 (NY). “Medicinal Plants of the Seminole Indians. Devil’s shoe-string—(cracca purpurea): Used as a specific for SIDA 1 (1): 60—62. 1962. 61 nose-bleed. The whole plant is steeped in cold water, and the decoction is then used as a wash.—Plant a short-stemmed vine with compound leaves and small but handsome flowers; the fruit is a narrow pod. ty grows on prairies.’ Noted by Wood in 1948 as “not JT. purpurea.” PARATYPE: East Florida, Dr. Leavenworth, no other date (sterile; determined as Cracca Curtissii) (NY). Known only from the above two fragmentary specimens. Stem rather thinly strigose and with some spreading hairs. Stipules deltoid- setaceous, 4—8 mm. long, persistent. Leaflets 9—15, oblong-oblanceolate, 18—34 mm. long, 2.8—5.0 mm. wide, obtuse and mucronate, rather thinly strigose beneath, glabrouse above, the veins prominent beneath and rufous. Racemes rather short-peduncled, both axillary and terminal, slender and loose, the lower nodes (seen on only 1 sheet in early flower) 2—32 mm. apart, a reduced leaf sometimes present at lst or 2nd node. Pedicels 6—7 mm. long in flower. Calyx 5 mm. long, rather loosely ap- pressed-pilose, the acuminate teeth 1.5 times as long as the tube. Corolla 8—9 mm. long (as pressed). Fruit not seen. 4. T. ANGUSTISSIMA Shuttleworth ex Chapman, Fl. S. U.S. p. 96. 1860. Cracca angustissima (Shuttleworth) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 1: 174. 1891. Tephrosia purpurea (Shuttleworth) B. L. Robinson, Bot. Gaz. 28: 201. 1899. Frequent in Dade County, Florida; one collection seen from Bre- vard County (near Eau Gallie; NY). Flowering May—early December. EXCLUDED SPECIES T. CINEREA (L.) Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 327. 1807. Cracca cinerea (L.) Morong, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 7: 79. 1892. This is known only from an old record as a waif in ballast ground at Mobile, Alabama, in June, 1888 (? last numeral not clear on label), collector not named but pre- sumably C. Mohr, No, 19 (NY). There is no evidence that it has per- sisted. It may be distinguished by emending the above key as follows. 3b. Stipules 3—8 mm. long. 4a. Corolla 8—9 mm. long; leaflets rather thinly strigose beneath. T. Seminole 4b. Corolla 11—13 mm. long; leaflets densely strigose beneath. T. cinerea ADDENDA ON BARBISTYLED SPECIES T. FLORIDA (F. G. Dietrich) C. Wood var. gracillima (B. L. Robin- son) Shinners, comb. nov. T. ambigua var. gracillima B. L. Robinson, Bot. Gaz. 28: 201. 1899. I believe that there is sufficient morphological difference combined with geographic separation to justify recognition of this variety. T. MOHRII (Rydberg) Godfrey, Brittonia 10: 169. 1958. Cracca Mohrii Rydberg, N. Amer. Fl]. 24 (3): 164. 1923. Reasons for maintaining this as distinct from T. virginiana are given by Godfrey, 1. c. REFERENCES RYDBERG, PER AXEL. 1923. Fabaceae-Galegeae, Cracca. N. Amer, Fl. 24 (3): 157— 183. SMALL, JOHN KUNKEL. 1933. Cracca. Man. S.E. Fl. pp. 704—708. WOOD, CARROLL E., JR. 1949. The American barbistyled species of Tephrosia (Legu- minosae). Rhodora 51: 193—231, 233—302, 305—364, 369—384, (Reprinted as Contrib. Gray Herb. 170.) S | Dd A CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY VOLUME 1 NUMBER 2 NOVEMBER 1962 CONTENTS Chromosome numbers of Linum ({Linaceae) from the Southern United States and Mexico 63 Calamintha (Labiatae) in the Southern United States 69 Synopsis of Collinsonia (Labiatae) 76 Synopsis of Conradina (Labiatae) 84 Synopsis of Dicerandra (Libiatae) 89 Vegetative key to woody Labiatae of the Southeastern Coastal Plain 92 Micromeria Brownei and its allies (Labiatae) 94 NOTES: Weed tl eh in St. Augustine grass sod in ve xas 9. Spa eae oldies azurea (Pontederiaceae) in Texas Coastal Bend: new to the ted States. 99.— eae (Commelinaceae) in ie Southern United States. 100. * siphonychia Ba hes a Par chia (Caryophyllaceae). 101.—Stellaria Corei Shinners, no (Car oe PEN 103.—Ranunculus trachycarpus (Ranunculaceae) in south cent Ha ‘eats iana: a to North America. 104,.—Warea auriculata instead of amplexifolia of Small (Cruciferae). 105.— gala pereacl folia instead of W. macrantha es ceae): nomenclatural corrections. 106. ana DeLoachii Oe ibe Lemmon) Shi s, airs nov. (Gentianaceae). 107.— Agesteche ase flora (Gray) Epling var. Haverdi "Gra y) Shinners, comb. nov. (Labiatae). 107.—Scutellaria laevis AH a another endemic in Trans-Pecos Texas. 107.—Solanum puree Annee nom. nov. (Solanaceae). 108. SIDA is privately published by Lloyd H. Shinners, SMU Box 473, Dallas 22, Texas, U.S.A. Subscription price $6 (U.S.) per volume of about 360—400 pages, parts issued at irregular intervals. © SIDA volume 1 number 2 pages 63—108 copyright 1962 by Lloyd H. Shinners CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF LINUM FROM THE SOUTHERN UNITED STATES AND MEXICO W. PHILLIP OSBORNE AND WALTER H. LEWIS Stephen F. Austin State College, Nacogdoches, Texas About 150 species of Linum are recognized throughout a predomi- nantly tropical and subtropical distribution. In North America, Small (1907) included 48 species in Cathartolinum and only 5 in Linum, although Winkler (1931) transferred all species to Linum. A total of 36 species have been studied cytologically of which 12 are found in North America MATERIALS AND METHODS.—Plants were collected in the field in Alabama, Floriad, Georgia, Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico, Immature flower buds were fixed following the procedure of Lewis and Oliver (1961) from which PMCs are more rarely somatic cells were examined. Occasionally, seeds obtained from commercial sources and herbarium sheets were cultured on a medium developed by Lewis and Elvin-Lewis (1961). Seeds were first soaked in water for 1-2 days and 1 day after germination mitosis was observed in root tip cells. All chromosome drawings were made wi the aid of a camera lucida at X 2300. Vouchers for all collections are filed in the Southern Methodist University Herbarium and duplicates have been distributed elsewhere. We appreciate the verifications of some collec- tions by Dr. C. Marvin Rogers, Wayne State University. Field work was in part aided by a grant from the National Science Foundation, G-9800. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.—Fourteen species and varieties have been studied from 31 localities as listed in Table 1. Three species, L. grandiflorum (n=8, Fig. 1), L. perenne L, (2n=18), and L. usitatissi- mum (n=15, Fig. 15), are introduced into North America and our re- sults verify those counts by previous workers. Of the remaining species, all indigenous to this continent, the numbers for L. lewisii (n=9, Fig. 2) nd L. rigidum (n=15, Fig. 15) verify those of Kikuchi (1926, 1929), een (1933), and Ray (1944). However, Ray (1944) reported L. medium as n—15, but from 22 plants collected in Florida, Mississippi, and Texas, only n=18 (Fig. 8-9) and 2n=36 were found. From plants collected in North Carolina, Ray also reported L. virginianum with n—15, but from Georgia we found 2 plants with n=18 (Fig. 11). Un- fortunately Ray does not appear to have preserved voucher specimens so that it is not possible to check his determinations. The first chromo- some numbers are reported for L. arenicola (n=18, Fig. 4), L. flori- danum var. chrysocarpum (n=18, Fig. 5), L. greggii (n=18, Fig. 6-7), L. imbricatum (n=15, Fig. 12), and L. pratense (n=9, Fig. 3) SIDA I (2): 63—68. 1962. 65 Although meiosis was generally found to be regular, a somewhat lower chiasmata frequency than is normal often resulted in incomplete bi- valent formation. Consequently the chromosome numbers of PMCs at diakenesis (Fig. 8) and prometaphase (Fig. 12) were usually obscure and difficult to determine. The North American species of Linum were grouped by Winkler (1931) into two sections, Linum (Eulinum) and Cathartolinum. The latter, considered by Small (1907) of generic rank, includes a majority of the North American species and was divided by Small into nu- merous sections. Those species having styles united one-half or more, large yellow petals, alternate leaves, and, so far as known, a chromo- some number of x=15, form a natural group in Linwm which Small recognized by his sections Rigida, Multicaulia, and possibly Sulcata under Cathartolinum. Thus LINUM, section MULTICAULIA (Small) imbricatum (type encries) and L. rigidum. Additional research may prove that other species particularly those from the sections Rigida and Sulcata may be included in this section. bo ol ry © Oo ol _ n ue) 5 ie) tg (2) nN (9°) jon ot ° i 3 Qu o>) & REFERENCES Eee A. C. 1933. Chromosome numbers in flax (Linum). Science 78 (2027): 409. KIKUCHI, M. 1926. Studies on the difference of chromosome numbers in Iinum species. Jour. Agric. and For (Sapporo). 81: 26-37. 1929. Cytological studies of the genus Linum. Jap. Jour. Genet. 4: 202-212. WIS, W. H. and M. ELVIN-LEWIS. 1961. Medium for growing small rabiaceous seeds from herbarium material. Castanea 26: 146-1 and . oo Gee 1961. Cytogeosraphy and phylogeny of the North American species of Verbena. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 638-64 AY, . JR. 1944, Goren Hae on the flax genus, Linum. Amer, Jour. Bot. 31:241-24 SMA am i K. 1907. Linaceae, in N. Amer. Fl. 25 WINKLER, H. 1931. Linaceae, in A. Eaeice tig o eee Die Nat. Pflanzenfam. 19a: 82-120 Figs. 1-15. Chromosomes of Linum drawn with the aid of a camera lucida originally at X 2300 reduced by 21% in reproduction. Fig. 1. L. grandiflorum, n = 8, Osborne 70. ig. 2. L. lewissi, n = 9, Osborne 78 B Fs . pratense, n = 9, Osborne sh Fig. 4. L. arenicola, n = 18, Osborne b4. Fig. L. floridanum var. cbr ysoeer rpum, = 36 Osborne 69. Fig. 6.01. sue teh eee II with two poles), Lewis as hit 7. L. greggii, n = 18, Lewis 5752 j gf f ip 67 Table 1. CHROMOSOME NUMBERS FOR 13 SPECIES OF LINUM Taxon n an Voucher Section Linum L. grandiflorum Desf. 8 L. lewisit Pursh 9 L. perenne L. L. pratense (Norton) Small 9 L. usitatissimum L. 15 Section Cathartolinum L. arenicola (Small) Winkler 18 L. floridanum (Planchon) 18 Trelease var. chrysocarpum Rogers L. greggi (Engelm.) Small 18 . 8. L. medium var. texanum, n = . 10 Fig 1 = ‘1s, Osborne 55. Fi CAS) i i i (anaphase II with ae poles), ee en) Fig TEXAS. Harrison Co., Karnack (culti- ania Osborne 70 (4).* AS. Howard Co., 9.5 miles a Spring on Hwy. 80, Osborne 78 (3). Rowe’s Seed (2) TEXAS. Dallas Co., Kiest Park, Dallas, Osborne 47 (2), 51 (4); Hill Co, 8.7 miles N of Hillsboro, Oliver 284 (2); Somervell Co., 9.4 miles N of Brazos River on Hwy. 50, Osborne 50 (4). TEXAS. Harrison Co., Karnack (culti- vated), Osborne 80 (4). FLORIDA. Monroe Co., Big Pine Key, Osborne 65 (2), Park Key, Osborne 64 (3). MISSISSIPPI. Hancock Co., 6.2 miles ENE of Pearl River on Hwy. 90, Os- borne 69 (2) MEXICO. COAHUILA. 3.1 miles N of Los Llanos, Lewis 5743 (2). NUEVO LEON. 11 miles E of junction of Hwys. o7 and 60, Lewis 5752 (5). , Osborne 54, Fig. 9. L. medium var. texanum, = 18, Osborne 75. Fig. 11. L. virginia- 2. L. imbricatum, n = 15, Lewis 5588. Fig. 13. L. ri- r 285. Fig. 14 idum var. rigidum, n == 15 g. 15. L. usitatissimum, n = 15, Oboe 80. 68 L. medium (Planchon) 18 36 Britton var. texanum (Planchon) Fern. L. schiedeanum S.&C. 18 L. virginianum L. 18 Section Multicaulia L. imbricatum (Raf.) Shinners 15 L. rigidum Pursh var. 15 rigidum L. rigidum Pursh var. 15 berlandieri (Hook.) 3 * Number of plants examined. oOo FLORIDA. Collier Co., 7.1 miles E of Naples, Osborne 63 (2); Sarasota Co., 1 mile W of junction of Hwys. Til, ‘Ostorne 61 (2), ae ccroat Hancock Co., 0.5 miles W of St. Louis Bay on Hwy. 90 Osborne 68 (2). TEXAS. Hardin Co., Kountze Fire Lookout Tower, Lewis 5627 (1); Marion Co., Jefferson, Osborne 57 (3), Lake of the Pines, nr Jefferson, Osborne 55 (6); Nacogdoches Co., Stephen F. Aus- tin oe eal Torest, Osborne 53 (4); 2). ae Brewster Co., Bib Bend Na- tional Park, Chisos Mountains, Os- borne 73° (2). Far2)e 775 5) 7S). MEXICO. COAHUILA. 3.1 miles N of Los Llanos, Lewis 5730 (1). GEORGIA. Pike Co., 0.5 miles N of Pike-Upson Co. line and Hwy. 19, Osborne 56 (2). TEXAS. San Patricio Co., 5 miles SE of Mathis, Lewis 5588 (4). TEXAS, Bee Co., 0.9 miles N of Pettus, Osborne 33 (2); San Patricio Co., Port Aransas, Lewis 5590 (3). TEXAS. Bee Co., 0.5 miles N of Tuleta, Osborne 32 (2); Hill Co., 8.7 miles NE of Hillsboro, Oliver 285 (3). CALAMINTHA (LABIATAE) IN THE SOUTHERN UNITED STATES LLOYD H. SHINNERS The last world-wide account of Satureja (by Briquet in Engler & Prantl, 1897) defines the genus very broadly, merging with it Micro- meria and Calamintha, which the generally conservative Bentham (in DC., 1848) had retained as distinct. DeWolf, in summarizing the culti- vated species (1954), observed that Briquet “enlarged Satureja to such an extent that it was almost undefinable.”’ He follows several recent European authors by recognizing five genera instead of one. The largest of those involving wild plants of the South is Calamintha, including the species treated in Small’s Manual as Clinopodium groups Herbacea and Fruticosa. Only half of the six native species which I consider valid in the two groups have had proper combinations published for them under Calamintha. It is primarily to supply the missing ones, and inci- dentally to comment on their synon and taxonomy, that this brief account has been prepared. The species sometimes referred to Satureja but not included in Calamintha, and known to occur wild in the South (broadly delimited), are as follows. ACINOS ARVENSIS (Lamarck) Dandy, Journ. Ecology 33: 326. 1946. Satureja Acinos (L.) Scheele. Clinopodium Acinos (L.) Kuntze. Neither Fernald nor Gleason reports this European weed from south of the Mason-Dixon Line; the following collection thus extends its range (see also Strausbaugh & Core, 1958). WEST VIRGINIA. Hampshire Co.: plentiful in old peach orchard near Hanging Rock, Wilbert M. Frye 95, 25 June 1949 (SMU). CLINOPODIUM VULGARE L., Satureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch, includ- ing var. neogaea Fernald, Rhodora 46: 388. 1944. The species is repre- sented at SMU by 19 sheets from North America (D.C., Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Quebec, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin) and 11 from Europe (British Isles, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden). All have leaves pilose on both surfaces, the European ones more variable as to density, but not separ- able from the North American plants; most are exactly the same. On the basis of this limited but diversified sample, it does not appear that Fernald’s variety (supposed to differ in having leaves glabrous or only sparsely strigose above, and to represent the native American race) is at all tenable. The species is primarily northern, extending south in the mountains to western North Carolina, MICROMERIA BROWNEI (Swartz) Bentham var. PILOSIUSCULA Gray. M. pilosiuscula (Gray) Small. M. xalapensis (HBK) Bentham. SIDA 1 (2): 69 — 75. 1962. 70 Satureja Brownei (Swartz) Briquet var. pilosiuscula (Gray) Briquet. Central and northern Florida, adjacent Georgia (Decatur Co.), south- ern Louisiana (St. Bernard Parish), southern Texas (Brazoria to Cameron counties near the coast, locally inland in Bexar and Colorado counties); through Mexico to Guatemala. M. Brownei var. Brownei is confined to Jamaica; another variety is found in Cuba (rare) and Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula), and closely related species in the Bahama Islands and Hispaniola (Shinners, 1962). PILOBLEPHIS RIGIDA (Bartram) Rafinesque, New Fl. N.A. 3: 52—53. 1838 (“1836”). Satureja ? rigida Bartram ex Bentham, Lab. Gen. et Sp. p. 354. 1832—1836. (Not seen; quoted in DC., Prodr. 12: 211. 1848.) Pycnothymus rigidus (Bartram) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. (ed. 1) p. 1042. 1903. This is one of the many cases in which Small needlessly supplied a new name, overlooking the much older one of Rafinesque. The species occurs almost throughout peninsular Florida. The following key and notes on Calamintha are based chiefly on collections at Southern Methodist University, Florida State University, and the University of Florida. Material of the introduced species was borrowed from the Gray Herbarium, and a few sheets of C. arkansana were examined on a visit to the University of Texas. Grateful acknowl- edgment is made to the several curators for their courtesies. KEY TO THE SPECIES la. Herbaceous perennial (may flower the first year, appearing annual) 2a. Stem pubescent; leaf blades elliptic to ovate 3a. Corolla 22—35 mm. long; calyx 10—13 mm. long; leaf blades sharply and rather coarsely toothed.......... 1. C. grandiflora 3b. Corolla 7—18 mm. long; calyx 2.8—10.2 mm. long; leaf blades entire or with shallow, rounded or incurved teeth 4a, Calyx 6.0—10.2 mm. long, the hairs inside the throat barely or not exserted; blades of larger stem leaves 2— - cm. long 2. officinalis 4b. Calyx 2.8—6.0 mm. long, the hairs inside the een exserted, prominent; blades of larger stem leaves 0.8—2.4 cm. long 3. C. Nepeta 2b. Stem glabrous or pubescent only at nodes; leaf blades linear to elliptic lanceolate on flowering stems (broader on sterile shoots) 5a. Nodes glabrous or inconspicuously pubescent; middle stem leaves 1—5 mm. wide, entire or occasionally with 1 or 2 teeth on each margin; plant developing stolons (commonly wanting at main flowering period), their leaves with orbicular-ovate or orbicular-rhombic blades; corolla 7—12 mm. 1 4. C. arkansana 5b. Nodes moderately to densely pubescent; middle stem leaves 3—12 mm. wide, with 1—4 teeth on each margin; plant not developing stolons, sometimes with ascending leafy shoots, their 71 leaves with oblanceolate to oblong-obovate blades; corolla LS ASTI eee Old Curae a cet ae con ee ee 5. C. glabella lb. Shrubby perennial 6a. Corolla aes mm. long, bright red or rarely yellow; calyx (oie—oullte) te mbeghy ke) ay =h tu ee inaeneley Aa mee ane mnEUReLSTR.O “ie- 1y eam 6. C. coccinea 6b. Corolla ions mm. long, light lavender or lavender pink with ark dots; calyx 6.0—7.5 mm. long 7a. Leaves subsessile, minutely and densely pubescent 8a. Leaf blades linear- to oblong-lanceolate, widest about middle, not strongly tapered at base, with entire, revolute margins . C. Asher 8b. Leaf blades oblanceolate or obovate, tapered at base, the lower more or less toothed, the upper often entire and with VOLUPCISI AR SINS es oo pu kok ate eee eee ee eae ~ CG. -dentata filgy, oe PEloOled slabrOus 2 ts sion ee 9. C. georgiana 1. C. GRANDIFLORA Moench. Satureja grandiflora (Moench) Scheele. There is no reliable record of the occurrence of this as a wild plant. In the Gray Herbarium there is one specimen from the herbarium of H. P. Sartwell, “Legit Curtiss,” the habitat given as “Carol.” followed by an illegible word, seemingly ‘Lenten’ but possibly ‘“Septen.” was meant. To this has been added, in Asa Gray’s handwriting, ‘wild? Calamintha officinalis L.” The plant, native of Europe, is cultivated in the United States. It has been in my garden in Dallas for two years, barely surviving, and showing no inclination to bloom. Unless fresh evidence is forthcoming, this species should be excluded from the Southern flora Ce OFFICINALIS Moench. Satureja Calamintha (L.) Scheele. The only North American specimen I have seen is the following, at the Gray Herbarium, VIRGINIA. Isle of Wight Co.: rich calcareous slopes along James River, west of old Fort Boykin, Fernald & Long 13739, 8 Sept. 1941. (Flowers past: calyx 6 mm. long, villous.) 3. C. NEPETA (L.) Savi. Clinopodium Nepeta (L.) Kuntze. Satureja Nepeta (L.) Scheele. S. Calamintha var. Nepeta (L.) Briquet, var. nepetoides (Jordan) Briquet, and var. glandulosa (Requien) Briquet. The C. Nepeta-C. officinalis complex is represented at SMU by 21 sheets from Europe and 10 from North America; an additional 46 from North America were borrowed. I am unable to follow with this ma- terial the very detailed account given by Briquet in Les Labiées des Alpes Maritimes or the very brief one given by Fernald. In one notable case, I found myself trying to call duplicates of Ahles 17630, from Granville County, North Carolina, by two different names, though when placed side by side they obviously represented only one moder- ately variable entity. There does seem to be a fairly good break be- tween C. Nepeta and C. officinalis, and they are accordingly accepted as distinct though closely related species. C. Nepeta was found by Asa 72 Gray and J. Carey in Virginia and North Carolina in July, 1841, and had appeared at scattered localities elsewhere before the end of the 19th Century. It seems to have continued to spread gradually, but avoids the Coastal Plain. The record for Mobile County, Alabama, listed below, presumably represents a waif only; there are no recent collec- s Be Botetourt, Caeaabell, Caroline, Chesterfield, Giles, Goochland, Hanover, James City, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Smyth, Spotsylvania, Wythe, York. (Rather surprisingly, Strausbaugh & Core, 1958, do not report it from West Virginia 4. C. arkansana (Nuttall) enna: comb, nov. Hedeoma arkansana Nuttall, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n.s. 5: 186. 1834. “In moist and rocky prairies near the sources of the Kiamesha river. Flowering in May and June.” (The locality is in eastern Oklahoma, at that time part of Arkansas Territory; see Geiser, 1956.) Calamintha Nuttalhi Bentham in DC., Prodr. 12: 230. 1848. (Bentham cites “Micromeria Nuttallit Tor t Gr. ms.,” which presumably is the real original for the name. se ane by present rules, since the epithet arkansana was avail- C. glabella var. Nuttallii (Bentham) Gray, Man. (ed. 2) p. 307— 308. 1857. (Doubly illegitimate, since both the preceding and the ine ing are cited.) Micromeria glabella var. angustifolia Torrey, Fl. N.-Y. 2: 67. 1843. Satureja glabella var. angustifolia (Torrey) Svenson, Rho- dora 42: 7—8. 1940. Calamintha glabella var. angustifolia (Torrey) DeWolf, Baileya 2: 150. 1954. (Basinym incorrectly given as Satureja glabella var. angustifolia (Torrey) Svenson.) The name Hedeoma glab- rum was used by Nuttall (Genera 1: 16, 1818) for this species and the next which he did not at first separate; it is nomenclaturally an illegitimate new name for the next species, proposed by Persoon. Despite the great similarity in general appearance between this and the next, I agree with Fernald that the two are to be regarded as dis- tinct although closely related. The peculiarity of leafy stolons (seldom present on herbarium specimens) needs to be studied during periods when the plant is not in flower. C. arkansana blooms from late May to early August. It is a plant of limestone areas, extending southwest from the Ozark region into central Texas, where it is rare. ARKANSAS Baxter, Fulton, Izard, Lawrence, Randolph, Sharp, Stone. OKLAHOMA Murray, Pontotoc, Rogers, Seqouyah. TENNESSEE. Wilson. TEXAS. is. . GLABELLA (Michaux) Bentham, in DC., Prodr. 12: 230, 1848. Cunita glabella Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Am. 1: 13. 1803. “In rupibus riparlis fluvii Tennassee, juxta Nashville.” Hedeoma glabrum Persoon, Syn. Pl. 73 2: 131. 1807. (The change in form of the specific epithet was probably only a slip of the pen, reference being made to ‘‘Michx. sub Cunila.” Pursh and Nuttall follow Persoon but change the gender to feminine, which under present rules is not permissible.) Satureja glabella (Michaux) Briquet in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV Abt. 3a: 302. 1897. Flowering late May—July. Said by Fernald to occur in Kentucky, Tennessee, southern Missouri, and Arkansas. I have seen specimens from the following states and counties. ARKANSAS. Benton, Garland, Logan, Newton, Saline, Washington. OKLAHOMA. McCurtain. 6. C. COCCINEA (Nuttall) Bentham in DC., Prodr. 12: 229. 1848. Cunila coccinea Nuttall ex Hooker, Exotic Flora 2: t. 163. 1825. (There is a second t. 163 opening volume 3; Bentham erroneously quotes the latter. He aes cites “Melissa coccinea Spreng., Syst. 2: 229,” 1825, but that page is devoted to Acer; the precise citation is Syst. 4 pt. 2: 224, 1827, where Cunila coccinea is given as synonym.) Type (not seen): Florida, Ware (ANSP). Description pears by Hooker from culti- vated specimens, grown by Mr. H. Shepherd from seed from the type collection. Satureja coccinea (Nuttall) Bertoloni, Misc. Bot. 8: 23. (Not en. Published in 24 parts, 1842—1863 ium coccineum (Nuttall) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: : . Clinopo- dry pine cae Indian River, Florida, Curtiss 2012, August (isotype examined, AS). Satureja macrocalyx (Small) Druce, Rept. Bot. Exch. Club ; canes 644. 1917. In flower from April to October. There is a tendency for flowers to be larger in the southeastern part of the range of this species( peninsular Florida), but the range of variation is continuous from one extreme to the other. The isotype of Clinopodium macrocalyx which I examined has calyx only 13 mm. long, and on this basis would run to C. coccineum in Small’s own key; it does, however, have a very large corolla (46 mm. long). ALABAMA. Baldwin, Mobile. FLORIDA. Bay, Citrus, Es- cambia, Franklin, Gulf, Hernando, olmes, Indian River, Souk Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Santa Rosa, Seminole, Wakulla. Chandler, Emmanuel, Toombs, Wheeler, MISSISSIPPI. Harrison, pace son, Stone 7. C. Ashei (Weatherby) Shinners, comb. nov. Satureja Ashei Weather: ida, W. W. Ash e Co., Florida. Ashe, April 1823 (GH). (These specimens not ex- amined. The detailed original description, key, and localities, leave no doubt as to the identity of the plant.) Clinopodium Ashei (Weatherby) Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 51: 385. 1924, Flowering late January to October. Another of the many endemics centering in the lake region of peninsular Florida; specimens seen from 74 Highlands, Marion, Polk, and Volusia counties. Dried plants of the next species lacking lower leaves are superficially very similar to this. 8. C. DENTATA Chapman, FI. S. U.S. p. 318. 1860. “Sand ridges near Aspalaga, Florida” (Gadsden Co.) ‘Sept. and Oct.” Clinopodium denta- Abt. 3a: 302. 1897. In flower from April to October. Confined to north- ern Florida and southeastern Georgia. FLORIDA. Bay, Gadsden, Lib- erty, Wakulla, Walton. GEORGIA. Tattnall. 9. C. georgiana (Harper) Shinners, comb. nov. Clinopodium georgianum R. M. Harper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 243. 1906. New name for Thymus carolinianus (non ‘“Walter’) Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Am. 2: 9. 1803. Michaux described this species, but based his name on Thymbra ? caroliniana Walter, Fl. Carol. 1 1788, which in reality was the quite different Macbridea iis Elliott, correctly to be called M. caroliniana (Walter) Blake, Rhodora 17: 132, 1915. DeWolf (1954) perpetrates several errors by referring this to “Calamintha caroliniana (Nuttall) Bentham”; neither of those authors is to be credited with the combination. The relevant sensu synonymy is as follows. Calamintha caroliniana (non ‘“‘Walter”) Sweet, Hort. Brit. (ed. 2) p. 408. 1830. Sweet quotes only Thymus grandiflorus “B. M.” (i.e., Sims, Bot. Mag. 25: t. 997, 1807). Sims gives both Thymus ee gas Michaux and Thymbra ? caroliniana Walter as synonyms, with query, and goes on to say “We have very little doubt that Walter’s plant is the same with ours, but are not sufficiently certain with respect to Michaux’s, to dare to adopt his specific name.” It would be extremely difficult to decide whether Sims’s name was legitimate or not on the basis of his state- (L.) Scopoli, Fl. Carniolica (ed. 2) 1: 424, 1772. Similarly Calamintha grandiflora (Sims) Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 414, 1813 (“1814”), is illegiti- mate as a later homonym of C. grandiflora (L.) Moench, 1794. (In fact it is doubly illegitimate because Pursh cites all three of the binomials mentioned by Sims without query, but failed to adopt the oldest one.) Satureja carolinana (non “Michaux”) Briquet in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 302. 1897. All the binomials with the epithet caroliniana are of course synonyms of Macbridea caroliniana (Walter) Blake on the basis of Walter’s type, even though Michaux, Sweet, and Briquet all meant Calamintha georgiana on the basis of their descriptions, Flowering from May to October. The most widespread (but not most Anson. SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville, Anderson, Chesterfield. REFERENCES BENTHAM, G. 1848. Labiatae: Satureia, Micromeria, Calamintha. In DC., Prodr. 12: 208—23 _ PRIQUET, JOHN. 1895. Satureia Calamintha. Les Labiees des Alpes Maritimes 3: 430— . 1897. Satureia. In Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 296—303. DEWOLF, shiver ie 1954, Notes on cultivated Labiates. 4. Satureja and some related genera. Baileya Pees MERRITT LYNDON. 1950. Satureja. In Gray’s Man. (8th ed.) pp. 1239— 12 Sage S. ue oe Thomas Nuttall’s botanical collecting trip to the Red River, 1819. Field & Lab. 24: me AY, aes Ten ye ed. 1886). Satureia, Micromeria, Calamintha. Syn. Fl. N.A. 2 358 Gai iieNae H. 1962. Micromeria Brownei and its allies (Labiatae). Sida 1: 94-97, SMALL, JOHN KUNKEL. 1933. Pycnothymus, Micromeria, Clinopodium. Man. S.E. FI. pp. 1067—1069 STRAUSBAUGH, P. D., AND EARL L. CORE. 1958. Satureja FI. SVENSSON, H. K. 1940. Plants of Southern United States. II. nent ace. Hie SYNOPSIS OF COLLINSONIA (LABIATAE) LLOYD H. SHINNERS The difference between two stamens and four in the Labiatae often separates genera and whole tribes. Briquet in 1897 concluded that Collinsonia, which had accumulated species with both numbers, should e divi . Accordingly he segregated two species having four stamens as Ce st overlooking the fact that Rafinesque exactly eighty years before had published the genus Hypogon, likewise differing in having four stamens. Although each author recognized two species in his segregate genus, they were not all the same ones. Briquet’s Micheliella verticillata is indeed very distinct from the others, as indicated in the key below, and is here considered sole representative of a new subgenus. Rafinesque’s Hypogon verticillatum, despite the confusing identity of epithets, is an entirely different species, the long misunderstood Col- linsonia serotina Walter (C. punctata Elliott), which may have either two or four functional stamens, with intermediate forms having greater or lesser development of rudiments or filaments. Even without this awkward variation. Hypogon is too similar in all other respects to Col- linsonia proper to justify segregation. Likewise Micheliella, separating M. anisata (which also is in reality C. serotina) from the species it greatly resembles and associating it with the quite dissimilar C. verti- cillata, is obviously an unnatural genus, Collinsonia is here recognized with its pre-1897 limits, including the peculiar C. verticillata as sole representative of a subgenus defined on the basis of features of in- florescence and secondarily of leaves rather than number of functional stamens. In addition to the material at Southern Methodist University, I have had the use of collections from Florida State University, the University of Florida, the Gray Herbarium (not including those referred to Micheliella, which I carelessly forgot to explain were to be included in Collinsonia when requesting the loan), North Carolina State College, and the University of North Carolina. My thanks are due the various curators for their courtesies. COLLINSONIA L., Sp. Pl. 1: 28, 1753, and Gen. Pl. (ed. 5) p. 16, 1754. Only original species and automatic type: C. CANADENSIS L. Hypogon Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. p. 148. 1817. (Also on p. 41 as nomen provisorium.) Lectotype species: H. verticillatum Raf, = COLLINSONIA SEROTINA Walt. Diallosteira Rafinesque, Neogenyton p. 2, 1825. (Reference for this and the next not seen; taken from Merrill, Index Rafinesquianus p. 206 and p. 209, 1949.) Type (only) species: D. punctata (Ell.) Raf. ex Jackson = COLLINSONIA SEROTINA Walt. SOA ts (2s e293, 1862. 77 Pleuradenia Rafinesque, Neogenyton p. 2. 1825. Two species: P. prae- cox (Walt.) Raf. ex Jackson (“precox”’’), ee uncertain (either Collinsonia serotina Walt. or C. tuberosa Michx.); P. scabra (“Pers.”) Raf. ex Jackson = COL agSOITES au vnar Walt. Micheliella Briquet in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 325. 1897. Lectotype species: M. verticillata eae Briquet = COLLINSONIA VERTICILLATA Baldwin. This is here recognized as constituting Collinsonia subg. Micheliella (Briquet) Shinners, stat. nov., differing from subg. Collinsonia in having flowers subverticillate or alternate instead of opposite, lacking floral bracts, and having pedicels with enlarged flattened bases. (See also first couplet in key below.) The number of functional stamens is variable in subg. Collinsonia as here de- fined and is not a usable basis for separating the subgenera. KEY TO THE SPECIES la. Flowers close-set in groups of 3—6 in lower and middle part of the simple inflorescence; floral bracts absent, the pedicels with widen- ed, flat bases; leaves 4 (rarely 2), closely crowded (subopposite or subverticillate) in upper part of stem, all rather long-petioled; flowering spring—early summer.................. 1. C. verticillata lb. Flowers 2 at all nodes of the simple or branched inflorescence; floral bracts present, minute to large, the pedicels not enlarged at base; leaves 6 or more, opposite, the uppermost greatly reduced, short-petioled or sessile; flowering late summer—fall. 2a. Blades of larger stem leaves 8—25 cm. long, with 11—42 teeth on each margin, glabrous or variously pubescent beneath; plant with large, woody, irregular, more or less elongate, rhizome-like crown 4—15 cm. long; stem 2—7 mm. thick near base 3a. Flowering calyx 3.2—7.6 mm. long, the lower (narrower) teeth subacute to acuminate, the midvein barely or not exserted; stamens variously 2 with 2 rudiments, or 2 with 2 short to full- length empty filaments, or 4 and all anther-bearing; leaf blades pubescent or pilosulous over the surface beneath; Coastal Plain, North Carolina to southeastern Louisiana, rare inland 2. C. serotina 3b. Flowering calyx 2.3—4.3 mm. long, the lower teeth with elon- gate, subulate tips partly formed by extension of midvein; stamens 2 with 2 rudiments, or rarely anther-bearing stamens none; leaf blades glabrous or variously hispidulous or pubes- cent beneath; interior and northern (except for one outlying locality, In anortnem. MlOmda) iin .50 6s oe eee 3. C. canadensis 2b. Blades of larger stem leaves 4.0—10.5 cm. long, with 5—15 teeth on each margin, glabrous or hispidulous on the main veins be- neath; plant with usually small, rounded, lobed, or elongate tuber- like crown (up to 5 cm. across or 6 cm. long); stem 1—4 mm. thick Nea, She Gc eee a a Ee ea 4. C. tuberosa 1 e. en Baldwin ex Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 1: 36—87. 1817. “Var. a. grows near Milledgeville, between the Oconee and Oakmulgee rivers (Baldwin Co.), Georgia.” According to Weatherby (1942) the type of this species, collected by Dr. Boykin, is preserved at Charleston. — Micheliella verticillata (Baldwin) Briquet in Engler & Prantt, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 325. 1897. — Hypogon verti- cillatum (Baldwin) House, N.Y. State Mus. Bull. 233-234: 67. 1922. (Not Hypogon verticillatum Rafinesque, which is a synonym of C. serotina; see under no. 2, below.) Flowering April—June. Seana ao Richmond, Walker. NORTH CAROLINA. Polk, TENNE McMin EROTINA Walter, 7 ee p. 7 1788. According to Fernald agi Schubert (1948), there is a specimen in the Walter Herbarium which is the same as C. punctata Elliott. I do not consider this or any other specimen at the British Museum a holotype. The material preserved there was sent to Fraser by Walter. It may include isotypes or topo- types, or merely supplementary material, but it is not the primary Walter collection. Because of lack of labels and mixups among those preserved, we have no means of knowing precisely what the nature of the specimens is. In this case the type region plus the scanty description are In agreement with the evidence from the specimen, and I am willing to accept the latter as added justification for adopting Walter’s name. — C. scabriuscula Aiton, Hort. Kew. (ed. 1) 1: 47. 1789. “East Florida. Mr. John Bartram.” The description and type locality are sufficient to estab- lish the identity of this species. Why the name is not even mentioned in all’s floras is a mystery; it was accepted by Chapman and by Gray in the Synoptical Flora, though misunderstood by them. — C. anisata Sims, Bot. Mag. 30: t. 1213. 1809. Described from cultivated material. “Native of S.C.” C. serotina Walter is cited as doubtful synonym. The plate, which must be taken as the type, is quite distinctive, and repre- sents an extreme form with very short, wide calyx teeth which at first I thought separable from C. serotina. — C. ovalis Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 21. 1813 (“1814”). “In South Carolina, Fraser.” Referred to C. can- adensis by Bentham, but the phrase “calycis dentibus brevissimis” ex- cludes that ee and quite definitely applies to this one. — C. scabra Pursh, l. c. p. 20. Illegitimate substitute name for C. scabriuscula Aiton and C. aes Walter, both placed in synonymy without query. — Hypogon anisatum (Sims) Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. p. 148. 1817. — Col- linsonia punctata Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 1: 36. 1817. “In rich soils. Frequent.” There is a phototype at the Gray Herbarium on which Mr. Weatherby has noted “Leaves almost tomentose is rather strong.” — C. verticillaris Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. p. 41. 1817. — Hypogon verticil- latum Rafinesque, l.c. p. 142. This may have been merely a slip of the pen, but as published is an ene substitute name for Collinsonia 79 verticillaris. Merrill (Index Rafinesquianus p. 206) mistakenly equates this with Micheliella verticillata (Baldwin) Briquet. — Collinsonia canadensis var. ? puberula Bentham in DC., Prodr. 12: 253. 1848. “In Louisiana (Drumm.!) in Alabama (Rugel!).”—C. canadensis var. punctata (Elliott) Gray, Syn. Fl. N.A. 2 pt. 1: 351. 1878. (By Fernald this name was extended to apply to pubescent-leaved forms of C. canadensis.) — Diallosteira punctata (Elliott) Rafinesque ex Jackson, Index Kewensis 1: 741. 1893. — Pleuradenia scabra (“Pers.”) Rafinesque ex Jackson, l.c. 2: 562. 1894. (This properly goes back to Collinsonia scabriuscula Aiton; Persoon merely misspelled the name.) — Hypogon verticillare (Rafinesque) Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Nat. 3: 178. 1914. This is the only Collinsonia that I have seen in the field, and a merry indoor chase it has led me. My lone collection (no. 28,956) was made 9.8 miles northwest of Loxley in Baldwin County, Alabama, 26 October 1960. The plants were past flowering, but in a few withered corollas it was possible to find four well-developed filaments. After much ran- sacking of synonymy, I concluded that it was the long forgotten C. verticillaris Rafinesque. The real answer to the puzzle came with the loan from Florida State University. Godfrey & Kral 54288, from Wacissa Springs, Jefferson County, Florida, 20 October 1955, showed flowers in the same inflorescence with two and with four stamens. Once stamen- number was rejected as a taxonomic character, it became possible to delimit Collonsonia serotina more satisfactorily. It is a variable species, especially as to width of calyx teeth and density of leaf pubescence. Some North Carolina specimens proved difficult to determine, closely approaching C. canadensis. There may be introgressive hybridization in that state, but on the whole I think the variation in the two species is a matter of homologous mutations. The ranges of the two are almost entirely separate. The hairs in C. serotina are rather long and slender; or sessile glands, so that the key character used by Small is quite worth- less. One specimen of C. serotina from Decatur County, Georgia (just west of Jim Woodruff Dam, Richard S. Mitchell 1319, FSU) is notable in having a simple inflorescence and only 3 pairs of stem leaves, so that in aspect it suggests C. verticillata. The same specimen shows ex- ceptionally broad though not short calyx teeth. Flowering September—October. Except for a few puzzling collections from interior North Carolina, and one unmistakable one from De Kalb County, Georgia, this is a Coastal Plain species, from the Carolinas Cc Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon. GEORGIA. Decatur, De Kalb, Meri- wether. LOU A. Washington. MISSISSIPPI. Forrest. NORTH R CAROLINA. Richmond, Rockingham, Stanly. SOUTH CAROLINA. Beaufort, Lexington. 80 It is this species which William Bartram found in or near Baldwin County, Alabama, and described in his travels. Harper, following Mohr, identified it as C. anisata. Mohr states incorrectly (1903, p. 15) that Bartram named it C. anisata. Bartram did not give it a specific name, speaking of it merely as a Collinsonia. DENSIS L., Sp. Pl, 1: 28. 1753. “Habitat in Virginiae, Canadae sylvis.” There is no description, but reference is made to description and figure in the Hortus Cliffortianus, and to Colden. A Hortus Cliffortianus specimen in the British Museum was designated lectotype by Epling, Journ. Bot. 67: 6, 1929 (phototype in Gray Her- —C, barium examined). canadensis var, cordata and var. ovata Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 20. 1813 (“1814”). — C. angustifolia Rafinesque, Med. Fl. 1: 114, 1828. “Kentucky, Ohio, &c.”’ — The name C. canadensis var. punctata is used by Fernald for pubescent-leaved forms of this species, but on the basis of type is a synonym of C. serotina. As already indicated under the preceding, this species varies greatly in pubescence. If varieties are recognized, there really should be more than two. On the basis of the material I have seen, I prefer to regard these as minor variations not worthy of nomenclatural recognition. I have seen specimens from as far north and west as Vermont, Ontario, Mich- igan, and Indiana; it is reported in literature from Quebec (Gleason), Wisconsin _ (Fernald), llinois (Jones & Fuller), Missouri (Palmer & not been able to verify, is discussed at the end. Except for an outlying station in northern Florida, it barely enters the Coastal Plain. Flowering August—October. ALABAMA. (S. B. Buckley, without locality.) D.C. (“Near Great Falls, Maryland.”) FLORIDA. Jackson. G Greenville, Lancaster, McCormick, Pickens. TENNESSEE. Carroll, Grundy, Knox, Roane. VIRGINIA. Appomattox, Bedford, Botetourt, Clarke, Craig, Fairfax, Fauquier, Giles, Montgomery, Rockbridge, Smythe, Spotsylvania, Surry. WEST VIRGINIA. Sih Greenbrier, Hampshire, Pocahontas, Summers, Tucker In the en Flora, Gray reports C. scabriuscula as extending west to “E. Ark.” used that name, rather strangely, for C. tuberosa, which does extend phon canes to Memphis, Tennessee, just across the Mississippi River from Arkansas (or did extend; it was collected there in 1853). Unfortunately there is no voucher for the Arkansas record at the Gray Herbarium. In later manuals only C. canadensis is credited 81 to that state. ] have seen no specimens to verify this either, although the occurrence of the species in several counties in the Missouri Ozarks makes it seem likely. 4. C. TUBEROSA Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Am. 1: 17. 1803. “In umbrosis humidisque sylvarum Carolinae.” Phototype, GH. — As noted just above, Gray misapplied the name C. scabriuscula Aiton (properly a synonym of C. serotina) to this species. C. praecox Walter is possibly but by no means certainly the same (see remarks under doubtful or excluded names at end). This is really much more distinct than may appear from the key. The seemingly inconclusive feature of leaf pubescence was inserted to help separate this from C. serotina, whose geographic range it shares in large part. Flowering September. ALABAMA. Blount, Tuscaloosa. GEORGIA. eel LOUISIANA. East Feliciana, Orleans. MISSISSIPPI. Harri- H LIN Berkeley, Calhoun, Chester, Dorchester, Orangeburg, Sumter. TENNESSEE. Shelby DOUBTFUL OR EXCLUDED NAMES The following list does not include the very numerous misapplica- tions of names, of which the two most noteworthy have been mentioned in the text (C. canadensis var. punctata for forms of C. canadensis in- stead of C. serotina; C. scabriuscula for C. tuberosa instead of C. sero- tina). The precise disposition of most of these names could probably be determined. Since in all cases but one there are older valid names for the species to which they might possibly belong, their identity is of academic interest only. I prefer to devote my inadequate time to mat- ters that really require it. In addition to the following, there are five nomina nuda listed in Merrill’s Index Rafinesquianus (C. bicolor, C. cordata, C. grandiflora, C. heterophyla, C. longiflora) which need not be considered. From the type localities, the first four are to be referred to C. canadensis on ATA var. MAJOR Bentham in DC., Prodr. io 254, ee Abo Georgia (Nutt.!) et Florida (herb. Hook.!).” The Georgia specimen may 2° 249, 1831. Cited by Bentham as doubtful synonyn of C. canadensis. I have not seen the original description. All recognized species of the genus have older names. C. DECUSSATA Moench, Meth. p. 379. 1794. Said by Bentham and Gray to be a synonym of C. canadensis. C. HETEROPHYLLA Graham. Merrill (Index Raf. p. 206) states that C. bicolor Rafinesque ex M’Murtrie is probably this. I can find no other mention of such a binomial. 82 C. PRAECOX Walter, Fl. Carol. p. 65. 1788. This may be C. tuberosa, but it also may be a form of C. serotina. No specimen is preserved, and the brief description is inconclusive. Because only C. tuberosa and C. serotina occur in Walter’s home area, it is extremely tempting to equate C. praecox with C. tuberosa. The comment that it has flowers both terminal and lateral would certainly apply to normal forms of C tuberosa, but C. serotina may rarely have lateral flowering branches also. As Gray noted, C. tuberosa is not early-flowering. In the interest of nomenclatural mite I believe that C. praecox Walter should not displace C. tubero C, PURPUREA Goi ex Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 1: 35. 1817. Appears only as a synonym of C. scabra (i.e., C. serotina). C. SCABRA “Persoon,” Syn. Pl. 1: 29, 1805, and C. SCABRA “Elliott,” Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 1: 35, 1817. Both authors credit the name to Aiton, so that these are simple errors for C. scabriuscula and have no nomenclatural standing. But C. scabra Pursh was apparently a deliber- ate substitute name (see under C. serotina). CIFOLIA Salisbury, Prodr. p. 75. 1796. Listed in Index Kewensis as a synonym of C. canadensis. C. VERTICILLATA var. PURPURASCENS Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 1: 37. 1817. “Near Crooked river bridge, Camden county, Georgia.” The species occurs in the interior. The unusual specimen of C. serotina from Decatur County, Georgia, noted in the text under that species, makes me wonder if Elliott did not have something like it (with simple inflorescence and a few leaves, stimulating C. verticillata). Cam- den County is on the coast in extreme southeastern Georgia, where C. serotina rather than C. verticillata is to be expected. According to Weatherby, no specimen is preserved in the Elliott Herbarium in Charleston. REFERENCES ARTRAM, WILLIAM (ed. Francis Harper). 1958. The Travels (Naturalist’s edition). rans pp. 260—261 (orig. 411-412), 477. BENTHAM, G. 1848. Collinsonia. In DC., Prodr. 12: BRIQUET, J. 1897. Labiatae-Stachyoideae- Perillinaes iio pdictla. Coleone: In Engler & ao Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 325—32 RNALD, MERRITT LYNDON. 1950. oe Micheliella. Gray’s Man. Bot. (8th ay pp. ee FERN M. L. AND BERNICE G. SCHUBERT. 1948. Studies of American types in ae Tae Sori e species of Thomas Walter. ce esciae ee serotina. Rhodora 50: 223. Sr oe HENRY A. 1952. Collinsonia, New Britton & Brown Ill. Flora 3: 189. pe ig Syn. Fl. N.A. 2 pt. i. DES Bue pres NEV er ore GEORGE DAMON FULLER. 1955. Collinsonia sgicaisele Vasc. Pl. i. p. MERRILL, ELMER D. rs Place Diallosteira, Pleuradenia. Index Raf. pp. 206, 09 MOHR, CHARLES. 1901. Collinsonia. Plant Life of Alabama (Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 6) pp. 15, 696—697 PALMER, ERNEST J, AND JULIAN A. STEYERMARK. 1935. An annotated cata- logue of the flowering plants of Missouri, Collinsonia canadensis. Ann. Mo. Bot. Garden 83 SMALL, ee KUNKEL. 1903 (2nd ed. 1913). Micheliella, Collinsonia. Fl. S.E. U.S. pp. 1050— 933, ne: eS Man. S.E. Fl. pp. 1178— WEATHERBY, a A. specimens in Elliott’s herbarium. Calmont Rhodora 44: 254 a. ee aa SYNOPSIS OF CONRADINA (LABIATAE) LLOYD H. SHINNERS The account of the small Southeastern genus Conradina in Small’s Manual of the Southeastern Flora illustrates several of that author’s shortcomings. Four species are keyed and named; an anomalous plant is briefly described in addition. Of the four named species, C. puberula Small is merely a form of C. canescens, in fact the same form that Gray considered typical of the latter; the types came from nearly the same locality. C. montana, described as new, had been named earlier in the same year as C. verticillata Jennison. Small knew almost nine months before publishing that the other name was already in press (etter from Jennison to Small, dated 10 March 1933, accompanied by to prepare his floras solely on the basis of what he had at New York, ignoring important collections at Cambridge, Washington, and St. Louis. Recently activity in building up herbarium collections in the South- ern States underscores the limitations of the older centers. Of the two new species of Conradina described in this synopsis, New York has no material at all of one (of which the Gray Herbarium has only a sterile specimen), and no normal flowering material of the other (which is represented at New York and the Gray Herbarium only by duplicates of the same collection). The genus Conradina comprises small shrubs with entire leaves which have dense, appressed or matted pubescence on the lower surface, In other woody Labiatae of the Southeast which without flowers might be mistaken for Conradina, the leaves are glabrous or have spreading hairs. The chief generic peculiarity is in the corolla tube, which is abruptly bent up above the middle, rather than straight or gradually curved. What benefit this may be to the plant is difficult to imagine. Add to this the peculiarity that each of the species occupies a geographic area en- tirely separate from all the others, one of them quite remote from the rest (C. verticillata on the Interior Low Plateau, the others on the outer Coastal Plain), and we have a rich subject for useless speculation that the phylogenists have so far overlooked. In preparing this synopsis I have had the use of collections at Florida State University, the University of Florida, the Gray Herbarium, the New York Botanical Garden, the University of North Carolina, and Southern Methodist University. My thanks are extended to the various curators for their help. SIDA 1 (2): 84—88. 1962. 85 CONRADINA Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 294—295. 1870 (Dec. 31). C. canescens (T. & G.) Gray, the only original species, is automatically the type. KEY TO THE SPECIES la. Calyx tube glabrous or very minutely and inconspicuously puber- SCENUOUTSIC Cl erase ans tanita oi a Wea Renae gh ae 1. C. glabra lb. Calyx tube densely short-pubescent or both pubescent and pilose outside 2a. Calyx tube densely short-pubescent and also pilose with moderately long (0.3—0.8 mm.) gland-tipped hairs (the teeth with longer hispid hairs); stem or main branches partly decumbent and root- ing; plants of Kentucky and Tennessee, flowering May—early DUNC pee eerie Gone wo. A 2 ce ee . C. verticillata 2b. Calyx tube densely short-pubescent, often also pilose with long (mostly 1—2 mm.) glandless hairs like those on the teeth, rarely also short-pilose with gland-tipped hairs less than half as long as the glandless ones; stems erect or short-decumbent, not freely rooting; plants of Florida and coastal Alabama, flowering all year 3a. Lower lip of corolla 4—9 mm. long; leaf blades with midrib moderately to very densely pubescent beneath, the inrolled margins usually concealing all or nearly all the surface of the blade; peduncles absent or very short, each axil with 1—6 4a. Larger leaves on well-developed flowering branches 7—20 mm. long, mostly equalling or exceeding the internodes; middle lobe of lower lip of corolla 3.2—5.5 mm. long; flowers 1—3 per axil; coastal Alabama and northwestern Florida 3. C. canescens 4b. Larger leaves on well-developed flowering branches 6.0—8.2 mm. long, mostly shorter than their internodes; middle lobe of lower lp of corolla 2—4 mm. long; flowers 1—6 per axil; interior peninsula Florida (Highlands Co.)....4. C. brevifolia 3b. Lower lip of corolla 9—16 mm. long; leaf blades with midrib glabrous to moderately densely pubescent beneath, contrasting with the very densely pubescent surface of the blade (latter usually only partly concealed by the inrolled margin); peduncles evident, with 1—12 flowers each.............. 0. C. grandiflora 1. C. glabra Shinners, sp. nov. Frutex parva ramosa maxima parte glabra. Folia sessilia vel subsessilia subtus cana ramulorum juniorum lineari-oblanceolata 18—23 mm. long 1.6—3.0 mm. lata subacuta, ramu- lorum veterum minora sublinearia obtusa. Pedunculi brevissimi pub- escentes 1—3-flori. Pedicelli pubescentes calycis longitudinem 1/3—2/3 attingentes. Calyx 6.2—7.0 mm. longus, tube glabra vel minutissime puberula, dentes ciliati, faux hispido-pilosa. Corolla extus pilosula 12—15 mm. longa. HOLOTYPE (with normal stamens): steep, sandy, 86 wooded bluff 14% miles west of junction of Rt. 12 and road to Torreya State Park, Liberty Co., Florida, F. H. Sargent 6219, 29 April 1952 (SMU). PARATYPES (some with aborted anthers, as noted) (all from Florida): Gadsden or Liberty Co.: between Bristol and Greensboro, FE. West & H. H. Hume, 28 March 1936 (FLAS, 2 sheets with normal anthers, 1 with aborted anthers, the filament tips enlarged, malformed). Liberty Co.: irregularly expanded and ae ). Common, along bayhead, 7 miles south of Wilma, A. A. Will, 1 April 1961 (FLAS, anthers small or absent). Santa Rosa Co.: dry sand, edge of Swamp, Rt. 90, at roadside park, west of Milton, S. C. Hood 1868, 8 April 1949 (FLAS). County not known: one twig at bottom center of mixed sheet with fragmentary specimens of C. canescens, from Herb. John A. Lowell (“Transferred from the Boston Society of Natural History to the Gray Herbarium... Oct. 2, 1941”), data uncertain (there are several labels plus pencilled notes, but it could not be determined which are to be associated with this particular fragment) (GH). Much branched shrub under 1 m. tall, largely glabrous. Leaves sub- sessile or sessile, closely canescent beneath, those of young shoots linear-oblanceolate, 18—23 mm. long, 1.6—3.0 mm. wide, subacute, with narrowly revolute margins; those on older growth almost linear, 7— mm. long, obtuse, with strongly revolute margins. Peduncles very short, minutely pubescent, 1—3 flowered. Pedicels about 1/3—2/3 as long as the calyx, minutely pubescent. Calyx 6.2—7.0 mm. long, resin-dotted, glabrous or very minutely and inconspicuously pubescent except for the hispid-pilose throat and margins of the teeth. Corolla pilosulous out- side, 12—-15 mm. long (as pressed), the lower lip 4—7 mm. long; color unknown but apparently very pale lavender or white. This is the anomalous plant briefly noted by Small, but not named. Because the Palmer specimens (the only ones seen by Small) do not show normal anthers, they are not suitable for designation as holotype and isotypes 2. C, VERTICIL LLATA anes Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 48: 268—269. 1933 (April). LOTYPE: on sandy beach, north bank of the Clearfolk River near a Fentress Co., Tennessee, Jennison & Sharp 3-432, 16 May 1931 (TENN., presumably destroyed in the 1934 fire; a isotype, lacking number but with other label data the same, GH). C. montana Small, Man. S.E. Fl. p. 1167. 1933 (after Nov. 30). paar near Rugby, Tennessee (NY, not seen; sterile topo- type, Mrs. Ferriss (Herb. Albert Ruth), July, 1903, NY). Corolla said to be lavender in the original description, pink on the only specimen seen bearing color data (Braun s.n., cited below). The following collec- tions have been examined. KENTUCKY. McCreary Co.: river bank, South Fork Cumberland River, E. Lucy Braun s.n., 18 June 1935 (GH). (Also sterile specimens, 87 same locality and collector, GH, NY.) TENNESSEE. Fentress Co.: Rugby, sandy soil, Albert Ruth, 27 June 1894 (sterile) (GH). About 1 mile north of Rugby, in sand on beach along north bank of Clear Fork River, Jennison 33-124, 28 May 1933 (NY; apparent duplicate but lacking number, GH). Sandy beach along Clear Fork River near Rugby, Jenni- son 1111, 5 May 1934 (NY, SMU). Morgan Co.: in sand banks of Clear Fork of Cumberland River, Rugby, Jennison s.n., 4 June 1931 (GH). Sandy bars along stream and gravelly slopes, Rugby, H. K. Svenson 4085, 19 Aug. 1930 (sterile) (GH). Scott Co.: mouth of No Business Creek on South Fork River, rocky and sandy soil of Big Island, A. J. Sharp, R. E. Shanks, E, Clebsch 3835, 20 June 1947 (flowers past) (NY). Also CULTIVATED, TENNESSEE, Knox Co.: Sanford Arboretum, Knox- ville, A. F. Sanford, 10 May 1935 (GH). 3. C. CANESCENS (T. & G.) Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 295. 1870. Calamintha canescens T. & G. ex Bentham in DC., Prodr, 12: 229. 1848. “In Florida ad Tampa Bay (h. Gray!) ad Apalachicola (Drumm.!).” For reasons given below, the cited specimens have been disregarded and a lectotype designated in the Gray Herbarium, on a mixed sheet, at left, with blue label “Calamintha canescens Fla.” on which has been added “T. & Gr.” in Gray’s hand-writing, and above which ‘‘ “Florida: Apalachicola, old specimen, collector uncertain; later speci- men, A. H. Curtiss, no. 2014. Also two specimens collected by Dr. Chap- man.” (Curtiss 2014 and one Chapman specimen from NY examined.) freely in late winter (February). Common in sand along the coast from Mobile and Baldwin counties, Alabama, east to Franklin County, Florida; rarely slightly inland (in Okaloosa and Walton counties, Florida). There is a decidedly unscientific local legend that this is the true rosemary of Europe (Rosmarinus officinalis), brought to Florida by early British settlers and naturalized (clipping from St. Andrews Bay News, 8 April 1924, filled with specimen, NY; see also Hepburn, 1956, p. 7, under Panama City). Neither this species nor C. grandiflora (which for long was not separated from it) occurs about or near Tampa Bay, and there is no material in the Gray Herbarium so designated. I suspect some mixup or error of labelling, and therefore consider the first collection cited by Bentham unsuitable for lectotype. It is uncertain whether Torrey and Gray (particularly Gray, who usually handled the Sympetalae) saw the Drummond material before naming the species. There is some indi- cation that they did not until later. Several labels in the Gray Herbar- ium read “Keithia sp. Bentham,” suggesting that Torrey and Gray had provided the specific epithet first, and that Bentham’s acceptance of 88 it came later. Hence Bentham’s second collection is Bae over This creates no problem, fortunately, for Drummond 23 (GH) a et to the very same form and is from about the same locality as the desig- nated lectotype. I have selected from the material at the Gray Her- barium the sample which from the nature of the label appears to be oldest, and which conforms to what Gray in his 1870 description indi- cated as the typical form, the one with calyx tube short-pubescent ae (“calyce . .. dentibus (rarius tubo) pilis patentissimis hirsutis”’). Thi is ides aah what Small later described as the alleged species . puberula. The two are merely genetic forms of one, and are not geo- graphically segregated. My no. 29,264 from 10 miles south of Foley, Baldwin Co., Alabama, 7 April 1961 (SMU), has two branches from. different plants, one showing calyx short-pubescent only, the other both short-pubescent and pilose. 4. C. brevifolia Shinners, sp. nov. C. canescenti persimilis, foliis brevioribus plerumque remotis cum fasciculis axillaribus quasi verticil- latis; floribus ad 6 in quaque axilla, florum labio inferiore minus pro- funde diviso (loba media 2—4 mm. longa). HOLOTYPE: scrub, south- west of Avon Park, Highlands Co., Florida, Ray Garrett 41, 16 Feb. 1948 (FLAS, acc. no. 50231). PARATYPES (also Highlands Co.): Clay pit, Avon Park, J. B. McFarlin 10135, 6 Feb. 1935 (FLAS, acc. no. 49469). In very sandy soil along road 567 about 7 miles east of Avon Park, Chas. C. Dean 64200, 13 Feb. 1946 (NCU). — In additiont to these, a sterile specimen from the same county at first thought to be C. grandiflora doubtless is to be referred to C. brevifolia instead (the loan had been returned before I saw flowering material of the new species and the specimen has not been reexamined): in the scrub north of the Botanic Ey); FLORA Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 51: 386—387, 1924. “The type specimens were collected by the writer on the ancient sand- dunes near Sebastian, Florida, April, 1921.” (Topotype specimens col- lected by Small et al., Indian River Co., FLAS, GH, NY, NCU.) Corolla color (noted on only a few specimens) lavender, pinkish, or pink-purple. Confined to eastern peninsula Florida, from Volusia County south to Dade County. REFERENCES HEPBURN, ae aaa 1956. Complete Guide to Florida. Houghton-Mifflin American Travel Series No. SMALL, JOHN KUNKEL. 1933. Conradina. Man. S.E. Fl. pp. 1166—1167. SYNOPSIS OF DICERANDRA (LABIATAE) LLOYD H. SHINNERS Like Conradina, Dicerandra is a small genus confined to the South- eastern United States. Long known to comprise three annual species, it must now be redefined to include a woody-based perennial. The primary generic character is the presence of a spur-like or horn-like appendage on the anther sacs. All the known species are also character- ized by being largely glabrous and having the calyx white or roseate at the mouth. All are typically fall-blooming (but see special notes on numbers 1 and 3). The summit of the taproot and base of stem are often swollen, presumably the effect of some parasitic organism, but the cause is not known. Grateful acknowledgment is made for the use of collections from Florida State University, the University of Florida, the Gray Herbarium, the New York Botanical Garden (one sheet only, received unidentified with loan of Conradina), the University of North Carolina, and South- ern Methodist University. DICERANDRA Bentham, Bot. Reg. 15: t.1300. 1830. (Not seen; taken from Bentham Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 2: 1822. (Not Ceranthera Beauvois, 1807, nor Rafinesque, 1818.) Elliott’s only species, C. linearifolia, is automatically the type. KEY TO THE SPECIES la. Stamens prominently exserted; lower lip of calyx 1.5—3.0 mm. long, divided %4—% into two wide-based, acuminate teeth 2a. Perennial, woody below, with numerous erect to ascending branches from near base; corolla white or yellowish white with ULE CLO LS eon ten hc Shy e Adak eg 1. D. frutescens 2b. Annual, unbranched or with few spreading to ascending branches well above base; corolla pale to deep lavender or reddish purple with darker do 3a. Peduncles (except at uppermost nodes) evident, usually well- developed, few-flowered, the inflorescence rather loose; anther WGOGNSBACUIMIN ALC Meee ll cco ts. «ncaa coc iE . D. linearifolia Peduncles absent or very short, the flowers numerous and crowded in the axils of leaves or leafy bracts; anther horns Obluseworsbarely aCuten coe hae clowi eae oe 3. D. densiflora lb. Stamens included; lower lip of calyx 2.5—4.0 mm. long, divided nearly to base into two narrow, long-acuminate teeth 4. D. odoratissima ' 1. D. frutescens Shinners, sp. nov. Suffrutex parvula ad 50 cm. alta glabra nisi ad nodos superiores, pedunculos, pedicellos, calyces (basin Se) CF SIDA 1 (2): 89—91. 1962. 90 versus solum) corollas (extus solum). Folia sessilia vel subsessilia, oblongo-linearia (in novellis linearia), integerrima, obtusa, subcoriacea, punctata, inferiora 12—17 mm. longa 1.8—2.6 mm. lata, superiora minora. Pedunculi breves vel subnulli bracteati uniflori. Pedicelli dimidium limbo albido. Corolla extus pilosula alba vel luteola labio inferiore rubro-punctato; tuba apicem versus reflexa modo generis Conradinae. Stamina exserta; antherae rubro-purpureae valde aristatae. Stylus ex- sertus pilosulus bifidus. HOLOTYPE: sandy scrub, 20 miles south of 1945 (GH). “Gregarious locally in sandscrub; aromatic perennial about 90 cm. high; calyx lobes white; corolla white or yellow, purple-spotted.” In scrub near Lake Placid, J. B. McFarlin 10559, 7 October 1936 (FLAS, GH). Route 8-A, Hicoria, Brass 14646, 16 February 1945 (half-dead stems with new sprouts, both leafy and flowering) (GH). “Very abun- dant on roadsides in sandscrub; bushy, woody herb to 50 cm.; aromatic; flowers white, prominently marked with purple.” Sandhills near Lake Stearns, John K. Small & Paul Matthaus 11613, 8 January 1925 (long past flowering) (NY). PARATYPES from Sumter Co., Florida: sandy scrub, 5 miles west of Wildwood, E. West, 22 September 1938 (FLAS). Dry sandy road bank 7 miles west of Wildwood, West & Arnold, 8 November 1946 (in fruit) (FLAS). The Small & Matthaus collection had been labelled Dicerandra, but later filed with Conradina, and was received in the loan of material of that genus from New York. The glabrous leaves made Conradina seem unlikely, and in the course of working over Dicerandra, an anomalous specimen received as Ceranthera linearifolia (now the holo- type of the new species) revealed its true identity. The long-exserted stamens with conspicuously horned anthers, the white-lipped calyx, and the glabrous leaves are all characteristic of Dicerandra. The shrubby habit and the bent corolla-tube suggest Conradina, but hardly call for a merger of the two genera. D. frutescens adds still another to the many restricted endemics of the Florida Lake Region. . 2. D. LINEARIFOLIA (Elliott) Bentham, Bot. Reg. 15: t. 1300. 1830. Ceranthera linearifolia Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 2: 94. 1822. “Grows abundantly in the high pine barren ridges between the Flint and Chata- houchie rivers” (in extreme southwestern Georgia, where it is re- ported as “frequent” by Thorne, 1954). “Flowers September and Octo- Bentham, Lab. Gen. et Sp. p. 413. 1832— . (Not seen. Apparently only a slp of the pen; Bentham a oe this as synonym of D. linearifolia in DC., Prodr. 12: 243 (1848.) This is the ost widespread and most frequently collected member of the genus. The rather outlying record cited below from Palm Beach 91 Co., Florida, is based on an A. H. Curtiss collection (without number) dated 20 May 1895 (GH). I suspect an error in labelling; both locality and date are questionable. Coastal Alabama through northern Florida to southern Georgia. Specimens seen from the following states and counties. ALABAMA. Baldwin. FLORIDA. Alachua, Duval, Escambia, Gadsden, Holmes, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Palm Beach, Santa Rosa, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton, Washington. GEORGIA. Baker, Berrien, Jenkins, Taylor. D. DENSIFLORA Bentham in DC., Prodr. 12: 243. 1848. “In Florida orientali (h. Torr.!)” (specimen not seen). Ceranthera densiflora ntham) Gray, Syn. Fl. N.A. 2 pt. 1: 365. 1878. Northern peninsular Florida; doubtfully South Carolina (see remarks below), and said by Small (1933) to extend into Georgia. FLORIDA. Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette, mate Suwanee, Volusia, SOUTH CARO- LINA. Locality not given, Curt “ex Herb. H. P. Sartwell” (GH). Possibly an error in labelling. aa the Jasper County record of Ahles et al., see under next species. 4. D. ODORATISSIMA Harper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 479. 1901. TYPE: dry sand-hills near Seventeen-Mile Creek, Coffee Co., Georgia, Roland M. Harper 695 (isotype, GH). Additional specimens seen from Berrien Co., Georgia, and Jasper Co., South Carolina. The latter were reported as D. densiflora by Ahles, Bell and Radford (1958); they differ from the others in having calyx roseate at the mouth instead of white. The corolla in this species is white. REFERENCES AHLES, HARRY E., C. RITCHIE BELL, AND A RT E. RADFORD. ne aoe new to the flora of North or South Carolina. ee ae Rhodora 6 BENTHAM, G. ea Dicerandra. In DC., eer ee ete SMALL, JOHN KUNKEL. 1933. Dicerandra. THORNE, ROBERT F. 1954. The vascular Sree of Taueeee brs ‘Dicerandva linearifolia. Amer. Mid]. Nat. 52: 31 W HERBY, C. A. 1942. A aes of type specimens in Elliott’s herbarium. Rhodora 44: 249—262. (Contrib. Gray Herb. 141.) VEGETATIVE KEY TO WOODY LABIATAE OF THE SOUTHEASTERN COASTAL PLAIN LLOYD H. SHINNERS Conradina is distinguished technically by the bent corolla tube, Dicerandra by the appendaged anthers, Trichostema by the abbreviated upper corolla lip. Without flowers it is hardly possible to key them. In the course of working up Conradina, Dicerandra, and Calamintha, a number of sterile or fruiting specimens were encountered, most often guessed to be Conradina. Actually all the woody species can be readily determined by vegetative characters or a combination of vegetative characters and geography, as shown in the following key. la. Lower surface of leaf blades densely gray-pubescent with appressed or matted (very rarely loose or somewhat spreading) hairs (midrib glabrous or glabrate in some species, remainder of lower surface often partly or wholly concealed by inrolled margins) 2a. Midrib densely gray-pubescent beneath 3a. Plants of coastal Alabama and northwestern Florida Conradina canescens 3b. Plants of interior peninsular Florida...... Conradina brevifolia 2b. Midrib glabrous to moderately densely pubescent beneath, con- trasting with the very densely pubescent surface of the blade 4a. Plants of northwestern Florida............... Conradina glabra 4b. Plants of eastern peninsular Florida...... Conradina grandiflora lb. Lower surface of leaf blades glabrous or finely pubescent with erect or spreading hairs or sparingly hispid-pilose 5a. Upper surface of leaf blades sparself to moderately densely hispid with rather long hairs from swollen bases (with or without very SHOVT Maire BS Wel) sea os 2cckd deo ee cena ees Piloblephis rigida 5b. Upper surface of leaf blades glabrous or minutely pubescent 6a. Stem and branches glabrous except at nodes Dicerandra frutescens 6b. Stem (at least younger parts) and branches densely and minute- ly pubescent 7a. Hairs curled or bent upward or downward (sometimes short, straight, glandular hairs also present) 8a. Hairs stiff, straight, very short; leaf blades obtuse to rounded or slightly indented at apex, the larger on petioles less than 2 mm. long; central and southern peninsular TORIOR- 4 hob Gudea ae ered oo taee es Trichostema suffrutescens 8b. Hairs loosely curled or wavy; leaf blades obtuse to subacute, SIDA’ 1. (2)= 9293: 1962: 93 the larger on petioles up to 10 mm. long, northern Florida to southeastern Louisiana and South Carolina Calamintha georgiana 7b. Hairs spreading at right angles, straight 9a. Leaf blades widest about at middle (linear to oblong- Calamintha Ashei anceolaten easy eet aie oe eee ieee 9b. Leaf blades widest above middle (oblong-oblanceolate to obovate) 10a. Internodes of twigs uniformly pubescent with very short ai 10b. Internodes of twigs with mixed pubescence: densely cov- ered with very short glandular hairs (usually of uneven lengths), sparsely pilose with long glandless hairs, at least near nodes; larger leaves toothed above middle Calamintha dentata REFERENCES LEWIS, HARLAN. 1945. A revision of the genus Trichostenta. Brittonia 5: 276—303. (T. suffrutescens Kearney, p. 300. SHINNERS, LLOYD H. 1962a. an (Labiatae) in the Southern United States. Sida 1: 69-75. (Including nomenclatural note on Piloblepbis rigida (Bartram) Rafinesque, p. 70.) . 1962b. Synopsis of Conradina (Labiatae). Sida 1: 84-88. . 1962c. Synopsis of Dicerandra (Labiatae). Sida 1: 89-91. MICROMERIA BROWNEI AND ITS ALLIES (LABIATAE) LLOYD H. SHINNERS In 1903, Small recognized two species of Micromeria in the Southern United States: M. pilosiuscula in Texas (and Mexico) and M. Brownei in Florida (and the West Indies). In 1933, he recognized only one for the continental United States, the Florida plants being placed with the Texas ones under M. pilosiuscula. In attempting to evaluate Small’s conclusions, I found that some West Indian material (from, the Bahamas and Hispaniola) is indeed very distinct from pilosiuscula, but the true M. Brownei (from Jamaica) does not differ significantly except in average size and geography. Some future monographer may prefer to establish a hierarchy of subspecies and varieties to accommodate all of these under one species name. I prefer to recognize separate, though admittedly closely related, species, one of them with three varieties. y immediate purpose has been merely to settle the nomenclature of the plant of the United States. As an interesting sidelight, it is possible to point out that in Florida it represents not a primarily West Indian element (it does not occur in the southern part of the state, and the plants of the Bahamas and Cuba are not the same), but a Texano- Mexican one, All members of the group are small, commonly mat-forming weeds of damp places, with lavender or partly white corolla. This brief ac- count is based on collections at Florida State University, the University of Florida, the Gray Herbarium (U.S, and West Indian only), the New York Botanical Garden, and Southern Methodist University, to whose several curators grateful acknowledgement is made. KEY TO SPECIES AND VARIETIES la. Shortest calyx teeth 1/5—1/6 as long as entire calyx; margins of calyx teeth either glabrous or hispid-ciliate; larger leaf blades —20 mm. wide; plants of Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States 2a. Margins of calyx teeth glabrous or rarely (one Jamaican collec- tion) inconspicuously ciliate with hairs about 0.1 mm. lon 3a. Plants of Jamaica; larger leaf blades 5—12 mm. wide, glabrous; pedicels 3—7 mm. long............ la. M. Brownei var. Brownei 3b. Plants of continental North America; larger leaf blades up to 20 mm. wide, glabrous or oe pedicels 3—15 mm. long Brownei var. pilosiuscula 2b. Margins of calyx teeth esi with hairs 0.3—0.6 mm. long; plants of Cuba (rare) and Yucatan....1le. M. Brownei var. ludens SIDA 1 (2): 94—97. 1962. 95 lb. Shortest calyx teeth 1/3 as long as entire calyx; margins of calyx teeth prominently hispid-ciliate; larger leaf blades 4—6 (rarely — 11) mm. wide; plants of the Bahamas and Hispaniola 4a. Pedicels (except uppermost ones) 1.0—3.5 mm. long, shorter than the adjacent petioles; marginal hairs of calyx teeth spreading; JSR obs aalsteheng ec rig Gee oes ea thie ae ec 2. M. bahamensis 4b. Pedicels 3.0—6.5 mm. long, longer than the adjacent petioles; marginal hairs of calyx teeth incurved-ascending, subappressed; 3 A'S TT Oe es ee Me A as GON ee: Se he prone ena omingensis 1. M. BROWNEI (Swartz) Bentham, Lab. et Sp. p. 372. 1832— 1836. (Not seen; quoted in DC., Prodr. 12; 223. es Thymus Brownei Swartz, Pro p 1788. Type loealiey Jamaica. Satureia Brownei (Swartz) Briquet in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 300. 1897. (As “S. Brownii,’ but this was not the spelling adopted by Swartz.) la. M. BROWNEI var BROWNEI. Confined to Jamaica, at various altitudes, from 200 feet up to 2200 feet; 13 sheets examined (FLAS, GH, NY). All have glabrous calyx teeth except the following, on which these are more or less short-hispid-ciliate. Bluefields and vicinity; on wall, Bluefields Mountain, 700 m. alt., N. L. Britton & Arthur Hollick 1994, 6—7 March 1908 (NY). Sat eie collections dated January, Feb- ruary, March, July, August, Septem lb. M. BROWNEI var. eres Gray, Syn. Fl. N.A. 2 pt. 1: 359. 1878. Type locality: near San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas. Satureia Brownei var. pilosiuscula (Gray) Briquet in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Teil IV. Abt. 3a: 300. 1897. Micromeria pilosiuscula (Gray) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. pp. 1042, 1337. 1903. Thymus xalapensis H.B.K., Nov. Gen. (4to ed.) 2: 316—317. 1818. “In declivitate montium Mexi- canorum soli oriente obversorum inter villam Pileta et urbem Xalapa, alt. 760 hex.” (Vera Cruz, Mexico). Micromeria xalapensis (H.B.K.) Bentham, Lab. Gen. et Sp. p. 372. 1832—1836. (Not seen; quoted in DC., Prodr. 12: 223. 1848.) Very variable as to stature, dwarf plants with glabrous leaves being hardly distinguishable from var. Brownei except by geography. Pubes- cent-leaved forms (intergrading with glabrous ones) occur in Texas and Mexico. At the northeastern extremity of its range (Florida, Georgia, Louisiana) only the glabrous form is found. This is evidently the end- product of selective migration from the west and southwest. Since var. pilosiuscula does not occur in the West Indies, and since it is absent from the southern part of Florida (where West Indian plants steel normally be expected), it must be regarded as an unusual Tex Mexican element in the flora of Florida. The general ee eee of this variety, on the basis of specimens examined, is summarized by country and department or state, and for the cae States by county. GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz, Huehuetenango, Quiche. MEXICO, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Vera Cruz. 96 UNITED STATES. FLORIDA. Alachua, Bradford, Brevard, Clay, Flag- ler, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Hillsborough, Jackson, Lake, Levy, Orange, Osceola, St. Johns, Seminole, Volusia. GEORGIA. Decatur. LOUISIANA. St. Bernard. TEXAS. Aransas, Bexar, Brazoria, Cameron, Colorado. In flower in the United States from February to September, farther south apparently nearly all year. le. M. BROWNEI var. ludens Shinners, var. nov. A var. Brownei recedit calycis dentibus hispido-ciliatis. HOLOTYPE: wayside, near Sabicu, Rangel, Sierra del Rosario, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba, Bro. Alain 6137, January, 1957 (NY). PARATYPES (all NY): Cultivated, Est. Agronomica, Santiago de Vegas, Habana, Cuba, J. Acuna 19539, 5 Feb. 1955. Near Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, Porfirio Valdez 35, in 1896. Lo- cality illegible (“Coym. ... Is.”?), Yucatan, Mexico, Gaumer 109, ex Herb. Gray. The disjunct distribution between Cuba and Mexico sug- gests that of Egletes viscosa, especially f. bipinnatifida (cf. Shinners, 1949) 2, M. bahamensis Shinners, sp. nov. M. Brownei affinis. Caulis ad vel infra nodos pilosula. Folia perparva, petiolis puberulis, laminis glabris vel (imprimis facie superiore) parce hispidulis varie subintegris vel argute denticulatis, majoribus 4—6 mm. latis (rarissime 11 mm.). Pedi- celli 1.0—3.5 mm. longi, plerumque petiolis breviores. Calyx 3.5—4.1 mm. longus profunde lobatus (dentibus minoribus calycis tertiam par- tem aequantibus), dentes longe patenter hispido-ciliati. Corolla extus pilosula. HOLOTYPE: Berry Islands, Lignum Vitae Cay, Bahama Is- lands, N. L. Britton & C. F. Millspaugh 2302, 2 February 1905 (cn isotype, NY). A total of nineteen sheets has been examined (GH, NY). The species is apparently common and widespread in the Bahamas, in flower December to May and in August. With a single exception the specimens are remarkably uniform, with very small leaves. e ex- ception, with blades up to 11 mm. wide, is Britton & Millspaugh 3114, sink holes near Georgetown, Great Exuma, 22—28 February 1905 (NY). 3. M. domingensis Shinners, sp. nov. Praecedenti persimilis, differt pedicellis 3.0—6.5 mm. longis petiolos excedentibus, calycis dentibus subappresse hispido-ciliatis. HOLOTYPE: Civ. Santo Domingo, Cordil- lera Central, prov. de Azua, San Juan, El Varanjo, edge of brook, c. 800 m., Hispaniola, E. L. Ekman (Mus. Bot. Stockholm Pl. Ind. Occ. N:O H.13505), 8 September 1929 (GH).PARATYPE: Santo Domingo, Cordillera Central, prov. de la Vega, Constanza, edge of thickets in swamps, ca. 1200 m. E. L. Ekman (Mus. Bot. Stockholm Pl. Ind. Occ. N:O H. 13915), 25 October iene (NY). Wiese are the only specimens seen. The altitude and flowering dates suggest physiological differences between this and M. bahamensis. NAME OF DOUBTFUL APPLICATION Micromeria stolonifera Bentham, Lab. Gen. et Sp. p. 371. 1832—1836. (Not seen; quoted in DC., Prodr, 12: 223. 1848.) Type locality: Mexico 97 (‘Nova Hispania”), Mocino et Sesse. “A. M. Brownei differt caulibus subfirmioribus acute tetragonis et foliis latioribus sessilibus, nec petiolo limbum aequante donatis. Rami et folia Gratiolam referunt. An M. xala- pensis var. ? (v. s. olim in herb. Lamb.)” I have seen no collections bearing this name, Although petiole-length varies in M. leaves are never really sessile. I am unable to identify Bentham’s plant. REFERENCES SHINNERS, LLOYD ae ae Beer ee ee) eee 12: 239— (E. viscosa oar KUNKEL, S508 ee Fl. 1933. Micromeria. Man. S.E. FL. p. ge nus Egletes Cassini north of South rat hy dt: bipinnatfie, pp. 244— 1042, 133 NOTES WEED TRANSPORT IN ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS SOD IN TEXAS. — St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) is commonly recom- mended for lawns because its dense growth is supposed to choke out weeds. There is only limited truth in the claim. The grass is established by plugs or sods rather than by seeding. A spectacular illustration of the transport of weed seeds with the sod was provided by the land- scaping of the new Science Information Center at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Built on a moderate slope on what was originally rolling prairie of calcareous, black clay, it was supplied with a small, enclosed courtyard on the west side. Because of the slope of the land, it was necessary to remove earth to a depth of over six feet at the north and almost three at the south. A small live oak (Quercus virginiana) near the southwest corner was preserved by being boxed in on a sort of island, but even here the top soil was removed. The main part of the court was left completely bare, but almost within days a few sprouts of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) appeared. Whether these represented deep penetration of rhizomes of plants growing in the area before excavation, or whether bits of rhizome or ot known. The new until planted. The pudding was dedicated the afternoon of 3 November 1961, and in characteristic Texas fashion, the landscape plantings were all put in on the morning of the same day. For the courtyard, these comprised chiefly 10-foot yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) against the retaining wall at the north, and a red oak (perhaps Quercus Shumardii) and a live oak (Q. virginiana) of similar size near the middle. Most of the area was carpeted with small squares of St. Augustine grass sod. The en- suing winter was exceptional for the number of severe freezing spells, lasting several days each, with temperatures down to 17° F. several times, and once as low as 8°. This is not ideal weather for St. Augustine grass, and much of it died. In the spring the courtyard was a weed patch gratifying to botanical eyes. In April and May, five weedy grasses and nine miscellaneous weeds were found in bloom: Poa annua Sisyrinchinm minus Hordeum pusillun Cerastium brachypodum Alopecurus Dw Sibara virginica Agrostis byemalis Ranunculus muricatus Cynodon oe Euphorbia spathulata a os eins ds Core is Senecio im eats Krigia gracilis In June Paspalum dilatatum (Dallis grass) flowered. Smilax Bona- nox (cat brier) was present next to the red oak, but may have been SIDA 1 (2): 98—99. 1962. 99 brought with it rather than in the sods. It is characteristic of the Texas flora that of the 17 weedy species present (I consider St. Augustine grass another weed; certainly in my own yard, intended for flowers, it is a pest), all but four are native to Texas. The exceptions are Poa annua Asian), Paspalum dilatatum (Dallis grass, South American), and Ran- unculus muricatus (buttercup, European). The last-named was new to Dallas County, the nearest previously known occurrence being in Gregg County, 125 miles to the east. It is fairly common in the south- eastern third of the state and in Louisiana. The precise source of the sod could not be determined, but according to an employe of the landscape company which handled the work, it probably came from Houston, That city is about 270 airline miles south and slightly east of Dallas. All the species mentioned are known to occur there. It may well have been the source of the Dallas occurrence of Melochia pyramidata mentioned in my Spring none of the Dallas—Fort Worth Area (1958, > 100 miles farther north as a weed in St. Augustine grass lawn in Highland Park, Dallas: in front of Christian Science Church, Shinners 13,358, 14 May 1952 (SMU). “A few small patches.” Still another ex- ample of such weed transport is provided by a specimen of Sisyrinchium minus from the campus of Stephen F. Austin State College in Nacog- doches (R. L. Oliver 317, 3 May 1961; SMU), which is noted as “ap- parently introduced in the San Augustine grass (from Brazos River bottom, Houston area) which was set out in fall of 1960.” — Lloyd H. Shinners. EICHHORNIA AZUREA (PONTEDERIACEAE) IN THE TEXAS COASTAL BEND: NEW TO THE UNITED STATES. — The common water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms, with short, greatly inflated petioles, was collected in Texas as early as 1903 by Reverchon (east of La Porte, Harris County), and has been found as far north as Dallas. The following is apparently the first United States record of the related E. azurea (Swartz) Kunth, with elongate petioles thicker toward base but not abruptly inflated. TEXAS. San Patricio Co.: grow- ing around shores of Lake Corpus Christi, Fred B. Jones 1160, 6 July 1955 (SMU). The species is reported by Alexander (N. Amer. Flora 19: 56—57, 1937) from Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. It is not included in the recent (undated; 1961?) Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Texas Coastal Bend Counties by Fred B. Jones, Chester M. Rowell, Jr., and Marshall C. Johnston, which lists E. cras- sipes only, as occurring in “ditches, lakes, etc.” — Lloyd H. Shinners. SIDA 1 (2): 99. 1962. 100 ANEILEMA (COMMELINACEAE) IN THE UNITED STATES. — Two Asiatic species of Aneilema have become established in the South- eastern United States within the present Century, but as yet no Ameri- can flora treats both of them. A Mexican species has been found very close to the Texas border, and is worth noting as something to watch but the uppermost with short but distinctly differentiated sheath; southeastern Texas east to Atlantic Coast 2a. Sepals 2—3 mm. long, glabrous; flowers early becoming exserted on long, naked peduncles, several or many in each inflorescence udiflorum 2b. Sepals 5—6 mm. long, hispid-pilose on back, at aes near tip; flowers tardily exserted on short, usually 1-flowered peduncles A. Keisak 1b. Perennial with tuberous-thickened roots, the erect stem with 1—3 leaves, only the lowest with well defined sheath; Mexico, possibly PPAR ARC OBS LEMS y ac i oe bis Baa te bk eee eee 3. A. lineare 1. A. NUDIFLORUM (L.) R. Brown ex Kunth, Syn. Pl. 4: 66. 1843. (This combination is merely implied by R. Brown in Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 271, 1810: “Hujus generis sunt Commelina virgata, nudiflora, spirata, medica, Vahl. enum.” Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 176, 1785, credits Com- melina nudiflora to Linnaeus.) Commelina nudiflora L., Sp. Pl. 1: 41—42. 1753. (Linnaeus cites his own Flora Zeylanica and Plukenet’s Almages- tum. In his Mantissa Plantarum Altera, p. 177, 1771, he gives a new description evidently based on later material than was available in unth, in validating the transfer to Aneilema, specifies the Piers illustration as representative, in effect making it the type. Fortunately this agrees with Linnaeus’s own emendation. C. B. Clarke, in DC., Mono, Phan. 3: 144, 1881, retains the name Commelina nudiflora L. “Sp. Pl. 1, p. 61, nec Mant. 177, nec auct.” in place of C. diffusa Bur- man, citing a Ceylon specimen in Burman’s herbarium. Presumably he thought this the same as the plant described in Linnaeus’s Flora Zey- lanica. At the same time he recognizes Aneilema nudiflorum on p. 210, which is nomenclaturally impossible by present rules, since the latter “Commelina nudiflora, Linn.! Mant. p. 177 (nec Sp. Pl. nee Fl. Zeyl.),” reversing the typification established by Kunth and implied by Linnaeus himself. Since Linnaeus, in the citation from the Flora Zeylanica, specifies “involucro nullo” (and presumably because of that very peculiarity chose the epithet nudiflora), it is difficult to understand why Clarke should have equated Commelina nudiflora with the spathe- bearing C. diffusa. In any case his rejection of Kunth’s typification can- SIDA I (2): 100—101, 1962. 101 not be accepted. The double listing of the Linnaean binomial in Index Kewensis is to be disregarded; only the first entry, as synonym of Aneilema nudiflorum, should stand.) This species was first reported from the United States by Small in 1910 (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 37: 513—514) as established around Braiden- town (Bradenton, Manatee Co.), Florida, where it had been observed for several years. In the second edition of his Flora of the Southeastern United States (p. 1328, 1913), the range is given as southern Georgia and Florida. In his Manual of the Southeastern Flora (p. 263, 1933), he says ‘Fla. to Ga.” The plant has spread to the western Gulf region, as shown by the following collection. TEXAS. Jefferson Co.: nursery garden of P. A. Winkler, Voth Road, Beaumont, V. L. Cory 49974, 3 October 1945 (SMU). “Introduced from further east, and is a pest and hard to eradi- cate from gardens.” 2. A. KEISAK Hasskarl, Commelinaceae Indicae pp. 32—34. 1870. With var. (alpha) nutans, pp. 33—34, and var. (beta) erectum, p. 34. First reported from the United States by Neil Hotchkiss in 1940 (Rhodora 42: 21) from Minim Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina, as A. nudiflorum. This he corrected to A. Keisak in reporting it from numer- ous localities from Virginia to Georgia in 1951 (Rhodora 53: 92—93). Radford in the latter year also reported it from several localities in North Carolina (ibid. p. 25). Fernald considered it a native species o bicentric distribution between Virginia and eastern Asia (Rhodora 42: 392, 441442; 1940; Gray’s Manual, 8th ed. p. 393, 1950). In view of the other records, there is little doubt of its being introduced in North America. 3. A. LINEARE (Bentham) Woodson (as linearis), Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 29: 148. 1942. Tradescantia linearis Bentham, Pl. Hartw. p. 27. 1839. Superficially this has considerable resemblance to Tradescantia Wrightit, differing conspicuously in the branched, open inflorescence, quite un- like the condensed, umbel-like one typical of Tradescantia. The follow- ing collection comes from just south of the Big Bend region of Texas. COAHUILA. Frequent in shade on north, igneous slopes of Picache del Centinela, Del Carmen Mts., alt. 6000 ft., Barton H. Warnock 11624, 24 August 1953 (SMU). Other specimens have been seen from Durango and Jalisco. In publishing the generic name Aneilema, Robert Brown treated it as feminine. It may be argued that he was entitled to do so, since it was a manufactured word. The Jast three syllables are a Greek word mean- ing veil or covering, and the word in Greek is neuter. Since such Lin- naen generic names as Erigeron have been altered from the gender as- signed by Linnaeus to the etymologically correct one, consistency re- quires that the same be done with Brown’s. — Lloyd H. Shinners. SIPHONYCHIA TRANSFERRED TO PARONYCHIA (CARYOPHYL- LACEAE). — The small Southeastern genus Siphonychia has been maintained as distinct from Paronychia on the basis of having perianth SIDA 1 (2): 101—I103. 1962. 102 parts united. But in a majority of the species these are joined much less than half way, while in S. Rugelii the joining is very weak, the firmly united. On the other hand, in Paronychia Drummondii the seg- ments are united about a fourth their length at maturity. The generic difference is thus one of degree only, not of basis structure, and the degree is virtually non-existent in the case of Paronychia Drummondii. The most striking thing about the species of Siphonychia is their over- whelming similarity in nearly all respects to Southeastern representa- tives of Paronychia. I can distinguish only four species rather than the seven accepted by Earl L. Core in “A taxonomic revision of the genus Siphonychia,” Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soe. 55: 339—345, 1939. Their names under Paronychia are as follows. P. patula Shinners, nom. nov. Siphonychia diffusa Chapman, FI. U.S. (ed. 1) p. 47. 1860. Not Paronychia diffusa A. Nelson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 237, 1889 P. AMERICANA (Nuttall) Fenzl ex Walpers, Rep. 1: 262. 1842. Herniaria americana Nuttall, Amer. Journ. Sci. 5: 291. 1822. Siphonychia flora Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. (ed. 1) pp. 402, 1330. 1903. Nuttall’s original description speaks of the plant as “paucifloris” and goes on to specify that “the clusters of flowers contain from about eee to five.” Torrey and Gray, in a description based in part on the same material as Nuttall’s, say “Bracts very small, similar to the leaves.” Thus by Small’s key the type material of S. americana must be placed in S. pauciflora. In reality the distinctions do not hold, and I can make out only a single somewhat variable species. P. erecta (Chapman) Shinners, comb. nov. Siphonychia erecta Chap- man, l.c. p. 47 S. corymbosa Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 337. 1897. Odontonychia corymbosa (Small) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. (ed. 1) pp. 402, 1330. 1903. It is possible to recognize three and possibly more pubescence types in this species. The original S. erecta is a form with stem largely glabrous, but short-pubescent above. More common are forms with stem either short-pubescent or relatively long-pubescent throughout. They do not seem to be so much variations in degree as a group of distinct Mendelian characters. Core, following Small, describes the perianth segments of S. corymbosa as ovate, which is not correct; his illustration accurately depicts them as long and narrow, precisely as in S. erecta. As with the stem, there is variation in pubescence on the perianth tube. Again I can recognize only one somewhat variable species. P. RUGELII Shuttleworth ex Chapman, Fl. S. U.S. (ed. 3) p. 397. 1897. (Published earlier as synonym only, under the next.) Siphonychia Rugelii (Shuttleworth, ined.) Chapman, Fl. S. U.S. (ed. 1) p. 47. 1860. Forcipella Rugelii (Shuttleworth) Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 150. 103 1898. Gibbesia Rugelii (Shuttleworth) Small, ibid. p. 621. Odontonychia interior Small, Man. S.E. Fl. pp. 483, 1504. 1933. Siphonychia interior m for his segregate genus Forcipella (Gibbesia). Here is what Small origi- nally had to say: “Flowers .. . 2—3 in an involucre composed of two bracts and their broad 2-parted stipules, each, or only 2 seated in a hard, clamp-like involucel, whose two lobes are notched. Calyx of 5 linear-subulate distinct (sometimes cohering at the base) sepals.” His illustration in the Manual shows only the bracts and stipules, not the clamp-like involucel. In Godfrey & Houwk 60289 (SMU), from Lafayette County, Florida, many of the cymes have abortive (diseased?) flower buds around the bases of open flowers. Conceivably these were what Small took to be an involucel; I have been unable otherwise to find any such structure. The perianth tube is scarcely differentiated, the seg- ments merely having appressed margins toward base rather than being firmly united. In other specimens there is a definite tube, the segments being distinctly united. It is understandable that Chapman should at different times have put this species in both Siphonychia and Paronychia. I concur in his second choice, restoring it to the genus in which Shuttle- worth had first placed it. To the above may be added a few supplementary notes on species included in Core’s “The North American species of Paronychia,” Amer. Midl. Nat. 26: 369—397, 1941. P. DRUMMONDII T. & G. Hitherto known only from Texas, this can now be added to the flora of LOUISIANA. Allen Parish: 7.2 miles west of Kinder, Shinners 21,489, 8 September 1955 (SMU). “Sandy fencerow, pine land. Perianth white.” P. BALDWINII (T. & G.) Fenzl. Including P. riparia Chapman. Those familiar with the Gulf States know how uncertain the difference be- tween annual and perennial often is. I am unable to distinguish two species on this basis, and pubescence varies quite independently of ap- oie ae rarennGus (Rafinesque) Fernald var. NUTTALLII (Wood) one Formerly known only from three counties in Pennsylvania, this occurs also in VIRGINIA. Giles Co.: on dry rocky open exposed path to the top of Bald Knob, % mile s.e. of Mountain Lake P.O., alt. 4300 feet, Hugh H. Iltis 2011, 1 August 1943 (SMU). The perianth is pubescent and the segments rather prominently short-awned. — Lloyd H. Shinners. STELLARIA COREI SHINNERS, NOM. NOV. (CARYOPHYL- LACEAE). — Based on S. pubera ssp. silvatica Beguinot, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n.s. 17: 385. 1910. S. pubera var. silvatica (Beguinot) Weather- by, Rhodora 26: 171. 1924. S. silvatica (Beguinot) Maguire ex Gleason, Phytologia 4: 23. 1952 (March). (Not S. sylvatica (Maxim.) Maxim. ex Regel, 1862.) S. tennesseensis (non Mohr) Strausbaugh & Core, Castanea 104 17: 165. 1952 (December). (Basinym cited as Alsine tennesseensis Small, A. puber co ee Sane to a form of var. pubera. Small mistakenly applied the name to var. silvatica, as did Strausbaugh and Core.) I believe that this plant is properly treated as a species distinct from, although closely related to, S. pubera. But neither of the names it has received in that rank can be retained. It seems altogether fitting to associate with it the name of the man who as botanist, editor, and administrator has done so much for Appalachian and Southeastern botany I wish to thank Dr. G, B. Van Schaack of the Missouri Botanical Gar- den for confirming the validity of Stellaria sylvatica (Maxim.) Maxim. ex Regel. — Lloyd H. Shinners. RANUNCULUS TRACHYCARPUS (RANUNCULACEAE) IN SOUTH- CENTRAL LOUISIANA: NEW TO NORTH AMERICA. — The occur- rence of the Mediterranean Ranunculus trilobus Desf. in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, was reported in 1960 (S.W. Nat. 5: 170). On seeing quite similar plants in April, 1962, in nearby Avoyelles Parish, I as- sumed that they represented a range extension for the new introduc- tion. But on comparison of herbarium specimens they proved to be quite different, having decidedly spiny instead of merely papillose- roughened achenes, and the larger leaves were not pinnately divided. In the key in Lyman Benson’s “A Treatise of the North American Ranunculi” (Amer, Midl. Nat. 40: 1—261, 1948: see especially p. 110) they ran to R. muricatus L. which they obviously were not, having larger petals and smaller achenes, more or less pilose stems, leaves, and sepals, and long-pedicelled flowers. They could not be determined with any of the recent standard North American or European floras, but h. & Mey. in G E Orientalis 1: 55—56, 1867. iors was a single apceienen so named in the SMU Herbarium, from Sharon Plain, Kabbara Marshes, Israel, A. Grizi s.n., 24 May 1954. This consists of two mowed plants which had put up new branches with smaller, more divided leaves than those of the Louisiana specimens, and have more densely spiny achenes, but they evidently belong to the same species, which is described as a variable one. Ranunculus trachycarpus Fisch. & Mey. may therefore be recorded from LOUISIANA, Avoyelles Parish: 7.2 miles southeast of Bunkie, Shinners 29,519, 18 April 1962 (SMU). “Roadside ditch, wet silty clay. Petals yellow. Locally abundant from Bunkie to here.” In reporting R. trilobus, I said that the manner of introduction was entirely unknown. In the case of R. trachycarpus there is a clue from some associated weeds: Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum) and SIDA 1 (2): 104—105. 1962. 105 crimson clover (T. incarnatum), both of which are widely planted on road shoulders almost throughout Louisiana and which maintain them- selves in such habitats. T. resupinatum is the more persistent of the two, and shows more tendency to spread, especially to ditches or along ditch banks. Both clovers are native to the Mediterranean region. If commercial seed imported from that area had been used for some of the road-shoulder plantings, it may have been the vehicle for the transport of the two species of Ranunculus. — Lloyd H. Shinners. WAREA AURICULATA INSTEAD OF W. AMPLEXIFOLIA OF SMALL (CRUCIFERAE). — In his Manual of the Southeastern Flora (pp. 573—574, 1933), Small uses the name Warea amplexifolia (Nuttall) Small for a plant with auricled-clasping upper leaves. The combination is nomenclaturally impossible, since it is identical with one already made by Nuttall himself. Small supposed that Nuttall had had a mix- ture, part of his material being W. sessilifolia Nash. In such case he ought to have written W. amplexifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall emed. Small. Payson (Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 9: 312—312, 1922) also believed that Nuttall had had a mixture, agreeing with Small except for the author- citation. Neither author checked Nuttall’s type material, the belief that it was mixed resting only on two pieces of circumstantial evidence. The epithet amplexifolia is inappropriate for a plant with merely sessile or barely clasping upper leaves, although this is what was illustrated by Nuttall himself in transferring Stanleya ? amplexifolia to Warea. In his first publication, under Stanleya, he gave “‘East Florida” as the place of origin, but in the second this becomes “West Florida.” Neither item can be accepted as proving that Nuttall had a mixture. In evaluating the epithet amplexifolia it has mistakenly been assumed that the ques- tion is which of two Florida plants it fits better. This is the wrong frame of reference. Nuttall was thinking in terms of a Florida plant and the only previously described Stanleya, S. pinnatifida (S. pinnata), which has petioled leaves, and the epithet amplexifolia is therefore to be taken as relative to a petioled-leaved condition. This is not so inap- propriate for Warea sessilifolia with sessile to slightly clasping upper leaves; furthermore the lower leaves of this species may be distinctly clasping. The reference to “West Florida” in the second publication dealing with Nuttall’s species may have been merely a slip of the pen on his part, or it may have been a deliberate correction or clarification of the very vague older usage of the terms “East Florida” (primarily northeastern as now delimited, but sometimes loosely applied to more than half of northern Florida) and “West Florida” (originally meaning only the Pensacola area, but at times extended to include the entire panhandle section). Florida had then been only recently added to the United States, and these terms were both subject to change. Hence SIDA 1 (2): 105—106. 1962. 106 neither of the inferential arguments about a Nuttallian mixture can be accepted. Much more important than supposition is the question of what Nut- tall actually had. Dr. Walter M. Benner kindly checked material at the Philadelphia Academy for me. He reports that there is only one speci- men named by Nuttall, and that it has sessile leaves. In other words, the only concrete evidence we have indicates that Nuttall did not have a mixture, and the only thing he did have was the plant shown in his illustration of Warea amplexifolia. This is identital with W. sessilifolia Nash, and the plant thought to be W. amplexifolia by Nash, Small, and Payson becomes W. auriculata Shinners, sp. nov. W. amplexifoliae affinis, sed foliis superioribus profunde auriculato-amplexicaulibus. ee ee sandy soil, Lake Wilson Road, Loughman, Kissimee, Osc Co., Florida, Mary L. Singeltary, 25 September 1937 (DUKE, no. sare PARATYPE: High hill near Lake Apopka (Orange Co: ?), Florida, Ralph McWilliams, 22 September 1935 (SMU; Schallert Herb. No. 19696). This is Warea amplexifolia in the sense of recent authors, not of Nuttall, for whose plant the following synonymy may be given. W. AMPLEXIFOLIA (Nuttall) Nuttall, Journ. Phila. Acad. 7: 88, with inadmissible combination W. amplezifolia ‘“(Nuttall) Small,” Bull. Torr. Bot. Clu b 23: 409, 1896, belongs here on the basis of type, but was woo : : Godfrey en 22 SoM: 1955 (DUKE, SMU). “Lower leaves on non-flowering plants clasping.” I am grateful to Dr. Benner for the information concerning Nuttall’s specimen at Philadelphia, and to Dr. R. L. Wilbur for the loan of ma- terial from the Duke University Herbarium. — Lloyd H. Shinners. WISSADULA GRANDIFOLIA INSTEAD OF W. MACRANTHA (MALVACEAE): NOMENCLATURAL CORRECTIONS. — In his “En- twurf einer Monographie der Gattungen Wissadula und Pseudabutilon” (Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsak. Handl. Bd. 43 No. 4, 1908), Rob. E. Fries described Wissadula macrantha as a new species, comprising three varie- ties. One of the three, var. grandifolia, was based on a species named a year before. Because it represented only a localized race, Fries con- sidered it undesirable to retain it as a species and subordinate the most widespread race as a variety. Under present rules of course the pre- sumed phylogenetic status has no bearing on the nomenclature: the first name in the rank of species is the one that must be used for the whole ensemble. Though more than half a century has elapsed since the 107 monograph was published, the necessary nomenclatural emendations have not been made. They are supplied herewith. WISSADULA GRANDIFOLIA E. G. Baker ex Rusby, Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 4: 328. 1907. W. macrantha var. grandifolia (E. G. Baker) R. E. Fries, Kungl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 43 no. 4: 68. 1908. W. GRANDIFOLIA var. brevipedunculata (R. E. Fries) Shinners, comb. nov. W. macrantha var. brevipedunculata R. E. Fries, l.c. p. W. GRANDIFOLIA var. macrantha (R. E. Fries) Shinners, comb. nov. W. macrantha R. E. Fries, l.c. pp. 67—68. (Illegitimate name, since the earlier W. grandifolia was included within the circumscription of the new species.) — Lloyd H. Shinners. GENTIANA DELOACHII (W. P. LEMMON) SHINNERS, COMB. n dry acid Statesboro, Bulloch Co.” Described as having separate anthers. The article “Connate anthers in Gentiana (Gentianaceae)” by Wilbur H. Duncan and Clayd L. Brown (Rhodora 56: 133—136, 1954) does not mention this species. — Lloyd H. Shinners. AGASTACHE BREVIFLORA (GRAY) EPLING VAR. HAVARDII (GRAY) SHINNERS, COMB. NOV. (LABIATAE). — Based on Cedro- nella breviflora var. Havardi Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 309. 1885. Agastache pallidiflora Hie aaa ssp. Havardi (Gray) Lint & Epling, Amer, Midl. N 33: 1945. Found in the Chinati, Chisos, Davis, and Guadalupe Remee Trans-Pecos Texas. The distinctions between A. breviflora and the variable A. pallidiflora, as treated in Harold Lint and Carl Epling’s “A revision of Agastache” (Amer. Midl. Nat. 33: 207—230, 1945) are not convincing. I prefer Gray’s earlier, broader version, which under Agastache requires this new combination. — Lloyd H. Shinners. SCUTELLARIA LAEVIS (LABIATAE), ANOTHER ENDEMIC IN TRANS-PECOS TEXAS. — Scutellaria is an extremely difficult genus, especially in western and southwestern Texas. It is gratifying to be able to name a new species which is very distinct and easily recognized. It is in most respects a perfectly typical member of the Section Resinosae as defined in Carl Elping’s “The American species of Scutellaria’” (Univ. California Pub. Bot. 20 no. 1: 57—69, 1942), but is unique in that group in having a glabrous stem. Because of this peculiarity it is here named, S. laevis Shinners, sp. nov. Perennis multicaulis humilis (20—-35 cm. alta) sublignosa e radice crasso lignoso. Caules glabri. Folia brevissime petiolata integra parce minutissimeque scabro-puberula vel glabrius- cula, inferiora elliptico-ovata penninervia obtusiuscula 11—21 mm. long 108 6—11 mm. lata, superiora gradatim minora oblongo-lanceolata. Flores spicato-racemosi brevipedicellati pedicellis scabro-puberulis. Calyx 3.0—3.5 mm. longus minutissime scabro-puberulus vel glabriusculus. Corolla pallida 14—17 mm. longa extus pilosula. Nuculi crebre obtuse muriculati. HOLOTYPE: ten miles north of Van Horn, north slope of Beach Mountain, Culberson Co., Texas, D. S. Correll 13973, 19 August 1946 (SMU). “Flowers white dino with lavender, talus.” PARA- TYPES (both SMU): on red sandstone along arroyo and base of canyon in southwestern slopes of Beach Mtn., 6% miles northwest of Van Horn, Culberson Co., Texas, U. T. Waterfall 5087, 14 July 1943. Numerous a the bed of ie creek in the head of Victoria Canyon, alt. 5600 Hudspeth Co., Texas, L. C. & Leon Hinckley 102, 18 June 1949 (in ae The light- eoloied corolla is also distinctive in this group, if con- sistent, but color is known only from the type collection, Other species of Resinosae have corolla deeply colored (purple-blue or lavender- blue) except for a white spot on the palate. — Lloyd H. Shinners. SOLANUM GODFREYI SHINNERS, NOM. NOV. (SOLANACEAE). — Based on S. floridanum Shuttleworth ex Dunal in DC., Prodr. 13 (1): 306. 1852. (Not S. floridanum Rafinesque, Fl. Tell. p. 107. 1840.) “In Floridae apricis, prope S. Marks,” Rugel (type not seen). S. carolinense var. floridanum (Shuttleworth) Chapman, Fl. S. U.S. p. 349. 1860. I agree with Asa Gray (Syn. ‘Fl. N.A. 2 pt. 1: 22%, 1878) that this should basi stellatis pilosus.’ The only specimen I have seen has entirely glabrous stem, but stellate-pubescent leaf blades. It is in fruit only, and apart from the stem seems to fit quite well the rather lengthy descrip- tion given by Dunal. It comes from the general region of the type lo- cality, but slightly farther east, in Taylor County: clearings of swampy woodland, vicinity of Nuttal’s Rise, along the Aucilla River, R. K. Godfrey 60037, 7 July 1960 (SMU). — Lloyd H. Shinners. D CONTRIBUTIONS S TO BOTANY VOLUME 1 NUMBER 3 DECEMBER 1963 CONTENTS The taxonomic significance of evolutionary parallelism. Arthur Cronquist. 109 Botanical Survey along the Yellowknife Highway, Northwest Territories, Canada. |. Catalogue of the Flora. John W. Thieret. 117 Gilia and Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae) in Texas. Lloyd H. Shinners. 17] Leptoglossis and Nierembergia (Solanaceae) in Texas. Lloyd H. Shinners. 180 NOTES. Monanthochloe littoralis (Gramineae) in Louisiana. 182.—Cenchrus longisetus M. C. Johnston, nom. nov. (Gramineae). 182.—Centrosema floridanum (Britton) Lakela, comb. nov. (Leguminosae). 182.—The varieties of Teucrium canadense (Labiatae). 182.—Dicerandra ) ) in immcaulata Lakela, sp. nov. (Labiatae). 184.—Wahlenbergia linarioides (C Florida: a second adventive species for the United States. 185 SIDA is privately published by Lloyd H. Shinners, SMU Box 473, Dallas 22, Texas, U.S.A. Subscription price $6 (U.S.) per volume of about 360—400 pages, parts issued at irregular intervals. © SIDA Contributions to Botany volume 1 number 3 pages 109—186 copyright 1963 by Lloyd H. Shinners THE TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF EVOLUTIONARY PARALLELISM’ ARTHUR CRONQUIST New York Botanical Garden, New York 58 The recognition by Darwin that the natural system of classification is in essence an evolutionary system is a major landmark in taxonomic history. Let me read you a passage from Chapter 14 of Origin of Species: “... The Natural System is founded on descent with modification . . the characters which naturalists consider as showing true affinity between any two or more species, are those which have been inherited from a common parent, all true classification being genealogical . . community of descent is the hidden bond which naturalists have unconsciously been seeking... .” A corollary of this principle is that a natural taxonomic group is per se monophyletic, and that polyphyletic groups are in con- trast artificial and should be rejected. Those concepts have become so firmly entrenched in taxonomic think- ing as to approach the status of dogma. However, as we learn more about phylogeny, a strict and literal application of the monophyletic require- ment in taxonomy has gotten us into more and more trouble. More and more groups that have been considered to be natural are turning out not to be strictly monophyletic. They may be natural in the sense that all the included subgroups are evolutionarily closely related and have many features in common, but they are not monophyletic in the sense of being descended from an original species of the group which has all} the essential characters of the group. The mammals are an outstanding example, with a well documented fossil record, of a natural taxonomic group which is clearly not mono- phyletic in the strictest sense. We shall return to this fact in a few minutes. ture of angiosperms, can be observed among the living members of the primitive order Ranales. Within the Ranales one can also see all stages. ’ Presidential address delivered to the American Society of Plant Taxonomists at Corvallis, . Oregon, 29 August 1962. SIDA 1 (3): 109—116. 1963. 110 with filament and anther took place in several related evolutionary lines within the Ranales, in parallel fashion, rather than being strictly monophyletic. Differentiation of the perianth into calyx and corolla has likewise taken place independently in various families, as has also the origin of petals from staminodes. Double fertilization and the extreme reduction of the female gameto- of the group. This same problem with the monophyletic requirement, often in an even more severe form, permeates our whole system of classification. The tribes of the Compositae do not in general represent strictly mono- phyletic groups; rather they are constellations of genera which show certain evolutionary trends in common ana are to some extent linked would be a Conyza, and the common ancestor to all species of Conyza would be an Erigeron. The most primitive existing species of Erigeron, in turn would on morphological grounds be just as well referred to Aster, and in fact it was first described as Aster peregrinus Pursh. It is now referred to Erigeron mainly because of its obvious relationship to species which are necessarily included in Erigeron. The difficulties attendant on a strict application of the monophyletic concept in classification have led a few taxonomists in recent years to exclude the concept entirely from taxonomic theory and practice, to 111 the conflict, rather than to dissolve what has been a most fruitful union. I believe the conflict is resolvable, and the terms of the resolution have already been laid down, now 17 years ago, by George Gaylord Simpson. In 1945 he pointed out that the monophyletic requirement must be interpreted broadly in order to be useful taxonomically (see “The principles of classification and a classification of mammals,” American Museum of Natural History Bulletin, vol. 86). Again, let me quote: “The condition that classification must be consistent with phylogeny has as its most important corollary the requirement that all the animals within a given group, whatever its rank, must have had a common origin. . . . The principle that the units of classification must have a history of life and that certainly cannot be demonstrated in any case. The rule that a group, to be considered monophyletic, must be derived edge is so far from complete that adherence to such a rule would lay classification open, to an unnecessary and undesirable degree, to the caprices of shifting theory and individual opinion. It is not useful to set up a classification in which groups with different names cannot be distinguished morphologically, but this does happen if theoretical mono- most practical and, at least for the present, the most desirable additional requirement seems to be not that it should be derived from one im- mediately antecedent genus or species, but, with intentional vagueness, that its immediate ancestry should be included within a group of lower rank than itself. For instance, it is not probable on the basis of present knowledge that all the animals here included in the Mammalia arose from the Reptilia as a single species, genus, or even family, but it is not suggested on this account that some of them should be returned to the Reptilia or that another class should be created for them, They certainly arose from a unified group of reptiles of much smaller scope than a class, perhaps a family or perhaps a superfamily, and for practical pur- poses this is an adequate fulfillment of the requirement of monophyly.” 112 To recapitulate, if a taxonomic group of a particular rank is derived wholly from another group of lower rank, that is a sufficient degree of monophylesis for taxonomic purposes. Dr. Simpson has very recently (1961, in his book Principles of Animal Taxonomy) modified this con- cept to read “of the same or lower rank,” and here I feel he may have gone a bit too far. His point, however, is well taken. Monophylesis and polyphylesis are not such ae distinct things as the terms would suggest. There is a continuous gradation from the strictest monophylesis to the most utter polyphylesis in proposed taxonomic groups. In order to be natural and acceptable, a taxonomic group must fall somewhere toward the monophyletic end of this scale, rather than toward the polyphyletic end. It now appears that a workable taxonomic system cannot provide a perfect reflection of evolution, no matter how abundant the evidence on which it is based. Furthermore, conclusions must usually be based on more or less inadequate evidence; none of us has witnessed the events of geologic time. But the phylogenetic concept still provides the underlying rationale for the natural system. Taxonomy can provide only a somewhat muddy reflection of evolution, but a reflection all the same. Once we admit the broad interpretation of the monophyletic require- ment, as I believe we must do in order to have a workable system, then we are committed to the position that similarities due to evolutionary weight should be given to parallelism is another question, to which we will return later. As long ago as 1912 Wernham pointed out that “critical tendencies are no less important than critical characters” (see the final paper in his series on floral evolution in the New Phytologist, vol. 11). He further pointed out that “the general relation between the significant features of the ancestry and those of the descendants is, that in the former the characters in question are not constant throughout the group, nor may they be completely evolved. In other words, we are dealing with tendencies to characters, and not with the critical characters themselves, unites ancestor and descendants represents the transition between the tendencies and their realization.” He goes on to provide several ex- amples. Probably most of us here can provide equally good examples from our own experience. The proposition that similarities due to common descent, to inherit- ance from a common ancestor, indicate relationship is of course self- evident. We have pointed out that taxonomists have been forced, on a pragmatic basis, to accept also the proposition that similarities due to 113 parallelism also provide some evidence of relationship. Let us now proceed to an inquiry into why this should be so, or how it can be so. A concise expression of the most generally accepted present concept of the mechanism of evolution would be something like this: Random thinking. To me, and I think to many other people, random implies that any one thing is as likely as any other thing. Thus in a table of control or predict them individually; they are certainly not at ran- dom in the sense of one mutation being as likely as any other. It is abundantly clear that the different mutations which can occur in a particular gene do not occur with equal frequency, nor is the mutation rate from one allele to another the same in opposite directions. There are even genes which influence the rate and dirction of mutation in other genes. All this is well known to geneticists. As long ago as 1940 Dobzhansky stated that mutability, like other characteristics, is under partial genetic control. one group, and that different groups will have different evolutionary potentialities. At the grosser levels this is of course immediately obvious 114 that the occurrence of diffuse centromeres in these two families repre- sents a case of parallelism rather than of inheritance from a common ancestor. I should add, of course, that no one character by itself pro- vides proof positive of relationship; diffuse centromeres also occur in Spirogyra. Nevertheless, the occurrence of this rare character in the Juncaceae and Cyperaceae suggests that these two families have in com- mon an unusually high potentiality to evolve in this direction. Some of the foregoing information on the occurrence of diffuse centromeres was provided for me by John Ebinger. Clarkia and Oenothera provide another example at a lower taxonomic level. Here I get my information, as you might guess, from Harlan Lewis. Clarkia ea occurs in dry country, bordering deserts, but not actually in them. Individual colonies at the drier margins of the range lead a precarious existence, and are subject to being wiped out in bad years. The plants are annual, and the seeds germinate as soon as the moisture and temperature conditions are right. If the mois- ture supply then fails before the seeds are mature, no seeds are left over to begin again the following year. It appears that the one thing Clarkia lacks to be a potentially successful desert annual is a variable period of dormancy, so that some seeds would last over until the sec- ond or third year, regardless of how favorable conditions may be in the interim. In the many thousands, perhaps millions of years that Clarkia has occupied a habitat in which such a change would have a strong survival value, it appears to have been unable to evolve such a feature. Presumably the proper mutations just have not occurred. The closely related genus Oenothera, on the other hand, occurring in similar habitats, has in several lines given rise to desert species with a variable period of seed dormancy. There is nothing in the obvious character- istics of the plants to suggest that the evolution of desert species shoul be easier for the one genus than the other; the difference instead ap- pears to lie in the mutative potentialities. Now let us return to theoretical considerations. The existence of the same character in two different groups may be due either to their having inherited the character directly from a common ancestor, or to their hav- ing developed the character independently by parallel evolution. We are concerned here only with the second situation, not the first. If the char- acter was independently developed in the two groups, it is still true, at the very least, that their respective ancestors had similar evolutionary potentialities with regard to that character, and thus were genetically similar—not necessarily identical—in this particular respect. us, evolutionary parallelism with regard to a particular character is one straw in the wind, indicating a degree of similarity and possible re- lationship among the ancestors. Now if we add another character in which these same two groups resemble each other, by parallel evolu- tion, we have two straws in the wind, and so on. Thus, the more char- 115 Therefore, we come to the general principle that evolutionary par- allelism tends to indicate relationship, and that it should be given due weight, along with other factors, in arriving at taxonomic conclusions. e allelism, and vice versa. If the control is essentially selective, then oJ frequency than other mutations, so that the mutation pressure, operating along with the other causes of speciation, can cause parallel evolutionary developments. n theoretical grounds, therefore, characters which are not closely correlated with survival value and ecologic niches are likely to be more important taxonomically, in many instances, than characters which are directly influenced by selection. This is especially true in the angio- sperms, in which the evolutionary barriers between different ecological niches On purely pragmatic grounds, plant taxonomists over the last two 116 riers between different ecologic niches are formidable, and within each general niche the selective pressures operating on different but related taxa tend to be similar, and different from the selective pressures OP~ groups are recognized in the vertebrates—but that is another story. It is interesting to note that Wernham, with no knowledge of genes and not very much knowledge of heredity, also came to the conclusion that nonadaptive characters are more likely to be important than adap- tive ones. He spoke of “biological” characters, which are directly re- which have no relation to the environment nor to any biological func- tion. He concluded that “A group of plants may share a number of biological characters in common without being therefore nearly re- closer the affinity.” To this I would add simply that this evidence is significant even if the similarities are due to parallel evolution instead of direct inheritance from a common ancestor. BOTANICAL SURVEY ALONG THE YELLOWKNIFE HIGHWAY, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, CANADA I. CATALOGUE OF THE FLORA JOHN W. THIERET University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette The Yellowknife Highway, begun in 1957 and officially opened in 1961, makes accessible a previously remote area in the District of Mac- kenzie, Northwest Territories. The area was botanically almost un- known. Thus the highway offered an unparalleled opportunity for 1s paper is one of two that will present the data obtained. It con- tains a catalogue of the plants collected, a total of 4160 numbers. The concluding paper will contain descriptions of the region and of its major plant communities. Southwestern District of Mackenzie, that portion of Mackenzie in which the highway is located, is about the size of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia combined. Prior to the work of Porsild (1945) and Raup (1947), little serious field study of plants had been done there. portion of the Canol Road. Raup’s Botany of Southwestern Mackenzie SIDA 1 (3): 117—170. 1963. 118 118° Sof 114°E RAE \w a} & SS 5 : => FR GP we Na S A f CHANNEL~ S wr TY p Ben TEs. © 7? “ig L g W,X9 ¢ 4\ “ _ 1 ° | 9 fe ee ey are 4, iad iran ; SLAVE pone eee ee 61° N | HAY RIVER 7) Fd [a MC g = Vis we EN < ore « ~ +h a ENTERPRISE size Os NY & MILES 2 ay (ae) renin , 0 8 16 24 oo oS Q Fig. 1. The Yellowknife Highway Region, Northwest Territories, Canada 119 knife airport; and a mile number alone indicates the Enterprise-Mac- kenzie River section and refers to miles from Enterprise. For each 120 species, a specimen from each of the three sections is cited when such specimens are available. That a species is not ascribed to a particular section does not necessarily mean that it does not occur there. The few species seemingly limited to any one section are so designated in the text. I have included in the catalogue a few species that were not found along the Yellowknife Highway itself but were collected along the adjacent Mackenzie Highway in the Northwest Territories. Unless otherwise noted, all specimens cited have been deposited in the her- barium of Chicago Natural History Museum (F), the repository for most of the material collected during the survey. The catalogue includes 5 algae, 35 lichens, 38 bryophytes, and 452 vascular plants. The seed plants are represented by 61 families, among which the largest are Compositae (55 species), Cyperaceae (51), Grami- neae (35), Cruciferae (23), and Rosaceae (22). Among the seed plants the genera represented by 10 or more species are Carex (37), Salix (18), and Potamogeton (10), The genera Poa and Calamagrostis, which are incompletely treated, are to be made the subject of separate papers at a later date. PLS Pele CHARACEAE Chara aspera Willd. var. macounit Allen. In shallow water of road- side pool, mile 110.5 N, 7728, and of marly stream, mile 39.7 N, 8420. Chara contraria A. Br. In shallow water of marly lakes, mile 40.5, 5426, mile 37, 6138. Chara contraria A. Br. var. hispidula A. Br. In shallow water of marly lake, mile 37, 6139. Chara globularis Thuill. In shallow water of stream, mile 75 N, 7375. Tolypella prolifera Leonh. In shallow water, Kakisa Lake, 5674. LICHENS PELTIGERACEAE Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. Infrequent, usually growing in moss mats in rich spruce forests. Number 4519 is var. aphthosa; 8028 is var. variolosa (Mass.) Thoms. Kakisa Road, 4519; mile 125.1 N, 8028. Peltigera malacea (Ach.) Funck. Jack pine forest on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8071. CLADONIACEAE Cladonia alpestris (L.) Rabh. Frequent to abundant as a ground cover in spruce or pine forests; common on crystalline and limestone out- crops. In the open jack pine forests around mile 120 N, the white sand is almost completely covered with this and other lichens, and the ground appears yellow. Mile 28.5, 4932; mile 123.4 N, 8053; mile 39.8 S, 8326. 121 Cladonia alpicola (Flot.) Vainio. Crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S, 8325 (p.p.). Grane amaurocraea (Flk.) Schaer. Black aie Ronee mile 53, 4954; jack pine forest on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, Cladonia coccifera (L.) Willd. Jack pine forest on ee knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8067. Cladonia cornuta (L.) Schaer. Spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8038; crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S, 8325 (p.p Cladonia degenerans (Flk.) Spreng. Crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S, 8325 (p.p Clanenig gonecha (Ach.) Asahina. Spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8039; jack pine forest on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8068. Cladonia gracilis (L.) Willd. var. pita (Hoffm.) Schaer. Jack pine forest on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8069. Cladonia metacorallifera ae Crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 5, 8325 (p.p.). Cladonia mitis Sandst. Frequent in spruce or pine forests and on limestone and crystalline outcrops. Mile 12, 4869; mile 123.4 N, 8062; mile 43.7 S, 8315. Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm. var. neglecta (Flk.) Mass. Jack pine forest on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8069; crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S. 8325 (p.p Cladonia Paneenne (L.) Web. Frequent to common as a ground cover in spruce or pine forests; frequent on limestone and crystalline outcrops. Mile 12, 4868; mile 125.1 N, 8051; mile 39.8 S, 8327. Cladonia sylvatica (L.) Harm. Abundant as a ground cover in a spruce forest, Kakisa Road, 4516. Cladonia uncialis (L.) Web. Jack pine ae on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8063; crystalline outcrop, mile 43.7 S, 8316. Cladonia verticillata (Hoffm.) Schaer. Crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S, 8325 (p.p.). eva sa tomentosum E. Fr. Spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8024. GYROPHORACEAE Actinogyra muhlenbergii (Ach.) Schol. Common on crystalline out- crops. Mile 43.7 S, 831 Lasallia pensylvanica (Hoffm.) Llano. Common on crystalline out- crops. Mile 43.7 S, 831 LECANORACEAE ee ae inaequatula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Limestone outcrop, mile 127 N, 829 PARMELIACEAE Cetraria crispa (Ach.) Nyl. Black spruce ee mile 112.2 N, 8125; jack pine forest on sandy knoll, mile 123.4 N, 8066. 122 Cetraria culcullata (Bell.) Ach. Spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8030. Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach. Spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8040. Cetraria nivalis (L.) Ach. Frequent to common in spruce or pine forests and on limestone and crystalline outcrops. Mile 12, 4870; mile 123.4 N, 8055; mile 39.8 S, 8317. Cetraria tilesii Ach. Rare on limestone outcrops. Wile 22:7, 5176; s0ule 127 N, 8290. Parmelia centrifuga (L.) Ach. Crystalline outcrop, mile 43.7 S, 8320. Parmelia stenophylla (Ach.) Hueg. Crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S, 8323. Parmelia sulcata Tayl. Crystalline outcrop, mile 39.8 S, 8322. USNEACEAE Evernia mesomorpha Nyl. Common on bark of birches in spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8027. Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) Ach. Limestone outcrop, mile 127 N, 8296. Usnea comosa (Ach.) R6Ohl. Common on bark of birches in spruce forest, mile 125.1 N. 8026. CALOPLACACEAE Caloplaca elegans (Link) T. Fr. Limestone outcrop, mile 127 N, 8299. BUELLIACEAE Buellia papillata (Somerf.) Tuck. Limestone outcrop, mile 127 N, 8294 PHYSCIACEAE Physcia muscigena (Ach.) Nyl. Spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8025; limestone outcrop, mile 127 N, 8291. BRYOPHYTES SPHAGNACEAE Sphagnum balticum Russ. On sedge mats around muck bottom lakes. Mile 57.6 5S, 7247. Sphagnum capillaceum (Weiss) Schrank var. tenellum (Schimp.) Andrews. Black spruce forest, mile 59.8 S, 6763. Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh, In shallow water on sedge mats and in forest pools. Mile 59.8 S, 6764. Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) H. Klinggr. Apparently the most com- mon Sphagnum in the region. Usually found in hummocks in forests, principally of black spruce, where it may be the main ground cover. Mile 53, 4951; mile 59.8 S, 6762; mile 36 N, 7541. Sphagnum girgensohnii Russ. Black spruce forest, mile 126 N, 9141a. Sphagnum riparium Angstr. In Ledum muskeg, mile 44.8 S, 7222. 123 Sphagnum squarrosum Pers. ex. Crome. Black spruce forest, mile 126 N, 9141. Sphagnum warnstorfianum DuRietz. Occasional to common, forming mounds or mats in black spruce forests and in wet muskegs. Mile 52, 5370; mile 44.8 S, 7223; mile 36 N, 7540. POLYTRICHACEAE Polytrichum formosum Hedw. In depressions on crystalline outcrops, where it forms mats on thin soil. Mile 39 S, 7934. Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. Disturbed soil, Kakisa Road, 5359; crystalline outcrop, mile 11.5 S, 6713. Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. var. alpestre (Hoppe) BSG. Spruce forest, Kakisa Road, 4557; disturbed soil, mile 81.5 N, 6887. Polytrichum piliferum Hedw. In peaty depressions on crystalline out- crops. Mile 14.5 S, 7152. DITRICHACEAE Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. Disturbed soil, mile 4.2 N, 6625. Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwaegr.) Hampe. Limestone outcrops, mile 22.7, 5176a, mile 127 N, 8297; spruce forest, Kakisa Road, 4763; shrub zone around marly lake, mile 64, 6051. DICRANACEAE Dicranum bergeri Bland. Shrub zone around a marly lake, mile 64, 6052; spruce forest, mile 125.1 N, 8034. GRIMMIACEAE Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.-B. Crystalline outcrop, mile 27.7 S, 7204. AULACOMNIACEAE Aulacomnium acuminatum (Lindb. et Arn.) Par. Frequent to common as a ground cover in spruce forests, Kakisa Road, 5351; mile 65.8 S, 7990 Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr. Frequent in spruce forests, where it may be important as a ground cover. Mile 27.7, 4936. Aulacomnium turgidum (Wahl. ex Web. et Mohr) Schwaegr. Lime- stone outcrop, mile 128 N, 6788; crystalline outcrop, mile 8.3 S, 7134. MEESIACEAE Meesia tristicha BSG. In sedge mat around lake, mile 47.2 S, 4957. Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid. White spruce forest, mile 62.8 S, 9. BRYACEAE Brynum lacustre Bland. Marl deposit, mile 110.5 N, 6837. Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Schimp. Disturbed soil, mile 2.5 S, (C® 124 HYPNACEAE Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) Lange et C. Jens. Black spruce forests, mile 44.5, 5122, mile 115 N, 8284; sedge mat and shallow water of marly lake, mile 63, 5299. Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. var. polycarpus (Bland. ex Voit) Warnst, Sedge meadow, mile 23.2 S, 7906. Drepanocladus capillifolius (Warnst.) Warnst. In muck and shallow water of lake, mile 20.5 S, 7175; sedge meadow, mile 11.4 S, 7833. Drepanocladus exannulatus (BSG) Warnst. In sedge mats and in shallow water of muck bottom lakes. Mile 44.8 S, 7218. Drepanocladus fluitans (Hedw.) Warnst. Shallow pool in black spruce forest, mile 59.8 S, 6765; among rocks in shallow water, Mackenzie River, 7460. Drepanocladus vernicosus (Lindb.) Warnst. Shallow water of marly lake, mile 40.5, 5425. Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) BSG. The common “feather moss” of the region. Especially abundant in rich white spruce forests, where it forms a dense carpet on the floor, as it may do also in certain black spruce forests: Characteristic of more mesophytic forests of jack pine, where it occurs in scattered patches. Mile 33.5, 5990; mile 42.5 N, 6918; mile 65.8 S, 7986. Hypnum bambergeri Schimp. Black spruce forest, mile 72 N, 7651. Scorpidium scorpioides (Hedw.) Limpr. Shallow water of marly lake, mile 54, 5079. Tomenthypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske. Frequent to common in white or black spruce forests, where it is a characteristic ground cover. Mile 66, 5268; mile 42.5 N, 6923; mile 62.8 S, 7979. THUIDIACEAE Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) Fl. In moss mat on limestone slab, mile 128 N, 6779. FONTINALACEAE Fontinalis duriaei Schimp. On rocks in boulder rapids, Kakisa River, 5701. PLAGIOCHILACEAE Mylia anomala (Hook.) S. F, Gray. Among Sphagnum fuscum in forests, mile 113.5 N, 6822, mile 45 S, 7941. PTILIDIACEAE Ptilidium ciliare (L.) Nees. Among Dicranum bergeri in spruce forests, mile 125.1 N, 8035. MARCHANTIACEAE Marchantia polymorpha L. Edge of roadside pool, mile 61.2 N, 7604. 125 RICCIACEAE Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda. In shallow water among Carex, Mac- kenzie River, 5995, and among Lemna minor in small pond, mile 26 Ss, 9276. VASCULAR PLANTS EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arvense L. Infrequent along shores and in moist forests; locally common in disturbed areas. Kakisa River, 4539; mile 2.5 S, 6673; mile 24 N, 7437, Equisetum fluviatile L. Infrequent in shallow water, in marshes, in sedge mats, and on shores. Mackenzie River, 4239; Kakisa Lake, 4898; mile 85 N, 6880; mile 3.6 S, 7798. Equisetum palustre L. Infrequent along shores, in shallow water, and in black spruce forests; locally frequent in disturbed areas. Mile 44, 4299; mile 119 N, 7747a; mile 66 S, 8019. Equisetum scirpoides Michx. Infrequent in sandy soil or moss mats in forests of pine or spruce; locally common in disturbed soil. Mile 123.4 N, 7294; Enterprise, 9051. Equisetum sylvaticum L. Infrequent in peaty soil or in moss mats in moist forests, especially of black spruce; locally frequent in disturbed soil. Kakisa Road, 4508; mile 2.5 S, 6668. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Seen only once, sandy-gravelly beach of Kakisa Lake near outlet, 6096. LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium complanatum L. Rare in dry sandy soil in pine or spruce woods. Mile 11.5, 4835; mile 59.3 S, 6747; Prelude Lake, 9221. SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella selaginoides (L.) Link. Rare in muskeg forests and in shrub zones around marly lakes. Mile 57.5, 5217; mile 119 N, 7740 ISOETACEAE Isoetes echinospora Dur. var. braunii (Dur.) Engelm. Seen only once, in shallow water, sandy bouldery bottom, Prelude Lake, 9216. POLYPODIACEAE Cryptogramma crispa (L.) R. Br. var. acrostichoides (R. Br.) Clarke. Infrequent in shallow soil or in crevices on rock outcrops, mainly crystalline but occasionally limestone. Mile 66 S, 7257; Horseshoe Island, Yellowknife Bay, 9492. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Infrequent in crevices on limestone outcrops, Mile 15.5, 5153; mile 66 S, 6778 Cystopteris montana (Lam.) Bernh. Seen only once, in a spruce- 126 feather moss forest on slope above Kakisa River 1.5 miles below Lady Evelyn Falls, 5350. Dryopteris robertiana (Hoffm.) Christensen. Seen only once, in crevices on face of limestone escarpment in white spruce forest, mile 15.5, 5156. Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott. Infrequent in crevices on crystalline outcrops. Of the collections made of this species, only 9178, with its overlapping pinnae, approaches var. fragrans; the others are clearly var. remotiuscula Kom. Yellowknife, 9178; mile 16 S, 9296. Polypodium virginianum L. Infrequent in crevices on rock outcrops, mainly crystalline but occasionally limestone. Mile 2.7 S, 6692; mile 66 S, 7258. Woodsia glabella R. Br. Infrequent in crevices on limestone outcrops. Mile 26, 4336; mile 66 S, 6775. Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. Frequent in rock crevices, especially on crystalline outcrops, but also on limestone. Mile 2.7 S, 6688; mile 66 S, 7259. PINACEAE cline for about half their length and then ascend. The reclining portion of the branches usually roots. This plant is most characteristic, perhaps, of jack pine forests on sandy knolls and limestone outcrops, where it forms a distinct low-shrub stratum. Mile 70, 4246; mile 2.7 S, 6686; mile 96.7 N, 7699. Juniperus horizontalis Moench. (Ch) Frequent in a variety of habitats, including rocky slopes, forests of most kinds, and, most commonly, rock outcrops (both crystalline and limestone). Stems prostrate, to at least 20 feet long and 1.7 inch in diameter. Creeping juniper exists along the highway in two strikingly distinct forms, glaucous and green. These forms are most effectively contrasted where they grow together, as on the limestone outcrops at mile 26-28. Here, the elongate branches of many plants criss-cross each other, forming in many spots a distinctive reticulate pattern on the rock, Mile 36, 4610; mile 96.5 N, 6868; Yellow- knife, 9187. Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch. (Ms) Frequent in muskeg forests, although seldom forming pure stands of any extent. Larch is most com- monly found in moist to wet areas, but it occasionally occurs in seeming- ly xeric habitats, such as atop crystalline outcrops, where it grows in crevices. The maturing cones are magenta and glaucous. Larch is the least common of the gymnospermous trees in the highway region. Trees between 26 and 32 feet tall and 3.3 to 4.9 inches DBH were found to 127 have 24 to 29 annual rings. Mile 64, 6059; mile 2.5 S, 6676; mile 26.5 N, 7519. Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. (Mg) Common to abundant in white height and 15.7 inches DBH and did not show more than 91 annual rings; most were appreciably smaller and younger than this. Mile 65, 6048; mile 74 N, 6894; Yellowknife, 9183. Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP. (Ms) Common to abundant in black spruce forests; occasional on crystalline outcrops and on sand plains and ridges. Black spruce, the commonest tree in hydric sites, seldom ex- 31 feet tall showed about 190; one 4.3 inches DBH and 27 feet tall showed about 178; and one 3.3 inches DBH and 18 feet tall showed 56. Kakisa Road, 4576; mile 2.5 S, 6677. Pinus banksiana Lamb. (Ms) Characteristic tree of sandy knolls, sand plains, and rock outcrops (both crystalline and limestone). Although most commonly found in these rather xeric habitats, jack pine can oc- TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia L. (HH) Infrequent in wet places or shallow water. Most commonly observed in disturbed areas, especially roadside ditches; only infrequently seen in undisturbed areas. In a few sites cattail is a contributor to the mat around lakes in the Canadian Shield section. Mile 1, 5553; mile 61.2 N, 7594; mile 6.8 S, 7815. SPARGANIACEAE Sparganium angustifolium Michx. (incl. S. multipeduncalatum [Mor- ong] Rydb.) (HH) infrequent in mud or muck of shores or road- side ditches or in still or flowing water to about 2 feet e s 128 mm. wide; generally the plants growing in the deepest water have the narrowest leaves. Leaves are commonly flat in the upper half and convex on the back in the lower half. Foliar characteristics and others, including size and number of pistillate heads and length of stigma, frequently used to distinguish S. augustifolium from S. multipeduncula- tum, appear to break down in our northern material, a conclusion reached also by Hulten (1941-1950) and Anderson (1959). Kakisa River, 5710; mile 7.7 S, 7818; mile 12 N, 8253. Sparganium minimum (Hartm.) Fries. (HH) Infrequent in mud or muck of shores or roadside ditches or in still or flowing water to about 1.5 feet deep. The material I refer to this species is rather variable but it surely represents only one taxon. Most specimens have 1, 2, or 3 pistillate heads, but a few have 4 or even 5. The mature heads vary in diameter from 8 to 12 mm. In about half the plants observed, all the pistillate heads are sessile, but in the others the lowest head(s) are peduncled, with peduncles to 23 mm. long. The peduncles are usually axillary, but occasionally one is clearly supra-axillary. The peduncle of the stami- nate head varies from 3 to 18 mm. long. Mile 50, 5717; mile 30 over: ZOSTERACEAE Potamogeton alpinus Balbis var. tenuifolius (Raf.) Ogden. (HH) Rare in still water to at least 1.5 feet deep, clay or muck bottom. Noted only in Canadian Shield section. Mile 9.7 S, 7823. Potamogeton filiformis Pers. (HH) Infrequent in still or flowing water to at least 1.5 feet deep, gravel, marl, or clay bottom. Numbers 7637 and 7814, cited below, represent var. borealis (Raf.) St. John; 9061, with leaves about 1 mm. wide, is best referred to var. macountt Morong. Mile 23.5, 9061; mile 68.2 N, 7637; mile 6.8 5, 7814. Potamogeton foliosus Raf. var. macellus Fern. (HH) Rare in shallow still water, clay or muck bottom. Noted only in Canadian Shield sec- tion. Mile 38.3 S, 8356. Potamogeton friesii Rupr. (HH) Rare in shallow still water, clay or muck bottom. Noted only in Canadian Shield section. Mile 12.7 S, 7858. Potamogeton gramineus L. (HH) Frequent in still or flowing water to at least 2 feet deep, gravel, clay, or muck bottom. On the specimens cited below, 5702 clearly is var. maximus Morong; 8372 is var. grami- neus; and 8307 is intermediate in leaf characteristics between these var- ieties. Kakisa River, 5702; Stagg River, 8307; mile 54.4 S, 8372. Potamogeton pectinatus L. (H Seen only once, among boulders in shallow water of Mackenzie River at Fort Providence, 4232, Potamogeton pusillus L. (HH) Infrequent in still or flowing water to at least 2 feet deep, clay or muck bottom. Noted only in Canadian Shield section. Mile 7.7 S, 7816. Potamogeton richardsonii (Benn.) Rydb. (HH) Infrequent in still or flowing water to at least 4 feet deep, gravel, clay, or muck bottom. 129 Kakisa Lake, 5633; mile 12 N, 8252; mile 49 S, 8306. Potamogeton vaginatus Turcz. (HH) Rare in still or flowing water to at least 1.5 feet deep, gravel or sand bottom. Kakisa Lake, 4615; Yellowknife, 9172. Potamogeton zosteriformis Fern. (HH) Rare in still water to at least 3 feet deep, muck bottom. Noted only in Canadian Shield section. Mile 36.4 S, 8351. JUNCAGINACEAE Triglochin maritima L. (Hrr) Infrequent along rocky or sandy shores, in marshy areas, in marl deposits, and in sedge mats and shallow water around marly lakes. Mackenzie River, 4134; mile 66, 4260; mile 72 N, 7033; Prosperous Lake, 9196. Triglochin palustris L. (Hrr) Infrequent along rocky or sandy shores, in marshy areas, in marl deposits, in sedge mats and shallow water around marly lakes, and in spruce forests. Kakisa River, 4276; mile 72 N, 7036; Yellowknife, 8342. ALISMATACEAE Kakisa Lake, 5659; mile 49 S, 7959. GRAMINEAE Agropyron cristatum Gaertn. (Hs) Seen only once, in disturbed soil, Fort Providence, 9075a. Agropyron latiglume (Scribn. et Sm.) Rydb. (Hs) Seen only once, in disturbed soil, mile 59, 6073 Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. (Grh) Seen only once, in weedy area, Yellowknife, 7777 Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte. (Hs) Infrequent to common along sandy or clay shores, in shallow residual soil on limestone out- * : . . . crops, and in disturbed soil. Dominant, with Muhlenbergia richardsonis, angliae (Scribn.) Fern.; 4137, 7992, and 8224 are var. glaucum (Pease et Moore) Malte; and 7471 is best referred to var. unilaterale (Cassidy) Malte. Mile 17 N, 4136, 4137; Fort Providence, 4229; mile 41, 4308; mile 130 24, 5631, 5632; Kakisa River, 5747, 6093; mile 86.7 N, 7063; mile 10 N, 7471: mile 66 S, 7992; Mackenzie River, 8224 Agrostis scabra Willd. (Hs) Infrequent on outcrops, both crystalline and limestone, in marl deposits, and along mucky, marly, or sandy shores, becoming frequent to common in disturbed areas. Mile 66, 5235; mile 66 S, 7262; mile 110 N, 7299 Alopecrus aequalis Sobol. (Hs) Rare in marshes, in sedge mats around muck-bottom lakes, and along clay, gravelly, sandy, or mucky shores; becoming frequent in disturbed areas. Fort Providence, 5041; mile 23.5, 5777; mile 82 N, 7053; mile 16.5 S, 7878. Arctagrostis latifolia (R. Br.) Griseb. (Incl. A. arundinacea [Trin.] Beal) (Hsr) Local in disturbed soil along highway; seen only once in an undisturbed habitat, a white spruce forest above shore of Great Slave Lake, mile 62.8 S, 7978. Mile 7.5 N, 4215; mile 33, 4319. Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fern. (Th) Rare on gravelly, muddy, or sandy shores and in marshes, becoming frequent in disturbed areas. Mile 11 N, 4223; Kakisa River, 5210; Prosperous Lake, 9223. Bromus inermis L. (Hsr) Seen only once, along Mackenzie Highway 4 miles south of Hay River, 5536. Bromus pumpellianus Scribn. (Hsr) Rare in dry sandy soil in pine or spruce woods and along rocky shores. Numbers 4234 and 7309 are notable for the length (up to 4.5 cm.) of their cna Fort Providence, 4234; mile 46, 5404; mile 66 S, 7287; mile 110 N, Calamagrostis. My collections of eee from the highway C. lapponica (Wahl.) Hartm., C. neglecta (Ehrh.) Gaertn., or C. pur- purascens R. Br. Many others cannot be convincingly referred to any of these species but appear to be intermediates. The specimens are dis- couragingly variable in those characteristics commonly regarded as diagnostic in Calamagrostis. I plan to present, in a separate paper, an analysis of this variation. Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. (Hs) Infrequent on rocky or sandy shores, in shallow residual soil over limestone, and in marl deposits. Kakisa River, 4014; mile 110 N, 7306; mile 64.6 S, 8379. Elymus canadensis L. (Hs) Seen only once, on gravelly shore of Hay River near mile 49 of Mackenzie Highway, 6167 Elymus innovatus Beal. (Hsr) Infrequent to rare in sand or in moss mats in white spruce or jack pine forests, becoming frequent in dis- turbed areas. Fort Providence, 5045; mile 52, 5099; mile 103.2 N, 7342. Festuca rubra L. (Hsr) Seen only once, in disturbed clay, mile 21.5 N, 6969. Festuca saximontana Rydb. (Hs) Infrequent in dry sandy soil, es- pecially in pine or spruce woods, in shallow residual soil over limestone, 131 and on crystalline outcrops, becoming frequent in disturbed areas. Mile 22.7, 5174; mile 70.5 N, 6906; mile 6.1 Su Zoe Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batch. (Hsr) Rare on muddy or sandy shores or in shallow water. Seen only in Canadian Shield section. Mile 20.5 S, Glyceria grandis Wats. (Hsr) Rare along muddy, sandy, or mucky shores or in shallow water. Kakisa River, 5711; mile 20.5 S, 7900; mile 126 N, 9139. Glyceria pulchella (Torr.) Trin. (Hsr) Infrequent along muddy, sandy, or mucky shores; locally abundant in marshes. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4123; mile 56, 5011; mile 26.9 S, 7911. Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitche. (Hsr) Rare along muddy, sandy, or peaty shores. Mile 13, 5588; mile 66 S, 8021. Helictotrichon hookeri (Scribn.) Henr. (Hs) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone. Noted only south of the Mackenzie River. Mile 22.7, 5161. Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv. (Hsr) Infrequent along shores or in shallow residual soil on limestone outcrops, Kakisa River, 4730; mile 39.7 N, 6993a. Hordeum jubatum L. (Hs) Infrequent in drier grasslands, on rocky shores, and in marl deposits, becoming locally frequent to common in disturbed areas. Mile 17 N, 4143; mile 66, 5256; mile 23.5 S, 7190. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. (Hs) Infrequent to rare in shallow residual soil over limestone, Noted only south of the Mackenzie River. Mile 28.5, Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin. var. cinnoides (Link) Herm. (Hsr) Rare in marl deposits or in sedge mats around marly lakes, usually growing on ant hills. Noted only south of the Mackenzie River. Mile 50, 9718 Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb. (Hsr) Rare on rocky shores, in shrub zones around marly lakes, and in limestone crevices; common in prairies northeast of Fort Providence, where it may be co-dominant with Agropyron trachycaulum. Mile 17 N, 4191; mile 50, 5397. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. (Hs) Rare in dry peaty or sandy soil in woods, especially jack pine or white spruce. Noted only south of the Mackenzie River. Kakisa River, 4741. limestone. Mile 33, 4318; mile 103.5 N, 6850. Phalaris arundinacea L. (Grh) Infrequent along rocky or marly shores and in marl deposits. Number 9450 is notable for the length—up to 29.5 cm.—of its panicles. Mackenzie River, 4233; mile 59.5 N, 7378; Kakisa River, 9450. Phalaris canariensis L. (Th) Seen only once, disturbed soil, mile 3 N, 9434 (in herb. DAO). 132 Phleum pratense L. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. Kakisa River, 5474; mile 21.5 N. 7503. a. The genus Poa is represented in the highway region by at least the ee species: P. alpina L., P. glauca Vahl, P. interior Rydb., P. leptocoma Trin., P. palustris L., P. pratensis L., and P. stenantha Rydb. My collections total 114 numbers. They will be reported on in a separate paper De omneiie distans (L.) Parl. (Hs) Seen only twice, disturbed soil, mile 16 S, 7154, and sandy shore of Prosperous Lake, 9198 Puccinellia nuttalliana (Schultes) Hitche. (Hs) Rare in marl deposits, becoming frequent in disturbed areas. Enterprise, 3898; mile 39.7 N, Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link. (Hsr) Locally frequent to com- mon or even dominant in marshes, in marl deposits, and on marly shores. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4065; mile 39.7 Ni o7b50; mile Gi I, der. Sphenopholis intermedia (Rydb.) Rydb. (Hs) Rare along sandy rocky shores and in disturbed areas. Mile 0.5, 5939; Mackenzie River, 6001. Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richt. (Hs) Rare in shallow residual soil or in crevices on limestone outcrops, and in sandy soil in pine woods. Mile 23.5, 5134; mile 110 N, 7304 CYPERACEAE Carex aenea Fern. (Hs) Frequent to common in disturbed soils, especially sand; rare in seemingly undisturbed sand in jack pine woods and in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops. Mile oy 5111; mile 110 N, 7298; mile 1.8 S, 7784. Carex aquatilis Wahl. (Grh ‘HH}) Frequent to abundant in shallow water and on shores, in marl deposits, and in sedge mats; rare in moss and lichen mats on limestone and in spruce forests. This, the commonest sedge of the highway region, in co-dominant with Carex atherodes and Scolochloa festucacea in the extensive marshes north of Fort Provi- dence. It is an important contributor to the sedge mats around both marly and muck bottom lakes. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4029; Kakisa Lake, 4651; mile 59.5 N, 7377; mile 7 S, 9248. Carex atherodes Spreng. (Grh [HH]) Frequent to abundant in shal- low water and on shores in marl deposits, and in prairies. Carex atherodes is a co-dominant species, with Carex aquatilis and Scolochloa, in the extensive marshes north of Fort Providence, and, in the same area, is co-dominant in prairies with Calamagrostis neglecta and Agropyron trachycaulum. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4027; mile 72 N, 8269. Carex aurea Nutt. (Grh) Local, mostly in disturbed damp sandy, peaty, or clay soil; occurring also on marly shores and in grasslands. Kakisa River, 5339; mile 65.6 N, 7615 133 Carex bebbii Olney. (Hs) Infrequent in residual soil over limestone and in disturbed sandy or peaty soil. Kakisa River, 5332. Carex buxbaumii Wahl. (Hsr [HH]) Infrequent to abundant in sedge mats, in marl deposits, and in disturbed peaty soil; noted once in a black spruce-Hylocomium splendens forest. Carex buxbaumii is, in places, an important contributor to the mat around marly lakes. Its rhizomes often extend 2 to 3 feet into open water beyond the edge of the mat. Mile 66, 4258; mile 28.5 N, 7430. Carex canescens L. (Hs) Local in disturbed soil at roadside, on sedge mats and shores of muck bottom lakes, and on crystalline and limestone outcrops. Much of the material I refer here is seemingly transitional to Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Mile 46.6 S, 7225; mile 35 N, 7537. Carex capillaris L. (Hs) Infrequent to rare on hummocks in marshes, in marl deposits, in sedge mats, in moss mats in black spruce forests, and in disturbed soil. Mile 56, 4789; mile 110 N, 7318 Carex capitata L. (Hsr) Infrequent to rare in spruce-feather moss forests and in disturbed sandy, peaty, or clayey soil. Kakisa River, 4545; mile 42.5 N, 6920; mile 66 S, 7267. these “stolons” are up to 6 cm. long, and from the nodes arise leaves and flowering culms—but no roots. The “stolons” survive the winter and continue growth in length the following spring, evidencing typi- cally chamaephytic behavior. Mile 4.7 , 6702. Carex concinna R. Br. (Hsr) Tere quent to rare in moss mats in spruce forests, in shallow residual soil over limestone, in marl deposits, in grassy openings in woods, and in disturbed sandy soil. The plants are most robust in disturbed areas, The culms, especially of more vigorous eaten River 4522; mile inet Carex crawfordii Fern. (Hs) Seen ae once, in disturbed sandy soil along road to ford over Kakisa River, 4287. Carex deflexa Hornem. (Hsr) Rare; observed only in disturbed situa- tions, either ead or peaty soil. Kakisa Road, 4514; mile 8.3 S, 7129; mile 110 N, Carex ae scan (Hs) Infrequent in sedge mats around both marly and muck bottom lakes, and in marl and muck deposits. Mile 63, 0292; mile 16.2 S, 7171. Carex disperma Dewey. (Grh) Infrequent to rare in mars shy areas and in disturbed sandy, peaty, or clay soil. Kakisa Lake, 4627; mile 32 N, 6975; mile 46.6 S, 7227. Carex eburnea Boott. (Grh) Rare in crevices of shaded limestone out- crops. Mile 26, 4340; mile 124.5 N, 7289 Carex foenea Willd. (Grh) Local in sand in dry situations, usually in 134 pine woods; also in disturbed sand at roadside. Mile 110 N, 7301; Yellow- knife, 7775. Carex garberi Fern. (Grh) Infrequent along rocky or marly shores, in marl deposits, and in disturbed loam or peat soils. Mile 7, 4807; Mackenzie River, 7458; mile 110.5 N, 7735. Carex glacialis Mack. (Hs) Seen only once, in crevices in limestone cliff, mile 66 S, 7286 Carex gynocrates Wormsk. (Grh) Infrequent in moss mats in spruce forests and in disturbed peaty soil adjacent to these forests. Kakisa River, 5343; mile 72 N, 7027. Carex interior Bailey. (Hsr) Seen only once, in sedge mat around marly lake, mile 61, 5276. Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. (Grh [HH]) Infrequent to common along shores, in sedge mats around both marly and muck bottom lakes, in shallow water, and in disturbed peaty soil. Carex lasiocarpa is an im- portant contributor, in places, to sedge mats. Of the collections cited below, 7459 represents var. latifolia (Béck.) Gleason (Carex lanuginosa Michx.); the others are var. americana Fern. Mile 44, 4303; Mackenzie River, 7459; mile 6 S, 7810a. Carex leptalea Wahl. (Hsr) Infrequent to rare in hummocks in marshes, persisting and becoming locally frequent in disturbed gravelly or peaty soil. Mile 56, 4790; mile 35 N, 7539. Carex limosa L. (Grh [HH]) Rare to frequent in sedge mats around both marly and muck bottom lakes; sometimes also in shallow water beyond edge of mat. Mile 61, 5280; mile 44.8 S, 7219. Carex media R. Br. (Hs) Rare in spruce-feather moss forests, be- coming somewhat more common in disturbed soil. Mile 66, 5245; mile 32 N, 6976, mile 4.8 S, 7117. Carex paupercula Michx. var. pallens Fern, (Hs) Seen only once, on muck bottom of drained lake, mile 20.5 S, 7174. Carex physocarpa Presl. (Grh [HH}) Infrequent in marl deposits, in shallow water of marly lakes, and in marshes. Mile 66, 4256; mile 41.3 N, 7003. Carex praticola Rydb. (Hs) Infrequent in Calamagrostis or Agrophyron- Muhlenbergia prairies northeast of Fort Providence, spreading to dis- turbed soil at roadside. Mile 17 N, 4202 Carex raymondii Calder. (Hs) Rare; seen only in disturbed soil. Mile 0.5, 5548; mile 26.5 N, 7521. Carex rossii Boott. (Hs) Rare; seen only in disturbed soil. Mile 28.5, 4918; mile 41.3 N, 7001. Carex rostrata Stokes. (Grh [HH]}) Frequent to abundant in shallow water, marshes, along shores, in sedge mats, and in roadside ditches. 135 This species is occasionally dominant in marshes and sedge mats. Mile 44, 4304; mile 24 N, 7434; mile 9.6 S, 7821 Carex sartwellii Dewey. (Grh) Seen at only three stations: in disturbed peaty soil, mile 18, 5600; in marl deposit, mile 39.7 N, 7398; in disturbed clay, mile 21.5 N, 7496 Carex scirpoidea Michx. (Grh) Rare to frequent in moss mats in spruce forests, in shallow residual soil over limestone, in marl deposits, and on marly shores, persisting in disturbed areas. Not seen in Canadian Shield section. Mile 70, 4255; mile 42.5 N, 6924. Carex supina Wahl. (Grh) Seen only twice: in peaty-sandy soil atop crystalline outcrop, 3.3 miles east northeast of Yellowknife, 9188; in sand among jack pines, Yellowknife, 9240. Carex tenuiflora Wahl. (Hs) Rare along mucky shores and in dis- turbed soil in Canadian Shield section. Mile 14 S, 7142. Carex vaginata Tausch. (Grh) Infrequent to rare in spruce-feather moss forests and in birch thickets. Mile 70, 4250; mile 42.5 Carex viridula Michx. (Hs) Rare in marl deposits or on marly or sandy shores. Mile 100.5 N, 7310; mile 62, 9480; Prelude Lake, 9220. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. et S. (Grh [HH]) Local, forming mats in shallow water or on wet shores, in clay, sand, or muck. Kakisa Lake, 5667; mile 49 S, 7240; Mackenzie River, 8217. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. et S. (HH) Local in shallow water up to 1 foot deep or on wet shores. Kakisa Lake, 5663; mile 73.7 N, 7662; mile 5.7 8, 7806. Eleocharis pauciflora (Lightf.) Link var. fernaldii Svenson. (Gst) Local in wet marly soil or in sedge mats around marly lakes. Seen only along the Mackenzie River-Frank Channel section of the highway. Mile 65.6 N, 7613. Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. (Grh [HH]) Local and infrequent in marshes, in sedge mats and shallow water of marly lakes, and in peaty soil in depressions on crystalline outcrops. Kakisa Lake, 4679; mile 4.2 N, 6613; mile 40 S, 7215. Eriophorum brachyantherum Trautv. (Hs) Local in marshes, in wet spruce forests, and in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops. Mile 43, 4307; mile 4.7 S, 6699; mile 78.3 N, 6892. Eriophorum chamissonis C. A. Mey. (Grh [HH]) Locally frequent to common in shallow water or sedge mats of marl or muck-bottom lakes, in marshes, and in disturbed wet soil. Mile 52, 5372; mile 57.6 S, 7248. Eriophorum gracile Koch. (Grh [HH]}) Rare on sedge mats or hum- mocks around muck-bcottom lakes or in shallow water of these lakes. Seen only in the Canadian Shield section. Mile 35 S, 6741. Eriophorum spissum Fern. (Hs) Material seemingly best referrable here was collected once, in a peaty depression on crystalline outcrop, mile 47.9 S, 7235. 136 Eriophorum viridi-carinatum (Engelm.) Fern. (Grh [HH]) Seen only once, in shallow water and sedge mat, marly lake, mile 50, 5385 Scirpus cespitosus L. var. callosus Bigel. (Hsr) Common in sedge mats and thickets around marly lakes; occasional in low spots in black spruce forests. This plant is frequently the dominant species in sedge mats, especially in firmer portions of the mat. Mile 63, 5298; mile 113.5 N, Scirpus hudsonianus (Michx.) Fern. (Hs) Rare in marshes and birch thickets, Mile 86 N, 6878 Scirpus microcarpus Presl. (Hsr) Seen only once, at edge of sedge dominated island in Kakisa River 4 miles below highway bridge, 5678. Scirpus pumilus Vahl ssp. rollandii (Fern.) Raymond. (Grh) Seen only once, in marl deposit, mile 110.5 N, 7091. Scirpus validus Vahl. (HH) Infrequent along shores or in shallow water. The identity of our northern bulrush seems by no means cer- tain. Many specimens are fairly “typical” S. acutus; many are fairly “typical” S. validus except that the scales may be conspicuously red- spotted. Between these extremes occur various intermediates. Until a more thorough study can be made of Scirpus section Pterolepis in the north, I prefer to call-our material S. validus, the name by which all Mackenzie material has been known. Kakisa Lake, 5670; mile 16.5 S, 7877; mile 39.7 N, 8422. ARACEAE Acorus calamus L. (HH) Seen only once, with Potentilla palustris, Calla palustris, and Menyanthes trifoliata, in the mat around a small lake, along road 3 miles south of Fort Rae, 9484. Calla palustris L. (HH) Frequent to common in shallow water as a contributor to the mat around lakes in the Canadian Shield section. The rhizomes may extend, just under the surface of the water, 2 to 3 feet beyond the inner edge of the mat. Calla palustris ranks in im- portance with Menyanthes trifoliata and Potentilla palustris as a mat builder. Mile 20.1 S, 7170. LEMNACEAE Lemna minor L. (HH) Local in shallow still water or on mud. Noted only in the Canadian Shield section. In one pond, Lemna minor was growing among vast numbers of achenes of Ranunculus gmelinii. Mile 49 S, 7242 Lemna trisulca L. (HH) Locally frequent or even abundant in water to 2 feet deep, either floating just beneath the surface or forming masses, sometimes large, on the bottom. Mackenzie River, 5996; mile 38.3 S, 8358. J UNCACEAE Juncus albescens (Lange) Fern. (Hs) Rare in moss mats or peaty soil 137 in spruce forests, and in sandy soil along streams. Kakisa River, 5320; mile 66 S, 8015; mile 122.6 N, 8074 Juncus alpinus Vill. (Grh) Infrequent in marshes, along sandy shores, in marl deposits, in moss mats and residual soil over limestone, and in disturbed soil, Most of our specimens of Juncus alpinus seem referrable to var. alpinus; several have some long-pedicelled flowers in the heads and so are best called var. rariflorus Hartm. Our material shows all degrees of intergradation, however, between these varieties. Mile 40.5, 0424; Mackenzie River, 5999; mile 39.7 N, 7555; mile 1.8 S, 7783. Juncus balticus Willd. var. littoralis Engelm. (Grh) Locally frequent to abundant on gravelly or sandy shores, in residual soil in low places on limestone outcrops, and in gypsum and marl deposits; rare in peaty soil in muskeg forests. Kakisa River, 5509; mile 82 N, 7674; Great Slave Lake, mile 64.6 S, 8377 Juncus bufonius L. (Th) Infrequent on wet clay or sand, or in shallow water, becoming frequent in disturbed areas. Kakisa River, 4273; Mac- kenzie River, 8226; Yellowknife, 8340 Juncus castaneus Sm. (Hsr) Rare in wet clay or sandy soil. Mile 122.6 , 8081. Juncus filiformis L. (Grh) Seen only once, in wet sand on shore of Prosperous Lake, 9227 Juncus nodosus L. (Gst) Rare on sandy shores. Kakisa Lake, 5656; Mackenzie River, 8233. Juncus stygius L. var. americanus Buch. (Hs) Seen only once, in marl and shallow water at edge of lake, mile 44.5, 6114. Juncus vaseyi Engelm. (Hs) Rare along mucky or sandy shores. Yel- lowknife, 8344 LILIACEAE Allium schoenoprasum L. var, sibiricum (L.) Hartm. (Gb) Rare along rocky shores and in residual soil over limestone. The plants are usually me in disturbed areas than in adjacent undisturbed areas. Collected in full bloom July 11-21; in young fruit August 10. Mackenzie River, 4131; mile 22.5, 5623. Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. (Grh) Rare along rocky shores, usually among shrubs. Collected in flower on June 25, in immature fruit July 26-28. Kakisa River, 4731; Mackenzie River, 8236. Smilacina trifolia (L.) Desf. (Hsr) Rare in Sphagnum mounds or mats of feather moss in spruce forests, in marshy spots in spruce forests, and in peaty depressions in crystalline outcrops. In flower June 17-July 1; mature fruit in mid-August. Mile 64, 4269; mile 36 N, 7544; mile 39 S, 7937. Tofieldia glutinosa (Michx.) Pers. (Hsr) Rare in sedge mats around marly lakes and in wet peaty soil and moss mats in black spruce woods. 138 Collected with flower buds on June 26, in full flower on July 14-16, and with mature fruit on August 14. Mile 36, 4314; mile 72 N, 7031. Tofieldia pusilla (Michx.) Pers. (Hsr) Infrequent in feather moss or Sphagnum mats in spruce or larch forests or in sedge mats around marly lakes. Collected in flower June 23-July 10; in mature fruit August 13. Mile 70, 4252; mile 42.5 N, 6922. Zygadenus elegans Pursh. (Gb) Infrequent in loamy or sandy soil in pine, spruce, or poplar woods, in residual soil over limestone, and in disturbed peaty or sandy soil. The plants are commonly more robust and taller and have longer and more branched panicles in disturbed areas than in adjacent undisturbed ones. Collected in flower from June 26 to July 15, in maturing fruit on August 13. Mile 64, 4267; mile 103 N, 7721. IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium montanum Greene. (Hs) Rare to locally frequent in Agropyron-Muhlenbergia or Calamagrostis grassland, in residual soil over limestone, and on sandy shores. Collected in flower from June 24 to July 8, in fruit from July 19 to August 11. Mile 17 N, 4178; Kakisa Lake, 5647; Mackenzie River, 8238. ORCHIDACEAE Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes. (Gst) Rare in moist rich forests. Found in bloom and with half grown fruits as early as June 14 and with nearly mature fruits on July 13. Kakisa River, 4554; mile 26.5 N, 6647; mile 66.6 S, 6808 Corallorhiza trifida Chat. (Grh) Rare in moderately rich to rich forests. Found in bloom as early as June 19 and with half mature fruits on July 18. Mile 80, 5022; mile 42.5 N, 6929. Cypripedium calceolus L. var. parviflorum (Salisb.) Fern. (Grh) Rare in rich woods or boggy areas, in peaty or marly soil. Collected in flower from June 19 to June 27. Kakisa Road, 4712; mile 119.4 N, 7102 Cypripedium guttatum Swartz. (Grh) Rare in rich spruce forests. Collected in flower from July 4 to July 15. Kakisa River, 5353; mile 66 S, 7274. Cypripedium passerinum Rich. (Grh) Rare in rich spruce forests. Collected with flowers si half mature fruits in mid-July. Kakisa River, 5354; mile 126 N, 7 Habenaria hyperborea i R. Br. (Grt) Rare in rich woods, musKegs, sedge meadows, and marl deposits. In flower from June 27 to July 16, and with young fruit at the latter date. Mile 52, 5368; mile 72 N, 7642. Habenaria obtusata (Pursh) Rich. (Grt) Infrequent in rich woods and muskegs. In flower from mid-June to mid-July; with immature fruit in mid-July. With Orchis rotundifolia, the most often encountered orchid of the region. Mile 80, 5014; mile 53.8 S, 6746; mile 42.5 N, 6916. Orchis rotundifolia Banks. (Grt) Infrequent in moderately rich to 139 rich woods, usually of spruce. Collected in flower from June 23 to July 24, in immature fruit on July 24. This and Habernaria obtusata are the most often encountered orchids of the region. Mile 74, 3066; mile 60.5 N, 7016; mile 66 S, 7998. Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. (Grt) Rare in rich woods and mus- kegs. In flower during July; with immature fruit on July 24, Kakisa River, 5344; mile 35 N, 7533; mile 66 S, 8001. SALICACEAE where balsam poplars 12 to 14 inches DBH are found. Satisfactory incre- ment borings could not be obtained from these trees because of heartrot. With half mature fruit on June 21. Mile 11, 4826; mile 70.5 N, 6901. Populus tremuloides Michx. (Ms) Frequent to common in woods, especially on drier uplands. With Populus balsamifera, it is character- istic of burned over areas. A tree 51 feet high and 8.7 inches DBH show- kenzie River, 9047; mile 34 S, 6740; mile 101 N, 7084 Salix brachycarpa Nutt. (N) Occasional in marl deposits and on marly shores. Shrub to 3 feet tall. Fruit matures in July. Mile 110.5 N, 6838. Salix calcicola Fern. et Wieg. (N) Seen only once, in spruce-larch 27 140 Salix glauca L. (M) Infrequent to frequent in pine or spruce forests, in marshes, at edge of grasslands, in marl deposits, along shores, in thickets, and in shallow residual soil over limestone. The most com- mon willow of the highway region, Salix glauca is also the willow most persistent in disturbed areas. It usually grows 3 to 6 feet tall, although specimens 10 feet high are characteristic at edges of sinkholes in a white spruce-jack pine forest at mile 121.3 N. Fruit matures from mid-June through mid-August. Mile 951, 4294: mile 2.5 S, 6662; mile 110.5 N, 6827. Salix lasiandra Benth. var. lancifolia (Anderss.) Bebb. (M) Seen only on the beach of Kakisa Lake near the outlet into Kakisa River, 4612, 4613, where locally it is a characteristic woody plant, and on a gravel bar in the Kakisa River, 5183. At the latter site, this willow grows about 25 feet tall. In young fruit and with old staminate flowers on June 21. Salix maccalliana Rowlee. (M) Infrequent at edge of grasslands, in marshes, in thickets, and along shores. Attains 10 feet in height. With mature fruit from mid-June to mid-July. Mile 54, 4720; mile 72 N, 8266. Salix myrtillifolia Anderss. (N) Infrequent in forests, especially of black spruce, along shores, in marshes, and at edges of grasslands. Typically a depressed shrub, or even prostrate, less than 16 inches tall, put occasionally attaining 6 feet in height. Fruit matures mid and late June. Mile 11, 4831; mile 23.8 N, 6643; mile 66 5, 6798. Salix padophylla Rydb. (S. pseudomonticola Ball) (M) Seen only once, on peaty shore of lake, mile 70.5 N, 6899. With dehisced fruit on June 22. Salix pedicellaris Pursh. (N) Infrequent to rare in shrub zones around marly lakes, in sedge mats around both marly and muck bottom lakes, and in birch-willow thickets. Mature fruit in late June and early July. Mile 54, 5072 (var. tenuescens Pursh); mile 86.5 N, 6877 (var. hypoglauca Fern.); mile 57.6 S, 7246 (var. hypoglauca Fern.). Salix petiolaris J. E. Sm. (N) Rare at edge of grasslands. Mature fruit in mid-June. Mile 16.5 N, 6633. Salix planifolia Pursh. (M) Infrequent to locally common on shores and in marshes. Especially characteristic on the flood plain of Kakisa River below Lady Evelyn Falls where, with other willows and with Alnus tenuifolia, it forms the dominant vegetation, attaining 25 feet in height and 4 inches in stem diameter. Fruit matures mid-June. Kakisa River, 4527; mile 4.2 N, 6603; mile 2.5 S, 6661a. Salix pyrifolia Anderss. (N) Rare in peaty soil on crystalline out- crops, in black spruce forests, and in birch-willow thickets. Shrub to 6 feet high. Fruit matures in late June. Mile 4.2 N, 6616; mile 4.7 S, 6703. Salix reticulata L. (Ch) Local, usually growing in moss mats or in peat, in spruce forests. Mature fruit in July. Kakisa River, 4604; mile 126 N, 7770. Salix scouleriana Barratt. (N) Seen only once, in marsh along Stagg 141 River, 7963. With dehisced fruits on July 23. Salix serissima (Bailey) Fern. (N) Rare to locally frequent at edges of grasslands, along shores, and in shrub zones and sedge mats around marly lakes. Fruit matures mid-July to mid-August. Mile 41.5, 5418; mile 72 N, 8270; mile 46 S, 9261. MYRICACEAE Myrica gale L. (N) Frequent to rare along shores, in Sphagnum or feather moss hummocks in spruce forests, in sedge and shrub zones around marly lakes, and in marshes. Flowers appear in mid-June, and fruit ripens in mid-August. Mile 64, 4268; mile 23.8 N, 6641; mile 2.5 S, 6663. BETULACEAE Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh. (M) Characteristic understory plant in white spruce and more mesic jack pine forests; frequent in peaty de- pressions on crystalline outcrops; infrequent to dominant locally along peaty or gravelly shores. Shrub to 10 feet tall. Kakisa River, 4524; mile 2.4 8S, 6664. Betula occidentalis Hook. (M) Rare at edge of grasslands and in birch-willow thickets, Attains 10 feet in height and 2 inches in stem diameter. Mile 16 N, 5035. Betula papyrifera Marsh. (Ms) Infrequent to frequent on limestone 142 brown bark, is perhaps var. commutata (Regel) Fern. Mile 25, 4942; mile 19.5, 5603; mile 2.5 S, 6685. URTICACEAE Urtica dioica L. var. procera Wedd. (Hpr) Rare in disturbed soil Mile 30, 5525; mile 78.3 N, 6893. SANTALACEAE Geocaulon lividum (Rich.) Fern. (Grh) Rare, though sometimes com- mon locally, in sandy soil or in lichen or moss mats in pine or spruce forests and in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops. The flowers, which are greenish yellow and often purple tinged, bloom in mid-June; the orange or orange-red fruits mature in August. Mile 80, 5018; mile 2.7 S, 6693; mile 125.1 N, 8042. POLYGONACEAE Polygonum achoreum Blake. (Th) Local in disturbed soil. Enter- prise, 4003; Mackenzie River, 6010; mile 8.6 N, 8249. Polygonum amphibium L. (HH [Grh}) Local in marshes, along shores, and in shallow water. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4036 (var. stipulaceum [Coleman] Fern.); Kakisa Lake, 5660 (var. stipula- ceum forma fluitans [Eat.] Fern.); Kakisa Lake, 5668 (var. stipulaceum forma hirtuosum [Farw.] Fern.); mile 35 N, 7417 (var. stipulaceum forma simile Fern.); mile 20.7 8, 7904 (var. stipulaceum). Polygonum aviculare L. (Th) Local in disturbed soil and along rocky and sandy shores. Enterprise, 4001; mile 17.5 S, 7887; mile 62 N, 8188. Polygonum coccineum Muhl. (HH [Grh]) Seen only once, shore of Hay River, near mile 49, Mackenzie Highway, 4362. Polygonum convolvulus L. (Th) Seen only once, in weedy area, Fort Providence, 9075. Polygonum lapathifolium L. (Th) Local in disturbed soil or along sandy and rocky shores. Number 9451 is best referred to var. lapathi- folium; all other collections are var. salicifolium Sibth. Kakisa Lake, 5638; Mackenzie River, 6002; Prosperous Lake, 9451 Polygonum viviparum L. (Gst) Local in moss mats or peaty soil in spruce forests, mostly black spruce but occasionally white. In flower in mid-July. Mile 57.5, 5214; mile 119 N, 7746a; mile 66 5, 8002. Rumex maritimus L. var. fueginus (Phil.) Dusen. (Th) Rare in marshes, in mar] deposits, and along shores. Kakisa River, 5501; Yellow- knife, 8343; mile 39.7 N, 8412. Rumex mexicanus Meisn. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. Seen only at Enterprise, 9049a, and Fort Providence, 9073. Rumex occidentalis Wats. (Hs) Infrequent in marshes and in dis- turbed moist soil. Mile 53, 5743; mile 93.3 N, 8258; mile 47 5, 8312. 143 CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex patula L. (Th) Local in disturbed soil, All collections made along the highway are of var. patula. Mile 60 N, 8407. xyris amaranthoides L. (Th) Seen only once, in disturbed sand, Enterprise, 9042a (in herb. DAO). Chenopodium bdberlandieri Moq. var. zschackei (Murr) Murr. (Th) Local in disturbed soil. Mile 21, 6152; mile 42 S, 7938. Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Asch. (Th) Local in disturbed soil; seen also once on gravelly shore of Kakisa River. Kakisa River, 5746; mile 32 N, 6983; mile 11.4 S, 7836. Chenopodium glaucum L. var. salinum (Standl.) Boivin. (Th) Local in disturbed areas and along gravelly shores. Kakisa River, 5488; mile 32 S, 8350. Chenopodium hybridum L. var. gigantospermum (Aellen) Rouleau. (Th) Seen only once, in gravel of road bed, mile 60, 6069. Chenopodium rubrum L. (Th) Local in disturbed soil. Mile 26.9 S, 7910; mile 71.5 N, 8177. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria capillaris Poir. (Ch) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone or in sand in pine woods, becoming locally frequent in dis- turbed sand. Our plants are glabrous in the inflorescence and so are var. capillaris. Comes into bloom in late J une; fruit matures from mid- July to late August. Mile 96.5 N, 6872. Arenaria dawsonensis Britton. (Ch) Rare in sandy soil in upland woods, along gravelly shores, in mar] deposits, and in shallow residual soil over limestone, becoming locally frequent in disturbed soil. In flower the latter half of June and in early July; fruit matures from early July into August. Mile 10, 4815; mile 96.5 N, 8162. Arenaria humifusa Wahl. (Ch) Seen at only 3 sites, at each of which only a few plants could be found. In marl deposit, mile 110.5 N, 7096; in black spruce-feather moss forest, mile 72 N, 7647; disturbed moist sand, mile 110 N, 9426. Collected as early as June 27 with both flowers and mature fruits. Arenaria lateriflora L. (Hpr) Rare along gravelly shores, in marl deposits, and in disturbed soil. Begins to flower in mid-June; fruits mature about 2 weeks after flowering. Kakisa River, 5485; mile 4.2 N, 6621. Arenaria rubella (Wahl.) Sm. (Ch) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone. In flower mid-June to early July; fruits mature as early as July 5. Mile 12, 4843; mile 66 S, 6776; mile 96.5 N, 6870. 144 Cerastium nutans Raf. (Th) Rare in disturbed sandy soil. Collected with both flowers and mature fruits on July 1. Kakisa River, 4900. Melandrium ostenfeldii Porsild. (Hs) Rare in marl deposits and on rock outcrops, both limestone and crystalline, where it grows in crevices and in shallow soil. Flowering begins in early June; some fruits have matured by mid-June. Mile 20, 4885; mile 8.8 S, 6711; mile 110.5 N, 6830. Silene menziesii Hook. (Hpr) Rare along rocky shores and in dis- turbed soil. Comes into flower in late June and continues until about August 1; fruits mature from July 10 until frost. Kakisa River, 4799; mile 110 N, 7305; Mackenzie River, 8201. Stellaria calycantha (Ledeb.) Bong. (Hpr) Locally frequent in dis- turbed peaty or sandy soil, where it forms conspicuous yellowish-green loose mats. Begins to flower about mid-June, and to fruit in late June, but continues much of the summer. Mile 6, 5951; mile 2.5 S, 6667; mile 32 N, 6980. Stellaria crassifolia Ehrh. (Hpr) Local along gravelly or mucky shores, in marshes, and in sedge mats; somewhat more common in disturbed areas. In flower from mid-June until early or mid-August; mature fruit by mid-July. Mile 11, 4822; mile 93.8 N, 6638; mile 20.5 5S, 7177. Stellaria longifolia Muhl. (Ch) According to Gleason (1958), Stellaria longifolia is “. . . closely related to the . . . northern and montane S. longipes, from which it was probably derived and with which it may be conspecific. The only character by which the two may be finally dis- tinguished is the inflorescence, branched divaricately in the former and ascendingly in the latter.” Of my 39 collections from the highway region that are referrable to the S. longifolia-S. longipes complex, many are intermediate between these two taxa in all characters and could as well be placed in one as the other. Perhaps, as Gleason sug- gests, S. longifolia and S. longipes may indeed be conspecific. The speci- mens cited below are considered to be “typical” S. longifolia but in reality are the extremes at one end of a series, at the other end of which is “typical” S. longipes. Rare in moist grassy places and thickets. In flower in late June and in fruit soon thereafter, continuing through much of the summer. Kakisa River, 5328; mile 39.9 N, 8261; mile 48.1 S, 8370. Stellaria longipes Goldie. (Ch) The taxonomy of the S. longipes com- plex is in a state of monumental uncertainty. Porsild (1955) wrote: “It seems doubtful if the taxonomy of this complex .. . group can be satis- factorily cleared up except by close study, under controlled conditions, of material grown from seed or from transplants.” Until such elucida- tion comes about, it seems futile to try to recognize segregates from this complex, at least in the material collected by me along the Yellow- knife Highway. Of these specimens, some (e.g., 5362) have sepals that are ciliate along nearly all the margin and thus appear to be ciliatosepala Trautv.; others have a few to very few cilia on some of 145 the sepals of some of the flowers; and still others have eciliate sepals. Rare to locally frequent in grasslands; otherwise seen only in disturbed soil. Flowers throughout much of the summer, beginning in mid-June; mature fruits appear as early as late June. Kakisa River, 4567; mile 16.9 S, 6717; mile 96.5 N, 6874. Stellaria media (L.) Cyr. (Th) Seen at only one site, garden weed, Yellowknife, 9181. NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar variegatum Engelm. (HH) Common in lakes in the Canadian Shield section. This species occupies a distinct zone, the “floating stage,” in succession around these lakes. It is by far the dominant plant of the “floating stage,” although species of Potamogeton with floating leaves and Polygonum amphibium may occasionally occur with it. In full flower in late June to early July; in almost mature fruit by mid- August. Mile 12.9 S, 7141. Nymphaea tetragona Georgi ssp. leibergii (Morong) Porsild. (HH) Seen only once, in a muck bottom lake, among Nuphar, mile 35.5 Ss, 8328. In full flower on July 30. CERATOPHYLLACEAE Ceratophyllum demersum L. (HH) Not seen by me, but collected by Ray Murdy, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, in a 40 acre pond, mile 38.5 S, 132A (in Herb. LAF). RANUNCULACEAE Actdea rubra (Ait.) Willd. (Grh) Rare in white spruce forests along the Kakisa and Mackenzie rivers. The red fruit matures in late August. Mackenzie River, 5023; Kakisa River, 5444, Anemone multifida Poir. (Hs) Infrequent to rare in prairies, in in marl deposits. Flowering begins in late June and continues through- out July; earliest fruits mature in late July. In our material the glossy 146 white sepals are sometimes, but not always, bluish tinged at the base outside. Mile 20, 4892; mile 66 S, 6794; mile 44 N, 6912. Anemone patens L. var. wolfgangiana (Bess.) Koch. (Hs) Local in open jack pine woods or in shallow residual soil over limestone. Flowers not seen by us (except one that bloomed, abnormally, on August 9); fruits mature as early as June 25. Mile 103.5 N, 6844. Aquilegia brevistyla Hook. (Hs) Rare in jack pine and in white spruce woods; becoming more common in disturbed soil. Main flowering sea- son from about June 24 to mid-July; fruits mature as early as July 5. The petals are yellowish-white; the spurs and sepals are purple-blue. Mile 54, 4722; mile 110 N, 7316. Caltha natans Pall. (HH [Hs]) Local in shallow water or in mud or muck on shores, more common in disturbed situations. Most frequently seen in Canadian Shield section. Flowering begins in mid-June and continues until mid-August; fruits mature as early as mid-July. Mile 10.2, 5577; mile 16.9 S, 6716. Caltha palustris L. (Hs) Seen only once, in marshy spot, wooded, along cold swift stream, mile 16, 4866. In full bloom on June 28. Ranunculus aquatilis L. var. eradicatus Laestad. (HH) Seen only once, in mud and shallow water, Stagg River, mile 49 S, 7241. In flower on July 3. Ranunculus circinatus Sibth. var. subrigidus (Drew) L. Benson. (HH) Rare in still shallow water, to 10 inches deep, muddy or sandy bottom. With flowers and mature fruits on July 20. Kakisa River, 5658; mile 11.4 S, 7837. Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh. (Hsr) Seen only once, beach of Pros- perous Lake, 9194. Mature fruit on August 14. Ranunculus gmeliniti DC. (HH) Locally frequent in shallow water or on muddy, peaty, or sandy shores, becoming more common in dis- turbed areas. Flowering starts in mid-June and continues until early August; fruits mature as early as July 3. Achenes produced in great abundance. Three varieties of this species, as noted below, occur along the highway. Mackenzie River, 6018 (var. limosus [Nutt.] Hara); mile 16.9 S, 6715 (var. hookeri [D. Don] Benson); mile 78.3 N, 689la (var. hookeri [D. Don] Benson); mile 57.6 S, 7250 (var. gmelinii). Ranunculus lapponicus L. (Grh) Rare in moss mats in shrub zones around marly lakes, in Ledum thickets, or in spruce forests. With flowers and half mature fruit on June 28; fully mature fruit on July 23. Mile 50, 5396; mile 127 N, 7108. Ranunculus macounii Britton, (Hsr) Local along gravelly, sandy, muddy, or peaty shores, or in marshes; more common in disturbed soil. With flowers and half mature fruits in early July; mature fruits from mid-July on. Kakisa River, 4991; Mackenzie River, 5052; mile 25.5 N, 7518; Prosperous Lake, 9237. Ranunculus reptans L. (Hsr) Rare along muddy or sandy shores. 147 Comes into flower the first week of July; with mature fruit on July 22. Of the collections cited below, 8216 and 9197 are var. reptans; the others are var. ovalis (Bigel.) Benson. Kakisa River, 5002, 5635; Mackenzie River, 8216; Prosperous Lake, 9197. Ranunculus sceleratus L. (Th) Infrequent to rare in shallow water or along gravelly, sandy, or muddy shores, in marl deposits, and in marshes; more common in disturbed areas. Flowering begins in early June; earliest achenes mature in mid-June. Mile 7, 4811; Mackenzie River, 5053; mile 35 N, 6653; mile 25.7 S, 7194. Thalictrum venulosum Trel. (Hsr) Rare to locally common in prairies and along gravelly shores. In flower in late June and early July; fruit matures the latter half of July. A common forb in Calamagrostis and in Agropyron-Muhlenbergia grasslands at mile 14 N to 17 N. Kakisa River, 4729; mile 16.5 N, 5037. FUMARIACEAE Corydalis aurea Willd. (Hs) Seen only in disturbed soil; sometimes common where found. The golden yellow flowers begin to appear in early June and bloom throughout the summer. Fruits mature as early as the end of June. Mile 9, 4012; mile 35 N, 6654 Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers. (Hs) Locally frequent in disturbed sandy or loamy soil; seen in seemingly undisturbed situations only in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops, where it is rare, The pink flowers, orange-yellow tipped, begin to bloom the second week in June; fruits mature as early as July 1. Mile 66, 0250; mile 35 N, 6660; mile 17 8, 7164 CRUCIFERAE Arabis divaricarpa A. Nels. (Hs) Infrequent in disturbed clay soil; rare in shallow residual soil over limestone. Collected in flower and young fruit on June 28. Mile 12, 4859; mile 17 S, Arabis drummondii Gray. (Hs) Rare in Calamagrostis grassland. In flower and nearly mature fruit on July 8. Mile 13-14 N, 5029 Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. pycnocarpa (Hopkins) Rollins. (Hs) Rare in prairies, on gravelly shores, and in marl deposits; becoming more common in disturbed soil. In flower from mid-June to mid-July; earliest fruits mature about July 20. Mile 17 N, 4188; mile 5, 5145; mile 5.5 S, 7805 some of the material is close to var. holboellii. Enterprise, 3899; mile 69.6 S, 6817; mile 96.5 N, 8166. Barbcnee orthoceras Ledeb. (Hs) Rare along muddy or mucky shores, more frequent in disturbed areas. Comes into flower in mid- June; 148 fruits mature as early as mid-July. Noted only in Canadian Shield section. Mile 14 S, 7143. Brassica campestris L. (Th) Rare in disturbed soil. With flowers and half mature fruits on July 28. Kakisa Road, 6103; mile 39.5 N, 8260. Braya humilis (C. A. Meyer) Robinson. (Hs) Rare in marl deposits. Collected with flowers and half mature fruits on July 15. Sometimes ap- parently triennial instead of biennial. Mile 110 N, 7732. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. (Th) Rare in disturbed soil. Fruits mature as early as July 9. Enterprise, 4004; Fort Providence, 5039 Cardamine parviflora L. var. arenicola (Britt.) O. E. Schulz. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. With flowers and young fruits on June 18. Mile 15.1 S, 6714. Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. Infrequent on gravelly shores Kakisa River; noted nowhere else. Flowering over by mid-July; fruits mature as early as July 12. Kakisa River, 5198. Descurainia richardsonii (Sweet) O. E. Schulz. (Th) Rare in disturbed soil. With flowers and half mature fruit on July 16. Mile 45, 5399; mile 88.5 N, 7362; mile 53.9 5, 7970. Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb. (Th) Locally frequent in disturbed soil. With mature fruit as early as July 13. Enterprise, 3897; mile 3 S, Draba cinerea Adams. (Ch) Rare in crevices on limestone Butanne Flowers almost gone, and some fruits half mature, on June 19. Mile 66 S, Gri Draba lanceolata Royle. (Ch) Rare in shallow residual soil over lime- stone; becoming locally more common in disturbed areas. With flowers and half mature fruits on June 29; fruits mature as early as July 15. Mile 20, 4884; mile 96.5 N, 8163 Erysimum cheiranthoides L. (Hs) Rare along gravelly and sandy shores; more common in disturbed soil. Comes into flower in late June; fruits mature in late July. Kakisa River, 5456; Mackenzie River, 8214; mile 30 S, 8337. Erysimum inconspicuum (Wats.) MacM. (Hs) Seen only once, on open, steep slope above Kakisa River below ford, 5206. With half mature fruits on July 12. Lepidium bourgeauanum Thell. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. Comes into flower in late June; fruits mature beginning mid-July. Mile 51, 5380; mile 16 S, 7155; mile 39.7 N, 7408 Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. Collected with flowers and half mature fruits as early as June 24. Kakisa Road, 4972; mile 59.2 N, 7389 Lesquerella arctica (Wormsk.) Wats. var. scammanae Rollins. (Ch) Rare in crevices in limestone outcrops. Flowering begins in mid-June; fruits mature as early as July 4. Mile 66 S, 6773, 7284 Rorippa crystallina Rollins. (Hs) Rare in Carex marshes; found only 149 from mile 16.5 N to mile 35 N. The collections from the highway region formed the basis of the description of Rorippa crystallina as a new species by Dr. Rollins in Rhodora 64:324-327, 1962. Mile 23.8 N, 6637. Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbas. (Hs) Infrequent along sandy, gravelly, muddy, or mucky shores; becoming more common in dis- turbed soil, especially in low areas at roadside. Comes into flower about mid-June; flowering plants can be found as late as mid-August; fruits ture as early as mid-July. Our plants have the upper leaves merely dentate (sometimes rather deeply so) rather than pinnatifid and so do these two extremes make the recognition of fernaldiana and hispida rather arbitrary and of little significance, at least in the highway region. Mile 30, 5526; mile 82 N, 7054; mile 4.8 S, 7118. Subularia aquatica L. (Th) Rare in shallow, clear, still water of lakes, sandy bottom. Noted only at Prelude Lake, 9215, and Prosperous Lake, 9232. In Prelude Lake it was associated with Eleocharis acicularis and Isoetes echinospora var. braunii; in Prosperous Lake, with Eleocharis acicularis and Limosella aquatica. With late flowers and all stages of fruit on August 15 Thlaspi arvense L. (Th) Rare in disturbed soil. In mature fruit as early as July 9. Enterprise, 4000; Fort Providence, 5040. DROSERACEAE Drosera anglica Huds. (Hr) Rare in marl in shallow water and among sedges at edge of marly lakes. Comes into flower in mid-July; collected with some mature fruits on August 8. Mile 50, 5393. Drosera rotundifolia L. (Hr) Rare on Sphagnum mounds in black spruce forests and in marly bogs. Comes into flower in mid-July; not collected in fruit. Mile 64, 4264; mile 66 S, 8012 SAXIFRAGACEAE Mitella nuda L. (Hsr) Infrequent in mats of feather moss in spruce forests. The yellowish-green flowers appear in mid-June; flowers may be found until about July 10, when early fruits are mature. Mile 80.5, 5012; mile 42.5 N, 6932. Parnassia multiseta (Ledeb.) Fern. (Hs) Infrequent on rocky or e n spruce woods. Comes into flower about mid-July and continues until at least mid-August; fruits oop as early as August 10. Mile 70, 4248; mile 11.4 S, 7835; mile 65.6 N, Ribes glandulosum Grauer. na Rare along rocky shores, in peaty depressions in crystalline outcrops, and in thickets. In full flower in 150 mid-June; the petals are rose, and the sepals are white or yellow-white with a rose tinge. The bright red fruits, in more or less erect racemes, mature in early to mid-July. This is a sprawling or prostrate plant whose leaves, crushed, have the odor of skunk. Mile 6, 5946; mile 2.7 5S, 6690; mile 36 N, Ribes hudsonianum Rich. (N) Infrequent to frequent along rocky shores, in thickets, and in black spruce forests. In flower the latter half of June; the glaucous blue-black, unpleasant tasting fruits, in erect to drooping racemes, mature late in July and early in August. Ribes hudsonianum is the most common species of the genus along the high- way; it is the one most likely to be seen in disturbed soil. Number 4560, cited below, with its glabrous floral bracts, bud scales, leaves, and inflorescence, has been described by me as a new form (in Canad. Field.-Nat. 75:117. 1961). Kakisa River, 4560 (forma glabrum); mile 5.7 5S, 7809. Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. (N) Rare in rich spruce or pine forests and along rocky shores. The leaves have a pronounced and distinctive sheen both above and below that was seen on no other member of the genus in the highway region. The flowers, with their rose madder sepals and yellow-white petals, are in full bloom in the latter half of June; the fruits mature in late July and early August. Mile 10, 4820; mile 66 S, 8018. Ribes oxyacanthoides L. (N) Infrequent along gravelly shores, in shallow residual soil on limestone outcrops, in prairies, and in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops. In flower the second half of June. The blue-black berries mature in late July and early August and are the best tasting of any Ribes fruit along the highway. The flowers have greenish white sepals and white (sometimes pink tinged) petals. Kakisa River, 4505; mile 21.3 S, 6721; mile 80.8 N, 7046. Ribes triste Pall. (N) Infrequent to rare in Populus or spruce forests or Salix-Alnus thickets along shores, or in spruce forests on limestone sistent; the translucent bright red fruits mature in late July and early August. Kakisa River, 4533; mile 61.8 S, 6766. Saxifraga aizoides L. (Ch) Seen at only one site, in seepage area around cold spring, mile 122.6 N, 8076. In bloom and with half mature fruits on July 25. The petals are yellow, but dotted with orange. Saxifraga tricuspidata Ro (Ch) Infrequent to locally common, forming mats to eet across, on rock outcrops, both limestone and crystalline. In flower from mid-June to early July; fruits mature by mid-August. The petals are white, and have either orange-red dots, orange dots and red dots in about equal numbers. Mile 12, 4853; mile 2.8 S, 6683; mile 103.5 N, 6860. 151 ROSACEAE Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. (N) Infrequent to frequent on rocky shores and ridges, in shallow residual soil over limestone, and in white spruce or pine woods. Comes into flower about June 20 and continues for about 7 to 10 days; the dark red fruits, “saskatoons,” prized by Indians and Whites alike, mature from mid-July to early August. Fort Provi- dence, 4225; mile 12, 4854; mile 101 N, 7085; Stagg River, 7239. Dryas drummondii Rich. (Ch) Local in crevices in crystalline and limestone outcrops. Coilected in flower on June 19; past fruiting on August 8. The flowers have erect yellow petals and a green calyx that is covered with purple gland-tipped hairs. Mile 25.1, 6150; mile 66 S, 6770; Yellowknife, 9186. Dryas integrifolia Vahl. (Ch) Local in crevices on limestone outcrops, in marl deposits, and in sandy or peaty soil in spruce or pine woods. Collected in flower on June 19-24, but plants past flowering and in young fruit were also collected on June 19; fruits mature during the second half of July. Kakisa Road, 4695; mile 66 S, 6774; mile 110.5 N, 6829. Fragaria virginiana Duch. var. terrae-novae (Rydb.) Fern. et Wieg. (Hrr) Infrequent to locally frequent in shallow residual soil over lime- stone, in pine or white spruce forests, and along shores, becoming more common in disturbed soil. Main flowering season from about June 15 to July 1; fruits mature in late July and early August. The plants are more vigorous and show much greater development of runners in dis- turbed areas. Kakisa River, 4550; mile 31.9 S, 6735; mile 103.5 N, 6859. Geum macrophyllum Willd. var. perincisum (Rydb.) Raup. (Hs) Local in grasslands, in willow thickets, and along sandy and muddy shores. Flowers from late June to late July; with mature fruit on August 4. Mile 13-14 N, 5028; Kakisa River, 5196; Stagg River, 7967. Geum triflorum Pursh. (Hrr) Locally frequent in shallow residual soil over limestone. Collected in flower and young fruit June ; in nearly mature fruit on July 21; past fruiting in early August. Not noted north of the Mackenzie River. Mile 20, 4880. Potentilla anserina L. (Hrr) Local on sandy, gravelly, or marly shores. Collected with flowers from June 25 to July 19; past flowering and with mature fruit on August 8. Most Potentilla anserina in the high- way region is forma anserina, but forma sericea (Hayne) Hayek is oc- casional, Kakisa River, 4897; Mackenzie River, 7448; mile 65.6 N, 7618. Potentilla arguta Pursh. (Hs) Rare in grasslands and in shallow resi- dual soil over limestone. Collected in fruit August 3-9. Four miles north- east of Fort Providence, 4113; mile 25.2, 5974. Potentilla fruticosa L. (N) A common shrub, generally distributed except in truly aquatic habitats. In bloom from mid-June to frost; fruits mature as early as August 5. One of the most conspicuous road- 152 side wild flowers. Mile 28.5, 4929; mile 8.8 S, 6710; mile 119 N, 7746. Potentilla multifida L. (Ch) Seen only once, in crevices in crystalline outcrops, Horseshoe Island, Yellowknife Bay, 9486. In fruit on August 30. Potentilla nivea L. ssp. hookeriana (Lehm.) Hiitonen. (Ch) Infrequent in crevices in limestone and crystalline outcrops. Collected in flower from June 21 to July 2; past fruiting on August 13. Mile 20, 4879; mile 103.5 N, 6847; Yellowknife, 9175. Potentilla norvegica L. (Hs) Infrequent along gravelly, sandy, and marly shores; rare on peeiine outcrops; locally common in disturbed soil at roadside. Collected with flowers and young fruits on June 30; with flowers and mature fruits on July 20; flowering past by August 1. Kakisa River, 5212; mile 6.1 S, 7123; mile 98.5 N. 8167. Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. (HH) Rare to locally common in marshes and in sedge mats around marly and muck bottom lakes. Col- lected in flower from June 30 to August 4; Mature fruit on August 7. ‘This species is one of the main contributors to the mat around many muck bottom lakes in the Canadian Shield section. Four miles north- east of Fort Providence, 4048; mile 6, 5562; mile 47 S, 8313. Potentilla pensylvanica L. (Hs) Local in mar] deposits, in drier grass- lands, and on crystalline and limestone outcrops. With late flowers and mature fruits on July 21. the material seen is best referred to var. pensylvanica, although it is somewhat variable. Mile 12, 5581; mile 39.7 N, 7567; Yellowknife, 9189. Prunus pensylvanica L.f. (N) Local on limestone outcrops and dry rocky slopes. In flower in late June and early July; the tasty, translu- cent, glossy red fruits mature in late August and are much appreci- ated by humans and bears alike. At mile 28 we observed a bear cub who stripped several Prunus pensylvanica, Ribes oxacanthoides, and Amelanchier alnifiolia bushes of their fruit, but who ignored completely the abundant bear-berries (Artostaphylos uva-ursi) there. Prunus pensylvanica, in the highway region, grows to 6 feet tall and has stems up to 3/4 inch thick. It was observed only south of the Mackenzie River. Mile 12, 4852. Prunus virginiana L. (N) Local on limestone outcrops. The fragrant northernmost known part of its range, grows to 5 feet tall. It was seen only between mile 20 and 25. Mile 6. Rosa acicularis Lindl. (N) common shrub, almost generally dis- tributed in mesic and xeric habitats. Collected in flower from June until July 10; the glossy red or orange-red fruits mature from late July on. Mile 24, 5125; mile 11.4 S, 7830; mile 95.5 N, 8169 Rubus acaulis Michx. (Hpr) Local in grasslands, on peaty hummocks in marshy areas, in moss mats or litter in spruce forests, and on gravelly or marly shores. Collected in flower from June 13 to July 12; the trans- d 153 lucent bright red fruits are ripe in early August. Mile 16, 4864; mile 61.2 Rubus chamaemorus L. (Hpr) Infrequent in moss mats or peaty soil in black spruce forests and in peaty depressions in crystalline out- crops. Collected in flower only from June 13 to June 17; the pale orange fruits ae in mid-August. Kakisa Road, 4511; mile 4.2 N, 6618; mile 30 S, 833 Rubus ee L, var. canadensis Rich. (N) Infrequent along shores, on crystalline outcrops, and in white spruce-balsam poplar woods. Col- lected in flower from June 17 to July 18; the bright red fruits mature as early as July 24. Mile 66, 5263; mile 2.5 S, 6684; mile 73 N, 6895 Rubus paracaulis Bailey. (Hpr) Specimens referrable here were seen only once, along stream in pine-spruce woods, mile 16, 4863. In flower on June 28. Rubus pubescens Raf. (Ch) Infrequent along rocky shores, in poplar or spruce woods, and in alder-willow thickets along rivers. In flower from about June 20 to July 10; fruits still small and green on July 18. Kakisa River, 4735; Mackenzie River, 7449. LEGUMINOSAE Astragalus alpinus L. (Ch) Observed only in disturbed soil, where it may be common locally. The plants are prostrate and form mats up to 3 feet across. Collected with both flowers and mature fruits in late June. Mile 73 N, 6896; mile 66 S, 8003. Astragalus americanus (Hook.) Jones. (Hp) Infrequent to rare in white spruce, pine, larch, or poplar woods, becoming more common in disturbed areas. Comes into flower in early July and continues for about 3 weeks; collected with mature fruits as early as July 18. Kakisa River, 5471; mile 4.7 S, 7801; mile 122.6 N, 8072. Astragalus dasyglottis Fisch. (A. goniatus Nutt.) (Hpr) Rare in grass- lands and along gravelly shores. The fragrant purple-blue flowers begin to bloom in mid-June and continue for about 2 months; fruits mature in mid-August and later. Mile 17 N, 4169. Astragalus eucosmus Robinson. (Hp) Seen only once, in disturbed clay at roadside, mile 4.7 S, 7800. Mature fruits on July 18. Astragalus striatus Nutt. (Hp) Seen only once, in sandy barrens by Yellowknife airport, 9242. With old flowers and maturing fruits on August 16. Astragalus tenellus Pursh. (Hp) Seen only once, gravelly shore just south of ae River town, 6129. With flowers and almost mature fruits on Augus poaaes yukonis Jones. (Ch) Seen only in disturbed soil, where it is rare. With flowers and half mature fruits in very late June. Mile 72 N, 7035; mile 8.3 S, 7138 Hedysarum alpinum L. var. americanum Michx. (Hp) Infrequent in 154 thickets along shores and in spruce or pine forests. Begins to flower in mid-June and continues until about July 25; mature fruits collected in early July. Kakisa River, 4994; mile 66 S, 6806. Hedysarum mackenzii Rich. (Hp) Infrequent in pine or spruce woods, in shallow residual soil over limestone, and in semi-open grasslands. In flower by June 13; some fruits mature as early as July 10. Mile 54, 4724; mile 32 N, 6985. Lathyrus ochroleucus Hook. (Hpr) Infrequent in pine or spruce forests. In flower by June 18, continuing until mid-July, when fruits are about half mature. Kakisa Road, Melilotus alba Desr. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. Comes into flower in very late June; mature fruits by July 27. Mile 66, 5241; mile 70.5 N, 7376; mile 5.5 S, 7804. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. (Hs) Rare in disturbed soil. Comes into flower in very late June; mature fruits by July 27. Mile 52.5, 5366; mile 22 N, 7438; mile 2 S, 7790. Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. var. varians (Rydb.) Barneby. (Ch) Rare in crevices on limestone outcrops. Collected in mature fruit on August 3. Mile 23.5, 5781. Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. sericea T. et G. (Hs) Rare in white spruce forests; local in disturbed soil at roadside. Beginning to flower in late June; some fruits mature by mid-July. Kakisa River, 5472; mile 74.5 N, 7040; mile 4.8 S, 7112. Oxytropis splendens Dougl. (Hr) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone; local in disturbed soil at roadside. Collected in early flower on July 5; in mature fruit by late July. Mile 107.5 N, 7330 Oxytropis viscida Nutt. var. hudsonica (Greene) Barneby. (Hr) Seen only once, in disturbed sandy soil at epg mile 122.6 N, 7106. With old flowers and maturing fruits on Jun Vicia americana Muhl. (Hpr) eect in videkets and along shores; local in disturbed sand or clay soil. Flowering begins in mid-June and continues until late July; collected with dehisced fruits on July 9. Mile 50, 5113; mile 35 N, 6657 GERANIACEAE Geranium bicknellit Britton. (Hs) Infrequent to rare on gravelly shores and in disturbed soil in waste places. Comes into bloom about mid-June, and late flowers may be found until mid-August; fruits mature from mid-July on. Geranium bicknellii behaves as a typical biennial in the highway region. Mile 511, 4293; mile 107.9 N, 8385. LINACEAE Linum lewisii Pursh. (Hp) Infrequent to rare in shallow residual soil over limestone and in clayey gravelly soil along shores. Comes into flower in early July, and by July 20, flowering is over; collected 155 in mature fruit as early as July 21 and as late as August 28. The blue petals, on cloudless days, begin to drop at about 1:30 p.m.; on cloudy days they persist somewhat longer. Mile 28.5, 4928. CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche hermaphroditica L. (HH) In shallow, still or flowing water or along muddy or sandy shores. Fruit maturing in mid-August and 9 Callitriche palustris L. (HH) In shallow, still or flowing water or along muddy or sandy shores, Fruit maturing in mid-August and later. Mackenzie River, 4241; mile 16 S, 7871, EMPETRACEAE Empetrum nigrum L. (Ch) Infrequent in feather moss or Sphagnum mats in spruce forests, in peaty depressions and crevices on crystalline outcrops, and in sand in jack pine forests or sandy barrens. In the were half grown; the fruits mature in early August, turning glossy black. Mile 44, 4297; mile 2.7 S, 6687; mile 72 N, 7649, ELATINACEAE Elatine triandra Schk. (Th) Seen only once, in mud and shallow water at edge of roadside excavation, mile 25 S, 9286. Our plants are var. triandra and had mature fruits in late August. CISTACEAE Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt. (Ch) Rare to locally common in sand in Open pine forests or in sand barrens. In flower in late June. Hudsonia tomentosa is especially common in the sand barrens near the Yellow- knife airport, were locally it is common and may be the only plant or may be associated with Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Arctostaphylos uva- urst. Mile 95.5 N, 7069; Yellowknife, 7778. VIOLACEAE Viola adunca Sm. (Hsr) Seen only in disturbed gravelly or sandy soil. Fruits mature early in July; not collected in flower. Mile 107.5 5 (bey Viola nephrophylla Greene. (Hrr) Rare along rocky or Peaty shores or in black spruce woods. Collected in flower June 20-24 in fruit July 7. Kakisa Road, 4709; mile 66.6 S, 6812; Mackenzie River, 7461, Viola renifolia Gray. (Hrr) Seen only once, in rich white spruce forest in gorge of Kakisa River just below Lady Evelyn Falls, 4535. In flower on June 16. ELAEAGNACEAE Elaeagnus commutata Bernh, (N) Infrequent to rare on rocky shores, river bluffs, and beaches. The flowers appear in early July; they are. 156 heavily fragrant and have tan anthers, cream filaments, and sepals that are light yellow inside and silvery-cream outside. The silvery fruits mature in the first half of August. Fort Providence, 4226; Kakisa River, 4784. Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt. (N) Frequent in poplar, spruce, Or pine forests, in shallow residual soil over limestone, in marl deposits, and in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops. The light brown- yellow flowers begin to open in mid-June; the nauseous translucent red fruits mature in early August. Kakisa River, 4532; mile 21.3 5, 6720; mile 110.5 N, 6824. ONAGRACEAE Epilobium angustifolium L. (Hpr) Rare in spruce or pine forests on sand and in peaty depressions on crystalline outcrops, but frequent to 7165. Epilobium glandulosum Lehm. var. adenocaulon (Haussk.) Fern. (Hp) Infrequent in wetter grasslands, and on muddy, marly, or sandy shores, becoming locally common in damp disturbed areas. Coming into flower in mid-July and continuing until mid-August; fruits mature as early as July 26. When growing en masse, the plants are conspicuous because of their red coloration. Enterprise, 4010; Mackenzie River, 3229; mile 59.2 N, 7390. Epilobium palustre L. var. oliganthum (Michx.) Fern. (Hpr) Rare to infrequent in disturbed moist soil. In flower from late June until late July; fruits mature as early as July 12. Mile 76, 6029; mile 2.5 S, 7110; mile 61.2 N, 7598. HALORAGACEAE Myriophyllum exalbescens Fern. (HH) Local in shallow, still or flowing water. Beginning to flower in mid-July and continuing to at Myriophyllum verticillatum L. var. pectinatum Wallr. (HH) Local in shallow, still or flowing water. With flowers and young fruits on July 6; some fruits mature by August 4. Mile 75 N, 7374; mile 7.7 S, 7819. HIPPURIDACEAE Hippuris vulgaris L. (HH) Infrequent in shallow, still or flowing 157 water (to about 18 inches deep) or along shores. The flowers, with their glistening white stigmas and purple anthers, begin to open in early June; fruits mature starting in late June. Mile 44, 4298; mile 35 S, 6743; mile 23.5 N, 6970. UMBELLIFERAE Cicuta bulbifera L. (Hs) Rare to infrequent in sedge mats around muck bottom lakes, in sedge marshes, and in low Salix thickets. Col- lected in flower between July 20 and August 2. Mile 12.7 S, 7859; mile 61 N, 8192, Cicuta douglassii (DC.) Coult. et Rose. (Hs) Rare in marshes and along gravelly, muddy, or marly shores. Fruit not fully mature by August 9. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4075; Kakisa River, 6094; mile 16 S, 7874. Heracleum lanatum Michx. (Hs) Seen only once along the Yellow- knife Highway, one plant, basal leaves only, on grassy muddy shore of Great Slave Lake, mile 62.7 S, 8374. This species is frequent along shores at the town of Hay River and along the Mackenzie Highway south of Hay River. Sium suave Walt. (HH) Rare in shallow, still to flowing water. Col- lected in flower and very young fruit on July 21; with mature fruit on August 15. Mile 33.5, 9994; mile 20.5 S, 7894. CORNACEAE 60.5 N, 7021. Cornus stolonifera Michx. (M) Infrequent along rocky shores, in PYROLACEAE Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray. (Hsr) Rare in moss mats in spruce for- ests. Comes into flower about July 8 and continues until at least early August; mature fruits not seen. Mile 80-81, 5024; mile 36 N, 7545. Pyrola grandiflora Radius. (Hsr) Infrequent to rare in moss mats in: 158 spruce forests and in peaty soil in thickets. Flowering begins about June 13 and is nearly over by mid-July; collected in fruit on August 16. Kakisa River, 4530; mile 4.3 S, 6695; mile 42.5 N, 6930. Pyrola secunda L. (Hsr) Local in moss mats, sand, or litter in spruce or pine forests. Collected in flower and with some mature fruits on July 10. Mile 64, 4263; mile 33 N, 7527. for about a month; collected with mature fruit on August 14. Mile 37, 4309; mile 83.5 N, 70957. ERICACEAE Andromeda polifolia L. (Ch (N]) Infrequent to rare among sedges, Arctostaphylos rubra (Reha. et Wils.) Fern. (Ch) Infrequent in moss mats, peaty soil, or litter in spruce or poplar woods. The inconspicuous and the translucent bright red fruits mature in late July and early August and persist through the winter. Mile 70, 4253; mile 66 S, 6797. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. (Ch) Common in undisturbed mesic and xeric habitats throughout the region, but especially char- acteristic as a ground cover plant on limestone and crystalline out- crops and in spruce or pine woods on sand. In flower from mid-June until very early July; fruits mature in August. Specimens readily re- ferrable to var. wvd-ursi, var. adenotricha Fern. et Macbr., and var. coactilis Fern. et Macbr. can be found growing in close proximity, and, with them, specimens seemingly intermediate between these varieties. Mile 17 N, 4206; mile 11.5, 4836; mile 2.5 S, 668 by July 22. Mile 64, 4270; mile 4.2 N, 6615; mile 145 5S, 7151. Kalmia polifolia Wang. (Ch) Rare in open black spruce forests be- tween mile 112 N and 119 N, where it grows among lichens (especially Cladonia and Cetraria), Sphagnum and other mosses, and other low ericads. Past flowering and with mature fruit by July 15. Mile 119 N, 7742 Ledum decumbens (Ait.) Lodd. (N) Frequent to common in peat or moss mounds (frequently Sphagnum) in spruce forests, in peaty de- pressions on crystalline outcrops, on peaty hummocks in boggy areas, and in litter-covered or bare sand in open pine or spruce woods. In 159 full bloom by June 12; mature fruit by July 14. Ledwum decumbens comes into full bloom while the flowers of L. groenlandicum are still in bud (although nearly ready to open). Kakisa Road, 4507; mile 4.7 S, 6698b; mile 67.8 N, 7024. in the habitat preferences of the two species of Ledum, which frequently can be found growing together. Ledum groenlandicum comes into full Rhododendron lapponicum plants are notable for their stature; they attain 30 inches (76 em) in height (see note in Canad. Field-Nat. 76: 123. 1962). Mile 66 S, 6790. Oxycoccus microcarpus Turcz. (Ch) Rare on Sphagnum mounds in bogs and in spruce or spruce-larch forests. Collected in flower on June 24-26, in mature fruit on August 13. Mile 64, 4271; mile 67.8 N, 7022; mile 45 S, 7943a. Vaccinium uliginosum L. (N) Infrequent to frequent in moss mats or peaty soil in spruce woods, in litter-covered or bare sand in open pine or spruce woods, in birch-willow thickets, and in peaty depressions in moss mounds or peaty soil in spruce woods, in litter-covered or bare sand in open pine or spruce woods, in sand barrens, and in peaty de- brown purple the next spring. A characteristic ground-cover plant in pine and spruce woods on sand. Mile 64, 4265; mile 2.5 S, 6678. PRIMULACEAE Androsace septentrionalis L. (Hr) Rare in shallow residual soil or in mossy crevices on limestone outcrops, becoming more common and con- August; first fruits mature in early July. In the highway region, An- drosace septentrionalis behaves as a typical biennial, Mile 25, 4945; mile 103.5 N, 6842. 160 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merrill. (D. radicatum Greene) (Hr) soil over limestone, and in sedge meadows on shores of marly lakes. Collected in flower on June 24, and with some mature fruits as early as July 2. Kakisa Road, 4688; mile 67.7 N, 7631. Naumburgia thyrsiflora (L.) Duby. (HH) Local in shallow water or along rocky or muddy shores and in Carex and Calamagrostis meadows. Comes into flower in late June; collected in mature fruit on August 8. Primula egaliksensis Wormskj. (Hr) Seen only once, in Betula-Myrica thicket around marly pond, mile 113.5 N, 8120. Past flowering, and with nearly mature fruit, on July PAS Primula incana Jones. (Hr) Rare in grasslands, on gravelly-marly shores, and in sedge meadows and willow copses around marly lakes. In flower in mid-July, some flowers appearing until early August; fruits mature from early August on. In some colonies of this species, certain plants may have only efarinose leaves. Mackenzie River, 6000; mile 67.7 N, 7633. Primula mistassinica Michx. (Hr) Rare in mossy soil along streams, in peaty soil in spruce forests, and in alder-willow thickets on lake shores. Collected in flower from June 91 to June 28. Mile 16, 4867. Primula stricta Hornem. (Hr) Rare in mossy clay soil in seepage areas and in disturbed peaty or clay soil in wet places. Collected in GENTIANACEAE Gentianella amarella (L.) Born. ssp. acuta (Michx.) Gillett. (Gentiana amarella L. var.) (Hs) Infrequent in disturbed soil. Flowers appear in late July; fruits mature as early as August 18. Mile 0.5, 5941; mile 121.3 Gentianella crinita (Froel.) G. Don ssp. macounti (Th. Holm) Gillett. (Gentiana macounti Th. Holm) (Th) Rare along gravelly sandy shores. Comes into flower in early August. Mackenzie River, 4132; Kakisa River, 6092. Gentianella crinita (Froel.) G. Don ssp. raupii (Porsild) Gillett. (Gen- tiana raupii Porsild) (Th) Rare along gravelly or marly shores. Comes Salix-Betula thickets, and on gravelly-marly lake shores. Flowers begin to appear in late July. The corollas vary from white to light blue, with all intermediates between. Mile 65.6 N, 8399. 161 Menyanthes trifoliata L. (HH) Rare in marl in shallow water of marly later; nearly full-sized fruits seen on only one plant, on July 26. Mile 42, 5407; mile 95.5 N, 7072; Yellowknife, 7780. POLEMONIACEAE Collomia linearis Nutt. (Th) Rare along rocky shores; locally frequent in disturbed sandy soil. Collected in early flower in mid-July, in flower and mature fruit in late July to mid-August. Fort Providence, 4224; mile 26, 5782. HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia franklinii (R. Br.) Gray. (Hs) Local in disturbed soil. Begins to flower in mid-June, continuing through much of the summer, Some BORAGINACEAE Lappula echinata Gilib. (Th) Seen only once, in disturbed sand, En- terprise, 9051a. Collected in mature fruit on August 7. Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene var. occidentalis (Wats.) Rydb. Rare in disturbed soil. Kakisa River, 5487; mile 33 N,. 7525. Yellowknife Highway, in spruce-poplar woods, mile 1, 7803. In full flower on June 27, Frequent in much the same habitat along the NWT section of the Mackenzie Highway. LABIATAE Galeopis tetrahit L. var. bifida (Boenn.) Lej. et Court. (Th) Seen only once, in disturbed sand, Enterprise, 4007, Mentha arvensis L. (Hpr) Local along gravelly or muddy shores, in marl deposits, and in marshes, becoming more frequent in disturbed 39.7 N, 7404 Moldavica parviflora (Nutt.) Britton. (Hs) Infrequent to common in disturbed areas. Comes into flower in mid-June; with some mature fruits by July 10, Mile 52, 5082; mile 35 N, 6656. 162 Scutellaria galericulata L. var. epilobiifolia (Hamilt.) Jordal. (Hpr) Infrequent to rare in marshes, along rocky or muddy shores, and in marl deposits. Comes into flower about June 25 and continues until late July; fruits mature from about July 11 on. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4043; mile 9.5, 5576; mile 72 N, 7025; mile 20.5 5S, 7897. Stachys palustris L. var. nipigonensis Jennings. (Gst) Rare on gravelly or sandy shores and in marshes. Comes into flower in late June and con- tinues at least until early August; collected with mature fruit on August 9 Kakisa River, 5708; mile 39.7 N, 6990. SCROPHULARIACEAE Castilleja raupii Pennell. (Hp) Infrequent in grasslands, in shallow residual soil over limestone, and in thickets. Collected with flowers and nearly mature fruits on June 30, but flowers may be found throughout the summer. Mile 17 N, 4144; mile 10, 4816; mile 31.9 S, 6738. Euphrasia aff. subarctica Raup. (Th) Seen only once, on rocky slope above inlet on island in Mackenzie River 1 mile west of Fort Provi- dence, 4130. Specimens of this collection have been examined by Messrs. Yeo and Sell (Cambridge University) who comment as follows: “Speci- men 4130... has the general characters of E. subarctica Raup, but all the plants in the series seen lack glandular hairs, which usually densely cover the leaves in this species, and if they do not, are present on at bottom, Prosperous Lake, 9233. With mature fruits on August 15. Pedicularis labradorica Wirsing. (Hs) Infrequent to rare in moss mats or litter in spruce or pine woods and in thickets. Comes into flower about June 22 and continues for about 2 months; mature fruits by early August. Mile 56, 5010; mile 125.1 N, 8045. Rhinanthus crista-galli L. (Th) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone, in thickets, and along rocky shores. Flowering begins in mid- July; mature fruits found on August 8. Mile 12, 5580; Mackenzie River, 6008. Veronica peregrina L. var. axalapensis (HBK) Pennell. (Th) Rare on gravelly or sandy shores. Mature fruits on July 26. Kakisa River, 5715; Prosperous Lake, 9234. Veronica scutellata L. (Hpr) Rare along shores. Collected with flowers and young fruits on July 1; with mature fruits on July 9. All our plants are forma villosa (Schum.) Pennell. Kakisa River, 5186; mile 20.5 5, 7179; mile 35 N, 7411. OROBANCHACEAE Boschniakia rossica (Cham. et Schl) Fedtsch. (Gp) Seen only once, in 163 white spruce forest, growing under Alnus crispa in deep mats of Hylo- comium splendens, along Kakisa River below Lady Evelyn Falls, 4520. Found in flower on July 16 and in mature fruit on August 27. LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula villosa L. (Hr) Seen only once, on a Sphagnum mound in a black spruce-larch forest, Kakisa Road, 4701. In flower on June 24. Pinguicula vulgaris L. (Hr) Rare in moss mats in spruce forests, in marl or in sedge mats around marly lakes, and in wet clay soil over limestone. Collected in flower from June 26 to July 15; mature fruit in early August. Mile 44.5, 0121; mile 72 N, 7028. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. (HH) Infrequent in shallow water. orm as early as July 1. This species is most often seen in marly lakes. Mile 54, 5080; Mackenzie River, 6006; Stagg River, 7958. Utricularia minor L. (HH) Rare in shallow water, often growing among Utricularia vulgaris and U. intermedia. Not seen in flower or fruit. This bladderwort is easily overlooked. We were able to find it only in the Canadian Shield section. Stagg River, 8309. Utricularia vulgaris L. (HH) Local in shallow, still or flowing water. Comes into flower in late June, continuing until at least August 10; not seen in mature fruit. Winter buds not noted until very late July and early August. Mile 50, 5105; mile 12.9 S, 7140; mile 75 N, 7373. PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago major L. (Hr) Infrequent along rocky shores, becoming fre- quent in disturbed soil. The plant of shores and the plant of waste late June and early July; fruits mature starting in mid-August. Fort Providence, 4228; Kakisa River, 5496; mile 60 N, 8408a. Plantago septata Morris. (Hr) Infrequent in shallow residual soil over limestone; in disturbed soil the plants are twice as large as in undis- turbed situations. In full flower June 21; fruits mature in late July and early August, Mile 28.5, 4907; mile 80.8 N, 7047. RUBIACEAE Galium labradoricum Wieg. (Hpr) Rare in moss mats in spruce forests and among sedges at shores of marly lakes. Flowering begins in early July; fruits mature starting in early August. Mile 53, 4958; mile 36 N, (Env e Galium septentrionale R. et. S. (Hpr) Infrequent to frequent along rocky shores, in drier grasslands, in shallow residual soil over lime- stone, and in pine, spruce, or larch woods, becoming somewhat more common in disturbed areas. Flowering season extends from about June 164 24 to early August; fruits mature starting early August. This plant is locally abundant on anthills in the Fort Providence grasslands. Enter- prise, 3891; mile 17 N, 4184. Galium trifidum L. (Hpr) Infrequent on gravelly and mucky shores and in wetter grasslands, becoming more common in disturbed soil. Collected in flower from June 24 to July 27; in fruit as early as mid- July. Kakisa River, 4992; mile 23.5 N, 6971; mile 14 §, 7147. CAPRIFOLIACEAE Linnaea borealis L. var. americana (Forbes) Rehd. (Ch) Frequent in spruce or pine forests, growing either upon moss mats, in litter, or in sand. Comes into flower late in June; mature fruits appear in late August. Mile 80, 5017; mile 60.5 N, 7020; Yellowknife, 9244. Lonicera dioica L. var. glaucescens (Rydb.) Butt. (N) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone, usually in pine-dominated areas. The yel- region, is a twiggy erect shrub 1 to 2 feet tall, with none of the twining tendencies it exhibits in areas further south. Mile 56, 5010a; mile 103.5 : Ti Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. (N) Seen only once, in grassland, mile 17 N, 4141. Collected in flower on August ala Viburnum edule Raf. (N) Frequent along gravelly shores, in poplar, spruce, or pine woods, and in peaty depressions in crystalline outcrops. Begins to flower about June 20, and flowering is over by mid-July; the translucent red fruits mature in early August and are valued by some Yellowknife people for preserves. This species may attain 5 feet in height in the highway region. Mile 11.5, 4837; mile 21.3 S, 6724; mile 126 N, 7760. CAMPANULACEAE Campanula rotundifolia L, (Hsr) Rare to infrequent in shallow resi- dual soil over limestone and in pine woods, becoming frequent to com- mon in disturbed soils, where it is one of the conspicuous roadside wild- flowers. Comes into bloom in very late June and continues into late August; fruits mature as early as August 1. Enterprise, 4009; mile 66 S, 7263; mile 110 N, 7303. Lobelia kalmii L. (Hs) Rare in wet marl among sedges at edge of marly lakes or depressions. Comes into flower in very late July and early August. Mile 20, 5764. COMPOSITAE Achillea lanulosa Nutt. (Hsr) Frequent to infrequent in drier grass- lands, on limestone outcrops, along rocky shores, and in sand or moss and lichen mats in spruce or pine forests, becoming common in dis- 165 turbed soil. Collected in flower from late June until mid-August; achenes mature from mid-July on. A pink-flowered form is occasional. This species is generally much more robust and common on disturbed sites than in adjacent undisturbed ones. One of the conspicuous road- side wildflowers. Enterprise, 3892; mile 82 N, 7049. Achillea sibirica Ledeb. (Hs) Rare along rocky and sandy shores and in disturbed soil at roadside, Collected in flower from July 9 to August 5; with maturing achenes in mid-August. Kakisa Lake, 6097; mile 16.5 N, 7483; mile 31.5 S, 7933. Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. (Ch) Local in grasslands, on limestone outcrops, on gravelly-marly shores, and in disturbed soil at roadside. Flowering in July. Mile 32 N, 7424. Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Greene. (Ch) Rare in peaty soil in thickets and spruce forests; somewhat more common in disturbed peaty or sandy soil at roadside. In flower during late June and July. Mile 44.5, 0727; mile 119 N, 7741. Antennaria rosea (Eat.) Greene. (Ch) Rare along sandy or muddy shores and in disturbed soil at roadside. In flower during July. Kakisa River, 4966; mile 88.5 N, 7361. Antennaria subviscosa Fern. (Ch) Seen only once, in prairie, mile 17 N, 4194a. Past flowering on August 11. Arnica lonchophylla Greene, (Hsr) Infrequent on limestone outcrops, h typical A. lonchophylla; one collection (mile 42.5 N, 6933) is transitional to ssp. arnoglossa (Rydb.) Maguire. Mile 16, 4873; mile 4.3 S, 6694; mile 96.8 N, 7078. Artemisia biennis Willd. (Hs) Local in disturbed soil. Does not come into flower until mid-August. Mile 66, 6106; mile 34 N, 8425. Artemisia campestris L. ssp. borealis (Pall.) Hall et Clem. (Hs) In- frequent to rare in shallow residual soil over limestone. In flower during the second half of July; collected with mature achenes on August 28. Mile 13.5, 5569; mile 96.7 N, 7965. Artemisia frigida Willd. (Ch) Seen only once, in disturbed sand along Kakisa Road, 9448. Several small sterile plants were all that could be found. Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. var. gnaphalodes (Nutt.) T. et G. (Hsr) Seen only once, a large clump at roadside, mile 9.5, 6117. Not yet in flower on August 7. Collected here in 1959; observed here in 1961 and 1962 Artemisia tilesii Ledeb. ssp. unalaschensis (Bess.) Hulten. (Hpr) Local 166 in disturbed soil, especially pote shores. Comes into flower in late July. Mile 79.5, 6021; mile 62.7 S, Aster alpinus L. var. ae (Onno) Cronq. (Hsr) Infrequent in shallow residual soil or in crevices on limestone outcrops. Comes into flower in late June; mature achenes by July 21. Mile 26, 4334; mile 80.8 N, 6889. Aster brachyactis Blake. (Th) Local along shores and in marl de- posits; locally common in disturbed soil at roadside. Comes into flower in very late July and early August; mature achenes in August. Mile 75 N, 8395; Prosperous Lake, 9193. Aster ciliolatus Lindl. (Hsr) Rare in shallow residual soil on lime- stone outcrops, in grasslands, in sandy pine-spruce woods, on marly shores, and in peaty soil in black spruce woods; common locally in dis- turbed soil at roadside. This species is a conspicuous roadside wild- flower. Comes into flower in mid-July, continuing until mid-August; with mature achenes late in August. Flowering specimens are infre- quent and small in undisturbed situations: thought sterile plants may abound; in disturbed soil, flowering is abundant and the plants are large and vigorous. Mile 51, 5734; mile 13 N, 7480. Aster falcatus Lindl. (Hpr) Seen only once, in grassland, mile 17 N, 4149. In flower on August 11. Aster hesperius Gray var. laetevirens (Greene) Cronq. (Hpr) Seen only once, limestone crevices, Alexandra Falls, 4365. In flower on August ee johannensis Fern. (Hpr) Rare in marshes on shore of Great Slave Lake, mile 62.7 S, 8373, and mile 64.6 S, 8376. In flower on August 3. Aster junciformis Rydb. (Hpr) Local in drier grasslands, on gravelly or sandy shores, in marl deposits, and in sedge meadows. In flower from mid-July to mid-August. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4045; mile 6, 5953; Stagg River, 7961. Aster pansus (Blake) Cronq. (Hp) Local in drier grasslands, in marl deposits, and in disturbed soil at roadside. Flowers appear in late July and early August; achenes mature from late August until frost. Four miles northeast of Fort Providence, 4087. Aster sibiricus L. (Hpr) Rare in sandy soil in spruce or pine woods; frequent to common in disturbed soil at roadside. Comes into flower in late June and continues into August; achenes mature in August. Kakisa River, 4018; mile 107.5 N, 7331. Bidens cernua L. (Th) Seen only once, along muddy shore of Stagg River, 8308. Early flowers on July 30. Crepis elegans Hook. (Hs) Seen only once, along road to Louise Falls on Hay River, 6153. In flower and mature fruit on August Crepis tectorum L. (Th) Rare in disturbed soil at ponies With flowers and mature fruit on August 3. Mile 30, 6116. 167 Erigeron acris L. (Hs) Rare in marl deposits and willow thickets; frequent in disturbed soil at roadside. In flower from June 25 to early August; mature achenes collected August 3. Two varieties grow in about equal numbers along the highway; var. asteroides (Andrz.) DC. (3893, 7441, 7803) and var. elatus (Hook.) Cronq. (5308, 6999, 7114). Enter- prise, 3893; mile 16 N, 7441; mile 4.7 S, 7803; Kakisa River, 5308; mile 41.3 N, 6999; mile 4.8 S, 7114. Erigeron compositus Pursh var. glabratus Macoun. (Ch) Rare in shal- low residual soil or in crevices on limestone outcrops. In flower on June 21; past fruiting on July 14. Mile 23.5, 5961; mile 103.5 N, 6846. Erigeron glabellus Nutt. var. pubescens Hook. (Hs) Rare in shallow residual soil on limestone outcrops and in sandy pine woods. In flower from late June until mid-July; mature achenes on July 27. Mile 28.5, 4911; mile 28 N, 9096. Erigeron hyssopifolius Michx, (Hp) Infrequent in peaty soil or moss or lichen mats in spruce forests and in marl deposits. Comes into flower in mid-June; some fruits are mature by mid-July. Kakisa Road, 4569; mile 35 N, 6659. Erigeron lonchophyllus Hook. (Hs) Infrequent in grasslands, on gravelly-marly shores, and in marl deposits. Begins to flower in early July; mature achenes by August 9. Some plants of E. lonchophyllus may be only 1.8 cm. high and bear only 1 head. Kakisa River, 6081; mile 110.5 N, 7733. Erigeron philadelphicus L. (Hs) Rare on gravelly-sandy shores. In flower in mid-August. Kakisa River, 5307. naphalium uliginosum L. (Th) Seen only once, in wet sand and shallow water of Prosperous Lake, 9238. Mature achenes on August 15. Helenium autumnale L. (Hp) Seen only in limestone crevices, Al- exandra Falls, 4378, and in roadside ditch, 12.5 miles south of Hay River on Mackenzie Highway, 5937. In flower and with maturing achenes on August 15. Mieracium umbellatum L. (Hp) Infrequent in shallow residual soil or in crevices on limestone outcrops, in sandy pine forests, and along rocky shores; more common in disturbed soil at roadside. The earliest collection made, July 14, has flowers and mature fruits. Mile 24, 5629; mile 93.5 N, 7687; mile 17.5 S, 7888. Lactuca pulchella (Pursh) DC. (Hsr) Rare along rocky shores and in marl deposits. Collected in flower July 7-11; in fruit July 27. Mac- kenzie River, 7443; mile 39.7 N, 7570. Matricaria maritima L. var. agrestis (Knaf) Wilmott. (Th) Seen only once, disturbed soil at roadside, mile 57 N, 9105. In flower and with some mature achenes on August 9 Matricaria matricaroides (Less.) Porter. (Th) Local in disturbed soil. Enterprise, 3896; Yellowknife, 7855. Petasites frigidus (L.) Fries var. nivalis (Greene) Cronq. (P. vitifolius 168 Greene) (Grh) Rare in moist disturbed gravelly soil at roadside and in wet woods, Past flowering and with immature fruit on June 15 and June 27. Mile 7, 4810; mile 110 N, 9428. Petasites frigidus (L.) Fries var. palmatus (Ait.) Crong. (P. palmatus {Ait.] Gray) (Grh) Rare in sand in pine woods and in disturbed soil at roadside. Past flowering and with immature fruit on June 18. Kakisa River, 4562; mile 110 N, 7319. Petasites sagittatus (Pursh) Gray. (Grh) Rare to locally frequent in grasslands, in marshes, in birch-willow thickets, and in disturbed soil at roadside. Past flowering and with immature fruit on June 18. Mile 17 N, 4165; Kakisa River, 4565; mile 23.6 S, 6727. Senecio congestus (R. Br.) DC. (Hs) Infrequent to locally common along shores, in marl deposits, in wet meadows, and in disturbed soil of roadside ditches. Collected in flower June 30; with early mature achenes on August 14. Mile 30, 4332; mile 14 S, 7144; mile 61.2 N, 7610. Senecio eremophilus Rich. (Hp) Seen only once, in disturbed sandy soil along road to ford over Kakisa River, 5327. In flower on July 15. Senecio indecorus Greene. (Hs) Infrequent in sedge meadows, in marl deposits, and in disturbed soil at roadside. Flowers in mid-July; nearly mature fruit by August 4. Mile 9, 5567; mile 39.7 N, 7565. Senecio lugens Rich. (Hsr) Local in moss mats or peaty soil in black spruce woods; somewhat more common in disturbed peaty or sandy soil at roadside. Collected in flower on June 23; in nearly mature fruit on July 15. Mile 56, 4785; mile 66 S, 8010; mile 28 N, 9094. Senecio pauperculus Michx. (Hs) Rare in grasslands; locally frequent in moist disturbed soil at roadside. In flower during very late June and July; immature fruits on July 27. Two of our specimens (5259, 5265), collected at mile 66, are hybrids between S. pauperculus and S. indecorus, according to Dr. T. M. Barkley. Kakisa Road, 5326; mile $1.5 N, 737i. Senecio plattensis Nutt. (Hs) Collected twice, in grassland, mile 13 N- 14 N, 5031, and in disturbed soil at roadside, mile 52, 5091. In flower July 8-10. Senecio tridenticulatus Rydb. (Hs) Local in shallow residual soil over limestone and in litter or sand in jack pine forests; local in dis- turbed soil at roadside. In flower June 21; in flower and fruit July 4. Our 1959 collections (4674, 4844, 4875, 4912, 5009, 5091) of this species were identified by T. M. Barkley. Dr. A. E. Porsild (in litt.) considers the Mackenzie plants to be Senecio cymbalarioides Nutt. var. borealis T. et. G. Mile 12, 4844; mile 103.5 N, 6865. Senecio vulgaris L. (Th) Seen only once, garden weed, Yellowknife, 9301. With mature fruit on August 1 Solidago canadensis L. var. salebrosa (Piper) Jones. (Hpr) Infrequent to rare in grasslands and along sandy or rocky shores; locally common in disturbed soil at roadside. In flower in late July and early August; 169 achenes not yet mature on August 11. Mile 17 N, 4190; mile 0.5, 6118; mile 64.6 S, 8378 Solidago multiradiata Ait. (Hsr) Rare in moss mats or litter in spruce forests; local in disturbed soil at roadside. In flower during July; achenes nearly mature on August 3. Mile 31.5 S, 7929 Solidago spathulata DC. var. neomexicana (Gray) Cronq. (S. decum bens Greene var. oreophila [Rydb.] Fern) (Hsr) Rare in shallow residual soil over limestone and in sand in pine woods; considerably more common in disturbed soil at roadside, Begins to flower in mid-J uly; with nearly mature achenes on August 3. Mile 51, 4292; mile 98. 8 N, 7713; Yellow- knife, 8347. Sonchus arvensis L. var. glabrescens Guenth., Grab. et Wimm. (Hsr) Seen only once, at roadside, mile 33 N, 9439. With flowers and very immature fruits on August 27. Tanacetum vulgare L. (Hs) Seen only once, waste place, mile 5 N, 8428. In flower on August 4. Taraxacum ceratophorum (Ledeb.) DC. (Incl. T. lacerum Greene) (Hr) Frequent in disturbed soil at roadside; rare in crevices in limestone outcrops and in sandy pine woods. In early flower mid-June; matur achenes by June 22. Mile 23.5, 5133; mile 35 N, 6658; mile 6.2 S, 6709. Taraxacum officinale Wiggers. (Hr) Common in disturbed soil, es- pecially about settlements. With mature fruits by June 24. Fort Provi- dence, 6937. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Yellowknife Highway sales was begun when I was on the staff of Chicago Natural History Museum; the um financed the 1958 and 1959 field work. The project was completed after I eel Res the staff of the University of Southwestern Louisiana, A grant (G15904) from the National Scie Foundation supported the 1961 ork. To the Fou i s ment and for his efforts in behalf of the project; to Mr. an rs. B. Cooper, formerly of Yellowknife, for their mek meme: and to ao following botanists, for their help with the ae of various taxa: Faye K. Daily (Characeae); John W. Thomson (lichens); H. L. Blomaise oan Sy peenene Bod Lange (certain Sphagnum); Crum (bryophytes); George W. Argus Cage E. Porsild (Melandrium) e Benso r D crystallina) ; Russell ee Basse Maguire (certain Arnica); Arthur Cronquist (certain Aster oe Beene and T. M. Barkley (certain Senecio). EFERENCES ANDERSON, i ins 1959. Flora a Alaska and adjacent parts of Canada. Iowa State Tae see CODY i Aer plant records for northern Alberta and southern Mackenzie District. Hee ae Nat. 70: 60. Plants Be the ae! Ase Norman Wells, Mackenzie District, Northwest Temes Canad. Field-N 0. New eae ee ee the upper eas River valley, Mackenzie District, Nonthere: poe Canad. Field-Nat. 75: ——————_. 1963. A contribution to the knowledge of ae ree of southwestern Mackenzie District N. W. T. Canad. Field- Nat. 77: 108-123. 170 GLEASON, H. A. The New eee and Brown Illustrated Flora of vie North- a Sie States ana a cent Canada. New York Botanical Garden, New ULTEN, E. 1941-1950. Flora of Alaska and Yukon. Lunds Universitets Peres N.F. Pei es ue 37- a JEFFR Ww. Nat. ane nee al ae MOSS, E. H. 1953. Forest pee in northwestern Alberta. Canad. Jour. Bot. 32: 212-252. Canad. Se on plant occurrence along lower Liard River, N.W.T. . 1953a. Marsh and bog vegetation in northwestern Alberta. Jour. Bot. 31: 448-470. 1955. The eee ee Alberta. Bot. ae 21: 493-567 1959. Flora of Alber University of T o Press, Tor PORSILD, A. E. er Materials for a oe ra of the Set rE | eee Teer macs of Canada. Sargentia 4: a ss “The ee mie _ the east slope of Mackenzie Mountains, North- da west Territories. Nee Mus. Cana 1951. Botany a. ees Yukon adjacent to the Canol Road. Nat. Mus. Canada ee 121. e a vascular plants of the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago. ae Mus. Canada bul UP, H. M. 1935. a eal investigations in Wood Buffalo Park. Nat. Mus. Canada Bull 74, ae SN se studies in the Athabaska-Great Slave Lake region. I. Catalogue of the ie plants. Jour. Arn. Arb. 17: 180-315. eh peace studies in he: Athabaska-Great Slave Lake region, II. Jour. Arn. Arb. 27: 1- es Botany of southwestern Mackenzie. Sargentia # neepessiceen H. i 1957. Flora of Manitoba. Nat. Mus. Canada Bull. THIERET, J. W. 1959. ae ei vegetation near Fort ae Sees Terri- tories. a Field- vee 73: 161 961. ew aan records for southwestern District of Mackenzie. Canad. Field-Nat. i: Ree 12 ew elas records from District of Mackenzie, Northwest Terri- .N tories. Canad. Field- ae 76: 2 a. Life- penne in the plains flora of southern Mackenzie, North- 3 west Territories. Rhodora 65: 149- 963b. adieone. to the flora of the Northwest Territories. Canad. Field-Nat. 77: 126. GILIA AND IPOMOPSIS (POLEMONIACEAE) IN TEXAS LLOYD H. SHINNERS Southern Methodist University, Dallas 22, Texas two new nomenclatural combinations under Ipomopsis. It is primarily to publish these and make them available for Dr. Wherry’s use (or rejection, as the case may be) that this brief paper has been prepared. Since no keys to the Texas representatives as currently understood are available, and since the listings in Gould’s recent Texas Plants leave much to be desired, it seems worth while to include my key to the genera and notes on the species (other than Phlox). It has been my usual procedure to work up various groups on the basis of collections at SMU to the extent of revising the nomenclature, checking relevant publications, and prepar- ing utility keys for identification of flowering material; then put the manuscript notes aside until additional material has accumulated, or TO TEXAS GENERA OF POLEMONIACEAE la. Leaves pinnately compound, with distinct, broad leaflets 2. Polemonium lb. Leaves simple, but in some species cut into narrowly lanceolate to thread-like segments 2a. Lower or all leaves opposite 3a. Calyx enclosed by large, spiny-toothed, net-veined bracts 1. Loeselia 3b. Calyx with entire, 1-ribbed bracts or none (subtended by upper leaves in some species) 4a. Leaf blades linear to oblong-ovate or obovate, entire, more than 1.3 mm. wide; annuals or perennials, general distribution . 3. Phlox SIDA I (3): 171—179. 1963, 172 4b. Leaf blades linear to thread-like or cut into thread-like segments less than 1.3 mm. wide; small annuals of desert areas, Trans- REGS cs pig bce PERE EAL DSR RSS eee 7, Linanthus 2b. Leaves alternate or basal 5a. Corolla appearing rotate (tube very short), or narrowly funnel- form with tube flaring upward...........-.--5--++++55> 4, Gilia 5b. Corolla more or less salverform, with nearly cylindrical tube longer than the lobes Ga. Calyx and upper leaves sparsely woolly, or without woolly hairs 5. Ipomopsis 6b. Calyx and base of upper leaves largely hidden by matted, wooly WAS oo ca ees Oaa a eee RE EOLA EELS POS Ss . Eriastrum 1. LOESELIA. The Mexican L. SCARIOSA (Martens & Galeotti) Walpers has been reported by Standley (1937) from the Chisos Moun- tains, southern Brewster County. I have not seen specimens. That cited by Standley was collected in August. 2. POLEMONIUM. P. PAUCIFLORUM S. Watson (including P. Hinck- leyi Standley, Amer. Midl. Nat. 18: 684, 1937; according to Verne Grant, 1959) occurs in the Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis County. Flowering in August. 3. PHLOX. P. bifida var. induta Shinners, S.W.Nat. 6: 50—51, 1961, is referred by Dr. Wherry to his P. oklahomensis. This latter is regarded by Marsh (1960) as specifically distinct from P. bifida. Marsh’s paper ap- peared while my note was in press. By a similar curious coincidence, Phlox Johnstonii Wherry (1961) was published after Erbe and Turner’s the study of Erbe and Turner is more superficial than that of Dr. Eula Whitehouse (1945), which remains the classical work on the annual species. The genus is both large and very difficult in Texas, and I have not yet completed even a preliminary account. 4, GILIA and 5. IPOMOPSIS. See below. 6. ERIASTRUM. E. DIFFUSUM (Gray) H. L. Mason, Madrono 8: 76. 1945. Gilia filifolia var. diffusa Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 272. 1870. “Fort Mohave and Nevada to New Mexico and the borders of Texas.” Cited by Craig (1934) from El] Paso and Fort Bliss, both in El Paso County. The following collections are at SMU. EL PASO CoO.: Frontera (El Paso), hills and rocky places, Charles Wright, 30 March 1852. Lower slopes of Mt. Franklin, El Paso, sandy soil, Barton H. Warnock 10349, 19 April 1952. HUDSPETH CO.: steep rocky (igneous) slopes, north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sierra Blanca, Rogers McVaugh 8026, 21 April 1947. 7. LINANTHUS, the white-flowered L. BIGELOVII (Gray) Greene is 173 known from EL PASO Co.: Frontera (El Paso), Charles Wright, April 1852 (SMU). The yellow-flowered L. AUREUS (Nuttall) Green is said to extend east to Texas by Kearney & Peebles (1960); I have not seen specimens from the state. KEY TO TEXAS GILIA la. Corolla funnelform, with well-developed, gradually flaring tube pA CCCCin Ete 1ODeSiampe twig oe ee . G. mexicana 1b. Corolla appearing rotate, the inconspicuous tube much shorter than 2a. Lower stem leaves with long, naked petioles and wide, flat blades 3a. Blades of lower stem leaves slightly to much longer than broad, taproot); Trans-Pecos mountains............____ 3. G. perennans 2b. Lower stem leaves (not basal ones) sessile or subsessile or with tappered, winged-petiolar basal portion, commonly with mall, 4a. Calyx in flower divided about half way da. Basal leaves numerous, persistent; lower stem leaves deeply pinnatifid, the 5—7 pairs of segments mostly coarsely toothed or deeply lobed; Rio Grande Plain 4. G. ludens 5b. Basal leaves mostly absent at flowering time; lower stem da. G. rigidula var. rigidula. 6b. Lower leaves with stiff, almost needle-like segments less than 1 mm. wide; upper leaves similar to lower db. G. rigidula var. acerosa 4b. Calyx in flower divided about 3/4 or more 7a. Calyx 10—12 mm. long, chiefly of white, scarious tissue with narrow green bands extending from base up through center of ENA MO) 1S. alo 3 oar re ec 6. G. insignis 7b. Calyx 4.0—5.5 mm. long, chiefly of green tissue, the lobes with narrow, white, scarious margins............___. 7. G. Stewartii 1. G. MEXICANA A. & V. Grant, Aliso 3: 255—9257. 1956. Type from. Arizona; cited also from New Mexico (Grant and Dona Ana counties): 174 and Chihuahua. There are three specimens at SMU from westernmost Texas EL PASO CO.: Frontera (El Paso), Charles Wright, April, 1852. Infrequent in limestone soil, McKelligon Canyon, Franklin Mts., El Paso, Warnock 7664, 26 March 1948. On west, lower, limestone slopes of Frank- lin Mts. about 2 miles west of El Paso, Warnock 10308, 10 April 1952. 2. G. INCISA Bentham in DC., Prodr. 9: 312. 1845. “In Texas (Drum- mond coll. 3a n. 463!).” Type material not seen. Drummond collected in the area from Galveston to Victoria and Gonzales counties, and inland as far as Milam County. This area touches the southeastern limits of the range of this species as shown by collections at SMU (county names in parentheses): Eastern Rio Grande Plain (Cameron, Kleberg, Live Oak), up the coast to Aransas County, and on the Edwards Plateau (north to Travis and San Saba, west to Val Verde), at elevations between sea level and 2,000 feet. Flowering late March—early June, 3. G. perennans Shinners, sp. nov.. G. incisae peraffinis, sed perennans demum cum radice crasso lignoso, foliorum inferiorum caulinorum la- minis brevioribus minus divisis; species monticola. HOLOTYPE: rock crevice, north fork, Guadalupe Mountains, north McKittrick Canyon, Culberson Co., Texas, D. S. Correll 13958, 18 August 1946 (SMU). “Flow- ers blue.” The following additional specimens have been seen, all from Trans-Pecos Texas at elevations of 5,000 feet or above, all deposited at SMU. CULBERSON CO.: numerous, in a spot growing in the almost solid rock of the creek bed in north McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, L. C. Hinckley & Leon Hinckley 29, 3 June 1949. In limestone soil above Hunter Lodge, in south McKittrick Canyon of Guadalupe Mts., Warnock 9536, 31 August 1950. Same locality, Warnock 10950, 3 August 1952. JEFF DAVIS CO.: infrequent in Limpia Canyon at mouth of Wild Rose Pass, Kokernot Ranch, Davis Mts., Warnock & F. M. Churchill 7742, 6 April 1948. This differs from G. incisa more in its biology than in its morphology, and it is only after considerable hesitation that it is named as a distinct species. In addition to the points noted in the key, the calyx averages slightly larger (4.0—4.7 mm. long vs. 3.5—4.5 mm. in G. incisa). The fact that all but one of the collections were made in summer, long after the normal flowering time for G. incisa, is partly due to accidents of col- lecting, since most botanists have visited during the summer, but in part it doubtless reflects the higher altitude. 4. G. ludens Shinners, sp. nov. Perennis? humilis (ca. 12-21 em.) pler- silt loam, railroad right-of-way, 4 miles west of Alice, Jim Wells Co., Texas, Shinners 19581, 10 April 1955. (SMU). “Corolla blue (flowers 175 mostly past).” PARATYPES (all SMU). DUVAL CO.:: in Pleistocene March 1963. WEBB CoO.: in light red sand, State Highway 359, 2 miles west of Bruni, Elvira G. Garcia 137, 16 March 1963. Because of the prominent, flat-bladed basal leaves, I at first mistook this for G. incisa, despite the relatively short-pedicelled flowers. On later comparison in the herbarium, it seemed closer to G. rigidula, but that species lacks the prominent basal leaves and is confined to areas from the Edwards Plateau north and west. Bentham’s description of the leaves of G. incisa (he apparently had only upper ones) as “cuneatis lanceolatis linearibus subintegris v. saepius acutissime incisis” makes it certain that he did not have the species here described. 9. G. RIGIDULA Bentham in DC., Prodr. 9: 312. 1845. “In Texas pr. Bejar (Berlandier).” This often-mentioned locality is the present San Antonio, Bexar County. The description and locality are quite sufficient to establish the identity of Bentham’s plant. I follow Asa Gray in recog- nizing two varieties, da. G. RIGIDULA var. RIGIDULA. Edwards Plateau, north to Travis, Burnet, Jones, Taylor and Mitchell counties, west into eastern Trans- Pecos (Pecos, Reeves, Val Verde). Flowering late March—May, sporadi- cally to October. db. G. RIGIDULA var. ACEROSA Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 280. 1870. “North New Mexico to Arizona, Fendler, Gordon, Wright, &c.” (Specimens not seen.) In the Synoptical Flora the range is extended to “borders of Texas” (p. 149). Northern Trans-Pecos (Culberson, Huds- peth, Jeff Davis) and Panhandle, southeast to Taylor County. Flowering late March (rarely) or April to September, 6 G. INSIGNIS (Brand) Cory & Parks, Cat. Fl. Texas (Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 550) p. 85. 1938 (“1937”). G. rigidula ssp. insignis Brand, Pflanzenreich IV. 250. p. 149. 1907. “So nur in Nord-Mexiko: Coahuila abundant especially along road; stony flats, creosote shrub association, about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap, McVaugh 7831, 5 April 1947 (SMU). Frequent along roadside near Dog Flat, Warnock 21485, 2 April 1938. 7. G. STEWARTII I. M. Johnston, Journ. Arnold Arb. 24: 94, 1943. Cited by Johnston from Brewster and Hudspeth counties, and from numerous localities in Mexico. I have seen the following Texas collec- 176 tions. BREWSTER CO.: frequent on limestone hills between Lone Moun- tain and Nugent Mountain, Big Bend National Park, Warnock 16h, 3 Sept. 1947. On alluvial fan, 6 miles north of Hot Springs, Big Bend Park, Rose-Innes & Warnock 546, 20 March 1941 (cited by Johnston). PRE- O CO.: caleareous gravel hillsides, south end of Van Horn Mts. near Porvenir, U. T. Waterfall 4754, 26 June 1943 (det. I. M. Johnston). Along rocky ledge e. Van Horn Creek at north end crossing, Porvenir- Chispa road in western end of county, L. C. Hinckley 2230, 25 Oct. 1941. Excluded Species G. ophthalmoides ssp. australis A. & V. Grant, Aliso 3: 263. 1956. De- scribed from southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico; er by Gould from Trans-Pecos Texas, but I have seen no specim G. ophthalmoides ssp. flavocincta (A. Nelson) A. & V. ve i c. 262. Cited by the Grants only from Arizona; reported by Gould for the entire western half of Texas, but I have seen no specimens. KEY TO TEXAS IPOMOPSIS la. Corolla tube 0.3—1.0 cm. long Da. Tea veetal ENE Rs 64 peu nade ee oe ee ESS 8. I. Wrightia 2b. Leaves (except uppermost) toothed or divided into linear or thread-like segments 3a. Corolla lobes 5—7 mm. long, more than half as long as the tube 1.J. Havardu 3b. Corolla lobes 1.0—4.5 mm. long, less than half as long as the tube 4a. Annual with slender taproot, flowering April—early July; desert flats 5a. Corolla tube 3—5 mm. long; upper leaves deeply toothed or pinnatifid, the segments short and wide... .6. I. polycladon 5b. Corolla tube 6—8 mm. heey upper leaves entire or cut into 8-5 thread-like segments...........--....---. 7. 4b. Perennial with rather sae pee flowering J ig-Oeroben: mountains 6a. Primary axis of inflorescence with about 1—10 nodes, the lower flowering branchlets mostly subtended by reduced un- divided leaves (see excluded species at end).. I. multiflora 6b. Primary axis of inflorescence with about 10—35 nodes, the lower flowering branchlets mostly subtended by pinnatisect leaves (see excluded species at end)............ I. pinnata 1b. Corolla tube 1.2—4.5 cm. long Ta. Inflorescence loose, open, broad; stem freely and widely branch- ing; corolla lavender-blue to white 8a. Corolla tube 1.2—2.0 cm. long; corolla lobes 3—6 mm. long, 1.0— Si AOE, «4 4a Kee REED eee PAY On 2. I. laxiflora 8b. Corolla tube 2.2—4.5 cm. long; corolla lobes 6.5—12.0 mm. long, (Hil. WIGS: i.e ok esos eee ee ede neo Ree 3. I. longiflora 177 7b. Inflorescence narrow, dense, elongate; stem normally simple or with few, elongate branches; corolla red or rarely yellow Ya. Calyx lobes about as long as the tube; Trans-Pecos 4. I. aggregata 9b. Calyx lobes nearly twice as long as the tube: central and eastern he ig. apr cecnd io te ARCnet RA LEO Leave» do. I. rubra 1. I, HAVARDII (Gray) V. Grant, Aliso 3: 357. 1956. Loeselia Havardi Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 87, 1883. “W. Texas, on the Rio Grande near Presidio del Norte, Dr. N. (sic) Havard, 1881.” Gilia Havardi Gray, Syn. F]. 2 pt. 1 (suppl.) p. 411. 1886. I have seen only the following specimens. BREWSTER CoO.: limestone soil in Avery Canyon, Big Bend National Park, Warnock 9141, 23 July 1950. PRESIDIO CO.: about 1 mile south- east of Greenwood ranchhouse some 50 miles south of Marfa, L. C. Hinckley 3578, 4 April 1946. Common along washes, rolling Rio Grande Plain, 4 miles SE of Ruidosa, C. H. Muller 8440, 28 July 1945. 2. J. LAXIFLORA (Coulter) V. Grant, Aliso 3: 361. 1956. Gilia Ma- combit var. laxiflora Coulter, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 1: 44, 1890. “Camp eee (Ixion county),” (i. e. Irion County), G. C. Nealley 311 (US; not seen). Gilia laxiflora (Coulter) Osterhout, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 51. 1897. Trans-Pecos (Jeff Davis, Presidio, Reeves), east in South Plains to Lubbock and Mitchell counties. Flowering late April—July. 3. I. LONGIFLORA (Torrey)V. Grant, Aliso 3: 361. 1956. Cantua longi- flora Torrey, Ann. Lyc. N.-Y. 2: 221. 1826. “On the Canadian” (probably in the Texas Panhandle). Gilia Tenaiflera (Torrey) G. Don, Gen. Hist. Dichlam, Pl. 4: 45. 1838. Widespread in Trans-Pecos, Panhandle, South Plains and Red Plains, east to Wilbarger and Stonewall counties. Flow- ering late March (Big Bend area) or April to October. 4. I. AGGREGATA (Pursh) V. Grant var. texana (Greene) Shinners, comb. nov. Callisteris texana Greene, Leafl. Bot. Obs. & Crit. 1: 160. 1905. “Guadalupe Mountains, western Texas, V. Havard, Sept., 1881. Type in U. S. Nat. Herb.” (not seen). Gilia aggregata var. texana (Greene) I. Gould, as Gilia texana and as Ipomopsis aggregata. Common in the Trans-Pecos mountains in Brewster, Culberson, Jeff Davis and Presidio counties. Flowering July—September. 5. I. RUBRA (L.) Wherry, Bartonia 18: 56. 1936. Polemonium rubrum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 163. 1753. “Habitat in Carolinae citerioris arenosis. B. eastern counties in the Pine Belt; frequent and locally abundant on var- ious substrates, often on dry, rocky, limestone slopes, in central Texas west to Taylor and Scurry counties and southwest to Caldwell County. Also frequent in cultivation. Flowering late May—early July, and spora- 178 dically to September. A semi-albino with yellow flowers has been ob- served in Rockwall County. This is an example of a species first described from the Southeastern United States but relatively uncommon there, having its center of abun- dance west of the Mississippi River. Mirabilis albida and Hedyotis nigri- cans are other examples of such distribution. These are all of South- western and Mexican relationship; I would not agree with Verne Grant in decribing Ipomopsis rubra as characteristic of the Southeast. 6. I. POLYCLADON (Torrey) V. Grant, Aliso 3: 361. 1956. Gilia poly- cladon Torrey in Emory, Rept. U.S. & Mex. Boundary Survey 2: 146. 1859. “Stony hills near El Paso, March.” No collector is named; the fol- lowing is the only specimen seen. EL PASO CO.: Frontera (Hl Paso), Gravelly places, Charles Wright, April 1852. 7. I. PUMILA (Nuttall) V. Grant, Aliso 3: 361. 1956. Gilia pumila Nuttall, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (ser. 2) 1: 156, 1848. “Near the first range of the Rocky Mountains of the Platte. Flowering in May. (Nut- tall.)” In Texas confined to the Trans-Pecos. CULBERSON CO.: near Salt Lake on Highway 54, about 30 miles north of Van Horn, Eula White- house 11455, 5 July 1931. HUDSPETH CO.: only four plants found in barpit at roadside about 5 miles S. Sierra Blanca, Hinckley & Hinckley 68, 12 June 1949. PRESIDIO CO.: sandy desert flats, 2 miles north of Porvenir; abundant, McVaugh 7995, 17 April 1947. 8. I. Wrightii (Gray) Shinners, comb. nov. (This appears as a nomen nudum without indication of combining author in Gould’s Texas Plants, 1963.) Gilia Wrightii Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 273. 1870. “Western frontiers of Texas, on the Rio Grande forty miles below El Paso, C. Wright, n. 496.” Two collections seen, the first from the general area of the type locality. EL PASO CO.: in sandy soil along road about 15 miles north of Ysleta, W. J. Tebeaux, 13 Aug. 1951. Rather infrequent in deep sand along Carlsbad highway about 16 miles east of El Paso, Warnock 10902, 28 July 1952. Annual developing a stout taproot; Gray described the species as doubtfully perennial. Excluded species I. multiflora (Nuttall) V. Grant, Aliso 3: 357. 1956. Gilia multiflora tall. Gray in 1870 (Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 260) stated that Collomia Cavanillesiana occurred on ‘borders of W. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and adjacent Mexico.” In the first edition of the Synoptical Flora ee 2 pt. 1: 136, 1878), he reports it from “New Mexico and W. Texas Arizona.” In the Supplement added to the 2nd edition (p. 411, 1886), . name is given as a synonym “in part” of Gilia multiflora, which is stated to be “common in New Mexico and Arizona.” Presumably the earlier re- port of Texas was found to be in error. I have seen specimens from New Mexico and Arizona, but not from Texas. 179 I. pinnata (Cavanilles) V, Grant, Aliso 3: 357. 1956. Phlox pinnata Cavanilles, Icones 6: 17, t. 528 fig. 1. 1801. “Habitat in Montevideo vici- niis, . . . Phlox haec pinnata crescit etiam passim in Nova Hispania prope Real del Monte.” Bentham and Gray were certainly correct in be- lieving that the locality Montevideo was an error (cf. Gray, 1870, p. 260, where it is erroneously given as “Buenos Ayres”). Collomia Cavanillesi- reich IV. 250. p. 112. 1907. Specimens seen from Chihuahua, Durango and Zacatecas. It is not unlikely that this species may be found in the Big Bend area of Texas DV IN C Bas AIG, THOMAS. 1934. A revision of the See Pee of the genus Gilia (Pole- ne Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 61: 385—396, 411— ERBE, LAWRENCE, AND B. L. TUR ean 1962. i Sbosystemati study of the Phlox cus pidata— Phlox ieee complex. Amer. Midl. Nat. GOULD, F. W. (January; title page aie a Tecan Blancs (Polemoniaceae, Dez ALVA, AND VERNE eee ee: Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. on The Cobwebby G ae Aliso 3: 203—2 RANT, VERNE 6. A synopsis mee oe ue 3: 351—362. oie tural eee of the Phlox Fami ie Volum GR ane oe Tons eee of the North rea peas ae Amer. Acad. 8: 247— - 1886. Polemoniaceae. Syn, Fl. N.A. (2nd ed.) 2 pt. 1: 128—151, suppl. Hye KEA ARTES THOMAS H., AND ROBERT H. PEEBLES. 1960. Arizona Flora. (Pole- eee Ppp. 678—696. ARSH, DANIEL L. 1960. ao en bee ox oklahomensis to Fags Nae complex: d, eee a new subspecies of Phlox bifida. Trans. Kansas Aca MASON, HERBERT L. 1945. The genus Frist as the ee of Benham and Gray upon the problem of generic confusion in Polem 8: aceae. Madrono SHINNERS, LLOYD H. 1961. Phlox te a var. ae (ieee he a new erdcinic in north central Texas. $.W. Nat. 6: 50—5 STANDLEY, PAUL C. 1937. Three new ae from aoe and Mexico and some recent additions to the Texas flora. pet Midl. Nat. 18: 683— WHERRY, re a 195 eee Genus Phlox. Morris ee Mono. III. LA annual Phlox. Wrigheia 2: 198—199, WHITEHOUSE, ou 1945, Annual Phlox species. Amer. Midl. Nat. 34: 388—401. LEPTOGLOSSIS AND NIEREMBERGIA (SOLANACEAE) IN TEXAS LLOYD H. SHINNERS Southern Methodist University, Dallas 22, Texas Two genera of Texas Solanaceae with salverform corollas are so strikingly similar to Polemoniaceae that at first glance they are apt to be mistaken for members of that family. Technically of course they dif- fer in having simple style and stigma. They also differ in the conforma- tion of the calyx, which is narrowly funnelform, so that there is con- siderable open space between it and the narrowly cylindrical corolla tube. In the Polemoniaceae which they resemble the calyx is appressed to the corolla tube or nearly so. It is an interesting example of recom- binations of characters that Bouchetia erecta DC., another representative of Texas Solanaceae, has a flaring calyx closely resembling that found in the two genera here discussed, but its corolla tube also narrowly fun- nelform, so that the calyx fits closely against it. Leptoglossis and Nierem- bergia are represented in Texas by a single species each, the former native but currently passing under an incorrect name, the latter intro- duced and not previously reported as a wild plant for the state. They may be distinguished as follows. Corolla tube abruptly swollen toward one side at summit; anther-bearing stamens 4, in two very unequal pairs, barely exserted; native (en- demic in Val Verde County)............0.0 00002 e sees eptoglossis Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical to summit; anther-bearing stamens 5, equal or subequal, prominently exserted; cultivated and escaped Nierembergia LEPTOGLOSSIS TEXANA (Torrey) Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 164. 1877. Browallia texana Torrey in Emory, Rept. U.S. & Mexican Boundary Survey 2: 156. 1859. “Near the mouth of the Pecos, September-October; Bigelow, Pope. (No. 535, Wright.)” (These sient not seen, but sev- eral approximate topotypes examined: SM U.) Nierembergia viscosa preceding.) Leptoglossis viscosa (Torrey) Millan, Darwiniana 5:489. 1941. Probably it was the influence of the American Code, which ac- cepted page priority as binding, that led to the revival of the name Nierembergia viscosa, by which this species has recently been called. Gray, in uniting the two Torreyan species, deliberately chose the epithet texana in preference to vicosa (L¢., p. 165), and under current rules, his choice must be followed. Millan evidently had not seen Gray’s com- SIDA 1 (3): 180—181. 1963. 181 ments when he excluded the species from the genus Nierembergia. Leptoglossis texana is a perennial which, like so many in Texas, may flower the first year from seed. It suggests a Phlox with light purple or purple-pink corolla, blooming late March—early May and rarely in October. All collections examined were from Val Verde County, on lime- stone substrates. NIEREMBERGIA HIPPOMANICA Miers var. CAERULEA (Miers) Millan, Darwiniana 5: 521. 1941. N. caerulea Miers. (For full synonymy REFERENCES GRAY, ASA. 1877. Characters of some new or little known genera of plants. Leptoglossis subg. Brachyglossis. Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 164—165. MILLAN, ROBERTO. 1941. Revision de las especies del genero Nierembergia. Darwiniana 3: 487—547. ORTON, C. V. 1944. Taxonomic studies of tropical American plants. Notes on Bouchetia. Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 29: 72—73. (Considers B. erecta of Texas distinct from B. anomala of Argentina and Uruaguay.) NOTES MONANTHOCHLOE LITTORALIS (GRAMINEAE) IN LOUISIANA. — The following collection is apparently the first record of the grass Monanthochloe littoralis Engelm. from Louisiana: '% mile east of mouth of Mermentau River at Hackberry Beach, Cameron Parish, Wayne G. Harris 55, July 17, 1962. The species was found to be common locally, with Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata, on the slope behind the shell beach, about 100 yards north of the gulf shore. Voucher specimens have been deposited in the herbarium of the University of Southwestern Louisiana, in the United States National Herbarium, and in the herbar- ium of Southern Methodist University—A. G. Owens, Jr. and Sam Riche, Louisiana Mosquito Control Association, Lafayette, Louisiana. CENCHRUS LONGISETUS M. C. JOHNSTON, NOM. NOV. (GRA- MINEAE).— Based on Pennisetum villosum R. Brown ex Fresenius, Mus. Senckenb. Abh. 2: 134, 1837 (fide Hitchcock, Man. Grasses ed. 2 p. 934). Not Cenchrus villosus (Sprengel) Sprengel, Syst, 1: 300, 1829.-— Marshall C. Johnston, University of Texas, Austin 12: NTROSEMA FLORIDANUM (BRITTON) LAKELA, COMB. NOV. ere. — Based on Bradburya floridana N. L. Britton, Tor- reya 4: 142. 1904. Since Centrosema has been made nomen conser- vandum under the International Code of Botanical les this transfer is required—Olga Lakela. (Contribution No. 4, Botanical Laboratories, University of South Florida, Tampa.) THE VARIETIES OF TEUCRIUM CANADENSE (LABIATAE). — Elizabeth McClintock and Carl Epling, in “A revision of Teucrium in the New World, with observations on its variation, geographical dis- tribution and _ history” (Brittonia 5: 491—510, 1946), recognize three as follows. la. Calyx without glandular hairs 2a. Leaf blades medium to moderately dark green above, grayish green to gray beneath, midrib on lower surface with hairs pointing for- ward, widely spreading, or very loosely retrorse; plants of wide distribution, outside the area of the next.......... var. canadense 2b. Leaf blades very dark green or blackish green above (medium green in a few Mississippi coast specimens), silvery beneath, SIDA 1 (3): 182—183. 1963. 183 midrib on lower surface with closely appressed retrore hairs in basal portion (rarely loose or spreading ni north Florida speci- TOTS) ee a ey ih selon oto, cde Wh ne a eee var. Nashii lb. T. CANADENSE var. Nashii (Kearney) Shinners, comb. nov. T. Nashii Kearney, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 21: 484, 1894, “Collected in middle Florida in 1836, by Dr. Chapman; in Duval county, Florida, by Mr. A. H. Curtiss (No. 1975) and near Eustis, Florida, in 1894, by Mr. George V. Nash (Numbers 1496, 1505 and 1516).” I have not seen the syntype — o At) leer) ion — rt) oF io) wm < ) 4 te Qu jab] 4 an oa Hy o ro) 3 a or ° To whom, it is said, this punning tribute was paid while he lay dying: ‘The Flower of Feat ea! is Withering. 4A in good ae means a widow; in Clementsian ecological gobbledygook it is a later oe for °Tt has been nee ‘ak isolated colonies of Coastal Plain species within the Appa- lachian highland represent ancestral stocks. I think a more likely explanation is just the reverse See are late emigrants from the Coastal Plain. We know from geological evidence that he close of the Pleistocene was a period of vast flooding and erosion, with the develop- 261 ment of flood plains and evilge aie the glaciated area. It seems to me highly probable that the Dea coe wee tal Plain species were rapid invaders, spreading far out of the Coastal Plai self cc. hand se Coastal Plain species about the western Great Lakes are al on, illustrations), t replaced more gradually in succession by the Appalachian flora. The endemic Co serine, capes to a few spots on eroding ore ancient occurrence o > m stream banks in Kentucky and Tennessee, may represent the same thing. It is one of five shrubby species comprising hee genus, all the rest of which are confined to the outer Coastal Plain. _ have been shore ni and hence coastal plains, nd land have been differentiated. I see no reason to plants ever exist anyw ae else. In Te e genera Vaseyochloa (Gramineae) and ee. (Compositae) mus they occur on the very yo — oan, and there is nothing to relate them to the Appalachian or Ozarkian or Sierra Madrean or any other upland flora. There are exactly comparable aio in Florida, as well as a striking disjuncts as Bonamia villosa, oa ring both states. I cons res the so-called Orange Island hypothesis, espoused by Wood- son, not ae possible and logical, but necessary however small, for as long as e that typic — = » fon NOTES ON THE VEGETATION OF THE MEXICAN STATE OF MORELOS CHESTER M. ROWELL Department of Biology, Texas Technological College, Lubbock' During the summers of 1949 and 1950 the author and his students were privileged to make extensive observations and collections in the Mexican State of Morelos. The work was carried on as part of the summer field courses under the joint sponsorship of the departments of Wildlife Management and Biology of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Some additional collections were made by the author in August of 1960. The state of Morelos is located south of the Federal District in central Mexico. It is bounded on the north by the state of Mexico, and the Federal District, on the east by Pueblo, by Oaxaca on the south and Guerrero on the west. There is a variation of altitude within the state from approximately 17,800 ft. in the northeast to approximately 2,700 ft. in the southwest. The state boundary extends from the peak of the volcano Popocatepet] to the edge of the Balsas Basin. The vegetation zones of Mexico as presented by Leopold (1959), and his terminology will be followed in general in this paper. The flora of the state is divisible into two major types, temperate and tropical. Four of Leopold’s vegetation types are found within the political limits of Morelos. h emperate zone includes vegetational types: Pine-Oak Forest, Boreal Forest, and pine-Meadow. These vegetational types are found in the northern one-third of the state. The Mixed Forest type or Pine-Oak Forest is characterized by open scattered stands of woodlands dominated by pines or oaks. Apparently dependent on the elevation and available moisture, either the pines or the oaks may assume dominance in any particular area and occasionally they are distributed almost equally. It is interesting to note that no distinct zone of oak-shrub was observed by the author in Morelos where this type merged with some of the more xeric types at lower elevations of approximately 9,000 and 6,500 ft. The dominant members of the flora of the Pine-Oak Forest are: Pinus montezumae, Pinus lawsonti, Pinus teocote, Quercus spp. Other important members of the flora included in this type are: Arbutus glandulosa, Ceanothus azureus, Buddleia americana. The Boreal Forest type is found in rather limited areas in the north portion of the state. It is characterized by coniferous forests with a 1 - . . - x Current temporary address: Department of Botany, Oklahoma State University, Still- water. SIDA 1 (5): 262—-268. 1964. 263 bunch grass or sacaton (Festuca tolucensis) ground cover. A humid environment is associated with this vegetational type and limits it in Morelos between the elevations of approximately 9,000 and 13,000 ft. Canyons at lower elevations which are subject to frequent fog condi- tions also exhibit this type of vegetation. The more important species of this vegetational type include: Pinus lawsonti, Pinus ayacahuite, Pinus leiophylla, Pinus teocote, Pinus monte- zumae, Pinus hartwegii, Abies religiosa, Festuca tolucensis. The third temperate vegetational type is the Alpine Meadow. To my knowldge it is found in Morelos only in the small area where the state line extends up the side of the volcano Popocatepetl. In this area, which is normally above timberline, there are extensive meadows of sacaton (Festuca spp.) with robust herbs such as Lupinus and Castilleja. The tropical vegetation type found in the state is the Tropical Deci- duous Forest with some variations. This type covers approximately the southern two-thirds of the state and is usually found below elevations of 6,500 ft. This Tropical Deciduous Forest as observed in Morelos exhibits two rather distinct forms. One form is typical of that outlined by Leopold and the other, a more arid type, seems related to his Arid Tropical Shrub. The typical Tropical Deciduous Forest type is found on the lower mountain slopes from approximately 6,500 to 4,000 ft. and in canyons at lower altitudes that have higher available moisture. This type is predominantly composed of low, shrub-like trees and some of the larger cacti. The trees are usually leafless during the dry season, but are more abundant and larger than those of the more arid type. The more important members of this type include the following: Ipomea arborea, Juliana adstrungens, Bursera spp., Pseudosmodingium spp., Comocladia spp., Parchycereus marginata, Cephalocereus spp. The more arid form of the Tropical Deciduous Forest is usually found at elevations below 4,000 ft. It is characterized by sparse, thorny, low shrubs and cacti. The more important members of this type include the following: Acacia farnesiana Acacia spp., Pithecolobium spp., Opuntia spp., Cephalocereus spp., Crescentia spp., Dodonaea viscosa, Lippia spp., Lantana spp. In the riparian associations along stream beds and in marsh lands the vegetation exhibits marked variations and includes such forms. as: Persea americana, Taxodium distichum, Ficus spp., Astianthus viminalis, Guazuma ulmifolia. Due to the extremes in ecological conditions as expressed through both altitudinal and moisture variations, Morelos exhibits remarkable varia- tion in vegetation and as such presents a very interesting problem in floristics. 264 The following list of species is based on specimens collected in Morelos by the author and his students. Most of the determinations were made by the author using the facilities at the University of Michigan Herbarium. All species of the Verbenaceae were verified or determined by Dr. H. N. Moldenke. Dr. Rogers McVaugh verified the author’s determinations of many species in the Leguminosae. It is hoped that this lst will contribute to the sparse knowledge of the distribution of the Mexican flora. For simplicity the species are arranged alphabetically by families, genera, and species. After each species the town nearest the collection site is listed plus a number in parenthesis indicating vegetation type. 1. Alpine Meadow; 2. Boreal Forest; 3. Pine-Oak Forest; 4. Tropical Deciduous Forest. Specimens on which these determinations were made are deposited at one or more of the following herbaria: S. M. Tracy Herbarium, Texas A. and M. College; The Herbarium, the University of Michigan; The Herbarium, Southern Methodist University. ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria lancifolia L. Cuautla (4) AMARYLLIDACEAE Allium glandulosum Link and Otto Cuautla (4) Nothoscordum fragrans (Vent.) Kunth Tres Cumbres (2) Pancratium littorale Jacq. Axochiapan, Cuernavaca (1) APOCYNACEAE Haplophytum cimicidum A. DC. Yautepec (1) ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias grandiflora Fourn. Yautepec (1) BIGNONIACEAE Astianthus viminalis (H.B.K.) Baill. Amacusac (1) BOMBACACEAE Waltheria americana L. Cuautla (1) CARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria decussata Willd. Lagunas de Zempoala (2) COMMELINACEAE Commelina coelestis Willd. Cuautla, Tlacotepec, Tres Cumbres, L. de Zempoala (2, 3) Tradescantia commelinoides R. & S. Lagunas de Zempoala (2) COMPOSITAE Achillea millefolium L. Lagunas de Zempoala (2) Ageratum corymbosum Zucc. Yautepec, Cuautla, Axochia- pan (4) Aphanostephus pachyrrhizus Shinners Cuautla (4) Aster Lima Lindl. Axochiapan (4) Conyza filaginoides (DC.) Hieron. Cuautla (4) 265 Conyza sophiaefolia H.B.K. Cuautla (4) Dyssodia pinnata (Cav.) Robinson Cuautla (4) Erigeron maximus Link & Otto Lagunas de Zempoala (2) Erigeron scaposus DC. Huitzilac, Cuautla, Tres umbres (2, Florestina pedata (Cav.) Cass, Cuautla, Yautepec (4) Florestina trifida DC. Cuautla Florestina tripteris DC. Cuautla, Yautepec, Axochiapan (4) Galeana hastata Llave & Lex. Tiacotepec (4) Galinsoga aristulata Bicknell Progreso (4) Heterotheca inuloides Cass. Cuautla (4) Lagascea rubra H.B.K. Cuautla a Melampodium oblongifolium DC. Axochiapan, Yautepec (4) Melampodium paludosum H.B.K. oe Cuautla (4) Otopappus robustus Hemsley Axochiapan (4) Pectis latisquama Schultz Cuautla (4) Pinaropappus roseus Less. Cuautla (4) Sanvitalia procumbens Lam. Axochiapan, Tlacotepec, Cuautla (4), Yautepec (4) Sclerocarpus divaricatus (Bentham) Yautepec, Axochiapan (4) Sclerocarpus uniserialis B. & H. Axochiapan (4) Spilanthes americana var. parvula (Rob.) A. H. Moore Axochiapan (4) Stevia serrata Cav. Cuautla (4) Tagetes filifolia Lag. Cuautla (4) Tagetes jaliscana Greenm. Cuautla (4) Tagetes lucida Cav. Cuautla (4) Tridax coronopifolia Hemsley Cuautla Yautepec (4) Tridax procumbens L. Axochiapan (4) Zexmenia aurea B. & H. Tres Cumbres (2) Zexmenia crocea Gray Yautepec (4) Zexmenia helianthoides (DC.) Gray Yautepec (4) Zinnia multiflora L. Yautepec, Axochiapan, Cuautepec (4) CRUCIFERAE Eruca sativa Mill. Cuautla (3, 4) CYPERACEAE Eleocharis nodulosa (Roth) Schultes Cuautla (3) ERICACEAE Vaccinium leucanthum Schlecht. Lagunas de Zempoala (2) HYPERICACEAE Hypericum pauciflorum H. B. K. Cuautla (3) 266 LEGUMINOSAE Acacia angustissima (Muill.) Kuntze Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. Acacia paniculata Willd. Aeschynomene virginica (L.) B.S. P. Astragalus strigulosus H. B. K. Brongniartia podalyrioides H. B. K. Calliandra grandiflora (L’Her.) Bentham Calliandra houstoniana (Mil.) Standley Calliandra penduliflora Rose Cassia occidentalis L. Cassia uniflora Mill. Cologania procumbens Kunth Crotalaria mollicula H. B. K. Crotalaria pumila Ortega Crotalaria vitellina Ker Eysenhardtia polystachya (Ortega) Sarg. Lupinus elegans H. B. K. Mimosa albida H. & B. Mimosa benthami Macbride Mimosa caerulea Rose Nissolia fruticosa Jacq. Nissolia hirsuta DC. Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban Phaseolus atropurpureus Bentham Phaseolus coccineus L. Phaseolus heterophyllus Willd. Pisum sativum L. Rhynchosia pyramidalis (Lam.) Urban Tephrosis nicaraguensis Oerst. Trifolium amabile H. B. K. Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. LILIACEAE Anthericum aurantiacum J. G. Baker Bessera elegans Schult. Milla biflora Cav. LOASACEAE Mentzelia aspera L. MALPIGHIACEAE Bunchosia palmeri 5. Watson Yautepec (4) Axochiapan (4) Axochiapan (4) Yautepec (4) Cuautla (4) Axochiapan, Cuautla (4) Axochiapan, Yautepec (4) Axochiapan (4) Yautepec (4) Cuautla, Progresso (4) Cuautla, Axochiapan (4) Huitzilac, Cuautla (3) Lagunas de Zempoala (2) Yautepec (4) Yautepec, Axochiapan (4) Yautepec (4) Cuautla (4) Cuautla, Tres Cumbres (2,3) Cuautla (3) Yautepec (3, 4) Yautepec (4) Cuautla (4) Yautepec, Cuautla (4 Yautepec, Axochiapan, Cuautla (4) MALVACEAE Anoda cristata (L.) Schl. Anoda hastata Cav. Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke Sida procumbens Sw. Dorstenia drakena L. ONAGRACEAE zia mexicana Jacq. POLYPODIACEAE Adiantum concinnum H. & B. Adiantum kaulfussi Kunze Adiantum poireti Wikstr. Bommeria pedata (Swartz) Fournier Cheilanthes angustifolia H. B. K Cheilanthes cucullans Fee Cheiloplecton rigidum (Swartz) Fee Notholaena aurea (Poir) Desv. Pellaea skinneri Hooker Polypodium polypodioides (L.) A. S. Hitchcock var. aciculare Weatherby PONTEDERIACEAE Heteranthera limosa (Sw.) Willd. RANUNCULACEAE Clematis drummondii T. & G. RHAMNACEAE Karwinskia umbellata (Cav.) Schlecht. RUBIACEAE Bouvardia ternifolia (Cav.) Schlecht. Cephalanthus salicifolia H. & B. Diodia tetracocca Hemsley Galium asperrimum Gray Paederia pringlei Greenman Spermacoce haenkeana Hemsley Spermacoce patula M. & G SAPINDACEAE Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Cuautla, Axochiapan, Yautepec (4) Progresso (4) Yautepec, Axochiapan (4) Yautepec (4 Yautepec (3, 4) Yautepec (4) Cuautla (4) Cuautla, Yautepec, Axochiapan (4) Axochiapan (4) Cuautla (3) Axochiapan (4) Cuautla (3) Amacusac (4) Cuautla (3) Yautepec (topotype) (4) Cuautla (3) Cuautla, Axochiapan, Huitzilae (3, 4 Axochiapan (4) Yautepec (4) 268 SCROPHULARIACEAE Castilleja pringlei Fern. Lagunas de Zempoala Tres Cumbres (2) Castilleja scorzoneraefolia H. B. K. Cuautla, Lagunas de Zempoala (2, 3) Castilleja tenuiflora Bentham Cuautla, Huitzilac (3) Mimulus glabratus (L.) Wettst. Lagunas de Zempoala (2) Pedicularis mexicana Zu Lagunas de Zempoala (2) Penstemon campanulatus Willa, Yautepec, Cuautla, Tres Cumbres (3, 4) Veronica americana (Raf.) Schwein. Lagunas de Zempoala (2, 3) SELAGINEL Selaginella pallescens (Pres.) Spring Yautepec (4) Nicotiana glauca Graham Cuautla (3, 4) Solanum bicolor Willd. Cuautla (3) num nigrum L. Lagunas de Zempoala (2) STERCULIACEAE Ayenia montana Rose Yautepec (4) Melochia pyramidata L. Cuautla (3, 4) Physodium dubium Hemsley Yautepec, Axochiapan (3, 4) TURNERACEAE Turnera ulmifolia L. Cuautla (4) VERBANACEAE Bouchea prismatica (L.) Ktze. Axochiapan (3) Lantana achyranthifolia Desf. Yautepec, Axochiapan, Cuautla (3, 4) Lantana camara L. Cuautla, Yautepec, Axochiapan (3, 4) Lantana hispida H. B. K. Yautepec (3, 4) Lantana velutina H. B. K. Cuautla, Axochiapan, Tlacotepec (3, 4) Lippia berlandieri Schauer Yautepec (4) Vitex mollis H. B. K. Cuautla (4) VITACEAE Cissus subtruncata Rose Yautepec (4) REFERENCES 1. LEOPOLD, A. er R. 1950, Vegetation Zones of Mexico. Ecology 31:4. 2, ———_——__ 1959. Wildlife of Nexen: University of California ben Berkeley. 3. MART Z, is 1937, Catalogo de Nombres Vulgares y Cientificos de Plantas Mexi- canas. Mexicc : 1950. Personal Communicatio rr Los Pinos Mexicanos. Mex XICO i VIVO, J. A. iene eae de Mexico. Fondo de tee Economica. Mexico, D. F. THE IDENTITY OF SAGITTARIA ISOETIFORMIS (ALISMATACEAE)' R. K. GODFREY AND PRESTON ADAMS Department of Biological Sciences. Florida State University, Tallahassee, and Department of Botany, Depauw University, Greencastle, Indiana Shortly after publishing a revision of the North American species of named S. isoetiformis (1859b), were said to be common along sandy lake margins where they formed extensive patches in the shallow water, their slender interlacing stolons bearing tufts of leaves and rooting at the nodes. The type specimen (Fla., Lake Co., Nash, March 22, 1894, MO) possesses slender, attentuate to only slightly dilated phyllodia about 1-2 wide—a distinctive feature which apparently suggested to Smith the leaves of Isoetes (hence the specific epithet). Smith (1895b) con- sidered S. isoetiformis to be more closely related to S. graminea Michx. than to any other species. The identity and specific distinctness of Sagittaria isoetiformis long went unquestioned. Recently, however, Bogin (1955) interpreted this taxon merely as an ecological variant of S. graminea var. graminea, the variant said to occur in lakes having a marked seasonal drop in water level. Beal (1960), in treating the Alismataceae of the Carolinas, made no reference to S. isoetiformis, but he distinguished material from the Carolinas as S. teres S. Watson and considered it specifically distinct from S. graminea. Bogin (op. cit.) had considered S. teres as a variety of S. graminea with a range from Cape Cod to southern New Jersey. We identify the Carolina plants called S. teres by Beal with S. isoetiformis, the latter ranging from southeastern North Carolina to peninsular Florida and southern Alabama, and consider S. teres distinct from both S. isoetiformis and S. graminea var. graminea. Fernald (1950) says in part of Sagittaria teres: : all represented by terete, attenuate, often nodose ‘arfliodic: those of terrestrial plants slender and elongate (up to 6 dm long), those of deep water shorter, very thick, spongy and digit-like;... achenes... with strongly rounded crenate dorsal keel, the faces (when fully ripe) rugose and irregularly 2-4 (or more) keele The terete, attenuate, nodose chviloais characteristic of the New England Sagittaria teres specimens are unlike the phyllodia of material from the Carolinas southward. Note particularly Fernald’s statement that those of S. teres are erect, slender and elongate if the plants are “ce leaves erect, ! This gal aes was sp ean (in part) by a research grant, GM-06305, to the senior author from the Division of General Medical oh caoed "Public Health eae SIDA 1 ne 269—273. 1964. 270 I i I} | | 7 | DP | / | VW a / fo iJ i ; f | ¥ | | | ff Lf of | ff | / ee F | fy | i 4 FE POS ei LIA i € a-c: Sagittaria teres. a. Habit, deeper water form. b. Habit, on Habit, form with Fig. 1. shore form. c. Achene. d-e: Sagittaria graminea. d. submersed winter rosette and emersed leaves. e. Achenes. 271 terrestrial (Fig. 1b), shorter, very thick, spongy and digit-like in deep water (Fig. la). In lakes and ponds of the Southeast, terrestrial (on shore) plants of S. isoetiformis have short (0.5-1.0 dm) phyllodia, flattened dorsally, some, at least, of the phyllodial tips slightly dilated and laminar (Fig. 2b). In water the phyllodes are lax and very much longer (to at least 4-5 dm), flattened and strap-like, and with gradually attenuate tips (Fig. 2a). Rarely the phyllodia of submersed plants are slightly dilated at their apices (Fig. 2c). Both S. teres and S. isoetiformis have slender rhizomes (Figs. la, b and 2a, b). The surface of the achene of S. teres has an irregularly crenate dorsal keel and 2-4 (or more) prominent, rugose or irregularly knobby facial keels with no oil glands apparent in the facial view (Fig. lc). The surface of the achene of S. isoetiformis has a somewhat irregularly crenate to entire dorsal keel and three or more low, non-rugose or non-knobby facial keels between which the oil glands are conspicuous (Fig. 2f). Sagittaria graminea var. graminea forms stout, horizontal rhizomes from which shoots of the season emerge. If the rhizomes are submersed (in Florida, at least), prominent rosettes of broad flat phyllodia occur during winter. In spring, at about the time inflorescence scapes are produced, new leaves arise which have elongate petioles and emersed laminae (Fig. 1d). If the rhizomes are not submersed during winter, rosettes of flat phyllodia are not produced and the spring leaves are of the same type as the spring leaves of submersed plants. Both S. teres and S. isoetiformis, as indicated above, have very slender, elongate rhizomes. In regard to the winter rosette phyllodia of S. graminea var. graminea, it is important to emphasize that they exhibit much varia- bility in size, particularly length. They range from a few centimeters long in shallow water to about 6 dm long in deeper water. Fluctuation of water depth in places inhabited by this plant frequently varies markedly in short periods of time. Thus plants which formed rosettes in shallow water may have short phyllodia at a given time even though the water may have recently become fairly deep owing to recent rains. On the other hand, plants which have been submersed in fairly deep water all winter have long phyllodia. The achenes of S. isoetiformis and S. graminea var. graminea are much alike with respect to keels and oil glands. We have not attempted to examine and compare large numbers of them to ascertain whether or not thy have subtle distinctive features of systematic value. In conclusion, Sagittaria isoetiformis is considered specifically distinct from S. graminea, var. graminea and from S. teres. The former occurs in the coastal plain from southeastern North Carolina to peninsular Florida and westward to southern Alabama. The latter occurs) from eastern Massachusetts to southern New Jersey (to eastern Maryland according to Fernald, op. cit.), S. graminea var. graminea is widespread in eastern and central North America. 272 submersed plant. b. Habit, on s. a. Habit, Fig. 2. Sagittaria isoetiformi rsed plant. e. Enlargement of fruiting in- sections of phyllode of eme florescence. f. Achene. REFERENCES BEAL, E. O. 1960. The Alismataceae of the Carolinas. Jour. Elisha Mitch. Sci. Soc. 76: 68-79. eee C. 1955. Revision of the genus Sagittaria (Alismataceae). Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 9: 179-2 na Gan , M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. Am. Book Co., New Y ork. H, J. G. 1895a. A revision . - pe American species of See ices and Lopho- I tocar pus. Mo. Bot. ae 6th Ann. 95b. Notes ps Sbservacons on new or little known species. Mo. Bot. Gard. 6th Ann. 115-116. Plat MEIOTIC CHROMOSOMES IN AFRICAN COMMELINACEAE WALTER H. LEWIS Stephen F. Austin State College, Nacogdoches, Texas Following a limited study of Ethiopian Commelinaceae' an op- portunity existed to expand the chromosomal survey to other parts of Africa. Such an attempt seemed warranted for a number of reasons. Early evidence indicated that basic numbers of genera had been mis- interpreted, that polyploidy and aneuploidy, but rarely both, were char- acteristic of different genera, and that infraspecific polyploidy and aneuploidy were widespread and also typical of certain genera. I sup- posed that a study of these features might lead to a clearer understand- ing of their roles in speciation and significance in phylogeny. Not least among my considerations were the varying definitions of commelinace- ous subdivisions, perhaps best illustrated by Brenan’s? discussion on assigning his newly described Triceratella to a tribe. Preliminary counts in Africa in conjunction with existing data disclosed a marked similarity of basic chromosome numbers for associated genera which in some degree corresponded to major subdivisions of the Commelinaceae. All these trends needed exploration and to this end the study was under- taken. MATERIALS AND METHODS Immature flower buds and herbarium specimens of Cyanotis (Trades- cantieae), and Aneilema, Commelina, and Murdannia (Commelineae), were collected in east, central, and south Africa during September- December, 1962. Buds were fixed in 4 parts chloroform, 3 parts absolute ethanol, and 1 part glacial acetic acid; as soon as possible thereafter, usually up to 10 days, the vials were airmailed to England for storage at —40°C. Buds were examined for PMC meiosis in 2% acetic-orcein and satisfactory squash preparations were mounted in euparal for future reference. No difficulty in staining was experienced even after 9 months of fixation and presumably if needed buds could be kept satisfactorally at this temperature for longer periods of time. Whenever possible col- lections from more than 1 plant were examined and these results are indicated in parenthesis following my collection numbers in tables list- ing the chromosome numbers. It is regrettable, particularly in view of the marked frequency of infraspecific aneuploid and polyploid races in most genera, that this procedure is not followed elsewhere. The importance of knowing how many plants have a particular number under these circumstances can not be overemphasized. * Supe SIDA 1 (5) rscript numerals refer to list of references at end of. article. I): 274—293. 1964. 279 Although useful meiotic plates were found for most collections, about 20% of those collected failed to show meiosis even when a wide range of buds had been fixed. By referring to my field notes, I found that by and large such buds had been fixed between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on clear days in more or less exposed localities. On the other hand, meiosis was found rapidly in buds fixed from 8-11 a.m. and from 3-5 p.m. on clear days without shade or at any time during the day if cloudy or if the plants were growing in the shade providing the ‘correct’ size had been during mid-day under hot, exposed, often dry conditions, whereas this decrease was not demonstrable either earlier or later in the day. Similar daily ‘meiotic cycles’ have been noted in collections of Linaceae, Poly- galaceae, and Rubiaceae from Mexico and the southwestern U. 5S. A complete set of voucher specimens has been deposited at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K); duplicates are in the U. S. National Museum (US) and the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO). As the systematic study of the African Commelinaceae proceeds at Kew, the unnamed collections listed here will eventually be associated with binomials. CYANOTIS For 5 species listed in Table 1, basic numbers of x=11, 12 and 13 are reported with the 2=13 line new to Cyanotis. When these data are combined with other African reports, °:'! 2=12 is the most common basic number for species native to that continent. Generally the meiotic process was regular. An exception was the nondisjunction noted in about 20% of the anaphase plates of 1 plant of C. sp. (Fig. 4) giving cells with 11+13 rather than the normal comple- ment of 12 chromosomes. Otherwise the plates were normal in appear- ance. Unequal distribution of chromosomes during anaphase has re- cently been reported for Setcreasea."" From a casual observation of pollen, I found only a small number of hollow and shrivelled grains, no more than for those plants with normal disjunction, suggesting that the loss or gain of 1 chromosome had no deleterious effect on the new haploid cells. Even the infrequent occurrence of nondisjunction in Cyanotis could explain, at least in part, the fairly high incidence of aneuploidy within species populations. For example, among a sample of 6 plants from the Transvaal (Table 1), the homomorphic C. speciosa was found with 3 cytotypes: typical plants with 13,, (Fig. 5) as well as those with 13,,+1, and 15,, (Fig. 6). The anticipated trivalent and quadrivalent ceivable that these hyperaneuploids had their origins from nondisjunc- tion forming aneuploid races without, as yet, recordable morphological 276 TABLE 1. Species n Voucher & locality : Basic number x=11 C. barbata D. Don ll KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Navasha Dist., 2 miles W of west entrance to Aberdare National Park, Lewis 5927 (1), Figs. 1-2. Basic number x=12 C. longifolia Benth. 12 N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga (dwarf form) Dist., Mujileshi River, ca.4 miles E of Angola-N.R. border, Lewis 6133 (2). (tall form) 12 N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Zambesi River, 4 miles N of Kalene mission, Lewis 6206 (2). border & 1-4 miles SW of Mujileshi River, Lewis 6147 (2). Figs. 3-4. Basic number x=13 C. foecunda Hassk. 13 KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Trans Nzoia Dist., ENE slope of Mt. Elgon, Lewis 0964 (1). C. speciosa (L.f.) Hassk. 13° N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., 1-4 miles E of Angola-N.R. border, Lewis 6134 (1); 3-4 miles SE of Angola-N.R. border & 1-4 miles SW of Mujileshi River, Lewis 6157 (1). S. AFRICA: Natal, Hlabisa Dist., Charters reek, Lewis 6304 (2). 13,+1,,2,, S. AFRICA: Transvaal, Pretoria Dist., retoria, Wonderboom, Lewis, 6344 (3,13,,3 2,13,,+1,;1,15,p, Figs. 5-6. differences. Other examples of infraspecific aneuploidy have been observed in more heteromorphic species than C. speciosa. The present count of n=11 for C. barbata from Kenya confirms the report from Ethiopian populations,'’ but Sharma and Sharma?! found n=12 for an Indian collection. It would be interesting to know how widespread the n=12 race is in Asia and whether or not C. barbata is multibasic ac- cording to a continental distribution. It is well worth noting that the interpretation of meiosis at diakinesis is often confusing in Cyanotis and other Commelianaceae and this factor can not be overlooked in paral explaining some of the diversity in recorded chromosome numbers. As resembles a bivalent having 2 chiasmata during mid-diakinesis. Thus the meiotic number for the PMC illustrated in Fig. 2 might be given as nm=12 (and was by a cytologist who examined the cell), but later diakinesis on the same slide clearly shows PMCs with only 11 bivalents stages of meiosis; it does, however, stress the danger of drawing too hasty a conclusion from diakinesis alone. Kammathy and Rolla” found a n=11 race for C. arachnoidea C.B.Cl., a species typically having n=12'*>-25 and ‘fragments’ were noted by Islam and Baten’ for C. cristata Schult.f.* When the results for 18 Afro-Asian species with known chromosome numbers are summarized, we find: 1 species with n=8; 2 species with n=10; 1 species with n=11: 2 species with n=11 and 12; 9 species or 50% with n=12, 24, 36; 2 species with n=13; and 1 species with n=14. By far the most frequent basic number is therefore x= pre- dominantly at the diploid level but including the only known polyploids (C. adescendens, 4x7! and C. tuberosa, 2x, 4x, 6x'*'*5), This trend is not likely to be altered as more species are studied and x=12 should remain the central focus of chromosomal differentiation in the genus. How does this number fit those of other genera usually grouped with Cyanotis? If one follows Briickner,* who included Cyanotis in the Subfamily Tradescantieae, Tribe Hexandrae, then Tradescantia, Leptor- rhoeo, Setcreasea, and Zebrina are the 4 genera most closely associated. The most frequent basic number for Tradescantia is x=6, for Setcreasea x—6, for Zebrina x=12, and none is known for Leptorrhoeo. If one follows Clarke,* who placed Cyanotis in the Tribe Tradescantieae, the only definite count known for those genera listed near Cyanotis is n=12 for Floscopa.” Although the data are incomplete, the evidence reveals basic numbers f x—6 and 12 for genera associated with Cyanotis by Bruckner and Clarke. It also supports the inclusion by Clarke and Woodson” of Floscopa in the Tradescantieae since these numbers are very rare in the Commelineae where Briickner placed Floscopa. This suggests that x=6 is an original basic complement for these genera, and perhaps for the Tradescantieae, and that the x=12 is a polyploid derived from such a prototype having become widespread as a basic number for several genera in this circle of affinity. A significant example would be Cyanotis, the largest genus in the Tradescantieae. wo species of “Cy anotis” considered by Islam and Baten need clarifying. Reference is made to Cyanotis zenonii of Darlington’? which Darlington’? long ago corrected to Cam- soli zanonia ae Secondly they refer to “C. spironema a presumably from the legend on p. of Darlington,“ which is sim ply “C.” for the third figure of the plate illustrating not the chromosomes of Cyanotis but rather of ions fragrans (= Callisia fragrans (Lindl. : "Woodso n). 278 Five minor lines of descent, x=8, 10, 11, 13, and 14, are each repre- sented in Cyanotis by only 1 or 2 species. These could have formed by a gain or loss of chromosomes from x=12 in a similar way to the ex- amples of infraspecific hypo- and hyper-aneuploidy outlined above except that they have reached a morphological differentiation recogniza- ble at the rank of species. Probably C. somaliensis C.B.Cl. with n=14° has not yet attained such a level. According to Brenan (oral communi- cation), this species may represent but a part of the C. foecunda complex (n=13) and as such C. somaliensis may eventually be recognized merely as an infraspecific aneuploid race. Based on chromosome numbers and frequencies, a hypothetical evolu- tion of Cyanotis has been constructed (Fig. 7). Some alterations in the figure are anticipated as the cytotaxonomic analysis of the genus pro- ceeds (e.g., changing the x=14 basic line represented by C. somaliensis to x=13+1), but these are not expected to alter the principal features illustrated. I have ignored chromosome size largely because meiotic chromosomes are inexact for comparative purposes and most research has been con- fined to meiosis. Exceptions are 2 photomicrographs of pretreated somatic cells illustrated by Shetty and Subramanyan.”* From these I estimate the chromosomes of C. axillaris (L.) R. & S. to be 3.2-5.5 microns in length and for C. arachnoidea C.B.Cl. only 1.8-2.8 microns. In the same paper Shetty and Subramanyan described bivalents of C. papilionacea as “larger” than and those of C. arachnoidea as “smaller” than the other species studied which included C. awillaris, C. cristata (L.) D. Don, C. fasciculata R. & S., C. tuberosa R. & S., and C. villosa R. & S. Their bivalents would be considered as more or less inter- mediate in size. On comparing these results with the meiotic plates of C. barbata, C. speciosa, and an undescribed species (Fig. 1-6), I find the bivalents and chromosomes approximately intermediate in size and quite comparable with the majority illustrated by Shetty and Subramanyan. These sketchy data suggest that mitotic chromosomes and bivalents of Cyanotis species are predominantly of an intermediate size (e.g., 3.2- 5.9 microns in C. axillaris) with a few species having smaller (e@.£., C. arachnoidea) or larger (e.g., C. papilionacea) chromosomes. When the anaphase I chromosomes of C. sp. (Fig. 3-4), Commelina benghalensis (Fig. 10-11), and C. diffusa (Fig. 14) are measured, the meiotic chromosomes of Cyanotis average 3.0 microns while those of the Commelina species are smaller at 2.6 and 2.1 microns, respectively. Apparently Cyanotis chromosomes on the average are somewhat larger than are those of Commelina and also Murdannia (see further discus- sion below). ANEILEMA The 5 species of Aneilema examined (Table 2, Fig. 8-9) are grouped 279 TABLE 2. GAMETIC CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN AFRICAN ANEILEMA Species n Voucher & locality Basic number x=9 A. sp. aff. pedunculosum 9 KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Trans Nzoia C.B.Cl. Dist., ENE slope of Mt. Elgon, Lewis 5973 (2), Fig. 8. Basic number x=13 A. tacazzeanum Hochst. 13 UGANDA: E Prov., Teso Dist., 1.8 miles W of Wera, Lewis 5999 (2), Fig. 9. A. welwitschii C.B.Cl. 26(+1?) CONGO: Katanga Prov., Lualaba Dist., 15 miles NNW of Kalene mission, Lewis 6229 (1); N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Mujileshi River, 4.5 miles E of Angola-N.R. border, Lewis 6143 (1). Basic number x=15 or 10 A. aequinoctiale 30 KENYA: Central Prov., Meru Dist., 8 (P.Beauv.) Kunth miles NE of Runyenje’s, Lewis 5911 (1); S. AFRICA: Natal, Durban Dist., Durban, Lewis 6279 (1) Basic number x=16 or 8 A. johnstonii K. Sch. 16 N. RHODESIA: N Prov., Abercorn Dist., Chilunoma River, nr. Abercorn, Lewis Obie: (3); under 4 newly reported basic numbers, x=9, 13, 15 (or 10), and 16 (or 8). To these can be added the counts of n=14 for A. montanum Wight!? 6 giving 5 basic complements for a sample of only 6 species. (Many species with established chromosome numbers have been pub- lished under Aneilema, but all are referrable to Murdannia.) The genus is a rather large one and until more data are accumulated, little can be noted regarding chromosomal trends other than that aneuploidy and polyploidy have apparently played significant roles in the evolution of Aneilema giving rise to a multibasic group of species at several levels of ploidy. COMMELINA From a sample of 37 populations involving at least 26 taxa, basic numbers of x=11, 13, 14, and 15 are reported for Commelina (Table 3, Fig. 10-16). Those species with x=15 are in the majority, about 70% of the total; species with x=14 and 13 are infrequent, and the x=11 series is represented solely by C. benghalensis. Infraspecific polyploidy is reported for C. africana with 2x, 4x, and 8x races and for C. beng- 280 halensis with 2x (Fig. 10) and 4x (Fig. 11) races. The results also add a diploid race (Fig. 12) to the report of n=30 (4x) for C. imberbis."* No infraspecific aneuploid is recorded and regular melosis was char- acteristic throughout (ignoring clumping and various adhesions attri- buted to fixation). In a strict sense, x=13 is a newly reported basic number. The re- lated Commelinantia is known with n=13' and its transfer to Com- melina by Woodson* is now supported by the existence of similar com- plements in typical commelinas. However, Rowley” reported Com- melinantia as having pollen with 3 colpi rather than the single colpus ound for all other Commelinaceae studied: hence it might be argued that this unique micromorphological feature, together with certain gross characters, is worthy of generic recognition. Seven species listed in Table 3 have been examined previously, all but one by Morton’ from west African material. His results for these species are summarized in Table 4 together with those for the present study and for others. Morton’s counts are based on x—14 in contrast to mine and most others which are characteristically x=15. The excep- tion is x=11 for C. benghalensis having diploids widely distributed in India and both diploids and tetraploids frequent in Africa. The n—ca.24 count by Anderson and Sax! and 2n=ca.68 by Darlington® suggest 4a and 6x races; unfortunately original localities were not given. But Morton’s data are not similar. Possibly infraspecific aneuploidy exists for all these species, yet I think it peculiar that this mechanism should be largely confined to west African populations. It is clearly infrequent elsewhere. Regrettably my collections based on x—14 must for the present remain unnamed; among these a verification of some of Mor- ton’s numbers may be possible. At least three suggestions regarding the original basic number of Commelina have been proposed. Certainly the oddest is found in an abstract by Deodikar* in which no evidence is given to corroborate the statement that “there are two polyploid series in primary and secondary chromosomal balance with 8 and 16 as their respective monoploid num- ber.” Not only does this quotation lack meaning to me, but n=8 has yet to be found in the genus. Unquestionably this abstract is to be ignored until some results are published to support the conclusions. On the basis of associations of groups of bivalents, Sharma*’ has suggested x=4 as the basic number of Commelina. I find the evidence incon- clusive based as » is on the very questionable premise of bivalent association and then for only 2 species. Perhaps it is noteworthy that in a later paper Sharma and Sharma”! fail to make further use of such associations in deriving basic numbers and evolutionary groups in the family. Morton'* has proposed x=7, but I have shown that his results are not characteristic of Commelina as known today. In short, I find little evidence to support x=4, 7, or 8 as basic numbers. 281 TABLE 3. CAMETIC CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN AFRICAN COMMELINA Species n Voucher & locality Basic number x=11 C. benghalensis L. 1 any Nw iw) Basic number x=13 C. eckloniana Kunth 13 C. cf. eckloniana Kunth 13 13(+1?) Basic number x=14 Cy sp. 1 14 C. sp. 2 14 C. sp. 3 14 C. sp. 4 28 Basic number x=15 C. africana L. 15 var. africana i var. 1 3 KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Trans Nzoia Dist., ENE slope of Mt. Elgon, Lewis 5961 (1), Fig. 10. UGANDA: N Prov., Karamoja Dist., base of Mt. Moroto, nr. Moroto, Lewis 5996 (1), Fig. 11. N. RHODESIA: N Prov., Abercorn Dist., Chilunoma River, nr. Abercorn, Lewis 6112 (3). N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Mujileshi River, 4.5 miles E of 19 miles SSW of Mutschatsha, Lewis 6142 (2). N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., 1 mile E of Ikelengi, Lewis 6189 (4). N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Mujileshi River, 5-6 miles SE of Dist., Zambesi River, 4 miles N o Kalene mission, Lewis 6196 (3), Fig. 13. N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., 3-4 miles SE of Angola-N.R. border & 1-4 miles SW of Mujileshi River, Lewis 6146 (2). S. AFRICA: Natal, Hlabisa Dist., Chart- ers Creek, Lewis 6305 (1). UGANDA: W Prov., Toro Dist., Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lewis 6011 (2). S. AFRICA: Natal, Hlabisa Dist., 4. miles W of Charters Creek, Lewis 6309 Cs 282 TABLE 8 (cont.) Commelina africana var. 2 30 S. AFRICA: Natal, Estcourt Dist., Drakensberg Mts., base of Mt. Cham- pagne, Lewis 6266 (1). S. AFRICA: Transvaal, Pretoria Dist., Pretoria, Wonderboom, Lewis 6345 (2). S. RHODESIA: Wankie Dist., Victoria Falls, Lewis 6247 (1), Fig. 14. UGAN- DA: W Prov., Bunyoro Dist., 12 miles S of Victoria Nile on road to Masindi, Lewis 6004 (2). C. imberbis Ehrenb. ex 1 ANYIKA: Tanga Region, Tanga Hassk. Area, 6.3 miles W of Tanga, Lewis 6062 (2), Fig. 12. KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Trans Nzoia Dist., ENE slope of Mt. Elgon, Lewis 5960 (1). N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., 2 miles W of Ikelengi, Lewis 6193 (1), Fig. 15. C. sp. 5 15 N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., 3-4 miles SE of Angola-N.R. border & 1-4 miles SW of Mujileshi River, Lewis 6148 (3). C. sp. 6 15 N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., Zambesi River, 4 miles N_ of Kalene mission, Lewis 6197 (3). © var. 3 6 Q on diffusa Burm.f. 1 on on C. purpurea C.B.Cl. 1 QQ on . scaposa C.B.Cl. 1 C. sp. 7 lo S. AFRICA: Transvaal, Pretoria Dist., Pretoria, Wonderboom, Lewis 6347 (1). C. elgonensis Bullock 30 KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Trans Nzoia Dist., ENE slope of Mt. Elgon, Lewis 9974 (1). C. gerrardii C.B.Cl. 30 S. AFRICA: Natal, Durban Dist., Dur- ban, Lewis 6281 (1); Isipingo Beach, Lewis 6283 (1) & 6285 (1): Hlabisa Dist., Charters Creek, Lewis 6300 (1). S. AFRICA: Natal, Hlabisa Dist., Charters Creek, Lewis 6296 (2); Trans- vaal, Pretoria Dist., Pretoria, Wonder- boom, Lewis 6346 (1). S. RHODESIA: Salisbury Dist., Salisbury, Lewis 6259 Q S livingstonii C.B.Cl. 3 (1). S. RHODESIA: Salisbury Dist., Salis- bury, Cranborne, Lewis 6252 (1). w Oo C. welwitschii C.B.Cl. 283 C. sp. 8 ca.30 KENYA: Rift Valley Prov., Trans Nzoia ist., Kitale, Lewis 5981 (1). C. sp. 9 30 N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., nr. Mujileshi River, 4 miles E of Angola-N.R. border, Lewis 6185 (1); 7 miles NW of Kalene mission, Lewis 6226 (3), Fig. 1 C. sp. 10 30 TANGANYIKA: 's Highlands Region, Mbeya Area, Mbeya Range (ca.8 miles NE of Mbeya), Lewis 6085 (2). C. sp. 11 ca.45 N. RHODESIA: N W Prov., Mwinilunga Gonien & 1-4 miles SW of Mujileshi River, Lewis 6145 (1). In an attempt to offer an alternate suggestion, I have summarized the gametic numbers known for Commelina in Table 5 together with frequencies of cytotypes. Each cytotype corresponds to a species except- ing the infraspecific polyploids and rarely aneuploids. These are repre- sented once for each race. The most obvious fact is the predominance of the x—15 line totaling 75% of all cytotypes. For this group almost twice as many polyploids as diploids are known and these are to a level of 10x. Minor lines of descent account for the remaining cyto- types with basic numbers of x= 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16, chiefly of diploids, infrequently of tetraploids, and of only one questionable hexaploid race. The table does not reveal the infraspecific polyploidy now known for 8 species or 20% of those species studied. Nearly one-half of these, such as C. africana, C. benghalensis, and C. obliqua Ham., each have 3 races at different levels of ploidy. When one considers that many species have only 1 recorded number from a single plant, the incidence of infraspecific polyploidy becomes even more remarkable and obviously this percentage can be expected to increase as more counts are accumulated. As I have noted above the definite examples of infraspecific aneuploidy are much less notable. Collections originally published under C. nudiflora L. were found with primarily n=15 and 2n=30** with 2n=28 and 56,” all from India, and with 2n=56 by Darlington® without indication of source —_ by Anderson and Sax! from North American material as Morton™ re- ported). These give C. nudiflora 2 primary numbers of n=15 and 14 with the latter having a tetraploid race. If C. diffusa is considered a part of this complex, then, as I recorded in Table 4, the n=15 comple- ment is by far the most common and probably the n=14 line arose by hypoaneuploidy from plants with n=15. This is the only verified example of aneuploidy within a species of Commelina; I expect that when the reports of Morton can be more fully explored and when my collections based on x=14 are named more cases with a pattern similar to C. TABLE 4. PRESENT CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN COMMELINA AND PREVIOUS COUNTS Species Lewis Morton" Others C. africana n= 15,30,60 2n=28 mlb? C. diffusa i eel 5) Pn 28 Visors Dee ae C. forskalaei n=15 2n=28 m= 14% napa, n—=15 & 2n= 30°??"? C. imberbis n=15 n=30" C. gerrardii n=30 2n=56 C. livingstonii n= 30 2n=56 C. benghalensis (2x)n=11 2n=28 ade es 1 1B a1) 2 2h eee (polyploid) n=22 2n—=56 n=22"); n=ca.24; 2n=ca.68"’ nudiflora may come to light. Undoubtedly, however, the contribution of aneuploidy to speciation in Commelina is secondary to the role of poly- ploidy. Do these facts and trends suggest an original chromosome number for Commelina? The x=15 line is certainly of secondary origin and as such gives no direct answer to this question. But consider Commelina in rela- tionship with Murdannia (Table 6), a genus having a characteristic basic number of x=10. Except for Aneilema, these are the only large genera in the Commelineae and they are probably indicative of the tribe as a whole. The dominance of 2x=10 and 15 in the tribe suggests an ancient basic number of 5 giving rise by polyploidy to the widespread occurrence of multiples of this number today. In referring briefly to chromosome size in Commelina, a topic already introduced under Cyanotis, I should mention again that a discussion based solely on meiotic figures is not satisfactory. However, Anderson Sax' noted small chromosomes for C. benghalensis and mitotic chromosomes illustrated for C. diffusa’ measure 1.9-3.7 microns in length. In meiosis there is not much difference between the anaphase I chromosomes of C. benghalensis (Fig. 10-11) and C. diffusa (Fig. 14). These chromosomes as well as the bivalents of C. imberbis (Fig. 12), C. scaposa (Fig. 15), and C. sp. (Fig. 16) would all be described as more or less small. Yet the bivalents of an unnamed Commelina with n=14 (Fig. 13) are of intermediate size and not unlike the majority figured for Cyanotis. TABLE 5. CYTOTYPES REPORTED IN COMMELINA WITH FREQUENCY OF PL i n= Ploidy Total 22x 4x 6x 8x 10x 11 1 1 1(?) 3 12 1 1 13 3 3 14 4 2 6 15 12 18 9 2 1 42 16 1 1 * Excluding results of Morton,'® several cirea counts, and the meiotically irregular Sx C. salicifolia.”® MURDANNIA All plants from 5 populations of M. simplex (Vahl) Brenan were found with n=20 and regular meiosis. These include collections from: N. RHODESIA—N.W. Prov., Mwinilunga Dist., 3-4 miles SE of Angola- N.R. border & 1-4 miles S.W. of Mujileshi River, Lewis 6156 (1), 5-6 miles SE of Angola-N.R. border, Lewis 6172 (2), 4-5 miles SE of Angola- N.R. border, Lewis 6179 (1) (Fig. 17); TANGANYIKA—E Region more widespread than are the hexaploid'**! and octoploid?® races which are known only from Asia. A total of 24 cytotypes have been published for 15 species of Mur- dannia (see excellent review by Shetty and Subramanyam). Six species are known to have 2 or 3 levels of ploidy although several of these may be attributed to misidentification, but at most a fraction. When the n numbers are summarized according to frequency and level of ploidy (Table 6), the most obvious feature is the high frequency (71%) of the basic complement of x=—10. This frequency is comparable to the 75% for x=15 in Commelina. In addition more than one-half of all cytotypes are polyploids, multiplied to the 8x level in 1 or possibly 2 lines, and this too is parallel to the situation in Commelina. Although the range footnote in Table 6. The most frequent number in these species is usually questionable as for M. semiteres (Dalz.) Santapau with n—7,”! 10,7" 12,% and 20,*? but possibly multiples of 10 will be found most frequently for this species. For the present discussion, it is clear that 286 CYTOTYPES REPORTED IN MURDANNIA WITH FREQUENCY OF PLOIDY n= . Ploidy Total 2x 4x 6x 8x Ce 1 1 8(?)* 1(?) 1 9 1 1 10 6 6 4 1 17 11 1 1 2 12' 1 1 15 1 1 * Known only as infraspecific aneuploids. n=T7 and 12 can not represent lines of descent or basic numbers. This leaves x=9, 11, and 15, each having 1 species. The origin of z=9 by the loss of a chromosome pair and of x=11 by a similar increase from x=10 are reasonable speculations, but the origin of w=15 offers several pos- sibilities. Assuming that the number of 2n=30 for M. keisak (Hassk.) Hand. Mazz." is not that of a naturally occurring triploid, the species could have formed by a succession of chromosomal gains from n=10, 11, etc., but this is a long route beset with many gaps. Alternately M. keisak could have arisen from stocks of 10 and 5 or 5, 5, and 5. This hypothesis also has major drawbacks (not least among them is the ab- sence of a species with n=5); even so the known chromosome numbers in the genus, the high frequency of polyploidy, and the low frequency of aneuploidy all strongly suggest this origin. I might note that the relationship of Murdannia and other Commelineae to the Tribe Pollieae needs further study and it should not be overlooked that Pollia is known with n=5." In summary, I propose that x=5 is an ancient, probably extinct, basic number for Murdannia represented today by a dominant x=10 line com- posed of species with n—10, 15, 20, 30, and 40. In regard to chromosome size, the bivalents of M. simplex (Fig. 17) are smaller than those illustrated for Cyanotis and Aneilema and about equal or smaller in size than those of Commelina. Bivalents of M. elata (Vahl) Briickn.’” are similar to M. simplex. CONCLUSIONS 1. Basic numbers of x=8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and tentatively 14 are known for Cyanotis. This large genus is thought to have arisen from a x=6 prototype and to have had its chromosomal! differentiation from a n=12 stock foremost by aneuploidy and secondarily by polyploidy. Infra- 287 specific aneuploidy is widespread while infraspecific polyploidy is re- stricted 2. The most common basic numbers for Cyanotis and the Tradescan- tieae as a whole are x=6 or 12 3. Basic numbers of r=9, 13, 14(7), 15(10), and 16(8) have been found for Aneilema. Results from the few species examined suggest a fertile area for additional study. 4. Species with a basic number of x=—15 form the dominant line of descent in Commelina. Based on frequency, all other lines are of minor importance as is infraspecific aneuploidy. In contrast, the majority of known species are polyploids and many have polyploid races. A line of descent for Murdannia is x=10. All others are of lesser significance and, as for Commelina, most species are poly- ploids with infraspecific polyploidy more common than _ infraspecific aneuploidy. This parallel chromosomal pattern of speciation in Mur- dannia and Commelina is opposed to the major role of aneuploidy and minor contribution of polyploidy in the speciation of Cyanotis. 6. Although the common basic numbers of Commelina and Murdannia differ, i.e, x=10 and 15, prototypes of x=5 are suggested for both genera. 7. Small chromosomes typify Commelina and Murdannia, those of Aneilema are somewhat larger, while those of Cyanotis range from small to large with a majority intermediate in size. 8. The most frequent basic number encountered in the Tradescantieae is x=6 or multiples of it, while the most frequent numbers found in the Commelineae are multiples of 5. Probably the prototypes of the tribes differed, the Tradescantieae from a stock based on x=6 and the Commelineae on x=5. A consideration of typical basic chrom numbers in the classification of the Commelinaceae will undo ener contribute to a more natural grouping of genera than has been hereto- fore possible ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was pena by grant number G-21818 from the National ae Founda- tion and completed at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. To the Director of Kew, Keeper of rbarium, and ‘Dr. Keith Jones of the Jodrell L praeeee I am grateful te the many facilities placed at my disposal. Special appreciation is due Mr. J. P. M. Brenan of Kew for his determinatio y lh ium = specimens. | ‘adait my sincere thanks to th y botanists ek Kenya to South Africa for t assistance in the field and herbarium and to Mr. S. R. J. White who accompanied me throughout the tr rip. REFERENCES ANDERSON, E. AND K. SAX. 1936. A cytological monograph of the American species of Tradescantia. ae be 97: 433-476. RENAN, J. = M. Taepdiella, a new genus of Commelinaceae from Southern Redes ae I: ae. KNER, iC 1930. Commelinaceae, #7 Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, ISa: ae ee 4. CL KE, C. B. 1901. Commelinaceae, iz Flora Trop. Afri 8: 5. DA co C, D. 1929. Chromosome behaviour and Sees Tybadig in the Tradescantieae. J. Genet. 21: 207-286. 288 6. DARLINGTON, C. D. 1937. Recent Advances in Cytolo ogy. ed. 7. seo Cc. D. 1937. Chromosome cee viour and ede | year in igs inl J. Genet. 35: re G. B. 1950. A pelminae note on the cytogenetic survey of the genus as in India. Proc. 37 Ind. . Cong. 1950, pt. 7 9. GANGULY, J. K. 1946. The somatic and meiotic Ae reer of Commelina bengha- lensis Linn. Curr. Sci. 15: 112. SLAM, A. S., AND A. BATEN. 1952. Cytology of ee Nature 169: 457-458 KAMMATHY, R. V., AND S. R. ROLLA. 1962. II: eres ehseeiations: Bot. Surv. India 3 (1961): ‘167-1 12, KAMMATHY, R. V., AND S. R. ROLLA. 1962. ey on Inia Commelinaceae— IIT: ee observa ie a Bot. Surv. India a fe H., H. L. STRIPLING, AND R. nd a eee numbers for some nigel Aine of ~ southern United States Mexico. a oder ra 147-161 14. LE , W.H., AND TADDESSE E. 1964. Chromosome numbers in te Cone: melinaceae, tka 4 (in press { LIK, C. P. ote Chromosome number in some Indian angiosperms: monocotyle- oe MEHRA, K. L., S. ry ae UQI, AND ‘ — ee 1961. A cytotaxonomical study five species ee Setcreasea. Phyton 17: 17: MITSUKURL Y. 1947. Cytological serve in “Commein aceae. I. Chromosome num- bers of Japanese Ete Jap. J. Genet. 22: 18- 18. oo J. K. 1956, Cytotaxonomic ig on oe Gold Coast species of the genus Connie 4 Linn. J. Lin oe Bot. 55: 505- 9, ANIGR AHL, G., “AND R. V. KAMMATI TY. 1961. Studies in the evytomorpnalogy of ae *ma sensu lato in eastern India. Proc. 48 Ind. Sci. Cong. 1961, pt. es 20. PANIGRAHI, G., AND R. VY. KAMMATHY, ee a seus in certain species of Commelina in eastern India. Proc. 49 Ind. . Cong. 1962, pt. 3: 30. : 329- 1 RAGHAVAN, R. S., AND S. R. ROLLA. ee Cytological pe note on the Indian species of Commelinaceae. Curr. Sci. 30: 310-311. 22. ROWLEY, J. R. 1959. The fine structure of the pollen wall in the Commelinaceae. Grana cy 2: 3-31. 23. SHARMA, A. K. 1955. Cytology of some of ne mabe Zi ee Commelinaceae and its beatae on the wea of phylogeny. Ger 27 24. SHARMA, A. AND SHARMA. 1958 Baee: investigations on cytology of members of Cormelinucese ee spacial reference to the role of polyploidy and the origin 63- ae 25. SHETTY, B. V., AND eon 1961. Cytology of some taxa of Com- melinaceae. Proc. 48 Ind. Sci - ong. 1961, pt. 3: 299. 26. SHETTY, B. V., AND K. ea teas 1962. Cytological studies in Com- 27. SIMMONDS, N. WV. Los, Chromosome behaviour in some tropical plants. Heredity 8: 139- 146. 28. ODSON, R. E. 1942. Commentary on the North American genera of Com- melinaceae. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 29: 141-154. Fig. 1-6. Meiosis in Cyanotis. 1300X%. Fig. 1-2. C. barbata, 11,, with the nucleolus in Fig. 2 resembling a bivalent, 5927. Figs. 3-4. C. sp.,, 12412 and 11+13, 6147. Fig. 5-6. C. speciosa, 13,, and 15,,, 6344. Fig. 7. Hypothetical representation based on chromosome number of the evolution of Cyanotis from a x=6 prototype to a dominant extant group with x=12. From this stock it is suggested that cytotypes have evolved by hypoaneuploidy, hyperaneuploidy, and euploidy giving rise to a genus multibasic at the 2a” level and (as presently known) unibasic at the 4a and 6x levels. Euploidy is vertically illustrated, aneuploidy hori- zontally as interspecific (solid circles) or infraspecific (hollow circles). The smallest circle represents one cytotype and is equivalent to one species excepting the infraspecific aneuploids (small circle for each cytotype). Other circles to scale. HYPOANEUPLOIDY -2 EUPLOIDY EUPLOIDY PROTOTYPE HYPERANEUPLOIDY 6X 4X 2x 292 2 13 Fig. 8-13. Meiosis in Aneilema and Commelina. 1300X, 1550X% for Fig. 10-11. Fig. 8. A. sp. aff. pedunculosum, 9,,, 5973. Fig. 9. A tacazzeanum, 13,,, 9999. Fig. 10-11. C. benghalensis, 11411, 5961, and 22422, 5996. Fig. 12. C. imberbis, 15,,, 6062. Fig. 13. C. sp., 14,,, 6196. eee ae 293 Fig. 14-17. Meiosis in Commelina and Murdannia. 1550X%. Fig. 14. C. diffusa, 15,,, 6247. Fig. 15. C. scaposa, 15,,, 6193. Fig. 16. C. sp., 30,,, 6226. Fig. 17. M. simplex, 20,,, 6179. NOTES MORE ADDITIONS TO THE LOUISIANA FLORA.—The following taxa apparently represent new records for the state of Louisiana. Voucher specimens are deposited in the herbaria of the University of South- wescern Louisiana (LAF) and (except for Cyperus uniflorus) of South- ern Methodist University (SMU). Bulbostylis barbata (Rottb.) C. B. Clarke. Iberia Parish; locally com- mon in sandy soil in sugarcane field, Weeks Island, John W. Thieret and William D. Reese 9703, 15 October 1962. Cyperus difformis L. Lafayette Parish: in fallow rice field 13 miles west southwest of Lafayette near Acadia Parish border, A. J. Delahous- saye 71, 23 October 1963. Cyperus Oxylepis Nees. Cameron Parish: back ridge along Gulf of Mexico about 2 miles east of Holly Beach, Thieret 8818, 7 July 1962. Lafayette Parish: disturbed soil at edge of swamp about 3 miles north- east of Broussard, Thieret 16728, 20 November 1963. St. Mary Parish: disturbed soil in clearing in upland woods, Cote Blanche Island, Thieret 16316, 14 September 1963. Cyperus uniflorus Torr. et Hook. Grant Parish: Pollock, John Lynch s.n., 9 September 1938. - Cypselea humifusa Turp. St. Landry Parish: in drying mud of cow path in clearing about 4 miles northwest of Grand Coteau, Thieret 16462, 5 October 1963. Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. Lafayette Parish: among grasses at edge of grazed field, southwest side of Lafayette, Thieret 16594, 28 October 1963. Phyllanthus urimaria L. St. Mary Parish: locally common i ed of little-used dirt road through upland woods, Cote Blanche Island, Thieret 16712, 15 November 1963. Abutilon hulseanum (Torr. et Gray) Torr. ex Chapm., St. Mary Parish: disturbed soil near salt mine, Cote Blanche Island, Thieret 15876, 7 May 1963. Bowlesia incana Ruiz et Pavon. St. Martin Parish: locally common at edge of willow dominated depression along highway 90, about 6.8 miles south of Broussard, Thieret 17063, 3 April 1964. Although credited to Louisiana in Small’s Manual ,Bowlesia incana is cited as occurring “from Texas to California” by Mathias and Constance in their treatment of Umbelliferae in North American Flora. Facelis retusa (Lam.) Sch.-Bip. East Feliciana Parish: disturbed soil at roadside just west of Jackson, Thieret 17255, 10 May 1964. St. Helena Parish: roadside 3 miles east of Pine Grove, Thieret 17318, 15 May 1964. Vermilion Parish: shell ridge in vicinity of University of Southwestern Louisiana Field Station, Redfish Point, west side of Vermilion Bay, Reese 4183, 30 April 1961. 295 Mikania cordifolia (L.) Willd. Iberia Parish: along dirt road in upland woods, Weeks Island, Thieret 16566, 25 October 1963. Lafayette Parish: abundant in clearing in woods near Vermilion River, south side of La- fayette, Reese 6804, 7 October 1963. St. Landry Parish: edge of clearing in woods about 4 miles northwest of Grand Coteau, Thieret 16494, 14 October 1963. St. Mary Parish: at roadside in upland woods, Cote Blanche Island, Thieret 16703, 15 November 1963. This species, first recognized in the Lafayette area by Dr. Robert Kral, is locally common here.—John W. Thieret, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana TIGRIDIA haar (HERBERT) SHINNERS, COMB. NOV. (IRIDACEAE). — Based on Nemostylis? purpurea Herbert, Bot. Mag. 66: t. 3779 text, p. 3). 1840. Eustylis purpurea (Herbert) Engelmann & Gray, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 236 (Pl. Lindh. I, repr. p. 27). 1845. Tigridia buccifera S. Watson, Garden & Forest 2: 412. 1889. Watson’s generic assignment for this species was surely correct. He erroneously gave the origin of his supposedly new species as Jalisco, Mexico, culti- vated at Cambridge from corms sent by Pringle. Pringle in his diary (ed. Helen Burns Davis, 1936, p. 65) records a trip made expressly to collect quantities of the plant from August 9 to 12, 1889. It was obtained at Pena station, 70 miles east of Laredo, Texas. The plant’s name is misspelled as Tigridia vaccata in the entry for Aug. 9, but appears correctly in that for Aug. 11. Its identity with Eustylis purpurea was noted by Small in 1937 (Addisonia 20: 13). Foster excludes it from Nemastylis (Contrib. Gray Herb. 155: 44, 1945), leaving it in Eustylis, d inne Ss quite satisfactorily to Tigridia. It is the northernmost representative of that genus, cccurring from extreme southern Texas northeastward to central Louisiana and extreme southern Arkansas (Union Co.: Norphlet, A. J. Hoiberg 496, 13 June 1954 (SMU); “open sandy pine woods’). —Lloyd H. Shinners. MACHAERANTHERA PINNATIFIDA (HOOKER) SHINNERS, COMB. NOV. ae ae er Faas ed on Diplopappus pinnatifidus Am Sept. 2: 564. ne (“1814”). (Not Machderanthera spinulosa Greene, 1899.) Starkea ? pinnata Nuttall, Gen. 2: 169. 1818. (Illegitimate since Amellus spinulosus Pursh is given as synonym, but the specific epithet not adopted.) Machaeranthera pinnata (Nuttall) Shinners, Field & Lab. 18: 41. 1950. Since Hooker’s epithet is both legitimate and available, it must be adopted in place of Nuttali’s. I am indebted to Dr. Marshall C. Johnsten for bringing this to my attention. — Lloyd H. Shinners. REVIEW ROADSIDE FLOWERS OF TEXAS. Paintings by Mary Motz Wills, text by Howard S. Irwin. 295 pp. University of Texas Press, Austin. 1961. $5.75 Texas’ botanical wealth has never received the attention it deserves, aesthetically or scientifically or even commercially. But there are signs of improvement. This book has a fly-leaf announcement signed by the President of the University of Texas, and the Humble Oil and Refining Company recently offered it at a reduced price to credit-card holders. Like several predecessors (Whitehouse’s Texas Flowers in Natural Colors, Schulz’s rs. Quillin’s) Texas Wild owers, Casey’s 101 American Wild Flowers), it provides illustrations of a selection of the many flowering plants found wild in the state. It goes beyond any pre- decessor in having a text supplied by a botanist who makes a serious effort to provide notes on a broad sample and includes keys to those illustrated. Primary basis for the book is a group of watercolor paintings by Mary Motz Wills of Abilene. Most of them do not depict whole plants, but small portions, such as one might have gathered for a miscellaneous bouquet on a casual walk. The impression of fragmentariness is accentu- ated by their having been reduced to fit four on a page. The scale varies greatly, at times to a misleading degree. The huge trumpets of Datura Wrightii appear little larger than the blossoms of Heliotropium con- volvulaceum on the facing page, whereas the former are actually nearly ten times as large as the latter. The medium of watercolor does not lend itself well to depicting such botanically significant features as hairs on stem or leaves; the illustration labelled Astragalus mollissimus is hardly recognizable as that densely hairy plant. But the paintings were not made with the expectation of publishing them in a book, especially in association with technical botanical information, so criticism from such a technical viewpoint is really not fair. The pictures will be quite serviceable aids to the recognition of many common wild flowers of Texas, and that after all is the chief purpose of the book. Following the 64 pages of illustrations are 185 pages of keys and descriptions, with brief notes on additional species related to those illustrated, information on distribution within the state, and items of special interest. Compiling all this for a state which had no complete published flora and not even an up-to-date checklist was no small task. When one recalls that the author of the text was at the time only a graduate student, and a newcomer to Texas to boot, it must be acknowl- edged a really amazing performance. Three pages of line drawings to illustrate botanical terms, a glossary, and separate indexes for common and scientific names conclude the book. 297 In an introductory “Note to the Amateur Botanist,” Dr. Irwin addresses hopefully “the intelligent lay botanist who is interested in enlarging his knowledge of the flora around him,” and who is willing to tackle botanical keys and botanical terminology. If my experience with my Spring Flora of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area is any indication, he is addressing some exceedingly rare animals.’ The self-discipline and patient effort needed for the pursuit of Linnaeus’s “harmless science” are attractive colored illustrations and a well-done, serious, technically respectable (but still quite elementary) text should prove a boon. With no desire whatever to belittle Dr. Irwin’s achievement, it has to be stated that some of the illustrations cannot be positively identified, because too incomplete or not showing certain important technical details, and a number of others have names attached to them which are definitely not the correct ones. Perhaps the originals are sufficiently superior to the reproductions to allow more confident identifications. To my eye, at least, the illustrations designated as Iris hexagona, Mira- bilis nyctaginea (as nyctagineus), Lepidium virginicum, Brassica juncea, Draba platycarpa, Astragalus mollissimus, Castilleja latebracteata, C. indivisa, Plantago Helleri, Liatris punctata, Gutierrezia dracunculoides, Solidago nemoralis, S. altissima, Aster oblongifolius, A. praealtus (as prealtus), A. subulatus var. ligulatus, Senecio plattensis, and Pyrrhop- appus multicaulis are not positively identifiable as those species, and I am unable to state with certainty what they are. The names listed below are definitely not correct; when possible I have given what I believe to be the correct names in capital letters. PLATE 1. Sagittaria latifolia. S. LONGILOBA. Projecting leaf-bases distinctly longer than the apical portion. PLATE 3. Yucca Treculeana. The whole plant at left may be this species, though the leaves seem too narrow. The portion of inflorescence at right definitely is not; it may be Y. ARKANSANA or Y. ANGUSTI- ™Not a single book store within the area of the Spring Flora regularly carries it in stock, and only three have ever ordered it, one of these just one copy in the more than 6 years since its publication. When we den i of a eae newspaper asked that a copy purchased for the paper’s reference libr the est was refused. In all athe it should be mentioned that the Dallas Public oe ry ave purchased a total of 17 copies. But aca eee for the book in an area making loud claims to cultural ee. is hardly impressive. Even sales for use in teaching go overwhelmingly to cities outside the area, some of ae sever a handed miles away. No copy has every been sold for this purpose in F Worth, and the only such sales in Dallas in more than a year have been at the high ae el. lev 298 FOLIA.—Yucca arkansana. The whole plant at left is probably Y. PALLIDA or its close relative ¥. RUPICOLA. The portion of inflor- escence at right I do not recogn Plate 11. Clematis reticulata. Ce PITCHERI. The former has thick, st:ff, heavily veiny leaf blades. PLATE 26. Viola missouriensis. V. VILLOSA. The leaf-blades of V. missouriensis are triangular-pointed and its flowers are definitely on the blue side. PLATE 33. Asclepias oenotheroides. A. LATIFOLIA. A. oenotheroides has petioled leaves. PLATE 39. Verbena pumila. V. TENUISECTA. The flowers of V. pumila are extremely small and are not elevated on naked peduncles in the manner shown. PLATE 41. Brazoria scutellarioides. SCUTELLARIA RESINOSA. The Erazoria is annual, with a very slender taproot, and the flowers are smaller and paler. TE 42. Salvia farinacea. S. AZUREA var. GRANDIFLORA. In S. jarinacea the calyx is white-woolly PLATE 55. Aster laevis. Not identifiable. This species is northern and does not occur in or near Texas. PLATE 56. Aster sagittifolius. A. TEXANUS. The former also is a northern species not known from Tex PLATE 59. Thelesperma eee ern Probably HELENIUM BAD- IUM. The Thelesperma has a rather flat, yellow center to the head. PLATE 61. Helenium latifolium. H. FLEXUOSUM. The former (usually referred to H. autumnale) also has heads with yellow center. PLATE 64. Krigia virginica. Not too accurately depicted but almost certainly K. OCCIDENTALIS, with shorter pappus in proportion to the body of the achene (which is partially cbscured by the pappus scales in the illustration). In one case there is discord between the common name and the Latin one: “Old Plainsman” for Hymenopappus artemisiaefolius. This is mainly an East Texas species, not one of the prairies or plains, though it has relatives occurring there.—Lloyd H. Shinners. S| D CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY VOLUME 1 NUMBER 6 OCTOBER 1964 CONTENTS Fewer Florida rarities: changing flora of the Pineola Grotto, Citrus County. Olga Lakela. 299 Cytological studies in Paspalum, group Setacea (Gramineae). Donald J. Banks. 306 Chromosome numbers of some North American species of Astragalus (Leguminosae). G. F. Ledingham and M. D. Fahselt. 313 Yellow-flowered Linum (Linaceae) in Texas. C. M. Rogers. 328 Calylophus (Oenothera in part: Onagraceae) in Texas. Lloyd H. Shinners. 337 Taxonomy and heterostyly of North American Gelsemium (Loganiaceae). Wilbur H. Duncan and Donald W. DeJong. 346 Texas Asclepiadaceae other than Asclepias. Lloyd H. Shinners. 358 New or otherwise interesting Coreopsidinae (Compositae) from northwestern South America. Earl Edward Sherff. 368 New names and records for Texas Compositae. Lloyd H. Shinners. 373 NOTES. Digitaria Ischaemum (Gramineae) in Mississippi and Texas. 380.—Chromosomes of two Moraea (lridaceae) from eae nae Africa. 381.—Eriogonum annuum (Polygonaceae) biennial in eu 382.—A deceiving aquatic Neptunia (Leguminosae) in Central America. .—A hexaploid Linum riers from eastern Ethiopia, 383.—Cayratia alan (Vitaceae) in southeastern Louisiana: new to the United States. 384.—Three new varietal names in Sphaeralcea (Malvaceae). | varietal names for New World Ludwigia (Onagraceae)., Youngias (‘‘Crepis japonica”: ees introduced in the southern United aise, 386. lee) le] = o w (eo) 5 (a) Oo: ~< uw = A ° a < o < Cc Q ra o Q o > = Q = .2 3 wu Ho = 1@) VIEW. — Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Un- een 38 INDEX TO VOLUME 1. 393. SIDA is privately published by Lloyd H. Shinners, SMU Box 473, Dallas, Texas 75222, U.S.A. Subscription price $6 (U.S.) per volume of about 360—400 pages, parts issued at irregular intervals. ©) SIDA Contributions to Botany volume 1 number 6 pages 299—417 copyright 1964 by Lloyd H. Shinners FEWER FLORIDA RARITIES: CHANGING FLORA OF PINEOLA GROTTO, CITRUS COUNTY OLGA LAKELA University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 The limestone grotto near Pineola has been searched for ferns ever since its discovery by A. H. Curtiss in 1881. Roland M. Harper (1916) graphically recounted this eventful discovery of an unspoiled fern flora, thitherto unknown to botanists. Curtiss’ discovery of previously unre- ported species in the United States, aroused interest among his con- temporary botanists. J. D. Smith, 1883, journeyed to Pineola, finding a few species not noticed by Curtiss. Harper’s own expedition, 1915, re- sulted in an annotated list of 12 species, inclusive of all the previously recorded ones which he observed and 2 of his own finding. The list was increased to 14 species by J. K. Small (1920A) who journeyed to the area in 1918. The physical aspects and the vegetation of the grotto are eloquently narrated by Curtiss, Harper and Small. In Small’s own words, “we found ourselves in a veritable amphitheater, surrounding a cypress swamp. On entering through rocky wall we found ourselves among boulders, chasms, canons, natural bridge, and caves of eroded limestone. Everything was partly or completely covered with fern growth of at least a dozen differ- ent kinds of ferns... an enhancing grove of both conifers and broad- leaved trees over-shadowed the grotto, altogether a grove and a grotto that would have been a delight to the devotees of the worship of Baal; but this sanctuary had already been profaned.... After nature has built and adorned this grotto beyond power of words to describe, man has recently started the task of utterly destroying it.” At the edge of the grotto a mill was pulverizing the rock for commercial liming of culti- vated fie he ner site, an extensive pit overgrown with weeds and intro- duced grasses, remains. Just south of it, the part that escaped utter destruction, curves its crescentic contour toward Withlacoochee River marsh. This—the present day Pineola Fern Grotto—features no caves utmost precaution in maintaining a stable foothold. Boulders, cliffs and ledges, are all more or less covered with mats of lichens, mosses, ferns and flowering herbs, beneath high-flung canopy of the hammock tree association of primeval times. Even this remnant of a natural area is being despoiled by grazing herds. As a part of a fenced and posted ranch- land for decades, the natural vegetation along hammock margins and on the lower rocks of the grotto has been replaced by invading forbs and local weeds. ety ag a Botanical Laboratories, University of South Florida. - 6): —305. 1964. SID+ 300 To this grotto, the author, aided by Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lassiter of Tampa, has made several collecting and study trips during the past two years. It is hoped that the appended enumeration of species of an area whose botanical history dates back to 1881, is deemed worthy of placing on record, Although the number of species of ferns in the present list is greater than that of the previous ones, the populations in a given area are less concentrated and widely dispersed. The rarest of the rare spleenworts, the species most sought, have become decimated to the verge of extinc- tion. In 1962 Asplenium abscissum was no longer in evidence; A. x Curtissti was represented only by three known plants. All the species of trees previously reported in hammock associations have been observed with exception of Acer rubrum, Persea borbonia and Cornus florida. They are frequently encountered off the immediate area; it is assumed that the record refers to the destroyed hammock ae In addi- tion, vigorous and prolific Sapindus marginatus has been observed in various stages of growt loss of a natural area in the keeping of man is regrettable. Even after decades of misuse, if the causes of destruction could be removed, restoration of the grotto by nature’s creative forces lies within possibility. The Pineola Fern Grotto is worthy of preservation. PSILOTACEAE Psilotum nudum (L.) Beauv. Sight record of 1 plant; epiphyte. HIZAEACEAE Anemia adiantifolia (L.) Sw. Sight record of 1 sterile colony, on low rocks OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium dissectum Spreng. var. tenuifolium (Underw.) Farw. 26404. ew plants noted on a rocky margin of hammock. OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis L. 26416. A sterile plant noted in margin of swamp, Withlacoochee River, One leaf collected. YPODIACEAE Adiantum tenerum Sw. 25462. Occasio Asplenium abscissum Willd, 20468. a noted since 1962. Apparently exterminated. A. X Curtissti Underw. 25470. Almost completely decimated. A. heterochroum Kunze, 25468. Very rare. A. resiliens Kunze, 26812. Rare, low rocks. verecundum Chapm. 26021. Rare Dryopteris ludoviciana (Kunze) Small. 26043. Vigorous growth. Polypodium dispersum ined. 26808. Rare. P. pectinatum L. 26499. Rare. P. plumula HBK. 26446. Rare. P. polypodioides (L.) Watt. Sight record, epiphytic. S Pteris cretica L, 27395. Two plants noted. Rare. P, vittata L, 25469. Local; rare. Tectaria heracleifolia os Underw. 25460. Shady limestone slopes; young ferns noted; e. Thelypteris dentata ae E. St. John, 25471. Rare. T. normalis (C. Chr.) Mox. 25476. Occasional. T. reptans (J. F. Gmel.) Morton. 25461. Frequent on shady sloping lime- stone. T. Torresiana (Gaud.) Alston. 25467. (T. setigera (Blume) Kuntze). T. tetragona (Sw.) Small, 26394. Rare. TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. Sight record. The swamp-facing side of the grotto. MINEAE Oplismenus setarius (Lam.) R. & §. 25455. Frequent in thin soil over limestone Panicum anceps Michx. 25456. Few tufts noted, in gravelly soil of grotto margin. P. joorii Vasey, 26032. Few plants in vernal phase; among marginal grasses. Paspalum conjugatum Berg. 26443. Among grasses, escaped from cultiva- ang rn. 393. rite sessiliflora Poir. 26444, Few plants with wood ferns, grotto bottom. PALMAE Rhapidophyllum Hystrix (Fraser) Wendl. 25443. Few over rocks. Sabal minor (Jacq.) Pers. 26421. Marginal area of grotto facing the river. Serenoa repens (Bartr.) Small, sight record; margin of hammock. ACEAE Arisaema Dracontium (L.) Schott, 26423A. Grotto bottom between rock walls. Occasional. ROMELIACEAE Tillandsia simulata Small. 26050. Occasional. T. usneoides L. Sight record. Frequent COMMELINACEAE Callisia cordifolia (Sw.) Anders. & Woods. 25473. Over low mossy rocks. LILIACEAE Smilax auriculata Walt. 26053. Frequent. AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum americanum L. 26420. Soft soil of grotto margin, facing the river IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium rosulatum Bicknell. 26048. Crevices of low rocks; uncom- mon, 302 ORCHIDACEAE Habenaria quinqueseta (Michx.) Sw. 26389. Several plants along fence of pasture adjoining the grotto hammock. PIPERACEAE Peperomia leptostachya (Nutt.) Chapm. 26392. Thriving colony over crumpled lichen-coated rocks. CORYLACEAE Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Frequent; sight record. FAGACEAE Quercus Michauxii Nutt. 26040. Very large trees in grotto hammock; specimen from fallen branch, Q. Shumardii Buckl. 26391. Spee. from fallen branch. Very large trees over grotto. Q. virginiana Mill. Sight record. Very large trees with expansive crowns over grotto and in hammock. ULMACEAE Celtis laevigata Willd. 26027. Embankment of the excavated grotto site. Ulmus floridana Chapm. Sight record. Large trees in hammock and margin of grotto. URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. 25925, Frequent in grotto. Parietaria floridana Nutt. 25933. Frequent in moist shady hollows of grotto. Urtica chamdedryoides Pursh, 25452. Persisting in rock clefts, shady moist soil. PHYTOLACCACEAE Petiveria alliacea L. 25453. Few plants in shade over grotto rocks. Rivina humilis L. 26034. Slender shrubs in rock clefts. Infrequent. YLLACEAE Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb, 25474. Local. Stems trailing from Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. Sight record. Low moist hollows with Stellaria. Stellaria media (L.) Cyrill. Low moist clefts, floor of grotto. Anthers 5, red. RANUNCULACEAE Clematis reticulata Walt. 26041, One vine noted base of grotto wall. HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar Styraciflua L. 26051. Frequent over rocks and in hammock. ACEAE Decumaria barbara L. 26396. Stems creeping in mosses and lichen at grotto walls, and twining high on tallest trees. Local, abundant. ROSACEAE Rubus trivialis Michx. Sight record; on low rocks of grotto. 303 LEGUMINOSAE Amphicarpa bracteata (L.) Fern. 26422. In soil-filled clefts of low rocks; flowers bluish-lavender; uncommon. Cassia occidentalis L. 25441. Oak and palm grove adjoining grotto ter- race. Infrequent. Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhl.) Loud. 1 plant noted. D. paniculatum (L.) DC. 26386. In shade over low rocks, and swamp margin adjoining the grotto. Galactia Macreei M. A. Curtis. 26036. Grassy margin of trail to grotto entry. RUTACEAE Citrus aurantium L. 26806. Several trees noted; eastern part of hammock. Zanthoxylum Fagara (L.) Sarg. 26409. Small, sterile shrubs; few on high rocks. MELIACEAE Melia Azedarach L. 26027. Few trees on the rim of the old pit. ANACARDIACEAE Rhus Toxicodendron L. Sight record. Fairly general in grotto floor. ACERACEAE Acer Negundo L. 25916, Frequent over grotto rocks; trees large with full, leafy crown. SAPINDACEAE Sapindus marginatus Willd. 26039. Frequent over rocks in hammock. RHAMNACEAE Sageretia minutiflora (Michx.) Trel. 26023. Young shrubs at base of rock wall VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. 26026. High climbing over tree on rim of the old pit. Vitis rotundifolia Michx. High climbing; in oaks. Sight record. TILIACEAE Tilia floridana Small. 26045. Large tree, margin of grotto hammock, on trail. Pavonia spinifex (L.) Cav. 25475. Locally frequent over grotto on rocks. VIOLACEAE Viola floridana Brainerd. 26803. In moist soil of shady hammock and grotto rocks. LYTHRACEAE Decodon verticillatus (L.) Ell. 26441. Shallow water on cypress pond, margin of grotto hammock. ACEAE Nyssa biflora Walt. 26054. Young shrubs in abundant fruit, swampy tract adjoining the grotto hammock. 304 MELASTOMACEAE Rhexia mariana L. var. exalbida Michx. 26047. Swamp margin with Decodon UMBELLIFERAE Ptilimnium capillaceum (Michx.) Raf. 25923. In moist rock clefts of grotto. Sanicula canadensis L. 25934. Common on grotto rocks. RIMULACEAE Samolus parviflorus Raf. 25922. Wet soil of swamp, grotto margin. Few. LEPIADACEAE Cynanchum palustre (Pursh) Heller. 25928. Frequent over grotto trees. CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea trichocarpa Ell, 26438. Luxuriant colony in grotto and ham- mock margin. VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana L. 26025. Occasional. Plants rooted in clefts of rocks. I Hyptis mutabilis (A. Rich.) Briq. 26024. Few plants noted in grassy area. Leonotis nepetaefolia R. Br. 26423. Open shade of Carya along trail to Salvia coccinea Juss. 26022. Frequent in grotto over rocks. S. lyrata L. 26804. Rosettes only noted. Openings of vegetation along trail, SOLANACEAE Capsicum frutescens L. 25447. One small shrub in abundant fruit, in grotto. Solanum floridanum Shuttlw. 26415. Occasional in rock clefts. SCROPHULARIACEAE Bacopa coroliniana (Walt.) Robins. 26388. Shallow water of cypress pond, adjoining grotto hammock. BIGNONIACEAE Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. Sight record. Dicliptera assurgens (L.) Kuntze. 26439. Over high rocks, scattered. In- frequent. Dyschoriste humistrata (Michx.) Kuntze. 25919. Wet soil of swamp order along grotto Ruellia carolinensis (Walt.) Steud. 25918. Frequent, in thin soil of rock ledges. RUBIACEAE Galium pilosum Ait. var. laevicaule (Weath.) Blake. 25932. Occasional among shady boulders. Mitchella repens L. 25926. Few plants noted, among ferns. Psychotria nervosa Sw. 26037. Occasional in rocky holes and on top of rocks, 305 VALERIANACEAE Valeriana scandens L. 25924. Well established in low fissures of lime- stone CUCURBITACEAE Melothria pendula L. 26922. Frequent over grotto herbs and grasses. AMPANUL E Lobelia homophylla F. E. Wimmer. 26319. Small colony in shade, low rocks. COMPOSITAE Ambrosia elatior L. 26319. Weedy. Aster pinifolius Alexander, 26400. Bidens bipinnata L. 25921. Weedy throughout low rocks. Bidens pilosa L. 26399. Few plants noted, in grassy areas, among rocks. Cirsium sp. Sight record of rosettes only Bilephantopis carolinianus Willd. 25459. Well established in under- growth. Eupatorium coelestinum (L.) DC. 26031. One colony no Haplopappus divaricatus (Nutt.) Gray. 26397. Open ranchland adjoining the grotto Pyrrhopappus carolinianus (Walt.) DC. 26030. One plant noted in ham- mock adjoining grotto. REFERENCES HARPER, R. M. 1916. Fern grottoes of Citrus County, Florida. American Fern Journal » pl. J. SMALL, _ K. 1920A. A journey to the fern grottoes. Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 21 (242): p. 45. 20B. Of grottoes and ancient dunes. Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 21 (243): 45—52, pl. 244. aes y the plate applies to Pineola.) TT . Ferns of the Southeastern States. CYTOLOGICAL STUDIES IN PASPALUM, GROUP SETACEA (GRAMINEAE) ' DONALD J. BANKS Stephen F, Austin State College, Nacogdoches, Texas The Setacea group of the genus Paspalum consists of a network of closely related taxa which are taxonomically difficult. Chase (1929) recognized 10 species in the group but acknowledged that they are poorly defined and appear to intergrade. This study was made to obtain infor- mation to be used in a toxonomic revision of the group. The names used for the taxa are according to Chase’s concept. My concept of the taxa is to be published in another paper. CHROMOSOMES Immature inflorescences were collected in the field or from greenhouse transplants, killed in a 3:1 alcohol-glacial acetic acid solution, and the anthers squashed in aceto-carmine. The chromosome counts were usually made at diakinesis in pollen mother cells. Photomicrographs were made of microsporocytes with chromosomes distributed so that they were countable. Some slides representing each taxon were made permanent by McClintock’s (1929) method. Voucher specimens are deposited in the University of Georgia and the Stephen F. Austin State College herbaria. A summary of chromosome counts made during this study and by previous investigators is given in Table 1. In all the plants that I studied the microspores contained 10 chromosomes and meiosis appeared normal. Differences in chromosome size and morphology within or between taxa were slight. Drawings made by tracing photomicrographs of chromo- somes of each species (sensu Chase, 1929) are shown in Figures 1 to 10. time. Somatic counts previously reported for P. ciliatifolium Michx., P. pubescens Muhl., P. setaceum Michx., and P. supinum Bosc varied from 20 to 80 with different counts for the same species (see Table 1). Darlington and Wylie (1955) reported the basic chromosome numbers 10 and 12 for Paspalum. Forbes and Burton (1961) suggested the base number 10 may have been derived from some lower ancestral base number, possibly 5 or 6, because of strong secondary associations of bivalents noted in their investigations with P. almum Chase. Some of 1 Contribution No. 58 = the Stephen F. Austin State College — of Biology This paper is based partly on a aos submitted to the Graduate Faculty the Oa versity of Georgia. The ees has been aided by two National Scienc toca tion Summer Fe lowships for Graduate Teaching Assistants, an NSF eee nares Project for College Teachers at the University of Texas, Department - Botany, and a facul- ty research grant, Stephen F. Austin State College. * oe are bo a . Wilbur H. Duncan, who served as my major professor during portions of this study. SIDA. 7 (6): 306-312. 1964 307 my preparations suggested secondary associations. Additional studies are required to confirm this suggestion. This study disclosed no chromosomal data that I consider to be useful in distinguishing between the Setacea taxa. EMBRYO SAC DEVELOPMENT A better concept of the taxa might be possible if the mode of reproduc- tion could be determined. Apomixis, which occurs in some Paspalum species, was suspected in Setacea because of morphological uniformity within its component taxa where they grow sympatrically and because of similarity of progeny to the maternal parents in some progeny tests. The following study was conducted to determine whether or not the Setacea taxa reproduce by apomixis. Immature inflorescences collected in the field or greenhouse were killed and fixed in a 3:1 absolute alcohol-glacial acetic acid solution. The material was stored in 70% alcohol at 5°C until dehydration was begun. Dehydration was completed with a tertiary butyl alcohol series. The material was infiltrated with paraffin, sectioned at thicknesses of 15 to 17 microns with a rotary microtome, and stained with safranin-fast green. Twelve to twenty spikelets per plant were sectioned. Twenty-two plants representing the ten taxa were studied. The slides were examined microscopically to ascertain whether or not multiple embryo sacs were present. None of the material studied showed more than one embryo sac. Embyro sac development in Setacea is the Polygonum type except the antipodals usually form several cells rather than three. pomixis was reported in Paspalum by Burton (1948), Smith (1948), Bashaw and Holt (1958), Brown and Emery (1958), Forbes (1960), and Snyder (1957, 1961). Brown and Emery (1958) reported normal embryo sac development for P. pubescens, the only Setacea Paspalum which apparently had been investigated prior to this study. The type of apomixis detected in Paspalum thus far is somatic apos- pory followed by pseudogamy. Usually one or more nucellar cells adja- cent to the megaspore mother cell begins to enlarge and one of the cells usually develops into a functional embryo sac. A nucellar embryo sac may consist of an egg, two synergids, two polars, and several antipodals as in P. secans Hitche. and Chase (Snyder, 1957) or the synergids and antipodals may be absent as in P. dilatatum Poir. (Bashaw and Holt, 1958). Fertilization of the polar nuclei is believed to be necessary for the development of endosperm, but the embryo develops from an un- reduced, unfertilized egg. e failure to detect multiple embryo sacs in Setacea suggest that they reproduce sexually, although stages representing actual fertiliza- tion of the egg or polars were not observed. The formation of a single embryo sac by generative apospory, however, is not precluded by my data; but since the chromosome studies indicated meiosis to be normal, 308 and since the taxa appear to be diploid, sexual reproduction, rather than apomixis, seems likely. If apomixis is dismissed as a possible mode of reproduction, the similarities of offspring to maternal parents in some progeny tests are best explained by suggesting self-fertilization as the usual method of reproduction. Further investigations are needed to estab- lish the method of reproduction. REFERENCES BASHAW, FE. C. AND E. C. HOLT. 1958. Megasporogenesis, embryo sac development, and embryogenesis in Ree pour eae Poir. Agron. Jour. 50: 753-756. _— WN, W. V. . A cytological study in the Gramineae. Am. Jour. Bot. 35: 382- ————— AND W. H. P. EMERY. 1958. Apomixis in the Gramineae: Panicoideae. Am. as Bot. 45: 253-263 3URTO I N, . W. 1940. A cytological study of some species in the genus Paspalum. Jour. Agr. Res. 60: - 198, ————. 1942. A cytological study of some species in the tribe Paniceae. Am. Jour. Bot. 29: 355-359, ——————.. 1948. The method of reproduction in common bahiagrass, Paspalum no- fatum., Agron. Jour. 40: 443-452. CHASE, A. 1929. The North American species of Paspaluir. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 28(1): 1-310. CHURCH, G. L. 1929. eae Les in certain Gramineae. Bot. Gaz -84, DARLINGTON, C. D. AND . WYLIE. 1955. Chromosome atlas of flowering “planes: L a4 FORBES, L, Jr. 1960. A rapid enzyme- smear technique for the detection and study of plural embryo sacs in mature ovaries in several Paspalum Pee es. Agron. Jour. 52: 300-301. ——————— AND G. W. BURTON. 1961. Cytology ae iploids, natural and induced tetraploids and intraspecies hybrids of bahiagrass, ase ee Fligge. Crop Sci. 02-406. Sica FLW. 1958. C — Aromosome numbers in southwestern grasses. Am. Jour. Bot. 45: 757- : Cc evan: N. 1940. Untersuchungen zur Cytologee und Systematik der Grami- neen. Beith Bot. Centralbl. : 1-56. McCLINTOCK, B. 1929. A method for making acetocarmine smears permanent. Stain a 4: 53-56, AURA, F. 1941. Cariologia de algun as i ay 2 genera Paspalum. Facultad de agro- nomica Y veterinaria. Institute de genetica. 41- SMITH, B.S. 1948. Hybridity ma apomixis in ss perennial grass, Paspalum dilatatune. Genetics. ne 628-629. SNYDER, L. A. 1957. Apomixis in Paspalum secans. Am. Jour. Bot. 44: 318-324 ee, 1961 Asyndesis and meiotic non-reduction in microsporogenesis of apo- mictic Paspalum secans. Cytologia. 26: 50-61. 4 ye | ee | Fig. 1-10. Chromosomes of Setacea species (sensu Chase, 1929) at diaki- nesis.—Fig. 1. P. ciliatifolium, Banks 1339.—Fig. 2. P. debile, Banks 1625.—Fig. 3. P. longepedunculatum, Banks 891.—Fig. 4. P. propinquum, Banks 1726.—Fig. 5. P. psammophilum, Banks 1507.—Fig. 6. P. pubescens, Banks 1525.—Fig. 7. P. rigidifolium, Banks 1314.—Fig. 8. P. setaceum, Banks 1451.—Fig. 9. P. stramineum, Dwyer 16 Aug. 1961.—Fig. 10. P. supinum, Banks 906. TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF THE SETACEA PASPALUMS Species Plants examined for this study! (Sensu Chase, 1929) Gametic Somatic Investigator All gametic chromosome numbers were 10 ciliatifolium? 20 Burton (1940) L-65, Glynn Co., Ga.; 933, 934, Jefferson Co., Fla.; 20 Brown (1948) 954, Taylor Co., Fla.; 964, Alachua Co., Fla.; 984, Wheeler Co., Ga.; 1339, Columbia Co., Fla.; 1412, Cooke Co., Tex.; 1413, Warren Co., Miss.; 1570, Taylor Co., Ga.; 1630, Santa Rosa Co. Fla.; W. H. Duncan 21888, iennos Co, Plas Dd, G. Randolph R-2, Jack Co., Tex. debile 832, Santa Rosa Co., Fla.; 912, Leon Co., Fla.; 1160, Hardee Co., Fla.; 1440, Camden Co., N. C.; 1616A, 1619, 1625, Santa Rosa Co., Fla.; 1713, Bay Co., Fla.; 1747, Levy Co., Fla.; 1885, Travis Co., Tex.; 3670, Brooks Co., Tex. ‘Numbers are my collections except where otherwise indicated. * Darlington and Wylie (1955) listed P. aN without author, as 2n=80, as determined by Saura (1941). P. epile Nash is a synonym of P. ciliatifolium., The plant determined by Saura was P. epile Parodi (P. parodianum Hennr.) and is not synonymous with P. atten. OLE TABLE 1 (Continued) Species (Sensu Chase, 1929) Gametic Somatic Investigator Plants examined for this study! All gametic chromosome numbers were 10 longepedunculatum 891, Bay Co., Fla.; 1145, 1146, Lake Co., Fla.; W. H. Duncan, 21844, Collier Co., Fla. propinquum 1726, Taylor Co., Fla.; 1733, Dixie Co., Fla. psammophilum 1459, Burlington Co., N. J.; 1507, 1516, Camden Co., N. J. 10 Church (1929) pubescens? 10 Gould (1958) L-25, L-31, L-35, Laurens Co., Ga.; 974, Putnam Co., Fla.; 994, Oglethorpe Co., Ga.; 1017, Clarke Co., Ga.; 1437, Martin Co., N. C.; 1439, Camden Co., N. C.; 1452, Gloucester Co., N. J.; 1525, Dinwiddie Co., Va.; 1531, Nash Co., N. C.; 1898, Nacogdoches Co,, rigidifolium 1158, Polk Co., Fla.; 1314, Marion Co., Fla.; 1746, Levy Co., Fla.; 1773, Pinellas Co., Fla. 3 Brown (1948) reported 2 of Texas, is really P. longipilum Nash. n=60 for P. pubescens. His voucher specimen (2605), which I examined in the Herbarium of the University w _ lanl TABLE 1 (Continued) Species (Sensu Chase, 1929) Gametic Somatic Investigator Plants examined for this study! All gametic chromosome numbers were 10 setaceum L-19, Wilkinson Co., Ga.; L-24, Laurens Co., Ga.; L-146, Taylor Co., Ga.; 770, Pike Co., Ala.; 870, Okaloosa Co., Fla.; 908, Leon Co., Fla.; 1430, On- slow Co., N. C.; 1451, Gloucester Co., N. J.; 1460, Burlington Co., N. J.; 1524, Dinwiddie Co., Va.; 1536, Baldwin Co., Ga.; 1682, Baldwin Co., Ala.; 1790, Putnam Co., Fla. stramineum 1411, 1815, Payne Co., Okla.; 1886, 1889, Travis Co., Tex.; 1895, Burnet Co., Tex.; D. Dwyer Aug. 16, 1961, Payne Co., Okla. supinum 50 Kirshnaswamy (1940) 40 Brown (1948) 20 Burton (1942) 906, Leon Co., Fla.; 953, Taylor Co., Fla.; 1620, iS) anta Rosa Co., Fla.; 1668 Jackson Co., Miss. rats CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SOME NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF ASTRAGALUS (LEGUMINOSAE) G. F. LEDINGHAM and M. D. FAHSELT University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, Regina, Saskatchewan Astragalus, with nearly two thousand species, is one of the largest genera of the flowering plants. It is widespread in both Old and New World but it is most abundant in the northern hemisphere. In the Old World, where there are some 1,600 species, the greatest number of taxa occur in southwest Asia with gradual decrease westward around the Mediterranean in both Europe and Africa and north and east through Asia to the Bering Strait. In the New World there are some 300 species concentrated in the western United States with a few extending into Mexico or into Canada and Alaska. There are no species in tropical America but there are about ninety species in the high western parts of South America. Ledingham (1960) speculates that Astragalus is at least biphyletic since New and Old World species have different chromosome numbers. Old World species have a basic haploid chromosome number of eight (Senn, 1938; Darlington and Wylie, 1955, Love and Love, 1961) and show a high percentage of polyploidy. New World species have haploid chromo- some numbers of 11, 12 or 13 (Vilkomerson, 1943; Head, 1957; Turner, 1956) and show less than one per cent of polyploidy. The nine South American species of Astragalus so far counted have either 11 or 13 as gametophyte chromosome number (Ledingham, 1960) so they seem to be a part of the New World phylogenetic line. Since some species of Astragalus and Oxytropis are circumpolar, oc- curring in both New and Old World (Yurtsev, 1963), it would seem that the geographic barrier in the Bering Strait region is relatively recent. The circumpolar species are all 8-chromosome species or polyploids of these so evidently it was the Old World group which was able to use the migration route and invade the New World. There are no known cases of 11- or 12-chromosome species which have spread into the Old World. The decreasing abundance of 8-chromosome species as one moves from Alaska south and east supports the idea that a number of Old World species entered the New World by this route. Some of these naturally spread farther than others. The North and South American species of Astragalus are now sepa- rated by a wide tropical zone which acts as an effective geographic barrier. The species are closely related but none of them occurs in both regions (Johnston, 1947). The absence of common species would indicate that the barrier has been present relatively longer than the barrier in SIDA 1 (6): 313—327. 1964. 314 the Bering Strait region, giving time for the evolution of different forms. The fact that there still is considerable morphological and chromosome number similarity would indicate that Astragalus species in North and South America, though separated for a considerable length of time, are actually a part of the same phylogenetic line and they are more closely related than New World species are to the 8-chromosome Old World species. Since Old World species of Astragalus and Oxytropis, including a few species have n=11, 12 or 13, they must be two different phylogenetic lines (Ledingham and Rever, 1963). If the divergence occurred after the origin of the genus then we may still find some species with chromosome numbers which will explain how the evolution took place. If the diver- gence occurred before the evolution of the ancestral Astragalus then the explanation of the relationship may be found in other genera of the Leguminosae. Turner and Fearing (1959) suggest that there was a split in the Caesalpinoideae giving evolutionary lines with higher or lower chromosome numbers and that these provided two origins for species and genera of the Papilionoideae. If this theory proves tenable then the Papilionoideae, and Astragalus in particular, provide a remark- able example of parallel evolution, and the origin of the divergence otf the two phylogenetic lines of Astragalus would have to be sought in the Caesalpinoideae. This hypothesis seems improbable. Ledingham (1960), finding that Astragalus somalensis Taub. ex Harms flowering or fruiting material we germinated more seeds. The material had been obtained from the Grassland Research Station, Kitale, Kenya, East Africa. The count 2n=20 was confirmed (Ledingham and Rever, 1963) and the voucher plants were watched as they grew. The leaflets were conspicuously veiny and the arrangement of the leaflets in the bud was not like other Astragalus species we had seen. We were not surprised when Gillett (1963) revised this species, along with two others from East Africa, and placed them in the genus Galeg This paper reports 69 counts on 49 species including 28 species and that the chromosome meee in this complex of species is stable an Astragalus belong in different phylogenetic lines. MATERIALS AND METHODS The species reported in this paper, except for five Old World species which came as seed from botanical gardens, were collected in their 315 native habitats by people interested in the Leguminosae. The specimens, most of which are available in the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus herbarium, have in many cases been identified by Mr. R. C. Barneby, New York Botanical Garden. Mature seeds were removed and germinated in petri dishes to give root tips for chromosome counts. Some seeds have also been germinated to give additional study material and voucher specimens. Since these species are mostly slow growing peren- treated with 8-hydroxyquinoline before fixation and staining. The standard procedure for the Feulgen stain was used in making the root tips squashes. RESULTS Chromosome counts for species of Astragalus and Oxytropis studied here during the summer of 1963 are presented in Tables I and II. Table I reports somatic chromosome numbers (22, 24 and in two cases 26) and collection data for 39 collections representing 28 species of New World Astragalus. Table II reports somatic chromosome numbers (16, 32, 48 and 42) for 30 collections (15 of which were made in North America) of 21 Old World species of Astragalus and Oxytropis. The typical New World species of Astragalus listed in Table I were collected in their natural habitats in the western parts of United States, except for one species which was collected in Canada. There are voucher Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, for each of the collections. One collec- tion. A. coccineus, is represented only by fruits and a single dried flower, but the long crimson petals provide convincing evidence of the identity of the species. Some of the collections were badly parasitized and contained only a few viable seeds so that a sufficient number of good counts could not always be made; the chromosome number is reported in four cases with some reservation. Examination of Fig. 12, A. calycosus, 2n=22, shows that it is not easy to be sure whether the count is 2n=22 or 24. A quick count of this group may give 24, for there is a conspicuous nonstaining area, eg. lowest chromosome on the left, in johannis-howellu. Fig. 9, A. whitneyi, 2n=22, also shows this appear- ance of an extra pair of small chromosomes which may lead to some disagreement between counts of New World species of Astragalus. Three species counts of 2n=24 confirm previous counts. A. kentrophyta, 2n—24 was reported by Ledingham (1960), but that report gives the wrong author for the species. A. preussii, 2n=24, was reported in 1943 by Vilkomerson. The earlier reports on these two species did not identify the variety counted. A. spatulalus, 2n=—24, was reported by Ledingham (1957) TABLE I. SOMATIC CHROMOSOME COUNTS FOR NEW WORLD ASTRAGALI Species Seed no, Collection no. Origin 2nchr.no. Fig. A. amphioxys Gray var. amphioxys 6424 Rever 72 Arches Nat. Monument, Utah 22 2 fe 6439 Rever 67 Crystal Geyser, Utah 22 A. argophyllus Nutt. var. martini Jones 6430 Rever 54 Castlegate, Utah 22 A. calycosus Torr. 6402 DeDecker 1522 White Mts. California 22 12 A. ceramicus Sheld. var. ceramicus Sheld. 6304 Barneby 13,121 Escalante, Utah 22 var. imperfectus Sheld., 6455 Porter 3954 Gillette, Wyoming 22 7 A. coccineus Bdg. 6386 DeDecker 22/7/62 Inyo Mts., California 22 6 A. cymboides Jones 6429 Rever 58 Wellington, Utah 24 10 ” 6453 Rever 83 Huntington, Utah 24 A. desperatus Jones var. desperatus Jones 6418 Rever 78 oab, Utah 24 1 » 6423 Rever 71 Arches Nat. Monument, Utah 24 A. eastwoodae Jones 6299 Barneby 13,064 Gypsum Gap, Colorado 26 A. flavus Nutt. var. flavus 6416 Rever 81 Moab, Utah 26 OTE bob Sd > . inyoensis Sheld. . johannis-howellii Barn, . kentrophyta Gray var. coloradensis Jones . lentiginosus Doug. var. palans Jones var. palans Jones var. fremontii (Gray) Wats. . miguelensis Greene . miser Dougl. var. serotinus (Gray) Barn. . mollissimus Torr. var. thompsonae (Wats.) Barn. . nuttallianus DC. var. micranthiformis Barn. . oophorus Wats. . plattensis Nutt. 6403 6404 6308 6499 6417 6426 6302 6390 6289 * These species counted previously; details in text. DeDecker 1519 DeDecker 1505 Barneby 13,115 Rever 73 Rever 76 DeDecker 1484 Raven 18,012 Turner 11,180 Rever 80 Rever 75 Barneby 13,110 DeDecker 488 Porter 8385 Inyo Mts., California Crowley Lake, California Glen Canyon City, Utah Arches Nat. Monument, Utah Moab, Utah Santa Rita Flat, California San Clemente Island, California Pocahontas, Alberta Moab, Utah Devil’s Garden, Utah Coconino Co., Arizona Badger Flat, California Cook Co., Wyoming LTE . preussit Gray var. preussii 6419 Rever 66 Green River, Utah 7 6428 Rever 79 Moab, Utah "A. purshii Dougl. var. glareosus (Dougl.) Barn. 6414 Rever 111 Boise, Idaho i 6440 Rever 112 Boise, Idaho lectulus Jones 6406 DeDecker 1,525 Coyote Ridge, California longilobus Jones 6393 DeDecker 1,472 Harkless Flat, California A. ravenii Barn. 6394 DeDecker 1,112 Sawmill Pass, California A. serenot (Kuntze) Sheld. 6389 DeDecker 1,469 Harkless Flat, California A. shortianus Nutt. 6285 Porter 8,460 Albany Co., Wyoming “A. spatulatus Sheld. 6307 Barneby 13,234 Biddle, Montana A. utahensis (Torr.) T.&G. 6457 Rever 35 Pocatello, Idaho A. whitneyi Gray 6407 DeDecker 1,535 Coyote Flat, California A. zionis Jones 6298 Barneby 13,111 Coconino Co., Arizona * These species counted previously; details in text. 8Té 319 The previous report of chromosome number of A. miser var. serotinus gives 2n=24 (Ledingham, 1958). Since our 1963 study shows 2n=22, we suspect that our original report is in error. Ledingham (1960) reported n=22 for A. nuttallianus var. nuttallianus but the present study shows 2n=24 for var. micranthiformis. The varieties of A. nuttallianus are both quick growing annuals and it is possible that both counts are correct. In Astragalus lentiginosus there have been previous reports of 2n=22 reported for var. palans (Vilkomerson, 1943), var. lentiginosus (Head, 1957) and var. variabilis (Ledingham, 1960). This paper confirms the previous count of var. palans (two collections) and reports 2n=22 for var. fremontii. In A. purshii, Head (1957) reported counts of 2n=22 for var. purshii and var. glareosus. This paper confirms the count for var. glareosus and reports 2n=22 for var. lectulws and var. longilobus. The chromosome number seems stable for the many varieties of the highly variable species A. purshii and lentiginosus. The remaining species, for which there was a previous chromosome count, is A. mollissimus. The present report for var. thompsonae agrees with Ledingham’s (1960) report for var. earlei. Previously Head (1957) had reported 2n=24 for var. earlei. No attempt was made to obtain Old World material for the 1963 studies but some seed samples did become available and routine chromo- some counts were made. These counts are reported in Table II even though voucher specimens are not available for every collection. EKac é these Old World species, except one, obviously belongs to an 8-chromo- some series in which diploids are common but tetraploids and hexaploids frequently occur. Different chromosome numbers may be present in the same species. Table II includes some species of Old World Astragalus and Oxytropis which have migrated into northwestern North America. It should be pointed out that eleven of the fifteen North American col- lections reported in Table II were made in Canada or Alaska whereas in Table I only one of the 39 collections was made north of the Canada- U.S.A. border. The chromosome numbers of 13 of the 21 taxa listed in Table II have been reported before. In all cases except two the present report agrees with previous reports and details need not be given again here. Astragalus odoratus was previously reported as having 2n=—64 by Ledingham (1960). When this material was finally grown out it proved to be A. cicer. The seed packet had been wrongly identified and Ledingham had made his report before verifying the identity of his material. A hamosus) is re- ported (Darlington and Wylie, 1955) as having 2n=48. We are con- vineed that this number is not correct but we found these chromosomes very difficult to separate and count and give a tentative count of 2n=ca Table II gives chromosome counts of four samples of A. alpinus, two identified as var. brunetianus. The collection from Churchill, Manitoba TABLE II. SOMATIC CHROMOSOME COUNTS FOR OLD WORLD ASTRAGALI Species Seed no. Collection no. Origin 2nchr.no. Fig. *A. alpinus L. 6230 cultivated Acad. Science, Leningrad 16 " 6243b Churchill, Manitoba 32 var. brunetianus Fern. 6399 A. Dechamplain Rimouski, Quebec 16 2/7/58 ” 6400 Dutilly & Lepage Missinaibi, Ontario 16 30/7/58 A. angustifolius Lam. 6442 O. Tosun Ankara, Turkey via USDA. 32 16 *A. eucosmus Robins 6396 J. G. Dickson Big Delta, Alaska 32 11/8/56 *4A. hamosus L. 6002 V. Tackholm ca 42 a 6273 N. Feinbrun Peleponese, Greece ca 42 _ (as A. Bucesas) 6438 cultivated Madrid Botanical Garden ca 42 18 A. hololeios Bornum 6493 cultivated 4309 Universitatis Bergensis, Norway 16 19 A. micropteris Fisch. 6446 O. Tosun Ankara, Turkey via USDA. 32 14 *A. monspessulanus L. 6361 E. Muller 22/8/61 Tiefenkastel, Switzerland 16 *A. odoratus Lam. 6445 O. Tosun Ankara, Turkey via USDA. 16 13 A. ovalis Boiss. 6443 O. Tosun Ankara, Turkey via USDA. 16 17 * These species previously counted; cases of disagreement discussed in the text. OZ& . sesameus L. . spinosus Muschl . uliginosus L. . umbellatus Bunge . vulpinus Willd. *Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC *O. o 5 var. gracilis (A. Nels.) Barn. deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. sericea T. & G. ” . halleri Bunge . monticola A. Gray . multiceps Nutt. parryi Gray ” . sericea Nutt. var. spicata (Hook.) Barn. cultivated J. Mandaville 20/4/63 cultivated J. G. Dickson 26/8/56 cultivated G. H. Turner 15/8/60 cultivated G. H. Turner 24/7/60 G. H. Turner 10/8/60 cultivated cultivated C. L. Porter 8322 M. DeDecker 1523 M. DeDecker 1534 C. L. Porter 8458 G. H. Turner 11071 * These species previously counted; cases of disagreement discussed in the text. Madrid Botanical Garden Saudi Arabia Vladivostok, USSR. Glenn Highway, Alaska Russia Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Udaipur, India Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Inst. Alpin du Lautatet, France Kamploops Expt. Farm, B.C. Albany Co., Wyoming Mono Co., California Inyo Co., California Albany Co., Wyoming Jasper Nat. Park, Alberta IGé 322 has 2n=32 while the collections from Ontario, Quebec and Russia have n=16. Professor C. Favarger in personal conversation at the IXth Inter- national Botanical Congress in Montreal in 1959 said that he had found both 2n=16 and 2n=32 in some Switzerland collections of A. alpinus. Ledingham (1960) reported on four collections, three from Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan having 2n=16 and one from Yukon having 2n=32. The count of 2n=ca 56 listed in Darlington and Wylie (1955) is considered erroneous. It should be pointed out that although the present chromosome count 2n=32 for O. campestris var. gracilis agrees with some of the previous reports for this species there are also reports of 2n=48. Ledingham (1957, 1960) reports 2n=32 for six Saskatchewan and one Alberta col- lection. Jalas (1950) for ssp. sordida and Ledingham (1960) for one Old World and Ontario and British Columbia material report 2n—48. Plates I and II give some camera lucida drawings of chromosomes of representative species of New World and Old World Astragalus. These drawings are all done with the same apparatus and at the same mag- nification. Although it seemed as if New World species had smaller chromosomes which were more difficult to separate and count this is not supported by the drawings. Plate I illustrates chromosomes of New World species and Plate II shows chromosomes of Old World species of Astragalus. DISCUSSION This paper reports chromosome counts for 28 species of Astragalus not previously reported. Twently of these counts are of New World species (Table I and Figs. 1-12) and they form an aneuploid series with n=11, 12, or 18. Eight new counts are reported for Old World species, 5 in Astragalus and 3 in Oxytropis, (Table II and Figs. 13-22) and these have 2n=16, 32 or 48, ie. are diploids, tetraploids or hexaploids of the 8-series, These 28 counts together with additional counts for 21 other species for which there have been previous reports further support the con- clusion (Ledingham, 1960) that there are two main phylogenetic lines in Astragalus. There are now counts for 109 New World species and all have n=11 (53 species), 12 (38), 13 (14), 14 (3) or 22 (A. grayi, the only New World tetraploid). There are counts for 202 Old World species of Astragalus and Oxytropis and they have n=8 (146 species), 16 (21), 24 (18), 32 (8), 40 (1), 48 (2), ca 80 (1) and others (5). In an earlier paper Ledingham (1960) gave a count of n=10 for Astragalus somalensis and suggested that species with the intermediate chromosome numbers n=9 and 10 might form part of the aneuploid series which includes both Old and New World Astragalus. No further evidence has been found to support this idea, and since Gillett (1963) has removed A. somalensis to Galega, it seems less likely. There are now no known species with n=9 or 10 in the Astragalus complex. 323 The suggestion has been made (Turner, 1959) that the n=14, 138, 12 and 11 of New World species of Astragalus are derived hypoploids from an ancestral n—16 tetraploid species. There are, however, no tetraploids in North America except for a few circumpolar species which are actually a part of the Old World phylogenetic line. There are several species in the Old World which may be hypoploids, e.g. the annual con- spicuously self-fertile species A. boeticus, 2n=30. Our counts of 2n=ca 42 for A. hamosus make us suspicious of the pre- vious report of 2n=48 for this species. Our suggestion for the moment is that A. hamosus does not really belong in Astragalus. It seems likely that A. hamosus is a hexaploid in some n=7 phylogenetic line. Tetra- ploids in this line may include A. pentaglottis, 2n=—28 (Senn, 1938; Led- ingham, 1960) and A. bubaloceras, n=ca. 14-15 (Senn, 1938). Diploids of this n=7 line are unknown. There is, then, little evidence of hypo- ploids in Old World Astragalus and it seems very unlikely that New World Astragalus has arisen by chromosome loss from tetraploid (2n=32) plants of the Old World line. Although we do not yet have enough information to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Leguminosae, or more specifically of Astra- galus and Oxytropis, it is clear that chromosome numbers can be used with considerable confidence to show true relationship in this family. This paper further establishes that New World and Old World species of Astragalus have had a different evolutionary history and must be considered as different subgenera or genera if taxonomy is to re- flect true relationships. The chromosome evidence would indicate that Oxytropis is closely related to, or is a part of, the Old World Astragalus. It is now clearly established that chromosome number can be used as a significant character in this family. The relationships of species with anomalous counts should be studied critically. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It would be impossible to list all of a many cae ns and institutions who have helped We Id like er, nks ith our research. wou ike, howe e special tha the following who provided material for this study: Mr. R. ee Ss Miss M. Belcher, Mrs. E. Beckett Mrs. M. DeDecker f Davis, Dr. A. Dutilly inbrun, ptre epage, : Au Cy LE, oe and Dr. G. H. Turner. We would like, also, to acknow ee our debe to Mr. as Barneby who has eed identified our herbarium specimens. are grateful to the tional Research Council, Ottawa, Canada for the financial aid a has been given to a proje = REFERENCES ARLINGTON, C. D. and A. P. WYLIE. 1955. Chromosome atlas of the flowering aie Macmillan, New York. GILLETT, J. B. 1963. Galega L. (Leguminosae) in tropical Africa. Kew Bull. 17: 81-85. HEAD, S. C. 1957. Mitotic chromosome studies in the genus Asfragalus. Madrono 14: 95-106 JOHNSTON, I. M. 1947. Asfragalus in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. Jour, Arn. Arb. 28: 336-40 324 DINGHAM, G. F. 1957. Chromosome numbers of some Saskatchewan Be as aa particular reference to Astragalus and O xytropis. Canad. Jour. Bot. 35 666. ————_——.. 1958. Chromosome numbers in Asiisealis. Proc. Genet. pi Cink 3: 15-18. —————.. 1960. Chromosome numbers in Astragalus and Oxyfropis. Canad. Jour. Genet. Cytol. 2: 119-128 ——_____——. and B. M. REVER. 1963. Chrom - numbers of some as hee species of Nees and Owytropis eon anad. Jour. Genet. Cytol OVE, A. and D. LOVE. 1961. Chromosome ieee of central and ae aa pean plant species. Opera Botanica 5: 1-581. SENN, H. - 1938. Chromosome number relationships in the Leguminosae. Bibliogr. Genet. 12: 175-336. Sa R, B L. 1956. Chromosome numbers in the Leguminosae. Am. Jour. Bot. 43: - 1959. The Legumes of Texas. University of Texas Press, Austin. ————— and O. S. FEARING. 1959, Chromosome numbers in aca II: African species, including phyletic interpretations. Am. Jour. Bot. 46: 49 oe H. 1943. Chromosomes of Asfragalus. Bull. Torr. cs Club 70: 430- YURTSEY B. A. 1963. On the floristic relations between steppes and prairies. Bot, Not. 116: 396-40 PLATE I Figs. 1-12—Somatic chromosomes of New World species of Astragalus drawn with the aid of a camera lucida originally at x 2250 reduced by 50% in reproduction. Fig. 1 A. desperatus var. desperatus, 2n=24, Rever 78. Fig. 2. A. amphioxys var. amphioxys, 2n=22, Rever 72. Fig. 3. A. inyoensis, 2n=22, DeDecker 1519. Fig. 4. A. lentiginosus var. fremontii, 2n=22, DeDecker, 1484. Fig. 5. A. johannis-howellii, 2n=22, DeDecker, 1505. Fig. 6. A. coccineus, 2n=22, DeDecker, July 22, 1962. Fig. 7. A. ceramicus var. imperfectus, 2n= 22, Porter 3954. Fig. 8. A. purshii var. glareosus, 2n=22, Rever 111. Fig. 9. A. whitneyi, 2n=22, DeDecker 1535. Fig. 10. A. cymboides, 2n=24, Rever 58. Fig. 11. A. miguelensis, 2n=22, Raven 18012. Fig. 12 A. calycosus, 2n=22, DeDecker 1522. Origin of material given in Table I. $< Oe 6 ® wy te a Ma, “+ a ary 3 ~ af fae a Xk f 7 aS 7 at & r ’ & ° 3 2 z eter RY) ASS -m S — . “ae ax : 6 + is = + é < ge x ¢ . ae CT SNS » ' + > “te “ ® io ‘. 8 ww Oa 1% a » 4 Jz @e : ~ <¢ aa q . % 326 PLATE II Figs. 13-22. Somatic chromosomes of Old World species of Astragalus and Oxytropis drawn with the aid of a camera lucida originally at x 2250 reduced by 50% in reproduction. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. A. odoratus, 2n=16, O. Tosun. A. micropteris, 2n=32, O. Tosun. A. spinosus, 2n=16, J. P. Mandaville, April 20, 1963. A. angustifolius, 2n=32, O. Tosun. A. ovals, 2n—16,.O- Tosun, . Az A A O O hamosus, 2n=ca. 42, Ledingham 2805. . hololeios, 2n=16, Universitatis Bergensis 4309. . vulpinus, 2n=16, Russia. . parryi, 2n=16, DeDecker 1523. . monticola, 2n=48, Kamloops 1939. @ R s > r +* t, os ay “qt ot c, & a & = ® $n ¥_R ge? a" var s** id . | ‘< Cd v8 & a 3 1% <= an . 7 ma x # ye > ¢ + ear ® R R a ua 3 o o ¢ 3** a eo a e405 of Fay a2 sey e a ety 88 way Ace we vy out & a an 2 . & a at YELLOW-FLOWERED LINUM (LINACEAE) IN TEXAS C. MARVIN ROGERS Department of Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan During the course of some studies of the genus Linum, I have had the opportunity to examine a large number of specimens from Texas. Since the state is of interest in having far more species than any other and since, henceforth, attention will not be given particularly to the Texas taxa, it seems profitable to bring together at this time some of the accumulated data. Some collections from the state have not yet been seen and these no doubt would reveal some more county records, but it seems unlikely that the distribution patterns which have emerged will be greatly changed. The features used to distinguish the various taxa, especially in the L. rigidum group, will be discussed further at a later date. The characters used in the key are certainly not necessarily the most significant. Living material of most of the Texas species is now at hand and it may be that cytological and genetic studies of these plants will result in some modi- fication of the species and varieties as treated here, but a sufficient amount of material has been examined that the present interpretation should provide a basic framework for the field identification and recog- nition of the Texas taxa. For the ranges of some of the plants described here, collections from about 45 herbaria were examined, but for species of the L. rigidum group (L. alatum, L. aristatum L. australe, L. puberulum, L. rigidum and L. vernale) distributional data comes principally from the collections of the United States Museum, the Gray Herbarium, the New York Botanical Garden, the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Chicago Museum of Natura History, Southern Methodist University, the University of Texas and the Lundell Herbarium, while for L. rupestre and L. schiedeanum the records come mainly from the last three. To the curators of all of these collec- tions thanks are gratefully given. The features of the genus as found in the state (excluding the two or three blue flowered species) may be summarized as follows: labrous or occasionally pubescent annual or perennial herbs; leaves simple, sessile, entire or the upper glandular-toothed, alternate, opposite or rarely whorled on the lower part of the stem, alternate above; stipular glands present or none; inflorescence a terminal scorpioid cyme; flowers regular; sepals 5, imbricate, all or only the inner commonly with glandu- lar-toothed margins; petals 5, convolute, separate, yellow, fugacious: ‘Contribution No. 121 from the Department of Biology, Wayne State University, De- troit, Michigan SIDA 1 an 328—336. 1964. 329 stamens 5, united basally, with or without diminutive intervening staminodia; ovary superior, 5-carpelled, but becoming more or less com- pletely 10-locular through the intrusion of false septa, dehiscing into 5 or 10 segments; seeds 10; styles 5, separate or united; stigmas capitate. KEY TO THE SPECIES AND VARIETIES la. Styles separate or nearly so; fruit ultimately dehiscing into 10 one- 3a. Fruit pyriform, longer than broad; pollen about 10-colpate . . Ll. L. floridanum 3b. Fruit spheroidal, as broad or noua en ee pollen 3-colpate. 4a. Margins of inner sepals with conspicuous stalked glands; mature fruit in dried specimens usually adhering to the plant; leaves narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate 2. L. medium var. texanum 4b. Margins of inner sepals glandless or with very inconspicuous glands; mature fruit in dried specimens usually soon shattering; leaves elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate . . . 3. L. striatum 2b. Sepals all with glandular teeth 5a. Perennial; styles completely separate; pollen 3-colpate 6a. Leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate or atc some of the lower ones in whorls of four . . L. schiedeanum 6a. Leaves linear, the lower ones sien or pene 5. L. rupestre 5b. Annual; styles united at the base; pollen aoe: about 20 germ pores 6. L. suleatum lb. Styles united to above the middle; fruit achiveue along the false septa into 5 two-seeded segments 7a. Sepals entire or fringed, not glandular-toothed 8a. Upper leaves and bracts sparsely, but conspicuously ciliate- margined; cartilaginous portion of false septa conspicuously wider toward the base of carpel . 7, L. imbricatum 8b. Upper leaves and bracts not Aiiate: anayeined: cartilaginous por- tion of false septa uniformly narrow or absent throughout 8. L. hudsonioides 7b. Sepals glandular-toothed 9a. Plants grayish puberulent throughout . . . 9. L. puberulum 9b. Plants glabrous or nearly so throughout 10a. Outer sepals ovate, the broad, scarious margins irregularly crenate, each of the coarse teeth bearing a delicate gland 0 L. alatum 10b. Outer sepals lanceolate or narrower, the margins not scarious or narrowly so, regularly, though sometimes sparsely, serrate with gland-tipped teeth lla. False septa incomplete, the inner c adaoes terminating in a loose fringe; sepals persistent in fru : 11. L. vernale llb. False septa complete; sepals usually deciduous in fruit 12a. Leaves small, the lower tending to be hidden among the branches; plant broomlike, bushy with long, slender stiffly spreading-ascending, few-flowered branches . 12. L. aristatum 12b. Leaves quite evident; plants not ‘proomaliice: rather few- branched at the base or in the inflorescence 13a. Stipular glands absent 14a. Styles 6—10 mm. long 15a. Stigmas pale; sepals green 16a. Fruit thin-walled (dark seeds commonly evident through the wall), elliptic, the base rounded. 13a. L. aioe var. rigidum 16a. Fruit thick walled, opaque, broadly ovoid, tapering abruptly at the flattened base . . . 13b, L. rigidum var. berlandieri 15b. Stigmas black: sepals sieioielh: or purplish. . : e Ll. dane: var. filifolium 14b. Styles 3—4 mm. long .. . “13d. L. rigidum var. compactum 13b. Stipular glands present (sometimes on the lower part of plant only) 17a. Styles more than 6 mm. long; petals more than 10 mm. long 18a. Sepals green; stigmas pale . 13b. L. rigidum var. berlandieri 18b. Sepals grayish or purplish; stigmas black. 13c. L. Paae var. . filifolium 17b. Styles less than 6 mm. ign: Ee less than 10 mm. lon 19a. Stipular glands present only near the base of the plant . 14a. L. australe var. iia 19b. Stipular glands present ate ieoninent throughout . 14b. L. australe var. Si inaiosun 1. LINUM FLORIDANUM (Pianchs Trel. var. FLORIDANUM. This, with the next two, is a part of a series of seven perennials, all confined to eastern North America. (See Brittonia 15: 47-122, 1963, for further dis- cussion of these two species.) Though differing from the next in perhaps a dozen qualitative and quantitative characters, this variety is closely related to L. medium var. texanum, and is thought to hybridize with it. Several collections from eastern Texas appear to involve L. floridanum as a parent and it is possible that additional collecting in that part of the state will show it to be more widespread there. It is a fairly common plant in pine and pine-palmetto woodlands throughout much of the southern Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, but is presently known in Texas from a single specimen from Hardin County. 2. LINUM MEDIUM (Planch.) Britton var. TEXANUM (Planch.) Fern. The typical variety of this species is confined to Ontario, but variety texanum ranges throughout most of eastern United States, westward to southeastern Iowa and eastern Texas, where it is a species of open woods, meadows and grassy roadsides. eee eee L ee eee | ! pat Maney ide MATOS, lo -wicita Falls ‘ 5 cr Pot "ort Wart Lk “El Paso $an’Angelo Wad y “Waco . T o| x J& S. N. | Egnace “ \ XN on sf NA San sm ~ \ |. L. floridanum \ cn de yh yt af mete Re - ! ! ae tas Bp | Amarillo Lo aa aaa eer Fas ‘Lubbdc we af e Dallas @® Fort: ‘Worth? ° oS” t < Paso i al San Antonio, corpus Chris 3.L. striatum . Corpus Christi aredo. Ba mi ae el Ce ! ; ==. i - Amarillo H he i TO rie pen, i] wee Fae — ie | ‘Lubbdc 4 i * Fort W é El al | i . ‘or por i Peas eceites ay cea, ut ee a t al ae! | SanAngefog = 9% Waco, Ty | a . i ‘See . 5 © ¢ 2 e @ os 2 Beaumont z F § .¢ ~9! =< ‘e ° 0 . 5.L.rupestre _ Corpus Christ Y Laredo is | ‘.: : 1 $Sam/Angelog Res ona a ole ey a ! Saha isi i | oO oN ma ‘Wichita Falls na “~@¢ ‘Lubbd ick’ | | Fort wast? 0 i Sanaa a Si Raa ™~ . A = 1 2 ' . Goat mA i _ <5 ra ok. to 2.L.mediu N “coms Christi, var. ace aun Sa) ae: mol re Bay ! i i i i i i bi ds i wot a, ent vay aie a i ‘Lubbs he a4 | [Forth wert 2 Lat \ aia erie ie i Ctl Zt “eer | San’ wand | ocr Bae | \—- “wy 4 | a, | [ PuACS \ ome iL LA oN “~@! “4 Bee ©, as x \. Corpus Christi 4.L.schiedeanum SSaeid Tete eer tos = \ {jt me Z ies wet Fase” a 5 utee en ae nee Lt @. 1 sash 2 au \ epee oh i= TOA AA SH IA Paso TOT | I. | | Oh Sag SY .. 7 (_ San/Angel9, tan one i: =e . “a js 6 , ; : ) ; : ! ofS A Beguimont o ‘ Fania: wn Hovst Trl f a aa a —~ 1 | =e \. corpus Christi 6.L.sulcotum | jst sla 332 3. LINUM STRIATUM Walt. This species is also widely distributed in eastern United States, mostly in the nonglaciated regions in moist situa- tions along the borders of ponds, streams and roadside ditches. Perhaps two dozen collections from scattered localities in 15 counties in eastern Texas have been seen. 4. LINUM SCHIEDEANUM Schlecht. and Cham. This and the next are part of a complex of taxa, principally Mexican, of which the identity and relationships are far from completely clear. It seems fairly certain that the Texas plants included here belong to a very widely distributed species, correctly interpreted as L. schiedeanum. As such, it is found mostly in calcareous soil from southern Mexico northward to the Chisos, Del Norte, Glass and Guadalupe Mountains of western Texas and south- ern New Mexico. 5. LINUM RUPESTRE (A. Gray) Engelm. This variable species occu- pies about the same range and habitat as the last and the two are found together over much of their ranges. Linum rupestre is found throughout most of Mexico, with central and western Texas constituting the north- ernmost limit of its range. 6. LINUM SULCATUM Riddell. This species is found in prairies and prairie like areas throughout central and northeastern United States and southern Canada, but is infrequently collected in the southern part of the range. It is of special interest in the genus, since it combines traits of the primitive L. rupestre and the highly specialized L, rigidum groups. 7. LINUM IMBRICATUM (Raf.) Shinners. This and the next species resemble one another and have not generally been separated. (See Rhodons 65: 50-55, 1963, for further discussion of these three species.) They are small plants of distinctive habit with many, small imbricate leaves and few-flowered inflorescences. Though specimens have come from along both the Oklahoma and Mexico boundaries, the known range lies entirely within Texas, where it is a plant | of sandy soil throughout much of the east central part of the state. 8. LINUM HUDSONIOIDES Planch. Along with L. wmbricatum, this is closely allied to the L. rigidum group which follows. It is found princi- pally in sandy or gravelly, sometimes calcareous soil in the west central part of the state, with outlying stations in the trans-Pecos region of west Texas and southern New Mexico, the Wichita Mountains and perhaps in central Kansas. 9. LINUM PUBERULUM (Engelm.) Heller. This is easily recognized as the only densely pubescent species in the region. It is closely related to L. australe and occupies about the same range as that species at low and medium elevations in the mountains from southeastern Wyoming to Utah, south into northern Mexico and eastward through the trans-Pecos region of western Texas where it is found in rocky, sandy or occasionally calcareous situations. “TTT ij |! Peles rome " as sent Fao ae) een 4 ‘Tubb ac ck i Fost Worth? i +. a e. N ee pa CE he eS Paso ' t t_1 acy 3 ~ T™ Sonangeleg ra oe LS ‘ ci \. pO a, San Antoriog ms. f ‘ ~~ . \ise® 7 Leimbricatum *Cormusgys ° wee \ 7 i i | i 1 _ | - Amari a ac tat lol ete aie are ye] [4 ae san eee "Fort Wart. 5 i Ceee® e gperagetog vets Bae “oiate, AMS 16 (ca Gama a eet pel heatnaht ‘@ ome Ho om sf ‘ oo Antonio, >. ~ ; t ] 9.L. puberulum \ i | ae , ‘Corpus Christi No Lo y Laredo. Vy tm mi a eee F ies ia a ae i in| i Hest vi fa rt ae ie ° : > TLubbdck! | at pal ! Oe (acc ca he es BP ca i | | \_| eri? io oa TA ofstin : | | tied BR gaa oS ai vies —— =| Ss NS yh _* 0 e. | | Wate, ail : ae $0 ne ‘. aan ‘nace Ay 4 | o> 1 paAnsifo cn as > a ‘| un " se | eo ak ‘ A tT a , \ ni ~@/ “ Sah va 05 ~~ \ ae N. Christi II.L. vernale ahs fa! y Laredo. < \ Cor, us Christ 8.L. pudsonivides hee fest ; a a l | ae es Eee i | i "Amarillo i i The i Hi | 4. ) ess oe i @ wichita Fails ary | 1) Lubbdck’ i t ! UC ™ 54 . e tin KH ty ) @ ; Ss p6: Peaumonto ¢ % oe eae OH ~~ tHouston?. “A San mere \@ re. r Deas ae al a i | i reemace i i I i i xo rrr sy T baa ake eee ret ei Fale — = oO Y 4 ryt |] i . ae fe} ova is i t | Fort Wort ores | i ae SanAngelo, x) Ty ar 10. L. alatum XU \, Corp’ f cae? \ , I e pS ! ! en . Amarillo " OO Ne ION, etn False rs ~ sla { i ‘tubo ats, prety i “fort Worth? ~4 ies Ae oh ae x onestin : nN san Antonio, wf ~~ Re SE 334 10. LINUM ALATUM (Small) Winkler. Like the previous species, this may be quite readily recognized, in this case by the unique sepals. Though it differs in other ways from L. rigidum var. berlandieri, it is surely closely related to that plant. The ranges of the two overlap, but there does not appear, in the specimens examined, evidence of hybridism. Linum alatum is found in sandy soil, sometimes along the beach, in south- eastern Texas, with a collection or two from Tamaulipas, Mexico, near the Rio Grande and from western Louisiana. 11. LUNUM VERNALE Wooton. The poorly developed false septa and the tendency for the sepals to persist, together with several other fea- tures such as fruit shape and texture, indicate that this may be one of the more primitive species of the L. rigidum group. The species is found on stony, commonly limestone hills in the trans-Pecos region of Texas, adjacent New Mexico and northern Mexico. 12, LINUM ARISTATUM Engelm. This is a distinctive species, though certain of its features do not lend themselves to precise description. In addition to the characters indicated in the key, it has unique pale, nar- rowly elliptic, thin walled, easily crushed capsules. It is a species of sandy soil, ranging from eastern Utah and western Colorado south to northern Mexico and eastward into west Texas. 13a. LINUM RIGIDUM Pursh var. RIGIDUM. Linum rigidum ranges from southern Canada to central Mexico, with the Mexican populations, partly because of the scarcity of good collections, being poorly known. Long a source of confusion, the complex of which this is a part is the subject of some studies now in progress. In Texas the species appears to consist of four varieties which, though tending to intergrade somewhat in some areas, are sufficiently distinct that nearly every plant can be readily named. What is usually interpreted as the typical variety (the type has not been located) is a plant of the plains, ranging from north central Texas (one specimen from Aransas County) northward to Alberta and Manitoba. It is the tallest variety (average about 30 cm.) with an open, few flowered inflorescence, relatively large floral parts and no stipular glands. 13b. L. RIGIDUM var. BERLANDIERI (Hook.) T. & G. This is a showy plant, with some reason often considered a separate species, It is gen- erally shorter (average 15-20 cm.) and more compact than var. rigidum, with leaves averaging twice as wide (2 mm.) and with sepals and floral bracts tending to be coarser and 3-nerved rather than 1-nerved. In the northern part of the range, where it overlaps that of var. rigidum, a number of collections appear to be intermediate. In southern Texas short, bushy branched, leafy variation which probably warrants further study. While the key is designed to include plants without stipular glands, they are present in nearly 90% of the specimens examined of this and i i i i ie i | l i ! e xa ! ot Fe ein ell ee ino ~ ne we ® m1 ! i i ! Dallas, F i i. ve ~ Fort Worth @e - a i Saas | e = -= Paso’ | ean Waco Paso @ a , Sav Angelog KO Org ee ee e- “a £ a e. : \ 5 ) ° mB aeatroorts : ) e e x daca eX uston? . rr ba ol Anyang ei \ .@ I3a. L.rigidum — ~ corpus Christi 4 I Sb. be rigidu NS Gh var. rigidum — PLaredo ar. perigndieg : ace ie, i [TT cm i « @¢ t i {yi | i reamaailp chee he i i oy, ee aves ta ino i e et Fas ieedtes 1 i ‘Lubba U i pt Dallas, \ i ots re Lt \ Fort Worth ® e 5 1 i Fort Worth® bai itd yes e eee ees < Ayes ad San/Angelo, a ee , 5am Angelo, ‘ Maco, i a 1 : . es aN aan \ Lg . — . . LVN i \ : i eee c) ° tin pentnant’s ‘ , Austin Beaumontc 7 a 4 Soe, r uston? San ANTOD, i “J i \ — Antonio, I3c. L. rigidum \ pong I3d.L. rigidum %: Corpus Christi ili i Laredo. var. filifolium e 0 ar. compactum ani ‘Re aon — ~ ee eee ‘aied es WEE a4 ror i i | i | Amarillo a i Amarillo j i eel. so ie , i hi Fas? se ete yg il lo wichita ae ry] igs : ichita Fatts = { ~ ‘Lubbdck” ae i i Lubbdc tals LY 1 + + T o t we i - Fort Worth? 2 ; H Fort Worth woe i RE ce nen : N. SET Paso TOTS! rE | | Mago me ac San Angelo Waco, : \ if San‘Angelgg ” ‘ : BEMo Tx EN { T 2 x | if 7 i : Sd é “S Me 4 Austin ) \ siete Beaumonto , \ .. g. Beaumonto ¢” * ., \ . —se 7 \ aoe A “ ‘San Antonio, Oi ae San Antonio, Seat \ poo ~ i4qa. L. australe vor. australe X Corpus Christi “Ylarede \ \ \. I4b.L. australe Corpus Christi pitsreo \ var. glandulosum*. 336 of variety filifolium. Variety berlandieri is found pretty much through- out the state and as far north as southeastern Colorado and central ansas 13c. L. RIGIDUM var. FILIFOLIUM Shinners. As interpreted here, var. filifolium is a rather variable population. Most collections have come from sandy, rocky or sometimes calcareous soil in west Texas, but a few puzzling plants included here come from the southern plains country, while southeastward near the Mexico boundary, there is a gradual tran- sition toward plants which are often perennial and possess long, slender sepals. These have been called L. elongatum. More study is necessary to determine the relationship of the west Texas plants to those found from Webb to Hidalgo Counties, as well as to some anomalous collections from northern Mexico. 13d. L. RIGIDUM var. compactum (Nelson) Rogers, comb. nov. (L. compactum, Nelson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 241, 1904). This small floral parts, no stipular glands and with rather coarse foliage and fruit somewhat as in var. berlandieri. Like var. rigidum, this is a plant of the plains, being found from northern Texas to southern Canada. 14a. LINUM AUSTRALE Heller var. AUSTRALE. Linum australe is a plant of low and medium elevations in the Rocky Mountains, most closely allied to L. puberulum, but also very likely related to L. rigidum. In Texas two varieties may be recognized. The typical variety, which has been collected in the Chisos and Davis Mountains, is found from north- ern Mexico to Alberta. 14b, L. AUSTRALE var. glandulosum Rogers, var. nov. Differt a var. auStrali,quod stipulas glandulosas atque clarissimas, flores paulo maiores, fructum paulo minorem hebet. HOLOTYPE: Palmer 465, Otinapa, Durango, Mexico (US; isotypes F, GH, MO, This differs from var. australe in the possession of very conspicuous stipular glands, these often being found at the base of the sepals as well as the bracts and leaves, and in the somewhat larger floral parts and smaller fruits. It is found from southern Arizona and the Davis Moun- tains in western Texas, south to Pueblo, Mexico. CALYLOPHUS (OENOTHERA IN PART: ONAGRACEAE) IN TEXAS LLOYD H. SHINNERS Herbarium, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75222 Dr. Raven’s new look at Oenothera and its allies is sure to win adherents, though it will take some time to become adjusted to the unfamiliar nomenclature. Among the species conservatively included in Oenothera, those with entire or subentire stigma and widely flaring summit on the calyx tube form a very well-marked group. Users of the floras of Small and Rydberg have known them as Meriolix and Galpinsia, but the first generic name published with description was Calylophus. All the species recognized variously by Munz and Raven occur in Texas, as do most of the infraspecific taxons. Because a monographic treatment by Dr. Raven is not likely to be ready in time for one local and two state floras now in active preparation, this brief review has been pre- pared. It is based on 308 specimens in the S.M.U. Herbarium (205 of them from Texas), plus original descriptions of species and varieties previously published, and a few notes on type specimens given by Munz (1929) Just as among the genera there are almost no differentiating char- acters that hold throughout, so every promising character for separating pattern. For example, extremely short sepal-tips on the flower buds are typical of C. Hartwegii var. lavandulaefolius, but rarely a plant typical in other respects may have long sepal-tips. This conceivably could result from introgression with var. Hartwegii in the rather large area in which both occur. But in southern Trans-Pecos Texas the reverse variation is found, var. Hartwegii rarely showing extremely short sepal-tips, here outside the range of var. lavandulaefolius. I believe that the basic varia- tion pattern, and chief cause of taxonomic difficulty, is one of homo- logous mutations, appearing especially in pubescence and leaf-form. In- trogression also occurs (to a limited extent among the varieties of C. Hartwegii, more extensively between those of C. serrulatus), and along with seasonal variation, helps to complicate the picture. All this makes construction of dichotomous keys most difficult. Those given here are intended for identification, not definition, and are for use with plants in flower. When leaf dimensions are used, they are those of leaves on flowering stems. In the text are mentioned additional features which, though commonly present and helping to define the varieties, break down too often to be really useful in a working key. SIDA 1 (6): 337-345. 1964, 338 Additional synonymy is to be found in the two publications of Munz (1929, 1944). I have cited only what was necessary to establish the nomenclature here adopted and to indicate the principal departures from the treatments of Munz. It would be most easy to add a long, specula- tive discussion of the history and relationships of the recognized taxons, but I do not feel that present knowledge justifies it. KEY TO SPECIES la. Sepals with prominent raised midrib or low keel, foe buds 4- ribbed or 4-ridged, especially toward summit. . C. serrulatus lb. Sepals without prominent midrib or keel, flower 7 smooth 2a. Calyx tube funnelform in upper 2/3 or more, 6—30 mm. long (above ovary) . . C. tubicula 2b. Calyx tube esas in upper 1/2 or igs! 1b 55 mm. long . . 3. C. Hartwegii 1. C. SERRULATUS (Nuttall) Raven, Brittonia 16: 286. 1964. Two var- leties are recognized for Texas, with intermediates due partly to intro- gression, but also due partly to variation trends not related to introgres- sion. More intensive study may justify recognition of the large-flowered southern phase of var. serrulatus, occurring mainly outside the range of the even larger-flowered var. spinulosus. Both varieties show more or less clinal variation, var. serrulatus in flower size, var. spinulosus in leaf-width, but the extremes are not considered worthy of nomenclatural recognition. A single specimen from Arizona combines the small flowers, short leaves, and pubescence of var. serrulatus with the narrow leaf- dimensions of var. spinulosus, but is outside the range of both. I consider this as belonging to a third variety, illustrating independent mutation or recombination of characters derived from a remote ancestor.! KEY TO VARIETIES OF C. SERRULATUS la. Leaves 3'2—9 times as long as wide . . var. serrulatus lb. Leaves (except lowest) 9—40 times as one as wie a oe as var. spinulosus. la. C. SERRULATUS var. SERRULATUS. Oenothera serrulata Nuttall, Genera 1: 246—247. 1818. rom the river Platte to the mountains, on dry hills; flowering in June. ... Stem simple, slender, 8 to 12 inches high, foliose; leaves a little more than an inch long, 2 to 3 lines wide, attenuated downwards, distinctly serrulate, not toothed... .” O. serrulata var. Nuttallu T. & G., Fl. N. A. 1: 501. 1840. (Based on the preceding, equivalent to what we now call var. serrulata.) O. serrulata var. Drum- mondti T. &. G., lc. 502. “Low, minutely puberulent; stems simple: ~ 1 CALYL OPHUS SERRULATUS var. arizonicus swe var. nov. Ad var. serrula- ‘um statura minore, foliis et floribus parvis, pubescentia cinerea praecipue partium juniorum, ad var. spinulosum ate perangustis (e.g. x 2.2 mm. 28 BC 2.8 ele heey . HOLO- TYPE: 4 miles upstream Pa White River on the White River, Nav Co., Arizona, S. J. Preece, Jr. & B. L. Turner 2692, 25 June 1951 (SMU). “Dry sandy river bank; silty sandy soil. Plant 1 foot or less heh. Petals yellow. Tap-root woody.” 339 leaves linear-spatulate or spatulate-oblong ... ; flowers larger; capsules puberulent ... Texas, Drummond!” (Based on Calylophus Drummondit Spach, whose description I have not seen, but the different form of the epithet makes it a new name rather than a new combination, and the citation of a specimen seen by T. & G. could also justify treating it as an entirely new and independent though synonymous name.) This name has been used by Munz chiefly for var. spinulosus, but the original description clearly indicates the larger-flowered phase of var. serrulatus common in southern Texas, while var. spinulosus is absent from the counties botanized by Drummond. Plant low-growing, more or less gray pubescent, with short, subentire or rather bluntly and inconspicuously toothed leaves and small to moderately large flowers. Variations in Texas which may be due to introgression with var. spinulosus include plants with tall stems, or largely glabrate, or with large, prominently spinulose-toothed leaves, or in some cases large flowers, or combinations of these features. Proba- bly most of the variation in toothing of leaves represents spontaneous mutations. At least in the southern part of the range, I believe that a outside the area of var. spinulosus. In flowered plants were treated under var. Drummondii, but flower size does not correlate well with leaf-dimension, which I believe permits a better geographic separation. Panhandle to Grand Prairie (Denton and Tarrant counties), south and southeast to the lower Rio Grande Plain and Coastal Bend (east to ilam, Brazos, Jackson, and San Patricio counties), southwest to Loving, Ward, Val Verde, and Webb counties; absent from the Trans- are considered aberrant forms of this variety on grounds of locality (well outside the range of var. spinulosus), dwarf stature, and short leaves. KENEDY CO.: Yturria Ranch near Willacy Co. line, Lundell & Lundell 8735, 6 May 1940. (Leaves 31 X 3.1 mm., 27 X 3 mm.,, 26 X 3.2 mm.; plant apparently normal. Other collections from the region very similar to it have slightly wider leaves.) KLEBERG CO.: 12 miles southwest of Riviera, infrequent on sandy roadside, Cory 55259, 31 March 1949. (Leaves 30 X 1.1 mm., 25 X 2 mm.; an injury form, with small, slender shoots from apparently mowed and perhaps burned plants.) lb. C. SERRULATUS var. spinulosus (Nuttall, ined.; ex T. & G.) Shinners, comb. nov. Oenothera serrulata var. spinulosa (Nutt., ined.) = A. 1: 502. 1840. “Taller, often branching, almost glabrous; leaves linear, elongated, acute (sometimes obtuse), spinulose-serrate; flowers rather large; capsules minutely pubescent.—OE. spinulosa, Nutt.! ined. ... Arkansas, Nuttall! Dr. Leavenworth!” The locality refers to the Arkansas Territory of that time, including eastern Oklahoma whic 340 almost certainly was the actual type of locality; I have seen no speci- mens from Arkansas. Reference is made to Hooker, Exotic Flora 2 t. 140, 1825, which shows the upper portion of a plant of this variety as here understood, the form with pure yellow flowers. As mentioned above, the plants treated by Munz as Oenothera serrulata var. Drummondii chiefly belong here.—Oenothera serrulata var. pinifolia Engelm. ex Gray, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 6 (Pl. Lindh. 2): 189. 1850. “Rocky prairies, New Braunfels. April.—This is just the OE. serrulata var. spinulosa, except that the leaves are extremely narrow.” (See also Heller’s com- ment, te under the next.)—Meriolix melanoglottis Rydb. ex Small, 1. . U.S. 846 and 1335. 1903. Type collection Heller 1600, about Kerr- ville. — Co., Texas, 12—19 June 1894. There are two sheets of this number at SMU, apparently belonging to what had been two different collections, later combined under one distribution number. One is a whole plant 24 cm. tall, with root, in early flower, with linear- oblanceolate leaves, a representative one measuring 45 «x 4.5 mm. The other has a piece of stem almost 11 cm. long with 7 branches up to 40 cm. long, bearing a few flower buds, and lance-linear leaves, a representa- tive one measuring 43 x 2.5 mm. The original description covers both forms. Heller himself gave these comments in his Botanical Explora- tions in Southern Texas (Contrib. Herb. Franklin & Marshall College 1: 71, 1895): “Plentiful about Kerrville, especially along the Guadalupe and Town Creek, usually in gravelly or stony ground. Not only the throat of the calyx and the disk-shaped stigma are dark black-purple, but also the throat of the corolla. Of the hundreds of flowers seen, hardly half a dozen were without this marking. The variety pinifolia is merely a very narrow leaved form of this species. Both forms grow together and there is no other character to distinguish them.” Plant rather tall, glabrate, with long, very slender, spinulose-toothed leaves and moderately to very large flowers. Variations perhaps due to introgression with var. serrulatus are lower, or with more pubescence, or shorter leaves with less prominent teeth, or smaller flowers, or combinations of these features. Variation plainly due to spontaneous mutation is that in leaf form, running to the extreme which was named var. pinifolia, concentrated about the Edwards Plateau. I believe that ark pigmentation in the center of the flower, found in the southern part of the range, also represents spontaneous mutation. Edwards Plateau, Grand Prairie and Blackland Prairie, extending west to Taylor and Val Verde counties, east in the northern part of its range to Prairie Border (Van Zandt Co.). Found north and northeast (where perhaps introduced; the one specimen seen is from along rail- road in Waukesha Co.). On the basis of the description given in Steyer- mark’s Flora of Missouri (1963, p. 1102), it is this variety which is re- ported from that state as Oenothera serrulata. It occurs also in Coahuila. 341 Caroline Dormon, in Flowers Native to the Deep South (1958, pp. 84—85), speaks of Meriolix melanoglottis as “entirely distinct” (from Oenothera spinulosa), ‘“‘and in the author’s humble opinion it deserves specific rank. A perfect rock-garden plant, it has spreading wiry stems and linear leaves with a few scattered teeth. The lovely bright yellow flowers, about 14% inches across, have many tiny folds, giving them a ‘crepy’ look. They open out flat and remain open all day, as do those of Cream-cups. The most distinctive feature of the flower is the litle black ‘tongue’ (stigma) ...In the Deep South it is really a tiny shrublet, which remains green all winter. . . . Texas and southwestern Louisiana.” I have not seen Louisiana material, but the supposedly distinguishing fea- tures described by Miss Dormon can be found in Texas in various combi- nations among plants of what I would consider perfectly typical spinu- losus. The variability at the type locality for Meriolix melanoglottis ob- served by its original collector has already been mentioned. At Dallas the plant puts out slender, trailing to ascending, almost vine-like shoots with small leaves that are green over winter, just as Miss Dormon describes. 2. C. TUBICULA (Gray) Raven, Brittonia 16: 286. 1964. (The epithet is not in available dictionaries. Presumably it is an atypical diminutive of tuba, but the case of radicula and radula, words unrelated to each other, eee doubts.) oe tubicula Gray, Smithsonian Contrib. 3 art. 5 (Pl. Wright. 1): 71. 1852. “Prairies beyond the Pecos; Aug.,” Wright 197. “Also sores in much larger and much better pecans in the collection of 1851.” Including var. demissa Gray, ibid. 71—72. the Guadalupe Mountains; Oct.,” (Wright 197 (partim)). Northeastern Trans-Pecos and adjacent counties just east of the Pecos; specimens seen from Brewster, Culberson, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, or short-lived perennial with rather short, broad leaves; large-flowered forms are extremely similar superficially to C. Hartwegii var. Hartwegi (particularly those forms of the latter which have been treated as Oenothera Hartwegii var. Fendlert) ). 3. C. HARTWEGII (Bentham) Raven, Brittonia 16: 286. 1964. A trouble- some assemblage of forms, most of them wide-ranging and overlapping geographically. The extremes appear quite distinct, but there is so much variation that races cannot be sharply defined. I recognize five varieties in Texas; a sixth occurs in Arizona.’ All have an extended blooming season from spring to fall. Two con- trasting patterns of variation are shown by those in Texas, two varieties having prevailingly broader, shorter leaves than var. Hartwegii, while two are consistently very narrow-leaved. ARTWEGII var. Toumeyi (Small) Shinners, comb. nov. Galpinsia oe 1) or ET Torr. Bot. Club 25: 317. 1898. Ocnothera Heres var. Toumey: (Smal Munz, Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 708. 342 KEY TO VARIETIES OF C. HARTWEGII la. Leaves (except lowest) abruptly narrowed to truncate or slightly clasping at base, narrowly ovate or ovate-oblong to oblong or oblong- elliptic 3c. var. pubescens lb. Leaves ease ener | at Ge or senteniciy narrow throughout, filiform or linear to lanceolate, oblanceolate, or elliptic-lanceolate 2a. Leaves 2%—5 times as long as wide, widely spreading to slightly reflexed or occasionally ascending, sharply dentate or occasionally sub-entire; plants of lower Rio Grande Plain (also northeastern Mexico) b. var. Maccartii 2b. Leaves 540 ae as Sone as wide seeehainicsn or rarely spreading, entire or occasionally sharply dentate (frequently so in Mexico); plants found west and north of lower Rio Grande Plain 3a. Leaves linear to oblanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 1.3—13.0 mm. wide, 5—20 times as long as wide (narrowest dimensions on sum- mer or fall shoots of var. lavandulaefolius with dense, gray pubes- cence) 4a. Leaves linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous to sparsely pubescent (rarely rather densely and min- utely pubescent with hairs up to 0.3 mm. long in plants from outside Texas) . . da. var. Hartwegii 4b. Leaves linear or ree inecolete:. gray with dense, mostly appressed hairs up to 0.6 mm. long . 3d. var. sae es tomee 3b. Leaves filiform to linear, 0.5—2.0 mm. wide, 12—40 times as ong as wide, green, inconspicuously puberulent and glandular- viscid; plants of gypsum outcrops, northern Trans-Pecos (also adjacent New Mexico) . . ; . . 8e, var. filifolius 3a. C. HARTWEGII var. HARTWEGII. Oenothera Hartwegii Bentham, Pl. Hartw. 5—6. 1839. From central Mexico; precise locality not known. The entire original description is quoted below; the first two lines ap- peared on em 5, the rest on p. 6 wo OENOTHERA Hartwegii, sp. n., suffruticosa, humilis, de- Saaiene: ‘oliis line Sar me us, Saas integris Vv. sinuato- Henratls glabrius culis, calycix e libera ovario cylindrico sub-4-ies longiore apice infunabeliform ae laciniis ovato-lanceolatis glabri usculis longiuscule subulato-acuminatis, antheris stigma 4-partitum sequantibys.—Caly ix tubus ultra 2 poll. longus. Corolla purpur Oenother ceo Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. 4 pt. 1 (Pl. Fendl.): 46. 1849. Fruticulosa, ramossissima, erecta, undique minutissime viscido-puberula;: foliis parvis (3—6 lin. longis) spathulatis vel oblanceolatis integerrimis sessilibus seu in petiolum pl. m. attenuatis; floribus parvulis; tubo calycis apice breviter obconico filiformi ovario sextuplo laciniisque triangulari- lanceolatis cuspidatis petala rhomboidea subaequantibus quintuplo long- iore; capsula sessili oblongo-prismatica.—Hill southeast of Pelayo, in Chihuahua, Dr. Gregg; May, 1847. ‘A very small semi-shrub; flower yel- low.’ The specimens are about 8 inches high, very bushy; the petals turn 343 to rose-color in drying, as in the allied species, and are one third of an inch in length. Capsules scarcely half an inch long.” Munz (1929, pp. 709—710) makes these comments. “Gray’s type is the smallest and most glabrate plant that I have seen, his variety pubescens being based on a type more like the other plants I have included under Greggii var. typica. But his var. pubescens is not worth varietal rank, the type of the variety typica being pubescent but more minutely so. O. Greggii var. typica intergrades freely with var. lampasana.”’ On the basis of leaf shape, Greggti definitely belongs with var. Hartwegii, while pubescens and lampasana belong together but not with var. Hartwegii.—Oenothera Greggii var. Pringlei Munz, Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 711. 1929. “Leaves and stems strigose-canescent; leaves 1—3(4) cm. long, 1—3(4) mm. wide, wavy-margined and denticulate.’ Type (not seen) from Bachimba this with var. Hartwegii as I understand it.—Oenothera Fendleri Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. 4 pt. 1 (Pl. Fendl.): 45—46. 1849. ‘“Muinutissime pulverulento-glandulifera, glabra; caulibus e radice lignosa decumben- tibus; ramis brevibus adsurgentibus; foliis lanceolatis oblongisve sessili- bus subintegerrimis; calycis tubo apice infundibulari-inflato ovario prismatico sessili laciniisque triangulari-lanceolatis cuspidatis 3—4-plo longiore; petalis rhombei-obovatis stylo paulo longioribus.—Sunny hill- sides at Santa Fe, and on the Rio del Norte; also (chiefly a narrow- leaved form) from Rock Creek eastward to the Cimarron River; May to August,” Fendler 230. O. Hartwegit var. Fendleri Gray, Smithsonian Contrib. 5 art. 6 (Pl. Wright. 2): 58. 1853. This is the most widespread and the most heterogeneous variety. Un- common in Texas; known from the Panhandle, east in the Red Plains to Wilbarger Co., and from the Trans-Pecos, east to Uvalde and Val Verde counties. Until late in my study I attempted to maintain var. Fendleri as a more northern, more glabrous race with broader and more entire leaves (despite the inclusion of narrow-leaved forms in the orig- inal), but the separation proved far too weak to maintain. Stem glabrous or variously pubescent with short hairs only. One specimen from Reeves Co. (Lake Toyah, Cory 52099) has stems with short, erect hairs and some medium long ones, approaching var. pubescens, possibly due to intro- gression with the latter. A form with finely gray-pubescent leaves, superficially resembling var. lavandulaefolius but with shorter hairs, occurs in Mexico, well south of the range of the latter; I believe it should be regarded as a homologous mutation. I have not seen Texas specimens of this form. 3b. C. HARTWEGII var. Maccartii Shinners, var. nov. Folia plerumque patentia vel subreflexa, petiolata vel basi angustata, laminis denticulatis (rarius subintegris) oblanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis pro ratione brevibus (ca. 10—38 mm. longis x 2—8 mm. latis). HOLOTYPE: U.S. Highway 83, 6 miles northwest of Rio Grande (City), Starr Co., Texas, 344 Rosa Ena Benavides 91, 24 March 1963. ‘In mesquite savannah.” Two additional U.S. collections seen, both from Duval Co.: State Highway 44, 7 miles east of Freer, Rebecca M. Rodriguez 104, 18 March 1962. State Highway 359, 10 miles southwest of Benavides, Elvira G. Garcia 113, 22 March 1963. Found also in nearby parts of Mexico. NUEVO LEON. 108 km. (65 mi.) no. (sic! ie. south) of Nuevo Laredo, on road to Monterrey, I’. C. & E. M. Frye 2369, 19 April 1939. Highway 85, 45 miles south of Nuevo Laredo, Juan G. Rivas, Platon Ostos & Wm. L. McCart 8133, 17 March 1962. Villaldama Road, 16 km. west of Sabinas Hidalgo, Martha Dominguez M. & Wm. McCart 8255, 7 April 1962. Highway 85, 17 miles northwest of Sabinas, Juan Jorge Rodriguez 70, 20 March 1963. TAMAULIPAS. 20 miles east of the International Highway, by the Riberena Road, Lorenzo Escalante 55, 24 April 1962 Named in honor of William Larrey McCart, Head of the Science De- partment, Laredo Junior College, for his long and continuing services as an energetic collector of the Texas flora. Lest some hasty pedant accuse me of misspelling, it should be stated that the extra a has been added deliberately because it makes a better Latin form of the name. Records of Oenothera Greggii var. Pringlei from the Rio Grande Plain given by Munz (1944) probably belong here. The leaf dimensions he gives, apparently quoted from the original description, do not apply, but he notes that the Texas plants “are not quite so closely strigose, nor so narrow-leaved as plants from Coahuila and farther south, but they do approach the latter.” 3c. C. HARTWEGII var. pubescens (Gray) Shinners, comb. nov. Oenothera Greggii var. pubescens Gray, Smithsonian Contrib. 3 art. 5 (Pl. Wright. 1): 72. 1852. “Pilis aoe patentibus villosa—Dry hills beyond the Pecos; Aug.,” Wright 199. “Leaves oblong, 2—4 lines long. Though Munz refers to this in his discussion of O. Greggii, already quoted, he nowhere cites it in his lists of synonyms.—O. lampasana Buckley, Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 13 (1861): 454—455. 1862. “Caule sub- prostrato, glanduloso-pilosa; foliis numerosis, ovato-lanceolatis, integris, muDSeSSNIDUS, acutis, glanduloso-pubescentibus . .. Prairies, Lampasas County.” O. Greggu var. lampasana (Buckley) Munz, Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 710. 1929 Stems with long, widely spreading hairs together with short, erect, gland-tipped or glandular hairs and very short, incurved, glandless ones. Occasional plants have few or no glandular hairs, or only short, erect hairs; one specimen from Taylor Co, (east edge of Abilene, Norlan Henderson 63-376) has every dense pubescence of short to medium-long, mostly non-glandular hairs. Leaves usually short and rather wide; nar- row-leaved forms might indicate introgression with other varieties, but the others are so uncommon or localized within the area of var. pubescens that spontaneous mutation seems a more likely explanation. This is much the most common variety in Texas, from the Panhandle and Red Plains 345 to the West Cross Timbers (Erath Co.), south to the northern Edwards Plateau, and southwest through the Trans-Pecos. 3d. C. HARTWEGII var. lavandulaefolius (T. & G.) Shinners, comb. nov. Oenothera lavandulaefolia T. & G., Fl. N.A. 1: 501. 1840. “Plains of the Platte, Dr. James! Nuttall! (‘near Scott’s Bluffs.’) ... Very nearly allied to the Mexican OE. Hartwegii, Benth., which is a more glabrous plant, with narrower leaves, a more slender calyx tube, and ee acuminate segments.” O. Hartwegii var. lavandulaefolia (T. G.) S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 8: 590. 1873. O. Hartwegii var. ae te Munz, Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 705. 1929. Calylophus lavandulifolius (T. are actually hyphenated words from which the hyphen had been dropped; they are not exactly the same as compound words, which the epithet here would become if spelled lavanduwlifolius instead of lavandulaefolius.) Relatively uniform in having very narrow, densely gray-pubescent leaves (narrower than a majority of plants of var. Hartwegit, contrary to the statement in the original description), and nearly always with extremely short free tips to the sepals in bud, but these features are hardly sufficient to justify regarding it as a distinct species. The most northerly of the recognized varieties; as already noted under var. Hartwegti, occasional gray-pubescent forms from Mexico are better re- garded as parallel mutations under that variety and not properly placed here. Frequent in the Texas Panhandle, south to Garza Co.; one record from the northern Trans-Pecos (northern Culberson Co.). 3e. C. HARTWEGII var. filifolius (Eastwood) Shinners, comb. nov. Oenothera tubicula var. filifolia Eastwood, Proc. Calif. Acad. (ser. 3) 1: 72. 1897. (This reference not seen; taken from Munz and the Gray Herbarium Card Index.) Type from White Sands, New Mexico. O. Hartwegii var. filifolia (Eastwood) Munz, Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 707. The most uniform of the accepted varieties, confined to gypsum out- crops in the Trans-Pecos and immediately adjacent counties; specimens seen from Culberson, Hudspeth, and Ward counties REFERENCES MUNZ, PHILIP A. 1929. Studies in Onagraceae IV. A_ revision a the subgenera Sal- pingia and cia of the genus Oenothera, Amer. Journ. Bot. 16: 70 ———————.. 1944. Onagraceae, Oenothera. In Pande 211, Flora of es 3 ae 221— 34 RAVE ae base . H. 1964. The generic subdivision of Onagraceae, tribe Onagreae, Brit- tonia TAXONOMY AND HETEROSTYLY OF NORTH AMERICAN GELSEMIUM (LOGANIACEAE) WILBUR H. DUNCAN AND DONALD W. DEJONG Department of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens According to available floras the genus Gelsemium is represented in North America by two species. One is G. rankinii Small which occurs within 120 miles of the seacoast from North Carolina to Louisiana and the other G. sempervirens (L) Ait. f., which is known in the United States from Virginia to Arkansas and eastern Texas, Mexico, and Guate- mala (Standley, 1924). Both species are woody evergreen vines with attractive yellow funnelform corollas. Another species occurs in eastern sia. Although G. sempervirens was known by Linneaus (1753) and to earlier authors as well (e.g., Gronovius, 1739), G. rankinii apparently was not recognized in literature until Nuttall (1818) referred to a variety of Gelsemium with inodorus flowers. Much later Small (1928) described it as a species. The description and accompanying illustrations clearly indicate the dimorphic nature of its flowers. Dimorphism in G. semper- virens 18 well illustrated by Alexander (1929). The first reference to the dimorphic nature of Gelsemium flowers that is known to us is that by Walter (1788). In his description of G. sempervirens he states, “Varie- tates, staminibus longioribus; stylo longiore.’”’ This may be the earliest report of heterostyly for any species. The earliest observation of heterostyly reported by Darwin (1884) is that by Persoon in 1794. Some aspects of the dimorphism and the apparent intergradation of certain diagnostic characters prompted the present study which included extensive field research and breeding experiments as well as studies of herbarium specimens. Problems attacked included the possible corre- lation of certain morphological and cytological features with the species and heterostylic type involved, some genetical aspects of the heterostyly, the value of characters reported to be of diagnostic value, the distribu- tion of the species, and the extent of any regional variation in the species. Although some questions have not been answered it is appro- priate to report what has been learned. STUDIES OF GROSS CHARACTERISTICS According to the descriptions and keys given by Small (1933) the two species differ in several gross characteristics, i.e., those that ordinarily are used in manuals and in descriptions of species. Our observations have led to the following conclusions. The flowering shoots of G. sempervirens are more likely to be green and those of the G. rankinii red-tinged, than SIDA 1 (6): 346—357. 1964. 347 the reverse which is given by Small. The dilation of corolla tubes of the two species is so frequently similar that this character is of little use diagnostically. The body of the capsules of both species is generally veined, in G. sempervirens slightly more veined, this apparently being somewhat correlated with the size of the capsules. The species have nearly the same range in length of corolla and corolla tube instead of those of G. rankinii being clearly the shorter. The lengths of stamens and pistils in pin types, and also in thrum types of flowers, are essentially the same for both species. Observations on many fresh flowers over a wide geographic range in the field east of Mississippi indicate that G. sempervirens always has odorous flowers and that G. rankinii usually does not. Several popula- tions of the latter, however, have been found to have faintly to strongly odorous flowers, a condition apparently not reported in literature. In these populations the possibility of introgression with G. sempervirens was considered but was concluded to be improbable because features characteristic of G. sempervirens were mostly lacking on those plants with odorous flowers. More information about the possibility of intro- gression will be found later in our discussion of leaf base angles, pollen sizes, pollen fertility, and chromosomal studies. Leaf bases in G. sempervirens are reported by Small (1933) to be narrowed at the base and those of G. rankinii rounded. Our data show that this is only generally true and that the species often cannot be separated by angles of the leaf bases. Angles were measured from special collections from the field and supplemented by others from herbarium specimens. The widest angle and the narrowest angle encountered on for G. sempervirens was from 70° to 150° and for G. rankinii from respectively. Those collections of G. sempervirens with any leaf base over 110° were examined for other characters typical of G. rankinii. None was found, the other characters definitely being those of G. sempervirens. In the case of those collections of G. rankintw having a maximum leaf base angle under 150° examination was made for other characteristics of G. sempervirens. None was found except that three collections with angles of 120°, 130°, and 135°, respectively, had odorous flowers. This is of no great significance, however, for there are more collections of otherwise typical G. rankinii having as small or smaller angles of the leaf base and there were five odorous flowered collec- tions having larger angles (to 180°). Leaf length and width for the two species were also studied. Data from over a hundred leaves of each species when averaged, plotted in a scatter diagram, and otherwise analyzed, show that the leaves of G. sempervirens average less in width and more in length, but only generally have a larger length-width ratio than those of G. rankinii. 348 Ratios for the former were from 2.9 to 5.1 and for the latter 1.0 to 3.9. Observations were made in the field during anthesis on the colors of the corollas of fresh flowers of the two species. The two species could often be distinguished on this basis, the colors of the flowers of G rankinii usually being the darker. The colors for G. sempervirens were: brilliant yellow (2.5Y-9/9 of the Nickerson Color Fan, published by the Munsell Color Co., 1957) to moderate orange yellow (10YR-8/10). For G. rankinit they were: vivid yellow (2.5Y-8/12) to strong orange yellow (7.5YR-7/11). The inner part of the corolla tube of both species, and especially of G. rankinii, was darker than the remainder of the corolla. On the basis of the characters discussed above many herbarium speci- mens or plants in the field, especially those without flowers or fruits, would be difficult to place to a taxon. There also might be some doubt about maintaining two species. Such doubt is dispelled by other gross characters, these of the flower and fruit. The sepals, which appear not to united, are obtuse to broadly pointed in G. sempervirens and acute to usually acuminate in G. rankinit. Pedicels in the former are scaly throughout (an occasional one may be partially naked), whereas in the latter the upper part of the pedicel is naked (an occasional pedicel will have a single scale reaching the base of the calyx, this being less fre- quent for fruits and mature flowers than for flowers just having opened). The body of the mature fruit of the former is 14.0 to 23.0 mm long and 8.0 to 11.0 mm wide, the beak being 1.3 to 3.0 (5.4) mm long. For the latter the data are 9.0 to 12.5 mm, 5.5 to 8.0 mm, and (2.4) 3.0 to 4.3 mm, respectively. Beak measurements for G. rankinii under 3.0 mm were fruits of the previous year, the shortness apparently being due to disintegration during the winter. For G. sempervirens measure- ments over 3.0 mm are uncommon and include a part or all of the upper portion of the style. This portion apparently falls off later as a unit, for beaks were either under 3.1 mm or over 5 mm long. In the latter case a region of dehiscense was usually evident. The seeds readily dis- tinguish the two species for those of G. sempervu ens are winged and those of G. rankinii not. The possibility of correlation of pin and thrum flower types with gross characters was also studied. The characters included length of corolla and corolla tube, color of corolla, leaf dimensions, and fruit dimensions. No correlation was DISTRIBUTIONAL STUDIES Observations in the field and data accompanying herbarium specimens show that G. rankinit grows in moist to wet situations and is confined to the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States (Fig. 1). Although G. sempervirens occasionally occurs in moist situations, it only rarely grows in wet habitats. In the southern United States it is found abund- antly in drier situations, including shallow soils of granite outcrops and being associated with scrub oak vegetation of sandhills as far inland G. RANKINII Fig. 1. TOP. Distribution of Gelsemiuwm rankinii as indicated by her- barium specimens. Insert: Drawings of somatic metaphase chromosomes in a root cell of G. rankinii. BOTTOM. Distribution of G. sempervirens as indicated by herbarium specimens. 350 as the Fall Line. This species has a much wider geographic distribution than the former. The known distribution except for Mexico and Guate- mala is also given in Fig. 1. Records for Alabama and Virginia include those reported by Harper (1928) and Massey (1961), respectively. G. sempervirens has been reported for Oklahoma by Vines (1960). We made no special effort to locate specimens to authenticate this report, but Gelsemiwm is not included in Waterfall’s (1960) flora of Oklahoma. We believe, therefore, that the genus does not occur in that state. Coulter (1891) includes this species in his Botany of West Texas (west of 97th meridian), but we find no specimens to verify its occurrence in that region. Data from Standley (1924) and Martinez (1959) place G. sempervirens in Mexico (states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz) and Guatemala. The northernmost station appears to be Hanover Co., Virginia, EPIDERMAL STUDIES Microscopic studies were made of the lower epidermis of the two species by using herbarium mounting plastic in a technique very similar to that described by Sinclair and Dunn (1961) in their method A. The number of stomates per .0926 sq mm varied from 20 to 34 in G. semper- virens and 34 to 46 in G. rankinii. These data were based on the average of two counts made from peels from a leaf from each of twenty speci- mens of each species. Stomatal size was evaluated by measuring ten imprints on a plastic peel from a leaf from each of twenty specimens of each species. Distances measured for length and width values were be- tween the ends of the guard cells and between their distant sides. These data are presented in Fig. 2, a scatter diagram. It is obvious that the measurements of stomates of G. sempervirens are usually the larger. There was no significant difference in respect to measurements of size and density of stomates between plants bearing pin and thrum type flowers. Larger stomatal size and a lesser number of stomates per unit of area have been shown by Celarier and Mehra (1958), Stone (1961), and others to be associated with a higher degree of polyploidy when comparing species of a given genus. Our guard cell data, therefore, suggest that G. rankinit has a lesser number of chromosomes than G. sempervirens. The surface of the lower epidermis, much more abundantly in G. rankini than G. sempervirens, appears to be finely grooved in lines oriented along the sides of the stomates. These lines and other features of the epidermis need further studies which should include cross sec- tions of leaves. STUDIES OF POLLEN The sizes of pollen grains have been known to differ in pin and thrum types of flowers at least since Darwin’s (1862) studies of dimorphism in Primula. Also, larger sizes of pollen grains have been shown by many to be associated frequently, although not invariably, with a higher degree e a @ e ms) mM . L e ee & e e ee oO rm = e e e & - e © @ ° : e e L fe) Zz e e fe) - wo @ 6 fe} nN a Li Oo Oo O 9 O —I ° o J (e) e) — (e) (@) o) - o ce) re) i fe) ant Coane | T qT qT T T qT qT T T qT ‘ T LJ w (e) wo ~N N — Ww | D TH Fig. 2. Scatter diagram of measurements of stomatal size in Gelsemium rankinii (circles) and G. sempervirens (dots). 352 of polyploidy. A recent study describing such a situation is that of Stone (1963) in a study of Carya species. A study of pollen sizes in Gelsemium, therefore, seemed desirable. The pollen studied was obtained from dried specimens from herbaria and supplemented by specimens collected for this purpose in the field and dried in presses over electric driers along with other herbarium speci- mens. A single anther was removed from a flower of each collection to be studied, dissected in water, and then observed under a microscope at 430X. The diameters of ten apparently normal pollen grains were re- corded for each collection. The data obtained on pollen size are summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1. AVERAGE POLLEN SIZESa a Flower Type G. rankin G. sempervirens Pin No. of samples 21 30 Minimum 31.3 34.0 Maximum 36.7 42.2, Mean 34.3 38.1 Thrum No. of samples 20 29 Minimum 34.4 35.7 Maximum 43.9 45.6 Mean 40.8 41.5 “Expressed as diameter in microns, Based on measurements of ten pollen grains from each collection. It may be seen that the average diameter measurements of pollen of thrum type flowers are larger than those of pin type, a situation re- ported by Ray and Chisaki (1957) for two species of Amsinckia, Trans- lating the measurements into volume of the pollen, that of the thrum would be 67% larger than that of the pin in G. rankinii and 29% in G. sempervirens. These volume differences between thrum and pin types might be associated with the different distances the derived pollen tubes would need to grow to allow fertilization of the eggs. A comparison of average measurements of pollen for the two species (Table 1) shows that they are larger for G. sempervirens in both the pin and the thrum types of flower. Pollen size data, therefore, as well as stomatal size and density, indicate a lower number of chromosomes for G. rankinii, Shape differences in pollen grains also have been known to be associ- ated with heterostyly, e.g., Johnston (1952). In both species of Gelsemium the pollens seemed to be of uniform size except for shrunken grains. Counts were made of the number of these per hundred grains. The numbers varied from 0 to 70 and were not associated with style type. Since shrunken grains are indicative of abortion and abortion is often present in hybrids, we investigated the possibility of relation of the 353 numbers of such grains to possible hybridization between the two species. The specimen with 70% ‘aborted” pollen was of G. sempervirens. Al- though this was from a locality only a few miles from where G. rankinii was known to grow, the specimen exhibited no other evidences of hybridization between the two species. It was also noted that relatively high percentages of ‘aborted’ pollen were frequently found on speci- mens of G. sempervirens that were from localities a hundred miles or more from where G. rankinii is known to occur. The evidence from our pollen studies, therefore, does not indicate that hybridization occurs be- tween the two species. PHENOLOGICAL STUDIES There is evidence that the flowering periods of the two species of Gelsemium differ. Small (1928) stated that Mr. H. A. Rankin wrote that in the vicinity of Hallsboro, N. C., G. rankinii bloomed 20 days later than G. sempervirens. On 30 Mar. 1963 in Echols and nearby counties in Georgia the senior author observed the latter species to be nearly past flowering while the former was just approaching maximum flowering. During the Spring of 1964 G. rankinii plants transplanted to the senior author’s premises did not begin to blossom until after those of the other species planted there had ceased flowering. When data from herbarium specimens throughout the entire range of both species were analyzed no appreciable difference in flowering time was discernable. When data were confined to specimens from areas where both species occur (omitting the small disjunct area in North Carolina), it was found that the Spring flowering period of G. semper- virens was from 1 Feb. to 1 Apr. and G. rankinii essentially from 16 Feb. to 19 Apr. One specimen of the latter species in flower on 29 Jan. was collected about 10 miles south of St. Augustine, St. Johns Co., Fla. This early flowering date may be associated with the close prone of the plants to the ocean. Both species occasionally flowered in October and there is one record for G. rankinii on 27 Sept. A plant of G. sempervirens brought in from the woods nearby and cultivated in Chapel Hill, N. C. is recorded (specimen No. 31472 in U.N.C. Herbarium) as blooming every Fall, almost as abundantly as in the Spring. Herbarium records indicate that from 30° 30’ southward, flowering of G. sempervirens begins 1 Feb. and is essentially completed by 1 Apr. In the Coastal Plain of Ga. and Ala. the period is from 19 Feb. through 14 Apr. In S. C., N. C., and Va. and in the Piedmont of Ga. and Ala. flowering occured almost entirely between 16 Mar. and 1 May. Attention was also given to the possibility of differences in flowering time between pin and thrum types of flowers. Field observations and analysis of data on herbarium specimens gave no evidence of any differ- ence in the flowering time of these two types. GENETICAL STUDIES Several years ago plants of G. sempervirens from two widely separated 354 colonies in Clarke Co. and from one colony in Oglethorpe Co., Georgia were transplanted for observation to the senior author’s premises east of Athens, Georgia. Plants from all three colonies grew in close proximity and have flowered yearly since 1955. All had pin type flowers. No other Gelsemium plants are known nearer than four miles. None of the plants planted east of Athens produced fruits for eight years. On 1 April 1963 pollen from thrum type flowers was placed on the stigmas of about 50 pin type flowers of these plants. That Fall many more than 50 fruits were harvested, several of these from plants whose flowers had received no introducd pollen from the hands of the senior author. Presumably insects had carried the introduced thrum type pollen from stigma to stigma. No artificial pollinations were attempted during 1964 and again no fruits developed. Also on 1 April 1963 branches bearing thrum type flowers in a colony of G. sempervirens south of Athens were carefully pruned of all opened flowers and developing fruits and enclosed in plastic bags. On the follow- ing day bags were removed and opened flowers were tagged and treated as follows: five were self pollinated, and ten received pollen from pin flowers of the isolated plants east of Athens. The bags were replaced and left on the branches until the corollas of the pollinated flowers had dropped off. That Fall six fruits had developed on flowers that had re- ceived pollen from pin type flowers and no fruits on the self-pollinated thrum type flowers. We believe that the above data indicate that pin type plants of G. sempervirens are self sterile in nature and cross fertile to pollen from thrum type flowers, and possibly that thrum type flowers are self sterile and cross fertile. The latter two conclusions need to be checked b further experiments. The senior author plans to grow progeny of the isolated plants that had received pollen from the thrum type flowers in order to determine ratios of the F, generation for that cross. It is hoped to make additional reciprocal crosses and successful selfing experiments in order to determine the genetics of heterostyly in the two species of Gelsemium. Some studies were also made of the ratio in nature of plants bearing pin and thrum type flowers. Several large population samples taken in limited areas gave quite varied results, the flowers sometimes being largely of one type or the other. Since Gelsemium reproduces abundantly vegetatively, a sampling was made in the field at broader intervals. No sample was taken nearer than a mile to another. They were made 27-30 March 1963 from McDuffie and Baldwin Cos., Ga. south to Duval and Suwanee Cos., Fla. For G. sempervirens there were 34 pin type and 38 thrum type flowers and for G. rankinii 10 pin and 9 thrum type. These indicate a 1:1 ratio. Counts from herbarium specimens strongly indicate the same ratio. Specimens borrowed from other herbaria were utilized and all duplicates 399 eliminated. All flowering specimens of G. rankinii were tabulated as to type. The results were 21 pin and 20 thrum type (see Table 1). Counts from herbarium specimens of G. sempervirens gave 111 pin and 108 thrum type. Nine pin type specimens were omitted from the above num- ber. They were the nine available collections from Orange Co. NC. all of which had pin type corollas. After studying the accompanying her- barium labels and discussing the data with someone familiar with the localities involved, we concluded that all nine specimens were most likely propagated from the same clone. As has been pointed out by Crosby (1949), Ray and Chisaki (1957), and others, a 1:1 ratio, or close to it, indicates self sterility of pin and thrum type flowers and an entirely outcrossing population. Our studies of ratios, therefore, confirm the conclusions of our breeding studies that both pin and thrum type flowers are self sterile and are cross fertile. CHROMOSOMAL STUDIES A chromosome number of 2n=16 has been reported for G. semper- virens by Moore (1947). After vain attempts to repeat Moore’s method using leaf tips, root tips were taken of rooting sections of stems and the 2n number of 16 was verified for this species by using a Feulgen squash method. The chromosome number for G. rankinii is unreported in literature. The Feulgen squash method was tried with inconclusive results on root tips from roots of layered stems of this species. It was, however, deter- mined that active mitotic division occurred about 11:00 P.M. At this point in the studies we turned to cross sectioned root tips. Root tips were placed in a modification of Navashin’s Fluid Fixitive described by Sass (1958), sectioned, stained by a modification of Newton’s Gentian Violet- Iodine method described by Johansen (1940), and mounted in balsam. From root tip material collected during the latter part of June, 1964, mitotic metaphase counts of 2n=8 were obtained. A voucher specimen (Duncan 22020) is on deposit in the University of Georgia Herbarium (sheet No, 74279). A sample chromosome plate is shown in the inset of Fig. 1. The chromosomes are approximately 1 to 3 wu in length. Occasion- ally cells with approximately 16 (in the outer three rows of root cells) and rarely with 9 or 10 chromosomes were seen. Moore (1947) reported for G. sempervirens chromosomes 1.3-3 jb in length and occasional poly- ploid cells and cells with intermediate numbers in leaf smears. Indications from stomatal and pollen data presented ane that G. rankinii had a smaller number of chromosomes are thus confirmed by the determination of a 2n number of 8 CONCLUSION Our studies show that there are two distinct species of Gelsemium in North America and that there is probably no introgression between them. Hybrids were not detected and should not be expected in abundance since one species is diploid and the other is tetraploid. 356 The determination of the chromosome number of 2n=8 for G. rankinii lowers the known n numbers for the Longaniaceae and the basic number for Gelsemium to 4. Darlington and Wylie (1955) had reported the basic number for Gelsemium as 8. Moore (1947) had previously cited a report of n=6 for two species of Fagraea which belongs to the same subfamily as Gelsemium. He suggested on the basis of cytological evidence that Gelsemium might have a genetic link with one branch of the Apocynaceae which are characterized by a haploid number of 8. Moore also suggested that Gelsemium may have diverged from an ancient line which pro- duced the Apocynaceae. The basic chromosome number of 4 for Gelsem- ium seems to support Moore’s suggestion that divergence may have occurred at such a distant time that Gelsemium can not be regarded, on morphological grounds, as a true member of the Apocynaceae. Our cytological evidence indicates that G. sempervirens was derived more recently and probably from G. rankinii. Distributional data in the southern United States also indicate such a relationship. G. rankinii is confined to wet habitats of a limited area of the Coastal Plain (Fig. 1), while G. sempervirens, being a tetraploid and probably more vigorous, occurs in a variety of habitats (wet to very dry) and occupies a much wider area (Fig. 2). The reported occurrence of G. sempervirens in the disjunct Mexican-Guatemalan region and the apparent absence of G. rankint from there could be taken to indicate that the former species is the ancestral one. Before serious conclusions involving distributions in the Mexican-Guatemalan region are made, however, the identity of all collections of Gelsemiwm from there should be checked and the absence of G. rankinii verified by additional studies. Most persons deal- ing with the flora of that region are probably unfamiliar with G. rankinii. Although pin type plants are generally heterozygous and the thrum type homozygous recessive (Ray and Chisaki, 1957; et al.), we have no evidence that this is the case in Gelsemium. Additional breeding experi- ments are needed to determine the genetic makeup of the two forms as well as the extent of self sterility, especially for thrum type plants. Our studies also have added to those known situations in which stomatal size and density, and size of pollen are correlated with ploidal levels. We wish to thank those curators who permitted examination of collec- tions at his herbarium, loaned specimens to us, and provided information for the study. The junior author, who worked on this study for ten weeks during the summer, 1962, received support from National Science Foundation Grant (G-20468). Martha Gordon and William L. Cleeg, who made studies of the epidermis and pollen, received support from National Science Foundation Grant (G-20296). The help of Wesley Walraven in making chromosomal studies of G. rankinii is appreciated. 357 REFERENCES ALEXANDER, EDWARD J. 1929. Gelsemium sempervirens, Addisonia 14: 8. CELARIER, ROBERT P. AND K. L. aes 1958. Determination of polyploidy from acini Pa Rhodora 60: 89- HN M. 1891. Botany of ok Texas. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 271. Sea l ‘4 1949. Selection of an unfavorable gene complex. Evolution 3: 212-230. D. A ee mregae ON, C. D. AND A. P. WYLIE. 1955. Chromosome Atlas N, CHARLES D. 1862. On the — or sae aes condition in the species of aa and on their eomigelable sexual aes s. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 77. DARWIN, CHARLES D. 1884. The oe Forms pe Flowers on te of the Same Species. GRONOVIWUS, J. F. 1739. Flora Virginica, HARPER, ROLAND M. 1928. Economic Botany of Alabama. Part 2 Catalogue of oe trees, ae and vines of Alabama. Geol. Sur. of ‘Alabama Monogr. 9. University, Alabam J SEN, D. A. 1940. Plant Mice ON, IVAN M. 1952. a in oe Boraginaceae, XXIII. A survey of the genus aonen J. Arnold Arboretum 33 LINNAE . 1753. Species eee MARTINEZ MAXIMINO. 1959. Las Plantas Medicinales de Mexico. MASSEY, A. B. . Virginia Flora. Tech. Bull. 155. Va. Agr. Exp. Sta. RE, R o J. 1947. Cytotaxonomic as in the Loganiaceae. | Chromo- some nuwbers and phylogeny in the Loganiacea r. J. . 34: 527-538 NUTTAL HOMAS. 1818. The Genera of ak American Plants and a catalogue of the sae ce the year 1817. PETER M. AND HARU F. CHISAKI. 1957. Studies on pie I. A synopsis of the genus with a study - heterostyly in it. Amer. J. Bot. 44: ASS, . E. 1958. a ee Microtechnique, p. 18. ee , CL B. AND DAVID B. DUNN. lade Surface printing of plant leaves ae lowenevic ee Stain Technol. 36: SMALL, J. K. 1928. Gelsemium Rankinii, Addisonia 13: 37-38. SMALL, J. K. 1933. Manual of the Southeastern Flor Sree PAUL C. 1924. Trees and Shrubs of Mexico. Contrib, U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: 1141-114 STONE, D NALD E. 1961. Affinities of a Mexican endemic, Carya palmeri, with American and Asian hickories. Amer. J. Bot. 49: 199-212 STONE, DONALD E. 1963. Pollen size in hickories (Carya). Brittonia 15: 208-214. VINES, ROBERT A. 1960. Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines of the Southwest. WALTER, THOMAS. 1788. Flora Caroliniana. WATERFALL, U. T. 1960. Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma. TEXAS ASCLEPIADACEAE OTHER THAN ASCLEPIAS LLOYD H. SHINNERS Herbarium, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75222 Woodson’s drastic reduction in the number of genera of Asclepiadaceae in 1941 was certainly welcome. But for the botanist having to make routine identifications or attempting local or regional studies within the United States, the years since have been a time of continuing frustra- tion. Only the original, highly technical key to the revised genera using inconvenient pollen characters, has been available; the genera themselves were listed without descriptions, and only two (Asclepias and Sarcostemma) have been monographically treated; several needed nomenclatural changes have remained unpublished: and, for Texas in particular, a new species and a new variety have gone undescribed. This paper has been prepared in order to clear up some of the loose ends and to provide a working guide for identification. It is based chiefly on collections in the S.M.U. Herbarium and in that of the University of Texas; for the loan of the latter I am indebted to Drs. B. L. Turner and Marshall C. Johnston. Some additional material was examined on visits to the Missouri Botanical Garden, and several critical specimens were kindly loaned by Mr. Fred B. Jones of Corpus Christi, Texas, from his personal herbarium. Supplementing the account of the Texas representatives, I have added some routine new combinations for plants found outside the state, a key to Southeastern Cynanchum (owing to lack of adequate flowering ma- terial I have not yet completed one for Matelea in the same region; Sarcostemma clausum (Jacquin) Roemer & Schultes in southern Florida is the only Southeastern member of that genus), and a finding-list of generic names. The key to genera given below can also be used for the Southeast except that the introduced Cryptostegia grandiflora R. Brown, established in southern Florida, must be added. This is immedi- ately separable from all the other genera by its extremely large flowers, with funnelform corolla 4—6 cm. long; in the rest the corolla (or its lobes, if spreading or reflexed) is 0.2—2.0 cm. long. KEY TO GENERA la. Stamen column or its base surrounded by 5 separate, fleshy-inflated or fleshy-thickened, erect or spreading appendages 2a. Stems prostrate to erect, not twining; base of corolla not with fleshy disk under the separate appendages 3a. Leaves not both cordate and petioled; corolla green to white, yellow, orange, red, brown, or purple; wild or cultivated 1. Asclepias SIDA 1 (6): 358—367. 1694, 359 3b. Leaves both cordate and petioled; corolla lavender-blue; culti- vated F i 2. Oxypetalum 2b. Stems iene: ee tea jowara dips: eororl oh. a fleshy disk at base under the appendages . 4. Sarcostemma lb. Stamen column or its base with 1 or 9 rows of flat, thin appendages, or a single, entire or lobed, fleshy disk or cup 4a. Appendages thin and flat, in 2 rows, or a single, entire or lobed, fleshy disk or cup ie ee a . oO. Matelea 4b. Appendages thin ad flat, in 1 row 5a. Corolla funnelform or campanulate, 2.0—6.2 mm. long; wild her- baceous vines (sometimes weeds in gardens) . . 3. Cynanchum 5b. Corolla rotate, its narrowly oblong lobes about 10 mm. or more ong; cultivated woody vine . . . . . 6. Periploca 1. ASCLEPIAS, with about 32 species, will not be discussed further here; no new names are required for Texas representatives, so far as known. 2. OXYPETALUM has only one infrequently cultivated species in the state, O. caeruleum Decaisne, with densely soft-pubescent leaves; native of Argentina. 3. CYNANCHUM. Small to large twining vines. Corolla white to yellowish or yellow- green, rather small. Five species. la. Leaf blades with cordate base 2a. Appendages nearly as long as the corolla, deeply divided into linear segments (resembling staminodes) . . . 1. C. laeve 2b. Appendages iess than 2/3 as long as the seule Guaacis oblong with toothed or lobed summit . 2. C unifarium lb. Leaf blades with narrowed to sounded: Gane ase 3a. Flowers rather numerous, terminating naked peduncles longer than the pedicels; corolla lobes glabrous within; leaf blades linear- lanceolate, the larger 4—9 cm. long . . 3. C. palustre 3b. Flowers solitary or few, peduncles very short or absent; corolla lobes pilose or pubescent within; leaf blades lanceolate to oblong- elliptic, 1—4 cm. lon 4a. Corolla lobes conspicuously pilose within; appendages lance- linear to linear-filiform, 112—2 times as long as the stamen column 5a. Corolla 3.6—5.2 mm. long . 4a.C. barbigerwm var. barbigerum 5b. Corolla 2.8—3.2 mm. long . 4b. C. barbigerum var. breviflorum 4b. Corolla lobes rather minutely pubescent within; appendages nar- rowly lanceolate to ovate-acuminate, slightly longer than the stamen column . . 5. C. Maccartit 1. C. LAEVE naa Persoon. Enslenia - albida Nuttall. Ampelamus albidus (Nuttall) Britton. In a north-south belt a little east of the cen- ter of the state, from Clay, Cooke, and Grayson counties south to Matagorda County. Flowering August—September. In Gould’s Texas Plants this is listed both as Ampelamus and as Cynanchum, and assigned 360 two entirely different distributions. It is absent from the extreme eastern part of the state, where limestone is absent. Its preferred natural habitat is low ground in limestone areas; it is frequently a weed in flower beds. 2. C. UNIFARIUM (Scheele) Woodson. Rouliniella unifaria (Scheele) Vail. Including Roulinia Palmeri S. Watson, Cynanchum Watsonianum Woodson. The slight difference in size and toothing of the appendages hardly justifies recognition of a second species. Very similar in general appearance to the preceding. Edwards Plateau to Trans-Pecos and Rio Grande Plain, north to Parker and Taylor counties, southeast locally to Brazos (in shrubbery on Texas A. & M. campus, possibly introduced), Bastrop, and San Patricio counties; also in northeastern Mexico. Flower- ing mid May—October. In alluvial habitats, like C. laeve, but also in drier ground, often in rocky or sandy soils. TRE (Pursh) Heller. Lyonia palustris (Pursh) Small. ee palustris (Pursh) Vail. Local along the Gulf Coast; specimens seen from Aransas, Galveston, and Kenedy counties. Flowering April— September. 4. C. BARBIGERUM (Scheele) Shinners, Field & Lab. 19: 65. 1951. Metastelma barbigerum Scheele. Type from New Braunfels, Comal Co. a. C. BARBIGERUM var. BARBIGERUM. Common on the southern Edwards Plateau from Travis, Llano, Mason, and Terrell counties south, and on the Rio Grande Plain, east to Karnes and Refugio counties; ap- parently rare in the Trans-Pecos (Brewster Co.), but the two specimens seen from that area, with somewhat small flowers (corolla 3.6 and 3.7 mm. long), may prove to be only exceptional forms of the next variety. Also in northeastern Mexico. Flowering March (in extreme south) or April—September. 4b. C. BARBIGERUM var. breviflorum Shinners, var. nov. Corolla r 2.8—3.2 mm. longa (vice 3.6—5.2 mm.). HOLOTYPE: Big Bend National Park, Chisos Mountains, granite peak in center of Basin, alt. 5500 ft.; common, twining over low shrubbery; corolla white, Grady L. Webster 4340, 15—19 July 1952 (SMU). Largely if not wholly replacing var. barbigerum in the Trans-Pecos, mainly in igneous rock areas; also in Chihuahua. Flowering June—August. 9. C. Maccartii Shinners, nom. nov. Based on Metastelma Palmeri S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 18: 115. 1883. Cynanchum Palmeri (S. Watson) Shinners, Field & Lab. 19:65. 1951. (Not C. Palmeri (S. Watson) Blake, 1917, based on Pattalias Palmeri S. Watson.) Very similar in general appearance to C. barbigerum, especially the small-flowered var. brevi- florum. Type collected “at Laredo on the Rio Grande.” Rather rare, Rio Grande Plain (Duval Co.) north and west to Uvalde and Val Verde counties; also in northeastern Mexico. Named for William Larrey McCart, Head of the Science Department, Laredo Junior College . SARCOSTEMMA. Small to moderately ince twining vines (small plants twining only 361 at tips of stems). Flowers umbellate, terminating naked peduncles. Corolla shallowly campanulate, medium large (lobes 6—11 mm. long), greenish to creamy white, pink, purple-green or purple. Three species. la. Sepals narrowly lanceolate, more than 3 times as long as wide 1. S. erispum 1b. Sepals lanceolate to ovate, less than 3 times as eae as wide 2a. Sepals 4—6 mm. long, pubescent on both surfaces; stems usually densely pubescent . 2.8. Torreyi 2b. Sepals 2—3 mm. ina ubeceent on pee ene stems globrous or sparsely pubescent 3a. Leaf blades (except saan 1—3 times as long as wide _ S. eynanchoides var. cynanchoides 3b. Leaf blades 312 times as tone as wide .S. cynachoides var. Hartwegu 1. S. CRISPUM Bentham. ae S. lobatum Waterfall, Rhodora 51: 58. 1949. tinge crispa (Bentham) Vail. Fundstrum crispum (Bentham) Schlech labrous or inconspicuously pubescent. Leaf blades narrowly aan lanceolate with deeply cordate base, varying to linear-lanceolate with abruptly narrowed base, the margin usually (but not aways) ruffled or crisped. Frequent in Trans-Pecos, occasional east and northeast on Edwards Plateau to Travis and McLennan coun- ties, in the Panhandle, Red Plains, and West Cross Timbers (Callahan and Palo Pinto counties); collected at West Dallas by Reverchon, noted as “local and very rare,” not found there recently. Flowering late April— early August. 2. S. TORREYI (Gray) Woodson. Philibertella Torreyi (Gray) Vail. Funastrum Torreyi (Gray) Schlechter. Trans-Pecos, rather rare; known from Brewster and Presidio counties, Flowering June—August. Very similar in general appearance to S. cynanchoides var. cynanchoides, with slightly larger flowers. 3 S CYNANCHOIDES Decaisne. Philibertella cynanchoides (Decaisne) Vail. Funastrum cynanchoides (Decaisne) Schlechter. The commonest species, with two intergrading varieties. 3a. S. CYNANCHOIDES var. CYNANCHOIDES. Leaf blades tri- angular-ovate with cordate base. Frequent from Trans-Pecos to lower Rio Grande Plain, Edwards Plateau, Panhandle, and Red Plains, rare in West Cross Timbers (Parker) and along Red River to Grayson County. Flowering June—September. 3b. S. CYNANCHOIDES var. Hartwegii (Vail) Shinners, comb. Philibertella Hartwegii Vail, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 308. ne Sarcostemma cynanchoides ssp. Hartwegiit (Vail) R. Holm, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 37: 530. 1950. The epithet heterophyllum has been applied to this plant, in various combinations; according to Dr. Holm, its type specimen is actually a form of S. crispum. Leaf blades lanceolate to 362 linear with an abruptly wider hastate or cordate base, or without wider base. Frequent in the Trans-Pecos. Flowering April—September. 5». MATELEA. Plants herbaceous, prostrate to suberect and rather small, or small to large twining vines, nearly glabrous or variously pubescent or pilose. Flowers small to medium large; corolla green to yellowish, brown-red, or purple-brown. Eleven species. la. Stems prostrate to suberect, not at all twining 2a. Peduncles absent (pedicels attached directly in leaf axils): stamen column with a single, lobed, fleshy disk around base 3a. Pedicels shorter than or equalling the adjacent petioles . |. M. biflora 3b, Pedicels (except lowest) exceeding the scaacest petioles . cynanchoides 2b. Peduncles well-developed; stamen olen ete by a double row of thin appendages 4a. Outer appendages wider than long, slightly shorter to slightly longer than the stamen column, truncate to shallowly 3-lobed at summit . a 5 3. M. brevicoro 4b. Outer ee ee ienieee fan ide Sn tie to much longer me the stamen column, prominently 2-pronged or 2- pointed at summit arely some of them single-pointed . . . . 4. M. parviflora lb. Stems twining, at least toward tips da. Flowers at middle and upper leaf axils on peduncles shorter than the pedicels, or without peduncles; plants small, semi-trailing or low-climbing 6a. Corolla lobes 3—4 mm. long . ... . . . 5. M. parvifolia 6b. Corolla lobes 7—12 mm. long 7a. Peduncles absent; flowers solitary or paired, short-pedicelled 8a. Crown (appendage around stamen column) saucer-shaped, entire; Trans-Pecos mountains (Jeff Davis Co.) . 6. M. sagittifolia 8b. Crown cup-shaped or short- inane is margin 5-parted; Rio Grande Plain west to Val Verde Co. . . 7. M. Woodsonii 7b. Peduncles present except in uppermost leaf axils, 1—5 flowered 8. M. producta ob. Flowers all on elongate peduncles; mein: to saaaee climbing vines 9a. Corolla lobes oblong-lanceolate to linear, not reticulate-veined 10a. Sepals glabrous or sparsely hispid . . . . 9. M. gonocarpa 10b. Sepals both hispid and short-pubescent . . 10. M. decipiens 9b. Corolla lobes ovate, finely reticulate-veined on upper surface : . M. reticulata 1. M. BIFLORA (Rafinesque) Woodson, ieee Guillen inn (Rafi- nesque) Heller. Common on the Blackland Prairie of north central Texas, west and south to Lubbock, Sutton, Travis, Gonzales, and Bastrop 363 counties; on clayey, rocky, or less often sandy soils. This is another of the species originally described from “Arkanzas,” meaning the Arkansas Territory, actually collected in present Oklahoma, persistently credited to the present state of Arkansas, where so far as I know it does not occur. Flowering April—June, rarely September. 2. M. CYNANCHOIDES (Engelmann) Woodson. Vincetoxicum cynan- choides (Engelmann) Heller. In northern and central Texas, from west- ern part of Pine Belt (Upshur Co.) west to West Cross Timbers (Young Co.), south to Goliad Co., in sandy soil; frequent. Flowering April— August. 3. M. BaEvE ‘ORONATA (B. L. Robinson) Woodson. Gonolobus par- viflorus var. brevicoronatus B. L. Robinson, Vincetoxicum brevicoro- natum (B. L. Robinson) Vail. Type collected at Laredo by Pringle. Rare, in lower Rio Grande Plain, in sandy or gravelly soils; specimens seen from Hidalgo, Kenedy, and Webb counties. Flowering March—Septem- ber. Found wholly within the range of the next species, and distinguisha- ble from it only by the appendages within the flower. Robinson says that it also differs in having a corolla that is not reflexed, but he must have seen flowers that were not yet fully developed; at full maturity the corolla is distinctly reflexed. 4. M. PARVIFLORA (Torrey) Woodson. Vincetoxicum parviflorum (Torrey) Heller. Frequent in Rio Grande Plain, northeast to Karnes County, west to Webb County, in sandy or gravelly soils. Flowering late March—October. A pathological plant from Dimmit Co. (west of Artesia Wells, Harold Gentry 1479; SMU) has much-branched inflorescences with mostly malformed flowers, some proliferous, a pedicel or branch arising from the flower center. PARVIFOLIA (Torrey) Woodson. Gonolobus parvifolius Torrey in Emory, Rept. U.S. & Mex. Bound. Surv. 2 (Botany): 166. 1859. “Sides of hills, cafion of the Rio Grande, below Mt. Carmel, October; Parry.” (A second specimen cited from “near the Limpia,’ Wright; this was later referred by Gray to the next species.) The Sierra del Carmen is in Coahuila, and it is most probable that Parry collected this plant on the Mexican side, as he did the type of Chaetopappa Parryi; it was merely Gray’s ignorance of local geography that led him to specify “Texas” in the Synoptical Flora. I have seen no specimens of this, either from Texas or elsewhere; it is included in the Kearney & Peebles Arizona Flora and the Munz & Keck California Flora. 6. M. sagittifolia (Gray) Woodson in herb., ined. Gonolobus sagitti- folius Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 77. 1876. Type from “Rio Limpio,” Jeff Davis Co., Texas, Wright. Described as having single, saucer-shaped, entire crown. As long ago as 1942 Dr. Woodson used the binomial Matelea sagittifolia in identifying plants from the Rio Grande Plain, geographi- cally remote from the type locality and differing in critical details of the crown. The name is not among the numerous transfers made by him 364 in 1941, and it has remained unpublished until now. The species is evi- dently very rare; I have seen no specimens, but the original description is quite clear. M. Woodsonii Shinners, sp. nov. E descriptione M. sagittifoliae peraffinis sed corona cupulata vel brevicylindrica margine 5-fida. HOLO- TYPE: 8 miles northeast of Rio Grande City, Starr Co., Texas, Lundell & Lundell 9926, 3 April 1941 (SMU). “Herbaceous vine, corolla green. In scrub on sand.” Two other collections seen, both from Texas. Kleberg Co.: about 5 miles southeast of Ricardo, Fred B. Jones 2816, 9 March 1959 (in private herb. Fred B. Jones). “On sandy slope near ravine. Twining on Castela. Fls. greenish yellow.” Val Verde Co.: rocky (lime- stone) hills above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 miles N.N.W. of Del Rio, Rogers McVaugh 7727, 31 March 1947 (SMU, TEX). “Scarce; woody vine; corolla yellow-green.” It is this species which is reported as M. producta in Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Texas Coastal Bend Counties by Jones, Rowell and Johnston (1961, pp. 10—11). 8. M. PRODUCTA (Torrey) Woodson, Vincetoxicum productum (Tor- rey) Vail. Leaf blades triangular-ovate, deeply cordate, soft-pubescent, mostly 2—7 cm. long (two to four times as long as those of the two preceding species). Rocky slopes, confined to the Trans-Pecos; specimens seen from Brewster, El Paso, and Jeff Davis counties. Flowering April— August. 9. M. GONOCARPA (Walter) Shinners, Field & Lab. 18: 73. 1950. Vincetoxicum gonocarpos Walter. Gonolobus gonocarpos (Walter) Perry. In a nearly north-south belt a little east of the center of the state, from Cooke, Parker, and Dallas counties south to Comal, Karnes, and Brazos counties, in steam-bottom thickets. Flowering late May—August. 10. M. DECIPIENS (Alexander) Woodson, Odontostephana decipiens Alexander. Gonolobus decipiens (Alexander) Perry. Occasional in east- ern part of north central Texas (specimens seen from Grayson, Hender- son, Hunt, and Wood counties), in sandy woods. Flowering April—May. 11, M. RETICULATA (Engelmann) Woodson. Vincetoxicum reticula- tum (Engelmann) Heller. Rather common from West Cross Timbers (Palo Pinto Co.) south through the Edwards Plateau and Rio Grande Plain, east in the middle parts of its range to Bastrop and San Patricio counties, west to the eastern Trans-Pecos (Brewster and Pecos counties): also in northeastern Mexico. In thickets or brush, rocky or silty ground. Flowering March (far south), April, or May (at northern limits) to October. 6. PERIPLOCA. P. GRACEA L. is rarely cultivated and may persist, as indicated by the following collection. Dallas Co.: from yard in White Rock area, Dallas. Plant originally found on fence line near house at an old farm on Gus Thomasson Road, now real estate development. Blackland soil, flowers purple. Anne Estelle Orr 297, 4 May 1958. (SMU). Fernald in the 365 8th edition of Gray’s Manual reports this as escaped in the northeastern United States and as far southwest as Oklahoma SUPPLEMENTARY TRANSFERS AND NOTES CYNANCHUM arizonicum (Gray) Shinners, comb, nov. Metastelma arizonicum Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 85. 1883. ANCHUM Blodgettii (Gray) Shinners, comb. nov. Metastelma Blodgettii Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: 73. 1877 CYNANCHUM Wigginsii Shinners, nom. nov. Metastelma ? angusti- folium Torrey in Emory, Rept. U.S. & Mex. Bound. Surv. 2 (Botany): 159. 1859, Melinia angustifolia (Torrey) Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 12: in honor of Dr. Ira L. Wiggins, indefatigable student of the flora of the Sonoran Desert. KEY TO SOUTHEASTERN CYNANCHUM la. Leaf blades (at least middle and lower) with cordate base 2a. Appendages deeply divided into linear segments nearly equalling the corolla. . C. laeve 2b. Appendages foriae < a noe crown + ath rounded ibe ie C. cubense lb. Leaf blades tapered to rounded-truncate at base 4a. Calyx lobes triangular-ovate, obtuse . .. . C. scoparium 4b. Calyx lobes lanceolate, acute . . . . « « C. palustre 3b. Corolla lobes pubescent or pilose ean 5a. Corolla about 3 mm. long, the lobes pilose within toward tip; leaf blades linear-lanceolate, 1—4 mm. wide . . C. Blodgettu 5b. Corolla about 4 mm. long, the lobes densely pubescent within; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, 6—18 mm. wide C. Northropiae C. laeve and C. palustre are included with fie meas species; the new combination C. Blodgettii (Gray) Shinners is published above; authori- ties for the other species are C. cubense (Grisebach) Woodson, C. North- ropiae (Schlechter) Alain, C. scoparium Nuttall. SARCOSTEMMA BILOBUM Hooker var. Lindenianum (Decaisne) Shinners, comb. nov. S. Lindenianum Decaisne in DC., Prodr. 8: 541. 1844. S. bilobum ssp. Lindenianum (Decaisne) R Holm, Ann, Mo. Bot. Gard. 37: 519. 1950 MATELEA albomarginata (Pittier) Shinners, comb. nov. Exolobus albomarginatas Pittier, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 13: 108. 1910. Gonolobus Albomarginatus (Pittier) Woodson, Ann. Mo. ard. MATELEA aristolochiaefolia (Brandegee) cee comb. nov. Fisch- eria aristolochiaefolia Brandegee, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 190. 1915. Gonolobus aristolochiaefolius (Brandegee) Woodson, l.c. 366 MATELEA arizonica (Gray) Shinners, comb. nov. Lachnostoma ari- zonicum Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 296. 1885. Gonolobus arizonicus (Gray) Woodson l.c. 243. MATELEA calycosa (J. D. Smith) Shinners, comb. nov. Fimbristemma calycosa J. D. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 16: 196. 1891. Gonolobus calycosus (J. D. Smith) Woodson, l.c. 242 MATELEA chiapensis (Brandegee) Shinners, comb nov. Vincetoxicum chiapense Brandegee, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 190. 1915. Gonolobus chiapensis (Brandegee) Woodson, Ic. MATELEA cteniophora (Blake) Shinners, comb. nov, Vincetoxicum cteniophorum Blake, Contrib. Gray Herb. 52: 84. 1917. Gonolobus ctenio- phorus (Blake) Woodson, l.c. 243. MATELEA Greenmanii Shinners, nom. nov. Lachnostoma gonoloboides Greenman, Proc. Amer, Acad. 39: 84. 1903. Gonolobus gonoloboides (Greenman) Woodson, lec. 243. Not Matelea gonolobides (Robinson & Greenman) Woodson, 1941. MATELEA Johnstonii Shinners, nom. nov. Gonolobus stenopetalus Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 21: 398. 1886. Matelea stenopetala (Gray) Woodson, l.c. 231. Not M. stenopetala Sandwith, Kew Bull. 1931: 485. The type of Gray’s species was collected by Pringle at Chihuahua, but the epithets obviously suggested by collector and locality are both al- ready used in the genus. I have therefore renamed it in honor of Dr. Marshall C. Johnston, aia collector and keen student of the floras of both Texas and Mexi MATELEA tt eee (Hemsley) Shinners, comb, nov. Lachnostoma lasiostemma Hemsley, Biol. Centr.-Am. Bot. 2: 335. 1882. Gonolobus Lasiostemma (Hemsley) Woodson (sic), lc. 243 MATELEA oblongifolia (J.D. Smith) Shinners, comb, nov. Trichos- telma oblongifolium J. D. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 48: 296. 1909. Gonolobus oblongifolius (J. D. Smith) Woodson, Le. 243. MATELEA Smithii Shinners, nom. nov. Fimbristemma stenosepala J. D. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 18: 208— 209, 1893. Gonolobus stenosepalus (J. D. Smith) Woodson, l.c. 243. Not Matelea stenosepala Lundell, 1942. MATELEA stenantha (Standley) Shinners, comb. nov. Vincetoxicum stenanthum Standley, Field Mus. Publ. Bot. Ser. 4: 255. 1929. Gonolobus stenanthus (Standley) Woodson, l.c. 243. FINDING-LIST OF GENERIC NAMES The following list is of the generic names used in Gray’s Synoptical Flora, Small’s Flora of the Southeastern United States and Manual of the Southeastern Flora, and Kearney & Peebles’ Arizona Flora. A few of the names are only in the sense used in one or more of these floras, not as to proper type. The names in CAPITALS are those finally adopted by Woodson, with the minor emendation of reducing Gonolobus to 367 another synonym of Matelea. The introduced Old World genera Crypto- stegia and Periploca were not among those discussed by Woodson. Acerates= ASCLEPIAS Lyonia=CYNANCHUM Ampelamus=CYNANCHUM MATELEA (incl. Cyclodon, Amphistelma=CYNANCHUM Edisonia, Gonolobus, Anantherix=ASCLEPIAS Himantostemma, Lachnostoma, ASCLEPIAS (incl. Acerates, Odontostephana, Pherotrichis, Anantherix, Asclepiodella, Rothrockia, Vincetoxicum Asclepiodora, Biventraria, in part Gomphocarpa, Oxypterix, Melinia=CYNANCHUM Podostigma, Schizonotus) Mellichampia=CYNANCHUM Asclepiodella= LEPIAS Metalepis=CYNANCHUM Asclepiodora=A PIAS Metastelma=CYNANCHUM Astephanus=CYNANCHUM Odontostephana=MATELEA Basistelma=CYNANCHUM OXYPETALUM Biventraria=ASCLEPIAS Oxypteris=ASCLEPIAS CRYPTOSTEGIA PERIPLOCA Cyclodon=MATELEA Pherotrichis=MATELEA CYNANCHUM (incl. Philibertella=SARCOSTEMMA Amphistelma, Astephanus, Philibertia=SARCOSTE A Basistelma, Epicion, Lyonia, Podostigma=ASCLEPIAS Melinia, Mellichampia, Rothrockia=MATELEA Metalepis, Metastelma, Roulinia=CYN HUM Roulinia, Rouliniella, Seutera, Rouliniella= CYNANCHUM Vincetoxicum in part) AR TEMMA (incl. Edisonia=MATELEA Funastrum, Philibertia, Epicion=CYNANCHUM Philibertella) Funastrum=SARCOSTEMMA Schizonotus= ASCLEPIAS Gomphocarpa=ASCLEPIAS Seutera=CYNANCHUM Vincetoxicum =CYNANCHUM (Gray’s species), MATELEA Lachnostoma=MATELEA (Small’s species) REFERENCES GRAY, ASA. 1886. Asclepiadaceaec. Syn. Fl. N.A. HOLM, RICHARD W. 1950. The American species of Sarcostemma R. j -560. (ed. 2) 2 pt. 1: 85-106, 401-404. Br. (Asclepiada- PERRY, LILY M. 1938. Gonolobus within the Gray’s Manual range. Rhodora 40: 281- 288. (Contrib. Gray Herb. /1.) SHINNERS, LLOYD H. 1950. The species oF ues (including Gonolobus) in North Central Texas (Asclepiadaceae). Field & Lab. 18 WOODSON, eve E., JR. 1941. The Nosh American Asclepiadaceae I. Perspective of the general An Mo. Bot. Gard. 28: 193-244. ——————- ee The North egies eae species of Asclepias L. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 41: 1-211. NEW OR OTHERWISE INTERESTING COREOPSIDINAE (COMPOSITAE) FROM NORTHWESTERN SOUTH AMERICA EARL EDWARD SHERFF Department of Botany, Chicago Natural History Museum, hicago 5, Illinois Recently I was sent for examination a small lot of herbarium speci- mens from the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. The lot was found to contain one new species and one new variety of Bidens L. and one new species and one new variety of Coreopsis L., also specimens representing a range extension of one previously described species of Coreopsis, and one specimen representing an isotype (or type?) of C. holodasya Blake. For the privilege of examining these specimens, I must express here my indebtedness to Dr. Lyman B. Smith, Curator of the Di- vision of Phanerogams at the Smithsonian Institute. To assist me in sur- veying all the known taxa in the genus Coreopsis for South America, I have been particularly fortunate in being permitted to borrow all the mounted photographs (79 herbarium sheets in all) belonging to the Chicago Natural History Museum and representing South American taxa in Coreopsis. For this privilege, I take pleasure in expressing my grati- tude to Mr. E. Leland Webber, Director of the Chicago Natural History Museum, and to Mr. J. R. Millar of the Department of Botany in that institution. BIDENS HOLWAYI Blake & Sherff, var. colombiana var. nov.— Frutex, scandens, magnus, demum probabiliter saltem 5-10 m. al- tus; caule ramisque tetragonis sulculatisque, glabratis. Folia petiolata petiolis gracilibus 1.5-4.5 cm. longis basi connatis et hispido-ciliatis branaceis lanceolatis rarius ovato-lanceolatis apice attenuato-acuminatis, lateralibus subsessilibus vel _tenuiter petiolulatis petiolulis usque ad 7 (pedunculos tenues glabros sulculatos usque ad 2 dm. longos) adgregata, radiata, pensa ad anthesin, +4 cm. lata et 2-2.3 em. alta. Involucri patellati viridisque basaliter glabrati vel subdense reflexo-hispidi brac- teae exteriores patentes vel demum reflexae 10-14, elongatae, 1-2.2 cm. longae, oblonge lineares basim versus sensim angustatae apice acutae, longitudinaliter 1- vel 3-7-nerviae marginibus ciliatae faciebus sub- glabratae; interiores fere dimidio breviores, oblongo-lanceolatae, extus glabrae vel apice pubescentes, multistriatae. Flores ligulati +3 (sine SIDA 1 (6): 368—372. 1964. 369 dubio saepius circ. 5), flavi, ligula lineares, circ. 10- vel 12-nervii, +1.5 cm. longi, apice acriter angusteque circ. 3-denticulati. Paleae angustae, lineares, tenerrimae, striatae, sub 1 cm. longae. Achaenia obcompressa, anguste linearia, corpore 16-22 mm. longa et 1-1.3 mm. lata, atra, facie- bus glabra et angustissime sulculata marginibus acriter setuloso-ciliata, apice recte setosa et biaristata aristis gracilibus divergentibus circ. 5-6 mm. longis, fulvis, retrorsum hamosis. Specimens examined: José Cuatrecasas & R. Romero Castaneda 25156, “climber, leaves dark green, involucre green,’ Andean forest and bushes, 2700-2800 m. alt., Quebrada de Floridablanca, Sierra de Perija, Magda- lena, Colombia, Nov. 9, 1959 (2 topotype sheets, US, where label on one sheet reads “corolla lilac,’ surely an error; rays, which doubtless are meant, are lacking, but cf. description for no. 25223 sequ.); Cuatrecasas & Castaneda 25223, climbing shrub; leaves green above, grayish beneath; ligules yellow, florets yellow; Andean forest and bushes, 2700-2800 m. alt., same locality, Nov. 11, 1959 (1st type sheet, herb. no, 2339578, US; 2nd type sheet, herb. no. 2339577, US). The first type specimen bears four flowering heads, these slenderly and elongately pedunculate (peduncles 12-20 cm. long). The ligules ap- pear to have been indeed yellow when fresh, as stated on the label for the second type sheet, not “lilac’’ as recorded for one of the two topotypes examined. Appears to differ from the var. holwayi of southwestern Guatemala (Quezaltenango) in its smaller flowering heads, these about 4 cm., not about 6 ecm. across; outer phyllaries 10-14, not 8 or 9, and measuring longer, about 1-2.2 cm. instead of 9-15 mm. long; ligules only about 1.5 not 2.3-3 em. long, etc. In my revision of the genus Bidens (Bot. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 16: 1-709. 1937), this variety would trace at once to the fourth letter g on page 56. From the two species included there- under, Bidens segetum and B. squarrosa, var. colombiana differs sharply in its longer achenial bodies, these 16-22 mm. not 6-13 mm. long, also in in larger flowering heads, with outer phyllaries 1-2.2 cm. not 3-7 mm long, etc. BIDENS pusilla sp. nov.—Herba pusilla, perennis, omnino hispidula, caulibus patentibus numerosisque vix 6-10 cm. longis internodiis gracil- limis tantum 4-16 mm. longis, usque ad circ. 1 mm. crassis, apicem versus lateraliter subantrorsumque ramosis ramis terminaliter in pedunculos gracillimos monocephalicosque productis. Folia opposita, minima, petiolo adjecto tantum 4-7 mm. longa, petiolo subplano +1- 2 mm. longo, lamina plus minusve tripartita, lobis (foliolis) lateralibus 1 jugo, sessilibus, cuneato-obovatis apice irregulariter acriterque 2- vel 3-dentatis, lobo (foliolo) terminali tripartito segmentis varie simplicibus vel rursus sectis. cuneato-oblongis setis magis conspicuis sed paucioribus. Capitula radi- ata, pansa ad anthesin 1.5-2 cm. lata et circ. 5 mm. alta. Involucri bracteae exteriores circ. 5 vel 6, oblongo-lineares, circ. 3 mm. longae, apice 370 calloso subobtusae, extus subglabrescentes sed marginibus conspicue ciliatae; interiores purpureo-atrae, lanceolato-oblongae vel elliptico- oblongae, extus conspicue sed subsparsim elongato-setulosae, quam ex- teriores usque ad duplo longiores. Flores ligulati 7 vel 8, flavi, sub 1 cm longi, hgula anguste oblongi apice minutissime denticulati longitudinaliter lineati. Paleae tenerrimae anguste lineari-oblongae apice atro-auranti- acae acutaeque circ. 6-7 mm. longae. Achaenia obcompressa, anguste linearia, exalata, inferne sensim angustata, utraque facie 2-sulculatis, corpore atra +4.3 mm. longa, basi apiceque flavida, glabra vel apicem versus aegre suberecteque setulosa, apice biaristata aristis +1 mm. longis rectisque, apicem versus retrorsum paucibarbatis. Specimens examined: Harriet G. Barclay & Pedro Juajibioy 7986, herb with spreading stems and finely divided leaves; heads with wide, yellow Prov. Cotopaxi, Ecuador, July 15-16, 1959 (US, type, herb. sheet no. 2372755) In the entire genus Bidens L., this species is equaled by no other species in the miniature size of its remarkably small leaves. The entire plant on the type sheet bears a superficial resemblance to Bidens an- themoides (DC.) Sherff of southern Mexico, a species with more decom- pound leaves, measuring over all 1-5 or even to 7.5 em. in length. In the key given in my revision of the genus Bidens (Bot. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 16: 57. 1937) this species would trace to the final letter g on page 57, except that its ligulate florets are scarcely 1 cm. long. From all taxa included under the final g, however, B. pusilla differs at once in its diminutive leaves. COREOPSIS piurana sp, nov.—Frutex parvus, erectus, sine dubio sub 1 m. altus, supra corymbose ramosus et +25-capitulatus, caule sub- angulato et sulculato demum atro-brunnescente et+3.5 mm. crasso, in- ternodiis glabris et +3.5 cm. longis; ramis conspicue suberectis, tetra- gonis, sub 1.5 mm. crassis, internodiis plerumque 2-3 cm. longis, glabris vel inferne medianeque adpresse obsoletissimeque setulosis, superne in corymbos parvos pauci-capitulatos abeuntibus; pedicellis tenuibus per- spicue irregulariterque albo-tomentosis 2-3 (-5) cm. longis. Capitula radiata, erecta, pansa ad anthesin circ. 2.5-3 cm. lata et vix 1 ecm. alta. Involucrum obconico-hemisphaericum, superne glabrum inferne mani- feste albo-tomentosum, bracteis exterioribus 8-10, ovatis vel oblongis vel etiam oblanceolato-oblongis, adpressis, +4 mm. longis, l-nerviis, apice subacutis vel subobtusis; interioribus oblongo-ovatis, exsiccatis subatris, margine anguste diaphanis, apice irregulariter acutis vel obtusis 8-9 mm. longis, numerosissime striatis. Flores ligulati circ. 8 vel 9, aurei, cire. 1.5 cm. longi; ligula elliptico-oblonga, numerose striata, apice con- stricta et plus minusve denticulata. Paleae lineari-oblongae, tenuissimae, 371 striatae, dorso mediane sursum setosae, +6 mm. longae. Achaenia ob- compressa, exalata, corpore oblongo-oblanceolato, nigro +4.5 mm. longo et (superne) vix 2 mm. lato, tergo glabrato, facie ventrali marginibusque sursum albo-setoso (setis summis plus minusve fasciculatis); apice bia- ristato aristis rectis +1.5 mm. longis atro-stramineis, densissime antrorso- setosis. Specimens examined: J. Soukup H662, near Huancabamba, Dept. of sima. 37. C. Pickeringii.” That species, however, is a plant of very differ- ent habit, having solitary heads on long and slender peduncles measur- ing up to 1.5 (more rarely to 2.3) dm. long. In C. piurana, by contrast, the peduncles are clustered in groups of three or so, and are so short and slender that they might better be termed pedicels, as given in the above description. COREOPSIS SUAVEOLENS var. ecuadoriensis var. nov.—Frutex forsi- tan altior, usque ad 2 m. altus, similiter odore Covilleae divaricatae (Cav.) Vail suaveolens. Capitula (non solitaria) +3-adgregata ad fines ramulorum pedicellis gracilibus circ. 1.2-2.5 em. longis, sparsim brevis- simeque glanduloso- hispidulis. Specimens examined: Harriet G. Barclay and Pedro Juajibioy 8563, shrub to 2 m. tall, growing up through other shrubs. Leaves finely divided into linear segments. Involucral bracts green with darker vein in cen- dental y Cordillera Oriental, Paramos de Silvan, Prov. Azuay, Ecuador, July 30, Aug. 3, 1959 (type, US, herb. sheet no. 23728 Coreopsis suaveolens Sherff (Bot. Gaz. 89: 369. 1930; Revision of the Genus Coreopsis, Bot. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 11: 336. 1936) was founded upon a single collection, Erich Werdermann 1114, at alt. of about 3,800 meters, Cordillera de Lallinca, Prov. Tarapaca, Dept. Tarapaca, Chile, March, 1926, represented by four specimens, GH (type, my photo- graph no. 2152) and (isotypes) F, S (my photograph no. 2029), and UC. As remarked at the time, the species possessed a habital appearance strongly similar to that of C. fasciculata Wedd. An easily distinguishing character, however, was the pleasant odor of the dried herbarium speci- mens, these having the fragrance characteristic of the well known creosote-bush of the Southwestern United States, Covillea divaricata (Cav.) Vail. The same agreeable odor is pronounced in the lone specimen, Barclay & Juajibioy 8563, cited above from Ecuador for the type of a new variety. 372 In C. suaveolens proper (1.e., var. suaveolens) the heads are solitary, terminating the supernally naked branches (slender peduncles). In var. ecuadoriensis, they are clustered mostly in threes on slender pedicels about 1.2-2.5 cm. long. COREOPSIS WOYTKOWSKII Sherff, Revision of the Genus Coreop- sis, Bot. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 11: 326. 1936—An extension of range.—This species was based upon a single collection: Felix Woytkow- ski 24, on rocky hills at altitude of 2625 m., vicinity of Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca, Peru, June 5, 1936 (type, F, my photograph no. 3179; Chicago Natural History Museum photograph no. 49160, of two frag- ments of type). Shortly afterwards a collection was made in the De- partment of Chachapoyas, Peru: Christopher Sandeman Lt, ALG. TOO" TE Chachapoyas, Peru, August, 1938 (K, my photograph no. 3454). Among the specimens of Coreopsis and related genera recently sent me from the Smithsonian Institution (US) is an excellent specimen from still a third collection: J. J. Wurdack 1147, shrub 1 m. tall, on dry cliff face. Rays and disk yellow; summit of Puma-urcu southeast of Chachapoyas, alt. 3100-3200 m., Prov. of Chachapoyas, Dept. of Amazonas, Peru. It is seen then, that Sandeman 17 and Wurdack 1147 extend the geographic range of C. woytkowskii, known heretofore only from the Department of Cajamarca, into the Department of Amazonas, immediately to the northeast of the Department of Cajamarca. COREOPSIS HOLODASYA Blake, Kew Bull, 15: 373. 1962.—In my above cited Revision of the Genus Coreopsis, this little-known species, unknown till two years ago, would trace in the analytical key there given to the first letter c on page 290, “Folia 0.5-2 em. lata.” Under- neath that step are listed three species, the first two, C. oblanceolata and C. woytkowskii grouped under the step d, and having the leaves oblan- ceolate and 0.5-1.5 cm. wide: the third species, C. irmscheriana, standing under the second d, and having the leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate, and 1-2 cm. wide. In C. holodasya, the leaves are neither oblanceolate nor narrowly ovate-lanceolate, but instead narrowly elliptic-oblong, and under 1 em. wide. In my recently published Annotated List of My Botanical Writings (Ilinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, IIL, May, 1964), no mention unfortunately was made of this species, which at the time was unknown to me. It should have been provided for, of course, on page 18 of that work, with the direction to include its mention on page 290 of the Revision of the Genus Coreopsis, as above provided for. (In passing, we may note a misprint of the word breviora in line 28 of page 290.) — NEW NAMES AND RECORDS FOR TEXAS COMPOSITAE LLOYD H. SHINNERS Herbarium, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75222 When I agreed to contribute a summary of the Compositae for F. W. Gould’s Texas Plants —a Checklist and Ecological Summary (cover page date June 1962; actually published January 1963), I fully expected to have time to get the new names validly published in good time, and even dreamed of throwing in keys to at least some of the genera for good measure. But the distractions of moving with a large herbarium to a new building, and subsequently of ill health, shattered the dreams and delayed publication until now. This brief paper is intended primarily to validate several names that appeared in the Checklist as nomina nuda; some other name changes and new species or new records which have turned up since completion of the Checklist account are also included. They do not, alas, represent a final word. New names in Echinacea and Thelesperma await publication of revisions of those genera which have been completed by others. After becoming better acquainted with Brickellia, I am satisfied that it cannot be maintained as a genus distinct from Kuhnia, but the Herculean task of providing more than 100 new names in the latter genus is temporarily postponed. Southeastern species of Eupatorium badly need revision; only two of a number of inevitable name changes are indicated here. Solidago needs much more collecting in eastern Texas. Somed puzzling, localized forms of Aster cannot be disposed of until better material is available. And so on, But despite its shortcomings, I believe the Checklist summary represents very sub- stantial progress with our knowledge of the largest family of plants in Texas. The peo ane are entirely new records to be added: eee ccc scabridum, Machaeranthera brevilingulata, M. tenuis, M. texensis, Not calais canada. Solidago petiolaris var. petiolaris, Thelesperma curiv- carpum. The following should replace the Checklist names given in parentheses: Bahia dissecta (B. biternata), Cirsium Engelmanii (C. terrae-nigrae), Erigeron superbus (E. speciosas var. australis), E. lobatus confused status of the names Evax and Filago is noted under the latter. ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM L. var. OCCIDENTALIS (Rafinesque, ined.) DC., Prodr, 6: 24. 1837. “Frequens a Pensylvania ad reg. Illinoen- SIDA 1 (6): 373—379. 1964. 374 sem.” Including A. gracilis Rafinesque, Herb. Raf. p. 22. 1833. Locality not specified, but this is species no. 12 under the heading ‘“Florula Texensis .. . New Dicotyle Plants of Texas and Arkansas.” A. ille- foltum var. gracilis (Rafinesque) DC., Lc. “Agro Kentuckiensi.” Though A. gracilis was published earlier, in the rank of variety the two epithets appeared simultaneously, and I have chosen occidentalis as the more appropriate. This earlier name for what is commonly known as A. lanulosa or A. Millefolium var. lanulosa has generally been overlooked. ARTEMISIA LUDOVICIANA Nuttall var. albula (Wooton) Shinners, comb. nov. A. albula Wooton, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 193. 1913. A. ludoviciana ssp. albula (Wooton) Keck, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (ser. 4) 25: 446. 1946 ARTEMISIA LUDOVICIANA var. redolens (Gray) Shinners, comb. nov. A. redolens Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad, 21: 393. 1886. A. vulgaris ssp. redolens (Gray) Hall & Clements, The oe Method in Tax- onomy (Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 326): 1923. A. ludoviciana ssp. redolens (Gray) Keck, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sh ee 4) 25: 454. 1946, BAHIA DISSECTA (Gray) Britton. This name should replace B. biternata in the list; see Ellison, Rhodora 60: 190—199, 201—204, 1964. BAHIA NEOMEXICANA Gray. After seeing specimens of the South American Schkuhria multiflora Hooker & Arnott, I agree with Heiser’s view that the North American plant is the same (see Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. : 274—275, 1945). Ellison agrees with Heiser in leaving the species under Schkuhria, but I am not wholly persuaded. If retained under Bahia, a new combination based on the Hooker & Arnott name is required. BAHIA WOODHOUSII Gray. At different times Gray treated this under three different generic names, always spelling the eponymous epithet with the double i, as here given. He obviously thought it a better Latin form than Woodhousei. He did not misspell the name, as Warnock implies (Wrightia 2: 74, 1960). Ellison also uses the illegitimately “cor- rected” spelling in his revisicn. CENTAUREA SOLSTITIALIS L. Long known from California and more recently from Oklahoma, this Old World species had not previously been reported from Texas. DALLAS CO.: Belt Line Road 0.3 mile west of U.S. Highway 67, Cedar Hill, David Flyr, 6 June 1962 (SMU). “Also seen about one mile north of Cedar Hill.” CHRYSOTHAMNUS VISCIDIFLORUS (Hooker) Nuttall var. ludens Shinners, var. nov. Folia glabra vel scabro-puberula lincari-oblanceo- lata, majora 2.0—2.5 cm. longa, 2—3 mm. lata. Capitula pauca congesta ramos erectos terminantia. Involucra 5.0—5.5 mm. alta. Corollae pro- funde divisae lobis angustis 2—3 mm. longis. Achaenia glabra vel ad angulos parcissime appresse hirsutula. HOLOTYPE: Guadalupe Mts. above Pine Springs Station, Culberson Co., Texas, Shinners 9063, 15 Aug. 375 1946 (SMU). “On higher slopes, elev. about 6000 ft. Shrubs 42—1 m. tall, virgate; bark blackish to gray-brown.” PARATYPE: Infrequent peren- nial in limestone soil above Hunter Lodge, in South McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mts., alt. 9499 feet (sic! collection number by error repeated for altitude; highest point in the range is 8751 ft.), Culberson Co., Barton H. Warnock 9499, 13 Aug. 1949 (SMU). This somewhat isolated repre- sentative of the C. viscidiflorus complex is named in allusion to the fact that it will not fit any of the possible choices in the key to sub- species given in the Hall & Clements monograph (The Phylogenetic Method in Taxonomy, Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 326: 181, 1923), and because of the glabrous or glabrate achenes will hardly even fit in the key to species (l.c. 175). A similar but judging from the description distinct plant has just been described from New Mexico as C. spathulatus L. C. Anderson, Madrono 17: 226—227, 1964. CIRSIUM ENGELMANNII Rydberg, Fl. Rocky Mts. 1013 and 1069. 1917. Based on C. virginianum var. filipendulum Engelmann ex Gray, Man. ed. 2 p. 233. 1856. (Not C. filipendulum Lange, 1861.) C. terrae- nigrae Shinners, Field & Lab. 17: 27—29. 1949. Purposely based on a different type, but taxonomically identical with the preceding. Ryd- berg’s name is as to type, not as to plant described; the Blackland Prairie thistle does not extend even as far as the High Plains, let alone the Rocky Mountains. It is confined to a narrow belt from south central Oklahoma to central Texas, with an outlying southern station in Harris County, Texas. I am indebted to Dr. R. J. Moore of the Plant Research Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, for calling my attention to my oversight in providing another name for the species. ENCELIA SCAPOSA Gray var. stenophylla Shinners, var. nov. A var. scaposa recedit foliis angustissimis 1.0—3.5 mm. latis (vice 3—7 mm.). HOLOTYPE: 91/3 miles east of Dryden, Terrell Co., Texas, V. L. Cory 43870, 28 March 1944 (SMU). A second sheet, probably a duplicate but numbered 43869 (it was Mr. Cory’s practice at that time to number every sheet rather than every collection), is designated PARATYPE, same place and date (SMU). E. scaposa var. scaposa occurs farther west at higher elevations, in Hudspeth and Jeff Davis counties. ERIGERON SUPERBUS Greene. This name should replace E. speciosus var. australis in the list. The only Texas specimen seen (Davis Mts., Jeff Davis Co., M. S. Young, 13 Sept. 1918, TEX) has distinctly ciliate leaves as in E. speciosus, but otherwise seems definitely to belong with E superbus, which was reported from the same locality by Cronquist (Brittonia 6: 150—151, 1947). ERIGERON TENELLUS DC., Prodr. 5: 288. 1836. “In Mexico circa Tamaulipas in campis Matamoros legit cl. Berlandier martio flor.” This species seems to have been completely overlooked since its original description. In above-ground parts it greatly resembles E. tenuis T. & G,, and Texas collections have been referred to that species. But E. tenellus 376 is an annual with a slender taproot, while E. tenuis is perennial with fibrous roots from a stubby crown. The following three collections from Cameron Co., close to the type locality just over the border in Mexico, may be cited (all SMU). About 8 miles west of Boca Chica, Lundell & Lundell 10778, 17 March 1942. Yard in Brownsville, J. F. Brenckle 47-325, 3 April 1947. Along Highway 106 E. of Harlingen at Harlingen Air Force Base, Alfred Traverse 1018, 21 April 1959. ERIGERON Traversii Shinners, sp. nov. (Sect. Phalacroloma.) E. strigoso peraffinis, sed foliis infimis saepe pinnatim dentato-lobulatis vel sublyratis sicut in E. tenui, praecox (Marte-Maio florens), formosior, ligulis latioribus (0.8—1.2 mm., vice 0.5—1.0 mm.) candidis vel rarissime carneis. HOLOTYPE: Off U.S. 59, about 8 miless south of Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches Co., Texas, Lundell & Lundell 11093, 11 April 1942 (SMU). Pine Belt of eastern Texas and adjacent Louisiana, flowering two to four weeks ahead of E. strigosus, a showier plant easily distinguished in the field though not in the herbarium. The following additional collec- tions have been seen. TEXAS. Jasper Co.: 6 miles southeast of Jasper, Shinners 18,402, 9 April 1954 (SMU). Nacogdoches Co.: 15 miles south of Nacogdoches, B. L. Turner 4377, 12 April 1958 (TEX). “Dark pink- flowered form among a population of white-flowered types. Only plant of this color seen in the vicinity.” Newton Co.: 3 miles west of Newton, Shinners 18,387, 9 April 1954 (SMU). Panola Co.: 4.3 miles southeast of Tatum, Shinners 18,503, 9 April 1954 (SMU). Sabine Co.: 12 miles south- east of Patroon, Eula Whitehouse 20,861, 18 March 1949 (SMU). 4 miles south of San Augustine, Shinners 18,450, 9 April 1954 (SMU). Shelby Co.: 10 miles southeast of Center, Shinners 7618, 10 May 1945 (with many empty receptacles, the flowers fallen) (SMU). LOUISIANA. Sabine Parish: 4.8 miles south of Many, Shinners 22,772, 23 April 1956 MU) When Dr. Traverse brought me specimens of Erigeron tenellus for identification, I at first intended to name that species for him, recog- nizing it as different from any previously known from the United States. When it proved to have been named from Mexico, this species was used instead, in appreciation for the many excellent collections made by him in the Gulf States from Texas to Florida. ERIGERON LOBATUS A. Nelson var. Warnockii Shinners, var. no A var. lobato differt pedunculis strigosis subeglandulosis. eee Brewster Co., Texas (without precise locality), Warnock 424, 15—23 EUPATORIUM GLAUCESCENS Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 2: 297. 1822. FE. cuneifolium Willdenow, Sp. Pl. (ed. 4) 3 pt. 3: 1753. 1803. (Illegitimate name: the earlier E. Marrubium Walter is cited as synonym without qualification, but not adopted.) E. semiserratum DC... Prodr..5: 377 177. 1836. E. cuneifolium var. semiserratum (DC.) Fernald & Griscom, Rhodora 37: 179. 1935. E. parviflorum var. lancifolium T. & G., Fl. N.A. 2: 85. 1841. E. semiserratum var. lancifolium (T. & G.) Gray, Syn. Fl. N.A. 1 pt. 2: 98—99. 1884. The complex to which these names relate is a most difficult one. Size of involucre, uesd by both Fernald and Cronquist to distinguish this from E. linearifoltum and related plants, is not a reliable character. I have adopted the oldest valid name as species. Unless var. lancifolium and var. semtserratum can be shown to be taxonomically separable, the former name must replace the latter. My studies have not progressed sufficiently for me to state any conclusions. EUPATORIUM SCABRIDUM Elliott, Sketch Bot. S.C. & Ga. 2: 299— 300. 1822. E. rotundifolium var. scabridum (Elliott) Gray, Syn. FL N.A. 1 pt. 2: 99. 1884. This is another of those species which, although originally described from the Southeast, is rather rare there, but is widespread and common west of the Mississippi River, especially in Arkansas and Louisiana. Local in TEXAS. Newton Co.: State Forest No. 1, 5 miles east of Kirbyville, Cory 49,775, 30 Sept. 1945 (SMU). Smith Co.: Swan, J. description. Leaves smaller than in E. rotundifolium, with distinctly cuneate bases. FILAGO. The following new names were recently published for the Texas plants previously listed under Evazx: F. candida (T. & G.) Shinners, F. Nuttallii Shinners (Evax prolifera Nuttall, not Filago prolifera Pomel), F. verna (Rafinesque) Shinners (Evax multicaulis DC., a later name than E. verna Rafinesque), and F. verna var. Drummondii (T. & G.) Shinners. There was a belated attempt to conserve the name Filago in the previous sense by the questionable device of typifying it with a species added in the Appendix to Species Plantarum rather than one given in the main text. Presumably the proposal has been acted upon by the Edinburgh Congress, but as this goes to press I do not know what was decided. If Filago is thus conserved, there will have to be another new combination for the last-mentioned variety under Evax vernda. HELIANTHUS ANNUUS L. var. texanus (Heiser) Shinners, comb. nov. H. annuus ssp. texanus Heiser, Amer. Mid], Nat. 51: 299. 1954. HELIANTHUS ludens Shinners, sp. nov. Annua? (radix deest) parva erecta 32-43 cm. alta hispidulo-pubescens suprene corymboso-ramosa. Folia petiolata laminis lanceolatis integris vel leviter sinuato-dentatis triplinervibus. Capitula pauca mediocria involucris 7 mm. altis phyl- lariis lanceo-linearibus sub-3-seriatis subaequalibus subappressis discum vix aequantibus. Flores radii et disci flavi. HOLOTYPE: Lobo Flat, 19 miles east of Van Horn, Culberson Co., Texas, Turner, Tharp & Warnock 53-543, 28 Aug. 1953 (SMU). “Ditch beside cotton field.” In aspect more 378 like a Verbesina or Viguiera, but the achenes and pappus are definitely those of Helianthus. IVA AUGUSTIFOLIA Nuttall var. latior Shinners, var. nov. Folia caulina laminis lanceolatis ad 50 x 12 mm., suprema laminis anguste lanceolatis nec lineari- filiformibus. HOLOTPYE: south of Falfurrias, in tinctly lanceolate, not “linear to linear-filiform” as described in R. C. Jackson’s revision (Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 41: 805, 1960) and as found in specimens of var. angustifolia. Stem leaves of the latter, as described by Jackson, are 5—10 times as long as wide. A second specimen referred to the new variety is divided at base into three stems, the central one with a branch just above base, and has lost the middle and lower leaves; the upper ones are 5—6 times as long as wide. Goliad Co.: 9.5 miles south of Goliad, Shinners 25,206, 13 Oct. 1956 (SMU). Both collections are from southwest of the range of var. angustifolia as understood e MACHAERANTHERA annua (Rydberg) Shinners, comb. nov. Sider- anthus annuus Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 653. 1904. Haplopappus phyllocephalus ssp. annuus (Rydberg) Hall, The Genus Haplopappus (Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 389): 58. 1928. Machaeranthera phyl- locephala var. annua (Rydberg) Shinners, Field & Lab. 18: 40. 1950 An erect annual, resembling a small Prionopsis ciliata, quite distinct from the coastal M. phyllocephala. MACHAERANTHERA BOLTONIAE (Greene) Turner & Horne, Brit- tonia 16: 328. 1964. This name should replace Psilactis asteroides in the list; transfer of the latter is prevented by Machaeranthera asteroides reene, a different species. MACHAERANTHERA BREVILINGULATA (Schultz-Bipontinus) Turner & Horne, l.c. 324, Psilactis brevilingulata Schultz-Bipontinus ex Hemsley. This species should be added to the list as NAW from Region 10. MACHAERANTHERA PINNATIFIDA (Hooker) ee Sida 1: 295. 1964. This name should replace M. pinnata in the li MACHAERANTHERA TENUIS (S. Watson) 6 & Horne, Brit- tonia 16: 326. 1964. This species should be added to the list as NAW from regions 6 and 1] MACHAERANTHERA texensis (R. C. Jackson) Shinners, comb. Haplopappus texensis R. C. Jackson, Rhodora 64: 142143. 1962. es species should be added to the list as NPW from Region 6. NOTHOCALIS CUSPIDATA (Pursh) Greene. Troximon cuspidatum Pursh. Agoseris cuspidata (Pursh) Steudel. Microseris cuspidata (Pursh) Schultz-Bipontinus. This Great Plains species has been known from as far south as Oklahoma; it occurs also in the Texas Panhandle, in Lips- comb, Ochiltree, and Roberts counties, where it was collected by Charles S. Wallis in 1960. The nomenclature follows that of Kenton L. 379 Chambers (see Contrib. Dudley Herb. 5: 66—67, 1957). It should be added to the list as NPC from Region 9. SENECIO SPARTIOIDES T. & G. var. Parksii (Cory) Shinners, comb. nov. S. Riddellii var. Parksii Cory, Rhodora 45: 164. 1943. SENECIO Warnockii Shinners, sp. nov. Species gypsogena S. spartiodeo affinis. Perennis sublignosa humilis 10—-30 cm. alta multicaulis plus minusve floccoso-albescens. Folia crebra angustissime linearia carnosa 3—7 cm. longa ca. 1 mm. lata integerrima. Capitula, involucra, floresque t in S. spartioideo. HOLOTYPE: 40 miles north of Van Horn, alt. 4000 ft., Culberson Co., Texas, Turner & Warnock 202, 16 Sept. 1948 (SMU). When the troublesome S. spartioides complex is revised this may be re- duced in status, but with its dwarf stature and crowded, entire leaves, it is a much more extreme departure from the type than any of the other variants included under that binomial. Three additional collections have been seen. TEXAS. Culberson Co.: gyp soil along pipeline between Tex- line and Orla, Warnock 10,276, 7 Oct. 1951 (SMU). County not deter- mined: 2 miles south of Rustlers Springs, Parks & Cory 30830, 20 Oct. 1938 (SMU). NEW MEXICO. Eddy Co.: 13 miles S.W. of White City (S. of Carlsbad), David B. Dunn 8732, 12 Oct. 1952 (SMU). “Arid alkaline grassland. Caliche beds exposed. El. 3800 ft.” SOLIDAGO PETIOLARIS Aiton var. PETIOLARIS. This was inad- Merion! omitted from the lst. It should be included as NPW from Region | eee CURVICARPUM Melchert, S.W. Nat. 8: 179. 1963. This should be added to the list as NAC from Region 7. rateful acknowledgment is due Dr. B. L. Turner for the long-term loan of critical specimens from the University of Texas, and to the National Science Foundation, whose 5-year grant (1956—1960) in sup- port of field work preliminary to a Flora of the Gulf Southwest per- mitted much additional collecting and field observation of Compositae as well as other groups in the region. NOTES DIGITARIA ISCHAEMUM (GRAMINEAE) IN MISSISSIPPI AND TEXAS.—Although the second edition of Hitchcock’s Manual of Grasses of the United States (1952) assigns the introduced Digitaria Ischaemum Schreber an all-inclusive range (“Quebec to Georgia, west to Washing- ton and California’), the map (p. 578) shows no records for most of the southernmost states. The obviously expectable spread of the weed to two more of those states can now be reported. MISSISSIPPI. Clarke Co.: south side of Quitman, Shinners 29,074, 26 Oct. 1960. Coahoma Co:: Clarksdale, Shinners 25,587, 29 Oct. 1956. Wayne Co.: 5 miles southeast of Waynesboro, Shinners 29,062, 26 Oct. 1960. TEXAS. Camp Co.: 4.4 miles north of Pittsburg, Shinners 16,140, 16 Sept. 1953. Cass Co.: 4% Shelby Co.: 2 miles west-northwest of Joaquin, Shinners 22,351, 10 Oct. 1955. (All collections at SMU.) This more or less northern species is exceedingly similar to the pantropical (believed to be originally Asian) D. violascens Link, which is widespread and common in the Gulf states. Descriptions and keys treating these two in Hitchcock’s Manual and in Henrard’s Monograph of the Genus Digitaria (1950) are partly contra- dictory and not reliable. After much effort, the best separation I can make for them is as foilows, based on 57 specimens of D. Ischaemum (47 U.S., 9 European, 1 Asian) and 31 of D. violascens (30 U.S., 1 West Indian). Width of racemes 1.3—2.0 mm. (smallest measurements on short race- mes of small plants); spikelets 1.7—2.3 mm. long, mostly attached in 2’s or 3’s (singly near base and tip of raceme) . . . Ischaemum Width of racemes 0.8—1.5 mm. (largest Srercimren ani on long racemes of large plants); spikelets 1.3—1.8 mm. long, mostly attached singly or in 2’s, but often in 3’s near middle of racemes . . D. violascens Much is made by Henrard of difference in type of hairs on the spike- lets, D. Ischaemum being characterized by capitellate hairs, D. violascens by verrucose ones. With the usual magnifications of up to 10 diameters it is impossible to make out this difference, and even with magnifica- tions up to 30 diameters I could not make a satisfactory separation of available material. Spikelet pubescence varies in abundance and length in both species, and according to Henrard himself, even in kind in D. violascens (he notes that some spikelets on the type specimen have ordinary, non-verrucose hairs). This feature seems to me to be a matter of minor genetic variation, not a character so fundamental that it can be used to define entire sections of the genus. In his comments under D. violascens, he states that D. Ischaemum (which he places in a differ- ent section) differs in “longer, thicker spikelets, about 214 mm. long, SIDA 1 (6): 380—381, 1964. 381 glabrous pedicels... .”’ But under the latter species he accepts as valid a var. asiatica Ohwi with spikelets only 1.5—1.9 mm. long. I have seen no spikelets as large as 2.5 mm. among the 57 sheets of D. Ischaemum examined, nor are the pedicels always glabrous, but commonly variously scabrous or puberulent at summit or throughout. In D. violascens, ac- cording to Henrard, the spikelets are “scarcely 2 mm. long, mostly 1.6—1.8 mm. ... with scabrous pedicels.” The range in spikelet size for the 31 specimens examined was 1.3—1.8 mm., as stated in the key, and the pedicels are variously scabrous or puberulent as in D. Ischaemum. In Hitchcock’s Manual, D. Ischaemum is keyed as having spikelets 2 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, the hairs “or most of them” capitellate, while D. floridana Hitchcock and D. violascens are separated on the basis of spikelets 1.5 to 1.7 mm. long, about 0.6 mm. wide, the hairs not capitel- late. The two latter are then differentiated as “Sterile lemma with 9 distinct nerves; spikelets sparingly pubescent, 1.7 mm. long” (but in the description stated to be 1.5 to 1.7 mm.); “fertile lemma light brown; racemes, if more than 2, not digitate” for D. floridana, “Sterile lemma with 3 distinct nerves; spikelets distinctly pubescent, 1.5 mm. long; fertile lemma dark brown, racemes usually all digitate” for D. violascens. For the 31 sheets of D. violascens examined, none of these characters will stand up. Henrard, who saw fragments of the type and only known collection of D. floridana (from Hernando Co., Florida), adds that it shows only non-verrucose hairs, and refers it to still another section of the genus. I strongly suspect that D. floridana is merely a form of D. violascens in which the non-verrucose hairs, conceded by Henrard him- self to be present with the verrucose ones, are the predominant or ex- clusive type. Grateful acknowledgment is due the National Science Foundation for two grants in support of field work in the Gulf Southwest, under which many of the specimens used in this study were collected.—Lloyd H. Shinners, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75222. CHROMOSOMES OF TWO MORAEA (IRIDACEAE) FROM SOUTH- ERN AFRICA.—A new basic number of x=6 in Moraea has recently been reported for 2 South African species by Riley (Canad. J. Genet. & Cytol. 4: 50-55, 1962). Two additional species can now be assigned to this line. M. erici-rosenii Fries — n=—6, 2n= 12 (from 6 plants). N. RHODESIA: Mwinilunga Dist., Zambesi River rapids, 4 miles N of Kalene mission, 10 Nov. 1962, Lewis 6224 (K, US, MO). “Collected at the base of massive granite outcrops among islands of grasses and sedges in black, shallow, wet soil; almost indistinguishable among other monocots until tepals open daily at 4 p.m. till dark.” The species has been found sporadically throughout southern Africa, but its rarity can be at least partially attri- buted to late afternoon flowering for at other times of the day plants are very difficult to locate. Mitotic chromosomes from untreated cells 382 of immature flower buds have submedian to subterminal centromeres and vary from 10.3 be for the shortest pair to 18.2 pL for the longest pair. M. setacea Ker. — 2n=12 (from 2 plants). S. AFRICA: Natal, Hlabisa Dist., Charters Creek, 5 Dec. 1962, Lewis 6306 (K, US, MO). ‘Sloping grass field in sandy soil just above ocean.’ The chromosomes found in untreated root-tip cells are comparable with those of M. erici-rosenii. viz., Ssubmedian and subterminal ranging from 10.8-19.9 je in length. On measuring the chromosomes from pretreated cells of M. polystachya illustrated by Riley, I estimate their lengths to vary from 12.1-15.4 while the chromosomes of M. spathulata appear to be only about one- half as long. Riley noted that the chromosomes of M. polystachya had subterminal and submedian centromeres. Thus in both chromosome length and centromere position the chromosomes of M. polystachya are similar to those of M. erici-rosenii and M. setacea. Plants from both collections are in cultivation at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. I appreciate the help of Mrs. Susan Holmes of Kew in determining these species.—Walter H. Lewis, Missouri Botanical Garden, and Department of Botany, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. ERIOGONUM ANNUUM (POLYGONACEAE) BIENNIAL IN NE- BRASKA. The life-form of Eriogonum annuum. occurring in the United States from North Dakota and Montana south to Texas and New Mexico, is commonly described as therophyte (annual). I have observed this species over a two year period in Holt and McPherson counties, Ne- braska, where it behaves as a typical biennial. Its seeds germinate in the spring, and a rosette is produced. The rosette overwinters, and the fol- lowing year a leafy, flowering shoot develops, seeds are matured, and the plant dies. At least in parts of Nebraska, then, Eriogonum annuum is not a therophyte but is a hemicryptophyte of the semi-rosette type. —John W. Thieret, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. A DECEIVING AQUATIC NEPTUNIA (LEGUMINOSAE) IN CEN- TRAL AMERICA.—Neptunia prostrata is a distinctive and fantastic species, particularly as one would scarcely expect to find a strictly aquatic plant among the Mimoseae. The prostrate stems, lying just below the surface in warm pools, are jointed and spongy-thickened, white (one might use Vachel Lindsay’s term “fish-belly white”), soft and fleshy, reminding one of a great worm: the leaves are held up in the air and are sensitive, folding when touched: the flowers resemble those of Mimosa. It is rather unexpected, then, to find another species of Neptunia, usually terrestrial, invading the water and so closely simulating N. prostrata as to masquerade frequently under that name in the herbarium. NEPTUNIA PLENA (L.) Bentham f. lumbricoides Fassett, f. nov. Planta aquatica caulibus incrassatis spongiosis prostratis submersis, eis N. prostratae simulantibus. EL SALVADOR: Dept. La Paz, floating in Laguna Nahualapa, 6 km. S.W. of El Rosario de la Paz, Fassett 28323, 383 21 October 1950 (HOLOTYPE F; ISOTYPES GH, MO, US, WIS). Corn- spot in Crescentia savanna, Choluteca, 31 October to 9 November 1949, Standley 24588 (F.). MEXICO: Acapulco, Guerrero, October 1894 to March 1895, Palmer 284 (GH). In a pond-llano, Gutzalama, Cuyuca District, Guerrero, 25 August 1943, Hinton 6495 (F, GH). BRAZIL: in shallow water and on margins of Acude Columinjuba, Municipio de Maranguapa, 9 October 1935, Drouet 2580 (GH). Lagoa Mecejana, Muni- cipio de Fortaleza, 18 July 1935, Drowet 2143 (GH). The two collections from E] Salvador are extreme, and in appearance exactly simulate N. prostrata. They are distinguished from that species by the longer fruit with sometimes as many as 18 seeds (4—8 in N. prostrata), and by the gland at the summit of the petiole. (See Standley & Steyermark, Flora of Guatemala, Fieldiana: Botany 24 pt. 5: 65, 1946.) The aquatic phase of N. plena has recently been discussed in relation to its occurrence in Texas (B. L. Turner, Revision of United States species of Neptunia, Amer. Midl. Nat. 46: 84, 1951). The one collection of that species from Texas appears to be f. lumbricoides.—Norman C. Fassett, University of Wisconsin, Madison. DITOR’S NOTE. The above was one of the last manuscripts com- pleted by Dr. Fassett before his untimely death in 1954. Evidently in- tended to be part of a series, it was originally titled “Studies of aquatic plants in Central America. 2. A deceiving Neptunia.” It has been sub- mitted by Dr. Hugh H. Iltis in order to make the herbarium name available for use by another botanist now monographing the genus. A HEXAPLOID LINUM (LINACEAE) FROM EASTERN ETHIOPIA.— In Africa south of the Sahara, Linum is scarcely represented. No species, for example, is listed for the Flora of West Tropical Africa and only 2 are recorded from the region of the Flora Zambesiaca (by Robson, 2: 91—99, 1963). During a recent trip in Ethiopia, I was able to collect 1 species listed in the latter flora, L. holstii Engler ex Wilczek. Plants were found infrequently in Harar Prov., 7.4 km E of Giggiga (Lewis 5889, 24 Aug. 1962) on a short grass plateau at 5000 ft. Immature flower buds were fixed and air mailed to England for storage at -40°C. At the same time, herbarium vouchers were collected and these are deposited at K, US, Seven months later, whole buds were squashed in 2% acetic-orcein. Diakinesis in PMCs of 2 plants of L. holstii showed n=27 with the 27 bivalents illustrating a strong tendency for early terminalization of chiasmata. The average size of chromosomes at diakinesis was The species is thus a hexaploid in the x=9 series, a series common to the eastern North American species of Linwm, but then only to the tetraploid level (Osborne & Lewis, Sida 1: 63—68, 1962). The number is unique to the genus and the species is to my knowledge the first ex- 384 ample of an indigenous hexaploid flax—Walter H. Lewis, Missouri Botanical Garden, and Department of Botany, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. CAYRATIA JAPONICA (VITACEAE) IN SOUTHEASTERN LOUISI- ANA: NEW TO THE UNITED STATES.—Among some collections made at the Delta Regional Primate Research Center of Tulane University by Michael Kent Rylander and sent to me for determination was a strange- looking plant obviously in the Vitaceae, with pedately compound leaves, unlike any North American species known to me. The tetramerous flowers in short, wide, long-peduncled cymes indicated Cissus, and the plant was first tentatively identified as C. japonica (Thunb.) Willd. (included in Bailey’s The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, but not in his Manual of Cultivated Plants), then more positively as Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) Gagnepain, Notulae Systematicae 1: 349, 1911 (more fully treated by that author, with description and figures of flower details, in Lecomte’s Flore Générale de V’Indo-Chine 1: 983—984 and PI. xX , 1912). There are illustrations of the plant in Makino’s An Illus- trated Flora of Japan (enlarged edition), p. 341, 1956 (as Cissus), and Steward’s Manual of Vascular Plants of the Lower Yangtze Valley, China, p. 233 (text account, p. 240), 1958. Both show rather obtuse terminal leaflets. In the specimen these are acute, and Gagnepain’s mate Research Center, Covington, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana (SMU). It possibly represents an escape from cultivation.—Lloy Shinners. THREE NEW VARIETAL NAMES IN SPHAERALCEA (MALVA- CEAE).—In Thomas H. Kearney’s “The North American species of Sphaeralcea subgenus Eusphaeralcea” (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 1—128, 1935), the author follows the American Code usage of undesignated tri- nomials which are subspecies; he so refers to them repeatedly in the text. Later, in a joint paper with Robert H. Peebles publishing new names . Arizona plants, he included a paragraph replacing the oo new combinations as varieties (Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. : Hs 1939). In three cases the epithet used for a variety is not the ere available in that rank, The correct combinations are supplied herewith. S. E I var. californica (Parish) Shinners, comb. nov. S. Fendleri var. californica Parish, Zoe 5: 71—72. 1900. S. Emoryi ssp. variabilis (Cockerell) Kearney, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 39. 1935. S. Emoryi var. variabilis (Cockerell) Kearney, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 29: 486. 1939 S. ANGUSTIFOLIA var. oblongifolia (Gray) Shinners, comb. nov. S. 385 incana var. oblongifolia Gray, Smithsonian Contrib. 5 art. 6 (Pl. Wright. pt. 2): 21. 1853. S. angustifolia var. lobata S. Watson, Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 15 (Bibl. Index): 1438. 1878. (Illegitimate new name based on the angustifolia var. lobata S. Watson; the use of the epithet was evidently a coincidence.) S. angustifolia ssp. lobata (Wooton) Kearney, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 69. 1935. S. angustifolia var. lobata (Wooton) Kearney, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 29: 486. 1939. (Illegitimate as a later homonym of S. angustifolia var. lobata S. Watson.) var. angustiloba Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 292. 1887. S. tenuipes Wooton & Standley, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 148. 1913. S. digitata ssp. — (Wooton & Standley) Kearney, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 91. 1935. S. digitata var. tenuipes (Wooton & Standley) Kearney, Journ. iui cae Acad. Sci. 29: 486. 1939. It should be noted that although not designated as new and not entered in the Gray Herbarium Card Index, S. angustifolia ssp. cuspi- data (Gray) Kearney, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 67, 1935, was a new combination based on S. angustifolia var. cuspidata Gray. In the 1939 list of new varietal combinations, S. axillaris var. violacea (Rose) Kearney appears by a slip of the pen as var. rosacea.—Lloyd H. Shinners. NEW VARIETAL esen FOR NEW WORLD LUDWIGIA (ON- AGRACEAE).—For the sake of uniformity in my several projected floras, new ee in varietal rank are needed for plants recently treated by Peter Raven as subspecies. For completeness all those occur- ring in the New World are included. I see no benefit whatever in dis- carding the rank of variety in favor of that of subspecies. Indeed, such a proceeding is not in accord with the present International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, for the two are not identical in status. It is also highly impractical, for it will require an astronomical number of new names. I prefer the lesser by far of two evils. LUDWIGIA OCTOVALVIS (Jacquin) Raven, Kew Bull. 15: 476. 1962. The automatic var. octovalvis applies to those plants treated by Munz as Jussiaea suffruticosa (including var. ligustrifolia and var. octofila) and by Hara as Ludwigia pubescens. L. OCTOVALVIS var. macropoda (Presl) Shinners, comb. nov. Jus- siaea macropoda Presl, Rel. Haenk, 2: 35. 1835. J. suffruticosa var. macropoda (Presl) Munz, Darwiniana 4: 239. 1942. Ludwigia octovalvis ssp. macropoda (Presl) Raven, Kew Bull. 15: 476. 1962. OVALVIS var. sessiliflora (Micheli) Shinners, comb. nov. Fissinen octonervia f. sessiliflora Micheli in Martius, Fl. Bras. 13 (2): J. octonervia var. sessiliflora Micheli, ibid. 180 and pl. 35. Ludwigia octovalvis ssp. sessiliflora (Micheli) Raven, Kew Bull. 15: 476. 2 386 LUDWIGIA PEPLOIDES (H.B.K.) Raven, Reinwardtia 6: 393. 1964. The automatic var. peploides applies to those plants treated as Jussiaea repens var. peploides by Munz and as Ludwigia adscendens var. pep- loides by Hara L. PEPLOIDES var. glabrescens (Kuntze) Shinners, comb. nov. Jus- siaea repens var. glabrescens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 251. 1891. Lud- wigia peploides ssp. glabrescens (Kuntze) Raven, Reinwardtia 6: 394. 1964 L. PEPLOIDES var. montevidensis (Sprengel) Shinners, comb. nov. Jussiaead montevidensis Sprengel, Syst. 2: 232. 1825. J. repens var. montevidensis (Sprengel) Munz, Darwiniana 4: 276. 1942. Ludwigia peploides ssp. montevidensis (Sprengel) Raven, Reinwardtia 6: 395. 1964. Further synonymy is supplied by P. A. Munz, “Studies in Onagraceae XII. A Revision of the New World Species of Jussiaea,”’ Darwiniana 4: 179—284, 1942; Hiroshi Hara, “Ludwigia versus Jussiaea,” Journ. Jap. Bot. 28 (10): 289—294, 1953: Peter H. Raven, “The Old World Species of Ludwigia (Including Jussiaea), with a Synopsis of the Genus (Ona- graceae),” Reinwardtia 6: 327—427, 1964.—Lloyd H. Shinners. NOTES ON CALYSTEGIA (CONVOLVULACEAE) IN THE CARO- LINAS.—In the forthcoming “Guide to the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas” two species of Calystegia are included on the basis of single collections, Calystegia sericata (House) Bell, comb. nov. based on Con- volvulus sericatus House (Torreya 6:150, 1906), was collected in June 1940, by H. L. Blomquist, “about 8 miles north of Salem, Oconee Co., S. C.” (Duke No. 61054). This area, just across the border from the area in Georgia which is the type locality for this species, was visited in June 1964, but no trace of the plant could be found. A second species, Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. Br., previously known in North America only from west coast collections, was collected in May 1963 by Sue F. Moore (No. 268) on the Atlantic side of the sand dunes between Kill Devil Hill and Duck, in Dare Co., N. C. Both of these species represent additions to the flora of the Carolinas as treated by previous manuals. —C, Ritchie Bell, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C TWO YOUNGIAS (“CREPIS JAPONICA”: COMPOSITAE) INTRO- DUCED IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES.—Under the name Crepis japonica (L.) Bentham, a common annual weed of tropical to warm-temperate regions, originally from southeastern Asia, was first reported from the United States in Small’s Manual of the Southeastern Flora in 1933 (p. 1495) as follows: “‘Roadsides, waste places, and meadows, S La. Nat. of Japan.—(W.I.)—All year.” Fernald’s 8th edition of Gray’s mentioned in the New Britton & Brown Illustrated Flora (1952). As Youngia japonica (L.) DC., it is given incidental mention in the com- 387 panion Manual of Gleason and Cronquist (1963, p. 759), apparently quoting Fernald: “reported to be locally established from Pa. to Va.” There are a dozen sheets from the United States in the S.M.U. Herbarium referred to this species, but representing two strikingly different forms. In The Genus Youngia by Babcock and Stebbins (Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington Publ. 484: 94—100, 1937) they are identifiable as Y. japonica ssp. genuina and Y. japonica ssp. Elstonii. Despite the lack of obvious tech- nical characters to separate them, and the scantiness of the material seen, I am inclined to regard them as distinct species. Because the synonymy of Babcock and Stebbins disregards the type method, the correct name for the second subspecies in the rank of species is wrongly listed under ssp. genuina. If treated as varieties, a new combination will be needed. Partly to avoid this, the two are discussed below under their valid binomials. YOUNGIA JAPONICA (L.) DC., Prodr. 7: 194. 1838. Y. lyrata Cassini, Ann. Sci. Nat. (ser. 1) 23: 88. 1831. Type from the island of Mauritius. Y. Thunbergiana DC. was indeed validly named.) Plant rather small (8—75 cm. tall), usually with only 1 or 2 (rarely 3—5) well-developed stem leaves; ligules about 1 mm. wide; another-tube 1.75 mm. long (measurements from Babcock and Stebbins). Chiefly in gardens or parks in cities, Florida to Texas. The following collections have been seen. FLORIDA. Lake Co.: weed around buildings, at Alexan der Ue as R. K. Godfrey & Richard D. Houk 62791, 11 May 1963. escape in our garden, Altamonte Springs, Dr. Paul O. Sc aL rt or 10 May 1958. Garden weed, same locahty, Schaller 8262 (bis), 1 Mare 1956. St. Tammany Parish: old field, Primate Research Center, ‘Coving- ton, Michael Kent Rylander 215, 16 May 1964. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson Co.: courthouse lawn, Pascagoula, F. H. Sargent 7844, 17 Oct. 1961. TEXAS. Dallas Co.: Northaven gardens, northern Dallas, weed under lathe, Shinners 29,153, 6 Nov. 1960. (On later visits, after an abnormally severe winter, it was not found.) Galveston Co.: Friendswood, Bales Nursery, in plant bed under lathing cover, Alfred Traverse 2622, 1 Nov. 1961. The height of the involucre in these specimens varies from 4.0 to 5.7 mm.; in 5 Asiatic specimens also seen (1 from Ceylon, 4 from Pakis- tan) it varied from 4.2 to 6.0 mm., considerably exceeding the limit of 5 mm. given by Babcock and Stebbins and others. YOUNGIA THUNBERGIANA DC., Prodr. 7: 192. 1838. Based on Pre- 388 nanthes lyrata Thunberg, Fl. Jap. p. 303. 1784. (Not Youngia lyrata Cassini, 1831.) According to Babcock and Stebbins, type material in the Thunberg Herbarium “is apparently the same as certain slender forms” of their Y. japonica ssp. Elstonii, but because specimens in the De Candolle Herbarium named Y. Thunbergiana were actually Y. japonica ssp. genuina, the binomial is placed in synonymy under the latter with- out the qualification that it was as to plant described, not as to type, which of course is that of Thunberg’s species.—Chondrilla lyrata (Thun- berg) Poiret, Encycl. Meth. Bot. Suppl. 2: 332. 1811. Also misleadingly cited by Babcock and Stebbins as a synonym of Y. japonica ssp. gen- uina—Crepis japonica var. Elstonit Hochreutiner, Candollea 5: 340—341. 1934.—Youngia japonica ssp. Elstonii (Hochreutiner) Babcock & Steb- bins, Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 484: 98. 1937. Plant generally much more robust than Y. japonica, half to over a meter in height, with leafy stem, the leaves gradually reduced upward; ligules 0.5—0.6 mm. wide; anther-tube 0.75—1.0 mm. long. Having seen only two specimens, I am unable to say how well the measurements given by Babcock and Steb- bins stand up. It is curious that the more robust plant should have markedly smaller flower parts. Hochreutiner found this and Y. japonica growing together in Hawaii, but with no intermediates. Only the follow- ing two collections have been seen. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Wash- ington, Kensington at Connecticut Ave. and Rock Creek, along wood road, apparently an old dumping ground, F. H. Sargent s. n., 19 May 1951. (Plant 70 cm. tall, in early flower; involucre 5.5 mm. high.) NORTH CAROLINA. Pasquotank Co.: roadside, 1.3 miles north of Knobbs Creek on U.S. 17-158 then 0.1 mile east (north of Elizabeth City), Harry E. Ahles (With R. P. Ashworth) 40082, 10 May 1958. (Plant 80 cm. tall, fruiting; involucre 5.3 mm. high.) In both specimens the leaves are pin- natifid with rather sharply pointed lobes and teeth. In those of Y. japonica the leaves are more strongly lyrate, the terminal lobe much larger than the fewer lateral ones, commonly rounded or blunt but occasionally rather sharp-pointed. The restriction of Y. japonica to the Gulf States, and its apparent inability to withstand the continental winter climate of Dallas, suggest that it is less cold-resistant than Y. Thunbergiana. If that is the case I would expect the reports of Crepis japonica from Pennsylvania and Virginia to belong rather to Youngia Thunbergiana. Lloyd H. Shinners. REVIEW WEBSTER’S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, UNABRIDGED. C. & L. Merriam Co., Spring- field, Massachusetts. 1961. Many have been the reviews, not all of them friendly, of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. The present general, but not exhaustive, survey of the way in which botany fares in this tome does not inspire supreme confidence. (At least the work is vastly better than the cheap pocket dictionary I once saw, which defined “electricity” merely as “a subtle force”; one assumes that its editors were never struck by lightning!) The advertisement at the very end of the dictionary emphasizes its easy “crisp” definitions, whereas I would say that its major scientific, if not literary, fault is a very lack of crispness. Instead of the clear, concise, definitive statements which one would expect in a dictionary, there is too often a marked tendency to stray deep into the citation of examples and other non-definitive material. If the editors desired to make brief entries of an encyclopedic nature, this material might better have been placed in separate sentences. (Sentences, however, are scrupu- lously avoided by the editors, who do not even end the entries with a period.) As one of the best (worst) examples, the entry for “enzyme” may be cited: “any of a very large class of complex proteinaceous substances (as amylases or pepsin) that are produced by living cells, that are essential to life by acting like catalysts in promoting at the cell temperature usu. reversible reactions (as hydrolysis and oxidation) without themselves undergoing marked destruction in the process but frequently requiring the presence of activators (as metal ions) or of coenzymes, and that can act also outside of living organisms and therefore are useful in many industrial processes (as fermentation, tanning of leather, and production of cheese).” In this example, the problem is not conveying of misinforma- tion; the statement at its beginning is a basically good and comprehen- sive one, albeit a complex one to read (“‘crisp’?). But why tack onto a definition two more clauses of non-definitive matter and a list of indus- trial processes which are made possible by the fact that enzymes may act outside of living organisms? Another fine example of “definition” by confusing example or use with directness is found under “diastase” tained usu. as a yellowish white nice enous powder from malt and used chiefly in desizing textiles and converting starch to maltose.” Similarly, the treatment of “neurospora”’: “a genus of ascomycetous fungi (family Sphaeriaceae) used extensively in genetic research, having black peri- SIDA 1 (6): 389—392. 1964. 390 theciae [sic; the singular perithecium is properly listed elsewhere in the volume] and persistent asci, and including some forms that have salmon pink or orange spore masses and cause severe damage in bakeries.” Apart from the fact that the nature of the damage (whether to the bakery furniture or to its products) is left entirely to the imagination, we find no use of the word “conidia” nor implication that they are characteristic of the genus. Note also that the countless names of genera are not capitalized as main entries, necessitating insertion of “cap.” each time; when a word is always begun with an initial capital it might have saved space and promoted clarity and good usage to enter it that way. A matter of style which is grammatically careless as well as potentially misleading, especially to persons outside the relevant field—those who most need the dictionary, is the very frequent fuzziness in relative pro- nouns (“that” seems for some reason decidedly preferred to Ridecsui, These often do not follow their antecedents; e.g., under “ovary” “... basal portion of the pistil or gynoecium of an angiospermous Bien that bears the ovules...” [is it the portion, the pistil, the gynoecium, or the plant which bears the ovules?]. Or, under “chondriosome”: “any of a class of . . . lipoprotein complexes in the cytoplasm of most cells that are thought to function .. .” [what is thought to function? }. In the rapidly growing areas of cellular and physiological biology, the editors had reasonable success in keeping up with new words, although they sometimes seem to have been unable to crystallize the primary definitive features and hence there is much ‘ ‘beating around the bush.” hile “respiration” is quite well treated, “digest” and ‘‘digestion” are rather too much defined in terms of each other, and with no clear indication of any applicability in the plant kingdom. “Ribosome” is not included at all (although the prefix “ribo-” is ), and mitochondrion is defined as a granular or globular (rather than the more frequent rodlike) chondriosome, the primary entry being the much more archaic latter word. The definition of auxin does not make clear that it is a naturally occurring substance in | plants (merely that it promotes growth or causes enzymatic, comparing them to viruses (rather than the other way around), and making no mention of nucleic acid. The discussion of omits the important new idea of a duplex molecule but does devote half its words to material irrelevant to the definition. (The hydrolysis products of polynucleotides would better be discussed in a separate sentence. ) The common word “mold” is not very lucidly treated. The first defini- tion is exceedingly broad (“a superficial often woolly growth .. .”) with no oS that the growth causes the decay on which it is esp. und; the second definition attempts a narrowing down “esp.” 391 to the order Mucorales—thus omitting a great many of the plants usually called molds, a term without much taxonomic significance. Names of families and orders of plants are freely listed, and the editors cannot be blamed for the inherent problem of assigning families to orders when there is so little agreement among botanists on definitions “Amentiferae”’ but not with “Parie- in some classifications.” In a basically modern approach, the dictionary accepts the widely used Tippo classification of Tracheophyta and its sub- divisions. It is to be hoped that good practice will be promoted among users of the dictionary by its clear indication that the names of higher categories are plural in form. Good botanical usage does not accept un- designated trinomials (lacking insertion of the ultimate rank, whether variety or subspecies) and it is unfortunate that such trinomials regu- larly appear when such taxa are cited. It is welcome to see made the distinction between preferred usage of “phylum” in the animal kingdom and ‘‘division” in the plant kingdom. Overall, the editors are to be con- gratulated upon freeing themselves from the influences of the merican Code” of nomenclature, which permeated the Second Edition. Tautonyms are apparently avoided, and family names are more generally acceptable. The scientific names of plant species referred to seem reasonably up to date, a conspicuous exception being “Rhus toxicodendron” for the poison ivy “common in the eastern and central U.S.” At least it is stated how one contracts poison ivy, while the statement under poison hemlock and many other poisonous plants makes no reference to the part of the plant which is poisonous nor to defining the nature of ‘‘poisonous”— whether upon mere contact or only actual ingestion. Nor is there refer- ence to the colored plate (not identical with that in the Second Edition) of poisonous plants (some 17 pages after the “poison” entries). Skunk cabbage is pictured on this plate, but no mention of any sort of poison (unless one counts “offensive-smelling”’) is given in the definition of skunk cabbage—which is seldom if ever considered an important poison- ous plant. The function of the plate of so-called poisonous plants thus seems chiefly ornamental, for correlation with definitions is minimal. Another lack of correlation between text and illustration is under “nasturtium,” which is properly considered in the light of its two widely differing applications (Tropaeolum and a cruciferous genus). However, the drawing of “Nasturtium” does not state which of the two definitions it illustrates and hence is rather useless. “Adder’s-tongue” comes in for confusion almost as bad as_ that described by Fernald (Rhodora 46: 313—314.. 1944) in reviewing another dictionary. After the first definition (Ophioglossum), the new Webster’s ee in Achillea, Arum, Erythronium, Geranium, Orchis, and Peram- m, “having leaves or flower or fruiting spikes suggesting the fruiting ke of adder’s-tongue fern.” Botanists familiar with these plants will 392 raise their eyebrows; there is no need to elaborate on the general lack of resemblance of these plants to the fertile frond of Ophioglossum nor on the fact that of the plants named only Erythronium is commonly called adder’s-tongue. General words with precise biological applications sometimes fare very well; “nomenclature” and “publication,” for example, are given their specialized meanings. The new and exceedingly popular word “taxon” is duly included, its origin indicated as “ISV” [International Scientific ocabulary”—words with no positive evidence that they were coined in English]. An acceptable definition of “polygamous” in its botanical sense is included. Inconsistently, “polygamodioecious” is given a very poor definition (“having some plants polygamous and some dioecious in the same species’), while “polygamomonoecious” is not listed at all. “Species” is given a modern definition in that there is emphasis on rela- tionship to evolutionary process, but there is too much stress on sexual reproduction and no reference to the possibility of asexual species (which are not uncommon in the plant kingdom). Attention should perhaps be called to the fact that this edition omits both the gazetteer and biographical portions which had considerable usefulness in its predecessor. The only actual typographical error I happen to have encountered (unless “peritheciae,” mentioned above, is considered one) is “Araman- thaceae” (for Amaranthaceae) under “Caryophyllales.” In summary, the dictionary has been generally successful in including new words, but has regressed in often including both definitive and supplementary material (examples, etc.) in a single, complex, decidedly “uncrisp” statement. To persons outside a field, wading through termi- nology which may be unfamiliar, this practice is likely to lead to further confusion in selecting the really essential definitive points—a matter in which the editors themselves seem sometimes confused. All this is not to deny that there are many excellent, fully acceptable, and helpful definitions (‘flower” is a good example). But one would hope for a higher percentage of such definitions in a work which has gone to con- siderable trouble to include the words. I am indebted to Dr. A. S. Sussman, chairman of the Department of Botany, University of Michigan, for his helpful advice in evaluating the treatment of words in the areas of physiological and cellular biology. —Edward G. Voss, Herbarium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. INDEX Names of contributing authors are in capital letters. New scientific names are in boldface followed first by page on which formally pub- lished (in some cases this is not the first page on which mentioned). Synonyms are in italics. Optional capitalization of specific names is uni- formly adopted here though not used by most of the contributing au- thors. Illustrations are indexed only by captions, in some cases not on the same page. Abies religiosa 263 Abietinella abietina 124 Abutilon Hulseanum 294 Acacia angustissima 263, 266; farnesiana 263, 266; paniculata Acanthaceae 304 Acer Negundo 303; rubrum 300 Aceraceae 303 Acerates 367 Achaetogeron 110 Achantidium flexellum 201 Achillea gracilis 374; lanulosa 164, 199, 208, 210, 212, 374; Mille- folium 264; var. gracilis 374, var. lanulosa 374, var. occiden- talis 373; Se 165, 210 Actinogyra 199, 224; Munienbers gil 121, 200 Actinomeris alba 253; paniculata ADAMS, PRESTON 269 Adiantum concinnum 267; Kaul- fussii 267; Poiretii 267; tenerum Aeschynomene virginica 266 Africa 274, 38 Agastache breviflora ssp. Havar- di 107, Havardii 107 Agastache breviflora (Gray) Ep- ling var. Havardii (Gray) Shin- ners, comb. nov. (Labiatae) 107 Age of Conformists 23; Dilettan- tes 22, 23; Empire Builders 22 Ageratum corymbosum 264 Ze trachycaulum 129, 198, 209, Agrostis hyemalis 98; scabra 130, 198, 200, 205, 209, 212 Algae 120 Alismataceae 129, 264 (see also Sagittaria) Allium glandulosum 264; Schoe- noprasum var. sibiricum 137, Alnus crispa 141, 193, 195, 199, 201, 205; incana 141, 205, 208, 209, 210, 232 Alopecurus aequalis 130, 204, 211; carolinianus 98 Alsine 49; americana 50; tennes- Amaranthaceae (see Amaran- thus) Amaranthus albus 248, 249; bli- toides 248, 249; graecizans 249; microphyllus 248, 249 Amaranthus microphyllus Shin- ners, sp. nov. (Amaranthaceae) Amaryllidaceae 264, 301 Ambrosia elatior 305 Amelanchier alnifolia 151, 196, 198, 199, 201, 20 Amellus ee caloeis 295 Ammopursus Ohlingerae 240, 241, 242, 243 Ampelamus 367; albidus 359 394 Amphicarpa bracteata 303 Amphistelma 367 Andromeda _ polifolia 158, 192 194, 203 Androsace 199, 213 Aneilema 274, 278, 279, 284, 286, septentrionalis 159, 101; lineare 100; montanum 279; nudiflorum 100, 101; peduncu- losum 279, 292; 279, 292; Welwitschii 279 Aneilema (Commelinaceae) in the southern United States 100 Anemia adiantifolia aoe 207; patens var. Wolfgangiana 146, 196, Annual Sisyrinchiums (Iridaceae) in the United States 32 Anoda cristata 267; hastata 267 Antennaria parvifolia 165, 199, 208; pulcherrima 165, 193; rosea 165; subviscosa 165 Anthericum aurantiacum 266 Aphanostephus pachyrrhizus 264 Apocynaceae 161, Apocynum androsaemifolium 161, 196, 211 Aquilegia brevistyla 146, 196, 209, Arabis divaricarpa 147, 199, 213; Drummondii 147; hirsuta var. pycnocarpa 147, 207; Holboellii 147, 199, 201, 212 Araceae 136, 301 Arbutus glandulosa 262 Archibaccharis 110 Arctagrostis latifolia 130, 206 Arctostaphylos rubra 158, 192, 93, 194; Uva-ursi 158, 192, 193, 94, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 207, 211, 220 Arenaria 48; americana 50; ano- mala 50; argaea 50: Benthamii saa capillaris 143, 196, 199; ceras- nm pe 00; lanuginosa 302, var. cineras- cens 51; lateriflora 143, 207, 209, 210; ludens 51; muscorum 51: tula 49; persica 50; rubella 143, 199; saxosa 51, var. cinerascens d1; Stephaniana 50, var. ameri- cana 50; trigyna 51 Arisaema Dracontium 301 Arnica Chamissonis 165, 210; lon- chophylla 165, 196, 199 Arnold Arboretum 12 Artemisia albula 374; biennis 165; albula 374, var. albula 374, var. gnaphalodes 165, ssp. redolens 375, var. redolens 374; redolens 374; Tilesii ssp. unalaschensis 165; vulgaris ssp. redolens 374 Asclepiadaceae 264, 304, 358 Asclepias 358, 359; grandiflora Asclepiodella 367 Asclepiodora 367 Asplenium abscissum 300; Curtis- sii 300; heterochroum 300; resili- ens 300; verecundum 300 Astephanus 367 Aster alpinus var. Vierhapperi 199; johannensis 166; mis 166, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210; Lima 264; pansus 166, 208; peregrinus 110; pinifolius 305; sibiricus 166, 196, 212 Astianthus viminalis 263, 264 var. ceramicus 316, var. imper- fectus 316, 324; coccineus 3165, 316, 324; cymboides 316, 324; dasyglottis 153; desperatus 316, leios 320, 326; inyoensis 317, 324 Johannis-Howellii 315, 317, 324: Kentrophyta 315, var. colora- densis 317; lentiginosus 319, var. Fremontii 317, 319, 324, var. palans 317, 319, var. variabilis Earlei 319, var. Thompsonae 317, 319: monspessulanus 320; Nut- tallianus var. micranthiformis 323; plattensis 317; Preussii 315, 318; Purshii var. glareosus 318, 319, 324, var. lectulus 318, 319, 395 var. longilobus 318, 319, var. Purshii 319; Ravenii 318; Sere- noi 318; sesameus 321; Shorti- anus 318; somalensis 314, 3 153; uliginosus 321; umbellatus 321; utahensis 318; vulpinus 321, 326; Whitneyi 315, 318, 324; yu- konis 153; zionis 318 Athanasia paniculata 253 Atlas of the British Flora 257 Atriplex patula 143, 208 Aulacomniaceae 123 Aulacomnium acuminatum 123; palustre 123; turgidum 123 Axyris amaranthoides 143, 212 Ayenia montana Bacopa caroliniana 304 Bahia biternata 373, 374; dissecta 373, 374; mneomexicana 374; Woodhousii 374 BANKS, DONALD J. 306 Barbarea orthoceras 147, Basistelma 367; angustifolium 365 Beck, Lewis C. 4, 5 Beckmannia Syzigachne 130, 208, 209, 1 BELLI Cy RITCHIE 360 Bentham 258 Bessera elegans 266 Berlandier 25 Betula glandulosa 141, 192, 196, 203, 205, 207; occidentalis 141; papyrifera 141, 196, 198, 199, 200, 205, 211, 222, 224, 236 Betulaceae 141 (see also Coryla- ceae) Bidens anthemoides 370; bipinna- ta 305; cernua 166, 206; Holwayi var. colombiana 369; pilosa 305; 396 pusilla 369; segetum 369; squar- rosa Bignoniaceae 264, 304 Biltmore Herbarium 24, 30 Biographical Index of Deceased British and Irish Botanists 257 Biventraria 367 Black spruce forest 190 Boehmeria cylindrica 302 Boraginaceae 161 Boschniakia rossica 162, 193, 194 Botanical Arrangement of All the Vegetables Growing Naturally in Britain 258 Territories, Canada. I. Catalogue of the Flora 117. II. Vegetation 187. Botrychium dissectum var. tenu- ifolium 300 Bouchea prismatica 268 Bouvardia ternifolia 267 Bowlesia incana 294 Bradburya floridana 182 Brassica campestris 148, 212 Braya humilis 148, 207 British Isles 257 British Museum 257 Britten and Boulger, Biographi- cal Index 257 Britton, Nathaniel Lord 7, 8, 14, 19 20. 22. Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora 7, 8, 19 Britton’s Manual 7, 8, 19 Bromeliaceae 301 Bromus inermis 130, 212; Pump- ellianus 180, Brongniartia podalyrioides 266 Bryaceae 123 Bryophytes 122 Bryum lacustre 123, 207 Buckley 25, 29, 30 Buddleia americana 262 Buellia papillata 122 Buelliaceae 122 Bulbostylis barbata 294 Bunchosia Palmeri 266 Bursera 263 Calamagrostis 130, 208, 210, 238: 198, 208; purpurascens 195, 196, 198, 211, 21 Calamintha 69; arkansana 72, 70; Ashei 73, 71, 93; canescens 87: carolintiana 74; coccinea 71, 73 71; Nuttallii 72; officinalis 70, 71 Calamintha (Labiatae) in the southern United States 69 Calla palustris 136, 204, 206 Calliandra grandiflora 266; Hous- toniana 266; penduliflora 266 Callicarpa americana 304 Callisia cordifolio 301; fragrans Calisteris texana 177 Callitrichaceae 155 Callitriche hermaphroditica 155, 206; palustris 155, 206 Caloplaca elegans 122 Caloplacaceae 122 Caltha natans 146, 204, 206; pa- lustris 14 Calylophus 337; Drummondii 339; Hartwegii 337, 338, 341, var. filifolius 342, var. Hartwegii 337, 342, 345, var. lavandulaefolius 345, 337, 342, var. Maccartii 343, 342, var. pubescens 344, 342, var. Toumeyi 341; lavandulifolius 345; serrulatus 337, 338, var. arizonicus 338, var. serrulatus 338, 340, var. spinulosus 339, 338; tubicula 338, 341 Calylophus (Oenothera in part: da 252 Calypso bulbosa 138, 192, 194, 196, 213 Calyptocarpus vialis 99 Calystegia sericata 386, Soldanel- la 386 Campanula rotundifolia 164, 196, 199, 207, 212, Campanulaceae 164, 305 (see also Wahlenbergia) Campsis radicans 304 Campylium stellatum 124, 202, 203 Candolle, Alphonse de 18 Caprifoliaceae 164 Capsella Bursa-pastoris 148, 210, 212 Capsicum frutescens 304 Cardamine parviflora var. areni- cola 148; pensylvanica 148, 208 Cardiosperum Halicacabum 267 aurea 132, 203; Bebbii 133, 198; brunnescens 133; Buxbaumli 133, 192, 202; canescens 133, 200, 211; Garberi 134, 203, 207, 210: glacialis 134, 198; 397 gynocrates 134, 194; interior 134, flora 135; vaginata 135, 192, 194; viridula 135, 203, 207 Carolinas 386 Caryophyllaceae 143, 264, 302 (see Cassia occidentalis ae 303; uni- flora 266 Castilleja 263; Pringlei 268; Rau- pili 162, 193, 194, 199, 203, 207, 209; scorzoneraefolia 268; tenui- flora 268 Catalogus Plantarum Angliae et nsularum Adjacentium 258 Cathartolinum 65, sect. Multicau- lia 65 Cayratia japonica 384 Cayratia japonica (Vitaceae) in anothus azureus 262 Cedronella breviflora var. Ha- vardi 1 Celtis laevigata 302 Cenchrus longisetus 182; villosus Cenchrus longisetus M. C. John- ston, nom. nov. (Gramineae) 182 Centaurea solstitialis 374 Central America 382 Centrosema floridanum (Britton) Lakela, comb. nov. (Legumino- sae) 182 Cephalanthus salicifolia 267 398 Cephalocereus 263 Ceranthera 89: linearifolia 90 Cerastium 49, 50; anomalum 50: argaeum 50; arvense 143, brachypodum 98; cerastoides 50, D1; dubiwm 50; Kotschyi 50; lap- ponicum 51; nutans 144, 212: persicum 50; refractum 51; tri- gynum 51 Ceratodon purpureus 123 Ceratophyllaceae 145 Ceratophyllum demersum_ 145 204 densiflora 91; ’ Cetraria 191, 195, 199, 200, 211, 197, 200; Tilesii 122, 197 Chaetopappa Parryi 363 Chamaedaphne_ calyculata 158, 192, 201, 205 Chapman, A. W. 6, 9, 10, 25, 26 Chapman, Flora of the Southern United States 9, 10, 11 Chara aspera var. Macounii 120: contraria 120, 203, var. hispidula 120, 203; globularis 120 Characeae 120 Cheilanthes angustifolia 267: cu- cullans 267 Cheiloplecton rigidum 267 Chenopodiaceae 143 Chenopodium Berlandieri_ var. Zschackei 143, 212; capitatum 143, 208, 212; glaucum var. sali- num 143, 208, 210, 212; hybri- dum var. gigantospermum 143; rubrum 143 Chondrilla lyrata 388 Chromosome numbers 43, 63, 242, 274, 306, 313, 355, 381, 383 Chromosome numbers of Linum from the southern United States and Mexico 63 Chromosome numbers of Sisyrin- chium (Iridaceae) in the eastern United States 43 Chromosome numbers in some North American species of Ast- ragalus (Leguminosae) 313 Chromosomes of two Moraea (Iridaceae) from southern Africa Chrysothamnus spathulatus 375: viscidiflorus 375, var. ludens 374 Cicuta bulbifera 157, 205; Doug- lasii 157, 203, 204, 205, 209 Cirsium Engelmannii 373, 375: filpendulum 375; sp. rae-nigrae 373, 375; virginianum var. filtpendulum 375 Cissus japonica 384: subtruncata 268 Cistaceae 155 Citrus aurantium 303 Cladonia 191, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 211, 218, 224, 236: alpestris 120, 194, 197; alpicola 121, 200; amaurocraea 121; coccifera 121: cornuta 121, 200; degenerans 121, 200; gonecha 121; gracilis 121: metacorallifera 121, 200: mitis rangiferina 121, 193, 197, 200: sylvatica 121; uncialis 121, 200: verticillata 121, 200 Cladoniaceae 120 Clapham, Tutin and Warburg, Excursion Flora 259; Flora of the British Isles 257, 259 Clarkia 114 Clematis Drummondii 267; retic- ulata 302 Clinopodium Acinos 69; coccine- um 73; dentatum 74; georgian- um 74; gracile 249; macrocalyx 73; vulgare 69 Coastal Plain 92, 260, 261 Collinsonia 76; angustifolia 80; anisata 78, 80, var. major 81; canadensis 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, var. cordata 80, var. ovata 80, var. puberula 79, var. punctata 79, , 81; subg. Collinsonia 77; cuneata 81; decussata 81; heter- ophylla 81; subg. Micheliella 77; ovalis 78; praecox 78, 81, 82; punctata 76, 78: purpurea 82; scabra 78, 82; scabriuscula 78, 80, 81; serotina 76, 77, 78, 81; bees a 77, 78, 80, 81; urticifolia 82; verticillaris 78, 79; verticil- lata 76, 77, 78, var. PUTPUTascens Collomia Cavanillesiana 178, 179; linearis 161, Cologania procumbens 266 Comital Flora of the British Isles Commelina 274, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282: Forskalaei 284: Gerrardii flora 100, 283, 284; obliqua 283; purpurea 282; scaposa 282, 284, 293; spp. 281, 282, 283, 293; Wel- witschii 282 Commelinaceae 264, 274 (see also Aneilema) Commelinantia 280 Comocladia 263 Compositae 164, 264, 305, 368, 373 (see also Ammopursus, Crepis, Evax, Filago, Machaeranthera, Verbesina, Youngia) Conradina 84, 89, 93; brevifolia 399 88, 85, 93: canescens 85, 87, 93 glabra 85, 93; grandiflora 85, 87, 88, 93: montana 84, 86; puberula 84, 87: verticillata 84, 85, 86, 261 Convolvulaceae 304 (see also Calystegia) Convolvulus sericatus 386 Conyza 110; filaginoides 264; sophiaefolia 265 Cooley, George R. 12 Corallorhiza trifida 138, 192, 198, 194, 196 Coreopsis 368; holodasya 372; Irmscheriana 372; oblanceolata 372; Pickeringil 371; piurana 370; suaveolens 371, 372, var. ecuadoriensis 371, var. suaveo- lens 372; tinctoria 98; Woytkow- skii 372 Cornaceae 157 Cornus canadensis 157, 193, 196, 197, 199, 205, 209, 211; florida 300; stolonifera 157, 199, 208, 209, 234 Correll, D. S. 26 Corydalis aurea 147, 208, 212; SsCilipel virens 147, 201 Corylaceae 302 (see also Betu- laceae) Coulter, John Merle 7, 29 Cracca cinerea 61; corallicola 60; Curtissu 60: Mohrii 61 Crepis elegans 166; japonica 386, var. Elstoni 388: tectorum 166, 212 Crescentia 263 Crinum americanum 301 CRONQUIST, ARTHUR 109 Cronquist, Arthur 8 Croom, Hardy 24 Crotalaria mollicula 266; pumila 266; vitellina 266 Cruciferae 147, 265 (see also Warea) 400 Cryptogramma crispa var. acrosti- choides 125, 198, 200 Cryptostegia 367; grandiflora 358 ucurbitaceae 305 Cunila coccinea 73; glabella 72 Curtis, M. Cyanotis 274, 210, 00, ely 2b, somaliensis 278; sp. 275, 276, 278, 289; speciosa 276, 289; fabeross 277, 278; villosa 278; Zenonii 277 Cyclodon 367 Cymbella 201 Cynanchum 358, 359, 365, 367; bigerum 359, 360, var. brevi- florum 360, 359; Blodgettii 365; cubense 365; laeve 359, 360; Maccartii 360, 359; Northropiae 365; Palmeri 360; palustre 304, 359, 360, 365; scoparium 365; unifarium 359, 360; Watsonianum 360; Wigginsii 365 Cynodon dactylon 98, 99 Cyperaceae 113, 114, 132, 201 Cyperus difformis 294; oxylepis 294; uniflorus 294 Cypripedium Calceolus var. par- viflorum 138, 192; guttatum 138, 192, 198, 194; passerinum 138, 194 Cypselea humifusa 294 Cystopteris fragilis 125, 198; montana 125, 193 Cytological studies in Paspalum, group Setacea (Gramineae) 306 Dandy, J. E., List of British Vas- cular Plants 257 Darby, John 6, 9, 25 Darwin, Charles 5, 109 Darwinism 1 Dasystephana DeLoachii 107 Deam, C. C., Flora of Indiana 254 Deceiving aquatic Neptunia (Le- guminosae) from Central Amer- ica 382 Deciduous forests 196 Decodon verticillatus 303 Deschampsia caespitosa 130, 198, 207, 208, 210 Descurainia Richardsonii 148; So- phia 148, 207, 212 Desmodium cuspidatum 303; pan- iculatum 303 Diallosteira 76; punctata 76, 79 Diaperia multicaulis 253; proli- fera 253 Dicerandra 89, 92; cerisOrs 89, 90; linearis 90; odoratissima 89, 9 Dicerandra immaculata Lakela, sp. nov. (Labiatae) 184 Dicliptera assurgens 304 Dicranaceae 123 Dicranum Bergeri 123, 203 Digitaria floridana 381; Ischae- mum 380, 381; violascens 380, Digitaria Ischaemum (Gramin- eae) in Mississippi and Texas Diodia tetracocca 267 Diplopappus pinnatifidus 295 Ditrichaceae 123 Ditrichum flexicaule 123, 203 Dobbs, Raymond J., Flora of Henry County, Illinois (review) Dodecatheon pulchellum 160, 199, 03; radicatum 160 Dodenaea viscosa 263, 267 Dorstenia Drakena 267 Draba cinerea 148, 198, 199; lan- ceolata 148 Drepanocladus 204; aduncus 124, 204; capillifolius 124, 204; exan- nulatus 124, 204; fluitans 124; vernicosus 124, 204 Drosera 53, 58; anglica a 202; (Droseraceae) in the Southeastern United States: an interim report 53 Drosera Droseraceae 149 Druce, G. C., Comital Flora 259 Drummond 25 Dryas Drummondii 151, 199, 201; integrifolia 151, 192, 194, 198 199, 207 Drymaria cordata 294, 302 Dryopteris fragrans 126, 200; lu- doviciana 300; Robertiana 126, 198 DUNCAN, WILBUR H. 346 Dupree 31 Dyschoriste humistrata 304 Dyssodia pinnata 265 Eaton, Amos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17 Edinburgh 257 Edisonia 367 Egletes viscosa f. bipinnatifida 96 Eichhornia azurea 99; crassipes Fichhornia azurea (Pontederia- ceae) in the Texas Coastal 401 Bend: new to the United States Elaeagnaceae 155 Elaeagnus commutata 155, 209 Elatinaceae 155 Elatine triandra 155, 206 Eleocharis acicularis 135, 205, 206, 210; nodulosa 265; palustris 135, 204, 206, 207, 210; pauciflora var. Fernaldii 1385, 20 Elephantopus carolinianus 305 Elliott, Stephen 15, 25; Sketch of outh Carolina Elymus canadensis 130; innova- tus 130, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, Empetraceae 155 Empetrum nigrum 155, 192, 194, 196, 200, 205, 211 Encelia scaposa var. scaposa 375, var. stenophylla 375 Endemism in Florida 260 English Botany 258 Enslenia albida 359 Epicion 367 Epilobium angustifolium 156, 193, 194, 196, 197, 201, 212; glandu- losum var. adenocaulon 156, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212; palustre var. oliganthum 156 Equisetaceae 125 Equisetum 201; arvense 125, 192, 192, 194, 196, 212; , 211; variegatum Svivalieui Eriastrum 172; diffusum 172 Ericaceae 158, 265 Erigeron 110; acris 167; composi- tus var. glabratus 157, 199; gla- bellus var. pubescens 167, > 402 199; hyssopifolius 167, 193, 207; lobatus var. Warnockii 376, 373; lonchophyllus 167, 204, 208: max- imus 265; philadelphicus 167, 210; Sta v0sue 265; speciosus var. Traversii 376; Warnockii 373 Eriogonum annuum (Polygonace- ae) biennial in Nebraska 382 Eriophorum angustifolium 135, 200, 202, 204, 205; brachyanther- 205; spissum 135; viridi-carinat- um 136, 202 Eruca sativa 265 Erysimum cheiranthoides 148, 209, 210, 212; inconspicuum 148 Eupatorium coelestinum — 305; cuneifolium 376, var. semiser- ratum 373, 377; glaucescens 373, 376; Marrubium 376; parviflo- rum var. lancifoliwm 377; rotun- scabridum 377; scabridum 373, 377; semi- serratum 376, var. lancifolium Euphorbia spathulata 98 Euphrasia subarctica 162, 210 Eustylis purpurea 295 Evax 252, 377: candida 253: mul- ticaulis 253, 377, var. Drummon- uw 253; nivea 253; prolifera 253, 377; verna 253, 377 Evernia mesomorpha 122 Evolution of the Gray’s and Small’s manual ranges 1 Evolutionary parallelism 109 Ewan 31 Excursion Flora of the British Isles 259 Exolobus albomarginatus 365 Eysenhardtia polystachya 266 Facelis retusa 294 FASSETT, NORMAN C. 382 Fatoua pilosa 248: villosa 248 Fatoua_ villosa (Moraceae) in Louisiana: new to North Ameri- ca 248 Fell, Egbert W., Flora of Winne- bago County, aes 254 Festuca rubra 130: saximontana 130, 196, 198, 200, 211: tolucensis Fewer Florida rarities: changing flora of the Pineola Grotto, Cit- Filaginopsis Drummondii 253 Filago 252, 377; candida 252, 377: multicaulis 253; nivea 253; Nut- tallii 253, 377; prolifera 253, 377; verna 253, var. Drummondii 253, Sri Fimbristemma calycosa 366: ste- nosepala 366 Fischeria aristolochiaefolia 365 Flora, Florida 257; Anglica 258; of Henry County, Illinois (re- Nottinghamshire 255; of the Bri- tish Isles 257, 259: of the South- eastern United States 10, 101; of the Southern United States 10, 11; of Winnebago County, Illi- nois 254 Florestina pedata 265; trifida 265; tripteris 265 Florida 185, 257, 299 Floscopa 277 Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Texas Coastal Bend Coun- ties 99, 364 Fontinalaceae 124 Fontinalis Duriaei 124 Forcipella 103; Rugelii 102 Fox, W. B. 24 Fragaria virginiana var. terrae- novae 151, 194, 196, 197, i 210, 212, 213 Fragilaria lapponica 201 Fumariaceae 147 Funastrum 367; crispum 361; cy- nanchoides 361; Torreyi 361 Galactia Macreei 303 Galeana hastata 265 Galega 314, 322 Galeopsis Tetrahit var. bifida 161, 212 Galinsoga aristulata 265 199, 210, 212; trifidum 164, 205, Galpinsia 337; Toumeyi 341 Gattinger 25 Geiser, Samuel Wood 25, 30, 31 Gelsemium 346; Rankiniu 346, 3 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 6, 5, 356: sempervirens 34 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 35 Generic flora of the Southeast 11, 12, 30, 58 Gentiana amarella var. acuta 160; DeLoachii 107; Macounii 160; Gentiana DeLoachii (W. P. Lem- mon Shinners, comb. nov. (Gentianaceae) 1 Gentianaceae 160 Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta 160, 199, 203; crinita ssp. Ma- 403 counii 160, 209, 210; ssp. Raupii 160, 203, 21 Geocaulon lividum 142, 192, 193, 194, 197, 201, 211 Geraniaceae 154 Geranium Bicknellii 154, 209, 212 Geum macrophyllum 151, 209; triflorum 151, 199 Gibbesia 103; Rugelu 103 Gilia 171, 172, 173; aggregata var. texana 177; pono var. ait iuse flora 177; longiflora 177; ludens 174, 173; Macombii var. laxiflora 177; mexicana 173; multiflora cladon 178; pumila 178; rigidula 175, ssp. acerosa 250, var. acero- sa 173, 175, ssp. insignis 175, var. rigidula 173, 175; rubra 177; Stewartii 173, 175; texana 177; Wrightii 178 Gilia and Ipomopsis (Polemoni- aceae) in Texas 171 Gleason, Henry A. 8, 18, 113 Glyceria borealis 131, 206, 211; grandis 131, 205, 206, 211; pul- chella 131, 205, 206; striata 131, Gnaphalium uliginosum 167, 211 GODFREY, R. K. 185, 269 Godwin, H., History of the Bri- tish Flora 257 Gomphocarpa 367 Gonolobus 367; albomarginatus 365; aristolochiaefolius 365; arizonicus 366: calycosus 366; chiapensis) 366; cteniophorus 366; gonoloboides 366; laevis 359; Lasiostemma 366; oblongifolius 366; parvifolius 363; sagittifolius 404 363; stenanthus 366; stenopetalus 366; stenosepalus 366 Gramineae 129, 301 (see also Cen- chrus, Digitaria, Monanthochloe, Paspalum) Gray, Asa 4, 5, 6, 9, 18, 29, 30, 31 Gray Herbarium 7, 11, 12, 14, 19 Gray’s Manual 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Greenman, J. M. 11 Grimmiaceae 123 Guazuma ulmifolia 263 Gyrophoraceae 121 Habenaria hyperborea 138, 192, 207; obtusata 138, 192, 194; quin- queseta 302 Haloragaceae 156 Hamamelidaceae 302 Haplopappus _ divaricatus 305; texensis 378 Haplophytum cimicidum 264 Hedeoma arkansana 72; glabrum Hedwigia ciliata 123, 200 Hedysarum 192: a americanum 153, 192, 194, 196, 209, 210; Mackenzii 154, 192, 193, 196, 199 Helenium autumnale 167, 199 Helianthus annuus ssp. texanus 77, var. texanus 377: ludens 377 Helictotrichon Hookeri 131, 198 Hemianthus glomeratus 252 Henderson, N. C. 26 Heracleum lanatum 157 Herniaria americana 102 Heteranthera limosa 267 Heterotheca inuloides 265 Hexaploid Linum (Linaceae) from eastern Ethiopia 383 Hieracium umbellatum 167, 196, 199, 210 Hierochloe odorata 131 Himantostemma 367 Hippuridaceae 156 Hippuris vulgaris 156, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209 History of the British Flora 257 Hookers 258 Hordeum jubatum 131, 207, 210, 212; pusillum 98 How to study the Florida flora 257 Howitt, R. C. L. and B. M., Flora of Nottinghamshire 255 Hudson, William, Flora Anglica 8 Hudsonia tomentosa 155, 196, 211, Hydrophyllaceae 161 Hylocomium 191, 192, 194, 214, 216; splendens 124, 191, 193, 194, 196, 205, 216 Hypericaceae 265 Hypericum pauciflorum 265 Hypnum Bambergeri 124 Hypogon 76; anisatum 78; verti- cillare 79; verticillatum 76, 78 Hyptis mutabilis 304 Identity of Sagittaria isoetiformis (Alismataceae) 269 Ipomoea arborea 263; trichocarpa 304 Ipomopsis 171, 172, 176; aggre- gata var. texana 177; Havardii 176, 177; laxiflora 176, 177; lon- giflora 176, 177; multiflora 178; pinnata 179; polycladon 176, 178: pumila 176, 178; rubra 177; Wrightii 178, 176 Iridaceae 138, 301 (see also Mo- raea, Sisyrinchium, Tigridia) Irwin, Howard S., Roadside Flowers of Texas (review) 296 Isoetaceae 125 Isoetes echinospora bar. Braunii 125, 206 Iva angustifolia var. angustifolia 378, var. lata 378 Jack pine forest 195 James, C. W., Endemism in Flori- da 260 James, Edwin 25 Johnson, Thomas 258 Johnston, M. C. 25 HNSTON, MARSHALL C. 182 the Texas Coastal Bend Coun- ties 99, 364 Juliana adstringens 263 Juncaceae 113, 114, 136 Juncaginaceae 129 Juncus 113; albescens 136; alpin- stygius var. americanus 137, 202; Vaseyi 137, 205, 211 Juniperus communis var. depres- sa 126, 192, 193, 194, 196, 198, 200, 220; horizontalis 126, 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 220 Jussiaea macropoda 385; monte- vidensis 386; octonervia f. sessi- liflora 385, var. sessiliflora 385; repens var. glabrescens 386, var. montevidensis 386, var. pep- loides 386; suffruticosa 385, var. ligustrifolia 385, var. octofila 3 5 Kalmia polifolia 158, 192 Karwinskia umbellata 267 Keithia 87 Key to southeastern glabrous- styled Tephrosia (Leguminosae) Koeleria cis 131, 198 (see also Acinos, Calamintha, Clinopodi- phis, Scutellaria, Teucrium, Tri- chostema) Lachnostoma 367; arizonicum 366; gonoloboides 366; lasio- stemma 366 Lacinaria Ohlingerae 240 Lactuca pulchella 167, 208, 210 Lagascea rubra 265 LAKELA, OLGA 182, 184, 240, Lantana 263; achyranthifolia 268; Camara 268; hispida 68; velutina Lappula echinata 161, 212; Re- dowskii var. occidentalis 161, Diz Larix laricina 126, 191, 192, 200, 202, 203 Lasallia 199, 224; pensylvanica 121, 200 Lathyrus ochroleucus 154, 194, Lecanoraceae 121 LEDINGHAM, G. F. 313 Ledum decumbens 158, 191, 192, 201, 211; groenlandicum 159, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 201, 205, 211 Leguminosae 153, 266, 303 (see also Astragalus, Centrosema, Neptunia, Tephrosia) Lemna minor 136, 204, 206; tri- sulea 136, 204, 206 Lemnaceae 136 Lentibulariaceae 163 Leonotis nepetaefolia 304 Lepidium Bourgeauanum 148, 208; densiflorum 148, 212 406 Leptobryum pyriforme 123 Leptoglossis 180; texana 180 viscosa 180 Leptoglossis and Nierembergia (Solanaceae) in Texas 180 Leptorrhoeo 277 Lesquerella arctica var. manae 148, 198, 199 LEWIS, WALTER H. 43, 63, 274, 381, 383 Lewis, Walter 25 Liatris cylindracea 242; cymosa 242; Garberi 240, 241: Ohlin- gerae 240 Lichens 121, 220, 222, 224, 236 Liliaceae 137, Limnosciadium pinnatum 98 Limosella aquatica 162, 206 Linaceae 154 (see also Linum) Linanthus 172; aureus 173; Bige- lovii 172 Lincecum, Gideon 25, 26 Lincoln, Mrs. 3 Lindheimer 25 Lindley, John, Synopsis of the British Flora 258 Linnaea borealis var. americana 164, 192, 193, 194, 195, 211 Linnaean System 2, 5, Linum 63, 328: alatum an 329, 333, 334; arenicola 63, 65, 67; aristatum 328, 330, 333, 334: australe 330, 335, 336, var. glan- dulosum 336, 330, 335; compac- tum 336; floridanum 329, 330, var. chrysocarpum 63, 65, 67: grandiflorum 63, 65, 67; Greggii , Scam- ; perenne 63, 67; pra- tense 63, 65, 67; puberulum 328, 329, 332, 333; rigidum 63, var 68 Lippia 263; Berlandieri 268 Liquidambar Styraciflua 303 List of British Vascular Plants Loasaceae 266 Lobelia homophylla 305; Kalmii 64, 203 Loeselia 171, 172; scariosa 172 Loganiaceae (see Gelsemium) Lomatogonium rotatum 160, 203, Lonicera dioica var. glaucescens 164, 194, 196, 199 Lopezia mexicana 267 Louisiana 104, 182, 248, 249, 251, 294, 384 Ludwigia 385; adscendens var. pepioides 386: octovalvis ssp. macropoda 385, var. macropoda octovalvis 385, ssp. Socal tions 385, var. sessiliflora 385; peploides 386, ssp. glabres- cens 386, var. glabrescens 386, ssp. montevidensis 386, var. montevidensis 386; pubescens Lundell, C. L. 25 Lupinus 263; elegans 266 Luzula 113 Lycopodiaceae 125 Lycopodium 201; annotinum 211: complanatum 125, 1 Lyonia 367 Lysimachia Japonica 249 Lysimachia japonica (Primula- linopodium gracile (Labiatae) in Louisiana: new to the United States 249 Lythraceae 303 Macbridea caroliniana 74; pul- chra 74 Machaeranthera annua 378; Bol- toniae 378; brevilingulata 378; pinnata 295, 378; pinnatifida 295, 378; spinulosa 295; tenuis 378; pinnatifida (Hooker) Shinners, comb. nov. Malvaceae 267, 303 (see also Sphaeralcea, Wissadula) Malvastrum coromandelianum Manual of the Southeastern Flo- ra 10 Manual of the Southwestern Flo- ra ll Marchantia polymorpha 124 Marchantiaceae 124 Martynia annua 267 Martyniaceae 267 Mason-Dixon Line 29 ; oblongifolia 366; parviflora 362, 363; parvifolia culata 362, 364; sagittifolia 362, 363; Smithii 366; stenantha 366; 407 stenopetala 366; stenosepala 366; Woodsonii 364, Matricaria maritima var. agrestis 167, 212; matricarioides 167 Meesia tristicha 123, 204 Meesiaceae 123 Meiotic chromosomes in African ommelinaceae 274 Melampodium oblongifolium 265; padudosum 265 Melandrium Ostenfeldii 144, 199, 200, 207 Melastomaceae 304 Melilotus alba 154, 212; officinalis 154, Melinia 367; angustifolia 365 Melissa coccinea 73 Mellichampia 367 Melochia pyramidata 99, 268 Melothria pendula 305 Mentha arvensis 161, var. arven- sis 161, var. villosa 161, 203, 208, Mentzelia aspera 266 Menyanthes trifoliata 166, 191, 202, 204, 206 Meriolix 337; melanoglottis 340, 341 Mertensia paniculata 161 Metastelma 367; angustifolium 365; arizonicum 365; barbigerum 360; Blodgettii 365; Palmeri 360 Mexico 262 Michaux 25 Micheliella 76, 77; anisata 76; verticillata 77, 78, 79 Micranthemum glomeratum 252; Nuttallii var. glomeratum 252 Micranthemum glomeratum 408 (Chapman) Shinners, comb. nov. (Serophulariaceae) 252 Micromeria bahamensis 96, 95: Brownell 94, var. Brownei 70, 94, 95, var. ludens 96, 94, var. pllosiuscula 69, 94, gensis 96, 95: glabella var. an- gustifolia 72; Nuttallii 72: pilo- stuscula 69, 95: stolonifera 96; xalapensis 69, 95 Micromeria Brownei and its al- lies (Labiatae) 94 Mikania cordifolia 295 Milla biflora 266 Mimosa albida 266; Benthamii 266; caerulea 266 Mimulus glabratus 268 Minuartia 49; Nuttallii 49 Mississippi 380 Missouri Botanical Garden 11 Mitchella repens 304 Mitella nuda 149, 192, 193, 205 Mohr 25 Moldavica parviflora 161, 212 Monanthochloe littoralis (Gra- mineae) in Louisiana 182 Moneses uniflora 157, 192, 193, 194, 205 Moraceae 267 (see also Fatoua) Moraea 381; Erici-Rosenii 381: setacea 382 More additions to the Louisiana Muhlenbergia glomerata var. cin- noides 131, 202; Richardsonis 131 Murdannia 274, 278, 285, 286, 287, 293; elata 286; Keisak 286; semi- teres 285; simplex 285, 286, 293: stinicum 285 Myla anomala 124 Myrica Gale 141, 192, 194, 203, 205 Myricaceae 141 Myriophyllum exalbescens 156, 204, 206; verticillatum var. pec- tinatum 156, 204, National Science Foundation 12, Natural System 2, 4 ,5, 18 Naumburgia thyrsiflora 160, 205, 206, 209, 210 Navicula tuscula 201 Nebraska 382 Nemastyls 295 Nemostylis purpurea 295 Neo-Darwinism 18, 20 Neptunia plena 383, f. lumbri- coides 382; prostrata 382 New combinations in Texas Pole- moniaceae 250 New names and records for Texas Compositae 373 New names in Arenaria (Caryo- phyllaceae) 49 New or otherwise interesting Coreopsidinae (Conpositae) from northwestern South Amer- ica 368 New varietal names for New World Ludwigia (Onagraceae) New York Botanical Garden 7, Nicotiana glauca 268 Nierembergia 180; hippomanica var. caerulea 181; viscosa 180 Nissolia fruticosa 266; hirsuta 266 Nitzschia angustata 201 Nomenclatural codes 18 Northwest Territories, Canada 117, 187 Notes on Calystegia (Convolvu- laceae) in the Carolinas 386 Notes on the flora of the Mexican state of Morelos 262 Nothocalais cuspidata 373, 378 Notholaena aurea 267 Nothoscordum fragrans 264 Nuphar variegatum 145, 204, 206, 228 Nymphaea tetragona ssp. Libergli 145, var. Porsildii 204 Nymphaeaceae 145 Nyssa biflora 303 Nyssaceae 303 Ochrolichia inaequatula 121 Odontonychia corymbosa 102; in- terior 103 Odontostephana 367; decipitens men ounOhe 114, 337; Fendleri 343; ar. filifolia 345, var. glandulosa 45, var. lavandulaefolia 345, var. Toumeyi 341; lampasana 344: lavandulaefolia 345; serru- lata 338, 340 ’ 388, 340, var. Nuttallii 338, var. pinifolia 340, var. serrulata 338, var. spinulosa 339; spinulosa 339; tubicula 341, var. pr 345 OLIVER, ROYCE Onagraceae 156, 267, if (see also Calylophus, Ludwigia, Oeno- thera) Ophioglossaceae 300 Oplismenus setarius 301 Opuntia 26 Orchidaceae 138, 302 Orchis rotundifolia 138, 194 Orobanchaceae 162 Oryzopsis asperifolia 131, 196; pungens 131, 192, 196, 198, 212 Osmunda regalis 300 Osmundaceae 300 Otopappus robustus 265 Outline of the Geographical Dis- tribution of British Plants 258 OWENS, A. G., Jr. 182 409 Oxycoccus microcarpus 159, 191, 192, 194 Oxypetalum 359, 367; caeruleum 359 Oxypteris 367 Oxytropis 313, 314, 315, 319, 322; campestris var. gracilis 321, 322, ssp. sordida 322, var. varians 154, 199; deflexa var. sericea 154, 321; Halleri 321; monticola 321, ; multiceps 321; Parryi 321, 326; sericea var. spicata 321; splendens 154, 196, 199; viscida 154 Pachycereus marginata 263 Pachyrrhizus erosus 266 Paederia Pringlei 267 Palmae 301 ww i) aD Paludella squarrosa 123 Pancratium littorale 264 Panicum anceps 301; Joorii 301 Parietaria floridana 302 Parmelia 199; centrifuga 122, 200; stenophylla 122, 200; sulcata 122, 200 Parmeliaceae 121 Parnassia multiseta 149, 191, 192, 202, 203, 209 Paronychia 101; americana 102; Baldwinii 103; diffusa 102; Drummondii 102, 103; erecta 102; fastigiata var. Nuttallii 103; patula 102; Rugelii 102 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 303 Paspalum 306; ciliatifolium 306, 309, 310: conjugatum 301; debile 306, 309, 310; dilatatum 98, 99, 307; epile 310; ; longepedunculatum 306, 309, 311; longipilum 311; Pariodia- num 310; propinquum 306, 309, 311; psammophilum 306, 309, 311; pubescens 306, 307, 311; rigidifolium 306, 309, 311; seta- 410 ceum 306, 309, 312; stramineum 306, 309, 312; supinum 306, 309, Pattalias Palmeri 360 5) Pedicularis labradorica 162, 198, 194, 196; mexicana 268 Peltigera aphthosa 120, 192, 193, ; malaca 120 Peltigeraceae 120 Pennisetum villosum 182 Penstemon campanulatus 268 Peperomia leptostachya 302 Periploca 359, 364, 367; graeca Perring, F. H., and S. M. Walters, Atlas of the British Flora 257 Persea americana 263; Borbonia 300 Petasites frigidus var. nivalis 167, var. palmatus 168; palmatus 168; sagittatus 168; vitifolius 167 Petiveria alliacea 302 Phacelia Franklinii 161, 207, 213 Phalaris arundinacea 131, 206, 208, 212, 230; canariensis 131, yaw Phaseolus stropurpureus 266; coccineus 266; heterophyllus 266 Pherotrichis 367 Phleum pratense 132, 212 Tharpii 250; Johnstonii 172, 250; oklahomensis 172; pinnata 179; Tharpiit 250 Philibertella 367; crispa 361; cynanchoides 361; 361; Torreyi 361 Philibertia 367 Phyllanthus Urinaria 294 Hartwegii phylogeny 109—116 Physcia muscigera 122 Physciaceae 122 238; mariana 127, 192, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 211, 214, 222 Pinaceae 126 Pinaropappus roseus 265 Pineola Grotto 299 Pinguicula villosa 163; vulgaris Pinus ayacahuite 263; Banksiana 127, 195, 198, 200, 211, 214, 218, 222, 224, 236, 238; Hartwegii 263; Lawsonii 262; Montezumae 262; teocote 262 Piperaceae 302 Pisum sativum 266 Pithecolobium 263 Plagiochilaceae 124 Plantaginaceae 163 Plantago major 163, 209, 210, 211; septata 163, 199 Pleuradenia 77; praecox 17; scabra 77, 79 Poa 132; alpina 132, 198; annua 98, 99; Canbyi 198; glauca 132 198, 208; interior 132, 198, 200, 207; leptocoma 132, 210; palus- tris 132, 210; pratensis 132, 208, 212; stenantha 132 Podostigma 367 Polemoniaceae 161, 171, 250 Polemonium 171, 82; Hinckleyi 172; pauciflorum 172; rubrum 177 ? Polygonaceae 142 (see also Erio- gonum Polygonum achoreum 142, 212; amphibium 142, 204, 205, 206, 210; aviculare 142, 208, 210, 212; coccineum 142; Convolvulus 142, 212; lapathifolium 142, 206, 208, 210, 211; viviparum 142, 192 Polypodiaceae 125, 300 Polypodium dispersum 300; pec- tinatum 300; plumula 300; poly- podioides 300, var. aciculare 267; virginianum 126, Polytrichaceae 123 ? Polytrichum formosum 123, 200; juniperinum 123, 200, var. alpes- tre 123; piliferum 123, 200 Pontederiaceae 267 (see also Eichhornia) Populus 238; balsamifera 139, 196, 197, 198, 208, 209; tremuloides formis 128, 206, var. borealis 128, , ’ . Macouni 128; foliosus 128, 204; Friesii 128, 204; gramineus 128, 204, 206; pusillus 128, 204, 206; Richardsonii 128, 204, 206; vaginatus 129, 206; vaginatus 129, 206; zosteriformis 129, 204 Potentilla anserina 151, 203, 209, Prenanthes lyrata 387, 388 Primula egaliksensis 160; incana 160, 203; mistassinica 160; stricta Primulaceae 159, 304 (see also Lysimachia) Pringle, C. G. 295 Prunus pensylvanica 152 Psilotum nudum 300 Psychotria nervosa 304 Pteris cretica 301; vittata 301 Pycnothymus rigidus 70 Pyrola asarifolia 192, 193, 196, var. purpurea 157; grandiflora 157, 192, 193, 194, 205; ; secunda 158, 193, 196; virens 158, 192, 194, 196 Pyrolaceae 157 Pyrrhopappus carolinianus 305 Quercus 262; Michauxii 302; Shu- mardii 302; virginiana 302 Quillin, Ellen Schulz 25 Rafinesque 24, 26, 31 Ranunculaceae 145, 267, 302 (see also Ranunculus) Ranunculus aquatilis var. eradi- catus 146, 206; circinatus var. subrigidus 146, 206; Cymbalaria 205, 207, 208, 210; trachycarpus 104; trilobus 104 Ranunculus trachyearpus (Ran- unculaceae) in south central Louisiana: new to North Ameri- ca 104 Raven, Peter 337 Ravenel, Henry William 14, 30 Ray, John, Catalogus Plantarum 412 258; Synopsis Methodica 258 Rendle, A. B., Biographical Index of Deceased British and _ Irish reviews 254, 296, 389 Rhamnaceae 267 Rhapidophyllum Hystrix 301 Rhexia mariana var. exalbida 304 Rhinanthus Crista-galli 162, 199, Rhododendron lapponicum 159, 192, 194 Rhus Toxicodendron 303 Rhynchosia pyramidalis 266 Rhytidium rugosum 194 Ribes glandulosum 149, 201; hud- sonianum 150, 192; lacustre 150, 194, 196; oxyacanthoides 150, 199, 201, 209; triste 150, 194, 205 Ricciaceae 125 Ricciocarpus natans 125 RICHE, SAM 182 Ridan paniculatum 253 Riddell 2 Rivina humilis 302 Roadside Flowers of Texas (re- view) 296 Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln 7 Roemer 25 ROGERS, C. M. 328 Rollins, Reed C. 12 Rorippa crystallina 149; islandica 149, 205, 207, 209, 210 Rosa acicularis 152, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 209, 211 Rosaceae 152 Rosmarinus officinalis 87 Rothrockia 367 Rowlinia 367; Palmeri 360 Rouliniella 367; unifaria 360 ROWELL, CHESTER M. 262 Rowell, Chester 25 Rubiaceae 163, 267, 304 Rubus acaulis 152, 192, 194: Chamaemorus 153, 191, 201: idaeus var. canadensis 153, 201, 203; paracaulis 153; pubescens 153, 192, 197, 209; trivialis 302 Rugel 25 Rumex maritimus var. fueginus 142, 208, 205, 208, 210, 211; mexicanus 142, 212: occidentalis Rutaceae 303 Rydberg 31; Flora of the Prairies and Plains 12 Sabal Etonia 241; minor 301 Sageretia minutiflora 303 Sagina fontinalis 51 Sagittaria cuneata 129, 204, 206, 210; graminea 269, 270, 27 isoetiformis 269, O71. 272; evict folia 264; teres 269, 270, 271 Salicaceae 139 Salisbury, E. J. 259 Salix 205, 232, 288: arbusculoides 139, 198; athabascensis 139, 202; Bebbiana 139, 196, 197, 198, 201, 205, 209; brachycarpa 139, 203, 207; calcicola 139; candida 139, liana 140; myrtillifolia 140, 192, 194, 209; padophylla 140; pedi- cellaris 140, 203; petiolaris 140; planifolia 140, 205, 209, 210: pseudomonticola 140; pyrifolia 201; reticulata 140, 194; Scou- leriana 140, 205; serissima 141, Salvia coccinea 304; lyrata 304 Samolus parviflorus 304 Sanicula canadensis 304 Santalaceae 142 Sanvitalia procumbens 265 Sapindaceae 267, 303 Sapindus marginatus 300, 303 Sarcostemma 358, 359, 360, 367; bilobum ssp. Lindenianum 365, wegiti 361, var. Hartwegii 361; Lindenianum 365; lobatum 361; Torreyl 361 Sass, Herbert Ravenel 30 Satureja 69; Acinos 69; Ashei 73; Brownei 95, var. pilosiuscula 70, 95; Calamintha 71; caroliniana grandiflora 71; macrocalyx 73; Nepeta 71: rigida 70 Saxifraga aizoides 150; tricuspi- data 150, 198, 199, 200 Saxifragaceae 149, 302 Schizaeaceae 300 Schizonotus 367 Schkuhria multiflora 374 Scirpus acutus 136; ce var. callosus 136, 191, 192, 202, divaricatus 265; Scolochloa festucacea 132, 203, 206, 208 Scorpidium scorpioides 201 Scrophulariaceae 113, 162, 268 304 (see also Micranthemum) Seutellaria Drummondii 251; ga- lericulata var. epilobiifolia 162, 205, 208; laevis 107; muriculata 251; Thieretii 251 Scutellaria laevis (Labiatae), an- other endemic in Trans-Pecos Texas 107 2 413 Scutellaria Thieretii (Labiatae), a new species from coastal Lou- isiana 251 Selaginella 201; selaginoides 125, Selaginellaceae 125, 26 Senecio congestus 168, 204, 205, 207; eremophilus 168; imparip- innatus 98; indecorus 168, 208; lugens 168, 191, 193; pauperculus 168, 204, 208; plattensis 168: Riddellit var. Parksii 379; spar- tioides 379, var. Parksii 379; tridenticulatus 168, 196, 199; vulgaris 168, 212; Warnockii 379 Serenoa repens 301 Setcreasea 277 Seutera 367: palustris 360 Shepherdia canadensis 156, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 207, SHERFF, EARL EDWARD 368 pallescens 268; Shinners, Lloyd H. 12, 13, 25, 31; Spring Flora 53, 99, 297 Sibara virginica 98 Sida procumbens 267 Silene Menziesii 144, 210, 212 Simpson, George Gaylord 111, 112 Siphonychia 101; americana 102: corymbosa 102; diffusa 102; erecta 102; interior 103; pauci- flora 102; Rugeli 102 Siphonychia transferred to Paro- nychia (Caryophylaceae) 101 Sisyrinchium 32, 43; albidum 43; angustifoltwm 43, 45; arizonicum 43, 47; atlanticum 438, 46, 47; Bermudiana 43, 46, 48, var. mi- 414 nus 33; campestre 43, 45, 46; Canbyi 33; ensigerum 43, 45; exile (see also micranthum) 33, medium 43, 45, 46; Langloisii 43, 45; laxum (see also rosulatum) 45, 301; sagittiferum 43, 45, 46, 47; Thurowii 33, 36; uniflorum 41, valdivianum 41 Sium suave 157, 206, 209, 210, 211 Small, John Kunkel 10, 31; Flora of the Southeastern United States 10, 12; Manual of the South Central Flora 11; Manual of the Southeastern Flora 10, 11 Smilacina stellata 137, 210; tri- folia 137, 191, 192, 201, 210, 212 Smilax auriculata 301; Bona-nox Smith, J. E., English Botany 258 Solanaceae 113, 268, 304 (see also Leptoglossis, Nierembergia, So- lanum) Solanum bicolor 268; floridanum 108, 304; Godfreyi 108; nigrum Solanum Godfreyi Shinners, nom. nov. (Solanaceae) 108 Solidago 213; canadensis var. salebrosa 168, 210, 212; multi- radiata 169, 193, 194, 213; peti- olaris 379; spathulata var. neo- mexicana 169, 196, 199, 201, 208, 3 Sonchus arvensis var. glabrescens 169, 212 Sowerby, James, English Botany Sparganiaceae 127 Sparganium angustifolium 127, , 206; minimum 128, 202, 204, 206, 210 Spermacoce Haenkeana 267; pa- tula 267 Sphaeralcea 384; angustifolia ssp. var. violacea 385; digitata var. angustiloba 385, ssp. tenwipes 385, var. tenuipes 385; Emoryi var. californica 384, ssp. vari- abilis 384, var. variabilis 384; Fendleri var. californica 384: pedata var. angustiloba 385; tenuipes 385 Sphagnaceae 122 Sphagnum 191, 192, 194, 201, 203, 205; balticum 122: capillaceum , 191; cuspidatum 122; fus- cum 122, 191, 203; Girgensohnii 122, 191; riparium 122; squarro- sum 123, 191; Warnstorfianum Sphenopholis intermedia 132, 210 Spilanthes americana var. par- vula 265 Spiranthes Romanzoffiana 139, 192, 213 Spirogyra 114 Spironema fragrans 277 Spring Flora of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area, Texas 53, 99, 297 St. Augustine grass sod 98 Stachys palustris var. nipigonen- sis 162, 209, 210 Stanleya amplexifolia 106 Starkea pinnata 295 Stauroneis 201 Stellaria 49, 50; calycantha 144; cerastoides 51; Corei 103; cras- sifolia 144, 205, 208; dichotoma 50, var. americana 50; dubia 50; fontinalis 51; Jamesiana 50; corum 951; Nuttatlii “49: paludi- cola 51; pubera 104, ssp. stlvati- ca 103, var. silvatica 103, var. tennesseensis 104; silwatica 103; sylvatica 103; tennessensis 103; uniflora 51; viscida 50 Stellaria Corei Shinners, nom. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) 103 Stenotaphrum secundatum 98 Sterculiaceae 268 Stereocaulon tomentosum 121 Stevia serrata 265 Subularia aquatica 149, 206 Symphoricarpos occidentalis 164 Synopsis Methodica Britannicarum 258 Stirpium Synopsis of Collinsonia (Labia- tae) 76; Conradina (Labiatae) 84; Dicerandra (Labiatae) 89; the British Flora 258 Systematic status of Ammopur- sus Ohlingerae (Compositae) 240 Tagetes filifolia 265; 265; lucida 265 Tanacetum vulgare 169, 212 Taraxacum ceratophorum 169, 199, 208; officinale 169, 212 Taxodiaceae 301 Taxodium distichum 263, 301 Taxonomic significance of evo- lutionary parallelism 109 Taxonomy and_ heterostyly of Gelsemium jaliscana North American (Loganiaceae) 346 Tectaria heracleifolia 301 415 Tephrosia 60; ambigua var. gra- cilima 61; angustissima 60, 61; cinerea 61; corallicola 60; Cur- tissii 60; florida var. gracillima 61; Mohrii 61; nicaraguensis 266; Seminole 60, 61 Texas 25, 98, 99, 107, 171, 180, 250, 252, 296, 328, 337, 358, 373, Texas Asclepiadaceae other than Asclepias 358 Texas Evax transferred to Filago (Compositae) 252 Teucrium canadense 182, var. boreale 183, var. canadense 183, var. Nashii 183, var. occidentale 183; Nashii 183; occidentale 183, var. boreale 183 Thalictrum venulosum 147, 210 Thamnolia vermicularis 122 Tharp, B. C Thelesperma_ curivearpum — 373, Thelypteris dentata 301; normalis 301; reptans 301; tetragona 301; Thlaspi arvense 149, 212 Three new varietal names in Sphaeralcea (Malvaceae) 384 Thuidiaceae 124 Thurovia 261 Thymbra caroliniana 74 Thymus carolinianus 74; grandi- florus 74 Tigridia buccifera 295; purpurea 295; vaccata 295 Tigridia purpurea (Herbert) Shinners, comb. nov. (Iridaceae) 295 Tilia floridana 303 Tiliaceae 303 416 Tilandsia simuata 301; usneoides 301 Tofiedia gutinosa 137, 191, 192, Topographic Botany 259 Torrey, John 4; Torrey and Gray Tradescantia 277; commelinoides 264; linearis 101; Wrightii 101 Traverse, Alfred 25 Trelease, William 10, 11 Triceratella 274 Trichostelma oblongifolium 366 Trichostema suffrutescens 92 Tridax coronopifolia 265; pro- cumbens 265 Trientalis europaea var. arctica 160 Trifolium amabile 266; incarna- tum 105; resupinatum 104, 105 Triglochin maritima 129, 191, 192, 202, 203, 207, 210; palustris 129, 202, 203, 207, 210 Trisetum spicatum 132 Turner, William 258 Turnera ulmifolia 268 Turneraceae 268 Two Youngias (‘“Crepis japoni- ca”: Compositae) introduced in the southern United States 386 Typha latifolia 127, 204, 206, 207, Typhaceae 127 Umbelliferae 157, 304 Uniola sessiliflora 301 United States National Herbari- um 14 Urtica chamaedry oides 302; diol- ca var. procera 142, 207 Urticaceae 142, 302 Usnea carnosa 122 Usneaceae 122 Utricularia 191; intermedia 163, 202, 203, 204, 206; minor 163, 204, 206; vulgaris 163, 202, 203 204, 206 Vaccinium leucanthum 265; uli- Valeriana scandens 305 Valerianaceae 305 Vaseyochloa 261 Vegetation of disturbed soil 211; of lakes and rivers 201; of marl and gypsite deposits 207; of rock outcrops 197; of strands and is- lands 208 Verbenaceae 268, 304 Verbesina alba 253; Coreopsis var. alba 253; paniculata 253: Veronica americana 268; pere- grina 209, 211, var. xalapensis 162; scutellata 162, 209, 210 Vincetoxicum 367; biflorum 362; brevicoronatum 363; chiapense 366; cteniophorum 366; cynan- choides 363: gonocarpos 364: parviflorum 363; productum 364; reticulatum 364; stenanthum 366 Vines, R. A. 26 Viola adunca 155; floridana 303: nephrophylla 155, 192, 210: reni- folia 155 Violaceae 155, 303 Vitaceae 268, 303 (see also Cay- ratia, Cissus) Vitex mollis 268 Vitis rotundifolia 303 VOSS, EDWARD G. 389 Wahlenbergia linarioides 185, 186; marginata 185, 186 Wahlenbergia linarioides (Camp- anulaceae) in Florida: a second adventive species for the United States 185 Walter, Thomas 24, 25 Waltheria americana 264 Warea amplexifolia 105, 106; auriculata 106, 105; sessilifolia 105, 106 Warea auriculata instead of W. amplexifolia of Small (Cruci- ferae) 105 Warnock, Barton 25 Watson, H. C., Outline of the Geographical Distributions of British Plants 358; Topographic Botany 259 Watson, Sereno 7 Webster’s Third New Interna- tional Dictionary of the English Language (review) 389 Wernham 112, 116 WHERRY, EDGAR T. 250 White spruce forest 193 Whitehouse, Eula 25 Wills, Mary Motz, Roadside Flowers of Texas (review) 296 417 Wissadula grandifolia 106, 107, var. brevipedunculata 107, var. macrantha 107; macranse 106, Wissadula grandifolia instead of W. macrantha (Malvaceae): no- menclatural corrections 106 Withering, William 260; Botani- cal Arrangement 258 Wood, pong 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Wood, C. 12 Woodsia ee 126, 198; ilven- sis 126, 198, 200 Wooton and Standley, Flora of New Mexico Wright, Charles 25, 99 Yellow-flowered Linum = (Lin- aceae) in Texas 328 Yellowknife Highway 117, 187 Youngia 386; japonica 386, 387, 388, ssp. Elstonii 388; lyrata 387, 388: Thunbergiana 387, 388 Zanthoxylum Fagara 303 Zebrina 277 Zexmenia aurea 265; crocea 265; Zygadenus elegans 138, 192, 194, 196, 198, 209, 210, 212, 213