THE FERN es - EpiTors: THE FERN GAZETTE is a journal of the British Pteridological Society and contains peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of pteridology. -? Manuscripts may be submitted, and books etc. sent for review, to: Prof. M. Gibby, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 SLR, UK Telephone: 0131-248-2973 E-mail: Instructions for authors are on page 307 of this volume and also available at ~ Copyright © 2009 British Pteridological Society. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or Storing it in any medium by electronic means) without the permission of the Britis _Pteridological Society. THE FERN GAZETTE Volume 18 Part 5 was published on 25th June 2009 Published byT THE : BRITISH herein eee SOCIETY c/o Department of Botany, The e Natural alae dee — Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK FERN GAZ. 18(6):284-285. 2009 284 LECTOTYPIFICATION OF DRYOPTERIS PSEUDOMAS BASE ANG AL WOLLASTON'S SPECIMEN OF D. APEANGR BOTA C.R. FRASER-JENKINS 92 10 Student Guest House, Thamel, P.O. Box 5555, Soe an BRARY e-mail: GARDEN NU ABSTRACT Dryopteris pseudomas (Woll.) Holub & Pouzar is lectotypified from Wollaston's specimen of D. affinis (Lowe) Fras.-Jenk. at MANCH, which maintains the stability of the nomenclature of the group. INTRODUCTION Dryopteris pseudomas (Woll.) Holub & Pouzar was raised by Holub to provide a name for the European D. affinis (Lowe) Fras.-Jenk. group, sens. Jat., and following the subdivision of the group as a critical complex, was subsequently applied by him to what is now called D. borreri Newm. However Wollaston also intended his name to apply to what is now the whole D. affinis aggregate and had no intention to confine it to D. borreri. His description emphasised the scaly, truncate-pinnuled, glossy nature of the plant and would obviously be most aptly applied to what is now D. affinis. But in fact his original specimen, marked by him as type, contains both species, so could be lectotypified in either sense. However the most obvious and characteristic morphology, as emphasisised in Wollaston's description, is that of the larger, left hand and main specimen on the sheet, which is a specimen of D. affinis, and is therefore selected here as lectotype. The small right-hand specimen is a compact and scaly D. borreri. LECTOTYPIFICATION Lastrea pseudomas Wollaston, Phytologist, n.s. [ser. 2] 1: 171-172 (1855). Dryopteris pseudomas (Wollaston) Holub & Pouzar, in Holub, Fol. Geobot. Phytotax. (Praha) 2: 329 332 (1967). Lectotype of L. pseudomas, designated here: Britain, England: "Lastrea pseudo-mas (Wol.) Type. Geo. B. Wollaston [G.B. Wollaston scripsit]. Nat. order 93, no 1793 C. Lastrea lix-mas (Presl) var. paleacea (Moore). Loc.-, Coll. George B. Wollaston, Date July 1884. Herbarium Walter W. Reeves bbenned label of Reeves]. Herbarium Sr Museum. [With lectotype labels from H.V. Corley in 1972 [ined.] and C.R. Fraser-Jenkins in 1979 and 1981]." (MANCH!). Left hand specimen only, which fits Wollaston's protologue descriptions (Wollaston 1855 and see also 1863 and 1915 and Wollaston's description in Moore 1855) much better than does D. borreri. The date of July 1884 is almost certainly, and is presumed here to be the date of acquisition Reeves, filled in by him on his herbarium label, printed with the categories, 'Loc.’, 'Dat etc., rather than the date of actual collection by Wollaston, whose own label oats that this is original (pre 1855) material and can therefore be chosen as lectotype rather than neotype. Other Reeves specimens in MANCH collected by him (sometimes with others) have a full date (including day) and locality given, unlike the present one, and another specimen from Wollaston of D. oreades, labelled var. abbreviatum, likewise has the same date of July 1884 and no locality. Manchester is where Wollaston's herbarium was sent (via Reeves) and there exists no other pre 1855 Wollaston material labelled as 285 FERN GAZ. 18(6): 284-285. 2009 representing L. pseudo-mas at MANCH or at KEW (in Moore's herbarium and the general herbarium), nor at BM, E, CGE or OXF, but at Paris there are two sheets (Herb. C.W.W. Hope 29 Jan. 1914) of D. affinis borreri, labelled as cultivated by P. Neill Fraser from plants sent to him by Wollaston as typical (P!). These specimens (along with his citing var. paleacea Moore [sensu Moore, pro parte = D. affinis| and var. borreri Newm. in his protologue) help to indicate that Wollaston's concept of Lastrea pseudomas was mixed and, as might be expected, he did not distinguish between what are now the constituent species of the aggregate, but referred to the more typical or characteristic "D. affinis-like" plants, more-or-less regardless of the modern species in the group. This further supports the suitability of the above lectotype of D. affinis as representing the "more characteristic" species. CONCLUSION Lectotypification in the present and most obvious sense has the effect of stabilising the current nomenclature of the group (see Fraser-Jenkins 2007) regarding the widely used name D. borreri, which might otherwise have been replaced by D. pseudomas had that been lectotypified from the other specimen on Wollaston's sheet. Although Fraser-Jenkins (1980) mentioned that L. pseudomas was illegitimate, he was merely misusing the term at that time to mean a synonym and has not subsequently thought of it as being illegitimate. In the same paper, when placing D. pseudomas in the synonymy of D. affinis subsp. borreri (Newm.) Fras.-Jenk., he had not then fully investigated the identity of many names applied to the group, as he did subsequently in his detailed unpublished monograph of the D. affinis group (copy at BM). The present lectotypification helps clarify the views expressed by Ekrt ef al. (2009), where it is suggested that D. pseudomas might apply to D. borreri. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful for the helpful discussion and kind acknowledgment from Dr. Libor Ekrt, University of South Bohemia, Ceské Budéjovice, Czech Republic. REFERENCES Ekrt, L., Travniéek, P., Jarolimova, V., Vit, P. & Urfus, T. 2009. Genome size and morphology of the Dryopteris affinis group in Central Europe, Preslia 18(1): 261-280. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 1980. Dryopteris affinis: a new treatment for a complex species in the European Pteridophyte Flora, Willdenowia 10(1): 107-115. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2007. The species and subspecies in the Dryopteris affinis group, Fern Gaz. 18(1): 1-26. FERN GAZ. 18(6):286-306. 2009 286 AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF FERNS AND LYCOPHYTES FROM THE BIOLOGICAL RESERVE OF UATUMA, AN AREA WITH PATCHES OF RICH-SOILS IN CENTRAL AMAZONIA, BRAZIL G. ZUQUIM"”, J. PRADO? & F.R.C. COSTA' Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Coordenacao de Pesquisas em cologia, C.P. 478, CEP 69083-000, Manaus, AM, Brazil. Author for correspondence: * Instituto de Botanica, Secao de Curadoria do Herbario, C.P. 3005, ‘CEP 01061-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. 3 Key words: Amazonia, Brazil, diversity, edaphic factor, floristic survey, pteridophytes, rainforest Palavras-chave: Amazonia, Brasil, diversidade, levantamento floristico, pteridofitas ABSTRACT There are few inventories of ferns and lycophytes of the Brazilian Amazon and most of them were made in areas of poor soils. The general species richness found in previous studies is low. This study presents an annotated list containing 122 species and three varieties of ferns and lycophytes from Biological Reserve of Uatuma, a large reserve that includes small patches of rich soils in Central Amazonia. The study site is located ca. 200 km north of Manaus, AM, Brazil. Inventories were made more intensively inside a grid system of trails of 5 x 5 km and less intensively in some white-sand forests and waterfalls in the surroundings of Balbina’s Village. Reference to the original description, habit, habitat, material examined, geographic distribution and voucher information are presented for each taxon. This is the first floristic survey of ferns and lycophytes from areas with relatively rich soils of Central Amazonia. The high number of species found challenges the concept that Central Amazonia is species-poor for the two groups studied and the strong relationship with soil conditions reinforces the proposal to include ferns and lycophytes as indicator groups of the distribution of biodiversity in the region. RESUMO Poucos séo os inventarios de samambaias e licdfitas feitos na Amazonia brasileira e a maioria destes foram feitos em areas cujos solos sdo pobres em nutrientes. Nao obstante, a riqueza de espécies encontrada em estudos prévios foi baixa. Neste estudo é apresentada uma lista anotada de 122 espécies e trés variedades de samambaias e licofitas da Reserva Biologica do Uatuma, uma reserva grande em extensdo e com pequenas manchas de solo rico na AmazOnia Central. O estudo foi realizado a cerca de 200 km ao norte de Manaus, AM, Brasil. Os inventarios foram mais intensos dentro de uma grade de trilhas de 5 x 5 km e com menor intensidade em areas de campinas e campinaranas e e cachoeiras nos arredores da Vila de Balbina. Para cada taxon sdo apresentadas informacdes acerca do local da publicagao original, habito, habitat, material examinado, distribuicaéo geografica e voucher. Este é o primeiro estudo sobre samambaias e licofitas em areas com solos relativamente ricos na Amazonia 287 FERN GAZ. 18(6): 286-306. 2009 Central. A alta riqueza de espécies encontrada afeta a idéia geral de que a Amazonia Central € pobre em espécies destes dois grupos e a forte relacdo entre as espécies e as condi¢ées do solo reforga a sugestao de se incluir samambaias e licdfitas como grupos indicadores da distribuicdo da biodiversidade. INTRODUCTION Central Amazonian soils are generally deep, highly lixiviated and nutrient-poor (Chauvel et al., 1987, Laurence, 2001, Mertens, 2004), and this may be the reason for the low species richness of ferns and lycophytes (39 to 83 species per site) reported in many inventories in this region (Costa et al., 1999, Costa et al., 2005, Zuquim et al., 2007). The same pattern is probably true for the Rio Negro Basin, which is mainly covered by poor sandy soils (Freitas & Prado, 2005). In Western Amazon, Tuomisto ef al. (2002) sampled relatively richer-soil areas and found 140 species in a 20 x 25 km study site in Ecuador. To contribute to the knowledge of the Brazilian Amazonian flora, we present here an annotated checklist of the species of ferns and lycophytes found in the Biological Reserve of Uatuma. Our evidence suggests that the low species richness in Central Amazonia sampled until now (as compared with other Neotropical forests) may be due to low sampling effort from the infrequent patches of rich soils that are difficult to access. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study area - the study was conducted at the Biological Reserve of Uatuma (Rebio Uatuma) and surroundings of Balbina’s Village, about 200 km to the North of the city of Manaus, AM, Brazil (Fig. 1). It is located in the municipalities of Presidente Figueiredo, Sao Sebastiao do Uatuma, and Urucara. The Reserve was created in 1990 and it is the largest Biological Reserve in Brazil. The reserve comprises a mosaic of white-sand shrublands (campinas), white-sand forests (campinaranas), and dense Terra Firme forests. The gradient of soils is broad and varies from very poor and coarse sandy soils to rich clayey soils. We have considered as rich soils those with more than 3 cmol/kg of exchangeable bases[(Research Program in Biodiversity (PPBio) - unpublished data] since this concentration represents around three times the amount found in the soils of the most studied areas in Central Amazonia (see Laurance 2001 - DBFFP Reserves, and Mertens 2004 - Reserva Ducke). Inventory of ferns and lycophytes Field work was carried out from July 2006 to February 2008. In 2006, the Research Program in Biodiversity (hereafter PPBio — the Portuguese acronym) with the support of the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation installed a 5 x 5 km grid system of trails in the southernmost part of Rebio Uatuma (Fig. 1). Sampling effort was more intense in the trail system, and special attention was given to the streams crossing the trails. The trail system encompasses only 25 km? of the 5,600,000 km? of the limits of the reserve. The grid comprises non-inundated Tropical Dense Forest (also called Terra Firme forests) and is crossed by many streams. To cover the variety of environments found in the region, one waterfall and a surrounding campinarana area close to the village of Balbina were visited. These two habitats occur in the landscape but were not included within the grid system. ~ TUMA 288 ZUQUIM, PRADO & COSTA: A CHECKLIST OF FERNS FROM UA ‘poydures AJOAISUdIUT Bore OY] SMOYS SIeNbs dIYM OY] ‘[IZBIg “PLY “BUINIeA- JO dAIOSAY [BOISO]OIg OY} JO SHUM] IY] GB SOUT] PI[OS “UONRIISIA sjudsoidas soydied oyeos Avis puv Jo}VM JUDSOIdoI saYydjed yori ‘ojIs Apnys oy} JO UOIBIO7T *] ANSI D0) as Y9- ———a 289 FERN GAZ. 18(6): 286-306. 2009 Presentation of the checklist e list is arranged in alphabetic order by families, genera, species, and varieties. The arrangement of families and genera follows Smith et a For each species and variety the full name of the oe is given, followed by the reference of original publication, as well as additional information such as: habit, habitat, material examined, and geographic distribution. Voucher information for each species and variety is also cited. Author abbreviations follow Pichi-Sermolli (1996). RESULTS One hundred and twenty two species and three varieties of sinnnagria distributed in 21 families were found. The richest families were Pteridaceae (with 22 species.), Polypodiaceae (18 spp.), and Dryopteridaceae (16 spp.). The most diverse genera were Adiantum (with 13 species) and Trichomanes (12 spp.). Near 35 % of the species are epiphytes, but these were probably underestimated due to the difficulty to access the canopy. Four species (Blechnum serrulatum, Gleichenella pectinata, Dicranopteris flexuosa, and Palhinhaea cernua) were found only in disturbed areas along road margins. Actinostachys pennula, Adiantum cinnamomeum, Lindsaea tetraptera, L. schomburgkii, mai plumosum, Thelypteris arborescens, Trichomanes bicorne, and T. martiusii were collected exclusively in white-sand forests (campinaranas). A none of around 50 individuals of Hemionitis rufa was found in a conspicuous rocky patch of ca. 100 m? covered by open vegetation (mainly grasses and ground bromeliads). Apparently, H. rufa is strongly related to this kind of habitat in Amazonia, but more observations are needed. The other species were distributed over habitats ranging from stream valleys to hillsides, plateaus, rocky soils and tree-fall gaps in the Terra Firme forests. Images of almost all species can be accessed by downloading the “Guide to the ferns and lycophytes of REBIO Uatuma — Central Amazonia” at Two species (Schizaea elegans and Gleichenella pectinata) were accidentally not collected but are common in the region and are easy to recognise. Both were recorded in photographs. LIST OF SPECIES ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium auritum Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 52. 1801. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic (canopy), Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Junqueira 296 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, N South America. Asplenium cirrhatum Rich. ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 5: 321. 1801. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic (base of trunks and rocks), Terra Firme forest over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Tuomisto & Prado 15699 (INPA, SP, TUR). Distribution: Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Asplenium cristatum Lam., Encycl. 2(1): 310. 1786. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic (base of trunks and rocks), Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 241 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. ZUQUIM, PRADO & COSTA: A CHECKLIST OF FERNS FROM UATUMA — 290 Asplenium laetum Sw., Syn. Fil.: 79, 271. 1806. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial or rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 97 (INPA); 107 (INPA); Zuquim & Braga- Neto 138 (INPA); Zuquim & Jakovac 228 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South Amarica. Asplenium pearcei Baker, Syn. Fil. (ed. 2): 483. 1874. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, rupiculous or epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): het & Braga-Neto 185 (INPA); Zuquim 232 (INPA). Distribution: N South America Asplenium salicifolium L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1080. 1753. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic (canopy), Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zugquim & Junqueira 297 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Asplenium serratum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1079. 1753. Habit/Habitat: herb, epipytic, in Terra Firme for Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 105 se 106 (INPA); Zuquim & Costa 252 (INPA). Distribution: S Florida, Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, tropical and subtropical South America. Asplenium stuebelianum Hieron., Hedwigia 47: 222. 1908. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial or epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils*. Studied specimen(s): Tuomisto & ag 15609 (INPA, SP, TUR). Distribution: Tropical South Ameri * Prado & Moran (2009) report it in open forest with bamboo in Acre State. BLECHNACEAE Blechnum serrulatum Rich., Actes Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 114. 1792. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in disturbed and loamy open areas. Studied specimen(s): Prado & Zuquim 1872 (INPA, SP, TUR) Distribution: S. Florida, Mesoamerica, Antilles, tropical South America. Also occurs in Malasia and Australia. Salpichlaena volubilis (Kaulf.) J. Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 168. 1841. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, climber, in plateaus or slopes of Terra Firme forests. ere specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 103 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 325 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. CYATHEACEAE Cyathea sp. Habit/Habitat: tree-fern, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Tuomisto & Zuquim 15618 (INPA, SP, TUR). 291 FERN GAZ. 18(6): 286-306. 2009 Cyathea lasiosora (Kuhn) Domin, Pteridophyta: 262. 1929. —— tree-fern, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests near streams. tudied specimen(s): Zuquim & sella os 386 (INPA) ae N South America Cyathea microdonta (Desv.) Domin, Pteridophyta: 263. 1929. Habit/Habitat: tree-fern, terrestrial, in Terra Firme ore near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Junqueira 323 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Cyathea pungens Domin, Sp. Pl. 5: 206. 1810. Habit/Habitat: tree-fern, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 197 (INPA); Zuquim & Jakovac 216 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles and N South America. DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Dennstaedtia sp. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zugquim & Braga-Neto 172 (INPA) DRYOPTERIDACEAE Bolbitis lindigii (Mett.) Ching, Index Filic., Suppl. 3: 48. 1934. Habit/Habitat: herb, hemi-epiphytic, in Terra shh irme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Vieira 444 (INP. Distribution: Mesoamerica and N South irae Bolbitis nicotianifolia (Sw.) Alston, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1932(7): 310. 1932. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, rupiculous or hemi-epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 113 (INPA); Zuquim & Braga-Neto 186 (INPA); Zuquim & Costa 286 (INPA) Distribution: Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Bolbitis semipinnatifida (Fée) Alston, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1932(7): 310. 1932. Habit/Habitat: herbs, terrestrial and rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 94 (INPA); Zuquim & Jakovac 217 (INPA); Zuquim 240 (INPA). Distribution: Lesser Antilles and N South America. Bolbitis serratifolia (Mert. ex Kaulf.) Schott, Gen. Fil., tab. 14. 1834. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Junqueira 329 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Ctenitis refulgens (Klotzsch ex Mett.) Vareschi, Fl. Venezuela 1: 404. 1969. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 231] (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Mesoamerica and N South America. ZUQUIM, PRADO & COSTA: A CHECKLIST OF FERNS FROM UATUMA _ 292 Cyclodium guianense (Klotzsch) L. D. Gomez, Phytologia 60(5): 371. 1986. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 205 (INPA); 209 (INPA), Zuquim 237 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl, Tent. Pterid.: 85. 1836. Infraspecific: var. meniscioides Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial or hemi-epiphytic, in swamps of Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 210 (INPA); Zuquim & Fontelles 375 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J. Sm., J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 196. 1841-1842 [1841]. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 164 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Tropical Asia and Africa. Elaphoglossum flaccidum (Fée) T. Moore, Index Filic.: 356. 1862. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic (canopy), in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 391 (INPA) Distribution: Antilles and N South America. Elaphoglossum luridum (Fée) “5 Christ, Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammten Naturwiss. 36(1): 33. 1899. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic paren in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 337 (INPA); Zuquim & Vieira 400 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Elaphoglossum plumosum (Fée) T. Moore, Index Filic.: 364. 1862. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in white-sand forests (campinaranas). Studied specimen(s): ome 125 (INPA). Distribution: N South Ameri Elaphoglossum raywaense (Jenm.) Aslton, Bol. Soc. Brot., ser. 2, 32: 24. 1958. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 66 (INPA). Distribution: N South America Lomagramma guianensis (Aubl.) Ching, Amer. Fern J. 22: 17. 1932. Habit/Habitat: herb, hemi-epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Tuomisto & Zuquim 15607 (INPA, SP, TUR). Distribution: Greater Antilles (except Jamaica) and tropical South America. Olfersia cervina (L.) Kunze, Flora 7: 312. 1824. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and hemi-epiphytic. Studied specimen(s): Sobrinho 1026 (INPA) Distribution: S. Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. 293 FERN GAZ. 18(6): 286-306. 2009 Polybotrya caudata Kunze, Linnaea 9: 23. 1834. Habit/Habitat: herb, hemi-epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 178 (INPA); Zuquim 242 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Polybotrya sessilisora R. C. Moran, Bull. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. 34: 108, fig. 51. 1987. Habit/Habitat: herb, hemi-epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Vieira 401 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. GLEICHENIACEAE Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 34(5): 254. 1907. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in disturbed and opened areas. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 194 (INPA). Distribution: SE USA, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Gleichenella pectinata (Willd.) Ching, Sunyatsenia 5(4): 276. 1940. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in disturbed and opened areas. Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Davalliopsis elegans (Rich.) Copel., Philipp. J. Sci. 67(1): 82. 1938. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests, near streams Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 77 (INPA); Zuquim& Jakovac 215 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical and subtropical South America. Hymenophyllum polyanthos (Sw.) Sw., J. Bot. — 1800(2): 102. 1801. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme fo Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Junqueira 305 oo Distribution: Mexico, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Trichomanes ankersii C. Parker ex Hook. & Grev., Icon. Filic. 2(11): tab. 201. 1831. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial with climbing raquis, in Terra Firme forest. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Costa 245 (INPA); 273 (INPA). Distribution: Mesoamerica and N South America. Trichomanes bicorne Hook., Icon. Plan. 9: tab. 892. 1854. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial or rupiculous, in Terra Firme and White Sand forests, in both cases, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 123 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. Trichomanes cellulosum Klotzsch, Linnae 18: 531. 1844. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra-Firme forests, near stream Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 7] (INPA); Zuquim a (INPA). Distribution: N South America. ZUQUIM, PRADO & COSTA: A CHECKLIST OF FERNS FROM UATUMA _ 294 Trichomanes cristatum Kaulf., Enum. Filic. 265. 1824. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 78 (INPA); Zuquim 122 (INPA); Zugquim & Braga-Neto 388 (INPA) Distribution: tropical South America. Trichomanes diversifrons (Bory) Mett. ex Sadeb., Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(4): 108. 1899. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Junqueira 299 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, Trinidad, and N South America. Trichomanes ekmanii Wess. Boer, Acta Bot. Neerl. 11: 319, fig. se 1962. Habit/Habitat: herb, rupiculous and epiphytic, in Terra Firme fores Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 118 (INPA); Zuquim a Braga-Neto 153 (INPA); 197 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 292 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles, Mesoamerica and N South America Trichomanes martiusii C. Presl, Hymenophyllaceae 15, 36. 1843. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, rupiculous and epiphytic, in Terra Firme and white sand forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 120 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. Trichomanes pinnatum Hedw., s./., Fil. Gen. Sp., tab. 4, fig. 1. 1799. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Figueiredo 75 (INPA); Zuquim & Braga-Neto 189 (INPA); 385 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 300 (INPA). Distribution: Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. NB. The material cited here probably belongs to more than one taxon, but more studies are necessary to clarify this situation. Vandenboschia radicans (Sw.) Copel., (Philipp. J. Sci.) 67(1): 54. oi Habit/Habitat: herb, rupiculous and epiphytic, in Terra Firme fore Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Junqueira 291 (INPA); 313 ge Zuquim & Braga-Neto 382 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and widespread in South America. Trichomanes tuerckheimii H. Christ, Hedwigia 44: 361.1905. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial with climbing rachis, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Junqueira 328 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Trichomanes vittaria DC. ex Poir., Encycl. 8: 65. 1808. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme Forest. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Braga-Neto 155 (INPA); Zuquim & Jakovac 196 (INPA); Zuquim 243 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 320 (INPA) Distribution: N South America. 295 FERN GAZ. 18(6): 286-306. 2009 LINDSAEACEAE Lindsaea divaricata Klotzsch, Linnaea 18: 547. 1844. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 67 (INPA); Zuquim & Jacovak 218 (INPA); Zuquim & Vieira 406 (INPA). Distribution: Mesoamerica and tropical South America. Lindsaea guianensis (Aubl.) Dryand., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 3: 42. 1797. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim 128 (INPA) Distribution: Lesser Antilles, Mesoamerica, N South America. Lindsaea sp. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Costa 248 (INPA); 253 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 295 (INPA). Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. var. lancea Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 74 (INPA); Zuquim & Vieira 402 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Lindsaea lancea var. falcata (Dryand.) Rosenst., Hedwigia 46: 79. 1906. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, occasionally epiphytic (in decaying wood), in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 70 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Lindsaea quadrangularis subsp. antillensis, K. U. Kramer, Acta Bot. Neerl. 6(2): 194. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in white sand forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 165 (INPA); Zuquim 233 (INPA). Distribution: Antilles, Guianas, and Brazil. Lindsaea schomburgkii Klotzsch, Linnaea 18: 545. 1844. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and epiphytic, in white sand forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 338 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. Lindsaea tetraptera K. U. Kramer, Acta Bot. Neerl. 6(2): 181, fig. 38. 1957. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in white sand forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim 124 (INPA); Tuomisto & Prado 15718 (INPA SP, TUR). Distribution: N South America. LOMARIOPSIDACEAE Cyclopeltis semicordata (Sw.) J. Sm., Bot. Mag. 72: 36. 1846. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 140 (INPA); 221 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. ZUQUIM, PRADO & COSTA: A CHECKLIST OF FERNS FROM UATUMA _ 296 Lomariopsis japurensis (Mart.) J. Sm., Hist. Fil.: 140. 1875. Habit/Habitat: herb, hemi-epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 112 (INPA); Zuquim & Braga-Neto 182 (INPA); 783 (INPA); 788 (INPA). Distribution: Mesoamerica and N South America. Lomariopsis prieuriana Fée, Mem. Foug. 2: 66, Tab. 25, fig. 1. 1845. Habit/Habitat: herb, hemi-epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim 372 (INPA) Distribution: Mesoamerica and N South America. Nephrolepis rivularis (Vahl) Ching, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 24: pipes Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, epiphytic, in Terra Firme for Studied specimen(s): Zuguim 126 (INPA); 127 (INPA); Mahan & Costa 25] (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 289 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. LYCOPODIACEAE Palhinhaea camporum (B. Ollg. & P. G.Windisch), Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 26: 93. 1991. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in disturbed open areas. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 195 (INPA). Distribution: tropical South America LYGODIACEAE Lygodium volubile Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1801(2): 303. 1803. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial with climbing rachis, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim 332 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. MARATTIACEAE Danaea leprieurii Kunze, Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci. (Turin) 5(1790-1791): 429 tab. 9. 1793. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 68 (INPA) Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Danaea nodosa (L.) Sm., Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. (Turin) 5(1790-1791): 420, tab. 9, fig. 11. 1793. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial and rupiculous, in Terra Firme forests over rich soils. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 139 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. Danaea trifoliata Reichenb. ex Kunze, Analecta Pteridogr.: 4, tab. 2. 1837. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 377 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 409 INPA). Distribution: Guianas and Brazil. aut FERN GAZ. 18(6): 286-306. 2009 METAXYACEAE Metaxya rostrata C. Presl, Tent. Pterid.: 60, tab. 1, fig. 5. 1836. Habit/Habitat: herb, terrestrial, in Terra Firme forests, near streams. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Costa 249 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 304 (INPA). Distribution: S Mexico, Lesser Antilles, Mesoamerica, and N South America. POLY PODIACEAE Campyloneurum phyllitidis C. Presi, Tent. Pterid.: 190. 1836. Distribution: S Florida, Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, tropical and subtropical South America. Campyloneurum repens (Aubl.) C. Presl, Tent. Pterid.: 190. 1836. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Figueiredo 108 (INPA); Zuquim & Braga-Neto 157 (INPA); 383 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Cochlidium serrulatum (Sw.) L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J. 68(3): 80. 1978. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Figueiredo 408 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Antilles, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Dicranoglossum desvauxii (Klotzsch) Proctor, rn: 63: 35. 1961. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme fores Studied specimen(s): Zuguim & Costa 265 (INPA); Zag & Junqueira 293 (INPA). Distribution: Lesser Antilles, tropical South America Microgramma dictyophylla (Kunze ex Mett.) de la Sota, Novon 17(1): 27. 2007. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Costa 266 (INPA); Zuquim 336 (INPA). Distribution: Mesoamerica and N South America. Microgramma lycopodioides (L.) Copel., Ann. cna in Phytopathol. 5: 185. 1947. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme fore Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & sip ncon 104 TNR: Zuquim & Junqueira 312 (INPA); Zuquim & Braga-Neto 384 (IN Distribution: S Mexico, Antilles, ee South America Microgramma megalophylla (Desv. ) de la Sota, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 10: 158. 1963. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Neres 376 (INPA). Distribution: N South America. Microgramma percussa (Cav.) de la Sota, Physis pies Aires) 44(106C): 28. 1986. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme for Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Braga-Neto 168 ane Distribution: S Mexico, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. ZUQUIM, PRADO & COSTA: A CHECKLIST OF FERNS FROM UATUMA _ 298 Microgramma reptans (Cav.) A. R. Sm., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 40(8): 230. 1975. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zuquim & Jakovac 213 (INPA); Zuquim & Costa 250 (INPA); Zuquim & Junqueira 290 (INPA). Distribution: Mexico, Cuba, Mesoamerica, and tropical South America. Microgramma sp. Habit/Habitat: herb, epiphytic, in Terra Firme forests. Studied specimen(s): Zugquim & Vieira 405 (INPA). Microgramma tecta (Kaulf.) Alston, J. Wash. _