AGASSIZ. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. GIFT OF ALEX. AGASSIZ. 5 Wemoirs of the Museum of Comparative | Printes for the Museum. Soy NUARY, 1902. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vou XX Vie Nol REPORTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO -THE TROPICAL PACIFIC, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER ‘ ALBATROSS,” FROM AUGUST, 1899, TO MARCH, 1900, COMMANDER JEFFERSON F. MOSER, U.S.N., COMMANDING. i. PRELIMINARY REPORT LIST OF STATIONS. By ALEXANDER AGASSIZ. WITH REMARKS ON THE DEEP-SEA DEPOSITS By SIR JOHN MURRAY. WITH TWENTY-ONE CHARTS. [Published by permission of Grorar M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. ] CAMBRIDGE, U.S. A.: Printey for the Museum, January, 1902. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PROTIMINARY = REPORT: 60468 i 5 ee ee 1 ING ON EOSIMIONG 6a ne Soe Gr tee Se a ee ee fa IBIS MS DATIONS 9 9S os. ogS fags eee te Ce ry eg ee ee ne a 51 Nores on tHe Derp-seA Havts or tae TRAWL AND DREDGE MADE BY THE ‘ ALBA- ? TROSS:- AND THh ‘ CCHALTONGHR IN THE PAGQINICN 62 59 4305 ts 65 Resu.ts of THE TRAWLING AND DREDGING OF THE ‘‘ CHALLENGER” IN THE Paciric 67 RESvLts OF THE TRAWLING OF THE *¢ ALBATROSS” IN THE TroprcaL Pacrric wou. 70 Tue Borrom DEposits COLLECTED BY THE *“* ALBATROSS” . . . . . +... » vive ReEcorD oF THE SuRFACE HavuLs MADE BY THE ‘*ALBATROSS”. . ..... ~~. 82 Haus MADE AT INTERMEDIATE Deprus BY THE ‘‘ ALBATROSS” . . . .... . °89 Tur Borrom DerposiTrs COLLECTED BY THE ‘‘ CHALLENGER” IN THE PACIFIC ... . 96 THe SURFACE ORGANISMS OBSERVED BY THE ‘‘CHALLENGER” IN THE Paciric. . . 102 Dae BATHYMETRIGAL RANGH “OF THe PRLAGIO FAUNA. == «9. = 25.) « « LOY Remarks oN THE Derp-sea Deposits, By Stir Joun Murray . . . - +--+ + + 109 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES Ce ee a a ee ee ee LY ac senenhaiaenaeasancies | | | Reports ON THE ScreENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE TROPICAL PACIFIC IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, By THE U. 8S. FIsH CoMMISSION STEAMER “ ALBATROSS,” FROM AUGUST, 1899, To MARcH, 1900, COMMANDER JEFFERSON EF, Moser, U. 8S. N., COMMANDING. I. PRELIMINARY REPORT. TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF THE STATIONS OCCUPIED BY THE “ALBATROSS.” By ALEXANDER AGASSIZ. (Published by permission of Geo. M. Bowers, U. 8. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries.) IT arrivep at San Francisco on August 20th, and after consulting with Commander Moser we decided to leave on Wednesday, the 23d.’ Everything shipped from the East had arrived with the exception of the tow-nets sent me by Dr. Kriimer, and the deep-sea nets kindly ordered for me by Professor Chun of Leipzig. Captain Moser and I decided not to make any soundings nor do any deep-sea work until we had passed beyond the lines of soundings already run by the “ Albatross” and “Thetis” between California and the Hawaiian Islands. In latitude 31° 10’ N., and longitude 125° W., we made our first sounding in 1955 fathoms, about 320 miles from Point Conception, the nearest land. We occupied ‘twenty-six stations until we reached the northern edge of the plateau from which rise the Marquesas Islands, having run from Station 1, a distance of 3800 miles, in a straight line. At Station 2 the depth had increased to 2368 fathoms, the nearest land, Guadelupe Island, being about 450 miles, and Point Conception nearly 500 miles, distant. The depth gradually increased to 2628, 2740, 2810, 2881, 3003, and 3088 fathoms, the last in lat. 16° 38’ N., long. 136° 14’ W., Explorations of the “ Albatross” in the Pacific Ocean. [Extract from a letter to the Hon. George M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, D. C., dated Papeete Harbor, Tahiti Island, 30 September, 1899, on the trip of the “ Albatross” from San Francisco to Papeete, by Alexander Agassiz.] Am. Jour. Sci., Fourth Series, Vol. [X., No. 49, January, 1900. 1 2 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. the deepest sounding we obtained thus far in the unexplored part of the Pacific through which we were passing. From that point the depths varied from 2883 to 2699 and 2776, diminishing to 2583, and gradually passing to 2440, 2463, and 2475 fathoms, until off the Marquesas, in lat. 7° 58’ S., long. 139° 08’ W., the depth became 2287 fathoms. It then passed to 1939, 1802, and 1040 fathoms in lat. 8° 41’ S., long. 139° 46° W., Nukuhiva Island being about twenty miles distant. Between Nukuhiva and Hounanu Point, Ua-Huka Island, we obtained 830 fathoms, and five miles south of Nukuhiva 687 fathoms. When leaving Nukuhiva for the Paumotus we sounded in 1284 fathoms about nine miles south of that island. These soundings seem to show that this part of the Marquesas rises from a plateau having a depth of 2000 fathoms and about fifty miles in width, as at Station 29 we sounded in 1932 fathoms. Between the Marquesas and the northwestern extremity of the Paumotus we occupied nine stations, the greatest depth on that line being 2700 fathoms at Station 31, in lat. 12° 20’ S., and long. 144° 16’ W. The depths varied between 2451 and 2527 fathoms, and diminished to 1208 fathoms off the west end of Ahii, and then to 706 fathoms when about sixteen miles N.E. off Avatoru Pass in Rangiroa atoll. We developed to a certain extent the width of the Paumotu Group plateau by a line of soundings in continuation of the direction of Avatoru Pass, extending a little less than nine miles seaward, where we obtained a depth of 819 fathoms. Subsequently we ran a similar line normal to the south shore of the lagoon of Rangiroa, a distance of nearly twelve miles, into 897 fathoms. Between Rangiroa and Tikehau, the next atoll to the westward, we obtained a depth of 1486 fathoms. Between Tikehau and Matahiva six soundings were made, with a depth of 488 fathoms half a mile from shore, and a greatest depth of 850 fathoms six and one half miles from Tikehau. The slope approaching Matahiva. is steeper than the Tikehau slope. From Matahiva to Makatea (Aurora) Island, we made six soundings: from 624 fathoms about two and one half miles off shore to 581 fathoms about one and one eighth miles off the west side of the latter island, the PRELIMINARY REPORT. 3 depths passing to 860, 1257, 1762, and the greatest depth being 2267 fathoms, then 2247, and rising more rapidly near Makatea to 581 fathoms. Between Makatea and Tahiti we made eight soundings, beginning with 1363 fathoms, two miles off the southern end of Makatea, passing to 2238, 2363 (the greatest depth on that line), to 2224, 1930, 1585, 775, and finally 867 fathoms off Point Venus. These make in all seventy-two soundings from our first station to Point Venus. : The deep basin developed by our soundings between lat. 24° 30’ N., and lat. 6° 25’ S., varying in depth from nearly 3100 fathoms to a little less than 2500 fathoms, is probably the western extension of a deep basin indicated by two soundings on the charts,‘ to the eastward of our line, in longitudes 125° and 120° W., and latitudes 9° and 11° N., one of over 3100 fathoms, the other of more than 2550 fathoms, showing this part of the Pacific to be of considerable depth and to form a uniformly deep basin of great extent, continuing westward probably, judging from the soundings, for a long distance. I would propose, in accordance with the practice adopted for naming such well-defined basins of the ocean, that this large depression of the Central Pacific, extending for nearly thirty degrees of latitude, be named Moser Basin. In naming the “ Moser” Basin I am following the practice adopted by the “ Challenger” and Coast Survey, of naming after naval officers or the ships they commanded prominent hydrographic features. Dr. Neumayer in 1882, in the Atlas of the Atlantic Ocean issued by the German Marine Observatory, was the first to object to this system of nomenclature, on the ground of the confusion likely to arise from the adoption of personal names when applied to ridges, basins, deeps, and plateaus in the different Oceanic realms. He proposed a strictly geographical nomenclature, which ignored the personal names given in the earlier bathymetrical charts ; and the same principle was carried out in the Atlas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans subsequently published by the German Marine Observatory. Finally, Professor Supan, in his article on “ Die Bodenform des Welt- 1 H. O. Chart, No. 527. 4 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. meeres,”} has followed the same principle, and has in no way recognized the names which appear on the “Challenger” bathymetrical chart or the earlier charts of Petermann, issued in 1877, or in the charts issued by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. In order to prevent a possible future confusion, the Germans have deliberately created it; for Professor Supan objects on “ national grounds” to Sir John Murray’s proceeding of “ tagging the oceans as if they were Anglo-Saxon dominions,” and insists that such a proceeding ‘can never receive general recognition.” Professor Supan considers the Anglo-Saxon method “as impracticable because in the future it may burden the memory of the school children of the next generation.” If we are to have a remodelling of the oceanic bathymetrical nomenclature, it seems as if we were attempting it with very insufficient data, at least as far as the Pacific is concerned. Professor Supan himself has called attention to the fact that the bottom of the Pacific Ocean is far less uni- | form in depth than would appear from the earlier charts; and certainly the great blank spaces left between the lines of soundings make it suffi- ciently clear how tentative all our attempts to chart the depths of the Pacific must be for some time to come. Of course, I do not in any way. wish to object to a more strict limitation of the hydrographic terms pro- posed by Dr. Supan, many of which have naturally in the earlier days of deep-sea explorations been applied somewhat vaguely. In the meantime basins, deeps, and ridges, such as are sketched and named on the earlier charts, will gradually disappear as subsequent explorations show them to be connected; others again will be subdivided as our knowledge of the depths of the oceans becomes more accurate. No geographer has as yet attempted for land names to make such a sweeping reform as that proposed by the Germans. It is true that the great oceanic realms are common property, and have not as yet, like the islands scattered in the Pacific, become included in regions of English, French, German, or American influence. But it will appear to an Anglo- Saxon as natural, from a national standpoint, to adhere to his nomenclature as it seems important to the German, for the same reason, to adopt a differ- ent system. ‘To a naturalist accustomed to have such questions settled for 1 Petermann’s Mitteil., Bd. 45, 1899, p. 177. i Cos ong. 13 2-4. i : \ a s 16 32M ; Pry ¢ aeod » eo na sar BB . 2 had oa 5 PRELIMINARY REPORT. 5 him on the principle of priority, it seems unjustifiable to cancel a name given to an oceanic ridge, or to a great basin or deep, and to substitute another because it agrees with the principles of the reformer. Professor Supan anticipates that all maritime nations will attempt in the future to perpetuate the names of their exploring ships and their cap- tains, and thus introduce endless confusion. But certainly the confusion can be no greater than it is in the interior of Africa, where each explorer, according to his nationality, has given the names of his eminent country- men to the physical features of the country he traversed. The nomenclature of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, depending abso- lutely upon the national geographical system, if I may so call it, is perhaps the most obvious example of the approval which civilized nations have given to the system which perpetuates the names of the hardy explorers and of the ships they commanded when pushing their way towards the poles. Bold indeed would be the man to attempt on “ national grounds” to reform the names associated with so many heroic voyages. I do not mean by this in any way to compare the hardships of the Arctic voyages with those explorations which are laid in the pleasant paths of the tropics, and finally can only suggest that school children may perhaps learn a little interesting history if geographical names do not everywhere replace per- sonal ones. The character of the bottom of the Moser basin is most interesting. The haul of the trawl made at Station 2, lat. 28° 23’ N., long. 126° 57’ W., brought up the bag full of red clay and manganese nodules, with Tertiary sharks’ teeth and cetacean ear-bones; and at nearly all our stations we had indications of the existence of manganese nodules. At Station 13, in 2690 fathoms, lat. 9° 57’ N., long. 137°47’ W., we again obtained a fine trawl-haul of manganese nodules and red clay; there must have been at least enough to fill a forty-gallon_ barrel. The nodules in our first haul were either slabs from six to eighteen inches in length and four to six inches in thickness, or small nodules rang- ing in size from that of a walnut to a lentil or less, while those brought up at Station 13 consisted mainly of nodules looking like mammillated cannon- balls, varying from four and a half to over six inches in diameter, the 6 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. largest being six and one half inches. We again brought up manganese nodules at the equator in about longitude 138° W., and subsequently — until within sight of 'Tahiti—we occasionally trawled manganese nodules. As had been noticed by Sir John Murray in the “Challenger,” these manganese nodules occur in a part of the Pacific most distant from con- tinental areas. Our experience has been similar to that of the “Chal- lenger,” only I am inclined to think that these nodules range over a far more extensive area of the Central Pacific than had been supposed, and that this peculiar manganese-nodule bottom characterizes a great portion of the deep parts of the Central Pacific, where it cannot be affected by the deposition of Globigerinz, Pteropods, or telluric ooze, in the region charac- terized also by red-clay deposits. For in the track of the great equatorial currents there occur deposits of Globigerina ooze in over 2400 fathoms for a distance of over 300 miles in latitude. We also found manganese nodules south of the Marquesas; at Station 31, when in 2700 fathoms, we obtained perhaps the finest specimens of red clay from any of our soundings. As we approached the western Paumotus, upon the north side of the plateau from which they rise, Globigerina ooze passed gradually to Pteropod ooze, then to fine and coarse coral-sand. In the channel south of the Paumotus to Tahiti the coral sand passed to vol- canic sand mixed with Globigerine in the deepest parts of the line, and toward Tahiti passed to voleanic mud mixed with Globigerinz, next to fine voleanic sand, and finally, at the last sounding, off Point Venus, to coarse volcanic sand. We made a few hauls of the trawl on our way, but owing to the great distance we had to steam between San Francisco and the Marquesas (3800 miles) we could not, of course, devote much time either to trawling or to making tows at intermediate depths. Still, the hauls we made with the trawl were most interesting, and confirmed what other deep-sea expe- ditions have recognized: that at great depths, at considerable distances from land and away from any great oceanic current, there is comparatively little animal life to be found. Where manganese nodules were found in abundance the hauls were specially poor, a few deep-sea Holothurians and Ophiurans, and some small Actiniw which had attached themselves to the PRELIMINARY REPORT. 7 nodules, with a few other invertebrates, seemed to be all that lived at these great depths, in 2500 to 2900 fathoms, far away — say from 700 to 1000 miles —from the nearest land. The bottom temperatures of the deep Moser basin varied between 34.6° at 2628 and 2740 fathoms, to 35.2” at 2440 fathoms, and 35° at 2475 fathoms, about 176 miles from the Marquesas. At Station 23, off the Marquesas, in 1802 fathoms, the temperature was 35.5. Owing to the failure of many of our deep-sea thermometers, we were not able to make any satisfactory serial-temperature observations. At Station 11, lat. 14° 38’ N., long. 136° 44’ W., in 2646 fathoms, we obtained : 79° at surface. 48.9° at 200 fathoms. 78.7° “ 50 fathoms ?# 441° & 300 & bows LOO 2 39.92 << (00 © These temperatures are somewhat higher than those obtained by the “Challenger” in similar latitudes on their line to the westward of ours between the Hawaiian Islands and Tahiti. At Tahiti a temperature of 40° is found to vary between 500 and 600 fathoms, off Hawaii a temper- ature of 48° obtains in 224 fathoms, at Hilo 40° was found in 400 fathoms, much colder than on the eastern lines. The temperatures of the bottom between the Marquesas and Paumotus were 34.9° at 1932 fathoms, 35° at 2456 fathoms and 2451 fathoms, and 35.1° at 2527 fathoms. We did not take any bottom temperatures between the Paumotus and Tahiti. Our deep-sea nets not having reached San Francisco at the time we sailed, we limited our pelagic work to surface hauls, of which we generally made one in the morning and one in the evening, and whenever practi- cable, some hauls with the open tow-nets at depths varying between 100 and 350 fathoms. The results of these hauls were very satisfactory. The 1 Off shore off San Francisco the ‘* Albatross” observed in Fathoms Fathoms. BOO eae Oe TOS 4 80109 OUR ea ee 80S TOT tee a es oe BOTs ae ene SOL ce js hs oes Ot 5 x ° oe line San Francisco to Hawaiian Islands. 8 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. collection of surface animals is quite extensive, and many interesting forms were obtained. As regards the deeper hauls, they only confirm what has been my experience on former expeditions, that beyond 300 to 350 fathoms very little animal life is found, and in the belt above 300 fathoms the greater number of many so-called deep-sea Crustaceans and deep-sea fishes were obtained. I may mention that we obtained Pelagothuria at about 100 fathoms from the surface. We trawled at Station 10 in 3088 fathoms. Unfortunately, the trawl was not successful, and we simply hauled the bag through over 3000 fathoms without bringing up a single deep-sea animal from intermediate depths which we did not obtain quite near the surface — at less than 300 fathoms. I may mention here that the experience of the “ Valdivia” shows, from the preliminary reports published by Professor Chun,! that pelagic alge do not extend to beyond about 150 fathoms. Although he also states that animal life is found at all depths from the surface to the bottom, yet he states that beyond 800 meters it diminishes very rapidly ; Professor Chun does not state whether this diminution is more rapid away from land than near continental areas, both of which conditions I had called especial attention to in my Preliminary Report on the “ Albatross” expe- dition of 1891, while using the Tanner net in the Gulf of California2 Mr. George Murray has criticised the action of the Tanner deep-sea net, and condemns its results, suggesting that the bottom net had always closed some time after being sent down? I need not now discuss that sub- ject, but will only refer him to the report of the “Albatross,” in which he will find the closed part of the net to have on several occasions brought up (when I expected it to do so) specimens from over 600 fathoms from immediately above the bottom, or samples of the bottom from near 1700 fathoms while attempting to tow immediately above that depth. I ought, in justice to him, to state that I omitted to mention that we secured the loops by twine to the detacher to insure their dropping only when the 1 Die Deutsche Tiefsee Expedition 1898-99. Zeits. d. Gesell. fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1899, XXXIV., Heft 2. 2 Bull, M. C. Z., 1892, Vol. XXIII., No. 1, pp. 40, 45. 8 George Murray. Exploration of the intermediate depths of the ocean. Geog. Mag., XIII., No. 2, February, 1899, p. 152. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 9 messenger reached the detacher, and that the hooks of the detacher were lengthened very considerably above the dimensions figured in my Prelim- inary Report on the “ Albatross” expedition of 1891. 1 might add that we made a number of trials near the surface to see the action of the Tanner net under all conditions of position and speed, and I can only assume that Mr. Murray, having no experience, did not handle his net properly, or that it was not properly balanced. I may also add that Cap- tain Tanner used his modified net subsequently in the “ Albatross,” running a line of soundings from San Francisco to the Hawaiian Islands, in from 100 to 350 fathoms from the surface, at considerable distances from the islands and the mainland, and also in Alaskan waters, and always with the results we had obtained before. The closed bag, when towing at 100 fathoms below the surface, always brought up a mass of pelagic animals living at about that depth, while when tried at 300-350 fathoms it brought up little or nothing. There is nothing in Captain Tanner's experience,’ — who, as commander of the “Albatross” from 1883 until 1894, has had a longer service in deep-sea explorations than any other individual, — or mine, to indicate why the net should act well at 100 fath- oms and not well at 300 fathoms or more, as suggested by Mr. Murray. Subsequently, during the winter of 1893-94 when off the northern coast of Cuba, during my cruise in the “Wild Duck”? I had occasion again to while use the modified deep-sea self-closing Tanner net, and found no reason to change the views regarding the general bathymetrical distribution of pelagic life I had expressed in my Preliminary Report on the Results of the “ Albatross” Expedition of 1891. In the winter of 1897-98 I also made a number of hauls with the deep- sea self-closing Tanner net at several points in Fiji, the results of which will be found in my Report on the Islands and Coral Reefs of Fiji? As long as we have no better acquaintance with the surface fauna of the great oceans than we now possess, it is idle from the few hauls which have made us familiar with some of the denizens of a bathymetric belt 1 Z. L. Tanner. On the appliances for collecting pelagic organisms. Bull. U. S. Fish Commission, Vol. XIV., 1895, p. 143. * Bull. M. C. Z., XXV1., No. 1, 1894, p. 7. ® Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XXXII., 1899, p. 14. 10 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. extending from the surface down to, say 300 fathoms, at the outside, to undertake to classify them into distinct series extending from the surface to great depths. What is still needed is a careful exploration of the bathy- metrical range of the pelagic fauna on a line extending far out to sea from a continental slope into great depths, and a similar line along a great oceanic current far from any disturbing element such as an archipelago or submarine plateaus. If we knew all the species of the so-called pelagic belt it would be a different thing; but when the peculiar fish with pedunculated eyes which Chun calls a deep-sea fish, and specially characteristic of intermediate depths, is found by us at 100 fathoms, this, as well as the many other fishes and so-called deep-sea Crustacea, Holothurians, Ascidians, and Medusee which we caught at or about the 100-fathom line in this and in my former expeditions, plainly shows that as yet we are very far from know- ing the species which inhabit the belt between 100 fathoms or more and the surface1 No deep-sea expedition using better and newer appliances has as yet failed to bring up within these limits some so-called new deep-sea species if they happen to have brought it up when dropping the net in greater depths, while the next explorer again brings it up from inside the 100-fathom line. (See note.) I still reiterate that near the bottom, and some distance above it, a certain number of so-called pelagic species undoubtedly live, as well as in proximity to the con- tinental slopes; but that is no criterion of the mode of distribution of pelagic life at sea far away from continental areas. When thus caught Norm. —I may mention among the Fishes: Collettia, Scopelus, Myctophum, Argy- ropelecus, Polyipnus, Plectromus, Paralepis, Stomias, Malacosteus, Eustomias, Melam- phaés, Trachichthys, Sternoptyx, Cyclothone, Gonostoma, Notoscopelus, Lampanyctus, Cyema, Caulolepis, Hoplostethus, Chaunax, and Melanocetus. Among the Crustacea: Gnatho- phausia, Thysanopoda, Bentheuphausia, Willemoesia, Stylocheiron, Nematoscelis, Eu- phausia, Syriella, Nyctiphanes, Sergestes, Benthcecetes. The remarkable Ascidian Octac- nemus. he pelagic Holothurian Pelagothuria, and the greater number of the so- -called deep-sea Meduse: Atolla, Periphylla, and Nauphanta, as well as a number of so-called deep-sea Siphonophores, Bathyphysa, and the like, which are caught by the wire rope. 1 Die Deutsche Tiefsee Expedition 1893-99, Berlin, 1899, p. 54. Zeits. d. Gesell. f. Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1899, XXIV., Heft 2. PRELIMINARY REPORT. ° 14 near the land it teaches us nothing of their bathymetrical range, as they may occasionally wander off miles by being carried seaward by currents and drop off into deep water along continental slopes. Unfortunately, the marked paucity of pelagic animal life in the Pacific makes it well-nigh impossible to obtain data for their bathymetrical dis- tribution with the limited information we have. On our way to Tahiti from the Marquesas we stopped a few days to examine the westernmost atolls of the Paumotus. After striking Ahii we made for Rangiroa, the largest atoll of the Paumotu Group. Skirting the northern shore from a point a little west of Tiputa Pass, we entered the lagoon through Avatoru Pass, anchoring off the village. ‘This pass 1s quite narrow, with a strong current running out the greater part of the time, especially in easterly winds. It varies in depth between nine and ten fathoms, shoaling near the inner entrance to about three and one half fathoms, and deepening again to six or seven fathoms, and gradually passing into fifteen to seventeen fathoms, which is the average depth of the lagoon from Avatoru Pass across to the south or weather shore, a distance of about thirteen miles. We made an examination of the northern side of the lagoon between Avatoru and Tiputa Passes. The lagoon beach of the northern shore is quite steep, and is composed of moderately coarse broken coral sand at the base, and of larger fragments of corals along the upper face, which is about 5 to 6 feet above high-water mark. These coral fragments are derived in part from the corals living on the lagoon face of the northern shore, and in part of fragments broken by the waves from somewhat below the low-water mark. The ledge which underlies the beach crops out at many places on the lagoon side of the northern land-rim; we traced it also along the shores of Avatoru Pass, and specially about half-way between Avatoru and Tiputa Passes across the narrow northern land-rim. It crops out also at various points between these passes in the narrow cuts which divide this part of the northern land-rim of the lagoon into a number of smaller islands. These secondary passes leave exposed the underlying ledge, full of fossil corals. In some cases these secondary passes leave a clear channel extending across from the lagoon to the northern 12 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. side, through which water flows at high or half tide. In other cases the cuts are silted up with coral sand blown in from the lagoon side. In others, the cut is shut off by a high sand-bank, or a bank composed of broken fragments of corals, leaving access to the water from the northern shore only; and finally the cuts are also shut off on the northern side by sand and broken coral banks, the extension of the north shore outer beach leaving a depression which at first is filled with salt-water and gradually silted up both from the lagoon side and the sea-side, and forms the typical north-shore land-rim of the lagoon. This building up of the land-rim of the Paumotu atolls by the accumulation of sand both from the lagoon side and the sea face, is very characteristic of the atolls of that group. It is a feature which I have not seen so marked in any other coral-reef district. On the lagoon side the slope from the beach is very gradual into sixteen and seventeen fathoms, and corals appear to flourish on the lagoon slope to six or eight fathoms only, in some cases consisting of Madrepores, in others of Porites or of Astraans, and Pocillopores. The corals could be seen over the floor of the Avatoru passage down to from nine to ten fathoms; and on the sea face Pocillopores covered the outer edge of the shore platform. This platform is from 200 to 250 feet wide, and was formed by the planing off of the seaward extension of the ledge cropping out in the cuts. It became very evident, after we had examined the south shore of the lagoon, that the ledge underlying the north shore is the remnant of a bed of Tertiary coralliferous limestone, which at one time covered the greater part of the area of the lagoon, portions of which may have been elevated to a considerable height. This limestone was gradually denuded and eroded to the level of the sea. Passages were formed on its outside edge, allowing the sea access to the inner parts of the lagoon limestone flat. This began to cut away the inner portions of the elevated limestone, forming large sounds, as in the case of Fiji atolls, and leaving finally. on the south side only a flat strip of perhaps 2500 to 3000 feet in width, which has gradually been further eroded on the lagoon side and also on the sea face, to leave only a narrow strip of land about 1000 feet in width and perhaps ten to fourteen feet in height, the material for this land hav- PRELIMINARY REPORT. 13 ing come from the disintegration of the ledge of Tertiary limestone, both on the sea face and the lagoon side. : There exist in the lagoon a number of small islets which also consist of this same Tertiary limestone in process of disintegration and transformation to coral-sand islets. They are the islets at the lagoon side of both Avatoru and Tiputa Passes, the two islets which we found along our line of sound- ings across the lagoon, the one about*four and one half miles from the north side of the lagoon, and the other about the same distance from the south shore. I am told that the eastern extremity of the lagoon is filled with islets and heads consisting of the same limestone rock so characteristic of the north and south shores of the lagoon. The underlying ledge is not the remnant of a modern reef; its character is identical with that of the elevated limestones of Fiji, which are of Tertiary age, and the rock is in every respect the same as that I observed on many of the elevated islands of Fiji. The atoll of Rangiroa is in a stage of de- nudation and erosion very similar to that of Ngele Levu, in Fiji, only in Ngele Levu the elevated limestone attains a height of about sixty feet. Our visit to the southern land-rim of the lagoon, both on the lagoon side and on the sea face, left us no doubt regarding the character of the under- lying ledge of the north shore. As soon as the south-shore land was suffi- ciently near, as seen from the lagoon side, for us to distinguish its character, we could see that the entire shore line was formed of a high ledge of lime- stone, honeycombed, pitted, and eroded by atmospheric agencies, and under- cut by the action of the waves both on the lagoon side and on the sea face. The great rollers of the weather side broke through between the columnar masses of the ledge into the lagoon, and as far as the eye could reach there extended a more or less continuous wall (which is described by Dana’ as he saw it while sailing by in the “ Vincennes”). But in addition to this we found, on landing, this wall to be the sea face of the islands and islets which dot the weather side for the greater part of its length on the south- Western part of the lagoon. These islands and islets of the weather land-rim are entirely composed of coral sand and coral fragments, formed from the disintegration of the 1 Corals and Coral Islands, 3d ed., 1890, p. 369. 14 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. extension of the elevated ledge toward the inside of the lagoon to a dis- tance of about one and one half to two miles; and along this very gradual inner slope of the islands forming the southern edge of Rangiroa, corals grow profusely down to six or seven fathoms of water, when the bottom runs into hard coralline bottom, similar to that found on all the soundings taken across the lagoon. The width of the larger islands of the weather land-rim is about 1000 to 1200 feet; the smaller islands and islets are less, some of the latter forming in reality mere sand buttresses at right angles to the great limestone ledge which flanks them all on the sea face and connects them on the weather side as if by a great wall, more or less broken, and partly shuts off the commu- nication of the interior of the lagoon with the sea on that side. The passages between the islands and islets illustrate well, only on a larger scale, the formation of the cuts, more or less silted up, which were observed on the northern face of the lagoon. Some of these passages are dry at low-water, others are partly filled by tide pools, others are entirely silted up by lagoon sand, only they are lower than the sand-blown land of the islands on either side of it. Crossing over to the weather side of the southern land rim of Rangiroa in one of the passages between two of the islands, we came upon the coralliferous limestone ledge, from twelve to fourteen feet high and about forty to fifty feet wide at the top, which formed the sea face of the islands and islets, and extended far to the westward as a great stone wall more or less broken into distinct parts. We found this ledge to consist of elevated limestone as hard as calcite, full of corals, honeycombed and pitted, and worn into countless spires and spurs, and needles and blocks of all sizes and shapes, separated by deep crevasses or pot-holes recalling a similar scene in Ngele Levu on the windward end of the lagoon. In the passages the parts of the ledge which had not been eroded extended as wide but- tresses, gradually diminishing in height till they formed a part of the lagoon flat and extended out into the lagoon below the recent beach-rock which covered it in short stretches. The sea-face slope of the elevated ledge was quite steep, but otherwise similar to the lagoon slope, and its upper surface weathered by atmospheric PRELIMINARY REPORT. 15 and aqueous agencies into all possible shapes such as I have mentioned. The slope passed into the shore platform, which was shaved down, as it were, to a general level surface. On the outer edge, within the line of the breakers, were growing Pocillopores and Nullipores in great abundance. This reef flat or shore platform, as well as the reef platform of the north shore, was strewn here and there with huge masses of the ledge of elevated reef-rock torn from its outer edge. Similar rocks and bowlders occur on the lagoon side of the islands forming the outer land-rim of Rangiroa; they are either torn off from the lagoon face of the outcropping ledge, or are outlying parts of the ledge which have remained in place and have not been planed down to the base level of the reef. The amount of water which is forced into such a lagoon as Rangiroa is something colossal, and when we observe that there are but a small number of passages through which it can find its way out again on the leeward side, it is not surprising that we should meet with such powerful currents, seven to eight knots in several cases, sweeping out of the passages on the lee side. The islands and islets of Rangiroa are fairly well covered with low trees and shrubs and large groves of palm trees. The atolls of Tikehau and Matahiva, which we also examined, present no features which we did not meet in Rangiroa, The first-named atoll shows the same method of formation of the land-rim by material piled up both from the lagoon side and the sea face,— material derived from the disintegration of the underlying Tertiary limestone, which crops out here and there along the sea face and the inner shores of the lagoon, or forms across the southwest face of the lagoon an irregular, disconnected part of the ring of islands and islets encircling that end of the lagoon. These islets and islands are more or less connected by fragments of the elevated limestone ledge, attesting its greater extension in past times. The outer land-rings of both these atolls are covered with vegetation. We could see in the lagoons several rocky islets, the remnants of the elevated limestone ledge. Matahiva is interesting, as its lagoon is quite shallow; it is full of rocky islets, remnants of the underlying coralliferous limestone ledge which crops 16 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. out above the general level, and has a very narrow and shallow entrance, passable for boats only. Some of its islands are wooded and appear to have been formed by accretion of sand from the decomposing ledges of the lagoon. The outer land-rim appears as if formed by sand-banks driven in from the sea face and also driven out from the lagoon side by the action of the waves. It is evident that a lagoon such as Matahiva could readily be closed by such a process and the sea no longer have access to it, as it now has only one very narrow and very shallow boat-passage connecting the lagoon with the sea on the lee side. It was with great interest that we approached Makatea, as it is the only high elevated island of which Dana speaks as occurring in the west- ern Paumotus.' For though he mentions some others as possibly having been elevated five to six feet, yet he considered them all, as well as Makatea (Metia, or Aurora, of Dana) as modern elevated reefs. From the very description given by him of the character of the cliffs and of the surface of Makatea, I felt satisfied that it was composed of the same elevated coralliferous limestone so characteristic of the elevated reefs of Fiji, and which from the evidence of the fossils and the character of the rock, both Mr. Dall and myself have been led to regard as of Tertiary age. As we approached the island from the northwest it soon became evident that it presented all the characteristics to which I had become so accus- tomed in Fiji, and, upon landing, this was found to be the case. The cliffs had the same appearance as those of Vatu Leile, Ongea, Mango, Kambara, Yangas4, and many other elevated islands of Fiji. There were fewer fossils, perhaps, but otherwise the petrographic character of the rock was identical with that of Fiji. Mr. Mayer collected upon the top of the second terrace a number of fossils similar in all respects to those we found in the Fiji elevated coralliferous limestones. The southwestern extremity of the island slopes gradually to the sea and shows two well-defined terraces. The lines of these two terraces could, as a rule, be traced along the faces of the vertical cliffs by the presence of caverns along the lines of those levels, similar to the lines of 1 Corals and Coral Islands, 3d ed., 1890, p. 193. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 17 caverns indicating the line of present action of the sea at the base of the cliffs. As we steamed around the island there were distinct indications of two additional terraces on the line of the vertical cliffs on the weather side of the island. The position of these terraces was usually more clearly seen along. the face of the cliffs at prominent points, where they were undercut much as I have figured them for certain cliffs in Vatu Leile, Yangasé, Mango, Fulanga, and others in Fiji, in my report on the islands and coral reefs of that group.’ Of course it is premature, from this examination of the western ex- tremity of the Paumotus, to base any general conclusions regarding the mode of formation of those atolls; certainly, as far as I have gone, there is absolutely nothing to show that the atolls of the Paumotus have not been formed in an area of elevation similar to that of Fiji. The evidence in Rangiroa and in the atolls of the western Paumotus is very definite. Makatea is an elevated mass of coralliferous limestone similar in all re- spects to masses like Vatu Vara, Thithia, and others in Fiji. Like them, Makatea is surrounded by a comparatively narrow shore platform cut out from the base of the limestone cliffs, and on the seaward extension of which corals grow abundantly to depths of seven to eight fathoms, when they appear to become very much less numerous. So that it is not un- natural to look upon the area of the Paumotus, as I am inclined to do, as one of elevation, the raised and elevated land of which has been affected much in the same way, by denudation and by erosion, as have the masses of elevated coralliferous limestone of Fiji. Only there seems to have been, from the evidence thus far presented, a far greater uniform- ity in the height of the elevation of the Paumotus. This would render the explanation I have given less evident had I not the experience of the Fiji group to guide me. Evidence of this elevation is found at the two extremities of the Paumotu Plateau, at Makatea, an elevated island consisting of Tertiary coralliferous limestone, and at the Gambier Islands, which are volcanic islands of considerable height (over 1300 feet). Furthermore, as we shall see, there are other islands and atolls in the Paumotu Group showing traces of this elevation, so that I am at any rate 1 Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. XXXIIL, 1899, Pls. 80, 84, 92, 100. 2 18 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. justified in denying that the Paumotus as such are situated in an area of subsidence, and that subsidence has been the great factor, as is maintained by Darwin and Dana, in the formation of the characteristic atolls of the group. It may be well to point out also that the Paumotus, like the Marquesas on one side and the Society Islands on the other, are situated upon a plateau similar to that upon which the last-mentioned groups are placed, a plateau rising from an oceanic basin which surrounds them, and which has a depth of from 2300 to 2500 fathoms, the plateau itself having a depth of 1200 to 1500 fathoms. For the differences which distinguish the plateaux of these groups I refer to the accompanying charts. During our stay in Papeete’ some time was spent in examining that part of the barrier reef of Tahiti which had been surveyed by the “ Chal- lenger.’ We found the condition of the outer slope of the reef quite different from its description as given in the “Challenger” narrative.’ The growing corals were comparatively few in number, and the outer slope showed nothing but a mass of dead corals and dead coral bowlders beyond sixteen or seventeen fathoms, few living corals being observed beyond ten to twelve fathoms. We also made an expedition to Point Venus, to determine, if possible, the rate of growth of the corals on Dolphin Bank from the marks which had been placed on Point Venus by Wilkes, in 1839, and by MM. Le Clerc and de Bénazé, of the French navy, in 1869. We found the stones and marks as described, but in view of the nature and condition of Dolphin Bank, did not think it worth while to make a careful survey, as Captain Moser had intended to do. On examining Dolphin Bank in the steam launch I was greatly surprised to find that there were but few corals growing on it. I could see nothing but sparsely scattered heads, none 1 Explorations of the “Albatross” in the Pacific. II. The Paumotus. [Letter No. 2, dated Papeete Harbor, Tahiti Island, November 6, 1899, to Hon. George M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, D. C., by Alexander Agassiz.] Am. Jour. Sci., Fourth Series, Vol. [X., No. 50, February, 1500. 2 Voyage of the “Challenger,” Narrative of the Cruise, 2d Part of Vol. Ii, p: 778, 8 U.S. Exploring Expedition Narrative, Vol. II. | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 19 larger than my fist!—the top of the bank being entirely covered by nul- lipores. We sounded across the bank in all possible directions, and examined it thoroughly with the water-glass, and at the stage of water at which we sounded found about eighteen inches difference from the soundings indicated by the charts. It is also greatly to be regretted that Dolphin Bank was not examined, either in 1839 or in 1869, and notes made of what species of corals, if any, were growing on its surface; for an excellent opportunity has been lost to determine the growth of corals during a period of sixty years. The choice of this bank as a standard to determine the growth of corals was unfortunate, as it is in the midst of an area comparatively free from corals. After refitting and coaling here, we left on the 5th Onibes for a cruise in the. Paumotus. We steamed for Makatea, which we had visited on our way to Tahiti, and not only examined the island more in detail, but took a number of photographs of the cliffs of the east side, which, on our first trip, we passed late in the afternoon. We crossed the island from west to east, the path leading down from the summit of the cliffs bordering the island into a sink at least forty to fifty feet lower than the rim of either face of the island. The sink occupies a little more than one-third the length of the island. It is deeper at its southern extremity, where it is said to be seventy-five to one hundred feet below the rim of the adjoining cliffs. It is difficult to determine if this sink is the remnant of the former lagoon of the island, or of a sound formed during its elevation; or if it has been formed by the action of rain and atmospheric agencies. The amount of denudation and erosion to which this island has been sub- jected is very great, as is clearly indicated by the small cafions, pinnacles, and walls of limestone, as well as by the crevasses which occur in the surface of the basin in all directions. The extent to which this action has penetrated into the mass of the island is also plainly shown by the great number of caverns which crop out at all levels along the sea face of the cliffs, some of which are of great height and extend as long galleries into the interior of the island. It is, of course, difficult, in the 20 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. face of this extensive denudation and erosion, to state positively what may be part of the ancient lagoon, or sound, and what has been carried away by atmospheric and other agencies since the elevation of the island. At the south end of the island, which is lower than the northern part, there are only two distinct terraces, while at the northern end four ter- races can be traced. The southern extremity, however, is still higher than the deepest part of the central sink of the island. From Makatea, we visited Niau, Apataki, Tikei, Fakarava, Anaa, Tahanea, Raroia, Takume, Taenga, Makemo, Tekokoto, Hikueru, Marokan, Hao, Aki-Aki, Nukutavake, going as far east as Pinaki, when we furned westward again, to Nukutipipi. On arriving at Pinaki we decided to give up the exploration of the eastern extremity of the Paumotus, and not to make our contemplated visit to the Gambier Islands, our time having been greatly curtailed by delays at Fakarava and Makemo, from bad weather and the non-arrival of our coal supply. We therefore reluctantly turned westward again and made for the Gloucester Islands. These, as well as Hereheretue, proved most interesting ; they formed, as it were, an epitome of what we had seen on a gigantic scale in the larger atolls of the western and central Paumotus. We could see at a glance in such small atolls as Nukutipipi and Anu-Anurunga the connection between structural features which, in an atoll of forty miles in length and from ten to fifteen miles in width, it was often difficult to determine. We anchored in Fakarava and Makemo lagoons, spending a number of days in both these atolls. We usually timed our visits to the islands where we could not anchor so as to spend the day, or the greater part of the day, at these atolls, making our passages at night, and sounding whenever practicable on the way. After leaving Tahiti we made over 100 soundings. These have shown in a general way that the western islands are probably all on a great plateau connected perhaps by the 800-fathom line; that such islands as Anaa are probably on spurs or independent smaller plateaux, separated from the main plateau by somewhat deeper water; the same may be the condition of Raroia and Takume, and of Hao and Amanu, while such | | | | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 21 smaller and isolated islands as Tikei, Aki-Aki, Nukutavake, and Pinaki, as well as the Gloucester Islands, rise from greater depths and are isolated peaks. At any rate, these soundings indicate, as do the soundings off the - Fijis, that atolls do not necessarily rise from very great depths, and that in this characteristic atoll district, atolls are found, it is true, with steep slopes, but rising from moderate depths. The slopes of these atolls would probably resemble in every respect the slopes of the elevated coralliferous limestone islands characteristic of the Lau Group in Fiji, where they have not been obliterated by erosion, denudation, and atmospheric agencies. The deepest sounding among the Paumotus was on the line to thé northward of Hereheretue in the direction of Mehetia, where we found a depth of 2524 fathoms, and a continuation of the red clay characterizing the soundings since we left Pinaki. In nearly all the soundings among the Paumotus, even at moderate depths not far from the atolls, we brought up manganese particles or small manganese nodules. The last haul, made in deep water on the way from Hereheretue, in 2440 fathoms, on the way to Mehetia, brought at least half a ton of manganese nodules, the bottom being’ red clay. We steamed about 2500 miles among the Paumotus, and although we had not the advantage of the accurate surveys of the English Hydro. graphic charts, which made the exploration of Fiji so easy, yet from the structure of these atolls it was a comparatively simple task, by steam- ing around the islands and landing wherever practicable, to get a fairly good idea of their structure. We have seen nothing in this more ex- tended examination of the group tending to show that there has any- where been subsidence. On the contrary, the existing condition of the atolls of the Paumotus cannot, it seems to me, be explained on any other theory except that they have been formed in an area of elevation; an area of elevation extending from Matahiva on the west to Pinaki in the east, and from the Gloucester Islands on the south to Tikei on the north, although the islands in the line of Mangareva to Tahiti are sep- arated from the other Paumotus by a deep channel, nearly 200 miles wide and more than 2400 fathoms in depth, with scattered islets and atolls extending from Mangareva to Pinaki, and northward to Puka-ruha 22 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. and beyond, islands which are not connected with.the extensive plateau upon which the greater number of the Paumotu Islands to the westward of Hao rise. All the islands we have examined are, without exception, formed of Tertiary coralliferous limestone, which has been elevated to a greater or less extent above the level of the sea, and then planed down by atmospheric agencies and submarine erosion, the greatest elevation being at Makatea (about 230. feet), and at Niau, where the Tertiary coralliferous limestone does not rise to a greater height than twenty feet. At Rangiroa it was fif- teen to sixteen feet high. At other islands it could be traced only as form- ing the shore platform, from fifty to 250 feet wide, which forms the outer face of the Paumotus and is so characteristic a feature of the atolls of the group. In other parts the old ledge could be traced cropping up in the interior of the outer land-rim, or in the open cuts connecting the lagoon with the outer sea-face of the atolls. Everywhere the space between the outcroppings of the old ledge, as I will call the Tertiary coralliferous limestone, was filled with beach rock, or a pudding-stone, or with a breccia or conglomerate of coralliferous material consisting in part of fragments of the old ledge, and of fragments of recent corals and shells cemented together. The appearance of the old ledge and of the modern reef-rock is so strik- ingly different that it is very simple to distinguish the two, even where only comparatively small fragments are found. . We did not find in the Paumotus, as in Fiji, all possible stages of denu- dation and of submarine erosion between islands like Vatu Vara, Naiau, Kambara, Fulanga, Ongea, Oneata, Ngele Levu, and Wailangilala, and atolls with a mere ring of surf to indicate their existence. In the Paumotus nearly all the islands have been elevated to a very moderate height and probably to about the same height, for the old ledge forming the base of the modern structure is found exposed nearly every- where at about low-water when it cannot be traced at a slightly greater elevation: This would readily account for the uniform height of the islands throughout the group. But there is another element which comes into play in this group, and has an important part in shaping the ultimate condition of these atolls. At PRELIMINARY REPORT. 23 the Fijis we have seen the submarine erosion continue until there is little left of many of the atolls beyond the merest islet or rock to indicate its structure. In the Paumotus, in the great atolls, which are perhaps only the exposed summits of parts of ridges or spurs of an extensive Tertiary coralliferous limestone bed, the land-rim of the atoll is, after having been denuded to the level of the sea, again built up from the material of its two faces, which is thrown up on the wide reef-flats both from the sea face and from the lagoon side. We do not find in the Fijis, as in the Paumotus, the wide reef-shelves which supply such masses of material from the breaking up of the outer and inner edges of the Tertiary limestone platforms, in addi- tion to the fragments of the recent corals growing upon the flats and their slopes, which, when dead, are thrown up on the top of the reef flats and formed into shingle and sand to form a pudding-stone, or a conglomerate, or breccia, with the fragments of the old ledge. This pudding-stone, or beach rock, is found on all the reef flats of the islands of the group. It forms great bars, at right angles usually to the shore-line, and upon the sea face of these bars is thrown up coral shingle, both old and recent, which builds up short reaches of beaches separated by wide flats through which the sea rushes at high-water, or merely covers the flats at low tide; while on the lagoon side of the wide reef-flats a similar process is going on, throwing up finer sand among the beach-rock bars and along their sides, and thus building up little by little, at first small sand- bars, then larger bars, or islets, at right angles to the shore-line, and as they become larger by accretions from both sides, they finally form islands from 1000 to 1200 feet long, according to the width of the reef flat, extending from the lagoon edge of the flat to the sea face of the atoll. The sand-bars, little by little, become covered with vegetation, and at some stages of tide appear like islands and islets situated a considerable distance within the lagoon. Whenever the material supplied both from the lagoon side and from the sea face is very abundant, the land ring becomes more or less solid, the islets become consolidated into islands, separated by narrow or wider cuts, until finally they form the larger islands which seem at first glance to form a continuous land-rim along the edge of the lagoon, but which are often seen to be separated according to local conditions by narrow 24 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. cuts, which gradually silting up finally allow no water to pass through and merely indicate the former separation of the various parts of the land. In the lagoons of atolls of such great length as some of those of the Paumotus, like Rangiroa, Fakarava, Makemo, and Hao, which are between thirty and forty miles long, and others of less dimensions, considerable sea rises under the prevailing trades. The sea and wind generally follow the trend of the shores, both in the lagoon and along the sea face, so that the bars of beach-rock act like buttresses and collect material at their inner and outer extremities, forming the sand-bars and islets which eventually become the land-rim of the lagoon. When the material is not, from local causes, very abundant, or is washed out over the flats, there are fewer islands, and often these are but mere islets or bars for long reaches of the submerged land-rim, forming the characteristic weather-faces of many of the lagoons. Many of the lagoons are filled with shoals or ledges awash or a few feet above the sea level. These shoals are parts of the old ledge which have not as yet been eroded, and the disintegration of which has gone far to supply the material for the land of the outer rims of the atolls. In Fakarava there were no less than thirty-six islands and islets and ledges, parts of a former great flat, now broken up, existing parallel to the outer reef-flat about four miles in the lagoon. Similar reef flats exist in Tahanea, where they form a secondary lagoon with two to three fathoms of water, extending nearly the whole length of the western face of the atoll. There are several large islands on this flat, and at high water they would appear, as the islands and islets of Fakarava do, as discon- nected and planted in the lagoon itself. A secondary lagoon also exists in Ravahere, and in Anaa; in both these atolls the reef flat extends across one extremity of the lagoon, and does not run parallel to the longer line of the land-rim of the atoll. The lagoons of these atolls have a general depth of thirteen to twenty fathoms. In some cases they are somewhat deeper, as is stated, but there are no measurements, the greater depths, thirty fathoms or more, being due probably to orogenic conditions. Some of the atolls are quite shallow, as at Matahiva, as well as Pinaki, where the lagoon is not more than two to three fathoms, and Takume, where it is from five to six fathoms PRELIMINARY REPORT. 25 deep. Some of the smaller islets we visited, among which are Tikei, Aki-Aki, and Nukutavake, have no lagoons. The former has a small shallow sink in which fresh water collects, but the rim is only very slightly higher than the interior. The last two islets are apparently depressed in the centre, three to four feet below the outer bank of sand which forms the rim (about ten to twelve feet high) of the basin of the ‘sland. I was at first inclined to look upon these islands as examples of islands which had been cut down to the level of the sea and subsequently been built up by beach rock and sand in the manner described above. The existence of extensive sand dunes on two sides of the island at Pinaki, and of large dunes (estimated to be thirty-five feet high) on the south shore of Nukutavake, seems to indicate the possibility of there having been a shallow lagoon occupying the centre of Aki-Aki and of Nukutavake, and that these lagoons were gradually filled by the sand dunes, much as Pinaki is filling now. At Pinaki (Whitsunday Island), there is no doubt that the lagoon is rapidly filling from the sand blown in by the dunes. They are from twelve to fifteen feet high, and are forcing their way in towards the lagoon, killing the pandanus and whatever vegetation there is growing on the land-rim of the lagoon. The dunes have probably filled also a second entrance to the lagoon, indicated now only by a somewhat lower level of the land-rim. Dr. Moore and Mr. Townsend, who went ashore at Pinaki, report that the lagoon is not more than three fathoms deep ; they could wade over the greater part of it. Mr. Alexander counted no less than 116 islets in this small lagoon—less than a mile in diameter — islets formed of masses of dead Tridacna shells thrown up on ledge rock, on the slopes of which grew madrepores. The bottom of the lagoon is covered by Tridacna, and masses of a species of Arca live near the edge ; the intervening spaces being filled with nullipores. The entrance to the lagoon is perhaps 150 feet wide, and there is a cut through the beach rock covering the old ledge giving access to the sea into the lagoon at certain stages of the tide. The water in the lagoon is quite warm. At Pinaki, as at other atolls and islets to the eastward, there are fewer cocoanuts than on the westward atolls, and the vegetation consists 26 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. in great part of pandanus and putu trees and the usual coral-reef vege- tation of the Paumotus! and Fijis. The only atoll.-we have seen in the Paumotus the lagoon of which is entirely shut off from the sea is Niau. In this case the old ledge forming the land-rim which surrounds the nearly circular lagoon is about a third of a mile in width and sufficiently high, fifteen to twenty feet, to pre- vent any sea from having access to it except in case of a cyclone, as that of 1878, when the sea washed into the lagoon. The lagoon is shallow, of an average depth of about three fathoms, the deeper parts perhaps five. The water is brackish, of a density of 1.0216 at 28° C. There are no corals living in it, but a species of mullet is found, as well as many marine shells, which, like those in the lagoons of San Sal- vador, in the Bahamas, are of diminutive size compared to their repre- sentatives living outside. The floor of the lagoon is covered with algee. The lagoon has probably a slight connection with the sea, the water percolating through the limestone ring separating it from the outer reef- flat. It is very difficult in this case to decide whether this lagoon has been gradually filled up after elevation, or whether it is merely a sink formed by solution and atmospheric erosion on a more or less uneven limestone surface. Dana, and other writers on coral reefs, mention a great number of lagoons as being absolutely shut off from the sea. I take it these statements are due to their descriptions being taken from charts, many of which, as in the case of the Paumotus, are very defective. For nothing is easier than to pass at a short distance by the wide and narrow cuts which give in so many cases the freest access to the sea to the interior of the lagoon, and are described as closed because they have no boat pas- sages. I could mention, as instances of such lagoons, those of the atolls of Takume, Hikueru, Anaa, etc., which may be said to be closed, yet into which a huge volume of water is poured at every tide over low parts of the encircling reef-flats. The character of the coral reefs of the Paumotus is very different from that of other coral-reef regions I have seen. Nowhere have I seen ? See Dana, Corals and Coral Islands, 8d ed. p. 326. | | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 27 such a small number of genera, so many small species, and such stunted development of the corals. None of the great heads of the genera so characteristic of the West Indian regions, or of the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, are to be seen; with the exception of a couple of species, alcyonaria are absent, so far as our experience shows, and there are but few sponges and gorgonians to be found among the corals. The bathy- metrical limit of the reef-building corals seems to be about twenty to twenty-two fathoms, but nowhere have I seen such extraordinary devel- opment of incrusting nullipores as on the sea edge of the shore platforms of some of the Paumotu atolls, where they build up to a height often of four feet to form the outer edge of the secondary barrier reef so fre- quently seen along the sea reef-faces of the Paumotus. Judging from the temperatures taken at various points, 40° F. seems to be found quite generally at about 500 fathoms depth. We made a number of surface hauls, as well as intermediate hauls with the tow-nets, but obtained very little animal life in the Paumotus. The poverty of the surface pelagic life and down to 300 fathoms is remarkable. I do not think I have ever sailed over 80 extensive an area as that of the Paumotus and observed so little surface life; on calm days, under the most favorable conditions, nothing could be seen with the naked eye, and at night there was little or no phosphorescence. Inside of the lagoons our hauls were equally barren.. The same paucity of animal life seemed to extend to the deep-water fauna. All the hauls we made off the islands, in from 600 to 1000 fathoms, usually the most productive area of a sea slope, brought nothing, or so little that we came to grudge the time spent in trawling on the bottom, as well as towing on the surface or near it, —a great contrast to the conditions in the Atlantic in similar latitudes, and very different from our anticipations. For these reasons we did not attempt to make a trial of the deep-sea pump while in such unproductive areas; and unfortunately while we were in the region of the equatorial currents the weather conditions were not suited for a trial of the apparatus. 28 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. We left Papeete November 15th, after coaling and refitting on our return from the Paumotus. During our trip to Suva we made a few soundings from Tahiti to Tonga, striking the northern extension of the deep basin lying to the eastward of Niue; the depths ranged from 2472 to 2882, the bottom being red clay. This would indicate a greater exten- sion westward of the zone over which the manganese-nodule bottom is known to extend. After leaving Niue we steamed for the deep hole of the Tonga-Kermadec Deep, about seventy-five miles to the eastward of Tongatébu, and in 4173 fathoms made a haul with the “ Blake” beam-trawl, by far the deepest trawl-haul yet made. The gear was carefully inspected, and strength- ened as far as practicable by Captain Moser, and it was with considerable anxiety that we laid out 5000 fathoms of wire rope for our haul. Fortu- nately, everything went off successfully, and we landed the trawl safely back on deck. To my great surprise we found in the bag a number of large fragments of a silicious sponge belonging probably to the genus Crateromorpha, which had been obtained by the “Challenger” in the Western Pacific, but in depths less than 500 fathoms. We also brought up quite a large sample of the bottom; it consisted of light-brown vol- canic mud mixed with Radiolarians. We decided to trawl at 4173 fathoms rather than wait for a possibly deeper sounding, as.the conditions for work were admirable and we did not care to run any risk from a change of weather. After our haul we made a still deeper sounding in the proximity of the 4762-fathom sounding marked on the chart, and found 4540 fathoms, with the bottom of the same character as at the place where we trawled. We also took a couple of soundings in the line from Vavau to the southern extremity of the Lau Group in Fiji, but found, as we expected. from the soundings. given farther south, comparatively shoal water, viz.: 15381 fathoms. In the channel north of Yangas4, where we crossed the Lau Plateau, between Yangasé and Mothe, we found 453 fathoms, with bottom composed of coral sand, 1 Explorations of the “ Albatross” in the Pacific. IIT. [Letter No. 3, dated Suva Harbor, Fiji Islands, December 11th, 1899, to Hon. George M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, D. C., by Alexander Agassiz.] Am. Jour. Sci., Fourth Series, Vol. IX., No. 51, March, 1900. | | \ | |: | | 1 PRELIMINARY REPORT. 29 pteropod ooze, and a few Globigerine. Between Namuka and Yangasé we obtained 324 fathoms; between Namuka and Marambo, 600 fathoms ; between it and Kambara, 450 fathoms; and finally, about fifteen miles west of Kambara, we sounded in 990 fathoms. These soundings would indicate a continuous plateau of moderate depths from Wailangilala south, upon which the islands of the Lau Group rise. On our way back to Papeete from the Paumotus we examined the east- ern cost of Tahiti, and from Papeete examined the western coast as far as Port Phaeton, at Taravoa Isthmus. We examined, in a general way, the Leeward Society Islands: Murea, Huaheine, Raiatea, Tahaa, Bora-Bora, Motu Iti, and Maupiti. There are excellent charts of the Society Islands, so that it was comparatively simple to examine the typical points of the group and to gain an idea of their structure as far as it relates to coral reefs. The Society Islands are all volcanic islands edged with shore platforms, some of great width, upon which thé barrier or the fringing reefs of the islands have grown. The structure of the reefs of the Society Islands is very similar to that of the Fiji reefs round volcanic islands. A comparison, for instance, of the charts of Kandavu, Viti Levu, Mbengha, Nairai, and of other volcanic islands in the Fijis, with those of the Society Group, will at once show the identity of their structure. Huge platforms of submarine denudation and erosion characterize both, with fringing and barrier reefs determined by local conditions. Perhaps it is easier to follow the changes which have taken place in the Society Islands; and such islands as Tahaa and Bora-Bora, where we anchored, as well as Maupiti,. are admirable examples and epitomes of the structure and mode of formation of the coral reefs of that group. In Motu Iti and Tetiaroa the volcanic peaks have disappeared, leaving nothing but a shallow platform, upon the outer edges of which sandy coral islets have been thrown up. There is, however, one point in which the barrier reefs of the Society Islands differ from those of Fiji. The barrier reefs in Fiji are generally indicated merely by reef flats, upon which the sea breaks, and an occasional rocky islet or negro-head ; only rarely do we find sand keys upon the fringing reefs of the islands of Fiji. In the Society Islands, on the contrary, we find the line of the barrier reefs usually well 80 EXPEDITION OF THE “ ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. indicated by long lines of narrow islets thrown up on the reef platforms, exactly as they are in the Paumotus. These islands and islets are usually well wooded, and thus give a very peculiar aspect to the barrier reef. In the case of Bora-Bora, Maupiti, and Aitutaki, for instance, we have a central volcanic peak of considerable height surrounded by a wide lagoon, the sea edge of which is formed by a fringe of wooded islets and islands forming a more than half-closed ring around the central island, which, in Bora-Bora and Maupiti, rise in slopes and nearly vertical walls, the former to a height of nearly 2400 feet, the other to about 800 feet. The only island of the Cook Group which we examined was Aitutaki; as Atiu is composed of elevated limestone, and Rarotonga is volcanic, I hoped we might find that atoll to be in part volcanic and in part composed of elevated coralliferous limestone; we found it volcanic, an island with the structure of Bora-Bora on a smaller scale. We anchored at Niue, an island composed of elevated coralliferous lime- stone showing three well-marked terraces, the lowest of not more than five to ten feet, and in many places disappearing completely, the limestone cliffs rising vertically from the sea well into the second or even the third. ter- races. The vertical faces of the cliffs are dotted with caverns and deeply indented by small cafions extending at right angles to the face of the shore or forming blunt headlands separating short reaches of coral-sand beaches. The second terrace varies in height from fifty to sixty feet, the third from ninety to 100 feet. The second terrace is deeply undercut, and in the higher vertical cliffs extending into the third terrace from the sea, the former positions of the terraces are usually indicated by lines of caverns. There are corals on the sea slopes of the first terrace, extending down to ten or twelve fathoms, growing much as they are found at Makatea. From Niue we went to the Tongas, which we found a most interesting group. The elevated Tertiary coralliferous limestones take here their great- est development, and are on a scale far beyond that of their development in the Lau Group of the Fijis, or the Paumotus. The first island of the Ton- gas we visited, Kua, is perhaps the most interesting of the islands composed of Tertiary elevated coralliferous limestone I have visited. From Dana’s | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 31 account of it,’ evidently given at second-hand, I expected to find an island somewhat like Viti Levu on a very much smaller scale. But as we steamed up to it from the east there could be no mistaking the magnificent face of nearly vertical limestone cliffs forming the whole eastern face of the island, and at points rising to over a thousand feet in height. At all pro- jecting points lines of terraces were plainly marked: at the northern point three could be followed, and at the southern extremity five, with traces of a sixth perhaps. Upon rounding the southern extremity of the island we could see that the island was composed of two ridges, running north, separated by a deep valley, the western ridge being much lower than the eastern, only rising to a height a little over 500 feet. The western ridge is also composed of limestone, and at the headlands we could trace three terraces. There is a narrow shore platform along the western face, at many points of which there are blow-holes where the sea throws up spray to a considerable height, but these blow-holes are best seen off Cook Point, the southern extremity of Tongatabu. As we steamed along the western face of Eua Island we could see the higher ridges of the eastern side rising above the lower crest of the western ridge, the slopes indicating a valley of considerable size running between them. We anchored at English Roads opposite the outlet of the drainage of the interior basin, where a small river has cut its way through a depression in the shore terrace. On landing we followed the crest of the western ridge for a few miles and could see the whole valley forming the basin of the island lying between the two ridges, at our feet; the slopes leading to the bottom are quite gentle, and the valley dips very gradually northward back of the outlet on the western shore. Nothing could show more clearly that such an island was not an elevated atoll, but a plateau which has been eroded and denuded for a long period of time by atmospheric and other agencies, and in which a deep basin-shaped valley with gentle slopes has been gouged out,—a plateau originally similar to that of Tongatébu Island and of Vavau, but of greater height and less extent. 1 Corals and Coral Islands, 3d ed., p. 373. 2 The western slope of the eastern ridge is partly volcanic. 82 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. To the westward of the Tonga Islands a line of volcanic islands extends nearly 200 miles, from Honga Hapai to Fanua lai, some of which have been active very recently. Falcon Island disappeared in 1898, and Letté is still active. This line of voleanoes runs at a distance of from fifteen to twenty miles parallel with the trend of the four irregularly shaped plateaux upon which rise the Tonga Islands. They are the summits of a great ridge, over 200 miles in length, sloping very gradually to the westward into deep water, and being somewhat steeper to the eastward, towards the smaller platforms from which rise the voleanic peaks of the group. The plateaux of Tongatébu, Nomuka, Haapai, and Vavau, are separated by deep valleys connecting the eastern and western flanks of the ridge. These four plateaux rise abruptly from the 100-fathom line. The extremity of the southern one is occupied by Tongatébu Island. The land behind the cliffs of its southern coast rises to a height of over 250 feet, and slopes northward very gradually to form the low land which occupies the northern coast of the island, and is, except at Mount Zion and Cook Hill, not more than from five to twenty feet above the level of the sea. At Cook Point and along the southern coast three terraces are indicated. The northern coast is deeply indented by shallow bays, full of islands, reef flats, and reef patches, on which corals grow in great profusion. For a distance of nearly ten miles northward of Nukualofa the plateau is nowhere more than fifteen fathoms deep; and a long tongue runs northward, gradually deepening into twenty to fifty fathoms to the 100-fathom line. The Tongatébu plateau is separated from the Nomuka Group plateau by a funnel-shaped channel with a depth passing rapidly into 300 fathoms from the 100-fathom line. The Nomuka plateau is rectangular. The principal island is Nomuka, where we anchored. We found the island to be composed of Tertiary elevated coralliferous limestone, with a shallow sink, filled with brackish water, occupying the southeastern part of the island. The sink is separated by a high sand-beach, about 200 yards wide, from the sea. Nomuka Iki, the island next to Nomuka, we found to consist, at its southern extremity, of stratified voleanic material, resembling somewhat i | | | | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. i, the so-called soapstone of Fiji. I was informed that other islands in this group, near Tonumeia, in the centre of the Nomuka plateau, were volcanic. Mango, as we could see it from our anchorage, appeared to be voleanic. So that this part of the Tongas is, like the Lau Group in Fiji, made up of islands in part volcanic and in part composed of elevated coralliferous limestone. The eastern edge of the Nomuka plateau (which we did not visit) is edged with small low islands. We merely steamed by the western islands of the Haapai Group, but close enough to see that Tongua, Kotu, and Fotuhaa, which vary in height from 120 to 200 feet, are composed of elevated limestone. The eastern flank of the Haapai plateau is edged with long, low islands, with exten- sive coral reefs along the reef flats of these islands. The Haapai plateau is triangular, with isolated islands rising on the northwestern side from the deep water separating it from the Vavau plateau. It is separated from the Nomuka plateau by a narrow channel with over 300 fathoms of water. The northernmost plateau of the broad ridge of the Tonga Islands is the Vavau plateau. This is elliptical, with a long tongue extending on the eastern face of the ridge toward the northern point of the Haapai plateau, ending in isolated banks (the Disney reef and Falcon bank), lying to the northward of the broad channel, with over 400 fathoms separating it from the Haapai Group. The Vavau Group is by far the most picturesque of the Tonga Islands. It consists of the principal island of Vavau, extending across the northern part of the Vavau plateau. Several parts of the island of Vavau, as at the southwestern extremity, at the entrance to the harbor of Neiafu, and at Neiafu, are finely terraced; four terraces are indicated there, and other flat-topped smaller islands show traces of two or three terraces. The northern edge of Vavau Island rises to a height of more than 500 feet, and slopes in a general way southward and inland.. The southern shore is deeply indented by bays and sounds, and flanked by innumerable islands and islets, some of considerable height (150 to 250 feet) which gradually become smaller and smaller as they rise toward the southward and east- ward, these islands having been formed from the denudation and erosion 3 34 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. of the greater Vavau. They form tongues of land and sea and sounds of all shapes and sizes, showing the traces of the former land connec- tions of the islands and islets, and their disintegration on the eastward and southward by the action of the sea. The islands and islets to the southward of the main island rise from more or less extensive reef flats which stud the whole plateau, and on which corals grow in great profusion (mainly Millepora, Porites, Pavonia, Pocillopora, Fungia, and Astrea), to a depth of five to six fathoms in the sounds. In the Nomuka Group they extended in the more open waters to fourteen and sixteen fathoms. It is evident that in the Tonga Group, which is a very extensive area of elevation, the recent corals have played no part in the formation of the masses of land and of the plateau of the Tonga Ridge, and that here again, as in the Society Islands and the Cook Islands, both also in areas of elevation, they are a mere thin living shell or crust growing at their characteristic depths upon platforms which in the one case are volcanic, in the other calcareous, the formation of which has been independent of their growth. After coaling and refitting we left Suva* on the 19th of December, and arrived at Funafuti on the 23d, stopping on the way at Nurakita, the southernmost of the Ellice Islands. I was, of course, greatly interested in my visit at Funafuti, where a boring had been made under the direc- tion of a committee of the Royal Society, in charge of Professor David, of Sydney, after the first attempt under Professor Sollas had failed. The second boring reached a depth of more than 1100 feet. This is not the place to discuss the bearing of the work done at Funafuti, as beyond the fact of the depth reached we have as yet no final statement by the committee of the interpretation put upon the detailed examination of the core obtained, and now in the hands of Professor Judd and his assis- tants. In addition to the above-named islands, we also examined Nuku- fetau, another of the Ellice Group. 1 Explorations of the ‘¢ Albatross” in the Pacific. IV. [Letter No. 4, on the Cruise of the ‘* Alba- tross,’? dated Yokohama, Japan, March 5, 1900, to Hon. George M. Bowers, U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Washington, D. C., by Alexander Agassiz.] Am. Jour. Sci., Fourth Series, Vol. IX., No. 53, May, 1900. | | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 35 After leaving Nukufetau we encountered nothing but bad weather, which put a stop to all our work until we arrived under the lee of Arorai, the southernmost of the Gilbert Islands. On our way from Taputeuea we steamed to Apamama and Maiana, which we examined, as well as Tarawa. We next examined Maraki, an atoll which is nearly closed with high beaches, having only two small boat passages leading through the narrow outer land-rims. Both Maraki and Taritari, the last island of the Gilberts which we visited, are remarkable for the development of an inner row of islands and sand-bars in certain parts of the lagoon parallel to the outer land-rim, a feature which also exists in many of the Marshall Islands atolls. We reached Jaluit the 9th of January, and after a few days spent in coaling, we passed about three weeks in exploring the Marshall Islands, taking in turn the atolls of the Ralick Chain to the north of Jaluit: Ail- inglab Lab, Namu, Kwajalong, and Rongelab, and then some of the atolls of the Ratack Chain, Likieb, Wotje, and Arhno. The atolls of the Marshall Group are noted for their great size and the comparatively small area of the outer land-rims, the land-rims of some of the atolls being reduced to a few insignificant islands and islets. In none of the atolls of the Ellice, Gilbert, or Marshall Islands were we able to observe the character of the underlying base which forms the foundations of the land areas of these groups. In this respect these groups are in striking contrast to the Pau- motus, the Society Islands, the Cook Group, Niue, the Tongas, and the Fiji Islands, where the character of the underlying foundations of the land-rims is readily ascertained. But, on the other hand, these groups give us the means of studying the mode of formation of the land-rims in a most satisfactory manner, and nowhere have we been able to study as clearly the results of the various agencies at work in shaping the end- less variations produced in the islands and islets of the land-rims of the different atolls by the incessant handling. and rehandling of the material in place, or of the fresh material added from the disintegration of the sea or lagoon faces of the outer land-rim, or of the corals on the outer and inner slopes. It has been very interesting to trace the ever-changing conditions which have resulted in producing so many variations in the 36 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. appearance and structure of the islands and islets of the land-rims of the different groups. The boring at Funafuti will show us the character and age of the rocks underlying the mass of recent material of which the land-rim, not only of that atoll, but probably also that of the other atolls of the group and - of neighboring groups, is composed, though of course we can only judge by analogy of the probability of the character of the underlying base from that of the nearest islands of which it has been ascertained. When we come to a group like the Marshalls we have as our guide only the char- acter of the base rock of the islands of the Carolines, which is volcanic, while Nauru! and Paanopa Islands, to the west of the Gilberts and to the southwest of the Marshalls, indicate a base of ancient Tertiary limestone. The vegetation of the atolls of the Ellice, Gilbert, and Marshalls is more luxuriant than that of the Paumotus, probably from the greater rainfall, though the number of species of plants so characteristic of the western atolls is not much greater. It is only in the larger western volcanic islands — the Fiji, Samoan, and Caroline group — that we note the marked increase in the number of species of forest trees allied to those occurring still further west, over those on the eastern groups, like the Cook and Society Islands. Owing to the continued stormy weather and the probability of not being able to land at Nauru and Paanopa while the unfavorable conditions lasted, we did not attempt to visit them. After leaving Suva we made a number of soundings from south of Nurakita toward the Marshall Group, which, in addition to those of the “Penguin,” clearly show that the Ellice Islands are isolated peaks rising from considerable depths (from 1500 to over 2000 fathoms) and that the same is the case with the Gilbert Islands. We made about thirty soundings between the atolls of the Marshalls, which appear to show that they also rise as independent peaks or ridges, with steep slopes, from 2000 to 2500 fathoms, and that the so-called parallel chains of atolls of the Marshalls, the Ralick and Ratack, are really only the summits of isolated peaks rising but a few feet above the sea-level. The Marshall Islands, as well 1 Nauru von Dr. Augustin Kriimer. Globus, Vol. LXXIV., No. 10, September, 1898. PRELIMINARY REPORT. ay as the Ellice and Gilbert, seem to be somewhat higher than the Paumotus, but this difference is only apparent, and is due to the difference in the height of the tides, which is very small in the Paumotus, while in the former groups it may be five, and even six feet. From Jaluit we visited among the Carolines, the islands and atolls of Kusaie, Pingelap, Ponapi, Andema, Losap, Nama, the Royalist Group, Truk, and Namonuito, obtaining thus an excellent idea of the character of, the high voleanic islands of the group from our examinations of Kusaie and of Ponapi, while the others represent the conditions of the low atolls, having probably a volcanic basis, but this was not observed at any of those we examined. The reefs of the volcanic islands of the Carolines are similar in char- acter to those of the Society Islands, though there are some features, such as the great width of the platforms of submarine erosion of Ponapi and of Kusaie, and the development of a border of mangrove islands at the base of the volcanic islands, which are not found in the Society Islands. The Truk Archipelago was perhaps the most interesting of the island groups of the Carolines, and it is the only group of volcanic islands sur- rounded by an encircling reef which I have thus far seen in the Pacific which at first glance lends any support to the theory of the formation of such island-groups as Truk by subsidence. This group was not visited by either Darwin or Dana; and I can well imagine that an investigator seeing this group among the first coral reefs would readily describe the islands as the summits, nearly denuded, of a great island which had gradually sunk. But a closer examination will readily show, I think, that this group is not an exception to the general rule thus far obtaining in all the island groups of the Pacific I have visited during this trip; that we must look to submarine erosion and to a multitude of local mechanical causes for our explanation of the formation of atolls and of barrier and encircling reefs, and that, on the contrary, subsidence has played no part in bringing about existing conditions of the atolls of the South and Central Pacific. Nowhere have we seen better exemplified than at Truk how important a part is played by the existence of a submarine platform in the growth smn ime meio 38 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. of coral reefs. The encircling reef protects the many islands of the group against a too rapid erosion, so that they are edged by narrow fringing reefs, and nowhere do we find the wide platform so essential to the formation of barrier reefs. The effect of the northeast trades blowing so constantly in one direction for the greater part of the year is of course very great; the disintegration and erosion of islands within its influence is incessant, and their action undoubtedly one of the essential factors in shaping the atolls of the different groups, not only according to the local position of the individual islands, but also according to the geographical position of the groups. Thus far Ido not think any observer has given sufficient weight to the importance of the action of the trades in modify- ing the islands within the limits of the trades; nor has it been noticed that the coral reefs are all situated practically within the limits of the trades, both north and south of the equator. It is interesting to note that there are no coral reefs in two extensive island groups of the Pacific, the Marquesas and the Galapagos, both within the tropics in the same latitudes where far to the westward the Gilbert and other Line islands, as well as the Ellice and Solomon Islands, are noted for the abun- dance of corals and the great development of coral reefs. At the Galapagos and Marquesas, corals exist only in patches, forming short stretches of fringing reefs, and it is difficult to account for the absence of coral reefs in these groups except on the supposition that the shores are usually too steep, that no great platforms of submarine erosion flank the islands, and finally that the shore cliffs and slopes are readily disintegrated by the action of the sea and afford no permanent foothold to growing corals. The soundings made going west from Jaluit to Namonuito indicate that there is no great plateau from which the Carolines rise, but that the various groups are, as is the case with the neighboring groups of the Marshalls and Gilberts, isolated peaks with steep slopes rising from a depth of over 2000 fathoms. The line we ran from the northern end of Namonuito to Guam developed the eastern extension of a deep trough running south of the Ladrones. The existence of this trough had been indicated by a sounding of 4475 fathoms to the southwest of Guam made by the “Challenger.” We obtained, about 100 miles southeast of PRELIMINARY REPORT. 39 Guam, a depth of 4813 fathoms, a depth surpassed only, if I am not in error, by three soundings made by the “ Penguin” in the deep trough extending from Tonga to the Kermadecs, and by two still deeper made by the U. S. S. “Nero”? to the eastward of Guam, probably in con- tinuation of the same “Deep” called the “Caroline Deep” by Professor Supan.? I was very much surprised, in approaching Guam from the eastward, to find that the island was not wholly volcanic, but that the northern half consists of elevated coralliferous limestone. The vertical cliffs bor- dering the eastern face rise toa height of 100 to 250 or 300 feet at the northern extremity, and resemble in every way those of similar limestone islands, such as Makatea, Niue, Eua, Vavau, and others in the. Fijis, which had made their cliffs a familiar feature in our explorations. In fact, out- side of Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, this is the largest island known to me where we find a combination of volcanic rocks and of elevated coral- liferous limestone. The massif forming the southern half of the island is voleanic, and the highest ridge, rising to about 1000 feet, runs parallel to the west coast, the longest slope being toward the east. This volcanic mass has burst through the limestone near Agafia, and the outer western extension of the coralliferous limestone exists only in the shape of a few spurs running out from the volcanic mass, the largest of which are those forming the port of San Luis d’Apra. These spurs are separated by lower ridges of volcanic rocks extending to the sea from the main central mass. To the north of Agafia the limestone forms an immense irregular mesa, cut by deep crevasses, full. of pot-holes and sinks, rising gradually northward to a height of 350 or 400 feet. Near the northern extremity of the island a voleanic mass, Mt. Santa Rosa, has burst through the limestone and rises about 150 feet above the general level of that part of the island. The shore stratification of the bluffs is much distorted in the vicinity of that volcanic outburst. The formation of huge masses of limestone in which occur at intervals 1 The deep soundings of the “Nero” have been marked “ Nero Deep ” in H. O. Chart No. 529, published June, 1900, but it does not give the deep sounding of the “Challenger” to the westward (4475 fathoms), which was the first indication of the probable existence of a deep trough south of Guam. 2 Petermann’s Mitteil., 1899, Vol. 45, VIIL, p. 180. 40 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. layers of corals or of reef-building corals must have taken place in areas of subsidence, — the subsidence taking place at a comparatively slow rate while the coralliferous belts were deposited, and at a more rapid rate at a greater depth than that at which corals could grow while the non-coral- liferous limestones were laid down. This process has nothing in common with the formation of atolls. But when these coralliferous masses of lime- stone of great thickness were elevated either suddenly or intermittently to heights of more than 1000 feet, the resulting islands in the former case must have represented either a bed deposited near the surface —if coral- liferous— enclosing perhaps a lagoon, or a sound, or a basin of solution and erosion, formed in comparatively modern times, with recent corals forming a capping of moderate thickness. In the second case, during each stage of rest the elevated beds were subject to denudation and erosion by the action of the sea. If each stage was an elevation of more than the depth at which corals can grow, the denudation and erosion may have continued long enough to cut the elevated limestone down to, or nearly down to the terrace which marks the uprising of the mass. Or the denudation and erosion may merely have gone far enough to open the circumscribed area to the action of the sea at some points only, and thus to connect what was the lagoon or basin at the first sea-level with the lagoon or basin or sound of the second stage of rest. One can readily see how complicated the resultant action may become when we take into account the varying height of the different stages of elevation, the condition of the limestone mass and of the coralliferous lime- stones after the elevation, and the action of denudation and of erosion upon the elevated mass, as well as the solvent action taking place on the summit and sides, and finally the eroding action of the sea upon the interior basin, should it once break through the outer rim of the elevated basin, when its lowest point has reached the level of the sea. This break would thus form an entrance to the lagoon, much as is formed the entrance to any lagoon or sound. Should this mass be elevated a second, a third, or a fourth time, we may find one, or two, or more entrances to the old lagoons and sounds according to the rate of denudation and of erosion of the elevated mass during the periods of rest. | ' | | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 4] The coralliferous limestone rings would be fairly continuous in case of a slow rate of denudation and erosion; if broken through by the action of the sea and with a rapid rate of denudation, only disconnected patches, more or less numerous, according to the rate of erosion, would indicate the former ring; and finally, with a very rapid denudation and erosion, both of the exterior face and interior of the lagoon, or sound, nothing would be left of the elevated mass except the submerged reef-ring. This becomes still more complicated when the limestone mass, while elevated, has been broken through by the underlying volcanic rocks, and when they have dis- placed portions of the coralliferous limestone beds and left them more acces- sible to the effects of denudation and of erosion, especially when this action has taken place on the outer face of the elevated mass, and left broken cuts and openings forming connections between the outer sea and the inte- rior basins, which would thus soon be transformed into great sounds or lagoons. The erosive as well as the solvent action of the sea would soon level the outer rim to the plane of the sea level, the further disintegra- tion being stopped by the growth of recent corals or of coralline alge upon the surface of the coralliferous or massive limestone eroded to the level of the sea or below it. With the more rapid erosion and denudation, both atmospheric and marine, of the limestones, they would rapidly dis- appear, and there would be left only the volcanic mass which had uplifted the limestones, with here and there a remnant of them to indicate the probable course of events. Of course, when the volcanic masses come up without elevating any limestone beds the conditions are much simpler, and it becomes only a question of the mode of formation of the recent corals around the base of the elevated volcanic mass. The want of continuity of the atolls of the eastern Paumotus of the Ellice, Gilbert, and Marshall Islands, their separation by considerable dis- tances and great depths, would seem to preclude the idea of the forma- tion of the Tertiary limestones over great areas. The existence of these limestones on disconnected and isolated islands would suggest the forma- tion of the limestones upon mounds or ridges elevated to very different heights below the surface of the ocean, — these mounds and ridges con- sisting of volcanic or other rocks elevated by the volcanic agencies which cnt isl poonaeste 42 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. we know to have been active over very extensive areas of the Pacific from Tertiary times to the present day. Yet in some of the Pacific archi- pelagos the areas upon which the Tertiary limestones were deposited must have been of considerable extent, as for instance the plateau of the north- western Paumotus, the plateau of the Tonga Islands, and the plateau upon which the eastern islands of the Fiji Archipelago rise: the so-called Lau or Windward group of Fiji. Conditions similar to those under which the central Pacific Tertiary limestones were deposited must have been of wide geographical range; they appear, in addition, in the Philippines, in the Loyalty, the New Hebrides, and Solomon Islands, in New Caledonia, in the China Sea, at Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, in the Red Sea, and in the West Indian area. We left Guam in time to reach Rota by day, and found that this island also is a mass of elevated coralliferous limestone, the highest cliffs of which reach a height of 800 feet. Perhaps in none of the elevated islands have we been able to observe the terraces of submarine elevation as well as at Rota, especially in the small knob at the southwest point of the peninsula separating Sosanlagh and Sosanjaya bays, which itself is also terraced ; no less than seven distinct terraces could be traced. There was no sign of any volcanic outburst except at the northwest point of the island, where both the character of the slope and of the vegetation would seem to indicate a volcanic structure. It is quite probable that others of the Ladrones, like Saipan and the islands to the south, are composed in part at least of elevated limestone, judging from the hydrographic charts and the sketches which accompany them. On many of the northern Ladrones there are active volcanoes, so that it is very possible that the volcanic outbursts which have pushed through the limestones, or have elevated parts of the islands of the group, are of comparatively recent date. During the last part of our cruise, from Suva to Guam, the unfavorable weather greatly interfered with our deep-sea and pelagic work; in fact, with the exception of the soundings made to develop as far as practicable the depths in the regions of the various coral-reef groups we visited, we 1H. O. Chart No. 1748. | | | | | | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 43 abandoned all idea of carrying out the deep-sea and pelagic work planned for the district between the Gilbert and Marshall and Caroline groups. To our great disappointment hardly any marine work could be accomplished, and our investigations were limited almost entirely to the study of the coral reefs of the regions passed through. After Mr. Townsend’s departure, Dr. Moore continued to collect the birds of the islands where we anchored, and they have brought together a fairly typical collection of the avifauna of the South Sea Islands. Dr. Pryor collected the characteristic plants, and Dr. Mayer the insects and reptiles, in addition to such pelagic work as could be done in port. My private assistants, Dr. W. MeM. Woodworth and Dr. A. G. Mayer, as well as my son Maximilian, took a large number of photographs, and we must have at least 900 views illustrating the coral reefs of the Pacific. Dr. Woodworth also collected incidentally such ethnological material as could readily be ob- tained during our short stay at different places. We were everywhere received with the greatest cordiality and cour- tesy: by the Governor of the Paumotus, the King of Tonga, Sir George O’Brien (the High Commissioner of the Western Pacific at Suva), Mr. E. Brandeis (the Landes-Hauptmann in charge of the Marshall Islands at Jaluit), the Governor of the Carolines, and the Japanese authorities. The State Department at Washington having kindly asked through the French, English, German, and Japanese Embassies at Washington for the kind offices of the representatives of these nations in Oceania to the “Albatross” while in their respective precincts, thanks to these credentials nothing could exceed the interest shown everywhere in the success of our expedition. I must also thank Captain Moser and the officers of the “Albatross” for the untiring interest shown by them during the whole time of our expedi- tion in the work of the ship, which was so foreign to the usual duties of a naval officer. eee 44 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. LIST OF THE OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION STEAMER “ ALBATROSS.” Commander Jerrerson F. Moser, U.S. N., Commanding. Lieutenant Hucw Ropman, U.S8.N., Hxecutive Officer and Navigator. Ensign B. K. McMorris, U.S. N., Chief Engineer. “ A, J. Hurpourn, U.S. N. “ - Cyrus R. Miuras, U.S. N. (COC. S. Kemrre, Us. No Assistant Surgeon, J. C. Pryor, U.S. N. Assistant Pay Master, Grey Skipwith, U.S. N. Harry Cuirrorp Fassett, U.S. F. C., Captain’s Clerk. Screntiric STAFF. CuaruEs H. Townsenn, Assistant, U.S. F. C. Dr. H. F. Moors, Resident Naturalist, U.S. F. C. A. B, ALEXANDER, Fishery Hapert, U.S. F.C. | ; | NOON POSITIONS OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION STEAMER “ ALBATROSS” DURING HER CRUISE IN THE TROPICAL PACIFIC, August, 1899-Marcn, 1900. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, TO NUKUHIVA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. Date. Distance in 1899, Time. Miles Position. Noon to Noon. Aug. 23 6 06 P.M. Left San Francisco, California. 24: Noon. 132 35°: 5a) N, 1282-229) 25 Noon. 183 BQ. 01" 1 94e 28: 26 Noon. 154 302 30 125 e216. Q7 Noon. 158 98° 30° 1272 Ol 28 Noon. 144 BOrs oie 128° 40! 29 Noon. 15 DU Ree 130° 24! 30 Noon. 166 Wee 1B2e2 13! 31 Noon. 149 20e g! BBS ove eieyuis ca Noon. 147 182 16! 135° 05! 9) Noon. 120 16° 40’ 186° 14! 3 Noon. 129 14° 34! 186° 41’ 4 Noon. 158 Lo 759! Tie. 19! 5 Noon. 147 ey Aye 6 Noon. 105 So 08" L372 8 Yi Noon. 115 62250. 1372" 200° 8 Noon. 123 Aer Oat 1362 55. 9 Noon. 120 ge 97 137° 22’ 10 Noon. 112 ieee Oe 138300, 1k Noon. 145 bee et) BRS oie 12 Noon. 157 42° 00- 182-30! 13 Noon. 155 62 35. 162 59: 14 Noon. 145 8° 39’ 189° 42’ 15 9.30 a.M. 48 Arrived at Tai-o-haé, Nukuhiva Island, Marquesas Group. MARQUESAS ISLANDS TO TAHITI, SOCIETY ISLANDS, VIA NORTHWESTERN PAUMOTUS. Sept. 12.30 P.M. Noon. Noon. Noon. 10.05 a.m. 6.40 a.m. 10.00 a.m.—3.41 P.M. Noon. 25 Left Tai-o-haé, Nukul riva . Island, oo Group. 10° 33’ s. 142° 02’ V ieee 14d ibe 13° 50! 145° 53! Arrived at Avatoru Pass, Rangiroa Island, Paumotu Group. Left Avatoru Pass, Rangiroa Island, Paumotu Group. Coasting off Rangiroa Island. 15220053 148° 02’ W. f } : } i 46 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. Date, ee Distance in oa 1899. Time. seas ee Position. Sept. 25 8.00-9.48 a.M. Coasting off Tikehau Island. oon. 102 1S EES ADINE Top 1a8-) 29" 30" Wa 2.30-6.00 P.M. Coasting off Matahiva Island. 26 11.28 a.m. 104 Arrived at Makatea Island. 6.00 P.M. Left Makatea Island. 97 Noon. 132 lie C2868. 149° 24’ W. 3.45 P.M. 8 Arrived at Papeete, Tahiti. THROUGH THE PAUMOTU ARCHIPELAGO. Oct. 5 6.00 a.m. Left Papeete, Tahiti. Noon. 17 Wi2. USas: 149° 31’ W. 1.30-2.30 p.m. Coasting off Tetiaroa Island. 6 7.45 A.M. 122 Arrived at Makatea Island. 3.07 P.M. Left Makatea Island. Fi 8.37 A.M. 122 Arrived at Niau Island. Noon. Left Niau Island. 5.20 P.M. Arrived Pakaka Pass, Apataki Island. 8 9.45 AM. Left Pakaka Pass, Apataki Island. Noon. 59 15° 24'S. 146° 25’ W. 9 Noon. 109 dae Eby! 144° 40’ 12.55 p.m. Arrived at Tikei Island. 11.15 p.m. Left Tikei Island. 10 | 8.30 until 10.45 a.m. Coasting off Kauehi Island. Noon. 106 libs 70028; 1452 19 W. 3.30 P.M. 30 Arrived at Rotoava, Fakarava Island. 14 7.00 A.M. Left Rotoava, Fakarava Island. Noon. 22 16° 09'S. 145° 49’ W. 15 9.00 a.m. until Coasting off Anaa Island. Noon. 109 15 7.40 p.m. until Lying to and coasting off Tahanea Island. 16 11.05 P.M. Noon. 101 16° 47’8. 144° 40’ W. 3.40-4.05 P.M. Coasting off Tuanaka Island. 17 Noon. 151 1522. 56/ 5; 142° 30’ W. 1.00-2.00 p.m. Coasting off Raroia Island. uy 2.50 p.m. until Lying to and coasting off Takume Island. 18 5.30 A.M. 8.00-11.35 a.m. Coasting off Raroia Island. Noon. 85 G22 LES: 142° 37’ W. 18 4.30 p.m. until Lying to and coasting off Taenga Island (Hepuhepuarua 19 2.30 A.M. Anchorage). 11.50 a.m. 98 Arrived at Makemo Lagoon. 25 4.35 P.M. Left, Makemo Lagoon. 26 8.07-9.40 a.m. Coasting off Tekokoto Island. Noon. 92 IE SBIR 142° 41’ W. 1.20 p.m. Arrived at Hikueru Island. 27 Noon. 16 Off Hikueru Island. 6.18 p.m. Left Hikueru Atoll. 28 5.55 a.m. until Lying to and coasting off Marokau Island. 5.20 P.M. Noon. 51 Off West coast Marokau Island. 29 6.19 a.m. until Lying to and coasting off Hao Island. 6.15 P.M. Noon. 89 Off West coast Hao Island. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 47 Distance in Date, A ¢ see 1899, Time. Mea os: Position. Oct. 30 10.30 on until Lying to and coasting off Akiaki Island. 8.10 P.M. Noon. 113 Off West coast Akiaki Island. 3] 7.28 a.m. until Lying to and coasting off Nukutavake Island. 12.05 p.m. Noon. 64 8. W. point Nukutavake Island. 1.40 a until Lying to and coasting off Pinaki Island. 5.35 P.M. Novas 1 Noon. 131 19° 603078. 1402 BBO W. 2 10.23 a.m. until Coasting off Nukutipipi Island. 11.30 a.m, Noon. 160 20° 42'S. 143° 03’ W. 2.10-3.30 P.M. Coasting off Anu-Anurunga Island. 6.12-6.50 p.m. Coasting off Anu-Anuraro Island. 3 9.30 a.m. until Lying to and coasting off Hereheretue Island. 1.50 p.m. Noon. 131 Off West coast Hereheretue Tsland. 4 Noon. 105 ioe a) Si 146° 32! W. 5 8.30 a.m. until Lying to and coasting off Mehetia Island. 12.20 p.m. 5 Noon. 108 Off N. W. coast Mehetia Island. 6 11.50 a.m. 126 Arrived at Papeete, Tahiti. SOCIETY ISLANDS TO TONGATABU, TONGA ARCHIPELAGO, VIA LEEWARD, SOCIETY, AND COOK GROUPS, AND NIUE ISLAND. 10.40 a.m. Noon. 9.30-8.51 p.m. 8.00-10.00 a.m. Noon. 6.10 p.m. 6.15 A.M. 11.40 a.m. 7.10 A.M. 9.30-10.20 a.m. Noon. 2.30-3.00 p.m. Noon. 7-10-11.15 a.m. 11.15 a.m. 6.20 a.m. 9.23 a.m. 146 176 156 137 136 114 Left Papeete, Tahiti. Me 298, 149° 43’ W. Lying to and coasting off Murea Island. Coasting off Huaheine Island. 16° 38°58. LSPs LOW. Arrived at Hurepiti Bay, Tahaa Island. Left Hurepiti Bay, Tahaa Island. Arrived at Bora Bora Island. Left Bora Bora Island. Coasting off Motu Iti. 2 G22 2258, 152° 03’ W. Coasting off Maupiti Island. Wee Les: i542 21’ W. 17° 48! Lye 2-00: Arrived off North coast Aitutaki Island. Left Aitutaki Island. se sy 54° S. 162° 26’ W. 192 00! 165° 00’ 19° 04! 1672 41 Arrived off Alofi Village, Niue Island. Left Alofi Village, Niue Island. 202 1008: We 540 W. 91° 18! 173° 34! Coasting off Kua Island. : Arrived English Roads (Ohonua village), Hua Island. Left English Roads (Ohonua village), Kua Island. Arrived Nukualofa, Tongatabu Island, Tonga Islands. 48 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. THROUGH TONGA ARCHIPELAGO, AND TO SUVA, FIJI ARCHIPELAGO. Date. z Distance in ae 150: ane mehr 1 Soi, piiesictn Dec 1 7.00 A.M. Left Nukualofa, salar Tsland, Tonga Islands. Noon. 34 91° 38 “17 06’ W 5.15 P.M. 28 Arrived at Nomuka islestd, 3 12.30 p.m. Left Nomuka Island. 4 9.10 a.M. ay Arrived at Neiafu, Vavau Group, Tonga Islands. 5 4.15 P.M. Left Neiafu, Vavau Group, Tonga Islands. 6 Noon. 152 182. 437 8, 1762 Ble W. vi Noon. 140 18°. 256: 178° 49’ 2.20 P.M. Arrived at Kambara Island, Fiji. 8 Dropped. q 7.25 A.M. Left Kambara Island, Fiji. Noon. 42 1Se Sb8 oS: 179° 31’ W. 10 7.25 A.M. 147 Arrived at Suva, Fiji. FIJL ISLANDS, THROUGH ELLICH AND GILBERT CHAINS, TO JALUIT, MARSHALL ARCHIPELAGO. Deer 19 9.15 a.M Left Suva, Fiji. Noon. 22 ise 1008. 17 Se. 40) Wi. 20 Noon. 180 ees an 179° =08’ W. 21 Noon. 195 on 2 00! 179° 49! 22 Noon. 136 Off Nurakita Island, Ellice Group. Oy, Noon. 15 Off North coast Funafuti Island, Ellice Group. 25 2.20 P.M. 10 Arrived at Fongafale, Funafuti Island. 26 6.20 a.m. Left Fongafale, ”Funaf uti Island. Noon. 42 8° 2.09’ 8. 178° 42’ EB. Q.45-4.45 P.M. Doeat off Nukufetau Island. 27 Noon. 150 LOC: 177-20) Ee 12.30 P.M. Ran vast aes Island. 98 Noon. 76 4° oo 176° 54! B. 99 Noon. 137 South hoe of Arorai Island, Gilbert Group. 7.00 P.M. Left Arorai Island. 30 Noon. 94 12 408: 175° 48" Ki. 31 3.30-7.00 P.M. Lying to off South coast of Onoatoa Atoll. 11.20 a.m. until Coasting off Taputeuea Atoll. 2.50 P.M. ' Noon. 130 Off N. E. coast Taputeuea Atoll. 190! Jan. u Noon. 156 (022 b5 NN, 174° 02' B. 12.20-10.00 p.m. Lying to and coasting off Apamama Atoll. 2 11.20 a.m. until Coasting off Maiana ‘Atoll. Noon. Noon. 98 Off N. E. point Maiana Atoll. 2 5.00 p.m. until Lying to off South coast Tarawa Atoll. 3 9.45 A.M. 3 Noon. 40 ees iN is 00" Ei: 1,00-5.00 p.m. Coasting along "Tarawa Atoll. 6.15 p.m. until Lying to off South coast Apaiang Atoll. 4 8.00 a.m. Noon. 55 Ts 256" Nv La LGB 1.00-8.00 p.m. Lying to and coasting off Maraki Atoll. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 49 Date. 3 Distance in 1900. Time. ee noe Position. Jit = 5 7.50 a.m.—Noon. Coasting off South coast Taritart Atoll. Noon. 111 Off Entrance, West coast Taritari Atoll. 1.20 p.m. 8 Arrived at Butaritari, Taritari Atoll. 7 7.30 A.M. Left Butaritari, Taritari Atoll. Noon. 31 Se 2HN: 422-33) dh. 8 Noon. 120 4° 34! Heo, 9 Noon. 124 si = cm Coast Jaluit Island, Jaluit Atoll, Marshall slands. 1.24 P.M. 8 Arrived at Jaluit, Jaluit Atoll. THROUGH MARSHALL ARCHIPELAGO. Jan. 14 10.00 a.m. Left Jaluit, Jaluit Island. Noon. 24 Off Pingelap Island, Jaluit Atoll. 15 9.00 a.m. Noon. Coasting off Elmore Atoll. Noon. 118 Off Wotje Island, Elmore Atoll. 5.20-6.00 p.m. Coasting off Namu Atoll. 16 8.00 a.m. until Coasting off Kwajalong Atoll. 8.00 P.M. Noon. 132 Off Legan Island, Kwajalong Atoll. 17 Noon. 153 tO?! ou Ne 166°. 55’ HE. 4.30 P.M, Arrived at Rongelappelap Island, Rongelab Atoll. 18 10.35 a.m. Left Rongelappelap Island. Noon. 32 Off South Pass, Rongelab Atoll. 19 Noon. 105 TO? A 1OtNe 1682. Th ck. 20 8.10 a.m. until Coasting off Likieb Atoll. 1.00 P.M. Noon. 80 Off S. W. Point Likieb Atoll. * 1.47 P.M. Arrived at Likieb Island, Likieb Atoll. 21 9.00 a.m. Left Likieb Island, Likieb Atoll. Noon. 33 g° 43’ N. 169° 26’ E. 6.04 P.M. Arrived Rurick Pass, Wotje Atoll. 22 8.15 A.M. Left Rurick Pass, and coasted off Wotje Atoll. Noon. 54 Off Schischmarev Island, Wotje Atoll. 1.40 p.m. Arrived at Wotje Island Anchorage, Wotje Atoll. 23 8.00 a.m. Left Wotje Island Anchorage, Wotje Atoll. Noon. 26 9° 12EN. 170° 137k. 24 Noon. 147 Off N. W. Point Arhno Atoll. Noon—1.45 p.m. Coasting off Arhno Atoll. 3.15 P.M. 19 Arrived at Arhno Lagoon. 28 8.30 a.m. Left Arhno Lagoon. 10.00 a.m. until Coasting off Arhno Atoll. 2.40 P.M. - Noon. 24 Off N. W. Point Arhno Atoll. 29 Noon. 158 Off S. E. Pass, Jaluit Atoll. 1,27 p.m. 8 Arrived at Jaluit, Jaluit Atoll. MARSHALL ISLANDS, THROUGH CAROLINE ISLANDS TO GUAM, LADRONE ISLANDS, AND TO YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. Feb. 10.25 a.m. Noon. Noon. 15 195 Left Jaluit, Jaluit Atoll. Off S. W. Pass Jaluit Atoll. bo 27! N. 166° 30° HE. 4 50 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. Date. ; Distance in oe 1900. Time, eeatean ad Position. Feb. 7 Noon. 184 Beri. 1632. 26! 6.30 P.M. 37 | Arrived at Port Lottin, Kusaic Island, Caroline Islands. 9 1.25 p.m. Left Port Lottin, Kusaie Island. 10 Noon. 147 6°. 09’ N. 160° 50! EH. 1.00-2.00 P.M. ae to off Pingelap Islands. 11 Noon. 155 47' N. 158° 14’ EH. 3.45 P.M, 25 eed at Kiti Harbor, Ponapi Island. 1 12.50. Left Kiti Harbor, Ponapi Island. 13 Noon. 138 6:2 50 Ns 156° 00’ E. 14 Noon. 159 6° 55’ 153° 26! 6.50 p.m.—Midnight. Lying | to off Namo Island. oon. 110 00 Ns dole. AGoH. 4.55 P.M 98 | Arrived at Uola Island, Truk Group. ANE 2.00 Left Uola Island, Truk Group. 18 9.10 a.m. until Coasting along Namonuito Group. 2.25 P.M. Noon. 131 | Off Onoupe Island, Namonuito Group. 19 Noon. 151 10° 34 N. 148° 25’ E. 20 Noon. 176 12° 23! 146° 26’ 21 Noon. 185 | Off Agafia, Guam. 155 Pie 10 | Arrived at San Luis d’Apra, Guam. 25 8.25 A.M. Left San Luis d’Apra, Guam. Noon. 25 le: 46eN, 144° 54’ E. 2.30-3.09 P.M. Coasting off Rota Island. 26 Noon. 204 1s On Ns 144° 45’ E 27 Noon. 220 20° 46’ 144° 24! 28 Noon. 210 24° 15’ 144° 02! March 1 Noon. 197 Nie a 148° 40' 2 Noon. 212 30° 58! 142° 47’ 3 Noon. 185 33°. 28’ 140° 41’ 4 10,00 a.m. 140 | Arrived at Yokohama, Japan. 15,122 LIST OF THE STATIONS OCCUPIED BY THE U. 8. F. C. S. “ALBATROSS,” DURING HER | CRUISE IN THE TROPICAL PACIFIC, Avuaust, 1899-Marcu, 1900. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, TO NUKUHIVA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. : 2 eae Temper- j 5 Date. Se Sot ae Nature | 4 1899, ae of Remarks, | ‘ 2 Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- | 23 Belial | cA North. West. face. tom. | SS ° 4 ° / ° ° i | 1 jAug. 26} 381 10 |125 00 | 63 LO5B | ss Lost thermometer and detacher; 320 | miles from Point Conception. | Q |Aug. 27/28 23 |126 57 |66| 34.6 |2368|Red clay. Light|450 miles from Guadalupe Tsland, 500 brown ooze. miles from Point Conception. Large | haul of manganese nodules, sharks’ \ teeth, and cetacean bones. 8 lAup, 98/96 18 1198 64. (68) 0 cal | 4 |Aug, 29/24 45 |130 16 | 69| 34.6 )2628)Light brown ooze,)..-. 6. eee ee ee ee ees same as at St. 5 Red clay. ‘ 5 |Aug. 80} 22 42 ]181 54 | 70) 34.6 )2740|/Light brown ooze,)Too rough to trawl; distant from same as at St. 2.| Guadalupe Island 800 miles, from Red clay. Point Conception 960 miles. i] 6 |Aug. 31/20 26 |183 28 | 75 9810/Dark brown mudjDistant from Guadalupe Island 960 ooze. Red clay. | miles, from Sebastian Viscaino 1060 miles. | 7 |Sept. 1/18 19 }134 57 | 76 9881|Redclay. Darkbyvown]...-..-+.-+s+ss+-+s+-- i ooze. Very sticky. } So lSepte: 2) £7. Wo 136: 00 Si. ce 2706) 2. sie ce oe, cee po 2s Gabe NG 50 861 I IG.) 6 S008| csc ae ee | ee : Oe 2o- 16r38 30 ldo 7.6 P BUSS hes tare ee Deepest part of Moser Basin. 11 |Sept. 3/14 88 |1386 44 | 79 2646] Red clay. Passing out of deepest part of Moser Basin. 12 |Sept. 4/12 07 {187 18 | 81) . . |9883/Red clay, radiol, |... ++ -++ +++ sess ess 18 |Sept.: 6) -9 57 |187 47 | 82 . /2690)Red clay. Light/Large balls of manganese nodules, ce- \ brown 00ze, coarse] tacean bones, sharks’ teeth. | mineral _ particles. 4 Radiolarian ooze. | 14 |Sept. 7} 6 41 /137 00 | 82 O776\Gray 0020" SIO 3. 6 ee. et ee a Foram. no radiola- rians. “Not sticky. | 15 |Sept. 8} 4 35 |136 54 | 79 9583|Fine gray ooze. Ra}... + 6 ee ee ee ee ee ele diolarians. | 16 |Sept. 9} 2 38 [137 22 |79| 35.2 |2440|Light yellow gray!To Hawaiian Islands 1500 miles, to glob. ooze. _ | Marquesas 660 miles. i 17 |Sept. 10} 0 50 |1387 54 | 79 . |2463|Light yellow gray|Sea too heavy to sound after this till ‘ glob. ooze. Sept. 13. Se Lo EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. Serial Number. 18 1) 20 21 22 23 Temper- atures, a Nature ag of Remarks. ge Bottom. Sur- oa a face, Ag 80 | « 79 79 | % 1939 5|Light gray yellow ooze. Globig: ooze. Radiolarian. . |2287\Coarse glob. ooze. canic particles. . 12183/Glob. ooze. Many voleanic particles. canic particles. 1802|/Gray ooze. Glob. and Radiol. and coarse volcanic particles. About 175 miles to Marquesas. Stations 1-18 referred to H. O. Chart No. 527, corrected to April, 1897. Stations 19 to 29 referred to H. O. | Chart No. 1797, edition of May, 1899. 9267\Glob. ooze with vol-}.... ++ eee ee ee eee eee Glob Goze> Hine vol|. 2 coer eee Sos ee aa Globigerinae still retaining their color. Developing the Marquesas Plateau. PAUMOTUS, MARQUESAS ISLANDS TO TAHITI, SOCIETY ISLANDS, VIA NORTHWESTERN Srarions in Vicrnity oF THE Marquesas Isnanps. 27 23 co [oe oMne) °o 80 80 830 1040|Coarse glob. ooze. Volcanic particles. mud and fragments. particles. particles. fragments. 154 miles N. 43° W., same as below. Globig. and volcanic}18 miles N. 73° W. of Haunanu Point, Ua Huka Island. 1173/Glob. ooze. Ptero-|17 miles west of Mt. Uranupe, Nuku- pods and volcanic} hiva Island (Tai 0 haé). 87|Glob. ooze. Volcanic|6 miles 8, 20° E. of Anna Maria Bay. 1284|Rocky. Volcanic|About 18 miles 8. 13° W. of Chicha- koff Point. f[ATIONS FR oM THE MARQUESAS TO RANGIROA, 80 K 56|Light gray glob. Few|Stations 30, 31 referred to H. O. Chart Radiol. Volcanic| No. 824%, Oct. 1888. 81 |e - {1208 1462 1932|Light yellow gray glob. ooze. Coarse] hiva, 20 miles from Ua pu Island. volcanic particles. particles. 2700|Red clay. 2451)Red clay with Foram. 2527|Red clay. 00Ze. 25 miles from Cape Chichakoff, Nuku- Deepest part of Channel separating the Marquesas from the Paumotus. Stations 32-35 referred to H. O. Chart No. 77, corrected to 1899. 22 miles N. 28° E. of entrance to Abii. Very light col. glob.|About 24 miles northwest of entrance to Ahii. Fine coral sand glob.|Position according to H. O. Chart No. 77. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 53 Fy a Position. pres - Mics a 1899. | ae of Remarks. é Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- 28 hilt 3B South. West. _|face.] tom. Ag RanerRoa TO TIKEHAU AND TO MATAHIvA. fe) ” ° f ° ° 36 |Sept. 21/14 45 [147 38 | 80 706|Voleanic rock frag-/Stations 32-35 referred to H. O. Chart ments. No. 77, corrected to 1899. Distant 16 miles northeast of Avatoru Pass, Rangiroa, according to H. O. Chart No. 77. Stations 36 to 60 referred to H. O. Chart No. 85, cor- i rected to 1891. 87 |Sept. 24) - . . 80 112|Coral sand. % mile from Beacon at the entrance to Avatoru Pass. Stations 87 to 42. Running a line N., normal in continuation of Avatoru Pass. ss So lea 80 604/Broken shells and|1$ miles from Beacon, entrance to sea-urchins. Ptero-| Avatoru Pass. pods. Glob. Rad. Mineral particles. SOR ees 80 645|Finecoral sand, glob.|Same line, 1 mile farther north. ooze. Broken shells Mineral particles. 40s ees 80 661/Coral sand. Glob |Same line, 1 mile farther north. Pteropods. A few Radiolarians. CA AA eee 81 684|Coralsand. Glob.and|2 miles farther north, same line. volcanic particles. AO ears 81 819/Coral sand. Glob.|24 miles farther north. Same line. Volcanic particles. |About 8 miles north, off Avatoru en- trance, St. 35 was about 25 miles at right angles to Rangiroa, and showed a depth of 1462 fathoms, the edge of plateau being between it and St. 36. Qos 2, ods 14y 08. | 88 341|Coarse coral sand. |About % mile from Reef off south shore Rangiroa. ae ee 82 391|Coarse coral sand. {1 mile from south shore, Rangiroa. AD 82 524/Coarse coral sand,|1 mile from last station. Normal to broken shells. Pte-} coast. ropods, glob. ooze. AG ae 80 450|Pteropod ooze, coral]2 miles from last station. : sand, small manga-|Positions of St. 43 to 60 approxi- nese nodules, round} mate, referred to H. O. Chart No. grains of coral sand.| 85, as corrected by “ Albatross.” Aye | ES 82 764\Coral sand, voleanic|3 miles from last station. or manganese parti- cles. Glob. fis) ee 80 897\Glob. Foram. Ptero-|5 miles from last station, 11 m. 8. 15° pods. Manganese] W. of Station 44. or lava particles. 49 |. 115: 25: 1148 08. | 80 1123|Coral sand, manga-}. .-----+++e++se reese nese (?) particles. Globigerinae. 50 |Sept. 25/15 25.5/148 24.4] 80 1486/Glob. ooze. Manga-|..- +--+ +e eee ee teers nese particles (?). : Bla "115 09 1148 94 | 80 488|Coarse coral sand.|l1 mile from shore of Tikehau, going Glob. towards Matahiva. 54 EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. é Position, yey Z Date. : a qa Nature 4 1899. ae: of Remarks. a : . J ao Bottom. 3 Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- | 23 GI South. West. |face.| tom. | Og fe} ad fe} s fo} } 52 |Sept. 25|15 01.4/148 25 | 80 670|Coarse coral sand,|1 mile from last position. broken shells and/This sounding is deeper than one off glob. Rangiroa at same distance from shore. Lia Sete: 8] 782|Pteropod ooze. Glob.|2 miles from last. position. Manganese parti- cles (?). bpd, ae 81 850|Pteropod ooze, few|3 miles from last position. Same globig. normal. Bo a 81 844/Globig. ooze, small|5 miles from last position. Same manganese nodules.| normal. 56 | “ “114 56 |148 44 | 81 711|Pteropod ooze, fine}8 miles from last position. Same coral sand, Globig.) normal. ooze, Small man-|Changed course to go round the north ganese nodules. side of the Island of Matahiva. ee 80 486|Coarse coral sand.|3 miles from last station, going north. Voleanic(?) parti- cles. Manganese (?) BG ese 80 624|Coarse coral sand, |24 miles off west shore of Matahiva. boo 80 860/Glob. ooze. Coral|4 miles off southwest shore of Ma- sand. Voleanic(?)| tahiva. particles. 60) se es 80 1257|Coarse coral sand.|Off south shore of Matahiva, about 74 Globigerinae. Vol-| miles farther off shore than St. 59. canic (?) particles. Matantva to MAKATEA AND TO PAPEETE, Tanitr IsLANnp. a ° / oO R fe fe} 61 |Sept. 25}15 16 |148 46 | 79 1762\Lightgrayglob.ooze.|St. 61 to 180 referred to H. O Chart No. 77, corrected to 1899. 62 |Sept. 26/15 33 |148 45 | 80 2267|/Glob. ooze and mudjOn way to Makatea. (voleanic?), allied to red clay. 63 | “ {15 42 {148 44 | 80 OoMiGiobieerinae andesc ke ses mud allied to red : clay. 64 1b oT 48 15, 180) 581|Coarse coral sand, |About 1,3; miles off the bluff on west side of central part of Makatea. 65 |S 6715 57.8143" 18.5) 50) 1363/Coarse coral sand.|5 miles south of Makatea. Small manganese|This is the first of a line of soundings nodules. from Makatea to Tahiti. St. 65 to 72. 66 | * 116 10 |148 26 | 360 O2SS|Voldame mud, WiAIH! «05 poset ne tse gs ganese nodules. Globigerinae. 67 |Sept. 27/16 22 148 40 | 80 OOOPVOLCAIIG MUG, (GIO. «eck we os Me ee oe ws bigerinae. G8 | * 116 be (148.53. 1.79 D024 Coarse VOLCANIC MUCh ls. hee) o0s fay acer we ke ee Globigerinae. 605) oily AO LO. is) OBO Nase fees ees os 20 miles from last station. VO lo. Sle Ol Ag lo. 1.80) . |1585|Fine volcanic mud,}10 miles from last station. yellow brown. Tl i 25.0149 26 7 SL 775 |\Coarse volcanic mud.|44 miles N. 32° H, from Point Venus. Manganese(?) nodule.|6 miles from last station. 72 \Sept. 27/17 26.5)149 32.41 79 867|\Fine voleanic sand.|4 miles N. 54° W. from Point Venus. Coral sand. Globig-|6 miles from last station. evirae. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 5d THROUGH THE PAUMOTU ARCHIPELAGO. Tauitt TO MAKATEA VIA TETIAROA, 3 Position. ener 5 Date. : ae Nature zi 1899. a | of Remarks. £ Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- cae Hukialue wa South. y face.| tom. | & ° t ° \ ° ° 78. \Oct. 5117 27 149582. 1-79 807|Fine volcanic sand.|3.8 miles N. 55° W. from Point Venus. Pteropods. 74, | « 17 98 AAO Bde [VO ec. |e cites Seen 4.8 miles N. 82° W. from Point Venus. Drifted, while trawling, from St. 73 to 74. Mel ee Oe ers ay 29 e180 . |1592/ Volcanic mud mixed|Tetiaroa distant 6 miles. with globigerinae. MakaTEA TO APATAKI VIA NIAU. 5° y ° / ° ° 76 |Oct. 6/15 56.2/147 40 | 80/35 |2269| Light brown voleanic|St. 76 to 81. Line from Makatea to mud and glob. ooze.| Niau. 77 \Oct. 7|16 03 1147 11 |79|86 |1822/Glob. ooze. Volcanic]... .- +--+ +--+ 2 esses eee particles. see “116 08 {146 42 |79|89 | 609/Glob. ooze. About 10 miles off Niau. 79 | 16 10 |146 23 |79| . . | 252|Coral sand and glo-|About # mile off shore, Niau. bigerinae. 80. “1G T1546 25 | 80 491 Pteropod ooze. Glo-|1.75 miles off shore, southwest, of vil- bigerinae. lage, Niau. SI js 1b: 6451146. 20: 1.80 677\Coral sand. Glob.|14 miles from Niau, bearing S. 3° E. ooze. About 10 miles from Kaukura N. 14° W. 89)“ “15 42 1146 20 | 80 675| Pteropod ooze. In triangle Apataki, distant N. 6 miles; Kaukura, S. 60° W., distant 9 miles; Toao, N. 81°, distant about 12 miles. Soci s “115 34 146 26 | 80 bbb) Qube ete cece. 4 mile S. 45° W. from Pakaka en- trance to Apataki. 84 lOct. 8/15 35.8/146 27.5 79 [39.4 | 613|Coral sand. Glob.|Off Apataki Entrance, about 2 miles Broken shells. Pter-| 8. 50° W. opods. 85 | “ 115 34.3/146 28 | 80 520|Coral sand. About 1 mile S. 55° W. of Pakaka Entrance. APATAKI TO TIKEI. fe} t fe} t fe} ° 86 lOct, 8/15 18.3/146 23 | 80|38.8 | 654|Coarse coral sand. |First of a line to Tikei. About 1 mile from northwest corner of Apataki. 87 ee ab lb 4G 20780 1364/Glob. ooze. Few\About 7 miles N. 45° E. off northeast voleanic particles. | point of Apataki. 88 |Oct. 9/14 57 |144 34 | 80 360/Coarse coral sand.|} mile off west shore of Tikei where Pteropod shells. | landed. Noarvuar Pass, FAKARAVA TO TAKUME VIA ANAA AND TAHANEA. ° / Oo Ul ° 89 Oct. 14116 03.5}145 43 | 80 599|Coarse coral sand. |About 1 mile N. 28° W. of north en- trance to Fakarava. First of line of soundings in continuation of Ngaruac Pass. or oO EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. Ay ee ‘Temper- E — Position, atures. x Nature %, 1899. a | of Remarks, 2 ; ‘ e Sg Bottom, e Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- B38 os South. face.| tom. | Ag ° , ° ié ° ° 90 |Oct. 14/16 02 |145 43.5) 80 666/Coarse coral sand.|About 3 miles farther north than last Pteropods, station. 8} miles N. 85° W. from Ngaruae Pass. Ol boas” 4b dil 1-60 602/Coarse coral sand.|About 2 miles due S.W. from south- Pteropod ooze. west Point of Fakarava. 92) * “116 44 {145 35 | 80 839|Coral coated with/% mile farther than Station 91. manganese. 93} “© 116 51 |145 42 | 80|35.7 |1800)/Glob. ooze. 10 miles farther than 92. Line to Anaa at first 40 miles to S.W., then 30 miles to north side of Anaa. 94) *§ “116 57 {145 49 | 79 1531/Fine voleanie mud|10 miles from Station 93. and globigerinae. 95 |Oct. 15/17 09 |146 00 | 78 |36.10/1079|Glob. ooze. Changed course toward Anaa at. this station. eles Seley Aer ah OSs fen a A MOOLEL Ih OtSeCOVETEU | a. pg hy cy tales a ey sl a with manganese. OT ee SOT Di die 4b 579 804\Globig. ooze and|6 miles from Station 96. many very small manganese nodules. GS, ey Ol db a 79 64.2) Pteropod ooze. Man-|Off Anaa, 6 miles from Station 97. ganese nodules on coral sand, Gee ly 99 da OF 179 189) 568/Manganese nodules./About 1,3; miles off northwest: face of Coarse coral sand. | Anaa. 100) * \17 20 |145 31 | 80 225|Coral sand. About $ mile to edge of reef off vil- lage at entrance to lagoon of Anaa. 101) “ {17 16 {145 27 | 80/36 |1110/Pteropod ooze. Fine/About 5 miles N. 50° EK. off Anaa En- coral sand. Man-| trance. This is first of a line. of ganese nodules, soundings across to Tahanea. St. 101 to 106. LOZ SL Ndi 1 1 S2o6" oy Ol Licht yellowish Growl: iss) 6-5 6 ew See globig. ooze. 103) * {17 03 {145 08.5) 82 |35.1 |1733| White glob. ooze. {15 miles from Station 102. 104) * {16 55 |145 03 | 81] . . | 966)White glob. ooze.jAbout 10 miles from Station 108, 4 Few manganese] miles W.S. W. from southwest point of nod. grains. Tahanea. 105) “ |16 53 [145 00 | 80 |38.6 | 654)/Verysmall manganese|About 2 miles W. of southwest point nodules. Coral sand.| of Tahanea. 106 /Oct. 16/16 55 |144 56 | 80 269/Coarse coral sand. |About 4 mile off south shore of Taha- nea and about 3 miles 8. 45° W. of southwest point of Tahanea. 107) "116 24 143759" | 80 467) White coral sand. |1 mile N.W. of northwest Pass to Makemo on angular line to Raroia. LOS |: 6 116 20 11438 55 | 80 856|Pteropod ooze. Fine/4 miles N. of northwest end of Ma- coral sand. Light} kemo. yellow gray glob Few volcanic par- ticles (?). 109; * {16 13 {143 48 | 80 987|Pteropod ooze. Glob./10 miles north of Station 108. Voleanic particles(?). 110) “ = {16 03 {143 32.5] 80 [36.3 |1084 at yellow gray|15 miles north of Station 109. glob. ooze. 111 Oct. 17/15 53 {143 26 |80|35 |1805\Light yellow gray|At next station on line to Raroia glob. ooze. changed direction at Station 111. 112} “* |15 54 1143 06 | 8035.4 )1568)Glob. ooze. Light/20 miles from St. 111. yellow. Manganese. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 57 2 Rie Temper- g ge Position. atures. - natae ai 1899, = of Remarks. # Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- gs Beano Ei outh, West. 'face.| tom. | && ° / ° v ° fe} 118 /Oct. 17/15 55 1142 39 | 80 1503/Glob. ooze. Light|20 miles from St. 112. yellow. Manganese. 114] © “115 56 | 142 29 | 80| 35.7 ]1885|Glob. ooze. Few man-|This is about 5 miles from centre of ganese particles. west coast of Raroia. 115} 115 56.3) 142 29 | 81] 40.2] 508/Coarse coral sand.jAbout 4 mile from the shore at north- Pteropod ooze. west point of Raroia. 116 |Oct. 18]15 53 |142 14 |79|38.7| 572|Coarse coral sand. |About 14 miles off southwest point of Takume. 117| * = {15 54 |142 16 | 79/38 | 563)/Coral sand incrusted| Half way between Takume and Raroia. with manganese. TakuME TO MakeMo viA Rarora AND TAENGA. ° , ° / ° ° 118 |Oct. 18]16 12 | 142 31 | 80|38.2| 630/Coarse coral sand.|About 1 mile off southwest point of Pteropod ooze and| Raroia. manganese particles 119] 116 14 | 142 50 | 80] 35.5 |1516|Glob. ooze. Manga-|Half way between Raroia and Taenga. nese particles. 120} © “116 91 | 143 14 | 80] 36.5] 928/Glob. and pteropod|About 3 miles 8. 67° W., off south- ooze. west face of Taenga. 121 ]Oct. 19116 25 |143 33 |79|86.1]1108/Glob. ooze, a few|About half way to Taenga. pteropods, and man- ganese particles. Makemo To HikvERU VIA TEKOKOTO. ° , ° / ° ° 192 |Oct. 20/16 29 |143 41 |79| 39.7] 540|Coral sand. Ptero-|About 1 mile off north shore of Ma- pod ooze. | kemo. 193 lOct. 25/16 35 |143 31 |80|39 | 603|Coarse coral sand. |About | mile off entrance to Makemo. 1241 * 116 42 {143 10 | 79 . |1921/Glob. ooze. Manga-|11 miles E. by 8S. off east point of nese. Makemo, on line to Tekokoto. 125 Oct. 26/16 51 | 142 57 | 79) 36 |1185)Glob. ooze. Half way between Nihiru and Marutea. 196). 117 OF | 149°49 (791 35.9 |18351Glob: manganese. |. ~~. ~ 3 +--+ += - 30+ ua Ue “117 20 |142 35 |79| .. | 617/Coral sand. About 1 mile west from Tekokoto. 198] * {17 28 | 142 38 | 80] 36.6 |1009/Pteropods and glob.|Half way to Hikueru from ‘Tekokoto. : ooze. 6 miles north of centre of Hikueru atoll. 129 |Oct. 27/17 35 | 142 42 | 80] 43.8] 348|Coral sand and bro-|} of a mile W. of northwest point of ken shells. Hikueru. 130] « «1/17 85 |142 44 | 80]37.8] 798/Coral sand. Ptero-/14 mile west of last station, Same pod ooze. normal. Hrkveru To Hao via Marokau AND RAVAHERE. | Oo} (chew de ° ° 131 |Oct. 28/17 47 | 142 29 | 79 | 35.7 |1372/Glob. ooze. Half way between Hikueru and Maro- au. Loe |e 118 00 | 142 29 | 77 | 35.6 |1620 Glob. ooze. 8 miles west of Marokau. 133] “ = 118 05 | 142 23 | 78) 35.5 742 Pteropod ooze. About 2 miles off north end of Marokau. 134! « «118 06 | 142 24 |79|37.6| 807 Fine coral sand and|3 miles off northwest point of Maro- manganese nodules.| kau. / A or ioe) EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. 3 Po Position, ek ans Nature a 1899. ana as i i Remarks, € Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- | 22 keer cS South, Y face.| tom. Ag fo} ' s ° é °° ° 185 |Oct. 28 79 | 48.1} 278/Fine coral sand.|Half way between heads of pass be- Manganese nod-| tween Marokau and Ravahere. ules. Globigerinae. 136) * “118 08 | 141 49 | 79 | 35.2 |2187|Fine volcanic mud./About 20 miles from last station. Globigerinae. 137 |Oct. 29)18 07 | 141 26 | 78 1713/Globigerinae and few|About 20 miles from last station. manganese particles.| Depth indicates rise or spur. 1388) “ “|18 05 |141 03 |79|42 | 425)Coarse coral sand. |About 4 mile off northwest point of Hao. 139} * 118 08 | 141 04 | 79 | 37.6 | 812)Coral sand. 2 miles W. of northwest face of Hao. Hao to Akt Aki. | ° if ° if ° fe} 140 |Oct. 29/18 27 | 140 21 |77 | 35.1 2042) Light brown voleanic]20 miles from Hao. Stations 140-144, mud with globiger-| line Hao to Aki Aki. inae. 141 |Oct. 30/18 29 | 139 53 |78|35 |1490/Globigerinae. Large) Ridge 25 miles from last station. species. Few man- ganese particles. 142] “ 18 380 | 189 30 | 78 | 35.1 }2103| Fine light brown vol-/20 miles from last station. canic mud, with globigerinae. 143] * 18 34 | 189 19 | 78 | 35.6 |1364) Manganese particles.|5 miles from Aki Aki, 10 miles from Globigerinae. last, station, agit te FCB SOs POO ro 377\Coarse coral sand,|1 mile off southwest end of Aki Aki. broken shells. Axi AKI TO PINAKI viA NUKUTAVAKE. ° ib ° if ° ° 145 |Oct. 30/18 386 |139 14 |78/35 |1725|Coarse coral sand. |5 miles south of Aki Aki. Stations 145-148, line Aki Aki to Nukuta- vake. 146 |Oct. 31/18 56 | 139 05 | 78) 35.1 }2343]/Red clay. Few glo-/20 miles from last station. bigerinae. lay | 19 17 | 188 54178) 305 (1688 Manganese nodules.|6 miles W. of north end of Nukuta- Globigerinae. vake. 148} “ 119 16 | 189 49 | 78 | 38.9] 636)Coral sand. 1 mile off north point of Nukutavake. 149/ “ = 119 283.5) 1388 46 |78}37 | 860/Nothing in cup./3.5 miles northwest of Pinaki, between Hard bottom. it and Nukutavake. Pinakt To Nukuriprrt. | ° , ° 7 ° ° 150 Oct. 31/19 27.5)1388 44 | 79 | 41 486|Coarse coral sand.|1 mile west of Piuaki. St. 150 to 158, Pteropod ooze. line Pinaki to Nukutipipi. 151)“ = 119 27 | 138 47 | 79} 35 |1907/Glob. ooze. Volcanic|5 miles W.S.W. from Pinaki. mud. 152) “ = |19 35 | 189 13 | 78 | 85.1 )2335|/Red clay. Few glo-/25 miles from last station. bigerinae. 153 |Nov. 1/19 45.5) 189 54 | 77 | 35.4 |1494|Globigerinae, small/40 miles from last station. This nodules and parti-| ridge may be a spur of Ahunui, or cles of manganese.} an independent ridge. PRELIMINARY REPORT. 59 = Position ee S Date. : eee: aoe Nature a 1899. acl of Remarks, & Latitude | Longitude |Sur-) Bot- a3 | eet val South, West. jface.| tom. | Ag | ° Yy ° / ° ° | 154 /Nov. 1/19 52 140 16 |77|35 |2284)Red clay. 20 miles from last station. 155| * 120 07 |141.00 |78|35 {2391 eral particles.|40 miles from last station, ed clay. 156 |Nov. 2/20 31 \142 00 |77)85 |2467/Red clay. No or-/60 miles from last station. ganic remains. 157/| «© (90 46.5/142 51 |78|35 |2315/Red clay and num-|About 5 miles southeast from Nuku- ber of globigerinae.| tipipi. 158] «© (99 43 1143 0.5/77/39 | 649|Coral sand. Broken|About 1 mile southeast of Nukutipipi. shells. Pteropods. Nukuripret ro Hereaeretur vid Anu ANURUNGA AND ANU ANURARO. ce} 7 fe} / ° oO 159 |Nov. 2/20 42 {143 03 | 77 736|Coral sand, ptero-|1 mile W.N.W. on course of Nuku- pods, broken shells,| tipipi to Anu Anurunga. manganese particles. 160] * {90 40 |143 09 | 78} 35.5 |1609|Coral sand. Few|Half way to Anu Anurunga. Sound- globigerinae. Man-| ing indicates a low ridge connecting ganese particles. the islands of the Gloucester group. 161) « 120 37 1143 15 |78]39 | 574)Pteropod _ ooze.|1 mile off east side of Anu Anurunga. Coarse coral sand and manganese par- ticles. 162| * (20 87 [143 18 |78|38.5| 659|Coral sand, ptero-|One mile northwest of Anu Anurunga, pods, and broken} on line to Anu Anuraro. shells. 163| « “120 34 |143 23 | 78] 35.2 ]1890|Light gray glob.|Half way to Anu Anuraro from Anu ooze. Small and} Anurunga. large globigerinae. 164) “ 120 29 | 143 29 | 78 | 40.7 | 438|Coral sand. 8 of mile from shore off southeast side of Anu Anuraro. 165| « {20 97 |143 82 |77| 49.5] 406|Coral sand. Ptero-|} mile northwest of Anu Anuraro. pods. Small man-| St. 165 to 168, line Anu Anuraro to ganese nodules. Hereheretue. 166] * «120 15 | 144 00 | 77 | 34.8 |2265|Red clay. Globig-|26 miles from last station. erinae. Manganese. 167|Nov, 3/20 02 | 144 28 | 78 | 34.9 ]2524/Very soft red clay.|3 miles from last station. Continue to Few globigerinae. | find manganese particles and small nodules at nearly every sounding. 168| © 19 54 |144 48 |77/35 |1719/Globigerina ooze. [6 miles from last station. Kast of Hereheretue. 169} « “119 54 | 144 53 |78139.5| 594|Coarse coral sand. {1 mile off the east coast of Hereheretue. HereEnERETUE TO TAHITI VIA MEHETIA. oO A Oo , ce} ce} 170 Nov. 3/19 54 |144 59 |78| 62.1} 189|Coral sand. Manga-|;%; mile from edge of reef on west side nese particles. of Hereheretue. St. 170 to 176, line Hereheretue to Mehetia. 171| « 19 50 1145 03 |78/ 35.3 /1688/Light gray glob.|/5.3 miles northwest of Hereheretue. ooze. Manganese particles. 172| © “19 92 |145 47 177/35 (2322/Red clay with glo-|50 miles from last station. bigerinae. a> Co EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. g ine T - 3 ae Position, aie ia Wikure a 1899, a 5 4 os Remarks. é Latitude | Longitude |Sur-] Bot- | a3 ee & South. y face.| tom. | AE ° ig ° i ° ° 173 |Nov. 4/18 55 | 146 32 |78/34.8 |2440)Red clay. Large|50 miles from last, half way to Mehetia haul of trawl of} from Hereheretue. manganese nodules. 174] © 18 28 |147 11 |79|85 |2087)Twospherical manga- nese nodules, about 15 mm. in diameter jammed cup open. 175 |Nov. 5} 18 03 | 147 48 | 78 |34.8 |12129|Coarse volcanic mud.|14 miles southeast of Mehetia. 176) “ “117 54 | 148 00 | 80|38.1 | 832] Volcanic ha and|14 miles off southeast face of Mehetia. coral sand. Woe Se bY | 148 0381780°|69 142|Volcanic rock and] mile off north shore of Mehetia. coral sand. St. 177-179 Mehetia to Tahiti. 178|} “* 117 46 | 148 23 | 81)34.9 |2111} Volcanic sand. 23 miles from Mehetia. 179) “ “17 35 | 148 48 [80/35 |1755) Volcanic sand. 30 miles from Tahiti. SOCIETY ISLANDS TO TONGATABU, TONGA ARCHIPELAGO VIA LEEWARD SOCIETY ISLANDS, THE COOK GROUP, AND NIUE ISLAND. From Taniti to Lezewarp Society IsLanps. ° / ° ifs ° ° 180 |Nov. 15) 17 80 | 149 41 | 79 |86.7 | 981)Voleanic sand. Pter-|About halfway to Murea from Papeete. opod ooze. 5 miles from the northeast point of Murea., From Arrutakt To Ntuz. ° / ° Tf ° ° 181 |Nov. 22/18 54 | 162 31 | 79 [34.7 |2498|/No sample. Sts. 181-184 referred to H. O. Chart No. 825%, corrected to April, 1896. TSO Nov 25)18 59 | 16d ay | 8083 4 0882 Red clays Glob: “|. v5. 1 5 ee ee se 183 |Noy. 24:19 04 | 167 41 | 8033.9 |2472|)Red clay. Radiol. |... ...........,.... From Nrur to Eva (Tonea). ° EL ° ee fo} ° 184 |Nov. 2620 15 |172 00 |80|34 |3141)Red clay. Radiol. |... . 2... 2.2524 s sane 185 |Nov. 27/21 18 | 178 31]. .| . . (4173) Light brown volcanic|Near 4762 fms. hole, siliceous sponges mud, Radiol. in trawl. Deepest haul of trawl yet made. Lost thermo. 186.) “ )21 18 | 173 51 | 77 |34.15)4540/ Light brownvoleanic]....-..+..+.+- e+e eee. mud, Radiol. VAVAU TO FIJI. fe} / fe} fi ie} ° 187 |Dec. 4/18 47 | 174 15 | 79 682)Pteropods and very|Between Vavau and Letté. peculiar coral sand,|Sts. 185 to 188 referred to B. A. Chart resembles volcanic] No. 2421, corrected to August, 1899. sand, with white crystals of calcite, gray brown. 188 |Dec. 6/18 48 | 175 28 | 79 |36.2 |1381) Volcanic mud, glob. |Beyond Letté to westward. | PRELIMINARY REPORT. 61 3 / ne Temper- E sek Position. atures. @ Netis 4 1899-1900. 2 8 of Remarks. ms Latitude | Longitude | Sur-] Bot- =o ae & South. West. |face.| tom. | Ac In Frist ARCHIPELAGO. ° , ° if ° ° 189 |Dec. 7/18 50 |178 28 | 79| 42.9 | 453/Finecoralsand. Pter- About in centre of passage between opod ooze. Few| Yangas4—Mothe. Southern extension glob. of eastern Fiji plateau. 190) « 18 54 1178 35 179/47 | 324|Coral sand. Colored|Between Namuka and Yangasa. in part by manga-|Sts. 189-193 referred to B. A. Chart nese. No. 2691, corrected to Dec., 1897. 191} « {18 56 | 178 43 | 79|39.3| 600|Pteropod ooze. Frag-/6 miles S. 23° W. from west end of "| ments of pumice.| Namuka. Between Namuka and Fine coral sand,) Marambo. lob. 192| * “18 56 |178 50 | 79/ 42.4) 450 Coral sand, Ptero-/2.7 miles N. 19° W. from Marambo. pods. Manganese,| In centre of triangle Marambo, glob. Kambara, Wangava, about 5 miles distant. 193|Dec. 9/18 56.5/179 16 | 80/37 | 990|Veryfinelight yellow| About 15 miles west of Kambara, on brown coral ooze. | way to Totoya. FIJI THROUGH ELLICE AND GILBERT ISLANDS TO JALUIT MARSHALL ARCHIPELAGO. 194]Dec. 21/12 43 | 179 50 | 85 | 35.6 |1445|Light yellow brown H.O. Chart No. 825%, cor. April, 1895. Longitude glob. ooze. ast. 195 |Dec. 22/10 47 | 179 30 245|Coral sand, rocky. |Tanner machine. 4% mile south, off Nurakita. B. A. Chart No. 18380, 1900. corr. March, 1898. 196 |Jan. 1) 018 |173 54 170|Hard bottom. 2 mile south of village off south side of Apamama. Sts. 196-207 H.O. Chart Tatttade No. 119, corr. May, 1899. North. 197 |Jan. 2] 0 30 |173 35 |83}85 |2221|Light yellowgrayglob On way Apamama-Maiana. About 16 ooze. Struck glo-| miles from northwest end of Apa~ bigerinae of Equat.} mama. Current (obtained before in Paumotus) 19s} « “0 46 1173 09 | 84135.6|1365|Yellow gray glob.{About 9 miles southeast of Maiana. ooze. Very coarse large species. 1991 « «1112 1173 05 |84{ 43.5] 413|/Same coarse large|Halfway to Tarawa from Maiana. Un- glob. oozeas before | known summit. 200} | 1 20 | 178203 95|Broken shells. Coral|About 4 mile from centre of south sand. shore of Tarawa, Tanner sounding machine. QOL Sl 20) alfa. 04 DUO tee eee About 1 mile E. of last station, off south shore of Tarawa. ‘Tanner sounding machine. 902 \Jan. 3/117 |173 09 | 84| 35.3 |1569|Coarse large globig-|About 5 miles S. 12° E. of southeast erinae. Same as| point of Tarawa. Shoal said to ex- before. tend there. Evidently no plateau; may bea ridge, connecting the islands Maiana, Tarawa, and Apaiang. lon) bo EXPEDITION OF THE “ALBATROSS,” 1899-1900. 3 a Temper- E ae Position. atures. cd Nature a 1900. oe ‘Scns Remarks. & Latitude | Longitude |Sur-| Bot- | a3 : St North. q face.| tom. | AE ° ig fe} t fe} ° 203 |Jan. 4) 1 40.5/172 59.5 Olea) ose es About 2 miles from southeast point of Apaiang, between Apaiang and north point of Tarawa, ‘Tanner sounding machine. 904\Jan. 4) 152 173 15 | 84] 34.9 /2156)Light gray glob.j15 miles from Apaiang, on way to ooze. Small spe-| southeast point of Maraki, about cies. half way. O05) |e 04- 173 16.186 481/Coral sand and glo-|About 4 mile off shore off west coast bigerinae. of Maraki, N.W.-by-W. from monu- ment. 206 |Jan. 5] 2 27 1173 09 | 80] 34.8 ]2255|Glob. ooze. - About 26 miles N.W.-by-N. of Maraki. 206) | “| 9 49 |173 01 |83135.8/1461/Glob. ooze. Large|About 16 miles scutheast from centre species. of south shore of Taritari. From Tarirart to JALuit. fo) E ° Fd ° fe) 208 |Jan. 7| 3.57 |172 00 | 83] 34.7 |2486|Light yellow glob./About 60 miles northwest from Tari- ooze, coarse and] tari. St. 208-239 B. A. Chart No. fine. 983, April, 1891. 209 Jan. 8] 425 {171 18 | 83) 34.7 |2505| Lightgray glob. ooze,|About 130 miles northwest from Tari- medium size. tari, about half way to Jaluit. PO Vast “1 454 1170 21 | 83! 34.7 12444) Light grayglob.ooze,!About 60 miles southeast from Jaluit. coarse and medium size. Q11l\Jan. 9] 5 20 |169 43 | 83} 34.8 }2411 aoe yellow drabjAbout 30 miles from Jaluit. glob. ooze. 9121 “| 5 44 {169 45 |82)/385 |1937/Light gray glob.jAbout 5 miles 8. 4 W. from the south ooze. point of Jaluit. THROUGH THE MARSHALL ARCHIPELAGO. oy ° ! ° ° 213 \Jan, 14) 6 34 1169 13 | 83} 35 |2613)Glob. ooze. About 30 miles northwest from Jaluit. 914 \Jan, 15| 7 00 |169 OL |82|85 |2187|\Coarse globigerinae.|..--.-..{..-4++++--. 915] * “| 7 08 |168 56 | 82] 35.9 |1283|Coarse globigerinae. |About 9 miles 8. 30° E. of southeast point of Ailinglab Lab. 216} “ “| 7 29 {168 32 | 82] 36.5 |1068|Coral sand. 6 miles northwest of west point Ai- linglab Lab. Q17| « “| 7 387 |168 27 |82|37 | 906|Coarse globigerinae. Half way to Namu. 918| « “| 7 45 |168 21 | 83} 89.7] 631|Coarse coral sand. |About 2 miles south of south point of Namu. 219 |Jan. 15) 8 02 167 43 | 82) 35 |2179|Glob. mud. About 12 miles west of centre of Namu. 920 Jan. 16] 8 88 |167 387 |82|85 |1897/Glob. mud. About 12 miles southwest of west point of Kwajalong Island. 921 |Jan. 18/11 09 {166 46 | 80) 43.4} 400)Coral sand. } mile io of Southeast pass of Rongelab. 922| * {11 07.5)166 46 | 80] 89 | 827|\Coral sand. 14 oils nol of Southeast pass of Rongelab. 923) * )10 49 |167 15 | 80) 85 |2469)Glob. andlight brown About 35 miles southeast from South- volcanicmud, Redj| east pass of Rongelab. clay (?). 294\Jan. 19/10 30 {167 42 |80|85 |2586\Globigerinae andjAbout 85 miles from last station, light brown volcanic] towards Likieb. mud. Red clay (?) PRELIMINARY REPORT. 63 s Temper- F ee Position. sate ae Natare 4 1900. ge 0 Remarks. < ‘Latitude | Longitude |Sur-} Bot- | a3 Bowe oS North. oF face.| tom. | SS ° y ° / ° ° 995 |Jan. 19/10 15 | 168 06 | 81 | 34.9 |2609/Globigerinae and/About 85 miles from last station, on light brownvoleanic| way to Likieb. mud. Red clay (?) 996 Jan. 20} 9 55 | 168 56 | 80/ 34.9 |2231/Glob. mud. About 8 miles W. S.W. of Kapenor ae West of north point of Li- ieb, 997 Jan. 211 9 48 |169 14 | 81 | 42.6] 468|Coarse coral sand. | mile south of South pass of Likieb. 998) « «| 9 47 |169 14 |81] 86.9] 934\Goarse coral sand. |1}.mile south of South pass of Likieb. 929) « < ae ( |)) OCEAN DEPTHS Compiled from the latest sources !90I. Map I® 66 » 2i 0) 1S gre eae) A 19 18 6 YY ~ a 90 80 & REFERENCE TO COLOURING SEA LEVEL e \ oy B 25° 2) ae CG @> 08) ie | 100 Fathoms Ocean Soundings over 1,000 fathoms are shown by the first two figwres only, thus 5,269 fathoms is represented by 52, the two 16 13 «Ute pa 8 HO ve 1 : i 23 @ 23 22 © Capricorn. 160 West of Greenwich 110 The Edinburgh Geographical Institute Track of “Albatross” shown thus -.. J.G Barthol PLaTE 2. “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. 140° 135° 130° TRACK oF THE ALBATROSS FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MARQUESAS SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. ~*y Erben Bank 9 2267 glob.0z. Edge of Marques © 2183 9706. oz. as 1939 1OD.OZ, : ALBATROSS’ TROPICAL PACIFIC EX, PLATE. 3. 14° 140° 139° " ‘ lar, TRACK or tHE ALBATROSS é mn a 100 THROUGH THE ey? 2 "Coral If | 08 "ig s/ samad one 4g: “f a MARQUESAS ISLAN een | Ogee : SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. SS | ae " @ 2267 ‘Ge on. 2153 Gob.o2zvolc part Fé i ‘ sna Hergest R* Bs Motu, Uhy B 830. ae ob.vol.mud. “35; NUKUHIVA or (3. Haamann 2 MARCHAND J. labor ple f 4 Washington | 200 ~~ % Ua Huka ‘ %,_ o oF 9° 2 Adams 1. ri o,. un? 6 ) ry gx e > ov a me * © Hinde, a6 palguerie HIVA OA orDOMINIGA I. 4 S r re Tehuhaivei Bordelais “ur Traitors B. ior cee a S*Christina. ay San Pedro f. ; Taw ata ae se Aimegy ‘ Magdalena. I. 24.56 iM glob. rad. vole part. Fatu hiva a Y yor & 141° 140° i39° “ALBATROSS” TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. PLATE 4. ze 140° 145° 14° 143° 42° tate 140° a, i We : ws. TRACK or tHE ALBATROSS FROM THE MARQUESAS 10 THE PAU MOTUS, 49°}. SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. Be glob. radiol. i mae wig pe Ee rg eee rena —- 4 ’ | 12° a 13°}-—_—- 13° i. 14° gf Seplt 20 252 a ‘ nel. gf Sept'20 L) Manihi ia Takaroa Qe, | Ey y ‘Ahe,Walerland ‘i (/rakapoto PAUMOTU ARCHIPELAGO | 5° | @Tikei 45 rs = age ° 15° 147° 14.6 145° 4° 143° 142° iat? 140° : PEATESS: _ “ALBATROSS TRoptcat PACIFIC EX. 153° 152° ih* 150° 149° 146° 16° 144° 143° 142° sae 140° 139° 138° 137° 136° 1 | | | fl | a | | | Napuka | | i j | | Takaroa | | | 38 ier ee (a Ses easel sl i | ? UW ~PuKa | | i) | 15° | —— — —— + —-----—. —___ —_ —_. | 3 a a = — — — 45° | | i | | | | | . | 3 Fakaina | ; Angatau. a | dt ___ a 3 tr —— . SS ee re aaa 8 - —— - — — —-— rs — oT Ww | tr Katia (Sacken) 4 — | s 5 | o 120' 928 | | Big 24 akemo pjpp 407 | Borabora gre Care | | nie | | | | | | 9 Rekareka | | | | i ees oo Es ee = Foy a Slip : OL. } 401° | "ies Ue | | ® Tauere —& Tatakoto : H Haraiki ; -Moorea | . hi : 4 | | aa @: Mopelia | i cs Amanuw os 4 mas ST yen ees cee 2.4 i eae i ey os TR Beas hia Gia Marokaa rit ot ea oat 136) > | | 2187 | | 28 Ravencrest ne Pokaan SS : 17 | | Se , ( Sertes j| Reao é 2 | | Bes | | (Clermont-Tonnerre) bed iD N | | 93) k 9 engonengo | NovF4 | | oA | | a ms | ap 2440 7 - we ena ae SS — $$ t | Manuhang Paraoa | | « | | TRACK OF ALBATROSS | IN THE | PAUMOTU ARGHIPELAGO i | AND 109 594 » SOGIETY | { Hereheretue (5Poui/ | SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. =) Wee c ae rh er mel Pont: 5 ae —| aor Fe are & 7 SS Oreste as 5 ae | | | mu-Anurard | | paras enn | | | 165, Ds Ad se ve : | | | | cor-sd.ple. 462 Anu antirun | | H | | ggg ence | | | | | | | | | cor. sd. j | | | | | | | | ae a ae | SE aerate a SUS Sane eee -- re er ey eee a yaa ge nn ee ee eee rae —---— _—-—____—___— - e — = : ESSE Sean PERS a +. By See i i i i i i | eae 152° 151° 150° 149° 148° 147° 146° 145° 144° 143° 142° t41° 140° 139° 138° 437° 136° y e “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. Pate 6. 170° 169° 168° 167° 166° 165° 164.9 163° 162 161° 160° 159° 158° 457° 156°. 155° 154° 153° hee a a eked | | | | | | | | | i | | | | | | | | | i 1 | | | | | | | | | | | ae | — (en Can 2 sae i | TRACK OF ALBATROSS. | | | IN THE | | SOcieTy ISLANDS 70 COOK ARCHIPELAGO | | a | | | | | ‘ i | | | @ .Bellingshausen NIUE. | | 4 SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. Ml ae ee ae. +— ee eee ee eae Saat Sale “s 4 $ ee ae | See ae SEE ee see Semmes 215i | | SOCIETY ISLANDS | | Wort 182267 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | a Ge a er aera ar eer ete anes ee wt ge ae || 17 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Nov? 20 | Pm a eee ae = Sa ae ht Se SS ee ee oS ee ee. aan al ener aera ee eee a, ) ie Pe aire aan oe eer se ea | Palmerston Islands | j H | 1 | | | | | “ist Novi22 [ae Novr23 | 482) an eee a oe ge ees a ¢ 2882 , (es i iy =A eee f+ L 19° Niue or Savage | | reb. : | | } \ | | | Hervey Is. | | | |e | | | Le | | | O | | | | | | | | \ | | j | | | as & Fenua-Iti Mitiero e| Sic ee ie = — ical oer = ; Ecce ee fe ae ee Sree es eee | ee | 20° Pheer Sem Setetemewe eee ee | ee a a |”! aS ene « a sin ig na Atiu ve) Mauki | | | & | | | La | G | | | | | oO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | J : ie oe o | ee a = = = a oa | a ae | RES Ses se 7 [ | = ae a a ee as ar : 169° 168° 167° 166° 165° 164° 163° 162° 161. 160° A 459° ‘lheies 157° 156° i” 154° 153° 452° “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX PLATE 7 177° SUE = ; | Dec.6. ——— y SS ae | | | | I | | | | | | | | 20° ; Se age eT | | TRACK or tHE ALBATROSS FROM MIVETHROUGH THE TONGAS To FIJI SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. | 1497 178° 177° 1260 hy dots 174° _ T Se pen Ee. CE etme” Tere | 228 m | eae Ces 501 | < 352636 492 600 : 635 ‘368 § hette Tose | 641 3019 | 780 bef a j 234 854 608126 oe 512 535 _ F 957 2618 726 diy Mechs Sh Akkumanes e) 308 401 1149 Bank 850 968 ice 2625 609 1095 1302 (667 A] 2360 1815 é ‘570 ky 2503 737 1501 362 2392 a 07g ) Tofua I. 399 | | 1789) JG cnour gy 1520 zs| Kotu rs 2225 See TE a gi a‘ ungua " 866 i L392 | 54g 700 gx iste pe Hakaufisi 4 408 956 | Nov. 26. 91 | a NOMUKA GROUP ” f 560 Wort ' cae 1000 805 “suis HongaTongal. 76 Honga Hapai I. ¢ / pe : 600° uot ‘ 1460 os 1080 990 1000 1002 sere | le ees ee Ce F Nukualofa 2s TONGATABU I TONGATABU GROUP a 737 we i = 2 Nov: 28. Nov.27. p A 4540 4173 . 1003 e WS, J on on | vol.mud.radiol. pee radiol 5 \ EVAL | rcl. ret. w INS bs 331 , #20 i 250 $62 bE ma RN EE 21s NE Re pore a ae : = ° dl 175 174 Niue or Savage I. Nov-25 hee a ee ——| 20° mae or “ALBATROSS’ TROPICAL PACIFIC Ex. PLATE 8. 17° 118° I79° 178° j 4 ole oa a ie ES ceeds ls, ated ee — ee eee poe as, Sede eo TRACK or tue ALBATROSS ao THROUGH THE | ee fa FLJL ISLANDS we Pasar nny ir, a by & ¥s 48 he <9 i - RO OND 25 \ Jf - x ; 179 (876) 18° iano 18° 19° a 129° ; FIJI ISLANDS : 1647 wavuien $3) _ Continuationof Group (1262) to Southward. : Be en ay, 1679 20 vato® % 299) 26] 1915 1655 Onoil a @ 370) ALLA, jaa : ze 2 ar V: . SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS, 8 sin Sher atoa or Turtle Le f | ir i78° 179° 180° er nes a ape cena East Plateau of Fiji\lslands “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. PLATE 9. 176° 178° 180° te2° 2° : | 20 | | | 6 GILBERT I | Arorai | (Hurd )} amare ees TRACK or THE ALBATROSS FROM THE Fire GILBERT ISLANDS me THROUGH THE YO ee al nina ae ig SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. ‘a — a sx, Nanomea (StAugustine 1? ) 6} ——4 : A SEN NN NG cg eee lane eee pie esters S eae -6r \ Grand Coral Dec.27% Niutao ® Tignamany udson 1. oe Nui I. 4 < ( gg or Netherland. L) 4 Vaitupw (Tracy 1) | ‘ | | | Bi _ Nukufetau. (DePeyster 4 ne oe ae ioe Funafuti x 7 %® Nukulailai (Mitehell 1) 2) 2620 40° 4 08. ke weet i AG : wD » Kosciusko Br | © Martha Bk He 2 ‘ Dev.22 193) Nurakita 245 ip er © Rose BEPD. Robbie BE ie BK 2060 eo B* ge », Louise BE dive i287. ; 1046 TPuscaroraB" od sgotph Knol 120 570 po set 12° 604 = Bayonnaise Bk 125 agp 1260 oe » Eagleston Bk 998 SCG, : tee 1920 ig Rotumah 1670 | 158 a CS Fa ae Combe Bank ye glob.oz. ) Dec, 21 sy Rolumah Sh. 4a iat et ee i | oe 4 44° 4° x. Horne I? ey ¥ te HLS. Penguin i I ees 1590 | J 1 ‘i D | ¥ : uo % : ‘ Thikombia | 16° = | 4 176° 178° 180° \ 182° me 95 315 LBATROSS” TROPICAL PaciFic Ex, PLaTe 10. 173° 174° 175° 176° a . | | | | by Jan. 7 TRACK or tur ALBATROSS Makin (Pitt 2) THROUGH THE ? Taritari, Gin ERT ISLANDS (Touching Z) SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS Rae i e | | ic ie 31 CTE anne ae 2° B) Maraki ie) . ( Matthew T.) Apaiang © on hes) (Chartotel) aI run 4. 170 a — re Tarawa ‘\e ( ae Ee a a 95 brash, at Maiana (Halll) & os <§} Kuria ¥ sie “ « Sa Aranuka, (Henderville I.) Bs es Jey, 0°

» de ie 162 | 163 164 165°, 166° 167° 168° 169° 170° 71 12 173° mae 7 ] ee eee ae ee 4 a Po oe 15 io Taongi Smyth or Gaspar Rico Aloll TRACK or tHE ALBATROSS THROUGH THE " MARSHALL ISLANDS Ly , es AND TO PONAPTI,(CAROLINES) SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. M A : 122 . \ Bikar or Dawson Atoll | | S 7 teiniwetok or Brown Atoll B, ot Bikini or Eschholtz Atoll a gerik Atoll e27 corsd. — Taka or Suvarov =, | Ponapi or Puynepet I. (Seniavina 1.) v s S | ° 14 Ailinginae Atoll | Wy it Ailuk or @ i aie S indal & Watts Atoll Wottho or Schanz Atoll ba 10° —— ~—_—__— i sete a a aoe a eee pe ss ae nn 10° Ujelang, Arecifos or Providence Atoll : Ujae or Katharine Atoll ke m “O31: bd ; Q } ne M87 corsd. 9 Fa) Lae Atoll Ge 2205 Lib 1. @ eae = : E E Bi B° 4 ae Ry = a en a en ; Namu or Musquillo A! a | | % I N "= 7 Elmore or Odia Atoll e. : Majuro or Arrowsmith Atoll ¢ ) | | Tal et Sacf Arhno Atoll bee g ). a glob vol, mud. Mokil or Duperrey I. L 4 | y | 3 Pingelap or Macaskill 1? ; =) wo,2, @ Mille or Mulgrave Atoll meet a acon pul ash Bie WA ST * ‘ @ S Knoxl. Keats Bank Namorikor Baring Atoll @ " amorik or Baring oll 4 ionnentenT: ie: g [ 241i Kusaie or Ualan IN DS he ee glob.oz. PLottin’ @ vol,cor: sd. 3 ¥ a dass | glob.oz. Ebon or Boston Atoll | rs { a Se SES Coo SRG enh a ° ahi 6° ° Ro a pee 114° 57° 158° 159° 160° a aaa 162° 163° 164 166 167 168 169 “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. PLATE 12 jae 145 {46° 1472 ge 449° * 450° 151° 152° e ee ieee 155° oe _ts7° LS Te ee aa i. 4618 | | | | Feb 25 1 ee ee ee eet . —— — (meme 71903 2250 | i i | | \ | B15" | | Feb.21 PiLafjae | | | Port S"Luis dApra | | | se00 | TRACK or tue ALBATROSS | | ! e iX Tarofofo Pt | _ Piaiacpi\) 0 \ | FROM STATION 240 WEST OF PONAPI | digas roe 2020 ol: sil. ! ees + THROUGH THE ——| 43 | ' | CAROLINES ro GUAM | | Ei SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. | | | Peers SSN Seg ~~ 12° te "35 | | | | | if | 1 | ig eat ifieares ee ——_ = ee | 10° Oa te i nasicoanp Sabine 40° Grimes I. | Dunkin Rf . | © MeLaughlin Be RD. “ ee NC Ee ee Namonuito [$ | | : : ~ Morileu[S faraulep ,Pikela or Lydia | East Faiw _ F, | = | Namolipiafane If aren Is | | | | | i | | | Pikelot or Coquille £, Gry FeatherB* | Fart Dalhousie | West Faiu > | «: Oraitilipu — | | oe {———__ -———--—— | | | Olimarao ,, | | Los Martires es OO ex. Lamotrek | goers | eaWolda or Ulie I? = | Ssatawal or Tucker I. g eo Uranie “Ifalk or Wilgon I% iis ci : we Reported 1886 S =— RE. a ae © oo ee on ee ae So i Ee = oe Ee ee 2 are ee es, a = 226 eb.13 | ee S corsd. 2533 . & , Paz Bank : : .mud.vol.mud. 475 Sukor Pulusuk*® bean at ee pobre inel olady Elgin BY | : | ig ene ——_} a ee : ze | fics a 6 ® Lanthe Shoal os | | PD. Ss | | © Nile Shdat “, Helene Shoal | iy. Lukunor | ae Mortlock I§ | | WEROE Se | 1 | : ‘il i | | oe } 4 : ae oO ——+ aa ae oe ore | Se Pes Baia | | | i | | | | | i | | | | | | i | | | . | | | | | | | | | : ee eee ea ee . ie oe ~t : cee | | 2 ¥ 4 | | | | egNukuor or Monteverde | | j : : i = nee z Z 144 145 146° 147° 148° 149° . A60° 151° 152° 153° 154° 155 156' 157° “ALBATROSS' TROPICAL PAciFIC EX. PLATE 13. + TEN - AW US Zo PE 145 ny AW 4 > Inaboye saki WS \ NY sie | Overtalls ¥. en — a CKing ee ct na ee ote ia : TRACK or THE ALBATROSS FROM GUAM TO YOKOHAMA. SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS. S ) R777 @ Brsggieon 665 Poo aime sQyEatsizio I. i 846 » Aoga -suna | | Bayonnaise RS | | | Smith I, Volcano 1: r ® Sytph RE 1463 2175 Ponafidir 2558 ! a | Lo ts Wife | 1606 | 3 847 1002 NIN ISLE | p° S | “¢ Parry | +s Hater [1856 | Rosario or Disappointment I. BereveeGraies ‘ | &Peell. ° iy i Coffin I? sper hicadida ia pert 1100 Submarine Volcano nae ® S"Alessandro 253% 1449 Volcano 254 @ Sulphur I. 2662 Ps lane dss | | | i} | 2S? Augustin | i 623 i i 2373 | , | 3895 = Meares Fi! | | | | 2723 | 1 | if 2702 | | * Reef | 2046 | 2093 | > ri 802 2500 1220 © Reef ieee sag Euphrosyne or Sail Rock 2335 1881 = Valetta Rf ° Farallon de Pajaros 1930 a | |, Urracas I. 20°; i 1 20° 20°; T | ee | » Assumption | 2450s Brlomart Re PARA GR | 2133 | i | | gy Agrigan I. 2433 | 1040 | | ied Florence Sh? \ # Pagan I. | 700 | { 2151 } | pAlamagan I. | | 2Gugual a | “LADRON SE | | | Zealandia B® | | Sariguan I, | @ Reef 22UL | | «> AnataxanI. aan Farallon de Medinilla | 1917 | 2299 | 3096 | oo Shoal | 2983 | nent Saipan I? | 2128 | | Oe: Tinian g” ; 2006. | 15° ne 2586 3263 : Aguijanl. ray | 2300 é * ir 2 ap : 1941 L A N D oes 2351* 0 761 ira por vos ? - meEar | 2757 y 4618 q SosonbOY Feb.25. shies ome poe 2673 Spanish L.:: PR; ie 1903 2259 lite 2506 ishuis 4, PtLafjae 7 | , Probe .{from Spanish Charts ) bd PP ig hr. - uam orGuajau I. Pg S461 | os | 2200 woe PEacpi § 135, 9 | Cocoal* ; 3057 | <3 Anson TI, Gatves Bk. ey 349. 7 4560 * 0 | | | “sd. og | Rees SEAN in dried ae ee I, \ 2200 & j 140° Phase ee ae oe ° ° 2 ° ° ° ° ° o ° = c= e o S 2 = a ” + ra s = = T T T T T T T + T t ae VAIHAWAN PLATE 14. oror olka IN iN GRRE. fon eanr ranene “a ean cnn inn os cone thmnns new acan ae oo vee a s2esarce an SOUNDINGS NSN SESE a s Se a ie ae a a eat Shae ot nfo ert eo te eee eet ree mS ear eae o teas ete es Sp ae we suoed osaeenlss HeeeN H Sek Soy 4 So Rag ars aks se eT ary eS ae oe ea ea ere A cogs eee REY nae, | | 7 ce cre mre - Fig. |. a , Ce a eee eet eee eee ee ee 9927 eae ee fT) a . seoteoeeciteeeee 0 ce ee oe teeenenececcenenneeseeseee ste seeees Cy, le ee M ) ss6r - Se aa ene 16E% bj meee nen ses aaran eee e seen senses SECTION FROM SAN FRANCISCO ACROSS MOSER BASIN TO NUKUHIVA ( MARQUESAS Distance 3168 miles Sea Level Saar VINU OATIVO opstourdy ues “| ° ° ° ° ° oS. 3 S ° o ° ° ° i=) red Ze cs cc) + 0 ed = T T T T T T T T T t T r r r 4 ° ° ° ° ° ° o 3 ° ° Ses 3 red = a ” + 0 = = a a a r T T T T r T T t r t r T r £922 eee 66) eer unary adeg Za9 me BRST pranenencenennee soon nn ean nnn enn eee IN FATHOMS, BRET. paerersn seen =oronninnn Miargrig ,e.Sias, Distanee 215 miles SOUNDINGS Sea Level “ALBATROSS” TROPICAL PaciFic Ex. 41000 1500 “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. PLATE 15. } | 5 = g 5 evthr @y 8 ag s 2 S Se Seats SE Boe. ee 8 x 3 Z g ss & 8 s Pa 3S g ae a z + 5 Ste0 58 @ 28 $ g eS 5; 2s 855 ee ie : 5 ee 2 dee Sener Bs 5 x ee : SS Sea Level pits £ Sea Level , rae Sea Level ' Sea Level | H H H : H 4 Hi : A 4 7 a | i i) : H : i | 4199 J100 ' ; 4100 ae : J 100 {100 4100 J t00 Ie Tie ‘ i : i i : i j200 j200 - : vA 200 : < is teoo j200 : H j200 teoo i seas i : ; . > aoe. k 4300 ; 4300 : i < 300 i z a 4300 {300 1300 300 isnp : : ~% 2 = ; 4400 +400 i < j400 sa J ] O's cs a J | | E a ¢ J i 4 _ 35°6 J J 0b. 35°T\ aigh Ss glob Vol, part 4 j & | 4 1500 | 1500 1500 < 35° Z : ce glob 4 1500 4 NN | Spice ‘glob.oz. ee 4 5 : glob. oo) 4 J J z | 2000 {2000 {2000 : ee 35% 2000 A vol.mud. 4 1 Pig. a = : glob. : B5°2 Fig. 2. 35 ol mud | | | | globvol.mud. : J2500 a q eae 46500 SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS, ores : J2500 “ALBATROSS TROPICAL PACIFIC EX. PLaTE 17. Ca eat eee ct * + ey © Bel a5 &§ 8 $8 $ SB ees ee Ss s Sm os A Te ae a 8 + © ro 4 = bl FC 9 ; Level os ; Sea Level a: i i oS =. H i i i i H i i ! i H {reo ee a 100 | 4 His | 1 ' i } ~ corisand 2 eee ae 200 ae } ag Q Pat a a ed He 4300 ; Zi H < ee eee je 1400 I< 400 | x | * \con'sand| 500 ! py 500 < Pty | He: Soe Gena 4 corsand \ S, i" | glob.oz. | [1000 -|1000 4 36° pler- e+ Sie ees cee ee See -- 240 mtles 1500 1500 Bs lo foteaean glob OZ ast 1 J glob.oz. 1 SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS, 2000 2000 4 1500 2000 42500 Pate 18. . © 394 con sand! O mo a, a H pe < p Z Vi oz a pler. YON DSA NV Ry: ‘* ty » SCA B85! pler. con sand glob.oz. ws ou 3& ip Sa a — > LS $9e2 a. a iS cor.san 39°5 AaOLPuUaHauaH i glob.oz. eae ape heer inne er yeerercen ern eee eee ey Gem emery te Pe ncaa rena ae B5°S red clay ecke sa a Fig. 2. 35° Fed clay peinicne Hime: GO MIE op a a eee vol,:mud. ou nel +) 34°8| i — SV Ia aa a W Wie 34°oN vol.sand Sea Level vol. mud, Cay: po volamud. 35° 100 200 0 41000 1500 2000 42500 bd 4100 {200 {300 4400 | 1500 T T T T 3 IMVWNId = 8 aaah eee oy x VRE tenth N 5) Pulls -eG0V 0202 cea os 2 sz Ss o= NX eos Zz 6orr lal PR = 5 i. = a re Sz SS s MOL Eo 8 S 2 = ‘jormrsyeg. 2% ae ae = 699 za Ss Ss — a < I sl 4 2 a oO Pd x H & =) = MUL OL oc w “TRS apy 7202. : fo} a & oO clear aA a = . Nvdve . Sur ede) Ge Sale eee = = s s =. 2.8 o J ° J <7 o wo So an o = aa = wu cy = 0 = ed 2 x cd - ed [7 | ‘ ay 4 PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY . AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have been published of the BuLuntin Vols. I. to AXAXXVII.; of the Mremorrs, Vols. I. to XXIV. Vols. XXXVIIi, XXXIX., and XL. of the BuLuerin, and Vols. XXV., XXVI., and XXVIII. of the Memorrs, are now in course of publication. A price list of the publications of the Museum will be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoilogy, Cambridge, Mass. . See a ir eet en nr Harvard MCZ Libra | TN 3 2044 066 301 201