£ Sample copy free—please subscribe. The West American Scientist. Vol. XII, No, 9. february, 1902. Whole No. rio. THOMAS MEEHAN. “Friend after friend departs, Who hath not lost a friend?” The State Botanist of Pennsylvania and senior editor of Meehan’s Monthly and. was the Isle of ht. There being no ee there his mother taught him to ad and E h meber of the ety of Edinb aoa a account of his or- iginal contributions, one hem bein a r in wh owledge of Latin Ww essent'al requisite. He also Studied Gree he way, and be. e so familiar with French as t to America, and at t _ tered Philadelphia, where for more { hal alf a century he has been ene of the leading minds of the city, rien ard and long oor. reer s the fr jens . the genial meaty st, Dr. Asa Gray, nd spoke of him as ‘one of the kind- suk oF aed cata my friends.” Prof. Meeh has been for some years an aMciaat director of the ebaearh Sos Academy of Natural Science, the lections of which are the third beak on id th his e he would rather be making history that writing it. He was fond cf music and sai “When I wantac ge from science I take my flute and pla e old church t In d I sometimes think tha unes dee when they bury me I would listen with pleasure to espe it they would sing it over ged gra : bets ‘E. ORCUTT. aig aE co NEE Paar aon Ssh HOUSE HOLD PESTS. ‘The Silver — ieee: to the low est order of ins —the Thys is wingless, of vac s worm-like, abou apers, card startched rk ie stored food ubstances. surface of che body is ¢ very meena scales oth. The head carries 2 prominent etcaat and at the tip of the body s. : Deadwood, So. Dak. | iE HOTEL | convenient “place to. and from the ‘mines. : ces in of t Inited States. No. ae ‘Fifth: street. -HAMMA CK, N. Real Estate ae Tne Eovyer Blk. Baverstock ae Adsayets and 322 W. ists nalysts. Los Hngele ig ee iB Mines examined. fg orsughty equipped for 500 tb t tests. ARDEN AND FORE ST: Odd numbers wanted in exchange. ORCUTT, San Diego, Califo ornia. COINS. Wanted—One ro of Paruguay. 5 frs of Helvetia ORCUTT, pin Diego, California. MINES. Mines examined. Conservative report d. are minerals, meteori ites, . gems, pearls, etc. wanted mong properties which have been tt in: di onan Wo Ifra ee Tie oe) . We would be plea se w foabos pn iach & investors, o list g fee ved or ne pachae Hace rties RCUTT n Diego, California. UTTER, GEORGE Silver be sd New fens ‘Purchase your I4t PERIODICALS. AMERICAN ees Binghamto Asa eed bull ae ii 4 6; tii 8-11; 2 4- —§; vVi-vill 1-6 each Bath <9 AMERICAN: ECONOMIST . 23d oo Sade Parke oa Famh Fe HOLOGY: a. A. Worcester, cts year (monthly), “The _aliustrated bird magazine.’ Send Spat ngs pid Ro ul, Pictures of ida. 0) nd BOT ANIC AL GAZ CETTE: BRYOLOGIST; 78 Orange st., Brooklyn, S 2 With the January number the Bry =: gist becomes a bi-m way The feat- ures of the vear will beas s of oe clat nats Mrs. Tlizabeth G. on Of the i ae he Hepes by Mrs. Har certo the hepat’cs by Mr. Barbour; coca tions and ill s:ratic ons of new and ta se mosses; popt lar tl the more difficult genera, as = as nic = cedapes by specialists. S pages r n to receive notes and ok arti- cles Erbil students of the mosses, hepat- ics and lichen sample free : Address Mrsr beet Morrill Smith, klyn, N. Y. CANADIAN, nal eagpeg he oo No. ag Wellington st., London, Ont., an CHRISTIAN pi tsi Beaver Springs, P CONDOR Santa Clara, California. Bi-monthly bulletin of the Cooper or- nithological clu eat reetalee ADVERTISING Published monthly. by Charles Austin Batu Saw York. $2 a year. ENGINEDRING AND "MINI TG JOUR- or Brondway, New Y ‘The best and m get ie ‘thé Ww id. oa segs Se monthly, $1 EL: Seranton, Pa. RM AND FIRESIDE: athens Oh FERN RULLETIN: a es No FLORISTS’ — Ve will give toany college or school, while ptesent supply iRero (and we have ooo duplicate specimens), a c ollection of 100 warieties of shells, minerals, fos- sils, etc.—mostly Californian, nam ed and y with som labels, on the fol- lowing condit —Tha py se hick shall provide a suit- able cabinet stews its permanent preserva- gr and displa That the school shall a for ly year to CALIFORNIA ART & N aa eed — nsportation o on spec imens. Es st ed va of collection is fro. Gal. sees ce with us in creating a greater aiereas in ta study of nature in our schools, ART & NATURE COMPANY, No, 868 Fifteenth street, San Diego, California, CERRO, 222. Se APU © The West PRES ageriabee'? wilt be sent to new subscribers for r for only 25 cents—payable in ca aot Oo} anything of value for our library or useum.,