u Sir 7 Reben 4 | MARTIUS’ FLORA BRASILIENSIS r (DR. EICHLER). UP MÜNGHEN, KARLSSTRASSE 52. HALAHRG LA u 9 a A ur Way or KA v+ f Sfr Gr FE Z ER: nr PZ7ZP 7 %: Ag nf, 73 ed 4, FZZER: 4 SF 10a = da Lo pr a | Gr re dal 9 FI A ah RR 4! yofaa a ch Sieht ge, DR db 2 Yrrch a 9 « r47 er # Bo au fra Alta du Gr hfkus Ken L. Hs. B, z LED, u DE Pang Klang PS U a 1. 7 vr GL Ar 77: 2, DEE WIRT BR tu Alı Me MER DW, Ar 2a WEL a WIÜR Ya aa, pas A WER 4 fa P% WR: dr a cf, ld BT, 1 [Z ,. 4 ER, ZOLL hl HL ‚dü ER EH Il, 1% n- Pe ne VI AZ. 0 a RT a SH, PR 0 R ade Br | dh x“ 8 9 10 Mıssouriı . BOTANICAL copyright reserved : GARDEN dh, VRERE, oe uf 6: EZ 97 SE Ya AS CHU = WEHT (a DE WG fie 7 Mirarglet. 4 Alger 7% uf ul Kr Hau VA ZT, dlaa WÄRE AM I u ZI Be? 7 LE, LEBE BE AH (dl, Yaraid! (Atc a AH BR E NL Ark en 74 art fa J: yauckı Y. Mi KH SIE 4 A ER /t AAO _ U! bar aa DR FRE an uff da ech Fa Kate. GPIU ? KH Ar Soda f 47. LE ya! AM: lt Bach KARLIAÄHG 7, L: Lug GIL: du HL ht ZA 172% 27 EN. U dei ez fr Aa 1 GA UL, a ir 4 fr # ah, =: Huf varlı ZUG ala dh: Afdıaf falın Chan ph Zi a ga HN. WET Ge OX WAR 7 AU AU $, og 7 £ 2 ZU Ga ZAHL, “in | AOL Ar af Day £4 BR N} gaauıl yırdı BL BA FR & Ä LM YA 2 did 7 RE a Ar oe, dr yrada« Ya au Jar he Apr g aa AUGES MPU A. faul ZZ ER % Yin yZ CH, £ EL oA 40T A 8 L % En EEE ug 7 8 93» Mıssour! . BoT copyright reserved . Ga ka Er | da ES pl LA LEG eeralrs des Le ARE Jar ichtac ER 7 Kunkı PS u N 7 FOR FG MER, dl a Hi 2% SCH Ulf, VRR Ge 10er 2248 Va pl 1a, Z, E f 4 ZB; 7, $ 27; 2 LE, / FAR da JH Voh denk 7; 7 VA VAR ML, I ALL MP: ER Ai 7 RL HE “ 4° Z AR Mappen FE, ZH. ; er a Ze $, Me 4 TIJAISR VE yardı ’ A (a, Afılh, A Br El fl « Ei: ef; X A4G u Tula 1 PT. 144 00 / 7 (r Ga | 4 in HD ae Lex Ah: Dh % / ns UCH D, ac / M a4 « yartı | 7 28 MAR, c4 De WIZZ Wa £ Kae fl PL LA U UA nr ff: AH fra nd fer, 1 PH; Yyä ” NE, u fa Ude ladıdar (1 VG 7 fartı Wa de £ 3 77 774 TEEN a WERE Mr_ dar. 'ä ER Ka: a VORTAG: GER za GL fa fr BR 2 DR AU vardı YA af fa I Zh % ftp ML U 9 MıssoUuRı BOTANICAL | copyright reserved . REREIE N v2 Ya Dr uf uf HA“ A: OL v a 227, 5. VRR, KL nellee, Afs 9. ZI? au at MAY acc ade fr Di 7 10/u Ga Puppe ) / BE hf g 2 | 127 LAHM ku 6/7 rfpeig Äh Z ufärı # EL DD: 77 Be GEU RGE Euosumaun P au 9 MIıSSOURI ö BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN Eichler, A. 1869, June ?7th Munich, Germany TRANSLATION Munich, 7th June 1869 Dear Sir, Professor Asa: Gray who has given us the pleasure of his visit for several days, has the kindness to forward this letter to you and to give his recommendation to my request. We have talked about the Flora Brasiliensis and that the late Geheimrat von Martius has left the continuation of this to me and which has been secured by contracts with the Brazilian government. I mentioned to Professor Gray that one of the families which would cause me the greatest difficulties would be Cactaceae and asked him whether he would believe that you, dear Sir, might be willing to take over this family. I was very happy to hear from him that he not only thought this possible, but quite probable and that should I make such a request to you, he would be willing to support me in this. Therefore, I take the liberty to offer this family to you. It will not be very easily possible to help you with much material from Brasil; however, perhaps your previous studies on the cactaceae already gave you sufficient insight with regard to the Brazilian representatives of this family. In any event, should you be willing to undertake this, I shall be willing to send you all the material I can possibly obtain. Since it will take several more years to complete the Flora Brasiliensis, we would not be in a great hurry to receive your work and I should be completely satisfied if this work could be done within 3-4 years. Needless to say, that all expenses arising out of this work will be taken care of by me. Also, should you wish it, I would be willing to make an advance payment to you for this work. Should you not entirely refuse to work on this family for the Flora Brasiliensis, please let me know so that we can make special detailed arrangements. These arrange- ments could be more easily made if you (as Professor Gray gave us hope) would entertain the idea of visiting Munich this summer. I don't have to say how much I should enjoy to make your personal acquaintance at that occasion. The fact that I offer you the cactaceae was because the late Martius mentioned several times that he had this idea; this idea was supported by Professor Braun. In any event, it only seems natural; you won't consider it just empty flattery if I tell you that I am convinced that nobody but you could make this family better and that science will owe you great thanks in case you should take this on. Meeting Professor Gray was meeting a most gracious, knowledgeable man whom I shall always remember. Unfortunately, he intends to leave us already tomorrow; however, MISSOURI R BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN Be I hope that he will follow his plan to return here for a short time. You would oblige me very much by your kind acceptance of my offer. But even if you cannot or do not wish to accept this, I should appreciate receiving a short note from you. Please accept my assurance of my respect and admiration. Your devoted, A. W. Eichler. Dr. Engelmann u 10 Mıssourı . BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN 2 All Sick 2 1247, € wÄrnus ro BRASILIENSIS (DR. EICHLER). EZ Atı 3 £ BG der er". | MÜNCHEN, KARLSSTRASSE 52. As db | Zefhr RN; e. 1 ; on: Se. Z Ara ddlltm | : flat Wa HL GER vide] zfprıluf gauuf feben. q ach Al VHYPSEYS EN ww RG / LE ae du} VL. | | di Ada u kr Laple 4 er ul dis | ud % ber AR > Lespbadı | f 2 Ajaude/ Be ” Pi Yu uf das cihr H# Val u fa Ya: | ZN, ES aut 8 AR Yale a WR, A, = 1,90 1.) 10/0 Vorich Hefıhech 2 DR al Sur BT; YES Se Afın 7 RR e EyA UL da 3 NR w7 Ya. Ale ev ar | FRE { dr ; MÄR ; Ex; Yu Auge ER Dr f - eig 72 | a RS lt 2 haflaı VRR u (III E- U UR Atı . VR. Abe | r Yard! Aacu u h 3 ar ES N: En ne Ann nun. re RUE Ben 3" PERS EEE RE } 2 | nn un m u um Ra vr >g 9 410 Mıssourı ö | BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN m Zr , Tr TE IE 2 os AB ® mpnde re %% ER m dd Auf Yü Be DL) Yayk EEE Be TRY A, nf 0 VIIAT, Gh #0 | a 4 ME RELE 40% ruf: di FAR 1 7 LT VRR AV “ % VA du KB Ve frag a Korassı du Hu ERS, Arsı mr ce Ef, Hella v Ife of ja | DEREN de an Bach uf u Pardaul 7 7 Kr 7 ıY un Aa Inile lvu TUR s a RS +: (lg Alf YE ER x E a - DEE 2 Le ara Yale dya BR RS 1 hf = di fa % ERL Zar Lac. AR? 24 [ei DEE ER en >» 100 o, Äd rurtahu, 9a 0 Ada dA Y % 2, furhuhl dl hype 00 5 IV 2 Gy h Kell RE er ph“ WE MISSOURI EZ N; 5. 67 | i BOTANICAL copyrightreservred . GARDEN el: ng Au, ER =, AN = erde: 7, Le 1 3.92 Au E,% a darf 7 4A feed, ap hl: ER Al aoy fl SH at IRRE: az RS EIER 59a N 5% RAN \ 14 Ki | 7 WR. Mi Ve ln 7 SR j RE 7 . IT ur PER 2 RYn, el Yeiglugf Id 1: Ma dufeı ; Mn Vf The N ka) BALL a fer SS dh Mal] KA HITS? NS Aa Hiel, ug at A IN A, Z VE ni 98 B4 Rd EI Y%4 RE Dr Aura LV | Shediy vd / 1 ee. 27, ‚a06 2 u aa 7 Va IS 000) Pe $ ED PYE yasıla 7 Yu x halt dere uf hal Wi be f 27 TERN un Array Sr ER A u TR 7ER Su Z | 9 10 copyright reserved : zu ———— | pl: ENT 4 TR vage | | TI y% L Ras % ar 2 BE SAD a aus 1% G #7 IS, iR ET >] | dm L 1% % hl ES 7 Fi der 2 ; aau ji Ob, 1 A | ERS ar, 2a | Her ruf 0 BU | MERAN ZI RG N: DW! | feaitta A Te % A Yyehte- K, | i Kafıl yet Mu Je ‘ free / y A 2 „7 SEES pre LhLadd pe I fig uu/ (2 pa IR ann v EL GARDEN | ER S SELMANN PAPERS 10 Mıss OU Ri n | BOTANICAL copyrightreserved -. GıARDEN Eichler, A. W. 1869, . December 30th Munich, Germany TRANSLATION Munich, 30th December 1869 Editor's Office of Martis Flora Brasiliensis (Dr. Eichler) Munich, Karlstr. 52 Dear Sir, You will probably have formed a bad opinion of me as far as my, reliability asa correspondent is concerned, since I let three months go by without answering your kind letter of 5th October. However, please excuse this because of all the work I have to do in connection with the Flora Brasiliensis and also because there was no special reason to write. Although, today there is nothing special I don't want to end the year without doing my duty to you. First, I hope you have returned to St. Louis well and in good health and I wish to express my happiness of being able to make your personal acquaintance this summer and to enter into closer connection with you. Then, please also accept my thanks for your detailed instructions for the collecting and observations of the cacti for my Brasilian correspondents. I have already informed them in great detail (I have also sent a copy to the gentlemen in Berlin); however, I have not yet received a reply, but I know that they will do everything to comply with your wishes. As an incentive I mentioned (and I hope you have nothing against it) that in the event of their extensive support, the names of the botanists will be mentioned adequately on the title of the issue in question. Since one of these correspeondents is Dr. A, Glaziou, director of the Passeio Publico in Rio de Janeiro (under which address any letters which I told him you might wish to write will reach him), a very diligent and pleasant man, unsurpassable as a collector and with some botanical knowledge; the other one is Joaquim Correa de Mello’ (in Campinas, provincia de S. Paulo, Braxil) with whom I have not yet corresponded, who, however, was recommended to me from Paris (by Bureau and Baillon) as one of the most faithful and experienced observers and whom I in turn was recommended with the Flora Brasiliensis by Paris. The connection with the latter might be very valuable since the province of S. Paulo is richer in cacti than Rio; furthermore, Mello retired from his business entirely (he was an apothecary) and can devote all his time to botany; he already has sent to the Paris’ gentlemen many observations and plants. He is also supposed to be a very capable draughtsman. All this will make it worthwhile to contact him. Please, ask for the shipments without postage and pay it yourself in the meantime until we can straighten out our accounts; MıssoUuRı 2 BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN RE MM I did the same when I was in Brasil. I also asked around for other people in Brasil; however, have not found out anything yet. Dr. Peckholt (court apothecary) would be up to your standards, but has too much to do in his business. From Warming in Copenhagen, who has been for a long time in Minas Province and collected and made observations, I shall receive soon whatever he has about cacti in the form of drawings and manuscripts (he did not enclose anything of this family) and I shall send this to you together with what was collected here in the gardens according to your instructions. What is the best and cheapest way of sending material® I hoped to use for the Flora Brasiliensis the Smithsonian Institution and I hope that you received my last shipment through them, but I was told on the occasion of my last shipment that this is not possible in the future for private persons. Perhaps you will succeed in making a different arrangement. In any event, that way was the best since it was the cheapest. Shall I send you the cactaceae out of the Flore Flumensis, also from Marcgrav and Piso and copy the descriptions thereof? I know that that was your wish, but I don't remember exactly, since so many things went through my head since that time, what the exact details of our discussion were. Even though this letter will not reach you before the middle of January, I still shall, according to our beloved custom, send you my best wishes for the New Year. Hoping to hear from you good news and with the assurance of my Sincere respect and admiration, I am your most devoted A. W. Eichler Dr. Engelmann, St. Louis. P.S. Among the Brasilian botanists Dr. Fritz Müller (also a good German) in Itajahy, provincia S. Paulo, might be interested in the cactaceae. I shall write him myself sometime. MISSOURI BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN Graz, botanischer G MARIUS FLORA BRASILIENSIS. | Ye 2 DE: v2 == (PROF. DR. EICHLER). | | IA MY f Y fl! er . 7 WAL Z, 1 Wr Arien lu Gpralaı Nele #7 ES 7 8 9 10 Missouri . BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN p: wi : WX 73 7 A A Br SL Hader A u | ER GE BEE | a | OURI | |——— VER Ba Han au ai) Bea Fe a 7 Ya ect Grau Arceee - RB Zeig! , arefı ker © deu. z (BR DA ls /ayl Did tu UL III: A P Be Adı MLACHA Y% | Hddır ta | BA 24 waffe Uh fi / L. A 7 ; i HL ) 7% LrTı zul aul be_ u Wer Ah, $ 7 tu 7 / RL w ulykı 4 | 7 Kat ER Hufallal Ma $ EP LT dr | | Sr SA REL adhıraei Pe 7 7 3.23 U ud FR Wehen Bed | A AL x A tea ud it [IRA INT Daffadtn s AH 7 PERZR kei 1: 2 A ehe. 7 9 NA RES 7a FRE PRSTIREN A 72 FR; er, | E a ER EEE RER DB 4 BOTANICAL GARDEN | «uf Mad PrssV. 7, au far GR Ks E Be, ME y 3 A fr, äng x | wr, ei au | W; y 092 08 / Yrraca, Yanıdıı ; WE 07 hf e- alt a A af je MT ac. | Ps ch fi AA fl MIT DE. Bi. N1derkeas ; % v2 Aral GL 2 u : Be ‚Aa Yasha Lou ar A ; | uf; _ IR Eu ME e% PAL y 4 Mrfa | , (2 | d Ä e | Ba ER se er Nat = [| RER AS BZ I ER a N ai a 7 8 9 10 MISSOURI . BOTANICAL copyrightreserveed . GaAaRDEN Eichler, A. W. 1872 September 17th £ Graz, Austria TRANSLATION Graz, Botanic Garden Editors! Office 17th September, 1872. of Martius Flora Brasilliensis (Prof. Dr. Eichler) Bar Sir: Your kind letter of 22nd August arrived safely and made me very happy. I had not "given you up" as you assumed, but I did not know what to EBkak of your complete silence. Well, it shall not be my fault if our communication should not be more active. I have written Glaziou not only once, but 4-5 times with regard to your needs. I also received from him his best promises, also repeatedly; and since he usually is true to his words, I cannot quite understand that he did not send you anything. Well, hopefully he will still do so. -- I shall remind him again within the next few days. From my second, formerly very active correspondent, Dr. Peckolt in Rio de Janeiro, nothing more can be expected, it is very unfortunate; he is too much occupied with his big business (Court apothecary and main drug business). --A letter which I wrote to Mr. Correa de Mello (at Campinas in the Province of S. Paulo) with regard to cacti must have been lost, at least I never received a reply; I shall write him again and especially now that I know you began to work seriously on the Brasilian cactaceae I shall take all possible steps to obtain new material. I know that without considerable more material, the work is not very fruitful. I was glad to hear that you were interested in my work on the Loranthaceae. My material for Areceuthobium was rather scarce and here it needs some corrections; also I made this thing at that time to the best of my knowledge. I shall be very grateful for your promised paper on this genus and no doubt shall learn much from it. I am rather surprised that Viscum vaginatum HBK is supposed not to be Areceuthobium; the original specimens in the Berlin herbarium made me reach no different result, consid- ering my knowledge at that time. I shall send future shipments via the Smithsonian Institution --provided that I won't have such difficulties as the last time. I was appalled to hear the bookdealer who gave Dr. Flügel the shipment for you caused you such an expense; however, it has happened and we can't change it any more and that is supposed to comfort you as they say in Turkey when they beheaded the wrong person. Many thanks for your congratulations to my appointment in Graz. I am well and I like it here very much; the country is beautiful, also the people are nice and also the conditions in our institution are very pleasant. I also have married a year ago 456789 0 Mıssourı . BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN Br and am expecting a new member of the family in a short time. By the way, it is possible that I have to change again soon; I was offered Kiel, but we have not yet agreed on the conditions, but the decision must come soon. That the Flora Brasiliensis is progressing satisfactorily you will have learned from Silliman's journal and also from other sources. At the present I am working on the Euphorbiaceae (expusuit Müller Arguv.) a tremendous work; and on the Vernoniaceae, Olacaceae, Araceae, Zygophyllaceae, Callitrich., they are almost ready to be published; Amaranthus, Vochysiaceae, Trigoniaceae, Polygal., and some small groups are almost finished as the authors advised mecor the manuscripts are already here; the work is going on strongly on a good number of other families and so I hope that within a few years the end will be reached. Of course, there are some bad items left on which probably nobody will want to work, as for instance Araliacae, Cucurbitaceae, ete., I also doubt that Reichenbach fil. will ever finish the Orc&hid- acease which he has had in his hands for many years already. However, I shall not lose courage yet. I hope you will let me hear from you soon. For the time being my best regards and the assurance of my sincere respect and admiration, Your devoted A. W. Eichler 10 Mıssourı . i BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN REDACTION Nee Mar 4“ Kiel, den ZA NR 187 /.. VON = MARTIUS' FLORA BRASIL Dr (PROF DR. EICHLER ) DRS WW VIRNG 7 - € Y, r 5 9 / df C , tert Hr kp Alta 1% ER 2 V ; N ; r SER Fyefh 4 C \ / wu. vide Hrrd ea. dcd 2 / da Grup, “A | luck A ya u / IR 3 ML u ER 4 l val Mr 78 | A ne JR Y% Het Zi Ar, Y 7, Jeik. L Ara’ Jar augfgp! a6 67, ZI IB he fl nal 46 ba AAN we: L L Jg yıacı TECA Z N ck ed u, EM RAR Val. A RR RE Bar WII, 7 0 Pe e f s MCH (ia DI %% > Ya: fl: zu, ade WERE RE Vf R f be A i h : A BRIEF y' ® A @ 4 10 7 Uargufe gie 2 Ja Uf : V, x DL, DAS, L Ale 4 dv A Zu f In dh dt 4 % & Y A { % { f HA . 7 7 /L D er Yı X d © 4 Krcc alt YA TR ae is » PT / A nfı 7 Er NN SA, Ai RE 2 in / 2 Y AEG eben N } E M ” p (1 FAR, f; TE \ % REN [ AR f NT, a TUN: al 4 fe /f: x r , 22 UA % An A Pur a Vai DD put, EART, ni 2 wo if ef- / i [: = DE a i zur, A: 5 oe .7 8 var: 10 Mıssourı R BOTANICAL | copyright reserved : GARDEN 4 larflın RL (DH 2 LE, au di yay eprofes RALF letr Wu DIN, IB Y DB on fh, 1, f f. ’94 Z) PRRN: ER fr. if Ad Arı yauer. y5 1ER 29 | fh DpP: N fi Dh SM Ad: V4 74. Y /; ee | bh Nrıcı $ f L. 7 BR 4y: Yu N Lie Zr Il EAU Gıardı [ArSSH® dr erg &E he et AR s 20 Una 9 uf Yan 7 73 fi, Aaır FR: auf | f aff! ‘ u ) 27% ia, U, f RL PB auf, iu / h; PR 7 0 Y, Page ud Ni) f ai S,; Urufe delt AG , Zi araayıh, N af fer, 4 Br Mh A Z e/ Acc ' j% / | 52 BL 4 y /t: freu auf ı rl A Fe 2 hu War fh uf uf VRR U 54 Hra re TRZEL En 17 Yradır wurd! Wfl Bi FH g 7; 7 Kr Mıfna! fü fdeylen, ERIR af Ph; fr, A Aaff fe KARe RL SP Eufay Va u v drriiy Ya du ‚wad pıru MS. 78 9 10 RE BOTANICAL copyright reserved GARDEN YA lıı %W £1 VDE X vu 7 VA ISA V/ Hau fer Kay, t/hatt‘ WEN anralı Mey N ja Y DR Ar UA (A hr ZU terauıeet) 497 B4 d / JA: dy / / % vn PR Ai PR: Y All, yapp EN TRRELEG er Älßttı FA Pyh, n/eer = (? ER CH % EL, 72 W; 1,7 An: #4 lg TB Mrd. VAR AN a ZZ AR GE bio ap Ar 4 Hi yafehı: I, MR PR Ba 1 faul Hi DR WIR, el fh ul /Y Me Y GB wall A /uuen/ GP / VAR es 7 Sy CayA f (/ fa Dr uf In dY NR 7 lad y Te 714 Y/ «cuc Dh H (d Marder] /nY DÜRBCRF 7 las 4 LA Ira U: | Abe VlG fer PÄIRU fß. N a d(«f CC Why » ER fg Yrd RAR ne 2 vd KAG A DE NS ee vf fü Pauli, 3 Ze Ah, ZA Fe Y fr BR U {Ir / VIEL 727 AR Huiens[ del, 7 2 spllann dy Hafen Dres Pr elları Elcen 4 A L Mrd! Lt A /,f WAR IK Ir At e fl va 4 iz ai Ar MIıSSOURI BOTANICAL 10 copyright reserved EL er he DATE, N M/W; U J ß f un, A 4 BER ZZ j u Al, 2 ” RER YI 4A | ty Y di , an en 0 ZN, LÖHG bt / AN arg 7 6 je / Ä A daud mautds v, SIR a ‚Ay N lt di 72 A Par A y/ (6 7 ee £ 8 etc Er | ua ns Air; Y | Te ES Aa / vr “ /{ı € HR hau! A / a m pi # IH Va f Ware. RR A 35 uR BOTAWICAL CARDEN GEORGE EmgEL mann PAPERS 9 10 MıssouRril | - | BOTANICAL copyrightreservred - GaARDEN Eichler, A. W. 1875, February 16th Kiel, Germany TRANSLATION Editor's Office Kiel, 16th February 1875 of Martius Flora Brasiliensis (Prof. Dr. Eichler) Dear Doctor: I have not written you again for such a long time to ask you whether you are well, which I sincerely hope. The same I would wish concerning the cactaceae. I don't know whether you received anything from Brazil, not even if you have received anything at all; should that be the case, I am sorry to admit that 3 don't know what else to do. I have written to all my correspondents, sent them instructions, repeatedly reminded them of the urgency of the matter, also made some promises and even if not all the letters reached them, certainly some must have gone through. Please let me know about this. Under all the circumstances I should like you to take notice that we have only three short years for the Flora Brasiliensis. Are you in the position and willing to work on the cactaceae with the material you already have within the above mentioned time limit? This should make me very happy. If not, well, I have to be satisfied and will put the cactaceae together with the other families which will not be done in the Flora Brasiliensis. At the time when we discussed this matter personally, I believed it would be easier to obtain more material. At that time I-was more optimistic; however, I don't worry so much any more if things go wrong with the Flora Brasiliensis. It will be fragmentary and whether it lacks one or more families doesn't much matter. However, I should like it very much if the cactaceae could be included. Warming intended to send you the Copenhagen material himself. Did this happen? I forgot to ask him, but can still do it. My last letter to you I wrote still from Graz. Well, this one is from Kiel where I have been since Easter 1873 and director of a disgusting botanical garden (Hegelmaier who has been transferred here is still in Tübingen). I accepted the appointment because they made the most beautiful promises for a new botanical garden and institute. The land has been bought and plans have been made, but the actual building is a long way away. So I have to make out with scandalous trashy rubbish which I took over from my predecessor Nolte (who died several days ago, 84 years old). I am doing whatever I can to create decent conditions, but it is slow going, slow because the money grants from Berlin are coming in slow. Most 3... AN. B. 6.7 8 9 10 Mıssour! i BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN Me of it I have to go begging for. I take the liberty to appear before you too as a beggar. For the collection which we started a year ago, the North American things, for instance conifer cones, Juglandaceae etc. would.be very desirable. Could you send us some of these? I should be very grateful and as the biggest reward I can give you is to mention your name and contributions in the yearly Chronicle of our university, if not in golden letters, but with words of highest praise. If this is not an incentive, you, which I hardly expect, let your heart speak and have pity for us; our misery is so great that even a stone would feel pity. Anything you could send us will be welcome; if one has nothing, everything one can get is valuable. Last month I took up my long studies on the flower construction of the phanerogams and it became a book with the title "Blüthendiagramme'' of which the first part was recently published. Under separate cover I have the pleasure of sending you the work; also the second part should follow soon. May it meet with your approval. Now, dear doctor, fare well and make me happy soon by letting me hear from you again. With sincere respect and best regards, Your devoted A. W. Eichler % 3... 94V 6.7 10 MIıSSsOURI a BOTANICAL copyrightreserved . GaRDENn wg m ..- 3, 3, 1 = see = a, | | 3 ap: 24 Kiel, den ZI LE 187 £. b MARNIS FLORA Dun IENSIS, { 2° or IR, N; ‚ER 2 RE Zen de u Ad (7 r Me RE ah. RE 2070 BL W54} 2 fly i % la. BER 1,4 ul Sf i - FE, df: x u | x 3 BILL: IR Arau wo 5 6 A ai € uch L B | v2 EN % Gh Äh EN dv / Al ade | PLÄL IR % DR Part W ZB > Be Far2 DB Ad DR j | MH A pad he, SF | 4 5 a WRTR Yard ı yR Y Gf 4 if. IT, ER wer Ad fe Zuge aD a Ach, VA fr IR Van‘ [HR TR uf A (it af 1 p fg‘ Yu Aa) Y | ı Das fer NVA, v4 YE? uw, DE Y, vagf , Fi: WE he 7 T, | 2 Y puV 4 y A 7 7A | DAL: vard fe AL 10 MIıSsoUuRI BOTANICAL | copyright reserved . GARDEN Gef, . HR HL, ach Yaclh, | Gar $ In Hi 2 DB ZURLL IE Mi AL 3054 AAIAUAA da) di Mau 9 1. ul / (ie pifla AN #8 Yaflı lu FEED 4 % f VAFE A ua eh hie Yu rt pr 1u und ; 6 ef uf BRD | 7} uf Zn We 4 | An RE "ap pfet fr „> Ir ru rd PL , da tcdu /, fe WG pe Ft dia ), = 4 4 ld HU Se USA age v In LA A IL, fu 4 / T, EEAFHLE Eh lt u 2, 4 A Yıcdı Z LH, My. Pfr: Bi lau 77 % 10 MIıSSsoUuRI . BOTANICAL copyright reserved . GARDEN N % ae dı Fach fd Hacdı uf 4 WAL: 7) ide si MLRE, ER eyurırt Ward. fe m Al RL Mar Jayaı £ „f SL h aupslkufl & FELL ch NER, TR, Y VL Ant 2: ;£ KR eh ed 3 L DIL v0 Bu 7 yarıkı WZ Van A Me en VE, bh Pa U VL ER Vu HF wz (] B/ {(# 1 Ge 7 ARE Mr, di Ge ‚ ya 7 Aa fa (a Lv. U dla 2 A u 2 l fj sche Et RT Coca Kayı Ind, EL. DR TEN 3; Feni, Lt (ud lu E 4 5 dt fr. Mg, dr Aunteuz VAR 74 ZA, WR larf fi ER, me (a «u VIELRR dA ; ER UA 0 f 8 | 9 10 ur copyrightreserved . ap MIGAT DEN EB; „SFR, VAR au Ara pachug 1 OR I Kıfe Arail & DR Gi he | , Sy E [% ru Ph Zu N I AR b9 MH far | Pay 4 ih GAR, dh: ud Au Apr f [- In f L Le Geil ZA BIZZa £ fd / uf "Eee PRO Y 7 ehe Fer Perez „IE le G MIıSSOURI BOTANICAL | copyright reserved . GARDEN Eichler, A. W, 1876, July 25t Kiel, Germany s Be : TRANSLATION Editor's office Kiel, 25th July 1876. of Martius Flora Brasiliensis (Prof,Dr, Eichler) Dear Mr. Engelmann, Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 5th of this month and for the brochure. I read this immediately with the greatest interest and especially profited much from the Agaves for the Diagramme, It is a pity that I din't know about this earlier;3 only Quercus can still be used since the second part will probably put to print not before November of this year, I won't include the cactaceae if you don't send me your work. I did not haga°agn hand and could say so little about the little which I have that the whole world knows already. I was not able to do a complete diagram on hardly anything, the history was too mixed up for me, You are in a happier position in this regard, but I don't hardly dare to ask for your help, you will probably need your time for better things. However, should you think differently and would have the great kindness to fill the gap, I should be very happe and obliged to you, Then, the simplest way to do this would be if you would write the pertinent part in such a way that it could ge to the printer right away; of course, it would be in the book under your name, As I should like to see the matter in general, you can see from the first part, however, it could be more detailed, Only with regard to the figures we have to be more sparingly and only show what is absolutely necessary in order to understand the wsx matter, Since I, as I mentioned above, wish to start:the printing in November of this year, I should like your work, if y@u intend to send me anything at all, by this time, Please accept my thanks in advance for the pröomised fruit. You do a great service for our still very poor institute,. The new buildings which were promised to us, but werenever even started, will have to be built soon since I just received an expert's opinion that the old buildings wont survive the coming winter and it won't be possible to undertake any thorough repair. One of them has already partly collapsed, The Brasilian emperor and empress have arrived in London, according to newspaper reports and intend also tw come to Germany. I don't know yet whether I want to get an introduction as I did the last time; the short presentation is not worth the trouble and expense of the trip and the counle will hardly come to Kiel, You-have-probabiy-heard-about_Braun's excellent-anniversary-celebration-and will-be glad that -Bfaun-received such rich and full recognition at "that time, Hofmeister-is, 5 6.7 8 9 10 a . BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN Rn not worth the-trouble-and-expenseof the=trip ana”the Touple-wiiihardty-come to..kiets You have probably heard about Braun's excellent anniversary celebration and will be glad that Braun received such rich and full recognition at that time. Hofmeister is supposed to have suffered a stroke and possibly will not be able to work again; of his handbook only the anatomy of higher plants, which DeBary worked on, will be published (already in this year) and then the matter will be given up entirely. If this can happen to such a work, I don't have to be too unhappy if the Flora Brasiliensis comes to a standstill; now we have only two years left to live and not only the cactaceae, but a number of other families will remain undone. Among those, the Orchidaceae which Reichenbach fil. had in his hands for 20 years and now gives up in an unfriendly manner after getting all the cream off for his other works on orchids. That is all I have to say at this time and remain with best wishes and the assurance of my sincerest respect, Your devoted A. W. Eichler 10 Mıssourı . BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN [4 = BB, Berlin, W. Potsdamer-Str. 754 Botanischer-Garten. 2Za I Aleba fr NEN i x | P /. BILL, du WL h Gerda N, lag 6 Uayı IR, a e Aulı a KR A, mu, Ye, ie u fahr ur Ex Sy he Kr a\ VRR hol 4 Haar / kuları ME he fly fwlıro Havco far - ; | v Urutl al, | & Bo PH 6 ET. = Ä UM, / Ucf fall m KR RA se 2 . yan. TATRA Men er IH Naar. Pn Alr- us Sara Bi 4 | N J Rd en a BE AR Y ar, ; ER, # 2 % Di BES Y U SE A MEY, ii du _ 2 7A Ba, 5. PD Nr JE a a. / DR 97 u us Ma I e H,, I RER EEE ER | AN ht Add EU: B N ur di [Taf ba Muhr Mh/Maears Alf Pi: ZZR SI HR? def Pat, Yu dı Vul NER ul, Me (AAO Huhsı Ä IR Ui dd h Hufen Al) tal, «u MY Auf Ka N Ar Altul fi KH D7 f 3 } hp! CAR | PH 2 VRR di! “A MIR 7/7 if Irfau. | X ““ 4 Ae Pa KEN, 1 DE ch, 10 ut fee a1 Ad, IR BT RD Wal du Al I Au, |) ey! fill Mile A vu Yln | IN dar En Pan a DR He, LAT Ihn A pe: | HNE, EEE % f% f dv ( Jr be Wi ER 6; Ya Mob WirÄ 5 NL 0 A b Wa | Ali f, RT 7 Pa ER = t- ZZ a, | 7 | Al Ir Au I. Int ana, He Be pls H AH WE Mrd Ar Pu 1. AL 17 DIE AR hi, Hau, f Er tft! Up Vagph ydı S Aal an Hy tt Me U eK ee 9 DO ANA / = A dh hr? Adi 6 pp up Mr / u y” Aryıdhzu MISSoURt BOTANICAL GARDEN GEORGE ENGELMANN 'PAPERS e a M Ni Ayya enbg Fi Merand dal Ara ne 4 LER Unıen AB Er es: EL dr I N EEE EN EN EN EEE gg" "ERBE 9 10 MISSOURI . ; BOTANICAL copyrightreserved — GaARDEN Eichler, A. W. 1879, July 27th Berlin, Germany TRANSLATION Berlin W Potsdamerstr. 75 a Botanical Garden 27th July 1879. Dear Sir, I am in a similar position as you are; because of too much work the necessary things remain undone. To add to all this, I have eye trouble and lost much time because of this; during April and May, I even had to sit in complete dark room and go through a very uncomfortable sweating cure, and all without the success hoped for. That is the reason why I only now reply to your kind letter of Slst March which was received here just a few days before all this trouble started. I also have teradmit that I wanted to wait for the arrival of the shipment of the botanical objects which you announced previously before answering your letter which I had to have read to me, since I was not able to read it myself. Now, since u ne is better, I am appalled to see that you asked me by which way I wanted/to send it and that you probably are very angry for not having received an answer. Please forgive me and take into consideration the conditions here. I hope that this will never happen again. The best way for you to send me these things would be through the German Consulate in St. Louis; please send them to the address which appears at the top of this letter; the herbarium is not there, but still Braun's collection (it is the residence of the director). I am looking forward to receiving the announced items, especially the conifer fruits. Several weeks ago we unveiled the Braun monument in the Botanical Garden and I shall send you a photograph of the monument soon which is presently being made. It is a very beautiful and true picture of our Garden. The last of the botanical museum buildings is also nearing completion; the question of the herbarium raises few problems, but the museum more than ever, since it consists of six large halls, two of which have built-in galleries and the objects we have to exhibit won't even fill one of the halls. There, you see how much I need help and repeat my request that you will oblige me too. Everything you send we can use. With regard to the interior arrangements of the museum, I shall go to Kew for a few weeks to make my studies there. Did you receive the second part of my "Blüthendiagramme"? If not, I shall MIıSSOURI . i BOTANICAL copyrightreserved — GaAaRDEN Be be pleased to send it to you. Unfortunately, I cannot show any new works; two or three small things some times. Again, please excuse the long‘delay in my writing to you, fare well and be sure of my sincere respect, Your devoted A. W. Eichler P.S. The Flora Brasiliensis has reached a stand-still at the moment because of lack of funds; however, I have well founded hopes that Brazil will grant more and then I shall begin again immediately. The above AWE 10 MISSOURI . BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN # ZZ neue = BT er = = Könıcı. BoTAnıscHER GARTEN. | Berlin, W. PT Fr Potsdamer Strasse da. — an | N Va/ıff aadı A. Ar Ada = Hu, Hi WI. 10 KerehHape Ar Av v0. 4 4 wofiLh } a Y ucu dr Klhfaı A I: 1 darf füge fa wrrcde 0) Re} hans /y AG Yctı Ya Aufı sg | Veh u Aafıre Inutnhiterre m UN, ALU Al MU sale zu and, Pr 1 auf Au A yü VA / HE Ya 75 La a ft uhuhd, fr AA eh A. Hp’ fra Mia, Mak + “6; dl 4 AR Hr 0 HÜo1 Ankpe GE auf Ava der IM. rd‘ agfoa (4 MıssouRı BOTANICAL copyright reserved . CARDEN Maft ? vu ER, 0% UL N (u Garfh fir % 7 Zee Fo 27, FILE AM At fi lu ? Be’; | Yo zu (if; Hut € Eye ZN Ah 0 Di Yalö = Aral SA/ke, orUuf 40 a? nen IAyAu hrs Hour » hat er = Es dpihtes, yednenı du] Kuda, - uf Un Ai ee WE Yin HM yınd MER, as, HF 2 ee artul Ju 3 fh ihr. er, dung, 7 £ IR TG Al? urtcd. adıar king /mudıy 4 if Gain ; KU gu I BER Ur acucıs , Ai Wirfeası [1 alu Kallıı va dal pr W POLE on (hr 6. Alan RT Ph [HL He Mk: Digpuil ne / N, A mil duu 79 BE Y 7a // Mıssourı ö BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN N, ' 7 ur: ip He Le | % A 17 dr (19 IM Has Z ld atÄ iJ 36 TER, RB fayı Yo Ma phı /[kı in; er Ta Aa Il Ya N / lich Y: hf ad Hau LE Vi (1 far 7 veflfr t Y ‚di ei a Bra MÜf Mf Mrfı 1: ORTE I Aur )y Dan IRA MM Y adf ZA 74/ pelau N, ea 4er, ir A U 77 AuÄRı | Vl del a 4 nlagfaids L Lg lag (7 Pt TATARRG Mr Yırucae, de, Ka fl If W ZEN U RR ya p WE "au BELA prall eh Kr: u) 10 MIıSSOUR'I BOTANICAL copyright reserved GARDEN Ar Alu ul! Art 5 (2 uud 7 Wahfhr Sara ar f RER, Arad N Aula u Wal Die, x Vor UPRLE il A = AR; RER A io BI: A Lt Bi: / Ar, 23 a Mk Graf TPLURTE | 11’ pe) elf: PTPZEAR Ü: Er ; en Ua 1? 7 RR nahe In az Yıldı WARME yA Aria (rung fragpı 3 ( HH, hal R ip Ale Area 40 BP ai fl PR Autfe 7 j ik al! ir, a0/ FE )p vb, A (4 UA ( An he Hape -—. 7: (ul ph 4 Aha iu rd Ti 6 end Pins Anfh cl pas al a GT U HA 7ı Side, le RG H 7 Ah, 7, VL De FDIE u nn u gu 0 1.2 3: 4:5 6 7 8 9 10 a A BOT ÄNICAE cm S copyrightreserved . GaARDEN Eichler, A. W. 1880, March 30th Berlin, Germany TRANSLATION Royal Botanic Garden ngN Berlin, W. che an Potsdamerstr. 75 a gr BT ann pnF 30th March 1880 Napst enekt Dear Doctor, The shipment you announced in your kind letter of 16th November of last year was sent to me through our Foreign Office and I thank you very much for this beautiful contribution to our collection. To this, I add my private thanks for the beautiful work you sent to me personally about the plants of Nevada, Utah, etc.; this same work was sent to me by one of our offices in Washington (I don't remember which one) and I shall give your copy to the''Royal Botanical Museum"--that is now our official name. Now you have to let me know what I can do to reciprocate for your kindness. We have lots of duplicates, especially cryptogams and now, under the new conditions, it will be possible to distribute them regularly.---The move to the new building was just finished, but it will still take some time to have everything in order, the mess in the old stables was just too terrible. Hopefully, we left the worms behind. You have probably received the second part of my Diagramıa long time ago and I ask your opinion. I enclose herewith a few small things for the new part; I was not able to do anything but a few small things because of the condition of my eyes and the work my position brings with it. In spite of everything, I was recently elected a new member of the Academey of Sciences; Pringsheim was the one who proposed my name. I intend to devote the next years to a '"Comparative morphology of the phanerogams" for which I find many preparatory works in Braun's estate which the Academy bought for our botanical museum. It is really amazing what the man observed and studied and in which form he did it; compared to him one feels like a rank amateur.-- Apart from this work, the work in the botanical museum has to be continued and in this connection I take the liberty of remindyou of the conifer cones which you once mentioned, and also hope that you will continue your kindness to the whole institution. I was very sorry to see from your last letters that you suffered such a sad fate during the last years and ask you to accept my sincere sympathy, especially for the death of your wife. Fare well and be assured of my admiration, Your devoted A. W. Eichler 9 10 MıssouRr1 - BOTANICAL copyright reserved : GARDEN BA nn — ES ee ern Me Berlin, W. 7 VB rıflß Atı Inılaı ; hard fa vll Fach ı (nf half | u, v, AHA t hıo, valf I, N 70 Un pri Wii /tı Wi = ZB Kh, £, I Ze Ih abi pP} ih Bf /Imutar 1977 ud a 197 tar In In Kal Yan: den dl 4 U Ar A: He kn U a ur: ul Nu AM“ V of: far fa ge x geh 4 Melle 2 Au a H dh in RR 1 ı A hr kn l, VALEAT Jet 7% (dk, au Erz = Yr Jı y “£ fez h, af Mi elf v 07 V / 7 8 9 10 ae BOTANICAL copyrightreserved -— GaAaRDEN U; hf uf AR Vs IT Flak yard ua, Arf Mn jan Hdahı Au UM = 7, AI Aıls Full! IN Bi; v de RR TR, days hihe, bh nd) ua 1 FH PRUK: Sufıfpe (elta, a: =; Mf; ul frit (Au Er WW, H KA] u, f WE, I fin eh / f N A NG ah nf hit] ; Veh I; ; 447 d{oatu Ok, ı iv aufs Dad uifl d. kyı fu, All VIRRL au BR 4 BL fh uf AALIIO Mil N U Ar / a/, Arm ka uf Au 4 dl LEE 2 Kor Dh- dh 44 7 ef mM all an KAG Alpdas b, Yndlı Hıa fi ] BR y HAUR % cd paid 5; a Ir Khıd An - 2 1. ß ll, | AMleotu du Ih Ayık Ar ul 12 Ya A (tu sttitarn Add u tuy Au- „Aus Een Pi fh ty A Fi "Ar u Ä 4 Mi 4 WAR uf &: 7 huflrehır Pradi AL , Panel Pi. dan del dıeı lg, | Alte, gg Reh yh, | Ä 4 A Ur L MISSOURI BOTANICAL copyrightreserved : GaAaRDEN 7 m ; „ pi 17 N, : {0 ‚an! Bi; Ih MM pr KA; neo PAft- bif A geld At Alf An Pd IF \ SR Al, RO: & ru 7 B | ki A If au 5 Feff ud ra | Al dr (7 Au I Wi; N (Ur JADAL VB GG Ä des 177, ruf Jr a 2 Ah Ri, 21} EN | MissoUR! BOTANICAL GARD CEande ENGELMANN PAPERS Vy, ükle RE BE RE N 1) 9 10 Mıssourı : BOTANICAL _ copyright reserved . EERRE Eichler, A. W. 1882, February 28th Berlin, Germany TRANSLATION Royal Botanical Museum Berlin W., 28th February 1882 Dear Doctor, You will have received the two papers on conifers which I took the liberty of sending to you recently. Since you were always especially interested in coniferous trees, I can assume that my works will not be without interest to you; I almost believe that you will agree with my opinion, which, as I think made the matter clear. Now I have a big favour to ask of you. Since I wish that these papers become well known also over there, and since it was impossible for me to send more than a few reprints to some correspondents, I should ask you very much that perhaps you translate the first paper into English. I am turning to you because in my opinion you are the only really qualified man to do this; however, should there be any reason why you can't do it, please disregard my request. I don't want you to think that I want to impose on you for personal reasons, but I am doing it for the matter itself. Should you be willing to make this translation, then we could include as the main matter of the second part the work about the monstrosities of the fir cones. A long time has passed since I have heard from you. I hope you are in good health. Our new Botanical Yearbook will probably have reached you by now. The museum described and illustrated therein is developing very well. Also the garden will make progress since the old professor Fouch&(?) hass passed on and a younger, more efficient and willing man, the former University gardener took his position. Wouldn'’t you enjoy contributing to the new Yearbook of which the second volume is now in preparation? I should consider this a great favour which you would do to the institution and to me personally. With all my best wishes and the assurance of my great devotion, Yours sincerely, A. W. Eichler MIıSSOURI ® BOTANICAL copyrightreserved — GaAaRDEN dm 30 | Könıct. Boranı SCHEs Museum. Berlin. W BR Wilmersdorfer Weg 4-6. WIR Inperpte fan Goıdı, a 7 Kl efy 2: /dı IM A Y nf, 64 4 Klar fh KU; li Z U u x Ak BB ; 1 / uffuil fahr,“ (id AM act fi hehe 7 1 IG, 4 hf le de WR 4 Al Upps Ar lie Ua f, Pla K (Au v, WAR ul, Altı Palı far | "A Ah Vn Y ‚Ir ku ul ENT "2 yet v. hf fu yl fl ER Ya ru Fürtenrf /(, Ahr li FB el Kipey GER, ul bs, ee Vorp Ülnc JE: dere ri Var, A db EIJAU Y f iR ah Hr Yafehh 7 jo} 10 hr cu taaı (AfA Denk Mer nejgehe a Aa RT, RT DA VAR, % al 4u,ff At J- DI Al bo} 5; #7, LH fıi A dep ER 10 ac, YAM „h/ 4; va / Arıde 44- El Aha ı/ 1 0 Fi a ER fu e / ha a A e Pi uf pa A NT VAR Ki 7 7 /In Ua, Ar /i Alt eh TÜR Da, ER ap 5 Aa fı (rü (u fl, faifıe hılı Yur/ | Y Üti yfafl tugd HI HERTARUTN ER org: N a: , en At: 7 IM Fan kit N Ra, (CC Vf | Ki 6 Juan Mu 1 A I A, Yan Wr p4 Si / u Y. Aurfaftı Z Ye N Yn W A # m N Kıaucer nulharh, f A # .f (ls } a. Pi fakıdv ch ap ig, { Mrd y ID ik Aa 7 IR vn fr de Mıhad Hr), Alu — BERN 0 | wen | = ISSOURI kertlil. Fur ln and’, and 4 % Win fıllaı Kg U, ER | M Dei 4 WR af 1 / Ar] j". 3 yılı Au Ay f ii je mid an eufllh VER Er au N fu) alın 1; Au Day BR | Enaruunmn = Rs &. EEE RER MED EEE | Rı1 y N; N BOTANICAL GARDEN Eichler, A. W. 1882, July 20th Berlin, Germany TRANSLATION Berlin W., Wilmersdorfer Weg 4-6 20th July 1882 royal Botanic Garden Dear Doctor, Thanking you for your very valuable letter of the 22nd of March of this year. I am asking you to turn some of your interest to the paper I sent you three days ago; I hope you will then agree with me that the fruit scales of Abies cannot develop on the bracts of the bud. As far as I am concerned, the matter is so certain as nothing else I ever encountered in morphology and regard it as absolutely impossible to combine the deviations in the development I have seen with such an opinion. Should you also be convinced, please do me the favor of talking about it somewhere. I thank you also for the trouble you took to review my works; it is by far the best paper which has been published about these. I also thank you for the interesting seed you sent me some time ago and which hopefully will germinate and grow here. Prof. Dr. Chapman which you told me in your last letter would come here, will be very welcome. Miss Kate Wood came to see us with your letter of introduction only shortly before her departure to Dresden etc., I was no longer at home and could not be of any use to her; an invitation tendered to her by my family she refused to accept. Mrs. Mettenius probably has sent you in the meantime the biography of her father written by her and I don't doubt that you were most interested in the book in which you play such a prominent role. It is a wonderful and rare person she described, his aims and work, his sufferings and happiness, a real anima candida, and it is written in such a form that whoever did not love Braun before has learned to do so just by reading his books. It brought me great and lasting happiness and inspired my thoughts and renewed my good intentions. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, A. W. Eichler 3: .4:.5 6. 7 8°:..9. :40 Missouri . BOTANICAL copyrightreserved - GaAaRDEN