Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. 2-4 ex6y ft / \ -//£&*?&*■ ~'Os^ S^^Z^^ry’cj — >-&<*. 9^^ fy^J^: **Zr e ^T~ ■*-^^-iv / r?yU.s:-.~ -XC *- 1 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanicai copyright reserved garden ^ C?e rr# Pc && yi*™? ^Cy/Jho f? ?4 /S’/ J~~. tfe ^/ ft *** '7 h*~~-y f *6 j c/s 7 **J> • -/£ Y ^ /i/^ y&r— /£, s^&- <* ** / (fe*^ ^ T _ ^ 7 *£r-^-O^S_. ^/U-V ~^^Z , / > -*-/ ■ ^t^C’-^-r '$- ^ 2— *> '?•' ;x^2£-. //. J 147 Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri r . AT , w , — m rc-^t^r r/^- M | ?r~t ^ /***£& ' ^f-'r-^r |pL- * ^ '*-*-? r7^’ ttz '^ t ^££*>~—‘ f r -4 ~~ /""~ 'J' C ' yC ^- <^~^r-<\ —1 »-#■ ^ ^C?L, 1148 0 1 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri j . George r - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical m copyright reserved garden &T , yb * c ■< ^r~. I riy.i-8 ^9^-Kf^t- 7 8 9 10 M'ssour Botanicai copyright reserved garden MrssouR, George Botai\r C a L c- ENGELMANN PftfgfS Missouri Botan ical Garden cm 23456789 10 copyright reserved 7 , 1152 0 1 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri bot George Ekgel wm ’-*— — y ~7?L c^- &7 • JU_^' ?£r ^v5-cr +<-c*f. /4 — <4 //7 a jfeX et/ .D<_^ / /, ^fiL ^il ^ / z ■**-?*- ?r T/&&M r A yAcL^-oill g/kj 1 • 1~A Jt-y-*-*—- ">• 9?-/ay- y6. /// 2-/3 z //3~ / 2.3