Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. ^■y^ / ~^yy ^£~‘* — '. , ' ‘ ^ _ ^y ^3 S yfr ^ «-*- >^ e ^>-^lf^ /% j . '“p/^ ”~'- a ^''— "** ..•» — - > :j 1110 ' i 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanicai copyright reserved g a r D E MISS^LBOTV'C » 1 <» A K George Engelmwm. Papers 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden ~fj%L G^*' d/}-*C€ % 1111 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanicai copyright reserved garden f lSSOui^BOTAMICAI, & n r George *e.ig ' IV! A MM ! LL ARIA ySKIGIB TlI . h* <*<•> - S> u ? 3 1113 4/. $ — mm copyright reserved >— > . yWCp^-7 ?>; . ’j.JCf6grr>- ft j$y ^ - 2 ~' 2 = -£ _ ^<^ 1 , /^ZZZ, , c }<3£d&. £p ^ /f cfZ~*c— , <~ ^ ,^w4.1 2£-^_ if^ in -•■ 1-, <^ec*~£^ /'**-*? y f" 'iZCj&tb ''V*''*^} 7fc> .: » y'« , t fik ~1t< >~zCr*'-y*i'(~ Iri'j: ((*. , l ^ ^ ^ 1 j , V^'**~D *-»**-- A/, %/LjLs^ -. t- 1116 01 23456789 10 m.ssouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ) 2 > 7 4A cJZ., — /J&V (lr^ rCptL) k.a."£-J rvi ih*&. v 1118 JZ£: /j^7 11 $ ^y'^.-^’Z st'*. C^9*-^ ^ - S0^ . < >^—>-X^r Z^i-j^-7 /Z7J~ -rZ^Y J^/^C S 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden BOTAN ICA L cm copyright reserved garden fc — t tA»uv-' ^ * +J-(rsL <&*-*« i /i <^. V (t-A. ■ ' '/■' ,S\- : , i 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden M. W. ALEXANDER, 1- | 5 CQ H S H O g * CO Missouri Botanical George Engels 1 ann GARtSEff Papers, m 6 7 8 9 10 M'ssouri Botanicai copyright reserved garden M. W. ALEXANDEK, Missouri Botanical Garden GE — - ■ f’-'PER* w-, / £ |W^ ^UZZC • // - /^ /0/ ^J>UL T "'b 11 Z 2 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden , ... M. W. ALEXANDER I 8 Missouri Botanical Gardew George Engelmann Papers 1 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden j cT~