Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. XVI ADVERTISEMENTS, lEI’S FUl AND fnTEt SUITS. BnessSiilsiliikiiiSis. Youths’ and Boys’ Dress and School Suits, Children’s Suits, From Three Years Old Up. ZA.ieOM rABIJETI OF FIGHT SFBIHG UFSTFMS. SATISFACTION GITABANTFFD 165 and 167 West Baltimore Street, CHARLES A. HBESH, Nos. 2 and 4 Clay Street, and No. 58 Jasper Street, -—MANUFACTURER OF — BUGGIES. CARRIAGES. —AND— LIGHT WAGONS Special Attention Given to the Manufacture of BUGGIES 'FOR PHYSICIANS. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK. GUARANTEED. REFERS TO THE FOLZOWim FBiYSICIANS WSO SAVE USED H18VEUICEE8 Dr. Geo. W. Miltenberger, 1 Dr. T. A. Ashby, Dr. Alan P. Smith, I Dr. C. O’Donovan, Dr. Christopher Johnston. j Dr. Frank Donaldson In corresponding with Advertisers, please mention the MARYLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL ’t ^ 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri BOTAN ICAl Garden na Missouri Botanical GEORGE ENGELMANN GARDEN PAPERt ADVERTISEMENTS. URIAH A POLLACK Manufacturer of and Dealer in XV FINE FIIRNITDRE. UPHOLSTEEY GOODS, CUETAINS & LAMBEEGUINS, Mattreas ail Beidiii, CcvarMs, Blaiiets, CoTers, &c. No- 96 N. HOWARD STREET, BETWEEN MULBEBKY & SARATOGA. BALTIMORE, MD. TO THE MEDICAL h'ROFESSION. MMMm FROEHLING’S FLUID EXTRACT of BARK HONDURAS Since its introduction in 1 few remedies possess for itself a reputation for efficacy such a but W e are in possession of letters from a number of eminent physicians, stating- that ^ey nave used it with perfect success in secondary and tertiary forms of Syphilis, Scrofula and various forms of skin diseases and as a general Blood Punher. ™ ^ Several very eminent medical gentlemen recommend it highly as an effectual remedy for Dyspepsia, want of appetite, and as a general tonic. CANBY, aiLPIN & CO., General Wholesale Agents, Baltimore, Md T he undersigned respectfully offers his services to the Medical Profession as a Chemist and Microscopist, for the examination of Urine and Urinary deposits, morbid product and growths, &c., at moderate terms. Instruction given in Microscopy and Micro- Chemistry. HENRY FROEHLINCi, Practical Chemist and Microscopist^ No. 59 North Charles Street. BALTIMOKE, MD. In corresponding with Advertisers, please mention the MARYLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 01 234567 89 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden Missouri Botanical 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved D E BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garde 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved 01 234567 89 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved Garden .2 770 Tenth Census of the , United States. Missouri BOTAN ICAL Garden 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved 5773 - tAiss-jUtvi EUg£'-’ GKRDR^ pis,?£R* 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ' j* ^ \i' " \7rT.7 ' C L / a yyy --7^ i 1 7^^ J ■4 ac/f^ — 1 ^ // (yv- 1 -7-5 1 , /7?tA^ "/ /- ^ A / ^-/A e.y^'). j'cLc^ta. ^.JjUS^. 4^ . 7 'i_jL^_iijj^_ cccX ^ -7 y^c ^Lt f ^ 1 < , _ ,77 y ^c CU)y-^ copyright reserved ^'771 Missouri Botanical George Engelmann GARDEN papers 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden <3s> ^t-e-^ -^/C fY~}i-^ J2 JL: ^ 4 -^ i « Z’Z^ ^ 2-y!> ^ — - .=h^.A^ ^ ~— <^y^— -^{Jjfl^ >t--e--5, /;<->-C^«--^r^ ^Z’ t^'Z . j cm 234567 89 10 copyright reserved Z) SrC^ mi 2 y^rr--!^ J-r-y^/yUjL . |^ji> , *kc uyyt cn^ ^ yy / ^ ^ 9 ^-^ 2 -z:^ iA^S^ Ca^ y-ry-i^ ^ h'C'iO^ _ (o^-^ o-^y^ € ,' c C^ f'tr-ir^ err- | 6i-.A^£Ae^£-^^-'6L'^ I '/'SLyc<,..cAUA/- ox/ cca^ y>i^ c:;A^€.cc^ C/7 Oyt-^y-^ ("Q^yyy ^ y/\j^ yy^y, G-^^ytnA^^ cc^ y-y^ccACAiy^ Oy'^yzi , Cyf^Agy yy^yy ^ tt-y~ ye-^y^^A^yfL-^ jy-t-Ai Ocjx^^/z^ ^ i^A^xAAA y Cj2.<..cJAx AA^ix-^tj:^ ^ £yZl^ xn^ ^ tr-ZS^ erv' ^ ^)-i^ ^ y? 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V>w- ^ ^’yX. y^ J^XXy^ /:y^ Ci^y..^yj^ 01 234567 89 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden i i- I f ( I 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden m»mhekc^t '& iemMPMR Cor !■*&( lira’ Sls .Sf Loms. Missouri Botanical Gakdhn; George engelmann r.-EiiS, Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri George ENGELteASH PAPERS, f Sir: Being engaged in preparing a memoir npon the “Burial Customs of the Indians of North America, both ancient and modern, and the disposal of their dead,” I beg leave to request your kind cooperation to enable me to present as exhaustive an exposition of the subject as possible, and to this, end earnestly invite your attention to the following points in regard to which information is desired : 1st. Name of the tribe. M'ssouri Botah!«i. G/iRDEff 2d. Locality. ^ George Engelmann Papers 3d. Manner of burial, ancient and modern. 4th. Funeral ceremonies. 5t,ll IVTonmino- , 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden cm Mrssouns George : i'iGEL:,./.;''.' ;'a 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden 7^1 di Missouri BothI^ica’- GEORGE ENdEUAANN PAPEM ■r' ^ Missouri BOTAN ICAL Garden 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm 01 234567 89 10 Missouri . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ' / I 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm 2?^ Missouri Botanical GEORGE ENGELMANK iri GARDEIf PAPERS 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 27 Missouri BoTArNMCAL' OARDErr George Engelmanh Papers . . 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri BOTSf*TCAt George- engelmakn papeks 'J L . ; S ■ 'y^T^ , U^M. d-^- fxl a LTwt-Y'- ,.„ C 'Au\^ c^^-. 7 J 01 234567 89 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden 1 ;i7^\ 5 csoURl BOTANICAL GARDEM GEORGE ENGELMAliN PAPER* 01 234567 89 10 Missouri . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ^ryv\. ( A- -V /<7 ' i<— V— :<=- ^7 c. — , ^ r^z;s:^^-r^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Z - '2-y'T_ .<^ ''.-^0 ,, '^' . ’ 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 571S- pA?6*^^ ■'1 p " vV"^ ■■<^'- r? v . ^ '%i^' ' , . -t JW m^[ — 2. ^ A:^ 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAl copyright reserved garden .. . . £^>4 %' ^ r^ >> ^ 4 - ti „;- - -^-fuTT i-. y—f^U^t'kAr r/^4-b., ''\ i'i %1 ■:%, > V e^r-^ Ali^ papers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm