Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. O' ''TJ'T>1^ c,£-^is^^-—^ ‘^’ C^ ■ l- ^,<^1 BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden •'I-CC'MJRI BOTANICAL GARDEM | ;"M '1 1 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden '-:^^7V^ J';J > >/^ »?.- ^rs* V' ^.>f:., c 3 ,X., 'y.,--^- ^•' " f ^ ^ ^ ^ ‘f.-x. y . 1 .' t »>.— * 'i:£ "^■''' v ,"' Yi'.: Y‘- -- y^\ .•■■>vs,.'f. r'i "'1 '' ' ^ / ,,'U4 --v- / '■ ^■^••’ ^"'X'/#r ...f // 7'e.<.»3-'- •- a^je^. •■; -i' ‘“H •>- ^ cl' r.r^^'.'..-" /'/■-'■""■ ■,:' "' y,=-y ;:. •■■■'' y--- y: ■ ■ '■' ':"“■) ■" ' // 7 ;..-'.,.^ ;■'•••■'•■- ^ z^-v ' ^lx\. y— -'-'•- 4 '' '-"f'- .. ■-■ # .,-'?!y ,.,. C^if A’- ■> ,, --'j^ "y' - .^J 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri BOTAN ICAl Garden ^ ---^ S . ^7. tC-,, /I, A-. ;.■ . .J /t -i M /F:,/ y -C- : ^ ^ -■^,~..: ■t ■ (a^p^ — ,-,,.-.77 jY.,A,, .-. 7 ,... -:■ .0... J' - Y ’A. r r is v-X y\'' • ■ j. •• , ^ ' ■ ' F A -F ., c , 9 ■ j -/i^.' M,<5S0UR1 BOT^^r.-.'.’- Gr.P.OES GEORGE ENG£'-''''“'‘ . /■ -':' -- - ^' ' ','i,' r.T*. 77 ‘., 7 “ ' ’ ■ ' ^ 7- " -<•' ' -■ • . >- ■ "'^ '^‘■- ■■ ' './i . 'A^T.- -V.' , ‘4^-' i, ' Y*'- '*.-■ ■s*'*-«, •■ - -'■■ cm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved M I $ S O U R BOTAN ICA G A R D E f copyright reserved 23^3 ^ij- ^ 7^, /^-^r km i3»c- SE^BSt ESSE'-""* /U'i Botanical cm copyright reserved garden . 'SN A . .vV\ r^ cm cm ■’'^^3 /M'S Jc.t% I St-iX. ^ Yx. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved Garden Missouri BOTAN ICAL Garden cm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden reoais ^siiooq £00£ -ON 'Tf ‘jRT Missouri l^o; : - George ENGELM.-u^ii Papers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Botanical cm copyright reserved garden f Missoum GEORGH* 1