Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M* • t'/f J ii±J v -t-*f*-^y ■~r* kJLL Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri Botanical Gardot George Engelmann Papers dsn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri Botanic il. George Enselmamn; Papers /X/J /?? ^ f J nJ^*^4~U- fr r Z~2 *< < ^<3^rs^~- ^ f ?zf-sU— *,■ ^zzt=z P. _^, TU^ -**» *■ -| 0 Ml S SOU R copyright reserved cm o^ l pr~^L* A £2** **. -* — /?<*' /A/ CJ*~~r / — - ^ ^ ** S — ■* V «=** 2^>*^ &‘**^*7 / ^-^Zc, 9t~4h£ ■" <^Jc£r-~s*^~£ /-** 2 j 5 r *^? ^/‘^' : **-^-/a ty r% : /Z £z*b- /% ' '~4 ^ r~* & ^ V ,*5f tr?E? * ' £2^7 %- > --^ ^7 rX/w? <^v-^ ^ ^X>^ ■ /-** ^*^5* P&c r*£ju : -~ *7*" •' — *7 — 7 s’ - . _<-../ ' (Ci '•»'-*»/ r-^PP <-£*-»> r~sf.dl? /,; ^ ^ /<£, ate^-^ — £ 7 ^< ; ^ y^—t / + ~f~ v~y 4 ^^/^ ^ «iwfc i/^— 2 - /**£? A 3 /»-, ^V %,U ~ZT^ «vA *-£_> Kzr^y.y