Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden " /^ ///£ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm Missouri Bot«nical Garoci^ 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanica copyright reserved garde f /r^f ■%S ^SYIOOT 8008 :aONaaiSaH ‘•IS M^jia ^mos 103 -aoiaao ‘NNVMaaoNa oao ‘hq W/SSOL/RI BOTArJrr-,. -- . feoRQE . . sinorr “ols uo:^6utqs^AA. 0083 P^e ^^TIO 8^-83 ‘sismaHO g'kis^adsiQ ‘ oo ^ saNOf a o BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved gar D E fl, -f. /’■JS-i .Vr- ; 2_ ./! ^2.^ = I?. C,'u^l. 2.ii-i.r A-...., '■ ^/l^m::^ 77 ^-- 'r^ A, /' •;S ^snooT 8008 = 30^30 ISHH ‘•IS Wf3 i^mos 103 : 301330 'NNVW3aON3.-Q30 -Ma ‘■-r , 4^-.- Ur/. .y TSCz- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 cm copyright reserved Missouri Botanical Garden msso'^^' pA.c'Ri^' ] i ■sixiot: -JLS ‘•9^V uo^ButqssA^ 0083 ^^TTO ‘SiSiwaHO oliis^adsia ‘ OO ^ S3NOf >1 O Chth Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 0 1 cm 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden y- 7 ?; vT,^ ^Av^ 7 ^” -- - y A ■*' s • -^S -IsnooT 8008 :aONHaiS3H ‘•IS Mwia qmos los :adiaao 'NNV^^[^aoNa *oao *Ha >357 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden •SI-aOTC "OLS SiVv uo:^6uTqs^AA 008S ^^TIO S^'SS ‘sismaHO o)jis)iadsiQ ‘ oo ^ saNOf yL o uisstjo*' " 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri BOTAN ICAL Garden Botanical cm copyright reserved garden rble Biiildirvg Cor. Fourth ii Olive Sts.StLo 1 . \ ■^S %sx\oo-j 8008 ^aONaaiSHH ‘•IS wia ^mos 103 :aoiaao i ‘NNvwaaoNa ‘oao 'hq ^ BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved gar IfllSSOURi \ 'sixiorr "OLS ^ uo^Butqs^A/^ 008 S ^^TTO S^'SS ‘sismaHO 3)^is^adsia ‘ oo ^ saNOf a o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Botai cm copyright reserved gar cm copyright reserved garden Missouri GEORGE- garden papers Sec. 2 . Whenever any physician shall report to the Health Commissioner any case of small-pox or contagions disease in any dwelling or building in the City of St. Louis, the Health (Commissioner shall have the power, whenever in his opinion it is necessary, to cause to be placed on the outside of any building or dwelling, or door of any room, a printed plac- ard giving notice of the existence of such contagious disease. Any person who shall remove such placard placed by order of the Health Commissioner shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction be lined not less than live nor more than twentj^-live dollars. Sec. 3. Any practicing physician who shall neglect or refuse to perform the duties required of him by this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction shall be lined not less than ten nor more than llfty dollars. Sec. 4. The parents or guardians of children attending any private or public school who shall permit them to attend school after it becomes known to the said parents or guar- dians that any of their family are infected with any infectious or contagious disease shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be lined in a sum of not less than three nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 5. Any principal or teacher of any private or public school in the City of St. Louis having official or authentic information of the existence of an}" infectious or contagious dis^ ease in the family of any pupil attending said school shall immediately cause the iHunovaf of said pupil from said school, and until he (or she) shall have undoubted proof of the prem- ises where the family reside beiyg disinfected, and the disease eradicated. Any failure on the part of any principal or teacher complying with the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be lined in a sum not less than three nor more than ten dollars. Approved February 19, 1878. cm copyright reserved g°a r^dTn .^u^r^S ^^fl> ^Ut~>i^‘'C^Jtr ^ t->r 2-^, >a^.y^ 7 iilr. ^ j^3 :> "■' A-«. ^ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Botanical copyright reserved garden cm .ir^iXc.0 -rr . ^'"T//' tf} ‘' -i- -' //4 -■'TT; Ilo/ OFFICE^S^ . ^ tt2i£ f g If r A e t Jttt ssitt . r/S~188/^, 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanica copyright reserved garde ssth ^9^/^ - ' ’ " '■” /J’ 4 J^J 2 ^ z- ■ /rzt^ 2/ -Zy^-c^ •' — — i Z. , -' -4 /-^!f - , 2 ^“ V /af 4 ^ rtITr- ~ /-c /4 - * “ /rf'‘ 9 ’ /-’^ — /tfA’/ ->» ^SE.. — , /Zf'z. •Z-— / — ^ /xn - . — 2 ^ 4 r^r ^ ~ zf -- /zAb - ?-// ^ , zr/f^.r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 cm copyright reserved 3a /^. ZZ^ 2. JU^2. zr:^x ^ ZZ^ /^ 44 <^g — ^ o'^t'*'’^ iZ^ y