Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. s /^ MJ/taiU^ 1 C7^ /^ /•2 < ( ^^y (Ocy^X^ ^ jlyX** <*^*’y^ \//^^*<-->-‘X^f' ^ ''-^ ' ■-- — ' Y\^ ~) ^ i /tcn/f j7y^*^ ^ ^ X C4^ .. ^ ^X />'''»'»vv /A_ ^ T V ' r^"-" 4 /^-< ;K ^ 1 /Z. yj 7 ^' e:zr' Zc‘« — -- ^ jZ JL ^cyf ,/^g^ C. J J-^ ^ ‘ ^Zztu: _ ^ iZ<,y4<»>-*t/Z^UO — T o4*-AV ^ C/^ '*---• ^ ’. . ^ A ' / I JT' ^ . nr|^r G£«^rge Engelmann Papers zri — ^ O'j fZo^ ZX%.g^^ (hZZt^ Jhja^ryyt K. ^^nZ- J «x>4^ ^ pWu^’ ^TTvc — ^**^7 <^7:21"' I 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL copyright reserved g a r d e is /^Vl /j/s J’^ /rr ^ to^Qj^XtMZ Qa^ 'VVj / ifjti 3fr' err 0,Oolli ff.OD / ^lt70 O.OOitS 3- ojo^z23a/JT- A .c)-oo^hfyj2,dr Z(2A7/ ^ /A4 ryn-^: 1 0 ^ 0.01^7^ 7 ^^0, 01^2)77 070 JL0 **’' o^o2:1>>~.o.o2d 6 ii, T''m ^/ /-2 2-^0-/Ayo \o.i y // ^ ^ jfi ^ ^ "S'?/ ^ m jm. -r/7 I - ^ ^ S- /» 0,0 1 A §r 0.0 %dS U.Olfx^ ',0.0 ^ti 9 0.0 / <7 3> o.043lf \o.oxtf ,/).dyso yfi. a./orz\ /zJir \y%$%\ff.o fT2i • 7 fir to /zyy .ooir .o.orTu gff foAv / 3 < 7 / 0X0.084 3 6. 108 If 0 83X5^0. /fib '/4fA ii'- o:>ri /n& /yjTf tfr^A lyg^ 7/2 ( fo i ^r.-^/.n 2i,y a. a Oz y o.oix'/ lirff /3fVi lUjl It3t\ %f2^ //^j f374, /An-- /^sif . o.oArs'^ fi7 //r/ ay/! /Aif /gzo O.OZl y c^-oAfgyuzijf yj^o //^f/ //zz, /6S3 /yo4 2341 'frA Zooo. 203 A izi, o.myAfiX6/,s^.t:&l zoyf^jin TOf/A Z3n i/ 2 /|; 22k z//,A 22 H ^ *^^i7Z.op7Z3 6,orf()l^ 0./2OS-'ojf/,i O/Sxy 0./yX8y.Zt^^6J3^ /liUT-iW <>-<50^^ ocj^^sr A BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden H r. 00 J W^l ^ 5|t . - foby-^r) ( fV^'.^)7.fii. jy, -ry) Z*vO 01 23456789 10 cm copyright reserved MissouRt Botanical Garden George Engelmann paper* . rt/s: ^ ; - . :\ - ; Missouri Botanical Garden GEORGE ' ENGELMAMN PAPERS 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm cm 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden w 7 8 9 10 Missouri BoTAN ICAL copyright reserved garden cm Missouri Botanicm GEORGE ENGELMWiN