Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN efi(i,B«s Enselmakn papers ^^SSOURI George Botanical Engelmann Papers 0 1 cm 234567 89 10 copyright reserved a^^UiZZT^ Papehs 'y^ Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Jl^ ^ ^ *3^ —4 yi4<^ X ^£1 Csp^>;„^ ^ ^ ^ / 2 ; - — >- /- f. ~ Mr. S. B. Buckley has notes upon some Texas oaks in the Proc. Phil Acad., Part II, i88i. His Quercus Diirandii^ which Dr. Engelmann regards as one of the varieties of Q. undiilata, hestitl holds as good, though in spite of a fling at closet workers, it takes a good deal of temerity to dispute Dr. Engelmann’s decisions among the oaks. In the same paper Q. Ttxana is reduced to a variety of <2- rubra, but by others it is regarded as Q. palustiis. 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm /MZ z^L^zz^ yivr— ^ ly >£' _ j’o /^ZiC z^^z. /y:}p n-zJ-^C , Botanical Gardsh G£urg£ Ergelmann Papers <«r._ , ' „ A- fct^t Qt > C.~-y 9jj2.^.t^ 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved /— /I c.(y^/'^ @c, : 4, < -• "* .:, 7l--^ -^i'.v !■ i- i# 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garde n ■V-^ ’^ssoum DoTAwrc.'tr PAF££iSLi Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved Missouri BOTAN ICAL Garden Botanical cm copyright reserved garden i'gi-'v Cm^'C y //U'^ y ^ ^ Ce'TJP^’A^ . c^ryt>^ ; i v"