Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. 25 1521 >7*^ X e^c£ X IsS? ■ £c

^ ^ T» - • y ^ y - J , ft * O o v" r ' 3 ( vv~ /jt tt o <•4 sfezf — 4>. :© 1< *A *v3£ f'&ihC +'i Lr (a € fcM $ L ~ : - i ^ ^2 , 2~^ J A~? iz % / $ J i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden .•Q^O-SO. No. 3610 North 10th Street, Between Mallinckrodt and Salisbury, ST. LOUIS, MO. JVo. 187 Missouri Botanical Gardes George engelmann Papers 01 2 3 456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 7 8 9 10 M[ S souri Botanical copyright reserved garden /fS, 3 ■ r-^~^j4ycJ ^ /£r^ 3 0 a s/—>— s ^ ' 4 ^ ~K -^^ 4 /. *4 s-Z^/tyj /y" Ar «^ 1525 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden t - .... wrutuafs total assets means about $ 500, opo—i'Fjve Hundred Thousand Dollars, extra surplus, earned - and ■returned annually tddts members- to help them paytbeir premiums. ' With these Tacts in vie-w, and as thb 'Connecticut Mutual is second to met Company in-tlye world in any ^desirable respect, and in preference to Companies y which do net invest thejr assets in this city,, and do" nothing whatever in support of, her institutions and business interests, V xf a citizen of St. .Louis, with your interests identifiedtwith her interests,* do you not" think that the Connecticut Mutual' i s , fairly entitled to ^oun^patrpn age, your' good will, and a recommendation^ to your friends ? . Should you need Fife Insurance, or Tellable information in regard to it, L would be pleased to have you call at the office on address me > by letter. Respectfully, ' * d A. B. DENTON, . . ^en'l Agt. Conn.' M'utual Life Im. Co. 39 so3q liinossjw 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden tjl^y p 7 c <-^ ^»-, | “* f > ^ ^ 'Aru'/O /AX6 ENGEUAkNH Missouri Botanical Garden copyright reserved ^ Z'i VI > f’iY () U fa< CM /$$ **“ Mo ‘ " w %f w fa(k> & V ->• '" - pm r< ^- 1 ••' *' F^f*-** */ ****" xfo> 9*t * ' ^ 'jj' />>6r V> ) t V- sp "^¥) ml r . W 152 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm AM®na®AiEj & «m®p» Cor . 4 *^ & Olive Sts., St. Louis . Missouri l '"’ w ®* George Engelmann PaperjJ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . , Botanical cm copyright reserved garden jO'KKiCSXS&Kr '& SBEMEBiE, ■s Missouri ror- - a George Engel... . . ,„ tJ $-■ v5 | 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden cf 9^ yt'i/’c r opS 0^0 ^ ~7 '■ / a J3 tJ 7V— ^ e^^jL. 3^/ 7^r j ^ •^> '1 *-«- «-^- 7^ 1529 ■ /» C£-' : / 2* 01 23 4 56789 10 Missouri . . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missoum Bot- • ®EORSE rMG ' 01 23 4 56789 10 Missouri . . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 1530 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . Botanical n copyright reserved garden AW 1531 ^ TZi. S'*-} IgtfljlZ. ^yVLJ>t -*-^3r ^ # — > — * — «^V' a — f ••— — ^ r \^C 1 2— ?c / 1 • "7^1 *£— -< ^ J? ^1 ./■« . ' ^ ^ ^ ■ ,tfPfe*. o a® ^ <^a° **'<&$& r <£&>■*% <§fo o$& ^ g|l» 4^ r^S^L* eW-^^-Ttt /- ~ U U U U U ¥ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m.ssouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . „ Botanical cm copyright reserved garden