SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Volume 50: | - 150 Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1990 - 1991, Tim McDowell by Tom Hollowell Tim McDowell V.A. Funk Carol L. Kelloff poe and Sil “SONS Doorjoohan Gopaul Department of Botany National Museum of Natural History Washington, DC 2004 ABSTRACT Hollowell, Tom, Tim McDowell, V.A. Funk, Carol L. Kelloff and Doorjoohan Gopaul. Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1990 - 1991, Tim McDowell. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 50: 150 pages (including 8 plates). Part | provides the collector’s notes on trips in chronological order, Part II lists collection localities, with collection number ranges, habitat descriptions, geographic coordinates, and assisting collectors. Part II consists of maps of Guyana showing collecting localites. Part IV lists collections in numerical order with identifications and authors. Part V lists collections ordered by determined name. KEY WORDS: Guyana, Botanical Collecting, Nomenclature DATE OF PUBLICATION: December 2004 Cover Design by Alice Tangerini. Illustrations by Cathy Pasquale, courtesy of the Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution. Front cover: Lampadaria rupestris Feuillet & L.E. Skog (Gesneriaceae); back cover: Paradrymonia barbata Feuillet & L.E. Skog (Gesneriaceae), both from Feuillet, C. and L-E. Skog. 2002 (2003). Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XII. New species of Gesneriaceae from the Guianas. Brittonia 54 (4): 352-361. Front piece (p. 4) Justicia mcdowellii Wassh. (Acanthaceae), from Wasshausen, D.C, 2002. New species of Justicia (Acanthaceae) from the Guianas. Briftonia, 54(4): 286-297, All photographs by Tim McDowell, except as noted, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution’s Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium (ISSN 0097-1618) Department of Botany, MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 20013-7012, USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Contributions U.S, National Herbarium, Department of Botany MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 20013-7012, USA. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials 739.48 — 1984, Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium was first published in 1890 by The United States Department of Agriculture, From July 1, 1902 forward it was published as a Bulletin of the United States National Museum. The series was discontinued after volume 38, 1974, and has been revived with volume 39, as a venue for publishing longer taxonomic papers, checklists, floras, and monographs, produced by staff and associates at the U.S. National Herbarium. It is externally peer reviewed, and published at irregular intervals. Subscriptions and other correspondence should be addressed to CUSNH, Department of Botany, MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 20013-7012, USA. e-mail: The present issue is available for free while supplies last. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION coccccccccccccccccceeseeeececteseveeceeceeeccseceuesseeecteeenisisersissessecseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseenonnney 5 The Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program ..........0.:-c cet 5 Tim McDowell... cence cesdusepunuseedsvuenseeeavessueccacpassavevescaensecesauenssascasssesere f Format of Collection Information oc ccccevrvvaseuetitvttievsevevisvuteeeteveeseeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennees 9 RefELENCES ooo cc cccccccccccccssvseceveceeeecenecesecsescsesessseeeceiedeieeeceeeceseseeeseeeeee sees eeeeneeseneneena sys 10 Acknowledgments... coves uuseecuseeceevacececevvatestistessssssssceseseeeeteetsesesessisisssseeeee 12 Contributors of Identifications Pibbee anes ecguereeeysunpenesasaqeestansseaseceeidapeavivuacanes | be Collections of Special Interest ......0...00.c cece cece terrence ee neetreiesserseesseseeerees 15 I: NOTES ON TRIPS coccccccccccccccccccccccceceteeeeeeeseeceeecueueseeeecissensseeseieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenneceeaes 19 Il: COLLECTION LOCALITIES coccccccccccccccccccecccceecseeeseteesteeetsestrseeessssescseeeseeeeeseresersmae 45 Ill: COLLECTION LOCALITY MAPS ou.....ccccccccccecccccscc cree cess eereeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesncsseeaneeesss 63 IV: COLLECTIONS BY NUMBER ou... ccc ccccccccccceece cece cee cec test ee teeeeeeeene eee tot teieieetnneneeeeeeensss 67 V: COLLECTIONS BY DETERMINED TAXA .........0.0000 00s ccceeee eee e eens eee eteeneenteee ene saneeecneeeeesy 123 PLATES. ....cccccccccccecetisecccctsecerstersescacsccecevsseescsseeeccsscccscsccsstersseniesssesiesesesesssseeseesserserseseen esses AQ Uy he} KS yo Sy pyar WANE fen) \ \ re \ } iin Vi \X \ vy, Oa haa a hE PE oe ar ae - i = - a ks —— Illustration of the type collection of Justicia medowellii Wassh., based on McDowell 3473. From the publication in Brittonia 54: 293 (2002). Illustration by Cathy Pasquale. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 5 Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1990-1991, Tim McDowell Tom Hollowell', Tim McDowell’, V.A. Funk', Carol L. Kelloff', and Doorjoohan Gopaul’ INTRODUCTION The Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program The “Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program” (BDG, formerly the Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program) is a field- oriented program of the Smithsonian Institution’s (SI) National Museum of Natural History. The goal of the BDG is to study, document and preserve the biological diversity of the Guiana Shield, which includes Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, the Venezuelan states of Amazonas, Bolivar and Delta Amacuro, and parts of southern Colombia and far northern Brazil. The BDG program has been operating since 1983. Originally confined to botany, it now covers all aspects of biodiversity. Its fieldwork in countries other than Guyana has been limited to date, however data gathering and analyses of diversity are increasingly focused on the natural unit of the Guiana Shield (Escudo de Guayana in Spanish) rather than political units. In Guyana the BDG operates under the auspices of the University of Guyana (UG) with which it has a Memorandum of Understanding. The Guiana Shield (Figure 1) is a biologically diverse area defined by a distinct, ancient geological formation that is roughly bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Orinoco River to the north and west, the Rio Negro to the southwest, a major tributary of the Amazon River, and the Amazon River to the South (Gibbs & Barron, 1993). The Orinoco River and Rio Negro are connected by the substantianl Rio Casiquiare, making much of this geological area a literal island. The Guiana Shield contains many isolated, steep-sided mountains of sandstone (tepuis) and granite (inselbergs) which, along with the assortment of habitats including tropical savannas, lowland and montane forests, and montane scrub, account for the high diversity and endemicity of the flora and fauna (Berry et al., 1995). Unlike many other tropical regions, more than 70% of the natural habitat of the Guiana Shield remains pristine. In the three Guianas in particular, because national governments own most of the land and the population is concentrated along the coast and major rivers, destructive development of the interior has been kept to a minimum until recently. Conservation efforts vary within the region. In parts of Surinam and the Venezuelan Guayana large tracts of extremely interesting forest and their accompanying biota have been designated for conservation. The process of establishing protected areas is in its early stages in Guyana, while much of French Guiana is under low threat even without a fully implemented protected areas system. Many natural areas in both Guyana and ': Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program, MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20013-7012, USA. 2: Department of Biological Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614-0703 USA. ’: Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Guyana, Turkeyen Campus, Georgetown, Guyana 6 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Ava 65°W ew 55°W S0°Ww rn i . i L 1 15"N“ ; 3 ei S°N aD v t . . f Atlantic Ocean ré vy ee Y Q - Ss4 ~ iy \ fh “ i renee! ie . ~ ~ an Guiana Shield 10M Venezuela 5"N“ Colombia o°N= ‘ 10"Ns . a a. \ ‘hd - (afer Gibos & Barron, 1993) * = 9 Outhers of Shield L. = | sometimes included ( 5M i Fr i. Guiana .” i th, ri Ag. omen amaze" R. LJ qT AoW 8S °W T T Soe Sow Figure 1. The Guiana Shield. Boundaries are adapted from Gibbs and Barron ( 1993). The dashed boundary includes isolated outliers of similar geologic composition that are sometimes included in the Shield. the Venezuelan Guayana are designated as concessions, and are therefore seriously threatened by resource extraction activities as practiced by multinational logging and mining companies. All of the countries have areas that have suffered degradation due to gold miners originating from both within and outside of national boundaries. It is important that we gain an understanding of the flora and fauna of the Guiana Shield so that decisions can be made concerning critical areas that have high priority for conservation and to guide the collection of data from areas that might ultimately become degraded. In addition, because this region has been long neglected by biologists, it is often an area of “insufficient information” for analyses of many biological groups. For many years most collectors bypassed Guyana in particular. The BDG program aims to fill these gaps by providing specimens and data to address biodiversity questions about many groups of organisms and assist a variety of research and conservation projects. This new information is now being used to produce checklists, vegetation maps, and floristic and faunistic studies. In addition, the BDG program is exploring uses of these data that will lead to a synthesis of information addressing broader biodiversity issues and understanding (Funk and Richardson, 2002; Kelloff, 2003; Funk et al., in press; Kelloff and Funk, 2004). Prior to the BDG’s work, Guyana was poorly known biologically, with sparse documentation of the composition and distribution of its biota. After 18 years of collecting, the BDG Program has produced works important to the understanding of Guyana’s biological diversity Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 7 and in assisting Guyana with conservation efforts. The BDG Program has published a vegetation map of Guyana (Huber et al., 1995), as well as plant checklists for the Guianas (Boggan et al., 1997), the Guiana Shield (Hollowell et al., 2001), the Iwokrama area (Clarke et al., 2001), and Kaieteur National Park (Kelloff and Funk, 1998). It has also published the Field Checklist of the Birds of Guyana (Braun et al., 2000). Data from the BDG program have been used in many publications; a complete list of these can be found on the program’s website at biodiversity/bdg/bdgpub.html. The Checklist of the Mammals of Guyana (Engstrom & Lim, 2001- present) and the Preliminary Checklist of the Herpetofauna of Guyana (Reynolds et al., 2001- present) are also posted and maintained on the BDG website. In addition to these, checklists of Figure 2. Tim McDowell leaving Surama Village (Trip 2) to collect along the Georgetown — Lethem Road during clearing for its construction, February 1990. all terrestrial vertebrates of the Guiana Shield will soon be published and then be made available on the BDG website. The BDG fulfills the goals of the Smithsonian Institution by gathering and distributing new information in order to encourage production of floras and faunas of poorly known areas; by participating in training of students and professionals from the host countries; by supplying data for the identification and preservation of biologically diverse areas; and by providing specimens for systematic studies both within the Smithsonian and throughout the world. Although the program operates out of the Smithsonian, it depends on _ extensive collaborations throughout the world to accomplish its goals. Currently there are over 100 scientists with whom the BDG interacts. (See the BDG website for a full list of collaborators and other information). From 1986 until 1998 the BDG maintained a resident plant collector in Guyana. More recently the program has employed resident butterfly, ant and bird collectors. Botanical specimens collected through the program have been distributed to a network of experts for identification and a set of specimens is deposited at UG, the US National Herbarium in Washington DC, and many other botanical institutions. At the time of this publication the BDG program has collected approximately 45,676 numbers, representing over 228,500 individual specimens. A full set of botanical collections and a representative set of zoological collections have been deposited at the Centre for the Study of Biological Diversity (CSBD) at the University of Guyana; currently the CSBD herbarium holds over 40,000 mounted plant collections. Tim McDowell Tim McDowell was the fourth Resident Plant Collector to participate in the BDG Program (Figure 2). Over a nearly 18 month period, he spent 15 months in Guyana and more than 192 days in the field. He collected 3,242 plant numbers, including mixed collections that were eventually split. These specimens were processed first at the University of Guyana and then by the U.S. National Herbarium at the Smithsonian Institution. This processing included distribution to specialists for determination and to other botanical institutions as part of specimen exchange programs. Currently, just over 85% of these plant collections have been identified to species. The determinations have shown that Tim McDowell collected over 1,500 taxa in 692 genera. Copies of his field notebooks and mounted vouchers for his collections are now in the Guyana National Herbarium housed at the CSBD, University of Guyana. A resident botanist plays an informal but important role in outreach to the general g Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell population. The Smithsonian collectors live in a regular neighborhood, enduring the same irregularities in services as their fellow Georgetowners. A resident botanist also forms a bridge with the local Guyanese people. McDowell customarily traveled about the city by foot, bicycle and minibus, shopping in the street markets and bakeries, and commuting to the University in public minivans. After conducting several extended field trips, McDowell gave a public presentation with slides illustrating his botanical collections. This talk at the library of the U.S. Information Services (USIS) in downtown Georgetown was given to a large audience, and many of the attendees expressed appreciation for the travelogues about their nation’s remote forests, mountains and rivers. Figure 3. Doorjoohan Gopaul piloting a boat with specimens, on the collecting excursion on the Kamarang River (Trip 5). The resident botanist also provides an active link between the Smithsonian’s research efforts and the programs of other nations. For example, McDowell maintained friendships and frequently discussed botanical fieldwork with other researchers, such as Dutch botanist-ecologist Peter van der Hoot of the Tropenbos program. Scientists from the Royal Ontario Museum of Natural History coordinated with McDowell when planning their expeditions in Guyana. McDowell also kept active contacts with several private companies, such as Guyanese timber operations, mineral exploration companies, and numerous smaller operations. The resident botanists thus play a greater role in the Smithsonian mission than merely planning field expeditions and collecting plant specimens. They are active, dedicated and, not insignificantly, apolitical outreach persons who represent the amiable, pro-conservation and pro-education interests of the United States scientific community. While the role of the resident collector is in some ways minor compared to that of the outreach organized by the BDG Program, each resident collector is a key person in the country for keeping the collaborative relationship active over the months and years. Many of the BDG’s collectors, McDowell included, use their experience in Guyana to gain hand’s on knowledge of tropical biology and build upon it to enhance their careers as professional botanists. They are often either recently graduated with an advanced degree or continue on to complete a Masters and/or Ph.D. During McDowell’s stay in Guyana, he was accompanied in the field by a variety of Guyanese biology students, foresters and botanists. From the University of Guyana Herbarium, there were co- collectors Doorjoohan Gopaul (Figure 3) and Suroojnauth Tiwari (Figure 4), who accompanied a large number of collecting trips with several Smithsonian botanists. Allison Stobey (Figure 10), from the Guyana Forestry Department, traveled on two trips with McDowell and others. Many other Guyanese including Amerindians and other residents of interior towns and settlements participated in collecting trips with McDowell. The collecting teams normally included two to five local men who served as guides, shared the backpacking of supplies and specimens, and set up camps in remote areas. These hired men were paid by the day for the extent of the trip, with food normally provided from the stocks the collector brought with him from the capital Georgetown. Strong friendships often developed between the resident botanist and the Guyanese Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 9 members of the team as they shared the challenges of travel and botanical fieldwork under difficult circumstances and inclement weather. Among the Guyanese members of teams who also assisted McDowell with collecting, as recorded on the specimen labels, were S. Allicock, L. Anselmo, A. Raphael, P. Singh, J. Thompson, L. Thompson, J. Richards and O. Williams. Scientists from several countries also participate in field trips organized by the resident botanist. McDowell conducted field expeditions with American botanists Pedro Acevedo, Christian Feuillet, Vicki Funk, Charles Horn, Carol L. Kelloff, Kate Lance, and John Wiersma, as well as with fellow resident botanists including Lynn Gillespie on her last expedition, and Bruce Hoffman on McDowell’s last expedition. McDowell’s first collecting trip in Guyana was made under the leadership of his predecessor Lynn Gillespie, along with BDG Program Director Vicki Funk and S. Tiwari. They collected on Gillespie’s numbers series along the Ituni- Kwakwani Road from 16 — 19 January 1990 (Hollowell et al., 2003). This overlap of collectors with their predecessors and successors has been an important practice followed by the BDG program for training and maintenance of continuity, both in the field and in Georgetown. Other scientific visitors who accompanied McDowell on his field trips include Malariologist/ Parasitologist Jean Handy (listed as J. Bowdre on herbarium labels) and independent British naturalist W. Brown. Deborah Hughs, a Fulbright Scholar from the United States, joined McDowell’s collecting team on a lengthy walk in the tepui region of the upper Kamarang River, for the second part of Trip 5. The assistance of Dr. George Walcott, Vice- Chancellor of UG, Dr. Indarjit Ramdass, Head of the UG Biology Department, and the staff at the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana was invaluable. Dr. Walcott made the entire operation possible by acting as the crucial person in developing the project. Dr. Indarjit Ramdass helped considerably in facilitating field trips and providing logistical support, and the U.S. Embassy helped with handling and shipping of supplies and specimens collected by McDowell. In Georgetown considerable assistance in securing supplies was given by “Harold” Mohamed Ameer. Without all of their help, the program would not have succeeded. Dr. McDowell has become a specialist in the plant family Rubiaceae and is currently an associate professor at Eastern Tennessee State University (ETSU), teaching plant biology and systematics. He serves as curator of the John C. Warden Herbarium and as Director of the ETSU Arboretum. His publications include articles on the neotropical genera Exostema (McDowell, 1996a; McDowell & Bremer, 1998) and Syringantha (McDowell 1996b), Caribbean biogeography (McDowell et al., 2003; Fritsch & McDowell, 2003) and botanical teaching (Levy, Hill & McDowell, 2001; McDowell & Levy, 2003). He is currently preparing a taxonomic treatment for the genus Morinda (Rubiaceae) for the Flora of the Guianas with ETSU student Amanda Parks. Format of Collection Information Over 150 taxonomic specialists and other botanical professionals participated in the identification of plants collected by Tim McDowell. Now that over 85% of these collections have been identified, this publication makes the results of his fieldwork widely available in print to the botanical and conservation communities. This publication also serves as a resource for many herbaria that have received duplicates of these collections. As is always the case with such endeavors, specialists may revise the determinations of specimens, and data errors are discovered and corrected over time. The BDG website (see below) with these data will be periodically updated. This publication is divided into four parts: Part | is comprised of narratives prepared by McDowell on the localities, habitats, people, and events of the collecting trips. The St. Cuthberts — Rockstone section (Trip 1) was contributed by Vicki Funk, who collected with McDowell on that trip, and the Mt. Ebini section (Trip 12) was contributed by Carol Kelloff, who accompanied McDowell on that expedition. 10 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Part II is a detailed account of the localities where McDowell made his collections for the BDG program; these are listed chronologically and grouped by trip. The range of numbers for each trip is indicated, as are the dates of the trip. Within each trip specific localities, as provided by the collector, are listed with their collection number ranges, the date for those collections, latitude and longitude coordinates, elevation ranges in meters, habitat descriptions, and co- collectors. Latitude and longitude are given in degree (°), minute (’), and second (‘’) format. These collections were made just prior to availability of affordable Global Positioning Systems (GPS); coordinates were usually recorded in the field notebooks only to the nearest minute, and accuracy varies as localities were determined in the field using maps of varying quality. Part II] is a set of maps indicating the localities for each of McDowell’s collecting trips, along with selected place names mentioned in the trip narratives. As stated above, the accuracy of these collecting localities is subject to the tools that were available to collectors at the time. The maps were produced using ArcMap 8 (ESRI, 2002) with basemap coverages produced through the BDG’s collaboration with the CSBD at the University of Guyana. Part IV is a listing of the McDowell collections in numerical order. Each collection number is followed by the determined plant family, the plant name including any infraspecific names that have been provided, and authors of the name. The plant name information may be checked against the synonymy provided in the Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas, 2” Edition (Boggan et al., 1997), or in the Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana Shield. Volume 1: Acanthaceae - Lythraceae (Hollowell et al., 2001), both of which are available online at Aitp:/( biodiversity/bdg. In a few cases a commonly accepted name is listed following the determined name. The authors of plant names conform to standard abbreviations (Brummitt and Powell, 1992). Part V is a listing of collections by determined name, sorted by division, family, genus and specific epithets followed by the collection numbers for each name. Specimens not determined to genus are the first listed for each family, and specimens not determined to species are the first listed for each genus. This section is provided to facilitate the location of specimens of interest to specialists. The first set of all McDowell collections has been distributed to the Guyana National Herbarium at CSBD. After determination, a second sheet is deposited at Smithsonian’s U.S. National Herbarium (US). Additional duplicates have also been distributed to many other herbaria in the Americas and Europe as part of ongoing exchange programs. Anyone requiring additional information about these specimens or about the specialists and other individuals who participated in the determination of specimens may contact the BDG Program at the US National Herbarium, MRC 166, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, 20013-7012 USA. This is the third publication by the BDG detailing the collections of the program’s resident plant collectors. The first publication covered the collections of John J. Pipoly from 1987 to 1988 (Hollowell et al., 2000), and the second covered the collections of Lynn J. Gillespie from 1989 to 1991 (Hollowell et al., 2003). As identification of specimens collected by other BDG botanists approaches at least 80% completion, additional publications will be issued in this series. This is publication number 87 in the Smithsonian’s Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program publication series. References Berry, P.E., B.K. Holst, and K. Yatskievych, eds. 1995. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana. Vol- ume 1: Introduction. J.A. Steyermark, Paul E, Berry, and B.K. Holst, general eds. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Boggan, J., V. Funk, C. Kelloff, M. Hoff, G. Cremers, and C, Feuillet. 1997. Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas, 2nd Edition. Bio- logical Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 1] Braun, M.J, D.W. Finch, M.B. Robbins, and B.K. Schmidt. 2000. A Field Checklist of the Birds of Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. Brummitt, R.K., and C.E. Powell, eds. 1992. Aa- thors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Clarke, H.D., V. Funk and T. Hollowell. 2001. Using checklists and collections data to inves- tigate plant diversity. I: A comparative check- list of the plant diversity of the Iwokrama For- est, Guyana. Sida Botanical Miscellany 21, Sopp. Engstrom, M. and B. Lim. 2001-present. Check- list of the Mammals of Guyana. Biological Di- versity of the Guiana Shield Program, Smithsonian Institution. biodiversity/bdg/guymammals.html. ESRI. 2002. ArcMap 8.3. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA. Fritsch, P.W. & T.D. McDowell. 2003. Biogeog- raphy and phylogeny of Caribbean plants: In- troduction. Systematic Botany 28: 376-377. Funk, V.A. and K. Richardson. 2002. Systematic data in biodiversity studies: Use it or lose it. Systematic Biology 51 (2): 303-316. Funk, V.A., K.S. Richardson, and Simon Ferrier. in press. Survey-gap analysis in expeditionary research: where do we go from here? Biologi- cal Journal of the Linnean Society. Gibbs, A.K., and C.N. Barron. 1993. The Geol- ogy of the Guiana Shield. Oxford University Press, New York. Hollowell, T., P. Berry, V. Funk, and C. Kelloff. 2001. Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam; French Guiana). Volume 1; Acanthaceae - Lythraceae. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Hollowell, T., V.A. Funk, C.L. Kelloff and G. Gharbarran. 2000. Smithsonian Plant Collec- tions, Guyana: 1986 - 1987, John J. Pipoly II. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC. Hollowell, T., L.J. Gillespie, V.A. Funk and C.L. Kelloff. 2003. Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1989 - 1991, Lynn J. Gillespie. Con- tributions from the United States National Her- barium 44: 1-104. Huber, O., G. Gharbarran, and V.A. Funk. 1995. Preliminary Vegetation Map of Guyana. Bio- logical Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Kelloff, C.L. 2003. The use of biodiversity data in developing Kaieteur National Park, Guyana for ecotourism and conservation. Contributions to the Study of Biological Diversity 1: 1-44. Uni- versity of Guyana. Kelloff, C.L. and V.A. Funk. 1998. Preliminary Checklist of the Plants of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Kelloff, C.L. and V.A. Funk. 2004. Phytogeogra- phy of the Kaieteur Falls, Potaro Plateau, Guyana: floral distributions and affinities. Jour- nal of Biogeography 31: 501-513. Levy, F., Hill, S. and T. McDowell. 2001. Wind- stress: An experimental investigation into the structure-function relationship of leaf architec- ture. Amer. Biol. Teacher 63: 124-127. McDowell, T. 1996a. Exostema (Persoon) Bonpland (Rubiaceae): Taxonomic history, no- menclature and subgeneric classification. Op- era Botanica Belgica 7: 277-295. McDowell, T. 1996b. Syringantha coulteri (Hooker f.) T. McDowell, a new combination, and remarks on the relationships of the mono- typic genus Syringantha Standley (Rubiaceae). Novon 6, 273-279. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell McDowell, T. & B. Bremer. 1998. Phylogeny, di- versity, and distribution in Exostema (Rubiaceae): Implications of morphological and molecular analyses. P/. Syst. Evol. 212: 215- 246. McDowell, T. & F. Levy. 2003. Trees are stars at the ETSU Arboretum. Tennessee Conservation- ist. 69: 9-1] McDowell, T., M. Volosek, & P. Manos. 2003. Biogeography of Exostema (Rubiaceae) in the Caribbean region in light of molecular phylo- genetic analyses. Systematic Botany 28: 431- 441. Reynolds, R., R. MacCulloch, M. Tamessaar, C. Watson, C.J. Cole, & C. Townsend. 2001- present. Preliminary Checklist of the Herpetofauna of Guyana. Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program, Smithsonian Institution. guyherps. Acknowledgments The compilation of this collection summary would not have been possible without the work of many people who have assisted the BDG Program over the years, both at the Smithsonian and in Guyana. Among these people are John Boggan, Larry Skog, Margaret and Malcolm Chan-a-Sue, H. David Clarke, Phillip daSilva, Michael Tamessar, Susan Grose, Marilyn Hansel, Dyantie Naraine, Naseem Nasir, and George Walcott. We also thank Paul Berry of the University of Wisconsin and Scott Mori of the New York Botanical Garden for suggestions on the manuscript. The multitude of specialists, both past and present, who have helped in the determination of Tim McDowell’s specimens from Guyana, are listed below. Contributors of Identifications Fungi Auriculariaceae: T.W. Henkel Ganodermataceae: T.W. Henkel Polyporaceae: T.W. Henkel Xylariaceae: T.W. Henkel Lichens Cladoniaceae: T. Ahti Bryophytes Calymperaceae: A.E. Newton Dicranaceae: A.E. Newton Funariaceae: A.E. Newton Hookeriaceae: A.E. Newton Hypnaceae: A.E. Newton Leucobryaceae: A.E. Newton Leucomiaceae: A.E. Newton Polytrichaceae: A.E. Newton Pottiaceae: A.E. Newton Lycophytes Lycopodiaceae: C.L. Kelloff, D.B. Lellinger Selaginellaceae: D.B. Lellinger Pteridophytes Adiantaceae: D.B. Lellinger, J. Prado Aspleniaceae: D.B. Lellinger, GS. McKee Blechnaceae; D.B. Lellinger Cyatheaceae: D.B. Lellinger Dennstaedtiaceae: C.L. Kelloff, D.B. Lellinger, H. Tuomisto Dryopteridaceae: D.B. Lellinger Gleicheniaceae: D.B. Lellinger Grammitidaceae: D.B. Lellinger Hymenophyllaceae: D.B. Lellinger, H. Tuomisto Lomariopsidaceae: D.B. Lellinger Lygodiaceae: C.L. Kelloff Marattiaceae: D.B. Lellinger Metaxyaceae: D.B. Lellinger Oleandraceae: D.B. Lellinger, GS. McKee, R. Tryon Ophioglossaceae: C.L. Kelloff Polypodiaceae: C.L. Kelloff, D.B. Lellinger Pteridaceae: D.B. Lellinger Schizaeaceae: C.L. Kelloff, D.B. Lellinger Tectariaceae: D.B. Lellinger Thelypteridaceae: D.B. Lellinger Vittariaceae: D.B. Lellinger Woodsiaceae: D.B. Lellinger Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 13 Gymnosperms Gnetaceae: J.W. Kuyt Anthophyta Acanthaceae: D. Wasshausen Amaranthaceae: J.K. Boggan, R.A. DeFilipps Anacardiaceae: J.D. Mitchell Annonaceae: H.L. de Boo, D.M. Johnson, H. Maas, P.J.M. Maas, C.M. van Zuilen Apiaceae: C.L. Kelloff Apocynaceae: L. Allorge, J.K. Boggan, A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, J.F. Morales, M.M. Plumel Aquifoliaceae: H.D. Clarke, E. Tripp, M. Sewell Araceae: T. Croat, D.H. Nicolson Araliaceae: J.C. Lindeman Arecaceae: J.J. de Granville, A. Henderson Aristolochiaceae: C. Feuillet Asclepiadaceae: G. Morillo Asteraceae: V. Funk, J. Pruski, H. Robinson Balanophoraceae: B. Hansen Begoniaceae: L.B. Smith, D. Wasshausen Bignoniaceae: C. Feuillet, A. Gentry, S.O. Grose, W.D. Hauk Bixaceae: C.L. Kelloff Bombacaceae: L.J. Dorr, C.L. Kelloff, E. Tripp Bonnetiaceae: S.A. Mori, A. Weitzman Boraginaceae: C. Feuillet, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, J.S. Miller, K. Redden, C.M. Taylor Bromeliaceae: J.K. Boggan, J.R. Grant, E.J. Gouda, M.A. Spencer Burmanniaceae: J.K. Boggan, C.L. Kelloff, P.J.M. Maas Burseraceae: D. Daly, A. Goldberg Cactaceae: B.E. Leuenberger Campanulaceae: R.A. DeFilipps, J. Luteyn Cannaceae: P.J.M. Maas Capparaceae: R.A. DeFilipps, J.C. Lindeman Caryocaraceae: G.T. Prance Casuarinaceae: C.C. Berg Cecropiaceae: C.C. Berg Celastraceae: A.R.A. Gérts-van Rijn, P. Hiepko Chrysobalanaceae: R.C. Barneby, G.T. Prance, J. Rhodes, S.F. Smith Clusiaceae: J.J. Pipoly Combretaceae: C.A. Stace Commelinaceae: R.B. Faden Connaraceae: C.L. Kelloff Convolvulaceae: D.F. Austin, T. Hollowell, R.L. Liesner, M.T. Strong Costaceae: P.J.M. Maas Cucurbitaceae: E. Lucas, M. Nee, D. Zappi Cyclanthaceae: J.K. Boggan, S. Stern Cyperaceae: K, Camelbeke, K.M. James, G. Moore, R. Kral, M.T. Strong, W.W. Thomas Cyrillaceae: J.K. Boggan Dichapetalaceae: P. Acevedo, P. Hiepko, G.T. Prance Dilleniaceae: G. Aymard, C.L. Kelloff, A-E. New- ton Dioscoreaceae: T. Hollowell Droseraceae: C.L. Kelloff Ericaceae: J. Luteyn, P.E. Berry Eriocaulaceae: M. Hakki, R. Kral, T. McDowell, M.T. Strong Erythroxylaceae: P.E. Berry Euphorbiaceae: W.S. Armbruster, M.J.M. Christenhusz, H.-J. Esser, L.J. Gillespie, P.J.M. Maas, J. Murillo, W. Punt, G.L. Webster Fabaceae-Caesal.: R.C. Barneby, H.D. Clarke, J. Grimes, G.P. Lewis, T. McDowell, K. Redden Fabaceae-Mimos.: R.C. Barneby, J. Grimes, C.L. Kelloff, O. Poncy, K. Redden Fabaceae-Papil.: R.C. Barneby, A.M. Carvalho, H.D. Clarke, J. Grimes, C.L. Kelloff, M. Lavin, G.P. Lewis, R.L. Liesner, H.C. de Lima, K. Red- den, V.E. Rudd Flacourtiaceae: M.H. Alford, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, R.L. Liesner Gentianaceae: L. Cobb., C. Gleason, J. Kallunki, C.L. Kelloff, P.J.M. Maas, L. Struwe Gesneriaceae: C. Feuillet, L.E. Skog Haemodoraceae: J.K. Boggan Heliconiaceae: W.J. Kress, T. McDowell Hippocrateaceae: A.R.A. Gorts-van Rijn, J.A. Lombardi, A.M.W. Mennega Humiriaceae: J. Cuatrecasas, R.L. Liesner, E.A. Tripp Hydrocharitaceae: M.T. Strong Icacinaceae: A. Goldberg, A.C. de Roon Iridaceae: J.K. Boggan, M.T. Strong Lacistemataceae: C.C. Berg, A.R.A. Gérts-van Rijn, J.J. Pipoly, C. Todzia Lamiaceae: R.M. Harley Lauraceae: J. Rohwer, H. van der Werff, T. Hollowell Lecythidaceae: S. Mori, H.D. Clarke, J. Rhodes, S. Stern Lentibulariaceae: C.L. Kelloff, P. Taylor Liliaceae: J.K. Boggan 14 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Loganiaceae: A.E. Brant, R.K. Shannon Loranthaceae: J.W. Kuijt Malpighiaceae: C. Anderson, W.R. Anderson, Gates, T. Hollowell, T. McDowell Malvaceae: L.J. Dorr, P. Fryxell, M.J. Jansen- Jacobs Marantaceae: K. Hoenselaar, H. Kennedy, P.J.M. Maas, H.H.C. Raijmakers, M.T. Strong, J.J. Wurdack Marcgraviaceae: A.C. de Roon, J.K. Boggan, T. Hollowell Melastomataceae: F. Almeda, A. Freire Fierro, R.L. Liesner, D. Penneys, J.J. Wurdack Meliaceae: T.D. Pennington Mendonciaceae: D. Wasshausen Menispermaceae: R.C. Barneby, P. Hiepko Menyanthaceae: J.K. Boggan, R.A. DeFilipps Monotaceae: L.J. Dorr Moraceae: C.C. Berg Myristicaceae: W.A. Rodrigues Myrsinaceae: J.J. Pipoly Myrtaceae: B.K. Holst Nyctaginaceae: R.A. DeFilipps Ochnaceae: A. Goldberg, R.L. Liesner, S. Mori, C. Sastre Olacaceae: P. Hiepko, R.L. Liesner Onagraceae: P.-E. Berry, E. Zardini Orchidaceae: G. Carnevali, E.A. Christenson, T. McDowell, I. Ramirez, GA. Thomas, M.C.M. Werkhoven Oxalidaceae: A. Lourteig, T. McDowell Passifloraceae: C. Feuillet, T. McDowell Phytolaccaceae: R.A. DeFilipps, C.L. Kelloff, M. Sewell Piperaceae: R. Callejas, M.J.M. Christenhusz, A.R.A. Gorts-van Rijn Poaceae: G. Davidse, E.J. Judziewicz, C.L. Kelloff, GA. Rua Podostemaceae: C.L. Kelloff Polygalaceae: A. Jacobs-Brouwer, R.L. Liesner, J.J. Wurdack Polygonaceae: J. Brandbyge Portulacaceae: R.A, DeFilipps Quiinaceae: J.M. Pires Rapateaceae: P.E. Berry, C.L. Kelloff, T. McDowell Rhabdodendraceae: A. Goldberg Rhamnaceae: G. Nesom Rhizophoraceae: J.J. Floret Rubiaceae: B. Boom, P. Delprete, C. Feuillet, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, C.L. Kelloff, T, McDowell, J. Pruski, C.M. Taylor, J.J. Wurdack Rutaceae: J. Kallunki Sabiaceae: P. Hiepko Sapindaceae: P. Acevedo Sapotaceae: T.D. Pennington, M. Sewell Scrophulariaceae: $. Bidgood, N.H. Holmgren, S.F. Smith, M.T. Strong Simaroubaceae: W.W. Thomas Siparunaceae: M. Pignal Smilacaceae: R.A. DeFilipps, M.J. Jansen- Jacobs Solanaceae: S. Knapp, M. Nee Sterculiaceae: L.J. Dorr, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs Symplocaceae: J.C. Lindeman Theophrastaceae: J.C. Lindeman Thurniaceae: M.T. Strong Thymelaeaceae: M.T. Strong Tiliaceae: M.J. Jansen-Jacobs Trigoniaceae: C.L. Kelloff Triuridaceae: C.L. Kelloff Turneraceae: M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, R.L. Liesner Ulmaceae: C.C. Berg, J.K. Boggan, L.J. Dorr, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs Urticaceae: J.K. Boggan Velloziaceae: A.W. Meerow Verbenaceae: S. Atkins, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs, T. McDowell, D. Wasshausen Violaceae: H.E. Ballard, A. Gentry, L.J. Gillespie, W.H.A. Hekking Viscaceae: J.W. Kuijt Vitaceae: T. Hollowell, R.L. Liesner Vochysiaceae: S. Mori, E.A. Tripp Xyridaceae: C.L. Kelloff, R. Kral Zingiberaceae: W.J. Kress, P.J.M. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 15 Collections of Special Interest 1924 Rubiaceae Spermacoce cf. glabra Michx.; First collection in the det. C.M. Taylor, 2001 Guianas 2038 Verbenaceae Vitex capitata Vahl; det. M.J. First collection in Guyana Jansen-Jacobs, 199] 2103 Flacourtiaceae Neosprucea sp.; det. M.J. New species, ined. M.Alford Jansen-Jacobs, 1992 First collection of the genus in the Guianas 2200 Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum havanense Jacq.; First collection in the det. P. Berry, 1998 Guianas 2225 Piperaceae Piper dilatatum Rich.; det. R. First collection in Guyana? Callejas, 1V 2000 Det. Piper tectonifolium by Gorts-van Rijn, 2001 2227 Piperaceae Piper foveolatum Kunth ex C. DC.; First collection in Guyana. det. R. Callejas, IV 2000; conf. A. Gorts-van Rijn confirmation R.A. Gorts-van Rijn, 2001 as P. poiteanum (synonym) 2327 Icacinaceae Pleurisanthes cf. artocarpi Baill.; Second collection in det. A. Goldberg, 1995 Guyana? 2409 Hippocrateaceae Peritassa dulcis (Benth.) Miers; First collection in Guyana det. J.A. Lombardi, 2003 2412 Araceae Xanthosoma cf. striolatum Matt. First collection in Guyana? ex Schott; det. D.H. Nicolson, 1991 2418 Solanaceae Cyphomandra hartwegii (Miers) First collection in Guyana Walp. ssp. hartwegii; det. M. Nee, 1994 Piper glabrescens (Miq.) C. DC.; det. Gorts-van Rijn & Christenhusz, 2001 Perhaps the second collec- tion in the Guianas, also 2638 Piperaceae det. P. pseudoglabrescens by R. Callejas, 2000 2703 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia leprieurii Duch., det. Third collection in Guyana, C. Feuillet, 2003 the first being by A.W. Bartlett in 1904 2751 Rubiaceae Malanea gabrielensis Mill. Arg.: First collection in the det. C.M. Taylor, 2002 Guianas 2828 Schizaeaceae Schizaea poeppigiana J.W. Sturm, First collection in Guyana. det. C.L. Kelloff, 1991 A rare species 2830 Thurniaceae Thurnia sphaerocephala (Rudge) A new subspecies, Hook. f. ssp. nov.; det. M.T. Strong, description ined. 2003 2833 Fabaceae-Papil. Swartzia invenusta Barneby; det. Type Collection R. Barneby, 1996 16 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2884 Rubiaceae Psychotria aff. egensis Miill. Arg.: First record for the Guianas det. C.M. Taylor, 1996 if confirmed 3178 Chrysobalanaceae Hfirtella glandistipula Ducke: First collection in Guyana det. G.T. Prance, 1998 3276. a ~=Podostemaceae = RAyncholacis linearis Tul.; det. First collection in the C.L. Kelloff, 2003 Guianas 3305 a Gentianaceae Voyria corymbosa Splitg. subsp. First collection in the corymbosa; det. C.L. Kelloff, 1993 Guianas of this subspecies 3473 Acanthaceae Justicia medowellii Wassh.; Brittonia Type Collection. Named in 54: 292. 2002 honor of Tim McDowell 3512 Melastomataceae Jococa or Miconia sp. nov.; det. Probably a new species, fide J.J. Wurdack, 1993 J. Wurdack 3606 Poaceae Andropogon ? glomeratus (Walter) If this is 4. glomeratus, it is E. Britton, Stearns, & Poggenb.; det. a new record for Guianas EJ. Judziewicz, 1992 3764 Convolvulaceae — Maripa paniculata Barb. Rodr.; det. First collection in Guyana D.F. Austin, 1998 3810 Gesneriaceae Paradrymonia barbata Feuillet & L.E. Type Collection (see back Skog; det. C. Feuillet, 2000 cover) 3924 Rubiaceae Psychotria sandwithiana (Steyerm.) First collection in the Steyerm.; det. C.M. Taylor, 2001 Guianas 3978 Cyperaceae Rhynchocladium steyermarkii First collection in Guyana (TI. Koyama) T. Koyama; det. M.T. (fide Strong) Strong, 199] 4028 Myristicaceae Compsoneura ulei Warb.; det. W.A. First collection in Guyana Rodrigues, 1994 4269 Rubiaceae Coussarea leptoloba (Spreng. ex First collection in the Benth. & Hook. f.) Miill. Arg.; det. Guianas C.M. Taylor, 1993 4337 a Bromeliaceae Vriesea heliconioides (Kunth) Hook. First collection in Guyana ex Walp.; det. E.J. Gouda, 1997 4347 Malpighiaceae = Mascagnia macrodisca (Triana & First collection in Guyana Planch.) Nied.; det. W.R. Anderson, 1992 4455 Hippocrateaceae Peritassa pruinosa (Seem.) A.C. Sm.: First collection in the det. J.A. Lombardi, 2001 Guianas 4718 Dicranaceae Eucamptodontopsis tortuosa H. Rob.; First collection in the det. A.E. Newton, 1994 Guianas 4783 Malpighiaceae — Tetrapterys pusilla Steyerm.; det. W.R. First collection in the Anderson, 1992 Guianas Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 17 4872 Gesneriaceae Lampadaria rupestris Feuillet & L.E. Type Collection, for the Skog; det. C. Feuillet, 2002 species and genus. The genus is named for the torchbearer at the Olympic Games. See front cover. 4874 Burmanniaceae Gymnosiphon capitatus (Benth.) Urb.: First collection in the det. C.L. Kelloff, 1992 Guianas 18 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Figure 4. Suroojnauth Tiwari and Vicki Funk ata stop along the Linden — Rockstone road. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 19 PART I: NOTES ON TRIPS Trip 1: St. Cuthberts - Rockstone, 2/ January to 23 January 1990 Collection numbers 1700 - 1827 Contributed by V.A. Funk Tim McDowell’s first field trip in Guyana was originally planned as a month-long expedition to Holitipu in the Pakaraima Mountains. The field team for that trip consisted of Lynn Gillespie (outgoing BDG resident collector), McDowell (incoming resident collector), Vicki Funk (BDG Program Director), and Suroojnauth Tiwari (University of Guyana Scientific Officer), who sat in Georgetown all through January 1990 and watched the heavy rains. No flights were able to go into the Pakaraima Mountains for a couple of weeks. Out of desperation and boredom the team undertook two short expeditions. During these trips it also rained most of the time. The first trip was to the Ituni savannas; these plants were collected on Gillespie’s numbers and was treated as Trip Number 17 in the recent publication summarizing her tenure as BDG resident collector (Hollowell et al., 2003). Gillespie decided not to participate in the second trip, and it became McDowell’s first in Guyana using his number series. The first part of this three-day trip was spent on the savannas near St. Cuthbert’s Mission. Most of the plant collections were made in the bush islands of these savannas. Although the savannas are often dry, after the extensive rains they were inundated, and there were many depressions filled with water in the vehicle tracks. The planned trip route was to take the road to Rockstone, cross the pontoon bridge over the Essequibo River, and to continue by road to Bartica. From Bartica, the Toyota Land Cruiser would be carried on the ferry to Parika at the mouth of the Essequibo River for a final return by road to Georgetown. At the beginning of this circuit, the road to Rockstone was muddy but passable, until just prior to the bridge, where it promptly deteriorated into a quagmire, complete with a large Bedford truck stuck up to the axles. The truck had uprooted several trees while unsuccessfully trying to winch itself out of the mud. Although the Toyota managed to traverse the first 100-meter muddy stretch by straddling deep ruts, the team was stranded at the top of a steep, muddy hill leading down to the bridge. There would be no way to control a downhill slide to the bridge. The team decided to wait and see if the road dried out more by the next day. They negotiated the way back through the first muddy area (Figure 4). After twice becoming stuck and digging out, the team reached firm land and began to set up camp for the night. Fortunately, Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Rodriguez, an older couple living nearby in the only house on the road, invited the team to hang their hammocks inside of their house. It happens that while the couple was out over the previous week their guard and dog disappeared, and everything in the house was stolen leaving plenty of room for everyone. During the night there was another downpour, which made the road conditions worse, and caused the team to abandon all thoughts of travelling to Bartica by road. The team decided to leave all of their extra supplies with the couple that had sheltered them for the night, and they returned to Georgetown to dry out. Trip 2: Karanambo - Surama - Karasabai, /6 February to 10 March 1990 Collection numbers 1828 - 2217 This trip was taken in collaboration with two visiting botanists from the Smithsonian Institution, Pedro Acevedo, a specialist in lianas and the family Sapindaceae, and Christian Feuillet, a specialist in the families Passifloraceae, Aristolochiaceae, and Gesneriaceae. Their collections from this trip will be treated in a separate volume. The team also included the University of Guyana botanist S. Tiwari. They 0) Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell visited several sites on or near the Rupununi Savanna, a seasonally flooded grassland covering a large portion of southwestern Guyana. The Rupununi was at that time accessible only by plane or small boat, being separated from the coastal region by a broad expanse of lowland forest and the Essequibo River. Construction had started on anew road that would connect the town of Lethem on the Brazil border with the road to Georgetown. This new road, which followed the old cattle trail, was being cut through the forest that is now included in the Iwokrama Forest. One objective of the trip was to gather opportunistic collections from the newly felled trees. Preparations for the trip were made by McDowell, who obtained the permits to travel into the interior and to visit various Amerindian settlements, and obtained permission from the construction company to collect along the new road cut. Supplies of newspaper and ethanol for pressing and preserving specimens, kerosene, food, and cooking and camping gear along with personal backpacks were loaded onto a chartered twin-engine Islander plane at Ogle airport near Georgetown. The team flew to Karanambo, the ranch of Diane McTurk, northeast of Lethem. The McTurk family had long been cattle ranchers in the remote and sparsely inhabited Rupununi:; Diane McTurk maintained a guesthouse for tourists and visitors. She assisted the team by providing a driver and Land Rover, one of very few vehicles present in the region at the time. The team enjoyed meals and lodging at McTurk’s ranch along the Rupununi river and made collections locally while organizing the next stage of their trip. After two days at Karanambo, the team departed by Land Rover on February 18 and proceeded northeast to the Amerindian village of Surama, on the northern edge of the Rupununi savanna. En route they passed the main construction headquarters for the road-building company, Paranapanema, at the village of Annai. Surama village is situated about 10 km north of the path of the new road. In Surama the team coordinated with the village captain, Mr. Sidney Allicock, who ably and graciously facilitated their visit. The village is centered on an opening of savanna surrounded by forest. The collecting team was given shelter in a large, open-walled post and beam structure that served as a village community center. Nearby was the wooden school building. The villagers’ houses were dispersed through the surrounding lands. For the next week the team collected plants from the forests and patches of savanna around Surama, returning each evening to press their collections, complete field notes, and finally to bind the packets of pressed sheets with string. These were then wrapped tightly in heavy clear plastic bags, and saturated in 70% ethanol, in which they could remain stable for many weeks. Collection sites around Surama included the forests and openings around the upper Buro-Buro River, Lake Surama, and the old airstrip. Acevedo traveled with climbing gear that he used to collect liana specimens from the forest canopy. The team also carried a pole cutter with several extension segments, which they used to gather specimens from high branches. The vegetation included secondary forest, farmed clearings (mostly for cassava), margins of the creeks and lake, and the edges of the savanna openings. It was interesting to collect the broadleaf gymnosperm liana Gnetum (Gnetaceae, no. 2045) in “flower”, though it is technically a gymnosperm and not a flowering plant. The same day they collected the blue-flowered tree Vitex capitata (Verbenaceae, no. 2038), a first record for Guyana. The Surama Captain and school teacher Sydney Allicock invited the team to a student recital held on the night before their departure from the village. This was a joyful event. The two dozen or so students recited poetry and sang in chorus for the assembled village. Before leaving Surama, the collecting team made some small gifts for their hosts: several boxes of clear newsprint bifolds for the school, a spool of the red woven ribbon used in tying herbarium packets, for the women, and several of the heavy plastic collecting bags for the men. The next morning the villagers brought in three donkeys to pack out the team’s load of supplies on the walk to the main road. After waiting alongside the road for two hours with their supplies, the team found a ride with a passing truck and headed northeast on the new roadbed to reach the front of the road clearing operation. There they unloaded their supplies, stowed some in the woods along the roadway, and Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 21 hauled the rest about 1 km into the woods, making their campsite along a small creek. The construction of the Kurupukari-Lethem roadway by the Brazilian firm Paranapanema was an impressive and enormous project. A very broad swath was cleared for the road, up to 100 m across, which created a wide margin on either side of what would become a two-lane, paved highway. Apparently the wide margin was needed to protect the highway from blockage by treefalls. The forest clearing operation, which had been delayed by several rainy months, proceeded at a fierce pace, with the right-of-way advancing into the forest about 2 km per day. The tall rainforest trees were not cut down; they were simply toppled by relentless pushing from three huge D-9 Caterpillar bulldozers. Trees too big for a single bulldozer were uprooted by two or, at times, all three bulldozers pushing together. Once downed, the massive trunks were pushed to the edge of the roadway clearing, rolled up with a tangle of lianas and subcanopy trees. The quality of collecting from these tumbled heaps of broken trees was a great disappointment to McDowell. A general collector often finds an abundance (literally a windfall) of interesting plant material in a treefall, including canopy epiphytes and flowering material from tree branches that are usually inaccessible from the ground. In this case, however, the hundreds of downed trees provided scant material, because of the violent thrashing, breakage and scraping as Figure 5. Christian Feuillet and Pedro Acevedo travelling along the newly cleared right-of-way.of the Georgetown Lethem road. trees were bulldozed. The row of plant rubble was pressed against the wall of forest, with huge, broken branches piled to 40 m high. Most of the flowers, fruits or epiphytes were buried below this heap of scraped and broken sticks and logs. When occasional intact fertile material was found there was difficulty in telling if it belonged to a liana, a small tree, or to one of the giant canopy trunks. It was not possible to collect from individual trees as they fell, because the bulldozers worked at a very fast pace and quickly returned to shove these trees to the edge. The noise and fumes of diesel engines dominated the area. The team collected along the new roadway for three days, returning each night to their camp in the woods, which was progressively further from the advancing road-head. Collecting was better from the sides of the small track that provided the line for the advancing main roadway. This pathway generally followed an old roadbed, which had been used over the years by four-wheel drive trucks and jeeps. In front of this narrow road the survey line for the coming highway continued to the northeast, sometimes no larger than a flagged walking trail but soon to be a broad opening. Along these smaller trails the forest was again accessible and the sounds of the bulldozers were muted. Along this section, a collection was made from a 15 m high tree with yellow flowers: this was determined to be the first collection of Neosprucea in the Guianas (Flacourtiaceae, no. 2103), and is likely to be described as a new species in that genus. After three days along the road front, the team retrieved their supplies and returned along the new roadway, traveling southwest on an open Paranapanema truck (Figure 5) to the village of Annai. There they stayed two nights, housed in the policemen’s quarters, a small building alongside a radio tower, not far from the Paranapanema construction headquarters. The area around Annai had been collected recently by Smithsonian botanists J. Pipoly, B. Hahn and others, so the team did not remain for long. They managed to communicate with Diane McTurk by radio, and were soon traveling across the savanna in a Land Rover she had arranged for them. Their destination was the Amerindian village of Karasabai, situated on high ground in open 2? Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell savanna a few kilometers east of the Ireng River, which defines the border with Brazil. At Karasabai the team met the village leaders and was given lodging in a cinderblock house on the western edge of the main settlement. They were warmly welcomed by Pedro Benjamin, an Amerindian who served as a government Department of Agriculture Crop and Livestock Assistant. Mr. Benjamin introduced the members of the team to several residents of the village, who showed how their staple crop, bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), was processed into a large, circular flat bread by boiling, with the final product drying in the sun upon the thatched roofs of the houses. Other residents were making the traditional cassava beer, a heavy, filling fermented beverage brewed from the sweet cassava root. An experimental garden plot held various vegetables that were being grown for possible introduction to village gardens. Near the village a stand of cashew trees grew, with the curious ripe fruits hanging from the branches, bearing the small, green, curled nut from a large, orange-red, tasty fruit stalk. Heading northeast from the village, the team collected from gallery forest along Yourora Creek, which ran through a wooded draw. Cassava plots were dispersed throughout these semi-forested areas. Heading west from the village they collected on open savanna that extended to the bluffs overlooking the Ireng River and neighboring Brazil. Tall ant nests over | m high, built of white sand, stood in the open savanna like apartment blocks. The low-growing shrubs of the open savanna included guava (Psidium species) and Byrsonima crassifolia (Malpighiaceae, no. 2208), a very common shrub with bright yellow flowers. According to Mr. Benjamin this plant has been used by the local Macushi Indians as a malaria remedy. The root’s bark is cooked into a strong tea and taken three times daily until the malaria passes. Near the village the shrub Erythroxylum havanense Jacq. (Erythroxylaceae, no. 2200), a congener of the medicinal coca plant, was collected for the first time in the Guianas. The team departed Karasabai after a week and rode by Land Rover (driven by Royal, an Amerindian working with Diane McTurk) to Annai, where they had arranged a return flight to Georgetown. Their flight out was delayed one day due to the religious holiday Pugwash, but the plane arrived the following morning to return the group to Georgetown. In Georgetown they were assisted by Harold Ameer, who served as driver and general assistant for a succession of Smithsonian botanists. In the following ten days McDowell dried the many hundreds of sheets at the herbarium of the University of Guyana and then sent them to Washington for processing and determination, Trip 3: Kaieteur, 22 March 1990 Collection numbers 2215 - 2217 These three fungus collections were made incidentally while McDowell and parasitologist Jean (Handy) Bowdre made a brief trip to visit Kaieteur Falls. McDowell developed a fever during this visit, limiting his collecting. Veteran Guyanese pilot Malcolm Chan-A-Sue flew the plane to and from Kaieteur. Trip 4: Corentyne River - Orealla, // April to 28 April 1990 Collection numbers 2222 - 2540 On this trip McDowell was accompanied by D. Gopaul, a staff member of the University of Guyana. They collected primarily from a logging concession held by the Baba-Grant Sawmill Company, located some 100 km south of Corriverton along the Corentyne River, which defines the eastern border of Guyana. The company’s owners and staff, particularly Kimmy Rahamon and Ganesh Singh, facilitated the travel, lodging and collecting, and the Guyana Forestry Department provided additional support. This trip was arranged rather quickly after a planned trip accompanying a US Army medical detachment to the Matthews Ridge area, in the Northwest District, was postponed. The Corentyne trip took advantage of a new Evinrude 15 horsepower outboard motor received from the program coordinator at the Smithsonian. The group first traveled on the main coastal highway from Georgetown to Berbice in a Guyana Forestry Department pickup, which was heavily loaded with equipment. They arrived at the Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 23 Berbice sawmill of the Baba-Grant Company where they met Ganesh Singh, who served as river guide and host during travels to and from the logging camp, which was located up the Corentyne River. The boat was a long, wooden riverboat with a capacity equivalent to that of the pickup truck. It was filled with the supplies: food, collecting paper, five-gallon jugs of alcohol for specimen preservation, hammocks, gasoline, pole- clippers, and other camping and collecting gear. The boat’s load was then covered with a blue tarp, leaving enough room for Ganesh to drive with McDowell and Gopaul sitting front and rear. Early the next morning they set out with the motor slowly pushing the heavy boat up the wide river. The Corentyne River forms the border between Guyana and Surinam. At that time both sanctioned and illegal trade of food and consumer goods flourished. There was also a small rebel movement in isolated areas of Surinam’s forests, led by a Surinamese soldier named Brewster; this group sometimes restricted boat traffic on the river. Because of this, Ganesh landed the boat at the Guyanese Amerindian settlement Orealla and consulted with his friends regarding travel upriver. It was decided that it would be unsafe to drive the slow, supply-laden boat past the rebel checkpoint, which was situated a kilometer or so upriver on the Surinam side. With the generous help of the Orealla men, all of the supplies were hauled up the steep banks and loaded onto a flatbed farm wagon attached to a sizable tractor. Ganesh then piloted the empty boat past the rebel zone, while the Amerindians tractored the supplies, along with McDowell and Gopaul, across the savanna to meet a few kilometers upstream. For several uneventful hours the reloaded boat proceeded slowly upriver, occasionally seeing Amerindians in small canoes paddling along the shore, but passing few larger craft. Ganesh easily piloted the boat up Cow Falls due to the high water and landed at the Baba- Grant logging camp. The logging operation selectively harvested the more valuable timber species, and so did not create sizable clear-cut areas. A fairly new East German Fortschritt four wheel drive tractor was dragged logs to a holding yard, and periodically the logs were pulled down the river into a large floating formation. The logs were typically 1.5 meters or more in diameter, and were of many different species. During this visit there was little logging activity, because it had been an extremely wet season and there was already a large number of logs on the river. On this trip the pressed specimens were preserved with 70% ethanol; the tight bundles of sheets were soaked inside of clear, heavy plastic bags for drying in Georgetown. McDowell and Gopaul collected plants from the old-growth white sand forest, disturbed or cut over areas, and along the banks of the flooded creeks and river, most often by boat. In the forest the understory was fairly open due to the high, dense canopy. Forest collections included understory and gap trees (e.g. Piper, Rubiaceae, Lauraceae, Annonaceae, Melastomataceae, Lecythidaceae, Chrysobalanaceae), vines from cut areas (e.g. Sapindaceae, Convolvulaceae, Gnetum, Leguminosae), and epiphytes from the occasional treefall. A great variety of small trees and vines were collected from the boat along the Corentyne River and the creeks. Various cryptogams and fungi were also collected, particularly in the damp, unlit forest where there were few angiosperms in flower or fruit. The weather was mostly cloudy or rainy. At night the crew slept in hammocks hung from the frame of an open-walled, wood floored structure, which kept the collectors and their gear dry despite the muddy surroundings. It was possible to bathe each evening at the flat riverbank, but it was also best to stay near shore and not linger in the water, because of the many ‘pirae’, or piranha, fish in the river. Ganesh also tossed out kitchen scraps at the same landing, and once hooked and caught an eight-inch long piranha there. On Easter the expedition’s host (and co-owner of the sawmill) Kimmy Rahamon visited, and at his insistence McDowell went water-skiing on the river behind his large, high- powered wooden boat. Among problems on the trip, Gopaul developed a severe toothache soon after arrival, and used ethanol from a dropper- bottle, normally used to prime and light the big gas lantern, to anesthetize the sore tooth. Also, one day the new outboard motor required repair as the carburetor had been fouled by dirty gasoline. 24 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell After eleven days and 220 plant collections, the crew packed the boat with their gear, now mostly comprised of heavy bags of alcohol- preserved specimens, along with the little remaining food and fuel. With Ganesh driving, they headed downstream towards the coast. A stop was made for one night at White Hill, the home of John Morris Marco. Collections were made on one day at Wallaba Woods, a white sand forest and logging concession, and along nearby Potoko Creek. While travelling down river the next day, a brief stop visit was made with a long-time friend of Ganesh’s, an old settler who gave the group a great quantity of ripe Chrysophyllum fruits from his big tree. These soft, softball-sized fruits with shiny purple-black skin are juicy and sweet, with white-sapped flesh; this white latex is characteristic of the family Sapotaceae. A cut across the middle of this fruit (a transverse section) reveals a star-like arrangement of five seeds, thus giving their local name of “star apple”. With two additional plastic sacks of these fruits, the boat continued down the center of the 0.5 to 1 km-wide river. Soon rifle shots were heard from the Surinam side of the river. This was at the very wide bend in the river that McDowell and Gopaul had avoided on the trip upriver with the overland crossing. Ganesh explained that the rebels had seen the boat and were demanding that it pull in to their checkpoint, or risk armed pursuit of the slow, loaded boat. The checkpoint was a wooden dock with a fuel tank a few feet inland, all left over from a long-past logging operation or other settlement. Two young Amerindian boys holding automatic rifles stood on the dock above the boat, barefoot and wearing running shorts. The boys asked what was in the boat, and Ganesh explained that the load was of no value to them, just dead leaves in paper for scientific study. The passengers lifted up the fuel and alcohol jugs to display their emptiness. The boys also asked about food, and the botanists answered that they were returning to the coast because they had eaten everything, and all they had was two bags of star apple. A couple of these were tossed up, and since the boys had tentatively accepted the explanations, the team carefully pushed off from the dock, turned, and continued down river. The final stop along the river was the Orealla Amerindian settlement, where Ganesh was received as family. They collected plants in the savanna the next day, taking samples of grasses, sedges, herbs and shrubs. The following day the party returned to the main Baba-Grant Sawmill in Berbice. Gopaul went directly to the dentist to have his aching tooth extracted. The pickup truck from the Forestry Commission arrived on Saturday April 28, and carried all to Georgetown where several heavy bags of specimens were dropped off at the University of Guyana Herbarium. Over the next week the many duplicates of the 318 collection numbers were processed through the light-bulb heated plant dryers. They were then bundled and boxed for shipment to the Smithsonian for distribution for identification. Notable collections from this trip include Pleurisanthes ct. artocarpi Baill. (Icacinaceae), the second record for Guyana; Yanthosoma cf. striolatum Mart. ex Schott (Araceae), a new record for Guyana (if positively confirmed); Cyphomandra hartwegii (Miers) Walp. (Solanaceae), the first record for Guyana; Piper tectonifolium Kunth (Piperaceae), a new record for Guyana if this determination is correct (it has also been identified as P. dilatatum Rich.); and Piper foveolatum Kunth ex C. DC., a new record for Guyana. Trip 5: Kamarang River - Parumia - Utshi River — Holitipu, 72 May 1990 - 14 June 1990 Collection numbers 2541-3241 Trip Planning Lynn Gillespie, the Smithsonian’s resident botanist from 1988-90, did advance planning for this trip to Paruima, on the upper Kamarang River, and outlying tepuis. Originally set for January 1990, the trip was postponed due to an extended rainy period that grounded charter flights for many weeks. Tim McDowell began renewal of trip plans several weeks before departure, as permits from government departments can take several weeks to process, and communications must be established with Amerindian village leaders or other hosts in remote areas to arrange visits and organize a team Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 25 of the essential guides and porters. Obtaining supplies of food and fuel for this trip was a challenge. Topographic maps were purchased from the national geological offices. Harold Ameer, the long-term driver for the Smithsonian’s resident botanists, was instrumental in trip organization, using his taxi-driver’s knowledge of Georgetown’s ministries, markets and customs to expedite office visits and purchasing of provisions. D. Gopaul was the Guyanese member of the collecting team; he provided able and enthusiastic assistance throughout the planning process and the trip. As is still true today, transport to the interior was typically by charter airplane, which was expensive, required booking far in advance, and was subject to lengthy delays or cancellation due to weather conditions and competing customers. At the time, typical charter flights to interior regions cost about $500 US each way. The twin- engine Islander airplane was the standard choice. It typically carried a cargo of 1,500 pounds including the passengers, with an additional 200 pounds, in place of the copilot, sometimes available for an extra fee. The weight of supplies is always a key constraint on logistics for any air charter trip. Four types of supplies were carried: fuel, food, personal and camping gear, and plant collecting supplies. The Smithsonian’s small outboard motor was also carried for river travel. Fuel was among the heaviest items; this included gasoline and oil for the outboard motor, and kerosene for lamps, cookstoves and specimen dryers, if plant drying in the field was planned. Purchase of food in the interior was not a practical option, and enough was packed in Georgetown for three weeks to a month of travel, amounting to considerable weight. An expedition runs on large quantities of food packed in boxes or lidded five-gallon buckets. Major items include rice, beans, crackers, canned fish and meat or salt beef in brine, cheese, tea, coffee, sugar, salt, spices and hard candies. Camping gear included two or more tarpaulins, many ropes for constructing shelters, hammocks with mosquito nettings (custom sewn by the BDG’s Carol Kelloff), kerosene lanterns and cookstoves, kitchenware, flashlights, machetes and files, candles, insect repellent, soap, and incidentals. Collecting supplies comprised a large part of the cargo’s weight. These included 100 aluminum dryer corrugates, up to 5000 sheets of newsprint collecting paper, heavy plastic bags for both collecting and packaging pressed specimens, cardboards, string for binding specimen bundles, markers, and a collection notebook. Pressed specimens were either dried in the field with kerosene stoves or preserved with 70% ethanol for drying at the University herbarium. The field dryer was custom made, consisting of a 4' x 3' rack frame of aluminum corner-stock, assembled with wingnuts and surrounded on the sides by a canvas apron to channel heat through the corrugates of the dryer plant presses. Field drying can be time-consuming but has significant advantages. Field dried specimens retain much more color than alcohol preserved material, and they is more useful for studies of pollen, extraction of DNA, or analysis of other phytochemical compounds. Field dried specimens are much lighter to pack and fly out of remote collecting localities, however the dried plants must be kept dry in the field, and time needed for the drying process must be scheduled into the trip. Traveling to Kamarang On May 11 McDowell and D. Gopaul flew to the Kamarang airstrip, at the confluence of the Kamarang and Mazaruni Rivers (5° 52” N, 60° 37° W). The plane was loaded to is limit, with an extra allotment (the co-pilot’s weight) that was purchased. The crew found lodging at the compound of a priest, a short distance north of the airstrip. After locating a boat to rent for the entire trip, they collected plants in the vicinity for two days. Collections were made in the gallery forests flanking the Kamarang and Mazaruni Rivers, using the pole cutters from the boat. The rivers were very high due to several wet months. There were many lianas with large stems, easily mistaken for trees, fruiting in the canopy, for example Doliocarpus spraguei (Dilleniaceae), Norantea guianensis (Marcgraviaceae), Salacia impressifolia (Celastraceae), Machaerium quinata (Fabaceae) and Banisteriopsis lucida 2% Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell (Malpighiaceae). Various trees were collected, especially Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, Euphorbiaceae and Leguminosae, and assorted epiphytes (ferns, bromeliads and orchids) from fallen trees. On the Mazaruni River, about | km below its confluence with the Kamarang River, the team briefly visited with one of the mining operations that were common on rivers of the Potaro District. These gold miners worked the rivers from boats or small barges. They used the “torpedo dredge”, a submerged metal cylinder, connected with large tubing to a pump on the boat. High-pressure water jets surrounding the torpedo dredge cut into the mud-clay river banks, and the sediment was pumped to the barge and run down across a washboard-like table to catch gold particles. These were collected using mercury. At the miners’ camp the amalgam would be boiled to drive vaporize the mercury, leaving pure gold behind. Torpedo dredging destroys the river shore, leaving behind large heaps of sediment dotting the river. Trees lay tipped into the river where the bank had been removed. Nevertheless, gold mining was one of the few ways for an ambitious, hard-working individual to gain a livelihood or perhaps even get rich. After several days of collecting everything was loaded onto the boat, and they headed up the Kamarang River accompanied by two men from the Amerindian village of Paruima, their principal destination. The river was high, running up to the trees on shores that were still forested, as gold mining operations were not permitted in the Amerindian territories. The Kamarang was less than 50 meters across, and a rather narrow band of blue sky was visible between the surrounding forests. It was a flat river with a smooth surface, and the water was tan from the heavy flooding of recent weeks. The slow trip upstream took several hours, and no other motorized boats were seen, though they passed Amerindians paddling dugout canoes close to the shores. There were seven large bends in Kamarang River between the Kamarang airstrip landing and the low waterfall below Paruima Village, which was as far as they could go in the borrowed boat. Paruima Village At the “Paruima Falls” below the village, the boat was unloaded and pulled onto shore. The hosts from Paruima gave assurances that the boat would be safe there, calming McDowell’s concerns. They carried the supplies up the short trail, perhaps 200 m long, leading around the boulders that adjoined the falls. At the top they were met by a boat from the village of Paruima, which is just 1-2 km upstream from the falls. Arriving at Paruima in late afternoon the team hauled their supplies up the riverbank to a guesthouse where they were given lodging. Captain Lawrence Anselmo, who was the village leader and official representative to the Guyana government, coordinated the visit in Paruima. Paruima is the last permanent settlement before reaching the Venezuelan frontier, and it provides a good access point to remote tepuis and savannas along the Venezuelan border. It is set on rolling, open ground on a small bluff above a bend in the Kamarang River. At this point the river is slow moving and deep, about 20 m wide with sandy banks. Above the village the river narrows and reenters the forests. The Amerindians of the village were Seventh Day Adventists, and accordingly they refrained from eating pork and drinking alcoholic beverages, and they kept Saturday as a day of rest. They farmed in family plots scattered some distance from the village on both sides of the river. Cassava was a staple crop, and beans and various vegetables were also grown. The village consisted of perhaps ten small houses, each a few dozen yards from the next. Those near the guesthouse were made of cinderblock with tin roofs, but other houses were constructed of local materials, with thatched roofs and wooden walls. A resident named Daphne Chambers sewed a new apron to use with the field plant dryer. Near the guesthouse a small, whitewashed cinderblock building overlooking the river served as the Army outpost for the region; it was manned by two Guyanese soldiers. They were quite isolated there, without a radio and with infrequent supplies arriving from Kamarang. The Captain’s brother, Lloyd Anselmo, was the main guide throughout the expedition in the Paruima region. He organized the team of four to five Amerindians who helped on the week-long Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 27 trips from the village, and he guided the team to collecting sites near the village. The first days in Paruima were spent organizing week-long expeditions to savannas, tepuis and forests that were accessible by foot from the village. During this time they collected from nearby localities on both sides of the river, including primary and secondary forests on Rain Mountain, the steep hill behind the village, along the river (by foot and by boat), and in disturbed areas of the village and of nearby farms. The collections included many grasses and sedges, many shrubs or small trees including several species of Piper and of Psychotria), several Heliconia species. During four days of collecting around Paruima Village, Gopaul and McDowell collected 135 numbers, mostly in groups of 8 to 10 duplicates, and dried all of these collections in the village. In addition to Rain Mountain they collected in wet, mature forest with occasional farm plots on Lalluvia Creek and Falls. They collected on Waramatipu, a small forested mountain across the river north of the village. where they collected Aristolochia leprieurii Duch., a vine that is fairly common in French Guiana but rare in Guyana. They also collected along the banks of the Kamarang River, and on the footpath from Paruima towards Kamarang. Although the latter collections were quite diverse, they were mostly from disturbed vegetation, so included many weedy plants, including several Solanum species, various common legumes (e.g. Desmodium barbatum, Vigna luteola, and Senna latifolia), and composites (e.g. Clibadium armani, Bidens cynapiifolia, and Erechtites valerianaefolia). Gopaul collected thirteen species of grasses and sedges in the clearings near the village one afternoon; another afternoon five species of Psychotria were collected along the Kamarang River. Also common were several species of Piper, and species from many genera of the Melastomataceae. Paruima to Utshi Falls and Great Falls on the Kamarang River The first extended trip from Paruima began on Monday, May 21 1990. Five Amerindians served as guides and helped carrying supplies, with Lloyd Anselmo coordinating the group. The senior crew member, Mr. Jeronimo Thompson, had been on botanical expeditions in the region years ago with the Guyanese botanist D.B. Fanshawe, who was at the time of this trip quite elderly. Three young Amerindian men, Dexey, Alvin, and Silvio, completed the crew. They departed at noon, after dividing the sizable load among the crew. Heading southwest from the village, the group hiked briskly through forested hills and across several streams. At places wallows of the bush hog, or collared peccary (Pecari tajacu), were evident. These muddy depressions have a characteristic pungent odor. The bush hogs sometimes destroyed the villager’s crops, rooting out their cassava plantings in forest clearings, but they were not hunted, because the Paruima Amerindians did not eat pork. The woods were shady in the afternoon and the trails were muddy due to the extended wet season. After perhaps four hours of hiking the trail crossed a small creek and ascended a steep, forested hill. At the top they continued through rolling terrain forested with many thin-trunked trees forming a closed canopy. They stopped at 5 p.m. with darkness approaching and set up camp by a stream. The crew quickly cut a dozen or more poles and built a tarpaulin- covered frame strong enough to bear the hammocks of the seven-man team. Meanwhile, Gopaul and McDowell cooked dinner, and after eating the tired crew retired for the night. The hike continued the next morning through forests, with the soils changing from mud to white sand as they gained elevation. Walking through one area of quiet forest there was a sudden noisy clatter high in the canopy as a large flock of green parrots took flight. By early afternoon the team emerged from the continuous forest into a high, white-sand savanna. They made their base camp in a grove of trees within sight of the main forest and some 300 m from the Utshi River to the south (Figure 6). Large turbinate fruits of a type of Sapotaceae tree lay about on the shady ground. Gopaul began meal preparations and McDowell started exploring the forest edge while the guides built the camp. Gathering poles for the camp frame was more difficult than it had been the previous night in the forest, and one crew member cut his hand in the process, but soon a solid open shelter was completed, hammocks strung, and a fire built. There on the high savanna the nights were much cooler than in Paruima. The 28 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Figure 6. The Utshe River camp site with tarpaulins removed from the frame. The crew is packing their warishi backpacks in preparation for hiking. Amerindians kept a smoky fire going all night to keep away the chill. Plant collecting began immediately around the Utshi River camp, and in the first afternoon 41 numbers were gathered close to the campsite (McDowell 2717-2756B). Among these were white sand savanna elements including many grasses, sedges, as well as Xyris fallax, Lycopodiella cernua, Schizaea elegans (Figure 7), Burmannia bicolor, and orchids from three genera. The savanna edges included Henriettea along with many — other Melastomataceae, many Rubiaceae, and two Clusia species. The ant domatia on the small tree Tococa guianensis were impressive: the inflated, 4 cm long domatia at the base of the leaf blade each contained dozens of 2mm long ants. Maroniensis Although it was still rainy season, it was apparent that the savanna had been burned periodically, According to Lloyd Anselmo, it was burned about three times per year, to keep it open for hunting animals and to maintain easy travel. Near the camp hilly savannas were nearly covered in rough bracken ferns, Dicranopteris flexuosa (Gleicheniaceae, no. 2815) a meter or more high and possibly Preridium aquilinum, both of which are apparently favored by the regular burns. On the second morning at the Utshi River camp the entire seven-man team set out for the Utshi River Falls, located a few kilometers east of the camp. When approaching the falls from the savanna the river canyon suddenly came into view. At the top of this gorge they collected what would become the type specimen for the species Swartzia invenusta Barneby (Fabaceae), a small tree with white flowers and orange legumes. Growing close by was the titi tree, Cyrilla racemiflora L., which has a range extending into both North America and the Caribbean. Dictvostega orobanchoides (Hook.) Miers, a small parasitic herb with minute white flowers, grew on the canyon floor. A careful climb of a Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 29 few minutes brought them to the bank of the fast flowing, yet fairly narrow, Utshi River. The spray from the rocky falls kept the river banks misted. On rocks in the river the sedges Hypolvtrum pulchrum (Rudge) H. Pfeiff. and Didvmiandrum stellatum (Boech.) Gilly grew, and in the flowing water Thurnia sphaerocephala (Rudge) Hook. f. Along the banks the large bromeliad Brocchinia micrantha (Baker) Mez grew, with lichens (Cladonia signata and Cladina rosea), and a rare microphyllous fern, Schizaea poeppigiana, which the team collected as a first record for Guyana. The base camp was situated along a walking route from Paruima to a small town across the Venezuelan border. One evening a group of several men and women passed the camp, returning to Paruima with a load of foodstuffs from the Venezuelan stores. On Friday morning Gopaul, McDowell and the three younger Amerindians (Silvio, Dexey and Alvin) went up the trail towards Venezuela to collect. The walk began with a perilous crossing of the Utshi River. Although only about 30 meters wide and knee-deep, the clear, cold water ran very fast, and the bottom consisted of round, slick rocks of various sizes. A slip could have taken a person downstream quickly, perhaps even to the falls! A walking stick was most helpful in fording the river. Figure 7. The fern Schizaea elegans (Vahl) Sw. (Schizaeaceae) collected on white sand savanna / forest boundary near the Utshe River camp. McDowell & Anselmo 2764. The terrain and vegetation were quite varied along this route. The trail passed in and out of forests, crossed the river and tributaries several times, and passed through many stretches of open, high white-sand savanna. Most collections were taken along the rivers or at the savanna-forest boundaries, but collections of shrubs, bromeliads, sedges and several terrestrial orchids were made from the savannas as well. After several hours they encountered an unoccupied cabin in a savanna near a stream. Beyond that stream they climbed a steep rocky slope to an open rocky savanna. They did not reach the border settlement, and turned back. By the time they reached the base camp dinner was cooked and ready. By the day’s end a good number of collections (55) had been made, and they were placed in the plant dryers that evening. Saturday May 26" was a holiday for the Seventh Day Adventist crew. The three young Amerindians, however, chose to accompany Gopaul and McDowell on a hike to Great Falls on the Kamarang. The elder guides described the route to the three younger men and they set out, traveling light with just a small lunch, a plant press, and several collecting bags. The route led south, crossing the Utshi River as the day before, but then headed slightly east, away from the frontier. They crossed wet savanna and rocky areas with white sand, skirting the forested strips along ravines whenever possible. The Amerindians led the team without use of a compass. Various shrubs grew scattered about the savanna: e.g. Vaccinium euryanthum, Myrcia sylvatica, Ilex retusa, and Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus. After winding across hills and valleys of the shrub-savanna for perhaps two hours they arrived at the Kamarang River, which had not been visible during the approach. They reached the river at the top of a large waterfall over tall boulders, the Great Falls on the Kamarang. The Falls were loud, and their terraced drop was considerable, a vertical distance of perhaps 30 meters or more. While the team ate and made some plant collections Gopaul took a few minutes to etch his initials and the date on a boulder beside the falls. After a restful hour or so at the falls they made their way back to the base camp. The team returned to Paruima from the Utshi River on Sunday after a seven hour walk, with another hour in stops, over land that was very hilly but with more descents than climbs. The approximately two hundred numbers collected (over 1000 sheets) had all been field dried by the kerosene stoves, and the large, active crew had 30 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell consumed almost all of the food, so loads were much lighter on this trip back to the village. The next day everyone rested, regrouped and prepared for the next big walk. Holitipu_and Kaikan On Tuesday morning May 22 the collecting team set out on a week-long hike to Holitipu, north from Paruima towards Venezuela. As on the walk to the Utshi River, the team consisted of McDowell, Gopaul and five Amerindians: Lloyd Anselmo, Dexey, Alvin, Clifton, and Lucio Thompson (the younger brother of Jeronimo Thompson). The Paruima Village Captain, Lawrence Anselmo, and his helper joined the team for the walk to Mt. Holitipu. Also accompanying the group was Deborah Hughes, a young Fulbright scholar from the United States, and her helper Eldon. This group of nine began the trip by crossing the Kamarang River at the village landing. From the sandy shore they hoisted their backpacks and walked towards Mt. Waleliwatipu, a tepul or table-topped mountain, visible to the north. The group walked for a few hours through forested slopes with occasional farm clearings, and by afternoon they arrived at a sandy area above the forest and at the foot of a steep, nearly vertical side of Mount Waleliwatipu (Figure 8). There the night’s camp was set up. The Amerindians built a shelter while McDowell and Gopaul collected plants near the camp. The weather had been dry for several days, a break in the long stretch of rainy weather, and there were many plants flowering due to this recent sunshine. The hike resumed the following day, after breaking down the camp and packing up the newly dried specimens. They started with the climb up the south face of Mt. Waleliwatipu, which followed a rocky trail of switchbacks to reach top of the 250 meter high cliff. At the top was a savanna on a level to slightly rolling plateau, with a surface of flat rock and sandy thin soils. There were no trees on the open plateau, but plentiful shrubs several meters high, vines, grasses and herbs. The high plateau’s sand savanna burned often, as suggested by fire-adapted stems of various plants (e.g. Vellozia candida, Mandevilla benthamii) and the blackened trunks of some shrubs and small trees. Where the plateau sloped more steeply there were small, fast flowing streams. Ravine forests of small trees grew along the stream banks in areas low enough to be sheltered from the wind. The day was sunny but not hot. In mid-afternoon the team set up camp in a small, protected tree island near Wanuch Creek, (called Grass Creek or Paru Creek by the guides), about 7 km west of Mt. Holitipu’s summit. Figure 8. The summit of Mount Waleliwatipu, about 7 km north of Paruima Village, where the collecting team spent the first night out of the village. This is the collection site for McDowell et al. 2930 to 3000. Because the group was large, the members were able to collect and process many specimens and still set up new camps, cook meals, and move sach day. The diversity of habitats (savanna, tree islands, streams, and cliff walls), together with the sunny weather, all favored the plant collecting. In addition to the abundance of familiar tropical families such as Melastomataceae and Rubiaceae, the team encountered, in both flower and fruit, several woody Ericaceae including Vaccinium puberulum, Psammisia guianensis, Bejaria sprucei and Cavendishia callista. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 31 On the third day out from Paruima the team hiked to a new camp about one kilometer from the summit of Mt. Holitipu. Walking was pleasant on the open plateau. A variety of herbs were collected from the often-burned, wet, sandy savanna, including specimens from the families Rapateaceae, Xyridaceae, and Asteraceae. Most of the tree and shrub collections came from the forested ravines. The base camp at the base of Mt. Holitipu was kept for the next three days. On the first morning they ascended to the top of Mt. Holitipu, which was a plateau with wet savanna vegetation. The most common small tree there was the legume Dicymbe fraterna (McDowell, Hughs & Gopaul 3042), which grew to approximately 4 meters tall. Other shrubs, including many Melastomataceae, were less than two meters high. From the ground they collected the hemiepiphyte Norantea cf. tepuiensis (Marcgraviaceae, McDowell M3040), called “Pirwayi” in the Arecuna Amerindian language. The Amerindians used this for making bent-wood chairs and backpack (“warishi”) frames. The sundew Drosera roraimae and the large bladderwort Utricularia humboldtii grew on the wet rocks. Saturday was again a day off for the Amerindian crew. The two older Amerindians, Lloyd Anselmo and Lucio Thompson, stayed at the Holitipu camp while the rest of the group walked on to the settlement of Kaikan, at the Venezuelan border. Traveling light, with supplies for two nights out, they arrived at Kaikan before dusk. Kaikan was a very small settlement, just a handful of houses and one small shop. The collecting team went out on Sunday morning, with Captain Anselmo and his helper remaining in Kaikan. That day collections were made from Piaitmatipu south of Kaikan, on rocky white sand savanna and wet, forested slopes, as well as around “Macaw Creek” where the team camped for the night. The next day they hiked back to the Mt. Holitipu base camp. En route collections were made from the savanna of Karabo Mountain, and from the low forests along the Karabo River and its smaller tributaries. The collections that had been accumulated on the walk back from Kaikan over the past two days were dried at the Mt. Holitipu base camp the next day. The following morning (Tuesday 5 June) they departed from Mt. Holitipu and began the return walk to Paruima. After a full day’s walk they reached the base of Mt. Waleliwatipu, and stayed at the camp that was built for the first night out. They arrived back at Paruima late the next afternoon, and were ferried across the river to the village just at dusk. Everyone was tired but glad to be back from a strenuous, though very rewarding, hike. McDowell and Gopaul left Paruima on June 7 accompanied by Deborah Hughes and Eldon, transferring their supplies and collections to the borrowed boat that awaited them at the foot of the Paruima Falls. They stayed five days at the Amerindian village of Waramadan, approximately 22 kilometers upstream from the Kamarang airstrip, collecting 125 numbers from the white sand savanna, flooded riverbanks, and disturbed areas near the village. After spending their final night at the Church compound near the airstrip, they departed Kamarang on June 14 on a one- way charter flight with a great volume of dried plant packs and empty fuel jugs filling the Islander. The entire expedition had lasted four and one- half weeks, they returned with 800 collections, most in sets of 8-10 duplicates. Bassett Maguire had visited the Holitipu (Sawaranka-Tipu) area in November 1951 and made approximately 140 collections; in October 1960 Stephan S. Tillett, with C.L. Tillett and Rufus Boyan, made approximately 180 collections on an expedition to the Utshi River from Paruima. Paul Maas also collected approximately 180 numbers in the vicinity of Mt. Aymatoi in October 1981. It is useful that this trip was undertaken in the rainy season as well as a different time of year than any of the preceding major collecting trips. This added substantially to the specimens previously collected in this area. Trip 6: Kurupukari — Rupununi R. and Mahdia - Eagle Mountain, /8 September to 19 October 1990 Collection numbers 3250 - 3637 32 Guyana Plant Collections: T, McDowell Transportation is often the limiting factor for botanists seeking to collect at remote localities of botanical interest. This was certainly true in Guyana prior to the construction of new roads in the early 1990s, particularly the major road from Georgetown on the coast across the center of Guyana to Lethem on the Brazil border. In September 1990, following a break from field work to return to the US, McDowell and Gopaul joined with an organized group of Canadian students. The group, Youth Challenge International (Y C1), operates a travel program for college-aged students. The group leader was interested in including plant collecting in the YC] activities, and invited McDowell to join their group fora month-long circuit to several localities in the interior. Transportation and food was provided by YCI, and several of their students assisted in making plant collections (Plate 4). YCI worked closely with the Canadian mineral exploration company Golden Star, which provided much of the logistical support for the group. The YCI group traveled in two British 5-ton, four-wheel drive Bedford trucks, the standard supply vehicles in Guyana’s interior. They left Georgetown around midday of September 18, stopping for water at the Banks Brewery on the way out of town, and proceeding south towards Timehri and Linden to the Essequibo River. About eight students traveled with the group. McDowell and Gopaul followed with Bob Brown, a local naturalist, in his Land Rover. After delays for removal of treefalls and repair of a marginal bridge over a small creek, the group finally reached the Essequibo River at Fairview Landing and camped for the night. The YCI group had brought three sturdy, inflatable dinghies with outboard motors that were readied and loaded for the trip upriver. Augustus Andress, an Amerindian from the village of Kurupukari, upriver, joined the group and served as the river guide. He led the navigation of the small boats through various rapids and rocky stretches on the Essequibo. The group stopped and camped for the first night along the riverbank, sleeping without shelter under clear skies. The next day they stopped for lunch at a small, rocky island, approximately 30 m long. where McDowell collected a few specimens, including Rhyncholacis linearis (Podostemaceae, no. 3276a), apparently the first collection of this species for the Guianas. It is a low herb, to 12 cm high, which covered the granite rocks in the rapids of the Essequibo. On the slightly higher rocks the plants were brown with open fruits, while the plants on the lower rocks, still washed by the river’s currents, bore small delicate flowers with lavender stamens. After lunch the group continued a short distance upriver to an island, perhaps 100 m long, where they set up camp. These islands were opposite the Amerindian settlement of Kurupukari, which was a dispersed village of thatched, wooden houses and farms in clearings and secondary forest on the east side of the Essequibo. Figure 9. Marakapan Mountain, on the Rupununi River between Annai Village and the Rewa River. For several days the group remained at this campsite due to the effects of the difficult roads and slow communications on YCI plans. During this ttme McDowell and Gopaul collected from the island, along the Essequibo river, and from the Kurupukari vicinity. A trail led from the village to the survey lines for the new highway being constructed by the Paranapanema Company. The route was flagged but not yet cut through the tall forest on white sand. These collections included the first voucher from in Guyana of Voyria corymbosa subspecies corymbosa (Gentianaceae, no, 3305a), a small, white- flowered, saprophytic herb without chlorophyll. The group traveled upriver to Kurupukari Falls, collecting along the riverbank, finding many lianas from a variety of plant families: Bignoniaceae, Fabaceae, Sapindaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Combretaceae. They collected Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 33 from clearings downstream with names obviously given by the Amerindians: Whiteman’s Landing and Government Landing. They also collected from the edges of old forest beside disturbed riverbanks near Cashew Falls and Apoteri, where the Rupununi River meets the Essequibo. The YCI group had originally intended to travel by mountain bike along the new highway, through what is now the Iwokrama Forest Reserve, to the Rupununi savannas, but this was not possible. Instead, the group hiked from opposite Kurupukari to the head of the new road, and then rode by truck south to the McTurk ranch at Karanambo. From there they were taken by boat down the Rupununi River past Makarapan Mountain (Figure 9) to the Essequibo River for a long ride downstream to the Potaro River and finally up to the bridge of the road from Bartica to Mahdia over the Potaro. There they disembarked and rode by Bedford truck for the approximately ten km to Mahdia. Mahdia is a small town centered on a parade ground surrounded by sturdy, wooden government buildings. It is a principal transport point in the regional mining industry, and was at the time the farthest point accessible by large truck. Several shops in Mahdia purchased gold from independent miners and provided them with supplies. Golden Star had a large camp near Mahdia and had performed considerable mineral surveys in the area. There was also a great deal of activity by independent miners. The environmental impacts of the mining were profound in places, with landscapes of smoldering piles of trees between the heaps of soil tailings and muddy pits. Beyond the intensely disturbed sites there were areas of secondary forest in rolling, white sand hills. McDowell and Gopaul collected several days near the base of Eagle Mountain. A collection made from the upper slopes of Eagle Mountain became the type specimen of Justicia mcdowellti Wassh. (Acanthaceae, McDowell and Gopaul no. 3473, see page 4). McDowell and Gopaul 3512 was collected along the Potaro— Konawaruk Road at the base of Eagle Mountain. This specimen was considered by John Wurdack, the late specialist in the Melastomataceae, to likely be a new species of Miconia or Tococa, however the specimen was in bud and not suitable for description. Any botanists who visit this accessible region should be aware of this specimen, held at US, and attempt to recollect this species in flower. Later, the collecting group moved to a camp along Elizabeth Creek, where the land was rolling, with areas of white sand and swampy low ground. The area had been logged long ago, and there were scattered trenches from recent mineral exploration. Cecropia trees beside the camp testified to past disturbances. In some clearings the soil was red clay, probably as a result of mining. Along the road between the camp and Elizabeth Creek they collected a tall grass that has been tentatively identified as Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) E. Britton, Stearns, & Poggenb. (McDowell and Gopaul 3606); this would be the first collection in the Guianas of this species, which is widespread in southern North America and Central America but only scattered in northern South America. In the past the plants of this area had been lightly collected by botanists passing through, including D.B. Fanshawe in the early 1940’s for the Guyana Forestry Department, and Bassett Maguire in October 1951. McDowell and Gopaul returned from Mahdia to Georgetown on October 19 by truck. They arranged this transport with a local merchant, L.D. Persaud, whose truck was returning after a supply run for Golden Star. They brought back 385 collections, which included many interesting specimens. Trip 7: Eping River I, 7 November to 15 November 1990 Collection numbers 3638-3798 McDowell and Gopaul traveled with Golden Star Resources, a Canadian mineral exploration company with several projects in Guyana, to their Eping River camp, about 3 km upstream from the Eping River’s confluence with the Mazaruni River. The Golden Star company generously provided transportation to as well as food and lodging at the camp. McDowell flew to the camp on 7 November (Wednesday) on the chartered supply plane, but this filled the small Islander twin-engine’s capacity. Gopaul came in with a supply run arriving three days later (Saturday 10 34 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell November), bringing with him additional collecting materials that hadn’t fit on the flight. For this trip the collections were field dried rather than preserving bundles of sheets in 70% ethanol. Golden Star’s Eping River Camp was set on level ground about 20 feet above the Eping River. It included a large tarpaulin-covered area roughly 15 x 20 m, with beds and hammocks in one area, and a row of dining tables along one side. A kitchen area with refrigerator, sink, and wood fireplace stood opposite the dining area. A television, for use with movie videos, faced the tables. The crew area slept up to 20 workers, who were Amerindians from settlements in the region. Bathing was done at the river landing. One new wooden building with a drawing and map room housed the geologists’ office. The small airstrip was a short distance away across the river and road. The camp communicated regularly with the Georgetown office by short wave radio. Golden Star owned exploration rights to an area about 3 km long, reaching the Mazaruni River. Their work entailed was accessed by dirt extracting samples, typically cores, from regular points on a grid covering the property. The Amerindian workers had cut ‘lines’, walkable passages, for the grid, and with supervision of the camp geologist, extracted the core samples. They also maintained the camp, chain-sawed board lumber from trees for use at the camp, and preformed various other jobs. McDowell and Gopaul collected from the white sand forests both on and off the Golden Star site. They also traveled upstream to collect from the narrow creeks and dense woods in the vicinity. This area was slightly undulating, with swamps in low spots and drier sandy soil on the small rises. The canopy was closed, but the understory was rather dense, and walking was difficult except on the cleared lines, trails and roads. The weather had been fairly wet and relatively few plants were flowering at or near the ground. McDowell took many cryptogams collections, including mosses, ferns, and fungi. Treefalls and branchfalls offered good collections of orchids and other epiphytes, sometimes with several species of tiny orchids on Figure 10. Allison Stobey holding specimens of McDowell and Stobey 4006, Spathanthus unilateralis (Rudge) Desv. (Rapateaceae) on the left, and 4007, Thurnia sphaerocephala (Rudge) Hook. f. (Thurniaceae) on the right. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 35 a single tree (e.g. McDowell and Gopaul numbers 3697, 3698, & 3699). The understory trees included the common families Rubiaceae, Fabaceae and Myrtaceae, but also occasional Annonaceae (Duguetia, Anaxagorea, etc.). The low, wet ground was ideal for several species of the Guianan monocot family Rapateaceae, including Rapatea paludosa (no. 3671) and Spathanthus unilateralis (no, 3672), with their characteristic mucilaginous leaf axils. Maripa paniculata Barb. Rodr. (Convolvulaceae, no. 3764), a white flowered liana hanging from large trees, was collected for the first time in Guyana on this trip. McDowell made a second collection of this species a few months later during his second trip to the Eping River area. McDowell’s collecting trip ended abruptly with his sudden, severe toothache on the morning of November 16th. While tending the kerosene stoves under the plant dryer McDowell, distracted by the toothache, set alight the cloth apron that surrounded the dryer presses. This led him to regard the toothache as a medical emergency, and as luck had it there was a supply flight returning to Georgetown later that morning. Gopaul returned to Georgetown the following day, traveling by boat and truck with the remaining supplies. In the next week McDowell’s tooth was remedied by a root canal procedure. The ten day trip returned with 160 numbers of field-dried specimens, with up to 11 duplicates each. Trip 8: Eping River Il, 25 January 1991 to 22 February 1991 Collection numbers 3799 - 4060 Golden Star Resources, which facilitated the previous collecting trip, again provided transport to their Eping River Camp, and the company geologists provided great support. McDowell traveled on a Golden Star supply truck from Georgetown to the Red Hill camp on the Mazaruni River. Allison Stobey, of the Guyana Forestry Commission (Figure 10), also joined this expedition. Due to prior commitments, Stobey joined the trip the following Wednesday (January 30), arriving at the Eping River camp on a supply plane. Meanwhile, McDowell made some collections near the Eping River camp and along the riverbanks en route to other Golden Star sites. On Sunday 27 January he accompanied Jim Richards, the geologist for the Eping River camp, on a quick boat trip to Kurupong Landing to pick up another geologist. For this trip McDowell intended to collect from the higher ground and a tepui near the headwaters of the Eping River. Using a Golden Star boat with motor and captain, McDowell and Stobey visited “Eping Landing”, a small settlement about an hour upstream from the Golden Star camp. With the help of the local shopkeeper, they were able to recruit a crew of four men to work as guides and supply carriers for the hike up the mountain. The men were “pork- knockers”, independent miners from Georgetown or other coastal towns, who prospected for gold and diamonds in the mountains, often using no more equipment than a shovel, a pan and a jar of mercury to “catch” the gold. After lining up the crew, McDowell and Stobey returned to the Golden Star camp to pack the supplies they would need on this part of the trip. On 2 February McDowell and Stobey returned to Eping Landing and set out with their new crew, which included Alwyn Agaard, Rudolph Kingston, Oswald Williams, and Eon Grazette. Supplies and collecting materials were divided into separate loads and the team proceeded up the difficult, steep trail to the “riverhead” base camp near the headwaters of the Eping River. This area is supposedly accessible by boat at times of very high water, which seemed preferable to the steep and narrow foot trail. Just before reaching the camp the crew forded the river, which was about a meter deep in places, holding their backpacks high as they crossed. They camped and collected plants at the riverhead camp for two days. It was an area of steep slopes along the river gorge. The trail cut across narrow draws where small streams descended to the river. The shade of the closed canopy kept the ground damp. In this area the type collection was made of Paradrymonia hbarbata Feuillet & L.E. Skog (Gesneriaceae, McDowell and Stobey 3810, pictured on the back cover), a small succulent epiphyte growing on a small tree in a light gap. Rain delayed the team from continuing up the mountain for an extra day, 36 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell so Stobey and McDowell collected for another day along the gorge of the west branch of the Eping River. The trip proceeded to a higher valley at the foot of “Mt. Raschaxe”, on the eastern edge of the Merume Mountain Range. There they set up camp and remained for about one week. This area, the “Mako” camp, was a relatively flat, narrow strip with the Eping River along one side and a steep-walled hill on the other. Miners’ campsites were scattered in disturbed vegetation along the river, with occasional tall trees with epiphytes such as birds nest fern (Asplenium serratum) growing in the branches. Old and recent mining pits testified to extensive mining activity, apparently over many years. The team collected from the river valley and lower slopes of the adjacent mountain, but their attempts to reach the top of this steep-sided plateau were unsuccessful. According to several of the pork-knockers in the area, years ago during the colonial administration the trails leading up this tepui had been maintained. These trails had now disappeared, and no one in the area could be found able to lead the team to the top of the plateau. A second effort, led by a miner named Michael (nicknamed “Chinaman”), brought the team to a sheer cliff about ten meters below the top, but no “line” up could be found, and the team returned at dusk to their camp. Notable collections from the Mako camp area included Psychotria sandwithiana (Steyerm.) Steyerm. (Rubiaceae, McDowell and Stobey 3924), the first collection in the Guianas;: this species was collected again on McDowell’s Ebini Mountain expedition a few months later. Also, Rhynchocladium stevermarkii (T. Koyama) T. Koyama (Cyperaceae, no. 3978) was collected below Mt. Raschaxe for the first time in Guyana. With food supplies running low, the team made the rough hike down to the Eping River landing, arriving as night fell. McDowell paid the crew for their work and arranged a boat for the short trip back to the Golden Star camp. From there McDowell collected for a final day, from the forests along the Perenong River, where the small, white-flowered tree Compsoneura ulei Warb. (Myristicaceae, no. 4028) was collected in Guyana for the first time. McDowell and Stobey returned to Georgetown by plane from the Golden Star camp. Trip 9: Tapacuma, 4 March 199] to 6 March 1991 Collection numbers 4061 - 4149 Botanists John Wiersema (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and Charles Horn (Newberry College) accompanied McDowell and Gopaul on two short collecting trips to several freshwater localities in Guyana’s coastal region. The visiting botanists specialize in aquatic plants in the families Cabombaceae, Nelumbonaceae and Nymphaeaceae (Wiersema) and Pontederiaceae (Horn). D. Gopaul and the University of Guyana helped arrange collecting permits, overnight lodging and boat rentals for these trips. For the first trip they traveled by a hired minivan, carrying the Smithsonian’s small outboard motor. Travelling west, they crossed the Demerara River Bridge, drove to the town of Parika, and then proceeded by wooden boat with the outboard motor. They crossed the wide mouth of the Essequibo River, navigating around its large islands. They then headed up Tapacuma Creek to Lake Tapacuma. Continuing along canals via Red Lock to Mainstay Lake, they reached Copoey Lake. While Horn and Wiersema took collections of aquatic plants, McDowell and Gopaul collected various vines, trees, shrubs and herbs growing along the canals or on the sandy ground in island areas. Three days of collecting yielded 85 numbers for McDowell’s series, with additional collections recorded by Wiersema and Horn. Trip 10: East Demerara Water Conservancy, 8 March 1991 to 9 March 199] Collection numbers 4150 - 4173 This was the second short trip with the crew of Wiersema, Horn, Gopaul and McDowell. They traveled by hired car east along the coast to the East Demerara Water Conservancy. This area acts as a shallow reservoir for water for the capital, Georgetown. After moving their supplies to a rented boat and attaching the BDG’s outboard motor, the group passed slowly along the boundary canals and to Lama Creek. The water was free of sediment, but a dark coffee color due to plant tannins. The land was flat and sandy, with Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 37 secondary forest growing on higher ground. They collected various herbs found in floating mats of vegetation, such as Habenaria fastor (Orchidaceae, no. 4152) and Xyris laxifolia (Xyridaceae, no. 4151), and others with floating leaves that were rooted in the muddy bottom, for example Nymphoides indica (Menyanthaceae, no. 4159, Plate 1). Utricularia foliosa and U. myriocista (Lentibulariaceae, nos. 4161 and 4162) were collected floating at the surface, with their flowers (yellow and pink respectively) held on upright stalks to 15 cm tall. The team spent one night at the East Demerara Water Conservancy’s guest house, a graceful, strong wooden building on a bit of high ground amidst the waterways. They returned to Georgetown after a second day of collecting. The plant collections were processed at the UG Herbarium and duplicates were then shipped to the Smithsonian for identification and distribution by the BDG. Trip 11: Baramita - Matthews Ridge, 3 April 1991 to 2 May 1991 Collection numbers 4174 - 4522 The Northwest Region of Guyana is an extensive area of unbroken lowland forests sparsely inhabited by Amerindians primarily of the Carib and Arawak groups. This administrative region of Guyana had been under-collected in the past, and this expedition yielded several extensions of distribution ranges. Bassett Maguire (New York Botanical Garden) and Richard Cowan (Smithsonian) collected in the immediate Matthew’s Ridge area in 1955, as did Scott Mori (New York Botanical Garden) in 1976, however neither of these expeditions went west into the upper Barima and Barama River watersheds. After earlier plans to visit the area with an American military medical team in 1990 were suspended, McDowell arranged to collect in the region for a month in early 1991. He was accompanied by D. Gopaul (UG) and Dr. Jean Handy (listed in collection notes as J. Bowdre), a Clinical Parasitologist and Professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Dr. Handy was investigating potential scientific collaborations involving drug resistance in strains of the malaria parasite P. falciparum, and traveled with the support of an exploratory grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation’s “Science in Developing Countries” initiative. While in Guyana she collaborated with doctors at Georgetown Hospital’s Malaria Eradication Program. Building on the BDG’s partnership with the University of Guyana, she presented a seminar at the Faculty of Natural Sciences entitled “Bioassays for determining resistance of parasites to antimalarial drugs”. In the field she made collections of blood samples preserved in liquid nitrogen for culture of plasmodium strains, and with the support of the government of Guyana’s Malaria Eradication program, distributed antimalarial medicine and collected blood tests (smears) for examination by hospital personnel. The team first flew by chartered flight from Ogle Airport near Georgetown to Matthews Ridge. Arrangements were made for the return leg of the charter flight to be purchased by the non-profit organization Médecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), to return staff members from Matthews Ridge. During the stopover in Matthews Ridge the team arranged for Dr. Handy’s liquid nitrogen tank (a large insulated thermos unit) to be stored at the government clinic for use later in the trip. The flight from Matthews Ridge to the small Amerindian village of Baramita was a rather short distance, only about 35 km, but it was complicated by weather conditions. A low cloud cover blanketed the unbroken canopy of tropical forest. The pilot, flying the twin-engine Islander without aid of radio signals or GPS, had to duck beneath the cloud cover several times in search of the small airstrip. With fuel limiting the search, they plane was about to return to Matthews Ridge and try on a later date, when the narrow clearing of the grass airstrip was finally sighted. Several government buildings of 1950s vintage flanked the Baramita airstrip; they were solid, broad, single-level wooden houses upon 2 m tall pilings. The team met Mr. E. Norville, an officer of the government’s Malaria Eradication Program, and arranged housing in a building near the end of the airstrip. The field plant dryers were set up in the open space under the building. For several days they collected from the forests around Baramita, while a crew was assembled for the extended hike towards the Venezuelan border. As usual, McDowell coordinated with the village captain to line up the team of guides who would 38 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell help carry supplies and set up camps. The day trips around Baramita covered the lowland forests along trails to sites of abandoned mines such as “Millionaire” and “Old World”. The latter included a large, swampy area that had once been a man-made lake for landing seaplanes. Collections from these areas included many monocots, with Heliconia (five species) and Costus (four species) being particularly diverse. Among the subcanopy, trees species from four genera of Annonaceae (Duguetia, Anaxagorea, Rollinia and Unonopsis) were collected. Many ferns, grasses and sedges were also collected. Near the overgrown site of the Old World mining operation they collected the small tree Coussarea leptoloba, (Rubiaceae, no. 4269) a first record for the Guianas. On April 7 the team began a week-long trip with the two-hour walk to the village of Aranka. Serving as guides and “draggers” were the Amerindians Walter Diamond, Winston Baird, and Stanley Solomon, the Village Captain of Aranka. A tarp shelter was built near Aranka Creek and hammocks were hung from the side- poles while dinner was prepared on kerosene stoves. As always, the team’s food, camping gear, and tools were brought in from Georgetown, including extra hammocks and machetes for the guides. Mosquitoes were ubiquitous and malaria was endemic in the area, so the customized mosquito nets for hammocks were absolutely essential. With the shelter up and hammocks strung, Gopaul served the team a hearty dinner of rice and beans garnished with meat or fish, known in Guyana as a “cook-up”. For several days the team collected from forests and farms around Aranka. Their crops were raised in small clearings, in typical rotating “slash and burn” fashion. The principal cultivated plants were the root crops cassava (Manihot esculenta) and eddoes (Colocasia esculenta). These were planted amidst the often large trunks of fallen trees, in cleared areas of one-half hectare or less. Like the village’s houses, the clearings were dispersed across a wide area of forest and connected by narrow footpaths. From the woods adjoining these clearings collections were made of the bromeliad (Bromeliaceae, no. 4337) and the liana Mascagnia Vriesea heliconioides macrodisca (Malpighiaceae, no. 4347), both first records for Guyana. The Amerindian members of the crew took an active interest in the plant collecting. Not only did they help in finding flowering and fruiting specimens, but they often provided McDowell with common names (in Carib or English) and medicinal or other uses for these species. Examples of these, taken from McDowell’s field notes, include the tree Unonopsis sp. (Annonaceae, no. 4350), called “Black Yariyara”’, with the juice of its inner bark pressed and drunk as a snake-bite remedy; the common terrestrial fern Pitvrogramma calomelanos (Adiantaceae, no. 4436), “Wild Moran”, whose leaves were crushed and applied to wounds for rapid healing; and an unidentified tree collected in sterile condition (Caryocaraceae, no. 4445), which was used for the removal of injured or dead teeth. This last medicinal plant was referred to as “extraction bark”. As reported to McDowell by his Amerindian guides, the inner bark was scraped into a pulp, which was placed upon or into a bad tooth, causing the tooth to dissolve within two to three days. The team was well received at Aranka village. Word went out that anti-malarial medicine was available from Jean Handy and many villagers requested the chloroquine and gave blood samples for later examination in Georgetown. Dr. Handy had brought an instant camera with her, and her offer to take photographs for the villagers was met with excitement. Gopaul organized the photo session for later in the day, and the local families returned in fancy outfits. The ladies’ cheeks were brightly rouged with the red coloring from seeds of Bixa orellana (Bixaceae), a dye widely used in America in cosmetics and as a coloring in foods such as cheddar cheese. The family photos were greatly appreciated by the villagers, most of whom had little or no access to photographic equipment. From Aranka the team proceeded to the west, with the land becoming hillier towards the Venezuelan border. They camped at Barima Head and then at Powis Creek, and collected along the Barima River and Whana Creek. At the Powis Creek campsite the Red Howler monkeys could be heard at night, and were seen eating fruit from Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 39 an unidentified tree (Elaeocarpaceae, no. 4449). At one point several members of the team walked to a small shop at the Venezuelan border that sold colas, cigarettes and a few canned or packaged foods. In front of the shop was a small landing pad for the helicopters that supplied the store. A bit further west there was mining activity, but no roads extended to that point on the frontier. The team returned on foot to their base at the Baramita airstrip. Between Aranka and Baramita they encountered a large Bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta) on the trail. The Amerindians, with their customary considerate manner, asked McDowell what he preferred to do with the dangerous snake, but he replied “Whatever you would normally do.” Because the deadly snake was blocking the trail, which was used regularly by children and others, they decided to kill it, and did so with in a somber and respectful manner. After asking if anyone wanted the snakeskin, Gopaul proceeded to skin the snake, which was more than 2 meters long. The guides appeared to be repulsed by this, and covered their noses and mouths with handkerchiefs during the process. After a day of reorganizing collections and supplies in Baramita, the team proceeded on foot to Matthews Ridge, a two day walk. At Matthews Ridge they were hosted at the Government House, a modern two story cinderblock and glass building that was formerly a residence for the geologists of the local mining operation. Manganese was abundant in the region, and the unpaved roads near the house were scattered with small, round metallic spheres of ore. The Government House was situated near the airport at the edge of the town. The Amerindian crew met with McDowell, Gopaul and Handy for a celebratory lunch at King’s store, and after receiving payment for their service, the Amerindians returned on foot to their villages. Matthews Ridge had been developed as a metal mining town. It was connected by a train, still in service though somewhat unpredictable, to river ferry transportation at the port town of Port Kaituma where ferry connections could be made to Georgetown. In Matthews Ridge Dr. Handy spent time with the clinic staff and took blood samples from several patients who arrived from the outlying areas for malaria treatment. One day McDowell and Handy traveled with a local health official by truck to Arakaka. There they came to an impassable bridge; its steel structure was bent and collapsed by floodwaters and debris of an old bridge below it. Beyond the bridge the road continued toward the site of the ill-fated “Jonestown” settlement. McDowell worked on travel arrangements for the return from Matthews Ridge to Georgetown while the team collected from the farmlands and trails near Matthews Ridge. During this time near Papaya Creek, about 10 km west of Matthews Ridge, they collected the small tree Peritassa pruinosa (Hippocrateaceae, no. 4455), a first record for the Guianas. After several days the team secured passage back to Georgetown on the weekly government airline flight. McDowell insisted that all of their bulky baggage, mostly dried specimens, must travel with them, and they managed to squeeze all of their things aboard the small airplane. They soon reached Timehri Airport, and returned to Georgetown by taxi. Along the road to Georgetown they made a stop at a dry ice plant by the Demerara River, where Handy replenished the liquid nitrogen coolant in her thermos container to keep the blood samples well frozen. Trip 12: North Fork River - Ebini Mountain, 16 May to 25 May 199] Collection numbers 4805 - 4945 Contributed by Carol Kelloff Tim McDowell organized the expedition to Ebini Mountain; the team included McDowell, Carol L. Kelloff of the BDG Program, and Allison Stobey of the Guyana Forestry Commission. Ebini Mountain is one of the easternmost peaks of the Pakaraima Mountains, reaching about 720 m in elevation. It is located about 25 km to the east of Kaieteur Falls. Geologically it is part of the Roraima formation, composed primarily of ancient sandstones like those that Kaieteur Falls plunges over. Apparently the only previous botanical collections made there were by Bassett Maguire on 15 October 1951, when no more than 30 collections were made. 40) Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Ground transportation for this trip was arranged through Golden Star Mining. The supplies and gear were tossed into the back of an old Bedford with the team. The truck headed from Georgetown, crossing the Demerara River by the Lydia S. Burhman Bridge, a bridge on pontoons, the longest floating bridge in world. From there the truck turned south to the Mariwa River, a small tributary of the Essequibo River. The hot, dusty truck was then traded for a large boat at “Ya-Ya Landing”. The boat easily accommodated Potaro Landing. The last leg of the boat trip at night was incredible. Without city lights the cool, clear sky was alight with many stars and a silver sliver of the moon. At Potaro Landing a truck took the team to Mahdia where the expedition registered at the police station. They then headed towards Golden Star’s camp just south of Mahdia. The camp was nearly deserted as Golden Star had been moving their operations to another site. Because of this the expedition was welcome to stay in the camp. It was almost midnight when Figure 11, Operation of a gold sluice at the Adams family’s “porkknocker” camp on Minihaha Creek, near the base of Ebini Mountain. Carol Kelloff is standing to the right. the three team members, all of the gear and a few other people who had shared the drive from Georgetown. The boat traveled up the Essequibo River towards Omai, the site of a large gold mine, and pulled in close to the shore as the boatman tossed a package to a waiting miner. The boat did not stop as it was late in the day. After travelling approximately 20 km up the Essequibo, the crew headed onto the Potaro River. The gear was portaged around the falls at Tumatumari, and another boat was boarded to travel upstream to all settled into the bunkhouse afier a very long and adventurous day. The next day they explored the town of Mahdia, searching for guides that knew of a line or trail up Ebini Mountain. The younger Amerindians never ventured up Ebini and could not help. The team finally found two porkknockers (gold miners), “Aszoo” and “Sutton,” who were willing to assist, although their knowledge of the mountain was not certain, Finally they met a Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4| miner by the nickname “Adi,” later discovering that his real name was Leonard Adams. His mining camp was located at the base of Ebini Mountain in the Minihaha area, near the North Fork River (Figure 11). A driver was hired to take the team down to the camp to assess an approach to the mountain. The dirt “road” to Minihaha had been blocked by two tree falls, the result of Amerindians cutting down “whitey” trees (/nga sp.) in order to get the sweet, fleshy pulp surrounding the seeds in the legume pods. After trying to remove the debris it was decided to abandon the jeep and to continue to the camp on foot. It was an ideal site for the team’s base camp, and they returned the next day with the gear and guides. The population of Adi’s camp consisted of his sons and their families mining gold to try to make a living. The area around the camp was quite disturbed. They mined for gold by hand clearing and then digging large holes in the ground 10 feet deep and 20 or 30 feet across. All of the gravel would be washed and the gold dust amalgamated with mercury. The mercury-gold amalgam was then heated to vaporize the mercury, leaving the gold. It’s a rough life, and half of the family had returned to Georgetown because of malaria. McDowell himself developed malaria after his return to Washington, less than a month after this trip. The team collected plants along the North Fork River and processed the specimens in the small tarpaulin-covered shelter of Adi’s camp. The canopy was high and somewhat difficult to reach for collecting, but plants along the river were accessible and in flower. The North Fork River did not appear to be black water and the bottom was gravelly. On May 20 the team hiked up the northeast side of Ebini Mountain, guided by Aszoo and Sutton. At first the slope was gentle and few understory plants impeded walking, but the mountain became steeper with many ravines to traverse. At times in was necessary to crawl up steep, wet slopes. At about 300 m elevation a camp was pitched near a fast flowing creek known to the guides as Blackwater Creek. The area near the camp was dominated by large, squared boulders, some the size of a small house, seeming randomly tossed about. There were interesting grooves on the boulder’s faces reflecting weathering by water, but their directions were not consistent with the present flow of the river or the drainage of rainwater. Before they dropped their packs or raised a tarp the rains came hard and fast, and half of the camp was built in a torrent of rain. When the rain stopped the team sought out a dry spot to cook a meal. The next morning arrived with the discovery of many brown scorpions in and around the camp. Everything had to be inspected before it was touched. While tightening the straps on a plant press filled with the previous day’s specimens, McDowell was stung in the hand, causing him great pain for several hours. While preparing a plant press Kelloff was nearly stung by a few of these unannounced guests hiding within the corrugated aluminum ventilators. This base camp was used for the next three days. Collections were made from surrounding ridges, forested slopes and rocky ravines. In places there were fields of small boulders, and the closed canopy above shaded out most of the sunlight. Landscapes on many of the collecting forays of this trip resembled an obstacle course with team members scrambling up and down boulder-filled ravines. Though in places the forest was “clean,” with little understory, other areas were thick with small saplings, large herbs, lianas and vines tangling each step and blocking the view. Tree falls were numerous, increasing the tangle that had to be negotiated. Some of the steep forested slopes were practically vertical. An assault on the pinnacle of the mountain was planned with the aid of topographic maps. The team hoped to reach the top, collecting plants along the way. They hiked to the northeast of the camp and moved along another small, white water creek. The forest of this ravine had an elfin appearance; the trunks of the trees and the ground were covered with moss. The trees were not dense, and they supported a large number of epiphytic Spathiphyllum (Araceae). Both the trees terrestrial aroids grew out of hummock mounds. There were several species of orchids, ferns (Schizaea, Actinostachys and Trichomanes), ground 4? Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell saprophytes including Voyria aphylla and species in Burmanniaceae, and bromeliads. At about 600 m in elevation the climb became more difficult on the slippery ground. They observed what looked like to be giant worm castings 6 inches high. The clear tone of the Bellbird (Procnias sp.) rang out all around. The boulders were covered in mosses, small gesneriads, Didymochlamys connellii (Rubiaceae), and other epiphytes. Vriesea splendens (Bromeliaceae) was abundant on the ground, with bright ‘tiger-lily’ stripes on the inflorescence above the rosette of dark-banded green leaves. At 610 m they encountered the talus slopes of the “top hat” of Ebini Mountain. The team moved west trying to find a passage up the escarpment, but they encountered only cliff face and could not reach the summit. After three days of collecting out of the Blackwater Creek camp, the crew descended the mountain on May 24. Walking without a trail, the guides led the group along the North Fork River in the direction of the Potaro-Konawarok Road. By midday the team reached the road and returned to Adi’s camp. Collections on this trip were dried using the field dryer when time, space and weather conditions permitted. Some collections were preserved in 70% ethanol after pressing, and later dried in Georgetown. The habitats of Ebini Mountain should certainly be of continued interest to biodiversity researchers. McDowell’s collections included the specimen that has been designated the holotype of a new genus and species in the family Gesneriaceae, Lampadaria rupestris Feuillet & L.E. Skog (on front cover, no. 4872). This plant was collected on 22 May near the Blackwater Creek camp. In the same location, Gymnosiphon capitatus (Benth.) Urb. (Burmanniaceae, no. 4874) was collected for the first time in the Guianas; it was growing near Gymnosiphon divaricatus (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. f., a more common species. Bassett Maguire’s 195] collections in this locality yielded at least three species new to science, Ophiocaryon maguirei Barneby (Sabiaceae), Macrocentrum gracile Wurdack (Melastomataceae), and Salpinga paleacea Wurdack (Melastomataceae). Ebini Mountain, along with the Kurungiku Mountain highlands to the south, which rise to over 1,000 m, would likely be very good sites for further exploration and collection of biological specimens, considering that these relatively brief expeditions have yielded so many specimens of scientific importance. Trip 13: Kobadai Savanna - Haiamatipu, /6 June 1991 to 23 June 199] Collection numbers 4578 — 4804 On his last collecting trip, McDowell was accompanied by Bruce Hoffman, who was succeeding him as the resident plant collector for the BDG program, and Kate Lance, an American student from the Yale School of Forestry. McDowell planned this trip with the goal of improving collections from the upper Mazaruni District. Arrangements were made through the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs in Georgetown to visit and travel with individuals from Kako Village. The team flew from Georgetown to Kamarang and then proceeded in a rented wooden boat, powered by the BDG’s 15-hp motor, up the Mazaruni River to Kako Creek. They were joined by Mr. Crommers, a Kako Amerindian, who served as their main guide for the trip to Haiamatipu, a flat-topped mountain rising above the white sand savanna and Morabukea forest to about 900 m. The mountain is dominated by the large leguminous tree Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinhoonte) Sandwith. Continuing about 10 km up the Kako River to Arabaru Creek, the team made a base camp at an Amerindian thatch house in a clearing on the Kobadai Savanna. The creeks and rivers were at flood level, and adjoining flat land, forests and trails were submerged under a foot or so of water. The house site was on higher ground had remained dry. Plant collections were made from the white sand savanna and woods near the campsite, and the following day, after being joined by two more Amerindians named Francis and Churchill, the team walked about 3.5 km to a new camp at the south end of Mt. Haiamatipu. The trail led through white sand forest, and was underwater in many places. At one point an unseen streambed interrupted the submerged trail, and McDowell dropped abruptly from calf-deep to chest-deep water, Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 43 The team collected on the steep slopes of Haiamatipu from the camp at the foot of the mountain to the low forest on the mountain’s flat top. The forested slope was continually moist, and was particularly rich in mosses, ferns and epiphytes. On their first day on this hillside the team collected 14 species of orchids, all but one being epiphytic. Bromeliads were also abundant; five different species were collected that day. Also growing on the hillside and tepui summit were various epiphytic Araceae and Gesneriaceae. The first record for the Guianas of the moss Eucamptodontopsis tortuosa (Dicranaceae, no. 4718), with its sporophores to five cm long, was collected on a tree branch. One of the Amerindian guides went game hunting while the plant collectors busied themselves with plants, and when the collecting team returned from the tipu there was a bush hog (Pecari tajacu) slowly smoking on the fire. The fire was tended all night, and the bush hog was carried back for sale or trade by the Amerindians who did not eat pork themselves for religious reasons, as they are Seventh Day Adventists. On their last day at the mountain-foot camp the team visited Crommer’s nearby farm. They then returned by foot to the Arabaru Creek camp with its permanent house. Ina final round of collecting from that locality they took the first record for the Guianas of Tetrapterys pusilla Steyerm. (Malpighiaceae, no. 4783), a low shrub with bright yellow flowers, While staying at the Arabaru camp McDowell discovered that he had inadvertently acquired chigoes, a parasitic spider mite, (7unga penetrans L., Siphonoptera), which presented as a spherical egg sac about | cm diameter buried under the skin at the front edge of a toenail. The simple remedy, as a guide informed them, was to simply excise the pea-sized sac with a small circular cut, upon which point it popped out neatly, “like a little onion” from the toe. These parasites are found around human settlements, and are picked up when walking barefoot on the sandy ground. The team retrieved their boat, which had been tied to trees on the flooded creekbank, and proceeded downstream to Kako Village. The next day they continued by boat to the Kamarang airstrip. There they hired a return flight to Georgetown from a charter pilot who had brought in supplies. 44 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell S | | \ eR | hae kK | } @ | / | \ : pia invenusta Barneby Le" iS 2 R. Barneby (NY), sept. 1996} | itt . % . , | 4 | | ‘ | | | } | PLANTS OF THE GUIANAS Swartzia sp. Det. R. Barneby, 1991 GUYANA. Region: Cuyuni-Mazaruni. Utshe River and Utshe River Falls. 05°44'N, 61°O8'W. Elev. 900 to 975 m Along river and surrounding woods: savanna edge al top of canyon. Tree +4 m, flower white, fruit orange Probably sp. nov. (fide R. Barneby) 342049 3 McDowell, T. 2833 24 May 1990 With: D. Gopaul Vi] i MAU Kt Vil ahi SMITHSONIAN BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF THE GULANAS 00777699 PROGRAM - U.S. NATIONAL HERBARIUM (US) UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM Photograph of the holotype of Swartzia invenusta Barneby, McDowell 2833. Published in Brittonia 48: 186 (1996) without an illustration. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 45 II: COLLECTION LOCALITIES Trip Number 1: St. Cuthberts - Rockstone Collections: 1700 - 1827. 21 January 1990 to 23 January 1990 1700 - 1719. Sand track to St. Cuthbert’s Mission, +5 mi. E of highway. 21 January 1990. 6°22’N 58°8’W, Elevation 40 m. Open savanna, white sand, highly soaked from 3 weeks of rain. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1720 - 1734. Sand track to St. Cuthbert’s Mission, +4 mi. E of highway. 21 January 1990. 6°19°N 58°14°W, Elevation 40 m. Burned over, highly disturbed wooded scrub. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1735 - 1750. Sand track to St. Cuthbert’s Mission, +4 mi. East of highway. 22 January 1990. 6°1N°N 58°14’ W, Elevation 40 m. Alongside road. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1751 - 1783. Sand track to St. Cuthbert’s Mission, +4 miles East of highway. 22 January 1990. 6°19°N 58°14’ W, Elevation 40 m. Wet savanna, flooded white sand, +disturbed. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1784 - 1790. Confluence of Arakwai River & Essequibo River, at loading dock and near home of guard (Ivan Rodriguez). 23 January 1990. 6°8’N 58°34’°W, Elevation 10 to 30 m. Weedy, cleared area. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1791 - 1799, Along roadside between Urisirima, on Essequibo, and Rockstone, 23 January 1990. 6°15°N 58°34’ W, Elevation 10 to 30 m. Forest edge, disturbed. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1800 - 1825. Along road between Rockstone and Linden. 23 January 1990. 5°59°N 58°25’ W, Elevation 10 to 100 m. Roadside. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1826. Linden Highway, +4 mi. E of Timehri - Georgetown road. 23 January 1990. 6°10°N 58°14°W, Elevation 40 m. Roadside. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. 1827. In clearing, at confluence of Araki Creek and Essequibo. 23 January 1990. 6°10’N 58°14’ W, Elevation 40 m. Collected with V. Funk; S. Tiwari. Trip Number 2: Karanambo - Surama - Karasabai Collections: 1828 - 2214. 16 February 1990 to 10 March 1990 1828 - 1831. Karanambo, foothills of Mt. Eggerton near Paranapanema Road, within 300 m of road. 16 February 1990. 3°51°N 59°30’ W, Elevation 110 m. Savanna, dry white dirt. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo: S. Tiwari. 46 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 1832 - 1847. Along high banks of Ireng River (border with Brazil) near crossing to Normandia. 16 February 1990. 3°53°N 59°35°W, Elevation 100 m. In woods at top of riverbank. Collected with S. Tiwari. 1848 - 1852. Karanambo, road from MecTurk’s compound to runway (CAD strip). 17 February 1990. 3°45°N 59°19°W, Elevation 105 m. Savanna with grass and Curatella. Collected with S. Tiwari. 1853 - 1863. Karanambo, +0.75 mile from McTurk’s compound to runway (CAD strip). 17 February 1990. 3°45°N 59°19°W, Elevation 105 m. In woods. Collected with S. Tiwari. 1864. Karanambo, 20 m from McTurk compound near Rupununi River. 17 February 1990. 3°45°N 59°19°W, Elevation 105 m. In woods. Collected with S. Tiwari. 1865 - 1879. Along road leading North from Karanambo between compound and dam - pond. 18 February 1990. 3°45°N 59°19°W, Elevation 105 m. Savanna and wooded island in savanna. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwarl. 1880 - 1881. Along jeep track NW of Karanambo. 18 February 1990. 3°48°N 59°21°W, Elevation 100 m. Savanna and wooded island in savanna. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwart. 1882 - 1883. In pond at Karanambo. 18 February 1990. 3°48°N 59°21°W, Elevation 100 m. Shallow water in savanna. Collected with P. Acevedo: C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1884 - 1906. +4 km NW of Surama Village, +10 km N of new Paranapanema Road, along western trail to Buro-Buro River. 19 February 1990. 4°9°N 59°4°W, Elevation 65 to 90 m. Mixed forest, some trees 50 m or more & large palms. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1907 - 1912. From Surama Village to Buro-Buro River, by road from savanna to woods. 20 February 1990, 4°8°N 59°4°W, Elevation 70 to 80 m. Overgrown clearing by riverbank. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1913 - 1918. From Surama Village to Buro-Buro River, by road. 20 February 1990. 4°8"N 59°4’W, Elevation 70 to 80 m. Old forest. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1919 - 1927, By Buro-Buro River, along old jeep track. 20 February 1990. 4°8°N 59°4°W, Elevation 70 to 80 m. Overgrown clearing in old forest. Collected with S. Allicock: P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1928 - 1936; 1947. Along track leading to airstrip by Surama Village, between Buro-Buro River and savanna. 20 February 1990. 4°8°N 59°4°W, Elevation 70 to 80 m. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1937 - 1939, Vicinity of Buro-Buro River and Surama Village. 20 February 1990. 4°8°N 59°4’W, Elevation 70 to 80 m. Along edge of woods bordering savanna. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 47 Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1940 - 1942. Near Buro-Buro River along footpath from Surama Village. 19 February 1990. 4°9°N 59°4’W, Elevation 65 to 90 m. In old woods. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1943 - 1946. Around compound at Surama. 2] February 1990. 4°8°N 59°4’°W, Elevation 75 m. In savanna. Collected with S. Tiwari. 1948 - 1958. Along vehicle track from Surama Village to Main road. 21 February 1990. 4°8°N 59°4’W, Elevation 75 m. Savanna. Collected with S. Tiwari. 1959 - 1965; 1972; 1974 - 1983. About 3 mi. NE of Surama village, near eastern end of Lake Surama. 22 February 1990. 4°9’N 59°2’W, Elevation 65 m. Woods and scrub besides lake. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwart. 1966 - 1971; 1973; 1984 - 1989. Between Lake Surama and Surama Village. 22 February 1990. 4°8’N 59°3°W, Elevation 65 to 75 m. Woods. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1990 - 1993. Lake Surama, about 3 mi. NE of Surama village. 22 February 1990. 4°9°N 59°2°W, Elevation 65 m. Disturbed area next to lake. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1998. From Surama Village to new road. 23 February 1990. 4°5’N 59°4’W, Elevation 85 m. Old forest. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 1999 - 2011. Surama Village, NW of airstrip. 24 February 1990, 4°9°N 59°4’W, Elevation 75 to 85 m. Along edge and in woods on higher ground, edge of savanna. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2012 - 2037. E of airstrip, near Surama Village. 24 February 1990. 4°9°N 59°4’°W, Elevation 75 to 85 m. Along boundary of low, swampy woods and savanna. Collected with S. Allicock; P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2038 - 2058; 2075. Near Surama Village, E of airstrip. 25 February 1990. 4°8°N 59°4°W, Elevation 70 m. In savanna at edge of woods. Collected with C. Feuillet. 2059 - 2074. Along Paranapanema road clearing +15 km NE of Surama village. 27 February 1990. 4°15°N 58°56’ W, Elevation 90 to 110 m. Bulldozed treefall. Vegetation broken and in disarray. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwarl. 2076 - 2086. Along Paranapanema Rd. construction, +15 km NE of Surama. 28 February 1990. 4°15°N 58°56’W, Elevation 90 to 110 m. Bulldozed treefall. Material generally broken and in disarray. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2087 - 2110. +15 - 20 km NE of Surama Village Rd. | March 1990. 48 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4°15°N 58°56°W, Elevation 90 to 110 m. Newly-cleared right-of-way, vegetation often in disarray from bulldozing. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2111 - 2113. Along service road +3 km SE of Annai Administration Bldg., Annai. 2 March 1990. 3°58°N 59°10°W, Elevation 90 m. Along edges of burned fields. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2114 - 2115. Annai Village, 200 m SW of police compound. 4 March 1990. 3°58°N 59°10°W, Elevation 90 m. Damp bottom land, bush and tall brush savanna. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2116 - 2121. Karasabai Village, Yurora creek, +5 km SE of water tower. 5 March 1990, 4°1°N 59°31°W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Woods in low floodplain beside creek. Collected with P. Acevedo; C. Feuillet; S. Tiwari. 2122 - 2127. Karasabai Village to Yurora creek, +5 km NE of village. 6 March 1990. 4°4°N 59°31°W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Along creek in understory of gallery woods. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2128 - 2142. Karasabai, near Yurora creek. 6 March 1990. 4°4°N 59°31°W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Near burned, cleared, cultivated cassava grove. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo: S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2143 - 2149. Karasabai, along Yourora Creek, +5 km NE of water tower. 6 March 1990. 4°4°N 59°31? W, Elevation 105 to 110 m. Gallery woods, cassava fields, floodplain and savanna. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2150 - 2175. NE from Karasabai, to Yourora Creek. 7 March 1990, 4°3°N 59°30’ W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Dry savanna, gallery woods near creek & rocky hillside. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2176 - 2188. NW from Karasabai to Maon along banks of Ireng River. 8 March 1990. 4°2°N 59°36’W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Open savanna, riverbank woods and cultivated cassava areas. Savanna and woods burned frequently, Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2189 - 2206. SE of Karasabai to Yourora Creek, +3 km from water tower. 9 March 1990. 4°1°N 59°31°W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Semi - evergreen floodplain forest 5 - 20 m. Area burns frequently from savanna and nearby gardens. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2207 - 2208. Karasabai, near guest house. 9 March 1990. 4°4°N 59°31°W, Elevation 105 to 110 m. Savanna. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2209 - 2210. Karasabai, near airport guest house. 10 March 1990. 4°4"N 59°31°W, Elevation 105 to 110 m. Disturbed lot. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. 2211 - 2214. Along Yourora Creek, +2 km NE of Karasabai village. 9 March 1990, Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 49 4°1°N 59°31°W, Elevation 100 to 110 m. Semi - evergreen floodplain forest 5 - 20 m. Area burns frequently from savanna and nearby gardens. Collected with C. Feuillet; P. Acevedo; S. Tiwari; A. Raphael. Trip Number 3: Kaieteur Collections: 2215 - 2217. 22 March 1990 2215 - 2217. Kaieteur, NW of airstrip +1 km. 22 March 1990. 5°10’N 59°29’ W, Elevation 500 m. Through low woods, across creek, and up wooded hill to rock outcrop. Collected with J. Bowdre. Trip Number 4: Corentyne River - Orealla Collections: 2222 - 2540. 13 April 1990 to 26 April 1990 2222 - 2249. Baba - Grant Sawmill, +5 mi. above Cow Falls, Corentyne River. Tractor road N from landing. 13 April 1990. 5°0°N 57°42’°W, Elevation 10 to 50 m. Disturbed lowland rainforest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2250 - 2269. Baba - Grant Sawmill, +5 mi. above Cow Falls, Corentyne River. +4 mi. N by logging road from. 14 April 1990. 5°3°N 57°42°W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Old forest, selectively logged & regrown. Following a very wet year. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2270 - 2283. Baba - Grant Sawmill, +5 mi. above Cow Falls, Corentyne River. 4 - 8 km N of landing along logging road. 15 April 1990. 5°0°N 57°42’W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Secondary forest, logged and with regrowth. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2284 - 2321. Along banks of Corentyne River, above Baba Grant Sawmill, above Cow Falls. 17 April 1990. 5°0°N 57°40’°W, Elevation 10 to 20 m. Gallery forest, often secondary after logging last 50 years. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2322 - 2329. Baba Grant Sawmill Concession, Corentyne River, +4 km N of landing. 18 April 1990. 5°2’N 57°42’W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Old secondary forest, collecting at newly cut trees. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2330 - 2337. Along banks of Corentyne River, above Cow Falls, near Baba Grant sawmill. 18 April 1990. 5°0’N 57°42’W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Along river and in nearby forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2338 - 2347. Along banks of Corentyne River, above Cow Falls, near the Baba Grant sawmill. 19 April 1990. 5°0°N 57°42’W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Along river and in nearby forest, logging area. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2348 - 2373. Baba Grant Sawmill, along Corentyne River. 19 April 1990. 5°0°N 57°42’W, Elevation 10 to 30 m. Along river and disturbed forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2374 - 2388. Corentyne River, between Cow Falls and Baba Grant sawmill landing. 20 April 1990. 4°59°N 57°37’°W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Along banks of river at flood level. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2389 - 2405. Baba Grant Sawmill landing along banks of Corentyne River, above Cow Falls. 21 April 1990. 50 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 5°0’N 57°42°W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Logging road, log storage area, highly disturbed. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2406 - 2414. Corentyne River, above Cow Falls, near Baba Grant sawmill. 21 April 1990, 5°0"N 57°42°W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Along banks of river. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2415 - 2428. Baba Grant Sawmill, Corentyne River above Cow Falls. Along road near landing & in log depot. 21 April 1990. 5°0’N 57°42°W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Cleared weedy area. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2429 - 2440. Baba Grant Sawmill, on Corentyne River above Cow Falls. Near logging camp and landing. 22 April 1990. 5°0’N 57°42’W, Elevation 10 to 25 m, Disturbed areas and near banks of river. Collected with D, Gopaul. 2441 - 2454; 2478 - 2479. White Hill on Corentyne River, private residence, | km W of river. 24 April 1990. 5°6°N 57°19°W, Elevation 10 to 50 m. Wallaba woods, white sand forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2455 - 2477. Corentyne River and Potoko Creek. 24 April 1990. 5°6’N 57°19°W, Elevation 10 to 25 m. Banks of creek and river. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2480 - 2481. Corentyne River. 25 April 1990. 5°12’N 57°10°W, Elevation 10 to 20 m. Flooded river banks. Collected with D. Gopaul; P. Singh. 2482 - 2499, Orealla Amerindian settlement, +1 km SW of landing. 25 April 1990. 5°20°N 57°21°W, Elevation 30 to 50 m. White sand savanna. Collected with D. Gopaul; P. Singh. 2500 - 2502. Orealla Amerindian village on Corentyne River, N from village up escarpment. 26 April 1990. 5°21°N 57°22’W, Elevation 20 to 50 m. Disturbed forest, woods, logging road; white and tan sand. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2503 - 2520. Near Corentyne River and Orealla Amerindian village. 26 April 1990. 5°20’N 57°22’W, Elevation 20 to 50 m. White and tan sand savanna. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2521 - 2540. About 0.5 km W of Corentyne River, near Orealla Amerindian village. 26 April 1990. 5°21°N 57°22’°W, Elevation 20 to 50 m. Logging road through woods. Collected with D. Gopaul. Trip Number 5: Kamarang R. - Parumia - Utshi R. - Holitipu Collections: 2541 - 3241. 12 May 1990 to 14 June 1990 2541 - 2565. Along Mazaruni R, confluence with Kamarang R to 2 km downstream. 12 May 1990. 5°53°N 60°37°W, Elevation 490 m. Gallery forest along river. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2566 - 2583. Along Mazaruni R, confluence with Kamarang R to +3 km upstream. 12 May 1990. 5°53°N 60°37’ W, Elevation 490 m. Gallery forest along river, river very high. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2584 - 2627. Paruima to Conoch Tipu, S of village +1 km. 17 May 1990. S°59"N 61°3’W, Elevation 530 to 610 m. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 5] Disturbed farmed hillside with regrowth forest; old forest on hilltop. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2628 - 2639. SW end of Paruima village, NW of Conoch Tipu. 18 May 1990. 5°48°N 61°3’°W, Elevation 495 m. Woods and clearing between river and mountain base. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2640 - 2652. In and around Paruima village. 18 May 1990. 5°49°N 61°4’W, Elevation 495 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2653 - 2674. Paruima village, to +1 km S, trails to farm and to Kamarang River. 19 May 1990. 5°48’N 61°3’W, Elevation 495 m. Secondary growth around village. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2675 - 2687; 2708 - 2716. Along E bank Utshi R, from falls above Paruima Mission to Lalluvia Creek and Falls. 20 May 1990. 5°47°N 61°3’W, Elevation 495 m. Narrow bottomland, base of cliff, wet forest. Occasional farm. Collected with L. Anselmo. 2688 - 2707. Top of Warama Tipu, small mt. across Kamarang R, N of Paruima village. 20 May 1990. 5°50°N 61°4’W, Elevation 530 to 610 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2717 - 2756. Utshi camp, 0.3 km N of Utshi R, just S of forest. 22 May 1990. 5°45°N 61°8’°W, Elevation 975 m. Savanna and bush at margins, frequent burning. White sand, rock outcrops. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2757 - 2778. Camp at Utshi, 0.3 km N of Utshi R on Savanna. 23 May 1990. 5°45’N 61°8’°W, Elevation 975 m. Forest edge and frequently burned savanna. White sand. Collected with L. Anselmo. 2779 - 2795. Utshi River. 23 May 1990. 5°45°N 61°9’°W, Elevation 940 m. Gallery forest along river. River very high. Collected with D. Gopaul; Mr. Thompson. 2796 - 2802. Utshi Camp to Utshi River Falls. 24 May 1990. 5°44’N 61°8’W, Elevation 900 to 975 m. Forest and savanna near river and falls. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2803 - 2837. Utshi River and Falls. 24 May 1990. 5°44’N 61°8’°W, Elevation 900 to 975 m. Along river and surrounding woods. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2838 - 2851; 2861 - 2866; 2869 - 2876. Utshi River area, along trail leading to Venezuela. 25 May 1990. 5°45°N 61°9’W, Elevation 900 to 950 m. Sandy banks and near river, hillside forest, and hilltop sand savanna. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2852 - 2860; 2867 - 2868; 2877 - 2892. Utshi River, south side overlooking Guyana & Venezuela. 25 May 1990. 5°44°N 61°10°W, Elevation 1000 m. High savanna above river. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2893 - 2920. From Utshi River to Great Falls on Kamarang River; 4 - 5 km SE of Utshi camp. 26 May 1990. 5°43°N 61°7’°W, Elevation 850 to 975 m. Wet savanna, white sand, along river, and ravine forest between savanna and river. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2921 - 2922. Utshi River, between savanna and river, near Utshi campsite. 26 May 1990. 5°45°N 61°8’W, Elevation 975 m. Ravine forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 5? Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2923 - 2926. Return from camp 0.3 mi. N of Utshi River to Paruima Village. 27 May 1990. 5°47°N 61°4’W, Elevation 550 m. In forest and along creek, near trail. Collected with D. Gopaul. 2927 - 2929. Farm of Lloyd Anselmo, across Kamarang River from Paruima Village. “Farm Mountain”. 28 May 1990. 5°49°N 61°2°W, Elevation 500 m. Collected with D, Gopaul. 2930 - 2959. Foot of Mt. Waleliwatipu. 29 May 1990. 5°51°N 61°3°W, Elevation 680 to 790 m. Sandy area above forest. Collected with D. Hughs; L. Anselmo; L. Thompson, 2960 - 3000; 3017. 7 km N of Paruima Village; after descent from south face of Mt. Waleliwatipu. 30 May 1990. 5°54°N 61°2°W, Elevation 980 to 1060 m. High white sand savanna and creekside. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3001 - 3016; 3018 - 3020. From Wanach Creek, 7 km W of Holitipu Summit to Holitipu camp +1 km S of summit. 31 May 1990. 5°57°N 61°3°W, Elevation 1000 to 1150 m. High savanna and forested ravines. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3021 - 3050. Mt. Holitipu camp, below peak. 1 June 1990. 5°56°N 61°S’W, Elevation 1150 to 1240 m. Forested creek, high savanna. Eroded sandstone and white sand. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3051 - 3061. Return from Kaikan, Piaitma tipu. 3 June 1990. 6°O"N 61°8°W, Elevation 250 to 475 m, Forest on steep slope. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3062 - 3067. Returning south from Kaikan. 3 June 1990. 6°7°N 61°6’W, Elevation 525 to 580 m. Savanna, rocky-white sand, or creekside in riverine bush. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3068 - 3098. Macaw Creek to Holitipu camps, hillside of Karabo Mt. 4 June 1990. 6°O’N 61°S’W, Elevation 580 to 1100 m. Savanna, bush along creeks, and bush on hillside. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3099 - 3107. Base of Walilewatipu and along trail to Paruima. 6 June 1990, 5°51°N 61°3°W, Elevation 540 to 790 m. Forest at base of steep 250 m precipice, trailside, and hillside farms. Collected with D. Hughs; D. Gopaul. 3108 - 3155. From 0.5 to 2 km W of Waramadan village. 8 June 1990, 5°48°N 60°44’ W, Elevation 490 m. Savanna area and forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3156 - 3180. Waramaden, Kamarang River 0 - 2 km upstream of Guest House landing. 9 June 1990. 5°48°N 60°44’ W, Elevation 490 m. Flooded river banks. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3181 - 3197. Waramaden, Kamarang River 0 - 2 km downstream of Guest House landing. 10 June 1990. S°48’N 60°44’ W, Elevation 490 m. Flooded river banks. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3198 - 3233. Waramaden, around village and between airstrip and creek. 12 June 1990. 5°48°N 60°44’ W, Elevation 490 m. Disturbed areas around village and disturbed woods. Collected with D. Gopaul. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 53 3234 - 3241. Kamarang, around compound. 14 June 1990. 5°53’N 60°37°W, Elevation 490 m. Disturbed areas. Collected with D. Gopaul. Trip Number 6: Kurupukari - Rupununi R. and Mahdia - Eagle Mountain Collections: 3250 - 3637. 19 September 1990 to 19 October 1990 3250 - 3271. “Fairview Landing” E bank of Essequibo River, near end of Mabura road. 19 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40°W, Elevation 91 m. Disturbed areas near road, riverbanks below Kurupukari, 3272 - 3275. E bank Essequibo River at Fairview Landing. 20 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40°W, Elevation 91 m. Open, disturbed area along road. 3276 - 3277. Very small island, sandy banks, in Essequibo, opposite Kurupukari settlement. 20 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40’°W, Elevation 60 m. 3278 - 3280. On island between Kurupukari and Fairview. Island about 100 m long. 20 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40’°W, Elevation 60 m. 3281 - 3289. Along Essequibo River. 20 September 1990. 4°40°N 58°40’°W, Elevation 60 m. River flood marks at 1.6 m above present level. Trees, lianas, occasional disturbed areas. Mora and Wallaba prominent 3290 - 3325. Trail from Kurupukari Amerindian settlement to Paranapanema survey line, | - 2 km from road. 21 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40°W, Elevation 60 m. Along road and stream in forest. 3326 - 3345. Along Essequibo River, upstream from Kurupukari Falls, from | - 3 km S of falls. 22 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40’ W, Elevation 61 m. Along river banks, water level high. 3346 - 3366. Near Amerindian farms of Kurupukari, 0.5 km W of Kurupukari Falls. 22 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40’°W, Elevation 61 m. Trails, clearings and disturbed forest, dry floodplains. 3367 - 3375. On 0.5 km long island in Essequibo River, ~1 km S of Fairview Landing. 23 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40°W, Elevation 61 m. Old forest, trees to +37 m, many palms in understory. 3376 - 3378. Tiny island opposite Kurupukari and “White Mans Landing”; on portage crossing at. 24 September 1990. 4°40’N 58°40’ W, Elevation 61 m. 3379 - 3381. On island in Essequibo, “Government Landing”, +8 mi S of Kurupukari Falls. 24 September 1990. 4°34’N 58°35’W, Elevation 61 m. Tall forest, white sand. 3382 - 3393. Along Essequibo River, between Cashew Falls and Apoteri. 25 September 1990. 4°15°N 58°35’W, Elevation 68 m. Old forest, disturbed riverbank, high water. White sand and granite outcrops. 3394 - 3399. Along Rupununi River, between Rewa River and Annai. 26 September 1990. 3°55°N 59°10’ W, Elevation 76 m. 3400 - 3402. 3 km SE of Lethem - Annai Rd, along Napi Creek, dry season shortcut to Karanambo. 27 September 1990. 3°38°N 59°37°W, Elevation 76 m. 54 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Riverside shrub growth in open savanna. 3403 - 3406. Toll station, entrance Mabura Hill - Demerara Woods. 4 October 1990. 5°22°N 58°38’ W, Elevation 100 m., Edge of woods along clearing for right of way. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3407 - 3408. Mahdia, near Mahdia creek +0.5 km S of compound. 5 October 1990. 5°19°N 59°8’°W, Elevation 107 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3409 - 3430. Along Potaro - Konawa road, between Golden Star - Mahdia cutoff and creek. Base of Eagle. 8 October 1990. 5°12’N 59°7°W, Elevation 137 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3431 - 3450. Along trail up Eagle Mountain, 2 - 3 km above junction with Potaro - Konowaruk Rd. 8 October 1990. 5°12’N 59°7°W, Elevation 137 to 304 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3451 - 3468. Eagle Mt, W slope up to plateau near summit, +1.2 - 2.7 km above Mahdia River. 9 October 1990. 5°12°N 59°7°W, Elevation 304 to 685 m. Trailside, mixed rainforest 25 - 30 m canopy. Heliconia, Marantaceae spp. etc.. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3469 - 3483. Ridge of Eagle Mountain, near trail of Golden Star, upper plateau to ridge. 10 October 1990. 5°12°N 59°7’W, Elevation 304 to 685 m. Mixed forest, palms. Heliconia, Marantaceae, Gesneriaceae in understory. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3484 - 3500. Lower slope of Eagle Mountain between streams and 1.2 km above Mahdia River. 11 October 1990. S°12°N 59°7°W, Elevation 107 to 304 m. Mixed forest. Steep slopes with old rock outcrops. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3501 - 3544. In woods along creek at SW base of Eagle Mt. and along Potaro - Konawaruk Road. 12 October 1990. 5°12°N 59°7°W, Elevation 107 to 152 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3545 - 3548. Top of Eagle Mountain, S end of ridge. 12 October 1990. 5°12’N 59°7°W, Elevation 610 to 700 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3549 - 3550. Slopes of Eagle Mountain. 13 October 1990. 5°12°N 59°7’°W, Elevation 122 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3551 - 3570. Beyond Golden Star, NE along road to Elizabeth Creek. 15 October 1990. S°18°N 59°5’°W, Elevation 122 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3571 - 3603. From camp on Elizabeth Creek +1 km along road to NE and along creek. 16 October 1990, S°18°N 59°5’°W, Elevation 122 m. White sand forest, low creek floodplain and along road. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3604 - 3616. Between Elizabeth Creek camp and strip mine test area. 17 October 1990. 5°18°N 59°5’W, Elevation 122 m. Open white sand swamp and along road. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3617 - 3631. Near Elizabeth Creek. 17 October 1990. S°18°N 59°5’°W, Elevation 122 m. Red clay mud flat. Collected with D. Gopaul. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 55 3632. 6°5’N 60°7’°W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. In Mahdia compound, near houses. 18 October Floodplain forest, seasonal flooding by 1990, Mazaruni River. Alluvial white sand. 5°16°N 59°9’W, Elevation 122 m. Disturbed yards. 3685 - 3705. Collected with D. Gopaul. 0.8 km S of Eping River camp (Golden Star Resources) south of large test pit. 10 3633. November 1990. Along Bartica - Potaro Road, near mile post 98. 6°5’N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. 19 October 1990. Wet forest, muddy land and stream banks. 5°20°N 59°0’W, Elevation 122 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. White sand forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3706 - 3711. Line west of Eping River camp (Golden Star 3634 - 3635. Resources). 10 November 1990. Along Bartica - Potaro Road, near mile post 92. 6°5’N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. 19 October 1990. Collected with D. Gopaul. 5227°N 59°0’W, Elevation 122 m. White sand forest. 3712 - 3730. Collected with D. Gopaul. Eping River, from Golden Star Resources camp to 0.5 km upstream. 11 November 1990. 3636 - 3637. 6°5’N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Along Bartica - Potaro Road, near mile post 88. Along banks of river. 19 October 1990. Collected with D. Gopaul. 5°30’N 59°0’W, Elevation 122 m. White sand forest. 3731 - 3734. Collected with D. Gopaul. Eping River, 0 - 2 km upstream and below Golden Star Resources river camp. 13 Trip Number 7: November 1990. 6°5’N 60°7°W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Riverbank gallery forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. Eping River I Collections: 3638 - 3798. 7 November 1990 to 15 November 1990 3735 - 3744; 3748; 3750 - 3766. At edge of clearing, Golden Star Resources camp, Eping River. 13 November 1990. 6°5’°N 60°7'W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3638 - 3657. Eping River Camp (Golden Star Resources), +3 mi above confluence with Mazaruni R. 7 November 1990. 6°5°N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. White sand and alluvial clay-sand forest, mixed forest 3745 - 3746. _ Mazaruni R., opposite confluence with Eping 3658 - 3669. R. 13 November 1990. 6°5’N 60°7°W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Grazed sheep clearing near house. Collected with D. Gopaul. Eping River camp, Golden Star Resouces, along easterly road to +2 km E of camp. 8 November 1990. 6°5°N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. White sand, alluvial forest. 3747, 3749. Eping Landing. 13 November 1990. 6°5’N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Grazed sheep clearing near house. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3670 - 3684. Golden Star Resources Exploration property, +3 km E of Eping R. camp. 9 November 1990. 56 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3767 - 3775. Near Eping River camp of Golden Star Resources. 14 November 1990. 6°5°N 60°7’W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Forest. Collected with D. Gopaul. 3776 - 3780. Ranging 2 - 6 km upstream from Eping River camp (Golden Star Resources). 15 November 1990. 6°5’°N 60°7'W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Along river. 3781 - 3794. Approx. 100 m below Eping Landing, opposite confluence with Perenang Creek. 15 November 1990, 6°S’N 60°7°W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Overgrown clearing around old campsite. 3795 - 3798. Along Perenang Creek, 0 - 2 km upstream of Eping River. 15 November 1990. 6°5’N 60°7°W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Trip Number 8: Eping River II Collections: 3799 - 4060. 25 January 1991 to 22 February 199] 3799 - 3803. To Eping River Camp, about 4 km from confluence with Mazaruni R, along Mazaruni. 25 January 1991. 6°8°N 60°3'W, Elevation 107 m. Mixed forest on alluvial sand and gravel. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersma. 3804 - 3805. Kurupung Landing, +200 m S§ of airstrip, 27 January 1991. 6°13°N 60°14’ W, Elevation 137 m. Wet disturbed forest. Collected with J. Richards. 3806 - 3809. Near Golden Star Resources Eping R. Camp, 4 km from Mazaruni River. 30 January 1991, 6°10°N 60°3°W, Elevation 107 m. Mixed forest, white sand terrace, alluvial sediments. Collected with A. Stobey. 3810 - 3820. Permanent miner’s campsite “riverhead” near Eping River, E of several diamond pits. 2 February 1991, 6°0’N 60°10’ W, Elevation 122 m. Collected with A. Stobey. 3821 - 3829, E side - confluence of Eping and “NW Branch” Eping River. 2 February 1991, 6°0’N 60°10’ W, Elevation 122 m. Rocky shore and ledges above sandy riverbank. Weathered shale with quartz intrusions. Collected with A. Stobey. 3830 - 3839, Basecamp, headwaters of Eping River, near diamond miner’s camps. 5 February 1991, 6°0'N 60°10’ W, Elevation 122 m. Disturbed area in gravel terrace. Collected with A. Stobey. 3840 - 3844. Basecamp near diamond miner’s camps, along trail by gorge of Eping River W branch. 5 February 1991. 6°O"N 60°10’ W, Elevation 122 m. Wet forest. Weathered shale, metamorphic and quartz rocks. Collected with A. Stobey. 3845 - 3846. Along Eping River. 5 February 1991, 6°0°N 60°10’ W, Elevation 122 m. Forest. Collected with A. Stobey. 3847 - 3874; 3882 - 3885. Eping River. 6 February 1991, 6°0’N 60°10°W, Elevation 122 m. Around campsites and old mine pits. Riverine sediments and sand-quartzite terrace. Collected with A. Stobey. 3875 - 3881. Near Eping River Base Camp. 6 February 1991. 6°0’N 60°10’ W, Elevation 122 m. In forest and along creeks. Collected with A. Stobey. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 57 3886 - 3900. West Branch of Eping River. 7 February 1991. 6°0’N 60°10°W, Elevation 122 to 152 m. Disturbed areas near old mine works and camps. Alluvial terrace and river flood plain.. Rocky gorge Collected with A. Stobey. 3901 - 3971. N bank, W branch of Eping River. 7 February 1991. 5°58’N 60°13’W, Elevation 396 m. Disturbed area around camps. Collected with A. Stobey. 3973 - 3974. N bank, W Branch of Eping River, around Mako camp. 7 February 1991. 5°58’N 60°13’ W, Elevation 396 m. Disturbed area. Collected with A. Stobey. 3975 - 3984. Along slope below Mt. Raschaxe. 7 February 1991. 5°58’N 60°13’ W, Elevation 457 to 762 m. Forest. Collected with A. Stobey. 3985 - 3988. Near Eping River. 10 February 1991. 5°58°N 60°13’W, Elevation 396 m. Disturbed campsite. Collected with A. Stobey. 3989 - 3992. Mountain near Eping River. At base of 90 m cliff. 14 February 1991. 5°58’N 60°14’°W, Elevation 762 m. Weathered granite, shale, and slate. Collected with A. Stobey; O. Williams. 3993 - 4005. West branch, Eping River; near camp. 15 February 1991. 5°58’N 60°14’ W, Elevation 457 m. Around mined areas and forest. Sandy gravel soil. Collected with A. Stobey. 4006 - 4026. Valley of West Branch, Eping River. 16 February 1991. 5°58’N 60°14’ W, Elevation 457 m. Sandy, rocky mined area. Collected with A. Stobey. 4027 - 4043. Along Perenong River. 21 February 1991. 6°6’N 60°3’W, Elevation 125 m. Forest on floodplain. 4044 - 4060. Along road from Ariching airstrip to Mazaruni River. 22 February 1991. 6°10°N 60°7’W, Elevation 137 m. Secondary growth along road through mixed forest. Red clay soil. Trip Number 9: Tapacuma Collections: 4061 - 4149. 4 March 1991 to 6 March 199] 4061 - 4095; 4130. Enroute S from St. Dennys Mission to Tapacuma Lake via Arapiaku Creek. 4 March 1991. 7°15°N 58°35’W, Elevation 12 m. Disturbed low ground near lake. Also sandy hillside with 2E forest. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4096. Kabakaburi, E bank of Pomeroon River. 4 March 1991. T1S°N 58°43’ W, Elevation 9 m. Disturbed yard. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4097 - 4103. From Lake Tapacuma through Red Lock Canal. 5 March 1991. 7T°15°N 58°33’ W, Elevation 9 m. From edge of canals and lakeside. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 58 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4104 - 4107. N shore of Mainstay Lake. 5 March 1991, 7T15°N 58°33’°W, Elevation 9 m. In woods and along shore. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4108 - 4109. Along side of canal near Red Lock on way to Copoey Lake. 5 March 1991. 7T°15°N 58°33’°W, Elevation 9 m. Collected with D, Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4110 - 4116; 4122. Mainstay Lake, N side. 5 March 1991. T°1S’N 58°33’ W, Elevation 9 m. In woods and along shore. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4117 - 4121. N shore of Copoey Lake, along jeep road, and between lake and canal. 5 March 1991. 7°13°N 58°30°W, Elevation 9 m. Sandy ground. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4123 - 4129. Near St. Denys Mission, along road N of compound, 0.5 - 1.5 km N of pump station. 5 March 1991. T?IS’N 58°35’ W, Elevation 12 m. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4131 - 4141. Tapacuma Creek. 6 March 1991. 7T°13°N 58°38°W, Elevation 9 m. Along banks of creek. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4142 - 4149. Pomeroon River near Dawa, below confluence of Arapirka River. 6 March 1991. 7T°16°N 58°41°W, Elevation 6 m. Along banks of river. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. Trip Number 10: East Demerara Water Conservancy Collections: 4150 - 4173. 8 March 1991 to 9 March 199] 4150 - 4163. To E Demerara Water Conservancy, Lama Creek. 8 March 1991, 6°40’N 58°0°W, Elevation 0 to 12 m. Flooded marshland, sides of canals; growing in floating mat of vegetation or bottom. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4164 - 4167. To East Demerara Water Conservancy, Lama Creek. 9 March 1991. 6°40°N 58°0°W, Elevation 0 to 12 m. Flooded marshland, sides of canals; growing in floating mat of vegetation or bottom. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. 4168 - 4173. Near Lama Guest House on Lama creek, E Demerara Water Conserv., and beside canal. 9 March 199]. 6°33°N 58°1°W, Elevation 6 m. Collected with D. Gopaul; C. Horn; J. Wiersema. Trip Number 11: Baramita - Matthews Ridge Collections: 4174 - 4522. 3 April 1991 to 2 May 199] 4174 - 4202. Along trail between Baramita airstrip toward Millionaire. 3 April 1991, 7°22°N 60°28’°W, Elevation 91 m. Mixed forest, lowland brown mud, red clay soils. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4203 - 4210. From government buildings in Baramita, along trail towards Barama bottom side. 4 April 1991, 7°22°N 60°29°W, Elevation 91 m. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 59 Mixed lowland forest, disturbed growth along trail. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4211 - 4215. Edge of airstrip, Baramita. 4 April 1991. 7°22’N 60°28’W, Elevation 91 m. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4216 - 4221. Along trail towards Matthews Ridge, E end to 0.5 km N of Baramita airstrip. 4 April 1991. 7°22’N 60°28’W, Elevation 91 m. Disturbed forest and trailside. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4222 - 4252. Along Barama Line, W end Baramita airstrip SE to Millionaire. 5 April 1991. 7°22’N 60°28’ W, Elevation 91 m. Disturbed mixed lowland forest. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4253 - 4270. Site of old mining operation “Old World”. 6 April 1991. 7°22’N 60°28’ W, Elevation 91 m. Disturbed mixed forest and along edge of man- made swamp. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4271 - 4296. Baramita. Clearings near airstrip. 7 April 1991. 7°23°N 60°29°W, Elevation 91 m. Disturbed area. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4297 - 4332. Aranka River head, small settlement NW of Baramita. 9 April 1991. 7°25°N 60°32’W, Elevation 107 m. Disturbed forest, 2E growth around farms, lowland. Brown sand to clay soil. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4333 - 4366. Aranka Head. 10 April 1991. 7°25°N 60°32’W, Elevation 107 m. Mixed lowland forest, disturbed areas around farms. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4367 - 4396. Trail between Aranka Head and Barima Head, NW of Kariako River. 13 April 1991. 7°30°N 60°35’ W, Elevation 76 to 122 m. Mixed forest, slopes and terraces. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4397 - 4413. Barima Head, along Barima River. 15 April 1991. 7°35°N 60°35’ W, Elevation 91 to 122 m. Mixed forest, alluvial terrace. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4414 - 4426. Powis Creek, 15 km NE of Baramita, along trail to Whana River. 20 April 1991. 7°28°N 60°23’ W, Elevation 76 m. Hills, mixed forest with granite outcrops. Also muddy floodplain of creek. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4427 - 4435. Powis Creek, 15 km NE of Baramita. 21 April 1991. 7°28’°N 60°23’ W, Elevation 76 m. Trail and treefalls in hilly mixed forest. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4436 - 4451. Road from Matthews Ridge to Arakaka, along Mariparu creek trail. 25 April 1991. 7°36’N 60°2’W, Elevation 46 to 91 m. Disturbed vegetation along road, mixed lowland forest. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4452 - 4454. Matthews Ridge Hospital and area. 25 April 1991. 7°30°N 60°11’ W, Elevation 107 m. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4455 - 4459. Near Papaya Creek, +10 km W of Matthews Ridge, near old road. 25 April 1991. 7°32’N 60°14’°W, Elevation 46 m. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 60 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4460 - 4464. Whana Creek, at end of old road to Matthews Ridge. 25 April 1991. 7°32’N 60°14°W, Elevation 46 m. Around clearings. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4465 - 4467. To | km N of Matthews Ridge Guest House, along old tractor line. 27 April 1991. 7T°317N 60°11? W, Elevation 183 to 273 m. Secondary regrowth of cleared road. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4468 - 4493, Mg waste flats S of railyard, Matthews Ridge to ridge of “Blue Mountain”. 28 April 1991. T°26°N 60°11? W, Elevation 91 to 396 m. Mixed forest, regrowth vegetation on old road and farm. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4494 - 4497. Matthews Ridge, from near railyard to forest +2 km S. 30 April 1991, 7T°30°N 60°8°W, Elevation 107 m. Disturbed areas, roadside, and forest. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4498 - 4513. Matthews Ridge railyard of Railway Bond Bldg. 30 April 1991, 7T°30°N 60°8’W, Elevation 107 m. Clearing grazed by goats. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4514 - 4518. Near Matthews Ridge railroad line; 3 - 6 km S of Matthews Ridge. 30 April 1991. T°30°N 60°8’°W, Elevation 107 m. Forest. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. 4519 - 4522. Vicinity of Matthews Ridge Hospital. 2 May 1991. 7°30°N 60°11? W, Elevation 107 m. Outside building. Collected with D. Gopaul; J. Bowdre. Trip Number 12: North Fork River - Ebini Mountain Collections: 4805 - 4945. 16 May 1991 to 25 May 199] 4805. Creek landing and road near Ya Ya Landing, +1 km E of Essequibo River. 16 May 1991, 5°25°N 58°38’ W, Elevation 30 m. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. 4806 - 4813. North Fork River, along Potaro - Konawark Road, +6 km S of Mahdia. 18 May 1991, 5°12’N 59°8’°W, Elevation 137 m. Disturbed secondary forest. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. 4814 - 4826. Along North Fork River, 0.5 - 1.5 km N of Konawark Road, near Porkknocker works. 18 May 1991, 5°9N 59°8’W, Elevation 137 m. Disturbed mixed forest. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. 4827 - 4865. Along North Fork River. 19 May 1991. 5°9"N 59°8’W, Elevation 105 m., Mixed forest. Alluvial brown muddy soil with gravel on higher ground. Collected with C.L. Kelloff,; A. Stobey. 4866 - 4879. Camp on “Blackwater Creek” (tributary to North Fork River). 22 May 1991. S°L1?N 59°9°W, Elevation 274 to 335 m. Forest on slopes above creek, and rocky creek ravine. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. 4880 - 4900. Overlooking Blackwater River, facing W. 22 May 1991. S°L17N 59°9°W, Elevation 411 to 442 m. On rocks of ridge: Clusia spp; epipetric Araceae, large erect bromeliads. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 61 4901 - 4931. Blackwater Creek Camp NW along ravine. 23 May 199]. 5°12’N 59°10°W, Elevation 274 to 610 m. Rocky river ravine, steep slopes. Mixed premontane wet forest, boulders. Densely forested flats. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. 4932 - 4939. Blackwater Creek to Porkknocker camp near junction, North Fork River, Minihaha Creek. 24 May 1991. 5°10°N 59°9°W, Elevation 122 to 366 m. Mixed forest on rocky slopes. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. 4940 - 4945. Porkknocker camp, end of Mahdia Road, confluence of North Fork River and Minihaha Creek. 25 May 1991. 5°9°N 59°8’W, Elevation 107 m. Clearing around camp. Collected with C.L. Kelloff; A. Stobey. Trip Number 13: Kobadai Savanna - Haiamatipu Collections: 4578 - 4804. 16 June 1991 to 23 June 199] 4578 - 4602. E of Arabaru Creek; Kobadai Savanna. 16 June 1991. 5°27°N 60°39’ W, Elevation 488 to 503 m. Open white sand savanna with herb covering, low shrubs. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4603 - 4623. 3 km SE of S end of Haiamatipu, above Kobadai Savanna. 16 June 1991, 5°27°N 60°39’ W, Elevation 550 to 610 m. Forest on rocky ground; also rocky savanna. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4624 - 4653. E side of Arabaru Creek, near S end of Haiamatipu. 17 June 1991. 5°27’N 60°35’ W, Elevation 488 m. Low white sand forest and sandy clearing. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4654 - 4674. Base of SE end of Haiamatipu, along Kongwak Creek. 18 June 1991. 5°28°N 60°38’ W, Elevation 550 to 610 m. Morabukea (Mora gonggrijpii) forest along creek. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4675. +1 km SW end of Haiamatipu to South edge of Haiamatipu. 19 June 1991. 5°28’N 60°38’ W, Elevation 550 to 610 m. Hillside Morabukea (Mora gonggrijpii) forest. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4676 - 4708. +1 km SW end of Haiamatipu to S edge of Haiamatipu. 19 June 1991. 5°28’N 60°38’ W, Elevation 610 to 760 m. Mid-elevation low forest. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4709 - 4738. To plateau at South end of Haiamatipu. 20 June 1991. 5°28’N 60°32’ W, Elevation 610 to 914 m. Low forest, many epiphytes, heavy moss overgrowth. Large aroids. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4739 - 4741. Near Kongwak Creek camp, foot of SW end Haiamatipu. 20 June 1991. 5°28’N 60°38’ W, Elevation 550 m. Eperua spp. forest, white sand, sandy clearing. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 4742 - 4775; 4777. Route to Crommer’s Farm, 2 km SE of Haiamatiupu. 21 June 1991. 5°27°N 60°31°W, Elevation 550 m. White sand forest, disturbed farmsite. Collected with B. Hoffman. 4776. 3 km SE of S end of Haiamatipu, landing near Arabaru Creek. 22 June 1991. 5°27°N 60°39’ W, Elevation 488 m. House clearing. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. 62 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4778 - 4794. East of Arabaru Creek; Kobadai Savanna. 22 June 1991], 5°27°N 60°39°W, Elevation 488 to 500 m. White sand savanna; open with herb cover and low shrubs. Collected with B. Hoffman. 4795 - 4804. Arabaru Creek, +5 km S of confluence of Kako River. 23 June 199]. 5°35°N 60°39’ W, Elevation 488 m. Banks of creek, at flood level. Collected with B. Hoffman; K. Lance. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 63 Ill: COLLECTION LOCALITY MAPS 60°w Collection Localities McDowell Trips 1 - 4 aN p=3°N Geo rgetown e @+St..Cuthbexts 1% e ‘Rockstone eNs x oe 6°N JCorriverton 3 ® Kaieteur arasabai e 1 St. Cuthberts - Rockstone 2 @Surama W<~ € \ beh 4aN~ 2 Karanambo - Surama - 2 Se Annal | Y Karasabai %karnambo 3 Kaieteur 4 Corentyne River - Orealla @ Collection Locality + Town 2N= p—2°N 0 50 100 200 Kilometers i ft 38 a Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program Smithsonian Institution Uj 58°W 64 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 60°W 58°W l l oN 5 Kamarang R. - Parumia - 6a Kurupukari to 6b Mahdia - Eagle Mountain Collection Localities McDowell Trips5-6 |... Georgetown + Bartica PN ‘eVWaramadan aruima 6b ® Mabura Hill t Matdiade e Kurupukari e 6a . @Annai * Apoteri p=4°N Utshe R. - Holitipu Rupununi R. e Collection Locality + Town 0 50 100 200 Kilometers ; . Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program Smithsonian Institution 60°wW S8°W Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 65 60°W 58°w l 1 Collection Localities -_ McDowell Trips 7 - 10 L.,, , e Eping Ref T, 8 6°N~ we ’ Re ang @ Eping River | J . 3 - 8 Eping River Il aA : 9 Tapacuma ; 10 East Demerara Water Conservancy @ Collection Locality +* Town 2N= Le 2°) ¢ cal = 0 ene Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program Smithsonian Institution qT qT 58°W 66 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell pow bait Collection Localities er McDowell Trips 11 - 131... ft, © @ BMatthew's Ridge ®eacamita ; Kamarang 13. e12 Ebini Mt 11 Baramita - Matthews Ridge 12 North Fork River - Blackwater Creek - Ebini Mt. 13 Kobadai Savanna - Haiamatipu ® Collection Locality * Town 0 50 100 200 Kilometer . . ethane Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program Smithsonian Institution Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 67 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 IV: COLLECTIONS BY NUMBER Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia sprengelii A. St.-Hil. Burmanniaceae: Burmannia bicolor Mart. Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus polytrichoides Kunth Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora barbata (Vahl) Kunth Xyridaceae: Xyris guianensis Steud. Xyridaceae: Xyris savanensis Miq. Eriocaulaceae: Syngonanthus gracilis (Bong.) Ruhland Eriocaulaceae: Syngonanthus umbellatus (Lam.) Ruhland f. minor (Mig.) Moldenke Polygalaceae: Polygala adenophora DC. Burmanniaceae: Burmannia capitata (Walter ex J.F. Gmel.) Mart. Lentibulariaceae: Ufricularia longeciliata A. DC. Gentianaceae: Tetrapollinia caerulescens (Aubl.) Maguire & B.M. Boom Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia juncea Vahl Clusiaceae: Vismia gracilis Hieron. Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth Lauraceae: Cassytha filiformis L. Cyperaceae: Hypolytrum pulchrum (Rudge) H. Pfeiff. Melastomataceae: Tococa nitens (Benth.) Triana Orchidaceae: Catasetum cf. discolor (Lindl.) Lindl. Cyperaceae: Lagenocarpus rigidus (Kunth) Nees ssp. tremulus (Nees) T. Koyama & Maguire Sterculiaceae: Waltheria indica L. Solanaceae: Solanum paludosum Moric. Dennstaedtiaceae: Preridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium Jacq. 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 Bignoniaceae: Arrabidaea cinerea Bureau ex K. Schum. Smilacaceae: Smilax cf. cumanensis Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista desvauxii (Collad.) Killip var. mollissima (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Polygonaceae: Coccoloba parimensis Benth. Theaceae Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. guianensis (Benth.) Cuatrec, Dilleniaceae: Tetracera asperula Miq. Asteraceae: Unxia camphorata L. f. Melastomataceae: Comolia microphylla Benth. Clusiaceae: Clusia grandiflora Splitg. Sapotaceae Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna latifolia (G. Mey.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. Bromeliaceae: Ananas parguazensis L.A. Camargo & L.B. Sm. Anacardiaceae: 7apirira guianensis Aubl. Chrysobalanaceae Fabaceae-Papil.: Ormosia Gentianaceae: Lisianthus Asclepiadaceae Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. Fabaceae-Caesal. Rubiaceae Indet. Myrtaceae: Eugenia anastomosans DC. Viscaceae: Phoradendron perrottetii (DC.) Eichler Polygalaceae: Polygala variabilis Kunth Cyperaceae: Lagenocarpus verticillatus (Spreng.) T. Koyama & Maguire 68 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 1753. Myrtaceae: Eugenia punicifolia 1785 Melastomataceae: Miconia racemosa (Kunth) DC. (Aubl.) DC. 1754 Poaceae: Gymnopogon foliosus 1786 Solanaceae: Solanum (Willd.) Nees 1787 Boraginaceae: Cordia schomburgkii 1755 Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia monadelpha DC. (E. Morren) Baker 1788 — Asteraceae: Chromolaena odorata (L.) 1756 = Schizaeaceae: Schizaea incurvata R.M. King & H. Rob. Schkuhr 1789 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium 1757. Cyperaceae: Bulbostylis junciformis molliculum (Kunth) DC. (Kunth) C.B. Clarke 1790 Poaceae: Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) 1758 — Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia Nees sandwithii P. Taylor 1791 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Mimosa myriadenia 1759 Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodium sp. (Benth.) Benth. 1760 Droseraceae: Drosera cf. intermedia 1792 Solanaceae: Solanum coriaceum Dunal Hayne 1793 Poaceae: /chnanthus pallens (Sw.) 1761 Cyperaceae: Eleocharis minima Kunth Munro ex Benth. 1762. Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium sp. 1794 Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum 1763 Melastomataceae: Tococa nitens (Mig.) C. DC. (Benth.) Triana 1795 Gleicheniaceae: Dicranopteris 1764 Myrtaceae: Marlierea montana (Aubl.) pectinata (Willd.) Underw. Amshoff 1796 ~~ Cyperaceae: Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) 1765 Blechnaceae: Blechnum serrulatum Vahl Rich. 1797 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora pubera 1766 Melastomataceae: Desmoscelis villosa (Vahl) Boeck. ssp. pubera (Aubl.) Naudin 1798 Onagraceae: Ludwigia 1766 a Melastomataceae: Macairea 1799 Asteraceae: Wulffia baccata (L.) pachyphylla Benth. Kuntze 1767 Bombacaceae: Pachira aquatica Aubl. 1800 Asteraceae: Mikania banisteriae DC. 1768 — Rubiaceae: Retiniphyllum 1801 Malvaceae: Hibiscus bifurcatus Cav. schomburgkii (Benth.) Mill. Arg. 1802 Passifloraceae: Passiflora glandulosa 1769 Clusiaceae: Clusia nemorosa G. Mey. Cav. 1770 Xyridaceae: Xyris jupicai Rich. 1803 Passifloraceae 1771 Onagraceae: Ludwigia nervosa (Poir.) 1804 Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea H. Hara Aubl. 1772 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora 1805. Convolvulaceae: Jpomoea anisomeres holoschoenoides (Rich.) Herter B.L. Rob. & Bartlett 1773 Melastomataceae: Comolia villosa 1806 = Solanaceae: Solanum coriaceum Dunal (Aubl.) Triana 1807 Gleicheniaceae: Dicranopteris 1774 Melastomataceae: Macairea pectinata (Willd.) Underw. pachyphylla Benth. 1808 Melastomataceae: Miconia racemosa 1775. Melastomataceae: Comolia villosa (Aubl.) DC. (Aubl.) Triana 1809 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Pentaclethra 1776 ~~ Vitaceae: Cissus erosa Rich. macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze 1777 Gentianaceae 1810 Solanaceae: Solanum leucocarpon 1778 = Xyridaceae: Xyris involucrata Nees Dunal 1779 Maregraviaceae: Norantea guianensis 181] Loranthaceae: Struthanthus sp. Aubl. 1812. Melastomataceae: Clidemia rubra 1780 = Cladoniaceae: Cladonia (Aubl.) Mart. 1781 Bryophyte 1813. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Mimosa myriadenia 1782. Lichen (Benth.) Benth. 1783 Polyporaceae: Lentinus crinitus Fr. 1814 = Siparunaceae: Siparuna guianensis 1784 Cyperaceae: Fuirena umbellata Rottb. Aubl. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 69 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 182] 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 Annonaceae: Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex Dunal) A. DC. Melastomataceae: Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L.O. Williams Melastomataceae: Miconia myriantha Benth. Malpighiaceae: Banisteriopsis Melastomataceae: Henriettea multiflora Naudin Malpighiaceae: Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss. Solanaceae: Solanum crinitum Lam. Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Miq.) C. DC. Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Mig.) C. DC. Melastomataceae: Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima stipulacea A. Juss. Apocynaceae: Himatanthus bracteatus (A. DC.) Woodson var. revolutus (Huber) Plumel Asteraceae: Calea caleoides (DC.) H. Rob. Bignoniaceae: Arrabidaea corallina (Jacq.) Sandwith Combretaceae: Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz Bixaceae: Cochlospermum Convolvulaceae: Operculina hamiltonii (G. Don) D.F. Austin & Staples Bignoniaceae: Memora heterophylla (Kraenzl.) Sandwith Combretaceae: Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz Fabaceae-Papil.: Dalbergia monetaria L. f. Malvaceae: Wissadula periplocifolia (L.) C. Presl ex Thwaites Rubiaceae: Morinda cf. brachycalyx (Bremek.) Steyerm. Sterculiaceae: Waltheria involucrata Benth. Verbenaceae: Vitex Flacourtiaceae: Casearia spinescens (Sw.) Griseb. Dilleniaceae: Curatella americana L. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Bauhinia ungulata L. Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea guianensis Benth. 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 185] 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 186] 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cassia moschata Kunth Solanaceae: Solanum monachophyllum Dunal Flacourtiaceae: Casearia spinescens (Sw.) Griseb. Smilacaceae: Smilax sp. Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth Fabaceae-Papil.: Clitoria guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. Verbenaceae: Lippia origanoides Kunth Menispermaceae: Cissampelos ovalifolia DC. Rubiaceae: Morinda tenuiflora (Benth.) Steyerm. Rubiaceae: Diodia apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. Schum. Gentianaceae: Coutoubea ramosa Aubl. Myrtaceae: Eugenia aff. cribrata McVaugh Bombacaceae: Quararibea Acanthaceae: Justicia schomburgkiana (Nees) V.A.W. Graham Fabaceae-Papil.: Machaerium inundatum (Mart. ex Benth.) Ducke Vitaceae: Cissus erosa Rich. Verbenaceae: Lippia betulifolia Kunth Fabaceae-Papil.: Etaballia dubia (Kunth) Rudd Lauraceae: Endlicheria multiflora (Mig.) Mez Rubiaceae: Psychotria bracteocardia (DC.) Mill. Arg. Ochnaceae: Ouratea Orchidaceae: Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe Bignoniaceae: Jacaranda obtusifolia Bonpl. ssp. rhombifolia (G. Mey.) A.H. Gentry Turneraceae: 7urnera Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora holoschoenoides (Rich.) Herter Myrtaceae: Eugenia Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides Ham. Ochnaceae: Ouratea rigida Engl. Loranthaceae: Phthirusa rufa (Mart.) Eichler Sapotaceae Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 70 1873 Chrysobalanaceae: Exellodendron 1902. Myrtaceae coriaceum (Benth.) Prance 1903 Piperaceae: Piper marginatum Jacq. 1874 Myrtaceae: Myrcia calycampa Amshoff — 1904 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia guianensis 1875 Chrysobalanaceae: Couepia multiflora (Aubl.) Urb. Benth. 1905 Ganodermataceae: Ganoderma sp. 1876 Thymelaeaceae: Goodallia guianensis 1906 Ganodermataceae: Amauroderma sp. Benth. 1907 — Oxalidaceae: Oxalis barrelieri L. 1877 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania coriacea 1908 = Amaranthaceae: Cyathula prostrata Benth. (L.) Blume 1878 Melastomataceae: Miconia 1909 Rubiaceae: Oldenlandia lancifolia aplostachya (Bonpl.) DC. (Schumach.) DC. 1879 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria capitata Ruiz & 1910 Rubiaceae: Borreria prostrata (Aubl.) Pav. s.l. Miq. [880 Xyridaceae: Xyris laxifolia Mart. var. 1911 Capparaceae: Cleome parviflora Kunth laxifolia 1912 Malvaceae: Sida setosa Mart. ex Colla 1881 Scrophulariaceae: Conobea aquatica 1913 Solanaceae: Solanum leucocarpon Aubl. Dunal 1882. Onagraceae: Ludwigia sedoides 1914 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia chartacea (Bonpl.) H. Hara Lane ex Barreiros 1883. Menyanthaceae: Nymphoides indica 1915 Marantaceae: Calathea variegata (L.) Kuntze Linden ex Korn. 1884 — Heliconiaceae: Heliconia chartacea 1916 Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum Lane ex Barreiros (Miq.) C. DC. I885 Asteraceae: Centratherum punctatum 1917 Fungi-Basidiomycete Cass. 1918 — Zingiberaceae: Renealmia alpinia 1886 Malpighiaceae: Tetrapterys discolor (Rottb.) Maas (G. Mey.) DC. 1919 Euphorbiaceae: Phyllanthus stipulatus 1887 ~~ Rubiaceae: Psychotria bracteocardia (Raf.) G.L. Webster (DC.) Mill. Arg. 1920 Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga vera Willd. 1888 — Piperaceae: Piper dilatatum Rich. subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Penn. 1889 Poaceae: Lasiacis ligulata Hitche. & 192] Poaceae: Panicum trichoides Sw. Chase 1922 Cyperaceae: Cyperus odoratus L. 1890 Malvaceae: Pavonia castaneifolia A. 1923 Poaceae: Eragrostis japonica (Thunb.) St.-Hil. & Naudin Trin. [891 Costaceae: Costus scaber Ruiz & Pav. 1924 Rubiaceae: Spermacoce cf. glabra 1892 Marantaceae: Maranta gibba Sm. Michx. 1893 Lecythidaceae: Gustavia augusta L. 1925 Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris 1894 Ulmaceae: Trema micrantha (L.) (Goniopteris) sp. Blume 1926 Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium 1895 Malvaceae: Wissadula excelsior (Cav.) Jacq. C. Pres] 1927 Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Poit. 1896 Rubiaceae: Psychotria bracteocardia 1928 — Violaceae: Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) (DC.) Mill. Arg. Sprague & Sandwith 1897 Poaceae: Olvra longifolia Kunth 1929 Marantaceae: /schnosiphon obliquus 1898 = Annonaceae: Duguetia quitarensis (Rudge) Kérn. Benth. 1930 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia 1899 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora cephalotes spathocircinata Aristeg. (L.) Vahl 1931 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia bihai (L.) L. 1900 Lecythidaceae: Gustavia augusta L. 1932 Siparunaceae 190] Rubiaceae: Chomelia angustifolia 1933 Liliaceae: Hymenocallis tubiflora Benth. Salisb. 1934 Rubiaceae: Sipanea gleasonii Steyerm. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 71 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 195] 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Melastomataceae: Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana Rubiaceae: Psychotria acuminata Benth. Clusiaceae: Vismia cayennensis (Jacq.) Pers. Melastomataceae: Miconia alata (Aubl.) DC. Boraginaceae: Cordia schomburgkii DC. Solanaceae: Capsicum frutescens L. Myrtaceae: Myrcia subobliqua (Benth.) Nied. Melastomataceae: Miconia macrothyrsa Benth. Poaceae: Paspalum convexum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Fliiggé Sterculiaceae: Waltheria indica L. Malvaceae: Urena lobata L. Fabaceae-Papil.: Macroptilium gracile (Poepp. ex Benth.) Urb. Rubiaceae: Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Roem. & Schult. Polygalaceae: Polygala adenophora DC. Liliaceae: Curculigo scorzonerifolia (Lam.) Baker Lauraceae: Cassytha filiformis L. Melastomataceae: Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don Myrtaceae: Psidium guineense Sw. Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea Heliconiaceae: Heliconia hirsuta L. f. Convolvulaceae: [pomoea squamosa Choisy Poaceae: Panicum parvifolium Lam. Solanaceae: Solanum asperum Rich. Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- Hil. Turneraceae: Piriqueta cistoides (L.) Griseb. Cyperaceae: Scleria microcarpa Nees ex Kunth Cyperaceae: Scleria splitgerberiana Henrard ex Uittien Apocynaceae: Mesechites trifida (Jacq.) Mull. Arg. Bignoniaceae: Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague) Sandwith Fabaceae-Caesal.: Macrolobium acaciifolium (Benth.) Benth. 1965 1966 1967 1968 a 1968 b 1969 1970 197] 1972 1973 1974 1975 1975 a 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Apocynaceae: Prestonia quinquangularis (Jacq.) Spreng. Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides Ham. Rubiaceae: Faramea sessilifolia (Kunth) DC. Melastomataceae: Miconia aplostachya (Bonpl.) DC. Apocynaceae: Prestonia coalita (Vell.) Woodson Cactaceae: Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. var. phyllanthus Rubiaceae: Duroia fusifera Hook. f. ex K. Schum. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Hydrochorea corymbosa (Rich.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Poaceae: Panicum pilosum Sw. Euphorbiaceae: Amanoa guianensis Aubl. Euphorbiaceae: Croton trinitatis Millsp. Asteraceae: Trichospira verticillata (L.) S.F. Blake Euphorbiaceae: Croton trinitatis Millsp. Rubiaceae: Faramea sessilifolia (Kunth) DC. Poaceae: Panicum laxum Sw. Cyperaceae: Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl Annonaceae: Annona hypoglauca Mart. Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana siphilitica (L. f.) Leeuwenb. Fabaceae-Papil.: Vigna lasiocarpa (Mart. ex Benth.) Verde. Fabaceae-Papil.: Centrosema sp. Tiliaceae: Corchorus orinocensis Kunth Rubiaceae: Sipanea Burseraceae: Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand Annonaceae: Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. Fabaceae-Papil.: Acosmium nitens (Vogel) Yakovlev Euphorbiaceae: Maprounea guianensis Aubl. Vochysiaceae: Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Mey.) DC. 7? Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 1990 Solanaceae: Solanum monachophyllum 2017 Rubiaceae: Perama galioides (Kunth) Dunal Poir. 1991 — Sterculiaceae: Melochia arenosa 2018 Poaceae: Panicum micranthum Kunth Benth. 2019 ~— Polygalaceae: Polygala timoutou Aubl. 1992 Polygonaceae: Symmeria paniculata 2020 — Lythraceae Benth. 2021 Scrophulariaceae: Conobea aquatica 1993 Quiinaceae Aubl. 1994 Quiinaceae: Quiina rhytidopus Tul. 2022 Myrtaceae: Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) 1995. Ochnaceae: Ouratea sp. DC. 1996 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania apetala (E. 2023 Scrophulariaceae: Benjaminia reflexa Mey.) Fritsch var. aperta (Benth.) (Benth.) D’Arcy Prance 2024 Bromeliaceae: Ananas parguazensis 1997 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista L.A. Camargo & L.B. Sm. hispidula (Vahl) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 2025 Bignoniaceae: Jacaranda obtusifolia 1998 — Fungi-Basidiomycete Bonpl. ssp. rhombifolia (G. Mey.) A.H. 1999 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna latifolia (G. Gentry Mey.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 2026 Annonaceae: Guatteria 2000 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium aff. schomburgkiana Mart. intortum (Mill.) Urb. 2027 ~~ Adiantaceae: Pityrogramma 2001 = Myrtaceae: Eugenia punicifolia calomelanos (L.) Link (Kunth) DC. 2028 Cyperaceae: Cyperus haspan L. 2002 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna undulata 2029 Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella paniculata (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Sw. 2003 Cyperaceae: Bulbostylis tenuifolia 2030 ~~ Lamiaceae: Ocimum campechianum (Rudge) J.F. Macbr. Mill. 2003 a Cyperaceae: Bulbostylis truncata 203 | Melastomataceae: Clidemia sericea D. (Nees) M.T. Strong Don 2004 Cyperaceae: Cyperus laxus Lam. s.1. 2032 Anacardiaceae: Tapirira guianensis 2005 Piperaceae: Piper sp. Aubl. 2006 — Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora cephalotes 2033 Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (L.) Vahl (Rich.) DC. 2007 Fabaceae-Papil.: Stvlosanthes 2034 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Ormosia fastigiata guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. var. gracilis Tul. (Kunth) Vogel 2035 Poaceae: Panicum rudgei Roem. & 2008 Myrtaceae: Psidium guineense Sw. Schult. 2009 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista 2036 — Eriocaulaceae: Tonina fluviatilis Aubl. nictitans (L.) Moench var. patellaria 2037 Euphorbiaceae (Collad.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 2038 — Verbenaceae: Vitex capitata Vahl 2010 — Asteraceae: Wulffia baccata (L.) 2039 Fabaceae-Papil.: Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Kuntze Benth. 2010 a Annonaceae: Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex 2040 Asteraceae: Calea caleoides (DC.) H. Dunal) A. DC. Rob. 2011 Fabaceae-Papil.: /ndigofera 2041 = Convolvulaceae: Merremia aturensis suffruticosa Mill. (Kunth) Hallier f. 2012. Fabaceae-Papil.: Vigna lasiocarpa 2042 Iridaceae (Mart. ex Benth.) Verdc. 2043 Acanthaceae: Ruellia geminiflora 2013 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia arborea Kunth var. angustifolia (Nees) Griseb. (Rich.) Urb. 2044 ~=Convolvulaceae: Evolvulus 2014 — Lauraceae: Licaria sp. 2045 Gnetaceae: Gnetum sp. 2015 Orchidaceae 2046 _ Iridaceae: Sisyrinchium vaginatum 2016 Araceae: Philodendron muricatum Spreng. Willd. ex Schott Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 73 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 Piperaceae: Piper trichoneuron (Miq.) C. DC. Rubiaceae: Morinda calycina (Benth.) Steyerm. Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus brevipedicellatus Garcke ssp. brevipedicellatus Lacistemataceae: Lacistema sp. Gentianaceae: Tetrapollinia caerulescens (Aubl.) Maguire & B.M. Boom Polygalaceae: Polygala subtilis Kunth Scrophulariaceae Verbenaceae: Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Solanaceae: Solanum sect. Erythrotrichum Apocynaceae: Himatanthus Euphorbiaceae: Mabea taquari Aubl. Bryophyte Fabaceae-Mimos.: Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip var. trapezifolia (Vahl) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Convolvulaceae: Merremia macrocalyx (Ruiz & Pav.) O’Donell Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua falcata Aubl. Clusiaceae: Vismia macrophylla Kunth Clusiaceae Fabaceae-Caesal.: Tachigali Convolvulaceae: Maripa scandens Aubl. Araceae: Philodendron camposportoanum G.M. Barroso Convolvulaceae: Lysiostvles scandens Benth. Chrysobalanaceae: Licania densiflora Kleinhoonte Cecropiaceae: Pourouma Fabaceae-Mimos.: Balizia pedicellaris (DC.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Combretaceae: Combretum laxum Jacq. Annonaceae: Xylopia nitida Dunal Flacourtiaceae: Casearia commersoniana Cambess. Lauraceae: Aniba cf. citrifolia (Nees) Mez Menispermaceae Fabaceae-Papil.: Lonchocarpus Rubiaceae: Rudgea 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 Convolvulaceae: Lysiostyles scandens Benth. Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus guianensis (Aubl.) Gilg Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga alata Benoist Polygalaceae: Moutabea guianensis Aubl. s.1. Araceae: Syngonium podophyllum Schott Loranthaceae: Phthirusa stelis (L.) Kuyt Rubiaceae: Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. Mendonciaceae: Mendoncia hoffmannseggiana Nees Lauraceae: Aniha cf. citrifolia (Nees) Mez Celastraceae: Goupia glabra Aubl. Olacaceae: Heisteria densifrons Engl. Moraceae: Ficus trigona L. f. Polypodiaceae: Microgramma tecta (Kaulf.) Alston Annonaceae: Xylopia nitida Dunal Polypodiaceae: Polypodium polypodioides (L.) Watt var. burchellii (Baker) Weath. Vittariaceae: Ananthacorus angustifolius (Sw.) Underw. & Maxon Orchidaceae: Lockhartia imbricata (Lam.) Hoehne Orchidaceae: Maxillaria uncata Lindl. Piperaceae: Peperomia quadrangularis (J.V. Thomps.) A. Dietr. Polypodiaceae: Pecluma plumula (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.G. Price Rubiaceae: Randia armata (Sw.) DC. Clusiaceae: Vismia macrophylla Kunth Indet. Malpighiaceae: Tetrapterys crispa A. Juss, Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor Flacourtiaceae: Neosprucea sp. Asteraceae: Mikania gleasonii B.L. Rob. Poaceae: Parodiolyra micrantha (Kunth) Davidse & Zuloaga Annonaceae: Fusaea longifolia (Aubl.) Saff. Bignoniaceae Connaraceae Marantaceae 74 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2110 ~=Annonaceae: Anaxagorea 2145 Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia cf. latifolia dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith Benth. var. sylvestris R.S. Cowan 2111 Lauraceae: Cassytha filiformis L. 2146 = Malpighiaceae: Banisteriopsis 2112. ~=Amaranthaceae: A/ternanthera cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates brasiliana (L.) Kuntze 2147) NO RECORD 2113 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia spinescens 2148 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cassia moschata (Sw.) Griseb. Kunth 2114 Onagraceae 2149 Polyporaceae: Pycnoporus cf. 2115 Scrophulariaceae sanguineus (L.) Murrill 2116 Sterculiaceae: Guazuma ulmifolia 2150 = Moraceae: Ficus nymphaeifolia Mill. Lam. 2151 Bignoniaceae: Tabebuia ochracea 2117 Bignoniaceae: Memora heterophylla (Cham.) Standl. ssp. heterotricha (Kraenzl.) Sandwith (DC.) A.H. Gentry 2118 = Ochnaceae: Ouratea superba Engl. 2152. Rubiaceae: Rosenbergiodendron 2119 Lecythidaceae: Gustavia augusta L. densiflorum (K. Schum.) Fagerl. 2120 Bixaceae: Bixa orellana L. 2153 Poaceae: Leptocoryphium lanatum 2121 Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima (Kunth) Nees verbascifolia (L.) DC. 2154 Myrtaceae: Psidium salutare (Kunth) 2122 = Meliaceae: Trichilia O. Berg 2123 Annonaceae: Annona sp. 2155 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista 2124 = Malpighiaceae: Spachea elegans (G. hispidula (Vahl) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Mey.) A. Juss. 2156 Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum 2125 Tiliaceae: Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. suberosum A, St.-Hil. 2126 ~~ Rubiaceae: Genipa americana L. 2157 Menispermaceae: Cissampelos 2127 Boraginaceae: Cordia fallax 1.M. ovalifolia DC. Johnst. 2158 — Sterculiaceae: Melochia spicata (L.) 2128 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Centrosema Fryxell 2129 Convolvulaceae: Merremia umbellata 2159 Malpighiaceae: Spachea elegans (G. (L.) Hallier f. Mey.) A. Juss. 2130 ~~ Convolvulaceae: Jacquemontia 2160 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: Acacia polyphylla guyanensis (Aubl.) Meisn. DC. 2131 — Bignoniaceae: Cydista aequinoctialis 2161 — Sterculiaceae: Byttneria divaricata (L.) Miers Benth. 2132 — Sterculiaceae: Helicteres 2162 Apocynaceae: Tahernaemontana 2133 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Bauhinia sp. siphilitica (L. f.) Leeuwenb. 2134 = Scrophulariaceae: Scoparia dulcis L. 2163 Turneraceae 2135 = Combretaceae: Combretum laxum Jacq. 2164 = Apocynaceae: Himatanthus 2136 Menispermaceae: Cissampelos pareira 2165 Myrtaceae: Psidium guineense Sw. L. 2166 Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia 2137 = Cucurbitaceae: Cayvaponia racemosa (L.) Kunth (Mill.) Cogn. 2167 — Polygonaceae: Symmeria paniculata 2138 — Bixaceae: Cochlospermum Benth. 2139 Lygodiaceae: Lygodium venustum Sw. 2168 — Phytolaccaceae: Petiveria alliacea L. 2140 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Machaerium 2169 Bignoniaceae: Arrabidaea corallina inundatum (Mart. ex Benth.) Ducke (Jacq.) Sandwith 2141 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium 2170 ~~ Convolvulaceae: Merremia ? 2142 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Galactia striata ternifoliola Pittier (Jacq.) Urb. 2171 Fabaceae-Papil.: Platymiscium sp. 2143 Combretaceae: Combretum fruticosum 2172 — Sterculiaceae: Guazuma ulmifolia (Loefl.) Stuntz Lam. 2144 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Zygia cataractae 2173 Rubiaceae: Randia aff. armata (Sw.) (Kunth) L. Rico DC. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 75 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 Solanaceae: Capsicum frutescens L. Sapotaceae Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista hispidula (Vahl) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Malvaceae: Cienfuegosia affinis (Kunth) Hochr. Fabaceae-Papil.: Coursetia ferruginea (Kunth) Lavin Apocynaceae: Prestonia tomentosa R. Br. Boraginaceae: Tournefortia Fabaceae-Papil.: Canavalia Boraginaceae: Heliotropium Viscaceae: Phoradendron perrottetii (DC.) Eichler Bignoniaceae: Pleonotoma clematis (Kunth) Miers Verbenaceae: Vitex schomburgkiana Schauer Combretaceae: Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz Myrtaceae: Psidium salutare (Kunth) O. Berg Asteraceae: Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist Fabaceae-Caesal.: Martiodendron excelsum (Benth.) Gleason Annonaceae: Annona sp. Loranthaceae: Phthirusa stelis (L.) Kuyt Sapotaceae: Chrysophyllum Rubiaceae: Randia aff. armata (Sw.) DC. Viscaceae: Phoradendron mucronatum (DC.) Krug & Urb. Convolvulaceae: /pomoea mauritiana Jacq. Theophrastaceae: Clavija Bignoniaceae: Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers var. aquinoctialis Bignoniaceae: Melloa quadrivalvis (Jacq.) A.H. Gentry Asteraceae: Vernonanthura brasiliana (L.) H. Rob. Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum havanense Jacq. Convolvulaceae: /pomoea piurensis O’Donell Malpighiaceae: Tetrapterys discolor (G. Mey.) DC. Nyctaginaceae: Neea sp. 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 Annonaceae: Annona sp. Verbenaceae: Vitex compressa Turcz. Flacourtiaceae: Hecatostemon completus (Jacq.) Sleumer Boraginaceae: Cordia toqueve Aubl. Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth Fabaceae Solanaceae Fungi Fungi Bryophyte Fungi Polyporaceae: Lentinus crinitus Fr. Polyporaceae: Hexagonium sp. Auriculariaceae: Auricularia sp. NO RECORD NO RECORD NO RECORD NO RECORD Fabaceae-Papil.: Calopogonium velutinum (Benth.) Amshoff Melastomataceae: Miconia argyrophylla DC. Melastomataceae: Miconia gratissima Benth. ex Triana Piperaceae: Piper dilatatum Rich. Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Mig.) C. DC. Piperaceae: Piper foveolatum Kunth ex C. DC. Convolvulaceae: Maripa scandens Aubl. Poaceae: Olyra latifolia L. Melastomataceae: Aciotis indecora (Bonpl.) Triana Onagraceae: Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven Burseraceae: Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand Fabaceae Solanaceae: Markea coccinea Rich. Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Chrysobalanaceae: Licania hypoleuca Benth. Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella racemosa Lam. var. hexandra (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Prance Mendonciaceae: Mendoncia squamuligera Nees Smilacaceae: Smilax syphilitica Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. 16 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2240 = Poaceae: Panicum pilosum Sw. 2271 Passifloraceae: Passiflora 2241 Rubiaceae: Palicourea guianensis 2272 ~~ Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- Aubl. Hil. 2242 —_ Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. 2273 Solanaceae: Solanum oocarpum 2243 —-Piperaceae: Piper bartlingianum Sendtn. (Miq.) C. DC. 2274 ~— Rubiaceae: Duroia cf. eriopila L. f. 2244 = Sapindaceae: Matayba peruviana 2275 Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia oblanceolata Radlk. Sandwith 2245 Melastomataceae: Miconia myriantha 2276 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia Benth. combaymensis Tul. 2246 ~~ Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe crassifolia 2277 ~~ Convolvulaceae: Dicranostyles cf. (H. Focke) C.V. Morton ampla Ducke 2247 =“ Fungi 2278 Fabaceae 2248 — Polyporaceae: Polyporus sp. 2279 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga laurina (Sw.) 2249 Fungi Willd. 2250 ~~ Fungi 2280 ~~ Costaceae: Costus arabicus L. 2251 Bryophyte 2281 — Dilleniaceae: Tetracera costata Mart. 2252 ~—- Fungi ex Eichler 2253 =Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes 2282 —-Vittariaceae: Antrophyum guayanense vittaria DC, ex Poir. Hieron. 2254 ~~ Araceae: Philodendron linnaei Kunth 2283 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea lancea 2255 Passifloraceae: Passiflora glandulosa (L.) Bedd. var. lancea Cav. 2284 a Annonaceae: Annona hypoglauca 2256 —_Bryophyte Mart. 2257 ~Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus 2284 b Viscaceae: Phoradendron crassifolium purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler Nilsson & V.A. Albert 2285 Apocynaceae: Prestonia 2258 — Icacinaceae: Discophora quinquangularis (Jacq.) Spreng. 2259 ~=Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana 2286 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Macrolobium undulata Vahl acaciifolium (Benth.) Benth. 2260 = Annonaceae: Xv/opia benthamii R.E. 2287 Bixaceae: Bixa orellana L. Fr, 2288 — Lecythidaceae: Gustavia augusta L. 2261 Rubiaceae: Psychotria polycephala 2289 ~Apocynaceae: Odontadenia macrantha Benth. (Roem. & Schult.) Markgr. 2262 Annonaceae: Anaxagorea 2290 — Bignoniaceae: Adenocalymna dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith inundatum Mart. ex DC. var. 2263 Dichapetalaceae: Tapura guianensis surinamense Bureau & K. Schum. Aubl. 2291 Bignoniaceae: Memora heterophylla 2264 ~— Euphorbiaceae: Dalechampia (Kraenzl.) Sandwith parvibracteata Lanj. 2292 = Ochnaceae: Ouratea sp. 2265 —_Hippocrateaceae: Cheiloclinium 2293 Asclepiadaceae cognatum (Miers) A.C. Sm. 2294 — Rubiaceae: Bothriospora corymbosa 2266 Myrtaceae: Calyptranthes fasciculata (Benth.) Hook. f. O. Berg 2295 Passifloraceae: Passiflora 2267 ~~ Araceae: Heteropsis flexuosa (Kunth) capparidifolia Killip G.S. Bunting 2296 Turneraceae: Turnera 2268 | Ganodermataceae: Ganoderma sp. 2297 Lauraceae: Nectandra amazonum Nees 2269 Apocynaceae: Tahernaemontana 2298 Bignoniaceae: Memora schomburgkii undulata Vahl (DC.) Miers 2270 Rubiaceae: Sabicea oblongifolia 2299 Passifloraceae: Passiflora costata (Miq.) Steyerm. Mast. 2300 — Asclepiadaceae Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 77 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga disticha Benth. Combretaceae: Combretum rotundifolium Rich. Malpighiaceae: Hiraea faginea (Sw.) Nied. Polygonaceae: Symmeria paniculata Benth. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Elizabetha coccinea M.R. Schomb. ex Benth. var. oxyphylla (Harms) R.S. Cowan Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cynometra bauhiniifolia Benth. Malpighiaceae: Tetrapterys discolor (G. Mey.) DC. Poaceae: Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl. Malpighiaceae: Hiraea faginea (Sw.) Nied. Euphorbiaceae: Alchornea sp. Chrysobalanaceae Boraginaceae: Cordia tetrandra Aubl. Myrtaceae: Psidium acutangulum DC. Chrysobalanaceae: Licania leptostachya Benth. Flacourtiaceae: Homalium guianense (Aubl.) Oken Rubiaceae: Alibertia edulis (Rich.) A. Rich. ex DC. Myrsinaceae: Ardisia ? Polypodiaceae: Pecluma plumula (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.G. Price Polypodiaceae: Polypodium polypodioides (L.) Watt var. burchellii (Baker) Weath. Polypodiaceae: Pleopeltis percussa (Cav.) Hook. & Grev. Vittariaceae: Ananthacorus angustifolius (Sw.) Underw. & Maxon Orchidaceae: Octomeria exigua C. Schweinf. Celastraceae: Goupia glabra Aubl. Gnetaceae: Gnetum urens (Aubl.) Blume Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. f. attenuata Cuatrec. Humiriaceae Icacinaceae: Pleurisanthes cf. artocarpi Baill. Convolvulaceae: Maripa scandens Aubl. Lauraceae: Licaria cannella (Meisn.) Kosterm. 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 a 2343 b 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania leptostachya Benth. Fabaceae-Papil.: Pterocarpus rohrii Vahl Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cynometra cf. marginata Benth. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip var. trapezifolia (Vahl) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Chrysobalanaceae: Licania hypoleuca Benth. Passifloraceae: Passiflora capparidifolia Kallip Viscaceae: Phoradendron crassifolium (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler Fabaceae-Mimos.: Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip var. trapezifolia (Vahl) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Dichapetalaceae: Dichapetalum pedunculatum (DC.) Baill. Sapotaceae Ebenaceae: Diospyros ? Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus guianensis (Aubl.) Gilg Loganiaceae: Strychnos Lauraceae: Ocotea guianensis Aubl. Connaraceae: Connarus cf. coriaceus G. Schellenb. Quiinaceae: Quiina obovata Tul. Rubiaceae: Psychotria barbiflora DC. Apocynaceae: TZabernaemontana undulata Vahl Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC. Violaceae: Corynostylis arborea (L.) S.F. Blake Trigoniaceae: Trigonia hypoleuca Griseb. Fabaceae-Papil.: Centrosema sp. Violaceae: Corynostylis arborea (L.) S.F. Blake Violaceae: Corynostylis arborea (L.) S.F. Blake Ebenaceae: Diospyros Smilacaceae: Smilax sp. Rubiaceae: Bothriospora corymbosa (Benth.) Hook. f. Vitaceae: Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis Poaceae: Panicum pilosum Sw. 78 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2358 — Violaceae: Rinorea riana (DC.) Kuntze 2391 Asteraceae: Emilia sonchifolia (L.) 2359 — Simaroubaceae: Quassia amara L. DC. ex Wight 2360 Rubiaceae: Psychotria racemosa Rich. 2392 — Scrophulariaceae: Scoparia dulcis L. 2361 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata 2393 ~~ Rutaceae: Ertela trifolia (L.) Kuntze Rich. 2394 —_ Boraginaceae: Heliotropium indicum 2362 — Ulmaceae: Trema micrantha (L.) L. Blume 2395 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna chrysocarpa 2363 | Capparaceae: Cleome latifolia Vahl ex (Desv.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby DC. 2396 Amaranthaceae: Amaranthus viridis L. 2364 ~~ Lichen 2397 Portulacaceae: Portulaca oleracea L. 2365 ~~ Lichen 2398 a Rubiaceae: Diodia ocymifolia (Willd. 2366 ~~ Lichen ex Roem. & Schult.) Bremek. 2367 — Bryophyte 2398 b Rubiaceae: Sipanea pratensis Aubl. 2368 — Bryophyte 2399 — Cyperaceae: Cyperus laxus Lam. s.1. 2369 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dialium guianense 2400 Haemodoraceae: Xiphidium caeruleum (Aubl.) Sandwith Aubl. 2370 = Annonaceae: Annona hypoglauca 2401 = Commelinaceae: Dichorisandra Mart. hexandra (Aubl.) Standl. 2371 Theophrastaceae: Clavija lancifolia 2402 Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Poir. Desf. 2403 Rubiaceae: Sipanea pratensis Aubl. 2372 Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia tenuifolia L. 2404 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea guianensis 2373 ~ Adiantaceae: Pityrogramma Benth. calomelanos (L.) Link 2405 Malpighiaceae: Heteropterys 2374 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Elizabetha coccinea macradena (DC.) W.R. Anderson M.R. Schomb. ex Benth. var. coccinea 2406 Poaceae: Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex 2375 Malpighiaceae: Hereropterys D6ll macradena (DC.) W.R. Anderson 2407 Apocynaceae: Tahernaemontana 2376 Rubiaceae: /sertia parviflora Vahl heterophylla Vahl 2377 Sapindaceae: Paullinia pinnata L. 2408 = Myrtaceae: Eugenia lambertiana DC. 2378 Asteraceae: Mikania congesta DC. 2409 — Hippocrateaceae: Peritassa dulcis 2379 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia zizyphoides (Benth.) Miers Kunth 2410 — Sapindaceae: Cupania hirsuta Radlk. 2380 = Apocynaceae: Mesechites trifida 2411 Sapindaceae: Pauillinia cf. verrucosa (Jacq.) Mill. Arg. Radlk. 2381 Rubiaceae: Chomelia angustifolia 2412. Araceae: Xanthosoma cf. striolatum Benth. Mart. ex Schott 2382 Asclepiadaceae 2413 Rubiaceae: Morinda calycina (Benth.) 2383 = Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana Steyerm. siphilitica (L. f.) Leeuwenb. 2414 Bromeliaceae: Ananas ananassoides 2384 a Fabaceae-Papil.: Machaerium ferox (Baker) L.B. Sm. (Mart. ex Benth.) Ducke 2415 Fabaceae-Papil.: Calopogonium 2384 b Begoniaceae: Begonia semiovata velutinum (Benth.) Amshoff Liebm. 2416 = Poaceae: Panicum dichotomiflorum 2385 Cucurbitaceae: Cayaponia cf. cruegeri Michx. (Naudin) Cogn. 2417 Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) 2386 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Mora excelsa Benth. Rottb. ex Retz. 2387 = Arecaceae: Desmoncus 2418 — Solanaceae: Cyphomandra hartwegii 2388 Myrtaceae: Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) (Miers) Walp. ssp. hartwegii DC. 2419 — Vitaceae: Cissus verticillata (L.) 2389 Asteraceae: Conyza bonariensis (L.) Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis Cronquist 2420 ~~ Vitaceae: Cissus verticillata (L.) 2390 Asteraceae: Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 79 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 Poaceae: Digitaria horizontalis Willd. Poaceae: Echinochloa colona (L.) Link Poaceae: Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae: Lasiacis ligulata Hitche. & Chase Melastomataceae: Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L.O. Williams Marantaceae: Maranta rupicola L. Andersson Rhamnaceae: Gouania colurnifolia Reissek Solanaceae: Solanum rugosum Dunal Boraginaceae: Tournefortia sp. Bombacaceae: Pachira insignis (Sw.) Sw. ex Savigny Ulmaceae: Trema micrantha (L.) Blume Euphorbiaceae: Dalechampia magnoliifolia Mill. Arg. Rubiaceae Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Mig.) C. DC. Piperaceae: Piper dilatatum Rich. Cucurbitaceae Euphorbiaceae: Dalechampia affinis Mill. Arg. Scrophulariaceae: Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell. Asteraceae: Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H. Rob. Solanaceae: Schwenckia americana L. Annonaceae: Duguetia neglecta Sandwith Lauraceae Arecaceae: Desmoncus Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth Sapindaceae Araceae: Philodendron linnaei Kunth Rubiaceae Marantaceae: /schnosiphon arouma (Aubl.) K6rn. Chrysobalanaceae Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella racemosa Lam. var. racemosa Rubiaceae: /xora graciliflora Benth. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua falcata Aubl. Dilleniaceae: Tetracera asperula Miq. Commelinaceae: Commelina rufipes Seub. var. glabrata (D.R. Hunt) Faden & D.R. Hunt 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 a 2474 b 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 Costaceae: Costus spiralis (Jacq.) Roscoe var. villosus Maas Cecropiaceae: Cecropia latiloba Miq. Flacourtiaceae: Casearia mariquitensis Kunth Sterculiaceae Phytolaccaceae: Seguieria macrophylla Benth. Melastomataceae: Miconia longifolia (Aubl.) DC. Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga vera Willd. subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Penn. Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus dentatus (Aubl.) Standl. ssp. dentatus Sapotaceae: Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella paniculata Sw. Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. Gleicheniaceae: Dicranopteris pectinata (Willd.) Underw. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Campsiandra comosa Benth. var. comosa Melastomataceae: Clidemia bullosa DC. Costaceae: Costus scaber Ruiz & Pav. Rubiaceae: Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. Rubiaceae: Psychotria bahiensis DC. Araceae: Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Potr. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Campsiandra comosa Benth. var. comosa Adiantaceae: Adiantum latifolium Lam. Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Pott. Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Poitr. Sapotaceae Bryophyte Lichen Fabaceae-Papil.: Andira surinamensis (Bondt) Splitg. ex Amshoff Malvaceae: Talipariti tiliaceum (L.) Fryxell var. pernambucense (Arruda) Fryxell Cyperaceae: Bulbostylis conifera (Kunth) C.B. Clarke Rubiaceae: Borreria hispida Spruce ex K. Schum. 80) Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2484 Rubiaceae: Diodia 2515 Asteraceae: Avapana amygdalina 2485 Fabaceae-Papil.: Galactia jussiaeana (Lam.) R.M. King & H. Rob. Kunth 2516 Poaceae: Axonopus purpusii (Mez) 2486 — Verbenaceae: Amasonia campestris Chase (Aubl.) Moldenke 2517 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Eriosema 2487 = Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia 2518 Lauraceae: Cassytha filiformis L. (L.) Kunth 2519 — Cyperaceae: Scleria cyperina Willd. ex 2488 — Gentianaceae: Coutoubea spicata Kunth Aubl. 2520 Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea 2489 — Flacourtiaceae: Casearia zizyphoides Aubl. Kunth 2521 —Bignoniaceae: Arrabidaea candicans 2490 — Polygalaceae: Polygala longicaulis (Rich.) DC. Kunth 2522 Loranthaceae: Phthirusa stelis (L.) 2491 Asteraceae: Wulffia baccata (L.) Kuyt Kuntze 2523 Passifloraceae: Passiflora 2492 Melastomataceae: Tibouchina aspera 2524 Melastomataceae: Tibouchina aspera Aubl. var. asperrima Cogn. Aubl. var. aspera 2493 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia psittacorum 2525 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista L. f. viscosa (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 2494 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Centrosema var. major (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & brasilianum (L.) Benth. Barneby 2495 Rubiaceae: Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) 2526 Myrtaceae: Eugenia biflora (L.) DC. K. Schum. 2527 Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. 2496 = Apocynaceae: Catharanthus roseus 2528 — Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus bifidus (L.) G Don (Schrad.) Kunth 2497 ~—_ Lamiaceae: Marsypianthes 2529 Solanaceae: Solanum asperum Rich. chamaedrys (Vahl) Kuntze 2530 Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. 2498 — Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora 2531 Fabaceae-Papil.: Stvlosanthes aff. subplumosa C.B. Clarke hispida Rich. 2499 — Cyperaceae: Scleria bracteata Cav. 2532 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna latifolia (G. 2500 Annonaceae: Annona sericea Dunal Mey.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 2501 Annonaceae: Guatteria sp. 2533 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania incana 2502 Sapindaceae: Serjania paucidentata Aubl. DC. 2534 Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea virgata 2503 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Rich.) Amshoff 2504 Melastomataceae: Miconia rubiginosa 2535 Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella cernua (Bonpl.) DC. (L.) Pic. Serm. 2505 Rubiaceae: Palicourea rigida Kunth 2536 = Symplocaceae: Symplocos guianensis 2506 —_ Dilleniaceae: Curatella americana L. (Aubl.) Giirke 2507 Rubiaceae: Pagamea guianensis Aubl. 2537 Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia 2508 — Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- (L.) Kunth Hil. 2538 Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera 2509 Meliaceae Aubl. var. guianensis (Benth.) Cuatrec. 2510 Asteraceae: Ichthyothere terminalis 2539 = Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima spicata (Spreng.) S.F. Blake (Cav.) DC. 2511 | Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora nervosa 2540 Malpighiaceae: Tetrapterys styloptera (Vahl) Boeck. A. Juss. 2512 Poaceae: Sporobolus cubensis Hitche. 2541 ~~ Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides 2513 Fabaceae-Papil.: Ormosia coccinea Ham. (Aubl.) Jacks. 2542 Aquifoliaceae: //ex jenmanii Loes. 2514 Cyperaceae: Bulbostylis paradoxa 2543 = Myrtaceae: Myrcia fallax (Rich.) DC. (Spreng.) Lindm. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 81 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 Bombacaceae: Pachira minor (Sims) Hemsl. Chrysobalanaceae: Licania affinis Fritsch Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus spraguei Cheesman Icacinaceae: Dendrobangia boliviana Rusby Euphorbiaceae: Amanoa guianensis Aubl. Loganiaceae Clusiaceae: Clusia grandiflora Splitg. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Macrolobium angustifolium (Benth.) R.S. Cowan Rubiaceae: Genipa americana L. Melastomataceae: Henriettea multiflora Naudin Convolvulaceae: Maripa scandens Aubl. Polygalaceae: Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) A.W. Benn. Asclepiadaceae: Tassadia propinqua Decne. Myrtaceae: Marlierea cuprea Amshoff Ochnaceae: Ouratea guianensis Aubl. Fabaceae-Papil.: Ormosia fastigiata Tul. Myrtaceae: Myrciaria vismeifolia (Benth.) O. Berg Asteraceae: Mikania parviflora (Aubl.) H. Karst. Myrtaceae: Myrcia fallax (Rich.) DC. Polygalaceae? Melastomataceae: Mouriri sp. Hippocrateaceae: Tontelea laxiflora (Benth.) A.C. Sm. Marcgraviaceae: Norantea guianensis Aubl. Hippocrateaceae: Salacia impressifolia (Miers) A.C. Sm. Fabaceae-Papil.: Machaerium quinatum (Aubl.) Sandwith Clusiaceae: Caraipa Chrysobalanaceae: Licania parviflora Benth. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. Polypodiaceae: Polypodium triseriale Sw. Bignoniaceae: Tabebuia subtilis Sprague & Sandwith 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 Lecythidaceae: Couratari riparia Sandwith Bignoniaceae: Distictella elongata (Vahl) Urb. Hippocrateaceae Bromeliaceae: Mezobromelia pleiosticha (Griseb.) Utley & H. Luther Euphorbiaceae: Amanoa guianensis Aubl. Rubiaceae: Genipa spruceana Steyerm. Loranthaceae: Phthirusa rufa (Mart.) Eichler Asclepiadaceae Malpighiaceae: Banisteriopsis lucida (Rich.) Small Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. Malvaceae: Pavonia fruticosa (Mill.) Fawe. & Rendle Cannaceae: Canna indica L. Rubiaceae: Gonzalagunia dicocca Cham. & Schltdl. Piperaceae: Piper peltatum L. Campanulaceae: Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce Rubiaceae: Psychotria poeppigiana Mill. Arg. Poaceae: /chnanthus panicoides P. Beauv. Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia hirta L. Heliconiaceae: Heliconia bihai (L.) L. Piperaceae: Piper hispidum Sw. Rubiaceae: Nofopleura uliginosa (Sw.) Bremek. Amaranthaceae: Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx mimuloides (Benth.) C.V. Morton Melastomataceae: Maieta poeppigii Mart. ex Cogn. Myrsinaceae: Ardisia guianensis (Aubl.) Mez Marantaceae: Calathea elliptica (Roscoe) K. Schum. Melastomataceae: Maieta guianensis Aubl. Marantaceae: /schnosiphon arouma (Aubl.) Korn. Rubiaceae: Psychotria acuminata Benth. Piperaceae: Piper aequale Vahl re) Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2604 — Solanaceae: Solanum americanum 2631 Melastomataceae: Loreva mespiloides Mill. Miq. 2605 Piperaceae: Piper aduncum L. 2632 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Vigna /uteola (Jacq.) 2606 Asteraceae: Erechtites valerianaefolia Benth. (Wolf) Link ex Spreng. 2633 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium barbatum 2607 Marantaceae: /schnosiphon gracilis (L.) Benth. (Rudge) Kérn. ssp. sandwithii L. 2634 ~~ Cucurbitaceae: Gurania lobata (L.) Andersson Pruski 2608 — Arecaceae: Bactris maraja Mart. 2635 Myrtaceae: Psidium guineense Sw. 2609 ~~ Annonaceae 2636 — Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium 2610 — Melastomataceae: Leandra solenifera Jacq. Cogn. 2637 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Crotalaria nitens 2611 a Melastomataceae: Clidemia octona Kunth (Bonpl.) L.O. Williams ssp. 2638 — Piperaceae: Piper glabrescens (Miq.) guayanensis Wurdack C. DC. 2611 b Melastomataceae: Clidemia silvicola 2639 = Zingiberaceae: Renealmia alpinia Gleason (Rottb.) Maas 2612 —_Heliconiaceae: Heliconia pendula 2640 — Poaceae: Andropogon bicornis L. Wawra 2641 Poaceae: Sefaria parviflora (Poir.) 2613 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata Kerguélen Rich. 2642 a Cyperaceae: Cyperus distans L. f. 2614 — Solanaceae: Solanum rugosum Dunal 2642 b Cyperaceae: Cyperus aggregatus 2615 Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Willd.) Endl. (Mig.) C. DC. 2643 Poaceae: Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) 2616 Asteraceae: Clibadium armani (Balbis) Stapf Sch. Bip. ex O.E. Schulz 2644 — Poaceae: Paspalum melanospermum 2617 Asteraceae: Bidens cynapiifolia Kunth Desv. ex Poir. 2618 — Verbenaceae: Lantana camara L. 2645 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista 2619 — Verbenaceae: Lantana camara L. nictitans (L.) Moench var. patellaria 2620 — Menispermaceae: Cissampelos pareira (Collad.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby L. 2646 = Poaceae: Paspalum conjugatum P.J. 2621 — Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Bergius 2622 ~—_Heliconiaceae: Heliconia 2647 Poaceae: Panicum rudgei Roem. & spathocircinata Aristeg. Schult. 2623 Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris opulenta 2648 — Poaceae: Ischaemum timorense Kunth (Kaulf.) Fosberg 2649 Cyperaceae: Fimbristylis dichotoma 2624 a Cyatheaceae: Cyathea pungens (L.) Vahl (Willd.) Domin 2650 — Cyperaceae: Cyperus articulatus L. 2624 b Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris 2651 — Cyperaceae: Cyperus sphacelatus hispidula (Decne.) C.F. Reed var. Rottb. hispidula 2652 Poaceae: Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) 2625 Fabaceae-Papil.: Ormosia coutinhoi Nees Ducke 2653 Siparunaceae: Siparuna guianensis 2626 ~— Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Aubl. 2627 Phytolaccaceae: Phytolacca rivinoides 2654 Asteraceae: Calea solidaginea Kunth Kunth & Bouché ssp. deltophylla (R.S. Cowan) Pruski 2628 — Boraginaceae: Cordia 2655 Boraginaceae: Cordia polycephala 2629 = Malpighiaceae: Stigmaphyllon (Lam.) I.M. Johnst. sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss. 2656 Convolvulaceae: /pomoea cf. tiliacea 2630 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna latifolia (G. (Willd.) Choisy Mey.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 2657 Rubiaceae: Psychotria acuminata Benth. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 83 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 Rubiaceae: Psychotria deflexa DC. ssp. venulosa (Miill. Arg.) Steyerm. Rubiaceae: Psychotria paniculata (Aubl.) Raeusch. Melastomataceae: Adelobotrys permixta Wurdack Melastomataceae: Leandra divaricata (Naudin) Cogn. Rubiaceae: Psychotria racemosa Rich. Lauraceae: Endlicheria anomala (Nees) Mez Lauraceae: Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees Piperaceae: Piper augustum Rudge Rubiaceae: Faramea maguire Steyerm. Poaceae: Parodiolvra micrantha (Kunth) Davidse & Zuloaga Arecaceae: Bactris simplicifrons Mart. Melastomataceae: Miconia lasseri Gleason Melastomataceae: Leandra divaricata (Naudin) Cogn. Adiantaceae: Adiantopsis radiata (L.) Fée Flacourtiaceae Rubiaceae: Palicourea guianensis Aubl. Rubiaceae: Psychotria erecta (Aubl.) Standl. & Steyerm. Araceae: Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) G. Don Araceae: Anthurium pentaphyllum (Aubl.) G. Don Bromeliaceae: Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez Adiantaceae: Adiantum phyllitidis J. Sm. Cucurbitaceae: Gurania subumbellata (Miq.) Cogn. Adiantaceae: Adiantum adiantoides (J. Sm.) C. Chr. Boraginaceae: Cordia Rubiaceae: Faramea morilloi Steyerm. Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl.) D. Don var. dependens (D. Don) J.F. Macbr. Tectariaceae: Tectaria incisa Cav. Woodsiaceae: Diplazium cristatum (Desr.) Alston 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 269] 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 Cyclanthaceae: Asplundia cf. maguirei Harling Tectariaceae: Tectaria trifoliata (L.) Cav. Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea guianensis Benth. Bignoniaceae: Phryganocydia corymbosa (Vent.) Bureau ex K. Schum. Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata Kunth Rubiaceae: Psychotria anceps Kunth Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum Melastomataceae: Clidemia sericea D. Don Lamiaceae: Ocimum campechianum Mill. Ulmaceae: Trema micrantha (L.) Blume Arecaceae: Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella triandra Sw. ssp. triandra Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana Kunth Fabaceae-Papil.: Tephrosia sinapou (Buc’hoz) A. Chev. Annonaceae: Cymbopetalum brasiliense (Vell.) Benth. ex Baill. Piperaceae: Piper divaricatum G. Mey. Melastomataceae: Leandra sp. Aristolochiaceae: Aristolochia leprieurii Duch. Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Mig.) C. DC. Passifloraceae: Passiflora rubra L. Marantaceae: Maranta gibba Sm. Arecaceae: Geonoma interrupta (Ruiz & Pav.) Mart. var. euspatha (Burret) A.J. Hend. Dryopteridaceae: Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J. Sm. Marantaceae: Monotagma spicatum (Aubl.) J.F. Macbr. Araceae: Anthurium clavigerum Poepp. Annonaceae: Annona sericea Dunal Piperaceae: Peperomia duidana Trel. ex Gleason Piperaceae: Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon 84 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2715 Aspleniaceae: Asplenium cuneatum 2743 Melastomataceae: Miconia alata Lam. (Aubl.) DC. 2716 Commelinaceae: Tradescantia zanonia 2744 Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata (L.) Sw. Kunth 2717 Poaceae: Andropogon leucostachyus 2745 Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum Kunth 2746 _—_Lacistemataceae: Lacistema 2718 Poaceae: Panicum nervosum Lam. 2747 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria 2719 — Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella cernua hoffmannseggiana (Willd. ex Roem. & (L.) Pic. Serm. Schult.) Mill. Arg. 2720 Lamiaceae 2748 — Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides 2721 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora barbata Ham. (Vahl) Kunth 2749 ~~ Melastomataceae: Macairea 2722 = Xyridaceae: Xyris fallax Malme pachyphyilla Benth. 2723 Poaceae: Eriochrysis cayennensis P. 2750 — Clusiaceae: Vismia sp. Beauv. 2751 Rubiaceae: Malanea gabrielensis Miill. 2724 a Rubiaceae: Sabicea velutina Benth. Arg. 2724b Rubiaceae 2752 Orchidaceae: Catasetum sp. 2725 Poaceae: Paspalum lanciflorum Trin. 2753. Orchidaceae: Cyrtopodium cf. 2726 —Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus punctatum (L.) Lindl. angustifolius (Kunth) Gilg 2754 Melastomataceae: Clidemia 2727 Orchidaceae: Koellensteinia cf. novemnervia (DC.) Triana kellneriana Rchb. f. 2755 Piperaceae: Peperomia macrostachya 2728 Burmanniaceae: Burmannia bicolor (Vahl) A. Dietr. Mart. 2756 a Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus 2729 Melastomataceae: Tococa guianensis angustifolius (Kunth) Gilg Aubl. 2756 b Rubiaceae: Psychotria barbiflora DC. 2730 Humiriaceae: Humiria crassifolia 2757 Malpighiaceae: Banisteriopsis Mart. ex Urb. pulcherrima (Sandwith) B. Gates 2731 Rubiaceae: Retiniphyllum ? 2758 Melastomataceae: Macairea thyrsiflora 2732 Clusiaceae: Clusia pusilla Steyerm. DC. s.l. 2733 a Cyperaceae: Scleria hirtella Sw. 2759 — Gentianaceae: Irl/bachia cardonae 2733 b Rubiaceae: Perama dichotoma Poepp. (Gleason) Maguire & Endl. 2760 ~~ Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum hirsutum 2734 Orchidaceae: Epistephium cf. Bartl. ex DC. sclerophyllum Lindl. 2761 Orchidaceae: Epistephium sp. 2735 Clusiaceae: Clusia macropoda 2762 Orchidaceae: Sobralia cf. macrophylla Klotzsch ex Engl. Rchb. f. 2736 ~~ Asteraceae: Lepidaploa bolivarensis 2763 Orchidaceae: Sobralia liliastrum (V.M. Badillo) H. Rob. Lindl. 2737 Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata 2764 = Schizaeaceae: Schizaea elegans (Vahl) (Rich.) DC. Sw. 2738 Asteraceae: Baccharis varians Gardner 2765 Melastomataceae: Desmoscelis villosa 2739 Polygalaceae: Polygala hygrophila (Aubl.) Naudin Kunth 2766 — Rubiaceae: Palicourea triphylla DC. 2740 a Rubiaceae: Borreria cf. ovalifolia M. 2767 — Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea Martens & Galeotti portoricensis Desv. 2740 b Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora tenella 2768 — Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris (Nees) Boeck. arborescens (Humb, & Bonpl. ex 2741 Melastomataceae: Henriettea Willd.) C.V. Morton maroniensis Sagot 2769 — Apocynaceae: Mandevilla subcarnosa 2742 Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) (Benth.) Woodson DC. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 85 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 Asteraceae: Achyrocline vargasiana DC. Asteraceae: Orthopappus angustifolius (Sw.) Gleason Myrtaceae Cyperaceae: Exochogyne amazonica C.B. Clarke Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes humboldtii (Bosch) Lellinger Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- Hil. Lamiaceae: Hyptis lantanifolia Poit. Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. Nilsson & V.A. Albert Orchidaceae: Hexisea imbricata (Lindl.) Rehb. f. Rubiaceae: Semaphyllanthe venezuelensis (Steyerm.) L. Andersson Asteraceae: Mikania psilostachya DC. Ochnaceae Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga thibaudiana DC. Euphorbiaceae: Micrandra glabra (R.E. Schult.) RE. Schult. Melastomataceae: Meriania urceolata Triana Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna quinquangulata (Rich.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Poaceae: Panicum aff. aequivaginatum Swallen Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC. Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Araceae: Philodendron tatei K. Krause Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus spraguei Cheesman Heliconiaceae: Heliconia psittacorum L. f. Orchidaceae: Epistephium subrepens Hoehne Bromeliaceae: Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker Bonnetiaceae: Archytaea triflora Mart. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. var. tumuc-humaciense Veyret Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. Bromeliaceae: Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez Haloragaceae? 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2805 a 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 a 2810 b 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 Polygalaceae Rubiaceae: Ladenbergia lambertiana (A. Braun ex Mart.) Klotzsch Myrsinaceae: Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G. Agostini ssp. fulvopulverulentus Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dimorphandra macrostachya Benth. Ericaceae: Sphyrospermum cordifolium Benth. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum ramosum Jacq. Ericaceae: Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Nied. Annonaceae: Anaxagorea sp. Melastomataceae: Phainantha laxiflora (Triana) Gleason Apocynaceae Burmanniaceae: Dictyostega orobanchoides (Hook.) Miers Rubiaceae: Perama dichotoma Poepp. & Endl. Schizaeaceae: Actinostachys pennula (Sw.) Hook. Schizaeaceae: Schizaea incurvata Schkuhr Bonnetiaceae: Bonnetia paniculata Spruce ex Benth. Rapateaceae: Rapatea steyermarkii Maguire Poaceae Burseraceae: Trattinnickia burserifolia Mart. Gleicheniaceae: Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw. Blechnaceae: Blechnum serrulatum Rich. Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia Melastomataceae: Tococa macrosperma Mart. Vochysiaceae: Qualea polychroma Stafleu Cyperaceae: Hypolytrum pulchrum (Rudge) H. Pfeiff. Cyperaceae: Didymiandrum stellatum (Boeck.) Gilly Bombacaceae: Pachira Melastomataceae: Tococa aristata Benth. Melastomataceae: 7ococa aristata Benth. 86 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2825 Bonnetiaceae: Bonnetia paniculata 2852. Araceae: Philodendron callosum K. Spruce ex Benth. Krause 2826 — Droseraceae: Drosera 2853 Eriocaulaceae 2827 Bromeliaceae: Brocchinia micrantha 2854 Asteraceae: Praxelis asperulacea (Baker) Mez (Baker) R.M. King & H. Rob. 2828 Schizaeaceae: Schizaea poeppigiana 2855 Orchidaceae: Cleistes rosea Lindl. J.W. Sturm 2856 = Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia 2829 a Cladoniaceae: Cladonia signata (L.) Kunth (Eschw.) Vain. 2857 Rubiaceae: Perama hirsuta Aubl. 2829 b Cladoniaceae: Cladina rosea Ahti, sp. 2858 — Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia triloba nov. ined. Ben). 2830 = Thurniaceae: Thurnia sphaerocephala 2859 Orchidaceae: Habenaria sp. (Rudge) Hook. f. ssp. nov. 2860 Poaceae: Leptocoryphium lanatum 2831 Cyrillaceae: Cyrilla racemiflora L. (Kunth) Nees 2832 Aquifoliaceae: //ex cf. guianensis 2861 a Orchidaceae: Jacquiniella globosa (Aubl.) Kuntze (Jacq.) Schltr. 2833 Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia invenusta 2861 b Orchidaceae: Epidendrum strobiloides Barneby Garay & Dunst. 2834 Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata 2862 Orchidaceae: Maxillaria mapiriensis Kunth (Kraenzl.) L.O. Williams 2835 Melastomataceae: Phainantha laxiflora 2863 9 Orchidaceae: Octomeria cf. filifolia C. (Triana) Gleason Schweinf. 2836 | Campanulaceae 2864 — Bignoniaceae: Distictella obovata 2837 — Lichen Sandwith 2838 Rapateaceae: Saxofridericia regalis 2865 Cyatheaceae: Cyathea macrosora R.H. Schomb. (Baker) Domin var. macrosora 2839 = Moraceae: Ficus guianensis Desv. ex 2866 — Dilleniaceae: Doliocarpus spraguei Ham. s.1. Cheesman 2840 Cyperaceae: Scleria cyperina Willd. ex 2867 Cyperaceae: Exochogyne amazonica Kunth C.B. Clarke 284] Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia bulbosa 2868 — Gentianaceae: Irlbachia cf. pratensis Hook. (Kunth) L. Cobb & Maas 2842 _Bromeliaceae: Vriesea incurva 2869 Rubiaceae: Psychotria barbiflora DC. (Griseb.) Read 2870 — Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella racemosa 2843 Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia spiculosa Lam. var. racemosa Griseb. 2871 Poaceae: Parodiolyra micrantha 2844 = Orchidaceae: Epidendrum (Kunth) Davidse & Zuloaga carpophorum Barb. Rodr. 2872 Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. 2845 Araceae: Urospatha sagittifolia 2873 ~~ Convolvulaceae (Rudge) Schott 2874 Rubiaceae: Remijia densiflora Benth. 2846 = Combretaceae: Terminalia quintalata 2875 a Cyperaceae: Didymiandrum stellatum Maguire (Boeck.) Gilly 2847 — Bromeliaceae: Aechmea bromeliifolia 2875 b Malpighiaceae: Blepharandra (Rudge) Baker hypoleuca (Benth.) Griseb. 2848 Xyridaceae: Xypris 2876 ~~ Ericaceae: Vaccinium eurvanthum A.C. 2849 — Cyperaceae: Hypolytrum longifolium Sm. (Rich.) Nees ssp. sy/vaticum (Poepp. & 2877 Rubiaceae: Declieuxia fruticosa Kunth) T. Koyama (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Kuntze 2850 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora cephalotes 2878 — Eriocaulaceae (L.) Vahl 2879 — Cyperaceae: Bulbostylis junciformis 285] Burseraceae: Protium (Kunth) C.B. Clarke Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 87 2879 a 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 a 2896 b 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora caracasana (Kunth) Boeck. Polygalaceae: Polygala appressa Benth. var. gracillima (S. Watson) A.W. Benn. Xyridaceae: Abolboda acaulis Maguire var. acaulis Xyridaceae: Xyris involucrata Nees Melastomataceae: Macairea lasiophylla (Benth.) Wurdack Rubiaceae: Psychotria aff. egensis Mill. Arg. Orchidaceae: Epistephium sp. Orchidaceae: Sobralia liliastrum Lindl. Ericaceae: Bejaria sprucei Meisn. Asteraceae: Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. Asteraceae: Lepidaploa remotiflora (Rich.) H. Rob. Orchidaceae: Epistephium parviflorum Lindl. Myrsinaceae: Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G. Agostini ssp. fulvopulverulentus Cyperaceae: Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. Ericaceae: Vaccinium euryanthum A.C. Sm. Sapotaceae: Pouteria rigida K (Mart. & Eichler) Radlk. var. rigida Melastomataceae: Clidemia pustulata DC. Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitata Benth. Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitata Benth. Ericaceae Sapotaceae: Pradosia schomburgkiana (A. DC.) Cronquist Aquifoliaceae: //ex sp. Fabaceae-Papil.: Clitoria Gentianaceae: Tetrapollinia caerulescens (Aubl.) Maguire & B.M. Boom Asteraceae: Lepidaploa bolivarensis (V.M. Badillo) H. Rob. Viscaceae: Dendrophthora elliptica (Gardner) Krug & Urb. 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 Melastomataceae: Tococa nitens (Benth.) Triana Rapateaceae: Stegolepis ptaritepuiensis Steyerm. Bromeliaceae: Brocchinia steyermarkii L.B. Sm. Heliconiaceae: Heliconia psittacorum L. f. Rubiaceae: Retiniphyllum Gesneriaceae Clusiaceae: Clusia picta Pipoly, sp. nov. ined. Poaceae: Panicum polycomum Trin. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum longicolle Lindl. Orchidaceae: Scaphyglottis stellata Lodd. ex Lindl. Bromeliaceae: Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez Vochysiaceae: Ruizterania rigida (Stafleu) Marc.-Berti Sapotaceae Apocynaceae: Mandevilla holstii Morillo Ochnaceae: Ouratea cernuiflora Sandwith Humiriaceae: Sacoglottis amazonica Mart. Melastomataceae: Miconia plukenetii Naudin Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnia maidifolia (C. Morren) Decne. ex Planch. & Linden Loganiaceae: Spigelia multispica Steud. Araceae: Spathiphyllum cannifolium (Dryand. ex Sims) Schott Zingiberaceae: Renealmia monosperma Miq. Myrtaceae: Myrcia fallax (Rich.) DC. Polypodiaceae: Pleopeltis percussa (Cav.) Hook. & Grev. Melastomataceae: Clidemia sp. Onagraceae: Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven Theaceae: Jernstroemia Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum praetermissum Mickel Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum plumosum (Fée) T. Moore Indet. 88 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 2934 — Ericaceae: Vaccinium puberulum 2963 Asteraceae: Gongylolepis benthamiana Klotzsch ex Meisn. R.H. Schomb. 2935 Ericaceae: Psammisia guianensis 2964 Asteraceae: Stenopadus talaumifolius Klotzsch S.F. Blake 2936 Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitata 2965 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania incana Benth. Aubl. 2936 a Melastomataceae 2966 = Malpighiaceae: Banisteriopsis 2937 Araliaceae: Schefflera sessiliflora pulcherrima (Sandwith) B. Gates Splithof-Heerschop ex Frodin 2967 Liliaceae: /sidrogalvia 2938 Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitata schomburgkiana (Oliv.) Cruden Benth. 2968 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Taralea 2939 — Smilacaceae: Smilax cumanensis 2969 — Melastomataceae: Tibouchina fraterna Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. N.E. Br. 2940 Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. 2970 Ericaceae: Bejaria sprucei Meisn. 2941 — Orchidaceae: Sobralia liliastrum 2971 — Sapotaceae: Pradosia schomburgkiana Lindl. (A. DC.) Cronquist 2942 Rhamnaceae 2972 Poaceae: Axonopus flabelliformis 2943 Orchidaceae: Mavxillaria Swallen auyantepuiensis Foldats 2973 ~~ Aquifoliaceae: //ex 2944 — Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum 2974 Orchidaceae: Epidendrum nocturnum 2945 Araceae: Anthurium ptarianum Jacq. var. ftumuc-humaciense Veyret Steyerm. 2975. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum secundum 2946 Eriocaulaceae Jacq. 2947 Araceae: Stenospermation maguirei 2976 = Orchidaceae: Epidendrum nocturnum A.M.E. Jonker & Jonker Jacq. var. tumuc-humaciense Veyret 2948 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria astrellantha 2977 Orchidaceae: Epistephium subrepens Wernham Hoehne 2949 Rubiaceae: Duroia fusifera Hook. f. ex 2978 — Clusiaceae: Clusia K. Schum. 2979 Poaceae: Trachypogon spicatus (L. f.) 2950 Melastomataceae: Miconia Kuntze alborufescens Naudin 2980 Cyperaceae: Lagenocarpus guianensis 2951 Melastomataceae: Leandra purpurea Lindl. & Nees ex Nees ssp. guianensis Gleason 2981 Poaceae: Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) 2952. Campanulaceae: Centropogon Chase cornutus (L.) Druce 2982 Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata 2953 Clusiaceae: Clusia schomburgkiana Kunth (Planch. & Triana) Benth. ex Engl. 2983 Moraceae: Ficus guianensis Desv. ex 2954 Melastomataceae: Tococa aristata Ham. Benth. 2984 — Loranthaceae: Struthanthus 2955 Bignoniaceae: Schlegelia spruceana K. syringifolius (Mart.) Mart. Schum. 2985 — Eriocaulaceae 2956 Myrtaceae 2986 Bonnetiaceae: Archytaea triflora Mart. 2957 NO RECORD 2987 — Malpighiaceae: Blepharandra 2958 NO RECORD hypoleuca (Benth.) Griseb. 2959 Fungi-Basidiomycete 2988 — Chrysobalanaceae: Licania latifolia 2960 -Velloziaceae: Vellozia candida J.C. Benth. ex Hook. f. Mikan 2989 — Clusiaceae: Clusia obovata (Spruce ex 2961 Apocynaceae: Mandevilla benthamii Planch, & Triana) Pipoly (A. DC.) K. Schum. 2990 Oleandraceae: Oleandra pilosa Hook. 2962 Bromeliaceae: Catopsis berteroniana 299] Melastomataceae: Graffenrieda (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez carvophyllea Triana Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 89 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 Bombacaceae: Pachira minor (Sims) Hemsl. Humiriaceae Polypodiaceae: Phlebodium pseudoaureum (Cav.) Lellinger Bryophyte Bryophyte Lycopodiaceae Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC. Bromeliaceae: Guzmania sphaeroidea (André) André ex Mez Ericaceae: Cavendishia callista Donn. Sm. Burseraceae: Protium sp. nov. Caryocaraceae: Anthodiscus mazarunensis Gilly Polygonaceae: Coccoloba schomburgkii Meisn. Fabaceae-Papil.: Taralea oppositifolia Aubl. Humiriaceae: Humiria crassifolia Mart. ex Urb. var. acutipetala Cuatrec. Rapateaceae: Stegolepis angustata Gleason Gleicheniaceae: Dicranopteris nervosa (Kaulf.) Maxon Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. Nilsson & V.A. Albert Xyridaceae: Xyris fallax Malme Xyridaceae: Xvris involucrata Nees Burmanniaceae: Burmannia bicolor Mart. Asteraceae: Calea lucidivenia Gleason & S.F. Blake var. orientalis (Maguire & Wurdack) Pruski Myrtaceae: Myrcia rotundata (Amshoff) McVaugh var. rotundata Myrsinaceae: Cybianthus duidae (Gleason & Moldenke) G. Agostini Apocynaceae: Galactophora schomburgkiana Woodson Asteraceae: Stomatochaeta condensata (Baker) Maguire & Wurdack Ericaceae Theaceae: 7ernstroemia Polytrichaceae: Polytrichum commune Hedw. Funariaceae: Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. var. calvescens (Schwaegr.) Mont. 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia guianensis (Eichler) Sastre Melastomataceae: Marcetia taxifolia (A. St.-Hil.) DC. Rubiaceae: Chalepophyllum Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia angustifolia Ule Orchidaceae: Sobralia cf. infundibuligera Garay & Dunst. Iridaceae: Trimezia guianensis Ravenna Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnia maidifolia (C. Morren) Decne. ex Planch. & Linden Melastomataceae: Macairea thyrsiflora DC. s.1. Melastomataceae: Clidemia tepuiensis Wurdack Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia humboldtii R.H. Schomb. Droseraceae: Drosera roraimae (Klotzsch ex Diels) Maguire & J.R. Laundon Ochnaceae: Ouratea cf. cernuiflora Sandwith Asteraceae: Lepidaploa bolivarensis (V.M. Badillo) H. Rob. Aquifoliaceae: //ex restusa Klotzsch ex Reissek Sapindaceae: Matayba ptariana Steyerm. Asteraceae: Mikania sprucei Baker Orchidaceae: Epidendrum sp. Myrtaceae: Eugenia kaieteurensis Amshoff Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC. Marcgraviaceae: Sarcopera cf. tepuiensis (de Roon) Bedell Rubiaceae: Psychotria Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dicymbe fraterna R.S. Cowan Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Pic. Serm. var. meridionalis (Underw. & F.E. Lloyd) B. Oellg. & P.G Ochnaceae: Poecilandra retusa Tul. Cyrillaceae: Cyrilla racemiflora L. Passifloraceae: Passiflora sclerophylla Harms Vochysiaceae: Vochysia Orchidaceae: Epistephium sp. 90 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3049 Bryophyte 3077 = Orchidaceae: Epidendrum 3049 a Bromeliaceae: Aechmea bromeliifolia macrocarpum Rich. (Rudge) Baker 3078 Melastomataceae: Meriania 3050 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea stricta sclerophylla (Naudin) Triana (Sw.) Dryand. var. jamesoniiformis 3079 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea K.U. Kramer semilunata (C. Chr.) C. Chr. 3051 Gesneriaceae: Chrysothemis pulchella 3080 — Lentibulariaceae (Donn ex Sims) Decne. 3081 Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata 3052. Piperaceae: Piper demeraranum (Miq.) Kunth C. DC. 3082 Rubiaceae: Manettia cf. alba (Aubl.) 3053. Rubiaceae: Palicourea triphylla DC. Wernham 3054 Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx 3083 = Melastomataceae: Aciotis porphyrotrichus (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana 3055 Siparunaceae: Siparuna 3084 Bromeliaceae: Navia arida L.B. Sm. & 3056 Rubiaceae Steyerm. 3057. Adiantaceae: Adiantopsis radiata (L.) 3085 Malpighiaceae: Banisteriopsis Fée pulcherrima (Sandwith) B. Gates 3058 Quiinaceae 3086 Rubiaceae: Pagamea capitata Benth. 3059 Melastomataceae: Clidemia japurensis 3087 Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata DC. var. japurensis (Rich.) DC. 3060 Melastomataceae: Miconia 3088 — Clusiaceae: Clusia ceramicarpa (DC.) Cogn. 3089 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria crocochlamys 3061 Araceae: Spathiphyllum cannifolium Sandwith (Dryand. ex Sims) Schott 3090 ~~ Lamiaceae 3062 Ochnaceae: Ouratea cernuiflora 3091 Scrophulariaceae: Buchnera rosea Sandwith Kunth 3063 Bignoniaceae: Arrabidaea candicans 3092. Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) (Rich.) DC. DC. 3064 Ochnaceae: Poecilandra retusa Tul. 3093 Icacinaceae 3065 Icacinaceae: Emmotum conjunctum 3094 Rubiaceae: Psychotria hemicephaelis R.A. Howard Wernham 3066 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania lasseri 3095 Melastomataceae: Tococa aristata Maguire Benth. 3067 Poaceae: Arthrostylidium scandens 3096 Asteraceae: Gamochaeta McClure simplicicaulis (Willd. ex Spreng.) 3068 = Malpighiaceae Cabrera 3069 Poaceae: Andropogon virgatus Desv. 3097 Fungi 3070 Annonaceae: Guatteria sp. 3098 — Rapateaceae: Rapatea fanshawei 3071 Melastomataceae: Henriettea Maguire maroniensis Sagot 3099 Aspleniaceae: Asplenium auritum Sw. 3072. Melastomataceae: Macairea 3100 Oleandraceae: Nephrolepis cordifolia pachyphylla Benth, (L.) C. Presl 3073 Monotaceae: Pakaraimaea 3101 Orchidaceae: Sobralia sp. dipterocarpacea Maguire & P.S. 3102 Melastomataceae: Maieta poeppigii Ashton Mart. ex Cogn. 3074 Poaceae: Panicum polycomum Trin. 3103 Melastomataceae 3075 Rubiaceae: Perama dichotoma Poepp. 3104 Convolvulaceae: /pomoea sp. & Endl. 3105 Asteraceae: Bidens pilosa L. 3076 ~~ Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima concinna 3106 Malvaceae: Sida Benth. 3107 Gentianaceae: Voyria caerulea Aubl. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 9] 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 31l2a 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 a 3121b 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 a Annonaceae: Rollinia exsucca (DC, ex Dunal) A. DC. Arecaceae: Desmoncus polyacanthos Mart. Rubiaceae: Chiococca alba (L.) Hitche. Rubiaceae: Manettia alba (Aubl.) Wernham Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. Dichapetalaceae Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus alatus (Aubl.) Pulle Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Poaceae: Andropogon leucostachyus Kunth Poaceae: Schizachyrium condensatum (Kunth) Nees Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Rubiaceae: Psychotria polycephala Benth. Rubiaceae: Retiniphyllum schomburgkii (Benth.) Mill. Arg. Ericaceae: Bejaria Schizaeaceae: Schizaea incurvata Schkuhr Schizaeaceae: Actinostachys pennula (Sw.) Hook. Orchidaceae: Sobralia liliastrum Lindl. Melastomataceae: Siphanthera cordifolia (Benth.) Gleason Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. floribunda (Mart.) Cuatrec. Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Melastomataceae: Clidemia silvicola Gleason Rubiaceae: Psychotria hoffmannseggiana (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Miill. Arg. Ulmaceae: Trema micrantha (L.) Blume Solanaceae: Solanum rugosum Dunal Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Miq.) C. DC. Clusiaceae: Clusia schomburgkiana (Planch. & Triana) Benth. ex Engl. Rubiaceae: Duroia eriopila L. f. Asteraceae: Piptocarpha polycephala Baker 3133 b 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC. Eriocaulaceae Loranthaceae: Phthirusa rufa (Mart.) Eichler Aquifoliaceae: //ex daphnogenea Reissek Annonaceae: Xy/opia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC. Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium inerme (Fée) A.R. Sm. Melastomataceae: Clidemia strigillosa (Sw.) DC. Asteraceae: Wulffia baccata (L.) Kuntze Rubiaceae: Psychotria poeppigiana Mill. Arg. Icacinaceae: Emmotum conjunctum R.A. Howard Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth Rubiaceae: Pagamea capitata Benth. Cyatheaceae: Cyathea cyatheoides (Desv.) K.U. Kramer Asclepiadaceae Rubiaceae: Faramea maguiret Steyerm. Poaceae: Paspalum arenarium Schrad. Xyridaceae: Xyris involucrata Nees Rubiaceae: Palicourea triphylla DC. Poaceae: Axonopus fissifolius (Radd1) Kuhlm. Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea aff. portoricensis Desv. Loranthaceae: Struthanthus sp. Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- Hil. Melastomataceae: Miconia holosericea (L.) DC. Ochnaceae: Elvasia elvasioides (Planch.) Gilg Malpighiaceae: Tefrapterys styloptera A. Juss. Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella racemosa Lam. Melastomataceae: Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naudin Melastomataceae: Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. 9? Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3162 = Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana 3191 — Apocynaceae: Odontadenia verrucosa Kunth (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. 3163 Melastomataceae: Miconia splendens Schum. ex Markgr. (Sw.) Griseb. 3192 Dhoscoreaceae: Dioscorea 3164 Sapotaceae: Micropholis venulosa 3193 | Apocynaceae: Odontadenia macrantha (Mart. & Eichler) Pierre (Roem. & Schult.) Markgr. 3165 Bignoniaceae: Tabebuia subtilis 3194 Viscaceae: Phoradendron perrottetii Sprague & Sandwith (DC.) Eichler 3166 ~~ Bombacaceae: Pachira minor (Sims) 3195 Burseraceae: Protium heptaphyllum Hemsl. (Aubl.) Marchand ssp. heptaphyllum 3167 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga sertulifera DC. 3196 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: Pentaclethra 3168 = Apocynaceae: Odontadenia macrantha macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Roem, & Schult.) Markgr. 3197 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Parkia pendula 3169 ~ Convolvulaceae: Maripa scandens (Willd.) Benth. ex Walp. Aubl. 3198 — Poaceae: Trachypogon spicatus (L. f.) 3170 Lygodiaceae: Lygodium volubile Sw. Kuntze 3171 Loganiaceae: Strychnos 3199 Asteraceae: Lepidaploa remotiflora 3172 Chrysobalanaceae (Rich.) H. Rob. 3173. Apocynaceae: Odontadenia macrantha 3200 Euphorbiaceae: Phyllanthus amarus (Roem. & Schult.) Marker. Schumach. & Thonn. 3174 Passifloraceae: Passiflora 3201 Fabaceae-Papil.: Tephrosia capparidifolia Killip 3202. Asteraceae: Acanthospermum australe 3175 Fabaceae-Papil.: Mucuna urens (L.) (Loefl.) Kuntze Medik. 3203 Cyperaceae: Cyperus aggregatus 3176 Melastomataceae: Henriettea (Willd.) Endl. multiflora Naudin 3204 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora ciliata 3177 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Macrolobium (Vahl) Kiik. angustifolium (Benth.) R.S. Cowan 3205 Poaceae: Paspalum virgatum L. 3178 — Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella 3206 ~~ Loganiaceae: Spigelia anthelmia L. glandistipula Ducke 3207 = Solanaceae: Solanum americanum 3179 — Apocynaceae: Prestonia cayennensis Mill. (A. DC.) Pichon 3208 Poaceae: Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) 3180 Polygalaceae: Securidaca paniculata Nees Rich. 3209 Rubiaceae: Sipanea pratensis Aubl. 3181 Rubiaceae: Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) 3210 Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia erecta L. J.F. Gmel. 3211 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium ? 3182 Fabaceae-Papil. barbatum (L.) Benth. 3183 Boraginaceae 3212 Fabaceae-Caesal. 3184 Myrtaceae 3213 Asteraceae: Emilia fosbergii Nicolson 3185 — Hippocrateaceae: Cheiloclinium 3214 — Poaceae: Andropogon bicornis L. diffusiflorum (Miers) A.C. Sm. 3215. Asteraceae: Centratherum punctatum 3186 = Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana Cass. Kunth 3216 ~~ Vitaceae: Cissus erosa Rich. 3187 — Sapindaceae: Paullinia rufescens Rich. 3217 Cucurbitaceae: Gurania subumbellata ex Juss. (Miq.) Cogn. 3188 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga splendens 3218 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria paniculata Willd. (Aubl.) Raeusch. 3189 Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides 3219 — Violaceae: Paypayrola longifolia Tul. Ham. 3220 Melastomataceae: Leandra divaricata 3190 ~=Apocynaceae: Odontadenia macrantha (Naudin) Cogn. (Roem. & Schult.) Markgr. 3221 Rubiaceae: Psychotria barbiflora DC. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 93 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia densiflora B. Verl. Convolvulaceae: Jacquemontia sphaerostigma (Cav.) Rusby Verbenaceae: Lantana camara L. Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC. Convolvulaceae: Jacquemontia guyanensis (Aubl.) Meisn. Melastomataceae: Clidemia microthyrsa R.O. Williams Fabaceae-Papil. Melastomataceae: Miconia macrothyrsa Benth. Fungi-Basidiomycete Convolvulaceae: pomoea quamoclit L. Euphorbiaceae: Croton hirtus L’Hér. Malvaceae: Urena lobata L. Commelinaceae: Commelina erecta L. Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl.) D. Don Melastomataceae: Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don var. elegans (Aubl.) Griseb. Myrtaceae: Psidium guineense Sw. Polygalaceae: Polygala longicaulis Kunth Melastomataceae: Prerolepis trichotoma (Rottb.) Cogn. Mendonciaceae: Mendoncia hoffmannseggiana Nees Melastomataceae: Miconia dodecandra Cogn. NO RECORD through 3249 Bignoniaceae: Distictella elongata (Vahl) Urb. Rhabdodendraceae: Rhabdodendron amazonicum (Spruce ex Benth.) Huber Moraceae: Ficus malacocarpa Standl. Acanthaceae: Justicia calycina (Nees) V.A.W. Graham Rubiaceae: Sabicea glabrescens Benth. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Macrolobium bifolium (Aubl.) Pers. Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa microcephala Trécul Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana undulata Vahl Rubiaceae: Genipa spruceana Steyerm. 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 Convolvulaceae: Calycobolus glaber (Kunth) House Myrtaceae: Eugenia biflora (L.) DC. Hippocrateaceae: Hippocratea volubilis L. Lauraceae: Nectandra amazonum Nees Burseraceae: Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand s.s. Caryocaraceae: Anthodiscus trifoliatus G. Mey. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Campsiandra comosa Benth. var. comosa Myrtaceae: Myrciaria vismeifolia (Benth.) O. Berg Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga disticha Benth. Bignoniaceae: Pleonotoma clematis (Kunth) Miers Bignoniaceae: Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua rubiginosa Miq. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua falcata Aubl. Malvaceae: Peltaea trinervis (C. Presl) Krapov. & Cristobal Asteraceae: Calea caleoides (DC.) H. Rob. Malvaceae: Urena lobata L. Asteraceae: Lepidaploa gracilis (Kunth) H. Rob. Podostemaceae: Apinagia surumuensis (Engl.) P. Royen Podostemaceae: Rhyncholacis linearis Tul. Myrtaceae: Psidium acutangulum DC. Trigoniaceae: Trigonia villosa Aubl. var. villosa Turneraceae: 7urnera aurantiaca Benth. Myrtaceae: Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) DC. Fabaceae-Papil.: Machaerium inundatum (Mart. ex Benth.) Ducke Bignoniaceae: Paragonia pyramidata (Rich.) Bureau Passifloraceae: Passiflora capparidifolia Killip Passifloraceae: Passiflora vespertilio L. Vitaceae: Cissus erosa Rich. Rubiaceae: Chomelia angustifolia Benth. 94 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3287 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Macrolobium 3313 Piperaceae: Piper trichoneuron (Miq.) acaciifolium (Benth.) Benth. C. DC. 3288 Malvaceae: Sida glomerata Cav. 3314 Melastomataceae: Clidemia hirta (L.) 3289 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: Pentaclethra D. Don var. elegans (Aubl.) Griseb, macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze 3315 Piperaceae: Piper aequale Vahl 3290 = Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana 3316 = Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium undulata Vahl Jacq. 3291 — Selaginellaceae: Se/aginella parkeri 3317 Rubiaceae: Borreria assurgens (Ruiz & (Hook. & Grev.) Spring Pav.) Griseb. 3292 —Sapotaceae 3318 | Melastomataceae: Aciotis indecora 3293 Commelinaceae: Dichorisandra (Bonpl.) Triana hexandra (Aubl.) Standl. 3319 Rubiaceae: /sertia hypoleuca Benth. 3294 Melastomataceae: Miconia bracteata 3320 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea (DC.) Triana quadrangularis Raddi ssp. antillensis 3295 Rubiaceae: Psychotria polycephala K.U. Kramer Benth. 3321 Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium 3296 Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia pusilla meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. Vahl meniscioides 3297 — Scrophulariaceae: Bacopa aquatica 3322 Metaxyaceae: Metaxya rostrata Aubl. (Kunth) C. Presl 3298 — Verbenaceae: Petrea volubilis L. 3323 Piperaceae: Piper trichoneuron (Miq.) 3299 — Rapateaceae: Rapatea paludosa Aubl. C. DC. var. paludosa 3324 Piperaceae: Piper trichoneuron (Miq.) 3300 = Zingiberaceae: Renealmia orinocensis C. DC. Rusby 3325. Piperaceae: Piper arboreum Aubl. 3301 ~~ Arecaceae 3326 Podostemaceae: Apinagia richardiana 3302. Arecaceae: Bactris cf. simplicifrons (Tul.) P. Royen Mart. 3327. Trigoniaceae: Trigonia villosa Aubl. 3303 Marantaceae: Monotagma spicatum var. villosa (Aubl.) J.F. Macbr. 3328 Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga disticha Benth. 3304 Melastomataceae: Maieta poeppigii 3329 Combretaceae: Combretum Mart. ex Cogn. rotundifolium Rich. 3305 a Gentianaceae: Voyria corymbosa 3330 Fabaceae-Papil.: Dalbergia monetaria Splitg. ssp. corymbosa L. f. 3305 b- Lentibulariaceae 3331 | Hippocrateaceae: Hippocratea 3306 Arecaceae: Bactris balanophora volubilis L. Spruce 3332 Hippocrateaceae: Hippocratea 3307 Araceae: Urospatha sagittifolia volubilis L. (Rudge) Schott 3333 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. 3308 = Melastomataceae: Jococa aristata Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. Benth. 3334 Bignoniaceae: Cydista aequinoctialis 3309 Piperaceae: Piper trichoneuron (Miq.) (L.) Miers C. DC. 3335 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua 3310 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea lancea schomburgkiana Benth. (L.) Bedd. var. lancea 3336 Sapindaceae: Matayba cf. elegans 3311 a Rubiaceae: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Radlk. Johnst. 3337 | Menispermaceae: Orthomene 3311 b Cyperaceae: Calyptrocarya schomburgkii (Miers) Barneby & glomerulata (Brongn.) Urb. Krukoff 3312. Cyatheaceae: Cyathea surinamensis 3338 Solanaceae: Solanum pensile Sendtn. (Migq.) Domin 3339 Bignoniaceae: Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 95 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 Oxalidaceae: Oxalis frutescens L. Rubiaceae: Diodia hyssopifolia (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Cham. & Schltdl. Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz. Chrysobalanaceae: Licania coriacea Benth. Orchidaceae: Prosthechea vespa (Vell.) W.E. Higgins Apocynaceae: Malouetia gracilis (Benth.) A. DC. Poaceae: Orthoclada laxa (Rich.) P. Beauv. Poaceae: Paspalum virgatum L. Poaceae: /chnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. Lamiaceae: Hyptis parkeri Benth. Euphorbiaceae: Croton trinitatis Millsp. Convolvulaceae: Merremia macrocalyx (Ruiz & Pav.) O’Donell Poaceae: /chnanthus tenuis (J. Presl) Hitche. & Chase Poaceae: Olyra latifolia L. Commelinaceae: Commelina rufipes Seub. var. glabrata (D.R. Hunt) Faden & D.R. Hunt Haemodoraceae: Xiphidium caeruleum Aubl. Boraginaceae: Tournefortia ulei Vaupel Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea Aubl. Siparunaceae: Siparuna guianensis Aubl. Acanthaceae: Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Poaceae: Paspalum conjugatum P.J. Bergius Verbenaceae: Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Euphorbiaceae: Phyllanthus urinaria L. Poaceae: Paspalum pilosum Lam. Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium adscendens (Sw.) DC. Verbenaceae: Lantana camara L. Asteraceae: Clibadium sylvestre (Aubl.) Baill. Arecaceae: Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth Olacaceae: Heisteria cauliflora Sm. Annonaceae 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 Violaceae: Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) Sprague & Sandwith Adiantaceae: Adiantum argutum Splitg. Costaceae: Costus scaber Ruiz & Pav. Marantaceae: Calathea legrelleana (Linden) Regel Rubiaceae: Psychotria barbiflora DC. Annonaceae: Unonopsis sp. Malpighiaceae: Jetrapterys stvloptera A. Juss. Podostemaceae: Mourera fluviatilis Aubl. Euphorbiaceae: Amanoa guianensis Aubl. Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata Rich. Bromeliaceae: Ananas parguazensis L.A. Camargo & L.B. Sm. Vochysiaceae: Vochysia cf. tetraphylla (G. Mey.) DC. Fabaceae-Papil.: /ndigofera Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana Kunth Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith Violaceae: Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) Sprague & Sandwith Burseraceae: Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand s.s. Costaceae: Costus arabicus L. Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff Bignoniaceae: Memora schomburgkii (DC.) Miers Convolvulaceae: Ipomoea ? tiliacea (Willd.) Choisy Solanaceae: Solanum pensile Sendtn. Passifloraceae: Passiflora vespertilio L. Apocynaceae? Polygonaceae: Triplaris weigeltiana (Rchb.) Kuntze Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia Melastomataceae: Mouriri guianensis Aubl. Myrtaceae: Psidium densicomum DC. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Hydrochorea corymbosa (Rich.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Combretaceae: Combretum pyramidatum Desv. %6 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3400 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Acosmium nitens 3427 Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga (Vogel) Yakovlev 3428 — Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum 3400 b Cyclanthaceae: Evodianthus funifer (Miq.) C. DC. (Poit.) Lindm. 3429 — Ulmaceae: 7rema micrantha (L.) 3401 — Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella ? Blume 3402 — Chrysobalanaceae: Licania coriacea 3430 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna Benth. 3431 Piperaceae: Piper pseudoglabrescens 3403 Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum Trel. & Yunck. (Mig.) C. DC. 3432. Piperaceae: Piper hispidum Sw. 3404 Melastomataceae: Aciotis 3433 Dryopteridaceae: Stigmatopteris purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana rotundata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) 3405 = Moraceae: Ficus guianensis Desvy. ex C. Chr. Ham. 3434 Euphorbiaceae: Mabea speciosa Mill. 3406 Burseraceae: Trattinnickia cf. Arg. ssp. speciosa burserifolia Mart. 3435 Melastomataceae: Aciotis 3407 — Scrophulariaceae: Scoparia dulcis L. purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana 3408 = Melastomataceae: Bellucia 3436 Melastomataceae: Leandra divaricata grossularioides (L.) Triana (Naudin) Cogn. 3409 — Lacistemataceae: Lacistema 3437 Rubiaceae: Psychotria psittacina aggregatum (P.J, Bergius) Rusby Steyerm. 3410 — Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella cernua 3438 — Sabiaceae: Ophiocaryon maguirei (L.) Pic. Serm. Barneby 3411 Asteraceae: Mikania parviflora (Aubl.) 3439 Rubiaceae: Patima guianensis Aubl. H. Karst. 3440 Piperaceae: Piper arboreum Aubl. ssp. 3412 — Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum tuberculatum (Jacq.) Tebbs (Miq.) C. DC. 3441 Arecaceae: Geonoma aspidiifolia 3413 Costaceae: Costus erythrothyrsus Loes. Spruce 3414 Loganiaceae: Spigelia multispica 3442 Melastomataceae: Leandra sanguinea Steud. Gleason 3415 Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe crassifolia 3443 Rubiaceae: /xora potaroensis Steyerm. (H. Focke) C.V. Morton 3444 ~~ Solanaceae: Markea camponoti Ducke 3416 Piperaceae: Peperomia macrostachya 3445 = Arecaceae (Vahl) A. Dietr. 3446 Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason 3417 ~~ Clusiaceae: Clusia flavida (Benth.) 3446 a Arecaceae: Bactris simplicifrons Mart. Pipoly 3447 ~~ Violaceae: Paypayrola cf. guianensis 3418 ~~ Clusiaceae: Vismia gracilis Hieron. Aubl. 3419 ~~ Euphorbiaceae: Aparisthmium 3448 — Marantaceae: Calathea sp. cordatum (A. Juss.) Baill. 3449 = Nyctaginaceae: Neea 3420 Melastomataceae: Ernestia glandulosa 3450 Rubiaceae: Notopleura uliginosa (Sw.) Gleason Bremek. 3421 | Campanulaceae: Centropogon 3451 Rubiaceae: Psychotria iodotricha cornutus (L.) Druce Mill. Arg. 3422 Apocynaceae: Odontadenia 3452 Begoniaceae: Begonia humilis Dryand. puncticulosa (Rich.) Pulle 3453 Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx pictus 3423 Gesneriaceae: Bes/eria saxicola C.V. (Hook.) Sprague Morton 3454 — Solanaceae: Lycianthes pauciflora 3424 — Polypodiaceae: Microgramma reptans (Vahl) Bitter (Cav.) A.R. Sm. 3455 Tectariaceae: Tectaria trifoliata (L.) 3425 Melastomataceae: Miconia mirabilis Cav. (Aubl.) L.O. Williams 3456 Solanaceae: Solanum costatum M. Nee 3426 Passifloraceae: Passiflora glandulosa 3457 — Heliconiaceae: Heliconia pendula Cav. Wawra Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 97 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3467 a 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 a 3476 b 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 Cyperaceae: Mapania pycnocephala (Benth.) Benth. ssp. fluviatilis (Sandwith) T. Koyama Cyperaceae: Scleria latifolia Sw. Cyclanthaceae Fung! Araceae: Anthurium cf. thrinax Madison Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium inerme (Fée) A.R. Sm. Sabiaceae: Ophiocaryon maguirei Barneby Fabaceae-Caesal.: Bauhinia cf. rutilans Spruce ex Benth. Piperaceae: Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pav. Passifloraceae: Passiflora glandulosa Cav. Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea Aubl. Apocynaceae: Zabernaemontana disticha A. DC. Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris macrophylla (Kunze) C.V. Morton Polypodiaceae: Polypodium dulce Poit. Sabiaceae: Ophiocaryon maguirel Barneby Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea Aubl. Acanthaceae: Justicia mcdowellii Wassh. Annonaceae: Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith Flacourtiaceae? Rubiaceae Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes elegans Rich. Apocynaceae: Macropharynx spectabilis (Stadelm.) Woodson Rubiaceae: Sipanea wilson-brownei R.S. Cowan Heliconiaceae: Heliconia Bromeliaceae: Aechmea campanulata L.B. Sm. Polyporaceae: /rpex sp. Bryophyte Bryophyte Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason Dryopteridaceae: Stigmatopteris rotundata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) C. Chr. 3486 3487 3488 a 3488 b 3489 3490 349] 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 Cyclanthaceae: Dicranopygium cf. pygmaeum (Gleason) Harling Arecaceae: Geonoma cf. maxima (Poit.) Kunth Poaceae Cyclanthaceae: Dicranopygium pygmaeum (Gleason) Harling Nyctaginaceae: Neea cf. mollis Spruce ex J.A. Schmidt Rubiaceae: /xora potaroensis Steyerm. Rubiaceae: Psychotria aetantha (Sandwith) Steyerm. Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum (Mig.) C. DC. Annonaceae: Guatteria paludosa R.E. Fr. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cassia Flacourtiaceae: Mayna odorata Aubl. Bryophyte Fungi-Basidiomycete Polypodiaceae: Campyloneurum phyllitidis (L.) C. Presl Fabaceae-Papil.: Clitoria Gleicheniaceae: Dicranopteris pectinata (Willd.) Underw. Clusiaceae: Clusia flavida (Benth.) Pipoly Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea Melastomataceae: Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana Rubiaceae: Sipanea hispida Benth. ex Wernham Melastomataceae: Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) DC. Annonaceae: Annona sericea Dunal Solanaceae: Solanum schlechtendalianum Walp. Rubiaceae: Psychotria psittacina Steyerm. Asteraceae: Mikania parviflora (Aubl.) H. Karst. Melastomataceae: Zococa or Miconia sp. nov. ? Violaceae? Poaceae: Jchnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Bauhinia Poaceae: Ichnanthus cf. tenuis (J. Presl) Hitchc. & Chase 98 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3517 — Acanthaceae: Justicia calycina (Nees) 3546 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea campanulata V.A.W. Graham L.B. Sm. 3518 | Melastomataceae: Leandra sanguinea 3547 | Ganodermataceae: Ganoderma cf. Gleason orbiformis (Fr.) Ryvarden 3519 Melastomataceae: Aciotis 3548 — Bryophyte purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana 3549 — Annonaceae: Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex 3520 Meliaceae: Guarea pubescens (Rich.) Dunal) A. DC. A. Juss. 3550 Clusiaceae: Vismia sessilifolia (Aubl.) 3521 Melastomataceae: Ernestia glandulosa Choisy Gleason 3551 Euphorbiaceae: Mabea speciosa Mill. 3522 Marantaceae: Calathea propinqua Arg. ssp. speciosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Kérn. 3552 Melastomataceae: Miconia hypoleuca 3523 Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium (Benth.) Triana meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl 3553. Rubiaceae: Palicourea guianensis 3524 Araceae: Anthurium ? thrinax Madison Aubl. 3525 Bignoniaceae: Schlegelia spruceana K. 3554 Solanaceae: Solanum aff. leucocarpon Schum. Dunal 3526 = Cucurbitaceae: Gurania lobata (L.) 3555. Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason Pruski 3556 Melastomataceae: Zococa aristata 3527 — Eriocaulaceae: Eriocaulon Benth. heterodoxum Moldenke 3557 Rutaceae: Conchocarpus fanshawei 3528 Cyperaceae: Fuirena umbellata Rottb. (Sandwith) Kallunki & Pirani 3529 Rubiaceae: Borreria densiflora DC. 3558 Annonaceae: Duguetia pauciflora 3530 Melastomataceae: Nepsera aquatica Rusby (Aubl.) Naudin 3559 Melastomataceae: Aciotis 353] Asteraceae: Calea caleoides (DC.) H. purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana Rob. 3560 = Thurniaceae: Thurnia sphaerocephala 3532. Poaceae: Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) (Rudge) Hook. f. Nees 3561 Marantaceae: Calathea cyclophora 3533 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora pubera Baker (Vahl) Boeck. ssp. pubera 3562 Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. 3534 — Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) 3563 Clusiaceae: Vismia sessilifolia (Aubl.) Rottb. ex Retz. Choisy 3535 Fabaceae-Papil.: Calopogonium 3564 — Passifloraceae: Passiflora glandulosa mucunoides Desv. Cav. 3536 Araceae: Monstera adansonii Schott 3565 Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis 3537 Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- (Rudge) Desv. var. unilateralis Hil. 3566 Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium inerme 3538 = Xyridaceae: Xpris jupicai Rich. (Fée) ALR. Sm. 3538 b Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. 3567 Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris opulenta Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. (Kaulf.) Fosberg 3539 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cassia 3568 — Cyatheaceae: Cyathea cyatheoides 3540 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga (Desv.) K.U. Kramer 3541 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Mimosa myriadenia 3569 Metaxyaceae: Metaxya rostrata (Benth.) Benth. (Kunth) C. Presl 3542 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Pentaclethra 3570 Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. 3543 Rubiaceae: /sertia hypoleuca Benth. meniscioides 3544 Passifloraceae: Passiflora vespertilio 3571 — Rubiaceae: Sipanea L. 3572 Polypodiaceae: Dicranoglossum 3545 Melastomataceae: Miconia mirabilis desvauxii (Klotzsch) Proctor (Aubl.) L.O. Williams Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 99 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 359] 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 a 3604 b 3605 Poaceae: Paspalum virgatum L. Cyperaceae: Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz. Cyperaceae: Cyperus laxus Lam. Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus fasciculatus (Rottb.) Kunth Cyperaceae: Cyperus odoratus L. Cyperaceae: Cyperus ligularis L. Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium Jacq. Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. Poaceae: Panicum pilosum Sw. Asteraceae: Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. Apocynaceae Marattiaceae: Danaea elliptica Sm. subsp. simplicifolia (Rudge) Rolleri Melastomataceae: Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L.O. Williams Flacourtiaceae: Ryvania speciosa Vahl Melastomataceae: Leandra purpurea Gleason Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea Aubl. Rubiaceae Melastomataceae: Ernestia glandulosa Gleason Rubiaceae: Psychotria psittacina Steyerm. Araceae: Rhodospatha venosa Gleason Clusiaceae: Vismia sandwithii Ewan Cyperaceae: Mapania sylvatica Aubl. Rubiaceae: Psychotria transiens Wernham Costaceae: Costus claviger Benoist Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz. Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeck. ssp. pubera Piperaceae: Piper divaricatum G. Mey. Dichapetalaceae: Dichapetalum cf. pedunculatum (DC.) Baill. Cyperaceae: Calyptrocarya bicolor (H. Pfeiff.) T. Koyama Fungi-Basidiomycete Poaceae: Panicum pilosum Sw. Poaceae: Paspalum plicatulum Michx. Cyperaceae: Fuirena umbellata Rottb. 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 36lla 3611b 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3622 b 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 Poaceae: Andropogon ? glomeratus (Walter) E. Britton, Stearns, & Poggenb. Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC. Bromeliaceae: Aechmea tillandsioides (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Baker Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. Melastomataceae: Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L.O. Williams Fabaceae-Mimos.: Abarema barbouriana (Standl.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Orchidaceae: Prosthechea vespa (Vell.) W.E. Higgins Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima christianeae W.R. Anderson Annonaceae: Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith Lacistemataceae: Lacistema aggregatum (P.J. Bergius) Rusby Fabaceae-Caesal. Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia hispida Lam. Siparunaceae Fabaceae Xyridaceae: Xyris jupicai Rich. Cyperaceae: Eleocharis flavescens (Poir.) Urb. Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia Rubiaceae: Hoffmannia sp. Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea violacea Mart. ex Benth. Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea stricta (Sw.) Dryand. var. parvula (Fée) K.U. Kramer Clusiaceae: Clusia cuneata Benth. Clusiaceae: Vismia gracilis Hieron. Euphorbiaceae: Hevea cf. pauciflora (Spruce ex Benth.) Miill. Arg. Celastraceae: Goupia glabra Aubl. Clusiaceae Rubiaceae Blechnaceae: Salpichlaena hookeriana (Kuntze) Alston Siparunaceae: Siparuna guianensis Aubl. Asteraceae: Centratherum punctatum Cass. Burseraceae Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum 100 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3635 a Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) 3671 —Rapateaceae: Rapatea paludosa Aubl. DC. 3672 — Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis 3635 b Myrtaceae (Rudge) Desv. 3636 ~~ Araceae: Urospatha sagittifolia 3673 Fabaceae-Papil.: Clathrotropis ? (Rudge) Schott paradoxa Sandwith 3637 ~~ Araceae 3674 ~~ Arecaceae: Mauritiella aculeata 3638 Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe calcarata (Kunth) Burret (Miq.) Hanst. 3675 Cyperaceae: Hypolytrum longifolium 3639 — Piperaceae: Peperomia macrostachya (Rich.) Nees ssp. sy/vaticum (Poepp. & (Vahl) A. Dietr. Kunth) T. Koyama 3640 Burseraceae: Protium cuneatum Swart 3676 — Fungi-Basidiomycete 3641 — Polypodiaceae: Microgramma reptans 3677 — Fungi-Basidiomycete (Cav.) A.R. Sm. 3678 Fungi-Basidiomycete 3642 Bromeliaceae: Araeococcus 3679 — Annonaceae micranthus Brongn. 3680 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. 3643 Myrtaceae: Eugenia florida DC. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. 3644 — Flacourtiaceae: Ryania speciosa Vahl 3680 a Bromeliaceae: Aechmea angustifolia 3645 Dennstaedtiaceae: Saccoloma elegans Poepp. & Endl. Kaulf, 3681 Rubiaceae: Psychotria rosea (Benth.) 3646 Piperaceae: Peperomia rotundifolia Mill. Arg. (L.) Kunth 3682 Annonaceae: Annona 3647 = Orchidaceae: Epidendrum difforme 3683 Rubiaceae: Duroia eriopila L. f. Jacq. 3684 = Trigoniaceae: Trigonia subcymosa 3648 — Ganodermataceae: Ganoderma sp. Benth. 3649 — Fungi-Basidiomycete 3685 Arecaceae: Bactris maraja Mart. var. 3650 — Fungi-Basidiomycete maraja 3651 Polyporaceae: Fomes sp. ? 3686 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. 3652 — Bryophyte 3687 Euphorbiaceae: Mabea speciosa Mill. 3653 Bryophyte Arg. 3654 — Bryophyte 3688 — Marantaceae: /schnosiphon puberulus 3655 Orchidaceae: Srelis sp. Loes. var. scaber (Petersen) L. 3656 — Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis Andersson (Rudge) Desv. 3689 — Annonaceae: Duguetia tenuis R.E. Fr. 3657 — Rapateaceae 3690 ~~ Annonaceae: Anaxagorea 3658 — Araceae: Anthurium jenmanii Engl. dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith 3659 — Bryophyte 369] Annonaceae: Duguetia sp. 3660 — Fungi-Basidiomycete 3692 — Arecaceae: Bactris hirta Mart. 3661 — Cyperaceae: Calyptrocarya bicolor (H. 3693 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. Pfeiff.) T. Koyama Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. 3662 Melastomataceae: Tococa aristata 3694 — Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis Benth. (Rudge) Desv. 3663 Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe crassifolia 3695 Piperaceae: Peperomia macrostachya (H. Focke) C.V. Morton (Vahl) A. Dietr. 3664 — Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe calcarata 3696 | Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes (Miq.) Hanst. pinnatum Hedw. 3665 Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason 3697 — Orchidaceae: Prosthechea vespa (Vell.) 3666 — Fungi-Basidiomycete W.E. Higgins 3667 ~~ Fungi 3698 = Orchidaceae: Mavxillaria uncata Lindl. 3668 — Bryophyte 3699 Orchidaceae: Pleurothallis hitchcockii 3669 — Ganodermataceae: Ganoderma sp. Ames 3670 ~~ Gentianaceae: Tachia guianensis Aubl. 3700 ~Cyclanthaceae Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 101 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 a 3708 b 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 Araceae: Spathiphyllum maguirei GS. Bunting Fungi-Basidiomycete Cyperaceae: Cyperus laxus Lam. s.1. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Chamaecrista Cyperaceae: Cyperus ligularis L. Annonaceae: Duguetia sp. Melastomataceae: Tococa subciliata (DC.) Triana Cyclanthaceae: Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm. Flacourtiaceae Lauraceae: Persea sp. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua falcata Aubl. Orchidaceae: Prosthechea vespa (Vell.) W.E. Higgins Bignoniaceae: Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua jenmanii Oliv. Clusiaceae: Clusia cuneata Benth. Rubiaceae: Psychotria mapourioides DC. Myrtaceae: Eugenia cf. florida DC. Malpighiaceae: Heteropterys cristata Benth. Violaceae: Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) Sprague & Sandwith var. grandifolia (Eichler) Hekking Fabaceae-Caesal. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dalbergia Rubiaceae: Psychotria capitata Ruiz & Pav. Fabaceae-Papil.: Machaerium guinatum (Aubl.) Sandwith Myrtaceae: Marlierea cuprea Amshoff Fabaceae-Papil.: Dalbergia riedelii (Benth.) Sandwith Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia sprucei Benth. var. tessellata R.S. Cowan Fabaceae-Papil. Araceae: Philodendron muricatum Willd. ex Schott Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima gymnocalycina A. Juss. Arecaceae: Desmoncus polyacanthos Mart. Euphorbiaceae: Amanoa guianensis Aubl. 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 Melastomataceae: Mouriri acutiflora Naudin Fabaceae-Mimos.: Zygia cataractae (Kunth) L. Rico Myrtaceae: Myrciaria vismeifolia (Benth.) O. Berg Piperaceae: Piper avellanum (Miq.) C. DC. Flacourtiaceae: Homalium guianense (Aubl.) Oken Fabaceae-Mimos.: Mimosa myriadenia (Benth.) Benth. Cyperaceae: Scleria flagellum- nigrorum P.J. Bergius Chrysobalanaceae Fabaceae-Mimos.: Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia Loranthaceae: Struthanthus concinnus Mart. Lecythidaceae: Couratari riparia Sandwith Vochysiaceae: Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Mey.) DC. Gentianaceae: Coutoubea ramosa Aubl. Orchidaceae: Rodriguezia lanceolata Ruiz & Pav. Lygodiaceae: Lygodium volubile Sw. Smilacaceae: Smilax sp. Lichen . Rubiaceae: Genipa spruceana Steyerm. Hippocrateaceae: Jontelea attenuata Miers s.]. Asclepiadaceae Rubiaceae: Psychotria capitata Ruiz & Pav. Olacaceae: Heisteria cauliflora Sm. Melastomataceae: Henriettea stellaris O. Berg ex Triana Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea Polygalaceae Fabaceae-Caesal.: Paloue riparia Pulle Apocynaceae: Prestonia cf. lindleyana Woodson ex Gleason & A.C. Sm. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum compressum Griseb. Orchidaceae: Maxillaria camaridii Rchb. f. Araceae: Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum 102 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3763 Loganiaceae: Strychnos guianensis 3791 Melastomataceae: Nepsera aquatica (Aubl.) Mart. (Aubl.) Naudin 3764 ~~ Convolvulaceae: Maripa paniculata 3792 Polypodiaceae: Microgramma reptans Barb. Rodr. (Cav.) A.R. Sm. 3765 Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa 3793 Cyatheaceae: Cyathea andina (H. microcephala Trécul Karst.) Domin 3766 = Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana 3794 Melastomataceae: Clidemia bullosa Kunth DC. 3767 — Arecaceae: Bactris hirta Mart. 3795 Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea 3768 — Aspleniaceae: Asplenium serratum L. 3796 ~~ Orchidaceae: Stelis sp. 3769 — Piperaceae: Peperomia elongata Kunth 3797 Rubiaceae: Posoqueria longiflora 3770 Cyperaceae: Becquerelia cymosa Aubl. Brongn. ssp. merkeliana (Nees) T. 3798 Euphorbiaceae: Croton cuneatus Koyama Klotzsch 3771 Maregraviaceae: Norantea guianensis 3799 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Eperua Aubl. 3800 = Ochnaceae: Elvasia essequibensis 3772 Chrysobalanaceae Engl. 3773 Chrysobalanaceae: Couepia parillo 3801 Marantaceae: Calathea cyclophora DC. Baker 3774 Annonaceae: Annona symphyocarpa 3802. Rubiaceae: Psychotria bahiensis DC. Sandwith 3803 Melastomataceae: Clidemia japurensis 3775 Cyclanthaceae: Asplundia fanshawei DC, (Maguire) Harling 3804 — Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis 3776 Bignoniaceae: Distictella (Rudge) Desv. magnoliifolia (Kunth) Sandwith 3805 Rapateaceae: Rapatea paludosa Aubl. 3777 Moraceae: Sorocea pubivena Hemsl. 3806 — Cyperaceae: Bishoeckelera ssp. oligotricha (Akkermans & C.C. microcephala (Boeck.) T. Koyama Berg) C.C. Berg 3807 | Cyperaceae: Mapania insignis 3778 Bignoniaceae: Memora schomburgkii Sandwith (DC.) Miers 3808 Cyperaceae: Diplasia karatifolia Rich. 3779 — Rubiaceae: Sipanea micrantha 3809 — Smilacaceae: Smilax sp. Sandwith 3810 Gesneriaceae: Paradrymonia barbata 3780 Rubiaceae: Psychotria cf. barbiflora Feuillet & L.E. Skog DC. 3811 Poaceae: Pariana campestris Aubl. 3781 Polypodiaceae: Polypodium caceresii 3812 | Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes Sodiro pinnatum Hedw. 3782 Piperaceae: Piper avellanum (Migq.) C. 3813. Melastomataceae: Miconia bracteata DC. (DC.) Triana 3783 Melastomataceae: Clidemia hirta (L.) 3814 — Piperaceae: Piper wachenheimii Trel. D. Don var. elegans (Aubl.) Griseb. 3815 Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum 3784 Rubiaceae: Geophila (Mig.) C. DC. 3785 Rubiaceae: Psychotria barbiflora DC. 3816 Piperaceae: Piper divaricatum G. Mey. 3786 Rubiaceae: Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) 3817 Melastomataceae: Aciotis indecora J.F. Gmel. (Bonpl.) Triana 3787 Araceae: Spathiphyllum maguirei GS. 3818 | Melastomataceae: Nepsera aquatica Bunting (Aubl.) Naudin 3788 Solanaceae: Solanum jamaicense Mill. 3819 Rubiaceae: Borreria assurgens (Ruiz & 3789 — Clusiaceae: Clusia panapanari (Aubl.) Pav.) Griseb. Choisy 3820 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium 3790 Rubiaceae: Borreria assurgens (Ruiz & 3821 Clusiaceae: Clusia hammeliana Pipoly Pav.) Griseb. 3822 Melastomataceae: Macrocentrum ? repens (Gleason) Wurdack Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 103 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 384] 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 Gesneriaceae: Tylopsacas cuneatum (Gleason) Leeuwenb. Rubiaceae: Psychotria guadalupensis (DC.) R.A. Howard Rubiaceae: Didvmochlamys connellii N.E. Br. Rubiaceae: Patima guianensis Aubl. Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes crispum L., Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia elata Benth. Bromeliaceae: Navia rupestris (Gleason) Sandwith Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus longistylus (J.G.M. Pers. & Maas) Struwe & V.A. Albert Apocynaceae Eriocaulaceae: Jonina fluviatilis Aubl. Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea divaricata Klotzsch Adiantaceae: Pitvrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link Marantaceae: /schnosiphon foliosus Gleason Bignoniaceae: Schlegelia spruceana K. Schum. Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. meniscioides Euphorbiaceae: Mabea speciosa Mill. Arg. Marattiaceae: Danaea elliptica Sm. subsp. simplicifolia (Rudge) Rolleri Cyperaceae: Hypolytrum jenmanii C.B. Clarke ssp. serratifolium (Uittien) T. Koyama Selaginellaceae: Selaginella mazaruniense Jenman Araceae: Spathiphyllum maguirei GS. Bunting Cyclanthaceae: Dicranopygium angustissimum (Sandwith) Harling Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Orchidaceae: Pleurothallis sclerophylla Lindl. Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium Jacq. Cyperaceae: Bisboeckelera microcephala (Boeck.) T. Koyama Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz. 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 a 3868 b 3869 3870 387] 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 Poaceae: Panicum pilosum Sw. Gesneriaceae: Besleria saxicola C.V. Morton Melastomataceae: Clidemia minutiflora (Triana) Cogn. Rubiaceae: Sipaneopsis ° Verbenaceae: Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Rubiaceae: Borreria assurgens (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb. Rubiaceae: Borreria densiflora DC. Rubiaceae: Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) K. Schum. Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. meniscioides Cyperaceae: Hypolytrum jenmanii C.B. Clarke ssp. serratifolium (Uittien) T. Koyama Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx pictus (Hook.) Sprague Gentianaceae: /rl/bachia Annonaceae: Annona sericea Dunal Cyperaceae: Cyperus odoratus L. Cyperaceae: Cyperus guianensis (C.B. Clarke) Kiik. Cyperaceae: Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brongn.) Urb. Rubiaceae: Psychotria cupularis (Mill. Arg.) Stand. Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris opulenta (Kaulf.) Fosberg Cyperaceae: Mapania maguireana T. Koyama & Steyerm. Cyperaceae: Mapania insignis Sandwith Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis (Rudge) Desv. Cyperaceae: Hypolvtrum longifolium (Rich.) Nees ssp. sylvaticum (Poepp. & Kunth) T. Koyama Rubiaceae: Sipanea Melastomataceae: Aciotis purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana Melastomataceae: Aciotis purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana Melastomataceae: Clidemia conglomerata DC. Marantaceae Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Por. Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium varians (Fée) A.R. Sm. 104 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3878 Trigoniaceae: 7rigonia laevis Aubl. 3908 = Convolvulaceae: Maripa scandens var. microcarpa (Sagot ex Warm.) Aubl. Sagot 3909 — Sapindaceae: Paullinia rufescens Rich. 3879 — Clusiaceae: Clusia hammeliana Pipoly ex Juss. 3880 Melastomataceae: Miconia polita 3910 Piperaceae: Piper avellanum (Miq.) C. Gleason DC. 3881 Siparunaceae: Siparuna decipiens 3911 Araceae: Philodendron cf. ornatum (Tul.) A. DC. Schott 3882 | Amaranthaceae 3912 Orchidaceae: Pleurothallis maguirei 3883 Bryophyte Luer 3884 — Bryophyte 3913. Orchidaceae: Octomeria sp. 3885 Fungi-Ascomycete 3914 Campanulaceae: Centropogon 3886 — Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus cornutus (L.) Druce oyapockensis Herzog 3915 Verbenaceae: Stachytarpheta 3887 —_Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Rich. 3916 Piperaceae: Piper anonifolium (Kunth) 3888 — Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum hirsutum C. DC. var. parkerianum (C. DC.) Bartl. ex DC. Steyerm. 3889 Melastomataceae: Bellucia 3917 Gesneriaceae: Paradrymonia ciliosa grossularioides (L.) Triana (Mart.) Wiehler 3890 — Rapateaceae: Rapatea paludosa Aubl. 3918 = Araceae: Anthurium ? thrinax Madison 3891 — Loganiaceae: Spigelia multispica 3919 Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx pictus Steud. (Hook.) Sprague 3892 Begoniaceae: Begonia humilis Dryand. 3920 Rubiaceae: Psychotria crocochlamys 3893 Melastomataceae: Miconia Sandwith ceramicarpa (DC.) Cogn. 3921 Rubiaceae: Psychotria potaroensis 3894 Fabaceae-Mimos.: Pentaclethra (Sandwith) Steyerm. macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze 3922 Orchidaceae: Otostylis lepida (Linden 3895 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Elizabetha & Rcehb. f.) Schltr. Jfanshawei R.S. Cowan 3923 Orchidaceae: Epidendrum 3896 Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata carpophorum Barb. Rodr. (Rich.) DC. 3924 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria sandwithiana 3897 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: Calliandra (Steyerm.) Steyerm. surinamensis Benth. 3925 Gentianaceae: Tachia schomburgkiana 3898 Pteridophyte Benth. 3899 — Bryophyte 3926 Solanaceae: Solanum leucocarpon 3900 Melastomataceae: Clidemia Dunal conglomerata DC. 3927 Melastomataceae: Adelobotrys 3901 Melastomataceae: Clidemia aff. adscendens (Sw.) Triana granvillei Wurdack 3928 — Clusiaceae: Clusia cuneata Benth. 3902 Melastomataceae: Clidemia 3929 Ericaceae: Sphyrospermum cordifolium conglomerata DC. Benth. 3903 Bromeliaceae: Catopsis berteroniana 3930 Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora pubera (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez (Vahl) Boeck. ssp. pubera 3904 Melastomataceae: Clidemia heptamera 3931 Melastomataceae: Miconia dodecandra Wurdack Cogn. 3905 Rubiaceae: Psychotria mazaruniensis 3932 Rapateaceae: Rapatea membranacea Stand. Maguire 3906 ~~ Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes 3933 Clusiaceae: Vismia latifolia (Aubl.) elegans Rich. Choisy 3907 Clusiaceae: Clusia grandiflora Splitg. 3934 — Rapateaceae: Rapatea ulei Pilg. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 105 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 a 3944 b 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 Rubiaceae Melastomataceae: Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) DC. Piperaceae: Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth Piperaceae: Piper peltatum L. Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga heterophylla Willd. Bromeliaceae: Vriesea splendens (Brongn.) Lem. Flacourtiaceae: Ryania speciosa Vahl Verbenaceae: Amasonia campestris (Aubl.) Moldenke Orchidaceae: Elleanthus graminifolius (Barb. Rodr.) Lojtnant Cucurbitaceae: Gurania sp. Cucurbitaceae Melastomataceae: Adelobotrys adscendens (Sw.) Triana Clusiaceae: Tovomita atropurpurea Steyerm. Araceae: Philodendron insigne Schott Cyclanthaceae: Stelestylis stylaris (Gleason) Harling Bromeliaceae: Mezobromelia pleiosticha (Griseb.) Utley & H. Luther Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia humboldtii R.H. Schomb. Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx cordatus (Gleason) L.E. Skog Apocynaceae: Mandevilla scabra (Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. Schum. Clusiaceae: Clusia fockeana Miq. Sapindaceae: Serjania membranacea Splitg. Melastomataceae: Graffenrieda caryophyllea Triana Melastomataceae: Macrocentrum repens (Gleason) Wurdack Ericaceae Melastomataceae: Phainantha laxiflora (Triana) Gleason Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason Polypodiaceae: Polypodium triseriale Sw. Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana Kunth Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia pubescens Sm. Melastomataceae: Graffenrieda caudata Wurdack 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 399] 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 Orchidaceae: Maxillaria bolivarensis C. Schweinf. Onagraceae: Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G. Don) Exell Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx cordatus (Gleason) L.E. Skog Rubiaceae: A/libertia Cyperaceae: Scleria latifolia Sw. Cyperaceae: Mapania insignis Sandwith Commelinaceae: Tripogandra serrulata (Vahl) Handlos Polyporaceae: Pycnoporus cf. sanguineus (L.) Murrill NO RECORD Asteraceae: Mikania banisteriae DC. Piperaceae: Piper hispidum Sw. Cyclanthaceae: Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm. Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason Ericaceae Cyperaceae: Rhynchocladium steyermarkii (T. Koyama) T. Koyama Myrtaceae: Marlierea schomburgkiana O. Berg Rubiaceae: Psychotria platypoda DC. Arecaceae Rubiaceae: Psychotria bostrychothyrsus Sandwith Orchidaceae: Maxillaria sp. Gesneriaceae: Columnea guianensis C.V. Morton Phytolaccaceae: Microtea debilis Sw. Bryophyte Fungi Fungi Lichen Adiantaceae: Prerozonium scopulinum Lellinger Cucurbitaceae: Gurania sp. Lichen Rubiaceae Marantaceae: Monotagma ovatum Hagberg Marantaceae: Calathea cyclophora Baker Araceae: Anthurium ? thrinax Madison Orchidaceae: Cheiradenia cuspidata Lindl. Apocynaceae: Zabernaemontana cerea (Woodson) Leeuwenb. 106 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 3999 — Clusiaceae: Clusia schomburgkiana 4029 Piperaceae (Planch. & Triana) Benth. ex Engl. 4030 Araceae: Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) 4000 Passifloraceae: Passiflora garckei Engl. Mast. 4031 Orchidaceae: Stelis argentata Lindl. 4001 — Indet. 4032 Piperaceae: Peperomia rotundifolia 4002 — Lecythidaceae: Eschweilera cf. (L.) Kunth wachenheimii (Benoist) Sandwith 4033 Orchidaceae: Maxillaria att. discolor 4003 — Sapotaceae (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Rchb. f. 4004 — Solanaceae: Solanum 4034 Araceae: Stenospermation ammiticum 4005 Solanaceae: Solanum coriaceum Dunal G.S. Bunting 4006 Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis 4035 Rubiaceae: Rudgea cornifolia (Humb. (Rudge) Desv. & Bonpl. ex Roem. & Schult.) Standl. 4007 Thurniaceae: Thurnia sphaerocephala 4036 — Polypodiaceae: Microgramma (Rudge) Hook. f. lycopodioides (L.) Copel. 4008 — Araceae: Philodendron ecordatum 4037 Orchidaceae: Prosthechea pygmaea Schott (Hook.) W.E. Higgins) 4009 Solanaceae: Lycianthes sp. 4038 — Orchidaceae: Maxillaria superflua 4010 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. Rehb. f. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. 4039 — Orchidaceae: Srelis sp. 4011 Blechnaceae: Blechnum serrulatum 4040 = Orchidaceae: Palmorchis guianensis Rich. (Schltr.) C. Schweinf. & Correll 4012. Clusiaceae: Clusia panapanari (Aubl.) 4041 = Orchidaceae: Mavxillaria camaridii Choisy Rchb. f. 4013. Melastomataceae: Miconia dodecandra 4042 = Orchidaceae: Dichaea sp. Cogn. 4043 Orchidaceae 4014 = Moraceae: Ficus guianensis Desv. ex 4044 Melastomataceae: Clidemia japurensis Ham. DC. 4015 Viscaceae: Phoradendron crassifolium 4045 — Rubiaceae: Sabicea villosa Willd. ex (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler Roem. & Schult. 4016 = Convolvulaceae: Maripa cf. paniculata 4046 — Clusiaceae: Vismia latifolia (Aubl.) Barb. Rodr. Choisy 4017 Fabaceae-Papil.: Amorpha 4047 = Apocynaceae: A/lamanda 4018 = Campanulaceae: Centropogon 4048 — Solanaceae: Solanum leucocarpon cornutus (L.) Druce Dunal 4019 — Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa 4049 — Clusiaceae: Vismia sessilifolia (Aubl.) microcephala Trécul Choisy 4020 Solanaceae: Solanum leucocarpon 4050 Melastomataceae: Clidemia Dunal novemnervia (DC.) Triana 4021 Ericaceae: Sphyrospermum cordifolium 4051 Melastomataceae: Myriaspora egensis Benth. DC. 4022 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Aeschynomene ? 4052. Rubiaceae: Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) sensitiva Sw. K. Schum. 4023 Araceae: Philodendron callosum K. 4053 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium Krause 4054 — Boraginaceae: Cordia schomburgkii 4024 — Asteraceae: Mikania psilostachya DC. DC, 4025 Gesneriaceae: Alloplectus savannarum 4055 Rubiaceae: Sipanea pratensis Aubl. C.V. Morton 4056 Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea 4026 — Indet. Aubl. 4027 Melastomataceae: Clidemia 4057 Clusiaceae: Clusia grandiflora Splitg. minutiflora (Triana) Cogn. 4058 | Melastomataceae: Miconia racemosa 4028 — Myristicaceae: Compsoneura ulei (Aubl.) DC. Warb. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 107 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 Malvaceae: Hibiscus verbasciformis Klotzsch ex Hochr. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Mimosa myriadenia (Benth.) Benth. Passifloraceae: Passiflora cirrhiflora Juss. Sapindaceae: Cupania scrobiculata Rich, Asteraceae: Wulffia baccata (L.) Kuntze Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC. Myrtaceae: Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. balsamifera Rubiaceae: Borreria capitata (RUiz & Pav.) DC. Asclepiadaceae: Blepharodon nitidus (Vell.) J.F. Macbr. Melastomataceae: Comolia microphylla Benth. Melastomataceae: Miconia myriantha Benth. Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Melastomataceae: Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Macrosamanea pubiramea (Steud.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Apocynaceae: Odontadenia geminata (Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) Mill. Arg. Apocynaceae: Mandevilla scabra (Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. Schum. Cyperaceae: Scleria latifolia Sw. Melastomataceae: Miconia rubiginosa (Bonpl.) DC. Lamiaceae Celastraceae: Maytenus Asteraceae: Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob. Clusiaceae: Clusia columnaris Engl. Siparunaceae: Siparuna guianensis Aubl. Clusiaceae: Vismia japurensis Reichardt Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC. Euphorbiaceae: Maprounea guianensis Aubl. 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 409 | 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 Euphorbiaceae: Amanoa guianensis Aubl. Chrysobalanaceae: Chrysobalanus cf. icaco L. Myrtaceae: Eugenia pseudopsidium Jacq. Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. Nilsson & V.A. Albert Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea sp. Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata Kunth Cyperaceae: Scleria secans (L.) Urb. Rubiaceae: /sertia parviflora Vahl Araceae Cyperaceae: Diplacrum guianense (Nees) T. Koyama Amaranthaceae: Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Melastomataceae: Rhynchanthera dichotoma (Desr.) DC. Onagraceae: Ludwigia nervosa (Poir.) H. Hara Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides Ham. Apiaceae: Hydrocotyle umbellata L. Poaceae: Panicum parvifolium Lam. Xyridaceae: Xyris laxifolia Mart. var. laxifolia Melastomataceae: Miconia stephananthera Ule Arecaceae: Desmoncus polvacanthos Mart. Melastomataceae: Nepsera aquatica (Aubl.) Naudin Lauraceae: Ocotea Rubiaceae: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC. Bignoniaceae Asteraceae: Mikania trinitaria DC. Heliconiaceae: Heliconia psittacorum L. f. Dilleniaceae: Tetracera asperula Miq. Vitaceae: Cissus erosa Rich. Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga thibaudiana DC. Malpighiaceae: Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth Melastomataceae: Comolia villosa (Aubl.) Triana var. B Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata Kunth 108 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4117 ~~ Connaraceae: Connarus lambertii 4149 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: Hydrochorea (DC.) Sagot gonggrijpli (Kleinhoonte) Barneby & 4118 — Fabaceae-Papil. J.W. Grimes 4119 Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera 4150 ~~ Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus Aubl. var. balsamifera longistvlus (J.G.M. Pers. & Maas) 4120 Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- Struwe & V.A. Albert Hil. 4151 = Xyridaceae: Xyris laxifolia Mart. var. 4121 Boraginaceae: Cordia curassavica laxifolia (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult. 4152 Orchidaceae: Habenaria fastor Warm. 4122 = Sapindaceae: Matavba opaca Radlk. 4153 Cyperaceae: Fuirena umbellata Rottb. 4123 Fabaceae’? 4154 Melastomataceae: Rhynchanthera 4124 Annonaceae: Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex dichotoma (Desr.) DC. Dunal) A. DC, 4155 Onagraceae: Ludwigia nervosa (Poir.) 4125 Hippocrateaceae: Prionostemma H. Hara aspera (Lam.) Miers 4156 Cyperaceae: Eleocharis interstincta 4126 = Poaceae: Panicum rudgei Roem. & (Vahl) Roem, & Schult. Schult. 4157. Cyperaceae: Scleria microcarpa Nees 4127 — Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum ex Kunth (Mig.) C. DC. 4158 — Cyperaceae: Eleocharis plicarhachis 4128 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cassia (Griseb.) Svenson 4129 — Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata 4159 Menyanthaceae: Nymphoides indica Rich. (L.) Kuntze 4130 Orchidaceae: Cleistes rosea Lindl. 4160 Onagraceae: Ludwigia torulosa (Arn.) 4131 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania affinis H. Hara Fritsch 4161 — Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia foliosa 4132 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Bauhinia L. 4133 Loranthaceae: Phthirusa stelis (L.) 4162 — Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia Kuijt myriocista A, St.-Hil. & Girard 4134 Melastomataceae: Henriettea 4163 Alismataceae: Echinodorus multiflora Naudin 4164 = Apocynaceae: Odontadenia nitida 4135 Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella paniculata (Vahl) Mill. Arg. Sw. 4165 Clusiaceae: Clusia nemorosa G. Mey. 4136 Aquifoliaceae: //ex martiniana D. Don 4166 ~~ Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora corymbosa 4137 Gesneriaceae (L.) Britton 4138 — Ebenaceae: Diospyros 4167 —Hydrocharitaceae: Elodea granatensis 4139 ~~ Bombacaceae Bonpl. 4140 — Euphorbiaceae 4168 — Heliconiaceae: Heliconia psittacorum 414] Marcgraviaceae: Marcgravia purpurea L. f. I.W. Bailey 4169 = Cactaceae: Epiphyllum phyllanthus 4142 Asclepiadaceae (L.) Haw. var. phyllanthus 4143 Polypodiaceae: Microgramma reptans 4170 — Cactaceae: Rhipsalis baccifera (J.S. (Cav.) ALR. Sm. Muell.) Stearn 4144 = Orchidaceae: Rodriguezia lanceolata 4171 Loranthaceae: Struthanthus sp. Ruiz & Pav. 4172 Verbenaceae: Lippia betulifolia Kunth 4145 Connaraceae 4173 Ophioglossaceae: Ophioglossum 4146 — Bonnetiaceae: Archytaea triflora Mart. nudicaule L. f. 4147 ~ Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa 4174 Melastomataceae: Miconia microcephala Trécul ceramicarpa (DC.) Cogn. 4148 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Dalbergia 4175 Rubiaceae: Gonzalagunia ecastaphyllum (P. Browne ex L.) Taub. bunchosioides Stand. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 109 Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxyvlum macrophyllum Cav. Rubiaceae Rubiaceae: Psychotria acuminata Benth. Piperaceae: Piper pseudoglabrescens Trel. & Yunck. Costaceae: Costus congestiflorus Rich. ex Gagnep. Euphorbiaceae: Drypetes fanshawei Sandwith Costaceae: Costus congestiflorus Rich. ex Gagnep. Bignoniaceae: Schlegelia spruceana K. Schum. Gesneriaceae: Paradrymonia maculata (Hook. f.) Wiehler Annonaceae: Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith Poaceae: Olyra latifolia L. Costaceae: Costus scaber Ruiz & Pav. Melastomataceae: Clidemia dentata D. Don Araceae: Spathiphyllum maguirei GS. Bunting Melastomataceae: Miconia lateriflora Cogn. Rubiaceae: Sipanea biflora (L. f.) Cham. & Schltdl. Piperaceae: Piper anonifolium (Kunth) C. DC. Rubiaceae: Palicourea croceoides Ham. Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata Rich. Rubiaceae: Notopleura uliginosa (Sw.) Bremek. Euphorbiaceae: Pausandra martinii Baill. Passifloraceae: Passiflora foetida L. var. hispida (DC.) Killip Piperaceae: Piper arboreum Aubl. Melastomataceae: Miconia bubalina (D. Don) Naudin Lecythidaceae: Eschweilera Rubiaceae: Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. Quiinaceae Melastomataceae: Miconia plukenetii Naudin 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 Marantaceae: /schnosiphon puberulus Loes. var. scaber (Petersen) L. Andersson Euphorbiaceae: Pausandra martinii Baill. Annonaceae: Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex Dunal) A. DC. Melastomataceae: Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) DC. Araceae: Xanthosoma jacquinii Schott (Xanthosoma undipes p.p.; X. sagittifolium p.p.) Dryopteridaceae: Polvbotrya caudata Kunze Annonaceae: Duguetia pauciflora Rusby Violaceae: Rinorea sp. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Brownea coccinea Jacq. Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Passifloraceae: Passiflora cirrhiflora Juss. Rhamnaceae Siparunaceae: Siparuna guianensis Aubl. Clusiaceae: Vismia macrophylla Kunth Lycopodiaceae: Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. Melastomataceae: Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn. Rubiaceae: Psychotria erecta (Aubl.) Standl. & Steyerm. Melastomataceae: Myriaspora egensis DC. Rhizophoraceae: Cassipourea guianensis Aubl. Boraginaceae: Cordia schomburgkii DC. Polyporaceae Haemodoraceae: Xiphidium caeruleum Aubl. Rubiaceae: Psychotria racemosa Rich. Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris opulenta (Kaulf.) Fosberg Cyatheaceae: Cyathea surinamensis (Miq.) Domin Rubiaceae: Psychotria platypoda DC. Urticaceae: Pilea pubescens Liebm. Aspleniaceae: Asplenium salicifolium L. 110 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4229 Piperaceae: Peperomia serpens (Sw.) 4259 = Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana Loudon Kunth 4230 — Heliconiaceae: Heliconia chartacea 4260 Melastomataceae: Henriettea succosa Lane ex Barreiros (Aubl.) DC. 4231 Zingiberaceae: Renealmia alpinia 4261 Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella silicea (Rottb.) Maas Griseb. 4232 Marantaceae: Monotagma spicatum 4262 — Polypodiaceae: Microgramma (Aubl.) J.F. Macbr. fuscopunctata (Hook.) Vareschi 4233 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia hirsuta L. f. 4263 Piperaceae: Peperomia macrostachya 4234 — Liliaceae: Hymenocallis tubiflora (Vahl) A. Dietr. Salisb. 4264 Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe calcarata 4235 Marantaceae: Calathea elliptica (Miq.) Hanst. (Roscoe) K. Schum. 4265 Bromeliaceae: Guzmania lingulata (L.) 4236 = Araceae: Spathiphyllum cuspidatum Mez Schott 4266 Melastomataceae: Miconia bubalina 4237 Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe crassifolia (D. Don) Naudin (H. Focke) C.V. Morton 4267 Fabaceae-Papil.: Alexa 4238 Costaceae: Costus erythrothyrsus Loes. 4268 Arecaceae: Geonoma maxima (Poit.) 4239 — Tectariaceae: Tectaria incisa Cav. Kunth 4240 — Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx 4269 — Rubiaceae: Coussarea leptoloba mimuloides (Benth.) C.V. Morton (Spreng. ex Benth. & Hook. f.) Miill. 4241 Piperaceae: Piper divaricatum G. Mey. Arg. 4242 Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. 4270 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna occidentalis 4243 Araceae: Philodendron rudgeanum (L.) Link Schott 4271 Poaceae 4244 — Rubiaceae: Palicourea guianensis 4272 Orchidaceae: Eulophia alta (L.) Fawe. Aubl. & Rendle 4245 Simaroubaceae: Picramnia guianensis 4273 Poaceae: Andropogon leucostachyus (Aubl.) Jans.-Jac. Kunth 4246 —_Heliconiaceae: Heliconia bihai (L.) L. 4274 — Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. 4247 Euphorbiaceae: Drypetes fanshawei 4275 Rubiaceae: Borreria densiflora DC. Sandwith 4276 Piperaceae: Piper hispidum Sw. 4248 ~~ Violaceae: Paypayrola longifolia Tul. 4276 a Sapotaceae 4249 — Poaceae: Panicum stoloniferum Poit. 4277 Onagraceae: Ludwigia foliobracteolata 4250 Myrsinaceae: Ardisia guianensis (Munz) H. Hara (Aubl.) Mez 4278 Melastomataceae: Myriaspora egensis 4251 Clusiaceae? DC. 4252 Xylariaceae: Xvlaria polymorpha 4279 — Menispermaceae: Cissampelos (Pers.) Grev. andromorpha DC. 4253 Passifloraceae: Passiflora coccinea 4280 Melastomataceae: Clidemia hirta (L.) Aubl. D. Don var. elegans (Aubl.) Griseb. 4254 Piperaceae: Piper peltatum L. 4281 Asteraceae: Synedrella nodiflora (L.) 4255 Melastomataceae: Clidemia dentata D. Gaertn. Don 4282 Poaceae: Paspalum melanospermum 4256 Melastomataceae: Leandra divaricata Desv. ex Poir. (Naudin) Cogn. 4283 Cyperaceae: Cyperus odoratus L. 4257 Cyperaceae: Scleria microcarpa Nees 4284 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Mucuna urens (L.) ex Kunth Medik. 4257 b Orchidaceae: Habenaria fastor Warm. 4285 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium 4258 — Arecaceae: Bactris cf. simplicifrons 4285 a Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium Mart. 4286 Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 11] 43l4a Asteraceae: Ageratum conyzoides L. Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia hirta L. Scrophulariaceae Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia thymifolia L. Asteraceae: Elephantopus mollis Kunth Fabaceae-Caesal.: Cassia Onagraceae: Ludwigia Cyperaceae: Scleria melaleuca Rchb. ex Schltdl. & Cham. Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora ciliata (Vahl) Kiik. Poaceae: Sporobolus jacquemontii Kunth Mendonciaceae: Mendoncia hoffmannseggiana Nees Phytolaccaceae: Phytolacca rivinoides Kunth & Bouché Piperaceae: Piper arboreum Aubl. Solanaceae: Cestrum latifolium Lam. Asteraceae: Wulffia baccata (L.) Kuntze Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. Solanaceae: Solanum stramoniifolium Jacq. Solanaceae: Solanum schlechtendalianum Walp. Malpighiaceae: Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss. Asteraceae: Bidens cynapiifolia Kunth Amaranthaceae: Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Commelinaceae: Commelina rufipes Seub. var. glabrata (D.R. Hunt) Faden & D.R. Hunt Araceae: Monstera adansonii Schott Mendonciaceae: Mendoncia bivalvis (L. f.) Merr. Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana heterophylla Vahl Commelinaceae: Gibasis geniculata (Jacq.) Rohweder Heliconiaceae: Heliconia spathocircinata Aristeg. Loranthaceae: Phthirusa pyrifolia (Kunth) Eichler Piperaceae: Piper pseudoglabrescens Trel. & Yunck. Apocynaceae: Zabernaemontana heterophylla Vahl 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana Kunth Convolvulaceae: Merremia macrocalyx (Ruiz & Pav.) O’Donell Euphorbiaceae: Dalechampia brownsbergensis G.L. Webster & Armbr. Sapindaceae: Cupania hirsuta Radlk. Araceae: Syngonium podophyllum Schott Moraceae: Ficus paraensis (Miq.) Miq. Costaceae: Costus guanaiensis Rusby var. macrostrobilus (K. Schum.) Maas Araceae: Monstera obliqua Miq. Rubiaceae: Sabicea glabrescens Benth. Violaceae: Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) Sprague & Sandwith Rafflesiaceae Passifloraceae: Passiflora auriculata Kunth Rutaceae: Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam. Annonaceae: Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith Thelypteridaceae: Thelypteris opulenta (Kaulf.) Fosberg Fungi Piperaceae: Piper glabrescens (Miq.) C. DC. Convolvulaceae: Jacquemontia tamnifolia (L.) Griseb. Piperaceae: Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon Rubiaceae: Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) K. Schum. Rubiaceae: Geophila repens (L.) 1.M. Johnst. Bromeliaceae: Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez Bromeliaceae: Vriesea heliconioides (Kunth) Hook. ex Walp. Annonaceae: Duguetia yeshidan Sandwith Sapindaceae: Cupania hirsuta Radlk. Araceae: Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent. Araceae: Philodendron cf. ornatum Schott Mendonciaceae: Mendoncia glabra (Poepp. & Endl.) Nees Lecythidaceae: Gustavia poeppigiana O. Berg 112 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4344 Passifloraceae: Passiflora 4373 Gentianaceae: Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) quadriglandulosa Rodschied Pers. 4345 Zingiberaceae: Renealmia guianensis 4374 — Adiantaceae: Adiantum phyllitidis J. Maas Sm. 4346 — Heliconiaceae: Heliconia richardiana 4375 Violaceae: Paypayrola longifolia Tul. Miq. 4376 Metaxyaceae: Metaxya rostrata 4347 Malpighiaceae: Mascagnia macrodisca (Kunth) C. Pres (Triana & Planch.) Nied. 4377 Orchidaceae: Epidendrum rigidum 4348 Hernandiaceae Jacq. 4349 — Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea 4378 Gentianaceae: Voyria pittieri (Standl.) 4350 — Annonaceae: Unonopsis glaucopetala L.O. Williams R.E. Fr. 4379 — Gesneriaceae: Besleria flavovirens 4351 Myrsinaceae? Nees & Mart. 4352. Ulmaceae: Trema micrantha (L.) 4380 — Burseraceae: Protium tenuifolium Blume (Engl.) Engl. s.1. 4353 Lacistemataceae: Lacistema 4381 |= Hymenophyllaceae: 7Zrichomanes aggregatum (P.J. Bergius) Rusby radicans Sw. var. radicans 4354 — Myrsinaceae: Ardisia guianensis 4382 Dennstaedtiaceae: Saccoloma elegans (Aubl.) Mez Kaulf. 4355 Annonaceae: Duguetia pauciflora 4383 Tectariaceae: Triplophyllum funestum Rusby (Kunze) Holttum var. funestum 4356 Quliinaceae 4384 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Mucuna urens (L.) 4357 — Lecythidaceae: Eschweilera coriacea Medik. (DC.) S.A. Mori 4385 Melastomataceae: Clidemia venosa 4358 Malvaceae: Sida glomerata Cav. (Gleason) Wurdack 4359 ~~ Rubiaceae: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. 4386 = Malpighiaceae: Lophopterys euryptera Johnst. Sandwith 4360 Poaceae: Ichnanthus panicoides P. 4387 ~~ Rubiaceae: Psychotria ulviformis Beauv. Steyerm. 4361 Begoniaceae: Begonia humilis Dryand. 4388 Orchidaceae: Dichaea sp. 4362 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea bromeliifolia 4389 — Cucurbitaceae: Cayvaponia jenmanii C. (Rudge) Baker Jeffrey 4363 Flacourtiaceae 4390 — Dryopteridaceae: Didymochlaena 4364 = Araceae: Spathiphyllum cuspidatum truncatula (Sw.) J. Sm. Schott 439] Tectariaceae: Tectaria trifoliata (L.) 4365 Poaceae: Lasiacis ligulata Hitche. & Cay. Chase 4392 Woodsiaceae: Diplazium celtidifolium 4366 — Aristolochiaceae: Aristolochia rugosa Kunze Lam. 4393 — Adiantaceae: Adiantum latifolium 4367 Gentianaceae: Voyria aurantiaca Lam. Splitg. 4394 = Marantaceae: Calathea variegata 4368 — Piperaceae: Peperomia rotundifolia Linden ex K6rn. (L.) Kunth 4395 Flacourtiaceae: Casearia guianensis 4369 — Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum (Aubl.) Urb. flaccidum (Fée) T. Moore 4396 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea mertensii (G. 4370 — Piperaceae: Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. A. Dietr. 4396 a Bromeliaceae: Aechmea nudicaulis 4371 Melastomataceae: Clidemia (L.) Griseb. conglomerata DC. 4397 Piperaceae: Peperomia glabella (Sw.) 4372 — Triuridaceae: Sciaphila albescens A. Dietr. Benth. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 113 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 a 4405 b 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 Arecaceae: Geonoma macrostachys Mart.var. poiteauana (Kunth) A.J. Hend. Melastomataceae: Henriettella caudata Gleason Orchidaceae: Stanhopea grandiflora (Lodd.) Lindl. Aspleniaceae: Asplenium serratum L. Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia monadelpha (E. Morren) Baker Polypodiaceae: Dicranoglossum desvauxii (Klotzsch) Proctor Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes diversifrons (Bory) Mett. ex Sadeb. Cyclanthaceae: Asplundia cf. hrachyphylla Harling Cyclanthaceae: Asplundia glandulosa (Gleason) Harling Bryophyte Lecythidaceae: Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A. Mori Cucurbitaceae: Gurania subumbellata (Mig.) Cogn. Quiinaceae Onagraceae: Ludwigia latifolia (Benth.) H. Hara Rubiaceae: Chimarrhis microcarpa Stand. Marantaceae: Calathea cyclophora Baker Orchidaceae: Cyclopogon olivaceus (Rolfe) Schltr. Fabaceae Araceae: Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) G. Don Polypodiaceae: Campyloneurum repens (Aubl.) C. Pres] Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx mimuloides (Benth.) C.V. Morton Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea Rubiaceae: Faramea multiflora A. Rich. ex DC. Quiinaceae Meliaceae Fabaceae-Papil.: Mucuna urens (L.) Medik. Arecaceae: Bactris maraja Mart. Fung! Balanophoraceae: Helosis cayennensis (Sw.) Spreng. 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 444] 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 Cyperaceae: Diplasia karatifolia Rich. Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum glabellum J. Sm. Piperaceae: Piper hispidum Sw. Fabaceae-Mimos.: Jnga bourgonii (Aubl.) DC. Malpighiaceae: Hiraea fagifolia (DC.) A. Juss. Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga umbellifera (Vahl) Steud. ex DC. Dioscoreaceae: Dioscorea Piperaceae: Piper aequale Vahl Bryophyte Adiantaceae: Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium Convolvulaceae: Jacquemontia aff. pentantha (Jacq.) G. Don Clusiaceae: Clusia gaudichaudii Choisy Clusiaceae: Vismia macrophylla Kunth Malvaceae: Sida setosa Mart. ex Colla Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. meniscioides Rubiaceae: Psychotria erecta (Aubl.) Stand]. & Steyerm. Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga nobilis Willd. Caryocaraceae: Caryocar ? Melastomataceae: Clidemia japurensis DC. Rubiaceae: Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Roem. & Schult. Verbenaceae: Petrea volubilis L. Elaeocarpaceae Chrysobalanaceae: Licania persaudii Fanshawe & Maguire Melastomataceae: Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naudin Poaceae: Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) Nees Boraginaceae Cucurbitaceae: Gurania lobata (L.) Pruski Hippocrateaceae: Peritassa pruinosa (Seem.) A.C. Sm. Passifloraceae: Passiflora quadriglandulosa Rodschied Marantaceae: /schnosiphon obliquus (Rudge) K6rn. Asteraceae: Clibadium sylvestre (Aubl.) Baill. 114 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4459 ~~ Poaceae: Lasiacis ligulata Hitche. & 4487 Melastomataceae: Miconia hypoleuca Chase (Benth.) Triana 4460 — Euphorbiaceae: Acalypha scandens 4488 — Cyperaceae: Becquerelia cymosa Benth. Brongn. ssp. cvymosa 4461 = Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana 4489 = Marantaceae: Calathea cyclophora undulata Vahl Baker 4462 ~~ Vitaceae: Cissus verticillata (L.) 4490 — Piperaceae: Piper aequale Vahl Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis 4491 Dilleniaceae: Davilla kunthii A. St.- 4463 Fabaceae-Papil.: Dioclea Hil. 4464 Asteraceae: Clibadium surinamense L. 4492 Melastomataceae: Pterolepis 4465 Piperaceae: Piper hostmannianum glomerata (Rottb.) Mig. var. (Mig.) C. DC. angosturensis (Bonpl.) Cogn. 4466 ~~ Clusiaceae: Vismia sessilifolia (Aubl.) 4493 — Verbenaceae: Lantana camara L. Choisy 4494 Rhamnaceae 4467 —_Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata 4495 Asteraceae: Mikania psilostachya DC. Rich. 4496 = Myrtaceae: Psidium guajava L. 4468 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna multijuga 4497 — Sapindaceae: Serjania membranacea (Rich.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby var. Splitg. multijuga 4498 — Poaceae: Sporobolus jacquemontii 4469 ~~ Costaceae: Costus erythrothyrsus Loes. Kunth 4470 Cyatheaceae: Cnemidaria spectabilis 4499 Cyperaceae: Kyillinga brevifolia Rottb. (Kunze) R.M. Tryon 4500 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna occidentalis 4471 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium (L.) Link 4472 — Rubiaceae: Chimarrhis microcarpa 4501 Poaceae: /schaemum timorense Kunth Standl. 4502. Malvaceae: Sida rhombifolia L. 4473 Viscaceae: Phoradendron racemosum 4503 Melastomataceae: Prerolepis (Aubl.) Krug & Urb. glomerata (Rottb.) Mig. var. 4474 — Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga sarmentosa angosturensis (Bonpl.) Cogn. Glaz. ex Harms 4504 — Scrophulariaceae: Achetaria 4475 Piperaceae: Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) guianensis Pennell A. Dietr. 4505 Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia erecta L. ssp. 4476 Gesneriaceae: Besleria flavovirens erecta Nees & Mart. 4506 Rubiaceae: Borreria densiflora DC. 4477 Heliconiaceae: Heliconia hirsuta L. f. 4507 Rubiaceae: Borreria assurgens (Ruiz & 4478 Pteridaceae: Preris altissima Por. Pav.) Griseb. 4479 — Arecaceae: Geonoma cf. maxima 4508 — Rubiaceae: Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) (Poit.) Kunth K. Schum. 4480 ~~ Clusiaceae: Clusia myriandra (Benth.) 4509 — Solanaceae Planch. & Triana 4510 Verbenaceae: Stachytarpheta 4481 — Clusiaceae: Clusia myriandra (Benth.) cavennensis (Rich.) Vahl Planch. & Triana 4511 Fabaceae-Caesal.: Senna reticulata 4482 Arecaceae: Bactris cf. simplicifrons (Willd.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Mart. 4512 Cyperaceae: Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) 4483 Rubiaceae: Sabicea oblongifolia Vahl (Miq.) Steyerm. 4513 Casuarinaceae: Casuarina equisetifolia 4484 = Smilacaceae: Smilax schomburgkiana J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. Kunth 4514 — Lygodiaceae: Lygodium volubile Sw. 4485 Melastomataceae: Clidemia venosa 4515 Chrysobalanaceae: Licania persaudii (Gleason) Wurdack Fanshawe & Maguire 4486 Melastomataceae: Miconia plukenetii 4516 Rubiaceae: Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. Naudin ex Roem. & Schult.) DC. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 115 4517 4518 4519 4520 452] 4522 4523 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 a 4587 b 4588 4589 4590 459] 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 Clusiaceae: Clusia grandiflora Splitg. Indet. Verbenaceae: Priva lappulacea (L.) Pers. Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Amaranthaceae NO RECORD through 4577 Melastomataceae: Siphanthera cordifolia (Benth.) Gleason Apocynaceae: Mandevilla benthamii (A. DC.) K. Schum. Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia hispida Lam. Burmanniaceae: Burmannia bicolor Mart. Fungi Xyridaceae: Xyris surinamensis Spreng. Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes humboldtii (Bosch) Lellinger Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora barbata (Vahl) Kunth Polygalaceae: Polygala timoutou Aubl. Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia sprengelii A. St.-Hil. Melastomataceae: Comolia villosa (Aubl.) Triana Melastomataceae: Meriania sclerophylla (Naudin) Triana Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia longeciliata A. DC. Ericaceae Eriocaulaceae: Syngonanthus sp. Scrophulariaceae: Scoparia dulcis L. Gentianaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae: Perama hirsuta Aubl. Asteraceae: Praxelis asperulacea (Baker) R.M. King & H. Rob. Rubiaceae: Chalepophyllum guianense Hook. f. Ochnaceae: Ouratea sp. Droseraceae: Drosera kaieteurensis Brumm.-Ding. Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. imbaimadaiensis Cuatrec. Rapateaceae: Stegolepis angustata Gleason Xyridaceae: Abolboda grandis Griseb. var. rigida Malme 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 Ericaceae: Vaccinium euryvanthum A.C. Sm. Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes martiusii C. Presl Bromeliaceae: Mezobromelia pleiosticha (Griseb.) Utley & H. Luther Bromeliaceae: Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia complanata Benth. Fungi Rapateaceae: Saxofridericia regalis R.H. Schomb. Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum luridum (Fée) H. Christ Orchidaceae: Elleanthus graminifolius (Barb. Rodr.) Lojtnant Humiriaceae: Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. floribunda (Mart.) Cuatrec. Fungi-Ascomycete Ericaceae: Vaccinium puberulum Klotzsch ex Meisn. Ochnaceae: Poecilandra retusa Tul. Melastomataceae: Macairea pachyphylla Benth. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dimorphandra cuprea Sprague & Sandwith Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum plumosum (Fée) T. Moore Orchidaceae: Sobralia liliastrum Lindl. Orchidaceae: Scaphyglottis modesta (Rehb. f.) Schltr. Fabaceae-Papil.: Clitoria Theaceae: Jernstroemia Celastraceae: Maytenus sp. Dicranaceae: Campylopus surinamensis C. Mill. Adiantaceae: Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link Asteraceae: Mikania micrantha Kunth Rubiaceae: Faramea egregia Sandwith Melastomataceae: 7ococa aristata Benth. Annonaceae: Duguetia neglecta Sandwith Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata Rich. Hookeriaceae: Brymela parkeriana (Hook. & Grev.) W.R. Buck Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes arbuscula Desv. 116 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4633 | Hymenophyllaceae: Hymenophyllum 4659 — Leucobryaceae: Leucobryum crispum decurrens (Jacq.) Sw. C. Mill. 4634 Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes 4660 ~Arecaceae martiusii C, Presl 4661 Rubiaceae 4634 a Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes 4662 Fungi crispum L. 4663 = Arecaceae: Bactris 4635 Hookeriaceae: Brymela parkeriana 4664 = Schizaeaceae: Schizaea incurvata (Hook. & Grev.) W.R. Buck Schkuhr 4636 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea 4665 Asteraceae: Unxia camphorata L. f. portoricensis Desv. 4666 Orchidaceae 4637 — Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum 4667 — Ericaceae: Satvria panurensis (Benth. flaccidum (Fée) T. Moore ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Nied. 4638 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria poeppigiana 4668 Melastomataceae: Siphanthera Mill. Arg. hostmannii Cogn. 4639 — Rapateaceae: Rapatea paludosa Aubl. 4669 = Myrtaceae: Eugenia punicifolia 4640 — Cyperaceae: Diplasia karatifolia Rich. (Kunth) DC. 4641 = Orchidaceae: Mavillaria cf. superflua 4670 Rubiaceae Rehb. f. 4671 Grammitidaceae: Cochlidium 4642 Rubiaceae: /vora ulei K. Krause linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. 4643 Melastomataceae: Jococa Chr. macrosperma Mart. 4672 ‘Fungi 4644 — Verbenaceae: Amasonia campestris 4673 — Cladoniaceae: Cladonia secundana (Aubl.) Moldenke Nyl. 4645 Dichapetalaceae: Tapura guianensis 4674 — Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus bifidus Aubl. (Schrad.) Kunth 4646 = Melastomataceae: Maieta poeppigii 4675 a Zingiberaceae: Renealmia orinocensis Mart. ex Cogn. Rusby 4647 Melastomataceae: Clidemia 4675 b Zingiberaceae: Renealmia floribunda epibaterium DC. K. Schum. 4648 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria deflexa DC. 4676 Orchidaceae: Mavxillaria 4649 = Convolvulaceae: Jpomoea sp. auyantepuiensis Foldats 4649 b_ Polygalaceae: Securidaca pyramidalis 4677 ~~ Orchidaceae: Jacquiniella teretifolia Sprague ex Sandwith (Sw.) Britton & P. Wilson 4650 — Cyperaceae: Cyperus luzulae (L.) 4678 — Araceae: Anthurium ptarianum Rottb. ex Retz. Steyerm. 465] Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthus 4679 — Orchidaceae: Sobralia valida Rolfe Jasciculatus (Rottb.) Kunth 4680 — Araliaceae 4652. Piperaceae: Peperomia rotundifolia 4681 — Fabaceae-Papil.: Clitoria (L.) Kunth 4682 Orchidaceae: Reichenbachanthus 4653 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea lancea reflexus (Lindl.) Brade (L.) Bedd. var. falcata (Dryand.) 4683 Rubiaceae: Psychotria cf crassa Benth. Rosenst. 4684 = Orchidaceae: Sobralia sp. 4654‘ Fungi 4685 — Araceae: Stenospermation ammiticum 4655 Rubiaceae: Psychotria muscosa (Jacq.) GS. Bunting Steyerm. 4686 = Orchidaceae: Scaphyglottis fusiformis 4656 Melastomataceae: Maieta guianensis (Griseb.) R.E. Schult. Aubl. 4687 Orchidaceae: Prosthechea vespa (Vell.) 4657 — Hypnaceae: Rhacopilopsis trinitensis W.E. Higgins (C. Mill.) Britton & Dixon 4688 — Bromeliaceae: Navia caricifolia L.B. 4658 — Fabaceae-Caesal.: Mora gonggrijpii Sm, (Kleinhoonte) Sandwith 4689 Grammitidaceae: Grammitis taenifolia (Jenman) Proctor Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 117 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 Orchidaceae: Reichenbachanthus reflexus (Lindl.) Brade Orchidaceae: Maxillaria mapiriensis (Kraenzl.) L.O. Williams Orchidaceae: Jacquiniella globosa (Jacq.) Schltr. Orchidaceae: Stelis sp. Orchidaceae: Dichaea trulla Rchb. f. Ericaceae: Sphyrospermum cordifolium Benth. Bromeliaceae: Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr. Bromeliaceae: Guzmania altsonii L.B. Sm. Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. Orchidaceae: Epidendrum longicolle Lindl. Bromeliaceae: Vriesea incurva (Griseb.) Read Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum glabellum J. Sm. Fungi-Basidiomycete Fungi Hymenophyllaceae: Hymenophyllum fendlerianum J.W. Sturm Orchidaceae: Maxillaria bolivarensis C. Schweinf. Clusiaceae: Clusia flavida (Benth.) Pipoly Schizaeaceae: Schizaea elegans (Vahl) Sw. Fabaceae-Caesal.: Dicymbe corymbosa Spruce ex Benth. Clusiaceae Rubiaceae: Psychotria crocochlamys Sandwith Grammitidaceae: Cochlidium tepuiense (A.C. Sm.) L.E. Bishop Bromeliaceae: Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm. Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia fendleri Griseb. Bromeliaceae: Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez Rubiaceae: Perama dichotoma Poepp. & Endl. Fungi-Basidiomycete Cyperaceae: Lagenocarpus verticillatus (Spreng.) T. Koyama & Maguire 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 474] 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 a Dicranaceae: Eucamptodontopsis tortuosa H. Rob. Poaceae: Parodiolyra micrantha (Kunth) Davidse & Zuloaga Rapateaceae: Stegolepis ferruginea Baker f. Gesneriaceae: Alloplectus savannarum C.V. Morton Rubiaceae Verbenaceae: Amasonia campestris (Aubl.) Moldenke Orchidaceae: Elleanthus graminifolius (Barb. Rodr.) Lojtnant Araceae: Philodendron linnaei Kunth Rubiaceae: Psychotria Melastomataceae: Clidemia tepuiensis Wurdack Asteraceae: Mikania sprucei Baker Melastomataceae: 7ococa aristata Benth. Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes anomalum Maxon & C.V. Morton Orchidaceae: Galeottia sp. Melastomataceae: Clidemia heptamera Wurdack Aquifoliaceae: //ex costata Edwin Humiriaceae: Sacoglottis mattogrossensis Malme Fungi Burmanniaceae: Dictyostega orobanchoides (Hook.) Miers ssp. orobanchoides Gentianaceae: Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers. Orchidaceae: Scaphyglottis grandiflora Ames & C. Schweinf. Cyperaceae: Didymiandrum stellatum (Boeck.) Gilly Thurniaceae: Thurnia sphaerocephala (Rudge) Hook. f. ssp. nov. Burseraceae: Trattinnickia burserifolia Mart. Boraginaceae: Cordia nodosa Lam. Melastomataceae: Clidemia dentata D. Don Araceae: Spathiphyllum cannifolium (Dryand. ex Sims) Schott Araceae: Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Schott Melastomataceae: Maieta poeppigil Mart. ex Cogn. 118 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4746 b Asteraceae: Clibadium surinamense L. 4780 = Ochnaceae: Sauvagesia erecta L. ssp. 4747 Araceae: Monstera erecta 4748 Piperaceae: Piper augustum Rudge 4781 = Ochnaceae: Poecilandra pumila 4749 — Piperaceae: Piper pseudoglabrescens Steyerm, Trel. & Yunck. 4782 Rubiaceae: Borreria 4750 Piperaceae: Piper obliquum Ruiz & 4783 Malpighiaceae: 7etrapterys pusilla Pav. Steyerm. 4751 Melastomataceae: Leandra purpurea 4784 — Cyperaceae: Scleria macrogyne C.B. Gleason Clarke 4752 Solanaceae: Solanum subinerme Jacq. 4785 Bromeliaceae: Brocchinia steyermarkii 4753 Aspleniaceae: Asplenium salicifolium L.B. Sm. L. 4786 Orchidaceae: Cleistes rosea Lindl. 4754 Metaxyaceae: Metaxya rostrata 4787 — Orchidaceae: Epistephium sp. (Kunth) C. Pres! 4788 — Polygalaceae: Polvgala appressa 4755 Arecaceae: Astrocaryum gynacanthum Benth. Mart. 4789 — Ericaceae 4756 Fungi-Basidiomycete 4790 Bonnetiaceae: Bonnetia sessilis Benth. 4757 — Polypodiaceae: Microgramma 4791 — Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus lycopodioides (L.) Copel. purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. 4758 — Chrysobalanaceae: Hirtella racemosa Nilsson & V.A. Albert Lam. 4792 Xyridaceae: Xyris involucrata Nees 4759 Tectariaceae: Triplophyllum funestum 4793 Melastomataceae: Tococa nitens (Kunze) Holttum var. funestum (Benth.) Triana 4760 Adiantaceae: Adiantum terminatum 4794 Xyridaceae: Xyris guianensis Steud. Kunze ex Mig. 4795 — Ebenaceae 4761 Rubiaceae: Sipanea 4796 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria bahiensis DC. 4762 Campanulaceae: Centropogon 4797 —Melastomataceae: Clidemia 4763 Fungi involucrata DC. 4764 — Piperaceae: Piper peltatum L. 4798 — Euphorbiaceae: Croton nepetifolius 4765 Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum Baill. flaccidum (Fée) T. Moore 4799 — Myrsinaceae: Cybianthus spicatus 4766 Fabaceae-Papil.: Desmodium (Kunth) G. Agostini 4767 Solanaceae: Physalis pubescens L. 4800 Gnetaceae: Gnetum urens (Aubl.) 4768 — Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium Blume meniscioides (Willd.) C. Pres 4801 Orchidaceae: Erycina pusilla (L.) N.H. 4769 — Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes Williams & M.W. Chase pinnatum Hedw. 4802 Polygalaceae: Securidaca pyramidalis 4770 Piperaceae: Piper hispidum Sw. Sprague ex Sandwith 4771 Fungi 4803 Bignoniaceae: Schlegelia violacea 4772 ‘Fungi (Aubl.) Griseb. 4773 Fungi 4804 — Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa 4774 Zingiberaceae: Renealmia microcephala Trécul monosperma Miq. 4805 — Melastomataceae: Tococa subciliata 4775 Rubiaceae: Psychotria mazaruniensis (DC.) Triana Standl. 4806 — Solanaceae: Lycianthes pauciflora 4776 Melastomataceae: Phainantha laxiflora (Vahl) Bitter (Triana) Gleason 4807 Orchidaceae: Dichaea sp. 4777 Fungi-Basidiomycete 4808 — Gesneriaceae: Codonanthe crassifolia 4778 Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea pendula (H. Focke) C.V. Morton Klotzsch 4809 — Polypodiaceae: Microgramma reptans 4779 — Rubiaceae: Retiniphyllum (Cav.) A.R. Sm. schomburgkii (Benth.) Miill. Arg. Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 119 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 483] 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 Piperaceae: Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth Bromeliaceae: Aechmea tillandsioides (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Baker Fabaceae-Mimos.: /nga pezizifera Benth. Solanaceae: Solandra sp. Acanthaceae: Ruellia rubra Aubl. Annonaceae: Guatteria paludosa R.E. Fr. Rubiaceae: Psychotria muscosa (Jacq.) Steyerm. Acanthaceae: Justicia calycina (Nees) V.A.W. Graham Melastomataceae: Macrocentrum cristatum (DC.) Triana Gesneriaceae: Paradrymonia maculata (Hook. f.) Wiehler Gesneriaceae: Paradrymonia densa (C.H. Wright) Wiehler Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa microcephala Trécul Malpighiaceae: Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss. Gesneriaceae: Nautilocalyx pictus (Hook.) Sprague Rubiaceae: Sipanea Rubiaceae: /xora potaroensis Steyerm. Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea sagittata (Aubl.) Dryand. Rubiaceae Myrsinaceae: Ardisia guianensis (Aubl.) Mez Melastomataceae: Aciotis purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. meniscioides Melastomataceae: Leandra divaricata (Naudin) Cogn. Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. var. lancea Rubiaceae Selaginellaceae: Selaginella epirrhizos Spring Cyperaceae: Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brongn.) Urb. Poaceae: Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex Doll Plagiochilaceae: Plagiochila 4839 a 4839 b 4840 484] 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 a 4866 a 4866 b 4867 4868 Calymperaceae: Calymperes lonchophyllum Schwaegt. Hookeriaceae: Callicosta bipinnata (Schwaegr.) C. Mill. Loganiaceae Orchidaceae: Cheiradenia cuspidata Lindl. Rubiaceae: Palicourea Rubiaceae: Psychotria apoda Steyerm. Orchidaceae: Wullschlaegelia calcarata Benth. Araceae: Spathiphyllum cuspidatum Schott Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes diaphanum Kunth Poaceae: Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. Campanulaceae: Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce Apocynaceae Marattiaceae: Danaea elliptica Sm. subsp. simplicifolia (Rudge) Rolleri Araceae Vittariaceae: Antrophyum guayanense Hieron. Cyperaceae: Mapania sylvatica Aubl. Piperaceae: Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon Piperaceae: Piper anonifolium (Kunth) C. DC. Piperaceae: Piper divaricatum G. Mey. Rubiaceae Fungi-Basidiomycete Fungi-Basidiomycete Fungi-Basidiomycete Fungi-Basidiomycete Fungi-Basidiomycete Fungi-Basidiomycete Metaxyaceae: Metaxya rostrata (Kunth) C. Presl Cyatheaceae: Cyathea cyatheoides (Desv.) K.U. Kramer Melastomataceae: Macrocentrum cristatum (DC.) Triana var. microphyllum Cogn. Gesneriaceae: Bes/eria insolita C.V. Morton Heliconiaceae: Heliconia acuminata Rich. Rapateaceae: Spathanthus unilateralis (Rudge) Desv. 120 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 4869 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria potaroensis 4896 — Pottiaceae: Trichostomum (Sandwith) Steyerm. brachydontium Bruch 4870 Cyclanthaceae: Dicranopygium 4897 — Lichen angustissimum (Sandwith) Harling 4898 — Bromeliaceae: Aechmea politii L.B. 4871 — Polypodiaceae: Polypodium caceresii Sm. Sodiro 4899 Bromeliaceae: Aechmea nudicaulis 4872 — Gesneriaceae: Lampadaria rupestris (L.) Griseb. Feuillet & L.E. Skog 4900 Lentibulariaceae 4873 Burmanniaceae: Gymnosiphon 4901 — Rubiaceae: Psychotria sandwithiana divaricatus (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. f. (Steyerm.) Steyerm. 4874 — Burmanniaceae: Gymnosiphon 4902 Ochnaceae: Ouratea guianensis Aubl. capitatus (Benth.) Urb. 4903 Rubiaceae: Rudgea hostmanniana 4875 Fungi Benth. 4876 Arecaceae: Geonoma 4904 — Araceae: Anthurium expansum Gleason 4877 — Rubiaceae: /xora potaroensis Steyerm. 4905 — Cyclanthaceae: Asplundia cf. 4878 Rubiaceae glandulosa (Gleason) Harling 4879 ~~ Hymenophyllaceae: Hymenophyllum 4906 Arecaceae hirsutum (L.) Sw. 4907 ~~ Campanulaceae: Centropogon 4880 Melastomataceae: Jococa aristata cornutus (L.) Druce Benth. 4908 Melastomataceae: Miconia fanshawei 4881 Ericaceae: Thibaudia nutans Klotzsch Wurdack ex Mansf. s.l. 4909 — Lomariopsidaceae: Elaphoglossum 4882 Sapotaceae flaccidum (Fée) T. Moore 4883 Euphorbiaceae: Phyllanthus 4910 — Gesneriaceae: Alloplectus savannarum vacciniifolius (Mill. Arg.) Miill. Arg. C.V. Morton 4884 Melastomataceae: Comolia 4911 — Solanaceae: Solanum fulvidum Bitter microphylla Benth. 4912. Araceae: Anthurium roraimense N.E. 4885 — Rapateaceae: Saxofridericia ct. regalis Br. R.H. Schomb. 4913 Rubiaceae: Faramea capillipes Mill. 4885 a Melastomataceae: Comolia Arg. microphylla Benth. 4914 — Arecaceae: Geonoma aspidiifolia 4886 Cladoniaceae: Cladonia signata Spruce (Eschw.) Vain. 4915 Gesneriaceae: Besleria saxicola C.V. 4887 — Clusiaceae: Clusia schomburgkiana Morton (Planch. & Triana) Benth. ex Engl. 4916 ~~ Acanthaceae: Odontonema 4888 — Clusiaceae: Clusia crassifolia Planch. schomburgkianum (Nees) Kuntze & Triana 4917 Annonaceae: Anaxagorea 4889 — Theaceae: Ternstroemia dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith 4890 — Gentianaceae: Chelonanthus 4918 — Rubiaceae: Didymochlamys connellii purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. N.E. Br. Nilsson & V.A. Albert 4919 Adiantaceae: Adiantum olivaceum 489] Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes trollii Baker Bergdolt 4920 Dryopteridaceae: Cyclodium inerme 4892 Schizaeaceae: Actinostachys pennula (Fée) A.R. Sm. (Sw.) Hook. 492] Dennstaedtiaceae: Lindsaea lancea 4893 Melastomataceae: Clidemia capitata (L.) Bedd. var. Jancea Benth, 4922 Tectariaceae: Tectaria trifoliata (L.) 4894 Melastomataceae: Miconia ciliata Cav. (Rich.) DC. 4923 Gesneriaceae: 7ylopsacas cuneatum 4895 = Apocynaceae: Mandevilla spruceana (Gleason) Leeuwenb. (Mill. Arg.) K. Schum. 4924 Grammitidaceae: Grammitis suspensa (L.) Proctor Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 121 4925 4926 4927 a 4927 b 4928 4929 4930 493] 4932 4933 4934 Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes pedicellatum Desv. Hymenophyllaceae: 7richomanes jenmanii Lellinger Leucomiaceae: Leucomium steerei Allen & Veling Hookeriaceae: Thamniopsis killipii (Williams) E.B. Bartram Piperaceae: Peperomia Commelinaceae: Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) Standl. Begoniaceae: Begonia sp. nov. Gentianaceae: Voyria clavata Splitg. Rubiaceae: Psychotria bostrychothyrsus Sandwith Melastomataceae: Miconia bracteata (DC.) Triana Lauraceae: Licaria debilis (Mez) Kosterm. 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 Fabaceae-Caesal. Fabaceae-Papil.: Swartzia Annonaceae: Annona Fungi-Basidiomycete Costaceae: Costus erythrothyrsus Loes. Boraginaceae: Cordia schomburgkii DC. Melastomataceae: Aciotis annua (Mart. ex DC.) Triana Asteraceae: Calea caleoides (DC.) H. Rob. Scrophulariaceae: Achetaria guianensis Pennell Cyperaceae: Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeck. ssp. pubera Onagraceae: Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G. Don) Exell 122 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 123 IV: COLLECTIONS BY DETERMINED TAXA FUNGI Indet.: 2211, 2212, 2214, 2247, 2249, 2250, 2252, 3097, 3461, 3667, 3987, 3988, 4331, 4425, 4582, 4608, 4654, 4662, 4672, 4703, 4735, 4763, 4771, 4772, 4773, 4875 Fungi-Ascomycete Indet.: 3885, 4613 Fungi-Basidiomycete Indet.: 1917, 1998, 2959, 3230, 3499, 3603, 3649, 3650, 3660, 3666, 3676, 3677, 3678, 3702, 4702, 4716, 4756, 4777, 4858, 4859, 4860, 4861, 4862, 4863, 4938 Auriculariaceae Auricularia sp.: 2217 Ganodermataceae Amauroderma sp.: 1906 Ganoderma sp.: 1905, 2268, 3648, 3669 Ganoderma orbiformis (Fr.) Ryvarden: 3547 Polyporaceae Indet.: 4221 Fomes sp.: 3651 Hexagonium sp.: 2216 Irpex sp.: 3481 Lentinus crinitus Fr.: 1783, 2215 Polyporus sp.: 2248 Pycnoporus sanguineus (L.) Murrill: 2149, 397] Xylariaceae Xylaria polymorpha (Pers.) Grev.: 4252 LICHENS Indet.: 1782, 2364, 2365, 2366, 2479, 2837, 3749, 3989, 3992, 4897 Cladoniaceae Cladonia sp.: 1780 Cladonia secundana Ny\l.: 4673 Cladonia signata (Eschw.) Vain.: 4886 LIVERWORTS Plagiochilaceae Plagiochila sp.: 4838 BRYOPHYTES Indet.: 1781, 2058, 2213, 2251, 2256, 2367, 2368, 2478, 2995, 2996, 3049, 3482, 3483, 3498, 3548, 3652, 3653, 3654, 3659, 3668, 3883, 3884, 3899, 3986, 4406, 4435 Dicranaceae Campylopus surinamensis C. Miill.: 4624 Eucamptodontopsis tortuosa H. Rob.: 4718 Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. var. calvescens (Schwaegr.) Mont.: 3020 Hookeriaceae Brymela parkeriana (Hook. & Grev.) W.R. Buck: 4631, 4635 Hypnaceae Rhacopilopsis trinitensis (C. Mill.) Britton & Dixon: 4657 Leucobryaceae Leucobryum crispum C. Mill.: 4659 Polytrichaceae Polytrichum commune Hedw.: 3019 Pottiaceae Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch: 4896 LYCOPHYTES Lycopodiaceae Indet.: 2997 124 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Lycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Pic. Serm. var. meridionalis (Underw. & F.E. Lloyd) B. Oellg. & P.G. Windisch: 3043 Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm.: 2464, 2535, 2719, 3410, 3581, 4215 Lycopodium sp.: 1759 Selaginellaceae Selaginella epirrhizos Spring: 4835 Selaginella mazaruniense Jenman: 3842 Selaginella parkeri (Hook. & Grev.) Spring: 3291 PTERIDOPHYTES Indet.: 3898 Adiantaceae Adiantopsis radiata (L.) Fée: 2671, 3057 Adiantum adiantoides (J. Sm.) C. Chr.: 2680 Adiantum argutum Splitg.: 3371 Adiantum latifolium Lam.: 4393 Adiantum olivaceum Baker: 4919 Adiantum phyllitidis J. Sm.: 2678, 4374 Adiantum terminatum Kunze ex Miq.: 4760 Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link: 2027, 2373, 3835, 4436, 4625 Pterozonium scopulinum Lellinger: 3990 Aspleniaceae Asplenium auritum Sw.: 3099 Asplenium cuneatum Lam.: 2715 Asplenium salicifolium L.: 4228, 4753 Asplenium serratum L.: 3768, 4401 Blechnaceae Blechnum serrulatum Rich.: 1765, 2816, 4011 Salpichlaena hookeriana (Kuntze) Alston: 3630 Cyatheaceae Cnemidaria spectabilis (Kunze) R.M. Tryon: 4470 Cyathea andina (H. Karst.) Domin: 3793 Cyathea cyatheoides (Desv.) K.U. Kramer: 3146, 3568 Cyathea macrosora (Baker) Domin var. macrosora: 2865 Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin: 2624a Cyathea surinamensis (Mig.) Domin: 3312, 4225 Dennstaedtiaceae Lindsaea divaricata Klotzsch: 3834 Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. var. falcata (Dryand.) Rosenst.: 4653 Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. var. lancea: 2283, 3310, 4833, 4921 Lindsaea pendula Klotzsch: 4778 Lindsaea portoricensis Desv.: 2767, 3153, 4636 Lindsaea quadrangularis Raddi ssp. antillensis K.U. Kramer: 3320 Lindsaea sagittata (Aubl.) Dryand.: 4827 Lindsaea semilunata (C. Chr.) C. Chr.: 3079 Lindsaea stricta (Sw.) Dryand. var. jJamesoniiformis K.U. Kramer: 3050 Lindsaea stricta (Sw.) Dryand. var. parvula (Fée) K.U. Kramer: 3623 Preridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon: 1722 Saccoloma elegans Kaulf.: 3645, 4382 Dryopteridaceae Cyclodium inerme (Fée) A.R. Sm.: 3139, 3463, 3566, 4920 Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl: 3523, 4768 Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl var. meniscioides: 3321, 3570, 3838, 3858, 4442. 4831 Cyclodium varians (Fée) A.R. Sm.: 3877 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J. Sm.: 2709, 4390 Polybotrva caudata Kunze: 4206 Stigmatopteris rotundata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) C. Chr.: 3433, 3485 Gleicheniaceae Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw.: 2815 Dicranopteris nervosa (Kaulf.) Maxon: 3007 Dicranopteris pectinata (Willd.) Underw.: 1795, 1807, 2465, 3502 Grammitidaceae Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.: 4671 Cochlidium tepuiense (A.C. Sm.) L.E. Bishop: 4711 Grammitis suspensa (L.) Proctor: 4924 Grammitis taenifolia (Jenman) Proctor: 4689 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 125 Hymenophyllaceae Hymenophyllum decurrens (Jacq.) Sw.: 4633 Hymenophyllum fendlerianum J.W. Sturm: 4704 Hymenophyllum hirsutum (L.) Sw.: 4879 Trichomanes anomalum Maxon & C.V. Morton: 4730 Trichomanes arbuscula Desv.: 4632 Trichomanes crispum L.: 3827 Trichomanes diaphanum Kunth: 4846 Trichomanes diversifrons (Bory) Mett. ex Sadeb.: 4404 Trichomanes elegans Rich.: 3906 Trichomanes humboldtii (Bosch) Lellinger: 2774, 4584 Trichomanes jenmanii Lellinger: 4926 Trichomanes martiusii C. Presl: 4604, 4634 Trichomanes pedicellatum Desv.: 4925 Trichomanes pinnatum Hedw.: 3696, 3812, 4769 Trichomanes radicans Sw. var. radicans: 4381 Trichomanes trollii Bergdolt: 4891 Trichomanes vittaria DC. ex Poir.: 2253 Lomariopsidaceae Elaphoglossum flaccidum (Fée) T. Moore: 4369, 4637, 4765, 4909 Elaphoglossum glabellum J. Sm.: 4428, 4701 Elaphoglossum luridum (Fée) H. Christ: 4610 Elaphoglossum plumosum (Fée) T. Moore: 2932, 4618 Elaphoglossum praetermissum Mickel: 2931 Lygodiaceae Lygodium venustum Sw.: 2139 Lygodium volubile Sw.: 3170, 3747, 4514 Marattiaceae Danaea elliptica Sm. subsp. simplicifolia (Rudge) Rolleri: 3585, 3840, 4850 Metaxyaceae Metaxya rostrata (Kunth) C. Presl: 3322, 3569, 4376, 4754, 4864 Oleandraceae Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C. Presl: 3100 Oleandra pilosa Hook.: 2990 Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum nudicaule L. t.: 4173 Polypodiaceae Campyloneurum phyllitidis (L.) C. Presl: 3500 Campyloneurum repens (Aubl.) C. Presl: 4416 Dicranoglossum desvauxii (Klotzsch) Proctor: 3572, 4403 Microgramma fuscopunctata (Hook.) Vareschi: 4262 Microgramma lycopodioides (L.) Copel.: 4036, 4757 Microgramma reptans (Cav.) A.R. Sm.: 3424, 3641, 3792, 4143, 4809 Microgramma tecta (Kaulf.) Alston: 2090 Pecluma plumula (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.G. Price: 2097, 2318 Phlebodium pseudoaureum (Cav.) Lellinger: 2994 Pleopeltis percussa (Cav.) Hook. & Grev.: 2320, 2927 Polypodium caceresii Sodiro: 3781, 4871 Polypodium dulce Poir.: 3470 Polypodium polypodioides (L.) Watt var. burchellii (Baker) Weath.: 2092, 2319 Polypodium triseriale Sw.: 2572, 3960 Pteridaceae Pteris altissima Poir.: 4478 Schizaeaceae Actinostachys pennula (Sw.) Hook.: 4892 Schizaea elegans (Vahl) Sw.: 2764, 4707 Schizaea incurvata Schkuhr: 1756, 4664 Schizaea poeppigiana J.W. Sturm: 2828 Tectariaceae Tectaria incisa Cav.: 2684, 4239 Tectaria trifoliata (L.) Cav.: 2687, 3455, 4391, 4922 Triplophyllum funestum (Kunze) Holttum var. funestum: 4383, 4759 Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris (Goniopteris) sp.: 1925 Thelypteris arborescens (Klotzsch) C.V. Morton): 2768 Thelypteris hispidula (Decne.) C.F. Reed var. hispidula Thelypteris macrophylla (Kunze) C.V. Morton: 3469 Thelypteris opulenta (Kaulf.) Fosberg: 2623, 3567, 3867, 4224, 4330 Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor: 2102 126 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Vittariaceae Ananthacorus angustifolius (Sw.) Underw. & Maxon: 2093, 2321 Antrophyum guayanense Hieron.: 2282, 4852 Woodsiaceae Diplazium celtidifolium Kunze: 4392 Diplazium cristatum (Desr.) Alston: 2685 GYMNOSPERMS Gnetaceae Gnetum sp.: 2045 Gnetum urens (Aubl.) Blume: 2324, 4800 ANTHOPHYTA Acanthaceae Justicia calycina (Nees) V.A.W. Graham: 3253, 3517, 4817 Justicia mcdowellii Wassh.; 3473 Justicia pectoralis Jacq.: 3359 Justicia schomburgkiana (Nees) V.A.W. Graham: 1856 Odontonema schomburgkianum (Nees) Kuntze: 4916 Ruellia geminiflora Kunth var. angustifolia (Nees) Griseb.: 2043 Ruellia rubra Aubl.: 4814 Alismataceae Echinodorus sp.: 4163 Amaranthaceae Indet.: 3882, 4522 Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze: 2112 Amaranthus viridis L.: 2396 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume: 1908, 2595, 4096, 4307 Anacardiaceae Tapirira guianensis Aubl.: 1740, 2032 Annonaceae Indet.: 2609, 3369, 3679 Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith: 2110, 2262, 3474, 3613, 3690, 4183, 4329, 4917 Annona sp.: 2123, 2190, 2204, 3682, 4937 Annona hypoglauca Mart.: 1979, 2370 Annona sericea Dunal: 2500, 2712, 3508, 3862 Annona symphyocarpa Sandwith: 3774 Cymbopetalum brasiliense (Vell.) Benth. ex Baill.: 2700 Duguetia sp.: 3691, 3706 Duguetia neglecta Sandwith: 2440, 4629 Duguetia pauciflora Rusby: 3558, 4207, 4355 Duguetia quitarensis Benth.: 1898 Duguetia tenuis R.E. Fr.: 3689 Duguetia yeshidan Sandwith: 4338 Fusaea longifolia (Aubl.) Saff.: 2106 Guatteria sp.: 2501, 3070 Guatteria paludosa R.E. Fr.: 3495, 4815 Guatteria schomburgkiana Mart.: 2026 Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex Dunal) A. DC.: 1815, 3108, 3549, 4124, 4203 Unonopsis sp.: 3375 Unonopsis glaucopetala R.E. Fr.: 4350 Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart.: 1986, 3137 Xyvlopia benthamii R.E. Fr.: 2260 Xylopia nitida Dunal: 2072, 2091 Apiaceae Hydrocotyle umbellata L.: 4100 Apocynaceae Indet.: 2807, 3393, 3584, 3832, 4849 Allamanda sp.: 4047 Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don: 2496 Galactophora schomburgkiana Woodson: 3015 Himatanthus sp.: 2056, 2164 Himatanthus bracteatus (A. DC.) Woodson var. revolutus (Huber) Plumel: 1826 Macropharynx spectabilis (Stadelm.) Woodson: 3477 Malouetia gracilis (Benth.) A. DC.; 3345 Mandevilla benthamii (A. DC.) K. Schum.: 2961, 4579 Mandevilla holstii Morillo: 2918 Mandevilla scabra (Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. Schum.: 3952, 4075 Mandevilla spruceana (Mill. Arg.) K. Schum.: 4895 Mandevilla subcarnosa (Benth.) Woodson: 2769 Mesechites trifida (Jacq.) Mill. Arg.: 1962, 2380 Odontadenia geminata (Hoffmanns. ex Roem. & Schult.) Miill. Arg.: 4074 Odontadenia macrantha (Roem. & Schult.) Markgr.: 2289, 3168, 3173, 3190, 3193 Odontadenia nitida (Vahl) Mill. Arg.: 4164 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 127 Odontadenia puncticulosa (Rich.) Pulle: 3422 Odontadenia verrucosa (Willd. ex Roem, & Schult.) K. Schum. ex Markgr.: 3191 Prestonia cayennensis (Benth.) Pichon: 3179 Prestonia lindlevyana Woodson ex Gleason & A.C. Sm.: 3759 Prestonia quinquangularis (Jacq.) Spreng.: 1965, 2285 Prestonia tomentosa R. Br.: 2179 Tabernaemontana cerea (Woodson) Leeuwenb.: 3998 Tabernaemontana disticha A. DC.: 3468 Tabernaemontana heterophylla Vahl: 2407, 4311, 4315 Tabernaemontana siphilitica (L. f.) Leeuwenb.: 1980, 2162, 2383 Tabernaemontana undulata Vahl: 2259, 2269, 2346, 3258, 3290, 4461 Aquifoliaceae Ilex sp.: 2900, 2973 Ilex costata Edwin: 4733 Ilex daphnogena Reissek: 3136 Ilex guianensis (Aubl.) Kuntze: 2832 Ilex jenmanii Loes.: 2542 Ilex martiniana D. Don: 4136 Ilex retusa Klotzsch ex Reissek: 3034 Araceae Indet.: 3637, 4094, 4851 Anthurium clavigerum Poepp.: 2711 Anthurium expansum Gleason: 3446, 3484, 3492, 3555, 3665, 3959, 3976, 4826, 4904 Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Schott: 4745 Anthurium jenmanii Engl.: 3658 Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum: 3762 Anthurium pentaphyllum (Aubl.) G. Don: 2676 Anthurium ptarianum Steyerm.: 2945, 4678 Anthurium roraimense N.E. Br.: 4912 Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl.: 4030 Anthurium thrinax Madison: 3462, 3524, 3918, 3996 Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.: 4340 Heteropsis flexuosa (Kunth) GS. Bunting: 2267 Monstera sp.: 4747 Monstera adansonii Schott: 3536, 4309 Monstera obliqua Miq.: 4323 Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott: 247] Philodendron callosum K. Krause: 2852, 4023 Philodendron camposportoanum G.M. Barroso: 2066 Philodendron ecordatum Schott: 4008 Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) G. Don: 2675, 4415 Philodendron insigne Schott: 3947 Philodendron linnaei Kunth: 2254, 2445, 4725 Philodendron muricatum Willd. ex Schott: 2016, 3728 Philodendron ornatum Schott: 3911, 4341 Philodendron rudgeanum Schott: 4243 Philodendron tatei K. Krause: 2789 Rhodospatha venosa Gleason: 3593 Spathiphyllum cannifolium (Dryand. ex Sims) Schott: 2924, 3061, 4744 Spathiphyllum cuspidatum Schott: 4236, 4364, 4845 Spathiphyllum maguirei G.S. Bunting: 3701, 3787, 3843, 4187 Stenospermation ammiticum G.S. Bunting: 4034, 4685 Stenospermation maguirei A.M.E. Jonker & Jonker: 2947 Syngonium podophyllum Schott: 2082, 4320 Urospatha sagittifolia (Rudge) Schott: 2845, 3307, 3636 Xanthosoma jacquinii Schott (=Xanthosoma undipes p.p.; X. sagittifolium p.p. Schott): 4205 Xanthosoma striolatum Mart. ex Schott: 2412 Araliaceae Indet.: 4680 Schefflera sessiliflora Splithof-Heerschop ex Frodin: 2937 Arecaceae Indet.: 3301, 3445, 3981, 4660, 4906 Astrocaryum gynacanthum Mart.: 4755 Bactris sp.: 4663 Bactris balanophora Spruce: 3306 Bactris hirta Mart.: 3692, 3767 Bactris maraja Mart.: 2608, 4424 Bactris maraja Mart. var. maraja: 3685 Bactris simplicifrons Mart.: 2668, 3302, 4258, 4482 Desmoncus sp.: 2387, 2442 Desmoncus polyacanthos Mart.: 3109, 3730, 4104 Geonoma sp.: 4876 Geonoma aspidiifolia Spruce: 3441, 4914 Geonoma interrupta (Ruiz & Pav.) Mart. var. euspatha (Burret) A.J. Hend.): 2708 128 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Geonoma macrostachys Mart.var. poiteauana (Kunth) A.J. Hend.: 4398 Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth: 2696, 3367, 3487, 4268, 4479 Mauritiella aculeata (Kunth) Burret: 3674 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia leprieurii Duch.: 2703 Aristolochia rugosa Lam.: 4366 Asclepiadaceae Indet.: 1744, 2293, 2300, 2382, 2581, 3147, 3752, 4142 Blepharodon nitidus (Vell.) J.F. Macbr.: 4068 Tassadia propinqua Decne.: 2556 Asteraceae Acanthospermum australe (Loefl.) Kuntze: 3202 Achyrocline vargasiana DC.: 2770 Ageratum conyzoides L.: 4287 Ayapana amygdalina (Lam.) R.M. King & H. Rob.: 2515 Baccharis varians Gardner: 2738 Bidens cynapiifolia Kunth: 2617, 4306 Bidens pilosa L.: 3105 Calea caleoides (DC.) H. Rob.: 1827, 2040, 3273, 3531, 4942 Calea lucidivenia Gleason & S.F. Blake var. orientalis (Maguire & Wurdack) Pruski; 3012 Calea solidaginea Kunth ssp. deltophylla (R.S. Cowan) Pruski: 2654 Centratherum punctatum Cass.: 1885, 3215, 3632 Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob.: 1788, 4080 Clibadium armani (Balbis) Sch. Bip. ex O.E. Schulz: 2616 Clibadium surinamense L.: 4464 Clibadium sylvestre (Aubl.) Baill.: 3366, 4458 Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist: 2188, 2389 Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H. Rob.: 2438 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L.: 2390 Elephantopus mollis Kunth: 4291 Emilia fosbergii Nicolson: 3213 Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex Wight: 2391 Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC.: 2888, 3583 Erechtites valerianaefolia (Wolf) Link ex Spreng.: 2606 Gamochaeta simplicicaulis (Willd. ex Spreng.) Cabrera: 3096 Gongylolepis benthamiana R.H. Schomb.: 2963 Ichthyothere terminalis (Spreng.) S.F. Blake: 2510 Lepidaploa bolivarensis (V.M. Badillo) H. Rob.: 2736, 2903, 3033 Lepidaploa gracilis (Kunth) H. Rob.: 3275 Lepidaploa remotiflora (Rich.) H. Rob.:; 2889, 3199 Mikania banisteriae DC.: 1800, 3973 Mikania congesta DC.: 2378 Mikania gleasonii B.L. Rob.: 2104 Mikania micrantha Kunth: 4626 Mikania parviflora (Aubl.) H. Karst.: 2561, 3411, 351] Mikania psilostachya DC.: 2780, 4024, 4495 Mikania sprucei Baker: 3036, 4728 Mikania trinitaria DC.: 4109 Orthopappus angustifolius (Sw.) Gleason: 2771 Praxelis asperulacea (Baker) R.M. King & H. Rob.: 2854, 4596 Stenopadus talaumifolius S.F. Blake: 2964 Stomatochaeta condensata (Baker) Maguire & Wurdack: 3016 Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.: 4281 Trichospira verticillata (L.) S.F. Blake: 1975 Unxia camphorata L. f.: 1733, 4665 vernonanthura brasiliana (L.) H. Rob.: 2199 Wulffia baccata (L.) Kuntze: 1799, 2010, 2491, 3141, 4063, 4301 Balanophoraceae Helosis cayennensis (Sw.) Spreng.: 4426 Begoniaceae Begonia sp. nov.: 4930 Begonia humilis Dryand.: 3452, 3892, 4361 Bignoniaceae Indet.: 2107, 4108 Adenocalymna inundatum Mart. ex DC. var. surinamense Bureau & K. Schum.: 2290 Arrabidaea bilabiata (Sprague) Sandwith: 1963 Arrabidaea candicans (Rich.) DC.: 2521, 3063 Arrabidaea cinerea Bureau ex K. Schum.: 1724 Arrabidaea corallina (Jacq.) Sandwith: 1828, 2169 Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers: 2131, 3270, 3334, 3339, 3712 Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers var. aquinoctialis: 2197 Distictella elongata (Vahl) Urb.: 2575, 3250 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 129 Distictella magnoliifolia (Kunth) Sandwith: 3776 Distictella obovata Sandwith: 2864 Jacaranda obtusifolia Bonpl. ssp. rhombifolia (G. Mey.) A.H. Gentry: 1865, 2025 Melloa quadrivalvis (Jacq.) A.H. Gentry: 2198 Memora heterophylla (Kraenzl.) Sandwith: 1832, 2117, 2291 Memora schomburgkii (DC.) Miers: 2298, 3389, 3778 Paragonia pyramidata (Rich.) Bureau: 3282 Phryganocydia corymbosa (Vent.) Bureau ex K. Schum.: 2689 Pleonotoma clematis (Kunth) Miers: 2184, 3269 Schlegelia spruceana K. Schum.: 2955, 3525, 3837, 4181 Schlegelia violacea (Aubl.) Griseb.: 4803 Tabebuia ochracea (Cham.) Stand. ssp. heterotricha (DC.) A.H. Gentry: 2151 Tabebuia subtilis Sprague & Sandwith: 2573, 3165 Bixaceae Bixa orellana L.; 2120, 2287 Cochlospermum sp.: 1830, 2138 Bombacaceae Indet.: 4139 Pachira sp.: 2822 Pachira aquatica Aubl.: 1767 Pachira insignis (Sw.) Sw. ex Savigny: 2429 Pachira minor (Sims) Hemsl.: 2544, 2992, 3166 Quararibea sp.: 1855 Bonnetiaceae Archytaea triflora Mart.: 2794, 2986, 4146 Bonnetia paniculata Spruce ex Benth.: 2811, 2825 Bonnetia sessilis Benth.: 4790 Boraginaceae Indet.: 3183, 4453 Cordia sp.: 2628, 2681 Cordia curassavica (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult.: 4121 Cordia fallax 1.M. Johnst.: 2127 Cordia nodosa Lam.: 2242, 2704, 2872, 2940, 3609, 4242, 4417, 4742 Cordia polycephala (Lam.) 1.M. Johnst.: 2655 Cordia schomburgkii DC.: 1787, 1939, 4054, 4220, 4940 Cordia tetrandra Aubl.: 2312 Cordia toqueve Aubl.: 2207 Heliotropium sp.: 2182 Heliotropium indicum L.: 2394 Tournefortia sp.: 2180, 2428 Tournefortia ulei Vaupel: 3356 Bromeliaceae Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker: 2793, 2847, 4362 Aechmea campanulata L.B. Sm.: 3480, 3546 Aechmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f.: 1738, 3333, 3680, 3693, 3830, 4010, 4396 Aechmea nudicaulis (L.) Griseb.: 4899 Aechmea politii L.B. Sm.: 4898 Aechmea tillandsioides (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Baker: 3608, 4811 Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B. Sm.: 2414 Ananas parguazensis L.A. Camargo & L.B. Sm.: 1739, 2024, 3380 Araeococcus micranthus Brongn.: 3642 Brocchinia micrantha (Baker) Mez: 2827 Brocchinia steyermarkii L.B. Sm.: 2907, 4785 Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez: 2797, 2962, 3903, 4606 Guzmania altsonii L.B. Sm.: 4697 Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez: 2677, 2915, 4265, 4337, 4714 Guzmania sphaeroidea (André) André ex Mez: 2999 Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.: 4696 Mezobromelia pleiosticha (Griseb.) Utley & H. Luther: 2577, 3949, 4605 Navia arida L.B. Sm. & Steyerm.: 3084 Navia caricifolia L.B. Sm.: 4688 Navia rupestris (Gleason) Sandwith: 3829 Pitcairnia maidifolia (C. Morren) Decne. ex Planch. & Linden: 2922, 3027 Racinaea spiculosa (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm.: 4712 Tillandsia bulbosa Hook.: 2841 Tillandsia complanata Benth.: 4607 Tillandsia fendleri Griseb.: 2583, 2796, 4698, 4713 Tillandsia monadelpha (E. Morren) Baker: 1755, 4402 Tillandsia spiculosa Griseb.: 2843 Tillandsia tenuifolia L.: 2372 130 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Vriesea incurva (Griseb.) Read: 2842, 4700 Vriesea splendens (Brongn.) Lem.: 3940 Burmanniaceae Burmannia bicolor Mart.: 1701, 2728, 3011, 4581 Burmannia capitata (Walter ex J.F. Gmel.)- Mart.: 1709 Dictvostega orobanchoides (Hook.) Miers: 2808 Dictyostega orobanchoides (Hook.) Miers ssp. orobanchoides: 4736 Gymnosiphon capitatus (Benth.) Urb.: 4874 Gymnosiphon divaricatus (Benth.) Benth, & Hook. f.: 4873 Burseraceae Indet.: 3633 Protium sp.: 2851 Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand: 2232 Protium cuneatum Swart: 3640 Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand: 1985, 3264, 3386 Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand ssp. heptaphyllum: 3195 Protium sp. nov.: 3001 Protium tenuifolium (Engl.) Engl.: 4380 Trattinnickia burserifolia Mart.: 2814, 3406, 474] Cactaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. var. phyllanthus: 1969, 4169 Rhipsalis baccifera (J.S. Muell.) Stearn: 4170 Campanulaceae Indet.: 2836 Centropogon sp.: 4762 Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce: 2588, 2952, 3421, 3914, 4018, 4848, 4907 Cannaceae Canna indica L.: 2585 Capparaceae Cleome latifolia Vahl ex DC.: 2363 Cleome parviflora Kunth: 191] Caryocaraceae Anthodiscus mazarunensis Gilly: 3002 Anthodiscus trifoliatus G. Mey.: 3265 Caryocar sp.: 4445 Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.: 4513 Cecropiaceae Cecropia latiloba Miq.: 2455 Coussapoa microcephala Trécul: 3256, 3765, 4019, 4147, 4804, 4821 Pourouma sp.: 2069 Celastraceae Goupia glabra Aubl.: 2087, 2323, 3627 Maytenus sp.: 4079, 4623 Chrysobalanaceae Indet.: 1741, 2311, 2448, 3172, 3739, 3772 Chrysobalanus icaco L.: 4087 Couepia multiflora Benth.: 1875 Couepia parillo DC.: 3773 Exellodendron coriaceum (Benth.) Prance: 1873 Hirtella sp.: 3401 Hirtella glandistipula Ducke: 3178 Hirtella paniculata Sw.: 2029, 2463, 4135 Hirtella racemosa Lam.: 3159, 4758 Hirtella racemosa Lam. var. hexandra (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Prance: 2237 Hirtella racemosa Lam. var. racemosa: 2449, 2870 Hirtella silicea Griseb.: 426] Hirtella triandra Sw. ssp. triandra: 2697 Licania affinis Fritsch: 2545, 4131 Licania apetala (E. Mey.) Fritsch var. aperta (Benth.) Prance: 1996 Licania coriacea Benth.: 1877, 3343, 3402 Licania densiflora Kleinhoonte: 2068 Licania hypoleuca Benth.: 2236, 2334 Licania incana Aubl.: 2533, 2965 Licania lasseri Maguire: 3066 Licania latifolia Benth. ex Hook. f.: 2988 Licania leptostachya Benth.: 2314, 2330 Licania parviflora Benth.: 2570 Licania persaudii Fanshawe & Maguire: 4450, 4515 Clusiaceae Indet.: 2063, 3628, 4251, 4709 Caraipa sp.: 2569 Clusia sp.: 2978, 3088 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 131 Clusia columnaris Engl.: 4081 Clusia crassifolia Planch, & Triana: 4888 Clusia cuneata Benth.: 3624, 3715, 3928 Clusia flavida (Benth.) Pipoly: 3417, 3503, 4706 Clusia fockeana Miq.: 3953 Clusia gaudichaudii Choisy: 4439 Clusia grandiflora Splitg.: 1735, 2550, 3907, 4057, 4517 Clusia hammeliana Pipoly: 3821, 3879 Clusia macropoda Klotzsch ex Engl.: 2735 Clusia myriandra (Benth.) Planch. & Triana: 4480, 4481 Clusia nemorosa G. Mey.: 1769, 4165 Clusia obovata (Spruce ex Planch. & Triana) Pipoly: 2989 Clusia panapanari (Aubl.) Choisy: 3789, 4012 Clusia picta Pipoly, sp. nov. ined.: 291] Clusia pusilla Steyerm.: 2732 Clusia schomburgkiana (Planch. & Triana) Benth. ex Engl.: 2953, 3131, 3999, 4887 Tovomita atropurpurea Steyerm.: 3946 Vismia sp.: 2750 Vismia cayennensis (Jacq.) Pers.: 1937 Vismia gracilis Hieron.: 1713, 3418, 3625 Vismia japurensis Reichardt: 4083 Vismia latifolia (Aubl.) Choisy: 3933, 4046 Vismia macrophylla Kunth: 2062, 2099, 4214, 444() Vismia sandwithii Ewan: 3594 Vismia sessilifolia (Aubl.) Choisy: 3550, 3563, 4049, 4466 Combretaceae Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz: 1829, 1833, 2143, 2186 Combretum laxum Jacq.: 2071, 2135 Combretum pyramidatum Desvy.: 3399 Combretum rotundifolium Rich.: 2302, 3329 Terminalia quintalata Maguire: 2846 Commelinaceae Commelina erecta L.: 3234 Commelina rufipes Seub. var. glabrata (D.R. Hunt) Faden & D.R. Hunt: 2453, 3354, 4308 Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) Standl.: 2401, 3293, 4929 Gibasis geniculata (Jacg.) Rohweder: 4312 Tradescantia zanonia (L.) Sw.: 2716 Tripogandra serrulata (Vahl) Handlos: 3970 Connaraceae Indet.: 2108, 4145 Connarus lambertii (DC.) Sagot: 4117 Convolvulaceae Indet.: 2873 Calycobolus glaber (Kunth) House: 3260 Dicranostvles ampla Ducke: 2277 Evolvulus sp.: 2044 Ipomoea anisomeres B.L. Rob, & Bartlett: 1805 Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq.: 2195 Ipomoea piurensis O’Donell: 2201 Ipomoea quamoclit L.: 3231 Ipomoea sp.: 3104, 4649 Ipomoea squamosa Choisy: 1955 Ipomoea tiliacea (Willd.) Choisy: 2656, 3390 Jacquemontia guyanensis (Aubl.) Meisn.: 2130, 3226 Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G. Don: 4438 Jacquemontia sphaerostigma (Cav.) Rusby: 3223 Jacquemontia tamnifolia (L.) Griseb.: 4333 Lysiostyles scandens Benth.: 2067, 2078 Maripa paniculata Barb. Rodr.: 3764, 4016 Maripa scandens Aubl.: 2065, 2228, 2328, 2554, 3169, 3908 Merremia aturensis (Kunth) Hallier f.: 2041 Merremia macrocalyx (Ruiz & Pav.) O’Donell: 2060, 3351, 4317 Merremia ternifoliola Pittier: 2170 Merremia umbellata (L.) Hallier f.: 2129 Operculina hamiltonii (G. Don) D.F. Austin & Staples: 1831 Costaceae Costus arabicus L.: 2280, 3387 Costus claviger Benoist: 3597 Costus congestiflorus Rich. ex Gagnep.: 4179 Costus erythrothyrsus Loes.: 3413, 4238, 4469, 4939 Costus guanaiensis Rusby var. macrostrobilus (K. Schum.) Maas: 4322 Costus scaber Ruiz & Pav.: 1891, 2468, 3372, 4185 Costus spiralis (Jacg.) Roscoe var. villosus Maas: 2454 Cucurbitaceae Indet.: 2435 Cayaponia cruegeri (Naudin) Cogn.: 2385 Cayaponia jenmanii C. Jeffrey: 4389 132 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Cavaponia racemosa (Mill.) Cogn.: 2137 Gurania sp.: 3991 Gurania lobata (L.) Pruski: 2634, 3526, 4454 Gurania subumbellata (Mig.) Cogn.: 2679, 3217, 4408 Cyclanthaceae Indet.: 3460, 3700 Asplundia fanshawei (Maguire) Harling: 3775 Asplundia glandulosa (Gleason) Harling: 4905 Asplundia maguirei Harling: 2686 Dicranopygium angustissimum (Sandwith) Harling: 3844, 4870 Dicranopygium pygmaeum (Gleason) Harling: 3486 Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.: 3975 Stelestylis stvlaris (Gleason) Harling: 3948 Cyperaceae Becquerelia cymosa Brongn. ssp. cvmosa: 4488 Becquerelia cymosa Brongn. ssp. merkeliana (Nees) T. Koyama: 3770 Bishoeckelera microcephala (Boeck.) T. Koyama: 3806, 3848 Bulbostylis conifera (Kunth) C.B. Clarke: 2482 Bulbostylis junciformis (Kunth) C.B. Clarke: 1757, 2879 Bulbostylis paradoxa (Spreng.) Lindm.: 2514 Bulbostylis tenuifolia (Rudge) J.F. Macbr.: 2003 Calyptrocarya bicolor (H. Pfeiff.) T. Koyama: 3602, 3661 Calyptrocarya glomerulata (Brongn.) Urb.: 3865, 4836 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl.: 2892, 3203 Cyperus articulatus L.: 2650 Cyperus guianensis (C.B. Clarke) Kiik.: 3864 Cyperus haspan L.: 2028 Cyperus laxus Lam.: 2004, 2399, 3576, 3703 Cyperus ligularis L.: 3579, 3705 Cyperus luzulae (L.) Rottb. ex Retz.: 2417, 3342, 3534, 3575, 3598, 3849, 4286, 4650 Cyperus odoratus L.: 1922, 3578, 3863, 4283 Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.: 2651 Didymiandrum stellatum (Boeck.) Gilly: 2821, 4739 Diplacrum guianense (Nees) T. Koyama: 4095 Diplasia karatifolia Rich.: 3808, 4427, 4640 Eleocharis flavescens (Poir.) Urb.: 3620 Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.: 3574, 4156 Eleocharis minima Kunth: 1761 Eleocharis plicarhachis (Griseb.) Svenson: 4158 Exochogyne amazonica C.B. Clarke: 2773, 2867 Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl: 2649 Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl: 1796, 1978, 4512 Fuirena umbellata Rottb.: 1784, 3528, 3605, 4153 Hypolvtrum jenmanii C.B. Clarke ssp. serratifolium (Uittien) T. Koyama: 3841, 3859 Hypolytrum longifolium (Rich.) Nees ssp. svlvaticum (Poepp. & Kunth) T. Koyama: 2849, 3675, 3870 Hypolytrum pulchrum (Rudge) H. Pfeiff.: 1716, 2820 Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.: 4499 Lagenocarpus guianensis Lindl. & Nees ex Nees ssp. guianensis: 2980 Lagenocarpus rigidus (Kunth) Nees ssp. tremulus (Nees) T. Koyama & Maguire: 1719 Lagenocarpus verticillatus (Spreng.) T. Koyama & Maguire: 1752, 4717 Mapania insignis Sandwith: 3807, 3969 Mapania pycnocephala (Benth.) Benth. ssp. fluviatilis (Sandwith) T. Koyama: 3458 Mapania sylvatica Aubl.: 3595, 4853 Rhynchocladium steyermarkii (TY. Koyama) T. Koyama: 3978 Rhynchospora barbata (Vahl) Kunth: 1703, 2721, 4585 Rhynchospora cephalotes (L.) Vahl: 1899, 2006, 2850 Rhynchospora ciliata (Vahl) Kiik.: 3204, 4295 Rhynchospora corymbosa (L.) Britton: 4166 Rhynchospora holoschoenoides (Rich.) Herter: 1772, 1867 Rhynchospora nervosa (Vahl) Boeck.: 2511 Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeck. ssp. pubera: 1797, 3533, 3599, 3930, 4944 Rhynchospora subplumosa C.B. Clarke: 2498 Scleria bracteata Cav.; 2499 Scleria cyperina Willd. ex Kunth: 2519, 2840 Scleria flagellum-nigrorum P.J. Bergius: 3738 Scleria latifolia Sw.: 3459, 3968, 4076 Scleria macrogyne C.B. Clarke: 4784 Scleria melaleuca Rehb. ex Schltdl. & Cham.: 4294 Scleria microcarpa Nees ex Kunth: 1960, 4157, 4257 Scleria secans (L.) Urb.: 4092 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 133 Scleria splitgerberiana Henrard ex Uittien: 196] Cyrillaceae Cyrilla racemiflora L.: 2831, 3045 Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum pedunculatum (DC.) Baill.: 2338, 3601 Tapura guianensis Aubl.: 2263, 4645 Dilleniaceae Curatella americana L.: 1840, 2506 Davilla kunthii A. St.-Hil.: 1958, 2272, 2508, 2775, 3155, 3537, 4120, 4491 Doliocarpus brevipedicellatus Garcke ssp. brevipedicellatus: 2049 Doliocarpus dentatus (Aubl.) Standl. ssp. dentatus: 2461 Doliocarpus guianensis (Aubl.) Gilg: 2079, 2341 Doliocarpus spraguei Cheesman: 2546, 2790, 2866 Tetracera asperula Mig.: 1732, 2452, 4111 Tetracera costata Mart. ex E1chler: 2281 Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea sp.: 1953, 3192, 3756, 4090, 4349, 4419, 4433 Droseraceae Drosera sp.: 2826 Drosera intermedia Hayne: 1760 Drosera kaieteurensis Brumm.-Ding.: 4599 Drosera roraimae (Klotzsch ex Diels) Maguire & J.R. Laundon: 3031 Ebenaceae Indet.: 4795 Diospyros sp.: 2340, 2353, 4138 Elaeocarpaceae Indet.: 4449 Ericaceae Indet.: 2898, 3017, 3957, 3977, 4590, 4789 Bejaria sp.: 3120 Bejaria sprucei Meisn.: 2887, 2970 Cavendishia callista Donn. Sm.: 3000 Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch; 2935 Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Nied.: 2805, 4667 Sphyrospermum cordifolium Benth.: 2803, 3929, 4021, 4695 Thibaudia nutans Klotzsch ex Mansf.: 488] Vaccinium euryanthum A.C. Sm.: 2876, 2894, 4603 Vaccinium puberulum Klotzsch ex Meisn.: 2934, 4614 Eriocaulaceae Indet.: 2853, 2878, 2946, 2985, 3134 Eriocaulon heterodoxum Moldenke: 3527 Paepalanthus bifidus (Schrad.) Kunth: 1729, 2443, 2528, 4674 Paepalanthus fasciculatus (Rottb.) Kunth: 3577, 4651 Paepalanthus oyapockensis Herzog: 3886 Paepalanthus polytrichoides Kunth: 1702 Syngonanthus gracilis (Bong.) Ruhland: 1706 Syngonanthus sp.: 4591 Syngonanthus umbellatus (Lam.) Ruhland forma minor (Mig.) Moldenke: 1707 Tonina fluviatilis Aubl.: 2036, 3833 Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum sp.: 2692, 2745, 2944, 3634 Erythroxylum havanense Jacq.: 2200 Erythroxylum macrophyllum Cav.: 4176 Erythroxylum suberosum A. St.-Hil.: 2156 Euphorbiaceae Indet.: 2037, 4140 Acalypha scandens Benth.: 4460 Alchornea sp.: 2310 Amanoa guianensis Aubl.: 1973, 2548, 2578, 3378, 3731, 4086 Aparisthmium cordatum (A. Juss.) Baill.: 3419 Croton cuneatus Klotzsch: 3798 Croton hirtus LV Hér.: 3232 Croton nepetifolius Baill.: 4798 Croton trinitatis Millsp.: 1974, 3350 Dalechampia affinis Mill. Arg.: 2436 Dalechampia brownsbergensis G.L. Webster & Armbr.: 4318 Dalechampia magnoliifolia Mill. Arg.: 2431 Dalechampia parvibracteata Lanj.: 2264 Drypetes fanshawei Sandwith: 4247 Euphorbia hirta L.: 2591, 4288 Euphorbia thymifolia L.: 4290 Hevea pauciflora (Spruce ex Benth.) Mill. Arg.: 3626 Mabea speciosa Mill. Arg.: 3687, 3839 134 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Mabea speciosa Mill. Arg. ssp. speciosa: 3434, 3551 Mabea taquari Aubl.: 2057 Maprounea guianensis Aubl.: 1988, 4085 Micrandra glabra (R.E. Schult.) R.E. Schult: 2783 Pausandra martinii Baill.; 4202 Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn.: 3200 Phyllanthus stipulatus (Raf.) G.L. Webster: 1919 Phyllanthus urinaria L.: 3362 Phyllanthus vacciniifolius (Mill. Arg.) Mill, Arg.: 4883 Fabaceae Indet.: 2209, 2233, 2278, 3618, 4123, 4414 Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae Indet.: 1746, 3212, 3615, 3720, 4935 Bauhinia sp.: 3515, 4132 Bauhinia rutilans Spruce ex Benth.: 3465 Bauhinia sp.: 2133 Bauhinia ungulata L.: 1841 Brownea coccinea Jacq.: 4209 Campsiandra comosa Benth. var. comosa: 2466, 2473, 3266 Cassia sp.: 3496, 3539, 4128, 4292 Cassia moschata Kunth: 1843, 2148 Chamaecrista sp.: 3704 Chamaecrista desvauxii (Collad.) Killip var. mollissima (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 1726 Chamaecrista hispidula (Vahl) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 1997, 2155, 2176 Chamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench var. patellaria (Collad.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 2009, 2645 Chamaecrista viscosa (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby var. major (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 2525 Cynometra bauhiniifolia Benth.: 2306 Cynometra marginata Benth.: 2332 Dalbergia sp.: 3721 Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith: 2369, 3384 Dicymbe corymbosa Spruce ex Benth.: 4708 Dicymbe fraterna R.S. Cowan: 3042 Dimorphandra cuprea Sprague & Sandwith: 4617 Dimorphandra macrostachya Benth.: 2802 Elizabetha coccinea M.R. Schomb. ex Benth. var. coccinea: 2374 Elizabetha coccinea M.R. Schomb. ex Benth. var. oxyphylla (Harms) R.S. Cowan: 2305 Elizabetha fanshawei R.S. Cowan: 3895 Eperua sp.: 3799 Eperua falcata Aubl.: 2061, 2451, 3710 Eperua jenmanii Oliv.: 3714 Eperua rubiginosa Miq.: 3271 Eperua schomburgkiana Benth.: 3335 Macrolobium acaciifolium (Benth.) Benth.: 1964, 2286, 3287 Macrolobium angustifolium (Benth.) R.S. Cowan: 2551, 3177 Macrolobium bifolium (Aubl.) Pers.: 3255 Martiodendron excelsum (Benth.) Gleason: 2189 Mora excelsa Benth.: 2386 Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinhoonte) Sandwith: 4658 Paloue riparia Pulle: 3758 Senna sp.: 3430 Senna chrysocarpa (Desv.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 2395 Senna latifolia (G. Mey.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 1737, 1999, 2532, 2630 Senna multijuga (Rich.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby var. multijuga: 4468 Senna occidentalis (L.) Link: 4270, 4500 Senna quinquangulata (Rich.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 2785 Senna reticulata (Willd.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 4511 Senna undulata (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby: 2002 Tachigali sp.: 2064 Fabaceae-Mimosoideae Abarema barbouriana (Standl.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip var. trapezifolia (Vahl) Barneby & J.W. Grimes: 2059, 2333, 2337 Acacia polyphylla DC.: 2160 Balizia pedicellaris (DC.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes: 2070 Calliandra surinamensis Benth.: 3897 Hydrochorea corymbosa (Rich.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes: 1971, 3398 Hydrochorea gonggrijpii (Kleinhoonte) Barneby & J.W. Grimes: 4149 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 135 Inga sp.: 3427, 3540 Inga alata Benoist: 2080 Inga bourgonii (Aubl.) DC.: 4430 Inga disticha Benth.: 2301, 3268, 3328 Inga heterophylla Willd.: 3939 Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd.: 2279 Inga nobilis Willd.: 4444 Inga pezizifera Benth.: 4812 Inga sarmentosa Glaz. ex Harms: 4474 Inga sertulifera DC.: 3167 Inga splendens Willd.: 3188 Inga thibaudiana DC.: 2782, 4113 Inga umbellifera (Vahl) Steud. ex DC.: 4432 Inga vera Willd. subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Penn.: 1920, 2460 Macrosamanea pubiramea (Steud.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes: 4073 Mimosa myriadenia (Benth.) Benth.: 1791, 1813, 3541, 3737, 4060 Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth. ex Walp.: 3197 Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze: 1809, 3196, 3289, 3542, 3740, 3894 Zygia cataractae (Kunth) L. Rico: 2144, 3733 Fabaceae-Papilionoideae Indet.: 3182, 3228, 3727, 4118 Acosmium nitens (Vogel) Yakovlev: 1987, 3400 Aeschynomene sensitiva Sw.: 4022 Alexa sp.: 4267 Amorpha sp.: 4017 Andira surinamensis (Bondt) Splitg. ex Amshoff: 2480 Calopogonium mucunoides Desv.: 3535 Calopogonium velutinum (Benth.) Amshoff: 2222, 2415 Canavalia sp.: 2181 Centrosema sp.: 1982, 2128, 2350 Centrosema brasilianum (L.) Benth.: 2494 Clathrotropis paradoxa Sandwith: 3673 Clitoria sp.: 2901, 3501, 4621, 4681 Clitoria guianensis (Aubl.) Benth.: 1848 Coursetia ferruginea (Kunth) Lavin: 2178 Crotalaria nitens Kunth: 2637 Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (P. Browne ex L.) Taub.: 4148 Dalbergia monetaria L. f.: 1834, 3330 Dalbergia riedelii (Benth.) Sandwith: 3725 Desmodium sp.: 1762, 2141, 3820, 4053, 4285, 4437, 4471, 4766 Desmodium adscendens (Sw.) DC.: 3364 Desmodium barbatum (L.) Benth.: 2633, 3211 Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb.: 2000 Desmodium molliculum (Kunth) DC.: 1789 Dioclea sp.: 3504, 3713, 3795, 4463 Dioclea guianensis Benth.: 1842, 2404, 2688 Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff: 2534, 3388 Eriosema sp.: 2517 Etaballia dubia (Kunth) Rudd: 1860 Galactia jussiaeana Kunth: 2485 Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urb.: 2142 Indigofera sp.: 3382 Indigofera suffruticosa Mill.: 2011 Lonchocarpus sp.: 2076 Machaerium inundatum (Mart. ex Benth.) Ducke: 1857, 2140, 3281 Machaerium quinatum (Aubl.) Sandwith: 2568, 3723 Macroptilium gracile (Poepp. ex Benth.) Urb.: 1946 Mucuna urens (L.) Medik.: 3175, 4284, 4384, 4423 Ormosia sp.: 1742 Ormosia coccinea (Aubl.) Jacks.: 2513 Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke: 2625 Ormosia fastigiata Tul.: 2034, 2559 Platymiscium sp.: 2171 Pterocarpus rohrii Vahl: 2331 Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. var. gracilis (Kunth) Vogel: 2007 Stylosanthes hispida Rich.: 2531 Swartzia sp.: 3395, 3621, 3741, 4936 Swartzia invenusta Barneby: 2833 Swartzia latifolia Benth. var. sylvestris R.S. Cowan: 2145 Swartzia oblanceolata Sandwith: 2275 Swartzia sprucei Benth. var. tessellata R.S. Cowan: 3726 Taralea sp.: 2968 Taralea oppositifolia Aubl.: 3004 Tephrosia sp.: 3201 Tephrosia sinapou (Buc’hoz) A. Chev.: 2699 Vigna lasiocarpa (Mart. ex Benth.) Verdc.: 1981, 2012 Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth.: 2039, 2632 Flacourtiaceae Indet.: 2672, 3475, 4363 Casearia arborea (Rich.) Urb.: 2013 Casearia combaymensis Tul.: 2276 Casearia commersoniana Cambess.: 2073 Casearia guianensis (Aubl.) Urb.: 1904, 4395 Casearia mariquitensis Kunth: 2456 136 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Casearia spinescens (Sw.) Griseb.: 1839, 1845, 2113 Casearia sylvestris Sw.: 2503 Casearia zizyphoides Kunth: 2379, 2489 Hecatostemon completus (Jacq.) Sleumer: 2206 Homalium guianense (Aubl.) Oken: 2315, 3736 Mayna odorata Aubl.: 3497 Neosprucea sp.: 2103 Rvania speciosa Vahl: 3587, 3644, 3941 Gentianaceae Indet.: 1777, 4593 Chelonanthus alatus (Aubl.) Pulle: 3113 Chelonanthus angustifolius (Kunth) Gilg: 2726 Chelonanthus longistylus (J.G.M. Pers. & Maas) Struwe & V.A. Albert: 3831, 4150 Chelonanthus purpurascens (Aubl.) Struwe, S. Nilsson & V.A. Albert (=/r/bachia purpurascens (Aubl.) Maas): 2257, 2777, 3008, 4089, 4791, 4890 Coutoubea ramosa Aubl.: 1853, 3745 Coutoubea spicata Aubl.: 2488 Irlbachia sp.: 3861 Irlbachia cardonae (Gleason) Maguire: 2759 Irlbachia pratensis (Kunth) L. Cobb & Maas: 2868 Lisianthus sp.: 1743 Tachia guianensis Aubl.: 3670 Tachia schomburgkiana Benth.: 3925 Tetrapollinia caerulescens (Aubl.) Maguire & B.M. Boom: 1711, 2051, 2902 Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers.: 4373, 4737 Voyria aurantiaca Splitg.: 4367 Voyria caerulea Aubl.: 3107 Voyria clavata Splitg.: 493 | Voyria pittieri (Standl.) L.O. Williams: 4378 Gesneriaceae Indet.: 2910, 4137 Alloplectus savannarum C.V. Morton: 4025, 4721, 4910 Besleria flavovirens Nees & Mart.: 4379, 4476 Besleria saxicola C.V. Morton: 3423, 3851, 4915 Chrysothemis pulchella (Donn ex Sims) Decne.: 3051 Codonanthe calcarata (Miq.) Hanst.: 3638, 3664, 4264 Codonanthe crassifolia (H. Focke) C.V. Morton: 2246, 3415, 3663, 4237, 4808 Columnea guianensis C.V. Morton: 3984 Lampadaria rupestris Feuillet & L.E. Skog: 4872 Nautilocalyx cordatus (Gleason) L.E. Skog: 3951, 3966 Nautilocalyx mimuloides (Benth.) C.V. Morton: 2596, 4240, 4418 Nautilocalyx pictus (Hook.) Sprague: 3453, 3860, 3919, 4823 Nautilocalyx porphyrotrichus (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler: 3054 Paradrymonia barbata Feuillet & L.E. Skog: 3810 Paradryvmonia ciliosa (Mart.) Wiehler: 3917 Paradrymonia densa (C.H. Wright) Wiehler: 4820 Paradrymonia maculata (Hook. f.) Wiehler: 4182, 4819 Tvlopsacas cuneatum (Gleason) Leeuwenb.: 3823, 4923 Haemodoraceae Xiphidium caeruleum Aubl.: 2400, 3355, 4222 Haloragaceae Indet.: 2798 Heliconiaceae Heliconia sp.: 3479 Heliconia acuminata Rich.: 2361, 2613, 3379, 3887, 4129, 4192, 4467, 4630, 4867 Heliconia bihai (L.) L.: 1931, 2592, 4246 Heliconia chartacea Lane ex Barreiros: 1884, 1914, 4230 Heliconia densiflora B. Verl.; 3222 Heliconia hirsuta L. f.: 1954, 4233, 4477 Heliconia pendula Wawra: 2612, 3457 Heliconia psittacorum L. f.: 2493, 2791, 2908, 4110, 4168 Heliconia richardiana Miq.: 4346 Heliconia spathocircinata Aristeg.: 1930, 2622, 4313 Hernandiaceae Indet.: 4348 Hippocrateaceae Indet.: 2576 Cheiloclinium cognatum (Miers) A.C. Sm.: 2265 Cheiloclinium diffusiflorum (Miers) A.C. Sm.: 3185 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 137 Hippocratea volubilis L.: 3262, 3331, 3332 Peritassa dulcis (Benth.) Miers: 2409 Peritassa pruinosa (Seem.) A.C. Sm.: 4455 Prionostemma aspera (Lam.) Miers: 4125 Salacia impressifolia (Miers) A.C. Sm.: 2567 Tontelea attenuata Miers: 3751 Tontelea laxiflora (Benth.) A.C. Sm.: 2565 Humiriaceae Indet.: 2326 Humiria balsamifera Aubl.: 3112 Humiria balsamifera Aubl. forma attenuata Cuatrec.: 2325 Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. balsamifera: 4066, 4119 Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. floribunda (Mart.) Cuatrec.: 3124, 4612 Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. guianensis (Benth.) Cuatrec.: 1731, 2538 Humiria balsamifera Aubl. var. imbaimadaiensis Cuatrec.: 4600 Humiria crassifolia Mart. ex Urb.: 2730 Humiria crassifolia Mart. ex Urb. var. acutipetala Cuatrec.: 3005 Sacoglottis sp. 2993 Sacoglottis amazonica Mart.: 2920 Sacoglottis mattogrossensis Malme: 4734 Hydrocharitaceae Elodea granatensis Bonpl.: 4167 Icacinaceae Indet.: 3093 Dendrobangia boliviana Rusby: 2547 Discophora sp.: 2258 Emmotum conjunctum R.A. Howard: 3065, 3143 Pleurisanthes artocarpi Baill.: 2327 Iridaceae Indet.: 2042 Sisyrinchium vaginatum Spreng.: 2046 Trimezia guianensis Ravenna: 3026 Lacistemataceae Lacistema sp.: 2050, 2746 Lacistema aggregatum (P.J. Bergius) Rusby: 3409, 3614, 4353 Lamiaceae Indet.: 2720, 3090, 4078 Hyptis lantanifolia Poit.: 2776 Hyptis parkeri Benth.: 3349 Marsypianthes chamaedrys (Vahl) Kuntze: 2497 Ocimum campechianum Mill.: 2030, 2694 Lauraceae Indet.: 244] Aniba citrifolia (Nees) Mez: 2074, 2086 Cassytha filiformis L.: 1715, 1950, 2111, 2518 Endlicheria anomala (Nees) Mez: 2663 Endlicheria multiflora (Mig.) Mez: 1861 Licaria sp.: 2014 Licaria cannella (Meisn.) Kosterm.: 2329 Licaria debilis (Mez) Kosterm.: 4934 Nectandra amazonum Nees: 2297, 3263 Ocotea sp.: 4106 Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees: 2664 Persea sp.: 3709 Lecythidaceae Couratari riparia Sandwith: 2574, 3743 Eschweilera: 4197 Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A. Mori: 4357, 4407 Eschweilera wachenheimii (Benoist) Sandwith: 4002 Gustavia augusta L.: 1893, 1900, 2119, 2288 Gustavia poeppigiana O. Berg: 4343 Lentibulariaceae Indet.: 3080, 4900 Utricularia foliosa L.: 4161 Utricularia hispida Lam.: 3616, 4580 Utricularia humboldtii R.H. Schomb.: 3030, 3950 Utricularia juncea Vahl: 1712 Utricularia longeciliata A. DC.: 1710, 4589 Utricularia myriocista A. St.-Hil. & Girard: 4162 Utricularia pubescens Sm.: 3962 Utricularia pusilla Vahl: 3296 Utricularia sandwithii P. Taylor: 1758 Utricularia triloba Benj.: 2858 Liliaceae Curculigo scorzonerifolia (Lam.) Baker: 1949 Hymenocallis tubiflora Salisb.: 1933, 4234 Isidrogalvia schomburgkiana (Oliv.) Cruden: 2967 138 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Loganiaceae Indet.: 2549, 4840 Spigelia anthelmia L.: 3206 Spigelia multispica Steud.: 2923, 3414, 3891 Strvchnos: 2342, 317] Strychnos guianensis (Aubl.) Mart.: 3763 Loranthaceae Phthirusa rufa (Mart.) Eichler: 1871, 2580, 3135 Phthirusa stelis (L.) Kuijt: 2083, 2191, 2522, 4133 Struthanthus sp.: 1811, 3154, 4171 Struthanthus concinnus Mart.: 3742 Struthanthus syringifolius (Mart.) Mart.: 2984 Lythraceae Indet.: 2020 Malpighiaceae Indet.: 3068 Banisteriopsis: 1818 Banisteriopsis cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates: 2146 Banisteriopsis lucida (Rich.) Small: 2582 Banisteriopsis pulcherrima (Sandwith) B. Gates: 2757, 2966, 3085 Blepharandra hypoleuca (Benth.) Griseb.: 2987 Byrsonima christianeae W.R. Anderson: 3612 Byrsonima concinna Benth.: 3076 Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth: 1714, 1847. 2166, 2208, 2487, 2537, 2856, 3144, 4114 Byrsonima gymnocalycina A. Juss.: 3729 Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC.: 2539, 4064 Byrsonima stipulacea A. Juss.: 1825 Byrsonima verbascifolia (L.) DC.: 2121 Heteroptervs cristata Benth.: 3718 Heteropterys macradena (DC.) W.R. Anderson: 2375, 2405 Hiraea fagifolia (DC.) A. Juss.: 4431 Hiraea faginea (Sw.) Nied.: 2303, 2309 Lophopterys euryptera Sandwith: 4386 Mascagnia macrodisca (Triana & Planch.) Nied.: 4347 Spachea elegans (G. Mey.) A. Juss.: 2124, 2159 Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss.: 1820, 2629, 4305, 4822 Tetrapterys crispa A. Juss.: 2101 Tetrapterys discolor (G. Mey.) DC.: 1886, 2202, 2307 Tetrapterys pusilla Steyerm.: 4783 Tetrapterys styloptera A. Juss.: 2540, 3158, 3376 Malvaceae Cienfuegosia affinis (Kunth) Hochr.; 2177 Hibiscus bifurcatus Cav.: 1801 Hibiscus verbasciformis Klotzsch ex Hochr.: 4059 Pavonia castaneifolia A. St.-Hil. & Naudin: 1890 Pavonia fruticosa (Mill.) Fawe. & Rendle: 2584 Peltaea trinervis (C. Presl) Krapov. & Cristobal: 3272 Sida: 3106 Sida glomerata Cav.: 3288, 4358 Sida rhombifolia L.: 4502 Sida setosa Mart. ex Colla: 1912, 4441 Talipariti tiliaceum (L.) Fryxell var. pernambucense (Arruda) Fryxell (=Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda): 248 | Urena lobata L.: 1945, 3233, 3274 Wissadula excelsior (Cav.) C. Presl: 1895 Wissadula periplocifolia (L.) C. Presl ex Thwaites: 1835 Marantaceae Indet.: 2109, 3875 Calathea sp.: 3448 Calathea cyclophora Baker: 3561, 3801, 3995, 4412, 4489 Calathea elliptica (Roscoe) K. Schum.: 2599, 4235 Calathea legrelleana (Linden) Regel: 3373 Calathea propinqua (Poepp. & Endl.) Kérn.: 3522 Calathea variegata Linden ex Kérn.: 1915, 4394 Ischnosiphon arouma (Aubl.) Koérn.: 2447, 2601 Ischnosiphon foliosus Gleason: 3836 Ischnosiphon gracilis (Rudge) Kérn. ssp. sandwithii L. Andersson: 2607 Ischnosiphon obliquus (Rudge) Kérn.; 1929, 4457 Ischnosiphon puberulus Loes. var. scaber (Petersen) L. Andersson: 3688, 4201 Maranta gibba Sm.: 1892, 2707 Monotagma ovatum Hagberg: 3994 Monotagma spicatum (Aubl.) J.P. Macbr.: 2710, 3303, 4232 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 139 Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia purpurea \.W. Bailey: 4141 Norantea guianensis Aubl.: 1779, 2566, 3771 Sarcopera tepuiensis (de Roon) Bedell (=Norantea tepuiensis de Roon): 3040 Melastomataceae Indet.: 3103 Aciotis annua (Mart. ex DC.) Triana: 4941 Aciotis indecora (Bonpl.) Triana: 2230, 3318, 3817 Aciotis purpurascens (Aubl.) Triana (=Aciotis fragilis (Rich. ex DC.) Cogn.): 3083, 3404, 3435, 3519, 3559, 3872, 3873, 4830 Adelobotrys adscendens (Sw.) Triana: 3927, 3945 Adelobotrys permixta Wurdack: 2660 Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana: 1935, 3408, 3505, 3889 Clidemia sp.: 2928 Clidemia bullosa DC.; 2467, 3794 Clidemia capitata Benth.: 2897, 2936, 2938, 4893 Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl.) D. Don: 3235 Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl.) D. Don var. dependens (D. Don) J.F. Macbr.: 2683 Clidemia conglomerata DC.: 3874, 3900, 3902, 437] Clidemia dentata D. Don: 4186, 4255, 4743 Clidemia epibaterium DC.: 4647 Clidemia granvillei Wurdack: 3901 Clidemia heptamera Wurdack: 3904, 4732 Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don: 1824, 1951 Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don var. elegans (Aubl.) Griseb.: 3236, 3314, 3783, 4280 Clidemia involucrata DC.: 4797 Clidemia japurensis DC.: 3803, 4044, 4446 Clidemia japurensis DC. var. japurensis: 3059 Clidemia microthyrsa R.O. Williams: 3227 Clidemia minutiflora (Triana) Cogn.: 3852, 4027 Clidemia novemnervia (DC.) Triana: 2754, 4050 Clidemia rubra (Aubl.) Mart.: 1812 Clidemia sericea D. Don: 2031, 2693 Clidemia silvicola Gleason: 3126 Clidemia strigillosa (Sw.) DC.: 3140 Clidemia tepuiensis Wurdack: 3029, 4727 Clidemia venosa (Gleason) Wurdack: 4385, 4485 Comolia microphylla Benth.: 1734, 4069, 4884 Comolia villosa (Aubl.) Triana: 1773, 1775 Comolia villosa (Aubl.) Triana var. B: 4115 Desmoscelis villosa (Aubl.) Naudin: 1766, 2765 Ernestia glandulosa Gleason: 3420, 3521, 3591 Graffenrieda caryophyllea Triana: 2991, 3955 Graffenrieda caudata Wurdack: 3963 Henriettea maroniensis Sagot: 2741, 3071 Henriettea multiflora Naudin: 1819, 2553, 3176, 4134 Henriettea stellaris O. Berg ex Triana: 3755 Henriettea succosa (Aubl.) DC.: 4260 Henriettella caudata Gleason: 4399 Leandra sp.: 2702 Leandra divaricata (Naudin) Cogn.: 2661, 2670, 3220, 3436, 4256, 4832 Leandra purpurea Gleason: 2951, 3588, 4751 Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn.: 4216 Leandra sanguinea Gleason: 3442, 3518 Leandra solenifera Cogn.: 2610 Loreya mespiloides Miq.: 2631 Macairea lasiophylla (Benth.) Wurdack: 2883 Macairea pachyphylla Benth.: 1774, 2749, 3072, 4616 Macairea thyrsiflora DC.: 2758, 3028 Macrocentrum cristatum (DC.) Triana: 4818 Macrocentrum repens (Gleason) Wurdack: 3822, 3956 Maieta guianensis Aubl.: 2600, 4656 Maieta poeppigii Mart. ex Cogn.: 2597, 3102, 3304, 4646 Marcetia taxifolia (A. St.-Hil.) DC.: 3022 Meriania sclerophylla (Naudin) Triana: 3078, 4588 Meriania urceolata Triana: 2784 Miconia alata (Aubl.) DC.: 1938, 2743 Miconia alborufescens Naudin: 2950 Miconia aplostachya (Bonpl.) DC.: 1878 Miconia argyrophylla DC.: 2223 Miconia bracteata (DC.) Triana: 3294, 3813, 4933 Miconia bubalina (D. Don) Naudin: 4196, 4266 Miconia ceramicarpa (DC.) Cogn.: 3060, 3893, 4174 Miconia ciliata (Rich.) DC.: 2033, 2347, 2737, 2787, 3039, 3087, 3138, 3896, 4084, 4894 Miconia dodecandra Cogn.: 3241, 3931, 4013 Miconia fanshawei Wurdack: 4908 Miconia gratissima Benth. ex Triana: 2224 Miconia holosericea (L.) DC.: 3156 Miconia hypoleuca (Benth.) Triana: 3552, 4487 Miconia lasseri Gleason: 2669 140 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Miconia lateriflora Cogn.: 4188 Miconia longifolia (Aubl.) DC.:; 2459 Miconia macrothyrsa Benth.: 1942, 3229 Miconia mirabilis (Aubl.) L.O. Williams: 1816, 2425, 3425, 3545, 3586, 3610 Miconia myriantha Benth.: 1817, 2245, 4070 Miconia plukenetii Naudin: 2921, 4200, 4486 Miconia polita Gleason: 3880 Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC.: 3161, 4072 Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) DC.: 1785, 1808, 3507, 3936, 4058, 4204 Miconia rubiginosa (Bonpl.) DC.: 2504, 4077 Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naudin: 3160, 4451 Miconia splendens (Sw.) Griseb.: 3163 Miconia stephananthera Ule: 4103 Mouriri sp.: 2564 Mouriri acutiflora Naudin: 3732 Mouriri guianensis Aubl.: 3396 Myriaspora egensis DC.: 4051, 4218, 4278 Nepsera aquatica (Aubl.) Naudin: 3530, 3791, 3818, 4105 Phainantha laxiflora (Triana) Gleason: 2806, 2835, 3958, 4776 Pterolepis glomerata (Rottb.) Miq. var. angosturensis (Bonpl.) Cogn.: 4492, 4503 Pterolepis trichotoma (Rottb.) Cogn.: 3239 Rhynchanthera dichotoma (Desr.) DC.: 4097, 4154 Siphanthera cordifolia (Benth.) Gleason: 3123, 4578 Siphanthera hostmannii Cogn.: 4668 Tibouchina aspera Aubl. var. aspera: 2524 Tibouchina aspera Aubl. var. asperrima Cogn.: 2492 Tibouchina fraterna N.E. Br.: 2969 Tococa? Miconia? sp. nov.: 3512 Tococa aristata Benth.: 2823, 2824, 2954, 3095, 3308, 3556, 3662, 4628, 4729, 4880 Tococa guianensis Aubl.: 2729 Tococa macrosperma Mart.: 2818, 4643 Tococa nitens (Benth.) Triana: 1717, 1763, 2905, 4793 Tococa subciliata (DC.) Triana: 3707, 4805 Meliaceae Indet.: 2509, 4422 Guarea pubescens (Rich.) A. Juss.: 3520 Trichilia: 2122 Mendonciaceae Mendoncia bivalvis (L. f.) Merr.: 4310 Mendoncia glabra (Poepp. & Endl.) Nees: 4342 Mendoncia hoffmannseggiana Nees: 2085, 3240, 4297 Mendoncia squamuligera Nees: 2238 Menispermaceae Indet.: 2075 Cissampelos andromorpha DC.: 4279 Cissampelos ovalifolia DC.: 1850, 2157 Cissampelos pareira L.: 2136, 2620 Orthomene schomburgkii (Miers) Barneby & Krukoff: 3337 Menyanthaceae Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze: 1883, 4159 Monotaceae Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea Maguire & P.S. Ashton: 3073 Moraceae Ficus guianensis Desv. ex Ham.: 2839, 2983, 3405, 4014 Ficus malacocarpa Standl.: 3252 Ficus nymphaeifolia Mill.: 2150 Ficus paraensis (Miq.) Miq.: 4321 Ficus trigona L. f.: 2089 Sorocea pubivena Hemsl. ssp. oligotricha (Akkermans & C.C. Berg) C.C. Berg: 3777 Myristicaceae Compsoneura ulei Warb.: 4028 Myrsinaceae Indet.: 4351 Ardisia: 2317 Ardisia guianensis (Aubl.) Mez: 2598, 4250, 4354, 4829 Cybianthus duidae (Gleason & Moldenke) G. Agostini: 3014 Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G. Agostini ssp. fulvopulverulentus: 2801, 2891 Cybianthus spicatus (Kunth) G. Agostini: 4799 Myrtaceae Indet.: 1902, 2772, 2956, 3184 Calyptranthes fasciculata O. Berg: 2266 Eugenia: 1868 Eugenia anastomosans DC.: 1749 Eugenia biflora (L.) DC.: 2526, 3261 Eugenia cribrata McVaugh: 1854 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 141 Eugenia florida DC.: 3643, 3717 Eugenia kaieteurensis Amshoff: 3038 Eugenia lambertiana DC.: 2408 Eugenia pseudopsidium Jacq.: 4088 Eugenia punicifolia (Kunth) DC.: 1753, 2001, 4669 Marlierea cuprea Amshoff: 2557, 3724 Marlierea montana (Aubl.) Amshoff: 1764 Marlierea schomburgkiana O. Berg: 3979 Myrcia calycampa Amshoff: 1874 Myrcia fallax (Rich.) DC.: 2543, 2562, 2926 Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) DC.: 2022, 2388, 3280 Myrcia rotundata (Amshoff) McVaugh var. rotundata: 3013 Myrcia subobliqua (Benth.) Nied.: 1941 Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC.: 1745, 2742, 2893, 3092, 3257, 4065 Myrciaria vismeifolia (Benth.) O. Berg: 2560, 3267, 3734 Psidium acutangulum DC.: 2313, 3277 Psidium densicomum DC.: 3397 Psidium guajava L.: 4496 Psidium guineense Sw.: 1952, 2008, 2165, 2635, 3237 Psidium salutare (Kunth) O. Berg: 2154, 2187 Nyctaginaceae Neea sp.: 2203, 3449 Neea mollis Spruce ex J.A. Schmidt: 3489 Ochnaceae Indet.: 2781] Elvasia elvasioides (Planch.) Gilg: 3157 Elvasia essequibensis Engl.: 3800 Ouratea sp.: 1863, 1995, 2292, 4598 Ouratea cernuiflora Sandwith: 2919, 3032, 3062 Ouratea guianensis Aubl.: 2558, 4902 Ouratea rigida Engl.: 1870 Ouratea superba Engl.: 2118 Poecilandra pumila Steyerm.: 4781 Poecilandra retusa Tul.: 3044, 3064, 4615 Sauvagesia sp.: 2817 Sauvagesia angustifolia Ule: 3024 Sauvagesia elata Benth.: 3828 Sauvagesia erecta L.: 3210 Sauvagesia erecta L. ssp. erecta: 4505, 4780 Sauvagesia guianensis (Eichler) Sastre: 3021 Sauvagesia sprengelii A. St.-Hil.: 1700 Olacaceae Heisteria cauliflora Sm.: 3368, 3754 Heisteria densifrons Engl.: 2088 Onagraceae Indet.: 2114 Ludwigia sp.: 1798, 4293 Ludwigia foliobracteolata (Munz) H. Hara: 4277 Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G. Don) Exell: 3965, 4945 Ludwigia latifolia (Benth.) H. Hara: 4410 Ludwigia nervosa (Poir.) H. Hara: 1771, 4098, 4155 Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven: 2231, 2929 Ludwigia sedoides (Bonpl.) H. Hara: 1882 Ludwigia torulosa (Arn.) H. Hara: 4160 Orchidaceae Indet.: 2015, 4043, 4666 Catasetum sp.: 2752 Catasetum discolor (Lindl.) Lindl.: 1718 Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe: 1864 Cheiradenia cuspidata Lindl.: 3997, 4841 Cleistes rosea Lindl.: 2855, 4130, 4786 Cyclopogon olivaceus (Rolfe) Schltr.: 4413 Cyrtopodium punctatum (L.) Lindl.: 2753 Dichaea sp.: 4042, 4388, 4807 Dichaea trulla Rchb. f.: 4694 Elleanthus graminifolius (Barb. Rodr.) Lojtnant: 3943, 4611, 4724 Epidendrum sp.: 3037 Epidendrum carpophorum Barb. Rodr.: 2844, 3923 Epidendrum compressum Griseb.: 3760 Epidendrum difforme Jacq.: 3647 Epidendrum longicolle Lindl.: 2913, 4699 Epidendrum macrocarpum Rich.: 3077 Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq.: 257) Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. vat. tumuc- humaciense Veyret: 2795, 2974, 2976 Epidendrum ramosum Jacq.: 2804 Epidendrum rigidum Jacq.: 4377 Epidendrum secundum Jacq.: 2975 Epistephium sp.: 2761, 2885, 3048, 4787 Epistephium parviflorum Lindl.: 2890 Epistephium sclerophyllum Lindl.: 2734 Epistephium subrepens Hoehne: 2792, 2977 Erycina pusilla (L.) N.H. Williams & M.W. Chase): 4801 Eulophia alta (L.) Fawe. & Rendle: 4272 142 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Galeottia sp.: 4731 Habenaria sp.: 2859 Habenaria fastor Warm.: 4152 Hexisea imbricata (Lindl.) Rehb. f.: 2778 Jacquiniella globosa (Jacq.) Schltr.: 4692 Jacquiniella teretifolia (Sw.) Britton & P. Wilson: 4677 Koellensteinia kellneriana Rchb. f.: 2727 Lockhartia imbricata (Lam.) Hoehne: 2094 Maxillaria sp.: 3983 Maxillaria auvantepuiensis Foldats: 2943, 4676 Maxillaria bolivarensis C. Schweinf.: 3964, 4705 Maxillaria camaridii Rchb. f.: 3761, 4041 Maxillaria discolor (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Rehb. f.: 4033 Maxillaria mapiriensis (Kraenzl.) L.O. Williams: 2862, 4691 Maxillaria superflua Rchb. f.: 4038, 4641 Maxillaria uncata Lindl.: 2095, 3698 Octomeria sp.: 3913 Octomeria exigua C. Schweinf.; 2322 Octomeria filifolia C. Schweinf.: 2863 Otostylis lepida (Linden & Rchb. f.) Schltr: 3922 Palmorchis guianensis (Schltr.) C. Schweinf. & Correll: 4040 Pleurothallis hitchcockii Ames: 3699 Pleurothallis maguirei Luer: 3912 Pleurothallis sclerophylla Lindl.: 3846 Prosthechea pygmaea (Hook.) W.E. Higgins): 4037 Prosthechea vespa (Vell.) W.E. Higgins: 3344, 361 1b, 3697, 3711, 4687 Reichenbachanthus reflexus (Lindl.) Brade: 4682, 4690 Rodriguezia lanceolata Ruiz & Pav.: 3746, 4144 Scaphyglottis fusiformis (Griseb.) R.E. Schult.: 4686 Scaphyglottis grandiflora Ames & C. Schweinf.: 4738 Scaphyglottis modesta (Rchb. f.) Schltr.: 4620 Scaphyglottis stellata Lodd. ex Lindl.: 2914 Sobralia sp.: 3101, 4684 Sobralia infundibuligera Garay & Dunst.: 3025 Sobralia liliastrum Lindl.: 2763, 2886, 2941, 3122, 4619 Sobralia macrophylla Rehb. f.: 2762 Sobralia valida Rolfe: 4679 Stanhopea grandiflora (Lodd.) Lindl.: 4400 Stelis sp.: 3655, 3796, 4039, 4693 Stelis argentata Lindl.: 4031 Wullschlaegelia calcarata Benth.: 4844 Oxalidaceae Oxalis barrelieri L.: 1907 Oxalis frutescens L.: 3340 Passifloraceae Indet.: 1803 Passiflora sp.: 2271, 2523 Passiflora auriculata Kunth: 2690, 2744, 2834, 2982, 3081, 4091, 4116, 4327 Passiflora capparidifolia Killip: 2295, 2335, 3174, 3283 Passiflora cirrhiflora Juss.: 4061, 4211 Passiflora coccinea Aubl.: 1804, 2520, 3357, 3472, 3589, 4056, 4253 Passiflora costata Mast.: 2299 Passiflora foetida L. var. hispida (DC.) Killip: 4194 Passiflora garckei Mast.: 4000 Passiflora glandulosa Cav.: 1802, 2255, 3426, 3467, 3564 Passiflora quadriglandulosa Rodschied: 4344, 4456 Passiflora rubra L.: 2706 Passiflora sclerophylla Harms: 3046 Passiflora vespertilio L.: 3284, 3392, 3544 Phytolaccaceae Microtea debilis Sw.: 3985 Petiveria alliacea L.: 2168 Phytolacca rivinoides Kunth & Bouché: 2627, 4298 Seguieria macrophylla Benth.: 2458 Piperaceae Indet.: 4029 Peperomia sp.: 4928 Peperomia duidana Trel. ex Gleason: 2713 Peperomia elongata Kunth: 3769 Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A. Dietr.: 4397 Peperomia macrostachya (Vahl) A. Diettr.: 2755, 3416, 3639, 3695, 4263 Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr.: 4370, 4475 Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth: 3937 Peperomia quadrangularis (J.V. Thomps.) A. Dietr.: 2096 Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth: 3646, 4032, 4368, 4652, 4810 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 143 Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon: 2714, 4229, 4334, 4854 Piper sp.: 2005 Piper aduncum L.: 2605 Piper aequale Vahl: 2603, 3315, 4434, 4490 Piper anonifolium (Kunth) C. DC.: 4190, 4855 Piper anonifolium (Kunth) C. DC. var. parkerianum (C. DC.) Steyerm.: 3916 Piper arboreum Aubl.: 3325, 4195, 4299 Piper arboreum Aubl. ssp. tuberculatum (Jacq.) Tebbs: 3440 Piper augustum Rudge: 2665, 4748 Piper avellanum (Migq.) C. DC.: 3735, 3782. 3910 Piper bartlingianum (Miq.) C. DC.: 2243 Piper demeraranum (Mig.) C. DC.: 3052 Piper dilatatum Rich.: 1888, 2225, 2434 Piper divaricatum G. Mey.: 2701, 3600, 3816, 4241, 4856 Piper foveolatum Kunth ex C. DC.: 2227 Piper glabrescens (Mig.) C. DC.: 2638, 4332 Piper hispidum Sw.: 2593, 3432, 3974, 4276, 4429, 4770 Piper hostmannianum (Miq.) C. DC.: 1794, 1822, 1823, 1916, 2226, 2433, 2615, 2705, 3130, 3403, 3412, 3428, 3494, 3815, 4127, 4465 Piper marginatum Jacq.: 1903 Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pav.: 3466, 4750 Piper peltatum L.: 2587, 3938, 4254, 4764 Piper pseudoglabrescens Trel. & Yunck.: 3431, 4178, 4749 Piper trichoneuron (Mig.) C. DC.: 2047, 3309, 3313, 3323, 3324 Piper wachenheimii Trel.: 3814 Poaceae Indet.: 2813, 4271 Andropogon bicornis L.: 2640, 3214 Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) E. Britton, Stearns, & Poggenb.: 3606 Andropogon leucostachyus Kunth: 2717, 3115, 4273 Andropogon virgatus Desv.: 3069 Arthrostylidium scandens McClure: 3067 Axonopus fissifolius (Raddi) Kuhlm.: 3152 Axonopus flabelliformis Swallen: 2972 Axonopus purpusii (Mez) Chase: 2516 Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl.: 2308 Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf: 2643 Digitaria horizontalis Willd.: 2421 Echinochloa colona (L.) Link: 2422 Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase: 2981 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.: 2423 Eragrostis japonica (Thunb.) Trin.: 1923 Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) Nees: 1790, 2652, 3208, 3532, 4452 Eriochrysis cayennensis P. Beauv.: 2723 Gymnopogon foliosus (Willd.) Nees: 1754 Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth.: 1793, 3348, 3514, 4847 Ichnanthus panicoides P. Beauv.: 2590, 4360 Ichnanthus tenuis (J. Presl) Hitche. & Chase: 3352, 3516 Ischaemum timorense Kunth: 2648, 4501 Lasiacis ligulata Hitche. & Chase: 1889, 2424, 4365, 4459 Leptocoryphium lanatum (Kunth) Nees: 2153, 2860 Olyra latifolia L.: 2229, 3353, 4184 Olyra longifolia Kunth: 1897 Orthoclada laxa (Rich.) P. Beauv.: 3346 Panicum aequivaginatum Swallen: 2786 Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.: 2416 Panicum laxum Sw.: 1977 Panicum micranthum Kunth: 2018 Panicum nervosum Lam.: 2718 Panicum parvifolium Lam.: 1956, 4101 Panicum pilosum Sw.: 1972, 2240, 2357, 3582, 3850 Panicum polycomum Trin.: 2912, 3074 Panicum rudgei Roem. & Schult.: 2035, 2647, 4126 Panicum stoloniferum Poir.: 1927, 2402, 2472, 2475, 2476, 3876, 4249 Panicum trichoides Sw.: 1921 Pariana campestris Aubl.: 3811 Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex D6ll: 2406, 4837 Parodiolyra micrantha (Kunth) Davidse & Zuloaga: 2105, 2667, 2871, 4719 Paspalum arenarium Schrad.: 3149 Paspalum conjugatum P.J. Bergius: 2646, 3360 Paspalum convexum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Fliiggé: 1943 Paspalum lanciflorum Trin,: 2725 Paspalum melanospermum Desv. ex Poir.: 2644, 4282 Paspalum pilosum Lam.: 3363 Paspalum virgatum L.: 3205, 3347, 3573 Schizachyrium condensatum (Kunth) Nees: 3116 Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguelen: 2641 144 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Sporobolus cubensis Hitche.: 2512 Sporobolus jacquemontii Kunth: 4296, 4498 Trachypogon spicatus (L. f.) Kuntze: 2979, 3198 Podostemaceae Apinagia richardiana (Tul.) P. Royen: 3326 Apinagia surumuensis (Engl.) P. Royen: 3276 Mourera fluviatilis Aubl.: 3377 Polygalaceae Indet.: 2563, 2799, 3757 Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) A.W. Benn.: 2555 Moutabea guianensis Aubl.: 2081 Polygala adenophora DC.: 1708, 1948 Polvgala appressa Benth.: 4788 Polygala appressa Benth. var. gracillima (S. Watson) A.W. Benn.: 2880 Polvgala hygrophila Kunth: 2739 Polygala longicaulis Kunth: 2490, 3238 Polygala subtilis Kunth: 2052 Polygala timoutou Aubl.: 2019, 4586 Polygala variabilis Kunth: 175] Securidaca paniculata Rich.: 3180 Securidaca pyramidalis Sprague ex Sandwith: 4802 Polygonaceae Coccoloba parimensis Benth.: 1727 Coccoloba schomburgkii Meisn.: 3003 Symmeria paniculata Benth.: 1992, 2167, 2304 Triplaris weigeltiana (Rchb.) Kuntze: 3394 Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea L.: 2397 Quiinaceae Indet.: 1993, 3058, 4199, 4356, 4409, 442] Quiina obovata Tul.: 2344 Quiina rhytidopus Tul.: 1994 Rafflesiaceae Indet.: 4326 Rapateaceae Indet.: 3657 Rapatea fanshawei Maguire: 3098 Rapatea membranacea Maguire: 3932 Rapatea paludosa Aubl.: 3671, 3805, 3890, 4639 Rapatea paludosa Aubl. var. paludosa: 3299 Rapatea stevermarkii Maguire: 2812 Rapatea ulei Pilg.: 3934 Saxofridericia regalis R.H. Schomb.: 2838, 4609, 4885 Spathanthus unilateralis (Rudge) Desv.: 3656, 3672, 3694, 3804, 3869, 4006, 4868 Spathanthus unilateralis (Rudge) Desv. var. unilateralis: 3565 Stegolepis angustata Gleason: 3006, 4601 Stegolepis ferruginea Baker f.: 4720 Stegolepis ptaritepuiensis Steyerm.: 2906 Rhabdodendraceae Rhabdodendron amazonicum (Spruce ex Benth.) Huber: 3251 Rhamnaceae Indet.: 2942, 4212, 4494 Gouania colurnifolia Reissek: 2426 Rhizophoraceae Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.: 4219 Rubiaceae Indet.: 1747, 2432, 2446, 3056, 3590, 3629, 3935, 3993, 4520, 4521, 4594, 4661, 4670, 4722, 4828, 4834, 4857, 4878 Alibertia sp.: 3967 Alibertia edulis (Rich.) A. Rich. ex DC.: 2316 Borreria sp.: 4782 Borreria assurgens (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb.: 3317, 3790, 3819, 3855, 4507 Borreria capitata (RUiz & Pav.) DC.: 4067 Borreria densiflora DC.: 3529, 3856, 4275, 4506 Borreria hispida Spruce ex K. Schum.: 2483 Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) K. Schum. var. latifolia: 2495, 3857, 4052, 4335, 4508 Borreria prostrata (Aubl.) Mig.: 1910 Bothriospora corymbosa (Benth.) Hook. f.: 2294, 2355 Chalepophyllum sp.: 3023 Chalepophyllum guianense Hook. f.: 4597 Chimarrhis microcarpa Standl.: 4411, 4472 Chiococea alba (L.) Hitehe.: 3110 Chomelia angustifolia Benth.: 1901, 2381, 3286 Coccocypselum sp.: 1730 Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC.: 2760, 2998, 3225, 3607, 3888, 4107 Coussarea leptoloba (Spreng. ex Benth. & Hook. f.) Miill. Arg.: 4269 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 145 Declieuxia fruticosa (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Kuntze: 2877 Didymochlamys connellii N.E. Br.: 3825, 4918 Diodia sp.: 2484 Diodia apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) K. Schum.: 1852 Diodia hyssopifolia (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Cham. & Schltdl.: 3341 Duroia eriopila L. f.: 2274, 3132, 3683 Duroia fusifera Hook. f. ex K. Schum.: 1970, 2949 Faramea capillipes Mill. Arg.: 4913 Faramea egregia Sandwith: 4627 Faramea maguirei Steyerm.: 2666, 3148 Faramea morilloi Steyerm.: 2682 Faramea multiflora A. Rich. ex DC.: 4420 Faramea sessilifolia (Kunth) DC.: 1967, 1976 Genipa americana L.: 2126, 2552 Genipa spruceana Steyerm.: 2579, 3259, 3750 Geophila sp.: 3784 Geophila repens (L.) 1.M. Johnst.: 4336, 4359 Gonzalagunia bunchosioides Standl.: 4175 Gonzalagunia dicocca Cham. & Schltdl.: 2586 Hoffmannia sp.: 3622 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.: 3319, 3543 Isertia parviflora Vahl: 2376, 4093 Ixora graciliflora Benth.: 2450 lxora potaroensis Steyerm.: 3443, 3490, 4825, 4877 Ixora ulei K. Krause: 4642 Ladenbergia lambertiana (A. Braun ex Mart.) Klotzsch: 2800 Malanea gabrielensis Mill. Arg.: 2751 Manettia alba (Aubl.) Wernham: 3082, 3111 Morinda brachycalyx (Bremek.) Steyerm.: 1836 Morinda calycina (Benth.) Steyerm.: 2048, 2413 Morinda tenuiflora (Benth.) Steyerm.: 1851 Notopleura uliginosa (Sw.) Bremek.: 2594, 3450, 4193 Oldenlandia lancifolia (Schumach.) DC.: 1909 Pagamea capitata Benth.: 3086, 3145 Pagamea guianensis Aubl.: 2507 Palicourea sp.: 4842 Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Roem. & Schult.: 1947, 4447 Palicourea croceoides Ham.: 1869, 1966, 2541, 2748, 3189, 4099, 4191 Palicourea guianensis Aubl.: 2241, 2673, 3553, 4244 Palicourea rigida Kunth: 2505 Palicourea triphylla DC.: 2766, 3053, 3151 Patima guianensis Aubl.: 3439, 3826 Perama dichotoma Poepp. & Endl.: 2809, 3075, 4715 Perama galioides (Kunth) Poir.: 2017 Perama hirsuta Aubl.: 2857, 4595 Posoqueria longiflora Aubl.: 3797 Psychotria sp.: 3041, 4726 Psychotria acuminata Benth.: 1936, 2602, 2657 Psychotria aetantha (Sandwith) Steyerm.: 3491 Psychotria anceps Kunth: 2691 Psychotria apoda Steyerm.: 2235, 3117, 3125, 3493, 3562, 3686, 3845, 4210, 4843 Psychotria astrellantha Wernham: 2948 Psychotria bahiensis DC.: 2470, 3802, 4796 Psychotria barbiflora DC.: 2345, 2869, 3221, 3374, 3780, 3785 Psychotria bostrychothyrsus Sandwith: 3982, 4932 Psychotria bracteocardia (DC.) Mill. Arg.: 1862, 1887, 1896 Psychotria capitata Ruiz & Pav.: 1879, 3722, 3753 Psychotria crassa Benth.: 4683 Psychotria crocochlamys Sandwith: 3089, 3920, 4710 Psychotria cupularis (Mill. Arg.) Standl.: 3866 Psychotria deflexa DC.: 4648 Psychotria deflexa DC. ssp. venulosa (Mill. Arg.) Steyerm.: 2658 Psychotria egensis Mill. Arg.: 2884 Psychotria erecta (Aubl.) Standl. & Steyerm.: 2674, 4217, 4443 Psychotria guadalupensis (DC.) R.A. Howard: 3824 Psychotria hemicephaelis Wernham: 3094 Psychotria hoffmannseggiana (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Mill. Arg.: 2747, 3127 Psychotria iodotricha Miill. Arg.: 3451 Psychotria mapourioides DC.: 3716 Psychotria mazaruniensis Standl.: 3905, 4775 Psychotria muscosa (Jacq.) Steyerm.: 4655, 4816 Psychotria paniculata (Aubl.) Raeusch.: 2659, 3218 Psychotria platypoda DC.: 3980, 4226 Psychotria poeppigiana Mill. Arg.: 2589, 3142, 4638 Psychotria polvcephala Benth.: 2261, 3118, 3295 Psychotria potaroensis (Sandwith) Steyerm.: 3921, 4869 146 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Psychotria psittacina Steyerm.: 3437, 3510, 3592 Psychotria racemosa Rich.: 2360, 2662, 4223 Psychotria rosea (Benth.) Mill. Arg.: 3681 Psychotria sandwithiana (Steyerm.) Steyerm.: 3924, 4901 Psychotria transiens Wernham: 3596 Psychotria ulviformis Steyerm.: 4387 Randia armata (Sw.) DC.: 2098, 2173, 2193 Remijia densiflora Benth.: 2874 Retiniphyllum sp.: 2731, 2909 Retiniphyllum schomburgkii (Benth.) Mill. Arg.: 1768, 3119, 4779 Rosenbergiodendron densiflorum (K. Schum.) Fagerl.: 2152 Rudgea sp.: 2077 Rudgea cornifolia (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Roem. & Schult.) Standl.: 4035 Rudgea hostmanniana Benth.: 4903 Sabicea glabrescens Benth.: 3254, 4324 Sabicea oblongifolia (Miq.) Steyerm.: 2270, 4483 Sabicea villosa Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.: 4045 Semaphyllanthe venezuelensis (Steyerm.) L. Andersson: 2779 Sipanea sp.: 1984, 3571, 3871, 4761, 4824 Sipanea biflora (L. f.) Cham. & Schltdl: 4189 Sipanea gleasonii Steyerm.: 1934 Sipanea hispida Benth. ex Wernham: 3506 Sipanea micrantha Sandwith: 3779 Sipanea pratensis Aubl.: 2403, 3209, 4055 Sipanea wilson-brownei R.S. Cowan: 3478 Sipaneopsis sp.: 3853 Spermacoce glabra Michx.: 1924 Unearia guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel.: 2084, 2469, 3181, 3786, 4198 Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) DC.: 4516 Rutaceae Conchocarpus fanshawei (Sandwith) Kallunki & Pirani: 3557 Ertela trifolia (L.) Kuntze: 2393 Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam.: 4328 Sabiaceae Ophiocaryon maguirei Barneby: 3438, 3464, 347] Sapindaceae Indet.: 2444 Cupania hirsuta Radlk.: 2410, 4319, 4339 Cupania scrobiculata Rich.: 4062 Matayba elegans Radlk.: 3336 Matayba opaca Radlk.: 4122 Matayba peruviana Radlk.: 2244 Matayba ptariana Steyerm.: 3035 Paullinia pinnata L.: 2377 Paullinia rufescens Rich. ex Juss.: 3187, 3909 Paullinia verrucosa Radlk.: 2411 Serjania membranacea Splitg.: 3954, 4497 Serjania paucidentata DC.: 2502 Sapotaceae Indet.: 1736, 1872, 2175, 2339, 2477, 2917, 3292, 4003, 4882 Chrvsophyllum sp.: 2192 Micropholis venulosa (Mart. & Eichler) Pierre: 3164 Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni: 2462 Pouteria rigida (Mart. & Eichler) Radlk. var. rigida: 2895 Pradosia schomburgkiana (A. DC.) Cronquist: 2899, 2971 Scrophulariaceae Indet.: 2053, 2115, 4289 Achetaria guianensis Pennell: 4504, 4943 Bacopa aquatica Aubl.: 3297 Benjaminia reflexa (Benth.) D’Arcy: 2023 Buchnera rosea Kunth: 309] Conobea aquatica Aubl.: 1881, 2021 Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell.: 2437 Scoparia dulcis L.: 2134, 2392, 3407, 4592 Simaroubaceae Picramnia guianensis (Aubl.) Jans.-Jac.: 4245 Quassia amara L.: 2359 Siparunaceae Indet.: 1932, 3617 Siparuna: 3055 Siparuna decipiens (Tul.) A. DC.: 3881 Siparuna guianensis Aubl.: 1814, 2653, 3358, 3631, 4082, 4213 Smilacaceae Smilax sp.: 1846, 2354, 3748, 3809 Smilax cumanensis Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.: 1725, 2939 Smilax schomburgkiana Kunth: 2698, 3162, 3186, 3383, 3766, 3961, 4259, 4316, 4484 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 147 Smilax syphilitica Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.: 2239 Solanaceae Indet.: 2210, 4509 Capsicum frutescens L.: 1940, 2174 Cestrum latifolium Lam.: 4300 Cyphomandra hartwegii (Miers) Walp. ssp. hartwegii: 2418 Lycianthes sp.: 4009 Lycianthes pauciflora (Vahl) Bitter: 3454, 4806 Markea camponoti Ducke: 3444 Markea coccinea Rich.: 2234 Physalis pubescens L.: 4767 Schwenckia americana L.: 2439 Solandra sp.: 4813 Solanum sp.: 1786, 4004 Solanum americanum Mill.: 2604, 3207 Solanum asperum Rich.: 1957, 2529 Solanum coriaceum Dunal: 1792, 1806, 4005 Solanum costatum M. Nee: 3456 Solanum crinitum Lam.: 1821 Solanum fulvidum Bitter: 4911 Solanum jamaicense Mill.: 3788 Solanum leucocarpon Dunal: 1810, 1913, 3554, 3926, 4020, 4048 Solanum monachophyllum Dunal: 1844, 1990 Solanum oocarpum Sendtn.: 2273 Solanum paludosum Moric.: 1721 Solanum pensile Sendtn.: 3338, 3391 Solanum rugosum Dunal: 2427, 2614, 3129 Solanum schlechtendalianum Walp.: 3509, 4304 Solanum sect. Erythrotrichum: 2055 Solanum stramoniifolium Jacq.: 1723, 1926, 2636, 3316, 3580, 3847, 4303 Solanum subinerme Jacq.: 2527, 2530, 2621, 2626, 2788, 3114, 4071, 4274, 4302, 4752 Sterculiaceae Indet.: 2457 Byttneria divaricata Benth.: 2161 Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.: 2116, 2172 Helicteres sp.: 2132 Melochia arenosa Benth.: 1991 Melochia spicata (L.) Fryxell: 2158 Waltheria indica L.: 1720, 1944 Waltheria involucrata Benth.: 1837 Symplocaceae Symplocos guianensis (Aubl.) Giirke: 2536 Theaceae Indet.: 1728 Ternstroemia sp.: 2930, 3018, 4622, 4889 Theophrastaceae Clavija sp.: 2196 Clavija lancifolia Desf.: 2371 Thurniaceae Thurnia sphaerocephala (Rudge) Hook. f. ssp. nov.: 2830, 4740 Thurnia sphaerocephala (Rudge) Hook. f.: 3560, 4007 Thymelaeaceae Goodallia guianensis Benth.: 1876 Tiliaceae Corchorus orinocensis Kunth: 1983 Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq.: 2125 Trigoniaceae Trigonia hypoleuca Griseb.: 2349 Trigonia laevis Aubl. var. microcarpa (Sagot ex Warm.) Sagot: 3878 Trigonia subcymosa Benth.: 3684 Trigonia villosa Aubl. var. villosa: 3278, 3327 Triuridaceae Sciaphila albescens Benth.: 4372 Turneraceae Indet.: 2163 Piriqueta cistoides (L.) Griseb.: 1959 Turnera sp.: 1866, 2296 Turnera aurantiaca Benth.: 3279 Ulmaceae Trema micrantha (L.) Blume: 1894, 2362, 2430, 2695, 3128, 3429, 4352 Urticaceae Pilea pubescens Liebm.: 4227 Velloziaceae Vellozia candida J.C. Mikan: 2960 Verbenaceae Amasonia campestris (Aubl.) Moldenke: 2486, 3942, 4644, 4723 148 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell Lantana camara L.: 2618, 2619, 3224, 3365, 4493 Lippia betulifolia Kunth: 1859, 4172 Lippia origanoides Kunth: 1849 Petrea volubilis L.: 3298, 4448 Priva lappulacea (L.) Pers.: 4519 Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl: 2054, 3361, 3854, 3915, 4510 Vitex sp.: 1838 Vitex capitata Vahl: 2038 Vitex compressa Turez.: 2205 Vitex schomburgkiana Schauer: 2185 Violaceae Indet.: 3513 Corynostylis arborea (L.) S.F. Blake: 2348, 2351, 2352 Paypayrola guianensis Aubl.: 3447 Paypayrola longifolia Tul.: 3219, 4248, 4375 Rinorea sp.: 4208 Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) Sprague & Sandwith: 1928, 3370, 3385, 4325 Rinorea pubiflora (Benth.) Sprague & Sandwith var. grandifolia (Eichler) Hekking: 3719 Rinorea riana (DC.) Kuntze: 2358 Viscaceae Dendrophthora elliptica (Gardner) Krug & Urb.: 2904 Phoradendron crassifolium (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler: 2336, 4015 Phoradendron mucronatum (DC.) Krug & Urb.: 2194 Phoradendron perrottetii (DC.) Eichler: 1750, 2183, 3194 Phoradendron racemosum (Aubl.) Krug & Urb.: 4473 Vitaceae Cissus erosa Rich.: 1776, 1858, 3216, 3285, 4112 Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis: 2356, 2419, 2420, 4462 Vochysiaceae Qualea polychroma Stafleu: 2819 Ruizterania rigida (Stafleu) Marc.-Berti: 2916 Vochysia sp.: 3047 Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Mey.) DC.: 1989, 3381, 3744 Xyridaceae Abolboda acaulis Maguire var. acaulis: 2881 Abolboda grandis Griseb. var. rigida Malme: 4602 Xyris sp.: 2848 Xyris fallax Malme: 2722, 3009 Xyris guianensis Steud.: 1704, 4794 Xyris involucrata Nees: 1778, 2882, 3010, 3150, 4792 Xyris jupicai Rich.: 1770, 3538, 3619 Xvris laxifolia Mart. var. laxifolia: 1880, 4102, 4151 Avris savanensis Miq.: 1705 Xyris surinamensis Spreng.: 4583 Zingiberaceae Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.) Maas: 1918, 2639, 423] Renealmia guianensis Maas: 4345 Renealmia monosperma Miq.: 2925, 4774 Renealmia orinocensis Rusby: 3300, ILLUSTRATIONS Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell 149 Plate 1. Nvmphoides indica (L.) Kuntze (Menyanthaceae), a rooted aquatic collected from Lama Creek in the East Demerara Water Conser- vancy. McDowell, Horn & Wiersma 4159. Plate 2. Urospatha sagittifolia (Rudge) Schott (Araceae), collected near the banks of the Utshe River on the trail to Venezuela. McDowell & Gopaul 2845. Plate 3. 4echmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae), A epiphytic bromeliad characteristic of moist forests in northern South America, especially near rivers. Col- sted ¢ o an > ibo werd ‘ stre; Kar € rl. . en - a . —_ ; . . lected long end Essequibo River just upstream of Kurupukart ibo River at high water, September 1990. The specimen is MeDowsell 2422 probably Combretum rotundifolium Rich. McDowell 3329 . ae. Plate 4. Youth Challenge International (YCI) students assisting with the pressing of collections, along the Essequ- 150 Guyana Plant Collections: T. McDowell > F _ Plate 5. Passiflora garckei Mast. (Passifloraceae). This vine was collected near the camp on the west branch of the Eping River. McDowell & Stobey 4000 Plate 6. Zillandsia fendleri Griseb., an epiphyte collected near the confluence of the Kamarang River with the Mazarunt River. McDowell & Gopaul 2583 Plate 7. Psittacanthus lasianthus Sandwith Plate 8 (Loranthaceae). This photograph was taken by McDowell at Kaieteur National Park, but a specimen was not col- . Genipa americana Steyerm. (Rubiaceae). This is a small tree species characteristic of lake and river shores in northern South America. Collected near Fairview Landing on the east bank of the Essequibo River, opposite [wokrama. |9 September 1990, McDow- ell 3259, collected with the YCI students. lected. This parasitic plant, or “mistletoe”, is endemic to the Guiana Shield, and Kaieteur is the type locality.