~ Pa oh are SOL el rats wae WH oor errr iene Seen eee An ae ne oli er ete tee at Book__» 9) 6% Cope COPYRIGHT DEPOSI; ee high ieee , i eal 4 MODERN SILAGE METHODS WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. An entirely new and practical work on Silos, their construction and the process of filling, to which is added complete and reliable information regarding Silage and its compo- sition; feeding, and a treatise on rations, being a FEEDERS’ AND DAIRYMENS’ GUIDE. PUBLISHED AND COPYRIGHTED BY of ¥ THE SILVER MANUFACTURING CO. | SALEM, OHIO, SO a 19038. Tv) Copyrighted 1903, by The Silver Mfg. Co. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received APR 13 1903 Cgpynght Entry (ifer 13.1903 CLASS Q XxXc. No, ay os 2 COPY B. SALEM, OHIO: THE A. K, TATEM LABEL CO. 1903. MODERN SILAGE METHODS. PREPACE, This book has been written and published for the pur- pose of furnishing our patrons and others with accurate and full information on the subject of silo construction and the making of silage. It has been the aim of the authors to present the subject ina clear matter-of-fact manner, with- out flourish of rhetoric or flights of imagination, believing that the truth concerning the advantages of the siloing sys- tem is good enough. The testimony presented, which is pur- posely kept close to the experiences of authorities on feeding subjects in and outside of experiment stations, will abund- antly prove, we believe, that the equipment of an American dairy or stock farm is no longer complete without one or more silos on it. In order that a work of this kind be accurate and reliable, and bear the scrutiny of scientific readers, the use of a number of scientific terms and phrases is rendered necessary, and in order that these may be more ready com- prehended by Agriculturists, a comprehensive glossary or dictionary of such terms is included, following the last chapter, which can be referred to from time to time, or can be studied previous to reading the book. In the compilation of certain parts of the book we have had the valuable assistance of Prof. Woll, of Wisconsin Experiment Station, author of ‘‘A Book on Silage’’ and “‘A Handbook for Farmers and Dairymen’’. Free use of the former book has been made in the preparation of this vol- ume, as well as of experiment station publications treating the subject of silage. « «..,Hoping that ‘‘Modern Silage Methods’’ will prove help- ‘,: £‘ful to 50 6%, GUL eke on VEL CUly, Sete fist tae ot THE SILVER MFG. CO. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ETI £62 ASCARIS Sak Ry PRR SREP aC LT PME GOING i RN, et ey hes ge ese he ea 9 Che Like. Advantages of the Silo— Preservation of a larger quar- tity of original food value enabled by the use of the Silo than any method known—Losses of nutritive _value in dry curing—Small losses in the Siloing pro- cess—The Silo furnishes a feed of uniform quality— Economy of making— EHconomy of Storage—No danger of rain—No danger of latesummer droughts —Food from thistles—Value in intensive farming. CHAP YT ER y GE. How. 10 BUILD A. SILG: Silos—General requirements for silo structures—On the size of silo required—On the form of silos— Relation of horizontal feeding—Area and number of cows kept— Location of the silo—Different types of silo structures—Round wooden silos—The silo roof—Modifications of the Wisconsin Silo—Plaster- ed round wooden Silos—Brick-lined Silos — Stave Silos—Cheap Stave Silos—A modification of a Stave Silo—Connecting round silos with the barn—Other forms of round silos—Brick and Stone Silos—Silos in the barn—A small $30 Silo—Octagonal Silos— Cost and estimates for different kinds of Si os. Criar CMR) Lit. Silage Crops—Indian Corn—Soils best adapted to corn culture and preparation of land—Varieties of corn for the silo—Time of cutting corn for the silo— Methods of planting corn—Other silage crops. CHAPTER IV. Filling the Silo—Indian Corn—Siloing corn ‘‘ears and all’’—The filling process—The proper distribution of cut material in the silo—Size of cutter and power required—Length of chain elevator required— Direc- tions for operating ‘‘Ohio’’ Blower Cutters—Danger from carbonic-acid poisoning in silos—Covering the siloed fodder—Use of water in filling silos—Clover for summer silage—Freezing of silage. CRAPEBRE «WV. How to feed silage—Silage for milch cows—Silage in the production of certified milk—Silage for beef cattle—for Horses— for Sheep—for Swine— Silage for poultry—Additional testimony as to the advant- age of silage-—-Corn silage as compared with root crops-— Corn silage as compared with hay—Corn silage compared with fodder corn. CHAP PER Vi A feeder’s guide--Composition of the animal body— Composition of feeding stuffs—-Digestibility of foods —Relative value of feeding stuffs-—-Feeding stand- ards—-How to figure out rations— Grain mixtures for dairy cows—Average composition of Silage crops of different kinds, in per cent—Analysis of Feeding stuffs—Ready reference tables. CONCLUSION. c¢ Modern Silage Methods. INTRODUCTION. Twenty years ago few farmers knew what a silo was, and fewer still,had ever seen a silo or fed silage to their stock. ‘Today silos are as common as barn buildings in many farming districts in this country, and thousands of farmers would want to quit farming if they could not have silage to feed to their stock dur- ing the larger portion of the year. Twenty years ago it would have been necessary to begin a book describ- ing the siloing system with definitions, what is meant by silos and silage: now all farmers who read agricul- tural papers or attend agricultural or dairy conventions are at least familiar with these words, evenif they had not had a chance to become familiar with the appear- ance and properties of silage. They know that a SILO is an air-tight structure used for the preserva- tion of green, coarse fodders in a succulent condition, and that SILAGE is the feed taken out of a silo. We shall later see which crops are adapted for silage making, but want to state here at the outset that In- dian corn is pre-eminently the American crop suited to be preserved in silos, and that this crop is siloed far more than all other kinds of crops put together. When the word silage is mentioned we, therefore, instinct- ively think of corn silage. We shall also follow this plan in the discussions in this book ; when only silage is spoken of we mean silage made from the corn plant ; if made from other crops the name of the crop is al- ways given, as clover silage, peavine silage, etc. FTistory of the silo. While the silo in one form or another dates back to antiquity, it was not until the IO INTRODUCTION. latter part of the seventies that the building of silos intended for manufacture of silage began in this coun- try. In 1882 the United States Department of Agri- culture could find only ninety-one farmers in this country who used silos. During thelast twenty years, however, silos have gradually become general in all sections of the country where dairying and stock-rais- ing are important industries ; it is likely, if a census were taken of the number of silos in this county to- day, that we would find between a third and a half million of them. The silo is today considered a neces- sity on thousands of dairy farms, and we find most of them in the states that rank first as dairy states, viz: New York, Iowa, Illinois, Wiscons.n, Pennsylvania, etc. The farmers that have had most experience with silage are the most enthusiastic advocates of the silo- ing system, and the testimony of intelligent dairymen all over the country is strongly in favor of the silo. Said a New York farmer recently in one of our main agricultural papers: ‘‘I would as soon try to farm without a barn as without a silo,’’ and another wrote ‘*T wouldn’t take a thousand dollars for my siloif I could not replace it.’? The well-known agricultural writer, Joseph EK. Wing, says, ‘No stock feeder who grows corn can afford to ignore the silo.’’ ‘‘ Buff Jer- sey,” an Illinois dairy farmer and writer on agricult- ural topics, declares his faith in silage as follows: ‘‘I am fully satisfied that silage is a better feed, and a cheaper one, than our pastures.’’ Another writer says: ‘‘ The silo to my mind presents so many ad- vantages over the system of soiling that it is bound to eventually do away with the use of soiling crops.’’ According to the Cornell Experiment Station, ‘‘ the silo, especially to the dairy farmer, has become an al- most necessary adjunct to the equipment of the farm.’’ Our first effort in writing this book will be to pre- sent facts that will back up these statements, and how the reader the many advantages of the silo over S INTRODUCTION. EI other systems of growing and curing crops for the feeding of farm animals. We shall show that up-to- date dairy or stock farming is well nigh impossible without the aid of a silo. The silo enables us to feed live stock succulent feeds the year around, and pre- serves the fodder in a better condition and with less waste than any other system can. Weshall see the why and wherefore of this in the following pages, and shall deal with the best way of making and feeding silage to farm animals. We wish to state at the out- set that we do not propose to indulge in unwarranted statements or claims that will not stand the closest in- vestigation. In the early days of the history of the silo movement it was thought necessary to make exag- gerated claims, but this is no longer the case. Naked facts are sufficient to secure for the silo a permanent place among the necessary equipment of a modern dairy or stock farm. Im discussing the silo we shall keep close to what has been found out at our expert- ment stations, and, we believe, shall be able to prove to any fair-minded reader that the silo is the greatest boon that has come to modern agriculture since the first reaper was manufactured, and that with competi- tion and resulting low prices, it will be likely to be- come more of a necessity to our farmers in the future than it has been in the past. We aim to convince our readers that the most sensible thing they can do is to plan to build a silo at onceif they do not now have one. It is unnecessary to argue with those who are already the happy possessors of a silo, for it is a general expe- rience where a farmer has only provided for immediate wants in building his silo that he will build another as soon as he has had some experience with silage and finds out how his stock likes it, and how well they do on it. Modern practice has proved that no man need say ‘*T cannot afford a silo,’’ because any farmer who is at all handy with hammer and saw can provide a silo I2 INTRODUCTION. large enough for a medium-sized dairy with very little actual outlay of money. And this same built-at-home silo will earn for its owner money to build another, and enlarge his herd. We shall give directions for building several kinds of such silos on the following pages. While they will not be apt to last as long, and therefore are not per- haps as economical in the long run as more substan- tially-built silos, still they do excellent service until some experience with making and feeding silage has been obtained, or until the farmer can afford to put up a more substantial structure. We mention this fact here to show tonite who may be considering the matter of building a silo, or who may be inclined to think that the silo is an expensive luxury, only for rich farmers, that the cost of a silo need not debar them from the advantages of having one on their farm, and thus secure a uniform succulent feed for their stock through the whole winter. Farm- ers who have not as yet informed themselves in regard to the value of the silo and silage on dairy or stock farms, are respectfully asked to read carefully the fol- lowing statements of the advantages of the silo system over other methods of preserving green forage for winter or summer feeding. It has been said ‘‘ Whoever makes two blades of grass grow where but one grew before is a benefactor to mankind.’’ A silo makes it possible to keep two cows where but one was kept before, and who would not gladly double his income? Does not this interest you? EAE HR! Ff. ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. 1. The stlo enables us to preserve a larger quantity of the food materials of the original fodder for the feea- ing of farm animals than ts possible by any other system of preservation now known. Pasture grass is the ideal feed for live stock, but it is not available more than a few months in the year. The same holds true with all soiling crops or tame grasses as well. When made into hay the grasses and other green crops lose some of the food material contained therein, both on account of unavoidable losses of leaves and other tender parts, and on account of fermentations which take place while the plants are drying out or being cured. In case of Indian corn the losses from the latter source are considerable, owing the coarse stalks of the plant and the large number of air-cells in the pith of these. Under the best of conditions cured fodder corn will lose at least ten per cent. of its food value when cured in shocks ; such a low loss can only be obtained when the shocks are cared for under cover, or out in the field under ideal weather conditions. In ordinary farm practice the loss in nutritive value will approach twenty-five per cent., and will even exceed this figure unless special precautions are taken in handling the fodder, and it is not left exposed to all kinds of weath- er in shocks in the field through the whole winter. These figures may seem surprisingly large to many farmers who have left fodder out all winter long, and find the corn in the inside of the shock bright and green, almost as it was when put up. But appear- ances are deceitful; if the shocks had been weighed as they were put up. and again in the late winter, another story would be told, and it would be found 14 ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. that the shocks only weighed anywhere from a third to a half as much as when they were cured and ready to be put in the barn late in the fall ; if chemical anal- yses of the corn in the shocks were made in the fall, and when taken down, it would be found that the de- crease in weight was not caused by evaporation of wa- ter from the fodder, but by waste of food materials contained therein from fermentations, or the action of enzymes. (See Glossary. ) The correctness of the figures given above has been abundantly proved by careful experiments conducted ata number of different experiment stations, notably the Wisconsin, New Jersey, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Colorado experiment stations. A summary of the main work in this line is given in Prof. Woll’s Book on Silage. In the Wisconsin experiments there was an average loss of 23.8 percent. in the dry matter (see Glossary), and 24.3 per cent. of protein, during four different years, when over 36 tons of green fodder had been put up in shocks and carefully weighed and sampled at the beginning and end of the experiment. These shocks had been left out for different lengths of time, under varying conditions of weather, and made from different kinds of corn, so as to present a variety of conditions. The Colorado experiments are perhaps the most convincing as tothe losses which unavoidably take place in the curing of Indian cornin shocks. The following account is taken from Prof. Cook’s report of the experiments. As the conditions described in the investigation will apply to most places on our con- tinent where Indian corn is cured for fodder, it will be well for farmers to carefully look into the results of the experiment. ‘‘Tt is believed by most farmers that, in the dry cli- mate of Colorado, fodder corn, where cut and shocked in good shape, cures without loss of feeding value, and that the loss of weight that occurs is merely due to the drying out of the water. A test of this question was LOSSES IN DRY CURING. 15 | ans 3 ) made in the fall of 1893, and the results obtained seemed to indicate that fully a third of the feeding value was lost in the curing. This result was so sur- prising that the figures were not published, fearing that some error had crept in, though we could not see where there was the possibility of a mistake. ‘‘In the fall of 1894 the test was repeated on a lar- ger scale. A lot of corn was carefully weighed and sampled. It was then divided into three portions: one was spread on the ground in a thin layer, the sec- ond part was set up in large shocks, containing about five hundred pounds of green fodder in each, while the rest was shocked tn small bundles. After remaining thus for some months, until thoroughly cured, the por- tions were weighed, sampled, and analyzed separately. The table gives the losses that occurred in the curing. ——~=< Large Shocks.|Small Shocks: |On te Ground otal) Wayay ee otal Dry | Total Dry Weight|Matter.| Weight|Matter-| Weight| Matter. Lbs. bs: Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. When Shocked...... O52 14 217. | e294 iy 186 | 42 velh i Gl neh 6 pha 258 | 150 64) 44 oll hte Loss in Weight ....| 694 67 e230" 8 Sa 153") 28 Per Cent: of (Loss. ) 73 31 78 | 43 82) jc55 ‘* So far as could be told by the eye, there had been no loss. The fodder had cured in nice shape, and the stalks on the inside of the bundles retained their green color, with no sign of molding or heating. And yet the large shocks had lost 31 percent. of their dry matter, or feeding value; the small shocks 43 per cent. and the corn spread on the ground 55 per cent. ‘“‘On breaking or cutting the stalks these losses were explained. The juice was acid, and there was a very strong acid odor, showing that an active fermen- tation was taking place in this seemingly dry fodder. 16 ' ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. We had noticed this strong odor the fall before and all through the winter. When the fodder corn for the steers is put through the feed cutter that same strong smell is present. ‘“TIt can be said, then, that the dryness of the clim- ate in Colorado does not prevent fodder corn from los- ing a large part of its feeding value through fermenta- tion. Indeed, the loss from this source is fully as great as in the damp climate of New England. ‘“As compared with the losses by fermentation in the silo, the cured fodder shows considerably the higher loss.’’ In experiments at the Wisconsin station eleven shocks cured under cover in the barn lost on an aver- age over 8 per cent. of dry matter and toward 14 per cent. of protein. In an experiment at the Maine Sta- tion over 14 per cent. of dry matter was lost in the process of slow drying of a large sample of fodder corn under the most favorable circumstances. ‘‘It is interesting to note that this loss falls almost entirely on the nitrogen-free extract, or carbohydrates (see Glossary), more than two-thirds of it being actually accounted for by the diminished percentage of sugars.”’ Since such losses will occur in fodder cured under cover with all possible care, it is evident that the aver- age losses of dry matter in field-curing fodder corn, given in the preceding, by no means can be considered exaggerated. Exposure to rain and storm, abrasion of dry leaves and thin stalks, and other factors tend to diminish the nutritive value of the fodder, aside from the losses from fermentations, so that very often only one-half of the food materials originally present in the fodder is left by the time it is fed out. The re- maining portion of the fodder has, furthermore, a lower digestibility and a lower feeding value than the fodder corn when put up, for the reason that the fer- mentations occurring during the curing process de- stroy the most valuable and easily digestible part, 7. e., THE SILOING PROCESS. 17 the sugar and starch of the nitrogen-free extract, which are soluble, or readily rendered soluble, in the process of digestion. 2. Lossesin the Siloing Process. As compared with the large losses in food materials in field-curing of Indian corn there are but comparatively small losses in the silo, caused by fermentation processes, or decomposi- tion of the living plant cells as they are dying off. The losses in this case have been repeatedly deter- mined by experiment stations, and, among others, by those mentioned in the preceding. The average losses of dry matter in the fodder corn during the siloing period of four seasons (1887-’91) as determined by Prof. Woll at the Wisconsin Experiment Station was about 16 per cent. The silos used in these trials, as in case of nearly all the early experiments on this point, were small and shallow, however, only 14 feet deep, were rectangular in form, and not always _ per- fectly air-tight, a most important point in silo construc- tion, as we shall see, and a portion of the silage there- fore came out spoilt, thus increasing the losses of food materials in the siloing process. The losses reported were, therefore, too great, and there is now an abund- ance of evidence at hand showing that the figures given are higher than those found in actual practice, and the necessary loss in the silo comes considerably below that found in the early experiments on this point. There are plenty of cases on record showing that ten per cent. represents the maximum loss of dry matter in modern deep, well-built silos. The losses found in siloing corn at a number of experiment sta- tions during the last ten years have come at or below this figure. It is possible to reduce this loss still far- ther by avoiding any spoilt silage on the surface, by beginning to feed immediately after the filling of the silo, and ‘by feeding the silage out rather rapidly. Hx- periments conducted ona small scale by Prof. King in 1894 gave losses of only 2 and 3 percent. of dry 18 ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. ‘matter, on the strength of which results, amongst others, he believes that the necessary loss of dry mat-" ter in the silo eed not exceed 5 per cent. : Summarizing our considerations concerning the rel-' ative losses of ‘food materials in the field-curing and siloing of Indian corn, we may, therefore, say that far’ from being less economical than the former, the silo is more so, under favorable conditions for both systems. and that therefore a larger quantity of food materials: is obtained by filling the corn crop into a silo than by any other method of preserving it known at the pres- ent time. 1 What has been said in the foregoing in regard to’ fodder corn applies equally well to other crops put! into the silo. A few words will suffice in regard to two of these, clover and alfalfa. Only a few accurate siloing experiments have been conducted with cover, but enough has been done to show that the necessary’ losses in siloing this crop do not much, if any, exceed, those of Indian corn. Lawes and Gilbert, of the Rothamsted Experiment Station, England, placed 264,318 pounds of first- and second-crop clover into one of their stone silos, and took out 194,470 pounds of good clover silage. Loss in weight, 24.9 per cent. This loss fell, however, largely on the water in the clover. The loss of dry matter amounted to only 5.1 per cent., very nearly the same amount of loss as that which the same experimenter found had taken place in a large rick of about forty tons of hay, after standing for two years. The loss of protein in the silo amounted to 8.2 per cent. In another silo 184,959 pounds of second-crop grass and second-crop clover were put in, and 170,941 pounds were taken out. Loss in gross weight, 7.6 per cent.; loss of dry matter 9.7 per cent.; of crude protein 7.8 per cent. In a siloing experiment with clover, conducted at the Wisconsin Station, on a smaller scale, Mr. F. G. Short obtained the following results: Clover put into THE SILOING PROCESS. 19 ene. silo; 227279 pounds; | silagée= taken; -out)9)283 pounds ; loss, 24.4 per cent.; loss of dry matter, 15.4 perm cent. ; of prorcim 72/7 per cent: There is nothing in any of these figures to argue against the siloing of green clover as an economical practice. On the other hand, we conclude that this method of preserving the clover crop is highly valu- able, and, in most cases, to be preferred to making hay of the crop. No extended investigation has been made as to the osses sustained in the siloing of alfalfa, but there can be little doubt but that they are considerably smaller than in making alfalfa hay, if proper precautions guarding against unnecessary losses in the silo are ta- ken. According to the testimony of Professor Headden of the Colorado Experiment Station, the minimum loss from the falling off of leaves and stems in success- ful alfalfa hay making amounts to from 15 to 20 per cent., and in cases where the conditions have been un- favorable, to as much as 60 and even 66 per cent. of the hay crop. Aside from the losses sustained through abrasion, rain storms, when these occur, may reduce the value of the hay one-half. ‘The losses from either of these sources are avoided in preserving the crop in the silo, and in their place a small loss through fer- mentation occurs, under ordinary favorable conditions, amounting to about 10 per cent or less. There is this further advatitage to be considered when the question of relative losses in the silo and in hay-making or field-curing green forage, that hay or corn fodder, whether in shocks in the field or stored under shelter, gets poorer and poorer the longer it is kept, as the processes of decomposition are going on all the time; in the silo, on the other hand, the loss in food substances is not appreciably larger six months after the silo was filled than it is one month after, be- cause the air is shut out, so that the farmer who puts up a lot of fodder corn for silage in the fall can have 20- ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. as much and as valuable feed for his stock in the spring, or in fact, the following summer or fall, as he would have if he proceeded to feed out all the silage at once. ‘“ Generally speaking, 3 tons of silage are equal in feeding value to 1 ton of hay. On this basis a much larger amount of digestible food can be secured from an acre of silage corn than from an acre of hay. The food equivalent of 4 tons of hay per acre can .easily be produced on an acre of land planted to corn.’’ (Plumb). 3. Succulence. Succulent food ts Nature's food. We all know the difference between a juicy, ripe apple and the dried fruit. In the drying of fruit as well as of green fodders water is the main component taken away; with it, however, go certain flavoring matters that do not weigh much in the chemist’s balance, but are of the greatest importance in rendering the food materials palatable. It is these same flavoring sub- stances which are washed out of hay with heavy rains, and renders such hay of inferior value, often no better than so much straw, not because it does not contain nearly as much food substances, like protein, fat, starch, sugar, etc. (see Glossary), but because of the substances that render hay palatable having been largely removed by the rain. The influence of well-preserved silage on the diges- tion and general health of animals is very beneficial, according to the unanimous testimony of good author- ities. It is a mild laxative, and acts in this way very similarly to green fodders. The good accounts re- ported of the prevention of milk fever by the feeding of silage are explained by the laxative influence of the feed. 4. Uniformity. The silo furnishes a feed of uniform guality, and always near at hand, available at any time during the whole year or winter. No need of fighting the elements, or wading through snow or mud to haul ECONOMY OF SILAGE. Posi it from the field; once in the silo the hard work is over, and the farmer can’ rest easy as to the supply of succulent roughage for his stock during the winter. An ample supply of succulent feed is of advantage to all classes of animals, but perhaps particularly so in case of dairy cows and sheep, since these animals are especially sensitive to sudden changes in the feed. Also, stock raisers value silage highly on this account, however, for silage is of special value for feeding pre- paratory to turning cattle on to the watery pasture grass in the spring. The loss in the weight of cattle on being let out on pasture in spring, is often so great that it takes them a couple of weeks to get back where they were when turned out. When let out in the spring, steers will be apt to lose weight, no matter whether silage or dry feed has been fed, unless they are fed some grain during the first week or two after they are turned out. 5. Lconomy of Storage. Wess room is required for the storage in a siloof the product from an acre of land than,in cured condition ina barn. A ton of hay stored in the mow will fill a space of at least 400 cubic feet; a ton of silage, aspace of about 50 cubic feet. Considering the dry matter contained in both feeds, we have that 8,oo0 pounds of silage contains about as much dry matter as 2,323 pounds of hay, or 160 against 465 cubic feet; that is,it takes nearly three times as much room to store the same quantity of food materials in hay asin silage. Incase of field-cured fodder corn, the comparison comes out still more in favor of the silo, on account of the greater difficulty in preserving the thick cornstalks from heating when placed under shel- ter. According to Professor Alvord, an acre of corn, field-cured,stored in the most compact manner possible, will occupy a space ten times as great as in the form of silage. While hay will contain about 86 per cent. of dry matter, cured fodder corn often does not con- tain more than 60 and sometimes only 50 per cent. of 22 ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. dry matter ; the quantities of food material in fodder corn that can be stored in a given space are, therefore, greatly smaller than in case of hay, and, consequently, still smaller than in case of silage. Since smaller barns may be built when silage is fed, there is less danger of fire, thus decreasing the cost of insurance. | 6. No Danger of Rain. Rainy weather is a dis- advantage in filling silos as in most other farm opera- tions, but when the silo is once filled, the fodder is safe, and the farmer is independent of the weather throughout the season. If the corn has suffered from drought and heat dur- ing the fall months, it is quite essential to wet the corn either as it goes into the silo, or when this has been all filled, in order to secure a good quality of silage; and unless the corn is very green when it goes into the silo, the addition of water, or water on the corn from rain or dew, will dono harm. If the corn is too dry when put into the silo, the result will be dry mold, which is prevented by the addition of the water, which replaces that which has dried out previous to filling if this has been delayed. A common practice among successful siloists is to fill the silo when the lower leaves of the standing corn have dried up about half way to the ears. Generally, the corn will be in about the proper condition at that time, and there will still be moisture enough left in the plants so that the silage will come out in first-class condition. There must be moisture enough in the corn at time of filling the silo, so that the heating processes, which take place soon after, and which expel a considerable portion of moisture, can take place, and still leave the corn moist after cooling, when the silage will remain in practically a uniform condition for several years if left undisturbed. But if, on account of over-ripeness, frosts, or excessive drought, the corn is drier than ECONOMY OF SILAGE. 23 stated, it should be made quite wet as stated above, and there is little danger of getting it too wet. The writer has filled a silo with husked corn fodder about Christmas, and as the fodder was thoroughly dried, a 34-inch pipe was connected with an overhead tank in the barn and arranged to discharge into the carrier of the cutter as the cutting took place, a No. 18 Ohio cutter being used for that purpose. Although the full stream was discharged, and with considerable force, on account of the elevation of the tank, and the cut fodder in the silo still further wet on top with a long hose attached to a wind force pump, it was found, on opening the silo a month later, that none too much water had been used; ‘the fodder silage came out in good condition, was eaten greedily by the milch cows, and was much more valuable than if it had been fed dry from the field. Where haymaking is precluded, as is sometimes the case with second-crop clover, rowen, etc., on account of rainy weather late in the season, the silo will fur- thermore preserve the crop, so that the farmer may derive full benefit from it in feeding it to his stock. Frosted corn can also be preserved in the silo, and will come out a very fair quality of silage if well watered as referred to above. 7. LVo Danger of Late-Summer Droughts. By filling the silo with clover or other green sum- mer crops early in the season, a valuable succulent feed will be at hand at a time when pastures in most regions are apt to give out; then again, the silo may be filled with corn when this is in the roasting-ear stage, and the land thus entirely cleared earlier than when the corn is left to mature and the corn fodder shocked on the land, making it possible to finish the fall plowing sooner and to seed the land down to grass or to winter grain. 8. Food from Thistles. Crops unfit for haymaking may be preserved in the silo and changed into a pal- 24 ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO. atable food. This is not of the importance in this land of plenty of ours that it is, or occasionally has been, elsewhere. Under silage crops are included a number of crops which could not be used as cattle food in any other form than this, as ferns, thistles, all kinds of weeds, etc. Incase of fodder famine the silo may thus help the farmer to carry his cattle through the winter. 9. Valuein Intensive Farming. More cattle can be kept on a certain area of land when silage is fed than is otherwise the case. The silo in this respect furnishes a similar advantage over field-curing fodders as does the soiling system over that of pasturing cattle; in both the siloing and the soiling system there is no waste of feed, all food grown on the land being utilized for the feeding of farm animals, except a small una- voidable loss in case of the siloing system incurred by the fermentation processes taking place in the silo. Pasturing cattle is an expensive method of feeding, as far as the use of the land goes, and can only be practiced to advantage where this is cheap. As the land increases in value, more stock must be kept on the same area in order to correspondingly increase the profits from the land. The silo here comes in asa material aid, and by its adoption, either alone or in connection with the soiling system, it will be possible to keep at least twice the number of animals on the land that can be done under the more primitive sys- tem of pasturing and feeding dry feeds during winter. The experience of Goffart, ‘‘the Father of Modern Silage,’’ on this point is characteristic. On his farm of less than eighty-six acres at Burtin, France, he kept a herd of sixty cattle, besides fattening a number of steers during the winter, and eye-witnesses assure us that he had ample feed on hand to keep one hun- dred of cattle the year round. We might go on and enumerate many other points in which the siloing process has decidedly the advant- VALUE OF THE SILO. 25 age over the method of field-curing fodder or hay- making; but it is hardly necessary. The points given in the preceding will convince any person open to con- viction, of the superiority of the silo on stock or dairy farms. As we proceed with our discussion we shall have occasion to refer to several points in favor of silage as compared with dry feed, which have not al- ready been touched upon. We shall now, first of all, however, proceed to explain the methods of building silos, and then discuss the subjects of making and feeding silage. CHAPTER TT: HOW’ TO BUILD A SILO. Before taking up for consideration the more import- ant types of silo construction, it will be well to explain briefly a few fundamental principles in regard to the building of silos which are common to all types of silo structures. When the farmer understands these prin- ciples thoroughly, he will be able to avoid serious mistakes in building his silo and will be less bound by specific directions, that may not always exactly suit his conditions, than would otherwise be the case. What is stated in the following in a few words is in many cases the result of dearly-bought experiences of pioneers in siloing ; many points may seem self-evident now, which were not understood or appreciated until mistakes had been made and a full knowledge had been accumulated as to the conditions under which perfect silage can be secured. General Requirements for Silo Structures. ° 1. The silo must be air-tight. We have seen that the process of silage making is largely a series of fer- mentation processes. Bacteria (small plants or germs, which are found practically everywhere) pass into the silo with the corn or the siloed fodder, and, after a short time, begin to grow and multiply in it, favored by the presence of air and an abundance of feed mate- rials in the fodder. ‘The activity of the bacteria is soon discernible through the heating of the mass and the formation of acid in the fodder. The more air at the disposal of the bacteria, the further the fermenta- tion processes will progress. If a supply of air is admitted to the silo from the outside, the bacteria will have a chance to continue to grow, and more fodder GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 27 will therefore be wasted. If a large amount of air be admitted, as is usually the case with the top layer of silage, the fermentation processes will be more far- reaching than is usually the case in the lower layers of the silo. Putrefactive bacteria will then continue the work of the acid-bacteria, and the result will be rotten silage. If no further supply of air is at hand, except what remains in the interstices between the .siloed fodder, the bacteria will gradually die out, or only such forms will survive as are able to grow in the absence of air. Another view of the cause of the changes occurring in siloed fodder has been put forward lately, viz., that these are due not to bacteria, but to ‘‘intramolecular respiration’’ in the plant tissue; that is, to a natural dying-off of the life substance of the plant cells. From a practical point of view it does not make any differ- ence whether the one or the other explanation is correct. The facts are with us, that if much air is admitted into the silo, through cracks in the wall or through loose packing of the siloed mass, considerable losses of food substances will take place, first, because the processes of decomposition are then allowed to go on beyond the point necessary to bring about the changes by which the silage differs from green fodder, and second, because the decomposition will cause more. or less of the fodder to spoil and mold. 2. The silo must be deep. Depth is essential in building a silo, so as to have the siloed fodder under considerable pressure, which will cause it to pack well and leave as little air as possible in the interstices be- tween the cut fodder, thus reducing the losses of food materials toa minimum. ‘The early silos built in this country or abroad were at fault in this respect; they were shallow structures, not over 12-15 ft. perhaps, and were longer than they were deep. Experience showed that it was necessary to weight heavily the siloed fodder placed in these silos, in order to avoid 28 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. getting a large amount of moldy silage. In our mod- ern silos no weighting is necessary, since the material placed in the silo is sufficiently heavy from the great depth of it to largely exclude the air in the siloed fod- der and thus secure a good quality of silage. In case of deep silos the loss from spoiled silage on the top is smaller in proportion to the whole amount of silage stored; there is also less surface in proportion to the silage stored, hence a smaller loss occurs while the silage is being fed out, and since the silage is more closely packed, less air is admitted from the top. As the silage packs better in a deep silo than in a shallow one, the former kind of silos will hold more silage per cubic foot than the latter; this is plainly seen from the figures given in the table on p. 31. Silos built during late years have generally been over thirty feet deep, and many are forty feet deep, or more. 3. The silo must have smooth, perpendicular walls, which will allow the mass to settle without forming cavities along the walls. In a deep silo the fodder will settle several feet during the first few days after filling. Any unevenness in the wall will prevent the mass from settling uniformly, and air spaces in the mass thus formed will cause the surrounding silage to spoil. 4. The walls of the silo must be rigid and very strong, so as not to spring when the siloed fodder settles. The lateral (outward ) pressure of cut fodder corn when settling at the time of filling is considerable, and in- creases with the depth of the silage at the rate of about eleven pounds per square foot of depth. Ata depth of 20 feet there is, therefore, an outward press- sure of about 220 pounds per square foot; at 30 feet a pressure of 330 pounds, etc. In case of a 16-foot square silo where the sill is 30 feet below the top of the silage the side pressure on the lower foot of the wall would be about 16x330, or 5280 pounds. It is because of this great pressure that it is so diffi- cult to make large rectangular silos deep enough to be SIZE OF THE SILO. 29 economical, and it is because the walls of rectangular silos always spring more or less under the pressure of the silage that this seldom keeps as well in them as it does in those whose walls cannot spring. As the silage in the lower part of the silo continues to settle, the stronger outward pressure there spreads the walls more than higher up and the result is the wall may be actually forced away from the silage, so that air may enter from above; and even if this does not occur the pressure against the sides will be so much lessened above by the greater spreading below that if the walls are at all open, air will more readily enter through them. In the round wooden silos every board acts as a hoop and as the wood stetches but little lengthwise there can be but little spreading of such walls, and in the case of stave silos the iron hoops prevent any spread- ing, and it is on account of these facts that the round silo is rapidly replacing every other form. After the silage has once settled, there is no lateral pressure in the silo; cases are on record where a filled silo has burned down to the ground with the silage re- maining practically intact as a tall stack. Other points of importance in silo building which do not apply to all kinds of silos, will be considered when we come to describe different kinds of silo structures. Several questions present themselves at this point for consideration, viz., how large a silo shall be built, where it is to be located, and what form of silo is preferable under different conditions ? On the Size of Silo Required. In planning a silo the first point to be decided is how large it shall be made. We will suppose that a farmer has a herd of twenty-five cows, to which he wishes to feed silage during the winter season, say for 180 days. We note at this point that silage will not be likely to give best results with milch cows, or with 30 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. any other class of farm animals, when it furnishes the entire portion of the dry matter of the feed ration. As a rule, it will not be well to feed over forty pounds of silage daily per head. If this quantity be fed daily, on an average for a season of 180 days, we have for the twenty-five cows 180,000 pounds, or nine- ty tons. On account of the fermentation processes taking place in the silo, we have seen that there is an unavoidable loss of food materials during the siloing period, amounting to, perhaps, 10 per cent. ; we must, therefore, put more than the quantity given into the silo. If ninety tons of silage is wanted, about one hundred tons of fodder corn must be placed in the silo; we figure, therefore, that we shall need about 4 tons of silage per head for the winter, but, perhaps, 5 tons per head would be a safer calculation, and pro- vide for some increase in the size of the herd. Corn silage will weigh from thirty pounds, or less, to toward fifty pounds per cubic foot, according to the depth in the silo from which it is taken, and the amount of moisture which it contains. We may take forty pounds as an average weight of a cubic foot of corn silage. One ton of silage will, accordingly, take up fifty cubic feet ; and 100 tons, 5000 cubic feet. If a rectangular one-hundrd-ton silo is to be built, say 12x14 feet, it must then have a height of 30 feet. If a square silo is wanted, it might be given dimensions I2x12x35 feet, or 13x13x30 feet; if a circular silo the following dimensions will be about right ; diameter 16 feet, height of silo 26 feet, etc. In the same way, a silo holding 200 tons of corn or clover silage may be built of the dimensions 16x24x26 feet, 20x20x25 feet, or, if round, diameter, 20 feet, height 32 feet. ete. Since the capacity of round silos is not as readily computed as in case of rectangular silos, we give be- low a table which shows at a glance the approximate number of tons of silage that a round silo, of a diam- CAPACITY OF, ROUND SILOS. oii eter from 10 to 26 feet, and 20 to 32 feet deep, will hold. APPROXIMATE CAPACITY OF CYLINDRICAL SILOS, FOR WELL- MATURED CoRN SILAGE, IN TONS. DEPTH INSIDE DIAMETER OF SILO, FEET. OF SILO 7 ee a0 1 1S ee A pt | 48 20") vat | 22! 23° |), aaePegs | Be | | = | = —|———-_~ ——-]- | 20 a6.\ 38 | 51) 59) 67) 85 | 105. (115 | 127 1.438 | 151") 163 | aa 21 28 | 40°) 55) 63 }:172:) OF | 112 | 123'] 135 |) 148 |\d6r-| 175 | 189 a. 30). 435] 59°) G74) 77 | 97-| 120} 432.1 145.1. 158 | 172.1 187 | 202 Ve AS 32 | 46} 62| 72| 82 | 103 | 128 | 141 | 154 || 169 | 184 | 199 | 216 2 34|:49 | 66] 76] 87 | 110 | 135 | 149 | 164 | 179 | 195 | 212 | 229 se ces. S61 524 7 81 | 90 | 116 | 143 | 158 | 173 | 190 | 206 | 224 | 242 Cte eee 38 | 551° 74| 85] 97 | 123 | 152 ; 168 | 184 || 201 | 219.| 237 | 257 2.7 40 | 58 | 781 90 | 103 } 130 | 160 | 177 | 194 || 212 | 231 | 251 | 271 ee 42 | 61 | 831! 95 | 108 | 137 | 169 | 186 | 204 || 223 | 243 | 264 | 285 BOP io alt 45 | 64 | 881 100 | 114 | 144] 178 | 196 | 215 || 235 | 265 | 278 | 300 2) eee 47 | 68 | 93] 105 | 119 | 151 | 187 | 206 | 226 | 247 | 269 | 292 | 315 ce 49 | 70 | 96 | 110 | 125 | 158 | 195 | 215 | 236 || 258 | 282 | 305 | 330 cy ae ae 51 | 73 | 101 | 115 | 131 | 166 | 205.| 226 | 248 || 271 | 295 | 320 | 346 The following table which has been reproduced from a trade publication shows at a glance how much silage is required to keep eight to forty-five cows for six months, feeding them 4o lbs. a day, and the dimensions of circular silos as well as the area of land required to furnish the different amounts of feed given, computed at 15 tons per acre. The amounts of silage given in the table refer to the number of tons in the silo after all shrinkage has occurred; as the condition of the corn as placed in the silo differs considerably, these figures may vary in different years, or with different crops of corn, and should not be interpreted too strictly; the manner of filling the silo will also determine how much corn the silo will hold: if the silo is filled with well-matured corn, and after this has settled for a couple of days, filled up again, it will hold at least ten per cent more silage than when it is filled rapidly and not refilled after settling. To the person about to fill a silo for the first time, it is suggested that it requires 32 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. a ‘‘good crop’’ to yield 15 tons per acre, and as a “‘lit- tle too much is about right,’’ be sure to plant enough to fill the silo full, being guided by the condition of soil, etc., under his control. Cows it will kee | Dimensions. | Capacity Tons. | ate to a 15) 6 months. 40 Ibs. | | ons to Acre. feed per day. IO X 20 | 28 2 8 I2 x 30 | 40 3 II eo aed | SH 49 eo 13 f I2 x 28 60 4 15 1A xi 22 61 4 I-2 17 14 x 24 | 67 4 2-3 19 | 14 x 28 83 5 2-3 22 | I4 x 30 | 93 6 23 16 x 24 87 | 6 2-5 24 | 16 x 26 97 | 7 26 16x: 30 | 11g | 8 29 18 x 30 | I5I 10 1-5 37 | 18 x 36 180 12 I-3 45 On the Form of Silos. The first kind of silos built, in this country or abroad,were simply holes or pits in the ground, into which the fodder was dumped, and the pit was then covered with a layer of dirt and, sometimes at least, weighted with planks and stones. . Then, when it was found that a large proportion of the feed would spoil by this crude method, separate silo structures were built, first of stone, and later on, of wood, brick or cement. As previously stated, the first separate silos built were rectangular, shallow structures, with a door opening at one end. The silos of the French pioneer Siloist, Auguste Goffart, were about 16 feet high and 40x 16 feet at the bottom. Another French silo built about fifty years ago, was 206x 21% feet, and 15 feet deep, holding nearly 1500 tons of silage. Silos of a similar type, but of smaller dimensions, were built in this country in the early stages of silo building. Ex- perience had taught siloists that it was necessary to ON THE FORM OF SILOS. 33 weight the fodder heavily in these silos, in order to avoid the spoiling of large quantities of silage. In Goffart’s silos, boards were thus placed on top of the siloed fodder, and the mass was weighted at the rate of one hundred pounds per square foot. It was found, however, after some time, that this heavy weighting could be dispensed with by making the silos deep, and gradually the deep silos came more and more into use. ‘These silos were first built in this country in the latter part of the eighties; at the pres- ent time none but silos at least twenty to twenty-four feet deep are built, no matter of what form or material they are made, and most silos built are at least twenty- four to thirty feet deep, or more. Since 1892 the cylindrical form of silos has become more and more general. ‘These silos have the advan- tage over all other kinds in point of cost and coven- ience, as well as quality of the silage obtained. We shall, later on, have an occasion to refer to the relative cost of the various forms of silos, and shall here only mention a few points in favor of the round silos. 1. Round silos can be built cheaper than square ones, because it takes less lumber per cubic foot capac- ity, and because lighter material may be used in their construction. ‘The sills and studding here do no work except to support the roof, since the lining acts asa hoop to prevent spreading of the wall. 2. One of the essentials in silo building is that. there shall be a minimum of surface and wall exposure of the silage, as both the cost and the danger from losses through spoiling are thereby reduced. The round silos are superior to all other forms in regard to this point, as will be readily seen from an example: A rectangular silo, 16x32x24 feet, has the same number of square feet of wall surface as a square silo, 24x24 feet, and of the same depth, or as a circular silo 30 feet in diameter and of the same depth; but these silos will hold about the following quantities of silage: 34 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. Rectangular silo, 246 tons; square silo, 276 tons; circular silo, 338 tons. Less lumber will, therefore, be needed to hold a certain quantity of silage in case of square silos than in case of rectangular ones, and less for cylindrical silos than for square ones, the cylindri- cal form being, therefore, the most economical of the three types. 3. Silage of all kinds will usually begin to spoil after a few days, if left exposed to the air; hence the necessity of considering the extent of surface exposure of silage in the silo while it is being fed out. Ina deep silo there is less silage exposed in the surface layer in proportion to the contents than in shallow silos. Experience has taught us that if the silage is fed down at a rate slower than 1.2 inches daily, mold- ing is hable to set in. About two inches of the top layer of the silage should be fed out daily during cold weather in order to prevent the silage from spoiling; in warm weather about three inches must be taken off daily; if a deeper layer of silage can be fed off daily, there will be less waste of food materials; some farmers thus plan to feed off 5 or 6 inches of silage daily. The form of the silo must therefore be planned, according to the size of the herd, with special refer- ence to this point. Professor King estimates that there should be a feeding surface in the silo of about five square feet per cow in the herd; a herd of thirty cows will then require 150 square feet of feeding sur- face, or the inside diameter of the silo should be 14 feet; for a herd of forty cows a silo with a diameter of 16 feet will be required ; for fifty cows, a diameter of 18 feet ; for one hundred cows, a diameter of 254% Feek, (etc: He gives the following table showing the number of cows required to eat 1.2 to 2 inches of silage daily in silos 24 and 30 feet deep, assuming that they are fed 4o lbs. of silage daily for 180 or 240 days: DIAMETER AND DEPTH OF THE SILO. 35 Relation of Horizontal Feeding Area and Number of Cows Kept, for Silos 24 and 30 Feet Deep. FEED FOR 240 DAYS. FEED FOR 180 DAYS. Silo Silo Silo Szlo No. |74 Jeet deep.|| 30 feetdeep. || 24 feet deep.|| 30 feet deep. OF 1 TP a er FG ark Cows. Rate Rate Rate Rate 4 1.2 in daily. ||1.5 in. daily. || 1.6 in. daily. || 2 in. daily. Tons. | diam || Toms. | Gam, || Tom | diam. || TOMS: | diam. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Tot... 48 12 48 IO. | SO ae) 36 9 fs ee z 15 72 12 54 a 54 ba OO... 96 17 96 14 72 1 a eo 12 25 sx, |¢¢ T20 19 120 16 go 16 go 14 Bea | lAg at 144 18 108 18 108 15 Bia! LOO dee 168 | 19 126") t9 126 16 mer ts S192 24 192 20 || 144 ry 144 18 BSD) 206, "| 26 Boy |.) 72a 162) (| 1122 162 Igte BO y. i240. 1°27 240 23 180.) \,23,0%,|| #180 20 Geo. | 285. | 29 288 | 25 216) |) 2s 216, |) ¢ 25 BO. scl 330 ao 336 oly (ee eae 2 WN ae 23 OO Bom a4. 384 29 288 29 288 25 GOLD HNN I452 36 432 30 324 31 324 26 DOOY «):4) ASO ty BBiy Nel ABO 115.32 fry 360) 33 hi maGor |, (28 In choosing diameters and depths for silos for par- ticular: herds, individual needs and conditions must decide which is best. It may be said, in general, that for the smaller sizes of silos the more shallow ones will be somewhat cheaper in construction and be more easily filled with small powers. For large herds the deeper types are best and cheapest. One of the most common mistakes made in silo con- struction is that of making it too large in diameter for the amount of stock to be fed silage. Wherever silage heats and molds badly on or below the feeding surface 36 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. heavy loss in feeding value is being sustained, and in such cases the herd should be increased so that the losses may be prevented by more rapid feeding. (King.) Location of the Silo. The location of the silo is a matter of great import- ance, which has to be decided upon at the start. The feeding of the silage is an every-day job during the whole winter and spring, and twice a day at that. Other things being equal, the nearest available place is therefore the best. The silo should be as handy to get at from the barn as possible. The condition of the ground must be considered. If the ground is dry outside the barn, the best plan to follow is to build the silo there, in connection with the barn, going four to six feet below the surface, and providing for doors opening directly into the barn. The bottom of the silo should be on or below the level where the cattle stand, and, if practicable, the silage should be moved out and placed before the cows at a single handling. While it is important to have the silo near at hand, it should be so located, in case the silage is used for milk production, that silage odors do not penetrate the whole stable, at milking or at other times. Milk is very sensitive to odors, and unless care is taken to feed silage after milking, and to have pure air, free from silage odor, in the stable, at the time of milking, there will be a silage flavor to the milk. This will not be sufficiently pronounced to be noticed by most peo- ple, and some people cannot notice it at all; but when a person is suspicious, he can generally discover it. So far as is known this odor is not discernible in either butter or cheese made from silage-flavored milk, nor does it seem to affect the keeping qualities of the milk in any way. Different Types of Silo Structures. Silos may be built of wood, stone, brick or cement, THE VARIOUS TYPES OF SILOS. 37 or partly of one and partly of another of these materi- als. Wooden silos may be built of several layers of thin boards nailed to uprights, or of single planks (staves), or may be plastered inside. The material used will largely be determined by local conditions ; where lumber is cheap, and stone high, wooden silos will generally be built ; where the opposite is true, stone or brick silos will have the advantage in point of cheapness, while concrete silos are likely to be pre- ferred where cobble-stones are at hand in abundance, and lumber or stone are hard to get at a reasonable cost. So far as the quality of the silage made in any of these kinds of silos is concerned, there is no differ- ence when the silos are properly built. The longevity of stone and concrete silos is usually greater than that of wooden silos, since the latter are more easily at- tacked by the silage juices and are apt to decay in places after a number of years, unless special precau- tions are taken to preserve them. A well-built and well-cared-for wooden silo should, however, last almost indefinitely. As regards the form of the silo, it may be built in rectangular form, square, octagon or round. We have already seen that the most economical of these is ordinarily the round form, both because in such silos there is less wall space per cubic unit of capacity, and in case of wooden round silos, lighter material can be used in their construction. The only place where silos of square or rectangular form are built now is inside of barns, where they fit in better than a round struct- ure. Weshall later on give directions for building silos inside of a barn, but shall now go over to a dis- cussion of the various forms of round silos that are apt to be met with. More round wooden silos have been built during late years in this country than of all other kinds of silos combined, and this type of silos, either built of uprights lined inside and outside with two layers of half-inch boards, or of one thickness of 38 “HOW TO BUILD A SILO. staves, will doubtless be the main silo type of the future; hence we shall give full information as to their building, and shall then briefly speak of the other forms mentioned which may be considered pref- erable in exceptional cases. Round Wooden Silos. Round wooden silos were first described, and their use advocated, in Bulletin No. 28, issued by the Wis- consin Station in July, 1891, and hence have come to be known as ‘‘Wisconsin Silos.’’ The first detailed and illustrated description of this type of silos was pub- lished in this bulletin ; since that time it has been de- scribed in several bulletins and reports issued by the station mentioned, and in numerous publications from other experiment stations. All writers who have dis- cussed the question of silo construction agree that this form of silos is admirable, and the best that can be put up where a durable, first-class silo of a moderate cost is wanted. This type, and the one to be described in the following, the stave silo, are practically the only kinds of wooden silos that have been built in this country during late years, except where unusual con- ditions have prevailed, that would make some other kind of silo structure preferable. The following description of the Wisconsin silo is from the pen of Prof. King, the originator of this type of silos, as published in bulletin No. 83 of the Wisconsin Station (dated May, 1900): The Foundation.—There should be a good, substan- tial masonry foundation for all forms of wood silos, and the woodwork should everywhere be at least 12 inches above the earth, to prevent decay from damp- ness. ‘There are few conditions where it will not be desirable to have the bottom of the silo 3 feet or more below the feeding floor of the stable, and this will re- quire not less than 4 to 6 feet of stone, brick, or con- crete wall. Fora silo 30 feet deep the foundation wall ILLUSTRATION . 39 Fig. 1. Showing method of placing all wood Silos on stone Joundation, with pit dug out to increase depth. 4o HOW TO BUILD A SILO. of stone should be 1.5 to 2 feet thick. The inside of the foundation wall may be made flush with the woodwork above, or nearly so, as repre- sented in Fig. 1, or the building may stand in the or- dinary way, flush with the outside of the stone wall, as represented in Fig. 2. In both cases the wall should be finished sloping as shown in the drawings. . So far as the keeping of the silage is concerned it makes little difference which of these types of con- struction is adopted. The outward pressure on the silo wall is greater where the wall juts into the silo, but the wall is better protected against the weather. Where the projecting wall is outside, the silo hasa greater capacity, but there is a strong tendency for the wall to crack and allow rain to penetrate it. Where this plan is followed it is important to finish the slop- ing surface with cement, or to shingle it, to keep out the water. Bottom of the Silo.—After the silo has been com- pleted the ground forming the bottom should be thor- oughly tamped so as to be solid, and then covered with two or three inches of good concrete made of 1 of cement to 3 or 4 of sand and gravel. The amount of silage which will spoil on a hard clay floor will not be large, but enough to pay a good interest on the money invested in the cement floor. If the bottom of the silo is in dry sand or gravel the cement bottom is imperative to shut out the soil air. Lying the Top of the Stone Wall.—In case the wood portion of the silo rises 24 or more feet above the stone work, and the diameter is more than 18 feet, it will be prudent to stay the top of the wall in some way. If the woodwork rises from the outer edge of the wall, then building the wall up with cement so as to -cover the sill and lining as represented in Figs. 3 and 4 will give the needed strength, because the woodwork will act as a hoop; but if the silo stands at the inner ILLUSTRATION. 4l Fig. 2. Showing an all-wood round silo on stone foundation. H represents a method of sawing boards for the conical roof. 42 HOW TO BVIED A SILO. ISSSSASSN OO LI ML Ts Fig. 3. Showing method of construction for ventilating the spaces between the studding in all-wood and lathed and plastered silos. THE STONE FOUNDATION. 43 face of the wall, it will be best to lay pieces of iron rod in the wall near the top to act as a hoop. Where the stone portion of the silo is high enough to need a door, it is best to leave enough wall between the top and the sill to allow a tie rod of iron to be bedded in this portion. So, too, the lower door in the CC —— ee ZE_= K \ a) \\\W \ > THE “‘ WISCONSIN ’’ SILO. 47 sill and carefully stayed and plumbed on the side to- ward the center. When a number of these have been set they should be tied together by bending a strip of half-inch sheeting around the outside as high up asa man can reach, taking care to plumb each stud on the side before nailing. When the alternate studs have been set in this way the balance may be placed and toe-nailed to the sill and stayed to the rib, first plumb- ing them sideways and toward the center. Setting Studding for Doors.—On the side of the silo where the doors are to be placed the studding should be set double and the’ distance apart to give the de- sired width. A stud should be set between the two door studs as though no door were to be there, and the doors cut out at the places desired afterwards. The construction of the door is represented in Fig. 7. Silo Sheeting and Siding.—The character of the siding and sheeting will vary considerably according to conditions, and the size of the silo. Where the diameter of the silo is less than 18 feet ‘inside and not much attention need be paid to frost, a single layer of beveled siding, rabbetted on the inside of the thick edge deep enough to receive the thin edge of the board below, will be all that is absolutely nec- essary on the outside for strength and _ protection against weather. This statement is made on the sup- position that the lining is made of two layers of fenc- ing split in two, the three layers constituting the hoops. If the silo is larger than 18 feet inside diameter, there should be a layer of haif-inch sheeting outside, under the siding. If basswood is used for siding, care should be taken to paint it at once, otherwise it will warp badly if it gets wet before painting. In applying the sheeting begin at the bottom, car- rying the work upward until staging is needed, fol- lowing this at once with the siding. Two 8-penny 48 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. | nails should be used in each board in every stud, and to prevent the walls from getting ‘‘out of round”’ the succeeding courses of boards should begin on the next stud, thus making the ends of the boards break joints. When the stagings are put up, new stays should be tacked to the studs above, taking care to plumb each one from side to side; the siding itself will bring them into place and keep them plumb the other way, if care is taken to start new courses as described above. Forming the Plate.-—When the last staging is up Fis. 8. Showinz construction of conical roof of round silo, where rafters are not used. The outer cirele ts the lower edge of the roof. THE ‘‘ WISCONSIN’’ SILO. 49 the plate should be formed by spiking 2x4’s cut in ° two-foot lengths, in the manner of sill, and as repre- sented in Fig. 8, down upon the tops of the studs, using two courses, making the second break joints with the first. The Lining of the Wooden Silo.— There are several ways of making a good lining for the all-wood round - silo, but whichever method is adopted it must be kept in mind that there are two very important ends to be secured with a certainty. These are (1) a lining . which shall be and remain: strictly, air-tight, (2) a lining which will be reasonably permanent. All Wood Lining of 4-inch Flooring.—lIf{ one is wil- ling to permit a loss of 10 to 12 per cent. of the silage by heating, then a lining of tongued and grooved or- dinary 4-inch white pine flooring may be made in the manner represented in Fig. 9, where the flooring runs up and down. When this lumber is put on in the seasoned condition a single layer would make tighter walls than can be secured with the stave silo where the staves are neither beveled nor tongued and grooved. In the silos smaller than 18 feet inside diameter the two layers of boards outside will give the needed strength, but when the silo is larger than this and deep, there would be needed a layer of the split fenc- ing on the inside for strength;-and if in addition to this there is added a layer of 3-ply Giant P. and B. paper a lining of very superior quality would be thus secured. Lining of Half-inch Boards and Paper —Where paper is used to make the joints between boards air- tight, as represented in Fig. 4, it is extremely import- ant that a quality which will not decay, and which is both acid- and water-proof be used. A paper which is not acid- and water-proof will disintegrate at the joints in a very short time, and thus leave the lining very defective. The best paper for silo purposes with which we are 50 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. acquainted is a 3-ply Giant P. and B. brand manufac- tured by the Standard Paint Co., of Chicago and New York. It is thick, strong, and acid- and water-proof. A silo lining with two thicknesses of good fencing See s tat) (are Vann ‘ @ : ete SES, ye 73. e . , TV \ Ds LO ig ES & 22 2 Bee iad , etd Hain ‘ i ees 5 F fe: 7 Fig. 9. Showing the construction of the all-wood round silo where the lining is made of ordinary four-inch flooring running up and down, and nailed to girts cut in between the studding every four feet. THE ‘‘ WISCONSIN ’’ SILO. 51 having only small knots, and these thoroughly sound and not black, will make an excellent lining. Great care should be taken to have the two layers of boards break joints at their centers, and the paper should lap not less than 8 to 12 inches. The great danger with this type of lining will be that the boards may not press the two layers of paper together close enough but that some air may rise between the two sheets where they overlap, and thus gain access to the silage. It would be an excellent precaution to take to tack down closely with small carpet tacks the edges of the paper where they over- lap, and if this is done a lap of 4 inches will be suffi- cient. . The first layer of lining should be put on with 8-penny nails, two in each board and stud, and the second or inner layer with 1o-penny nails, the funda- mental object being to draw the two layers of boards as closely together as possible. Such a lining as this will be very durable because the paper will keep all the lumber dry except the inner layer of half-inch boards, and this will be kept wet by the paper and silage until empty, and then the small thickness of wood will dry too quickly to permit rot- ting to set in. A still more substantial lining of the same type may be secured by using two layers of paper between three layers of boards, as represented in Fig. 4, and if the climate is not extremely severe, or if the silo is only to be fed from in the summer; it would be better to do away with the layer of sheeting and paper out- side, putting on the inside, thus securing two layers of paper and three layers of boards for the lining with the equivalent of only 2 inches of lumber. The Silo Roof. The roof of cylindrical silos may be made in several ways, but the simplest type of construction and the 52 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. one requiring the least amount of material is that rep- resented in Figs. 7 and 8, and which is the cone. If the silo is not larger than 15 feet inside diameter no rafters need be used, and only a single circle like that in the center of Fig. 8, this is made of 2-inch stuff cut in sections in the form of a circle and two layers spiked together, breaking joints. The roof boards are put on by nailing them to the inner circle and to the plate, as shown in the drawing, the boards having been sawed diagonally as represent- ed at H, Fig. 2, making the wide and narrow ends the same relative widths as the circumferences of the out- er edge of the roof and of the inner circle. If the silo has an inside diameter exceeding 15 feet it will be necessary to use two or three hoops accord- ing to diameter. When the diameter is greater than 25 feet it will usually be best to use rafters and head- ers cut in for circles 4 feet apart to nail the roof boards to, which are cut as represented at H, Fig. 2. The conical roof may be covered with ordinary shingles, splitting those wider than 8 inches. By lay- ing the butts of the shingles ¥% to 4 of an inch apart it is not necessary to taper any of the shingles except a few courses near the peak of the roof. In laying the shingles to a true circle, and with the right exposure to the weather, a good method is to use a strip of wood as a radius which works on a cen- ter set at the peak of the roof and provided with a nail or pencil to make a mark on the shingle where the butts of the next course are to come. The radius may be bored with a series of holes the right distance apart to slip over the center pivot, or the nail may be drawn and reset as desired. Some carpenters file a notch in the shingling hatchet, and use this to bring the shingle to place. Ventilation of the Silo. Kvery silo which has a roof should be provided with VENTILATION OF THE SILO. 53 ample ventilation to keep the under side of the roof dry, and in the case of wood silos, to prevent the walls and lining from rotting. One of the most serious mis- takes in the early construction of wood silos was the making of the walls with dead-air spaces, which, on account of dampness from the silage, lead to rapid “dry rot’’ of the lining. In the wood silo and in the brick lined silo it is im- portant to provide ample ventilation for the spaces between the studs, as well as for the roof and the in- side of the silo, and a good method of doing this is represented in Fig. 3, where the lower portion repre- sents the sill and the upper the plate of the silo. Between each pair of studs where needed a 1%-inch auger hole to admit air is bored through the siding and sheeting and covered witha piece of wire netting to keep out mice and rats. At the top of the silo on the inside the lining is only covered to within two inches of the plate and this space is covered with wire netting to prevent silage from being thrown over when filling. This arrangement permits dry air from out- side to enter at the bottom between each pair of studs and to pass up and into the silo, thus keeping the lining and studding dry and at the same time drying the under side of the roof and the inside of the lining as fast as exposed. In those cases where the sill is made of 2x4’s cut in 2-foot lengths there will be space enough left between the curved edge of the siding and sheeting and the sill for air to enter so that no holes need be bored as described above and represented in Fig. 3. The openings at the plate should always be provided and the silo should have some sort of venti- lator in the roof. This ventilator may take the form of a cupola to serve for an ornament as well, or it may be a simple galvanized iron pipe 12 to 24 inches in diameter, rising a foot or two through the peak of the roof, — 54 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. Painting the Silo Lining. It is impossible to so paint a wood lining that it will not become wholly or partly saturated with the silage juices. This being true, when the lining is again ex- posed when feeding the silage out, the paint greatly retards the drying of the wood work and the result is decay sets in, favored by the prolonged dampness. For this reason it is best to leave a wood lining naked or to use some antiseptic which does not form a water- proof coat. The cost of such a silo as that described in the fore- going pages, is estimated by Prof. King at about 12.75 cents per square foot of outside surface, when the lin- ing consists of two layers of half-inch split fencing, with a 3-ply Giant P. & B. paper between, and with one layer of split fencing outside, covered with rab- beted house siding. If built inside of the barn, with- out a roof and not painted, the cost would be reduced 3 cents per square foot, or more. Silos of this type, 30 feet deep, built outside, provided with a roof and including 6 feet of foundation, are stated to cost as follows: 13 feet inside diameter (80 tons capacity), $183.00; 15 feet diameter (105 tons capacity), $211.00; 21 feet diameter (206 tons capacity), $298.00; and 25 feet diameter (300 tons capacity), $358.00. Complete specifications and building plans for a 300- ton silo, of the kind described in the preceding pages, are given in Prof. Woll’s Book on Silage (Rand, Mc- Nally & Co., Chicago, publishers). The dimensions of this silo are: Diameter 26 feet, height 30 feet. According to our present knowledge this form of silo is most likely the best that can be built; it isa somewhat complicated structure, calls for more time and skill for its construction, and costs more than other kinds of wooden circular silos, especially more than the stave silo ‘soon to be described; but once built, it needs but little attention, and it is durable 23 THE MODIFIED ‘‘ WISCONSIN’’ SILO. 55 and econoniical ; being practically air-tight, the losses of food materials in the siloed fodder are reduced toa minimum. Modifications of the Wisconsin Silo. Several modifications of the Wisconsin silo have been proposed and have given good satisfaction ; one is described by Prof. Plumb in Purdue Experiment Station Bulletin No. 91, as follows: The studs are 18 inches apart, and for about half way up there are three layers of sheeting against the studs with tarred paper between. The upper. half of the studs has but two layers of sheeting. The sheet- ing was made by taking 2x6-inch white pine planks and sawing to make four boards. ‘The silo rests on a stone wall 18 inches deep and 16 inches wide. It is 30 feet high, 18 feet 4 inches inside diameter, and holds about 150 tons. An inexpensive but durable roof was placed upon it. The cost of this structure is as follows: As the work was all done by the regular farm help at odd hours, the item of labor is given at estimated cost: Studding, $13.03; sheeting, $63.00 ; 5 rolls paper, $6.25; nails, $2.40; cement for wall, $2.40; labor, $20.00; total, $107.08. The owner of the silo was so pleased with the service this one had rendered since its construction, that he built another like it during the summer of 1902. ‘This silo is con- nected by a covered passage and chute with the feed- ing floor of the cattle barn. . The construction of this type of silo calls for as much care in putting on sheeting, making doors and keeping out the air at these places and at the founda- tion, as is required with the more expensive form pre- viously described. The need for outer siding will depend in a large measure on circumstances. The farmer building the silo (living in Central Indiana ) bas had no trouble with his silage freezing. In Northern Indiana the siding would naturally be more 56 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. necessary than in the southern part of this state, but generally speaking, siding is not necessary, although it does materially ‘add to the attractiveness of the silo, Plastered Round Wooden Silos. Plastered round wooden silos have met with favor among farmers who have tried them, and are preferred by many for either the original or the modified Wis- consin. silo, on account of their ease of construction and their durability. In the experience of H. B. Gurler, a well known Illinois dairyman, who has built several silos on his farm in the course of the last dozen years, the walls of plastered silos keep perfectly and Ta TONNE | MULES. ee. HTT _ TTT oe TTLATAN == TARA | PA | Hi flevelion Ie"e/ 10°. (SECTION ree Fig. 9%. Elevation and section of plastered round wooden silo, PLASTERED ROUND WOODEN SILO. 57 there is no waste from moldy silage along the wall ; neither is there any difficulty about cracking of the plaster, if this is put on properly and a good quality of cement is used. Gurler described the construction of his plastered silo in a recent number of Breeder’s Gazette, accompanying his description with building plans of his silo. We have reproduced the latter, changed and improved in some points of minor impor- tance, and give below a brief description of the method of building silos of this type. (See Figs. 9% and to. ) The foundation may be made of stone, brick or cement, and is carried to the proper distance above ground. Sills composed of pieces of 2x4, two feet long, beveled at the ends so as to be toe-nailed togeth- leboe! Hoopes Fy jor lax 6~ a aapeta ee Py Thier 244 she's 12" centers. Ja Aside hang 6 wide. ae vIn Hots oth 8 phsler Le” thicx Frsde ep A feancttion Ya shee Plan Seole fa'=1-0" Pole bedelad SK | Picci * Die, belt 2° 0"canlers Nola The ors Gre To be rae ovr Up ht The ae mote Ieo Jhanness 4 SY. Ste fo 56 mee in two seciions The lower section Io be eAeraaiing 124 to’ baplis ond upper sction Mlernding 16'¢ 14° Fig. ro. Foundation plan and section of plastered round wooden silo, 558 ; HOW TO BUILD A SILO. er to form a circle of the same diameter as the interior diameter of the silo, are placed on the foundation bedded in asphalt or cement mortar, and on this the studding is erected, using two by fours, placed 15 or 16 inches apart. Inside sheeting was secured by having 6 inch fencing re-sawed, making the material alittle less than % inch thick. On this was nailed laths made from the same material, the laths being made with beveled edges so that when nailed onto the sheeting horizontally, the same way as the sheeting is put on, there are dove-tailed joints between the laths, to receive the cement, preventing its loosening until it is broken. The patent grooved laths might be used, but they cannot be sprung to a twenty-foot circle. Better than either kind of wooden laths, however, is wire netting or metal lath of one form or another, such as is now generally used in outside plastering of houses, nailed on strips of 1x2’s which are placed 15 inches apart, and nailed onto the studding through the sheeting. Metal lath will not take up moisture from the silage juices, and thus expand and possibly cause the plaster to crack, as would be likely to occur in case of wooden laths. For outside sheeting similar material as that used for inside sheeting may be used. If built inside of a barn or in a sheltered place, no outside sheeting would be required, although it would add greatly to the looks of the silo. Not being cer- tain that the inside sheeting, laths and cement offered sufficient resistance to the outward pressure tn the silo, Mr. Gurler put on wooden hoops outside of the studding, of the same material as for the inside sheet- ing, putting it on double thickness and breaking joints. The silo described, which would hold 250-300 tons, cost $300,. without a roof. Mr. Gurler considers this silo the best that can be built, and estimates that it will last for at least fifty years, if given a wash of cement every three years and if any cracks that may start be filled before the silo is filled again. & Fig. 11. Dairy Barn, Wisconsin Experiment Station. Brick lined silo in foreground. 60 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. Brick-Lined Silos. As an illustration of silos of this type we give be- low a description of the silo built in connection with the Dairy Barn of the Wisconsin Experiment Station: the accompanying figures, 11 and 12, will show the exterior appearance of the barn and silo, and a plan of the eastern half of the first floor of this barn. The silo is circular in form, 18 feet inside diameter and 33 feet deep. It is a frame structure lined inside and outside with brick. On 2x6 inch uprights, two wrappings of 3g inch stuff, 6 inches wide, are put, breaking joints, with no paper between. Brick is laid tight against this lining, and on the brick surface is a heavy coating of Portland cement (1 part cement, I part sand). On the outside brick is laid up against the lining with a small open space between (about % inch). The silo is filled from the third floor of the barn, the loads of corn being hauled directly on to this floor over the trestle shown fo the right in Fig. 11, and there run through the feed cutter. When the silage is taken out for feeding, it falls through a box chute to the main floor where it is received into a truck (Fig. 30) in which it is conveyed to the man- gers of the animals. An illustration and description of the original round silo, with a capacity of 90 tons, built at the same Station in 1891 are given in Prof. Woll’s Book on Silage, where descriptions and illustrations of a number of other first-class round wooden silos will also be found, like those constructed at the Experi- ment Stations in New Jersey, Missouri, and South Dakota. Stave Silos. The stave silo is the simplest type of separate silo buildings, and partly for this reason, partly on account of its cheapness of construction, more silos of this STA. DAIRY BARN. 61 PLAN OF WIS. oO OF f § F=4 orice | Sepesote — | = : = _f : BED A ; ; ROOM z ay 4 ae i ; t First floor of barn showing stables, and Silo, etc., Wisconsin Experiment Station. 62 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. kind have been built during the past few years than any other silo type. ~ Since their first introduction Stave Silos have been favorably mentioned by most writers on agricultural topics, as well as by experiment station men. Ina recent bulletin from Cornell Experiment Station, we find the stave silo spoken of as ‘‘the most practical and successful silo which can be constructed’’; and the Ottawa Experiment Station is on record for the following statement in regard to the stave silo: ‘‘From extensive observation and study of silos and silo con- struction, and from experience here with a number of different silos, it would appear that the stave silo is the form of cheap silos that for various reasons is most worthy of recommendation. It combines simplicity and cheapness of construction with the requisite con- ditions to preserve the silage in the very best condition for feeding.”’ Stave silos are, generally speaking, similar to large railroad or fermentation tanks, and to make satisfac- tory silos should be built as well as a No. 1 water tank. The first stave’ silos were built in this country in the beginning of the nineties; they soon found some enthusiastic friends, while most people, includ- ing nearly all writers and lecturers on silo construc- tion, were inclined to be skeptical as to their practica- bility. It was objected that the staves would expand so as to burst the hoops when the silo was filled with green fodder; that they would shrink after having been left empty during the summer months, so that the silo would fall to pieces, or at least so that it could not again be made air-tight; and finally, that the silage would freeze in such silos, and its feeding value thereby greatly lowered. In addition to this, it was claimed that a substantial stave silo would cost as much as a first-class ordinary all-wood silo of the same capacity, which would not have the objectionable features of the former. THE STAVE SILO 63 In spite of these objections the stave silo has, how- ever, gradually gained ground, until of late years it has quite generally been adopted in preference to other kinds of silos, particularly in the Eastern and Central states. This being a fact, it follows that the objec- tions previously made to the stave silos, can not be valid, that the staves do not swell so as to burst the hoops, or shrink so as to cause the silo to fall to pieces, or become leaky. As regards the danger from freez- ing of the silage, the criticisms of the stave silo are in order, as silage in outdoor stave silos will be likely to freeze in cold weather, in any of the Northern states or Canada; but, according to the testimony of farmers who have had experience with frozen silage, this is more an inconvenience than a loss. The freez- ing does not injure the feeding value of the silage, or its palatability. When the silage is thawed out it is as good as ever, and eaten by cattle with a relish. Why Stave Silos have Become Numerous. The main reasons why stave silos have been pre- ferred by a majority of farmers during late years are that they can be put up easily, quickly, and cheaply, and the expense for a small silo of this kind is com- paratively small. Many a farmer has built a stave silo who could not afford to build a high-priced silo, and others have preferred to build two small silos for one large one, or asmall one in addition to an old, larger one that they may already have. Manufactur- ing firms have, furthermore, made a specialty of stave- silo construction, and pushed the sale of such silos through advertisements and neat circulars. Having made a special business of the building of stave silos, and having had several years’ experience as to the re- quirements and precautions to be observed in building such silos, these firms furnish silos complete with all necessary fixtures, that are greatly superior to any 64 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. which a farmer would be apt to build according to more or less incomplete directions. It follows that the stave silos sent out by manufact- uring firms will generally be more expensive than such as a farmer can build himself, because they are built better. It does not pay to build a poor silo, however, except to bridge over an emergency. Poor, cheap silos are a constant source of annoyance, expense and trouble, whether built square, rectangular or round. The cheap silos described in other places of this book have not been given for the purpose of en- couraging the building of such silos, but rather to show that if a farmer cannot afford to build a perma- nent, good silo, he.is not necessarily barred from the advantage of having silage for his stock, since a tem- porary silo may be built at a small cash outlay. We can therefore consistently recommend that par- ties intending to build stave silos patronize the manu- facturers who have made silo construction a special business. These firms furnish all necessary silo fittings, with complete directions for putting up the silos, and, if desired, also skilled help to superintend their building. Perhaps a large majority of the farm- ers of the country cannot, fiowever, patronize manu- facturers of stave silos because the expense of shipping the lumber and fixtures would be prohibitory. For the convenience of such parties and others who may prefer to build their owm stave silos, directions for their construction are given in the following. The specifications for a 1oo-ton stave silo, printed below, which are taken from Woll’s Book on Silage, were furnished by Claude & Starck, Architects, Madison, Wisconsin : Specifications for a 1oo0-ton Stave Silo. MASONRY. Excavate the entire area to be occupied by the silo to a depth of six inches ; excavate for foundation wall DOOR OF STAVE SILO. 65 to a depth of 16 inches; in this trench build wall 18 inches wide and 20 inches high, of field stone laid in rich lime mortar. Level off top and plaster inside, outside and on top with cement mortar, 1 part cement to 1 part sand. Fill inside area with four inches of good gravel, thoroughly tamped down; after the wood work is in place coat this with one inch of cement mortar, I part cement to1 part clean sand. Cement shall be smoothly finished, dished well to the center AY) Soret Fig. 13. Appearance of door in stave silo after being sawed out, and side view in place. The opening ts largest on the inside of silo. ( Clinton.) 66 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. and brought up at least 2 inches all around inside and outside walls. CARPENTRY. All staves shall be 26 feet long in two pieces, breaking joints, and made from clear, straight-grained cypress 2x6 inches, beveled on edges to an outside radius of 8 feet, mill-sized to the exact dimensions and dressed on all sides. There shall be three doors in the fifth, eighth and tenth spaces between hoops, made by cutting out from staves 28 inches long cut toa 45 degree bevel sloping to the inside. (See Fig. 13.) The staves shall then be fastened together with two 2x4-inch battens cut on inside to an 8-foot radius and bolted to each stave with two %-inch diameter car- riage bolts with round head sunk on inside and nut on outside. The staves between the doors shall be fast- ened together, top and bottom, with 34-inch diameter hardwood dowel pins, and abutting ends of staves shall be squared and toe-nailed together. Bottom Plates.—Bottom plates shall be made of 2x4 inch pieces about 2 feet long, cut to acurve of 7 feet 10 inches radius outside. They shall be bedded in cement mortar and the staves shall then be set on the foundation and well spiked to these plates. Floops.—Hoops shall be made from two pieces of 5g-inch diameter round iron with upset ends, threaded 8 inches, with nut and washer at each end; as asup- port for the hoops a piece of 4x6-inch shall be substi- tuted for a stave on opposite sides and holes bored in it and the ends of hoops passed through these holes and tightened against the sides of the 4x6-inch. The hoops shall be twelve in number starting at the bottom 6 inches apart and increasing in distance 6 inches between each hoop until a space of 3 feet 6 inches is reached ; from this point up this distance shall be preserved as near as possible to the top. Roof.—Roof shall be made toa half-pitch of 6-inch ROOF FOR STAVE SILO. 67 clear siding lapping joint, nailed to 2x4-inch rafters, 2-feet centers, 1-foot by 4-inch ridge, and 2x4-inch plates. These plates to be supported on two 4x4-inch pieces resting on top of hoops. Three 1x4-inch collar beams shall be spiked to end and middle rafters to tie Fig 14, A cheap roof of stave silo. ( Clinton.) side of roof together. (See Fig. 11.) Fig. 14 shows another simple construction of roof on a stave silo. PAINTING The entire outside of the silo, including roof, shall be painted two coats of good mineral paint; the entire inside surface of staves and doors shall be thoroughly coated with hot coal tar. Note. — Before filling silo, tar paper should be tacked tightly over doors and the entire inside of silo exam- ined and all cracks tightly caulked. The method of construction specified in the preced- 68 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. ing may of course be modified in many particulars, according to the conditions present in each case, cost of different kinds of lumber, maximum amount of money to be expended on silo, etc. The following directions for the construction of stave silos are taken from two bulletins on this sub- ject, published by the Cornell and Ottawa Experiment Stations. For a silo 20 feet in diameter, a circular trench 18 inches to two feet wide and with an outer diameter of 22 feet is dug about 2 feet deep, or below the frost line. The surface soil over the whole in- cluded area, and for 2 feet outside, is removed toa depth of ro or 12 inchesatthesametime. ‘The trench is then filled to the level of the interior with stone, well pounded down, the surface stone being broken quite small, and thin cement (1 part of cement to 4 of sand thoroughly mixed) poured over, well worked in and left for afew days. This is followed by a coat of good cement (1 part cement to 3 sand), care being taken when finished to have the surface level and smooth. The silo is set up as shown in Fig. 15, which shows a cross-section of one method of construction. The posts (a, a, a, a) should be of 6x6 material and run the entire length of the silo. These should be first set up vertically and stayed securely in place. The scaffolding may be constructed by setting up 2 by 4 scantling in the positions shown in Fig. 15, as b, 6, 6, 6. Boards nailed from these 2 by 4 scantling and to the 6 by 6 posts will form a rigid framework, across which the planks for the scaffold platform may be laid. Before the scaffolding is all in place the staves should be stood up within the inclosure ; other- wise difficulty will be experienced in getting them into position. It is probable that no better material can be obtain- ed for the staves than Southern cypress. This, how- ever, is so expensive in the North, as to preclude its MATERIAL FOR THE SILO. 69 Fig. 15. Cross section of stave silo. The dotted lines show how scaffolding may be put up. use in most cases. Of the cheaper materials hemlock, white pine, and yellow pine, are usually the most available. At the present time hemlock is one of the cheapest satisfactory materials which can be purchas- ed, and it is probably as good as any of the cheaper materials. It should be sound and free from loose knots. If the silo is to have a diameter of 12 feet or less, the staves should be made of either 2 by 4 material, unbeveled on the edges and neither tongued nor grooved, or of 2 by 6 material beveled slightly on the 7O HOW TO BUILD A SILO. edges to make the staves conform to the circular shape of the silo. If the silo is to have a diameter of more than 12 feet, the staves should be of 2 by 6 material, and neither beveled nor tongued and grooved on the edges. The staves should be surfaced on the inside so that a smooth face may by presented which will facilitate the settling of the silage. The first stave set up should be made plumb, and should be toe-nailed at the top to one of the posts originally set. Immediate- ly a stave is set in place it should be toe-nailed at the top to the preceding stave set. It has been found that the work of setting up and preserving the circular outline may be materially aided by the use old barrel staves (see Fig. 16). For asilo 12 feet in diameter the curve in the stave of the sugar barrel is best adapted ; for a 16-foot silo the flour barrel stave is best, and for a silo 20 feet or more in diameter the stave of the cement barrel is best. If when the silo staves are put in place they are toe-nailed securely to the ones previously set ; if they are fastened firmly to the permanent upright posts (Fig. 15, a, a, a, a); if the barrel staves are used as directed above, the silo will have sufficient rigidity to stand until the hoops are put in place. However, if it becomes necessary for any reason to delay for any considerable time the putting on of the hoops, boards should be nailed across the top of the silo. When it is found impossible to secure staves of the full length desired, a joint or splice must be made. For a silo 30 feet deep, staves 20 feet in length may be used. A part of these should be used their full length and part should be sawed through the middle, thus making staves of 20 and Io feet length. In set- ting them up the ends which meet at the splice should be squared and toe-nailed securely together. They should alternate so that first a long stave is at the bot- tom then a short one, thus breaking joints at 1o feet and 20 feet from the base. IRON HOOPS FOR SILOS. ru Ving ft iV H ' jhe vf a il i ilath cael ‘i nek RN | i tah \ Mt Ne \ NY i | i fe NG Tm m EN a : —— iW) Nie yf : yi i AMARA Fig, 16. Shows how barrel staves may be used in setting up a silo, they should be removed before the silo is filled. il wil For the hoops, 54-inch round iron or steel rods are recommended, although cheaper substitutes have been found satisfactory. Each hoop should be in three sections for a silo 12 feet in diameter, in four sections for a silo 16 feet in diameter. If the method of con- struction shown in Fig. 15 is followed, the hoops will need to be in four sections each, the ends being passed through the upright 6x6 posts, and secured by heavy washers and nuts. The bottom hoop should be about six inches from the base of the silo; the second hoop should be not more than two feet from the first; the the third hoop two and one-half feet from the second, the distance between hoops being increased by one- half foot until they are three and one-half feet apart, which distance should be maintained except for the 72 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. hoops at the top of the silo which may be four feet apart. The hoops should be drawn fairly tight before the silo is filled, but not perfectly tight. They must be tight enough to close up the space between the staves, thus preventing any foreign matter from get- ting into the cracks which would prevent the staves from closing up as they swell, and allowing air to en- ter. To hold hoops and. staves in place during the summer when the silo is empty, staples should be driven over the hoops into the staves. If a sufficient number of staples are used they will prevent the sag- ging or dropping down of the hoops, and they will hold the staves securely in place. The hoops should be watched very closely for a few days after the silo is filled. If the strain becomes quite intense the nuts should be slightly loosened. If during the summer when the silo is empty and the staves thoroughly dry the hoops are tightened so that the staves are drawn closely together, when the silo is filled and the wood absorbs moisture and begins to swell, the hoops must be eased somewhat to allow for the expansion. The doors,:2 feet wide by 2% feet high, should be located where convenience in feeding dictates. The lower door should be between the second and third hoops at the bottom, and other doors will usually be needed in every second space between there and the top, except that no door will be needed in the top space, as the silage when settled will be sufficiently low to enable it to be taken out at the door in the space below. Plans should be made for the doors at the time the staves are set. When the place is reach- ed where it is desired to have the doors, a saw should be started in the edge of the stave at the points where the top and bottom of the doors are to come. The saw should be inserted so that the door can be sawed out on a bevel, making the opening larger on the z7- side of the silo. (See Fig. 13.) This will enable A DOOR FOR STAVE SILOS. 73 the door to be removed and put in place only from the inside, and when set in place and pressed down with silage the harder the pressure the tighter will the door fit. After the silo is set up and the hoops have been put on and tightened the cutting out of the doors may be completed. Before doing this, cleats 2 inch- es by 3 inches and in length equal to the width of the door, should be made which will conform to the circular shape of the silo. One of these cleats should be securely bolted to the top and one to the bottom of wuere the door istobe cut. (See Fig.13.).; After the bolting, the door may be sawed out, and it is then ready for use. Whenset in place at time of filling the silo a piece of tarred paper inserted at the top and bottom will fill the opening made by the saw and pre- vent the entrance of any air around the door. Another Door for Stave Silo. Silage being heavy to handle, and pitch up, has made continuous doors a popular feature of a few factory-built silos, as it is much easier to get the silage out of the silo for feeding. The illustration, Fig. 17, shows a method of making a door in home-made silos which is continuous with the exception of a narrow brace piece extending across the opening, under each hoop, to give rigidity to the structure. These pieces should be securely toe-nailed at each end to the staves. The jamb pieces, e, ¢, should be 2 inches thick, bev- eled off on the side away from the door, securely spiked to the inside of the stave, as shown, so as to leave a rabbet 2x2 inches. Great care should be taken to have these pieces exactly the same distance apart throughout their entire length, so that the door boards, being sawed the exact length, will fit alike and prop- erly all the way up, and if care be taken in this regard it will not be necessary to replace them in the sane order at each successive filling of the silo. The door boards should be matched, two inches thick the same 74 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. Fig.17. «a, a, Staves. 6,6. Door Boards. c, Brace 2% by 6, setin. a, ad, Hoops. e,e, Jamb pieces. A CHEAP ROOF’ FOR STAVE’ SILOS. 75 as the staves, and if surfaced and well seasoned there need be no fear of the silage spoiling around such a door. A strip of acid- and water-proof paper may be placed in the rabbet, between the ends of the door boards and the stave, as an extra precaution, but if the carpenter work is well done it is not absolutely necessary. Such a door can be adapted to any form of stave silo, and, if not made more than two feet wide, the fact that the door section is straight instead of curved will make no difference. If the silo is built outside of the barn some sort of a roof is desirable. This should be sufficiently wide to protect the walls of the silo as thoroughly as possi- SS ———_ le NS, oe vail. Seay ae th w= rsh ie i fi IM yw Fig. 18. A cheap roof for stave silos. 76 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. ble. A very satisfactory roof is shown in Fig. 14, Two other constructions of a cheap roof for a stave silo are shown in Figs. 18 and 19. The latter was built at the Indiana Experiment Station at a total cost of $10.50, viz., lumber $4.00, tin put on and painted $6.00 and hardware 50 cents. Two 2x6 pieces (A,A) Fig. 19. A CHEAP KOOP OF STAVE SILO: A, B, and E, 2x6 in.; C‘ 2x4 in.; D, C, Enlarged Outside End; F, Hinges; G, H, I, Sections of Roof; J, K, 2x2 in. (Van Norman.) were placed on edge and toe-nailed to the top of the staves they rested on; the projection is for supporting the carrier at filling time. They are tied together by the short pieces EK. ‘The roof is in three sections, G, H, andI. Gand H are hinged to the frame A, A, CHEAP STAVE. SILOS. 77 and may be tipped up when the silo is nearly full, to allow filling to the top. The narrow middle section is light enough to lift off on either side, and leaves the opening for the carrier to deliver into. On the framework B, B, and C, C. cheap sheeting boards are nailed. ‘This is then covered with tin, sol- dered joints and painted. ‘The sections should be fas- tened down by means of staples and hooks, or other device; the hooks are used on this one. On the inner edge of G and H, 2x2-inch strips, K, are nailed. Close to these are placed similar strips, J, to which the cross- boards are nailed, forming the section I of the roof. The tin on the section I should come over the edge on to J. On the other sections it should run up on the side of K, making a water-tight joint. The sections G and H have slope of nearly 3 inches, being the difference in height of A and C. C is notched one inch at the outer end. (Van Norman.) Cheap Stave Silos. A foundation-, bottom-, and roofless stave silo was described recently in Hoard’s Dairyman, which may prove of interest and value to some readers. It was put up on a leased farm, with the expectation of re- moving it on the termination of the lease. It has the sky for a roof, the ground for a bottom, and no foun- dation but a 2x6 spruce scantling to secure a level base for the wall, while protecting them from rotting on the ground. ‘The silo has a diameter of 24 feet, and is as high as could be built from 2x4 scantling without splicing them. ‘The 2x4 spruce scantlings were set 18 inches apart from center to center, upon a 2x6 sill, directly upon the ground, It was sheeted on the in- side with two thicknesses of 14x6 spruce, with tar paper between. On the outside, at the bottom, half way up, and at the top, were two, three, and two bands of 1x6 common fencing, respectively, and no other boarding. ‘The silo has a capacity of 250 tons, 78 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. and was built at a cost of $174.21. ‘‘ We never had better silage than we are now feeding out of this silo, though we did have to shovel nearly a foot off of it a few days ago, when the silo was opened. Another very simple, home-made stave silo was built by the Virginia Experiment Station on a trial. The following is a brief description of this silo. It will be noted that neither doors nor roof were provided for in the silo: A circle 16 feet in diameter is marked on the ground and covered with short pieces of plank. Four pieces of plank 16 feet long, 6 inches wide, and 2 inches thick are then set on end on the circle at equal inter- vals. These are held in an upright position by braces in various directions. An iron band is placed about 1 foot from the bottom of the silo, and held in position by nails driven into the plank and bent up and over the band. A second band is placed about 1 foot from the top. The rest of the staves are then set in place, a nail being driven into each to support the bands. The latter are then tightened somewhat and 3 more put on, the distance between the bands being about 4 feet. Instead of hoops of round iron ordinarily used, bands made as follows are recommended : Procure (as can usually be done) partially worn tire iron from heavy wagons. Get a smith to rivet, not weld, these together so that two bands will go around the silo. Rivet to the ends of these bands short pieces of iron one-half inch thick by 2 inches wide. Turn up 3 inches of this thick iron and punch three-fourth holes in the turned-up portion. For each band pro- cure 2 bolts a foot long and three-fourth inch in diam- eter. Have threads cut on bolts nearly the entire length, and place these bolts through the holes in up- turned ends; put on nuts and tighten the silo. These are stronger, cheaper, and easier to work than the round bands, and considered a great improvement over the latter. Objections have, however, been raised to MODIFICATION OF THE STAVE SILO. 79 flat iron hoops, that the woodwork under them is apt to rot, and round hoops are generally recommended for this reason. A Modification of the Stave Silo. Stave silos are admittedly cheap and readily put up, but unless hoops are tightened as they dry out, they may be easily blown into a shapeless mass in case of a heavy gale. The modification of the stave silo de- scribed in the following has the advantage of being more rigid and substantial; it has been put up ina number of places in the east, and has apparently given good satisfaction for several years, at least. In build- ing this silo some good, tough, oak planks two inches thick and of any convenient length are procured. Rock elm will do, although not as good as oak. The planks are sawed into strips half an inch thick. ‘The foundation of the silo is made of concrete, and a little larger than the outside diameter of the silo. A stake is set in the center and on this a piece is nailed, just long enough to act as a guide in setting scantling when erecting sides. For sides 14%x4 inch hemlock of any desired length is used. "These are set up on the circumference of the silo, perpendicular to the bottom. 3 feet and 7 feet up nail on the outside one of the half-inch strips mentioned before, being sure to keep the circle regular. This will keep upright pieces in place until the circle is completed. On each hoop so started other half-inch pieces are nailed, lapping them in different places until each hoop is three inches thick. Other hoops are now put on in the same manner, plac- ing them one foot apart at bottom, up to the three- foot hoop 16 inches apart from three to the 7-foot hoop, then increasing the distance between each hoop two in- ches, until they are 30 inches apart, at which distance they should be kept. If staves are to be spliced it should be done on the hoop. When this is done, a silo will 80 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. be made of 1%x4 inch, thoroughly hooped with wooden hoops 2x3 inches. The inside may be covered with the best quality of felt, well tacked to the staves, on which a thick coat. of thick coal tar is spread; over this another thick- ness of felt is put while the tar coating is still green. The silo is lined with 34-inch Georgia pine ceiling, nailing thoroughly, and the lining coated with two coats of coal tar, putting on the first one quite thin, but using all the wood will take in, and for a second coat tar as thick as it can be spread. Give plenty of ‘ time to dry before filling. The outside of the silo may be boarded up with vertical boarding, or it may have strips nailed on hoops and be boarded with novelty siding. The latter method will make a stronger and better looking silo. If the hoops are well nailed ,to the staves when being made, we shall have a silo in which it is impossible for the staves to shrink or get loose. (Woodward. ) Peer, in his book ‘‘ Soiling, Soiling crops and Ensi- lage,’’ reports that a New-York canning factory who has for years siloed their pea vines, corn husks and cobs, and wintered sheep thereon, put the refuse through a cutting box into a rough plank silo about thirty feet in diameter. ‘‘ The planks were rough, just as they came from the saw mill, set on end, and hooped with half-inch round iron. No roof was put on, and when the silage settled the staves were taken down, the silage stood, and the whole mass kept in perfect form. The following year the staves (2x6 inch planks) are set up again. As to the silage spoiling, there is six or eight inches on the sides that rots, and is thrown into the manure heap. As tofreezing, they experience no inconvenience from that. If the top freezes a little, it is mixed with the unfrozen, fermen- tation sets up, and the frozen part is thawed out by its own combustion.”’ Protection against freezing. It the silo is built out- TABLE OF AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES. Sr doors in any of the Northern states, it is necessary to provide some special means to keep the silage from freezing in case this is considered a very objectionable feature. The silo may be enclosed by a wide jacket of rough boards nailed to four uprights, leaving the sec- tion of the silo where the doors are easy of access; the space between the silo and outside jacket is filled with straw in the fall; this may be taken out and used for bedding in the spring, thus allowing the staves to be thoroughly dried out during the summer, and prevent- ing the silo from rotting. Number of staves required for stave silos.—The fol- lowing table will be found useful in calculating the number of staves required for silos of different diame- ters, and the feeding areas which these will give: CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. : ween |) Cinetini= Area, : Circum- Area, ee = | ference, Sanare a Seek ference, Square ok | Feet. Feet. 3 Feet. | Feet. 8 Ne ayes a 50.3 21 66.0 346.4 Ome a 28.3 63.6 22 69.1 380.1 10 31.4 78.5 28 72.3 415.5 1i | 34.6 95.0 24 65.4 452.4 12 Sheil na etea | 25 78.5 490.9 13 | 40.8 132.7 26 81.7 530.9 14 44.0 153.9 Bi 84.8 51226 15 47.1 wiOT 28 88.0 615.8 16 | 50.3 20a 29 91.1 660.5 Le 53.4 | 227.0 30 94.2 706.9 18 |. 6 BOS 254.5 3) | 97.4 7154.8 19 59.7 283.5 32 | * 100.5 804.2 20 62.8 314.2 } To find the circumference of a circle, multiply the diameter by 3.1416. To find the area of a circle, multiply the square of the diameter by 0.7854. To find the cubical contents of a cylinder, multiply the area of the base (floor) by the height. Example.—A silo 16 feet in diameter and 26 feet high is wanted ; how many staves 2x6: inches will be $2 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. needed, and what will be the feeding area in the silo, and its capacity ? , The circumference of a circle 16 feet diameter 50.3 feet ; there will therefore be required 50.3+% s IOI staves, 2x6 inches, 26 feet high, or if staves of this height cannot be obtained, 135 staves 20 feet long, or 50 each of 12 and 14 feet long staves. The feeding area will be 16X160.7854=201.1 square feet, and the cubical content of the silo, 201.1 26=5228.6 cu- bic feet. Estimating the weight of a cubic foot of corn silage at 4o pounds, 5228.6 cubic feet silage would weigh 209,164 pounds, or about 100 tons, which is the approximate capacity of a round silo of the di- - mensions given. Connecting Round Silos with Barn.—The location of the silo with reference to other farm buildings has already been discussed. The silo must be easy to get at from the stable, and the silage, if possible, handled only once in being placed before the stock. A round silo is most conveniently built just outside of the barn and connected with this by means of a covered pass- age way. The method of joining silos to barns is il- lustrated in numerous pictures of silos given in this book.». See Fig. 20. Other forms of Round Silos. The various types of round, wooden silos have been described at some length in the preceding, because perhaps ninety per cent. of farmérs who expect to build a silo will build one of this kind, either one of the more substantial and expensive original or modi- fied Wisconsin silos, or a stave silo. In some cases it seems more desirable to build a round silo of other material than wood, viz., of either stone or brick. The general principles that must be observed in con- structing silos of these materials are similar to those underlying the proper construction of wooden silos. In order to strengthen the wall of the silo, it is re- ILLUSTRATION. Fig 20. eee SSSSSSsssss= fer Two methods of roofing round wooden silos the barn so as to provide a feeding chute. ) and the =| iD 2 Sa) N ime eR Oe: —— manner of connecting them with 84 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. commended to bed in the wall between the doors 5% inch iron rods, bent to the curve of the silo circle, and about 12 feet long. The two ends should be turned short at right angles, so as to anchor better in the mortar. In deep stone silos, which rise more than 18 feet above the surface of the ground, it will be safest to strengthen the wall between the two lower doors with iron tie rods, and, if such a silo is built of bould- ers, it will be well to use rods enough to make a com- plete line or hoop around the silo about two feet above the ground, as represented in Fig. 21. Fig. 21. Showing method of bedding iron rods in stone, brick, or concrete walls to increase the strength. Too great care cannot be taken in making the part of the wall below and near the ground solid, and es- BRICK SILOS. 85 pecially its outer face, so that it will be strong where the greatest strain willcome. It is best also to dig the pit for the silo large enough so as to have plenty of room outside of the finished wall to permit the earth filled in behind to be very thoroughly tamped, so as to act as a strong backing for the wall. This is urged because a large per cent. of the stone founda- tions of wood silos have cracked more or less from one cause or another, and these cracks lead to the spoiling of silage. Flat quarry rock, like limestone, will make the strongest silo wall, because they bond much better than boulders do, and when built of limestone they will not need to be reinforced much with iron rods. It will be best even in this case, however, to use the iron tie rods between the lower two doors. (King. ) Brick Silos.—In constructing a brick silo it will be well to guard the following points: Make the foun- dation of stone if practicable, and let the first course — of brick come flush on the inside with the stone work. Bed a five-eighths inch iron hoop in the stone work in the upper part before laying the brick, in order to keep the pressure of brick from spreading the wall before the mortar becomes set and hard. Make a two- inch air space in the walls up to within one-third of the top. This will make a 14 inch wall of three courses of brick. If, however, the silo is to be over 24 feet inside diameter, then a four-brick wall is really necessary one-third the way up, then the next third of three bricks and the last third of two bricks. The air space should be in the outer part of the wall. Iron tie rods should also be laid around in the wall between the doors, as recommended in the stone work. It is also important that the brick should be wet when laid, otherwise the mortar in which they are laid will be dried out too rapidly. The walls should be plastered over very smoothly with a coat of rich cement, one- fourth to one-half inch thick, and then every two or 86 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. three years this should be well whitewashed with thin cement, to keep the wall protected from the effects of acid in the silage. King recommends that the floor jambs be made of 3x6’s or 3x8's, rabbetted two in- ches deep to receive the door on the inside. The cen- ter of the jambs outside should be grooved anda tongue inserted projecting three-fourths of an inch outward to set back into the mortar, and thus secure a thoroughly air-tight joint between wall and jamb. The doors may be made of two layers of matched flooring with tarred paper between, and lag screw bolted to the jamb, so as to give a perfectly smooth face next to the silage. Stone Silos.—The stone silo should have a wall about two feet thick below the surface of the ground, and this may be laid in the cheaper grades of cement. Above the surface a good grade of Portland cement should be used. A thickness of wall of 18 inches at the surface of the ground is desirable, but this may be gradually reduced to 12 inches at the top, keeping the inner surface of the silo perpendicular. It is im- portant to have five-eighths inch iron rods, with an- gles on the ends, laid in the wall at intervals between each door, to keep the walls from cracking or spread- ing before the mortar or cement is thoroughly set. These rods may be of several lengths, laid to the curve of the wall. and the angled ends should lap by each other for three or four inches. It will be well to place silos a distance below the surface. This should not be deep enough on level land, however, to require great exertion to get out the silage. Under such circustances four feet is deep enough. (Plumb. ) Details concerning the construction of stone, brick, and cement silos are given in Prof. Woll’s Book on Silage, and in Bulletin No, 83 of Wisconsin Experi- ment Station, by Prof. King, as well as in numerous other silo pamphlets, and we shall not take up fur- SILOS IN THE BARN. 87 ther space here with the discussion thereof. The same holds true with all other forms of silo construc- tion than those already explained, except the one kind, where silos are built in a bay of the barn. In order to use the space economically, these silos are built in a rectangular form. Silos in the Barn. A large number of silos have been built in the barn, especially in the early days of silo construction. Where the necessary depth can be obtained and where the room can be spared, such silos can be built very easily and at a less cost than a separate structure, since lighter materials in construction may be used in this case, and no roof will be required for the silo. Silos built in this manner have generally the advant- age of being near at hand. Since feeding time comes twice a day, at least, throughout the winter and spring, a few steps saved in hauling the silage mean a good deal in the aggregate. Many farmers first made silos of this kind, and, later on, when familiar with the silage and siloing process, built additional separate structures. A very cheap rectangular silo may be constructed by erecting strong 3x10 studding around a bay or part of a bay, and lining with one-ply good matched lum- ber one inch thick. Such a silo has been in useat the Ottawa Station for eight years, and has given good results. The following detailed directions for chang- ing bays in a barn into silos were originally published by the N. H. Experiment Station. Remove floors, and if there isa barn cellar place sills on the bottom of this, and set 2x8 scantling ver- tically, bringing up the inside edges even with the sills of the barn. ‘The bottom may or may not be cement- ed, according as the ground is wet or dry, If it be cemented, three casks of cement and an equal amount of sharp sand or gravel will cover a bottom 16x16 and 88 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. turn up on the sides two feet, which will give a tight silo. Common spruce or hemlock boards, square- edged and planed on one side, are best for boarding the inside of the silo; these are to be put on in two courses, breaking joints, and, if thoroughly nailed, will give a tight silo. No tongueing or matching is needed. ‘Tarred paper may be put between the board- ing, if desired, but I doubt if it is of great utility. At some point most easily accessible, an opening ex- tending nearly the height of the silo must be made, to put in the corn and take out the silage. The courses of boards should be cut shorter than the open- ing, to allow loose boards to be set in, lapping on the door studding and making an air-tight joint. For all this work medium lumber is good enough, and a very limited amount of mechanical skill and a few tools, which all farms should have, will enable most farmers to build their own silo. A few iron rods, one-half inch in diameter, may be necessary to prevent spread- ing by side pressure, but this will depend upon the strength of the original frame of the barn. Narrow boards, from five to eight inches wide, are better than wide ones, as they are not likely to swell and split. Hight-penny nails for the first boarding and twelve- penny nails for the second course will hold the boards in place. A silo constructed as above outlined will cost from 50 cents to $1.00 for each ton of ‘its capacity, accord- ing as all materfals, including lumber and stone, are charged, or only labor and nails, rods, and cement. A Small $30 Silo.—The illustration herewith given, Fig. 22, shows a small, square silo, built inside a Michigan barn; dimensions 8 feet square and 22 feet deep. The capacity of the silo is about 28tons. It is built of 2x8 horizontal studding, placed lapped at the corners, and held together with 5 twenty-penny nails, wire spikes, in each corner. The space be- A THIRTY-DOLLAR SILO. 89 yy thy i ' ‘ 4 i i Fig. 22. View of a silo 8 feet square; 22 feet deep, built inside of barn. ( Smith.) tween these frames, from the bottom to the top, are 2%, 2% 3, 4,5, and 5 feet. The siding consists of one thickness of matched white-pine flooring, six inches wide; it is nailed on vertically and painted on both sides with Venetian red and oil. No paper is used. The corners’ are filled out by 2x6 scantling properly beveled and nailed in vertically. Each door is 2 feet wide, and made of sufficient length to lap an inch when placed between a certain pair of horizontal ribs; toward the bottom of the silo the doors are, therefore, 2% feet high, while toward the top they are 5 feet high. Battens of 1x4 pine are placed over the cracks on the sides of the doors and nailed to the wall of the silo. No hinges are used, the pressure of the silage keeping the doors in place. The bottom frame, formed by the 2x8 studdings, go HOW TO BUILD A SILO. rests on the clay bottom of the barn cellar. The silo has no foundation, but the hard clay bottom is cement- ed with Buffalo cement, one inch thick, to keep out rats. Cost of materials, $30.00. The main objection to rectangular or square silos is that it is very difficult to make the corners perfectly tight, so that air will not enter at these points and cause more or less of the silage to spoil here. Even if carefully built, the lateral pressure in a silo filled with green fodder is often great enough to cause the boards to spring and thus let air in, unless special pre- cautions have been taken to prevent it. One way of avoiding this difficulty is to partially round off the corners, by placing a square timber, split diagonally, in each of the corners. Another plan is to bevel the edge of a ten-inch plank and nail it in the corners, filling in behind with dry dirt or sand. Sawdust has been recommended, but should not be used, as it will draw moisture and cause the plank and silo lining to decay. The space back of the plank may also be left empty. The arrangement for making the corners of a square or rectangular silo air-tight shown in Fig. 23 was pub- lished by the Geneva Experiment Station. The cor- tim i \ \’ S - ee Fig. 23. Corner of Rectangular Silo. Wheeler. OCTAGONAL, SILOS. gI ners are boarded up, as shown in the figure, a sheeting of paper going between the two courses of boards. The partitions at the corners can be put across after the first course of boards, instead of after the lining is in place, as shown in the illustration. The silos of the form mentioned may be strengthen- ed at the corners by the arrangement recommended by Prof. Spillman and shown in Fig. 24. Half-inch N WN) SS SS , Fig. 24. Cross-section of the studding at the corner of a rectangular silo. Spillman. bolts are used to hold the 2x4 and 2x6 together. ‘The bolts are not more than eighteen inches apart from the bottom up to about the middle of the studding. Above the middle they may be two feet apart ; they may be reinforced by 30d. nails. Octagonal Silos. A number of octagonal silos have built in recent years, and find favor with their owners in most in- stances. If properly put up and care taken to fasten the girts securely at the corners with plenty of spikes, the octagonal silo is greatly superior to the square g2 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. type and has nearly every advantage of the round si- lo, and can readily be constructed by anyone handy with tools with the assistance of the ordinary farm help. The foundation should be of stone or brick as de- scribed for various other forms of silos, and should be laid out with proper dimensions for the size decided upon. Brief details are here given for an octagonal silo of about the same capacity as a round silo, 20 feet in diameter and of equal height. If the foundation is laid out so that the corners are in the circumference of a circle 21 feet in diameter the horizontal girts will be about 8 feet long, and will be much stronger and better able to withstand the lateral pressure than the sides of a square silo of equal capac- q i i] | Sy Fig. 25. Perspective showing construction of Frame, and double lining with paper between. The door ts made of two thicknesses with paper between, as shown. OCTAGONAL SILOS. 93 ity. Details of construction are shown in the drawings, Figs. 25and 26. The girtsshould be 3x8 in. and spiked at the corners with 6 inch spikes, upto nearly one-half of the height of the silo, and 2x8 in. the rest of the way, fastened with 20 penny spikes. The girts should be 16 inches apart at the bottom for one-third the height of the silo. They may be 18 inches apart the second third of the distance, and above that the dis- tance between them can be increased till they are 2 feet or more at the very top. A double row may be used fora plate. Sound timber only should be used. Care should be taken to have the girts securely spiked at the corners, so that the joints will not give. The horizontal girt sections take the place of hoops in the round siloand must be strong. JVot less than six or eight spikes should be used at each splice. One of the causes of failure in home-made silos of every kind is that the ordinary carpenter, who has probably never built a silo before, has but a limited idea of the pres- sure on the sides of asilo 30 or more feet deep, and does not realize the disappointment and loss occasioned by a poorly built silo. A simple method of getting the walls perpendicular is to first lay the sill, which should be fastened to the wall securely, by means of bolts set in the wall, and then erect at each corner and on the inside a temporary post or scantling to serve as a guide, braced in position so that it is perpendicular both ways, and the girts then laid and spiked in position, one above the other. The lining is, of course, put on up and down and should be matched and of good thickness, say 114 or 1% if but one layer is used. If two layers, it need not be so thick, 7-inch flooring, and the outer layer not necessarily matched. Thecorners should be fitted as nicely as possible, and it is a good plan to block out the corners, as shown at Fig. 26, a, a, a, so that the tongues and grooves can be properly adjusted to each other. 94 HOW \TO BUILD.,.A.. SILO. John Gould, a prominent dairy writer and lecturer, recommends, where one thickness of matched lumber Fig. 26. Showing method of laying sill, and bolting same to foundation for an octagonal silo. is used in the above manner, that the lining be thor- oughly coated on the outside with heavy application of coal tar, or other similar substance, so as to prevent the air penetrating the pores of the lumber, and causing the silage to dry on to the inner surface. Any style of door can be used, but an effective con- tinuous door isshown in the illustration. Ifany of the girts be cut out to make the door spaces larger, the remaining ones should be correspondingly reinforced. The making of a roof for such a silo is a simple matter, and a dormer window will assist in filling, al- though a trap door may be used in case the filling be done with a blower. Any style of siding may be used. Such a silo if well built will be durable, satisfactory, have nearly all the advantages of a round silo, and in COST OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF SILOS. 95 addition will be a much more stable structure, requir- ing no tightening of the hoops from time to time. Bill of materials for a silo built to 21-foot circle and 30 feet high are given below. The cost will, of course, vary with the locality. Bill of materials for Octagonal Silo 20x30 feet out- side measurement : Pomidatiom/ se. NN MII a IC. ORG menehee: ite se.) EON THT goose’ 3x8 1738 Ob-16 HOOT 900 ‘* 2x8 j§ lengths. eerere te PMT 10 FU oe Geet! 2x4 14 eet Siding . a Ee Yi) 6 RRA aatia NN RGenteat Lining. . .... 2800 feet, 1% inch thick, matched Dormer Window Pee price ee LEE PAU, OTA LION Fao ts eR ny ne ETT CPTI, PUN BRT A TITRE ae PEG ney PC gM) aE Ee OY OG Se oes Cost of Different Kinds of Silos. The cost of a silo will depend on local conditions as to price of labor and materials ; how much labor has to be paid for; the size of the silo, etc. The compar- ative data for the cost of two round silos, 13 and 25 feet in diameter, and 30 feet deep, is given by Prof. King, as shown in the following table : 13 FEET INSIDE 25 FEET INSIDE DIAMETER. DIAMETER. KINDS OF SILo. Without With Without! With roof. roof. roof. roof. Scie SSO coin). ite se den oremaes $151 $175 $264 $328 GUC LAS UO Ke te Gos coe cca tite ai sre 243 273 437 494 Brick-lined Silo, 4 inches thick .. 142 230 310 442 Brick lined, 2 inches thick ....... 131 190 239 369 Lathed and plastered Silo........ 133 185 244 363 Wood Silo with galvanized iron.. 168 185 308 432 Wood Silo with paper ............ 128 222 235 358 SATS ASS Goma ata Dinos sa ae oem 127 183 136 289 Cheapest wood, ‘Silo.s. ict... 5... 101 144 | 195 240 96 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. During the spring of 1895 Prof. Woll made inqui- ries in regard to the cost of silos of different kinds (not only circular ones), built by farmers in different states in the Union. The results of this inquiry are summarized briefly below. The cheapest silos are those built in bays of barns, as would be expected, since roof and outside lining are nere already at hand. Number of silos included, fourteen ; average capacity, 140 tons; average cost of silos, $92, or 65 cents per ton capacity. Next come the square or rectangular wooden silos. Number of silos included, twenty-five; average capa- city, 194 tons; average cost of silos, $285, or $1.46 per ton capacity. The round silos follow closely the square wooden ones in point of cost. Only seven silos were included, all but one of which were made of wood. Average capacity, 237 tons; average cost $368, or $1.54 per ton capacity. The data for the six round wooden silos are as follows ; Average capacity, 228 tons; aver- age cost, $346, or $1.52 per ton capacity. ‘The one round cement silo cost $500, and had a capacity of 300 tons (dimensions: diameter, 30 feet ; depth 21 feet); cost per ton capacity, $1.67. The stone or cement silos are the most expensive in first cost, as is shown by the data obtained. Number of silos included, nine; average capacity, 288 tons; average cost, $577, or $1.93 per ton capacity. The great difference in the cost of different silos of the same kind is apparent without much reflection. The range in cost per ton capacity in the 25 square wooden silos included in the preceding summary was from 70 cents to $3.60. The former figure was ob- tained with a 144-ton silo, 20x18x2o0 feet; and the latter with a 140-ton silo, built as follows: Dimen- sions, 14x28x18 feet; 2x12x18 feet studdings, set 12 inches apart ; two thicknesses of dimension boards in- side, with paper between, sheeting outside with paper COMPARATIVE COST OF SILOS. Q7 nailed on studding ; cement floor. Particulars are lacking as regards the construction of the first silo, beyond its dimensions. It may be in order to state, in comparing the aver- age data for the cost of the different silo types, that the round silos were uniformly built better than the rectangular wooden silos included, and according to modern requirements, while many of the latter were old and of comparatively cheap construction, so that the figures cannot be taken to represent the relative value of rectangular and round silos built equally well. A good many figures entering into the preceding summaries are doubtless somewhat too low, if all labor put on the silo is to be paid for, for in some cases the cost of work done by the farmers themselves was not figured in with other expenses. As most farmers would do some of the work themselves, the figures giv- en may, however, be taken to represent the cash outlay in building silos. Ina general way, it may be said that a silo can be built in the bay of a barn for less than 75 cents per ton capacity; a round or a good square or rectangular wooden silo for about $1.50, artd a stone or cement silo for about $2 per ton capacity, all figures being subject to variations according to lo- cal prices of labor and materials. Rennie, a Canadian writer, gives the following com- parative figures as to cost of silos; Round stave silos, 75 cents per ton capacity ; round wooden silos, $1.25 and cement silos, $1.25 to $1.50 per ton capacity. The cost of stave silos will of course vary with the kind of lumber used, cost of labor, and other expenses, as in case of other types of silos. It is evident that stave silos can asa rule be built cheaper than other kinds of silos, both from the fact that less material is used in their construction, and because the labor bill is smaller. One of the first stave silos described, built in Ontario, Canada, cost $75.00; capacity, 140 tons. 98 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. Other and better built stave silos have been put up for $100 for a 100-ton silo, and this may be considered an average price for such a silo, made of white pine, hemlock or any lumber that is cheapest in the particu- lar locality where the silo is to be built. If built of Southern cypress, and complete with conical roof and doors, the price of stave silos will inthe North come to about $1.50 per ton capacity, small silos being a little dearer, and larger ones a little cheaper than this average figure. Estimating Materials and Cost of Silos. Several writers on silo construction have published bills of materials used in the construction of silos of moderate sizes of the following three types: Wiscon- sin Improved Silo, Modified Wisconsin Silo, and Stave Silo. Farmers contemplating building a silo, can use these estimates for figuring out the approximate cost of silos of the three kinds under his conditions as to cost of materials and labor. ‘The estimates are made for silos built in the open, on level land. On hillsides deeper walls may be made to advantage, and where the silo.is located within a building no roof will be needed. . Consequently various factors may alter the application of these estimates, which are only offered as suggestive, with the hope they may prove helpful. The first three estimates of materials are published by Prof. Plumb, while the others have been furnished by Professors King and Withycombe. Estimate of Materials for Wisconsin Improved Silos. Size, 30 feet deep, 14 feet diameter. Capacity 90 tons. Brick—3375 for foundation, I foot thick, 3 feet deep. Studs—5S0 pieces 2x4, 16 feet long. Studs—5S0 pieces 2x4, 14 feet long. Flooring for doors—32 feet, 4 matched. ‘ Sheeting— 3000 feet. % inch, resawed from 2x6—16 foot plank sawed 3 times, dressed one side to uniform thickness, for inside lining of two layers. ESTIMATE OF MATERIALS. 99 Lining—1500 feet of same for outside. Tar building paper—200 yards, water- and acid proof. Nails—200 lbs. 8-penny; 200 1bs. 10-penny. Spikes—20 lbs. Rafters—22, 2x4, 10 feet long, for usual ridge roof. Sheeting for roof-—35U feet of 16 foot boards. Shingles—3000. Shingle nails—12 lbs. Dormer window for filling through. Paint—7 gallons, providing two coats. Cement— barrels, for cementing bottom. Estimate of Material for a Modified Wisconsin Silo. Same capacity as preceding. Brick-350 for foundation, 8 in. wide, 5 in. thick. Studs-50 pieces 2x4, 16 ft. long. Studs-50 pieces 2x4, 14 ft. long. Sheeting-3000 ft. % in. resawed from 2x6, 16 ft. plank sawed three times, dressed to uniform thickness for inside lining of two layers. Tar building paper 200 yards water-and acid proof. Nails-150 lbs. 8 penny. Spikes-12 lbs. No outer siding, roof or floor is figured on or pro- vided for in this construction. Estimate of Materials for Stave Silo. Size 12x28 ft. capacity, 60 tons. Brick-1800 for foundation, 1 foot thick, 2 ft. deep. Staves-77 2x6, 16 ft. dressed 4 sides. Staves-77 2x6, 12 ft. dressed 4 sides. Rods-10, 19% ft. long % in iron, with % threaded ends and nuts. Staples-2 gross 4x2 in. Iron tighteners-20 holding ends of hoops. Rafters-2 2x6 pieces, 14 ft. long for roof center. Rafters-2 2x6 pieces 13 ft. long for roof, next center. Side rafters-48 ft, 2x4 pieces. Roof sheeting-170 ft. common. Tin sheeting-196 ft. Cement for floor-2 bbls. L. of C. 100 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. Estimate of Materials for Wisconsin Improved Szlo. Size, 30 ft. deep, 20 ft. inside diameter, capacity, 200 tons. Stone foundation, 7.5 perch. Studs, 2x4, 14 and 16 feet, 1,491 feet. Rafters, 2x4, 12 feet, 208 feet. Roof boards, fencing, 500 feet. Shingles, 6 M. Siding, rabbeted, 2,660 feet. Lining, fencing, ripped, 2,800 feet. Tarred paper, 740 lbs. Coal tar, 1 barrel. Hardware, $6.00. Painting (60 cents per sqaure) $13.20. Cementing bottom, $5.00. Carpenter labor (at $3 per M. and board ) $33.17. The estimated cost of the last silo is $246.39; it is an outside, wholly independent structure, except con- nected with the barn in the manner shown in fig. 20, with entrance and feeding chute toward the barn. Estimate of Materials for Stave Silo. 12 ft. in diameter, 24 ft. deep, capacity, 49 tons. 1 2-3 yards of rock or gravel. 4 barrels of sand. 1 barrel of cement. 2260 ft. tongued and grooyed staves. 72 ft. 3x6, 24 ft. door frames. 358 ft. % in. round iron for hoops and bolts, weight, 465 Preservative ($1.50). If the silo is constructed outside, materials for roof and painting are to be added to the preceding list. Although most of the foregoing descriptions of stave silos do not mention tongued and grooved staves, the latest practices indicate that, if properly done, it is a PRESERVATION OF SILOS. IOI decided advantage to have the staves matched, also slightly beveled. The silo made in this manner will not be so liable to go to pieceswhen empty. This is the chief objection to the stave silo, and numerous cases are on record where stave silos standing in ex- posed places have blown over when empty. It is recommended, therefore, that stave silos be attached, to the barn by means of a feeding chute, andin the case of high or exposed silos it is well to make use of guy rods or wires in addition. Indeed, some manu- facturers of stave silos now recommend these on some of their silos, and make provision for them. Preservation of Silos. A silo building will not remain sound for many years unless special precautions are taken to preserve it. This holds good of all kinds of silos, but more es- pecially of wooden ones, since a cement coating in a stone silo, even if only fairly well made, will better resist the action of the silage juices than the wood- work will be ableto keep sound in the presence of moisture, high temperature, and an abundance of bacterial life. In case of wooden silos it is necessary to apply some material which will render the wood impervious to water, and preserve it from decay. A great variety of preparation have been recommended and used for this purpose. Coal tar has been applied by a large number of farmers, and has been found effective and durable. It may be put on either hot, alone or mixed with resin, or dissolved in gasoline. If it is to be applied hot, some of the oil contained in the tar must pre- viously be burnt off. The tar is pouredinto an iron kettle, a handful of strawis ignited and thrown into the kettle, which will cause the oil to flash and burn off. The tar is sufficiently burnt when it will string out in fine threads, a foot or more in length, from a stick which has been thrust into the blazing kettle and 102 HOW TO BUILD A SILO. afterward plunged into cold water. The fire is then put out by placing a tight cover over the kettle. The kettle must be kept over the fire until the silo lining has been gone over. A mopora small whisk broom cut short, so it is stiff, may serve for putting on the tar. Coal tar and gasoline have also been used by many with good success. About halfa gallon of coal tar and two-thirds of a gallon of gasoline are mixed at a time, stirring it while it is being put on. Since gasoline is highly inflammable, care must be taken not to have any fire around when this mixture is applied. Asbestos paint has also been recommended for the preservation of silo walls, and would seem to be well adapted for this purpose. Many silos are preserved by application of a mix- ture of equal parts of boiled linseed o11 and black oil, or one part of the former to two of the latter. This mixture, applied every other year, before filling time, seems to preserve the lining perfectly. In building round silos, it is recommended to paint the boards with hot coal tar, and placing the painted sides face to face. Manufacturers of stave silos and fixtures put up special prepartions for preserving the silos, which _ they send out with the staves. These are generally simply compounds similar to those given in the pre- ceding, and are sold to customers at practically cost price. Walls of wooden silos that have been preserved by one or the other of these methods will only keep sound and free from decay if the silos are built so as to insure good ventilation. Preservatives will not save a non-ventilated silo structure from decay. Plastered wooden silos are preserved, as we have seen by applying a whitewash of pure cement as often as found necessary, which may be every two or three years. Thesame applies to stone and cement silos. The degree of moisture and acidity in the silage corn ’ PRESERVATION OF SILOS. 103 will doubtless determine how often the silo walls have » to be gone over with a cement wash; avery acid silage, made from immature corn will be likely to soften the cement coating sooner than so-called sweet silage made from nearly mature corn. A considerable number of wood siles are in use that were not treated on the inside with any preservative or paint and have stood very well. Indeed, some writers maintain that ifthe silo is well protected on the outside that a stave silo receives little if any benefit from inside coatings. CHAPTER III. SILAGE CROPS. Indian Corn.—Indian corn is, as has already been stated, the main silage crop in this country, and is likely to always remain so. Before explaining the filling of the silo and the making of silage, it will be well, therefore, to state briefly the main conditions which govern the production of a large crop of corn for the silo, and to examine which varieties of corn are best adapted for silage making. Sotls best adapted to corn culture and preparation ot land. ‘The soils best adapted to theculture of Indian corn are well-drained medium soils, loams, or sandy loams, in a good state of fertility. Corn will give best results coming after clover. The preparation of the land for growing corn is the same whether ear corn or forage is the object. Fall plowing is practiced by many successful corn growers. The seed is plant- ed on carefully prepared ground at such a time as con- venient and advisable. Other things being equal, the earlier the planting the better, after the danger of frost is ordinarily over. ‘‘’The early crop may fail, but the late crop is almost sure to fail.’’ After plant- ing, the soil should be kept pulverized and thoroughly cultivated. Shallow cultivation will ordinarily give better results than deep cultivation, as the former method suffices to destroy the weeds and to preserve the soil moisture, which are the essential points sought in cultivating crops. The cultivation should be no more frequent than is necessary for the complete erad- ication of weeds. It has been found that the yield of corn may be decreased by too frequent, as well as by insufficient cultivation. The general rule may be VARIETIES OF CORN FOR SILAGE. 105 given to cultivate as often, but no oftener, than is necessary to kill the weeds, or to keep the soil pulver- ized. The cultivator may be started to advantage as soon as the young plants break through the surface, and the soil kept stirred and weeds detroyed, until culti- vation is no longer practicable. 529 Varieties of corn for the stlo.—The best corn for the silo, in any locality, is that variety which will be reasonably sure to mature before frost, and which produces a large amount of foliage and ears. The best varieties for the New England States, are the Leaming, Sanford, and Flint corn; for the Middle States, Leaming, White and Yellow Dent; in the Central and Western States, the Leaming, Sanford, Flint and White Dent will be apt to give the best re- sults, while in the South, the Southern Horse’Tooth, Mosby Prolific, and other large dent corns are pre- ferred. For Canada, Rennie gives, as the varieties best adapted tor the silo; for Northern Ontario, North Dakota and Compton’s Early Flint; for Central On- tario, larger and heavier-yielding varieties may be grown, viz., Mammoth Cuban and Wisconsin Earliest White Dent. It is useless to grow a variety for silage which will not be in a firm, dough state by the time the first frosts are likely to appear. In the early stages of siloing corn in this country, the effort was to obtain an immense yield of fodder per acre, no matter whether the corn ripened or not. Large yields were, doubtless, often obtained with these big varieties, although it is uncertain that the actual yields ever came up to the claims made. Bailey’s Mammoth Ensilage Corn, ‘‘if planted upon good corn land, in good condition, well matured, with proper cultivation,’’ was guaranteed to produce from forty to to seventy-five tons of green fodder to the acre, ‘‘ just right for ensilage.’’ We now know that the immense 106 SILAGE CROPS. Southern varieties of corn, when grown to an imma- ture stage, as must necessarily be the case in Northern States, may contain less than ten per cent. of dry matter, the rest (more than nine-tenths of the total weight) being made up of water. This is certainly a remarkable fact, when we remember that skim-miulk, even when obtained by the separator process, will con- tain nearly ten per cent. of solid matter. In speaking of corn intended to.be cut for forage at an immature stage, Professor Robertson, of Canada, said at a Wisconsin Farmers’ Institute, ‘‘ Fodder corn sowed broadcast does not meet the needs of milking cows. Such a fodder is mainly a device of a thought- less farmer to fool his cows into believing that they have been fed, when they have only been filled up.’’ The same applies with equal strength to the use of large, fmmature Southern varieties for fodder, or for the silo, in Northern States. In comparative variety tests with corn in the North, Southern varieties have usually been found to furnish larger quantities per acre of both green fodder and to- tal dry matter in the fodder, than the smaller North- ern varieties. As an average of seven culture trials, Professor Jordan thus obtained the following results at the Maine Station. COMPARATIVE YIELDS OF SOUTHERN CORN AND MAINE FIELD CORN GROWN IN MAINE, 1888-1893. SOUTHERN CORN. MAINE FIELD CORN. Dry Digestible Dry iDigestible Green) Snpstance.| Matter. |Green| supstance.} Matter. Fod- | ————__|———_—__| Fod- | ——————_—: der. | Per Per der. | Per ‘Per Cent.| 4S- | ct.| Lds- Cent. ihe ct.| Lbs. Maximum. ..| 46,340 | 16.58 | 6,237 | 69 | 3,923 | 29,400] 25.43 | 7.064} 78 | 4,945 Minimum....| 26,295| 12,30 | 3,234 | 61 | 2,102 | 14,212) 13,55 | 2,415: 70 | 1,715 Average.....| 34,761! 14.50 | 5,036 | 65 | 3,251 | 22,269] 18,75 | 4,224 | 72 | 3,076 TIME OF CUTTING CORN FOR SILAGE. IO7 The average percentage digestibility of the dry sub- stance iS 65 per cent for the Southern corn, and 72 per cent for the Maine field corn, all the results obtained for the former varieties being lower than those ob- tained for the latter. While the general result for the five years, so far as the yield of digestible matter is concerned, is slightly in favor of the Southern varie- ties, the fact should not be lost sight of that an aver- age of 64 tons more of material has annually to be handled over several times, in case of these varieties of corn, in order to gain 175 pounds more of digestible matter per acre; we, therefore, conclude that the smaller, less watery, variety of corn really proved the 'more profitable. . At other Northern stations similar results, or results more favorable to the Northern varieties, have been obtained, showing that the modern practice of growing only such corn for the silo as will mature in the par- ticular locality of each farmer, is borne out by the results of careful culture tests. Time of cutting corn for the silo. In order to deter- mine at what stage of growth corn had better be cut when intended for the silo, it is necessary to ascertain the amounts of food materials which the corn plant contains at the different stages, and the proportion. of different ingredients at each stage. From careful and exhaustive studies of the changes occurring in the composition of the corn plant, which have been con- ducted both in this country and abroad, we know that as the corn approaches maturity the nitrogenous or flesh-forming substances decrease zz proportion to the other components, while the non-nitrogenous compon- ents, especially starch (see Glossary), increase very markedly; this increase continues until the crop is nearly mature, so long as the leaves are still green. Several experiment stations have made investigations in regard to this point. As an illustration we give below data obtained by Prof. Ladd, in an investiga- 108 SILAGE CROPS. tion in which fodder corn was cut and analyzed at five different stages of growth, from full tasseling to maturity. CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE CORN CROP. Tas- Milk, |Glazed ilked ipe YIELD PER ACRE. Gals Ane. 9.|Aug. 21/Sept. 7\Seoe 33 Pounds}Pounds| Pounds}Pounds| Pounds Gross Weight............. 18045 |25745 |32600 |32295 |28460 Water in the Crop..... .116426 |22666 |27957 |25093 |20542 te Mat hero ae 1619 | 3078 | 4643 | 7202 | 7918 8) Ee me TR agate EL ae 138.9) 201 .3)|.232:2| 302.5) 364.2 Crude PF ireiase ey oe es 239.8] 436 8| 478.7) 643.9) 677 8 Crade Piper re Oo. soe. ss 514.2} 872.9)1262.0)2755.9|1734 O © Nitrogen-free Extract (starch, sugar, etc)....} 653.9/1399 3/2441 3/4239. 8/4827.6 Creme eo tea oh. oleae = i232) Aree | 228.9 260.0) 314.3 The data given above show how rapidly the yield of food materials increases with the advancing age of the corn, and also that the increase during the later stages of growth comes largely on the nitrogen-free extract (starch, sugar, etc.). The results as to this point obtained at several ex- periment stations have been summarized and are given in the following table, showing the increase in food ingredients during the stages previous to maturity. We thus find that the largest amount of food ma- terials in the corn cropis not obtained until the corn is well ripened. Whenacorn plant has reached its total growth in height it has, as shown by the results given in the last table. attained only one-third to one- half of the weight of dry matterit will gain if left to maturity; hence we see the wisdom of postponing cut- ting the corn for the silo, as in general for forage pur- poses, until rather late in the season, when it can be done without danger of frost. - The table given in the preceding, and our discussion ll FOOD INGREDIENTS AT VARIOUS STAGES. 109 INCREASE IN Foop INGREDIENTS FROM TASSELING TO MATURITY. Gain in per cent Stage of Maturity. |between first and EXPERIMENT ] , last cutting. STATION ey ieee! ki - First Last mS oe Se(ss Cutting. | Cutting |43 [ES Bees, | Cornell, N. Y. |Pride of the North....}| Bloom |Mature 150| 90/129) 169 bir Pride of the Nearly INortir! . .” os mature|!5,7/134/374| 300 Geneva, N. Y. |King Philip|Tasseled|/Mature 399|183/335| 462 New Hamp. Av.of4Var. as Glazed |442| 50} 84| 130 Pennsylvania |Av.of10Var he Mature |455 Vermont. Av. of 2 Var eh Glazed |429| 50 66 66 Bloom 6é 204 81 Averages ;of;s jalleteialsy) | yah ete h 193| 981230 265 so far, have taken into account only the total, and not the digestible components of the corn. It has been found through careful digestion trials that older plants are somewhat less digestible than young plants. There is, however, no such difference in the digestibility of the total dry matter or its com- ponents as is found in the total quantities obtained from plants at the different stages of growth, and the total yields of digestible matter in the corn will there- fore be greater at maturity, or directly before this time, than at any earlier stage of growth. Hence we find that the general practice of cutting corn for the® silo at the time when the corn is in the roasting-ear stage, when the kernels have become rather firm, and are dented or beginning to glaze, is good science and in accord with our best knowledge on the subject. Other reasons why cutting at a late period of growth is preferable in siloing corn are found in the fact that the quality of the silage made from such - corn is greatly better than that obtained from green TIO SILAGE CROPS. immature corn, and in the fact that the sugar is most abundant in the corn plantin the early stages of ear development, but the loss of non-nitrogenous com- ponents in the silo falls first of all on the sugar; hence it is the best policy to postpone cutting until the grain is full-size and the sugar has largely been changed to starch. It does not do, however, as related under Uniformity in the first chapter to delay the cutting so long that the corn plant becomes too dry, for the reasons stated. Silage does not spoil when too wet, but will mold iftoodry. Experience will be the best guide, but the foregoing pages should enable the reader to form the right idea as to time for filling, which to secure the best results, is nearly as important as to have ma- terial with which to fill the silo. Methods of Planting Corn. When the corn crop is intended for the silo, it should be planted somewhat closer than is ordinarily the case when the production of alarge crop of ear corn is the primary object sought. Thin seeding favors the development of well- developed, strong plants, but not the production of a large amount of green forage. ‘The number of plants which can be brought to perfect development on a cer- tain piece of land depends upon the state of fertility of the land, the character of the season, especially whether it isa wet ora dry season, as well ason other factors, hence no absolute rule can be given as to the best thickness of planting corn for the silo. Numerous “experiments conducted in different parts of the country have shown, however, that the largest quan- tities of green fodder per acre can ordinarily be ob- tained by planting the corn in hills three or even two feet apart, or in drills three or four feet apart, with plants six or eight inches apart in the row. It makes little if any difference, so far as the yield obtained is concerned, whether the corn be planted in hills or in drills, when the land is kept free from weeds METHODS OF PLANTING CORN. Fit in both cases, but it facilitates the cutting considerably to plant the corn in drills if this isdone by means of a oorn harvester or sled cutter; asis now generally the case. The yield seems more dependent on the num- ber of plants growing on a certain area of land than on the arrangements of planting the corn. Hills four feet each way, with four stalks tothe hill, with thus usually give about the same yields as hills two feet apart, with twostalks in the hill, or drills four feet apart, with stalks one foot apart inthe row, etc. The question of planting corn in hills or in drills is there- fore largely one of greater or less labor in keeping the land free from weeds by the two methods. This will depend on the character of the land; where the land is uneven, and check-rowing of the corn difficult, or when the land is free from weeds, drill planting is preferable, while, conversely, on fields where this can be done, the corn may more easily and cheaply be kept free from weeds if plantedin hills and check-rowed. Since one of the advantages of the silo is the economi- cal production and preservation of a good quality of feed, the economy and certainty in caring for the growing crop is of considerable importance, and gen- erally, planting in hills not too far apart will be found to facilitate this, especially during wet seasons. Corn is planted in hills or in drills, and not broad- east, whether intended for the silo, or for production of ear corn; when sown broadcast, the corn cannot be kept free from weeds, except by hand labor. More seed is moreover required, the plants shade each other and will therefore not reach full development, from lack of sufficient sunshine and moisture, and a less amount of available food constituents per acre will be produced. ~~ OTHER SILAGE CROPS. Clover. . Clover is second to Indian corn in im- portance asa silage crop. We are but beginning to Liz SILAGE CROPS. appreciate the value of clover in modern agriculture. It has been shown that the legumes, the family to whichclover belongs, are the only common forage plants able to convert the free nitrogen of the air into compounds that may be utilized for the nutrition of animals. Clover and other legumes, therefore, draw largely on the air for the most expensive and valuable fertilizing ingredient, nitrogen, and for this reason, as well as on account of their deep roots, which bring fertilizing elements up near the surface, they enrich the land upon which they grow. Being amore z7ztro- genous fecd than corn or the grasses, clover supplies a good deal of the protein compounds required by farm animals for the maintenance of their bodies and for the production of milk, wool, or meat. By feeding clover, a smaller purchase of high- priced concentrated feed stuffs, like flour-mill or oil-mill refuse products, is therefore rendered necessary than when corn is fed; on account of its high fertilizing value it furthermore enables the farmer feeding it to maintain the fertility of his land. When properly made, clover silage is an ideal feed for nearly all kinds of stock. Aside from its higher protein content it has an advantage over corn silage in point of lower cost of production. A Wisconsin dairy farmer who hassiloed large quantities of clover es- timates the cost of one ton of clover silage at 70 cents to $1, against $1 to $1.25 per ton of corn silage. His average “yields per acre of green clover are about twelve tons. Clover silage is superior to clover hay on account of its succulence and greater palatability, as well as its higher feeding value. The last-mentioned point is mainly due to the fact that all the parts of the clover . plant are preserved in the silo, with a small unavoid- able loss in fermentation, while in hay-making, leaves and tender parts, which contain about two-thirds of CLOVER. 10Z the protein compounds, are often largely lost by abrasion. ) Clover may easily and cheaply be placed in a modern silo and preserved in a perfect condition. The failures reported in the early stages of silo filling were largely due toa faulty construction of the silo. Clover does not pack as well as the heavy green corn, and therefore requires to be cut and weighted, or calls for greater depth in thesilo, in order that the air may be sufficiently excluded. When to Cut Clover for the Silo. The yield of food materialsobtained from clover at different stages of growth has been studied by a number of scientists. The following table giving the results of an investi- gation conducted by Professor Atwater will show the total quantities of food materials secured at four different stages of growth of red clover. YIELD PER ACRE OF RED CLOVER—IN POUNDS. STAGE OF Green Dry | Crude | Crude | N-free |Crude| Ash CUTTING. Weight.|} Matter./Protein| Fiber. |Extract| Fat. Just before bloom..... 3,570''| 1,385 198 384 664 24 115 Full bloom.. | 2,650 | 1,401 189 390 682 33 107 Nearly out of bioom.-':. . 4,960 '|*1,750 230) 523. |* 837 Sr 129 Nearly ripe. .| 3,910 | 1,523 158 484 746 36 99 Professor Hunt obtained 3,600 pounds of hay per acre from clover cut in full bloom, and 3,260 pounds when three-fourths of the heads were dead. ‘The yields of dry matter: in the two cases were 2,526 pounds, and 2,427 pounds respectively. All compo- nents, except crude fibre (see Glossary), yielded less per acre in the second cutting. Jordan found the same result, comparing the yields and composition of clover cut when in bloom, some heads dead, and heads all dead, .the earliest cutting giving the maximum 114 SILAGE CROPS. yield of dry matter, and of all components except crude fibre. The common practice of farmers is to cut clover for the silo when in full bloom, or when the first single heads are beginning to wilt, that is, when right for hay making, and we notice that the teachings of the investtgations. made are in conformity with this prac-' tice. Alfalfa (lucern) is the great, coarse forage plant of the West, and during late years, it is being grown con- siderably in the Northern and Central States. In irri- gated districts it will yield more food materials per acre of land than perhaps any other crop. Four to five cuttings, each yielding a ton toa ton and a half of hay, are common in these regions, and the yields ob- tained are often much higher. In humid regions three cuttings may ordinarily be obtained, each of one to one and a half tons of hay. While the large bulk of the crop is cured as hay, alfalfa is also of considerable importance as a silage crop in dairy sections of the Western States. As with red clover, reports of failure in siloing alfalfa are on record, but first-class alfalfa silage can be readily made in deep, modern silos, when the crop is cut when in full bloom, and the plants are not allowed to wilt much before being run through a cutter and siloed. In the opinion of dairymen who have had large expe- rience in siloing alfalfa, sweet alfalfa silage is more easily made than good alfalfa hay. What has been said in regard to the siloing of clover refers to alfalfa as well. Alfalfa silage compares fa- vorably with clover silage, both in chemical composi- tion and in feeding value. It is richer in flesh-form- ing substances (protein) than clover silage, or any other kind of silage, and makes a most valuable feed for farm animals, especially young stock and dairy COWS. : Cow peas are to the South what alfalfa is to the — COW PEAS ENS West, and when properly handled makes excellent and most valuable silage. The cow peas are sown early in the season, either broadcast, about 1% bushels to the acre and turned under with a one-horse turning plow, or drilled in rows about two feet apart. They are cut with a mower when one-half or more of the peas on the vines are fully ripe, and are immediately raked in winrows and hauled to the silo, where they are run through a feed cutter and cut into inch lengths. Cow-pea silage is greatly relished by farm animals after they once become accustomed to its peculiar flavor; farmers who have had considerable practical experience in feeding this silage are of the opinion that cow-pea silage has no equal for cows and sheep. It is also a good hog food, and for all these animals is considered greatly superior to pea-vine hay. In feed- ing experiments at a Delaware experiment station six pounds of pea-vine silage fully took the place of one pound of wheat bran, and the product of one acre was found equivalent to two tons of bran. Instead of placing only cow peas in the silo, alternate loads of cow peas and corn may be cut and filled into the silo, which will make a very satisfactory mixed silage. A modification of this practice is known as Getty’s method, in which corn and cow peas are grown in alternate rows, and harvested together with a corn harvester. Corn for this combination crop is prefer- ably a large Southern variety, drilled in rows 4% feet apart, with stalks g to 16 inches apart in the row. Whippoorwill peas are planted in drills close to the rows of corn when this is about six inches high, and has been cultivated once. The crop is cut when the corn is beginning to glaze, and when three- fourths of the pea pods are ripe. The corn and peas are tied into bundles and these run through the silage cutter. The cut corn and peas are carefully levelled off and trampled down in the silo, and about a foot cover of green corn, straw or 116 SILAGE CROPS. cotton-seed hulls placed on top of the siloed mass. As in case of all legumes, it is safest to wet the cover thoroughly with at least two gallons of water per square foot of surface. This will seal the siloed mass thoroughly and will prevent the air from working in from the surface and spoiling considerable of the silage on top. A similar effort of combining several feeds for the silo is found in the so-called Robertson Ensilage Mix- ture for the silo, named after Prof. Robertson in Canada; this is made up of cut Indian corn, sunflower seed heads, and horse beans in the proportion of 1 acre corn, % acre horse beans, and ¥4 acre sunflowers. The principle back of the practice is to furnish a feed richer in protein substances than corn, and thus avoid the purchase of large quantities of expensive pro- tein foods like bran, oil meal, etc. Feeding experi- mentsconducted with the Robertson Silage Mixture for cows at several experiment stations have given very satisfactory results, and have shown that this silage mixture can be partly substituted for the grain ration of milch cows without causing loss of flesh or lessening the production of milk or fat. Fifteen pounds of this silage may be considered equivalent to three or four pounds of grain feeds. ‘The practice has not, however, been adopted to any great extent, so far as is known, owing to the difficulty of securing a ‘good quality of silage from the mixture and of grow- ing the horsebeans successfully. Soja beans (soy beans) are another valuable silage ‘crop. According to the U. S. Department of Agricul- ‘ture the soy beanis highly nutritive, gives a heavy yield, and is easily cultivated. The vigorous late ‘varieties are well adapted for silage. The crop is fre- quently siloed with corn (2 parts of the latter to 1 of tthe former), and like other legumes it improves the silage by tending to counteract the acid reaction of corn silage. Of other Southern crops that are used MISCELLANEOUS SILAGE CROPS. 117 for silage crops may be mentioned Kaffir corn, chicken corn and teosinte. Sorgum is sometimes siloed in the Western and Middle States. It is sown in drills, 3% inches apart, with a stalk every six to ten inches in the row, and is cut when the kernels are in the dough stage, or be- fore. According to Shelton, the medium-growing saccharine and non-saccharine sorghums are all ex- cellent for silage. The sorghums are less liable to damage by insects than corn, and they remain green far into the fall, sothat the work of filling the silo may be carried on long after the corn is ripe and the stalks all dried up. The yield per acre of green sorghum will often reach 20 tons, or one-half as much again as a good crop of corn. ‘These considerations lead Professor Shelton to pronounce sorghum greatly superior to corn as silage materials, in Kansas, and generally throughout the Central Western States. The Ottawa (Can. ) states that sorghum, where it can be grown makes an excellent crop for silage. It needs to be cut, the best length, as in the case of corn be- ing three-quarters or an inch long, or less. Miscellaneous Silage Crops. In Northern Europe, especially in England, and in the Scandinavian countries, meadow grass and after-math. (vowen) are usually siloed; in England, at the present time, large- ly in stacks. In districts near sugar beet factories, where sugar- beet pulp can be obtained in large quantities and at a low cost, stock feeders and dairymen have a most valuable aid in preserving the pulp in the silo. As the pulp is taken from the factory it contains about 90 per cent of water; it packs well in the silo, being heavy, finely divided and homogeneous, and a more shallow silo can therefore be safely used in making’ pulp silage than is required in siloing corn, and es- pecially clover and other crops of similar character. If pulp is siloed with other fodder crops, it is pre- 418 SILAGE CROPS. ferably placed uppermost, for the reason stated. Beet tops and pulp are often siloed in alternate layers in pits 3 to 4 feet deep, and covered with boards and a layer of dirt. Beet pulp can also be successfully placed in any modern deep silo, and is preferably siloed in such silos as there will then be much smaller losses of food materials than in case of shallow silos or trenches in the field. Beet pulp silage is relatively rich in protein and low in ash and carbohydrates (nutr. ratio 1:5.7; see Glossary). Its feeding value is equal to about half that of corn silage. Occasional mention has furthermore been made in the agricultural literature of the siloing of a large number of plants, or products, like vetches, small grains (cut green), cabbage leaves, sugar beets, potatoes, potato leaves, turnips, brewers’ grains, apple pomace, refuse from corn and pea canning factories; twigs, and leaves, and hop vines; even fern (brake), thistles, and ordinary weeds have been made into silage, and used with more or less success as foods for farm animals. At a recent convention of the Cal. Dairy Association, the president, Mr. A. P. Martin, stated that the best silage he ever made, besides corn, was made of weeds. A piece of wheat which was sowed early, was drowned out, and the field came up with tar weed and sorrel. This was made into silage, and when fed to milch cows, produced most satisfactory results. Alvord says that a silo may be found a handy and profitable thing to have on a farm even if silage crops are not regularly raised to fill it. There are always waste products, greenor half-dry, with coarse ma- terials like swale hay, that are generally used for compost or bedding, which may be made into pala- table silage. A mixture, in equal parts, of rag-weed, swamp grass or swale hay, old corn stalks or straw, and second-crop green clover, nearly three-fourths of MISCELLANEOUS SILAGE CROPS. 11g which would otherwise be almost useless, will make a superior silage, surprising to those who have never tried it. The following description of the contents filled into a New York silo, which was used asa sort of catch- all, is given by the same writer: 1, 18 in. deep of green oats; 2, 6 in. of redclover; 3, 6 in. of Canada field peas; 4, 2 in. of brewers’ grains; 5, 2 feet of whole corn plants, sowed broadcast, and more rag- weed than corn; 6, 5 in. of second-crop grass; 7, 12 in. ofsorghum: 8, a lot immature corn cut in short lengths. The silage came out pretty acid, but made good forage, and was all eaten up clean. Damaged crops like frosted beets, potatoes, cabbages, etc.; rutabages which showed signs of de- cay, and clover that could not be made into hay be- cause of rain, may all be placedin a silo and thus made to contribute to the food supply on the farm. A peculiar use of the silo is reported from California, viz., for rendering foxtail in alfalfa fields harmless in feeding cattle. The foxtail which almost takes the first crop of alfalfa in many parts of California, isa nutritious grass, but on account of its beards, is dan- gerous to feed. By siloing the crop the grass is said to be rendered perfectly harmless; the alfalfa-foxtail silage thus obtained is eaten by stock with great relish and without any injurious effects ( Wall). CHAPTER IV. HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. Filling the Silo. A. INDIAN Corn. Aspreviously stated, corn should be left in the field before cutting until it has passed through the dough stage i. e., when the kernels are well dented, or glazed, in case of flint varieties. Where very large silos are filled, and in cases of ex- treme dry weather when the corn is fast drying up, it will be well to begin filling the silo a little before it has reached this stage, as the greater portion of the corn would otherwise be aptto be too dry. There is, however, less danger in this respect now than former- ly, on account of our modern deep silos, and because we have found that water applied directly to the fodder in the silo acts in the same way as water in the fodder, and keeps the fermentations in the silo in check and in the right track. Cutting the Corn in the Field. The cutting of corn for the silo is usually on small farms done by hand by means of acorn knife. Many farmers have been using self-raking and binding corn harvesters for this pur- pose, while others report good success with a sled or platform cutter. Ifthe corn stands up well, and is not of avery large variety, the end sought may be reached in a satisfactory manner by either of these methods. If, on the other hand, much of the corn is down, hand cutting is to be preferred. A number of different makes of corn harvesters and corn cutters are now on the market; and, it is very likely that hand- cutting of fodder corn will be largely done away with in years to come, at least on large farms, indeed, it looks as if the day of the corn knife was passing away, CUTTING THE CORN. I21 and as if this implement will soon be relegated to ob- scurity with the sickle of our fathers’ time. If acorn harvester is used, it will be found to bea great advantage to have the bundles made what seems rather small. It will take alittle more twine, but the loaders, the haulers, the unloaders, and even the Silage Cutter itself will handle much more corn in a day if the bundles are small and light, and it will be found to be economy to see that this is done. A platform cutter, which was used with great suc- cess, is described by a veteran Wisconsin dairyman, the late Mr. Charles R. Beach. ‘“‘We use two wagons, with platforms built upon two timbers, eighteen feet long, suspended beneath the axles. These platforms are about eighteen inches from the ground and are seven feet wide. The cutting- knife is fastened upon a small removable platform, two feet by about three and one-half feet, which is at- tached to the side of the large platform, and is about six or eight inches lower. One row is cut at a time, the knife striking the corn at an angle of about forty- five degrees. One man kneels on the small platform and takes the corn with his arm; two or three men stand upon the wagon, and as soon as he has gotten an armful, the men, each in turn, take it from him and pile it on the wagon. If the rows are long enough a load of one and one-half to two tons can be cut and loaded on in about eight to ten minntes. The small platform is detached from the wagon, the load driven to the silo, the platform attached to the other wagon, and another load iscut and loaded. None of the corn reaches the ground; no bending down to pick up. One team will draw men, cutter, and load, and I do not now well see how the method could be im- proved. With a steam engine, a large cutter, two teams and wagons, and ten men, we filled our silo 22x24x18 feet (190 tons), fast, in less than two days.”’ Professor Georgeson, Gas described a one-horse uh E22 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. sledge-cutter which has given better satisfaction than any fodder-cutter tried at the Kansas Experiment Station. It is provided with two knives, which are hinged to the body of the sled, and can be folded in on the sled when not in use. It has been improved and made easier to pull by providing it with four low and broad cast-iron wheels. It is pulled by a single horse and cutstwo rows at a time. Two men stand upon the cutter, each facing a row; as the corn is cut they gather it into armfuls, which they drop into heapsonthe ground. A wagon with a low, broad rack follows, on which the corn is loaded and hauled to the silo. Similar corn cutters have been made by various manufacturers of late years and have proved quite sat- isfactory, although they require more hand labor than the corn harvesters and do not leave the corn tied up and in as convenient shape for loading on the wagons as these do. It is also necessary to use care with the sledge type of corn cutter, as numerous cases are on record where both men and horses have been injured by getting in front of the knives, which project from the sides. Fig. 27. Low-down Rack for hauling fodder corn. A low-down rack for hauling the corn from the field is shown in the accompanying illustration (Fig. 27). It has been used for some years past at the Wis- consin Station, and is a great convenience in handling corn, saving both labor an@ time. These racks not SILOING CORN ‘‘ EARS AND ALL.’’ 123 only dispense with a man upon the wagon when.load- ing, but they materially lessen the labor of the man who takes the corn from the ground, for it is only the top of the load which needs to be raised shoulder-high; again, when it comes to unloading, the man can stand on the floor or ground and simply draw the corn toward him and lay it upon the table of the cutter, without stooping over and without raising the corn up to again throwitdown. A plank that can easily be hitched on behind the truck will prove convenient for loading, so that the loader can pick up his armful and, walking up the plank, can drop it without much ex- ertion. If wilted fodder corn is to be siloed it should be shocked in the field to protect it as much as possible ' from rain before hauling it to the cutter. SILOING CORN, ‘EARS AND ALL.’’ The best practice in putting corn into the silo, is to silo the corn plant ‘‘ ears and all,’’ without previously husking it. If the ear corn is not needed for hogs and horses, or for seed purposes, this practice is in the line of economy, as it saves the expense of husk- ing, cribbing, shelling, and grinding the ear corn. The possible loss of food materials sustained in siloing the ear corn speaks against the practice, but this is very small, and more than couterbalanced by the ad- vantages gained by this method of procedure. In proof of this statement we will refer to an extended feeding trial with milch cows, conducted by Professor Woll at the Wisconsin Station in 1891. Corresponding rows of a large corn field were siloed, ‘‘ears and all,’’ and without ears, the ears belonging to the latter lot being carefully saved and air-dried. The total yield of silage with ears in it (whole-corn silage) was 56,459 pounds; of silage without ears (stover silage) 34,496 pounds and of ear corn, 10,511 pounds. The dry matter content of the lots obtained 124 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. by the two methods of treatment was, in whole-corn silage, 19,950 pounds; in stover silage 9,484 pounds, and in ear corn, 9,122 pounds, or 18,606 pounds of dry matter in the stover silage and ear corn combined. This shows a loss of 1,344 pounds of dry matter, or nearly 7 per cent, sustained by handling the fodder and ear corn separately instead of siloing the corn “ears and all.’’ In feeding the two kinds of silage against each other, adding the dry ear corn to the stover silage, it was found that seventeen tons of whole-corn silage fed to sixteen cows produced somewhat better results than fourteen tons of stover silage, and more than two tons of dry ear corn, both kinds of silage ‘having been supplemented by the same quantities of hay and grain feed. The yield of milk from the cows was 4 per cent higher on the whole corn silage ration than on the stover silage ration, and the yield of fat was 6.9 per cent higher on the same ration. It would seem then that the cheapest and best way of preserv- ing the corn crop for feeding purposes, at least in case of milch cows, is to fill it directly into the silo; the greater portion of the corn may be cut and siloed when the corn is in the roasting-ear stage, and the corn plat which is to furnish ear corn may be left in the field until the corn is fully matured, when it may be husked, and the stalks and leaves may be filled into the silo on top of the corn siloed ‘‘ears and all.’’ This will then need some heavy weighting or one or two applications of water on top of the corn, to in- sure a good quality of silage from the rather dry stalks. (See page 133.) 'An experiment similar to the preceding one, con- ducted at the Vermont Station, in which the product from six acres of land was fed to dairy cows, gave similar results. We are justified in concluding, there- fore, that husking, shelling, and grinding the corn (processes that may cost more than a quarter of the FILLING THE SILO. 125 market value of the meal) are labor and expense more than wasted, since the cows do better on the corn si- loed ‘‘ears and all’’ than on that siloed after the ears were picked off and fed ground with it. THE FILLING .PROCESS. The corn, having been hauled from the field to the silo, has still to be reduced to a fine, homogeneous mass, convenient for feeding and economical as far as utilization of the silage for feed. In order to do this, the whole of the corn, ears and all, may be run through an ‘‘Ohio’’ Ensilage Cutter. The corn is unloaded on the table of the cutter and run through the cutter, after which the carrier or blower elevates it to the silo window and delivers it into the silo. The length of cutting practiced differs. somewhat with different farmers, and with the variety of corn to be siloed. The general practice is to cut the corn in one-half to one inch lengths. The corn will pack better in the silo the finer it is cut, and cat- tle will eat the larger varieties cleaner if cut fine, and the majority of farmers filling silos practice cutting corn rather fine for the silo. “The carriers should deliver the corn as nearly in the middle of the silo as possible; by means of a chute attached to the carrier, the cut corn may be delivered to any part of the silo desired, and the labor of dis- tributing and leveling the corn thus facilitated. A simple method of distribution is to attach to the blow- er a tube made of a number of sacks sewed together with bottoms out, through which the silage will then descend. Such a device does not last very long, how- ever, as the cut corn soon wears holes through the sacks. If the corn is siloed ‘‘ears and all,’’ it is necessary to keep a man or a boy in the silo while it is being fill- ed, to level the surface and tramp down the sides and corners; if left to itself, the heavier pieces of ears will 126 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. be thrown farthest away and the light leaves and tops will all come nearest the discharge; asa result the corn will not settle evenly, and the different layers of silage will have a different feeding value. To assist in the distribution of the corn, a pyramidal box may be hung in front and below the top of the carrier ; this may be made about three feet square at the base and tapering to a point, at which a rope is attached for hanging to rafters. The falling mass of cut corn will strike the top of the box and be divided so as to distribute to all parts of the silo. Another simple de- vice is to place a board vertically, or nearly so, in front of the top of the carrier, against which the cut corn will strike. These devices must be nicely ad- justed as to position, however, or they will not be of much advantage. The Proper Distribution of the Cut Material tn the Silo. The proper distribution of the cut corn after it has been elevated or blown into the silo is a matter which should have proper attention at the time of filling. If the cut material is allowed to drop allin one place and then have no further attention the constant fall- ing of the material in one place will tend to make that portion solid while the outside will not beso, and_be- sides the pieces of ears and heavier portions will con- tinually roll to the outside. As a result the silage cannot settle evenly, and good results will not follow. As the filling progresses, the cut material should be leveled off and the common and most successful practice is to keep the material higher at the sides than at the centre and do a// the tramping at and dose to the sides, where the friction of the walls tends to pre- vent as rapid settling as takes place at the centre. For this reason, no tramping, or at least, as little as possible, should be done, except close to the walls. In the modern deep silos, the weight of the silage ac- SIZE OF CUTTER REQUIRED. 127 complishes more than would any amount of tramping, and all that is necessary, is to see that the cut ma- terial is rather evenly distributed, for better results in feeding, and toassist the settling by some tramping at the sides. Size of Cutter and Power Required. The ‘‘Ohio’’ Cutters are made ina variety of sizes, suited to all requirements. The cutter used in filling the silo should have ample capacity to give satisfaction and do the work rapidly; arather large cutter is therefore better than a cutter that is barely large enough. The size required depends on the rapidity with which it is desired to fill the silo and on the power at hand. Where a steam engine is available it is the cheapest power for filling a large silo, asthe work can then be finished in a few days. For small farms and silos, where an engine is not to be had, a two or three-horse tread-power may be used, but it will be found that the work of filling will progress much more slowly than when steam power, such asis suitable for threshing, isused. The filling may be done as rapidly as possible, or may be done slowly, and no harm will result if, for any reason, the work be interrupted for some time. More silage can be put into asilo with slow, than with rapid filling. If the farmer owns his own machine, he can, of course, fill his silo, and then refill after the silage has settled, so that the silo will be nearly full after all settling has takén place. If, however, the farmer must depend on hiring an outfit, he will wish to do the filling as rapidly as possible, asa matter of economy. It is, therefore, desirable for the farmer to own his own machine, and that being the case, a smaller machine will suffice; wherein if the machine be hired the largest possible capacity will be desired. This has created a demand for various sizes of 128 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. cutters, and to meet this demand, the ‘‘Ohio’’ En- silage Cutters are made in six sizes, with knives eleven to twenty four inches long, and with Metal Bucket Elevators, or Blower Elevators, as desired, adaptable to any height of silo. The traveling feed table, as supplied on the ‘‘Ohio’’ Cutters is a valuable feature, and practically does away with the labor of feeding the heavy green corn into the feed rolls, be- sides increasing the capacity of the machines about one-third, on account of its being so much easier to keep the feed rolls supplied. The Metal Bucket Elevator, which delivers the cut silage corn into the silo through a window or opening at the top, must be longer than the silo is high as it is necessary to run the carrier at somewhat of an angle, (see illustration, Fig. 28). The length of the carrier required may beobtained by adding about 40 percent. to the perpendicular height from the ground to the window; thus, for a 20 ft. silo a 28 ft. carrier is re- quired, and for a 30 ft. silo, about 42 ft. of carrier will be necessary. The Metal Bucket Elevators for the ‘‘ Ohio’* Cut- ters are made both straight away and with swivel base, which enables the operator to set the cutter in the de- sired position, and as the swivel base gives the carrier a range of adjustment extending over nearly a half cir- cle, the carrier can be run directly to the window, or in the case of two silos setting side by side, both can be filled with one setting of the cutter. The No. 13 ‘‘Ohio’’ Silage Cutter, the number of the machine indicates the length of knives and width of throat), has a capacity of 8 to 12 tons of green corn , per hour, and requires 4 to 6 horse-power to run it to full capacity, although it can be operated successfully with less power, by feeding in proportion to the power at hand. The 16 and 18 inch and larger sizes of ‘‘Ohio’’ Cutters have correspondingly larger capacities, and in the case of the larger sizes the amount that can be cut ILLUSTRATION. 129 Fig. 28. Jliustration showing a new stave silo in connection with an old barn on the Bossert Farm, east of Salem, Ohio. The ‘‘Ohio’” Self-Feed Cutter and Metal Bucket Elevator are in operation, the engine not being shown in the photograph. 130 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. is only limited by the amount that can be convenient- ly gotten tothem. The largest sizes can be run by an ordinary threshing engine. These machines have been on the market for upwards of twenty-five years, and have been brought to a wonderful state of perfection. For durability, ease and reliability of operation, capacity and general utility, they are doubtless the most practical means of filling the silo. The Nos. 16, 18, and. 19 ‘‘Ohio’’ Cutters are the sizes mostly in use by farmers and dairymen, and the travelling feed table, which is long enough to receive a bundle of corn, is a most valuable feature, and has Fig. 29. Jilustration showing ‘Ohio’? No. 19 Blower in operation at the New Jersey State Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. J., filling the silos there in the fall of 1902. BLOWER OR PNEUMATIC ELEVATORS. t31 become almost universal on the ‘‘Ohio’’ machines used for silo filling. It decreases the labor of feeding and makes any size of machine about equal in capa- city to the next size larger without it. A new method of elevating the fodder in filling si- los, has been introduced by the use of a blower-eleva- tor, which blows the cut fodder into the silo through a continuous pipe. ‘This device, therefore, takes the place of the carrier elevator described above. Blower elevators (see illustration of ‘‘Ohio’’ Cutter with Blower Elevator, Fig. 29) have been in use to a con- siderable extent for two or three years past, and in the opinion of a good many persons the Blower or Exhaust Elevator is likely to come into general use in the fu- ture, and where sufficient power is available there is no difficulty in elevating the cut fodder into the highest silos. Although the Blower Machines require somewhat more power than the older style carrier, there are numerous advantages over the metal bucket elevator, so that the ‘‘Ohio’’ Blowers are more in demand each year, and their popularity is now an assured fact; we mention below some of the features that have serv- ed to bring this style of the ‘‘ Ohio’’ Cutters to the notice and favor of farmers and dairymen so rapidly. The Blower Machine is quickly set up, taken down or moved, as all that is necessary is to remove the pipe, which is in sections of various lengths (from four to ten feet as desired), which requires but a few moments. ‘This operation requires but little time as compared with that occupied in setting up or taking apart the chain elevator. The Blower Machine is clean in operation, placing all of the corn in the silo and there is no litter around the machine when the filling is finished. The action of the fan paddles is such that the corn is made much finer, and it therefore packs closer in the silo, thus enabling more fodder to be stored in the 132 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. silo; the corn is a!l knocked off of the pieces of cobs and distributed through the cut fodder better, and the pieces of the heavy butts and joints are also split and knocked to pieces, all of which reduces the silage toa fine condition so that it is eaten up cleaner by the stock. | The fan or blower device is also likely to be more durable than the chain elevator. Being somewhat of a new type of machine, the ‘Ohio ’’ Blower is perhaps not as well known as the ‘‘Qhio’’ with Chain Elevator, thousands of which are in use the world over, to the entire satisfaction of their owners. The filling of silos by means of a wind blast, doing it as rapidly as the ‘‘Ohio’’ machines cut the fodder, is entirely feasible and a successful propo- sition, however, and there need be no fear on this point if the following points be kept in mind. The machines must be run at the proper speed as recommended by the manufacturers. A fan can only create a sufficient blast by running fast enough to force the air through the pipe at the rate of nine to ten thousand feet per minute. Green corn is heavy stuff, and requires a strong current of air to carry it through 30 or 40 feet of pipe at the rate of 10 to 20 tons per hour. It will be seen, therefore, that unless proper speed be maintained there will be no elevation of the material whatever. Thus, it will be seen that if the power at hand is not sufficient to maintain full speed when the cutters are fed to full capacity all that is: necessary is to feed the machines accordingly, as is necessary with other kinds of machinery, such as threshing machines, grinding mills etc. In setting a Blower Machine it is necessary to have the pipe as nearly perpendicular as possible, so that the current of air within the pipe will lift the material. This is especially true where the pipe is long, say 20 feet or more, because the green fodder being heavy will settle down on to the lower side of the pipe, if é CARBONIC ACID GAS IN SILOS 133 this has much slant, and the wind blast will pass over the fodder, thus allowing it to lodge, whereas if the pipe be perpendicular, or nearly so, no stoppage will occur. It is also necessary to see that full speed is attained before beginning to feed the machine, and also to stop the feeding while the machine is in full motion so that the Blower will have an opportunity to clear itself before shutting off the power. There must be ample vent in the silo to prevent back pressure, as the tremendous volume of air forced into the silo with the cut fodder must have some means of escape. If these few points be kept in mind there can be no possible doubt as to the successful operation of the blower elevator, and as previously stated, the increas- ed demand for the ‘‘Ohio’’ machines is ample evidence on this point, and, as stated elsewhere in this volume, in the opinion of some of the most prominent dairy- men and experiment station officials, blast elevators are likely to supersede the chain elevator within a few years. (N. B. At the end of this volume will be found illustrations and descriptions of several sizes and styles of ‘‘Ohio’”’ cutters, which the reader can refer to, in addition to the illustrations given here. ) Danger from Carbonic-Acid Poisoning in Silos.—As soon as thecorn in the silo begins to heat, carbonic- acid gas is evolved, and if the silo is shut up tight the gas will gradually accumulate directly above the fod- der, since it is heavier than air and does not mix with it under the conditions given. If a man or an animal goes down into this atmosphere, there is great danger of asphyxiation, as is the case under similar conditions in a deep cistern or well. Poisoning cases from this cause have occurred in filling silos where the filling has been interrupted for one or more days, and men have then gone into the silo to tramp down the cut corn. If the doors above the siloed mass are left open 134 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. when the filling is stopped, and the silo thus ventilat- ed, carbonic acid poisoning cannot take place, since the gas will then slowly diffuse into the air. Carbonic acid being without odor or color, to all appearances like ordinary air, it cannot be directly observed, but may be readily detected by means of a lighted lantern orcandle. If the light goes out when lowered into the silo there is an accumulation of carbonic acid in it, and a person should open feed doors and fan the air in the silo before going down into it. After the silage is made and the temperature in the silo has gone down considerably, there is no further evolution of carbonic acid, and therefore no danger in entering the silo even if this has been shut up tight. The maximum evolution of carbonic acid, and conse- quently the danger of carbonic-acid poisoning comes during or directly after the filling of the silo. Covering the Siloed Fodder. Many devices for covering the siloed fodder have been recommended and tried, with varying success. The original method was to put boards on top of the fodder, and to weight them heavily by means of a foot layer of dirt or sand, or with stone. The weighting having later on been done away with, lighter material, as straw, hay, sawdust, etc., was substituted for the stone orsand. Building paper was often placed over the fodder, and boards on top of the paper. ‘There is no special advantage derived from the use of building- paper, and it is now never used. Many farmers run some corn stalks, or green hnsked fodder, through the cutter after the fodder isallin. In the South, cotton- seed hulls are easily obtained, and form a fost effi- cient and cheap cover. None of these materials or any other recommended for the purpose can perfectly preserve the uppermost ° layer of silage, some four to six inches of the top lay- er being usually spoilt. Occasionally this spoilt silage USE OF WATER IN FILLING SILOS. 135 may not be so bad but that cattle or hogs will eat it up nearly clean, but it is at best very poor food, and should not be used by any farmer who cares for the quality of his products. The wet or green materials are better for cover than dry substances, since they prevent evaporation of water from the top layer ; when this is dry, air will be admitted to the fodder below, thus making it possible for putrefactive bacteria and molds to continue the destructive work begun by the fermentation bacteria, and causing more of the silage to spoils.) Use of Water in Filling Silos.—During late years the practice of applying water to the fodder in the silo has been followed in a large number of cases. The surface is tramped thoroughly and a considerable amount of water added. In applying the method at the Wisconsin Station, Prof. King, a few days after the completion of the filling of the silo, added water to the fodder corn at the rate of about ten pounds per square foot of surface, repeating the same process about ten days afterwards. By this method a sticky, almost impervious layer of rotten silage, a couple of inches thick, will form on the top, which will prevent evaporation of water from the corn below, and will preserve all but a few inches of the top. The method can be recommended in cases where the corn or clover goes into the silo in a rather dry condition, on account of drought or extreme hot weather, so as not to pack sufficiently by its own weight. While weighting of the siloed fodder has long since been done away with, it may still prove advantageous to resort to it where very dry fodder is siloed, or in case of shallow silos. Under ordinary conditions neither weighting nor ap- plications of water should be necessary. There is only one way in which all of the silage can be preserved intact, viz., by beginning to feed the silage within a few days after the silo has been filled. This method is now practiced by many farmers, espe- 136 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. cially dairymen, who in this manner supplement scant fall pastures. By beginning to feed at once from the silo, the silo- ing system is brought to perfection, provided the silo structure is air-tight, and constructed so as to admit of no unnecessary losses of nutrients. Under these con- ditions there is a very considerable saving of food ma- terials over silage made in poorly-constructed silos, or over field-cured shocked fodder corn, as we have al- ready seen. CLOVER SILAGE. Green clover may be siloed whole or cut, but the latter method is to be recommended. ‘The clover should not be left to wilt between cutting and siloing, and the silo should be filled rapidly, so as to cause no unnecessary losses by fermentations. The different species of clover will prove satisfactory silo crops; ordinary red or medium clover is most used in Northwestern States, along with mammoth clover ; the latter matures later than medium or red clover, and may therefore be siloed later than these. Alfalfa, or lucern, is, as previously stated, often siloed in the West. Under the conditions present there it will gen- erally produce much larger yields than corn, and, pre- served ina silo, will furnish a large supply of most valuable feed. Prof. Neale and others recommend the use of scarlet clover for summer silage, for Delaware and States under similar climatic conditions. Says a Canadian dairy farmer: ‘‘If we were asked for our opinion as to what will most help the average dairy farmer, I think we should reply: Knowledge of a balanced ration, the Babcock test, and a summer silo; then varying the feed of individual animals ac- cording to capacity, as shown by scales and close ob- servation.’’ CLOVER FOR. SUMMER SILAGE. By filling clover into the silo at midsummer, or be- CLOVER FOR SUMMER SILAGE. 137 fore, space is utilized that would otherwise be empty ; the silage will, furthermore, be available for feeding in the latter part of the summer and during the fall, when the pastures are apt to run short. This makes it possible to keep a larger number of stock on the farm than can be the case if pastures alone are to be relied upon, and thus greatly facilitates intensive far- ming. Now that stave silos of any size may be easily and cheaply put up, it will be found very convenient, at least on dairy farms, to keep a small separate silo for making clover silage that may be fed out during the summer, or at any time simultaneously with the feeding of the corn silage. This extra silo may also - be used for the siloing of odd lots of forage that may happen to be available (see page 60). It is a good plan in siloing clover or other comparatively light crops in rather small silos, to put a layer of corn on top that will weight down the mass below, and secure amore thorough packing and thereby also a better quality of silage. In several instances where there has still been a sup- ply of clover silage in the silo, green corn has been filled in on top of the clover, and the latter has been sealed and thus preserved for anumber of years. Corn silage once settled and ‘‘sealed,’’ will also keep per- haps indefinitely when left undisturbed in the silo, without deteriorating appreciably in feeding value or palatability. Prof. Cottrell writing for Kansas farmers, says: ‘*Silage will keep as long as the silo is not opened, and has been kept in good condition for seven years. This is a special advantage to Kansas dairymen, as in vears of heavy crops the surplus can be stored in silos for years of drought, making all years good crop years for silo dairymen.’’ FREEZING OF SILAGE. Freezing of silage has sometimes been a source of 138 HOW TO MAKE SILAGE. annoyance and loss to farmers in Northern States, and in the future, with the progress of the stave silo, we shall most likely hear more about frozen silage than we have in the past. As stated in the discussion of the stave silo, however, the freezing of silage must be considered an inconvenience rather than a positive detriment ; when the silage is thawed out it is eaten with the same relish by stock as is silage that has never been frozen, and apparently with equally good results. If frozen silage is not fed out directly after thawed it will spoil and soon become unfit to be used for cattle food ; thawed silage will spoil much sooner than ordi- nary silage that has not been frozen and thawed out. There is no evidence that silage which has been frozen ° and slowly thawed out, is less palatable or nutritious than silage of the same kind which had been kept free from frost. The difficulty of the freezing of silage may be avoided by checking the ventilation in the silo and by leaving the door tothe silo carefully closed in severe weather. If the top layer of silage freezes some of the warm silage may be mixed with the frozen silage an hour or two before feeding time, and all the silage will then be found in good condition when fed out. A layer of straw may be kept as a cover over the si- lage; this will prevent it from freezing, and is easily cleared off when silage is to be taken out. UBAPLER .V. HOW TO FEED SILAGE. Silage is eaten with a relish by all kinds of farm animals, dairy and beef cattle, horses, mules, sheep, goats, swine, and even poultry. It should never be fed as sole roughage to any of these classes of stock, however, but always in connection with some dry roughage. ‘The nearer maturity the corn is when cut for the silo, the more silage may safely be fed at a time, but it is always well to avoid feeding it excess- ively. The silo should always be emptied from the top in horizontal layers, and the surface kept level, so as to expose as little of the silage as possible to the air. It should be fed out sufficiently rapidly to avoid spoiling of the silage; in ordinary Northern winter weather a layer a couple of inches deep should be fed off daily. Fig. 30. Silage Truck. SILAGE FOR MILCH COWS. Silage is par excellence a cow feed, says Prof. Woll 140 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. in his Book on Silage. Since the introduction of the silo in this country, the dairymen, more than any other class of farmers, have been among the most en- thusiastic siloists, and up to the present time a larger number of silos are found in dairy districts than in any other regions where animal husbandry is a promi- nent industry. As with other farm animals, cows fed silage should receive other roughage in the shape of corn stalks, hay, etc. The quantities of silage fed should not exceed forty, or at the outside, fifty pounds per day per head. It is possible that a maximum al- lowance of only 25 or 30 pounds per head daily is to be preferred where the keeping quality of the milk is . an important consideration, especially if the silage was made from somewhat immature corn. The silage may be given in one or two feeds daily, and, in case of cows in milk, always after milking, and not before or dur- ing same, as the peculiar silage odor may, in the latter case, 1m our experience reappear in the milk. (See below. ) . Silage exerts a very beneficial influence on the secre- tion of milk. Where winter dairying is practiced, cows will usually drop considerably in milk towards spring, if fed on dry feed, causing a loss of milk . through the whole remaining portion of the lactation period. If silage is fed there will be no such marked decrease in the flow of milk before turning out to grass, and the cows will be able to keep up well in milk un- til late in summer, or early in the fall, when they are dried up prior to calving. Silage has a similar effect on the milk secretion as green fodder or pasture, and if made from well-matured corn, is more like these feeds than any other feed the farmer can produce. The feeding of silage to milch cows has sometimes been objected to when the milk was intended for the manufacture of certain kinds of cheese, or of condens- ed milk, and there are instances where such factories have enjoined their patrons from feeding silage to SILAGE FOR ‘‘CERTIFIED MILK.”’ IAI their cows. When the silage is properly prepared and properly fed, there can be no foundation whatever for this injunction ; it has been repeatedly demonstrated that Swiss cheese of superior quality can be made from the milk of silage-fed cows, and condensing fac- tories among whose patrons silage is fed have been able to manufacture a superior product. The qualily of the silage made during the first dozen years of silo experience in this country was very poor, being sour and often spoilt in large quantities, and, what may have been still more important, it was sometimes fed in an injudicious manner, cows being made to subsist on this feed as sole roughage. Under these conditions it is only natural that the quality of the milk should be impaired, and that manufacturers preferred to en- tirely prohibit the use of it rather than to teach their patrons to follow proper methods in the making and feeding of silage. There is an abundance of evidence at hand showing that good silage fed in moderate quantities will produce an excellent quality of both butter and cheese. According to the testimony of butter experts, silage not only does not injure the flavor of butter, but better-flavored butter is produced by judicious silage feeding than can be made from dry feed. Silage in the production of ‘‘certified mtlk.’’—In an- swer to a question raised whether there is any objec- tion made to the milk when the cows are fed silage, Mr. H. B. Gurler, the well-known Illinois dairyman, whose certified milk sent to the Paris Exposition in 1900, kept sweet for one month without having any preservatives added to it, and was awarded a gold medal, gave the following information: ‘‘ No, there isnot. I have had persons who knew I was feeding silage imagine they could taste it. I caught one of the leading Chicago doctors a while ago. He imagined that he could taste silage in the milk, and I was not feeding it at all. When f first went into the business 142 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. I did not feed any silage to the cows from which the certified milk was produced. I knew it was all right for butter making, as I had made butter from the milk of cows fed with silage, and sent it to New York in competition with butter made from dry food, and it proved to be the finer butter of the two. The first winter I had samples sent down to my family in De Kalb from the stable where we fed silage and from the stable where we were making the certified milk for Chicago, and in which we fed no silage. I presume I made one hundred comparative tests that winter of the milk from these two stables. My wife and daughter could not tell the difference between the two samples. In the large majority of cases they would select the milk from the cows fed silage as the sweeter milk.’’ It will serve as an illustration of the general use of silage among progressive dairymen in our country, to state that of one hundred farmers furnishing the feed rations fed to their dairy cows, in an investigation of this subject conducted by Prof. Woll in 1894, sixty- four were feeding silage to their stock, this feed being used a larger number of times than any other single cattle food, wheat bran only excepted. The combinations in which corn silage will be used in feeding milch cows will depend a good deal on local conditions; it may be said in general that it should be supplemented by a fair proportion of nitrogenous feeds like clover hay, wheat bran, ground oats, linseed meal, gluten feed, cotton-seed meal, etc. As it may be of some help to our readers a number of balanced rations or such as are near enough balanced to produce good results at the pail, are presented below. Silage Rations for Milch Cows. No. 1. Corn silage, 35 lbs.; hay, 8 lbs.; wheat bran, 4 lbs.; ground oats, 3 lbs.; oil meal, 2 lbs. No. 2. Corn silage, 50 lbs.; corn stalks, 10 lbs. ; No. No. SILAGE RATIONS. 143 corn meal, 2 lbs.; wheat bran, 4 lbs.; malt sprouts, 3 lbs. ; oil meal, 1 lb. 3. Corn’ silage, go lbs.; clover and timothy mixed, to lbs. ; wheat shorts, 3 lbs. ; gluten feed, 3 lbs. ; corn and cob meal, 3 lbs. . 4. Corn silage, 201lbs.; corn stalks, 10 lbs. ; hay 4 lbs.; wheat bran, 4 lbs.; gluten meal, 3 Ibs. ; ground oats, 3 lbs. . 5. Corn silage; 40 lbs. ; clover hay, 10 lbs.; oat feed, 4 lbs. ; corn meal, 3 lbs.; gluten feed, 3 lbs. . 6. Corn silage, 45 lbs.; corn stalks, 5 lbs. ; oat straw, 5 lbs.; dried brewers’ grains, 4 lbs. ; wheat shorts, 4 lbs. . 7. Corn silage, 35. lbs.; hay, 10 lbs. ; corn meal, 2 lbs.; wheat bran, 4 lbs. ; oats, 3 lbs. 18!) Corn «silage!/:qgo«lbs.; cornsstover; 8 dbsi:; wheat bran, 4 lbs.; gluten meal, 2 lbs. ; oil meal, 2 lbs. .g. Corn silage, 20 lbs. ; clover and timothy hay, 15 lbs.; corn meal, 3 lbs.; ground oats, 3 lbs. ; oil meal, 2 lbs. ; cotton seed meal, 1 lb. . Io. Clover silage, 25 lbs.; corn stover, to lbs. ; hay, 5 lbs.; wheat shorts, 2 lbs. ; oat feed, 4 lbs.; corn neal, 2 lbs. . Ir. Clover silage, 30 Ibs: ; dry fodder corn, fo lbs. ; oat straw, 4 lbs. ; wheat bran, 4 lbs.; malt sprouts, 2 lbs. ; oil meal 2 lbs. | 12. Clover silage, 40 lbs.; hay, 10 lbs.; roots, 20 lbs. ; corn meal, 4 lbs. ; ground oats, 4 lbs. The preceding rations are only intended as approxi- mate guides in feeding dairy cows. Every dairy far- mer knows that there are hardly two cows that will act in exactly the same manner and will need exactly the same amount of feed. It is then important to adapt the quantities and kinds of feed given to the special needs of the different cows; one cow will fat- ten on corn meal, where another will be able to eat 144 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. and make good use of two or three quarts of it. In the same way some cows will eat more roughage than others and do equally well on it as those that get more of the food in the form of more concentrated and highly digestible feeding stuffs. The only safe rule to go by is to feed according to the different needs of the cows ; to study each cow and find out how much food she can take care of without laying on flesh, and how she responds to the feeding of foods of different character, like wheat, bran, and corn meal, for in- stance. ‘The specimen rations given in the preceding can, therefore, only be used to show the average amounts of common feeds which a good dairy cow can take in and give proper returns for. The popularity of the silo with owners of dairy cattle has increased very greatly, says Prof. Plumb. Few owners of stock of thisclass, who have properly- built silos, and well-preserved silage, would discard silage as an adjunct to feeding. Silage certainly pro- motes milk flow. One great argument in favor of its use lies in the cheapness of production per ton, and the ability to store and secure a palatable, nutritious food in weather conditions that would seriously injure hay or dry fodder. There is one important point that owners of milk cattle should bear in mind, and that is when the silo is first opened only a small feed should be given. In changing from grass or dry feed to silage, if a regular full ration is given, the silage will perhaps slightly af- fect the taste of the milk for a few milkings, and if the change is from dry feed it may cause too great activity of the bowels. SILAGE FOR BEEF CATTLE. Silage may be fed with advantage to beef cattle, in moderate quantities, up to about forty pounds a day. The health of the animals and the quality of the beef produced on moderate silage feeding, leave nothing to SILAGE FOR BEEF CATTLE. 145 be wished for. If the silage is made from immature corn care must be taken not to feed too large quanti- ties at the start, and to feed carefully, so as not to make the animals scour. Prof. Henry says in regard to the value of silage for fattening steers: ‘‘ As with roots, silage makes the carcass watery and soft to the touch. Some have considered this a disadvantage, but is it not a desirable condition in the fattening steer? Corn and roughage produce a hard dry car- cass, and corn burns out the digestive tract in the shortest possible time. With silage and roots, diges- tion certainly must be more nearly normal, and its profitable action longer continued. The tissues of the body are juicy, and the whole system must be in just that condition which permits rapid fattening. While believing in a large use of silage in the preliminary stages, and its continuance during most of the fatten- ing period, I would recommend that gradually more dry food be substituted as the period advances, in order that the flesh may become more solid. Used in this way, I believe silage will become an important aid in steer feeding in many sections of the country. Results from Canada, Wisconsin, and Texas experiment sta- tions show the broad adaptation of this food for stock feeding purposes.”’ Young stock may be fed half as much silage as full grown ones, with the same restrictions and precautions. as given for steers. Experience obtained at the Kansas. Station suggests that corn silage is not a fit food for breeding bulls, unless fed a few pounds only as a rel- ish ; fed heavily on silage, bulls are said to lose virility and become slow and uncertain breeders. SILAGE FOR HORSES. When fed in small quantities, not to exceed fifteen pounds a day, silage is a good food for horses. It should be fed twice a day, a light feed being given at first and gradually increased as the animals become 146 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. accustomed to the food. Some farmers feed it mixed with cut straw, two-thirds of straw, and one-third of silage, and feed all horses will eat of this mixed feed. Some horses object to silage at first on account of its peculiar odor, but by sprinkling some oats or bran on top of the silage and feeding only very small amounts to begin with, they soon learn to eat and relish it. Other horses take it willingly from the beginning. Horses not working may be fed larger quantities than work horses, but in neither case should the silage form more than a portion of the coarse feed fed to the horses. Silage-fed horses will look well and come out in the spring in better condition than when fed almost any other food. Professor Cook says in regard to silage as a horse food: ‘‘ It has been suggested by even men of high scientific attainments that silage is pre-eminently the food for cattle and not for other farm stock. ‘This is certainly a mistake. If we raise fall colts, which I find very profitable, then silage is just what we need, and will enable us to produce colts as excellent as though dropped in the spring. This gives us our brood mares in first-class trim for the hard summer’s work. I find silage just as good for young colts and other horses.’’ An extensive Michigan farmer and horse breeder, gives his experience in regard to silage for horses as follows: ‘‘ Last winter we had nearly two hundred horses, including Clydesdales, standard-bred trotters, and Shetland ponies. They were wintered entirely upon straw and corn silage, and this in face of the fact that I had read along article in a prominent horse journal cautioning farmers from the use of silage, and citing instances where many animals had died, and brood mares had aborted from the liberal use of corn silage. ‘“Desiring to test the matter to the fullest extent, our stallions and brood mares, as well as all the young stock, were fed two full rations of silage daily, and SILAGE FOR HORSES. 147 one liberal ration of wheat or oat straw. The result with our brood mares was most phenomenal, for we now have to represent every mare that was then in foal on the farm, a weanling, strong and vigorous, and ap- parently right in every way, with only one exception, where the colt was lost by accident. Of course there may have been something in the season more favorable than usual, but this was the first year in my experi- ence when every colt dropped on the farm was saved.’’ The following experience as to the value of silage as a food for horse and other farm animalscomes from the Ohio Station: ‘‘Our silo was planned and filled with special reference to our dairy stock, but after opening thesilo we decided to try feeding the silage to our horses, calves, and hogs. The result was eminently satisfactory. We did not find a cow, calf, horse, colt, or hog that refused to eat, or that did not eatit with apparent relish, not only for a few days, but for full two months. The horses were given one feed of twenty pounds each per day in place of the usual amount of hay, for the period above named, and it was certainly a benefit. Their appetites were sharpened, and the healthfulness of the food was further manifest in the new coat of hair which came with the usual spring shedding. The coat was glossy, the skin loose. and the general appearance was that of horses running upon pasture.’’ Doctor Bailey states that silage has as good an effect on work and driving horses as an occasional feed of carrots or other roots, and Rew informs us that there is a demand for silage in London and other English cities, especially for omnibus, cab, and tram _ horses. According to the testimony of Mr. H. J. Elwes, the cart horses fed silage ‘‘looked in better condition and brighter in their coats than usual at this time of the year.”’ From experiments conducted at Virginia Station, Prof: Nourse concluded that ‘‘it would appear that 148 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. silage would makea good roughage for horses, when used in connection with hay or stover or grain, but that these animals should become accustomed to the food by degrees, and that this is as important as when changing from old to new corn, or from hay to grass.”’ What has been said about silage as a food for horses will most likely apply equally well to mules, although only very limited experience has so far been gained with silage for this class of farm animals. Silage for Sheep. Silage is looked upon with great favor among sheep men, says Prof. Wollin his book on Silage; sheep do well on it, and silage-fed ewes drop their lambs in the spring without trouble, the lambs being strong and vigorous. Silage containing a good deal of corn is not well adapted for breeding stock, as itis too fattening; for fattening stock, on the other hand, much corn in the silage is an advantage. Sheep may be fed a couple of pounds of silage a day and not to exceed five or six pounds per head. Professor Cook reports as follows in regard to the value of silage for sheep: ‘‘I have fed ensilage liberally to sheep for three winters and am remarkably pleased with the results. I make ensilage half the daily ration, the other half being corn stalks, or timothy hay, with bran or oats. The sheep do exceedingly well. Formerly I was much troubled to raise lambs from grade Merino ewes. Of late this trouble has almost ceased. Last spring I hardly losta lamb. While ensilage may not be the entire cause of the change, I believe it is the main cause. It is positively proved that ensilage is a most valuable food material, when properly fed, for all our ‘domestic animals.’’ Mr. J. S. Woodward, a well-known New York farmer and Farmers’ Institue worker, who has made a specialty of early-lamb raising, says, in an address SILAGE FOR SHEEP. 149 before the New York Agricultural Society, regarding silage as feed forlambs: ‘‘In order to be successful in raising fine lambs it is imperative that the ewes and lambs both should have plenty of succulent food. Nothing can supply the deficiency. For this purpose roots of almost any kind are good. Turnips, rutabagas, mangolds are all good. Corn silage is excellent. Could I have my choice I would prefer both silage and roots. If I were depending on silage alone for succulent food I would give four pounds per hundred pounds live weight of sheep, all at one feed, at the forenoon feed; but when feeding both silage and roots I would feed silage in the morning and roots in the afternoon.’’ Mr. J. M. Turner of Michigan says concerning silage for sheep: ‘‘Of late years we have annually put up 3,200 tons of corn ensilage, and this has been the principal ration of all the live stock at Springdale Farm, our Shropshire sheep having been maintained on aration of ensilage night and morning, coupled with a small ration of clover hay in the iddie of the day. This we found to fully meet the require- ments of our flock until after lambing, from which time forward we of course added liberal rations of wheat bran, oats, and old-process linseed meal to the ewes, with a view of increasing their flow of milk and bringing forward the lambs in the most vigorous possible condition. Our flock-master was somewhat anxious until after the lambs dropped, but now that he saved 196 lambsfrom 122 ewes, his face is wreathed in smiles, and he gives the ensilage system the strongest endorsement.’’ Mr. Turner states that, after becoming accustomed to the silage, his horses, cattle, and sheep would all push their noses down through the hay, if there was silage at the bottom of the manger, and little or no hay would be eaten until the silage was first taken. | '. The following interesting experience illustrating 150 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. the value of silage for sheep feeding is given by Mr. William Woods, a celebrated English breeder of Hampshire-Downs: ‘‘Last year, in August, I found myself witha flock of some 1,200 Hampshire-Down ewes, and about twelve or fourteen acres of swedes, on a farm of 4,000 acres, and these were all the roots there were to feed them and their jambs during the winter. Knowing how we should suffer from want of milk after lambing in January and February, I thought I would try (which no doubt has often been tried else- where, though notin this district) the effect of en- silage on ewes after lambing, having learned by hear- say that it increased the milk of cows nearly 30 per cent. I at once setto work to irrigate what water meadows I could spare, and in the month of October had acrop of grass that, had it been possible to make it into hay, would have made a ton of hay to the acre. I bought from the Aylesbury Dairy Company one of their Johnson’s ensilage rick presses, and put some seventy to eighty tons of cut meadow grass under pressure. It must, however, be borne in mind that second cut water meadow grass is some of the poorest stuff that is consumed, either green or in hay, and, therefore, my ensilage was not as good, and con- sequently not as favorable a trial, as if it had been made of better material. “In January, when well into lambing, I opened the stack, and began to feed it to the ewes that had lambed. At first they hardly cared to eat it, but by degrees they seemed to like it more. They had a night and morning mealof best sainfoin hay, and a small lot of ensilage with the cake given at midday. After three weeks’ trial, what the shepherd observed was this: That when best sainfoin hay worth 44a ton, was put in the cages, and ensilage in the troughs at the same time, half the sheep would go to the hay and half to the ensilage, although there was sufficient accommodation for the whole flock at either sort, and SILAGE FOR SWINE. 151 we now observe that with the ewes that are most con- stant to the ensilage, their lambs are nourished better than the others. We have not lost a single lamb from scours, and have some 470 lambs from 380 ewes lambed as yet, which I think proves the value of the experi- ment. Assoon asthe stuff arrives in carts the ewes are crazy for it, and almost come over the hurdles, so eager are they to get at this new sort of feed, which, as I have stated, is only water meadow grass en- silaged.’’ Silage for Swine. The testimony concerning the value of silage as a food for swine is conflicting, both favorable and un- favorable reports being at hand. Many farmers have tried feeding it totheir hogs, but without success. On the other hand, a number of hog-raisers have had good success with silage, and feed it regularly to their swine. It is possible that the differences in the quality of the silage and of the methods of feeding practiced explain the diversity of opinions formed concerning silage as hog food. According to Professor Cook, Col. F. D. Curtiss, the great American authority on the swine industry, states that silage is valuable to add to the winter rations of our swine. Mr. J. W. Pierce of Indiana writes in regard to silage for hogs: ‘‘We have fed our sows, about twenty-five _in number, for four winters, equal parts of ensilage and corn meal put into acooker, and brought uptoa steaming state. It has proved to be very beneficial tothem. It keeps up the flow of milk of the sows that are nursing the young, equal to when they are running on clover. We find, too, when the pigs are farrowed, they become more robust, and take to nursing much sooner and better than they did in winters when fed on an exclusively dry diet. We al- so feed it tooursheep. To sixty head we put out about six bushels of ensilage.’’ Dr. Bailey, the author 152 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. of ‘‘The Book on Ensilage,’’ fed large hogs ten pounds of silage, and one pound of wheat bran, with good results; the cost of the ration did not exceed 2 cents per day. Hestates that clover silage would be excellent, and would require no additional grain. Young pigs are exceedingly fond of the silage. Feed- ing experiments conducted at Virginia Experiment Station show that silage is an economical maintenance feed for hogs, when fed in connection with corn, but not when fed alone. In feeding silage to hogs, care should be taken to feed only very little, a pound or so, at the start, mix- ing it with corn meal, shorts, or other. concentrated feeds. ‘The diet of the hog should be largely made up of easily digested grain food; bulky, coarse feeds like silage can only be fed to advantage in small quantities, not to exceed three or four pounds per head, per day. Asin case of breeding ewes, silage will give good results when fed with care to brood sows, keeping the system in order, and producing a good flow of milk. Silage for Poultry. But little experience is at hand as to the use of silage as a poultry food; some farmers however, are feeding a little silage to their poultry with good suc- cess. Only small quantities should of course be fed, and it is beneficialas a stimulant and a regulator, as much asa food. A poultry raiser writes as follows in Orange Judd Farmer, concerning his experience in making and feeding silage to fowls. Devices similar to that here described have repeatedly been explained in the agricultural press. ‘‘Clover and corn silage is one of the best winter foods for poulty raisers. Let me tell you how to build four silos for $1. Buy four coal-oil barrels at the drug store, burn them out on the inside, and take the heads out. Goto the clover field when the second crop of the small June clover, is CORN SILAGE VS. ROOT CROPS. 153 in the bloom, and cut one-half ton three-eights of an inch in length, also one-half ton of sweet corn, and run this through the feed cutter. Putinto the barrel a layer of clover, then a layerof corn. Having done this, take a common building jack-screw and press the silage down as firmly as possible. Then put on this a very light sprinkling of pulverized charcoal, and keep on putting in cloverand corn until you get the barrel as full as will admit of the cover being put back. After your four barrel silos are filled, roll them out beside the barn, and coverthem with horse manure, allowing them to remain there thirty days. Then put them away, covering with cut straw or hay. When the cold, chilling winds of December come, open one of these ‘poultrymen’s silos,’ take about twenty pounds for one hundred hens, add equal parts of potatoes, ground oats, and winter rye, place same in a kettle and bring to a boiling state. Feed warmin the morn- ing, and the result will be that you will be enabled to market seven or eight dozen eggs per day from one hundred hens through the winter, when eggs bring good returns.’’ ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY AS TO THE VALUE OF SILAGE. Corn Silage compared with root crops.—Root crops are not grown to any large extent in this country, but occasionally an old-country farmer is met with who grows roots for his stock, because his father did so, and his grandfather and great-grandfather before him. This is what a well-known English writer, R. Henry Rew, says as to the comparative value of roots and silage, from the standpoint of an English farmer : ‘“The root crop has, for about a century anda half, formed the keystone of arable farming; yet it is the root crop whose position is most boldly challenged by silage. No doubt roots are expensive—say £10 per acre as the cost of producing an ordinary crop of tur- nips—and precarious, as the experience of the winter 154 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. of 1887-8 has once more notably exemplified in many parts of the country. In a suggestive article in the Farming World Almanac for 1888 Mr. Primrose McConnell discusses the question: ‘ Are Turnips a Necessary Crop?’ and sums up his answer in the fol- lowing definite conclusion : ‘‘* Rverything, in short, is against the use of roots, either as a cheap and desirable food for any kind of live stock, as a crop suited for the fallow break, which cleans the land at little outlay, or as one which pre- serves or increases the fertility of the soil.’ ‘‘If the growth of turnips is abandoned or restrict- ed ensilage comes in usually to assist the farmer in supplying their place. . . Whenonecomes to com- pare the cultivation of silage crops with that of roots, there are two essential points in favor of the former. One is their smaller expense, and the other is their practical certainty. The farmer who makes silage can make certain of his winter store of food, whereas he who has only his root crop may find himself left in the lurch at a time when there is little chance of making other provision.’’ We have accurate information as to the yields and cost of production of roots and corn silage in this country from a number of American Experiment Sta- tions. This shows that the tonnage of green or suc- culent feed per acre is not materially different in case of the two crops, generally speaking. But when the quantities of dry matter harvested in the crop are con- sidered, the corn has been found to yield about twice as much as the ordinary root crops. According to data published by the Pennsylvania Station, the cost of an acre of beets in the pit amounts to about $56, and of an acre of corn in the silo about $21, only half the quantities of food materials obtained, and at more than double cost. When the feeding of these two crops has been de- termined, as has been the case in numerous trials at CORN SILAGE COMPARED WITH HAY. BRS experiment stations, it has been found that the dry matter of beets certainly has no higher, and in many cases has been found to have a lower value than that of corn silage; the general conclusion to be drawn, therefore, is that ‘‘ beets cost more to grow, harvest and store, yield less per acre, and produce at best no more and no better milk or other farm products than corn silage.’’ Corn silage compared with hay. A ton and a half of hay per acre is generally considered a good average cropin humid regious. Since hay contains sbout 86 per cent. dry matter, a cropof 1% tons means 2,580 pounds of dry matter. Against this yield we have yields of 5,000 to 9,000 pounds of dry matter, or twice to three and a half times as much, in case of fodder corn. Anaverage crop of green fodder will weigh twelve tons, of Northern varieties, and eighteen tons, of Southern varieties. Estimating the percentage of dry matter in the former at 30 per cent, and inthe latter at 20 per cent, we shall have in either case a yield of 7,200 pounds of dry matter. If we allow for Io per cent. of loss of dry matter in the silo there is still 6,500 pounds of dry matter to be credited to the corn. The expense of growing the corn cropis, of course, higher than that of growing hay, but by no means sufficiently so to offset the larger yields. It is a fact generally conceded by all who have given the subject any study, that the hay cropis the most ex- pensive crop used for the feeding of our farm animals. The late Sir John B. Lawes, of Rothamsted Ex- periment Station (England) said, respecting the relative value of hay and (grass) silage: ‘‘It is probable that when both (i. e., hay and silage) are of the very best quality that can be made, if part of the grass is cut and placedina silo, and another part is secured in the stack without rain, one might prove as good food as the other. But it must be borne in mind that while the production of good hay is a matter of 156 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. uncertainty—from the elements of success being be- yond the control of thefarmer—good silage, by taking proper precautions, can be made witha certainty.’”’ A few feeding experiments withcorn silage vs. hay will be mentioned in the following. In an experiment with milch cows conducted at the New Hampshire Station, the silage ration, containing 16.45 pounds of digestible matter, produced 21.0 pounds of milk, and the hay ration, containing 16.83 pounds digestible matter, produced 18.4 pounds milk; calculating the quantitiesof milk produced by too pounds of digestible matter in either case, we find on the silage ration 127.7 pounds of milk, on the hay ration, 109.3 pounds, or 17 per cent. in favor of the silage ration. In a feeding experiment with milch cows at the Maine Station, in which silage likewise was compared with hay, the addition of silage to the ration resulted in a somewhat increased production of milk solids, which was not caused by an increase in the digestible food materials eaten, but which must have been due either to the superior value of the nutriments of the silage over those of the hay or to the general physiological effect of feeding a greater variety of foods. 8.8 pounds of silage proved to be somewhat superior to 1.98 pounds of hay (mostly timothy), the quantity of digestible material being the same in the two cases. In another experiment, conducted at the same: station, where silage was compared with hay for steers, a pound of digestible matter from the corn silage pro- duced somewhat more growth than a pound of digestible matter from timothy hay. The difference was small, however, amounting in the case of the last two periods, where the more accurate comparison is possible, to an increased growth of only 15 pounds of live weight for each ton of silage fed. Corn Silage compared with fodder corn. ‘The cost of CORN SILAGE AND FODDER CORN. T57 production is the same for the green fodder up to the time of siloing, incase of both systems; as against the expense of siloing the crop comes that of shocking, and later on, placing the fodder under shelter in the field-curing process; further husking, cribbing, and grinding the corn, and cutting the corn stalks, since this is the most economical way of handling the crop, and the only way in which it can be fully utilized so as to be of as great value as possible for dry fodder. Professor King, found the cost of placing corn in the silo to be 58.6 cents per ton, on the average for five Wisconsin farms, or, adding to this amount, interest and taxes on silo investment, and insurance and maintenance of silo per ton, 73.2 cents. The expense of shocking and sheltering the cured fodder and, later cutting the same, will greatly exceed that of siloing the crop; to obtain the full value in feeding the ear corn, it must, furthermore, in most cases, be ground, costing 10 centsor more a bushel of 70 lbs. The ad- vantage is, therefore, decidedly with the siloed fodder in economy of handling, as well as in the cost of pro- duction. , -The comparative feeding value of corn silage and fodder corn has been determined in a large number of trials at different experiment stations. The earlier ones of these experiments were made with only a couple of animals each, and no reliance can, therefore, be placed on the results obtained in any single ex- periment. Inthe laterexperiments a larger number of cows have been included, and these have been con- tinued for sufficiently long time to show what the animals could do on each feed. A few experiments illustrating the value of silage as a stock food may be quoted. Prof. Henry fed two lots of steers on a silage experiment. One lot of four steers was fed corn silage exclusively, and another similar lot corn silage with shelled corn. The former lot gained 222 pounds in thirty-six days, and the latter 158 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. lot 535 pounds, or a gain of 1.5 pounds per day per head for the silage-fed steers, and 3.7 pounds per day for the silage and shelled-corn fed steers. Prof. Emery fed corn silage and cotton-seed meal, in the proportion of eight to one, to two three-year-old steers, at the North Carolina Experiment Station. The gain made during thirty-two days was, for one steer 78 pounds, and for the other 85.5 pounds, or 2.56 pounds per head per day. The late well-known Wisconsin dairyman, Hon. Hiram Smith, in 1888 gave the following testimony concerning the value of silage for milch cows: ‘‘My silo was opened December 1st, and thirty pounds of ensilage was fed to each of the ninety cows for the night’s feed, or 2,700 pounds per day, until March 10, one hundred days, or a total of 135 tons, leaving suf- ficient ensilage to last until May roth. The thirty pounds took and well filled the place of ten pounds of good hay. Had hay been fed for the night’s feed in place of the ensilage, it would have required 900 pounds per day for the ninety cows, or a total for the one hundred days of forty-five tons. ‘It would have required, in the year 1887, forty- five acres of meadow to have produced the hay, which, if bought or sold, would have amounted to $14.00 per acre. The 135 tons of ensilage were produced on 8% acres of land, and had a feeding value, as compared with hay, of $74.11 per acre.’’ As the conclusion of the whole matter, Mr. Smith stated that ‘‘ three cows can be wintered seven months on one acre producing 16 tons of ensilage, while it required ‘wo acres of mead- ow in the same year of 1887, to winter oze cow, with the same amount of ground feed in both cases.’’ Professor Shelton, formerly of Kansas Agricultural College, gives a powerful plea for silage in the follow- ing simple statement: ‘‘ The single fact that the pro- duct of about two acres of ground kept our herd of fifty head of cattle five weeks with no other feed of the CONCLUDING TESTIMONY. 159 fodder kind, except asmall ration of corn fodder given at noon, speaks whole cyclopedias for the possibilities of Kansas fields when the silo is called in as an ad- junct.’’ [In conclusion. We will bring our discussions of the silo and its importance in American agriculture, toa close by quoting the opinicns of a few recognized lead- ers on agricultural matters as the value of silo — silage : Says £x-Gov. Hoard, the editor of Hoard’s wees man, and a noted dairy lecturer: ‘‘ For dairying all the year around the silo is almost indispensable.’’ Prof. Hills, the director of Vermont Experiment Station: ‘‘It was long ago clearly shown that the most economical farm-grown carbohydrates raised in New England are derived from the corn plant, and that they are more economically preserved for cattle feeding in the silo than in any other way.’’ FT. C. Wallace, editor Creamery Gazette: ‘‘ While not an absolute necessity, the silo is a great conve- nience in the winter, and in times of protracted dry- ness almost a necessity in summer.”’ Prof. Carlyle, of Wisconsin Agricultural College: “A silo is a great labor-saving device for preserving the cheapest green fodder in the best form.’ Gis oa Goodrich, conductor of Farmers’ Institutes in Wisconsin, and a well-known lecturer and authority on dairy topics: ‘‘ A farmer can keep cows profitably without a silo, but he can make more profit with one, because he can keep his cows with less expense and they will produce more.’’ Prof. Dean, of Ontario Agricultural College: ‘‘ The silo is becoming a greater necessity every year in On- rario.”’ Thus it will be seen that from all parts of the world wherever the silo is in. use, the evidence points in favor of silage, there no longer being an argument against 160 HOW TO FEED SILAGE. it, in connection with the dairy, and especially in lati- tudes where corn can be grown. Economy in production of feed materials means in- creased profits. Competition establishes the price at which the farmer and dairyman must market his prod- ucts, but by the study of approved and modern meth- ods the farmer can regulate his profits. CHAP LER... V1. A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. It has been thought best, in order to increase the usefulness of this little book to practical farmers, to add to the specific information given in the preceding as tothe making and feeding of silage, a brief general outline of the main principles that should govern the feeding of farm animals. This will include a state- ment of the character of the various components of the feeding stuffs used for the nutrition of farm stock, with tables of composition, and a glossary of scientific agricultural terms often met with in agricultural pa- pers, experiment station reports, and similar publica- tions. Many of these terms are used constantly in discussion of agricultural topics, and unless the farmer has a fairly clear idea of their meaning the discussions will often be of no value to him. The information given in the following is put in as plain and simple language as possible, and only such facts are given as are considered of fundamental importance to the feed- er of farm stock. COMPOSITION OF THE ANIMAL BODY. The most important components of the animal body are: water, ash, protein, and fat. We shall briefly describe these components. Water is found in larger quantities in the animal body than any other substance. It makes up for about a third to nearly two-thirds of the live weight of farm animals. ‘The fatter the animal is the less water is found in its body. We may, consider 50 percent of the body weight a general average for the water con- tent of the body of farm animals. When it comes to 162 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. animal products used for food purposes, there are wide variations in the water content; from between 80 and go per cent in case of milk, to between 40 and 60 per cent in meat of various kinds, about 12 per cent in butter, and less than Io per cent in fat salt pork. Ash or mineral matter is that portion of the animal body which remains behind when the body is burned. The bones of animals contain large quantities of mln- eral matter while the muscles and other parts of the body contain only small amounts ; it mnst not be con- cluded, however, that the ash materials are of minor importance for this reason; both the young and full grown animal require a constant supply of ash mate- rials in their food; if the food should not contain a certain minimum amount of ash materials, and of vari- ous compounds contained therein which are essential to life, the animal will turn sick very soon, and if the deficiency is not made up will die, no matter how much of other food components is supplied. As both ash and water are either present in sufficient quantities in feeding stuffs, or can be easily supplied, the feeder does not ordinarily need to give much thought to these components in the selection of foods for his stock. Protein is not the name of any single substance, but for a large group of very complex substances that have certain characteristics in common, the more important of which is that they all contain the element zztvogen. Hence these substances are also known as zztrogenous components. ‘The most important protein substances found in the animal body are: lean meat, fibrin, all kinds of tendons, ligaments, nerves, skin, brain, in fact the entire working machinery of the animal body. The casein of milk and the white of the egg are, fur- thermore, protein substances. It is evident from the enumeration made that protein is to the animal body what the word implies, the most important, the first. fat is a familiar component of the animal body ; it is distributed throughout the body in ordinary cases, COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS. 163 but is found deposited on certain organs, or under the skin, in thick layers, in the case of very fat animals. The animal cannot, as is well known, live on air ; it must-manufacture its body substances and products from the food it eats, hence the next subject for con- sideration should be: Composition of Feeding Stuffs. The feeding stuffs used for the nutrition of our farm animals are composed of similar compounds as those which are found in the body of the animal itself, although the components in the two cases are rarely identical, but can be distinguished from each other in most cases by certain chemical reactions. The animal body through its vital functions has the faculty of changing the various food substances which it finds in the food in such a way that they are in many instances different from any substances found in the vegetable world. The components of feeding stuffs which are generally enumerated and taken into account in ordinary chemical fodder analysis, or in discussions of feeding problems are: Water (or Moisture, asit isoften called), ash materials, fat (or ether-extract), protein, crude Siber, and nitrogen-free extract; the two components last given are sometimes grouped together under the name Carbhydrates. These components are in nearly all cases mixtures of substances that possess: certain properties in common; and as the mixtures are often made up of different components, or of the same comi- ponents in varying proportions, it follows that even if a substance is given in a table of composition of feed- ing stuffs, in the same quantities in case of two differ- ent feeds, these feeds do not necessarily have the same food value as far as this component alone is concerned. Water or motsture is found in all feeding stuffs, whether succulent or apparently dry. Green fodders contain from 60 to 90 per cent of water, according to 164 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. the stage of maturity of the fodder; root crops con- tain between 80 and go per cent, while hay of different kinds, straw, and concentrated feeds ordinarily have water contents ranging between 15 and 8 per cent. Ash or mineral matter is found in all plant tissues and feeding stuffs. We find most ash in leafy plants, or in refuse feeds made up from the outer covering of grains or other seeds, viz., from 4 to 8 per cent; less in the cereals and green fodder, and least of all in roots. A fair amount of ash materials isa necessity in feeding young stock and pregnant animals, and on!y limited amounts of foods low in ash should be fed to such animals; refuse feed from starch and glucose factories which have been treated with large quantities of water should, therefore, be fed with care in such cases. fat or ether extract is the portion of the feeding stuff which is dissolved by ether or benzine. It is found in large quantities in the oil-bearing seeds, more than one-third of these being composed of oil or fat ; the oil-mill refuse feeds are also rich in fat, especially cotton seed meal and old-process linseed meal; other feeds rich in fat are gluten meal and feed, grano-glu- ten and rice meal. The ether extract of the coarse fodders contains considerable wax, resins, and other substances which have a low feeding value, while that of the seeds and by-products from these are essentially pure fat or oil. Protein or flesh forming substances are considered of the highest importance in feeding animals, because they supply the material required for building up the tissues of the body, and for maintaining these under the wear caused by the vital functions. Ordinarily the feed rations of most farmers are deficient in protein since most of the farm-grown foods (not including clover, alfalfa, peas and similar crops) contain only small amounts of these substances. The feeding stuffs richest in protein are, among the coarse foods: those already mentioned ; among the concentrated foods: COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS. 165 cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, gluten meal, gluten feed, grano-gluten, buckwheat middlings, and the flour-mill, brewery, and distillery refuse feeds. The protein substances are also called nztrogenous bodies, for the reason given above, and the other organic (combustible) components in the feeding stuffs are spoken of as zon-nitrogenous substances. ‘The non ni- trogenous components of feeding stuffs, therefore, in- clude fat and the two following groups, crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract. Crude fiber is the framework of the plants, forming the walls of the cells. Itis usually the least digestible portion of plants and vegetable foods, and the larger proportion present thereof the less valuable the food is. We find, accordingly, that the fodders containing most crude fiber are the cheapest foods and least prized among feeders, as, e. g., straw of the various cereal and seed-producing crops, corncobs, oat and rice hulls, cotton-seed hulls, buckwheat hulls, and the like. These feeding stuffs, in so far as they can be consid- ered as such, contain as a rule between 35 and 50 per cent of crude fiber. Concentrated feeding stuffs, on the other hand, often contain less than 5 per cent of crude fiber, and in the cereals only a couple of per cent of crude fiber are found. Nitrogen-free extract is a general name for all that is left of the organic matter of plants and fodders af- ter deducting the preceding groups of compounds. It includes some of the most valuable constituents of feeding stuffs, which make up the largest bulk of the food materials ; first in importance among these con- stituents are starch and sugar, and, in addition, a number of less well-known substances of similar com- positions, like pentosans, gums, organic acids, etc. Together with crude fiber the nitrogen-free extract forms the group of substances known as carbohydrates. A general name for carbohydrates is heat-producing substances, since this is one important function which 166 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. they fill; they are not as valuable for this purpose, pound for pound, as fat, which also is often used for the purpose by the animal organism, but on account -of the large quantities in which the carbohydrates are found in most feeding stuffs they form a group of food materials second to none in importance. Since it has been found that fat will produce about 2% times as much heat as carbohydrates on combustion, the two ‘components are often considered together in tables of composition of feeding stuffs and in discussions of the feeding value of different foods, the per cent of fat being multiplied by 24% in such cases, and added to the per cent of carbohydrates (i. e., crude fiber plus nitrogen-free extract) in the foods. As this renders comparisons much easier, and simplifies discussions for the beginner, we shall adopt this plan in the tables and discussions given in this Guide. Carbohydrates and fat not only supply heat on being oxidized or burned in the body, but also furnish ma- terials for energy used in muscular action, whether this be voluntary or involuntary. ‘They also in all probability are largely used for the purpose of storing fatty tissue in the body of fattening animals, or of other animals that are fed an excess of nutrients above what is required for the production of the necessary body heat and muscular force. To summarize briefly the uses of the various food elements: Protein is required for building up muscu- lar tissue, and to supply the breaking down and waste of nitrogenous components constantly taking place in the living body. If fed in excess of this requirement itis used for production of heat and energy. The non-nitrogenous organic components, i. e., carbohy- drates and fat, furnish material for supply of heat and muscular exertion, as well as for the production of fat in the body or in the milk, in case of milch cows giv- ing milk. Digestibility of foods. Only a certain portion of a COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS. 167 feeding stuff is of actual value t@the animal, viz., the portion which the digestive juices of the animal can render soluble, and thus bring into a condition in which the system can make the uses of it called for ; this digestible portion ranges from half or less to more than 96 per cent in case of highly digestible foods. The rest is simply ballast, and the more ballast, i. e., the less of digestible matter a food contains, the more the value of the digestible portion is reduced. , Straw, e. g., is found, by means of digestion experiments, to contain between 30 and 4o per cent of digestible mat- ter in all, but it is very doubtful whether an animal can be kept alive for any length of time when fed straw alone. It very likely costs him more effort to extract the digestible matter therefrom than the ener- gy this can supply. An animal lives on and produces not from what he eats but from what he digests. Relative value of feeding stuffs. Since the price of different feeding stuffs varies greatly with the locality and season, it is impossible to give definite statements as to the relative economy which will hold good al- ways. It may be said, in general, that the feeding stuffs richest in protein are our most costly and at the same time our most valuable foods. Experience has shown toa certainty that a liberal supply of protein is an advantage in feeding most classes of farm animals, so that if such feeding stuffs can be obtained at fair prices, it will pay to feed them quite extensively, and they must enter into all food rations in fair quantities in order that the animals may produce as much milk, meat, or other farm products, as is necessary to render them profitable to their owner. The following state- ment shows a classification of feeding stuffs which may prove helpful in deciding upon kinds and amounts of feeds to be purchased or fed. 168 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. CLASSIFICABMION OF CATTLE FOODS. COARSE FEEDS. 1 ,3 | 3 Low in protein. Medium in pro- | Low in protein. Highincarbohy- | _ tein. _ High in carbo- drates. Medium in carbo- | hydrates, 50 to 65 per cent hydrates. 85 to 95 per cent digestible. 55 to65 percent | digestible. digestible. | = ee Hays, straws, Clovers, Carrots, pota- corn fodder, pasture grass, toes, sugar corn stover, vetches, pea beets, man- silage, cereal _ and bean fod- golds, turnips, fodders. lamer. : Very high in Highin Fairly high in| Low in pro- protein (above protein protein tein ( below 40 per cent.) | (25-40 per ct.) | (12-25 per ct.) | 12 per cent) | Dried blood. | Gluten meal. | Malt sprouts. | Wheat. Meat scraps. | Atlas meal. Dried brew- | Barley. Cotton-seed Linseed meal. ers’ grains. | Oats. meal Buckwheat Gluten feed. | Rye. middlings. | Cow pea. | Corn. Buckwheat Pea meal. | Rice polish. shorts Wheat shorts. Rice. Soja-bean. Rye shorts. Hominy Grano-gluten.| Oats shorts. | chops. Wheat mid- Germ meal. dlings. | Oat feeds. Wheat bran. © Low-grade | flour. | FEEDING STANDARDS. Investigations by scientists have brought to light the fact that the different classes of farm animals re- FEEDING STANDARDS. 169 quire certain amounts of food materials for keeping: the body functions in regular healthy activity ; this is known as the maintenance ration of the animal, an allowance of feed which will cause him to maintain his live weight without either gaining or losing, or producing animal products like milk, wool, meat, eggs, etc. If the animal is expected to manufacture these products in addition, it is necessary to supply enough extra food to furnish materials for this manufacture. The food requirements for different purposes have been carefully studied, and we know now with a fair amount of accuracy how much food it takes in the different cases to reach the objects sought. Since there is a great variety of different foods, and almost infinite possible combinations of these, it would not do to ex- press these requirements in so and so many pounds of corn or oats, or wheat bran, but they are in all cases expressed in amounts of digestible protein, carbohy- drates and fat. This enables the feeder to supply these food materials in such feeding stuffs as he has on hand or can procure. The feeding standards common- ly adopted as basis for calculations of this kind are those of the German scientists, Wolff and Lehmann. Those standards give, then, the approximate amount of dry matter, digestible protein, carbohydrates, and fat which the different classes of farm animals should receive in their daily food in order to produce maxi- mum returns. We have seen that a fair amount of digestible protein in the food is essential in order to obtain good results. The proportion of digestible ni- trogenous to digestible non-nitrogenous food sub- stances therefore becomes important. This proportion is technically known as Wutritive Ratio, and we speak of wzde nutritive ratio, when there are six or more times as much digestible carbohydrates and fat in aration as there is digestible protein, and a narrow ratio, when the proportion of the two kinds of food materials is as 1 to 6, or less. 170 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. FEEDING STANDARDS FOR FARM ANIMALS (WoLFF-LEHMANN.) (Per day and per 1000 lbs. live weight. o| Nutritive Pr 2 | (Digestible} 2 «= |Substances.| 4 & B pS | 2 a : 3 eis) be xo) 2 g Fs $s —& a Ss 8 | ee gy Q 4 = tage es = |oFl]oblug] a = Ss jo |,O9] 0 8 u Ss =) = ie! re) 3 ee] o Bed BH lo jo la |H Z Ibs.!1bs.|lbs.|1bs.| Ibs. 1. Steers at rest in stall.................+.. 18 |0.7| 8.0/0.1] 8.9 | 1:11.8 Steers slightly worked.................. 22 | 1.4/10.0| 0.3 | 12.1 | 1: 7.7 Steers moderately worked.............-. 25 | 3.0 111.5051 14.7 |) ieee Steers heavily worked..............----- 28 | 2.8 113.0] 0.8 | 17.7 | 1: 5.3 | | 2. Fattening steers, Ist period.............. 30 | 2.5 15.0! 0.5 | 18.7 | Tes “ ore ad SN | otaval ceo Naini be teil 30 | 3.0 14.5] 0.7} 19.2 | 1: 5:4 ', Bi oy Sy Oh poi ens era 26 | 2.7 ae 0.7 | 19.4 | 1: 6.2 3. Milch cows, daily milk yield, 11 1bs.../ 25 | 1.6 10.0) 0.3 | 12.3 | 1: 6.7 3 eee em a 16.5“ ...] 27 | 2.0 {11.0} 0.4 | 14.0 | 1: 6.0 $ it = s 2% MN +++] 29 | 2.5 13.0) 0.5] 16.7 | 125.7 - - c y “41,6 “..-} 32,1 3.3 113.0] 0.8 | 18.2 | 12 as 4, .Wool sheep, coarser breeds............-- 20 | 1.2 110.5] 0.2} 12.2 | 1: 9.1 =e “s finter breeds: .. 2:2. 6: eee 3 11.5 112.51 0.3! 14.2 | 1: 8.5 5. Breeding ewes, with lambs.............. 25 | 2.9 /15.0] 0,5 | 19.1 | 1: 5.6 6. Fattening sheep, Ist period.............. 30 | 3.0 |18.0] 0.5 | 19.2 | 1: 5.4 os ine 2d = Wueaeobianspoede 26 | 3.5 |14.0} 0.6 | 19.4 | 1: 4.5 7. Horses lightly worked..............2./--.- 20 }1.5.| 9.5] 0.4] 12.0 | 1: 7.0 Horses moderately worked.............. 24 12.0 |11.0] 0.6} 14.5 | 1: 6.2 Horses heavily worked...............++. 26-1 2.5143-3| 0:87 17.7.4| 1: 610 8. Brood sows, with pigs............--+++:+- 22 | 2.5 115.5] 0.4] 19.0 |] 1: 6.6 9, Fattening swine, 1st period.............. 36 | 4.5 |25.0] 0.7 | 31.2 | 1: 5.9 ee a 2d Sratate ie iseystiade Ss.- 32 | 4.0 |24.0) 0.5 | 29.2 | 1: 6.3 3 Re Ys Mai ine SIN Ah! Ss AS a 25 | 2.7 18.0) 0.4 | 22.0 | 1: 7.0 10. Growing cattle: Dairy Breeds. Aver. Live Weight Age, Months. per head. 2-3 154 TDS sens: 23 | 4.0 }13.0} 2.0 | 21.8 | 1: 4.5 3-6 S09 Eee es 24 | 3.0 12.8] 1.0] 18.2 | 1: 5.1 6-12 BOT ee ahaa 27, | 2.0 |12.5| 0.5} 15.7) | 6.8 12-18 105° SMSAA. tee 26\).1.8 |12.5]-0.4 | 15.3°) a5 18.24 S82 Ereane aa: 26 | 1.5 }12.0! 0.3 }' 14.2.] 1: 8.5 cae nS FEEDING STANDARDS FOR FARM ANIMALS.—ConrTiInveEp. 1 te 12. iS: 14. ley Growing cattle: Beef Breeds. Aver. Live Weight Age, Months. per head. 2-3 NGS WDSe2 o5.5.4 4: 3-6 ie) les ee Senne 6-12 SCT oer 12-18 GOUT ae Pere 18-24 OBhiy “eerste ¥en Growing sheep: Wool Breeds. 4-6 G0) lise 6-8 (oy 8-11 bey, Diane! tS cer 11-15 OF reeks reistarere 15-20 Oe Born oas Growing sheep: Mutton Breeds. 4-6 6G IDSt a acre 6-8 Santer d hehe 8-11 QM FS pgs craters a 11-15 TZN ark operate 15-20 TE A eee Sonya Growing swine: Breeding Animals. 2-3 AD iDSyasee tte 3-5 QO SOM oe a4 Jers 5-6 TD ey Sn a ee 6-8 ior ae... does 6 8-12 DHS A ede Growing fat pigs: 2-3 44 DSeo satis cs 3-5 [Ml i ot 5-6 AC ie aha setae 6-8 1 oF Sat a PE 8-12 DRIP Ses LAR es Seoorn RUINS S2So2° WROD Soo Bint ~10 So SS NwWADS SS oe WER AOO soa pat ek et pe pe aa pat bah peek pk pe pt pe et Ove SRSA es SNOOP Mw 0S ASORO NwONN aT ON Uus nNooosd SVN out ROUNDS i A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. The feeding standards given in the preceding tables may serve as a fairly accurate guide in determining the food requirements of farm animals; and it will be noticed that the amounts are per 1000 pounds live weight, and not per head, except as noted in the case of growing animals. ‘They should not be looked upon as infallible guides, which they are not, for the simple reason that different animals differ greatly both in the amounts of food that they consume and in the uses which they are able to make of the food they eat. The feeding standard for milch cows has probably been subjected to the closest study by American ex- periment station workers, and it has been found in general that the Wolff-Lehmann standard calls for more digestible protein (i. e., a narrower nutritive ratio) than can be fed with economy in most of the dairy sections of our country, at least in the central and northwestern states. On basis of investigations conducted in the early part of the nineties, along this line, Prof. Woll, of Wisconsin, proposed a so-called American practical feeding ration, which calls for the following amounts of digestible food materials in the daily ration of a dairy cow of an average weight of 1000 pounds. Digestible protem, 7° |. ~2-2.1bs. - carbohydrates, 13.3 ‘‘ ) carbohydrates- fat ms PAG SSE ak os ry ah PO ar ee ee Total digestible matter, . 17.1 ‘‘ protein+carbohy- drates+ fat x2¥. Nutritive ratio, . . 1:6.9. HOW TO FIGURE OUT RATIONS. We shall use the practical American feeding ration asa basis for figuring out the food materials which should be supplied a dairy cow weighing 1000 pounds, in order to insure a maximum and economical produc- tion of milk and butter fat from her. We will sup- pose that a farmer has the following foods at his dis- HOW TO FIGURE OUT RATIONS. 173 posal: corn silage, mixed timothy and clover hay, and wheat bran; and that he has to feed about forty pounds of silage per head daily, in order to have it last through the winter and spring. We will suppose that he gives his cows in addition five pounds of hay and about six pounds of bran. If we now look up in the tables given on pages 185 to 189, the amounts of digestible food components contained in the quantities given of these feeds, we shall have: Total Digestible Total Nut. dry mtr. Pro. Carb.@fat. dig. mtr. ratio. 40 lbs. corn silage, 10.51bs. .481bs. 7.1 1bs. 7.58 5 lbs. mixed hay, 4.2 «22 2.2 2.42 61bs. wheat bran, 5.3 f2 2.8 3.52 20.0 1.42 12.1 13-52" 15'3.5 We notice that the ration as now given contains too little total digestible matter, there being a deficit of both digestible protein, carbodydrates and fat, it will evidently be necessary to supply at least a couple of pounds more of some concentrated feed, and preferably of a feed rich in protein, since the deficit of this com- ponent is proportionally greater than that of the other components. In selecting a certain food to be added and deciding the quantities to be fed the cost of differ- ent available foods must be considered. We will sup- pose that linseed meal can be bought at a reasonable price in this case, and will add two pounds thereof to the ration. We then have the following amounts of digestible matter in the ration : Total Digestible Total Nutritive ; Dry Mtr. Pro. Carb. fat. dig. mts. Ratio. Ration as above, 20.0 lbs. 1.421bs. 12.1 1bs. 13.52 1.8.5 21bs. oil meal (O.P.) 1.8 .62 1.0 1.62 Total, 21.8 2.04 13:1 16.14 1:6.4 Amer. prac. feed‘g ration, 2,2 14.9 iv.d \ 1:6,9 Wolff-Lehmann standard, 29,0 235 14,1 16.6°0/12527 174 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. The new ration is still rather light, both in total and digestible food materials; for many cows it might prove effective as it is, while for others it would doubt- less be improved by a further addition of some con- centrated food medium rich in protein, or if grain feeds are high, of more hay or silage. The feeding rations are not intended to be used as infallible standards that must be followed blindly, nor could they be used as such. They areonly meant to be approximate gauges by which the farmer may know whether the ration which he is feeding is of about such a composition and furnishes such amounts of important food materials as are most likely to produce best results, cost ef feed and returns in products as well as condition of animals being all considered. In constructing rations according to the above feed- ing standards, several points must be considered be- sides the chemical composition and the digestibili- ty of the feeding stuffs; the standards cannot be followed directly without regard to bulk and other properties of the fodder; the ration must not be too bulky, and still must contain a sufficient quantity of roughage to keep up the rumination of the animals, in case of cows and sheep, and to secure a healthy condition of the animals generally. The local market prices of cattle foods are of the greatest importance in determining which foods to buy; the conditions in the different sections of our great continent differ so great- ly in this respect that no generalizations can be made. Generally speaking, nitrogenous concentrated feeds are the cheapest feeds in the south and in the east, and flour mill, brewery, and starch-factory refuse feeds the cheapest in the northwest. The tables given on pages 185 to 189 will be found of great assistance in figuring out the nutrients in feed rations; the tables have been reproduced from a bul- letin published by the Vermont Experiment Station, and are based upon the latest compilations of analyses GRAIN MIXTURE FOR DAIRY COWS. PS of feeding stuffs.. A few rations are given in the fol- lowing as samples of combinations of different kinds of feed with corn silage that will produce good results with dairy cows. The rations given on page 142 may also be studied to advantage in making up feed rations with silage for dairy cows. The Experiment Stations or other authorities publishing the rations are given in all cases. GRAIN MIXTURE FoR DAIRY Cows. Mixtures to be fed with one bushel of silage and hay, or with corn stover or hay. Massachusetts Experiment Station. ie 2: 100 lbs. bran. 100 lbs. bran or mixed feed. 100 lbs. flour middlings. 150 lbs. gluten feed. 150 lbs. gluten feed. Mix and feed 9 quarts daily. Mix and feed 7 quarts daily. By 4. 100 lbs. bran. 200 Ibs. malt sprouts. 100 lbs. flour middlings. 100 lbs. bran. 100 1bs. gluten or cottonseed meal. 100 lbs. gluten feed. Mix and feed 7 to 8 quarts daily. Mix and feed 10 to 12 quarts daily. By 6. 100 lbs. cottonseed or gluten meal. | 125 Ibs. gluten feed. 150 lbs. corn and cob meal. 100 lbs. corn and cob meal. | 100 lbs. bran. | Mix and feed 5 to 6 quarts daily. Mix and feed 7 to 8 quarts daily. | New Jersey Experiment Station: 40 lbs. corn si- lage, 5 lbs. gluten feed, 5 lbs. dried brewers’ grains, 2 lbs. wheat bran. (2) ) 35. 1bs...corn silage, 5:lbs..mixed hay;. Selbs: wheat bran, 2 lbs. each of oil meal, gluten meal and hominy meal. (3) 40 lbs. corn silage, 5 lbs. clover hay, 3 lbs. wheat bran, 2 lbs. malt sprouts, 1 lb. each of cotton- seed meal and hominy meal. 176 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. (4) 40 lbs. corn silage, 4 lbs. dried brewers’ grains, 4 lbs. wheat bran, 2 lbs. oil meal. Maryland Experiment Station: 40 lbs. silage, 5 lbs. clover hay, 9 lbs. wheat middlings, and 1 lb. glu- ten meal. (2) 30 lbs. silage, 8 lbs. corn fodder, 6 lbs. cow pea hay, 3 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. gluten meal. Michigan Experiment Station: (1) 4olbs. silage, 8 lbs. mixed hay, 8 lbs. bran, 3 lbs. cottonseed meal. (2) 30 lbs silage, 5 lbs. mixed hay, 4 lbs. corn meal, 4 lbs- bran, 2 lbs cottonseed meal, 2 lbs. oil meal. (3) 30lbs. silage, 10 lbs. clover hay, 4 lbs. bran, 4 lbs. corn meal, 3 lbs. oil meal, (4) 30 lbs. silage, 4 lbs. clover hay, 1o lbs. bran. Kansas Experiment Station: (1) ~Corn silage 4o Ibs., 10 lbs. prairie hay or millet, 4% lbs. bran, 3 lbs. cottonseed meal. (2) 40 1bs. corn silage, 10 lbs. corn fodder, 4 lbs. bran, 2lbs. Chicago gluten meal, 2 lbs. cottonseed meal. (3) 40 lbs. corn silage, 5 lbs. sorghum hay, 3 lbs. corn, 1% lbs. bran, 3 lbs. gluten meal, 1% lbs. cotton seed meal. (4) 30 1bs. corn silage, to lbs. millet, 4 lbs. corn, 1 lb. gluten meal, 3 Ibs. cottonseed meal. (5) 30 lbs. corn silage, 15 lbs. fodder corn, 2% lbs. bran, 3 lbs. gluten meal, 1% lbs. cottonseed meal. (6) 30 lbs. corn silage, 15 lbs. fodder corn, 2% lbs. bran, 3 lbs gluten meal, 1% lbs. cottonseed meal. (6) 30 lbs. corn silage, 10 lbs. oats straw, 2 lbs. oats, 4 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. gluten meal, 2 lbs. cottonseed meal. (7) 20 1bs. corn silage, 20 lbs. alfalfa, 3 lbs. corn. (8) 15 lbs. corn silage, 20 lbs. alfalfa, 5 lbs. Kafir corn. (9) 20 lbs. corn silage, 15 lbs. alfalfa, 4 lbs. corn, 3 Ibs. bran. GRAIN MIXTURE FOR DAIRY COWS. 177 (10) 40 1bs. corn silage, 5 lbs. alfalfa, 3 lbs. corn, 3 lbs. oats, 2 lbs. O. P. linseed meal, 1 lb. cottonseed meal. , Tennessee Experiment Station: 30 lbs. silage, 10 Ibs. clover or cow pea hay, 5 lbs. wheat bran, 3 lbs. of corn, 2 lbs. cottonseed meal. North Carolina Experiment Station: (1) 40 lbs. corn silage, ro lbs. cottonseed hulls, 5 lbs. cottonseed meal. (2) s5olbs. corn silage, 5 lbs. orchard grass hay, 4% lbs. cottonseed meal. (3) 30 lbs. corn silage, to lbs. alfalfa, 6 lbs. wheat bran, 5 lbs. cottonseed hulls. (4) 40 lbs. corn silage, 15 lbs. cow pea vine hay. (5) 4o0lbs. corn silage, 6 lbs. wheat bran, 6 lbs. field peas ground. (6) 4o01bs.corn silage, 4 lbs. cut corn fodder, 3 lbs. ground corn, 4 lbs bran, 1 lb. cottonseed meal (ra- tion fed at Biltmore Estate to dairy cows. Silage is fed to steers and cows, and corn, peas, teosinte, cow- peas, millet and crimson clover are used as silage crops. These crops ate put into the silo in alternate layers. ‘‘ Will never stop using the silo and silage’’). SoutheCarolina :. 20/ lbs. corn silage, 6 Tbs. bran,.”3 Ibs. cottonseed meal, 12 lbs. cottonseed hulls. Georgia Experiment Station: 40 lbs. corn silage, 15 lbs. cow-pea hay, 5 lbs. bran. Ontario Agr. College: 45 lbs. corn silage, 6 lbs. clover hay, 8 lbs. bran, 2 lbs. barley. Nappan Experiment Station (Canada): 3o0l1bs.corn silage, 20 lbs. hay, 8 lbs. bran and meal. The criticism may properly be made with a large number of the rations given in the preceding, that it is only in case of low prices of grain or concentrated feeds in general, and with good dairy cows, that it is possible to feed such large quantities of grain profit- ably as those often given. In the central and north- western states it will not pay to feed grain heavily 178 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. with corn at fifty cents a bushel, and oats at thirty cents a bushel or more. In times of high prices of feeds, it is only in exceptional cases that more than six to eight pounds of concentrated feeds can be fed with economy per head daily. Some few cows can give proper returns for more than this quantity of grain even when this is high, but more cows will not do so. ‘The farmer shonld aim to grow protein foods like clover, alfalfa, peas, etc., to as large extent as practicable, and thus reduce his feed bills. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF SILAGE CROPS OF DIF- FERENT KINDS, IN PER CENT. Crude ; Crude |Nitrogen| Ether | Water Ash | protein | fiber free ex- | extract tract Corn silage mature corn (aa 4) (Eb 2:2 6:5» [desk 9 immature corn fg: ie WP ee We 1.7 6:0; |, 11.0 8 ears removed Ber of eles 1.8 a0 9:5 .6 Clover silage 72:9 1 “220 4.2 O48 tee eee Soja bean silage 74.2 | 2.8 4.1 9.7 6:9: ||, cee Cow-pea vine silage| 79.3 | 2.9 20. 6.0 7:6 laa Field-pea vine silage| 50.0 | 3.6 5.9. | 130) 26.0.) oae6 Corn cannery refuse- husks 83.8 .6 1.4 5.2 CO eee Corn cannery refuse- cobs | 74.1 ee 15 F92| Lede ey Pea cannery refuse | 768] 1.3 | ,2.8 6.5..\1 tad, Weeiiaes Sorghum silage EL) 00 A ae nae a Bit Sa 3 Corn-soja beansilage| 700 | 2.4 “ees Laer eee 8 Millet-soja bean silage} 79.0 | 2.8 | 2.8 | 7.2 7:2. | Ae Rye silage 80.8 1.6 2.4 58 9.2 i Apple pomace silage) 85.0 | .6 12 ee 8.8 1A Cow-pea and soja bean mixed 69 8 45 3.8 STS. 7 hha 1.3 ‘Corn-kernels 41.3 1.0 6.0 1.5 | 46.67) (Se Mixed. grasses (rowen) 18,44). ah 10.1 , | : eee Brewers’ grain silage 69.8 |. 1.2 6.6 4.7°°| “15:6 | ae The above table gives actual chemical analyses of ANALYSES OF FEEDING STUFFS. 179 the products mentioned and includes the entire 100 per cent. of the contents and weight. The following table, compiled by the Editors of Hoard’s Dairymen, Fort Atkinson, Wis., shows the average amounts of digestible nutrients in the more common American fodders, grains and by-products, and is the table that should be used in formulating rations. The tables give the amounts of digestible nutrients contained in 100 lbs. in pounds, and the figures can, therefore, be taken as per cents in figuring out the amount of digestible nutrients in any given amount of food material, and it is by such methods that the tables given on pages 185 to 189 are obtained. ANALYSES OF FEEDING STUFFS. TABLE SHOWING AVERAGE AMOUNTS OF DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN THE MORE COMMON AMERICAN FODDERS, GRAINS AND By-PRODUCTSs. Complied by the Editors of Hoard’s Dairvman, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Digestible Nutrtents in | 3 iz 100 Pounds. NAME OF FEED. Ss 2 =e eye a). 2 Se | 253" iS] a | §* | gas GREEN FODDERS. Lbs, * Tbs; ) 1ibs:..1gba: Pasture Grasses mixed. 3...) 2... 1 20.0 Paes 10.2 0.5, Pao She, olor | adh a ede a 20.7 1.0 11.6 0.4 CSL 2g EL oe OI oo cca eat 8) a a 20.6 0.6 12,2 0.4. PeeumolomeGct tae oie soe fla oe 202 2.9 14.8 0.7 7 TET 3 laa nd cea di Pe ener vt Sol J Ae BOS ae, 3.9 1237, 0.5. Reser a et Phe ce Me nick oe aN 16.4 1.8 8.7 One Get eat 4 Se eee cle hha Wd. AD Sisal: 24.9 3.2 11.0 0.5 SEC Gre tC) cy aioe Comics, inl nIP © soni ant cra 37.8 2.6 18.9 1.0 Rye| Odter... 5.0... OTe ge 23.4 2.1 14.1 0.4 Ree OE, SR 140) Ba), 402 Peas amemOatsy Wee ks 16.0 1.8 7.1 0.2 eet rilp, Py Ae is ac. s. 10.2 0.6 Cpe) > 180 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. NAME OF FEED. Dry Matter in roo Pounds SILAGE. Lbs. Digestible Nutrients tn 100 Pounds. Protein. oy 9 ee ne ca Galt ath aa le 20.9 Corn, Wisconsin analyses.......... 26.4 Syonporbapnita Ss 38 ites IS AND sty ak 23.9 Bed, MAGICK 4 pact teed es Ete has cee - 28.0 OSG EU ee Rot st rae Serena 21.5 COW deel. tcc oi Peta ese he Pete ere, aie 20.7 Soja Cas 5: gee ed eee cee cad 25°8 DRY FODDER AND HAY. Corn Fodder .. ay ets ae 57.8 Corn Fodder, Wis. analyses ....... 71.0 ROMP EONEL cs cite. a oe ek Wee ace 39.5 mone mim Hodmers. 20204 ieee see Sov Meee CAV CR or ees 3h dal eee Beem 84.7 20 | TENE: ft esi oa and aarp: Sonshine eee cs Be 91.6 BE eee 15h) oe et Ae ee 85.2 Bite Wetass se se eae ne Gy re Re 78.8 Op gl Sy 7 RAN ee Whey ee ee eae et ee 89.3 ETI Sn as ae eR 3 ee 82.4 Jonson Grass... eo. eee see Gee 87.7 Mia Gel MeeetGS 2 oe see a aie tao oy 88.4 Niattet 2. - Phy Met eeie e ete thar 92.3 (ary ceo Ley Vc dees eet eure ) Olt Dat arid Pea. Haye. ae eee 85.4 rohard grasses 4 2... 3 ab ere 90.1 RCatrie GAS on ous cata ee ce eee 87.5 Ree “Pans... te wince eeRce ae) eee 91.1 Te PRTUOU MEM gi 0.5 ae ek a a iene os ee a 86.8 Timothy. ame. (lowety: yeu 2s se Os 85.3 Veh aay. xs aginte cet aes ae eda een 88.7 White daisy ai hove aes fe ati 85.0 STRAW Barley fly oe Se oes eae ns 85.8 so a Se S-iip) M ) etims hae Rap 90.8 ee YA gS a ee Se aoe ate elena 92.9 Carbohy-| drates. re rs ee te et eS co ee NARAROCHREANUWONTRHOUNNTANNN ANALYSES OF FEEDING STUFFS. 181 Ss Digestible Nutrients 2 | zz 100 Pounds. NAME OF FEED. Se| 5 | 2g Wa ad a8, (2) o Balas a ae emcee ROOTS AND TUBERS. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. aE AC TGS ME is BE Ri erals Soe wie 20.0 2.0 16.8 0.2 Bects Commons PP ee Fe eS 13.0 £2 8.8 0.1 1 TUBS! Or git AN) mn a a tl 10.2 0.1 “OST Regt ase e SWC hd | Ae? 2a 11.4 0.8 7.8 0.2 i SES 2) S) CARE 3 Ma 4 Sale a 9:1 14 5.4 0.1 Raper PAR SRE eva Peis 5 ice aoe a ein ds Rea ys a 1.6 11.2 0.2 ESA 2 hi Decay: AS rides se cd DS a Oke Apt 0.9 16.3 0.1 PES AS ht OS oi tie ee es ge 11.4 1.0 8.1 0.2 Reh NO) AOU ccs rece 8s su poeince 9.5 1.0 (ie? 0.2 Pemece Ota toes oo) Fee eck UL 29.0 0.9 22:2 0.3 GRAIN AND BY-PRODUCTS. 1 20S By aca Ae aN ae al pai acre elie, ee 89.1 8.7 65.6 1.6 Brewers, Grams, dry. eot avo. OLS) a1a7 36.3 31 Brewers’ Grains, wet ............ 24.3 3.9 o:3 1.4 Riaitioprouts. 2) ahs Wes aes 89.8 18.6 37.1 17 Pete a tno oss cee eres hee ee 87.4 rie 49.2 1.8 Buckwheat ‘Brant. asl 89.5 7.4 30.4 1.9 Backwheat Middlings |... .:<..2.. 87.3, 22.0 33.4 5.4 “Dore CG, SNS ie en aS a 89.1 7.9 66.7 4.3 Soram.ane Cob. Meal.) wince ob4<8 5 89.0 6.4 63.0 3.5 Seria ek cade pas oe 89.3 0.4 52:5 0.3 CORD in 25°35 7 Ean A gC ae RD 90.9 7.4 59.8 4.6 Ares kaiten Weal: : .iw<). 5. ot 92.0 24.6 SB Sy, less Gluten Meal.......... ee ee 838.0 32.1 41.2 de Germ Oil Meal........ see NR gel ie 90.0 20.2 44.5 8.8 CCIE Vo a ee 8 90.0 23.3 50.7 ae! Bama y CHOp. 5. dag et iret tS 88.9 22 55.2 6.8 rae MUM COG WEE oan cons. y's 34.6 5:5 PA ie La rt CEE 6 oe al Gerace ats gs oe 89.7) 125 30:0 - 17,3 Colton Seed Weal 22)! 0.6.5...) O18.) “Sie 16.9 8.4 Cotton Seed EUs sox os wes is ow dc os 88.9 0.3 33.1 eh Sr ee Vai k ah a, 89.7 15:6 38.3 10.5 ale a ky: aig og ae APS aps eres dws acd 85:2. 1834 54.2 5 i | ries PSP BEL. Gee Sue ee Ge ea... 90.8 20.6 17.1. 29.0 Oil, Meal, old process............ 90.8 29.3 32.7 7.0 Oil Meal, new process........... 89.9 28.2 40.1 2.8 182 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. ‘| Digestible Nutrients a “in 100 Pounds. NAME OF FEED. $3 : bg | ee x8 2 se (3 33 : i ale. | 8° (Bas Cleveland-O1) Meal. ger" 3:1. 89.6 ~-> 3250 25.4 2.6 Maaic, Corner otto eee eee 84.8 7.8 Sia Zan Mallet 30:82. 9) PEt 2 eRe: PORT A ges 648) 8.9 45.0 3.2 Gans. 7 We Ree 89.0 9,2 47.3 4.2 @at heed ort Shortest... 22 92.3.. 125 46.9 2.8 Dat. Wyist* se. Ain A aR! hc 8.9 38.4 ST Reus phase) URW Rew 2 oo, th 369.) Tos 51.8 0.7 Quaker Dairy Heed.) t):. ORR Pais 2 05: 9.4 50.1 3.0 Rye. ; AES fa} Aa ak cate 88.4 9.9 67.6 1.1 Rye Bran DEES) (eee tt eee wee eee 88.4 11.5 50.3 2.0 Mbt t Yon le eee AES. es he SS 89.5 10.2 69.2 i Alea. Goats be eke 88.1 12.6 38.6 3.0 NATAL EIA tS ek sleet bs 9 3c 87.9 12s 53.0 3.4 Wheat Shorts cha als te oe OP ke S8:2 Ia8 50.0 3.8 WEIGHT OF CONCENTRATED FEEDS. Kind of Feed. One Quart One Pound Equals Equals Cottonseed’ Meal... 5... 1.4 pounds 0.71 quarts Linseed Meal, old process bt 0.90 tated Weal): sce i) Soa. i We oN a 0.5507 = Ciitemot C6O oo. s se pee a A eo Ose) Bo Gorn Ol Meal wei. © prose. ge a a Ore se Brewers; Grains... 2... +: OG * Oe Loe 3: Matt Spe@ats 0 y5<3 vee Oo! 4" gO a ° dai Withies te ais. hones haemo O5r4%° 2a Wheat Middlings standard ass Lao ee Wheat Middlings flour.... ee wre 0.8345 Cor Kergels. aes ae ae ase 0.60". Cant Meal o..bu wie seen i 2 ec 070s," Corncand, Cob Dikal.:: -..\..- Te sk O.Gr v Conn “Fiat cl soc eee 35 aa 2.00 ore @at Kernels: 4325) ee sas 1, ion oo Sats: ( POE Ie al alegre ec ee fo ce 140 Momeat Motriels. nas: eee i oS ae S50 MD Dairy Peed eo vee eli b BE.

v...1.)\ae osc 2% to3 bu.|/Sept. 5-10 SB) COVER oie Petsson beyonce «= 20 lbs. Taly 20-30 4. Grass (from "grass-lands). 52 Oatsratid: Peas. vassw asm... 2 bu. each April 10 61 Oatsiand Pease 9. ne. 45 5): a 20 a. Oatsiand| peasy. jui) yess. is ss 5.30 tial S Gey seamen oils Sala am cairn Sua Cee ing bushels|June 1 9. Clover rowen (from 3)..... 10. Soja beans (from 3)........ 1 bushel May 25 IU COW=PCAaS) Jace. seaeh tae LS et" June 5-10 12. Rowen grass (from grass- PAIS) e-alerts sos [gs Barley and | peasinss .nic-s. 2 bu. each |Aug. 5-10 Approximate Time of Feeding. May 10-20 May 20, June 5 June 5-15 June 15-25 June 25, July 10 July 10-20 S20) 120 Antio. 1 Aug. 1-10 ** 10-20 20s Sene. 5 Sept. 5-20 fe 20-80) Oct. 1-30 The dates given in the table apply to Central Connecticut and regions under approximately similar conditions. 184 A FEEDERS’ GUIDE. Cost oF A POUND OF DIGESTIBLE Dry MATTER IN DIFFERENT FEEDING STUFFS. 2 2 a 5 E- J 5 Whee’ 8 ect 2 2F Sgn 88 ee ° 2 a) 5 wee 2s o o Ou SoS wu fa) Ta) SEED ance ~ SB ue es) oy Snes Saeee S vam ios g a Ss ss S) 6) 6) Feeds $. Ibs. -cts. Feeds $ lbs. cts. Corn meal... -: 0.80 79.5 1.01 Mixed (wheat) feed0.90 64.8 1.39 Cob meal. ....0.78 71.3 1.09 |Cottonseed meal 1.20 80.3 1.50 GE eS Bing seer 0.90 67.0 1.34 |Linseed meal O.P.1.30 77.1 1.69 Provender...: . | 0.85 72.3 1.18 i ‘¢ N.P.1.30 74.5874 Quaker dairy feed0.85 60.9 1.40|Flax meal...... 1:30"7 55°92 Chicago gluten moe daary feed1.00 63:7 2.57) ameal 2.72 aE 1.20 78.9 ¥.52 Cream gluten Corn and oat feed0.85 70.4 1.21 seal 2 7o 0 1.20 81.1 1.48 Hominy chop.. .0.90 88.8 1.01 |King gluten meal1.20 86.7 1.38 Buffalo gluten Wheat Bran....0.85 57.9 1.47| feed : Or, 50080 25 Diamond gluten Wheat Middlings0.95 70.6 1.35} feed .......... 1.00 82.3 1-22 READY REFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS 185 IN VARYING WEIGHTS OF FEED, IN POUNDS. NotE.—These tables save calculations of percentages, since, the weights and contents being given in pounds, it is only necessary to find the kind and desired amount of acertain feed, and the table gives the exact food contents in pounds. as in the first table. 15 lbs. of Green Oat Fodder contains 5.7 Ibs. of dry matter, 0.35 lbs. of protein and 3.1 lbs’ carbohydrates. vile Bay) gee ‘s c(t ae le. Pounds of ie S 3 39 ae 3 ee ee g ise fodder | S| 6, (tEs]) S8| © (SEs) Ba] & RRS a Ay ove ai. A OMe g Ay jv © Grasses Pasture Grass 1:4.8 Timothy Grass, 1:14.3 || Ey. Blue Grass, 1:9.2 a 02571006), 023 1.0 | 0.04; 0.5 || 0.9 | 0.05! 0.5 OL Se 12071 .02 22) 0.6 1.9 | 0.08) 1.1 1.8 | 0.10} 0.9 PO hed Ae th 2.0 | 0323) 221 ea hal a Oe eo) UU 3u5.) O20) 18 ph te San SAS 3304) OfS50 17 Be: A28ic 3.2511. 9522 1 O. 30). Bev a 1 tok A203 OG 2 2 0F-71.0.30) 4.3 [17730 | 0:40) 32% Sei AN 3 5.0 | 0.58) 2.8 || 9.6 | 0.38] 5.4 || 8.7 | 0.50). 4.7 30 6.0 | 0.69) 3.0 EL.5 4.0.45) 6.4 )10.5 |-0.60) 5:5 At dee oO |) 0.88 3.9 VPSs4 053) 7.5: 1/1252 | 0.70), 6:4 =) ae aa pete 8.0 | 0.92) 4.4 ||15.4 | 0.60)14.0 ||14.0 | 0.80) 7.3 Green Fodders GreenFodderCorn 1 :11.7 Green Oat Fodder, 1:8.7||Gr’n Rye Fodder,1:7.2 Be eat... 0.5 {| 0.03} 0.3 || 0.9 | 0.06] 0.5 || 0.6 | 0.05) 0.4 iy ae hs E20 ef 00615 0-5 19h O. dk O 12) OukLy. OLF WOE 1S 3.3))'5. | 2a OM ALS 3.8 | 0.24 2.1 283-1 O: 24/155 Pt. Sek. Bed | OLR PO A587. 1+ OL 363.1 S490 O.32|- 2es Ses One A \0222) 2:6 7.6 | 0.48) 4.2 4.7 | 0.42) 3.0 <5 2a ee SEAL EN Ppa) Ws pA 9.5 | 0.60) 5.2 529 | O:52), 3:3 SU Re ae GI2AILOs 3S 3.9 US TO. 72) 622 7.0. | 0:63) 4.5 ogee Aral 7.2 | 0.39). 4.5 /13.2 | 0.84) 7.3 B22) O:741 053 40 8.3 | 0.44! -5.2 [115.1 | 0.96] 8.3 9.4 | 0.84) 6.0 Green Fodders Oats and Peas, 1:4.2 || Barley and Peas, 1:3.2 ||Red Clover(grecn)1:5.7 23 aS eas 025 10.07(-0.3710.5. 1, O07 0.247 1. O07) O24 eM settee. Ad }-0.14)-0.5 1.0 | 0.14) 0.4 1.54) 0.15'-6.8 DU USAR aS A A 8 Pees a le ee | Zee". 0,28)0.9 2.9 0.29)" ALG 5 = Bee Mie OA Bo a OeAd 7 Syken| OL Aad. 4 4.4 | 0.44) 2.5 1 Ae ees 4.3 | 0.54] 2.3 4.1 | 0.56} 1.8 So nO. 58) Sea Bey Ak AE. Y 534), 0.66) 2.0: 1 5.2 4-0. 70) 2.3 73 \ O.73\. 4.2 i GS NS oe Bed 1.88 o:4 ie Gre |) O84) 2.7 8.8 | 0.87| 4.9 6a ool ee fom 0.95) 4.0 72 W096 8.2 00: 20), 202) 7 BL maser tas! Seed OS M4ee. i S:2 | IF253.6c/(11.7 | bale. 6:6 Green Fodders | Corn Silage, 1:14.8 | |QornStoverSilage,1:16.6)| Clover Silage, ee 1 Ss Oe 0.7 | 0.03] 0.4 || 0.5 | 0°02] 0.3 || 0.7 | 0.07; 0.3 2) SES os Cleo 1.3 | 0.06) 0.8 270%) -0503)-O.5 1.4 | 0.14; 0.6 i Se ee 256 OL22) tS 1291-0, 66) 120 110238: } Ghar aes PES ss eee 3:97) MO. 18i2.7 2.9 | 0.09) 1.5 4.2 | 0.41) 1.9 Pee ef ss 5:3 1 @. 243.6 3.9: | 0:22) 2.0) ie 5264. O2541 236 kt 6.6 | 0.30 4.5 48° \.0215)42.5 7.0 | 0.68) 3.2 US TR at ee 7.9 | 0 36) 5.3 || 5.8 | 0.18) 3.0 || 8.4 | 0.81) 3.9 34 ap ie 9.2 | 0.42) 6.2 || 6.8 | 0.21} 3.5 |} 9.8 | 0.95) 4.5 1) Sea 10.5 | 0.48) 7.1 7 Fe | 0.24 40 ie! 208). 5.1 186 READY REFERENGE TABLES—COonrTINUED. ‘ a3 ANO+tATA+TO ATDANMANr~ WH AMMOOMOOrH SScePeeTS | ed ekem rans stele aMctee ee ei) | Sev oat ce: be. wee ee a) af 8] | Shs we” Sey er ee a ee soe ae sates a a eee tee ISIS SHH ANNI GIEISSSHHHANG|(SSSSHHAAN Eland OY HON A Ayoqie) | BS TIO OM OMNSMOIAIMMNONOIGDOMNO(N|IAMODAANDHTDAHODROCONTA Bier |g SINS Te QOR MANA TS SOSH AMA NMS aay THEN Bloooocos SSIBICSCSSSOSSSSIEISSO SSS SSSSEISSSSSOSSSS 5 | 5 |) ee ao & 5B 5B soem |Slegin rOMATCOPIAIMETATAMHPlAMonaMadwlslanetanonn AIP THIOL! ISSoHnnNANS ST DOH HRHANMNM SOSSHAAAA EIA MUON AOD saree (2/2 2A ARN Qt [|AtQAMNAGS+|L\AMGSMOANIO[ZiNMMHONAMIALS -kyoqien |R|OSMAANANMN OS IDISOSOSOHANAM EH OOS RNAAAAN TIAN TNO OA eee Saeeree re re _| = = [Pm stOQorA Ot!) IMNONONHSMNS| \SCADRONTNALP OTH DNAROGS - Fe HSSSAS SSH BISOCRHANGHH FIA AMMHNAWMM/BOANNO + TOR Pd BISSSSSSSSSMSSSSSSSSHIAlSSSSSSnnAASSdSSSSSSS aie 2 P| | ee eee ee ee a) « be oF wey OHV |e rn tON TAN + BINA O OATOO/B AM ONOMOMS/|PIAQHNACATH AIP TROT S SHANE HTM! |SCOnRNNAM++S S St rt hd ca0 FeO OO S 1G a . o eee TOOMHAKN TAH ONDATOAA! HMOANOGCHAt+ AAMT MNONDS Ber cseuria el fee SP CO SOS SS et rah ee HN Neg |S SO eh es ON re ah Oe st | So m oo oe | ee — 1 ten pee |e tee ee Ana ARAOSIDORRADMATINNRHATDMERAOMMAANTNOLDS mororg [EIS SO eld 8 8 S/S SAMS SAAT BN GSR SAAR WON wm ; TBISSSSSSSSSBiS SSS SSS SSR SS SSSS SHA IoSSSSSooH —EE>EE——E————E—E == Fs] |— = = re ~ —_ a soyeu [Spo AAAI t+ BAtATOON AGH ANATATONN|AAAtMWONAAA AIp [eIOL, CHAGFUOND/BISSCSH AANA 09 Peodanties i Peees tesa | a i) . - ales ; | Oy : | a ie 4 ea nw n . a2) . . od ‘ D so 1s]; Pee ae = I oe Oe ie) pe ee (Air. ; aiipen soe Saag St Bor pales aS | ps aN ee | 1 \ | INMOWONSMNS| |INNONSNHSW anrodunnr son NCB RA SOS! ORAS FS Seas Sen AN I~ ioe) 4 READY REFERENCE TABLES—ConrTINUED. ants) ‘soveip -of Bh a) lipa Se 1s. (ooo @ Ulew.s ee > eee d hve eas Baliye eae Selim |e Giluten meal( Chi. )1:1.5 |/Gluten meal, Cream, 1:1.7 G52) |.,.0.08( OcL 1} 20,2) (Oso ZV O-1 OA Or) 6.2: |. O.4.\|) O15) O22 ©.9 |, 0.32)-0.5 || 0.9 | 0.30), O25 7291026409) 1:8" 1". 50) “1.6 2365 \f0.96\004 (1227.4 DiBo| Ts Bahia Leal Al, Ol) 304) ule FOS. Aan | GOW 238: 1) AS) lo Te 4O1 2.6 GG. | 2401 3.5 0.7.) .2.23)) 3.9 8.08 oan HF i O20 | 2.97)" Suk Hominy chop, 1:9.2 ||Dried brewers grain 1:5.0 0.2. ||/0.62)) 0,241). 0.2-| @.04|. 0.1 0.5 | 0.04] 0.4 || 0.5 | 0.08] 0.3 0. | 0.09} 0.3 1) Gr" +0. 76) O25 Ei) | Get Z 20-6 |p P0400. 30) 0.9 2.8) |: 0.26|\\2.4 | 2S OAT Tid 3372 O.35) 2.20" 2.7" 10; 68h BiG 436} O-4A AO) 4.610. 79) 2.4 6.9 | 0.65} 6.0 |} 6.9 | 1.18] 3.5 GP 1G. SFIGS.ONl O21 aie 7 | RAST Malt sprouts, 1:2.2 Pea meal, 1:5.2 6:2 |-0.65| O.1 j|- 6.2, | 0.04) ‘O21 0.4 | 0.09} 0.2 || 0.4 | 0.08] 0.3 0.9 | 0.19] 0.4 |} 0.9 | 0.17] 0.5 1597 }.'0.3917 0.85 ||, 1447) (ay43 tok 2.9 1Ov5O) 1, 2.1\ 2.47 1G. 5Oly Esa 2.0)| 0-74). 1-0 | 32051" OB 7 Zak A.5) O: 931° 2-0 |i fro \ Oro4 2. 6.7 =| #40) 320 6.7) | 1.26) 430 g.0 | 1.86} 4.0 |] 9.0 | 1.68] 5.3 CONCLUSION. In conclusion we desire to state that the object of this book is to place before the farmer and dairyman such information as will be valuable and practical, in as concise and plain a manner as possible, and to make a plea in behalf of the silo as an improver of the finan- cial condition of the farmer. ‘That the silo is a prime factor in modern agriculture is no longer a matter of doubt. ‘The silo is not the sum total in itself, but as an adjunct, and, in the case of dairying, a mecessary adjunct to successful and profitable methods, its value is difficult to overestimate. One of the greatest values of the silo is that as an innovation it becomes a stepping-stone to better meth- ods in general; it stimulates its owner and spurs him on to see just how good and far reaching results he can obtain from his revised system of management. It invites a little honest effort, and coupled with this it never fails. It enables its owner not only to do what he has been unable to do before, but things he has done without its help the silo enables him to do at less cost than before. The solution of the problem of cost of manufacture is necessary to every successful producer, and as the proposition is constantly chang- ing, the solutions of our forefathers, or even of a gen- eration ago, no longer avail. The silo is not an entic- ing speculation by means of which something can be gotten out of nothing, but a sound business proposi- tion, and has come to stay. ‘The voices of thousands of our best farmers and dairymen sing its praises, be- cause it has brought dollars into their pockets, and increased enjoyment to them in their occupations and their homes. CONCLUSION. IQ! Have you cows? Do you feed stock? Do you not need a silo? Is it not worthy of your best thought and consideration? You owe it to yourself to make the most you can out of the opportunities before you. Do IT Now ! GLOSSARY. Ad libitum. At pleasure;in case of feeding farm animals, all they will eat of a particular feeding stuff. Albuminotds. A group of substances of the highest importance in feeding farm animals, as they furnish the material from which flesh, blood, skin, wool, ca- sein of milk, and other animal products are manu- factured. Another name for albuminoids is flesh- forming substances or protein. Ash. ‘The portion of a feeding stuff which remains when it is burned, the incombustible part of foods. The ash of feeding stuffs goes to make the skeleton of young animals, and in case of milch cows a portion thereof goes into the milk as milk ash. Bacteria. Microscopic vegetable organisms, usually in the form of a jointed rod-like filament, and found in putrefying organic infusions. They are widely diffused in nature, and multiply with marvelous rapidity. Certain species are active agents in fermen- tation, while others appear to be the cause of certain infectious diseases. Balanced ration. A combination of feeding stuffs containing the various nutrients in such proportions and amounts as will nurture the animals for twenty- four hours. with the least ‘waste of nutrients. By-Products. A secondary product of an industry ; cottonseed meal isa by-product of the cotton oil in- dustry; skim milk and butter milk are by-products of butter making. Carbhydrates. Agroupof nutrients rich in carbon and containing oxygen.and hydrogen in the propor- tion in which they form water. The most important carbhydrates found in feeding stuffs are starch, gums and crude fiber (celulose.:) GLOSSARY. 193 Carbon. A chemical element, which with the ele- ments of water makes up the larger part of the dry matter of plants and animals. Carbonic acid. A poisonous gas arising from the combustion of coal or wood. It is formed in all kinds of fermentations and therefore occurs in the siloing of fodders. Cellulose. See Crude fiber. Crude fiber. ‘The frame work forming the walls of cells of plants. Itis composed of cellulose and lignin, the latter being the woody portion of plants and wholly indigestible. Digestible matter. The portion of feeding stuffs which is digested by animals, i. e., brought into solu- tion or semi-solution by the digestive fluids, so that it may serve as nourishment for the animal and furnish material for the production of meat, milk, wool, eggs, Ere: Dry matter. ‘The portion of a feeding stuff remain- ing after the water contained therein has been re- moved. Ensilage. An obsolete word for Silage. Used as verb, likewise obsolete, for Zo sz/o; to ensile also some- times incorrectly used for the process of placing green fodders into a silo. Enzemes. An unorganized or chemical compound of vegetable or animal origin, that causes fermenta- tion, aS, pepsin, or rennet. Ether extract. The portion of a feeding stuff dis- solved by ether ; mainly fat or oil in case of concen- trated feeding stuffs; in coarse fodders, fat mixed with a number of substances of uncertain feeding value, like wax, chlorophyll (the green coloring matter of plants), etc. Fai: “See Ether extract: Feeding standard. A numerical expression of the amounts of the various digestible subtances in a com- bination of feeding stuffs best adapted to give good 194 GLOSSARY. results as regards production of animal products, like beef, pork, milk, etc. Indian corn. Zea Mays, the great American cereal and fodder-producing plant. Hydrogen. A chemical element, a gas. Combined with oxygen it forms water, with oxgen. and carbon it forms carbhydrates and fat; with oxygen, carbon and nitrogen (with small amounts of sulphur and phos- phorus) it forms the complex organic nitrogenous sub- stances known as protein albuminord substances. Legumes. Plants bearing seeds in pods and capable of fixing the gaseous nitrogen of the air, so that it be- comes of value to the farmer and will supply nitro- genous food substances to farm animals. Examples, the different kinds of clover, peas, beans, vetches, etc. Of the highest importance agriculturally, as soil re- novators, and in supplying farm-grown protein foods. Nitrogen. A chemical element, making up four- fifths of the air. The central element of protein. See under Hydrogen. Nitrogen-free extract. The portion of a feeding stuff remaining when water, fat, protein, crude fiber, and ash are deducted. It includes starch, sugar, pentosans, and other substances. It is so called because it does not contain any nitrogen. Nitrogenous substances. Substances containing nitrogen (which see). Nutrient. A food constituent or group of food con- stituents capable of nourishing animals. Nutritive ratio. ‘The proportion of digestible pro- tein to the sum of digestible carbhydrates and fat ina ration, the per cent of fat being multiplied by 24%, and added to the per cent of carbhydrates (crude fiber plus nitrogen-free extract). Organic matter. The portion of the dry matter which is destroyed on combustion (dry matter minus ash). Oxygen. A chemical element found ina free state GLOSSARY. 195 in the air, of which it makes up about one-fifth, and in combination with hydrogen in water; oxygen is also a rarely-lacking component of organic substances. See Carbhydrates and hydrogen. Protein. A general name for complex organic com- pounds mainly made up from the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Crude protein in- cludes all organic nitrogen compounds, while true pro- tein or albuminoids (which see) only includes such nitrogenous substances in feeding stuffs as are capable of forming muscle and other tisgsuesin the animal body. Ration. The amount of food that an animal eats during twenty-four hours. Roughage. The coarse portion of a ration, includ- ing such feeding stuffs as hay, silage, straw, corn fodder, roots, etc. Concentrated feeding stuffs are sometimes called gvazn-feeds or concentrates, in con- tradistinction to roughage. Szlage. The succulent feed taken out of a silo. Formerly called exszlage. Szlo. An air-tight structure used for the preserva- tion of green, cvarse fodders in a succulent condition. As verb, to place green fodders in a silo. Soiling. The system of feeding farm animals ina barn or enclosure with fresh grass or green fodders, as rye, corn, oats, Hungarian grass, etc. Starch. One of the most common carbhydrates in feeding stuffs insoluble in water, but readily digested and changed into sugar in the process of digestion. Succulent feeds. Feeding stuffs containing consider- able water, like green fodders, silage, roots and pasture. Summer silage. Silage intended to be fed out dur- ing the summer and early fall to help out short pastures. Summer silo. A Silo used for the making of sum- mer silage. | INDEX. Adyantages of the silojy.:%) p22 5-.. 6: ‘Sane pS Ve eco Rg ge ee eS pas Amina. body, compostaen eg: the ~~. os oS Avialyses of feeding atiiiar si. .b.. 2. Te PE AS Bs piers. 43 Average composition of silage ‘erops 4 dEeE ete Beet-pulp silage ..... NL ER ea a ana aie Beets, cost of, per eee oe eee Beef cattle, silage’ for’... .'.2 PEASE 1 '- = BES) epee Blower elevators ..... ni Foe Brick. piltes: |)s scl Ped etd olasnthst bi Capacity of round Sc RR IO Carbonic-acid poisorfing i in 1 silos, danger from Certified milk, silage in production of Sythe Chemical com position Or silaress fea! Chey Chute for a round wooden silo: .¢ 2). 2) 524. © 0 8) 0) 0) 6M oes Circles, circumferences and areas of.......... Clever silage... ....':. Clover silage, cost of. . eg Ale oer Pee aay Clover, time of cutting for thesilo ....... ... Clawecs wield: per acre, Obs: puget. Soka: Comijcutting of,in the held? css... sls Conn tanh, Drensraion OLY ss oo aac e ee; deo cies Corn, methodsor planting") .o) so." os oF Comm-silage ys: fodder’? corm: )) 1540-27 2S, Corn silage vs. hay........ TA raat tie Corn silage vs. roots _ . Bh EE RL) fen Corn, siloing of, ‘‘ears and all’’ Corn, see also Indian corn and Fodder corn. Corners of square silos methods of excluding air from. Cost of beets: per; acte & 4: ay. 4.228 111 sie va: Cost of a pound of digestible dry matter in different feeding stuffs... RS 2 Tybee Mae Conclusion arate iden tel oagih 2 21) Ve. Lege Cost of corn silage ; oe MO Aa Rio tas sO) ARS: Cost. af sithes: fis. 3.5 1527 se uel, at pages Covering Stlae ao \04), 4. Fh ahaa TE ad. co hiatine: & COW-pem Stine. jee c4- SP ea as: Comparative losses in dry ireisageeee.9 to. ss dk Corn time of cutting forisile’) 70). . 3 aes Composition of the animal body....... ...... Composition of the silage crops.... Composition of feeding stuffs ER eS Se. Crude fiber. JE TN ae eee i agate Cutter and power, dine oF) Lae aoe. t tap ah Dennitions of terms ised eee» INDEX. 197 Description of round wooden silos ......... Sera ere Sescription of “*Onie” silage cutters! os 128, 131 Digestibility of Foods ... Peet Hh ate Wik 2 aR Saal ah Meors for silos. ........ Ani: * eee ee SAE, ing f iar) ath all, siloime OF eatin... Pe ew ees 123 Economy of storage ....... 57 Rho ae oa oe eee 21 RMPE ALO, Pesta Ao ws ss jc wt ores AER IR Fe Finsilage, see Szlage. Matimating Of materials fot silos... .. 2... 04. ..25+. see 98 Meedets’s pide, Cte. 2740) ox... - Sel eet Goa bee pee eee 161 Feeding stuffs, composition of ..... aI A i vet 6, eal UOT a PSECGINS StaAMGAaLGS, |. ..,0cs Gute e) vss) ns, aon. be LOO, 210, wee Feeding of silage Soph eh ed setetna iD: 139 Field-curing of fodder corn, losses | 1h 2 A OR Mae ai » 130° 16 Falling ofsile. ..... 5s MANS yee ED hs Demat ck 120,°125 Freezing of silage. ATT le aie Cort ie eaeeennee 122 ations, silage; for dairy COWS. :.<520¢. n=. ons «2s nn oes een ene 142 Keiitive value of feeding Stills... :.....02c..-....ssusnestusaswaneee 167 Heady reference tawles.... 20... .0s<.qpdee~ cerevnr > maegeae cea eee 185 read Ot LRG (SUIOE Bok, Ase As cons sawn ero cas Ssanst eee ol, “67, oy & RGN NStLOS oak ans ooee both te ccnc wes once deveoenesnn onas ceeaw een «awe Reand sil6s eapacity Olio ..i 5.0.) .: lop ks moins theater acre 33 SHOE DP, Silage POP. ors. tee see oc sions ta gecey Se nee's sree Sener seen 148 Pail OC alba het Seon) oa) Len mae tise ar inaseren apnet cass eaea tos elavemeeaeee 114 Spier OEE, See abaya is latins tay van eo ane veeasoe saeeere aces eee eee 139 Salare, Chemical Composition GT... 2... -<. cs crceseerannne Beene 178 SOTTO CLO a icse er a don tate unseen vs cr ap era tnu gee: sre Senn eaneee 111 BARS, (COS MEE pete ene shen genive fa tte haves de seaansne ee Peer ee A, 112 Sulaee? CLOPSss...asen-an:-- Ue aie ee ek ae Neo ersincemeseinle pee oe es _« 104 Silage, feeding of........... s Reb ewinee at scp tian tases seat e Gere see eee 139 Silaige-for MOrses....c:-----.5 ses ss. riled deme toteatncassn ney eas te tence 145 Silage for mileh: Cows...) /sc.-de. seventer ss = ence egenyenee eee 32 Balos, how to bwild....cpekasccesessccsevgee sins ce ssscnesencens seaman 26 Silos, general requirements fOF..............5s.ceesereceeeeeeneees 26 Silos, on the forwmwok Asal t aes caeeesaecessncs enh senna naar eee 32, 37 INDEX. Peels ene TUS TOG Ose ila dood) oP chs sea ame heck san favs Petes, CPTVE OF MATE taawnee sears oo: os x o2 2 cosa coe se eowon anya teens BAIS, EMOL TOL ss c.nec esse RA, Gee bSeas Rope Coan Ad Lhe, AO Ra AM Silos, round all-stone....... BN Ke 4 waco ete vice etiote Bi tcce eie sit, Pas BOUNG WOO ET carte ee eee aeons bos sa Saws uy Wo esiuhaaw ice sient. Silos, round wooden, capacity of................. He Sy: aes ae Prilos., Gharte Tor stays eae elt ak 6 644500 ncacer eet less enc aw tds BlOS. ‘COSt Ofv 1.34 wciiecge. Heeger Pes cate cke . 4st 35558; "6, 90, Silos, location Ere be ae ae ee Silos, specifications FOr oa. “38, Deer 56, 64, Silos, square, methods of excluding a air r from corners of MD UNOS, 3S Peat raretae peas an an pdereninins ee sc MOK Seopa d ainaen eu anieas a5 s'e0 Silos, valucin imtensive farming... 2.2.26. .cssteescee Silos, ventilation © ANE ORT Ne Sane MMOS EYRE TOTUAOIN tell BET shel i css ccc tee say sssveus swespact ounaucho! won dudcsse =ilos,. foundation of '.::.:.. ee , DOweaey als 43, 64, PRIZE WE BIO » PEQUUTE US -ccrees ates ieee cars eon ck cote ec soncnnan one silos;) brick, lived: ys 04:: Meo ahand ae teks: Re. ee Silose allt bricie 0. 24.1 san See ee eee a sie stlospinsthe bari, sae: Silos, Octagonal . Size of cutter and power required ee erg Sorohium silage 9 24.04: Southern and ‘Northern varieties of, corn, comparative yields of . Were cap Ree Sh ee oe Soiling crops, table of .. NEM Te Soiling crops, time of planting and feeding ales 3 Soja, DeROS | ee Specifications fora round wooden silo, ° ‘Wisconsin”’ Specifications for a stave silo Stave silos Dat ws 60, ge Stave silos, calculation of staves required for... rave SiOs, “Maoh Od =i hth ie te ee yer at Stave silos, Specineationa For aco leoe eka Staves, calculation of number required ... SECC SG. ete RO ety ay Mure ye | UAMUENS Atl 5s BSS Reo Stone silos _. A its, OAs aden hae SORA ENG tn ie Succulence RYE AR SRN Pe ait PEP PON oe ad MB nah Swine, silage for... RGRANE Aaah ROEM wade cae te Wane Doe ee Thickness of Welcaaberaee ee 2 ON oe see Lime of iiiiney Gaeweven, 6 ve sls eis de oe ee imme-of cutting Gonivur tne SiO. of jp. oe bad eyes & Varieties of corn to be planted for the silo ba Water, ise ol” 1a mee BNOS ows epee Weight of Comsemeracca Feeds 2... lo eee Wisconsin Experiment Station silos, descriptions of 59, Peres as Glover per acne. /) 2). gewoon ‘Speoujey 103 pue BUeAIASUUIY 24} YIM SUOI}IQUU0 YOJIMS *PoMPILJNUeW We S419}4NQ sbeyisuy pue PId4 ,.O1YQ,, JIYM SYIOM MON JO MOIA “Ohio” Standard Feed and Ensilage Cutter Showing New Metal Bucket Carrier, Set for Right-Angle Delivery. No. 11 No. 11 Fig. 784, No. JJ. SIZES AND PRICES. With two knives, 11 inches long, 4 lengths cut $40.00 With four knives, 11 inches long, 4 lengths cut.. 45.00 Extira gears to cut 4 inches long £0 woe 3.00 Reversible carrier, angle or straight delivery, 12 feet long or less. ..... SOs. eis EOS Straight-delivery carrier, without reversible at- tachinentes.© 7.0... Lies, ag, 2D eee a 30.25 Additional length over 12 feet, extra per foot... 1.@0 Write for Discounts. 202 Smallest Size Ensilage Cutter. The illustration is a good representation of the smallest size ensilage cutter and it shows also the new metal bucket carrier set for right-angle delivery. This is the style carrier manufactured for this machine and it can be set at right or left angle, or straightaway. Carrier Any Length. Has best tool steel knives, readily adjusted to cut- ter bar. Strong, simple gearing ; safety fly wheel, safety throw-out feed lever, four lengths of cut. Has Capacity to Fill 50-Ton Silos _ The cutter is substantial. has large capacity, and is adapted to cut all kinds of dry feed as well as ensilage. It has capacity to fill 50-ton silos, and even larger ones, but as this work necessitates a force of men and teams, and taking also into account the liability of frost, own- ers of silos usually give preference to a larger machine, so that the cutting may be done more quickly. Ensilage Maintains More Cows, Produces More Milk. Use of an Elevator. The first and principal use of elevators of this kind is to convey cut ensilage into the silo. Other uses are to deliver dry cut feed, of whatever kind, into bays, bins, lofts and other places away from the machine, which saves the expense of a man. Capacity, Speed, Power, Size of Pulley. Dry feed, 2500 to 3000 pounds; ensilage, 3 to 4 tons per hour. Speed, 450 to 600 revolutions per minute. r Power, 2 horse-power. Can also be run by one or two horse tread power. Pulleys, size sent, 12 x 4-inch face; diameters 6, 8, 10 and 15 inches can be furnished. Weight. No. 11 Cutter, 420 pounds. Reversible carrier, 12 feet long, 200 pounds. Extension, per foot, 8 pounds. 203 “Ohio” Standard Feed and Ensilage Cutter And New Straightaway Metal Bucket Carrier Connected Up Ready for Use. Fig. 784, Nos. 13, 16 and 38. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 13 With 2 knives, 13 inches long, 4 lengths of cut $60.00 No. 13 With 4 knives, 13 inches long, 4 lengths of cut . 65.00 No. 16 With 4 knives, 16 inches long, 4 lengths of cut.. 90.00 No. 18 With 4 knives, 18 inches long. 4 lengths of cut . 120.00 Extra gears to cut 4 inches long, with 2 knives.. 4.00 Straight delivery carrier for either size, 12 ft. long 33.50 Swivel carrier for either size, 12 ft. long or under 45.00 Carrier, additional length over 12 ft. long, per foot 1.70 Wood cover, to fasten with hooks and eyes, per foot 25 204 Brief Comment on General Construction. The frame or stand is heavy and substantial, which makes it stiff and enduring. ‘The feed box is wide and roomy, and reinforced at the top by a screw through the iron work and at the rear by angle irons. It also has an extension at the bottom to receive a platform, which is sometimes needed in feeding. The iron work is of sufficient weight to give strength, and the bearings are heavy and close upto machine. The shaft, knives and knife heads are of the best and every part is properly put together. It has the 1900 extended front and hood, the safety fly wheel, guards over gears, metal delivery chute, and every point throughout of the latest and best. Feeding Device Clearly Outlined in Cut. The chain of feed gear pinious which operate the upper feed roller, the backwardly-inclined curved slot that the upper roller moves in, the adjust- able feed lever and the springs underneath, are all nicely defined here. Thuis chain of gears vibrate as: the feed roller raises and lowers, yet their movable bearings maintain their, respective distances to each other and keep the gears properly in mesh without binding or friction, which gives a uniform motion tothe roller. These features make the machinea strong feeder. This feeding device is made under U. S. patents, The feed lever is adjustable and its first use is to disconnect the chain of gears to change the lengthof cut. The length of cut is readily changed by either reversing the gear pinion on lower roller shaft or substituting a ditferent pinion. Another use ef this lever is to start and stop the feed. It the power runs down, or the machine clogs forany reason whatever, or an accident occurs, the feed can be stopped instantly by grasping this lever. New Straight Metal Bucket Carrier. The cut shows, first, the new straightaway metal bucket carrier and how to attach it to the machine; second, the front to the cutter and how it gives room for the cut feed to get away from the cylinder and how it will conduct the ensilage into the carrier. ct The illustration is made froma photograph of the “Ohio” Standard Cutter No. 16 and a new straightaway bucket carrier. This is the present style straight carrier and it is made for sizes Nos. 13, 16,18 and 19. It is applicable to cutters with extended tables and traveling feed aprons, as well as those like the illustration, and is recommended wherever a straight carrier can be used. It is easier to set up and move than the reversibie carrier. Metal buckets upwards of two inches high are now used, instead of low wood slats. and the sides oj the carrier are more than one inch Higher. This gives the carrier ample capacity to take away the;cnut feed as fast as it comes from the cutter, and 1t lessens the necessity for a Cover, except when there is a high wind or very steep elevation. Carriers 50, 60 and 70 Fevt Loug. At this time the average lengths of carriers are 34 to 42 feet; they have been supplied as long as 50,60 and 70 feet, and work perfectly, driven in the regular way from the bottom. Adjustment Provided to Take Up Wear. There is adjustment provided at the top. to take up wear in the chain or make any necessary adjustment. The oil cups in top irons are filled with waste, which holds the oil. Keepall bearings well oiled with good qnality machine oil. Capaci:y, Power Speed and Weight. Capacity, cutting ensilage, No. 13,4 to6 tons: No. 16,4 to 10 tons; No. 18, 8 to12 tons per hour. Power, No. 13,2 to 4; No. 16,2 to8; No. 18,4to8 actual horse-power each. Speed, either size, 450 to 600 revolutions per minute. Size of pulleys furnisaed with machines, 12 x 6-inch face. Di- aimeters 6, 8, 10 and 14 inches when wanted. Cutters: No. 13, 560 pounds; No. 16,620 pounds; No, 18, 700 pounds. Carrier: 12-foot straightaway complete, 240 pounds; 12-foot swivel com- plete, 315 pounds. Extra length per foot, either style, 10 pounds. The special features described under the different machines are dis- tinctive “Ohio” features,and are on all ‘“*Ohio”? machines. ‘The safety feed levers, patent adjustable gears, safety fly wheel, full. width throat, etc., are on all “Ohio” machines alike,and are some of the points that have made these machines so universally successful and satisfactory. “Ohio” Self-Feed Ensilage Cutter And New Metal Bucket Swivel Carrier. Fig. 785, Nos. 13, 16 and $8. SIZES AND: PRICES: No. 13. With four 13-inch knives, cuts 14,.%, 34. and 1 inch...........-$ 95.00 No. 16 With four 16-inch knives, cuts 14, 16, 44 and l inch............ 120.00 No. 18 With four 18-inch knives, cuts 14, 46, 34 and 1 inch.......-.... 155.00 Extra gears to cut four inches long,for Nos. 13, 16 or 18...... 4.00 Swivel carrier 12 feet long, for No. 13 Gutter. ..............,% 45.00 Swivel carrier 12 feet long, for No. 16 Cutter................. 45:00 Swivel carrier 12 feet long, for No. 18 Gutter..............-.. 45.00 Extra length, per foot, for Nos. 13, 16 or 18 Cutters.......... 1.70 Wood cover, with hooks and eyes to fasten, for Nos, 13, 16 or US IGUEETSe DEL LOOb es ails te. ia'stey wien a[e lAinlela ola) y (az koyelata vataroel sheers 95 Write for Discounts. Z06 The Illustra tion. It correctly represents the new ‘‘Ohio” Self-Feed Ensilage Cutter and the present pattern metal bucket swivel carrier, and shows how the two are connected up ready for use and how the carrier is driven from the cutter. The traveling feed table, long enough to receive a bundle of corn is also shown, and is a valuable feature. Self-feed means that it is only necessary to deliver the corn into the feed box. It goes through itself, which point alone saves the user one of the hard jobs en the farm. It increases capacity 33% per cent. and more. It saves 75 per cent. of labor feeding and two men constantly pushing to get the feed through the rolls are no longer needed. Customers frequently write: ‘‘We have to hustle to keep the machine sup- plied with corn.’’ ‘‘Machine has done more than you recommended,’’ etc. The corn can be fed in armfuls or in bundles from the harvester, the feed box being ample for either. The swivel carrier, also shown in the cut, enables the user to set the machine in any desired position. The base and wearing parts are self-contained, free from dirt and rigid and durable. Power, Capacity, Speed and Pulley. No. 13 requires 4 to 6 horse-power and its capacity is 8 to 12 tons of ensilage corn per hour. No. 16 requires 6 to 8 horse-power and its capacity is 12 to 15 tons ensilage corn per hour. No. 18 requires 6 to 10 horse-power and its capacity is 14 to 20 tons ensilage corn per hour. The pulley is 12x 6-inch face, and sizes 6, 8, lo and 15 inches diameter, when wanted. The proper speed is 450 to 600 revolutions per minute. 207 “Ohio” Monarch Self-Feed Ensilage Cutter And New Metal Bucket Swivel Carrier. (ine / | NC fl : t - Fig. 794. ay ) No. 19 Cutter with four 19-inch knives, cuts 16, 4 and | inch...-...- -» $200.00 5 Extra gears which cut 4 inches long with two knives..--..------- 5.50 fe mtcresea ea GiGi to op Gace ass Sows enlabye ad elas ase aang nage 40.00 =F GEES UII i Geaitaie Yaoi ote cieiicites ose 's/S ©) cralnysis’n Cun abeye sy ab eveinin sieepalaroyiarsiaye 55.00 i, Additional length, per foot.-.....--.0 cee cece e eee e et cent ce enes 9.95 t Wood cover, with hooks and eyes to fasten, per foot. ------.».--> ion j e 208 A new machine, heavy and powerful, to meet the demand for a heavy unbreakable machine for larger users and transient work. It has heavy, strong frame and gears; self-feed, two safety levers; steel knife shaft 176 inches in diameter; strong knife heads, four bolts in each knife: simple adjustment arrangement for knives; enormous capacitv; great durability, and is guaranteed in every retpect, as are all Ohio machines. It cannot fail to please. Capacity. 17 to 25 tons of ensilage per hour. Size of Pulley, Power, Speed and Weight. The pulley is 14x8-inch face and is leather covered. Necessary power, 8 to 12 horse-power. Speed, 600 revolutions per minute. Weight of cutter, I100 pounds; straight carrier 12 feet long, 355 pounds; swiv- el carrier same length, 480 pounds. Extra length per foot, 14 pounds. ‘‘Ohio’’ Ensilage Cutters are also made with 20 and 24 inch knives, these sizes being heavy and pro- portioned correspondingly. They are not illustrated here, but are shown and described in the regular catalogue describing ‘‘Ohio’’ Ensilage Cutters. ‘“OHIO’”’ STANDS FOR BEST. No. No 209 “Ohio”? Self-Feed Ensilage Cutter With Direct-Blast Blower Elevator. Fig. 793. SIZES AND PRICES. . 13 Gutter, with four 13-inch knives, cuts 14, 3% and 1 inch..--.--.. 16 Cutter, with four 16-inch knives, cuts 4, %4 and 1 inch..-..:..-- . 18 Gutter, with four 18-inch knives, cuts 4, 54 and 1 inch.....-.-. Extra gears which will cut 4 inches long with two knives...--.- . 19 Gutter, with four 19-inch knives, cuts 4, 34 and 1 inch....----- Extra gears to cut 4 inches long with two knives----.----------- Blower comp ete with 2-foot hood for top of pipe---------------- 8-inch galvanized pipe in 4, 6 and 10-foot lengths for No. 13, WOGTLO OE sn ye. a) vaitetiayalay= airererete) afni’a) ata « oo: salu. © ciGl= 2) tmhal epee = erate sterner 10-inch galvanized pipe in 4, 6, 8 and 10-foot lengths for No. 16; No. 18! or ‘No; 19: per foot. .2-2.<22 «0-25 anes Se oe eel ows Liberal Discounts given. 210 A Successful Blower Elevator for the “‘Ohio”’ Cutters. The picture on the opposite page clearly outlines a new blower or wind elevator in connection with the ‘‘Ohio’’ Self- Feed Ensilage Cutter, and one that is adapted for use with the four sizes, Nos. 13, 16,18 and 19. The blower is wide and stands 5% feet in diameter, which gives ample capacity to carry away and elevate the cut ensilage as fast as it comes from these large capacity cutters. The Blower Elevatorand What It Will Do. The Blower Elevator is a new method for elevating cut silage into the silo. The one shown here will do this work perfectly, the only point being to maintain proper speed, and to set the pipe as nearly perpendicular as possibie. Running under these conditions, the blower will elevate the cut corn as fast as the machines cut it. How Constructed. The fan case being made of heavy sheet steel and painted with an iron-clad paint, insures strength and durability. The fan wings are made of \-inch steel, riveted to heavy bar iron arms which are bolted to rim of solid center wheel, then the ends hooked and let into the wheel, making the fan absolutely safe. The fan wheel is mounted on the oppo- site end of pulley shaft, which makes the drive direct. Inlet in Fan Case. The inlet is just below the center, a little forward under the knife cylinder, where the exhaust catches the cut corn and by aid of the agitator draws it into the fan. The Pipe and Pipe Connection. The pipe is 10 inches in diameter and made of heavy galvan- ized steel with seams on outside, and is very rigid. It is made in 4,6, 8 and 10-foot lengths, with 10-inch slip joints anda elamping band at each joint. The upper end of pipe is a curved elbow, which conducts the corn into the silo. The pipe con- nection to fan case isa ball-and-socket joint, which allows the pipe to oscillate to the right or left and straightaway. How the Pipe Must be Set. The pipe must be set as nearly perpendicular as possible. Experience has proven this to be the case. If lateral deliv- ery is desired it should be accomplished by means of a long, easy elbow at the top, and not by giving a low slant to the entire length of pipe. 2ii, “‘Ohio”’’ Self-Feed Cutter Well Known. Upwards of one-half of the trade for ensilage cutters spec- ifies the self-feed machine. ‘They have been used success- fully in every part of the country and hundreds of letters have been written commenting upon their merits. The new blower or wind elevator increases their efficiency in this point. The blower is made fast to the machine and the pipe can be erected and taken down in abeut one-tenth the time required to set up and move a chain elevator. Self-Feed Saves Labor and Dollars. Self-feed saves more laber and earns more dollars than any other point about an ensilage cutter. It saves three-fourths of the labor feeding ensilage and the cutting capacity is in- creased 33% per cent. Capaeity and Length of Pipe. | No. 13, 8 to 12 tons; No. 16, 12 to 15 tons; and No. 18, 14 to 20 tons of ensilage per hour; No. 19, 17 to 25 tons of ensilage per hour. Feed the cutter regularly and keep speed up, and the blower will elevate the ensilage as stated and to the satisfaction of the user. "These four machines will cut all kinds of dry feed, and with blower elevator and pipe it can be conveyed to any part of the barn. The perpendicular -height from ground to center of opening in silo is ample length of pipe for cutter. Size of Pulley, Power, Speed and Weight. The pulley is 14x6-inch face and is leather covered. The necessary power to drive these machines up to capacity and properly elevate the ensilage is as follows: No. 13, 8 to 10 horse-power; No. 16, 10to 12 horse-power; No. 18, 12 to 16 horse-power; No. 19, 16 horse-power. Speed, 650 revolutions per minute. Weight of No. 13, 850 pouuds; No. 16, 925 pounds; No. 18, 965 pounds; No. 19, 1145, pounds; blower and fan wings, 450 pound; pipe, 4 pounds per foot. Will Do Successful Work With Less Power Than Indicated Under ordinary conditions either size will cut and elevate green corn at the rate: fone ton of ensilage, for each horse- power applied, per hour, The power indicated is necessary to run the machines to full capacity, and it is ample. Some may not have that much power and might not want to providea sufficient force of men and teams tod liver corn to keep the cutters supplied. The machines are light running, and know- ing the power necessary to cut and elevate green corn, parties with less power than indicated can run these machines success- fully, and will know how to feed them and what capacity to ex- pect. The only point is to keep the speed up and the machine will do its work. Zo Weis GUARANTEE. The ‘‘Ohio’’ machines are warrapvted to be well made of good materials. They will do what is elaimed for them if operated according ro instructions, and they are so guaranteed to every purchaser. THE SILVER MFG. CO., SALEM, OHIO, U.S... Established 1854. Catalogues, descriptive matter, testimonials and ‘photographs will be cheerfully furnished on request to the manufacturers. UAW: a Wed Bl oe Ons. sabe ili Yl a 4 CE Oe Aa: Ne) de ; pin) bet Sa 4 SY a las ball ko) eee aoe v8 Hae WG hi ane: Pe Sane a Ba ‘| tie A 4 te y \BINDERY MN LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ooo