moe. Gathering Of The Vibes Seaside Park Bridgeport, CT 7/23/2011 Neumann TLM-170 (hypercardoids, approx 40 foot split, each mic on its own stand on opposite sides of the soundboard w/foam wind screens)->Sound Devices 722 (@24/96); Tracked in CDWav. 1. crowd 2. George -> 3. Y.O.Y 4. Billy Goat 5. Good Trip -> 6. The Faker -> 7. Moth 8. banter - Chuck says it's gonna be a long night 9. Buster -> 10. Rebubula -> 11. So Long -> 12. Rebubula 13. thanks / birthday wishes / announcements Taper notes: It was a hot day in the sun at Gathering Of The Vibes -- near 100 degrees, and luckily the overhang of the stage provided shade to those of us who came in close enough to the band. I think this was the hottest (temperature-wise) moe. show I have ever seen! But the performances also made for a great birthday show for me -- in particular the transitions in this show are extremely well-done -- the Good Trip > Faker rides in on a wave of feedback, the Faker > Moth is just a POWERHOUSE and the Buster > Rebubula segue has cool hints of So Long throughout which kept us guessing as to which song was coming next. In general, the Moth from this show is totally on fire, and everything is extremely well played, including the semi-rarity, Good Trip. So Long fits so nicely into the middle of Rebubula, and the Rebubula iteself almost wiped me out from heat exhaustion! If you are still burning CDs, I would suggest breaking your discs between tracks 7 and 8 Recorded, mastered, tracked, and posted by Scott Bernstein, 7/27/2011