Monitoring the Mcirinc Environment of Long Island Sound at Millstone Nucleeir Power Station Watcrford, Connecticut Niantic Bay Twotree Channel SUMMARY OF STUDIES PRIOR TO UNIT 3 OPERATION HORTMEASV imLrillsS m THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY WESTERN MASSACHUSEHS ELECTRIC COMPANY HOLYOKE WATER POWER COMPANY NORTHEAST UTILITIES SERVICE COMPANY NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL LAB April 1987 mi Contents SUMMARY 1 ROCKY INTERTIDAL STUDIES 1 BENTHIC INFAUNA 3 LOBSTER POPULATION DYNAMICS 6 EXPOSURE PANEL PROGRAM 8 FISH ECOLOGY 9 WINTER FLOUNDER STUDIES 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 15 SUMMARY The Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) is located on the north shore of Lxing Island Sound (LIS) in Waterford, Connecticut. The station consists of three operating units: Millstone Unit 1 commenced commercial operation in 1970, Unit 2 in 1975 and Unit 3 in 1986. Extensive studies of the potential impacts of MNPS on local marine flora and fauna have been conducted since 1968. During this period studies have consistently been reviewed and updated to assure that the best available methods were used. This report summarizes data from all monitoring programs performed at MNPS during 2-unit operation and is intended to provide information which will establish the baseline for all impact assessment studies during 3-unit operating conditions. ROCKY INTERTIDAL STUDIES Attached plant and animal species on local rocky shores were identified, temporal and spatial patterns of occurrence and abundance of these benthic species were examined, and physical and biological factors that induce variability were identified. Qualitative algal collections, quantitative studies of intertidal organisms, recolonization studies, and Ascophyllum nodosum studies were performed to assess impact and are summarized below. ITie local flora, as characterized by qualitative algal collections, has shown consistent spatial and temporal patterns of distribution during Unit 1 and 2 operation. Overall, 158 algal species have been identified since the inception of the monitoring program in 1979, consisting of 73 reds, 40 browns, and 45 greens. Several of these species were site-specific, and others were seasonally important. The greatest number of algal species recorded from a single collection usually occurred in spring-eady summer for all stations. The most species collected in any month was 117 in July and the fewest (101) in March. The most species collected at any station was 131 at Bay Point and the least was 109 at both Seaside Exposed and Twotree Island. Yearly, the greatest species number generally occurred at White Point. The proportions of reds, browns, and greens are similar throughout the area and independent of species number when analyzed by month and station. Annual percentages of species in each division (1979-1985) ranged from 44-47% for reds, browns 25-27%, and greens 26-30%. The divisional propor- tions vary seasonally: reds are more prevalent in August- December, browns in February-May, and greens in May-July. When represented as percent occurrence of reds, browns, and greens (46:25:29), the local flora is consistent with those reported by other researchers in the northwest Atlantic. Quantitative studies show intertidal zonation patterns typical of rocky shores throughout New England, with the high intertidal dominated by barnacles, the mid intertidal by barnacles and fucoids, and the low intertidal dominated by Chondrus crispus, a perennial red alga. The abundances of these major components of local rocky shore communities vary over time and space. Variations are predictable and explainable in terms of seasonality, degree of exposure, intertidal height, inter- and intraspecific competition, and life-history of the organisms. Changes to communities have been minor, indicating stable environmental conditions during 2-unit operation. An exception to the local stability is the development of a community dominated by opportunistic ephemeral algae after the opening of the second quarry cut in August 1983 at Fox Island -Exposed (FE), the station closest to the discharges. This change was attributed to thermal incursion and water temperatures in excess of 28 °C. High water temperatures in late summer 1984 were responsible for the elimination of the perennial algae Chondrus crispus, Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum from the low intertidal at FE. Codium fragile, a large green alga, became and remains the dominant component of the FE community. It is expected that the present FE community will continue to be dominated by opportunistic, warm water-tolerant algae. Millstone Point, the second-closest station to the discharges, has shown a decrease in Fuct/s vesiculosus coverage since 1981 when monitoring first began there. In addition, an increase in grazers, especially Ijtlorina liltorea, has been observed since the second cut was opened. Rccolonization studies, employing transects and exclusion cages, allowed isolation and identification of some factors that infiuence the structure of local rocky intertidal communities. Rccolonization was influenced by time of year in which denuding occurred, and related to degree of exposure and intertidal height, e.g., rapid in the high intertidal of an exposed station and slow in the low intertidal of a sheltered station. Results from the exclusion cage studies have shown that rates and patterns of rccolonization, both with and without the influence of grazers and predators, were unaffected by proximity to the discharge. Growth and mortality studies of Ascophyllum nodosum, a perennial brown alga sensitive to water temperature change, were included in the rocky intertidal sampling program. Tip length analyses helped distinguish between a stressed population at Fox Island and populations at two reference stations. Since 1979, Ascophyllum plant loss averaged about 60% and tip loss about 80% overall; there was much variability in plant and tip mortality from year to year. With the exception of the FE intertidal community, no significant changes to the benthic shore biota were observed that could be attributed to MNPS operation. BENTHIC INFAUNA Infaunal communities in the vicinity of MNPS were sampled to provide data needed to characterize suhtidal and intertidal community abundance and species composition, identify spatial and temporal changes in these parameters and evaluate whether any observed changes were the result of construction and/or operation of MNPS. Intertidal Sediments at the three intertidal sampling stations were composed of medium sands that usually contained low amounts ( < 3%) of silt/clay. During the baseline period, sediment grain size and the percentage of silt/clay were more consistent at stations exposed to constant wave-induced scour while at the seasonally protected .Jordan Cove beach, these parameters exhibited considerable variability. At all stations, infaunal communities were dominated by polychaetes and oligochaetes; these groups often accounted for over 75% of the total number of individuals collected annually. The polychaetes, Scolecokpides viridis, and Polydora ligni, and the oligochaetc group were among the dominants at all stations. At .Jordan Cove, oligochaetes accounted for over 60% of all individuals in 5 of the past 6 years and was the most abundant taxon in each of the last six sampling years. At Giants Neck and White Point, rhynchocoels, Paraonis fulgens, and Haploscoloplos fragilis were dominant, contributing over 10 percent of the total individuals over years. Quarterly mean abundance (no./core) at intertidal stations ranged from 4 to 840 and mean species numbers from < 1 to 13. Overall, species abundances and species numbers were highest at Jordan Cove and of similar magnitude at Giants Neck and White Point. In general, intertidal abundance and species number were higher during warmer sampling periods (June and September) than during colder ones (March or December). Multiple regression analyses, which were based on natural abiotic variables were used to identify and remove naturally-induced temporal variations in abundance and number of species. After adjusting for this variation, no significant increasing or decreasing trends in abundance or species number were evident from 1980 to 1985. Annual mean species diversity (H') over the study period ranged from 1.2 to 2.3, and evenness (J) from 0.4 to 0.7, and on an annual basis, no consistent spatial or temporal shifts in IV have occurred over the monitoring period. Diversity parameters reflected the spatial differences evident in the structure of intertidal communities throughout the monitoring program. l')ata collected during the baseline period characterized the spatial relationships among sampling stations and investigated the extent and direction of temporal fluctuations in the abundance and numbers of species that have occurred from 1980 - 1985. During this period, no changes in intertidal communities could be attributed to operation of Millstone Units 1 and 2 or construction of Unit 3. Data presented here appear representative of natural, undisturbed intertidal communities and will be the basis for all future impact studies performed during 3-umt operating conditions. Subtidal Sediments at subtidal stations ranged from fme to coarse sands and contained up to 40% silt/clay. Sedimentary characteristics of all stations, except Jordan Cove, have exhibited some temporal shifts during the study. Values for grain size at Giants Neck have generally increased since 1982. At Intake, smaller grain size and more highly variable silt/clay values have been observed since June 1983, when construction activities (dredging and coffer dam removal) resulted in the deposition of fme material at this station. Silt/clay content at Effluent has also become more variable following construction activities in the area of the Unit 3 discharge cut. Polychaetes and oligochaetes were the most abundant organisms at Effluent, Giants Neck and Jordan Cove while arthropods were frequently abundant at Intake. Polychaete abundances were generally highest in either September or June and although molluscs and arthropods contributed substantially to the subtidal communities no consistent seasonal trends were seen in these groups. During 1986, higher numbers of arthropod species were recorded in September and December samples at Giants Neck and Jordan Cove than in previous years. At Intake, species numbers continued to increase in 1986 continuing a trend begun in 1985 after construction activities (in 1984) eliminated most of the species in this area. In contrast, the numbers of species and individuals of all the major taxa at Effluent were generally lower in 1986 than in the previous two years. From March 1 979 to March 1 986, mean quarterly abundance of subtidal communities ranged from 9 to 633 (no. /core) and mean species numbers (no. /core) from 5 to 46. Highest quarterly abundances generally occurred in June or September at all stations. After removing naturally induced temporal variation, no significant increasing nor decreasing trends in annual mean abundance were evident at any subtidal station. Species numbers were generally highest in June or September at Effluent, Giants Neck and .lordan Cove; (December at Intake). At Effluent, the mean species number has increased significantly over the monitoring period. Over all stations and years, oligochaetes (as a group) were the most consistently dominant taxon, accounting for 4 to 61% of the total individuals collected. Other taxa among the more consistently abundant forms were Pofycirrus eximius, Protodorvillea gaspeensis, Tharyx spp., Aricidea catherinae, and Tharyx aculus. Of all communities, Intake was the most dissimilar; At this station, 29% of top ten dominants were species of amphipods. In addition, other dominant taxa at this station exhibited strong temporal fluctuations in abundance. Mean annual species diversity (IT) ranged from 2.6 to 4.6 with lower values generally reflecting short-term pulses in species abundances. High H' values reflected changes in the numbers of individuals or species, but not in the equality of the distribution of individuals among species. The subtidal benthic infaunal program has provided data necessary to characterize communities inhabiting areas potentially impacted by power plant operations (Intake, Effluent, and Jordan Cove) and an unimpacted area (Giants Neck). During the baseline period, temporal and spatial changes in species abundance and community composition were evident at all stations; however, those at Intake and Effluent appeared power plant related. Observed changes occurred prior to 1985, and were due to Unit 3 construction activities, including dredging, and not to operation of Millstone Units 1 and 2. The opening of the second discharge cut may have caused recent changes in sedimentary and community parameters observed at Effluent. The widespread nature of infaunal community changes at Giants Neck and Jordan Cove were limited mostly to rearrangements in the ranking of traditionally dominant species which suggest a response to naturally occurring events and are not related to operation or construction of the Millstone facility. LOBSTER POPULATION DYNAMICS The lobster population in the Millstone Point area was sampled using pots from 1976 to 1985. I/obsters > 55 mm carapace length were tagged and released to monitor growth and movement. Sex, presence of eggs, carapace length, missing claws and molt stage were also recorded. Tagged lobsters were released at the site of capture. These studies characterized population dynamics of the local lobster stock during two unit operation. In addition, studies of lobsters caught on the intake traveling screens, (impingement) and larvae drawn through the plants cooling water system, (entrainment) were conducted to assess these impacts of Millstone Units 1 and 2 on the local lobster population. Annual total catch per unit effort (CPUE) ranged from 0.56 to 2.10 lobsters per pot from 1976 to 1985. The lower CTUE values corresponded to data collected with wood pots which allow small lobsters to escape between the 3-5 cm lath spacings. Wood and wire pots used during a 3 1/2 yr gear-comparison study provided the basis for a decision to use all wire pots in our lobster studies beginning in 1982. The CPUE of legal -sized lobsters (greater than or equal to 81 mm CL) was similar for wood and wire pots throughout the gear comparison study. With the exception of 1981, total CPUE was significantly higher for wire pots due to greater catches of sub-legal lobsters in wire pots. A special study conducted during 1982 to investigate the lower catch of wire pots used in 1981 indicated that trap efficiency was affected by the construction and placement of funnels used in pots. Other factors that contributed to the efficiency of lobster pots were the number of days between pothauls (soaktime) and the infiuence of competing species caught in pots. Mean monthly CPUE was adjusted accordingly using covariance analysis to account for these influences. Dredging activities in the vicinity of the intake structures were responsible for lower catches at the Intake station during 1985, however, after the dredged area has stabilized lobsters will probably return to the area and catch rates at that station should increase in 1986. Based on the annual mean CPUE and inspection of the confidence intervals around the mean, the 1980 and 1981 CPUE's were the lowest annual values of all years from 1978 to 1985. Conversely, the 1982 CPUE was the highest annual value due to a strong prerecruit class in 1982 which sustained record landings throughout Long Island Sound during 1983 and 1984 when these lobsters molted to legal size. Size frequency distributions indicated that wire pots caught significantly more small lobsters ( < 75 mm) than did wood pots. Annual mean carapace lengths of lobsters caught in wire pots have been consistent (range 70.8-71.8). Since 1975, the overall sex ratio of males to females was close to 1:1 however, when three stations were compared, Twotree (1.5 km offshore) had consistently higher pro- portions of females, whereas Intake and Jordan Cove (<0.5 km offshore) had slightly more males. Berried females comprised between 3.1 and 6.7% of all females caught from 1975 to 1985 and greater proportions were caught at Twotree. The size distribution of berried females collected and the abdomen width/carapace length relationship suggest that females first become sexually mature at about 50 mm carapace length and that all females are mature at 95 mm carapace length. The number of molting lobsters observed in the weekly catch varied from year to year and over the sampling period. In general, molting peaked in June although in several years a fall molting peak was also observed. The average growth per molt of males (14.1%) and females (13.7%) was significantly different. The percentage of lobsters missing one or both claws (culls) ranged from 9.0 to 17.4%; more lobsters caught in wood pots experienced claw loss (14.4%) than lobsters caught in wire pots (12.7%). Since 1975, of the 57,359 lobsters caught; 47,259 were tagged and released, and 8,053 (17%) were recaptured in our sampling program. Commercial lobstermen caught an additional 13,394 (28.3%) of our tagged lobsters over the same period. About 95% of the lobsters were recaptured at the release station; movement between stations was minimal. Of the movement that occurred, most was inshore between Jordan Cove and Intake. Tagging studies indicate lobster movements are restricted to the local area since 9 1 % of the commercial recaptures occurred within the study area; of those lobsters that were recaptured outside the study area, most moved to the east. Some lobsters traveled considerable distances, more than 100 km offshore, where they were caught on the edge of the continental shelf (Block and Hudson canyons). Ix)bster larvae entrainment studies indicated that lobster larvae are susceptible to cntrainment from mid-May through late-June. The occurence of lobster larvae in the cooling waters coincided with the peak abundance of berried females caught in our traps. More lobster larvae were collected in night samples (substantiated by two 24 h samplings in 1985). The fact that more larvae were collected at night when surface densities have been reported to be lowest may result from a combination of larval behavior and the intake structure curtain wall design. This design minimizes entrainment of lobster larvae during day when larvae are surface oriented. Survival of lobster larvae after passing through the plant's cooling water system was observed indicating that entrainment mortality is lower than the assumed 100%. Since 1975, an estimated 11,359 lobsters were caught on the intake traveling screens. The number of lobsters impinged at Units 1 and 2 was highest in 1982, corresponding with the highest annual trap catch, A fish return system (sluiceway) was constructed at Unit 1 and began operating in December 1983 which improved survival and minimized damage to lobsters associated with the impingement process at MNPS. There is no evidence to date that MNPS has significantly affected the local lobster population. I'luctuations in the annual abundance of lobsters throughout Long Island Sound and the variability in annual (.TUE's of the local lobster population appear to be related to natural events. EXPOSURE PANEL PROGRAM Patterns of abundance and distribution of fouling and woodboring organisms on exposure panels at ambient water sites, determined during 2-unit operation, have been consistent from year to year, and were predictable based on seasonal water temperatures, and the life stages available for settlement. Wood-loss was caused primarily by Teredo nax'alis, and was highest during the May-Nov exposure period. Variation in identity and abundance of species that colonized the panel surfaces did not appear to affect recruitment or abundance of woodborers. Effluent was also characterized by the absence of cold water species, e.g., Laminaria sacc.harina, and by the presence of a warm water shipworm, Teredo barlschi. Teredo hartschi also maintained a reproductive population in panels located 100 m outside the quarry, exposed to the effluent produced by 2-unit operation. Exposure to elevated temperatures may be required for larval settlement. Teredo navalis, the native shipworm, was also found in the MNPS thermal effluent; there was a trend of increasing abundance with decreasing distance from the quarry. Results from the Timber Study show that untreated wood is rapidly degraded in local waters, primarily by Teredo navalis; Red Oak is more resistcnl than Douglas Fir, but blocks with a minimum dimension of 6.4 cm have a survival time on the order of 2-3 yrs. Chemical treatment can deter woodborer attack, but if timbers are cut after treatment, unprotected surfaces are exposed, and are susceptible to woodborers. This susceptibility is less for creosote treated wood than for CCA treated wood, as creosote is a better penetrant. Characteristics of fouling and woodboring communities in the vicinity of MNPS have been estab- lished during 2-unit operation. Comparisons of community and population parameters determined after Unit 3 is operational will permit assessment of the potential added impact. FISH ECOLOGY The construction and operation of MNPS could affect fish assemblages in several ways. Lxirger fish may be removed from the population by impingement on the intake screens; eggs, larvae and small fish may be removed during entrainment through the cooling water system; and spatial distribution of local fish populations may change in response to the cooling water effluent. Several programs were established to provide baseline data for assessing impacts of MNPS on fish assemblages. Ihese include studies of planktonic, demersal, pelagic and shore-zone fish assemblages, and estimates of the number offish impinged and entrained. Plankton studies conducted since 197.3 included collections of fish larvae at various stations, and entrainment mortality and thermal tolerance research on selected larval fish taxa. The trawl sampling program was established in 1973 to monitor spatial Several programs were established to provide baseline data for assessing impacts of MNPS on fish assemblages. These include studies of planktonic, demersal, pelagic and shore-zone fish assemblages, and estimates of the number offish impinged and entrained. Plankton studies conducted since 1973 included collections of fish larvae at various stations, and entrainment mortality and thermal tolerance research on selected larval fish taxa. The trawl sampling program was established in 1973 to monitor spatial and temporal fluctuations of demersal fish. The gill net program, started in 1971 to provide qualitative estimates of local pelagic fish assemblages, was dropped at the end of 1982 because catches were generally low and none of the species collected were adversely affected by MNPS. The seine sampling program was established in 1969 to monitor shore-zone fish. Impingement monitoring began at MNPS Unit 1 in 1972 and at Unit 2 in September 1975 and was supplemented by several fish diversion and survival studies. These programs, which provide the data necessary for assessing the effects of two-unit operation also provide the baseline for three-unit impact assessment. Over 100 taxa of fish have been collected in the various Fish Ecology monitoring programs at MNPS from .January 1976 through December 1985. Composition of the fish assemblages studied during that period remained relatively stable and were typical of those reported for LIS by other researchers. Eight taxa were selected for detailed analyses based on their susceptibility to impact from impingement and entrainment: anchovies, sand lance, sticklebacks, silversides, tomcod, grubby, cunner and tautog. The abundance of these taxa varied both seasonally and annually in all programs and to separate fluctuations representing natural variability from those resulting from the construction and operation of MNPS, a time-series approach was developed and applied to the monitoring data. This approach, which combined several statistical techniques (harmonic regression, analysis of variance and time-series analysis) to summarize catch fluctuations in the long-term data series, provided confidence intervals that were narrower than those associated with annual or monthly means or medians and was, therefore, more sensitive to unusual abundance fluctuations. The abundances of potentially impacted taxa remained relatively stable throughout the 10-year period, except for larval and juvenile sand lance, and larval anchovy, cunner and tautog. Except for larval sand lance, these abundance changes were short-term. Larval sand lance abundance decreased during 1982 and has remained low since then. A mass impingement (390,000) of sand lance juveniles occurred in a one week period in .luly 1984 but was an uncommon event and is not expected to recur. 10 In 1984, there was a marked decrease in the abundance of larval anchovy, cunner and tautog but this decrease was also observed in other parts of LIS. The reasons for this decline were not known but during this time ctenophores, a plankton predator, were abnormally abundant. Impacts from the construction and operation of MNPS were assessed using representative collections of fish assemblages during the operation of Units 1 and 2. Except for larval sand lance, there was no indication that catches of the most abundant fish taxa were consistantly below historic levels and for sand lance, the observed fluctuation occurred along the entire Atlantic coast. Thus the operation of two nuclear power plants at MNPS has not adversely affected fish abundance, distribution or species composition in the Millstone area of LIS. WINTER FLOUNDER STUDIES The life history and population dynamics of the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) have been studied intensively since 197.1, due to its importance to the sport and commercial fisheries of Connecticut and potential for impact. Because winter flounder stocks are localized, most work has concentrated on the population spawning in the Niantic River to determine if MNPS impacts of impingement and entrainment have caused or would cause changes in abundance beyond those expected from natural variation. Annual estimates of the Niantic River spawning population have been made since 1976. An abundance index based on the stochastic model of Jolly for open populations showed that numbers were relatively stable from 1976 through 1980, increased to a peak in 1982, and subsequently declined to an 11-yr low in 1986. Abundance determined by trawl CPUE generally paralleled the Jolly index through 1982. The decline in CPUE was greater through 1985 and less in 1986 than for the corresponding .lolly estimates. The influence of potential biases on both estimators were examined. A third measure of abundance was provided from trawl monitoring program data using time-based harmonic regression models. However, models from most stations were unsatisfactory due to insufficient data or a lack of a repetitive pattern of abundance. High variability in catch, relatively low effort, and the mixture of stocks found at most stations at certain times of the year make these trawl data difficult to interpret and of limited use in assessing MNPS impact on the winter flounder. Throughout southern New England, winter flounder abundance has declined in recent years because of natural fluctuations and also most likely because of recent increases in commercial fishing. As reported for other populations, the average sex ratio for Niantic River winter flounder was 1.44 in favor of females. The length of 50% maturation of females was 26.8 cm, equivalent to age 3 or 4. Most spawning in the Niantic River was completed by early April with annual variations apparently related to water temperature. Egg production was a function of female size and the length-fecundity relationship was similar to those reported for other populations. Egg production peaked in 1982 and has since decreased about 80%. Scales were successfully used to age winter flounder. Mean lengths of age 3 and older females were significantly larger than those of males. Growth was relatively rapid in early years, but older age groups overlapped considerably in size. Growth of the Niantic River fish was less than other populations in the region through age 2, but equaled or exceeded their means at age 3 and older. The von BertalanfTy model was used to calculate population growth parameters using 1983 length-at-age data. Loo was determined as 423 and 381 mm and K as 0.42 and 0.44 for females and males, respectively. The mean annual survival rate of age 3 and older adults was determined as 0.486 using a catch curve with samples combined from successive years to reduce bias. As found elsewhere, the winter flounder preyed upon a variety of benthic organisms and algae. Food items varied by location and reflected bottom type and different benthic communities. The overall rate of return of Petersen disc-tagged winter flounder was 25%. About twice as many were taken by the sport than the commercial fishery, although less cooperation was probably received from the latter. Most (70%) of the returns were from local waters and three times as many of the longer-distance recaptures were made in waters to the east than to the west. Direct tissue isoelectric focusing techniques were used to differentiate stocks of winter flounder. Good separation was achieved using fish from major estuaries in Connecticut and Rhode Island at least 8 km apart. A second study using fish from areas closer to MNPS showed more homogeneity, with significant intermixing occurring throughout much of the year. The technique could not be used to separate immature specimens. Several special studies and analyses were conducted to identify possible sampling biases in the larval winter flounder data base. The results of these studies included reduced larval net extrusion with 202-fim mesh nets compared to 333- and 505-jim nets, increased sample density of larger larvae in night collections, and changes in sample densities in relation to tidal stage at a station in the lower portion of the Niantic River. Due to the identified sample biases, much of the offshore data collected prior to 1980 could not be used to examine the life history of larval winter flounder. Based on the abundance and distribution of smaller larvae, spawning primarily occurred in the Niantic River. larvae were gradually flushed into Niantic Bay, where larger larvae dominated. The spatial distribution of larvae within the Niantic River varied from year to year, but generally smaller larvae were more prevalent in the upper portion of the river and larger larvae in the lower. The lion's mane jellyfish was identified as an important predator of larval winter flounder. Eight tidal export-import studies were conducted at the mouth of the Niantic River during 1983-85. The results showed a net export of 4 mm and smaller winter flounder larvae and a net import of 5 mm and larger larvae. Larvae with developed fin rays migrated vertically in response to tidal currents to reenter the Niantic River and those within the river demonstrated a similar behavior as a retention mechanism. Examination of otoliths from field-collected and laboratory-reared winter flounder larvae indicated that daily increments were not visible. Based on the length-frequency distribution, most larval mortality occurred at the time of first feeding (3-4 mm). Transition to the demersal juvenile stage occurred at about 6-7 mm. Abundance of post-larval young-of-the-year peaked in mid-June and stabilized by late July. Young were most numerous in the lower river during 1983, with similar densities found during 1984 and 1985. Growth of young in the lower river was significantly greater than at stations farther upriver after mid-June. Weekly mean lengths in 1983 were about 6 to 8 mm larger than in 1984 or 1985. Monthly survival estimates of young ranged from 0.552 to 0.569 in the lower river and 0.661 at a station in mid-river. Peak abundance of age 1 juvenile winter flounder taken in the Niantic River during the adult surveys occurred in 1981, with second and third highest CPUE in following years. An 11 -yr low was 13 found in 1986. However, in recent years juveniles have been found in more areas throughout the river and in Niantic Bay during the time of the surveys. This variation in distribution makes the estimation of juvenile abundance less certain than that of adults. About two -thirds of the total number of winter flounder impinged on the traveling screens of MNPS were taken in winter. Before 1984, annual estimates usually ranged from 4 to 10 thousand with winter storms accounting for large proportions of most annual totals. Sex ratios and reproductive condition of impinged fish differed from fish taken in the river. The predominance of males and of gravid females in the collections indicated that at times impingement was related to behavior of winter flounder. A fish return sluiceway was installed at MNPS Unit 1 in December of 1983 and studies showed that survival of returned winter flounder would be considerable (ca. 80-90%). This greatly reduces the impact of impingement on the winter flounder. Entrainment sampling has been conducted since 1976. A majority (>60%) of the winter flounder larvae entrained were 5 mm and larger. The greatest entrainment densities occurred from mid-April through May. Based on the median aimual entraiimient density, three years were low (1977-79), four years were high (1976, 1980-83), and the remaining years were intermediate. Annual entrainment was related to total egg production in the Niantic River and the length of time a larva was susceptible to entrainment was related to water temperature. The effects of entrainment on larval winter flounder were examined in the laboratory and field. Larvae 5 mm and larger were able to survive a AT of 13 °C for up to 9 h. The estimated critical thermal maximum was approximately 24 °C. A mortality study showed that about 80% of the Stage 4 larvae would have survived entrainment. Impact assessment was addressed using a deterministic model developed by the University of Rhode Island. The model, subdivided into hydrodynamic, concentration, and population submodels, predicted a 5 to 6% decrease in the Niantic River population after 35 yr of MNPS operation. Based on the initial assumptions, the model results were probably conservative. A new stochastic population dynamics model, which takes into account the natural variability in the recruitment process, is currently under development at NUEL and will provide a more realistic estimate of potential losses. To date, there is no evidence that MNPS has significantly affected the local winter flounder population. Variability in annual abundance appears to be related to natural events and has been noted 14 throughout the region. Future work at NUEL will focus on early life history stages and will include estimates of larval mortality, which are critical to the assessment of MNPS impact. 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following report was prepared by the Environmental Laboratory staff (NUEL) of Northeast Utilities Service Company. All contributors to this report are acknowledged below according to their respective disciplines. Laboratory Manager Secretarial Support Benthic Ecology Eish Ecology Statistical Support Paul Jacobson Dian Audoin Robin Field Bette Eields James Foertch Raymond Heller Dr. Milan Keser Dr. Linda Bireley John Castleman David Colby Donald Danila Greg Decker Dr. Ernest Lorda Donald Landers Richard Larsen Douglas Morgan John Swenarton Joseph Vozarik David Dodge • Christine Gauthier Dorothy Hagen JoAnne Konefal Dale Miller NUEL Mailing Address Northeast Utilities Environmental Lab. P.O. Box 128 Waterford, Connecticut 06385 Special thanks are extended to Dr. William Renfro, Director Environmental Programs Department (NUSCo) and the following members of the Millstone Ecological Advisory Committee for their critical review of this report. 16 Dr. Nelson Marshall University of Rhode Island (Emeritus) Dr. William Pearcy Oregon State University Dr. Saul Saila University of Rhode Island Dr. John Tietjen City College of New York Dr. Robert Wilce (University of Massachusetts) and Dr. Robert Whitlatch (University of Connecticut) are gratefully acknowledged for verifying species identifications and for providing critical reviews of early drafts of this report. Special thanks also to personnel at the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Marine Fisheries Bureau, particularly Eric Smith, Penny Ilowell, and Mark Blake for providing data and other information used in preparing this report. 17 Contents INTRODUCTION 1 BIBMOGRAPHY 9 INTRODUCTION The Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) is located on the north shore of Long Island Sound (L,IS) in Waterford, Connecticut. The station consists of three units located on a peninsula bounded by Jordan Cove on the east and by Niantic Bay on the west (Fig. 1). Millstone Unit 1, which commenced commercial operation November 29, 1970 is a 652-MWe boiling water reactor (BWR). Unit 2, an 870-MWe pressurized water reactor (PWR), began operating October 17, 1975. Construction of Unit 3, a 1,150-MWe PWR, began in August 1974; commercial operation began April 23, 1986. Niantic Boy Figure 1 . Site plan of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. All three units use once-through condenser cooling water systems. The rated circulating flows for Units 1, 2 and 3 are 935, 1,220 and 2,000 cfs, respectively. Cooling water is drawn from depths greater than four feet below mean sea level by separate shoreline intakes located on Niantic Bay. The intake stRictures, typical of shoreline installations, have course bar racks and traveling screens. The cooling water, heated to 17 "C above ambient, flows from discharge structures through an abandoned granite quarry and exits into LIS through two channels equipped with fish barriers. Cooling water flow rates from 1976 througli 1985 are presented in Figure 2 for Units 1 and 2. Flow rates for Units 1 and 2 prior to 1976 are provided in Appendices on file at Northeast Utilities Fnvironmental Laboratory (NULL). Ambient water temperatures and AT for the same period are presented in Figure 3. 250 D ;o 200 i] t 0 150 0 E II 100 UKJi ItXn Mm JAK79 JiWaO JAIISl JWS2 JMH3 JANM JMa5 JANM Time Figure 2. Cooling water flow rates for Units 1 and 2 from 1976 to 1985 M16 mm jakts mn imo jamii imi imi janm jtMi janss Time JW76 JAN77 Mtn JAN73 JANSO JAM1 JANU JMIU JiWM JANS5 MSS Time Figure 3. Ambient water temperature and AT during two unit operations (1976-85). The potential impact of MNPS on LIS biota has been the focus of study since 1968. The early biological investigations included exposure panel monitoring of woodboring and fouling communities, and surveys of the intertidal sand, rocky shore and shore-zone fish communities. The program scope increased considerably between 1970 and 1973 with the addition of heavy metal analyses of seawater and mollusc tissue, studies of impingement, pelagic and demersal fishes, plankton, subtidal benthos, and lobster and Niantic River winter flounder population studies (Battelle - W.F. Clapp Laboratories 1975; NUSCo 1975). A bibliography of all Millstone-related studies is provided at the end of this introduction; results of these studies are on file at NULL. Studies of entrained plankton began in 1970 when Unit 1 became operational (Carpenter 1975); studies at Unit 2 began in 1975. To date, the routine monitoring and special investigations have covered nearly all components of the plankton, including ichthyoplankton, phyto plankton, and zooplai\kton. Effects of chlorination and increased temperature on entrained phytoplankton were addressed and latent mortality of 7,ooplankton after condenser passage was determined (Carpenter et al. 1972b, 1974b) L^ter, emphasis was placed on entrained ichthyoplankton and the relative impact of entrainment on fish populations in surrounding waters (NUSCo 1976b, 1984a). Impingement monitoring began at Unit 1 in 1971 and at Unit 2 in 1975. The scope has varied from a complete census of all impinged organisms (1972-1976) to the current program of counting those organisms impinged during a 24 h period on several days per week. Special studies have evaluated the effectiveness of several fish deterrent systems at the intakes, including acoustics, underwater lighting and a surface and bottom barrier (NUSCo 1976b, 1980a, 1981a). In December 1983, a fish return system (sluiceway) began operating at Unit 1 reducing impingement related impacts on fish and shellfish populations (NUSCo 1981b, 1986b). The potential effect of three-unit operation on selected species was also considered. Mathematical population dynamics models were developed for the Niantic River winter flounder population (Hess et al. 1975, Saila 1976) and for the regional menhaden population (NUSCo 1976b, 1983c). These models estimated the effect of predicted entrainment and impingement losses to populations over the life of the power station. Several hydrographic and hydrothermal studies have been conducted since 1965 (NUSCo 1983c). These studies were of two types. Some were designed to predict the shape and extent of the plume under 1-, 2-, and 3-unit operations. Others were field studies designed to determine the general hydrographic nature of the waters surrounding MNPS or to verify the shape and extent of the thermal plumes (NUSCo 1979d). In addition, a tidal circulation model was developed that predicted current patterns and thermal distributions and simulated dispersal and entrainment of Niantic River winter flounder larvae (Hess et al. 1975; Saila 1976). As a result of these studies, the hydrographic and ecological characteristics of surrounding waters are described. Studies have been intensified and modified to provide the most representative data with respect to the changing concerns and state-of-the-art techniques. The present report provides results of studies conducted during two-unit operations and provides a basis for evaluating any long-term impacts associated with three-unit operations at Millstone Point. The report also satisfies certain license and permit conditions stipulated by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and the Connecticut Power Facility Evaluation Council. All ecological and hydrographic studies through 1976 were conducted by consulting laboratories, most notably Battelle - W.E. Clapp laboratories, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Normandeau Associates. In 1977, Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCo) began a phased, in-house takeover beginning with the entrainment and impingement programs. Some benthic and lobster program respon- sibilities were added in 1978. As of January 1980, all studies (excluding heavy metals) were being conducted and reported by NL'SCo scientists based at NUEL. Critical scientific review is provided by a four-member. Ecological Advisory Committee (see acknowledgements) that has provided continuing support since 1968. Data from the MNPS monitoring programs, the results of which are presented in this summary report, are stored on discs at NUEL and at Environmental Programs Dept. in Rocky Hill, CT. Appendices to this report are also archived at NUEI,. In addition to the monitoring programs described in this report, several studies were conducted in earlier years but were later discontinued (i.e., phytoplankton, zooplankton, heavy metals). A brief summary of these studies' results follows; more detailed results can be found on file at NUEL. PHYTOPLANKTON - Phytoplankton, as primary producers, were considered to be an important component of the marine ecosystem to study in early power plant impact assessments. Thus, various studies were completed at MNPS from 1970 to 1982 to monitor and assess the impact of entrairunent on phytoplankton community composition and abundance. The phytoplankton community in the vicinity of Millstone was found to be similar to that of Long Island Sound and to that near Cape Cod (NUSCo 1983b). Carpenter (1975) found that the higher discharge temperature depressed productivity only during warmer periods at Millstone. Chlorination had the greatest impact on phytoplankton, but during chlori- nation the predicted 5-10% decrease in productivity and biomass Ln the effluent mixing zone at Millstone could not be detected (Carpenter et al. 1974a). This result was not unexpected because NUSCo (1979a) estimated that, assuming total mortality of entrained phytoplankton and using published growth rates, the phytoplankton populations in the vicinity of MNPS could recover to preentrainment levels in 1 to 9 h. Because it became apparent that power plant operation had a negligible impact on the phytoplankton community, the phytoplankton program was discontinued in 1982 (NUSCo 1983a). ZOOPLANKTON - Zooplankton densities in the Millstone area and potential entrainment losses were also examined as part of the long term monitoring program because of the importance of zooplankton to the marine ecosystem. Zooplankton studies were conducted from 1970 through 1983 and included, estimates of zooplankton densities at several nearshore stations in and around Niantic Bay, estimates of entrained zooplankton, and studies of entrainment-related zooplankton mortalities (NUSCo 1983a). Car- penter et al. (1974b) found that entrainment resulted in zooplankton mortality but significant changes in the zooplankton community near MNPS were not observed. Only a small percentage of the community was directly influenced by power plant operation (4% of the average volume of the Niantic Bay tidal exchange (NUSCo 1976b) and the densities and species composition were typical of greater LIS. Because it was unlikely that detectable changes in zooplankton species composition or abundance would occur during Unit 3 operation, the zooplankton monitoring programs were discontinued in 1983 (NUSCo 1983c). OSPRFY - The osprey {Pandion haliaetus) is a pisciverous raptor found in many estuarine areas along the east coast of North America. The area around MNPS is an established breeding ground for osprey; both .fordan Cove and the Niantic River provide abundant food. Because the population in the northeast declined during the 1950's and 1960's as a result of egg shell thinning from the ingestion of DDT, federal officials placed the osprey on the list of threatened species. To assist the recovery of osprey populations after the ban on DDT, NUSCo erected nesting platforms on MNPS property between 1967 and 1985 (NUSCo 1985a). Since then, 61 young have been produced from these nests; over 400 were produced in Connecticut (NUSCo 1985a). NUSCo continues to monitor the recovery of these magnificent birds. HEAVY METALS - Concentrations of heavy metals in seawatcr and shellfish tissue samples were monitored five times per year from 1971 through 1983. Seawater and shellfish tissue samples were examined for concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, chromium, and lead at areas adjacent to and distant from the MNPS to assess possible heavy metal additions associated with seawater passage through the plant's cooling water systems. Results indicated enhanced levels of copper, nickel, and zinc in cooling water samples relative to levels in seawater samples collected outside the immediate mixing zone of the MNPS plume (NUSCo 1983b). However metal levels return to ambient at rates similar to the return of water temperature to ambient. Of all shellfish tissue samples analyzed, only those from oysters inhabiting the quarry had elevated metal concentrations. In general a decline in concentrations of soluble and insoluble phases of heavy metals was observed and was related to improved analytical techniques rather than actual decreased levels in concen- trations (Waslenchuk 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983). For example, concentrations in sea water reported in 1982 were significantly lower than reported in 1981, under similar plant operating conditions (NUSCo 1983b). Since concentrations of metals found in shellfish outside of the effluent quarry were comparable during one and two unit operations, and since Unit 3 has a titanium condenser that resists corrosion, the heavy metals monitoring program was discontinued in 1984. AQUAC^UITURE - In 1976, a study was initiated to assess the feasibility of utilizing the thermal effluent in the culture of selected species of shellfish. The bay scallop {Argopectin irradians) was chosen as the study species because it could be easily cultured in the laboratory and was a desired sport and commercial species locally. Bay scallops were successfully reared from egg to juvenile stages utilizing effluent waters at Millstone Point (MRI 1980). Discharge waters 11-12 °C above ambient temperatures favored the conditioning of brood stocks for early spring and late fall spawnings. This, coupled with increiu->cd growth rates of juveniles cultured in the effluent during winter months, potentially provided a method of seeding coastal waters with juvenile shellfish. Initial experiments to seed hatchery reared juveniles into nearby Jordan C^ove indicated that predation of young scallops was high and would be the limiting factor in the success of any put-and-take type of fishery. BIOASSAY - In 1981, continuous effluent toxicity testing of the discharge from MNPS began using populations of sheepshead minnow {Cyprinodon variegatus) and mysid shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia) subjected to undiluted effluent in quany waters and to Jordan Cove water (as a control), both adjusted to constant temperature of about 20 "C. Both organisms have been extensively used in marine toxicity testing and are among EPA recommended test organisms. Because the effluent is primarily condenser cooling water, it has a low potential for toxicity. Potential toxicants that are present in the MNPS effluent include chlorine, heavy metals and hydrazine. Sheepshead minnow embryo-larval tests were used to assess acute toxicity of the discharge because the early life history stages of fish are most sensitive to toxicants. Sheepshead minnow life cycle tests were also conducted to assess chronic toxicity by examining egg viability, larval mortality and growth. Parameters examined during Mysidopsis bahia toxicity testing were population growth rates, and reproductive potential. Comparisons were made between animals maintained in undiluted MNPS effluent and Jordan Cove water. Results of these studies to date indicate no chronic toxicity related to the MNPS effluent. No differences were found between control and effluent treatments for egg viability, and development and growth of larvae (NUSCo 1983f, 1986c). Effluent toxicity testing will continue during three unit operation. SHELLFISH SURVEY - During 1984 and 1985, the abundance and distribution of edible bivalves, hard clams {Mercenaria mercenaria), soft-shell clams {Mya arenaria), eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica), and bay scallops {Argopectin irradians) was documented. These surveys were conducted in three steps at intertidal and subtidal areas around MNPS to establish a data base for these commercially valuable bivalves prior to three unit operations and to verify the distribution of bivalves in Jordan Cove previously reported in the State of Connecticut Shellfish Concentration Area Maps (NUSCo in prep.). Survey results indicated that hard clams were the most abundant and valuable shellfish. In addition to the target species assessed in these studies, the razor clam {Ensis directus) was collected and was the second most abundant species, however, it is not a commercially or recreationally harvested species in the Millstone Point area. Soft-shell clams occurred at lower densities and supported a marginal recreational fishery in Jordan Cove. Only a single eastern oyster was found during the survey; no bay scallops were found in the study area although an important scallop fishery occurs in the Niantic River (about 2 km from MNPS). F,F,I ,GR ASS - Zostera marina is an important component of estuarine systems because it stabilizes sediments and provides habitat for many marine organisms. In the early 1970s two studies were sponsored by NUSCo and conducted by the University of Connecticut to document eelgrass distribution in the MNPS area (Klotz and Knight 1973; Knight and lawton 1974). In 1985, NUSCo conducted a more extensive survey which included mapping the extent of eelgrass in .lordan Cove, estimating standing stock and monitoring plant density, length and reproductive status. These studies were conducted to compare results of earlier eelgrass distribution and provide a quantitative data base prior to three-unit operations to assess possible impacts on eelgrass after Unit 3 start-up. Initial results of the NUSCo studies show average eelgrass densities ranged from 18 to 39 plants/m and average blade length ranged from 144-681 mm. Standing stock estimates at .Jordan Cove averaged from 39.4 to 297.7 g/m and were highest in July. Effects of the thermal plume on the Jordan Cove eelgrass stock have not been evident during two unit operating conditions. BIBLIOGRAPHY Balser, J. P. 1981. Confidence interval estimation and tests for temporary outmigration in tag-recapture studies. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 205 pp. Battelle-Columbus laboratories, W.F. Clapp Laboratory, Duxbury, MA. 1969. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. . 1970. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. . 1971. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1972. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 197,^. Summary report on a monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut, area, with special attention to key indicator organisms--pre-operational phase. Presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. . 1974. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1975. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Ccnnecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1976. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, (Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1977a. Benthic Program Evaluation. Prepared by John Dickinson and presented at the Millstone Ecological Advisory Committee Meeting, November 7-8, 1977. 1977b. A study to determine if trawling has an effect on the scallop population in the Niantic River. Presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1977c. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1978a. Investigations on the effects of sample size on estimates of community parameters for suhtidal sand fauna. Presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 27 pp. 1978b. A monitoring program on the ecology of the marine environment of the Millstone Point, Connecticut area. Annual report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1978c. Exposure panel variability study Millstone. A special report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 13 pp. 1979. Exposure panel variability study Millstone. A special report presented to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 9 pp. Bechtcl Corporation. 1966. Diffusion patterns of the circulating water discharge effluent for the Millstone project. Presented to Millstone Point Company. Bireley, I,. E. 1984. Multivariate analysis of species composition of shore-zone fish assemblages found in Lx)ng Island Sound. Estuaries 7:242-247. . 1985. Time-series modeling: Applications to long-term finfish monitoring data. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI. 181 pp. . 1987. Application of intervention analysis to power plant monitoring data. Proceedings of 12th SAS Users CJroup International, Eeb. 8-11, 1987, In press. 10 Braincon Corporation. 1974. Hydrographic surveys, August-September 1973 and February 1974. Report to Northeast Utilities Service Company. Brown, R.T., and S.F. Moore. 1977. 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Operational Units 1 and 2 and preoperational Unit 3 hydrothermal and infrared imagery surveys. July 1977, Millstone Nuclear Power Station. NERM-47, Stone and Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, MA. 13 , and Y.J. Tsai. 1979. Far-field thermal plume prediction for Units 1, 2, and 3, Millstone Nuclear Power Station. NERM-49, Stone and Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, MA. Lx^rda, E., D.J. Danila, J.D. Miller, L.E. Bireley, and P.M. Jacobson. In press. Assessing power plant impacts on fish populations at Northest Utilities sites: Winter flounder studies at Millstone Nuclear Power Station. In Mechanisms of compensating response of fish populations subjected to mortalities from operation of steam-electric power plants. EPRI Project No. 1633. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. Millstone Point Company (MPC). 1970. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 2, Environmental report, construction permit stage. Docket No. 50-336, June 10, 1970. . 1971. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 1, Environmental report, operating license stage, Docket No. 50-245, November 15, 1971. . 1972a. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 2, Environmental report, operating license stage. Docket No. 50-336, June 23, 1972. 1972b. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Environmental report, operating license stage, Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-245 and 50-336, Amendment 1, October 11, 1972. 1972c. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 3, Environmental report, construction permit stage. 1972 Morgan, D.E., J. Goodsell, G.C. Matthiessen, J. Garcy, and P. Jacobson. 1980. Release of hatchery- reared bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) onto a shallow coastal bottom in Waterford, Connecticut. Proc. Worid Maricul. Soc. 11:247-261. MRI (Marine Research Inc.). 1977. Studies in aquaculture at Millstone Point, progress report for August - November 1977. Prepared for Northeast U'tilities Service Company. 14 1978a. Studies in aquaculture at Millstone Point, Annual Report for May 1977 - April 1978. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1978b. Studies in aquaculture at Millstone Point, quarterly report for May - July 1978. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1978c. Studies in aquaculture at Millstone Point, progress report for May - November 1978. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1979a. Final report on aquaculture studies at Millstone Point, May - April 1979. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1979b. Studies in aquaculture at Millstone Point, progress report for May - August 1979. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1979c. Aquaculture investigations research program at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station September - November 1979. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. 1980. Final report on aquaculture studies at Millstone Point, April 1976 - May 1980. Prepared for Northeast Utilities Service Company. Nawrocki, S.S. 1977. A study offish abundance in Niantic Bay, Connecticut, with particular reference to the Millstone Point Nuclear Power Plant. M.S. Thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Normandcau Associates Inc. (NAI). 1976. Millstone Point entrainment studies. Units 1 and 2. First annual report to Northeast Utilities Service Company. NUSC'o (Northeast Utilities Service Company). 1975. Summary report, ecological and hydrographic studies, May 1966 through December 1974, Millstone Nuclear Power Station. . 1976a. Annual report, ecological and hydrographic studies, 1975. Millstone Nuclear Power Station. 15 . 1976b. Environmental assessment of the condenser cooling water intake structures (316b Demonstration), Volumes 1 and 2, submitted by Northeast Utilities Services Company to Connecticut Department of Envirormiental Protection. . 1976c. Proposed ecological studies, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1977. letter to Cormecticut Department of Environmental Protection. . 1977a. Annual report, ecological and hydrographic studies, 1976. Millstone Nuclear Power Station. . 1977b. Proposed ecological studies, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1978. L-etter to Con- necticut Department of Environmental Protection. . 1978. Annual report, ecological and hydrographic studies, 1977. Millstone Nuclear Power Station. . 1978b. Evaluation of the adequacy of the plankton entrainment monitoring program at Millstone Units 1 and 2. 22 pp. . 1978c. Proposed modifications to the intertidal rocky shore surveys - Millstone ecological studies. 7 pp. . 1978d. Proposed ecological studies. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1979. letter to Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. . 1979a. Annua] report, ecological and hydrographic studies, 1978. Millstone Nuclear Power Station. . 1979b. Evaluation of alternatives for the offshore plankton program at Millstone. Technical Report to NUSCo and EAC November 1978. 64 pp. 1979c. Proposed ecological studies. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1980. letter to Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. . 1979d. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 thermal plume study. March 1979. 16 1979c. Millstone Point Units 1 and 2 hydrothermal survey report July 25 - August 2, 1977. Submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January 1979. 19803. Monitoring the marine environment of Ix)ng Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1979. 1980b. Proposed ecological studies. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1981. Letter to Con- necticut Department of Environmental Protection. 1981a. Monitoring the marine environment of Long Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1980. 1981b. Feasibility of modifying the Millstone LInits 1 and 2 cooling water intake screen wash system to improve the return of fish to Long Island Sound. 67 pp. 1981c. Proposed ecological studies. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1982. Letter to Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. 1982a. Monitoring the marine environment of Ix)ng Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1981. . 1982b. Scope of work - Adult winter flounder program Niantic River - spring 1983. 15 pp. . 1982c. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 3. Interim environmental report, operating license stage. . 1982d. Proposed ecological studies, Millstone Nuclear F'ower Station, 1983. Letter to Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. . 1983a. Monitoring the marine environment of Ix>ng Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1982. 17 . 1983h. Monitoring the marine environment of Long Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Resume 1968-1981. . 1983c. Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 environmental report. Operating license stage. Vol. 1-4. . 1983d. Proposed ecological studies, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1984. Letter to Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. 1983e. Infaunal community studies in the area of the Millstone Unit 3 discharge. L Initial sampling results. December 1982 - .June 1983. . 1983f. Affluent toxicity testing at Millstone Nuclear Power Station using sheepshead minnow {Cyprinodon variegatus) during 1981 and 1982. , 1984a. Monitoring the marine environment of Ix)ng Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1983. . 1984b. Infaunal sand communities inhabiting the discharge quarry at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. i984c. Proposed ecological studies. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1985. Letter to Connecticut Department of Hnvironmental Protection. J985a. Monitoring the marine environment of I/Ong Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1984. 1985b. Proposed ecological studies. Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1986. Letter to Con- necticut Department of Environmental Protection. 1986a. Monitoring the marine environment of long Island Sound at MilKstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual report, 1985. 18 . 1986b. The effectiveness of the Millstone Unit 1 sluiceway in returning impinged organisms to l,ong Island Sound. 18 pp. . 1986c. Effluent toxicity testing at Millstone Nuclear Power Station 1983 through spring 1986. . 1986d. Proposed ecological studies, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, 1987. I.xtter to Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. . 1987. Ecological significance of community changes at Fox Island 34 pp. . In preparation. Survey of bivalve molluscs in Jordan and Outer Jordan Coves, Waterford, Connecticut. Perra, P., and C. Steinmetz, Jr. 1980. Further documentation for rare fishes and a list of seventeen fishes new to the marine waters of Long Island Sound, Connecticut. Pages 1-13 in P.M. Jacobson, ed. Studies of the ichthyofauna of Connecticut. Storrs Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 457. Pritchard-Carpenter, Consultants. 1967. Continuous discharge tracer study, Twotree Island Channel and Niantic Bay, Ix)ng Island Sound. Report to Millstone Point Company. . 1970, Tracer study of the circulating water system, MUlstone Point Unit Number One. Report to Millstone Point Company. Raytheon Marine Research laboratory. 1968. Millstone survey, August 29, 1968. Report to Millstone Point Company. . 1969. Millstone survey, March 20, 1969. Report to Millstone Point Company. Saila, S.B. 1976. Effects of power plant entrainment of winter flounder populations near Millstone Point, Connecticut. URI-NUSCo Rep. No. 5. 139 pp + 4 app. 19 Schenck, R., and S. Saila. 1982. Population identification by biochemical methods with special reference to the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus in the vicinity of Millstone Point, Connecticut. Final report to Northeast Utilities. 47 pp. Schneider, C".W. 1981. The effect of elevated temperature and reactor shutdown on the benthic marine flora of the Millstone thermal quarry, Connecticut. J. Therm. Biol. 6:1-6. Sissenwine, M.B., K.W. Hess, and S.B. Saila. 1973. Semiannual report on a mathematical model for evaluating the effect of power plant entrainment on populations near Millstone Point, Connecticut. Report period April 1, 1973 through September 30, 1973. MES-NUSCo Rep. No. 1. 78 pp. . 1974. Second semiannual report on evaluating the effect of power plant entrainment on populations near Millstone Point, Connecticut. Report period October 1, 1973 through March 31, 1974. MES-NUSCo Rep. No. 2. . 1975. Interim report on evaluating the effect of power plant entrainment on populations near Millstone Point, Connecticut. Report period April 1, 1973 to December 31, 1974. MES-NUSCo Rep. No. 3. 197 pp. Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation. 1965. Study on thermal effects analysis for a 1,200 Mw plant at the Millstone site. Submitted to Millstone Point Company. Stoltzenbach, K. and E. Adams. 1979. Thermal plume modeling at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Report to Northeast Utilities Service Company. Thomas, .I.M., .I.A. Mahaffey, K.L. Gore, and D.G. Watson. 1978. Statistical methods used to assess biological impact at nuclear power plants. .1. Envir. Man. 7:269-290. ■['I (Texas Instruments, Inc.). 1977. Airborne thermal infrared survey, Millstone Point Nuclear Power Station. Report to Northeast Utilities Service Company. 20 United States Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC). 1973. Final environmental statement related to the continuation of construction of Unit 2 and the operation of Units 1 and 2. Millstone Nuclear Power Station - Millstone Point Company. Docket Nos. 50-245 and 50-336. June 1973. . 1973. Final environmental statement related to the proposed construction of Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 - Millstone Point Company, et al. Docket Nos. 50-423. February 1974. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). 1984. Final environmental statement related to the operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 3. Docket No. 50-423. Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, et al. December 1984. Vaughan, D.S., N. Buske, and S.B. Saila. 1976. Interim report on evaluating the effect of power plant cntrainment on populations near Millstone Point, Connecticut. Report period January 1, 1975 to February 15, 1976. MES-NUSCo Rep. No. 4. 78 pp. VAST, Inc. 1*571, June 1971 Millstone Point temperature survey. Report to Millstone Point Company. . 1972a. Dye diffusion survey. Millstone Point, Connecticut, September - November 1971. Report to Millstone Point Company. . 1972b. Thermal survey and dye study Millstone Point, Connecticut, September - November 1971, Report to Millstone Point Company. , 1972c. Study of an offshore thermal diffuser outfall by dye simulation (Phase III - 1978 unit). Report to Millstone Point Company. 1972d. Thermal survey, Millstone Point Company, Unit No. 1, March- April 1972. Report to Millstone Point Company. Waslenchuk, D.G. 1980. The concentration, reactivity, and fate of copper, nickel, and zinc in a cooling water plume. Final report to Northeast Utilities Service Company, January 27, 1980. 21 . 1981. The concentration, reactivity, and fate of copper, nickel, and zinc in a cooling water plume. Final report to Northeast Utilities Service Company, October 23, 1981. . 1982. The concentration, reactivity, and fate of copper, nickel, and zinc associated with a cooling water plume in estuarine waters. Environmental Pollution (Chemistry and Physics, Series B), .3:271-287. . 1983. Tlie concentration, reactivity, and fate of copper, nickel, and zinc associated with a cooling water plume in estuarine waters, II. The particulate phases. Environmental Pollution (Chemistry and Physics, Series B), 5:59-70. 22 Contents ROCKY INTERTIDAL STUDIES 1 INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 8 Temperature Data 8 Qualitative Studies 12 Quarry Study 20 Undisturbed Transects 22 Recolonization Studies 38 Transects 38 Exclusion cages 45 Ascophyllum nodosum Studies 50 (Jrowth 50 Mortality 51 SUMMARY 59 CONCLUSION 60 REEERENCES CITED 61 ROCKY INTERTIDAL STUDIES INTRODUCTION The intertidal zone and near-shore waters are among the most productive regions of the world (Mann 1973). Intertidal algae provide food directly and indirectly to snails, crabs, and other benthic invertebrates, as well as to fish, shore birds, and man (Paine 1980; Edwards et al. 1982; Menge 1982). Some algae, Ascophyflum nodosum for example, release a large portion of their annual biomass as detritus and dissolved nutrients (.lossclyn and Mathieson 1978). Other algae, primarily annual species, are consumed directly. I^rge perennial algae also contribute to the intertidal community's physical structure by providing shade and protection to much of the shore biota, and attachment space for epiphytes (Lewis 1964; Stephenson and Stephenson 1972; Menge 1975; Lobban et al. 1985). CJradients of many parameters affecting shore populations result in universal patterns of zonation (C^hapman 1946; I^wis 1964; Zaneveld 1969; Stephenson and Stephenson 1972). Some of these parameters can be quantified and characterized over time, and some can be experimentally manipulated in an effort to determine causal relationships (Connell 1961; Paine 1966; Dayton 1975; Menge 1975). Rocky intertidal communities have certain attributes that make them ideal subjects for ecological assessment (MYAPCo 1978; Wilce et al. 1978; IJLCo 1983; PSNII 1985). The stability of rocky shores permits establishment of permanently marked sampling areas. A discrete segment of a community, in many cases the same individual plants and animals, can be studied by successive observations. Some shore species are long-lived, capable of integrating effects of environmental conditions over their life spans. The presence of ephemeral species, which respond quickly to environmental conditions, reflects environ- mental change or instability. Sessile and slow-moving species arc continuously exposed to potential impacts; others arc motile, whose occurrence and abundance at a locality indicates the suitability of the environment at a given time. Many intertidal species show precise seasonal patterns of occurrence, abundance, and reproductive status. These seasonal patterns allow a multitude of spatial and temporal biological comparisons (Vadas et al. 1978; Schneider 1981). The interticial region in the vicinity of Millstone Point is exposed to a potential thermal impact from MNPS. Response to an impact may be obvious or subtle, and may occur at a community, population, or species level. The Rocky Shore monitoring program was designed and implemented with the following objectives: 1. to identify the attached plant and animal species found on nearby rocky shores, 2. to identify and quantify temporal and spatial patterns of occurrence and abundance of benthic species on these shores, and 3. to identify the physical and biological factors that induce variability in these intertidal areas. To achieve these objectives, the rocky intertidal studies include qualitative algal collections, abundance measurements of intertidal organisms (percent of substratum covered), measurement of rates and patterns of recolonization following small-scale perturbation, experimental exclusion of grazers and predators for selected areas, and growth studies of Ascophyllum nodosum. These studies permit determination of potential biological perturbation from operation of Units 1 and 2 and construction of Unit 3. These studies also provide base-line data that will pennit prediction and assessment of additional impact, if any, from operation of Unit 3. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of results from all rocky shore studies performed during 2-unit operation. Space limitations required considerable condensation of information; c<5mplete data arc included in Appendix RS la-d. MATERIALS AND METHODS I'hc rocky intertidal sampling program at MNPS began in May 1968 (Fig. I; NU'SCo 1982); the initial surveys were primarily qualitative in nature. In August 1978, the sampling program was evaluated, and extensive modifications were proposed (Appendix RS II, Proposed ('hanges for Intertidal Rock Sampling at Millstone Point). Modified sampling procedures were instituted in February 1979, incorporating non-destructive sampling, emphasizing more frequent qualitative and quantitative collections. This report SUOI3F3S — T> -a D Z B > 3 u >N CO a Q. —t O t-i o- ai < XSotopoijasn XBUOTjEjado summarizes data collected from March 1979 through February 1986, and characterizes local rocky intertidal communities under 2-unit operating conditions. Qualitative Collections Tlie benthic algal flora at nine rocky intertidal stations (Fig. 2) was monitored qualitatively on a monthly basis. These stations are, in order of most exposed to least exposed: Bay Point (BP), Fox Island-Exposed (FE), MiUstone Point (MP), Twotree Island [TT), White Point (WP), Seaside Exposed (SE), Seaside Sheltered (SS), Giants Neck (GN), and Fox Island-Sheltered (FS). Sampling at MP and TT began in October 19SI. Figure 2. Loc.iLion of rocky inlcrlidal sampling sites. GN = GInnts Neck. BP=Day Point. MP= .Vliil.stone Point, rn = Fox Isl.ind-C.xposcd. rS = Fox Island-Shcllcrcd. TT = Twotree Island. WP = White Point. SIZ = Sc.isidc r.xposcd, .S.S = Sc.i.';idc Shcllcrcd. Qualitative collections were made over an area sufficiently wide to characterize the flora at each site. Samples were identified fresh, or after short-term freezing. Voucher specimens were preserved using various methods, depending on the material: in 4% formaljn/seawater, as dried herbarium mounts, or on micro- scope slides. The Millstone quarry study was initiated in 1982. One site at the original quarry cut (site I, Fig. 3) and three sites within the quarry (sites 2-4) were sampled monthly to permit examination of species composition under greater than ambient water temperatures. The quarry samples were processed as described for the qualitative collections from the rocky intertidal stations. Figure 3. Detail map of MNPS vicinity. FL = original experimental Asrophyllvm site (1979-1984), FN = ncw AsrnphvUum site (19S5-prcsent), 1-4 = effluent quarry collection sites. Quantitative Studies At each qualitative collection station except Twotrce Island (owing to insufficient exposed bedrock), five permanent transects were established perpendicular to the water-line, one-half meter wide and extending from Mean High Water to Mean I^w Water levels. Bach transect, composed of 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrats, was non-destructively sampled monthly from March 1979 to February 1981, seven times per year from March 1981 to April 1983, and six times per year, in odd numbered months since May 198.1 (see Appendix RS MI, Fnvironmental Tech. Spec. Change Request for Intertidal Rocky Shore Survey). The percentage of substratum cover of all organisms and remaining free space in each quadrat was subjectively determined and recorded. Understory organisms, or species that were partially or totally obscured by the canopy layer, were assigned a percentage that reflected their true abundance. Recolonization Studies Transects Rates and patterns of recolonization following substratum denudation were determined in two series of recolonization transect experiments that were conducted at four stations (Fox Island-F.xposed, Fox Island-Sheltered, White Point, Giants Neck). Sample design included two pairs of stations with similar degrees of exposure (Fig. 2): exposed at F'F, and WP, and sheltered at GN and FS. The Fox Island stations, of their proximity to the MNPS discharge, were considered potentially impacted, while White Point and Giants Neck were identified as reference stations. In April 1979, three vertical transects were established at each station. Fach transect was scraped free of attached algae and invertebrates and burned with a liquid petroleum gas torch. All recolonization transects were sampled monthly in the same manner as described for undisturbed transects. The effect that seasonality of denuding had on recolonization was determined in a second series of experiments that was established in September 1981, .10 months after the initial denuding, when all recolonization strips were reburned. Exclusion cages Four series of exclusion cage studies at each of the four recolonization stations were undertaken to determine the effects of grazing and predation on recolonization rates and patterns. The first series began in April 1979; nine areas were selected at each station, three areas in each of three tide zones (high, mid, and low tidal levels). In each area, two 20 x 20 cm patches were burned and cleared; one was covered with a stainless steel mesh cage (20 x 20 x 5 cm, 3 mm mesh), the second left as a control. Each month the percent cover of colonizing organisms was determined. The effect that season of denuding had on rates and patterns of recolonization was determined, as with the recolonization transect experiments. Subsequent series of exclusion cage experiments began in June 1980, September 1981, and December 1982; each area was rebumed 15 months after the previous denuding. The complete series of recolonization experiments (strip transects and exclusion cages) was completed under two-unit operating conditions by March 1984, but the recolonization strips were monitored bimonthly until March 1986 to assess long-term recovery. The observed degree of recolonization provides a base-line against which to compare the impact of Unit 3 on rates and patterns of community recovery. The entire series of experiments will be repeated under three-unit conditions. Ascophyllum nodosum Studies Growth and mortality of populations of the brown perennial alga, Ascophyllum nodosum, were studied at two control stations (GN, 5.5 km west of the discharge and WP, 1.5 km east of the discharge, Fig. 2) and an experimental station (FF, ca. 75 m east of the original Millstone quarry cut. Fig. 3) from 1979-1984 Ascophyllum was eliminated from FL in summer 1984, its loss attributed to elevated water temperatures resulting from the thermal plume of two operating units discharging through two quarry cuts (NUSC'o 1985; also Appendix RS IV, Ecological Significance of Community Changes at Fox Island). In spring 1985 a second experimental Ascophyllum station (FN) was established between FE and I'S (Fig. 3; ca. 250 in from the quarry discharges, northeast of the Fox Island-Exposed sampling site). Ascophyllum plants were measured at monthly intervals from April, after the onset of new vesicle formation, until the following April. Fifty plants at each station were marked with a numbered plastic tag at the base of each plant, and five apices were marked on each plant with colored cable ties (prior to 1985, with colored electrical tape on uncolored cable ties). Linear growth was determined by measurements made from the top of the most recently formed vesicle to the apex of the developing axis, or apices if branching had occurred. Vesicles had not developed sufficiently to be tagged in April or May, so five tips were measured on each of 50 randomly chosen Ascophyllum plants. Monthly measurements of tagged plants began in .lune. Lost tags were not replaced, and the pattern of loss was used as a measure of both mortality and environmental stress. I^ss of the entire plant was assumed when the base tag and tip tags were missing. Tip survival was determined in terms of remaining tip tags. Temperature Water temperatures were derived from the EDAN (Environmental Data Acquisition Network) system, which continuously records a variety of environmental parameters and reports at 15-minute intervals. Ambient water temperatures were recorded by sensors in Unit 1 and 2 intake bays, and effluent water temperatures by sensors in the quarry cuts (Eig. 3). Temperatures at EE and the experimental Ascophyllum stations (EL and EN, I'ig. 3) were interpolated, based on measured AT, and verified over several tidal cycles with a portable thermistor and strip chart recorder. Data Analysis Relative abundance of intcrtidal organisms was estimated on the basis of percentage of substratum covered by each taxon. Unoccupied substrata were classed as free space. Similarity between communities was determined by a percent standardi/.ed form of the Bray-Curtis coefficient (Sanders 1960), calculated as: where P(ii) is the percent of species (i) at station (j), P(ik) is the percent for station (k), and (n) is the number of species in common. A flexible-sorting, clustering algorithm was applied to the resulting similarity matrix. The calculations were performed on untransformcd percentages. Ascnphvllum growth data are reported as mean growth ± 2 standard errors; means are compared using 2-sample t-tcsts (F'ROC TTEST, SAS Institute Inc. 1982). A probability level of n = 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance. Ascophyllum mortality data are presented as the mean of years 1979-1986, with vertical bars representing the range of values. As a special case, mortality at Fox Island excludes 1984 data, because the elimination oi Ascophyllum from FL in late summer of 1984 would bias comparisons between F^'ox Island and other stations. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Temperature Data Ambient water temperature in the Millstone Bight area follows a predictable annual cycle. Maximum daily average temperatures of 20-21 °C occur in August-September, with little variability among years. Winter temperatures are more variable, ranging from 0 to -1 °C in a cold year (e.g., 1977), to 3-4 °C in a warm year (e.g., 1983); yearly minima occur in January- February. Condenser cooling water used by Millstone Units 1 and 2 is heated to 12-15 °C above ambient, depending on reactor power level. Prior to August 1983, the heated effluent was discharged through a single cut in the south end of the discharge quarry (Fig. 3); a second quarry cut was opened in anticipation of the added volume of cooling water needed by Unit 3. With one cut open and either 1 or 2 units operating, the effluent plume was directed to Twotrce Channel where it was subjected to tidal flushing. Water temperatures within 75 m of the cut (FL A.Kcopliyllum station; Fig. 3) were 2-3 °C above ambient, and temperatures at FF, were within 1 "C of ambient regardless of tidal stage (Fig. 4, regime 1). After the second discharge cut was opened the effluent plume lost half its momentum and mixed with nearshore water, producing nearly isothermal temperatures along the shore between the cuts and the southwest tip of Fox Island. During this time temperatures at Fox Island were 3-4 "C cooler than the undiluted effluent (Fig. 4, regime 2), regardless of tidal stage. This resulted in temperatures at FF, 7-9 °C above ambient when one Unit was operating (e.g., autumn of 1983), and 12-13 °C above ambient when both Units were operating (e.g., most of 1984). Under these conditions, maximum water temperatures at FF could exceed 30 °C. 2 3 c — E o ^ -i SniSISD SZZH-D3a 10 With three units pumping, the effluent plume was again directed into Twotree Channel where it was subjected to tidal flushing. On the flood stage of the tide the effluent was directed westward, away from Fox Island. During high tide, ambient water temperatures were recorded at FE, and temperatures at FL were only 3-4 °C above ambient. On the ebbing tide, the plume was directed eastward across Fox Island. Maximum temperatures, up to 8-9 °C above ambient, occurred at FE and FL at low tide. Minimum temperatures were recorded 3 hours out of the 12 hour tidal cycle; elevated temperatures occurred during the remainder of the 12 hour cycle. These conditions are modelled in Figure 5 and produce regime 3 temperatures illustrated in Figure 4 (note two curves for temperature at FE in this period). Water temperatures are dependent on both the number of units operating and cooling water flow, and only when all units are pumping will there be a tidal component to the temperature. Therefore, conditions are likely to vary from year to year as each unit undergoes scheduled and unscheduled shut-downs. The effects of these changing conditions will be examined in subsequent reports. Most of the data presented in this report were collected under conditions modelled as regimes 1 and 2. Qualitative Studies Qualitative studies were designed to identify algal species presentin intertidal and shallow subtidal areas in the vicinity of MNPS throughout the year, and to characterize their patterns of spatial and temporal distribution. Changes in these patterns indicate environmental changes, and suggest a close analysis of whether the changes were related to construction or operation of MNPS. A rich and diverse flora occupies the rocky intertidal monitoring area, relative to other areas of Long Island Sound. Overall, 158 algal species have been identified since 1979. Not all species were found at any one station, nor were they all found in any one collection period, nor in any one year. Qualitative algal collections for the monitoring period 1979-1985 are presented as number of times each species was found in each month and at each station (Table 1). Complete collection records for each station are presented in Appendix RS la. The benthic flora of the Greater Millstone Bight can be separated into five divisions (sensu Whittaker 1969): Rhodophyta (reds), Phaeophyta (browns), Chlorophyta (greens), Cyanophyta (blue-greens), and Chrysophyta (golden and yellow-green, including diatoms). In this study, blue-greens and diatoms are not identified to lower taxa. The benthic algal flora can also be classified on the basis of life history, e.g.. 131 12 11 c_ E 101 O _Q D CD 1_ cn CD 6 5 4 3 2 1 icw tide FEtem (reg x, 2 cuts, 2 units p 2) rre maxjmum quarry temp low tide mping FE temp., 2 cuts, 3 units (regime 3) _F^ tem£._^sin_g_iejc_ut_; -A— 1/ " (regime ly Figure 5. Idealised model of water temperatures at Fox Island-Exposed, related to number of quarry cuts and number of units operating. Regimes refer to Figure 4. 12 .- (I o< *- 01 u ai C C — m - .- T3— lu— OHO— 1 I(I003— 3-HO -< UlTJ C. ID — a o n 1. o -< ~- •- r» B 3 o — E X j: a 3 J 3OO"3-"0«c n X — ■- n -1 I. -1 3 O I- 1- -H 4P ♦' > — ••■^on.nnij .r I. 0 0 0 O u I. 0 oj:xj:x-j:x TJ •--*'*'*' oca C u ra — n «- •— i- *D ui c © — nU3CAin ■> E — o a 3 — — > o » i.oi.o>> •m— ix no3afnr8Cr3Q o aui'suin'oca cm •- — -H in*^^^^^^— i^ o o noaoaiooJUE — ■- >. c c c c XX 3 3 3 "3 '3 "5 -5 c» aao 0000 o— c ".t-c00OO333333a0 ^ § 1. ^ n I. 0 n m C 3 01 0 0 a r> w V u 1. -^ m CX ■a 0 c 1- c IS — « J3 > 01 u 0 a 1. ■- ~ 3 3 C 01 w 0 — a >. 3 It 01 01 -3 01 3 0 0 01 C X -D 3 > a 01 3 3 •^ ■3 ei u 1. a -H u ^^ » > a E 1- > a 0 u ♦* ~ 3 C aj£ u in t. a -z Cl — 0 u 0 (J u It U a Ul n 3 a-»- u a a E 3 a u c c a — e '•*- 'i a — > X 0 0 C : c 0 0 0 -< 0 0 3 a It a 1. ID E 0 5 — X TJ n L. 0 0 0 0 — ••• — u u u « u cue C a n n 1 01 -1 C — 0 0 0 -< n a c E ~ * in 0 1. .^ « 2 ^H >. z a X 0 t. n t_ £. 1. E E E E a It n 3 c c 0 jD n n re 1: n X -a 0 — • -H 0 0 _u «< 0 3.^ «« — DC L .m. 4> — X X XX — *- ^^ ._ -0 ._ 0 — 01 0 0 — «l 91 V n a c a 1. > -0 II 5 ._ I. -D JE 6 V u Ul re J> J. 0 ni 0 - E 0 0 -■ E E E - Dl 0 »> :- u X 0 -< X — c 0 0 0 re c - < a. u 0 < a s: C- u u. c: u 3 our: D. 0 < «» < < u u iJ -* cj -^ t^ m 0 c> 4) CNJ L) • -* lf» f>. «M ^^mocoKi(Ocu>o^a)tA ^ ro Ki »T^*^©ro^cjocjO-K>r*.-^ r- m J- ro -. o- -» n mr^roojoinco ow mp*-^ * - -. eg 1- -» CM -• -« fO ^ c^-*r*^— • L) o<>wejsj'0'^ ^ ^ r^ ^ .^ ry sT Kt ro o -« ^ •« C\J >^ ^Ktr<»-^P0NKtON-^NC\JN'4Ot\i I in ro CJ CNJ N -^ CO o • (^ CM cu • CO c^ rj sO-^NCVJ'^ • 'Cy •mh-lA*^K»0 '^ -tf) ^ ^ sy -4 . sT -^ CM ^ -^ . ,J- o *o ^ 1^ CO -^ w . ^ CM — r» - - fl -5 o o pa ^J■ -< -T ~ e^ < -> r* a> in CM tn rj V) r* h- If) CNj -^ -J" sj- o &" f^ -^ -S" o r^ ^ ^ Ki m c\j CM o Kt >?• h* K) lA If) »■ K ^ K> -^ W sO ^^ ■ r«. -< -> ift m If) -■_•-. eg • o CO • -< CJ sj- -^ O Kt -- vT c> o • oj h* CJ If) **^ © vT" P^ r^ nO U^ . Kl m -. a vT CJ — ~T o ;: — • CJ -« If) ^T O ^ -4 • CJ '^ ^j- a. 03 r^ CJ If) Kl — ,0 r^. c ~T Ifl — J- CJ S ~ CJ Ifl If) vj- -• If) -• . . . sj- o -^ O PO . «0 Lf) — -* Id -IX E i» — o 3 >> a m c ^ ^ c o E con a a (I 01 *• o c — c 1. C •— en fi ^H a I o 1- c — O > C E W 01 > H- 01 o a E St D .- -H — -< 3 > B > C I. . m X 01 s — CTJ X ■ S X f» -H > re a ^-' ^-* fB ra fB LJ U U U t_) 1- Of >■- > IP o u J7 JT (5 tl o u ni Of 18 .— — •■ • I -f -o c z c c c 0 0 0 0 0 I re c X X X X X . : "3 "5 tn i/l m in tn in .. m ^4 0) UI re n 3 c a re re -o 1) n ,,- 01 o X re > 0 n 01 > t. o a or ■^ •*■ ^t re re re re o c 0 n o 0 re ^ -^ a 01 n 1/1 o > > >• >.-3 0 0 0 re in re m 3 in ^^ O re "- — in fli 3 _( in -. -1 o "O 0 3 o -I re -^ — .- O ^ 01 u c o • o ■- 3 X o ai — a w-H •co-*'e"Oin re — c re -H -M o — re — I o 6 -< — -H inO'-i.'H'osa o u 1. o e re •- *' o re u) JI 333rerereE > re X re re I. 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C c c c ^ Kt <0 'O* ■ >0 -^ lA ' — O CM %f O .»■ — *T -* Oi -. . _. ^ H^ • r* I m n r^ Ki o T^ rj o •o -o in « m in ^ -• « .»■ tn — -• m -> j^ <^ in ' ui > >T -^ • CJ CJ >Twm— «-hk%^ .Ln-^ '^T ^ • Kl K( CJ • K — ^ .i*ir»- _ g O _ X • — '-< E a ^ OJ ■ft (I C IT • E C C •- ra — E — 3 VB -<— ini-31.01 fi «i •^ e 13 a a • C 0 0 0 o o -•—00 — — —CO 3*'i.~>oa)X — JCOui— o a ap-»-Li.-'aoi- »'00C«i -rrl«00333 E EC — -H 01-il.M Xl.l.EDe3C.L — O 3— 3— i».aOI a 9aa:.nisn— C— a-C E a '-1.1.L01.V.1.C0C u 9 ooojioooo— (OtfioiaH- '5."E"5.'H.o"E"5.c-o 0 o ui m'ui s O DOC— Ot;OONOC.C.QJ3 "3~~~ r~ — "3 r*-- N 0 o_D-- " citrt— i7t;re~£-->,>_-D ^uuo- uuucc- cac:3u 16 perennials, pscudoperennials, seasonal annuals, and aseasonal annuals. Perennials (species present as a whole thallus throughout the year and persisting for more than one year) include Chondnis ch.spus, Ascophyllum nodosum, and Fucus vesiculosus. Pseudoperennials (individual plants present throughout the year but passing through adverse conditions in a reduced form) include Codium fragile. Seasonal annuals (plants only found during part of the year) include Bangia atropurpurea, Desmarestia viridis, Cladophora flexuosa, and Sphacelaria cirrosa. Aseasonal armuals (population as a whole present throughout the year and capable of continual reproduction) include Uha lactuca and Enteromorpha flexuosa. Of the 1 58 species of benthic algae found in our area, several were site-specific or characteristic of only one station (Table 1), such as Laminaria digitala at TT, Ceramium deslongchampii at GN, Fucus spiralis at BP, Bryopsis plumosa at FE, Polysiphonia nigrescens at WP, and Gelidium crinale at FS. In addition, some species are abundant at only 2 or 3 stations, e.g., Pilayella littoralis at GN and FS, and Pra.uola stipilata at GN, TT, and SE. Temporal differences also occur, and seasonal components in the local flora have been identified. Some examples include Bangia atropurpurea, Dumontia contorla, and Monostroma grevillei as most common in winter-spring, Desmarestia viridis, Leathesia difformis, and Polysiphonia urceolata in spring-summer, Champia parvula, Da.sya baillouviana, and Cladophora flexuosa in summer-autumn, and Callithamnion tetragonum, Spermothamnion repens, and Sphacelaria cirrosa in autumn-winter (Table 1). The persistence of these spatial and temporal patterns, and their consistency from year to year is an indication of the stability of the local flora. Another measure of stability is number of species, i.e., species richness. The greatest number of species recorded from a single collection usually occurred in spring-early summer for all stations. The most species collected in any month (1979-1985) was 1 17 in .July (Table 2), and the fewest was 101 in March. TTie most species collected at any station since 1979 was l.'^l at BP (Table ?i), and the least was 109 at both SF and TT. In each year, the greatest species number generally occurred at WP (Table 4). When division proportions are analyzed by month and station, proportions are similar and independent of species number (Tables 2 and 3), providing another measure of floral stability. Annual percentage of 17 Number ot ipecier. coilcctsd in each division, by month { 1979-1985 combined), and their percentage (in parentheses). Division total Jan Feb Mar Aor Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Rhodophyia 53(48) 47(44) 45(45) 45(41) 43(38) 45(40) 50(43) 56(51) 59(54) 53(49) 54(49) 56(51) Phaeophyra 24(22) 30(28) 28(28) 32(29) 34(30) 29f26) 28(24) 25(23) 22(20) 26(24) 25f23) 23(21) Chlornphyta 33(30^ 31(29) 28(28) 33(301 36(32) 38(34) 39(33) 29(26) 29(26) 30(28) 32(29) 31(28) no lOI no 113 112 117 110 110 109 111 no Table 3. Number of species collected in each division, by station (1979-1985 combined), and their percentage fin parentheses). Division GN BP MP TT FE F5 WP SE SS total Rhodnphyta Phaeophyla Chlnrophyta 56(45) 30(24) 39(31) 57(441 36(27) 38(29) 51(45) 30(27) 32(28) 54(50) 28(26) 27(25) 50(45) 26(23) 36(32) 54(44) 32(26) 38(31) 58(46) 33(26) 36(28) 48(44) 29(27) 32(29) 57(46) 31(25) 36(29) 73(46) 40(25) 45(28) loiai 125 131 113 109 112 124 127 109 124 158 Table 4. Number of species at each station in each year (1979-1985), yearly totals, and yearly division counts and percentages (in parentheses). Each 'year' represented by collections from March to following February. Stauon 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 BP 72 70 94 86 80 85 73 FE 76 72 77 80 70 65 50 FS 71 69 72 80 79 82 65 GN 67 74 85 85 82 84 77 MP' - - 75 77 77 74 SE 58 55 71 73 69 70 63 SS 67 67 84 88 85 85 68 XT' 87 80 77 78 WP 72 ^82 96 95 90 90 87 total lUO 103 129 131 126 133 1 17 Division Rhodophyia 44(44) 47(46) 60(47) 58(44) 57(45) 61(46) 54(46) rhaeophyla 26(26) 26(25) 35(27) 35(27) 32(26) 34(25) 29(25) Chlorophyta 30(301 30(29) 34(26) 38(29) 37(29) 38(29) 34(29) species in each division (1979-1985) ranged from 44-47% for reds, browns 25-27%, and greens 26-30% (Table 4), but the proportions of reds, browns, and greens vary seasonally (Table 2). Reds are more prevalent, but especially so in August- December; browns are less prevalent than reds or greens, but have their highest percentages in February-May; greens are proportionally most common in May-July. The overall number of species in each phylum is 73 reds, 40 browns, and 45 greens (all stations, all years); their proportion is 46:25:29 (Table 4). The local flora, when represented as percent occurrence of reds, browns, and greens, is consistent with those reported by other researchers in the northwest Atlantic (Vadas 1972; Schneider et al. 1979; Mathieson et al. 1981; Mathieson and Hehre 1986). Vadas (1972) reported the proportion 45:32:23 on an open coast in Maine. Mathieson et al. (1981), working in the Great Bay estuary system and adjacent open coast of New Hampshire- Maine, reported the proportion 47:28:25, and Mathieson and Hehre (1986) updated this study reporting a New Hampshire open coast proportion of 43:31:26. In a checklist of Connecticut algae (including intertidal and subtidal species), Schneider et al. (1979) reported a proportion of 45:26:29, which included 188 species, not including varieties and forms. Proportionally, the Connecticut marine flora as determined by Schneider, is virtually identical to our own. Exceptions to spatial and temporal trends are evident in the Fox Island -Exposed qualitative collections after the opening of the second quarry cut in August 1983. The average number of species per monthly collection was 31 from March 1979 to August 1983, and dropped to 28 in the year following the opening of the second cut. A sharper drop in species richness occurred after August-September 1984. An average of 18 species per month was collected from September 1984 to February 1986, and in October 1984, only 10 species of algae were collected from FE (the collection with lowest number of species from any station in any month since the beginning of the study). Species richness decreased because physiological limits of many species were exceeded; water temperatures at Fox Island exceeded 28 °C in August-September 1984 (NliSC^o 1985; also Appendix RS IV, Ecological Significance of Community Changes at Fox Island). Community changes resulting from elevated water temperatures included the loss of established populations of perennial macroalgae [Chondrus crispus, Fucus vesiculosus, Ascophyllum nodosum) and associated epiphytes, and increased abundance and persistence of opportunistic species {Codium fragile, Enteromorpha spp., Po/ysiphonia spp.). The changes were evidenced both as a loss of species, and a shift in relative divisional proportions. From March 1979-August 1983 (prior to the second cut opening), 105 species were reported at FE; 70 species were reported from September 1983- August 1984, the first year after the second 19 cut opening, and 67 species were reported from September 1984-September 1986, beginning one year after the second cut opening. Proportions for the three periods were 43:25:32, 41:26:33, and 40:22:37, respectively; noticeable is the decrease in browns and reds with a concomitant increase in the proportion of greens. This shift in relative proportions in response to elevated water temperature was also seen in the quarry collections, and will be discussed in the next section. The floristic changes noted at FE were localized, and not indicative of more widespread effects. Overall, the flora of Greater Millstone Bight has remained stable over time, and is similar to those studied elsewhere in New England by other researchers (Vadas 1972; Wilce et al. 1978; Schneider et al. 1979; Mathieson et al. 1981). The NUEL qualitative collections are important for predicting and assessing the impact of 3-unit operation. These studies permit the determination of the degree of variability in seasonal and yearly species occurrence. Qualitative differences in species composition among stations or years (as noted at FE after 1983), as compared to species composition at the reference sites, can signal power plant influence. Analyses of the flora in the years after Unit 3 becomes operational should indicate whether possible thermal effects will be within present bounds or will spread to other reference sites. Quarry Study Qualitative algal collections from the Millstone quarry permit characterization of sites exposed to a wide range of water temperatures, from ambient temperature when all reactors are shut down, to 21 "C above ambient, when all reactors are at fuU power. Water temperatures change in response to varying reactor power levels. The overall quarry flora, composed of all species collected in the quarry or quarry cut, is similar but not identical, to that of the NUEL rocky shore sampling stations reported in the previous section. Of the 118 species collected from the quarry or quarry cut, only 3 have not been collected at other NUEL monitoring sites: Audouinella flexuosa, A. sagraenum, and Soroc.arpus micromorus. Those species found at other sites but never in the quarry or the quarry cut are mostly cold-water reds, browns, and their epiphytes. The relative proportion of reds, browns, and greens at the MNPS quarry (1979- 1986) was 46:21:33. Some of the similarity between the quarry flora and that of the reference stations is due to periods of ambient water temperatures in the quarry as a resuU of periodic reactor shutdown. Schneider (1981) 20 sampled algae from the Millstone effluent quarry over an 18 month period (including several shutdowns) and found 42 species in the 3 major algal divisions, with proportions similar to those found in NUEL quarry studies (Table 5). All species noted by Schneider except Spongomorpha arcta were present in our quarry collections (this species was found in the quany cut). Schneider also reported the range of temperatures over which each species occurred in his study area; relative algal proportions change with elevations in water temperature, a fact also evident in NUEL quarry data. In Schneider's study and our own, when temperatures exceeded 25 "C and 30 °C, a difference in species proportions became evident. With elevated temperatures, the number of brown algal species decreased rapidly in the quarry, thereby decreasing the proportion of browns relative to other groups. The relative proportions of species in each algal division are similar in both Schneider's study and the NUEL quarry study (Table 5). Divisional proportions are independent of species number and indicate phytogeographic afTmity (Druehl 1981). Table 5. Relative proportion of each major algal division (reds, browns, greens) from New England collections and MNPS quarry collections. 32:23 31:26 28:25 45:26:29 46:25:29 46:21:33 58:10:32 57: 3:40 45:24:31 50:12:38 57: 5:38 Maine open coast New Hampshire open coast Great Bay estuary and NH-Maine open coast CT intertidal and subtidal reference sites MNPS quany >25°C >30X MNPS quany >25°C >30°C Vadas (1972) Mafhieson and Hehrc (1986) Mathieson et a/. (1981) Schneider et al. (1979) NUEL (1979-1986) NUEL (1979-1986) Schneider (1981) 21 These phytogeographic affinities are also evidenced in the temporal distribution of components of the quarry flora, relative to that of the reference sites. Species with southern centers of distribution (i.e., sub-tropical affinities), found mostly in summer and autumn in local rocky shore collections, had an extended growing season in the quarry. For example, Agardhiella subulata ocurred mostly in summer (May, June, .July) at the rocky intertidal collection sites, but occurred Ln every month in the quarry effluent. Another red alga, Dasya baillouviana, was seasonal at reference stations (August- November) and found only 83 times since 1979. Over the course of the quarry study, Dasya baillouviana could be found in any month in the quarry. Similarly, Enteromorpha clathrata and Cladophora sericea, May-October greens at most rocky intertidal sites, were much more common in the quarry and over a longer period. After September 1984 at FE, Agardhiella subulata, Enteromorpha clathrata, and Cladophora sericea, among others, were nearly as common at FE as at the quarry site. In contrast, algae with more northerly distributions (boreal affinities, especially browns) were less common in the quarry. Laminaria saccharina occurred each month at qualitative collection sites, but only in March and April at the quarry. Similarly, Petalonia fascia, a November-.Iuly brown at nearby coastal stations, occurred only in January and February at the quarry. Qualitative algal collections from the MNPS effluent quarry are important because they characterize a flora exposed to water temperature higher than those found at any nearby station. This flora therefore reflects environmental conditions at one end of a thermal gradient; the floral characteristics of the reference stations reflect ambient coastal thermal regimes. Differences in the quarry flora, i.e., reduced number of species, especially browns, with increasing temperature, the resultant shift in divisional proportions, and the temporal displacement (extension or reduction of an alga's growing season) are responses to this thermal gradient. If the flora at a station farther from the discharge evidences similar floristic or vegetative change, particularly after Unit 3 begins operation, a critical standard has been developed against which thermal impact may be assessed. Undisturbed Transects One of the most noticeable biological features of local rocky shore communities is 7,onation; i.e., the segregation of intertidal organisms into horizontal bands, each characterized by a particular complex of 22 plants and animals. This phenomenon is considered to be a universal feature of rocky shores (Stephenson and Stephenson 1949, 1972; Lewis 1964). Locally, we recognize three intertidal zones; identified as the high, mid, and low intertidal. The high intertidal (Zone I), primarily bare rock, is seasonally occupied by barnacles {Balanus balanoides) and ephemeral algae (mostly Ulothrix flacca, Bangia atropurpurea, Blidingia minima, or blue-greens). Fucus (mostly F. vesiculosus, occasionally F. spiralis) may occur in small amounts in the high intertidal. Barnacles and the fucoids Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum dominate the mid intertidal (Zone 2). Other algae in Zone 2 grow directly on rock (e.g., Ralfsia verrucosa, Enteromorpha spp.) or as epiphytes of fucoids (e.g., Elachista fucicola, Polysiphonia spp.). The low intertidal (Zone 3) is typically dominated by Chondrus crispus, though fucoids may also be common. Barnacles are seasonally abundant, but usually obscured by an algal canopy. Other algae may be attached to rock (e.g., Ralfsia, Corallina officinalis, Dumontia contorta) or to larger algae. Monostroma pulchrum and Polysiphonia spp. are common ephemeral epiphytes. The preceding description is not meant to imply that local intertidal communities are static or homogenous; that is far from the case. Rather, the rocky shore is patchy, a mosaic of plants and animals in dynamic equilibrium. Organisms compete for space, light, and nutrients. Processes of recruitment, colonization, and growth are balanced against predation, senescence, and death. These processes vary over space and time, on varying scales. General patterns of spatial and temporal distribution may be illustrated by plotting abundance (mea- sured as percent substratum coverage) over time for the major components of the local intertidal commu- nities (I'igs. 6-10); data for all taxa are included in Appendix RS lb. In each case, data are presented as: a) a time-series beginning in March 1979, to show long-term trends and year-to-year variability, and b) all years combined, calculating monthly means ± 2 SE, to show seasonal trends. For example. Figure 6 presents barnacle coverage in each zone, and abundance of predatory snails (mostly Urosalpinx cinerea and Thais lapillus) in Zone 3. Generally, barnacle coverage is highest in the mid intertidal (Zone 2) and higher at exposed stations (e.g., BP, FE) than at sheltered stations (e.g., SS, FS). There are differences between years, but most variability occurs annually, i.e., a seasonal cycle. Barnacles settle in early spring. 23 b) barnacies ii pred. snails § ;: i-^H h—h' Y-ft~^'f^r^^K^.^Y JN FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUC SEP OCT NOV DEC -- Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 —Snails 1 a) barnacle? St pred. snails JtN FEB kUR APR kUY JUN JUL AUS SE? OCT NOV DEC Zone 1 Zona 2 Zone 3 Figure 6. Abundance of barnacles and predatory snails as percent cover in each zone: (a) from March 1979-March 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for GN, FS, FE, and DP. a) barnaclas i prod. UW SEP UAJ( SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP U*R SEP UAR SEP UW SEP U« lo-rn 198Q 1981 1M2 19" 198* 1985 198S '1^ 2one 1 Zone 2 Zone :3 Snails FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT MOV DEC Zone 1 Zone Z Zone 3 • Snails UAR HP UAfi SP UAR SEP UAR 3EPUARSEPUAftSEPUARSEPUAR -AN FIB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUC SEP OCT KCfJ DEC Zone 1 — Zone Z Zone 3 — Snails barnacles St pred. snails UARSEPUAR^PUARSEPUARSETUAPSEPUARSEPUARSEP UAR 1 979 1 980 1 98 1 1 9B2 1 983 1 98* 1 985 1 98S Zonal Zone Z — --Zone 3 —Snails a) barnacles i pred. snails iM UARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUAR 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 ;98+ 1985 1986 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 — Snaiis b) barnacles Se pred. snails / N- 4. ^ ^ '^^r''/ Y ■ ^-=i-^ \-^- ^r 'S ^^ ^^ __-4 *-— 4= -^=?:i ^ ---, .JN FEB UAR APR U»Y JUN JUL AUC ion. 1 Zon.2 Zone 3 OCT NOV DEC - Snaib Figure 6. (cont.) Abundance of barnacles and predatory snaiis as percent cover in each zone: (a) from March 1979-Vlarch 1986. and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for WP, SS. SE, and MP. 25 and coverage increases through early summer as individuals grow. By late summer, barnacle coverage decreases, as individuals are lost to predation (especially in Zone 3), or desiccation (especially in Zone 1). Barnacles may settle so densely or grow so quickly that they may eventually be lost to intraspecific competition. Crowding and 'hummocking' (cf. Grant 1977) weakens an individuals attachment to sub- stratum, and clumps of barnacles may be lost, especially during autumn storms (Foertch and Keser 1981). Algae that have settled and grown on or between barnacles may also be lost with the removal of barnacles. Another factor contributing to local barnacle mortality is predation; the most important predators in the Millstone Pomt area are two carnivorous snails, Urosalpinx cinerea (oyster drill) and Thais lapillus (dog whelk). These snails are most abundant in late summer, and are partially responsible for the decline in barnacle abundance (cf. Hanks 1957; Bayne and ScuUard 1978; Foertch and Keser 1981). Barnacles are also lost as a consequence of thermal stress. Throughout the NUEl. rocky shore sampling program, thermal stress was a source of mortality only at Fox Island-Exposed, and only after the opening of a second quarry cut in August 1983. Barnacle mortality was one of the changes observed in the rocky shore community near the MNPS discharge following the opening of the second cut; the changes are described and discussed in Appendix IV. Briefly, changes in water circulation patterns allowed incursion of warm water to areas that were previously unimpacted (Fox Island-Exposed and the shoreline between FE and the MNPS discharges). In spring, when ambient water temperatures were below 5 °C, the thermal incursion was not detrimental to barnacles; at the time of peak barnacle settlement, maximum temperatures at FE were ca. 12-14 °C. In March and April, dense bamacle set and rapid growth were observed. However, in autumn, water temperature at FE exceeded 28 °C (see earlier Temperature Data section), and barnacles were eliminated from this site. Fucus vesiculosus is another important component in the northern Atlantic and local rocky shore communities (Fig. 7). Peak abundance during the year usually occurs in late summer, following growth of germlings that appear in spring; substratum coverage declines as plants are lost to autumn and winter storms. There is also station-to-station variability in Fucm abundance; some stations have very low Fucus cover (e.g., BP), others have consistently high cover (e.g., WP, SE). These patterns are related to degree of exposure to waves; moderately exposed stations favor Fucus populations (Topinka et al. 1981). Fucus cover also varies from year to year. At some stations (e.g., GN, FS), there appears to be a 3-5 year cycle of Fucus abundance, related to the ecological life-span of this alga. Fucus does not propagate vegetatively from a basal holdfast; rather, it occupies new substrata following settlement of zygotes and growth of 26 UAR SEP UAR SEP UAA SEP UAR SP UtA SS> UAR SEP UAR SEP UAjt 1 979 1 980 19B1 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 9U 1 98S Zone 1 ^— Zone 2 Zone 3 UAR SEP UAH SEPUARSEPUMSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUAR a) ^^^^0A!^^>...,^s,..^ SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP kMR SEP UAR SEP IMR SEP UAR 979 1980 1981 1982 19U 1984 1985 19S6 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone i 1 b) .^,jk^id^:^.^i=4^ JAN FEB UAR APR IMY JUN JUL AUC SEP OCT MOV DEC Zonal Zone 2 — •- Zon« 3 Figure 7. Abundance of Funis as percent cover in each zone: (a) from March 1979-lVlarch 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for GN, FS, FE, and BP. 27 a) LURSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPU«S£PUARSEPUAR 1979 1980 1981 1982 '9" 1984 1985 1986 Zone 1 Zone Z Zone 3 b) :t;:it+i't4-^rt~t=-Tfc#==^ JW res UAR APR W.Y JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Zonal Zone 2 Zone 3 a) b) jAN FIB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL Zone 1 ——Zone 2 a) /\ / ^ •Zone 2 Zon« 3 b) v-v- +-4-F-"+-hh4^fl JAN FEB UAR APR klAY JUN JUL AUC SEP OCT Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 o) U»RSEJ"1MRSEPUARSEP1URSEPU»RSEPU*RSEP1«R3EP1UR 1979 1980 1981 1982 1980 1984 1983 I9B6 Zonal Zono Z Zone 3 Figure 7. (cont.) Abundance of Fucus as percent cover in each zone: (a) from March 1979-March 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for WP, SS, SE, and MP. 28 germlings (Knight and Parke 1950; Keser and Larson 1984). Typically, these germlings do not grow under an established Fucus canopy. However, if an area in the mid intertidal is cleared (e.g., by ice-scour), Fucus zygotes settle and grow into a new canopy, composed of plants of similar age. As these plants mature, they become increasingly susceptible to epiphytism (Menge 1975), storm damage and ice-scouring (Mathieson et al. 1982; Chock and Mathieson 1983). These processes tend to remove many plants at once; plant loss opens new substrata for colonization, and the cycle of Fucus abundance is maintained (cf. Schonbeck and Norton 1980; Keser and Larson 1984). The decrease in Fucus cover at FE from 1980 through 1983 was another example of a cyclic pattern in abundance. However, thermal impact resulting from water temperatures in excess of 28 °C interrupted the Fucus population cycle at FE. The increase predicted after a settlement of germlings in spring 1984 failed to occur after thermal incursion and subsequent germling mortality. Fucus cover also decreased at MiUstone Point, the station second closest to the MNPS discharges. This decline may represent the descending portion of the same type of abundance cycle seen at FE, or it may reflect a direct or indirect thermal effect. A direct effect might relate to the thermal tolerance of Fucus; an indirect effect might be related to the observed increase in abundance of Liltorina littorea at MP, and concomitant increase in grazing pressure on newly settled Fucus germlings. Other researchers have shown that high grazer densities can retard Fucus recolonization for several years (Lubchenco 1983; Keser and I.^rson 1984). Chondrus crispw; is the dominant alga in low intertidal (Zone 3) and shallow subtidal areas near MNPS, as it is throughout New England, the Canadian Maritimes, and Northern Europe (Mathieson and Prince 1973). Chondrus populations were stable at all NUEL study sites, both within and among years (Fig. 8). The decline in abundance seen at FE after the opening of the second quarry cut was due to water temperatures in excess of 28 °C which eliminated Chondrus from FE in September 1984. lypically, Chondrus is host to a variety of ephemeral epiphytic algae. In our area, the dominant epiphytes on Chondrus are Monostroma pulchrum, Polysiphonia harveyi, and P. novae- angliae. These algae have distinct seasonal peaks of abundance (Fig. 8), with Monostroma occurring in spring and Polysiphonia in late summer-autumn. Some researchers have reported that shading by epiphytes is harmful to the 29 a) Chondrtis & mOjOr epiphyte UAftSEPUARSCPUARSO>UAR5EPlURSEPUAR5£?UARSEPUAR 1979 1980 19S) Uonortroma — a) Chondrus ic major epiph/te UAR ^EP UAR rEP UAR Sc7 UAP SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR FO UAR APR HAY JJN — Uonosrtroma Poiysipho SEP OCT NOV DEC Chondrus UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR 1 979 1 980 1 98 1 1 982 I 983 I 984 1 985 1 986 Poiysiphonia Chondrus b) CTumdrus Sc major spiphyti JW FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL Uonosiroma Polysiphonio SEP OCT MOV Chondrus UARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUAR \ 979 1 980 1 9B1 1 982 1 98^ 1 984 1 98S 1 986 Uonoatroma Poiysiphonia Chondrus Figure 8. Abundance of Chondrus and major epiphytes as percent cover in each zone: (a) from March 1979-March 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for GN. FS, FE, and BP. 30 °) CTumd-rus i£ mojor epiphyt' UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUAR :979 1980 19SI 19S2 1983 1984- 1 9B5 1986 Uonostrofna Poiysiphonia Chondrus JAN FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL Uonostroma Polysjphonia OCT NOV DEC a) CTwndrus ie major epiphyte UAR3EPUARSEPUAR3EPUARSEPUAfirEPUARSS>UAft::EPUAR ■ 379 1 980 T 98 1 1 982 i 983 1 98* 1 985 1 986 Uonojrtroma Poiysiphonia Chondrua .AN FEB UAR APR lUY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV - Uonostroma Porysiphonia Chondrus UARSEPUARSCPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUAR 1 979 1 980 1 98 1 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 985 \ 986 Uonostroma ■ Poiysiphonia Chondrus a) Cfumdrus ii major ep,phlrte A, U*RSEPU*RSEPU«)SEPlii«SEPU»R3EPU»RSE?U*RS£PU»R 1979 1900 1981 1982 1983 19B« 1983 1986 Uonofftroma poiysiphonia Chondrus FEB UAA APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC - Uonostroma Polysiphonia Chondrus FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC -— Uonostroma • Poiysiphonia Chondnjs Figure 8. (cont.) Abundance of Chondrus and major epiphytes as percent cover in each zone: (a) from March 1979-iVlarch 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for WP, SS, SE, and MP. 31 underlying Chondrns (Menge 1975; Lubchenco and Menge 1978); no such detrimental relationship was evident from our data. Chondrus maintained high understory abundance. Many other species of ephemeral algae contribute to the local intertidal community. Grouped by division, some patterns are evident (Figs. 9 and 10). Generally, ephemeral algae are more common in Zone 3 than in Zone 2, and more common at exposed than at sheltered stations. Many of these species are opportunistic, and may occur at any time of year (e.g., Uha lactuca, Enteromorpha spp.), but others show seasonal periodicity (cf Qualitative Studies section). For example, an increase in red algal abundance in early spring was attributed to an increase of Bangia and Porphyra spp. Similarly, ephemeral browns were most abundant in early summer (Apr.-July), corresponding to peak abundance of Petalonia and Scytosiphon. Green algae, especially Enteromorpha spp., were most common in early spring and autumn. Some of these abundance patterns were related to numbers and activity of grazers (Figs. 9 and 10). In the MNPS area, littorinid snails (especially Littorina littorea) are the most important grazers, most active in summer. The abundances of major components of local rocky shore communities, and therefore the structure and appearance of the communities themselves, vary over time and space. Variations are predictable, and explainable in terms of seasonality, degree of exposure, and life-history of the organisms. Except for the alteration noted at FE following the opening of the second quarry cut, changes to local rocky shore communities have been minor, indicating stable environmental conditions during 2-unit operation. This stability permits a characterization of each rocky shore station in terms of patterns of abundance of its major community components. A measure of this stability is illustrated in Figure 11. Each station/year combination is represented by the average annual percent cover of each species; Bray-Curtis similarity indices were calculated for each pair-wise comparison. When these comparisons are plotted by applying a clustering algorithm to the similarity matrix, the resultant dendrogram shows several levels of grouping. The first level of separation distinguishes between unimpacted (group I) and impacted (group II) collections. As previously described, the community that developed at FE in response to elevated water temperatures was more like that found in the effluent quarry than at other sampling sites. Detection of community alterations are evident from analyses of this type. 32 JAR SS> UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR S^ UAR SEP UAK SEP UAR 1 979 1980 1 98 1 1 982 1 983 1 S84 1 985 938 — Snails Reds Browns Greens JM FIB UAR XPR UAY Snails Reds JUL AUG SEP OCT - Browns — - Greens a) ' ephemeral algae c d grazers ,n zone 2 ^A /. , X_ JAR lEP UAR SEP U« :eP U*R rEP UAR :EP UAR rtP -AR ZET' -Ai ■, 979 ; 960 ■ 98 1 1 982 i SS^S ; 98+ 985 ?^ - b) ^"*-" ephemeral algoe and grazers ;n zone 2 [ 1 f-H f— -1 — i ' f- -AN FEB UAR APR UAY ^LJI T,«C 1 aigce end gra /•- •'"'_ -^ ' '.---- ^-v .'-. ■\' T II' v/V. r- N. r)^ X /^^ OAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SG* UAR SEP UAR SEP UW SEP UAR SEP UAr? FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0C7 NCTw DEC — Snail* ■ Reds Browns — ■-Greens SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR , SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR b) ephemeral algae and grcsers in zone Z -i , i . ! h -[ f ^AN FEB UAR APR Snails Red: Figure 9. Abundance of ephemeral algae and grazers in Zone 2 as percent cover: (a) from March 1979-IVIarch 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for GN, FS, FE, and BP. 33 A^_/v ^/^VJV- yMSEPUAHSEPlWRSEPUWSEPUHRSEPUARSEPUHRSEPliW 1979 1980 1981 198Z 1983 198* 1983 198S Snaito Rai' Browm Sreens I- FZB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DCC — Snail* R«ds Brown* Cr««n* OAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAfl SEP UAR SEP WH SEP UAR SE? UAi? 1979 1980 -.981 1982 1983 198* 1985 :9a6 b) «ph«m«fal algaa and grazers In zon« 2 -'K^.-- FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT — Snail* R«ds Brown* Greens "^^J \j 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1983 1986 Sndli R«d» Brown J Gr««n» SEPU*RSEPl«RSEPl«RSEPll*RSEPU«!SEPU*BS£PU*fi ,981 1982 1983 198« 1985 1 98S R«d» Brown* Gr««n» ■ Snails R«ii Figure 9. (cont.) Abundance of ephemera! algae and grazers in Zone 2 as percent cover: (a) from March 1979-March 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for WP, SS, SE, and MP. 34 b) ephefneroi algae and grazers in zone 3 1 ■ M A ^t\ ^_ .A^r^ /\_^ MR SSP UARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSQ^UARSEP UAR SEP UAR t>7B 1980 1981 1982 1982 1984 1 9BS 1986 Snoll» Red» Browns Greens -4-- .^. JAN FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AJJC SEP OCT ——Snails Reds Browns Greens a) ophemerol algae and grazers in zone 3 ,__.^-'^-[-^-l-.^__ SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR jHT UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR ,4^. Mi FEB lUR tFR UtX iUH JUL AUG SE? OCT NCW DEC Snails Reds Browns Greens ■ Snails Rods U»RSEPU*«5EPtt»RS£PlMBSEPUARSEPU»RSEPUWSEI"U*R UTS ISM 1981 1M2 1983 198* 1985 1988 Snails Reds b) ephemerol aJgoe and grazers in zone 3 i — { — I — . — -■ — I — • — I — ' — i- ^-^-^~~H-^^^. -^~~yf~'~~^- -Browns Greens JAN FIB lUfl APR lUY JUN JUL «US Snails Reds Browns SEP OCT NOV DEC - Gfeens Figure in. Abundance of ephemeral algae and grazers in Zone 3 as percent cover: (a) from March 1979-March 1986. and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for GN, FS, FE, and BP. 35 M_/VL- UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR epnemeral algaa and grazers in rone Z -f — -i — [ — p—r -4- -K^^^^l-^^. -4 FtB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT — Snails Rods Browns — ■-- Greens ral aigaa and grazers in zone 3 ,-^../\_..__,-._/V-_. ^^ .'V. —■^ /\_,—„-_A — ■-■ -^-^ ^■-, '-^, "- '^ ' .- ■ SSJ" li*H SEP UAR SEP Snoils ' Reos iE? UAR ic? UAR SEP UAR SEP UAS FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL — Snails Reds • 3ro SEP 0C7 NOV DEC Greens ,.A .., -!\^-^j '^-' / , y\ .-^^ lUKSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUARSEPUAR — [—^"""^^^^-S. ---_._ --f^-^- t-^, .i/N FEB UAR APR UAY JUN JUL ^G SEP OCT UOJ XC ^^ Snails Reds Browns Greens UAR SEP UAR SEP 1979 1980 Snails b) ephemeral algae and grazers in zone 3 I— +-^-^ .u__u-4- 'K.- JAN FEB UAR APR UAY JUN ML AUO SEP OCT NOV DEC Snails Reds Browns — --Greens Figure 10. (cont.) Abundance of ephemeral algae and grazers in Zone 3 as percent cover: (a) from March 1979-March 1986, and (b) monthly from 1979-1986, for WP, SS, SE, and MP. 36 !J0|IUJ;2 4USOJ9J 37 IJnimpacted stations may be separated on the basis of those with little Chondrus cover in Zone 3 ( < 25% on average; group lA) and those with greater Chondrus cover ( > 40%; group IB). These groupings may be further subdivided on the basis of Fucus cover; groups IA2 (FS) and IBl average 30-40% Fucus, groups lAl (SS) and IB2 average about 10%, and group IB3 (BP) with only a trace of Fucus. Further subdivisions are based on species complexes unique to each station, and consistent over time. The obvious pattern is for each station to resemble itself more than any other station. Fox Island-Exposed is the only station to show clear changes over time. Collections from FE separate into periods when Fucus was abundant (1979-81), when Fucus was less abundant (and collections were similar to those at Millstone Point, 1982-83), and the period when FE was thermally impacted (1984-85). In summary, local rocky intertidal communities, as represented in the undisturbed transects, have undergone drastic changes in the immediate vicinity of MNPS, little change elsewhere. Analyses of data collected during 2-unit operation show that community parameters vary within predictable limits, and that the ob.served patterns of distribution and abundance of intertidal organisms may be explained in terms of, e.g., seasonality, degree of exposure, intertidal height, inter- and intraspecific competition. Similar analyses, using data collected during 3-unit operation, coupled with analyses of individual community components, permit assessment of possible changes to nearby rocky shore communities, especially those that may be affected by the 3-Unit thermal plume. Recolonization Studies Transects Recolonization of denuded areas on local rocky shores is an on-going, naturally occurring process; grazing/predation, storms, senescence, ice/sand scour all clear areas of intertidal rock, and make space available for recolonization. Our recolonization experiments, therefore, allow isolation and identification of some factors that influence the structure of local rocky shore communities. .luvenile stages of recolonization organisms in the denuded transects could be more susceptible to power-plant effects than adults in established populations, and comparisons of rates and patterns of community recovery under the exclusion cages permit determination of the influence of grazing and predation on local intertidal community structure. 38 As shown in the previous section (Undisturbed Transects), the shore community is divided into three zones, each dominated by a specific biota: barnacles in the high intertidal, barnacles and fucoids in the mid intertidal, and Chondrus in the low intertidal. Because of different life history strategies, each com- ponent recovers at a different rate. Other factors that affect rates of recolonization include degree of exposure, season of denuding, and inter- and intraspecific competition (Keser and I^rson 1984). For example, the high intertidal is mostly barren rock, on which ephemeral cdgae, barnacles, and snails appear seasonally. Many of the ephemeral algae are opportunistic, and readily colonize (at least temporarily) available space. Mobile intertidal predators repopulate cleared substrata from nearby undisturbed areas as soon as food availability and weather conditions permit. Therefore, the high intertidal may appear 'recovered' immediately after denuding, and similar in appearance to Zone 1 of nearby undisturbed transects at the end of the first barnacle set. Percent cover values for all taxa found in the recolonization transect studies are presented in Appendix RS Ic. The mid intertidal of the local rocky shore community is dominated by a fucoid canopy over a barnacle understory (Figs. 6 and 7). Recovery of these components is illustrated by plotting their abundance (as percent cover) over time, compared with abundance in the undisturbed transects (controls). Figure 12 represents recolonization by barnacles in Zone 2 of the recolonization. transects. Following the spring 1979 denuding (made prior to the peak barnacle settlement period), barnacles settled heavily and, generally, within two months were at least as abundant in the recolonization strips as in the control areas. The exception was Giants Neck; at this station, most barnacles had already set at the time of denuding, and subsequent settlement was lighter than at other stations. These barnacles grew through summer, and by October 1979 barnacle coverage in the recolonization strips was as high as that in the controls. After the autumn 1981 denuding (after barnacle set), barnacles were rare or absent in recolonization strips at all stations until the following spring, after which their abundance paralleled that in the controls. The same seasonal patterns of abundance were seen, i.e., settlement in spring, growth into summer, then decline in cover in autumn and winter (cf. Undisturbed Transects section). At F'E, patterns of barnacle abundance after the opening of the second cut (specifically, complete elimination in September 1984 and September 1985) were related to thermal incursion, and are included as part of the community changes described and discussed in Appendix RS IV. Recovery of the Fucus population in Zone 2 of the recolonization strips, relative to that in the undisturbed transects (Fig. 13), was directly related to degree of exposure, hence the amount and duration 39 zone 2 I Balamis at WP j g denuding autumn denuding UAR SEP UM! SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP IMK SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAH 1973 1980 1981 1982 1983 J 9S4 1985 1986 UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATTON UAR SEP UAR SEP WAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR 1979 ...l.SSiL 1981 1382 _J.983 ..._1.9a4.. 1985 1986 • UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION £ « 111 UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1384 1985 1986 UNDISTURBED RECOLONIZATION zone 2 Balanus at FS spring denuding autumn denuding n M '' i/l I ''I \ r V "\/ 1 1 v\ vw M r i ^ >/ \ 1' ' \ A " 1 ' 1 h ; V 1 / ^ I 1 1 V 1 1 _' ■ UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION Figure 12. Abundance of Balanus at recolonization sites in Zone 2, from March 1979-March 1986. Vertical lines represent time of denuding. 40 zona 2 Fucus at WP rpring denuding UAR SEP VttR SEP UAR 3B> UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR 1979 1980 12gl 1932 1983 J 5.84 1935 1986 UNDISTURBlD — RECOLONiai ION UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP MAR SEP UAR SEP UAR 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1 985 1986 UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP MAP SEP UAR 1979 1980 laei 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION • UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION Figure 13. Abundance of Fucus at recolonization sites in Zone 2 from March 1979-March 1986. Vertical lines represent time of denuding. 41 of available moisture. Following spring denuding, Fucus recovered at FE (the most exposed recolonization station) in 8 months, at WP (2nd most exposed) in 14 months, at FS (2nd most sheltered) in 19 months, and at GN (the most sheltered) in 29 months. After autumn denuding, the time needed for Fucus abundance in the recolonization strips to approach that in the controls at FE, WP, FS, and GN were, respectively, 16, 24, .36, and 36 months. Delay was attributed to the requirement for surface heterogeneity to provide refuges from grazing; Littorina littorea prevent Fucus from establishing itself on smooth surfaces (Lubchenco 1983). The community of the mid intertidal recovers (in terms of Fucus canopy) in as little as S months (when denudation occurs prior to barnacle set, at an exposed station), or as long as 3 years (when denudation occurs after barnacle set, at a sheltered station). Recovery of the low intertidal (re-establishment of a Chondrus canopy) takes longer than recovery of high or mid intertidal areas (Fig. 14). Chondrus propagates vegetatively from a basal crust; if the upright axes are removed (e.g., by scraping or freezing) but the crust left intact, recovery of uprights may be rapid (MacFarlane 1956). If, however, the crust is removed (e.g., by our methods of scraping and burning), repopulation occur by settlement of spores. For Chondrus, repopulation initiated by spores is a slow- process. After both spring and autumn denudings, Chondrus at GN and WP reached a maximum of only 5% cover after 30 months. In fact, during each 30 month experiment, the highest abundance of Chondrus at any recolonization station was ca. 10% at FS after the autumn denuding. Recovery of a Chondrus population involves long-term survival of relatively slow growing individuals. This strategy is at the opposite end of a spectrum from that of ephemeral algae, that settle and grow quickly whenever conditions are favorable. It also implies that even short-term periodic exposure to lethal conditions will preclude re-establishment of Chondrus at FE. Even under favorable conditions, interspecific competition for space from Fucus vesiculosus may partially explain the slow recovery rate of Chondrus. Regardless of the time of year in which denuding occurred, Fucus was the first perennial macroalga to colonize the low intertidal, and usually developed into a dense canopy (Fig. 15). FoUowing experimental denudation of areas in dense Chondrus beds, Lubchenco (1980) reported that Fucus colonized and persisted for at least 3 years. Chondrus settled and grew under the Fucus canopy. Lubchenco predicted that when Fucus senesced (after its 3-5 year lifespan), Chondrus would remain and exclude further Fucus settlement. In other words, Fucus initially out-competes Chondrus, but eventually Chondrw; would dominate the low intertidal. Data from recolonization transects 42 I zone 3 IcTumd-ms crt WP spring aanuding V V ;\r- 100 90 zone 3 Chmidr\is 1 / 1 40 I 1 1 1 / I 30 ^ I \ \ \, 20 '\h i A^A aA ' aV 10 J w 1 ^ W ; V v^ ' V UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UMi SEP UAR SEP UAP SEP UAR SEP UAR 1979 1980 1981 1982 198J 1984 1985 1986 UNDISTURBED RECOLONIZATION Figure 15. Abundance o[ Fucus at recolonization sites in Zone 3, from March 1979-March 1986. Vertical lines represent time of denuding. 44 support this hypothesis; i.e., five years after denuding, Chondrus was established under the Fucus canopy in Zone 3 at FS, GN, and WP (Fig. 14). Barnacles also settle heavily in low intertidal areas (Fig. 16), more heavily under a Fucus canopy (recolonization strips) than under a Chondrus canopy (controls). However, predatory snails have a greater portion of the intertidal period to feed in the low intertidal, and barnacle mortality is higher than in Zone 2. Seasonal variability of barnacles is therefore more pronounced. Results from recolonization transect studies conducted under 2-unit operating conditions support the conclusions that: 1) different components of the community recover at different rates, 2) recovery is faster at exposed stations than at sheltered stations, 3) when present, grazing snails can maintain smooth rock surfaces free from algal coloniz.ation, and 4) they are prevented from doing so indefinitely because of surface heterogeneity provided by barnacles. Obviously, spatial and temporal distribution patterns of grazers and predators are important influences on the structure of local intertidal communities. We examine influences of grazing and predation on recolonization in the next section. Exclusion cages Results from four series of exclusion cage experiments supplement conclusions relating to the effect of .seasonality on rates and patterns of recolonization, and provide information on the effects of grazing and predation. Reduction of interspecific competition separates the physical and biological factors, that influence distribution of intertidal organisms. Thus, it is possible to demonstrate whether rates and patterns of recolonization at Fox Island-Exposed were directly influenced by proximity to the MNPS discharge. Fach series of experiments consisted of nine caged areas and nine control areas at each of four stations; the information is synthesized into a model of community development, outlining common sequences of events and alternate pathways. Complete percent cover data for each experimental area during each denuding are included in Appendix RS Id. General patterns of community development are illustrated in Figure 17. In each case, the vertical axis represents relative, not absolute, abundance; absolute values varied among and within stations and zones, but trends were similar. In general, values were higher at exposed stations than at sheltered, and higher in mid and low intertidal areas than in Zone 1 , also higher under the cages than in the control areas. 45 UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR SEP UAR 1979 1930 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 ....^vj<-.._j,« RECOLONIZATION zone 3 Balanus at GN spring danudinq | \ autumn denuding - UNDBTUR^ED^ RECOLONIZATION 100 rone 3 90 tialanus at l-L spring o.nuding outL-mn denuding ao o 70 60 50 ivi ■ 1 ^' S o 40 ■ ■! j 1 i i i n. 30 20 10 n i ii ;■! mi ■UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION •UNDISTURBED — RECOLONIZATION Figure 16. Abundance of Balanus at recolonization sites in Zone 3, from March 1979-March 1986. Vertical lines represent time of denuding. 46 a) Zone 1 JASONDJFUAUJ — aarnacles Ephemerals Fucus b) Zone 2 spring danudinq AUJJASONDJFUAUJ — Barnacles Ephemerals Fucus d) Zone 2 r denuding - opllon 2 JASONDJFUAUJJAS — Barnacles Ephemerals Fucus e) Zone 2 autumn denuding / / '"/Cr '"--^...^ ^ ONDJ. FUAUJ — Barnacles Ephemerals A s 0 N D - Fucus f) Zone 2 wintflr denuding ■JFUAUJJASONDJFU Barnacles Ephemerals Fucus JFUAUJJASONDJFU — Barnacles Ephemerals Mussels h) Zone 3 option 2 J.FUAU.IJASONDJFM — Barnacles Ephemerals Fucus Figure 17. Models of recolonizadon community development under exclusion cages: a)Zone I, b-Q difTerent options in Zone 2, and g-h) difTerent options in Zone 3. 47 As described in the previous section, the high intertidal (Zone 1) is mostly barren rock, with seasonal occurrences of barnacles and ephemeral algae. Herbivory contributes to the structure of high intertidal communities (Foertch and Keser 1981; Cubit 1984), but in general, physical factors are the controlling influence (Menge 1975). Thus, the ephemeral algal turf that appears in spring in Zone 1 cages and control areas is removed from control areas by grazing in early summer, and from caged areas by desiccation in late summer. Barnacle settlement and growth are higher under the cages than in controls, but similarly barnacles are usually lost from both areas with autumn desiccation. Degree of exposure had more effect on community structure than did protection from grazing and predation. Growth and survival of barnacles and ephemeral algae were higher at exposed stations (with more available moisture) than at sheltered stations. For example, maximum barnacle coverage in Zone 1 cages at an exposed station exceeds 90%; at a sheltered station less than 10% coverage. The seasonal cycles of settlement, growth, and mortality were independent of the time of year in which denuding occurred (Fig. 17a). In mid intertidal cages, initial stages of recolonization were dependent mostly on what reproductive units were in the water column when space was made available, i.e., barnacles in spring, Fucus in summer, ephemeral algae throughout the year (Fig. 17b-f). Unlike the recolonization transects, where a barnacle set was prerequisite for development of a Fucus canopy (crevices between barnacles provided refuge for Fucus germlings that were otherwise vulnerable to grazing), substrata denuded in summer was colonized quickly ( < 1 month) by Fucus, if grazers were excluded. Alternatively, exclusion of grazers retarded Fucus colonization, by permitting monopolization of sub- stratum by ephemeral algae. In such instances, opportunistic algae occupied available rock, and Fucus settlement was delayed until the following year. Both patterns are illustrated in the plot representing a summer denuding (Fig. 17c and d). In all Zone 2 denudings, it was apparent that exclusion of predators and grazers from mid intertidal areas had more effect on the rate of recolonization than on the ultimate structure of the recolonization community. Fach experiment ran for 15 months, but there was a clear indication that, had they continued, the caged communities would have resembled nearby "undisturbed" communities, i.e., a Fucus canopy over a barnacle understory. These findings support the conclusion that recovery from disturbance is deterministic, even if transition states are variable (Paine 1984). 48 Recolonization was different in Zone 3 (low intertidal). The recolonization community developed under the cages differently from the one that occurred when predators and grazers were not excluded. The most common sequence of events is illustrated in Fig. 1 7g. In Zone 3, Mylilus edulis set in early summer, even if barnacles already occupied available substrata. Mussels gradually out-competed barnacles (and all other organisms) for space, and by autumn, typically occupied 100% of the caged substratum. The mussels persisted as long as the cages remained in place. The cages were removed when crowding prevented further community development. Mussels were lost within 2-3 days, either washed away as a mass, or heavily preyed upon by Urosalpinx. Alternatively, recolonization in Zone 3 could resemble that seen in Zone 2, i.e., development of a Fucus canopy over a barnacle understory (Fig. 17h). These exclusion cage studies did not continue long enough to determine the ultimate development of the low intertidal community. However, recolonization transect studies discussed earlier show that re-establishment of a Chondrus population usually takes more than 3-5 years. Exceptions occur and stochastic processes cannot be ignored. In one instance (specifically, site 3 at White Point after the autumn denuding), Chondrus appeared in the cage area within 4 months, and within a year, exceeded 85% cover. By contrast, Chondrus settlement never exceeded 5% in any of the other experimental denudings. Obviously, recolonization is subject to natural variability. One important result of the exclusion cage studies is the conclusion that recolonization at Fox Island-Fxposed was not affected by proximity to the MNPS discharge; the patterns of development seen at FF were similar to those at other stations. The series of exclusion cage experiments was completed before the shore community was altered following the opening of the second quarry cut. These data will be particularly useful for assessing potential effects of 3-unit operation. The exclusion cage studies also show that grazers and predators exert their influence on local intertidal communities, especially in mid and low intertidal areas, by preventing monopolization of space by a single species (cf Menge 1975; Menge 1978). Grazers and predators help to maintain local communities in a state of dynamic equilibrium, a balance between recruitment and growth, and senescence and removal. This balance has persisted throughout the MNPS area during 2-unit operation. Where the community balance has been disturbed (i.e., at FE following the opening of the second quarry cut), the community responds to the changes as an entirety, and also in terms of its constituent species populations. 49 Ascophyllum nodosum Studies Growth Since 1979, the rocky intertidal monitoring program has included studies of Ascophyllum nodosum, a large perennial alga that is abundant in the low and mid intertidal areas locally, as well as throughout New England, the Canadian Maritimes, and Northern Europe. Ascophyllum has been studied extensively throughout its range, and its vegetative and reproductive phenology is well documented (David 1943; Printz 1959; Baardseth 1970a; Sundene 1973; Mathicson et al. 1976; Wilce et al. 1978). Ascophyllum growth rate has been shown to be sensitive to water temperature changes, especially increases to ambient temperature (Vadas et al. 1976, 1978; Stromgren 1977; Wilce et al. 1978; Keser and Foertch 1982). Because of the alga's response to water temperature change and its mode of linear growth, this alga is an important biomonitoring tool in the rocky intertidal program. Details of growth and mortality of local Ascophyllum are summari/xd below. From April 1979 through May 1983, Ascophyllum plants (tips) at Fox Island grew significantly longer than those at White Point or Giants Neck (Fig. 18a); data from the reference stations did not vary between themselves. In the year representative of this growth pattern, 1982-1983, Ascophyllum tips grew longer because of the 2-3 "C AT at FL under single quarry cut conditions (see Temperature Data section), showing a higher growth rate earlier in spring and an extended growing season in late autumn (Fig. 18b). Tlie increased tip length at FF resulted from faster growth from April to July. Growth rate during the remainder of the year was similar to growth rates at the control stations. Annual growth was similar to growth recorded for Ascophyllum populations throughout its geographical range (cf. Vadas et al. 1976, 1978; Stromgren 1977, 1983; Wilce et al. 1978; Keser and Foertch 1982). During the 1983-1984 growing season, FL water temperatures were 2-3 °C above ambient from April to luly, and average tip length was significantly longer at FI, than at the control sites (Fig. 19a). After August 1983 when the second quarry cut opened and only one unit was in operation, the water temperature at V'V, rose to 7-9 °C above ambient and plants were exposed to a maximum temperature of about 27 °C. Growth rate at FF decreased sharply from August to October when temperatures decreased (Fig. 19b); tissue damage and some deformed tips were observed. When both units were operating in spring 1984, elevated water temperatures (12-13 °C above ambient, ca. 20 °C at the end of April 1984) were within the 50 range of temperatures for optimal growth of Ascophyllum. Average tip length and growth rate were significantly greater at FL than at the control sites. When two units were operating, with discharge through two quarry cuts, as in the 1984-1985 growing season, water temperature averaged 12-13 °C warmer than at the control sites, resulting in high initial growth at FL in April-June (Fig. 20a). In July, temperatures exceeded 25 °C and growth rate at FL decreased sharply (Fig. 20b); in July some tagged plants had tiny bladders and many lateral proliferations. By August, water temperatures exceeded 28 °C and Ascophyllum plants died at FL. Ascophyllum at GN and WP had a predictable epiphyte flora and appeared healthy. Other researchers have related increased water temperatures to physiological stress. Chock and Mathieson (1979) found the maximum net photosynthesis for summer Ascophyllum nodosum plants to occur at temperatures between 18-21 °C with a "conspicuous decrease" beyond 24 °C. Thermal injury to Ascophyllum was determined between 30-35 °C (Kanwisher 1966), while enhancement at 22 °C, gradual demise at 26 "C, and complete thalJus destruction at temperatures above 30 °C was modelled by Vadas et al. (1978). A second Fox Island station was established in April 1985, following the loss of Ascophyllum at FL in 1984. This new station was located at the first available Ascophyllum population around Fox Island- Exposed, approximately 200 m from the discharges (Fig. 2); water temperature at FN was 0-2 °C warmer than at controls in spring 1985 (with only two units in operation). Ascophyllum growth at FN was higher than at the control sites from April to May, but for the remainder of the growth season neither average tip length nor growth rate differed significantly between FN and GN (Fig. 21). Temperature measurements made during periods when Unit 3 was testing its circulating water pumps in summer of 1985 (thereby increasing effluent volume) indicate that during 3-unit operation, FN will be exposed to water temperatures 2-3 °C above ambient. Thermal plume predictions indicate that WP may also be exposed to warmer water. Comparison of Ascophyllum growth under 3-unit operating conditions to data collected during 2-unit operation will permit assessment of the extent of the plume. Mortality Ascophyllum mortality, determined as thallus breakage, is a response to mechanical and environmental stress. Thallus breakage could occur above the base tag, either between the base tag and the colored tie 51 wL'Ncj E £ 2C c 2 - AFRS2 JUNfiZ AUGc2 00732 DECa2 FE3S3 AF?tS3 JUNe3 DATZ FL GN WP Figure 18. Ascophyllum gro\vth, 1982-1983: a) as average tip length, and b) as average monthly increments. Data are plotted as means i2 standard errors. 52 2 ICC JL•^^c- Au: CCTc3 n. AP==' JL'Mc-i WF E E 2C if '- c ^ ic- 2nd cut coenec 0-. : AFKZ2 JUNaZ AUG22 CCTSZ DEC23 FTE54 AFF.a4 JUNa4 DAIZ FT. g:j W Figure 19. Ascophyllum growth, 1983-1984: a) as average tip length, and b) as average monthly incremenL';. Data arc plotted as means ±2 standard errors. 5.1 175- 1£0- a) A-^ :44-+f AFHH- -UNc-; al'g; CCTH-i DECS-i FI5=5 APRS DA7Z GM WF JUNE; :o-' E £ 20 c IE S 51 -k--i r--T..I .A 4 / \ ^^-^T-1^ -F- >. APHS4 JUNa4 AUGa4 0CT84 DECa4 Ft=E5 AFRS5 JUNBS DATE Fl GN WP Figure 20. Ascophyllum growth, 1984-1985: a) as average tip length, and b) as average monthly increments. Data arc plotted as means ±2 standard errors. 54 0-- JL'N£; AL'GG; FN ccTcs decs; DATZ G.N WF FlEHo APR25 JUNcc zc-' V 10- b) V-^' APFvSS JUNS5 AUG35 OCToS DEC35 FEBE5 APRae JUNHB DATE FH GN WP Figure 21. Ascophyllwn growth, 1985-1986: a) as average tip length, and b) as average monthly increments. Data are plotted as means ±2 standard errors. 55 wrap used as a tip tag, or between the tip tag and the growing apex. To determine if the causes of mortality differed between stations, tip mortality was examined in two ways: as surviving tapes, and as surviving tapes with at least one viable apex (Figs. 22 and 23). Ix)ss of tip tags implies mechanical removal and immediate loss of plant material. Loss of viable apices and/or damage to the apical cell implies a potential loss of biomass due to lack of growth. Factors that contribute to Ascophyllum mortality include epiphytization (e.g., by Pofysiphonia lanosa, Ceramium ruhrum, Ec.tocarpus siliculosm) and grazing (especially by Littorina oblusata). Both of these processes increase the likelihood of breakage during storms. Thermal stress was evident only at Fl, < 1 month after the opening of the second quarry cut, and in the following year, tagged Ascophyllum plants were eliminated from FL by September 1984. Since 1979, Ascophyllum plant loss averaged ca. 60% and tip loss ca. 80% (NUSCo 1986). In general, there was much year-to-year variability in plant and tip mortality. Prior to the opening of the second quarry cut, mortality was never associated with proximity to the MNPS discharge. Maintenance of stable populations, despite high measures for loss of plant material, is an indication of both the high degree of productivity of Ascophyllum, and the importance of this plant in contributing to the detrital pool of the marine ecosystem. Similar conclusions, and similar rates of mortality have been reported by other researchers in New England (Vadas et al. 1976; Wilce et al. 1978). Ascophyllum is not expected to recolonize at FL, even though conditions may be favorable for most of each year. Since repopulation involves long-term survival of individuals (as discussed earlier for Chondrus), even short-term exposure to lethal water temperatures in summer prevents Ascophyllum recovery. The substratum previously occupied by Ascophyllum in this area will continue to be dominated by ephemeral algae. We must emphasize, however, the localized scale of this impact, i.e., less than 150 m of shoreline. Sampling of populations more distant to the discharge will continue to provide information to the rocky intcrtidal monitoring program. In particular, analyses of growth during ,3-unit operation permits determination of whether thermal effects may be seen over a larger area. 56 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Fox Island JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Figure 22. Ascnphyllum mortality, as number of surviving tagged plants. Means of monthly values from 1979 to 1986 are plotted with their ranges. 57 250- \^ 200' ^- ISO ^ 100 --^ 50 Giants Neck 1 ~" 250- ^ -^^ 200- Q- P y Q \ O ISO' \ ^ \ o \ a 2 Z 100 Fox Island ^^ __^ 50 __ ~^ JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR OCT NOV DEC ■ JAN FEB MAR APR Figure 23. Ascophyllum mortality, as number of surviving tagged tips. Means of monthly values from 1979 to 1986 are plotted with their ranges. 58 SUMMARY 1 . Water temperature is an important environmental parameter afTecting local rocky intertidal communities. At sampling stations exposed to ambient water temperatures, communities closely resemble those studied throughout New Bngland. The Millstone area flora has exhibited consistent patterns of spatial and temporal distribution during 2-unit operation. Since 1979, 158 species have been reported: 73 reds, 40 browns, and 45 greens. Quantitative studies show intertidal /.onation patterns typical of rocky shores throughout New England: the high intertidal was dominated by barnacles, the mid intertidal by barnacles and fucoids, and the low intertidal was dominated by Chondrus. Degree of exposure to waves and storms played a determining role in the structure of rocky intertidal communities, either directly by minimizing desiccation and providing nutrients, or indirectly by influencing the distribution of grazers and predators. Changes to local rocky shore communities have been minor (except for the alteration at FE after the second cut opening) and predictable, based on naturally occurring cycles, indicating that environmental conditions during 2-unit operation have been stable. 2. The intertidal community at Fox Island-Exposed was unimpacted by 2-unit operation, prior to the opening of the second quarry cut in August 1983. Subsequent qualitative and quantitative collections show exceptions to the typical spatial and temporal trends noted elsewhere (and evident at FE previously). Physiological limits of many species were exceeded at 28 "C in late summer 1984, resulting in a decrease in species number at FE. Perennials were replaced by opportunistic species (ephemerals); a decrease in browns with a concomitant increase in greens with extended temporal patterns was reported. The resulting community resembled that found in the discharge quarry. 3. Recolonization experiments were undertaken to isolate factors that influence the stnicture of local rocky intertidal communities. In the Millstone area, recolonization was influenced by time of year in which denuding occurred, and it was related to degrcx of exposure and intertidal height. For example, -ecolonizafion was rapid in the high intertidal of an exposed station and slow in the low intertidal of a sheltered station. 59 4. Results from exclusion cage studies support conclusions made earlier, i.e., Fox Island-Exposed was unimpactcd prior to the opening of the second quarry cut. Rates and patterns of recolonization, both with and without the influence of grazers and predators, were unafTccted by proximity to the discharge. 5. Ascnphyllum nodosum is an important biomonitoring tool in the rocky intertidal program because of its response to water temperature change and its mode of linear growth. Analyses of tip length have allowed us to distinguish between an impacted population exposed to water temperatures 2-3 "C above ambient and populations at two reference stations. Further, the response of the experimental Ascophyllum population, especially after the opening of the second cut, allows us to assess the effects of sublethal and lethal water temperatures. CONCLUSION Rocky intertidal studies performed during 2-unit operation show that local rocky shore communities are in a state of dynamic equilibrium; settlement, recruitment, and growth are balanced by senescence and removal (by both physical and biological interactions). Most of these processes are cyclic, and we have identified their temporal and spatial variability. 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Zool. 13:367-390. 66 3 T1S3 OnSflEll 5 Contents BENTHIC INFAUNA 1 INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3 Chronology of Previous Sampling Protocols 3 Current Sampling Practices 5 DATA ANALYSES 7 Statistical Modeling 7 Biological Index Value 10 Species Diversity 11 Numerical Classification and Cluster Analyses 11 INTERTIDAL RESULTS 12 Sedimentary Environment 12 General Community Composition 12 Community Dominance 15 Community Abundance 17 Numbers of Species 20 Species Diversity 20 Cluster Analysis 23 INTERTIDAL DISCUSSION 25 INTERTIDAL CONCLUSIONS 26 SUBTIDAL RESULTS 27 Sedimentary Environment 27 General Community Composition 29 Community Abundance 31 Numbers of Species 31 Dominance 36 Species Diversity 39 Cluster Analysis 40 SUBTIDAL DISCUSSION 41 SUBTIDAL CONCLUSIONS 43 REFERENCES CITED 44 APPENDICES 51 BENTHIC INFAUNA INTRODUCTION The benthic infauna are relatively small inconspicuous organisms that inhabit intertidal beach and subtidal bottom sediments. Infaunal communities are generally composed of worms (polychaetes and oligochaetes), clams and small crustaceans and collectively, they play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem productivity. For instance, many infaunal organisms are important prey species for demersal fishes (Woodin 1982; Moeller et al. 1985; Witman 1985; I,e Mao 1986) and thus form an important linlc tn energy transfer pathways in the food chain. Their contribution to primary production in marine environments, though less conspicuous, is of equal importance. Many studies have described the influence of infaunal feeding, burrowing and tube building activities on nutrient recycling (Goldhaber et al. 1977; Aller 1978; Hylleberg and Maurer 1980; Raine and Patching 1980). The importance of this recycling process was documented by Zeitzschel (1980), who estimated that 30-100% of the nutrients required by shallow-water phytoplankton are derived from the sediment; the activities of the benthos often enhance this nutrient release. Infaunal organisms are also useful environmental monitoring tools. These species are relatively sedentary and thus are often exposed to and cannot escape the anthropogenic stress. Further, the manner in which infaunal communities respond to stress is highly predictable (Boesch 1973; Reish 1973; Sanders et al. 1980; Boesch and Rosenberg 1982; Young and Young 1982; Rees 1984). For example, a physically stressed community is usually comprised of a few characteristically abundant species (e.g, Polydora ligni, Capitella spp. and Mediomastus ambisetd) which rapidly invade after disturbance or are capable of tolerating environmental stress (McCall 1977; Reish et al. 1980; Sanders et al. 1980). To evaluate impacts based on the abundance and species composition of infaunal communities assumes that the organization of natural, undisturbed communities can be established, and that the direction and extent of any natural trends can be identified (Nichols 1985). Many studies have shown that cold winters (Beukema 1979), storms (Boesch et al. 1976), or heavy rainfall (Jordan and Sutton 1985; Flint 1985) and changes in such biological factors as competition and predation (l^vinton and Stewart 1982; Woodin 1982; Moeller et al. 1985) can strongly influence the abundance and composition of infaunal communities. As a result, the structure of natural infaunal communities oscillates around an equilibrium point and the range can only be established through long-term studies (Holland 1985). The sampling of infaunal communities to identify environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) began in 1969, one year before start-up of Millstone Unit 1, has continued interrupted since that time. Environmental changes associated with construction and operation of MNPS include: bottom scour near the intake and discharge structures caused by water currents; chemical and heavy metal additions to the water; dredging near the intake and discharge structures and increased water temperatures due to cooling water discharge. To assess the degree of impact of these power plant induced changes on infaunal communities, the MNPS benthic monitoring program was designed to: (1). Describe infaunal community abundance and composition at subtidal and intertidal stations located within and beyond areas influenced by operation and construction of the MNPS, (2). Identify spatial and temporal patterns in community structure and establish the extent and direction of natural changes in these communities. (3). Evaluate whether any observed changes in infaunal communities were the result of construction and/or operation of MNPS and; if so, assess their ecological significance. Since 1975, the long-term infaunal program has centered on assessment of impacts that might occur during 2-unit operation. In recent years, additional short-term studies were implemented to provide data that will be used to assess nearfield impacts that result from Unit 3 start-up. These studies included an investigation of the infaunal community inhabiting the Millstone Discharge Quarry (Appendix BI-I) and a study of infaunal organisms inhabiting the area of the discharge cut (Appendix BI-II). The following report is intended to summarize results of the long-term sampling prior to the commercial operation of Unit 3 (April 1986) and is intended to establish a baseline for assessing impacts that might occur during 3-unit operation at the Millstone facility. MATERIALS AND METHODS Since the beginning of infaunal monitoring, numerous modifications in sampling procedures and laboratory techniques have been implemented to improve the quality of the data (Table 1). A chrono- logical description of program changes are provided below; however, details of these changes, including justification for, and the overall effect on the data, are provided as appendices to this report. Chronology of Previous Sampling Protocols Sampling of infaunal organisms began in 1969, with studies of intertidal habitats. These studies provided comparisons between population sizes of the gem clam. Gemma gemma, at a potentially impacted station (Jordan Cove) and a reference station (Giants Neck). This program also provided meiofaunal biomass estimates; however, organisms were not identified. Sampling methods used during these studies (May 1969 through March 1973) were developed to obtain abundance estimates of primarily one species, thus corrmiunity parameters that are currently used to assess environmental impacts can not be calculated. These data have been summarized elsewhere (Hillman et al. 1973) and will not be considered further in this report. In March 1973, the scope of the benthic infaunal program was expanded and reflected adoption of a "community" approach to assess environmental impacts rather than an "indicator species" approach. In addition, sampling of subtidal habitats began and an additional intertidal station was established. Since 1973, the "community" approach to evaluating power plant impacts has continued, although modifications in sample size, numbers of replicates, collection locations and schedules, preservation methods, and mesh size used to process samples have influenced the data. For instance, the practice of freezing samples, (from 1973 to June 1976), resulted in the loss of up to 75% of the organisms (NUSCo 1982). These data can not be quantitatively compared to subsequent data and will not be used in any future study of potential impacts of the Millstone facility. Infaunal data collected in June and September 1976 were analyzed to assess the adequacy of ten replicate cores in sampling infaunal communities at each station (Battelle 1977). Results identified the patchy distributions of infaunal organisms and concluded with a recommendation that increased replication 5 0, L S 3 S S U. might help integrate small scale patchiness and thus provide better estimates of density, species diversity and patterns in community composition. Following this report, a more intensive study examined the effects of sample size on the various parameters used to characterize infaunal communities (e.g., species area curves, indices of dispersion, species diversity, abundance, dominance patterns) (Battelle 197R). Results showed that larger cores (25-cm (i.d.) x 10-cm deep) were more effective than smaller cores (10-cm (id.) X 5-cm deep) in collecting less abundant species, although significant differences in density were evident for only three species. Based on this study, a recommendation for increasing the numbers of replicate cores from 10 to 15 was implemented in March 1979. In addition, samples were processed with a 0.7 mm and a 0.5 mm mesh sieve to provide a comparison of the numbers of individuals retained by each sieve. Because of the increased numbers of replicates, several sampling stations were eliminated and use the 10-cm core was adopted to allow sufficient time to process the additional samples. In 1981, data collected during the previous two years were analyzed to evaluate the effects of 15 vs 10 replicates (NlJSCo 1982). This study revealed that 10 cores were needed to collect 90% of the species found in 15 cores. Species composition was similar using both methods, overall estimated densities were not significantly different, and the estimates of community variance were not substantially lower based on 15 replicates. Based on this study, the replicate number was reduced to 10 cores per station/quarter. As might be anticipated, use of the smaller mesh sieve significantly increased both the numbers of individuals and species collected (NUSCo 1986). Current Sampling Practices From March 1979 to March 1986, infaunal communities were sampled at four subtidal and three intertidal stations (Fig. 1). The Giants Neck subtidal (GN-S) and intertidal (GN-1) stations are located 5.5 km west of the power plant and serve as reference stations. The Intake subtidal station (IN-S) is located 0. 1 km seaward of the Millstone Uriit 2 intake structure and the Fffluent subtidal station (EF-S) is approximately 0.1 km offshore and adjacent to the cooling water discharge into Long Island Sound. The FF-S station is located as close to the effluent as possible given the current produced by the discharge. Jordan Cove subtidal (JC-S) and intertidal (JC-I) stations are located 0.5 km east of the power plant and based on thermal plume mapping studies (and modeling of Unit ?>) (NUSCo 1983) are located in areas potentially influenced by the plant discharge during two and three-unit operation. The Figure 1 . Map of the Millstone Point area showing the location of intertidal and subtidal sand sampling stations. (CiNI, JCI and WPI = Giants Neck, Jordan Cove and White Point intertidal stations; GNS, FFS, JCS, INS = Giants Neck, RfTluent, Jordan Cove, and Fntake subtidal stations). White Point (WP-I) intertidal station is farther east of the power plant (1.6 km), but is still within an area potctilially influenced by plant discharge, particularly when all three units are operating. At each subtidal and intertidal station, ten 0.007R m cores (10 cm diameter x 5 cm deep) were collected quarterly (March, .lune, September and December). F'or reporting purposes, a sampling year begins in September and ends in .lune, and the year of the .lune sample assigned as the sampling year. Subtidal samples were taken within 3 m of each station marker by SCUBA divers. Each sample was placed in a 0.333 mm mesh Nitex bag and brought to the surface. Intertidal samples were collected at approximately 0.5 m intervals parallel to the water line at mean low water. Samples were brought to the laboratory and fixed with a 10% buffered formalin/rose bengal solution. After a minimum of 48 h, organisms were floated from the sediments onto a 0.5 mm mesh sieve and the float and residue were preserved separately in 70% ethyl alcohol. Organisms were removed under dissecting microscopes, sorted into major groups (annelids, arthropods, molluscs, and others), identified to the lowest possible taxon and counted. Taxa not quantatatively sampled by our methods, (e.g., nematodes, ostracods, copepods, and foraminifera) were not removed from samples. A 3.5-cm diameter x 5-cm deep core was taken at the time of infaunal sampling and sediment analysis performed using the dry sieving method (Folk 1974). His method of moments technique was used to calculate the arithmetic mean phi, which was then converted to mean grain size. DATA ANALYSES This report includes data that were collected from March 1979 through March 1986, the last sampling period prior to commercial operation of Millstone Unit 3. Quarterly results from this period arc presented either on Tables within the text or attached as Appendices. When analyses are based on annual means or annual totals, only data comprising an entire sampling year (e.g., the September, December, March and .Tune quarters) are used. In this report, data collected in March and June 1979, September and December 1985 and March 1986 were not used in analyses involving annual means because they do not constitute an entire sampling year. Statistical Modeling Multiple regression techniques were used to minimize natural sources of variation and thus improve the sensitivity of analyses designed to identify year to year differences in animal abundance and numbers of species. Data used were log-transformed quarterly mean densities (no. /core) and quarteriy mean numbers of species (no./core) collected from March 1979 through March 1986. As noted previously, natural temporal and spatial fluctuations in infaunal communities often reflect environmental changes due to climatic conditions or to life history cycles of the organisms comprising these communities. To remove this natural variation, the following were used as explanatory variables in our multiple regression models: A. Precipitation Daily precipitation records compiled by the U.S Weather Bureau at the Groton Filtration Plant were obtained from June 1976 through March 1986. Values to the nearest 0.01 inch were used as our "rain" data for the regression model. B. Water and Air Temperature Ambient water temperatures (at the Millstone Intake Structures) and air temperatures (at the 33-foot level of Millstone meterological tower) were extracted from the Northeast Utilities Environmental Data Acquisition Network (EDAN). Daily averages, based on observations made at 15-minute intervals, were calculated for the period June 1976 to March 1986. C. Wind Speed and Direction Wind speed and direction (at the 33-foot level of the Millstone meterological tower) were extracted from the EDAN database at 15-minute intervals from June 1976 to March 1986. These values were used to calculate a Wind Index which weighted wind speed according to wind direction. A NOAA navigational chart of the sampling area was used to calculate site-specific wind direction weights according to the particular wind direction responsible for potential wave-induced sediment disturbances at each sampling station. The directional weight ranged from 0, when wind would not influence the station, to 1, when the wind could result in waves directly affecting the area. The Wind Index was then computed by multiplying the directional weight times the wind speed. Because the effect of wind was assumed to be cumulative, daily averages were derived using only Wind Index values greater than 0 (i.e., wind direction and speed during the 15-minute periods when such wind-induced effects could have occurred). D. Sedimentary Parameters Sedimentary parameters (e.g., mean grain size and silt/clay content) were obtained as part of the monitoring studies and the quarterly values for each used as explanatory variables in the regression analyses. E. Climatic Extremes (Deviations) Additional variables were created to represent periods of extreme climatic conditions which have occurred during the sampling period. High or low deviations were derived for each abiotic factor as the difference between the quarterly mean or daily value and the ten year mean for that quarter. Deviations based on quarterly means were intended to examine the effects of longer term extremes (i.e., an unusually cold winter), while those based on daily values were intended to remove the effects of shorter-term episodic events (i.e., storms). Daily deviations were averaged and summed (for cumulative effects) over each sampling quarter. F. Seasonal Reproduction-Recruitment Component Many infaunal organisms in the Millstone area exhibit annual peaks in abundance, which often reflect the seasonal nature of annual reproduction and recruitment cycles or periods of favorable climatic. Spectral analyses of quarterly data showed that annual cycles in community abundance and numbers of species were present. To account for this periodicity, harmonic terms having a period of 1 year were included as explanatory variables in the regression models. In ail, .12 abiotic variables were available for the analyses (28 climatic variables, 2 sedimentary charateristics and 2 seasonal harmonic components). Model Selection Procedure Lx)ng-term trends in the quarterly mean values were first detrended using a polynomial regression equation. If no significant long-term trend was evident, residuals were created by subtracting the quarterly mean from the six-year mean. A stepwise multiple regression on these residuals was then used to select relevant abiotic variables and combinations of variables that were significant at a probability level of a < 0.1 5. This probability was deemed sufficient to guard against fitting more parameters than can be reliably estimated, given the sample size. The model that minimized the mean square error and maximized the R-square was selected as best describing observed variablity in abundance and numbers of species. Analyses of covariance were then conducted to test for annual differences in abundance and species using significant explanatory variables as covariates. Results of these analyses and pair-wise t-tests on adjusted means (least square means) were used to identify significant (a < 0.05) long-term and annual differences species abundance and number. Although some abiotic factors were not independent of each other, all variables were initially included in the stepwise regression analyses, because our objective was to identify and remove the natural temporal variability and thus improve our ability to detect power plant related changes. Future analyses of data collected during 3-unit operation will be directed to identifying the extent and effect of individual abiotic factors in structuring local infaunal communities. Biological Index Value The Biological Index Value (BIV) of McCloskey (1970), an index of dominance, calculated using annual totals of the 10 most abundant taxa at each station collected from 1980-1985. Species were ranked according to their total abundance in each sampling year and the ranks summed for all years. To calculate the BIV, the sum for each taxon was expressed as a percentage of a theoretical maximum sum that would occur if a species ranked first in all sampling years. For example, the BIV would be equal to 100"''o and the theoretical maximum equal to 60 when a species ranks first in abundance in each of six years and a total of 10 species are collected. 10 Species Diversity Species diversity for each station was calculated using the Shannon information index: where n i = number of individuals of the i species, N = total number of individuals for all species and S = number of species. An evenness component of diversity was calculated as: ./ = ^^ {Pielou 1977) "max where II max ='"8 S and represents the theoretical maximum diversity when all species are equally abundant. Evenness ranges from zero to one and increases as the numbers of individuals among species become more evenly distributed. Diversity calculations excluded oligochaetes and rhynchocoels (groups that sometimes accounted for over 80% of the totals organisms collected) because they were not identified to species. Similarly, other organisms that could not be identified to species, either because they were juveniles or in poor physical condition, were excluded from this analysis. Numerical Classification and Cluster Analyses Cluster analyses, based on annual abundances of organisms were performed using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient. This coefficient is calculated as: li^tj + ^ik) Sji^ = -%; {Clifford and Stevenson 1975) where X |j = abundance of attribute i at entity j and X jk = abundance of attribute i at entity k. Based on these similarities, cluster analyses incorporating a flexible sorting strategy (B = -0.25) was used to form station groups (lance and Williams 1967). INTERTIDAL RESULTS Sedimentary Environment The JC station is a semi -protected, southeasterly facing beach that is seasonally exposed to waves produced by southeast winds (primarily during fall and winter storms). The sediment at this station is composed of medium to very coarse sands; mean grain size since March 1979 ranged from 0.3 - 1.3 mm (I'ig. 2). These sediments generally contain only 1-3% silt/clay and large amounts of eelgrass {Zoslera marina) and algae often cover the beach. The beaches at GN and WP face southerly and are exposed to the prevalent south to southwesterly winds which occur in the Millstone area. Wave scour produces clean, sandy beaches composed of medium sand which ranged from 0.3 to 0.8 mm in sb,e since 1980; silt/clay content at these stations has been consistently low (< 1%). During the monitoring period, temporal fluctuations in sediment grain size and the percentage of silt/clay have been characteristic of the JC station and possibly reflect the more seasonal nature of erosion and accretion cycles. In contrast to JC, sedimentary characteristics of the GN and WP beaches have exhibited temporal stability, both seasonally and annually and is probably due to more uniform exposure to wave induced scour. General Community Composition I'he 720 samples collected at the three intertidal beaches during the baseline period yielded 135 taxa and 69,448 individuals. Since 1980, communities have been dominated by polychaetes and oligochaetes, which frequently accounted for over 75% of the total number of individuals collected annually (Table 2). The JC community was dominated by the oligochaetes, which accounted for 40-86% of the individuals collected in each of the last six years. At GN and WP, polychaetes were generally most abundant and oligochaetes accounted for less than 40% of the individuals. At these stations, rhynchocoels were often an abundant component of the community. In terms of species number, polychaetes were most numerous and, although arthropod and mollusc species were present at JC and GN, these groups accounted for less than 5% of the total individuals collected. 12 STATION- GIANTS NECK Grain Size (-•-•-•) Silt/Clay (-+-+-+) MAR79 MARaO MARS1 MARB2 MARS:! UARa4 UARSS MARae STATION: JORDAN COVE Brain Sizo (-.-.-«) , Silt/Clay (-+-+-+) ■3 i< MAR79 MARBO MARai UAR82 MARa3 MARa4 UARas UARB6 STATION: WHITE POINT Grain Size (-.->-•) Silt/Cloy (-+-+-+) hlAR79 UARSO MARai MAR82 MARa3 MARa4 MARS5 MAR86 Figure 2. Quarterly mean grain size (mm) and silt/clay content (%) of sediments sampled at Millstone intertidal stations from March 1979 - March 1986. 13 ^ I ^ ^O I — o o -^ -< vD m o o -H I o m I o vD -^ CNj o ! — • -^ I CO 0^ CT^ m ^ 00 CO I r-t m I vo m On — ' 00 — ' a. o E < Pi o I CO I -^ ) ^O (N I o ni in -^ -^ O vO — O O r-. CM O — . O ^ ^ r^ '-' CO 4-1 &. o i: < Di 00 -^ r-H -^ ON s£. I ^O r-. I \0 r^ <3- •-* a\ rv 14 Quarterly numbers of species, total numbers of individuals and relative abundances from September 1979 to March 1986, for each major taxon collected at intertidal stations are presented in Appendix I. Highest abundances of polychaetes and oligochaetes generally occurred in September or June. Molluscs and arthropods, more common in the JC community, have also been most abundant in either September or June. Rhynchocoels, an important component of the GN and WP communities, were generally most abundant in colder months (December and March). In the three 1986, sampling periods (September/ December 1985 and March 1986), there were temporal shifts in general community composition evident at all intertidal stations. For instance, polychaete species number at WP and GN stations was lower than all previous observations in the September collections. The total number of individuals at WP in September was lower than most previous observations. The GN and WP stations also had relatively low total numbers of individuals in December and March collections, lower numbers of polychaete species and total numbers of species in the December collections. Although the three JC sample periods were similar to most previous sampling periods, the total number of individuals in December was sightly lower. The JC 1986 March collection was among the highest for total numbers of species and individuals recorded for that period. Community Dominance Since 1980, intertidal communities have been numerically dominated by species of polychaetes, oligochaetes and rhynchocoels, and during this period, only one one arthropod {Gammarus lawrencianm) and one mollusc {Gemma gemma) species have accounted for more than 5% of the total individuals collected (Table 3). Only Scolecolepides viridis, Polydora ligni, and oligochaetes were among the dominants at all stations. At GN and WP, 9 of 10 numerical dominants were the same over the baseline period. In contrast, six of the top ten most abundant taxa at JC were dominants at only this station. Sandy beach communities in the Millstone Point area were typically comprised of a few taxa that occurred in high densities over all sampling years, along with less abundant forms that exhibited temporal variations over the monitoring period. This was particularly true at JC, where oligochaetes accounted for over 60% of all individuals in 5 of the past 6 years and was the most abundant taxon in each of the last six sampling years (BIV= 100%). Scolecolepides viridis and Hediste dtversicolor were the orily 15 Percent contribution and Biological Index Value (BIV) 'of the ten most numerically abundant taxa at Millstone intertldal stations in each year, September 1970 - June 1985. Giants Neck Rhynchocoela llaploscoloplos f ragils Scolecolepides viridis Paraonis f ulgens Oligochaeta Capttella spp. Hedlste diversicolor Polydora ligni Mtcrophthalmus sczelkowii Tharyx acutus Gammarus lawrencianus Streptosyllis arenae Neohaustorius biarticulatus Haustorius canadensis Pygospio elegans Lepldonotus squamatus Polydora socialis 32 15 20 19 6 1 <1 2 <1 1 <1 0 0 1 <1 0 0 22 26 18 13 4 11 5 <1 1 <1 <1 0 <1 <1 <1 0 0 10 10 21 40 6 4 2 1 <1 <1 1 I <1 0 1 0 12 23 11 9 37 9 6 <1 0 <1 1 <1 0 <1 <1 0 0 0 7 12 28 4 30 8 <1 4 <1 0 <1 1 <1 0 <1 1 0 19 19 5 2 40 9 2 1 1 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 0 0 0 90.2 89.2 85.3 84.3 83.3 75.5 53.9 52.9 47.1 36.8 35.8 32.9 32.8 31.9 27.9 20.6 19.6 Jordan Cove Oligochaeta 87 64 70 81 40 86 100.0 Scolecolepides viridis 8 6 13 10 32 4 94.4 Hedlste diversicolor 2 20 I 1 21 4 88.1 Polydora ligni • <1 1 <1 3 2 1 77.4 Capitella spp. 1 2 1 2 1 2 77.0 Gemma gemma 1 5 <1 <1 1 <1 68.3 Gammarus lawrencianus <1 <1 14 1 <1 <1 65.1 Rhynchocoela <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 60.7 Gammarus mucronatus <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 53.2 Streblospio benedict! <1 <1 <1 1 <1 <1 52.4 Microphthalmus sczelkowii <1 <1 <1 <1 0 <1 44.0 Lacuna vincta <1 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 41.3 Pvgospio elegans <1 0 0 5 <1 <1 40.9 Nereis succinea 0 <1 <1 0 0 <1 38.9 Leptocheirus pinguis 0 0 <1 1 <1 <1 35.3 Eteone longa <1 0 0 0 0 0 34.9 Crepidula plana <1 0 <1 0 <1 <1 31.3 Edotea triloba 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 31.0 Phoxocephalus holbolli 0 0 <1 0 <1 0 22.2 Potarailla reniformis 0 0 0 0 0 <1 21.8 White Point Rliynchocoela llaploscoloplos f ragilis Paraonis f L-lgens Oligochaeta Streptosyllis arenae Capitella spp. Scolecolepides viridis Parapionosyllis longicirrata Exogone hebes Polydora ligni Pygospio elegans Hedlste diversicolor Aricidea catherinae Mytilus edulis 39 34 13 40 39 19 95.6 21 21 15 31 23 11 92.1 8 12 34 7 15 26 89.5 4 12 26 12 16 31 88.2 4 4 6 7 1 3 77.2 9 2 <1 <1 <1 4 66.7 4 7 <1 <1 <1 1 60.5 <1 1 1 2 <1 <1 53.1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 46.1 4 2 0 0 <1 1 45.6 0 2 <1 80%) and consistently accounted for over 5% of individuals during the period. And although Capitella spp., Polydora ligni, and Gemma gemma have consistently ranked among the dominants, they usually were found in low densities relative to other the top three taxa. At GN and WP, rhynchocoels, Paraonis fulgens, and H aploscoloplos fragilis were dominant, con- tributing over 10 percent of the total individuals and having BIV's over 80% indicating their consistent abundance over years. In addition to the above taxa, Scolecolepides viridis was a consistent dominant at GN and Slreptosyllis arenae at WP. Community Abundance Quarterly mean abundance (no. /core) of intertidal communities along with predicted values from multiple regression models are given in Figure 3. From March 1979 to March 1986 infaunal abundance (the exponential of values in Figure 3) ranged from 4 to 95 at GN; 18 to 840 at .IC; and from 2 to 143 at WP. Overall, the .IC community included more organisms, than GN and WP which were of similar magnitude. On a seasonal basis, intertidal organisms were generally more abundant during warmer sampling periods (June and September) than during colder ones (March or December). However, no consistent trend was common to all stations. Multiple regression models removed 59%, 20% and 60% of the variability in abundance at GN, .IC and WP, respectively. Plots of annual means after adjusting for this natural variation are presented in Figure 4. The analysis of variance, based on adjusted annual abundances revealed that no significant long-term trends in abundance have occurred at any intertidal station between 1980 and 1985. Pairwise comparisons, based on t-tests, indicated that the annual mean abundance at .IC^ during 1982 was significantly lower than those observed in 1983 and 1985. At GN, the 1984 value was significantly higher than those of 1981 or 1983. At WP, annual density in 1983 was significantly lower than those found 1981 or 1982; 1985 density was also significantly lower than 1982; 17 station: GIANTS NECK INTERTIDAL R ^ = 0.59 Station: jORDAN COVE INTERTIDAL R ^ = 0.20 Figure 3. Quarterly mean numbers of individuals per core and multiple regression predictions for Millstone intertidal infaunal communities sampled from March 1979 - March 1986. Figure 4. Annual mean abundance per core with two standard errors for intertidal infaunal communities sampled from September 1979 - June 1985. (Annual means were adjusted using analysis of covariance which included abiotic and climatic conditions as covariales.) .g Numbers of Species Quarterly mean numbers of species (no. /core) from March 1979 - March 1986 ranged from 1 to 10 at GN; 3 to 13 at JC; and < 1 to 9 at WP"(Fig. 5). As with overall community abundance, the number of species was highest at JC, while at GN and WP numbers of species were similar. The seasonal trend in the numbers of intertidal species was similar to that of density, being higher in September and .June than in March or December. Abiotic variables used in the multiple regression models accounted for 60% (GN), 63% (.IC) and 62% (WP) of the total variation in species numbers. After removing this variation, no long-term trends in species numbers were evident at any station since 1980. Plots of annual adjusted mean numbers of species illustrated the stability of this community parameter during the monitoring period (Fig. 6). In addition, t-tests of adjusted annual means identified significant interannual differences between the 1982 and 1984 values at JC; all other pairwise comparisons between years were not significant. Species Diversity Annual mean species diversity (H') over the study period ranged from 1.2 to 2.3, and evenness (J) from 0.4 to 0.7 (Table 4.). The mean numbers of species and individuals included in diversity calculations ranged from 6 to 17 and 97 to 580, respectively. On an annual basis, no consistent spatial or temporal shifts in H' have occurred over the monitoring period. Other parameters (S, J, N), reflected spatial differences in the structure of intertidal communities. For example, at GN and WP both the numbers of species and individuals was generally lower than at JC. Quarteriy values of species diversity from September 1979 to March 1986 for intertidal stations are presented in Appendix II. Highest values of H', S and J commonly occurred in September at all stations. For the three sample periods in 1986, H', S and J attained historical low values in the GN September and December collections. At JC, H' and J were low in December relative to previous values of these indices. Given the temporal variation of diversity parameters at WP, the values in the 1986 collections were considered similar to previous years. 20 station: GIANTS NECK IHTERTiDAL R ^ = 0.60 MARSO MARB1 UARS3 MAR84 MARS5 MARSS 14 Station: jQRDAN COVE INTERTIDAL R= = 0.63 • 12 • • 10 A A A o o a z\ / \ / \ / \ ft / \ a. 6 1 / ^ 12 o a. m 4 / \. / • Vy I j \.l f \i 2 2 0 a • \j W UARS2 MAR83 MARa4 MARSS UARSO UARS UARS2 MARS3 MARSS MAR86 Figure 5. Quarlcrly mean numbers of species per core and multiple regression predictions for Millstone intertidal infaunal communities sampled from March 1979 - March 1986. 21 10 STATION: JORDAN COVE 8 ,' ..-- o 6 \ ""i '' Il- \ /•' l/I D- '•, ,.-'' , 2 1982 1983 1984 1985 10 STATION: WHITE POINT 8 cr o 6 a: Q- - 10 "--, o 4 Q- " 2- Figure 6. Annual mean number of species per core with two standard errors for intertidai infaunal communities sampled from September 1979 - June 1985. (Annual means were adjusted using analysis of covariance which included abiotic and climatic conditions as covariatcs.) 22 Table 4. Annual mean species diversity CH' ) , evenness (J), species number (S), total individual (+ 1 standard error) collected at Millstone incertldal stations from September 1979 - June 1985. Giant Neck 1.9+0.3 1.7+0.2 1.5+0.4 1.3+0.2 2.2+0.5 1.7+0.4 0.7+0.1 0.6+0.1 0.4+0.1 0.5+0.1 0.6+0.1 0.5+0.1 9 + 3 10+1 13 ±1 ^±1 13 + 3 9 + 2 322 + 202 202 + 73 368 + 61 162 + 87 220 + 112 149 + 54 Jordan Cove 1.5+0.5 1.7+0.5 1.6+0.5 1.7+0.5 1.5+0.4 2.3+0.1 0.4+0.1 0.4+0.1 0.5+0.2 0.4+0.1 0.5+0.1 0.5+0.1 12 + 2 15 + 5 9 + 2 17 + 4 12 + 4 21 + 3 267 + 127 421 + 160 309 + 230 558 + 162 581 + 249 580 + 237 White Point 2.2+0.1 2.1+0.2 1.2+0.2 1.5+0.1 1.4+0.2 1.7+0.4 0.6+0.1 0.7+0.1 0.4+0.1 0.6+0.1 0.4*+ 0.1 0.5+0.1 12+2 1113 10+2 ' ± 2 10+1 11+2 193 + 53 275 + 101 337 + 148 97 + 39 181 + 63 182 + 58 Cluster Analysis Cluster analysis, based on annual species counts since 1980 produced two major station-time groups tliat reflected differenres between community structure at .!(" and those found at GN and WP (Pig. 7). 23 0 - 10 - 20 - N- .10 - rr i 40 - 2 in 50 - 1- X 60 - tc UJ CL 70 - 80 - 90 - ^ % cj^ % c^ % ~~~^-...^ / ^> \^ /' \ /* ^--» ,/ T:^-'' / •d. ^^ / [ "-> \ \ \ < V \ \ UJ i <; ? \ ? > \ z «:_ V ° \ ^ /■ \ ""■-. •^ _^ "/■ /^ \ i ) \ o > ^-^ 5 y ^\, Q CC ~5 ^ / \ o C/1 ^::''^ V f«:) AVlO/illS (nn) 3ZIS Nivao (>:) AVIO/niS (Hr<) 3ZIS Nivys < \ / \ ♦•'^ \ > / / \ 1 \ z \ \ u. \ ' 1 ,....- . y > <^ < ^ J. > ( ^■■' ^ LLl i / z < < > Z o i (^ .-- \ W Avia/iiis (ni^) 3ZIS Nivyo (=!) A>no/iiis (rtn) 3ZIS HNna 28 at this station. Silt/clay content at EF has also become more variable following construction activities in the area of the Unit 3 discharge cut. General Community Composition The 960 samples collected from the four subtidal stations from September 1979 - .June 1985 yielded a total of 359 taxa and 193,956 individuals. On an annual basis, polychaetes and oligochaetes were the most abundant organisms and collectively represented 77 to 91%, 88 to 92% and '58 to 96% of the individuals at BF, GN and JC, respectively (Table 5). At IN, these groups were also abundant (23 to 82%), although arthropods were generally more abundant than oligochaetes. Arthropods usually ac- counted for less than 10% of the individuals found at other stations. Molluscs and rhynchocoels were common at FF, but generally represented less than 10% of the total organisms collected. Polychaetes frequently accounted for over half of all species collected (Table 5). On an annual basis, the number of polychaete species collected typically ranged from 60 to 75 at all but IN, where totals generally ranged between 40 and 50 species. Arthropods were the second most numerous species group at all stations (20 to 40 species) followed by molluscs (15 to 3p per year/station). Quarterly total numbers of individuals and relative abundance for each major taxa collected at subtidal stations from September 1979 to March 1986 are presented in Appendix III. Polychaete species number and abundances were generally highest in either September or June. Although molluscs and arthropods contributed substantially to the subtidal communities, there were no consistent seasonal trends evidenced by these groups. In comparison to previous years, some changes in species composition were evident during 1986. Higher numbers of arthropod species were recorded in September and December samples at CjN and .IC than in previous years. At these stations, total species number in September collections was also high when compared to previous years. At IN, the numbers of species in 1986 continued to increase. This trend began in 1985 after construction activities (in 1984) eliminated most of the species in this area. In contrast, the numbers of species and individuals of all the major taxa at E'/F were generally lower in 1986 than in the previous two years. 29 -3- a: I o is? o r < S - H o H M Q, o s: ■ . -< O u J- o o . o a: < K - H 30 Community Abundance Mean quarterly abundance (no. /core) of subtidal communities from March 1979 - March 1986 ranged from 60 to 393 at EF, 107 to 360 at GN, 9 to 303 at IN and 106 to 633 at JC, (values are exponentials of those presented in Fig. 9). At EF, GN and .?C, abundance was generally highest in June or September with declines evident during colder months of December and March. This seasonal pattern was evident at IN until June 1984 after which peaks in density occurred in September and December. Regression analysis using abiotic factors as explanatory variables (i.e., covariates) removed 46%, 48%, 55% and 57% of the temporal variation in community abundance at EF, GN, IN, and JC, respectively. After removing abiotic sources of variation, no significant long-term increases or decreases in annual mean abundance (for 1980 - 1985 only) were evident. In fact, overall abundance at all stations was relatively stable over the sampling period (Fig. 10). Inter-annual differences did occur; however, and paired-t tests of adjusted annual mean revealed significant a < 0.05 differences at all stations. Except at IN, these differences were generally due to the very high abundances that occurred in past years. For example, the high density at JC in 1984, was significantly different from 1981 to 1983 and 1985. Similarly, the high 1984 density at EF was significantly different from all previous years. In contrast, the low density at IN in 1984 was significantly different from every other year except 1981. I^wer density during 1981, at GN also resulted in significant differences with 1980 and 1984. In addition, the low 1983 density was significantly different from densities in 1980, 1982, 1984 and 1985. Numbers of Species The mean quarterly species numbers (no. /core) at subtidal stations ranged from 5-23 at IN, 19-40 at J(^ 12-40 at GN and 13-46 at EF (Fig. 11). Species numbers were highest at EF and lowest at IN. Seasonal patterns generally followed those of density (higher in June or September at F^F, GN and .IC and December at IN). Multiple regressions of species numbers accounted for 75% (EF), 63% (JC), 61% (GN) and 47% (IN) of the temporal variation observed since 1980. At EF the model included a significant increasing trend which persisted after removal of quantifiable sources of variation (Fig. 12). Results of paired t-tests showed that significant inter-annual differences occurred at all stations and were frequently in years in 31 (l+x Boi) 3^03 a3d AilSN3a NV3^^ (l+X 6oi) JUOO a3d AllSN3a NV3n (L+X Boi) 3^03 y3d AIISN3a NV3W (l + X Bo-|) 3yoO a3d AilSN3a HVin M (i+xooi) 3yoD y3d sivnaiAiaNi (i+xooi) 3yoo ysd sivnaiAiONi -r i 1 \ o UJ o ■4-' z o / < s (i+xsoi) 3aoo y3d sivnaiAiaNi (1+X301) 3id03 y3d SivnaiAiaNi 3yO0 y3d S3l03dS NV3W 3^03 y3d S3ID3dS NV3M -E 2 C i 3yoa y3d S3i03ds nv3W 3yOO y3d S3l33dS NV3W 34 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, / o o / 5 o >' ' z o I C s moo y3d S3l33dS 3aOD y3d S3l03dS \ \ \ T'"' i ' — > — ' Z i t ' \ ' IJ z o s \ \ \ \ / / / / z E2 z < \ o / z ! o 1 E fc < < 3y03 y3d S3l03dS 3y03 y3d S3l33dS 35 which very low numbers of species were collected. The annual mean at IN in 1984 was significantly lower than in 1^80 and 1982. At JC, the mean number of species in 1982 was significantly lower than those in 1980, 1981, 1984 and 1985, and the low mean values obtained in 1981 and 1983, were lower than 1984 and 1985. Only at EF did this pattern differ; 1984 and 1985 values were significantly higher than all previous years. Dominance Since 1980, a composite list of all taxa present among the ten numerically abundant forms in any samplng year, included 18, 19, 21 and 24 taxa at GN, JC, EF and IN, respectively (Table 6). Among these, eight taxa were dominant at all stations: Thary>x ac.utus, oligochaetes, Aricidea catherlnae, Capitella spp., Gammarus lawrencianus, Prionospio steestrupi, Leptocheims pinguis and Mediomastus amhiseta. Over all stations and years, oligochaetes (as a group) were the most consistently dominant taxon, accounting for 17 to 51% (EF), 1.3 to 31% (GN), 4 to 19% (IN) and 21 to 61% (.IC) of the total individuals collected and thus had the highest BIV's (93.1-99.1%). Aricidea catherinae was also consis- tently found among the dominants at GN, IN and .IC, where it ranked second in terms of the six-year BIV and generally accounted for over 10% of all the individuals collected. Other taxa among the more consistently abundant forms (i.e., BIV > 80%) were Polycirms eximius and Protodorvillea gaspeensis at EF, Tharyx spp. at GN and Tharyx acutus at JC. Of all communities, that of IN was the most spatially dissimilar; 29% of the taxa included among the ten dominants collected over the last six years, were amphipods. In addition, species type was highly variable and only oligochaetes had a BIV > 80%. Many other dominant taxa at this station exhibited strong temporal fluctuations in abundance. For example, the relative abundance of Tellina agilis ranged from 1-15%, Mediomastus amhiseta from 1-20%, Ampelisca verrilli from < 1-24% and Polydora ligni from 0-19%. No other sampling station has exhibited this degree of variability. 36 Table 6. Percent contribution and Biological Index Value (BIV) of the ten numerically most abundant taxa at Millstone subtidal stations in each year, September 1979 - June 1985. Effluent Oligochaeta Polycirrus eximius Protodorvillea gaspeensis Aricidea catherinae Tharyx acutus Tellina agilis Rhynchocoela Tharyx spp. Exogone he be 3 Eumidia sanguinea Capitella spp. Mediomastus ambiseta Polydora caulleryi Lumbrineris tenuis Caulleriella spp. Pagurus acadianus Leptocheirus pinusuis Ampelisca verrilli Microphthalmus aberrans Prionospio steenstrupi Gammarus laurencianus 17 31 47 51 24 39 98.4 17 7 6 6 32 8 92.9 1 7 2 3 81.7 12 1 2 1 69.4 34 1 21 2 1 4 65.5 65.1 1 2 2 59.5 <1 1 4 57.9 1 1 I 54.4 1 1 3 1 <1 1 1 53.2 47.2 <1 9 <1 <1 5 46.0 <1 <1 <1 1 43.7 <1 <1 <1 2 41.3 <1 <1 1 38.9 0 > *= */ *o '*y \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */ *o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Figure 13. Dendrogram resulting from classification of annual infaunal collections at Millstone subtidal stations from September 1979 - June 1985. SUBTIDAL DISCUSSION I'he subtidal benthic monitoring program characterized infaunal communities inhabiting three areas potentially impacted by power plant operations (IN, F.F and JC) and an unimpacted reference area (GN). J'emporal and spatial changes in species abundance and overall community composition were evident at IN and F,F and appear related to power plant to construction and related dredging. Differences also occurred at GN and JC, but given the limited area influenced by two-unit operations, changes are probably reflecting natural events. The following section is intended to summarize the spatial and temporal changes observed over the monitoring period and assess whether these changes were related to power plant operation. During the baseline period, infaunal community abundance and species composition at IN reflected the unique nature of this station and exhibited impacts associated with construction and dredging activities which have occurred in the area. Prior to construction, a variety of amphipods were present at this tidally scoured station and infaunal communities were more typical of those found in offshore areas 41 where bottom currents are higher (Biembaum 1979). After construction, the infaunal community responded to bottom disturbances in a highly predictable manner. As in other areas subjected to disturbance, (i.e., dredging) the initial decrease in species numbers and abundance was followed by the rapid invasion of opportunistic species (e.g., Polydora ligni, Capitella Mediomastm amhisela), (Grasste and Grassle 1974; McCall 1977; Swartz et al. 1980; Flint and Younk 1983; Nichols 1985). Following these species, ampeliscid amphipods, more traditionally found at the IN station, settled and became very abundant. These species can stabilize the sediment surface (Dlumer et al. 1970; Sanders et al. 1972) and thus allow recolonization and recruitment of other species to the area. Power plant related impacts at EF, even during the period immediately following construction activities, were less dramatic than those at IN. Levels of silt/clay were only slightly elevated and apparently enhanced colonization of species that rely on fine material as a food source. In 1985, densities of deposit feeding species such as oligochaetes, T/iary-^ spp., Tellina agilis, Lumbrineris tenuis and Polyc.lmis eximius remained higher than most previous years (except 1984). Although these species were present at this station in the past, their relative abundances were much lower before construction. The FF community also exhibited a significant increase in the average number of species. Although relatively high numbers of species have been collected at this station, the most dramatic increase occurred after construction. This increase probably reflected the influx of deposit-feeding species, which utilized the higher silt/clay content found after construction began. However, since the opening of the second discharge cut, silt/cIay content decreased and the numbers of amphipod and mollusc species increased in the three quarters during the 1986 sampling period. Despite these changes, the structure of the FF community has exhibited a higher degree of year-to-year similarity than that at IN. Generally, the GN and JC communities have been more similar to each other in terms of species composition, abundance and diversity. Species comprising these communities and their abundances are more similar to other studies of near-shore areas (e.g., Watling 1975) than those of IN. During the baseline period, an area-wide increase and decline was seen in the abundance of Mediamaslus amhiseta at GN and JC. This species was the most abundant organism at both stations during 1984, and accounted for 25% (GN) and 43% (JC) of the total organisms collected. In 1985, the relative abundance of Mediomaslus amhiseta declined to 7% and 12% at GN and JC, respectively (lower densities of this taxon were also evident at EF and IN in 1985). The decreased abundance of Mediomastus amhiseta at 42 JC and GN was accompanied by increases in more traditionally dominant members of these communities (e.g., Lumbrineris tenuis, Aricidea catherinae, Polycirrus eximius) Temporal shifts in community composition and abundance have occurred throughout the study at all subtidal stations. This variation often reflects the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors (CouU 1985; Holland 1985; Nichols 1985) and temporal shifts in numbers of species, abundance, diversity and species composition are characteristic of shallow-water benthic communities (Green 1969; Eagle 1975; McCall 1977; Watling 1975; Holland and Mountford 1977; Rachor and Gerlach 1978; Loi and Wilson 1979). Even though subtidal abundances in the 1986, were lower than in recent years, regression models, which included natural abiotic factors as variables, accounted for the lower values; thus the observed differences were not due to plant operation. Shifts in infaunal species abundance probably reflected variations in recruitment success and mortality, processes which are frequently linked to predation and changes in the local physical and chemical environments (Nichols 1985; Gallagher et al. 1983). The short-term rearrangements in the ranking of a few of the dominant species apparently reflect the effect of these natural phenomena (Watling 1975; Flint and Younk 198.3; Nichols and Thompson 1985). SUBTIDAL CONCLUSIONS The Millstone subtidal benthic monitoring program detected some power plant related impacts at stations in the immediate vicinity of the discharge (EE) and intake (IN) structures. Observed changes occurred prior to 1985, and were attributed to Unit 3 construction activities and not to operation of Millstone Units 1 and 2. Recent observation of community parameters at IN indicate the area is recovering from the disturbance. The opening of the second discharge cut may have caused recent changes in sedimentary and community parameters observed at EE. The widespread nature of infaunal community changes at GN and JC suggest a response to naturally occurring events and are not related to operation or construction of the Millstone facility. Data obtained during this study period will enable us to distinguish any future impacts due to 3-unit operation of the Millstone facility from those that occur naturally. 43 REFERENCES CITED AUer, R.C. 1978. nxperimental studies of changes produced by deposit feeders on pore water, sediment, and overlying water chemistry. Am. J. Sci. 278:1185-1234. Battelle, 1977. Benthic Program Evaluation. 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Giants Neck 1980 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca ArChropoda Rhynchocoela Totals 1981 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals 1982 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela Totals 1983 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals 1984 Polychaeta 13 34 1 52 Ollgochaeta - 295 45 Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals 17 661 5 96 18 186 9 577 1985 Polychaeta 13 227 65 6 248 68 4 25 22 7 113 Ollgochaeta - 49 14 - 8 2 - 40 36 - 529 Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe TOTALS 1986 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela Totals 5i Polychaeta OUgochaeca HoUusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoeli Totals 1981 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoel: 359 2447 2416 3256 214 1191 597 3307 26 2 5 185 34 948 70 324 60 379 28 2 8 1 1982 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 3 479 17 - 1868 65 Totals 1983 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 932 527 423 2340 477 6 7197 94 Totals 1984 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 1081 63 605 35 1110 2000 206 2306 715 8 7955 91 Totals 1986 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals 233 1344 440 27 1210 73 52 Appendix I Ccont.) White Point 16 370 89 1981 Polychaeta OUgochaet Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 599 67 158 19 10 362 47 Totals 1982 Polychaeta OUgochaet Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 295 61 175 36 802 451 Totals 1984 Polychaeta OUgochaet Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals 1985 373 123 Polychaeta OUgochaeta Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela 264 424 Totals 1986 Polychaeta OUgochaet MoUusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals 53 Appendix II. Quarterly species diversity (H'), evenness (J) and number of species (S) for each Millstone intertidal station sampled from September 1979 March 1986. Giants Neck Jordan Cove White Point 1980 Sept. 79 2.30 18 0.55 2.64 18 0.63 2.00 16 0.50 Dec. 79 2.42 6 0.94 1.65 7 0.59 2.37 12 0.66 Mar. 80 1.95 6 0.75 1.58 H 0.46 1.93 9 0.61 June 80 1.07 6 0.41 0.30 10 0.09 2.55 11 0.74 1981 Sept. 80 1.56 12 0.44 2.78 28 0.58 2.45 16 0.61 Dec. 80 1.63 9 0.51 2.25 17 0.55 1.22 7 0.44 Mar. 81 2.35 6 0.91 0.62 8 0.21 1.92 4 0.96 June 81 1.30 12 0.36 1.26 8 0.42 2.44 14 0.64 1982 Sept. 81 2.49 13 0.67 2.63 12 0.73 1.22 8 0.37 Dec. 81 0.83 14 0.22 2.06 8 0.69 1.64 9 0.52 Mar. 82 0.88 10 0.27 0.17 3 0.11 0.65 6 0.25 June 82 1.77 16 0.44 1.43 14 0.37 1.33 15 0.34 1983 Sept. 82 1.62 6 0.63 2.62 26 0.56 Dec. 82 1.12 6 0.43 2.59 21 0.59 Mar. 83 1.55 6 0.60 0.94 8 0.31 June 83 0.98 7 0.35 0.58 13 0.16 1984 1.58 9 0.50 1.32 10 0.40 1.52 3 0.96 1.44 7 0,51 Sept. 83 2.22 18 0.53 1.55 21 0.35 0.85 9 0.27 Dec. 83 2.11 5 0.91 2.54 17 0.62 1.53 9 0.48 Mar. 84 3.45 18 0.83 1.04 3 0.66 1.90 8 0.63 June 84 0.97 9 0.31 0.75 8 0.25 1.45 14 0.38 1985 Sept. 84 2.43 12 0.68 2.32 22 0.52 2.71 16 0.68 Dec. 84 0.76 9 0.24 2.12 20 0.49 1.68 10 0.51 Mar. 85 1.30 5 0.56 2.15 12 0.60 1.70 6 0.66 June 85 2.20 11 0.64 2.54 29 0.52 0.85 13 0.23 1986 Sept. 85 0.21 3 0.13 2.27 23 0.50 1.49 8 0.50 Dec. 85 0.39 3 0.25 1.21 13 0.33 1.75 4 0.88 Mar. 86 3.32 10 0,98 1.76 12 0.49 1.03 5 0.44 54 Appendix III. Quarterly number of species (S) , number of Individuals (N) and relative percent of the total (7.) for each major taxon collected at Millstone subtidal stations from September 1979 to March 1986. 1980 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollueca Arthropoda Elhynchocoela 41 1438 81 1531 393 2166 132 1847 844 106 Totals 1981 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 2126 1186 227 839 58 437 30 724 234 1012 738 202 380 Totals 1982 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoel 523 756 411 623 951 609 49 2398 635 Totals 1983 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela 639 854 489 33 35 841 49 53 1217 55 862 59 - 703 41 - 762 34 1573 636 173 232 1784 994 248 2007 72 54 2470 62 462 17 - 852 21 201 7 15 293 112 4 21 264 11 <1 - 117 1985 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela Totals 1260 39 42 1086 1288 40 - 1127 267 8 21 275 312 10 18 185 123 3 - 27 978 50 57 1235 33 647 33 - 1434 38 160 8 16 232 6 143 7 28 772 21 13 <1 - 82 2 941 101 3755 1986 Polychaeta Ollgochaet Hollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 626 867 149 234 776 43 910 61 1401 262 Totals 55 Appendix III (cone.) 1980 Polychaeta 44 2978 Ollgochaeta - 1237 MoUusca 12 lU Arthropoda 12 74 Rhynchocoela - 12 381 2203 1320 37 40 2131 60 1132 2240 Totals 68 4415 Polychaeta 46 2280 Ollgochaeta - 2114 Mollusca 26 232 Arthropoda 17 150 Rhynchocoela - 29 663 437 110 673 208 113 1982 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela 969 1127 264 18 25 1171 78 463 30 37 1030 67 Totals 1983 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela 1504 50 27 114 8 33 1670 1269 42 - 1211 85 - 856 1407 1285 Totals 1984 Polychaeta OUgochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 3382 920 204 1010 139 2962 624 4587 1323 289 Totals L985 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta MoUusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela Totals 1986 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela Totals 3628 831 334 2081 1490 395 261 15 36 1057 1328 77 - 732 105 6 19 156 19 1 7 12 1447 1192 155 463 32 20 840 57 69 5 12 56 Appendix III. (cont.) 1980 Polychaeta ii3 2046 Ollgochaeta - 5i2 Holluaca 9 52 Arthropoda U 113 Rhynchocoela - 6 1998 957 2166 491 1847 768 Totals 63 2759 Polychaeta 49 2059 Ollgochaeta - 698 Molluaca 14 187 Arthropoda 22 210 Rhynchocoela - 12 459 433 724 443 1020 624 Totals 85 3166 Polychaeta 41 2738 Ollgochaeta - 597 HolluBca 16 168 Arthropoda 24 162 Rhynchocoela - 12 1415 649 951 508 2398 321 Polychaeta 40 1368 Ollgochaeta - 384 Molluaca 6 15 Arthropoda 18 200 Rhynchocoela - 6 906 232 841 221 1217 125 Polychaeta 52 2794 Ollgochaeta - 491 MoUusca 19 133 Arthropoda 25 304 Rhynchocoela - 11 2256 472 2007 283 2470 282 155 55 Polychaeta 44 1691 Ollgochaeta - 505 Molluaca 7 140 Arthropoda 20 179 Rhynchocoela ~ 33 Totals 71 2548 1986 Polychaeta 46 2113 Ollgochaeta - 545 Molluaca 20 154 Arthropoda 25 470 Rhynchocoela ~ 11 1607 615 978 396 114 2139 657 105 285 31 1085 426 1401 524 57 Appendix III. Cc 1980. Polychaeta 35 368 64 23 381 76 17 113 52 20 468 Ollgochaeta - 81 14 - 66 13 - 46 21 - 123 Mollusca 8 46 8 9 28 6 7 28 13 9 69 Arthropoda 12 75 13 11 22 4 11 31 14 16 68 Rhynchocoela - 5 1 - 3 1 - 1 <1 - 5 1981 Polychaeta Ollgochaeta Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoela 1982 Polychaeta 25 463 73 21 254 Ollgochaeta - 68 11 - 153 Molluaca U 46 7 8 24 Arthropoda 19 58 9 14 124 Rhynchocoela - 2 <1 - 4 Totals 55 637 43 559 Polychaeta Oligochaet Mollusca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe 1984 Polychaeta Oligochaet Molluaca Arthropoda Rhynchocoe Totals Polychaeta 26 210 Ollgochaeta - 17 Mollusca 12 158 Arthropoda 17 544 Rhynchocoela " 15 159 1447 Polychaeta 23 585 Ollgochaeta - 45 Mollusca 12 331 Arthropoda 19 429 Rhynchocoela - 6 201 2354 58 Appendix IV. Quartierly species diversity (H'), evenness (J) and number of species (S) for each Millstone subtidal station sampled from September 1979 - March 1986 Effluent Giants Neck Intake Jordan Cove H' S J H" S J H' <-, H' S J 1980 Sept. 79 Dec. 79 Mar. 80 June 80 3.09 79 0.49 2.29 51 0.40 2.49 60 0.42 2.29 61 0.48 3.40 66 0.56 3.82 78 0.61 3.30 68 0.54 3.72 61 0.63 4. ,42 54 0.77 3.03 67 0.50 3. .77 43 0.69 3.75 62 0.63 4, ,19 34 0.82 3.58 66 0.59 4, .02 43 0.73 4.14 67 0.68 1981 Sept. 30 Dec. 80 Mar. 81 June 81 3.48 97 0.53 3.45 38 0.66 4.00 53 0.70 4.72 76 0.75 3.95 84 0.62 3.46 41 0.55 3.19 42 0.59 3.97 60 0.67 3.79 50 0.67 3.68 25 0.79 3.50 28 0.73 4,14 46 0.75 4.02 90 0.62 2.64 46 0.48 3.68 61 0.62 4.41 68 0.72 1982 Sept. 81 Dec. 81 Mar. 82 June 82 3.86 53 0.67 4.31 45 0.78 4.54 67 0.75 4.39 85 0.76 3.19 82 0.50 3.46 71 0.56 3.54 51 0.62 3.23 71 0.53 3. ,56 55 0.62 2. ,87 49 0.51 4, .11 43 0.76 2, .51 36 0.48 3. ,92 39 0.74 2. ,57 32 0.51 4, .11 44 0.75 4, .11 58 0.70 1983 Sept. 82 4.29 64 0.72 3.51 65 0.58 Dec. 82 4.73 71 0.77 3.35 47 0.60 Mar. 83 4.39 67 0.72 3.10 41 0.58 June 83 4.84 97 0.73 3.43 57 0.59 3.43 38 0.65 3.04 36 0.59 3.24 29 0.67 3.96 43 0.73 3.33 65 0.55 2.85 51 0.50 2.64 45 0.48 3.20 57 0.55 Sept .S3 3.42 78 0.54 3.95 96 0.36 3.79 20 C.88 Dec. 83 3.87 92 0.59 3.03 61 0.28 3.18 25 0.69 Mar. 84 3.26 74 0.52 3.26 64 0.34 3.09 21 0.70 June 84 3.92 90 0.60 3.85 70 0.30 3.45 53 0.60 2.92 77 0.47 2.10 53 0.37 2.37 50 0.42 3.01 89 0.46 Sept. 84 4.51 87 0.70 4. ,25 84 0.66 4.16 56 0.72 Dec. 84 4.61 84 0.72 4, .00 78 0.64 3.15 54 0.55 Mar. 85 4.75 75 0.76 4, .15 72 0.67 3.54 44 0.65 June 85 5.15 100 0.77 4, .21 93 0.64 4.44 51 0.78 3.63 96 0.55 3.65 55 0.63 3.82 61 0.64 4.29 77 0.68 Sept .85 4.66 70 0.76 3.93 92 0.60 3.45 54 0.60 3.75 94 0.57 Dec. 85 3.92 70 0.64 3.31 73 0.62 2.04 46 0.37 3.46 66 0.57 Mar. 86 4.41 50 0.78 3.99 83 0.63 3.94 43 0.73 3.40 46 0.62 59 Contents LOBSTER POPULATION DYNAMICS I INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6 Abundance and Catch Per Unit Effort 6 Population Characteristics 12 Size Frequencies 12 Sex Ratios 15 Reproductive Activities 16 Molting and Growth 19 Claw Loss 25 Tagging Program 26 Movement 27 Entrainment 30 Impingement 33 SUMMARY 35 CONCLUSION 36 REFERENCES CITED 37 LOBSTER POPULATION DYNAMICS INTRODUCTION The American lobster, Homarua americaniis, is the most valuable commercially harvested species in I^ng Island Sound (I.,IS). Annual landings since 1977 have ranged between 600,000 and 2,000,000 pounds with a value ranging between 1.3 and 6.2 million dollars. The landings for New London county, which include Millstone Point, were between 28% and 45% of the total LIS catch from 1977 to 1985 (Blake and Smith 1984; CT DEP personal communications). Fxploitation rates in LIS are high and over 90% of marketable lobsters are newly recruited from the sublegal size class (Smith 1977; Keser et al. 1983). Therefore the strength of the legal catch is highly dependent on the number of lobsters in the prerecruit size class (one molt from legal size). The lobster monitoring program at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) was designed to assess the impacts of plant operations by evaluating year-to-year, seasonal, and between station changes in selected population characteristics such as catch per unit effort, size frequencies, growth rates, sex ratios, female size at sexual maturity, characteristics of egg-bearing females and lobster movements. L,obster larvae enfrainment studies are also conducted to assess impacts on the larval stage of lobsters. The results of all these studies arc often compared to other studies conducted throughout the range of the American lobster. Potential effects of MNPS operations on the lobster population are impingement of lobsters on the intake traveling screens, entrainment of larvae through the cooling water systems, and thermal effects of the discharge. These power plant impacts may reduce survival of lobster larvae and juveniles or alter the behavior of adults which may result in a decline in the local inshore fishery. The purpose of this report is to summarize the results of the lobster population studies conducted during 2-unit operation from 1975 to 1985. These results will be compared to data collected under 3-unit operating conditions to assess the possible impacts on the local lobster population associated with MNPS operations. MATERIALS AND METHODS The collection of information on the abundance of lobsters in the Millstone area began in February 1969, when the numbers of legal, short, and berried lobsters were recorded using catch records from a local commercial lobsterman (Table 1). Table 1. Summary of lobster population sampling methodology from 1969 to 1985. Year Sample Period Sample Method Sample Stations 1969 June-Dec Commercial Catch Records Millstone, Spindle Area, Seaside, White Rock, Bartlett Reef a 1970-73 Feb, May, July Commercial Catch Records Seaside, Fox Island, Sept, Dec SCUBA Surveys Bartlett Reef Battel le Pots (6 wood/Station) 1973 Oct Monthly Surveys of Artificial Effluent, Intake, Twotree, and Natural Habitats (SCUBA) Giants Neck, Bay Point Battel le Pots (80 wood) Effluent, Jordan Cove, Twotree, Intake NUSCo Pots (60 wood) Jordan Cove, Intake, Twotree NUSCo Pots (30 wood and 30 wire) " " NUSCo Pots (60 wl re) " a Single Pots set out for 1 week and checked daily. b Pots hauled three times per week, weather permitting, from 1975 through 1985. During the period 1970-73 lobster pot sampling was conducted daily for one week in February, May, ■July, September and December. Six wood pots were set for a week around Fox Island (at the fringe of the Unit I plume) and, as controls, six were set around Seaside Point (1.5 miles from the plant); in May 1973 the Bartlett's Reef station was added. These pots were checked daily during the week that the Rocky Shore surveys took place. In addition to the pot sampling, several SCUBA surveys were made annually to assess the abundance of lobsters in these areas. During the summer of 1973, artificial habitats consisting of an array of 36 concrete blocks (16 x 24 X 10 in), with three burrows each, were installed to provide additional habitat at four sites: outside of the quarry-cut, in .lordan Cove, near the intake structures, and adjacent to Bartlett's Reef. Four natural 197U Apr-Dec 1975 Jan-Oec 1975 Sept -Dec 1976-77 Jan-Dec 1978 Jan-Aug 1978 Aug -Dec 1979-80 May -Oct 1981-85 May -Oct lobster areas were chosen for observation in conjunction with the artificial habitats: located south of the discharge, between Twotree Island and Bartlett's Reef, near Bay Point, and south of Giants Neck. Each artificial habitat and natural area was inspected monthly using SCUBA. These areas were monitored through December 1975, when artificial habitat monitoring was replaced by a more intense tagging program using pots to collect lobsters. Beginning in September 1975, pot trawls consisting of five double entry wood pots (3-5 cm lath spacings) strung along a 50-75 m line bouyed at both ends were used to collect lobsters. Four pot trawls were placed at Jordan Cove, Intake, Effluent and Twotree Island (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Location of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) and the three lobster sampling stations (•). Pots were checked three times each week, rebaited with flounder carcasses and reset in the same area. Ix)bsters > 55 mm carapace length (CL) were banded to restrain chelipeds, brought to the lab, and kept in a tank supplied with a continuous flow of seawater. On Fridays, lobsters caught that week were examined and the following data recorded: sex, presence of eggs (berried), carapace length (CI.), crusher claw position, missing claws and molt stage (Aiken 1973). Lobsters were then tagged with a serially numbered international orange sphyrion tag (Scarratt and Elson 1965; Scarratt 1970), and released at the site of capture. Recaptured tagged lobsters, severely injured or newly molted (soft) lobsters and those < 55 mm CL were not taken to the lab but returned to the water immediately after recording the above data. Sampling at the effluent station was discontinued in 1978, due to the difficulty in hauling and keeping pots set properly in that area as strong currents and large boulders resulted in snagged trawls and lost pots. From 1975 through 1978 sampling was conducted from January to December and from 1979 through 1985 during the months of highest catch: May through October. Starting in 1979, surface and bottom water temperatures were recorded at each station. . To obtain more information on small lobsters, wire pots (2.5 cm ) were added to the sampling design in August 1978. Half of the wood pots at each station were replaced with wire pots which were able to keep many of the small lobsters that were able to escape between the lath spaces of wood pots. Quantifying the abundance and population characteristics of these smaller individuals is important since they constitute the majority of prerecruits whose abundance largely determines the size of the legal catch. To further increase catch, all wood pots were replaced by wire pots in 1982 after completing a study (discussed under "Results and Discussion") to compare the performance of the two pot types. In 1981, we began collecting additional data to determine the size at which females first become sexually mature. The maximum outside width of the second abdominal segment of all females was measured, to the nearest millimeter. Female size at sexual maturity was estimated by calculating the ratio of the abdominal width to the carapace length and plotting that ratio against the carapace length (Skud and Perkins 1969; Krouse 1973). beginning in 1982, pots were numbered individually to determine the variability in catch among pots. This information would provide more accurate values for catch-per-pot than an average catch-per-pot based on the 20 pots of each sampling location. In addition to recording the number of lobsters caught in each pot, we began counting the number of other organisms caught in pots to examine the influence of competing species on lobster catch. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was adjusted by covariance analysis for the effect of soaktime (number of days between pothauls) and the catch of competing species that significantly affected CPUE. The size of the local lobster population was estimated during 1976-84 using the method of Jolly (1965) as modified by Seber (1965)(NUSCo 1984, 1985). This multiple census method uses tag and recapture data to estimate the size of the entire population at various points in time. Due to the low accuracy of the Jolly-Seber population estimates relative to the annual CPUE values, the use of .lolly-Seber estimates was discontinued in 1985 (see Appendix to NUSCo 1986). The annual CPUE (lobsters caught per pot) is a reliable index of relative population abundance, is interpreted more readily than a composite estimate, and has a reliable and well known estimate of variance. Methods for the collection of lobsters on the intake traveling screens are described in the Fish Ecology section of this report under Methods and Materials- Impingement. Initially, lobster larvae were enumerated from entrainment samples as part of the ichthyoplankton (IP) monitoring program (see Fish Ecology); however, the methods were not designed for sampling lobster larvae. larger volumes of water must be sampled to adequately quantify lobster larvae density because of their patchy distribution in the water column. Beginning in 1984 a special lobster larvae entrainment study was initiated to provide better estimates of the number of lobster larvae entrained through the plant's cooling water systems. Lobster larvae sampling was conducted during the period of their occurrence (May through July) at Units 1 and 2 discharges. Samples were collected with a 1.0 x 6.0 m conical plankton net of 1.0 mm mesh deployed using a gcintry system described previously (NUSCo 1978). Sample volumes were averaged from those calculated from the readings of four General Oceanic flowmeters. Four day and four night samples were collected weekly (1 day, 1 night on each of 4 days). Each sample was placed in a large 1.0 mm mesh sieve and kept in tanks supplied with a continuous flow of seawater. Samples were sorted shortly after collection in a white enamel pan and larvae were examined for movement and classified as either alive or dead. Ix)bster larvae were also classified by stage according to the criteria established by Ilerrick (1911) and stored in 70% ethyl alcohol. Since some of the catch and population data collected prior to 1979 were incomplete, they do not provide long term continuity. Therefore, in some of the following Results and Discussion sections, only the data which provided a comparable continuum were used to describe the lobster population under 2-unit operating conditions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Abundance and Catch Per Unit Effort Annual catch statistics for lobsters caught in pots from 1976 to 1985 are presented in Table 2. A total of 51,717 lobsters was caught in 40,910 pothauls. Annual total catch per unit effort (CPUE) ranged from 0.56 to 2.10 lobsters per trap. The lower CPUE values for 1976-77 correspond to data collected with wood pots which allow smaU lobsters to escape between the 3-5 cm lath spacings. Table 2. Catch statistics for lobsters caught in pots ' from May through October (1976-85). Total Number Number Pots Total Percent Caught Tagged Recaptured Hauled CPUE Recaptured 1976 1691 1503 188 3043 0.56 12.5 1977 1947 1773 168 3350 0.58 9.5 1978 3578 2768 521 4232 0.85 18.8 1979 5037 3732 722 4086 r.23 19.4 1980 4268 3634 522 4182 1.02 14,4 1981 5110 4246 704 4375 1.17 16.6 1982 9109 7575 1278 4340 2.10 16.9 1983 6376 5160 936 4285 1.49 18.1 1984 7587 5992 1431 4550 1.67 23.9 1985 7014 5609 1235 4467 1.57 22.2 1976-1985 51717 41992 7705 40910 1.26 18.4 60 wood pots used from 1976-77; 30 wood and 30 wire pots used from 1978-81; 60 wire pots used from 1982-85. Wood and wire pots used during a 3 1/2 yr gear-comparison study provided the basis for using all wire pots in our lobster studies beginning in 1982. Monthly total and legal CPUE for wood and wire pots are presented in Table 3. The CPUE data are proportions (no. lobsters caught/no. pots hauled) with nonhomogeneous variances and normorma! distributions. Therefore, the nonparametric Wilcoxon 2-sample test was used to test for equal catchability between pot types. The CPUE of legal-sized lobsters (greater than or equal to 81 mm CL) was similar for wood and wire pots throughout the gear comparison study; however, except for 1981, the total CPUE was significantly higher for wire pots. This, of course, was due to greater catches of sub-legal lobsters in the wire pots. Table 3 Monthly catch per unit effort for wood and wire pots during gear comparibilily study Year Month Total CPUE LegaTcPUF Wood Wire Wood Wire f978 Aug 055 2T5 (108 n 18 Sept 0.96 1.77 0.14 0.19 Oct 0.54 1.32 0.08 0.15 Nov 0.98 1.62 0.16 0.12 1979 May 0.86 1.32 0.06 0,06 June 1.03 1.83 0.18 0.15 July 1.24 1.95 023 0 25 Aug 0.95 1.64 0.15 0.12 Sept 0.69 1.51 0.10 0.09 Oct 0.55 1.12 0.09 009 1980 M^ 079 Tio oTs 0.15 June 0.65 1.70 0.14 0 12 July 0.69 1.77 0.18 0.17 Aug 0.56 131 0.13 0.12 Sept 0.69 0.84 0.12 0.08 Oct 0.78 0.74 0.06 0.03 ml May US 134 o!o8 0.08 June 1.53 1.16 0.15 0.08 July 1.57 1.24 0.21 0.13 Aug 1.22 1.00 O.J 3 0.11 Sept 1.22 0.73 0.11 0,10 Oct 1.12 0.66 0.13 O.m Summary of Wilcoxon 2-sample tests for equal catch regardless of pot type. z-statistics' for total CPUE z-statistics' for legal CPUE 7, = -1.31 (p = 0.19) 7. = 0.24 (p = 0.8 1) z = 0.65 (p = 0.52) z= 1.63 (p = 0.10) The 7.-statistic corresponds to the standard nonnal distribution. A special study was initiated during 1982 to investigate the lower catch of wire pots used in 1981 and to examine trap efficiency in relation to the construction of parlor entry funnels in wood and wire pots. The wire pots used in the 1981 study (5 from each station) were fished with 15 newly constructed wire pots during the 1982 sampling period. The old wire pots (used in 1981) were fished without any modifi- cation during the first 6 weeks of the study. These old pots were then removed for 1 week to install new parlor and entry funnels. They were then deployed as before and fished for the remainder of the study. 1978 z=-2.16 (p<0.05) 1979 z=-2.64 (p<0.01) 1980 z = -2.49 (p<0.05) 1981 z=1.36(p = 0.17) In Figure 2, the plot of the weekly catch in the old and new wire pots shows a great disparity between the catch efficiency in the two pot types before potheads were changed (prior to week 6). However, after the parlor entry funnels were changed in these 2 yr old pots they fished as well as newly constructed wire pots. These results support the observations of Spurr (1972) and Thomas (1959) further demonstrating the sensitivity of trap efficiency to parlor head design and placement. Spurr found that the principal factor affecting pot efficiency is parlor funnel design and Thomas found that high-rigged entry funnels deterred escape. Figure 2. Weekly mean number of lobsters caught with old pots (old Tunnels vs. new funnels) and new pots at all stations during 1982. Other factors we examined that contribute to the efficiency of lobster traps are the number of days between pothauls (soaktime) and the influence of competing species caught in traps. The effectiveness of. bait attracting lobsters into a trap is reduced when traps are set out for several days without rebaiting. The bait deteriorates more rapidly in the warmer waters of summertime than in spring or fall. Accordingly, lobstermen adjust the timing of pothauls to ensure that pots always have an ample supply of bait. Competing species caught in traps also feed on the bait. Lobstermen alter their pothaul schedules over the year to ensure that their traps do not become overcrowded. Generally the influence of soaktime and competing species are more important during the summer months when water temperatures and crustacean activity (feeding, molting, reproduction, etc.) are at a maximum. The incidental catch of spider crabs {Libinia spp.) during 1984 and hermit crabs {Pagums spp.) and cunner (Taulogolabrus adspersus) during 1985, had the greatest influence on lobster catch of all competing species caught in traps (Table 4). Table 4. Total numbers of lobsters and incidental species caught at each station from May to October, during 1984 and 1985. Jordan Cove Intake Twotree 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 Ixjbster 2657 2257 2238 1383 2692 3374 Rock crab 71 16 208 87 112 42 Jonah crab 12 2 26 1 36 29 Spider crab^ 437 163 2729 1721 71 66 Hermit crab'' 28 35 323 252 77 209 Blue crab 7 8 32 13 1 0 Winter flounder ,34 32 8 5 3 4 Summer flounder 24 9 27 15 9 0 Skates 2 4 6 4 ■ 7 9 Oyster toadfish 38 27 37 40 1 0 Scup 3 34 23 29 1 27 Cunner 33 22 28 10 80 175 Tautog 1 16 27 118 11 116 Sea raven 7 9 11 6 2 4 Whelks 4 1 21 3 41 74 Species with significant (p<0.05) effect on CPUE in 1984. Species with significant (p < 0.05) effect on CPUE in 1985. Since the effects of soaktime, the incidental catch of spider crabs in 1984 and hermit crabs and cunner in 1985 significantly biased the values for lobster CPUE, we adjusted our mean monthly CPUE through covariance analysis. Soaktime, the number of spider crabs caught in 1984 and the number of hermit crabs and cunner caught in 1985 were used as covariates. Monthly catches (CPUE, and CPUE adjusted for the covariates) are presented for each station for 1984 and 1985 in Table 5. Table 5. Catch statistics for lobsters caught at each station from May to October during 1<)84-S5 1984 Number of Total number Total CPUE Total legals l^gal Month pots hauled caught Actual Adjusted' caught CPUE MAY 240 JUN 260 JUL 240 AUG 280 SEP 219 OCT 255 MAY 240 JUN 260 JUL 239 AUG 280 SEP 220 OCT 260 MAY 239 JUN 260 JUL 240 AUG 279 SEP 220 OCT 259 496 2.07 2.07 503 1.94 1.95 530 2.21 2.16 493 1.76 1,78 303 1.38 1.33 332 1.30 Intake 1,23 309 1.29 1.50 486 1.87 1.90 515 2.16 2.17 397 1.42 1.44 249 1.13 1.09 282 1.09 Twolrce 1.05 436 1.82 1.80 443 1.70 1,72 438 1.83 1,77 579 2.08 2.08 382 1.74 1 68 414 1.60 1. 55 0,12 (1,11 n,i8 0,12 0,11 0,06 0,08 0,14 0.15 0,08 0.09 0.05 0,35 0,23 028 0,25 0,26 0,22 CPUE values adjusted for the effects of soaktime, and the catch of spider crabs Number of Total number Month pots hauled caught MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 600 638 927 Total CPLIE Actual Adjusted Total icgals caught legal CPUE Jordan Cove 1.88 1,83 34 0,13 1.81 1,78 36 0,15 2.02 2,01 33 0,12 1.20 1,19 16 006 0.89 0,83 8 0,04 1,12 1,10 12 0,05 Intake 1,22 1,24 12 0,05 1,30 1.19 35 0 16 1,21 1,20 22 0,08 0,70 0.73 5 0,02 0.45 0.43 2 0,01 0.68 0.70 5 0,02 Twolrce 2.31 2.28 40 0,15 2,67 2.66 47 0,20 331 330 94 0,34 1,98 2.06 32 0,12 1,51 1,52 21 0.11 1,51 1.52 20 0.08 CPUE values adjusted for the effects of soaktime, and the catches of hermit crabs and cunner. 10 Annual catch statistics for lobsters caught in wire pots at each station from 1978 to 1985 are presented in Table 6. The total CPUE was greatest at Twotree (range 1.15-2.52) followed by Intake (0.94-2.07) and Jordan Cove (0.88-1.91). CPUE of legal-sized lobsters was also greatest at Twotree (0.11-0.28) followed by Intake (0.05-0.22) and Jordan Cove (0.07-0.15). The total CPUE from Intake during 1985 was the lowest value reported for that station since wire pots were first used in 1978. Only 20% of the 1985 catch was taken at Intake, whereas Intake catch comprised 26-40% of the total catch from 1978 to 1984. Dredging activities in the vicinity of the intake structures during June 1985 were responsible for the lower Intake catch. Because dredging removes existing habitat (shelters), lobsters are displaced temporarily until the dredged area stabilizes. After the dredged area has stabilized lobsters will probably return to the area and catch rates at that station should increase in 1986. Effects of dredging on the benthic infaunal community at Intake have also been documented in the Benthic Infauna section of this report. Table 6. Catch statistics for lobsters caught in wire pots at each station from 1978 through 1985. Number of Total number Total Total legals Legal pots hauled caught CPUE caught CPL'E Jordan Cove im 349 634 1.82 34 0.10 1979 701 1337 1.91 97 0.14 1980 722 966 1.34 63 0.09 1981 724 640 0.88 51 0.07 1982 1473 2816 1.91 152 0.10 1983 1449 2368 1.63 218 0.15 1984 1494 2657 1.78 171 0.12 1985 1494 2257 1.51 139 0.09 Intake 1978 348 720 2.07 77 0.22 1979 709 1184 1.67 98 0.14 1980 721 903 1.25 60 0.08 1981 730 749 1.03 39 0.05 1982 1449 2740 1.89 153 0.11 1983 1439 1646 1.14 126 0.09 1984 1499 2238 1.49 147 0.10 1985 1474 1383 0.94 81 0.06 Twotree 1978 329 470 1.43 67 0.20 1979 641 738 1.15 72 0.11 1980 673 987 1.47 109 0.16 1981 733 847 1.16 127 0.17 1982 1418 3567 2.52 403 0.28 1983 1456 2350 1.61 308 0.21 1984 1497 2692 1.80 392 0.26 1985 1499 3374 2.25 254 0.17 Annual CPUE's and approximate 95% C.I. for wire pot data are presented in Table 7. These CPUE's were computed as the geometric mean of the ratios of (no. lobsters) to (no. wire pots), because these ratios are nonadditive and have an asymmetric distribution about the arithmetic mean. Therefore, the geometric mean is the best statistic for constructing C.I.'s which should be asymmetric. Based on the inspection of the C.I.'s in Table 7, the 1980 and 1981 CPUE's were the lowest annual values of all years from 1978 to 1985. Conversely, the 1982 CPUE was the highest armual value when all years were compared and was due to a strong prerecruit class in 1982 (also apparent in the 1982 frequency distribution - see next section) which sustained record landings in 1983 and 1984 when these lobsters molted to legal size. Table 7. Geometric mean CPUE and approximated upper and lower 95% confidence interval.s for lobsters caught in wire pots at all stations from 1978 through 1985. Year N Lower Bound CPUE Upper Bound 1978 104 1.454 1.600 1,761 1979 208 1.302 1.404 1.513 1980 218 0.997 1.103 1.221 1981 220 0.839 0.904 0.974 1982 220 1.925 2.006 2.089 1983 218 1.250 1.331 1.417 1984 225 1.540 1.607 • 1.677 1985 221 1.252 1.352 1.460 Population Characteristics Size Frequencies Annual size frequency distributions for male and female lobsters caught in wire pots from 1979 to 1985 are shown in Figure 3 and for each station in Figure 4. Population statistics for lobsters caught from 1976 to 1985 are summarized in Table 8. Annual mean CL's have been consistent since lobsters have been collected using pots. The mean CL of lobsters caught in wood pots was greater (range 73.3-76.6) than the mean CL of lobsters caught in wire pots (range 70.8-71.8). 12 FEMALES SO 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 CARAPACE LENGTH (MM) 50 75 50 75 Figure 3. Size frequency distributions for male and female lobsters caught at all stations from 1979 through 1985. An important objective of this study was to gather information on as large a segment of the local 2 lobster population as possible. Through the use of wire pots (2.5 cip mesh) we anticipated increased catch of smaller sized lobsters capable of escaping through the 3-5 cm gap between the laths of the commercial wood pots. A Kolmogorov-Smimov test on the size frequency distributions of lobsters caught in the two pot types indicated that wire pots caught significantly (p < 0.05) more of the size class smaller than 75 mm CL than did wood pots. These results are similar to those of Krouse (1973) who found that the CL of the catch from wire pots averaged between 67.9 and 70.5 mm. lie considered the modal size of his catch (70 mm CL) to be the size at which lobsters are less apt to escape the traps; using the same reasoning, lobsters in our study were vulnerable to the wire pots at 70 mm CL and to the wood pots at about 76 mm CL. Knowledge of lobsters in the 70-76 mm size class is important, since these individuals constitute a large proportion of the prerecruits (i.e., those individuals within one molt of legal size). Since the lobster population of the Millstone Point region is subjected to a high exploitation rate (Keser et al. 1983), the size of the legal catch is largely determined by the abundance of the prerecruit size class the year before. The sensitivity of our sampling effort in defming year class strength was apparent in 1982. As stated in the previous section, during 1982, we observed a very strong prerecruit class (Fig. 3); when these individuals molted the following year, record landings were realized throughout LIS in 1983 and 1984 (CT DEP Marine Fisheries Statistics). 13 2b JORDAN COVE 00 MALES 1 J 75- / 11 iiii i J 50- i k 1 A A i i 25 i.i^ U^ 1 j^ 25 f ^ *f f ? ? 50 Fl f r T 75- FEMALES 00- 1979 1980 1931 1982 1983 1 984 1 985 75- 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 100 CARAPACE LENGTH (MM) FEMALES 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 50 75 SO 75 50 75 SO 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 100 CARAPACE LENGTH (MM) TWOTREE 50 75 50 75 50 75 SO 75 SO 75 SO 75 50 75 100 CARAPACE LENGTH (MM) Figure 4. Size frequency distributions for male and female lobsters caught at each station from 1979 through 1985. 14 Table 8. Population statistics for lobsters caught in wood and wire pots from 1976 to 1985. WOOD WIRE N* Mean CL Percent N' Mean CL Percent + 1 S.D. Legals ± 1 S.D. Legals 1976 596 73.6 * 7.0 13.6 1977 549 76.6 ♦ 6.6 15.7 1978 777 75.1 ± 5.6 14.2 1910 71.5 * 6.5 8.5 1979 1510 75.7 ± 5.6 15.4 2846 71.2 * 7.0 8.2 1980 1213 75.9 ± 5.8 18 1 2529 70.9 ♦ 6.6 7.2 1981 2423 73.3 ♦ 6.0 10,4 1983 71.0 ± 7.5 9.6 19S2 7839 70.8 ± 6.9 6.3 198? 5435 71.7 t 7.3 10.1 1984 6156 71.8 ♦ 7.1 9.6 1985 5723 71.3 t 6.7 6.6 Recaptures not included Sex Ratios Since 1975, the overall sex ratio of males to females was close to 1:1 (Table 9). However, when three stations were compared, Twotree had consistently higher proportions of females, whereas Intake and Jordan ("ove had slightly more males. Sex ratios close to 1:1 were also reported by other researchers working in waters close to shore (Herrick 1911; Templeman 1936; Ennis 1971, 1974; Stewart 1972; Krouse 1973; Thomas 1973; Cooper et al. 1975; Briggs and Mushacke 1980). Smith (1977) found male to female ratios of the commercial catch ranging from 1:1.06 to 1:1.81 in four different areas of LIS which agrees with the ratios of our Twotree station which is 1.5 km offshore. Ennis (1980) indicated that sex ratios are dependent on the size composition of the catch which in turn is dependent on the method and depth of sampling. Ratios close to 1:1 occur up to the size at which females are sexually mature, after which females tend to predominate in the catch due to variation in trapping behavior related to molting and reproduction, legal restrictions of taking egg-bearing females, and the fact that mature females molt less frequently than males (Skud and Perkins 1969; Cooper et al. 1975; Ermis 1980). Table 9 Male to female sex ratios of lobsters caught at each station from 1975 to 1985 Jordan Cove Intake Twotn 1975 1.0 0.71 1976 1.0 : 0.76 1977 1.0 : 0.75 1978 1.0 : 0.75 1979 1.0 : 0.70 1980 1.0 : 0.68 1981 1.0 : 0.65 1982 1.0 : 0.62 1983 10 ; 0.70 1 984 1.0 : 0.60 1985 1.0 : 0.70 0.86 i.n 1.55 0.97 1.0 1.83 0.89 1.0 1.27 0.95 1.0 1.13 0.87 1.0 1.13 0.87 1.0 1.18 0.68 1.0 1.13 0.66 1.0 1.13 0.65 1.0 1.28 0.68 1.0 1.27 0.66 1.0 1.38 15 Reproductive Activities Tlie presence of external eggs indicates that females are mature and the size at onset of maturity can be determined from the size distribution of berried females. Another method of determining female size at sexual maturity was described initially by Templeman (1935) who observed that the relative width of the second abdominal segment of females increased with the approach of sexual maturity. In our study wc measured the second abdominal segment widths of all females, calculated the ratio of the abdominal width to the carapace length, and plotted that ratio against the carapace length (Skud and Perkins 1969; Krouse 1973). The morphometric relationship between carapace length and abdominal width for data collected from 1981 to 1985 is described in Figure 5. All females are 0.75 _„-' ":^\ 0.70 Fe. ies begin to mature _,-'' <^"' -'"' \ 0.65 --'V'^^'' 0.60 0.55 ___----r''' '-•'' 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 CARAPACE LENGTH (MMj Figure 5. Morphometric relationship between the ratio abdominal width/carapace length and the carapace length for data collected from 1981 to 1985 for female lobsters. (*) mean value for each 5 mm size; ( ) y = a + bx + cx +dx ; ( ) upper and lower 95% C.I. The carapace length and abdomen width increase in size proportionately up to the size at which females begin to mature (about 50 mm CL for our area) after which the abdomen increases in width faster than the carapace increases in length. When all females are mature (about 95 mm CL) the relationship between the carapace length and the abdominal width is again proportional. In western LIS, females begin to 16 mature at about 60 mm CL and most are mature at about 80 mm CL (Briggs and Mushacke 1979). In contrast, outside of LIS, females begin to mature at sizes substantially larger than in our area. In northern areas low water temperatures retard reproductive maturation, whereas warmer summer water temperatures of LIS favor early maturation of females (Smith 1977; Aiken and Waddy 1980). Berried females have comprised between 3.1 and 6.7% of all females caught from 1975 to 1985. Females predominate at Twotree and greater proportions of berried females were caught there (5.1-10.1%) when compared to Jordan Cove (1.0-4.5%) and Intake (1.1-4.3%) (Table 10). Table 10. Percentage of berried females at each station and mean carapace lengths from 1975 to 1985. Jordan Cove Intake Twotree N' Length Range (mm) Length Meant 1 SD 1975 4.5 3.5 9.7 7 73 - 84 79.1 ± 3.7 1976 2.0 3.3 11.2 16 70 - 102 82.9 ± 7.7 1977 1.4 3.5 6.2 35 68 - 92 79.7 ± 6.4 1978 1.4 2.5 5.1 58 74- 88 80.1 ± 4.0 1979 1.9 2.7 6.2 67 64 - 93 80.6 t 5.4 1980 3.4 1.8 5.4 71 72 - 93 79.2 ± 5.1 1981 1.8 2.7 6.9 82 70 - 97 81.2 * 6.1 1982 1.0 1.1 6.2 108 64 - 99 80.0 ± 5.8 1983 2.5 3.6 8.3 123 66 - 103 80.5 ± 5,9 1984 4.3 3.3 10. 1 173 62 - 95 79.1 ± 5.8 1985 3.5 4.3 8.0 17! 63 - 94 77.0 ± 5.4 Recaptures not included The size distribution (range, mean CL) of berried females collected have provided further evidence for the small size at which females become mature in LIS (Table 10). The smallest berried females collected (62-64 mim CL) were between 54-56 mm CL when oviposition first occurred assuming 14% growth per molt. This confirms our carapace length/abdominal width relationship and suggests that 50 mm CL is the size at which females begin to sexually mature in LIS. The fact that females mature at a small size in LIS and that over half of the berried females are sublegal size is important because these individuals are able to spawn before growing to marketable size (Fig. 6). 17 CARAPACE LENGTH (MM) Figure 6. Size frequency distribution for berried Temales caught from 1979 to 1985. Numbers in parentheses represent the percentages of subiegal and legal berried females (%sublegal, %legal). In comparison, females in northern and offshore populations (Maine, Canada) begin to mature at sizes close to the legal size and only a small percentage is able to spawn prior to reaching marketable size (Aiken and Waddy 1980). To provide more information about the reproductive cycle of lobsters in our area, we recorded both the fullness, and the developmental stage of egg masses carried by berried females during 1984-85 (Table 11). Based on embryo development, we concluded that berried females caught in May and June carried eggs that were ready to hatch. The smaU number of berried females caught in .luly indicated the completion of the biennial spawning cycle. Females that were fertilized in the previous year began extruding eggs in August and the number of berried females caught carrying newly extruded eggs peaked in September and October. About 89% of the berried females examined in 1984 for egg mass fullness had 1/2 or more the normal complement of eggs and, in 1985, 86% had 1/2 or more the normal complement. Only 3.7% of the berried females in 1984 and, in 1985, 7.7% had less than 1/4 the normal complement of eggs. This may be compared to 10-14% of the berried females in western LIS carrying abnormally low numbers of eggs in 1976 (Smith 1977). Smith's concern was that such an additional source of natural mortality (i.e., abnormally low fecundity) in western LIS, an area where 30% of the females are berried, could affect the entire Connecticut fishery. Table 1 1 The number of berried females examined for egg mass fullness and egg development from May to October during 1984-85. Number with Number with Number with Number with Number of Month Berried Females Complement Complement Complement Number with Full Developmental Complement Stage MAY JUN JUL AUG It Green with optical disks SEP OCT 48 5(1 1 1 5 5 16 7 10 16 16 21 TOTAL 164 6 12 30 43 73 1985 MAY JUN JUL AUG It. Green with optical disks SEP 56 2 3 4 14 33 OCT 89 4 6 3 23 48 10TAL 222 17 IS 21 52 117 Molting and Growth Ix^bster growth was determined from carapace length measurements for those lobsters that molted between tagging and recapture. The number of molting lobsters observed in the weekly catch varied from year to year and over the sampling period (Fig. 7). In general, molting peaked in June although in several years a fall molting peak was also observed. Frequency of molting and size increase per molt are reported to be affected by temperature, light, nutrition, social behavior, injury/regeneration, habitat, season of year and reproductive development (Aiken and Waddy 1980). The fact that secondary molts were observed in our study area is not unusual; two molting peaks were observed by Lund et al. (1973) for LIS and by Russell et al. (1978) for Narragansett Bay. Several researchers have shown that growth increment per molt in crustaceans is best described by linear regression (Wilder 1953; Kurata 1962; Mauchline 1976). Carapace lengths at recapture (post-molt size) were regressed on carapace lengths at tagging (pre-molt size) for data collected from 1978 to 1985. Regression plots, equations and growth parameters for all lobsters (n=733) and males (n = 296) and females (n = 437) are presented in Figure 8. 19 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH 50 1973 40 _,.-'-, g 30 / \ / ^^^^ \ o 1 \ ■z ■z. 20 10 0' y > 4 •\ ^ / / V h AA V \ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH bO 1979 40 /•'' in fT- "^ r-' "■y g X^ 1, r o UJ m 20 -* 2 -I N-A ^ 10 0- -^ \ V V vv^ ^A UAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV MONTH Figure 7. The number of molting lobsters ( ) and bottom water temperature ( ) from 1977 to 1985. 20 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP MONTH OCT NOV 1982 Fig. 7. cont. UAY JUN JUL AUG MONTH SEP OCT Haj ^,5 ?\ -J- 0 21 50- 1985 C/1 ♦0- ^,- ,-'---' ' '-.^^ lb ' ^v m 3 30 ,'^' ' U- O t % \ m 20- ,0^ ^ h \ V v^ WAY JUN Fig. 7. cont. AUG MONTH 22 ALL LOBSTERS New -y.ze = 1 5.797 + (0.895) Old S CARAPACE LENGTH AT TAGGING (MM) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 CARAPACE LENGTH AT TAGGING (MM) 110- FEMALES ^ New s:z« - ■ 3.447 + (0.923) Old Size > r-=0.7a 2^ 100 ,' . EC /' / 30 1 . y / /' in y •• •y' - y mi- yr....y T ii y^.::liv: .;'■ m . /■■.•.yf..:-y 70- hi .y....f' < CARAPACE LENGTH AT TAGGING (MM) Figure 8. Linear regressions for carapace lengths at tagging and recapture Tor all lobsters, males and females for data collected from 1978 through 1985. ( ) y = a + bx; (- - -) upper and lower 95% C.I. 23 Growth of males and females was significantly different based on t-tests of y-intercepts and slopes (p > 0.05). Smaller-sized males ( < 60 mm CL) had a greater incremental size increase when compared to females of the same size (Fig. 9). CARAPACE LENGTH (UM) A FEMALES v' CARAPACE LENGTH (UU) CARAPACE LENGTH (UU) Figure 9. Mean incremental size increase for all lobsters, males and females from tag and recapture data collected from 1978 through 1985 (vertical bars = 2 standard deviations). 24 Lx)wer incremental size increases for females smaller than 60 mm (CL) are expected since females begin to sexually mature at about 50 mm. Energy that would otherwise have been used in carapace growth was diverted to widening of the abdominal segments and development of the ovaries. The average growth per molt for males (14.1%) and females (13.7%) was similar to results reported by Briggs and Mushacke (1984) for western LIS lobsters (males 14.5%; females 12.5%). Cooper and Uzmann (1980) reported higher growth increments for the offshore lobster population, 18.7% for males and 16.7% for females. They attributed the lower growth of the inshore population to lobster inactivity during the colder months of the year. Claw Loss The percentage of lobsters missing one or both claws (culls) ranged from 9.0 to 17.4% for lobsters caught in wood pots and 10.6 to 15.5% for lobsters caught in wire pots (Table 12). Table 12. Claw loss for lobsters caught in wood and wire pots from 1975 to 1985. Percent Cull Percent Missing Percent Missing One Claw Two Claws Year Wood Wire Wood Wire Wood Wire 1975 9,n 7.8 1.3 1976 15.4 - 13.5 2.0 1977 11.6 - 10.4 1.2 1978 15-9 149 14.1 14.0 19 0.9 1979 17.4 15.5 15.0 14.4 2.5 12 1980 17.0 13.6 14.8 12.2 2.2 1.5 1981 143 12.0 13.0 11.1 1.3 1.0 1982 11.1 - 10.4 0,7 1083 12.4 11.6 0.8 1^84 10.6 9.8 0,7 1985 - 11.1 10.4 n.7 These percentages are typical for LIS; Smith (1977) reported 26.4% claw loss in LIS east of the Connecticut River and Briggs and Mushacke (1979) reported claw loss varying between 7.4 and 22.8% in western LIS. In general, the proportion of culls at each station was similar, and lobsters with missing or damaged claws were observed more frequently after the spring and fall molts. Pecci et al. (1978) reported that trap-related injuries resulting in claw loss are often associated with water temperature, fishing pressure (i.e., handling by lobstermen), trap soaktime, and physical condition of the lobster (i.e., its nearness to molting). 25 Tagging Program From 1975 to 1985, 57,359 lobsters were caught; 47,259 were tagged and released, and 8,053 (17%) subsequently were recaptured in our sampling program (Table 13). Table 13. Summary of tag and recapture studies from 1975 through 1985. NUSCo Commercial No. Mean CL Returns Mean CL Returns Mean CL Year tagged (mm) No. Pet. (mm) No. Pet (mm) 1975 2285 67.3 123 5.4 a 116 5,1 80,2 1976 2963 75.5 351 11.9 ' 515 17.4 79.6 1977 2870 74.5 240 8.4 " 311 10.8 79.3 1978 3193 73.6 508 15.9 75,5 884 27.7 81.1 1979 3732 72.8 722 19.4 75.1 1776 47.6 77.5 1980 3634 75.5 522 14.4 75.7 1363 37.5 76.4 1981 4246 72.4 707 16.7 74.8 1484 35.0 76.3 1982 7575 70.9 1278 16.9 73.2 2518 33.2 75.5 1983 5160 71.8 936 18.1 73.6 2266 43.9 76.9 1984 5992 71.9 1431 23.9 73.0 1.262 21.1 78.7 1985 5609 71.3 1235 22.0 73.1 899 16.0 •78.3 Recaptures not measured. Commercial lobstermen caught an additional 13,394 (28.3%) of our tagged lobsters over the same period. In recent years (1984-85), the percentage of tagged lobsters caught by commercial lobstermen was lower (18.6%) than rates of recapture from 1975 to 1983 (30.6%). Conversely, our rates of recapture during 1984-85 were higher (23.0%) than rates during 1975-83 (15.1%). This disparity in rates of recapture was due to the implementation of the escape vent regulation in April 1984 (Landers and Blake 1985). The escape vent (1 3/4 in x 6 in) allows the escape of sublegal sized lobsters and, since the majority of our tagged lobsters are sublegals, fewer were retained in the commercial traps with the required vents. In comparison, our traps do not contain escape vents and retain greater numbers of tagged sublegals. Additional evidence for the effectiveness of escape vents was apparent in the mean size of tagged lobsters caught in commercial gear before (1975-83) and after implementing the escape vent regulation in 26 1984-85. The mean CL of tagged lobsters caught in commercial gear prior to the escape vent regulation was 76.5 mm and was significantly smaller (t-test p<0.01) than the mean CL of 78.6 mm for tagged lobsters caught with the regulation in force. Krouse and Thomas (1975) calculated selectivity curves for lobsters caught in traps with various vent sizes (1 1/2, 1 5/8, 1 3/4 in). Traps fitted with a 1 3/4 in escape vent had 50% retention of lobsters ranging in size from 75.4-78.8 mm CL. The mean CL of lobsters caught in our wire traps since 1978 ranged between 70.8 and 71.8 mm and was lower than the 50% retention sizes reported by Krouse and Thomas (1975). Thus, most of our tagged lobsters are able to escape from vented commercial traps thereby decreasing the probability of their recapture in commercial traps and increasing the proportions captured by unvented pots. Movement Because lobsters were tagged and released at the station where captured, any migrations from the capture area could be detected at recapture. Recapture data from our sampling efforts and those of commercial lobstermen were used to assess movement patterns. About 95% of the lobsters were recaptured at the release station with movements between stations being minimal. Of the exchanges that did occur, most were between Jordan Cove and Intake. During 1976-77, when sampling was conducted at the Effluent station, only 58% of the lobsters released there were subsequently recaptured there. Thirty percent moved to Jordan Cove, 9% moved to the Intake station and 2.5% moved to Twotree. TTiis suggests that lobsters may visit the effluent area to feed since it is a productive area for mussels and other benthic invertebrates. Tagging studies conducted in coastal waters of eastern North America indicate localized lobster movement (Templeman 1935, 1940; Wilder and Murray 1958; Wilder 1963; Cooper 1970; Stewart 1972; Cooper et al. 1975; Fogarty et al. 1980; Krouse 1980, 1981; Stasko and Campbell 1980; Ennis 1984). In our studies 91% of the commercial recaptures occurred within the study area (Fig. 10, <8 km from MNPS). Of the lobsters recaptured outside the study area, most moved to the east (97%; Fig. 11). Lund et al. (1973) reported similar results for tagging studies in LIS. A few lobsters (n= 13) traveled considerable distances where they were caught on the edge of the continental shelf (Figure 12). 27 Figure 10. Locations and numbers of tags returned by lobstermen in the Millstone area. An additional 3,014 tags returned with inaccurate recapture points were reported as being caught around Millstone Point. Figure II. l,ocations and numbers of tags returned by lobstermen in Long Island and Block Island Sounds. 28 Figure 1 2. Locations and numbers of tags returned from outside of Long Island Sound. Other researchers working in waters off New England and on the continental shelf demonstrated similar exchanges between the inshore and offshore populations (Saila and Flowers 1968; Uzmann et al. 1977; Fogarty et al. 1980). Judging from the number of returns from the Race area, it is believed that these lobsters leave the Sound through that deep water channel southwest of Fishers Island. Once out of the Sound lobsters would have moved southerly toward the deep water canyons (Block and Hudson) or easterly (Point Judith, RI, Buzzards Bay, MA, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds). Recent work by Campbell and Stasko (1985) off southwestern Nova Scotia revealed that mature male and female lobsters ( > 95 mm CL) moved greater distances than immature lobsters ( < 95 mm CL). This hypothesis is difficult to assess from our study results since exploitation rates are very high and most of the legal lobsters tagged are caught by lobstermen shortly after release. However, 6 of the 7 lobsters caught at Hudson Canyon were legal-sized and at Block Canyon all 3 were legal-sized. 29 Entrainment lobster larvae were found in ichthyoplankton (IP) samples of the cooling water at Units 1 and 2 discharges from 1977 to 1985. Because lobster larvae distribution in the water column is patchy, large volumes of water must be sampled to collect them. Thus, begirming in 1984, we initiated a special lobster larvae entrainment study, these samples filter much larger volumes of cooling water (4000 m ) than do the IP samples (400 m''). This sampling effort, focusing on lobster larvae in the cooling waters was initiated in anticipation of Unit 3 start-up. The timing of lobster larvae collected in entrainment samples corresponded to the developmental stage of egg masses carried by berried females. In May, the number of berried females collected in traps was high and the development of the eggs indicated that hatching was imminent. In June, the number of berried females carrying ripe eggs declined and by July the low number of berried females caught indicated the completion of the biennial spawning cycle. Although the hatching process and stage duration is temperature dependent (Templeman 1936) and most intense at temperatures of about 20 "C (Hughes and Mattheissen 1962), the larval phase is completed in 25-35 d under normal conditions. In general, since 1977, larvae were collected from mid-May through late-June. Scarratt (1964, 1973) provided estimates of lobster larvae survival between stage I and IV for a Canadian lobster population. In our study, most of the larvae collected were Stage I and presumably hatched nearby (Table 14; 88% in 1984; 87% in 1985). Table 14. Summary of 1984 and 1985 lobster larvae entrainment studies 1984 1985 Day NiRht Total Day Nif^ht Total No samples collected; 64 58 122 46 47 93 No. samples with larvae: 11 16 27 11 23 34 Number of Larvae Stage I 15 73 88 56 69 125 Stage 11 0 1 1 0 1 1 Stage III 0 1 1 3 2 5 Stage IV 1 11 12 2 10 12 Total 16 86 102 61 82 143 30 Larval survival was not calculated due to the low occurence of Stage II and III larvae relative to Stage IV which may have been an influx from more distant hatching. Lund and Stewart (1970) indicated that larvae produced from the western LIS population are responsible for the gradual recruitment of fourth and fifth stage lobsters in middle and eastern LIS. Their hypothesis appears to be true given the number of fourth stage larvae collected in our entrainment studies. Survival of lobster larvae after passing through the plant's cooling water system was observed in both entrainment study years. In 1984, 2 stage IV, and in 1985, 2 stage I and 1 stage IV survived after passing through the plant indicating that entrainment mortality is lower than the assumed 100%. Similar fmdings at other power stations have been reported. CoUings et al. (1981) reported 14% survival for lobster larvae (Stage II) collected at the Canal Electric Company, Sandwich, MA. In both of the lobster larvae entrainment studies (1984-85), and the IP samples collected since 1977, more larvae were collected in night samples than in day samples (Table 14). While this may appear at first to contradict the photo positive behavior of lobster larvae observed by many researchers (Fogarty 1983), a combination of factors may explain the contradiction. Diurnal vertical distribution is apparently related to light intensity, and larvae tend to disperse from surface waters during night except under bright moonlight (Templeman 1939). The fact that more larvae were collected at night when surface densities have been reported to be lowest may result from a combination of this lobster larvae behavior and the intake structure design. The intake structures have curtain walls which extend down into the water column about 2 m below MLW. This means that cooling water is drawn from well below the surface. Therefore, since lobster larvae disperse from surface waters during darkness, they are more susceptible to entrainment at night regardless of tidal stage. Two 24 h samplings were conducted in 1985 to substantiate our initial fmdings of higher larval densities in night samples and to determine peak diurnal abundance of lobster larvae in the cooling waters. The numbers of larvae found on the two sampling dates were not significantly different; 19 larvae were collected on 28 May and 17 were collected on 4 June (Table 15). 31 Table 15. Summary of 1985 24-hour lobster larvae entrainment studies. Time of Day 28 May no. larvae collected 4 June no. larvae collected 0800 0 0900 0 0 1000 0 0 IIOO 0 Low 1120 0 High 1104 1200 0 1 1300 0 0 1400 0 1 1500 0 0 1600 0 0 1700 0 High 1719 1 Low 1709 1800 0 0 1900 0 0 2000 1' 1 2100 3 0 2200 3 2" 2300 1 Low 2357 4 High 2316 2400 0 5 0100 3 0 0200 1 1 0300 0 1 0400 1 0 0500 2 High 0540 ■ 0 0600 4 0 Low 0605 0700 0 0 0800 0 Total 19 17 One larva collected alive. One stage 11 The numbers of larvae collected in night samples (27) was significantly higher than the numbers collected in day samples (*)) confinning our 1984 observations. The two 24 h collections were conducted 1 wk apart to examine the effect of tide on lobster larvae entrainment under different day-night conditions. Results indicated that lobster larvae entrainment was not significantly influenced by tidal stage. Lobster larvae entrainment estimates from our IP program 1977-85 and from the 1984-85 lobster larvae studies are presented in Table 16. The estimates were calculated by summing the volumes of all samples collected over the study period, dividing that volume into the total cooling water volume over the same period and multiplying that proportion by the number of larvae collected over the hatching 32 season. The low numbers of larvae collected, and the low entrainment estimate for IP entrainment samples in 1984-85 compared to the special lobster larvae samples in those years, supports the need to apply the new sampling methodology for the assessment of lobster larvae entrainment losses under 3-unit operating conditions, given the reductions in IP sampling effort in 1983 and 1985. Table 16. Summary of entrainment estimates for lobster larvae collected in ichthyoplankton samples 1977-85 and in 1984-85 lobster larvae entrainment studies. Year Dates Found Total Volume (m^ Number Collected of samples collected (number samples) May-Aug (xlO ) Total U-l + U.2^ Volume (mV May-Aug (xlO*) Entrainment estimate May-Aug Ichthyoplankton Samples 1977 8Jun-6Jul 19 (10) 0.125 517.9 78,721 1978 5Jun-10Aug 74 (24) 0.121 662.9 405,410 1979 llJun-llJul 60(17) 0.151 467.5 185,762 1980 29May-3Jul 37 (14) 0.133 534.8 148,780 1981 27May-13Jul 18 (13) 0.138 556.3 72,561 1982 lJun-28Jul 45 (26) 0.128 677.9 238,324 1983 3IMay-20Jul 9(8) 0.060 516.0 77,400 1984 22May-19Jun 2(2) 0.060 538.0 17,933 1985 15May-10Jul 4(4) 0.036'' 388.7^ 43,189" Lobster Larvae Samples 1984 21May-IOJul 102 (27) 0.505 538.0 108,665 1985 15May-29Jul 143 (34) 0.371 388.r= 149,822'= ' U-l = Millstone Station Unit 1; U-2 = Millstone Station Unit 2 Total volume (ra ) of entrainment samples sorted for lobster larvae from May through July. *= May through July. Impingement Annual impingement estimates for lobsters collected on Unit 1 and 2 traveling screens from 1975 to 1985 are presented in Table 17. In general, impingement of lobsters is highest during the summer months and coincides with peak catch in traps (NUSCo 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986). The number of lobsters impinged at Units 1 and 2 was highest in 1982, corresponding with the highest annual catch. Impingement of lobsters and other species is also closely related to plant operations. When units are down for scheduled refueling or maintenance, cooling water demands are considerably less than at full power. Thus the disparity in impingement estimates between units and over years and the lack of correspondence with trap catch values with the exception of 1982 is related to cooling water demands. 33 Jnit 2 Both Units 56 790 663 1142 310 550 261 506 426 749 405 773 1009 1674 1041 1979 497 1496 1220 1220 480 480 Table 17. Annual impingement estimates ' for lobster collected at Units 1 and 2 from 1975 to 1985, Unit 1 1975 734 1976 479 1977 240 1978 245 1979 323 1980 368 1981 665 1982 938 1983 999 1984 b 1985 b Total 4991 6368 11359 ' Values for the 1975-76 estimates are based on 7 days of sampling per week. The 1977-83 values are based on 3 days of sampling per week and are extrapolated based on flow rates to represent the estimated total number impinged. Unit 1 sluiceway began operating December 1983. The mean sizes of lobsters impinged during the period 1975-85 have ranged from 48.6 to 64.9 mm CI, and were smaller than the trap catch values (NUSCo 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986). Smaller lobsters may enter the screen house through the course bar racks more readily than larger lobsters which are seldom impinged. Since 1982, when we began recording the sex of impinged lobsters, male to female ratios ranged from 1.0:0.47 to 1.0:0.58 and were similar to those reported for the inshore Jordan ("ove and Intake stations (NUSCo 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986). The percentage of culled lobsters was always greater in impingement samples (30-50%) when compared to trap catch values (wood 9-17%; wire 10-16%) and is probably related to the high pressure (80 psi) wash used to remove debris from the screens (NUSCo 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986). A fish return system (sluiceway) was constructed at Unit I and began operating in December 1983. Prior to the sluiceway operating at Unit 1, and presently at Unit 2, 100% mortality occurs to organisms impinged at MNPS on non-impingement sampling days. On those days that impingement counts were made, survival of lobsters impinged at Units 1 (1975-83) and 2 (1975-1985) ranged from 64-80% (NUSCo 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986). Generally, highest mortality of lobsters occurred during the peak molting period when lobsters are soft and easily damaged and during the later summer months when water temperatures are highest (NUSCo 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986). The design and operation of the Unit 3 traveling screens should improve survival and minimize damage to lobsters associated with the impingement process at MNPS. A low pressure (10 psi) screen wash will be used to remove organisms from the screens. The organisms are carried from a fish trough to a sluiceway which returns the organisms back to Niantic Bay. 34 SUMMARY 1. Annual total CPUE from 1976 to 1985 ranged from 0.56 to 2.10 lobsters per trap. Total CPUE was significantly higher for wire than wood pots. However, the CPUE of legal lobsters (>81 mm CL) was similar for wood and wire pots. During 1985, low CPUE values at the Intake were attributed to dredging activities in the vicinity of the intake structures. 2. Size frequency distributions indicated that wire pots caught significantly more small lobsters ( < 75 mm) than did wood pots. Since wire pots have been used, annual mean CL's have been consistent (range 70.8-71.8). A strong prerecruit size class was observed during 1982 and resulted in record landings throughout LIS in 1983 and 1984. 3. Male to female sex ratios of lobsters were close to 1:1. However, the Twotree station, 1.5 km offshore, has yielded consistently higher numbers of females, when the three sampling stations were compared. 4. The size frequency distributions of berried females and abdomen width/carapace length ratios of females indicated that female lobsters attain sexual maturity in this area at about 50 mm. Twotree had consistently higher proportions of berried females of the three stations. 5. The frequency of molted lobsters in the catch varied over years. Although peaks occurred in early summer, in some years fall molting peaks were also observed. Growth per molt averaged 14.1% for males and 13.7% for females. 6. The percentage of culls ranged from 9.0 to 17.4%; more lobsters collected in wood pots experienced claw loss (14.4%) than lobsters caught in wire pots (12.7%). 7. Since 1975, we tagged 47,259 lobsters and subsequently recaptured 8,053 (17%). Commercial lobster- men recaptured 13,394 (28%) of the tagged lobsters released in our area. 8. Our tagging studies indicate lobster movements are mostly restricted to the local area since 91% of the commercial recaptures were made within the study area. However, some lobsters moved more 35 than 100 km out of I, IS, and were caught on the edge of the continental shelf (Block and Hudson canyons). 9. Ixjbster larvae entrainment studies conducted in 1984-85 provided better estimates of entrainment losses than estimates made from ichthyoplankton samples. More lobster larvae were collected in night samples than in day samples. Higher numbers of lobster larvae in night samples were related to larval behavior and intake structure design. 10. Since 1975, an estimated 1 1,359 lobsters were caught on the intake traveling screens at MNPS. Since it began operating at Unit 1, a fish return system improved the overall survival of impinged lobsters. CONCLUSION Results from our studies indicated that the local lobster population is highly exploited; more than 90% of legal lobsters are removed by fishing. The commercial and recreational catches were highly dependent on the number of lobsters in the prerecruit size class. Because lobsters require at least 4 years of growth before they are vulnerable to our traps, and an additional 2-3 years to reach marketable size, there is a lag of about 6 years between the time of a potential impact on larvae and the time at which we can detect that impact. Therefore, plant induced impacts or lack thereof on larval stages that may have occurred since 1975 might have been observed in the adults caught in our traps beginning in 1981-82; yet, thus far, the data do not indicate such a stress. Dredging activities in the vicinity of the intakes displaced lobsters from that area; however, lobsters are expected to return soon after the sediments have stabilized. The sensitivity of our program in defining population trends (i.e., observing the strong prerecruit class in 1982) and impacts (displacement of lobsters as a result of dredging) is vital to our evaluation of impacts associated with the operation of three units at Millstone Point. If changes occur in the local lobster population, they will be detected by the alteration of the basic population parameters now being collected. The stability of these parameters after the start up of Unit 3 will demonstrate the effects (if any) of MNPS operations on the local lobster population. 36 REFERENCES CITED Aiken, D.E. 1973. Proecdysis, setal development, and molt prediction In the American lobster, {Homarus americanus). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30:1337-1344. , and S.L. Waddy. 1980. Reproductive Biology. Pages 215-276 in J.S. Cobb, and B.F. Phillips, eds. The Biology and Management of Lobsters, Vol. I, Academic Press, Inc. New York. Briggs, P.T., and P.M. Mushacke. 1979. The American lobster in western Long Island Sound. New York Fish and Game .1. 26:59-86. . 1980. The American lobster and the pot fishery in the inshore waters off the south shore of lx)ng Island, New York. New York Fish and Game J. 27:156-178. . 1984. The American lobster in western Long Island Sound: Movement, growth and mortality. New York Fish and Game J. 31:21-37. Blake, M.M., and E.M. Smith. 1984. 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Pages 1-29 /« Monitoring the Marine Environment of I-ong Island Sound at MUlstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Annual Report 1985. Pecci, K..I., R.A. Cooper, CD. Newell, R.A. Clifford, and R.J. Smolowitz. 1978. Ghost fishing of vented and unvented lobster, Homarus americanus, traps. Mar. Fish. Rev. 40:9-43. Russell, II.J., C V.D. Borden, and M.J. Eogarty. 1978. Management studies of inshore lobster resources completion report. No. L074-1-RI(1):1. R.I. Fish and Game, 75p. Saila, SB., and J.M. Flowers. 1968. Movements and behavior of berried female lobsters displaced from offshore areas to Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 31:342-351. Scarratt, D.J. 1964. Abundance and distribution of lobster larvae {Homarus americanus) in Northumberland Straits. Fish. Res. Board Can. 21:661-680. 40 1970. I^aboratory and field tests of modified sphyrion tags on lobsters {Homarus americanux). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27:257-264. 1973. 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Rep. 69:12-15. 42 Contents EXPOSURE PANEL PROGRAM 1 INTRODUCTION 1 EXPOSURE PANEL STUDY 3 MATERIAI^ AND METHODS 3 DATA ANALYSIS 8 RESULTS 10 Fouling Species 10 Wood-boring species 16 DISCUSSION 23 DISTRIBUTION STUDY OF TEREDO NAVAUS AND TEREDO BARTSCHI 25 MATERIALS AND METHODS 25 DATA ANALYSIS 27 RESULTS 27 DISCUSSION 29 TIMBER STUDY 30 MATERIALS AND METHODS 30 DATA ANALYSIS 31 RESULTS 32 DISCUSSION 36 SUMMARY 39 CONCLUSIONS . 40 REFERENCES CITED 41 EXPOSURE PANEL PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The exposure panel program monitors the abundance of fouling and wood-boring organisms in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS). Since 1975, when the subtropical shipworm, Teredo bartschi, was first collected in the MNPS effluent, the primary focus of this program has been the monitoring of shipworms. Marine woodborers and specifically shipworms are primarily responsible for the decomposition of wood in marine and estuarine waters. In the last 25 years, as industrial warm water effluents increased in number, several investigators reported increased growth and fecundity of shipworms within these thermally enhanced environments (Naylor 1965; Board 1973; Turner 1973; NUSCo 1982). For example, T. bartschi and 7". furdfera caused extensive damage to marinas in the vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, New Jersey in 1971 (Turner 1973; Hoagland and Turner 1980; Hoagland 1981). Teredo bartschi primarily occurs south of Cape Fear, North Carolina and in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Although this species has not been collected beyond the influence of the undiluted effluent at MNPS, we have conducted special studies between 1981 and 1985, and established that T. bartschi can survive winter water temperatures in the Millstone Point area and reproduce at local summer temperatures (report in preparation). Fouling organisms, plants and animals that colonize new substrata, are also important in the exposure panel program, for two reasons. First, some fouling species are sensitive to thermal stresses (Naylor 1965; Cravens 1981) and the survival and growth of their sessile adult stages are influenced by the water quality suiTounding the substratum to which they attach (Hillman 1975, 1977). Second, their abundance may affect the recruitment of wood-boring species (Weiss 1948). Artificial substrata have been used to study community structure and temporal variability of fouling and wood-boring organisms (Turner 1947; Cairns 1982; Manyak 1982). Materials such as glass, plexiglass, ceramic tiles, asbestos-cement and various types of wood have been used as zirtificial substrata. Although the type of substratum, length of exposure period, and deployment strategies influence the patterns of community colonization (Grave 1928; Zobell and Allen 1935; Schoener 1974; Shafto 1974; Osman 1977; Sutherland and Karlson 1977), these factors can be standardized to allow comparisons between communities that develop at different sites, or in different seasons. Several environmental monitoring programs have used exposure panels to assess effects of thermal effluents (Cory 1967; Frame 1968; Cory and Nauman 1969; Nauman and Cory 1969; Hillman 1975, 1977; Young and Frame 1976; NAI 1979; Maciolek- Blake et al. 1981; Osman et al. 1981; NUSCo 1982). Our Exposure Panel Program objectives are: 1. to monitor the abundance of marine woodborers at five sites in the Millstone Point area, 2. to quantify the loss of wood associated with the presence of woodborer populations in the vicinity of MNPS, 3. to monitor the dispersal of Teredo bartschi in terms of distance from the Millstone Quarry, and, 4. to monitor the abundance of prevalent fouling organisms, and to investigate their relationship to woodborer abundances in the Millstone Point area. To achieve these objectives, three separate studies were conducted. The first (Exposure Panel Study) used exposure panels to monitor the abundance of fouling and wood-boring species, as well as the associated wood-loss. The second study (Distribution Study of Teredo navalis and Teredo bartschi) used exposure panels deployed in close proximity to the MNPS discharge to monitor the distribution of shipworms, in relation to the thermal effluent. The third study (Timber Study) used commonly available dock building materials to quantify wood-loss. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of results from all Exposure Panel Program studies performed during 2-unit operation. Space limitations required considerable condensation of infor- mation; more detailed data are included in Appendix EP I. EXPOSURE PANEL STUDY MATERIALS AND METHODS T'ouling and wood-boring organisms have been monitored in the vicinity of Millstone Point since 1968. This report summarizes data collected from 1979 to 1986, following evaluation and modification of the methodology and objectives of the exposure panel program. These changes were based on the recommendations from several studies that critically reviewed our program (Brown and Moore 1977; Battelle 1978a, 1979; NUSCo 1983). The most important changes made were: (1) introduction of replicate panels, (2) reduction of the exposure period from twelve months to six months, and (?>) restriction of data collection to the wooden side of each panel. Adding replicates increased the power of our statistical analyses, and reducing the exposure period decreased the likelihood that a panel would be entirely degraded, and lost before collection. Since the major concern in fouling species was to determine their influence on the abundance of woodborers, only data from the community that developed on wooden panels were needed for our analyses. The present study used sets of six replicated wood panels submerged at five sites, that were grouped as: treatment sites, White Point (WP) and Fox Island (Fl), where potential power plant impacts during 3-unit operation may occur; control sites, Black Point (BP) and Giants Neck (CjN), located well beyond the area of predicted power plant influence; and one impacted site, FfTIuent (FF), which was in the Millstone Quarry where panels were exposed to maximum AT's. Water temperatures at FF from 1978-1986 averaged 9-10 "C warmer than those recorded at the Intakes of MNPS Units 1 and 2. The Intake temperatures were considered to represent ambient conditions; seawater temperatures at WP and FI did not vary more than 2 °C from ambient (NUSCo 1982). Water temperatures were derived from the Environmental Data Acquisition Network (FDAN), and from continuous strip chart recorders. Each of six exposure panels consisted of a knot-free pine board (25.4 x 9.5 x 1.9 cm) which had one face covered by plexiglass. Only the uncovered wood side of each panel was processed. Sets of six replicated panels were bolted to a stainless steel rack which was attached to a stainless steel frame at each site (Fig. 2). The rack and frame assemblies deployed at WP, FI, BP, and GN were suspended from docks by ropes in waters not exceeding 2 m in depth; the lower edge of the panels was maintained 0.2 ra off Sites: Exposure Panel Study WP, n, EF. BP. GN Distribution Study of Shipworms 100m, 500m, 1000m Timber Study WP, n. EF, NB, GN Figure 1. Location of exposure panel and timber sampling sites in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, (WP = White Point, Fl = Fox Island, EF = Effluent, BP = Black Point, NB = Niantic Bay Yacht Club, GN = Giants Neck, 100 m = trawl-line at 100 m, 500 m = trawl-line at 500 m, 1000 m = trawl-line at 1000 m). the bottom. At EF, two rack and frame assemblies were used; the first 1 m below the water surface, and the second about 1 m off the bottom at a depth of 10 m. This design was adopted to identify organisms that have a settling preference for substrata near the surface, and those that settle near the bottom. Figure 2. Frame and rack assembly used for holding six-month, six-replicale exposure panels at sites in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. The panels were placed at each site in February, May, August and November and were collected six months later in August, November, February and May, respectively. This provided four exposure periods, each overlapping the next by three months. At the start of each exposure period, one rack of panels was removed for processing and a new rack with fresh panels was deployed. Throughout this report the exposure periods will be referred to using the following abbreviations: Aug-Feb, Nov-May, Feb-Aug and May-Nov. Each abbreviation refers to the month of panel deployment followed by the month of panel collection. The temperature regimes in each of these exposure periods were different (Fig. 3). Aug-Feb began when ambient water temperatures were warmest (> 20 "C) and ended when water temperatures were coldest ( < 2 °C). Feb-Aug began when water temperatures were coldest ( < 2 °C) and ended when water temperatures were warmest ( > 20 °C). Nov-May occurred during the coldest months (average = 5.8 "C) of the year and May- Nov occurred during the warmest months (average = 17.2 °C). Seawater temperatures in this report were based on data collected from 1978-1986 and the monthly averages were based on the interval from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the next. After collection, panels were either placed in flowing, filtered seawater and processed inmiediately or frozen and processed at a later time. Primary cover, as a percentage, was estimated for each organism that occupied more than 1% of the panel surface, e.g., barnacles, bryozoans, tunicates and some algae. In addition, primary cover was estimated for other classifications such as freespace, mud and the dead tests of fouling species, to complete the description of total primary cover for each panel. Numerical abundance was determined for barnacles and mussels by counting the individuals on each panel. If the number of individuals per panel exceeded 100, six subsamples of 1 x 1 inch were randomly selected, three from the upper half and three from the lower half of the panel. The abundance of woodborers was determined after the panel had been scraped of fouling species. All individuals of the genera Limnoria and Chelura were counted when densities were less than 100 individuals per panel; otherwise, the subsampling scheme previously described for barnacles and mussels was used. Subsampling was always conducted evenly between the top half and the bottom half so that approximately 100 individuals were collected from each panel. After assessing the limnorid and chelurid abundances, panels were frozen and subsequently radiographed using a 250 kV X-ray tube (80 kV, 5 mA, for 1.2 min). The radiographs were used to visually estimate the number of shipworms. Teredo navalis and T. bartschi, and the percentage of wood lost per panel. The percentage of wood lost was expressed as the average "wood-loss" assigned to the the entire panel by rating the general proportions of bright areas, caused by various densities of shipworm tubes and the dark areas caused by various degrees of wood-loss. To determine the species of shipworms collected, shipworms were randomly removed from the panels until all or at least 100 individuals were identified from each site. Shipworms < 5 mm in length were classified only as juvenile teredinids because their pallets were too small and underdeveloped for making accurate identifications. Figure 3. The average monthly seawater temperatures from 1979-1986 during the four six-month exposure periods of the Exposure Panel Program at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (E = effluent, A = ambient). Note that these monthly averages are from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the next. In 1985 and 1986, a second estimate of wood-loss was obtained, based on weight. This measure compared the pre-deployment weight of each panel with its weight after retrieval. Panels were dried at 80 °C for 96 h and weighed to the nearest 0. 1 g before deployment. After collection and panel processing, each panel was soaked in 10% HCl for at least 48 h to dissolve calcium carbonate tubes secreted by shipworms. Next, the panel was soaked for at least 48 h in two changes of fresh water to rinse the HCL away before the panel was oven dried at 80 "C for 96 h. Panels were weighed to the nearest 0.1 g immediately upon removal from the drying oven. DATA ANALYSIS The data represented in this report comprise five collection years prior to three-unit operation at MNPS. The first set of panels was deployed in November 1978 and the last set of panels was collected in May 1986. The collection years summarized in this report are: 1979 with three exposure periods, 1980 and 1981 with four exposure periods each, and more recently 1985 and 1986 with two exposure periods each (Table 1). The monitoring of these panels was suspended from November 1981 to February 1985 (Appendix EP II, U.S. NRC, Docket Nos. 50-245 and 50-336, LS05-81-04-006, Exposure Panels) to conduct special studies concerning the life histories of two shipworms. Teredo navalis and T. bartschi, in relation to the mixing of effluent and ambient water at MNPS (report in preparation). These studies were undertaken to acquire a better understanding of the limiting factors which restricted T. bartschi to the Millstone Quarry. The four exposure periods in each collection year do not represent a continuum because each period overlaps the next by three months. Therefore, all averages and other summary statistics were computed by exposure period. Data reported as percentages of primary cover were the estimated proportions of exposed wood surface found covered by the most common species of foulers. Since all the exposure panels were of equal size, the percentages of cover were treated as regular (or additive) count-data rather than as ratios. These data for fouling species were based on 197 cm of panel surface, while wood-loss estimates were based on the entire volume of a panel, or 422 cm . Table 1. The number of six-month exposure panels collected from 1979-1986 in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Collection Exposure Periods Site Year Aug - Feb Nov - May Feb - Aug May - Nov 1979 J 6 6 6 1980 6 6 6 6 W P 1981 6 6 6 6 1985 6 5^ 1986 6 6 -- Total 18 24 24 23 1979 6 6 6 1980 6 6 6 6 F I 1981 1985 6 6 6 3 6 4 1986 6 6 -- Total 18 24 18 18 1979 - 6 6 6 1980 6 6 6 6 E F 1981 6 6 6 6 1985 - - 6 6 1986 6 6 - - Total 18 24 24 24 1979 - 1980 - - - - B P 1981 1985 -- - 3 2 1986 3' 6 Total 3 6 0 0 1979 6 6 6 1980 6 6 6 6 G N 1981 6 6 6 6 1985 - 6 6 1986 6 6 - Total 18 24 24 24 A dash ("), unless otherwise footnoted, indicates that no panels were deployed or collected. Panels lost during Hurricane Gloria (Sept. 1985). Panels exposed for three months. Panels exposed for nine months. RESULTS Fouling Species Primary Cover. The surfaces of the panels were covered with two types of marine fouling, that which was alive and that which had died prior to collection. These two components comprise the total primary cover. At WP, FI and GN total primary covers were largest during Feb-Aug, and at EF during Nov-May. At WP, FI and GN covers were lowest in Aug-Feb, and at EF in Feb-Aug (Fig. 4). The average primary cover on EF panels was 51%, while the combined average cover for the other sites was 29%. Of the live organisms, 6 plants and 24 animals were considered dominant. The criterion for determining this dominance was whether a species appeared among the five most abundant at any site during any exposure period. After averaging primary covers from 1979-1986 by exposure period, the dominant foulers accounted for 88-100% of the living cover on panels (Table 2). The most dominant organisms at ambient water sites were Balanus crenatus, Codium fragile, Cryptosula pallasiana, Botryllus schlosseri, Laminaria saccharina, and B. ehurneus. The most dominant organisms at EF were B. improvisus and Mytilus edulis. As a taxonomic group, barnacles represented the most common genus on our exposure panels. Balanus crenatus, B. improvisus, B. eburneus and Balanus juveniles accounted for large primary covers throughout the study (Fig. 5). Balanus amphitrite, although collected at every site, was generally responsible for less than 1% of the total primary cover and, for this reason, it was not included in Figure 5. In Nov-May collections, these four barnacles contributed from 33% (EF) to 100% (FI) of the live cover at all sites and in Aug-Feb they contributed 76% of the live cover at EF. Balanus crenatus was abundant at all sites during Nov-May, the coldest exposure period. Balanus eburneus was most dominant at all sites during the warmest exposure period, May-Nov. Balanus juveniles were most abundant on panels collected in May and November, indicating that these two months are within the peak setting periods for barnacles in the Millstone Bight. Numerical Abundance. Six fouling species were monitored by counting the number of individuals attached to our exposure panels: Balanus amphitrite, B. crenatus, B. improvisus, B. ehurneus, Balanus juveniles and Mytilus edulis (Table 3). The temporal and spatial trends in numerical abundance were generally similar to those discussed for primary cover data. Balanus amphitrite settled on panels in very 10 Aug— Feb SITE 100 90 80 70- 60 50 40 30 i 20 101 Nov— May i SITE Feb— Aug May— Nov i SITE DEAD SARNACLfS SITE n-^vv^M DEAD BARNACU Figure 4. Mean primary covers of attached fouling organisms on wood panels during each of the four six-month exposure periods from 1979-1986 in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Table 2. Dominant taxa from 1979-1986 based on the average percent surface cover of the six-month exposure panels collected in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. T = trace or less than 0.05% cover. RANK TAXA WP FI I T EF BP GN TOTAL % COVER AUG - FEB 1 Codium fragile T T 27.3 27.3 2 Balanus improvises 1.2' 0.1 21.6 0.1 0.2 23.2 3 Botryllus schlosseri 12.0' 1.1 M 4.8 20,3 4 Cryptosula pallaslana 24 6.0 0.1 lA 0.3 10.4 5 Balanus eburneus T T ■u 2.7 6 Botrylloides leachii -LS 2.5 7 Bugula spp. T L6 0.3 - 0.5 2.4 8 Balanus juveniles ( < 2mm) 0.1 0.2 1.0 T M 1.9 9 Mytilus edulis 0.1 T lA T 1.6 10 Tubularla crocea T LI 1.5 11 Balanus amphitrite 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.1 1.4 12 Molgula spp. 0.2 T -- Li 1.3 13 Halecium spp. 1.2 T 1.2 14 Hydrozoa 0.7 - 0.7 15 Serpulid tubes T T 0.3 0:4 T 0.7 16 Barensia spp. - 0.3 0.3 - 0,6 17 Alcyonidium spp. - -- 0^ 0,6 18 Ceramium rubrum T T OA T 0.4 19 Nicloea venustula - -- - OJ 0.3 Total % cover 17.9 10.0 32.4 32.3 8.4 20.2- NOV - MAY 1 Balanus crenatus 10.8 35.2 10.7 6J tl.2 74.6 2 Balanus juveniles ( < 2mm) 4.5 12.1 1.8 4.0 6^ 28.6 3 Mytilus edulis 0.2 T 17.7 or I 18,0 4 Laminaria saccharina 5.8 0,2 8.8 2J. 16,9 5 Alcyonidium spp. -- 9.2 - 9.2 6 Tubularia crocea 3.8 3.8 7 Balanus improvisus T \A 2^ - 3,8 8 Ohelia spp. 0.3 OJ -- 0,4 9 Punctaria plantaginea - I -- T 10 Bacillariophyceae T T - I T Total % cover 21.6 47.6 45.0 21.6 19,5 31,1 Underlined percent covers indicate that the taxon was one of the top Tivc dominants for that site and exposure period. Bold-face percent covers indicate that the taxon was the most dominant for that site and exposure period. This is an average, i,e, sum of the total % covers divided by the number of sites. 12 Table 2. (cont'd) RANK TAXA WP FI I T E EF I BP GN TOTAL % COVER I Balanus crenatus 6.6 14.3 0.2 13.9 35.0 2 Balanus improvisus 1.2 0^ 9.9 0.2 12.2 3 Cryptosula pallasiana 1.8 6.0 0.4 0.2 8.4 4 Balanus eburneus 2.8 0.3 3.5 0.6 7.2 5 Botryllus schlosseri 1.3 0.2 2.4 3.9 6 Ralfsia verrucosa T 3.6 0.2 3.8 7 Balanus juveniles ( < 2mm) 0.7 0.3 1.6 0.5 3.1 8 Bugula spp. 1.6 0.3 T 0.2 2.1 9 Balanus amphitrite 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.6 1.9 10 Metridium senile - 1.5 1.5 11 Halichondrla spp. T 0.6 O.I 0.7 12 nbularia crocea M -- 0.5 Total % cover 16.9 26.8 17.7 18.9 20.1 MAY - NOV 1 Cryptosula pallasiana 7.7 23.7 3.4 34.8 2 Balanus eburneus 5.9 1.0 9.2 5.1 21.2 3 Balanus juveniles ( < 2mm) 2.2 1.3 10.3 3.2 17.0 4 Balanus improvisus 1.2 2.1 11.8 1.5 16.6 5 Halichondrla spp. 1.3 0.7 1.0 3.0 6 Bugula spp. 0.9 1.1 T 0.7 2.7 7 Balanus amphitrite 0.1 0.5 T 1.7 2.3 8 Schizoporella unicornis 1.4 0.3 1.7 9 Serpulid tubes T 0.1 0.1 T 0.2 10 Crepidula plana T -- Oii T 0,1 Total % cover 20.7 30.5 31.5 16.9 24.9 13 Aug-Feb Nov— May ^ 40- 30- 20- 10- SITE SITE < 30-1 a. 70- hi > C) 60 ■ o V 50- or < ^ 40- rr Q. io- 7 s zo- 3 Feb— Aug SITE 100 90 30 70- 60- 50 May— Nov SITE Figure 5. Mean primary covers of four subtidal barnacles on wood panels during each of the four six-month exposure periods from 1979-1986 in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. 14 Table 3. The mean numerical abundance of six fouling species on six-month exposure panels collected in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from 1979-1986. M E A N c ; o u N T ( ± 2 standard errors) T A X A SITE Aug - Feb Nov May Feb - Aug May - Nov w P 8.6 ± 9.1 0.8 ± 1.7 12.2 ± 10.0 0.3 ± 0.5 F I 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 1.9 ± 1.6 0.1 ± 0.1 Balanus amphitrite E F 9.8 ± 9.1 0 ± 0 0.7 ± 0.7 0 ± 0 B P 1.3 ± 1.3 0 ± 0 ... G N 0.7 ± 0.7 0 ± 0 9.5 ± 8.9 0 ± 0 W P 0.1 ± 0.1 113.5 ~± 58.4 61.6 ± 29.3 0 ± 0 FI 2.0 ± 2.8 350.9 ± 187.2 8.7 ± 7.0 0.4 ± 0.5 Balanus crenatus E F 5.2 ± 4.6 27.4 ± 13.6 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 B P 0 ± 0 280.5 ± 104.5 ... G N 0.1 ± 0.1 247.8 ± 188.6 83.6 ± 47.4 0.9 ± 1.3 W P 0.8 ± 1.7 0 0 21.8 ± 19.2 8.2 ± 5.6 F I O.I ± 0.1 0 ± 0 0.3 ± 0.7 0.4 i 0.4 Balanus ehurneus E F 7.4 ± 6.1 0 ± 0 7.5 ± 3.7 18.5 ± 9.3 B P 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 G N 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 3.0 ± 2.6 6.0 ± 4.4 W P 31.5 ± 39.1 <0.1 ± 0.1 18.5 ± 15.2 4.1 ± 2.9 F I 5.0 ± 3.2 0.1 ± 0.2 1.2 ± 1.3 0 ± 0 Balanus improvisus E F 223.7 ± 152.6 18.6 ± 12.9 59.0 ± 25.1 64.5 ± 40.8 B P 2.3 ± 1.8 0 ± 0 ..- G N 1.2 ± 1.0 0 ± 0 4.5 ± 5.2 3.0 ± 2.4 W P 12.4 ± 12.2 522.3 ± 233.8 237.5 ± 177.8 10.8 ± 6.7 F I 62.2 ± 36.0 826.9 ± 448.4 8.2 ± 4.3 9.5 ± 6.7 Balanus juveniles E F 53.6 ± 44.1 9.2 ± 2.6 49.5 ± 25.6 118.7 ± M.l ( < 2mm) B P 0.7 ± 1.3 820.3 ± 287.2 G N 92.4 ± 77.0 677.2 ± 309.2 39.8 ± 19.4 18.8 ± 11.1 W P 149.3 ± 1 10.1 27.9 ± 19.5 7.1 ± 6.9 1.5 ± 2.8 F I 1.4 ± 1.6 5.6 ± 3.2 0.3 ± 0.3 0 -1- 0 Mylilus edulis E F 167.9 ± 134.6 128.4 ± 74.1 0 ± 0 0 i- 0 B P 0 ± 0 21.8 ± 8.0 ... ... G N 3.9 ;t 3.5 3.0 ± 2.3 0.5 ± 0.3 0 i 0 15 low numbers. The maximum recruitment for this species was 12 individuals per panel during Feb- Aug. Balanus crenatus settled in larger numbers than any of the other four barnacles and did so during the coldest period of the year, Nov-May. Balanus eburneus consistently settled in low numbers on panels at all sites during Feb- Aug and May- Nov. This species was also a dominant fouler at EF in Aug- Feb. Balanus improvisus, like B. eburneus, was most commonly collected at EF and had 3 to 19 times more larvae settling and surviving at EF than at any other site. Juvenile barnacles, which represent the pre-adults of the above four barnacles, had strong recruitment onto panel surfaces throughout the study. The largest numbers of juveniles settled during Nov-May, when B. crenatus was most abundant. Peak settlement of Mytilus edulis occurred during Aug-Feb and Nov-May, and recruitment was largest at EF (Table 2). In contrast, M. edulis was absent at EF in the Feb-Aug collections, while it was generally present in small numbers at the ambient water sites. Wood-boring species Percentage of wood lost. Wood-loss of exposure panels was based on either direct inspection of each panel (1979) or the visual assessment of panel radiographs (1980-1986). These types of estimates were not as quantitative as that based on the actual weight loss of panels, but the precision of visual method as compared to the weight method was very good (R = 0.98). Using a second-order polynomial regression model (Fig. 6), the following equation was provided to predict the percentage of wood lost by weight (WT) from that estimated by visual assessment of radiographs (V): %WT loss = 6.668 + 0.4204 (%V loss) + 0.0032 (%V lossf Wood-loss (V) was highest in May-Nov (average > 25%) and was primarily caused by Teredo navalis (Fig. 7). Wood-loss during the Feb-Aug exposure period was < 5%, and ca. 10% during Aug-Feb. Wood-loss from Nov-May was negligible, as T. navalis did not recruit during this period. The wood-loss caused by T. bartschi at EF and juvenile teredinids at all sites did not exceed 1%. Among stations, wood-loss has been greatest at GN and least at EF since 1979. At WP and FI, wood-loss has been similar during all exposure periods except May-Nov, when wood-loss was nearly three times larger at WP than at FI. 16 100- • 80- 60- ^.^^9 40- • • -^ 20- n i^ • ^^^^'"^'^ PERCENT LOSS (RADIOGRAPH) Figure 6. Comparison of wood-loss estimates from exposure panel weights versus visual assessments of radiographs from 1985-1986. These data were collected as part of the Exposure Panel Program at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Numerical abundance. The Millstone area has two general groups of marine woodborers: crustaceans and molluscs (Table 4). The crustaceans are represented in our data by two native taxa: IJmnoria spp., isopods, and Chelura terebrans, an amphipod. Because of the difficulties in identifying Limrtoria to the level of species, these "gribbles" have been lumped together at the generic level. Recruitment of Limnoria onto panels was greatest during the Feb-Aug (88-623 individuals/panel) and May-Nov (up to 1670 individuals/panel) exposure periods (Fig. 8). Of the five sites monitored, GN and WP sup- ported the greatest populations of these isopods. During the May-Nov exposure period, WP had 5 times more Limnoria than any other site and nearly 9 times more C. terebrans. This latter species has a commensal relationship with dense populations of limnorids, since the chelurids primarily feed on the thin 17 EFGW EFGW F 1 N P F 1 N P EFGW F 1 N P EFGW F 1 N P 1 — Aug-Fob — 1 1 — Nov-Moy— 1 1— Feb-Aug— 1 1— May-Nov— 1 ivyvyvvi i navai is i ■■■■ T. QARTSCHI 1 T JUVENILES Figure 7. Mean wood-loss caused by shipworms in six-monlh exposure panels collected from 1979-1986 in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. paiiitions between limnorid tunnels (Barnard 1959). These large densities of wood-boring Crustacea at WP during May-Nov were the cause of the increased wood-loss noted earlier at WP for this exposure period. The moUuscan woodborers, shipworms, were represented in the Millstone area by Teredo navalis, the native species and by T. hartschi, an immigrant species (Table 4). Shipworms were collected from every site during three of four exposure periods (Fig. 9). Juvenile teredinids ( < 5 mm in length) representing recent recruitment to panel communities, were most numerous during peak reproductive periods; August 18 The mean numerical abundance of five wood-boring taxa on six-month exposure panels collected in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from 1979 -1986. MEAN C O U N T(i2 standard errors) T A X A SITE Aug Feb Nov - May Feb - Aug May - Nov w p 109.1 ± S2.3 40.7 ± 20.5 581.2 ± 107.6 1670.5 ± 416.4 F I 38-0 ± 27.7 0.5 ± 0.5 179.3 + 102.0 164.9 ± 51.6 Limnoria spp. E F 1.1 ± 1.5 1.9 ± 1.5 87.8 ± 54.9 6.8 i 5,9 B P 3.0 ± 1.2 4.2 ± 2.4 — G N 201.8 ± 90.6 307.8 ± 147.1 623.2 ± 194.0 341,2 i 196.8 W P 0.8 ± 0.8 0 ± 0 18.3 ± 14.5 898.0 = 511.3 F 1 0.9 ± 1.1 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 0=0 Chctura terebrans E F 0 = 0 T i 0 0 I 0 0=0 B P 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 G N 3.1 ± 4.4 0 ± 0 0.9 ± 1.2 100,2 ± 138.3 W P 33.3 ± 18.2 0 ± 0 9.4 i 4.7 50,3 i 19.4 F 1 9 A ± 3.9 0 ± 0 7.3 ± 5.0 15.1 ± 4.4 Teredo navalis E F 8.1 ± 4.1 <0.1 ± <0.1 0.5 ± 0.3 7.4 ± 3.3 B P 6.0 ± 4.2 0 ± 0 ... G N 73.7 ± 44.6 0 ± 0 46.7 ±21.8 210.4 i 42.7 W P 0 -t 0 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 F I 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 Teredo hartschi E F 13.4 ± 10.8 0.1 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0,9 2.3 ± 1.5 B P 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 G N 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 0 i 0 W P 0.1 ± 0.1 0 ± 0 23.8 ± 17 1 0 ± 0 Fl 0.1 ± 0.1 0 ± 0 12.6 ± 7,8 0.2 ± 0.4 Teredo juveniles E F 0.4 ± 0.4 0.6 i 0.2 1.0 ± 0.5 6.4 ± 6.4 B P 0 ± 0 0 ± 0 G N 0.1 ± 0.1 0 i 0 71.6 ± 20,5 0.5 ± 0.7 at ambient water sites and November at EF. Teredinid larvae settling at EF in November were most likely T. harlschi, since the major increase in recruitment from November to February was for this species. Among sites, GN had the greatest recruitment of shipworms (210 shipworms/panel/year), and had 2-4 times as many shipworms per exposure period as any other site, while FI had the fewest (15 shipworms/panel/year) among the ambient water sites. BP, established in 1985, has not been sampled for a long enough period to determine temporal trends. EF was characterized by low abundances of all wood-boring species throughout the study. However, this site supported the only population of T. bartschi, which has been collected in the effluent since 1975. Depth preferences of foulers and woodborers at EF. Two rack and frame assemblies of exposure panels were monitored at EF to determine if fouling species or woodborers had any depth preferences for panels 19 JOOO- B E F G W P F I N P I — Aug-Feb — I E F G W F I N P -Nov-Moy — I -Fob-Aug- E F G W B E F G W F 1 N P P F 1 N P -May-Nov- LIMNORIASPP. CHELURA TEREBRANS Figure 8. Mean numercial abundance of wood-boring Crustacea, Limnoria spp. and Chelura terebrans in six-month exposure panels collected from 1979-1986 in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. placed 1 m below the surface or those placed 1 m above the bottom. Nine taxa were selected for comparison based on their peak occurrences during the four exposure periods sampled from 1985-1986 (Table 5). Of these, four foulers and two woodborers had significantly larger abundances on one set of panels as compared to the other in at least one exposure period. Alcyonidium spp., Balanus eburneus, Tubularia crocea and Teredo navalis had their largest abundances on the panels close to the bottom, while n. improvisus and Limnoria spp. were most abundant near the surface. Even though limnorids were most 20 B E F G W P F I N P I— Aug-Feb— I B E F G W P F I N P I — Nov-Moy— I E F G W F I N P -Feb-Aug — I B E F G W P F I N P I— May-Nov— I T. JUVENILES Figure 9. Mean numercial abundance of the wood-boring mollusca, Teredo navalis. Teredo bartschi and Teredo juveniles (< 5 mm in length), in six-month exposure panels collected from 1979-1986 in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. abundant near the surface, T. navalis was much more destructive. Therefore, general wood-loss in panels was greater near the bottom. 21 Table 5. A comparison between the recruitment of dominant fouling and wood-boring species on six-month exposure panels suspended at two different depths in the effluent of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from February 1985 - May 1986. Taxa Exposure period Mean Abundance Surface Bottom Probability Wilcoxon t-test 2-sample Test Alcyonidium spp. Nov- May 11.8%^ 17.8% 0.04* 0.07 Balanus eburneus Feb-Aug 2.2^ 8.7 0.007* 0.02* May- Nov 2.5 9.8 0.008* 0.06 Balanus improvisus Feb-Aug 9.8 14.8 0.21 0.23 Aug- Feb 15.0 0.3 0.003* 0.004* Balanus crenatus Aug- Feb 13.7 17.7 0.58 0.42 Nov- May 78.0 147.8 0.15 0.47 Mytilus edulis Nov-May 70.2 91.0 0.26 0.38 Tuhularia crocea Feb-Aug 0.0% 3.0% 0.01* 0.009* Wood loss May- Nov 4.5% 11.7% ■ 0.008* 0.02* Aug- Feb 3.0% 0.7% 0.13 0.10 Limnoria spp. Feb-Aug 307.2 0.5 0.0001* 0.004* May- Nov 21.2 1.3 0.07 0.04* Teredo navalis May- Nov 0.5 6.5 0.004* 0.004* Aug- Feb 0.3 1.5 0.08 0.06 Teredo bartschi Feb-Aug 4.2 3.3 0.50 0.61 May-Nov 3.8 7.7 0.19 0.23 Aug- Feb 2.0 1.7 0.81 0.80 Exposure periods listed are those which had peak recruitment for each species. #% = average primary cover (n = 6) # = average numerical abundance (n = 6) Difference is significant at least at the 0.05 level. 22 DISCUSSION Temporal changes in exposure panel communities are closely associated with seasonal water temper- atures and the suites of fouling and wood-boring life stages which are available for settling. In Nov-May, the coldest exposure period, panel communities were dominated by cold and temperate water species: Balanus crenatus, Mytilus edulis and Laminaria saccharina. In May-Nov, the warmest exposure period, these dominant species shifted to the warmer water assemblages of Cryptosula pallasiana, B. eburneus, B. improvisus, Limnoria spp., Cfielura terebrans and Teredo navalis. These seasonal trends in recruitment for fouling and wood-boring species have been well documented in other studies (Nair and Saraswathy 1971; Osman 1977, 1978; Sutherland and Karlson 1977; Ibrahim 1981). The fouling community at EF was different from those at ambient water sites; large primary covers on EF panels were related to accelerated growth in response to elevated temperatures. Cory and Nauman (1969) found that dry weight production of fouling species was on the average 2.8 times greater in the power plant effluent at Chalk Point, Maryland than in its intake waters. Young and Frame (1976) reported that the optimum temperature for growth of Balanus spp. was approached more closely during the winter in the Oyster Creek power plant's discharge canal than in the intake canal where growth rate was reduced by cold water. Conversely, effluent temperatures during the wjirmest months of the year had negative effects. Set- tlement and survival of some species were adversely affected by effluent temperatures, since seasonal temperatures exceeded the upper tolerance levels for some of their life stages. Similar exclusion of temperate- boreal species from the Millstone Quarry has been discussed in the Rocky Intertidal section of this report. Laminaria saccharina, a temperate-boreal brown alga, has never been collected on panels at EF, yet was a consistent dominant at ambient water sites in Nov-May. Adult stages of Mytilus edulis have an upper thermal tolerance of 26-27 °C (Gonzalez and Yevich 1976; Johnson et al. 1983) and the effluent temperatures exceeded 26°C from June to September. I^arge populations of mussels were observed in the Millstone Quarry during several May collection periods, but totally disappeared during June and July. In addtion, remains of dead barnacles and bryozoans were generally 2.5 times greater at EF than at other sites. This abiotic cover peaked on EF panels during the warmest exposure period of the year (May-Nov). 2.1 To date, Teredo bartschi has been found only in panels exposed to undiluted effluent, but the destructive potential of this species warranted a series of special studies, conducted from 1981 to 1985 (report in preparation). Teredo bartschi is a warm water immigrant, and differs from 7'. navalis in being a long-term brooder instead of a short-term brooder. By brooding its veliger larvae to the pcdiveliger stage before releasing them, 7'. bartschi pediveligers are able to reinfest wood near their parent populations, which makes this species very destructive to a localized area after it has established a population (Hoagland and Turner 1980; Turner 1973). In contrast, T. navalis veligers are released at the straight hinge stage and require at least three weeks of development in the plankton before they metamorphose (Imai et al. 1950; Culliney 1975). Teredo bartschi recruitment into EF panels occurred after August with the largest popu- lations occuiring in the panels collected in February. However, our investigation concerning the life history of this species has established that T. bartschi release pediveliger larvae throughout the year at EF tem- peratures (report in preparation). This would suggest that the successful recmitment of this species requires temperatures above 22 "C. Wood-loss data prior to 1979 indicated that the EF site consistently experienced the heaviest annual shipworm infestation of any of the ambient water sites (Battelle 1978b). This contradicted the 1979-1986 data as presented in this report. The reason for this discrepancy is that the location of the exposure panel rack at EF was changed in 1979 from just off the bottom in shallow water to 1 m below the surface in about 10 m of water. The depth preference data described in this report indicates that T. navalis occurred in greater abundance 1 m off the bottom than at 1 m from the surface. Others have reported that this species has a strong preference for setting close to the bottom (Grave 1928; Schellema and Tinjitt 1956; Turner 1966; Nair and Saraswathy 1971). In fact, its preference is so pronounced that the location of our panels 1 m of the bottom probably missed their peak zone of recruitment. Therefore the 1979-1986 data may underestimate the abundances of woodborers on the bottom. We will evaluate the depth response of T. navalis by placing a set of panels in pre- 1979 position, i.e., just off the bottom in shallow water. In summary, the ambient water sites had similar fouling assemblages and trends in abundance from 1979-1986. Total primary cover at all sites was dominated by three barnacle species. Balanus crenatus was most dominant at ambient water sites during Aug- Feb and Nov- May, and B. eburneus and B. improvisus were most dominant during Feb-Aug and May-Nov. Other fouling species that consistently colonized over 5% of the panel surfaces at ambient sites were Cryplosula pallasiana, Botryllus schlosseri and Laminaria saccharina. The primary covers of EF panels were different from those at ambient water sites; Balanus 24 improvisus, Tubularia crocea and Mytilus edulis, and Alcyonidium spp. had consistently large primary covers, while Laminaria saccharina and Botryllus schlosseri were totally absent from EF assemblages. Woodborer abundances vary from site to site and were dependent on the time of year the exposure panels were exposed. Trends in primary cover did not appear to affect woodborer abundances. At ambient water sites, Teredo navalis was the only shipworm collected. Woodboring Crustacea, Limnoria spp. and Chelura terebrans, were most abundant at WP and GN. The EF site had the only population of T. bartschi and this species appeared to recruit to panels only when effluent temperature exceeded 22 °C. Teredo navalis colonized panels at EF later in the year than at ambient water sites. Patterns of abundance and distribution of woodborers and other fouling organisms at the ambient water sites were consistent and predictable from year to year, as were differences between the ambient water communities and those that developed in undiluted effluent. Characteristics of the EF community included enhanced primary cover, temporal shifts in peak abundance of individual species and total primary cover, absence of cold water species, and the unique occurrence of a warm water shipworm, Teredo bartschi. Further investigations of the factors that control the distribution of T. bartschi are detailed in the next section. DISTRIBUTION STUDY OF TEREDO NA VALIS AND TEREDO BARTSCHI MATERIALS AND METHODS This study used panels located at 100, 500, and 1000 m from the cuts in the Millstone Quarry through which the MNPS effluent flows into Long Island Sound (Fig. 1). In May of each year a total of 15 knot-free pine exposure panels without plexiglass backers were placed in three wire lobster pots attached to each of three trawl-lines (Fig. 10). In November, nine panels from each trawl-line were collected, leaving six panels to provide substratum for a stock population. Three panels were taken from each lobster pot in a trawl-line and three new ones were added. In May of the following year all 15 panels were collected and replaced with new ones. To date, only two exposure periods have been completed. 25 B. EXPOSURE PANEL / JL 3 (3 (3 r £ Figure 10. Diagram of an exposure panel trawl-line used to sample the distribution of shipworms in relation to the efriuent discharge point at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (a. trawl-line of five lobster pots with the locations of tfie 15 pine panels; b. pine panel showing the sections used for subsampling). The panels collected in November were exposed during the period of peak recruitment for shipworms. Therefore, only six of the nine panels collected from each trawl-line were selected for shipworm identification. Each panel was cut into six equal parts, and all shipworms in one of the parts were removed and identified. Because the parts chosen came from different locations in each panel (Fig. 10), the six parts processed 26 were, in fact, a "composite" of an entire panel. The same sampling scheme was used for each of the three trawl-lines. Shipworm infestation was assumed to be minimal in panels exposed from November to May. Hence, all 15 panels were radiographed using the X-ray method described earlier, and if shipworms were present, they were removed and identified. DATA ANALYSIS Data analyses consisted of comparisons between sites using observations made on panel sections paired by their location in the panel. This type of pairing was necessary, because shipworm recruitment rates vary with the location of the panel section observed (e.g., shipworm infestation is greatest on the bottom and top ends of a panel). Parametric t-tests and non-parametric Wilcoxon 2-sample tests were used to compare the occurrences of Teredo navalis between pairs of sites. RESULTS A total of 18 panels were collected in November 1985, after a six month exposure at distances of 100, 500 and 1000 m from the Millstone Quarry. Over 1500 shipworms were removed and identified from these panels (Table 6). The estimated total recruitment of shipworms was 615 per panel at 100 m, 526 at 500 m and 388 at 1000 m. Teredo bartschi were collected only in panels at 100 m, and they represented 2.3% of the total number of shipworms which were collected at that distance. However, one of the 14 individuals collected was brooding pediveligers, indicating that T. bartschi can reproduce outside the quarry. Both parametric and non-parametric statistical comparisons were made concerning the abundances of shipworms by panel section and distance. None of the three comparisons among the sites were significant at a = 0.05. However, there is a trend of decreasing abundance with increasing distance from the quarry (Table 7). Lx)W number of observations and high degree of intra-site (within site) variability contribute to the lack of statistical significance; more data may substantiate a distinct trend. 27 In May 1986, all 45 panels, representing all distances, were collected, x-rayed, and shown to be devoid of shipworms. Table 6. Distribution of shipworms in relation to the eflluent discharge point at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from May - November 1985. Distance Species Number per section Total no. 12 3 4 5 6 per panel Percent 100 m Teredo navalis 145 116 49 32 161 98 601 97.7 100 m Teredo bartschi 4 0 4 0 0 6 14^ 2.3 TOTAL 615 500 m Teredo navalis 85 83 58 98 92 110 526 100.0 500 m Teredo bartschi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 TOTAL 526 1000 m Teredo navalis 98 83 73 43 54 37 388 100.0 1000 m Teredo bartschi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 TOTAL 388 One individual was brooding pediveligers. Table 7. Statistical comparisons in the mean number of Teredo navalis collected in exposure panels, in relation to the effluent discharge point at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from May - November 1985. Pr o b a b i 1 i t y Mean WUcoxon Difference n difference S E t-test 2 -sample test 100 vs 500m 6 12.2 21.1 0.59 0.52 100 vs 1000m 6 35.2 19.8 0.14 0.26 500 vs 1000m 6 23.0 15.3 0.19 0.09 28 DISCUSSION The panels at 100, 500, and 1000 m represent a series of samples collected along a straight line at increasing distances from the quarry. The direction of this transect was the same as the ebb tide flow of the effluent plume. The data described a consistent decrease in panel recruitment of Teredo navalis from 601 at 100 m to 388 at 1000 m. This trend may indicate that recruitment of 7'. navalis is enhanced m the effluent mixing zone, even though the differences in shipworm densities were not statistically different (p < 0.05) from 100 to 1000 m. This was the first study investigating the distribution of Teredo bartschi beyond the undiluted effluent or F-F site. Panels at the 100 m sampling site were within the effluent mixing zone, and were periodically flushed by effluent waters; the depth at this site was 5 m. Incursion of effluent water permitted the successful recruitment of T. bartschi in panels at 100 m. Studies on the life history of this species from 1983-1985 established that T. bartschi could grow and reproduce at ambient water temperatures in the Millstone area (report in preparation), but may require higher effluent temperatures for successful recruit- ment. The panels at 500 and 1000 m sampling sites were at depths of approximately 10 m and were not exposed to effluent water, under 2-unit operating conditions. No T. bartschi were found at 500 or 1000 m. A similar link between high temperatures and the distribution of this species has been indicated by others; Teredo bartschi has been recorded outside its normal range only in the vicinities of thermal effluents. Hoagland and Turner (1980) reported that T. bartschi was present in panels at the mouth of the Waretown Creek and in Forked River from 1975 to 1978; both areas were in the mixing zone of the thermal plume from the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Bamegat Bay, New Jersey. In summary, a reproductive population of Teredo bartschi was collected at a site 100 m outside of the quarry cuts, within the mixing zone of 2-unit effluent. Preliminary data indicate that water temperatures above ambient are needed for larval recruitment, i.e., some incursion of effluent water; however, additional studies are needed to determine the exact conditions needed for T. bartschi settlement, and to determine whether the local distribution of T. bartschi will expand under 3-unit operating conditions. Additional studies may also substantiate the observed trend of increasing T. navalis abundance with decreasing distance from the quarry cuts. 29 TIMBER STUDY MATERIALS AND METHODS This study used five different types of wooden blocks or "timbers" which were exposed to the marine envirormient at five sites for periods of one to five years. The timbers (6.4 x 10,8 x 30.5 cm) were cut from planks (6.4 x 24 x 300 cm) commonly used for building docks. The five types of wood were: untreated Red Oak and Douglas Fir, and three types of chemically treated Southern Yellow Pine. The three chemical treatments were; 20 lbs per ft creosote, 0.6 lbs per ft chromated copper arsenate (CCA), and 2.5 lbs per ft CCA. The timbers were deployed at four sites used for monitoring fouling and wood-boring species: White Point (WP), Fox Island (FI), Effluent (EF) and Giants Neck (GN), and at a fifth site (Fig. 1), located at the Niantic Bay Yacht Club, Black Point (NB). The timbers were fastened with plastic cable ties to wire lobster pots (Fig. 11). Three pots per site were deployed on the bottom with timbers arranged so that all untreated wood blocks were attached to the same pot. Three timbers of each type were collected at each site in November and new ones deployed. Four replicate timbers of each type were placed at each site when this study began in March 1983, to be collected in November 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988. These timbers, deployed for long-term exposures, were not replaced upon collection. Wood-loss was quantified by comparing the weights of replicate timbers that have not been placed in seawater (blanks) with those that have been exposed. Every year, three blanks of each type of timber were cut from the same planks used to make timbers for deployment. After collection, the exposed timbers were processed according to the following procedure. First the percentage of surface area covered by each fouling species was recorded, and then the timbers were scraped clean and frozen. Next, they were radiographed using a 250 kV X-ray tube and the approximate percentage of wood lost was visually estimated from the radiographs. Wood-loss was expressed as the average of that percentage assigned to the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right quadrants of each timber and was accomplished by rating the general proportions of bright areas, caused by various densities of shipworm tubes and the dark areas caused by various degrees of wood-loss. Finally, the timbers and the blanks were sectioned into one inch lengths and dried in a solar oven until they reached a constant weight. The untreated timbers were 30 Stction JisctrJed Figure 1 1 . Diagram of a lobster pot (A), the location of timbers along its sides (B), and the dimensions of a timber with the location of sections which are weighed (C). These limbers are used to monitor wood-loss caused by marine woodborers in common building materials in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. acid-soaked and rinsed as described earlier for the exposure panels, but the chemically pre-treated timbers were not acid-soaked because of the resulting hazardous reaction products. DATA ANALYSIS The data summarize three sampling years, 1983-1985, prior to three-unit operation at MNPS. The first set of timbers was deployed in March 1983, and the last set was collected in November 1985. 31 The weight loss of exposed timbers was obtained by subtracting the weight of the exposed timbers from the average weight of 15 sections obtained from the three replicate "blank" timbers. In addition, since the dimensions of the timbers and the thicknesses of the sections varied from year to year, all weights were converted to a standard density unit, grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm ). In this report, the wood-losses for Douglas Fir and Red Oak were based on direct weighings. Direct weights of chemically treated timbers would have been biased by the calcium carbonate tubes of shipworms, as these timbers were not acid-soaked. Therefore, wood-losses for chemically treated woods were based on radiographic estimates. RESULTS There was considerable variability in the dimensions and quality of the planks used in this study. Of all the planks used, the Douglas Fir plank in 1983 and the creosote plank in 1984 were most dissimilar in their general dimensions. The quality of the pressure treated woods used in 1984 was poor. The creosote treated plank did not have 20 lbs of creosote per cubic foot because the density of these timbers (g/cm^) was 39% lower than those in 1985. Similarly, the CCA treated sections in 1984 were dissimilar to those in 1985. Weight data are not available for unexposed pressure treated timbers in 1983. To account for all this variability, weight loss extimates were converted into grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm ) of wood (Table 8). The correlation between the wood-loss estimates by weight to that by visual inspection of radiographs was highly significant (p > 0.001). The second order polynomial equation used in the regression analysis has an R^ of 0.81 (Fig. 12). The shape of this regression line relative to the data indicates that we consistently overestimated wood-loss using the radiographic method. Wood-loss for Douglas Fir and Red Oak are presented in Figure 13. Douglas Fir lost an average of 3 times more wood during a one year exposure than did the Red Oak, ranging from 30-70% loss vs. 5-55% loss. In general, timbers that lost 70% of their weight were so fragile that several severely degraded timbers were lost from lobster pots. 32 Average weight of a section for each type 'of "blank " timber used in the Timber Study at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from 1983-1985. Average dimensions Avg. section Avg, density Length Width Height Type of wood Year weight (g) S E C V (g/cm') (cm) (cm) (cm) Douelas Fir 1983 108.4 2.3 8.3% 0.43 11.9 8.1 2.6 1984 86.8 0.9 4.0'!'n 0.46 11.4 6.3 2.6 1985 77.5 0.8 4.2»4 0.43 11.1 6.2 2.6 Red Oak 19S3 129.7 2.1 6. Pi 0.62 11.7 6.9 2.6 19S4 112.2 n.9 3.2'"o 0.63 11.0 6.2 2.6 1985 126.4 1.6 5.0"'o 0.75 10.8 6.0 2.6 Southern Yellow Pine n.6 lbs/ft' CCA 1984 112.8 0.9 3.1% 0.50 12.1 7.2 2.6 1985 115.7 1.8 6.0% 0.64 11.1 6.3 2.6 2.5 lbs. ft' CCA 1984 111.7 1.0 3.6% 0.46 12.5 7.5 2.6 1985 119.0 1.6 5.1% 0.67 11.0 6.2 2.6 20 lbs, ft' Creosote 1984 165.1 3.4 8.1% 0.58 12.1 9.4 2.5 1985 169.5 3.1 7.1% 0.95 10.9 6.3 2.6 100- "e o .• ■ E • Oi 80- • • * EC • /I >- y'^ • UJ • z 60- %/^ • * o • '^ • o ^^ • • • ^y^* 01 ^^ in • ^ ■^ O 40- • • • _i Q • •• • ^^, O ^,^ • O 5 • • X • • 1 — 20- ^ • z • «• tjj -'^» • o • •_•— ^* — '"*' • n. 0^ . •• •••/•. PERCENT WOOD LOSS for ONE YEAR (Radiograph) Figure 12. Comparison of wood-loss estimates from timber section weights versus visual assessments of radiographs for all types of wood examined from 1983-1985. These data were collected as part of the Exposure Panel Program at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. 33 100 DF RO DF RO NB WP Figure 13. Mean annual wood-loss caused by marine woodborers from 1983-1985 in Douglas Fir and Red Oak timbers in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Estimates are based on the weight of five, one inch sections from each timber. Radiographic estimates were used to describe wood-loss from chemically treated timbers. These data indicated that wood-loss was greatly reduced in treated woods relative to untreated types (Fig. 14). Only the cut surfaces of these timbers, which exposed areas with no chemical treatment, were su.sceptible to recruitment of woodborers. However, shipworms were able to penetrate some areas of CCA treated wood after they had settled and metamorphosed in untreated grains exposed by the cut surfaces. Data concerning wood-loss from timbers exposed for more than one year indicated that wood-loss can more than double during the second year of exposure (Table 9). Generally, Douglas Fir timbers were totally degraded by woodborers after two years, while three years were required for Red Oak timbers to reach 70% wood-loss. At EF, wood-loss of untreated timbers was considerably greater, and neither 34 Douglas Fir or Red Oak timbers lasted through two years of exposure. At EF and GN, CCA treated timbers with untreated grain had up to 50% wood-loss after three years of exposure. 25 ^ 20- 15 ID- S' C2 = 2.5 lbs/ft^ CCA) C6 = 0.6 lbs/ft^ CCA) OR = 20 Iba/ft^ Creosote) EF = Effluent Site Fi = Fox Island Site GN = Giants Neck Site NB = Niantic Bay Site WP = White Point Site CR C2 C6 K EFH CR C2 C6 h- Fi — 1 CR C2 C6 f- GN H CR C2 C6 H NB H CR C2 C6 h- WP H Figure 14. Mean annual wood-loss caused by marine woodborers from 1983-1985 in chemically treated Southern Yellow Pine timbers in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. Estimates are based on visual assessments of radiographs. 35 Table 9. Percentage of wood-loss Trom timbers submerged for periods of I, 2, and 3 years in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, from 1983-1985. no. of Percentage of wood lost years Type of wood exposed E F F 1 G N W P Douglas Fir I 2 68% 27% 82% 66% 48% 1 55% 4% 21% 8% Red Oak 2 ♦ 49^0 68% 56% 3 • 70% * 72% Southern Yellow Pine 0.6 lbs/ft^ CCA 1 8% 1% 10% 2",'-. 2 12% 2% 2% 3 44% 15% 2.5 lbs/ft^ CCA 1 19% 1% 11% 10% 2 28% 6% 19% 21% 3 47% 26% 50% ... 20 lbs/ft^ Creosote 1 0% 0% 0% 2 0% 0% 0% 3 NOTE: The Douglas Fir and Red Oak data are based on direct weights and the pressure-treated wood data are based on visual estimates of radiographs. Timbers were lost from pots and assumed totally destroyed by woodborers. — Timbers were lost from pots, but this loss was not related to woodborers. DISCUSSION The timber study quantified the annual loss of wood at the five sites in the vicinity of MNPS, and detenmined the longevity of five types of wood commonly used in marine construction. The untreated woods have provided direct weight data to compare wood-loss between sites, and the percentage of wood lost in the chemically treated woods has been calculated on the basis of visual estimates of wood-loss using radiographs. The chemical treatments applied to the timbers protected the wood from woodborer attacks. However, woodborers readily recruited into the untreated wood grain exposed by the preparation of timbers. Within the first year, between 1-10% of the wood in the CCA treated timbers was lost and after three years 36 15-50% of the wood was lost. In addition, the adult shipworms appeared to be able to survive boring through the lower concentrations of CCA, which existed beneath the treated surfaces of the timbers. Woodborers were never observed penetrating the treated outside surfaces of a timber. The total protection of creosote timber from wood-loss in 1983 and 1985, resulted from the effective penetration of this chemical (20 lbs/cm ) throughout the interior wood grain of each timber. Other studies have concluded that the CCA and creosote treated woods are very effective at deterring marine woodborers (Baechler et al. 1970; Johnson 1977; Richards 1977, 1979; Johnson and Gutzmer 1981). Creosote (20 lbs/ft^) and CCA (1.0 lbs/ft ) have been reported to withstand woodborer attacks for eight years, while test panels and piles with very high retentions of CCA (2.5 lbs/ft ) have been reported to repel woodborers for 25 years (letter from W.T. Henry to J.D. Land, Koppers-Hickson Canada, Ltd., 1976). In their studies small test blocks were used and treated after being cut. In the present study, we used products and treatments available to local builders. Aruiually, there was a threefold greater loss of wood from Douglas Fir timbers than from Red Oak timbers. Although Douglas Fir is seldom used in marine construction, oak planking and pilings are often used locally. The reduced wood-loss as observed for Red Oak is the reason hardwoods have been used in dock building. Oak pilings are much larger than our timbers and are set with the bark still on the tree, which provides additional protection from wood-borers. However, untreated woods in the local marine environments are readily attacked by borers. Wood-loss varied from site to site, and FI had the least wood-loss of any of the sites sampled. However, Red Oak timbers at EF lost over twice as much wood when compared to the Red Oak timbers at ambient water sites. This was in contrast to data collected at EF using exposure panels, where wood-loss of panels at EF never exceeded that observed at ambient water sites. The reason for this discrepency was related to the location of the panels versus that of the timbers. Timbers were deployed directly on the bottom, while the EF panels were suspended off the bottom. Even the lower frame and rack assembly of panels deployed at EF was approximately one meter higher in the water column thcin were the timbers. The fu-st inch of the timbers was usually embedded in the bottom sediments, which was the reason the first section of the timbers was routinely discarded during processing. Therefore, the greater annual wood-loss in timbers was caused by shipworms setting most heavily at the mudline, an occurrence documented by others (Grave 1928; Scheltema and Truitt 1956; Turner 1966; Nair and Saraswathy 1971). 37 In conclusion, our objectives for the timber study are being met. The untreated timbers have provided the needed database for quantifying wood-loss from site to site and year to year. The longevity of untreated Douglas Fir and Red Oak have been determined, and that for the treated woods continues to be investigated. Chemical treatments deter woodborer attack, but cutting treated timbers exposed unprotected surfaces. Of our test treatments, only creosote was penetrating enough to provide protection to interior wood grain. These data will be used to defme potential power plant impacts on wood-loss in the vicinity of Millstone during three unit operation. 38 SUMMARY 1. The most abundant fouling species at ambient water sites (WP, FI, BP, GN) were Balanus crenatus, Codium fragile, Cryptosula pallasiana, Botryllus schlosseri, Laminaria saccharina and Balanus eburneus while the most abundant fouling species at EF (effluent site) were Balanus improvisus and Mytilus edulis. Balanus eburneus, a wann water barnacle, was consistently more abundant at EF than at the ambient water sites, and L. saccharina was never collected at the EF site. The identity and abundance of these fouling species did not affect abundance of woodborers. 2. Characteristics of the EF community which were related to temperature included enhanced primary cover, temporal shifts in peak abundance of individual species and total primary cover, absence of cold water species, and the unique occurrence of a warm water shipworm, Teredo bartschi. 3. Teredo bartschi recruited into EF panels after August with their largest populations occurring in panels collected in February. There is evidence to suggest that this species has a minimum setting temperature of approximately 22 "C. 4. Teredo navalis was most abundant at GN in May-Nov, while Limnoria spp. and Chelura terebrans were most abundant at WP in May-Nov. The low abundance of T. navalis at EF from 1979-1986 was caused by panel location. A second rack and frame assembly of panels will be relocated 0.2 m from the bottom in shallow water to further evaluate the vertical distribution of woodborers at EF. 5. The occurrence of T. bartschi at 100, 500 and 1000 m from the MNPS effluent discharge point was monitored. A reproductive population of T. bartschi was collected from panels at 100 m, after six months exposure. 6. Our data describe a consistent decrease in panel recruitment of T. navalis from 601 at 100 m to 388 at 1000 m. This trend may indicate that recruitment of T. navalis is enhanced in the effluent mixing zone. 39 7. Annually there was a threefold greater wood-loss from untreated Douglas Fir than from Red Oak timbers, but both types of wood were readily infested, and generally decomposed within 2-3 years. 8. Commercially available preservatives (e.g., creosote, CCA) retard woodborer infestation. However, chemical treatments were compromised by cutting the timbers. These cut surfaces exposed untreated grain which allow woodborers to enter the timbers. At EF and GN, CCA treated timbers with exposed untreated grain had up to 50% wood-loss in three years. CONCLUSIONS Results from these studies indicated that thermal effects due to two unit operation at the Millstone Nuclear -Power Station were restricted to within 100 m of the effluent discharge point. In future studies, sustained increase in abundance of Teredo navalis, Balanus eburnens and MytHus edulis or the sustained decrease in abundance of Balanus crenatus and Laminaria saccharina at nearby sites would indicate thermal effects caused by three unit operation. In addition. Teredo bartschi recruitment, and establishment of reproductive populations at sites beyond 100 m from the effluent discharge point would also be considered power plant related. 40 REFERENCES CITED Baechler, R.II., B.R. Richards, A. P. Richards and H.G. Roth. 1970. Effectiveness and permanence of several preservatives in wood coupons exposed to seawater. Am. Wood Preservers' Assoc. 66:47-64. Barnard, J.L. 1959. Generic partition in the amphipod Family Cheluridae, marine woodborers. Pacific Naturalist 1:3-12. 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The marine boring and fouling invertebrate community of Bamegat Bay, New Jersey; general community structure: the relationship of hydrography to dominant species and community complexity; specific community structure: patterns of differential settling of dominant species as a function of depth and surface orientation. M.S. Thesis, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, New Jersey. 237 pp. Sutherland, J. P., and R.H. Karlson. 1977. Development of stability of the fouling community at Beaufort, North Carolina. Ecol. Monogr. 47:425-446. Turner, R.D. 1947. Collecting shipworms. Limnol. Soc. Am. Spec. Publ. No. 19. . 1966. A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae. Cambridge Mus. Comp. Zool. Hcirvard Univ. 265 pp. . 1973. In the path of a warm saline effluent. Am. Malacol. Union Bull. 39:36-41. Weiss, CM. 1948. An observation on the inhibition of marine wood destroyers by heavy fouling accumulation. Ecology 29:120. Young, J.S., and A.B. Frame. 1976. 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Bacteriology 29:239-251. 45 Contents FISH nCOLOGY 1 IN'IRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND MEIHODS 4 Ichthyoplankton program 4 Impingement program 8 Trawl program 10 Seine program 12 Data handling 16 Time-series analysis 18 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 20 Ichthyoplankton 21 Impingement 26 Trawls 27 Seines 28 Selected species 30 Ammodytes americanus, American sand lance 30 Anchoa spp., anchovies 32 Gasterosteux spp., sticklebacks 36 Menidia spp., silvcrsides 38 Microgadus lomcod, Atlantic tomcod 39 Myoxocephabis aenaeus, grubby 44 Tautoga onilis, tautog 46 Tautogolahrux adspersus, cunncr 51 C:ONCLL'SIONS 56 SUMMARY 57 • REFERENCES CITED 58 AFPENDIX 68 FISH ECOLOGY INTRODUCTION Finfish are an important marine resource and are found in a variety of habitats in the vicinity of Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) in eastern Ixjng Island Sound (LIS). The construction and operation of MNPS could affect fish assemblages inhabiting the site environs (Fig. 1) by increasing mortality rates of various life stages and by altering spatial distributions. Populations may experience higher than normal mortality rates due to either impingement of young and adult fish on the intake screens, or entrainment of larvae in the cooling water system. The effect of increased mortality rates on these populations can be very different depending on the size, age structure and life span of the affected populations, and on the existence of compensatory mechanisms. Further, the spatial distribution of local fish populations may change in response to alterations in the thermal or chemical regime of the effluent or modifications to the physical habitat. Warmer water temperature can attract or exclude fish from areas affected by the thermal plume. Physical alterations caused by construction, dredging or bottom scouring could also attract or exclude fish from affected habitats. Because of these potential effects, Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCo) established several finfish sampling programs to provide baseline data for assessing the impacts of construction and operation of MNPS on local fish populations. The objectives of the fish ecology programs are as follows: 1. To sample, identify, and enumerate fish found in the Millstone Point area; 2. To determine which fish species may be susceptible to impact from entrainment, impingement, or exposure to the heated effluent; and 3. To describe the fluctuations in abundance of life history stages of species that are potentially impacted and evaluate whether these fluctuations are within the expected historical range or have been effected by power plant operation. Long Island Sound Figure 1. F^ocation of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in eastern Long Island Sound. To meet these objectives the available life history stages of local finfish species are studied by various programs at Northeast Utilities Environmental Laboratory (NUEL). The sampling programs established over the years to monitor planktonic, demersal, pelagic and shore-zone fish abundances, were complemented by entrainment and impingement monitoring programs. Studies of planktonic fish eggs and larvae (i.e., ichthyoplankton) have been conducted at Millstone since 1973. TTiese studies have included entrainment and offshore collections at various stations, and entrainment mortality and thermal tolerance studies on selected larval fish species. A trawl sampling program was established in April 1973 to monitor demersal fish. Since then, up to 11 stations have been sampled biweekly. Although the program has been reduced to six representative sites, the methodology continues today relatively unchanged. The seine program, established in 1969 to monitor shore-zone fish, involved sampling at up to 7 stations at various frequencies. This program has been reduced to three representative sites, but the methodology remains unchanged. Routine impingement sampling began at MNPS Unit 1 in 1972, and at Unit 2 in September 1975. Monitoring at Unit 1 ceased with the installation of a fish return system in 1983. A gill-net program was established in 1971 to monitor pelagic fishes that were not caught in the trawl or seine programs, but it was discontinued in 1982 after an evaluation concluded that the gill-net program did not provide qualitative data, was not cost effective, and did not sample potentially impacted fish (see Appendices la and lb and NUSCo 1982c). The monitoring studies were supplemented over the years by several entrainment survival and fish diversion studies, and by an evaluation of the Unit 1 fish return (sluiceway) system. Special studies of mortality experienced by fish larvae during entrainment and the thermal tolerance of selected species were conducted (Carpenter 1975; NUSCo 1975). Mortality of larvae entrained through Unit 1 was estimated to range from 20 to 50%. I^arvae were captured at the intake, discharge and quarry cut and held for 24 hr at intake water temperatures. Laboratory thermal tolerance studies, conducted on larvae of the silverside (Menidia spp.) mummichog (Fundulm spp.) and winter flounder {Pseudopkuronectes americanm) to assess thermal effects of power plant entrainment, indicated that mortality was low for silversides and mummichogs. The application of several devices (electric screens, noise generator, underwater lights, surface and bottom barriers and barrier nets) was investigated in an attempt to divert fish from the intakes and reduce impingement. Of the different devices tested, none reduced impingeftient (NUSCo 1976b). In 1980, NUSCo (1981b) demonstrated that it was practical and cost-effective to backfit a fish return system at Unit 1. A sluiceway was fabricated and installed there in December 1983, and results from a subsequent study indicated that survival of demersal fish and non-molting crustaceans exceeded 70% (NUSCo 1986b). Because the Unit 1 sluiceway has worked as designed and has successfully returned most organisms to LIS, it has mitigated the impact of impingement. This report summarizes the monitoring data gathered by the ichthyoplankton, trawl, seine, and impingement programs during the period of two-unit operation, 1976 through 1985. Accounts of the evolution of these programs are also provided. In addition, the monitoring data and life history of eight potentially impacted fish species are presented and evaluated to determine if two-unit operation of MNPS has had any detrimental effect on them. Finally, it is noted that the monitoring data summarized in this report consitute the baseline against which three-unit operational data will be compared after 1986. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ichthyoplankton program Ichthyoplankton studies have been conducted at Millstone since 1973. The program consisted of both "offshore" and "entrainment" sampling, and the number of samples collected by year and station is summarized in Appendix II. Offshore sampling was initiated in 1973 to provide information for development and interpretation of entrainment impact predictive models (Sissenwine et al. 1973). A bongo sampler with two conical plankton nets of 0.333- and 0.505-mm mesh and weighted with a depressor was towed for 1.5 min. Various combinations of 16 stations (Fig. 2), sampling frequencies (weekly, biweekly, monthly), tow types (surface, sawtooth oblique, bottom), and times (day, night) were used (Battelle 1976) (Table 1). Following an evaluation of the program in 1975 (Vaughan et al. 1976), offshore sampling was redirected towards determining the densities and seasonal succession of the plankton cornmunity. The number of stations was reduced to six, the sampling frequency was changed to monthly, and night sampling was eliminated. llie program was evaluated again in 1978 and the resulting recommendations were implemented in 1979. Sampling was limited to NB because this station provided the most representative samples of the offshore plankton community (NUSCo 1978). The 0.505-mm mesh net on one of the bongos was replaced with a 0.333-mm mesh net; this arrangement provided replication for the latter net. A stepped oblique tow (5 min each at surface, bottom, and mid-depth) provided a sample representative of the entire water column. Night sampling was reinstated to investigate the response of ichthyoplankton abundance to the diel period. The program has essentially remained unchanged since 1980, except for the use of a wire angle-indicator to more accurately position the net at the mid and bottom water depths. The ichthyoplankton entrainment studies began in 1973 (Table 2). The density of fish eggs and larvae was estimated from three replicate samples collected at the intake (IN) at three depths: surface (in previous reports called INTl), mid (previously INT3) and bottom (previously INT5), at the discharge (FN, previously DISI), and at the quarry cut (QCUT) (Fig. 3). Thirty plankton samples were taken every week (15 day, 15 night) with a 1.0 x 3.6-m conical plankton net with 0.333-rrun mesh netting; the volume Figure 2. Location of the ofTshore plankton sampling stations. of water sampled was estimated from a TSK flowmeter. During 1974, studies were conducted to compare the catches from the 0.333-mm mesh offshore sampling net and the net used at EN, and to evaluate laboratory processing techniques. Results indicated that there was no significant difference between the abilities of the two nets to catch eggs or larvae nor in the techniques used to process the samples (NUSCo 1983). Beginning in .luly 1975, an electronic flowmeter was used to measure volume of entrainment samples. Sampling was limited to the discharge station, where flow velocities were high cnougli to eliminate problems of poor flowrrieter response and net avoidance. Although the exact location of this station was somewhat different from that used previously, a comparability study revealed that there were no significant differences among density estimates made from samples collected simultaneously at the two sampling locations at the discharge (NUSCo 1976a). The sampling frequency was changed from one-day and one-night set of samples per week to three days and three nights per week (three replicates each, for a Table I. Summary of ofTshore plankton sampling program. J 1 r I M 1 A M 1 J 1 J 1 A 1 S 1 O 1 N 1 D 1973 Stations 1-4, 6-10 & NR sampled " Week ly (day) and Monthly (nighl) 1974 As in Dec. 197,3 Stations 1-4, 6-13 & NR sampled" Weekly (day) and Monthly (night) Stations 1-4, 6-16 & NB sampled^ 1975 Weekly (day) Monthly (night) Stations 1-4, 6-16 & NB sampled " Biweekly (day) Monthly (night) Monthly (day and night) 1976 As in Dec. 1975 Stations 2, 6, 8, 11, 14 & NB sampled" Monthly (day only) 1977 to 1978 1979 to Present n (day ivveekly and night) Station NB sampled At least weekly (day and night) Biweekly (day and night) ' Sample technique - one 15-min sawtooth oblique towusing a bongo frame rigged with 0.333-mm mesh and n.SOS-mm mesh plankton nets. Station NB previously reported as station 5. Same as "a", but replicate stratified (surface and bottom) and oblique tows were also done on a regular basis at randomly selected stations (see Battelle 1976 for details). In 1979 towing methodology consisted of 15-min sawtooth oblique tows using a bongo frame rigged with two n.333-mm mesh plankton nets. Beginning in 1980 the methodology changed to a stepped oblique tow (5 min lop, 5 min mid-depth, 5 min at bottom), f-rom 1983 to present a wire angle-indicator was u.sed to accurately position the net at surface, mid and bottom. total of 18 samples per week) to improve the accuracy of den.sily estimates and increase the sensitivity of subsequent When Unit 2 began using cooling water (fall 1976), sampling at l',N began alternating weekly between the discharge structures of Units 1 and 2, when operating conditions permitted. I'he electronic flowmeter was replaced with an array of four General Oceanics flowmeters in 1080. The bases for replacing the electronic flowmeter were high cost, poor maintenance record, and inability to account for vertical and horizontal differences in flow observed at the discharges of the two Units (NUSCo 198.^). The program was reviewed several more times (NUSCo 1981a, 1983, 1984a) and the sampling frequency reduced according to the schedule in Table 2. The evaluation of these sampling schedules (NUSC'o 198.^) indicated that no appreciable loss of accuracy had occurred despite a reduction in effort (see Appendix H). Millstone Nuclear Power Station Niantic Bay Figure 3. Location of the entrainment sampling sites. The current ichthyoplankton sampling program includes weekly or biweekly collections at station NB (located in mid-Niantic Bay) and at least weekly collections at station EN. Samples at NB were taken with the bongo system described previously using 0.333-mm mesh nets. Sampling duration was 5 min at each depth (surface, mid, and bottom) in stepwise oblique tows. Sample volumes were estimated using one General Oceanics flowmeter in each net. Approximately 300 m of seawater were filtered in each NB sample. Samples at EN were collected with the 1.0 x 3.6-m, 0.333-mm mesh conical plankton net deployed for 4 to 10 min on a gantry system. The deployment time depended on plant operating conditions and it was adjusted to filter about 400 m of cooling water per sample. Four General Oceanics flowmeters were positioned in the mouth of the net to record flow. Volume sampled was calculated by averaging the volume estimates provided by the four flowmeters. All offshore and entrainment samples were preserved in a 5 to 10% formalin solution. Although there have been minor changes in laboratory techniques to improve efficiency, the basic process has remained consistent. A dissecting microscope was set at 1 0 or 1 2 X magnification to view a portion of the sample and fish eggs and larvae were counted or removed using forceps. Initially, all fish Table 2. Summary of entrainmcnt plankton sampling program, 1973 - 1985. J 1 r- 1 M 1 A m|j |J |a|s |o|n|d IQVf .3 reps taken one day and one night per week at IN(surrace, mid & bottom). EN & QCUT 1974 .3 reps taken one day and one night per week at IN(surrace, mid & bottom), EN & QCUC 1975 .3 reps taken one day and one night per week at IN(!;urrace, mid & bottom), EN & QCUT 3 reps taken 3 days and 3 nights per week at EN 1976 to 19S0 3 reps" taken 3 days and 3 nights per week at EN 1981 to 1982 i reps taken .1 days and .3 nights per week at EN 3 reps taken 1 day and 1 night per week at EN 198.1 to 1984 1 rep taken 4 days and 4 nights per vvcek at EN 1 rep taken 1 day and 1 night per week at EN 1985 I rep taken 1 day and 1 night per week at EN 1 rep taken 4 days and 4 nights per week at EN 1 rep taken 3 days and 3 nights per week at EN I rep taken 1 day and 1 night per week at EN Volume estimated from TSK flowmeter readings Volume estimated from electronic flowmeter Volume estimated from General Oceanics flowmeter larvae were removed from whole samples and identified to lowest practical taxon. Fish eggs were identified year-round beginning in May of 1979 and from only April through September from 1981 through the present. As the technology became available, a splitter (NOAA-noume, described by Botelho and Donnely 1978) was developed that allowed accurate subsampling and reduced .sorting time. Successive subsamples were processed until at least 50 larvae and 50 eggs (for samples processed for eggs) were found, or until one-half of the sample was examined. Samples collected at EN were sorted for both fish eggs and larvae, but NB samples were sorted for larvae only (see Appendices III and IV). This further reduced laboratory' processing time, but resulted in only minimal loss of infonnation (NUSCo 1983). Gunner [Taulo^olahrus and tautog (Tautoga onitis) eggs were differentiated weekly using the criterion of bimodality of egg diameters (Williams 1967). Ichthyoplankton density was expressed as numbers per 500 m . Impingement program Fish impinged on the 9.5-mm mesh intake screens at Units 1 and 2 were periodically washed into perforated collection baskets. Screens wash at various intervals, depending upon debris loading, and frequency ranges from continuous washing during storms to at least once every 8 h. Impingement samples were taken by sorting fish from all the material washed from the screens during a 24-h period, usually beginning and ending at about 0800. Fish were identified to the lowest possible taxon, counted, and up to 50 specimens of each species were measured to the nearest mm in total length, (ilatch was recorded as number impinged per 24-h period. Routine impingement sampling began at Unit 1 in 1972, although some qualitative observations were made as early as 1971. Sampling at Unit 2 was initiated in September 1975. The primary objective of impingement monitoring at Millstone has been to quantify total annual species-specific mortality. Ways of minimizing this mortality were evaluated and plant design changes were recommended when appropiate. Throughout the 13 yr of monitoring, various changes have been implemented. These occurred mainly in four major areas, including the frequency of daily counts, the way in which fish lengths were recorded, the method used to estimate the number of fish impinged per 24-h period, and the elimination of impingement monitoring at Unit 1 after 16 December 1983 when a fish return sluiceway was installed. Changes in the frequency of impingement monitoring are outlined in Table 3. From 1972 to March 1977, impinged organisms accumulated over a 24-h period and were counted daily. In 1977, sampling effort was reduced to 3 counts/week. Before this reduction, mean daily impingement estimates for each month based on 7 counts/week were compared to mean daily estimates extrapolated from 3 counts/week. The differences between actual monthly totals based on a complete census and the estimated totals ranged from 20 to 50%, depending upon the species (NUSCo 1978). At the level of effort reduced to 3 counts/week, more than 85% of all species were represented. In 1982, the impingement program was evaluated to determine if the precision of the impingement data could be improved by redistributing and optimizing effort (NUSCo 1983). Historical data (3 counts/week) were stratified by month and effort and reallocated according to Fl-Shamy (1979). The historical program (uniform effort - 3 counts/week) had a precision value of 0.79. When the sampling effort was hypothetically redistributed so that more samples were collected in those months when the variances of winter flounder [Pseudopleuronextes americanm) counts were high and fewer samples in months when variances were low, the precision factor increased to 0.88. An optimal sampling scheme was implemented in December 1983 (Table 3). Since then, sampling effort at Unit 2 was stratified by month so that 8 samples were collected in .lanuary, 15 in February, 14 in March, 5 in April, 4 per month from May through November, and 10 in December. The overall sampling effort was reduced by approximately 40%. Table 3. Summary of impingement collections made per week. Unit 1 impingement collections were made from 1971, when it first became operational, through 1983. Impingement collections at Unit 2 were made from the time it became operational (1976) to the present. J F 1 M ^ 1 M 1 J 1 J 1 - S o N I.) 1971 to 1972 Irregular sampling 1973 to 1976 7 24-h samples collected per week. 1977 to 1983 3 24-h samples collected per week. 1984 lo dale 2 ^ 3 '^ 1 ' 1 > 1 ' 1 ■ 1 1 ' • 1 ^" If necessary, additional samples were taken to ensure that 5 samples were collected during April. If necessary, additional samples were taken to ensure that 10 samples were collected during December. During the first 3 yr of impingement monitoring (1972-1974), lengths of all fish impinged were recorded. From January 1973 to April 1975, length information was recorded for each species by categories: less than 3 in, 3 to 6 in, and greater than 6 in. This method did not accurately describe the sizes of various species and was discontinued. In May 1975, the present practice of measuring up to 50 individuals per sample was instituted. However, in 1977 and 1978, 100 or more individual lengths per species were recorded. Fifty measurements per sampling date for each of five taxa (winter flounder, silversides, thrcespine stickleback, grubby, and long-fmned squid) were randomly selected from the data base. The resulting length frequency distributions were compared to the entire distributions for each species using chi-square goodness-of-fit tests. For all five species, the random length distributions with 50 measurements were not significantly different (p > 0.98) from the original distribution (NUSCo 1983). Trawl program The trawl sampling program was established in April 1973 to monitor demersal fish. Throughout the program, demersal fish were sampled using a 9.1-m otter trawl with a 0.6-cm codend liner. Initially, one 15-min haul was made biweekly at each of seven stations, including 1, 4, .IC (previously called station 6), 7, IT (previously station 8), 9 and 10 (Fig. 4). In September 1974, station IN (previously station 11) was added because it was a potential location for the Unit 3 intake. In February 1975, station NB (previously station 5) was added to provide a more representative sample from Niantic Bay. Sampling began at station NR (previously station 2, then N2) in June of 1975 to obtain infonnation on fish communities in the lower Niantic River. In February 1976, station BR (previously station 14) was added 10 Figure 4. Location of the trawling sampling stations. because the area was considered another potential site for the Unit 3 intake. Single and duplicate tows were made at various sites from 1973 to 1976 and are outlined in Table 4 along with a summary of the addition and deletion of sampling stations. Several stations were eliminated in 1976: stations 1, 7, and 10 because the bottom cover made trawling inefficient; station 4 because it was similar to NB; and station 9 because it was very close to BR. Since February 1976, triplicate tows have been made biweekly at NR (Niantic River), NB (Niantic Bay), JC (Jordan Cove), TT (Twotree), IN (Intake), and BR (Bartlett Reef). These six stations are believed to represent the different demersal environments surrounding Millstone Point. In October 1977, the unit of trawl effort was changed from 15 min to 0.69 km over the bottom because it was felt that demersal fish abundance would be better estimated using a unit of effort based on the area swept. The distance 0.69 km was used because it was the maximum distance that could be covered at JC. This distance also provided some continuity with previous data because it approximated the length covered in 15 min when the boat was towing a trawl under average conditions, with the engine at idle speed and not influenced by tidal currents. Up to 50 individuals of a taxon at each station were measured (total length) to the nearest millimeter. Catch was expressed as number of fish per standardized tow. Table 4. Summary of trawl sampling program. The .station numbers correspond to the stations listed in Figure 4. All stations were sampled biweekly with a 9.1-m Wilcox otter trawl. Stations: I - Llpper Niantic River; NR -^ lower Niantic River; 4 - Crescent Beach; Nil ^ Niantic Bay; JC == Jordan Cove; 7 " Seaside; 7T Twotrce; 9 -- Black Point; 10 - Otiler Bartlelt Reef; IN ^ Intake; BR = Bartlett Reef. J F ivi|a|m|j |j |a|s |o|n|d 197.3 Stations 1,4,7,9,10,JC & TT — One 15-min tow at each station. Stations 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, JC & Vr: Sta. I, 4, 7, 9, 10, JC, TT & IN: Two lows at TT, 10, IN; One tow elsewhere. Two tows 3 tows 1974 one 1 5-min tow at one at one at each. station. sla. One 15-min tow at other stations. As in Stations Stations 197.S Dec. 1974 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, JC, TT, NB, IN 1,4, 7, 9, 10, JC, NB, TT, IN & NR: Two 15-min tows at Station 10, NB, TV. IN and one random station; one tow elsewhere. As in Stations 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, JC, TT, NB, IN, NR, BR: 1976 Dec. Three 15-min lows at JC, NB, IT', IN, NR, BR; 1975 one 15-min tow elsewhere Stations JC, IT', NB, IN, NR, BR: three tows at each station. 1977 (15-min) | (0.69 km over bottom) 1978 lo Stations JC, TT, NB, IN, NR, BR — Three tows at each station present (0.69 km over bottom) This station was selected randomly. Seine program The seine sampling program, established in 1969 to monitor shore-zone fish, is summarized in Table 5. Shore-zone fishes were sampled using a 9.1 x 1.2-m knotlcss nylon seine net of 0.6-cm mesh hauled parallel to the beach for about 30 m; three replicates were taken in adjacent areas of the beach. Because a preliminary study (I3atteilc 1973) indicated that there was no difference in the numbers offish collected 12 from the shore-zone at different tidal stages, all collections were made in the 2 h before high tide. The shore-7one fish assemblages of seven different areas were sampled at some point in time since May 1969. These areas were GN (Giants Neck), BL (Black Point), SP (Sandy Point in the Niantic River), IN (Bay Point in front of the station intakes), JC (Jordan Cove), WP (White Point), and SS (Seaside) (Fig. 5). From 1969 through 1972, stations GN, IN, JC, and WP were sampled. In February 1973, SS and BL were added. Station SP was sampled in only 1975. Sampling at IN was discontinued in 1983 when construction activities associated with the Unit 3 intake removed a major portion of the beach. Sampling at BL was also discontinued in 1983 because its bottom type did not correspond to other stations and because few fish were caught there. Catches of shore-zone fish at SS also did not correlate with catches at other stations, probably because the station was more exposed to wind and wave action than the others (NUSCo 1983). Sampling at SS was discontinued in 1984 and effort was redistributed to the special seine study described below. Initially, hauls were made in February, May, July, September, and December; this frequency continued through 1973. In 1974, sampling frequency was increased to include collections during June, August, and October. Collections in November were added in 1982 and in .lanuary during 1984. Also, in 1984 sarrnle frequency was increased to biweekly from April through October. Figure 5. Location of the shore-zone seine sampling stations. 13 Throughdut the sampling program, fish were identified to lowest practical taxon and measured to the nearest millimeter in length. From 1969 to 1980, standard length was measured. During J9S1-J982, both standard and total lengths were measured and a regression was used to convert previously recorded standard lengths to total lengths (NUSCo 1984a). When more than 50 individuals of a taxon were collected in a replicate, a representative subsample was measured; otherwise all fish were measured. Catch was expressed as number of fish per 30 m haul. Special seine study. In 1982, the seine program was evaluated to determine if it would adequately address the potential impact of the three-unit thermal plume. The sampling frequency was increased to biweekly from April through October to achieve a 50% detectability level for the dominant shore-zone taxon, the silverside. MacCall et al. (1983) recommended this level as a criterion for long-term impact a.ssessment programs. Because the thermal plume was projected to encompass .Jordan (\)ve and raise the water temperature 0.3°C on the flood tide and 1.2''C on the ebb, sampling was scheduled for both tidal stages from April through October, when most fish are in the shore zone. Initially (April-.Iuly 1984), Table !>. Summary of seine sampling program during 1969-1985. Three seine hauls were made with a 9.1-m,,')-cm mesh seine net at each station (see Figure 5). Unless otherwise indicated, all samples were collected during the 2-h period prccccding high tide. J 1 F M 1 A M J J A S O N U 1969 GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC 1970 to 1972 GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC GN WP IN JC 197.1 GN WP IN JC SS BL GN WP IN JC SS BL GN WP IN JC SS BL GN WP IN JC SS BL GN WP IN .IC SS BL 1974 to 1982' GN WP IN JC SS BL GN, WP, IN, JC, SS, RL Monthly GN WP IN JC SS Bl, 198.1 GN WP IN JC SS Bl. GN, WP.JC, SS Monthly 1984 ON. ,IC, WP, SS Monthly ^ GN, WP-- Biweekly, High 1 Rbb SS-- Monthly, High JC- Biweekly High, Monthly Ebb GN, WP. SS, JC Monthly 1985 GN WP JC Mc )nthly GN WP .- Biweekly, High ( Ebb JC - Monthly, High H Rbb GN WP JC Monthly Ouring During 1975 only one haul was made at IN, three hauls were made at SP. this time period, JC and WP were sampled biweekly, high I ebb; GN and SS were sampled monthly, h Rh. 14 stations .K' and WP were sampled biweekly on both tides. Both sites are within the area projected to be influenced by the thermal discharge from three-unit operation. But because only 2 yr of 3-unit pre-operational data could be collected on the ebb tide, a new sampling scheme was adopted based on a control-treatment pairing (CrrP) design (Skalski and McKenzie 1982; Bernstein and Zalinski 1983). The critical requirement of the CTP design is the selection of the control-treatment (nonimpacted-impacted) pairs of stations where the abundance of an organism responds similarly to changes in environmental parameters. The ratios of control-to-treatment data from each pair of stations, are compared between pre-operational and operational phases to detect impacts. An analysis of 15 yr of data showed significant correlations between GN (control) and WP (treatment) data using silverside and total fish abundance as response variables. Based on the results of this analysis, a new sampling scheme was adopted. Our control-treatment pair (GN, WP) is now sampled biweekly. Because work to date will serve as a baseline for a future assessment of three-unit operation, no data from this special study are presented here. Data handling To assess impacts it was necessary to identify potentially affected species, document their spatial distribution, and describe the natural temporal fluctuations of their life history stages collected near MNPS. Although sampling at NUEL has occurred since 1969, the changes in each program have limited the comparability and usefulness of data collected before 1976. Therefore, when data were available, analyses were restricted to 1976-1985, the period of two-unit operation at MNPS. The only exception to this was that the 1969 through 1985 seine data were used in the time-series analysis of silversides. The selection of potentially affected species was based on their prevalence in entrainment or impingement samples. Spatial distribution patterns were based on the catch of a species at each station. Temporal fluctuations were described by annual (median and/or mean) catches and by the forecasts pro- vided by time-scries models, which used log-transformed catch data. The distribution of life history stages in impingement, trawl, and seine collections was inferred from the morphological characteristics and sizes of the fish. Identification of each fish species in all programs was made to the lowest possible taxon. Some specimens were identified to genus or family if they were juveniles, adults that could not be easily identified in the field, or if they were species of uncertain taxonomic status due to inadequate descriptions in the literature. The taxa which included more than one species are listed in Table 6. This table also includes the programs in which each taxon was used, the reason for combining species, and the probable species that were included in each group identification. 15 Table ft. List of taxa which were identified to genus or family. Taxa Program Reason Possible identification Alona spp. PL,I,T 1, 2 ,.1,4 Anchoa spp. PL..I,T.S 1,2,.-? Rothidae PI.,'f 3,5 Clupeidae PI„I,T,S 1,4 Fundulus spp. PL.I T,S 3 Gadidae PI.,I,T,S 2.3 Gasterostcidae PL,I,T 3 Gobiidae PL,T 3 Ijpam spp. PL.l.T Me.nidia spp. PL,I,T,S \fyoxorpphalu!! spp. PI.,I,T rrinnotin: spp. P[.,,I,T,S Sciaenidae PI..,I,T Urophych spp. Raja spp. PL.I.T.S I,T 1,3 1,2,3 2,3 3 2,5 1,2,3 Alosa aeslivalis, Alo!:a mediocrh, Alosa pseudoharengus, Alosa <;apidissima Anchoa hepSRtus, Anchoa mitchilU Bothus ocellatu.i, l.eft-eycd flounder Brevoorlia tyrannus, Clupea harengus, Alosa spp. Fundulm majalis, Fundulus heteroclitus Enchelyopus cimbrius, Gadus morhua, Mkrogadus lomcod, Pollachius virms Apeltes quadracus, Gasleroslpus aculeatus, Gasterosteus wheallandi, rungiiius pungilius Goblonellus botensoma, Mirrogobius thalassinnus, Gobiosoma bosci, Gobiosoma ginsburgi Liparis allantiais, Uparis liparis Menidia beryUina, Menidia menidia Myoxocephaius aenams, Myoxocephalus oclodecemspinosus Prionotus carolinw:, Prionotns evolans Rairdinlla chrysnura, Cynoscion regalis, JMostomus xanlhiirus, Menticirrhus saxarilis IJrophycis chuss, Urophych rcgia, Urophycis tenuis Raja erinacea, Raja ocellata Program: PI, " plankton (larval), I = impingement, T "' trawls, S - .seines Reason: 1 - Dirficult to identify using external features; 2 ^ Juveniles similar; 3 - Incorrect identincalion may have occurred; 4 ~ literature is not clear at species level; 5^ Too few collected for exact identification. Ichthyoplankton abundance estimates. Because the tchthyoplankton data collected had skewed distri- butions, median rather than arithmetic densities (no./500 m ) of the most abundant icthyoplankton taxa entrained (station EN) were used to describe temporal trends. These medians, also used for calculating entrainment estimates, were determined from data collected during the period when each species occurred annually. The period of occurrence was that time during which 95% of the annual cumulative abundance occurred; the data falling in the two tails (2.5% each) of the cumulative frequency distribution were not used to compute the medians. Median densities could not be calculated for any taxon that had many zero observations within its annual period of occurrence because the resulting median would have been at or near zero. Therefore, arithmetic mean densities (no./500 m ) were computed and used as an index of relative abundance to rank all the species in the species list tables. Similarly, annual mean densities were used to determine annual cumulative densities for the six most abundant taxa of ichthyoplankton. 16 En; 500- ^ 400 5 300- ^ 200- s 100 0 77 78 79 83 84 35 900- NB 300- y\ ^ 700- /\ A Q 600- >2 y^ \/ \ i 500- ^ 400- <300- ^^•^ \ \y / \ \ All species Anchovies S 200- 100- ^^^ \y-- Other species Figure 6. Annual mean density (no./500 m ) for all larval species combined, anchovies and all other species at EN and NB. 25 Impingement Impingement estimates were calculated from January 1975 to .December 1985 using daily cooling water volumes (for 24 h starting at 0800 h). Over 100 taxa of fish and invertebrates have been impinged over the past 10 years (Appendix IX). Impingement estimates for the selected taxa are presented in Table 1.1. Sand lance accounted for almost 50% of the total number impinged. Prior to 1984, sand lance accounted for less than 1% of the total impingement (NUSCo 1986a). However, in 1984, an estimated 390,000 sand lance were impinged at Unit 2 during the week of July 18th. This estimate was based on a single 24-h sample, and qualitative observations made during the remEiinder of the week indicated that the numbers of impinged sand lance decreased rapidly thereafter. The sand lance is a schooling species (I^im and Scott 1966) and a large school probably encountered the intake structures. A similar short-term large impingement of a schooling species, Atlantic menhaden (Brevoorlia tyrannus) occurred in 1971 (NUSCo 1982b). At that time, approximately one million juvenile menhaden were impinged in August at Unit 1 (the only unit operating then). Excluding sand lance, seven fish taxa dominated the impingement collections and accounted for over 90% of the fish impinged. These included winter flounder, silversides, grubby, anchovies, Atlantic tomcod, cunner, and sticklebacks. Except for the cunner and anchovies, these species were impinged in the winter months (December through March). The winter flounder was the most abundant and accounted for approximately 20% of the annual impingement catch. There was no apparent trend for the total number of fish impinged annually during the two-unit operational period (Table 13). Although impingement samples wrre collected only at Unit 1 after 1983, Table IV Annual impingement estimates Tor selected taxa impinged, calculated using (lows frnm 0800-0745 (Units 1 A 2 combined by year except during 1984-85 when Unit 2 was estimated alone). [axa 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Ammodylrs amiriranus 65 69 277 98 192 269 iTT 449 48-5411 73 487039 rsinidoplnironpclps ampricamis 5654 7622 7676 23544 7207 7640 8875 13467 2542 2765 86992 Anchoa spp. 5606 804 869 3340 4426 4755 5895 52280 4200 342 82517 Myoxorpphalus apnanu 2108 2357 7528 3699 10736 5450 6486 14634 2359 4553 59866 Menidia spp. 1585 1328 12155 12187 10199 3733 3872 8136 1042 1480 55717 Mirrogadiis tomcnd 91 339 2398 1455 1314 8121 11868 2860 4938 1129 34513 Gasleroslrw: spp. 2411 5375 5511 9918 7441 30656 Gasternstnis anileatus 6817 2951 9472 1055 852 21147 Tautngnlahnts adsperms 903 1429 1862 3110 1157 2566 3851 2900 1188 466 19432 Gasip.rosteus whralhndi 601 1393 14381 702 21 17098 Tautoga nnitis 883 809 1074 866 338 814 1579 1512 664 122 8661 Other taxa 6222 7777 7187 9318 9502 11207 14530 38377 7286 4463 1 1 5893 Tolal 25528 27909 46517 67535 52512 51973 61436 1 58468 51 n87 16266 1019531 26 the highest estimated impingement occurred in 1984 due to the large number of sand lance impinged that year. Without this large impingement, the estimate (25,976) for that year would have been among the lowest since 1976. The smallest estimated impingement occurred in 1985 after sampling at Unit 1 was eliminated. Trawls Over 90 taxa of fish were taken by trawl at six stations in the vicinity of MNPS during the 10 yr of two-unit operation (Appendices X and XI); Oviat and Nixon (1973) and JefFeries and Johnson (1974) found that demersal fish communities in Narragansett Bay were composed of many ot the same taxa. Six fishes comprised over 80% of the trawl catch. The winter flounder was the most abundant and accounted for approximately 45% of the total catch; about one-third of the winter flounder was caught at NR. The second most abundant species was scup. Most scup were juveniles and they accounted for almost 15% of the catch. Over 40% of them were caught at NB. Biologists from CT DEP have determined that the Niantic Bay region is the primary nursery area for scup in LIS (P. Howell, pers. comm.). The windowpane accounted for over 7% of the trawl catch and over half of them were caught at BR. Anchovies, skates, and silversides had similar catches and together accounted for an additional 15% of the total. Over 90% of the anchovies were taken in Niantic Bay at IN and NB. Skates (66%) were mostly caught at the two deep-water stations (TT and BR), while silversides were often found at the nearshore stations (IN, 37%; NR, 27%; and .IC, 25%). The total annual catches of the selected taxa are presented in Tables 14 and 15. Their catch remained relatively stable, except for anchovies and cunner. The former exhibited large year to year fluctuations in catch, probably because of their highly variable distribution, and the latter showed a decline since 1976. This apparent decline of cunner is discussed later. 27 Table 14. Trawl catch of selected taxa by year (1976-1985). 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Number of samples 908 936 936 936 972 935 936 936 936 936 9367 Taxa PseudoplR^irnnnrlcs amerkanus 7875 5752 6055 10694 1237S 13124 13517 16799 14027 8869 109090 Anrhoa spp. 980 580 2223 15 113 577 39 88 178 9997 14790 Menidia spp. 2151 1224 1060 2059 1003 356 427 635 348 465 9728 Taulngolahrus adspprsns 1009 1032 359 1381 981 825 561 412 246 143 6949 Mynxornphalus aenaetis 191 276 591 316 458 866 788 904 595 498 .5483 Tautnga oniti:\ 251 292 246 283 138 235 228 159 110 136 2078 Mirrogadus tomcod 19 25 40 49 125 279 1147 132 90 85 1991 Gasternsteus anilnatKS 19 22 13 103 38 192 116 256 940 199 1898 Ammodylns americanus 1 4 60 127 37 117 14 19 10 19 408 Other laxa 6678 7560 5855 7760 9398 15350 I53I0 15013 13271 10733 106928 Total 19174 16767 16502 22787 24669 31921 32147 34417 29815 3 1 1 44 259343 Table 15. Trawl catch of selected taxa by station (1976-1985). Station JC NR Nn TT nR IN Total Number of samples 1563 1559 1563 1563 1563 1556 9367 Taxa Psmidnpleuroni'cti'^ americanus 10786 33899 15760 18697 12923 17025 109090 Anchoa spp. 718 240 10263 293 15 3261 14790 Menidia spp. 2186 2380 1312 493 152 3205 9728 Tau [ogolahru.\ adspprsus 1412 297 495 260 377 4108 6949 Mynxncnphalus arnafus 846 2075 329 426 647 1160 5483 Tautoga onllis 442 427 252 177 222 558 2078 Microgadux tomcod 638 466 484 71 27 305 1991 Gasteromeiis aculcalua 1254 612 S 10 6 8 1898 Ammodytps ampricawis 19 94 4 28 257 6 408 Other taxa 10943 6464 26911 17632 25901 19116 106928 Seines Approximately 30 different taxa have been caught by seine during the 10 yr of two-unit operation (Appendices XII and XIII). Ilillman et al. (1977), found many of the same taxa in the MNPS area. Two taxa accounted for over 90% of the total seine catch from 1976 through 1985. Silversides dominated the shore-zone seine catches and accounted for about 75% of the total; Fundulus spp. (mummichogs and striped killifish) accounted for an additional 12%. About 80% of the total seine catch (Table 16) was 28 Table 16. Seine catch of selected taxa by station (1976-1985). JC WP GN Total Number of samples 300 314 321 93 5 Taxa Menidia spp. 72783 9879 7817 90479 AmmodvlPS americanus 2 197 855 10.54 Gasternstnn: aculmnis 227 19 23 269 Psmdopleuronectes americanus 19 7 59 85 Gasterostms wheatlandi 12 13 14 39 Myoxocephalus aenams 4 7 7 18 Anchoa spp. 11 1 0 12 Tautogolabrus adapp.rxus 5 1 0 6 Tautoga onitis 4 0 0 4 Other taxa 12953 2517 1401 16871 Total 86020 12641 10176 108837 Table 17. Seine catch of selected taxa by year ( 1976-1985). 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Number of samples 66 72 72 72 72 72 80 99 174 156 935 Taxa Menidia spp. 40620 18179 1178 1233 7764 3418 5408 9007 2330 1342 90479 Ammodytes americanus 6 520 16 51 10 318 82 30 21 0 1054 Casterosteus acuteatus 8 151 8 30 2 3 5 49 9 4 269 Pseudopleuronectes americanus 4 6 4 1 2 9" 2 1 18 38 85 GasternstKUs wheatlandi 8 3 5 5 1? 39 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 3 2 1 2 0 0 3 1 3 3 18 Anchoa spp. 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 2 1 0 12 Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 n 1 0 6 Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Other taxa 2302 2466 1200 1116 1051 1114 1254 3112 2117 1139 16871 Total 42943 21324 2409 2433 8831 4870 6771 12207 4505 2544 108837 taken at .IC. Hundreds of juvenile silversides were routinely caught at this site during the summer months because this station is in a nursery area for shore-zone fish. Total annual seine catches of all taxa combined (Table 17) showed no apparent trend during the period, although totals. were highest in 1976 and- 1977. Because silversides dominated all the annual catches, total catches were largely a function of silversides catches. Over half of all the silversides were caught in 1976 and 1977, thus catches for all taxa combined were also highest in 1976 and 1977. Except for silversides, there has been no apparent trend in the total annual seine catches of the selected taxa since 1976. Results of the silversides data analysis are discussed later. 29 Selected species Ammodytes americanus, American sand lance The American sand lance {Ammodytes americanus) is found from the Arctic to Cape Hatteras (Bigelow and Schroder 1953). They are primarily pelagic plankton feeders (Richards 1982). Individuals form large schools and are found over sandy bottoms from near shore to the edge of the continental shelf (Richards 1963; Leim and Scott 1966). Sand lance mature in one to two years and spawn between December and March (Westin et al. 1979). Covill (1959) and Meyer et al. (1979) reported that large annual fluctuations of sand lance abundance occur along the Atlantic coast. Sand lance have been collected in all fish programs. Except for 1984, when a large school of sand lance was impinged, these fish have generally contributed less than 1% to annual total impingements (NUSCo 1984a). The sand lance is a winter spawner and its larvae were collected from January to May (Fig. 7); its abundance ranked third at EN and second at ND (Tables 10 and 12). Annual entrainment estimates during the two-unit operation period (1976-1985), were based on median densities and ranged from 5.8x10 (1985) to 66.7x10 (1977) (Table 9). Because sand lance eggs are demersal and adhesive (Erizsche 1978), they were rarely collected. Sand lance were collected irifrequently in the trawl and seine samples, probably because juvenile and adult sand lance burrow into the sand (Leim and Scott 1966), thereby avoiding these gear. Annual impingement estimates for sand lance never exceeded 450 except in 1984 when 390,000 sand lance were impinged during the week of July 18 (NUSCo 1985). This mass impingement of sand lance did not recur and the estimated number of sand lance impinged in 1985 was comparable to historic levels (Table 13). Time-series analysis did not adequately describe the fluctuations of impinged sand lance because of the large numbers in 1984 and the low levels of impingement during all the other years. Larval sand lance were abundant in plankton collections from 1977-1981, but a marked decrease in densities occurred after 1981 (Fig. 7). The temporal catch distribution of larval sand lance was as variable as that seen in impingement (Tables 10 and 12). Larval sand lance were caught in large numbers during short time periods. For example, more than 60% of the annual 1978 cumulative density was caught at EN between January 23 and February 3, and more than 35% of the 1980 cumulative density on May 19. 30 LARVAE AT EN YEAR (19 ) LARVAE AT NB BOOO- YEAR (19 — ) 7000 - „. „ o o 6000 - 5000 - d 4OO0 - fe 3000 - 2000 - ■z J^ BO 1 000 - 0 - ^'>^ ^ — - 8-3 =^^- R-s "^ S2 OIJAN OITEB OlMAR OlAPR OlMAY OIJUN OIJUL OlAUG O l SEP OlOCT Ol MONTH O IDEC O 1 , Figure 7. Annual cumulative density (no./500 m ) of sand lance larvae at EN and NB. At NB, more than 70% of the 1981 cumulative density was collected on April 15. These patterns could be explained by the finding that larvae that hatch together tend to remain together (Norcross et al. 1961). Time-series models of larval density at EN and NB fitted observed data well and had R values of 0.74 and 0.92, respectively (Fig. 8; Appendix XIV). These models included periodic components of 4 and 6 mo, suggesting that the abundance of sand lance larvae is inherently seasonal within each year. The previously mentioned decline in abundance of sand lance after 1981 has become a feature of the time-series model, which provides an average characterization of the years of high (1977-1981) and low (1982-1985) abundance. Therefore, the measures of variation from the model forecasts (MSE) at EN and NB (Appendix XIV) are presented as a two-unit operational baseline for future assessments. 31 a.o 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0- 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 7.0 ^ 6.0 i X 5.0 ro 2 4.0 o o .!5_ 3.0 cH 2.0 NB Figure 8. Time Fcries plots of sand lance larvae at EN and NB; Torecast ( — ), 95"o confidence limils (--), and mean weekly log-transformed density (no./500 m ) (*). Anchoa spp., anchovies Two anchovy species, the bay anchovy {Anchoa mitchi/lf) and the striped anchovy {Anchoa hepsclus) have been collected in the MNPS area. Eggs of the two species can be easily distinguished and, based on their relative proportions, the bay anchovy was by far the most common at MNPS (more than 80%). The bay anchovy is perhaps the most abundant fish along the Atlantic C^oast (McHugh 1977). They are commonly found inshore during the warmer months and move offshore in the winter. Hildebrand (1943) believed that each section of the coast had a distinctive population and all migrations were inshore 32 and offshore movements. In LIS, spawning takes place in depths of less than 20 m during June through September (Richards 1959). Eggs are pelagic and hatch in 24 h at approximately 27°C (Kuntz 1914). Development is rapid and individuals may mature within 2.5 mo of hatching, at a size of 34 to 40 mm; its life span is probably not more than 2 or 3 yr (Stevenson 1958). Anchovies were among the four most abundant taxa collected in all programs except seines. Larval abundance ranked first at both EN and NB and egg abundance ranked third at EN (eggs from NB were not identified) (Appendices VI, VII and VIII). During the two-unit operational period, annual larval entrainmcnt estimates, based on median densities ranged from 1.5x10 in 1984 to 1,284.1x10 in 1981. Although median larval densities at EN were generally low (1976-1978), high (1979-1981), and low again (1982-1985), the actual number of anchovies entrained during the same periods did not follow that pattern because entrainment is a function of plant operating conditions. However, the highest and the lowest estimates at EN also occurred in 1981 and 1984, respectively. In addition, both the entrainment estimate and median density of larval anchovies at EN in 1981 were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in any other year (Table 9). Also the number of larval anchovies entrained in 1984 was significantly lower than in any other year. Annual egg estimates ranged from 16.0x10 in 1985 to 807.7x10 in 1984 (Table 9). Although annual impingement estimates varied more than two orders of magnitude (342 to 52,280), it was the third most abundant taxon impinged (Appendix IX). Among the species taken in trawls, anchovies ranked fourth (Appendices X and XI). Near MNPS, anchovies migrated inshore in May and June and were available to the various NUEL sampling gear through October (Fig. 9). Adults (median length of 77 mm) were impinged primarily from May through June, which corresponded to the time of their spawning. Eggs were abundant from June through July and larvae .July through August at EN and NB. Juvenile anchovies (median length of 27 mm) were caught in trawls during August through October, primarily at NB and IN. Because anchovies mature in one year, changes in larval density in any given year should result in corresponding changes in adult and egg abundances the next year. However, this pattern was clearly not observed in the annual catches of anchovies during the last three years (1983-1985) of the two-unit operational period. In 1983 and 1984, the densities of eggs at EN and the number of adults impinged were equal to or higher than in previous years, but the 1984 larval densities at both EN and NB were lower than in any previous year (Tables 10, 1 1, and 13; Fig. 10). This minimum was probably related to 33 80 60 : 40 ■ PROGRUi l-UPINCeUENT L-LARVAE T-TRAVW. 20 lELT lELT lELT lELT lELT lELT PROGRAU I — 5 —i 1 — 6—1 I — 7 —i 1—8 — I I— SH 1-10H UONTH Figure 9. The monthly percent distribution of anchovies collected in impingement plankton and trawl samples. the high abundance of a planktivorous ctenophore that occurred during the summer of 1984 (see tautog subsection for a further discussion of this phenomenon). As expected, the catch of adults in impingement samples and the density of eggs decreased the following year. However, later in 1985, a large increase occurred in larval density (compared to 1984), which was followed by the largest annual catch of young- of-the-year in trawls (Fig. 11). Because the 9. 1-m trawl does not sample anchovies well, due to their small size and patchy distribution, year to year comparisons based on these data are generally not useful. Nevertheless, the 1985 increase was probably real because the mean annual trawl catch for that year was nearly an order of magnitude larger than in any other year, and was significantly larger than the mean in any of the previous three years. These fluctuations did not appear to be related to MNPS operations nor to the abundance of adults and eggs, but rather caused by density-dependent mechanisms as other re- searchers have reported (Lasker 1974). The seasonality of anchovy catches in plankton and impingement programs was described by the periodic components in the time-series models (Appendices XV, XVI, and XVII). The models of egg and larval abundance explained the data better (R values larger than 0.84) than the impingement model did (R =0.69). The 1984 decline in larval abundance is now a feature of the two-unit operational series described by the model (Appendix XVII). The lower R value of the impingement model was probably the result of the unusually high 1983 catches (NlJSCo 1984a). Summaries of these baseline models are presented in Appendices XV, XVI, and XVII. 34 STAT I ON—ECCS AT EN YEAR (19 ) O 20000 t 1 0000 OIJAN 01FEB OTMAR OTAPR OlMAY OIJUN OIJUL OlAUC O 1 SEP 010CT 0 1 NOV 01DEC OIJAN MONTH STAT JON— LARVAE AT EN YEAR (19- O 20000 g IOC OIJAN OlFEB OlMAR 01APR OlMAY 01 JN OIJUL OlALTC 0 1 SEP OlOCT 0 1 NOV 01DEC OIJAN MONTH STATION-LARVAE AT NB O 20000 t 10000 YEAR (19 — ) 81 OIJAN OlFEB 01MAR OlAPR O 1 MAY OIJUN OIJUL OlAUC 0 1 SEP OlOCT 0 1 NOV OlDEC OIJAN MONTH Figure 10. Annual cumulative density (no./500 m') of anchovy eggs at EN and larvae at EN and NB. 35 h- 40 Qn L±J D_ 30 X C) \— < V() u z < 10 :2 —1 < 0 < 10 — ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 YEAR Figure 11. Annual mean catch of anchovies taken by trawl; the vertical bars are approximated QS'ii confidence intervals for each year. Gasterosteus spp., sticklebacks The threespine stickleback {Gasterosteus aculeatus) and the blackspotted stickleback {Gasterosteus wheatlandi) are small, nearshore fishes. The threespine stickleback is distributed throughout the north polar regions and as far south as Chesapeake Bay in the Western North Atlantic. The blackspotted stickleback is found only in the Western North Atlantic from Newfoundland to I, IS (Perlmutter 1963). During the spring, both species move into salt marshes and tidal rivers to spawn (Worgan and Fitzgerald 1981). However the two species are found in different salinity regimes during their reproductive season, and thus do not compete for resources during spawning (Audet ct al. 1985). The threespine stickleback is the larger fish of the two species. Threespine and blackspotted sticklebacks are very similar in appearance and are not easily distinguished (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953). Because of this similarity, the blackspotted stickleback was not identified in MNPS collections until October 1981 (NUSCo 1982a). Although Fitzgerald and Whoriskey (1985) found no size overlap between these two species, the length frequency distributions of individuals collected 36 at MNPS overlapped at 30 to 35 mm (Fig. 12). Thus, length frequencies could not be used to separate the species in earlier data. Data for the two species were combined. 1 ooo zoo o FREQUENCY 500 1 OOO FREQUENCY Figure 1 2. Length frequency distribution of sticklebacks. niackspotted and threespine sticklebacks were collected in all programs, but were only abundant in impingement samples from fall through spring. Adults and young-of-the-year remain in the spawning areas until late summer (Fitzgerald 1983), which may account for the low abundance of these fish during the summer. Approximately 35% of all sticklebacks impinged at MNPS were taken in 1983 (Table 13). The estimated impingment of sticklebacks in 1984 and 1985 was much lower, because sampling had been eliminated at Unit 1. '['he estimated number of sticklebacks impinged ranged from 2,411 to 9,918 in the period of two-unit operation prior to 1984, but no trend was apparent and, presumably, no impact had resulted from MNPS operations. Sticklebacks were sufficiently abundant for time-series modeling in only impingement samples. The R for the impingement time-series model was 0.82, demonstrating a good fit to the data. Cooling- water flow, an annual periodic component, and a short term 4-mo cycle described impinged stickleback abundance. A summary of this baseline model is presented in Appendix XVIII. 37 Menidia spp., silversides Two species of silversides dominate the shore zone along the Connecticut coast, the Atlantic silverside {Menidia menidia) and the inland silverside {Menidia berylUna). Both species are sympatric along the Atlantic coast, with the Atlantic silverside ranging from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Chesapeake Bay and the inland silverside ranging from Cape Cod to South Carolina (Johnson 1975). Both species spawn as yearlings and have a life cycle that ranges from one to two years. Both are omnivorous, feeding on copepods, mysid shrimp, fish eggs and young squid. They are important as forage food for larger fish species (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953). Silversides collected in MNPS programs were identified to genus during some portion of the two-unit operational period. When identified to species, Menidia menidia were the most abundant (over 90%). However, to investigate long-term trends the two species were always analyzed together as a single taxon. Silversides, the most abundant taxon among those collected in the seine program, ranked third and fifth among taxa sampled by the trawl and impingement programs, respectively. Silversides were not abundant in plankton samples because their eggs are adhesive (Bigelow and Scliroeder 1953) and larvae and juveniles stay close to shore (Bayliff 1950). Pronounced seasonal patterns of abundance were evident in seine, trawl and impingement collections (Fig. 13). The seine catches in the summer and early fall were composed primarily of juveniles (20-50 mm), while catches in trawl and impingement collections were composed of larger fish (60-120 mm) collected from deeper waters in the winter. This pattern of catches seems related to the offshore migrations of silversides in the late fall and winter reported in other studies (Bayliff 1950; Bigelow and Schroeder 1953; Conovcr 1979). The average monthly catches of silversides taken by trawls in the MNPS area during the last in yr also showed a pattern pointing out to regular winter offshore migrations (Fig. 14), Silversides began to move away from the shore-zone and were found at the nearshore station, JC, in September. They were collected from NR, NB and IN in November and were found at the two offshore stations, BR and TT, December through March. Although the total annual seine and trawl catches of silversides (Tables 17 and 14, respectively) suggest a common and decreasing trend, a similar pattern was not evident among annual impingement estimates (Table 13). Further, the variances associated with those data were high as demonstrated by the 38 SEASON Wl NTER SUMMER :ngth 20 40 60 B 80 fei^iXiJ-^^a 1 00 ^ggsgggg^sgsgs^g^ 1 20 20 40 60 SO 1 00 1 20 20 40 60 I SO p 100 1 20 20 40 60 80 1 00 1 20 1 000 2000 0 FREQUENCY 2000 4000 FREQUENCY SsXS^rtb%i^i 5000 TOOOO FREQUENCY TRAWLED I MP I NGED Figure 13. Length frequency distribution of silversides by season. wide (and overlapping) 95% confidence intervals in Figure 15. Because NUSCo (1984b) found that catches from GN, a control station located away fi-om the influence of MNPS, were correlated with catches from WP, a potentially impacted station, the apparent declines in both seine and trawl catches were attributed to a regional decline unrelated to the construction and operation of MNPS. Silversides abundance was well described by the time-series models for seine data (R > 0.80; Appendix XIX) and impingement data (R = 0.75; Appendix XX). All models had an annual periodic component, except the seine model for JC station which had only a 6-mo period. Summaries of these baseline models are presented in Appendices XIX and XX. Microgadus tomcod, Atlantic tomcod The Atlantic tomcod {Microgadus tomcod) is the most abundant member of the cod family collected in the monitoring programs at MNPS. It ranges along the Atlantic coast of North America from 39 100- , / o y^ BR a *^ Q. 50- 3 E 0- 100 T i- TT . / c >.^^ Q- 50 < > 3 E o 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 9 10 11 i: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 9 10 11 12 100' / o NB / J a. 50' /^ 13 h o 100 J -2 IN / a 50 / > / 3 1 o n- .-— ^-^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH 100- JC / 50- _^ + * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 MONTH Figure 14. Silversides 10-yr trawl-catch monthly averages (no./0.69 km) expressed as a cumulative percentage of total annual catches. 40 ID < 1500- (Y 1300- UJ Q. 1 100- X 900- f— < 700- O z 500- < Ld 2 300- _l 100- ~D z -100- z < -300-1 o f— [r LlJ Cl j: o I— < < LlI < ZD < 4 85 YEAR Figure 1 5. Silversides annual mean catches taken by seine (a) and trawl (b); the vertical bars are the approximated 95% confidence intervals for each year. 41 Newfoundland to Virginia (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953). Howe (1971) reported that tomcod reach sexual maturity at about 130 mm; they migrate up rivers to spawn in fresh or brackish water from November through February. Eggs are adhesive and are found attached to the substrate. After spawning, adult and larval tomcod remain in or near the estuary. They move to cooler waters during the summer months. Tomcod were caught in all fish programs, but were more abundant in the impingement and trawl samples than in plankton collections. Eggs are adhesive and larvae tend to remain in or near spawning areas, which are habitats that were not sampled by NUSCo programs. Over 98% of impinged tomcod were adults (fish larger than 130 mm) and about 90% of these were taken during fall and winter (Fig. 16). About 58% of the total tomcod impingement estimate during the two-unit operational period, were impinged during 1981 and 1982; estimates for other years ranged from 91 to 4,938 fish (Table 13). In trawls, more individuals were caught nearshore (stations NR, IN, NB and JC) than offshore (BR, TT) (Table 15). Young-of-the-year dominated the catches of tomcod taken by trawl in the spring and summer; adults were caught mostly in the fall and winter (Fig. 16). Trawl catches were seasonal and peaked from April through June except at NR, where most fish were caught during their spawning season (Fig. 17). Tomcod trawl catches were higher in 1981 and 1982 than in any other year (Table 14); during these two years impingement estimates were also highest. This 1981-1982 peak could not be related to MNPS operation or construction activities and, thus, it was attributed to an unusually large year-class. SEASON LENGTH SPR I NG-SUMMER 60 80 1 0 0 -I 20 1 40 1 60 FALL -WINTER 60 80 1 00 1 20 140 1 60 0 200 400 FREQUENCY TRAWLED 600 0 2000 4000 FREQUENCY MP I NGED 6000 Figure 1 6. Length frequency dislribution of tomcod. 42 100 / '" * =(i= =^ c / '^ e i a. 50 1 > 1 O 0- *- / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 100 F "c m / it j- a. 50 / > , ■ , .--^ o „r-*-^'>< 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH Figure 17. Atlantic tomcod 10-yr trawl-catch monthly averages (no./0.69 km) expressed as a cumulative percentage of total annual catches. .43 The tomcod impingement data were well described (R =0.69; Appendix XXI) by a time-series model. This model had annual and six-month periodic components. A summary of this baseline model is presented in Appendix XXI. Myoxocephalus aenaeus, grubby The grubby {Myoxocephalus aenaeus) is found in coastal waters, commonly in eelgrass habitats, along the Atlantic coast of North America from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to New Jersey (Bigelow and Schrocder 1953). It spawns throughout the winter (Lund and Marcy 1975) and Richards (1959) reported finding larvae in shallower areas of LIS from February to April. The grubby tolerates a wide range of temperatures and salinities (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953). The grubby is a resident of the waters near MNPS and both larvae and adults have been collected in the NUSCo monitoring programs. Eggs were rarely collected because they are demersal and adhesive. Adult fish were also rare in seine samples. Overall mean larval density of grubby during the two-unit operational period ranked fourth at EN and sixth at NB (Appendices VI and VII). These larvae were collected from February through May at both stations (Fig. 18). Annual entrainment estimates ranged from 9x10 in 1978 to 50x10 in 1983 and peak larval abundance, as measured by both median (Table 9) and mean densities (Tables 10 and 12), occurred in 1981. However, the temporal pattern described by the annual means and medians did not correspond to the pattern described by the cumulative mean densities shown in Figure 18. Cumulative density at NB was highest in 1985, followed by 1981, 1983 and 1982, while at EN it was highest in 1981, followed by 1982, 1983 and 1985. Most likely, these discrepancies were not related to any real differences but were a result of of the high variablity inherent of the plankton data (variances were 20 to 200 limes larger than the corresponding means). Over 90% of the grubby in the impingement and trawl samples were adults (60 to 120 mm) (Fig. 19). Adult catches ranked fourth among impinged taxa and ninth among species taken in trawls (Appendices IX and X). Impingement estimates ranged from 2,108 in 1976 to 14,634 in 1983, and 42% of the total impingement during the two-unit operational period (1976-1985) occurred in 1980 and 1983. The 44 200 •^ ^ / STAT 1 ON~LARVAE AT EN •EAR (19 — 1 oo ■ 000 ■ / / / 900 J /^^' BOO - r 700 - _ri~ 600 - I^ 500 - .■■' 3 400 - ^^ ^^''^ i 1 00 - 0 . 01JAN OlFEB OlMAR 01APR 01 JN OIJUL OlAUG OlSEP OlOCT O 1 NOV OlDEC O 1 J AN MONTH STATION-LARVAE AT 700 - SOO 500 400 300 ^N 01FEB OlMAR OlAPF S.Y O 1 JUN OIJUL MONTH \UG OlSEP OlOCT OINOV OlDEC 01 Figure 18. Annual cumulative density (no./500 m ) of grubby larvae at EN and NB. impingement estimates for 1984 and 1985 were relatively low and did not include Unit 1 impingement because the sluiceway was operational, but those estimated for 1976 and 1977 were smaller. The grubby was taken in trawls primarily from November through April except at JC where it was taken throughout the year (Fig. 20). Almost 75% were caught at the nearshore stations JC, NR and IN (Table 15). Total catch of grubby taken in trawl for the two-unit operational period was 5,483 fish (Table 14) and annual catches ranged from 191 to 866. Annual mean catches did not show any trend over the 1976-1985 period (Fig. 21) and the observed fluctuations could not be related to MNPS two-unit operations. 45 500 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY 2000 4000 FREQUENCY "RAWLED I MP 1 NGED F^igure 19. Leiiglh frequency distribution of grubby Time-series models described well the temporal abundance of grubby in impingement and larval collections (Appendices XXII and XXIII). All R^ values were over 0.90 in the larval series models. These larval models had annual and 4-mo periodic components as their main deterministic features. Cooling-water flow and an annual cycle accounted for 83% of the variability in the impingement model. All the models have been consistent for the past 3 yr (NUSCo 1984a, 1985, 1986a) suggesting that they included the most relevant variables for describing the natural fluctuations of this species. Summaries of these baseline models are presented in Appendices XXII and XXIII. Tautoga onitis, tautog The tautog {Tautoga onitis) is found from New Brunswick to South Carolina, but is most conmion from Cape Cod to Delaware Bay (Cooper 1965). Adult and juvenile tautog are found around rocky areas, ledges, mussel beds, breakwaters, an other similar nearshore habitats from eariy May until late October (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953; Cooper 1965). .Juveniles are also found in eelgrass beds and among macroalgae in coves and channels (Tracy 1910; Briggs and O'Conner 1971). Both juveniles and aduhs have a home site where they remain inactive and under cover at night; during the day larger fish move to other locations to feed, but juveniles remain close to their home sites (Olla et al. 1974). During winter, adults move to deeper water and remain inactive while juveniles stay inshore to overwinter in a torpid state (Cooper 1965; Olla et al. 1974). Tautog males become sexually mature at age 3 and females at age 4 (Chenoweth 1963). Spawning occurs from mid- May until mid-August in LIS (Wheatland 1956; 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 9 10 11 12 100 1 1 1 1 1 1^ 1 /^ ''^ a j Q. 50- / > 1 U 0 1 2 3 4-567 MONTH 9 10 11 12 100 . / c z*-'^ NB t: y Q. 50 If > "5 E o n- ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 9 10 11 12 9 10 1112 Figure 20. Grubby 10-yr trawl-catch monthly averages (no./0-69 km) expressed as a cumulative percentage of total annual catches. 47 o I — cr LjJ Q_ X o I— < < LJ < ID < — I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 YEAR Figure 21. Annual mean trawl -catches of grubby; the vertical bars are the approximated 95% confidence intervals for each year. Chenoweth 1963). The eggs are pelagic and are concentrated in the upper 5 m of the water column (Williams 1967). Young become benthic and move inshore after metamorphosis, which is completed by 10 mm (Fritzsche 1978). Tautog was found in all sampling programs, but was most abundant in the June through August plankton collections (Tables 10, 12, and 14). Catches were low in impingement, trawl and seine samples. Tautog eggs were the second most abundant egg taxon entrained (Appendix V) during the two-unit operational period. Annual egg entrainment estimates did not vary widely and ranged from 646x10 (1979) to about 1,400x10 (1981 and 1982). Both median and mean egg densities (Tables 9 and 11) varied over a relatively small range; medians from 920 (1979) to 1,619/500 m^ (1981) and means from 715 (1979) to 1,506 /'500 m (1985). The lowest egg density as indicated by both measures occurred in 1979, but the highest egg density occurred in either 1981 or 1985, depending on the index of abundance used. Clearly, no trend can be discerned from these data. 4S Tautog larvae ranked fifth at NB and seventh at EN and the annual cumulative larval densities were usually greater at NB than at EN (Fig. 22). Although tautog egg abundance was relatively stable throughout the study period, larval abundance was not. Larval densities were considerably lower in 1978 and 1984 than in any other year (Tables 10 and 12). In July 1984 a large decline in the abundance of other plankton (including larval anchovies and cunner) was noted. The reasons for this 1984 decrease, which was observed in other parts of eastern LIS (Richards, per. comm.), were not known, but during July 1984, ctenophores, a plankton predator (Denson and Smayda 1982) were unusually abundant; a similar phenomenon may have occurred in 1978. Juvenile and adult tautog were present throughout the year in both impingement and trawl collections but catches were higher May through October. Even though tautog prefer rocky shores such as those surrounding MNPS intakes, they were not impinged in large numbers and contributed less than 1% to the estimated impingement total (Table 8). Annual impingement estimates varied an order of magnitude, from 122 in 1985 to more than 1,500 in both 1982 and 1983; the low estimate in 1985 may have been related to a Unit 2 shut-down in June. More tautog were taken by trawl at nearshore stations (JC, IN and NR) than at mid-bay (NB) and offshore (TT, BR) stations. Juveniles (fish smaller than 80 mm) were taken by trawl primarily at NR (Fig. 23), which was an ideal nursery area (P. Briggs, per. comm.). Smaller adult tautog probably stayed near the rocks and shoreline and thus were more susceptible to impingement (Fig. 23). For similar reasons, these smaller fish were also abundant at JC. Because larger tautog move to open water to feed, these individuals would be more likely to be taken by trawl at BR, IN, NB and IT. Because the numbers of tautog caught in trawl and seine samples were generally low and not representative of their temporal distribution, the indices of egg and larval density were used for impact assessment. Time-series models were fitted to the egg and larval data from the NUSCo plankton program. All models had R^ values larger than 0.80 and included an annual cycle. The 1984 decline in larval abundance is now a feature of the two-unit operational baseline models for both EN and NB. Summaries of these models are presented in Appendices XXIV and XXV. 49 STATION-EGGS AT EN O 20000 JAN OlFEB OlMAR 01APR 0 1 MAY 01JUN OIJUL OlAUG 0 1 SEP OlOCT O 1 NOV OlDEC 01. MONTH STATION-LARVAE AT EN 800 700 SOO SOO 400 30O 200 JAN 01FEB OlMAR OlAPR 0 1 MAY 01JUN OIJUL 01AUG 01SEP 01OCT OINOV 01DEC 01 MONTH STATION-LARVAE AT NB 1400 1 300 1 20O 1 TOO 1 000 300 SCO 700 SOO SOO 400 300 200 "EB OlMAR OlAPR OlMAY 01 OlAUG OlSEP OlOCT OINOV OlDEC 0 1 J AN Figure 22. Annual cumulative density (no./SOO m ) oftautog eggs at EN and larvae at EN and NB. 50 1 O O 200 FREQUENCY SO 1 oo FREQUENCY TRAWLED AT JO TRAWLED AT NR TOO 200 300 4-00 FREQUENCY SOO T 000 FREQUENCY "RAWL ED — OTHER MP I NGED Figure 23. Taiitog length frequency. Taiitogolabrus adspersus, cunner The dinner {Tautogolabrus adspersus) is a coastal marine fish that prefers reef habitats (Bigelow and Schrocdcr 1953; Serchuk 1972; 011a et al. 1975, 1979; Dew 1976; Pottle and Green 1975). It ranges from northern Newfoundland to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay (I^im and Scott 1966). Most cunner have limited home ranges and are active only during the day (Green 1975). Activity declines in cold weather and individuals become dormant at temperatures below 8°C and lie torpid among and under rocks (Green and Farwell 1971; Dew 1976; Olla et al. 1979). The cunner becomes mature in its fu-st year (Dew 1976) and spawns inshore from May through August (Wheatland 1956). Eggs are pelagic and usually found in 51 tlie upper 5 m of the water column (Williams 1967). Metamorphosis of larvae is complete by 10 mm and juveniles move to the bottom (Miller 1958). Gunner was found in all NUSCo programs, but it was most abundant in the plankton collections (Tables 10, 12 and 14). It ranked among the top ten fishes in all collections except seines (Appendices V, VIII, IX, X and XII). Gunner eggs were the most abundant egg taxon entrained (Table 8) during the two-unit operational period. Annual egg entrainment estimates ranged from 1,675x10^ (1981) to 2,589x10^ (1983) (Table 9). Gunner egg density was lowest in either 1981 or 1982 depending on the abundance index used (median or mean). The lowest median was 2,958/500 m in 1981 and the lowest mean was 1,761/500 m m 1982. Similarly, egg density was highest in either 1983 (median = 5,934/500 m^) or 1985 (mean = 3,016/500 m^). Because the pattern of cunner abundance changed depending on the measure used, these data were not useful for describing trends. Gunner was the fourth most abundant larval fish at NB and fifth at EN. Abundance at NB was higher than at EN in terms of both aimual cumulative density (Fig. 24)" and mean density (Tables 10 and 12). Further, temporal patterns at the two stations were different. Mean annual larval density was highest at EN (13.8/500 m^) in 1981 and at NB (42.4/500 m^) in 1983. Both indices were lower in 1984 and 1985 than in any year since 1979, but no trend was apparent. .luvenile and adult cunner were present primarily from May through November in impingement and trawl collections; 25% of the total impingement catch occurred in .lune alone. Like tautog, cunner prefer the rocky habitats that surround MNPS. Unlike tautog, however, cunner contributed more than 1% to the total estimated impingment (Table 8). Annual impingement estimates varied an order of magnitude, from 466 in 1985 to 3,851 in 1982. As it was the case for tautog, the low number of cunner impinged during 1985 may have been related to the shut-down of Unit 2. Over 75% of cunner taken by trawl were caught at IN and JG (Table 15). The spatial distribution of cunner was also similar to that of tautog because both species have similar preferences and behavior. Although, juvenile cunner (individuals smaller than 75 mm) stay near shore and thus were more likely to be taken by trawls at both NR and JG (Fig. 25), juvenile tautog were abundant only at NR (Fig. 23). Smaller adults also stay inshore and were likely to be found in impingement collections; larger adults move offshore and were taken in trawls from deep 52 STATION— EGGS AT Ef' 20000 1 OOOQ O 1 JAN O IFEE IMAR OlAPR OlMAY OIJUN OIJUL OlAUG OlSEP OlOCT O 1 NOV 01DEC 01 MONTH STAT I ON— LARVAE AT EN JAN OlFEB OlMAR 01APR OlMAY OIJUN OIJUL OlAUG OlSEP OlOCT O 1 NOV OlDEC 01 MONTH STATION-LARVAE AT NE YEAR (19 ) O 2000 OIJAN OrFEB OlMAR OlAPR OlMAY OIJUN OIJUL OlAUG OlSEP OlOCT 0 1 NOV OlDEC OIJ/ Figure 24. Annual cumulative density (no./500 m ) of cunner eggs at RN and larvae at EN and NB. 53 zoo 40 O I FR EQUENCY TRAWLEP AT NR AND JC 500 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY TRAWLED— OTHER ^OO lOOO TSOO 2000 FREQUENCY I MP I NGED Figure 25. length frequency of cunner. water stations (Fig. 25). Although both total trawl catches (Table 14) and annual mean trawl catches (Fig. 26) have declined since 1979, the other indices of cunner abundance (e.g., egg and larval densities) did not follow the same trend. The precipitous drop of cunner larval abundance in 1984 could be explained by the predation that also affected the abundances of tautog and anchovies that year. A previous drop in cunner larval abundance in 1978, was followed in 1979 by the highest mean trawl catch (Fig. 26). None of these fluctutations could be attributed to MNPS operations. The time-series models described the seasonal variability of cunner catches reasonably well as indicated by R values of 0.70 for plankton and 0.65 for impingement. All the models included an annual cycle and the plankton models had an additional 4-mo cycle. The 1984 decline in larval abundance was well 54 described and is now a feature of the baseline model. Summaries of these models are presented in Apr^ndices XXVI, XXVII, and XXVIII. cr u n: o < o 3 < I I I I I I 1 i 1 1 — 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 YEAR ["igtire 26. Annual mean catch of cunner taken by trawl; the vertical bars are approximated 95% confidence intervals for each year. CONCLUSIONS Impacts from the construction and operation of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station were assessed during the operation of Units I and 2, using representative collections of fish assemblages. The composition of these fish assemblages from January 1975 through December 1985 remained relatively stable, and was typical of that reported for I ,IS by other researchers. Fish abundances exhibited predictable seasonal and annual fluctuations; analyses indicated no adverse impact of two-unit operation. Data collected over the past 10 yr provide an excellent baseline for assessing the possible impacts from the operation of three power plants at MNPS. 55 SUMMARY 1. The construction and operation of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) could effect changes in fish assemblages in several ways. Larger fish may be removed from the population by impingement on the intake screens; eggs, larvae and small fish may be removed during entrainment through the cooling water system; and spatial distribution of local fish populations may change in response to the cooling water effluent. 2. Several programs were established to provide baseline data for assessing impacts of MNPS on fish assemblages: entrainment, offshore plankton, trawl, seine and impingement monitoring programs. These programs provided the data necessary for assessing the effects of two-unit operation and also provide the baseline for three-unit impact assessment. 3. Over 100 taxa offish have been collected in the various Fish Ecology monitoring programs at MNPS from January 1976 through December 1985. Eight taxa were selected for detailed analysis based on their susceptibility to impact from impingement and entrainment: sand lance, anchovies, sticklebacks, silversides, tomcod, grubby, cunner and tautog. 4. The abundance of these taxa varied both seasonally and annually in all programs and to separate population fluctuations representing natural variability from those resulting from the construction and operation of MNPS, a time-series approach was developed and applied to the monitoring data. 5. The abundance of potentially impacted taxa remained relatively stable throughout the 10-yr period, except for larval and juvenile sand lance, and larval anchovy, cunner and tautog. Except for larval sand lance, these abundance changes were short-term. Large annual fluctuations of sand lance have been observed along the entire Atlantic coast. Thus the operation of two nuclear power plants at MNPS has not adversely affected fish abundance, distribution or species composition in the Millstone area of LIS. 56 REFERENCES CITED Audet, C, G. J. Fitzgerald, and H. Guderley. 1985. Salinity preferences of four sympatric species of sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) during their reproductive season. Copeia 1985:209-213. Austin, H.M., and R. Amish. 1974. Preoperational ecolo^cal monitoring program of the marine environs at the LILCO, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. Shoreham, Long Island, New York. Vol. 3: Fish Ecology. Baird, S. F. 1873. 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Worgan, .1. P., and G. .1. Fitzgerald. 1981. Habitat segregation in a salt marsh among adult sticklebacks. Env, Biol. Fish. 6:105-109. 66 Appendix la. Summary of gill net sampling program. Letters indicate station sampled T = Twotree; I = Intake; J = Jordan Cove; C ^ Crescent Beach-Black Point; B = Bartlett Reef; N = Niantic Bay; E = East of effluent; W = West of effluent. J f|m|a|m|j |j |a|s O 1 N D 1971 (NOTE: The following sampling program began using a 6-panel net) T-1^ 1972 T-I^ T-.' 1 T-I^ r-i' 1973 T-I' T-I-J-C' T-I j-c' T-I j-c' 1974 T-I-J-C' 1975 X^ T-I-J-C' B-N-E-w" T-I-J-C^; B-N-E-W" NOTE; changed to an eight-panel net of varying mesh sizes starting in May. 1976 X^ T-I-J-B-N-E-W" 1977 T-I-J-B-N-E-W" 1 I-I-J-C-B-N-E-W'' 1978 T-I-J-C-B-N-E-W" 1979 to 1982 T-l-J-C-B-N-E-W" Indicates net was set at surface. Indicates net was set at bottom. Indicates a mid-water set. X = Same a December of the previous year. Appendix lb. Location of the gill net sampling sites. 67 Appendix II. Nuitiher of icthyoplanklon samples from various stations during I'JV.'i-IQSS. F.ntrainment stations 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 197<; I98C 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 I'olal P.N 1S9 288 692 934 906 866 942 9,« 776 774 338 338 262 8241 IN 472 726 333 1 53 1 QCUT 189 288 132 609 Total 850 1302 1157 934 906 866 942 936 776 774 338 338 262 10381 OfTshore stations 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 I98f 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Nn 1 79 86 124 119 155 91 21 20 28 209 238 236 96 238 38 142 128 119 1737 430 2 3 69 96 96 164 87 142 23 20 20 24 M 118 112 66 629 422 4 64 133 111 308 6 58 109 85 21 20 26 319 7 ino 175 163 438 8 70 128 155 21 20 31 425 9 94 142 114 3.50 10 72 124 142 3^8 II 152 144 23 20 33 372 12 85 78 163 13 88 92 . 180 14 51 154 21 20 28 274 15 76 3 20 99 Ifi 90 90 Tola! 788 1690 1879 133 160 170 223 356 444 342 142 128 119 6574 68 Appendix III. Number of olTshore ichlhyoplankton samples processed from NB for each month during 1973-1985. Number of day samples 197.3 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1 15 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 40 2 10 10 1 1 2 4 6 8 6 2 2 53 3 8 12 1 1 4 6 4 8 4 2 3 54 4 10 8 1 5 16 16 16 12 10 10 10 115 5 2 8 15 3 ? 4 20 20 . 16 16 9 8 8 132 6 12 10 12 4 ? 4 16 20 16 20 9 8 8 142 7 8 10 11 3 ? 4 20 16 20 16 8 10 8 137 8 13 13 6 3 ? 4 16 16 20 20 10 8 10 142 9 8 11 8 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 55 10 10 10 3 1 1 2 6 4 4 2 6 3 53 II 9 8 3 1 1 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 44 12 4 12 3 1 1 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 42 Total 66 110 106 21 20 28 105 120 118 120 71 64 60 1009 Number oP night samples Month 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 23 2 1 5 2 4 6 6 6 2 2 34 3 1 7 4 4 4 8 4 2 2 36 4 1 3 20 16 16 12 10 9 9 96 5 1 5 16 20 16 16 9 9 9 101 6 1 I 5 16 20 16 20 9 8 8 104 7 1 3 8 20 16 20 16 8 10 8 110 8 5 1 3 16 16 20 20 10 8 10 109 9 1 1 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 29 10 1 2 3 2 6 4 4 3 6 3 34 11 4 1 3 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 28 12 1 3 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 24 Total 13 14 49 104 118 118 118 71 64 59 728 69 Appendix IV. Number of entrainmenl samples processed from each month during 1976-1985. Larval samples Month 'l976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1.983 1984 1985 lotal 1 77 84 78 84 81 72 72 34 36 10 628 2 72 72 71 72 75 72 72 32 34 13 585 3 84 8(1 34 78 78 78 84 38 34 33 621 4 78 75 57 75 78 81 78 32 34 36 624 5 78 78 84 84 78 75 72 34 37 36 6.56 6 7S 80 78 75 78 81 84 37 33 24 648 7 78 75 77 78 81 81 78 33 36 28 645 8 78 83 79 84 75 78 78 38 36 26 655 9 81 78 75 72 78 78 78 34 32 24 630 10 75 78 77 84 84 30 24 9 10 14 485 11 78 68 81 78 60 21 30 9 8 8 441 12 77 54 75 78 90 29 24 8 8 10 453 lolal 934 905 866 942 936 776 774 338 338 262 7071 Bgg samples Month 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total 4 78 81 78 32 34 26 329 5 84 78 75 72 34 37 28 408 6 75 78 81 84 37 - 33 24 412 7 78 81 81 78 33 36 28 415 8 84 75 78 78 38 36 26 415 9 72 78 78 78 34 32 24 396 lotal !93 468 474 468 208 208 156 2375 70 Appendix V. 1976-1985. Percentage contributed by each taxa to the estimates of total entrainment and impingement at MNPS during Entrainment Taxa Eggs Impingement Anchoa spp. Pseudopleuronectes americanus Ammodytes americanus Myoxocephalus aenaeus Tautogotabrus adspersus Pholis gunnellus Brevoorlia tyrannua Tautoga onitis Syngnaihus /uncus Liparis spp. Ulvaria subbifurcata Scophthalmus aquosus Peprilus Uiacanlhus Enchelynpus cimhrius Prionotus spp. Gobiidac Stenolomus chrysops Myoxocephalus octode.cemspinosus Cynoscion regalis Scomber scombrus Anguilla roslrala Paralichthys oblongus Menidia spp. Clupea harengus Clupeidae Urophycis spp. Sphoeroides maculatus Gadus morhua Merluccius bilinearis Microgadus tomcod Paralichthys dentatus Sciaenidae Trinectes maculatus Etropus microstomus Gasterosteus aculeatus Centropristis striata Ophidian marginatum Alosa spp. Mentlcirrhus saxatilis Lophius americanus Osmerus mordax Apeltes quadracus Gadidae Limanda ferruginea Pollachius vlrens Bothidae Chaetodon ocellatus Lumpenus lumprelaeformis Cyclopterus lumpus Gasterosteus wheattandi Mugil cephalus Hippocampus erectus 61.3 10.8 8.1 10.8 <0.1 8.5 9.7 <0.1 47.8 3.7 <0.1 5.9 1.8 55.5 1.9 1.8 0.0 0.1 1.8 <0.1 0.2 1.8 27,2 0.8 1.0 0.0 1.6 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.0 <0.1 0.7 1.4 0.9 0.7 <0,1 1.5 0.6 0.4 <0.1 0.3 2.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.2 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 5.5 0.1 <0.I <0.1 0.1 0.0 <0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 <0.I 0.2 0.1 <0.I <0.1 0.1 0.0 1.6 0.1 0.0 3.4 <0.I <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 5.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 1.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.I 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.4 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.0 :0.1 0.0 0.2 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.5 <0.1 0.0 1.7 <0.I 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1. 71 Appendix V. (continued) Entrainment Taxa Impingement Pungiiius pungilius Fundulus spp. Conger oceaniais Hemiiripterus americanus Aleclis cUiaris Alosa aestivalis Alosa medlocris Alosa pseudoharengus Alosa sapidissima Aluterus schoepft Auloslomus macula tus Bairdiella chrysoura Brosme brosme Caranx crysos Caranx hippos Chilnmyclerus schoepfi Cyprinodon variegatus Dactylopterus volitans Decaplems macaretlus Decaplerus punrlatiis Etrumeus teres Fistularia tahacaria Hippocampus spp. Ictalurus catus Leiostomus xanthunis Lepomis macrochinis Macrozoarces americanus Melanogrammus aeglefinus Monacanlhus hispidus Monocanthus spp. Morone americana Morone saxa tills Mugit curema Mustelis canis Myoxocephalus spp. Ophidiiaae Ophidian welshi Opsanus tau Petromyon marinus Pomatomus saltatrix Priacanthus arenatus Priacanthus cruentatus Prisligenys alta Raja spp. Rhinoptera bonasus Saimo tmtta Selar cnimenopthalmus Selene selapinnis Selene vomer Seriola zonata Sphyraena borealis Squahis acanthias Trachurus lathami <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 O.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 <0.i <0.1 0.0 0.0 -:0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 <0.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 72 Appendix VI. Annual mean fish larval density (no./SOOm ) at EN during 1976-1985. Taxa 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Mean Anchoa spp. 185.2 178.2 72.0 313.3 346.7 550.5 182.3 301.7 66.3 245.2 244.1 Pseudopleuronectes americanus 42.0 27.6 31.0 26.8 59.5 31.4 59.2 70.6 45.9 36.2 43.0 Ammodytes americanus 10.8 55.2 110.8 50.6 65.7 52.8 12.4 13.4 8.3 4.7 38.5 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 4.7 11.7 7.1 10.7 11.2 25.5 20.8 20.5 16.0 19.9 14.8 Taulogolabnis adspersus 5.6 12.1 0.4 3.2 12.4 13.8 8.6 12.5 1.0 2.8 7.2 Pholis gunnelius 2.4 5.1 4.3 6.3 5.5 18.5 10.9 5.1 5.9 7.3 7.1 Brevoortia tyrannus 2.9 1.8 2.1 0.4 1.9 1.6 7.5 19.9 1.9 30.6 7.1 Tautoga onitis 7.0 8.5 0.4 2.5 9.3 16.7 11. 1 9.5 0.8 4.5 7.0 Syngnathus fuscus 1.5 3.5 2.2 8.5 3.4 6.1 3.2 4.7 4.0 2.7 4.0 Uparis spp. 1.1 6.1 5.9 2.4 4.2 4.7 1.3 3.2 1.9 7.7 3.8 Ulvaria subbifurcata 3.5 1.3 1.9 2.9 3.6 3.8 4.3 1.9 1.0 11.8 3.6 Scophthalmus aqiiosu! 4.0 6.0 0.7 2.2 2.5 2.9 1.5 7.0 1.7 0.6 2.9 Peprilus trtacanthus 4.7 1.1 0.4 0.5 9.9 4.7 3.1 3.0 0.4 0.7 2.8 Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.2 2.5 1.8 2.1 1.9 0.5 2.3 4.7 1.7 3.0 2.2 Prionotus spp. 0.8 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.9 5.2 0.3 1.6 0.2 2.0 1.2 Gobiidae 2.9 2.0 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.7 2.2 1.8 1.2 Stenolomus chrysops 1.1 1.8 O.I 1.0 I.l 2.0 0.4 0.0 <0.1 <0.I 0.7 Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.1 2.2 1.5 0.7 0.7 Cynoscion regatts 0.2 0.7 <0.1 1.2 <0.1 1.5 1.6 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.7 Scomber scombrus 0.6 3.7 O.I 0.1 0.1 <0.I <0.I 1.3 <0.I 0.3 0.6 Anguilla rostra ta 0.4 1.9 l.I 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 O.I 0.6 Paralkhthys oblongus 0.6 0.8 O.I 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.3 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.6 Menidia spp. 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 2.2 0.1 0.3 0.5 Clupea harengus O.I 0.3 0.2 0.4 <0.1 2.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 Clupeidae <0.I 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 <0.I 0.4 O.I 0.0 0.2 Urophycis spp. 0.9 0.1 <0.I <0.1 <0.1 0.8 <0.I 0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.2 Sphoeroides maculatus 0.6 0.2 0.0 <0.1 <0.I O.I 0.2 0.2 <0.I 0.5 0.2 Gadus morhua 0.1 <0.1 <0.I <0.I O.I I.l 0.2 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 Paralkhthys dentatus 0.1 <0.1 O.I O.I 0.2 O.I O.I 0.3 <0.1 0.3 0.1 Merluccius bilinearis 0.4 0.2 <0.I O.I 0.2 O.I <0.1 O.I 0.1 0.1 0.1 Microgadus tomcod 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 <0.I O.I 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 Sciaenidae <0.1 0.0 <0.1 0.0 <0.I I.O 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 Trinectes maculatus 0.1 0.2 0.0 <0.I <0.1 0.6 <0.1 O.I <0.1 0.0 0.1 Etropus microstomus 0.3 O.I <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 <0.I 0.1 O.I <0.1 0.1 Gasterosleus aculeatus 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.I <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Centroprlstis striata 0.1 O.I <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 Ophidian marginatum 0.2 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 <0.1 0.0 Alosa spp. 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Menticirrhus saxatilis <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lophius americanus 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 Osmerus mordax <0.1 O.I <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apeltes quadracus <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 Gadidae <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.0 <0.I <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Limanda ferruginea 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 <0.I <0.1 <0.1 <0.I <0.I <0.1 <0.I 0.0 Pollachius virens <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.I O.I <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Bothidae 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.I 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.I Chaelodon ocellatus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Lumpenus lumpretaeformis 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Cyclopterus lumpus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Mugil cephalus <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Hippocampus erectus <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 Pungitius pungitius 0.0 0.0 <0.1 <0.I '0.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Fundulus spp. <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.I 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.I 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Conger oceanicus <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Hemitriplenis americanus <0.1 <0.1 <0.! <0.! <0.1 <0.1 <0.I <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Total 288.4 335.9 246.5 440.0 544.6 752.2 336.8 490.0 163.8 387.2 398.5 73 Appendix VII. Annual mean Hsh larval density (no./500 ) at NB during 1979-1985. Taxa 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Mean Anchoa spp. 320.7 418.2 494.1 292.5 485.3 62.9 239.3 330.4 AmmodytPS amerlcanus 56.2 52.4 174.9 9.4 40.9 27.9 11.4 53.3 Pseudopleuronectes amerlcanus 19.0 42.9 26.8 43.1 68.4 41.8 44.2 40.9 Taulogolabn/.'i adspersus 19.6 24.9 17.6 34.4 42.4 7.9 8.0 22.1 Tauloga onilis 10.6 17.3 18.4 27.8 28.3 6.7 11.3 17.2 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 6.1 9.1 13.0 11.2 11.8 9.6 11.9 10.4 Brevoorlia lyrannus 0.6 1.9 2.4 36.1 9.8 9.6 6.9 9.6 Scnphlhalmus atjunsus 8.3 5.8 3.0 10.6 12.2 5.7 3.6 7.0 Pholis gunneltus 4.6 3.6 12.1 6.6 3.8 6.4 4.5 5.9 Pepritus triacanlhus 1.9 5.3 6.9 10.4 11.5 0.8 4.7 5.9 Enchelyopus dmbrius 6.2 2.6 1.1 6.8 6.3 8.8 5.5 5.3 Syngnathus fusojs 2.7 3.2 3.7 2.4 6.5 3.6 1.5 3.4 Prionolus spp. 1.3 1.5 8.4 5.1 4.5 0.9 1.7 3.3 Liparis spp. 1.8 2.3 3.9 0.9 3.0 0.8 6.3 2.7 Ulvaria mbbifurcata 1.3 2.2 2.2 4.8 1.9 1.4 2.9 2.4 Myoxocephalus octndecemspinosus 0.5 1.3 2.3 2,0 3.1 3.9 1.6 2.1 Parallchthys oblongus 0.2 0.6 1.7 1.9 3.0 0.2 1.6 1.3 Cynoscion regalls 1.6 0.1 2.3 3.7 0.1 0.0 0.3 1.2 Stenntomus chrysops 2.1 4.0 1.4 0.4 0.1 <0.I <0.I 0.9 Scomber scombnts 1.6 0.3 <0.1 0.9 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.7 Merlucclus bUlnearis 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.4 Parallchthys dentatus 0.2 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 Clupeidae 0.1 0.1 O.I 0.0 <0.1 •-0.1 3.4 0.3 Gobiidae 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Sciaenidae <0.1 0.0 1.2 0.4 1.1 <0.1 0.1 0.2 Clupea harengus 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.1 <0.1 0.6 0.2 Fjropus mkrostomus 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0,2 0.1 Gadus morhua <0.l <0.1 1.3 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 Menldla spp. 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.6 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 Alosa spp. 0.1 <0.I 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 O.I Pomalomus sallalrix 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 O.I Sphoeroldes maculatus 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 <0.1 O.I 0.1 O.I Angullla rostrata 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.1 O.I 0.1 Centroprislls striata <0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 O.I Urophycls spp. 0.1 <0.l 0.6 0.2 <0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 Pollachlus vlrens 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.I 0.1 <0.1 0.1 Cyclnpterus lumpus 0.0 0.0 <0.l o.n 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 T'undulus spp. 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.I Hippocampus e.rectus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.1 Microgadus tomcod <0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 Gadidae 0.0 O.I 0.0 •-n.i <0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 Conger nceanlcus <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.I O.I 0.0 0.1 Ijophius amerlcanus <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 <0.I 0.0 0.0 0.1 Castp.rnsteus aruleatus <0.1 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.I Osmerus mnrdax <0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Ophidian marginatum 0.1 <0.1 <0.I 0.0 O.I <0.I 0.4 0.1 '/"rlnectes mantlatus 0.0 0.0 0.4 ■'0.1 <0.I 0.0 <0.I O.I Uemltrlpterus amerlcanus 0.0 <0.1 •;0.I 0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.0 O.I limanda ferruglnea <0.l <0.1 <0.l <0.l O.I 0.2 O.I O.I lotal A6f>.\ (501.1 SM.O 5H.1 749.4 50 1. '5 ^m ^ W.5 74 Appendix VIII. Annual mean fish egg density (no./500m ) at EN during April through September of 1979-1985. Taxa 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Mean Tautogolahru.i ad^pnrsu.t 2454.5 2898.5 1908.9 1761.6 2001.2 2240.7 3016.3 2326.0 Tautoga onitis 714.6 1311.4 1273.9 1033.5 999.2 1122.0 1507.5 1137.4 Anchoa spp. 413.0 306.1 339.4 218.4 636.7 1196.9 53.2 452.0 Prionotus spp. 30.4 75.6 115.5 .118.3 133.2 51.9 112.2 91.0 Scophlhalmus aquosyx 34.5 41.4 53.4 24.6 17.3 41.9 208.9 60.3 Alosa spp. 267.3 0.3 0.2 14.6 0.0 on 0.0 40.3 Slenniomus chrysops 10.6 0.3 63.6 53.3 45.9 95.4 11.6 40.1 Enchelyopm cimhrius 14.2 9.5 17.4 31.6 7.7 8.9 16.3 15.1 Urophycis spp. 2.0 6.5 23.5 1.7 14.3 30.8 21.7 14.4 Menidia spp. 0.0 3.4 1.5 0.3 0.7 19.8 <0.l 3.7 Rrevoortia tyrannus 0.8 <0.1 0.5 0.6 2.0 6.4 3.8 2.0 Cynoscion regalis 4.9 3.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 Scomber scombrus 5.2 0.5 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 Pseudoplfnironectes americanus 0.8 0.9 4.7 1.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.1 Trinectes maculams 5.8 0.0 0,1 0.0 0.0 • 0.0 0.0 0.8 Ilemitriptcrus americanus 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 3.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.9 <0.1 0.0 0.5 0.6 Peprilus triacanthus 0.7 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n.o 0.3 Paralichlhy.r oblongus 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Cyprmndon varingatus <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Paralichlhys dentatiia 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Ammodyles americanus 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Fundutus spp. 0.3 0.0 0.0 <0.1 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Morone americana 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 ■-0.1 Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Clupea harengus <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 •■0.1 Sphoeroides marulatus <0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Gadidae 0.0 <0.1 <0.I <0.1 <0.1 0.0 -o.i <0.1 Gadus morhua <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.0 0.0 <0.1 Total 3963.6 4659.1 3803.9 3269.1 3858.7 4814.9 4952.2 4188.8 75 Appendix ?X. Annual impingement estimate for all taxa impinged, calculated using flows From 0800-0745 (Units 1 & 2 combined by year except during 1984-85 when Unit 2 was estimated alone). Fish Taxa 1976 1978 1979 1980 1984 1985 Total Ammndytes spp. 65 69 277 98 192 269 136 449 485411 73 487039 Psmdopletironectes americanuY 5654 7622 7676 23544 7207 7640 8875 13467 2542 2765 86992 Anchoa spp. 5606 804 869 3340 4426 4755 5895 52280 4200 342 82517 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 2108 2357 7528 3699 10736 5450 6486 14634 23 59 4553 59866 Menidia spp. 1585 1328 12155 12187 10199 3733 3872 8136 1042 1480 55717 Micrngadus tomcod 91 339 2398 1455 1314 8121 11868 2860 4938 1129 34513 Gasterostms spp. 2411 5375 5511 9918 7441 30656 Ga.itero.iteux aculealus 6817 2951 9472 1055 852 21147 Taulngolabms adsp^rsus 903 1429 1862 3110 1157 2566 3851 2900 1188 466 19432 Casterosteus wheatlandi 601 1393 14381 702 21 17098 Syngnathus fuscus 643 384 1265 1289 1152 1611 1029 6572 1467 456 15868 Merlucclus bilinearis 791 1086 545 837 1703 679 560 9419 133 105 15858 Peprilus triacanthus 135 149 298 1574 1139 1829 4061 3086 1455 1336 15062 Scophthalmus aqunsus 679 454 406 1024 1122 640 743 3401 569 173 9211 Tautoga onitis 883 809 1074 866 338 814 1579 1512 664 122 8661 Morone americana 312 761 670 368 643 598 2540 912 375 48 7227 Cydoptenis lumpus 47 525 781 578 1301 329 11 859 120 1010 5561 Alosa aestivalis 121 221 207 381 162 280 125 3605 91 51 5244 Raja spp. 499 271 240 337 453 531 507 1468 275 98 4679 Osmems mordax 399 337 658 476 175 438 492 1479 71 97 4622 Brevoortia tyrannus 200 159 104 187 222 165 . 306 682 167 242 2434 Paralichthys denlatus 463 127 87 14 80 390 349 241 646 29 2426 A iosa pseudoharengus 97 359 52 255 156 223 273 659 79 59 2212 Sphoeroides maculatiis 289 153 34 61 49 130 469 712 174 86 2157 rrinnolvs spp. 503 226 96 89 87 323 255 223 49 72 1923 Cynoscion regalis 31 886 84 10 12 632 58 90 34 14 1851 Anguilla rostra ta 99 210 76 180 115 114 486 379 60 48 1767 Pnllacliius virens 9 19 11 2 89 164 161 888 253 0 1596 Opsanus tau 163 103 167 169 155 228 214 246 98 28 1571 Ijparis spp. 9 308 188 48 53 371 55 272 39 66 1409 Fundutus spp. 58 75 464 97 98 340 138 80 20 8 1378 Pomatomus saltatrix 53 133 14 206 55 192 65 459 no 46 1333 Slenotomus chrysnps 153 118 30 139 48 101 213 343 53 105 1303 Ifrntitriplprus amrricanus 12 20 11 35 56 132 240 365 22 6 899 Pholis gunnpllus 72 39 78 111 67 119 100 247 49 12 894 Trinectes maatlatvs 28 15 30 119 55 61 139 88 194 21 750 Urophyds chuss 7 18 2 115 33 51 47 198 71 13 555 Urophyds regia 5 0 0 3 18 24 25 444 1' 0 526 Clupea harengus 60 128 0 5 2 77 21 48 12 12 365 Caranx hippos 6 0 2 6 2 76 134 76 21 34 357 Morone saxatilis 4 10 3 11 0 4 235 67 0 7 341 Melanogrammus anglefmus 0 0 6 307 7 0 0 0 0 0 320 Gadus morhiua 0 0 0 0 n 10 65 74 142 7 298 Monaranlhus hispidus 6 30 50 118 8 6 11 7 3 9 248 76 Appendix IX. (continued) Fish Taxa 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Etropus mkrostomus Urophycis spp. Mugil ce.phalus Alosa sapldlssima Myoxocephalus spp. Leioatomus xanthunis Centropristis striata Sphyraena horealis Ophidian marginatum App.ltes quadracus Paralichthys ohlongus Urophycis tenuis Scomber scomhrus Selene setapinnis Aluterus schoepfi Selene vomer Mustelis canis Ulvaria subbifurcata Conger occanicus Caranx crysos Mugil atrema Pungitius pungitius Alectis ciliaris Chaetodon orellatus Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Squalus acanlhias Trachurus lalhami Ophidiidae Fistularia tabacaria Cyprinodon variegatus Rairdiella chrysoura Dactylopterus votitans Fjrumeus teres Gadidae Hippocampus erectus iMphius americanus Chilomycterus schoepfi Derapterus macarellus Pristigenys alta Decapterus punctatus Menticirrhus saxa tills Alosa spp. Priacanthus arenatus 3 5 0 0 34 190 8 13 23 12 1 0 1 203 0 16 4 152 316 0 12 4 12 26 0 0 2 5 8 50 15 6 0 2 II 3 4 5 30 0 0 1 57 6 0 37 4 2 II 34 6 5 9 17 8 0 0 13 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 3 4 5 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 9 178 20 10 236 4 2 2 0 3 0 0 235 11 37 37 9 34 39 4 215 5 33 33 25 82 16 0 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 0 0 0 2 28 0 0 202 0 9 2 12 54 74 0 188 0 0 35 71 2 12 0 148 10 0 0 9 31 50 6 132 10 33 48 14 5 2 0 127 14 6 16 2 7 0 6 122 0 6 17 30 6 45 0 117 17 9 12 48 9 0 0 107 0 0 0 2 6 20 34 92 0 3 6 9 0 6 0 88 0 5 0 2 4 14 22 88 12 n 6 7 5 0 8 85 13 0 7 7 26 6 4 83 0 2 2 9 31 0 0 69 0 0 5 14 4 24 0 67 0 0 24 0 7 27 8 66 0 0 6 ■ 21 22 5 10 66 0 3 30 2 0 6 7 58 0 0 4 12 26 0 7 53 5 5 14 7 10 0 0 44 3 6 2 0 31 0 0 44 32 0 4 0 4 0 0 40 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 36 0 10 2 5 0 0 6 35 0 4 2 5 9 0 0 33 0 0 0 2 24 0 0 26 0 0 2 10 3 0 7 24 19 0 0 2 0 n 0 23 0 2 0 13 0 0 0 20 0 0 2 0 11 0 3 18 0 2 0 9 0 0 7 18 0 0 2 2 0 8 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 2 n 12 0 14 0 0 4 7 2 0 0 13 5 0 0 2 2 0 0 13 0 0 0 5 0 6 0 11 0 0 0 5 0 6 0 11 77 Appendix IX. (continued) Fish Taxa 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total rriacanlhus rnientatus 0 0 0 0 n 2 0 9 0 0 11 \facrozoarres amerkanus 0 0 0 2 n 0 0 2 0 6 10 Seriota lonata 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Enchelyopus cimhrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 Monocanthus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 8 Clupeidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 7 Hippocampus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■ 0 0 6 6 Salmo trutta 1 0 0 5 n 0 0 0 0 0 6 Selar crumenopthalmus 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 Alosa medincris n 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 Ictalurus cams 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 n 0 4 Ophidinn welshl 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 Aulnstnmus maailatids 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Brosme hrosme I 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 l.epomis macrochirus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 Petromynn rnannus 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Rhinoplera bonasus 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 Total 25528 27909 46517 67535 52512 51973 61436 158468 511387 16266 1019531 Invertebrate Taxa 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Inligo pealei 138.36 4482 4493 22124 18763 13725 19521 24109 14748 3291 139092 Ovalipe.s ncellatiis 1845 4337 3050 11258 17912 22686 31952 17574 4118 2833 117565 Cancer irroratus 830 633 751 681 684 6058 7925 7137 6680 4448 35827 Carcinus maenus 989 781 656 765 912 3732 2533 6687 5647 2717 25419 CalUnertes sapidus 939 437 928 1901 1963 1802 1433 1553 1020 732 12708 Hnmanis ameriranus 1141 544 508 718 761 1715 1967 1504 1167 501 10526 Libinia spp. 1598 526 157 119 235 795 865 1360 1484 406 7545 Ncnpannpe texana 0 35 35 28 25 167 785 626 1496 242 3439 IJmulus polyphemiu 327 59 45 64 89 184 142 162 164 0 1236 Squitla e.mpusa 53 67 6 2 193 34 29 178 3 3 568 Pagurvs spp. 227 45 21 4 91 45 18 14 12 7 484 Cancer borealis 18 6 7 100 26 37 25 42 2 0 263 Upngebia afftnis 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 128 0 0 142 Argopnctpn irradians 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 50 38 0 95 IUpx illprrhrosus 0 19 10 n 0 29 7 5 6 0 76 rrnaeus azirciis 0 0 0 n 4 2 47 0 0 7 60 Callinassa atlandcus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 34 Callinectes siniilis 0 0 0 0 0 7 18 0 0. 0 25 Lunatia heros 0 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 11 Aplysia wilroxi 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Uexapanopnis angustifrons 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 21804 11971 10669 37764 41662 51023 67290 61163 36585 15187 355118 78 Appendix X. Trawl catch by year (1976-1985). W6 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 198 J 1983 1984 1985 Total Number of samples 908 936 936 936 972 935 936 936 936 936 9367 Fish Taxa Psmdopleuronectes ameriranus 7875 5752 6055 10694 12378 13124 13517 16799 14027 8869 109090 Stenotomus chrysops 2209 4040 2556 4052 3882 3401 4878 5286 4109 2732 37145 Scophthalmux aquosus 1618 1259 736 1408 2133 1549 2745 2970 2339 1951 18708 Anchoa spp. 980 580 2223 15 113 577 39 88 178 9997 14790 Raja spp. 875 541 409 404 728 819 1819 2602 2067 2402 12666 Gadidae 29 231 647 438 391 6627 1424 429 455 698 11369 Menidia spp. 2151 1224 1060 2059 1003 356 427 635 348 465 9728 Tautngotabrus adspp.rnis 1009 1032 359 1381 981 825 561 412 246 143 6949 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 191 276 591 316 458 866 788 904 595 498 5483 Prionotus spp. 370 333 105 341 389 535 1176 411 369 317 4346 Paralichlhys den laws 309 149 89 79 120 232 244 266 1929 210 3627 Merlucdus bilinearis 385 141 102 169 533 217 391 135 109 175 2357 Urophyds spp. 194 97 55 102 161 215 356 626 216 231 2253 Tautoga onitis 251 292 246 283 138 235 228 159 110 136 2078 Uemitriptems ameriranus 31 41 35 82 223 347 381 581 262 72 2055 Microgadus lomcod 19 25 40 49 125 279 1147 132 90 85 1991 Casterostmts aculeaius 19 22 13 103 38 192 116 256 940 199 1898 Phnlis gunnellus 24 147 62 100 145 301 206 290 130 156 1561 Syngnathus fuscus 49 34 58 71 127 288 158 241 262 181 1469 Peprilus Iriacanthus 37 42 408 173 46 69 182 244 17 134 1352 Osmerus mordax 121 242 102 39 110 49 62 83 221 319 1348 Apeltes quadracus 19 7 5 24 32 196 764 77 22 119 1265 Cadus morhua 3 29 3 2 0 I 26 255 278 348 945 Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosiis 43 12 23 92 42 110 117 126 34 24 623 Etropus mkrostomus 52 6 3 3 26 80 54 88 96 124 532 Paralichlhys oblongus 31 8 21 7 53 31 109 54 87 58 459 Ammodytes americanus 1 4 60 127 37 117 14 19 10 19 408 Alosa pseudoharengus 9 38 243 9 18 11 7 6 23 4 368 Opsanus tau 102 22 6 17 32 35 21 28 18 34 315 Centropristis striata 34 9 3 4 10 63 22 39 26 66 276 Anguilla rostrata 20 17 7 6 10 35 28 26 22 32 203 Pollachius virens 1 3 0 19 0 5 33 36 87 19 203 Cyrlopterus lumpus 2 17 13 28 56 11 1 14 0 29 171 Uparis spp. 8 8 26 12 19 12 35 9 15 11 155 A losa sapidissima 32 6 2 3 42 9 3 28 1 0 126 Ciupeidae 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 113 Chipea harengus 5 1 9 13 0 1 0 1 6 67 103 Cynoscion regalis 9 21 4 2 2 45 4 3 1 5 96 Sphoeroides maculatus 17 10 1 0 9 14 16 15 6 8 96 Mustelis canis 2 5 45 11 1 5 4 6 0 2 81 Alosa aestivalis 5 0 12 10 13 1 0 8 11 5 65 Brevoortia tyrannus 1 4 11 10 2 1 0 0 1 34 64 Umanda ferruginea 0 7 5 6 1 9 10 5 1 3 47 Monacanthus hispidus 3 6 8 4 0 0 8 1 8 9 47 Morone americana 4 7 15 3 11 3 1 1 0 0 45 Macrozoarces americanus 0 5 8 8 3 3 0 2 2 3 34 Goblidae 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 2 13 25 Fislularia labacaria 2 3 0 0 3 0 1 0 8 1 18 79 Appendix X. (continued) Fish Taxa 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Tolal Leiostomus xanlhunis 3 2 6 rt 0 f) 0 5 0 i 15 Gasterosteidae Pomatomus sallatrix Hippocampus spp. Aluterus schoepfi Dactyloptenis volitans Synodus foeiens Pungitius pungitius Fundulus spp. Priacanlhus cruentatus Menlicirrhus saxatilia Morone saxaiiUs Caranx crysos Lnphius americanus Trinectes maculatus Ulvaria suhbifurcata Conger oceanicun Prisligenys alta Sphyraena borealis Trachurus lathami Gasterosleus wheatlandi Lactophrys spp. Mullus auratus Ophidion marginatum Priacanlhus arenatus Selene vomer Alosa mediocris Caranx hippos Chaetodon ocellatus Decapterus macarellus Mugil cephalus Scomber scombrus Squalus acanthias Acipenser oxyrhynchus Auloslomus maculatus Bairdiella chrysoura Bothus ocellatus Dasyatis centroura Enchelyopus cimbrius Melanogrammus aeglefinus Mylioba tis fremin villei Salmo Irutta Scyliorhinus retifer Selar crumenoplhalmus Selene sctapinnis jyachinocephalus myops Trachinotus fakatus Upeneus parvus Total 19174 \6161 1(5505 nm lA^^ ,51951 35147 54417 MSi5 .'il l44 i59M.5 80 Appendix X. (continued) Invertebrate Taxa "TT75 TTTT ITTS m^ m^ iwi rm — rm — mi Total Libinia spp. Carcinus maenus Cancer irroratus Loligo pealei Lunatia heros Ovalipes ocellatus Homarus americanua Argopecten ir radians Libinia spp. Pagurus pollicaris Neopanope texana Asterias forbesi Callinecles sapidus Umulus polyphemus Busycon canaliculatum Cancer borealis Cancer spp. Busycon carica Polinices duplicata Squilla empusa Callinectes similis Henricia sanguinolenta [Ilex illecebrosus Total 1268 3832 339 331 1991 2177 1822 2856 2932 3206 20754 276 86 58 81 805 1643 3152 1203 2539 2965- 12808 91 91 193 142 469 1713 2112 5530 828 996 12165 520 1062 421 563 860 1838 668 1943 891 1134 9900 0 0 0 0 1626 771 220 453 494 1157 4721 37 116 110 215 680 392 1168 647 291 189 3845 103 141 150 118 213 572 1170 623 407 331 3828 147 315 157 47 445 506 172 326 370 636 3121 5 0 0 0 0 415 119 102 1329 1009 2979 0 0 0 0 207 312 367 1098 274 451 2709 0 0 0 0 32 161 281 282 188 317 1261 0 0 0 0 503 125 23 0 4 2 657 56 17 3 15 138 42 59 82 50 75 537 0 0 0 0 39 45 58 47 40 39 268 0 0 0 0 52 65 43 42 39 26 267 48 42 0 0 31 1 0 0 0 1 123 76 7 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 0 0 11 3 20 24 18 76 0 0 0 0 6 5 3 11 2 7 34 0 0 0 0 6 4 1 4 3 4 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 5 16 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1555 — rm — rm — rm — 8i09 idm \\m ism? — ^37^ iisso 77i03 81 Appendix XI. Trawl catch by station (1976-1985). JC NR NB IT BR IN Total Number of samples 1563 1559 1563 1563 1563 1556 9367 Fish Taxa Pseudopleuronectes americanus 10786 33899 T5760 18697 12923 17025 109090 Stenolomus chrysops 2592 221 15841 5710 3124 9657 37145 Scophthalmus aquosus 1064 1421 1676 2604 9876 2067 18708 Anchoa spp. 718 240 10263 293 15 3261 14790 Raja spp. 689 10 2088 3259 5130 1490 12666 Gadldae 2196 584 4435 1744 326 2084 11369 Menidia spp. 2186 2380 1312 493 152 3205 9728 Taulogolabrus adsperms 1412 297 495 260 377 4108 6949 Myoxocephalus aenaeus 846 2075 329 426 647 1160 5483 Prionotus spp. 72 424 346 905 2144 455 4346 Paralkhthys dentatus 493 588 402 1592 133 419 3627 Merluccius biVmearis 139 3 328 306 1116 465 2357 Urophycis spp. 301 22 212 230 1154 334 2253 Tautoga onitis 442 427 252 177 222 558 2078 Hemilripterus americanus 443 81 403 286 444 398 2055 Microgadus tomcod 638 466 484 71 27 305 1991 Gasterosteus aculeatus 1254 612 8 10 6 8 1898 Pholis gunnellus 851 187 164 98 13 248 1561 Syngnathus fuscus 450 668 103 55 61 132 1469 Peprilus triacanthus 19 3 178 373 730 49 1352 Osmerus mordax 846 227 90 57 36 92 1348 Apeltes quadraais 48 1214 0 1 1 1 1265 Gadus morhua 203 18 244 110 79 291 945 Myoxocfphalus octodecemspinosus 3 0 20 80 505 15 623 EtTopus microstomus 58 4 51 78 263 78 532 Paralkhthys oblongus 0 2 45 6 390 16 459 Ammodytes amerkanus 19 94 4 .28 257 6 408 Atosa pseudoharengus 7 59 16 7 46 233 368 Opsanus tau 5 299 0 0 0 11 315 Centropristis striata 20 35 26 16 22 157 276 Anguilla rostra la 35 146 0 14 2 6 203 Pollachius virens 51 8 7 11 8 118 203 Cyclopterus lumpus 105 4 11 6 2 43 171 IJparis spp. 19 1 32 26 53 24 155 Alosa sapidissima 8 17 50 9 20 22 126 Clupeidae 0 1 0 1 0 111 113 Clupea harengus 63 3 15 4 14 4 103 Cynoscion regalis 18 0 19 8 36 15 96 Sphoeroides maculatus 12 56 9 1 12 6 96 Mustelis canis 4 1 39 3 30 4 81 Alosa aestivalis 1 22 13 6 13 10 65 Brevoortia tyrannus 0 48 12 1 0 3 64 Umanda ferruginea 0 0 0 4 43 0 47 Monacanthus hispidus IS 1 7 5 10 9 47 Morone americana 6 11 4 1 6 17 45 Macroioarres americanus 0 0 0 1 32 1 34 Gobiidae 2 23 0 0 0 0 25 Fistularia tabacaria 14 1 0 0 0 3 18 82 Appendix XI. (continued) Fish Taxa JC N^ RT5 TT ^K m T3t3I Leiostomus xanthurus Gasterosteidae Pomalomus saltalrix Hippocampus spp. Alutenis schoepfi Dactylopterus volitans Synodus foetens Pungitius pungitius Fundulus spp. Priacanthus cruentatus Menticirrhus saxalilis Morone saxa tills Caranx crysos Lophius americanus Trinectes maculatus Ulvaria subblfurcata Conger oceanlcus Pristigenys alta Sphyraena borealis Trachurus lalhami Gasterosteus wheatlandi Lactophrys spp. Mullus auratus Ophidian marginatum Priacanthus arenatus Selene vomer Alosa mediocris Caranx hippos Chaetodon ocellatus Decapterus macarellus Mugit cephalus Scomber scombrus Squalus acanthias Acipenser oxyrhynchus Auloslomus maculatus Bairdiella chrysoura Bothus ocellatus Dasyatis centroura Enchelyopus cimbrius Melanogrammus aeglefinus Myliobatis freminviUei Salmo tnitta Scyliorhinus retifer Seiar cntmenopihalmus Selene setapinnis Trachinocephalus myops Trachinotus falcatits Upeneus parvus Total 2 0 7 0 3 3 15 2 n 13 2 3 2 0 5 1 13 4 3 1 1 0 2 11 5 0 0 1 1 3 10 0 7 0 0 0 2 9 0 3 0 2 4 0 9 5 2 0 0 0 1 8 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 1 2 0 3 7 0 2 1 2 0 1 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 1 2 5 0 0 0 I 4 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 . 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 83 Appendix XI. (continued) Invertebrate Taxa -KT Tnr "RB" TT ~mr Total Ubinia spp. Carcinus maenus Cancer irroratus Loligo pe.alei Lunalia heros Ovalipes oceltatus liomarus americanus A rgopeclen irradiana Pagurus pollicaris Neopannpe texana Asterias forbesi CalUnecles sapidus Limutus polyphemus Busycon canaliculatum Cancer borealls Cancer spp. Busycon carica Polinlces duplicata Squilla empusa CalUnecles slmills Henricia sanguinolenta Illex illecebrosus Total 1207 12614 464 12265 1092 1391 1021 140 11 1 416 2565 1294 341 139 2973 155 76 339 848 12 133 97 248 16 210 24 45 30 14 5 2 0 2 2 3 2 ■ 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 2486 28 2194 1823 374 46 599 6 351 21 19 110 4 20 43 47 13 5 4 0 0 0 2670 13 5135 1783 1481 424 224 1 424 16 53 12 9 79 14 22 26 2 0 0 2 1_ 12390 456 11 1073 2892 2840 382 288 0 1565 4 401 13 1321 20754 27 12808 1280 12165 2241 9900 14 4721 12 3845 1082 3828 2 3121 138 2709 33 1261 39 657 57 537 21 268 50 267 11 123 7 87 13 76 12 34 11 22 5 16 2 4 0 1 84 Appendix XIl. Seine catch by year (1976-1985). 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Number of samples 66 72 72 72 72 72 80 99 174 156 935 laxa Menidia spp. 40620 18179 1178 1233 7764 3418 5408 9007 2330 1342 90479 Fundulus spp. 1746 1174 838 660 943 612 914 870 1659 901 10317 Applies quadrants 464 602 254 269 35 109 79 1767 230 107 3916 Cyphnndon varwgatiis 57 672 41 30 10 352 144 47 33 29 1415 Ammodytes amerkanus 6 520 16 51 10 318 82 30 21 0 1054 Pungiliiis piingilius 6 I 11 19 2 3 9 322 10 10 393 Gaslernsleus aculeatus 8 151 8 30 2 3 49 9 4 269 Syngna thus fuscus 9 3 9 108 6 8 21 9 38 27 238 Pomatnmus saltatrix I 0 1 6 0 2 49 90 19 35 203 A losa pseudnharengus 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 0 94 Gadidae 2 0 9 1 1 24 21 2 18 10 S8 rspudoplmronectes americanus 4 6 4 1 2 9 18 38 85 Mugil cephalus 0 4 3 18 46 1 0 5 0 81 Gasterosteus whnallandi 8 5 5 18 39 Brevoorlia tyrannus 0 0 17 0 4 0 0 8 37 Anguilla rostra ta 11 2 14 4 1 1 0 I 0 35 Myoxocephalus aanaeus 3 2 1 2 0 0 3 3 18 Anrhoa spp. 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 12 Mugil nirema 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 10 Alosa aestivalis 2 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 8 Ijirania parva 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 6 Tautogolahnis adspersus 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 6 Sphoernides manilatus 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 5 Tautnga nnilis 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Trachinntvs falcatus 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 Caranx hippos 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 3 A losa sapidissima I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 Men ticirrh us sa xa tills 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Osmerus mordax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Peprilus triacanthus 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 Strongyltira marina 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 2 Ciupcidae 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cynoscinn regalis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 rholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Prionotus spp. n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Srnphthalmus aqunsus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 42943 21324 2409 2433 8831 4870 6771 12207 4505 2544 108837 85 Appendix XIII. Seine catch by station (1976-1985). JC WP GN Total Number of itamples 300 314 321 935 Taxa MRnidia .';pp. Fundulus spp. Apeltes quadrants Cyprinodon variegatus Ammndylea americanus Pungitius pungitiu.i Gasternstms amleatus Syngnathus /uncus Pomatomus sallatrix Atosa pseudnharpngus Gadidae rspudopleuronprles ameriranu.'! Mugit cpphalus Gaslerosteus wheallandi Brevoortia tyrannua Anguilla mslrata Myoxocephalus annaeu.v Anchoa spp. Mugil curema Alosa anslivalis Utcania parva Tautogolabrus adspersus Sphoernide.'! marulalus Tauloga onilb Trachinntiis falralus Caranx hippos Alosa sapidissima Clupea harengus Meniicirrhus saxalilis Osmerus mordax Ppprilus Iriacanlhus Slrongylura marina Clupeidnc Cynoscion rpgalis Phnlis gunnellus Prinnotus spp Scoplitltalnms aquosus Urophycis spp. Total 72783 9879 7817 90479 im 1502 1068 10317 3896 6 14 3916 625 767 23 1415 2 197 855 1054 322 67 4 393 227 19 23 269 45 34 159 238 141 7 55 203 5 89 0 94 58 24 6 88 19 7 59 85 55 2 24 81 12 13 14 39 2 6 29 37 32 2 1 35 4 7 7 18 11 1 0 12 10 0 0 10 1 5 2 8 4 0 2 6 5 1 0 6 0 0 5 5 4 0 0 4 2 2 0 4 2 0 1 , 3 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 86 Appendix XIV. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed density {no./500 m) of larval Ammodytes americanus collected at stations EN and NB and analytical summary. Station = EN Model' : Z, = /?|5(l f RiSmitK^) - BjCOSilKs) ' B^SmilKi) + RsCOSitKt)) I Ai + A2 Model summary statistics: SSE ^ 627.5, df = 515, MSE = 1.22, R^ ^ 0.74 SSE df MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1976 44.2 45 0.98 1977 110.4 44 2.51 1978 160.4 45 3.57 1979 57.0 44 1.30 1980 53.8 44 1.22 1981 69.8 44 1.59 1982 22.9 44 0.52 igg.'? 27.7 44 0.63 1984 ,30.2 45 0.67 1985 51.1 44 1. 16 13.4 16.4 Station == NB Model' : Z, = BiS{\ + B2Sm{lK6) - R^COSilKf) - BiSINitK^) h BsCOSitKi)) + At + A2 + A^ + Af,o Model summary statistics: SSE = 170.0, df = 355, MSE = 0.48, R^ = 0.92 Year SSE df MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1979 17.0 42 0.41 1980 18.3 42 0.44 1981. 31.6 42 0.75 1982 29.3 42 0.70 1983 8.3 42 0.20 1984 16.4 43 0.38 1985 49.2 42 1.17" 19.1 0.2 0.7 19.0 Z, - mean of LOG((no./500 m ) f 1) /?„ ^ regression coefficients t - time in days K^ ~ constant for period of duration m months Ap ~ autoregressive coefficients at lag p Mp ^ moving average coefficients at lag p S " dummy variable for season (see Table 7) annual component of SSE MSE " SSE/df Significanlly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p 0.05) 87 Appendix XV. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed catch (no./24 h) or Anchoa spp. impinged at MNPS Unit 2 and analytical summary. Model' : Z, - «|F(/2(l - flz-^'M"^!:) ^ B^COSitKn) " BiSINilKs) t RiCOS{tKf,)) - Ay - A2 - A^ -*- Af, + Ai - Ag iVIodel summary statistics: SSE = 1729.8, df = 510, MSE - 3.39. r' = 0.69 Year MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 146.9 82.3 195.0 164:9 122.4 331.5 250.1 259.4 2.20 2.16 3.67 2.06 4.76* 4.12 3.06 8.29* 6.25* 6.49* 1) Z, = mean of LOG((no./24 h) /?„ = regression coefficients t =• time in days K^ = constant for period of duration m months Ap ~ autoregressive coefficients at lag p Wp ~ moving average coefficients at lag p FV7 ~- water flow through Unit 2 annual component of SSE MSE = SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p 34.3 30.3 67.9 0.05) 88 Appendix XVI. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed density (no./500 m ) of Anchoa spp. eggs collected at EN and analytical summary. Model" : Z, = ByS{D2SIN(tKu) " B-iCOS{tKn) + B^SIN{lKf) + BsCOSilK^)) + /ii + Ai+ M7 Model summary statistics: SSE = 279.3, df = 357, MSE = 0.83, R = 0.84 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSe'' df MSE'^ Above Below 19.6 8.1 19.6 9.5 2.5 20.0 1979 25.9 44 0,59 1980 35.3 44 0.80 1981 17.3 44 0.39 1982 26.9 44 0.61 1983 64.1 44 1.46' 1984 77.1 45 1.71- 1985 50.7 44 1.15' Z, = mean of LOG((no./500 m ) + 1) /?„ - regression coefficients t = time in days Af^ = constant for period of duration m months A = autoregressive coefficients at lag p Wp ~ moving average coefficients at lag p 5 - dummy variable for season (see Table 7) annual component of SSE MSE - SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p > 0.05) 89 Appendix XVII. Time-series models used to describe the log-transFormed density (no./500 m' ) of larval Anrhoa spp. collected at BN and NB and analytical summary. Station - RN Model' : Z, - /?,.s(l I B^SINitKf,) + RsCOS{tKs) • BaSINitK^.) BsCOS(tK-i)) ^ /i, )■ A-fj I A/, Model summary .statistics: SSF, - 336.5, df - 514, MSB - 0.65, r' - 0.93 Year SSE df MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 18.0 18.6 79.7 22.8 24.9 33.6 27.0 35.5 46.9 29.4 44 0,41 43 0.43 44 1.81 43 0.53 43 0.58 43 0.78 43 0.63 43 0.83 44 1.07 43 Station -^ NR Model' : Z, - R\S(\ - B2.SllV{lKt) I HjCnSitKi) niSIN{lKj) + BsCOS{lKj)) Model summary statistics: SSE - 269.2, df - 359, MSE = 0.75, R^ - 0.92 Year SSE df MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 32.2 34.9 55.9 16.2 29.2 59.6 41.2 46 0.70 46 0.76 46 1.21 46 0.35 46 0.64 47 1.27 46 0.89 1) Z, - mean of I.OG((no,/500 m) /?„ ~ regression coefficients t - time in days K'n, ~ constant for period of duration m months ,-tp autoregressive coefficients at lag p M ' moving average coefTicients at lag p 5 ~ dummy variable for season (.see Table 7) annual component of SSE MSR - SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSR, R statistic (p 0.05) 90 Appendix XVIII. lime-series models used to describe the log-transformed catch (no./24 h) of Gastero.'^tmx spp. impinged at MNPS Unit 2 and analytical summary. Model' : Z, - RyFU2{\ 4 R2SIN{lK,2) + B}COS{tKn) - RiSIN{lKi) + RiCOSitKi)) -/(, - A2 t- As Model summary statistics: SSE - 1546.5, df - SI.T, MSF - 3.01, R^ -= 0.82 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSe" df MSE'' Above Below 1976 69.8 44 1.59 1977 64.3 43 1.50 1978 141.7 43 3.30 1979 137.5 43 3,20 1980 120.0 44 2.73 1981 106.1 43 2.47 1982 176.3 43 4.10 1983 106.1 43 2.47 1984 360.8 43 8.39 1985 263.4 43 6.12 58.7 58.2 Z| - mean of LOG((no./24 h) f I) R„ ~ regression coefficients t ~ time in days K^ ~ constant for period of duration m months A " autoregressive coefficients at lag p M - moving average coefficients at lag p FU2 ~ water flow through Unit 2 annual component of SSE MSE - SSF/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p 0.05) 91 Appendix XIX. lime-series models used to describe the log-transformed seine catch (no./IOO m) of Menidia spp. stations GN, JC and WP and analytical summary. Station - GN Model' ; Z, - /?|5(l - HiSINUKn) + R^^COSilKn) ^ niSINilKfi) + nsCOS{lRf.)) Model .summary statistics: SSE - 265..-?, df - 194, MSB - 1..37, R^ - 0.88 SSE df MSB Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1969 13.7 1970 7.6 1971 31.3 1972 28,2 197.^ 9.6 1974 26.3 1975 16.3 1976 24.1 1977 6.1 1978 10.3 1979 4.8 1980 9.0 1981 20.4 1982 7.0 198.3 24.1 1984 21.9 1985 4.8 2 6.83 6 1.26 6 5.22 6 4.70 6 1.60 6 4.38 6 2.71 6 4.02 6 1.02 6 1.71 6 0.80 6 1.49 6 3.39 6 1.17 6 4.01 6 3.65 8.4 6.5 12,2 2.9 4.8 5.7 1.6 9.7 3.3 3.8 9 .0 8.3 Station - JC Model' : Z, - fi,.S(l f R2SIN{lKf,) I R^^COSitKf,)) Model summary statistics; SSE = 150.4, df - 196, MSB - 0.77, r' - 0.83 Year SSE df MSB Sum of deviations from model forecast Above nelow 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 10.5 12.6 4.1 16.9 8.7 13.3 3.8 13.8 4,6 3.9 8.9 9.3 6.9 9.6 10.0 7.4 4 1.47 8 1.31 8 1.58 8 0.51 8 2.11 8 1.08 8 1.66 8 0.47 8 1.72 8 0.58 8 0.49 8 1.12 8 1.19 8 0.86 8 1.19 8 1.25 8 0.92 92 Appendix XIX. (continued) Station = WP Moder : X, = ByS{\ + HiSW^tKyi) \- B-!,COS{tKxi) i B^SmitKf,) - RsCOS{tKf,)) Model summary statistics: SSE ^ 15.6, df ^ 194, MSB = 0.08, r' = 0.81 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSe'' df MSE'^ Above Below r969 ol ~~ 1970 0.7 1971 0.6 1972 1.0 197.3 0..3 1974 1..? 6 0.22* 1.7 0.2 1975 1.6 6 0.26* 1.2 1.1 1976 1.1 6 0.19* 0.2 2.2 1977 0.5 1978 1.0 1979 0.7 1980 0.5 1981 0.9 1982 1.4 6 0.23* 1.7 1.0 1983 1.4 6 0.21* 1.8 0.9 1984 1.1 6 0.18* 1.5 1.5 1985 1.2 6 0.20* 2.3 0.2 Z, - mean of LOG((no./100 m) + 1) R„ ^ regression coefficients t ^ time in days K„ ~ constant for period of duration m months Ap ~ autoregressive coefficients at lag p Mp ~ moving average coefficients at lag p 5 ~ dummy variable for season (see Table 7) annual component of SSE MSE - SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, E statistic (p - 0.05) 2 n.23* 6 0.11 6 0.09 6 0.17 6 0.05 6 0.22* 6 0.26* 6 0.19* 6 0.08 6 0.17 6 0.11 6 0.08 6 0.15 6 0.23* 6 0.21* 6 0.18* 6 0.20* 93 Appendix XX. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed catch (no./24 h) of Menidia spp. impinged at MNPS Unit 2 and analytical summary. Model" : Z, = S,Fl/2(l + B^SINilKn) + BjCOSilKn)) ^ A, - A2 + /(u - An Model summary statistics: SSE = 1349.4, df - 514, MSB = 2.63, r' = 0.75 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSE*' df MSE'' Above Below 1976 82.9 1977 76.7 1978 129.8 1979 102.3 1980 179.5 1981 153.2 1982 133.7 1983 88.8 1984 238.0 1985 164.5 45 1.84 44 1.74 44 2.95 44 2.33 45 3.99 44 3.48 44 3.04 44 2.02 44 5.41 44 3.74 1) Z^ - mean of LOG((no./24 h) B„ - regression coefficients t ~ time in days K„ ~ constant for period of duration m months A- ^ autoregressive coefficients at lag p M„ - moving average coefficients at lag p FV2 -■ water fiow through Unit 2 annual component of SSE MSE = SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p 0.05) 94 Appendix XXI. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed catch (no./24 h) of Microgadus lomcod impinged at MNPS Unit 2 and analytical summary. Model' : Z, = R^FU2{\ + B2SIN(tK\-i) + B:iCOS(tKi2) - BiSIN(tK(,) + BiCOS(tKf,)) - /f, - A^ Model summary statistics: SSE = 1538.0, df = 514, MSE = 2.99, R^ = 0.69 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSE df MSE*^ Above Below 48.9 28.7 49.7 34.9 1976 34.6 45 0.77 1977 64.9 44 1.48 1978 107.8 44 2.45 1979 208.8 44 4,75" 1980 91.0 45 2.02 198) 196.0 44 4.45' 1982 196.6 44 4.47' 1983 103.5 44 2.35 1984 351.4 44 7.99' 1985 182.9 44 4.16' Z, == mean of LOG((no./24 h) + I) B_ - regrei ssion coefficients 62.2 56.1 23.3 52.3 t = time In days K^ = constant for period of duration m months /Ip ~ autoregressive coefficients at lag p M„ ~ moving average coefficients at lag p FU2 ~ water flow through Unit 2 annual component of SSE MSE -= SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p > 0.05) 95 Appendix XXII. Time-series models used to describe the iog-transformed catch (no./24 h) of Myoxncephalua aenaeus impinged at MNPS Unit 2 and analytical summary. Model' : Z, = B|F(72(l + /?2.S//V(fA'|2) -I- R^COS{tKu)) - Ai - A2 Model summary statistics: SSE = 1804.6, df = 516, MSB = 3.50, R^ = 0.83 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSe'' df MSE^ Above Below 1976 124.7 47 2.65 1977 110.2 46 2.40 1978 151.8 46 3.30 1979 170.5 46 3.68 1980 139.1 47 2.96 1981 126.3 46 2.75 1982 142.0 46 3.09 1983 189.2 46 4.11 1984 305.7 46 6.65 1985 345.7 46 7.51 7.^ = mean of LOG((no./24 h) + 1) B„ ~ regression coefficients t =^ time in days K^ - constant for period of duration m months A„ ^ autoregressive coefficients at lag p M„ ~ moving average coefficients at lag p FV2 - water flow through Unit 2 annual component of SSE MSB = SSB/df Significantly higher than the model MSB, F statistic (p 0.05) 96 Appendix XXHI. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed density (no./500 m ) of larval Myoxocephalus aenaeus collected at stations EN and NB and analytical summary. Station = FN Model' : Z, = BiSiBiSINilKn) + RiCOS{lKi2) - BiSIN{tKi) - BsCOS{tK^)) + A\ - As - Mi " Mf, Model summary statistics: SSE = 111.4, df = 514, MSB = 0.22, R^ = 0.93 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSE*" df MSE*^ Above Below 1976 13.1 44 0.30 1977 15.4 43 0.36 1978 7.5 44 0.17 1979 3.6 43 0.08 1980 5.7 43 0.13 1981 19.2 43 0.45 1982 10.0 43 0.23 1983 19.9 43 0.46 1984 9.6 44 0.22 1985 7.3 43 0.17 0.5 4.6 9.4 12.3 15.2 10.7 5.2 4.4 Station ^ NB Model' : Z, = BxSl^B^SINitK^i) + BsCOS(tKn) - BtSIN(tKi) + BiCOS(tKi)) Model summary statistics: SSE = 62.1, df = 360, MSB = 0.17, R^ = 0.93 SSE df MSB Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1979 8.1 47 0.17 1980 5.8 47 0.12 1981 10.5 47 0.22 1982 3.6 47 0.07 1983 12.1 47 0.26 1984 10.7 48 0.22 1985 11.4 47 0.24 5.8 4.5 Z^ - mean of LOG((no./500 m ) + 1) /?„ = regression coefTicients t ~ time in days K^ - constant for period of duration m months /fp ~ autoregressive coefTicients at lag p Wp moving average coefficients at lag p 5 - dummy variable for season (see Table 7) annual component of SSE MSB - SSB/df Significantly higher than the model MSB, F statistic (p 0.05) 97 Appendix XXIV. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed density (no./500 m ) of Tauloga nnitis eggs collected at station EN and analytical summary. Model' : Z, =- n^s{- ttiSINitKn) - R^COS(tK\2) ^ RiSIN(tKf,) i FsCOS{lK()) + A^ + Wj Model summary statistics: SSR - 163.8, df - 3SR, MSP, - 0.46, R^ - 0.97 Sum of deviations from model forecast Year SSE*" df MSE'' Above Below 1979 14.2 45 0.32 1980 20.9 45 0.46 1981 38.6 45 0.86 1982 19.0 45 0.42 1983 10.9 45 0.24 1984 35.5 46 0.77 1985 24.7 45 0.55 Zi - mean of LOG((no./-500 m) + I) /?„ ~ regression coefficients t - time in days K^ -- constant for period of duration m months /) ~ autoregressive coefficients at lag p W ~ moving average coefTicients at lag p S ~ dummy variable for season (see Table 7) annual component of SSB MSE - SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p ^- 0.05) 98 Appendix XXV. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed density (no./500 m) of larval Tauloga onith collected at stations EN and NB and analytical summary. Station = EN Model' : Z, = n^si" B2SIN(tKn) - B}COS{tKa) - B^SINilKt) -BsCOS{lKt) + B6SlN{lK2) + njCOSilKi)) + A, Model summary statistics: SSE = 151.3, df = 515, MSE = 0.29, R^ -= 0.7! Year SSE df MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1976 14.0 45 0.32 1977 8.2 44 0.19 1978 27.1 45 0.60 1979 6.7 44 0.15 1980 14.6 44 0.33 1981 28.1 44 0.64 1982 12.1 44 0.28 1983 14.5 44 0.33 1984 19.0 45 0.42 1985 7.0 44 0.16 13.5 Station - NB Model' : Z, = Bi5( - Bi^'f^C^n) ' fljCOSff AT,,) - BiSlNilK^) - BsCOS{tKi) + BiSII^itKi) ^ B^COS{lK2)) Model summary statistics: SSE = 138.5, df - 358, MSE = 0.39, r' = 0.85 Year SSE df MSE Sum of deviations from model forecast Above Below 1979 17.6 45 0.39 1980 13.9 45 0.31 1981 25.8 45 0.57 1982 13.7 45 0.30 1983 23.0 45 0.51 1984 24.8 46 0.54 1985 19.7 45 0.44 7'i ' mean of I OG((no./500 m') 1- 1) »n =" regression coefficients t ~ time in days K^ ~ constant for period of duration m months /1p - autoregressive coefficients at lag p M " moving average coefficients at lag p 5 "-" dummy variable for season (see Table 7) annual component of SSE MSP, - SSE/df Significantly higher than the model MSE, F statistic (p 0.05) 99 Appendix XXVI. Time-series models used to describe the log-transformed density (no./SOO m ) of Tautognlabrus adsperaus eggs collected at station EN and analytical summary. Model' : Z, = B\S{BiSIN{tKx2) - BjCOSitKn) ^ BiSIN{tK 0.05) 102 Contents WINTER FLOUNDER STUDIES 1 INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3 Adult abundance studies 3 Life history studies 8 Movements and exploitation 13 Stock identification 13 Larval studies 14 Post-larval studies 23 Growth and mortality 25 Impingement 26 Entrainment 26 Impact assessment 27 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 28 Adult abundance studies 28 Abundance in the Niantic River 28 Harmonic regression models 35 Regional trends in abundance 36 l,ife history studies 37 Reproduction 37 Age and growth 42 Mortality and survival 49 Food habits 51 Movements and exploitation 53 Stock identiiication 58 larval studies 60 Net extrusion studies 60 Diel behavior 61 24-h studies 64 Abundance and distribution 68 Age and growth 79 Tidal export and import 87 Post-larval stage 91 Abundance (age 0) 91 Growth and mortality (age 0) . . ; 91 Abundance (age 1) 99 Impingement 102 Abundance 102 length and sex distribution 105 Fish return sluiceways 106 Entrainment . . ". 1 09 Abundance 109 Survival 113 Impact assessment 115 CONCLUSIONS 117 SUMMARY 118 REFERENCES CITED 123 APPENDICES 139 WINTER FLOUNDER STUDIES INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to summarize research completed by Northeast Utilities Environmental Laboratory (NUEL) and various consultants on the winter flounder {Pseudopleuronectes americanus) prior to 3-unit operation of MiUstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS). Due to its local abundance, this species has been studied intensively since 1973 and considerable data have been collected on its life history, population dynamics, and impact assessment. The large effort devoted to winter flounder studies is related to its importance for the Coimecticut sport and commercial fisheries. It is the most valuable commercial finfish in Connecticut and on average makes up about lOVa of the total fmfish landings. The winter flounder is also one of the most popular marine sport fishes in the state with an estimated aimual catch iu 1979 of almost 1.4 million fish weighing 412,234 kg (Sampson 1981; Blake and Smith 1984). Its particular life history also makes it potentially susceptible to various types of localized impacts. The winter flounder ranges from Labrador to Georgia (Leim and Scott 1966) and is one of the most common demersal fishes in inshore waters along the northeastem coast from Nova Scotia to New Jersey (Perhnutter 1947). The population of winter flounder is composed of reproductively isolated stocks which spawn in specific estuaries and coastal areas (Lobell 1939; Perlmutter 1947; Saila 1961). Most adult winter flounder enter natal estuaries in fall and early winter and spawning occurs in late winter and early spring. Females usually mature at age 3 and 4 and males at age 2. Average fecundity is about 500,000 eggs per female with as many as 2.3 mUlion eggs for a 45-cm fish. Winter flounder eggs are demersal and hatch in about 15 d, depending upon water temperature. Small larvae are planktonic and remain in natal estuaries to a great extent, although some may be carried out into open waters by tidal currents. Some of these larvae may return to the estuary on subsequent incoming tides, but the rest are lost from the system. The larval stage lasts about 2 mo, depending upon water temperature. Larger larvae maintain some control over their position by vertical movements and also may spend considerable time on the bottom. Following metamorphosis, most demersal juveniles remain in the estuary in shallow waters. Juveniles are resistant to warm summer water temperatures found there to at least 30.4 °C (Huntsman and Sparks 1924). Immature yearling winter flounder become photonegative and though many remain within the estuary, are usually found in deeper water than young-of-the-year (Pearcy 1962; McCracken 1963). Many adults stay in estuaries following spawning, while others disperse into deeper waters. By summer, most have left shallow waters as their preferred temperature range is 12-15 °C (McCracken 1963). However, some remain inshore and may escape temperatures above 22.5 °C by burying themselves in cooler bottom sediments (OUa et al. 1969). Adults are omnivores and as opportunistic feeders eat a wide variety of algae and benthic invertebrates. They are sight feeders and are usually active only during the day. Additional details regarding their life history, physiology, behavior, and population dynamics may be found in Klein-MacPhee (1978). Because winter flounder stocks are localized, NUEL studies have concentrated on the dynamics of the population spawning in the Niantic River to determine if MNPS impacts of impingement and entrain- ment have caused or would cause changes in local abundance beyond those expected from natural variation. Preliminary field studies to estimate abundance of this population in 1973-74 were expanded in scope in 1975, when surveys using mark and recapture techniques were initiated. An adult abundance survey has been completed each year through the present. In many years, studies of age structure, reproductive activity, growth, survival, movements, early life history, and stock identification have been conducted. For plant impact, impingement and entrainment estimates are available for each year. Data from many of these studies have been used in a predictive mathematical population dynamics model developed by the University of Rhode Island (Saila 1976). This model has formed the basis for all MNPS impact assessments to date, including that for Unit 3 (NUSCo 1983c). However, a stochastic population dynamics model is under development which should more realistically predict population-level effects over the expected duration of MNPS operations. Increased knowledge of larval population dynamics and the stock-recniitment relationship is necessary for the successful application of this model and has been the focus of recent efforts at NUE1-. Tliis report includes a summarization of the data, results, and conclusions for various winter flounder studies from 1973 through the winter 1986 adult abundance survey. Unit 3 began startup tests in fall 1985 and commenced commercial operations in late April of 1986. Therefore, no data from sampling programs (other than the adult survey) after fall 1985 will be presented in this report. These data are from the operational period for Unit 3 and will be included in future reports. Additional information on sampling methodologies, program evaluations, and detailed results and analyses may be found in previous annual reports and documents, including NUSCo (1975, 1976, 1977, 1978a, 1978b, 1979, 1980, 1981a, 1981b, 1982, 1983a, 1983b, 1983c, 1984, 1985, 1986a, 1986b). MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult abundance studies Abundance estimation of the Niantic River population of adult winter flounder has been based on mark and recapture methodologies and details concerning annual surveys from 1973 through 1986 are summarized on Table 1. Fish tagging began in 1973 and 1974, but Niantic River spawners were not specifically targeted; the numbers marked were inadequate for abundance estimation (see NUSCo 1975 for additional details). The 1975 survey design was based on the requirements of the deterministic triple-catch model (Ricker 1958). Fish captured by trawl in various portions of the river were marked by fm clips over a 7-wk period beginning on March 31; recaptures were not remarked (NUSCo 1976). From 1976 through 1981, surveys commenced in early to mid-March and ended during early to mid- May, after all spawning was completed (NUSCo 1977, 1978a, 1979, 1980, 1981a, 1982). Since 1982, each survey started after ice-out in the river from mid to late February and ended in early April, when the proportion of reproductively active females decreased to less than 10% of all females examined for two consecutive weeks (NUSCo 1983a, 1984, 1985, 1986a). In all years since 1975, sampling took place on 2 to 3 d of each week. In 1976, the Niantic River was subdivided into a number of areas (stations) for each survey (Fig. 1). Stations 1, 2, and 4 were in the navigational chatmel of the lower to mid-river and 3, 6, 7, and 8 were in the adjacent shallows. After 1979, no tows were made outside of the navigational channel in the lower portion of the river due to an agreement with the East Lyme-Waterford Shellfish Commission to protect bay scallop (Argopeclin irradiam) habitat. In 1983, station 5 in the upper river was subdivided into stations 51-53; station 54 in the upper arm was not established until 1986 (Fig. 2). Some tows in station 51 during 1984-86 along the eastern shore of the upper river extended into the deeper northern portion of former station 6. Tows each week were usually allocated to stations according to station area and the expected abundance of winter flounder; more tows were made where fish were most numerous. In most years, heavy accumulations of macroalgae and detritus that occurred in the deeper portion of station 51 hindered sampling there. Table 1. Summary of Niantic 1986. River adult winter flounder abundance studies from 1973 through Dales Marking sampled method 1973 Throughout Anchor lag year 1974 Throughout Anchor tag year 1975 Mar31-Mayl3 Fin clip 1976 Mar 1-May4 Fin clip, spaghetti lag 1977 Mar 7-May 10 Freeze-brand Mar 6-May 16 Freeze-brand Mar 12- May 15 Freeze-brand Mar 1 7-May 6 Freeze-brand Mar 2-May 3 Freeze-brand reb22-Mayll Freeze-brand r-cb 2 1 -Apr 6 Freeze-brand Size marked Method of abundance estimation None Only 1000 marked in Niantic River inadequate Tor abundance estimate Jolly (1965) Only 2300 marked in Niantic River. Recaptures not marked. Triple-catch Designed for triple-catch model. Recaptures (Ricker 1958), not marked - inadequate for Jolly model Jolly (1965) Jolly (1965) Designed for Jolly model (1976-86). Recaptures in 1976 marked with tags. Jolly (1965) Freeze-brand used to improve marking methodology. Marks indicating both station and week of mark and recapture applied during 1977-79. Jolly (1965) Jolly (1965) Jolly model evaluated. Jolly (1965), Other mark and recapture models considered. Manley-Parr and Marks indicating week of mark and recapture Fisher-Ford applied during 1980-86. (Begon 1979) Jolly (1965) Jolly (1965) All winter flounder studies evaluated. Jolly (1965) Minimum size increa.sed so mostly adults marked. Survey limited to spawning season. Tow distance standardized. All marked fish sexed and measured. Feb 14- Apr 4 Freeze-brand [•eb 23-Apr 2 Freeze-brand Feb 24-Apr 8 Freeze-brand Jolly (1965) Jolly (1965) Jolly model evaluated. Jolly (1965) Niantic River Figure 1. I^ocation of Niantic River adult winter flounder sampling stations from 1976 through 1982. Niantic River Figure 2. Location of Niantic River adult and juvenile winter flounder sampling stations from 1983 through 1986. Winter flounder were captured with a 9.1-ni otter trawl (6.4-mm bar mesh codend liner) towed by various vessels. From 1983 through 1986, tow was standardized at 0.55 km. This distance was chosen because it represented the maximum tow length at station 1 and because using the same tow length at all stations was expected to reduce variability in calculating catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), used as an index of abundance. However, because catch data from station 2 were also used for the trawl monitoring program, these hauls were maintained at a tow distance of 0.69 km. Prior to 1983, tows were not standardized. Mostly because of differences in tidal currents, wind, and amounts of extraneous material collected in the trawl, tow times for the standardized disttmces varied and were usually greater in the lower than in the upper river. For 1976-86, the mean duration for tows at stations 1 and 2 was 14.4 min and at stations 4, 51, 52, and 53 was 12.1 min. Tows from 1976-82 that had extremely short or long durations compared to the distribution of tow times from 1983-86, when tow distance was uniform, were excluded from data analyses and calculation of CPUE. For comparisons among years, all catches of winter flounder larger than 15 cm made during a 4-wk period from mid- March through early April were standardized to either 15-min tows (stations 1 and 2) or 12-min tows (all other stations). The annual mean and median CPUE were determined and a 95% confidence interval was calculated for each median using a distribution- free method (Snedecor and Cochran 1967). The catch of winter flounder taken in the trawl monitoring program from October 1976 through September 1985 (see Fish Ecology section for methods) was also used to calculate median CPUE values as indices of abundance for various size groups. The winter flounder caught in each tow during the adult abundance survey in the Niantic River were briefly held in water-filled containers. At least 200 randomly selected fish were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm in total length during each week of the population abundance survey in all years. During 1983-86, all winter flounder larger than 20 cm were measured and sexed. Non-measured fish were classified into various length and sex groupings, depending upon the year; at minimum all fish caught can be classified as smaller or larger than 15 cm. Since 1977, the sex and reproductive condition of the larger winter flounder were determined either by observing eggs or milt or by the presence (males) or absence (females) of ctenii on the caudal peduncle scales of the left side (Smigielski 1975). Following measurement or classification, all fish 15 (1977-82) or 20 (1983-86) cm or larger were marked with a number or letter made by a brass brand cooled in liquid nitrogen; the mark was changed weekly. Fish recaptured were noted and remarked with the brand designating the week of their recapture. In 1976, fish were fin clipped in various ways and recaptures were marked with a numbered spaghetti tag. Estimates of abundance of all winter flounder 1 5 or 20 cm and larger in the Niantic River during the spawning season were obtained from the mark and recapture data using the Jolly (1965) model. The actual computations were done using a computer program (Davies 1971) of Jolly's model with minor modifications as described in NUSCo (1982). Prior to 1985, absolute estimates of winter flounder abun- dance during the spawning period had been obtained by starting with an estimate of N obtained during the first week of the survey and then adding the total number of fish joining (Jolly's B) during subsequent weeks. As a result of a comprehensive review of the mark-recapture methodology in 1985 (NUSCo 1986a), this procedure was eliminated. In its place a composite index was developed for describing the relative abundance of adult winter flounder. This index was computed by avera^g the weekly estimates of N made during the winter flounder spawning season, except for the first and last estimates. These estimates are less reliable and were eliminated from the computations in all years except when the number of values used would have been less than three. The standard error of N was determined as: (j)7Var o{{Nj) + Var of(yV3) + Var of(yV4) (1) where N is the estimate of population size during each week Fluctuations in the log-transformed catches of winter flounder taken at all six stations of the trawl monitoring program (see Fish Ecology section) were analyzed using harmonic regression techniques, methods of which were most recently described in NUSCo (1986a). Catch data from three replicated tows taken every other week were averaged to obtain a single biweekly mean. These values were used to construct various models describing catches from October 1976 through September 1985. Life history studies Various life history data have been collected since 1973 (Table 2). General methods and procedures for most studies briefly follow. For additional details concerning particular studies, specific reports should be consulted. Reproduction Using data from 1981-86, probit analysis (SAS Institute Inc. 1985) was used to estimate the length at which 50% of all females were mature. An index of the number of females reproducing in the Niantic River each year since 1977 was created by estimating their abundance in each 1-cm length increment starting with 26 cm. Fecundity (annual egg production per female) of Niantic River winter flounder was Table 2. Summary of Niantic River adult winter flounder life history information collected from 1973 through 1986. Year Types of studies Comments 1973 I.englh frequency, food habits, movements and exploitation. 1974 Length frequency, food hahits, movements and exploitation. 1975 Lengjh frequency 1976 Length frequency, sex ratio 1977 Aging, length frequency, fecundity, length-weight, sex ratio and maturity Anchor tag returns used for movements and exploitation study Not all adults measured from 197.5 through 1983 Not all adults sexed from 1976 through 1983 Both scale and otolith samples examined for age during 1977 and 1978 Aging, length frequency, length-weight, sex ratio and maturity 1979 Aging, length frequency, sex ratio and maturity, survival Only scales used for aging from 1979 through 1983 1980 Aging, length frequency, sex ratio and maturity, survival, stock identification Stock identification from isoelectric focusing of eye lens proteins by URI during 1980 and lORl 1981 Aging, length frequency, sex ratio and maturity, survival, stock identification, movements and exploitation Petersen disc tag returns used for movements and exploitation studies from 1981 through 1983 Aging, length frequency, sex ratio and maturity, survival, movements and exploitation Life history studies evaluated Aging, length frequency, sex ratio and maturity, survival, movements and exploitation All adults measured and sexed from 1983 through 1986. The von Bertalanffy growth model applied to data. 1984 Length frequency, sex ratio and maturity, movements and exploitation Adult life history studies decreased in favor of increased larval and juvenile work. 1985 Length frequency, sex ratio and maturity 1986 I ength frequency, .sex ratio and maturity estimated from length -frequencies and a length-fecundity relationship determined from 1977 data using a functional regression model with log-transformed vaxiables (Jolicoeur 1975; Sprent and Dolby 1980). Forty-eight fish from 24.5 to 43.3 cm were examined according to methods found in NUSCo (1978a). Data from an unpublished independent assessment of fecundity, which used 65 fish (19.7-45.3 cm) taken in Niantic Bay and at MNPS in 1977, were also used in a functional regression for comparative purposes. Annual mean fecundity was determined from the sum of all individual fecundities divided by the number of spawning females. The sum of the fecundities gave a relative annual index of egg production. Age and growth Separate length-weight relationships for Niantic River (270 specimens; 4.5-43.3 cm) and Bay (491; 6.7-45.3 cm) winter flounder were described with a functional regression with log-transformed variables. Specimens collected in 1977 and 1978 were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm in length and the nearest 0.1 g in weight. During 1977-1982, randomly selected specimens were aged by examination of scales removed from the right side between the dorsal fm and the lateral line. Five or more scales from each specimen were cleaned and mounted in plastic resin on a slide and examined using a Bausch and Lomb trisimplex projector or a compound microscope. Except for the first year of life, winter flounder have a zone of widely-spaced circuli (fast spring and summer growth) followed by a zone of closely-spaced circuli (slow fall and winter growth). The outer edge of the closely- spaced circuli was considered to be an annulus (Lux and Ntchy 1969; Lux 1973). Age of each specimen was determined by at least two people. Some comparisons of age were made during 1977-78 using otoliths with methods described in Williams and Bedford (1974) and Kurtz (1975). Annual age-length keys were constructed by determining the percentage that each of the ages made up of every 1-cm length increment in the sample of aged fish. This key was used to assign an age to all fish measured during the abundance surveys. The growth rate of Niantic River winter flounder was determined by additional examination of one of the scales used in age determination in 1983. Based on previous findings, a stratified sample (Ketchen 1950; Ricker 1975) was used to select fish for aging. From five to ten scale samples were allocated to each 1-cm size interval of both sexes starting with 20 cm; scales from a number of smaller fish were also selected. Measurements were taken from the midpoint of the scale focus to each annulus and to the anterior margin of the projected scale image along a standard axis (Tesch 1968; Everhart et al. 1975). For the back-calculation of length-at-age, the relationship between scale size and fish length was examined. Some curvilinearity was seen in this relationship, especially for larger specimens, indicating probable 10 heterogeneous growth of the scale and fish (NUSCo 1984). Therefore, length at each annulus was calculated for each sex by the non-linear relationships: length = 3.557( scale sizef'^"^ for females, (n = 216, r^ = 0.93) (2) length = 3.777( scale size)"'^"'* for males, (« = 193, r^ = 0.94) (3) Annuli measurements for each fish were substituted into the appropriate regression equation for back- calculation of growth. Mean lengths-at-age with 95% confidence intervals were then computed. Using the 1983 length-at-age data, the von Bertalanffy growth model (Ricker 1975; Gallucci and Quinn 1979) was used to describe the growth of Niantic River winter flounder: L, = L«,(l-et-^{'-'»'!) (4) . where L/ = length in mm at time t K = growth coefficient Loo = asymptotic maximum length ?o = hypothetical date at which a fish would have zero length if it had always grown in the manner described by the equation A nonlinear procedure using the modified Gauss-Newton iterative method (SAS Institute Inc. 1985) was used to estimate the growth model parameters from the length-at-age data. The co parameter (the product of Loo and K) of Gallucci and Quirm (1979) was calculated for comparisons of growth. Similarly, the growth model was applied to the entire 1977-83 age-length data set. As all age 1 and 2 and some age 3 fish were not sexed, these specimens were used with both females (through age 10) and males (age 8). An independent assessment of growth was made using lengths at marking and recapture of 129 females and 81 males tagged with Petersen discs (see Movements and Exploitation below). As recommended by Sundberg (1984), the method of Fabens (1965) was used with these data to estimate Loo and K. Most recaptures used in the analysis were from NUSCo sampling to ensure that length data were 11 accurate. A few commercial returns and those from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP) and research institutions were also included. The data were constrained to include only fish captured after at least 90 d at large that showed positive growth; negative or zero grovrth was assumed to be due to measurement error or to severe effects of tagging which retarded growth. Mortality and survival Two methods were used to estimate survival (S) and the instantaneous mortality coefficient Z ( = -In S). The annual age-length keys from 1978-79 and 1981-83 were used with the length-frequency distributions of all measured fish 15 cm and greater (0.5-cm groupings) to determine total number by age. Catch curves were constructed and the slope of the natural logarithm of number plotted against age was used as an estimate of Z (Ricker 1975). Estimates of survival were also made using the method of Robson and Chapman (Robson and Chapman 1961; Ricker 1975): S = ^^ (5) where T = yVi + 2N2+ 3N3 + ... Y,N=No+ Ni+ N2 +.. A^o ~ number of age 3 winter flounder A'l = number of age 4 winter flounder variance = S Food habits The food items of 306 winter flounder collected in the area of Millstone Point from June 1973 through November 1974 were examined. Whole stomachs were removed and preserved in 10% buffered formalin. Each stomach was cut open, examined, and subjectively ranked according to fullness, and assigned point values (Hynes 1950) as follows: 100 - full; appeared unable to hold any additional ingested material 12 75 - three-quarters full; stomach distended such that no folds seen 50 - half-full; partial stomach distention 25 - one-quarter full; some ingested material, but little distention 0 - empty; no ingested material TTie stomach contents were sorted and classified to a major taxonomic grouping. A visual estimate was made of the percentage of stomach contents for each taxon. The fullness point total for each stomach was multiplied by the percentage of each taxon to give a point value for each food item and averages were computed for each station. Movements and exploitation During February through July of 1973 and 1974, approximately 2,000 and 2,600 winter flounder, respectively, were individually marked with a Floy anchor tag and released in various areas near Millstone Point. The tagging study was performed by a consultant and initial tagging data are not available which limits the usefulness of the study. However, tag returns that were reported in NUSCo (1975) may be used to make inferences concerning movements and exploitation by the sport and commercial fisheries. From December 1980 through September 1983, almost 5,000 specimens larger than 20 cm were marked with a Petersen disc tag. During tagging operations, length and sex information were recorded along with location and date of release. A white 1.3-cm diameter disc uniquely numbered and printed with information for its return was positioned on the nape of the right side of the fish and a red disc with additional information was used on the left side. A nickel pin was pushed through the musculature, cut to size, and its end was crimped over to connect the tags and hold them in place. Except for specimens released specifically at the MNPS intakes, winter flounder were returned to the location of their capture. Information requested at recapture included date, location, method of capture, length, sex, and additional scales. A reward of $1.00 was given to all persons returning a tag. Stock identification A special study was undertaken for NU by the University of Rhode Island to determine if local populations of winter flounder could be distinguished using a biochemical technique, direct tissue isoelectric 13 focusing. Theory and details regarding this electrophoretic method may be fround in the original report (Schenck and Saila 1982) as well as in Lundstrom (1977), Saravis and Zameheck (1979), and Marine Colloids (1980). Samples were taken during the spawning season when stock separation should have been greatest. From February through April 1980, approximately 50 winter flounder were collected from New Haven, CT; Connecticut River; Niantic River, Niantic Bay, and Jordan Cove (combined for analysis); Thames River, CT; Mystic River, CT; and Charlestown Pond, RI. In March 1981, about 75 fish were examined from the Cormecticut River, Niantic River, Niantic Bay, Jordan Cove, and Thames River. Additional samples were collected in Niantic Bay during each season to examine changes on an annual basis. All except the New Haven fish were processed immediately after collection. Each fish was pithed, measured, weighed, sexed and its eye lenses were removed and individually frozen. After the eye lens proteins were separated, sample gels for each specimen with separated protein bands were fixed and stained and examined for the presence or absence of certain protein bands. Some samples were quantitatively read with a scanning densitometer. Data were analyzed using linear discriminant analysis, details of which may be found in Schenck and Saila (1982). Larval studies Abundance and distribution Ichthyoplankton collections containing larval winter flounder have been made at numerous locations in the Millstone area since 1973. Prior to 1979, the collection of winter flounder was incidental to the general ichthyoplankton surveys, with varying objectives. Since 1979, special sampling in the Niantic River has been conducted during the occurrence of larval winter flounder. The most comprehensive sampling has been conducted since 1983, with numerous special studies conducted to identify sampling biases. Except for entrainment sampling (discussed below), the varying sampling designs prior to 1983 have limited the usefulness of these data in understanding factors affecting the abundance of larval winter flounder in the Millstone area. All offshore ichthyoplankton sampling designs have used 60-cm bongo samplers towed from boats at approximately 2 knots and weighted with various depressors of differing weights. Sample volumes were determined with General Oceanic flowmeters (Model 2030). Mesh size of the nets have varied with paired 14 333- and 505-fim mesh from 1973 through 1978, exclusively 333-|j.m mesh from 1979 through 1983, and varying combinations of 202- and 333-|im nets in 1984 and 1985. Tow duration was usually 15 min (volume filtered of about 200-250 m^^) through 1984, but was reduced to 6 min (ca. 100-150 m^) in 1985 for Niantic River collections. Most tows were oblique, but the tow pattern was changed in 1980 from continuous (bongo sampler continuously retrieved or let out between surface to near the bottom) to stepwise (equal sampling time at surface, mid-depth, and near the bottom). In addition, surface and bottom tows were taken from 1973 through 1978. Bottom tows were taken with a bongo sampler mounted on a sled. All samples were preserved in 5 to 10% formalin. Offshore sampling programs can be categorized into four sampling periods. An intensive area-wide sampling took place from May 1973 through 1975. A much reduced area-wide sampling occurred from 1976 through 1978. Sampling efforts increased for winter flounder larvae in the Niantic River and at one station in Niantic Bay from 1979 through 1982. Finally, more comprehensive sampling took place in the Niantic River from 1983 through 1985. The intensive area-wide sampling program began in May of 1973 to verify the winter flounder larval dispersal model (Sissenwine et al. 1973); a detailed sampling scheme was provided in NUSCo (1976). Because sampling started in May 1973, information on larval winter flounder was restricted to 1974 and 1975. Stations 1-13 were sampled in 1974 and 1-16 in 1975 (Fig. 3). During this period, sampling frequency varied, but usually an oblique tow was made at each station during the day once a week and at night once every month. Surface and bottom tows were taken every other week during the day and night at selected .stations. For this report, these data were examined for temporal distribution of winter flounder larvae in the Millstone area and for the collection efficiency of 333- and 505-|im mesh nets. In 1976, the ichthyoplankton program was reduced because the previous data were not adequate for verification of the winter flounder larval dispersion model (Vaughan et al. 1976). The number of stations was reduced to six (2, 5, 6, 8, 11, and 14). Single day oblique tows were made monthly with additional surface and bottom tows in May through August. Because of the low frequency of sampling (monthly) at each station, these data were not useful to examine the life history of larval winter flounder in the Millstone area. 15 14 10 Figure 3. Location of stations sampled for larval winter flounder at various times from 1976 through 1985. 16 Based on a 1978 evaluation of the offshore ichthyoplankton program (NUSCo 1978b), stations were further reduced to one (5) with an increase in sampling frequency in 1979. From January through March and September through December, one day and night oblique tow was taken every other week. During the remaining months, two day and night tows were made weekly, with all replicate samples processed. This sampling program has remained the same to the present. For reporting purposes, the station 5 designation was changed to NB in 1983. Specific sampling for larval winter flounder during their occurrence in the Niantic River began in 1979. Some changes have been made in sampling frequency, station location, and station designation from 1979 through 1985 (Table 3). The Niantic River sampling was re-designed for 1983, based on the recommendations of a larval winter flounder workshop held at NUEL in October 1982. The changes included special studies to reduce sampling biases, resulting from tidal and diel larval behavior. Identification of sampling biases with special studies in 1983 (NUSCo 1984) and 1984 (NUSCo 1985) limited the usefulness of data collected previously in 1979-82. Starting in 1983, ichthyoplankton samples for winter flounder larvae were taken in Niantic River at stations A, B, and C and in mid-Niantic Bay at station NB (Fig. 3). To ensure mid-depth and near bottom sampling, the length of tow line necessary to sample the mid-water and bottom strata was based on water depth and the tow line angle measured with an inclinometer (NUSCo 1984). Nets with 333-^im mesh were used in 1983. Paired 202- and 333-nm mesh nets were towed in 1984 through mid- March and only 333-iim mesh nets during the remainder of the season. In 1985, 202-|im mesh nets were used through the first week of April and 333-|im mesh nets during the remainder of the season. Medusae of a potential predator, the lion's mane jellyfish {Cyanea sp.), were sieved (1-cm) from the samples at the three river stations and measured volumetrically (ml). These data were compared to mean weekly medusoid diameter in the river (Miller et al. 1986) and a diameter to volume relationship was used to estimate abundance of medusae. Sampling time and frequency varied during the 1983-85 surveys. In 1983, sampling time in the Niantic River was systematically varied during daylight and night and at station C sampling was varied over four tidal stages (high, low, mid-ebb, and mid-flood). At each of the three river stations, day and night tows 17 Table 3. Summary of sampling in the Niantic River for larval vs^inter flounder. Year Sampling frequency Replicates Stations 1979 day - weekly . 2 2 1980 day and night - weekly 4 2 1981 day and night - weekly 4 1,2 1982 day and night - weekly 2 1,2 1983 day and night - twice weekly 1 A, B, C 1984 day and night - twice weekly 1 A^ B, C 1985 day and night - twice weekly^ 1 A, B, C Day samples only through the first week of April; day and night samples dunng the remainder of April; night samples only duritig the remainder of the season. were made twice weekly (Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday). In 1984 and 1985, from the beginning of sampling (mid to late February) through the fu-st week in April, single tows were made during the day twice weekly within 1 h of low slack tide. During the last 3 wk of April, single-bongo tows were made twice weekly day and night. The day samples were collected within 1 h of low slack tide and the night samples during the second half of a flood tide. During the remainder of the season until the disappearance of larvae at each station, tows were made twice a week only at night during the second half of a flood tide. laboratory sample processing has varied (Table 4). Through 1977, whole samples were processed and all winter flounder larvae were measured. Subsequently, samples have been split based on the abundance of larvae and up to 50 winter flounder larvae were measured. When a subsample of larvae was measured, the length -frequency distribution was adjusted by sample density. Prior to 1983, measure- ments were in total length and since then have been in standard length (tip of snout to end of notochord). The difference between total and standard length measurements were only apparent for larvae in the latter stage of metamorphosis when the caudal fin rays extended past the end of the notochord; these larger larvae were collected infrequently. From 1973 through 1976, both paired 333- and 505-nm samples were processed, but length measurements taken only in 505-|im samples m 1976. In 1977 and 1978, only the 333-nm samples from the paired 333- and 505-^im mesh nets were processed. From 1979 through 1982, 18 both replicated 333-|im samples from each bongo tow were processed. Since 1983, only one of the two bongo sampler replicates collected in the Niantic River was processed in the laboratory and the develop- mental stage of each measured larva recorded. The five stages were defmed as: Stage 1, The yoUc sac was present or the eyes were not pigmented (yolk-sac larvae) Stage 2. The eyes were pigmented, no yolk sac was present, and no fm ray development Stage 3. Fin rays were present, but the left eye had not migrated to the mid-line Stage 4. The left eye had reached the mid-line, but juvenile characteristics were not present Stage 5. Transformation to juvenile was complete and intense pigmentation was present near the caudal fin base Because few Stage 5 larvae were collected, their abundance and distribution were not examined. Table 4. Summary of mesh size and laboratory processing of larval winter flounder samples. Sampling mesh Sample No. larvae Year size ( nm) splitting measured 1974-76 333,505 1977 333 1978-83 333 1984-85 202,333 larval data analyses were based on standardized densities per 500 m of water sampled. Weekly mean densities were used because of varying sampling frequencies. For comparisons of data in the 1981-85 period, daylight samples during 1981-83 from the last week of April through the end of the season were 19 no all no all yes up to 50 yes up to 50 excluded. During these weeks in 1984 and 1985, daylight samples were not collected because these samples underestimated abundance due to diel behavior of the older larvae, which apparently remained near bottom during the day and were not susceptible to the bongo sampler (NUSCo 1984). Typically, the distribution of larval abundance over time is skewed, with a rapid increase to a maximum followed by a slower decline. This skewed density distribution results in a sigmoid-shaped cumulative distribution and the time of peak abundance is the time at which the inflection point occurs in the cumulative distribution. The cumulative Gompertz function (Draper and Smith 1981) was chosen to describe the cumulative distribution data because the inflection point of the Gompertz function is not constrained to the central point of the sigmoid curve. The fonn of the cumulative Gompertz function used was: Q = a(exp(-|3e"'^'l) (6) where Q = cumulative density at time t a = total or asymptotic cumulative density P = location parameter k = shape parameter t = time in days from February 15 The origin of the time scale for our data was set to the 15th of February, which is when winter flounder larvae generally appear in the Niantic River. The parameter a was used as an index to compare annual abundances. The derivative of the above cumulative function with respect to time yields a "density" function which directly describes the larval abundance over time. This density function has the form: 4 = apA:(exp[ - kt{ - pe " '"}]) (7) where dt = density at time t where all the parameters are the same as in the cumulative function (Equation 6), except for a, which was 20 rescaJed by a factor of 7 because the cumulative densities were based on weekly means and thus accounted for a 7-d period. Time of peak abundance was estimated as the date t{ corresponding to the inflection point of the cumulative function defmed by its parameters P and k as: ^. = -f- (8) Least-squares estimates and asymptotic 95% confidence intervals for these parameters were obtained by fitting Equation 6 to the cumulative abundance data using nonlinear regression methods (SAS Institute 1985). The cumulative Gompertz function was used to examine temporal and spatial distribution of larval winter flounder from data collected in the 1974-75 offshore study, entrainment sampling in 1976-85, and special larval winter flounder sampling in 1981-85. The stations sampled during 1974 and 1975 were grouped in relation to their location to the Niantic River: Niantic River (1 and 2); mouth of the Niantic River (3, 4, 15, and 16); mid-Niantic Bay (5, 11, and 12); Jordan Cove (6 and 13); Twotree Island Charmel (7 and 8); and Offshore (9, 10, and 14). Time-based harmonic regression models were also used with abundance data from station 5 in Niantic Bay (1979-85) and the entraioment sampling station EN (1976-85) to describe fluctuations in abundance (see Fish Ecology section for detailed methods). Special studies The only station in the Niantic River with strong tidal currents was C. To determine the effect of tidal currents on sample densities of larvae, 24-h studies were conducted in 1983 and 1984. Samples were collected at 2-h intervals over a 24-h period on April 28 and May 9 in 1983 and March 12 and March 19 in 1984. Tow duration was 15 min with paired 333-^lm mesh nets in 1983 and 6 min with paired 202- and 333-}jm mesh nets in 1984. These data were examined to determine if tidal currents caused sample density biases. Larval import and export studies were conducted at the mouth of the of the Niantic River from 1983 through 1985. Stationary tows were taken by mooring the boat to the Niantic River Highway Bridge in the middle of the channel. Bongo samplers were deployed off each side of the boat with one at mid-water 21 and the other near bottom. In 1983, samples were collected at the time of maximum ebb and flood tidal currents during three tidal cycles (two cycles on May 9 and one on May 16). In 1984 and 1985, samples were collected hourly except for 1 h before and after slack tidal currents during five tidal cycles (April 4 and May 8 in 1984; March 28, April 29, and May 28 in 1985). The 1984 and 1985 data were combined along with current velocity from the flowmeters to calculate the net exchange of larvae leaving and entering the river. Ebb and flood tide velocity measurements used in estimating net larval exchange may not have been comparable due to the different widths of the channel at the point of sampling. Due to the length of the mooring line tied to the bridge, the actual sampling location was approximatedly 10 m north of the bridge during a flood tide and approximately 10 m south of the bridge during an ebb tide. The comparability of velocities was investigated by fitting a second order polynomial equation to the water velocity measure- ments over time during the five flood and ebb tidal phases sampled in 1984 and 1985. Because there is minimal freshwater input into the Niantic River, the area under the fitted curves for flood and ebb tides should be similar in magnitude. If the areas differ, then adjustments to velocity measurements of either tidal stage could be made to make the areas similar and velocities comparable (NUSCo 1986a). The effects of mesh size and tow duration on net extrusion of larval winter flounder were examined. Comparisons of mesh size were examined in the laboratory (NUSCo 1986a) and in field studies (NUSCo 1985). In the laboratory, meshes of 202, 333, and 505 \im were compared. An apparatus was constructed such that the velocity of water could be regulated as it passed through a chamber covered by the various meshes with a similar cross-net velocity (ca. 20 cm/sec) as encountered in field sampling. Ten laboratory- reared yolk-sac to first-feeding larvae (ca. 3-4 mm) were placed in the chamber. The flow was maintained for 15 min, the chamber was removed, and the number of larvae retained was counted. From 9 to 18 tests were completed for each mesh. Field comparisons of 333- and 505-nm mesh nets were based on 492 bongo tows made in 1974 and 1975, which examined the number of larval winter flounder by 1-mm size classes. Comparisons of 202- and 333-|j,m mesh nets were available from 28 bongo tows in 1984 and were based on the sample densities of Stage 1 and eady Stage 2 larvae. The effect of tow duration on sample density was made in 1984 with consecutive 6- and 15-min tows in the Niantic River using 333-nm mesh nets (16 comparisons). A Wilcoxon signed-ranks test was used to compare the paired samples and test for significant differences (p^0.05) due to mesh and tow duration. 22 Otoliths from larval winter flounder collected in the Niantic River during 1984 were examined to determine if an age-length key could be constructed from daily increments (NUSCo 1985). At least one sample each week from all Niantic River stations was preserved with 95% ethanol and processed to obtain approximately 50 larvae, if possible. All otoliths removed (1 to 4) from a larva were mounted and examined with a compound microscope connected to a video monitor that provided a magnification of approximately 5,000 X. If individual otoliths differed in size, the larger pair was assumed to be the sagitta and used for counting increments. If no size difference was found, the otolith with the most distinct increments was used. Winter flounder larvae were reared in the laboratory during 1985 to determine developmental time and to verify daily otolith deposition (NUSCo 1986a). To examine the effect of starvation on growth, larvae in one aquarium were not fed. Known-age larvae were routinely sacrificed to obtain otoliths for aging verification and information on growth rate. Sampling frequency varied, with almost daily collections during early development to approximately biweekly during later development when few larvae remained. Post-larval studies Abundance and distribution The CPUE of juveniles smaller than 15 cm taken in the Niantic River during the spawning season was determined in a manner similar to that for adults. Their abundance at the trawl monitoring program stations was also examined. Numbers of these fish, most of which were age 1 , provided information on the relative strength of year-classes produced in local waters. In addition, during the surveys of 1981 and 1982, 6- to 15-cm juveniles were marked with freeze-brands to obtain abundance estimates using the Jolly model. The abundance and distribution of young-of-the-year (age 0) winter flounder were first examined during 1976 through 1978. Brief field studies were conducted in summer using various seines and trawls and diver observations in the Niantic River (Table 5). Because of the small effort and difficulties in quantifying diver observations without bias, these studies did not provide useful information and will not be discussed further. 23 Table 5. Summary of Niantic River post-larval juvenile winter flounder studies from 1976 through 1985.'' Year Method Period sampled Areas or stations sampled Times sampled Comments 1976 otter trawl May 27-Jul 23 4-8 3 Confirmed Niantic River seines Jun 16 5 1 as nursery area 1977 otter trawl diving obs. May 17-Jul 29 Aug 9-Sep 9 3 12 5 2 Inconclusive - few taken Rarely seen except in lower river 1978 diving obs Jul - Sep 11 3 Abundance estimates made based on observed densities and bottom areas 1981 free/e-branding Apr - May 4 -- 6 - 15 cm juveniles branded during part (1981) or 1982 freeze branding Feb - May 4 all (1982) of adult surveys. Abundance estimates unreli- able because of high marking mortalities 1983 beam trawl May 18-Oct 12 4 21 Abundance, growth and mortality estimates made from 1983 through 1985 1984 beam trawl May 24-Sep 26 3 19 A seine was also used several times in 1983, but few were taken. 1985 beam trawl May 23-Sep 19 2 18 .Juvenile (^15 cm) winter flounder abundance estimated by CPUE also available for 1976 through 1985 from adult winter flounder surveys in Niantic River and from trawl monitoring program data. A quantitative study of post-larval young-of-the-year winter flounder in the Niantic River began in 1983 and has continued through the present. One of the four stations established then (LR) was sampled in each year (Fig. 2). Station CO was sampled from 1983 through July 1984, when it was replaced by WA because continued heavy accumulations of the alga Enteromorpha clathrata hampered sampling at the former location. Stations SP and CH were used only in 1983 and were dropped because flounder were less common there and catches more variable; data from these two stations will not be included in this report. All stations contained habitat preferred by juvertile winter flounder, with sandy to muddy bottoms 24 in shallow (ca. 1-2 m) water adjacent to eelgrass beds (Bigelow and Schroeder 1953). Each was sampled once every week from late May through late September or early October during daylight within about 2 h before to 1 h after high tide. A 1-m beam trawl was used with interchangeable nets of 0.8-, 1.6-, 3.2-, and 6.4-mm bar mesh. A tickler chain was added in late June of 1983 to increase catch efficiency. In 1983, triplicate tows were made using one of the nets, which was changed as young grew during the season. In 1984 and 1985, two nets of successively larger mesh were used during each sampling trip to collect the entire available size range of young. This helped to eliminate a bias that was found in 1983, when some of the older and larger specimens apparently were able to avoid the 0.8-mm mesh net used without a tickler chain (NUSCo 1984). A change to the next larger mesh in the four-net sequence was made when young had grown enough to become susceptible to it. The larger meshes also reduced the amount of detritus and algae retained. Two replicates with each of the two nets were made at both stations; the order in which the nets were deployed was chosen randomly. Distance of each tow was estimated by letting out a measured line attached to a lead weight as the net was towed. Tow length increased from 50 to 75 to 100 m as the number of fish decreased throughout the summer. For data analysis and calculation of CPUE, the catch of both nets used at each station was summed and standardized to giVe a density per 100 m of bottom covered by the beam trawl. Growth and mortality Young winter flounder were measured unpreserved in the field or laboratory to the nearest 0.5 mm in total length (TL). During the first few weeks of study, standard length (SL) was also measured because many of the specimens had damaged caudal fm rays and total length could not be taken. The relationship between the two lengths was determined by a functional regression and used to convert SL to TL: rL= -0.10+ 1.198 (5'L)(«= 136, r^ = 0.92) (9) . To calculate mortality, all young were assumed to comprise a single cohort. A catch curve was constructed with the natural logarithm of density plotted against week. The slope of the descending portion of the curve provided an estimate of Z, the weekly rate of instantaneous mortality. Once Z was determined, daily survival was estimated as exp(-Z/7), weekly as exp(-Z), and monthly as exp((-Z)(30.4/7)). 25 Impingement The number of winter flounder impinged on the traveling screens of MNPS from October 1972 through September 1985 was estimated using techniques described in the Fish Ecology section of this report. The chronology of impingement sampling at MNPS was also given there. Meteorological data were obtained from MNPS operating records to examine certain specific instances of high impingement, length-frequency data offish impinged from 1976-77 through 1984-85 were also examined. The sex and reproductive condition of impinged winter flounder taken just prior to and during the spawning 1982 and 1983 seasons were recorded using methods and criteria described previously. Details regarding studies leading to the construction, installation, and operation of a fish return sluiceway at MNPS Unit 1 were summarized in the Fish Ecology section. Data and fmdings pertinent to the winter flounder will be discussed in this section. Additional information may be found in NUSCo (1981b, 1986b). Cntrainment Winter flounder larvae entrained at MNPS were collected at station EN (Fig. 3). Sampling has been conducted since April 1973 as part of a general ichthyoplankton sampling entrainment program. Because of sampling problems, data collected through June 1975 were not used to estimate entrainment numbers, but were the basis for the sampling design beginning in July 1975. Entrairmient samples from the 1976-85 larval winter flounder seasons (primarily March through May) provided the longest time-series of data for which annual comparisons could be made. The only changes in sampling design were sampling frequency and replication. For 1976-82, three replicates were collected day and night on 3 d each week. In 1983, sampling frequency was changed to one sample during the day and night on 4 d per week. Sampling alternated weekly at the discharge of Units 1 and 2, whenever plant operations permitted. Approximately 400 m'' of water were filtered through a 1.0-m diameter, 3.6-m long, 333-nm mesh conical plankton net. Laboratory processing methods and some data analyses were described previously in this report. Additional details may be found in the Fish Ecology section, including the method used to estimate annual entrainment numbers. 26 An entrainment mortality study was conducted in 1983 (NUSCo 1984). Samples of entrained winter flounder larvae were collected downstream from the MNPS discharges with a 0.5-m diameter, 1-m long, 333-jim mesh plankton net. Dead larvae were removed from the sample and counted. Live larvae were held in flow-through chambers in effluent water. Holding time was 2 or 4 h to simulate retention in the quarry with three or two units in operation, respectively. Following effluent holding, chambers were moved to ambient flow-through water and observed daily for latent mortality over a 96-h period. The thermal tolerance of larval winter flounder was examined (NUSCo 1975). Larvae were grouped as pre-metamorphosis ( < 5 mm) and metamorphosing ( ^ 5 mm). Larvae were exposed to a AT of 13 °C (acclimation temperature of 8 °C) for 1 to 9 h and survival was monitored. The critical thermal maximum for the two groups was also examined, where larvae held at 8 °C were exposed to an increase of 1 °C per min until death. The temperature at which complete mortality occurred was the estimated critical thermal maximum of larval winter flounder. Impact assessment A population dynamics model was developed under the direction of Dr. Saul Saila of the University of Rhode Island for impact assessment during the projected life of the plant and for a recovery period following decommissioning. This model incorporates hydrodynamic, concentration, and population submodels in a simulation of the effects of MNPS operations on the Niantic River stock of winter flounder. Data from both NU studies and the scientific literature were used in the model. The methods and procedures used in its development and may be found in progress reports to NUSCo by Sissenwine et al. (1973, 1974, 1975) and Vaughan et al. (1976). Aspects of the model were published by Hess et al. (1975). The final form of the model presented by Saila (1976) was summarized and used with updated information in the Environmental Report for MNPS Unit 3 (NUSCo 1983c). A brief summary of the results and conclusions of the latest model application will be given in this report. 27 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Adult abundance studies Abundance in the Niantic River The Niantic River winter flounder population is demographically open and therefore subject to immigration, emigration, natural death, and removal by fishermen. Although attempts to estimate the abundance of Niantic River winter flounder using mark and recaptures techniques began in 1973, the first reliable estimates were not made until 1976. The sampling intensity was too low and effort spread across too much area and time in 1973 and 1974 for estimates to be made by any means. In 1975, a more intensive sampling program was undertaken in the river. Fish were marked by fin clips, but recaptures were not marked. Nevertheless, the Jolly (1965) model, a multiple mark and recapture method, was applied to the data. Multiple recaptures were mathematically simulated, but the resulting estimates were judged to be inadequate because of large errors in parameter estimates. In addition, the 1975 survey data were not similar to later years for calculation of CPUE or other relative abundance indices. The March 31 start meant that the survey missed most of the spawning and was not temporally comparable to later years. Most tows were very brief (average of 5 min) and defmition of stations differed from later years. Surveys expressly designed to estimate abundance of open populations usmg the stochastic model of .lolly began in 1976. The Jolly model is an extremely powerful general formula that uses all the information provided by the mark and recapture experiment and provides the most efiicient estimates as long as failures do not occur in basic assumptions (Cormack 1968; Southwood 1978; Begon 1979). The second measure of abundance for winter flounder over the past 1 1 yr was the CPUE during a 4-wk period from mid-March through early April, the only time including comparable data for all surveys. The median CPUE was used as the most appropriate catch statistic as the trawl catch data were not normally distributed and were positively skewed. Annual Jolly composite abundance indies were calculated for 1976-86 using the mark and recapture data (Table 6). The 1976-82 surveys extended into May, but later ones were made only during the period when most spawning had occurred and ended by mid-April. Consequently, the earlier data were re-analyzed 28 to conform to the same criteria for ending surveys after 1982 (Appendices I - XXII). From 5 to 8 wk of mark and recapture data aimually were available for the Jolly model. The largest number of fish branded in one year was in 1981 (6,726) and totals have since declined each year through 1986 (2,790). Fewest recaptures were made in 1985 (143; 4.7% of the total branded) and the most in 1980 (433; 10.0%); the average armual recapture rate was 6.7%. Table 6. Yearly mark and recapture data for Niantic River winter flounder studies from 1976 through 1986. Year Dates No. of No. No. % sampled* weeks marked recaptured recaptured 1976 Mar 1 - May 4 10 9,856 699 7.1 Mar 1 - Apr 13 7 6,479 453 7.0 1977 Mar 7 - May 10 10 6,860 623 9.1 Mar 7 - Apr 12 6 3,737 257 6.9 - 1978 Mar 6 - May 16 11 8,403 729 8.7 Mar 6 - Apr 25 8 4,417 360 8.2 1979 Mar 12 - May 15 10 8,105 491 6.1 Mar 12 - Apr 17 6 4,067 241 5.9 1980 Mar 17 - May 6 8 7,625 961 12.6 Mar 17 - Apr 15 5 4,313 433 10.0 1981 Mar 2 - May 3 10 10,458 822 7.9 Mar 2 - Apr 14 7 6,726 469 7.0 1982 Feb 22 - May 1 1 12 11,076 901 8.1 Feb 22 - Apr 6 7 5,795 270 4.7 1983 Feb 21 - Apr 6 7 5,196 363 7.0 1984 Feb 14 - Apr 4 8 3,740 197 5.3 1985 Feb 27 - Apr 10 7 3,024 170 5.6 1986 Feb 24 - Apr 8 7 2,790 175 6.3 For 1976-82, first line gives data for the entire survey and second for the spawning season. Minimum size for marking was 15 cm during 1976-82 and 20 cm thereafter. The Jolly composite abundance indices showed that the Niantic River winter flounder population was relatively stable from 1976 through 1980, increased to a peak in 1982, and declined to an 11-yr low in 1986 (Table 7; Fig. 4). Using the catch offish between 15.0 and 19.9 cm, the estimates for 1983-86 were also adjusted upwards for direct comparability between that period and 1976-82, as the estimates for the earlier years included all fish larger than 15 cm. The annual trends in median CPUE generally corresponded 29 with the Jolly composite index of abundance until 1982 (Table 8; Fig. 4). The CPUE in 1982 (42.6) was nearly the same as in 1981 (43.4), but the abundance index increased 72% (28,693 to 49,439). However, the Jolly estimate during 1982 was relatively imprecise with a large confidence interval (± 16,666). The decline in CPUE for fish larger than 20 cm from 1983 (22.1) to 1984 (12.8) and 1985 (12.6) was much greater than for the abundance index (29,912 to 29,282 and 21,632). The JoUy index for 1986 (8,252) declined greatly from 1985, but the CPUE decreased by only about 20%. The CPUE for 1984-86 indicated population levels about one-half of that during 1976-80, which also contradicted the Jolly abundance indices. The apparent differences between abundance indices were evaluated below by examining meth- odologies used in obtaining the estimates. Data from the trawl monitoring program for the five stations outside the Niantic River were used in calculating a median CPUE during January through April of each year. This period overiapped the river spawning and allowed for an increase in available data. The median CPUE showed relatively low densities Table 7. index of abundance for Niantic River winter flounder from 1976 through 1986. Year No. of Composite abundance Adjusted values used — 2 standard errors^ abundance 1976 3 1977 3*^ 1978 3"= 1979 2 = 1980 3^= 198! 3 1982 3 1983 3 1984 3 1985 3 1986 3 Composite al - 2 standarc Sundance 1 errors^ 21,795 ± 4,768 18,183 ± 5,088 14,620 ± 3,494 18,709 18,159 ± 3,976 28,693 ± 6,640 49,439 - 16,666 29,912 ± 7,042 34,997 29,282 ± 10,518 36,310 21,632 ± 9^345 26,175 8,252 ± 2,723 9,663 For winter flounder larger than 15 cm during 1976-82 and 20 cm thereafter. Abundance adjusted to all fish larger than 15 cm for 1983-86. b Only N] excluded. No values of N excluded. 30 of adult winter flounder outside the river in winter and early spring, with little change in the catch of adults over the l!-yr period. Values ranged from 1.8 to 5.3 in all years except 1981, when a peak value of 8.2 was found. Although the Niantic River spawning population apparently reached its lowest level in 1986, the median outside the river was the third highest (4.7). The reason for this difference in abundance and distribution is unknown. Water temperature is an important factor in winter flounder distribution. However, based on MNPS operating records, water temperature in 1981 was the closest to the annual February-April mean over the U-yr period and the mean for 1986 was only slightly higher than 1985. The coldest year of the series was 1976 and the warmest was 1983. Table 8. Mean and median CPUE of Niantic River winter flounder larger than 15 cm from 1976 through 1986 during the period of mid-March through mid-April. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Total tows made 112 154 106 93 112 109 90 135 145 156 179 Tows used for CPUE 85 123 88 77 91 97 87 134 143 155 173 % of tows used 76% 80% 83% 83% 81% 89% 97% 99% 99% 99% 97% Mean CPUE 37.6 29.8 24.2 38.8 41.4 48.4 47.6 31.5 16.9 15.6 14.4 Standard deviation 33.5 25.8 16.0 33.6 32.3 31.1 30.6 16.3 10.2 8.0 9.0 Coeff. of variation 89% 86% 66% 87% 78% 64% 64% 52% 60% 51% 63% Median CPUE 28 24 19.6 26.8 31.5 43.4 42.6 30.8 15.0 14.7 12.0 95% CI 22.5 20.0 16.2 22.4 26.1 36.2 35.2 24.1 13.6 12.7 10.6 -37 -30 -25 -38.4 -42.5 -51.4 -48.8 -33,9 -16.6 -15 -14.6 ('oeff. of skewness^ 2.33 1.45 1.18 1.67 1.54 1.24 1.13 0.96 1.48 1.13 1.25 Zero when data are distributed symmetrically Both the Jolly model and its application to the Niantic River winter flounder were evaluated several times by NUEL (NUSCo 1980, 1983b, 1986a). In the first two reviews, data were examined for the violation of assumptions or conditions of the model generally as set forth by Bishop and Sheppard (1973), Roff" (1973a, 1973b), Southwood (1978), Begon (1979), Balser (1981), and Amason and Mills (1981). Most assumptions were met, although the possibility existed that some emigration outside the survey area was not permanent and marked winter flounder re-entered the river. This assumption requires that all emigration from the study area be permanent and therefore indistinguishable from death in the model. If 31 o 2 70 60- 50 < 5 i^9 LJ 40- ^ o 30- ^g 20- z < !^ O 10 CPUE (>15 cm) / I I / / JOLLY (>20 cm^ / T 1 / / i ; ): 1 OLLY ■ >15 cm t- ^^^ / / ^ / / A \ \ A A "'s ( ) CPUE (>20 cm' 1 T 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 YEAR Figure 4. Annual median trawl CPUE and Jolly abundance index (+2 standard errors) for Niantic River winter flounder from 1976 through 1986. Jolly index and CPUF, adjusted for fish 15 cm and larger in 1983-86 and shown by * and A, respectively. the catchability of marked and unmarked fish was not equal, sampling eirors of unknown magnitude resulted. Jolly abundance estimates were also compared with those obtained using the Fisher- Ford and Manly-Parr models in 1980 and as results were generally similar, the simpler and more powerful .lolly model remained in use (NUSCo 1981a). The latest review (NUSCo 1986a) rigorously examined the model itself, assumptions, reliability of results, and its particular application to the winter flounder population. The Jolly model has been criticized because its flexibility is provided by many unknown parameters which must be estimated. These estimates may be imprecise unless sampling intensity is relatively high (Cormack 1979; Buckland 1980; Nichols et al. 1981; Hightower and Gilbert 1984). The review concluded that sampling intensity and recapture rates 32 may be imprecise unless sampling intensity is relatively high (Cormack 1979; Buckland 1980; Nichols et al. 1981; Hightower and Gilbert 1984). The review concluded that sampling intensity and recapture rates of Niantic River winter flounder were rather low and may have resulted in errors of the estimates. Furthermore, estimates of recruitment (Jolly's B) were undoubtedly unreliable because they accumulated errors from other parameters in the model (also see Amason and MUls 1981 and Hightower and Gilbert 1984). Adding recruitment estimates to an initial estimate of abundance (Jolly's N), as done in previous years to obtain absolute abundance estimates, was shown to be highly inaccurate. This led to the formulation of the composite index of abundance based on the Jolly model, which used the average of the central estimates of N and a pooled variance estimate (NUSCo 1986a). Using results from a simulation study by Hightower and Gilbert (1984) and based on sampling intensities of 3 to 5.4%, population sizes of 20 to 40 thousand, and survival of about 0.90 ("deaths" 'here are mostly due to emigration from the Niantic River), it was assumed with 95% confidence that errors in estimating abundance using the Jolly model ranged from 25 to 50%. These levels of accuracy are sufficient for management purposes, but are not within the 10% level of error that Robson and Regier (1964) recommended for research investigations. Hightower and Gilbert (1984) demonstrated that sampling in- tensities had to be doubled to increase the accuracy from 25 to 50%. Substantially higher and most likely infeasible levels of effort would be required to achieve sampling intensities necessary for the accuracy level of 90% for current population sizes in the Niantic River. The CPUE was also examined for bias and accuracy (NUSCo 1983b, 1986a). The standardization of fishing effort is difficult and although the catchability of a species is presumed constant, the fishing gear can vary in efficiency and can be affected by subtle changes in its use, rigging, or deployment from different vessels (GuUand 1983). Nevertheless, repeated surveys using relatively consistent methods can provide an index of abundance free of difficulties caused by possible changes in catchability. Among the factors examined that could have influenced Niantic River winter flounder CPUE were changes in boats, trawling methodology, and variable annual conditions in the Niantic River. With some exceptions, the vessels used during sampling changed annually from 1976 through 1981 (Appendix XXIII). Several comparisons between boats showed significant differences in catches among years (NUSCo 1983b), indicating possible differences in fishing power. Since 1981, two vessels identical except for rigging have been used. Northeast /, rigged exclusively for trawling, consistently caught more 33 winter flounder in comparable tows than Northeast II, designed for lobster pot hauling and modified for trawling. Another factor influencing CPUE was the distribution of effort among stations in the river (Appendix XXIV). Effort was most extensive in the lower river channel and adjacent shallows in 1976-77 and occurred mainly in the channel during 1978-80. Through 1980, it was believed that heavy concentrations of algae and detritus found in the upper river greatly reduced the number of winter flounder found there. However, in 198 1 many winter flounder were found in the upper river and sampling effort has predominantly shifted there duriing the past 6 yr. Detrital loads probably also have altered the efficiency of the trawl and may have affected CPUE. Quantitative comparisons indicated significantly longer tow times in the upper river in 1984 than in 1983 or 1985-86. This was most likely due to the net filling with material as it was towed, thereby increasing drag. Decreases in average tow time have been due to lesser amounts of detritus as well as the purposeful avoidance of the worst towing areas in station 51. The practice of concentrating effort where most winter flounder were present prior to 1983 also may have had some consequence; increased medians may have resulted from limiting the number of tows with fewer fish. Although each measure of abundance has inherent errors, the reasons for the disparities between the .loUy index and CPUE are unknown. The standardization of tows to a uniform distance by station in 1983 and subsequent years lessened the variability in CPUE as seen by the smaller confidence interval about each median and greater correspondence between the median and mean. The Jolly indices for 1984-86 were less precise with relatively large confidence intervals, which could have accounted for some of the differences observed in the trends. Because of the small number of fish marked in 1986, the Jolly estimate for that year may have been inaccurate. Although there were indications that the population probably declined from 1985, the decrease would have been proportionately less if the CPUE was more reliable than the Jolly composite index. Some difi'erences between CPUE and the Jolly composite index could be related to changes in winter flounder distribution over time. Possibly, most winter flounder were present only in the lower river during the 1970s and despite low to moderate population levels, high CPUE were obtained because of their concentration in the relatively smaller portion of the river that was sampled. Then, in 1980, for unknown reasons, winter flounder began to use the upper river as well. Although more abundant, they would have been less concentrated throughout the river and lower CPUE were obtained. Alternatively, winter flounder 34 may have always been present throughout the river and the Jolly indices from 1977 through 1980 were inaccurately low to an unknown degree because only a portion of the population was sampled. This was previously suspected for the 1980 survey, when a large percentage of relatively small and stationary winter flounder were found and no samples were taken in the upper river unlike following years (NUSCo 1983b, 1985). Therefore, CPUE may have more realistically measured abundance from 1976 through 1980. Examination of data from 1981 through 1986 showed that median CPUE values for station 1 and 2 in the lower river were very similar to those from the upper river (within 4 fish per tow), except for 1983 (13.2 less in the lower river), so CPUE appears to be relatively consistent among areas. As surveys and methods are presently more standardized, further comparisons of CPUE and the Jolly index may be made in forthcoming years and the relative accuracies of the two measures of abundance can be reassessed. Harmonic regression models Another measure of winter flounder abundance throughout the MUlstone area was the development of time-based harmonic regression models. I x)g-tr£insformed data from six stations of the trawl monitoring program (see Fish Ecology section) were used to describe the fluctuations in abundance of winter flounder. Models having data from October 1976 through September 1984 forecasted catches from October 1984 through September 1985 and the actual catches were then compared to those predicted (NUSCo 1986a). Similar models were reported in NUSCo (1984, 1985) for 1982-83 and 1983-84 data. Results showed that models for stations other than NR (Niantic River) were not satisfactory. Terms corresponding to a sine-cosine function describing an 8-yr period were significant for most models in 1985, as were terms for 7 or 6 yr during 1984 and 1983. Since these terms represented the entire time-series of data at the time of model development, this indicated either insufficient data or a lack of a repetitive pattern of abundance. Terms of less than 1 yr were also found for most models and were probably related to aimual cycles of abundance due to local movements and recruitment of juveniles into the trawl catch. Except for NR (0.71), R values for each model remained low (0.38-0.53). However, this is a typical result for a species taken year-round in samples. Forecast errors remained high in 1985 (65-279%; 128% for NR), although, in most cases, improved each year since 1983. This was an indication that the models were perhaps providing better predictability. Many factors have influenced trawl monitoring program catches, as they have in the Niantic River abundance surveys discussed previously. Despite its relatively high abundance in the catch (43% of the 35 lO-yr total, ranked first), typical high variability along with relatively low effort makes analyses of these data problematical. In addition, the mixture of stocks present at most stations during many months of the year (see Stock Identification below) makes data from the trawl monitoring program difficult to interpret and of limited use in assessing the impact of MNPS operations. Regional trends in abundance Data from other sources were examined for comparisons in abundance as historically the abundance of winter flounder has been known to fluctuate, showing various periods of increases and decreases (Perlmutter 1947; Howe 1975; Ketschke 1977; Jeffries and Terceiro 1985). This feature of winter flounder population dynamics, demonstrated above for the Niantic River population, also was found to have occurred in other areas of Southern New England. Jeffries and Terceiro (1985) reported that winter flounder abundance at a station in Narragansett Bay decreased 86% from 1968 to 1976, but increased rapidly to reach another peak in 1979. This was followed by a steady decline through 1982. Flounder abundance at another station in Rhode Island Sound showed similar fluctuations, indicating that the changes in abundance were not due to a shift in population from inside to outside of the bay. However, these fmding were based on only one tow per week at each station. Commercial landings throughout Southern New England have decreased steadily from 11,100 mt in 1981 to 7,000 mt in 1985, although they have remained higher than any year prior to 1980 (NMFS 1986). Commercial vessel CPUE fell to a historical low in 1985 from a peak in 1981. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) offshore trawl surveys found that survey vessel CPUE decreased rapidly from a maximum in 1981 (3.6 kg/tow) to levels below the long-term average in 1984 (0.8) and 1985 (1.0). Based on these declines, NMFS considers the winter flounder to be fully exploited and that current catch levels will probably not be sustained (NMFS 1986). The Massachusetts coastwide fishery assessment fall survey found an 84% reduction in winter flounder biomass from 1983 to 1984 (Howe et al. 1985). Commercial landings also have declined 52% in Massa- chusetts since 1981. Some evidence suggests that overfishing of winter flounder has occurred in Massa- chusetts (MDMF 1985). Besides decreases in landings, percentages of market-sized "small" and "pee-wee" fish have increased; relatively high landings were maintained by landing more and more smaller fish. The 36 percentage of fishermen directing their effort towards winter flounder and shift of larger vessels inshore has exacerbated the problem and serious concern was expressed about the fishery. The annual geometric mean trawl catch of winter flounder by the CT DEP in eastern Long Island Sound declined fivefold from 1984 through 1986 (P. Howell, CT DEP, pers. comm.), a decrease even greater than seen in the Niantic River. Conversely, annual landings from Cormecticut-licensed commercial trawlers increased threefold from an average of 87,657 kg during 1979-82 to 271,160 kg during 1983-86 (CT DEP, unpublished data). It should be noted that some of the increase in landings in recent years was due to more accurate reporting by fishermen (E. Smith, CT DEP, pers. comm.). From 13 to 43% of these fish were caught in eastern Long Island Sound, with increasing proportions (27-43%) for recent years. Percent landings from outside Long Island Sound decreased during the same period from more than half to about one-third of the total. At the same time, overall catch-per-trawl-hour decreased from an average of 41.9 kg during 1979-83 to 30.0 kg in 1984-86. Life history studies Reproduction Sex ratio The sex ratio of winter flounder larger than 20 cm during the spawning period in the Niantic River varied from 0.92 to 2.03 females for each male (Table 9). The average from 1977 through 1986 was 1.44; the latest survey was the only one in which more males than females were taken. Sex ratios of 1.50 to 2.33 in favor of females were also reported by Saila (1962a, 1962b) and Howe and Coates (1975) for other populations in southern New England. Size at maturity Female winter flounder can become sexually mature when they are age 3 or when about 20 cm in length (Dunn and Tyler 1969; Dunn 1970; Kermedy and Steele 1971; Beacham 1982). More northerly populations mature at smaller sizes and older ages than in Southern New England. Results of a probit 37 Table 9. Female to male sex ratios of winter flounder taken during the spawning period in the Niantic River from 1977 through 1986. 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Mean C.V. AH fish captured 1.03 2.23 1.37 2.66 1.42 1.16 1.52 1.07 1.37 0.92 1.48 38% Measured fish 1.26 1.95 1.21 2.03 1.61 1.50 1.52 1.07 1.37 0.92 1.44 25% >20 cm analysis showed that the length of 50% sexual maturation of Niantic River females during 1981-86 was 26.8 cm with a 95% confidence interval of 26.3 to 27.3 cm. On an annual basis, values ranged from 25.1 cm in 1983 to 29.4 cm in 1981. Most of these fish were age 3 or 4. Males can mature at even smaller sizes (down to 10-12 cm) and earlier ages (2) than females. Spawning Winter flounder spawning was followed by noting the weekly change in the percentage of gravid females larger than 25 cm in the Niantic River. Generally, most spawning was completed by early April (Fig. 5). Ice in the river prevented starting population surveys earlier in January or February, so for most years approximately two-thirds of the females examined during late February had spawned before sampling began. In most cases, spawning appeared to be correlated with water temperature. In relatively cold years (1977-78, 1982), fewer females spawned during the earlier portion of the survey, whereas in warmer years (1981, 1983-86) more were spent. No conclusions can be made about 1979 or 1980 (both cooler than average) because of the late starts to these surveys and because relatively fewer females were examined in comparison to other years. Fecundity and egg production The length-fecundity relationship for winter flounder taken in the vicinity of MNPS was determined in two independent studies during 1977. In one, all fish were collected in the Niantic River and in the 38 70 60 y 50 < Ld o 30- h- UJ o n- 10 0-t 1977. 1981 \ \ / \ / \ \J^978/ \ / \ \ '^, 197^/ \ ,./x ^ A \ \ M980..^ / \\ , \ FEBRUARY MARCH 77 78 — - 79 \ \S 80 APRIL - 81 70 60 H 501 40 o 30 Ld O cr 20 Ld 10 1984 ^-' \ 1982 \ \ \ \ 1986 1983^ 1985' 1983^ \ \^ \ \ \ 0-<— r- FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 82 83 84 85 86 Figure 5. Percentage of adult female winter Rounder in spawning condiUon by week in the NianUc River from 1977 through 1986. 39 second they were caught by trawl in Niantic Bay or were impinged at MNPS. Laboratory methods and procedures for determining fecundity differed in some respects between the studies. Although findings Table 10. Length-fecundity and length-weight relationships for winter flounder. Sample location Type regression Slope (b) Intercept (a) Value for 31 -cm Hsh Length-fecundity Niantic River Functional Niantic Bay Functional Rhode Island Functional (Saila 1962a) Newfoundland Least squares (Kennedy and Steele 1971) Niantic River Functional Niantic Ray Functional Mass.-R.I Least squares (Lux 1969) Newfoundland Least squares (Kennedy and Females: Steele 1971) Males: LenRth-weight 43 1 ,000 410,000 117 107 3.1441 2.9833 -2.0702 - 1 .904 1 385 g 548 g 379 g 416 g 351 g Recalculated from Saila's (1962a) published data. Regression equation in the form: logio fecundity = a + b(logio length in cm). Regression equation in the form: logio weight (g) = a + b(logio length in cm) (except Lux 1969, where length is in mm). 40 based on these data were reported previously (NUSCo 1978a, 1983b), they were re-examined for this report and new length -fecundity relationships were calculated using a functional regression (Table 10). Using the 1977-86 modal length of 31 cm for Niantic River females for comparison, the fecundity estimate obtained from the first study was most similar to estimates made using relationships obtained from Saila (1962a) and Kennedy and Steele (1971). The Niantic Bay data gave comparatively high estimates, but no reason can be given for the discrepancy between the two studies. Table II. Annual indices of female spawners and egg production for Niantic River winter flounder from 1977 through 1986. Year Number of spawning females (x/O^) % of population comprised by mature females Mean fecundity (xIO^) Total egg production index (x/O^) 1977 5.6 31% 4.8 2.69 1978 5.5 38% 5.1 2.81 1979 4.8 26% 5.3 2.55 1980 3.7 20% 4.7 1.70 1981 10.7 37% 5.3 5.66 1982 18.9 38% 5.7 ■ 10.79 1983 15.2 51% 5.6 8.51 1984 12.6 43% 5.7 7.20 1985 10.1 47% 5.9 5.92 1986 3.5 43% 6.5 2.31 From composite index of abundance and percentage of mature females, assuming that all females 26 cm and larger were mature. For winter flounder larger than 15 cm during 1976-82 and 20 cm thereafter. The proportion of females in the population larger than 26 cm was combined with the .lolly index of abundance to obtain a relative number of female spawners from year to year; 1976 was excluded because no reproductive data were available then. Spawning females comprised 20 to 51% of the population (Table 11). Percentages for 1977-82 were lower because they were based on all fish larger than 15 cm and thus included more immature fish in the abundance estimates. The value for 1980 (20%) was particularly low and is another indication that a segment of the spawning population was missed then, as comparatively more smaller, immature fish were caught. 41 The mean fecundity was calculated using the relationship described previously with annual length- frequency data. Values have been relatively consistent with somewhat greater means found since 1982, when the start of the surveys was advanced into February. During the past several years, most females larger than 40 cm were usually found in the Niantic River early in the season and many evidently left the estuary in March. Surveys during earlier years started after February and probably missed many of these large winter flounder, resulting in a lower mean fecundity. The mean length of all females 20 cm and larger in 1980 was only 29.7 cm, in comparison to 31.4 to 32.1 cm for 1979 and 1981-85. This was additional evidence that larger females were missed during the 1980 survey. In contrast, the 1986 mean of 33.4 cm was particularly large, indicating that along with decreasing abundance, the female population was comprised of relatively larger and older specimens. Egg production indices were determined using Jolly abundance indices with the length, maturity, and fecundity data. Since the indices reflect both the annual mean fecundity and abundance, the value for 1980 was probably underestimated. The egg production index peaked in 1982 and has declined about 80% since then. Tyler and Dunn (1976) reported that the relationship between length and egg production of New Brunswick winter flounder varied from year to year, depending upon variable nutrition and females were found to sacrifice egg production to maintain body weight. It is not known whether fecundity varies annually among Niantic River winter flounder. Age and growth Length-weight relationship As with fecundity, the length-weight relationships for winter flounder taken in Niantic River and Bay were recalculated using 1977 data with a functional regression. Once again, the relationship determined for Niantic River fish appeared to be more consistent with other published regressions (Table 10). The Niantic Bay relationship gave heavier weights per unit of length; the reason for the difference is unknown. 42 Age and length In 1977 and 1978, winter flounder were aged by examination of both scales and otoliths; age determined by both structures agreed well, especially for younger fish (NUSCo 1979). As the use of otoliths required sacrificing the fish, orJy scales were used in subsequent years. The overall mean lengths-at-age for 1977-1983 combined data showed that winter flounder grew most rapidly during the first several years of life with considerably reduced annual growth after age 4 (Table 12). Females had greater annual increases in length than males, especially at ages 3 through 5. The mean lengths of females were significantly greater than males for fish age 3 and older; this was also noted for many other winter flounder populations (Berry et al. 1965; Poole 1966; Lux 1973; Howe and Coates 1975; Danila 1978; Beacham 1982). Table 12. Mean lengths in mm by age of Niantic River winter flounder from 1977 through 1983. Ixjwer Upper Tenth Ninetieth Age Sex Number Mean SD CV quartile quartile percentile percentile 1 7 1,259 82 23 28% 65 97 55 118 2 7 1,413 176 27 15% 156 195 142 214 3 7 1.39 212 15 7% 201 223 192 235 3 F 460 266 27 10% 245 284 2.34 304 3 M 220 256 28 11% 237 278 220 292 4 F 246 307 29 10% 289 327 267 .344 4 M 159 291 26 9% 275 .308 260 320 5 174 342 24 7% 325 360 314 370 5 M 150 312 26 8% 295 330 280 358 6 112 363 22 6% .345 379 333 .391 6 M 90 3.36 25 8% 316 351 303 370 7 78 390 23 6% 374 405 362 419 7 M 57 360 25 7% 337 378 .331 392 8 51 409 27 7% 391 431 378 442 8 M 18 368 31 8% .345 386 327 426 9 13 428 26 6% 408 447 389 467 9 M 4 400 29 7% -- -- 369 437 10 4 431 17 4% -- -- 422 456 10 M 1 411 -- -- -- -- -- -- 12 F 1 443 -- -- -- -- -- -- 43 The coefficients of variation for length by age were relatively consistent and ranged from 6 to 11 % for age 3 through 8 females and males. Using the lower and upper quartiles as dividing points, age-length groupings were relatively distinct, especially for younger specimens. However, older age groups overlapped considerably in length. The oldest specimens aged were an age 12 female and an age 10 male. Maximum lengths recorded in the Niantic River included a 490-mm female and a 483-mm male, both in 1986. However, in May 1981, a 508-mm female determined to be age 8 was impinged on the MNPS screens. Based on its length and age, tliis specimen fit the growth curve for the Georges Bank stock of winter flounder described by Lux (1973). For the purposes of calculating growth, 214 females and 188 males ranging from 44 to 465 mm were aged by scale examination in 1983 and measuremems were made to each annulus (NUSCo 1984). A non-linear length-scale relationship was used for the back-calculation of length-at-age because it provided a better fit to the data. Except for ages 1 and 2, the mean calculated lengths-at-age of females were usually larger than observed lengths (Table 13). The trend was not as obvious for males (Table 14). Calculated growth estimates were probably less reliable for older specimens, particularly males because of small sample size. A reverse Lee's phenomenon (Tesch 1968; Ricker 1975) was observed in which the calculated lengths of fish increased as the age of the fish increased. This may have been the result of size-selective mortality that was greater on the smaller fish of an age group (Tesch 1968) or due to a bias in sample selection if only faster-growing larger specimens were used in aging and scales from slower-growing fish were rejected as unreadable. This may also have resulted in the apparent anomalous increase in growth at age 9 in females and 8 in males. Growth of the Niantic River stock was compared in Figure 6 to that of other populations in nearby areas, including Chadestown Pond, RI (Berry et al. 1965), Peconic Bay, NY (Poole 1966), and south of Cape Cod, MA (Howe and Coates 1975). The Niantic River fish grew less tluough age 2 than these and other populations (Poole 1966; Kurtz 1975; Danila 1978), with the exception of the nearby Mystic River (Pearcy 1962). However, growth of Niantic River fish equaled or exceeded that of other stocks age 3 and older. Although the winter flounder is an omnivorous feeder (Pearcy 1962; Richards 1963), conditions in the Niantic River may not be as favorable for the growth of immature fish as other areas. 44 Table 13. Average back-calculated lengths (mm) at age for female winter flounder taken in the Niantic River. Mean length Mean calculated length (± 95% CI) Age at capture ± class Number 95% CI Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 7 Age 8 Age 9 30 I07±14 80±8 26 I95±13 67 + 9 178+16 43 277±11 78±7 182 + 12 285 + 12 25 3I5±13 87+10 I85H4 278 + 12 318 + 14 23 349±10 88t9 182+16 276 + 18 321 + 18 343+18 13 366±19 75+15 163 + 23 269 + 21 309+16 331 + 15 345+14 27 395±10 90+7 205+13 269+14 332+16 354+17 369+18 380+18 19 418-1:9 86+11 202 1 24 296 + 25 345 + 21 370 + 21 383 + 21 393 + 21 402 + 22 8 442 ±10 86+10 186 + 26 292 + 33 361+26 389 + 25 406 + 27 419 + 25 428 + 27 VI VII VIII IX • 8 442+10 86+10 186 + 26 292 + 33 361+26 389 + 25 406 + 27 419 + 25 428 + 27 435 + 26 Mean calculated length 81+4 186 + 6 285 + 6 329+8 355 + 8 373 + 10 391 + 12 410+16 435 + 26 Average growth increment 81 105 99 44 26 18 18 19 25 Table 14. Average back-c flounder taken ;alculated lengths (mm) in the Niantic River. - at age for male ; winter Age class Number Mean length at capture ± 95% CI Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Mean calculated length (± 95% Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 7 Age 8 1 28 96+13 80±8 II 18 177+16 70+13 166±I9 III 43 246+10 81+7 183+10 262+12 IV 19 285+15 75+10 171 + 19 248 + 20 281 + 21 V 26 327 + 12 92+12 181 + 18 259 + 18 301 + 16 322+16 VI 20 348 ± 1 2 84 + 9 185+17 257 + 18 302 + 1 7 322 + 17 334+18 VII 27 370+10 81+9 189 + 20 260 + 21 300 + 21 320 + 20 337+19 349+19 VIII 7 378 + 28 91 + 17 209 + 28 305 + 46 351 + 45 369 + 42 380 + 41 389 + 40 397 + 39 Mean calculated length 82 + 4 182 + 6 261+8 302 + 10 325+10 341 + 12 357+18 397 + 39 Average groivth increment 82 100 79 41 23 16 16 40 45 450- 400- 2 s 350- 300- 5 250- X 1— CD ■;7 200- UJ —I z 150- S 2 100- 50- 0- MALES 4501 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 O-l CC 4 5 AGE CP NR "EMALES AGE CC CP NR PR Figure 6. Calculated mean lengths of winter flounder by age from various locations in the northeastern United States (CC = south of Cape Cod, CP = Charlestown Pond, NR = Niantic River, PB = Peconic Bay). 46 von Bertalanffy growth model Calculated -lengths-at-age from 1983 data were used to estimate the von Bertalanffy growth parameters (Table 15). The growth models for females and males had good fits to the data and represented theoretical growth of the population. Use of a nonlinear procedure for parameter estimation should have resulted in the least biased and variable estimates in comparison with traditional linear methods used in most older studies (Vaughan and Kanciruk 1982). The co parameter was used for comparisons of growth as suggested by Gallucci and Quirm (1979). They suggested constructing a rectangle formed by two standard errors on each side of point estimates of Lao and K. This was done for both sexes and because the rectangles did not overlap, significant differences in growth were indicated between females and males. It was not possible to make comparisons with other winter flounder populations because of the lack of published estimates of variability. However, the co parameter of female Niantic River winter flounder was similar to those of other stocks or geographical groups examined with the exception of Georges Bank, which has a racially distinct population with much greater growth (Lux et al. 1970; Lux 1973; Howe and Coates 1975). The value for males most closely corresponded to the Charlestown Pond stock (Berry et al. 1965); greater asymptotic maximum length was achieved by winter flounder stocks in other areas to the east. The estimates of Loo were actually less than the lengths of some specimens examined in the Niantic River. However, this should not be considered unusual as Loo represents the maximum length that an average fish would achieve if it grew indefmitely (Fabens 1965; Ricker 1975). This could have been a result of the particular sample used and inclusion of additional larger and older specimens could have increased asymptotic length estimates. Nevertheless, since 1977 lengths of only 1.7% of 14,374 females and 1.0% of 10,706 males larger than 20 cm exceeded the calculated values. The 1977-83 age-length data were also fit to the von Bertalanffy model (Table 15). Because sex of age 1 and 2 and smaller age 3 fish was not ascertained in the field, these specimens were used separately with both older females and males in fitting the model. Although growth of females and males was found to be similar in early life, it is not known how the calculation of model parameters was affected by using these data with each sex. Using the 1977-83 data, significantly larger estimates of Loo (453 mm for females; 397 for males) and smaller values of K (0.30; 0.34) were obtained in comparison with results using the 1983 calculated length-at-age data. Another error potentially affected results as the observed lengths were taken over a period of several months each year and individuals could have been actually older or younger 47 Table 15. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for Niantic River winter flounder and comparisons with other stocks. Ferriales Area No. of fish examined K value Asymptotic 95% CI ^00 (mm) Asymptotic 95% CI M° to (year) Asymptotic 95% CI R^ Niantic River 214 0.42 0.39-0.45 423 412-433 177.7 » 0.51 0.46-0.56 0.90 Niantic River 3789 0.30 0.29-0.31 453 446-461 135.9 -1-0.35 0.33-0.37 0.93 Niantic River 129 0.35 0.27-0.44 423 398-448 148.1 - - 0.90 Charlestown Pond' 104 0.41 396 162.4 -- South of Cape Co/ 839 0.34 -- 487 -- 165.6 -- - -- North of Cape Cod' 114 0.37 -- 455 -- 168.4 -- -- Georges Bank 126 0.44 - 622, - 273.7 - - Georges Bank" 163 0.31 630 Majes 195.3 -0.05 Niantic River 188 0.44 0.39-0.48 381 367-395 165.7 -i-0.46 0.39-0.53 0.85 Niantic River 3286 0.34 0.33-0.35 397 389-405 135.0 + 0.34 0.31-0.36 0.91 Niantic River 81 0.31 0.23-0.39 375 357-392 116.3 - 0.87 Charlestown Pond' 49 0.54 -- 323 -- 174.4" - - South of Cape Cod' 298 0.25 - 477 - 119.3 -- Georges Bank 113 0.37 - 534 -- 197.6 -- Georges Bank 184 0.37 550 203.5 + 0.05 " fo = K X Loo (Gallucci and Quinn 1979) Fit to 1983 calculated lengths-at-age. Tit to 1977-83 age-length data. From method of Fabens (1965) using data from recaptured disc-tagged fish. -k Berry ct al. (1965); parameter K calculated from their k ( = e ) Howe and Coates (1975); parameter K calculated from their K Lux (1973) 48 than the stated age. Conversely, error may have been introduced using the calculated lengths-at-age because of variable timing of annulus formation. Also, if mostly faster-growing older fish were selected for measurements of annuli on scales, as suggested previously, a larger K value may have resulted because these specimens had a faster rate of growth. An independent assessment of growth was obtained from winter flounder marked with Petersen disc tags, released in the study area, and later recaptured after various periods at large. The fish used in this analysis included females from 201 to 406 mm and males from 205 to 398 mm at time of tagging. The recaptured fish were caught after 90 to 1,065 d at large and growth ranged from 1 to 149 mm in females and 1 to 85 ram in males. The data were fit to a two-parameter (K and Loo) von Bertalanify model described by Fabens (1965) for fish of unknown age, but whose increase in length is known for varying time periods. The estimates of Loo (423 mm for females; 375 for males) were similar to those described by the 1983 calculated length-at-age data, but the K values (0.35; 0.31) were closer to the 1977-83 aging data model. However, less confidence can be placed on the parameters determined from the tagged fish due to variability in the data and smaller sample size. Growth of individuals also varied because of the particular season of release or recapture and effects of tagging may have influenced these results. Mortality and survival Mortality and survival were calculated using age and length data from 1978-79 and 1981-83. Data from 1977 were not used because relatively few fish were aged and from 1980 because of previously mentioned inconsistencies of data from that survey. Both methods of estimation used were time-specific (Ricker 1975). Apparent large variability in estimated abundance of individuals of specific year-classes, most likely due to changes in survey methodology, sample selection, and sampling error, made cohort-specific methods of estimating survival less reliable or simply not possible (NUSCo 1984). The time-specific method of Robson and Chapman (1961) has cin advantage in that the age determinations of older fish do not have to be known with certainty, although the representativeness of the youngest age used is very important (Ricker 1975). As noted previously, relative abundance of small winter flounder (ages 1 and 2) in the population age structure were not accurately measured. Therefore, only ages 3 and older were used in the calculations. 49 The geometric mean annual survival rate (S) for the five estimates was 0.572, corresponding to an instantaneous mortality rate (Z) of 0.558 (Table 16). The value is larger than the survival estimate of 0.526 determined by Howe and Coates (1975) for winter flounder south of Cape Cod and even greater than that for fish from Great South Bay, N.Y. (0.27-0.28; Poole 1969) and Rhode Island (0.35-0.49; Berry et al. 1965). The estimate may be biased because of violations in required assumptions. Ricker (1975) noted that Robson and Chapman's formula assumes that survival rate is constant at all ages, that all year-classes are recruited at the same abundance, and that all ages are equally vulnerable to the sampling gear. When these conditions are not met, estimates of S are biased and confidence intervals are too narrow. Ricker also noted that differences In year-class strength are usually found for most stocks and that the best estimate of S will be made using a catch curve with equal weighting. Accordingly, catch curves were constructed for each year of data. Examination of the plotted log frequencies of age showed that the curves were nonlinear. Furthermore, some bumps in the curves increased with year, indicating probable non-uniform recruitment with stronger year-classes influencing catches more so than average or weak ones. Tendencies for age 3 and age 7 and older frequencies to be lower than the predicted regression line also suggested less than complete recruitment at age 3 and increasing mortality in older age groups. Even so, for all years examined, the mean age of specimens age 3 and older ranged only from 4.1 to 4.5. Annual estimates of Z ranged from 0.515 to 0.708, with a geometric mean of 0.611. Table 16. Survival (S) and instantaneous mortality rate (Z) of age 3 and older Niantic River winter flounder determined using the method of Robson and Chapman (1961). Year 95% CI 1978 0.549 0.528-0.569 0.451 1979 0.564 0,539-0.589 0.436 1981 0.574 0.558-0.589 0.426 1982 0.567 0.552-0.581 0.433 1983 0.608 0.600-0.616 0.392 Geometric mean 0.572 — 0.428 0.600 0.573 0.555 0.568 0.498 0.558 Annual mortality rate = 1-S 50 Following Ricker's suggestion to combine samples from successive years, catch curves were constructed from combined data for 1978-79 and 1981-83 (Fig. 7). Catches within each group were adjusted to give equal weight to each year. Although years were combined, irregularities were still seen in the curves. The geometric mean of Z for the two yearly groups was 0.721, corresponding to a survival rate of 0.486 and an annual total mortality rate (A) of 0.514. These rates are probably less biased than the estimates made using the method of Robson and Chapman and represent the best estimate of mortality for Niantic River winter flounder. Food habits Major taxonomic groups of organisms eaten by winter flounder in the vicinity of MNPS were examined from June 1973 through November 1974 (NUSCo 1975). Important food items consumed included crustaceans, annelid and polychaete worms, and mollusks (Table 17). Algae was also frequently found in stomachs at several stations, supporting the contention of Wells et al. (1973) that filamentous algae was frequently eaten by winter flounder. This separates the winter flounder from most other northeastern Atlantic marine fishes, which are strictly carnivorous. Average stomach fullness ranged from about one-third full in the Niantic River to half-full at Seaside Point and Twbtree Island Channel. Food items varied by location and seemed to reflect bottom type and different benthic communities. For example, bivalves were particularly important in the muddier upper Niantic River, whereas worms and crustaceans were more important in the sandier areas of the lower river and in Niantic Bay. The variable diet of winter flounder in the area was not unexpected as it has been reported to be an omnivorous, opportunistic feeder (Pearcy 1962; Richards 1963; Mulkana 1966; Frame 1972; Kurtz 1975; Festa 1977; Scarlett 1986). Richards (1963) reported that winter flounder fed on more prey taxa than any other demersal fish in Long Island Sound. Several studies have hypothesized that some movements of winter flounder are feeding migrations not associated with water temperature preferences or for spawning (Kennedy and Steele 1971; Van Guelpen and Davis 1979). However, not enough data were available for Niantic River winter flounder to examine this possibility. 51 7- 1978-79 10 9 8 7 LU m 6- Z ^ 5- 4 3 Z = 0.793 S = 0.453 A = 0.547 r^ = 0.91 6 7 AGE 1981-83 10 AGE Figure 7. Mortality determined by catch curve for Niantic River adult winter flounder from 1978-79 and 1981-83. 52 Movements and exploitation Some tag return data from 1973 and 1974 studies were reported in NUSCo (1975). Anchor tags were used in an attempt to estimate abundance and recaptures were made throughout the year during sampling activities and by fishermen. Of 566 recaptures with location known, 422 (75%) were from local waters in Niantic Bay and River. Most (81%) of the remainder were caught from 5 to 15 mi east of MNPS, 8 (10%) from within 5 mi to the west, 3 (4%) from 30 to 50 mi west, and 4 (5%) from offshore waters. A large majority (80%) were caught during March through May of 1973 and 1974. Few tags were received from cotmnercial fishermen which may be related to relatively poor retention of this type of tag in flatfish (J. Castleman, NUSCo, pers. comm.), or to less cooperation in making returns. Table 17. Average estimated stomach fullness by major prey of winter flounder taken in the Millstone Point area from June 1973 through November 1974. Area Upper Niantic River Niantic Bay Jordan Cove Seaside Point Twotree Island Channel Black Point Bartlett Reef Station bottom type mud mud and sand sand coarse sand and mud sand sand sand and rock Number of fish examined 39 48 51 32 49 49 38 Algae 3.4 1.7 Prey organisms 12.4 16.1 4.9 1.8 1.6 Sponges - 0.1 -- 0.2 1.2 2.4 Bryozoans 1.8 -- -- 1.2 1.1 2.7 5.6 Mollusks -- 0.3 -- - - Univalves 2.6 1.6 0.4 0.2 Bivalves 14.9 4.2 1.8 2.5 15.1 9.9 7.4 Annelids 2.2 6.4 1.0 1.9 0.7 1.1 0.5 Polychaetes 4.7 6.4 14.8 14.2 5.6 10.8 8.4 Crustaceans 5.1 14.9 6.4 8.3 25.0 13.7 14.1 Oabs 0.5 2.5 0.7 4.2 0.5 1.5 Shrimp 0.7 -- 0.2 0.2 Fish -- 0.3 Miscellaneous or unidentified 0.8 2.2 2.6 1.3 1.4 2.7 2.8 Average total points 36.7 38.7 41.5 50.1 54.7 45.7 43.0 100 = full, 50 = half full, 0 = empty 53 A study designed specifically to determine movements and exploitation by the sport and commercial fisheries was undertaken from December 1980 through September 1983. Each of 4,978 specimens larger than 20 cm was tagged with a Petersen disc (Table 18). Most were released in the Niantic River (46%) and Bay (31%). About 61% were females, 29% were males, and 10% were fish whose sex was not determined, mostly because of their smaller size. More than half (57%) of the 1,227 recaptures were made within 6 mo of release (Table 19). Larger percentages of fish were taken more quickly by NUSCo sampling than by the fisheries because sampling was concentrated in the Niantic River shortly after most were released. Also, tagged fish set free in special studies near the MNPS intakes tended to be impinged quickly, if at all. Recaptures dropped off rapidly after 1984 with only 20 returns for 1985 and 2 in 1986. None of the latter fish were tagged in 1980 or 1981; about 40% were released in 1982 and 60% in 1983. The overall rate of return through 1986 was 25%, with 40% of the recaptures made by sport fishermen, 33% from NUSCo sampling activities, 24% from the commercial fishery, 2% from fish impinged on the MNPS traveling screens, and 1% from miscellaneous sources. This suggested that the sport fishery is a significant source of mortality for the Niantic River winter flounder, also noted by Sampson (1981) and Blake and Smith (1984). However, judging by the number of tags received from fish markets and processing plants, cooperation by commercial fishermen in returning tags was most likely less than for sport fishermen. The rates of return for each tagging area (ignoring NUSCo recaptures because of the disproportionate effort in the Niantic River) were similar and ranged from 1 1 % for fish released at Bartlett Reef and the MNPS intakes to 16-17% for Niantic River and Bay and Twotree, and 26% for .Jordan Cove. The returns from the sport and commercial fisheries varied by location of release. The sport fishery took about three-quarters of the recaptured fish that were released in the Niantic River and .Jordan Cove embayments. The return from the Niantic Bay and Twotree releases was neariy equal between the two fisheries, but about twice as many fish were caught by the commercial as the sport fishery from the deeper water Bartlett Reef station. Sixty-five percent of the recaptures were female, 31% were male, and 4% were fish of undetermined sex. Similar (27%) proportions of all males and females released were caught again, but only 10% of the undetermined fish were recaptured. It was suggested in NUSCo (1985) that because the latter fish were 54 Table 18. Summary of winter flounder disc tagging and recapture data from December 1980 through September 1986. Niantic Niantic MNPS Barlett Jordan Bay River Twotree Intakes Reef Cove Misc. Total Number Mgged 1980 309 410 47 0 68 10 0 844 1981 970 108 29 198 4 0 0 1,309 1982 280 1,015 294 61 206 131 10 1,997 1983 0 770 0 40 12 6 0 828 Total 1,559 2,303 370 299 290 147 10 4,978 Number recaptured 1980 74 89 15 0 8 0 0 186 1981 179 22 3 27 0 0 0 231 1982 55 347 56 11 22 46 2 539 1983 0 264 0 4 2 1 0 271 Total 308 722 74 42 32 47 2 1,227 Method recaptured: Sport fishing 1980 31 28 7 0 1 0 0 67 1981 64 8 0 8 0 0 0 80 1982 29 146 21 5 9 28 1 239 1983 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 105 Total 124 287 28 13 10 28 1 491 Commercial 1980 22 21 7 0 7 0 0 57 fishing 1981 91 9 3 2 0 0 0 105 1982 14 42 23 2 11 9 1 102 1983 0 27 0 0 1 0 0 28 Total 127 99 33 4 19 9 1 292 NUSCo 1980 18 38 1 0 0 " 0 0 57 sampling 1981 21 5 0 7 0 0 0 33 1982 12 155 9 1 0 8 0 185 1983 0 129 0 2 1 1 0 133 Total 51 327 10 10 1 9 0 408 Impingement 1980 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 at MNPS 1981 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 1982 0 3 0 3 1 1 0 8 1983 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 5 Total 1 8 0 15 1 1 0 26 Miscellaneous 1980 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1981 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1982 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 5 1983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 5 1 3 0 1 0 0 10 Includes various locations along shoreline west of Black Point to the Connecticut River. Year here and following refers to year in which fish were tagged. Number recaptured includes .390 released alive (mostly hy NU.SCo), 86 of which were caught again once, 5 twice, and 1 three times. Includes recaptures from the CT DEP, Project Oceanology, and unknown sources. 55 smaller at time of tagging than most of the fish sexed, they may have had greater initial mortality following tagging, shed tags at a greater rate than larger fish, or were less vulnerable to capture. Many of them were probably smaller females since their movements tended to be similar to that of mature females. Propor- tionately, more females smd fish of undetermined sex were taken from distant locations than males. Since even small males were readily sexed during the spawning season, it is likely that most of them were identified when tagged. Table 19. Months : at liberty for disc-tagged winter flounder by method of recapture. Months Sport Commercial NUSCo Impingement Percent at liberty fishiriR fishinR sampling at MNPS Miscellaneous" Total of total 0-3 172 67 213 20 6 478 39 4-6 86 80 47 4 2 219 18 7-12 102 55 91 2 1 251 20 13-18 74 46 21 0 1 142 12 . 19-24 37 33 28 0 0 98 8 25-40 19 11 8 0 0 38 3 Total 490" 292 408 26 10 1,226 * Includes recaptures from the CT DEP, Project Oceanology, and unknown sources. Month of one recapture not known. Most (70%) of the returns were from waters near MNPS (Table 20). Similar to the 1973-74 study, movement out of the area tended to be to the east as about three times as many recaptures occurred there in comparison to the west. Most fish were taken in Fishers Island and Block Island Sounds, but 23 winter flounder were taken in waters near Martha's Vineyard and on Nantucket Shoals. One fish was caught off Cape Cod in February 1983 and in February 1985 one specimen was caught on Georges Bank. This specimen plus the very large 8-yr old mentioned above indicated that a very small interchange may occur between inshore and offshore stocks. Howe and Coates (1975) reported that a few percent of the winter flounder they tagged in inshore waters of southern Massachusetts were recaptured on Georges Bank and vice versa. Georges Bank winter flounder are usually recognized as a distinct race (Perlmutter 1947; Lux et al. 1970). 56 Table 20. Location of recaptures of disc -tagged winter flounder from December 1980 through September 1986. Recapture location Tagging location liantic Niantic Twotree MNPS Bartlett Jordan Miscellaneous Bay River Intakes Reef Cove Niantic Bay Niantic River Twotree MNPS Intakes Bartlett Reef Jordan Cove 127 60 37 495 2 1 8 222 543 New London Co., CT 43 35 Suffolk Co., NY 6 17 Washington Co, RI 35 37 Newport Co., RI 1 Barnstable Co., MA 1 Dukes Co., MA 4 3 Nantucket Co., MA 3 7 Georges Bank 1 New London Co., CT 10 5 Middlesex Co., CT 4 11 Suffolk Co., NY 10 6 New Haven, Co., CT 7 2 Fairfield Co., NY 2 I Bronx Co., NY -■ -- Unknown Connecticut I I New York I Rhode Island 4 7 Massachusetts 5 7 Virginia' 1 32 47 Mostly from fish markets. Most likely caught in Rhode Island. 57 In general, Niantic River and Bay winter flounder showed patterns of movement similar to those reported by others. Lobell (1939) noted that concentrations of winter flounder near Block Island in summer were fish from the Long Island region. Weber and Zawacki (1986) tagged and released winter flounder in two bays off western Long Island Sound, New York. Most of the recaptures were made locally and many of the distant returns were from areas to the east during summer and fall. However, less than 10% of the recaptures were made outside of Long Island Sound. The majority of the fish seemed to return to areas around the tagging site in subsequent years. Danila and Kermish (1981) and Scarlett (1986) reported that fish resident in central and northern New Jersey estuaries from fall through spring moved offshore and to the north and east for surmiier. Howe and Coates (1975) found that winter flounder south of Cape Cod tended to move offshore to the southeast when water temperatures exceeded 15 °C. The Niantic River winter flounder population appears to have some individuals that remain in local waters throughout the year, yet others are able to move relatively long distances and successfully return each winter before spawning. Stock identification The ability to identify and separate stocks is important when quantifying impacts. If more than one discrete population is affected, then losses may be partitioned accordingly. A study was undertaken for NUEL by the University of Rhode Island in 1980-81 to investigate techniques for differentiating winter flounder stocks using a specific biochemical technique (Schenck and Saila 1982). The method chosen was direct tissue isoelectric focusing of eye lens proteins. Briefly, when a constant electrical potential is applied to a pH gradient formed within a gel, each of the separate proteins migrates to its isoelectric point, where it has no net electrical charge. This allows for the differentiation of even closely related protein molecules and provides a criterion of genetic homogeneity. A brief summary of the study follows. The first portion of the work in 1980 examined fish taken from major estuaries or embayments over a relatively large (125 km) geographical area. Fish collected from New Haven, the Connecticut River, the Niantic area, Thames River, Mystic River, and Charlestown Pond separated well when the data concerning the presence or absence of certain proteins were used with linear discriminant analysis. Classification of individual winter flounder was highest in the correct area of capture with misclassification tailing off as a function of geographical distance from the source of each fish. 58 The 1981 study focused on a much smaller geographical area (23 km) using fish from the Connecticut River, Niantic River, Niantic Bay, Jordan Cove, and the Thames River. These areas were thought to be likely sources of winter flounder affected by MNPS operations. Because of the smaller area in which fish were taken, the samples were much more homogeneous than the ones in 1980. Fish from Jordan Cove often misclassLfied into Niantic River or Bay or the Thames River. The Connecticut River winter flounder also misclassified frequently. Upon further examination, most of the latter fish were found to have been sexually immature, which was thought to have caused the failures in discrimination. The seasonal samples taken in Niantic Bay over the year showed substantial variability; summer and fall samples were not significantly different, but other seasons were. The major conclusion of the study was that the technique was able to distinguish between stocks or subpopulations of winter flounder found about 5 to 10 km apart. Winter flounder in the area around MNPS appeared to form separate stocks only during the winter and spring spawning season, with inter- mixing greatest during summer and fall. The areas immediately in the vicinity of the plant (Niantic River and Bay and Jordan Cove) appeared to be inhabited by substocks that intermix significantly. Additional interchange took place with stocks from more distant areas, such as the Connecticut and Thames Rivers. Immature fish were impossible to classify using the techniques and analyses employed during the study. They were a heterogeneous group either because they were well-mixed over the geographical range of the study or because juveniles showed a lack of differentiation for the particular proteins examined. As young-of-the-year fish were not examined, this conclusion may not apply to them. The fmdings of this study along with tagging data indicated that at certain times of the year the winter flounder impinged at MNPS as well as throughout the study area were a mixture of a number of different spawning stocks. Consequently, the long-term effects of this particular impact on the Niantic River stock are somewhat reduced because of the dilution. Furthermore, the degree of intermixing implies that interchanges frequently occur among local stocks; this would also help to mitigate losses particular to any one of them. 59 Larval studies Several special studies and analyses have been conducted to identify possible sampling biases in the larval winter flounder data base. Because of the biases there are limitations in the usefulness of some of the data. Therefore, the results of these special studies are presented fu-st to identify these limitations. Net extrusion studies The effects of mesh size and tow duration on the sample density of larval winter flounder were examined in the field and laboratory. Field comparisons of the collection of 1-mm size-classes were made for 333 and 505-^m mesh nets from the 1974 and 1975 data (Fig. 8). Based on paired comparisons, the 9001 800 7001 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 333 505 333 505 333 505 333 505 333 505 333 505 3 4 5 6 7 8 LENGTH (MM) Figure 8. Compari.son of larval winter flounder length frequencies by 1-mm size-class collected in paired 333- and 505-tim mesh nets during 1974 and 1975. 60 333-}im mesh collected significantly greater densities of the 3- and 4-mm size-classes with no differences detected for the other size classes. The effect of mesh size (202- and 333-jim) and tow duration (6- and 15-min) on net extrusion of early developmental stages (Stage 1 and 2) was examined in 1984 during February and March (NUSCo 1985). In the comparison between the two mesh sizes, Stage 1 larvae were collected in greater densities with 202-|im mesh in 21 of 28 paired comparisons, which represented a significant difference. No difference was found for Stage 2 larvae, with their density in the 202-nm mesh greater in only 1 3 of the 28 comparisons. No difference in the collection density of Stage 1 and 2 larvae was found between the 6- and 15-min tow durations (16 comparisons). The results of laboratory com- parisons of 202- 333-, and 505-nm mesh (NUSCo 1986a) verified the fmdings of the field studies with the greatest retention in 202 \im (92%), followed by 333 jim (78%), and 505 ^m (63%). Prior to 1984, all ichthyoplankton sampling at MNPS was conducted with 333- or 505-|im mesh nets and during this period the early developmental stages were probably undersampled. This undersampling limited the use of these data to examine the abundance and distribution of early developmental stages. Although only a 333-tim mesh net was used for all recent entrainment collections, it probably did not result in underestimates because 202-^m mesh nets were used at station NB during 1985 and very few Stage 1 larvae were found in Niantic Bay (NUSCo 1986a). Die! behavior Diel behavior patterns of larval winter flounder could affect sample densities and bias abundance estimates. A comparison of day and night collections was made at three stations where balanced day and night sampling was conducted during several years: EN from 1976-85, NB from 1979-85, and C from 1980-83. The percentages that each 1-mm size-class made up of day and night samples were examined (Fig. 9). At stations EN and NB an increasing percentage of the 5- to 6-mm and larger size-classes occurred in night collections. Although the 5-mm and larger size-classes were more prevalent in night samples at station C in the Niantic River, the difference was less apparent than found at the other two stations. Comparison of day and night collections by developmental stage was possible with 1983 data (Fig. 10). Only in this year were all three Niantic River stations (A, B, and C) sampled during both day and night throughout the season. Stage 4 larvae at station A and Stage 1 larvae at stations EN and NB were excluded because of low collection densities. No consistent difference between day and night 61 EN 1976-1985 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 D N 3 D N 3 D N 4 D N D N 5 6 LENGTH (MM) NB 1979-1985 D N 4 D N D N 5 6 LENGTH (MM) D N 7 D N 7 Figure 9. Comparison of the percentage of larval winter flounder Ukem in day (D) and night (N) collecdons by 1 mm size-class at stations EN, NB, and C during various time periods. 62 C 1980-1983 70 60 501 UJ ^ 40 I— LJ O °^ 30 " Q. 20 10 D N Figure 9. cont. 3 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 301 20 10 0 DN DN DN DN DN 4 5 6 7 8 LENGTH (MM) 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 DAY NIGHT Figure 10. Comparison of the percentage of larval winter flounder taken in day and night collections by developmental stage at each station in 1983. 63 collections were found for Stage 1 and 2. For Stages 3 and 4, percentages were noticeably higher during the night at stations B, NB, and EN, but not at C. These diel differences have been attributed to vertical movement of larvae from on or near bottom into the water column at night (NUSCo 1984). This behavior pattern appears during Stage 3 following development of fm rays. The predominant length range of Stage 3 larvae is 5.0 to 7.5 mm (NUSCo 1984, 1985, 1986a) and the behavior pattern found for Stage 3 and 4 larvae agreed with the results based on size-classes. The lack of diel vertical movement of Stage 3 and 4 larvae at station C suggested that other factors in the lower river, such as tidal currents must have affected their behavior. Comparison of day and night collections showed that abundance estimates based on daylight collections could underestimate the abundance of 5 mm and larger larvae. This was the reason for reducing sampling in the Niantic River to only night during May and June starting in 1984. Entrainment sampling remained balanced between day and night for the estimation of entrainment. Sampling at station NB remained balanced because this station was also used to monitor other species. The daylight sampling bias severely limited the usefulness of earlier data in examining the abundance and distribution of larval winter flounder. In 1974 and 1975, collections were only made at night once a month andlTrom 1976-78 and none were made during the larval winter flounder season. In addition, the special- larval winter flounder sampling in the Niantic River during 1979 consisted of only daylight collections. 24-h studies Sampling was conducted over 24-h periods at station C to examine the effect of tidal stage on the sample density of larval winter flounder (Fig. 11). Two studies in 1983 occurred when the predominant developmental stages were 3 (62%) and 4 (30%). During 1984, when two additional studies were conducted. Stage 1 (48%) and 2 (51%) dominated. There was an apparent tidal effect on sample densities in both studies in 1983 and the March 19 study in 1984. Harmonic regression was used with log-transformed data to relate changes in density to tidal stage for these three studies (NUSCo 1984, 1985). A 12-h tidal period was used with slack low at hours 0, 12, and 24 and slack high at hours 6 and 18. Satisfactory fits were achieved for Stage 1 larvae (/?^ = 0.58) in the March 19, 1984 study and the combination of Stage 3 and 4 larvae on both sampling dates (R^ = 0.45) in 1983. Analysis of covariance of the 1983 studies (NUSCo 1984), with tidal effect as described by the harmonic regression as the covariate, showed 64 APRIL 28, 1983 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 j EBB I FLOOD | EBB , FLOOD, TIME (H) MAY 9, 1983 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 , EBB , FLOOD , EBB i FLOOD , TIME (H) Figure 11. Larval winter flounder densities per 500 m for 24-h studies at station C in 1983 and 1984 with time of collection and tidal stage. 65 800 700 600 (1 500 Q 400 300 200 100-1- MARCH 12,1984 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 I FLOOD I EBB , FLOOD , EBB , TIME (H) MARCH 19,1984 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 I EBB I FLOOD , EBB | FLOOD , TIME (H) Figure 1 1 . cont. 66 that an additional 19% of the total corrected sum of squares was due to the difference between the two sampling dates (April 28 and May 9). Based on the harmonic regressions, the effect of tidal stage on sample density at station C was inverse for Stage 1 compared to Stage 3 and 4 larvae (Fig. 12). Stage 1 density increased during ebb tides and declined during flood tides. This pattern was attributed to the flushing of Stage 1 larvae from the upper portion of the Niantic River, where they were more abundant, into the lower portion during ebb tide (NUSCo 1985). The decline during flood tide was caused by water from Niantic Bay that contained few Stage 1 larvae entering the river. The inverse relationship for Stage 3 and 4 larvae was attributed to vertical migration in response to tidal flow as a retention mechanism (NUSCo 1984), where the larvae remained on or near the bottom during an ebb tide and moved up in the water column during flood tides. This tidal behavior of Stage 3 and 4 larvae would help explain the lack of diel behavior at station C, as shown above (Fig. 10). 6- A\ STAGE 3 AND 4 0 2 4 , FLOOD 8 10 12 14 16 1i EBB I FLOOD , 20 22 24 26 EBB I HOUR Figure 1 2. Harmonic regression models of larval winter flounder abundance (log density per 500 m ) during 24-h tidal cycles at station C for developmental Stage 1 and Stage 3 and 4 combined. 67 Due to the effect of tides on sample density, starting in 1984 sampling time was based on tidal stage. During the occurrence of Stage 1 larvae sampling was conducted close to low slack and when Stage 3 and 4 larvae were common sampling was conducted during the latter portion of a flood tide. Prior to 1984, larval abundance in the lower portion of the Niantic River may have been underestimated, as sampling was not synchronized with tidal stage. Abundance and distribution The distribution of larval winter flounder near MNPS was examined based on the area-wide sampling conducted during 1974 and 1975, when up to 16 stations were sampled (Fig. 3). To reduce sampling bias the data were restricted to oblique samples collected with 333-(im mesh nets. The date of peak abundance was estimated from the point of inflection (Equation 8) of the Gompertz function to compare the temporal distribution in six areas. The grouping of stations resulted in 2 to 9 samples per week in 1974 and 2 to 15 samples per week in 1975 for calculating a weekly mean used to construct the cumulative density curve for the Gompertz function. Assuming that the Niantic River was the primary source of winter flounder larvae in the area, the progressive date of peak abundance would provide a relative measure of dispersal rate from the Niantic River. All fits of the Gompertz function exceeded an R} value of 0.97. A similar pattern of the time of peak abundance was found for both years (Table 21). As expected, the earliest Table 21. Estimated date of peak abundance for larval winter flGunder based on the inflection point of the Gompertz function for six areas around Millstone Point in 1974 and 1975. Area Niantic River Mouth of the Niantic River Mid-Niantic Bay .Jordan Cove Twotree Channel onshore 19 7 4 19 7 5 27 Feb 30 Mar 4 Apr 7 Apr 10 Apr 13 Apr 13 Mar 29 Mar 3 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 68 peak was in the spawning area of the Niantic River. The date of peak abundance progressed to the mouth of the Niantic River, mid-Niantic Bay, and then throughout the Millstone area. It took from 21 d in 1975 to 36 d in 1974 for the peak to progress from the Niantic River to mid-Niantic Bay, but once in the bay dispersal was rapid to other areas. This progressive pattern of peak abundance as a relative measure of dispersal rate agreed with the findings of the larval dispersal model (Saila 1976). The Niantic River has high larval retention characteristics, but once larvae enter Niantic Bay they spread throughout the area. A more detailed examination of the abundance and distribution of larval winter flounder in the Niantic River and Bay was possible with the data collected from 1981 through 1985. Abundance curves (Equation 7) were constructed from the Gompertz function (all R^ values of the Gompertz function exceeded 0.95) for each year in the Niantic River (stations 1 and 2 combined for 1981 and 1982; A, B, and C for 1983 through 1985) and Niantic Bay (stations NB and EN combined). If collected, daylight samples during May and .lune were excluded because they would have underestimated larval abundance during this period. Larvae were most abundant in the river during 1982 and 1985 and the time of peak abundance for all years occurred during mid to the latter part of March (Fig. 13). In the bay, larvae were most abundant in 1982 and 1983, with similar numbers during the remaining 3 yr. The timing of peak abundance varied more than for the river, ranging from about the second week of April in 1985 to the fu'st week of May in 1981. Except for 1982, there was no apparent relationship between annual abundance in the river and bay. For example, in 1985 larvae were most abundant in the river but were not abundant in the bay, and in 1983 larvae were most abundant in the bay but were not abundant in the river. The abundance of each developmental stage was compared in the Niantic River and Bay from 1 983 through 1985, the only years that larvae were classified in developmental stages. The a parmeter from the Gompertz function (Equation 6) was used as an index of abundance. This function fitted the data well with all R^ values exceeding 0.97 and the 95% asymptotic confidence intervals for the a parameter were small (Table 22). However, less than 20 observations were used and the actual intervals may be larger because asymptotic theory generally requires large data sets to apply. The most noticeable difference in the river was the high abundance of Stage 1 and 2 larvae in 1985 compared to the previous 2 yr. This occurred despite decreasing estimates of egg production from 1983 through 1985 (Table 11). The low abundance of Stage 1 and possibly early Stage 2 larvae in 1983 was partly attributed to net extrusion through the 333-nm mesh nets (NUSCo 1985). The previously discussed high densities of larvae in 1985 69 4000 3000 2000 1000 RIVER 1985 5FEB 28FEB 20MAR 09APR 29APR 19MAY 08JUN 28.JUN DA^E 800 700 i 600 500- 400- 300 200 100 BAY 1985 1983 !8FEB 20MAR 09APR 29APR DATE 19MAY 08JUN 28JUN Figure 13. Estimated abundance curves (number/500 m ) for larval winter flounder at Niantic River and Bay stations from 1981 through 1985. 70 in the river (Fig. 13) was a result of Stage 1 and 2 larval densities. In the river, densities of Stage 3 larvae were similar in 1983 and 1985, but both were lower than in 1984. The higher abundance of Stage 2 and the lower abundance of Stage 3 larvae in 1985 compared to 1984 indicated higher mortality during Stage 2 to Stage 3 development in 1985. The Gompertz function was not fitted to Stage 1 larvae in the bay because they were rarely collected there. Stage 2 abundance in the bay for 1984 and 1985 was much lower than in the river; this was expected because it is during this developmental stage that the larvae are tidally flushed from the river (NUSCo 1985). The low abundance of Stage 2 in the river compared to the bay in 1983 may be due to undersampling of early Stage 2 larvae in river because of net extrusion. The large decrease in abundance from Stage 3 to Stage 4 in the river and bay during all years was not completely attributed to mortality, but probably represented an undersampling of the older larvae. At Stage 4 of development, the left eye has migrated to or past the mid-line, the larvae become more demersal, and not as susceptible to capture with a plankton net. The undersampling of Stage 4 larvae should have remained constant from year to year; therefore, their decreasing frequency in the river and bay since 1983 probably represented a decrease in abundance. Table 22. Larval winter flounder abundances and 95% asymptotic confidence intervals as estimated by the a parameter fi-oni the cumulative Gompertz function. Developmental stage 1983 1984 1985 Niantic River 1 2 3 4 540 (509-570) 1350 (1317-1383) 1029(1007-1051) 306 (263-331) 4075 (3727-4424) 2948 (2646-3250) 1846(1667-2024) 270 (228-312) Niantic Bay 7836 (7641-8031) 5783 (5621-5947) 1023 (965-1082) 162(125-199) 2 3 4 1368 (1320-1417) 2045(1991-2099) 620 (581-657) 994(961-1027) 1326(1272-1379) 355 (306-405) 944 (906-983) 1172 (111-1232) 127 (116-139) 71 The temporal occurrence of each developmental stage in the river and bay from 1983 through 1985 was compared using the dates of peak estimated abundance (Table 23). These dates were estimated from the inflection point (Equation 8) of the same Gompertz function that was used to estimate the a parameter above. Since 1983, the dates of peak larval abundance have been very similar for Stage 1 in the river and Stage 2 in the river and bay. The lag in peak abundance of Stage 2 in the bay compared to the river ranged from 17 to 23 d. This difference between the river and bay may be related to flushing rate because the average retention time of a passive particle in the Niantic River was reported as 25 d by Moore and Marshall (1967) and 27 d by Kollmeyer (1972). Within each year, the dates of peak abundance for Stage 3 were similar in the river and bay. The greatest difference in dates among years was for Stage 4 larvae, which in 1983 peaked earlier than either 1984 or 1985. The similarity in the estimated dates of peak abundance, particularly Stage 1 larvae in the river, indicated that peak spawning occurred approximately at the same time during the 3-yr period. Based on water temperatures of 2 to 3 °C during the latter portion of February and egg incubation times reported by Buckley (1982), peak spawning probably occurred in mid-February. The lack of Stage 1 larvae in the bay showed that spawning took place almost exclusively in the river and the lag in Stage 2 abundance represented the gradual flushing of larvae from the river to the bay. The similarity in the date of peak abundance for Stage 3 larvae between the the river and the bay in each year indicated that by this stage of development the dispersion of larvae from the river to the bay was completed. Table 23. Estimated date of peak abundance oflarval winter flounder in the Niantic River and Bay from 1983 through 1986. River Bay Developmental 1983 1984 1985 1983 1984 1985 stage 1 5 Mar 9 Mar 11 Mar 2 16 Mar 18 Mar 16 Mar 8 Apr 9 Apr 2 Apr 3 18 Apr 26 Apr 25 Apr 23 Apr 30 Apr 24 Apr 4 30 Apr 19 May 17 May 10 May 23 May 18 May 72 A comparison of the spatial distribution of each developmental stage in 1983 through 1985 was based on the cumulative abundance of weekly mean densities at each station (Fig. 14). As previously stated, Stage 1 larvae were collected almost exclusively in the river and their low abundance in 1983 compared to Stage 2 larvae was the reason for conducting net extrusion studies in 1984 and 1985. Their annual spatial distribution varied with the greatest numbers collected at stations B and C in 1984 and at station A in 1985. A similar pattern was found for Stage 2 larvae in 1984 and 1985. The previously mentioned high mortality from Stage 2 or 3 in 1985 was apparent at all river stations. Stage 3 and 4 larvae were primarily collected in the lower portion of the river at C and at Niantic Bay stations, but rarely at A. The decline in larval abundance since 1983 in the bay (Fig. 13) was reflected in decreasing frequency of Stage 3 and 4 larvae at EN and NB. The decline in Stage 4 larvae in the river and bay (Table 22) from 1983 through 1985 was evident at stations B, C, EN, and NB. Time-based harmonic regression models were used to describe the fluctuations in abundance of larval winter flounder at station EN (1976-85) and NB (1979-85). Both models had a seasonal component and 1-yr and 6-mo terms (Table 24). It was possible to correct for autocorrelation at station EN because the data were evenly spaced in time. No long-term trends were present in either model. The models fitted the data well with R^ values of 0.93 for EN and 0.91 for NB. The time-based models will be used as base-line information on the abundance of larval winter flounder for a comparison to their abundance during Unit 3 operation. Table 24. Summary of time-based regression models to describe the occurrence of larval winter flounder at stations EN and NB. Station Model^ Model R^ i EN s {sin(l r) - cos(l K) - sin(6m) - cos(6wi)} -\- A/ + A2 - A3 - A8 0-93 NB s {sin(l r) - cos(l r) - sm{6m) - cos(6m)} 0-9 1 S = Season nY, nM = period in years or months An = autoregression coefficients 73 STAGE 1 10000 9000 8000 I 7000 u uj 6000 > ^ 5000 1 4000 a 3000 2000- 1000 0 M twsrt.'j CT^^^^^i 83 84 85 83 84 85 83 34 85 STATION STAGE 2 83 84 85 I— EN — ^ 83 84 85 I— NB — I 8000- 7000- on 7 6000- LU a u > 5000- ^ 4000- 3 O 3000- 2000- 1 000 - ^ 83 34 85 83 84 85 83 84 85 STATION 53 84 85 1— EN — I 83 84 85 h— NB — ! Figure 14. Cumulative density by developmental stage for larval winter flounder at each station from 1983 through 1985. 74 STAGE 3 4000 ^ 3000 > § 2000 1000 i:^^^ m. m m m w^smm m 83 84 85 83 84 85 83 84 85 STATION STAGE 4 83 84 85 ^ EN — ^ 83 84 85 ^ NB — I 800 700- ^ 600- m -z. LJ Q 500 Ld > § 400 g 300 200 100 0 V^ gggg^ F^?31 .^ 83 84 85 83 83 84 85 83 84 85 83 84 85 I C 1 h- EN— 1 I— NB— I STATION Figure 14. cont. 75 The abundance and distribution of larval winter flounder in the Niantic River could be affected by predation. During their occurrence, the medusal stage of the lion's mane jellyfish {Cyanea sp.) was examined as a potential predator (Miller et al. 1986). Larval predation by these medusae has been observed in laboratory studies at NUEL. A medusa was placed in a container with laboratory-reared Stage 2 larvae. All larvae that came in contact with a tentacle were immediately stunned and even larvae that were not consumed by the medusa sank to the bottom and died. During the larval winter flounder season an examination of medusae in the Niantic River showed that up to 50% of the feeding jellyfish had fish larvae in their gastrovascular cavity. Medusae were primarily collected in the upper portion of the river at station A. Marshall and Hicks (1962) also found that jellyfish were most abundant in the upper river. During the 3-yr period there were noticeable differences in the abundance of medusae at station A (Fig, 15). Fewest were found in 1985, which corresponded to highest larval densities (Fig. 14). 401 30 In 20 10 1984 — 1985 15FEB 01 MAR 15MAR 29MAR 12APR 26APR 1 0MAY 24MAY DATE Figure 1 5. Weekly mean volume (liters/500 m ) of Cyanea sp. medusae collected at station A in the Niantic River from 1983 through 1985. 76 Weekly densities of medusae at station A were estimated by comparing the volumes of medusae in a tow to the mean weekly medusoid bell diameter, using a medusoid diameter-to-volume relationship (Fig. 16). Density estimates in 1983 and 1984 reached a maximum of approximately 3 to 4 per m but during 1985 never exceeded 1 per m (Fig. 17). Considering the high jellyfish densities in 1983 and 1984 and with tentacles extending up to 10 to 15 cm below the bell, there was a relatively high probability that a larvae would come into contact with a medusa. 501 40 30 O 20 10 V0LUME=7.61822 - 0.45019 DIAMETER + 0.00867 DIAMETER R =0.88 N=63 20 30 40 50 60 70 DIAMETER (MM) 80 90 100 Figure 16. Polynomial regression of individual Cyanea sp. medusoid diameter to volume. There are numerous accounts that jellyfish are predators offish larvae. Several species of hydromedusae and the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita were found to prey upon herring larvae (Clupea harengus) (Arai and Hay 1982; Moller 1984). Laboratory studies with cod {Gadus morhud), plaice {Pleuronectes platessa), and herring showed that the capture success by A. aurelia increased with medusa size (Bailey and Batty 1984). 77 Evidence of a causal predator-prey relationship on larvae of two European flatfish {Pleuronectes platessa and Platichthys flesus) by A . aurita and the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus was reported by van der Veer (1985). Pearcy (1962) stated that Sarsia tubulosa medusae were important predators of larval winter flounder in the Mystic River, CT, and had greatest impact on younger, less motile individuals. Crawford and Carey (1985) reported large numbers of the moon jelly (A. aurata) in Point Judith Pond, RI and felt that they were a significant predator of the pelagic larval stage of winter flounder. Although no causal predator-prey relationship in the Niantic River was established, there was strong circumstantial evidence that the lion's mane jellyfish was an important source of mortality for winter flounder larvae. 1984- 1983- 15FEB 01 MAR 15MAR 29 MAR 12APR 26APR 1 0MAY 24MAY DATE Figure 1 7. Estimated abundance (number /m ) of Cyanea sp. medusae based on the volume to mean diameter relationship. 78 Age and growth Otoliths from larval winter flounder were examined to determine if an age-length key could be constructed as deposition of daily increments on otoliths has been reported for many fish (e.g., Pancila 1971, 1974; Brothers et al. 1976; Laroche et al. 1982; Campana and Neilson 1985). Radtke and Soberer (1981) reported that winter flounder larvae deposited a daily increment on otoliths following yolk absorption . In 1984, otoliths from 104 larvae collected in the Niantic River were examined and 81 of these were sufficiently clear to count the number of increments. Total increment counts ranged from 0 to 1 for Stage 1, 0 to 6 for Stage 2, 5 to 35 for Stage 3, and 17 to 50 for Stage 4 (Fig. 18). Based on the low counts for Stage 2 and older larvae, daily increment deposition was not apparent. The otoliths of known-age 100 60 30 20 10 6 3 2 0-1 4 4+ 1 '^, 4 34 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 21 1111. 1 2_ 5 6 7 LENGTH (MM) Figure 18. Otolith increment count by length for each developmental stage oflarval winter flounder from 1984 samples. 79 larvae reared in the laboratory in 1985 were examined to determine if daily increments were formed (Table 25). Increment formation did not start until after yolk absorption, which agreed with the fmdings of Radtke and Scherer (1981). But contrary to their fmdings, daily increment deposition was not evident when otoliths were examined with a light microscope using transmitted light. A comparison of the number of increments on known-age laboratory-reared larvae by length agreed well with increment counts from the 1984 field data. Campana and Neilson (1985) stated that daily deposition may occur, but due to the resolution limit of a light microscope individual increments caimot be seen. Ongoing research at the University of Rhode Island (Dr. A. Durbin, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rl, pers. comm.) has shown that daily increments on winter flounder otoliths were not discernible using a microscope with transmitted light, but increment defmition could be enhanced with special grinding, polishing, coating, and reflected light techniques. Table 25. Number of visible otolith increments from known age laboratory-reared larvae with the number and length range of individuals examined. Age (days from hatching) Increments Number examined Length range (mm) 7 0 3 3.6 - 3.7 . 11 0 - 2 3 3.8 - 4.4 21 3 1 4.5 . 28 2- 3 2 5.0 - 5.8 35 3 3 5.1 r 6.1 42 4- 5 3 5.8 - 6.9 49 6 1 7:2 56 7 2 6.6 - 7.8 70 30 - 32 3 6.3 - 7.1 The laboratory-reared larvae in 1985 were also used to examine developmental time and the effects of starvation on growth and development. The larvae were held in three aquaria and those in one were not fed. Water temperature ranged from 4.3 to 9.1 °C with a gradual increase occurring during the holding period. Mean length at hatching was 2.94 mm (SE= 0.017; n= 160). Yolk absorption occurred 10 d after 80 hatching and growth was similar in both fed and unfed treatments (Fig. 19). By 18 d after hatch most larvae in the unfed treatment were dead. Buckley (1980) reported 100% mortality at 6 to 9 d after yolk absorption for unfed laboratory-reared winter flounder larvae. From laboratory information it appeared that if no food was available within 8 d following yolk absorption, high mortality would occur. The starvation period may be even shorter due to the "point of no return" reported by Blaxter and Hempel (1963) and discussed by May (1974), as a starved larva will become too weak to feed and survive even if food is provided. In the laboratory, the duration of Stage 1 was 10 d, Stage 2 was 32 d. Stage 3 was 14 to 28 d, and Stage 4 was less than 14 d. The estimates of Stage 3 and 4 were ranges because the sampling of larvae occurred at 2-wk intervals due to low abundance. These developmental periods were within the range of estimates for Stage 1, 2, and 3 larvae from the 1983-85 field data (Table 26). The developmental times from the field data were estimated by modal progression (NUSCo 1985) using the number of days between peak abundance of successive developmental stages. However, Hairston and Twombly (1985) demonstrated that changes in mortality rates could bias estimates of developmental time based on modal progression. Until the effects of mortality on the use of modal progression are determined, these estimates of develop- mental time from field data are of questionable validity. Table 26. Estimated development time (days) for larval winter flounder Stages 1 to 3 based on modal progression for 1983 through 1985 from Niantic River collections. Developmental stage 1983 1984 1985 1 2 3 Total 11 32 12 55 9 39 23 71 5 40 22 67 81 FED 20 30 40 DAYS FROM HATCHING Figure 1 9. Mean length and range of laboratory-reared fed and unfed winter flounder larvae. 82 Examination of the length -frequency distribution of larvae collected from 1983 through 1985 showed a separation between the first three developmental stages by predominant 0.5-mm size-classes (Fig. 20). Stage 1 larvae were primarily in the 2.5 to 3.0 size-classes (84%), Stage 2 were 3.0 to 4.5 (88%), Stage 3 were 5.0 to 7.5 (87%), and Stage 4 were 6.5 to 8.0 (83%). These predominant size-classes for each developmental stage were similar in each of the years (NUSCo 1984, 1985, 1986a), indicating that stage development and length were closely related. Due to this relationship, larval developmental stages can be estimated from length measurements for data collected prior to larval classification by stage in 1983. A comparison was made of the length-frequency distribution of larvae collected in the Niantic River and Bay during 1981-85 (Fig. 21). Like the spatial distribution of developmental stages (Fig. 14), smaller larvae dominated in the river and larger larvae in the bay. The 3.0-mm and smaller size-classes comprised over 50% of the larvae collected in the river during the 5-yr period, even though the collections in 3 of the 5 yr were made with 333-|im mesh nets and many of the smaller larvae were undersampled because of net extrusion. Based on the large decline from the 3.0- to the 4.0-mm size-class, highest mortality probably occurred at that size. Larvae in this length reinge were a combination of Stage 1 during yolk absorption and Stage 2 at first feeding. This apparent time of high mortality may represent the larval winter flounder "critical period", a concept first hypothesized by Hjort (1926) and discussed by May (1974) for marine fishes. They suggested that starvation may be a compensatory factor. This period "of high mortality was not as evident in the catch curve of winter flounder larvae presented by Pearcy (1962) for the Mystic River. But the dominant size-class in his catch curve was 3.5-mni and his use of a 363 — |j,m net may have resulted in an undersampling of smaller larvae. The slight increase in percentage starting with the 6.0-mm size-class in the river and bay probably represented decreased growth in length for Stage 3 and 4 larvae during metamorphosis with a concurrent increase in body depth. Laroche (1981) reported that for winter flounder the percentage of body depth at the pectoral fin base to standard length increased from 9% for yolk-sac larvae to 31% for transformed larvae. The increasing percentage of larvae from smaller to larger size-classes in the bay again indicated that spawning primarily occurred in the river and larvae were gradually flushed into the bay. In the bay over 50% of the larvae collected were in the 5.0-mm and larger size-classes. Based on the length frequency-developmental stage relationship (Fig. 20), they were mostly Stage 3 and 4 larvae. The decline in percentage at about 6.5 to 7.0 mm in the river and bay represented the transition to demersal juveniles that were less susceptible to capture with a plankton net. 83 STAGE 1 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 LENGTH (MM) STAGE 2 Figure 20. Length -frequency distribution of larval winter flounder by developmental stage for all stations combined from 1983 through 1985. 84 STAGE 3 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 LENGTH (MM) STAGE 4 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 LENGTH (MM) Figure 20. cont. 85 NIANTIC RIVER. NIANTIC BAY n : £ 5 ^ 4 2^0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6,0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 S.5 9,0 LENGTH (MM) Figure 21. Length -frequency distribution of larval winter flounder for all stations combined in the Niantic River and Bay from 1981 through 1985. 86 Tidal export and import The potential export or import of winter flounder larvae from or to the Niantic River was investigated in 1983 by sampling three ebb and flood tides at the time of maximum current velocity. Most of those collected were Stage 3 (45%) and 4 (48%) larvae. Many more larvae were collected during a flood tide (Fig. 22). This indicated that there was a net import of at least the later developmental stages into the river from the bay. To quantify the net exchange of larvae between the river and bay, additional sampling at the mouth of the Niantic River was conducted in 1984 and 1985. Five tidal cycles were sampled at 1-h intervals. 2000 1600: o 1200: O Ld a: 800 400: JZL E F E F E F MAY 9 MAY 9 MAY 16 DAY NIGHT DAY Figure 22. Frequency and collection times of larval winter flounder taken at the mouth of the Niantic River during maximum ebb (E) and flood (F) tidal currents. 87 The sampling dates were spaced over most of the larval winter flounder season to collect various devel- opmental stages. In 1984, mostly Stage 1 and 2 larvae (92%) were collected on April 5 and on May 8 the larvae were primarily Stage 3 (85%). In 1985, all larvae collected on March 28 were Stage 1 and 2, on April 29 most were Stage 2 and 3 (99%), and on May 28 Stage 3 was dominant (89%). A few Stage 4 larvae were collected on two of the sampling dates (May 8, 1984 and May 28, 1985). Examination of the combined data from all five dates by percent occurrence of each developmental stage showed that Stage 1 and 2 larvae were more abundant during ebb tides and Stage 3 and 4 during flood tides (Fig. 23). Similarly, examination by size classes showed that larvae 4 mm and smaller were more abundcint during an ebb tide and larvae 5 mm and larger were more abundant during a flood tide. In order to determine if velocity measurements were comparable between ebb and flood tides, separate quadratic polynomial equations were fitted to hourly velocity measurements combined from each of the five ebb and flood tides sampled. Good fits were obtained with an R value of 0.96 for both equations. The mean ebb duration was 6.8 h and flood duration was 5.8 h. The area under the curve for the flood tide (299.6) was smaller than for the ebb tide (397.7), indicating that flood velocities were low due to sampling location. To make ebb and flood velocities comparable, the flood velocities were estimated using a technique presented in NUSCo (1986a). The calculations of net exchange of larvae which follow were based on actual ebb current velocities and the adjusted flood current velocities. Using data combined from the five sampling dates, net tidal exchange was estimated for each 1-mm size-class. The estimates were obtained by summing the number per 500 m of larvae of each size-class in each hourly sample for the five sampling dates. The sum was multiplied by the estimated water velocity at the time of the hourly collection. This density-velocity adjustment accounted for changes in discharge volume during the tidal cycle. Because larvae coUected during an ebb tide represented a loss from the river, the density- velocity value was made negative. A harmonic regression equation using a 12.6-h tidal cycle (the average duration of the five tides sampled) was fitted to density-velocity values. The area under the curve for each tidal stage was estimated by numerical integration of the regression equation using 5-min increments. Net tidal exchange was expressed as the percent return of a size-class on a flood tide compared to loss on a ebb tide (Table 27). The harmonic regression could not be fitted to the 2-mm size-class, because so few were collected on a flood tide. The results showed a net export of 4 mm and smaller size-classes and a net import of 5 mm and larger size-classes. 100" 90 80 70 i^ 60 o ^ 50 UJ o <^ 40 Q. 30 20 10 0 100 90 80 70 UA 60 (J3 ^ 50 Ld O ^ 40 30 20- 10- 0 E F 1 E F E F 2 3 DE^/ELOPMENTAL STAGE E F 4 E F 2 E F 3 E F E F 4 5 LENGTH (MM) E F 6 E F 7 Figure 23. Percent occurrence of each developmental stage and 1-mm size class collected at the mouth of the Niantic River during ebb (E) and flood (F) tidal stages in 1984 and 1985. 89 The eight tidal cycles sampled since 1983 clearly indicated a net loss of smaller larvae that lacked fin rays and had little or no locomotion. However, larger larvae with developed fin rays apparently utilized vertical migration in relation to tidal currents for passive movement back into the Nicintic River. This vertical migration of larvae after fm ray development was also apparent in the 24-h studies conducted at station C in the river (Fig. 12). Other researchers also reported vertical migration in early life history stages of fish. Diel movements of larval yellowtail flounder {Limanda femiginea) were found to increase with larval size (Smith et al. 1978). Atlantic herring larvae synchronized vertical migration with flood tides to minimize seaward transport (Fortier and Leggett 1983). Post-larval spot {Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker {Micropogonias undulalm), and Paralichthys spp. flounders used vertical migration in response to tides as a retention mechanism (Weinstein et al. 1980). Larval North Sea plaice {Pleuronectes platessa) demonstrated selective horizontal transport by swimming up from the bottom during flood tides and remaining near the bottom during ebb tides (Rijnsdorp et al. 1985). Most winter flounder larvae found in Niantic Bay probably were tidally flushed from the Niantic River during early developmental stages. After fin ray development, at least some of the older larvae in the bay utilized vertical migration in relation to tidal flow to reenter the river and those within the river demonstrated a similar behavior to remain there. Table 27. Estimated percent return of larval winter flounder on a flood tide that were Rushed from the river on an ebb tide presented by size- class with R^ values of the harmonic regression models. Size Percent R of class return model 3 23.4 0.80 4 60.0 0.66 5 131.8 0.90 6 114.2 0.89 7 140.9 0.88 90 Post-larval stage Abundance (age 0) Post-larval young-of-the-year winter flounder were collected using a 1-m beam trawl from late May through September of 1983-85 at stations LR and CO or WA in the Niantic River. By design, nets of four increasing mesh sizes (0.8 to 6.4 mm) and increasing tow lengths (50 to 100 m) were used to maximize efTiciency in catching young as they grew in size and declined in number. The lack of a tickler chain in the beginning of the study in 1983 was subsequently found to have affected catches and resulted in underestimates of abundance for the first 5 wk (NUSCo 1984). Data from that period were not included in the following calculations of abundance or mortality. Abundance of young winter flounder peaked in mid-June, most likely when larval recruitment began to be ofi"set by mortality (Fig. 24). Catches tended to stabilize by July and appeared to fluctuate about mean levels for the remainder of the season. Although densities for the first month were not known with certainty, young at LR were probably initially more numerous in 1983 than in 1984 or 1985, based on abundance later in the year. This follows the pattern of Stage 4 larval abundance given above (Fig. 14). More variability was also evident for 1983 as only three replicate tows were taken per sampling trip rather than the four made during 1984 and 1985. Densities at CO in 1983 were initially quite high, but quickly fell to levels similar to LR by late June. SampUng at CO was hampered by the buildup of dense mats of Enteromorpha clathrata, a filamentous alga. This station was dropped in favor of WA in mid- 1984. Catch at WA was also more variable than LR, but densities appeared to be higher there than in the lower river. Growth and mortality (age 0) Growth of young was illustrated by changes in weekly mean length (Fig. 25). Less variability was seen in growth than abundance, especially at LR, with relatively small 95% confidence intervals found. Most variation occurred at CO in 1983 with a large group of smaller individuals clustered about one mode joined each week by a few larger specimens. Growth was significantly greater at LR than upriver at CO or WA after mid-June. After a relatively rapid increase from about 12 to 50 mm from May through July, further growth occurred at a slower rate throughout the remainder of summer with little or no increase in weekly means during September. 91 (0 90- ir IlI ^1 80- 2 III < /o- ) n t/) 60- o o (T bU- III a. -r 40- C ) 1— < u j50- 7^ r^ 2 20- V _l hi 10- liJ 5 0-1 Station CO 83 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 50 40 o 30 20 10 0-L Station WA 84 / V I / \ A 85 ^-' \ / \ MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 24. Weekly CPUE of young winter flounder talcen in the Niantic River from 1983 through 1985. 92 ti 50 40 30- 20 10- btation LR / \ ^ \ / \ \ v / V ^ A J \ ^ / \ / ^ \ V/ \ x^ \ / ■ 85 ^ ' ^^>^ // MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 24. cont. Weekly means at LR during 1983-85 were similar by year until about late June; means were 6 to 8 mm greater thereafter during 1983 (Fig. 26). Those during 1984 and 1985 were more alike with growth slightly less during the latter year. The reasons for these differences among years are not known. Although water temperatures appeared to be comparable, life history data such as food preference, rates of feeding, and predation upon young are not available. Apparent annual changes in growth may also be caused by differential movement of larger young away from the station, which would also increase the apparent mortality rate. However, only a few average-sized young were taken during the summer at trawl station NR and none at the Niantic Bay stations. Thus, neither large-scale movements nor differential movements by size seemed to have occurred, at least into areas sampled by trawl. 93 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1983 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 70- 1984 T ■^\ i k 60- LR >4^ K^,/l "^ 2 X }— o z LU _1 50- 40- 30- ^A CO WA y^ Ld 5 20- 10- n- y;^- ^f'' MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 25. Weekly mean length (± 2 standard errors) of young winter flounder taken in the Niantic River from 1983 through 1985. 94 701 60 I 50 X I 40 LiJ i^ 30 if, 20 10 1985 HA-h-l MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 25. cont. The instantaneous mortality rate (Z) of post-larval winter flounder was previously reported (NUSCo 1984, 1985, 1986a) using a method described by Jones (1981). Parameters required for this procedure included the cumulative catch of young by length increment and the parameter K of the previously described von BertalanfFy growth model. For young, /.oo of the model was fixed at 95 mm for LR and 75 mm for WA fish, or slightly larger than the length of the largest specimen found at each of the stations (NlJSCo 1986a). Although not included in this report, analysis of data collected in 1986 indicated that selection of a fixed Loo and the maimer in which the cumulative length increments were chosen most likely biased estimates of Z. Therefore, catch curves were constructed using annual abundance data from LR for 1983-85 and WA for 1985. No analysis was attempted for CO due to sampling problems affecting abundance estimates. The catch curve method may also be criticized as young were assumed to have comprised a single-age cohort which was followed from week to week during the sampling season. 95 80- btation LR 70- ^~\_— 83 60- 50- 40- 30- y^ // 20- yy MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 26. Comparison of weekly mean length of young winter flounder taken at station LR in the Niantic River from 1983 through 1985. The catch curves for LR had relatively good fits with r^ ranging from 0.60 to 0.83 (Fig. 27). Remarkably similar values of Z were obtained, resulting in monthly survival estimates of 0.552 to 0.569. A larger estimate of survival was found for WA (0.661). This is in contrast to the more variable survival estimates determined by the method of Jones (1981) and reported in NUSCo (1986a). The monthly survival estimates at station LR in the Niantic River were less than the value of 0.69 reported by Pearcy (1962) for the Mystic River estuary, which is the only published estimate for young winter flounder. Factors affecting the survival of young are unknown, but predation and disease probably cause most deaths. The piscivorous summer flounder {Paralkhthys dentatm) reached peak abundance during the past decade in the Niantic River during 1984, when it was 2.75 times more numerous than in 1983. However, in 1985 its numbers fell to levels slightly below those in 1983. The abundance of other predators of juvenile winter flounder commonly found during the summer in the Niantic River, such as the double-crested cormorant {Phalocrocorax auritus), grubby (Myoxocephalus aenaeus), and bluefish (Pomalomus saltatrix), have not been studied. 96 3- 2- 1983 - LR Z = 0.137 S (weekly) =0.872 S (monthly) = 0.552 r^ = 0.60 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 4- 2- 1984 - LR Z = 0.132 S (weekly) = 0.876 S (monthly) = 0.564 r2 = 0.79 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 27. Mortality determined by catch curve for Niantic River young winter flounder from 1983 through 1985. 97 1985 - LR * * ^^\. * * * -- * * * Z = 0.130 * * * S (weekly) = 0.878 S (monthly) = 0.569 r^ = 0,83 * * * * MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 2- 1985 - WA Z= 0.095 S (weekly) = 0.909 S (monthly) = 0.661 r2 = 0.56 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure 27. cont. 98 The microsporidian parasite, Glugea slephani, was observed in some individuals collected. Mortality caused by this parasite can be relatively high in winter flounder (Takvorian and Cali 1984; Cali et al. 1986). Incidences of the pathenogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum, which also can result in fatal infections in winter flounder characterized by fm erosion, dermjd ulceration, and hemorrhaging (Levin et al. 1972; Watkins et £il. 1981; Sindermann 1985), were not noted. Abundance (age 1) An attempt was made in 1981 and 1982 to estimate with the Jolly model the abundance of 6- to 1 5-cm juvenile winter flounder present in the Niantic River during the spawning season. Fish were marked with freeze-brands during the adult surveys in late winter and released. However, apparent high rates of marking mortality made the Jolly estimates biased and unreliable (NUSCo 1983a) and no further attempts were made to mark small fish. The median CPUE of juvenile winter flounder smaller than 15 cm in length was calculated for fish taken during the adult winter flounder surveys in the Niantic River from 1976 through 1986 (Table 28, Fig. 28). Nearly all of the fish in this size grouping were age 1 yearlings and represented the year-class spawned during the previous abundance survey. Data were restricted to the mid-March to mid-April period for comparability among years and to stations 1 and 2 because small winter flounder appeared to have been less abundant in the upper river than adults. Inclusion of data from upper river stations could have biased inter- year comparisons because few or no tows were made there prior to 1981. Juvenile catches were more variable than those of adults and had larger coefficients of variation and skewness. Less uniformity was seen between the median and mean, even after tows were standardized in 1983. Peak abundance was observed in 1981 (1980 year-class), with a median of 87.2. Second and third highest medians were found in following years (61 in 1982, 50.1 in 1983). Abundance declined greatly in 1984 to a median of 16, increased to 27.7 in 1985, and fell to an ll-yr low of 3.6 in 1986. Juvenile abundance, which began to increase in 1979 and peaked in 1981, was generally followed by increasing adult abundance, which peaked in 1982. Abundance of both groups declined through 1984. Juvenile catches were recently reported to have been correlated with adult abundance a year later (NUSCo 1986a), but the addition of 1986 data made this relationship non-significant. Although juvenile CPUE in 1985 was 73% larger than that in 1984, adult abundance did not increase in 1986. 99 Table 28. Mean and median CPUE of Niantic River winter flounder smaller than 15 cm from 1976 through 1986 during the period of mid-March through mid-April (stations 1 and 2 only). 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Total tows made 80 143 100 79 101 47 39 44 41 48 37 Tows used for CPUE 64 116 84 71 90 45 39 44 41 48 35 % of tows used 80% 81% 84% 90% 90% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% Mean CPUE 22.2 31.2 26.4 50.2 55.9 97.7 72.2 50.8 22.9 36.4 6.7 Standard deviation 17.5 26.6 28.5 54.1 43.7 65.2 58.9 35.0 27.2 25.6 7,3 CoefF. of variation 79% 85% 108% 108% 78% 67% 82% 69% 119% 70% 109% Median CPUE 18 25.5 16.1 27 48.7 87.2 61 50.1 16 27.7 3.6 95% CI 13.5 18.0 10.2 17.4 33.8 61.0 46.5 32.8 9.9 20,9 2.5 -25 -30.9 -25 -42.3 -60 -120.9 -86.3 -61.2 -20.4 -41.1 -8.7 CoefF. of skewness* 0.81 1.10 1.81 1.88 1.14 0.67 1.00 0.58 2.71 1.00 1,51 Zero when data are distributed symmetrically 1251 5 c/i a: y ^100 > o o z 75 UJ Ld =) X 0- 1- CM 50 25 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 86 YE>\R Figure 28. Annual median trawl CPUE (±2 standard errors) of age 1 winter flounder at stations 1 and 2 in the Niantic River from 1976 through 1986. CPUE based on a tow standardized to a 15-min duration. 100 The observed abundance of juvenile winter flounder during the 4-wk period may not accurately reflect their absolute abundance. Unlike adults, juveniles do not necessarily enter the river during the spawning season and other factors may influence their movements. However, similar to adults, annual differences in late winter-early spring water temperature did not seemingly correspond with abundance inside or outside of the river. Additional data were examined to determine how accurate the juvenile CPUE was as a predictor of year-class strength. Since many tows were made in the upper river after 1980, median CPUE were calculated which included all tows in the river during the comparable 4-wk time period. These data showed less difference in abundance between 1981-83 and 1984-86 than median CPUE for the lower river channel stations 1 and 2 alone (Fig. 29). This indicated a greater use of the entire river in recent 90 i 80 70- =5 60 Ll. o y 50 40- P: 301 -z. < R 20 10 0-i 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 YEAR Figure 29. Comparison of median trawl CPUE of age 1 winter flounder at various stations in and outside of the NiantJc River from 1976 through 1986. CPUE are consistent within station groupings but are not equivalent (see Materials and Methods). 101 years by juveniles. As areal distribution increased, concentrations in the lower river most Ukely decreased. This confounds the use of an abundance index based on tows from only the lower river channel stations. Juvenile abundance data were also available from the trawl monitoring program for January through April at the five stations outside the river. These CPUE values show generally uniform densities of juveniles from 1976 through 1982 (Fig. 29). A sharp increase occurred in 1983 followed by a decline to average levels in 1984 and 1985 and an increase to another peak in 1986. CPUE values were close in magnitude to those determined for slightly shorter tows in all areas of the river during 1981-86. However, the 1986 median was significantly greater than the values obtained for the lower river channel and for the entire river. The low abundance in the river during 1986 may not be indicative of the true abundance of the 1985 year-class, which may have been less concentrated in the river than others observed. Because of the disparities among the various estimates, the relative abundance of juvenile winter flounder is known with less certainty than that of adults, which are found mainly in the river during winter and early spring. Impingement Abundance Estimates of the number of winter flounder impinged on the traveling screens of MNPS are available from 1972-73 through the present. With the installation of a fish return sluiceway at Unit 1 in December 1983, the the estimated total of 2,926 in 1984-85 was the second lowest of the 13-yr series (Table 29). Most armual estimates for two-unit impingement ranged from 4 to 10 thousand, with an exceptionally high estimate of 24,494 in 1978-79. Since 1976, it has been the second most abundant fish impinged at MNPS, making up 8.4% of the total. If one large impingement event (over 400,000 on one day in July 1984) of sand lance {Ammodytes americanus) is ignored, the winter flounder would rank fu-st among all fishes. About two thirds were impinged during winter and relatively few were taken in summer. Precision of winter flounder impingement estimates should have increased following 1982-83. Using a resource allocation analysis suggested by El-Shamy ( 1979), the number of samples was changed from a uniform number per month to a variable schedule, specifically reflecting the variability of winter flounder impingement (NUSCo 1983b). More samples were taken in February and March and fewer in other 102 months, resulting in an approximate 50% reduction in sampling effort (NUSCo 1984). Table 29. Estimated total number of winter flounder impinged on the intake screens of MNPS by season and year from October 1982 through September 1985 ^ Year" FaU Winter Spring Summer Total % by year % of all fish 1972-73 405 4,404 1,184 170 6,163 6.2 37.9 1973-74 462 2,663 564 124 3,813 3.8 28.9 1974-75 384 1,666 354 185 2,589 2.6 27.0 1975-76 757 2,409 764 107 4,037 4.0 15.6 1976-77 2,377 4,858 2,250 143 9,628 9.6 32.8 1977-78 371 4,127 1,685 154 6,337 6.3 17.4 1978-79 1,710 17,753 3,884 1,147 24,494 24.5 32.7 1979-80 760 . 3,377 2,471 309 6,917 6.9 20.0 1980-81 1,050 4,406 1,329 377 7,162 7.2 12.3 1981-82 1,528 6,240 1,529 528 9,825 9.8 15.8 1982-83 578 7,678 2,005 699 10,960 10.9 7.5 1983-84 3,085 1,811 305 106 5,307 5.3 1.0 1984-85 320 2,170 304 132 2,926 2.9 13.2 Total 13,787 63,562 18,628 4,181 100,158 — ... % by 13.8 63.5 18.6 4.2 ... ... ... Season * Estimates for Units 1 and 2 from October 1972 through December 1983 and for Unit 2 thereafter. October through September Impingement estimates in themselves do not reflect absolute abundance of a species, but are related to plant design and operational characteristics; time of day; and environmental variables such as water temperature, wave height, wind direction and velocity, and precipitation (Grimes 1975; Landry and Strawn 1975; Lifton and Storr 1978). Severe windstorms combined with falling water temperatures particularly have been correlated with increased impingement of fish at MNPS and elsewhere (Thomas and Miller 1977; Lifton and Storr 1978; NUSCo 1981a, 1983a, 1986a). Eleven instances were found when weekly winter flounder impingement estimates exceeded 1,000 individuals; these samples were examined along with available relevant meteorological data (Table 30). The impingement on these days made up a considerable portion of seasonal and annual estimates. Six of the events occurred in 1979 and accounted 103 Table 30. Instances of weekly winter flounder impingement estimates of greater than 1,000 individuals and associated meteorological data from October 1972 through September 1985. Date Weekly imp. est. Mean daily wind speed Avg. wind direction Mean daily water temp. (C) Remarks 1 12-21-76 12-22-76 1,376 21 18 WNW W 4.7 3.5 Water temperature declined 2°C during storm 2 3-24-77 3-25-77 1,292 18 18 NW NW 2.9 2.6 3 4 1-09-78 1-10-78 1-24-79 1-25-79 1,292 2,472 28 31 17 14 sw w ENE S 4.9 2.7 4.3 4.1 Among the highest average daily wind speeds since 1975; rapid drop in temperature. 5 1-30-79 1-31-79 1,229 16 12 NW NW 4.1 4.1 6 2-5-79 2-6-79 7,889 23 21 WNW NW 2.3 1.2 Water temperature declined 3"C in 3 days. 7 2-26-79 2-27-79 1,050 12 7 NE SSW 1.5 1.6 8 3-13-79 3-14-79 3-15-79 2,054 11 19 17 s sw WNW 2.5 3.0 2.5 4-2-79 1,152 20 E 5.0 10 1-4-82 2,643 1-5-82 12-28-83 1,559 12-29-83 24 SE 4.8 22 W 4.7 23 S 5.4 14 WNW 5.6 Miles per hour, for almost two-thirds of the abnormally high total for that year; one-third of the total alone was from one storm in early February. In most cases the large impingement estimates were associated with sustained daily wind velocities of about 16 mi/h (26 km/h) or more and water temperatures of 5.5 °C or less. Events 104 associated with winds from the northwest probably resuUed from the passage of cold fronts with accom- panying falling temperatures and winds from the southwest were perpendicular to the MNPS intakes: The combination of low water temperatures and frequent high winds in winter (NUSCo 1983c), along with less sustained swimming speed and endurance for the winter flounder at colder temperatures (Beamish 1966; Terpin et al. 1977) most likely makes it more susceptible to impingement then. Strong winds alone do not necesscirily increase impingement as 3 weeks prior to the December 1983 incident sustained winds of 21 to 35 mi/h from the south to west over a 2-d period only produced a weekly estimate of 145 winter flounder. The water temperature then was 9.5 to 9.8 °C. Length and sex distribution The length-frequency distribution of impinged winter flounder by 5-cm length groups showed that the proportion of adults (fish larger than 25 cm) has remained relatively constant and made up about a third of each annual total (Table 31). Catch of mid-sized (15- and 20-cm length groups) and small fish (5 and 10 cm) varied from year to year. Mid-sized fish made up more than half the total in 1977-78, but only one-fifth in 1984-85. About 40% of the catch in 1978-79, 1982-83, and 1984-85 was comprised by small specimens. As noted above, factors such as plant operating conditions and weather influence impingement to a great extent and relative differences in abundance and size-classes impinged each year probably do not reflect actual changes in the winter flounder population. The sex and reproductive condition were examined for 755 winter flounder impinged from February through April of 1982 and 1,675 from December 1982 through April 1983. The sex ratio in 1982 was 1:1, but males predominated earlier in the season and females later. In 1982-83, 65% were males and 35% females, a ratio opposite to that seen for the Niantic River spawning population. Of the females 25 cm or larger examined from mid-February through April of 1982 and 1983, 56 and 59%, respectively, were gravid. This was contrary to fmdings from the trawl monitoring program for the same period, which showed relatively few ripe winter flounder outside of the Niantic River. In addition, a comparison of the weekly percentages of gravid females inside the Niantic River with those impinged showed that a much larger portion of the latter had not spawned (Fig. 30). Although sample size was considerably smaller, relatively higher percentages of gravid females continued to be taken at MNPS until the end of April, whereas most fish in the river spawned earlier in the season. 105 Table 31. Annual mean length 2ind percent length-frequency distribution by 5-cm size intervals of winter flounder impinged at MNPS from October 1976 through September 1985. Number Mean % length-frequency Year measured length (cm) cv 5 10 15 20 25 30 -^ 1976-77 4,594 19.5 45% 7 22 16 16 16 23 1977-78 2,653 16.9 43% 12 16 29 23 12 8 1978-79 4,639 16.1 51% 17 23 24 12 13 11 1979-80 2,654 22.3 36% 1 9 25 16 18 31 1980-81 2,197 20.1 45% 7 19 18 13 18 25 1981-82 2,973 20.1 42% 6 10 28 20 13 21 1982-83 3,636 18.0 51% 7 32 19 9 14 20 1983-84 1,213 20.2 41% 5 15 21 21 19 20 1984-85 577 17.8 55% 16 27 10 11 14 23 The occurence of many fish in spawning condition at MNPS may have been partly related to behavior. The enviromnental cues used by winter flounder to successfully return to the Niantic River from distant areas for spawning are not known. Beverton and Holt (1957) and McKeown (1984) noted that currents are among the important factors in guiding oriented migration of demersal marine fishes. If adult winter flounder move along the shoreline in search of a particular estuary, then the intake currents at MNPS may attract individuals seeking to enter the river for spawning. Also, the larger numbers of males impinged than females may be related to their generally smaller size and therefore lower sustained swimming speeds (Beamish 1966; Tcrpin et al. 1977), which would have allowed fewer of them to escape from the intake area. Fish return sluiceways A fish return sluiceway was installed at MNPS Unit 1 and put into operation in mid-December of 1983. A sluiceway was constructed at Unit 3 and has been in operation since the start of commercial operations in late April of 1986. Survival studies completed before (NUSCo 1981b) and after (NUSCo 1986b) installation of the Unit 1 sluiceway indicated that future impingement mortality of winter flounder at MNPS would most likely be less than 20% (Table 32). Data restricted to only colder months, when 106 100 90 80 CO ^ 70 :5 Ld U- 601 Q ^ 50 or CD ^ 40 UJ DC 30 Ld n. 20 10 0-^ 83 IMP 82 IMP FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL Figure 30. Percentage of adult female winter flounder in spawning condition by. week taken in the Niantic River (NR) and on the traveling screens at MNPS (IMP) during 1982 and 1983. Table 32. Percent initial and extended survival of winter flounder impinged on the MNPS Units 1 and 2 traveling screens. Time between Number % initial % extended % overall Date screenwashes examined survival survival^ survival 1980-81 Continuous 133 97 100 97 2h 146 98 94 92 4h 175 97 91 88 8h 164 96 95 92 1984-85 6h 44 93 88 82 60-h holding period in 1980-81 and 72-h in 1984-85. 107 most winter flounder were impinged, showed even greater (90%) survival. These estimates were similar to those reported for winter flounder at several other power plants (Tatham et al. 1977; MR! 1982). One potential problem in returning fish is recirculation and re-impingement, which would increase the probability of mortality. On seven occasions during 1981-83, a total of 299 disc-tagged winter flounder was released near a rock outcrop between Units 1 and 2 (Table 33). Only 15 (5%) fish were impinged, 80% of them within 3 d of release. In comparison, 17 fish were later recaptured by the sport and commercial fisheries (4 to 735 d after release). Only once was more than two fish impinged. This occurred after the June 3, 1981 release, when seven of the nine recaptures for this group were made within 2 d; these were the only fish released at night. A small percentage of winter flounder may be susceptible to re-impingement, especially at night or perhaps during storms. However, the Unit 1 sluiceway terminus is farther from the intakes than the centrally located release point. On ebb tides the flow could carry fish away from the MNPS intakes, depending upon their orientation to currents. Table 33. Summary of winter flounder tagged and released near the intakes of MNPS Units 1 and 2. Number recaptured Date of Source Number Sport Commercial NUSCo Percent Percent release of fish released Impinged fishery fishery trawling* impinged recaptured 2 June 1981 Trawling 109 1 7 1 7 0.9 14.7 3 June 1981 Trawling 89 9 1 10 10.1 12.4 29 Mar. 1982 Impingement 15 0 3 1 1 0 33.3 5 Apr. 1982 Impingement 18 1 0 0 0 5.6 5.6 12 Apr. 1982 Impingement 8 1 0 0 0 12.5 12.5 26 Apr. 1982 Impingement 20 1 2 1 0 5.0 20.0 7 Mar. 1983 Impingement 40 2 0 0 2 5.0 10.0 Total 299 15 13 4 10 5.0 14.0 All released alive; 3 subsequently recaptured a second time and included in above totals. 108 The sluiceways at Units 1 and 3 should substantially reduce the impact of impingement on juvenile and adult winter flounder. This is particularly important as apparently a relatively large proportion of impinged adults did not spawn before encountering the intakes. Studies at NUEL are currently underway to examine the effectiveness of the Unit 3 sluiceway in returning winter flounder and other species to Niantic Bay. Entraiiunent Abundance Sampling at the discharges of MNPS Units 1 and 2 to estimate the number of winter flounder larvae entrained through the condenser cooling water system has been conducted since 1 976. This is the longest time-series of data at NUEL with consistent yearly sampling on the abundance of larval winter flounder. Generally, larvae were entrained from late February through the end of June with greatest densities from mid- April through May. Over 60% of the larvae entrained during the 10-yr period were 5.0 mm and larger (Fig. 31). Since 1983, the proportion of Stage 1 larvae entrained was 2%, Stage 2 was 31%, Stage 3 was 56%, and Stage 4 was 11%. As stated previously, smaller larvae are not abundant in the Niantic Bay and therefore are less susceptible to entraiimient. Since 1982, the median has been used as a measure of the armual entrainment density and in calculating the total number of winter flounder larvae entrained. A median was used instead of a mean because the data were highly skewed and the median was a better estimate of central tendency (NUSCo 1983a). Selection of the time period used to calculate the median was changed for this report. Previously, the median calculations were based on an annual time period selected by examination of the aimual density distribution over time with an arbitrary determination of the beginning and end of the season. For this report, the season was determined as the period in which 95% of the total cumulative abundance occurred, excluding samples containing the first and last 2.5% of the cumulative abundance over time. This method reduced the number of zero density values used in the calculations. Prior to 1982, entrainment estimates were based on weekly means multiplied by the total weekly volume of water passing through MNPS. These weekly values were then summed for an annual estimate, but confidence intervals could not be calculated. Comparison of the results of these three methods (NUSCo 1983c, 1986a, and this report) indicated large discrepancies among the the estimates. Further evaluations of techniques for estimating 109 12: 11 - 10 9 8 7i 6 5i 4 3 2- 1 : 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 LENGTH (MM) 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Figure 31. Length-frequency distribution of larval winter flounder entrained at MNPS from 1976 through 1985. annual entrainment numbers should be undertaken to establish the most credible estimates of entrainment for impact assessment. The median entrainment density has declined since 1983, which agreed with the decline in the cumu- lative frequency in Stage 2 through 4 larvae at this station (Table 34; Fig. 14). The median densities may be grouped into high and low years based on the lack of overlap of the 95% confidence intervals with three low years (1977, 1978, and 1979) and four high years (1976, 1980, 1982, and 1983). The confidence intervals of the remaining three years (1981, 1984, and 1985) overlapped either or both of the low or high groups. A similar but slightly different grouping of actual entrainment estimates was found with three low years (1977, 1979, and 1981) and four high years (1976, 1980, 1982, and 1983), with remaining years overlapping. The total entrainment estimates took into account the volume of water withdrawn for condenser cooling and may vary according to plant operations. 110 Table 34. Yearly median densities (n per 500 m^) of winter flounder larvae in en- trainment samples during their season of occurrence and annual entrain- ment estimates with 95% confidence intervals for MNPS Units 1 and 2 from 1976 through 1985. Year Median 95% CI Estimate (xlO^) 95% CI (xlO^-) 1976 158.0 114.2 - 185.1 95.5 69.0 - 111.9 1977 68.3 54.5 - 96.3 30.9 24.7 - 43.6 1978 86.6 65.0 - 106.4 58.4 43.8 - 71.7 1979 90.3 69.7 - 108.4 36.6 28.2 - 43.9 1980 201.5 163.6 - 234.6 140.1 113.7 - 163.1 1981 139.2 99.3 - 182.6 47.6 33.9 - 62.4 1982 183.5 147.5 - 215.1 137.1 110.3 - 160.7 1983 244.4 158.1 - 314.8 172.9 111.9 - 222.6 1984 185.5 107.5 - 226.2 90.0 52.2 - 109.8 1985 107.1 78.8 - 149.5 65.9 48.5 - 92.1 The 10 yr of entrainment data provided an opportunity to examine factors that would affect annual abundance and the timing of peak entrainment. The Gompertz function (Equation 6) was fit to the data to compare the a parameter as an index of abundance to the median entrainment density and to compare annual estimated dates of peak abundance (Table 35). A high correlation was found between the median and the a parameter (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.855; p = 0.0016), showing that the a parameter was a good index of abundance. The annual abundance of entrained larvae appeared to be related to annual egg production in the river (Fig. 32). A linear regression was fitted to the total egg production index (Table 11) versus the a parameter. The 1980 total egg production index was excluded from the analyses because of the previously discussed problems with data from that year. The relationship between egg production and entrainment abundance suggested that natural mortality from hatching to the time of entrainment was similar for the 8 yr examined. Ill Table 35. The a parameter as an index of abundance and the date of inflection as an estimate of the date of peak abundance from the Gompertz function for larval winter flounder entrained from 1976 through 1985. Date of Year a inflection 1976 2321 13 Apr 1977 1263 18 May 1978 2476 8 May 1979 1665 1 May 1980 3216 24 Apr 1981 1693 5 May 1982 3012 28 Apr 1983 3565 18 Apr 1984 2568 27 Apr 1985 1951 17 Apr The estimated date of peak density at EN varied from April 13 in 1976 to May 18 in 1977. For the period of 1981-85, a similar pattern in the timing of peak abundance was also evident in the abundance curves for Niantic Bay with stations NB and EN combined (Fig. 13). The estimated date of peak abundance was determined from the inflection point of Gompertz function. This inflection was caused by the decline in larval abundance and for EN data the decline was partly caused by the decrease of larvae through recruitment to the juvenile stage. Because water temperature could affect the rate of development to juveniles, temperatures during the entrainment season were compared to the timing of peak abundance (Fig. 33). Temperature was expressed as the yearly deviation during March through May from the average temperature for the 10-yr period. Time of peak abundance was the number of days after February 15 that the peak occurred each year. It appeared that as water temperature increased, the date of peak abundance was earlier. This could be related to faster developmental rate to the juvenile stage or changes in annual time of spawning (Fig. 5) due to water temperature. Although other factors could affect these parameters, it was apparent that numbers entrained were probably related to total egg production in the Niantic River and the length of time a larva was susceptible to entrainment, which was in turn related to 112 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL EGG PRODUCTION INDEX xlO 10 Figure 32. The relationship between the a parameter (y) as an index of the annual abundance of winter flounder larvae entrained and the annual total egg production index (x) in the Niantic River from 1977 through 1985 with the fitted linear regression of: y = 1164.7 + 191.8 (x); r^ = 0.56. water temperature affecting growth and development. Survival Thermal tolerance studies on larval winter flounder were conducted to estimate the effect of increased temperatures on larvae during entrainment (NUSCo 1975). Larvae were grouped as pre-metamorphosed (less than 5.0 mm) and metamorphosing (5.0 mm and larger). Larvae were exposed to a AT of 13 °C using an acclimation temperature of 8 °C. Mortality increased with exposure time for pre-metamorphosed larvae from 29% at 1 h, 48% at 2 h, 53% at 3 h, to 89% at 6 h. No mortality occurred for metamorphosing larvae with exposures up to 9 h. Because most larvae entrained were 5.0 mm and larger (Fig. 31) and 113 06APRHt -2.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 TEMPERATURE DEVIATION (C) Figure 33. The relationship between the estimated annual date of peak abundance (y) of entrained winter flounder larvae and the annual temperature deviation (x) during March-May with the fitted linear regression of: y = 72.0 - 10.7 (x); r^ = 0.53. the retention time in the quarry with 2-unit operations was approximately 3 h, most larvae would survive the thermal increase due to entrainment, but not necessarily any mechanical damage. The critical thermal maximum was determined by increasing the water temperature from 8 °C at a rate of 1 °C per min until total mortality occurred. The critical thermal maximum was 25 to 26 °C for pre-metamorphosed and 24 to 26 °C for metamorphosing larvae. Water temperatures in the quarry generally reached or exceeded 24 °C by mid-May. Whether the critical thermal maximum temperature actually represents the maximum temperature that larval winter flounder can survive is doubtful because an almost 15 °C rise in less than 20 min would not provide a period for acclimation at each temperature. Furthermore, the CTM may vary according to any particular acclimation temperature (NUSCo 1975). 114 Entrainment mortality studies were conducted in 1983 on larvae that had passed through the plant (NUSCo 1984). A total of 135 winter flounder larvae was collected during 11 sampling sessions (Table 36). During the study the effluent ^T ranged from 8.0 to ILSX. Of the 24 Stage 2 larvae collected, 8 were alive following capture but none survived the 2- to 4-h effluent holding period. Stage 3 larvae had greater survival than Stage 2 following capture and the effluent holding period, but all survivors died during the first 24 h of the latent holding period. All 24 Stage 4 larvae were alive following capture, with 19 (79%) surviving effluent and 96-h latent holding periods. From 1983 though 1985, 11% of the larvae entrained were Stage 4 and many of these most likely would have survived passage. These older larvae would also have had a greater probability of recruitment to the adult stock than the younger stages. Survival of larger winter flounder larvae entrained would reduce the estimated effects in previous assessments (Hess et al. 1975; Saila 1976; NUSCo 1983c), which assumed 100% mortality for entrained larvae. Table 36. Results of larval winter flounder entrainment mortality studies. Number Alive at Surviving Surviving 96-h Stage captured capture effluent holding latent holding 2 24 8 0 0 3 87 69 15 0 4 24 24 19 19 Total 135 101 34 19 Impact assessment The potential impact of the 3-unit MNPS over its operational lifetime on the Niantic River population of winter flounder has been addressed by a deterministic impact assessment model. This model was developed under the direction of Dr. Saul Saila of the University of Rhode Island and has been described in numerous reports to NUSCo as well as in the scientific literature (Sissenwine et al. 1973, 1974, 1975; Hess et al. 1975; Vaughan et al. 1976; Saila 1976). The model is subdivided into hydrodynamic, concen- tration, and population submodels and examines the entrainment of winter flounder larvae, which are 115 assumed to come from the Niantic River, as the major impact of MNPS operations. The latest application of the model was for the MNPS Unit 3 Environmental Report - Operating License Stage (NUSCo 1983c). Based on data from the literature as well as from NUEL studies at the time of the model run, a potential 5 to 6% decrease in winter flounder abundance was projected to occur after 35 yr of plant operations. The population would recover to within 1% of the equilibrium level after an additional 65-yr period. It was emphasized in NUSCo ( 1983c) that the above model results were probably conservative. The effects of entrainment were overestimated since vertical stratification of larvae and vertical variations in current velocity were ignored, as was the potential for a fraction of the entrained larvae to survive, and because of input of larvae from outside the Niantic River. The immigration of winter flounder from other stocks into the area; density-dependent growth, fecundity, adult mortality; and, in some cases, density- dependent larval mortality were not considered. Criticisms could be made of many of the model assump- tions, particularly the ones made for estimating the Ricker (1954) stock-recruitment function parameters. Nevertheless, the model has been independently evaluated and found to be an acceptable, conservative method of assessing MNPS impact (Gore et al. 1977; Thomas et al. 1978). Some mathematical representation of the recruitment process is common to many fisheries population models. Since egg and larval survival is more dependent upon environmental factors than adult survival, a prominant feature of recruitment data for many species is the large amount of variability present (Jones 1982). In spite of this, deterministic population models use recruitment equations which have constant parameters and assume either no adult age-structure or stable age-structure implying equilibrium. However, models that take into account the effects of natural variability in the recruitment process have become available recently. A stochastic population dynamics model, based on work by Lorda (1982) and Reed et al. (1984), is currently being modified at NUEL to incorporate detailed early life history and temperature effects on larval survival. This model explicitly uses the natural variability of some key population parameters and data collected specifically for the Niantic River winter flounder stock. In recent years, increased emphasis has been placed on understanding the dynamics of the early life history stages. The factors governing the production and mortality of larvae should be known before assessing the impact of MNPS operations. In particular, the quantification of larval mortality and its partition into density-dependent and -independent components can be expected to be critical for the realistic estimation of entrainment effects. Model results will include a probabilistic risk assessment analysis, which should provide better 116 and more realistic estimate of potential losses to the winter flounder population caused by the operation of MNPS. CONCLUSIONS The Niantic River population of the winter flounder has been studied since 1976 because of its importance to the sport and commercial fisheries of Connecticut and the potential for impact by MNPS operations, especially from entrainment of larvae. Studies of adult winter flounder spawning in the river have provided a time-series of data for impact assessment, including adult stock size, reproduction, move- ments, exploitation, and rates of growth and mortality. Similarly, estimates of impingement and entraiimient during the same time period were available to measure impact. Since 1983, increased emphasis was placed on understanding critical early life history stages of winter flounder in the Niantic River. To date, there is no evidence that MNPS has significantly affected the winter flounder population. Periodic cycles in abundance are typical for this species throughout its range. Although numbers of adults have declined in recent years, the decrease apparently has been due to natural causes or perhaps from an increase in commercial fishing in Southern New England. Events during the larval stage within the Niantic River are most important in determining the success of a year-class and their understanding is still incomplete. The factors which govern the production and mortality of larvae must be known before assessing the impact of power plant operations. Quantifying larval mortality and partitioning it into density-dependent and -independent components will allow the assessment of entrainment effects. Simileirly, knowledge of the post-larval juvenile stage is also important. The mortality of these fish is intermediate between that of larvae and adults and may play an important part in establishing the success of a year-class. Impingement of juveniles and adults at MNPS has become less of a concern as the installation of fish return sluiceways at Units 1 and 3 has reduced this impact. Recent decreases in impingement were most likely a result of the general decline in abundance, rather than its cause. MNPS Unit 3 began commercial operations in late April of 1986, immediately following the adult winter flounder spawning season. Therefore, the data gathered up to that time will serve as the baseline for assessing the full impact of 3-unit operations of MNPS. Future work will focus on larval, juvenile. 117 and adult population parameters. The development of a stochastic population dynamics model for impact assessment will continue to be an important goal for NUEL. SUMMARY 1. The life history and population dynamics of the winter flounder has been studied intensively since 1973, due to its importance to the sport and commercial fisheries of Connecticut and potential for impact. Because winter flounder stocks are localized, most work has concentrated on the population spawning in the Niantic River to determine if MNPS impacts of impingement and entrainment have caused or would cause changes in abundance beyond those expected from natural variation. 2. Annual estimates of the Niantic River spawning population have been made since 1976. An abundance index based on the Jolly (1965) model showed that numbers were relatively stable from 1976 through 1980, increased to a peak in 1982, and subsequently declined to an ll-yr low in 1986. Abundance determined by trawl CPUE generally paralleled the Jolly index through 1982. The decline in CPUE was greater through 1985 and less in 1986 than for the corresponding Jolly estimates. 3. Evaluation of both abundance estimators indicated that bias due to failures to meet assumptions and errors due to low sampling intensity may have affected the Jolly estimates. CPUE values may have been influenced by changes in sampling methodologies, varying distribution of winter flounder, and variable annual conditions in the Niantic River. 4. Data from the trawl monitoring program were used with time-based harmonic regression models. However, most models were unsatisfactory due to insufficient data or a lack of a repetitive pattern of abundance. High variability in catch, relatively low effort, and the mixture of stocks found at most stations at certain times of the year make these trawl data difficult to interpret and of limited use in assessing MNPS impact. 5. Tlirougliout Southern New England, winter flounder abundance has recently declined because of natural fluctuations and also most likely from increases in commercial fishing. 118 6. Similar to other populations, the average sex ratio for Niantic River winter flounder was about 1.44 females for each male. The length of 50% maturation of females was 26.8 cm, equivalent to age 3 or 4. 7. Most spawning in the Niantic River was completed by early April with annual variations apparently related to water temperature. Egg production was a function of female size and the length-fecundity relationship was similar to those reported for other populations. Egg production peaked in 1982 and has since decreased about 80%. 8. Scales were successfully used to age winter flounder. Mean lengths of age 3 and older females were significantly larger than those of males. Growth was relatively rapid in early years, but older age groups overlapped considerably in size. Growth of the Niantic River fish was less than other populations in the region through age 2, but equaled or exceeded their means at age 3 and older. 9. The von Bertalanfiy model was used to calculate population growth parameters using 1983 length-at-age data. Loo was determined as 423 and 38 1 mm and K as 0.42 and 0.44 for females and males, respectively. 10. The mean annual survival rate of adults age 3 and older was determined as 0.486 using a catch curve with samples combined from successive years to reduce bias. 11. As found elsewhere, the winter flounder preyed upon a variety of benthic organisms and algae. Food items varied by location and reflected bottom type and different benthic communities. 12. The overall rate of return of Petersen disc-tagged winter flounder was 25%. About twice as many were taken by the sport than the commercial fishery, although less cooperation was probably received from the latter. Most (70%) of the returns were from local waters and three times as many of the longer-distance recaptures were made in waters to the east than to the west. 13. Direct tissue isoelectric focusing techniques were used to differentiate stocks of winter flounder. Good separation was achieved using fish from major estuaries in Connecticut and Rhode Island at least 8 km apart. A second study using fish from areas closer to MNPS showed more homogeneity, with 119 significant intermixing occurring throughout much of the year. The technique could not be used to separate immature specimens. 14. Several special studies and analyses were conducted to identify possible sampling biases in the larval winter flounder data base. The results of these studies included reduced larval net extrusion with 202-nm mesh nets compared to 333- and 505-|im nets, increased sample density of larger larvae in night collections, and changes in sample densities in relation to tidad stage at a station in the lower portion of the Niantic River. Due to the identified sample biases, much of the offshore data collected prior to 1980 could not be used to examine the life history of larval winter flounder. 15. Based on the abundance and distribution of smaller larvae, spawning primarily occurred in the Niantic River. larvae were gradually flushed into Niantic Bay, where larger larvae dominated. The spatial distribution of larvae within the Niantic River varied from year to year, but generally smaller larvae were more prevalent in the upper portion of the river and larger larvae in the lower. The lion's mane jellyfish was identified as an important predator of larval winter flounder. 16. Examination of otoliths from field-collected and laboratory-reared winter flounder larvae indicted that daily increments were not visible. Based on the length-frequency distribution, most larval mortality occurred at the time of first feeding (3-4 mm). Transition to the dermersal juvenile stage occurred at about 6-7 mm. 17. Fight tidal export-import studies were conducted at the mouth of the Niantic River during 1983-85. The results showed a net export of 4 mm and smaller winter flounder larvae and a net import of 5 mm and larger larvae. Larvae with developed fm rays migrated vertically in response to tidal currents to reenter the Niantic River and those within the river demonstrated a similar behavior as a retention mechanism. 18. Abundance of post-larval young-of-the-year peaked in mid-.Iune and stabilized by late July. Young were most numerous in the lower river during 1983, with similar densities found during 1984 and 1985. 120 19. Growth of young in the lower river was significantly greater than at stations upriver after mid-June. Weekly mean lengths in 1983 were about 6 to 8 mm larger than in 1984 or 1985. Monthly survival estimates of young ranged from 0.552 to 0.569. 20. Peak abundance of age 1 juvenile winter flounder taken in the Niantic River during the adult surveys occurred in 1981, with second and third highest CPUE in following years. An U-yr low was found in 1986. However, in recent years juveniles have been found in more areas throughout the river and in Niantic Bay during the time of the surveys. This variation in distribution makes the estimation of juvenile abundance less certain than that of adults. 21. About two-thirds of the total number of winter flounder impinged on the traveling screens of MNPS were taken in winter. Before 1 984, annual estimates usually ranged from 4 to 1 0 thousand with winter storms accounting for large proportions of most annual totals. 22. Sex ratios and reproductive condition of impinged fish differed from fish taken in the river. The predominance of males and of gravid females in the collections indicated that at times impingement was related to behavior of winter flounder. 23. A fish return sluiceway was installed at MNPS Unit 1 in December of 1983 and studies showed that survival of returned winter flounder would be considerable (ca. 80-90%). This greatly reduces the impact of impingement on the winter flounder. 24. Entrainment sampling has been conducted since 1976. A majority (>60%) of the winter flounder larvae entrained were 5 mm and larger. The greatest entrainment densities occurred from mid-April through May. Based on the median annual entrainment density, three years were low (1977-79), four years were high (1976, 1980-83), and the remaining years were intermediate. Annual entrainment was related to total egg production in the Niantic River and the length of time a larva was susceptible to entrainment was related to water temperature. 25. The effects of entrainment on larval winter flounder were examined in the laboratory and field, larvae 5 mm and larger were able to survive a AT of 13° C for up to 9 h. The estimated critical thermal 121 maxmium was approximately 24° C. A mortality study showed that about 80% of Stage 4 larvae entrained would have survived entrainment. 26. Impact assessment was addressed using a deterministic model developed by the University of Rhode Island. The model, subdivided into hydrodynamic, concentration, and population submodels, predicted a 5 to 6% decrease in the Niantic River population after 35 yr of MNPS operations. Based on the initial assumptions, the model results were probably conservative. A new stochastic population dynamics model, which takes into account the natural variability in the recruitment process, is currently under development at NUEL and will provide a more realistic estimate of potential losses. 27. To date, there is no evidence that MNPS has significantly affected the local winter flounder population. Variability in annual abundance appears to be related to natural events and has been noted throughout the region. Future work at NUEL will focus on the early life history stage, including estimates of larval mortality, which is critical to the understanding and estimation of any deleterious effects of MNPS. 122 REFERENCES CITED Arai, M.N., and D.E. Hay. 1982. Predation by medusae on Pacific herring {Clupea harengus pallasi) larvae. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39:1537-1540. Amason, A.N., and K.H. Mills. 1981. Bias and loss of precision due to tag-loss in JoUy-Seber estimates for mark-recapture experiments. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 38:1077-1095. Bailey, K.M., and R.S. Batty. 1984. Laboratory study of predation by Aurelia aurelia on larvae of cod, flounder, plaice and herring: development and vulnerability to capture. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 83:287-291. Balser, J. P. 1981. Confidence interval estimation and tests for temporary outmigration in tag-recapture studies. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 205 pp. Beacham, T.D. 1982. 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Week Date- Total No. No. No. No. Recaps Recaptures Total no. week of catch unmrk'd marked removed exam'd 1975 (week marked) 12 3 4 5 6 7 recap 1 3-1 1,352 329 1,021 2 1,023 18 - - 2 3-8 2,379 690 1,670 19 1,689 16 40 - 40 3 3-15 1,292 283 1,004 5 1,009 42 22 64 - 86 4 3-22 1,617 627 982 8 990 28 15 42 36 - 93 5 3-29 1,283 428 853 2 855 9 6 19 13 19 - 57 6 4-5 1,496 450 949 97 1,046 10 8 16 5 24 33 - 86 7 4-12 1,379 1,372 ... 7 1,023 11 7 11 6 10 22 35 - 91 Total 10,798 4,179 6,479 140 7,635 131 98 152 60 53 55 35 - 453 Appendix The 1976 abundance estimate of winter flounder larger than 15 cm during the 11. spawning period in the Niantic River. Date- Total Standard Probability Standard Calculated no. Standard wk. of number error of of survival error joining error (N) N ((D) of