THE RAY SOCIETY. INSTITUTED MDCCCXLIV. This volume is issued to the Subscribers to the BAY SOCIETY for the Tear 1879. LONDON: MDCCCLXXXII. / ^7 b A MONOGRAPH OF TI1K RITISH SPONGUDJE. BY THE LATE J. S. BOWERBANK, LL.D., P.R.S., &c. EDITED, WITH ADDITIONS, BY THE REV. A. M. NORMAN, M.A., F.L.S., &c. VOL. IV ( SUPPLEMENTARY). LONDON: PRINTED yOR THE EAY SOCIETY. MDCCCLXXXII. PRINTED BY 1, E. ADI,ARD, CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE .... vii MEMOIR OF DR. BOWERBANK, BY C. TYLER, F.L.S. . . xiii INTRODUCTION ....... 1 CLASSIFIED LIST OF BRITISH SPONGES ... .5 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF BRITISH SPONGES . . 15 BRITISH SPONGIAD^, ORDER CALCAREA . . .25 „ „ „ SILICEA . . . .27 „ „ „ KERATOSA .... 183 CATALOGUE OP WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES . . 191 APPENDIX OF BRITISH SPONGES NOT REFERRED TO BY DR. BOWERBANK ..... 225 „ A. — CALCAREOUS SPONGES OF ERNST HAECKEL . 225 „ B. — THE GENUS CLIONA — SPECIES OF HANCOCK . 233 „ C. — VARIOUS BRITISH SPONGES . 238 INDEX . . . 243 & V / PBEFACE. THE following pages contain an amended list of the British Spongiadge, with notes on some of the species previously described, and descriptions of many new forms. The arrangement and nomenclature of Dr. Bow- erbank has been of course strictly adhered to throughout. The descriptions of new species, and all such other passages as will be found within inverted commas, are the work of the author, and were either already actually in type, or were found among his manuscripts at the time of his decease. For the rest the editor is responsible. His aim has been, first, to give a complete list of the species described in the four volumes, with com- plete references to all that is to be found respecting them, that it may form a key to the whole. Secondly, to supply recent synonyms ; but hardly any references to works published antecedently to the first volume of this work have been recorded. Thirdly, to give additional habitats. Fourthly, to add notes on certain V1U PREFACE. of the species where it seemed especially desirable that this should be done. Fifthly, to supply a table of Geographical Distribution. Sixthly, to furnish a Cata- logue of all works and papers published on the Sponges, so far as known to him; and, Lastly, to add a brief Appendix which should make known to Spongologists those British Sponges which have been described, but to which no reference was made in the writings of Dr. Bowerbank. Dr. Bowerbank marked out a certain course for himself, namely, to work out conscientiously and fully the organization and intimate structure of the sponges, and upon the observations thus made to establish a system of classification. He was a pioneer who struck out a new line ; others following in his footsteps profited by his work ; and while they agreed with him in regarding minute microscopic structure as the basis of classification, looked for generic characters rather in the shapes assumed by the various spicula than, as Bowerbank had done, in the mode of arrangement of those spicula and manner in which they form the skeleton. This must of course be regarded merely as a very broad statement of the essential difference of views. Our author, as he had begun alone, so went on alone in his own way, not so much disregarding as seldom or rarely noticing the views of others. It is for this reason that hardly any synonymy will be found in the previous volumes of this work. To such a great extent did the author disregard references that any reader taking up his volumes would imagine that many of Dr. Bowerbank's own species dated from PEE PACE. IX tlie issue of the volume in which he found them, whereas they had really been published elsewhere many years previously. The references now given will supply this omission, and what has been said will enable naturalists to understand the principles on which the author laboured. The editor has not given any synonymy or re- ferences regarding the Calcareous Sponges in the body of the work ; to have done this would have necessitated a complete revision of the species, and he refers the student to the Appendix, where will be found a sum- mary of the views of Haeckel. With respect to the habitats to which the editor's own initial (N.) is attached, indicating thereby that the specimens referred to have either been collected by himself or are in his cabinet, he has thought it advisable only to record the localities of such speci- mens as have actually passed through Dr. Bowerbank's hands and been identified by him. It must be under- stood, however, that this remark only applies to those habitats which have the initial N. after them ; not necessarily to such as are recorded on the authority of other naturalists, unless either the record is in inverted commas without any name after it, thus showing that the note is Dr. Bowerbank's, or it is expressly stated that he had determined the specimens. A large number of the localities to which the editor's initial is attached will be found to be situated in the counties of Gralway and Mayo, where a remark- ably fine collection of sponges was obtained during a scientific expedition which Mr. D. Robertson, of Glas- X PREFACE . gow, and himself made to that part of Ireland in the summer of 1874. In concluding this brief preface, the Editor feels it necessary to state that, while he most gladly gave Dr. Bowerbank all the aid in his power during the pro- gress of his work, and placed his collection unre- servedly in his hands for description, he found himself frequently obliged to dissent from the conclusions arrived at by the author. In editing this posthumous volume of his valued friend his aim has been simply to leave it as Dr. Bowerbank's work. To have attempted to indicate his own views would have been to remodel the whole, and the species would have had to be thrown into more numerous genera, defined on different principles, while, on the other hand, the number of so-called species would have been con- siderably reduced. Great care will, however, require to be used by the naturalist who shall hereafter attempt to rearrange and redefine the species of British Sponges. In every case the type specimen should be examined, for to his certain knowledge subsequently found speci- mens, during the latter years of Dr. Bowerbank's life when his powers of observation were not so keen as they had been, were frequently erroneously referred to already named types with which they had no con- nection. Let the reviser therefore be cautious and bear in mind that hastily formed conclusions and lumping of species which are really distinct is a greater fault than for a time, if need be, keeping two forms apart which are in reality referable to the same type. It may be useful to Spongologists to know that Dr. PREFACE. XI Bowerbank's collection is now preserved in the British Museum, having been purchased by the nation ; and that the late Mr. Albany Hancock's Clionce, described in the Appendix, together with his mountings of the spicula, are in the Museum of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, while a second series of his typical mounted spicula is in the collection of the Editor. The members of the Eay Society will greatly appre- ciate the brief notice of the life of Dr. Bowerbank which follows this, and which has been kindly prepared by one who was in close association with him for many years. Few naturalists of the present generation will be aware until they have read that interesting memoir how much the progress of natural history in Great Britain in years gone by was fostered and furthered by the energy, zeal, and enthusiasm of our late kind friend, the author of these volumes. MEMOIR OF DR. BOWERBANK. JAMES SCOTT BOWERBANK, LL.D., F.R.S., was born in Sun Street, Bishopsgate, London, on the 14th July, 1797, and received his early education from the then celebrated Dr. Kelly, of Finsbury Square, London. About the age of fifteen he entered his father's distillery, where in subsequent years, and in conjunc- tion with his late brother Edward, the business was carried on under the name of Bowerbank and Sons. His strong leaning to scientific investigation began to exhibit itself when he was a mere boy, and at an early age he took up the study of Astronomy, Chemistry, Botany, Geology, Anatomy and Physio- logy. The pursuit of science, indeed, occupied every moment of his time not necessarily devoted to business, and though he never neglected the latter, he ever made business relations available whenever possible for the furtherance of his researches. About the year 1820 he joined The Old Mathematical Society, which held its meetings in Crispin Street, Spitalfields, and here he attended the well-arranged lectures of Mr. Wilson, a gentleman of considerable acquirements. In this Society Bowerbank was after- wards also appreciated himself as a lecturer on various XIV MEMOIR OP DR. BOWERBANK. subjects ; his diagrams and botanical models designed at this period have been used for some years at one of the Metropolitan Hospitals in the class lectures. He threw himself, with great energy, into the work of the London Clay Club and investigated the fossil fruits and seeds from the Isle of Sheppey. In 1840 he began their history, but this publication was not continued ; one hundred and eighty thousand fossil fruits and seeds are now in the British Museum as a result of his industry in collecting. Through the efforts of the earnest workers of the London Clay Club arose, in 1847, the Palceontographical Society, which has done so much to make known the richness of the fossils of our own country, and which has produced up to June, 1882, thirty-six quarto volumes. At the first establishment of the Palceontographical Society Dr. Bowerbank was its Honorary Secretary. He held that office a considerable time, and for the last ten years of his life was its President. Entomology was another of his favourite studies in early days. He wrote a valuable paper in the ( Entomo- logical Magazine,' vol. i, p. 239, 1833, on the" Circula- tion of the Blood in Insects ;" a second, * Ent. Mag.,' vol. iv, p. 179, 1837, on the " Distribution of the Trachea? in the Wing of Clirysopa Perla ;" and a third, 'Ent. Mag.,' vol. v, p. 300, 1838, on the " Structure of the Scales on the Wings of Lepidopterous Insects." Dr. Bowerbank was one of the originators of theRoyal Microscopical Society, and filled the office of President. He also frequently contributed to its Transactions. In the ' Monthly Microscopical Journal,' vol. iii, p. 281, 1870, will be found his account of the early im- provements made in the microscope in 1828 by Tully, MEMOIR OF DR. BOWERBANK. XV and afterwards by Ross, Powell aiid Leland, and Smith and Beck. The microscope was his especial delight and study, and by its use his investigations into the structure and habit of Sponges, both recent and fossil, were greatly facilitated and brought to a state of comparative completeness. His microscope being of very excellent construction so many eminent men came to him in order to examine their specimens by his Instrument, that he was compelled to fix one night in the week for their reception ; and thus originated the celebrated Monday Evening Meetings. On those occasions both old friends and students always received a kindly greeting and welcome both at his house in the New North Road, and at his after residence, Park Street, Islington, and finally in his capacious Museum at Highbury Grove. In 1832 he was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society, and soon afterwards wrote a paper for that Society entitled " An Account of a Deposit containing Land Shells at Gore Cliff, Isle of Wight " (' Geol. Soc. Proc.,' ii, p. 449, 1837) ; this memoir was followed by others on the " London and Plastic Clay Formations J: (« Trans. Geol. Soc.,' vol. vi, p. 168, 1842) ; on the " Siliceous Bodies of the Chalk, Greensands and Oolites " (' Trans. Geol. Soc.,' vol. vi, p. 181, 1842), and on "A New Species of Pterodactyl found in the Upper Chalk of Kent ' (' Geol. Soc. Journ.,' ii, p. 7, 1845). - • He gradually amassed a large collection of fossils very many of which now enrich the national and other collections. Dr. Bowerbank was one of the founders of the XVI MEMOIR OP DR. BOWERBANK. Zoological Society, and for many years a member of its Council. It was in his Museum at Highbury Grove that the first idea of an Aquarium was started. A small glass jar was used to keep Chara translucens for microscopical purposes, to which was afterwards added some fish and animalcules, until at length the idea was worked out by Mr. N. Ward, Mr. Warring-ton, Mr. M. Marshall, and others, and brought to its present state of development. As a Fellow of the Royal Society he, in 1857, contributed papers on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Spongiadas. but it is as a member of the Ray Society, which with the late Dr. Johnstone he assisted in founding, and of which he was for many years Treasurer, he will be best known and remembered for his ' Monograph of the British Spongiadce* In the year 1841 a circumstance occurred which gave a bias to his future studies in favour of the Sponges. A storm at Brighton had thrown upon the beach vast quantities of seaweed and Sponges as far as the eye could reach. Although dead they were still filled with the soft matter of the Sponge. He selected the most promising specimens, placing them in glass jars filled up with strong spirit, and had them immediately con- veyed to London for systematic examination, and from these he derived more information than from many times their number of dry specimens. From this time he devoted himself, with great zeal, to the study of the Spongiadas, and having agents on many parts of the coast collecting fossils, he employed them in procuring Sponges. Friends also in different parts of the world made consignments which were of the utmost value to him in his investigations. His MEMOIR OF DE. BOWERBANK. XV11 general instructions were " Only remove as much of the watery matter as will prevent the Sponges from rotting on the voyage; but do not send me clean specimens as tf intended for the bath." The accumulations of years of collecting, numbering many hundreds of specimens, are now preserved in the British Museum. Forty-five memoirs from his pen, of which the majority refer to Sponges, are recorded in the " Catalogue of Scientific Papers," compiled by the Royal Society. Dr. Bowerbank, whilst working to complete his fourth volume on the Sponges, was seized with a sudden illness, which within a month terminated fatally. He died at St. Leonards on the 8th March, 1877, in the eightieth year of his age, and lies buried in the Churchyard of Hollington, not far from Hastings, in Sussex. INTRODUCTION. " THE third volume of this work was scarcely finished when the Rev. A. M. Norman, who had already rendered me such important service by placing his very fine collection of Sponges in my hands for examination and description, sent me a large quantity of additional specimens which he had recently acquired during his dredging excursions, and in other ways. It is on this collection that the present supplemental volume is chiefly based, but I am also indebted for other new species to my old friend Mr. Peach, and to Mr. Hillier of Ramsgate. " The greater part of the Sponges sent to me by Mr. Norman were from the North-West of Ireland, and these were found to be especially rich in representatives of the genus Isodictya. The very numerous species of this genus already published rendered the labour and care necessary for the examination and comparison of the newly acquired species so great, that I soon felt the necessity of devising a series of divisions and sub- divisions of the known forms to facilitate the exami- nation of those which I had now to determine. These divisions and subdivisions proved so very useful, and the discrimination of the species was found to be so VOL. iv. 1 2 BRITISH SPONGIAIX2E. greatly facilitated by their use, that I have been naturally led to the conclusion that they would, if published, be of similar assistance to my brother naturalists who may take up the study of these in- teresting animals ; and as other genera, such as Hyme- niacidon and Halichondria, also contain a very con- siderable number of species, I have applied to them the same system of division and subdivision. " In the preface to Vol. II (p. viii), I had already dilated on the necessity of the subdivision of the species of each genus in accordance with the forms and other peculiarities of the skeleton spicula so as to facilitate the recognition of the species ; and as our knowledge of the British Sponges has advanced and the number of known species greatly increased since 1866, it has now become necessary, as I have just stated, to still further subdivide the species in those genera in which they have become inconveniently numerous. I have, therefore, in the tabulated list of Sponges which follows these introductory remarks adopted a mode of sub- sections in many genera by the use of the characters afforded by the dermal membrane in conjunction with those of the skeleton. " The accurate discrimination of the numerous and protean animals which constitute the class of the Spongiadse is still a growing science, and as we advance in our experience of the variable characters, from diversities of habitat and other causes, not only of the different genera and species, but also of the in- dividuals of the same species, we find that their correct determination necessitates a more and more minute investigation into the peculiarities of their anatomical structures. The genus in some few cases may be INTRODUCTION. 3 ascertained with tolerable certainty by a cursory examination of the specimen, but the determination of the species can rarely or never be depended upon without a searching anatomical investigation of the structures, nor can this be achieved by the use of low powers of the microscope, because in very many cases the most characteristic elements of discrimination are exceedingly minute, and often also very few in number ; and no definite conclusions can be reached until we have made ourselves intimately acquainted with the whole of the component parts of the subject under examination. Tedious as this mode of thorough investigation may at first sight appear, the admirable adaptation of each part to its own special purpose, and the beautiful forms and arrangement of the spicules and other component elements in the several parts of the Sponge, amply repay the time and care necessary for their investigation and realisation. " The striking diversity of form which we observe in a great number of the British Sponges is due both to difference in habitat and varieties of basal attach- ment. The young Sponge, which may have been developed on a slender seaweed or zoophyte, becomes coating and parasitical, but when growing on a shell or stone it assumes either a massive or a coating form. The occurrence of these differences in habitat and localisation render it necessary that they should be observed and recorded. In other branches of marine zoology we have been so accustomed to place depen- dence on form and colour as important characters, which in Sponges are comparatively of very little value, that these cautions become necessary, and more espe- cially so as the figures in Vol. Ill are in many instances 4 BRITISH SPONGIAD^B. taken from small, very rare, or unique specimens, while others subsequently obtained have been found to be of much larger dimensions and to vary to a great extent from the types of the species figured. The structural and anatomical details are in truth the only safe guides to the correct discrimination of species. In a branch of natural history so comparatively new, and which has been so imperfectly studied by our predecessors, it naturally occurs that many of the species have been determined from very imperfect examples, and it therefore is highly desirable to obtain as much additional information as possible with respect to their variations in form, colour, and other characters, and to register as many additional habitats as are obtainable. " It is, moreover, strikingly apparent from the many new species continually being found among the Sponges dredged and otherwise collected by British naturalists, that those already described do not by any means comprise the whole of our British Fauna, and it is highly probable that future labourers in this interesting field of natural history will add very con- siderably to their number." "CLASSIFIED LIST OF BRITISH SPONGES. ORDER 1.— CALCAEEA. Genus I. — GRANTIA. 1. Grantia compi-essa. 2. ciliata. 3. Grantia ensata. 4. tessellata. Genus II. — LEUCOSOLENIA. 1. Leucosolenia botryoides. 2. contorta. 3. Leucosolenia lacunosa. 4. coviacea. Genus III. — LETTCONIA. 1. Leuconia nivea. 2. fistulosa. 3. Leuconia pumila. 4. Soraesii, Genus IV.— LEUCOGYPSIA. Leucogypsia Gossei. ORDER 2.— SILICEA. Genus V. — GEODIA. Geodia Zetlandica. Genus VI.— PACHTMATISMA. Pachymatisma Johnstonia. Germs VII. — NORMANIA Normania crassa. 6 BRITISH Genus VIII.— ECIONEMIA. 1. Ecionemia coiupressa. 2. ,, ponderosa. 3. Ecionernia coactura. Genus IX.— POLYMASTIA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 1. Polymastia oruata. 2. „ bulbosa. 3. robusta. 4. Polymastia brevis. 5. ,, spinula. 6. radiosa. Section **. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. 7. Polymastia mammillaris. | 8. Polymastia conigera. Genus X. — HALYPHYSEMA. 1. Halyphysema Tumanowiczii. | 2. Halyphyserua raniulosa. Genus XL — CIOCALYPTA. 1. Ciocalypta peuicillus. | 2. Ciocalypta Leei. Genus XII.— TETHYA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. 1. Tethya cranium. 3. Tethya Schmicltii. 2. „ Colliugsii. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 4. Tethya lyncurium. | 5. Tethya spinosa. Section ***. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. * 6. Tethya spinulavia. Genus XIII — HALICNKMIA. Halicnemia patera. Genus XIV. — DICTYOCYLINDRUS. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate and acnate. 1. Dictyocylindrns ventilabrum. 2. ramosus. 3. Dictyocylindrus radiosus. CLASSIFIED LIST. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 7. Dictyocylindrus fascicularis. 8. virsrultosns. 4. Dictyocylindrus Howsei. 5. „ hispidus. 6. ,, aculeatus. Section ***. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. 9. Dictyocylindrus pumilus. Section ****. — Skeleton spicula cylindrical. 10. Dictyocylindrus stuposus. | 11. Dictyocylindrus rugosus. Section *****. — Skeleton spicula acuate, and acerate or cylindrical. 12. Dictyocylindrus rectangulus. Genus XV. — PHAKELLIA. 1. Phakellia robusta. | 2. Phakellia ventilabruin. Genus XVI. — MICROCIONA. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acerate. 1. Microciona fictitia. 2. Kentii. 3. Microciona fraudator. 4. tumulosa. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acuate. Sub-section A. — Skeleton spicula smooth. 5. Microciona Ia3vis. | 6. Microciona simplicissima. Sub-section B. — Skeleton spicula spinous. 7. Microciona fallax. 8. „ spinulenta. 9. armata. 10. Mici'ocioua ambigua. 11. ,, jecTisculum. 12. „ plumosa. Section ***. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. 13. Microciona atrasanguinea. Genus XVII. — HYMERAPHIA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 1. Hymeraphia vermiculafca. | 2. Hymeraphia clavata. 8 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. Section **. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. 3. Hymeraphia verticillata. 4. stellifera. 5. Hymeraphia simplex. 6. coronula. Genus XVIII. — HYMEDESMIA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. 1. Hymedesmia inflata. | 2. Hymedesinia occulta. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 3. Hymedesmia radiata. 4. „ indistincta. 5. ,, pansa. 6. Hymedesmia pilata. 7. „ pulchella. 8. Peachii. Section ***. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. 9. Hymedesmia stellata. 10. „ simplicissima. 11. Hymedesmia tenuicula. Section ****. — Skeleton spicula cylindrical. 12. Hymedesmia Zetlandica. Genus XIX. — HYMENIACIDON. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. Sub-section A. — Dennis aspiculous. 1. Hymeniacidon albescens. Sub-section B. — Dermal spicula dispersed. 2. Hymeniacidon Thomasii. 3. „ coccineus. 4. „ lacteus. 5. „ perarmatus. 6. Hymeniacidon membrana. 7. „ firmus (felted). 8. „ placentula. 9. „ armiger. Sub-section C. — Dermal spicula reticulated. 10. Hymeniacidon Brettii (fasci- culated). 11. „ fragilis. 12. „ reticulatus. 13. Hymeniacidon fallaciosus. 14. ,, tegeticula. 15. solidus. CLASSIFIED LIST. 9 Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. Sub-section A.— Spicula smooth, dermal membrane aspiculous. 16. Hymeniacidon perlaevis. 17. ,, pachy derma. 18. Hymeniacidon crustula. 19. Hillieri. Sub-section B. — Spicula of derm is dispersed. 20. Hymeniacidon caruncula. 26. Hymeniacidon virgultosus. 21. „ sanguineus. 27. ,, radiosus 22. „ mammeatus. (felted). 23. „ consimilis. 28. ,, medius. 24. „ macilentus. 29. ,, Aldousii. 25. „ fallax. 30. ,, virgulatus. Sub-section C. — Dermal spicula reticulated or fasciculated. 31. Hymeniacidon varians. 32. ,, viridans. 33. aureus. 34 Hymeniacidon armaturns. 35. „ callosus. 36. „ plumiger. Section ***. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. Sub-section A. — Dermal membrane aspiculous. 37. Hymeniacidon subereus. 38. carnosus. 39. Hymeiiiacidon gelatinosus. 40. foliatus. Sub-section B. — Spicula of dermal membrane dispersed. 41. Hymeniacidon ficus. 42. „ sulphureus. 43. celatus. 44. Hymeniacidon claviger. 45. tenebrosus. Sub-section C. — Spicula of dermal membrane reticulated or fasciculated. 46. Hymeniacidon subclavatus. 47. Hymeniacidon paupertas. Section ****.— Skeleton spicula cylindrical. 48. Hymeniacidon Dujardinii. Genus XX. — BATTERSBYIA. Battersbyia Bucklandi. 10 BRITISH SPONG1AD.E. Genus XXI. — HALICHONDKIA. Section *.— Skeleton spicula acerate. Sub-section A. — Dermal membrane aspiculous. 1. Halichondria Maclntosbii. | 2. Halichondria regularis. Sub-section B. — Spicula of dermal membrane dispersed. 3. Halichondria caduca. 4. ,, inconspicua. 5. incerta. 6. Halichondria coalita, 7. ,, mutula, 8. ,, cylindracea. Sub-section C. — Spicula of dermal membrane reticulated. 9. Halichondria panicea. 10. ,, g-labra. 11. ,, augulaui. 12. ,, distorta. 13. ,, edusa. 14. ,, auibigua (inul- tispiculous). 15. Halichondria Couchii (uni- spiculous). 1<>. Robertsoni. (fasciculated). 17. ., condensa(mul- tispiculoas). 18. coralloides. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. Sub-section A. — Skeleton spicula smooth. Dermal spicula dispersed. 19. Halichondria Thompson!. 20. 21. forceps, simplex. 22. Halichondria subdola. 23. foliata. Sub-section B. — Skeleton spicula smooth. Dennis reticulated. 24. Halichondria corrugata. 26. Halichondria flabellifera. 25. falcula. Section ***. — Skeleton spicnla spinous-acuate. Dermal spicula more or less fasciculated. Sub-section A. — Spicula of dermal membrane fasciculated. 27. Halichondria incrustans. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Candida. irregularis. Dickiei. Pattersoni. pulchella. Ingalli. 34. Halichondria scandens. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Batei. nigricans. albula. expansa. virgea. CLASSIFIED LIST. 11 Sub-section B. — Spicula spinous acnate. Dermal spicula dispersed. 40. Halichondria granulata. Section ****. — Skeleton spicula spinulate. 41 . Halichondria farinaria. | 42. Halichondria inornata. Genus XXII. — ISODICTYA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. Sub-section A. — Dermal membrane aspiculous. Primary skeleton filnvs unispiculons. 1. Isodictya cinerea. '_'. ., permollis. 3. manimeata. 4. Isodictya raniusculus. 5. ferula. Sub-section B. — Dermis aspiculous. Skeleton bi- or trispiculous. 6. Isodictya rosea. 7. „ py gin : r:i. 8. Isodictya obscura. Sub-section 0. — Dermal membrane aspiculous. Skeleton : primary nbi'es multispiculons. 9. Isodictya iudefinita. 10. ,, indistincta. 11. ,, simplex. 12. s, pocilluni. 13. Isodictya luteosa. ?14. ,, anomala (dermal membrane unknown ) . ?15. ,, parasitica (do.). Sub-section D.— Dermal membrane spiculo-reticulated. Skeleton primary fibres unispiculous. 16. Isodictya Peacliii. 17. varians. 18. Isodictya elegans. 19. fallax. Sub-section E. — Dermal membrane spiculo-reticulated. Skeleton primary lines bi- or trispiculous. 20. Isodictya MacAndrewii. 21. „ fistulosa. 22. dichotoma. 23. Isodictya perplexa. 24. „ densa. 25. Gresorii. BRITISH SPONGIADJ1. Sub-section P.— Dermal membrane spiculo-reticulated. Skeleton primary lines multispiculous. 26. Isodictya pallida. 27. ,, sirnulans. 28. Ingalli. 29. Isodictya incerta. 30. crassa. Sub-section G.—Spicula of dermis dispersed. Skeleton: primary fibres bi- or trispiculous. 31. Isodictya Bowerbanki (= I. simulo). 32. filamenta. 33. Isodictya panpercula. 34. clava. Sub-section H. — Spicula of dermis dispersed. Skeleton : primary lines multispiculous. 35. Isodictya jugosa. 36. „ palmata. 37. Isodictya trunca. Section **. — Spicula of the skeleton acuate. Sub-section A. — Dermal membrane aspiculous. Skeleton : primary fibres multispiculous, smooth. 38. Isodictya infundibuliformis. 39. dissimilis. 40. Isodictya gracilis. 41. invalida. Sub-section B. — Dermal membrane spicula dispersed. Primary skeleton fibres with few smooth spicula. 42. Isodictya Normani. 43. „ coriacea (some of the acuates incipiently spinous). 44. „ hispida. Sub-section C. — Dermal membrane spiculous, spicula dispersed. Primary skeleton fibres multispiculous. 45. Isodictya fucorum. 46. ?3 Alderi. 47. )) Edwardii. 48. » lobata. 49. ») paupera. 50. » uniformis. 51. » Clarkei. 52. »S Barleei. 53. Isodictya laciniosa. 54. >» dubia. 55. I? imitata. 56. >5 nodosa. 57. » involuta. 58. » pertenuis. 59. J> scitula. CLASSIFIED LIST. 13 Siib-section D. — Dermal membrane spiculous, spicula reticulated. Primary skeleton fibres multispiculous. 60. Isodictya collina. Section ***. — Spicula of skeleton acuate, more or less spinous. Sub-section A. — Primary lines of the skeleton bi- or trispiculous. 61. Isodictya Beanii. 62. „ Normani. 63. coriacea. 64. Isodictya funalis. 65. ,, Hyndmani. Sub-section B. — Primary lines of the skeleton multispiculous. 66. laodictya lurida. 67. „ fimbriata. 68. ,, tumulosa. 69. „ rugosa. 70. Isodictya implicita. 71. „ insequalis. 72. deformis. Genus XXIII. — RAPHIODESMA. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 1. Raphiodesma floreum. 2. „ lingua. 3. „ simplicissimum. 4. Raphiodesma sordidum. 5. „ fallaciosum. 6. intermedium. Genus XXIV.— SPONGILLA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. Spicula of ovaria birotulate. 1. Spongilla fluviatilis. | 2. Spongilla Parfitti. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acerate. Ovai'ia spiculous : spicula not birotulate. 3. Spongilla lacustris. | 4. Spongilla sceptrifera P Genus XXV. — DESIUACIDON. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. 1. Desmacidon fruticosus. | 2. Desmacidon JefFreysii. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuate. 3. Desmacidon Peachii. 4. constrictus. 5. Desmacidon incognitus. 6. „ pannosus. 14 BRITISH SPONGIAD^l. Sub-section A. — Spicula acuate subclavate. 7. Desmaciclon copiosus. 8. cavernula. 9. Desrnacidon rotalis. 10. similaris. Section ***.— Skeleton spicula spinulate. 11. Desmacidou tegagropilus. Section ****. — Skeleton spicula cylindrical. 12. Desinacidon coluniella. Genus XXVI.— RAPHYRUS. Raphyrus Griffithsii. Genus XXVII. —DlPLODEMiA. Diplodemia vesicula. ORDER 3.— KERATOSA. Genus XXVIII. — SPONGIONELLA. Spongionella pulchella. Genus XXIX. — CHALINA. Section *. — Skeleton spicula acerate. 1. Chalina oculata. 2. ,, cervicornis. 3. ,, Montaguii. 5. Chaliua gracilenta. 6. „ limbata. Grantii. 4. „ Flemingii. Section **. — Skeleton spicula acuafce. 8. Chalina inornata. Genus XXX. — OPHLITASPONGIA. 1. Ophlitaspongia papilla. | 2. Opblitaspongia seriata. Genus XXXI. — VERONGIA. Verongia Zetlandica. Genus XXXII.— DYSIDEA. 1. Dysidea fragilis. | 2. Dysidea coriacea." GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. THE following table has been prepared in order to show the known geographical and bathymetrical dis- tribution of the Bi-itish Sponges. With very few exceptions, the localities inserted in the columns are such only as have been recorded in the ' Monograph of the British Spongiadre.' The columns " Abyssal' and " 100 — 500 fathoms " have been partially filled in from Mr. Carter's Report of the Sponges dredged in the " Porcupine " Expeditions of 1869 and 1870 (« Ann. Nat. Hist./ ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876). The table makes it clear that the Sponge Fauna of many parts of our seas remains almost wholly unexplored ; and it is hoped that the very deficiency exhibited here will have a tendency among many other causes to induce our younger and rising naturalists to take up the great field of research which here lies open to them. Speak- ing from a very extended knowledge of the zoology of our coasts, I unhesitatingly state that no other class of animals offers to the student so rich a field for exploration, or one in which he is likely to meet with so many hitherto unknown species. A. M. N. 16 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. Shetland. | N. Scotland and Orkney. | E. Scotland. | W. Scotland and Hebrides. -H X •j 5 N. Ireland. W. Ireland. S. Ireland. St. George's Channel, &c. Devon and Cornwall. S. England. Channel Islands. E. England. cS 03 03 Littoral. 1 — 50 fathoms. 50—100 fathoms. | 100—500 fathoms. GBANTIA. 1. coinpressa (0. Fab.)... 2. ciliata(0. Fab.) 3 ensata Bow + ... I \ % { - \ t 1 \ + t 4 tessallata, Bow _l_ 4. _j_ LEUCOSOLENIA. 1 botryoides (Ell &Sol.) 4- 4- 4- 2 contorta, Bow _l_ P 4- 3 lacunosa (Johns ) , 4- 4- 4- 4 coriacea (Flem.) , 4- _l_ i _l_ _l_ LEUCONIA. 1. nivea (Flem.) 4- 4- 2 fistulosa (Jolms.) • _i_ i _l_ 3. pumi]a, Bow _j_ + 4. Somesii, Bow p p LETTCOGYPSIA. 1. Gossei, Bow GEODIA. 1 . Zetlandica, Johns 4- - p PACHYMATISMA. 1. Johnstonia, Bow 4. 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- NORMANIA. 1. crassa, Bow 1 4. EciONEMIA. 1. couipressa, Bow 4- 2. ponderosa, Boiv. . i _l_ 4- 3. coactura, Bow _^ POLYMASTIA. 1. ornata, Bow 4- 4- 2. bulbosa, Bow 4- 3. robusta, Bow 4. i i 4. brevis, Bow + ... + ... ... ... + + + + GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 17 1 53 i M Devon and UorawaJl. s —\ ai — a OJ -1 § •d S) "3 05 D Littoral. 03 a c J3 0 LO CO 1 S3 O H a: a o d -+H 0 10 0 1— 1 HALICHONDRIA — (continued). 25 falcula Bow. 4 4 26 flabellifera, Bow. 4 4 27. incrustans (Esper.) ... 28 Candida, Bow. + + + + + • • • • + + + 4 + 4 29 irregularis, Bow _l_ 4 30 Dickiei, Bow. i i i 1 31 Pautersoni, Bow. i _l_ i _l_ _l_ 32 pulchella, Bow. 4 33 Ino-alli Bow 4 4 4 34. scandens, Bow. 4 4 35. Batei, I?OK; p 36. nigricans, Bow P P 1 1 _i_ 4 37 albnla, Bow. 4 p 38. expansa Bow. 4 4 39. virgea, Bow. 4 4 40 granulata, Bow 4 4 4 ? 4 41 farinaria Bow _j_ _i_ 1 4 4 42 inornata Bow 4 p ISODICTYA. 1 . cinerea ( Grant) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. permoilis, Bow 4 _j_ 4 3. rnanimeata, .Bow ^l_ 4 4 4 raruusculus, Bow 4 4 4 4 5. ferula, J5oiy 4 6. rosea, Bow 1 4 4 7. pygnia3a, Bow 4 4 8. obscura, Bow 4 4 4 9. indefinita, Boiv 4 4 10. indistincta, Bow. .. . _l_ _l_ _i_ _l_ _l_ 11. simplex, Bow _l_ 1 _j_ _l_ 12. pocilluru, Bow 4 4 13. luteosa, Bow. 4 4 14. anomala, Bow 4 15. parasitica, Bow 4 16. Peacbii, Bow 4 4 4 17. varians, Bow. ... 4 i 18. elegans, Bow 4 4 4 4 22 BRITISH SPONGIAIM!. Shetland. N. Scotland and Orkney. E. Scotland. W. Scotland and Hebrides.! Clyde District. N. Ireland. W. Ireland. S. Ireland. d C P) :: o tr. o O 02 Devon and Cornwall. S. England. Channel Islands. E. England. to CO Littoral. 1 — 50 fathoms. 50—100 fathoms. CQ a o =*H 1 0 1— 1 ISODICTYA (continued). 19 fallax, Bow 4- 4- 20. MacAndrewi, Bow p i i 21. fistulosa, Bow _i_ _l_ 4. i 22 dichotorna, Bow. 4- 4- 23 perplexa, Bow. 4- 24. densa, Bow 4- 25 Gregorii, Bow. . 4- p 26. pallida, Boiv i 4- 4- _l_ 4- 27. sirnulans (Johns.) 4- 4- 4- 4- + 28. Ingalli, Bow 29. incertaj Bow, i 4. 30. crassa, Bow. . 4- 4- 4- 31. Bowerbanki, Norman 4- .4- 32. filamenta Bow. 4- P 33. paupercula, Bow. 4. , 34. clava, Boiv i i 4. 4- 35 ju°'osa, Bow. 4- p _L 36. palmata (Johns.) 4- (^ 4- 4- 37. trnnca, Bow. . . . 4- 4 38. infundibnliforniis (Johns.) 4- 4- 4- P 4- + 4- 39. dissimilis, Bow + 4. 40. gracilis, Bow i 4. 41. invalida, Bow 4- 4- 4- 4. 42. Normani, Boiv 4- 4- 4- 43. coriacea, Bow _l_ 44. hispida, Bow 4- 4- 45. fucorum (Johns.) 4- 4- 4- 4. 4- 4. 46. Alderi, Bow i 4- 4- 47. Edwardii, Bow 4- 4- 4- 48. lobata (Montagu) 4- 4- 49. paupera, Bow i i 50. uniformis, Bow 4- 51. Clarkei, Bow i i i i 52. Barleei, Bow _l_ 4- 53. laciniosa, Bow 4- 4- 1 4- 54. dubia, Boiv 4- 4- 55. irnitata,1.Z?0'H; 4- 4- 56. nodosa, Bow + 4- GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 23 Shetland. N. Scotland and Orkney. E. Scotland. W. Scotland and Hebrides. Clyde District. N. Ireland. W. Ireland. S. Ireland. St. George's Channel, &c. Devon and Cornwall. S. England. Channel Islands. PI £ a Abyssal. Littoral. 1 — 50 fathoms. 50—100 fathoms. 100—500 fathoms. ISODICTYA (continued). 57 iuvoluta Bow. + + 58 pertenuis Bow 4- + 59 scitula, Bow. 4- 60 collina Bow t 61. Beanii Bow. ... . 4_ 62 funalis, Bow ^_ 63 Hyndinani, Bow. ... i i ^_ 4. 4. 4. 64 lip'ida Bow 4- + 65 fimbriata Bow 4. 66 tuinulosa, Bow + + 67 ruo'osa Bow 68 implicita Sow i 69 inseci ualisj Bow 4. 70 deformis Bow RAPHIODESMA. 1 tioreum Bow + 2 lingua Bow 4. P 3. siinplicissiinuni, Bow. 4 sorcliduiii Bow 4- 4- + + + 1 5 fallaciosum Bow. i Gint.pvmprimm Bow i SPONGILLA. 1 fluviatilis (Pallas) ... + + - 2 Parfitti Carter 3 lacustris (Don.) i 4 sceptrifera, Bow DESMACIDON. 1. fruticosus (Montagu). 4. 3 Peachii Bow | + 4- + 4. ? 1 4. 24 BRITISH SPONGIAMS. Shetland. N. Scotland and Orkney. E. Scotland. W. Scotland and Hebrides. Clyde District. N. Ireland. W. Ireland. S. Ireland. S3 ', O JX3 &> O 0> o 02 Devon and Cornwall. S. England. Channel Islands. E, England. Abyssal.' Littoral. 1 — 50 fathoms. 50—100 fathoms. w o o o I5 o rH DESMACIDON (continued). 7. copiosus, Bow. . + + + I - 8. cavermila, Bow + i 9. rotalis, Bow + + 10. similaris, Bow. ... 4- 4- t 11. 8egagrophilus(ScoitZer) 12. columella, Bow + 4- + BAPHYRUS. 1. Griffithsii, Bow + - DlPLODEMIA. 1. vesicula, Bow. 4- SPONGIONELLA. 1. pulchella (Sowerbii} j CHALINA. 1. oculata (Pallas) 4- + + + 2. cervicornis (Pallas) 4- 3. Montagui (Flem.~) . i •f + + 4. Flemingii, Bow . 5. gracilenta, Bow. 4- 4- + + t 6. limbata (Montagu) i 7. Grantii, Bow _(_ 8. inornata, Bow _|_ 4- I OPHLITASPONGIA. 1. papilla, Bow. . 2. seriata (Grant).. + + . * . + + + + VERONGIA, 1. Zetlandica, Bow 4- DYSIDEA. 1. fragilis (Montagu) ... 2. coriacea, Bow. + + + + + + + + + 96 15 27 33 13 10 >7 2 45 72 60 01 47 14 80 159 33 23 BRITISH SPONGIAD^E. Class-PORIFERA. OEDEE I.— CALCAREA, i, 160. Genus 1. — GEANTIA, Fleming, i, 162; n, 1. 1. GEANTIA COMPEESSA (0. Fab.), n, 17; i, PL XXI, figs. 312—314; in, PI. I, figs. 1--12. 2. GBANTIA CILIATA (0. Fab. ?}, n, 19; i, PL XXVI, figs. 345, 346a; m, PI. II, figs. 1—15. 3. GEANTIA ENSATA, Bow., n, 25 ; in, PL II, figs. 16—20. 4. GEANTIA TESSELATA, Bow., n, 26 ; i, PL XVII, fig. 286; in, PL II, figs. 21—27. Genus 2. — LEUCOSOLENIA, Bow., i, 164; n, 2. 1. LEUCOSOLENIA BOTEYOLDES, Ellis and Sol., n, 28; r, PL XXVI, figs. 347, 348 ; in, PL III, figs. 1—4. 2. LEUCOSOLENIA CONTOETA, Bow., 11, 29 ; in, PL III, figs. 5—10. 26 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. 3. LBUOOSOLENIA LACUNOSA (Johnston), u, 32 ; in, PI. IV, figs. 1—8. 4. LEUOOSOLENIA OOEIACEA (Fleming), n, 34 ; in, PI. Ill, figs. 11—14. Genus 3. — LEUCONIA, Grant, i, 164 ; n, 2. 1. LEUCONIA NIVEA (Fleming), n, 36; in, PL V, figs. 1—8. 2. LEUCONIA FISTULOSA (Johnston), n, 39 ; in, PI. V, figs. 9—16. 3. LEUCONIA PUMILA, Bow., 11, 41 ; in, PI. VI, figs. 1 — 5. 4. LEUCONIA SoMEsn,5o?y., in, 334; PI. XCI, figs. 6 — 17. Genus 4. — LEUCOGYPSIA, Bow., i, 165 ; n, 2. LEUCOGTPSIA GOSSEI, Bow., i, 42 ; PI. XXVI, figs. 349, 350 ; in, PI. VI, figs. 6—8. GEODIA. 27 ORDER II.— SILIOEA, i, 166; n, 3. SUBORDER I. — i, 166; n, 3. Genus 5. — GEODIA, Lamarck, i, 167 ; n, 3. GEODIA ZETLANDICA, Johnston, u, 45 ; in, PI. VII, figs. 1—10. 1867 Oydoniwn Mulleri, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 548. 1870 Geodia Zetlandica, Scliraidt. Grunzitge einer Spongien des Atlantisclien Gebietes, p. 76. Carter has described three forms of Geodia from the " Porcupine" dredgings, but does not record G. Zet- landica as having been met with in that expedition. His Geodia megastrella, however, appears to come very near to Johnston's species. May it not be the same ? The chief difference appears to be that G. Zetlandica is described by Bowerbank as having not only fusiformi- acerate skeleton spicula, but also " fusiformi-acuates" while the latter do not occur in G. megastrella. It is, however, worthy of notice, that although these spicula are described in Vol. II, no figure is given of them in Vol. Ill; did our author find that he had made a mistake with respect to these spicules ? But granted the presence of fusiformi-acuates along with the fusi- formi-acerates of G. Zetlandica, and their absence in G. megastrella, would this character be necessarily of specific importance in this group of sponge ? If the reader will turn a few pages on to the description of 28 BRITISH SPONGIAWE. the forms of Tethya cranium, he will find a so-called variety of that species named acufera, which differs from the typical cranium in exactly the same manner as Geoclia Zetlandica is distinguishable from G. megastrella, namely, by an intermixture of fusiformi-acuate with the usual fusiformi-acerate skeleton spicula. Genus 6. — PACHYMATISMA, Bow., i, 171 ; n, 3. PACHYHATISMA JOHNSTONIA, Bow., ii, 51 ; i, PI. I, figs. 15, 17, 20, 21 ; PI. II, figs. 45, 46 ; PI. IV, fig. 93 ; PL VI, figs. 158, 159 ; PL XXIV, figs. 330—332 ; PL XXVII, fig. 353 ; in, PL VIII, figs. 1—7. 1869 Pachymatisma Johnstonia, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iv, p. 8, pi. ii, figs. 7 — 18. 1873 Caminus oscuJatus, Grube. Mittlieil. ii. St. Malo u. Roscoff, &c., p. 132, Taf. ii, figs. 3, 3 a— e. Procured by me in 1867 in "Will Hellyer," a cave at the most northern point in the British Islands, the headland on the east side of Burrafirth in the island of TJnst, Shetland. This cave, which is always filled by the sea, cannot possibly be entered except in the calmest weather ; and the Sponge having been caught sight of at its furthest extremity, was at length procured, though not without incurring some danger. This is the only instance of its occurrence in Shetland (N.). Budleigh-Salterton (Carter). Genus 7. — NORMANIA, Bow., in, 258. 1868 Normania, Bowerbank. In Last Report of Dredging among the Shetland Isles ; Norman on the Porifera (Brit. Assoc. Rep.), 1868, p. 328. NOEMANIA. 29 NOEMANIA CRASSA, Bou\t in, 258; PI. LXXXI, figs. 1 — 12. 1868 Normania crassa, Bowerbank. Last Report of Dredging among the Shetland Isles ; Norman on the Porifera (Brit. Assoc. Rep.), 1868, p. 328. The type-specimens were dredged in 110 fathoms 20—25 miles N.N.E. of Burrafirth Lighthouse, Shet- land ; but the small specimens mentioned (III, 262) are erroneously recorded by the author as from Shetland. They were dredged by me in company with Dr. Gwyii Jeffreys in the Minch in 1866. Mr. Carter ('Ann. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 5, vol. ii, 1878, p. 176) has stated that "the type-specimen of Dr. Bowerbank's Normania crassa is only a sessile form of Tethya muricata, in every respect similar to one which was dredged up on board H.M.S. * Porcupine.' Tethya muricata is better known as Wyvillethomsonia Wattichii, a sponge which will, after bearing many synonyms, probably have to settle down as Tkenea muricata (Bow). Mr. Carter speaks very confidently respecting the type of Nonuanla cri/ssa, a sponge which is in my cabinet, and which he has never seen, but he has fallen into an extraordinary error. I know not well how two sponges belonging to the same group could well be more distinct than the two, which he would thus syno- nymise. They not only differ altogether in all external characters, but their spicula are wholly different. Without going into further detail it will suffice to state that the most characteristic " attenuato-expando- ternate " bifurcating connecting and defensive spicules of Thenea, figured by Bowerbank (' Proc. Zool. Soc.,' 1872, pi. v, fig. 4) and by Kent (' Month. Micros. Jour.,' vol. iv, 1870, pi. Ixvi, figs. 6, 7) the " simple attenuate- 30 BRITISH SPONGIAMI. expando-ternates," Bow., fig. 3, Kent,, fig. 7a, and the " recurvo-ternates," Kent, figs. 8, 9, are altogether absent in Normania, where their place is taken by the "large subfusiformi-acerates '' and the "small subfusiformi-acerates," Bow., 'Brit. Spong.,' in, PI. LXXXI, figs. 4 and 9, and the peculiar "abnormal forms of connecting spicula," figs. 6, 7, 8. Indeed the only point in which the two sponges agree is that both are furnished with " stellates." Genus 8. — ECIONEMIA, Bow., i, 173; n, 4. ECIONEMIA, Bow., June, 1862 — STELLETTA, Schmidt, 1862. 1. ECIONEMIA COMPEESSA, Bow., n, 55; in, 19; PI. IX, figs. 1—12. 2. ECIONEMIA PONDEEOSA, Bow., n, 56; in, 352; and PL VIII, figs. 8—15. 1871 Stelletta aspera, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, p. 7, pi. iv, figs. 7 — 14. There can, I think, be no doubt that the sponge found by Mr. Carter at Straight Point, Budleigh- Salterton, and described by him in the ' Annals ' under the name Stelletta aspera, is Bowerbank's Ecionemia ponder osa. Mr. Carter's figures of the spicula very closely resemble those of the last-named species, and the fact that he did not find the small doliolate spicula is of little moment, as they might have easily escaped him. In Ecionemia compressa the doliolate spicula were not recorded in the description in Vol. II, and ECIONEMIA. 31 were only discovered after a " searching examination ' (III, p. 19). 3. ECIONEMIA COACTUKA, Bow., in, 269; PL LXXXII, figs. 13—19. Genus 9. — POLYMASTIA, Bow., i, 177 ; n, 5. 1. POLYMASTIA OENATA, BOW., II, 58; III, 20, PI. IX, figs. 13—16. 2. POLYMASTIA BULBOSA, Bow., n, 61; in, PI. X, figs. 1—4. 3. POLYMASTIA ROBUSTA, Bow., n, 62; m, PL X, figs. 5—8. 1861 Eiipledclla rolusta, Bow. List British Mai-ine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.),p. 71. Habitat. — Dredged in Birterbuy Bay, Connernara, by Mr. D. Robertson and myself in 1874 (N.). 4. POLYMASTIA BBEVIS, Bow., n, 64; i, PL XXIX, fig. 358; m, 25; PL XI, figs. 1—9. 1861 Euplectella brevis, Bow. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 71. 1868 Quasillina brevis, Norman. Last Report Dred. Shetland Isles (Brit. Assoc. Rep.), p. 329. In the British Association's ' Report ' of 1868 will be found the grounds on which I established the genus Quasillina to receive this species, and in Vol. Ill, p. 26, 32 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. Dr. Bowerbank gave his reasons for not recognising that genus. Let others decide the matter. This is not the occasion to defend my own views, but I may be allowed to observe that my description was not based on a single specimen, as my old friend seems to imply. I certainly have seen a far larger number of specimens, and those, too, fresh from the sea, than ever passed in a dried condition through his hands. 5. POLYMASTIA spiNULA, Boiv., ii, 66; in, 27; PI. XI, figs. 10—13. Habitat.— Dredged, in Birterbuy Bay, Connemara, 1874 (N.). 6. POLYMASTIA RADIOSA, Sow., n, 68; in, 28; PI. XI, figs. 14—18. 7. POLYMASTIA MAMMILLAEIS (Midler). 1861 Euplectella mammilaris, Bow. List Brit. Marine Invert. (Brit. Assoc.), p. 71. 1867 Pencillaria matmnittaris, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 527. Habitat. — Polperro, Cornwall ; three miles off Dun- stanborough, Northumberland ; the Minch ; Birterbuy Bay, Connemara (N.). Among the specimens from the last-named locality is one of an oval form, and a little more than an inch in length, embedded in a mass of Rapliyrus Griffith sice, which completely covers, inside and out, the gibbous valve of a Pecten maximus. Another fine large example from the same dredgings is about three POLYMASTIA. 33 and a half inches in diameter, almost entirely covering the external surface of the flat valve of a Pecten maxi- mus. This sponge has about one hundred and fifty fistula ; and on the inside of the valve of the Pecten are three or four very thin circular or oval spots of the same sponge in a very young state, before any fistular appendages are developed. 8. POLYMASTIA CONIGERA, Bow., in, 192; PI. LXXII, figs. 13—16. Genus 10. — HALYPHYSEMA, Bow., i, 179; n, 5. (= SQUAMULINA, Carter, but not of Schultzej 1. HALYPHYSEMA TUMANOWICZII, Bow., n, 76; i, PL XXX, fig. 359. 1866 Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, O. Schmidt. Zweite Sup- plement d. Spong. d. Adriatischen Meeres, p. 13, pi. i, fig. 13 (copy from Bowerbank). 1868 Halyphysema Tumanowiczii, Parfitt. Trans. Devon. Assoc. Sci. Lit. and Art., p. 14 (separate copy) ; and Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. v, vol. i (1878), p. 88. 1870 Squamulina scopula, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v, p. 310, pi. iv, figs. 1—11 ; and vol. xx (1877), p. 337; ser. 5, vol. i (1878), p. 172; vol. iii (1879), p. 407. 1877 Haliphysema primordiale, Haeckel. Biologische Stu- dien, p. 180, pi. ix. 1877 Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Haeckel. 1. c., p. 192. 1877 Gastrophysema dithalamium, Haeckel. 1. c., p. 196, pis. xii — xiv. 1877 Gastrophysema scopula, Haeckel. 1. c., p. 206. 1878 Squamulina scopula, Kent. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, p. 1. 1878 Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Norman. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, p. 274. VOL IV. 3 34 BRITISH SPONG1AD.E. 1878 Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Kent. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii, p. 68, pis. iv and v. 1879 Halipliysema Turn anoiviczii, H. B. Brady. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., N. S., vol. xix, p. 50. 1880 Haliphysema Tumanoiviczii, Lankester. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci., N. S., vol. xix, p. 475, p. xxii. Habitat. — Attached to fronds of Rhodymenia, Torbay (Parfitt) ; Budleigh-Salterton (Carter); Jersey (Kent); Bergen, Norway (Haeckel) ; " H. primordiale," Medi- terrannean, Corsica (Haeckel) ; " G. dithalamium," Mediterranean, Smyrna (Haeckel). The genus Haliphysema has been the subject of much controversy of recent years, for the full under- standing of which the reader is referred to the several papers which are enumerated in the syonymy. It will suffice here briefly to allude to the views entertained by the respective authors. Dr. Bowerbank described Haliphysema at first not only as a sponge, but as presumably a sponge which secreted its own siliceous spicula. In the second volume of this work, however, after he had received from me the type-specimens of H. ramulosa, he dis- tinctly stated that the skeleton consists of " an incor- poration of fragments of spicula of various shapes and sizes and of minute grains of sand." This fact I had pointed out to him in my letters. Mr. Carter was the first to maintain that Haliphy- sema had been wrongly placed among the sponges, and that it should be located among the Rhizbpoda. He found grounds for this opinion in the pseudo-septate character of the attached base of the organism, which, he argued, showed its alliance with the Forarninifera, and from the fact that on cutting an individual in two sarcode escaped which exhibited amoeboid motions. HALIPHYSEMA. 35 Professor Hacckel next entered in the field, and published an elaborate essay illustrated with a number of plates. He apparently proved to demonstration that Haliphysema could be nothing else than a sponge, and he assigned it to that position, and as one of the simplest forms of the Coelenterata. He described and figured Haliphysema as having a hollow interior every- where lined with the " flagellated cells " or " collar- bearing monads" characteristic of sponges; furnished, moreover, with a curious single spiral line of such flagellated cells of much greater size than the rest, while at the bottom of the cavity he described and figured ovate objects which were regarded as eggs. No cne at this time could have reasonably supposed anything else than that Haeckel had clearly proved Haliphysema to be a low type of sponge. Meanwhile I had myself procured certain organisms from my own dredgings off Valentia and from material brought up the " Porcupine " from considerable depths in the Atlantic. These appeared to me, on the one hand, so nearly to resemble Haliphysema that they could scarcely belong to a different class, and, on the other, so closely approaching many of the Lituolidan Foraminifera that no line of demarcation seemed pos- sible. In a paper in the ' Annals ' I summarised what was known and had been written respecting Haliphy- sema retaining its place, in consequence of Haeckel's apparently conclusive proofs among the sponges, but criticising the genera and species which he had insti- tuted. In this paper I described the allied organisms under the names Technitella and Marsipella as "genera incertce sedis." I did not dare to separate them from the Foraminifera to which they appeared to me to be 36 BRITISH SPONGIAD^l. united by a series of uninterrupted links, while on the other hand Technitella appeared more closely allied to Haliphysema than to any other animal known to me. Shortly after this Mr. Kent, who felt most anxious to see with his own eyes what Haeckel had described and figured of the animal of Haliphysema, sought dili- gently for and succeeded in finding it at Jersey. After most careful examination of living examples, he astonished zoologists by a paper, in which he stated that a " rigid examination with the aid of a magnifying power of from 800 to as much as 2000 diameters, failed to reveal the existence of any structure corresponding with the collar-bearing flagellate zooids of ordinary sponges" such as had been figured by Haeckel. On the other hand, he witnessed such extended, delicate, and anastomosing pseudopodial action of the sarcode in the living animal, and altogether such a structure of the granular mass which occupied the whole of the interior, as to convince him that Haliphysema must be and could be nothing else than a Foraminifer. Mr. Ray Lankester commenced his observations under the impression that it was impossible that the Professor of Jena could have so accurately figured and described what had in reality no existence ; and he presumed, therefore, that what Haeckel had witnessed had escaped the observation of Mr. Kent. After close and most careful investigation of numerous living and preserved examples sent to him from Jersey, he found Mr. Kent's observations to be confirmed in every par- ticular, and that the " core " or central portion of Hali- physema within the crust of spicula and sand grains " is a continuous mass of protoplasm, exhibiting no central cavity and devoid of ' cell-structure.' Scat- HALIPHTSEMA. 37 tered in tlie protoplasm are an immense number of vesicular bodies averaging TyVoth inch in diameter, the walls of which are thick and their contents granular or else hyaline. Mr. Lankester suggests that these may be called " vesicular nuclei." At the basal portion of the core were egg-like bodies of protoplasm of much larger size than the vesicular nuclei, varying from the TiWth t° the -scToth of an inch in diameter. In no part of the body-substance could he find " evidence of any axial cavity comparable to the enteron of higher animals, nor the slightest trace of a breaking up of the protoplasm into areas or units corresponding to cells, with the exception of the egg-like bodies of the ante- terior region ;" and the whole organisation points to its relationship to the Foraminifera. Dr. K. Mobius is a third witness. He has confirmed the observations of Kent and Lankester from the examination of living specimens procured at the Mauritius, and placed the genus among the Forami- nifera. Mr. H. B. Brady, in his recent observations of classi- fication of the Foraminifera in " Notes on some of the Keticularian Rhizopoda of the ' Challenger ' Expedi- tion " (' Quart. Jour. Mic. Sci.,' N. S., vol. xxi, 1880, p. 13), has placed Haliphysema together with my genera Technitella and Marsipella in the Family Astrorhizidce ; and here it appears to me, according to our present knowledge, is its most proper position. Although, however, Halipliijsema would seem to have with our present knowledge no proper locus standi in the present volume, it is right that it should be left here in deference to what were Dr. Bowerbank's views to the time of his death. 38 BRITISH SPONQIAD^l. 2. HALYPHYSEMA EAMULOSA, Bow., n, 79; in, PL XIII, % I- 1870 Halyphysema ramulosa, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v, p. 389. 1870 Squainulina scapula (" branched variety "), Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, p. 345. 1877 Haliphysema ramulosa, Haeckel. Biologische Studien, p. 193. 1878 Haliphysema ramulosa, Norman. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. v vol. i, p. 276. 1880 Haliphysema Tumanowiczii, Mobius. Beitrage zur Meeres Fauna der Insel Mauritius und den Seychel- len, p. 72, pis. i and ii, fig. 1. Habitat. — Among sponges and on rocks, between tidemarks, Budleigh-Salterton, Devon, Mr. Carter. Off coast of Florida, U.S., dredged by Pourtales (fide Schmidt). Roundstone Bay, Ireland (Norman). The finest specimen I have seen of H. ramulosa is one for which I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Carter, and which, from a pedicel of almost a quarter of an inch high, becomes suddenly multiraraose, and terminates in seventeen heads.* Genus 11. — CIOCALYPTA, Bow., i, 179; 11, 5. 1. CIOCALYPTA PENICILLUS, Bow., n, 81; i, PL XXX, fig. 360 ; PL XIII, figs. 2—4. 1870 Axinella penicillus, Schmidt. Spongien Fauna des Atlant. Gebietes, p. 76. 2. CIOCALYPTA LEEI, Bow., HI, 296; PL LXXXVI, figs. 1—4. * This specimen will be figured in Mr. H. B. Brady's forthcoming volume on the " Challenger " Foraminifera. TETHTA. 39 Genus 12. — TETHYA, Lamarck, i, 181 ; n, 6. 1. TETHYA CKANIUM, Lamarck, n, 83 ; i, PI. IV, figs. 77 -82; PI. XXV, fig. 343; PI. XXXI, fig. 362; in, PI. XIV, figs. 1—6; PL LXXXIX, figs. 5—8. 1870 Tetilla cranium, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant., Geb., p. 76. 1872 Tethya Zetlandica, Cai-ter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ix, p. 417, pi. xxii, figs. 1—6, 13—17. Tethya cranium, Carter. Loc. cit., pi. xxii, figs. 9 — 12. 1875 Tethya cranium, vars. dbyssorum and infrequens, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 405, pi. xvi, fig. 49 (abyssoruni), and fig. 48 (infrequens). Habitat. — Dredged in deep water in the Minch in company with Phakellia ventilabrum, Isodictya infun- dibuliformis and laciniosa, and Normania crassa, which are also its companions in the deep waters of the Shetland Seas (N.). Either there must be an extraordinary amount of variation in the character of the spicula of this sponge, or there are in the seas around the British Islands very closely allied species which, while agreeing in general character, may be distinguished by certain variations in their spicula. It is not without much hesitation that I here regard these forms as variations of a single species. So regarded, I cannot but feel that they give a very serious warning against basing specific character on minute spicular differentiation ; and in these volumes a large number of species are established on the ground of minute spicular variation. At the same time it must be carefully borne in mind that in all other classes of animals the amount of plasticity of form and structure varies immensely, even in kindred species ; and the fact that one animal or plant varies almost endlessly does 40 BEITISH SPONGIAD.E. not enable us to predicate that a closely allied form will prove similarly unstable in its characters ; on the contrary, it may prove exceptionally constant to its type. A very important question still remains unanswered among the sponges, viz. What amount of variation in the form and proportionate size of spicula may be re- garded as consistent with specific character ? No doubt the amount of such variation will, as I have suggested, be found to differ greatly in different genera and species. Future observations must determine whether the divergencies here considered as varietal in Tethya cranium should or should not be rather reckoned as specific. It will be easy in such latter case to employ the names here used to designate the several varieties as indicative instead of species. Dr. Bowerbank first pointed out that the numerous specimens of Tethya cranium which he had examined contained two sorts of gernmules, " which are always grouped together" (n, p. 86). These two gemmules differ in their spicules, the first having only curved fusiformi-acerates ; the second having, 1, curved fusiformi-acerates ; 2, attenuato-porrecto-ternates ; 3, attenuato-bihamates or unihamates. And he considered it " highly probable" that this difference in the struc- ture of the gemmules is sexual. In 1872 Mr. Carter, having examined a bottle-full of Tethya cranium which Dr. Bowerbank had presented to the British Museum, believed that they were divisible into two species, which he designated " cranium" and " Zetlandica;" Dr. Bowerbank declined (' Ann. Nat. Hist/ ser. 4, vol. x, p. 58) to acknowledge the validity of the grounds on which Carter established TETHYA. 41 his T. Zetlanclica ; and Mr. Carter himself now doubts whether that form is entitled to specific rank (' Ann. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 471). I have spe- cimens in rny collection which closely agree with the characters of Zetlanclica, but I am inclined to regard them as cranium in which the dermal membrane and subdermal sarcode with their bihamates have been washed away; while the consequently outstanding fasciculi of radiating porrecto- and recurvo-ternate spicula, of which the apices are broken off, give the sponge the " thick-set papillae" which render it so different in appearance to the naked eye from the silky investiture of the same sponge when in fine condition. The differences in the gemmules appear to be those which had previously been noticed by Bowerbank. I now proceed to notice the forms which have been met with. TETHYA CRANIUM, var. 1, TYPICA. The externally protruded spicula, arranged in whorls like the hair of the human head, and presenting a hoary, shining, asbestine appearance. The sarcode, abundantly supplied with excessively minute sigmoid- bihamate spicula (magnified 1166 diameters, in, PL XIY, fig. 5), measuring about -^Vs inch long. " The spiral twist of the spicules and presence of bihamates are as characteristic of the young while still within the body of the mother as they are of the adult ' (Carter). 42 BRITISH SPONGIAD2E. TETHYA CRANIUM, var. 2, ZETLANDICA, Garter, 1. c. Surface smooth, interrupted by thick-set papillae irregularly disposed. Sarcode entirely without biha- mates. The young within the body showing the same absence of bihamates, and having the spicules radiatiugly arranged, but not spirally twisted (Carter). TETHYA CRANIUM, var. 3, ACOFERA, Norman. In most respects like the type, bihamates abundant ; along with the f usiformi-acerate spicula of the skeleton large numbers of fusiformi-acuates occur, consti- tuting perhaps one third of the number of skeleton spicula. A single specimen in my collection. TETHYA CRANIUM, var. 4, ABYSSOEUM, Carter, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, p. 405, pi. xvi, fig.. 49. Bihamates (151uoth inch long) twice as large as usual, and under \ inch object glass seen to be covered with minute vertical spines. Abundant among the " Porcupine" dredgings in the deep sea between the North of Scotland and the Faroe Islands. TETHYA. 43 TETHYA CRANIUM, -car. 5, INFKEQUENS, Carter, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, p. 405; pi. xvi, figs. 48 a — c. Porrecto-ternate spicula, of remarkable form, the prongs being distally truncated and slightly expanded, so as to form a cup-shaped excavation bordered by a serrated margin, while the central canal of the spi- culum on reaching the bottom of the cup-shaped cavity divides into a number of minute branches, one of which passes to each of the tooth-like processes on the margin of the cup. The recurvo-ternate spicules have the arms much more divergent, and not so re- curved as in the normal T. cranium; and the usual bihainate flesh-spicules are altogether absent. This is certainly a most remarkable form. One specimen, " Porcupine ' Expedition, 1869, No. 57, Lat. 60° 14' N., Long. 6° 17' W., 632 fathoms, in the deep mid-channel between Scotland and Faroe. Tethya cranium, Phakellia ventilabrum, and Isodictya infundibuliformis, are all brought up in great abundance by the hooks of the Shetland long-line men, when fishing for torsk and cod on the Haaf Banks. When Dr. Bowerbank first commenced the study of British Sponges, the Tethya, &c., were considered extremely rare. Desirous of possessing these fine species, he wrote to the fishermen's agent at the Out Skerries, and said he would give sixpence each for all that he could procure. No doubt our old friend thought the offer an uncommonly safe one ; but in a short time a huge keg of Sponges came (300 Tethya, see n, p. 84, among them !), and a nice little bill of 44 BRITISH SPONGIAD^l. fifteen pounds. As lie distributed his duplicates among his friends, he used to laugh over the story, which he told as a warning never to give an unlimited order. Of late years the same sort of lesson has been taught with respect to two other Sponges, Euplectella aspergillum, and Hyalonema mirabile. 2. TETHYA COLLINGSII, Bow., n, 87 ; i, PI. II, fig. 48 ; in, PI. XV, figs. 1—9. 1867 Collingsia Sarniensis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p . 541. 1870 Stelletta Collingsii, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — On the under side of large stones at ex- treme low water, spring tides, at entrance of West- port Bay, Co. Mayo (N). 3. TETHYA SCHMIDTII, Bow., n, 89; in, PI. XV, figs. 10—16. 1867 Collingsia Schmidtii, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 541. 1870 Stelletta Schmidtii, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 67. 4. TETHYA LYNOUEIUM (Linn.),!!, 92; i, PI. XXV, fig. 342 ; in, PL XV, figs. 17—22. 1862 Tethya morum and Lyncurium, Schmidt. Spong. Adri- atic Meeres, p. 44. 1867 Donatia aurantium, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 541. 1869 Tethya (Donatia, Gray) Lyncurium, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iv, p. 7, pi. ii, figs. 1 — 6. TETHYA. 45 1870 Tethya Lyncurium, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 67. Habitat. — Tidemarks, Westport Bay, Co. Mayo ; and Roundstone, Connemara (N.), Budleigh-Salterton (Carter). 5. TETHYA SPINOSA, Bow., in, 279; PL LXXXIII, figs. 17—22. 6. TETHYA SPINULARIA, Bow., 11, 94; in, PI. XV, figs. 23—30. 1867 Spinularia tetheoides, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 524. 1870 Radiella spinularia, Sclimidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Genus 13. — HALICNEMIA, Bow., i, 184 ; n, 6. HALICNEMIA PATEEA, Bow., n, 96 ; i, PL X, figs. 228 — 233 ; PL XXXII, figs. 363, 364 ; HI, PL XV, figs. 31, 32. Genus 14. — DICTYOCYLINDRUS, Bow., i, 185; n, 6. 1. DICTYOCYLINDRUS VENTILABRUM, Bow., n, 100; in, PL XVI, figs. 1—5. 1870 Dictyocylindrus ventilabrum, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 2. DICTYOCYLINDRUS RAMOSUS (Mont.), n, 103 ; in, PL XVI, figs. 6 -12. 1870 Raspailia ramosa, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 46 BRITISH SPONGIADJ1. 3. DrCTYOCYLINDRUS RADIOSUS, Bow., II, 105 ; Ilf, PI. XX, figs. 5—9. 1870 Raspailia radiosa, Sclimidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 4. DICTYOCYLINDRUS HOWSEI, Bow., ii, 106; in, PL XIX, figs. 8—13. Habitat. — A specimen an inch and a quarter nigh, consisting of a short, bent pedicil, and three branched terminations, dredged in 10 fathoms, Birterbny Bay (N.). 5. DICTYOCYLINDRUS HISPIDUS (Mont.), n, 108; in, PI. XVII, figs. 1—5. 1870 Easpailia (viminalis ?), Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — In 50 fathoms off Shetland, in company with D. stuposus (N.). 6. DICTYOCYLINDRUS ACULEATUS, Bow., n, 109; in, 53 ; PL XXI, figs. 5—12. 1867 Vibulinus aculeatus, Gray. Proc. Zoo], Soc., p. 545. 7. DICTYOCYLINDRUS FASCICULARIS, Bow., IT, 110; in, PL XVIII, figs. 1—4. 1867 Adreus fascicularis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Sue., p. 545. 1870 Raspailia (stelligera ?), Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. DIOTYOCYLINDEUS. 4n 8. DlOTYOOYLINDRUS VIRGULTOSUS, Bow., II, 113; III, PI. XIX, figs. 14—18. 1870 Raspailia virgultosa, Scliniidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 1876 Dictyocylindrus virgultosus, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 234, pi. xii, fig. 5, and pi. xv, fig. 27. 5 J In the specimens procured in the " Porcupine Expedition to the East of Shetland in 64 and 75 fathoms, Mr. Carter has described and figured the large skeleton spicules as " large, acuate, smooth, sharp-pointed, curved suddenly or bent towards the large extremity." In this last point these spicules differ from those described in this work from my type- specimens, but in all other respects the " Porcupine" examples agree closely with those previously obtained. Similar variations, from straight-headed acuates to those which have the thick end much bent, occasionally occur in other species ; for example, the club-headed ppicula of Grantia compressa, which usually have the head much bent on one side, are occasionally found straight. 9. DIOTYOCYLINDEUS PUMILUS, Boiv., n, 114; in, PI. XIX, fig. 19 ; PL XXI, figs. 1—4. 1870 Axinella puinila, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 70. Habitat. — An example in fine condition was found growing on the arched under surface of a large stone at extreme low water, Westport Bay, Co. Mayo (N.). 48 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. 10. DICTTOCYLINDRUS sTUPosus (Mont.), IT, 116; in, PI. XIX, figs. 1—7. 1867 Vibulinus stuposus, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 545. 1870 Raspailia stuposa, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — In 50 fathoms, five miles East of Balta Island, Shetland, 1867; three miles off Dunstan- borough, Northumberland, 1864; the Minch, 1866; Birterbuy Bay, Connemara, 1874 (N.). 11. DlCTYOCYLINDRUS RUGOSUS, Bow.t II, 119; III, PL XX, figs. 1—4. 1870 Axinella rugosa, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 12. DlCTYOCYLINDRUS RECTANGULUS, Bow., Ill, 281; PL LXXXIV, figs. 1—7. Genus 15. — PHAKELLIA, Bow., i, 186; n, 7. 1. PHAKELLIA ROBUSTA, Bow., n, 120; m, 54; PL XXI, figs. 13—17. 2. PHAKELLIA VENTILABRUM (Johnston), 11, 122; in, PL XXII, figs. 1—7. 1866 PhaJcellia ventilabrum, Schmidt. Spong. Adriat. Meeres, zweites Supplement, p. 15, pi. i, fig. 16. 1870 PhaJcellia ventilabriwn, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 61. 1876 PJiaJcellia ventilabrum, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. iv, vol. xviii, p. 239. Habitat. — Fine in deep water in the Minch (N.). It THAKELL1A. 49 lias been found by Schmidt among the Sponges dredged by Pourtales off Florida in 324 fathoms (' Spong. Atlant.,' p. 62) ; and in the " Porcupine" dredgings in the North Atlantic it was procured from the still greater depth of 640 fathoms (Carter, 1. c.)- Among the editor's specimens from Shetland is one which is ten inches high, and a foot in diameter across the edge of the cup. Another very beautiful example is only three inches high, but expands very widely, and has a greatest diameter of thirteen inches, while its surface is proliferous with seven or eight young specimens springing from it. Genus 16. — MICROCIONA, Bow., i, 188 ; n, 7. 1. MICROCIONA FICTITIA, Bow., ii, 124; in, 352; PL XXIII, figs. 1—6, and LXXXII, fig. 20. Habitat. — Westport Bay, Co. Mayo ; colour when living yellow, very glairy with abundant sarcode (N.). One of the specimens from Westport Bay is a large mass, which measures in the dried state three and a half inches long, two and a half wide, and one and a half thick. It has numerous pieces of Gorallina and Nullipora, as well as several small pebbles, em- bedded in its substance. It was dredged in about five fathoms. 2. MICROCIONA KENTII, Bow., in, 317; PI. LXXXIX, figs. 9—13. In Yol. Ill, p. 311, fig. 9, for "represents the type VOL. iv. 4 50 BRITISH SPONGIAD.2E. specimen of the species in the cabinet of Mr. W. Saville Kent," read — " represents the largest of the specimens dredged by the Rev. A. M. Norman at Jersey." On comparing the figure with the de- scription of the specimens, the student would be at a loss to reconcile the illustration with the account of Mr. Kent's specimen ; he will, however, find the description of the specimen from which the drawing was made on page 319. Dr. Bowerbank apparently chose this specimen for illustration as being the largest he had seen, and " in a much finer condition than the type one found by Mr. Kent." 3. MICROCIONA FRAUDATOR, Bow., in, 275 ; PI LXXXIII, figs. 7—11. 4. MICROCIONA TUMULOSA, Bow.9 n. sp., iv, PI. XI, figs. 1—4. " Sponge massive, tumulous, tumuli conical, large, parietes thick ; surface minutely rugose. Oscula within the cloacal tumuli. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane abundantly spiculous ; spicula ace- rate, same size and form as those of the skeleton, dis- persed. Skeleton-columns numerous, compact, long and slender, diffused ; spicula acerate, rather slender. Interstitial spicula few in number, same as those of the skeleton. " Colour. — In the dried state, externally dull grey, internally blood red. " Habitat. — Westport Bay, County Mayo, at extreme low-water spring tides ; Rev. A. M. Norman. MICBOCIONA. 51 <( Examined. — In the dried state. " I received this sponge with many others from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman for examination. It consists of two little specimens, which have evidently been united by small adhesive points near their basal portions. When thus united the two would not have exceeded an inch in diameter, and the greatest height is about half an inch. One of these small masses is composed of four comparatively large conical tumuli, each terminating in a cloacal orifice, the margin of which is slightly thickened, and is quite smooth. The other specimen, rather the largest of the two, has one large tumulus and an immature one ; the large one has three terminal orifices, and appears to have been two or more tumuli fused together by close contact. The largest of the tumuli rather exceeds half an inch in height. " The dermal membrane abounds with spicula, which are closely felted together without any approach to definite arrangement. They vary to a small extent in size, but they are in every respect the same as those of which the skeleton-columns are composed. " The skeleton exhibits the most strikingly distinctive characters of the species. The columns are long and slender ; the spicula of which they are composed are compactly cemented together, and in the specimen in course of description they are of a deep blood-red colour. The columns are completely destitute of internal defensive spicula. When the columns, pass- ing from the basal portion of the sponge, reach the dermal membrane, they do not terminate there, but bending at an angle they continue their course in con- tact with the inner surface of the membrane for con- 52 BRITISH SPONGIA1XE. siderable distances in various directions ; and this peculiarity, combined with the slender, smooth, and blood-red colour, forms an important discriminative character of the species. The interstitial spicula are few in number and very irregularly dispersed, and they are of the same form and size as those of the other parts of the sponge. "It is remarkable that in this species of the genus there is only one form and size of spiculum which is common to all parts of the sponge." 5. MTCEOCIONA L^VIS, Bow., n, 127 ; in, PI. XXIII, fig. 7—11. 1867 Abila Itevis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 539. 6. MICROCIONA siMPLicissiMA, Bow., in, 204 ; PL LXXIII, figs. 16—19. 1868 Microciona simplicissima, Bowerbank. In last Report of Dredging among the Shetland Isles ; Norman on Porifera, Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1868 (1869), p. 330. 7. MICROCIONA FALLAX, Bow., 11, 128. 1869 Sophaz fallax, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 521. 1870 Scopalina fctllax, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 8. MTCEOCIONA SPINULENTA, Bow., n, 132 ; in, PL XXIV, figs. 1 — 6. 1870 Esperia spinulenta, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — Shetland, 1864, Messrs. Peach and Jeffreys (fide Bowerbank in litt. ad A. M. N.). MICROCIONA. 53 9. MICROCIONA ARMATA, Bow., ir, 129; in, PI. XXIII, figs. 17—24. Habitat. — Shetland, 1864, Messrs. Peach and Jeffreys (fide Bowerbank in litt. ad A. M. N.). 10. MICROCIONA AMBIGUA, Bow.t u, 136; in, PI. XXV, figs. 1—9. 11. MICROCIONA JECUSCULUM, Bow. 1866 Hymeniacidon jecusculum, Bow. n, 198. 1874 Microciona jecusculum, Bow. in, 274, PL LXXXIII, figs. 1 — 6. 1870 Desmacidon jecusculum, Scliruidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb. p. 76. 1876 Microciona jecusculum, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 237. Habitat. — Carter (1. c.) records this sponge as dredged by the " Porcupine ' in 374 fathoms near Cape St. Vincent (station 25), 1870, and near the Faroe Islands (station 61), 1869, in 114 fathoms. 12. MICROCIONA PLUMOSA (Montagu). 1866 Microciona carnosa, Bow. n, 133. 1866 Hymeniacidon plumosus, Bow. n, 195. 1874 Microciona plumosa, Bow. in, 61, PL XXIV, figs. 7—13. 1867 Pronax plumosa, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. 1870 Desmacidon plumosus, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — Westport Bay, Co. Mayo, N. 54 BRITISH SPONGIADJE. 13. MlCBOCIONA ATRA SANGUINE A, BOW., II, 138 ; I, PL XXXIII, fig. 368; PI. XXXIV, fig. 369; in, PI. XXIV, figs. 14—19. Habitat. — Shetland, 1864, Messrs. Peach and Jeffreys (fide Bowerbank in litt. ad A. M. JST.) ; Bud- leigh-Salterton (Carter).* Genus 17. — HTMEKAPHIA, Sow. 1. HYMEEAPHIA VEEMICULATA, Bow., n, 141; i, PI. 1, fig. 5; m, PL XXVI, figs. 1—3. 1867 Bubaris vermiculata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 522. 1876 Hymeraphia vermiculata, var. ereda, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 307, pi. xii, fig. 4, and pi. xv, fig. 26 a, b. Habitat. — -All the Shetland specimens are in the form of a very thin crust, coating stones. Among the " Porcupine " dredgings, however, were found " short, cylindrical, angular, club-shaped sponges, becoming massive, lobed, and lobulated, or compressed and expanding flabellately." These sponges were about three inches high. In anatomical and structural characters they are stated by Carter to closely re- semble the encrusting forms of H. vermiculata, which was found with it. The localities of the specimens lie " between the North of Scotland, the Shetland and the Faroe Island, in depths varying from 114 to 640 fathoms.3' * ' Ann. Nat. Hist./ ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, p. 274. HYMERAPHIA. 55 2. HYMERAPHIA CLAVATA, flow., n, 143 ; in, PI. XXYI, figs. 4—9. 1867 Euryplion clavatum, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 521. 3. HYMERAPHIA VERTICILLATA, Bow., n, 145 ; i, PL X, figs. 238, 239; in, 69, PL XXVII, figs. 1—3. 1867 N(enia verticillata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 516. 1867 Laothoe verticillata, Gray. Ibid., p. 543. 1875 Hymeraphia verticillata, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 321, pi. xiv, figs. 21 a — p, and pi. xv, figs. 39 a, b. Habitat. — Hymeraphia verticillata has been recorded by Schmidt from Florida (' Spong. Atlant. Geb.,' p. 80), and from 345 fathoms forty miles north-north- west of Shetland (station 65), 1869, by Carter in his notes on the "Porcupine" sponges. 4. HYMERAPHIA STELLIFERA, Bow., IT, 146 ; i, PL I, fig. 34; PL XXXIV, fig. 370; in, PL XXVII, figs. 4—6. 1867 Mesapos stellifera, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 543. 5. HYMERAPHIA SIMPLEX, Sow., in, 255, PL LXXX, figs. 2, 3. ' 6. HYMERAPHIA CORONULA, Bow., in, 246 ; PL LXXIX, figs. 1 — 4. 1868 Hymeraphia coronula, Bowerbank. In last Report of Dredging among the Shetland Isles; Norman on Porifera, Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1868 (1869), p. 330. 5G BRITISH SPONGIADJ1. Genus 18. — HYMEDESMIA, Bow., i, 190; IT, 8. 1. HYMEDESMIA INFLATA, Bow., in, 248; PL LXXIX, figs. 5—8. 2. HYMEDESMIA OCCULTA, Bow., in. 250; PL LXXIX, figs. 9—11. 1868 Hymedesmia occulta, Bowerbank. Last Report of Dredging among the Shetland Isles; Norman on Porifera, Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1868 (1869), p. 331. 3. HYMEDESMIA RADIATA,^OW;.,II, 149 ; in, PL XXVIII, figs. 1—4; PL XXIX, fig. 8. 1867 Epicles radiosus, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., 521. Habitat. — On a fossil valve of Pecten Islandicus, dredged by Dr. Jeffreys and myself in the Minch in 1866 (N.). 4. HYMEDESMIA INDISTINCTA, Bow., in, 304 ; PL LXXXVII, figs. 1—10. 5. HYMBDESMIA PAXSA, Bow.,n. sp., iv, PL I, figs. 1 — 4. " Sponge coating, thin. Surface uneven. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid, aspiculous. Skeleton composed of numerous, wide, flat patches of parallel, long, slender, acuate spicula, intermixed with numerous HYMEDESMIA. 57 prostrate, attenuato-acuate, entirely spined defensive spicula. Internal defensive spicula stout and variable in length, numerous ; retentive spicula arcuate, bi- dentate, equi-anchorate, slender, very numerous, and minute. " Colour. — Dried state, amber yellow. " Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay* and Roundstone Bay, County Galway, Ireland ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " This sponge coats very thinly a portion of the inner surface of a fragment of a valve of a Pecten, upon which numerous cells of a Lepralia have been built, and covering a portion of these, and upon parts of the smooth surface of the shell the sponge has been produced. The surface is more or less uneven, but this character of the sponge is probably in a great degree dependent on the extraneous materials based on the shell beneath it. A portion of the sponge covers the dead' cells of the Lepralia, while another portion is based on the smooth surface of the shell, and this assumes the form of a thin equable stratum of sponge. The portion covering the Lepralia had evidently been built over it while it was in a living state ; as upon reversing the mounted specimen nume- rous defensive spicula were seen projected through the basal membrane towards the cells of the Lepralia, evidently as a protection against any assaults on its basal substances ; but where the sponge was based on the smooth surface of the shell no defensive spicula were projected through the basal membrane, but on * This and Rovmdstone Bay are two branches of the same inlet on the north side of Galway Bay. I take the spelling " Birterlmy " from the Admiralty chart, but it is also sometimes spelt Birterbie, Birterby, Birterbey, and Bertraghboy. — N. 58 BRITISH SPOXGIAD.E. the contrary, they were directed inward at various angles towards the dermal membrane, or were pros- trate amidst the skeleton fasciculi. This especial application by the sponge of organs of defence against an unusual danger is a very remarkable fact, but it is not a solitary case, as I have met with several other similar instances of provident defences during the course of my investigations of the nature of sponge structures. Independent of those portions of sponge built over the Lepralia cells, there are parts of the sponge deposited upon the smooth surface of the shell that are considerably thicker and more elevated, in the form of minute hummocks, above the surrounding por- tions of the sponge, and such elevations are more or less opaque ; but it must be observed that these characters require a power of about 100 linear, applied to a portion of the sponge in Canada balsam, to render them distinct to the eye. " A few simple oscula were observed in the dermis of the part of the sponge examined. The pores were not detected. " The dermal membrane is closely attached to the mass of the skeleton beneath it, and no distinctive spicula were apparent on it. " The skeleton is remarkable in its mode of structure. It consists of numerous thin patches of spicula, dis- posed at various angles to each other, and in some parts they are so intermixed as to render their dis- tinctive fascicular characters very doubtful ; and the abundant intermixture of prostrate internal defensive spicula beneath and among them, acids greatly to this confusion. The skeleton spicula are long and very slender, and the number, fasciculated together, vary HYMEDESMIA. 59 from three or four to so many as to render it quite impossible to count them. " The defensive spicula are very much stouter than those of the skeleton. They are very numerous ; a portion of them are based on the inner surface of the basal membrane, and are projected into the mass of the sponge at various angles, while others are pros- trate on the membrane, or intermixed with the skeleton tissues. "The arcuate, bidentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spicula, are exceedingly numerous. They are very slender, and are abundantly but irregularly disposed in every part of the structures. " The only species of Hymedesmia with which H. pansa might possibly be confounded is H. indistincta, which has acuate, skeleton spicula, and bidentate, equi- anchorate, retentive ones, but it has no such internal defensive spicula as those which abound in H. pansa." 6. HYMEDESMIA PILATA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PL II, figs. 1 — 4. " Sponge coating very thinly. Surface smooth or minutely hispid. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores in- conspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid, rather abun- dantly supplied with very minute, simple or contort, bihamate, retentive spicula. Skeleton having the fasci- culi rarely containing more than two or three spicula, more frequently singly dispersed; spicula attenuato- acuate, basally spinous, long and rather slender. In- ternal defensive spicula attenuato-acuate, entirely spi- nous, comparatively short and stout, very numerously projected at right angles to the membranes. 60 BEITISH SPONGIAD.E. " Colour. — In the dried state, dark amber -brown. " Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay, Ireland ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " This sponge is spread very thinly on the inner sur- face of a fragment of a shell of Pecten maximus. It is one inch in length, and its greatest width does not exceed half an inch. When a portion of it mounted in Canada balsam is examined with a power of 300 linear it presents a very singular appearance. When the thickness of the sponge does not exceed about half the length of the internal defensive spicula, projected at right angles from the basal membrane through the dermal one, the surface appears minutely hispid, and the dermal membrane in a very pellucid state is dis- tinctly to be seen with numerous minute and slender bihamate, retentive spicula dispersed on its inner sur- face. When the thickness of the sponge exceeds the length of the internal defensive spicula the dermal surface then appears smooth, and the membrane, abun- dantly furnished with dark, amber-coloured sarcode, becomes very nearly opaque, and the structures be- neath are entirely obscured. In this condition its greatest thickness appears to be about twice the length of the internal defensive spicula, which mea- sured 3-^2 inch in length ; so that its greatest thick- ness does not appear to exceed about yyy inch. The bihamate spicula of the dermal membrane are rather abundant, but very minute and slender, and they require a power of not less than 400 linear to show them distinctly as they lie in situ. The skeleton also presents very anomalous characters. The spicula of which it is composed are like those of the system of HYMEDESMIA. 61 internal defence, attenuato-acuate in form, but very much longer ; a fully developed one measured -jyy inch, and in place of being entirely spined they are only spinous basallyfor about one third of their length, and their mode of disposition is parallel to the plane of the basal membrane, instead of at right angles to it. Their mode of disposition is also very irregular. There are rarely more than two or three fasciculated together, and by far the greater number are singly scattered amidst the interstitial tissues. " The three forms of spicula described are the only ones that I could detect in this sponge. The nearest ally to this species in general form and habitat ap- pears to be Hymedesmia pulchella, from which it is readily distinguished by the difference in the form of its skeleton and retentive spicula, and especially by the latter; but the discrimination of the two species requires close examination, as the retentive spicula of the species in course of description do not exceed Ysijo^ inch in length, and they are also exceedingly slender in their proportions." 7. HYMEDESMIA PULCHELLA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. II, figs. 5—8. " Sponge coating very thin and delicate. Surface minutely hispid. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid ; tension spicula long and very slender, acuate; retentive spicula angulated, bidentate, equi-anchorate, minute, propor- tionally rather stout, very numerous. Skeleton — fasciculi loosely and irregularly formed ; spicula long 62 BRITISH SPOXGIAD.E. and very slender, acuate; and also long and slender, attenuato-acuate, basally spinous, irregularly dispersed. Internal defensive spicula, attenuato-acuate, entirely and strongly spinous, short and stout, very numerous. " Colour. — In the dried state, dark amber-brown. " Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay, Ireland ; Hev. A. M. Norman. "Examined. — In the dried state. " This beautiful and interesting little sponge forms an exceedingly thin patch eight lines in length and four in breadth on the inner surface of a fragment of the shell of a Pecten maxhnus. A small portion of the sponge mounted in Canada balsam exhibited the surface as abundantly and powerfully hispid. Some portions of the sponge were nearly opaque in consequence of the presence of dark amber-coloured sarcode beneath the derniis, while other parts were in a beautifully trans- parent state and exhibited the structural characters of the sponge in a very satisfactory manner, with the strong hispidation of the surface produced by the projection of numerous, internal, defensive spicula, through the dermal membrane for more than half their entire length. As these spicula do not exceed ^^ inch in length, it would appear that the thickness of the sponge in those parts would not exceed about -7T7T inch. 500 " The dermal membrane appears to be abundantly supplied with the long and very slender tension spicula, but from the thinness of the sponge and the trans- parency of the dermal membrane it is not easily deter- mined to which part of the sponge the numerous, single, long, and very slender spicula belong ; but this uncertainty does not obtain to so great an extent HTMEDESMIA. 63 with the equi-anchorate retentive spicula, which are abundantly distributed on the inner surface of the dermal membrane. " The skeleton fasciculi are very irregularly con- structed, and they rarely contain more than four or five irregularly placed spicula; but in addition to the fasci- culi there are numerous single spicula dispersed among the fasciculi, and also a considerable number of the long, slender, basally spined, attenuato-acuate spicula, which are mostly prostrate amidst the other portions of the skeleton, though occasionally a few of them have their apical extremities slightly elevated above the sur- face on which their bases repose. These spicula are strikingly distinct from the purely defensive ones of the sponge, from which they may be at once distinguished by their being only basally spinous, and by being about three times the length of the purely defensive ones ; an average-sized one measured y^-Q inch in length ; they are basally spinous for about one fourth of their length ; the spines are acutely conical, but neither strongly nor numerously produced, while the internal defensive ones have their spines abundantly and very strongly produced, and especially so at their bases. The latter forms, besides those projected at rather regular intervals at right angles to the basal membrane, are frequently found prostrate on the mem- brane, either singly or in clusters, and occasionally assume a somewhat fan-shaped mode of disposition. " The angulated bidentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spicula are very numerous ; they vary very slightly in size — a fully developed one measured yaVf inch in length — and are rather stoutly proportioned ; they require a power of about 500 linear to render them 64 BRITISH SPCWGIAD/E. distinctly to the eye. Delicately thin as this species is, it is profusely abundant in spicula. "At the first sight this sponge is liable to be mis- taken for Hymedesmia indistincta, but on a more care- ful microscopical examination the difference in form of the dermal tension spicula from those of H. indistincta, and the total absence of the entirely spined cylindrical spicula of the last-named species, at once separates them." 8. HYMEDESMIA PEACHII, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. XIII, figs. 5—12. " Sponge coating exceedingly thin. Surface smooth, or very minutely hispid. Oscula and pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid, aspicu- lous. Skeleton composed of numerous very slender, acuate spicula in flat fasciculi, irregularly dispersed ; auxiliary skeleton spicula large and long, attenuato- acuate, basally spinous, irregularly dispersed, pros- trate. Internal defensive spicula attenuato-acuate, entirely spined, projected from the basal membrane at right angles to its plane, comparatively small and numerous. Eetentive spicula large and very stout, bidentate, equi-anchorate, moderately numerous ; and rarely others of the same form exceedingly minute. " Colour. — In the dried state, cream- white. " Habitat. — AVick, North Britain, in deep water ; C. W. Peach. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received in 1866, from my old and indefatigable friend Mr. C. W. Peach, too late for description and HYMEDESMIA. G5 publication in vol. ii of this work, a small angular stone nearly covered by a thin cream-white incrustation, and the remains of one of the valves of a bivalve shell, the inner surface of which was nearly entirely coated with the same sort of incrustation. He stated on labels attached to them that they were from deep water at "Wick, North Britain. The crust was spread over three sides of the angular pebble so thinly that it was with some difficulty that I could detach portions of it for microscopical examination after having immersed it in water ; its thickness not exceeding -^ ^y inch. AVhen a portion of it is mounted in Canada balsam and examined with a power of about 200 linear it becomes a remarkably interesting object, abounding in strikingly characteristic organs. The dermal membrane is so thin and pellucid that it can only be recognised by the small specks of extraneous matters adherent to its surface, and neither oscula nor pores can be detected. The minute hispidation of the surface can only be perceived in portions of the sponge when mounted in Canada balsam ; it is produced by the passage of small portions of the distal extremities of the internal defensive spicula through the dermal membrane. " The skeleton fasciculi are clearly unequally distri- buted through its substance ; in some cases they are grouped together rather numerously, while in others they occur singly, or two or three of them are closely adjoining each other ; and occasionally single spicula are irregularly dispersed. The fasciculi are composed of very slender acuate spicula, each fasciculus containing a considerable number of them closely disposed in parallel lines; but although thus slender they are undoubtedly the legitimate representatives of the VOL. iv. 5 66 BEIT1SH SPONGIAD.E. fasciculated skeleton of a true Hymedesmia ; while the dispersed, large, basally spined, attenuated acuate ones, from their prostrate mode of disposition, form a strong auxiliary skeleton destined to compensate the slender and fragile structures of the true skeleton fasciculi, and as well to aid and assist in the preservation of the sponge, as defensive organs, in addition to the true internal defensive spicules of the sponge. "From the extreme tenuity of the true skeleton spicula they might readily, and especially the dispersed ones, be mistaken for tension spicula, and especially so when compared with the numerous and comparatively gigantic auxiliary basally spined, attenuato-acuate ones, which are distributed rather numerously amongst them. " The disparity existing between the two portions of the skeleton structures is very remarkable. One of the normal skeleton spicula of the fasciculi was py^- inch in length, and its greatest diameter measured only TFFo o' °f an inch ; while the length of one of the large attenuato-acuate, basally spined spicula was -^7- inch, and at its greatest diameter near the base it was ygV? inch. " The attenuate, entirely spined, acuate, internal defensive spicula are all projected from the basal membrane at about right angles to its plane, and their apices frequently pass through the dermal membrane, thus performing the double office of internal, and to a certain extent external defences. We may, therefore, estimate the thickness of the sponge as about equivalent to the average length of these organs, one of the largest of which measured -^Jy inch in length. " The retentive spicula are also very characteristic of HTMEDESMIA. 67 the species. The large bidentate equi-anchorate ones are larger and stouter in their proportions than is usual with this form of spiculum. A fully developed one measured -Q^Q inch in length, and its shaft was -giroo" inch in diameter. They are rather sparingly dispersed on the surface of the basal membrane, to which they are usually attached by the middle of the curved shaft. Occasionally but rarely a tridentate one occurs, but this form, is the exception and not the rule. They vary to a considerable degree in size, form, and in the completeness of the development of their anchorate terminations. ec The minute, bidentate, anchorate spicula are very few in number and extremely minute; one of them measured only -^^j inch in length. They are usually completely immersed in the sarcode and are very indis- tinctly seen. " This species is readily separable from Hymedesmia pansa or pulchella, its nearest known allies, by the striking differences in the forms of the bidentate, equi- anchorate spicula ; which in this species greatly exceed in size and stoutness, as well as differ in form from, those of either of the above-named species, and also by the possession of the exceedingly minute equi- anchorate spicula intermixed sparingly with the larger ones. In other respects also it differs in its structures, but in a less striking manner from those of H. pansa and pulchella." 9. HYMEDESMIA STELLATA, Boio., n, 150 ; in, PU XXVIII, figs. 5—8. 1867 Timea stellata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 544. 68 BRITISH 10. HYMEDESMIA SIMPLICISSIMA, How., in, 253 ; PI, LXXX, fig. 1 . 11. HYMEDESMIA TEXUICULA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. I, fig. 5. " Sponge coating, very thin. Surface even, smooth. Oscula simple, minute, dispersed. Pores inconspi- cuous. Skeleton fasciculi variable, flat ; spicula few or very numerous in each, bases and apices coinci- dent, attenuato-spinulate, long, slender, minute, variable in size. " Colour. — Alive, deep blue ; in spirit, light blue. " Habitat. — Roundstone Bay, Connemara, Ireland ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — From spirit. " Among the specimens of Irish sponges that I re- ceived for examination from the Rev. A. M. Norman there were two small fragments of granite, the largest being seven lines in length by four lines in breadth , and the smaller one beinsf not half the size of the O largest. On each of these there were minute patches of a dull, pale blue colour as taken from the spirit, but which, from the label on the bottle, were of a deep blue colour when alive. The thickness of the sponge does not exceed that of a sheet of writing paper. "When a portion of the sponge was mounted for microscopical examination with a power of 100 linear, scarcely any of the spicula were visible amidst the sarcode, which presented a strongly gelatinous appear- ance in the water ; but when mounted in Canada balsam they became completely visible. The struc- tures of the sponge are very simple ; one form of HYMEDESMIA. 69 spiculum only being present, the long, slender, attenuato-spinulate. They are very minute, requiring a power of about 200 linear to render their propor- tions distinctly to the eye. They vary to a very considerable extent in their length and diameter. Two fully developed ones measured as follows : — The longest was -7-yg inch in length and its greatest diameter was -Q-^TS mcn j the shortest -g-g-g inch in length, but its greatest diameter exceeded that of the longest one, being -5-5^5 inch. Both these spicula were more than twice the diameter of many of the other spicula around them. " The disposition of the skeleton fasciculi is very irregular, and the number of spicula contained in each exceedingly variable. In some portions of the sponge they consist of large flat bundles loosely congregated, while in others they are much more compact, and in many cases they are formed of but two or three spicula; the bases and apices of the spicula forming each fasciculus are almost always coincident. " There is no other known species of the genus Hymedesmia with which this one is liable to be confounded. "Mr. Norman states that 'this species occurs in Roundstone' Bay, Galway, in small patches on the under side of stones at extreme low water. Its colour is a brilliant deep blue. It has long been known to me by sight on other parts of the coast, and I have often preserved it by drying the specimens, which shrivelled up to nothing.' " On examining some old stores of specimens sent to me in May, 1866, by my highly esteemed friend Mr. C. W. Peach too late for publication in vol. ii, I found 70 BRITISH SPONGIADxE. a small sla.b of dark-coloured slate, two inches long by one and a half inch wide, with twenty-two small, very thin patches of a light grey-coloured sponge scattered over the surface. The greater portion of them were of a nearly circular form, varying in size from one or two lines in diameter to the largest four lines in diameter. On mounting portions of some of the largest of them in Canada balsam they all proved to be specimens of Hymedesmia tenuicula, agreeing in all their structural characters with those of the type- specimen. My friend Mr. Peach states the locality of the specimens sent to me to be Wick, Scotland." 12. HYMEDESMIA ZETLANDICA, Boiv., n, 152; m, PI. XXIX, figs. 1—7. 1867 Hymedesmia Zetlandica, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 537. Genus 19. — HYMENIACIPON, Boiv., i, 191 ; n, 154. 1. HTMENIACIDON ALBESCENS (Johnston), n, 161; in, PI. XXXI, figs. 6—10. 1867 Reniera albescens, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1S70 Amorphina albescens, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. " On the 21st of September, 1874, I received from my friend Mr. Higgin a specimen of Hymeniacidon albescens from the shore near Holyhead for examina- tion. It was found pendent on the under sides of stones on the beach near low-water mark. It was, as nearly as possible, of the same size as the one repre- sented by fig. 9, Plate XXXI, from Torbay, audit agreed HYMEN JACIDOX. 71 with it in its structural peculiarities in every part of the sponge." 2. HYMENIACIDON THOMASII:, Dow., IT, 155 ; rm, PI. XXX, figs. 1—3 1867 Reniera Thomasii, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorphina Thomasii, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. " I received a small specimen of Nullipora poly- morpha from the Rev. A. M. Norman, about one inch in length, amid the short branches of which a small mass, rather exceeding half an inch in diameter, of a sponge of a dull ochreous yellow colour, was immersed. On a microscopical examination, this proved to be Hymeniacidon Thomasii, but bearing not the slightest resemblance in form or external characters to the type specimen described in vol ii, p. 155, and figured in Vol. Ill, Plate XXX, fig. 1, £Mon. Brit. Spongiadce.' Although so small a specimen, the anatomical cha- racters were as fully developed as in the type specimen. It would appear that this species is of rare occurrence, as this is the only other specimen I have seen, except- ing the type. The small specimen described above was dredged in "Westport Bay, Ireland, in five fathoms, by the Rev. A. M. Norman." 72 BRITISH SFONGIAOE. 3. HYMENIACIDON COCCINEUS, Bow., IT, 156; in, 353, PI. XXX, figs. 4—6. 1861 Halicliondfia coccinea, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 69. 1867 Reniera coccinea, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorphina coccinea, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — A small, massive specimen, rather more than half an inch measured every way, was dredged off the Durham Coast in 20 — 35 fathoms (N). 4. HYMENIACIDON LACTEUS, Bow.t n, 163 ; in, 82, PI. XXXII, figs. 9, 10. 1867 Reniera lactea, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorphina lactea, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — " Guliot caves, Sark. Mr. Hughes " (J. S. B.). 5. HYMENIACIDON PEEABMATUS, Bow., n, 164; in, PI. XXXI, figs. 11-16. 1867 Anchinoe perarmata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 535. 1870 Desmacidon perarmatus, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 6. HYMENIACIDON MEMBEANA, Bow., n, 165; in, PI. XXXII, figs. 11, 12. 1867 Reniera membrana, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorphina membrana, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. HYMENIACIDOX. 73 7. HYMENIACIDON FIRMUS, Bow., -in, 186; PI. LXXII, figs. 1, 2. Habitat. — Among Dr. Bowerbank's notes is—" I received a very few small fragments of this sponge for examination from the Rev. A. M. Norman, labelled 1 Yellow, Westport Bay.' The microscopical sections were in all respects identical with those of the type .specimen." 8. HYMENIACIDON PLACENTULA, Bow., in, 189, 353 ; PI. LXXII, figs. 5—9. 9. HYMENIACIDON ARMIGER, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. IV, figs. 10—17. " Sponge coating, thin. Surface smooth and even. Oscula simple, minute. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid, abundantly spiculous ; tension and defensive spicula attenuato-acuate, entirely spin- ous, irregularly dispersed, variable in size ; retentive spicula bidentate or tridentate, equi-anchorate, very minute, rather numerous. Skeleton — spicula fusi- formi-acerate, numerous, small, and rather short; internal defensive spicula same as those of the dermis, few in number ; retentive spicula same as those of the dermis, not numerous. " Colour. — In the dried state, cream- white. " Habitat. — Roundstone Bay, Ireland ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. 74 BRITISH SPONGIADJE. " This sponge is entangled amid the branches of a small specimen of Nullipora polymorplia, coating them rather thinly. Its organic structures are very remark- able, and afford very distinct and striking specific characters, especially those of the derinis. The dermal membrane is very pellucid, and is crowded with the stout, entirely spined tension and defensive spicula; they are all prostrate, thus assuming the character of tension spicula, but their forms and abundant spination render them equally available as defensive organs ; the mode of their disposition has no approximation to order, and I could not detect any of them projected at an angle from the membrane on which they are disposed. The retentive spicula are very minute, but rather numerous, especially in those spaces least furnished with the defensive spicula. The armature of this sponge against either its large or its minute foes is very complete. The largest of two of the bidentate equi-anchorate, retentive spicula mea- sured i 5*0 Q- inch long, the smallest was y^TS" inch, the average length of three was y^j-j inch, and they require a power of about 500 linear to render them distinctly to the eye. The skeleton structure is rather open and cavernous, and the membranes are abun- dantly furnished with their fusiformi-acerate spicula amid which the attenuato-acuate, entirely spined defensive spicula are present in some parts rather sparingly, while in other parts they are more abundant. The minute anchorate, retentive spicula are also rather sparingly disposed on the surfaces of the skeleton membranes. " Insignificant as this sponge appears to the unas- sisted eye, it is, by the striking peculiarities of its HYMENIACIDON. 75 structure, a remarkably well-characterised species, and cannot well be mistaken for any other nearly allied British sponge Avith which we are at present ac- quainted." 10. HYMENIACIDON BEETTII, Bow., n, 158 ; in, PL XXX, figs. 7—9. 1867 Eeniera Brettii, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorpliina Brettii, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — Dredged in Saints Bay, Guernsey, 1865 (N.). 11. HYMENIACIDON FEAGILIS, Bow., n, 159; in, PL XXX, figs. 10—12. 1867 Eeniera frayilis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorpldiia fragilis, Schmidt. Spong. Atlaut. Geb., p. 76. 12. HYMENIACIDON EETICULATUS, Boiv., n, 159 ; in, 77, PL XXXI, figs. 1—3. 1867 Reniera reticulata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorpliina rdicidata, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., ^ /•» p. *O. Habitat. — Straugford Lough (N.). 13. HYMENIACIDON FALLACIOSUS, Bow., u, 160; in, 78, PL XXXI, figs. 4, 5:; 1867 Eeniera falladosa, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorpliina fallaciosa, Schmidt, Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 76 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. Habitat. — A curiously formed specimen has been found by me in Westport Bay. It is located on an old valve of Pecten varius, and lias apparently thrown a coating over a fair-sized piece of Nullipora polymor- plia, filling up the interstices of and covering over the Nullipore, and attaching it by its own structures to the shell on which it rests. The entire size of the sponge is one and a half inch long, one and a quarter broad, and not quite an inch high (N.). 14. HYMEXIACIDOX TEGETICULA, Bow., in, 216, PI. LXXIV, figs. 16, 17. 15. HYMENIACIDON SOLIDUS, Bou-., n. sp., iv, PI. Ill, figs. 4—7. " Sponge basally massive, developing upward into a thick stout virgultose branch ; surface even, smooth. Oscula simple, depressed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermis abundantly spiculous, reticulated irregularly, and bi- or trispiculous ; spicula subfusiformi-acerate, long, and stout. Skeleton open and diffuse, abun- dantly spiculous; spicula acerate or subfusiformi-ace- rate, a few large and stout like those of the dermis, the greater portion long and slender. " Colour. — Dried state, dark brown. " Habitat. — Westport Bay, Ireland, 5 fathoms ; Eev. A. M. Norman. "Examined. — In the dried state. " The irregularly-shaped basal mass of this sponge is HYMENIAC1DOX. 77 two inches in length, one in breadth, and one in height, and incorporated in it are several small pebbles, and a small branching specimen of Nullipora poly- morpha. From about the middle of the^ mass there rises an irregular stick-like branch three inches in height, rather exceeding half an inch in diameter. The surface is slightly corrugated in its present condition, but this is evidently the result of drying. The oscula are small and not very readily detected, excepting a few rather larger than the rest, upon the basal por- tion of the sponge. The most striking distinctive characters are those of the dermis, the form and mode of the reticulation of which differs essentially from that of its nearest allies. The rete is very irregular, and the areas very angular in consequence of its being constructed of numerous fasciculi of rather large and long spicula, which vary in number from two to four or five in each fasciculus ; and also from the fasciculi being disposed on the membrane in a very irregular manner, crossing each other at a variety of angles ; the spicula, unlike those of the skeleton, are all large and uniform in size, while those of the skeleton- tissues are very variable in their diameters, and very few of them equal in size and robustness to those of the dermis. " The only two known British species with which this sponge might possibly be confounded are Hymenia- cidon reticulatus and H. tcgeticula. The dermal mem- brane of H. reticulatus differs considerablv from that */ of H. solidus, inasmuch as it is more regularly reticu- lated ; the rete is stronger and multispiculous, and the areas more regularly produced ; and the spicula, although of the same form as those of H. soliclus, are 78 BRITISH SPONGIADJE. very little more than half their size. The colours and mode of growth of the two sponges also differ to a very considerable extent. " There are similar differences existing between the sponge in course of description and H. tegeticula, in which the skeleton spicula are much shorter than those of H. solidus, and exhibit none of the marked inequali- ties of size and diameter that are so characteristic of that species, but, on the contrary, are very equable in size and proportions. In the dermal membrane the two species differ also to a very considerable extent. In H. tegeticula the dermal spicula are more or less felted together, instead of presenting a well-defined but irre- gular reticulation. The colour and mode of growth are also strikingly different from those of H. solidus. If any doubts remain regarding the discrimination of the three species, the comparative measurements of their spicula will readily determine the question. Thus the large spicula of H. solidus measure -^ inch in length, and have their greatest diameter 20100 inch. H. reticulatus has its largest spicula -j^ inch in length, and the greatest diameter 3^0 inch. H. tegeticula has its largest spicula -^ inch in length, and their greatest diameter -g-^or inch. " I have since the above description was written re- ceived another specimen of this from Mr. Norman, which differs in its external characters from the type. It is a small, irregularly shaped mass an inch and a half in length, embracing a small fragment of stone, from which it does not project itself as the type- specimen does. It also differs in colour, being nearly cream-white. Anatomically it agrees perfectly with the type-specimen." HYMENIACIDON. 79 16. HYMENIACIDON PERL^VIS (Montagu), n, 179; in, PI. XXXIV, figs. 1, 2. 1867 Reniera perlcevis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. Habitat. — Bantry Bay (N.). 17. HYMENIACIDON PACHYDERMA, Bow., n, 184; in, PI. XXXIV, figs. 10, 11. 1867 Reniera pachyderma, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 18. HYMENIACIDON CRUSTULA, Bow., u, 185; in, PI. XXXIV, figs. 3—6. 1867 Reniera crustula, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 19. HYMENIACIDON HILLIERI, Bow.9TL. sp.,iv, PI. Ill, figs. 1—3. ' ' Sponge massive, sessile. Surface smooth and even. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Der- mal membrane aspiculous. Skeleton dense, abun- dantly spiculous. Spicula -acuate, rarely subspinulate ; closely felted together in all parts of the sponge. Sarcode at the surface nearly black, opaque; inter- nally light coloured and semi-transparent. ct Colour. — In the living state, dark brown, nearly black. In the dried state, dark nut brown. " Habitat. — On oyster shells from the Ridge off Dover ; James F. Hillier, Esq., of Kamsgate. 80 BRITISH SPOXGIADJi. " Examined. — Fresh from the sea. " The external aspect of this sponge is so like that of Battersbyia BucMandi, being of the same dark colour, and of a similar degree of solidity, that it may readily be mistaken for that sponge by a superficial observer, but the slightest attempt at a microscopical examination of its structural characters will at once distinguish it from that species. The oscula were all closed, but the position of several of them, by the aid of a lens of two inches' focus, was apparent from the small depressed areas on the dermal surface. The characters of the dermal membrane are not readily to be determined, as it is closely adherent to the dense complicated mass of the spicula of the skeleton beneath it, but in the few spots where its structure was apparent I could not detect the slightest traces of characteristic dermal spicula or of any especial arrangement of the forms common to the whole mass of the sponge. " The skeleton spicula are closely felted together without the slightest approximation to arrangement at any part of the sponge, and it is only at a few internal cavities that the interstitial membranes are visible, and they, like the dermal one, are aspiculous. The colour of the sarcode is very nearly black at both its upper and basal surfaces when the sponge is fresh and in a wet condition. "When a section at right angles to the sur- face is mounted in Canada balsam and viewed by trans- mitted light with a power of about 100 linear, the colour and opacity is seen to gradually decrease until the internal portions of the structures are pale in colour and transparent. The greater portion of the skeleton spicula are purely acuate in form, but a few of them exhibit more or less of a tendency to spinulation. HYMENIACIDON. 81 They vary to some extent in diameter and length. One of the largest measured -^ inch in length, and one of the smallest yis" inch in length, but by far the greater portion of them are of intermediate lengths. "I have named this interesting species after my friend Mr. Hillier, of Ramsgate, an ardent and successful student of the British sponges and other branches of marine natural history, to whom I am indebted for my knowledge of the species and for other similar interesting specimens." 20. HYMENIACIDON CAEUNCULA, Bow.t n, 166; in, PL XXXII, figs. 1—4. 1867 Beniera caruncula, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 518. 1870 Amorphina caruncula, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — On rocks between tide-marks, Westport Bay, 1874. This is one of the regular tide-mark sponges of our southern and western coasts (N.). 21. HYMENIACIDON SANGUINEUS (Grant], n, 168; in, 81, PI. XXXII, figs. 5—8. 1867 Eeniera sanguinea, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1867 Amorphina sanguinea, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — On rocks, low water, Westport Bay. This is another littoral species, very generally diffused, though apparently more common in the south (N.). " Among some specimens of sponges collected in the Guliot Caves at Sark by Mr. Hughes, of Birming- VOL. iv. 6 82 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. ham, and sent to ine for examination I found a specimen of H. sanguineus partially covering a small mass of HalicJiondria panicea. The combined mass was about two inches in length and rather exceeding half an inch in thickness. This sponge occurs in many localities on the coasts of Scotland and Ireland, but this is the first time I believe that it has been taken so far southward as the Channel Islands." 22. HYMENIACIDON MAMMEATUS, Bow., IT, 170; in, 83, PI. XXXIII, figs. 1—4. 1867 Beniera mammeata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. Habitat. — Shetland, 1858 ; Westport and Round- stone Bay, Ireland, 1374 (N.). Ct I received from, the Rev. Mr. Norman two speci- mens of this species. One from Roundstone Bay, three inches in length, one and a half in breadth, and about half an inch in thickness. This specimen agrees in all its characters with the type. The second speci- men was from "Westport Bay. It was an irregularly oval mass, the greatest length not exceeding eight lines. Anatomically it was identical with the type specimen and the larger one described above, but in form and surface it differed widely from both of them, there being scarcely an indication of the remark- able mammiform organs that are so characteristic of the mature specimens, and the colour instead of being nut-brown was nearly cream -white." HTMENIACIDON. 83 23. HYMENIACIDON CONSIMILIS, Bow., n, 172 ; in, PL XXXIII, figs. 5, 6. 1867 Beniera consimilis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorpliina consimilis, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — I have found this species in a second locality, Westport Bay, Co. Mayo ; the specimen is very like in its general characters to the types from the Channel Islands (1ST.). 24 HYMENIACIDON MACILENTUS, Bow., n, 176 ; in, PI. XXXIII, figs. 7—13. 1867 Carmia macilenta, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 537. 1870 Desmacidon macilentus, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb. p. 76. 1871 Carmia macilenta, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, p. 276, pi. ssii, fig. 8 a — d. Habitat. — Carter finds this species on the South- Devon Coast, and has also met with a small fragment, not larger than a pin's head, from the West Indies, and of which he figures the spicules (I.e.). 25. HYMENIACIDON FALLAX, Bow., n, 177; in, PI. XXXIII, figs. 15—18. 1861 Halicliondria fallax, Bowerbank. List. Brit. Mar. Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 69. 1867 Beniera fallax, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 26. HYMENIACIDON VIRGULTOSUS (Johnston), n, 193; in, PI. XXXV, figs. 1—5. 1867 Eeniera virgultosa, Gray. Proc, Zool, Soc., p. 518. 84 BIUTISH SPOXGIADJ:. 27. HYMENIACIDON BADIOSUS, Bow., in, 187 ; PI. LXXII, figs. 3, 4. 28. HYMENIACIDON MEDIUS, Bow., in, 291 ; PL LXXXV, figs. 11—13. " Among the specimens of sponges received for examination from the Rev. A. M. Norman, were two specimens of this species. One from Westport Bay was about two inches in diameter and five lines at greatest thickness. The colour of this specimen was darker than that of the type. The second specimen was from Roundstone Bay, Galway. Its form was eccentric, a small mass from which two small lobes, each about three lines in diameter, were projected in opposite directions for nearly an inch in length. The colour of this specimen was like that of the type. Both speci- mens agreed in every respect with the structural pecu- liarities of the type." 29. HYMENIACIDON ALDOUSII, Bow., in, 347 ; PI. XCII, figs. 9—11. 30. HYMENIACIDON VIEGULATUS, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. IV, figs. 4, 5. 1875 Hymeniacidon virgulatus, Bowerbank. Brit. Assoc. Report, 1875 (1876), p. 199. " Sponge virgultose, slender. Surface smooth. Os- cula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Derrnis HYMENIACIDOX. 85 abundantly spiculous ; spicula acuate, slender, same size as those of the skeleton, dispersed. Skeleton rather open and cavernous, abundantly spiculous ; spicula acuate, long, and slender. " Colour. — In the dried state, creain-white. " Habitat. — Coast of Durham, in 20 to 35 fathoms ; Kev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. *' I received a single specimen of this sponge from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman. It slightly exceeds one inch in height, and its diameter averages about two lines ; there is no natural base to it, so that its height may have been greater than it is at present. The structure of the sponge is very simple ; there is but one form of spiculum, a slender and rather long acuate, which is of the same size and proportions in both dermis and skeleton membranes, and in both they appear to be about equally numerous. In the form and size of the spicula and in their mode of disposition in the sponge this species closely ap- proaches Hymeniacidon medius, but the skeleton spicula do not appear to be at all subfusiforru as in the last-named species. It differs also in its colour, and especially so in its external form." 31. HTMENIACIDON VARIANS, Boiu.t n, 174 ; in, PI. XXXIII, fig. 14. PL XLV, figs. 32—34. 1861 Halichondria variantia, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 69. 1867 Asyclms variantia, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 539. 1870 Desmacidon varians, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Get)., p. 76, 86 BRITISH SPONGIAD2E. 32. HYMENIACIDON VIRIDANS, Bow., n, 178; in, 85; PI. XXXII, figs. 19—22. 1867 Reniera viridans, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. Habitat. — Found by Mr. Peach in Shetland in 1864 (fide Bowerbank in litt. ad A. M. N). 33. HYMENIACIDON AITEEUS (Montagu}, u, 181; in, 88. PI. XXXIV, figs. 7—9. 1867 Reniera aurea, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 1870 Amorphina aurea, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — Between tide marks Toberniory, Isle of Mull (N.). 34. HYMENIACIDON AEMATUEUS, Bow., u, 183; m, PI. XXXIV, figs. 12—15. 1867 Reniera armatura. Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 518. 35. HYMENIACIDON CALLOSUS, Bow. n. sp., iv, PI. IV, figs. 6 — 9. " Sponge massive, unattached. Surface coriaceous, minutely hispid and slightly rugose. Oscula and pores inconspicuous. Dennis slightly coriaceous ; abun- dantly spiculous, spicula acuate, arranged in a dense closely constructed network ; rete rough, stout, and bristling with defensive spicula ; areas small and irregular. Skeleton spicula acuate, numerous, rather larger than those of the dermis. " Colour. — In the dried state, light fawn-yellow. HYMENIACIDON. 87 " Habitat. — Westport Bay, Co. Mayo, Ireland, at low tides ; Eev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received two small specimens of this sponge for examination from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman. The largest of the two did not exceed an inch in length by half an inch in breadth, and the smallest one was half an inch in diameter. On neither of them was there any mark of having been attached to any base ; the appearance of the surface in both was that of dirty, slightly corrugated kid-glove leather of a fawn-yellow colour, and to the unassisted eye the surface appeared smooth, but minutely wrinkled. When a section of the sponge at right angles to its surface mounted in Canada balsam is viewed beneath the microscope, the aspect is very different ; the surface is then seen bristling with a dense stratum of acuate spicula disposed at about right angles to the surface. When a small portion of the dermis is submitted to examina- tion in Canada balsam with a power of 100 linear, it is seen to be furnished with a coarsely formed dermal network, the rete of which has almost as great a diameter as that of the areas of the network, and from the outer surface of this reticulate structure the abundant crop of external defensive spicula are pro- jected ; these spicula and those of the network are all of the same form and size, as nearly as possible, and purely acuate. " The skeleton does not present any especial specific characters ; it is abundantly supplied with acuate spicula, very similar in size and form to those of the dermis, and no other form of spiculum is found in the structures of this sponge ; but it is satisfactory that 88 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. the striking peculiarities of the dermal system renders it readily distinguishable from any other known British species of Hymeniacidon." 36. HYMENIACIDON PLUMIGER, Bow, in, 191 ; PL LXXII, figs. 10—12. 37. HYMENIACIDON SUBEBEUS (Montagu), u, 200; in, PL XXXVI, figs. 1—4. 1861 Halina suberea, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 70. 1862 Suberites domuncula, Schmidt. Spong. Adriat. Meeres, p. 67. 1867 Suberites suberea, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 523. 1870 Suberites dcmuncula, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 38. HYMENIACIDON CAENOSUS (Johnston), u, 203 ; in, PL XXXVI, figs. 5—9. 1861 Halina carnosa, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit Assoc.), p. 70. 1867 Siiberiies carnosa, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 523. 1870 Suberites carnosa, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay, abundant on shells of Pecten maximus, Timitella terelra, Lutraria ollonga, and other species (N.). 39. HYMENIACIDON GELATINOSUS, Bow., u, 222; in, PL XXXVIII, figs. 7, 8. 1867 Suberites gelatinosa, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 523. Habitat. — The locality of the type-specimen is HYMENIACIDON. 89 wrongly given (n, 222) as "Dourie Voe, Shetland;" I found it between tide-marks at Cullercoats, Northum- berland. The mistake probably arose from the cir- cumstances that at the time this species was sent to Dr. Bowerbank to examine, there were also sent speci- mens of Hymeniacidon carnosus which were from Dourie Voe (N.). 40. HYMENIACIDON FOLIATUS, Bow.t in, 182 ; PI. LXXI, figs. 1, 2. 41. HYMENIACIDON nous (Johnston), n, 206 ; in, PL XXXVI, figs. 10-17. 1861 Halina ficus, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 70. 1867 Ficulina ficus, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 523. 1870 Suberites ficus, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — Coralline Zone, Durham coast, abundant ; Shetland abundant ; on a pebble between tide-marks, Oban; Westport, Co. Mayo (N.). 42. HYMENIACIDON STJLPHUPEUS (Bean], n, 208 ; in, PI. XXXVII, figs. 1—3. 1867 Suberites sulphured, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 523. 1870 Suberites sulphured, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. Habitat. — A small specimen encrusting the shell of Turritella terebra, dredged at Roundstone Bay, Galway. This sponge retains its sulphur-yellow colour a long time after preservation, though it, like almost all 90 BRITISH SPONGIADJI. colours in sponge, gradually fades out and leaves the sponge white (N.). " On the 29th June, 1875, Mr. Hillier, of Ramsgate, sent me a specimen of Filustra chartacea from Pegwell Bay, the lower part of the stems of which were thinly coated by H. sulphureus for rather more than half an inch in height " (J. S. B.). 43. HYMENIACIDON CELATUS (Grant), n, 212; in, PL XXXVIII, figs. 5, 6. 1867 Cliona celata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 525. 1870 Vioa celata, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 44. HYMENIACIDON CLAVIGER, Bow., n, 211 ; in, PL XXXVII, figs. 20—22. 1867 Sulerites clavigera, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 523. 45. HYMENIACIDON TENEBROSUS, Bow., n. sp., iv, Plate XV, figs. 1—5. " Sponge coating, thin. Surface even, smooth. Oscula and pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane abundantly spiculous ; spicula dispersed, ovo-spinu- late, long, but rather shorter than those of the skeleton. Skeleton abundantly spiculous ; spicula ovo-spinulate, long, and rather slender. Sarcode abundant, dense, dark amber-coloured. " Colour. — In the dried state, nut-brown. " Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay, Galway, Ireland ; "West- port Bay tide marks ; Rev. A. M. Norman. HYMENIACIDON. 91 "Examined. — In.tlie dried state. " I received from rny friend the Eev. A. M. Norman five specimens of this insignificant-looking sponge ; two of them from Westport Bay were so embedded in the cavities of small rough and rugged fragments of portions of a basaltic rock as to be quite unfit for delineation ; another broken specimen was embedded amid small fragments of Nullvpora polijinorplia from Birterbuy Bay. Some of these specimens exhibited the oscula well ; they were small and simple and irregularly dispersed ; none of them exceeded a line in diameter. The remaining two specimens are those represented in Plate XV, figs. 1 and 2. The one represented by Fig. 1 was dredged by Mr. Norman in Birterbuy Bay. The sponge is on the margin of a fragment of an old bivalve shell which on its other side has several small specimens of Isoclictija MacAndrewii. The speci- men represented by Fig. 2 was presented by Mr. Robertson to Mr. Norman, to whom he stated that it was collected by the late Dr. Scouler, but from what locality was unknown. This specimen also is on a fragment of an old shell. It is exceedingly like the type represented by Fig. 1 both in its external and anatomical structures ; several oscula in a closed con- dition are apparent on this specimen by the aid of a lens of two inches' focus. " Each of the figured specimens consists of a small dull-brown patch of an irregular form about three- fourths of an inch in diameter, and not exceeding an eighth of an inch in thickness. Its anatomical struc- ture is exceedingly simple. Its spicula are all of nearly the same size and form, but varying to a slight extent in their diameter ; and if it were not for their unusual BRITISH SPONGIAD3I. ovo-spinulate form its discrimination would have been somewhat difficult. The basal terminations of all the fully developed spicula are all purely ovoid, the smallest end being the distal portion ; and this unusual form of the basal mass prevails equally in the spicula of the dermal membrane and in those of the skeleton tissues. The shafts of the spicula are rather long, and rarely exhibit even the slightest tendency to f usiformity. " There is no known British sponge with which this species is likely to be confounded." 46. HYMENIACIDON SUBCLAVATUS, Bow., n, 209 ; in, PI. XXXVII, figs. 9—13. 1870 Esperia suldavata, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 47. HYJJENIACIDON PAUPERTAS, Bow.t n, 223 ; in, PL XXXVII, figs 4—8. 1870 Desmacidcn pavpertas, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 48. HYMENIACIDON DUJAEDINII (Johnston), n, 224; in, PI. XXXVIII, figs. 1—4. 1867 Halisarca Ditjardinii, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 520. Habitat. — On Pccten opercularis and Anomia ephip- pium in the Minch, 1866 (N.). BATTERSBYIA. 9$ Genus 20. — BATTEESBYIA, Bow., in, 347. BATTERSBYIA BUCKLANDI, Bow. 1861 Halina Bucklandi, Bow. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.),p. 70. 1866 Hymeniacidon Bucklandi, Bow. II, 226 ; ill, pi. xxxviii, figs. 9—12. 1867 Dercitus Bucklandi, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 542. 1870 Pachastrella BucMandi, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 76. 1871 Dercitus niger, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii,. p. 13, pi. iv, figs. 1 — 6. 1874 Battersbyia BucMandi, Bow. in, 346, pi. xcii, fig. 8. Habitat. — " I have received specimens from the Rev. A. M. Norman found between tide-marks, Westport Bay. They were small and comparatively thin, neither so large nor so massive as the type, but anatomically quite in accordance with it.5' — Budleigh-Salterton, Devon, H. J. Carter, 1. c. I much regret that the name of the genus instituted by Dr. Bowerbank to receive this species and at the same time to commemorate my friend Dr. Battersby's zeal in natural history cannot be retained. Undoubt- edly Schmidt's genus Pachastrella, established in 1868,* is the same ; but Schmidt's name will also have to give place to that of Dr. Gray, which is a year earlier, and the sponge must be known as Dercitus Bucklandi. The genus is altogether in a wrong place as here arranged. It has truer affinity with Tethya, JEcion- emia, &c. The following are the other known species, which * Schmidt, ' Die Spongien der Kiiste von Algier,' 1868, p. 15. D4 BRITISH SPONGIADJE. will have to fall into this genus. They have all been described as Pachastrellce. Dercitus monilifer (Schmidt), Coast of Algiers.* exostoticus (Schmidt), Red Sea.* abyssi (Schmidt), Florida, 228 fath.f connectens (Schmidt), Florida, 7-J fath.f — amygdaloides (Carter). $ geodioides (Carter). — intextus (Carter). — parasiticus (Carter). Dercitus nigcr was described by Carter before the third volume was published, and having nothing to guide him but Bowerbank's description it appeared to him to differ from Dercitus Bucklandi, with which, however, it now seems to me quite clear that it is identical. I am at a loss to understand how it is that Carter, having clearly shown in 1871 that Gray's genus Dercitus had priority over Pachastrella of Schmidt, with w^hich he synonymised it, and then adopted that name, should in his most recent paper have rejected Dercitus, and adopted Pachastrella. While we fully allow that it is to be regretted that the name given by Schmidt, who had honestly and labor- iously worked out a classification of the Spongizoa should have to yield to one of those genera to which Dr. Gray gave names without having done anything, more than spending a few hours of closet work in the * Schmidt, ' Die Spongien der Kiiste von Algier,' 1868, p. 15. f Schmidt, ' Grunziige einer Spongien-Fauna des Atlantischen Gebietes,' 1S70, p. 64, 65. + This and the three following species, described by Carter as Pachastrella, from the " Porcupine " Dredgings, will be found, ' Ann. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 4, vol. xviii (1876), pp. 406—10. HALICHONDBIA. 95 dissection of Dr. Bowerbank's second volume, yet the laws of nomenclature necessitate that Dercitus must stand. At the same time, in his paper on the arrange- ment of Sponges, as in so many other kindred publica- tions, Dr. Gray has shown that grasp of scientific arrangement and classification which enabled him to detect and lay hold of generic characters ; and I have little doubt that before very long almost all the genera of Sponges which he instituted will be recognised and his names of necessity employed. SUB-ORDER III, i, 193 ; n, 8. Genus 21. — HALICHONDEIA, Fleming, i, 195; n, 9. 1. HALICHONDEIA MAO!NTOSHII, Bow., in, 340, PI. XCI, figs. 18, 19. 1874 Halichondria Haclntoshii, Bowerbank. In M'Intosli on the Invertebrate Marine Fauna and Fishes of St. Andrews, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, p. 144 ; and also the Marine Invertebrates and Fishes of St. Andrews, 1S75, p. 15. 2. HALICHONDRIA EEGULAEIS, Bow., in, 202, PI. LXXIII, figs. 10, 11. 3. HALICHONDEIA CADUCA, Bow., n, 234; in, 101, PI. XLI, figs. 9—11. 1870 Amorphina caduca, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 77. 96 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. 4. HALICHONDRIA INCONSPICUA, Bow.t n, 236 ; ni, PI. XLT, figs. 12—14. 1870 Amorphina inconspicua, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 77. 5. HALICHONDRIA INCERTA, Bow., n, 237; in, PI. XLT, figs. 15—17. 6. HALICHONDRIA COALITA (Grant'), n, 238 ; in, PL XLI, figs. 18—20. 1870 Amorphina coalita, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 77. Habitat. — A specimen in my cabinet was given me by Dr. Jeffreys, who dredged it in the Roach River (N). 7. HALICHONDRIA MUTULUS, Boie., in, 209, PI. LXXIV. figs. 4—8. 1868 Halichondria mutulus, Bowerbank. Last Report. Dredging Shetland Isles ; Norman on Porifera, Brit. Assoc. Rep., p. 332. 8. HALICHONDRIA CYLINDRACEA, Boiv., n. sp. PI. VI, figs. 4—8. " Sponge massive, sessile, or coating thickly. Sur- face smooth, uneven. Oscula simple, minute. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid, abun- dantly spiculous ; spicula subcylindrical acerate, equable in length, but variable in diameter, dispersed ; retentive spicula bidentate, equi-anchorate, rather large, few in number ; and rarely bihamate, small and very HALICHONDBIA. 97 slender. Skeleton diffuse and cavernous ; rete irre- gular, rarely more than bispiculous ; spicula subcylin- drical, acerate, shorter, and comparatively stouter than those of the dermis. " Colour. — In the dried state, dull brown. "Habitat. — Durham coast, 20 to 35 fathoms; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " This sponge occurs on the carapace of an aged spe- cimen of a female Inachus Dorsetensis, on which, inter- mixed with the sponge, there are small specimens of a Balanus ; the surface, therefore, although smooth, is very uneven. The oscula are minute and few in number, and it required a lens of two inches' focus to perceive them. The dermal membrane is abundantly spiculous, and the spicula are dispersed without the slightest approximation to order. They require the application of a power of about 300 to render their peculiarities of form distinct to the eye. They vary to a considerable extent in diameter, although in length they are nearly equal. The bidentate, equi- anchorate, retentive spicula are very few in number, but when present they are readily seen with a power of about 100 linear ; the largest I measured was -^-g- inch in length, and the smallest -gyg- inch. The biha- mate spicula are of rather rare occurrence ; they are smaller than the anchorate ones, and very slender, so that it is difficult to detect them in situ amid the sar- code with a less power than about 400 linear. Their average length is y^-j inch. The structure of the skeleton is diffuse and cavernous, and the rete is irre- gular and rarely more than bispiculous. The termi- nations of the fully developed skeleton spicula are a VOL. iv. 7 98 BRITISH SPONGIARffi. mean between those of a purely acerate and a purely cylindrical type of spiculum ; they terminate abruptly in a blunt point, but are never truly hemispherical, as in a typical form of a cylindrical spiculum. This intermediate form of the terminations of the spicula obtains in those of the dermis as well as of the skeleton, but it is not so striking in the former as in the latter, in consequence of their greater comparative tenuity. There is no other nearly allied British sponge that can be mistaken for this species." 9. HALICHONDRIA PANICEA (Pallas], u, 229 ; in, 97, Plates XXXIX and XL. 1870 Amorpliina panicea, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 77. The largest example I have seen of this sponge is one which was in the collection of the late Mr. Barlee which he bequeathed to me. It is wrapped round the stem of a Laminaria to a length of fourteen inches, and the rounded mass has a diameter of three inches. In the comparatively thin encrusting state in which it commonly spreads itself over rocks I have sometimes seen patches extending over two or three square feet. A " histodermal form of Halichondria panicea " is stated by Carter to have been dredged by the " Porcu- pine" Expedition (1870, station 20), in 292 fathoms ('Ann. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 407), which is a depth at which we should certainly not have expected to meet with this littoral species. Among Dr. Bowerbank's notes is the following, which refers to examples of the species taken at as HALICHONDRIA. 99 great a depth as I remember myself to have found it. " Halichondria panicea from the Rev. A. M. Nor- man, parasitical on small branching zoophytes from the Durham coast in 20 — 35 fathoms ; remarkable for being of a milk-white colour ; the organic structures all as usual." 10. HALICHONDRIA GLABRA, Bow., n, 232 ; in, 101, 353, PI. XLI, figs. 1—3. 1870 Amorphina glabra, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 77. 11. HALICHONDRIA ANGULATA, Bow., n, 233 ; in, PI. XLI, figs. 4—8. 1867 Orina angulata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 540. 12. HALICHONDRIA DISTORTA, Bow., n, 240 ; in, PI. XLII. 1870 Amorpliina distorta, Schmidt. Spong. Atlant. Geb., p. 77. 13. HALICHONDRIA EDUSA, Boiv., in, 201 ; PI. LXXIII, figs. 6 — 9. 14. HALICHONDRIA AMBIGUA, .Bow., in, 213 ; PI. LXXIY, figs. 14, 15. 15. HALICHONDRIA COUCHII, Bow., in, 203 ; PI. LXXIII, figs. 12—15. 100 BRITISH SPONGIAD2B. 16. HALICHONDRIA ROBERTSONI, Boiv., n. sp., TV, Plate V, figs. 8—14. " Sponge massive, sessile. Surface smooth and even. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane profusely spiculous ; spicula fasciculated ; fasciculi broad and flat, irregularly disposed. Spicula cylindrical, smooth, more or less hastate, or terminat- ing acutely. Retentive spicula tridentate, equi-ancho- rate, small, but stoutly proportioned, dentes expanded ; and also bihamate, minute, and slender ; both forms few in number. Skeleton symmetrical, rete bi- or tri- spiculous ; spicula acuate, short and stout ; basally and apically spinous, spines few in number. Inter- stitial membranes spiculous, tension spicula long and very slender, cylindrical, few in number; retentive spicula same as those of the dermal membrane, few. " Colour. — In the dried state, nut brown. " Habitat. — Unknown. " Examined. — In the dried state. " The specimen in course of description was given by the late Dr. Scouler to Mr. D. Robertson, and by him to my friend the Rev. -A. M. Norman, by whom it was sent to me for examination and description. The late Dr. Scouler, I am aware, was a collector of the sponges of the Irish seas, and therefore I have no doubt of its being a British species, although its locality is un- known. " The sponge has apparently been seated on a solid mass of rock, from which it has been removed by a sharp instrument, and no portion of the basal mem- brane remains on it. In its present condition its form HALICHONDRIA. 101 is that of half of a short, stout, pear-shaped mass. The surface is even and smooth, and the oscula are small and rather few in number. The dermal struc- tures afford the most efficient specific characters for the discrimination of the species. The fasciculi of the tension spicula are extremely abundant ; they are com- posed of numerous spicula closely packed in parallel lines, forming wide, flat groups, crossing each other in every possible direction. The spicula of which they are composed are equable in size, but variable to some extent in form ; those in the fullest state of develop- ment have decidedly hastate terminations, while others present no terminal dilatation, but terminate suddenly and acutely instead of hemispherically. The tridentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spicula, although few in number, are very characteristic ; they are small, not exceeding -7-§-Q- inch in length, and require a power of about 400 linear to render them distinct to the eye ; the teeth of the spiculum are comparatively large and long, each pair nearly the length of half that of the shaft, so that their apices nearly meet each other, and they are so widely expanded that each end nearly represents a semicircle. This description more espe- cially applies to the greatest number of these spicula, the shortest of them. The longest have a greater space intervening between the teeth of the two ends of the spiculum. One of the longest measured y^j inch in length, and one of the shortest sort measured •g-yy inch in length. The bihamate, retentive spicula are not so numerous as the bidentate, equi-anchorate ones ; they are small and of very slender structure, and are not especially characteristic. One of the largest measured -Q^Q inch in length, and one of the smaller, 102 BEITISH SPONGIAD.E. which are the most numerous, measured YocTo mcn ^n length. " The rete of the skeleton structure is tolerably symmetrical, and is generally composed of three or four spicula fasciculated together ; the spicula are short and stout ; their spination is not very strongly pro- duced, and it is usually confined to the base and apex of the spiculuni, but occasionally a few spines are developed between the two terminations. The inter- stitial membranes are very sparingly supplied with tension spicula, which are so slender as to readily escape observation, and a few retentive spicula, the same as those of the dermal membrane, are occasionally observed. " The great abundance of the hastate dermal spicula and their peculiar mode of disposition, combined with the singular forms of the tridentate, equi-anchorate, retentive ones, readily distinguish this species from several other closely allied British species." 17. HALICHONDKIA CONDENSA, Bow., n. sp.3 iv, Plate VI, figs. 1—3. " Sponge sessile, rising, and branching irregularly, compressed. Surface smooth and even. Oscula simple, marginal, tuberculate. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane reticulated, rete monospiculous. Areas mostly triangular, rarely quadrangular, one spiculum in width ; spicula acerate, short and stout, same as those of the skeleton. Skeleton very much condensed and complicated ; rete multispiculous, loosely fascicu- HALICHONDEIA. 103 lated ; spicula acerate, short and stout. Interstitial membranes aspiculous. " Colour. — In the dried state, dull ochreous yellow. " Habitat. — Isle of Man; Mr. D. Robertson. 11 Examined. — In the dried state. " This sponge was presented to my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman by Mr. D. Robertson, and was sent to me for examination. It is an irregularly branching, com- pressed mass, four inches in height and about half an inch in width, the oscula on low tubercles being disposed on the margins of the mass. The dermal membrane, mounted in Canada balsam, and viewed with a power of 100 linear, is a very characteristic object ; the rete is monospiculous, and never appears to exceed the length of one spiculum wide, and the areas very rarely assume any other form than that of a triangle ; occasionally a quadrangular one may be observed, but this is the exception and not the rule. The mode of the disposition of the triangular areas is very irregular, but very characteristic of the species. The peculiar structure of the skeleton is very remark- able. The rete is very close and complicated ; it is composed of numerous multispiculous fasciculi of short acerate spicula, so closely and densely packed together as to render the regular reticulated structure of the skeleton in some parts very indistinctly, and amid this mass interstitial cavities are irregularly distributed. " The intermarginal cavities in this sponge are very distinctly and beautifully developed, and are very interesting objects in a slice of the sponge at right angles to the dermal surface when mounted in Canada balsam, with their beautiful canopy of reticulated dermal tissue. 104 BRITISH SPONGIADJ3. " The singularity of the skeleton- structures and the beautiful dermal rete of this species renders its dis- crimination by no means a difficult task." 18. HALTCHONDRIA CORALLOIDES, Bow., n. sp., iv, Plate VII, figs. 1—3. " Sponge ramous dichotomously, surface slightly rugose. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspi- cuous. Dermal membrane abundantly spiculous, reti- culated ; rete more or less fasciculated, fasciculi irre- gularly disposed ; areas small, very irregular in form ; spicula acerate, long, more or less variable in dia- meter, same form and size as those of the skeleton. Skeleton — rete irregular, diffused ; interstitial and intermarginal cavities very large ; spicula acerate, long and rather stout. " Colour. — In the dried state, light fawn-yellow. " Habttat.—FritloL of Forth ; Mr. D. Kobertson. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received this sponge from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman, to whom it was presented by Mr. D. Robertson. Its external appearance in the dried state is very like that of a small branching coral or a Gor- gonia. The surfaces of the branches are all more or less rugose or papulous ; they are all cylindrical, gradu- ally attenuating to their distal terminations. There are a few comparatively large oscula rather exceeding a line in diameter, but by far the greater number of them are minute ; they are irregularly dispersed on all parts of the branches, and are rather numerous. The HALICHONDRIA. 105 dermal membrane is very characteristic of the species. It is thin and pellucid, and is furnished profusely with long, stout, acerate spicula, which are mostly collected into fasciculi containing from two or three to occa- sionally four or five spicula. These fasciculi are irregularly distributed, crossing each other in every direction, and thus producing numerous small irregu- larly shaped arnas, none of which exceed the width of about one-third or one-fourth of the length of a spi- culum. This mode of dermal reticulation is very remarkable, and it is of rare occurrence among the Spongiadse. The skeleton structure is very irregular, and without the slightest approach to definite arrange- ment, and the interstitial cavities usually exceed the length of a spiculum in diameter. The intermar- ginal cavities are also numerous and very large. " A fully developed skeleton-spiculum measured g1^ inch in length." 19. HALICHONDRIA THOMPSON:, Bow., n, 243; in, PI. XLIV, figs. 1—5. 1867 DenJonjx Thompsoni, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p, 535. 20. HALICHONDRIA FORCEPS, Bow., n, 244 ; in, PL XLIII, figs. 7—13. 1874 Halichondria forcipis, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, p. 17, pi. xiv, figs. 29 — 32, and pi. xv, figs. 37 a, b. 1876 Halichondria forcipis, var. bulbosa, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist, ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 312, pi. xiii, fig. 19, and pi. xv, figs. 37 a, b. Habitat. — Dredged in the " Porcupine " Expedition 106 BEITISH SPONGIADJ5. (1869, station 54) between the North of Scotland and the Faroe Islands, in 363 fathoms (fide Carter). Car- ter's variety bulbosa was dredged (" Porcupine," 1870, stations 24, 25) near Cape St. Vincent, on the Spanish Coast, in 292 — 374 fathoms. The form seems almost intermediate between H. forceps and Desmacidon anceps, Schmidt.* It agrees with the latter in having the legs of the forcepiform spicules short, strongly divergent and bulbous at their terminations, but in Desmacidon anceps only one of the ends is thus bulbous, while the anchorates are quite different, being equi- and not inequi-anchorates, and the other spicula also differ. I am inclined to think that the Spanish sponge differs specifically from H. forceps. Should this hereafter prove to be the case Mr. Carter's varietal name can be most appropriately retained as the specific. 21. HALICHONDEIA SIMPLEX, Bow., n, 246 ; in, PL XLYIT, figs. 5—7. 22. HALICHONDEIA SUBDOLA, Bow., n, 247 ; in, PI. XLI1I, figs. 14—16. 23. HALICHONDEIA FOLIATA, Bow., in, 198 ; PI. LXXIII, figs. 1 — 5. 1876 Halicliondria foliata, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 310, pi. xiii, fig. 10, and pi. xv, figs. 29 a, b. The " Porcupine " specimen (1869, station 65) de- * 'Die Zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt,' 1874, p. 430; ' Kiesel- spongien,' Taf 1, figs. 1 — 9 (the species is called Desmacidon anceps in the text, but Esperia anceps on the plate). HALICHONDRIA. 107 scribed and figured by Carter, is from a little north- west of Shetland, in 345 fathoms, and thus in deeper water though in the same region from which the type specimens were sent to Dr. Bowerbank. 24. HALICJHONDRIA CORRUGATA, Sow., 11, 242 ; in, PL XLIII, figs. 1—6. 1867 Biemma corrugata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 539. Habitat. — Westport Bay, Mayo ( 25. HALICHONDRIA FALCULA, Bow., in, 208, PI. LXXIY, figs. 1—3. 1868 Halichondria falcula, Bowerbank. Last Report of Dredging among the Shetland Isles; Norman on Porifera, Brit. Assoc. Rep., p. 332. I have found a second and much finer specimen of this species in my collection. It is from the same locality as the type, which it closely resembles in every particular, but is of larger size, measuring two and a half inches long, one and three quarters wide, and nearly an inch and a half thick. 26. HALICHONDRIA FLABELLIFERA, Bow.} n. sp., iv, PI. VII, figs. 4—10. " Sponge massive, parasitical. Surface smooth, but minutely hispid externally. Defensive spicula very numerous, scarcely projecting through the dermis, fusiformi-acuate, basally and occasionally apically spinous ; spines few in number, acutely conical. Dermal membrane pellucid, abundantly spiculous ; 108 BRITISH SPONGIAD^!. tension spicula subfusiformi-cylindrical, long and slender, numerous, more or less fasciculated or dis- persed ; retentive spicula bikamate, simple and con- tort, numerous, variable in size ; and bidentate equi- anchorate, and rarely palmato-inequi-anchorate. Os- cula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Skele- ton rete irregular ; spicula fusiformi-acuate, stout and moderately long. Interstitial membranes spiculous, tension spicula rarely present ; retentive spicula same as those of the dermal membrane, numerous. " Colour. — In the dried state, dark brown. 6t Habitat. — Westport Bay, Ireland, 5 fathoms ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received a single specimen of this species from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman for examination. It completely fills the interstices of a mass nearly two inches long by one in breadth of a specimen of Nulli- pora polymorpha, and in some parts growing over the apices of the branches and presenting a smooth sponge surface to the eye. The surface is very minutely hispid in the dried state, though both to the eye and to the touch it appears to be smooth, and it is only when a section of the sponge is made at right angles to the surface and mounted in Canada balsam that the nume- rous external defensive spicula become visible, and even in this state very few comparatively pass through the dermal membrane. These spicula rarely exceed half the length of the skeleton ones, and they are much more slender; they are usually only basally spinous, but occasionally a few spines appear on various parts of the shaft or near the apex, but these are rarely so well developed as those of the base of the spiculum. HALICHONDRIA. 109 The dermal membrane is especially characteristic of the species. It is abundantly supplied with spicula ; the tension ones are subfusiformi-cyliudrical, rather long and slender ; on some parts of the membrane they are dispersed indiscriminately, but most frequently they are more or less gathered into broad, flat fasciculi, many of which radiate at one extremity in a fan- shaped manner. The retentive spicula are also very numerous. The simple and contort bihamates are small, and some of them very minute ; they vary in length from y-J-g- inch to ^QQ inch, while the length of the fully developed bidentate, auchorate spicula, average 8-|-2- inch in length. This near approxima- tion of the fully developed anchorate and bihamate spicula in their length is very unusual, as it is most frequently the case that the latter form is at least twice as long as the former. The bidentate equian- chorate spicula are also numerous ; comparatively speaking they are stout and well developed in their mature state, but in this specimen they may be seen in various early and progressive stages of development in the form of minute simple bihamate spicula, very different in their shapes from the real bihamate ones. The skeleton is very irregular in its structure, but decidedly reticulate. The rete is also more or less irregular ; in some parts it is multispiculous, while in others it is constructed of only two or three spicula. The spicula of which it is formed are very much larger than those of any other part of the sponge ; they are decidedly fusiform, and occasionally subclavate at the base. The interstitial membranes are abundantly supplied with both forms of the retentive spicula, but the tension forms, so abundant on the dermal membrane, 110 BRITISH SPONGIADJE. are of very rare occurrence. A very few inequi-pal- xnato-ancliorate spicula were detected among the spicula separated by boiling in nitric acid, but I could not detect them in situ ; they are remarkable in their form, though very minute, the palmate portion being quite half the length of the spiculum." 27. HALICHONDEIA INCRUSTANS, Esper, n, 249 ; in, 108, PI. XLIV, figs. 7—12. 1867 Dendoryx incrustans, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 535. 1874 Halichondria incrustans, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, pp. 2 — -4. Habitat. — Budleigh-Salterton, Carter. Birterbuy Bay, Galway ; Jersey ; Guernsey ; Polperro, Corn- wall (N.). It is essentially a low- water-mark species, generally distributed round our coast. 28. HALICHONDRIA CANDIDA, Bow., n, 251 ; in, PI. XLIV, figs. 13—16. 1867 Biemma Candida, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 539. 29. HALICHONDRIA IRREGULARIS, Bow., n, 252; m, PI. XLIV, figs. 17—21. 1867 Dendoryx irregularis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. 30. HALICHONDRIA DICKIEI, Bow., n, 253 ; in, PI. XL V figs. 1 — 6. 1867 Dendoryx Dickiei, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. Habitat. — On Cellepora cervicornis, deep water, Shetland Seas, 1863; Polperro (N.). HALICHONDRIA. Ill 81. HALICHONDEIA PATTERSONI, Bow., n, 255; in, 115, 354, PI. XLVI, figs. 1—6. 1867 Dendoryx Pattersoni, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. Habitat. — A single specimen dredged off Shetland. With reference to my Minch specimens which are figured in vol. iii, p. 115, it would be interesting to add that they were dredged by Dr. Jeffreys and myself at a spot off the mouth of Loch Ewe, in Ross-shire, where this sponge was living in company with some of the rarest animals in the British seas, including Poromya granulata, Holothuria intestinalis, and Ante- don celticus (N.). 32. HALIOHONDEIA PULCHELLA, Bow., n, 256 ; in, PI. XLVI, figs. 16—19. 1867 Siemma pulchella, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 539. 32. HALICHONDRJA INGALLI, Bow., n, 258 ; in, PL XLVI, figs. 20—24. 1867 Menyllus Ingalli, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 533. 33. HALICHONDRIA SCANDENS, Bow., n, 259 ; in, PI. XLV, figs. 14—20. 1867 loplwn scandens, Gray. Pi-oc. Zool. Soc., p. 534. 34. HALICHONDRIA BATEI, Bow.,n, 261; in, PI. XLVI, fies. 25—29. 1867 Dendoryx Batei, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. 112 BRITISH 8PONGIAD£. 35. HALICHONDRIA NIGRIOANS, Sow., 11, 2G6; in, PI. XLV, figs. 25—31. 1867 loplion nigricans, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 534. 36. HALICHONDEIA ALBULA, Bow., n, 268; in, PI. XLY, figs. 21—24. 1867 Dendoryx albula, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. 37. HALICHONDEIA EXPANSA, Bow., in, 212, PI. LXXIV, figs. 7—12. 1869 Halichondria expansa, Bowerbank. Norman, Notes on a few Hebridean Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iii, p. 298. 38. HALICHONDEIA VIEGEA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. Y, figs. 1—7. 1875 Halichondria virgea, Bowerbank. Report Dredging off the Durham and N. Yoikshii'e Coasts, Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1875 (1876), p. 198. " Sponge massive, sessile, more or less nodulous. Surface smooth. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores in- conspicuous. Dermal membrane abundantly spiculous, tension spicula acuate, very long and slender, nume- rous, fasciculated ; retentive spicula bidentate, equi- anchorate, large, few in number, and the same form, small and numerous. Skeleton — rete more or less regular, fibres rarely multispiculous, seldom more than trispiculous ; areas large ; spicula subfusiforrni acuate, basally spinous. Interstitial membranes spiculous ; spicula same as those of the dermis ; tension spicula of rare occurrence ; retentive spicula rather numerous. HALICHOXDBIA. 113 " Colour. — In the dried state, dark purple. " Habitat. — Coast of Durham, 20 to 35 fathoms ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. I " I received four small specimens of this sponge from the Rev. A. M. Norman for examination. The largest was two inches in length, one inch broad, and not quite half an inch in thickness. The largest specimen was composed of four unequal-sized nodulous elevations, and there were indications of a similar character on the smaller ones. The dermal membrane affords the most efficient characters for the discrimination of the species, the tension spicula and their mode of distribution more especially so. In some few parts the slender, acuate spicula are somewhat irregularly dispersed, but by far the greater number of them are arranged in elongated fasciculi, which most frequently run parallel to each other, and from each of which the component spicula are frequently projected at slight angles from the central axis in an ascending direction. These bundles are in many parts so numerous and so close together as to almost appear as if the spicula were felted together. The retentive spicula are also very numerous, especially the smaller of the two descrip- tions of them. The larger forms are comparatively few in number, and are readily distinguished from the smaller series ; they are all of the same size as nearly as possible. Several of them measured -g^-5- inch in length, while the average size of the smaller ones was •3^-7- inch in length, and no gradational intermediate forms could be seen connecting the two groups. Both forms when in situ were attached to the surface of the membrane by the middle of their curved shafts, so that VOL. iv. 8 114 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. tlie ancliorate terminations were both projected from the surface of the membrane. " The skeleton rete is rather unequal in its structure ; it usually consists of two or three spicula in substance, but sometimes the number of spicula is more than can be distinctly determined ; they are somewhat unequal in length, but in the adult forms they all agree in the slightly spinous character of their bases ; occasionally, but rarely, a few spines may be detected near their apices, but this is rather the exception than the rule. The spination of these spicula requires a power of not less than 300 linear to render it distinct to the eye. The tension spicula are rarely to be seen on the inter- stitial membranes, but on many parts of them the auchorate retentive spicula are abundantly distributed. " The nearest ally among our British species of sponges to the one in course of description is Hali- cliondria Dickiei, but they are readily discriminated by the difference in the forms of their retentive spicula, and also in their mode of distribution on the dermal membrane." 39. HALICHONDEIA GEANULATA, Bow., u, 262 ; in, PI. XLV, figs. 7—13. 1867 Dendoryx granulata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 536. 40. HALICHONDEIA FAEINABIA, Bow., u, 269 ; in, PI. LXX, figs. 5—8. 41. HALICHONDEIA INOENATA, Bow., u, 271 ; in, PL XLVII, figs. 1—4. 1867 Biemma inornata, Gray. Proc, Zool. Soc., p. 539. ISODICTYA. 115 Genus 22. — ISODICTYA, Bow., i, 197 ; n, 9. 1. ISODICTYA CINEEEA (Grant), n, 274; in, 121; PL XL VIII, figs. 1—5. Habitat. — Apparently universally distributed round our coasts. In addition to the many localities recorded in Volumes 11 and in, I have found it at Guernsey ; Seaham Harbour, in the County of Durham; on Nulli- pora, Roundstone and Birterbuy Bays, Co. Galway; and Westport Bay, Co. Mayo (N.). For " Chudleigh Salterton," vol. ii, p. 275, line 4, read " Budleigh-Salterton," and p. 276, line 27, for " Seahouse " read " Seaham." 2. ISODICTYA PEBMOLLIS, Bow., n, 278 ; in, 123 ; PI. XL VIII, figs. 9, 10. 3. ISODICTYA MAMMEATA, Bow., n, 306; in, PI. LI, figs. 7—9. 4. ISODICTYA RAMUSCULUS, Bow., n, 314 ; in, PI. LIII, figs. 1 — 3. Habitat. — Several small pieces, of which the largest is three quarters of an inch long, half an inch wide, and as much thick, and has five oscula surmounting nipple-like swellings, found between tide marks, Innis- gowla, Westport Bay, Co. Mayo. Colour when alive, pale violet. It is aia erect growing species 116 BRITISH SPONGIADJE. 5. ISODICTYA FEKULA, _Z?0/y.,n. sp., IV, PI. VIII, figS. 1 — 3. "Sponge battledore - shaped, coating, adhering throughout its whole length. Surface smooth. Oscula dispersed, simple, minute. Pores inconspicuous. Der- mal membrane pellucid, aspiculous. Skeleton having primary and secondary lines unispiculous ; spicula acerate. Interstitial spaces one spiculuni wide, very regular. Interstitial membrane aspiculous. " Colour. — In the dried state, dull ochreous yellow. " Habitat — Birterbuy Bay, Ireland, 10 or 11 fathoms ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " Among the specimens of sponges dredged by the Rev. A. M. Norman off the western coast of Ireland, there was the gibbous half of a shell of Pecten mazimus, thinly coated both within and without with Rajjhyrus Griffitlisii, and on the surface of this species, on the inner surface of the shell, were several parasitical sponges, and among them two specimens of the species in course of description within an inch of each other, closely adhering for the whole of their length. They were partially embedded in a thin broad specimen of Isodictya Bowerbanki. <( The oval body of the largest specimen is six lines in length and three in breadth, and its greatest thickness does not exceed one line. The caudal appendage is seven lines in length and one in breadth, so that the total length slightly exceeds one inch. The smallest of the two specimens has the body rather more ob- tusely oval than the larger one, the length being four lines and the greatest breadth three lines. A portion of the caudal appendage has been lost, and half only of ISODIOTYA. 117 its length remaining attached to the body of the sponge. In both specimens the caudal portion of the sponge maintains the same diameter for the whole of its length, so that the specimens closely resemble each other, each having the form of a rudely-shaped child's battledore. " This remarkable form is not without a precedent, as it occurs in Polymastia radiosa represented in Plate XI, figs. 14 and 15, vol. iii, ' Mon. Brit. Spongiadce ;' and, what is very remarkable, there is about the same amount of individual variation in the two specimens of each species of sponge, so that if the figures represent- ing P. radiosa were enlarged to the size of the two specimens of Isodictya ferula, they would form very good representations of the shapes of those of I. ferula, so as to be very apt to produce a belief in the mind of a hasty observer that the latter-named sponges were enlarged specimens of P. radiosa, or vice versa ; but accurate examinations of the structural characters of the two species at once distinguishes them as not only separate species, but also as belonging to different genera ; and in addition to the generic differences, the spicula of the skeleton of P. radiosa are acuate, while those of I. ferula are acerate. "The anatomical structures of I. ferula are exceed- ingly simple, but beautifully regular. The scalarif orm skeleton tissues are composed throughout the whole structure of a unispiculous network of acerate spicula, and it is only very rarely that two spicula occur toge- ther in any part of the primary lines of the skeleton. The secondary lines of the skeleton are each composed of a single spiculum, and they are disposed at such regular distances from, each other as to cause the 118 BRITISH SPONQIAD^l. skeleton tissues in a section of the sponge taken cor- rectly at right angles to its surface and mounted in Canada balsam to present the appearance of a beauti- fully regular unispiculous quadrangular network. " The dermal membrane is translucent, and in the areas of the terminations of the skeleton structures there were a few pores in an open condition. One form and size only of spicula occurs in this sponge, the purely acerate one." 6. ISODICTYA ROSEA, Bow.s ii, 282 ; in, PL XLIX, figs. 12—14. 7. ISODICTYA PYGH^EA, Bow., ii, 313 ; in, PI. LVI, figs. 6—10. 1861 Haliclona pygmcea, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 71. Habitat. — Sides of rock-pools between tide-marks to the south of Seaham Harbour, Co. Durham. The specimens in all respects closely agreeing with those which occur at Scarborough. The species, as far as is yet known, is confined to the East Coast of England CUT.). 8. ISODICTYA OBSCUEA, Boio.t in, 224 and 303, PI. LXXVT, figs. 1, 2; PL LXXXVII, fig. 11. 9. ISODICTYA INDEFINITA, Bow., n, 286; in, PI. XLIX, figs. 15—17. ISODICTTA. 119 10. ISODIOTYA INDISTINCTA, Bow., IT, 290 ; in, 131 and 356, PI. LI, figs 1—4. Habitat. — Dredged in about five fathoms near the mouth of Westport Bay. Among Dr. Bowerbank's notes are the following on two of the examples pro- cured by me from this locality (N.). " A fine mass of this sponge, about the size of half a large-sized orange, based on a rolled stone. In form and general surface characters it differs very consider- ably from either of the types figured in Plate LI, vol. iii, * Mon. Brit. Spongiada?.' The mass was soft and flesh-like and the oscula were large simple orifices. In the peculiarities of its dermal structures, and in all of its anatomical details, it is quite in accordance with those of the type-specimens, and, like them, it strongly illustrates the inutility of external characters as specific distinctions. Numerous specimens of Porcellana longi- cornis were nestling within its large internal cavities. Another specimen in Mr. Norman's collection from the same locality is an irregular mass of a very dark dull purple or brown colour, it was two and a half inches in length, one and three quarters inch in breadth and thickness. It is noteworthy as being the largest specimen of the species that I have yet seen." 11. ISODICTYA SIMPLEX, Bow.t ii, 294; in, 107, 128, PI. XLIV, fig 6, and PL L, fig. 18. 12. ISODICTTA POCILLUM, Saw., n, 305; in, PL LIII, figs. 4 — 6. 120 BRITISH SPONGIAD£. 13. ISODICTYA LUTEOSA, Bow.> in, 288 ; PL LXXXV, figs. 5—7. 14. ISODICTYA ANOMALA, Bow., n, 293; in, PI. L, figs. 1—4. 1868 Ficulina anomala, Parfitt. Trans. Devon. Assoc. Sci. Liter, and Art, p. 13 (in separate copy). 15. ISODICTYA PABASITICA, Bow.t n, 287; in, PL XLIX. figs. 6 — 8. 16. ISODICTYA PEACHII, Bow.t n, 276 ; in, PL XL VIII, figs. 6—8. Habitat. — Magnificently large examples dredged in company with the large specimens of Tsodictya in- distincta just described, Raphiodesma floreum, Oplili- taspongia seriata (unusually fine), Dysidea coriacea, and many other sponges a little inside the Lighthouse of Westport Bay, Co. Mayo. Among Dr. Bower- bank's notes are the following on these specimens, which were submitted by the editor to him : " This sponge is very different in size and form from the type-specimen of the species, but it agrees so perfectly with it in its organic structures that it cannot possibly be referred to any other species of Isodictya, nor established as a distinct species. The specimen sent to me for examination by the Rev. A. M. Norman was dredged at Westport Bay, Co. Mayo, Ireland, in from five to six fathoms. It was four and a quarter inches in length, two and a half ISODICTYA. 121. inches broad, and one and a half inch thick, with ten large, elevated, oscular orifices, the largest nearly a quarter of an inch in diameter. On the paper accom- panying the specimen the colour is stated to be ' lilac,' and Mr. Norman adds, * I have a specimen, not so fine as regards oscula, &c., but twice the size of this.' I am not surprised in so large a specimen at the congregation of the oscula in large cloacal organs. This frequently occurs in other largely- developed species of sponge, which in a younger state have the oscula simple and dispersed on the dermal surface. In Halicliondria panicea these differences are of fre- quent occurrence." 17. ISODICTYA VARIANS, Bow., n, 281 ; in, 307, PI. XLVIII, figs. 14—16, PI. LXXXVIII. 1867 Philotia varians, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 522. 18. ISODICTYA ELEGANS, Bow., n, 283 ; in, PI. XLIX, figs. 1 — 5. Habitat. — Under stones between tide-marks, "West- port, Koundstone, and Birterbuy Bays ; also dredged in these same bays growing on shells and ISTullipora (K). 19. ISODICTYA FALLAX, Bow., 11, 302 ; in, PI. LI, figs. 10—13. 122 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. 20. ISODICTTA MACANDEEWI, Boiv., ii, 284; in, PI. XLIX, figs. 9— 11. Habitat. — Abundant on Pecten maximus, Lutraria, and other dead shells dredged in Birterbuy Bay ; also in Eoundstone Bay, and Westport, Co. Mayo (N.). " Among the numerous specimens of British sponges sent to me for examination by the Rev. A. M. Norman I found among those dredged in Westport and Round- stone Bays more than a dozen specimens of I. MacAn- dreivi. The largest of them rather exceeded the size of the type-specimen described in vol. ii, p. 2843 'Mon. Brit. Spougiada3.' Their external characters were also in accordance with those of the type- specimen. I did not detect gemmules in any of them, but their anatomical characters were identical with those of the described specimen. Along with them I also found a specimen of Isodictya fistulosa, which in some cases might be readily confounded with I. MacAndrewi. The size of the spicula and their mode of arrangement in the skeleton and dermal mem- brane very closely resembles those of /. MacAndrewi, but they are readily to be distinguished, by close observation, when sections of the two species are mounted in Canada balsam, by the aid of a power of about 200 linear, by the numerous external spicula projected from the dermal membrane of/. MacAndrewi, and the total absence of those organs on the dermis of Lfistulosa" ISODICTYA. 123 21. ISODIOTYA FISTULOSA, Bow.t n, 299; in, 136, PI. LIII, figs. 15—17. Habitat. — A small sponge named by Bowerbank as belonging to this species is referred to in his note on Isodictya MacAndreivi. It was procured by me in 1875 in Birterbuy Bay (N.). 22. ISODICTYA DIOHOTOMA, Bow.9 u, 309; nr, PI. LIII, figs. 12—14. 23. ISODIOTYA PERPLEXA, Bow,, n. sp., iv, PI. IX, figs. 4—6. " Sponge massive, parasitical. Surface smooth and even. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores incon- spicuous. Dermal membrane reticulate ; rete irregular, rarely exceeding trispiculous, spicula variable in size, fusiformi-acerate, mostly large, same size as those of the skeleton ; tension spicula acerate, long and slender, numerous, dispersed. Skeleton with primary lines bi- or trispiculous, irregularly disposed; secondary lines mostly unispiculous, abundant and very irregularly disposed; spicula fusiformi-acerate, large and long. Interstitial membranes abundantly spiculous ; tension spicula acerate, long and slender, same as those of the dermis. " Colour. — In the dried state, dark brown with a tint of purple. " Habitat. — Westport Bay, Ireland, in 5 — 6 fathoms ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. 124 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. " The colour and external appearance of this sponge, and the similarity of its location among the branches of Nullipora polymorplia, would readily lead a hasty observer to the conclusion that the type-specimen of Halichondria flabellifera and this one in course of description were the same species ; but a very slight microscopical examination quickly dissipates the illusion. But there is yet another difficulty to be surmounted before we arrive at a correct determination of the genus and species. The structural peculiarities of this sponge are so wide and diffuse, and the abund- ance throughout the whole of its structure of the long and slender tension spicula, as to very readily lead to the belief that the skeleton structure is that of a Hymeniacidon, and it is only by the careful examination of a correctly cut section at right angles to the dermal surface, and with a power of about 200 linear, that we become satisfied of its isodictyal structure. The specimens under consideration are immersed among the branches of Nullipora polymorplia, the largest being one and a quarter inch in length by three quarters of an inch in diameter, and in some parts it completely covers the distal terminations of the branches of the Nullipora. " The dermal characters in this species are remark- able, there not only being a well-developed rete, but in addition to that in many parts an abundant supply of long, slender, acerate tension spicula ; so numerous in some cases as to nearly obscure the reticulate structure beneath them. " The dermal rete is very distinctly produced, but its mode of arrangement is very irregular, and the areas assume a great variety of forms, which are frequently ISODICTYA. 125 still further complicated by the intermixture of the long and slender tension spicula. The same compli- cation of characters exists in the skeleton structures by the abundant presence of the long slender tension spicula on the interstitial membranes ; so that although but one form of spiculuin, that of the f usif ormi-acerate, stout and slender, prevails in this sponge, the pecu- liarities of their intermixture render this species a specially perplexing one for specific determination." 24. ISODICTYA DENSA, Bow., n, 292 ; in, 355, PI. L, figs. 5—7. 25. ISODICTYA G-REGORII, Bow., n, 301 ; in, PL L, figs. 15—17. 26. ISODICTYA PALLIDA, Bow., n, 297 ; m, PI. L, figs. 8—10. Habitat. — Jersey, Tide-marks, Westport Bay 27. ISODICTYA SIMULANS (Johnston), n, 308 ; in, PI. LI, figs. 5, 6. 1861 Haliclona simulans, Bow. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 71. 1867 Adocia simulans, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 522. Habitat. — " Aberystwith, Mr. Bolton," purchased by me from Mr. Ingall's collection ; Guernsey ; Strangford Lough, 1869 ; Birterbuy Bay, Connemara, 1875 126 BEITISH 28. ISODICTYA INGALLI, Sow., m, 241, PI. LXXXVIII, figs. 1 — 5. 29. ISODICTYA INCEETA, Sow., m, 314, PI. LXXXIX, figs. 3, 4. 30. ISODICTYA CEASSA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. VIII, figs. 4—6. " Sponge massive, sessile ; furnished with large tumulous cloaca?. Surface smooth. Oscula simple, within the cloacae. Pores inconspicuous, dispersed within the dermal rete. Dermal membrane pellucid, furnished with a stout irregular reticulation ; spicula subfusiformi-acerate, same size as those of the skeleton. Skeleton very open and diffuse, irregular ; primary lines rnultispiculous ; secondary lines varying from multispiculous to unispiculous ; very irregularly dis- posed. Spicula subfusiformi-acerate. " Colour. — In the dried state, milk-white. "Habitat. — Westport Bay, Island of Innisgowla, under stones ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received three specimens of this species of sponge for examination. The largest is three inches in length, one and a quarter in breadth, and about one inch in thickness; the other two were much smaller, but all possessed the strongly developed tumulous character of their surfaces, and all three had been located on small branching fuci. The tumulous cloaca? on the largest specimen were short and stout, not exceeding about half an inch in height, and the excurrent orifices were about two lines in diameter. When a thin slice 1SODICTYA. 127 from the dermal surface mounted in Canada balsam was submitted to microscopical examination with a power of 100 linear, the dermal reticulation presented a very beautiful appearance; although very irregular in its structure it forms a strikingly distinct specific character. " The areas of the network are not more than about half the length of a spiculum wide, and by far the greater number of them are triangular ; and the rete bounding the areas varies considerably in its structure, from being multispiculous to a single spiculum. The pores were in an open condition ; they were dispersed among the areas, there being rarely more than one in each of them. " The skeleton is very diffusely constructed and exceedingly irregular, and it is only near the dermal surface that the true Isodictyal character can be recognised with certainty. The interstitial cavities are large and numerous, thus producing a great compli- cation of its structures. The primary lines of the skeleton vary considerably in their structure, the spicula being very numerous in some, while they are very few in others. The same structural irregularity obtains in the secondary lines of the skeleton, and the irregularity of their disposition adds to the confusion. Amidst all this structural complication the skeleton is unmistakably that of an Isodictya. 11 There is but one form and size of the spicula in this sponge, the subfusiformi-acerate. A fully developed skeleton one measured -j-g-Q inch in length and 2^00 inch in diameter. These dimensions are greatly in excess of those of the spicula of the greater number of species of Isodictya in this division of the genus. 128 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. " In the dried state this sponge very closely resembles some of the varieties of HaUcJiondria panicea in form, in colour, in the shape of the spicula, and in the possession of a reticulated dermal membrane, but the examination of a thin slice of the sponge at right angles to its surface immediately destroys the illusion ; as the strongly produced scalariform structure of the genus Isodictya in this species is totally unlike the skele- ton structure of a specimen of HaUcJiondria panicea. " My friend the Rev. Mr. Norman states that this species ' was found at Westport Bay under stones at low-water spring tides August, 1875. This sponge is very easily recognised when living. It is of a lemon- yellow colour, and runs irregularly over the stones in the form of large attached cloacal tubes, which here and there expand into outspread patches of the sponge from which arise several large upright cloacal openings. The sponge is very soft to the touch, the dermal membrane often much expanded with water, having a remarkable membranous appearance to the naked eye.' 5 5» 31. ISODICTYA BOWERBANKI, Norman. ISODICTYA SIMULO, Bow., IT, 279; in, PI. XL VIII, figs. 11--13. Habitat. — Filling the interstices of Nullipora poly- morplia, and sometimes growing long enough to com- pletely cover the Nullipore ; dredged in Roundstone Bay, and under similar circumstances in Westport Bay (N.). " Among the sponges I received from the Rev. A. M. Norman, dredged on the western coast of Ireland, ISODICTYA. 129 was a large gibbous valve of Pecten moximus, covered within and without with a thin coat of Raphyrus Griffithsii, upon which on the inner surface of the shell were several parasitical marine animals, and among them two specimens of Isodictya ferula, par- tially immersed in a thin spreading specimen of Isodictya simulo, agreeing both in external form and in anatomical structure with the type-specimen of that species. This is the second specimen of that sponge that I have seen." Dr. Bowerbank having named one species of this genus I. simulans, and another I. simulo, it became necessary to rename the latter. 32. ISODICTYA FILAMENTA, Bow., in, 286, PI. LXXXV, figs. 1 — 4. 33. ISODICTYA PAUPERCULA, Bow.9 n. sp., iv, PI. X, figs. 6—8. " Sponge coating, thin. Surface minutely rugose. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane pellucid, sparingly spiculous ; spicula acerate, very slender, dispersed, few in number. Skeleton — rete slender and fragile ; primary lines mostly unispiculous, occasionally bi- or rarely trispicu- lous ; secondary lines unispiculous ; spicula acerate, rather stout and long. " Colour. — In the dried state, dull dark green. "Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay, Ireland, in 10 fathoms; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " This sponge covers nearly the whole of the inner VOL. iv. 9 130 BEIT1SH SPONGIAD^E. surface of a fragment of the under valve of a Pecten varius about two inches in diameter, and in no part does it assume a greater thickness than about a line. Its anatomical structure is exceedingly simple and iu its present state very fragile. The specimen was probably dead when taken, as both the dermal mem- brane and the sarcodous matter are in a somewhat delapidated condition. What remains of the dermal membrane is very thin and pellucid ; it is very sparingly furnished with very slender acerate spicula, which are nearly equal to those of the skeleton in length, but are rarely more than about one-fourth of their diameter. The skeleton rete is somewhat irregular but decidedly Isodictyal in character : the primary lines are rarely more than unispiculous, but occasionally for short distances they contain two or even three spicula. The secondary lines appear never to be more than uni- spiculous. The spicula are comparatively rather stout and long. " The nearest ally to this species is Isodictya Boiuer- banJci. Although in their mode of structure they are very similar, the proportions of their skeleton spicula vary to so great an extent as to at once separate them as species. " The spicula of the species under consideration measure yjg- inch in length, while those of I. Bowerbanki are -^y inch in length, and although so much shorter their diameter is greater than those of /. paupercula." 34. ISODICTYA CLAVA, Bow., n, 316; in, PI. LIU, figs. 7—11. Habitat.— Dredged off Saints Bay, Guernsey (N.). ISODICTTA. 131 "I received from my friend Mr. Higgin, on the 21st of September, 1874, three specims of Isodictya clava from extreme low- water mark in Caernarvon Bay. They were found pendent from the under sides of large stones. These specimens differed essentially in size and form from the type ones represented. One of them was of the same form as the specimen repre- sented by fig. 7, Plate LIII, vol. iii, but rather larger in its proportions. It was evidently the base of the sponge, there being about the eighth of an inch in length projected from its distal extremity of the same diameter as the fragment represented by fig. 9. Another specimen without the base was of the same diameter as fig. 9, but it was an inch and three quarters in length, and terminated dichotomously at its distal extremity in two short prongs. These specimens afford us a much better idea of the normal form of the species than those represented as the types of the species. Their anatomical structures were in perfect accordance with those of the type- specimens. These interesting specimens belong to the Liverpool Museum." 35. ISODICTYA JUGOSA, Bow., n, 296; in, PI. L, figs. 11—14. 1867 Gellius jugosus, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 538. Habitat. — Nullipore dredged near the entrance of Westport Bay, Co. Mayo, is remarkable on account of the large number of rare sponges which grow upon it, nestling among the branches, and filling up the spaces between them. One of these sponges was returned 132 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. to me by Dr. Bowerbank labelled " Isodicty a jugosa ? (N.). 36. ISODICTYA PALMATA (Johnston), n, 311; in, PL LII. 1861 Haliclona palmata, Bow. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 71. Habitat. — This is one of the finest of British sponges, and very large specimens are occasionally brought up attached to the hooks of the " long lines ' set by the fishermen of Holy Island, Northumberland 37. ISODICTYA TBUNCA, Bow.9 n. sp., iv, Plate XI, figs. 5—10. " Sponge massive, sessile. Surface even, smooth. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous, appa- rently congregated in aspiculous areas. Dermal membrane abundantly spiculous ; spicula irregularly dispersed, acerate, slender. Skeleton symmetrical; primary lines multispiculous, irregular in number of spicula, rarely more than one spiculum wide ; second- ary lines unispiculous, occasionally bi- or trispiculous; spicula subfusiformi-acerate, short, and rather stout. Interstitial membranes furnished abundantly but irre- gularly with slender, acerate, tension spicula, same as those of the dermal membrane. Internal defensive spicula attenuato-acuate, very minute, with more or less truncated bases, which are incipiently spinous. " Colour. — In the dried state, externally, dark purple ; internally, nut-brown. 1SODICTYA. 133 " Habitat. — Westport Bay, Ireland, 5 fathoms ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received a considerable number of specimens of this sponge for examination from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman, who informed me that they were dredged in about 5 fathoms just inside of the Light- house at Westport Bay, Ireland. They were of various sizes, but all of them irregularly massive in form. The largest is two and a half inches in length, one and a half inch in breadth, and three quarters of an inch in thickness ; the smallest one does not exceed half an inch in diameter. They all agree very closely in the dark purple surface colour, and their surfaces are mostly smooth ; but in the two largest the sur- faces are slightly granulated. The dermal mem- brane is furnished with numerous, slender, acerate, tension spicula, which are rather irregularly dis- tributed, being numerously dispersed in some parts and sparingly so in others ; and there are also irregu- larly shaped areas in which there are few or none of them, and in these areas a few open pores were observed. These areas are very characteristic of the species. They are just such as those observable in Isodictya indistincta. The primary lines of the skele- ton vary to some extent in the number of the spicula composing them, but in all they are more or less multispiculous. The secondary lines of the skeleton are numerous and are rather regularly disposed, so that the general form of the skeleton-rete is. to a verv <~> ' V considerable extent, symmetrical. " The tension spicula of the interstitial membranes are not so numerous as they are on the dermal one. 134 BRITISH SPONG1ADJE. The internal defensive spicula are especially charac- teristic of the species, but they are by no means easy of detection, as they are rather few in number and very small, requiring a power of not less than about 1000 linear to exhibit their forms and proportions distinctly, and when in sitii, immersed in the sarcode, it is very rarely that they can be detected. When portions of the sponge have been boiled in nitric acid and the spicula mounted in Canada balsam, they may by careful observation be detected sparingly dispersed among the other spicula, but even then they may readily escape observation from their minuteness and from the strong resemblance they have to fragments of broken spicula. Their form is regularly attenuated from base to apex, and there are no spines upon any other part than just at the basal extremity, and there the spines are few in number and very inefficiently produced, and the square truncated form of the base gives them very much the appearance of a broken basal termination, but when examined with a suffi- ciently high power they are especially characteristic of the species. Their average length is -^y inch, and their greatest diameter ^foo inch. The degree of their basal spination. also varies to some extent. The one represented by Fig. 9 is the most profusely spined one that I have seen. Fig. 10 exhibits about the average amount of spination, and occasionally one may be seen upon the base of which no spines can be detected. " The only species that is at all liable to be con- founded with I. trunca is I. jugosa, but it is readily distinguished by the total absence of retentive spicula, which are sufficiently abundant in the last-named species to at once distinguish it from the one under ISODICTYA. 135 description, and in I. jugosa there are no internal defensive spicula. " This species appears to be rather abundant at the locality from which Mr. Norman obtained it, but I have not received specimens of it from any other place." 38. ISODICTYA INFUNDIBULIFORMIS (Johnston), n, 317 ; in, PI. LIV. 1867 Tragosia infundibuliformis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 513. 1876 PhaJcellia infundibuliformis, Carter. Ann. Nat, Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, p. 240. Habitat. — Deep water in the Minch (N.). Mr. Carter (1. c.) records this sponge as having been pro- cured in the "Porcupine5 Expedition of 1869 down to a depth of 345 fathoms. The ordinary size of this sponge when fairly grown is about four inches high, and five or six inches in the diameter of the cup. My largest example, however, is nine inches across the lips of the cup and four and a half inches high. This has a simple crateriforra shape, but another, which is seven and a half in dia- meter, divides a little above the base into seven fan- shaped lobes, which expanding overlap each other in regular order, so that the whole make a shallow but well-formed cup. 39. ISODICTYA DISSIMILIS, Sow., n, 318 ; m, 139, PL LY, figs. 1—3. 1867 Tvagosia dissimilis, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 513. This is one of the only British sponges which 136 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. Schmidt has identified with those found by himself in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. He synony- mises it with his Axinella polypoides (' Spongien- Fauna des Atlantischen Gebietes,' 1870, p. 77). 40. ISODICTYA GRACILIS, Bov., ii, 331 ; in, PI. LVIIT, figs. 23—26. to' 41. ISODICTYA INVALIDA, Bow., in, 289, PI. LXXXV, figs. 8—10. Habitat. — I procured a massive specimen an inch and a half long, rather more than an inch broad, and three quarters of an inch high, having five or six conspicuous oscular openings, between tidemarks at Westport Bay, Co. Mayo, this being a second locality for the species (N.). 42. ISODICTYA NOEMANI, Bow., n, 320; in, PI. LVI, figs. 1—5 ; i, PI. XXXVI, fig. 376. 43. ISODICTYA COEIACEA, Bow., in, 228, PI. LXXVI, figs. 7—12. 1881 Dirrhopalum coriaceum, Ridley. Lin. Soc. Jour. Zoology, xv, p. 481, PI. xxix, figs. 3—7. * 44. ISODICTYA HISPIDA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. XII, figs. 1 — 5. " Sponge massive, sessile; surface even, minutely his- pid. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane abundantly spiculous ; tension spicula acuate, nearly equal in length, but variable in 1SODICTYA. 137 diameter, rather evenly dispersed ; retentive spicula bidentate, equi-anchorate, minute, few in number. Skeleton rather irregular in structure ; primary lines of rete uni- or bispiculous, rarely trispiculous ; spicula acuate, comparatively large, uniform in size ; secondary lines uni- or rarely bispiculous ; tension spicula acuate, slender, few in number ; retentive spicula bidentate, equi-anchorate, frequently rather more numerously dispersed in the interstitial mem- branes than in the dermal one. Sarcode rather abun- dant. " Colour. — In the dried state, dark grey. "Habitat. — Roundstone Bay, Ireland; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received two small specimens of this sponge, deeply embedded amid the short branches of two specimens of Nullipora polymorpha. To the unassisted eye their surfaces appeared smooth and even, but when sections at right angles to the surface were examined in Canada balsam it was seen that they were abundantly hispid, the hispidation being produced by the prolongation and projection of the distal terminations of the primary fibres of the skeleton. These defensive organs most frequently consist of two or three spicula, which diverge slightly from each other, and are frequently projected more than the length of a single spiculum beyond the surface of the dermal membrane. This mode of arma- ture is very characteristic of the species. The dermal membrane is abundantly supplied with tension spicula^ which are irregularly but rather evenly dispersed, so that they sometimes appear to simulate a widely-con- structed reticulation. They are about the same length 138 BRITISH SPONGIAD^E. as those of the skeleton, but while those of the skeleton are nearly uniform in length and diameter, those of the dermis, although tolerably uniform in length, vary to a great extent in their diameter, many of them not being half the diameter of a completely developed skeleton one, many of which are intermixed with those of the dermis. An average-sized skeleton-spiculum measured y^-Q inch in length, and its greatest diameter was -f^T5 inch. " The bidentate, equi-auchorate, retentive spicula are very sparingly dispersed in the dermal and interstitial membranes ; they are best seen in the latter in situ, as in the former they are to a great extent obscured by the abundance of the sarcode in which they are im- mersed. They are very slender and delicate in their structure, requiring a power of about 400 linear to render them distinctly to the eye. They are uniform in size. One of the largest measured y-sVo inch in length." 45. ISODICTYA FUCOEUM (Johnston), n, 322 ; in, PI. LVI, figs. 16—19. Habitat. — Dredged off the Durham Coast and off Saints Bay, Guernsey (N.). 46. ISODICTYA ALDEEI, Bow., n, 323 ; in, PI. LVI, figs. 20—26. 47. ISODICTYA EDWAEDII, Bow., n, 325 ; m, PI. LVIII, figs. 15—18. Habitat. — Three fragments of massive form, and ISODICTYA. 139 showing a tendency to branch, measuring from half to three quarters of an inch long, have been thus deter- mined by Dr. Bowerbank. I procured them among the Hebrides, I think in the Minch (N.). 48. ISODICTYA LOBATA (Montagu), n, 326 ; in, PI. LVIII, figs. 19—22. 1867 Corybas lobata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 537. 49. ISODICTYA PAUPEEA, Sow., n, 328 ; in, PI. LV, figs. 4—7. 1861 Halicliondria pauper a, Bowerbank. List British Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 69. Habitat. — Growing intermixed with Microciona plu- mosa, between tide-marks at Herrn (N.). 50. ISODICTYA UNIFORMIS, Bow., n, 329 ; in, PI. LY, figs. 8—10. 51. ISODICTYA CLARKEI, Bow., n, 330; in, PI. XLIX, fig. 6 ; PI. LVI, figs. 11—16. 1861 Halichondria Clarkei, Bowerbank. List Brit. Marine Invert. Fauna (Brit. Assoc.), p. 69. Habitat. — Three fragments of this rare sponge, each about three quarters of an inch long, are in my cabinet, which probably when found formed one continuous branch, and then would have been an inch and three quarters long, and a sixth of an inch in greatest 140 BRITISH SPONGIAD^. diameter. These fragments were dredged in West- port Bay (N.). 52. ISODICTYA BAELEEI, Bow., n, 333 ; in, PL LVII. 53. ISODICTYA LACINIOSA, Bow., m, 219, PI. LXXV, figs. 1 — 5. 1868 Isodictya laciniosa, Bowerbank. Last Report of Dred- ging among the Shetland Isles ; Norman on Porifera, Brit. Assoc. Report, 1868 (1869), p. 333. Habitat. — A small specimen dredged by Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys and myself in deep water in the Minch, and now in my cabinet, was considered by Dr. Bower- bank to be referable to this species (N.). 54. ISODICTYA DUBIA, Bow., in, 325, PL XC, figs. 4 — 7. " Habitat. — ' Westport bay, 4 fathoms. Orange coloured when alive.' " I received two specimens of this species from the Rev. A. M. Norman thus labelled. They are both upon matted masses of slender fuci, one five inches in length, and the other four inches, and in the lobu- lated form and mode of disposition oil the fuci they very closely resemble the type-specimen represented in PL XC, 'Mon. Brit. Spongiadse.' The lobulous form appears in most cases to be derived from the sponge encasing short branches of the stems of the fuci. On making transverse sections of some of the lobes which had never undergone compression I found ISODIOTYA. 141 the arrangement of the skeleton tissues much more regular than in those of the type-specimen, while in others the same confusion of the structures prevailed. In all the anatomical characters these specimens were in perfect accordance with those of the type-sponge, excepting that there was a slight difference in the size of the spicula. The spicula of the younger parts of Mr. Norman's specimens were -of the same size as those of the type-specimen, but in the old and more mature parts they were rather longer and stouter than those of the type-sponge in the Liverpool Museum." 55. ISODICTYA IMITATA, JBow., in, 226, PL LXXVI, figs. 3 — 6. 56. ISODICTYA NODOSA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. XII, figs. 6—7. " Sponge massive, sessile, more or less nodose, para- sitical. Surface minutely rugose. Oscula simple, large, frequently terminating in nodous elevations. Pores conspicuous, dispersed. Dermal membrane pellucid, sparingly spiculous ; tension spicula sub- fusiformi-acuate, same as those of the skeleton. Skeleton multispiculous, rather irregular, secondary lines irregular, varying from unispiculous to bi- or tri- spiculous ; spicula subfusiformi-acuate, minute, vari- able in diameter. Interstitial membranes aspiculous. Colour. — In the dried state, light brown. Habitat. — Birterbuy Bay, Ireland. Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. cc It 142 BRITISH SPONGIAD.E. " I received a single specimen of this species, three inches in length and one and a half inch in width, embracing numerous slender stems of a zoophyte, so that the specimen assumed the form of irregularly inosculating branches, occasionally having upon them nodous elevations with a single large simple osculum at the apex ; other large simple oscula were dispersed on the sponge, the margins of which were scarcely, if at all, elevated above the dermal surface ; some of the oscula were two lines in diameter. The minute rugosity of the surface is produced by the projection of the distal terminations of the primary lines of the skeleton beyond the dermal surface. The porous areas were visible in many parts by the aid of a lens of two inches focus. The dermal membrane has no special spicula appropriated to it. The dermal areas are most frequently aspiculous, but occasionally a few stray skeleton spicula are dispersed on their surfaces. The skeleton-rete is rather irregular, and the number of spicula in the primary lines vary to a considerable extent, and they are rarely so few as to allow of their being counted. The secondary lines are also irregular. A single spiculum frequently suffices to connect two of the primary lines, but they vary from one or two to four or five loosely clustered together. The whole of the spicula, whether stout or slender, are of the same form — fusiformi-acuate — the proximal end always being of less diameter than the middle of the shaft, but whether adult or immature they vary to some extent in their length. " This sponge is very simple in its structural charac- ters, but it is well distinguished from other nearly allied species by the forms of its spicula, and by the 1SODICTYA. 143 total absence of retentive spicula in any part of the sponge." 57. ISODIOTYA INVOLUTA, BoiV.9 U. Sp., IV, PI. X, figS. 1—4. " Sponge massive, coating parasitically ; surface smooth and even. Oscula simple, dispersed. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane abundantly spicu- lous ; spicula acuate, slender, dispersed. Skeleton- rete regular ; areas one spiculum wide ; primary line mostly multispiculous ; secondary lines regularly dis- posed, uni- or bispiculous ; spicula acuate, stout. In- terstitial membranes spiculous ; tension spicula slender, acuate, same as those of the dermis, rather numerous. " Colour. — In the dried state, dark brown. " Habitat. — Dredged in Westport Bay, Ireland ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received a single specimen of this species for exa- mination from the Rev. A. M. Norman. It entirely fills up the interstices of a small specimen of Nullipora polymorpha an inch and a half in length by an inch in breadth, leaving only the extremities of the small branches visible. " The anatomical structures are simple, but very cha- racteristic. The dermal membrane is abundantly sup- plied with tension spicula of a very slender acuate form, their diameter being not more than about one third of that of the skeleton-spicula, while the lengths of the two are very nearly equal ; their mode of disposi- tion is quite irregular, crossing each other in every pos- 144 BRITISH sible direction. The skeleton-rete is very regularly con- structed, the primary lines consisting of from two or three spicula in thickness to a greater number than can be counted. The secondary lines rarely contain more than two spicula at nearly equal distances, so that the areas of the rete are nearly equal-sized oblongs. The spicula are of a stout acuate form and are of nearly equal size. The tension-spicula of the interstitial membranes are like those of the dermis, and in some parts arc rather numerously dispersed." 58. ISODICTYA FERTENU1S, Bow., U. Sp., IV, PI. XIII, figS. 1—4. " Sponge massive, sessile. Surface even, slightly hirsute. Oscula simple, dispersed, few in number. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane spiculous ; spicula dispersed, not very abundant, minutely acuate, long and very slender. Skeleton-rete open and very diffuse, rather irregular. Primary lines niulti- spiculous ; secondary lines bi- or trispiculous ; spicula minute, acuate, long and slender, very little larger than that of the dermis. Interstitial membranes sparingly spiculous ; spicula same as those of the dermal membrane. " Colour. — In the dried state, nut-brown. " Habitat. — Tidemarks, Westport Bay, Co. Mayo, 1874; Rev. A. M. .Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " There is nothing remarkable or especially charac- teristic in the external appearance of this sponge, of which there were three specimens. The largest example ISODICTTA. 145 envelopes irregularly the stem of a slender fucus for about three inches in length, and a projecting portion of it, about the size of a small hazel-nut, has a central canal about the eighth of an inch in diameter running through it and terminating at its summit as if it were the termination of a cloacal cavity, but I could not, without destroying the root of the sponge, determine whether this character prevailed throughout the whole of the sponge. The general mass is rather irregular in its anatomical structure, and consists of but one form of spiculum, very minute, slender, and purely acuate, those of the skeleton varying from the dermal ones only in being slightly the stouter of the two. The extreme tenuity of these organs is, in truth, the most striking specific character of the sponge, and it readily separates it from other nearly allied species, as it requires a power of not less than about 400 linear to define either those of the skeleton or the dermal membrane with certainty. An average- sized spiculum of the dermal membrane measured g-jy-o inch in length, and its greatest diameter TTO^JO" inch. Two of skeleton-spicula measured yir inch in length and TTFoiTo incn *n diameter, and yj-g- inch in length and 8/52 inch in diameter. The dark amber- coloured sarcode is sufficiently abundant in all parts of the sponge to render it rather difficult to see the spicula distinctly in situ; and their separation from the sponge by boiling a portion of it in nitric acid, and mounting the spicula in Canada balsam, is quite neces- sary to obtain a clear idea of their forms and propor- tions. I examined the membranous structures and the spicula thus prepared and mounted with great care, but I could not detect any other forms of VOL. iv. 10 146 BRITISH SPOXGIAD.E. spicula belonging to the sponge. A few adventitious spicula of much greater size from other sponges were embedded on its surface and amid its structures.' 59. ISODICTYA SCITULA, Bow.t n. sp., iv, PI. IV, figs. 1—3, and PL IX, figs. 1—3. " Sponge massive, sessile. Surface even, minutely but strongly hispid. Oscula simple, dispersed, minute. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane spiculous, spicula dispersed ; tension-spicula acuate, few in num- ber, same size as those of the skeleton ; retentive spicula bidentate equi-anchorate, very minute and slender, rather sparingly dispersed. Skeleton — pri- mary lines multispiculous; secondary lines, mostly uni- spiculous ; rather irregularly disposed ; spicula acuate, small. Interstitial membranes pellucid, aspiculous. " Colour. — In the dried state, light ochreous yellow. " Habitat. — Roundstone Bay, Ireland ; Rev. A. M. Norman. " Examined. — In the dried state. " I received several specimens of this pretty little sponge from my friend the Rev. A. M. Norman for examination ; they were seated amid the branches of small specimens of Nullipora polymorplia, and none of them exceeded the size of a large pea. To the un- assisted eye the surface appears even and smooth, and it is only when a portion of the surface is mounted in Canada balsam and viewed with a power of about 100 linear, that it is seen to be abundantly and strongly hispid, the hispidation being produced by the projec- tion of the distal terminations of the primary fibres of ISODICTYA. 147 the skeleton. The spicula, slightly diverging from each other, form a very striking and effective defence to the structures beneath them. 11 The oscula require the aid of a lens of an inch focus to render them distinct to the eye. " The dermal membrane is rather sparingly fur- nished with tension-spicula ; but the minute bidentate equi-anchorate retentive spicula are much more numer- ously embedded in the sarcode of the membrane, but from their minuteness they may very readily escape observation. Two of the largest measured y^of inch and nree- inch in length, and the shafts of the dentes are extremely slender, requiring a power of about 400 linear to render them distinct to the eye, in situ, when mounted in Canada balsam. They are not evenly dispersed ; in some parts they are rather few in number while in other parts they occur in much greater numbers. The primary lines of the skeleton consist of from three to five or six spicula in the fas- ciculus, very rarely more. The interstitial membranes are very pellucid; and, although I searched diligently for them, I could not find the slightest indication of either tension or retentive spicula." 60. ISODICTYA COLLINA, Bow., n. sp., iv, PI. XIV, figs. 6—13. " Sponge sessile, massive, tumulous. Surface mi- nutely hispid. Oscula slightly elevated and marginated, terminating each tumulus. Pores inconspicuous. Der- mal membrane reticulated ; rete unispiculous, spicula acuate or subfusiformi-acuate, stout, as long as those 148 BRITISH SPONGIADJ3. of the skeleton; tension spicula acuate, long and slender, very few in number ; retentive spicula biha- mate, simple and contort, large but slender, very few in number ; also bidentate equi-anchornte minute and rather numerous ; and dentate palmato-equi-anchorate, few in number. Skeleton — primary lines multispicu- lous, spicula rather numerous, acuate, short and stout ; secondary lines rarely more than bispiculous. Inter- stitial membranes spiculous ; spicula same as those of the dermal membrane, but fewer in number. " Colour. — Alive, orange ; dried, ochreous yellow. "Habitat. — Roundstone Bay, Ireland; Rev. A.M. Norman. " Examined. — From spirit. " I received this sponge in a small bottle of spirit from the Rev. A. M. Norman. It consists of five small tumulous masses irregularly disposed on a portion of the roots of Fucus. The largest does not exceed half an inch in height, and very little more in its greatest basal diameter. There is no appearance of hispidation of the surface of the sponge to the unas- sisted eye, but when a section at right angles to the surface is mounted in Canada balsam it becomes strik- ingly apparent. It is produced by the projection of the distal termination of the primary lines of the skeleton for about the length of a single spiculum, and when thus projected they separate at small angles to the axis of the skeleton-fibre, thus forming slight groups of very effective external defensive spicula. The oscula are situated one on each tumuloid mass of the sponge ; they are slightly elevated and when fully developed have a thin margin, and have every appear- ance of being cloacal orifices rather than oscula. ISODICTYA. 149 CATALOGUE. IMPEEATO (F.). Dell' Historia Naturale, fol., Napoli, 1599. EUMPH (G-. E.). D'Amboinsche Eariteitkamer, fol., Amsterdam, 1705. SLOANE (H.). Voyage and Natural History of Jamaica, 2 vols., fol., London, 1707. BENEAUHE ( — ). Spongia fluviatilis, fragilis et piacem olens, Mem. Acad. Sc. Paris, 1714, p. 231. MAESILLI (Comte de). Histoire Physique de la Mer., fol., Amsterdam, 1725. SEBA (A.). Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, 4 vols., fol., Amsterdam, 1734-65. PLANCUS (,L). Ariminensis, de Conchis minus notis liber, 4to., Venetiis, 1739. DONATI (V.). Delia Storia Naturale Marina dell' Adriatico, Venezia, 1750. PONTOPPIDAN (E.). Natural History of Norway, fol., London, 1755. ELLIS (John). Essay towards a Natural History of the Corallines and other marine productions of a like kind commonly found on the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland, 1755, p. 78. On the nature and formation of Sponges, Phil. Trans., vol. 55, 1765, p. 280. TURGOT (E. E.). Memoire instructif, * * diverses curiosites d'Histoire Naturelle, 8vo., Paris et Lyons, 1758. PALLAS (P. S.). Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 375. Eeise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Eussicheu Eeichs, Theil III, 1776, pp. 100, 101, and (Auhang) p. 710, No. 58 (Spongia Baicalensis) . Characteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787, p. 221 (Spongia fluvia- tilis), and pp. 235, 236 (Sp. Baicalensis). LLNN.ETJS. Systerna Naturae, edit, xii, 1767, WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. (John). An Account of some very perfect and un- common specimens of Spongice from the Coast of Italy, Philos. Trans., vol. Ix, 1770, p. 179. GUNNEEUS (J. E.). Von verschiedenen Seeschwjimmen, Drontheim Gesellsch. Sshrift, vol. 4, 1776, p. G5. MULLEE (0. F.). Zoologies DanicsB prodromus, Hafnise, 1776. Zoologica Danica, 4 vols., fol., 1777—1806. FABEICIUS (0.). Fauna Groenlandia?, 17SO. CAVOLINI (F.). Memorie per servire alia storia de Polipi Marini, 4to., Napoli, 1785. ELLIS and SOLANDEE. Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the Globe, 4to., 1786. ESPEE (E. J. C.). Die Pflanzenthiere, Niirenburg, 4to., 3 vols., 1788—1830. SCHEOTEE (J. S.). Beschreibung einer neuen Spongie des siissen "Wassers, Spongia canalium, Der Naturforscher, St. 23, 1788, p. 149. OLIVI (G.)- Zoologia Adriatica, 4to., Bassano, 1792. VAHL (Mart.). Beskrivelse af en ny Soe-svamp., Skrivten Natur- hist. Selsk., Bd. 2, Heft 2, 1793, p. 51. LICHTENSTEIN. Ueber die Badeschwamme, Lichtenberg, Voigt's Magaz., ii, St. 2, 1796, pp. 17—19. TUBTON (W.). Translation of Linnaeus's General System of Nature, amended and enlarged, 1800-6, 7 vols. TILESIUS (W. G.). Zwei verschiedene Species (Sponc/iavillosa and ocellata) in einem Eiihrenschwamme vereiuigt, Yoigt's Magaz., Bd. vi, 1803, pp. 277—288. SOWEEBT (J.). British Miscellany, 1804-6 (PI. LX, Spongia cancellata ; PI. XLIII, Spongia pulchella). JAMESOK (E.). Catalogue of Animals, of the Class Vermes, found in the Frith of Forth (Cat. including 7 Sponges), "Werueriau Memoirs, vol. i, 1811, p. 561. MONTAGU (George). An Essay on Sponges, with descriptions of all the species that have been discovered on the coast of Great Britain, "Wernerian Memoirs, vol. ii, p. 67, 1818 (paper read 1812). LAMAECK (J. B. P. A.). Sur les Polypiers empates Eponges, Ann. du Museum, torn, xx, 1813, pp. 294—312, 370—380, and 432 —458 ; Mem. du Museum, torn, i, 1825, pp. 69, 162 and 331. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONCrES. 197 LAMAHCK (J. B. P. A.). Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Ver- tebres, 1816. deuxieme edition, 1835. LAMOUROUX (J. V. F.). Hisfcoire des Polypiers Coralligenes flexibles, vulgairement nomrnes Zoophytes, 1816, Caen, or (translated) Corallina, 1824, London. Exposition methodique dea genres de 1'ordre des Polypiers, avee les descriptions de celles des principales especes, 1821, Paris. STEWART (Charles). Elements of the Natural History of the Animal Kingdom, 1817, Edinburgh. LUDVIG (C. H. P.) and UIILE (A. F.). Diss. pharmacol.-med. de Spongia marina, Lipsiae, 4to, 1819. SCHWEIGGER (A. F.). Beobachtungen auf Naturhistorischen Eeisen, 1819. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Skeletoser ungegliederten Thiere, &c., 1820. G-RAY (S. F.). Natural arrangement of British Plants, 1821. GRAY (J. E.). The situation and rank of Sponges in the scale of Nature, and on their internal structure, Zoological Journal, vol. i, 1825, pp. 46—52. On the chemical composition of Sponges, Annals of Philo- sophy, new ser., vol. ix, 1825, p. 431, 432. British Museum Catalogues, List of British Sponges, 1848. On the Genus Hyalonema, Ann. Nat. Hist., vi, 1850, pp. 306, 307. On ApkrocalUstes, a new genus of Spongiadse from Malacca, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vol. xxvi, 1858, pp. 114, 115 ; and Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. ii, 1858, p. 224. Description of Aphroceras, a new genus of Calcareous Spongiadas from Hong Kong, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xxvi, 1858, p. 113 ; and Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. ii, 1858, p. 83. Description of a new genus of Sponge Xenospongia, from Torres Straits, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vol. xxvi, 1858, pp. 229, 230 ; and Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. ii, 1858, p. 369. Description of MacAndrewia and Myliusia, two new forms of Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. v, 1860, p. 495 ; Zool. Soc. Proc., vol. xxvii, 1859, pp. 357—361. Notes on the ' Glass Rope,' Hyalonema Sieboldii, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xviii, 1866, pp. 287 and 485 ; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 198 WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 1867, p. 117 ; Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. i, 1868, p. 292 ; vol. ii, 1868, p. 264 ; vol. iii, 1869, p. 192. GRAY (J. E.). On Venus' Flower-Basket (Euplectella speciosa), Ann. Nat. Hist, vol. xviii, 1866, p. 487. On Placo&pongia, a new generic form of Spongiadse in the British Museum, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 127. Notes on the arrangement of Sponges with the description of some new Genera, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 492. Observations on Sponges and on their arrangement and nomenclature, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1868, vol. i, p. 161. Letter from, containing a reply to Dr. Bowerbank's remarks on his 'Notes on Sponges,' Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 532. Notes on Theonilla, a new genus of Coralloid Sponges from Formosa, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 565. Notes on Ceratellidce, a family of Keratose Sponges, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1868, p. 575. Notes on Xylospongia Coolcii, a new genus of Palmated Sponges in the Collection of the British Museum, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 637. On Alcyonellum, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, 1868, p. 390. Note on Hyalonema boreale, Loven, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. i, 1868, p. 484. Note on Hyalonema Schultzei, Semper, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, 1868, p. 373. • On Tetilla euplocamus and Hyalonema boreale, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, 1868, p. 319. Note on Janthella, a new genus of Keratose Sponges, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1869, p. 49. Note on a new genus of Sponge from West Australia, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, pp. 272 and 346. Notes on Anchoring Sponges (in a letter to Mr. Moore), Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, p. 309. Notes on the classification of Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ix, 1872, p. 442. On a new netted Sponge (Mey&rella) from the Philippines, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 76. New genus of Hexradiate and other Sponges discovered in the Philippine Islands, by Dr. A. B. Meyer, Ann. Nat. Hist... eer. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 134. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 199 GRAY (J. E.). On the Animal of the Glass Eope ; on the name TetTiya and its varieties of spelling ; Marine Sponges in the British Museum, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 152. Notes on the siliceous spicules of Sponges, and on their division into types, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii, 1873, p. 203. On two new Free Sponges from Singapore, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xi, 1873, p. 234. On the arrangement of Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, p. 284. HAEDWICKE (T.). Description of a Zoophyte, commonly found about the coasts of Singapore (Sponyia patera), Asiat. Besearch, xi, 1822, pp. 180, 181. CHIAJE (S. delle). Memorie sulla storia e anatomia degli animali senza vertebre del regno di Napoli, 1823-9, Napoli. BELL (Thomas). Remarks on the animal nature of Sponges, Zoological Journal, vol. i, 1824, p. 202. GEANT (E. E.). Observations and experiments on the structure and functions of the Sponge, Edinburgh Phil. Journ., vol. xiii, 1825, pp. 94—107, 343—346 ; vol. xiv, 1826, pp. 113—124, 336—341. Eemarks on the structure of some Calcareous Sponges, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. i, 1826, pp. 166—171. Observations on the structure of some Siliceous Sponges, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. i, 1826, pp. 341—351 ; and vol. ii, pp. 121—141. Notice of a New Zoophyte (Cliona celata) from the Firth of Forth, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. i, 1826, p. 78. Structure and Nature of Spongilla friabilis, Ediub. Phil. Jour., vol. xiv, 1826, pp. 270—284. Notice of two new species of British Sponges (Sponjia sanguinea and S. cinerea), Edinb. New Phil. Jour., vol. ii, 1827, p. 203. Eisso (A.). Histoire Naturelle des principales productions de 1'Europe Meridionale, vol. 5, 1827, Paris. Bosc (L. A. G.). Histoire Naturelle des Vers, 2nd edit., 1827, Paris. FLEMING (J.). History of British Animals, Edinburgh, 1828. EASPAIL (Fr. V.). Anatoniie Microscopique des Spong tiles, Mem. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, iv, 1828, pp. 204—237 and 246, pi. xxi ; Feruss. Bull., xiii, 1828, p. 170. 200 WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. DtrTRocnET. Observations sur la Spongilla ramosa, Lain. (Ephi- datia lacustris, Lamoux), Ann. Sci. Nat., torn, xv, 1828, pp. 205—218. NARDO (GK D.). Auszug aus einem neuen System der Spongia- rien, Isis, 1833, p. 517. De Spongiis, Isis, 1831, p. 714. Ueber die Spougien und nachst verwandten Thiergattungeu, Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 519—524. Ueber die Spongien und Asterien Oken, Isis, 1834, 714 — 717. Sopra un nuovo genere di Spugne, le quali perforano le pietre ed i gusci marini, Ann. Sci. Lomb., Veneto, ix, 1839, pp. 221 — 226. Sopra uu nuovo genere di Spongiali Silicei intitolato Vioa, Venezia, 1840. QUOY and GAIMARD. Voyage d'Astrolobe, Paris, 1833 [contains description and figure of Alcyoncellum speciosum, p. 302, pi. xxvi]. BLAINTILLE (M. D. de). Manuel d'Actinologie et de Zoophyto- logie, 1834-7, Paris. JOHNSTON (Gr.). On Spongia suberea, London's Mag. Nat. Hiat., vol. vii, 1834, pp. 490^92. List of five sponges found on North Durham Coast, Trans. Newc. Soc., vol. ii, 1838, p. 269. History of British Sponges and Lithophytes, London, 1842. Description of anew British Sponge (HalicJiondria macularis), Ann. Nat. Hist., xviii, 1846, p. 475 ; Berwick Nat. Hist. Club, Trans, ii, 1849, p. 196. G-ERVAIS (P.). Sur les Eponges d'eau douce, Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, torn, i, 1835, pp. 260—262. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Spongillen, Fror. Not., Bd. 47, No. 1016, 1836, pp. 55, 56. TUEPIN. Eapport sur une note de M. Fel. Dujardin relative a 1'animalite des Spongilles, Coinpt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, torn, vii, 1838, p. 556. LAURENT (J. L. Maur). Recherches sur la Spongille fluviatile, Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, torn, vii, 1838, p. 617 — 619 ; torn, xi, 1840, pp. 478, 479, 693—696, and 1048—1051. • Nature de la Spongilla fluviatilis, sur les corps reproducteurs de la Spongille, Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb., 1840, pp. 69 —71—74. WORKS AND PAPEES ON SPONGES. 201 LAURENT (J. L. Maur). Sur les embryons ciliis et libres des SpongiUes, Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb., 1841, pp. 73, 74. Zoophytologie (de "Voyage de Bonite," en 1836-7), Nouv. recb. sur 1'Hydre et la Spongille, Paris, 1844, 8vo. • Sur les corps reproducteurs des Eponges (Spongia usitalis- sima), Soc. Philom. Extr. Proc. Verb., 1848, pp. 40, 41, L'Institut, ix, No. 751, 1848, p. 1GO. DUJARDIN (F.). Observations sur les Eponges et en particulier sur la Spongille ou Eponge d'eau douce, Ann. Scienc. JSratur., 2 ser., Zoologie, torn, x, 1838, pp. 5 — 13. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes-Infusoires, 1840, pp. 305, 306. MAYEN (J.). Beitriige zur niiberen Kenntniss unseres Siisswasser- Schwammes (SpongiUa lacustris), Miiller's Arcb. f. Anat., 1839, p. 83. HOGG (J.). On Spongilla fluvialitis, Proc. Linn. Soc., vol. i, 1839, pp. 8 and 36 ; 1840, p. 226 ; Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. xviii, 1841, p. 363 ; Charlesworth's Mag. Nat. Hist., new ser., vol. iv, 1840, p. 259. Eemarks on the Horny Sponges with proposed divisions of the Order Spongise, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. viii, 1842, p. 3. On Nardo's classification of the Spongia3, and further notices of the Sponyilla fluvialitis, Ann. Nat. Hist., 2 ser., vol. 7, 1851, p. 190. DUVERNOY (Gr. L.). Note sur une espece d'Eponge qui se loge dans la coqmlle de 1'huitro a-pied-de-cheval (Ostrea Jtippopus, Lam.) en creusant des canaux des d'epaisser des valves de cette coquille (Spongia terebrans), Comptes rendus, torn, ix, 1840, pp. 683—686, and 1840, pp. 1021—1023. BELLAMY (J. C.). Natural History of South Devon, 1840, London. LEREBOULLET (A.). Sur une espece d'Eponge perforante qui occupe 1'epaisseur des valves de 1'Huitre comestible (Spongia terebrans, Duv.), L'Institut, torn, ix, 1841, p. 131. BIANCONI (Gr. Gr.). Sopra alcuni Zoofiti descritti sotto i nomi di Cliona celata, Grant, Vioa Nardo, e Spongia terebrans, Du- veruoy. Estratto et osservazioni, Nuov. Ann. delle Sc. Nat. di Bologna, Anno iii, vol. vi, 1841, pp. 455 — 469. BOWERBANK (J. S.). Observations on a Keratose Sponge from Australia, Ann. Nat. Hist., vii, 1841, pp. 129—132. 202 WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. BOWERBANK (J. S.). On the Keratose or Horny Sponge of Com- merce, Micros. Journal, vol. i, 1841, pp. 8 — 11 ; Micros. Soc. Trans., vol. i, 1844, pp. 32—39. Descriptions of three species of Sponge, containing some new forms of organisation, Micros. Journal, vol. i, 1841, pp. 161, 162. Micros. Soc. Trans., vol. i, 1844, pp. 63 — 76. On a new genus of Calcareous Sponges (Dunstervillia), Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xv, 1845, pp. 297—300. Observations on the Spongiadas with descriptions of some new genera, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, 1845, pp. 400 — 410. Ciliary action in Sponges, Trans. Micros. Soc., vol. iii, 1852, pp. 137—142. On the vital power of the Spongiadse, Kep. Brit. Assoc., 1856, pp. 438—451. Further Report on the vitality of Sponges, Brit. Assoc. Report, 1857, pp. 121 — 125; Micros. Soc. Quart. Jour., vol. vi, 1858, pp. 78, 79. Anatomy and physiology of the Spongiadae, Proc. Royal Soc., vol. viii, 1857, p. 573 ; and Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xx (2 ser.), 1857, p. 298. On the anatomy and physiology of the Spongiadse, Philos. Trans., 1858, pp. 279—332, and 1S62, pp. 747—836 and 1087 —1135. On the organisation of Grantia ciliafa, Trans. Micros. Soc., new ser., vol. vii, 1859, pp. 79 — 84. A Monograph of the Spongillidce, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1863, pp. 440—472. On Hyalonema mirabilis in reply to Dr. Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xviii, 1866, p. 397; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, pp. 18 and 350. On Alcyoncellum (Euplectella) speciosum, Quoy and Graimard, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 351 ; Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iii, p. 84. Observations on Dr. G-ray's " Notes on the arrangement of Sponges, with the description of some new genera," Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud., 1868, p. 118, and Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iii, p. 84. Monograph of the Siliceo-Fibrous Sponges, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, pt. 1, p. 66 ; pt. 2, p. 323 ; pt. 3, 1875, p. 272 ; pt. 4, 1875, p. 503 ; pt. 5, 1875, p. 558 ; pt. vi, 1876, p. 535. WOEKS AXD PAPERS OX SPONGES. 20-5 BOWEEBANK (J. S.). Remarks on the genus Theonella, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 389. Keport on a collection of Sponges found in Ceylon by E. W. Holdsworth, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 25. Reply to Dr. J. E. Gray's observations on certain Sponges described in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1873, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii, 1873, p. 488. Observations on Mr. Carter's paper " On two new Sponges," &c., Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 58. Contributions to a general history of the Spongiadee, i — iii, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 115, 196, and 625 ; iv and v, 1873, pp. 3 and 333 ; vi, 1874, p. 298 ; vii, 1875, p. 582 ; viii, 1876, p. 768. Further Observations on Alcyoncellum speciosum and Hyalo- nema mirabile, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1875, p. 607. Description of five new Sponges discovered by Dr. A. B. Meyer on the Philippine Islands and New Guinea, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1877, p. 456. OWEN (E.). On a new genus and species of Sponge Euplectella aspergillum, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. ix, 1841, p. 3 ; Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. iii, 1849, p. 203 ; also Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. viii, 1842, p. 222. Description of a new species of JEuplectella {E. cucumer, Owen), Trans. Linn. Soc., Arol. xxii, 1857, p. 117. STUTCHBUEY (S.). Description of a new sponge from Barbadoes (Tlactylocalyx yumicea) , Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1841, p. SO*. Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. ix, 1842, p. 504. COUCH (R. Q). Observations on the Sponges of Cornwall, Report Royal Polytechnic Soc. of Cornwall, 1842, p. 41. COSTA (O. G.). Fauna de Regno di Napoli-Polypi a polipario flessibili, Tethya, 1843 (contains figures and descriptions of three sponges). AUSTIN (Thorn.). Note on Mr. Bowerbank's paper on the genus Dunstervillia, with remarks on Ischadites Koningii, the Tenta- culites, and the Cornularia, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xv, 1845, p. 406. MICHELIN (H.). Note sur differentes especes du genre Vioa, Revue Zool., 1846, pp. 56—61. EHEENBEEG (C. G.). Ueber die geformten unkrystallinischen Kieseltheile von Pflauzen, besonders iiber Spongilla erinaceus in Schlesieu, Berlin, Monatsber, 1846, p. 96. "204 WOIIKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGMS. EHRENBERG (C. G.). Beitrage zur Beurtheiluug der wunder barea Japauiscben Glaspflanze, der sogenannten Coralleuthier- Gattuug Hyalonema and der Familie der Hyalochcetiden, Berlin, Monatsber, 1800, pp. 173—182. Ueber die ueuereu die Japanische Glaspflanze als Spongia betreffendeu Ansicbteu, und Erlauterungen der Synonyme zu Hrn. Bowerbank's Spongolithen-Tafeln, Berlin, Monatsber, 1861, pp. 448—452. Ueber die nicht natiirliche Gestaltung der Glaspflanze Hyalo- nema Sieloldi, Gray, Berlin, Monatsber, 1863, pp. 300 — 305. Ueber Hyalonema lusitanicum, Berlin Monatsber, 1866, p. 810, and Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. six, 1867, p. 419. "Weitere Entwicklung des Hyalonema lusitanicum und der Spongiaceen, Berlin Monatsber, 1867, p. 843. CARTER (H. J.). Notes on the species, structure, and aniinality of tbe Fresh-Water Sponges in the tanks of Bombay, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. i, 1848, pp. 303—311. - Descriptive account of tbe Fresb-Water Sponges in tbe Island of Bombay, witb observations on their structure and development, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. iv, 1849, pp. 81 — 100. — Zoosperuis in Spongilla, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xiv, 1854, pp. 33^, 336. On the ultimate structure of Spongilla, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xx, 1857, pp. 21—41. On a variety of Spongilla Rleyeni from tbe Eiver Exe, Devon- shire, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. i, 1868, p. 247. Description of a Siliceous Sand Sponge found on the South- East Coast of Arabia, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iii, 1869, p. 151. Descriptive account of four Subspherous Sponges, Arabian and British, with general observations, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iv, 1869, p. 1. On Grayella cyathopkora, a new genus and species of Sponge, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iv, 1869, p. 189. Note on the Sponges Grayella, Osculina, and Cliona, Arm. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v, 1870, p. 73. On two new species of Subspherous Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, p. 176. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 205 CARTER (H. J.). On the ultimate structure of Marine Sponge?, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, p. 329. On two undescribed Sponges and two Esperiadce from the AYest Indies ; also on the nomenclature of the Calcisponge ChitJirina, Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, p. 268. Account of three Pachytragous Sponges of South Coast of Devon., Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, p. 1. Description of two new Calcispongice, to which is added confirmation of Professor James Clark's discovery of the true form of the Sponge-Cell Animal, and an account of the Polyp- like Pore Area of Cliona coraUinoides contrasted with Haekel's view of the relationship of the Sponges to the Corals, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. viii, 1871, p. 1- Parasites of the Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. viii, 1871, p. 330. Description and illustrations of a new species of Tetliya. with observations on the nomenclature of the Tethyada3, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. viii> 1871, pp. 99 — 105. On Fossil Sponge-Spicules of the Greensand compared with those of existing species, Ann. Nat, Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii, 1871, p. 112. — Additional information on this structure of Tetliya dacty- loidea, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ix, 1872, p. 82.. On two new Antarctic Sponges and New Tetliya from Shet- land, &c., Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ix, 1872, p. 409. Observations on the reproduction of Sponges commencing from the Zygosis of the Sponge Animal, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, ix, 1872, pp. 419—429. Proposed new name for the Sponge Animal, viz. 'Spongo- zoon,' and on origin of thread-cells in the Spongiadae, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 45. New Aplysina from the North-West Coast of Spain, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 101. Two new Sponges from the Philippine Islands, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 110. Answer to Dr. Bowerbank's observations, &c., Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. x, 1872, p. 141. Description of Labaria hemispJicerica, Gray, a new species of Hexactinellid Sponge, with observations on the Sarco-hexacti- nellid Sponges generally, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xi, 1873, pp. 275 and 421. '206 WOEKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. CAETEII (II. J.). Points of distinction between the Spongiadce and the Foraminifera, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xi, 1873, p. 351. On two new species of Gumminecs, with special and general observations, Ann. -Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii, 1873, p. 17. On the Hexactinellidce and Lithistidce generally, and particu- larly on the AphrocaUistidae, Anlodictyce and Farrete, together with facts elicited from their deciduous structures and descrip- tions respectively of three new species, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii, 1873, pp. 349 and 437. On the Spongozoa of Halisarca Dujardinii, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, p. 315. On Halisarca lolularis, Schnur, off the South Coast of Devon, with observations on the relationship of the Sponges to the Ascidians and hints on their microscopy, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii, 1874, p. 433. The nature of the seed-like body of Spongilla ; on the origin or mother-cell of the Spiculse, and on the presence of sperma- tozoa in the Spougilla, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, p. 97. Deep-Sea Sponges and their Spicules from the Atlantic Ocean, dredged up on board H.M.S. ' Porcupine ' chiefly in 1869 ; with figures and descriptions of some remarkable Spicules from the Agulpas Shoal and Colon, Panama, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, pp. 221 and 245, pis. xiii — xv. Development of the Marine Sponges from the earliest recognis- able appearance of the ovum to the perfected individual, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, pp. 321 and 389. Further instances of the Sponge-Spicule in the mother-cell, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiv, 1874, p. 456. On the Genus Rosslla (a Hexactinellid Sponge) with the descriptions of three species, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xv, 1875, p. 113. Notes introductory to the study and classification of the Spongida, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, 1875, pp. 1, 126, 177, pi. iii. Descriptions and figures of Deep-Sea Sponges and their Spicules, from the Atlantic Ocean; dredged on board H.M.S. ' Porcupine,' chiefly in 1862, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876, pp. 226, 307 and 458, pis. xii— xvi. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 207 CAKTEE (H. J.). On two Vitreo-bexactinellid Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xix, 1877, p. 121, pi. ix. Arctic and Antarctic Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, p. 38, pi. i. Description of Mauricea, a Psammonematous Sponge (men- tioned incidentally), Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xx, 1877, p. 174. Position of the Sponge-Spicule in the Spongida, and post- script on the identity of Sqruamulina scapula with the Sponges, Ann, Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. i, 1878, p. 170. On Teichonia, a new family of Calcareous Sponges, with descriptions of two species, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii, 1878, p. 35, pi. ii. - Parasites of the Spongida, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii, 1878, p. 157. On Holastrella, a Fossil Sponge of the Carboniferous Era, and on Hemiastrella, a new genus of recent Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. iii, 1879, p. 141, pi. xxi. On a new species of Excavating Sponge (Alectona millari), and on a new species of Rhaphidotheca (S. affinis), Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc., vol. ii, 1879, p. 493, pis. xvii and xviiia. Contributions to our knowledge of the Spongida, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. iii, 1879, pp. 284 and 343, pis. xxv — xxix. Sponges of Kerguelen Island mentioned, Phil. Trans., clxviii, 1879, p. 286. - Eeport on specimens dredged up from the Gulf of Manaar, and presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. TT. H. Cawne "Warren, Spongida, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vi, 18SO, pp. 35 and 129, pis. iv — viii ; and Supplementary Eeport, vol. vii, 188], p. 361, pi. xviii. Description of two species of Sulerites in D'TJrban's The Zoology of Barent's Sea, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vi, 1SSO, p. 256. History and classification of the known species of Spongilla, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vii, 1881, p. 77, pis. v, vi. On Spongilla cinerea, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. vii, 1881, p. 263. Contributions to our knowledge of the Spongida, Order II, Ceratina, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. viii, 1881, p. 101, pi. ix. 208 WORKS AND PAPEES ON SPONGES. CARTER (II. J.). The development of the fibre in Spongida, Ann, Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. viii, 1881, p. 112, pi. ix (part). Contributions to our knowledge of the Spongida, Order I, Carnosa, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. viii, 1881, p. 241. KOERTE (F. F. E.). Utruru Spongiae offtcinalis telafibrosa Animali an Vegetabili sit Natura, Berolini, 1848. DESOR (E.). Two new Sponges (Spongia arceolata and sulplnireci}, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, 1848, p. 67. HANCOCK (A.). On the excavating powers of certain Sponges belonging to the genus Cliona, with descriptions of several new species and an allied generic form, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. iii, 1849, pp. 321—348. Note on the Excavating Sponges, with description of four new species, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xix, 1867, p. 229 ; and also Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vol. i, 1867, p. 337. MATER (Pere). Recherches sur 1'organisation des Eponges, Compt. rend, et Mem. de la Soc. de Biologic, torn, i, 1849, p. 153. HTJXLET (T. II.). On the anatomy of the genus Teihya, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. vii, 1851, p. 370. Manual of Anatomv of Invertebrated Animals, 1877, pp. 110 —120, Porifera DOBIE ("VV. M.). Ooservations on Cilia in Grantia, G-oodsir's Ann. of Anat. and Physiol., No. 2, 1852, pp. 127 and 129. STRICKLAND (H. E.). On the mode of growth in Halichondria suberea, Report Brit. Assoc., 1853, Trans. Soc., p. 72. GOSSE (P. H.). Naturalists Rambles on the Devonshire Coast, 1853 (Grantia lotryoides and ciliata), pp. 234 — 239, pi. xv. Manual British Marine Zoology, 1855, ii, pp. 1 — 6. SCHAFFNER. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Spongilla ftuviatilis, Ver- handlung. d. Naturh. Yer. den preuss. Rhein., 12 Jahrg., 1855, p. 29. LETDY (J.). On Cliona, Proc. Acad. Nat. Philad., vol. viii, 1856, p. 162; Sillirn. Arner. Journ., 2 ser., vol. xxiii, 1857, pp. 281, 282. Remarks on some curious Sponges (Hyalonema, Euplectella, Phcronema'), American Naturalist, vol. iv, p. 17. Remarks on Sponges, Proc. Acad. Philadelphia, 1874, p. 144. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 209 LIEBERKUHN (N.). Zur Entwicklungsgescbicbte der Spongillen, Mailer's Arcliiv f. Anat., 1856, pp. 1—19, 399— 414, and 496 — 514 (translated Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. ii, vol. xvii, 1856, pp. 403—413 ; and Quart. Jour. Mic. Sci., vol. v, 1857, p. 212 —219). Beitrage zur Anatomie der Spongien, Miiller'a Arcbiv f. Anat. 1857, pp. 376—403. Neue Beitrage zur Anatomie der Spongien, Reiebert's u. Du Bois Raymond's Archiv f. Anat., 1859, pp. 353—382, and 515 —530. Ueber Bewegungserscbeinungen bei den Schwammen, Reicbert, Arcbiv, 1863, pp. 717—730. Ueber das contractile Gewebe der Spongien, Reicbert u. Du Bois Raymond's Arcbiv, 1867, p. 74 (translated Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vi, 1870, p. 497. BEANDT (J. P.). Symbolae ad Polypos Hyalocboetides spectantes, 1859, folio, 4 plates (Hyalonema). VALENCIENNES (A.). Note sur les Spongiaires (Adythia) envoyes des cotes de 1'Altique, par M. Albert Gaudry, Coinp. rend., 1860, vol. li, p. 579. LECOQ (Henri). Observations sur une grande espece de Sjpongille du lac Pavin, Compt. rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, torn. 1, 1860, pp. 1116—1121. • Observations sur les corps reproducteurs et sur 1'etat d'agre- gation d'une grande espece de Spongille du lac Pavin (Puy de Dome), Paris, Comptes rendus, torn. 1, 1860, pp. 1165 — 1170. Observations sur le degre d'animalite et sur les especes de Spongilles, et particulierenient sur la grande espece du lac Pavin, Paris, Comptes rendus, li, I860, pp. 5, 9. SCHULTZE (Max S.). Ueber eine merkwiirdige Spongie Hyalonema, Rbeinl. u. "Westpbal. Sitzungsber., Bd. xvii, 1860, pp. 67, 69, Paris, Comptes rendus, torn. 1, 1860, pp. 792, 793. Ueber die Japanische Glasfadenspongie, Rbeinl. u. "Westpbal. Sitzungsber., Bd. xvii, I860, p. 85. Ueber einen Scbwainm mit Nadeln aus Hornsubstanz, Vern Nat. Yer. preuss. Rbeiulande und Westpb., 1865, p. 7. On Hyalonema, Arcbiv f. Mikrosk. Anatomie, Bd. iii, Heft 2, 1867, p. 206 ; and also Ann. Nat. Hist., eer. 3, vol. xix, 1867, p. 153. VOL. IV. 14 210 WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. SCHMIDT (Oscar). Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres, 1862. Supplement der Spongien des adriatischen Meeres, 1864. Zweites Supplement der Spougien des adriatischen Meeres, enthaltend die Vergleichung der adriatischen und britischen Spongiengattungen, 1 866. Spongiologische Mittheilungen, Schultze's Archivf. Microscop. Anatomie, Bd. iii, Heft 3, 1867, p. 390. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Untersuchung der Bowerbank's- chen Spongien, Sitzuugsb. Akad. "Wiss., "Wien, Band liii, p. 147. Die Spongien der Kiiste von Algier, rnit Nachtragen zu den Spongien des adriatischen Meeres, 1868. — Kieselspougien in der Zweite deutscheu Nordpolarfahrt in 1869-70, Leipzig, 1874, p. 429. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber die Spougien der gronliindis- chen Kiiste, Mitth. des Naturwia. Vereines. f. Steiermark., Bd. ii, Heft 1, 1869, p. 89. Grundziige einer Spongien-Fauna des atlantischen Gebietes, 1870. Das Natiirliche System der Spongien, Mittheil. der Naturwiss- schaft. Vereins f. Steiermark, 1870, Band 2, Heft 2. Spongien, p. 115, Zoologische Ergebnisse der Nordseefahrt vom 21 Juli bis 9 September, 1872, Berlin, 1874 (Seperatab- druck aus dem H. Jahresberichte der Kommission zur Unter- suchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel). Nochmals die Gastrula der Kalkschwarnrae, Archiv Mikr. Anat., Bd. xii, 1876, p. 551. Das Larven-Stadium von Ascetta primordialis und Ascetta clathrus, Arch. Mikr. Anat., Bd. xiv, 1877, p. 249, pis. xv and xvi. Spongien des Meerbusens von Mexico, Heft i, Jena, 4to., 1879. Die Spongien des Meerbusen von Mexico (und des Caraibis- chen Meeres), zweites (Schluss — ) Heft, 4to., 1880. LOBENZ. Physicalische Verhiiltnisse und Yertheilung der Organ- isrnen im Quarnerischen Golfe, "Wien, 1863. BALSAMO-CRIVELLI (G-.). Memoria di alcuni Spongiarj del Golfo di Napoli, Atti Soc. Ital. di Sci. Nat., vol. v, 1863. KOLLIKEB (Albert). Ueber den Bau der Spongien, Wiirz- burr:, Naturw. Zeitschr. Bd. v, 1864 (Sitz. Ber., 1863), p xiv. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 211 KOLLIKEII (Albert). Icones Histiologies. Erste Abtheilung, der feinere Bau der Protozoen, 1864. Beltrernieux. Faune du department de la Charente-Inferieure, 4to., 1864 DUCHASSAHS-G (P.) and MICHILOTTI (Gr.). Spongiares de la mer Caraibe, Haarlem, 1864. DUCHASSAING (P.). Kevue des Zoophytes et des Spongiaires des Antilles, Paris, 1870. HABTING (P.). Bijdrage tot de kennis der microscopische fauna en flora van de Banda-Zee, Verhand. k. Akad. Wetensch., Bd. x, 1865, p. 1. Memoire sur le genre Poterion, Natur. Verhand. uitgeven dvor det provincial Utrechtsch Genootschap van kunsten en "Wetenschappen, Bd. ii, 1870, p. 2. CLAEK (H. J.). Conclusive proofs of the animality of the Ciliate Sponges, and of their affinities with the Infusoria flagellata, Amer. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, Nov., 1866, p. 320, and Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xix, 1867, p. 13. On the Spongice ciliatce as Infusoria fiagellata ; or observa- tions on the structure, auimality and relationship of Leuco- solenia lotryoides, Bowerbauk, Memoirs Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., vol. i, part 3, p. 305 ; and also Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. i, 1868, pp. 133, 188, and 250. Note on the Infusoria fagellata and the Spongice ciliata, Amer. Jour. Science, ser. 3, vol. i, 1871, p. 113, and vol. ii, p. 426 ; also Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 1871, vol. vii, p. 247. The American Spongilla a Craspedote Flagellate Infusorian, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, vol. ii, 1871, p. 427; Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ix, 1872, p. 71 ; Month. Micros. Journal, vii, 1872, p. 104, pi. xi. HACKEL (E.). Generelle Morphologic der Organismen, Bd. ii, 1866, p. 29. Ueber den Organismus der Schwamme und ihre Verwandt- schaft rnit den Corallen, Jenaische Zeitschrift, Bd. v, 1869, pp. 207 — 254, translated Ann. Nat. Hist, ser. 4, vol. v, 1870, pp. 1—13 and 107—120. Prodromus eines Systems der Kalkschwamme, Jenaische Zeit- schrift, Bd. v, 1869, p. 236, translated Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. v, 1870, pp. 176—191. 212 WORKS AND PAPEES ON SPONGES'. HACKEL (E.). Ueber die sexuelle Fortpflanzung und! das natirr- liche System der Schwamme, Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Med. und Naturwiss., Bd. vi, 1871, pp. 641—651. Die Kalkschwamme, eine Monographic, 3 vols., 4to., 1872. Kalk und Gallertspongien. Die zweite deutsche Nordpolar- fahrt in 1869-70, Leipzig, 1874, p. 434. Die Physemarien (HalipJiysema und Gastropliysema), Gastra- aden der Gegenwart, Jenaische. Zeitschr., xi, 1876, pp. 1 — 54, pis. i — vi (Biologische Studien, ii, Studien zur Gastrcea- Theorie, 1877). SEMPEB, (C.). Einige "Worte iiber Euplectella aspergillum und seine Bewohner, Arcbiv f. Naturg. Jabrg, xxxiii, 1867, i, Heft i, p. 84. SELENKA (Emil). Ueber einige neue Schwainme aua der Siidsee, Zeitscbr. f. "Wissensch. Zoologie, Bd. xvii, 1867, p. 565. Ueber einen Kieselschwamm von achtstrahligem Bau, und iiber Entwicklung der Sehwamm-knospen, Zeit. "Wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxiii, 1879, p. 467, pis. xxvii, xxviii. BOCAGE (J. V. B. du). On Hyalonema lusitanicum, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xx, 1867, p. 123. Notes on Hyalonema loreale and on a new genus of Sponge, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ii, 1868, p. 36. Eponges siliceuses nouvelles de Portugal et de 1'ile Saint Jago (Arcbipel de Cap-Vert), Journ. des Scien. Matb. Pbys. et Natur. Lisbonne, 1869, No. 4, p. 159, 2 plates. Sur 1'existence de la Holtenia Carpenteri, "Wyville Thomson dans les cotes du Portugal, Jornal de Scientias de Academia Real de Lisbon, 1870, p. 79. GLAUS (C.). Ueber Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, ein Beitrag zur Naturgescbichte der Kieselschwamme Marburg, 1868, 4to., 4 plates. Traite de Zoologie, 1878 (troisieme edition), torn, i, pp. 159 — 169. PABFITT (Edward). On the Marine and Fresh-Water Sponges of Devonshire, Trans. Devonshire Assoc. Advanc. Science, Litera- ture and Art, 1868. THOMSON ("Wyville). On the Vitreous Sponges, Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. i, 1868, p. 114. On the depths of the Sea (contains illustration of Holtenia Carpenteri*), Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iv, 1869, p. 112. WORKS AND PAPERS ON SPONGES. 213 THOMSON (Wyville). On Holtenia Carpent&ri, a new genus and species of Vitreous Sponges, Proc. Eoyal Soc., June 17th, 1869; Phil. Trans,, 1869, p. 701, pis. Ixvii— Ixxi; abstract in Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. iv, 1869, p. 284. The Depths of the Sea, London, 1873. Yoyage of the ' Challenger,' The Atlantic, 1877, 2 volg. MARTENS (E. von). Ein Susswasserschwamtu aus Borneo, Archiv. f. Naturg., 1868, Bd. xxxiv, p. 61. HEEKLOTS (J. A.) and MARSHALL (W.). Notice sur deux especes nouvelles d'Eponges de la Fatnille des Lophospongius : the third form is very minute, T'sVoth of m inch long, cylindrical, bent sharply in the cenlre, and apparently smooth under the one-sixth obpct glass, though occasionally there are slight indcations of spines; the extremities are recurved, slightly enlarged and rounded. nhe second and third forms of spicules are more nunerous than the first, which is most abundant in th) papilla3. APPENDIX. 235 In shells of oysters and Fusus antiquus or Nor- thumberland coast (Hancock), Devon (Parfitt and Carter). 4. CLIONA VASTIFICA, Hancock. Cliona vastifica, Hancock. L. c., vol. iii, p. 342 ; vol. xix, p. 9, pi. vii, fig. 2. Spicula of three kinds, the first spinulate, sVth of an inch long, straight, rather slender, and diminishing imperceptibly to a very fine point at one end, the other terminating in a perfectly globular head : the second acerate, one-third the length of the first, and much more slender, stoutish in the centre, where it rather suddenly bends a little and thence tapers gradually towards the ends, which are sharply pointed ; every- where minutely spined, but in some instances the spines are sufficiently strong to be observed with a one-fourth inch object glass : the third form is -2~iVo^Q of an inch long, cylindrical, irregularly bent or angulated once or twice, occasionally three times ; it has a central angle and is strongly spined, the extremities are obtuse. In oyster shells. 5. CLIONA CORALLINOIDES, Hancock. Cliona corallinoides, Hancock. L. c., vol. iii, p. 337, pi. xv, figs. 1 and 2 ; vol. xix, p. 10, pi. vii, fig. 3. Cliona corallinoides, Carter. Ann, Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol viii (1871), p. 14 (separate copy), pi. ii, figs. 34 — 37. Spicula of three kinds, the first spinulate, y^th of 238 APPENDIX. an inch long, slender, generally bent in the centre, tapering gradually to a sharp point at one end, and at the other furnished with a well-defined elliptical head : the second acerate, scarcely one-third the length of the first, very delicate, and suddenly bent in the centre, and when observed with the one-sixth inch object glass is seen to be minutely spined; the extremities are sharply pointed : the third is minute, •g-woth of an inch long, spinous, with obtuse extremities and generally zigzagged, having three angles, one being in the centre. In shells of Pert on maximus, Guernsey, &c. 6. CLIOXA GRACILIS, Hancock. Cliona gracilis, Hancock. L. c., vol. iii, p. 334, pL xiv, fig. 7 ; vol. xix, p. 10, pi. vii, fig. 4. Spicula of three kinds, the first spinulate, -^-th of an inch long, generally a little bent, stout, and inclin- ing to fusiform, with the pointed end gradually taper- ing ; head rounded, somewhat elliptical, and merging imperceptibly into the shaft : the second acerate, one- third the length of the first, less stout and gradually bent in the centre ; it is minutely spined, and has the extremities sharply pointed : the third is about TWo^1 of an inch long, and is usually zigzagged, so as to form four or five angles. It is most minutely spined, and has the extremities rounded and recurved. When dry the sponge is of a yellowish-brown colour. In a shell of Pecten maximus probably from Orkney. APPENDIX. 237 7. CLIONA HOWSEI, Hancock. Cliona Hou-sei, Hancock. L. c., vol. iii, p. 336, pi. xiv, fig. 8 ; vol. xix, p. 10, pi. vii, fig. 5. Spicula of three kinds, the first spinulate, about yj^th of an inch long, very delicate, generally straight, with the head broadly ovate, short, well-marked, ter- minal, and having the narrow end at the extremity and sometimes a little prolonged : the second abundant and somewhat longer than the first, equally slender, mostly slightly bent, and gradually diminishing to a fine point at one extremity, the other extremity has usually two heads, one terminal or nearly so, the second about one-third down the shaft, the terminal head is frequently wanting : the third is about e~o (jth of an inch long, rather stout, cylindrical, usually irregularly bent or angulated and strongly spined with the extremities obtuse. The sponge when dry is of a pale yellow ochre colour. In the shell of Fusus antiquus and in Null ipore from the Northumberland coast (Mr. Howse). 8. CLIONA ALBERT, Hancock. Cliona Alderi, Hancock. L. c., vol. iii, p. 337, pi. xv, fig. 9 ; vol. xix, p. 11. Idomon Alderi, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 526. Spicula of two kinds, the first spinulate, yrg-th of an inch long, moderately thick, slightly bent, with a small head near one end and tapering to the other extremity : the second scarcely shorter than the first, and has one end truncate, the other pointed, and is decidedly bent in the centre. 238 APPENDIX. Sponge in a dried state, of a brownish-yellow colour. In shells of Pectunculus pilosus, Isle of Man (Mr. Alder). 9. CLIONA LOB ATA, Hancock. Cliona lobata, Hancock. L. c., vol. iii, p. 341, pi. xii, figs. 4 and 8 ; vol. xix, p. 11, pi. vii, fig. 6. Pronax lobata, Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 526. Spicula of two kinds, the first spinulate, YoU^n of an inch long, not very slender, mostly a little bent, and brought gradually to a sharp point at one end, the other with an irregularly rounded head, sometimes slightly elliptical, and generally not exactly terminal : the second cylindrical, y^o-th of an inch long, rather stout, arched and zigzagged, being six or seven times angulated ; it is strongly spined, particularly at the angles ; the extremities are obtuse. The dried sponge is of a dark snuff colour. In shells of Haliotis tuberculata from Guernsey, and in an oyster from the West of Scotland. c. VAKIOUS BRITISH SPONGES. 1. HALISAECA DUJABDINII, Johnston. Halisarca, Dnjardin. Ann. des Sci. Nat., n.s., vol. x, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 5. Halisarca Dujardinii, Johnston. Brit. Spong., 1842, p. 192, pi. xvi, fig. 8. Halisarca Dujardinii, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xii (1873), p. 25 ; and vol. xiii (1874), p. 315. APPENDIX. 239 Habitat. — Berwick Bay, Holy Island (Johnston), Budleigh-Salterton (Carter). This is not the sponge described by Bowerbank under this name and which is spiculiferous. The true Halisarca forms a thin gelatinous crust, which is entirely devoid of spicula. 2. HALISAECA LOBULARIS, Schmidt. Halisarca lobularls, Schmidt. Spong. des Adriat. Meeres, 1862, p. 80. Halisarca lobularis, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xiii (1874), p. 433. Sponge consisting of irregularly lobed ridges about a line high, extending themselves in branched digita- tions over the rock. Lobes ficoid, agglomerated, divided into minute lobuli with angular pits or intervals between them, when they cannot from their rounded forms come into contact. Surface smooth, sleek, and of a pink colour on the prominent portions, passing into light-brown yellow below. Vents sparse, situated here and there on the lobes, not raised above the surface, and sufficiently large to be visible to the naked eye. Pores minute and numerous, each con- sisting of a round aperture situated in the centre of a papilliform ring, which rings being in juxtaposition thus form the dermal surface of the lobule. No spicules of any kind. Size of specimen one and a half inch long by one inch wide and one line high. Habitat. — New Red Sandstone Rocks, Budleigh- Salterton. Geographical Distribution. — Adriatic Sea. 210 APPENDIX. 3. STELLETTA LACTEA, Carter. Stelletta lactea, Carter. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. vii (1871), p. 9, pi. iv, figs. 15—22. Massive, spreading, fixed, following and filling the cavities of deciduous small boring shells (Saxicavce) and Annelids, communicating with the exterior only through the openings of the cavities. Dermal layer thin, white, densely charged with minute stellates. Body-substance opalescent, soft, compact, composed of areolar sarcode traversed in all directions by the branches of the excretory canal systems, which, uniting, finally terminate in their respective oscules, charged more or less with the same kind of stellates as those of the dermal membrane, together with minute sheaf- like bundles of acerate spicules, which in certain directions reflect the light like the micaceous particles in granite. Spicules of five kinds. 1. The largest, acerate, smooth, fusiform, slightly curved, about -^th of an inch long ; 2, trifid, smooth, with shaft pointed at one end and provided with three arms at the other, spreading horizontally in the opposite direction, more or less inclined forwards towards the long axis of the shaft, vase-like, straight or slightly flexuous, smooth, pointed. These spicules are ^th of an inch long ; 3, the same, with the ends of the arms more or less bifurcated ; 4, stellate spicules, with long body and short thick rays, or with long rays and hardly any body, about -^o^th of an inch in diameter ; 5, sheaf- like bundles of minute, smooth, acerate spicules lying parallel to each other and about yoVuth of an inch long. The large acerate spicules are more or less spread throughout the sponge, the trifid ones of both APPENDIX. 241 kinds chiefly confined to the surface, where they are arranged vertically with their heads toward the dermal layers and their shafts internally; the stellates, although most numerous and packed together crust-like in the dermal layer, are also scattered throughout the body- substance; while the sheaf-like bundles of minute acerate spicules are entirely confined to the latter. Habitat. — Budleigh-Salterton (Carter). I am inclined to think that Stelletta lactea of Carter may be synonymous with Tethya Collingsii, Bowerbank ; but Carter figures the two forms of stellates as of equal total diameter, whereas in T. Col- ling sii the long rayed form is some three times the diameter of the short rayed, and has far fewer rays ; in T. Colling sii 9 moreover, the bifurcating trifid spicula are few and are evidently a mere variety of the recurving trifids. 4. RENIERA PARFITTI, Bow. Reniera Parfitti, BowerbaBk. In Parfitt Marine and Freshwater Sponges of Devonshire. Trans. Devon. Ass. Advanc. Liter. Science and Art, 1868, p. 10. " Massive, sessile ; surface smooth, somewhat undu- lated; oscula simple and sparsely distributed, slightly raised above the surface ; pores inconspicuous to the unassisted eye ; dermal membrane abundantly spicu- lous ; spicula very irregularly disposed, imbedded in the membrane ; spicula acerate, stout, with a few more slender ones intermixed, of two sizes ; skeleton spicula very numerous, acerate, stout, suddenly and acutely pointed, -nfeotib- of an inch long and ywoth of an inch VOL. iv. 16 242 APPENDIX. in diameter ; sarcode not abundant, yellow examined dry. Dredged off Torbay, 1867. This very distinct species was, when fresh, of a golden yellow colour, it dries to a pale yellow. Three small specimens are all that I have seen of this, each about two inches in diameter and about an inch thick. They grew attached to stones in about twenty fathoms of water. I presented a specimen to Dr. Bowerbank, who has paid me the compliment to name it after me." Such is Mr. Parfitt's description. I can find no reference to this sponge, either in Dr. Bowerbank' s publications or among his manuscripts which came into my hands ; and the foregoing description is too loose to enable this species to be recognised. A large number of sponges were dredged around the Western coasts of Great Britain, in greater depths than 100 fathoms, in 1869 by H.M.S. "Porcupine." Descriptions of these sponges must be sought in Sir Wyville Thomson's ' Depths of the Sea ' and in Mr. Carter's papers in the ' Annals.' INDEX. A. PAGE Abila la>vis . 52 Anchinoe perarmata . 72 Adocia simulans . 125 Adreus fascicularis . . 46 jUJgagrophila varians . 180 Alcbion Hyndmani . . 152 Amorphina albescens . 70 „ aurea . 86 „ Brettii . . 75 „ caruncula . 81 „ coccinea . 72 ,, consimilis . 83 „ caduca . . 95 ,, coalita . . 96 „ distorta . . 99 „ fallaciosa . 75 fragilis . . 75 „ glabra . . 99 ,, inconspicua . 96 „ lactea . 72 „ membrana . 72 ,, panicea . . 98 „ reticulata . 75 „ sanguinea . 81 „ Thomasii . 71 Appendix, of additional species 225 Ascaltis botryoides . 226 Ascetta coriacea . 225 Ascandra botrys . 227 „ complicata . 226 Ascandra contorta . „ 'variabilis Ascortis lacunosa . Asychus variantia . Axinella pumila „ rugosa B. Battei'sbyia „ Bucklandi Siemma Candida „ const ricta . „ corrugata . ,, inornata Jeffrey sii . „ Peachii ,, pulchella . Bubaris vermiculata c. Cacospongia pulchella „ scalaris „ Zetlandica C ale area . Caminus osculatus . Carmia floreum macilenta PAGE . 226 . 227 . 226 . 85 . 47 48 93 93 110 174 107 114 171 173 111 54 183 183 188 25 28 162 83 244 INDEX. Chalinula limbata . „ oculata . Chalina . „ cervicornis . ,, Flemingii . - „ gracilenta . ,, Grantii ,, inornata „ limbata „ Montagui . ,, oculata „ seriata Ciocalypta „ Leei „ penicillus Classified List of Sponges Clathria .Beanii „ papilla Clathrina sulphurea Cliona Alderi . ,, celata . ,, corallinoides ,, gorgonoides . ,, gracilis ,, Howsei. ,, lobata . „ Northumbrica „ vastifica Collingsia sarniensis „ Schmidtii Corybas lobata Cydonium Miilleri . D. Dendoryx albula „ Batei „ Dickiei . „ granulata ,, incrustans „ irregularis PAGE . 186 . 185 . 185 . 185 . 185 . 186 . 186 . 186 . 186 . 185 . 185 . 187 . 38 . 38 . 38 British . 5 . 150 . 187 . 225 . 237 . 90, 223 . 235 . 234 . 236 . 237 . 238 . 234 . 235 . 44 . 44 . 139 27 112 111 110 114 110 110 PAGE Dendoryx Pattersoni . .111 „ Thompsoni . . 105 Dercitus Bucklandi . . .93 „ niger . . . .93 Desmacidon .... 170 ,, segagropilus . 180 ,, cavei-nula . .179 ,, columella . . 182 „ constrictus . . 174 ,, copiosus . .178 „ fruticosus . . 170 ,, incognitas . . 176 ,, jecusculum . . 53 „ Jeflreysii . . 170 ,, macilentus . . 83 „ pannosus . .176 „ paupertas . . 92 „ perarmatus . . 72 Peachii . 173 „ plumosus . . 53 „ rotalis . . . 179 „ similaris . . 179 „ variants . . 85 Dictyocylindrus . . .45 ,, aculeatus . 46 „ fascicularis . 46 ,, hispid us . 46 ,, Howsei . 46 „ pumilus . 47 ,, radio sus . 46 ,, ramosus . 45 ,, rectangulus . 48 „ rugosus . . 48 ,, stuposus . 48 „ ventilabrum . 45 „ virgultosus . 47 Diplodemia .... 183 >. ,, vesicula . 183 DirrTiopalum coriaceum . 136 Distribution, geographical table of .... 15 Donatia a^lrantium . . 44 Dunstervillia elegans . . 231 JNDEX. 245 Dysidea . „ fragilis „ coriacea E. Epicles radiosus Epliydatia fluviatilis Ecionemia ,, coactura . ,, compressa ,, ponderosa Esperia cegagropliila „ florea „ lingua „ spinulenta . „ subclavata . Euplectella Irevis . „ mammillaris „ robvsta . Euryplwn clavatum Ficulina anomala . „ ficus . G. Gastrophysema ditlialamium „ scapula . Gellius jugosus „ robusta Geodia .... „ megastrella . „ Zetlandica . Geographical distribution Grantia .... ,, botryoides . ciliata . PAGE PAGE . 188 Grantia compressa . 25, 232 . 188 ., ensata . 25, 232 . 189 ,, nivea . . 229 „ tessellata . 25, 231 H. . 56 . 168 Halichondria . . 95 . 30 „ albula . 112 . 31 „ arubigua . . 99 . 30 „ angulata . . 99 . 30 ,, Batei . Ill . 180 ,, caduca . 95 . 162 „ Candida . 110 . 162 ,, Clarkei . 139 . 52 „ coalita . 96 . 92 „ coccinea . 72 . 31 „ condensa . . 102 . 32 ,, coralloides . 104 . 31 „ corrugata . . 107 . 55 „ Couchii . 99 „ cylindracea . 96 ,, Dickiei . 110 „ distorta . 99 „ edusa . 99 . 120 „ expausa . . 112 . 89 „ falcula . 107 „ fallax . 83 „ farinaria . . 114 „ fimbriata. . . 153 „ flabellifera . 107 i . 33 „ foliata . 106 . 33 ,, forceps . 105 . 131 „ forcipis . 105 . 171 „ glabra . 99 . 27 „ granulata . . 114 . 27 ,, Hyndmani . 152 . 27 „ incerta . 96 . 15 ,, inconspicua . 96 . 25 „ incrustans . 110 . 226 „ Ingalli . Ill 25, 230 ,, inornata . , 114 LH6 INDEX. PAGE Halichondria irregularis 110 Hymedesmia pulchella . ,, lingua 162 99 radiata ,, Mclntosliii 95 V simplicissima ,, mutulus . 96 )) stellata ,, nigT"icans . 112 99 tenuicula . ,, panicea 98 99 Zetlandica . ,, Patterson! 111 Hymeniacidon ,, pulchella . 111 •? albescens „ pauper a 139 »» Aldousii . „ regularis . 95 99 armaturus „ Robertson! 100 99 armiger . ,, scandens . 111 99 aureus ,, simplex 106 » Brettii . ,, subdola 106 99 Bucklandi ,, Thompson! 105 99 callosus . virgea 112 99 carnosus . Haliclona Columbce 185 99 caruncula „ gracilenta 186 97 celatus . „ Montagui 185 99 claviger . „ pulmata . 132 99 coccineus pygmcea . 118 99 consimilis „ seriata 187 99 crustula . „ simulans . 125 99 Dujardinii Halicnemia 45 99 fallaciosus „ patera . 45 99 fallax Halina Bucklandi . 93 99 ficus „ carnosa 88 99 firnius „ ficus . 89 99 floreum . „ suberea 88 99 foliatus . Halisarca Dujardinii . 92, 238 99 fragilis . ,, lobularis . 239 99 gelatinosus Halyphysema . 33 99 Hillieri . „ ramulosa . 38 » jecusculum „ primordiale 33 99 lacteus „ Tumanowiczii . 33 99 lingua „ Tumanowiczii . 38 99 macilentus Hymedesmia . 56 99 mammeatus „ indistincta 56 99 medius . ,, inflata 56 99 membrana ,, occulta 56 99 pachydernia „ pansa. 56 99 paupertas ,, Peachii 64 99 perarmatus „ pilata 59 99 perlaevis . PAGE . 61 . 56 . 68 . 67 . 68 . 70 . 70 . 70 . 84 . 86 . 73 . 86 . 75 . 93 . 86 . 88 . 81 . 90 . 90 . 72 . 83 . 79 . 92 . 75 . 83 . 89 . 73 . 162 . 89 . 75 . 88 . 79 . 53 . 72 . 162 . 83 . 82 . 84 . 72 . 79 . 92 . 72 79 INDEX. 247 PAGE PAGE Hymeniacidon placentula . 73 Isodictya crassa . 126 „ plumiger . 88 99 deformis . . 160 ,, plumosus . 53 99 densa . 125 ,, radiosus . . 84 j) dichotoma . 123 ,, reticulatus . 75 99 dissimilis . . 135 „ sanguineus . 81 99 dubia . 140 „ solidus . . 76 99 Edwardii . . 138 „ subclavatus . 92 99 elegans . 121 „ subereus . . 88 99 fallax . 121 ,, sulphureus . 89 )? ferula . 116 ,, tegeticula . 76 99 filamenta . . 129 „ tenebrosue . 90 39 fimbriata . . 153 ,, Thomasii . 71 99 fistulosa . . 123 „ varians . . 85 99 fucorum . . 138 „ variantia . 85 99 funalis . 150 „ virgultosns . 83 99 gracilis . 136 „ virgulatus . 84 » Gregorii . . 125 „ viridans . . 86 99 hispida . 136 Hymeraphia . . 54 99 Hyndmani . 152 „ clavata . 55 99 imitata . 141 ,, coronula . 55 » implicita . . 154 „ simplex . 55 99 insequalis . . 157 ,, stellifera . 55 99 incerta . 126 ,, vermiculata . 54 99 indefinita . 118 „ verticillata . . 55 99 indistincta . 119 99 infundibulifurmis . 135 99 Ingalli . 126 I. 99 invalida . . 136 99 involuta . . 143 Idomon Alderi . 237 99 jugosa . 131 lophon nigricans . 112 99 laciniosa . . 140 „ ecandens . Ill 99 lobata . 139 Isodictya . 115 99 lurida . 152 ,, Alderi . 138 9 luteosa . 120 ,, anomala . • 120 99 mammeata . 115 ,, Barleei . 140 99 Me Andrew! . 122 „ Beanii . 150 99 nodosa . 141 „ Bowerbanki . 128 99 Normani . . 136 ,, cinerea . 115 99 obscura . . 118 ,, Clarkei . 139 99 pallida . 125 ,, clava . 130 99 palmata . . 132 ,, collina . 147 99 parasitica . 120 ,, coriacea . . 136 99 paupera . . 139 248 INDEX. Isodictya paxipercula „ Peacliii ,, permollis . ,, perplexa . „ pertenuis . „ pocillum . pygmea . ,, ramusculus ,, robusta „ rosea „ rugosa „ scitula „ simplex ., simulans . „ simulo „ trunca „ tumulosa . ,, 11 ni for mis . varians K. Keratosa L. Laothoe verticillata . Leucaltis pnrnila . Leucandra ananas . „ caminus „ fistulosa „ Gossei . „ Johnstouii ,, nivea Leucogypsia . „ Gossei Leuconia „ fistulosa . ,, Jolmstonii ., nivea , pumila PAGE . 129 . 120 . 115 . 123 . 144 . 119 . 118 . 115 . 170 . 118 . 153 . 146 . 119 . 125 . 128 . 132 . 153 . 139 , 121 . 183 . 55 . 227 . 229 . 228 . 228 . 228 . 229 . 229 . 26 26, 228 . 26 26, 228 . 229 26, 229 26, 227 PAGE Leuconia Somesii . . 26 Leucosolenia . . . .25 „ botryoides 25, 226 „ contorta . 25, 226 „ coriacea . 26, 226 ,, lacunosa . 26, 226 Leucyssa incrastaus . . 227 M. Menyllus Ingalli . . Mesapos stellifera . . Micvociona . . . „ ambigua . ,, armata . . ,, atrasanguinea „ carnosa . ,, fallax . . ,, fictitia . . „ fraudator . „ jecusculuru . Kentii . . ,, laevis . . „ plumosa . „ siniplicissima ,, spinulenta . ,, tnmulosa . My cole lingua . . . N&nia verticillata Normania . crassa O. Oceanapia Jeffreysii Opnlitaspongia . ,, papilla . Ill .55 .49 . 53 .53 . 54 . 53 .52 .49 . 50 . 53 .49 .52 . 53 . 52 . 52 . 50 .162 55 28 29 171 187 187 INDEX. 249 Ophlitaspongia seriata Orina angulata P. Pachastrella Bucklandi . Pachymatisma ,, Johnstonia Parpillina suberea . Pencillaria mammillaris Phakellia „ infundibuliformis „ robusta . ,, ventilabrum . Philotia varians Pione Northumbrica Polymastia „ brevis . ,, bulbosa ,, conigera ,, mammillaris „ ornata . „ radiosa ,, robusta „ spiuula Pronax plwnosa lobata . Q- Quasillina brevis K. Radiella spinularia^ JRapTiioderma . „ coacervata . Raphiodesina . „ fallaciosum „ floreum . VOL. IV. PAGE PAGE . 187 Raphiodesma intermedium . 166 . 99 lingua 162 ,, simplicissinium 163 „ sordidum . 163 Rapliyrus .... 182 „ Griffithsii 182 . 93 Raspailia radiosa . 46 . 28 „ ramosa 45 . 28 „ (?) stelligera . 46 . 182 „ stuposa . 48 . 32 „ (?) viminalis . 46 . 48 „ virgultosa 47 . 135 Reniera albescene 70 . 48 ,, armatura . 86 . 48 ,, aurea 86 . 121 „ Brettii 75 . 234 „ caruncula . 81 . 31 „ coccinea 72 31 „ consimilis . 83 . 31 ,, crustula 79 . 33 ,, fallaciosa . 75 . 32 ,, fallax. 83 . 31 „ fragiUs 75 . 32 „ lactea 72 . 31 „ mammeata . 82 . 32 „ membrana . 72 . 53 „ pachyderma 79 . 238 „ perlavis 79 „ reticulata . 75 „ sanguined . 81 ,, Thomasii . 71 „ virgultosa . 83 . 31 „ viridans 86 s. . 45 Scopalina fallow 5 . 162 Scypha ovata .... 229 . 162 Seriatula seriata 187 . 162 Silicea ..... 27 . 163 Siphonochalina (?) Flemingii . 185 . 162 Sophax fallax .... 2 17 250 INDEX. PAGE Spinularia tetheoides . . 45 Spongelia fragilis . . . 188 Spongia ananas . . . 229 „ limbata . . . 186 „ pulcliella . . . 183 ,, pulverulenta . . 229 Spongilla . . . .168 „ fluviatilis . . 168 „ lacustris . . . 169 „ Mayeni . . . 168 Parfitti . . .168 „ sceptrifera . . 169 Spongionella .... 183 ,, pulcbella . . 183 Squamulina scopula . 33, 38 Stelletta aspera . . .30 ,, Colling sii . . 44 „ lactea . . . 240 ,, Schmidiii . . .44 Suberites carnosa . . 88 „ clavigera . . .90 „ domuncula . . 88 „ ficus . .89 „ gelatinosa . 88 „ suberea . . .88 „ sulphurea . . 89 Sycandra ciliata . . . 230 „ compressa . . 232 „ coronata . . . 230 „ elegans . . . 231 „ glabra . . .231 „ utriculus . . 232 „ villosa . . . 231 Sycinula penicillata . . 229 Syconella quadrangulata . 230 Sycortis quadrangulata . . 230 T. Tereus fimbriatus . Tethea, see Tethya. Tetilla cranium Tethya .... „ abyssorum . „ Collingsii . „ cranium ,, infrequens . „ Lyn curium „ morum ,, muricata „ Schmidtii . „ spinosa „ spinularia . „ Zetlandica . Timea stellata . Tragcsia infundibuliformis „ dissimilis . Trichogypsia villosa U. Ute capillosa . „ glabra „ urticulus . V. Verongia „ Zetlandica Vibulinus aculeatus . „ stuposus . Vioa celata W. PAGE . 153 . 39 . 39 . 42 . 44 . 39 . 43 . 41 . 44 . 29 . 44 . 45 . 45 . 39 . 67 . 135 . 135 . 227 232 231 232 188 188 46 48 90 Wyvillethomsonia Wallichii . 29 PRLN1ED BY J. E. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. PLATE I. " HYMEDESMIA PANSA, Bowerbank. Fig. 1. — A small portion of the sponge, exhibiting the mode of fasciculation and disposition of the skele- ton fasciculi. X 250 linear. Fig. 2. — One of the long, slender, acuate spicula of the skeleton fasciculi. X 420 linear. Fig. 3. — Represents one of the attenuate -acuate, entirely spined defensive spicula. X 420 linear. Fig. 4. — One of the bidentate, equi-anchorate, re- tentive spicula. X 420 linear." " HYMEDESMIA TENUICULA, BowerbanJc. Fig. 5. — Represents a portion of the flat fasciculi composed of numerous attenuate- spinulate spicula, and the irregular mode of their disposition. X 150 linear. Both the species figured above depend for their identification on their microscopical structures alone; figures of their extremely thin substances would not contribute in the slightest degree to their identifica- tion." , 1-/1. TJ . ' 1 'C PLATE II. " HYMEDESMIA PILATA, Bowerkank. Fig. 1. — Represents a small portion of the sponge exhibiting the nodes of the disposition of the skeleton and other spicula of which it is composed. X 264 linear. Fiof. 2. — One of the contort, bihamate, retentive O ' t 3 spicula of the dermal membrane. X 420 linear. Fig. 3. — One of the attenuato-acuate, basally spined, skeleton spicula. X 264 linear. Fig. 4. — An attenuato-acuate, entirely spined, inter- nal defensive spiculum. X 308 linear." " HYMEDESMIA PULCHELLA, Bowerbanh. Fig. 5. — A small portion of the type-specimen ex- hibiting the loosely formed and irregularly disposed fasciculi of the skeleton structures. X 264 linear. Fig. 6. — One of the slender, attenuato-acuate, ske- leton spicula. X 420 linear. Fig. 7. — A long and slender, attenuato-acuate, ba- sally spinous, skeleton spiculum. X 420 linear. Fig. 8. — One of the angulated, bidentate, equi-ancho- rate, retentive spicula. X 420 linear. Figures of the natural size of both the above- described sponges are omitted, as they would not have assisted in the slightest degree in the discrimination of the species." " J 1 >* « ", I-1 111 9 Hymedesn i at . H.puldiella. 5-8 PLATE III. " HYMENIACIDON HILLIERI, BowerbanJc. Fig. 1. — Represents the sponge in the condition in which it came from the sea. Natural size. Fig. 2. — A subspinulate spiculum from the skeleton. X 158 linear. Fig. 3. — An acuate skeleton spiculum. X 158 linear." " HYMENIACIDON SOLIDUS, Bowerbank. Fig. 4. — Represents the sponge in the dry state. Natural size. Fig. 5. — A small portion of the reticulate, dermal membrane. X 94 linear. Fig. 6. — One of the fusiformi-acerate spicula of the dermal rete and of the skeleton. X 158 linear. Fig. 7. — Two of the slender acerate spicula of the skeleton. X 158 linear. These spicula are frequently more or less flexuous." PI ate III. Hyxnemeicidcm Hillieri 1~3.H. solidus 4* --7. Dinhel cUL.etluh,. We.stSc.Co -a^p PLATE IV. ISODICTYA SCITULA, BowerbanJc. Figs, la, Ib, Ic. — Acuate spicules of the skeleton, to show their variation in size. X 150. Fig. 2. — One of the bidentate, equi-anchorate, reten- tive spicula. X 800. Figs. 3« and 3&. — Angulated bihamate spicula of the dermal membrane, more abundant than the last but not mentioned in the description of the species. X 800. For figures of the sponge itself see Plate IX, figs. 1—3. HYMENIACIDON VIRGULATUS, Bowerbank. Fig. 4. — The sponge. Natural size. Fig. 5. — One of the long, slender, acuate spicula of the skeleton. X 150. HYMENIACIDON CALLOSUS, Boiverbank. Figs. 6 and 7. — The type-specimens of the sponge. Natural size. Fig. 8. — One of the acuate spicula of the skeleton. X 150. [Fig. 9. — A hydroid zoophyte, parasitical on H. cal- losus, and inserted in the Plate by the engraver by mistake.] HYMENIACIDON ARMIGEE, Bowerbank. Fig. 10. — Hymeniacidon armiger. Natural size. Thinly coating the basal portion of a specimen of Nullipora polymorpha. Figs. 11, 12 and 13. — Attenuato-acuate, entirely spiiied, dermal spicules, showing their variability in size. X 150. Fig. 14. — A fusiformi-acerate spicule of the skele- ton. X 150. Fig. 15. — A bidentate equi-anchorate spicule of the dermal membrane. X 800. Figs. 16 and 17. Tridentate, equi-anchorate, reten- tive spicula. X 800. Pla.te IV. II I Isoolictysu scituls. 1-3. Hymenia.cicio"n v IT g ~ul eutu. s 4^-5. on oaJlosus 6^8. Hym.enia,ci6Lon a^rmigep 10- AT.Holltck, oUL. ef I'iotmaon. & Cc PLATE V. " HALICHONDRIA VIRGEA, Bowerbank. Figs. 1 and 2. — Represent the largest of the four specimens of the species sent to me by Mr. Norman. Natural size. Fig. 3. — A small portion of the dermal membrane, exhibiting the mode of'the fasciculation of the spicula. X 264 linear. Fig. 4. — One of the subfusiform, basally spinous, acuate, skeleton spicula. X 264 linear. Fig. 5. — A long and slender, acuate, tension spicu- lum from the dermal membrane. X 264 linear. Fig. 6. — A large bidentate, equi-anchorate, reten- tive spiculum from the dermal membrane. X 400 linear. Fig. 7. — One of the small and numerous bidentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spicula. X 400 linear." " HALICHONDRIA ROBERTSONI, Bowerbank. Fig. 8. — Represents the sponge in the dried state. Natural size. Fig. 9. — A small portion of the dermal membrane, exhibiting the broad, flat, irregularly dispersed fasciculi of the dermis. X 94 linear. Fig. 10. — A fully-developed, hastate, cylindrical spiculum from the dermal membrane. X 264 linear. Fig. 11. — One of the largest of the tridentate, equi- anchorate, retentive spicula from the dermal mem- brane. X 400 linear. Fig. 12. — One of the smallest tridentate, equi- anchorate, retentive spicula from the dermal mem- brane. X 400 linear. Fig. 13. — One of the minute and slender, bihamate, retentive spicula from the dermal membrane. X 400 linear. Fig. 14. — One of the short and stout, basally and apically spined, acuate skeleton spicula. X 308 linear.' V. 7 • • • 1.-1-A •UV.- *• 'ah* .i- 1 iv. Sfij .' t •" ma . •C- , •*'/£ ' » vv v J-KX X^''."1 V^ , '' v4^- r&RS* -• ~^&' ^¥\. // ( riff ,-t U .Wtstb.Cc.inLf,. 1~7. H.Holoertscmi •8^" PLATE VI. " HALICHONDRIA CONDENSA, Bowerbanlk. Fig. 1. — Represents the sponge based on a small fragment of a bivalve shell. Natural size. Fig. 2. — A small portion of the dermal membrane exhibiting the unispiculous structure of its rete. X 94 linear. Fig. 3. — One of the short, stout, acerate spicula of the skeleton. X 160 linear." " HALICHONDRIA CTLINDRACEA, Bowerlank. Fig. 4. — Represents the sponge covering nearly the whole of the carapace of a specimen of Jnachus Dorsetensis, and appearing in small patches on some of its leg-s. Natural size. O Fig. 5. — One of the subcylindrical acerate spicula of the dermal membrane. X 264 linear. Fig. 6. — A bidentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spicu- lum from the dermal membrane. X 425 linear. Fig. 7. — One of the small, slender, bihamate, retentive spicula from the dermal membrane. X 425 linear. Fig. 8. — One of the subcylindrical, acerate skeleton spicula. X 264 linear." Pla.teVI. Halidiondrisi con densa_ 1 ~3. H. a. 4-- 8 JDtKheL del ebliths. T PLATE VII. " HALICHONDRIA CORALLOIDES, Boiverbank. Fig. 1. — Represents the sponge of the natural size. Fig. 2. — A small portion of the dermal membrane exhibiting the fasciculated structure of its rete. X 80 linear. Fig. 3. — One of the acerate skeleton spicula. X 150 linear." " HALICHONDRIA FLABELLIFERA, Bowerlarik. Fig. 4. — Represents the sponge enveloping nearly the whole of a specimen of Nullipora polymorpha, natural size. Fig. 5. — A small portion of the dermal membrane showing the more or less fasciculation of its spicula. X 250 linear. Fig. 6. — One of the subfusiform cylindrical tension spicula of the dermal membrane. X 420 linear. Fig. 7. — One of the basally and occasionally apically spinous fusiform, acerate external defensive spicula. X 240 linear. Fig. 8. — A bidentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spi- culum from the dermal membrane. X 420 linear. Fig. 9. — One of the bidentate, retentive spicula from the dermal membrane. X 420 linear. Fig. 10. — A fusiforini-acuate skeleton spiculum. X 420 linear." PlstteW >\^.>; '~"'f V : . -' % * V," - WSftiM ^ -v-.^^sSte^ ^ .®W*r • •••• " . ViS^"T33S^- v j eoi3 1-3. H . f 1 suo ellif er a PLATE VIIL " ISODICTYA FERULA, Bowerbank. Figs. 1 and 2. — Represent the type-specimens of the species. Natural size. Fig. 3. — A skeleton spiculum. X 264 linear." " ISODICTYA CRASSA, BoiuerbanJc. Fig. 4. — Represents the type-specimen. Natural size. Fig. 5. — A small portion of the dermal membrane, exhibiting its reticulated structure. Fig. 6, — A skeleton spiculuni." Plate VIII. ' .- --i.-; .-,-'. %'*. * *%: Isodictya ferula,]- 3. I.crassa,4--6. PLATE IX. ISODICTYA SCITULA, Figs. 1, 2 and 3. — Specimens of the sponge growing on Nullipora polymorplia. Natural size. For figures of the spicula of this sponge see Plate IV, figs. 1—3. ISODICTYA PERPLEXA, BowerbanJc. Figs. 4< and 5. — Represent the type specimens of the sponge coating Nullipora polymorpha of the natural size. Fig. 6. — A portion of the dermal membrane. Fig. 7. — One of the long fusiformi-acerate spicules of the skeleton. Plate IX. 6. 7. sodictya scitula 1-3. Isodictja pci^pJexa 4- ., .. ,,, WesfcJNewyruj u \ • ' ,-M ,, PLATE X. ISODICTYA INVOLUTA, Bowerbank. Fig. 1. — The type growing on Nullipora polymorplia. From Westport Bay. In the collection of the Rev. A. M. Norman. Fig. 2. — A portion of the dermal membrane. Fig. 3. — One of the slender, acuate, tension spicula. Fig. 4. — One of the stout acuate spicula of the skeleton. ISODICTYA PAUPERCULA, Bowerlank. Fig. 5. — The type on the inside of a valve of Pecten varius. From Birterbuy Bay. In the cabinet of the Rev. A. M. Norman. Fig. 6. — A portion of the sparingly spiculous dermal membrane. Fig. 7. — Very slender acerate spicule of the dermal membrane. Fig. 8. — One of the stout acerate spicula of the skeleton. [Fig. 9. — This Plate was engraved before Dr. Bower- bank's death, but not lettered ; nor was any descrip- tion of it to be found among the author's papers. The bidentate equi-anchorate spicula (Fig. 9) is of very unusual form, but no such spicule is referred to in the descriptions of the two sponges which are illustrated in this Plate.] Plate X- \ 7. i 8. • i • • Bf< - :*$$ — ^ . h \ ^^nJiV-xMk! *-*L -i 6 • S \S/\i / 'v . V /• • , ~\'%v ! K ^O. L ', ,'*v: rf »B& ".V, . »*=*ar_aiti-:-- -*^*ST-^_i , m -•<=*». , «j i , «J/^ m - | | •, . ' ' •• • oi. i . c ;_, , c ijtivolu-ta. i — 4- . [sooLLCuya. paupeecula o — o. ..... . , . West, Newm«4i. # PLATE XI. " MICROCIONA TUMULOSA, Bowerbarik. Figs. 1, 2. — Represent the type-specimens of the species. Natural size. Fig. 3. — A small portion of the skeleton structure of the sponge exhibiting the irregular mode of the disposition of the slender, compact, skeleton columns and the interstitial spicula dispersed amid them. X 94 linear. Fig. 4. — One of the skeleton spicula. X 264 linear." " ISODICTYA TRUNCA, Bowerbauk. Fig. 5. — The type-specimen of the species. Natural size. Fig. 6. — A specimen of the species exhibiting a considerable variation in form. Natural size. Fig. 7. — One of the slender, acerate, dermal tension spicula. X 666 linear. Fig. 8. — A subfusiformi-acerate, skeleton spiculum. X 666 linear. Figs. 9, 10. — Two of the attenuato-acuate, internal, defensive spicula, exhibiting the variations in form and basal spination of their truncated bases. X 1166 linear." Plstte XI s\ "*, ; MicpocioTia tuimilosa-l~4'. Isodictya, trim c a, ?~10. .West fx.Co.-umv. PLATE XII. ISODICTYA HISPIDA, BowerbanJc. Figs. 1 and 2.- -The typical specimens on Nullipora polymorplia. In the Rev. A. M. Norman's collection. Natural size. Fig. 3. — A section of the dermis at rio-ht angles to CD <~J CJ the surface. Fig. 4. — A slender, acuate, tension spicule. Fig. 5. — Two of the bidentate, equi-anchorate, retentive spicula. ISODICTYA NODOSA, BowerbanJc. Fig. 6. — The type from Birterbuy Bay. In the cabinet of the Rev. A. M. Norman. Natural size. Fig. 7. — One of the subfusiformi acuate spicula of the skeleton. Plate .XII. g^O fi ."•[;. P. \ ( -A^ff ' E 7. Isodictya liispidal-b. IsodLetys nodosa. 6—7. i . . i , , ,r .l- . PLATE XIII. " ISODICTYA PEETENUIS. Bowerbarik. Figs. 1, 2, 3. — Eepresent tlie type- specimens of tlie species. Natural size. Fig. 4. — One of the slender, acuate spicula of the skeleton. X 425 linear." " HYMEDESMIA PEAOHII, Bowerbank. Fig. 5. — Represents the small, angular, dark- coloured stone, the white surfaces on which represent the sponge. Natural size. Fig. 6.- -The fragment of a bivalve shell, the inner surface of which is nearly covered by the sponge. Natural size. Fig. 7. — A small portion of the sponge from off the little angular stone, exhibiting the mode of the dis- tribution of the skeleton fasciculi and the retentive and large auxiliary skeleton spicula. X 264 linear. Fig. 8. — One of the slender skeleton spicula from a fasciculus. X 264 linear. Fig. 9. — A large attenuato-acuate, basally spinous, auxiliary skeleton. X 264 linear. Fig. 10. — An internal, defensive, attenuato-acuate, entirely spined spiculum. X 264 linear. Fig. 11. — One of the small, bidentate, equi-ancho- rate, retentive spicula. X 425 linear. Fig. 12. — A large, tridentate, retentive spiculum, highly magnified to distinctly exhibit the slender central tooth at each termination. X 666 linear." Plate HII. I 11 ,. Isodictya ^peTtezraisl~4. Hymedesmia-Pe aolin 5~12 J.Dinkel del etttih-. PLATE XIV. ISODIGTYA DEFORMIS, Bowerbank. Fig. 1. — Mr. Peach's type-specimen on the inside of a valve of Mytilus ed:dis. From Wick. Fig. 2. — A portion of the dermal membrane. Fig. 3. — An incipient ly spined acuate spicule of the skeleton. Fig. 4. — One of the very minute, simple, bihamate, retentive spicula. Fig. 5. — One of the equally minute, bidentate-equi- anchorate, retentive spicula. ISODICTTA COLLINA, Bowerbank. Fig. 6. --The type-specimen attached to a root of Lominaria. In the Rev. A. M. Norman's cabinet. Figs. 7 and 8 .--Two other specimens from the same locality. Fig. 9. --The subfusiformi-acuate spicule of the skeleton. Fig. 10. — One of the long and slender acuate tension spicules. Fig. 11.- -The large and slender, contort, bihamate, retentive spicule. Fig. 12. — A bidentate equi-anchorate spicule. Fig. 13. — A dentate palmato-equi-anchorate spicu- lum. Plate 5 9. 10. 12. 8 4 SL& Isodictya deformis . 1— 5 . Isodictya, collixia 6-13. J.Dinlrel ; : '