Author: Edinger, Paul L. Title: The trend of agriculture in Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties, Pennsylvania Place of Publication: Copyright Date: 1924 Master Negative Storage Number: MNS# PSt SNPaAg027.8 <138101>**OCLC*Form:manuscriptitem2 InputVRD EditFMD 008 ENT: 971013 TYP: s DTI: 1924 DT2: LAN: eng 035 (OCoLC)37765542 037 PSt SNPaAg027.8 $bPreservation Office, The Pennsylvania State University, Pattee Library, University Park, PA 16802-1805 090 00S451.P4$bE3$cst 090 20 Microfilm D244 reel 27.8 $cmc+(service copy, print master, archival master) 100 1 Edinger, Paul L. 245 14 The trend of agriculture in Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties, Pennsylvania $cby Paul L. Edinger. 260 $c1924. 300 54, [55] leaves, 23 leaves of plates $bmaps $c27 cm. 500 Carbon copy of typescript. 502 Thesis (M.S.)"-Cornell University. 504 Bibliography: leaves [55-56] 533 Microfilm $bUniversity Park, Pa. : $cPennsylvania State University $d1997. $e1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. $f(USAIN state and local literature preservation project. Pennsylvania) $f(Pennsylvania agricultural literature on microfilm). 590 This item is temporarily out of the library during the filming process. If you wish to be notified when it returns, please fill out a Personal Reserve slip. The slips are available in the Rare Books Room, in the Microforms Room, and at the Circulation desk. 590 Archival master stored at National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD : print master stored at remote facility. Iture $zPennsylvania $xStatistics. Iture $zPennsylvania $zAdams County $xStatistics. Iture $zPennsylvania $zCumberland County $xStatistics. Iture $zPennsylvania $zFranklin County $xStatistics. Iture $zPennsylvania $zYork County $xStatistics. 830 0 USAIN state and local literature preservation project. $pPennsylvania. 830 0 Pennsylvania agricultural literature on microfilm. 650 OAgricu 650 OAgricu 650 OAgricu 650 OAgricu 650 OAgricu '••^ r^ Or) ^ lyln^^ yy^ <' tcjl..-^.^^-^^^ }d^^ Vr ^ iA^ liM X x^ty^ THE TRKiJD OxP Aa^aCULxOIL. Ui ADAWS. CUIS ::,L,.iD , yRAMI-J» A2il) YORK COairi:l:.t>, ='>'-!n;:;.YJ.T UJIA^ A THESIS ITi^V -3 *i.< -i. .■''•ly TO THR ?ACLfLTY OF THK GHADUATE SCHOOL of COilNKLL UaiYKESTTY IN PARTIAL PULPILIA^MNT OP THH RBqUIHFJi>:HTS ?0K THK of MAST''>H OP :iCIKHCE By 'Pnr.l L, "4in!^or V fthaoi, N. y» 19 "4 IHii BUML OF AGIilCiJLTUHB Ili ADA"-;, CUftEiii{I*/\:i.i), yiLUiKLia Aiil) YOiiK COUilTI'ii •'HJlJSYLVAiilA. IF ACKHO^LEBOaieiltil Ao1cnot?l«;vlirai.:onta or appreciation arc duo; ^/r. J. 'H!. Boylo, COTnoll Uriivjr«l^, I'or v lu:hl > -^ Tf ,-"»> •' ; "^ '"^ f ♦ J -.1 0113 tinl Stuto Collage, ft^r stig^.u jtlrifj tho th#«t8 nu J#et; jjind Ft. L* i • IIjIo^ ^onnj^lvmla state i atntlst'c 3 Informntlon T^^r 19.?1, 19iiP,, & 13"3 ^iiBL:: c? CQiiT::ii::3 Chapter Chapt^rr Ch ptor Cli pter Chapter Ch'ipter Chapter Chr^ptor 1 !• :?r-ri-3i lions In ..grlculturo. ....«• . 7 T. iilfitcrical .iketch * Ill* /In Agrlcultarn.1 Area. • ^*^ TV. Trend in Urhtoi Ji^l Rur^al populations 15 V, Trena in ^ize of Fanris and Lnnd ^onarG,...19 71. l^rencl in Crop Proauetion. * -^ YII. rrond in Fruit Proa act ion • 29 rilT.Troixrl in Livejtock .nd Livestock Products. 38 Xa:i». Chapter J. frend in Agricullnr-il Values • •46 Trend in Agricul tur-il }^f Ticioncy. ..5^ Surjiiary Appendix . » • •&••«•• *»♦««••••*••• #»•«•«»•••••••* . « 03 Liat of ':nbl-3 In the Appendix bibl^ o^raohy iJIfRODUCTIOH ?hi3 atu i;, of %hm trend In agrioaltui- j In thl tj GUI Of c tr ' I n 1 In Ponnuylv^tnls amy he tennod a st^tiatioal stuciy alnco tho baai^ Cor tm work io tfio agricuitur 1 data which 1« aimilabl# ter these countioa tlinKB^^ tlM United ;itatea ueh^UB o ortB, bogirniing with 1040* This la tho d' to of tho rirat ^^riculttir 1 cenaua^ Ujing thia Conaus d it^^ for tho baaia of atady a nuir.t)er c f Cilculfitlono h* vo boen made* Moat ol' 1 1 ? 1 n oulculatlona in tabular fonn^ In addition to tho rlt^iu/j-l figuroa tabulated by decndoa, aopuaJT in tJie App«idi.:» Tho fi.^uroii v*hlch a pc r in a number of inat^ ncoa for VjPI^ l*jrl2» rind 19E3 wore secur (i upon re from !'?♦'.. a* iblo^ ^emiaylV'inia Jt»;to latiaticinn, Harriaburg» ?u« while tho author aiproointoa the lir Itntiona of atatiatica mi a aolo critorioxi upon v.hich to Judge ind from whs oh to dr^v? oenoloaiono^ yot the aim haa been to couple v;ith the bare atatiatlc 1 information f- cts from other aourcoa r/hlch v-ould aabat ntinto tho ' tr nla'' in- die tod by the Blutijlical data alone. Boonu^c of tho r- ther intlr, * o noraonul knov; lodge of thiu reg-on for a number of yosu-ti it ia felt thaj, after ill^ a atati3tical pnronch to Ihla atudy haa given a ffir de- groo of accurnoy au to troh ; j in Iclh c op nna livujlock LiUl' OJ?' CH-^-A*S !♦ Out lino *' of A4MWi^Cuml)orl**na^ rr-inklln nnd York tuuiitluG ahci.iiij poaition of the Group in .'eruia^lv-ai • il. Outilno Mnp of adatiis 'Old roaborl nd ucmrt'fK? jhcving ^ C » . il-J f J. 1 p -J • ITI# Oatllno Mat) of rrinlclln ^oanty eh TOrnahio • IV» Oatllne Hap or loil^ • ouiity lowing rovmjhlno^ Y. chart Bhovvii^ Armrmfs^ Mox thljr Fr#€i it tiaji *t Bi points In the ■s-* .iw VI» Chart 5h0viiBig Trcri j in ?opttXati«a and in .iur?;! Popul- at J on in A iaiLui,cufTiborl^iiid and lfr^^^klin ^'ourtiea, VIT# Chart lihowing Tranda Ui Poiulai ion and in lor-^l Pofkul- ation in Yvri'. county ^ r i: -lurO. VTTI^ Chart Zhmrir^ the Torage 3iso of Jf^ixvi in n ch county^ 18C()~19r^0* TX# Chart 3h ring Tronflo in L nd cwnorahio and in Tenancy in tho i^our Countioo. lOu «-i. 0# chart Showing Avoz^ai^o com, or^tSt ry^f 18no-iy 3. Uumbur of acroa per farm of whoat, pot tooa, and htiy in Adar 3 county. XI# Chart ;>h0wlng A.vorngo Humfcoi' of noro^ per f ;rin 9t who^ t , ccrii, o t:i, ryo, fo^ tcea,and h?^y in cmnborlcind county, 18fl0-19r3, aIT» Ch*.rt showing ^^vor -,,0 liuml or of acraa CO 3m, oat3, ryo, not t -^-i, unci county, 1000--19;,3. p#r f rm f whe- t, hny In jfrariklin /III« Chn^rt allowing ^vor;i^;^o AurrY : i' oT c ^oa - or f rr In T:he' t, ccm, 0;t., ryo, pot v^jj^ -j^ 1 huy iu York :o .rity, 1800-19; o* aIV# Chart r.howing urowth in Valao of Grchart Products in 4 i;oaiitlo3, 18Av-19':u ^.V* ch'.rt 3hovvi.g isumbor of IT-.tura Llvo3io«k er tt^rm in ;a^imi uou: ly, 1860-19*3. XVT. chart showing lim::bor c T Hntura Li v.;.; took per fnni in cujnbnrlruid Coui.ty, lBuO-10: ... f 'i production. 'hat deflnlto tr -n^a la 1 oth crop iid llvonrrck nroducilon ^lo oxl^t will be ovidont froni tho stntlgtlcal nnd j a. )|>X oritur ital graphic 1 cvlaonce cltoci* aV:t, chart fM)i»lri|» ."wabor of ITnturo MvootccI: oor f ra in ;:Tni, Chart ^hWBlng Jltaabor of K- tare -Mvontcck or fnrni in York roun*y,ino.')-lfj2.'5 T/;. i;h'rt howlne .aimtit^- of :.u't.;r ciade in;-,^-l9'3 r.n5. Cttilcwi cf ''Ilk eol-! 1j~ -?.D-0. ::x« Ch^rt -h^»?!nf; tho Gr. wth in ptnltry afl« ogg ?ro«!;c- tii4i In t^io 4 ecu: t!o3. l-iM0-li*r3« I. T^i vo.'l T Vol:^il Vfiiuo. Lard Mid Bttildlngs c:rf tn 4 c cant! 03 ;. in. Ch.rt ( ru ra 1 ) > r a! uc t i on »■ xa\ to or ca^; It ^ c ron or ? # m CHA I. 'Hi\HSlTI08a IB AGHICULTUliK ; •-( ;cHln A* Ptmtl^ a well known :4jgll«h agri cult anil author^ln hla book, '*TtM» Tr nj' ion !n Agrictillnra ^"^ or the chiinr.03 lihlch havo ink m place iii liagli ih €^lettltar*9 part ■*-- v-- vi Jb> rly as regninla tho ch*i emrsnl growing te the pro4ootion or ih> noro Intensive cron3t the t>ri i ction ol moro liveatock cua5 1 v?>aicclf produote, 0tc# de apoalm of thia trnaaition In iLoam wcrd3 : Iff** The Ciirtramo grr^vity of tho changes brou^^ht about in the flrBt iaat* nco I3 undeniable^ They are changoe that nraountod to revolution in our oconomlc coiKlltiona. The opening up of vast ex^ansoa of virgin aoil^ in -he Unitnd ♦Htatoij, Cnnadn^ Argcuiinn, Auatmlla mm oi-iowhern, to the production of wheat on a aenio to which there could be no poaalblo anoronch In t*?e United Kingdom; the nulclt trime* port of thoao aiod oth ^r foreign or coloni^tl iu jlioa by ocer n atoamera at almost iMH|ligl1>l fn f* > 't > ; tlio invention of r^jfriger^ tirig omce aoa which nulJiried clinnte ; the30 and othor enures, upart f/om If-^o ndvor;t of a euccoiaicn of unf vcr^T 1^ 3(r .^ona^ wore aafftciont ia therru^lvoa to disturb i\)o vory fetmuat'rni ojf British agriculture und to i^how thnt the old order or things In rojiara ificroio wao oa^iir^ away^** '^ • Tne Ir iiji. li on 2 a .vgricult uro. Jchn ^' array. London, 1900. pp^ 1 & Jd# ^# ;.,:xir lilt urn In i ho United atntof^t at Ion jt 1( c^ lly. hna aimllnrly gone thru ^orio-U of ira»tsiliou-oorlO'JO olT chnn^o. Whllii tliww charig ta havo not boon ao trr ipsmehlng and havo not attalnoc! the tmenltndiO wftnei^nd In 'Cnglluh agriculture yat trarijllioi-ia w5ih uj aro r;oru) ^he icrss ovi- dont nor aro they of lass economic significnnccu A ahift In agr^c^nltur' 1 nroductlon hnn eenrrod in fjoctioHB of Ponnaylvrmia* It haa tnkua pi co, fox* in that groan of coantioa of ttis :5tnto concornlng whisk t! l3 atndy ho hoen oftdo* One hunflro'l f If toon yenra a^o census ri^^aroa" toll UJ thit a total of 629^9:51 yards of honio-apun ilaxon cloth wore ©fi(!e by i ho 1907b nnlnnin^ t^hoola In ths f >r ilion of daiiG, Cumborl nnd, i^n^jfiklln nd York Coantios^ Iho £lnx for v^ihlch i5ra-3 growi on ths fnrms of thoao c uutioa. ^'o-- day. not only ia the flax not i^rom. bat it hna - Imo^.l bocorro n curicalty to the youngor g^ajrotion* Itle no longer (^o\n^ It ii^ no longer apon- a chungo bstll In pro- ductlon and in conaumptlon* Undoubtedly the groat uro a of vireln ooil kuid ot the nowly clonrod 1. nd h^d much to ic with the popui.rily of the flax n^ an aijricul turn] ^rop. In additr : t^ f I. o local conaomnt.ive deni^uid* Thnt conaldor.ble rr. j of virgin 5^J^1^^^ ^^ thobsglnning of the ninotosiitll contuo la appar:jU. f- or:, tho 111C c.-s-i.ju -, at tiatica of Iho liunlior aat oatpttt of t»» ahmibIIIs for ' > r nr r^rMn^loa: a tot 1 of S.'^S 3aissf;IllB, ^'nlu** at 739, 9f9, vith uri oiil ut of 4,474,7:10 I ■>*■ i^ ., a. ^. ( r lorober* Anothor " oiting oh^tHi lllu8trati%^n ol r^iTiii- it ion in the Ofcjrioalturo rl this group of ooantloa is tho transits on in co tion« : I'llO :. ;ch of th# Wtte^it arid corn was conatoaod locally # In dlstllloriee nnd floor n III i corrotioratlxig this orn jfit^ ftguroa t.^k^n Trout tli© 1 '10 ceriauj ronorta arc horu citoil» County Adnnia CuBberl nd Pranklin York liuiabor of Siotlllor'ia finllcna nrodi eol ^■MafciOin ■■jfc ««Mai|»Aw9««MMF 'M» •' "oMb".:!) 120 606 13fi lib JL ♦-•An/ u «► «■ V w fr90,bG0 431 , 7 '^2 *| Tj ,1 ''Up r ounty iulOfilB riraborland rranklln York T fin at Mill* ■-^:.a*» mi III Ilamiux^ or Mills Bbl?!.©! flour ijrcducea ,■ .,*?* — ^ Total 47 66 ▼1 270 18,: 70 4 6 , 'xJIO 1 '▼n r r~ ,q 4* The QXimt 0f tlie local a«WB.ii-;:)t i^a t.iru uioaa t o ohannala l3 ©Tldonto Coirtr^'i 3tiiig this 3l^wition^ howavor, v;ixh e end; t lone to-day we find big c/iai/^oiu CWHIcrativol/ Taw flcur r.ill.i, raXativaly llttlo flour pro! ?eod lee ally tnd no ilatlilorioa (none oxio-od prior ft I •!ijvia/:o o ,o loth arnoatln.aiit ^ coatrtit«ltiMl)««inajr a tr n^.inon .. ' I ? 4.i> # i4 coii^ui!ia- to tho J* tlcn« Then, too, dolving Into tho rocori^ for tfila t^coup of counties we find that in the Cmtlbmtlnnd Yalley, coirmrisiaK Catnborlmid and i?*r r'lln countioa, from 1^.70 to 1890, in- eluaive, c-naldornblo tob ceo Tiaa grovm corwjercinlly, perticulirly in Cumberland Coanty* Cc .ocrning ila grovth in thia country the Tenth Cenauj Heporl r i ds thus : Tobacco ia grtnm on limoatone loma vith C-^ay jabacil^ on blick and yollow 3lato, ' ut thofur^^r ia trie and proforrod aoil* Tho eastern half of the coar.ty only ia violl adantod to tobsuco culture and the larger portion of the crop l3 grown in the central portion of the / iiitorn half- a atrip about lo miloa long and 10 miloa wido* "A3 long ago aa 18ur-63 a few arrn.j.1 lota of tobacco yfiiore grown in thia connty, -Xii llttif* ntter;tion vri3 nltor'- wnrd givon to It until aboat 1876, 3i^ cl aa to the roo;.' r orn jiit j of the c/on,i nattor of rireo rinp: tho -,^51, ':ind3 cf icil, mfi-uiroa, plaottog. !.' O &• CttltlTfttlon 'nil -^^^nr^rnl han^ltno The pmnct haa oteudily Jncreaaod In qualiti^ ao roll r.a In qaantilya /^l out 10^ qX tho cop iis grofrn on newly c laaASi^ and it i:.a^^ uo stated Ihat^ in rcund namberc^ about 40f> olT the tiraGrcd are of tho county Is adaptod to lUo growth of lob ccc^"' A period of a llttlo mox'O thnn two deca^os ait; the Introduction ot thlB induatrr, itij rnnid ri ^ w * ■ a. 'i abrupt decxino* To-day none ia grown coru. erclally^ noi^ haa any l)oen grovm for the laat two dacad-^a* Why tho tranaitlon? Tho Unito^l iitatos i^er^rtmont or /vgricultnro au^ ^oita a re in connocticn with sono aoil aurroy woifr In "tobactcol: regions • It follows : ''?wo SGiaona heivo boon apont In tho I^^ncaator nnd Le>)anon Valloy arons in :^onnaylT»mla^ tho hanrt of tho tobacco ro^^lon of thit Stato^ and t^aps tmw coverir^ nearly lOiX) aq. mlloa^ prepared • m pro5»»t grade of tobacco raiaod in the ?onn;3viv'.inia area aolla for c beat 7 1/;;/ a pound, th« riraaar iipnniah, ^prora In Ohio briiiga from li; to ID/; whUo the cuLim riilor Iriiortod into this country ia worth from ri.OO to r*i,;,o a poimd. This indlcfitas tho groat difforonc in tho quality of the lonf grorn in this couitiv "^d in '■uba.Thore ia no 'ueatioxi thnt the Cuban tobnoco io -j^.a t~^ 5l^«^8 Jb£?onajBt^^^^^ Otjaxcoi^ti: . «■§ tk« Pcim.ivlv nia .onth Census 0^1;. ^.. IGBj, iitntigtJcn rf AgricuJturo tjlth UTJOclnl ijooort.3 on the Co cil... 1 -r Iiiing, -obficco, ^nd Meat Produulion, n, '(.■, X«af c?in har^l; ^o olasaefl n^ the B»rkot ro ulroa a llllfferen t re lly an eaonordc caaae^ Thac ov r a centitry et year a, 'nd loa^t forooa^ Particularly ocononilc fore % hnve netod to bring nbcut o^ifta in both oroduction anil cQi^aumption,, That oconc»l« fore 03 are now at in hringing abccit gridaal tr -.^a- •tlono in tho agriculture of thla ooclion \ ^'^l bo ovidont frofi tho ouccooding ohantora^ n r U,;i.3,A* Yonrtoook, lyOl, p. 19^ OuWint flap of /? tf e rc^uxianl of a oo«ibinatio2i of r ctoro^ Includixiap soil, topography^ cllmata and Itu pooplo a Irtof hiatorical and dooorlptlv© skatch of each court- la jivaiu /j\ outline imp ot xhia group of count io3. showing !ij position in tlio iitate is round in Chart :« ^"^ 7h0 rirjt white 'jottleru in the aroa"C referring to cloarfield^r nibria^joaeroet, BodiVrd.Blslr Contor, ituntin^tont i'ulton, STanlclin, AAoma^Cumborland^Porry^ riflin. Juinatn^Jnion^ •md ;^nyder Counties)** wore tho ;icotch Irish pionecrB ^ho cloared the l?and and built Ihoir ccibino on tho Conodoguin^it croek^ in Ciuahorlond County, about t7r6. Others movod on to tho W««t rmA about 17*:8 a aottlojr.ant was ootabliahed on tho Cciooocho ae in ^r'aaklin Ccunty Ad am 3 county AdaKii Ccyjnly wns fcnrofrly a >art of York from which it was uoparnted by tho Act of Jana^iry Z2^1t^::. It haa in hvL^ is Tor historical (f\ik ia-;iheririan JUay • " His t c r ! 3s 1 Bollcctions oi the iitato cf Pennoylvania*' pv*bb^i.6Z^ ^^347 and C91^ 1B4»« iieconnoia^nncn ,oii 3:i:*7o^ cf iioulh Central r»ennayl« va::ia# Twelfth xiooort or the Us.>*i>»x:. . iold Uj: :r ; l on^ of the BarofiU of 5oili# 1 iO* x>P 1^6 and ]Ufi» A' i^"*!: ^err^ Cdslr HoptiA/n 5tl vcr Mi<^cil«.5€.^ B SoL/7f» (^idv« HunTinciton Fya n /< I ranKl^n But I cr FvAnklin Tt ironc A St rabwarr ■ff H(. [H/ao<^! Read /r7< Hamilfoi Ot>fuulck Of-io^<^ Hamiltor>b«rn Mtfi/nt Pf^^Crf*^ t .(r«ymbu irftt^h cf 8« 4 riilot-^ and » nn aroa of bilO aq. miloa, The South JTount'iina, a oortion of tho Blue Rl:)cn graAitittlly rouucod by tto rcrcation of cthor count Ion. Jta cxtroir^n jorigtb I3 35 tnilcs^ita oxtremo bro^-dth 19 mil 13, aroa 54r oq* milon, The L^orth Hount?an fcrcorly called tho XJtt itl-— / oiXa In Cuciboi'land County In ord^r > f Ihoir import- ariCG aro : H'igeratovmf 1/4 ) » Berka(l/4}, Ueka* t :*./ Ui'ortijv, liOiiy, IIimtln{>ton, liontalto,'ind T.'heollng* Tho pooulation was originally ;5cotch -Irlah tut thoy h iV« boon to fi Tory groat oxtont aupplnntod by tho i'onnayl^'ania Gonaana, Tho clliaato io iridiof. od in A, pondix.ratloa 1,C,3 • nfl 4. .*n otitlir.o r: .p dhovvj!-^ Townahipa ia found In Chart II. Frankl in n t j I'rankiln uoanty t^aa oatuhliohod aont. 9,1784, having provioualy loon tho Southwojtem part of Cunbori'.md Count at ':rj mown a3 too conocoohoague aottlcraont* It a oxtrooo diBon- iiiona aro 3y by 33 uiloa, aroa 754 ot. ir.ilea. Tho County coiuiuta of a broad va-io^/.bouadod on tho >int by tho south tlountain, on tho v;eot and tho .:orth I'ouutain (Ilittati.-iiiy) . tho ::aat b:; Canborland •oiinty, the aouth by Uaryland. Aa tho luount- ino aro a=iproaohed tho tonogr .nhy virjoo from ro lin: >0 hilly. ^ .4--- ' arrj3 Scale . /"~ 6 mi le ^ Outlmc hap of Franklin CounXiA^ 3hou)ui<^^o^ (0^1-/1 P S CHA-RTBI 10 Iror Holi 3ori.'K5 in rr-nkiiri Count:; irx orAor of thv)ir >ort-nco arc : B»|!«raloviifl/3) , ?.5rk3(l/3), PokalbCno r^ ly l-^SJt IDutflold, T^ontnl^o, Upohnr ^ floi^ton iid Jof foracn. Tho ori(5in-'l aettl'irti of the amnlj iwro of .cctch dojcont and n^an^ of their dGecon^antG at ill r:>mnih,' J then rh horo alao tho ?onnB:;lv nin Qarr-n^ hvvo ;m a nto n ;n- o. the c x'iginal people • For i%4 cliiTiatology 300 Annondix^m loe 1, ,"^niid 4* An outline rwp ohor;l iig ^onnnhina iv> fouid In Chart III, Y* York County v;r;3 30 )aratQc; froin Lino ut r by the Y.Ct Of ii.ttga3t 0, 1749* It3 liuitu v*ore curl il ju b^, tho 300 r^^tion or .'.dnma County in January/ »1000* Itcj exlroir.o dinonuionu are : i.::lror;.o longth 5ii mlloo^brojulth 30 liiila^j^ area 9C0 0 • railea* In tooo^^raohy tho county, though net mount- inous^la gonor-lly hilly* Tho ;vOuth ?!cant' in horo nrokon mnny Irre^alar aour , li^5n noor the liorthviro.atorn bcundarjr and ^ivo3 rl30 to tho hilly riaturo of tho ncrt-.^irn nn:l northv;o3toii; aoctlona of U^ county • Tho .}outhv;ojtorn corner or the County us occ^upiod b;/ n tiV- in of alnty and llrno3tono hill3# :%jnt)n~: luoau aro the York Barrcno; a name givon to tho slaty landa horo. not on account 01 their I'lck or rortillty but from tf>o c! rcuiMlt-inco that the origiruil set t lori found horo iui an :<) tr 1 1 3 on;,ir:ay Dai^p^/r? C L>mbcvlancl Faiv/icu^ ^f^)nA^/7ei'rv^ Ctf.vryin£4ttstn/rl Lanca st^Y dra-^d en hoams /Paru^*^^ VUjoc^s^v Jack Yo^K San Y. R C hancfft^Yci h o y 1 h H«ici<-lb«./J H-n n Bust H-opeiA** 1 1 Coeil ::!. bca/c . i" - ^ m/ j es . Outline hap of York QounXti ^ shovuiho^ Touinship^. (.« WI/< V ^^^irtcffmyj Jta kaj n CHART IE 11 denuded o.' lh:l^or duo to ammal fcro at Tiroo^ kiiillod h'j tho Indiana tor the ptxtposo or inrro'^ing their h;iritln{ r 1-? ground. A ntrio of licBoaione 6 to ? r Hob v J I o e CU it3,l the Couiily ui;out iho c^Ater f i om Jortho* ut to ^Houthwoat. soil aerioa of York in c^r'^.c^r cf trt.jr imoortance ar Che^tor, Manor, Penn, Lan^cl le» ''ont ili>o, ^lOhJ h, li^.-iora- toim» Kdgornont, Dokalb^ iluntiragton, Cooil. JMrkSt Ati;oi, Conaistoga, 1 ohn bvi If I litiiHItFIT' : ■r|t-tTi:|t!i^ r-f-T Cm in ... ( 1 mni^^i ' T " ' 1 ■ ' " i ' ifflirarlHilliji' Chayi Sha^iV^tf^ Ry^f*^^^ MonT^/^ T^y^c jpiTat»oi7 a.^ ^i> Toi'n'f^ CHART Y. o^ llio or ^ nirr^tion or t!:() :o rountfoa to^c^thcr \.ilh thoir County Bo.ta ij^ When ronsoil Jimo :::2^iauO C0«a3f:t feh^n Ivid oat Cimborl^md L-noaotor Janoary ;:?,17i>0 C ril ilo 1 / .>X ?r'^*•^^ll^ Goraborlir^ ^^ov^ierrAior i;,17o4 Gh^-rra)erabur{; 1764 t,. Yor>: lymcaator Augant 19,1749 Y 0 rlt 1741 <- -« liata rrcr, -m. il. ?^©,"iiiatcry odf Ponnsilv nia" p.:. 78 mjm CIIAPT'-'H III Aff AQRICOIiTJS/J. AREA !rhia in an ajjricttltiir 1 &roa. Tho lar,:-os'.t city In tho group ia York -r luh lii 1U:,0 h vl a por-ulation of 47 ,bl . That th* f»c IX X -J c agrioillilMaml ia altoatoJ h^ facta 3uch an thono : At tho pvoiont lie the four ootmlieii h wo ? totl ot' in^GS f .rniti; during lii 1, iyr.2 njid 19 S tho nvoraf?:c vot 1 production of whe t In the uro im« 5,4l0,fil>l baahel::; of corn, an nvorngo or 11, £71)^452 bunholj3; of nilk» ^in avora^p of l^J7 ^lAfS ^Ob& g*llonri; of or-Q an nvcrri|;o of lQ^:Z^j^l9ft doaena. ing thic3 8nr.o oriod its livmUcck had an oatimntod niromfjo v* luo of "14,364,104 cor^-1 cropa, tcliacco, ba;v' and oot'toos wore t* luod nt an avorri^^o of C'-£^096,C12; 113 crcliard nroilucto at an avofug^ «f .^1,717,875# Tho tot 1 V lue or n;l r tn producto, i^old or conauxiiea, of tho30 foar coimtloa In 1019 ij givon by tho VJ.Q CoruuB tt3 ro9,917,118^ ?ho in ort nl lico which ugrlculttiro holclo In tho iriduatry of this group of countio8 is alj:30 nhcivn by the ri{;uro3 glvon by the ^onnayiVinia Liot>fir treat ol Intjrnil AffAira for 19* 0. Penngylv nla Dot>Brtrt:nnt of Intorrr 1 Afrnlx^. ?rcdyclixo Inaa3trio3,aailwayo, ?axo3 arid Ajno-igmento^ ;*atorvayB, niacoilanooaa :it-t5atic6, p, 989* 10 0* -M- lA. Oflactii County : Value ot : Value o:r York 80^ :P_'oduc la II II Ml iir ■ '■ »i- -»>-a . V^ , -■ J' ■ » s i. CD 0,700 '■s,"'yf%ioo lbb,l>76,800 JtJ. P rod: 10 I J li 7,073,991 o,oao,3'ii : 11, O.M.I 09 l^r c^Kit afrf culti?r:.l •.'1.7; ? • f * '■ A"^ -f 1 > r» r> , V/ W ti, 1 ,W. ■' ' ''-.6. •.-•i|r->~ 'Mdri^-«*«».««^^««»^ ■'.'^m -iF- -B -< on ilo doubt the d ! ' e rer)^mcy bot^oon tho aLova ff^aroa iho value of ogricullur 1 nrodact^i nd thouo gi von In Aopondix, Ir-blo b Ij Juo to tho fact ttv t In tho abova Inat nco onl;y th030 T)roclueta acid Oi^r the fr^rmn nro con* oidorrjd, whoroaa In tho conoua data tho tot' i v lue of all co?:nodillos prcULA7:0iW That thena Ccuntieo nro iitiat m?i^ lo tormefl "tut I** count lea ia alao lnilicr?tocl by tfto ao^ ^^ , •-' W? Of the rurtil arnl or tho ar"han nooulntlonu. 3lnca 1050 (riir-'l gt- tiatica prior to thia onnv il 1. 1 . ) tho urbtm 'md rami nercantntros rollow : 18 hC 18G0 10 ?0 188G hi lior al : Urb ?in ; liar 1 1 : Urlwin: auml WII»W«— — Ml) W I Mfc.^— I M I II 11 ^ 11 - - - ,^,.. ^, Hilt. a7.4:l-..6 :On,U : li.l;n4.B ir.i^i>u»«W Mwiia n—» MmmiM. t-mmttHt'^mm 1890 1500 5.ural :y7.6 19. ;o H 3 Cuxabex-lnno. 61.3 Fr^iiiklln York 71.9 C4.6 Urban: i.urnl : Jrr tn;ifar 1 : Urb?u3: iiural « > 1 38.r.:fci..l : 47.9 :4B. 4 • • * • • 3.n.4:bl.Ji : 48.b:4r>.6 .^1.0:44.1 rr>.4: 41. n Url in "ur •>*, .6 rr>.9 44.9 l>b.4 Figuroa fi-om ;shicK thia d ta was aeoorod arc givnn In tho A ;oendix,?nbloa C,7,'% awJ 9, In arriving at Iho o I'lguros In tho A pondlx nil incor.)crr.tod 1 c.,n.> ;vcro •aimimitod Qo uj to got rigiiroa Tor if-o rurnl pooulri rn- ^a distinctly roorooont-tlvc aa oco3lblo. 16. Koferonco tc ch...rta C mA 7^sl.x^ to TjiIjIo IC In tho Appandlx vlll bHow th^it ■ h0 trend in tot 1 population !r j l)oen dooideJly ap\'^arcl cv r alnco thu rirat cenjo.; ivc^rlB woro takoru ITho Count iou. hoxmvc^r^ Sid not adv nco imilovm!kfm York aavnncod nost mniclly, r-^^nCoriberlana^fo'!!' t:^"^,': by P;-miklln nnd thoii f-Smmf^m Tho porcont^igo iiiUi^oa^ic or du- croaBOt from ono deoado to another for tho tot 1 ^•iNQ.ation ia founu in ;»ppon14Xt Table !!• Tho rapliily of grot Lh ox York County in attributocl to the r>;>id ^^rw th of xqt^z^ the CouiJty scat. This city in 1900 had a !)Opulation of ?>r.^708; in li)10^ 4i,7b0; in 19£0. 47,bl2. u g -In of ovor 40; in l?o clGcru^oo# iiarnl Ponulation « 1 It oth tho 0- ?i guln of re.-l. , but tho e in in tot 1 population for thici aono pori ^ rns 87,{";71,n g In of 1.1, -. /^/I CHART YL l*^,Stl ^ss'sh- JSO^ooO JZ5jO{>o\ lZoOoo\ • US.OOO Chart ^5000 tou^in Trend-J in ToTqI and m Rural popvlati'oni CHARTini. f f7 17 tnuiklin had » not ^jain in rur 1 iopulaticn of but 3,ajfe a^iriiig thoae 7 doc-don, no cumnnrod v ilh vi gain in * total popul' tiori of DG*(F'# AdaiM County bxd a not sain of 1 at l^l in It > rur a pooulM,ion for thia ■oriod, and n tr ^^^ ^^ 3?>*2;^^# CoiLberlmid roaat^ h^.! a not loju of l*?;. in Ito rura population HB comnarnl r;ith n gn!n in tot- 1 'Onalation of 70#7^*f Thi3 la tho only on of tho fcur vfhich h d actually leas rnr'^^^l ^oo lo It. 19 0 thnn it K d 70 ysaro provlcu3-433 l0 3.u tTho change In tho utaluu o:' to rural po nl tlcn of those ooantioB fcilows : t icn Tgiblo ahowlu/; percent go chfmge In Hnml Poptil 1 i •) •■* *• 1 9 ' Ci Gain or Loan ovor provious doc ido In p jj cantogoo Cott ty 18D0:1860:187C:18B0 .' « mi- — ■ mM,v*t0*^^l*'' Ad Cum"borl?ma ifranklin York -i9*7:^3#£:-il,l. ♦05 • • • •.ll.G:-4.9:-1.3:-3,5 ■». 3:-* F). «:',:- 8,5:-:2,8 • • • -»18.5•^7.7!:5•7•il•9 10 vvlil ludic-vto tho toriioncy vhtoh haa exijtod tonarda a^allor f«r»8« I I I I ! I F ztrrt T'll S^i O uU » O <\ tfre flyeraac Size of /*4o to /Sgo. CHARTOTI arrn in each v-ounXu^ Ta'ol© Showing totftl n.m'-or of" f rea un.lor !I0 aero a, IH1..0 *c li; vO. 20 M*« »iir imtmf' ■*Wi IIWi'i ni^iraw— »a>i»«»M< 1860 ; 537 ( :.i ] : : Fi^mmxin 1870 : 1312 ( 932 • 13B0 : IBiiO (42): 904 1Q30 1000 1010 1307 (r>J ) : • 16 G (4.''): 1020 19' 0 : 1332 (39): 1069 'o York (30) (30 J 1251 (m): 990 (32) ( 34 ) (34) ^ J ■ - /I ir47 l&bG tk\ (10): 4.)7 (im : Ho* : -OG f:3) • • (00) :3C1C (39} (40) VM): .W { ?] :."CQ9 {47} : w3y { 4C ) CtiZ f 4:i ) :4Ji33 frO) 1311 (VA) :36 5 '4o) Th09« flKaroa aljc jubstantiiij&e chart VTlT a« ro r^n tho rolativo ;?iso of fr.rtaB Sa tho four ootmti % '* C . rho flgawia and chnrt al ^o ahom tJ^t li&^ grc to Jt a:icl 1870, a acre grada-^l clocroaK^o In also sino^ lH70t Origin:! dntn io glvcm in A pcmdix^TaLxoB 1? nn6 1- ' . • (T-) t,ind TC; Str.tlat^oa Tor y aro aviu 1 T lo only •taee l^iao. Uonov)?, for nori 1 tha ^jontor 1 t^-o-.^ or ronnicy haa toon all.. ;hUy upmira , ' p . , , to.. .u,u^' Lua boon :;u;_oajU!«r oor.owhat ov r this parlor. Cha**t 1a shove thl« t.rond graph ^onlly whila CO orjding fi^r -^ -^ 10:.10\ ** OW Y *:! 1 »7?- Ci»b«rlnnd:1803:40.4:1308:*47.S:'l4n0:43.r> :l;'>80*4f>.f.:13,.3U- 5 Franklin iUCO^^^.^llin'fim.^ll^i:.^':^^.^ ju 7\D^,t>li:^n:^Ut.9 8eo /pandix, 'riitolo .1:', Pru:.: tho ficMiroo ji\',;r it :!rj ovii! on t timt ruabori'md Coaatgr tanlri -^-rat in 1; "_••!. porcc-;t jo of tommta. |fr«rtWfn follows, with AAixaa third find York l-vit. ATorr ', .• ^ i n "fi r* r« «- > ', f- r-, , -• ni ->i Of t ?riancy Tor / < w .-J' five aonaus antoc ilnra ar { s • r:r-*;-)rlaii4 fmnkXin York 4Br> i"*^ AM This anta on tenancy In a genorra v. j' vorifioe the Bt-tottant tlaat thero le n high ccrrelatlon ^ottrcm lind nricoa and to rjic-. Comborlona Cooiiiy Ji'ia tho git»at«nt porcontage tenant -.; it llkcljo has tte higHoat oricod l.nd-ir '^o t-^ko only the figures for throo aeondoe.lOC;. • nd jn 0 ''fJ find tfjoo'- r v-joita : ZZm yranlclin York Adnn3 Dor aero 190/-19:0 24«G4 <•-> X • »3 X iivor -t^i >> o ■*''„ ■> ■^"» ^ 5 yi 'f' 't 1U00-1U20 >«• iMWW).««tei4d«M9MI ^.r^ 37.7% Anparontiy a clo -^c Tol'itinr-' ;hip eicljt-^ \)aiv:oon i/^-^.r^ r^.luos %nd tenar The f'-ct ttMt York nr^;l A- do not eonlTorm may be attributed "n part to tr^ Count 10 3 8 differonoe in average nl?'^ of f ^ rms-* a diffororicc of 16.9 ucrea Tor the above poricxi €) for land , Irc^Q which the above t i Ic vaa calcal- atod, 1300 Anp la no goneral tronci ir; Ihia connoclioi-i^J .o« ^thia jyaton Of tennntry aa rogarls ah^.ro cr cash rent i3 'ipparonlly St'^blo, with ainor ri.:c'u? > t* rn- fror ono to ancther "/ VWrWM-fJi • -' /-e^.' L3 Uii :>TKR VI Ta^aiD Tii C..Cl> ^xiODJCTTOH Tho riiicipnl cron3 ^rcvn ia thitJ nro?i -iro v.ho t^ corrit onto, r/o^ h y *md potnlue.u Backv.ho t and bar lo^ are orrinor inner! nco. Tol) uco I.3 ol ini.K rt-nco In York county only. Fruit 1 3 nn itipcrt^nt eroo in n.ll fcur countiea and a ch- ntor will bo dovoted to riniit ,a .»ti* Original Cen^uu data on c op nroductlcn 13 gJvor !n Aopondlx.Tnblea iB, lU, TO, ai^d ri. (a) ecru i cron3« •^ m ■> ^Wi Of the coro- 1 cropo whoit holda Tir jt olaco in thiis area* Thi3 i\ truo cri ^jll fcur ccanticr::;. 3no Chart j AtXT.XlIt "^nd XTTI^ ahov^ ing the avor'.,;e niiisibor cf acro3 ') or f^rm; aljo a end :::,':ablo t.2# Kcughly about ono-tMrd of the lurd dovotod to cropj ia .iown to vihc 1. See A end ix /rubles 'V5 and : 4. Tta uroa f cm y#nr tc yenr nnd from deicado to decudo doe:m't v ry greatl;^', rh-^t 7. J. ?,dgu 3 id '3 rognrda vhe^t jrov.i jig in thia ^iren in 1H93 rni^^ht al^o bo ?i jpropriatoly 3 id in 19 4* It foliovia : * 'The » ro" devotod tc thi^ crop dcoij net v ry n:atori?jily fron yo*:r to yo r; Ihe r( t tion fi^doot d by our f rmorj cf corn, ont^ nd v.hoat with jra :tj 300d, doou not -orrrit of sudden ch-ri^^os In i^o ^^ roa pi ntt^d v.ith '^ny lo din/5 crop; the nain intogora which uifcict iru i±_ijTbt v^'riatic;i3 in ^irea nro : -.«j. .ago. .oc'y. :t^to Bd.of .^rrii ^0)Grt of Uio joc'y.fivih ..uxiumI v^-^in .;tfite j>0Mxia (.r r.,l-^l;7).o xtr (;t3 fror.i the ^.nnu 1 -.o^)url of tho F0iiri-,jil- 19 ""l^ An cpon tlX which offora in'^uc^r^nta to cur fnrrera to 3ood n,oro th a iho u^unl nmouril if torn grcu?id to whoat^ *'?.• Tho f:!laro of th8 rty 3 nod in i)rov!ca3 jo i^B who^t fioiiBt ^hlch orrorj jii In'^ooarGcu^t to rojjod ha fio^d Tiith who :t in the hoovoa of gotting a g cd cntch of gran^u '*5# Tho prejont low nrico of whofit ;.hich h -q^ 1^ vory rnny caao.i, iri;lucod irti^nt grovnra tc reduce Ihoir aoro.^go tc Itn lct70<3t no ;Ublo lirr.it3tCcnai:»tont rlth tho vrc-- a^Jc'Son f a 9ti:^riciont '^iDcaiit ol^ Bir*!i?. for loddinj* 'iH^nrioylv nia v.ho t ^jrovora ro* lizo th it if QTOcti for fro grnin alono^ they arc 1( ^ing nionoy on avory bujhel cf tvhe t oroducod ' nd aold for 1033 than 65/, *ixid th t^ lut for tha atrat^ \Thich they oniBt havo for l>eadlng and tro on3alnf; cro^ of gr~i:uig vhich they o*^n obt*tin in no ot'or w^iy then thru tho a oncy of tNi r.h©^^t cron, Ihoy h d hotter thror tho crcn out of ho rot* ta(;:i. 7ho iinnll roductlon of aoroa.^o In all four coiuitiea niMct^ tho ne k of I'j 0 is concroto ovi.lcnco of tho facta or T^ *\l/jo'3 ot^tatteat^t if not of tho truth, aa ro^arclo t^o /^rcirJ n.^ c!* vJ^ont t r!*03 '^octlvo of it,i prlco l)oc';u >o of rot tion oractlc Ml* rrcr, lyoofno aero- jo d':ta - vriil' bio -rlor tc 1000) «int!l 10*0 thore r^a a rjlii'':hit tn^ -"^ric^; tor* rda a cro-vter rc3. potatoes i ha^ ^ R.lin Count nor; grori tho leaut oor furm, York noxt, ihon .^daiiu, ith CuKboriaJLd grov.lng tho ii:oat. The flguroa for the ner corit of crop lLn:i devoted to cuts arm 30 3lgnlflcr.nt that they aro repeated here. 1 r Per cent or crop I, nd dov^la. to 0 tj. Oounty Adams Cuniborland i'ranklin iork 1880;i0i^0 is.'jiir-.i) 10.7: liur 10.i;:10.9 15.3:1 '.0 lyoo lh.9 2.6 1-10.1920 8.1; 7.6 ■ 1. .8:1 ..3 3.8: 11,6 8.4; O.b 19M.19;:2.1923 7A * n '\ ^ n 1 1 .3:11.8:11.8 * ■ 9.7i 9. 4.* 9.6 ?hi3 in un oxattolo of tr-duMl trjnj^ti on Thich was rulorrod to t tho clojo or Ono. Jndcubtolly tho tr- tiaitlcn iy Voj ng mndo boc iejo O'.vt.i la an unoconoir.ical crc'i lo grow in thia Kjoction. Ila or -icr) -jcld.; arc lev.-; lib ita qaaiiuj' 1 • I i iiOncG tho gi-alual tr njitUn. ?ho trinnit: on ahouid bo ncro atr:j')t than :i i ;, it oujl.t not bo gro«it at alx. 5^j! 5b f Rinor inocrt nco. It finda a plnco.howoTer, particttlorly in Combe rl-juid >ma fTnnlrlln ^cnntion rhc^-o i' O uoll 13 jjrcwn frr t^ic rioet oart on tho lo.m tertilo alara of wfiloh thoi'.) ar-! conaiaor-Tjio nrn-.;. it io tho 'prcr mn'o crop" ami is rococjnisiNI as niu:h. Attention tc tJo ch rt will 3hcv: ih i tboro la no gMMral to;;i«iiey In tl« trend or rvo. A«nra nd York Coiintioa aro tondi.'iu to grew loa.3, whilo ruotorlanl and ?r»iftl!n -ro tonling to incr^aao thoir ru^rotgo alijhtly, 2»*»?]£^tt_JaJ«JhftripJ^ aro of nogilgiblo ir.portr.nco, (;]oo A".pGn^lx,? n5. (b) pot- toon 3hov. a londoncy to Incrna^o 5 , This ia onrtlculariy truo in York Zom\\.^j ^ to i loajor do- :r.o 5n lar-ti -md ruL:borl':nfl[ roontioa, whilo iV nklfn COu..t/ aho- a at- J Ulty in potato acroog©. ?bo writ..>r, hovvov-r,'lct53 a coro rr rkod anvr.rd toadoncj vrithin t'o next t9m doc-saou In pot? to crea{5o in all four ccii.itioa than ha exiato^l hor torero. «:hia oro ; cti I;5 V.aod on the noc-rocogniao : adr-otnbilit;/ of the ao:i, ir)crou..,lngly.bottor mrketirig racllitioa. Incroaaod intomat on t?.o o-rt of f- rr.ore, nd loettor nroductSon nothopo'ro to bo a axl«ht toud,' ncy to on r-»i docreaae tho ncrortTn dovotod t,o hay production. In thia connocilon ^.cniion r^.ny bo uindo of «i chnn.-TO which l3 bolrig gr anally orroctoJ in tho ki ru1 cf h y frrovm. Thld chan^-ro I3 comlr- 'b'rsl I'^ni the iniroauctlon Gomr>ar- ativoly rocontl;??, of -If'^lfa v.hich ia ncv; 1, -irig the d-ice of ni: i icroajinglj' i;irgo fomcly aovoteil tc rofl Qnaalaiirv-) cl v-n';3 nnfi ti-nothy. 7^l t ^ ho -rn^Iiig of .%lf ifa I;3 ocm!)ar?'tlvoly recont la avidwit frai. Iho Ljtalor i;nt.5 concornliig It aa foaiid in tho Annanl Kopcrl of Ih© Pennn 1- V nia .Stato Bcurd of .agriculture Tor iri04. iVc n; d horo,' 'trhe number or in nirion rol)t!ns Ic this plaul a 3 a foraso crop indic-itoa that an l-il,;i-.,,.t iii Lt hva beon anu^oned funong Pennaylvnnln stock fooders for a further >nowlQ(igo of ita qu-litioa nnd ncrila." "Thua far, ao far aa To,oTtea, o^rpcrimwils .Mb it ii oar Btalo havo not orovan ;tucoo3ai"uI, nrobnbly bocauao it hnj nrovon vory dir'icult to /^ot n /^ood at-nd." Alfalfa expori onta", hov. cvr, did Tr< vc? gnocogafal ouljoquontly ulnco it Ij cla;i3ifiod as auch for If j tiio in thu I.IJ I.'.", (onjua dat'--. That all" ifa ia rabidly gaining ground in thio araa i.j oviioncol \,j t!.a;a st tiai. io.j. I^U'il Hoport or iho Pa. .State 3o^.rd r.r Arri.ullaro liyj^. or) no and m. ^ 4. ii.. ..If ilfa •8. County : 1'.10 Ji. ty' (^\J •Jm %^ ( -t Jk 19 J?'' ; . v:.on3:;A i.onLj:: A iTona: A : Tons A 2 Adams : 6£:143: : 1^4 : 509::lb4: 451: lr-4: 400: lf>4: CaiTiborl?ind4«7:n4G:"it)77';:.0.3 7:iob7l4C40a7. .3:4ob: * IVr?! i?ranltlin :.-H.l ::x)7:l;i 0 : 106r';lil4:534iJ !li36:363b! 113G: York ;iGl; :54; t)00:i:i[ : b. 6 [1348: b74:1607: 5H5: 19' r^ T o r u 3£04 1 vj»-/d Thla 13 cmothor oxui. Ic of Tranjition In r>roduc: tioru Crodlt f r much of thia gr(-th In iirifa proauclion miijt bo giv )ri to tho roraarkable auccoaa attainod vlth it by ??r» :.• !#• EiorLc\;or^C^ riJ alo,?n, ^ xid the nubseouent i;*-lr'i- ?>rowlng propaganda thru tho imi'ruront lily of tho rj3')ect-- ivo rounty Agents an(! C canty ?- rm Htiroaan^ Jndoabtolly tho ''alfnlfr curvo ' v;i^l bo do< iioaiy aownrd Tor a niimbor of ya'^ro to con'iO« (dj lobacco, ?^ontlon or tho changoa whioh have Irkon nlaco In tobacco culluro h 3 boon mado in Chaotor Ono on ''Trana- itjcno in A^icult ;:rc, " Thia subject may be an lifiod by montioning that Adama County ha not grovTn any tobncco ainco 19:0; that tho trend or tobacco culture in York bounty upvard imtil 1910 » oinco then,rlownv;ard(f.oo Annondix, Table :!)• Tho per cont of crop lanft devotod to tcbacoo In :'or> CounLy from 18f)0--19::C IBBO 1B90 1900 1.10 lOTO 19. .1 19::2 19:^3 ^,.^^^^^ ,.J->I_;^--^.-^ -•QT' i-c^> ^^^ -a;. .9^. ^igurea for 1. IJ »nd 1920 rrom u\ • onaua iionarta; thC30 for 10 I/.i;.2 nd 19:!;5 from L»iu:.iblo,..tato citatiatici in of Pa* iJnr)ubliahea anXf.. *^9 m vii .;^Ti:K vir yruit groving on n comr;fjrc:-l acalo hna bocorna one of the ro3t ir.nort^mt ogr- cultur .1 ci-cpa-from Ihe viorpolnt.j Ox Iho Invoatnient , na h ca;sh c op nnd the finnci-l ru- lurnj-in thlt^ aoctlon nf tho :.tilo. Th-it thplo rally 755;> ax*e York Im ^erifl. " rofui In a survey of the annlo iadujLr^ or Jeiws^jlv .uin \o "In 1878, iioah ShTOl^ of Cnahiown, nl ntnl the first as Inrgo Gomrnore!nl crc- rd in the county- fA d cij) , couaiating of ?,000 lroe3. Tho firjl car Int ahionent cf aiolen from 1 ho crimty waa fron thi;? orchard in 1893l»" On ongo 69 o" thin 3' mo Hullotin v.e cetxa ; ' TTTonti-f ivo yo-Ta ago coi r.orcinl orchnrdr, v,oro Imoat unlmovvn in this rt*Gion(rnt«ining nil <}fcur ccunliea) but t'G n ■ le ijrov.ora cf the .:aut begvm to rocovor fron the do!ro;;iion v.'hlch ro<-choa ita If w '>oinL v.ith the M- cron cf 13So,a fov; pionoora beg'»n olnnt ing in this rogion arid the poriod rrori 1900 to 1000 witneaaod a greit otenge iii this rogion. Tho more fnvor.'ibly Ice tod alopoo V7oro coverod r.lth orct; irda and lanA forrorly hold at low v luoa bogm to clirb until it re- chod a;3 high h figure aj th^t coi.jr; ndod by the ]»a3t vnllo:. Innd. Tho auucooding i'ivo yo^ir:i, ll-OC-j ,-10, anw aiii:.;-ht docreaae in ol>-nting but it wna only a'hro thing 3'")11' procou i ; n c nuiatont pl-ntiug Cic; nilgn th t did '•<5t alow up until tho advont of t Kio ftorld iVar in 1.11. ^ir rJJLji^lf. oroh-'rda .aarvoyed i n 1U 1 n r og i o ? i , n oa r ly 'Oi.ria 1v nin i)eTt. of ,".r r! ." Vho .. •l.o. Induivrv orio-h' If ,, _ . _ ,. of •'^naaylv-nia. lenoral It; lotii; 66[). oal i'j;:H. p. 71 ii,-St^*ocl :1 iBl- tho ccr orcinl {jfovvor- ha3 cor-e In to flil tho gaPt "^nd to •fill 1>o nood for a ijuporicr product* Thi3 ragion^ Ithcqgh in arou one ot the amaliOGt in t^.o ..tuto, ha tec<»o the moat fnncua a: olo nroducirig oection of ^opujilv^niaflltfc iho oxco tion or tte oujtorn \irts of (unlorlfVia ^ind i'ork fountloa it i.j diatinctly a car lot i^Hl ning aroa# Tho crcharia or thi:3 rap ion aro^ Tor tho icrat art, ol nto 1 on t-.e rocthlila or tho ncimt ina f*iA aro pl'irnod, .^ener lly, tt! th ro^nrd to r?ll i^hin- onts* ?c 3hrx- t!^o ato' arid mnrkod grovth in fruit aroductlon In If ui aroa It Ij i^oco ^aar;/ but tc el to a few figuroa v;h5ch ClVf) tho v.iluo of orch'ird 'products Tcr 1840,lfluO,ianO,19C€, 32 Value or ■ rcl. rcl .' re duct • ■ ■» I !■ ■*iMl^t*fika»».aMip«MMt« County a 1040 IB GO 18110 i'jOO 19 0 'lam .? 1770 1«^031 46,o55 ili.llD l,93G,r7u Caniborl^nai?!, rnX: ?i9,0in 4f>,!>:)l llR,b9? ?n-nklln J!7,::C8 3; , :13 3C,On7 IGC,":!:: ,39 .,4ft£ York 13.044 '.r.l^2 v'l.fBb 2r8,lr'8 1, TJ .."la For the eor.plGtorl t'=blo uoo A v onaix,Tablo ; G. ^oo Chart .XI7 f c r jpranhic vio^- or Iho grw.lh in v.luo oi" orch' rfl product ■■j. It Ij ovicJorit TrvrlKe nbovo t' bio th t ;.d>iin9 Ccant^' h'u rr do :.ho groatoat ^jrowlh In rrult ore '.action Off the fcur ccttnlioo in tho nron, Ita ine In v luo cf crchara '>ro(1iiclo fron 1040 ic 19' 0 amount 3 to 109, .lOO^-. T\:ilfi t'-e Incroaao in York Corinty uii.cujiia to 9600?7: l^V«/ Y\^ rn^lin rounty bCl^n;' rA Cur.burl .nd Co-nXf ZlbO;. Th t thi3 v.holn nrc^ hna nr'clo 2":thnr phonon;'»n 1 growth In Iho frnlt Inlfls'-ry is al j ijhor.n b^^ tho Tiict th t acccraiiig to the Conaaa of 1890 York County only wra ahofm tc \v va noro t»:nn 200,000 bo r1n=r Iraoa, nnd It utood olj th in Iho ntiro .t'ito In nuT:': or cf bourlng truoj. In t;-o Conacia of ly 0 wo fJna York tml ?rfin::llu : cu..ti'jj cor 0 In u ll;)t of coantioa hnvir^ In r^icco ;,-? of .00,000 ^nirlng Ir jj; York nor occupi^ing ij'.x h )i co nnd FrunUl!n "inotoonth. la ItlO York Jur.o-j to fourth nl-ucc iii t{.u .. . .10 J'i riunbor of hearing trcoa. In I'j.O AdMrj Coantv lo-dj 'ao Count I'es le^O - I3Z3 CHART grou ) with ^ibA^i,2n bo^irlu^ trees and holia joccr.d :licc3 in the 3tnte^ followed by Frinkiin tNith £3i).0;i holding third nluco aft* Tork v i ih f:34,?'*6 and r^-jikin;^ icurlh^ from 19 0 CGn:i :3 T^hlch c...t^anu lilf or^. .ll«i on I'Onr- Ing tree pon?i1/ lion cf tfo vrioai counties this d'ta has l on cffit heretic o Lav^ or rf ..oolo Treoa County no* bo x*iug tr^oB. rjn4^':28 iIo.ncn-1?^^ ;Mng Total V X v^ ■ J ijjj cumber land 100,7.1 :'r nklin York Total ^i?9,0ll 2S4,b;;6 834,556 1:80.355 ff. 71 101,4r4 1 4 1 , 9 38 600,988 Hank in rotate in totni ::o. b34,5fl.; 184,062 .•=540, 435 37r>,464 1 , 4.-^,544 18 3 It id OGcri rron: tho abovo dnta Ih.t no- rl^ ono-hnlf of I ho trona h-vo net yot ccr.e into bearing- n vor^ si/^iiiric'u.t fnct \.^ cc.jidur in cor.n«!cti on wl th tho faiuro fruit oroduoliig probaLiiit.:ou o: Lji.j a.-otion of Ponn:r.i- vmin. Tha T^.ci th t Au nsa UOttntir haa devjlooed its f irat proving X idtiatri^ ao ato-vJily and ruo idly my jn rart Ic 'ittributoa 1.0 tho influorjcr^ of '.'re /vdnra Count; Fruit '-ro-.-rora' A380ci' tion. orovicualy r I'orrod to. '.liy or.' nJz ^^•ion hi3 b>ftnoclJvo. hn;i bnd abio io'uer.hip, hna aot a Qt'ina- rd for the cr.r.t;., anri hna oncourngad iLc ;jri,:ro rjivo 84. aovolopnont of f m ! ! 1 nting ^■n ho 3*-r:e gnocl J^,;!;^-onl an n3 inter njt v;h1ch lod tho .jrowora lo ovq nizo thia .'idi^oc 1 fition oightwm yonrs ngo Sr^vo niSfte Atania county firot in ponnaylv-nla in a.^plo orccincll en nrt4 lirii 3n rnirnl^^r of n nlo truo3# Koccgni2;i:ie th?)t Hie auiui'Or V, a. roes ale no lu not an accurate monsuremont "by which to show tho cor*^aratiifc r^mking of countiea in frnJt pro': cIIoti 1 ecuiwa of aljTrur- oncos in planting 41«tanco3 ^xa^ ther .Tcrj lirforciic u in nuinbor of troos ac'o^ t h^ acroage of both bearing and non-bo'^rlng trooa aa per tho survey above reforrod to Is given : Ijmsbor of surraya por county, v.ith icr^j cT a:);)lo^trec 3 .^lid jiOii-bQuring» lluinbor Banrlnj licn-bo rin; Knnk In aarve;/^ acreage acreage lot .1 ourvoy County 1G6 3^80 40o7.D 73ii3^5 CiiTiberlHnd Frnnklin 40 99 117B.b iHl-i.O E7^4.t> 1:^9 :•& 2B01.r^ 4106 3 £ v Yorlc 64 11315.5 7J3Q liJ43.b StntiaticH on a?plo jroduclion for tho fcm- coaiitioa r. Ti r 19;.0 are : Cuinborl-.;nd ■■f i*'uikl 1 n York ot- 1 Produc'-ion r^u) 74^,196 167,003 .Ob ■^i",8n in 3tuta in a >ple f>roduc l i on 6 S 3f» Tho abcvi: to^nl ^ro'liict 3 cii rGnro:50iit « 3 prcxir:ntel if or,o thlrJ-cvl to ho 'xnc t-or t*.^ tct .1 a;)plc production of the 2tntQ Tor 19*30* TO 3hcw the jhi.rt which in t .king nlaco in Iho v rioti of a:)ple3 grovrn, tho following tabic la proaoi.tol : ACiilii 07 FTTK LKAl»i:iG Vi^ailRTIRS i:: V'Ti^^ty ?on Davis CrirnQS ^oi'-thana : Bear lag ; A * 92 67 27 .tivm na : 315 York !l675 ■III mimm jon- Benrin t A 66 10 a IT) 6 X. 150 :i4ra Franklin Ciurl orlnnc! Boarin,;:iG iring;BeHring:?onrin2 A : A : A A 870 • 10b Bl 269 1006 on 11 08 607 r74 '2 : B5 : .'56 : 98 :304 114 :593 • : 395 Total Saaring ::Jon-noariru5 A 451 292 143 68? r^^o-i 148 338 358 2150 2090 obsorvation 'he gijn i Tie -fit/ to mT* f\ In the abcvo t-.ble ia the shift which i a being nmda nwny from t ho Bon i nvia -na Yorlro to tho bettor auaiv v -riot ios-Stayrrun, Jor. ti;un.i;rirree* Tho big g^^in has boon mn :o by mMymana, tho rlr lose h- Bon ijavis. Tho loiter hnu boon fouiid to c tho lo a.:t profitable of these mentioned^ tho qwtlit:;, 3i^Q. vi cond attrnctivoneaa oT the .itayninji hrive g'^lned it:^ a5- cr^^nla- herico tho transition. So fnr aa a pie nroductio:: ia conoornoa tho trend of tho future of fruit groining in thiu area ia ^all 1 llo^toA. I^oar- ly ono-h-lf of tho trooa n& yot h'-vo not come into bearing nrA avon the oldest ccmiTierc:'! crohardo are ^ uly ro ching fu-1 production* v;ithin tr,erity ymrd we nay ex:)0ct to see the tot 1 production incroaaod at leant oac-half. The pro - ducti^na orobloma aro net sorlcua. vho .robloir.3 of tho future aro tho^e having: tc do with tho di3)C3:Uon nnd narkotlijg the tho fruit. Concorning this phaao if tho '^rcbiom tho ro ort auys :^ !f Kxceotinf; tho larger growers ^ho h vo dovolopod a 3t ritl^Td pack -.nd n r^^guiar r.arkut, r-Moh of t Le irujl iu ycld b;r tho grower at n low^r prlco Ih n bt inu in the other conrovcial aro-ia of t?o :]tato and this I3 03 -oialljr true '^^5 rig yoara of larger crong* Undior auch conditions orio ^30 70 of -^iopiu Industry Znrvny ^ ^bcvo nenlionrvl. 37 I naturally thlrika cf if o lonofita poasiblo thru cocpor tiv ; packia^: houaoa ma c ntnl no iitxT- aaacc-ifil; orj5, Attcirspti- to eatabliah thoao hwo Loon s^tdc vith ciily uncljiTorcnt jucccj > in mr :l oaaoa. Tfo Inrgor growers, the onos who a.m ul^- ccr.irol puT5lic aentiEierit ,mwinl. in tholr cm p ckjn? hotta»8 an-l trained org'niiiitioiid -nd have devolopo^ their m? rk ;ti rothoda to Buch an nxtont !.hat tr'-r; prof or tc hf-ndlo their cm fruit nd mnny oT thom bu^ and xick Lhe fruit of 'ho ana.ler growers. Kvoiitujilly aone acrt of a c ntr li-.ou cc- rig OT)oriti\'o oacklng h.uao arrnno- int will bo •dlH>'t6d b, ho aLifiller ,»rowora uid it I3 hoped th'.t aciT« dny much or the cr tho rogion pill ho v>^ld Ihiu t.vo central aaaociatlonj. one In the Curaborl'Tid Vnlloy n.nd rno covoriiig AOaae County '/ arrl oart Lf York, " CHAPTm VI I i TREND IN L117.3T0CK AND LIVSSTOCK PRODUCTS m. Charts XV, XVI, XVII, and XVIII ahow the trends In the average nui^iibar of mature livestock par f^xTm (otn.:r than poultry) In all four oounties for tl.^ period 18G0-lS:i;3. Th3?;e charts show some Interesting and alKnlflcant facta and trends. For oor responding data see Appendix, Table ^7. Otirinvl data la found In Appendix, Table 38. (a) Liveatook I2IA Anlmnls-> All four charts show a downward trend in the average number of wotk animal^( horses and mules) per farm* Since the average number of crop acres per farm Increased during thla sarae perlod(See Appendix, T^ble 23) It I3 evl '.ent that one of two things must have happantdt either there f/as increased efficiency in the use of r;ork anirf:als or so .e other motive po':¥er has cc e in as a aub- stltutet As a matter of fact both of th-33e things have happened^ Increased efficiency in the use of work .animals is shown In thia table • Average Ho. Crop Ao^^^ ^-er b^ree loer farm County 1880 1890 1300 1910 1930 1981 19^3 1323 Aaans 17.0 17.1 1R.3 17.6 1Q.6 18.3 18.9 18.6 13.1 iV.3 ie.7 19.3 30.0 Cu.nb9rland IB. 6 . Franklin 13.1 14.1 13.3 l'.? 13.1 U-d York 1R.3 17. S l£.l l^*® ^^'^ 15.5 15.4 23.3 33.3 > .lyactlon but In fct:e ^ter tl;xea count liu the tromi la vsry ;:vark^d» Thl?:i inor^^Ati^ In t^e pon^;5l'ra T,ora f l--v!;t f "'Otad, xnS oor-e nlnftJl* • Dat.i fyo'. t, lU f lbio,Payison v^ltfc tha othava. Oth^'t Cattle* With the 9XO-5-.ticn cf Alarm County th0 genor-a tr^nd of t) 9 production of othar o,^ttla(ut'3 ^ra fcr th»9 iioiit part) h%a bst-gn downward* Thg dairy co« l3 gT:i.iu:\lly ao.r,ir.g in to nunplaat tlia etaar. Thar« Is a clooo lr:V3ro« relMtlonohlp bstnaan the rar kiting f iOlil- tl,^o Xor «bol» «llk ?«i'i ate; :r or baoMn?« for the* r«rto^ from 38^ to T : ', tot?U nDt25bi?r of 9h»«p in t>ifl» 'ursa was 10..',lAi6 ,' -s .» in 1^40 'id c, '. rral '^Ith but S4,88iat«r»tly t» th« aioat «rr!%tlo and v*riit>le of the llvgatock. Th« movamiant, ho««V9r, la th9 feur oour^tiea Xa voty ala.ll xr. In J^i four in»tano«a 1070 iftd l'"10 m^va periods of low frod^xotlon ^hilQ 1660, IfiOO and 19«^0 ».iT9 p»iMta If* awln» production. ^p-'irantXy thsr* l5^ a gra-'-tar t&rvimm ^^^r peopla to go Into md out of tho "liO". bnsinsaa* th.-xn tbcro l3 Ift the ctl'.»r liv»«t«cK iy..,iiorit3d. Hwavar, tb« writsr -ijipr •solvit:.* t^«5 limitations 0% isfitlatloa »nd the oonolvii''.on3 to b^ drawn fro^ ;t-'itl«it- ijsa Jtta only 4 od^ariaon of tJ-.s n-.bau r» of brood «0«» on f r.3 over a ,,.*rlO(2 of ytjara -^^oold probf^bly l^s -^ batter ffl-i:tm»r:^n;.3nt nf tKo f5wln?» Industry an-l Ita tr-'jnds tb'in 1» ti.^a pl^.&s«,"n'-.;vib«.r of a-'«ln« on t-\Tm»,* h. L1vr*utoolt Pro4uot,3 Of th3 11-vsatcol5 pro1u-3t3-ot,h'-.r tlvm »3gga- butt^r la toun^ to -pr^n's^t th« «o«t Int^r-satlng •It-xatlcn. n^ra -^.jalu '^?9 flra a obar(?;« Ir. prooaan, T^<« fla^JTOo (S->a Table :i9 Ir. tha /Uv-anrilx) I'.vlio t8 th-it th?.rs h^^ be-m a fairlv :Trj^iu;,a uicl aii'D3t.::^iti-a lacra- as in tli« Quantity Of butt'^r proluoad on t^Q .f^irtnj of th^aa four Co-rntl«» up until 1090. Produotlon apparently ro^sal ..?>d pretty at-iia^iy untJl i;:r:::, Produotlori bs^;'M to l.ocllno in 1310, sh'-wad a vyry -v.,rke.1 'Jcjc}ln« 1a 13;:i0 -itsd h 3 bsen on tba aojyn?nd aInoQ t> ti-Rft, so th tt to-lay tr3X-9 la vary little -1ora thiii ons^h If of the qu intUy of but tar pro^uoad on tha fuxiiiu of thia •»•» .U^i thc;r« tMWJ t-.enty-rivo y-:j:*ro ago. .^^# tra .i.oao.^'>~'i^«yl«»« otett(Chart v.t,) r.ry ol ;atly 0h0«« ffel« in th:'5 four ooinrlM. Pxft of tL-- -itonth la dwa to t'm liott ♦# »l»l» '»^^'*'- a-^Jf^i^*^ ^-'^ *•■'« ifi-^^fcatiotion of th« cr^^ui •op:.rator. fart of t..« iooUa® i» a^js tc tl^e in- ora^ia^d .^-aikatint faoniti*4ln ^ti^ing oo^^mn«r\mn) for w)ioX^ R-.nk. tt-s ?na?k«ting cf «t!-m tb^ r'.-^k^tlng of butter. Thsra -^rj* no l..-4!ort-:mt orQa.'r.3rlao 1.r. tbla aap©?%. inv,. Ommm aIIIc prodnotion atitl«tloa tbs writer ootvUctara v.3ry unrel I i^le raiA l.nft53tttate. Of .^1 t^^ *'^ta *-aur«no«a in tho av^r-,-® «11U ?ro..h.icUon por cov? fror. 1B90 to 13C0 in tivf four oountias 9GQ lbs. J .nd York i;.56 lb;.. A ■.^.e^lln- of atiH &-r'>at9r maa.itu33 la not J U I-IO ba oc^parod ^^Ith 1900. f/VUntlT of- Milk soUJfed -l$Z(>. CHART XIX i3 mlli^ produotlon 4Hiaix# fh0 fli^rsQ ftyr th® cjuantlty of milk aold ara coj>* .gldaroa mvB r-sl^^l^l*^ KoiiiV^r, avtn horo crdy thoae fiV the lai^t three C^neus rot-orta app^r^ur pl^iuslbla* Tht^e af© : ^"♦nty Auad^d «»il«w>»iin«iniiir« ■! i»iriiiniii »■#— fii iinimr»TTrti- '-- Bf- 'r r-it-in i ii • -n 7r- r*i'' 1300 i;-io 1,539,4-38 1,467,34-^ 15B0 4^ '* Curate rl ar.d SJ , 6O.:?*.^404 Fr-mkl In York 3,443,340 S,7C5,4?^3 JS, 11 6, 359 i ,0a6,064 5, 33;^, 400 4,444,377 A ^-ra-Jit incrtat?^ of th^ otaantltt* of milk sol4 !• nctad rro-\ 19C''0 to 19'iC. TM-i La con.iintant -^-Ith the t.Lot -^xnrsgood riljovg that t.ho vieollno In farm ;«.%■!« buttijr if.Uk. Wool* K'ltura^ly, ■■*.nd avito, itia-aisf.of coursa, vlth ;* iacllna In ths nu^iabar of aba^ as r^ontlonacl -vbova tb jr3 ould caao oc3ur a dsollne in tf»s quTUitity of «ool pro- inoai. Tli'} flvjiiroa on «ool production fro', 18*0 to IdaS 'filU bo fo'and In T!j.b} 3 "1 of tbo Apponllx. tr.o qu^4fitlfty of oh;j3isj croduaad in ti:4« •iTs-a la ;ilaiCi!t ni<.;ii„^lt)l$» Hcj^a la produaa^i aom varol.aiy. T^1 t-ibla glvt.-.^ the prod uat ion (Table ;5'^ of t^« Ap:Mndlx) ♦♦♦ (knl>?rXand and Tork Counties ptodaoaA of 48,874 ... • ,^~^ "^ In X920« Tbta la dn^ to tha jroduotlWR f homa ^8^341 ah#e :a^ particularly tiMi go-o illnd •oup* ob«#Mt utolcb 1» raurk#t9d loomllj rlnolpallT in C^t11sX# md York* tfe^rra Itsi no "^ttmA^ in c&0#««« I* r . ilao art ri^thsr ! i^t:5^ 8lna# b#09, w^ajt and honajf flpu aro fraqxaatitly rrjd into on» thon (ifiaia glvsn safMuratoly. Tr.« figorwi %9 giy?n Ifi the Append' :i( ^' ^^1 a 33) *o tpp'-rontly slum an nr I trand tn ilr^rima C^ mty. Probably tt ^ro»tl) la th# fruit ind; otry -inl the popnlitr ubs of for ft*. 11 g ponitv at!on !• » Da tor In thla tn(»r«ft»«# Wo wl^o nno% onn ot! 3t In riny of %to datt ^* C0 1B70 w? 'oh was low watfir ^i^ark* In tct'l hnn^y prodttotto© fur t^a mro . '. P >? fola othar *.„. .a ohlcd^na Ir. thla noroa tM t^rm poultiry la 1 nh « 4. • V* "% I* /"i; iPV f *» Tfcla Indtiatr^ h*ui r^^« traiiar^oua striata Qlnoa atattstioa on 1% av\llabl3* Froa a total *. » * 1 V au« for t*9 fcur oo ntloe In >840 of *53,616 U t:n i^own to ?m 9St1«&t9(l vnluo tn 19S0 of fS*fc99-899 an I'icrsiao la vMu« of C 3 JS In ^Ir-t ddOad«(i« In point of r*: < »rt' f> N a '^ir«lo nt I ^ak«ii plaoe froea a total of ^^^»--;> U. l-Q to :i,338,'*'^' m 19:3- an Inorovia of i?^;'. 4S. in a pariod of ^ littl-; mora than fort; yoara. Tha trand of poultry production is vory laolloUy i:p.-,'arl -la a glance at Chart XX ,vlll iridic ite. Ti.q data o;, value of poultry and numbers is found in Ap-aniix, Tables 34,36 and 36a. egg 2. E---n. FoTti 3 period from 1880 to 10:^3 tha production of thlj area i..cr3a;J9d fron a tot il of 3,608,879 Joi3..3 to 1C5, ':7l,010 dozens in 1933- an increaaa oi 2825 ;'. Tie Census fi,:^ire8 ar o g'ven in A.^Hendix Table 35. in egg prodttOtlon from I'^'^C to 1923 also 1« shown in Chart SX. Hext to the fruit industry the poultry indttstry 3ho«8 the greatest d3V3lo;)m3nt 1 tl;is area,bcth llvajtock or crop production coi ^laarad. CHART TL. 4G. III A''::t.;ui.-runAt '/'^^.O'^ KMition ba« l>o«i mule of th« gr«'\t inoreto^'^ aho«m r:,f rone* to iipp .>ndl* T^le 37 ^111 shew thr^t th© tot 1 V 5,l';<5 of llveotooK{*iji;olu«llng pouit,*y) for ttm are* h:to lnor«w«©« tTom t3,JW57,lC4 in 1880 to tX ,1 in l^iiS, y -l5?ng It - -^iJB: of Si^'-,'^2,!5I>0 In 1D30. !> a to iha fj^^st that tbo flgwft for IZX{' -^n.of csourwi, durf-r l^-lOl r!Trr«iP«**©nt!i % Of>''-«if!«r"i.^.>1o lRfXatiOB» the figure for 1923 it is felt beat represonta the Cr'ij>hlnri51^. llvs«took valuta ar* stMsmi In QUtft XXI Covsfi'.f); tbo frc l^X tc 153-^-. COtr!pl{jt« otatlatlos on the f \2u« of nil rl-Avf proiuota aro n t avail -iblo. *« ondlx^Tiblo 38 givi« dita on tlil . juujjot for tlw four Aocadaa onl7-3"",1300» 1" 10 iUd IIUO, T^9 fijrur** for 1040, whloto tofil |aQ8,7i9 as the viilue of all d-ilry pro500 6000 330*^ 5COO \.}A5dc <^ooo ^300 3doo ^i.^5^H) Zooo I3CO 1000 900 Qhart SK.vuincj fh^ Value of L\'v \\ KO ih^ ^ Countic^^ ^^5 0 > f^Z 3 CHART ZH Ipp«iidlx, Table 5); ttotn $11, '2,900 Ui |S3,94?,Sr^. The nmr9 ot $17,160,304 givan t%m %h9 tetiU for th« four all bett^ravet* *nd inildlt^onn ♦.o livontoolt wti^lch tha rest of the^ flguut«» do no*. TN> total vsk.1«i ^ c* IL- io gtVMl i§ $87, "17, 118. V.Qt&,ot cit^Mft, tt!0 tsi)lt30 ni 16 t^i g tho tntni o a^h iriiusa of farati(l md and buUaing«), 1B5C to 1930, ya^ t>^^ ra^ue of IfUid pmt ^ot%, to 1 ^, t.nA «!••» |pra4?hloally^ in tha a^-c Trying ^ r 4fe. \ Ot:U't(Hr .XXII). ¥xrm v-ilU'3a, '^'* »w«fiitM »lth the v >.1u'js of f'im pro •%•, • o doublod fro: 1850 to IclO. Tho figured for tl:9 rso aotlvd periods art $40, 7 45, ■.^.., uri-i §83, -'^a , MiG- tot il ai«b vjilua of f'irsMi for tht fotir titt* To t'-^n! in far» ?in?1 land vnluQa l« dtoldedly «p« In .^0n^r:a for th« p»rio4, nlthou^ troro api arently woa !i JcOTard tr«»l f»o« 1$70 t 1900, ^nd, otnot ^on-xtlon atii r-aa-Jf * t period of ISSO » raiotlon-^ry tsndonoy 1 3 CHART 4G# ■% ji -* f "^ 'i , "y Q 41 frivao *.b8 n\: r^-nnd Frift^I in Tort 1660 : » 17.44t 63. Bl: 1B9Q n900 a ^10 J 1930 t i^ns I : : : s ^5 ; $35.10 : i4 4 ,57; |114.?7 ; '7T*<»f • • » J J "",43: 70.37 ; 68.051 t S St It.iiO: 35.03 t 33.71s S4.76 tlQ-^.*^? S t t IS 43.30: 47.36 : 66.331 148.63 : : , : 13.33: 23,69 : mmmt»' ■ lii—ni. «— »■»»<«■ »««»»w tot'-l valu9 of f rs lR5j:»l3iT--ntQ ^md aohl ory p«r ttotnty ttom 1850 to 1030 ar« ^^ivin In Arp«ndlx,fflibl« 43, Tnt\l for t: 0 ar«a for 18S0 tnd IQIO aro» r3apactlTurA iasploawnitd cmd faxohlnory on th* por f \rii t)^ol« for tho «l>eve -arlod. t On the crop acre taais theso figures havo teon calculated: 4 VAI.US or FAMI fWMWBIfS ASO MACHWIRT TCK OBW ACRE* C' -ntf 1800 1090 1900 ICIO 1330 9^«79 *S*^3 Cb^WlMld 4«O0 S#«8 Fr-LTik-iln ^A^ #■*# 3b80 3.34 *• -*% •* • 3i 5* ^ ♦ US 5«i8 14#11 49 26,34 Yofit 4»a» «»«! S.V5 e*3 6 ;:.*73 Spwib cpjLffm % tn^D m MmtCvViimAi WFioimGi ' th« ii«e of the CivU liir« in ctrar ««rds %h&% ra wrs 9ff* c1^t-thea« t«o t^laji hav« b««ft oosmllftd. I 3 1S80 1960 1??70 iR*^ nmo 1 10 laao |10,C7 15»« B8.50 -^^^,03 221 1-^ Sr*.©? /•-".' .•^ *§ • » 3»St 39. S? l'O,03 Fr-^i'u-lln iO^n 1?."^ ::3.«3 2%26 ie.51 "^♦.W 30,44 1 ■* • */^ f-rfe n.f!=:^ 27. 3 3S.38 n%»« _.c.a '■>«.e6 41. 9U li;5.,.i4 In «rrl»^ - at tJo abc?^ flsutam tb» tota »alu« 01 *t^ f'ura lai:^! - -'nt* m<\ ' ':h'' I'-y b7 c ■ .ttc« for nny cnc -rjar «a; dlYiop«l^tlon (l.-. tne population f\ ltr«n In A mdlx,? ;l« 10 vhlob sllalrv- itaa t: - population for jQl Inclrporated tof?t:fO. •jaOP yui^jjg .- CAPITA or RLTUL POPUI,4?ro County iGHO Alama im*^ w 1300 I 10 1S30 63.50 B1.17 7r5.46 1D3,«6 111.71 1..7.3G 163. Ciimb9rland83.I31 1 . 1 .1. , i;iG.43 115.30 10G.47 1C1.~7 i^ranklin 62. b5 r"".-- o.;.": 1C1,37 V • 0S 9«.29 144.54 York 80.04 95.93 ir):.\n-; l«7.'-»6 206.37 3C«v.93 a08.77 Bl* In aririTlxjg at t' ;3c,- i'^i-rurfjn tbo tot' 1 -roauc' Icn of ttlX ot9p •Jiitjf i.ncl'iill J uoraal cro a otot «> ^M tobacco) i»na altaSlarly d v.dod by the ruml ponalntion uraphloally^ iho Wksui i j are ahc^rn in ohrrt i^ITT). Tho dal* ^md c! > 1 inai«it# th t In X9H0 tto f^^r •< -> of thl3 ore nor o i >iv^ r xw 4 . ;e'>i frof* t^ifc^ le f/c •" m oi*o- hnlf ti-o of wtmt they did In 1H60 In ^ctu*^ 1 g\ j-^le 1 pro* ductlon, ifhile for tbla 3 ro period tho rusil pmw asfiita T^ilQC of Ic laraonlB M aachinory Isioroasod about foar fcldCdlviding liJHO flgttr#B by two to a r>prcifl«iat j? ©ore CO" aratlva Vfilue^]^ In othor w^rdUi^ iniml nopalatlon ia ilocro aing, f'lra Bochlaori? la incroanli^^ nd nrodnction Is increasing l#€i« to f^.rrorj; of t^lj aroa nro oroAaclng moro^ t?lth Xaas Inbcr. but norc fsachlrior7« Ir* connootlon with thin prcluctivo «fflcioncy iaoa 3oro rf:iT 0:^ltv(tct 1 po ulation figured) flgar . are cited r^r coraoloto per cn->itn atatiatico sec A^pondlx,rnble« 44 to 57« Tho por c nitn nroduciiwii of wheat ir ed In aoroo County frco 9*4 baa* i/.104O C#4 boa* In liirO; In comborliwi County frcwr. 1^,0 bua* in 1840 to 15*G in 12. Og a decro je; in •A-*- ^ ii lii-'tp fro» l^.n ua3. .n 1Q40 to Lli.3 In 19 .0; nd in tork County froc. 7.C to ■X- .*- reepeciivoly«» In othor iRcrda, fche t production imr^ ao4 f 8ter thnn did the popair tion^ the furrvjr liiorensing l<>a- fcr this period^ the 1 ttor I cronning 116 *• 5 uom^ alirainri;^ mHoum thla mrkod ineratMie in por oiiplte orodaotion ^^^ inoreftso in production population growth* .^ 4 i-an in ?h0 tHbi« shewing the averigo p«r c pita m§g ! r dMittoa froB iOftO to 19P.3 follows ; AT'tiiiGK PitODUCtlOH HGCS I^'^S C,.-TTAfdo:;on3) roanty 18«0 18S0 1900 1910 ISJ'O lon T.^12 1923 LC9 41*9 FjO.4 01.0 o4.C 68.0 cC.;3 Cucborlrinfl 12.9 '1.0 ro.2 :l,6 •1 York IT.f) -e.b .;«.5 2G.1 ,0.7 31.4 32.6 C6.0 14.0 :i;.7 ?6.£ 37.1 35.1 SO.l 30.7 ,%1.6 Thooo cos edit loo which hav« beon proa«»«a fnst^ th?in tho tot .1 ponttlatlon are wheat, corn, Eilk, poultry, 0Jj3. apolea, po ohea arid honoy. Thoao which h vo not kopt >nce vlth pcuiation growth aro : iriah md awoot potatc;03, Tya, onts, butter, choeao fiaa wool* 53. JT^AJflf A a a- ■ -xcj of tro ^r ^^ y^ f^ \\ rt?^nt nd iMro '^vi.tont trenda fc nr thia arci «i9 a itnft^ which npimur free. Iho stul^ fwado aro : a» Popalaticn- 1^ •in unnaru trend ia tot^'il nnd in < rl 41 po hu- ationa; on ttorttrd tromi in n r 1 ; o^^ulnilon until about ino, 3inco thon a dottxjwxrd trond^ ul:iclutaly and raHil^vo- !:/• b^ Si so of Pnrms- L n* Conuro Jl troiid tCKT^u-dn roru tonanu^ !• /v (icwTitmrd tr^^ad in oat acroa^jo n. A 3i!^";ht apvfird trond in cc n. acreage 3. A lillitht dcrmrrrd trond in ^yn ^m * all •ht Q^wrrd trond In pot to acroni^ b# Tilttio cfimi/^ya tn whoat acroacT^ 6« , trond ttfm tlrcthy «id clover >ro4uctlon tofrrda alfilfn* d, Livoatcck ^j^d LiTaateck *rcd;.ol i- !• i. nllr-ht dcrritvnrd tr^ril in the nonbor of vcrk anlrrr la mr r ir • n« A Lr.rkol troncl in tiM aubatitutlon of gqoIwi for hcl^JC3• ;i^* dofPiw^rl trond In aha^*p and wool product iu^.# 54 4. A tiii V.l u:)tv:rd iT'-nd In d'.'r. c-.-ln t- ecrron "n"' ng dcumfmrcl i*WRd In l-oci" nvo-'uc'. ! en -i, V f># A cc:. :ir i !uol;i^ r ^eant doollne in f^ ^^m-nindn butiAr^roiiowiug an UTward l.oud -rK.r to 1 n^n- I-.' 2. Xi^ , l« ni wi Incroaae in tho a lo cf y-8,- J. ' , 6« AD oprwsra trend in prvltry ?.infl eg]g proaocliOB 0. '!i3ce;.lBneoua- 1, „ trcnt! totJ'irV.i (rrontor 1-nd TO.uaa find greater tut 1 farr. r-^turaa* £• .^ tr«ia toir;rd!i iiicroaaod orricioncy In PPOQ I . . • rhul groil ch n;ro3 h vo tnkon place la ©Yidonl; that oh'in>3*»s oro now gr .dauliy bulng orr«cted ia lmo»m. Th- I QTo t ch'.i.joj «111 ccro to oasa may aafoly be pro4ict- oi aion Iho "baaio cf tho V'srloaa InvnAB in -J e ..-.', oir»« thoL'fjh tfo a^l culture oT thia aroa bu c on j I dor a •alnbio," BIBLIQCMUiBf Tho ?Mrd Cenaaa of tie Haitod Jtstea, 1 i ?tM Jixth t? ?he SOTOnth " ?bo iJinth 7ho Tonth fhe .'tlovonth 7ho rKolfth f» li »♦ f» W »♦ »t Tha ?h Ir toonth *" " ?ho Fourtooiith" f« It fl ft 18G0 1870 1880 le'jo IS 00 2 "10 19 £0 Day,:]hsnMii-UistorIoal Coliootions of the slato of !»«rm3:'lvnnia,1843 ^'•.rC,262,?4V nu 691. Agriculture. Kilgo, T, J,- ■:.oc'y Stnto Board or/iki*rica-tarai extracts fror tho Annual ..ejoxt of the ;icc'y,(17th .jtu: 1 Booort of to Pom oylvnnlo Stato Bonrd of .vrTricolturo r \ loos,-). 19. Vjlo, lite, E# Hiatory of Peimaylvaiii*, p« J:78 Prat* ft f?» ?h© Tranaltlcn in ;.p:ricultpi-o. John urrfiy ^ncndori^ 1 ; OG Cyncn, -. J. i^onrrt of tte .tato liorticuit r 1 . asooi- at I on of p >;najrl*^ nla for 11^0C# BIBLIOGiiAPHY Cont'd TfJfBfT^ 5m S* ^ho !te:ithucni^m IiLititut * < lu^ ^.tuci^ cf flntaml KdBoa •ppliod to jmmn-lv^adm i:oaotir(;*A# l^ield Operations of Iho Bureau of Sella lyiO-pp 196 nna ii.^* ;ittiaeuir7 of V i 1 ^^ ii. tolc^Ioal btitn for i: j ^#. • iy aoctlona* U^j^D^a. T.o^ithar Sureciu* ;;opr5 t of bcctlon 97# -Jentnl >onnaylv?inln « TflDth conaaa of O.^i. 3t« 1: i sj kj «- jb. *i^ iri- C '- *. J^ uLtj.*'^ ivjlwtt :ipocial -ioftcrto en t> f* ~% 0'l3» ' 3* - f ^ "^ . I n: ^tih^^.cco^ nnd ;tont rolnctlcn* V. C Q gi Yoartot, : :.j31 ii«S,0,A, ?ioXd Oporritlona ol* the Birr a of ac'i.: 1910 and 1912 IT;3T 07 T.iBL-^S lU THB A??"ITT.>1X TnMe I'C 1 a 3 A 5 6 7 B 9 1" 11 13 14 If) 15 17 1'.' 20 '■j f, 28 29 31 S:: 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 {) ; ^ecati nt urop lit Crop in in in m ?i^ocipitation anor/fHil Length of groTlrr 3'"^^3on Menn nnnual Toroper'itare Katir.atG Valao cf a'l Fr.irni Products population of -c.dnr b noi'nty >>y TovuHhipB, 3.040-19120 •• " CuF.borland '' " " " *' * *• rr^nkxin " « n tt m » ^ York tt t, •! M ,. Urbnn, Hur^l» * nd ?ott>l Pn^fili^^.tion «5tk'b Percontn^re Incr ase in Total PopulHtion Ly Nu!nber of 1^*^^3,1860-1950 iiize of Farms for e^ch ':otmty, lB60-19ro Table of L -nd .vr-ns, ':o,tal nnd t- orovod Ilumbor of Fauns Oper tod by Ownorn* V'iiua of Land ?'jr^> :!uilo yliovviiig iihrxo ^ nd Cash 'Jem nta Acreage and Production of ench Im ort Adarna County, 1040-19{33 /^croago and Production cf er^cb Import CuraborlMnd Coanty. 1840-19^3. .icreag-e and Production of o'^ob Important crop Franklin Coojity, 1840-lu:::^. ^^croDea nrcL Pro mixtion ot each Important urop York Coujity, 10lO-19:*:i* Avorago I^umbor of Acres of each crop pur Fr^rm* Crop acres per rarm Per cent of Crop L nd Dovoted to each rrcp* Avera^ Production ,)or aero cf Core 1 Crops ,1880-1923 Valuo of 'Orchard ProJjcta, 1340-19P.3 a\r''ora;;e iluiaoer of Liven tock nor Farm, in6y-19f23 Livetjtock oa the Farms aa lih v/n by Federal CenuuG 1840-1920 ?rod*actiOii of Butter la Pounda, lODO-1923 Milk " Gallons, 1890-195?3 Wool " Ponnde, 1040"19r:3 Choesio " " 1800-19^^0 Hone:/ ** " 1040-19 P3 ^!^ture Chickona on Farina 1H80-19"'5 -^it^ga ?rodaeedn)ozena) i:)80-19J::3 F.3tirr:ateil Valiic of Poultry, lB4U-i900-1910-i;^20 • Value of Poultry nol lV^.^?d, ljiJ-1920 Livoatoek, 18^0-19 5 Ail 1) iry Productj,ia40-1900-1910-19?0 Cash Value of F rma li;\T\^ and Build lng3, 1850-19.-0 Coet of Foi'Lll.i 2v3.r i' L-olibtciud, 1840-19*3 Vaj ue of Farm Implo!!; hIb and TiMchinory ,18B()-19-'0 xY^v :-,rm, i..H6: '-10*^0 TT M ]f N If ft St II It » ft 43-57. Per C pita I'roduc'iori ot tiatica. ^B^i^lil^EILi^M I« flsfclas li & 4 riro cKT^illod frt5?i 0« 3 • a# t':.i.;-ihor liirviaia aata^ SI • V'iJ^los 5* a, 7. 3-, 9. 1. 9 » If. 16- 17. O 9 iJ, ;3D, ":l, ^6, 2B^ .?9, CO, n t-j v^tv '• 34, *■>*., » !4' '.'k.s 'at*? t :»* 'i:>, ■■ii. 46, 5'> ♦- ^, f 4 GO arc Gcn. f ^^ '« UXs^. ->, nmn< ■'tC', ."-»'' f jT* ^S» s "^^mc^ts 9 I-A» 5»lbloo 10^ 12^ ::% 24, nr V '« k f A ^lbL*4 r%jj ^t -^7, 41^ k.Ai/« W«fe< sa. 38» W* W^ b#cr; aal-riilatM. :..B^K I tli:xir>i?nTioii Obsorv^itiGi: point Blcsorville Carllolo rhrjBb«r«barg Gottyabarg i-arrSabarg York j> *i vat 1 en Jan. 600 631 COO 3r.i 400 • ^ <■ • r» Apr« Migr '^ ^44.^0 4,11 L»66 i:«U9 r!.«1C %>#X#&^ r*#^r5 ^^V^O*.*) /♦^vi ^•69 U91 3*00 i:»G'^ :^mCL 4.31 3.14 ;.01 3,1C 5,60 r.C7 .90 .%07 r«8K "•04 .%oo ?.vr> ;-.91 ;:.99 3.03 n,30 3.03 n.38 ; .-48 July Aaf. Sont. •"«♦ i: C V « 3. no A.?A ::.74 3.';0 T.Gft Doc. 0,30 0.;.5 3.C1 4.07 : .10 H.Gl :-.0o 4.9C r.c:^ 3,;:6 3.19 3.01 Z»CU 4.07 3.37 3.20 r,67 3.33 "".70 4.10 r.3C r.97 L,2b 3.14 Annual ''or i o Yonra 61.37 0 4::«53 36 33 40.04 bl 31/. 40 1)5 V. -4- 4.49 4, 9 3.33 n.OO tmbb 5.14 0.09 AViiRAGK AilHU L SNOW? ALL Inches Car i isle 40.7 Ch/unborsl-urg :50.9 Gotty3l)urg 42*8 Itonovor HarrA3barg 34.0 Marion ^13.0 Period of year a 17 11 IG 14 30 13 Y 0 r k 38^4 18 County Adanis Cumberl' nd Fr.snklin York TABLH 3 '^^LiiliGTH OF GKOWIIiG SEASOU Observ* t ion Point ci. Gotrt^/^ljars Garli 3le Chamlorsburg (York (Hanovcir ( )=Uo.of years Avorage Iio*dn.;7S 181 do) 180 (17) 164 168 (15) 175 (16) " Wyor, 3. S. Tho Smithaoni'm Inatitut ion's titudy of iJutural it030aroo3 applies to Pennaylvimiy . 19£5.p.l39 \ *r*'»Bi*^* *k V^r^ AffSOAl. Tiaf?Kiw«?UIiK UOmC Cnrlltiio Cotty;5burg Itonovor f^iir i en York *^ 1 ^ &5.7 B2«0 £-1.8 t ^ W 15 33 ::;0 iMMnr»., .04 1 ;^77 Ciffibarl na 3.57u,8ri ,507,572 r, 078, 340 1,1:7,110 1 ,nBr,i36 Fr'riklln 2.01 ,03?; ^,6.':4,b74 £,DG4,60G b,Vr,n,neG in,r?'i4,lll York C, 443.1^^0 _4,f^''%'-^ 4,6'3.0;.0 9, 569. 907 £.6,t'00,74r 17,iC0,L.J4 i:",oOl,lK)8 ir;0G7/.;C ...^u4f,3;>0 .7, ^i7,i;ia r'(; 'JLilTIOIi OP ADAMS COJilTY BY 7 .■.,Ik:HI?i;-1840-l. 0. rorwlck But lor uonovmgo 1840 lObO lOGG 1870 18^0 lHi.0 1U"0 I'jlO 19' 0 369 ;X^ ■ Mil lllljl— W» •174 bl4 Ibl i>' .8 «99 ▼▼6 9D0 10::9 1J311 /rmklin Frcodom Corrfiny ii'nilton 46n IbbZ 106V 0 y .' 47:: 449 5-14 hCl Die 7P0 744 880 1002 S?B4 1027 lloG liJ9 TUB 7ra 651 crso iiinhlnnd 4^1 524 48S 491 411 Liberty i;onailon lOlS IIWI 1197 l.;::0 1.82 l;-44 IITO 1002 733 "^2 G9 %» Oxfc rd otrabnii Tyrone Union 9.31 i:;01 15.2 at>i 905 918 996 ,-.,^-. 2?" lllu 110|, lion 11-8 I07fi 000 r:ix:j6 zJFia :A[)1'\ :77ia pToTL a>^03 "^H^b ..zriiTo i'or Cent oi ^I.IjT,, 87.4';, 88. u,. 04.ff.HO.-7 77.0 V.j.:.;:, GB.?/, ''Otal pop. zvr 1269 1300 13.3r. J 40b 1377 1400 1243 il67 88 ft IlMl ir.4?. If. 7 4 runborland 1::17 1-100 13 f 14r b IHIS l."0;: ID 0 iC _0 14^2 ir>98 1806 211h :,17G 2499 241:6 2090 lOlB I'JOO 476 429 7l2 :g7 Doi ^«n 1460 IS.'K) 165.3 1418 GG9 18. .1 l.'yS 1:"09 IPIG 406 hunting on 1481 1408 18.3;5 ir>9b ]642 l.'ibE lf,4;5 1.507 1268 977 7:^2 7bG OGO 892 7G1 85< 768 741 1654 1680 1^14 2010 lJ)C'n 1643 IKll ir>3/5 rt.noaa-mt lb08 1614 1766 1947 ;.158 2039 ^006 1804 1714 otintjoy 1031 1098 1111 1172 1:..96 l.":92 1368 1187 1083 991 12b2 1281 1-2G i:'.82 13G8 1:28 1095 1041 1433 1466 lb47 1712 1C41 1425 189R 1399 801 960 1009 9ab 1050 1007 9-.1 911 J? " 1__ TABL'^ ?• TOPULATioa OF cmm ::uwi/n) co 1.71'j ?-C0.1 .•:7i3l -.651 f651 1?X3 1:^41 14 1 13f><) 1484 1404 116- i:?73 l-;.0 1100 1000 1M56 101)3 ISnc 977 1069 10i:V 0S2 745 » 1 Lcv^'or allien i^ ^^^^^^ 1 1 -^4 1 03 1335 ■ ; ' • 1-riin 1*'3-" 1ST4 1460 'i-.uiioj8x( :;.rf-'not;-nib o I4rb r*' ?• '"on TOO ilcwton IfcVO 1771: 1019 1 / 1 ^ Xo<*; 07J: lb07 IvOt) 1018 ibsn (Lowor lo80 C>70 1589 l?o6 1363 li'j? 174-''. 1C91 1666 1078 ;?345 1843 11 •Lnaaieton 1939 l:236 1046 X: ?3 1116 Perifi Part of rickinr^on IIHB lbr:l 1 Shippen3':arg 1 . • .* 100 J^77 381 &96 i.74 ..-ildloton 2056 r.2& 873 3r.26 rfltVi ■J^nor Allon .:o. fUiaboro 1067 :X)40 2170 :180 J:iri j>26S 204; 13L7 iJ-T5or nUZ.An .:„7 DO.. iOiiO cO 1442 638 •J- ■ '*r«y 04 04Q 8r56 801 / . / ^ t '"^63 i-OI r.Ol 535 1409 1713 '>ra4 74 3 1335 004 2002 19; 1 iryjl 11 ' C 1170 1137 410 :Uv r . nrlng 1^38 r.300 2305 ^:250 22C0 2005 1804 IbOG 17 6 C4i '•.639 24.rj0 iC'4 .JouthTC!oton 1484 1651 l08b : 050 1002 1.17 1716 1533 14VV l::ro in7b i:^i i400 1394 IO80 1117 iioc IfcO 4 584 ^or ront or totnl 'opul- at 'on. r3i>:i (•;. •.x:r"2fSf!T omvr'-m^m z^.zt- irr-ir^i.-^ir^n"" •:. 76.0:-. 76.6 73..?;. 7C.1 , 6F.9"- r.l.fJr-* Sri.l'f- 4 .4' t -■ *. * » > X^ '' 4 - '^ ' .^Includes Borough of Boriing "dp rings Population of Indian school (1074) ilntrim jfannett Groono Guilford TAB'.K 6 ?0!">ULA7T0i: CF Fllina.Iii COUJiTY ?.Y TOV.HHHIPS. 1M9. 18 '^0 Ij^ 1H70 1830 1890 1900 li'lO 19^iO Sl.iO 300b 3400 376:-. 4„.04 Ts!^ 4bUb 40lT^ TIM 1058 1970 .r,22 .146 2374 ::;530 2253 1880 1794 2518 3154 3443 3357 .3831 3r;79 3870 4038 3945 3125 ::;471 3099 3097 3190 3754 - 785 > 484 3498 Hnrailtoii 1719 19f4 15; 9 ir)30 17G6 1600 1851 1543 14;.5 Lettorkonny ivlB 048 M0B7 2170 2476 1:293 ;-190 1993 1783 Lurgm :,Tetal 1143 1: 28 1G72 13;:6 13::4 1281 1171 1134 1038 1113 1:1 l£3b 1419 1702 1627 148. 1295 1148 Montgomery 3217 3 .35 3.:09 3611 3408 2990 3064 2534 :.4b5 cetera uincy 1939 2310 2417 2603 3165 3088 2942 2893 2775 2503 2836 2o85 3127 .j187 29 72 3033 3517 3086 bt.Thoinaa 1725 1957 1708 1902 2358 2180 2133 2086 1987 south m^ton 1?055 1795 1554 1963 1730 1574 1590 1555 361 Tarren 66£ 616 736 606 627 566 550 449 400 i.ahington 2404 2476 186 r5D4 2653 2732 3481 4743 3531 3067733 46 3334?^ ;*091 ;«003 :5/005 37978 37200 :'4339 Per cunt of total popul-01.:jr, 83.^:.794: 77,3f;,76.6".71.9".69.1% 62.2*55.1% ation POPOLATIoa OF Y'iI?K G:>IJ?!^ BY ::0\vIf^}HrP8 Carroll c banco ford 2.Co:lortta conowigo licvor :.»i:C:^O^Oll ?awn /rariidln ,,cl3ol'i .rj .CpO^'Oll,, 1040 IBbO 1360 1B70 Ji, \-' «JL ' fc -*• ' ■* -4- v71 I '4: 1. 70 1 lOaO 139© 14r 1131 10 G '3 10.: c « 1 '^ <*" \ji^ ( f It'in ;.:-7G ii::ul ir 8 11. 1 V 9 r\ f*r> X99B I a **V4 01 f) lolo If 8 JO 140: 1017 1758 35Go 1941 1457 UIO I6:ii> -'1. 0 - 14'jL (c) Oi: L.Chnncoford 1 -1 1 ■ ■ : f * 14:.l IAj'^ L#\^ indoor ric boater ..orliorry .Ccndcrua tliopov.oll >o ch Rollca :^onn chrnwjourg 1607 l-JilZ i:lbs. ; 003 1525 lliOo 770 1050 lb40 3 ;16: ?34::3 : 4: 7i 11 ns 997 1001 10.- 0 i):6 11507 i;4ir : 476 rii7 : 4/.'0 •1364 1 09 1300 1074 1409 rsrO 1 :3f>f> 13 aO 1GG9 a94C 3nb9 orlnRotobur. t,pi*ii;g 'G'traon ainoo Lorlri -field l ,07 134b IGIO 19^8 arriiicton 1340 IbOO 1001 17 G Jh .»,>ton 1P,26 irro i.;u-7 1414 . r-chojtor 1: 6': 1;5G1 i:::70 1814 .-anholE 978 1147 Undjor I'MO 1711 i/"l ?.0E4 York i;;94 luGQ : 6'Jb ;:T)94 n^yCU^ 4C3^ ' 5"5SI S^?H55 >r oont of >10,4r.«l.;^'' Ol.l,"'.70,t/' t-clal pop. 95R 91 G 19G:; .>77«> L471 ; 1>G36 in" lObL nEn4 : r>bO 137; 21.-0 196* 007 _4113 idjO lBb4 1o::d 14i.7 ■OuG :./4y 1;..'.4 141.. . '■• ■• *-f <-^ -, . ,^ r? 9t4 164 X » 'tO ' > ^? / .^ i70o 9r3 liwU 1-69 210 n IbOl 0''1 m 1 1 mm iTn . .<••- 1 >mM li790 1506 <^Hf> «..^ JL c..' 1074 l..:i 9 .078 ;;0b7 137G ir.uG i.34£> I; 649 11- bo 1 !C r547 LlOl ' G37 *: ■; - •:• 1 14 laeo 1375 19f5i5 b O'J 079 17 03 1G41 IGGO 191; 1850 14G4 1910 «. / o #*•. r> r- ^ 14 uC; iL^«::^x X «<• v^' X 1^65^ 1*74 ICB? ir75 17B(- i 001 1.- r? r^ iJ t i 1382 790 LC3^ :.4V 4 1110 111;: 1844 30 IX 181 f? i:fi09 1707 1079 1C38 1M\B 1182 :47G 174.: 18 0 1194 i:.G9 1418 ■ir^. ::37r PMG 257u 2489 ; 79." o?!; iii) ryi^7u 0G3 ou 7: .or G4.r o' rt of Ho'-'Owell twp. fd) ♦' " "r.nchoiitor (g)^ rt3 t kon to fern ?..L,im':opo^oll' (1) " " K«Wjach >3tor " 3inco lono, 1010 " 18(30 1880, fl J, , ^^ ...,- X V- # 1040. 3 Url) n rot'.l Ctiroborl- nd — II ■■■■■I W I I ■ H—i^—g Urban ilural ■4> Li' W *• JL j'rnnld In ^ - I rif I II i_i :ota York 1«40 iObO IBGO lf>7r f V I'JCO 3ri"7 309 £ 4605 211.56 12514 :-49l4 CbTlV P.Z^'il '.b^BZ :bZ36 It'mr f«*M«SVftiSV%»^'T3l^ ftKU^^»t» 1800 I8U0 1900 1010 iy::o 6484 vnos orfii 10?:^' 15g.5 SS880 ; Li^rs ZIj^-^A rXScJl S8006 30.-15 3L4r>t> o3'liH. ;S4406 34;5i^ n-iff?" 7432 3011 lOV : 1.-01)3 irGdO 10004 : 1913 C8108 ZTCOV, 2351:1 .10310 s^ST: '^'^qii r'o.'^ae i:9r:67 ;.84r.i 20 41 ,•• r-' tr -r ■*M» fcMWMMMNMa^i «»«>«».«M_<«Maa.«^l[^^ •^KJtKy » ^ T>mz •aMi*«Mi •*- 309t3 345.-7 X>Oi)G 43^1^ 4ha 8704 10"74 1177- 144:0 169.':4 !iliE75 : 70rG •■00 77 3^246 3g34:: 38091 38 00 3 37006 37973 37^:00 34339 37793 39904 4 li'G Wcu^. A'jBbb {31433 r;4yO. 597 7^ '".-.'^H 't^i :.aril Total 7364 10607 1: Gu9 1C309 ::4b86 nSOSS 56350 759M0 84S6B ^QC&G 1GQ4:^ 55r."l b90:;i) OoPS.b 6441 7 G00G3 604313 G0153 47010 57450 ofjrOO 761.4 07841 iifj48y UC4i:. 1.56405144521 TABLB 11 ?moimf racKK. 3>i m '^c^.l ?opuLATioii bt d xadjs Adaf^a 4>«t V.Ob of, J -'^^0 1900 1010 iSilO Licr .aJ9 CoKborlnnd 10,9 16,8 9,5 1,7 .'T.S 6.b 8,2 7.b •i-89.2 ?ri5r 379b 4;, TO 3984 York P13b 6t>01 73'dt 7730 GOOl R460 7818 ^ A* ^T r-^ 'I •■'♦, SI2I OF Thmm wm new owuktt, i nGo-ieao AJawi Toirs tinS«r 3 ^nd XO and 3 tmdar undor k-MMMMWM^IgMIMHWW 1070 v/ 0 6 0 0 4»4 9 iwiil ■ILiiii»iiiiiH1iiwqii'.4> over Q 0 Tot^a 100 Mid 175 -inl : 17 o *. ijfcscyy**' i0» -,>«i.w*«L***i«u*-fc. .«y»*^-«fc v«i. jai;' .«ii». ..t«p- /i»»(w.*»». ./»■. -r«^. ^.«> .vh-«>L..-*.r« fnra If*- 1- ni 11R,6 OB. 3 ^©•*5 •8 3 3614 • 78,8 0 3336 67.7 1 ?.336 384 Sii6 44 «T,3 67.3 • 0 3753 034 316 4^ 75.1 r .7 I 3451 B63 213 a 80.9 63.3 N • T5Bt*^ 13 Cont»..-)M^..i>w.«»«ia>.,.'»».ii».ii.*aii '.i.ii%<^.,j««t><»»,j,j^..«,>i« -.-^j^HWIWH *WMN«MaMM V ,^ : ^1^ Tl-^.ni r' '■> 0 31 83 are 7oi 1018 1870 S71 219 4«0 8C5 955 0 1880 0 209 2413 433 788 1548 a 1-3 237 427 747 1311 1 1300 43 217 ara 4S9 777 IBf^ 1 1010 aes 380 498 78S IS54 I 1930 10 390 *^74 495 773 1370 3 10C€ Tot a 100 rtfKl 175 -ifia 4G0 and Aira«3lia AV9««l30 and un%9r u- . 4» ot par farai f?tfr« !::>- cv r 175 -- -J %V - *,-' p rcv9d - provod 1 vnd. 0 S394 • 1C7.Q 109.1 1 5"^*^ m * 110.4 G1.3 1 3502 105.6 77.8 3 3295 - 109.1 84.0 5 3705 1«73 409 83 104.1 77,0 8 4330 1390 388 85 SC.7 69.5 Z 3894 I'SQZ 366 78 104.1 74.3 TABL?^ la Coi.l'd 3 iiEi-ler u dor 10 fO York 18C0 l§fO 1020 1890 ISIO •li :. , u 02* ttitmmmf^ trntammmfumuttm 14V 6 6t!0 IfOO 106 CCS 982 19aO b6 658 b ) 491 14?-£ 1062 109C 931 1 !?■ i.O 1 9 P 0 50 '^nd 100 pfi^ BOO n4 undor uiiilor oncier 100 500 1000 "WrilHW r.'^MmmMH/mmm'tmmmmm I Pl3b 6581 73 r 7 7730 8091 1675 175 Jidr60 and 2 ' 0460 lC>e2 260 i:7C :-64 128 iiUdCZ' i/ww 49 '13 39 Avo.aize *«^Vo«3l2e p« farsi farm im- pr^rn i 1 imi«^w"*'«fc*-**^ '""v 93.:) 81.0 TO. 4 66.0 64.1 6n.9 65.7 60.1 62.5 64.9 ^•1 %> 1. »- /*» xv L 14 ItlPiiOVKD CB^^ CP ^Jlxil) III fAIWS Adorns IHbO iR60 1070 10- ,996 '"i\: i«i 10?iO ?r nkl In ;:43 , bb? 2 Gl , r S 0 ? ■ ..., ^ , 61? TOO , 30?! Yorlc 11590 n87,0bO 306.012 7.41,810 111, ."41 11: ,:7/j 4.-;4.'l-9 Tot'ila 9r-C, ."i"' ; 01-' ,:-5n,i3i .1=38 1,1 'i'" , "b:; I I i •^ •^ r. r^ c- luOO r^^r f . -♦•T .4^ J. «.v ry5,4: 5 4n.,8U7 1910 19C0 224, neO n27,eQ4 :;18, 88 r.0b,:6C r«8,460 45", 48 5 411,bi)b 1 1, 17n;,f)3b I. l«l»,««ll ,14:5,403 ^ --. U J i, A U ' ii t ' ^lU* 4m..» c* V/ i) .an I 800 l^^OO 7oT^I. a^o' zWTn . 4 «v /\ V ^ li^ r^ Sj (j*f. >% art) oil 5'^. 6 1J.50 r:. V -iiAG;'. V. LU • fc.' 1— 1^ *•• ^ V -^ •.' aarB 1810 «. Jm\/*> 1' •,Vv* »% r* <*». r '? IM- C /'v/».> «/v ;«rv> r 4' •- ^.-v. ar)?crl^na::6.7C fiO.nO 77. GO Vl.ob ol.87 ».x«v o4# yU r nklin .il'l* 1 4()*5 cu 4C 'WNv*-^x»« r • Hi r.oo ; ..r.oo rcujo «jr,.40 107.50 1 » 4 • 4 - '._> i i 91 io:;.no i.') H/ ^VC.'X A7,4i 77.00 G8.n0 Cf.JO •^•^BT," 1? A&e«8 iiurm-.i AiiH FIJI i:;«4? o? ;Ui;ur: r'3iAS?o I'lf'O 1B90 1900 191 W •""■*'■»• 'k y «. J : ; I J • rf 19-0 B y aT.6 uocborloMlOdQ 91.r' 1307 yi.l l^r* 91.7 i 7.; 9'-.5 li4o 00.6 j'-r-ink^iu 1 1 of 9' .4 1202 ^^l.i: ITf 89..: il:-3 7^,7 1235 8Q,6 York I'D'- .-".r lO'ji a: .3 ::o;:h 81.5 107:j ai.y 19 i oc.o :rj!'*" n /iiD \'Ui C'U? OF CAaH ^ 'i^.M-'^ lOQO 1«90 1S*00 Adftxna irniT.5 1.". 1 .n 104 ie'..o xiirTo.G na Cunborlnnd 10b 8.7 ai E.8 119 8.; 9C o.9 76 B,7 yr nklin Ob 7.b lie B.C If 1 lO.C irO in..*^ 9t 6.8 York ::53 1A.4 Z':A 14. C 4t>7 lH.4 411 17.00 lOfc a. 7 TABIi". 18 ACr. ■.^CK ABD Pi:0DUC?l02 OF rO'J.O I.m nA^KD c-iops iiJ .DAiia couan sHcs by '■iii: rir " h /at ccrn Bg^ ■ max I im ■ -iimuM 3fc€Wi^ 10 V u Pro '■ • 290^71:4 r93^979 --«-• £5:1,110 -— TW.flJf II ii>i> iiii»ii«i»m >ii. ;.u .III 1 .^t^ «M^ 4taM J 0 .t8 Hucknsrheat Barley ?Clnt003 vcVacco flba.) 80. TGI ^laW 5^^108 - a74»3G0 261.779 461^850 -- £404 AS 30 6v 0 9XS C- V , ^ iv ■■■V ^ «« -r^^ •«.,•. 4n6o X006 rjH,401 300 h'MyfTona) F2,809 3C,C7aj 4V.GJ21 636 ^a£8 2&6 10 7A3Js3. Hi ConfJ 1800 Acres' l*rod 4 ,.0a G12^779 1( Jl; 0 1900 >>•/- ■" 11^— mnji *ni «>-* -^^ ■■ I Willi I »i»i— mil C 1:0, 460 bC.-ll GO4,G00 3:, 300 775,^01 35,611 l,:£lS,r>8' 4- .131 i,:'an,4S0 0B«f8O •* i*i ■" -' .".,884 39,967 3782 40,979 59: ri,960 4B:,115 £D,1C» C33,70S 1:,994 :-9C7 119 1582 108 <» '■ '-'\'.\ 1450 105 11 1«1 40 670 1:01 74,308 56 DC, 107 259 7£,13E 10,649 15b£ i;;4,:iG0 S700 B;5.016 \i * %' », « - i-'ii .«K-M.iM~.5-.» . -j^«»-w» i|«w,> ""vV - "*■ '~i;* , ■ . • ' / ' J' ♦'» • ■ ' l^* • • • f^ ,U7*-r ''^ X > X-i-" i-« Tearing Btt J.C* 105^549 100,443 158^221 390^031 42,E0£ li,;i7& 9:^146 5(>6 •TABL!^ 10 ot 1920 Ac roe prod i A v.- V » : a. -JL #/ =^ -^ •*< /.croa a mt*mummmm» m I— >nMi^i'--»«rvr«n..iii», , i >»,i., « i»< O <»-» —<■>-«. Mt'' ■* ' •—— - >«B of V,o ring age. ?a Troo3 of fC IC: .909 31 ,C00 I:D4,nJ:8 'mmimmtmm'^m- 74'', 196 Bft< ■— j»i a» ■■II mi ttm "i .*■''■. rt 7, no 5 ; 7,798 12«686 1U,.'?78 86,563 6, 73 * »'■ .BLK in .•cni»d Acroa 19 C • > rod ^ ii l»f3 cr03 > ■ f: f * i--' vl • I a «Ki*«' -:«£>'Wi^J« SBC ^- *» : I Hi— O I " II IIMI W»lJ» b2.206 fj T <: 69 7 60.117 ft: 47,1S5 1. 98 r. 11*0 V^^ivB 1.878.r>uj 4 .009 o 15. <^^ V'. 66.007 11. yv.! 415. EOO 11.309 3S3.73:i 18 r..460 l'J6 IE 1.9C0 3.480 1.9.:0 166.1 1 * 48.9^1^0 90.751 4r.0"E 3S.7G9 n a Ba* 67H.a04 1.067.h34 rji.}-06 1L7.334 m » ^f5 T 10 C-.OPii IH U JKH Uili.uJl/ COJIirf oH >.U BV VtiH JC .„ JL L C.J. J CI' 1840-1. .0 Ii^C-,J.?irVH. 1840 ffc'l —I H»i)|lll re i» le&o rroft. _^ 1660 Aoroa Prod laTo ^A croa Prd I *' vC 9 e t iiu» >iW»-«»» ■■■«■'«■«« ■——>«Mki«%Mw> ir im ■ I rn ;hnat corn 0 ta r67,6B4 4dv,iar »^ «¥« «• «*» •«* 683,15!! 80'J,046 6«B,or.6 «61,16G 8fl,757 1,10* ,635 C:54,477 4:::, 100 GC,at4 4. ',351 670,7F.O 1.151,7; 4 uekwhoat 13,77r J:,1:.9 5,Br5 l-arloy 11,104 otntooo 1'1,C41 CLrccO (Iba) .i^(Tcnj; r4,423 fJvS4 7,620 iF.aoT = 1 *^ P 40,n4G i»e,'i6i 16O,60?3 ?:00 1. ,0U5 VOO 51,7-0 45, 0 •I 67j7til ""32r::ii6f / Zeros ?ro'1» ^^ f3^4^LiT lS,:i^6uO Udn^rr>3 FFT^MPT ..;;4,900 SO^.-Bo 1.-19,107 3i;,17o|l.r>Oy,riL5 43,8611, 3il,BV0 ?-,0r>& J^rrflO 23,5-6 .31.-9 ^ 1C7 116 :iS3 1 3547 3D, 7 40 <^,fi84 937,160 ,-55,073 9fiG,0b7 •0,739 946, OrO i*-4. ^^4 393 65 30 88 i^CO 1^200 144.418 £713 241,54!; :'128 !':70,810 346 44H,118 367:460 1H39753 irTimfe" I0i76ul ^nST^lT ?ro<;3cf • u. Trooa cf Bu. A, oloa ?o a;hoo 115,656 :-57C 16',0?a m^mmi*''9'^mmi^^matKtta^ *^--- 7;3IiB 10 1910 eras ^ToAm 19£0 CTBQ Prod* 7,4Cr 91A,9:^C r>-,l«T l,04?,0r;4 44,4.':6 879,3::3 4r,a"0 £,r52C.: Tl 4C,rC7 T;, 174,^82 >.. / :5e «7 57,bl3 670n «?l,B7r C.hOl Cl ,513 2J2,720 544, 78r 8* ,711 H15 lii5 11 144 1341 £410 CU 110,718 69: ',606 H,970 .'4>il 'lOa.Ql? 37£ ^:j5:.,f>;8 ?.,597 if;?,''a3 4f'.4'^4 iVuJoTi 5n.09R 49.1 7 f5.h"0 4t',l;^7 ir85?7l0 itfo'f^ 4lo'yi3 59,444 3 of bo'.ring be* Be* o^.^hT" ,0}}7 S iw iOo,7yi 167, CBS 'J,.'9t C7,l:.;r> 33,o.J3 ?roo3 c bo' ring Ui?0 Ba. 60,11G B r t.^ ^*.%SJ^4 w 19 Cont'd 19 i^^ >Y^tUf"imtm' ■#.!"—■" -^^ cx*c3 prc.i 19:!3 ''croa rod ba< liW<* ■<» II w -. .—4 f ^ .*. ! / 1 <"!< J O 1 bz^om 1.11 80 48.913 2.4 b.B \.' 4«,Vl3 ii.lZ7.71 o 6.C01 l::0.iil9 06 110.986 2H.'',84 706.040 0C4 736.17)0 — 94 115 04 «i bO 4-A 7:i7 r7?.700 *> 7r;7 * < 01.790 boo 9t>a^j6 ^1 hi^- 46.^64 fm l"7.7b7 71 •> 6.1b rs 50 TAST*:i ^;0 ;.cii': Gi: :iiD \;oduc':ici5 op ?ollc- t..g Yhoet Cora 0-tO 13b0 ■!-rod. '-'rud. i .' ^ i •, m M» '•- ^' <• ■ oo * juoi: 1850 ^,.-» 75b, 1B3 ^30,970 — G4b,5aO — 948, CiO «aokwbo"t lo,091 ni.3,364 77,10n — U?,840 - ClO.OOb 3^j3,447 — 4S7,909 - seao — 6679 - • ■ rl oy ZCC9 ^00 rl — 19«440 - otutoea 100,355 Dl,393 — 1 '1,140 - ?CbQCCO (Iba.) • yf':on9) rB,470 Z3,U01 — 4;, 7 76 — 47,047 731,011 1784 i'16V. 140,753 rb,4.v9 '^9441 inno A. roa, A 4 SJJL:^ £0 Ccnfd -at / ♦«■ *. / X' * 1 1 C> ' ^ /"», y "TT. JT. 'f rrs^'^^i^-. « ' A ^ V 'J oa,?s4d 1 4'',99P 1 640 <'^\j'.i 69.046 ■(J— — .»-- ™ ■..«.., ■•J "v15I-~7T|7,4!J:-- 175397680 UE3 4fc,i..C4 1,C61.4~1 621 C*^ bC'^VO '.^.,m\/i 4f)5 l,«0«,f?»0 ■>-*Ci ^ S:.. ..^0 8 64 423 77 F40 v>w' '^^fl9 -S ^ »^ 4-^ ."^r. o"^ lt4,l 7 60.005 ■bC •> 573 6t9,f V nCib i.'.'OmtJ'iJL OS'S i^ J no -i- s*»' •»'' r>i IC li f^^ 50 ID.O li; !,t -> • .^ » ^^4 no »*r»« lOfl'r ao.ciu ItO vroca o bo ring Pn Til Apples Pe^ choa X t 145 , i 40.1:54 fc*- * ^^o 1*1^ «»• 106,001 :,ntj.;r2G t(- 1:08 ?f'^<- «> .'SO . o«9 Vr A *«v 6b 796 ■—■I' M'l . 11 10 N>MK»>"* "p'. *» - '-^-*' -i^'- -■f'-M''' cc S^O «i£^M>-" . ai^ ■'^tfi-t^mm ■.>i i»«»wwiwaii^ HH» 19121 «• Pi'ocl *i»»»Mii" I ■imni,.iii., ,jm— Prod «MkawMM%" -^i4>M-'>' ^"-•-'<'1Va-i..'4^. r. 77,alO l,4F.S,ai4 OS. 781 i,38g.f.35 8f>.,-!28 6 , 998 i vl87 1 ■; '7 Q V S fa7,o9.'5 i.,i?64,131 t>7.8GC 124,280 13.P/JG -g~ ^- ■ !»«■•■ -tM^O— 1-» «-. ■.-.^,««ie»irt»<»r.i i.47 5Yt> f IV ^ »> Oft&.tM Bttd •,7 f.^ 03,yj34 l£:5y C403 I4ij,y37 0.144 371 O*.-* ' / 180.019 r* .-^ •• Ua«JwU 13 311 49S 10.508 #» *1»» 11 5il8.."4I> ' ••- •" bDC Ofi , 323 2 171.780 130 •'or by .W!4 462 ;5B037i>C ^S04i7 ~4i^G^^£4;S 70.0BS !>7.4b 60.946 ^- .-v- •'i^a of Ba ^ 07.433 3B^.hr:5 WiiW»i<. - 11 77.7ur ir;4.-7b a oc . 483 u T.VBLK f;0 Cent' 19 '23 i^rod -i*^>»"»' a*^ O^t t * k > b i.r.o'.vaa oi.i^4i -£. • U'i. / ;, r-* >-. ^ f>y,r'4b ^\4 9.4rsG >8.9.h0 Gli.'^n X '^ ^ Vi/Vy O <-*!*> ^o.5o 11.54 <-N S ^r. ^*,' U.5 •^ t J G.OLl iiOl . 7f.H C.141 185 , '.t8 3b r b . 63 OO/ • '•. 54 4.1^10 G99 r8n.793 no' 5b0.a7b C£,0l1 XiX.UV r.cio :)V.bGy 41 i> u « > i4. • Ml f-.n'''. ) 03. Obi) BbF- <.>3: 41.70O ira.iyc ACKfUO'^ A!f!)*^K0Da^'r!03 Oi' rO I.LOT. TUG IIaTH^.D c:-.o?3 Tii YOKK cca::rY. sh- ■ h by Tit: Fiin'^i^.L ^QrJX" "crn O-tS l.TiO VtYtn^l inbo *N > ■■* «]! I I lano 1870 ?ro .'r^'l? ^-- "^vlvTair"-- ?rod 1 1 dOO.aCC 707, 1£1 — -inbb.AOa -- (DAL (<■ 1.x 1 , 05b 1£,S09 60,902 — 103,nt;0 — 1714 1,368 — -,G6l — ?cl toes 17n.-46 in4,8G7 — 187,14." — :.A8,^f,l 70"!: n ceo f Lb3, > ; 'xy(':"onaJ 16':, 748 418, bbb -- G0J.>,'1Db — t;::7,30e 44 ■ •lej;^ iMaMlvnafe!*--^'- •r.9r9 i^mm:! f9t TABUi LI Vera* a. IMHO i'rca 3,7(Sr> 1890 1900 a. ,7lo i,b42,nor; t,i,53f> i,n4nTII^ 5C,51& if^.-'lj 4r,-IC6 86b 4 f. , n7o #■ <<* -* •^ .Gi>9 7r.,9P7 3,06G,2::0 166,660 lf:,507 Pu'.rrO 1,' ii.On 31,784 1,084,460 ll,;i>7 1,314 7oi> 104 1 ,900 3JKi,;ilt) r.,503 D47,:>0fc C.J!' 8,107 c,ig7,-;jg 13 .'7- e«,r37 It 105. C 40 :;4i> or-. ^. pl03 1^0 Ch0 3 vrt bearing of 5 4G,9:4 Ba« Crou3 of ji>U l^t^nm^m twai0^m 170,013 oil, 743 i,li ,130 3,194 n02,6.'.0 l,8b2 '"'"-' r.l C.:nt«d A- i- W^ iJ ISil v^ o.j,I»T<' •G,bSJ8 741 77) 10, /^4l yi.oll 10 ^X) ^« Prod« 1 Ob. 044 X,. -.37,11^ 19 a /i 1".:'"4P. 101,1^9 G,Gi.6 100,314 C,447 799 ,504 10,80?: 1,034 73 , lie ra,39b 1.143 16.3 G7 7,3B8 31,004 rt.,966 1,010 1:..,3CP 1,0^0,052 ll,t>7fl 97.G1S T!S:K.4TGr nC.o»g ^^,9fU 66,674 :sl9;:..4 i;.bb0"13b Prod, 9", :4y 1,045, 82,M7 86.100 4,:'4r;,l'7f 114. 1 i.*.. J- . li'C . 140 2 4,;. 41 717.8:-iD r>.i-4 f>,noi,':94 3,421' 4,'t>!-.ioi 3.032 3,790,000 1 1 r: o 15»r75 rr f03 01 hearing Eu bonring !iu •38.7:34 387, 7Db 234, DCC ir.844 :^^501 IbO.TbJi i 310,011 71 , • 64 Bu 6i],164 ll,86.i **i*S,#.> r'l I. On f f 19 ^ o /V ro' OBjr,iA n.^nc <■•■ ■■Www— wlii ti«i w-i»<»i— fc»^B /I TO c^ '■•? PFSd ^^ HMfci »B iiiiw -wl* ""W*^^ 4.801 1.9G •■«»— «M»M«**MMM» 90 *»-* #* o-a 780 89,4o0 4^0&P..^3B 1 .0 11«.134 31,t-04 l,l"'9 31.. 9B 1.07f.436 1.040 • -5 con: 1.046 *> 5.778 awt ■*<•► ■^'Sk 12,380 l,30y.P44 1' .1 . 4 r^.T 1 :^-.T 14.^ Com 11.7 1,*C X X ♦ - 1. . 1 i - • ; J 1- .7 si:/e 1.07 1.1 1.7 ^•o:5 1.3 1.2 1.1 0 19 t. . 07 7.r> b.CO 3 . a 3 . f j 5*4 3.3 Buckwho t .OG .O.'^f} .03^ . 14 • OG rloy • 0(;1 .003 .001 .0,':9 • 07 POtntco.^ • 304 .:.8 .46 .l;0 • bO .f)» • Db .55 ?Ota('C;0 .016 .003 .001 ,ooci .o:'2 Hrty i ! .U ir>.8 IG.f: 13.4 2 / « : 13.0 ca*T5;!H:..MiT:' who t 17.7 10. r 10. Ob IV. 9 10 • 3 17.7 1 7 . 7 17.0 Cim 13.4 14.3 14. b 14. V 1^'*0 ii..7 1L.7 :iyO ; 1.0b ,77 1.1 titi . *>' w 2.1 L.l r.1 0.0 0- ts 11. f; 11.9 y.7 8.1 7.5^ 7.3 1,2 7.1 T^acktrhcat .bb .014 .009 ,00 . 03n B^rioy .50 .001 . 002 .:)01 .04: 5 Potatoes .Yj i.o;: 1.1 .9b €83 .08 • 08 Tobacco .11 .003 — « •» w> -.-« - — . «... ^.^ - -~ ^ — i.fiy Ib.G 17. r lb. 9 17. G 16.3 17.4 17.1 :vhoat 19.7 L0.9 IB. 3 S3.1 01.9 r 1 • 7 >^X 0 U. Ccrn 11.9 1- .8 i^.r 13 .4 14^8 14.9 IP.O. ir.n iJyo 1.4 l.b . •: 09 a.i 3.4 C.l •7 -1 ^•0 Oato G.;i 7.01 2.1 l.G 1. ♦ • l^G :}UClCWh0 ^ I .16 .07 .06 .03 .09 Unrloy .018 .005 .ooi: .003 1 o '^ot^itcos .7f? . G t" .7b ,6t> • Go • G9 • 7.' 70b ceo .0::1 «■»«>» «. «• «-» «• • — - •*•".* ~.. «.««• 11 y IC.l 20.0 17.8 15. 2 15. 4 IE . ? IG.: 1 r . G TOHK heat 11. n 11. £ 11.3 9 . D l..b lo.r. 10.6 ^H MA rem n.G O.b 'v . 4 9. 9 10.9 11.0 11^7 1 .1 .iye 1. 9 1.6 2.04 .1, • 'i .89 .0" .0 11.4 O'lts G.3 1>.B 3.1 3. u 4. '1 •1.04 .00 Tniclavho 1 I • • -'i t J .11 .JIO .08 .!•; 4.00 irloy .003 .or>t> • 01" .000 • Olj ^ol'itooa .48 .uO . fto;! l.b 1.-1 l.G Tcbacco • Gn .t>7 .7r .43 ..9 .,-' y 1.5 Hoy 11.7 15.1 1 .3 10.8 11.0 11.1 11. CJ .38 11.0 •ABiV: ::J *— >K««i» ml Hill ■<«>« C!{')P AC.i«'U5 r»'-'Jl ?AHir 1800 waMMMn «^.G 4f^.9 i6*J0 1£0P mo 1&20 15:^1 l&£f: M*4 4b*& 41.^6 47.3 4S.2 Iff* '< 46.4 B9.8 G1.7 C0.9 bB.O t)9. • b9.n ul*l 60*0 56 • 5 58.7 i>U9 b9.3 57 «' r,0.8 fc7.3 yg:^ 'll»^ 41 .0' 40. {> KJiJm I 42»i 41. G 45.0 41.4 1?hont "^ A i f •u I'joo «- 4 9 4*/ 1£10 - - <■ %J^'^ • vy 19«S Ccrn ri.3 21. y !;4.f. ?y>,\ : a.4 ^;«J.5 0 ^ ta i::.D If ^ 9.9 R.l 7*C i 4» -s 7.1 ?%yo i V i-r «•» 4.,^ 2.D LU6 .-.4 'ot to«a .6 .!-> .9 l.a 1 , :'. 1.1 l.T 1.1 tiny S3,;: ;5i.4 £8.3 f:0.2 ^G.O CJMB:-UiLA:iB Vhoxt "0.1 rtiJ.3 30.4 -:3G.3 3.y 5:0,9 Ccm •!♦£ :'!:5.3 I!4.n :m . 7 f5.3 C0.t3 m.? 1^^.^ ir.o 13.0 l: .3 lo.S 11 .a :yo l.V 1 . ' i.7 3.b ?..t ^oini^ 1.'. l.V :.9 1.6 1.4 1 . 1 li/iy .7 ,8 r?;7.0 r:6.4 •■7.:5 ;:8.b :;S .3 11. S S.3 l^aAlIXLXlf ';>h-»al 34.2 .'5i .1) Corn i:i.O ni.b Onta 10.9 10.9 11^6 t..4 1^.2 Polrtooal. 1.2 38.3 PA, 7 ■J ■> ii.n: 2C.5 .':1.1 30.;!i Sr . r-; 4.C 1.4 38.9 3n.3 ''•6 b.7 .00 b«4 JL.O (6.4 3C.9 ^.4 ;:v.4 2.8 :^7.0 YO.^i •«M» Vhoat Com Oats rrf7 in.3 14.0 4.C :5.s Potatooji.r l.G iifiy ra,4 :'i.^ roTinoco 1.5 1.7 r''7.9 L7.0 r ^ 8.4 4.1 t.o 150. £ 1.4 '"><; 31 .0 o.D ,".1 :-?6.1 j .0 1.0 30.1 CO , 'i 9.7 . .0 •J • h .'9.3 27. ^: V.4 1.9 3.7 ^;7.4 .9 ; 7.5 9.0 1.9 3.6 ^.0.9 ^ k > ^ T\ snjf/* rhoat Com Gnt« Baotevho .1 1800 r*. *^ A * • 'J 10.; X •. .^' «» JL 1 I • O xnvu 2r.i 1 .9 CiVQ I'JOO T.01 1 . • 0 14.f> 1 .4 2u.7 Ip'O 1 : Vf 4n.y Xc:«if *^ t^' • «\> 19 •11.4 1 19.'?f: J. J . £.< 10. 1 17.0 19P.S JL / • I - r ,' (•"k 1C.8 .0.4 3£,fc 30.0 ;:7.C 8,0."5 16.5 cmra- iiTi.iiiD M» heat Corn ;:yo Oata "uclcwhoat If;* 7 1 .b 27,9 16»4 • 4 28.00 B . 0 11. n AX C'- 31. n 0.5 13.6 X.'> • b l: .3 1 r . n f>0.b X «. • i • ' '; X o • / 16.9 IC.D i.V.8 18.6 t-v c * 1 n 43 • 5 17.G WUilKLTH "hent "orn ilye ■ ackwho- 1 . rloy 14.R 30.4 10.9 r\3.9 10.1 19.0 17. n 30 . 4 10.0 rr>. 07 8.5 7.3 iJi.l r7.4 11.00 •5.1 B.7 •^ in,4 X • -J r.9 15.4 ni.s 4'. X« • <^.r ♦ •^ % X / •»> 'jt X • X X ^ .o 21 . : 4'i.o ;.0 . 3 30.2 lE.O Yo:^ ' hoat Com •yo a to 'iickwhoat rl - 7 14.8 -.7.6 10. li 13.1 17. H 36.3 IZ, G C.8 ir..08 ir.oc li"-.0 17. Q i:^.B 4U.3 IC.l . 4.1 * 1 uG 3 i # b 1 r n X • . • «J 30.1 14.0 :^n.4 ir..5 15 . 6 r:4 . 1 P3.b ..£.9 16.0 ro . 4 -t r- rr ^ I • J 3f>.0 ?X).4 r.1.1 4f) . 3 18 7 5 y 19.3 37.3 r:f>.7 34 . " ^-»f • «fM» •mMiMWaaa* VALU-: OP Oi-CHAKO PKODUCTS.lBii -19E5 *»•■*. 4^ ■•-*«* york Total V /"^ Comb or I 'ind 1m, u ou y^ fT^M-i o» IM.BnO r:9,012 JS4,b49 46,rr>4 Pnnklln I.:7,a2e 54, .u9 3; ,aiO 96,008 96,037 uo 47,51:4 .0< 1,485 f>9,8;53 4n,5>4r: 156,149 71,:i8E 9f ,897 60,901' OB,or>8 lP-5,004 400,586 ;:60,681 318, f 25 1900 1910 19 ;0 19:1 19: n Ilr,l/:0 :::59.9l:' l.D3<-,:«76 ' 7'1 ,^G!- G^f:, '74 lia,P92 1.33,900 537,445 165,715 1.9,: £6 191.3 9:54,741 .1,850 106,01.-! 559, '46 1,592,45:: Vj^^L^ 'i^^O'll 733,997 3r.8,lF« 384,546 l,fl.r*lM J>00,63:? 554,819 54t',.'96 I 747,91- Vll7,t>6D 5,117,605 853,5531057,196 2,46 , a f 184 ' Til -.^ P*? ATl'ia. G • -J • op LTV u.^K ':ii jrAai,i86o- 1060 1^7 J l^^O 13'jO 19)0 igiO 19 no 19:,I L .': 19' Rovann ft 3,f. ?,,6 -^.F ,'^.0.: 2.8 "nl J I-ulos MMa>«ito««>f<« .6 •MaaMMMlMi^on- * 41 »-r J #5 4^ # 1^ ' vvT; .io .a4 .39 .n" .74 1.04 i.03 1.04 1.0: riilk oaro 4.n :^-o 5.4 4.1 1.06 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 ;-i.V * * * 'r CriTtlO ... 1 /i.'l , »'t .~«v ... t> k.o .J ho JO ; . ? i..) 1.5 ;;.}' l.or> 1.0 .91 .87 .8G .84 0.7 6.1 6.1 8.. 7.V n.U '.?.t> 9.3 ^.1 '.*.?- i;i/:."B;:Rr^.:m t:ort309 & 4.7 5.0 3.6 ?-ule3 "nl'>a .14 .r- .M Ik v;o'.v8 ri.5 -l.OC^ "•■ n.nttlo 4.6 '^.03 4.5 ahoop ;i.G ' .3 i.Q ■]vlne I"..:' 6.5 10. ti 4*1 3.C- S** .'-..07 .-.0 : .9 2.9 4.7 4. a 4.0 4.4 :,.i • ,u .9?? • i;r- Of.'! .9 r.i 5.05 r 1 » • — 5.1 7,. 4 ,'1.8 c.G 2. 6 !:.8 1 •..''- ft.l l- .3 11.4 11.1 11. i Males I'nloa •0;!r5 .0G,.37 •!! •:G •r:6 ^54 . -; :':lk cc^4*7 r.^r 3#5 4#r 4»:3 4*0 4*2 3*9 4*0 4*0 C-ttlo 6.C U: 4^C b**^ 4*6 :U9 •l.B ::hoop 4*1 .7 3^a 4*4 •4 ll.Z 2.G Ufi :^F £•£ wine 14. ,M0.7 I: .C 0^0 Q.0512.?. lUO 10.8 lO^I! 4iO r» ... • C5 .-W .58 kicraoa ^^ ..B ?'ttloa "altia 'Ulk ccw34,l .".u ?..P Catlla 7,»b ?.,07 :.,0 lihoop ;..' ,1 1,1 Urino 8.0 0.09 ^.1 • > <^..1 ^rii»iii.Mi ].0 1.2 1.0 1.9 1,8 •Gl .87 .10 1.; 1.3 1.3 i.S »>.7 . .r C.3 C'.i 3.f> '".5 r»7 r.9 3.07 i:.09 :5.3 1.1 ..13 .£6 .4 .33 .33 .33 b.9 U.8 5.D 8.8 8.5 m,4 8." ?a»l: : ;j L'VifcTCCK Oil 2iii5 ?Ai«s ;:: tvaoTji BY 'nm /mZiUd* CKstJus or 1840 to I'y. 0 liiCT^uaiT::. ?TulO" 1340 Haloa — 'TllV cov-.y — « Cattlo ID." 43 u0(.7 10140 V7r3 r 11.0:5 .ur>7i 1^60 1370 iW!0 ol4B "■j^iirb i ". * / 001 llOoB 1 1.0 c 7A4 0 0::ii> XU4oii r«9r,F; eo'j? 569" in:-^)'.^ iao7P E5:17:: u 1B90 1900 iOlO 1^:^0 »p..^..-^ .-_-^._.^ __..y--^ - — «~- a;'7 0 1 b66 14. ..l:. i ij 4 1 l.wu'i Vvtj/ itti/u ( 4005 ) ( lioii J ; 1 3;-" ■ ; ; ( 514 ) V446 ."464 Z'mZ :"'148 ..Vi45 i:F>0..& L'2C08 3.j393 (lanhj; cjiin 3l.i:d ilcraos & 0: 47 7n07 '^alos :.!alna 1 ;1 "ilk ucro OyOl Cattlo ..4;:04 y4::i ^h 'Op St»Ino 47::.'!5tVl5b «Jl'.'>7 10173 1073V l-14b 10792 10D31 9hG0 ^96 7547 r99:4 348 6B2 11:43 ILICII 7001 nV7j! 23600 3i.V73 r? 1 004 1 14ir. 18i>9 17' ' 14090 11.8^^8 oO;; 1.:>/JU 0 ) f 77r3) f ■]411 ) ( 193 . ) 1 10'' BB63 V932 uo£3 :;7V14 .:1738 24731 .0540 Fit. ICC. Ill p=«» .«M*iPop 1- 36347, ::6»1 l"^'*->^ 14068 56^9734603 "^ll^fi 40003 f-i:o7 0b33 6c003 J. V Jl. '7 392 904 I. 11 IbOl'-' iu376 17036 16434 17368 174;.-V 1..340 i .r/a4 rG943) '. ?550)(lO^..O : lu71) 11193 9P.0fc 10779 l^'i: 4l6'->8 07 731: ^^i,L 47itV5 16434 lOriu 17109 1 - ^"' lb.7i^i". 4722 o9;.71 8CVV 7047 iJlt^*-' 909n V708 ;.8070 wofii:. 4IJ'j6 17(:o7 ;.r>485 f 4?ii'-7:.. (4oa) 1.703 *^'- 45 . ?!667 r-399.'^ nniii.-j 48073 604or 'rvCi}JCT?:Oa op milk "ll CJJ/jli:; 1990-19' 3 Tn9o rjoo I'JlO 101?0 A dams 't,c>m-,^M 6, 7:^4. 803 4,501,261 4,0;'.3,870 Cumberland-''.0;:0,!3.V. 7,311% "»G7 t),V7b,G4C 6,4r>' ,51 ?r-jnkl1n n,G20,810 L',01b,BaC I>,:>4G,747 5,0-11,066 Yorlc 10,f>'^li,lV»l lh,0":i,.3Sn 9,4.0,729 ll.^GO.bOS ^ctai 2r),9£n,ba;- 37,1^'-. lo:: ;:4,i'i3,na~ a)=i, 007.040 1<#M IV .w*: lV:i3 J,'Jiy^',52 3,iJ03,v'ha .3,00:..,C'57 u,rKR0,8:l r>,r9;.,i:6 o,7ii,73f: b,79'",?W 5 ,o00,4«l; C,0Ll,aS3 ii'.,oiiC>,7m ii.vor>,irv i''.,o:!5,ii!0 28»."50o,?-3a r7.y?ir,:7a ::0,740,'^b': IRREGULAR PAGINATION ^1^ ':9 p^?,<^ t| oil , of r^t,^r.. ij^ai t f I 1310 Adams 1900 arlaM lt073,764 main lt40I,860 Total S, 008 ,016 •>r» 4. • #> M * 16S0 SH),024 782,567 G'K} ,466 S.l&5,656 4,058,26E 1660 66S,S72 674,866 784,629 ■ill fclfiftLirditilkCi? 19U0 1,192 ,44S 1,024,7S3 1,094,313 542,494 517 ,414 501,508 3,S;^4,289 957,020 856,471 SCO, 716 4,451,102 1921 515,349 457,275 ■4flHfc»i.HMtillMi [■■ll u3SmS' 3,169,750 leeo 1,092,600 SGO,516 1,031,015 5,141,460 419 ,908 665,954 434,411 1*5?6.89§ 1890 1,S1S,165 1,185,030 914 ,097 5,8Sl,03e 474,913 533,716 408,346 3,067,169 2,130,715 Sablo 21 w ...■ ^^^.^.^i^P^ ^.-^Ir - iT^Jft^ft iiTiii^^ ■* II I ^^ ■ • I in iniMiii II III Adaas Flraaklin Tort fatal Ot-;. J. or Liind Franklla Tork 3otal 1640 47 a^ 58,356 181 ,0C e 1500 25,375 57,380 69 ,397 171,910 44,112 la? ,445 KLO 45,318 61,607 141 ,006 1660 12,015 40,031 37.615 110,819 3,920 18 ,4C2 59,436 67,301 159,431 ism .6,977 a8,13«? «51 ,1qB C'l" 14,561 50,446 59,072 leao Z4,652 53,860 70 ,072 £3.506 15,277 49,100 58,480 138,720 1690 37,433 64,17G P T ^«. '-iH.f <^i»i 16,305 47,755 62,100 »207 140 ,417 » 2?abla 32 Produotlon of Oh .ee8« (Lbs). 1850-1920 ;W Jotintiee 184p ;850 * ISfiP, 1^19 1999 Adams 1,180 10,863 760 191 1,100 Oimberland 2,517 5,658 2,712 2,352 3,515 Franklin 4,571 3,205 356 4,779 1,297 Tork Total IW. 4.032 12,300 10.094 29,810 4,443 13.349 20,671 8.6§9 14,571 :.d32nS 1,142 644 468 Oumberland 1,020 10,771 22,674 Franlclin 830 7,965 3,925 York Total 18.342 21,334 33, 141 26.09P 53,067 Tabl© 33 I>roduQtlon of Beeswax & Honey (libs), 184Q--1923 Adarria JiCTborland Franlclln York Total Adams G^xnb ear land - rankl in Toric :otal 1840 35 685 1,540 2,451 1900 17,030 17,260 27,250 2?.9W 91,450 1850 2,708 1,205 1,310 ^4.394 29,617 1910 25,008 17,363 33, 373 ?2.6§a 108,404 1860 9,930 6,337 7,298 17.953 41, 518 1920 30,540 18,287 23,030 29, W 100,005 lam 4,223 2,136 2,406 20,078 1921 16,315 16,238 25.74: 82,028 1860 10,956 17,610 30,553 22.829 81,948 1922 24,447 15,662 14,939 24.216 79,264 233Q. 16,068 18,961 31,201 25.492 93,722 1923 23,225 15,819 13,893 24.700 •71, ^Zl rable 34 ^a=3iSS& 'OtTil JLfiilQ IBSO IfifiQ 1870 leeo 106,77e 135,846 247,704 621,653 223,995 237,979 506,054 1»255,427 w4^ 9.^ O ^900 250,243 191,704 a40,l}40 518,911>,090 1910 389,134 225,629 356,223 693,489 1,664,475 1,920 400,865 307,453 378,600 923,386 2,060,294 455,364 323,010 367,242 998,642 2,144,253 5>1> 464,471 381,332 1,038,560 1923 487,695 359,445 4(J1,029 1, OK), 517 220,iKJl 2,33;>,686 Bablo 35 Cl^iiii wiliW&fcwWiHfftfMiwi Mi I JMhTMwiCwAJSpi 1Q4Q «n*BE3i£Sv li^ ism 2Ml 1890 .d" ;'■" 3 .0 tsX 660,265 692,574 698,140 1,537,900 3,608 ,G79 1,405,674 X ,044,510 l,3«;^ij,625 :^ ,537,462 6,313,271 19QQ ISMl '•Jsras 1,738,150 ^ borlaodl ,017 ,390 ii^ata 1,430,720 York 3,367,020 ?otal 7,553,280 2,09:5,751 1,174,377 2,219,181 3,047,557 9,334,866 2,224,665 1,357,728 0,965,383 2,1^,172 1,343,336 1,877,650 4,532,661 2,223,775 1,329,903 1,915,^)3 4,713,967 2,312,726 1 ,383,099 1,97:^,659 4,902,526 9,933,819 10,182,048 10,571,010 lugu 3c ^^^Hj^^^^^^BjA^n^Bv^S^j^^^^^^^^HHOT^J ljii-'r^>.jn:A31^ .nJk^Sl A X^' A&i^. JO til 12,671 11,648 19,920 51,616 200,781 217,978 247,610 507,285 / 191Q 12&p023 201*664 305t817 494,365 365,062 414,140 1,026,332 2,239,899 mbl« 36a ■I ri f gQuntiftg 3,910 // Jumbdrlaad 401^936 r^nanklin 691*999 fork ltS^t839 roteJL 29982*308 /^ 1*284*856 1*000*123 1*258*410 ^ *o^ 7 * ^ fl 6*371*36 2i%ble 37 Otr/iii^rland ^iTcil^lili ark i. O t»'il 7alq» of LiTOBtocte 1050-19^3 IgASL I§&£t /f 559,996 721 ^813 880 .SSO 1,186,715 .-5,357,104 X860 1,000,499 1,353,183 1,440,197 2,231,065 6,024,934 187P / 1,T^,610 1*909*461 2*270*161 4*001*4Sa J* 903*684 4^ 1*13KI*409 1,449*546 «2 * o^o *'!i5o^ G,562,,f>4 1890 ^ i»44&*515 1*619*480 :i:*016*360 3*367*370 3*443*725 ov IMl laia 12SSL 12^ 1,489,699 '^2,642,904 4,754,245 '^2,786,771 2,651,977 2,;v26,D93 OrfnfJ0?l;ffJd 1,648,229 2,595,462 4,662,198 2,041,350 2,982,027 ?J,'A>4,210 x?ru*iilE 1,967,520 3,559,974 5,525,488 3,591,180 y,ar)2,>55 3,104,919 TorL- 3,577,586 5,561,412 10,130,459 5,C97,275 5,024,492 5,027,761 '^'aisa 0,603,234 14,359,6ffi r:r;,D7",390 14,916,586 15,012,251 13,163,483 fil»le 33 4 V .-: t\ rT:.ilclln 1,640 25*t75 100*753 47*267 124*854 298*749 "mm QC,ia.A, '^^\^:^ Farefl^tB ym%vm%itm%hmL^ ism 38C,1G0 622,177 473,145 974,417 2,349,907 ism ^ 626*578 555*199 1*077*506 1920 ^_ 915,011 1,764,172 1,510,639 2 ,802 ,666 5, 3 91; ,408 fabld 40 (knmticwi Adams S^afe YftJLif Qt ?arpa> h^ kJsL PraxOdin Total Sabl© 41 Adams Ctmberlaud pMxdclln Virk fotal 16B0 6,3^.056 8,746,138 U,9U, 072 40,746,209 ^ 1660 132,156 52,042 110, g&3 765,427 1860 1870 ^ 14,611,060 / 1680 15,645,317 22,474,577 16,266,694 23,775,174 64,74e,r371 97,219,295 14,366,576 19,776,980 19,542,673 2ML U, 702, 920 16,225,440 16,782,370 i^Qe.ou S4,C48,250 71,618,74r 1900 10 ,472, Geo 14, 534, 510 17, 584, f^ SS.G21.620 58,213,760 i?9yt a^ ^163.476 £-50,027 2,147,fv'H 266,049 211,962 390,096 fe34,6Q7 1,504,734 ,910 13,231,745 16,664,265 £3,475,260 30 .391 .454 fmm>»ammvm»tiimbum^tmmmmmm^ 83,562, 746 1920 22,676,326 25,459,494 36,947,420 129, 996, 25^ 266,665 191,139 297,789 555.006 1,310,621 1923 221,506 194,355 261,587 531.160 1,206,610 Ifelua of iftirni Implement s ^ I. .ahlnery 1660-1920 Table 42 Adams CtoB tier land TranlElln Tor 3c Totals 1850 t 226,755 302,976 355,940 1860 / 970,910 448,716 1870 *683,68£ 707,622 839,899 1.512.661 1680 598 ,067 727 ,411 733,440 li265^H5 1,434,019 2,261,554 3,743,868 3,342,053 1890 ''e7E,750 686,110 684,970 l,42gt740 S ,320 , 670 1900 7f3,760 747,980 943,150 lJ2i..5^ 4,166,470 19^0 1,068,614 1,036,196 1,429,967 2.535.704 6,092,483 1S20 ^ 3,044,261 2,612,501 3,741,962 16,210,646 Table 43 Oui'ic ;»' 1660 )? .^ V/ JU^ Iaaafi-Qf.J^>m-XggiIeffl9at9 4 ;^,cniner:; T?er ;'^arro 1660-1920 ULTo I? 165 243 ^172 216 SOT ^ 290 341 liii ^. 8a;s o-ya ^abXm 44) Jtiafe'ffU.flll ^ lr%^ i'9\^9M.jmL. JJeaUlM iMk IMQ. ISSH Wk 2ML lS9p 19QQ 1910 19^ ^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•^•^^ '^^■^^'^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^i» ^^^^^^^^^«^^^^ ^^^^^H^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^H^^^^^HF ^mVH^^HHMBBv VBHBPWPWVB V^HMHB^BPIHBI^P ^IHHiHiHIHHiV lea* 2*9 3#? 1.5 1*4 2»4 2,0 3,7 3#1 r.i 3#G jn» •9 4.7 3,e £«4 4«9 7,6 1931 4.9 1952 l^S U.6 4,7 4.6 9,7 4,7 4,9 ^oble 40 Ay.iflfgwta rto^QtloQ of -::hQat tysr la^^^ta (lui^ia^^^ OtE^orlatxd 9.4 16.0 X7.e 7.6 24.2 20.1 14.3 17.0 16.9 U.3 16 •S 10.8 le.i 20.7 ir5.c 20.3 i:i.5 17.5 U.0 1G.3 lO.C 25.5 10,5 S4.S 17,G .7 !•», »vO 11,3 11,4 25.9 10.3 13.9 .0 18,9 13.9 ?a:')l« 46 %fflrMi. M«. :»*;mi* 12 #S I9#d 12#@ 11*3 10.5 13'#S 12 •S 19t? 13.4 %#9 S0#1 2r^*9 26*5 1^«G *..? .3 **'m^A^ 40,0 :^3.5 C2.a (S2,7 54.3 26.5 14.3 .1<>,7 37.1 41 «& 36,3 27.4 24.3 47,6 40,6 S9^ 42.0 £6.3 17,G 30,1 2D,0 fab It 4? ^ iiiai^i^ ,i^^# 1«3 1»0 1 '^ 1.S 4«U 10 •DO 1.0 1«6 .73 .&9 a.r s.X i.g 1*6 .8 1.9 2.0 :;.4 .0 1.9 1.9 w«l 1.9 n.4 r.6 .9 •6 J.-JS^'ri^^ai-^'Si <.*. "■■i.-^-", - ■ 7able 48 Averaf:e l>roduotlon of Oats per Capita (Sushels) Adaras Ctanberlaid Franklin York 23ML im. i§^ MaI mo. im, mi im, 12^ mi 11.9 20,5 17.1 12.7 10.1 12.5 9.9 10.1 16.5 16.7 10.4 16.5 21.0 25. e 16.1 18.9 13.9 20.4 10.6 12.1 18.9 20.8 11.3 12.3 15.7 18.7 3.8 9.3 11.7 11.2 3.5 5.9 8.4 9.3 2.3 4.6 11.1 11.6 2.9 7.7 192^ 12.0 13.4 3.2 6.1 1923 9.3 3.0 Table 49 Adams OtBBberland Prauklln York ATerare Production of Aioples vor Go/pita (Bushels) 2.9 11.3 9.1 21.4 3.1 19.6 30.9 1.5 7.1 2.9 2.9 1.0 4.6 3.2 10.2 6.0 7.5 1.1 8.1 13.7 1.8 9.6 2.8 2.1 .4 2.4 3.3 Table 50 Adams CtsBbarland Fraiiklln York Avera^ya Prodaotlon of Peaohes ver Capita (Boghels) .01 .36 2.5 .18 1.5 3.6 .05 .03 .17 .57 .16 .43 .72 .04 .18 1.4 1.3 .15 .67 2.1 .03 .01 .16 .49 .08 .47 .7 Table 51 Adams Cumberland Pranklln York Aver^-^e !^u?nber Ohlokens -per Oavits, 3.2 6.7 7.2 *11.3 *13.0 13.1 13.4 14.1 2.7 5.0 3.8 4.1 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.1 2.7 5.4 4.4 5.9 6.08 5.9 6.1 6.4 2.8 5.1 4.4 5.oe 6.4 6.9 7.2 7.6 '* InolvL*Ml all Doiiltry kSI^ -^t,,.;^-^ mmmmmmmmmmmmimmmKm mmmmmmmmm fatile 5S I ilViiBa^^lT 1 i^iiTmnr^**^— — iff^r" — fflas.„4,Jjftsa3is; ituliBllfcli ifllTrii \ 1^1 ** I ■ lork l§:i£ MSS mo, ism 1§§0 ig^ ISSO. lilg. .10 .10 •OS •42 •25 •1& .17 •26 .13 .04 .05 .14 •o% •o8 .61 •»«. •• f) .&1 •41 • GO t3!b .49 •«>4 •**^ .72 • t>o .88 .31 .37 .15 .76 .27 .26 .16 .71 .20 .26 .17 .67 .26 .22 .17 SE^bla 53 QxmibQTltAXSX Fradtlia lovlc .04 .07 .11 .07 ASSa.'^^ ):IS^SiikS3LJiLMMm^ •38 .14 .07 .13 .02 •06 .00 .05 .09 .008 •OS •07 .02 •08 •03 •02 •01 •15 JJLal .OQk .02 • 13 •10 Vt •01 •36 •06 •le Adams OoniberlaM FranklS n lork .„..4.4iiys 140 1S£ U7 •> 116 116 112 lie 106 145 10c 110 112 109 114 110 145 90,4 98 93 91 97 106 12S 65 75 83 S2 87 ?abl@ &£ ,;."■■ «- i|[«J^ «'^«' >.^ .jutxinn <.artiXiM .■^,1 WU^ KTiM .W Hi T, ;;;:w~„kj{c;rjrs,.ju ^- ^^ijmn 1^16 .91 .75 .68 l.OS 1.11 ,n .66 .1:5 •42 .44 .47 Omabarli^m 1,&2 .77 •30 •64 1^17 1^36 1.33 .83 1.01 •86 .64 •85 iTBiOQLin 1^34 1.10 •97 •69 1^40 1.26 1.26 1.03 1.08 • 9& .94 •99 Tortc 1»21 .68 •55 • 61 • 609 .36 •IB .084 .096 •063 .10 •096 .wiwpwpwiiij ^nm Tabic 56 Average lyodtifltion of Butter xxjr Capita [U>itt) ottontiee!&,im.issoisaois2Q.iML}s^is^msL Adaae OcoaSserlaad Fraaddia Tork £3.5 22.8 ie.8 1S.8 30.8 21.8 18.6 22.6 31. e 19.6 19,« 22.8 33.6 20.7 ^•4 39.2 25.07 25.5 IS.S r* 16.6 18.03 16.4 15. o 10.2 8.05 11.7 14.06 It. 09 7.3 11,2, 14^1 9.5 6.9 10,9 13,7 9.1 6.5 10,4 ISBble 57 AABxm OtiBA>arlaBd Fraxfklln ctiou o;£ g-aeati .gflM^Ofl-a-aeX-J^ito, l^'MJ^Xfti •056 .27 .53 •49 .15 .47 .17 .14 •008 •04 •U .20 .16 .16 .044 .11 .005 .08 .10 .21 .09 .08 .09 .25 •IS •30 .39 .31 •18 .34 .09 .12 m I II HI w— ■— I— ■WBBIW i«HI leip Table 58 If oat :a Sh&^x) 8j>l lining Flaxen Cloth AtonB Chitfoerland Fra:n;clin . York Total Ill4g6 ?7^313 915, 662 11» 505 r''?1^276 94,406 n,944 1,221 19,076 7V 0"^ *J ?,S5, 385 83,121 629,931 Table 60 laag aoyt.qgw?« ?lf?tTr»p WQ, :iorU-t^tt ?i;nires 1^ able 59 19«> i;o# fre-^ fyom M« debt lio« with iort. debt Ho* faruai reporting Amt» of M# ^ Ad^& Qro^grlfma Fro^lfea Isaci 1^420 884 828 4^ 19 1»447 812 1,811 ^. 48C ^ 753^ 1,703 yaltJ© of iJ3Si& « Bldj-^ 4,547,270 3,239,546 5,987,652 8,0r 5,194 iViat. of :>iOrt, d«bt ^1,545,093^1,054,497^1,939,475*^2,911,192 HatlO Of Debt to ;aluo 34,0 32.6 .'32,4 36,1 ATT, rato Of Int. paid 5#0 5.1 5.0 5.1 Ko. r^rt. rep't. 35 19G 109 OP'* ^<:iaas ^aaberlana i^YanKlia ygffe i,d7:t 906 1,089 434 1,772 965 874 ,730 ,172 :,f02,90& 2, 229,037 ?5,95P,442 E,ri6,677 '^ 924, S.-^? ^ 771, 816 % 322, 974 ■*2, 267, 681 37.0 10 .14.6 12 33.4 16 ?.9.0 19 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm