338.1 A7M 1946 C. 2 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Montana Department of Agriculture Labor and Industry Cooperating with United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Economics HELENA, MONTANA December, I946 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Montana Department of Agriculture Labor and Industry Cooperating with United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Economics HELENA, MONTANA December, 1946 STATE PUBLISHING CO . HEIEN», MONT. SAM C. FUlll), GOVEKNOR MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LABOR AND INDUSTRY Albert H. Kruse, Commissioner Cooperating with UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE Clixtox p. Axderson, Secretary O. Y. Wells, Chief, Biirenn lyf Agyicultural Eeonomics \V. F. Callander, Assisia)if Chief and Chairman Croj) Brporfiiuj Board AVitli the Assistance of MONTANA AVATER CONSERVATION BOARD Fred Buck, Engineer and ]\IONTANA CHAMBER OF COM.AIERCE W. G. Fergi;son, Manager Compiled Undei- the Direction of P. J. Creer, Agrieidfin-ul Statistician Montana Building Helena, Montana FOREWORD BY THE GOVERNOR My Dear Fellow Citizens: From a strictly materialistic point of view the j^reatest treasure of the Ti-easure State is its auricultnral potentialities — developed and undeveloped. The divei-sity of these potentialities is almost limitless when development is carried to the ultinuite throufih co-operative and scientific methods of research, backed liy systematic manap-emcnt and the always necessary basic ingredient of i)l;iin evcry-day hard work. ^lontana lias iiuiny other resources of which she is justly proud and which add g-reatly to her aui-a of fame. However, none of them holds forth sndi a treasury of possibilities for a lirowin^-. far-seeing- Treasni'e State ])opulace as does ap-riculture. Combinin,400 1931 1,298,500 1932 1,377,100 1933 1,345,(500 1934 l,34(i,100 1935 1,392,400 1936 1,398,800 1937 1,361,600 1938 1,446,300 Averasi", 1929-1038. .. 1.372.020 1939 1.558,460 1940 1,541,660 1941 1,514,540 1942 1,650,490 1943 1.720,070 1944 1,71.'3,900 1945 1,724,710 AveriiRe. 19.10-1 »4r> I.03I.OSO Aventjue, 1029-1 04.-. 1.470.OC0 18 18 26 IS 21 27 28 .•!2 211 21 25 23 22 23 22 22 22 2:{ 29,571,400 26,031,400 18,445,600 15,642,400 18,450,200 24,856,500 21,366,000 27,536.100 23,773,100 19,163,100 22.48.1..'-.S0 19.957,900 21,488,800 27,317,800 36,793,600 48.078,800 48,419.500 48,226,900 ;{.->.r.-.4.7r.o 27.04.S.180 % of Total 33 43 58 34 43 45 35 63 53 35 42 37 36 28 27 25 27 31 29 34 Value Per Acre $ 21.52 18.87 14.20 11.36 13.71 18.47 15.34 19.69 17.46 13.25 1(>.39 12.81 13.94 17.92 22.29 27.95 28.25 27.96 21.91 1N.94> Acres Harvested Number 6,469,600 6,414,600 3,701,500 6,272,900 5,193,400 3,588,000 5,048,600 2,997,200 3,395,400 5,413,700 4,849.490 4,643,940 5,270,340 5,225,460 5,594,510 5,950,930 6,223,100 6,078,290 .~..'<>9..'>10 .->,145.970 Value of Crop Production Amount 59,816,500 34,784,700 13,349,900 29,844.700 24,562,700 30,133,400 39,074,800 16.362.600 21,226,100 36,378,200 30,553.360 33,717,200 37,999.800 70,541,700 99,289,400 145,263.300 131,817,700 108,236,900 Value Per Acre $ 9.25 5.42 3.61 4.76 4.73 8.40 7.74 5.46 6.25 6. 72 6.20 7.26 7.21 13.50 17.75 24.41 21.18 17.81 .S9.5."'.2.2,80 16.08 .54.847.030 10.66 MONTANA AGRICULTURE MOTIVES FOR THIS BULLETIN The Bureau of Agricultural Economics serves as the principal agency of the United States Department of Agriculture for collection, compilation and dissemination of agricultural statistics. Througli its field offices a wide variety of data relating to farm and ranch production, income and expenses are gathered, assembled and distributed to the public. Information received in each field office is summarized and processed into state reports which are then transmitted to the Crop Reporting Board in Washington, D. C, for review and use in preparing National Reports. Most of the information is supplied voluntarily by farm and ranch operators and processors of farm products through mail questionnaires. While the regular program of work requires the assembly of data on a State basis, tabulations of figures appearing on returned questionnaires are made by counties and crop reporting districts. (See map inside front cover for outline of crop reporting districts.) Under a co-operative agreement between the Montana Department of xVgriculture, Labor and Industry, and the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, with the Montana Water Conservation Board and Montana State Chamber of Commerce assisting, facilities have been made available to prepare statistics for Montana counties contained in this bulletin. A large number of requests for county data received by the various local State and Federal agencies concerned with Montana Agriculture, manifest the need for such information. Such inquiries have come from farm oper- ators within the State asking for detailed information for their areas to be used as a basis for planning their cropping and marketing programs, and from persons residing in other States who are contemplating a farming or ranching career in ^Montana. Acreages irrigated and the amount of crops produced under irrigation in each count}^ is needed as a basis for planning future irri- gation projects. To arrange for economical and equitable distribution of cars and movement of crops and livestock to market, railroads are in demand of county statistics. All industries connected with agriculture — machinery manufacturers, fertilizer manufacturers, seed houses, etc. — call for such information to serve as guides for determining quantities to be manufactured,, the location of manufacturing plants and methods of distributing their prod- ucts. Bankers and P^inanciers base credit for production, storage and market- ing of crops and insurance comp^uies base insurance and farm loans on thia information. It serves as a guide to business men for expanding or contract- ing their operations. State and Federal planning, development and action agencies set up their programs from these statistics. Directly or indirectly,, the agricultural industry affects the welfare of all inhabitants of the country^ and while a few uses of agricultural data are mentioned here, the scope is virtually unlimited. CONTENTS OF BULLETIN' Tliis bulletin presents, through a display of tables and charts, a historical picture of Montana's agricultural production and income. It is comprised of three general types of data outlined as follows : -Most of the county statistics for 1944 and 1945, and irrigated and non-irrigated state statistics for the years 1929 to 1945 were prepared by Michael T. Solan, John R. Russell, and P. J. Creer. Other employees in the office of the Agricultural Statistician assisted with the copy work of data printed. 2 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS I. State Historical Statistics: 1. Acreajies planted, acreages harvested, yield per harvested acre, pro- duction, price, value of production and value of production per acre, for principal crops grown in the State. 2. Livestock and poultry inventory numbers, value per head and total value as of January 1 each year. 3. Production, disposition and production value of livestock, poultry, livestock products, dairy products and poultry products. 4. Annual cash receipts from crops, livestock and livestock products, and government payments. II. State Statistics Relating to Irrigated Lands, 1929-1945: 1. Acreages harvested, yield per harvested acre, production, total value of production, and value per acre of principal crops grown on irrigated lands in the State. 2. Acreages harvested, yield per harvested acre, production, value of pro- duction and value per acre of principal crops grown on dry lands in the State. III. County Statistics : 1. Acreages harvested, yield per harvested acre and production, from irri- gated and dry lands for principal crops, 1944 and 1945. 2. Livestock inventory numbers, 1940 to 1945. MONTANA'S POSITION IN AGRICULTURE Favored by its rich natural resources set in a laud of scenic beauty, Montana enjoys one of the top positions in the country for farming and ranch- ing. During the three-year period, 1943-1945, it held seventh place among all states in the average realized net (keep home) income of farm operators. For the year 1944, it ranked third, with an average of $4,173 per operator, being exceeded by California and Arizona with $6,679 and $4,270 per operator, respectively. During that year Montana contributed 261 million dollars cash receipts from agriculture to the nation's total of twenty billion, four hundred and thirty million dollars. During that year Montana's crops contributed 136 million dollars, and livestock and livestock products one hundred twenty- five million dollars, ller farmers also received eleven million dollars in the form of government payments. Montana is recognized as a leading grain and livestock producing State, but is also prominent in the production of many other agricultural commodi- ties. In 1945 her rank among all States in the production of spring wheat was third, for winter wheat, ninth and barley, sixth. In the production of alfalfa luiy. she ranked eleventh ; wild hay, sixth ; dry beans, ninth ; dry peas, third ; flaxseed, fifth ; and sugar beets, third. In production of mustard seed, Montana has no competition. Approximately three-fourths of the country's -supply of mustard seed comes from this State. Only Texas exceeds ^loutana in the number of lambs raised each year and Wyoniing shares second jilace with the Treasure State in wool production. Twelfth position in production of beef and veal is held bj- JMontana and she holds a top place in the supply of feeder cattle which are shipped to feed lots in Corn Belt States for finishing. During 1945, ^Montana farmers harvested crops from 7,739,000 acres, com- pared with 6,921.000 acres in 1942. This increase of 12 per cent in cropped acreage during the last four years of the war was exceeded only by North Dakota which showed a gain of 14 per cent. STATE OF MONTANA -P Ol Ml o| ril Ol ol • x: • ti * ;i • o • fn 1 • XJ o f . \ G) CI, to ,— * T-i ^ Vh a o Q) to >s cfl G) c O H CD . > r J -P ■^ > Q) Q) CD r^ U 1-^ ^ +3 u -P • o H u f-H Tj en o CD c -p ^ fH rt o -p »\ Tj £lOC3 o o c: C^^-P x: •H O CTJ -p C M t:j a 1 -H <;h •H o 1^ o bo oa ^ O c^ •H -p ^ H CO ^ CD «N Cj o O CO u C u CD o c CD CI +3 Q tj C >^ n3 C\2 CD o -^ W n 5h O O col 4^ -P c^ a W % r! (D 'd M f "* CD CO ^' -p a 0) CO '•-K r-* ;h Q> o -P O > cd r:--< U r>i >■',• 'O -p j;^ Q) <^ -P -p -a (D c; X Cj _ T"! ^-.0 Q) o -p -ri ^ f-i f-l «:-! u €>l c o •H C'-> -P -p O ^d ■r! r:; CO •~ , (D (1) 0 a t" O (-• u G fn -P -CD ci CD cu r^ P- <~1 U o o a CJ u r.-. C\i ^H •> "^ G Of^ \ ''C' t:5 o rH o •H QJ rj •H -P c. J o o f3 (D ::; (X CO r^TIf RIGATION IN MONTANA ligation in Montana had its be«rinning in the Bitter Father De Smet, of the Catholic ^Mission, irrigated ds from Colville, Washington. During the follow- atoes, and other produce were grown under irriga- 'ter Major John Owen purchased the mission buikl- ), irrigation of crops was continued. lent of Alder Gulch in ]\Iadison County in 1863, ,ed with crude and small ditches by miners after . In the Gallatin and Beaverhead Valleys, Avhich e settled in ^Montana, irrigation developed rapidly. , built individual ditches to irrigate their private necessary for them to combine and build ditches mds. For many years the direct flow of streams e seasonal demands for water. As the amount of )out each settlement, and the supply of direct flows uate, the principal of priority developed, with the rst in right. Construction of storage reservoirs to use as needed, followed as the next major develop- ourth in the amount of cropland and pasture under orado, and Idaho are the three leading States. In d from more than 1,725.000 irrigated acres in this ; value in excess of forty-eight and one-half million bres amounted to 22 per cent of all harvested acres Dps amounted to 31 per cent of the total value of rtance of irrigation in ]\Iontana is appreciated more luring periods of good rainfall. For the ten years, the drought period, 22 per cent of the harvested the value of production from these irrigated acres r of most severe drought, 32 per cent of the cropped the value of production from these irrigated acres l. ; found in all of Montana's 56 counties, most of the 1 central and western portions. Beaverhead county )ximately 210,000 acres, most of Avhich is wild or nine leading counties in order of importance are Yellowstone, Madison, Carbon, Lake, Powell, and I crops are grown to some extent on irrigated land. . of the irrigated crop list, with practically all acre- beans follow as a close second with more than four- ■ated. Approximately three-fourths of the dry peas atoes are now grown under irrigation. Alfalfa hay ated and nearly half of the alfalfa seed and wild hay .mong the grains, oats has been most prominent with followed by barley with around 15 per cent. Prior to of the barley acreage was irrigated; a sharp expan- hen has been largely on dry land. A small propor- /e, and flax acreage usually comes under irrigation. P. J. CREEK. Agricultiudl Statistician. 2 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS I. State Historical Statistics: 1. Acreages planted, acreagres harvested, yield per harvested acre, pro- duction, price, value of production and value of production per acre, for principal crops grown in the State. 2. Livestock and poultry inventory numbers, value per head and total value as of January 1 each year. 3. Production, disposition and production value of livestock, poultry, livestock products, dairy products and poultry- products. 4. Annual cash receipts from crops, livestock and livestock products, and government payments. II. State Statistics Relating to Irrigated Lands, 1929-1945: 1. x\creages harvested, yield per harvested acre, production, total value of production, and value per acre of principal crops grown on irrigated lands in the State. 2. Acreages harvested, yield per harvested acre, production, value of pro- duction and value per acre of principal crops gro\yn on dry lands in the State. III. County Statistics : 1. Acreages harvested, yield per harvested acre and production, from irri- gated and dry lands for principal crops, 1944 and 1945. 2. Livestock inventory numbers, 1940 to 1945. MONTANA'S POSITION IN AGRICULTURE Favored by its rich natural resources set in a land of scenic beauty, Montana enjoys one of the top positions in the country for farming and ranch- ing. During the three-year period, 1943-1945, it held seventh place among all states in the average realized net (keep home) income of farm operators. For the year 1944, it ranked third, with an average of $4,173 per operator, being exceeded by California and Arizona with $6,679 and $4,270 per operator, respectively. During that ,year Montana contributed 261 million dollars cash receipts from agriculture to the nation's total of twenty billion, four hundred and thirty million dollars. During that year Montana's crops contributed 136 million dollars, and livestock and livestock products one hundred twenty- five million dollars. Her farmers also received eleven million dollars in the form of government paj^ments. Montana is recognized as a leading grain and livestock producing State, but is also prominent in the production of many other agricultural commodi- ties. In 1945 her rank among all States in the production of spring wheat was third, for winter wheat, ninth and barley, sixth. In the production of alfalfa hay, she ranked eleventh; wild hay, sixth; dry beans, ninth; dry peas, third ; flaxseed, fifth ; and sugar beets, third. In production of mustard seed, Montana has no competition. Approximately three-fourths of the country's supply of mustard seed comes from this State. Only Texas exceeds ^Montana in the number of lambs raised each year and Wyoming shares second place with the Treasure State in wool production. Twelfth position in production of beef and veal is held by ^Montana and she holds a top place in the supply of feeder cattle which are shipped to feed lots in Corn Belt States for finishing. During 1945, ^Montana farmers harvested crops from 7,739,000 acres, com- pared Avith 6,921,000 acres in 1942. This increase of 12 per cent in cropped acreage during the last four years of the war was exceeded only by North Dakota which showed a gain of 14 per cent. STATE OF MONTANA 3 IRRIGATION IN MONTANA Records show that irrigation in ]\Iontana had its bejriniiino- in the Bitter Root Valley in 1842, when Father De Smet, of the Catholic Mission, irrip-ated a garden planted with seeds from Colvillo, Washington. During the follow- ing eight years, wheat, potatoes, and other produce were grown under irriga- tion in that settlement. After J\Iajor John Owen purchased the mission build- ings and equipment in 1850, irrigation of crops "was continued. Following the settlement of Alder Gulcli in Madison County in 1863, bottom lands were irrigated with crude and small ditches by miners after placer Avorkings gave out. In the Gallatin and Beaverhead Valleys, which were among the first to be settled in ^lontana, irrigation developed rapidly. Bottom land settlers first built individual ditches to irrigate their private lands but it soon became necessary for them to combine and build ditches co-operatively for their lands. For many years the direct flow of streams was sufficient to meet the seasonal demands for water. As the amount of irrigated land increased about each settlement, and the supply of direct flows of streams became inadequate, the principal of priority developed, with the first in time being the first in right. Construction of stoi'age reservoirs to impound flood waters for use as needed, followed as the next major develop- ment in irrigation. Montana now ranks fourth in the amount of cropland and pasture under irrigation. California, Colorado, and Idaho are the tliree leading States. In 1945, crops were harvested from more than 1,725.000 irrigated acres in this State having an aggregate value in excess of forty-eight and one-half million dollars. These irrigated acres amounted to 22 per cent of all harvested acres and the value of their crops amounted to 31 per cent of the total value of all crop production. Importance of irrigation in Montana is appreciated more in times of drought than during periods of good rainfall. For the ten years, 1929-1938, referred to as the drought period, 22 per cent of the harvested acreage was irrigated and the value of production from these irrigated acres the total. In 1936, the year of most severe drought, 32 per cent of the cropped acreage was irrigated and the value of production from these irrigated acres was 63 percent of the total. Although irrigation is found in all of Montana's o6 counties, most of the irrigated land is located in central and western portions. Beaverhead county heads the list with approximately 210,000 acres, most of which is wild or meadow hay. The other nine leading counties in order of importance are Ravalli, Teton, Gallatin, Yellowstone, Madison, Carbon, Lake, Powell, and Pondera. Virtually all Montana crops are grown to some extent on irrigated land. Sugar beets are at the top of the irrigated crop list, with practically all acre- age in this category. Dry beans follow as a close second with more than four- fifths of the acreage irrigated. Approximately three-fourths of the dry peas and two-thirds of the potatoes are now grown under irrigation. xVlfalfa hay acreage is 62 per cent irrigated and nearly half of the alfalfa seed and wild hay acreage is in this group. Among the grains, oats has been most prominent with about 30 per cent irrigated followed by barley with around 15 per cent. Prior to 1942, a larger percentage of the barley acreage was irrigated ; a sharp expan- sion of its acreage since then has been largely on dry land. A small propor- tion of the wheat, corn, rye, and flax acreage usually comes under irrigation. P. J. CREER. Agriculiuvdl ^statistician. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL WHEAT, 1873-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre 1873. Ib74. 1875- YEAR Acres Planted Har- vested 11,000 14,000 11,000 Yield Ptoduc- Per Acre tion (Bushels) (Bushels) 20 0 15.0 18.5 220,000 210,000 204,000 Price Per Bushel (Dollars) .98 1.05 1.08 Total Value (Dollars) 216,000 220,000 220,000 Value Per Acre 19.64 15.71 20.00 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879., 1»80. 9,000 15,000 16,000 18,000 19,000 18.0 24.0 23.0 26.6 23.5 162,000 360,000 368,000 479,000 446,000 1.03 1.03 .60 1.00 .85 167,000 371,000 221,000 479.000 379,000 18.56 24.73 13.81 26.61 19.95 1881. 1882. 1883. 1S84. 1885. 16,000 22,000 25.000 30,000 27,000 27.0 25.0 22.5 27.0 26.5 432,000 550,000 562,000 810,000 716,000 1.05 1.45 .92 .70 .77 454,000 798.000 517,000 567,000 551,000 28.38 36.27 20.68 18.90 20.41 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 23,000 20,000 25,000 26,000 33,000 22.5 29.5 28.0 24.5 20.0 518,000 590,000 700,000 637,000 660.000 .75 .76 .85 .75 .80 388,000 448,000 595,000 478.000 528.000 16.87 22.40 23.80 18.38 16.00 1S91. 1892. 1893. 1894.. 1895., 38,000 42,000 48,000 55,000 60,000 33.0 26.0 24.0 31.0 24.0 1,254,000 1,092,000 1,152,000 1,705,000 1,440,000 .84 .69 .60 .54 .73 1,053,000 753,000 691,000 921,000 1,051,000 27.71 17.93 14.40 16.75 17.52 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 67,000 75,000 83,000 92,000 100,000 21.5 27.0 24.0 20.6 21.5 1,440,000 2,025,000 1,992,000 1,895,000 2,150,000 .66 .68 .58 .61 .61 950,000 1,377,000 1.155,000 1,156,000 1,312,000 14.18 18.36 13.92 12.57 13.12 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 107,000 114.000 128,000 145,000 105,000 22.5 22.0 24.0 20.0 20.5 2,403,000 2,508,000 3,072,000 2,900,000 3,382,000 .67 .62 .66 .89 .71 1,613,000 1,555,000 2,028,000 2,581,000 2,401,000 1508 13.64 15.84 17.80 14.55 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 195,000 205,000 230,000 258.000 435,000 20.5 24.0 19.0 24.2 21.1 3,998,000 4,920,000 4,370,000 6,239,000 9,160,000 .64 .81 .86 .90 .91 2,559,000 3,985.000 3,758,000 5,615,000 8,336,000 13.12 19.44 16.34 21.76 19.16 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 660,000 975.000 1,300,000 1,655,000 2,375,000 25.0 24.1 23.0 19.3 25.5 16,480,000 23,505,000 29,870,000 31,932,000 60,575,000 .80 .65 .65 .91 .85 13,184,000 15,278.000 19.416.000 29,058.000 51.489.000 19.98 15.67 14.94 17.56 21.68 1916. 1917. 1918.. 1919.. 1920. 2.500,000 3,003,000 3,502,000 3,089,000 3,903,000 2,380,000 2,785,000 3,400,000 1,698,000 3,608,000 19.1 10.5 12.6 5.0 12.4 45.500.000 29,365,000 42.800,000 8,493,000 44,768,000 1.49 1.94 1.95 2.24 1.60 67.795,000 56,968,000 83,460,000 19,874,000 71,629,000 28.49 20.46 24.55 11.71 19.85 1921. 1922. 1923.. 1924.. 1925. 3,784,000 3,463,000 3,441,000 3,178,000 3,692,000 3,435,000 3,358,000 3,274.000 3.130.000 3,249,000 12.2 15.6 15.0 16.1 10.8 42,034,000 52,533,000 49,107.000 50.422.000 34,998.000 .98 .89 .91 1.24 1.42 41.193.000 46,754,000 44,687,000 62,523.000 49,697,000 11.99 13.92 13.65 19.98 15.30 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 3,701,000 4,050,000 4,488,000 4.712,000 4.535,000 3.590.000 4.020.000 4,395,000 4.419,000 4,217,000 12.5 20.3 18.0 9.3 8.4 44,773.000 81.713.000 79.146.000 41.290.000 35.313,000 1.21 1.06 .82 .98 .57 54,175.000 86.616.000 64,900,000 40.464,000 20,128,000 15.09 21.55 14.77 9.16 4.77 STATE OF MONTANA ALL WHEAT, 1873-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre ( Continut-tl ) VE.\R ACRES Har- Planted vested 1931 4,003,000 2,182,000 1932 4,384,000 4,021,000 193.-; 3,958,000 3,512,000 1934 3,661,000 2,481,000 1935 4,039,000 3,434.000 1936 4,626,000 2.239,000 1937 4,493,000 2,624,000 1938 4,677,000 4,249,000 1939 3,783,000 3,401,000 1940 4,126,000 3,917,000 1941 3,820,000 3,703,000 1942 3,373,000 3,267,000 1943 4,147,000 3,626,000 1944 4,507,000 4,019,000 1945 4„147,000 3,777,000 Yield Per Acre (Bushels) 6.6 13.6 7.6 11.1 9.9 5.3 • 7.8 15.3 13.6 13.2 18.. 4 21.4 22.1 18.8 15.1 Produc- tion (Bushels) 14,478.000 54,593,000 26,810,000 27,624,000 34,157,000 11,866,000 20,401,000 64,837,000 46,112,000 51,676,000 68,239,000 69,836,000 80,028,000 75,497,000 57,145,000 Price Per Bushel (Dollars) .50 .35 .62 .86 .92 1.23 .98 .47 .62 .61 .87 1.03 1.26 1.32 1.42 Total Value (Dollars) 7,239,000 19,108,000 16,622,000 23,757,000 31,424,000 14,595,000 19,993,000 30,473,000 28,589,000 31,522,000 59,368,000 71,931,000 100,835,000 99.656,000 81,146,000 Value Per Acre 32 75 73 58 15 6.52 7.62 7.17 8.41 8.05 16.03 22.02 27.81 24.80 21.48 ALL WHEAT, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 IRRIGATED Acres Harvested Average Yield Production (Bushels) 145,300 147,300 19.0 18.7 2,753,600 2,750,100 125,200 142,300 152,200 155,900 158,000 18.5 22.9 18.7 20.3 21.0 2,316,900 3,254,700 2,840,200 3,172,200 3,317,000 161,800 203,200 217,100 198,500 188,200 19.4 23.4 24.5 23.5 23.3 3,137,400 4,762,900 5,321,000 4,662,500 4,391,800 164,500 136,200 148,700 148,500 145,900 24.4 26.8 25.2 25.4 25.1 4,006,100 3,649,900 3,740,800 3,768,200 3,663,900 Total Value Value Per Acre 2,698,500 18.57 1,567,600 10.64 1,158,400 1,139,100 1,760,900 2,728,100 3,051,600 9.25 8.00 11.57 17.50 19. 31 3,859,000 4,667,600 2,500,900 2,890.800 2,679,000 23.85 22.97 11.52 14.56 14.23 3,485,300 3,759.400 4,713,400 4,974,000 5,202,700 21.19 27.60 31.70 33.49 35.66 NON-IRRIGATED Acres YE.\R Harvested 1929 4,273,700 1930 . 4.069,700 1931 2,056.800 1932 3,878,700 1933 3,359,800 1934 2,3 25.100 1935 3,276,000 1936 2,077,200 1937 2,420,800 1938 4,031,900 1939 3,202,500 1940 3,728,800 1941 3,538,500 1942 3,130,800 1943 3,477,300 1944 3,870,500 1945 3,631,100 Average Yield Production (Bushels) 9.0 8.0 38,536,400 32,562,900 5.9 13.2 7.1 6.2 9.4 12,161,100 51,338,300 23,969,800 24,451,800 30.841,800 4.2 6.5 14.8 12.9 12.7 8,728,600 15,638,100 59,516,000 41,449,500 47,284,200 18.2 21.1 21.9 18.5 14.7 64,232,900 66,186,100 76,287.200 71,728,800 53,481,100 Total Value Value Per Acre 37.765,700 18,560,900 8.84 4.56 6,080,600 17,968,400 14,861,300 21,028.500 28,374,500 2.96 4.63 4.42 9.04 8.66 10,736,200 15,325,300 27,972,500 25,698,700 28,843,400 5.17 6.33 6.94 8.02 7.74 55,882,600 68,171,700 96,121,900 93,391,100 75,94.1,200 15.79 21. 77 27.64 24.13 20.91 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL WHEAT, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL, COUNTY Acres Planted Deer Lodge 1,000 Flathead 25,700 Granite 1,700 Lake 23,500 Lincoln 1,000 Mineral 1,000 Missoula 8,800 Powell 2,800 Ravalli 8,600 Sanders 5,900 Acres Har- vested 1,000 24,100 1,600 21.200 900 1,000 8,500 2,700 7,700 5,400 Produc- tion Bushels 36,000 447,700 34,700 416,900 15.000 25.900 182.000 87,500 234.300 90,700 IRRIGATED Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 700 600 400 8,000 400 14.6 23.3 35.0 20.9 19.5 32,200 14,000 14,000 167,000 7,800 2,100 24.7 1,300 41.0 3,900 28.8 700 26.1 51,800 53,300 112,500 18,300 .\0.\-IHRIGATKI> Acres Har- Av. vested Y^ield 300 12.7 23,500 18.3 1,200 13,200 500 1,000 6,400 1,400 3,800 4,700 17.2 19.1 14 4 25.9 20.4 24.4 32.1 15.6 Produc- tion Bushels 9,800 430,300 20,700 251,900 7,200 25.900 130,800 34,200 121.800 73.200 Xorthwest DIst. 80.000 '4.100 1.570.700 IS.IOO a«.0 470,900 56,000 19.0 1.099.S00 Blaine 78,700 75,900 1,437,000 Chouteau 420,200 328.700 7,010,800 Glacier 46,100 39,200 443.500 Hill 285,700 259,400 3,757,800 Liberty 136,500 123,600 1,679,900 Phillips 87,200 84,000 1,426,300 Pondera 169,200 144,600 3,062,600 Teton 175,600 162,100 3,741,200 Toole 90,400 77,700 922,500 2,500 22. 700 22. 3,800 26 300 19. 2,000 21, 18,500 26, 15.000 24, 55,800 15,400 99,500 5,700 42,100 487,700 366,600 73,400 328,000 35,400 259,100 123,600 82.000 126,100 147,100 77,700 18.8 21.3 9.7 14.5 13.6 16.9 20.4 22.9 11.9 1,381,200 6,995,400 344,000 3,752,100 1.679.900 1.384,200 2.574.900 3,374.600 922,500 N. Cent. Dist 1,489.600 l^iOS.SOO 23.481,600 42,800 25.1 1,072,800 1,232,400 17.9 22.408.800 Daniels 230,900 224,600 4,087,700 Dawson 166,900 145,800 2,183.600 Garfield 49,400 43.200 689,900 McCone 141,500 122,700 2,466,700 Richland 185,400 114.600 1,434.300 Roosevelt 257.600 250.700 4.927.800 Sheridan 269,900 263,000 5,312.600 Valley 246,300 238,100 4,329,200 >. East Dist 1,547,900 1,402,700 25,431,800 Broadwater 14,900 13.500 369,800 Cascade 150.000 129,700 2,6SS.300 Ferg-us 261,000 232,000 4,736,700 Golden Valley 30,700 25.600 454.300 Judith Basin 138.600 121.300 2,217,600 Lewis and Clark.. 14,600 12.600 287.200 Meagher 1,000 1.000 20,700 Musselshell 20,200 15.900 277,600 Petroleum 9.300 8.300 141.900 Wheatland 10.300 9,400 175,800 Central Di.st O.'O.eOO .569.300 11.369,900 Beaverhead 2,400 2,300 81.600 Gallatin 87,900 76,200 2,232.100 Jefferson 5,900 4.900 122.700 Madison 11.200 9.600 292,200 Silver Bow 100 100 1,800 S. West Dist 107,500 93,100 2,730.400 Big Horn 81,900 74.900 1.709.400 Carbon 38.900 36.400 875.100 Park 29.000 26.500 672.400 Stillwater 88.700 80,900 1,529.000 Sweet Grass 13,100 11.300 223.300 Treasure 5.600 4.300 67.500 Yellowstone 81,500 72.600 1,551.800 S. Cent. Dist. Carter 10,900 Custer „ 17,500 Fallon 88.900 Powder River 21,100 Prairie 66,700 Rosebud 26.900 Wibaux 60,700 10,400 16.200 85.500 19.000 64,000 24.100 58,500 600 100 300 1.900 200 200 1,500 20.0 20.0 22.0 24.7 21.0 22.0 23.0 12,000 2,000 6,600 47,000 4.200 4,400 34,500 224,600 145,200 43,100 122,400 112,700 250.500 262,800 236,600 18.2 15.0 16.0 20.1 12.3 19.7 20.2 18.2 4,087,700 2,171.600 687.900 2.460.100 1.387.300 4.923,600 5.308,200 4.294,700 4,800 23.1 110,700 1,397,900 IS.l 25.321,100 3,000 3,700 3,800 300 700 1,800 300 500 200 1,100 36.1 23.8 22.0 20.0 22.3 24.2 28 3 23.0 22 0 20.5 108,200 88,100 83,600 6,000 15,600 43,600 8,500 11,500 4,400 22,500 10,500 126,000 228,200 25,300 120,600 10,800 700 15.400 8.100 S.300 24.9 20.6 20.4 17.7 18.3 22.6 18.8 17.3 17.0 18.5 261,600 2,600,200 4,653.100 44S.300 2.202.000 243.600 13.200 266.100 137.500 153.300 15,400 25.4 391.0O0 .->53,900 19.8 10,978,900 1.700 37.0 17,000 32.9 700 27.0 5,600 34.8 62,900 560,000 18.900 194,800 600 59.200 4.200 4.000 100 31.2 28.2 24.7 24.4 18.0 18,700 1,672,100 103.800 97.400 1.800 25,000 .33.5 8.3G.<;00 68,100 27.S....1,8J»3,800 7,800 8,900 5.900 2.700 2.300 1,300 11.600 24.9 25.0 27.7 29.0 21.0 16.6 27.6 194,400 222,500 163.600 78,300 55,200 21.600 319.700 67,100 27,500 20,600 78,200 9.000 3.000 61,000 22.6 23.7 24.7 18.6 18 7 15 3 20.2 1.515.000 652.600 508.800 1.450.700 168.100 45.900 1,232,100 3.TS.70O 306.900 6,62S..500 40.500 132.800 237.800 700 1.045.700 389.700 970.600 500 474.500 700 1,033,000 26.1 2'3.'6 1.055.300 ie.i'oo 2'l76 21.6 ibrsob 15.100 266,400 20.9 5,573.200 10,400 15.500 85.500 19.000 63.500 23.400 58,500 12 14 12 20. 15. 19 17 132.800 221,300 ,045,700 389.700 960.100 459.400 ,033,000 S. East Dist. I92.70O 277.700 4.2.84,100 1.900 22.2 42.100 275,800 15.4 4.242.000 St.nte 4.507.«K)0 4.019.000 75.497 .0«0 1 4S.5m) 26.8 .3.979.400 3.870,500 18.5 71,517.600 STATE OF MONTANA ALL WHEAT, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IRRIGATED NOX-IRRIGATED Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Acres Produc- COUNTY Acres Har- lion Har- Av. tion Har- Av. lion Planted vested Bushels vested Yield Bushels vested Yield Bushels Deer Lodge 1,000 1,000 34,500 700 40.0 28,000 300 21.7 6,500 Flathead 25,500 24,500 642.500 500 30.6 15,300 24,000 26.1 627.200 Granite 1,300 1,200 21,200 400 23.0 9,200 800 15.0 12,000 Lake 21,500 20,400 507,300 7,200 23.2 167,200 13,200 25.8 340,100 Lincoln 900 700 15,200 400 25.0 10,000 300 17 3 5,200 Mineral 1,000 900 23,600 900 26.2 23,600 Missoula 8,400 8,000 147,500 2,300 22.0 50,500 5,700 17.3 97,000 Powell 4,900 4,600 87,700 1,400 26.0 36,400 3,200 16.0 51,300 Ravalli 8,200 7,900 199,800 3,300 29.6 97,600 4,600 22.2 102.200 Sanders 4,800 4,600 99,400 600 25.0 15,000 4,000 21.1 84,400 Northwest Dist. .. 77,500 73,800 1,778,700 1«,800 25.5 429,200 57,000 23.7 1,349.500 Blaine 63,300 49,100 488,000 2,100 21.2 44,600 47,000 9.4 443,400 Chouteau 377,500 360,600 7,197,100 700 20.0 14,000 359,900 200 7,183,100 Glacier 33,400 27,900 390,600 4,100 28.7 117,600 23,800 11.5 273.000 Hill 285,100 266,600 2,432,000 500 21.0 10,500 266,100 9.1 2,421,500 Liberty 119,900 109,300 817,500 109,300 7.5 817,500 Phillips 71,800 69,500 782,300 1,900 27.5 52,300 67,600 10.8 730,000 Pondera 117,600 105,700 1,878,300 17,800 22.1 392,600 87,900 16.9 1,485,700 Teton - 169,100 161,500 2,848,700 14,300 22.0 314,300 147,200 17.2 2,534,400 Toole 81,300 75,200 790,500 75,200 10.5 790,500 N. Cent. Dist. 1,319,000 1.225,400 17,625,000 41,400 22.8 945,900 1,184,000 14.1 10,679.100 Daniels 192,000 183,700 1,469,600 183,700 8.0 1,469,600 Dawson 154,700 145,400 1,532,200 500 17.0 8,500 144,900 10.5 1,523,700 Garfield 47,200 42,000 357,300 200 18.0 3,600 41,800 8.5 353,700 McCone 141.800 84,400 767,900 300 17.0 5,100 84,100 9.1 762,800 Richland .-... 175,200 152,500 1,775,600 2,000 22.4 44,800 150,500 11.5 1,730,800 Roosevelt 236,000 227,300 3,044,900 100 17.0 1,700 227,200 13.4 3,043,200 Sheridan 237,000 230.200 2,763,600 200 IS.O 3,600 230,000 12.0 2,760,000 Valley 228,300 204,500 2,467,100 1,300 19.0 24,700 203,200 12.0 2,442.400 N. East Dist 1.412.200 1,270.000 14,178,200 4,600 20.0 92,000 1,265.400 11.1 14,086.200 Broadwater 11,200 10,200 247,900 2,200 25.3 55,700 8,000 24.0 192,200 Cascade 140,500 135,700 3,010,400 3,500 17.7 62,000 132,200 22.3 2,954,400 Fergus 253,600 197,900 3,834,300 3,500 22.1 77,300 194,400 19.3 3,757,000 Golden Valley 25,100 23,500 400,800 200 17.0 3,400 23,300 17.1 397,400 Judith Basin 135,100 127,000 2,333,700 500 20.0 10,000 126,500 18.4 2,323,700 Lewis and Clark.. 15,400 14,700 336,300 1,200 21.6 25,900 13,500 23.0 310,400 Meagher 1,000 1,000 20,500 300 19.3 5,800 700 21.0 14,700 Musselshell 18,500 17,600 264,300 500 18.0 9,000 17,100 14.9 255.300 Petroleum 9,300 8,600 97,500 200 17.0 3,400 8,400 11.2 94,100 Wheatland 10,100 9,400 123,400 900 18.0 16.200 8.500 12.6 107.200 Ceiitr.il Dist 619.SOO 545,600 10,675,100 13,000 20.7 268,700 .532.600 19,5 10,40<5,400 Beaverhead 1,800 1,600 44,400 1,200 29.0 34,800 400 24.0 9,600 Gallatin 77,900 75,000 2,290,200 19,300 33.3 642,900 55,700 29.6 1,647,300 Jefferson 5,100 4,600 101,400 700 20.0 14,000 3.900 22.4 87,400 Madison 9,900 9,200 247,500 5,800 30.1 174,600 3,400 21.4 72.900 Silver Bow 100 100 1,300 100 13.0 1.300 S. West Dist 94,800 90,500 2,684,800 27,000 32.1 866,300 63,500 28.6 1,818,500 Big- Horn 64,300 62,300 1,395,100 8,400 21.3 178,800 53,900 22.6 1,216,300 Carbon 37,300 36,400 782,100 10,800 23.8 256,900 25,600 20.5 525,200 Park 32,100 30,700 675,400 4,300 27.2 116,900 26,400 21. 2 558,500 Stillwater 83,100 81,200 1,670,300 2,800 28.1 78,700 78,400 20.3 1,591,600 Sweet Grass 10,200 9.500 149,200 2,200 19.5 43,000 7,300 14.5 106,200 Treasure 5,300 4,900 106,500 1,700 23.5 40,000 3,200 20.8 66.500 Yellowstone 91,900 88,200 1,781,900 10,900 28.0 305,700 77,300 18.1 1,476,200 S. Cent. Dist. 324.200 .113.200 6,.560,.500 41.100 24.8 1,020,000 272.100 20.4 5,540,.500 Carter 10,600 9,900 76,600 9,900 7.7 76,600 Custer 14,500 13,300 175,900 800 19.6 15,700 12,500 12.8 160,200 Fallon 89,000 84,200 1,173,500 84,200 13.9 1,173,500 Powder River 22,100 17,300 229,500 17,300 13.3 229.500 Prairie 75,900 52.000 645,200 700 20.0 14,000 51,300 12.3 631.200 Rosebud 26,300 25,200 381,900 500 24.2 12,100 24,700 15.0 369,800 W'ibaux 61,100 56,600 960,100 56,600 17.0 960,100 S. Esist Dist. 2«9..->«M» 2.5S.500 3,642.700 2.000 20.9 41.800 256,500 14.0 3,600.900 State 4,147.000 3.777.O0O 57.145.000 M.-..9 .'i.631.100 14.7 53,481.100 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS WINTER WHEAT, 1909-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre Year 1909.. 1910.. 1911.. 1912.. 1913.. 1914.. 1915.. 1916.. 1917.. 1918.. 1919.. 1920.. 1921.. 1922. 1923.. 1924. 1925.. 1926.. 1927.. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931.. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. AL7K JtUS Yield Per Acre (Bushels) Produc- tion (Bushels) Price Per Bushel (Dollars) Total Value (Dollars) Planted Har- vested Per Acre 150,000 127,000 190,000 280,000 395,000 480,000 540,000 800,000 490,000 505,000 600,000 538,000 828,000 25.2 25.0 29.0 25.0 25.5 23.0 26.5 21.5 13.0 13.0 5.2 14.0 3,200,000 4,750,000 8,120,000 9,875,000 12,240,000 12,420,000 21,200,000 10,535,000 6,565,000 7,800,000 2,798,000 11,592,000 224,000 296,000 410,000 516,000 568,000 842,000 653,000 647,000 682,000 961,000 1,236,000 2.35 1.28 6,575,000 14,838,000 12.22 17.92 993,000 863,000 761,000 689,000 763,000 745,000 708,000 624,000 620,000 229,000 13.5 16.5 18.0 16.3 14.5 10,058,000 11,082,000 11,232,000 10,106,000 3,320,000 .85 .89 .82 1.24 1.33 8,549,000 10,397,000 9,210,000 12,531,000 4,410,000 11.48 14.69 14.76 20.21 19.28 712,000 727,000 1,000,000 734,000 900,000 570,000 640,000 820,000 624,000 686,000 14.0 21.0 15.0 14.5 9.3 7,980,000 13,440,000 12,300,000 9,048,000 6,380,000 1.07 .92 .80 .94 .54 8,539,000 12,365,000 9,840,000 8,505,000 3,445,000 14.98 19.32 12.00 13.63 5.02 824,000 801,000 939,000 847,000 929,000 412,000 651,000 742,000 720,000 828,000 9.5 19.0 10.0 14.0 14.5 3,914,000 12,368,000 7,420,000 10,080,000 12,006,000 .45 .32 .61 .82 .85 1,761,000 3,958.000 4,526,000 8,266,000 ' 10,205,000 4.27 6.08 6.10 11.48 12.32 1,208,000 966,000 1,062,000 1,100,000 1,255,000 447,000 581,000 960,000 1,000,000 1,180,000 6.5 10.5 23.0 17.3 14.8 2,906,000 6,100,000 22,080,000 17,300,000 17,464,000 1.15 .88 .44 .59 .60 3,342,000 5,368.000 9,715,000 10,207,000 10,478,000 7.48 9.24 10.12 10.21 8.88 1,380,000 1,421,000 1,492,000 1,507,000 1,507.000 1,322,000 1,362,000 1,035,000 1,221,000 1,371,000 21.0 24.0 23.5 21.5 21.5 27,762,000 32,688,000 24,322,000 26,252,000 29,476,000 .85 1.02 1.24 1.30 1.40 23,598,000 33,342,000 30,159,000 34,128,000 41,266,000 17.85 24.48 29.14 27.95 30.10 WINTER WHEAT Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 IRRIG.VTED NON-lR UlfJ.VTEn YEAR Acres Har- vested Av. Yield Produc- tion Bushels Total Value A^alue Per Acre Acres Har- vested Av. Yield Produc- tion Bushels Total Value Value Per Acre 1929 1930 13,800 15,900 23.0 21. S 316,800 347,000 297,800 187,400 21.58 11.79 610,200 670,100 14.3 9.0 8,731,200 6,033,000 8,207,300 3,257,800 13.45 4.86 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 13,800 15,400 15,800 18,800 19,300 20.2 26.8 24.4 24.0 24.8 279,100 413.400 385,200 452,000 478,800 125,600 132,300 235,000 370,600 407,000 9.10 8.59 14.87 19.71 21.09 398,200 635,600 726,200 701.200 808,700 9.1 18.8 9.7 13.7 14.3 3,634,900 11,954,600 7,034,800 9,628,000 11,527,000 1,635.700 3,825.500 4,291.200 7,895,000 9,798,000 4.11 6.02 5.91 11.26 12.12 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 17,800 24,200 30,100 28.300 29,300 22.8 25.9 28.2 25.5 26.4 405,700 627,800 849,000 722,300 773,100 466,600 552,500 373,600 426,200 436,900 26.21 22.83 12.41 15.06 14.91 429,200 556,800 929,900 971.700 1,150,700 5.8 9.8 22.8 17.1 14.5 2,500,300 5,472,200 21,231,000 16,577.700 16,690,900 2.875,300 4,815,500 9.341,600 9,780,800 10,014,500 6.70 8.65 10.05 10.07 8.70 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 32,500 31,000 27,400 29;200 34,400 29.8 30.6 28.7 30.1 32.1 969,000 948,900 786,700 879,600 1,104,100 823,600 967,900 975,500 1,143,500 1,545,700 25.34 31.22 35.60 39 16 44.93 1,289,500 1,331,000 1,007,600 1,191.800 1,336.600 20.8 23.8 23.4 21.3 21 2 26,793,000 31,739,100 23,535,300 25,372,400 28.371.900 22.774,000 32,373,900 29,183,800 32,984.100 39.720,700 17.66 24.32 28.96 27.68 29.72 STATE OF MONTANA SPRING WHEAT, 1909-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre ACRES Year Planted 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 - 1917 1918 1919 2,320.000 1920 2,837,000 1921 2,924,000 1922 2,650,000 1923 2,732,000 1924 „... 2,510,000 1925 3,179,000 1926 3,078,000 1927 3,380,000 1928 3,575.000 1929 4,037.000 1930 3,743,000 1931 3,346,000 1932 3,675,000 1933 3,129,000 1934 2,890.000 1935 3,180,000 1936 3,749.000 1937 3,712.000 1938 3,675,000 1939 2,683.000 1940 2,871,000 1941 2,440.000 1942 1,952,000 1943 2,655.000 1944 3.000.000 1945 2,640,000 Har- vested 131,000 245,000 380,000 580,000 820,000 1,115,000 1,575,000 1,890,000 2,280,000 2,800,000 1,160,000 2.780,000 690.000 650,000 650,000 510,000 020,000 3.020,000 3.380.000 3.575.000 3,795.000 3,531,000 1,770,000 3.370.000 2.770.000 1.761.000 2. 606. 000 1.7rt2,000 2,043.000 2.401.000 2.737,000 2.3.S1.O00 1.905. (00 2.591.000 2,798.000 2,406.000 Yield Per Acre ( Bushels) 23.2 18.0 22 0 23.5 21.5 17.5 25.0 18.5 10.0 12.5 4.9 11.9 11.9 15 4 14.3 16.1 10.5 12.2 20.2 18.7 8.5 8.2 6.0 12.5 7.0 10.0 8.5 5 0 7.0 13.0 12.0 12.5 17.0 19.5 21.5 17 6 11.5 Produc- tion (Bushels) 3,039,000 4,410,000 8,360,000 13,630,000 17,630,000 19,512,000 39,375,000 34,965,000 22,800,000 35,000,000 5,695,000 33,176,000 31,976.000 40.851.000 37.875,000 40,316,000 31,678,000 36,793,000 68,273,000 66,846,000 32.242.000 28,933,000 10.564,000 42,225.000 19.390.000 17,5J4.000 22,151,000 8.960.000 14.301,000 42.757.000 28.812,000 34,212.000 40.477.000 37.1^8 000 55 706.000 49,245 000 27,609 0'>0 Price Per Bushel (Dollars) Total Value ( Dollars i \alue Per .\cre 2.35 13,383,000 11.54 1.28 42,465,000 15.28 .85 27,180,000 10.41 .89 36,357,000 13.72 .82 31,058,000 11.72 1.24 49,992,000 19.92 1.40 44,349,000 14.69 1.13 41,576,000 13.77 .97 60.225.000 19.59 .84 56,151.000 15.71 .99 31.920,000 .S.41 .58 16,781,000 4.75 .52 5,493,000 3.10 .36 15,201,000 4.51 .63 12,216.000 4.41 .88 15,439,000 S.77 .96 21,265,000 S.16 1.25 11,200.000 6.25 1.02 14.587,000 7.14 .49 20.951.000 6.37 .64 18,440,000 7.68 .62 21,211,000 7.75 .88 35,620,000 14.95 1.01 38.634,000 20.28 1.27 70,747,000 27.30 1 r>?t 65.496,000 23.41 1.44 39,843.000 16.56 SPRING WHEAT, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR IRRIGATED Acres Har- Av. vested Yield Produc- tion Bushels 1929 131,500 18.5 2,436.800 1930 131,400 18.2 2,403,100 1931 111,400 18.3 2,037.800 1932 126.900 22.4 2,841,300 1933 136,400 18.0 2,455,000 1934 137,100 19.8 2,720,200 1935 138,700 20.5 2,838,200 1936 144,000 19.0 2,731,700 1937 179,000 23.1 4,135,100 1938 187,000 23.9 4,472,000 1939 170,200 23.2 3,940,200 1940 158,900 22.8 3,618,700 1941 132,000 23.0 3,037,100 1942 105.200 25.7 2.701.000 1943 121.300 24.4 2,954,100 1944 119,300 L6.0 3,009.800 1945 111,500 23.0 2.559,800 NON-IRRIGATED Total Value 2,412,400 1,393,800 1,059,700 1,022,900 1,546,600 2,393,800 2,724,700 3,414,600 4,217,800 2,191,300 2,521,700 2,243,600 2,672,600 2,809.000 3,751,700 4,122,700 3.6,S6.100 Value Per Acre Acres Har- vested Av. Yield 18.35 3,663,500 10.61 3,399,600 9.51 8.06 11.34 17.46 19.64 23.71 23.56 11.72 14.82 14.12 20.25 26.70 30.93 34.56 33.06 1,658,600 3,243,100 2,633,600 1,623,900 2,467,300 1,648,000 1,864,000 3,102,000 2,230,800 2,578.100 2,249,000 1,799,800 2,469,700 2,678.700 2,294,500 5.1 12 1 6.4 9.1 7.8 3.8 5.5 12.3 11.1 11.9 16.6 19.1 21.4 17.2 10.9 Produc- tion Bushels 8.1 29,805.200 7.8 26,529,900 8,526,200 39,383,700 16,935.000 14,823.800 19,312,800 6,228,300 10,165,900 38,285,000 24,871.800 30,593,300 37,439,900 34.447.000 52,751,900 4 6.14 5.200 25.109.200 Total Value 29,507.100 15,387,300 4,433,600 14,178,100 10,669,000 13,044.900 18,540,300 7,785,400 10,369.200 18,759,600 15,918,000 18,967,800 32,947,100 35.824.900 66,994,900 61.373.100 36il57.200 Value Per Acre S.05 4.53 2.67 4.37 4.06 8.03 7.51 4.72 5.56 6.05 7.14 7.36 14 65 19.90 27.13 22.91 1.-..76 10 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS WINTER WHEAT, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated COUNTY Deer Lodge Flathtad .... Granite Lake Lincoln Mineral , Missoula .-. Powell Ravalli , Sanders Acres Planted 200 13,900 100 15,100 100 500 4,700 100 4,700 4,300 TOTAL. Acres Produc- Har- tion vested Bushels IRUIG.VTEU Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 200 12,800 100 13,100 100 500 4,300 100 3,900 3,900 2, 281, 1, 258, 1, 14. 99, 1, 130 59 200 600 500 100 200 200 300 400 600 300 100 30.0 300 25.0 400 100 34.0 27.0 3,000 1,100 23.0 25,000 7,500 Northwest Dist 43,700 39.000 849.40O 2,000 20.0 13,600 2,700 51,800 NON-lllKIGATED Acres Har- vested 200 12,700 100 12,000 100 500 4,000 100 3,500 3,800 Produc- Av. tion Yield Bushels 11.0 21.6 15.0 19.6 12.0 28.4 23.1 14.0 33.4 15.1 37.000 21.0 2,200 275,200 1.500 235,100 1,200 14,200 92,400 1.400 117.000 57,400 797,000 Blaine 5,600 Chouteau 360,100 Glacier 3,700 Hill 53,200 Liberty 21,100 Phillips 4,400 Pondera 52,800 Teton 85,200 Toole 6,900 4,200 269,800 2,600 35,400 14,800 3,700 30,700 72,700 4,900 96.200 5,962,400 37,200 598,300 254,600 77,300 727,600 1,810,200 92,600 100 30 0 3,000 4,100 22.7 92 100 3,600 3,600 300 40.0 12,000 41.0 32.0 25.0 4,100 115,200 104,400 )3,200 269,800 22.1 5.962,400 .200 ,300 ,600 ,200 12,400 )5,800 )2,600 2,300 35,400 14,800 2,600 27,100 69.100 4,900 11.0 16.9 17.2 20.3 22.6 24.7 18.9 2 59 25 7 61 ,70 9 N. Cent. DIst r,93,000 438,800 9,U5«,400 7,700 31.0 238,700 431,100 21.8 9.417,700 Daniels Dawson 2,300 Garfield 11,100 McCone 2,800 Richland 800 Roosevelt 1,900 Sheridan Valley 4,400 1,500 7.500 1,900 500 1,200 N. K:ist Hist. 23..S00 3,000 l.l.OOO 19,100 108,000 50,700 8,000 12,600 50,400 248.800 100 20.0 100 20.0 2,000 2.000 1,500 7.500 1.900 400 1,200 12.7 14.4 26.7 15.0 10.5 3,000 16.8 l."i,.->00 1.'>.9 19,100 108,000 50,700 6.000 12,600 50.400 2400 27.2 1.047.1 OO Blaine 6,300 Chouteau 337,500 Glacier 9,400 Hill 70,100 Liberty 22,900 Phillips 3,800 Pondera 47,600 Teton 107,100 Toole 9,300 N. Cent. Dist. Daniels .. Dawson .. Garfield .. McCone .. Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... 4,600 321,700 5,200 56,200 14,700 2,800 39,600 101,100 4,700 86,800 6,820,200 97,000 775,500 249,900 52,300 842,900 2,001,900 85,500 100 46.0 4,600 400 35.0 14,000 100 3,800 4,100 37.0 30.0 29.3 3,700 112,600 120,100 4,500 321,700 4,800 56,200 14,700 2,700 35,800 97,000 4,700 18.3 21.2 17.3 13.8 17.0 IS.O 20.4 19.4 18.2 6, 8 82 8 77 24 4 - o ,88 8 2,200 0,200 3.000 5,500 9.900 .S.600 0,300 1,S00 5,500 014,000 550,000 11,012,000 8,500 .30.0 255.OO0 542,100 19.8 10.757.000 1,700 9,200 3,800 1,200 2,000 1,400 8,500 1,900 500 1,200 4,300 N. East Dist. 22,200 2,400 15,900 16,900 103,900 23,000 5,800 14,800 32,800 197.2O0 1,400 8,500 1,900 500 1,200 12.1 12.2 12.1 11.6 12.3 2,400 13.7 16,900 103,900 23,000 5,800 14,800 32,800 l.'S.OOO 12.4 197,200 Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley Judith Basin Lewis and Clark. Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland 6,300 124,700 187,300 22,400 88,600 11,200 600 12,400 2,400 3,000 6,000 121,300 146,800 20,900 86,200 10,800 600 12,000 2,300 2,800 172,400 2,874,200 3,237,900 378,200 1,827,800 281.500 14,500 199,200 33.100 58,800 Central Dist. 458,900 409.700 9.O77.00O Beaverhead Gallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow 400 400 9,600 57,300 55,300 1,790,700 3,900 3,600 83,800 4,900 4,600 122,400 200 500 1,900 '"200 200 100 3 3.0 22.0 26.4 10,300 1,600 6,600 11,000 50,100 S. Wffst Dist 0(!.500 23.0 29.5 24.0 4,600 5,900 2,400 2!;.o 36.0 so.ooo ' 3 "7 2,90 0 "55,"50'0 5,800 120,800 144,900 20,900 86,000 10,600 500 12,000 2,300 2,800 28.6 23.7 22.0 18.1 21.2 26.0 24.2 16.6 14.4 21.0 165,800 2,863,200 3,187,800 378,200 1,823,200 275,600 12,100 199,200 33,100 58,800 4O«,«00 22.1 8.997.000 400 24.0 45,000 31.5 3,600 23.3 3,000 22.3 9,600 1,417,800 83,800 66,900 (»3,900 2,000.500 11,900 3!>.0 428,400 52,000 30.3 1.578,100 Big Horn 53,400 Carbon 19,000 Park 28,200 Stillwater 75,800 Sweet Grass 5,100 Treasure 2,800 Yellowstone 81,000 52,000 18.600 27,000 74,200 4,600 2,500 77,800 1,226,700 418,300 601.500 1,564,300 84,100 56,900 1,515,900 2,600 600 2,000 800 100 100 2,100 31.0 37.0 32.0 28.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 80,200 22,300 64,000 22,700 3,100 3,200 70,100 49,400 18,000 25,000 73,400 4,500 2,400 75,700 23.2 22.0 21.5 21.0 18.0 22.4 19.1 1,146.500 396.000 537,500 1,541.600 81.000 53.700 1,445,800 S. Cent. Dist. 205.300 250,700 .5.407,700 8,.300 32.0 205,000 248.400 20.9 5.202,100 Carter Custer Fallon Powder Prairie River 700 3,200 10,800 8,000 2,700 Rosebud 11,300 "Wibaux 800 600 2,900 10,600 4,900 2,600 11,100 700 11,500 47,500 143,100 93,100 46,800 249,400 9,800 200 24.0 4,900 "i'6'6 2'9.'(j '2,'900 600 2,700 10,600 4,900 2,600 11,000 700 19.2 15.8 13.5 19.0 18.0 22.4 14.0 11.500 42,600 143,100 93,100 46,800 246,500 9,800 S. East Dist. 100 .3.3.400 601,200 300 20.0 7,800 33.100 17.9 593,400 State 1,507,000 1..371,000 29.470,000 .34.400 32.1 1,104.100 1.330.000 21.2 28.371,900 12 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS SPRING WHEAT, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IRK1<;A1ED XOX-IUItlG.VTED Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Acres Produc- rOUNTY Acres Har- tion Har- Av. tion Har- Av. tion Planted vested Bushels vested Yield Bushels vested Yield Bushels Deer Lodge 800 800 33,800 700 46.0 32,200 100 16.0 1.600 Flathead 11,800 11,300 166.100 500 22.0 11,000 10,800 14.4 155,100 Granite 1,600 1,500 33,200 400 35.0 14.000 1,100 17.5 19,200 Lake 8,400 8,100 158.800 6.900 20.6 142,000 1,200 14.0 16,800 Lincoln 900 800 13.800 400 19.5 7,800 400 15.0 6.000 Mineral 500 500 11,700 500 23.4 11.700 Missoula 4,100 4,200 82.700 1,800 24.6 44,300 2,400 16.0 38.400 Powell 2,700 2,600 86,100 1,300 41.0 53,300 1,300 25.2 32,800 Ravalli 3,900 3,800 103,700 3,500 28.3 98,900 300 16.0 4,800 Sanders 1,600 1,500 31,400 600 26.0 15,600 900 17.6 15,800 Xorth^-^-st Dist. .. 3«.3tK> 35.100 721.300 IG.IOO 20.0 419,100 19.000 15.9 302.200 Blaine 73,100 71,700 1,340,800 2,400 22.0 52,800 69,300 18. 6 1,288,000 Chouteau 60,100 58,900 1,048,400 700 22 0 15,400 58.200 17.7 1,033.000 Glacier 42,400 36,600 406,300 3,500 25.0 87,500 33,100 9.6 318,800 Hill 232,500 224,000 3,159,500 300 19.0 5,700 223,700 14.1 3,153,800 Liberty 115,400 108,800 1,425,300 108,800 13.1 1,425.300 Phillips 82,800 80,300 1.349.000 1,900 20.0 38,000 78,400 16.7 1,311,000 Pondera 116,400 113,900 2,335,000 14,900 25.0 372,500 99,000 19.8 1.962,500 Telon 90,400 89,400 1,931,000 11,400 23.0 262,200 78.000 21.4 1,668,800 Toole 83,500 72,800 829,900 72,800 11.4 829.900 1,900 14,900 11,400 33.100 N. Central Dist. .. . 896.000 850,400 13.825,200 33,100 23.8 834,100 821,300 15.8 12,991,100 Daniels 230,900 224.600 4,087,700 224,600 18.2 4.087.700 Dawson 164,600 144,300 2,164,500 600 20.0 12,000 143,700 15.0 2,152.500 Garfield 38,300 35,700 581,900 100 20.0 2,000 35,600 16.3 579.900 McCone 138,700 120,800 2,416,000 300 22.0 6,600 120,500 20.0 2,409,400 Richland 184,600 114,100 1.426,300 1,800 25.0 45,000 112,300 12.3 1,381,300 Roosevelt 255,700 249,500 4,915,200 200 21.0 4,200 249,300 19.7 4,911,000 Sheridan 269,900 263,000 5,312,600 200 22.0 4,400 262,800 20.2 5.308,200 Vallev 241,900 235,100 4,278,800 1,500 23.0 34,500 233,600 18.2 4,244,300 X. E.-isf Dist. 1.524,000 1,387.100 25,183,000 4.70O 23.1 108.7OO 1,382,400 18.1 25,074,.300 Broadwater 6,200 6,000 171,000 2,900 36.0 104,400 3,100 21.5 66.600 Cascade 22,400 18,700 368,400 3,100 23.0 71,300 15,600 19.1 297,100 Fergus 83,200 79,600 1,536,300 1,900 22.0 41,800 77,700 19.2 1,494.500 Golden Valley 4,700 4,600 65,800 300 20.0 6,000 4,300 13.9 59,800 Judith Basin 39,600 38.600 737,300 500 22.0 11,000 38.100 19.1 726,300 Lewis and Clark.. 4,000 3,900 86,200 1,600 24.0 38,400 2,300 20.8 47.800 Meagher 400 400 8.600 200 24.0 4,800 200 19.0 3,800 Musselshell 5,600 5,400 88,600 500 23.0 11,500 4,900 15.7 77,100 Petroleum 6,200 6,000 101,400 200 22.0 4,400 5,800 16.7 97,000 Wheatland 6,800 6,600 112.200 1.000 20.0 20.000 5.600 16.5 92,200 Central r>i.st 179,100 1G9.800 3,275.800 12.200 25.7 313.000 157.GOO 18.8 2.902.200 Beaverhead 2,000 1,900 67,600 1,700 37.0 62,900 200 23.5 4,700 Gallatin 23,000 22,600 650,900 9,000 32.0 288,000 13,600 26.7 362,900 Jefferson 1,400 1,300 30,200 600 26.0 15,600 700 20.8 14,000 Madison 5,800 5,400 173,300 4,300 35.0 150,500 1,100 20.7 22,800 Silver Bow 100 100 1,800 100 18.0 1.800 S. « est Dist .32.300 31.300 92,3,800 H),."i0O 33.1 517.000 1.%.700 2.-..9 400..S00 Big Horn 13,800 13,300 292,600 6,000 24.0 144,000 7,300 20.4 148,600 Carbon 19,200 18.600 439.000 8,400 25.0 210,000 10,200 22.5 229.000 Park 8.500 8.400 187.300 4.200 26.0 109,200 4.200 18.6 78,100 Stillwater 10,100 9,800 185,200 2,100 29.0 60,900 7,700 16.1 124,300 Sweet Grass 5,800 5,100 103,000 2,200 24.0 52,800 2,900 17.3 50,200 Treasure 3,100 2,100 28,800 1.200 16.0 19,200 900 10.7 9,600 Yellowstone 18,800 16,600 415,000 9.900 28.0 277,200 6,700 20.6 137,800 S. Cent. Dist. 79.300 73.900 34.000 25.7 .S73.300 39.900 19.4 777.000 Carter 9,700 9,400 119.400 9,400 12.7 119.400 Custer 12.400 12.100 170.600 500 23.0 11.500 11,600 13.7 159,100 Fallon 78.800 77,300 966,200 77,300 12.5 966,200 Powder River 13,200 12,500 235,000 12,500 18.8 235,000 Prairie 63,400 61,400 939,400 500 21.0 10,500 60,900 15.3 928,900 Ro.sebud 14,400 13,900 211.300 600 20 0 12,000 13,300 15.0 199.300 Wibaux 59,900 57,800 1,023,100 57.800 17.7 1,023.100 .S. r.sixt. Dist. 251„S0O 244,400 .3,««5.000 l.(!00 21.2 .34.000 242.800 1.5.0 .3.031.000 St.-it.- 3.000,000 2.798.000 119.300 2«.0 3,099.,800 2.678.700 17.2 STATE OF MONTANA 13 SPRING WHEAT, 1945 Acreag-e and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL COUNTY Acres Planted Deer Lodge 800 Flathead 11,500 Granite 1,200 Lake 6,800 Lincoln 700 Mineral 500 Missoula 3,500 Powell 4,800 Ravalli 3,500 Sanders 1,600 Xorthwe.st Dist. 34,900 Blaine 57,000 Chouteau 40,000 Glacier 24,000 Hill 215,000 Liberty 97,000 Phillips 68,000 Pondera 70,000 Teton 62,000 Toole 72,000 N. Cent. Dist 705,000 Daniels 192,000 Dawson 153,000 Garfield 38.000 McCone 138,000 Richland 174,000 Roosevelt 234,000 Sheridan 237,000 Valley 224,000 N. East Dist. 1.390,000 Broadwater 4,900 Cascade 15,800 Keigus -. - 6G.300 Golden Valley 2,700 Judith Basin 46,500 Lewis and Clark.. 4,200 Meagher 400 Musselshell 6,100 Petroleum 6,900 Wheatland 7,100 Central Dist 160,900 Beaverhead 1,400 Gallatin 20,600 Jefferson 1,200 Madison 5,000 Silver Bow 100 Aci'es Har- vested 800 10,800 100 6,500 600 500 3,300 4,500 3,400 1,500 Produc- tion Bushels 29,900 187,600 18,300 143,900 13,400 10,000 57,600 86,000 88,800 29,400 IRRIG.\TKI) Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels NON-IURIGATKD 700 400 400 5,700 400 Lobo 1,400 3,000 600 40.0 27.0 23 0 23.0 25.0 28,000 10,800 9,200 131,100 10,000 20.0 26.0 28.0 25.0 38,000 36,400 84,000 15,000 Acres Har- vested 100 10,400 700 800 200 500 1,400 3,100 400 900 Av. Yield 19.0 17.0 13.0 16.0 17.0 20.0 14.0 16.0 12.0 16.0 Produc- tion Bushels 1,900 176,800 9,100 12,800 3,400 10,000 19,600 49,600 4,800 14,400 33.000 6G4,900 14,500 25.0 302,500 18,500 16.3 302,400 44,500 38,900 22,700 210,400 94,600 66,700 66,100 60,400 70,500 401,200 376,900 293,600 1,656,500 567,600 730,000 1,035,400 846,800 705,000 674,800 6,613,000 183,700 144,000 33,500 82,500 152,000 226,100 230,200 202,100 1,469 1,515 253 744 1,769 3,030 2,763 2,434 ,600 ,300 ,400 ,900 800 ,100 ,600 300 1,254,100 13,981,000 2,000 20.0 40,000 42,500 700 20.0 14,000 38,200 3,700 28.0 103,600 19,000 500 21.0 10,500 209,900 94,600 1,800 27.0 48,600 64,900 14,000 20.0 280,000 52,100 10,200 19.0 194,200 50,200 70,500 32,900 21.0 690,900 641,900 183,700 500 17.0 8,500 143,500 200 18.0 3,600 33,300 300 17.0 5,100 82,200 2,000 22.4 44,800 150,000 100 17.0 1,700 226,000 200 18.0 3,600 230,000 1,300 19.0 24,700 200,800 4,60O 20.0 92,000 1,249,500 8.5 9.5 10.0 7.8 6.0 10 5 14.5 13.0 10.0 361,200 362,900 190,000 ,646,000 567,600 681,400 755,400 652,600 705,000 9.2 5,922,100 8.0 1,469,600 10.5 1,506,800 7.5 249,800 9.0 739,800 11.5 1,725,000 13.4 3,028,400 12 0 2,760.000 12.0 2,409,600 11.1 13,889,000 4,200 14,400 51,100 2,600 40.800 3.900 400 5,600 6,300 6,600 75,500 142,200 596,400 22,600 505,900 54,800 6,000 65,100 64,400 64,600 2,000 3,000 1,600 200 300 1,000 200 500 200 900 24.6 17.0 17.0 17.0 18.0 20.0 17.0 18.0 17.0 18.0 49,100 51,000 27,200 3,400 5,400 20,000 3,400 9,000 3,400 16,200 2,200 11,400 49,500 2,400 40,500 2,900 200 5,100 6,100 5,700 12.0 8.0 11.5 8.0 12.4 12.0 13.0 11.0 10.0 26,400 91,200 569,200 19,200 500,500 34,800 2,600 56,100 61,000 48,400 135,900 1,597,500 9,900 19.0 188,100 126.000 11.2 1.409,400 1,200 19,700 1.000 4,600 100 34,800 499,500 17,600 125,100 1,300 1,200 9,000 700 4,200 29.0 30.0 20.0 28.4 34,800 270,000 14,000 119,100 10,700 300 400 100 21.4 12.0 15.0 13.0 229,500 3,600 6,000 1,300' S. West Dist. 2S,.'500 26,600 678,300 15,100 29.0 437,900 11,500 20.9 240,400 Big Horn 11,900 Carbon Park Stillwater ... Sweet Grass Treasure 18,300 3,900 7,300 5,100 2,500 Yellowstone 10,900 S. Cent. Dist. 58,900 10,3 17,8 3,7 7,0 4,9 2,4 10,4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 168,400 363,800 73,900 106,000 65,100 49,600 266,000 5,800 10,200 2,300 2,000 2,100 1,600 8,800 17.0 23.0 23.0 28.0 19.0 23.0 26.8 98,600 234,600 52,900 56,000 39,900 36,800 235,600 500 600 400 000 800 800 600 15.5 17.0 15.0 10.0 9.0 16.0 19.0 69,800 129,200 21,000 50,000 25,200 12,800 30,400 56.50O 1,092,800 32,800 23.0 754,400 23,700 14.3 338.400 Carter 9,900 Custer 11,300 Fallon 7S,2O0 Powder River Prairie Rosebud Wibaux S. Bast Dist. 14,100 7.';. 200 15,000 60,300 9,300 10.400 73.600 12.400 49,400 14,100 55,900 65,100 128,400 ,030,400 136,400 598,400 132,500 950,300 600 18.0 10,800 700 400 20.0 23.0 14,000 9,200 9,300 9,800 73,600 12,400 4 8,70 0 13.700 55,900 7.0 12.0 14.0 11.0 12 0 9.0 17.0 65,100 117,600 1,030,400 136,400 584,400 123.300 950,300 262.000 225,100 3,041,500 1.700 20.0 34,000 223.400 13.5 3,0O7„500 State 2,640.000 2,406,000 27,669,000 111,500 23.0 2,559,800 2,294,500 10.9 25.109.200 14 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS CORN, 1892-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre -^<-RES Yield Produc- Price Per Total Value iear Har- Per Acre tion Bushel Value Per Planted vested (Bushels') (Bushels') (Dollars) (Dollars) Acre 1892 2,000 25.0 50,000 .68 34,000 17.00 1893 2,000 27.5 55,000 .70 38,000 19.00 1894 2,000 33.0 66,000 .82 54,000 27.00 1895 2,000 23.0 46,000 .75 34,000 17.00 1896 2,000 33.0 66,000 .60 40,000 20.00 1897 2,000 21.0 42,000 .65 27,000 13.50 1898 3,000 24.0 72,000 .66 48,000 16.00 1899 3,000 23.0 69,000 .52 36,000 12.00 1900 3,000 15.0 45,000 .59 27,000 9.00 1901 1,000 25.0 100,000 .90 90,000 22.50 1902 5,000 27.0 135,000 .72 97,000 19.40 1903 5,000 28.0 140,000 .62 87,000 17.40 1904 6,000 27.0 162,000 .68 110,000 18.33 1905 6,000 27.0 162,000 .68 110,000 18.33 1906 7,000 30.0 210,000 .65 136,000 19.43 1907 8,000 28.0 224,000 .68 152,000 19.00 1908 9,000 25.5 230,000 .90 207,000 23.00 1909 10,000 28.8 288,000 1.00 288,000 28.80 1910 16,000 23.0 368,000 .99 364,000 22.75 1911 20,000 26.5 530,000 .89 472,000 23.60 1912 24,000 27.5 660,000 .92 607,000 35.29 1913 30,000 29.0 870,000 .79 687,000 22.90 1914 53,000 25i.O 1,325,000 .86 1,140,000 21.51 1915 64,000 25.0 1,600,000 .82 1,312,000 20.50 1916 67,000 22.0 1,474,000 1.24 1,828,000 27.28 1917 81,000 12.5 1,012,000 1.81 1,832,000 22.36 1918 100,000 21.0 2,100,000 1.59 3,339,000 33.39 1919 82,000 8.5 697,000 1.83 1,276,000 15.56 1920 165,000 16.0 2,640,000 .98 2,587,000 15.68 1921 215,000 16.0 3,440,000 .73 2,511,000 11.68 1922 258,000 20.0 5,160,000 .62 3,199,000 12.40 1923 349,000 349,000 20.5 7,154,000 .70 5,008,000 14.35 1924 401,000 401,000 11.3 4,531,000 1.06 4,803,000 11.98 1925 289,000 289,000 10.1 2,919,000 .96 2,802,000 9.70 1926 202,000 202,000 8.9 1,798,000 .92 1,654,000 8.19 1927 152,000 152,000 15.0 2,280,000 .86 1,961,000 12.90 1928 122,000 122,000 12.0 1,464,000 .86 1,259,000 10.32 1929 149,000 134,000 9.5 1,273,000 .86 1,095,000 8.17 1930 139,000 122,000 10.0 1,220,000 .62 756,000 6.20 1931 122,000 104,000 9.7 1,009,000 .53 535,000 5.14 1932 198,000 182,000 11.2 2,038,000 .40 815,000 4.48 1933 220,000 174,000 7.4 1,288,000 .57 734,000 4.22 1934 177,000 106,000 5.3 562,000 .94 528,000 4.98 1935 236,000 212,000 9.5 2,014,000 .76 1,531,000 7.22 1936 191,000 76,000 9.0 684.000 1.12 766,000 10.08 1937 201,000 149,000 9.0 1,341,000 .65 872,000 5.85 1938 189,000 167,000 15.0 2,505,000 .53 1,328,000 7.95 1939 157,000 145,000 14.5 2,102,000 .57 1,198,000 8.26 1940 195,000 187,000 17.0 3,179,000 .58 1,844,000 9.86 1941 205,000 200,000 19.5 3,900,000 .67 2,613,000 13.07 1942 217,000 208,000 19.0 3,952,000 .81 3,201,000 15.39 1943 221,000 214,000 16.0 3,424,000 1.19 4,075,000 19.04 1944 190,000 175,000 17.0 2,975,000 1.13 3,362,000 19.21 1945 188,000 170,000 13.5 2,295,000 1.19 2,731,000 16.03 ' — Equivalent bushels produced from acreage harvested for all jjurposes. STATE OF MONTANA 15 CORN, 1919-1945 Utilization for Grain, Silage, Hogging Down, Grazing and Forage Year 1919- 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924.. 1925., 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929- 1930.. 1931.. 1932.. 1933. 1934.. 1935.. 1936.. 1937.. 1938.. 1939.. 1940.. 1941.. 1942.. 1943.. 1944.. 1945.. FOK tilt.VI.V FOR SII-.VGE Yield Yield Hogging Down, Acres Per Acre Production Acres Pi er Acre Production Grazing & Harvested Bushels Bushels Harvested Tons Tons Forage Acres 19.000 8.5 162,000 2,000 4.0 8,000 61,000 38,000 l&.O 608,000 5,000 3.8 19,000 122.000 48,000 16.0 768,000 10,000 3.9 39,000 157,000 57,000 20.0 1,140,000 6,000 3.3 20,000 195,000 101,000 20.5 2,070,000 6,000 4.3 26,000 242,000 81,000 14.0 1,134,000 8,000 2.7 22,000 312,000 58,000 12.5 725,000 5,000 3.2 16,000 226,000 50,000 11.0 550,000 2,000 3.5 7,000 150,000 34,000 18.5 629,000 2,000 4.0 8,000 116,000 24,000 15.0 360,000 2,000 3.3 7,000 96,000 22,000 12.0 264,000 2,000 4.6 9,000 110,000 22,000 12.5 275,000 2,000 5.0 10,000 98,000 19,000 13.5 256,000 2,000 4.8 10,000 83,000 50,000 13.5 675,000 7,000 2.5 18,000 125,000 26,000 12.5 325,000 6,000 2.0 12,000 142,000 13,000 14.1 183,000 7,000 1.5 10,000 86.000 32,000 13.5 432,000 8,000 1.6 13,000 172,000 11,000 14.0 154,000 5,000 2.0 10,000 60,000 43,000 13.0 559,000 7,000 2.5 18,000 99,000 55,000 16.0 880,000 10,000 4.0 40,000 102,000 49,000 17.7 867,000 8,000 3.8 30,000 88,000 53,000 19.5 1,034,000 10,000 3.0 30,000 124,000 62,000 22.5 1,395,000 9,000 3.5 32,000 129,000 47,000 21.5 1,010,000 7,000 3.5 24,000 154,000 34,000 19.5 663,000 6,000 4.2 25,000 174,000 28,000 20 3 568,000 6,000 3.5 21,000 141,000 14,000 20.5 287,000 6,000 2.5 15,000 150,000 CORN, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 IUKIG.\TED NON-IRRIGATED Acres Produc- Value Acres Produc- Value YEAR Har- Av. tion Total Per Har- Av. tion Total Per vested Yield Bushels Value Acre vested Yield Bushels Value Acre 1929 5,300 19.0 102,100 87,800 16.57 128,700 9.1 1,170,900 1,007,000 7.82 1930 4,400 20.1 88,300 54,700 12.43 117,600 9.6 1,131,700 701,700 5.9T 1931 6,600 213 140,800 74,600 11.30 97,400 8.9 868,200 460,100 4.72 1932 10,500 19.3 202,800 81,100 7.72 171,500 10.7 1,835,200 734^100 4!2S 1933 10,200 16.8 171,500 97,800 9.59 163,800 6.8 1,116,500 636,400 3.89 1934 11,300 16.9 190,500 179,100 15.85 94,700 3.9 371,500 349,200 3.69 1935 17,300 21.8 377,200 286,700 16.57 194,700 8.4 1,636,800 1,244,000 6.39 1936 13,800 21.2 292,500 327,600 23.74 62,200 6.3 391,500 438,500 7.05 1937 19,500 24.4 475,500 309,100 15.85 129,500 6.7 865,500 562,600 4.34 1938 26,400 26.3 691,700 368,200 13.95 140,600 12.9 1,810,300 959,500 6.82 1939 29,200 27.7 809,000 461,100 15.79 115,800 11.2 1,293,000 737,000 6.36 1940 24,700 28.6 706,400 409,700 16.59 162,300 15.2 2,472,600 1,434,100 8.84 1941 23,700 31.3 741,200 496,600 20.95 176,300 17.9 3,158,800 2,116,400 12.00 1942 22,900 29.2 668,600 541,600 23.65 185,100 17.7 3,283,400 2,659,600 14.37 1943 20,000 27.5 549,200 653,500 32.68 194,000 14.8 2,874,800 3,421,000 17.63 1944 17,700 28.3 500,400 564,500 31.89 157,300 15.7 2,474,600 2,796,300 17.78 1945 13,100 25.9 339,100 403,500 30.80 156.900 12.5 1,955,900 2,327,500 14.83 16 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS CORN, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL COUNTY Deer Lodge Flathead Granite Acres Planted ibo Acres Har- vested ioo Produc- tion Bushels' 1^966 Lake 100 100 1.800 Lincoln Mineral Missoula Powell litu iod "2','4"66 Ravalli 200 200 4,600 Sanders IltKK; ATKU NOX-IRKIGATED Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion Har- Av. tion vested Yield' Bushels' vested Yield' Bushels* Xorthwcst Dist. . Blaine 500 1,300 800 500 1,200 700 10,700 14,400 12,600 Chouteau Glacier Hill Liberty 600 600 10,200 Phillips 4,000 3,900 58,500 Pondera Teton 100 100 1,700 Toole X. Central Hist. .. Daniels 6.S00 2,600 23,500 6,200 10,400 . 33,600 23,200 8,700 3,000 6.500 2,400 21,000 5,800 10,000 27,300 22,500 8,500 2,900 97.40O 31,200 Dawson 378,000 Garfield AlcCone 75,400 200,000 Richland Roosevelt 464,100 405 000 Sheridan 195 500 Valley 72,500 X. East. Dist. Broadwater Cascade Fergus 111.200 Too ' 700 800 ido ' 100,400 eoo ■ 500 700 ido 1.821,700 i'.eoo 6,500 Golden Valley Judith Basin Lewis and Clark .. Meagher 5,600 900 ^lusselshell 1,800 1.000 1,700 ■ 1,000 20,400 Petroleum 10,000 Wheatland Central Dist. Beaverhead Gallatin Jefferson iMadison Silver Bow .. >.100 4.G00 53,000 S. AVest. Dist. Big Horn Carbon Park Stillwater .. Sweet Grass Treasure Yellowstone 1.400 700 1,300 700 22,100 14,000 500 100 700 3,300 500 100 400 3.200 10,500 1,100 8,000 70,400 S. Central Dist. Carter Custer Fallon Powder River . Prairie Rosebud "W'ibaux 6.700 6.900 4.900 14,000 2,roo 5,700 4,600 21.500 6.200 6.800 4.800 13.900 2.000 5.600 4.200 19.500 136,100 108,800 81,600 152,900 26,000 100,800 84,000 312,000 100 18.0 100 24.0 200 i'i'.o -100 22.0 200 18. 0 100 20.0 ■ido 22'd ido ii'.o 5,500 36.0 100 33.0 1,100 34.0 100 24.0 ido 2d.d 200 22.0 600 22.0 600 22.0 300 26.0 300 24.0 2.400 26.0 4.200 21.7 1,800 2,400 4,'6dd 8.800 3,600 2,000 s^'sod i,'7dd 800 20.1 16,100 io6 35.0 28,ddd 198.000 3,300 37,400 7.500 35.6 266,700 2,400 '2,"ddd 4.400 13,200 13,200 7,800 7,200 62,400 103,800 3,200 20.0 64.000 100 28.0 2,800 1,300 26.0 33,800 S, East Dist .'9.700 .lO.SOO 866.100 4.60O 21.9 100.600 State IftO.OOO 17."».0OO 2.975,000 17.70O 28.3 .-.00.400 100 19.0 1,900 100 19.0 1,000 10.8 700 18.0 1.90O 10,800 12,600 500 16.4 'i',5o6 i'i'.'i 8,200 '49!7dd 5,700 14.3 81.300 2,400 13.0 31,200 20,200 17.3 350.000 5,800 13.0 75.400 10,000 20.0 200,000 21,800 12 2 266,100 22,400 17.9 401,700 8,500 23.0 195,500 1,800 19.0 35,100 92.900 16.7 L.-.^'j.OOO 500 14.4 500 13.0 600 6.0 7,200 6,500 3,600 100 9.0 900 1,700 12.0 1,000 10.0 20,400 10,000 4,400 11.0 48,600 700 100 12.7 8.0 8,900 800 200 13.5 2,700 100 11.0 1,100 100 8.0 800 800 10.0 11.2 8,000 2,000 22.300 6,800 16.0 108.800 1,600 11.0 17.600 13,900 11.0 152.900 2.000 13 0 26.000 5,500 17.8 98,000 2.900 17.3 50.200 19.500 16.0 14.7 312.000 52.300 765,500 1.—..3O0 15.7 2,474.600 ' — Equivalent bushels produced from acreage harvested for all purposes. STATE OF MONTANA 17 CORN, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL, IRRIGATKIJ .NON-IRRIGATED COUNTY Deer Lodge . Flathead Granite Lake Lincoln Mineral Missoula Powell Ravalli Sanders Acres Planted Acres Har- vested Produc- tion Bushels' Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion Har- Av. tion vested Yield' Bushels' vested Yield' Bushels' 100 Too 100 ioo 1,600 TMo 100 16.0 1,600 100 18.0 1,800 100 Too 100 "ib'6 2,000 I'.g'db 100 20.0 'Too Ti'.'o 2,000 TJoo North>vest Dist. Blaine ... Chouteau Glacier . Hill Liberty . Phillips . Pondera . Teton Toole 400 900 500 400 900 500 7,300 11,700 5,000 300 19.0 100 19.0 5,700 1,900 100 16.0 800 12.0 500 10.0 l,G0O 9,800 5,000 500 "2,'i'o6 "Too 400 "i.Too "Too 4,800 "25,460 "1,600 100 21.0 "206 2'2'."6 Too u'.o 2,100 ""4,4"6"6 'T.'ioo 300 9.0 "iTbb'o TT.o 2,700 "2i;b'o"6 N. Central Dist. Daniels .- Dawson .. Garfield McCone .. Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... 4,700 2,200 27,000 6,800 11,600 25,400 30,000 7,800 2,800 4,000 1,900 25,200 6,000 9,700 22,700 28,600 6.800 2,700 48.50O 20,900 352,600 72,000 126,100 340,600 371,800 95,200 54,100 700 3,200 600 20.0 10,000 32.0 22,400 s'o^b """g'srsbo" 28";b ' "'"""l"6,"8b"6 3,500 11.0 1,900 24,500 6,000 9,700 19,500 28,600 6,800 2,100 11.0 13.0 12.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 18.0 38,500 20,900 330,200 72,000 126,100 244,800 371.800 95,200 37,300 N. East Dist 113,600 103.(S00 1,433,300 4,500 30.0 135,000 99,100 13.1 1,298,300 Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley .... Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland 400 300 500 100 100 300 300 500 100 100 4,200 3,600 6.300 1,000 800 100 28.0 100 21.0 100 23.0 2,800 2,100 2,300 1,300 1,000 100 1,200 900 100 10,800 8,100 1,200 200 200 400 100 100 7.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 1,400 1,500 4,000 1,000 800 ,200 900 100 9.0 9.0 12.0 10,800 8,100 1,200 Central Dist. Beaverhead . Gallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow -. 3,800 3,500 36.000 300 24.0 r,200 3,200 9.0 28.800 S. West. Dist. Big Horn Carbon Park Stillwater Sweet Grass . Treasure Yellowstone 1,100 600 1,000 600 23,000 17,400 600 26.0 600 29.0 15,600 17,400 400 18.5 7,400 300 100 800 4,000 300 100 700 3,900 7,500 1,300 16,800 96,300 200 31.0 6,200 600 27.0 3,100 28.0 16,000 86,800 100 13.0 100 13.0 100 8.0 800 12.0 1,300 1,300 800 9,500 S. Central Dist. Carter Custer Fallon Powder River . Prairie Rosebud Wibaux , .S. East Dist. State 6,900 5,500 4,000 14,000 1,700 5.400 5,300 22,700 58.600 1 88.000 6,600 4,100 3,400 13.200 l,40n 4,300 5,000 20,500 51,900 170,000 162,30<> 49,200 51,000 105,600 14,000 68,800 75,000 244,000 607,«S00 2.295.000 5.100 28.0 142.800 1,600 16.0 25,600 400 17.0 6,800 400 15.0 6,000 2,400 16.0 38.400 13,100 25.9 339,100 1,500 13.0 19.500 4,100 12.0 49,200 1,800 14.0 25,400 13,200 8.0 105,600 1,400 10.0 14,000 3,900 16.0 62,000 4,600 15.0 09,000 20,500 12.0 11.5 244,000 49..500 569,200 1 56,900 12.5 1,955.900 -Equivalent bushels produced from acreage harvested for all purposes. 18 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OATS, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre Acres Yield Produc- ^^l^,.^ Total Value YEAR ^■,,. Per Acre tion T5,,i^h^i Value Per Planted vested (I5u«l»els) (Bushels) (^^oUars) (Dollars) Acre 1882 46,000 38.5 1,771,000 .75 1,328,000 28.87 1883 59,000 35.5 '2,094,000 .58 1,215,000 20.59 1884 58,000 34.5 2,001,000 .35 700,000 12.07 1885 50,000 37.5 1,875,000 .42 788,000 15.76 1886 56,000 35.5 1,988,000 .55 1,093,000 19.52 1887 85,000 36.5 3,102,000 .45 1,396,000 16.42 1888 80,000 365 2,920,000 .34 993,000 12.41 1889 55,000 29.1 1,600,000 .44 704,000 12.80 1890 77,000 34.0 2,618,000 .59 1,545,000 20.06 1891 ■ 83,000 36.0 2,988,000 .48 1,434,000 17.28 1892 95,000 34.5 3,278,000 .40 1,311,000 13.80 1893 113,000 30.5 3,446,000 .37 1,275,000 11.28 1894 101,000 37.0 3,737,000 .31 1,158,000 11.47 1895 140,000 35.5 4,970,000 .44 2,187,000 15.62 1896 130,000 33.5 4,355,000 .31 1,350,000 10.38 1897 128,000 35.0 4,480,000 .33 1,478,000 11.55 1898 130,000 38.5 5,005,000 .35 1,752,000 13.48 1899 134,000 35.4 4,744,000 .39 1,850,000 13.81 1900 150,000 32.5 4,875,000 .42 2,048,000 13.65 1901 163,000 38.0 6,194,000 .36 2,230,000 13.68 1902 180,000 38.0 6,840,000 .36 2,462,000 13.68 1903 188,000 37.5 7,050,000 .35 2,468,000 13.13 1904 198,000 29.5 5,841,000 .46 2,687,000 13.57 1905 216,000 36.5 7,884,000 .43 3,390,000 15.69 1906 243,000 37.0 8,991,000 .44 3,956,000 16.28 1907 275,000 41.0 11,275,000 .46 5,186,000 18.86 1908 300,000 36.5 10,950,000 .49 5,366,000 17.89 1909 333,000 41.4 13,786,000 .46 6,342,000 19.05 1910 385,000 33.0 12,705,000 .43 5,463,000 14.19 1911 410,000 41.0 16,810,000 .42 7,060,000 17.22 1912 460,000 44.0 20,240,000 .37 7,489,000 16.28 1913 520,000 40.0 20,800,000 .34 7,072,000 13.60 1914 560,000 35.0 19,600,000 .42 8,232,000 14.70 1915 570,000 45.0 25,650,000 .35 8,978,000 15.75 1916 630,000 38.0 23,940,000 .51 12,209,000 19.38 1917 640,000 20.0 12,800,000 .85 10,880,000 17.00 1918 650,000 28.0 18,200,000 .84 15,288,000 23.52 1919 304,000 13.5 4,104,000 .95 3,899,000 12.83 1920 572,000 30.0 17,160,000 .62 10,639,000 18.60 1921 629,000 24.0 15,096,000 .38 5,736,000 9.12 1922 579,000 32.0 18,528,000 .39 7,226,000 12.48 1923 591,000 33.0 19,503,000 .41 7,996,000 13.53 1924 550,000 26.0 14,300,000 .48 6,864,000 12.48 1925 537,000 22.5 12,082,000 .51 6,162,000 11.47 1926 501,000 482,000 26.0 12,532,000 .46 5,765,000 11.96 1927 414,000 414,000 39.0 16,146,000 .44 7.104,000 17.16 1928 348,000 348,000 36.5 12.702,000 .39 4,954,000 14.24 1929 470,000 321,000 19.0 6,099,000 .47 2,867,000 8.93 1930 470,000 280,000 17.5 4,900,000 .32 1,568,000 5.60 1931 348,000 160,000 17.5 2,800,000 .30 840,000 5.25 1932 532,000 368,000 26.0 9,568,000 .22 2.105,000 5.72 1933 473,000 314,000 17.0 5,338,000 .32 1,708,000 5.44 1934 388,000 205,000 25.0 5,125,000 .45 2,306,000 11.25 1935 485,000 348,000 22.5 7,830,000 .36 2,819,000 8.10 STATE OF MONTANA 19 OATS, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre Year 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940.. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. (Continued) ACRES Yield Per Acre Produc- tion Price Pel- Bushel Total Value Value Har- Per Planted vested (Bushels) (Bushels) (Dollars) (Dollars) Acre 451,000 153,000 16.5 2,524,000 .52 1,312,000 8.58 356,000 196,000 24.0 4,704,000 .36 1,693,000 8.64 363,000 298,000 36.0 10,728,000 .25 2,682,000 9.00 416,000 340,000 27.5 9,350,000 .28 2,618,000 7.70 441,000 371,000 28.5 10,574,000 .28 2,961,000 7.98 463,000 404,000 33.0 13,332,000 .39 5,199,000 12.87 580,000 521,000 35.5 18,490,000 .43 7,953,000 15.26 552,000 472,000 36.0 16,992,000 .59 10,025,000 21.24 497,000 425,000 34.8 14,790,000 .58 8,578,000 20.18 403,000 323,000 29.0 9,367,000 .61 5,714,000 17. 69 OATS, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 IRRIGATED Acres Y^EAR Harvested ,1929 81,800 ' 1930 70,800 1931 : 56,700 1932 73,600 1933 74,200 1934 69,800 1935 86,300 1936 78,700 1937 81,000 1938 106,300 1939 118,400 1940 116,400 1941 135,100 1942 148,000 1943 130,400 1944 128,000 1945 98,100 YEAR 1929 1930 1931.. 1932.. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941.. 1942... 1943... 1944... 1945... Acres Harvested 239,200 209,200 103,300 294,400 239,800 135,200 261,700 74,300 115,000 191.700 221,600 254,600 268.900 373,000 341,600 297,000 224,900 Average Yield 33.6 34.3 31.8 39.2 34.4 37.9 38.6 23.7 39.1 47.5 40.6 39.0 41.3 43.2 44,7 44.0 41.9 Production Bushels 2,751,400 2,426,400 1,805,500 2,883,800 2,552,800 2,644,900 3,334,900 1,864,200 3,171,000 5,054,100 4,806,300 4,541,800 5,582,900 6,396,900 5,828,600 5,633,300 4,108,700 INOX-IRRIG ATED Average Yield 14.0 11.8 9.6 23.4 11.6 18.3 17.2 8.9 13.3 29.6 20.5 23.7 28.8 32.4 32.7 30.8 23.4 Production Bushels 3,347,600 2.473,600 994,500 6,884,200 2,785,200 2,480,100 4,495,100 659,800 1,533,000 5,673,900 4,543,700 6,032,200 7,749,100 12,099,100 11,163,400 9,156,700 5,258,300 Total Value Value Per Acre 1.293,200 15 81 776,400 10.97 541,700 9.55 634,400 8.62 816,900 11.01 1,190,200 17.05 1,200,600 13.91 969,400 12.32 1,141,600 14.09 1,263,500 11.89 1,345,800 11.37 1,271,700 10.93 2,177,300 16.12 2,750,700 18.59 3,438,900 26.37 3,267,300 25.53 2,506,300 25.55 Total Value Value Per Acre 1,573,400 6.58 791,600 3.78 298,400 2.89 1,514,500 5.14 891,300 3.72 1,116,000 8.25 1,618.200 6.18 343,100 4.62 551,900 4.80 1,418,500 7.40 1,272,200 5.74 1,689.000 6.63 3,022,100 11.24 5,202,600 13.95 6,586,400 19.28 5,310,900 17.88 3.207,600 14.26 20 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OATS, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL. IRRIGATKU NON-IKRIGATED Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Acres Produc- COUNTY Acres Har- tion Har- Av. lion Har- Av. tion Planted vested Bushels vested Yield Bushels vested Yield Bushels Deer Lodge 700 600 32,100 600 53.5 32,100 Flathead 4,800 4,100 103,700 700 32.0 22,400 3,400 23.9 81,300 Granite 1,100 1,000 49,300 700 55.0 38,500 300 36.0 10,800 Lake - 7,500 6,600 242,200 4,000 45.0 180,000 2,600 239 62,200 Lincoln 700 600 18,300 200 42.0 8,400 400 24.8 9,900 Mineral 300 300 6,200 200 25.0 5,000 100 12.0 1,200 Mi.ssoula 3,300 2,900 120,100 2,000 48.0 96,000 900 26.8 24,100 Powell 3,100 2,800 117,600 1,900 50.0 95,000 900 25.1 22,600 Kavalli 4,200 3,700 168,700 2,700 53.0 143,100 1,000 25.6 25,600 Sanders 1,700 1,500 44,600 900 36.0 32,400 600 20.3 12,200 Northwest Dist. 27,400 24,100 002,800 l.S.ft«M> 47.0 00 10,200 24.5 240.900 Blaine 20,400 18,100 667,900 8,100 38.0 307,800 10,000 36.0 360,100 Chouteau 10,200 9,000 293,400 400 50.0 20,000 8,600 31.8 273,400 Glacier 6,500 5,400 146,900 1,200 40 0 48,000 4,2o0 23.5 98,900 • Hill 15,000 13,100 391,700 700 50.0 35,000 12,t00 28.8 356,700 l.,iberty 4,200 3,400 107,100 100 45.0 4,500 3,300 31.1 102,600 Phillips 19,400 16.600 494,700 2,500 38.0 95,000 14,100 28.3 399,700 Pondera 10,900 9,500 343,000 6,600 38.0 250,800 2,900 31.8 92,200 Teton 16,800 14,900 479,800 7,800 40.0 312,000 7,100 23.6 167,800 Toole 8,600 7,400 182,800 7,400 24.7 182,806 N. Cent. Dist. 112,000 »7,400 .1,107,.H00 27,400 .30.2 1,07.3,100 70,000 29.1 2,034,200 Daniels 17,300 15,600 494,500 15,600 31. 7 494,500 Dawson 18,700 16,100 502,300 800 35.0 28,000 15,300 31.0 474,300 Garfield 10,600 9,500 292,600 9,500 30.8 292,000 McCone 11,100 9,600 352,300 9,600 36.7 352,300 Kichland 22,900 17,700 702,700 6,500 48.0 312,000 11,200 34.9 390,700 Koosevelt 18,200 16,200 541,100 200 45.0 9,000 16,000 33.3 532,100 Sheridan 17,900 15,900 547,000 200 42.0 8,400 15,700 34.3 538,600 Vallev 25,300 22,900 751,100 1,400 40. 0 56,000 21.500 32.3 695,100 N. East Dist 142,000 123,300 4,183,000 9,100 45.4 413,400 114,400 33.0 3,770,200 Broadwater .... 6,100 5,300 259,700 4,200 53.0 222,600 1,100 33.7 37,100 Cascade 14,800 12,100 411,400 4,200 41.0 172,200 7,900 30.3 239,200 Fergus 17,500 15,000 496,500 800 40 0 32,000 14,200 32.7 464,500 Golden Val'iey .... 4,000 3,500 91,000 400 39.0 15,600 3,100 24.3 75,400 Judith Basin 9,000 7,500 219,800 700 38.0 26,600 6,800 28.4 193,200 Lewis and Clark .. 4,600 4,000 144,400 2,200 40.0 88,000 1,800 31.3 56,400 Meagher 2,000 1,600 56,800 1,400 38.0 53,200 200 18.0 3,600 Musselshell 8,300 4,600 144,400 1,000 44.0 44,000 3,600 27.9 100,400 Petroleum 2,600 2,300 63,000 1,600 31 0 49,600 700 19.1 13,400 Wheatland 5,100 4,000 131,200 3,600 34.0 122,400 400 22.0 8,800 Ceiitml Dist. 74,000 .-JO.OOO 2,018,200 20.100 41.1 820,200 ,30,800 29.9 1.192.000 Beaverhead 3,300 3,000 159,600 2,800 55.0 154,000 200 28.0 5,600 Gallatin 17,000 14,700 688,000 10,900 50.0 545,000 3,800 37.6 143,000 .Jefferson 1,400 1,300 45,600 1.100 37.0 40,700 200 24.5 4,900 Madi.«on 4,800 4,300 211,100 3,700 52.0 192,400 600 31.2 18,700 Silver Bow 100 100 2,400 100 24.0 2,400 S. AVest Dist. 2«,«00 23.400 1,100,700 18,000 50.2 934,.'>00 4,800 35.9 172,200 Big Horn 10,500 9,500 377,200 4,300 50.0 215,000 5,200 31.2 162,200 Carbon 11,700 10,400 442,000 7,300 48.0 350,400 3.100 29.6 91,600 Park 5,400 4,900 213,600 2,900 53.0 153,700 2,000 30.0 59,900 Stillwater 9,700 8,800 279,800 2.600 43.0 111,800 6,200 27.1 168,000 Sweet Grass 7,300 6,600 262,700 4,900 44.0 215,600 1,700 27.7 47,100 Treasure 3,400 1,400 37,400 1,100 28.0 30,800 300 20.0 6,600 Yellowstone 19,500 13,800 572,700 11,700 44 0 514.800 2,100 27.6 57,900 S. Cent. Dist. 07.500 55,400 2,185.400 34.80(» 45.8 1,502.100 20.00O 2S.S 593,300 Carter 6,600 5,800 160,100 5,800 27.6 160,100 Custer 6,000 5,300 157,400 2,600 34.0 88,400 2,700 25 5 69 000 Fallon 7,300 6,400 204,200 6,400 31.9 204*200 Powder River 6,800 6,000 201,600 100 38.0 3,800 5,900 33.5 197*800 Prairie 6,500 5,700 137,400 900 31.0 27,900 4,800 22.8 109'500 Rosebud 6,600 5,300 179.100 500 42.0 21,000 4,800 32.9 158 100 Wibaux 7,700 6,800 246,200 6,800 36.2 246 200 S. East. Dist 47,500 41,300 1,280,000 4,100 34.4 141,100 37,200 .30.8 1,144.900 State 497.000 425.000 14,790.000 128,000 44.0 5,033,300 297,000 30.8 9,150,700 STATE OF MONTANA 21 OATS, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAI, COUNTY Acres Planted Deer Lodge 600 Flathead 4,400 Granite 700 Lake 4,600 Lincoln 1,000 Mineral 500 Missoula 2,300 Powell 3,200 Ravalli 3,400 Sanders 1,700 Northwest Dist. .. 2X400 Blaine - 17,000 Chouteau 6,500 Glacier 5,100 Hill 12,000 Liberty 2,700 Phillips 13,100 Pondera 7,100 Teton 11,100 Toole 8,400 N. Cent. Dist. 83,000 Daniels 16,400 Dawson 16,200 Garfield 8,200 McCone 6,900 Richland 20,100 Roosevelt — . 16,500 Sheridan 16,600 Valley 25,600 Acres Har- vested 600 3,400 700 3,700 700 200 1.700 2,200 3,200 1,500 i-.soo 13,300 3,700 4,800 10,100 2,100 11,300 4,800 10,300 5,200 Produc- tion Bushels 15,000 90,400 29,000 132,900 19,000 4,600 69,000 66,000 140,000 52,500 IRRIU ATEU Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 600 400 500 3,000 300 i,'2"oo 1,80U 2,600 900 25.0 46.0 50.0 38 0 30.0 50.0 32.0 49.0 41.0 337,600 109,500 134,700 204,400 37,800 362,600 166,800 311,000 114,400 200 900 400 40.0 50.0 26.0 2,300 3,500 6,000 65,(>0O 1,778,800 18,000 12,800 230,400 12,300 349,300 800 6,100 97,600 4,400 96,800 17,700 572,400 6,100 13,400 361,800 13,600 300,800 200 18,300 386,800 1,300 15,000 18,400 25,000 114,000 9,000 60,000 57,600 127,400 36,900 (J18.400 11,300 41.0 4<;3,300 4,700 35.0 164,500 8,000 45,000 10,400 52.0 38.0 34.0 119,600 133,000 203,500 38.0 684,000 30.0 24,000 42.5 259,200 30.0 36.0 6,000 46,800 IVON-IKRIGATED Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 3,000 200 700 400 200 500 400 600 600 24.0 20.0 27.0 25.0 23.0 18.0 21.0 21.0 26.0 72,000 4,000 18,900 10,000 4,600 9,000 8.400 12.600 15,600 0,600 23.5 8,600 20.1 3,500 3,900 9,700 2,100 9,000 1,300 4,300 5,200 29.0 23.0 20.0 18.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 22.0 155,100 173,100 101,500 89,700 194,000 37,800 243,000 33,800 107,500 114,400 47,600.23.0 1,094,800 12,800 11,500 6,100 4,400 11,600 13,400 13,400 17,000 18.0 28.3 16.0 22.0 27.0 27.0 22.0 20.0 230,400 325,300 97,600 96,800 313,200 361,800 294,800 340,000 N. East. Dist. 126,500 98,600 2,.395,900 8,400 40.0 336,000 90.200 22.8 2,059,900 Broadwater 3,200 Cascade 10,100 Fergus 15,700 Golden Valley 3,900 Judith Basin 8,100 Lewis and Clark .. 1,900 Meagher 1,800 Musselshell 5,800 Petroleum 2,600 Wheatland 4,200 Central Di.st. .'"..-iOO Beaverhead 4,500 Gallatin 10,300 Jefferson 2,800 Madison 3,700 Silver Bow 100 S. West Dist. 21,400 Big Horn 6,300 Carbon 7,800 Park 3,400 Stillwater 6,300 Sweet Grass 5,900 Treasure 1,000 Yellowstone 19,000 S. Central Dist. Carter Custer Fallon Powder River . Prairie Rosebud Wibaux , 49,700 6,100 8,600 6,600 4,400 6,100 6,000 4,900 2,400 8,900 11,400 3,500 6,800 1,500 1,600 4,900 2,100 2,200 96,300 262,400 245,300 71,000 111,200 41,100 57,500 109,900 54,400 63,000 2,300 3,700 600 500 400 900 1,500 700 1,600 2,000 41.0 40.0 34.0 40.0 38.0 33.0 37.0 31.0 29.0 30.0 4,200 9,400 1,800 3,300 100 18,800 5,700 7,100 3,100 5,700 5,400 900 14,700 226,800 453,500 56,400 133,500 3,400 4,200 8,300 1,200 3,200 100 54.0 50.0 33.0 41.0 34.0 158,700 321,400 104,900 220,600 203,900 38,400 583,700 2,3 00 5.000 2,200 2,3 00 2,700 700 11,000 35.0 50.0 3 5.0 56.0 47.5 49.5 46.0 94,300 148,000 20,400 20,000 15,200 29,700 55,500 21,700 46,400 60,000 45,300 1,102.100 14,200 36.0 511,200 226,800 415,000 39,600 131,200 3,400 ,873,600 17,000 48.0 816,000 80,500 250,000 77,000 128,800 128,300 34,600 506,000 .42,600 1,631,600 4,800 6,700 6,000 3,900 3,100 5,300 4,400 110,400 181,900 165,300 101,400 77,800 175,800 154,000 26,200 46.0 3L0 1,205,200 2,400 74,400 2676 36.0 300 300 7,800 10,800 100 5,200 10,800 3,000 6,400 600 100 4,200 500 200 20.0 22.0 19.9 17.0 15.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 16 0 15.0 31,100 19.0 1,100 35.0 600 28.0 100 23.0 1,800 32.0 3,400 2,100 900 3,400 2,700 200 3,700 23.0 34.0 31.0 27.0 28.0 19.0 21.0 4,800 4,300 6,000 3,900 2,800 5,000 4,400 23.0 25.0 27.5 26.0 25.0 33.0 35.0 S. East Dist 42,700 34,200 966,600 3,000 31.0 93,000 31,20O 28.0 State 403,000 32.3,000 9,367,000 9.8,100 41.9 4.108,700 224,900 23.4 2,000 114,400 214,900 51,000 96,000 11,400 2,000 88,200 8,000 3,000 590,900 38,500 16,800 2,300 57,600 78,200 71,400 27,900 91,800 75.600 3.800 77,700 16,400 26.0 426,400 110,400 107,500 165,300 101.400 70,000 165,000 154,000 873,600 5.2.-8.300 22 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS BARLEY, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901.. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 :.. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 :... 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 Acres Planted 156,000 196,000 215,000 300,000 300,000 224,000 160,000 196,000 172,000 203,000 Har- vested 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 4.000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 10,000 11,000 13,000 15,000 16,000 19,000 23,000 20,000 20,000 23,000 24,000 24,000 23,000 22,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 30,000 31,000 37,000 41,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 62,000 55,000 30,000 64,000 75,000 68,000 85,000 101.000 141,000 150.000 195,000 215,000 258,000 232,000 128,000 147,000 132,000 84,000 151,000 Yield Per Acre (Bushels) 41.0 39.5 38.5 39.5 38.0 39.0 39.0 34.6 37.5 39.0 38.5 32.5 39.5 27.0 33.5 39.0 37.5 36.9 31.0 32.0 34.0 34.0 23.0 30.5 27.0 29.5 26.0 27.7 19.5 27.0 30.5 29.0 26.5 35.0 30.0 16.0 24.0 12.0 18.0 20.5 24.0 25.5 20.5 21.0 23.0 31.0 28.0 16.0 16.5 15.0 22.0 15.0 20.0 19.0 Produc- tion (Bushels) 82,000 79,000 116,000 118,000 152,000 195,000 195.000 173,000 225,000 273,000 308,000 325,000 434,000 351,000 502,000 624,000 712,000 849,000 620,000 640,000 782,000 816,000 552,000 702,000 594,000 678,000 650,000 748,000 585,000 837,000 1,128,000 1,189,000 1,192,000 1,750,000 1,650,000 992,000 1,320,000 360,000 1,152,000 1,538,000 1,632,000 2,168,000 2,070,000 2,961,000 3,450,000 6,045,000 6,020,000 4,128,000 3,828,000 1,920,000 3,234,000 1,980,000 1,680,000 2,869,000 Price Per Bushel (Dollars) 1.00 .73 .60 .77 .46 .56 .65 .60 .74 .65 .66 .50 .40 .59 .55 .60 .57 .51 .48 .57 .51 .58 .62 .56 .56 .62 .61 .65 .66 .75 .54 .51 .61 .53 .77 1.15 1.10 1.43 .89 .57 .52 .50 .69 .66 .60 .62 .54 .62 .42 .40 .26 .38 .59 .45 Total Value (Dollars) 82,000 58,000 70,000 91,000 70,000 109,000 127,000 104,000 166,000 177,000 203,000 162,000 174,000 207,000 276,000 312,000 406,000 433,000 298,000 365,000 399,000 473,000 342,000 393,000 333,000 420,000 396,000 486,000 386,000 628,000 609,000 606,000 727,000 928,000 1,270,000 1,141,000 1,452,000 515,000 1,025,000 877,000 849,000 1,084,000 1,428,000 1,954,000 2,070,000 3,748,000 3,251,000 2,559,000 1,608,000 768,000 841,000 752,000 991,000 1,291,000 Value Per Acre 41.00 29.00 23.33 30.33 17.50 21.80 25.40 20.80 27.66 25.29 25.38 16.20 15.82 15.92 18.40 19.50 21.37 18.83 14.90 18.25 17.35 19.71 14.25 17.09 15.14 18.26 15.84 18.00 12.87 20.26 16.46 14.78 16.16 18.56 23.09 18.40 26.40 17.17 16.02 11.69 12.49 12.75 14.14 13.86 13.80 19.22 15.12 9.92 6.93 6.00 5.72 5.70 11.80 8.55 STATE OF MONTANA 23 BARLEY, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre ACRES (Continued) Yield Produc- Per Acre tion (Bushels) (Bushels) 14.0 798,000 23.0 2,093,000 29.0 3,683,000 23.5 4,582,000 22.5 4,208,000 28.0- 6,272,000 28.5 13,908,000 29.5 17,848,000 27.3 16,680,000 22.0 14.784,000 Price Per Bushel (Dollars) .72 .52 .33 .37 .38 .50 .58 .84 .90 .93 Total Value (Dollars) 575,000 1,088,000 1,215,000 1.695,000 1,599,000 3,136,000 8,067,000 14,992,000 15,012,000 13,749,000 Value Year 1936 Planted 166,000 146,000 146,000 218,000 211,000 238,000 516,000 624,000 64?. 000 720.000 Har- vested 57.000 91,000 127,000 195,000 187,000 224,000 481,000 605,000 611.000 672,000 Per Acre 10.09 1937 11.96 1938 1939 9.57 8.69 1940 8.55 1941 14.00 1942 1943 1944. . . 16.53 24.78 24.57 1945 20.46 BARLEY, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 YEAR 1929 1930 1931..... 1932.... 1933..... 1934.... 1935.... 1936.... 1937.... 1938.... 1939.... 1940.... 1941.... 1942.... 1943.... 1944.... 1945.... IRRIGATED Acres Harvested Average Yield Production Bushels Total Value Value Per Acre 63,900 53,500 27.1 25.8 1,733,670 1,379,500 1,074,900 579,400 16.82 10.83 43,100 38,300 32,900 29,800 34,800 27.7 32.9 26.9 28.9 30.1 1,194,000 1,260,800 884,200 862,000 1,048,600 477,600 327,800 336,000 508,600 471,900 11.08 8.56 10.21 17.07 13.56 27,800 37,800 49,700 63,900 60,800 18.9 35.6 39.4 35.2 32.0 525,500 1,344,200 1,956,600 2,247,000 1,943,000 378,400 699,000 645,700 831,400 738.300 13.61 18.49 12.99 13.01 12.14 70,700 101,400 107,400 108,400 102,600 37.9 36.3 36.5 36.3 34.4 2,678,300 3,685,600 3,918,700 3,939,300 3,532,000 1,339,200 2,137,600 3,291,700 3,545,400 3,284,800 18.94 21.08 30.65 32.71 32.02 XON-IRRIGATED Acres Harvested Average Y-ield Production Bushels Total Value Value Per Acre 194,100 178,500 12.3 13.7 2,394,330 2,448,500 1,484,500 1,028,400 7.65 5.76 84,900 108,700 99,100 54,200 116,200 8.6 18.1 11.1 15.1 15.7 726,000 1,973,200 1,095,800 818,000 1,820,400 290,000 513,000 416,400 482,600 819,200 3.42 4.72 4.20 8.90 7.05 29,200 53,200 77,300 131,100 126,200 9.3 14.1 22.3 17.8 17.9 272,500 748,800 1,726,400 2,335,000 2,265,000 196,200 389,400 421,200 864,000 860,700 6.72 7.32 5.45 6.59 6.82 153,300 386,600 497,600 502,600 569,400 23.4 26.4 28.0 25.3 19.8 3.593,700 10,222,400 13,929,300 12,740,700 11.252,000 1,796,900 5,929,000 11,700,600 11,466,600 10,464.400 11.72 15.34 23.51 22.81 18.36 24 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS BARLEY, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL COUNTY Acres Planted Deer Lodge 600 Flathead 10.200 Granite 1,100 Lake 10,100 Lincoln 300 Mineral 300 Missoula 4,400 Powell 1,400 Ravalli 6,400 Sanders 2,200 Northwest Dist. .. 37,000 Blaine 13,900 Chouteau 29,900 Glacier • 9,600 Hill 29,700 Liberty 8,300 Phillips 11,200 Pondera 23,000 Teton 19,700 Toole 9,800 N. Central Dist 155,100 Daniels 40,000 Dawson 26,900 Garfield 6,200 McCone 15,300 Richland 27,700 Roosevelt 21,500 Sheridan 34,200 Valley 27,800 Ji. East Dist 199.GOO Broadwater 3.200 Cascade 14,800 Ferg-us 30,200 Golden Valley 2,200 Judith Basin 20,600 Lewis and Clark .. 3,200 Meagher 500 Musselshell 4,500 Petroleum 1,500 Wheatland 1,500 Central Dist. 82,200 Beaverhead 3.800 Gallatin 15,200 Jefferson 1,800 Madison 6,800 Silver Bow 200 S. AVest Dist. 27,800 Big- Horn 13.700 Carbon 9,800 Park 3.600 Stillwater 7.700 Sweet Grass 1.900 Treasure 2.900 Yellowstone 19,400 S. Central Dist. . . ."JO.OOO Carter _. 8,400 Custer 5.100 Fallon 34,600 Powder River 3.900 Prairie 8.000 Rosebud 6.800 Wibaux 15,500 S. East Dist 82,300 State G4.t.04»0 Acres Produc- Har- tion vested Bushels lUKKJ.VTKD Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels .\ O .\ -lit IlIG -VTED Acres Har- vested Av. Yield Produc- tion Bushels 600 9.900 1,100 10,000 300 300 4,300 1,400 6,200 2,200 31,100 203.000 38,400 278,000 4,900 7,100 122,600 43,300 247,400 65,800 600 200 l,iOO 6,200 200 100 3,000 1,200 6,100 900 51.9 22 0 34.9 32.0 18.5 27.0 32.0 32.4 40.2 39.0 31,100.. 4,400 38,400 198,400 3,700 2,700 96,000 38,900 245,200 35,100 9,700 20.5 198.600 3,800 100 200 1.300 200 100 1,300 20.9 12.0 22.0 20.5 22.0 22.0 23.6 79,600 1.200 4,400 26.600 4.400 2.200 30,700 36,300 l,041.fi00 19,000 35.4 (;93,900 10,700 20.8 347,700 13,600 28,700 9,000 27,700 7,200 11.000 22,500 19,500 9,700 401.200 840,500 172,800 614,400 121,000 237.600 636.800 557.700 210,500 2,800 60U 2,800 300 200 2.100 9,800 8,900 500 37.0 3:;.o 33.0 40.0 28.0 30.0 33.0 41.0 30.0 103.600 19,200 92.400 12.000 5,600 63.000 323,400 364,900 15,000 10,800 28,100 6,200 27,400 7,000 8,900 12,700 10.600 9.200 27.6 29.2 13.0 22.0 16.5 19.6 24.7 18.2 21.2 297.600 821,300 80.400 602.400 115,400 174,600 313,400 192,800 195,500 148,900 3,792,500 28,000 35.7 999,100 120,900 23.1 2,793,400 39,800 26,400 5,600 13.300 19.900 21,300 33,900 27,600 ,006,900 673,300 2,900 36.0 104,400 148.400 381,700 505,500 1,900 43.0 81,700 560.200 921.400 698,300 1,600 37.0 59.200 39.S00 23.500 5.600 13.300 18,000 21.300 33,900 26.000 25. 3 24.2 26.5 28.7 23.5 26.3 27.2 24.6 ,006.900 568.900 148,400 381.700 423.800 560.200 921.400 639,100 187,800 4,895,700 0.40O 3S.3 245,300 181,400 25.6 4,650.400 8,100 13,600 29,300 2.100 20.400 3.100 500 3,200 1,400 1,400 123,000 309.900 873.200 43.200 646.700 93.600 13.300 85,800 31,900 40,000 3.000 4.500 500 100 300 2.100 500 600 200 500 40.0 32.U 33.0 32.0 33.0 31.7 26.6 30.0 26 0 32.0 120,000 144,000 16,500 3,200 9,900 66,600 13.300 18.000 5,200 16,000 100 9,100 28,800 2,000 20,100 1,000 1,200 900 30.0 24.8 29.7 20.0 31.7 27.0 3,000 225,900 856,700 40,000 636,800 27,000 26.1 22.2 26.7 67.800 26.700 24.000 78.100 2,320.600 12,300 33.5 412,700 65,800 29.0 1.907,900 3.700 14,800 1.800 6.700 200 165.000 632.000 58,500 258.600 4,000 2,200 7,200 400 2,900 100 47.0 4 5.0 40 0 44.0 25.0 103,400 324,000 16,000 127,600 2,500 1,500 7.600 1,400 3,800 100 41.1 40.5 30.4 34.5 15.0 61.600 308,000 42.500 131.000 1.500 27,200 1.118,100 12,800 44.8 573,500 14,400 37.8 544,600 13,100 9,600 3,600 7,500 1.800 2,000 16.100 385.100 296,600 113,000 183,000 58,900 51.000 520,000 6,700 5,100 1,900 2.400 1.100 1,500 8.200 35.0 33.4 36.2 33.7 40 8 28.0 36.4 234,500 170,600 68,800 81,000 44,900 42,000 298.800 6,400 4,500 1,700 5,100 700 500 7,900 23.5 28.0 26.0 20.0 20.0 18.0 28.0 150,600 126.000 44.200 102.000 14.000 9.000 221.200 .53.700 1.6O7,2,.300 Carter 13,300 Custer 2,600 Fallon 37,800 Powder River 2.500 Prairie 7,300 Rosebud 8,000 "Wibaux .. 14,400 S. Ejist Dist. 8.-.900 State 720.00O TOTAI> IKRIGATKD .\o.\- lUIUG.VTKD Acres Har- vested 600 Produc- tion Bushels 24,000 280,900 26,000 311,400 8,000 7,500 260,200 31,200 174,000 37,600 Acres Har- vested 600 100 700 6,300 200 Av. Yield 40.0 35.0 35.0 28.0 24.0 3b;3 26.7 35.0 34.0 31.0 27.0 29.5 30.0 33 0 20.0 34.0 33.0 42 0 30.0 34.0 38^1 420 Produc- tion Bushels 24,000 3,500 24,500 176,400 4,800 r9"3,"9'o'6 26,700 168,000 23,800 Acres Har- vested Av. Yield Produc- tion Bushels • 10,300 ,soo 11.300 400 300 10,200 100 5,000 200 300 3,900 300 200 600 27.2 15.0 27.0 16.0 25.0 17.0 15.0 30.0 23.0 24.8 19.0 23.0 24.0 13.0 13.4 19.0 18.0 20.0 18.9 19.0 14.9 20.8 15.0 15.0 24.0 20.0 17.9 21.0 19.0 25 0 22.7 24.6 21.0 20.0 21.0 277.400 1,500 13 5,000 3,200 7 500 10,300 1,300 5,000 1,300 6,400 1,000 4,800 700 66,300 4.500 6,000 13,800 4i.(;oo 14,200 34,600 26.700 35,700 6,600 9.500 28,500 19,900 7,600 l.l(S0.S0O 297,000 797,100 661,800 474,100 89.700 233,000 642,000 541,000 144,500 20,S0O 3,400 200 3,500 500 200 3.500 8,600 6,500 100 045.600 91,800 5,900 105,000 16,500 4,000 119,000 283,800 273,000 3,000 20,800 10,800 34,400 23,200 35,200 6,400 6,000 19,900 13,400 7,500 515,200 205,200 791,200 556,800 457,600 85,700 114.000 358,200 268,000 141,500 IS-S.-SOO 42,200 3.8S0.200 627,200 758,700 82,500 157,500 813,600 590,000 778.000 545,400 26,500 5)02.000 ii'o;6ob 'i'4,'060 1.56,800 42,200 31,100 5,500 10,500 30,400 29,500 43,500 24,200 2,978,200 627,200 34,000 5.500 2,900 64.S,100 82.500 10 500 157 500 32,400 29,500 2,000 729.600 590,000 43,500 ii.o 38.0 41.0 28.0 29.0 36.0 29.0 30.8 20 0 31.0 23.0 31.0 32.0 42.0 42.3 44 0 41.0 26.0 41.8 31.0 36 0 35.0 43.0 40.0 24.0 35.2 .34.3 24.0 37;2"00 778 000 25.4 00 1,200 6,100 3,000 3,400 800 200 200 1,500 500 1,000 200 400 508,200 223,0(»» 3.100 7,900 33,500 2.500 15,50(t 1,900 500 4.352.900 125,500 197,500 826,600 55,500 311,800 54,600 10,000 106,000 21,400 22,900 231.800 123,000 95,200 23,200 7,200 5,800 46,200 10.000 . 31.000 4,600 12,400 .358.«0<) 88,200 308,900 52,800 168,100 5,200 21(5,900 100 4,500 32,700 2,300 15,300 400 4.121.100 2,500 102,300 803,400 48,300 306,000 8,400 4,000 1,400 1,100 3,000 1,200 700 25.0 14.0 15.0 22.8 30.0 27.6 31.0 31.2 20.0 29.0 21.0 26.0 22.0 20.0 15.0 13.6 21.6 21.1 17.0 15.0 16.3 15.0 21.4 21.0 20.0 75,000 16,800 10,500 71.400 2,900 14,000 2.300 7.300 300 1.7.'?1,S00 112.200 493.800 86.900 267.800 7,200 11,200 2,100 7,300 1,200 4,100 200 60.200 800 6.700 1,100 3,200 100 1.. 37.3.200 24,000 184,900 34.100 99,700 2,000 2<;..soo 7.500 5.900 3.400 5,700 1,800 3,500 20,800 SM57.900 187,500 ]SS,400 93.000 139,300 54,500 68,500 562,400 l,2n.%600 192.100 40,800 561,700 36.000 138.700 157,500 270,000 14,900 3,000 3,500 1,400 1,100 1,100 2,000 8,300 20,400 623.200 93,000 126,000 49,000 47,300 44,000 48,000 291,900 11,900 4,500 2.400 2,000 4,600 700 1,500 12,500 .344,700 94.500 62.400 44,000 92,000 10.500 20.500 270,500 4.S.(>00 11,300 699.200 ie'.soo 28,200 11,300 1,600 34,400 2,4 00 4.900 6.500 13,500 594.400 192,100 2,300 34,400 700 24.000 561,700 2,400 6.200 7,200 13,500 "T,3'0() 700 26.0 30.0 33,800 21,000 36.000 104.900 136,500 270,000 77.300 -4.600 17.8 1.325.200 672.(H>0 14,784.000 102,600 .34.4 3..532.000 .569.400 19.8 11.252.000 26 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS RYE, 1889-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 18»9., 1900 1901 1902 1903. 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 191S 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 192S 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937...., 193S 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Planted SO.OOO 67.000 48,000 48,000 71.000 1G7,000 107,000 83.000 102,000 71,000 65,000 65,000 64.000 26,000 24.000 Yield Per Acre (Bushels) Produc- tion (Busliels) Price Per Total Value (Dollars) Value Har- vested Bushel (Dollars) Per Acre 2.000 16.5 33.000 .54 18,000 9.00 2.000 7.0 14,000 .58 8,000 4.00 2,000 17.5 35.000 .60 21.000 10.50 3.000 18.0 54,000 .64 35.000 12.67 3,000 17.0 51,000 .63 32.000 10.67 3.000 16.0 48.000 .77 37,000 12.33 4.000 19.0 76,000 .65 49.000 12.25 4.000 18.0 72.000 .66 48.000 12.00 5,000 17.0 85.000 .68 58,000 11.60 5,000 19.0 95,000 .68 65,000 13.00 6.000 18.4 110,000 .73 80,000 13.33 6.000 15.5 93,000 .76 71,000 11.83 8,000 19.0 152,000 .72 109,000 13.68 10,000 18.0 180,000 .64 115,000 11.50 13.000 17.0 221.000 .59 130,000 10.00 16,000 19.0 304,000 .70 213,000 13.31 21.000 18.5 388,000 .68 264,000 12.57 30.000 17.5 525.000 .98 514,000 17.13 29.000 17.0 493.000 1.77 873,000 30.10 54.000 11.0 594,000 1.47 873,000 16.17 76,000 3.0 228,000 1.59 363,000 4.78 91.000 9.0 819,000 1.37 1.122,000 12.33 114.000 11.5 1.311.000 .76 996,000 8.74 120.000 15.0 1.800.000 .54 972,000 8.10 60,000 11.0 660,000" .49 323,000 5.38 40.000 13.0 520,000 .86 447,000 11.18 50.000 11.0 550,000 .71 390,000 7.80 65,000 12.0 780,000 .70 546,000 8.40 78,000 16.0 1.248.000 .75 936,000 12.00 90.000 13.5 1.215,000 .68 826,000 9.18 67,000 7.5 502.000 .72 361.000 5.39 68.000 8.0 544.000 .31 169.000 2.49 20,000 4.5 90,000 .21 19,000 .95 40,000 13.0 520,000 .18 94,000 2.35 38,000 7.5 285,000 .40 114.000 3.00 24,000 7.5 180.000 .54 97,000 4.04 50.000 10.5 525.000 .29 152,000 3.04 20.000 6.0 120,000 .64 77,000 3. 85 30.000 9.0 270,000 .51 138,000 4.60 50.000 15.5 775,000 .24 186.000 3.72 48.000 10.6 509,000 .32 163.000 3.40 44.000 11.0 484,000 .27 131,000 2.98 45.000 12.0 540,000 .42 227,000 5.04 46.000 14.0 644,000 .51 328.000 7.13 29.000 14.0 406,000 .82 333.000 11.49 16,000 12.0 192,000 .87 167,000 11.06 17.000 11.0 187.000 1.43 267.000 15.71 STATE OF MONTANA 27 RYE, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 IRRIGATED YEAR 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. Acres Average Production Total Value Harvested Yield Bushels Value Per Acre 1,120 12.7 14,200 10,200 9.11 1,100 15.0 16,500 5,100 4.64 1,300 14.0 18,200 3,800 2.92 1,600 19.0 30,400 5,500 3.44 1,900 16.0 30,400 12,200 6.42 1,800 18.0 32,400 17,500 9.72 2,300 21.0 48,300 14,000 6.09 1,800 12.0 21,600 13,800 7,67 1,800 19.0 34,200 17,400 9.67 2,300 18.0 41,400 9,900 4.30 1,870 17.5 32,670 10,500 5.62 2,360 20.0 47,200 12,700 5.38 2,540 23.0 58,400 24,500 9.65 2,890 20.0 57,800 29,500 10.21 2,570 22.0 56,500 46,300 18.02 1,900 19.4 36,770 32,000 16.84 2,110 21.1 44,440 63,500 30.10 ]« ON -IRRIGATED YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Average Production Total Value Harvested Yield Bushels Value Per Acre 65,880 7.4 487,800 351,200 5.33 66,900 7.9 527,500 163,500 2.44 18,700 3.8 71,800 15,100 .81 38,400 12.8 489,600 88,100 2.29 36,100 7.1 254,600 101,800 2.82 22,200 6.6 147,600 79,500 3.58 47,700 10.0 476,700 138,200 2.90 18,200 5.4 98,400 63,000 3.46 28,200 8.4 235,800 120,300 4.27 47,700 15.4 733,600 176,100 3.69 46,130 10.3 476,330 152,400 3.30 41,640 10.5 436,800 117,900 2.83 42,460 11.3 481,600 202,300 4.76 43,110 13.6 586,200 299,000 4.62 26,430 13.2 349,500 286,600 10.84 14,100 11.0 155,230 135,100 9.58 14,890 9.6 142,560 203,900 13.69 28 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS RYE, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated COUNTY Deei" Lodge Flathead Granite Lake Liincoln Mineral Missoula Powell Ravalli Sanders Xorthwest I)ist. Blaine — Chouteau Glacier ... Hill Liberty . Phillips - Pondera . Teton Toole TOTAL Acres Produc- Acres Har- tion Planted vested Bushels 30 20 520 500 380 3,950 200 110 2,080 500 330 4,880 300 200 1,100 100 70 1,180 200 120 2,000 300 220 3,520 200 100 1,310 70 ::,400 1.550 20.540 700 420 4,910 800 570 8,380 IHRIG-VTED Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 400 266 id 6 260 "80 X. Central Uist. 2.200 l,:i30 2,110 "s'fo NOX-IRRIGATED l.l.OTO 10 30.0 50 25.0 120 100 50 16.7 19.0 16.2 330 1».0 50 22.0 20 16.0 70 20.:i 300 1,250 2,000 1,900 810 Acres Har- vested 10 380 110 280 200 70 i'io 50 Produc- Av. tion Yield Bushels 6.2(S0 1,100 320 1.420 22 0 10.4 18.9 13.0 5.5 16.8 13.5 10.0 1.220 11.7 370 10 3 570 14.7 260 "'60 8.1 "4"!2 1.2<50 ll..-> 220 3,950 2,080 3,630 1,100 1,180 1.620 500 14.280 3,810 8,380 2,110 " 2"5d i4..^.';o Daniels DaAvson .. Garfield .. McCone .. Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Vallev .... 2,100 50 250 300 600 2,400 400 1,700 1,220 20 150 190 260 1,500 260 880 10,610 200 1,950 2,490 2.550 12,900 3,330 12,760 100 20.0 2,000 1,220 20 150 190 260 1,500 260 780 8.7 10.0 13.0 13.1 9.8 8.6 12 8 13.8 10.610 200 1.950 2.490 2.550 12.900 3.330 10.760 X. K.-ist Dist. .800 4.480 46.790 100 20.0 2,000 4,380 10.2 44.790 Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley .... Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meag-her Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland 100 1.200 200 100 100 300 400 200 100 100 50 750 110 50 40 150 270 110 50 50 1.110 5.930 1.470 1,050 750 1,960 2,810 630 500 660 20 130 10 30 30 110 100 20 30.0 20.0 21.0 23.0 20.0 16.0 16.0 14.0 Centr.1l Dist. 2.S00 1.G30 16.870 40 15.0 490 1S.2 600 2,600 210 690 600 1,760 1,600 2S0 600 30 620 100 20 10 40 170 90 50 10 8.940 1.140 17.0 5.5 12.6 18.0 15 0 5.0 7.1 3.9 9.9 6.0 7.0 510 3,330 1.260 360 150 200 1.210 350 500 60 .9.30 Beaverhead Gallatin Jefferson ... Madison Silver Bow S. AVest TJist. BijJ- Horn .... Carbon Park Stillwater .... Sweet Grass Treasure Yellowstone 3 00 1.000 1,300 300 400 .1..*JOf> 200 200 1,300 500 200 200 300 280 610 760 130 260 2.O40 140 130 830 350 90 80 210 5,320 10.250 11.400 1,850 3,640 32.4O0 1,530 1,770 14,360 4.200 1.280 240 2.020 200 120 150 50 90 21.0 22.0 19.0 18.0 19.0 610 20 130 20 20 50 4.200 2,640 2,850 900 1,710 20.2 12..300 17.0 340 2"l"."o 19.0 20.0 2"r7"3"0 380 400 18.0 900 80 490 610 80 170 14.0 15.5 14.0 11.9 11.4 1.4.S0 14.1 120 ri.it 130 13.6 700 16.6 330 11.6 70 12.6 60 160 3.0 7.0 1.120 7,610 8.550 950 1.930 20.100 1.190 1,770 11,630 3,S20 880 240 1.120 S, Centriil Uist. 2.000 1.S30 25,400 240 19.8 4,750 1,.590 1.3.0 20.650 Carter 1.600 Custer . TOO Fallon 400 Powder River 1.300 Prairie 100 Rosebud "00 Wibaux S. Ka.-st Dist. 4.(!«M) St:itf 24;.ooo 1.120 430 270 950 50 340 3. too I «;.04M> 11.860 1,120 10.6 4.390 20 19.0 380 410 9.8 2.750 270 10.2 11.680 950 12.3 330 50 6.5 2,960 40 18.0 720 300 7.5 3,3.970 60 1.S.3 1,100 3.100 10.6 1»2,000 l.SMMJ 19.4 .36.770 14,100 11.0 11,860 4,010 2,750 11,680 330 2.240 32.870 155.2.30 STATE OF MONTANA 29 RYE, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL, COUNTY Deer Lodge Flathead Granite Lake Lincoln Mineral Missoula Powell Ravalli Sanders Acres Planted Acies Har- vested N€>rth^vest Dist. Blaine Choueau Glacier . Hill Liberty Phillips Pondera Teton ... Toole .... N. Central Dist. Daniels .. Dawson .. Garfield McCone Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... 700 200 700 300 100 200 400 300 100 3,000 700 600 500 iob ibd 2,000 1,200 100 200 200 300 1,300 300 500 450 100 450 200 50 100 200 200 50 l,SOO 450 350 Produc- tion Bushels 6',3'ob 1,400 7,850 2,380 820 1,500 3,680 4,000 790 28,720 6,350 5,330 IRRIGATKD Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 300 "106 1.200 1,050 50 150 200 250 1,150 250 400 3,400 i','246 N. East Dist. 4.100 •S.-'SOO 10.320 8,400 540 1,350 2,000 2,130 9,200 2,490 4,900 31,010 NON-IRRIGATED Acres Har- vested Av. Yield Produc- tion Bushels 100 20 20 50 120 150 30 26.0 20.0 20 0 20.0 22.0 23.0 19.0 490 22.6 50 23.0 20 19.0 20 18.0 90 21.0 2,600 400 400 1,000 2,640 3,450 570 11,000 1,150 380 360 18,90 10 18.0 180 lb 2"i!b 210 bb 20.6 1,800 450 100 350 180 30 50 80 50 20 14.0 14.0 15.0 11.0 14.0 10.0 13.0 11.0 11.0 1,310 13.5 400 13.0 330 15.0 300 11.3 ""so ii.o 1,110 13.0 1,050 40 150 200 240 1,150 250 310 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 ti.300 1,400 5,250 1,980 420 500 1,040 550 220 17,060 5,200 4,950 3,400 "880 14.4.30 8,400 360 1,350 2,000 1,920 9,200 2,490 3.100 110 19.9 2,190 3,390 8.5 28,820 Broadwater Cascade Ferg-us Golden Valley .... Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland 200 1,400 500 200 200 200 500 100 400 Central Dist. 3.700 100 1,000 300 100 150 150 350 50 200 ,400 1,080 9,500 2,400 920 1,150 2.250 2,300 300 1,400 21.600 20 250 20 20 150 20 26.0 20 0 18.0 18.5 17.0 16.0 480 19.0 520 5,000 360 370 2,550 320 9,120 80 750 300 80 130 330 50 200 7.0 6.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 1,920 6.5 560 500 400 560 780 1.980 300 1.400 12.480 Beaverhead Gallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow 500 1,000 1.200 200 400 300 600 700 150 250 S. West Dist. 3.300 I.OOO 5,600 9,600 10,450 2,400 3,400 31,450 200 120 150 50 90 22.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 20.0 160 21.9 4,400 2,880 3.300 1,000 1,800 13,.3SO 100 480 550 100 160 12.0 14.0 13.0 14.0 10.0 1.390 13.0 1,200 6,720 7,150- 1,400> 1.600 1S,«>70 Big Horn Carbon Park Stillwater ... Sweet Grass Treasure Yellowstone 200 100 900 300 50 50 200 S. Central Dist. 1.800 1.^0 100 800 250 50 50 200 1,600 1,350 1,120 10,100 2,240 550 590 2,720 18,670 20 20.0 130 21 0 20 20.0 10 19.0 60 22.0 240 21.0 400 ,730 400 190 1,320 5,040 150 80 670 230 50 40 140 9.0 9.0 11.0 8.0 11.0 10.0 10.0 1,360 10.0 1,350 720- 7,370- 1.840 550 400 1.400 13.630 Carter Custer Fallon Powder River Prairie Rosebud Wibaux 1,400 700 1.100 2,300 100 500 1,050 4 50 SOO 1,850 50 300 9,450 4,400 7,600 14,800 400 2,580 S. East Di.st. State 50 20.0 40 19.0 6.100 4,500 39,230 90 19.6 24,000 17.000 187,000 2,110 21.1 1,000 760 1.760 44,440 1,050 9.0 40n S.5 800 9.5 1,850 8.0 50 8.0 260 7.0 4,410 8.5 14,890 9.6 14 9,450 3,400 600 SOO 400 820 37.480 142,560 30 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FLAXSEED, 1902-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. YEAR Acres Planted Har- vested 13,000 14,000 18,000 19,000 Yield Produe- Per Acre tion (Bushels) (Bushels) 9.0 14.0 10.0 9.0 117,000 196,000 180,000 171,000 Price Per Bushel (Dollars) .68 .60 .95 .82 Total Value (Dollars) 80,000 118,000 171,000 140.000 Value Per Acre 6.15 8.43 9.50 7.37 1906- 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 28,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 200,000 12.0 13.0 11.0 11.9 6.0 336,000 494,000 418,000 452,000 1,200,000 1.00 .81 1.00 1.56 2.26 336,000 400,000 418,000 705,000 2,712,000 12.00 10.53 11.00 18.55 13.56 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 270,000 325,000 320,000 255,000 250,000 8.0 12.0 9.0 8.0 10.5 2,160.000 3,900,000 2,880,000 2,040,000 2.625.000 1.92 1.21 1.18 1.25 1.69 4,147,000 4,719.000 3,398,000 2,550.000 4,436,000 15.36 14.52 10.62 10.00 17.74 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. 301,000 320,000 500,000 470,000 160,000 260,000 9.5 3.0 5.0 2.5 3.5 3,040,000 1,500,000 2,350,000 400,000 910.000 2.37 3.08 3.47 4.23 1.98 7,205,000 4,620,000 8,154,000 1,692,000 1,802,000 22.52 92.40 17.35 10.58 6.93 1921... 1922... 1923... 1924... 1925... 119,000 88,000 112,000 250,000 212.000 110,000 84,000 110,000 246,000 190,000 5.2 7.0 8.0 7.5 4.0 572,000 588.000 880.000 1,845,000 760.000 1.60 2.09 2.05 2.22 2.21 915,000 1,229,000 1,804.000 4,096,000 1,680,000 8.32 14.63 16.40 16.65 8.84 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 179,000 165,000 191,000 426,000 606,000 145,000 165,000 183,000 362,000 481,000 4.5 10.0 8.5 3.3 3.7 652,000 1,650,000 1,556,000 1,195,000 1,780.000 1.90 1.81 1.89 2.75 1.53 1,239,000 2,986,000 2,941,000 3,286,000 2,723,000 8.54 18.10 16.07 9.08 5.66 1931.. 1932.. 1933.. 1934.. 1935.. 356,000 336,000 151,000 71,000 98,000 178,000 214,000 64,000 23,000 64,000 2.6 3.5 3.0 4.6 3.5 463.000 749,000 192,000 106,000 224,000 1.08 .82 1.44 1.52 1.35 500,000 614.000 276.000 161.000 302.000 2.81 2.87 4.31 7.00 4.72 1936. 1937., 1938. 1939. 1940. 53,000 25.000 37,000 109.000 122.000 16,000 15,000 26,000 82,000 107,000 4.0 3.1 5.0 4.4 7.4 64,000 46,000 130,000 361,000 792,000 1.74 1.69 1.47 1.49 1.25 111,000 78,000 191,000 538,000 990,000 6.94 5.20 7.35 6.56 9.25 1941.. 1942. 1943. 1944.. 1945. 154,000 336.000 541.000 221.000 360.000 141,000 316,000 515,000 199,000 320,000 5.5 7.7 8.0 7.6 4.1 776,000 2,433,000 4,120,000 1,512,000 1.312.000 1.64 2.15 2.66 2.74 2.72 1.273.000 5,231,000 10.959.000 4,098,000 3.569,000 9.03 16.55 21.28 20.59 11.15 STATE OF MONTANA 31 FLAXSEED, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAK 1929.:.. 1930 1931. 1932.. 1933.. 1934.. 1935.. 1936. 1937. 1938.. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. IRRIGATED Acres Average Production Harvested Yield Bushels 6,400 7.0 44,800 4,300 8.2 35.300 3,100 7.3 22,600 2,000 7.6 15,200 1,400 7.0 9,800 500 8.1 4,000 1,100 7.5 8,200 600 8.7 5,200 1,000 9.4 9,400 3,200 8.9 28,500 10,000 9.5 94,600 8,600 9.2 79,100 7,300 10.9 79,600 12,900 12.2 157,400 20,100 9.5 191,000 9,900 10.1 99,680 14,200 9.3 131,600 Total Value Value Per Acre 123,200 19.25 54,000 12.56 24,400 7.87 12,500 6.25 14,100 10.07 6,100 12.20 11,100 10.09 9,000 15.00 15,900 15.90 41,900 13.09 141,000 14.10 98,900 11.50 130,500 17.88 338,400 26.23 508.100 25.28 270,100 27.28 358,000 25.21 NON-IRRIGATED YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938.... 1939 1940.... 1941.... 1942.... 1943.... 1944.... 1945.... Acres Average Production Total Value arvested Yield Bushels Value Per Acre 355,600 3.2 1,150,200 3,163,100 8.90 476,700 3.7 1,744,700 2,669.400 5.60 174,900 2.5 440,400 475,600 2.72 212,000 3.5 733,800 601,700 2.84 63,600 2.9 182,200 262,400 4.13 22,500 4.5 . 102,000 155,000 6.89 62,900 3.4 215,800 291,300 4.63 15,400 3.8 58,800 102,300 6.64 14,000 2.6 36,600 61,900 4.42; 22,800 4.5 101,500 149,200 6.54 72,000 3.7 266,400 396,900 5.51 98,400 7.2 712,900 891,100 9.06. 133,700 5.2 696,400 1,142,100 8.54 303,100 7.5 2,275,600 4,892,500 16.14 494,900 7.9 3,929,000 10,451,100 21.12: 189,100 7.5 1,412,320 3,827,400 20.24 305,800 3.9 1.180.400 3,210,700 10.50> 32 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FLAX, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL, COUNTY I)fL'r Liodge Kiathead Craiiite 1-ake Lincoln Mineral Missoula Powell Ravalli Sanders Acres Planted Acres Har- vested Produc- tion Bushels Nortli^vcNt nist. 200 "i'oo 300 200 ibb 300 480 750 litRIGATED Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 1,1'30 50 9.0 .'^o ».o 450 \OX-IUHIGATEn Acres Har- vested Produc- Av. tion Y'ield Bushels 450 200 50 2.4 i.6 •jr,(i 3.1 480 300 TSO Blaine ... Chouteau Claeier ... Hill Liberty Phillips . Pondera . Teton Toole 100 400 100 300 800 600 ,900 100 300 2,100 2,200 850 2,150 1,750 4,500 4,200 7,050 1,600 13,860 11,220 5,360 4,940 9,280 26,550 33,180 66,980 7,520 300 8.0 2,400 900 4,100 400 9.0 11.0 11.5 3,600 9,900 47,150 -X. Centrn! Dist. 2S,000 26,400 178,890 5,700 11.1 63.050 1,800 2,200 450 2,150 1,750 4,500 3,300 2,950 1,600 6.4 5.1 3.9 2.3 5.3 5.9 7.1 6.7 4.7 11,460 11,220 1,760 4,940 9.280 26.550 23,280 19,830 7,520 20,700 5.6 115,840 Daniels .. Dawson .. Garfield .. McCone .. Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... X. East Dist Broad^vater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley .... Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meagher Musselshell Petroleum "Wheatland Central Oist. Bea\erhcad (Jallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow .. S. West Dist. Big- Horn Carbon Park Stillwater Sweet Grass . Treasure Yellowstone . S. Central Dist. Carter Custer Fallon Powder River . Prairie Rosebud Wibaux S. East Di.st. 34,000 16,000 2,300 18,200 30,100 22,500 36,700 12,600 2,650 290 20 50 33,800 14,000 2,200 16,100 16,300 22,300 36,400 12,500 270,400 93,800 16,940 119,140 112,470 191,780 299,660 86,250 100 12 0 172,400 153,600 1,190,440 40 400 3,450 100 50 150 1,300 250 50 1,600 500 1,100 3,300 600 4,500 400 4,100 14.500 2,250 250 20 50 40 340 2,950 100 50 150 1,300 250 50 1,600 400 1,000 3,200 600 4,400 400 4,000 14,0OO 16,650 2,420 200 200 360 3,030 22,860 2,500 150 2,650 11,180 2,220 330 1.3,7.30 2,200 7,100 20,160 6.660 29,040 2,640 34.400 100 100 11.0 12.0 100 8.0 400 10»S 250 11.0 50 12.0 20 10.0 10 11.0 20 11.0 .3.';o 11.1 100 25.0 100 25.0 100 10.0 100 10.0 300 14.0 2,900 7.0 102,200 3.200 7.7 State 221,000 199.000 1.512.000 9,900 10.1 1,200 1,100 1,200 500 2,750 600 200 110 220 3,880 2,500 2,500 "i.bbb 1,000 4.200 20,300 24,500 99.6,S0 33,700 14,000 2,200 16.000 16,200 22,300 36,400 12,400 2,000 200 50 30 320 2.600 50 8.0 6.7 7.7 7.4 6.9 8.6 8.2 6.9 4,30O 1.53,200 7 .•jO 3.0 1,300 8.6 150 8.1 50 6.6 269,200 93,800 16.940 118,040 111,270 191,780 299,660 85,450 7.7 1,186,140 7.0 9.1 13,900 1.820 4.0 200 8.3 8.8 250 2,810 7.3 18.980 3.0 150 1.50 11.180 1.220 330 1..500 8.5 12,730 400 5.5 2,200 1,000 7.1 7,100 3,200 6.3 20.160 300 8.2 2,460 1,500 5.8 8,740 400 6.6 2.640 4,000 8.6 7.2 34,400 10.800 77,700 189.100 7.5 1.412..320 STATE OF MONTANA 33 FLAX, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IKKIGATKU .\o\-iHUi(; lATEU COUNT V Deer Lodgf Acres Planted " 200 Acres Har- vested 200 Produc- tion Bushels L2b6 Acres Har- vested Produc- Av. tion Yield Bushels "'i.O '450 ii.6 i.'ioo Acres Har- vested ' isb "200 Av. iield Produc- tio7i Busiiels Flathead . Granite ...- '5.0 Lake 50 750 Lincoln ^liiieral Mis.soula Powell 300 300 1,800 100 2.5 500 Ra^■all^ Sanders 11.7 8.0 ib.b '6;o 9.5 10 5 3.<; 2.5 3.3 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.7 4.8 3.2 4.3 .3.1 2.6 4.7 2.3 2.6 4.7 5.2 3 0 4.1 3.7 4.0 3.1 4.0 3.0 -Vorthwcst Hist. Blaine Chouteau 500 4,300 2,500 2,000 7,300 4,800 13,000 7,600 .. 10,200 3,300 55,000 .. 42,000 .. 21,000 .. 14,400 .. 28,500 . 53,000 .. 35,000 .. 46,000 .. 17,500 500 2,400 2,100 1,500 6,400 4,100 10,200 7,000 9,800 2,300 3.O00 7,200 6,900 8.700 14,700 ■ 11,100 28,600 41,400 74,500 9,900 l.-.o 200 1,7.'>0 1,600 f.m) 17206 16,150 61,950 .•{50 2,200 2,100 800 6,400 4,100 10,000 5,300 3,900 2,300 1 .2.-,0 5,600 6,900 Glacier . 700 1 700 Hill 14,700 Liberty 200 1,700 5,900 11 100 Phillips 27.400 Pondera 25,250 Teton -- 12,550 Toole 9,900 8.700 10.1 "6.6 "6.0 "i.o 6.0 6.2 X. Central Di.st. Daniels 45.800 38,700 19,200 9,800 22,500 49,300 33,500 43,300 14,700 203,000 100,600 90,200 22,500 58,500 231,700 172,600 129,900 60.300 8««;.300 soo 16,100 2,000 300 87,900 1,200 " 600 700 60O 37,100 38,700 19,000 9,800 22,500 49.200 33.500 43,200 14,600 ll.->,100 100,600 Dawson 200 89,000 Garfield 22,500 McCone iob 58,500 Richland 231.100 Roosevelt . -.. 172,600 Sheridan 100 100 .500. 129 200 Valley 59,700 X. East Di-st Broad^vater . 257,400 400 2,800 600 100 231.000 200 2,100 500 100 .3,100 230,500 200 600 500 100 80.3.200 800 Cascade .. 1,500 9.5 14,250 1,850 2,000 Fergus Golden Valley 300 Judith Basin Lewis and Clark . ibb 800 100 Meagher . .. .. Musselshell 100 1,200 300 100 800 200 500 3,200 1,000 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.7 4.0 3.0 500 Petroleum .. 3,200 Wheatland . 100 7.0 9.3 700 300 Central Dist. Beaverhead 5,500 100 100 4,000 100 100 23,900 400 300 1,600 14.950 2,400 100 100 8,950 400 Gallatin . .. 300 Jefferson "9;'o ^ladison Silver Bo^v 3.5 4.7 S. AVe.st Dist. Bia: Horn 200 2,300 300 200 2.100 200 700 9,900 1,800 i.'i'oo . 200 2,100 700 9,900 Carbon 200 Park ibb 100 Stillwater Sweet Grass '. ioo ■ 100 Too 100 4'6(i 400 Treasure . 4.0 4.0 4.7 5.0 5.8 5.1 5.1 5.3 3.3 6.3 5.5 3.9 400 Yello^vstone 9.0 i2;'6 "i.o 400 S. Central Dist. Carter 2.900 2,600 5,000 9,800 2,400 8,200 1,300 9.200 2,500 2.500 4,700 9,500 2,000 7,100 1,200 9,000 12.500 12.500 28,200 48,400 10.200 42,600 4.000 56,700 200 1..S00 i.'sbo 2br3bb 2,3 2.500 4,550 9,500 2,000 4,200 1,200 9,000 10,700 12.500 Custer 150 26,400 Fallon 48,400 Pou'der River 10.200 Prairie 2,900 22.300 Rosebud 4.000 ^Vibaux 56.700 7.2 9.3 S. Ea.st Dist. State .^S.500 ... 300.04M> 30 320.000 202.000 1.312.000 3.050 14.200 22,100 131.600 32.950 305,800 180,500 1.1S0400 34 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS SUGAR BEETS, 1909-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. 1921.. 1922.. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927.. 1928.. 1929.. 1930.. 1931.. 1932.. 1933.. 1934.. 1935.. 1936.. 1937.. 1938.. 1939.. 1940.. 1941.. 1942.. 1943.. 1944.. 1945.. Acres Planted Har- vested 8,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 30,000 38,000 35,000 36,000 32.000 35,000 41,000 47,000 59,000 58,000 71,000 68,000 53,000 71,000 76,000 81,000 77,000 86,000 66,000 80,000 60,000 71,000 87,000 6,000 16,000 17,000 17,000 28,000 33,000 30,000 32,000 32,000 28,000 38,000 45,000 54,000 54,000 68,000 64,000 51,000 60,000 70,000 78,000 74,000 83,000 64,000 75,000 57,000 64,000 81,000 Yield Per Acre (Tons) 9.0 8.7 8.3 8.0 8.4 10.3 10.3 10.9 11.4 9.2 10.2 12.7 11.4 13.7 12.3 12.3 11.2 10.9 12.2 12.7 12.1 14.0 12.4 12.2 10.2 10.7 10.7 Produc- tion (Tons) 109,000 120,000 180,000 191,000 233,000 203,000 216,000 249,000 111,000 88,000 54,000 139,000 141,000 136,000 235,000 341,000 309,000 348,000 364,000 258,000 386,000 572,000 617,000 739,000 838,000 786,000 570,000 654,000 852,000 987,000 894,000 1,166,000 793,000 915,000 581,000 682,000 865,000 Price Per Ton (Dollars) 5.00 5.90 5.97 6.44 5.89 5.95 6.10 6.35 7.65 10.40 11.25 11.78 6.61 8.46 8.77 8.18 6.34 8.09 8.23 7.35 7.29 7.33 6.01 5.39 5.46 5.21 6.36 6.30 5.27 4.57 4.82 4.95 6.77 7.30 9.25 10.60 10.30 Total Value (Dollars) 932,000 1,151,000 2,060,000 2,789,000 1,960,000 2,814,000 2,996,000 1,897,000 2,815,000 4,191,000 3,700,000 3,983,000 4,575,000 4,095,000 3,625,000 4,120,000 4,490,000 4,511,000 4,309,000 5,772,000 5,369,000 6,680,000 5,374,000 7,229,000 8,710,000 Value Per Acre 545.000 708,000 1,075,000 1,230,000 1,372,000 1,208,000 1,318,000 1,581,000 849,000 915,000 608,000 101.33 1,637,000 102.31 54.82 67.71 73.57 84.52 65.33 87.94 93.63 67.75 74.08 93.13 68.63 73.76 67.28 63.98 71.08 68.67 64. 14 57.83 58.23 69.54 83.89 89.07 94.28 112.95 107.53 SORGHUMS, 1929-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936.. 1937. 1938. 1939.. 1940.. 1941.. 1942.. 1942.. 1944.. 1945.. YEAR Acres Planted Har- vested 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 9,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 9,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 11,000 10,000 13,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 Yield Per Acre (Tons) .75 .85 1.10 .90 .90 .60 .85 .70 1.25 1.30 1.17 1.20 1.20 1.15 1.20 1.17 1.20 Produc- tion (Tons) 1,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 9,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 Price Per Ton (Dollars) 9.00 8.00 6.00 4.50 5.40 9.80 6.50 10.40 6.60 4.30 4.10 4.20 5.50 6.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 Total Value Value Per (Dollars) Acre 9,000 16,000 12,000 IS, 000 22,000 39,000 39,000 52,000 66,000 52,000 49,000 59,000 77,000 54,000 64,000 42,000 35,000 9.00 8.00 6.00 4.50 4.40 5.57 5.57 7.43 8.25 5.78 4.90 4.92 6.42 6.75 9.14 8.40 8.75 STATE OF MONTANA 35 SUGAR BEETS, 1944 and 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — All Irrigated COUNTY Deer Lodge Flathead ... Granite Lake Lincoln Mineral Missoula Powell Ravalli Sanders ]V. West Dist. Blaine Chouteau Glacier .. Hill Liberty .. Phillips .. Pondera Teton .... Toole N. Central Di.st. Daniels ... Dawson Garfield . McCone ... Richland . Roosevelt Sheridan . Valley — 1944- Av. Produc- Acres Yield tion Harvested Tons Tons Acres Planted 1,460 960 20 4,200 60 «,700 6,260 30 2,550 710 1,080 10,«30 1,740 10,320 2,720 N. Eastern Dist. 14,780 890 20 4,120 60 6,420 5,420 30 2,140 650 S70 9,110 1,740 10,020 2,550 1,330 8.9 11.0 43.5 11.7 12.5 11.1 10.0 12.7 11.6 7.0 7.4 9.9 12.0 11.9 11.0 14,.310 ll.S 11,800 9,760 870 48,060 750 71,500 53,950 380 "24','840 4,530 6,420 90.120 ""2()',8io 1197710 ""28,150 1«S.«70 — 194."> — Acres Acres Planted Harvested Av. Yield Tons 10 "i'Mo 1,300 220 4,530 80 7,940 7,030 40 12,.310 """"3;"4""80 ""i"2","6"36 """"4"i300 .19.810 10 l"6'40 r.o 10.0 1,220 180 4,350 80 7,480 6,190 11.5 5.4 13.1 7.4 11.9 11.1 40 13.5 Produc- tion Tons 70 "16,420 "l""4;o"3b 970 56,960 590 89,040 68,600 "540 3,300 2,890 9.8 28,340 700 520 8.1 4,210 1,170 930 7.0 6,470 70 40 7.5 300 10.610 3,390 11,790 3,840 10.2 9.6 IQ.'i 19.020 8.1 10.0 108,460 """32r69"0 "'l""2""5."6"'2b """3""d;99'0 189,.SOO Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland Central Dist. 1,760 1,090 2,850 1,610 1,020 9.4 9.7 2,6.30 9.5 15,070 9,910 24,980 2,000 1,120 40 3,160 1,660 1,060 40 13.5 2,760 8.7 14,360 9,210 540 24,110 Beaverhead Gallatin Jefferson ... Madison Silver Bow S. West Dist. Big Horn Carbon Park Stillwater .. Sweet Grass Treasure Yellowstone .South Central Carter Custer Fallon , Powder River Prairie Rosebud Wibaux S. I<:astern Dist. 8,210 3,020 700 3,400 14,790 30,120 1,600 40 4,280 5,920 State 71,000 7,480 2,380 3,270 12,470 40 3,850 10.3 11.0 570 10.8 8.2 10.7 26,170 10.3 1,470 11.1 9.8 10.4 .^,360 10.6 64,000 10.7 76,960 26,100 "6","i"4"6 ""2"6r8"9"6 133,780 269,870 16,350 390 40,120 9,260 4,450 910 3,350 17,600 35,570 3,190 270 4,750 8,380 9.9 4,130 10.7 850 11.6 3,240 12.6 16,540 11.5 33,140 11.1 3,120 10.5 270 10.4 4,600 11.1 56,860 8,210 7.990 10.8 682,000 87.000 81.000 10.7 83,190 44,030 9,840 40,970 189.620 367,650 32,780 2,820 50,840 86,440 865.00O 36 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS POTATOES, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890.. 1891-. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895. 1S96.. 1897.. 1898.. 1899.. 1900.. 1901.. 1902- 1903.. 1904.. 1905.. 1906.. 1907.. 1908- 1909.. 1910.. 1911.. 1912.. 1913.. 1914- 1915.. 1916.. 1917-. 1918.. 1919.. 1920. 1921. 1922.. 1923.. 1924.. 1925.. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930.. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934.. 1935.. YEAR Acres Planted 21,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 24,000 25,000 20,000 Yield Produc- Per Acre tion (Bushels) (Bushels ) Price Per Bushel (Dollars) Total Value (Dollars) Value Har- vested Per Acre 2,000 136 272,000 1.00 272,000 136.00 3.000 119 357,000 .70 250,000 83.33 4,000 119 476,000 .56 267,000 66.75 4.000 95 380,000 .50 190,000 47.50 4,000 128 512,000 .90 461,000 115.25 4,000 133 532,000 .64 340.000 85.00 4,000 127 508,000 .50 254.000 63. 50 3,000 104 312,000 .65 203,000 67.67 4.000 117 468,000 .80 374.000 93.50 4,000 144 576,000 .41 236.000 59.00 5,000 135 675,000 .60 405,000 81.00 6,000 124 744,000 .69 513.000 85.50 7,000 152 1.064,000 .48 511,000 73.00 S,000 127 1,016,000 .48 488,000 61.00 8,000 144 1,152,000 .32 369,000 46.13 8,000 143 1,144,000 .40 458,000 57.25 9,000 162 1,458,000 .55 802,000 89.11 10,000 139 1,390,000 .53 737,000 73.70 10,000 125 1,250,000 .53 662,000 66.20 11,000 137 1,507,000 .73 1,100,000 100.00 12.000 142 1,704,000 .50 852,000 71.00 13.000 157 2,041,000 .44 898,000 69.08 13.000 125 1,625,000 .61 991,000 76.23 14,000 153 2,142,000 .59 1,264,000 90.29 15,000 144 2.160.000 .61 1,318,000 87 87 17.000 157 2,669,000 .50 1,334,000 78.47 19.000 132 2.508,000 .70 1,756,000 92.42 21,000 157 3,297,000 .57 1,879,000 89.4; 19,000 112 2,12S,000 .96 2.043.000 107.53 21,000 136 2,856.000 .87 2,485,000 118.33 26,000 172 4,472,000 .46 2,057,000 79.12 25,000 147 3,675,000 .65 2,389,000 95.56 26,000 148 3,848,000 .68 2,617,000 100.65 27,000 170 4,590,000 .62 2,846,000 105.41 26,000 156 4,056,000 1.43 5,800,000 223.08 32,000 115 3,680,000 1.05 3,864,000 120.75 29,000 165 4,785,000 .87 4,163,000 143.55 23,000 75 1,725,000 2.80 4.830,000 210.00 24,000 110 2,640,000 1.15 3,036,000 126.50 25,000 115 2, §75,000 .93 2,674,000 106.96 29,000 128 3,712,000 .51 1,893,000 55.28 23,000 110 2,530,000 .79 1,999,000 86.91 21,000 87 1,827,000 1.07 1,955,000 93 10 22,000 108 2,376,000 1.66 3,944,000 179.27 21,000 85 1,785,000 1.32 2,356,000 112.19 22,000 140 3,080,000 .74 2,279,000 103.59 23,000 ■ 115 2,645,000 .64 1,659,000 72.13 21,000 89 1,869,000 1.81 3,383,000 161.10 19,000 90 1.710,000 1.06 1.813,000 95.42 21,000 85 1,785,000 .57 1.017,000 58.42 22,000 100 2,200,000 .40 880.000 40.00 23,000 90 2.070,000 .68 1,408.000 61.22 23,000 78 1.794,000 .74 1.328,000 57.74 19,000 85 1,615,000 .80 1.292.000 68.00 STATE OF MONTANA 37 YEAR 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 ... POTATOES, 1882-1945 e, Yield, Production , Price, Total Value, (Continued) , and Value Per Acre ACRES Yield Per Acre (Bushels) Produc- tion (Bushels) Price' Per Bushel (Dollars) Total Value (Dollars) Vr1u6 Planted Har- vested Per Acre 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 16,000 18,000 16,000 15,000 15,000 90 100 90 85 120 1,440,000 1,800,000 1,440,000 1,275,000 1,800,000 1.21 .49 .72 .89 .55 1,742,000 882,000 1,037,000 1,135,000 990,000 108.88 49.00 64.81 75.67 66.00 15,000 16,000 23,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 15,000 22,000 17,000 15,000 115 115 120 125 110 1,610,000 1,725,000 2,640,000 2,125,000 1,650,000 .88 1.32 1.28 155 1.50 1,417,000 2,277,000 3,379,000 3,294,000 2,475,000 101.21 151.80 153.59 193.76 165.00 IRRIGATED YEAR 1929 1930 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943- 1944. 1945. Acres Average Production Total Value Harvested Yield Bushels Value Per Acre 9,180 135 1,241,300 2,246,800 244.74 8,800 132 1,160,800 1,230,400 139.81 9,200 134 1,233,600 703,200 76.47 8,600 141 1,213,800 485,500 56.45 ^,900 131 1,301,200 884,800 89.37 11,300 109 1,230,700 910,700 80.59 9,100 120 1,088,100 870,500 95.66 9,700 120 1,166,800 1,411,800 145.55 10,300 132 1,365,100 668,900 64.94 9,200 113 1,036,500 746,300 81.12 8,990 109 976,700 869,300 96.70 8,900 148 1,316,200 723,900 81 34 8,400 143 1,199,700 1,055,700 125.68 9,100 140 1,272,500 1,679,700 184.58 12,800 153 1,958,300 2,506,600 195.83 10,900 155 1,691,900 2,622,400 240.59 9,900 142 1,403,800 2,105,700 212.70 NOX-IRRIGATED YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Average Production Total Value Harvested Yield Bushels Value Per Acre 11,820 53 627,700 1,136,100 96.12 10,200 54 549,200 582,200 57.08 11,800 47 551,400 314,300 26.64 13,400 74 986,200 394,500 29.44 13,100 59 768,800 522,800 39.91 11,700 48 563,300 416,800 a5.62 9,900 53 526,900 421,500 42.58 6,300 43 273,200 330,600 52.48 7,700 57 434,900 213,100 27.68 6,800 59 403,500 290,500 42.72 6,010 50 298,300 265,500 44.18 6,100 79 483,800 266,100 43.62 5,600 73 410,300 361.100 64.48 5,900 77 452,500 597,300 101.24 9,200 74 681,700 872,600 94.85 6,100 71 433,100 671,300 110.04 5,100 48 246,200 369,300 72.41 38 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS POTATOES, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL, COUNTY Acres Har- Planted vested Deer Lodge 'J7(i 9()0 Flathead 1.120 1,090 Granite 80 70 Lake 500 470 Lincoln 270 210 Mineral 20 20 Missoula 520 490 Powell 560 550 Ravalli 970 930 Sanders 240 210 Nurtli>veist Dist. .. 5,250 5.000 Blaine 1,140 1,090 Chouteau 140 130 Glacier 50 50 Hill 140 110 Liberty 40 40 Phillips 410 390 Pondera 110 100 Teton 260 240 Toole 10 10 N. Central Dist. . 2.300 2.100 Pi odut- t ion Bushels 217,300 100,300 9,400 72,400 15,100 2,200 51,400 104,000 132,100 15,100 iitmr.ATED Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels NON-IRRJGATKD Acres Har- Av. vested Yield Produc- tion Bushels 960 100 60 410 100 10 490 550 930 100 226 160 145 165 80 130 105 189 142 85 157,000 9,600 4,000 6,000 2,200 42,400 12,300 23.300 1,200 760 30 50 20 165 170 80 100 270 SO 210 10 121 130 100 122 217,300 16,000 990 85 84,300 8,700 10 70 700 67,600 60 80 4,800 8,000 110 65 7,100 1,300 10 90 900 51,400 104,000 132,100 8,500 110 60 6,600 719,300 3,710 um 014,900 125,400 5,100 4,000 2,000 32,800 10.400 21,000 1,200 1.290 SI 330 100 90 4(1 120 20 30 96 45 104,400 31,600 4,500 44 55 80 95 77 4,000 2,200 9,600 1,900 2,300 ;.">S,000 1,430 141 201,900 730 .50,100 Daniels 160 150 Dawson 710 630 Garfield 170 160 McCone 210 190 Richland 850 830 Roosevelt 230 220 Sheridan 240 230 Valley 370 350 N. East ni.st. 2,940 Broadwater 90 90 Cascade 830 800 Fergus 320 300 Golden Valley 50 50 Judith Basin 150 140 Lewis and Clark .. 1,110 1,090 Meagher 280 220 Musselshell ;. 160 150 Petroleum 50 50 Wheatland 350 330 Central Dist 3,.S90 Beaverhead 460 460 Gallatin 370 360 .Jefferson 190 180 Madison 750 730 Silver Bow 50 40 S. West Dist. 1,820 1,770 Big: Horn 190 170 Carbon 250 240 Park 180 170 Stillwater 120 110 Sweet Grass 80 70 Treasure 30 10 Yellowstone 320 300 1,070 9,100 86,400 8,800 9,900 83,800 15,200 18,400 33,600 2.760 265.200 9. 600 100,800 19,200 2,700 12,300 210,400 13,200 6,500 4,100 18,800 10 80 260 200 10 90 450 140 10 120 100 150 90 400 110 20 30 980 200 70 20 120 107 160 80 75 110 205 61 60 110 70 109,800 70,200 17,300 104,300 2,900 S. Central Dist. 1,170 14,400 21,300 17,000 8,300 8,600 1.100 23,500 04,200 460 340 130 720 30 239 200 108 143 SO 110 105 220 91 150 108 80 88 70 123 10 110 270 83 910 96 800 52,000 900 62,900 1,200 15,000 840 158 132,800 9,600 64,000 s.soo 1,500 3,300 200,900 12,200 4,200 2,200 8,400 3,220 397,600 2,040 154 315,100 109,800 68,000 14,000 103,200 2,400 304..'00 1.6S0 177 297,400 11,600 20,100 16,200 7,000 8,600 1,100 22,500 87,100 140 59 8.300 370 93 34,400 160 55 8,800 ISO 50 9,000 380 55 20.900 220 69 15,200 220 78 17,200 250 74 18,600 1,920 <;9 90 60 20 20 30 1.32.400 400 92 36,800 190 oa 10,400 30 40 1.200 110 82 9,000 110 86 9.500 20 50 1,000 80 29 2.300 30 63 1.900 210 50 10.400 1,180 70 20 110 50 65 10 110 10 50 47 60 40 42 30 33 160 44 82,500 2.200 3,300 1,100 500 7,100 2.800 1.200 800 1,300 1,000 7,100 Carter 150 130 8,600 Custer 260 250 23,200 Fallon 170 160 9,100 Powder River 60 50 2,400 Prairie 200 170 16,500 Rosebud 160 140 14.300 Wibaux 130 120 12,100 S. East Dist. 1,130 1.020 86.200 150 115 10 100 50 186 50 190 30 170 290 145 17.200 1,000 9.300 9.500 5,100 42.100 130 100 150 50 120 90 90 66 60 54 48 60 53 78 8,600 6,000 8,100 2.400 7,200 4,800 7,000 730 60 44.100 State 18.000 17,000 125,000 10,900 1.'5 1.691,300 6.100 43.3,700 STATE OF MONTANA POTATOES, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrig'ated COUNTY Deer Lodge Flathead Granite Lake Lincoln Mineral , Missoula Powell Ravalli Sanders North^vest I>ist. Blaine ("houteau (Ilacier Hill Liberty Phillips Pondera Teton Toole N. Central Dist. Daniels Dawson Garfield McCone Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley N. E:nst. Dist Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley .... Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland Central Di.st. Bea\erhead Gallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow S. West Dist. Big Horn Carbon Park Stillwater Sweet Grass Treasure Yellowstone S. Central Dist. . Carter Custer Fallon Powder River .... Prairie Rosebud "Wibaux S. East Dist. State TOTAL IRRIG.\TKD XO\-IRRIGATED Acres Planted •900 Acres Har- vested 900 740 50 350 100 10 400 650 850 15U Produc- tion Bushels 189,000 64,200 5,500 50.500 6,500 1,100 48,000 92,700 106,000 11,000 Acres Har- vested ' 900 140 50 300 50 10 350 600 800 80 Av. Yield 210 180 110 160 90 110 130 150 130 90 158 140 110 90 90 Produc- tion Bushels 189,000 . 25,200 5,500 48,000 4,500 . 1,100 , 45,500 90,000 104,000 7,200 Acres Har- vested Av. Yield Produc- tion Busliels 800 50 600 65 39,000 350 140 10 50 50 50 40 2,500 2,000 400 650 S50 150 50 50 50 70 50 55 40 55 59 70 40 30 40 40 30 50 40 50 51 20 50 25 50 70 40 60 50 49 2,500 2,700 2,000 3,800 4,300 1,160 170 100 60 100 4.200 1,000 150 100 50 50 250 50 300 50. .■>74,500 119,000 7,400 4,800 2.500 2,000 19,500 4,300 29,500 2,500 3,280 700 20 30 10 .■>2O.00O 98,000 2,200 2,700 900 92(» 300 130 70 40 50 50 20 50 50 .>4,.->00 21,000 5.200 2,100 1,600 2,000 1,500 1,000 2,000 2.500 280 50 330 50 200 30 250 90 110 110 18,000 3,300 27,500 123 2,300 170 2.<)00 150 600 150 150 750 200 250 350 191, .500 3,000 55,000 3,800 8,400 88,500 9,000 15,200 22,300 1,240 152,600 760 150 350 150 120 3 00 ISO 240 270 3.S.900 3,000 17,500 3,800 6,000 21.000 7,200 14,400 13,500 620 170 250 150 37,500 190 760 210 270 410 30 450 20 10 80 80 150 90 80 110 141 120 140 90 80 100 170 90 80 90 80 143 230 ISO 110 110 80 159 90 90 100 80 100 90 90 92 70 110 "70 80 110 101 142 2,400 67,500 1,800 800 8,800 2,800 100 2,600 100 700 200 50 100 900 100 100 50 300 205,200 12,000 68,000 11,600 2,800 4,000 146,000 7,000 4.800 2,100 18,800 277,100 103.500 63,000 8.600 71,500 4,000 S40 100 400 40 20 20 850 50 20 10 170 118,800 12,000 56,000 3.600 1.600 2,000 144.500 4.500 1.600 900 13,600 1,760 86.400 750 250 50 100 1,000 100 100 50 300 300 160 30 80 50 50 80 40 130 40 50 40 25 30 50 40 30 40 40 12,000 8,000 1.200 2.000 1.500 2.500 3,200 1,200 5.200 2,SOO 450 2.600 450 3 50 100 650 50 1,680 4 50 350 70 650 50 2 J 0.300 103,500 03,000 . 7.700 71,500 , 4,000 920 36.800 350 100 650 30 30 900 50 .30 50 40 40 30 1,600 270 220 210 50 70 1,600 250 200 200 50 50 10 240 250,600 20,900 17,500 1S..SO0 3.500 5,000 900 19.600 86,200 4,300 25.500 4.500 1.900 9.500 9.200 10,000 64,000 1,650.000 1.570 210 190 180 40 50 10 200 249,700 18.900 17.100 l.S.OOO 3.200 5.000 900 18,000 30 40 10 20 10 900 2,000 400 800 300 10 270 40 40 42 40 60 30 30 30 20 50 40 48 1,600 1.100 120 260 160 l,00O 100 250 150 50 150 100 200 880 10 210 81.100 700 23,100 120 90 40 150 40 50 20 200 5.100 3.600 2,400 4.500 1,200 1,500 400 10 000 80 160 110 210 10 100 80 700 8.000 8,800 1,100 10.000 1,000 15,000 410 9,900 41,.'i00 1,403,800 590 5,100 23.600 246.200 40 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS BEANS, 1916-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre ACRES Yield Lbs. er Acre Production Price Per Cwt Total Value (Clean (Clean Bags) Bags) YEAR Field Run 100-lb. Clean Beans Bags Value Planted Harvested P Per Acre 1916. 1917 1918 :..., 2,000 3,000 8,000 2,000 3,000 7,000 2,000 4,000 990 750 900 755 870 20,000 22,000 63,000 15,000 ■ 35,000 18,000 21,000 59,000 14,000 32,000 10.80 13.80 9.50 8.60 5.50 194,000 290,000 560,000 120,000 176,000 97.00 96.67 80.00 1919 1920- 6,000 5,000 60.00 44.00 1921 1922 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 23,000 23,000 25,000 810 960 900 750 900 32,000 38,000 207,000 172,000 225,000 29.000 35,000 145.000 160,000 205.000 5.10 5.60 6.00 5.90 5.60 148,000 196,000 870,000 944,000 1,148,000 37.00 49.00 1923 1924 1925 24,000 25,000 26,000 37.83 41.04 45.92 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 33.000 29,000 41,000 48,000 42,000 30,000 28,000 40,000 47,000 41,000 900 1,140 990 960 1,080 270,000 319,000 396.000 451,000 443,000 243,000 287,000 352,000 383,(100 399,000 5.00 5.30 6.60 6.90 4.90 1,215,000 1,521,000 2,323,000 2,643,000 1.955.000 40.50 54.32 58.08 56.23 47.68 1931 1932 . 1933 1934 33,000 21,000 30,000 18,000 29,000 20,000 28,000 15,000 26,000 14,000 21,000 17,000 15,000 18,000 960 1,080 900 1,100 1,080 1,200 1,200 1,350 1,350 1,280 278,000 216,000 252,000 165,000 281,000 168,000 252,000 230,000 202,000 230,000 250,000 197,000 232,000 153,000 256.000 148,000 227,000 202,000 178,000 214,000 1.85 1.70 2.35 3.25 2.75 4.70 2.75 2.05 2.85 2.70 462,000 335,000 545,000 497,000 704,000 696,000 624,000 414,000 507,000 578,000 15.93 16.75 19.46 33.13 1935 31,000 27.08 1936 1937. 1938. 1939 1940. 18,000 22.000 18,000 16,000 18,000 49.71 29.71 24.35 31.69 32.10 1941 1942. 1943 1944 . . 22,000 . 27,000 . 74,000 25,000 21,000 26,000 65,000 23,000 18,000 1,350 1,250 900 1,083 1,300 284,000 325.000 585,000 249,000 234,000 199,000 296,000 521,000 217,000 206,000 3.65 4.70 5.70 6.10 6.30 726,000 1,391,000 2.970.000 1,324,000 1,298,000 34.59 53.51 45.69 57.55 1945 20,000 72.10 PEAS, 1928-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR ACRES Yield Lbs. Planted Harvested Per Acre 1928 19,000 19,000 1,047 1929 . . 23,000 23,000 960 1930 27,000 27,000 1,050 1931 32,000 29,000 810 1932 • 26,000 24,000 780 1933 21,000 20,000 840 1934 28,000 28,000 1,040 1935. 36,000 36,000 1,020 1930 26,000 26,000 1937 20,000 20,000 1 1938 19.000 19.000 1 19:!:i 18,000 18,000 1 1940 27,000 27,000 1 1941 32,000 32,000 1.260 1912 44,000 43.000 1,230 1943 62.000 60,000 1,120 1944 42.000 40,000 1,103 1945 32,000 30,000 1.200 960 140 .080 260 140 Production Field Clean Run Peas 100-lb. Bags 199,000 221,000 284,000 235,000 187,000 168,000 291,000 367,000 250,000 228,000 205,000 227,000 308,000 403,000 529.000 672,000 441,000 360,000 383,000 476,000 604,000 371,000 306.000 Price Per Cwt Total Value Value (Clean (Clean Per= Peas) Peas) Acre 2.80 2.90 2.85 3.00 2.70 2.75 2.65 2.58 3.50 3. 75 5.10 5.20 5.00 470,000 844,000 1,046,000 750,000 616,000 564,000 602,000 795,000 1,340,000 1,785,000 3,080,000 1.929,000 1,530,000 23.50 30.14 29.06 28.85 30.80 29.68 33.45 29.44 41.89 41.51 51.34 48.23 51.00 -Prior to 1941 value is based on Uncleaned Peas. STATE OF MONTANA 41 BEANS, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 Acres YEAR Har- vested 1929 40,000 1930 31,100 1931 25,400 1932 18,200 1933 24,700 1934 14,500 1935 24,300 1936 13,500 1937.. 19,800 1938 16,000 1939 15,000 1940 17,000 1941 19,000 1942 23,000 1943 38,000 1944 21,500 1945 . 16,900 IRRIGATED XON-IRRIGATEU Av. Produc- Yield tioii, 100- Lbs. IJj. Bags Acres Av. Produc- Value Total Value Har- Yield tion, 100- Total I'er Value Per Acre vested Lbs. Lb. Bags Value Acre 1,070 428,000 2,953,200 73.83 7,000 330 23,000 158,700 22.67 i,2:;o 419,400 2,055,000 60.26 6,900 342 23,600 115,600 16.75 1,060 269,200 498,000 19.61 3,600 245 8,800 16,300 4.53 1,155 210,200 357,300 19.63 1,800 322 5,800 9,900 5.50 990 244.500 574,600 23.26 3,300 227 7,500 17,600 5.33 1.12G 163,300 530,700 36.60 500 34 0 1,700 5,500 11.00 1,135 275,800 758,400 31.21 1,700 305 5,200 14,300 8.41 1,235 166,700 783,500 58.04 500 260 1,300. 6,100 12.20 1,250 247,500 680,600 34.37 1,200 375 4,500 12,400 10.33 1,375 228,200 467,800 28.18 400 450 1,800 3,700 9.25 1,350 1,330 202,000 226,100 575,700 610,500 38 38 35.91 1,000 390 3,900 10,500 10.50 1,450 275,500 1,005,600 52.93 2,000 425 8,000 31,000 15.50 1,360 312,800 1,470,200 63.92 3,000 407 12,200 57,300 19.10 1,280 486,400 2,772,500 72.96 27,000 365 98,600 562,000 20.81 1,130 242,860 1,481,400 68.90 1,500 409 6,140 37,500 25.00 1,355 229,060 1,443,100 85.39 1,100 449 4,940 31,100 28.27 PEAS, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 Y'EAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1930 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 IRRIGATED >'Oi\-IRRIGATED Acres A v. Produc- Acres Av. Produc- Value Har- Yield tion, 100- Total Value Har- Y'ield tion, 100- Total Per vested Lbs. Lb. Bags Value P er Acre vested Lbs. Lb. Bags Value Acre 19,600 990 194,000 3.400 794 27,000 21,800 1,090 237,600 5,200 892 46,400 23 200 900 208,800 5,800 452 26,200 20,300 820 166,500 3,700 550 20,500 16,400 890 146,000 408,800 24.93 3,600 610 22,000 61,600 17.11 22,400 1,003 224,700 651,600 29.09 5,600 1,184 66,300 192,300 34.34 31,300 1,034 323,700 922,500 29.47 4,700 820 43,300 123,400 26.26 23,000 975 224,200 672,600 29.24 3,000 860 25,800 774,000 25.80 18,000 1,142 205,600 555,100 30.84 2,000 1,120 22,400 604,800 30.24 17,600 1,098 193,200 531,300 30.19 1,400 843 11,800 32,500 23.21 15,900 1,275 202,700 537,200 33.79 2,100 1,157 24,300 64,400 30.67 23,500 1,148 269,800 696,100 29.62 3,500 1,091 38,200 98,600 28.17 29,300 1,300 381,200 1,334,200 45.54 2,700 807 21,800 76,300 28.26 37,500 1,185 444,500 1,666,900 44.45 5,500 1,536 84,500 316,900 57.62 46,500 1,100 510,900 2,605,600 56.03 13,500 1,193 161,100 821,600 60.86 28,600 1,148 328,200 1,706,600 59.67 11,400 989 112,800 586,600 51.46 21,800 1,132 246,800 1,234,000 56.61 8,200 1,380 113,200 566,000 69.02 42 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS BEANS, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated NO.\-IIlKl«ATKD TO! Al- lUKIGATKD COUNTY Deer Lodge Acres Planted Acres Har- vested Pi educ- tion,100- Lb. Bags Acres Har- vested Yield Produc- tion,100- bb. Bags Flathead Granite L,ake Liincoln Mineral .. ----- - - - — - Missoula . . 50 50 680 50 1,370 680 Powell . Ravalli 250 * 250 3,400 250 1,360 3,400 Sanders North>ve»it Dist. . :iOO :{0» 4.0SO 30« 1.3(80 I.OSO Blaine Chouteau .,.,... !!"...!.... ...... Glacier Hill ;; ;;. . Liberty Phillips 100 50 240 50 490 240 Pondera Teton 100 50 340 50 680 340 Toole -X. CentrnI Dist. ... 200 lOO ."iSO 100 580 580 Daniels Dawson 1,650 1,550 8,220 1,550 530 's.'i'io '."" Garfield McCone Richland 50 50 380 50 760 380 Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .\. Enst Dist. l,70O l.ttOO 8,600 ].<500 .'SS S.ISOO Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley Judith Basin Lewis and Clark .. 100 100 1,590 100 1,590 1,590 Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland 100 100 790 100 790 790 Ceiitr.nl Dist 200 200 2,.1S0 200 1.1 JM) 2.380 Beaverhead 50 380 50 760 380 Gallatin 50 Jefferson Madison Silver Bow S. West Di.st Big Horn .■50 450 Carbon . 11,200 Park Stillwater ' "irssd Sweet Grass Treasure - Yellowstone 7,900 S. Central Dist. . Carter Custer 20,000 "... 250 Pillion Powder River .... Prairie 1,350 Rosebud 50 Wibaux S. East Dist .State .. l.G.'O ... 2.'.000 50 380 .50 7«0 380 400 4,610 400 1,150 4,610 .. . 10,500 117,110 10,300 1,130 116,310 200 400 800 1,300 19,630 1,300 1,510 19,630 7','4'6'6 "se.ssb ""7','2b'6 'i7i96 "s's/eso 200 iso ""•"900 lO.ftOO 227.930 10.200 1.178 226.230 400 425 1.700 150 780 50 760 880 100 400 400 950 4,180 100 810 810 850 395 3,370 50 90 50 180 90 1.150 5.050 1.50 703 1.100 23,000 24!».000 21,500 1.1.10 242.800 1.000 .380 3.860 1..500 409 6.140 STATE OF MONTANA 43 BEANS, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IRRIGATKU NON-IRRIGATED Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Acres Produc- COUNTY Acres Har- tion.lOO- Har- Yield tion.lOO- Har- Yield tion, 100- Planted vested Lb. Bags vested Lbs. Lb. Bags vested Lbs. Lb. Bags Deer Lodge Flathead 50 50 500 50 1,000 500 Granite Lake Lincoln Mineral „ Missoula Powell Ravalli 100 100 1,400 100 1,400 1,400 Sanders IV. Central Dist. Daniels Dawson 1,150 850 10,200 850 1,200 10,200 Garfield McCone Richland ; 100 100 1,300 100 1,300 1,300 Roosevelt Sheridan Valley N. East Di.st 1,250 950 11,500 950 1,211 11,500 Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley Judith Basin Lewis and Clark Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland Central Di.st. Beaverhead .. Gallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow .. S. West Dist. Northwest Dist. .. 150 150 1,900 100 1,400 1,400 50 1,000 .lOO Blaine .- , Chouteau Glacier Hill - Liberty Phillips : Pondera Teton Toole Big Horn 250 200 2,500 200 1,250 2,500 Carbon 7,800 7,100 97,300 6,900 1,400 96,600 200 '350 foo Park Stillwater 1,750 1,700 25,500 'i,'i'o6 1,500 ^S^SOb Sweet Grass Treasure Yellowstone 7,600 6,900 89,800 6,966 1,300 89,800 S. Central Dist 17.400 15.!>0O 215.100 l.l.TOO 1,360 214.400 200 S.'O 700 Carter Custer , Fallon Powder River Prairie 1,200 1,000 5,500 150 1,170 1,760 850 440 3,740 Rosebud Wibaux S. East Dist. 1.200 1.000 5,500 150 1,170 1,760 850 440 3.740 State 20,000 1S,000 234.0O0 16,900 1.355 229,000 1,100 449 4,940 44 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS PEAS, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IRRIGATED NON-IRRIGATED Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Acres Produc- COUNTY Acres Har- tion Har- Av. tion Har- Av. tion Planted vested Bushels vested Yield Bushels vested Yield Bushels Flathead Z'.'.'.Z'. I'oisoo 10,700 loti/roo ^ ' .^y.. . ""■."". ZZZ "iojo'o ' Vio loe^ibo Granite 400 400 3.60O 400 S90 3,600 Lake 2,800 2,300 22,100 2,300 960 22,100 Lincoln 300 300 3,400 300 1,150 3,400 Mineral Missoula 1,100 1,100 13,800 1,100 1,250 13,800 Powell Ravalli 1,900 1,800 22,000 1,800 1,220 22,000 Sanders N. West Dist. 17.300 KS.OOO 171.O0O r,.J)00 1.004 04,900 10.700 »ftO 100.100 • Blaine • Chouteau - Glacier Hill Liberty Pondei-a - —■- iTooO ""iToOO " "tToOO 96'6 "fio "eTsOO i'oo 500" 500 Teton .-..-.'.'.'." 5,900 5,200 58,200 5,200 1,120 58,200 Toole Daniels -. Dawson .. Garfield .. McCone .. Ilichland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... N. East Dist Broadwater 2,500 2,400 19,700 2,400 820 19,700 Cascad^ - 500 500 5,600 500 1,130 6,500 Fergus Golden Valley Lewis' andlnark':;:: "ioi) iod 'iabo iob i:::" :::.;::::::: Meagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland 1,700 26.900 1.700 1,580 26,900 7,200 90,000 6,800 1,265 86,000 300 1,600 300 520 1,600 1,600 21,100 1,600 1,3 20 21,100 Carter Custer Fallon Powder River Prairie Rosebud Wibaux N. Central Dist 0,000 0.200 «5,::00 0,100 1,0«1 04,700 100 500 .".OO Central Dist 3.100 3.000 20,4OO 3.O00 SSO 2(S.400 RpnvPrhPiri 1800 1,700 26.900 1.700 1,580 26,900 oluatin . ...r.r.r.'. 7,400 7200 90.000 6.800 1,265 86,000 400 1,000 4,000 Jel'ferson 300 Madison 1,600 Silver Bow S. West Di.st 11.100 10.800 1.S9.000 10.400 1.304 1.3.-.,000 400 1.000 4.000 Cafb^n'^" '800 'SOO 10,700 600 1,415 ■8,500 200 l^ibo ' '^iizbb P^r\^ 600 600 6,100 600 1,010 6.100 stillwa■fer■"^"^""■z.■;;; 200 200 1,700 200 S60 1,700 Sweet Grass YelU^stone':"Z:"" "2;bbb "TJOO "26J06 ""ijoo lilSO '20:300 S. Central Dist 3.000 .3.400 .38.800 3.200 1.144 .30.000 200 1.100 2.200 S. East Dist g^.,^g 42.000 40,000 441,000 28,000 1,148 328,200 11,400 980 112.800 STATE OF MONTANA 45 PEAS, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOT.VL IKKICiATBU COUNTY Acres Acres Har- Planted vested Produc- Acres Produc- tion Har- Av. tion Bushels vested Yield Bushels Deer Lodge Flathead 7,800 Granite 700 Lake 1,700 Lincoln Mineral Missoula 1,000 Powell Ravalli 2.100 Sanders N. AVest Dist. Blaine Chouteau Glacier Hill Liberty Phillips Pondera 600 Teton 5,100 Toole 7,700 700 1,600 800 '2.'6o6 N. Ceiitrsil Dist. "00 600 4,200 4.S00 110,100 G.SOO 17,400 9,600 '2"4!d"ob 1.3,.300 12.SOO 167.1M»0 5,700 42,000 600 1,000 6,000 1,300 1,200 15,600 800 1,200 9,600 '2^606 1,206 i'i.OOO 4.700 1,174 55.200 600 950 5,700 4,200 1,000 42,000 NON-IKRIGATED Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 7,700 100 :uio 1,430 110,100 800 800 600 1,800 S.10O 1..%1 112,700 -00 4.S00 984 47,70» Daniels .. Dawson Garfield .. McCone .. Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... X. Ea.st Dist. Broadwater Cascade Fergus Golden Valley Judith Basin Le^vis and Clark IMeagher Musselshell Petroleum Wheatland Central Dist. 1,000 600 l.COO !ion 500 8,100 5,000 900 500 1.400 13,100 1,400 900 ,000 8,100 5,000 936 13,100 Beaverhead Gallatin Jetferson Madison Silver Bow .. .S. AVest Dist. 1,800 3,900 100 1,200 7.000 CarVjon ... 1,600 Park 4 00 Stillwater .. 100 Sweet Grass Treasure Yellow.stone . 2^300 S. Central Dist. . Carter Custer Fallon Powder River Prairie 4.400 Rosebud Wibaux 1 TOO 15,300 l,70(t 900 15,300 3,800 49,400 3,800 1,300 49,400 100 700 100 700 700 1,200 16,800 1,200 1,400 16,800 i> .soo 1 .500 40(1 100 2,200 4.200 82.200 15,000 2,800 1,400 29,900 49.100 S. Rjist Dist. 6.800 1.209 S2.200 1,500 1,000 15,000 400 700 2,800 100 1,400 1,400 2,100 1,400 29,400 4,100 1.1S5 48,600 100 100 500 500 500 ;oo state ;t2.0 .iO.OOO :t S.200 1,380 113,200 46 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL TAME HAY, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR Acres Harvested 1882 16,000 1883 17,000 1884 30,000 1885 30,000 1886 31,000 1887 42,000 1888 44,000 1889 75,000 1890 85,000 1891 ■ 97,000 1892 116,000 1893 143,000 1894 170,000 1895 164,000 1896 205,000 1897 220,000 1898 260,000 1899 306,000 1900 305,000 1901 330,000 1902 3 70,000 1903 390,000 1904 415,000 1905 440,000 1906 455,000 1907 480,000 1908 500,000 1909 549,000 1910 595,000 1911 605,000 1912 640,000 1913 660,000 1914 700,000 1915 775,000 1916 _ 825,000 1917 860,000 1918 865,000 1919 1,029,000 1920 1,086,000 1921 _ 1,097,000 1922 1,054,000 1923 1,096,000 1924 1,206,000 1925 1,221,000 1926 1,280,000 1927 1,281.000 1928 „. 1,315,000 1929 1,440,000 1930 1,619.000 1931- 1,657,000 1932 1,837,000 1933 1,581,000 1934 1,464,000 1935 1,508,000 Yield Per Acre (Tons) 1.65 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.70 1.65 1.90 2.00 1.40 1.90 1.85 1.90 1.67 1.60 1.80 1.70 2.00 1.90 1.70 1.85 2.00 1.80 2.00 1.40 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.85 2.00 1.70 1.40 1.60 1.05 1.57 1.59 1.72 1.87 1.58 1.48 1.41 1.79 1.68 1.22 1.10 .94 1.33 1.15 1.01 .97 Production (Tons) 26,000 31,000 51,000 50,000 51,000 76,000 79,000 101,000 153,000 165,000 191,000 272,000 340,000 230.000 390,000 407,000 494,000 511,000 488,000 594,000 629,000 780,000 788,000 748,000 842,000 960,000 900,000 1,098,000 833,000 1,210,000 1,216,000 1,188,000 1,295,000 1,550,000 1,402,000 1,204.000 1.384.000 1,080,000 1,706,000 1,747.000 1,808.000 2.051,000 1,902,000 1.813,000 1,810,000 2,287,000 2,211,000 1.759,000 1.775,000 1,554,000 2,450,000 1,821.000 1,479,000 1,458,000 Price Per Ton (Dollars) 10.00 10.50 13.00 10.37 10.50 13.50 8.30 11.50 10.50 8.50 8.95 7.89 7.17 11.40 6.86 7.75 6.80 7.70 8.70 8.18 7.54 8.81 8.70 7.70 S.90 9.50 8.35 10.00 12.50 10.00 8.30 9.60 8.70 7.50 11.00 18.60 19.60 23.00 12.00 8.70 9.00 8.90 10.00 10.00 10.50 8.40 8.90 12.49 11.00 9.00 5.50 6.70 11.30 8.70 Total Value (Dollars) 260,000 326,000 663.000 518.000 536.000 1.026.000 656.000 1,162.000 1,606,000 1,402,000 1,709.000 2.146.000 2,438,000 2,622,000 2,675,000 3.154.000 3,359.000 3,935,000 4,246,000 4,859,000 4,743.000 6.872,000 6.856,000 5.760.000 7.494,000 9,120,000 7,515,000 10,980,000 10,412,000 12,100,000 10,093,000 11,405,000 11,266,000 11,625,000 15,422,000 22,394,000 27,126,000 24,840,000 20,472,000 15,199.000 16.272,000 18,254.000 19,020,000 18,130.000 19,005,000 19,211.000 19.678,000 21.812,000 19.525.000 13.986,000 13,475.000 12.201.000 16,713,000 12,685,000 Value Per Acre 16.25 19.18 22.10 27.27 17.29 24.43 14.91 15.49 18.89 14.45 14.73 15.01 14.34 15.99 13.05 14.34 12.92 12.86 13.92 14.72 12.82 17.62 16.52 13.09 16.47 19.00 15.03 20.00 17.50 20.00 15.77 17.28 16.09 15.00 18.69 26.04 31.36 24.14 18.85 13.86 15.44 16.66 15.77 14 85 14.85 15.00 14.96 15.15 12.06 8.44 7.34 7.72 11.42 S.41 STATE OF MONTANA 47 ALL TAME HAY, 1882-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre Acres YEAR Harvested 1936 1,251,000 1937 1,024,000 1938 1,083.0011 1939 1,127.000 1940.. 1,074,000 1941 1,188,000 1942 1,361,000 1943.. 1,338,000 1944 1,381,000 1945 1,494,00(1 (r ontinued) Yield Value 'er Acre Production Price Total Per (Tons) (Tons) Per Ton Value Acre .97 1,212,000 12.30 14,908,000 11.92 1.20 1,224,000 8.70 10,649,000 10.40 1.48 1,607,000 5.50 8,838,000 8.16 1.42 1,595,000 5.00 7,975,000 7.08 1.37 1,470,000 5.10 7,497,000 6.98 1.48 1,762,000 6.90 12,158,000 10.23 1.51 2,058,000 9.00 18,522,000 13.61 1.46 1,954,000 13.60 26,574,000 19.86 1.40 1,934,000 13.20 25,529,000 1.^.49 1.37 2,042,000 12 00 24.504,000 16.40 ALL TAME HAY, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932.. 1933- 1934.. 1935.. 1936.. 1937.- 1938.. 1939.. 1940.. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. Acres Harvested 653,800 689,100 724,600 721,600 680,800 721,600 722,000 738,300 616,200 591,000 637,800 629,500 628.300 707.900 715.800 734,600 778.100 Average Yield 1.62 1.62 1.48 1.82 1.58 1.45 1.32 1.38 1.55 79 ,75 76 !7 !4 1 1 1 1. 1. 1.77 1.75 1.79 IRRIGATKU Production Tons 1,058,400 1,113,200 1,069,800 1,312,800 1,074,400 1,045,400 950,200 1,018,100 956,100 1,060,200 1,117,800 1,109,400 1,172,000 1,301,600 1,270,400 1,288,500 1,389,600 Total Value Value Per Acre 13,125,400 12,452,000 20.08 18.08 9,628,200 7,220,400 7,198,500 11,813,000 8,266,700 13.29 10.01 10.57 16.37 11.45 12,522,600 8,318,100 5,831,100 5,589,000 5,657,900 16 96 13.50 9.87 8.76 8.99 8,086,800 11,714,400 17,277,400 17,008,200 16,675,200 12.87 16.55 24.14 23.15 21.43 NOX-IRRIGATEII YEAR Acre.s Harvested Average Yield Production Tons Total Value Value Per Acre 192:t... . 1930 786,200 929,900 .89 .71 700,600 661,800 8,687,400 7,279,800 11.05 7.83 1931 1932 932.400 1,115,400 .52 1.02 .83 .58 .65 484,200 1,137,200 746,600 433,600 507,800 4,357,800 6,254,600 5,002,200 4,900,000 4,417,900 4.67 5.61 1933 . 193 1. 1935.. 900,200 743,40(1 786,0(1(1 5.56 6.60 5.62 1936.. 19:!7 1938.. 1939 . 1940. 512,700 407,800 492,000 489,200 44 4,500 .38 .66 1.11 .98 .82 193,900 267,900 546,800 477,200 365,600 2,385,000 2,330,700 3,007,400 2,386,000 1,864,600 4.65 5.72 6.11 4.88 4.19 1941.. 1942.. 1943 1944.. ■ .. 5 5 '.(,7 00 653,100 622,20(1 646,40(1 1.05 1.16 1.10 1.00 .91 590,000 756,400 683,600 645,500 652,400 4,071,000 6,807,600 9,297,000 8,520,600 7,828,800 7.27 10.42 14.94 13.19 194.-. 715.:t(iO 10.94 48 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL TAME HAY, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL, IKKIGATKU .\0.\-IllUI00 1,491.000 1.37 2.042.000 600 19,700 700 2,400 2.400 15,400 1.50 1.10 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.30 000 21.700 900 3,400 3,400 20,000 41.200 1.22 50,300 77S.10O 1.79 1.380.600 14,400 6.600 21,500 44,800 7,300 17,400 10,400 122,400 715.900 14,400 4,600 17.200 40.300 6.600 15,700 11,400 110.200 6.52,400 50 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALFALFA HAY, 1919-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942- 1943. 1944. 1945. Yield Price Total Value Acres Per Acre Production Per Ton Value Per Harvested (Tons) (Tons) (Dollars) (Dollars) Acre 374,000 1.60 598,000 32.20 19,256,000 51.49 424,000 1.95 827,000 . 12.40 10,255,000 24.12 466,000 1.95 909,000 7.80 7,090,000 15.22 486,000 1.90 923,000 10.40 9,599,000 19.75 .')3 6,000 2.10 1,126,000 10.00 11,260,000 21.01 598,000 1.80 1,076,000 9.70 10,437,000 17.45 604,000 1.75 1,057,000 9.40 9,936,000 16.45 592,000 1.80 1,066,000 11.20 11,939,000 20.17 710.000 2.05 1,456,000 9.14 13,308,000 18.74 689,000 1.95 1,344,000 9.80 13,171,000 19.12 740,000 1.55 1,147,000 12.70 14,567.000 19.69 733,000 1.50 1,100,000 10.90 11,990,000 16.36 660,000 1.40 924,000 9.30 8,593,000 13.02 825,000 1.70 1,402,000 5.40 7,571.000 9.18 809,000 1.50 1,214,000 6.50 7,891,000 9.75 600,000 1.45 870.000 11.50 10,005,000 16.68 660,000 1.20 792,000 9.00 7,128,000 10.80 554.000 1.40 776,000 12.80 9,933,000 17.93 515,000 1.55 798,000 8 20 6,544,000 12.71 566,000 1.65 934,000 5.50 5,137,000 9.08 590,000 1.70 1,003,000 5.10 5,115,000 8.67 602,000 1.60 963,000 5.50 5,296,500 8.80 657,00(1 1.70 1,117,000 7.30 8,154,100 12.41 723,000 1.75 1,265,000 9.40 11,891.000 16.40 730,000 1.70 1,241,000 14.10 17,498,100 23 97 759,000 1.62 1,230,000 14.00 17,220,000 22.69 782,000 1.65 1,290,000 13.50 17,415,000 22.26 ALFALFA HAY, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR 1929 1930 1931. ... 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937.., 1938 1939 1940 194L. 1942.. 1943 1944 1945 Acres Av. Harvested Yield 427,400 1.83 447,300 1.82 429,900 1.73 450,800 2.03 423.500 1.88 414,400 1.78 451,600 1.40 433,600 1.63 392,900 1.77 398,600 1.88 446,500 1.90 442,200 1.86 449,400 1.97 476,500 1.99 463,600 1.96 474,400 1.91 485,200 1.97 IRRIGATED Production Tons 782,900 814,100 745.100 916,300 796,400 730,000 634,300 706,100 694,100 748,300 850,600 821,100 885,400 947,300 908.900 904.900 957,600 Total Value 9,942,800 8,873,700 6,929,400 4,948,000 5,176,600 8,395,000 5,708,700 9,038,100 5,691,600 4,115,600 4,338,100 4,516,100 6,463,400 8,904,600 12,815,500 12,668.600 12,927,600 Value Per Acre 23.26 19.84 16.12 10.98 12.22 20.26 12.64 20.84 14.49 10.33 9.72 10.21 14.38 18.69 27.64 26 70 26.64 YEAR 1929 1930 1931. 1932... 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Harvested Av. Yield 312,600 285,700 1.16 1.00 230,100 374,200 385,500 185,600 208,400 .78 1.30 1.08 .71 .76 120,400 122.100 167,400 143,500 159,800 .58 .85 1.11 1.06 .89 207,600 246,500 266,400 284,600 296,800 1.12 1.29 1.25 1.14 1.12 IVOX-lltRIGATED Production Total Tons Value 364,100 4,624,100 285,900 3,116,300 178,900 1,663,800 485,700 2,622,800 417,600 2,714,400 140,000 1,610,000 157,700 1,419,300 69,900 894,700 103,900 852,000 185,700 1,021,400 152,400 777,200 141,900 780,400 231,600 1,690,700 317,700 2,986,400 332,100 4,682,600 325,100 4,551,400 332,400 4,487,400 Value Per Acre 14.79 10.91 7.23 7.01 7.04 8.67 6.81 7.43 6.98 6.10 5.42 4.88 8.14 12.12 17.58 15.99 15.12 STATE OF MONTANA 51 WILD HAY, 1909-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1»31 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Harvested Yield Per Acre (Tons) Pruductioii (Tons) Price Per Ton (Dollars) Total Value (Dollars) Value Per Acre 585 000 1.01 .85 1.00 .95 .90 .90 .95 591,000 450,000 585,000 589,000 551,000 522,000 608,000 "8"70 8.20 530 000 585,000 620,000 612 000 580,000 640,000 4,541,000 4,986,000 7.83 7.79 646,000 536,000 515,000 451,000 652,000 .95 .80 .80 .65 .90 614,000 429,000 412,000 293,000 587,000 11.80 17.50 16.50 22.50 9.00 7,245,000 7,508,000 6,798,000 6,592,000 5,283,000 11.22 14.01 13.20 14.62 8.10 657,000 660,000 653,000 673,000 650,000 .80 .90 .90 .90 .90 526,000 594,000 588,000 606,000 585,000 8.60 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 4,524,000 4,752,000 4,704,000 5,454.000 5,265,000 6.89 7.20 7.20 8.10 8.10 393,000 865,000 865,000 638,000 574,000 .80 1.05 .90 .80 .65 314,000 908,000 778,000 510,000 373,000 9.50 7.50 8.00 11.20 10.20 2,983,000 6,810,000 6,224,000 5,712,000 3,805,000 7.59 7.87 7.20 8.95 6.63 402,000 " 699,000 524,000 380,000 516,000 .70 .85 .75 .65 .75 281,000 594,000 393,000 247,000 387,000 8.00 5.00 6.50 11.00 7.90 2,248,000 2,970,000 2,554,000 2,717,000 3,057,000 5.59 4.25 4.87 7.15 5.92 464,000 487,000 706,000 692,000 706,000 .65 .80 .95 .86 .85 302,000 390,000 671,000 595,000 600,000 11.00 7.60 5.40 4.95 4.90 3,322,000 2,964,000 3,623,000 2,945,000 2,940,000 7.16 6.09 5.16 4.26 4.16 635,000 806,000 903,000 867,000 806,000 .85 1.00 .85 .85 .90 540,000 806.000 768,000 737,000 725,000 5.80 8.10 11.00 11.70 10.60 3,132,000 6,529,000 8,448,000 8,623,000 7,685,000 4.93 8.10 9.36 9.95 9.53 COLVER and TIMOTHY HAY, and SWEET CLOVER HAY, 1929-1945 Acreage, Yield, and Production YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 ^41 1942 1943 1Q44 1945 '. CLOVEB I ANU TIMOTHY HAV Yield Per Acre Production Tons Tons .SVVE ET CLOVEF I HAY Acres Harvested Acres Harvested Yield Per Acre Tons Produc- tion Tons 272,000 277,000 1.15 1.10 313,000 305,000 70,000 65,000 .94 .75 66,000 49,000 222,000 255,000 229,000 197,000 217,000 1.35 1.55 1.10 1.05 1.20 300,000 395,000 252,000 207,000 260,000 49.000 44,000 62,000 47.000 33,000 .85 1.00 .80 .75 .80 42,000 44.000 50.000 35.000 26,000 174,000 148,000 155,000 165,000 149,000 1.20 1.30 1.70 1.30 1.3 5 209,000 192,000 264,000 214,000 201,000 30,000 36,000 65,000 97,000 60.000 .70 .90 1.25 1.10 .95 21.000 32.000 81.000 107,000 57.000 167,000 184,000 184,000 188,000 211,000 1.40 1.45 1.35 1.32 1.35 234,000 267,000 248,000 248,000 285,000 96,000 116,000 104,000 97,000 103,000 1.05 1.30 1.20 1.20 1.05 101.000 151,000 125,000 116,000 108.000 52 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS GRAIN HAY, and OTHER TAME HAY, 1929-1945 Acreage, Yield, and Production YEAB 1929 1930 1931... 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194J0... 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945... GH.VIX HAY OTHER TAMK H.\Y Acres Harvested Yield Per Acre Tons Production Tons Acres Harvested Yield Per Acre Tons Produc- tion Tons 296,000 482,000 .60 .55 178,0(10 265,000 62,00 0 62,000 .89 .90 55,000 56,000 627,000 564,000 338,000 477,000 454,000 .35 .75 .50 .50 .55 219,000 423,000 169,000 238,000 250,000 99,000 149,000 143,000 143,000 144,000 .70 1.25 .95 .90 .90 69,000 186.000 136,000 129,000 130,000 409,000 24 5,000 172,000 181,000 163,000 .35 .50 1.00 .95 .85 143,000 122,000 172,000 172,000 139,000 84,000 80,000 125,000 94,000 100,000 .75 1.00 1.25 1.05 1.10 63,000 80.000 156,000 99,000 110,000 148,000 148,000 132,000 111,000 127,000 1.20 1.25 1.15 1.13 .80 178,000 185,000 152,000 125,000 102,000 120,000 190,000 188,000 226,000 271,000 1.10 1.00 1.00 .95 .95 132,000 190,000 188,000 215.000 257,000 ALL HAY, 1909-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 1909... 1910... 1911.. 1912... 1913... 1914... 1915... 1916.. 1917... 1918... 1919.. 1920.. 1921. 1922 . 1923.. 1924.. 1925.. 1926. 1927.. 1928. 1929 1930.. 1931.. 1932.. 1933. 1934. 1935.. 1936.. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. Acres Harvested Yield Per Acre (Tons) Production (Tons) Price Per Ton (Dollars) Total Value (Dollars) Value Per Acre 1,134,000 1.125,000 1.49 1.14 1.689,000 1,283,000 11.20 12.20 18,917,000 15,653,000 16.68 13.91 1.190.000 1,260,000 1,272,000 1,280,000 1,415,000 1.51 1.43 1.3 7 1.42 1.53 1,795,000 1,805,000 1,739,000 1,817,000 2,158,000 10.20 8.30 9.60 8.70 7.70 18,30,9,000 14,982,000 16,694,000 15,807,000 16,611,000 15.39 11.89 13.12 12.35 11.74 1.471,000 1.396,000 1.380,000 1,4 80,000 1,738,000 1.37 1.17 1.30 .93 1.32 2,016,000 1,633,000 1,796,000 1,373,000 2,293,000 11.24 18.31 18.89 22.89 11.23 22,667,000 29,902,000 33,924,000 31,432,000 25,755,000 15.41 21.42 24.58 21.24 14.82 1,754,000 1,714,000 1,749,000 1,879,000 1,871.000 1.30 1.40 1.51 1.33 1.28 2,273,000 2,402,000 2,639,000 2,508,000 2,398,000 8.68 8.75 8.70 9.76 9.76 19,723,000 21,024,000 22,958,000 24,474,000 23,395,000 11.24 12.27 13.13 13.03 7.16 1.673.000 2,146,000 2,180.000 2,078,000 2,193,000 1.27 1.49 1.37 1.09 .98 2,124,000 3,195,000 2,989.000 2,269,000 2,148,000 10.35 8.14 8.67 12.13 10.86 21,988,000 26,021,000 25,902,000 27,524,000 23,330,000 13.16 12.13 11.88 13.25 6.08 2,059.000 2,536,000 2,105,000 1.844,000 2.024,000 .89 1.20 1.05 .94 .91 1,835,000 3,044,000 2,214,000 1,726,000 1,845,000 8.85 5.40 6.66 11.26 8.53 16,234,000 16,445.000 14,755,000 19,430,000 15,742,000 7.88 6.48 7.01 10.54 7.78 1,715,000 1,511,000 1,789,000 1,819,000 1,780,000 .88 1.07 1.27 1.20 1.16 1,514,000 1.614.000 2.278,000 2,190,000 2,070,000 12.04 8.43 5.47 4.99 5.04 18,230,000 13,613,000 12,461,000 10,920,000 10,433,000 10.63 9.01 6.97 6.00 5.86 1,823,000 2,167.000 2,241,000 2,248.000 2,300,000 1.26 1.32 1.21 1.19 1.20 2,302,000 2,864,000 2,722.000 2,671.000 2,767,000 6.64 8.75 12.91 12.80 11.60 15,285,000 25,060,000 35,141.000 34,189,000 32.097,000 8.38 11.56 15.68 15.21 13.96 STATE OF MONTANA 53 WILD HAY, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR 1929... 1930 1931., 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937.. 193 8- 1939. 1940- 1941... 1942... 1943... 1944... 1945... Acres Average Harvested Yield 304,000 .86 278,200 .76 217,100 .85 282,100 .95 255,000 .82 233,100 .74 248,900 .89 266,800 .80 278,000 .97 318,900 1.14 362,900 .94 344,700 1.08 333,700 1.04 345,700 1.10 386,800 .99 394,900 .Tl 401,400 1.08 IRRIGATED Production 'I'on.^ 261,400 212,800 184,600 268,700 208,600 172,900 221,900 213,800 268,800 302,500 341,200 372,500 348,300 380,900 382,800 384,700 435,100 Total Value 2,927,700 2,170,600 1,476,800 1,343,500 1,355,900 1,901,900 1.753,000 2,351,800 2,042,900 1,957,500 1,688,900 1,825,300 2,020,100 3,085,300 4,210,800 4,501,000 4,612,100 Value Per Acre 9.63 7.80 6.80 4.76 5.32 8.16 7.04 8.81 7.35 6.14 4.65 5.30 6.05 8.92 10.89 11.40 11.49 YEAR 1929-- 1930 1931.. 1932.. 1933.. 1934-. 193 5.- 1936.. 1937- 1938.. 1939.. 1940.. 1941- 194 2.. 1343.. 1944.. 1945- Acres Average Harvested Yield 334,000 .74 295,800 .54 184,900 .52 416,900 .78 269,000 .69 146,900 .50 267,100 .62 197,200 .45 209,000 .58 387,100 .80 329,100 .77 361,300 .63 301,300 .64 460,300 .92 516,200 .75 472,100 .75 4 04,600 .72 NON-IRRIGATED Production Total Tons Value 248,600 2,784,300 160,200 1,634,000 96,400 771,200 325,300 1,626,500 184,400 1,198,600 74,100 815,100 165,100 1,304,300 88,200 970,200 121,200 921,100 308,500 1,663,900 253,800 1,256,300 227,500 1,114,800 191,700 1,111,900 425,100 3,443,300 385,200 4,237,200 352,300 4,121,900 289,900 3,072,900 Value Per Acre 8.33 5.52 4.17 3.90 4.46 5.55 4.88 4.92 4.41 4 30 3.82 3.09 3.69 7.48 8.21 8.73 7.59 54 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALFALFA HAY, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL. A.CFGS COUNTY Har- Av. vested Yield Deer Lodge 3,900 1.73 Flathead 17,600 1.52 Granite 3,000 2.25 Lake 33,200 1.54 Lincoln 4,800 1.25 Mineral 900 1.40 Missoula 9,400 2.14 Powell 7,600 1.92 Ravalli 19,100 2.76 Sanders 14,800 1.19 .\. West. IJist. 114,300 1.7.S Blaine 23,600 2.08 Chouteau 8,300 1.50 Glacier 3,100 1.43 Hill 3,800 1.82 Libertv 800 1.05 Phillips 16,300 1.45 Pondera 9,400 1.58 Teton 12,900 1.53 Toole 800 1.35 N. Cent. IJist. .. 79,0O0 l.«8 Daniels 400 1.55 Dawson 3,500 1.62 Garfield 3,600 1.23 McCone 2,600 1.18 Richland 13,300 1.80 Roosevelt 500 1.63 Sheridan 300 1.48 Valley 10,000 1.64 X. Kast Dist. .. 34,200 1.62 Broadwater .... 13,100 Cascade 30,800 Fergus 3 6,100 Golden Valley.. 5,100 Judith Basin.... 16,200 Lewis & Clark 19,100 Meag-her 8,000 Musselshell .... 4,900 Petroleum 8,600 Wheatland 7,600 Central Di.st 140,.-)00 Beaverhead .-. 18,700 Gallatin 35,500 Jefferson 6,300 Madison 30,300 Silver Bow 700 S. West Dist. 91,500 Big Horn 49,900 Carbon 34,100 Park 26,800 Stillwater 22,800 Sweet Grass 24,500 Treasure 8,100 Yellowstone .- 31,100 .«;. Cent. LJist 197.30O Carter 7,200 Custer 18,600 Fallon 1,200 Powder River.. 38,700 Prairie 2,300 Rosebud 24,800 Wibaux 400 2.10 1.48 1.37 1.57 1.27 1.53 1.23 1.34 1.02 1.27 1.44 1.91 2.02 1.83 1.76 1.63 1.89 1.38 2.15 1.69 1.84 1.52 1.29 2.12 1.74 1.13 1.13 1.55 1.09 1.48 1.18 1.22 .S. Knst Dist. State !»3.200 1.14 Produc- tion Tons 6,70(i 26,800 6,80(1 51,10(1 6,000 1,3 00 20,100 14,600 52,700 17,600 203,700 49,100 12,500 4,400 6,900 800 23,600 14,900 19,700 1,100 133,000 600 5,700 4,400 3,100 23,900 800 400 16,400 55,300 27,500 45,600 49,500 8,000 20,600 29,200 9,800 6,600 8,800 9,700 215,300 35,700 71,700 11,500 53,300 1,100 173,300 68,900 73,300 45,300 42,000 37,200 10,400 65,900 .343,000 8,100 21,000 1,900 42,200 3,400 29,300 500 1 06.400 IRRIG.VTED Acres Har- Av. vested Yield 3,900 2,300 3,000 29,200 2,200 300 7,500 7,300 19,100 8,600 17,700 2,100 2,400 2,800 200 10,000 8,600 11,200 800 100 2,700 200 500 8,800 11,800 13,900 5,400 3,000 3,000 12,200 8,000 3,400 4,300 6,700 18,700 28,000 5,300 28,500 700 22,000 25,600 22,800 10,300 21,600 4,900 25,400 500 16,500 400 1,500 1,800 11,600 1.73 2.00 2.25 1.60 1.55 2.00 2.30 1.95 2.76 1.40 S3,400 1.98 2.45 1.80 1.55 2.10 2.00 1.75 1.65 1.65 1.35 55,800 1.94 1.80 1.85 1.80 2.00 2.00 5,100 1.80 17.400 1.92 2.20 1.70 1.60 1.95 1.60 1.80 1.23 1.50 1.20 1.30 71,700 1.67 1.91 2.15 2.00 1 80 1.63 81,200 1.96 1.85 2.45 l.SO 2.85 1.60 1.60 2.40 1.32.600 2.09 2.00 1.15 2.20 1.60 1.60 1.40 7.-.0.000 I.e.:: 32,300 1.31 474.400 1.91 Produc- tion Tons 6,700 4,600 6,800 4 6,700 3,400 600 17,200 14,200 52,700 12,000 164,900 43,400 3,800 3,700 5,900 400 17,500 14,200 18,500 1,100 108,500 200 5,000 400 1,000 17,600 9,200 33,400 26,000 23,600 8,600 5,800 4,800 22,000 9,800 5,100 5,200 8,700 119,600 35,700 60,200 10,600 51,300 1,100 158.900 40,700 62,700 41,000 29,500 34,600 7,800 61,000 r,300 1,000 19,000 900 2,400 2,900 16,100 42,300 JMM.OOO NOIV-IKRIGATED Acres Har- vested Av. Yield 4,000 2,600 600 1,900 300 5,900 6,200 700 1,000 600 6,300 800 1,700 300 800 3,400 2,100 4,500 500 300 4,900 1,300 16,900 30,700 2,100 13,200 6,900 "iTsoo 4,300 900 27,900 8,500 4,000 12,500 2,900 3,200 5,700 6,700 2,100 800 37,200 500 13,200 400 15,300 1.45 1.10 1.00 1.15 1.50 1.30 6,200 .90 30,900 1.26 .97 1.40 1.00 1.00 .70 .97 .90 .70 23,200 1.00 1.30 .90 1.20 1.00 1.40 1.63 1.48 1.45 16,800 1..30 1.15 1.30 1.33 1.05 1.20 1.05 1.00 .85 1.10 77,800 1.23 7,500 1.55 1,000 .90 1,800 1.10 10,300 1.40 1.01 1.25 1.10 1.00 .90 .80 .85 64,700 1.02 1.10 .95 1.25 1.08 1.00 1.00 1.22 60,900 1.05 284.600 1.14 Produc- tion Tons 22,200 " "47400 2,600 700 2,900 400 '5,'600 3S,.SOO 5,700 8,700 700 1,000 400 6,100 700 1,200 24,.->00 400 700 4.000 2,100 6,300 800 400 7,200 21,900 1,500 22,000 40,900 2,200 15,800 7,200 " "i,"50b 3,600 1,000 95,700 11.500 900 2,000 14,40(» 28,200 10,600 4,300 12,500 2,600 2,600 4,900 •S5,700 7,100 2,000 1,000 39,800 500 13,200 500 64.100 325.100 STATE OF MONTANA 55 ALFALFA HAY, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IRRIGATED NOy-IRRIGATEIJ Acres Produc- Acres Produc- Acres Produc- COUNTY Har- Av. tion Har- Av. tion Har- Av. tion vested Yield Tons vested Yield Tons vested Yield Tons Deer Lodge .... 4,500 2.40 10,800 4,500 2.40 10,800 Flathead 17,200 1.81 31,200 2,500 2.50 6,200 14,700 1.70 25.000 Granite 2,700 2.00 5,400 2,700 2.00 5,400 Lake 38,200 2.09 80,000 31,500 2.20 69,300 6,700 1.60 10.700 Lincoln 5,500 2.24 12,300 2,600 2.40 6,200 2,900 2.10 6,100 Mineral 700 2.00 1,400 400 2.00 800 300 2.00 600 Missoula 10,000 1.67 16.700 8,400 1.80 15,100 1,600 1.00 1.600 Powell 8,200 2.00 16,400 8,000 2.00 16,000 200 1.80 400 Ravalli 14,100 2.30 32,400 14,100 2.30 32,400 Sanders 13,600 1.68 22,900 8,200 2.00 16,400 5,400 1.20 6,500 N. West Dist. .. 114,700 2.00 220,500 82,900 2.15 178,600 31,800 1.60 50,900 Blaine 26,400 1.91 50,300 17,700 2.30 40,700 8,700 1.10 9,000 Chouteau 9,200 1.13 10,400 2,000 1.60 3,200 7,200 1.00 7,200 Glacier 2,500 1.72 4,300 2,200 1.80 4,000 300 1.00 300 Hill 4,000 1.22 4,900 1,200 2.00 2,400 2,800 .90 2.500 Liberty 700 .80 600 700 .80 600 Phillips 15.500 1.46 22,600 9,600 1.80 17,300 5,900 .90 5.300 Pondera 10,800 1.37 14,800 10,400 1.40 14,600 400 .60 200 Teton 12,700 1.83 23,200 8,800 2.20 19,500 3,900 .95 3,700 Toole 600 1.50 900 200 1.80 400 400 1.20 500 N. Cent. Dist. 82,400 1.60 132,000 52,100 1.96 102,100 ,30,300 .99 29.90O Daniels 400 1.25 500 100 1.80 Dawson 3,600 1.92 6.900 2,700 2.20 (Jarfield 2,400 .88 2,100 200 1.50 McCone 2,500 1.08 2,700 300 1.60 Richland 14,000 1.73 24,200 8,700 2.05 Roosevelt 500 .90 400 Sheridan 200 .80 200 Valley 13,000 1.67 21,700 6,000 2.10 X. East Di.st. .. 36,600 1.60 58,700 18,000 2.08 200 6,000 300 500 17,800 12,600 37,400 300 900 2,200 2,200 5,300 500 200 7,000 1.00 1.00 .80 1.00 1.20 .90 .80 1.30 18,60O 1.15 300 900 1.800 2,200 6,400 400 200 9,100 21,300 Broadwater .... 10,700 2.09 Cascade 37,300 1.43 Fergus 37,900 1.28 Golden Valley.. 6,200 1.56 .Judith Basin .. 18.000 1.23 Lewis & Clark 16.200 1.70 MeaKher 6.600 1.20 .Musselshell .... 4,700 1.34 Petroleum 8,700 1.30 Wheatland 7,700 1.48 Central Di.st. 1.54,000 1.43 Beaverhead .... 16,900 Gallatin 38,000 Jefi'erson 5,700 M;idison 39,600 Silver Bow 800 .S. West Dist. .. 101,000 Big Horn 51,300 Carbon 34,700 Park 27.000 Stillwater 23.000 Sweet Grass 22,200 Treasure 10,500 Yellowstone .... 33,000 Carter 4,300 Custer 16,000 Fallon 800 Powder River.. 41,200 Prairie 1,900 Rosebud 26.900 AVibaux 500 1.80 2 34 1.72 1.85 1.60 2.01 1 48 1.80 1.88 1.60 1.48 1.97 2.10 S. Cent. Dist. .. 201,700 1.73 1.00 1.20 .80 1.00 .05 1.09 1.40 22,400 53,500 48,400 9.700 22.100 27.500 7,900 6 300 11,300 11,400 220,500 30,400 88,800 9,800 73.100 1,300 2,20O 6,900 1,600 2,800 2,100 5,200 500 1,900 IHRIGATKIJ Acres Har- vested 13,500 2,100 7,000 1,700 1,500 '3r4b'6 Av. Yield 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 .90 8,000 1,100 1,000 800 9,000 3,400 22,200 1,200 200 400 300 1,300 2,300 600 300 5,000 10,400 16,200 1,400 2,300 400 3,000 17,500 8,000 300 1,500 8,300 177,000 4,600 1,400 18,300 4,500 1,200 500 1,300 400 4,600 400 .90 26,400 1.40 7,200 1.10 1,000 1.20 03,800 1.18 1.00 .90 .90 .80 790 .90 1.00 .90 40,700 .90 .90 .90 .80 .90 .90 .80 .90 1.00 .95 1.30 .80 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.00 .80 .90 58,900 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.00 1.00 205,800 1.09 1.00 1.20 .90 1.00 .90 S. Cent. Dist. 26,.300 .80 21.000 8.400 .80 .93 Produc- tion Tons 13,500 2,100 7,700 1,70(1 1,400 i,io6 37,000 7,900 1,200 75,000 8,000 1,000 900 600 ' 8,"l'00 3,100 22,200 1,100 45.000 200 400 200 1,200 2,100 500 300 5,000 9,900 21,100 1,100 2,300 500 3,000 19,200 8,800 300 1,200 7,500 05,000 194,700 5,100 1,700 18,300 4,500 224,300 1,200 600 1,200 400 4,100 300 7,800 NON-IRRIGATED Acres Har- vested Av. Yield 1,800 ,32,300 6,700 1,700 19,200 3,500 1,000 21,100 2,300 5,600 2,700 2,100 18,800 6,500 22,000 17,000 13,600 12,200 33,600 12.5,800 8,200 13,300 5,100 10,500 7,500 400 3,100 3,600 8,300 00,000 500 100 5,700 1,200 3,100 2,100 1,600 900 3,300 4,000 3,000 4,000 2,600 200 2,200 1.00 11,300 1.20 .80 .70 .80 .60 .70 .80 3,200 1.00 .95 .90 .80 .60 .60 .90 .60 .60 .60 .70 03,800 .05 .60 .60 .50 .80 .60 .80 .90 .50 .05 .80 .85 .80 .85 .90 .70 .90 .80 1.00 1.10 1.00 1,500 .80 2,100 .90 1.00 .80 .50 .80 .70 .60 .50 i7.noo Produc- tion Tons 3,200 2,100 3,200 1,600 100 2,200 13,600 1,400 3,200 30,000 6,000 1,400 11,500 2.100 900 12,700 1,400 3,400 1,900 41,300 1,300 11,300 3,200 17,600 10,200 10,900 11,000 16,800 82,300 6,600 11,300 4,100 8,900 6,800 300 2,800 2,900 8,300 52,000 600 100 '"17260 1,900 5,700 1,000 1,600 1,700 1,100 500 1,600 13,200 Carter 36,000 Custer 24,100 Fallon 11,700 Powder River.. 12,400 Prairie 8,200 Rosebud 8,900 "Wibaux 8,800 .62 .75 .60 .72 .62 .92 .75 S. E.-i.st Dist. 110.100 .09 22,300 18,000 7,000 8,900 5,100 8.200 6,600 70,100 2,200 2,900 700 700 900 .90 1.10 1.00 .90 1.10 2,000 3,200 700 600 1,000 7,400 1.01 >00 33,800 21,200 11,700 11,700 7,50 0 8,000 8,800 102,700 .60 .70 .60 .70 .60 .90 .75 .07 20,300 14,800 7,000 8.200 4,500 7.200 6.600 08,000 Stsite 800.000 .90 725.000 401,400 1.08 4.35.100 404,000 289,900 58 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS SWEET CLOVER SEED, 1924-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YEAR 1924...:.. 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940.. .. 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Yield Acres Per Acre Harvested Bushels 3,000 2 0 7,000 2.1 8,000 3.4 6,000 3.4 7,000 3.0 6,800 2.8 0,000 2.0 1,000 2.0 2,000 1.6 3,000 2.5 5,100 1.9 5,600 2.5 5,000 2.6 4,000 2.5 8,000 3.5 5,500 3.15 3,000 3.50 3,000 4.00 5,400 3.70 4,500 3.50 9,000 2.50 7,500 2.40 Price Total Value Production Bushel Value Per Bushels (Dollars) (Dollars) Acre 6,000 8.50 51,000 17.00 14,700 6.70 98,000 14.00 27,200 8.60 234,000 29.25 20,400 6.00 122,000 20.33 21,000 4.30 90,000 12.86 19,000 4.10 78,000 11.47 20,000 4.10 82,000 8.20 2,000 4.00 8,000 8.00 3,200 2.35 8,000 4.00 7,500 3.10 23,000 7.67 9,700 3.80 37,000 7.25 14,000 3.15 44.000 7.86 13,000 4.95 64,000 12.80 10,000 4.55 46,000 11.50 28,000 2.45 69,000 8.68 17,300 2.65 46,000 8.36 10,500 2.65 28,000 9.33 12,000 3.55 43,000 14.33 20,000 4.15 83,000 15.37 15,800 5.70 90,000 20.00 22,000 6.30 139,000 15.44 18,000 6.10 110,000 14.67 ALL MUSTARD SEED, 1929-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre YKAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938..;... 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 ACRES Yield Produc- Price Total Value Har- Per Acre tion Per Cwt Value Per Planted vested Pounds Pounds (Dollars) (Dollars) Acre (;,8oo 5,600 280 1,568,000 4.95 78.000 13.93 12,300 10,400 300 3,120,000 5.00 156,000 15.00 13,000 12,000 265 3,180,000 3.50 111,000 9.25 27,000 14,000 290 4,060,000 3.45 140,000 10.00 42,000 21,000 286 6,006,000 2.95 177,000 8.43 41,200 38,000 243 9,234,000 4.00 369,000 9.71 40,000 29,000 322 9,338,000 3.70 346,000 11.93 26,000 18,000 115 2,070,000 3.25 67,000 3.72 32,000 20,000 125 2,500,000 3.45 86,000 4.30 29,100 27,700 548 15,180,000 3.80 577,000 20.83 22,000 17,000 221 3,757,000 3.35 126,000 7.41 62,000 52,000 250 13,000,000 5.60 728,000 14.00 134,000 124,000 445 55,180,000 3.20 1,766,000 14.24 (u;,ooo 62.000 548 34,000,000 3.29 1,119,000 18.05 62,000 60,000 505 30,300,000 4.81 1,457,000 24.28 70,000 61,000 360 22,000,000 5.73 1,261,000 20.67 78,000 72,000 350 25,200,000 6.04 1,522,000 21.14 STATE OF MONTANA ALFALFA SEED, 1919-1945 Acreage, Yield, Production, Price, Total Value, and Value Per Acre 59 YEAR 1919 1920 1921 1922 1933 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Yield Acres Per Aero [arvested Bushels 10,000 2.2 10,000 2.0 10,000 2.6 10,000 2.8 13,000 2.0 19,000 2.5 37,000 2.2 49,000 2.1 41,000 1.8 55,000 2.0 76,000 1.9 69,000 2.6 36,000 1.4 22,000 1.3 60,000 2.5 38,000 2.0 26,000 1.7 4,000 2.5 12,000 1.60 24,000 2.00 51,000 2.35 76,000 2.60 69,000 1.70 73,000 1.30 72,000 1.45 100,000 1.00 80,000 1.50 Price Per Production Bu.shel Bushels (Dollars) 22,000 20,000 26,000 28,000 26,000 47,500 81,400 102,900 73,800 110,000 144,400 179,400 50,400 28,600 150,000 76,000 44,200 10,000 19,200 48,000 120,000 198,000 117,000 95,000 104,000 100,000 120,000 19. 90 12.00 9.80 11.70 12.10 12.90 12.90 13.50 13.50 14.50 13.30 12.00 8.40 6.70 6.70 12.10 10.00 13.40 15.60 11.90 11.10 9.10 13 00 19.50 21.30 21.70 22.00 Total Value (Dollars) 438,000 240,000 255,000 328,000 315,000 613,000 1.050,000 1,389,000 996,000 1,595,000 1,921,000 2,153,000 423,000 192,000 1,005,000 920,000 442,000 134,000 300,000 571,000 1,332,000 1,802,000 1,521,000 1,853,000 2,215,000 2,170,000 2,640,000 Value Per Acre 43.80 24.00 25.50 32.80 24.23 32.26 28.38 28.35 24.29 29.00 25.28 31.20 11.75 8.73 16.75 24.21 17.00 33.50 25.0C 23.79 26.12 23.71 22.04 25.38 30.76 21.70 33.00 ALFALFA SEED, Irrigated and Non-Irrigated, 1929-1945 YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Harvested 6,000 21,000 9,000 4,000 18,000 11,000 6,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 22,000 34,000 28,000 28,000 34,000 45,000 39.600 Average Yield 70 55 02 96 44 45 23 2.91 2.14 2.42 2.90 3.21 2.18 1.72 1.81 1.25 1.87 IRRIGATED Production Bushels 16,200 74,600 18,200 7,800 61,900 27,000 13,400 8,700 10,700 24,200 63,800 109,100 61,000 48,200 61,500 56,110 74,000 Total Value 215,500 895,200 152,900 52,300 414,700 324,000 134,000 116,600 166,900 288,000 708,200 992,800 793,000 939,900 1,310,0.00 1,217,590 1,628,000 Value Per Acre 35.92 42.63 16.99 13.07 23.04 29.45 22.33 38.87 33.38 28.80 32.19 29.20 28.32 33.57 38.53 27.05 41.11 YEAR 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 193S 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres Harvested 70,000 48,000 27,000 18,000 42,000 27,000 20,000 1,000 7,000 14,000 29,000 42,000 41,000 45,000 ■ 38,000 55,000 40,400 NON-IRRIGATED Averag-e Production Total Yield Bushels Value 9-?9 128,200 1,705,100 2.18 104,800 1,257:600 1-1^ 32,200 270,500 iin ^2'?2S 139400 2-10 88.100 590,300 1-81 49,000 592,900 1-54 30,800 308,000 1.30 1,300 17 400 1-21 8,500 132:600 1-70 23,800 283200 l-?4 56,200 623.800 2.12 88,900 809,000 1.37 56,000 728,000 1.04 46,800 912,600 1-12 42,500 905,300 .80 43,890 952,410 1-14 46,000 1,012,000 Value Per Acre 24.36 26.20 10.02 7.74 14.05 21.96 15.40 17.40 18.94 20.23 21.51 19.26 17.76 20.28 23.82 17.32 25.04 60 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALFALFA SEED, 1944 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated TOTAL IRIIIG VTED XO.N- -IKKIGATED COUNTY Deer Lodge .... Acres Har- vested 50 850 Av. Yield i.isb i".'7b i7bb Lsb 1.00 1..30 .90 1.70 78b "'.95 .60 1.05 .98 i.bb 1 55 1.40 1.55 i!'2b 1.42 7(55 .85 .50 1.50 "7 b 1.20 X 40 1.65 1.55 .60 1.10 1.33 .90 .65 755 .60 .95 .95 .90 .75 .90 1.05 .85 .85 .90 Produc tion Bushels Acres ■ Har- vested Av. Yield i'.io i!bb i^'sb 1.10 1.40 1.15 1.S5 79b i.'ii .60 1.05 1.39 i72b 2.25 2.00 1.80 i77b 1.S5 790 1.15 .80 1.50 "bb 1.30 1.40 1.21 1.65 1.55 .60 1.10 L-SS 1.20 .90 I.bb i.bb 1.10 1.10 i'.'oo 2.2b 1.10 1.05 Produc- tion Bubhels ACTf s Har- vseted Av. Yield 1.60 .70 .S3 .60 .80 76b 770 .70 "eb 1.35 1.20 .80 .75 1.13 "40 .70 .40 "sb .60 .«53 .60 .45 "40 .60 .55 .55 ..58 .75 .60 "95 .60 .65 .90 Produc- tion Bushels Flathead 80 50 80 Granite iLake 1,440 850 1,440 Lincoln Mineral Missoula 50 ibb 1,250 50 isb 1,250 50 50 Powell Ravalli . . 100 950 180 1,040 Sanders 300 210 .V. West Dist. .. Blaine 2,300 2,400 650 3.000 2,160 1,100 1.9.-0 1,300 550 2.710 1,500 1,020 350 1,100 100 290 660 Chouteau Gliicier 80 Hill Liberty 150 120 100 90 50 30 Phillips 9,000 50 150 8,550 30 160 2,900 50 150 4,200 30 160 6,100 4 350 Pondera Teton Toole X. Cent. Dist. .. Daniels 12,400 12,120 5,050 7,000 7,350 .5.120 Dawson 300 4,100 800 2.000 300 6.360 1,120 3,100 200 900 200 1,500 240 2,020 400 2,700 100 3,200 600 500 60 Garfield 4,340 "\roCone 720 Richland 400 SVi Ariiian i'.'ioo 10.000 2bb 4,000 450 50 Valley 3,360 1,300 2,210 1,500 1,150 X. En.st Dist. . Broadwater 14.240 4.10O "•3T0 5.900 G.fi70 Cascade 130 3,400 220 SO 100 1,300 100 50 90 1,500 80 80 . 100 2,700 350 40 Fergus 1,900 140 Golden Valley.. Judith Basin.... Lewis & Clark Meaerher Musselshell .... Petroleum Wheatland 1,050 3,500 50 740 4,200 70 500 3,000 50 460 3,900 70 . 550 500 280 300 Central Dist. . Beaverhead .— 9.300 50 150 50 50 8.840 80 230 30 60 .-.100 50 150 50 50 0.180 SO . 230 . 30 . 60 . 4.200 2.0(;o Gallatin Jefferson iladison Silver Bow .«!. West Dist. .. 300 12,800 1,400 400 200 5,100 4,900 24.800 1,000 9,000 400 11,520 910 300 6.200 600 400 . 7,440 540 Big Horn Carbon 6,600 800 4,080 370 Park Stillwater S^veet Grass 220 120 4,840 4,660 100 100 300 200 600 1,300 120 120 340 700 Treasure 4,500 3,600 4,500 3,960 10.540 Yellowstone .... S. Cent. Dist. .. Carter 22.270 750 8,100 15.000 9.800 1.000 2,300 5.730 750 Custer 6,700 6,700 1,400 Failon Powder River.. Prairie 20,100 950 9,800 50 21,100 810 8,330 40 1,600 500 4,700 3,520 550 4,940 18,500 450 5,100 50 17.580 260 Rosebud 3,390 40 Wibaux S. Ea.st Dist. 40.900 .!>« 39,1.30 13,.500 1.16 15.710 27.400 .8<> 23.420 State 100.000 1.00 100,000 45,000 1.25 .56,110 55,000 .80 43.S90 STATE OF MONTANA 61 ALFALFA SEED, 1945 Acreage and Production By Counties — Irrigated and Non-Irrigated corxTv Deer Lodye Flathead Graniie Lake Lincoln Mineral Miti.soula Powell Ravalli Sanders X. Cent. Dist. TOTAL Acres Har- vested ioo 800 Produc Av. tion Yield Bushels X. AVest Dist. .. Blaine ... Chouteau Glacier ... Hill Liberty . Phillips . Pondera Tetr>n . Toole 100 500 2,800 800 100 "i,G06 ■ " 100 1.00 z'.'oo 100 2.00 4.00 1.80 1,600 2.50 1.89 2.00 2.00 2. 3 8 2!oo 11,400 2.23 100 "moo 200 400 900 4,000 5,300 1,600 200 I's.ibb '200 25,400 IKUIGATKIJ Acres Produc- Har- Av. tion vested Yield Bushels 100 300 l,.30O 800 3.00 100 2.00 4.00 2.00 1,500 2 00 600 2.50 100 2.00 2r366 2V86 "iob 2"o6 4,600 2.46 2,400 200 400 600 3.000 3,000 1,500 200 6 ,4 "60 ■ 200 11, .100 XOX-IKRIG VTED Acres Har- vested Produc- Av. tion Yield Bushels 100 1.20 200 1.50 .SOO 1.33 100 300 40O 1,300 1.80 2,300 200 .70 100 5,300 2.20 11,700 6.800 2.07 14,100 Daniels .. Dawson Garfield McCone .. Richland Roosevelt Sheridan Valley .... C011tr.1l Dist. Beaverhead . Gallatin Jefferson Madison Silver Bow S. West Dist. .. Big Horn Carbon Park Stillwater Sweet Grass .... Treasure Yellowstone .... S. Ceut. Dist. 200 1.50 1,500 1.40 200 1.00 900 2.11 2,200 N. Kast Dist. .. 5,000 Broadwater Cascade 200 Fersus 3,700 Golden Valley.. 300 Judith Basin Lewis & Clark Mea.srher Musselshell 400 Petroleum 2,900 Wheatland 7,500 1.56 100 100 9,200 600 200 100 8,ono 7,200 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 1.47 1.67 1.00 1.00 1.95 1.90 25,300 1.74 300 2,100 200 1,900 1 23 2,700 1.44 7,200 1.00 .95 1.33 200 3,500 400 1 50 2.41 600 7,000 11,700 200 200 400 13,500 1,000 i'oo 100 15,600 13,700 44.100 100 2.00 200 2.00 5,500 500 6,500 4,500 600 2.30 1,100 1.60 2,000 1.90 200 1.20 1,100 1.10 100 1.30 300 1.60 2,300 2.80 4,000 2.10 100 2.00 100 1.80 200 2.00 1.70 1.80 100 1.10 2.00 2.10 17.100 1.92 200 400 1,400 1,800 3.S00 200 1,200 100 500 6,400 8,400 200 200 400 9,400 900 100 13,000 9,400 32.S00 100 1.20 100 1,300 1.30 1,700 200 1.10 200 300 1.70 500 1,100 2,600 200 100 600 3,700 100 100 100 1,500 2,700 .80 3,000 1.13 .90 1.40 1.20 1.00 3,500 .94 1.10 1.00 .80 1.00 1.70 1.60 8,200 1..18 900 3,400 2,300 300 100 600 3,300 4,100 100 100 100 2,600 4,300 11..100 Carter Custer Fallon . Powder Pr.Tii-ie . Ro«ebiid Wibaux River. S. Kitst Dist. St.Tte 700 8,400 14,400 700 4,800 29.000 .86 1.12 .71 .86 1.33 .94 SO.OOO 1 .50 600 9,400 10,200 600 6,400 400 400 2,900 6,700 1.20 1.00 .90 1.70 8,000 400 400 4,900 700 1,700 14,000 300 1,900 .90 .80 '.'i'6 .80 .80 600 1,400 9,800 200 1,500 27.200 10.400 1.32 13,700 18,600 .73 13,500 120.000 39.«S00 1.87 74.000 40,400 1.14 46,000 62 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS HORSES AND MULES ON FARMS, 1875-1945 Number, Value Per Head, and Total Value January 1 Year Number 1875 25,000 1876 28,000 1877 30,000 1878 32,000 1879 35,000 1880 37,000 1881 42,000 1882 46,000 1883 60,000 1884 80,000 1885 100,000 1886 110,000 1887 120,000 1888 140,000 1889 170,000 1890 200,000 1891 205,000 1892 215,000 1893 230,000 1894 237,000 1895 248,000 1896 260,000 1897 275,000 1898 290,000 1899 300,000 1900 316,000 1901 312,000 1902 310,000 1903 305,Ot)0 1904 303,000 1905 301,000 1906 302,000 1907 305,000 1908 ^ 307,000 1909 310,000 1910 320,000 1911 350,000 1912 375,000 1913 390,000 1914 405,000 1915 445,000 1916 480,000 1917 560,000 1918 650,000 1919 685,000 1920 669,000 1921 669,000 1922 650,000 1923 643,000 1924 611,000 1925 596,000 1926 576,000 1927 547,000 192S 525,000 1929 498,000 1930 462,000 1931 430.000 1932 400,000 1933 388,000 1934 380,000 1935 347,000 1936 312,000 1937 267,000 1938 240,000 1939 240,000 1940 250,000 1941 255,000 1942 258,000 1943 263.000 1944 253,000 1945 235,000 HOKSKS Farm Value Per Head Total 1 50.00 50.00 48.00 46.00 44.00 46.00 5 1,250,000 1,400,000 1,440,000 1,472,000 1,540,000 1,702,000 50.00 56.00 61.00 55.00 56.00 2,100,000 2,576,000 3,660,000 4,400,000 5,600,000 54.00 51.00 51.00 47.00 42.00 5,940,000 6,120,000 7.140,000 7,990,000 8,400,000 39.00 36.00 35.00 26.00 23.00 7,995,000 7,740,000 8,050,000 6,162,000 5,704,000 22.00 21.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 5,720,000 - 5,775,000 5,220,000 6,300,000 7,584,000 24.00 25.00 29,00 37.00 38.00 7,488,000 7,750,000 8,845,000 11,211,000 11,438,000 43.00 63.00 73.00 65.00 80.00 12,986,000 19,215,000 22,411,000 20,150,000 25,600,000 87.00 87.00 93.00 102.00 86.00 30,450,000 32,625,000 36,270,000 41,310,000 38,270,000 86.00 92.00 93.00 84 00 61.00 41,280,000 51,520,000 63,700,000 57,540,000 40,949,000 50.00 42.00 39.00 33.00 32.00 33,766,000 27,490,000 24,985,000 19,859,000 19,072,000 29.00 30.00 31.00 31.00 30.00 16,704,000 16.410,000 16,275,000 15,438,000 13,860,000 27.00 23.00 24.00 35.00 39.00 11,610,000 9,200,000 9,312,000 13,225,000 13.456,000 54.00 54.00 49.00 53.00 45.00 16,848,000 14,418,000 11,760,000 12,720,000 1,125,000 41.00 37.00 42.00 37.00 33.00 1,046,000 955,000 1,105,000 936,000 776.000 SIl LES Farm Value Number Per Head Total 1,000 1 69.00 $ 69,000 1,000 68.00 68,000 1,000 66.00 66,000 1,000 62.00 62.000 1,000 60.00 60,000 1,000 64.00 64,000 1,000 73.00 73.000 1,000 80.00 80,000 1,000 79.00 79,000 1,000 73.00 73,000 1,000 76.00 76,000 1,000 84.00 84,000 1,000 72.00 72,000 1,000 64.00 64,000 1,000 59.00 59.000 1.000 55.00 55,000 1,000 53.00 53,000 1,000 47.00 47,000 1,000 47.00 47,000 1,000 45.00 45,000 1,000 34.00 34,000 1,000 27.00 27,000 1,000 31.00 31,000 2,000 33.00 66,000 2,000 36.00 72,000 2,000 40.00 80,000 2,000 40.00 80.000 3,000 39.00 117,000 3,000 38.00 114,000 3,000 48 00 144,000 3.000 57.00 171,000 3,000 67.00 201.000 3,000 80.00 240,000 4,000 82.00 328.000 4,000 83.00 332,000 4.000 102.00 408,000 5,000 107.00 535,000 5,000 108.00 540,000 5.000 109.00 545,000 6,000 106.00 636,000 6,000 98.00 588,000 7,000 98.00 686,000 7,000 107.00 749,000 8,000 105.00 840,000 8,000 99.00 792,000 9,000 88.00 794,000 9,000 84.00 755,000 10,000 67,00 670,000 10,000 56.00 562,000 11,000 51.00 566.000 11,000 47.00 517,000 11,000 50.00 550,000 11,000 45.00 495,000 10,000 47 00 470,000 9,000 47.00 423,000 8,000 44.00 352,000 7,000 44.00 308,000 6,000 29.00 174.000 5.000 29.00 145,000 4.000 46.00 184.000 4.000 59.00 236,000 3,000 70.00 210,000 2,000 78.00 156,000 2,000 78.00 156,000 2,000 68.00 136,000 2,000 68.00 136,000 2,000 60.00 120.000 2,000 60 00 120.000 2,000 76.00 152.000 2,000 80.00 1 GO. 000 2,000 76.00 152.000 STATE OF MONTANA 63 ALL HORSES AND MULES ON FARMS, 1940-1945, BY COUNTIES Number of Head COl.NTV l!MO Deer Lodge 1,00<) Flathead 4,400 Granite 2,400 Lake 6,700 Lincoln 1,400 Mineral 400 Missoula 3,300 Powell 3. 800 Ravalli 5,400 Sanders 3,300 Northwest DIst. 32.100 Blaine 6,900 Chouteau 4,700 Glacier 4,800 Hill 3,900 Liberty 1,800 Phillips 9,200 Pondera 3,200 Teton 4,100 Toole 2,300 r N. Centr.-il Dist. 40.90O Daniels 3,000 Dawson 6,700 Garfield 5,700 McCone 6,600 Richland 6,800 Roosevelt 4.300 Sheridan : 3,300 Valley 7,300 Jf. East Dist. . 43.700 Broadwater 2.800 Cascade 6,300 Fergus 8.600 Golden Valley 1,700 Judith Basin 3,400 Lewis and Clark 4,100 Meajjher 3,100 Musselshell .— 2,100 Petroleum 2.100 Wheatland 2,100 Central Dist .30.300 Beaverhead 10,500 Gallatin 8,100 Jefferson 2.200 Madison 6,700 Silver Bow 1,100 1941 1942 1943 S. West Dist. 2S,600 Big Horn 8,40(i Carbon 6, OOO Park 5,100 Stillwater 4,800 Sweet Grass 4,000 Treasure 1,600 Yeliowstone 7,900 S. Central Dist 37.SOO Carter 5,800 Custer 5,000 Fallon 3,500 Powder River 6,600 Prairie • 2,800 Rosebud 6,700 Wibaux 2,200 S. East Di.st .32,600 State 252.000 1044 1»45 1,000 1;000 900 800 800 4,200 3,900 3,800 3,700 3,300 2,400 2,500 2.300 2,400 2,300 6,400 6,600 6,100 6,100 5.700 1,300 1,200 1,400 1,300 1.300 400 400 300 300 300 3,300 3,200 2,800 2,700 2.900 3,800 3,700 4,000 3,800 3,600 5,000 4,900 4.600 4,300 4,200 3,300 3,100 3,100 29,300 2,900 28,300 2,700 .31,100 30,500 27,100 6,900 6,900 7,400 6,700 6.000 4,100 4,500 4,500 4,900 4,500 4,800 5,300 6,400 5.400 5,900 3,600 3,900 4,200 4.700 4,300 1,800 1,500 1,500 1,300 1,100 9,200 9,000 8,700 8,000 7.700 3,200 3,100 3,100 2,900 2.600 4,100 4,200 4,900 3,500 3,300 1,500 2,300 1,800 1,900 43,500 1,700 40.70O 40,500 38,300 35,800 3,100 3,300 4,000 3,500 2.900 7,500 7,900 7,500 7,300 6,400 6,500 6,700 6,800 7,100 7,100 7,000 7,400 7.500 7,700 6,300 6,700 6,900 6,400 5,800 5,200 4,600 5.000 5,300 5,100 4,400 3,300 3,300 3,700 3,300 2.800 7,500 7,500 48,000 8.500 7,800 47,600 6,800 46,200 49.700 41,900 2,900 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,600 5,400 9,400 1,900 6,300 8,800 1,800 6,100 8,600 1,700 6,100 9.300 2,100 5,800 9,200 2,000 3,300 3,100 3.200 3,000 2,900 4,400 4,200 3,600 3,800 3,700 3,300 ■ 3,300 3,400 3,300 3.400 2,700 3,000 2,000 2,300 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,100 2,200 36,100 2,900 2,700 2,000 38,000 2,800 2,900 1,900 37.200 37,500 37,000 10,500 10,100 10,800 10,100 9,800 7,800 8.200 7,500 7,100 7,000 2,400 2,500 2.100 2,500 2.500 6,600 6,900 7,000 6,700 6.700 1,000 1,000 28,700 1,000 28,400 1,000 27,400 1,200 2S.300 27,200 8,400 10,000 8,300 7,500 7,100 6,000 5,800 6,100 6,100 6,000 5.100 4,900 4,800 4,700 4,600 4,800 4,800 4,800 4.100 3,800 4,000 4,200 4.300 4.200 3.900 1,400 1,500 1.700 1.500 1,400 7,700 7.700 7,900 8.000 7,500 37.400 38,900 37,900 .36.100 34,300 6,200 6,300 5,600 5,200 5,000 5,700 6,300 6,000 5,700 5,800 3,900 4,000 4,500 3,900 3.500 7,300 7,100 7,500 7,400 6,200 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 2.700 7,800 8,200 9,200 9,200 8,800 2,400 2,500 2,400 2,300 1,700 36,100 37,300 38.200 36,800 33,700 257,000 260,000 265.000 252.000 237,000 64 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL CATTLE AND MILK COWS ON FARMS, 1875-1945 Number, Value Per Head, and Total Value January 1 AlA. CATTLE MILK COWS Number 309,000 352,000 Farm Value Number 8,000 8.000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 9,000 10.000 11,000 11,000 11.000 12,000 12.000 13,000 14,000 15,000 17.000 20.000 21,000 22,000 23.000 24.000 25,000 27,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 38,000 41.000 45.000 45,000 48.000 60,000 69.000 75.000 77.000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 155,000 148.000 148,000 155,000 162,000 174,000 187.000 190,000 185,000 183,000 190,000 193,000 196,000 200,000 210,000 215,000 206,000 187,000 172,000 144,000 151,000 156,000 162.000 170,000 173,000 170,000 165.000 Farm Value Year 1875 ]S76 Per Head 20 20 20.10 19.10 19.10 19.10 19.10 20.20 21.30 25.30 26.30 28.30 22.30 23.30 19.30 22.00 17.40 15.50 16.50 17.60 15.90 14.90 17.50 17.80 22.30 25.80 27.70 27.00 26.90 27.70 20.10 19.00 18.70 20.90 21.10 23.70 29.00 29.50 32.20 41.60 49.90 52.60 53.80 55.90 58.80 61.60 47.90 37.40 29.10 31.80 29 00 28.70 31.10 33.00 46.00 58.10 53.80 38.80 24.00 20 90 17.20 17.90 31.90 29.90 35.10 40.60 45.50 47.90 59 40 76.00 73.90 73.70 Total $ 6,244,000 7,088,000 7,827,000 9,168,000 10,411,000 10,617,000 10,881,000 12,655,000 18,077,000 22,467,000 27,625,000 23,384,000 23,042,000 19,607,000 23,078.000 19,126,000 17,058,000 19,223,000 21,478,000 17,829,000 15,690,000 17,681,000 17,981,000 20,491,000 23,600,000 25.172,000 26,366,000 28,924,000 31,809,000 22,368,000 21,720,000 20,280,000 21,000,000 20,964,000 22,748,000 26,651,000 26,015,000 26,664,000 35,198,000 47,732,000 57,310,000 68,092,000 84,060,000 94,144,000 99,773,000 65,623,000 47,461,000 40,158,000 43,248,000 39,440,000 38,458,000 40,430,000 37,752.000 52,624,000 69,139.000 65,959,000 49,004,000 30,624,000 30,305,000 29,235,000 27,342,000 43,404,000 29,123,000 31,217,000 40,837,000 52,234,000 61.058,000 85,536,000 123,652,000 139,449,000 141,872,000 Per Head $ 28.00 26.00 26.00 25.00 26.00 28.00 29.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 40.00 37.00 37.50 28.40 35.20 29.80 28.70 28.80 28 50 24.70 24.80 27.90 25.80 31.30 34.40 39 20 38.90 38.00 40.10 36.20 32.90 34.00 35.00 36.00 44.00 46.50 48.50 49.40 61.00 70.50 75.00 77.50 79.00 83.50 87.00 77.00 70.00 54.00 51.00 49.00 46.00 50.00 51.00 63.00 79.00 77.00 55.00 36.00 32.00 26.00 26.00 45.00 41.00 49.00 57.00 • 61.00 64.00 80.00 105.00 108.00 108.00 Total $ 224,000 208,000 208 000 1877 409,000 1878 480,000 200,000 208 000 1879 545,000 1880 1881 555,000 540,000 224,000 261 000 1882 595,000 370 000 1883.. . 715,000 407,000 407 000 1884 853,000 1885 975,000 440,000 444 000 1886 .... 1,050,000 1887... 990,000 450 000 1888 1889 1890 1891 .... 1,015.000 .... 1,050,000 .... 1,101,000 .... 1,100,000 369,000 493,000 447,000 488,000 1892 .... 1,164,000 576,000 1893... . 1,221,000 598 000 1894.. .. 1,123,000 543 000 1895 . .. 1,052,000 570 000 1896 .... 1,013,000 670,000 1897 1,010,000 645 000 1898 920,000 845 000 1899 915,000 1 032 000 1900 910,000 1.372 000 1901. 975,000 1 362 000 1902 1,075,000 1 444 000 1903 ... 1,150,000 1 644 000 1904 .... 1,114,000 1 629 000 1905 .... 1,145,000 1,480,000 1,632.000 2 100 000 1906 1907 .... 1,084,000 . .. 1,005,000 1908 993,000 2 484 000 1909 959,000 3 300 000 1910 919,000 3,580,000 3 880 000 1911 882,000 1912 829,000 4,940,000 7 320 000 1913 846,000 1914 956,000 9 870 000 1915 1,090,000 11,250,000 12,400,000 12 640 000 1916. . 1,265 000 1917 1,505,000 1918 1,600,000 13 360 000 1919 1,620,000 13 4S5 000 1920 1,370,000 11.396.000 10.360,000 1921 1,269,000 1922 1923 ..... 1,380,000 1,360,000 8,370,000 8,262,000 1924 1,360,000 8,526,000 1925 1,340,000 8.602,000 1926 1,300,000 9,500,000 1927... . 1,144,000 9,435,000 1928. ... 1,144,000 11,529,000 1929 1,190,000 15.010,000 1930 1,226,000 14,861,000 1931 1932 1,263,000 1,276,000 10,780,000 7,200,000 1933 1,450,000- 6,720,000 1934 1935 1,704,000 1,530,000 5,590.000 5,356.000 1936 1,362,000 8,415,000 1937 1938 974,000 890,000 7,052,000 7,056.000 1939 1940 1,006,000 1,148,000 8,607,000 9,516,000 1941 1,274,000 10,368,000 1942 1943 1,440,000 1,627,000 13,600.000 18,165,000 1944 1,887.000 18,360,000 1945 1,925,000 17,820,000 STATE OF MONTANA 65 CATTLE BY CLASSES, 1924-1945 Number of Head Year Total All Cattle MILK AXIMALS OTHER ANIMALS Cows 2 Yrs. Heifers 1-2 Yrs. Heifer Calves Cows 2 Yrs. Heifers 1-2 Yrs. Calves Steers 1 Yr. Bulls 1 Yr. 1924 .. 1,360,000 . 1,340,000 . 1,300,000 . 1,144,000 . 1,144,000 . 1,190,000 . 1,226,000 174,000 187,000 190,000 185,000 183,000 190,000 193,000 425,000 422,000 407,000 353,000 353,000 366,000 387,000 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 37,000 40,000 103,000 315,000 126,000 25.000 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 . 1,263,000 . 1,276,000 .. 1,450,000 . 1.704,000 . 1,530,000 196,000 200,000 210,000 215,000 206,000 39,000 40,000 45,000 48,000 43,000 44,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 47,000 412,000 425,000 498,000 590,000 519,000 109,000 115,000 132,000 164,000 150,000 317,000 302,000 350,000 436,000 390,000 120,000 117,000 130,000 164,000 142,000 26,000 27,000 32,000 37,000 33,000 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 . 1,362,000 974,000 890,000 . 1,006,000 . 1,148,000 187,000 172,000 144,000 151,000 156,000 39,000 26,000 27,000 27,000 31,000 43,000 32,000 33,000 38,000 40,000 478,000 343,000 294,000 325,000 386,000 142,000 90,000 82,000 104,000 129,000 327,000 209,000 217,000 249,000 295,000 115,000 80,000 74,000 90,000 86,000 31,000 22,000 19,000 22,000 25,000 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 ,. 1,274,000 .. 1,389,000 . 1,528,000 . 1,757,000 .. 1,775,000 162,000 170,000 173,000 170,000 165,000 30,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 35,000 45,000 46,000 52,000 61,000 57,000 454,000 508,000 543,000 595,000 649,000 149,000 168,000 165,000 221,000 214,000 324,000 353,000 426,000 474,000 477,000 83,000 85,000 106,000 167,000 143,000 27,000 29,000 31,000 35,000 35.000 ALL CATTLE AND CALVES, 1924-1944 Amount and Value of Farm Production Calendar Year Calf Crop (Calves Born) Head 1924 403 1925 425 1926 459 1927 383 192S 401 1929 428 1930 440 1931 460 1932 482 1933 522 1934 586 1935 524 1936 452 1937 360 1938 350 1939 414 1940 472 1941 524 1942 598 1943 672 1944 727 Shipped In' Cattle and Calves Head 16 81 10 56 115 56 39 66 75 115 7 10 9 38 30 53 63 47 42 57 37 Shipped Out- aiid Local Slaughter Cattle Head Calves Head Farm Slaughter Cattle Production and Pounds- Calves Head (All Figures In Thousands) 343 435 435 339 356 337 329 366 248 255 288 489 601 341 172 212 271 260 326 337 532 23 31 106 26 44 43 39 62 50 34 40 109 171 69 30 40 63 70 45 48 111 30 30 33 30 28 26 20 29 30 34 30 IS 21 24 19 28 27 26 25 19 18 315,210 322,530 308,580 282,350 290,300 312,280 318,730 323,180 318,900 350,540 330,870 349,870 307,355 214,660 226,630 270,810 316,505 305,056 362,018 452,094 522,245 Cash Income 117,289 20,871 25,763 19,967 23,964 24,256 17,266 12,955 6,698 4,640 13,639 26,464 28,000 20,809 10,329 14,075 19,337 22,747 33,392 37,678 56,162 Gross Income $18,050 21,440 26,470 20,819 24,934 25,051 17.840 13.387 7,094 5,039 13,986 26,790 28,343 21,276 10.746 14,728 20,024 23,457 34,304 38.531 56.919 * — Shipped in from points outside the state. ' — Shipped to points outside the state, plus animals slaughtered bv local butchers, and at small killina plants within the state. ' — Live weight. 66 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL CATTLE AND CALVES, BY COUNTIES, 1940-1945 Number On Farms January 1 CO I" -XT Y 1»40 Deer Lodge 4,800 Flathead 14,100 Granite 18,900 Lake ; 26,600 Lincoln 5,900 Mineral 1,100 Missoula 14,000 Powell 23,400 Ravalli 26,800 Sanders 14.30(i Northwest Dist. 150,04M) ItMl 5,100 14,900 18,700 29,000 5,900 1,200 16,500 26,600 28,300 15,300 1 (81.500 19-t:: 5,000 17,300 21,900 37,000 5,900 1,400 18,300 28,400 31,600 17,800 184.000 104S 5,200 18,000 22,000 38,300 6,800 1,200 16,100 29,000 33,000 18,800 1SS,400 1944 5,300 20,100 21,300 45,200 7,500 1,200 16,500 33,400 36,900 21,100 208,500 1{M5 5.600 19,200 21.500 41,500 7,000 1,400 17,000 32.400 37,500 19,900 203,000 Blaine 29,900 Chouteau 28,200 Glacier 12,900 Hill 19.400 Liberty 9,800 Phillips 25,400 Pondera 10,800 Teton 24,400 Toole ._ 13,700 N. Central Dist. 174„-00 31,000 30,500 14,000 20,300 9,500 28,400 12,000 24,400 13,800 184.500 34,600 33,300 14,700 21,100 10,100 32,800 12,100 24,500 13,900 197,100 41,900 41,000 19,200 26,100 11,900 39,200 15,900 28,500 15,300 2.'}!>.000 49,100 50,700 20,900 28,900 13,500 46,200 18,100 33,700 17,100 278,200 50,700 51,200 19.900 27.600 11,000 51,200 16,700 32,800 15,600 276,700 Daniels 7,000 8,500 Dawson 13,000 15,200 Garfield 10,600 14,400 McCone 14,100 15,900 Richland 19,700 22,400 Roosevelt 14,S00 17,700 Sheridan 12,600 14,600 Valley 22,300 25,300 1.34.000 11,000 17,900 17,700 19,300 25,700 21,200 18,000 31,100 N. Kast Dist. 114,100 161.000 13.500 22.700 21,000 21,700 32,100 23.900 20,000 38,100 19.S.000 15,900 27,400 28,600 26,300 38,500 28,600 24,700 44,300 234,300 16,000 29,900 31,900 28,100 39,100 29.300 25.900 47.600 247,800 Broadwater . . 16.000 17,200 18,100 19,900 23,500 25,700 Cascade 37,900 40,800 43,700 51,200 59,000 60.300 Fergus 32,700 39,200 48,100 59,400 78,200 81,500 Galden Valley 8,300 8,400 9,700 12,500 16,000 18,100 Judith Basin 23,200 24,800 26.400 31,400 38,300 40,300 Lewis and Clark 25,200 27,500 27,900 29,200 32,500 33,300 Meagher 26,500 25,100 29,800 31,300 33,100 33.500 Musselshell 9,400 11,500 15,200 16,500 21,400 23,900 Petroleum 5,500 6,400 7,900 11,100 14,200 17,400 Wheatland 14,000 15,600 19,100 19,400 21,100 23,600 Central Dist. 198.700 216..'>00 240.200 2,S1,900 .137.300 357.000 Beaverhead 76,300 Gallatin 46,200 Jefferson 12,900 Madison 37,200 Silver Bow 5,400 S. AVest Dist. 178.000 79,300 51,100 12,900 40,800 5,600 1S9.700 91,400 53,900 14,600 50,100 6,100 216.1 OO 101,000 54,700 12,900 45,000 8,300 221,900 102,100 59,500 16,700 55,000 8,400 241.700 101.900 63,100 17,700 55.200 8,700 246. GOO Big Horn 62,300 Carbon 24,500 Park 25,100 Stillwater 22,100 Sweet Grass 22,100 Treasure 9,700 Yellowstone 33,800 68,200 26,300 28,800 25,500 23,300 10,400 38,300 87,600 28,100 26,900 27,900 23,800 11,600 41,400 S. Central Dist. 199,600 220,800 247.30O 89,500 31,000 28,500 31,700 27,900 15,200 51,900 175,700 93,400 40,300 32,600 39,500 34,600 19,300 60,400 320.100 83,100 39,900 34,100 40,700 33.500 19.500 62.100 312.900 Carter 18,100 Custer 21,900 Fallon _ 12,300 Powder River 31,800 Prairie 7,200 Rosebud 33,900 Wibaux 7.900 S. East Dist 133,100 State 1,148,000 21,000 31,800 15,300 38,900 8,300 42,000 9,700 107.000 1,274.000 22,700 38,300 16,600 41.300 9,300 47,500 11,100 186,800 1,440.000 25,900 49,100 19,000 52,200 12,500 54,600 13,800 227.100 1.627.000 29,100 60,400 22,700 58,600 16,200 65,000 14,900 266.900 1,887.000 29,700 58,500 23,900 61,900 18,100 73.500 14,800 2S0.40O 1,925,000 STATE OF MONTANA 67 ALL MILK COWS, BY COUNTIES, 1940-1945 Number On Farms January 1 cor XT Y 1940 Deer Lodge 1,100 Flathead 4,000 Granite 1,300 Lake 5,900 Lincoln 1,200 Mineral 300 Missoula 2,800 Powell 2,200 Ravalli 8,000 Sanders 2,700 N. West l>i.striet 29,500 Blaine 3,100 Chouteau 3,300 Glacier 700 Hill 3,400 Liberty 1,000 Phillips 3,100 Pondera 3,200 Teton 2,900 Toole 1,500 N. Central nistrict. S. Central District. 22,200 Daniels 2,200 Dawson 3,300 Garfield 1,400 McCone 2,100 Richland 3,900 Roosevelt 3,000 Sheridan 4,600 Valley 3,900 N. Kast District 24,400 Broadwater 1,400 Cascade 6,100 Ferg-us 7,300 Golden Valley 1,400 Judith Basin 2,400 Lewis and Clark 2,900 Meagher 1,100 Musselshell 1,600 Petroleum 1,200 Wheatland 1,300 Central District 26,700 Beaverhead 1,800 Gallatin 6,400 Jefferson 2,300 Madison : 3,200 Silver Bow 1,700 S. West District 15,400 Big Horn 2,600 Carbon 4,800 Park 2,700 Stillwater 4,000 Sweet Grass 2,700 Treasure 800 Yellowstone 5,900 23,500 Carter 1,200 Custer 1,800 Fallon 2,700 Powder River 1.000 Prairie 1.800 Rosebud 2,700 Wibaux 2.200 S. East District 14.300 State ].'>6,0OO 1911 1942 1943 1944 1943 1.100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 4,300 4,800 5,100 5,700 6,500 1,200 1,100 900 800 700 6,200 7,700 8,900 10,000 11,900 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,800 1,900 300 300 300 200 200 2,900 3,100 3,200 3,300 3,400 2,100 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 8,400 9,400 10,100 10,800 11,500 3,000 3,400 3,600 36,800 3,900 4,200 30,800 34,400 30,400 43,100 3,400 3,500 3,400 3,300 3,100 3,500 3,500 3,200 2,900 2,500 1,000 1,000 900 1,100 1,100 3,600 3,500 3,400 3,000 2,500 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 700 3,300 3,400 3,300 2,900 2,600 3,400 3,500 3,200 2,800 2,500 3,400 3,400 3,500 3,900 4,100 1,700 1,700 24,700 1,600 23.600 1,400 22,300 1,200 24,600 20,.30O 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,200 1,900 3.300 3,500 3,600 3,500 3,200 1,400 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,100 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,300 2,000 3,900 4,100 4,000 3,800 3,500 3,000 3,200 3,000 2,800 2,500 4,600 4,900 5,000 4,900 4,600 3,900 4,000 4,200 4,000 24,800 3,700 24,300 25,700 26,000 22,500 1,400 1,500 1,700 1,700 1,500 6,100 6,200 6,400 6,500 6,100 6,800 6,600 6,300 6,100 5,700 1,400 1.400 1,300 1,300 1,000 2,400 2,500 2,400 2,300 2,100 2,900 3,000 2,900 2,600 2.200 1,100 1,100 900 800 600 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,300 1.100 1,100 1,200 1,000 800 500 1,300 1,200 1,100 25,500 900 700 26,100 26,200 24,300 21.500 1,800 2,000 2,100 2,000 1.900 6,700 7,200 7,500 8,000 8,100 2,400 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,400 3,300 3,400 3,400 3,400 3.500 1,600 1,800 1,800 1,600 1,700 15,800 16,900 17.200 17.400 17,600 2,900 3,000 3,300 3,400 3,400 5,000 5,200 5,500 5,700 6.000 2,900 3,000 3,200 3,200 3.100 4,100 4,200 4.100 4,000 3,800 2,800 2,900 2,800 2,600 2,400 900 800 800 700 600 6,400 7,200 2(!..300 8.100 8,500 8,700 25.000 27..S00 28,100 28.000 1,300 1,400 1,600 1,500 1.400 2,000 2,100 2,400 2,100 2,100 2,900 3,000 3.100 • 2,600 2,100 2.100 2,100 2,200 1,800 1,500 1.900 1,900 1,900 1.500 1,200 2,900 2,900 2,600 2.300 2,100 2,300 2,400 15,800 2,300 1,900 13,700 1,600 15.400 16,100 1 2.000 162,000 170,000 173.000 170,000 165,000 68 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS PRODUCTION OF MILK and MILK PRODUCTS ON FARMS, 1924-1945 Year Number Of Milk Cows On Farms' Production Per Milk Cow- Milk Total Product ion Percentage Of On Karnis- Bulterfat Butterfat In Milk Milk Butterfat Butter Churned On Farms Milk Butter Used Made Thousands Pounds Pounds Per Cent Million Pounds 1924 .. 1925 192C. 1927. 1928. 1929.. 1930. 1931. 1932 1933... 1934... 1935 1936. . 1937. . 1938. 1939. 1940.. 1941.. 1942. 1943. 1944... 1945.. 173 180 179 176 178 180 181 184 187 196 195 180 166 148 140 142 148 154 159 159 155 146 3,850 3.790 3.870 4.000 4,060 4,350 4.380 040 990 ,850 ,750 ,850 3,910 4,210 4,550 4,800 4,650 4.760 4,740 4,780 4,650 4,720 150 148 151 156 158 170 171 158 156 150 146 150 152 164 177 187 181 186 185 186 181 189 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.0 666 682 693 704 723 783 793 743 746 755 731 693 649 623 637 682 688 7.'?3 754 760 721 689 Million Thousand nds Pounds Pounds 26 120 5,416 27 113 5.100 27 110 5,000 27 106 4,800 28 102 4,600 31 99 4,503 31 93 4,200 29 91 4,100 29 106 4,800 29 106 4,800 29 107 4,832 27 95 4,300 25 88 4,000 24 80 3,600 25 80 3,600 27 75 3.395 27 69 3.100 29 69 3,100 29 61 2.750 30 51 2,300 28 53 2.400 23 53 2,400 -Average number on farms during year, heifers that have not freshened excluded. -Excludes n'.ilk sucked by calves and milk produced by cows not on farms. DISPOSITION OF MILK PRODUCED ON FARMS, 1924-1945 Milk Fed or CouNunied On Farms "Where Protluced Mi Ik .Sold or Itilized In Preparation of IJairy Products Sold From Farms In Who lesale lie- Coiisnm ed In the liveries to Plants, Farm H ousehold Farm- neal< ers. etc. In Retail Sales of Total Year Utilized Fed Total Churned Milk and In to Milk or Farm Used On Butter Cream By Products Calves Cream Butter Farms Sold Cream Milk Farmers' Sold (Million Poun ds) 1924.. . 24 80 96 200 24 313 57 72 466 1925.. .. 24 82 91 197 22 324 67 72 485 1926.. .. 24 84 88 196 22 331 74 70 497 1927.. .. 25 85 86 196 20 345 74 69 508 1928.. .. 26 88 82 196 20 354 S3 70 527 1929.. -. 28 87 80 195 19 419 80 70 588 1930.. .. 32 88 75 195 18 428 S3 69 598 1931- .. 30 93 73 196 18 386 77 66 547 1932. .. 26 97 86 209 20 380 72 65 537 1933. .. 25 98 86 209 20 388 73 65 546 1934. .. 23 98 87 208 20 365 73 65 523 1935.. .. 24 84 77 185 18 348 77 65 508 1936.. .. 21 82 73 176 15 316 78 64 473 1937.. .. 21 75 67 163 13 302 81 64 460 1938.. .. 22 74 67 163 13 315 82 64 474 1939.. .. 23 79 62 164 13 352 87 66 518 1940. .. 24 1 1 58 159 11 363 89 66 529 1941.. .. 25 79 58 162 11 391 103 66 571 1942.. .. 26 75 52 153 9 402 126 64 601 1943. .. 26 69 45 140 6 404 150 60 620 1944. ... 25 68 47 140 6 390 130 55 581 1945.. .. 24 64 47 135 6 360 128 60 554 -Approximations based chiefly on population in small towns and rural areas where most families purchase their milk from local farmers. STATE OF MONTANA 69 FARM DAIRY PRODUCTS Quantities Sold, Price and Value; Value of Products Consumed In the Farm Household; and Gross Farm Income From Dairy Products 1924-1945 Cream Sold to PI aut! «. Desii 1- >l lilk Sold to P Iniif ^. Farm Butter Sold ers. eto. ( a.s butterfat) 1) eal< L'r.«*, ete., at AVholeNale Year Price Value Quantity Price Value Prir.*i Value of Quantity Per of Butterfat Per Lb of Quantity ~ Per Sold Lb. Sales Sold B.F. Sales Sold 100 Lbs. Sales 000 Lb s. Cents 000 Dol 000 Lbs. Cents ( 300 Do IMillion '1. Lbs. Dollars 000 Dol. 1924.. 1,100 37 407 11,670 39 4,551 57 2.35 1,340 1,608 1925.. 1,000 40 400 12,090 42 5,078 67 2.40 1926.. .... 1,000 42 420 12,350 41 5,064 74 2.35 1,739 1,776 1,992 1,920 1,743 1927.. .... 900 42 378 12,870 41 5,277 74 2.40 192S.. 900 45 405 13,200 44 5,808 83 2.40 1929.. 861 46 396 15,630 43 6.721 80 2.40 1930.. 800 35 280 15,960 31 4,948 83 2.10 1931.. 800 26 208 14,400 23 3,312 77 1.85 1,424 1,080 1,058 1,132 1,309 1932.. 900 20 180 14,170 16 2,267 72 1 50 1933.. 900 20 180 14,470 17 2,460 73 1.45 1934.. 920 24 221 13,610 21 2,858 73 1.55 1935.. 800 30 240 12,980 27 3,505 77 1.70 1936.. .... 700 33 231 11,790 32 3,773 78 1.90 1,482 1,742 1,599 1 696 1937.. .... 600 35 210 11,260 33 3,716 81 2.15 1938.. .... 600 30 180 11,750 25 2,938 82 1.95 1939.. 595 27 161 13,130 23 3.020 87 1.95 1940.. 500 30 150 13,540 27 3,656 89 2.00 1,'780 1941.. .... 500 36 ISO 14,580 33 4,811 103 2.00 2,060 2,709 1942.. .... 420 41 172 14,990 39 5,846 126 2.15 1943-. -.. 280 48 134 15,070 48 7,234 1 50 2.55 1944.. .... 280 46 129 14,780 49 7,242 130 2.70 3 510 1945.. 270 47 127 13,640 49 6,684 128 2.70 sUse Milk and Cream Coml>i ned .Sales of Butter. Value of Mill^ Prod- ucts Con- Retailed By Farmers C 'reaiji u and 1 Mi Ik Gro.ss Farm Value sumed In Income Qi jantity Average Returns^ of Household From Sold Price Value Milk Per 100 Per Sales On Farms Dairy Prod- h Milk Per of Util- Lbs, Lb (Casli 1 Where Pro- >< Equiv. Qt. Sales ized Milk B. F. Income) duced- ucts^ M il. Qt. Ct. 000 ? Mil. Lb. $ Ct. 000 $ 000 § 000 1 1924.. ..33 10.6 3,498 466 2.10 54 9,796 3,696 13,492 14,406 1925.. .33 10.7 3,531 485 2.19 56 10,617 3,789 1926.. .33 10.5 3,465 497 2.15 55 10,688 3,698 14,386 14,546 1927.. ..32 10.8 3,456 508 2.14 55 10,887 3,659 192S.. .33 10.8 3,564 527 2.23 57 11,769 3,791 15,560 1929.. ..33 10.8 3,564 588 2.14 55 12,601 3,574 16,175 1930- ..32 10.6 3,392 598 1.73 44 10,363 2,820 13,183 1931.. ..31 9.8 3,038 547 1.46 37 7,982 2,424 10,406 1932.. ..30 8.8 2,640 537 1.15 29 6,167 2.104 8,271 1933.. - 30 8.3 2,490 54 6 1.13 29 6.188 2,079 8,267 1934.. .30 8.7 2,632 523 1.31 34 6,843 2,432 9!275 1935.. ..30 9.6 2,880 508 1.56 40 7,934 2,512 10.446 1936.. -.30 10.0 3,000 473 1.79 46 8,486 2.774 11,260 1937.. .30 10.4 3,120 460 1.91 49 8,788 2,712 1 1,500 1938.. ..30 10 3 3,090 474 1.G5 42 7,807 2,326 10433 1939... .31 10.2 3,162 518 1.55 40 8,039 2,186 10 225 1940.. ..31 10.3 3,193 529 1.66 43 8,779 2,241 ll!020 1941... .31 10.5 3.255 571 1.80 46 10,306 2,466 12,772 1942.. ..30 11.0 3.300 601 2.00 51 12,027 2,540 14,567 1943... .28 11.7 3,276 620 2.33 60 14,469 2.656 17,125 1944... ..26 12.3 3,198 581 2.42 62 14,079 2.783 16,862 1945... ..28 12.3 3,444 554 2 47 62 13,711 2,742 16,453 -Computed from the value of milk, cream and farm butter sold divided by the quantity of milk or butterfat used in the preparation of these products for market. -Milk and milk equivalent of cream and farm butter consumed, valued at the average returns for milk utilized in dairy products sold. -Value of combined sales plus value of products consumed in the farm household. 70 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS CREAMERIES and CHEESE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN MONTANA^, 1946 TOAVX Absarokee Anaconda Belgrade Belgrade Belt Big Timber Big Timber Billings Billings Biilings Billings Billings Billings Bozeman Bozeman Bozeman Bozeman Bridger Butte Butte Cascade Chinook Choteau Columbus Columbus Conrad Corvallis Cut Bank Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Dillon Eureka Fairfield Glasgow Glendive Orantsdale Great Falls Great Falls Great Falls Great Falls Great Falls Hamilton Hamilton Hardin Harlowton Havre Helena Helena Hot Springs Xalispell ICalispell Laurel Lewistown l,e\vistown l,ibby liivingston Xiivingston >Ialta JManhattan Allies City PLANT NAME Absarokee Creamery Smith Bros. Purity Dairy Belgrade Creamery Gallatin Valley Cheese Co. Belt Valley Creamery Sweet Grass Co. Creamery Boulder Creamery Farmers' Union Co-op Cry. Northwestern Distrib- uting Co. Meadow (jold Dairies Thompson Dairy N"ye Bros. Dairy Billings Dairy Kessler Dairy (Kessler Bros.) Jersey Dairy Gallatin Co-op Cry. Mont St. College Cry. Bridger Creamery Mont. Service Corp. Midget Creamery Cascade Creamery Farmers' Union Co-op Cry. Choteau Creamery Columbus Creamery Rosebud Valley Cheese Factory Conrad Creamery Gold Medal Dairies Cut Bank Creamery Deer Lodge Creamery Ideal Creamery Dillon Creamery Eureka Valley Creamery Fairfield Cheese Factory Xormont Dairies Purity Dairv Co. Gold Medal Dairies Frank's Cream Depot Great Falls Creamery Co. Beatrice Creamery Co. Idowell Creamery Co. Farmers' Union Co-op Cry. Wells Creamery Co. Ravalli County Creamery Big Horn Dairy Prods. Co. Farmers' Creamery Hill County Creamery Home Creamery Helena Creamery Hot Springs Creamery Equity Supply Co. Glacier Dairy Laurel Creamery F^ergus Co. Creamery Co. LewistowD Creamery Libby Creamery Co. Farmers' Creamery Co Livingston Creamery Co. Meadow Valley Cry. Co. Manhattan Creamery Co. Purity Dairy Co. PKODICTS >l AM PAC- Tl UKIJ* OPKR.VTORS B H. P. Scovill M Ben A. Smith B Martin Nelson AC Emil Strieker B Otto Regelein B C. E. Petaja B IC Fred Bartholomous B M C. R. Burdiok John Spray B IC John Spray B M CC Mrs. Lena Thompson M IC Mrs. Paul Nye B M IC J. E. Cruinbaker B M D. Brooks vt J Bonawitz B M IC CC Jake Tiedma B IC CC John I. King B M IC CC Dr. J. A. Nelson B Frank Farias B IC H. B. Hirsh IC Stacy Ayers B Wallace Moll B IC Julian Severson B IC Wm. Fluhr B R. H. McClelland AC H. L. Harris B M IC Mrs. O. E. Hales AC Les Snell B Pete King B M IC CC Frank Irvine B H. Lvman & Potet B M IC E. R- Hilger& W. Myers B Victor Peltier AC Anthony Weibel l; M IC Joe Gorman B M IC E. J. Schulte AC Bud Summers B M IC F. S. Courtnage B IC F. E. Bondy B IC Paul McClure B M IC Fred Traber B Carl Hjeresen B M IC Kenneth Vallance B IC AC J. G. Howe. Sr. B M Eric "^''alker B IC F. C. Yonetz B IC Olie Flaten B M IC W. F. Walker & 1. F Mercer B M IC Wm. Whitehead B A. F. & Mabel Charlton B M IC Lester Johnson & S. E. Halvorsen B M IC CC Jean Riley B IC Joe Larson B M IC CC Wm. Dissly B IC W. A. -A.bel B M IC Kenneth Endicott B M IC J. S. Hellesmark B E. M. Connelley B M IC J. E. Betzing B H. S. Batchelder B IC E. J. Schulte. Jr. -B-Butter; M-Milk; IC-Ice Cream; AC-American Cheese; CC-Cottage Cheese. -List of Creameries and Cheese Manufacturing Plants and data on Dairy Products Manufactured supplied by T. H. McMasters, State Dairy Division. STATE OF MONTANA 71 CREAMERIES and CHEESE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN MONTANA', 1946 TOW.V Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Plains Plentywood Poison Red Lodge Ronan Ronan Roundup Sidney Stevensville Three Forks Townsend Twin Bridges Valier Waterloo Whitefish Whitehall Whitehall White Sulphur Springs Wolf Point Worden (Continued) PLANT NAME Golden Glo Cry. Co. Community Ci-eamerv Gold Medal Dairies Garden City Dairies Aleadowland Dairies Sanders Co. Dairy Co-op Plentywood Creamery Poison Creamery Carbon County Cry. Co. Cons. Dairies of Lake County Gold Medal Dairies Roundup Creamery Sidney Locker & Cry. Co. Carnation Company- Three Forks Creamery Broadwater Creamery- Madison County Creamery Valier Creamery Co. Strieker Cheese Co. Whitefish Creamery Co. Whitehall Produce Co. Swiss Cheese Factory & Creamery Springs Creamery Hi-Line Creamery Co. Worden Creamery IMIODI ( TS MAM FAC- TUREU* B IC CC B M IC B IC CC B M IC M B IC B B M IC CC B M IC B IC AC AC B IC B IC B M IC M IC B M IC B IC B AC B B IC AC CC B AC B B M IC B OPEUATOUS A. E. Solander Fred Madsen E. J. Gilmartin A. W. Perkins Searles & Son L. G. Weber Frank Po^ver L. L. Marsh J. .J. Gerondale Grover Lewis George Burcham H. H. Chesterfield C. E Turner & Ted Jensen Ernest Smith H. S. Batchelder F. L. Olsen Clias. Jessen L. L. Derr Emil Strieker A. M. Manicke Dean Tidball Ernest Egger Emmett Cox O. M. Paulson A. R. Le verich * — B-Butter; M-Milk: IC-Ice Cream; AC-American Cheese; CC-Cottage Cheese. DAIRY PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN MONTANA', 1930-1945 Year 1930.... 1931... 1932.... 1933.... 1934.... 1935.... Creamery Butter 16,792,000 14,864,000 14,182,000 14,795,000 13,069,000 12,577,000 chee.se American Cheddar Whole Milk 1,567,000 1,605,000 1,885,000 1,990,000 1,663,000 1,862,000 Other Varie- ties Cottage Cheese (Pounds) Dry or Powdered Butter- milk Dried Casein Ice Cream Sherbet (Gallons) 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 11,586,000 10,608,000 11,567,000 12,301,000 13,268,000 13,706,000 12,600,000 12,741,000 11,85S,000 9,88:5,000 1,648,000 1,087,000 1,435,000 1,184,000 1,227,000 1,454,000 1,905,000 2,147,000 4,078,000 4,266,000 61,000 182,000 231,000 300,000 393,000 458,000 563,000 91,000 86,000 75,000 115,000 49,000 38,000 50,000 44,000 45,000 96,000 9,000 22,000 24,000 29,000 1,355,000 1,316,000 1,426,000 1,573,000 1,579,000 1.741,000 1,419,000 1,499,000 1,588,000 28,000 25,000 28,000 34,000 28,000 38,000 627,000 104,000 623.000 121,000 78,000 -List of Creameries and Cheese Manufacturing Plants and Products manufactured supplied by T. H. McMasters, State data on Dairy Dairy Division. 72 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL STOCK SHEEP AND HOGS ON FARMS, 1875-1945 Number, Value Per Head, and Total Value January 1 STOCK SHEEP HOGS Year Number 1875 60,000 1876 102,000 1877 153,000 1878 207,000 1879 321,000 1880 385,000 1881 398,000 1882 556,000 1883 695,000 1884 869,000 1885 1,173,000 1886 1,408,000 1887 1,549,000 1888 1,688,000 1889 1,857,000 1890 2,228,000 1891 2,258,000 1892 2,597,000 1893 2,897,000 1894 2,897,000 1895 3,435,000 1896 3,710,000 1897 3,821,000 1898 3,897,000 1899 4,209,000 1900 4,504,000 1901 4,977,000 1902 5,624,000 1903 5,736,000 1904 .... 5,162,000 1905 4,852,000 1906 5,240,000 1007 4,978,000 1908 5,028,000 1909 5,279,000 1910 5,385,000 1911 5,223,000 1912 4,962,000 1913 4,615,000 1914 3,923,000 1915 3,609,000 1916 3.248,000 1917 2,761,000 1918 2,550,000 1919 2,750,000 1920 2,420,000 1921 2,149,000 1922 2,380,000 1923 2,312,000 1924 2,359,000 1925 2,474,000 1926 2,750,000 1927 2,923,000 1928 3.300,000 1929 3,758,000 1930 3,940,000 1931 4,020.000 1932 3,660,000 1933 3,860,000 1934 4,060.000 1935 3,740,000 1936 3,405,000 1937 2,792,000 1938 2,736,000 1939 3,064,000 1940 3,462,000 1941 3,635,000 1942 3,853,000 1913 3,660,000 1944 3,367,000 1945 2,862,000 Farm Value Per Head Total $ 3.30 $ 198,000 2.90 206,000 2.60 398,000 2.40 407,000 2.30 738,000 2.40 924,000 2.60 1,035,000 2.80 1,557,000 3 05 2,120,000 2.90 2,520,000 2.45 2,874,000 2.10 2,957,000 2.35 3,640,000 2.10 3,545,000 2.50 4,642,000 2.25 5,013,000 2.35 5,306,000 2.50 6,492,000 2.60 7,766,000 1.75 5,227,000 1.50 5,152,000 1.55 5,750,000 1.60 6,114,000 2.40 0,353,000 2.70 11,304,000 2.85 12,836,000 2.85 14,184,000 2.55 14,341,000 2.50 14.340,000 2.30 11,873,000 2.95 14,313,000 3.50 18,340,000 3.70 18,419,000 3.90 19,609,000 3.30 17,421,000 4.20 22,617,000 3.45 18,019,000 3.30 16,375,000 3.70 17,076,000 3.70 14,515,000 4.40 15,880,000 5.10 16,565,000 7.10 19,603,000 12.60 32,130,000 11.80 32,450,000 10.30 24,847,000 5.70 12,284,000 4.70 11,161,000 8.70 20,163,000 8.80 20,730,000 10.50 25,982,000 11.50 31,590,000 10.60 31.016.000 11.20 36,890,0(10 11.50 43,101.000 9.50 37,360,000 5.20 20,712,000 3.20 11,826.000 3.00 11,676,000 4.15 16,S71,0n0 4.65 • 17,311,000 6.60 22.507,000 5.60 15.660,000 6.70 18,264,000 6.60 20,241,000 7.70 26,511,000 7.80 28.460,000 0.80 37,709,000 10.20 37.341.000 9.10 30,800,000 8.70 24,760.000 Farm Value Number Per Head Total 8,000 1 6.00 $ 48,000 9,000 8.40 ■ 76.000 10,000 9.40 94.000 11,000 8.00 88,000 12,000 7.00 84.000 14,000 6.40 90,000 15,000 7.40 111.000 16,000 8.80 141,000 17,000 10.60 180,000 18,000 9.30 167,000 19,000 9.80 186,000 19,000 6.30 120,000 20,000 5.90 118,000 22,000 6.80 150,000 23,000 8.50 196,000 25,000 6.80 170,000 26,000 7.10 185,000 28,000 7.50 210,000 30,000 9.40 282,000 32,000 9.20 294,000 38,000 6.50 247,000 43,000 6.90 297,000 42,000 7.90 332.000 40,000 7.30 292,000 39,000 7.20 281,000 41,000 8.40 344.000 43,000 6.60 284,000 46,000 7.10 327,000 52.000 10.80 562,000 52,000 9.10 473,000 50,000 S.IO 405,000 48,000 8.60 413,000 51,000 9.20 469,000 55,000 10.00 550,000 60,000 10.00 600,000 70,000 10.10 707,000 88,000 10.40 915,000 95,000 9.90 940,000 120,000 11.00 1,428,000 164,000 11.90 1,952,000 216,000 10.80 2,333,000 233,000 9.00 2,097,000 186,000 12.00 2.232,000 164,000 20.50 3.362,000 183,000 22.00 4,026,000 167,000 19.80 3,307,000 160,000 16.30 2,608,000 180,000 13.00 2.340,000 225,000 13.10 2,948,000 292,000 11.10 3,241,000 280,000 11.90 3,332,000 250,000 13.30 3,325,000 240,000 16.40 3,936,000 270,000 14.30 3,861,000 300,000 13.10 3,930,000 280,000 12.10 3.388,000 258,000 1130 2,915,000 252,000 5.10 1,285,000 227,000 4.50 1,022,000 227,000 4.65 1,058,000 103,000 6.50 668,000 103,000 12.20 1,259.000 102,000 . 12.60 1,289,000 84,000 12.50 1,050,000 101.000 12 70 1.283,000 160,000 8.40 1,344,000 168,000 7.90 1,332,000 202,000 15.00 3,040,000 307,000 21.60 6,616.000 445.000 16.20 7,220,000 267,000 21.00 5,601,000 STATE OF MONTANA 73 SHEEP BY CLASSES, 1930-1945 Number of Head STOCK SHREP AH Sheep On Total Ewes Lambs Rams Weth- Year Wethers ers Sheep Feed Stock Sheep 1 Year Ewe & Ram 1 Year 1 Year 1930 4,120,000 180,000 3,940,000 3,057,000 741,000 24,000 110,000 8,000 1931 4,230,000 210.000 4,020.000 3,268,000 611,000 24,000 113,000 4.000 1932 3,850,000 190,000 3,660,000 3,085,000 447,000 18,000 106.000 4.000 1933 4,100,000 240.000 3,860,000 3,092.000 629,000 23,000 112.000 4.000 1934 4,280,000 220.000 4.060,000 3,248,000 662,000 28,000 114,000 8.000 1935 3,895,000 155,000 3,740,000 2,955.000 628,000 37,000 112,000 8,000 1936 3,540,000 135,000 3,405,000 2,789,000 464,000 35,000 109,000 8,000 1937 2,942,000 150,000 2,792,000 2,365,000 311,000 28,000 83,000 5,000 1938 2,926,000 190,000 2,736,000 2,176,000 447,000 27,000 81,000 5,000 1939 3,304,000 240,000 3,064,000 2,270,000 677,000 28,000 84,000 5,000 1940. 3,747,000 285,000 3,462,000 2,568,000 763,000 35,000 89,000 7,000 1941. 4,010,000 375,000 3,635,000 2,722,000 766,000 35,000 105.000 7,000 1942 4,193,000 340,000 3,853,000 2,858,000 838,000 38,000 112,000 7,000 1943 4,030,000 370,000 3,660,000 2,944,000 562,000 35,000 112,000 7.000 1944 3,767,000 400,000 3,367,000 2,740,000 471,000 37,000 112,000 7,000 1945 3.290,000 428.000 2.862,000 2.411,000 314,000 32,000 100,000 5,000 SHEEP AND LAMBS, 1924-1944 Amount and Value of Farm Production Lamb Calendar Crop Year (Lambs Docked) Head 1924 1,445 1925 1,579 1926 1,774 1927 1,658 1928 1,980 1929 2,179 1930 2,450 1931 2,650 1932 2,375 1933 2,290 1934 2,695 1935.. 2,246 1936 2,092 1937 1,845 1938 1,915 1939 1,975 1940 2,208 1941 2,423 1942 2,315 1943 2,385 1944 2,302 Shipped In' Sheep and Lambs Head 115 150 125 210 75 92 110 111 78 160 151 184 170 177 217 123 68 .Sliippeil Oiit- aiiil Local Slaufsliter Sheep Head (AH 211 90 224 US 155 306 344 501 103 125 143 5 5 5 565 272 188 230 369 400 522 492 611 Lambs Head Figures 856 1,000 1,092 1,021 1,003 1,270 1,591 1,943 1,412 1,407 1,875 1,587 1,605 1,335 1,101 1,076 1,278 1,550 1,678 1,733 1,755 Farm Slaughter Sheep and Lambs Head In Thousands) Pro- duction Pounds' 15 13 15 17 18 20 20 14 25 22 27 30 28 24 29 25 24 26 25 22 22 92,865 103,890 119,375 111,690 133,420 154,730 163,570 165,155 139,195 141,285 158,134 138,730 . 94,145 113,075 126,820 139,355 153,790 173,510 166,110 154,337 150,543 Cash Income $ 7,213 8,423 9,835 7,284 9,323 12,106 8,524 7,905 4,181 5,472 8,202 10,508 9.497 9,847 6,299 7,136 9,223 14,188 18,396 19,986 19,658 Gross Income f 7,298 8,510 9,927 7,388 9,430 12,225 8,594 7,939 4,229 5,526 8,269 10,614 9,585 9,952 6,398 7.233 9,320 14,321 18,543 20,122 19,784 -Shipped in from points outside the state. -Shipped to points outside the state, plus animals slaughtered by local butch- ers, and at small killing plants within the state. -Live weight. 74 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS WOOL PRODUCTION AND INCOME. 1909-1945 Year Sheep Shorn 1909 1,810,000 1910 5,008,000 1911 4,857,000 1912 4, G 15, 000 1913 4,292,000 1914 .3,648,000 1915 3,3 56,000 1916 3,021,000 1917 2,540,000 1918 2,3!)7,000 1919 2,580,000 1920 2,100,000 1921 2,030,000 1922 2,267,000 1923 2,206,000 1924 2,270,000 1925 2,34 4,000 1926 2,500,000 1927 2,806,000 1928 3,100,000 1929 3,4 58.000 1930 3,740,000 1931 3,860,000 1932 3,425,000 1933 3,550,000 ] 934 3,780,000 1935 3,4 80,000 1936 3,156,000 1937...-. 2,540,000 1938 2,550,000 1939 2,830,000 1940 3,220,000 1941 3,4 53,000 1942 3, 58:!, 000 1943 3,477,000 1944 3,i:{4,000 1945 2,662,000 Weight Per Fleece Pound 8.0 7.6 7.9 7.8 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.0 8.1 8.4 8.6 8.0 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.6 S.O S.8 8.7 9.0 9.1 9.9 9.5 9.4 9.7 9.3 9.2 9.5 9.7 9.3 9.2 9.6 0.2 S.O 8.0 9.0 Production (Pounds; 38,480,000 38,061,000 38,370,000 35,997,000 34,336,000 29,184,000 27,184,000 24,168,000 20,574,000 20,13 5,000 22,188,000 16,800,000 17,052,000 19,043,000 18,751,000 10,522,000 20,158,000 23,051,000 24,603,00(1 26,970,000 31,122,000 34,034,000 38,214,000 32,538,000 33,370,000 36,472,000 32,364,000 29,035,000 24,130,000 24,735,000 26,310,000 29,624,000 33,140,000 32,064,000 30,945,000 27,866,000 23,958,000 Price Per Pound (Cents) 22 21 17 18 19 17 25 29 42 60 58 51 20 30 40 39 42 37 33 38 32 21 14 9 22 23 19 26 32 19 22 29 34 40 43 44 44 ("asli Incoine (Dollars) $8,466,000 7,993,000 6,523,000 6,470,000 6,524,000 4,061,000 6,706,000 7.000,000 8.641,000 12,081,000 12,860,000 8,568,000 3,410,000 5,713.000 7.500,000 7.614.000 8,466,000 8,520,000 8,149,000 10,240,000 0,050.000 7,147.000 5,350,000 2,028,000 7,341.000 8,380,000 6,140,000 7,540,000 7,722,000 4,700,000 5,700,000 8.501,000 11.271,000 13,186.000 13,306,000 12,261.000 10,542,000 HOGS, 1924-1944 Amount and Value of Farm Production Year Pig Crop (PiR.s Siived) First 6 Months Last 0 Months Shipped Shipp<.'d Annual In' Out- Total Head and liOcai Farm Slaugiiter, Slaughter, Head Head I'roduction Pound.s (All Figure.'! In Thousands) Cash Income"- Cross Income-' 1924.... 265 135 400 284 85 73,175 4,448 5.457 1925.... 288 130 418 321 85 78,585 7,004 8.425 1926.... 257 126 383 257 85 69,495 6,526 8.146 1927.... 250 125 375 221 80 68,230 5.038 6.543 1928.... 252 154 406 245 00 72,440 4,525 5,759 1929.... 258 163 421 304 85 76,880 5,930 7.105 1930.... 216 141 357 23 5 100 66,405 4.686 6,141 1931.... 284 155 430 301 95 70,760 3,603 4.461 1932.... 190 117 307 176 115 58,760 1,484 2,157 1933.... 207 115 322 169 110 56,812 1,381 2.006 1934.... 140 57 197 187 109 39,130 1,718 2,448 1935.... 93 70 163 68 70 26,690 1.336 2.311 1936.... 122 81 203 83 86 33,180 1,705 3 112 1937.... 83 73 156 7 84 77 30,510 1,902 :i.266 1938.... 96 82 178 3 67 79 33,535 1,470 2.568 1939.... 178 119 297 2 122 82 50,565 1,000 2.819 1940.... 191 110 301 181 82 56,690 2.258 3 037 1941.... 184 130 323 173 84 59,521 3,734 5.064 1942.... 275 205 480 248 82 84,836 7,158 8.062 1943.... 421 277 608 417 88 131.315 12,835 14.847 1944.... 288 147 435 493 82 108,908 14,876 16.692 ' — Shipped in from points outside the state. - — Shipped to points outside the state, plus animals slaujthtered by local buti-h- ers. and at small killing plants within the state. ^ — Live -weight. STATE OF MONTANA 75 ALL SHEEP AND LAMBS, BY COUNTIES, 1940-1945 Number On Farms January 1 COUXTY 1940 Deer Lodge 4,700 Flathead 6,200 Granite 17,300 Lake 31,900 Lincoln 2,000 Mineral 500 Missoula 3,600 Powell 79,400 Ravalli 26,500 Sanders 17,900 1041 4,500 6,900 17,200 33,100 2,400 500 800 500 900 2 72 27 Northwest Di.st 190.0(M) 17,200 185.000 1842 5,900 6,600 19,700 39,500 2,100 500 1,800 65,400 25,900 16,100 183,500 1043 8,700 7,200 11,000 24,900 2.300 400 3,200 56,900 15,900 14,300 144,800 1044 11,500 7,500 8,700 18,300 2,300 300 3,400 53,000 14,000 13,200 133,200 1 015 8.800 5,400 8,400 12,400 1,000 200 2,800 43,800 13.500 6,900 103.300 Blaine 183,400 Chouteau 51,400 Glacier 74,500 Hill 27,700 Liberty 27,400 Phillips 115,200 Pondera 61,100 Teton 103,400 Toole 68,400 >. Central Dist. -12..500 185,300 53,400 90,400 32,400 25,400 112,100 61,700 106,900 72,200 730.800 194,100 51.900 102,900 34,600 22,400 101,000 75,000 108,000 78,500 76S.400 171,900 52,000 112,000 33,500 28,400 100,900 71,600 91,700 70,500 7.S2.500 157,500 43,000 108,000 32,000 27,000 76,100 60,500 87,400 62,500 654,000 140,200 34,100 84,900 22,100 15,700 70,600 56,200 73,400 30,000 527,200 Daniels 22,900 Dawson 40,500 Garfield 59,400 McCone 44,400 Richland 31,500 Roosevelt 10,900 Sheridan 12,300 Valley 78,500 X. East DS.st .300.400 Broadwater 34,900 Cascade 101,100 Fergus 84,500 Golden Vallev 60,800 Judith Basin 73,400 Lewis and Clark 109,900 Meagher 152,900 Musselshell 41,700 Petroleum 36,600 Wheatland 126,500 Central District 822,300 27,800 54,300 76,600 49,000 30,200 20,700 16,300 80,100 .355.000 34,200 94,800 95,900 56,300 76,200 85,600 149,700 49,300 43,700 114.200 799.900 34,400 61,800 97,800 58,300 32,800 22,100 19,100 88,000 414,300 39,000 96,400 100,200 63,700 72,200 81,900 150,500 48,900 44,300 120,500 817,000 34,000 70,900 114,500 68,700 34,900 17,400 15,500 93,000 448.900 41,000 93,300 94,900 58,300 76,400 83,500 116,900 59,700 44,400 95,600 704.000 31,700 71,800 119,700 65,200 28,900 16,300 11,600 88,100 4.33,300 30,600 93,200 71,700 52,300 74,600 75,600 105,000 44,500 42,000 91,700 681,200 31,100 53,000 113,100 51,900 26,200 13,700 8,900 84,100 3S2.00O 30,200 72,700 66,700 41.200 60.300 67,800 93,400 38,500 36.000 80.200 587.000 Beaverhead 204,200 Gallatin 56,100 Jefferson 17,400 Madison 135,400 Silver Bow 6,800 S. West Dist. 419.900 205,900 63,000 15,500 144,100 6.900 4.35.400 201,000 63,600 22,600 147,400 7,600 442.200 185,000 62.700 15,200 132,900 8,200 404,000 182,400 59,500 12,100 124,100 8,200 386,300 154,100 51.100 10.600 116,000 8,100 339.90O Big Horn 96,000 97,600 Carbon 66,100 68,400 Park 88,800 91,900 Stillwater 64,000 71,100 Sweet Grass 151,900 143,200 Treasure 6.000 5,700 Yellowstone 75,100 92,000 5(;9.900 111,200 77,900 98,100 67,700 144,100 5,700 88,900 110,200 SO, 000 70.900 6 5.000 108,000 11.200 73.300 S. Central Dist. 547,900 -.93.(iOO 51 S.600 91,200 78,600 60.000 58,600 98,800 10,600 50,600 449.000 73.900 66.400 56.900 46.900 89.400 6.900 47,700 388. lOO Carter 155,400 Custer 58,600 Fallon 28,100 Powder River 83,800 Prairie 45,500 Rosebud 87.900 Wibaux : 9.700 S. East Di.st. 469.000 179.900 63.700 38.400 100.500 58,000 97,000 12.500 550.000 212,700 85,200 45,700 99,200 61,700 116,100 12,800 0.33.400 217.000 87.000 40.100 85.800 57.000 130,900 20.400 047.200 213,200 72.600 40.200 90.000 54.700 143,900 16,400 631,000 195,400 66,600 29.400 75.000 47,000 109,800 11.400 534.600- State 3.4«2.00<» 3.035.000 3.S53.00O 3.<>(;o.ooo 3..3(!7.000 ..S«!2.00O 76 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL HOGS, BY COUNTIES, 1940-1945 Number On Farms January 1 CO I' XT Y IIMO Deer Lodge 1,400 Flathead 5,100 Granite 800 Lake 11,200 Lincoln 900 Mineral 600 Missoula 4,700 Powell 1,800 Ravalli 12,100 Sanders 2,500 Noi-tlMvest Dist. 41.100 Blaine 2,700 Chouteau 2,400 Glacier 800 Hill 1,800 Liberty 400 Phillips 2,400 Pondera 3,100 Teton 3,900 Toole 1,300 N. Central Dist IS.SOO 1941 1,200 4,600 500 10,800 600 800 4,600 2,200 10,600 2,600 38,500 2,200 2,200 700 1,700 400 2,200 2,700 4,100 1,500 17,700 1042 1,200 5,300 500 10,500 600 800 5,000 2,400 12,300 2,700 41, .too 3,800 4,500 1,200 3,200 4 00 3,200 3,900 5,800 1,600 i»4a 1,500 9,200 500 12,800 900 800 4,900 2.600 14,100 2,800 50,100 4,700 8,700 1,600 5,400 500 3,600 4,800 9,700 1,800 27,G00 40,800 1&44 1,700 14,000 800 17,100 1,300 1,500 6,700 4,500 19,800 4,500 71.900 9,400 13,500 1,600 7,500 700 8,4 00 7,600 9,700 2,000 60,400 194.-> 1,200 7,700 600 12,300 900 400 4,500 2,400 11,500 2,700 44.200 5.400 5,700 1,200 2,600 400 4,400 5,200 5,500 1.400 .31.800 Daniels 1,800 Dawson 1,400 Garfield 400 McCone 1,000 PJchland 3,700 Roosevelt 2,200 Sheridan 1,800 Valley 2,400 1,800 1,600 400 1,400 5,000 4,200 3.100 3.900 2.800 3.400 1.200 2.200 8,900 5.100 2.800 4.200 X. Kust Wist. 14,700 :i,4oo .30,«00 5.600 7,100 2,600 2,900 16,600 10,700 6,300 5,900 57,700 8,300 9,300 5,800 5,200 18,400 16,600 6,500 8,500 78,600 4.500 5,600 2,000 3,800 12.700 10,900 4,800 3,500 47.«>00 Broadwater 2,600 Cascade 5,500 Fergus 4,300 Golden Valley 800 Judith Basin 1,600 Lewis and Clark 3,500 Measher 600 Musselshell 1,000 Petroleum 200 Wheatland 600 Centrsil ni.strict 2O,700 Beaverhead 4,700 Gallatin 10,400 Jefferson 1,800 Madison 7,000 Silver Bow 700 2,500 5,200 4,000 600 1,600 2,400 600 900 400 500 S. West Dist. 24.<>00 18.700 5,200 10,500 1,300 6.300 700 24.000 3.400 5.800 5,400 500 2.200 2,600 700 1,200 500 700 23,100 5,600 10.000 900 6,200 500 23.200 5,300 7,600 13,700 1,600 4,000 3,200 1,000 2,800 1,200 1,700 42.100 5,600 13,800 1,900 8,800 400 30.500 8,800 12,000 17 2 5 7 1 3 00 000 000 000 500 600 2,700 1,800 61.900 7,600 24,600 2,700 15,700 1,400 52,000 4,900 7,300 9,200 700 2,500 2,900 600 2.000 1.200 1.100 32,400 6.100 16.600 1.800 13,400 1,400 39,300 Big Horn 6,500 Carbon 6,500 Park 3,400 Stillwater 4,700 Sweet Grass 1,400 Treasure 600 Yellowstone 8,100 X. Centr.-il IJist 31.200 Carter 1,500 Custer 1.000 Fallon 1,400 Powder River 1,200 Prairie 400 Rosebud 1,600 Wibaux 1,800 S. East Dist 8.900 State 160.000 6,300 6,600 3,400 4,800 1,900 80(1 9,400 33.204» 2,600 3,000 2,000 1,400 800 1,900 2,800 14.500 168.000 7,3 00 6,800 3,200 6,700 2,000 900 9,800 36.700 2,400 3,700 3,600 3,300 800 2,300 3,400 lO.-IOO. 202,000 11,800 9,500 4,400 13,400 3,500 1,800 12,500 .56,900 2,900 4,500 5,200 4,100 2,000 4,400 5,800 28.900 307,000 13,900 15,700 6,600 16,800 7,500 4,000 18,200 82,70<» 4,200 3,500 7,100 7,800 3,400 4,600 6,900 37,50O 445,000 8,300 8.800 3,600 9,900 3.000 1,200 10,200 45,000 2,600 2,700 5.100 3,400 2,100 3,100 7,700 26,700 267,000 STATE OF MONTANA 77 CHICKENS AND EGGS, 1924-1945 All Chickens Av. Farm \'alue of Hens and Kg-gs Kk8's A\. l-'arm Year On Farms Value Per All Chickens Pullets On Per Produced Price Jan. 1 (000) Head ($1,000) Jan. 1(000) leaver* (millions) Per iJoz. (cents) (cents) l!t24 2. 70S 62 1.679 2,405 98 236 21.8 1924 2.708 62 1,679 2,400 98 236 21.8 1925 2,650 70 1,855 2,358 92 217 30.0 1926 2,574 71 1,828 2,291 100 229 27.3 1927 2,376 80 1,901 2,115 95 201 26.6 1928 2,550 S3 2,116 2,269 98 222 27.3 l!t29 2.577 84 2,165 2,294 93 213 27.2 1930 2,581 80 2,065 2,291 96 220 22.2 1931 2,593 60 1,556 2,291 102 234 15.7 1932 2,364 53 1,253 2,107 92 194 14.7 1933 2,443 42 1,026 2.173 92 200 136 1934 2,422 38 920 2.129 92 196 15.2 1935 2,088 44 919 1,873 92 171 23.1 1936 2,092 66 1,381 1,845 88 163 22.9 1937 1,863 63 1,174 1,649 98 162 24.4 1938 1,700 72 1,224 1,527 110 168 23.3 1939 1.950 73 1,424 1,745 104 182 18.9 1940 2.244 64 1,436 1.986 99 197 16.2 1941 2,168 65 1,409 1,967 107 211 21.1 1942 2,297 81 1,861 2,110 112 236 27.0 1943 2,661 98 2,608 2,437 103 250 34.0 1914 2.73S 117 3,203 2,460 108 265 29.1 1945 2.413 108 2,606 2,246 110 246 35.8 * — Number of eggs produced during the year divided by number of all hens and pullets on hand January 1. TURKEYS, 1929-1945 Year 1929 No. On Farms Jan. 1 (000) 160 Value Per Head 1 3.40 2.90 2.50 2.50 1.65 1.40 2.25 3.05 2.20 2.65 2.75 2.30 2.35 3.05 4.45 5.20 5.50 Total Value (?1,000) 544 464 322 260 182 151 196 229 165 138 138 150 129 183 227 234 187 No. Produced On Farms (000) 475 419 351 373 422 422 336 368 256 243 267 267 273 273 242 250 250 Consumed In Farm Household (000) 56 57 49 50 50 45 37 36 31 29 24 23 27 27 23 21 25 Sold (000) 419 393 327 317 374 398 311 332 248 216 228 254 241 255 225 240 224 Price Per Pound (cents) 25.2 21.0 20.6 13.8 11.4 13.9 21.3 16.6 18.8 18.6 17..^. 16.4 21.4 29.0 36.7 37.3 36.8 Cash Income From Sales (SI, 000) 1,471 1930 160 1.163 1931 129 899 1932 1933. 104 110 666 617 1934 108 728 1935 . .. 87 846 1936 1937 1938 75 75 52 817 630 583 1939 50 588 1940 l'»41 65 55 602 789 1942 60 1,146 1943 .. . 51 1,288 194 4 45 1,405 1945 34 1.335 78 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS ALL CHICKENS BY COUNTIES, 1940-1945 Number On Farms January 1 (Ol .NTY MHO 1041 1»4-J 1J>|:{ DeiT Lodge 14..'>. ( .lUral i)i.stri«-t 402.000 Daniels 25,500 Dawson 40,500 r.aifielri 19,500 MeConc 33,000 Richland 66,000 Roosevelt 41,000 Sheridan 47,000 Valley 63,500 N. K:ist District 3:«!.0«M) iJroadwater IS.OUO Ca.-^cado 89,000 Fergus 85,500 Golden Valley 16,000 Judith Basin 29,500 Lewis and Clark 34,000 MeaKher 10.000 Musselshell 17,500 Petroleum 6,500 Wheatland 12,000 Central District StS.OOO Beaverhead 28,500 Gallatin 118,000 Jefferson 21,500 jradison 46,000 Silver Bow 6,000 S. AVost District 2i:0.000 BiK Horn 53.500 Carbon 70,000 Park 42,000 Stillwater 55.000 Sweet Grass 25,000 Treasure 11,000 Yellowstone 119,500 .*<. Ceiitrnl District 37 27,000 30,000 32,000 32.000 24.500 126,000 129.0IH) 133,000 124.000 113.500 10.000 19,000 21,000 22.500 22.000 47.000 48.000 54.000 50,500 50.000 5,000 6,000 232.000 6.000 7.000 s.nno 224.000 24(:.0(HI 23<>.«M»0 2l,S.OOO 56.000 55,000 71,000 73.000 48.000 60.000 57,000 68,000 67.000 69.000 42,000 49,000 62.000 5S.000 42.000 57.000 56.000 68.000 71.000 53,000 24.000 28,000 34,000 33.000 26.000 10.000 9.000 0,000 9.000 10.500 129.000 130,000 1.1 0.00 0 1 56.000 130.500 37S.OOO 3S4.00O 4«S2,4M>0 407. OOO 370.O0O 21.000 24,000 25,000 26.000 24.500 18.000 20,000 21,000 23.500 31.000 29.000 27.000 35,000 3 9.000 31.000 31.000 32.000 38,000 41.000 23.000 13.000 11,000 15,000 14.000 18.500 34,000 32.000 4L00O 37,500 28.500 24.000 26,000 33.000 31.000 29.500 170.000 172.000 208.000 212.000 isn.ooo 2.1G8.000 2.2»7.00() 2.fi»;i.ooo 2.7.H,'i!.0(M> 2,413.000 STATE OF MONTANA Population. Numbers of Farms, and Numbers of Farms Reporting, Cattle and Sheep, 1945 and 1940 — U. S. Census Bureau Population, 1940 Xuniber of Persons COl XTIES TotJiI Farm Deer Lodge 13,627 1,023 Flathead 24,271 7,678 Granite 3,401 972 Lake 13.490 7,356 Lincoln 7,882 2,584 .Mineral 2.135 436 Missoula 29.038 3,702 Powell 6,152 1,613 Ravalli 12.978 7,313 Sand.rs 6.926 3,357 X. West Dist. 119.»4K> :»;,0»4 Blaine 9,566 4,800 Chouteau 7,316 4,408 Glacier 9,034 2,267 Hill 13,304 4,406 Liberty 2,209 1,344 Phillips 7,892 3,689 Pondera 6,716 3,550 Teton 6,922 4,137 Toole 6.769 1,895 \. Cent. Dist. 09.728 30.49(; Daniels 4,563 2,618 Dawson 8,618 3,391 Garfield 2,641 1,811 McCone 3,798 2,701 Richland 10,209 5,537 Roosevelt 9,806 4,186 Sheridan 7,814 4,262 Valley 15,181 4,370 \. E.-ist Dist B2.4i.tO 2S.S7« Broadwater 3,451 1,417 Cascade 41,999 5,800 Fergus 14,040 5,432 Golden Valley 1,607 1,000 Judith Basin 3,655 2,236 Lewis and Clark 22,131 2,578 Meag-her 2,237 1,051 Musselshell 5,717 1,299 Petroleum 1,083 581 "Wheatland 3,286 1,008 Central Dist 99.2(M; 22.402 Beaverhead 6,943 2,420 Gallatin 18,269 5,802 Jefferson 4,664 1,470 Madison 7,294 3,440 Silver Bow 53,207 861 S. West Dist 90..177 13.99.3 Big: Horn 10,419 5,784 Carbon 11,865 5,365 Park 11,566 2,932 Stillwater 5,694 3,347 Sweet Grass 3,719 2,034 Treasure 1,499 985 Yellowstone 41,182 9,459 S. Cent. Dist 85,944 29.900 Carter 1 3.280 2,451 Custer 10,422 2,197 Fallon 3,719 1,971 Powder River 3,159 2,517 Prairie 2,410 980 Rosebud 6,477 2,765 Wibaux 2,161 1,461 S. Kast Dist. 31.028 14,.342 State .■i.59.413 170.049 Xuniber of Farms Number Piepf)rtin«- Total Number of Farms All Sheep of Farms Reporting .Ml Cattle and Lambs 1945 1940 1945 1940 1945 1940 167 179 100 143 10 13 1.541 1,701 1,205 1,240 84 95 ISl 205 159 170 20 46 1,536 1.673 1,263 1,395 125 147 488 534 398 409 25 29 86 112 64 78 6 3 770 776 544 558 23 44 265 309 238 256 71 82 1,381 1.501 1,127 1,283 103 175 677 854 579 675 0.207 50 517 59 7.092 7.,S44 5.077 (;93 917 1,078 762 777 157 188 1,189 1,383 899 9 1 9 98 126 517 495 379 378 117 97 1,035 1,245 720 855 92 113 349 420 241 265 41 56 925 1,046 728 783 150 170 787 879 614 622 109 124 1,053 1,081 790 768 157 145 442 .t69 313 399 ,0 1 82 7JI14 S.19(! .-.4-10 5.7O0 978 1.101 675 SO 4 475 4 69 58 69 792 834 671 647 128 129 455 587 403 406 130 115 683 754 582 560 82 119 1,099 1,218 963 973 196 164 849 1.043 614 705 30 53 1,113 1,238 860 893 38 01 1,271 1,297 933 914 5.507 165 827 172 6,937 7.77.'> 5,.501 87S 293 268 256 234 6 3 69 1,182 1,401 1,001 1,023 154 152 1,356 1,486 1,203 1,228 206 284 244 268 211 218 71 94 528 599 481 492 147 158 469 532 376 410 73 95 191 228 176 191 66 80 318 314 289 258 68 76 161 180 141 125 46 44 218 229 193 193 101 112 4.900 .^.SO.' 4..327 4.372 995 1.104 407 457 3 73 408 129 161 1,180 1,242 1,016 1,110 206 249 298 331 251 261 26 3 7 699 655 599 585 177 189 161 202 140 132 7 19 2.745 2,887 2.379 2.494! .545 055 959 1,103 857 939 103 111 979 1,074 890 957 217 223 610 623 524 533 152 158 722 796 675 696 185 217 425 463 392 415 178 238 182 203 164 175 18 27 1,651 1,703 1,413 4.915 1,404 .5.119 150 192 5.52S 5.905 1,003 1.100 519 637 471 512 222 247 518 496 4 51 359 114 87 414 510 369 408 53 72 509 688 471 578 107 160 254 257 236 218 61 63 719 690 634 536 95 113 337 373 307 297 41 84 3.270 3.051 37.740 41.823 2,939 2,908 31.184 32.435 093 820 0.4,83 80 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS INDEX Page FOREWORD BY THE GOVERNOR IV FARM INCOME — Chart and Table V FARMS, Number-- Dot Map VI CROPLAND, Acres — Dot Map VII IRRIGATED ACRES, and Their Production Value — Chart and Table VIII NON-IRRIGATED ACRES, and Their Production Value — Chart and Table VIII TEXT Motives for This Bulletin, Contents 1 Montana's Position In Agriculture 2 Irrigation In Montana 2, 3 GRAIN CROPS Barley 22, 23, 24, 25 Corn 14, 15, 16, 17 Oats 18, 19, 20, 21 Rye 26, 27, 28, 29 Sorghums 34 Wheat. All 4, 5, 6, 7 Wheat. Spring 9, 12, 13 Wheat, Winter 8, 10, 11 HAY CROPS Alfalfa 50, 54, 55 All Hav 52 All Tame Hay 46, 47, 48, 49 Miscellaneous Varieties 51, 52 Wild Hay 53, 56, 57 OTHER CROPS Beans, Dry 40, 41, 42, 43 Flaxseed 30. 31, 32, 33 Peas, Drv 40. 41, 44. 45 Potatoes ■ 36, 37, 38, 39 Seed. Alfalfa ...59, 60, 61 Seed, Mustard 58 Seed, Sweet Clover 58 Sugar Beets 34, 35 LIVESTOCK Cattle, Total 64, 65, 66 Milk Cows 64, 67, 68 Hogs 72, 74, 76 Horses 62, 63 Mules 62, 63 Sheep and Lambs / 72, 73, 75 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Milk Production ..^ 68 Dairy Products from Farms 69 Dairy Products Manufactured 71 Dairy Products Manufactured In Montana 70, 71 Wool Production .'- 74 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS Chickens -,:..^ 77, 78 Eggs '--.-^ 17 Turkeys 77 U. S. CENSUS DATA 79