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Ta\CT FOR SOLDIERS.] ]^0. 18.



Mr Dear Son;

At the time of oursopaiation, my hoart was too teu- <1erly and deeply uffccfed to permit me to give uiierauce to the words of affjcLionatc couuscl, which I longed Lopoar into your car. My min^le.l emotions of love, grief, and anxiety could find vc;ii only in tcara. But l have concluded in this manner to transmit to you the words of inslru?t'on, warning and encour- agement, which I should have preferred to speak to you with my lips, h:id not th'^ feelinj^s awakened by 3''our departure for the army, overpowered my self-control. Ton need not be told that I love you, tint I chcrisli a deep solicitude for your welfare, and that my happiness is bound up with your prosperity. 1 have a claim to 3'our attention which T am sure your filial af- fection will not allow you to disregard.

I gave up my son, without reluctance, indeed, I may say with joy, to enter the army of his-country. The war in which we are unfortunately involved, has been forced upon us. VTe have askcdfor nothing but to be let alone. We are contending for the great fundamental principle of the American Revolution: that all authority is derived from the consent of the governed. The attempt on tho part of the Federal Government to coerce, not, as it is f^ilsely pretended, a factious party, but free and independent vStates, governed by unprecedented majorities, is utterly subversive of republican government. The question to be settled by this conflict is, whether the Confederate States shall be permitted to govern themselves, or whether they shall begovernsd by States whose political views, and social institut' ions, are widely diftereut from their own. To the South no- thing remaina but absolute subjugation and debasement, or

2 A mothee's parting words

victoiy. Ill such a strife, I cheerfully oflfor my son, the cher- ished jewel of my heart, on my country's altar; and if 1 had ten sons, I wouid resign them all with equal pleasure. I trust that my son will act the mah. Fighting, as he is, for indepen- dence, home, ho'tior, everything dear to the iieart of a freeman, he would be unworthy of the soil that gave him birth the land of patriots and heroes the father whose name he bears, and the mother who nursed him, if he should not prove himself to be ioyal and brave. Let me urge you, then, ray son, to be what I am sure you will be, a good soldier. Obey the commands of your superiors, be courteous to your equals, and be kind to the distressed, even to your enemies, so far as you mny be without strengthening the cause in which they are engaged.

But I write to you chiefly, my boy, to impress on your heart the importance of enlisting under the banner of the Cross. The searcher of hearts knows that my greatest desire is, that you should be a sincere and lonsistent Christian. I have feebly endeavored by my instructions, prayers and example, to win you to the service of Christ. You may havethoughtit strange that 1 have conversed directly with you so httle concerning your religious state and destiny. I desire to confess to you, and with shame before God, my deflciencj in this respect. I have ever found a difficulty in speaking to my children on the subject of salvation, arising from I know not what else but timidity, that has caused me great sorrow, and especially since you have pas- sed to the dangers of the tented field, and beyond the veach of my anxious, beseeching words. Forgive me this wrong, and ac- cept this communication as the best atonement which under the circum-tances, I can offer. I feel now, that if I could see you, I would, from the fulness of my fond and bui'dened heart, entreat you in such words as follow :

You did not cease to be a moral agent when you became a soldier. Assuming new responsibilities to your country, you did not weaken your responsibilities to God. You should oot only render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's but unto God the thini^s that are God's. Many good and intelligent men have maintained that a profession of arms is incooi- patible with a life of piety. It must ba conceded that the genius and spirit of Christianity are utterly opposed to war. Christ lethePrinc* of peace; at hi& biitb the heavenly host sang


"peace on earth;" tho Gospel is a message of peace, and its un- iversal diffusion and influence will banish war from the earth, tsa. 11. 2-4. But a careful examination of the Scriptures must convince us, that there is nothing in the demands of a just and defensive warfare at variance with the spirit and duties of Christianity. To say nothing of Moses, Joshua and David, who were renowned alike' for their piety and their military achieve- ments, we find that several Roman Centurions, in the very sun- light of the Apostolic age, were comnended for their faith, de- votion, and good works. Lu. VII, 9. Acts X. John, the fear- less harbinger of Christ, exhorted the Roman soldiers, not to abandon their standards, but to avoid the vices incident to their profession. " Do violence," said he, "to no man, neither accuse any faleely ; ar.d be content with your wages." Lu. Ill, 14. I re- fer to these texts for the twofold purpose of confirming my views, and leading you to consult the Scriptures, the only safe guide in faith and practice. ,

There are great and appalling obstacles in the way of your conversion amid the din and temptations of a camp. The lack of religious instruction, and of opportunities for retirement and secret prayer, together with the excitements and corrupting influences which attend a soldiei's life, are serious but not in- superable hindrances to piety. Without abating one iota from his dutiei to the country, the soldier may find time forreligious meditation, secret prayer, and the consecration of himself to Christ. Two young men, I have been credibly informed, at the close of the baUle of Bethel, were so impressed with the Divine goodness in their preservation, that they retired to the forest, and made a full, solemi) and joyful surrender of themselves to the Prince of peace.

Let me urge you then, my dear son, to mnke it your first, chief, cons' ant concern to become a Christian. God demands no thing but a willing heart. In the hour when you are willing to forsake all your si^ns, and to receive Christ as your Piophet, Priest and King vou shall find mercy, and there will be joy in the presence of the angels of God over you. Clirist never reject- ed a repeating sinner, and he never will. Ah, my son, if you have no soul to save,— no sins to be fprgiven, if Christ did not die for T0U,-~if there h no Heaven, no hell, no in^mortality,— then vou may live without repentance and salvation. But you


have a soul you are a sinner Christ shed his blood for you you are immortal, and destined to the joys of Heaven or the woes of perdition, and therefore, religion is your Rirpreme ne- cessity. You have motives to piety,- not only as a man, but as a soldier. Of all men the Foldier has the greater need of piety.

Under the privations nnd hardships of camp life, he greatly needs the consolations that nothing but grace can minister. And, what but grace can preserve him from the seductions to vice by which so many promising soldiers have been ruined ? He is in frequent peril of losing his life, and should have that constant preparation for death, which can bo found only in sin- cere devotion to Christ. Let me urge you theji, my child, by all the tenderness of a mother's love, by all the anxieties of a. father's heart, and by, what should have more influence with you, all the compassion of the Redeemer's bosom, to enlist un- der the banner of the Prince of life and glory.

You must, my dear boy, be a Christian or suffer a sad and ir- reparable defeat. You may, without faith in Christ, storm cit-' ies, win battles, achieve the independence of your beloved coun- try, and gain imperishable renown ; bi.tyou cannot secure the kingdom of Heaven. Mohammed promised Paradise to all wl o should lose their lives in his war ; but Christ does not promi.-e eternal life to them that fall in the battles of their country. Hef^at would win a crown of life, must gain a victory over sin. The kingdom ol God must be taken by storm; but it cante stormed only by faith, and prayer, and obedience. " The king- dom of heaven suffeieth violence, and the violent take it by force," It is not reasonable to suppose that God will accept the services rendered to Caesnr for those due to himself ; or, that patriotism should be a substitute for piety. The heroic, but ungodly soldier, may fill a grave honored by a nation's tears and marked by a towering monument ; but his soul, alas! must perish,

I would have you, my son, not only to be a Christian, but to honor that sacred name. Make the Bible your constant com- panion—prayer your delightful em.ployment and the glory of Christ the the end of all your deeds. Seek to be adorned with all the graces of the Spirit, and to abound in all the fruits of righteousness. Keep aloof from all the vices which corrupt and degrade the army. 1 need not warn vou aoT!in = t profanity., tbnt


common but ill bred sin, which you have been tanght to dcteirt; but I would Fpecially p,uard you against drunkenneFP, that most insidious, pievaJcnt ami dcpardir.g vice. I would have you abstain from strong drink as you«ivould from henbane. All experience has demonstrated that it is never nercespary but as a medicine. All the toils, exposures and privations of a campaign maybe endure<l without it, and better without it Ihrn with it.

I am sure, my child, you will not be a wor.sesoldier for being a good Christian. Piety will not make you efieminatc or cowardly. Some of the brarest soldiers of the world have been humble Christians. Cromwell, Gardiner and Ilavelock, thun- derbolts of war, were as devout as they were heroic. Our own illustrious Wa?hing;ton maintained the claims of Christianity, amid the demoralizing inOuences of the Revolution, with a zeal correspondin/^' with the heroism with which he fought the battles of our independence. Why should not the Christ:an be cour- ageous '? lie has less cause -^o love life or dread death than other men. In the path ofduty he has nothing to fear. Life and death may be equally pleasing to hiin. The apostle Paul, in the pros- pect of martyrdom, could say : " I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ ; which is far better,— nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.''

And now, my dear soldier boy, I must take leave of you, Pvcmember that you have a large share in my love, my sym- pathies, and my prayers. By day and by night, you are in my thoughts : and often the unbidden tear flows down rny cheek when I think of your sufferings and dangers. Let me have joy of you, my son, and I can have no greater joy than to hear that you are doing your duty your whole duty to your country and to God. I trust we shall meet again. I pray the Father of mercies to cover your head in the day of battle. Should life be preserved though the perils of the camp and conflict, and you be permitted to return in triumph to your home, I need not assure you that you will find a welcome, andthatyour presence will dift'use a sunshine over our domestic circle ; and among all the loving hearts that will greet your return, none will be so thrilled with delight as your mother's. And should you cr.me back to my fond embrace, not corrupted and degrnded by the


temptations of camp life, butpuvifiei and adorned by tho grace of the gospel, in answer to my poor prayers, then lean exclaim with the patriarch Jacob, when he heard that his favorite son, Joseph, was living, ifnd raised to the Viceroyship of Egypt, "It is enough !" But should yon fall in the stern conflict for your country's rights, you will fill an honored grave ; and I humbly trust that, through the grace and righteousness of our Redeem- er, we may meet in a world, where wars and i-umors of wars can never disturb us; but where love, peace, and joy, forever reign. Tt shall be my earnest endeavor, as I entreat you that it may be yours, to be meet for a participation in the delights and glories of that world. Receive now the blessing of your own and only



A respected Baptist Minister of Alabama, thus writes : As is my custom, I preached to the colored people in the af- ternoon of last Lord's day, and after the se^rmon I called upon William Pitts, servant of Col. D. A. Boyd, to close the services. Jlc arose at the call— ^as he always does*, and after a few re- marks, complimenting the sermon and exhorting the congre- g.ition to heed the warning given, he stated that there was an- other matter about which l;c would like to speak to them. He then stated that some of their masters and young masters had gone off to the wars, and that they were exposed to many hardships and sufferings ; that some of the soldiers vvere poor and needy, and he wanted to do something for them ; that he had conversed with others, and he desired everyone to throw in a little, if it was but a dime.

William then referred to the recent battle of Manassas, and spoke of the wounded and slain in n most feeling manner. But the most touchiuP' of all was his reference to his master William


—the gallant Lieut. Win. D. Pitts, who fell iu ihe engagement. Ho spoko of having raiiied him; of the many convcrsationa they'd had together ; of his feelings when ho now lookod over his plan- t,ations, and witnessed the sadness and deep mourning that now tilled the hearts of his weeping servants. During his remarks, there were to be heard groans and sobbing all around, and tears to be seen (lowing freely from many eyes. So much feeling, [ have seldom witnessed on any occasion. At the close of his rcmarKs there was a general rush to the table— and, in half- dimes and dimes, they contributed live dollars and sixty-five cents.

Late in the afternoon, an old woman belonging to Capt, Clark, who was not at the church, having heard what was done there, came, to my house and handed mo lifty cents stating that she could not be at church, but "felt like s'-e wanted t^o do something for the poor soldiers." She spoke of how tender- ly some of them had been raised, and how she fult for them when she heaid of the hardships they had to sutfer. She then told me much about her master, and how sho prayed that ho might be bought back safe, &c.

It is due to the colored people to state that but very few- knew that an effort would be made to raise means to help on tho the war, and consequently many were unprepared to do any thing. Indee^l, 1 did not know it myself : I only knew that the subject had been spoken of by a few individuals.

And now permit me to say, in conclusion, that I have wit- nessed more feeling in behalf of the company that kft this place, among the colored people when prayer has been offered for them in their afternoon meetings, than I have seen among the whites. They are feeling deeply for their masters who have gone in defence of the country, and are praying for their 8a f& return.


.1 Soldiers of Christj arise,

And put your armor on, Strong in the strength which God snppliei-

Through his eternal Son ;

2 Strong in the Lord of Hosts,

And in his mighty power ; Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror, *■

3 Stand then in his great might,

With all his strength endued ; But take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God :

4 Tha^. having all things done,

And all your conflicts past, You may o'ercome, through Christ alone, And' stand entire at last.

5 From strength 'to strength go on,

Wrestle, and fight, and pray Tread all the powers of darkness down. And Avin the well-fought day.

G Still let the Spirit cry

In all his soldiers, ''Come,"

Till Chistthe Lord descend from high And take the conquerors home*


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